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VOl •. XLVI. NO. 41.'
Ora nd J\l ry In Se8s~on. Man y Cas es Come up for Con side ratio n
W AY N eW lL LE NEWs..
-- . -r W.A YN Eo"V lLL E, OHI O, WEJ?N E8D'AY, OA'1'O BE R
~ 'I'lt!
Fer ry.
Ce nte rvi lle.
Mlsl\ Lizzie Mr. Geo rge Bro oks, w ho lUlIl been ' Jo~ MoCra, exp eow lOOn to UII,VO I Mrs . Leti tia Ken riok ente rta ined Co rw in For IGUl II r e tl801 i Wa rre n Ooo uty M livin g on Sidn ey COO ~'8 plaoe, dled t o Day ton whe re' be hal ~Oti Zel ~Hlt ed her a JlOIIIUon l on last Wf' llnesrlllY her p'mmt.~ lIlr nl otbe r, rs. Tnesday uigh t. HI8 bod~ waH tak oom i oitiv.en!! app ear to bave bOlln unu in a b~tte; and e£g eeta bUl hme nt. righ t, at I Miss Wa nda Egb ert en und su. Bell broo k Frl~ ay and Satu rdti Mrs who . 8 ulue haa s been of ISprl ng to Bro wn cou nty for buri al. Y· r, her visi ting her aun t Mrs Alice Mrs . Beesle Cbi cke dan h, ~f nea ally wloked the pas t six mon tha ! brot her ,Tl\m f.'1< and mo; t Jlllrhor Mc· if tlrn ll' l'l~' u_1 Ohl i ' I itl h mot herr . I" Mrs . Ann ie Tho rpe and ntlphew Kin sey 111ft for ber bom e In Kan@as tbe buslnet18 comi~g befo re 111 H Whe llt Rowin!~ and outt ln g u p II f /, d "'" , City. MIsBourl, Mon day aftelYlo tbe ma, 0 , 11 V 11 nil er ~erttll?, rs upp y, " , on . corn Is ID orde r DOW Illld Gra nd Jury ' now In 8e118lon at Leb EdWIU~ R~~kB: ' ate . ~pendiuK It " III I" " lira . Hat field. Miu Rebecc& YJ U hour r Missou r I \lay · Mrs .60r doD has re~urned hom VOOI' or aDon, Is any Indi cati on. e hoe two thor s has retu rned from her sum mer n Inq' uirin g. "ha ve y ;JU ~ot any n nOIDDati . . . afte r a visi t with her lion Mui All en Etlle rick hll,; f tlc,m t.l.v ht'uU Mr8 . Vlrginl~ Smi th, of BIlr vey oD shed room to rent 'lr IID Y IltlO The Jur y blil! been bea ring 0JUI0 sta.y with BeSlle, to lpen d Ule wlu s.,1Dear Hal 'vey sbur g. kl! t o the purch Rser of 1\ ne w 8 . r~ nl!l! No t er alla in with her 81~ter, Mi II let~ " IIluoe Mondlly and il IItll lln 8et18 burg , was a gue st of Mrs. 11. don 1on O . II", T. bt . b Mis e gt\v s Lill e ie g rea t h eed to the fi eld. Ned ry Is 'Nea ll aDd 8i~ter. Mon day Mfte ting relll.· J.lI tho 6aze~te goes to pre88 . . The re ill quit o an epiutlml c . r· tiv88 iu Ool umb us this visi of olal m thli t t,liey u~o less wood. v week. ~ Id ,",rl I . thl Boo t,h'lD tb I of 1 b Leb 1'he Jun ior LeaRUt! of the M h ano d n is vtsi tlnl 00 s n · s no g I or noo n. tho old tlr I J!:. k s to e 00 . her son Mr. Bow ard Boo th 11 , 000 v Po mo na Or ang e En ter - . If yon . wan t plon tl of any kind and Mrs ohu . MaU roh ssa beld Fox a , of Ral Mon ly tgom e ry , Mr. R . H. t J obn ' and OilY 1I1l1'vir.e wife. {a ther of last . Sun day afte rnoo is keep jng hou se for her mot tai ned by Local Or gan i- atte nd tbe 1liiIe at Miami Cem oter y Mr. Wa lter Kilbon Is In n. her, Lebanon pick ed twe nty bush Ptlr entl l Lob elR anol of wer e iuvU ed . l Mrs. Cha rlot te 'I'homas, whi le Satu rday afterno~n. . Mhe l Bald \vln app les on Alle n Eme on b08lneSt< Ii few day s this wee .za tio n. rick 's k. MI8s Hat tie .M Smi th and' Mrs Is gon e to the ReS e.r voir :for a The Epw orth Lea gue Ullb lnet will two pln oe Illst woe k .. The y purp MI88Leb . Min nie McK. inse . y from is oso· born mar ano e . two n, llO slok wee ld a reco ptio n nex t Frl<l ..y evet ks . ' stay . r ' l.keti ng ~hern the for epa rt of Lar ge dele gati onl from Leb ano Dr. Cha rles A. Boo gh, ' of Leb ano n, Mr8 . Ban nah Hut chin llon of Lob tblll n villited at . Beechdale farm Frid I ' n g Mt the c'lu rob. MIII~ LI' Mr . Wel ling ton Squ ires , Wife and wee k. t.zie 'I'r.'~ ay ano n spen t Mon day wltb her .Gra nge and ' a few from ·!tf..o . nil/CO lion !!ptlnt Sunuo;v in Dlly rrow afte rnoo n. vis and Mill;8 Shu ltz are \,xlJucte l on. th e Mrs. :Ml1.rgarot J obn!! Mrs . H . E . Boo th . I Gra nge join ed Far mer s Ura nge tl to left for Ind l. be prellOnt. No. . Mr . and Mrs . W. B . Alle goP !!t8 of Cha rlie Sq uire s anrl n fam hav o . IS, in II. unio n mee ting Sa~n ~na Mr. on 8 Hor und llce llY, Wil fOI' son som e whe re n ear spe nt t3atur. Ily . rday ~en apeJlding a 'day or two In Oin. day Ben ry Wa tkin!!, of ncul' FA~rv, and beld 'wo exce ptio nab ly inte a ten day s' v isit . Hor folk s met : and Hun dav with his hOIJl" r· clnn at!. her Mr~ llis s Ger trud e Lnua" .....erp IInlt . Ed Mur phy , who hltH been "t New Par is taki ng her follte at OregoniA . eati ng l!M8ions . t6 h er des. ad In mar riag e by qnil l' Hi ck. i8 !!om e n ow. For pret ty and styl ish effects In Hu v ~"ddolL Ilt ( tino.tion som e ten mllps &101 In the mor ning tber e wu a Ola8 Ha rve ysb urg . 1-' the pars ona ge. '1'h \1I ~JI')' .eve 8 read .we ar and trlm mll( \ . 'Mr . Ifnll Mrs nlDg . Cll' a rles good8, Wo tkln s mon d . Her . hus ban d of flUeen who wer e Inl$ late d occo mpa nled Il.I8 t wee k. into lIee Lin coln 's mill iner y. anll littl e tlo ug hter exp ect, t-o ~tar t the mye terte e of the flfth deg ree her, retu rmn g h ome him self The frlen 1 11 of Dr. and Mrll. Ran on . neltl wee k to Pil tosk ey. Mi chl ia sald tbe BetI8ian l1y IS worll:. the Ord er, of who m twe lve' werof i:an , ' Sun d ay eve ning . dan hav e been rem arki ng 81noe e WtiS Ml8 s Fri. Nel lie for Ing Smi .. vl~t in tb, t ' With of earl y low ed whe at U Leb the,l tbe ano r gue for~ n lt of her oo~lln8; 6r neig b. mem ber lof thtl looa.l bran oh, . b\.r~ . Mr. ••ond Mrll· . "Ia renc e Ber rv·. onMrs , :Matildl1. ElJleriok ent erta ined is now oa~be" 1&t and oaU le O'N eall and Millll Leti tia Mrs. day ove ning tba t tbe two hav e been ~o trOllt In Snn day "' Mo. givi ng tbel r ·Iltte ntio ns t o her son Allen Eme rick .hl·s Aft er a dlnn411' luoh only as tbe Ii- first bil l, who moved froin thi8 neig . • _d4ot ion yet'. The tobeooo , iI ' hho r. and wile , Bla ncb Cor nell yon ng llldy, nam e nct "et sele cted ·tarm ent of lOu 'h . w8llltern .Oh l Kay 11I8t wee k . and Per ry abo ot a.II.l n lhe shed . hoorl III the Slui ng for the ben 0 .. s DOW cou ld pou lbly.lpr ead , wor k In . efi t of Wll Mot tkln her s and a. n d ohll d doin g nloely . fam ily of Cen treVille. tbe Mr. and Mrs. !i'ra nk Coo I.hel r hl'tl lth . The tonr ists ilXlle It the road IOraper WAI now put fou rth des reo was take n up . ot Des pite tb~ exCOlej\'e amo unt and WIIl.l am ~ratt, of pan ville n and to gil of to use In lOra ping tbe .1lI81811 h. \ · WI\Y of , mln olli, Chic ago , and con side rabl e of bua ine. - tran sact Mra IHe . Cha rain 1l!-eavy rl~ on Mad 81lturdll.Y afte rnoo n Cly de top den and Mie8 ItnticilNlthlg Ii deli ed. lpe nt lut week witb Mre coat ing froin oil' our wel l oon . ghtf ul trip . Coo n'l .Lut le Van derv oort wer COx and The ball wall moe t ·taa tefu lly deo. Stao y Lam b bitc e rece nt· hed two strn oted maoadamlv.ed Mr. " nct Mrs . Fr unk A. Wri gh Ilat er, Pra tt. 8'~tl, whiob t h or81J1! to II buggy and drov e to oralllld for the 'ooq ulon , and Wa gUOlli8 of Mr. and ', Mrs. Milo Bal Day. In ' dry wea ther Oovors eve y. ' Mr . Fran 'k l:!qulret.!and (am e ent.e rill illl'u a Illut y 'tlf frie ndll lSun. ton in ord rytb lng llya nd lind Mr. Gen rlO DunnY 'and nell ville membel'll are jubi lant ' er to be pres ent at the in · with fam ily. day ill II IlI OSt onj oya fih", Mr. Jud d WIlIO~ 8~nt Snn tI. wbi te dus t; and ln wet bie man ner. itiat ion of a clallS day with' Mrl . Dr. Gllrla~d and wea th, they won the prtM one ted for of thir ty CRnd', . er beoomell an BOO (Ar l of Tho se who j)lir touk the· Dr. War d aDd dau ghte r MiS ugly cua tlul of limy of Ibei r h ospl . dates by Day l,La ura Clar ksvi lle lpen t a few .daY lArgest repr elllD tatio n of 5th detl ton COl II t·le at the talit y wer e Mr. Imd Mrd . No. ::I mor tar t o trac k Into tbe ree of Sar veY lbar g. Geo . N. Knightt> Gol den Eagle. hom8lllalid bOllpltable hom e of M . and Ml'lI mem b.en Ula,'t .bou ld be pree ohu rche d, . Bro wn, Mr . Mnll Mrs .. Ed , Bro ent Tho mal Pen derg .st, who Is em· It woa ld btl a grea t wn from eith er LMRO In t~e Cou nty. Wll rren HUllt clime back to. t~iS F. L. Hu ri8. play ed .ail • nors e at the 8oldierB .rell et to ~ all . Our villa geo oun and bllby lion , Mr .a nd Mra . Nor man ol\ ' Mr. laa o H~ ley of Lok eba Okl plaoe on Sut,u rdny from ' Col umb a BrQ'Vn and. bab y dalllghter, Mr. os • Bh onl dtk e lpee dy mel tl. Hom e ·.at DaytOn, lpen t tIIlv MfUI to 'and to adjn st SOlD O lDatte'r ~ on eral bom _ III Tie mna bll pare nte Inc ref lse d A~tlvlty In . the MI'. and MrM . Cba rlell Wa tkin farm hav e t e st-one wal k orO d.Y I · last w~~ with s .and littl e whi ch reqn ired his lllln p re atte ntio n. SlK:lal Cir cle s. t;ltr lkln ily han dso merelativell' here. lars . Milton Bad ley, • daug I((ld . hte~ , Tho m.,." Hlin ter Ilnd film · . Mr . and MrK. · Wil l .and thor o'ly Mr . and Mrs. R8eoe of Dtly tona iam Wh8l.\ton Our Ace tyle ne plan t .lm ~~atn" re i1y, Mrs . Lizz ie Y'~uel and corr ect mill iner y ' at MI1!8 Grs Mr. of Yan kee Btree twe re Sun day ce the gue sts ot 'lire . Jao ob Aem Wlt h:th llliq. of coo ler wea ther I·os. ore Lin coln 's. t s Ben in.o ry' Bro wn. pers 'lve , whi le we grov e por ' . . and gran.d80n. the Win tera ."u nd of erenu hu to W . F . Cla rk and .' fam ilv of .' . ' M . d)'[ E 0 ROberte this way dark nigh te, "um bltn LIk~ moa t com mun ities In &h.181plao arrt l ,o y.. r v. The e . j\{r. and Mrs. Garr~t Clev en. tea beld at the !tome of Mrs . Pl'r "'u l!' ceUl\r doo rs , an~ run ning api t of Ohio,' mor e to'bacoo has bee n ed h:r :: Fri:'~ f~~ a vlllit of nllt I gllr IIOV of . Fra Spr nk ingb . Bar gro, Mr. J ohu ·Ole ven· ope n gllte . ris Wed nesd ay afte rno on rai8 ed . eral wee n with thei r ~on in:l... ll, a\ld our ltol '8l, cb\trobe,t in tbls nelg bbo rboo d thIs ge Tbe and was r weal! a "nd lD~ Mr t dell , and ghtf ul I~ ' eve nt. y.r . tba~ MrB Wi1l!a~11 (Jar. a.~d hom es an dau ghie r, M.r .. and Mrs .. J · O. e~ver betor..,. 'Many new mon y are diul il,.. 11abted up Dod dl awa ken ing t~ tbu~.• l .wor ld, mO Mr. Ue6 rge 8oro ggy . fam l' a. Bud son . tly to!>a ooo , ,Oh barn with coal oil I"m pe and ul19 w io. s a ' hav 8ub e erb bee n bull t, and of Uleve. a,e ent~rt1\lnin.I hi' alst of tbOlll w.b o un b6e n awa y duro Mr 'l!!! .-. . !lnd Mrl': Birdsell uf n llar Leb . dIes . er of Day . not' a few old one s hav • e l>een enla rg. anon ClI me to fl~r .Ing 'he lum 'me r are no~ at bom OD . ..n. ry e land . Ltic key 's on, : be .com plet ed for . ad to aooomm'oda te tbe ~rop aDd w1&h the. P~ttir'K 'I!e plan s .' . Sid ! lSaturdU with the inte ntio n wea tber tber e.. Man y thrt fty . C~n of ap. -rs ·&O be a - .":I'eral stay hala . In ope ratio n aga in \' . In t~1) dlmu bou Hhe gre atea taor eag e , ing for' Y flowers · "n~plant.8 dealr.e for a wlll be offe red tor damee Sar ab Barl~ and Ly, ther a tim e'. ...Ie lilt. ·Mlam.1 dlaMea .....,... . ,and unc era t.t.y 'Of ou~ p~~ lIHM e bein g ' abo ut 60 IIcres on his . Sar vev are ente rtai mo~ vlgc roD l 1M?C ning itlvu tbel "'-s ter r Mor 1a1 "xte teno e1.h an Oem etez j ~tn rl8 ("ra hau i l "pe M nt Buu Ma . oon ditlo n, how eve r, we .. ar~ HI rday afte rnoo n. ..... f La flUID, ~nd all but 15 are safe th!, \. wbl ob ~ttafles dort.nR ~be hea 1f II Qflm. Bter . re. ry ed ar an! l ly day wl,.th t. 'uM hler J. N . Lemmon .' o~ u hou led. Be 8till baa a lIma thl ' an ell10 eist er and bro tber.ln. ~ort w Ith .h the renc e Co. Obi o. of,t he sum mel ', .n4 ll arm y law ' Mrs liis , e .. rnm Adr or . now : unti l Cltlzenli\ ~nk hu . a Lew l8 , and . hus of han ds Ilt wor k oari ng for the ban d tric oompaDy in -Dayto.n been . IIde rlng Len Uhe oua~D;iary roun!! of reoe un. Jl,al' h . ' The man y frie nds of Mr.. . Sar ab oon tem t Ptbe pae t. wee k with. a thre aten ed cut weed, hav ing imllort.e<l seve plat ee\l 8ta~lllbing Il plant bere . Wit at· ~Ibg Will be glad ·>to kn~w tloOl, olob meeUnMII and leD ral .' P . eral taok of mal ari!t , ·but ba~ Ihe II men 'from bec k of ' Cov ingt are In 81~ht of an Immen~ Natu man on, d Ken ptbe i'III ',1 slow rRI . ly Wil imp lillm rOv ing. ooour. ': H . Carl llon y: waB t~ GIlIi .. Plpe _ W kee P uP ' and atte nd to bUll tuck y, to I\II8lat In the har ves t. LlDe, one niI~ lout ti, ne8s ," Gre Mre env " ; Sop ille hia on Dio Thu klnl rsda On ot Rio .. y with with \he8 Xce ptlo n of a day or twp whlQb mig ht be tapp ed to farn Thu fl4a y, tbe lad\ es afte rnoo , mon~ Indi ana 8pe nt 1\ tew daY h· lllh oste nsib le purp ose of purc hasi g n .. I188t . Mr. Hen ry Wat kins , only u •. DB . ~. ,lig ht and fqel, If II&t).,,'ao tory Car d'C lub he\d I~ flnt mee ting . lion wee k o~ with 80m o ber seed , II.nn whe t at Mrs . .The · klml deci ded arra Dge mer for ". Esclnstve.cff~ op to.dll-',O . Mil ton Mr. and Mrll. Ohas . ite cou ld be mad e. W}1 d ' ~ &be' aeuD D .Witb ~~ Jeeae CW Watkin!!, took on is .IRed Wo nde id8l.\s Bad ley, who is very ill rk .. A !l nd pap nlllr Ityl~ in fine r. " ~ blm self II. wife IlIs.t Thu reda y eve n· Is' our houoJ'al,lle . oounell doln mill iner y . .. very enjo yab le 'afte rnoo n wlll!lIpe Pro t. C. L . t:;mitb '\VIlS I~ Leb ano g . ' nt. lit MI88 ~ncoln '.8: ' j.ln g In the pers on o~ MI88 . 6er n · 'Bolve the lmpa~tant problem .til .. trnd . e The on ll . 80 &tu BaVt .' rdB lll~ Y. Soc ial. w11l ' be .bel d hel! ! at . tbe ; LllCRe,.of.Ce nter vlll e. . Themn.rr : vita lly con noo ted with onr villa Milll Ylld r.od. J9bn lOn , ia~e The t elep hon e is to hav e .. wel 'wee k. ". IC Xen ia, ..' . .... oha per,onecili. t.h eatr e par ty to. a::te fare ? We also need very muo h8 :oer . , emo ny Wl@ . ". ~ bea perf r orm od by . the ·SoUS.'lI Sa r est II now g Y. that , nd pl!llcpes liro so ne.r 80m e lurg Frid ay . ..The parW and eOJoyed " Rev . A. D. Mad dox lilt t,4e M. Mr s. Lawren~ R....... e ollter:nll for 8up ply bv ",11 pres ent. E. IUfli o.1'8 , paraonllge in .. Cen ter'v illo. repr esen ted Xen ia , Jam esto wn All prot ecti on agal nllt fire. The gon and e Mr. ". Uba rles Ans on of 01l.1ton is you •• Su ffe rin g fro m .,Is loc ated 'W aiue ng People hav e tbEI bes t wis bes svil le Tbo se from bere the Koest N~ w Bu rlin gto ot n. bll You )l8n W .... r )nte corr espo nde ntt 'iV_ \rre atly Mr. and of a larg e o1role of. frie bein g the MI~ OlrolyD and ,Edl nds . lind will tb Mrs. A: B . .AnIOD . H 1 hon ored Il-nd high ly lnte"",~ed wnh . f MI I b II mak e thei r ho~e . for the , p~08 .M olbe r, Iren e Tro ut II.nd ·Lue on4t eve nlng . laef ·.w.eek,· of . ent s~:~~~~~aya!nll.d~B~nda;~\~o:: lla . . 1lJ'I . uwr eno e ~l'J, Mr:. Dan S\n mp and fa~lly of. La. ll~ : ' P g r!>f. w~t Co~ : h G. el~ the Fred . "roo . erlo k wri~l1i~ D. 0:. m s. pare . ' . ll,ts . :, iou tb·.o f WI7Df!I!vtllll in~' with . M~8 . ·H. O . Whitak«!~ Ie ~islting gan Cou nty ~0'Yed lalt wee k to . a,n Mr. : J .. B ' Ch&pm!,n ' w~o ~ the . L. L. D., Pro tess or ot . Bii.rJJ\on . . . 10 pr.o pert y own ed · .• cold ent 8alu~d"y t.t iat ~ oau :r of . in Son th Cha rles ton. by Mrs Eliz a ~ 3r\ontllna hl.8 wri tten '!Ie nde here Or ego nia ,; noe and Rtlv~ln:tloD .•.¥,.d borll!l "he r oon lldu abie.pab; a rOllo~t. Tho~a8. . '.' . Re v:'J08f)phu!i' HOI\klns 1l1'..0 Ilch edCdclo ~ .lia t he hAl pnrohl@ed a oar loftd olle ge, wltb bt~ wife, wb'O, W.II .uf The man y: hien ds of Mr . an~ Kta lkIie'" "wa l ' at wor k ..bou in . Mr8. ' Mr. ' Wil liam' Tet ry, of Dayton, lit t he Frie nds Chu roh · on Sun d,ay the vlJl"ge ;'Irlltlng hi!! relli 'her b' ~me wb'e n ahe fell and· Inju t llOrses wbl ob be SIlVII oomptire F . M. Rey nold a will. be tive, MftI : nil( lit. . red 1I0r 'f&~ r), t-o orab bea '. . ly. with r spent. Sun day' wU b hl8 par imts Dr. Kee ver. P rof , Wr! gbt!l!. oDl~ .. Q~r beet . . .hor8811 of thei r son She rwo ods • here :of . her left . w~liIt. She tho1 . orlt lcal con · '. Mrs So'e "'he rwo od Is visi ting h' e . 1 .The W .F . M. S. ot · the Frie nd. the mos t' dist ingu ishe J~ht litt~e Fllr mer.. .e' will . h hftV f\ ' d ~rch,lllolo . r ' . 'n Chu °Pp roh ,me t lIt t~~thodllle of Mrs . ot:tu nlty ditl on ",Itb ty~ 'lid feve . . of' (~e acci den t at the time , bot ., r. 'WIll Com pton on ,,.. ur ay . the of buy ing flrlt ola. e bon e8. , dlU1~hter In MeebaniceblQrg . ' glsta, o.rlebtaJ.ira~elers "nd,,,,! thor t a rea ': Mrs . Rlit h Dnl 8 visi ted Inju r, caulied her Inoreal!ln~ ·paiD . J . S. Lea rnin g ·hl.l8 sold hll fllrm of relig her bro th· 80na1;>le prio e loon , .we preeo~e . Mr. and louil.wurkB, In the worM .t os. . Mrs . Cor win Ham ilt ' on, . and bY 'ere nlng lI~~ 'fOUlld it ·n. " ~ er to Mr: Sam Davis Gra hllm /lnd fam ily on and t:;tanfield and will give poe. ·day. eoea.. Mr. ·a nd , Mrs. ~Il!e dau Be. ghte has rooe ntly mad e ~xten . r Lela , 8p41 nt Bun day I se88ion ~a.i' ch firs~ . McCun.e 1&1'7 'to oom e to tow n for treatmen · .. arri ved hom e tlun dai eve ning from 8un da·y . wit.n Mr. and Mre . .Ed Sh erw ood live ' '11 t~av ehl D Wr ilbt footld the Wri~, thro ugh nor ther n Eo . Mrs . \ Mrs , .A . W . Reeve!! bas r EIII'A lt ~ . e,l'e r.· W ' I noi I etur ned rope, Cen tra! , Sou ther dil l ' · ' M'acy is quit e III at ." . . . Wlllla~~n, es tV ' n an,d ~lItOrn l from Rloh I:a,n moQ -, an .w tb~lI writ ing . ' d, Indi oaa , brln Mrs. Art hur bee n , . tbl" writ ing. Kib ler II~ worso lI.i . with her, her gran dso n, R obe rt .gmg · Aala, wltb tbe a~ial purpDIIB of lpen d lom e be,. ,. at th!! e Shtl Ia geUi~g .o n nlae l,. now ! 'The b:. E . iln~ertohluient whl qh I,ud Mr. Mre ylng thO!!o oou utr IOR d ur Ing .h . wlll be m,Dol,1 . inoo~v80ienoed. bot of Mrs . MoC une ', moi her, Mrl. ~va call11i~ on thei.r gran Tuc ker wer e L C Wil ke ' on • e . In 1was to bav e beOD giVe ddillil(h ter Mis l M for 'MllIer, wbe re _.Mr. M.cOune· n on last . M' d' :will lOme tnn e al a resu n of ihe aool fe Ell zab etb· Ma~ 0'1&rk last Mun ~. . uroll .Y live ning 'wil . , day. oOP l be give n nex t mon t hist ory, esp8 erate" from tbe effe otl of 'a ee· orro w JIn ay . den t. ci;'!1y th~ N'll . .... .. Satu rday eve ning vere .attall& of typh oid 'fev er ' from Co .' M"u y will ~ grie ved to lea.r n o~ ian Peri od. . Ue exp ects lOon leh .. Dr. and •• Mrs I , Mrs Van to . derv Har oort ry ot Nlck . ~rso h v h the n. I j ·t ' sud den dea th of MI88 Jea n Hope, 8es pub lish : a boo k on "Se!l;nt.U Mrs~ J. H~ ri inKtQn Ken tuok y ar!, vl81ting thei I!:?ara. and ' Sue MoK ay entertMi8 le,Gon . wht o e I ua . r~ve . nlf· r \he' ain lltep ~ firin dll.u atlo ghte dan nll r ' of ·.:Mr . Wil l ~ a larg e num ber ghte r Mias Lutt e. of MiSl' Em ma Hei gbw ay has OI08 H of tbe frle nde at ry~ H . ' He '''Y8Old !f,st!lomtlnt Hla to. . b ' h , ed . I Lb . Pa sse s Away. ber bo f MiBS Abb ie Inw ood , at he fln tbes e lIub .. ~ oore on , ' ~ at lrd . ~ er stre para ome et el II.l\d Jl (I .tl.non on isbo wer on jec&S mor e and mor e ~flll\o ,MoD. ~ , . , 'Col leg ~ , . . lDatlDg , Hil &tu l. rda ' y 'day afte wen rnoo Frld t to n. " y . t he eVe!1iJ.l g. Frle ndll ~rdlnl{ . '1Dtereat\ng al) he colltlnu 8am )mb eci to · Pa...lyli1l Mon day I T~e affalrwtlB 0 very enjp yab le one ond &i .tll .' . . Bom e whe re Ihe expect.8 to be Mrs . Mill purs ., s ue ente . ~het rtai n, ned Tiou antl flnd ll vll!!t Jlel ds one ber dan gb· t and Mis l Inw.o'?d MI88 Co,.' Bay ' hall bee n ltay ing i' . 'P une ral ,. nd. ~>: M , rece ived ter man lind y her of om ftC· 'hus ban d tbls wee .t bon «ht and i nvt'!!t.Iglltl.oall of tbe hap py ~am,ly the eom . . jbea utlf al. Illtte. , ing witb ber ailte r. Mrs . ' . . . .k. , i~g I,1p ' before him beJ;lrlDg ope,n . Car l SmU b, win ter. w',"1'Iiurliday, Mlu Be1 Mr. Fred Mrs . MoK Ed .opon , inne RoM y' wbo ia repo hae rted 'l>ee gh n to . eari who be' y In , hum haa Iow an ~n a fOrR hj~ on t.ilry ever ·the Ilok Ult for lom ewh at imp IIIlOI'Dlng: at ber ~ 'i hom e In Xen al y~ti.r8 has come .~ lioal acooun~ , Clnd the Bih rove d at ' this wri t. ! to mak e hl8 ta way. ~rv' ed a d e I.10Ions .dil1nllr to tb df m"n mil eijleclu.l whe re ahe baa b4Mm .vlll "ng hom e . with his fdh er . field of . e pall t . f ew CIaYI: ' and ~rs . Oeo rge Baw ke, II1'II lI~u . dy If< t 1ing. hll' ohltn I gecc and • . . . lit • V .. MI88 OIa ra Zell II beU er DOW "t. wbefe Ibe wU ltrto lten wltb . .. ' .effe ote duo to th~ 6'"oit.i P"rl od ... In . . ) . par al". ' Bar nha rt. MtIll8l Mam.e . ·Mi88· May ' J .o nes III Bpend~llg the I .ln8W Or to my q. Bro n etltjo wn n, and Pro f. I Oo Wrt Rht Mr•. W!1I Cor nell Jlae been 'on the od Ba kin g at ... ~ " 11hle mo retb ao a ",ee~ wi~t .. r with II:}wood Anl t and fni l. exp .reue his ol'tolnu eh!"t . the ·"o. . Emm a Ba" ke. 'No. d denUne .llok Ult fpr tbe pu t '.' :111'. &nd lin . Ow luid the"Ci ty Ba ker y. ach ian.·dt'loge was due Uved a~ ·Mr. A.llen Saln ee, Wh0 two · ~e8u. ly. 8be il -'te ndi ng chu ~fty to. th: ~hOQ 88 . ~" ,Ne w ' BurUDP,»D fol '. Dum lI at Ore ·Dr. , -Wa Mr rd, .. B. .F~ Thom.slllnowlncharge . of Lyt le Ia wai ting upo n ,on la ber in hea lth hu beeI1 meD"~edln ~~!~s~:t~~~~~:"';~I~~f::i~t!~~ . . tbe ber. ~" prn iOU l to mov ln, to Lenofg Gue of the Cit.y' · BalterY wbi ch ~e p~. ,crad ictl" n to \he illller theo~ whi JIa!aoh. CJaliforniB, abo u' ~ve yea rs ItreDUe befo re. oon~n~ee to 10811 . Mr,. Wm . Ilay aD~ w1fe and 111'• .we"J.! K . Spe nce r and danglbter, Edn a oha sed from Roy Hat baw ay. Ch rega rded t:be ' floo~ ~.tI unlvel'lll a:'b in, For I~ t ~n~l baa eDt now Fr Id'ay eve n :Mr : Thomall hu ~n ..,. Geo r,e I:lmltb oal~ed upd n Ilr: li . .. be emp . , loye d a g~o aDd mon d IDg. Hug h . M!I1~r, lu bl,. '·l'et 1tlm ony tba 01' mot e II,.oe ' lit -*' lin Qa d '. .. _a . ·of IIrs . bak to Wa ' awa y frOm . 0ar1 er wbo .8ml thol ~b Frid '(,u'g _,. eveDIDg. hly und eret tndl tbe Rookl!, Ild bla OWD doo r ;rar d, and • . . e v~ted thil theo ry . 4 th' 'b tl tam Ula r fl«u re baa . bill! tl8in B8i and ha • • fbr sale at .".. ~,tlle .... 11UIIID8r I' cam mi1lled 111'. .aU . B. r. V.Ug~D will "tart ~ee Jatn .. to aUeD Zen . and fa • day, . ... . -~ b ... l1n08 beeA fIenD M I tr t. 'Mr 'Bal aee .. 'he . ai' 8qn day wU b Mr. J. mn~~' Firat N ber ' ead Oct obe r .1l to atte nd ,.he AmeriCIA ' . . tlm~' tbe bel t qua )lty of br . • Obr ,B. ~wke n a n lee. . . . . . . UIIODI Nla U ... In Obl urn . lllli Lec &p' tur Con e veut "" ioD l U8Il at BUDtlng. f 8pr iD' Valley. oakll"; rolla, bun l, eto.,. also hom oldee~ mem bel' or W70ml~ ' lAMI~e . 1aml1 e· 1,. ..., .. wtll be OdD(! o. ton, Indi lpo~ a~. eae. m a d e p l 8 ! . n l ThtB I" the Qua dreo . • 4lted I. ' 0 O. ". and It WIllI ' laJ'l ~' The -". .fo r tbe fira t n~lBber of 811 . Mr and _re . ........ Sml ,h ._...... . The pub llo .11 Invi ted to QCLU ,aod a l Con .enU on .o f tbe L"bl'llltift• a' &hl'olllh lU eJo rt. tba ' Co Uae ~'' ''' '' leow . den oml nati oD tbro ugb lre ._u t 'Cor a BaJ L ' beU nlte 4 ' laI' Beb elra h Lo4 p wtth wtn take plAoa ., a 0'0 1. 00D III8 . 8a orpDIIIICl I~ WID. Sa, . IPH 8_ . and (JaD IID. oDU • He ICIM ... . I~ -..4 ~UDll,., alao IIr. d&:r to .alv e W. ,..f t1l e. bU afleI er: ,*:: ,,':; from tbe IllalQl Ob . lleber Per rIae , wife aa4 1OD ...,. JaD 'DOOD, OOtober E. por t w rltt tu.. . etJervee JIQI drIIs lIoN . ·CoafeNDOe . .. . ~ bUl BI from U.
I .
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A c£' rtul n clns~ or m inds 1118 heen At w ,rk fill' llIure LlllLlll Ot, )'(,l1rs I r),l ng to COn !!lr U!)t all orlgl naJ d r slg nallon In n SII1)\1 wor.1 for Itlll Pnll ed • tut ~ ur "mel'loII, It w as aMlollsly prop"~ t\ al fil'llt to /1 11 th E' rC\Jlubll ~ ('olu mhla bllt no 011' wnllt <I thnt, ;1I1<1 fillllll; Ne w l l :lIlllldn, til Soul h Am rloa, ClI me u loll); And IlPIU'OI)rl ate(l the tlOe, : Ullluc l W holl'l y, au thor uf th o " 'om ' pOll d or lll ~ tur)' ," cOllfl'u ctlld n' cam, 1)/llg n In "('hal f or the w oi' l " k'r 'jonln," whirh 11 con~'I<I f'!H I more eU llhonlll~ Ihall " FI'ecltlJnln:' IJllt. 1;\ 110~~I" ln~!IOIU11,(cl h s[lOn t so Ihnt It will cn <1 d ollly In f;et llll!; ~ h(\ Il IlIUO Ilt. u " gl'l'lIt ,I co mfOl'l, 110 lllllt tached to a vlllaf;e In ' Ih l!! Slatu, _ _ ___ il will ho an untbr Il u (or Ihe rainy wb en ' It hns b 'pn (tllsse d 011 to pnst, GIR LS WHO WORK SHOULD CARE ,l ay, olllees In n dozen olil' r Stilt,; Of t ho FOR THEIR MONEY. II I s th n (hI Y (If t.h' ,I'l'l who earn II ulllon, 9ay~ t h N~ w Vurl, Mnll. LOlCr 1lI /)'I1 Y III be tboro ughly Ill form <[ DOt lit' I';ngllsh leln dl ), all IIll,t (I ' t o .re• -----only a~ to hl.'l' Inconie, bul 10 hoI' outc h r i ste n th\' COll ntry "tlt10nl!)' stili l he It I s II DlIty T h ey Owe to T hem scl Ycl go, [lcopl ''\' snnl nIlS,'' hy cl erh'aUoll rl'OIn -Th ey Should Know W hat It . I t Is th o II Ut)' of the gi r l whu WCl l"k& th e m UIIINl1 In itials "1 . S," B ut coltl15 Spen t For anti 10 bnx CIClt!Il'S or ~uOII stan((ard fni.J. mon s(J('tlch nrcop ts nuno of Lll (>s d eaWhe;\, I'le. '1'h ~II'I \\'ho wor ltll Is t o b l!;nalill lls, "AIllOl'icb'· anti '·A m'I·I· honor!d 1I1'1lI111 ~ sho Is II wo rk 1', lIut " T he Brute, CIIIlS" rUe good IIOllgh. rot' th c peopl e The girl who th rows her mOll ey gh ' IUUst not \lilt on til lin l'b of a 1I11 t· r <'A:'I), lwunmc w '1dd.' I - Art, who Noe no i llllll'opri ty \\'IIIIIO\'e r I ~ UI'OIUld ':1)' 101$0\1)" who nm'et' reall zos t ern)" 1 b :' SII'(\ Iho IIrlmll dunlla who, hIHI ! l; lvlll/; u I'onrh, (' utal d SI"IHHlon to U'll 'I' ' I jllsl dono II ~altl l,l c ' \\'11 1'1110 for tbu th l.' I' 'llIIh llc IInrl Its III ' '" (liff '1'('11 1I.:tw('cn \t\;O lIlal nlm3 , II t; 1'1 who works !;1'1:£'ra ll y IUII\ ~ta!'<l ' h ' nrt tJ ntnnl\' r ' c . ze.IIS, \\'ho 11 vel' ha~ the COlII'n"o t o ijl\ \' so m<' UII" ('I ~u t o '111' fo\' ; nll, l lhlll I s " y ." ' \ I ~' " , Ilut l ilt' fa ,t thnt no origina l d ,sh.:tta· I'hlt t;lw cannot n tru I'll a.Uy'" JlI(ollsllr~. 1 milch to It I' cl'udl!. SOlll(Ollml'R II l JOU ~S~II ~ '~:'\el~~,~,,~JI,~igJlla) , h a l e lIolI I""S ~' Cl p11'1I110tl th a fall ')' 01' t ho 1:< not (Inl lt g 11ll!' Illt ty , H ' I' mind 11'1 1 tho p opt" at hUll" ' ; t;,, 1I1 uli meli it IH , " I)f'OP e i s no suro slgil t hut IInn o 01'01' gn ln~ to 110 u 'o uulecJ aud her life wi ll ,a youJI,c(cr slstcr who Is 10 b 11('lli(,<I FAR BE IT F ROM , HER, will. T h' In ernatlonal LI! I' an t ile ' ilt' rull uf \\' <1l'ry IInh'ss SilO UleUlJs II I' wtlh bel' ed ucallon: lIut nlll'll),s a M UI'lne comJluny has hl~ 'upon a name Will';;, hIlling band · is II(u.l('d, for on t! of ,lis ships w h ich ha s GTt'l1t The' ,,1" 1 wl1 0 url1~ 1Il01lt', o lves' ~ Tbe J!lrl w bo wor k !; anrl uses her 1l0PU111I' .,Ic't llr('sou possibili ties. '],ho dUI)' 10 " prl;ul r In I'c;;anl ro It. mOil )f un l y for nun Ul' II ~(j hI 1I0t fit to st am 'I' JllI ssl~SIJlll l M t 10 n 'd, Star I I t I s \'('1'), d 1l 11'hlrul to 11Il)' t!Jls an,l oMrol lUuney 01' 10 b t'h wife o f line 1M to ~ , e r ec hrls tenod Sam land, iu t hilt. I<J gl \" 11 "'1'0 nlltl th nrf', flnd t o " lIhel' 0 "Iell Ill' a poor WIln. honor or l n ell' Slim, fel'l that i l IS , ono' s VCI'\' uwn ti ltH I;; L CU I'Il the 'rllllll) of mOil"" fllI\'o And "SaOilalld" Is good. Unrl e Sam, b(,' llI;; "~I·CI. ~ays the Ch \('u~o ' In te~ thll ({Howk'dge, 1\0 mutt)" '\\, h Olll I' I II g~nllli lind sh)'c \\'~ b t tI t o ' cenn, Did Y<JII O\' CI' Iltul) l.) Utlnk YUlI lire n wOl'kel' or nn Idlnr, wh tll r , a s,I'a~ 00 ~ ":e r epuull , I s " e a~, to e \ r~, h al L thllt yo u ~I\'c SI) lItuf'h of )'t'II I' ,lifo In YIlII " IIICOllll1 he STPllt or !!mall. \\ e cnn Imagine Su ml llnd !;olng ('xr: hnll!,;IJ for t his m :mcy? Sh.\U you' I The girl wh o eurns llI11n e)' will frolll lI,lOUt h to 1I101lth u n til Lho III' IIII ea· counL YOul' life' s iJcst bkod nti noth- n \ I' do IIII' dIll", will nQ\'er 1.10 whnl l ion 01 It I~ tl"lnaf d L tI I I , 'r • "r!'e 0 10 nllt on, 11K alld \"aSI It? I.. right. IIl1 tll Nhu Is llra ,' nuugh 1.0 It l~r Lhut Am dClllIS of th e nit d Shall l'OU ror!,;c~ your tllIl)" to YU ill" draw tim Slrlll"N of hoI' pll rso [1"1I11I"t lal S lIIUV 110 111 II IS " ~ . . I'a nil lemso vos am, tie r ((6 n u alii I'll I ~ '(J UOI\C tu v r)', e:rt .'aval;l1nc ~ l1uI I slck ly senthnentall ty 1I11d t UIICII It to justl '" and' l aud I'S anti th e lnnlln liS will he dOlle, hod)' eh;c? '1 v ,1 It' mOIl!"Y lhnt I,; unrllE'r1 so hard , propSI: " " 00''1'0><11.' .', Cu r~a Bright's D isease,
NeW8pape~ Doctori ng. dlang J~d I tor-I m n \, ry 90rr r , ,si r . ..unl Ihure Is somell/lng tbo mu ller Iwilit t h n ~n'cs or lnllllc l ol:l of l1\ y f nrC', so I t 'n t'al'ly kills mo to l augh, IInll r " 'Iah YOII wOIlId. hll vo Romo one Iso do lhe jOHlHllillPlll g to-du.y, Ali I ~;i1ilor- I'l:Ilo ly. our h Ulll ol'i st your shea rs, and YCIU toke h is pIa amI d t> the jolle,wrltln g' lIlitll -your fuce (tets well.-N. y , Week ly.
A Subtle Hint. Mr, Whllfl cl ro (w l(h w p n, p r) - Wall, by g um! A Penllsylvanlu fa rm r fO:'1I\tl sb: t houllnn(1 dollllrH l h t' hiS wi: o had ola d nodor tbo carl) t b ofon- 6h died, MI' ~. Whlrtl etr ~ Wcll, I can 't bl am.e bt'j' f \. b lu' bpl lnd h e wouldn' t lilt it till he uncl ' rlQ k tClw beul lho car\leL-Puok,
, aut s mith W .. Too W I.. to Walt .,.' the Prooe .. lon, ,
6 'lml and, It II A csertC!d, WO !.l ld Molke • Good N' lmQ.
, ACCC ;lt od W ith 'rh anks. "Tllllt COllulr)' bunl ~tlbllli llCII:l II ', , '" _ )lol.'m ra cd ''l'h, W,lt(;\ m lou, said the 311nkco ,IItOI liS he HlI e el h is piP" w illt ~ Iln-drl d t hacco, "YOIl b 't Von nCllcplPd It In II j lfty." " lIu t I tho ug ht this ~a l,er dldn' t &C' C [I t flO !I'y?" \' entured lh CIIII CI·. 'rh o snake <'<I It or gr l nn d , .. , 'II. It L1ou '\. ns 1\ rule. bu t ),ou 6' tho POIlt. h,'olU:;h t nround hll; oj ce jllicy I IlSJlll'!llilln."- hl'ngll i'/eW8,
"Thllt WDS nn aUl uelns IItOry IIbout the congr essl1ltln who c'aught his lied ' t he fourth time It CD me around, ~ Itl~r emlndod me," contlnuod the nurrator "of tJle first tllIl e J h (,uTI$ the bed ' phrase. It h flPllen ed hl Harrlsbur", wh ere J wus th en 81tLtlonElll, and It. h appened 10 a logl sl ator whom 1 lib all I c~1I ml th. "At the first 895~lon Smith boonm& famoll s fo r hIs .1I111111Y to. comforta bly Cllrry more liquor than any other mall\ In til ICOll lsl at llrC, At th e OJ) nlng of tb f.l 8('('O lld Hl\~~lon so m e Phlltlodel , pit ll'n!l );ot t ng t her nlld put up a job l on Smit h, Th y 'arr an!led r elnys, . , th ut wh on on pa r l y h nd enou gh an· olher should'l ake b uld, nnd l huij k oep ) going unl\l Ihl'Y hull Sn~lt h do wn anli l Ollt W e ll, th llY began with Smllb OOC (lI' nllll:, nntl nrt I' two r elll)'9 h'act \ Inel'Unllll'd thol r succeS80rs Iloteci' wllit IUllch sntl Rfaclion t hat Smltbt W ru! IlI lxlng hi s bfl vOrng s-tltey d idn't HUO\\' th at wns h ill nst orn, and ' h e (Iloll.'d th m un, 11le bout coo' till>I.le,1 nil nl Al:t nnd n il of tho next. da'y , "nd wheo t il s oo d eveul Dg', Clame nllllih wag th o oilly m all U'bleo t G' J;c , n,vuy II nnld l'd, ' ":3 ()ral days l al or I ask p,d Smltbi how lIe 1:01 nlung afl I' he r each£'d bl8' hot ei', " Wh en I ,;ot Int o nil' r OOIll:' he ropll('d , "I 8 W process ion of bNIR ('o)nlng In my, direction . r ' grnblJlld th e Ilrst On (l, f ell l oto It. andl wuke " 11 the II xl afternoon: .. -Pit·... btl I'I: 'hrODlel 'I' I gl'lljl !\ ,
W hen Woman ,sn' t Youn!!, , Th !' r port Is fhttt a l onnl l'ellglou.' Instllullmn whIch Is for "~' o llng worn'
en " !t:1S drawn t ho d ud lIne of Y01ltb at a!'i, Eyery wuma n ovor t hat age w il l II mnrk tI 2:1 and r equested to skiddoo. 'I1,ls I. palnfll l. I t Is unkind. " hal ts \VOMIt', It I~ Imprnclicabl!', 'W e
are gl II 1.1 ' the [Ilslc Is tl) ho Ilerforme4 by women. Xo mnn n or set of men would vcr ha \'e dar d larkl/) sucb a pr ohl prn - not til y , T his I slm ply /l nolher eXR'TTlJllo o r WOI)l lln'S Inbumllni y to' W(1mCln , \\' e hav 1J't' n told fo r mnny· 811rell th nt Il '\'(lman t~ a~ otd a s she loo ke and a man I~ as old ns \ f aels. .JUlIt no w, \\' :n r ! ~ wi t h rrg r ,mos t wom , en look li ke Gtt An cl m ost rn en f cc I like l\rcllll lRelu h, .Bnt t.he geneml rule ' 5(1 ms II ,1'; 00<1 on , I t I II. plnln, tlu' p, IntablCl fn rt tltnt women will de' I~&' as to their lI~e n long ns p os~ l ble a 04 then Oil nly lie ahout It. Til re a nt m an:,' WOIll n \\ ho ware born dnrfn" t he rnv:u; s Or II c ivil war who 9tlU cla i m swe ,Ur to IH) ,ln ' t he thlrtles _ th au 1IU11 't ed wll th u n ro rm or ; ::J"'N"J" J"..O"'.#'.#'..O"'J".J"..O"';f""-::l nnot h o I' or IJrlghl's dlseaso tak e h art! H I' Il tu S from SOIl1 o( lhe !lrlln.!. 11\ t il ra or, lhe mid.lie west and soulhwest n "S U I'O lire," It was COlll' mou l ), used th .l'ee-rjuarlcrs of • c ntu!'y ago, O ld Dr. TI[) [lIlSSCS It along (he 11110. I t com es tG blm stral gbt from n gra.nddaug hter nf one or t he g l'al\d mo ~h I'S, a relati on of 11':1. ,Jum B G , Dlill ne : "O el sowe dt'l d al)pies, the klud w e nsed lO hay at ~ l ll.rjor l o-Dn dd y . it's ralnlng, .. home; not the evaporated kin/\. pOur Da ddY- \ 11, l et It , talll , .- . 1\1 arja.l e--I was go ln~ to, daddy.- boilin g wat er over a kl3tuoful o f th m and l et th em st p, covering the k ~ tl e Philad elphia n e 'ord, ' tigh tly, Wh en t h e w at er hll,!! a\)sol'bed t he streng th of tho I1ppl & [Jour It ort . Ci rcumstances A l t er Cas es, The L i m it, "You will xCtlse m , pl ~ ase ," said an d dl;lnk It- l ots of :It- as lUuch ns son - Whitt 11 r ush f ello w BjeJto t he lallor, "but ns lbis I s to be yo u r YOIl can hold; k eep on steelilug Bllples 1(ln s I , ' we\ldln g 's ult, 1 shall eX llect \laymenl and k p on d rinki ng the water. It Dal\'~on.-R..,sh! r should ~ l\V eor will soou give yo n a n.e w pair of kid· on dell ¥er)' ." Wh y , Ujenldn 1T0uld evon olr ; t o be' "W hy, si r , wlln l do YOll m elln T' neys, Then you can l augh at al l ol h er o no Qf lhe jmfges at a baby sbow. aliments, whi ch will sooD dlsapp ar Qu eri ed th yo ung man, " H aveu't I So:ner vlllb JOUTtlal . always paid Y9u promptly hereto- wh en you r kidn eys resume oD er~ tiona, ... ..,....N. y , Prcsfl. ' :t costs the clevll little trQubl e to, fore?" catch , Q , 11JI6)1 lD:&Il,-From the " Yes, sir," repliod tile' tailor, " but, Don 't EhVY the Rieh. man. ~'Oll we re II. baohelor and had t he The r eal vlrtne of rlohes Is that handnDg of yol l r own woney,"-C h l· tb ey ndd to tbe pl cturesqu eoess of cago Dally N:ews, ' life, M IIIlonal r ei and even seau-mil. 1I0nairos do a g r ent deal tow.a rd bri ght, Pnr~lcul'ilrly Impre ~ sed Her, , "You \(rere at the concert l ast nigh t, . enln g the l andscape, aud we ought DOt w eI' YOIl ?" said Ih'o oext -door oelgh- on ly to Buffer t h em to li ve, but to ~ grateful lo th em . Wbo would wm, bor, " H ow did you like I t ?" . "It was spl ·ndld." said ?Ill'S, LaIr Ingly mIss the gay pageant dowo sling, "1'hey p l ayed one overture, FI(th avenue 0 0 a sp,rlng aftern oon, wi th a wabbly ghetto by the violini st, nnd r ed uce the b eautifu l olty with ItI tllat was Ihe fi n st th ing l over beard glnd decoration of w ell dressed poopie to the gra)' l evel of the '!I'IIIIDg In roy IICe,"- bl cago Trib une, poor? N:o ; lhe world la b est con stituted just as It Is, with all t h e vari.,. THINK OF IT. lies of the I)oople, and all t h e vnrylng To Throw Shoulders [lack (1). ' 'lio, 1Ihrow Shoulders Bacl< (2). sCll l es' ot lIelng and or'dressl ng, Only .Posltlon No, 1 nnd 1)0B~II Qn l\'OJ 2' cetlt .to, ¢e IIpeiJlillJ\1 ~, 'bu~ pel" l et the man ilo~ yet dOODled to bein g . a millionaire realize tbat, like t h e pur· ani both sh own I~ t tl " l ctu l'es, a;'d severance' will ensure ' ood f Qsu1 (", An a similar xer el s whl e11 Is not II1u8' Ino\1 (alll ,'es tllt or t h o ,'1'01) I' de, rllo cow , Itls better lo flee thaD be one, rated Is easily exr!lllined . O) £1 n II \' lo(lmen of t ho eh at l a the burying And jo:", Dfter all, I s 1'0ally and truly not to be bought Wllh money, nor t o door and st and I'D the ce nler of the of t h e shouldor- blndes. t"~ J)ro:nltience 01 whlett Will ~1l0l 1 any Ilg ure. They be found In IIOY distant oorner of the thres hpld, with one hnnd on either are plII' c1 cula,rly un81ghtly ' In lh emearth, lIut II, In very d eed~ as the sagel sl d'e or the casement. L ean t.hrough se l.v es, but lIattoned- 10 their proper flO' haye known In all ligt!s, the kingdom th e door,way, forward and backwards, sition RJld well covered wI t h grace fui of h eaveo wlthlo,-Hal'per's Magazlno. gl'al\pln,t; the w oOd wor k all lhe' i:lrne, linea. such nil our beauty-culture treat, T,hls Is nu excellent cxerclse, MUll at m!)nt ... su r e t o. 'lJ'Ut1d~thBY may Yellow Beauty Powder Now, Tho l ate9t Inven.lIon 01 a certain , fi r lH will ~cem almost Imjlossllile·, ex- even be· terme<t " Bleb to beauty,"
How to Develop) th.e Chest ·
Hasty Nervous ,Chewing,
"You've , no' idea, Clara, bow bashful th is lOan Is! H e IlPl!uk B ten l ang uages, but d oesn·t prOIJOSO In any qt them !'" -Fll egcndo ):t lnetter . Two of a Kind. Jle.r Fat h er-But, air, YOIl & ~t' no t thl.' Bor t oC ..mall J should like for a 1l0n·lrHnw. , Yonng Mil -011 tlmt's ull rlgM, Y(lu 'n1'O not lhe sort ' of man I ehoui<1 JIIte Cor' n fl\ther-ln-liIw, but 1'm n oP gulns t o m a'\!ie you r , daughter m iser, alil e [or life by rofuslng lo D'Ulrry hoI' on that account-ChIcago Dally Ncws.
of. Food . . the Cause Of
'After a F ... hion. "r (ltl.'f'nmc," said hl9 old friend, "now' that YO II hBVO n YOllng man a s all Ilic"BIBtnnt pa8tor you divide tho ,pur ish 'Work "'tlh Mm," . " Yos," unswered· the elderl,. preach, er, scratching hl8 chin reftectlve ly , '" SUP POtlO you could cnll it that. He doeij th e marl-ylng , and [ do the buryIng," - Chlcago TrlllUne. The Expert. She--l'he world w ould get along a "Is Speedmal\ a gooct chaull'eur!" " I :ood ? . Say ! he cn ught a man yt'S- good deal bolter If people woul d at· t en l ay t hat C\'CI Y niotoHst 10 the city teln(l t Q their Ilwn hu slool$s Ilnd let h as h ad n try at, and mlsBeU....- JlIlIge. o t her tolks' \)u sl;t css alone, . H e-'Yea, Ol e w:lT ld mI gh t get alon g Po.sltively Brutal. , lIetter : but wha t would the peo l)le do? "niol It ev er OCCllr to you," Kalil Mrs, :-Clucll\naU EnquIrer. N a pg~ h )' , .. that 0,0 'man cver acquired F!rst and Last. I1II.\'thln)'.; wor t h h aving without a " D oee your wifo Ill sist on baYl n" ti tl·I.'U IIOIIll offort 1'" ' '' ''es, Inel cd," .r ('plled Nagg sby. t he l ast word? " "Nut pnl'tl oul:lrlr! she I nsists on "A n d t hat l'c mll1(19 me that I acquired you wi t hou t tll e sl\ s ht.est elTort on illy ha~ing all of then). " - H ous on Post. IIal'l. "-ChJcngo Dally News. A Newcomer, , ' ''Wha t m ak es ~'ou l hlnk' ho hasn 't But Would He? "If yo u wcr e a g irl wh ich woulll 70U lived hor e l on'g'!" , " H e say,; hi s cret!lt Is good," -Hous· r athol' h!l \' o-be/luty or brallls ?" ton Post. . "Mo noy," -Houaton P08t. ' . Safe All. Arou"d.
Simila ri ty:
H n--Areu'l YOll ever arraid to b o , Eva-~'h e n YCllt' k isser! m e laet ni ght yon snld J I'I;)1nl n(jod YO U o f n hi th,~ h. tI ,iC ilion ? . r.t.n.I', Did you mean Venu s? h'~ , 'o t lit all. I own a load ed
Ju(.'k-No ; Ma rs. Eva (I'u Stll'prlse)-Mars? Why s~? nren't YClU afraid or tlillt! J Qck~Bec au .' yo u turned so reu , She--;\II'fl'Y no! 1 keep It , louked In a tnll LlI wh er o It can't possibly go -C.hlcago Dally N ews, o~ ~-ne(l'()il ~' ree Prcaa. ' On the Farm, "What did you 'enjoy most .ebout It W3I GilL . £-Ielen- What do )'ou think ell my YOUt· ,vIsit to Lb o 'countr y?" "Th ~re wasn't a blessed '\liecl ot n ew l'llg:).[lflment ring? H attie - Gori;!:oulI! WheD ~ U fUl'nlture In the h ouse thllt folded JUll"'- Dotrolt Free p ...... como o!r ?- Puck, J'C\#OI " l! I',
1I .....- 011 ~
"tcaut)' doctor" Is y ello w powd or, The "((octOI''' l earned his little secr et frolll the CaFclnnUng mnldens and squaws of a Cllnndlaa lndlnn lIettl£lm cnt. The powder Is liot a r eally golden yellow; 1\ merely hal Olat r i ch, creamy brown tint that Is seeD In the skins of Indi an gi rls and 80me of the d uski er mnld s of our own race al so . It Is made by the simple proceBl ut burn log a little ot the cha lk on a rook set 10 the sun aud 'mlxlng tbe bur nt chalk with the white until tlte creamy' color J8 obtained, "The only troublo In markellilg this ' new powder," remarke!1 the "doctor," "Ia to lind' any wom an sallDw or hl>!.ek enough to 'acknowl edge that sho onee(l!t ,y ellow powd er , rhe most btllous look. Ing creature t ever kn ew ' WOUld' rather mllke a \v)llted sepulchre of h erself than acknowledge to her 'own 80ul that sbe Is an y~blng but milk and roses,'"
From Sandals Shoe., Th e first fo(>t coverlngll wer e sand· a19. Alter tb ese callle shoee l eft otten at t h e toel5. thcn t he woo de, shoes. of tlie nInth .nnd l enth centun" II, fol· iowed a little ' l at er by shoes with lon g · (Joltited and tu rned, uP. tocs, whi ch sOlllOlirnes r ea(:h ed as high ns the knee, Lnter a shoe was , worn wIth nn exc eeding ly wiel e toe, so very wid e that" It .Impeded the proce ~", 'of wn lklng. Quoen Mary r estricted' th,e w nrl ng of this by proclamations, The proclamation ran to the elTeet that 6\\Oe 9 should not be worn wldor than Ilx loob('s. ' Home Comforts, "The Ijl>arders don't seem to tlke our country vegetablEl8," said M\'& Corn tossel. "Tllal'. funn,. ... restl onde!1 tbo raml' er. "The, ought to 'predate 'em. TIlt·, ..a8 bought rlgp~ III the lam, toIIWA the), como fl'llmJ· ~ '-
Distinctive Fea'ture ~ Populall' wl'dl the Fa.hlonable.~
Among the fnncl es ln Je-rry ' are sl eGvtl links ot red and w:liite' stonesdiamonds, gam'e ts, carbuudJes. l'uble8 or crysta l s may be us\>!S. Tbe links are 'In many dlffer enL sh3l~ the dis, tinctl ve f eatu r e lIotng Lh l!J: ODe link will be all In r od lind lb." other In wh I te, or elso on o link will be madG ot I'ed stones w i t h a df.mond In the center and tile oth er of diamonds with n r ed stone In lho' cenlm', Oth er colcrllli stones are /ll so show n In tbls style, :lut the red IWd wblle combinat ion seen:s to be' t ho favorite one, And tbls Is not only true of the slcov& li nk s, . In brooches Bud brll.ce lets .., ,,"ell tile' r ed and wblte Iloties flguze lar gel y; , Anothor od d flair sleove IIn), s for 'I p erson of sporlin g procllvltlu had ono link ornamented with a wild duc k In ena mel an d another with a bird dog, 11ho IInk 3 were oval and <-oaCRve In Rhape. Tho figures were In relief ancl covered wUh crystal. . , A not h er cvldettce of t he popularity o r mixed co lor , schem e~ In j ewelry thim tbllt IIfforded hl' cuf\ links Is .sllown In lhe r evIved popularity of th e IItlle fiower bask ets whi ch were rash·.I onab l e many years ago. ':'he b'a'sleets, of gold lattlco work , are till ed ' wIth nOlvers made various colo rod jew, ol s! The ornament Ia uaed for a obr~()ch. 'lllese brooches,. when torme"ll' used, 'were Ulually cf FreDeh IlIlJltf>9 and pasto 1(.""0111 and were ex· 'I )oodln,gty ~rettJ. althoulb eomparat1YC1ly IneXl)enatte. It. number of them were' d18POr..acl at tho lale or tJie
l.ifl l'(l)ur
teeth ar~ fit, chew, chew.!
ell'eetll' et· tltO' late Mrs. Gilbert.. the lllltl\\I" Ilmtil the food is liq uid and well !tnQwn actress: They \\'ent ;or a mere' sang, c ,though they were In insists on bei ng swallowed. fsct, pr.ettler tlian tho new bro~hes I'fo !leeth are faulty. solten Grapeor . b'fmll!lll' pllittet'D. al t hough the uow ~ltS. ,,;tb hot milk or cream, o~ one.:! aro' truJde. Q.. gen ulne stones and are- v ery eltpens1ve, . adlow to stand a minute soakin~ ill F1n.k ..,d nfte "stones are aillo a (tQJr;L cream. fas.blonnlll cOl\lblnallon, Among the. mrn.t altracU~ bracelets Ilt thi! Jew.l; new s a reason .... as follows: oIe:-e' are those ot pink and while' Grape.Nut s food is in the for~ lIaroque pearl s linked t oget._or with ~ d'eeVer "lnk llImelh)l3t, ri hard and bri.ttle grnnule~.
Now It's .. "Photo KerchIef."
iJ1.ten~ed to be grO.llnd up b~ the
teeth; that work not onl'y preserves Now'. It Is t he 'photo h andkcrohfet. ' , A I r eads some ve!'y prelty colleetlonSl lihe teeth but 'brin gs down 't he laliva. hnve bee~ made, anll besides, 8core8, . !rom the gums 50. necessaryt in the., of pt'£1tty articl es ot hou se · d ocorallon. :lI!,ve been consl.ructed out 08: thelll. primary work o[ digp.s tion" Th e photogr apli handk o l'chle~ lenda 'Many 'peopl e say (and itl- is true) I tsett to a \'a~lety of uscs. t~at when they Ii:Qt Grape· Nuts the,. A s I ts nam im pllel5, It II only ,t h .. graph on a handkerohl ef , Allhough seem able to diges t fo r .~roc li ttl e tim e h ead s bavo been food but otber kind s whidl forme~ reprodu ced Oil sslln cushfon coll'oI'5 tor screens and t ho lik e, nOI unUl now made trouble when e~n witl:.~ ' , has 'l t boon 1?0Bs l,ble to go Into a pho- G (ape·Nuts. to graph 'galler y and hav~ .oli e's pli:ture Ch e wtt, tak en on a h andkor chlef, "T bete1s a reason" 'fOf' , The uses. to which these: hawlker. chlef9 Dlay be Pl!t are many, nllt the least o'r which Is to make the Ctover of a aoCa q!, dIvan eusb!on In one'9 Oll'n .' . '
room of squares of linen on whloh
the ·lIkeness or one's best, fti~nds '11.1)pear . Or ther o may be a serIes or pose8 of j U8t one perSOD.
8en~lmlsnt attachell 'to The .excban;;. or haMIlw.
Quite a bit ~he . (ad.
chl~;B .
IS well ~ the · 1II.kI~1 at col. lect.OIlI of them, la· IIk.ty to 'oeeolll\1
popular u tbe oollecUng
6 r' a. .,
, -.I
Ttl. Ag. 0; Lead, New TorTI, AUC. 30,-Th . prellml· We are wont to epea.k at thl, ~ra nary statement ot the Erie Railroad ill the "age at JI'on," and there Ie no tor tho fiscal year ended JUlIe 30lh, N.EW AND INTER'~ STING LIGHT gainsay ing that, Industri ally speakin g; 1906, made publle to-day, IIhoW8 b'T'OSS Iron Is a "preclou ll metal." earning s of over ,60,OOO,OQO, an InOl j EGYPTIAN HISTOR Y, N evert hclesa.- f:o.w.-p eeple renll ze crease ' a provlou s yoar or $~ ,. how useful, I.r not absol utE'ly neces· 277,000, und an Increase In net of prono~ced sary, to nlQdem civilizat ion, Is that $1 ,5 47 ,000, ~he ph~ Briti sh Explore rs Flnr! Hal,ltot lo". at other metal, I ad . Soft, y l Id l "1,1'" Of t ~e Increase In warRIng ex p'mses , the II,nc ie nt Shepherd King, of pliable, It Is not mucll like IlS sister ' 2,730,000, an e xpenditu che I sra~tl~eN , Conturi el motal, but those dl stinguls blng quali- lban one million dollnrs re of more was tn matn· ti es aro what givE' It such a promine nt t enaaee ot th e roadwoy Before' Christ. , whi ch was place In the arts and ludu BLrles. glvcn an unus ually libe ral llllowan ee At 1 II I"fOrsiIY 'oll e!!,e thl 9 y nr 11& Mollern plumbin g, req uirin g mnny of new steol rail and tit!s. Operati ng 8nn uul p. hlh il ion o[ Lhe ycar ' ~ work iurnlngs Dnd twi stin gs, but wl tb al expense s during the same peri od had that hr\ ~ IJf. n (J one III gsypL by the tight jolms , \\'ou ld be almost Im pos- an ad cUllonal ebal'ge of $1,000,0 00, In Third -It DrlLLs h Schou I ot A,. ' hneuios y and th e sible without leud pipe. The groat· rehaullH atlng C~r O~, UIt' 'e qulpm e nt, tho re.Eb'Ynll· II Res .1lJ'(:h Account h ilS vury es t cI"lIlzln g ag nt In lhe world-l he sult being that D; the power has been wi sely h n 8 0 SlI1)d lvldtld a ~ to pre· prlntlllg art- Is absolute ly elepcnelent placed In an excellen t conditio n for fienL dl HLinct fo r i o[ .Intlll· St. ~ o lhat Oil I ad. Hand·se t t ypo, linotype Incre nsed business . Btup~~y The addlLloa al "slugs:' monoty pe type - all are expendl lures In the till! loll'llIl\(,lll ,'Isltor In s urveyi ng the Improye ment of IS tolw ns will h Pm!': Pe lrle li nd MI'. made of composI tions 01 which lead the I~ddwal' and eq uipm e nt are 1 DlI IIC.1l11 Iln ,1 ~II· . Gill, it, Smith h nve Is tho chi f compon ent-to sa y notb· festly In the ri gh t dlreclie n and maniare a broughL 11I.lm '. IR r.ollsclo u ~ or the In g of th e bearin gs In the pr SSE'S as direc t addItion to the assets ot ' lho m ealllll~ anll til Impllcat luns of the we ll as nil other kinds or mach inery Com pany. ~r dl ~cove"lc s , 5111'S the I,ondoll Grnphlc . In Wlllcl\ "ba bbitt" metal Is useel. Not the least Interest in g shQwlng Is Sold r Is Ilnotber lead (l roductThe xhibl ls l~l'll eluc Idated by \llans tbat th e ompany Incllrred nn addlby unll nlutl ul s ; ILnd the rath I' formal I\'ha t a fi eld at usefuln ess that one li onal expe nse of onl), ' $'IOO,OOO , In conand ('nnCt' lll rntt,cl II<lSC rI11t Ions offe red Corm 'open s Ull. ducting' Uie transJ)o rtatlon or over til 'j' 1l n th ere Is the mo et Importa nt by the Ilullll s bcci I'ellol'(s are s UllllleU ,OOO,OOO, addition a l gM89 I:arnlog s. Journ al of use or all to whi ch lend Is pUl-pa l nt, This Is a furlh er Imllca.tlo n t hnt the 1lI nted eac h dllY 1.Jy li llie I ol mes , which 0 1'1' I liver d In t he O1ornlng thllt n ceessa ry mllterlo I \\'blch k e ps Imr)ro\'c ments which baye been com ou r houses looking pre~ty - l nBld~ ple ted nnd art ~1l01ln by so me ooe or other ~hysician9 aN p rod uclug t he delj lred re· of thu Iln'hel(!g slsts. Last year fhe a nd oul-an d preserve 8 t h<l m tram 6ults In lesseni ng the cost of transpo reI 'cay. . ('hler work or the British sc hool wo.s tati on. A uout $2 ,000,000 of tile ComH w many of U8 thank metallic lead pany's Dr. D. Halstead Scolt, ot Cblcsgo , lila., 811,.; ... ha.,.. pn!IICrlb al on' the l'lIst I'n side of lhe della Income was used for turth er ed you. for the comfort s of paInt? Yet tbe Castor ln orten t or Infc.nts dur ing my practice , and Slndtt TerJ II lween Cairo ,8nd Isma ll la; and It Improve ment!l of the property during .Ust&<! tory," besl house paint Is nolh lng bul me- the yea r, an Increas o of $5GG,rOO l iaS "1'0111\111. to light, afl.or many cen· Dr. William Bolmon t, ot Clevela nd, Ohio, ..,..: ""Tour CUtorla oyer standi tRllle lead corrode d by acid to a white th e tu rl~ s , tiJl' ha bltRtlon!! of t h r.revlous first yenr. In Its class. In my t!llrly years at prac:Uca J ~ aJ. I DeVer 'banl ancien t powller knowu ,115 "white lead ." Of ~hephll l'd Illnss ' nf Lhe Isra li tes, lhe The Compan y Is now belter prefound anythin g that so fill d the place," ' . HyllSIlS 1111,1 on e of Ihe olUes lba t th ey course, tb e re are mnny Imllatlo ns at pared to bandle a largely Inerease d Dr, J. H . Taft, ot Brookly n, N. Y., san: '" lIa.,.. ~ }'OUI' Cutorla an4 b uilt. A Te ll· I-Yehudl yeh lhe tlxca· "wblte lead," 00100 ot whlcb are Bold bus lnesll tllan ever beCore In Its hisfound It an excellen t remedy In my househo ld u t pr1nt. practice . tOil r " allOM lalli' bal'll II gr II camn 1"111 h as white lead Ilnd some whIch are tory. many Ye<, Tbe tormula Is e.1cellent," alTered by the nElme, ot I' ally-p re. j 5 certa Inl y oilier thun Ih '. , Ishteenl h pared paint unl,!er the I' Dr. R. J. Hllmlen , or Detroit, Mlcb" 11&,.: '"1 preecrI1 Ie JOUI' Lincoln ••• Lawyer. famtlla r prelIyn tlUty nnd enshri nes wi thin ItR con· ~orltl tense that they are "just as good" a8 A. leader or the Lincoln party told extensiv ely, as 1 bave nevor found anyLblll c to equal It for fln e~ runny grRV santi lo mbs , which children '. while lead. Dut nil good pai nt Is the otber lIay In Pblladel phla a story troubles , 1 am aware that there are lmltaUo na 1Jl tlIe SIe1d ar of Ihe per iod or L1lose Rhevherd L but 1 &lwayt made at tlte metal, lend, corrode d and of tbe astutene ss of Llnllolu as a lee that my paticota get Fletche r'.:ldngs of Is rael wbo rul ed 2,500 years ... . ". .. h h" ground to 11 tine wllito powder and law~'er. Dr. Wm. J M cCrann, ot Omaha, Neb., sa,.: ...... tJae ratller b fore th coinln~ ot Christ. The de· er , thlrt~ . "Wben LIncoln W:l!l practisi ng law," ml~ ed wltb linseed all. ~hlldren I certaInl y know Bomethl ng about 1 nses Qf the cnnlll, not' unlike a great ,.our cnat medlota ., Uld 11114. 1 _ ' White lead Is also used In the coat· he sold, "be lIad a case Involvln c a "fondu\r :' such as now exis ts III the Ing from my o~'n' family experien ce I have In my 71l&iw err pnac;tlce Promotes Digestion.Cheerful· or fine .011 clolhs and tor mllny dlspuled will 'l'he o pposltlo u claimed to'"\d CUo " Sa hara as a I' fn ge fo'r mv ling car· purpose torla a popular and efficIent remedy In almost eYeJ'7 ness and Rest.CI~nlalns neUher the wlJl was genuine and (or several s besides paint. avans, wl)ro hi Oy enrth works; and Opium, Morphin Dr. J. e n. nor Clausen Mineral bours , of Pbllade lphin, PL, .,.: -n.. ..... that roUT' C. "Rell lend" Is anothe r product of . adduced proof of lids. For It Is ov id 'II t ·lh ,.t ILs dwe llers reli ed m NOT NARC OTIC . torla has maele tor Itselr In the tens of thouaJlG a eta llic load and Is what ia known as Llneoln, who had Lo prove tbe will a IIAIiIIa ble.e4 by, thl (In th ' Ir lI~h , rs and sllagers to lIe II an o ~ lde of lead, being IlrocJuced by Corger y, things looked black. presence of children , scarcely needs to be ~te4 11)' the endo.. orr th e en~\ll)' on the long "glacis" or burning the "Lincoln , howeve r, only caliI'd one melal. . Red lead Is the ment of the medical professi on, but I. toJ' o-.IIIGI!Il~ ...... t h allfJl'URch ~ to I ~ (! walls. Dut tho bost paInt · known Jt ~ to presi!rve Iron, witness, a reUred paper manufac tur· believe It an exeelien t remedy." <':t ill)) I'll "cals' Lhill tbE' rolaltoll 8 be~. ". ... ,I. Ioieel or Un, and Is used largely In er, renowne d the' country over for Dr. R. M. Ward, of KansaS City, Mo" ..,-.:- -J'llJId dUa ,....., . 40 not t ween IlmlCt 01111 Egypt were not al· pulnllns metal structur es, sucb as hlB weall b lind probity. »rescrlb e propriet ary Jlrepara tioDl, but In th. 1I'o),s suc h as 118,'e lIean SUIII/osed: alt;-tlcra per . , CIutot1& lay dpert. "'l\1r: Dasb: Lincoln saId to thi s skeleton s, mills and ence, Hke that of many other pbyalcll Dll, . . . . . . . .' . . to t haL limo brought It.s revenge s, and bridges. wttnesa , banding him tbe disputed make 8Il U· ' that- a gl' al wnll was built around the ceptlon, I prescrib e your, Cll8toria In my practice " - _ I laaft fouall ..11 . The re Bre many other product s of 1I' IIl, 'please hold tbat paper up to camp, uy fhe 8\;1110<1 11111 80 1111 of Egypt the metal lend, to be a thoroug bly reliable remedy tor clUli1rn.. ~t& sllch as litharge , the light und lell us what I, Lb. water An7 phy." - 0 wall Of tin st limeston e, In bloc\;3 orange, ~Ian 'Who hns raised a faml17. III I han. :wW JeIa . min I'a l, .·etc.. ~' hlch nre es- mark on It.' . . SA ~ recoJIIp A~ecl Remedy forCoDStIpaf rom the hili a 25 miles away_ Trul y, senUal to m any of' " 'Tbe mend3t1 water 'mark of my own linn, on or Castorll L" the arts In whlcll lion, Sour SloDlllch.DiArrtlOtIa ",ben .on contemp lates ~h18 link ot we nev r Imagine that lead would be Blank & Co.: the witness answere d. Worms, Convuls iDns.Fe wrishcOnLIll li lty at lallor b 1ween tho pyra· 'If tho leas t use. " 'Whe n' did your firm beilin. to CEN UINE . nes9 and Loss OF SLEEP. mid and the ABSOI\III1 dam , one begl Du Verily, we 1I,'e Cn an age of lead manufac ture paper?' to 6YIllj.lIIlhlz wi th the E(:yptlan~ 1\8 as well as of Ir6n. "'In 1841.' a raC:e who h a " lIever been allowed ,, ' And what's the dnte ot the docu· ', . 10 ase tl'un\ l hel r bu ild ing. A very Twelve Good Rule., ment In your ands l' Int resting mod I or thi s primeva l Speakin g at rules : Do you Tefbem· .. 'August 11, 1836.' camp Is nmons tbo xhllJ lls. Not les9 ber or can you rllcolloc t tlte "Twelve " 'Tbat 18 enousll. Gentlem en ot f a,s chialt ng Is II plec\' of ternllie sculp· 'Good Rules" ot King Charles 1.? They the jury our case I.. closed.: " ' ttlre repros nUn Ral1l etl~u If. s laying are worth pasting In yo ur hat for dally a Syrian \)arol' t he god Atm u. It perusal. In caae you do not car. SICK FOR TEN YEARS , formad one sIde or lho temille .at t he lo memori ze tll em : EXACT COP'( or WRAPP~R, 1. Urge ' no healths. l s racllto city or Raams()s at Tell-el· Con.tan t Backach e, Dropey and Se· 2, Prorane no dl~lne onllnan ce. Retail h. TW th e ancient site of vere Bladder 'Troulile , 3_ Touch no slale ' matl~ Ava rls was toulltl the g r al mound ani! ..... 811.,"A". _ _ ,.... Y. 1'7 . . . .""• .• T1lIn. _ ........ 4. R evon I no s c rels. Fred W. HarrIs, of Chestnu t St., J eft mill which 'Onlas, the h igh priest. 6. Pick no Quarrel . ferson ; Ob10, 8ays:- "FOi""'()"er ten built. He 'und IIeLi from th pQrsacu· Subject for Anot!>er Lecture. 6. Mako no comparl sons_' tlons ot An Lloc,h u8 EJpllJhanol!, and ye,a rs 1 sulfered from "Oh, dcar," exclalm ~ d lfrs. SI:lp7. MallliaJ n no 11\ opin io n. lIn e t1, B:;ypt .. bo ut 150 'B. C. to kidn ey disease. The da sh. wbe n' they were flnnlly sea te d S. Keep no bad compan y. ' found a II IV ,lel'usnJ m and raise a tbl rd year my feet III tbe carriage , "I've only got one at 9. Encoura ge no \"I ce. 1 mJllo to .J hovah where lhe .Tew and hands wouid my earl'lngs on . I left. th. olher on 10. lIIake no long meals. mh;hL wOl'shlp III ' !leace. On e of tlie aw 11 I\nd remat'o my elresslng table." 1 t . He pcat no grlo,·a nces. \.,0 .lllOSl .puITed up for days at sin ular discover ies In connec· "Huh!" grunted her busband , "Just 12. Lay no ' wagers. -JI;ew York , a time. 1 seemed tiOll \\,IUI Lhls l mIllo WI)B a "leo of 1I\!'i my lectures o.n your careless ness the bjillil 1"1l ' nccouul show Ins bricks PrOJ1ll. to have s constan t -In one ell I' and out tb.... otbe r.'· bacllach e. Finally I to Itu "e boon dell vered ,by 11 J ' w South Africa'. Gold Product ion, got so bad that 1 n ameli Ah rom, togeth r with othe r <l c' "Cut Ollt bot cream of tartar blsThe producti on ot gold In ~he mInes was la id up In bed c .. lt" uBod lo l,all a Whi ch orrobora t e!.hQS that a l' be a common , eva ry-i1ay of South Africa for the monLh of Juno with several eloclors remark' among lIer down tn Ihe history of Jos I.lhus. 11hys lcillns wti!!l diswas the greatest e,-er recorded . 111 In attendan ce, 1 thought sure ly r cu ssing Items ot dlel tbe tlrst six months of th~ current would elle. 1 cbmiged fo r th eir paHOW ' THE SWIMM ER FLOAT S. me<llclne and be- tients, Dut arum year tbe producl ion ' was nearly $6.· gO,n us ing Doan's I{ldney baking powder bls' P!lIs wheD T cults are never menllo[l ed In Ihls re· IQhalea Through the Mouth, ' Exhale. 000.000 grealer ' than . In tbe carre- was stili In bed. The rellet I fouDd spect. Why ? Becuuse It'" the cream apondln~ time last year. \\' IlS so great that' Impt on until I Through .the- Nose, . or tartar that Is objocti onable a nd In · had talten To Ooa.L go out Jnto the water as about ten bo~es. The kid· As a SUllplan ter. nE'Y secl"e tlons became nalural and jurlolls, and yet there are some IlCOlllc far liS YOllr WnlSl, 'SRI'S .\u gust COllnwho lo·Liay continue to use the old Tho Maid- Do yOU thInk tile lIuto- aCter years of mise ry I was cured. I try Life Ill. Am orlcn. throw yourRclC moulle will eve r 8l1pplant lho horse. have increase d In Wllight, and .show cream of tllrtar bakln" powel r, lind on your back fa el ug the 81!or. 1:Iold wonder wily thoy are alWaYd aillll~, The Man-N o; huL It may supplan t no symptom s or my fo rme r trollble. " ),ollr ohln' liP 118 posslble_ 'rhls tho mUle _ n_ e-l-,,,,,,,S,,,,O ;,,I,d-;, b~' a ll dealers. 00 cent9 ft box, will slium rSe YO llr ea rs, but t\on't lilt I~ fully asIn lhe 'course at lime. ,,.O State. of Bra%II, unreliab le as the othe . Foste .Mnbul"n Co .. . Burra10, N. Y. thi s s tran"e se nsation worry you. If Polltl C>\lI r, Brazil Is dlv.lrlE'd Into ~1 the wator clo"es over' ;VQllr . heael Facial. slales (Includi ng lhe fede ral di strict). Tact, 111m ply close your mout h and l'omaln . "D~n't you t.blnk her fac e too tbln?" bllt so un equal Is the · divi sion He had crossed her and abe wa. threo of til so embru.ce pracLica th ilt "UII and strlght ; you wlU go und e l' fo r "Well, I don't know. I cnn'l sell any ll y ber In a dangero us mOQd. plnce where It'll worn 1.brou;;b. Can a s econd only. enLlre ' lowland s, a.s well as a portion ' "Sec!" she hlssod, pointing ber III!' at the wostern uplands Now tllrow ,your ·arms out \\')cI e be- ' you ?"-Puck. , and exceed ger at him, "s~e how you haye worked In area tbe remaIni -bind your back and 1I11:ow oli L )'01,1 1' ng I S, wblcb He UP my r clings. Why, 1 am purple wllhln tho hi ghland HOW MANY OF US, cb st. Hold your chin blgh. rnbnle reg;on, except wllh rage." t1l1'ou;,;1t the lilOutl'l. Ex hnlo, th ra.ugb tor tbetr narrow margills upon tbe 'Bllt the youeg mnn· only smil ed, . the nose. YO'II .ar now In L1lc F311 to Select Food Nature Demand . canst, TC'lse latter, bowove r, contain ' , Po.ltln ly cuted by "~o becomin g," he muscd, aottly . ' flOating atlll1\de. Novel' . 1m your more than 96 per cent. ot the popula· to Ward Off Aliment s. theBe Little pm•• "'t\' bat Is becomin g, "'r ?" head.' Keep ,stratgh t and sllll, chest tlon. "Why, the purple. It just matcbes 1111 toes showing, chin hIgh I\nd ears A. Ky. lady, IIpeakln g about tood, Ibat purple SWords Into a plow. walilLy on 'bave on." ilubmergeel_ 'l'I'y 1.0 1loat llll long as saYIl: " I was During the centenn ial -:ele bratlon In, accustom ed to eallng And the next mom ent Bhe Eating, A perrect feIDo 'I\'as all po5sibl e, because tbla exercise for1l111 ali kinds at ordinary , toDd un lIl, for Bmi,les and telling ber girl friends that Philadel phia In 1876 'tile membe rs of ' ed1torDI2z1Aess.Na~ the bnsls, not only for Iwlmml ng on . some reason,. the Univers al Pellco union asse m1.Jled Indlgesl ioll , and nervous George was tbe cleveres t cbap t)Je .back .nnd tor lIfe-snln r" but also 11rostra pon In Lbe to celebrat e the ~ro::~~b~ ~ set In. t entb an.nlver sary 01 world_ for IIlIsti1Jnlllg yourself qul otly In tbe TongUe, PII1n In tIIo 81de, the tOllndal lon of lhe order. "Atter I had run down serlollsl y my . water for hours, A SO-minute float i. attentio Low Rutes to the Northwe at. A numb er of omcera emd desce nd- i::== ==--.... TC!RPW UVER. 'l'JIq n was called to lhe noct,sslt y You CANNO T • very rCl>pecta ble I'er[orm anee. I'eJIIl&te tile lIo"el8. J>ure1J' Veretab1O. Every day unUL Oet. 31st the Great ant s of ofll..cers gave th eIr s words at sOme cbange In 'my diet, and I disto continue d my ordfnary breakfa st and ~orLh e rn Railway wm !loll ,one way be made Inlo a plow [18 ,a 6),nbol or SMAll PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. . D3ngero u •• began usIng Grape-N uls with a good Colonl sls' Tickets rrom Chicago at the peace. The \\'eaponll were afterwa rd Mrs. Jiornbea k . (In the mt da t o[ her follow ing low ~ates: fashIon ed Into a hom ely IIgrlcull urlll Genuine Must Bear quantity of rich cream, J'el1l1lng)-liIcI'CY 8ake8 alive! Here, To SeatLle, Porlland and W estern Implemo n t, which, howovo r, Instead FIc~imilB Signature "In , a tew daya my of · conditio n is an Item auout a surgeon . (IV r at Washing ton, $3S.00. Spoltano , $30.60, being a plow, tooJ. the 8'b ape of the changed In a remarkn ble way, and I all iUftamed, ulc:entcc l and catarrha l COD> ·.BI~geryllle, I'cmovl n' an eplttlell0 1l!a ElQually low mt es to Montnn a, Idabo, ordinary fi eld culll vator. began to b'ave a strengLh tbat I l\ad dilionso fthe mucous melllbra ne such 1:1 :! " trom If man', Up. . ' Oregon and DrlLlsh ColumbI a. .' nual catan.... terla.c atarrb This cullivat or · may nO~1 be seen 'n Farme r H prnu alt-Wol t, I illt' u'd never been \lOSses sed at before, a ',Fo r 'further Inro rm atlon address the hall at Cenova, :] .... ltzI!rland R~FU&E SUBSTITUTE" by temlal •• UJa, aore tbl'Ollt, so... · , . 0" ~T 'ndne It was IIbolit tim e for I.oople to vigor ot., body and' a poise of mind :I f AX BASS. General Immlgt'a moutb OJ' Inf~ C)'N by simpl,., . "',. llon ' It Is an Inscrlpl ion gtvlne Lbe blstc.r), :quit using , such long word s wnen ~t that amazed me. It, wall enLlrely new AJ;p.n t, . 220 So. Clark St" Chicago , . dosing the atomacb . ' L. 111. or tbe Impleme nt. In my experten ce, . But you IImel,. catI care these Atub~ ' . :. , requIres .n doctor to glt 'em out."My fonner attaoks ot Indigest afiectio M bJ loc:al tre&tmp ot WIth ion plAC~, _ 8e:llln9 qnly Bare Justice, '" , had 'been acpomp anled by beat flashes, Credito r-So YOI;'ve come arClund at Paxtf ne Toile t Antis eptic: ,·, and , many . time!! rny conditio n was dis,·' last to pay me wbllt Not So Bad, " you owe me. bav. tres8lng, wltli blind BPells of dl~7. lness, . whichd estropth edi5eue genn!.c he,:;Q " '" "That was a "runl <leal or my part· . rush ot blood to the head and neural- you' dlscharg~ SlP~ paiD. arid hcals t~ lIer's," slghed,' th e merohllill. -.' ... Debtor -Not at all,-jus t tb... eon' Infiamm auoll aDd soreness . , .. Havo you lost an ythlhg7" aux, Ilc pains In tbe chest. \ ':." ., '" trary. You made a s lalemen t a~ tbtl P"" line rcpt'eseD lI the most luc::c::cMflll "Since IIslng Qrape·N ull alone frr club last ,• JOUfllY Inqulr~tl bit) frl onll. nlghl 't hat lo wed' you ~OO ' THAT'S THE WHEAT Joc.u treaU!Jent for femInIn e Ills ever ' ••, "0 no'· It wafl ii, Jamaica 1I1)lrlla." breakfa st I have been free f,'om these marks. A8 II matter or rlict the &C> 'produce d. ThOUS2 uda of wom~n tesm,; . !: _, • .., trollbles , except Ilt timos when i have e01lnts CROP IN .WESTERN to this fact. So «Ala -Dailll'.J~re Anlerlca n. show I only owe YOll 560. tv. at liruc,.st s. lot" . ~!. , InduliJOd ' In rich, rreasy foodA ' In CANADA come around to collect tbat b!llancc of THIS. YEAR Send Quantity , then 1 would be warned by IXF.-ee Trial ' B ox;, ; . . . .•... He Didn't Care, a pain under. thJ! lert shoulder- blade, '0, Thl. wilh n•• rly ao.- 11IS . . .~M. co.. ....... ...... Mra. Denham -There' , a man In the ad unle.. I heeded ooo.tXlO b Par:llCll u shelS ,11 (JaU . for Parlel." Horee., .,the warning the anti 17,OOO~OOO bullhel~ of tllule), 1UC':LD" con· 1J0ulle. . . Th~ ' ~rlD jehu, not Dotl'd for the Dld trouble .t iuuAUon of cDOd lime. for lbe tarD.l.c,a oj •We ' eome back, but ..... Beilbam~Well, never milld; I iI.llI't wben 1 't lnallyWOUld erD t..:au ada... got to know where mero," h .. aho,.vs hla bOl'lle, III ot the - & bit .Ieal6us. Prer farm s, bill crops, low t ... ~". IU'a1t", ttoublel orlgtnat ed I .,..,turned opInion that the, Is too hot ellm. 1~. gooo cbt.ln:b~1 aDd schuol_, .pleudhl .. --eo-r-r-ec-t-e-d-,,... ,to my Gra~Nu~ and cream and the tor the beut. Tberefo re, Bome ot tbe raU", .. y service. drlT.ra bave provltllld tIIelr animal, ' The C.Anadian Gcn'emm t'nt 0«",..160 .~rn "DId you J'UD acros, ' an)'boclJ 1D pain and dlalarb uce lett .TIII'J' IIulcll11. land free 10 ~\"trv weUle r wilUu« ~ud able of \0 tllat aatomo bfl. tollr!" comply wllb lb. flomut.a d Rep'aUo "I am nOW In prlJQe he.l1th ..u a r. w'tth paruoll , atrapped to their ••, lll1d.. "We fta 'em dOWD tint and tileD ' IID1t· of !p1 u" of Orape·N Ad"l.,., .ad 1810 ..... 110. may M utS. Nam. ~ frum W IJ, 8coll 8 .. ~n".end...obl.IDtd faD .01111' ~em.", of 1 _ 11\'811' bJ PoltllDt Do., B&Ule Creek, . . . a-.clU l an able ........ .. pattoa, on •••, C8.,da: or 'rolDt authorlae 4 C&aulaa Oowr.....' ApaI-JL I&. wuu, .·.oaV .. their, aota. &law .Ilittll.... TuINeo 0.
I Ph ys ici an s Recommend RIA has met with favor on part ofplqBlofans, CASTO ceutical societies and medical authorities. It is used by physioians Wlth
results mos,t gratifying. The extended use of Oastoria is unquestionably the result of three faots: Firat-The indisputable evidence that it Is harmless: , Second-That it not only allays stomach pains and quiets the nerves, but o,ssiID!-;, lates the food: is an agreeable and perfect substitute tor It is absolutely safe. does not contain any Opium, Morphine, or other narcotu)' and does not ... It is unlike Soothing, Syrups, Bateman's Drops, GodfroY'fJ, Oordial, etc" This a good deal for e. MedIcal Journal to say. Our duty, however, is to tlxpose danger and record the means of advancing health. The day' for poisoning innecent children through gl'e'ed ignorance ought to end. To: our knowledge, Oa!)toria. is a remedy which produces composure and hea:Ith, regulating the system-not by stupefying it-an d our reudal'S are. entitled '~the information.-Hall's n~alt"'. .
Lett ers from Pro m.n ent addressed to Chas. H. Aetc her. '
The. Kind You Have llwaJ~ B9ught In Use For Over 30 yea ....
C U R E,
, • "'9~
.!L .0.
?,) ./1.S
G ' c:z.,zottS.
mYr t NO t
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d.k e II t pt di "(1 u!!t ' . 1.\ UKV W l tc iUtor8 and Mun1l."rens A I '.L I< ~ I<T !oI . M OKAY I IdlllPHtOh lot..,.. T . J . DH OW" . A ft8 0 0 JA ... . F.tWrull cl :lIti.1 . '·" blt. hr,1 \IIf ... &, ~ ... - - - --
v.aYll c .. vllle .
uevtllopu ,11 II ertll!l t! dyke dipped dt ~o o >l "
d lltl!' pit t 'b
C\i ~ till
di .. t resstlii doll)nr d OUll cil domloile ,)FFlCE IN ALLEN BUILDING . (irllft· dra ugh t tirll ohm fE:uE:PJo10~E: eJrLL . • ~O. 6-! cirUlli dr, gt drellMeti N IilONltSDAYOOl'OII&R ~ • . . . . . I ~ O H d rip t dripped droJllpt. drooped droJ>POO The Simplified Form dllluess dulloetl8 of Spelling. eO~1fn enioul ooouOleniOllI Bedile . etlile The Cqmple&e LIst of Words liS egi>l aegis .dvoo.ted by. the eimpllfted Iipell1ujt entlnlor onl\wour oo.rd and adopted by Prellident IlIIOyolopedl1i eooyclopllool" Roo8eyeU.-Cu' 'bls Ust out ancl. endeavor endeavOlJr •• ve It. envelop eoveloJlIl Eolilln Aeoliun Muoh iDleree' .haI .b!Mm arooled eon Reou an over &he ooun~ In the effort!! to ~p8olet epaulette chtlnlll! our PfIi!II81I' met bode of epooym epooyme "P*'llIrlil to. mOl'8 IlimplUled form . erll Rora Andrew C.ruesle, the 8teel. kina · et!opbagua ftAliOphllg os ·ba,. IIpp4llDted a board of promloeot esthetlo aeethotio edocators to mooifly oUr ' spelliog estivate aestivate ~nd .rra~lfe t.b .. wordt! 10 they may ether aetber bA llpelled '" Dellrty like tbey ,0uDd etloloKY aetiololP.' poNible. . '. : . exoro!:te exorciee '!'be board r8Oell~IY ' eq'bsplUed the exprest expr88118d 10Huwln., lilt Of SOO w~, Presl. fagot faggot . dl1o& {t, 0II11l!d geaorat aUen· tantasm phantasm clnn ,., C.III' ohllnlffHI by _~nouDolog fantasy phantasy Ihltt hI' woulcl line tbem adopted fantom pbaotom In .1\ jtuvllmllum& work. r., ,"or favour favourite ".n~ I" tbtl 'ub.oies advooated 'avorite fervour .. re alrf'lld, in g~nerlli 0", aa "han. fervor fibro or" "Pl'Olra~" .&0. No'devlations dber , . ftxt fixed from the old are .. " radll'lll aa ·the n .. , . • L_ .... vor lIavour .i."PQ b1l0·hal beeDted'~o ~Ueve ~y tbe fulfil tuUm De~I~~n. . .1 . fulnen full08ll11 1'0110........ pve aoobapIMella': gage gauge aho"", old dd Dew form. ot the gazel gazelle • ortb obaDpd.:. gelatin geJatloe NEW' roBIi. OLD 1'08M. gLld guild aokao.ledpaeDt aokao.ledpmena gipsy 'YlIY gloze 'gtote abrtdpaeDt abridgement ,Iycerln ,Iycerloe atlOO1lter aoooune good-1;Iy good bye acioaned .a eonn' gra~ ,rllmme addrelieed . add• • grlp& Kl'lpped adll ad~ harbor b~rbour .illd ~aued harken hellrken altbo· although beapt heaped•., aDapaeet hematin haematln Ane y tIl . anaemia hiccup hlooough uaeetheeta .' t.beeta bOOk. hough aneeabeUo .......hetto homeopathy homoeopatby aaUpyrtn ai61pyrine homonym homonyme aDUto%ln IUatiaoziDo , honor apothem honoor aJXl&begm humor apJll1ze bumour huM arbor . arbour huahed arcbeolo,y, hynotenU88 aroue!>lOgy hypothenul8 idolize ardor ardour Idol1l18 impl'lllt .armor Imprel8ed al'D.!0ur iDltil . instill artlMn ar:tlMn , jail goal judgme~ all: judgement kilt talll ~. k! labor hehaylor labour beh,avlonr I~rimal ·bark 1MrqQ8 lacbrymal lapt lapped ·bl'" blelled Jaaht bluh.& IMbed ~nlhed leapt brazen leaped legalize bruler leg&lIse bruler lioenae bUD bUDD lloence lioorice bur barr Ilquorloe liter . litre > caliber calibre oaUper lodgmen' ClalJlper lodgement loo~t _nllor looked Oan\Jour' lopt ca..... · lopped l oal'8lied catalotr , . lnater lnstre .oatalqgne mama ca..,bl.. mamma : oateohlae ma1Jeuver oeDter manoeuvre oentre . materialize .. ahapped materialiae chap' meager oheak meagre obeocine medieval ohecker . me(lIaeval oheoquer . meter ohbner. metre ohllDlUlra oiyJllze milt C)lvllUi8 mlllll8d I miter olamor olamour mitre ' mi%t olangor clangaor mixed !mold . mould clap' clapped molder oluped mouldnr cJa.p' . ClUpt ' [molding oiipped DlOU\C\inll moldY 'cine olew .. moul/y molt <108val moult ooaeval / muUen ()()lor mulleIn ~Iour nllturallze ()()Iter naturalltlB ooulter neIghbor neighbour «IJllmix' oomm,xed niter oitre ()()mp"'" oompreued nipt cbmprize nipped oomprlae ocher ooml.,., oohre oonfeUecl odor controller odour oomptroUer offenae .coquet offenOP ooquette omelet o01'ltlillze 'omelette 'orUiclse . .ClI'Opt opprest oppressed oropped (1rOlt orthopedio orthopaedlo oroned oruaht paloo"aphy .palaeography crnabed olle pal~ol1tblo paloelltbto qlU:ue paleozolo . p.lae01.olc oun' oaned panllD paraffin ou'l .. outllau oyclopedla parlor parlour cyolop.ec1l. dao&,l pariiun partisan dactylo dMli. put patlaed wheel patronize deoalotr patronll8 deoalope deI_ pedillOB pedagogue defen08 pedobaptta, demqos demagogue paedobaptl8t d. . . . . . phenix phoenlz demeanour depoet. dopoalte pheD'omenoD pbaeDQmaOD depnd deprB.ed plsmy PY«tD7 · U .OO & yU'" • • . • • . . In lulvUIl UC ' L ~h . yur I; no~ :p~hl III udv an oo
d IM I·. 8t
dlllu r
_1 _
plow polV)I p08Se8& prllctfse J1refix t
pol:y\)tl IlO!:I:SI saed pra tic Jlrelb:ea )Jra ~ nOUlen preiSS d prel;euce
)Ir e no ~lIen
pre l~ri te pral~ t e rmlt
pr olo~
propt pur quartet ques t or q uintet rllncor rapt razll recogoi1.e recOnnoiter rigor rimo ript rumol' silber sllltpeter slivior savor
street etrlpt subpeoft '8uooor suiJi.xt sQifate SUlfur sumao supprest lIurpri~
synonym tabor tapt tell7.e1 _ tenor _ theater tho thoro thoroly tbru throout ~Ipt
topt tost transRreBt tmpt tript tuwor vllior .vapor vext vigor viwr wagon washt whlpt whisky wilf~l
I t
prinalle \'nl )rof'et:!sod prOI=:ramrue prologue prOI)peil pOri' qua'r tette q Ulu~s t er
quintette ranoour rnppeil rns recognlsll . r econuoitre rigour
Notice. of ApPoin t m i.. It .
,1 . W. · tllittel'~ it-tl, ,If· Lnke I·: .. t:, Qtl, ou . '1' , n ' N v a ll. l t ' h ' "['own. tab , who CH m t,C). "\' l1 yn Ot~. 'l' lIo undt.'r" h.ulctl h:,... 1.. ,·U n J~ IJl.l t Il L1!\ II , III I! J IIU\! d nJ4 eX " uuLrL, flf lht.' L"i l llt , · ul "" \' ill a t o nttentl t he Homo· 'ollling, tlc " 0 ' 1':,·,,11. lau' 11 1 Wurl't ' li f', HI I1 t.r . aut,. . hlll't r emained for nn ind fillit.e tltllY d ·clIa..oo. Jhuttd Jh lit I H ll ll a \· .. r !- 1' IH,." d " ·r " p . und is tl1kin g Uuv8ntnge of th € op . 111011 . II A U H l t : 1' I ~ . (ltN I ' I , I ~, I· XC'f UU'd., por tunlty t·o th or ou ghl y go ver his olel tamping gr ound tlud IlIllot ~ v e ry b ody JlO ev ~r ' Knew lIud se e ver ythin g wor t h e l u~, lJo~ itI Ql! VERY LOW 'RA"T h:S tukl ng in 11 num ber Of trips 0 11 ~h o sid·e. He rotllrned hl.s t we It fl QIll tl tr ip to 1.'rllverae ity , M\chl J.{.Ul, which ho mude wit h h is sist er , Mrs . Louisville .& Na hvillc R. SIITuh Hodgson. of Lynn . 10dlllno . . TO NEW ORU~AN' lIfr. ~Iltte rthwalte 8n.yS thn t b e UCcou nl wnnt~ to moko t he m o t of this vis i ~ ns it Ulll y be tb e Ills t he wi ll e Vllr BIENNIAl. MEETING IIlll ke her o butel! Waynesville shQuld hllvo II. B omo-Comillg liv e years 'ht hence nnd he ill n\i vo anlI well , be oxpect,s to wllkc ovcry offort to nt tend. October 15 •• 25, 1901; Mr. /;nt te rtbwn ite xp ot.s t o re o IIlIli'n nbout h 1'e somo yet,: , 'I,'or ril\l'.o<llIr'.,..""u"" ". IV,' (j~c~ ',f >!. lI e
relephOne Day OJ Night. I Local No, 7 Long Distance No, 69-3r
WAYNESVILLE,' OHIO Branch Office. Harvevsburg, O.
I ',,":~ :" 1',. r ':" U
Ot{ .,:'
SOU "~:'l ~:" ~ EQU IPPE'"
of Pythias
11\, ( '1;
AU'IOri!' ·;~C
, lL lIll IImll H UII Ll k l' l ~ ur f<\ r l11 u ... Lra l ct l h ool( • I t l lWlU rllJti'Y c t..' 1 Ne w Ul'len ns a llll p IlIl .. o( be CIII" '"\(1 n, I,'ro. ;'
Dllnger From t he Plag ue. Intere"~ ~ SC~" '1'hore's grave d aoger f r om t he · . plllg uo of ouglt s Rnd oold!! tltnt tire J . 11 . MII.I.IK " " . I' . 1':. A. L 11l1 ;:11",. I';: ,. I' HO pre VII lent., unles.'I voo t.ft k A Or F\ D. II U" " , IJ . 1'. A. ('Incl nmill. 011 1" I' 811hrl.' King 's New Disoovery f ol' oon!lnmp .1. 10: . 1) ""');' 1'0 11"" " I' ,\ . Sl 1,011 " . ~Iv IIIlltpetl'e Lilll), ooughs nud cold. . ~1rl' G· 0 II • ,U fU I,.:" . :'\i W . P. A. ' h lr nt:u, I II I IIlIvillur Wu.lIl1. of Fol'~ t 'ity, Me • writ (,tl : ' 'I t '!' n God end to people li vi ng in C I... ,T O ·' E. {' fl JI I PII "~ A !.·' ·II I I' lIaVOlllr .AN D ClillllltOB whero cough8 oud oo ids LO ' ~ \ JI " A£, I'{v . llceptre pre vnil. I lind it qlllokly ud ~ t lt Ol1l SOUTHERN RAILWAY lIe]lutte It l)revellts pneumQuiu , c'u rog'!rl ~ r t p J'ROJ.( epulchre gives wonderful r elief In Il stbl1lll llu tl hllY fever , tlnd ma kes wen k lungs 1l0xtEItto str ong eoo ngh to w a rrl otf on81ltnll .. "ylV'IID tioll, cOllgb s Ilnd ooldR. GO,.. anil Jill : cl11let,er, 80Imitar OUllrnnt ell bs F . . 80bwtnt z IllpPEKi .South. "killfol Southeast, soy the LUKEN, AND .ugAI. E II 'aAd Southwest. skipped I' ll YBI I AN . N D tlOitIlKON . OIi'Il' I K .. slipped I N A~ ' A N IIl.AlO K HOIIESEEKERS' TIeKEn ' ON IALE fl.n AND rHIRD TUEIIlAYI or smolliider KIN])~. EACH IIONTH TO MANY Rnllpped .0I NTS $ OU~tl, • Telephone in his liml~11 wh orl' e sombre 'cun be ~ II d M 11 11 hour." ony F... lnr~Uon OIld n oll>o "" ,1_ Iloept,ro lli ght. PAUL BROW, • T. I'. A. splco.elour CHAS W. 7~.ll , O. P. . W . K MOOR E, H Cce"'(~ ' Oouches Ilnd oh~irs "uilpll ed IItelldfll.8t r ocently m oved to room \ stepped W A. OAItlUlTt;. Ooaaal Al........ TIME :.ARD t o Cross Br()~ . next stopped e FF J::O't' [\' E APRil, 1&. H~,IU .. W. ~, IUN~N. O. p, A.. ~ MAIN .S T RE ET', W A YNIt8VIL LE. 0 atress ed NO R1'fl UO NU. CiDelnwttl. 0" St.fLll onh No. 1 ~ X ().3" N o r.o stripped A. M. •\ . A•• P. M. 1:'. M. sll!JPoenn. ECZEMA and PILE CUllE to !!i, ;, :.!b l. olIlI' lon J C~ ,\ r . ~ al) 1. :1\1 Sucoour Soake r Cr . 7 '7 10 ~!! 1 !!1 ~ ~~ F~EE Kll o wingwbtl t it WII S t o !luf. - - - - - - ~ ----~(lufJ.llted . Ro, lyn I . ~~ I II 11 • 1 :!:: . I r. fe r'!. will give FREE Ol!' BARG E t o SUlpbl8.te 'Il ompMt a ll j I II 10 11"; 1 it) ,i 11\ tinv 8ftHot s(1 Ii posit.iva c ure t fl r Eo ente r,·IIIt· '7 I i! ' '10 or I J:! 5 07 IInlpb!ur 7 011 " I U 0 1 :; I' UII ~I, II I zemu , !I!llt rheUIll rY 8ipell1s , pile l\Ia nor rhyme
ripped rumonr
Cincinnati & LOUisville TO ALL IMPORTANT mTIES
L C.
FOLEY'S I .' . " ~I: ~;: ~I~~~ ~ ~~ ~:~'tSk~:tl~~so~~~~B:n~~~;;': ;.li~ ·. I KIDNEY CURE I .. 1,
• , IIUPPlI'eaae!J lIurpd8e lIyuonyme tabour tapped toosel. tenou:r thea.tll'e .tbou@:h thorougb thoroughly through t~roughout
tipped topped toltae(l trauRgresged
~~ ~~
[.y llo EdgewOoII Venn bl c
Ll' 1Hl.nn !1- I... , ".
DaY lo n
at. Bome,
°,1 0; 10
.,!! :: :~
II t11;
'W ~ II ; 11 47
\I ~
ft 4
.~ ~o WILLAM!S, .100 Mll nhtl ttl~1l
~I:': ~~ ;~ ~: I 'N e w York, S J \J 100
~lj "'I~ :1: ~ ~:: ~I'I' .·J1UIJ I ~~ ".1,-, ...;' ," , 0(' III
1-1. D U& x 'I' \) [;. ~ :I' . th I II ~ O II 011 00 U 00 UkXor I) ,\.: X 'I' II 00 ' , II 00 SOU THUOUSD .
A. M.
No ~ '
. L e iwe
o:l)'l o n': C H U Da yton : D & X 'I' 7 '00 7 40
~ M.
H cm U8 tcIIII
No II'
00 1 0 1l1'>
'! Ot l
~ ~ 4~
7 60
7 fiH
10 M
" 10
KIt 'b o er u od ,l~
1. IlInd
:! 4;) ~ i;t
... "rll'u \I 3:. II ;)0 Dll ily o~UC"\ Suo'luy . ;
r, 011 ;, UO
". 40 5 U:.!
O m !)
I \'WO Sl... 50 Ceot. and '1.01
OAYTONi O. Established. ,il; years
;I 09 . 11 10
, :I II .0 l H a l a J6 t: l
" College doing 80 milch for otherlj mllY be relied on to 110 . .' . much for fOu , .
W.aynes~iIle Graduates of the Miami
E. V. Barnhal't,.T. O. Cartwright, J08, W. Hilley, Miss Lilla Githon8 a ao u ,~ lOp un " 1.:n:ll Edna McKinaey Ridg!J D. C. Ridj{e..J!amuel D, "enkle, Geo. 1\ Funke;, H. Fred WhIte, George Hess,
T ra Ins l)a0;8 L Yli e a . followo : 7 ;;6a, 0 1,
0 Oc a. m.
(, 471" DI
7 OUp. I, .
W. K 111 O RE . lleneral P aSSe nger Agenl . L cb~nOu O .
Thousands Haye Kidney JroQble and Neyer Suspect it.
FALL .aUf} WINTER CLOAKS. .Silk Petticoats; excelled.
One special for $5 that cannot be
Row To FiIl4 Onto
Filla botH!: .O f .c olllmon g lass with you r wate r aud let it atuml ~ vel1t y-follr hOUrs j a sedilJ~e ulo.r sc l tliu g illdicatcslill ullbeallby COil ' ditiOJiQfthe. kidn eys ; if 1t stai ns YOUf Ii nen it is
evidence of kit!-
,ley trouble ' too
COTTON and WOOL Advanced. We were fortullute' in purchasing Underwear to retail at old price
Sl.OO Suit&
to-50c. Ladies •
.50 Suits
frequent ..desire ·ut Oregonia, after Sept: 12. " 06, . »i8S0~ to pass it or pai» Mrs. J, D, Marlatt and Mrs J . in the back 18 . . L. Hartsook vjslted thei!: brother, 11' 80 cOllvincing prool th nt lhe kid.neys ~.,,, l)judqer are out of oruer. Mr. Wm. AlexIlnder lit Hogbes . What To Do. There Is comiort ill lbe knowledge sq I::Itatlon Clermont Couoty frOUl uftell "X pressed, that Dr. Kilmer's ~1.00 bur,s nice qualit~. Friday uotil MondllY, SWIlmp-Root, tile grellt klduey Jemedy, lulfill s e very wish in curill g rileumlllislll, Mrs . Alethla Alextloder, accolU. pajn iu the bilCk, kianeya, liver, bJ adder JlII.DI.ed by berson, Samuel AII!~n . rmd every part of the urinnry passage. del', of Mlddletowo , enjoyed II very. ft corrcc~s inability to hold water The~~ a,e growi;'g in favor e~h se~n, . lIu,l scaldi/Ig pain ill rossing it, or bad pleasant villlt Ilist week wIth ber effects lollowlug nse of . liquor, wllJc ·o r Tapestry ,12 75 $1~ Ql.) Velve~ ,,~o. 00 ,~ . gq IIQn, Dr. B. ,Q. Alexander, of .EUda he"r, auu overcomes tbat u"pleasant lie· · 110dy 8rusaeJs ~25 00 $35 00 cessity of beiug cOlllpeJled to go ofteu Ingraiq • 5 op. • S'OQ 'Oblo, tluriug the day, and to get up Ulany Jute $ .300 Miss/JIj Carolyn and Edith MOllher times duriuii the nigbt, The IlliJd and tile extraordmary effect of .swllmpeRoot Irene Trout '&hd Luelh, Cernell is soon rcalizetl. It llla"d~ the highest heard the famous Sousa's Band a.t for it.s wonderful cures of the tnost. <lis· I P '-''.tresstIIg cases. If you need a mctllcillC Xeo a, r .....' . YOll should have Sold by drug- Silk . Chiffon newest all prices, ' silk 37 1-2c yrd wide $]. Mrs Emma Dakl illt F id l,rjst~ iu firty-cent and one.e~ollar s.zes. . n spe r ay You may have a sample bottle and a with her brother-in. law, J. a. Dak · book that tells all In, at Xenia, wbere sbe had the I\I)o"t ~t, bol;hBeullfre~e . tty wall, Mdress Dr. ·pleasure of meeting bel' brotber. Kilmer & ·CQ., JJilll;' In-lAw llnd wife atfti dauglt1ter, Mr. hamton, N. Y. When and Alrl: Ocate. whOle helme . 18 In writi~g' meb~ion this paper aud don' t , make auy nlllllake, but remember the tbe weat but who are rulting name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a'ld BJDODI tbel~ ~t.tJV811 in ( ~o. tho addro8l. Binghamton, N. y,
j alldWUUJlftbleto 'WO'k. ThnMIpbnlela\l!fftlllll1 to hltl" m il and I W88111,1IO up to tIlo,.. Fo1.y'. Kldn u, Cure "'0' f\lCo n, mob(lo.l nDd tho ft ... UIS Ill ASICS OF W OM I£ N Lottlo....:&bo'Ornn grllllt ...,1I.f a nd IItler talrlblf 1OO000u ttl. 1 w lIlI on tJ rol,eured ."
R ll) (H : VI LLI£,
Silks ure yei·y Saleable
Hosiery, Gloves, Corset§,-a great,stock.
.'H utciS"" 6t Oibn¢y, X~"ia,. ·Obi".
M 'W . =l_ 1 G 'lK D. 11 ~I ~!~::'''!~ o~er i~~W~~~Y ...::::::l.I~ £ . ·~An , 1.1'.l. ,v . ll I • ! ID~:' wltlialddoo-,oDdbllldder a l[&elloll. ' U ootflos h
~Orlll ~ ounLl
S oulblloullll
Will cure a.ny ease ' of Kidney or Bladder disease' tha.t is noi beyond the reach of medicine.
!! IUmp .
HOO IC· I\ EEI?L'I(J antI 1'1:l'(J NO(.l IlAI'f.l Y I " !lbl onl. v cxp ' r lc uc",I. I · " eJIOM< '1'1I" " "3 n/1 "2 ·;.7 " 0 U4 of 8 )u dont " In /III" Ilo8il\llne. Terms m ndl r;ntl ; Ilu sy UlOTt ol:.' paymenlH ,,,ken. IS ;J 0 2 II 011 a d m lll o() a n y 11m , ~l pOAILlo n. fo r JlrnduUlO In J '"~ alono, :1:,0 IlQ~llIiJn . Jarl. I. JI)OIl 10 A UI/. ~ n. IU OU. \Vrlle A. I), Wll.l'J r' l'~~"l e nL roc rree C'Un logu(:. . I ~Il ur, ,r llt·'
Lu ~a n (l ll
Encl so
II vil n ne
N o tl AND CBTLDllIt:N .
~ 117 5 H
1\ 00 1 1 0., "1 12 " 11 0 7. "8 1U 11' ) I tIl l~ U I I:) · +8 ~o IJ . 6 i " \1 Al l Z ~
tM " t:woufl VCIlII!)le
So 4 >
'S h ake ' Cros~l ng 7 ~2 10 UT Il oolyn t7 47 ' ; . 0 ~ 2
trippeu tumour valom' vapour ' vexed vigoo:r Ivisor waggClI)· washed whipped .willful ~inkoel wisped woo woefq.U · woollen wrapped
winkt wisht wo woful woolen
Enjoying His Visit,
l~ hlllllCh
prest proteosA urete rAt . ' pr termit prilUevlll profest prpgrutll
septo,t, Kepuloher sextet silvlln simitllr slpt skilful sithe aklpt slipt· slDolller aOapt '1omber scepter splendor stedf8st stept lltopt
Co unt y Co urt .
S"'''~ '"'~'";~~~""~~'
I '
N Jr. W SUIT S .
'FJepllY M Fildclen vs Tay lor L. Rich unJHoll. 'I'll quiet. titl!). W . K. 'Rh onomuR is al,tQ rney fo r pl(li nt,jiT . o RT T'RO OIllI':OQlOs. Mose!! B. Hir~!Obwll'. VI!. Oell ll i50Jinltkin et Ill. IJol1rt fi nels Juli us N~vlIllln Hiro hurt z dul y ente red hill llppenr!\nce in 8111d Olluse, Sarno. Pnr tltio n orde red. J . W, Bow yer, H . .J. Bon thia nl1n d .Jor mla h Pn rkhi li (\r0.l111Pointed eOJmnlss lun· era to mAk e sllid l)nrt ltio n . PllOlI,\TK 0 1 n1·. In t,h e mo tter of t,h o' ostll e or Net tle . r ~ iUllllue. Gua rdln . n 1 omp owe rell . tp mak e OOUlpr omi e Ullo n cert llin oh,it n of Pot ta Wl\t t"" mi c (\on nl,y. . In Iho mot tor of th e estl1te of l'~ I · li RI n Hn ook. dllc€tn8e d . Mor ris K. Hrl(l ok .i ii IIpppin ~(1d I}xeo ll tnl' IIl1d I(i , \'I\~ hOlld in tM '"mn nf, ~ . OOO . R~ tl11 o f Anc1row ,I. Eltlln 11 . Il l'· 01'1' ' 1><1 . .1 . n. l\1i11 r; r iR npp oinl f'd "cIm ini. t r ntor emd l-(ivI' ,:aOOO IInnl l. ( ' hllrlp~ , P nol', ' .I ohl\ I!: ltul) ill;<" n lIulI 'l'!l0 llln~ 1\1 i IIllr nTl~ II ppll iu terl n Jlpn! i ~(ir .
QU~ A L I T Y '
fl1rru Iing toll , ]{in/lmfln WE D
iollowiL1g IJJ·u l 'o l'l.~ y~u rt! olcl, n ~()tl d L brok ell ; ·1 cn t,t Ie. 2 ". ~ood mil k c n w~ nnd ~ YO\, lOj h elld o f ~ h oe Jl, 7:' of UI r, In !:, ,OWO l' "nd :1[1 I<pl'i n j.! 1 1111 1 hellel of Rbou t ; fll rll1 Irnpl l'rtI. incl udi ng II M('C,)T mir k hill(I" T, t,\\, goc.1 m OWf' r~. two l'i fUng ('\11 t 1 \'lIt" I' ~ . 1\ new A \ '0 ],',1' 0 Tn dro ..:- . ppe r. Il e, n'II' 'Il ,K IIt<tVIIH, s book el', fil e 't)rn llo k Imlf dUII'pin :! :! Iro .. rngr voU l ohu irll. bllY ruk C', flolcl "011 r , rlis' hun •• \\" exte n ,. Oil· , SHor etur y, lonn go, ho '~ III:i(ll\. . wor k bou ch, t".'I ~ , I",,, h'·fll'ltelltl s. tnllt,tres KI'''. 7G yurd ll of fo rk Ilml r ope, corr luj! o lInd II f'p lli.. "lt l'pet , lot o f dish es, milk oroo ks. tit,y uf ll"rnf\8:1 , un (1 mUl lI' o lh" , j ' I!'~ t,wo Ore,ll U\l ry mil k oan8; ohu rn thin t:. . P1'I 1 ti '1IIIv n v(u'yt,lril lL{ n~ .'el " m'~n " l)JIrrels, tarp auli n, Rnd Oil " fllrr n will 11[' " n' '\'f'" 1111' >" 111 '"'I ny nthl '" t hin gR. "nel milK! nr tll A n r ,"'h'M t .. III ' ;ilcl B AnlU ET E. O'N EAL L; flrn ill I!ClI Ii ('nnll itlfllJ (). 1'. H WKIi : I AuotloneerM. I: . Ii I'j III' O J;; ( \\. n Hr "Tr
To our ma ny frie nds and pat ron s
ter rito ry s urr oun din g Da yto n we de~ ire to ann oun ce tha t our Fa~l Sui ts and ' To p Co ats are r e ady and at no t ime
aSSOl'tme nt be I arJ;'e r .
greato r.
We are
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' 0r th!! v alu e is
BII, ~riEli 0 . K e lly, (leoetls· ~
I)f Wil liam . •Jaok son , de· I n ven tor y Itnct app rais e.
mllll t til ed In thf'r niltt er of the e tate of Wi\ . l1am Bl1r t nn. doolillscil. Oou rt finds thllt, on .Iun e 11), III0f•• Wm . Bur ton , AX· Ap ul or. ",a ... .' " id to Lidl~ S pence. le""o.· tef;l. b er· legCloy , of f,500 ; alBo t; that
of ore Ri bn.l'e Bur ton 0 ) l nrly sholind ",n
by r po9T UIA d dea ths
Qui te an nssd r tme nt
$ $ ~
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O 'Nea ll. gun rdlo ll, VB .10bn Fl. Llrldll, imb eoill>', et 01 . P e. tiMon for Rille of r elll p,<:Itllte set for O t' ·, 9 1901i h ellrl ng o,ou er , , u t 10 tl . III '
Jose ph WilCOX, of ChlcllgO , a nd Mar ll) Grlf fitb . of Lelmno~, "oh n OijT1Rtm .LD, ot Mlll nevi lle, li nd IJyd11\ t:;lefert. of Matr on .' ShA;nuLD G illis and Bet tie Con o·
~~~15,0 ~~ ,'
Otto A. trllm , Wtl nke gail lUln oh', anel Nelllil Wll liulnA, Clar , ks ville , Rev . Mon tgom ery , Win ona J.ak e. Ind!anll., Rift-A.\XST 4T Ill TRANlil!'lims.
, , TA. 8: Mrs Web ber to Wa lter . Grif fith ; qui t clai m to ' -t ,0!! Ilore sln
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Bllr t. Sch nffn er . ' Mllr x fin I'Ij t rad !' of An Pu rfl WOT>lt.ell , \m · ., port(l(l IInel Il om e!ltio fabr i CH. e1 gan tly fi nls hlld in the (rlt st, m od, els-
$ S18 $ .'
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Leb llDo n; J . Wa rren Wood. trn~tee. to Geo , ~ .
~~:~~O,~~ ::~:.:~ :':i:~: $$
igllrR o.nd TobIlCOO, Pho ne
M' ~ o?-n g en .s ~ hI ~
a s lo n a e , $ H a ts
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F o r F al l.
=======~$ D b· .1 S ft' H" ts In new blr,c k ~ Itnd ' m, w shlld~; er I, e . aD u 0 fi ll hunullom n R'byles u .reli'lbl~ 1')1lll,Jit.y ~'l. '""'1 ' ' 50 , H' h I H' t In ~ '\'~l In e w S~ft ; I g' ies, GrllY, 1-'0 111'1 , 'I'IlU , Bloo k (Inri ass a - .H,he r new cl)lo r R: axel nRinnd\'e Derb bl uek s-
E;X CU RS ION S TO Sp rin gfi ed and Co lum bus , Sep t.
Yo!,,~ ~U!t ,-lIlyan 1(~Cer' \lo!~ronto, ~~~.t:l, w
Ne w B 1. a tImo'~~I'"
A. F. Eml ey hn.rles E. Wbl tllor e; 0.9811ores Frl\ llkli n 'tow nsh Ip; *2200,
23, '06 .
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att ano oga , Ten n. . 10t7.SO , 17 . t ~ .. " ."Im enu ! ReIlDloD OcI.Sep~ I;,. 16, C')' Army of Cum berla Dd, .Ci ty of Me xic o Co lor ado Spr ing s ' A lIgU" l 14 10 :O'''U<:ologlo,, 1 Cougrc.. lti , 10, POllk Cent enol a ·Los Ang eles CI" · ~ LO l ij .. ·Na l'l Hal'l lkl Conv entio n San Fran cisc o Nnr thw est Hom csee kers ' Exc ursi ons . 'Ves t Sou tow st In Augu, I' ::I0tll COlOO r. OCLol)('r Sou t", If .,
"'ep~ .
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IntC[ ('stcl l . a Rk 'I'ioh et Agen t
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Ke ep th e He~. W arm .
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18 H'IXl mmClldcd l.Iy some of largest Jloultrym en os t~e mOlt . economical roofi ng BII(I .rd}Dg for. p Olllt ry hOllses, 8h L'tl8, etc.
W'W ' W'W '
28 & ~O
~Vtl BilflebrUon~ Itnd Ohn rleR WI · !1!3br!lDt ' ~ ~lhert p. BeIl1'i'; lot In
/ Ea st Th ird Str eet ,
DA YT ON , Oh io.
allll clapboartls cost more· lind do · lOt
kL'C P tho buildings 88 dry flnd
-\' urtn.
U 720.
C. M. BR OW N, Pro pri eto r.
~ _~ _ ~~~
$: :;~~:~:;.~:t;::~~:';; ~ ~~~ E~~~~~B Dayton's mos t Popular Male Outfitters $ ~ Bl\w k to L. Kin g; lot in Har vey s· bur g: 1113io.
~~ p . I ' -, L $,_ ___ennsy Vanla .-In. . ,.e'rC. .... s •
$'~===========~==~==~===~========= ':
tllp1 e . und Fn.noy Uro ceri ee, Frni tR Veg etnb l s lind Cnn ned Good!!.
MF en s an h·
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'1' HE
. R i .. h.C'.I,,~~ II \'\'00 1,\ el'tJllr In II hi&! v" r iP!,\' of no\\' f"ll 1I"t IJn!l . Of AII 'W 01 Ohe viot~, in tern ... in fllno.r U r ioh, f\il~ (' r ~ uo'el P ,I ICY \Yo . '11!1,.ill, o ro~ II nll ds. In (' 1 k PI I I'llq tIe\v , I r, I . '.nd ·" 'tril lA" blll c k 'h yt\lt~\'IlI'Y fll~hi ono ~l f'I 1:t'l rll1 Emt.s..,- - , ; n l' \\'. " xcll1!!i"f' d ... ilo:I1 S , t I~I' l ore d t,n Jll'r fN:tinn. ;\:10 ':- 12 fJO ond -
2 .5' 0
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J C Bnr l on . . Bpl lryE ller bnr. t nnrd.iun of Mnrv . Elh' rhnr st, no rl f{Rar rlet A. ~ EI1t'~hor t fi ll infn nt" 'fit: I~I bist ri '$ l)Uti ClII (If proC c:lf'clH of ,,"Ie of reil1 ..
Q ~
t~ select from
... ... ... ... ... ... ....
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
of Wool Chev iots and e a sim crcs , in n en! ~ fanc y, chec ks, 'Ilni ds nnd ove rpla id , extr a w(onrprl 0(; a typi t:nl scho ol s uit for ~ough ge.
~~~c~:· t~lfi;6~::~::~~~~II~;e:~~i~:~S In ~ Ae~R!ll'tll\l.te
Tatt e r nud l£czeUla
.by' app ly. ' inl? 'ham hl.(tl nn ing-' II' ]f) I) ' 10 'k, t.lw fn .. ln '" " ..IVA Bnii 'UI\OY llow "n Vfl rn nil borl Il R h,,\' n hllAn 1)l'r Ulon iIII-( chu t tel I'rop prty, oODsi!'l,i n/! Antly of cnrArI b.v itR IlllO For R" le h,V F , 0, O1l r /!t)otl t ""rn of II1lll e". ( m p blolOk..•~oh\Vurt.v. . hor~p, hll~ "r eB Il' Pll '~ II ~ "fllllll\.V . ,"~'It. b.~ . 11 r."" : I:.! tino ~b"lI·t. Il CJ rll flilt tI n. nf wh leh :, III'P nnw . ,tw o g iv ing milk , .'~ Cure s Colds . CxOIlJl a mI Whoopln« COIIlb.
l'lIrtn.clD tt! of ,
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A II II yc r\. f t.lw 1,, 1(, H" .. ,.~ .. T C)'N "11II , The lnte lllle Itoh ing ohl\ro.ot e rlRtl 2 ~. rnilp~ !'onl11 .'II>' t IIf \Vn~· o IlII.< \· iI1 l' • •• 1' eOl'.e n 0. , tettf 'r tlnd like skiD dill · W ~;LJN It~n ,\ Y, OC' rOBE R 17, f1,,~eR III instAnt,lv 'f~l1l1:ved
IInel tlI>Jlmlse!nent
lIn-" r lit, pu hl k , ~ "Io 0"
J will
fllr m
Ii:~ tllt l\ Ar W ill HllIlth. (Ip. (>1I.l 'rl . ~ lllv"lIt qr~ lIJ1d. IlP)ll'lIi lll1 Jt1!m t fl lP.l1 ~ I~q tllto ' o f Alhort, Dil l. Il nCClI l<od. 0 "01'1;0 8 Totrioll i~ llpp nillted rtel· mi 'WHlrn r.n r .lOll ~ i\, H\ hOllll in " 11m of *"00 . .J~'hn Buo k .l ulUI a Mul · ~ ford lind WlIllllln Irw in "rt> " \lpo lnt. ~ od 'lPIJI'CIIMer~ . HillI H Orn k o ,,~ udOljnl,drn t.or of ;I (lh ll . n. Fox doomu'Qd, VR ~i mon
:\II II~, "11C '1I'"' ("' I'
\\' 11,
now offe r i n g :
'F,ijtnt.n Qf ,11111111-'< A11 IJ . <l 'nell K U. RI' IIMt of "01 1" ('If P rHnnul Jlnp ol'ty i~ flit el
Et\t{\te of ,
IJ gill uiug lit l U
!!"~(~ it~~~ J','t~~:!.s~! .!4~r!~~!i!g~b9n ft~
n {!l'liu d . " .1I 11i , ~
1,,·.lay for frcoE lIll\p l cs IlIUI o ur book let; " c IUdlng Economy." Fo r Sal e By SP EN CE R & MO NR OE , , ' _~~ 'OR EG ON IA, OH IO ~£;S~~ t1. ,:, d
( :t)ntrtlc t \Vu" IlIl1dA with Ber 'l'r nl>ury ...... .. . ...... . .. ...... 27 t (l ~ PE AC HE S R Nld fpr .oorr uga ted ~s ",,' er lIen,1' w b orw in. j.e plli r ~ io l5u. IT IS TU E "K NO W HO W" ., - -_ ._-.. -_ . ' . • rtKioenoe of W , Lim i Dee rfi e1l1 :1\,0 bush ell; frt) U1 A llg. :!toi .I lel11 t OWDl'lhip ...... , ...... .. 9:.'> 50 u ~e)l " In t he ma nuf act uri ng of t"'v n~bip ILt €\!\.timI\l O of 1:,111 1500 t o 20UO bn h c'l s Yel . Par oid tha t ma kes it 00. low OrP.go ni '~ Bridg1'l CoOl illlny the ; Con trllc t WIIS mlld o with J . ,' III .('b mo . fr st eco nom ica l ,an d sat isfa om "I;pt " J or.h, to Oct . lith R; brtcl!?() lIorO ~8 ruee lIt. cto ry 'roo fing or · sid ing Spe ncer for cono retll WillI and n ·IIIU hllsb ' el" ftlJl nll il wID 't.el' II PJ)It'~ p on . W ma terial on t h e ma rke t. . 1984 00 'H1'1l~ III, hIll pr ices . t o 1111 Bot ll y n "~.I \I I) ,..... h fire f l)r' p~.nte(\t.i o n to brid g Mil l' pro ... : ... .... of and w~a thel" . PI A. t; ('I U ll t tl' li ea l(lr~, J eff Ore Sep tpU lber ~6, 1~06 . . pro of. , Yo u get ' full . val ue rec gon\1l Brirlge 'om piIUY , eiv ed if you Opn trao t wll jl mndo wltl} Clin t vy, r t.), '" bllloksm ith sh nv in .Wll sl\in gRTA UY 'S c" K I~'l'1'El'tMAN Ir aUl buy ' obnt Ion t.o\Yn@bip lit. the esti mllt 'l' ,rlle t No !l. '.. ... .. ..... ~I 00 ' e Pm 'oid . B~n~on ror oon oret e aroh neA ll of ,. L~ 'l e, Ohi o, Vall ey 'pllO ll . r resl , ' 1m I'Q. e ' ' , 'i'; kX , \Va y nel;v illo .·obcllll~ . ~oll'gle . Gu}e Co. blllnH l'l for • den oe qt ,J08se Men tr. In Frl\ e PA RO ID RO OF ING PA ('".n s hip hy ·Amorlo.LII EX J.lnl~ nkll n W, ,~tern tlt .. r ' repo rt of INT . Pro s or' bate F..x. Jnd ge .. .. ,. .... .. .. $QWQspljl for. ,3 6.0.(l0 ~O 10 b\' f~ ight over D, L & .. R. H. Ma B ornc kes e IIml old P. n~',i Key roo o~ s, fs (1lIn of new 'l'rell~ury .. .• 27 .QO lllge s for . . Goo d on any kin d of roo Eon trao t Wall mad e wit b tbe Ote f. , M B . Hym an, olot hlng for d~h t of wily ...... ..... .... :. if, 00 As k ion ia Brid ge Oom pan y for you r Gro cer for AC Mo stoe ME nu l me FL nta nrls OU oner& .• ...... .. ...... ...... 7 00 DOl l' Boll i ngs wor th , brid ge iW ork . R, ma de by the beAm brId ge ne&r t,he resl den oe , Ore gon ia Mil ls. of . repAir:! ... :..... :.. ...... ...... .. H Op l,jeo Uel i. MUllre} in Wflllbmgton tow 0 lId II nd M SOil B , H:v pr() mor l'rie olot hing [or tors n· fl' tb wol1 kl1l1\vn m Oll tlme nb firm Ou r Flo ur' ship at tbe etlti wflt e of 11116\1,54 pTll\onerR .... .... .. . ...... .. ... . II OU Ohi o 1'llln t nnd Val:nish 0 0 mil l has bee n n~wly ,rX , llllu , huv rem ode led and the onll uod II s t l'lok of grl~pbite , pllint .. ......,.. .. Cont.rltot WIIS let to Dun hum nnd L\;n nie Wh lhor e, brid ge r e, .. 25 00 mO nu m""1 qua lity of o'u r flour is bet ter tha n eve II nll mllr k r EI whi OhiC ch ) Pain t !InrI VtlrniRb Co, r. Stlb bs for Dew IItone l,bu tme IlI!!.v wj",h to d i"IJ(J!<ll pair s In ~u l.,m t,ow n8b lp 14 Dts GO lire proo f (hai nfec tant ... 10 00 t1Hll r rl( \V IJIllli1lJl ~ opof qnio kly in AL L KIN DS OF FE ED AN D CO AL . Datu : real denc e of 0eli u rati ons , nnd A. Mar rel at L!'lInle Whl taor e, lull. oor ..... 606 0 StAte n r'l thor rr fl' 1,repKred to DlRk e Als o all kin ds of Ha rd VII Edw ard Wri ght, 8Itl t'na te.rf 'V3. 2G; allu tor oon cret Bpn ry Chrit\~ian. briil ge rll nn · Go od' Lu mb er. We make Ut<.llfllly , lUll ~('t'8 ,In tho e a cost s ..... .... ...... ..... wor .. k .. .... oul ven OD Oregonill. pike and spe pair a cia lty of har d wood fra me s ~5 Bum iltoD tow nl'h lp 15 00 IIOW . • Llb s. The She riff flied a stat eme nt tha t ert7 doo } hOU H road In Tur tle· Leb ano n Patr iot, pub U.h ing lin \'0 "III) r I Stle< II new be had coll ecte d no tine s or rep ort of EsamlnaGiOD of creek SOWDIhIp at edtm ate of 18".711,. cos u OILtllIOf(Ufl, h()w ln~ oy styl es of wonulDeDt whl oh dur ing &he 1M' ~1 yea r. be n:la \led to aoy 1Dtereet.od pan y on req aen ' M'tl nevi lle} fl ·
0 ' -- -
~_, Mo~roet '
Oregonia" 0 _ •
BRO'WN '4 Mc KAY , Pu bll
Noth ing Suc ceed . Like "EQ Q·o-· SJ!I L-· 'rhe mlln who pr eac hes t ho £rup t lonl App ea r ed on C hest bell 'WAVNESYIL1.ID. , a nd serm on; lbe ~an w,ho tells the • • 4 flilt l'l, hn~'(' Rllru nll In 517. tor fUDFac o a nd Nec k Wer e All Bro ;0 t~ ~ nl ken Ht storl 't:i I> e~ ; t Il mtlll wb o k eeps th. · "t' uln!;, tb t'." llIl vl' IIcll llillr gro Out -Cu red by Cutl cura . O , k ." wn for beS ~ L SLor , I or Frel h H ope ob-""Cj) eJi~~· . tbo man who ma k. ., lIay tlm l' \\'I'n r. I1lld one Is gr \l ted with tbe b ~l!t good s, soon fi nds that .~ ~ B Aga in tbe hOPl&fot'GPl~g ' U SIItJ<"la I" whlt!h I.. lis PDop l. man canc "I had ' er lOllS an II .. et'ul Uon Ollle apD ar on m y 10 IIl lll , M, l'It Is lhe " i"'" ~ .:t ,q" loom s Inrg~~~W It Is 1'.(\ r:l" SC:lnl. The duv be>lt 114ch es t unit body ano xLe nd :h t bilts IIlns UfO hOllO \' I't ts eme n t "= ii ~ u pwII Bl rupl)' IUll1l(mt<e. ;'-I n th e reuo lf·o l t.lIll 'O"I'lI lsh PeOp le , . au d dow nwnl'da, ~U th nt , tl ), noul l'ds s ponk ' we ll In t he wor ld. :.t> Imllll l'lal .... • .. t:S of I hl ngs th or kllow are · l oll(1 Rld c up t:he JU {l~fl'UU R ~ ~ ~ ~0 ~~c Grra t big al·tlUcln l bird s wl)1 er .. [ICt!\S"A..~ t llce '~"lS'CUIld , ailr were oad In the Alp s fu ll u.1I bro il '1\ o ut; al ~ 1l il lY good . bo 1'11 0 IIrl/i l1lpn· worn T hey puss tue good word !h ls (nil, Util i thts III !:Do,1 now §. ~ ;. ~ lJC.'l.8M~~ ~"1t ha s be II arm s and tll o Ill wcr limb s a of T h ril llllt1 I ntcrc~t s fUll" ! 1'09' for th o hlrd lo ,er, alop g, ~ fal' I\S <::. t3 Wltll 'Ill no t pel'm lt c;- dl'i'.1lI0oN~'o nt the doy~l'lljl th e 1111 e R, I al fll's t thou ;:ht 'tho be st br r allfa s t faa!.! Is "EG G·o. It was l1cnt of hel's l'lr 10 w oa r thll I' ':11 a rUcl .r" $:.~ ~~ prl.. I, ly It nl.· lJut s llon ~cll c. The nnlrnnl~ by Iu cula lion wit h Ilrlif ll'S 01' SgE , for :t M ntnil l s all tho lIC ·g1T. t 'llll bi rd lu jus t as hllnd som crus ;; ~ Q. t fo rm d ~ wh It~ e, r.Q d ' oC , thc seru m , A mou se br 111 Ing ali t Illg l)ro P ril es ot IlULtl l'O'g tie$t 0 llk , just a s fetc hln' , and tooli. was , .In ~ t 'ltd of goi ng to 11 pbys Th e J II ng- f rll II l'llll wny In "wlt Q' t:;,. § rot cted , und Inje. tl or:S fr,W3Sm tbus ItJllsIst ass nlcIIfc lclan 1 whi c h I s 'Wh 'nt. I ze r- ,. ntu/Ill ' It) h six dill s l lCJ Ils " ar Illlre II grea lln, s t ed delll Inn II 1<mg, and , ~ :: .r'body Into ol hor ncl t! mice cO ,1 lllpl h hrl$ ' t· to 1, 8 treo wllh ECe tmo . lut"' O.S n t of EE l't!sl the Is (Ill' d ~ pI)' In debt tit " ,11~· fol' 1l10st of t h,' <11 rela rded the tel'. i\lu reO\' e r , Its culo rs lire mor e nl· c~rulll t'u llc ura Rom ell s. In wh ic h 6tall ' III ItH.I , u II 11 nnw ilt th u , , cro Wlh ot Rnc ' r RnIO t:'lal! [ h ad th e th Oll~lIll\t s (If wl\' s and mo ther a h 1Jl. llt 1I C'1l1' (11". Ilr " h ' r or llli: '" " u n~ very g r an t faith l' Indu ced, Illl'ln g ror It ca n bo dy ~ Into d lJlI Cme of tb ' E; w l~s , Olll and I : fal'e !Ill s WIIS a ( who H eUSO sn tl ti ~ ll S tl\ct bllnd l' 'u u of lPUI" Ih" IllUUIII HI It In th eir ho mes, tor the Be ul·Y. TbJ s Is dll'l'c I'\'nt , 11 wlll IlS, T he lllll lWI st atio ns A year o r tw o Inte r the Ollll),t be no ted, sbad us whic h jus t Illat cb ,0 guw n. Is:s nl'~ ahl~ to e nj oy h HO;C IIHlu lon ap- goo d \\'o l\1"n t e ll t he ll' n elgb bol'S obou fro m a 'nre. 1'0 ay crt sma ll·po A nO\,1'1 flls hl on xhlh lt loll has nt!l!n hl'l' fUrn,,',] U)' (111 ' 'or " Ml ur _ gnll l'les, pour ed ng-nill. ani)' u lII i ll ju.t Sf ' n ry Ulllllist Iho JI~IlI'~ of x by tall lo wer; but thi s grlm l foo d, he AIJIN h\'\\,'n (l il t If l'oe il, an d !.lIve n vinc e In ,'ow York , It 'nICclu ntlo n Is very dltr r ent was of whi ch a ra r ,'Ie\v b fOl'o It lind time ·to s prca ci J proCrqm pecu liar Inte 1.1111 11' 11I1I1 n 0'81 /IIHI ulo oged bdt pCl's o ns a like 1" th' o r IIt(H lIlt Hin am i v!lll ey. sn o w rest to the ( mlul n o world J ungrr~lU was curi n g smal lpox , Stili 01 hOIIl cllre d 3noUl!'r Gllllpl), or It C oll one ti .lu s t n. YtJ~) · a ~n. ,;l ar ) Is e~· COl' 1 \\'0 r USOI ul lcur a aro rl'l ~ nds ot EG G·O · Sl~ I::. ll'l'. '1'1,,1 1\,, (, C(" ,lInu es al ong nnd n e lll odlos, nlld cont lS. J;'lrs l, b CIIUSO It The III'W pres sed tbat this di s ov ry the lnuo d Utlol!t· \lse nu· Ntatlou ut I-: I.-mollr, t ,UOO gr'l ~I O l'l t amI CO lllmo n H ' uso may bo ijerv d as an Indl culio nre thln p lt \\'ull nOl·th w'SI ot the Elge u or th ; rasb · t ('(! IIIJ., ,·O ~()a · h ' v v l .. atep towa rd tll O grea t anI.' r un· til the ClIl'e 'was cOlll plete . rt Is now t ha t IId vu rlis , I" ahle to bou~t t il o~ a cure Ions tout il r tQ com IWU · O·SEI~ \\' <'1 1 1l11l1" rtlt' !llb mos Ovc yen l'S slnc 0 \0 Ins t nlta e ; !lnd t b soc· lhe hlhll ~I ral lruat tb e .for !,hls hi ther to Incu rabl e Gise :' I flnc ll eg EGG l -D.S El': ts 'hen p, A 10·c en t )luclt. l silltiO Il In i::tll'Oll e I{ hlCh' r. cl., nntl ase, I n on cl re nson Of Its In tere st elln bo T b 'l'e lire t "'Q s tatlo n ~ III the ha ve uot seen nny s ig ns tund nt· Ihc hlg lbe eurr ent num ber at Mc luro he ' l tllllll 'l s tallo n In t he 1l111gnltl age cont aIns t ou lib ru l h rea of 's Mag · trlbu ted to tho fact that the xhlh l- "'" 01'111 . 'Pllt El gel' Ill'Oc it llces, 'f hl! r h a \'e mol' Calth In Cul! a r.etu I'll , kfas t.. ' EGG cl\l'a .O.S uln e, Dr, nl ee by, or Edin burg n Elil ome · Is Uon solLi was Ill'st evoI'l' wbe re. for awe t c hnrl ty's slIke, Is fl olh ' Ioc k, (S,aoo f e t). ROl h unl· Th o liroj t't'to r 01 Oi ls rema b· dl ~ Cor sl.l n lll sl! nsos lIllIn n,lyL hln g Groe el'R lllll: t k e p IL ....ol'8lty. give s an acco unt of r l,n l)le SHle l, I ~ I S~ Ulun 1\ coup It th y Will i' [ Iln o'v of. Ell1mu I'J. Wll soll. ex'pe rl· Seld om Is the re II fas hl oa sal e Cor r.l Ol llll ul n IIlnn I le 01 mile t o s k I) t he ir nnd Lis· good rail cbar lt y's snko. It was one o r c usto nWl'S, Cor goo II m ents by Prot , Bar d, of lhe th e last Gu yer-ZI'II C' I', or Zlll'l rh, w "," " Hc·r r lrom lit" mll ·b utI. a nd II I ~ nn easy com b, low.a , Oc t. 1, 19CG:' sam e or CIlS,tolil er s In sis t on Luy lllg as 1I 0t Ull wa II; fl'OIo here th e Stl les cond ucte d for th e UIllv erslt y. In the use or the £GO ·o. to the !Jold crag 01 the CIIII · engi ne I', Im t a lI11all l1~ r , Tho ferm e n t torn la SEE ., ~lOI'Y l'l ocr Il oths tock s urrcr crs, and Ib o IlIU1l I1Y lIeH The re Is not hi ng tru e r than b own as tryp Sin, whi ch seom ( ,. 64 goes feet ell , thul a whic B lahe h te r'S lovo , wu s s trolli ng do wn th CO Illlll The fn ct that no pl'c pnrn tlon s to was devo ted to , nit- ro l' SOIU O o th er chup , O lld ~ n mng llllic nt pono Lh o rurnl ~ hln g o f m ull tal n prav e tbat the acti -:e agen t qf rnm a ot path th:lt I !" IIH fr ulD til cook ing, Is I' q uit' d , IlIl1k os the pan· clot h s for th o wom tho E:t): I'. Ib o :Mon ch, Iln~ the ECG-o. c n scbo ol teac b· Schl lt hnru to Il re8S wlll dest roy l be J ung· SEE ~Iu rrc ll . :tno \' CI'Y mal igna nt can· ors b reft by th fir popu P U T. lar. ,nI thllt In fmll , 'nnll a d ista nt one O pe n Ih pack - · liAD ET.E ', DY E. ~olor e. ('ours c o( It . wll h th e J unsf rau of tbe Jur! l f"; dl(, \YlJC! U1) ll G\l cer c lis and brin g abo ut lt OIi nl utll! ' blliling uge : put In ns tllll h tiS you II ko 1111 or I) culln r Inl e rest was th e th eate r Ill' stea d· ahal ll, Fl'o m the 1I0X t an abso· fast. s'. hcnu l.AQn tiful III thro colol (1'0 lute ure. Drle n)', acco l'dln g a e 11 ' 1 di . sh JOe ; him, pOllr pel' I'Uoi<nllc, ' t h Insp lt'all oll open ings ha" on milk or CI'I'OIll an(l, to Dr. hnt room , tor here was Un a lcov d ' canl ' e been Cll t tll.r <-ult to tb~ to scn lo It wllh :, rull\ \'ur. ellt. It 1>1 d 11 10ll~ . It Is wb Bea rd 's theo ry, a canc e r e'" face of the m o unta in, to o leso m ... de\'e lops \'ote d to the disp lay of Ih (:om lng eral r ell rs lal Man y a ruan wlto nSBo obta rts in ~ that tle If 1t mnk cs you slro ng, )"sotl bofol'l;) th e bold Id ea thl'll lIng from colis rem ain ing In the vlt' w Of the G-riad&iwa ld vllol· not a hyrocrl ~(l Is so disa bod y tb cat er hn s of fall and wint e r. ' Th oso tou k a co nc rete shaJ A lo t ot Inte r atlng fact s gr eeab lE ja, All so r tH ot Ie)' far belo w, hUls we re so sma ll that one Is from an ase.x ual Btag o of abon " imtl 0. wlde ·apl'e",dln ll that his :\(lqu lIlnLnnces may wis h pe rfec t: a bjec ll Qus illld scr upl t he e m· Iy . h~ EGG .O.S EE hnve be n Iluh llshe ~ ~ WCl'e rnls ed. pa nora ma Ju s tifie d In pred ic ting t hUl t be mo ; cells , wblc h shou ld h a d III.> ex was. ten tllng reign as ' far at the He n Ze ll r had Or st t o sati ve been of t hl' book torm e ntitl ed , "-b llc l. to na tu re:Ps fy the Bine l( foro st ar.d the big the utor bat Is uver , The dege nera ted and abso rbed or Vosges, I"rom Don 't Get Foot sore ! S wiss outh orlt l s Ihat no ev di gest · li prea ding pi c tu re Thi s bunk al so has II .: urse of I)hy ... Get Foo t. E"I • . il canso· Orln de lwuld, looli ing hal , th e g reat "" \dl!! qu e n ce~ w'lll , elf by tbe flu ids of the panc u'p wud s wHh a A wonderful p'I\"I~r thnt ltl O Il ~ lI e to pass eng rs by lol reas , a n Galo s bol'Ough. tbo won curCll. p r '<I, bot, leal nlllll'e- full), Illus trate t!' scop e, one can just loca t. AnY'"' . derful Rom ney, ' be lug cu1'I'1 1!1l n 'Illn ~ n wblc b de, 'elop g ~e~ ami IOI\~ eH on the new wi s hing th is book will re('(1 lvo 6,OQO fe e t upw ards In 1\ thre a just afte r tbe th a gg russ lve bul lIr:h~ Fhoc e lIny ·lool llng helle s In , h. IP A. k for , \ 11 00,)I' plct ur squ e Eng· II, _ell ultl atag e. T h se are renl '. l'oot ~(I.e , fre Ollt by odd I' ssln g F:GG ·O· E E COlii ly germ · II sh walk ing hats IInll th o 'pl teau and no . ulJgti tllt . T ria ll'neknl!.".1' ·.R8E t>' . pany , 10 Fli's t St., "!I'lle that m ight have deve lope .0\. ',WI lbe Il.le Ama il. Qul nc)" 111. zon, all s ee m t o be a thin g L" Hoy, N . Y . d Into cuo the,r o rgan is m , a nd , of lhe II:ls t wbo r Ulea ter h UlB are t he ro rare, Rath er Roug h, His Sohe me Wor ked , 4ea th by canc er Is f ratrl elde -{)n e conc rncd . as U sludy or tbe ne w hilts Abo ve the s t.alr.way tilcr e tlick I t Is I' Ilti CO thllt , a cerLilln will ~ndicate. !Dan ,,_ cred a . .rm--eell lU lling the o rgan is ' m cnod le and t he n a deep voic e calle d reco ntly very sad boca use his Jau deve lope d trom 'Its brot her. t bat rrom thc .bud shlld T he gone ows : out of towa on a vlslC, USE FUL HOU SEH OLD HIN TS. . . .tme nt Is t e n tativ e, but " Kuth crln e. l\ut he rlne, eXlle Who 18 wb~ h s he wou ld not ~horten In . pl_ _ t a on hum a n bein gs s ho w allparl· to A Ulbl espo ontu l oC para ffine adde d that sa DdllBpe rlng · tile wall this h~ur or his n ppea lB to bor to coru each Ihre e ga llons of wlit r re ha meJ whe _tJ y satis fact ory r e.sul ts of the n lgl't ?" H e llnaH )- hit upon a pl:m In prev ent· boili ng whil e clot hell ..... 111 help to n to Induce reA . . . t h e recu rren ce of canc er 10Dg bor Btlll to nrss I'otu rll, nn mov d He s nt he r a copy vi then : e t h", stain s. afte r op· , "No one dow n h ure, fat bel', erat ion . Stat istic s s how that If you are o no o f thos e peop dea r . ellch ot the loca l Vape rs wi th oU il ltt!\JIt this dis· l e wbo I gues 8 Clipp it m ed us t be noxt door ." _ out, and wbo n sh e wro t lII1I Is Inc r eaal ng bo Lb In tbls ' conl l· wou ld love to mak e bl'ea d It It was n't T he cand le vani shed 'ou d the n try and In E urop e, and It t rom fi nd o ut whu t It was he had 'lIpp e4 Ita cll re Ie for was blng u p the dish es, try gr ens· tb o gloo m of t he parlor : out be r e ru sed to t 11 ,he r . In!; tho brend bow l all over .-t In algh t It Is hope d that th e re Ins ide "C; brge , you tllg goos e, la with lurd , T he sche me work ed adlll irn bi I t old you or uso a brea d m ixer, .... , the deve lopm ent of a p , ! ta nev r to ca ll on me unle ss reve ntiv e you b ad less t ha n a we k sho was henlt e to If sa lt Is sdde d to tho JIIo cula tion w blc h m a y be elfeo wate r In been s h aved :' fin d o ut · wha t It was that hllli tivel y Which pgs bee . are ba lled, It ..... IIPPlSed as need ed. Thre e Grea t Con vera at lona llst goin g on th ut b r h usba nd dldn •• (o und on adva ntag e In caso 111 be 'l w&Dt The thre e g reat esl conv e rsa any of bel' to knt;>w ubo\lt.- Pl t t8bllr~ Prel tio nal· tbe ggs shou ld be crac k d, \el. Ist s willI who m It h as beeD T he egg Bird Bree ding Pres erve .. ' 01)' will boll uu UI doa e, wltb u)l t fortu n to ome in lo to uch were good War on Liqu or and Toba cco. any ot l\fa ~ Ilrotect tbo bi rds Is the o'bJe (b e whi le part laak lng out zThe Run zlnl. Dr. Oli ve r \ 'e nde ll Il o lmcs et ot of the i· uor 'ioty tu.. !llld adop ted nne'"\\' Ant s hell. -Qe Na ~ onal Aud ubo n SO Dlsmo. r k. piau to Ciety , and th e liquOI Iraffi c. It i8 mAilin g free fiGht IUDOng tbe m Olt not able resu It Ii pi nch or sotla be IJU~ n r c~i\lc for tbe· Ot th ese, Dr. Hol mes "~as the In cold lts are m ost CUI'(' of thc li(IUllr hohit. It CRn lit! glv_ " 'ater , and cabb age or ca tioae a cble ved In tbe pres erve s pirit ed In tbe bel pC(!re tlv in coITl.'\l 01' food. AI~" ullfi o we r ~prl t In soaked In sens e; one roe THE EIG ER AND THE MON t he to'bacco It, the Hou se keep er teils .Lon lslan a. Duri ng Lbe last l3Isr oal'c k t he mos t 'Imp osln g t lh.t cd n be ginn CH FRO M THE WEN GER _ yea r 17 ns that th ere and ot .rell y. 1'1,. hnloi N ol1ly r"'1u wi ll be no dJsa grec able the •• t they sam bird breo dlng Islan ds In the Gulf e lime the mos t e nter tain i ng t hnt you IOnke Wi (The dott ed line show s the rout tlo not Kell th c recirca, bllt Of odor duri ng the cook ing e of the Jung frau In pO ra lift int ilroa ot Wit, sarc nsm . anec doto und free ('ollies to fr ic nd ~. d. The tunn el proc css If follo ws the oute r wall of the rang lIex lco w ere lan.sed by tbe Their 31Mr ... II e, and afte r paaa i ng E lge rwan natlo nni tlle cook in g vess el .Is lect na r ra tive . of d stati on k eep. clo•• to the face of 't he unco vere histo rica l' eom mJttee, a nd th e s ucco ss Inte rest, Room ID, Oroy lllilg" 1,a llSnw Citr, Mo. mou nta lno on the far or OPPO site ot thel ~ Wi ll the Hou se ke e per now tell us d. brou ght out with side .) ru s hing a viva ~ a la enco urag tng, city and repo rt s the lItl!. satls foot ory woy t.o "den at ure" Lor d M.lln er, the form er hi gh with II ghtn lng·l Ike illum inati tbe coup lc ot ha m s. T ben tbE!r e wns the wall of CODlo on 01 miss ione ' 'Waukee Sent lnel. Two ward rocl" 6,000 l:let above; bu~ cond ll'on ll, fo ts alld r fo r Sout b Afrl en, bas r.aestheti c obj ectio n th 'e ens IlOt. odor ous o nion '! . IalCn . mou ntai n whe lIIC unde r tbe di recti on ot th e n dark nes s falls , tho sta Uon c Iv ed P lenty t il roug In of sce h IIInz padd tbe nery zlnl ing, duke would be dls6 gure d; bul til ls word s ther e brea lhed at na· com pose d or old 'of Som e. - . once catc bes the ere. for the Uon al cQm ml ttee of the Aud tbre e suc h 0. warm th und de ptb at COD\,Ip.· an addr s s e xpre ssin g a Pt ~cc la ll~ llbon so· carllot, qui lls, e tc., plac ed 00 ea cn " ·r.s set Il t r est by the prom ise to r UIi r eces se); nre brlll deU es guarded the Is la nda, stlli r stell unde r tho carp e L or i lion a hi ully s , srrv such ,en lhus lnsDl of faith 'Iu the ra ilwa y In t unne ls a ll Illum inat ed an~ prenot tbe by a70,O lces In Sou th Afri ca s lill " the wa y; and Ib e beam s oC dead ens the nollio, but mal only nnd hide even tbe a po\\' cr rul elcct rl~ sacr edn ess of t.ho prin Ciple OO p r sons . ..~te d, to t he best ot t heir sl.atl on s t\wa y Insld ~cal'cbllgh~, e rlallys ab ili ty leng then profix ed In fess ed and .ot t he aims purs s t he Ufe o[ t he - carp et. 1u the mpu utaln s . At last H tresna ssln g, tile kil li ng ot bird ued by er r Z lIe r ~\Ve(lp high acro ss tho anD or' th em . hi We s a nd the sarn o way can not e xpec t the plea sure o. voll y. It )00k 3 m, thnt It was dltlk ult to r esis a good vad dl ng or newt;· secu red his conc essio n , on Deoe mbe the dcstruct lon of t heir eggs t S'J C!! 't rl on ufi blp Wllh ollt tbe r III e I\. II g htho ll. 0 01' oulp ost . ' Ac· pape rs plac ed on duty , the prl... • P9W 21, I' of 1 tl'lul Q'i. fnsc tho III tche n tabl e llilb lnaU on,- -C arl Sch W'lI. lIoge wltb It sti pula ted, a m o ll g othe r In It cord ing to t he repo r t, by theB reg loo of un o:lrt bly mys te ry and In McCl ure'~ Mai: ont the r espo nslb lllty .e 81m · or s helv es: untie I' the 011 clot azln e, h. dou bles thin gs, that pe rso ns C!limblng to the lIa nger, JlIe prev enti ve mea su,re s, t hore Hug b Blac k, 1\1. A. wer e or tr bles Ule lite of the oilcl oth. . sum m it on root shon ld bn\'e free uc· ...tch ed a nd raise d a ll of 40;00 T hoso wbo Ond nothi ng so B 0 bi r ds cess yond . to the nil line part s desc of ribe It ; nnd thnt th e s a gl'oa t rest ful " com pose d 0' t h'o follo w in g CU1'\'e, and nrte r trav ersin g s peci es: a nd coo\ lrig as a spon ge ha th, whe u com pany shou ld spen tl 100,000 fcan lhil lim e· cs Com mo n tern s, (ora ters, roya l tern s , tired out und o verh eated. In the s um· on a pe rman ent obse rvat ory at th e ston e laye r whi ch Corm s the EI~e r, .It laug hin g g ulls Rll,d lllac k Bk mer, pa ss t;ho J es ungC uld to,va rau add rds the soutli enti t sloll e of stati on, for metc'orol oglc a l, 1\ bllnd ful of sail to l mmers ~ .....ere Is a prac tical prob lem the mO ll ntn in. and tb eu turu s Invo lve d t he baUt wnto r. Noth ing else had tellll r ni ancl othe r phys ical rcse ar ches , towa rds sucb the 0. toni ' in the pres er va tion o f the IDlgor . ridg e, w h c B~o It runs Ifeel or mak es ono teel nn d cont ribu te an extr u t holls bird s , as mor In ~ND CO NS IDE R TH B a U(1 e fl'os h lind res ted. Man y near ly n , 8~ rfll g hl Ilno up \ UI pill)" are a pa rt of the econ omic Ule f rUllCS a mon th towa rds Ita eX I, e ll ~es. O J ung' s ys · salt In \b e cold t rau. Unci .. the Ellger rid ge, At la st, a l 0, tho g r ea t fia a nc wale bIm of natu r e. The y dest In the lal prob · roy pest s, s ide r thnt its Inv r ulso. T hey can· lem; was AL L· IM PO RTAN T igor ati ng ertec l les: soh'o d, a nd the wor ks we re gran d an d I m pOSi ng Vl esch erwa nd , the , a r l! e xcelle n t scav e nger s, and SetlS U10 tend oncy t o tak II s tho no w EI mee r stall oD, at an al· begu n In \ 9~ ing 'cold . th." . add to the- bea uty of tbe • tit LItle ot IO worl R ed woo le n d ress es are an Mos t Swills vis itors ImClW th Tli. worl t of th o Aud ubon soci e ty d, nom ecoa t fine trom Sche ,0 4~ feet , and n dis ta nce lclIl In vest men t ro r litt le girls cres t ot roell s dott ed with g ill egg or th !'ee mile s. By Is "eun pas · ' u exce llen t one, and tho res ul ts scho ol dresses, A 60Ct red woo l Is ture s whi ch IInlt s the I:Jlge l' Alp wi t h thi s time we are well ailo\ 'e Ule IID e echl e vad by the Ilrac ticu l ~em· beco Ulln g to a lmos t any ch ild. The se the W Bnge r a . It Is on e oC tho plca sant of perll e tlla l snov.: and Ice, and tbo Uon of Its m etho ds, show wha t It littl e dres ses are very easi ly was hed. Sigh ts In the n elgb borh uod of GrlU(lel· tour is t look s out ou glac ln l s urro und· Ings lltal ids for , Is not a fad. lI ut W rDl soa p Bude s hould be \l sod tbllt It , with w ald, and It you go Ihflr e by rall wa)' tel', of tho mos t mag n ifice nt ohar ac· a tcas \lool lful of beet ga ll a ddoc We are surr olJnd ed, In fac t, by ta aCc.Qmpllsb lng som e ot the f rom I,nu te rbl'u nnen . )'OU l , T bls a lan d In fu ll sea r eal sets 01 Ice, a,s t he nam e Implies, view of Il lit tbll ~tallon ol~ t he 00 101'. Use warm rins 'Work \of the wor ld, It Is i "LlL ng tle" a sllee wlll c r and rinse a~ quic kl y Tha t tn ndclressl ng :Ml'1I. P inkh r S drop che id or eg g, I jiO 6.70 reel 0 feet abo,'o he sea, It rrom th e gll l· 8S pos· am you Are con8 dlng you r p rh .,,\.c lIIll ij llli e. Dry tb e dr Clss In t ho leric s to t he Ice·m~ld , a nd tito to 0. wom lln Cult ivat ing Aro ltl'at lon Sent imen descel:'. t -a wom a n who shad e, Is trom here that tbe Jung fran li c e t. so Hull Il UII bofo re It 18 qlilt e can expe be .,ien com mad ce m ..llIce$ , Bnd In less than a e by 0. rope · l o~der, From m an dry . and m il o here the c .A!l tlJe. couo trles rOll, ese.n tcd 's cove rs twon~y·tl with wo,'lew emb mce s tbe doep l y In th e Ilft or It II ns Iliid at leos t ha lf a n hour . nnd 0. q uOrtel', ~vbe n you s top a t T he. pres c nt lilt'S. Pinl<halllve yenrs. tbe ~ !t\,lP er~~1I.f con~l'ess a t I/l" re\'u ' :' ~ Il un 1I1e wro ng Is t u e ssed Orln delw ald F lescb a rfl rn RIo d o Jas id e wit h a tl rst s~atlon8 ; YOIl ha vc asce nded )lea r· (a dang h te r.ln· l a.w of Lydia- E . P inkh am ••Ira will !lend dele gate s to 'I'h ~ WIl I'1lI h'O D, \V h n wlls hod In th is way .Iy a t hous a nd t ee,t, and lind yo urae ll glac ie r 10 the mnk lng) , Lb e [jorg ll H ut, ~n 4 tn.r mllny yell rs u ndor h e r dir ectio n' Big ue co'n:te;~Dce who w ill bo the wll ole .cba ln or the Schr eckh ",nd 's ince h crde ccns e h ur I pled ged nlty rail woo loll good s will look W" orne r ce h as bee~ fr eely giv;on to s ick \,!o mcttdvl nnd t he deso late stl'e t,e hes of {;uud no nl'''' , tD Use th e l ~ bes't etro rts ro r '(h' ll. ' Ice a nd . C adop , sn o w that li e bet wee n the Ins Ma ny w omen suit er In s ilenc e ltion of a geno ra l arbl t rlltiO n t·na ma d and 'drif t alon g conv e n· from " a nd bod tbe to worso , k now in g full w ell t h ~; Ig() r. T he nce, rlln nlng tion for tll e" l1atl ons whic h Rice and Appl e Dum plin g., dee l} o ug h t to have a t thoy are to be , unde r the la rge s lolle of the r 'I'hcs> 01'(' reco mme nded ..s at the Dutllh ca plt,a l. ' The id ge, t he mod esty Impe immedia te assls tanc c, bu t s natu r al mor e Id ea Is w ls them to shri nk t ra m ex posi ng lin e t a kes the di recti on ho .of loso tbo ' Mon c h, selv es to t ho q ll es~lo them · m t . qh t. ) Arbllira~ lon as a. sllbs ns a n el prob Lltut o for t a la or tlour hn n t hose mad e with po,and ]lass es vel't lca lly un der . Doll a pint of 'l'1ce unti l t be 's um· o f eve n th eir fnm ily phy sician. able e xam inati ons ....1'. may be' a lon g wa y ab ead oJ liS, t ende r It is IllJ t u nnec to ward essa s ry'. t he U pper Monchjoob, With o ut money ~r pric e you ,a nd st ea med trIIt tbe a gita tion of tb e q uest iOn ll ght. Co nt hllli ng In the sam e dire wb ose kno wled ge from act ualcan conAll 1t a w oma n will , ,rend y os ma ny pu'id lng cloth · Hav e c t ion, It e xpuri~ nce is grea t• s as YO Ia lID go9P, says tb,e S t. Lo uis d Ips toward s the Jung fra ujoc Glob e· wis h d ump lin gs, eacti one a II tlle alld Mrs. Pin kha m's 8tandlng' lnv{ less ~oo'tat. ., U Is well for I re"ach es til e f!fth In term e'dln t e 'h; la tlon, ~ation: ' Lbo grea t th a n a qlla rter of a yard s qu are, Lay Women snfferin whic h ata.n ds a t a a a ll lt ud'o of ..uo ns oCIJa.~lon aIlY to cr y o ut peaco, each one In tura ovcr a s mall half· 11,142 n ess are in Vlt.M g from any form of f e male wea k. ,t o pTom ptly coro mun icate with feet , peac e, o\"en If th e re Is no pcac JIIrs. ' Pink ham at Lyn n, l'i(as s. AU e. Tlie pint ilas ln a nd sp,·e a.l ,.w ltb boile d rice le t ter s .are rece ived . .-ce ma ke,s have not brou T be cons truct Ion· of the line o pene d, r ead gbt T on· abou t halt an Jnch t hic k, . Put In ' the and has n.nsw so ered by won ie n . only "- . . A tar bee n a s lo w ' a nd labo riou .,-lIO n·s· parl lame ot of man s ulld er· ,w oma n can free ly tal k of b ep priv ate Illne ss to ' a lind tede · ccn! er Quar ters . ot peeled , sour 'ten· taitl ng, cbl efly owin g to 't be wom de r a pple . .tIon or t he worl d, b ut th ey Inte~se con an; thl18 has been ellta blls hed thll c tern ," a re dl- th \! rico s. tit II with the c lo t b wor k fl dl'nc o bet.ween l\[rs . P inkh a m hard ness ot th e lime ston e ond oyer tbe trult uolll S0100t hly mlll ls blng SODl e of the horr ors and t he wom en gne iSS at Ame rica. wh ich of war, cove red. thro ugh whic h Lho g r ea t tunn h ,lS n e vet: been hrok e n. · Out. _d they , a r e li kely to mak e el Is be· of the vust THE volu wa r less EISM mo EER of expe Ing ' STA rieo d ri TIO N, 10,042 ven. and th e ,o nly co mpe n satio co hic h ahe Tie up tbe clo tb c lose l), and freq uent . P eace conf eren ces n has to dr,, \\' f rom , It Is more: th on wp<>ss p r~ FEE T -ABOVE SEA ·LEV EL, a t Rio, ceccl In t.h]s way .. Is t he f ~ct th at It reqn lres no nUl a ll aro mad e Hnlllg 't hat sh e has ga Ined t h e ve ry kno wlc tl lble The H ague a nd othe r plac es ot g ll . brlc l, 0 1' mas o nry, a light to Stea m three-q uart e rs of (Sho wing how the ' gal le rie s that will h elp yom ' cnse , S he a n h Ollr and , lie enco u rage d. T he Unit ed s noth ··. are Ing in retu rn e xcep t you r good Stat es, se r ve wi th swe utun ed creo rn, re ache d by tran sver s e tunn el T be tlfme ns lon s or the tlltin ·,Yil l. and o from . .blc h has take n t he lead amo el are h er nd vi ce h as rclie the runn ing t unne l, In the latte ng the na. r a 14 feel III heig ht by '1 2 feet In brea d th. nny wom nn, rich orved thOUsaDd s. Sure ly Uon s Iu poaccl1lnklu g of a poor , Ii' ve ry fool ish " train Is stan ding ,) T ho prac tlp.a l tl l's t ~ect lon 8rea of kfas Ule t ROIl1ah. lI11e, to Elge r· she does .not t.\I< e adva ntag eort , alwa ys s ta utls r eady to e o f t his gen· g letsc her, was open e d :for t l' a ffic glvt: 'ald Slice colO roas t heel thin . Mak erou s o11e r of In lLssis the !l1 t.anc l'\' e rlng e.. -Lyilla .E; P1uk · e a t h e p retty tow n o t Mur ren sum mer of _d oom fort to t be caus o 1~98 , ham Inte rna· gray'y ot tbre e tubl s poo ns of bu ttc Mod a year ieiD e afte Co" r 'Lyn com D, · (a MIl.Ii r belOW .. An'tl this la 011 0 of lb e B. r, ~nal a \ll ity. chlc ! mell ~eme n t ; tbe four th, fl'om ElIge r· o ll e t .. bll's poon of w4 1nut or toma to Ceat ures of t he Une. t hlB ne w and wan d to Elsu le~I' cn tsu·p , la' . = Aug one = ust, Lllbl = 1905 espo = ; oll of vine gul', and = ,Fo llow ing we publl ~b start lin g poin t of vie w at e ,'el'~ , The gaek wa r or I1n roda ' let- .. AI J'I)IlimOW, ' stop · It Is -n ow nn tlc lpnte d t htl has a ga in ~C IlS llo" n ot c urrotn l ,jelly , one one Jll n~: plac whOle Uue ters fro m" wom lln whOtwO e you tbatm ydoo tar e~ tea· Eluch Htul lon llu ftJl ds a wll! b,e fin lShc d ' IlCCCP- Mid I must hM'6 ItIOwrot dem ons tra t ed t hat he Is a oper ation or I could aot. abol 1l19 10. T be n, and t ~ 'l thi8 inv. itat ion. Not wise orl. -" Iloo n of mad e Dl lls ta rd . Put m eat an d n ew PO llOrlIIllU e the live, I tben ....l'QtAl you, ; and open relu ,.ta l. He di d not conf ide to the liot s lt: lip 0 to 11 then the ' g you tlly al).1 all , t he In a sn uc pau, cove l' and oet In once ' in a cces sible pob. menta. I followed t our Wilin a sclc ntls t nnd (he nal ll l'e· luve l· n, fres h sUlll mlt. lb o~ ..... as Firs t lette r . advice .lie the fact t ha t be did not am lito' t rodile)l by hllm an tlrely well. I call walk rones and Ond Ame r. k et Ie o f boili ng w:tl'! r. stea m Olle- field or worl , und int.eres • . Ilqhe or BjJal n , and I owo my lite wltb out. a". , t. An d If roo~ fo r t he Orst time In 18]\ tcan wom en to be as , ileau Uful Dont 'Mrs. P lnkhMl :...,. b a it hour ,-oo oal H ous I.e ell lng, to ( nnd you the ever . as Is lIus5 lble. tho s umm its or as tbl!)T' to l.yaJa E. Plnlcham's Vegets.blo "For eight yeBI'!I I have IlUtrered some the feat was repe Rted only four tim es In ·.......e beeQ desc ribe d to ile CoinPoun4. thing t ",Ioh ever y 8lIfl'e Elge l' lInC! t he IIlon c h aro pi tern ble overy mon th . Tbe until he rlng wom 'Would r " rcerl by nbotl t hu lt a cent ury) . will be rcnd pains are IlltCr u· this .... read y t o' ICllI' e our 51\or tC!ltlmo(ilalllJld.....ul:J:e thoan elatin ored g a nd I Can ,bardly . ts.nd them . flll!llnS of lifts spre a,l!n g the Peac h POdd ing. valu es. My ,llI g to you and your rcmody."- ant w-rt.. ro from ncce ssl bl e to ever y f!1u n, wom an 1o[n . M-arT nnd d(x;tn r lillY. I bave a severo female trouble, nfmm Beat o ne·t h lr d cu p· ufobu tler and t he IIn o. th e s tul'llIng elJ'cct lek. Mth cu:\d E. CaPi tol Stree ! will be ,cbll d with 46 rran es to spond. l\lor e- nnd ~ must ~ th rough an operation one ta Wa D o u p of f ugal' Logi" he r un til light 11I0l'e Ilro noun ced tha,n evor . to get well, I do not WBnt to lubm If I want Ington, D. C,' .J(a1De Is repo r te d t o be prac over , trll velle r s will bo Ilble , Add ' lt to llcal ly uno l\n/\ It If ' to say J enn -' ~ , bout bli II ouo· holf cu ps of fl our, Sifte d help q ua r ter or a mile abo ve that ·they have ~Id of big ga me, .. tell me what mos t of !ho deer with Wh " wui'k ed ull; ''- lor ' be· .to do. I hoP!' YOllIt.CAD1'100 dl reUe vo me." E lgerj -lln \lcts two . c het·, tbe line c urve s t owu l'Ils t wee n t he Inne and o ne·h al t love l teas,pupn s n a me cine lIas been lI1J~tal... ' _d m~s e bavi llg ~eD kil led r and oute r c)'lln de l'll of Mary Dimmh,k, 69th and E. Capi tol Straeta, tn rpateerin orr duro of b::ld ng pow der. g . to heal th 80 IDa-IIY WOIDeD-Washington, D. O. Bak e 10 fwo la y· the 110rl h . a n ,1 e nter s the g reat tun· t he 11 ft s haft a cO I'ksc r ew laC lb,. po I t few year s. II Is unde . ',,!,,ho se stair tes.ti m ol1Y, i8 l!O ·lInq ueet ioDa way Is • St:co nd lette r. ne l, whic ll 1l0~ )lene tr ates un r. e r. tins a nd put toge tll er wit h bla. • far all to be fI ~ted. Trul y .the prom o tors a flUl n! .roo d tWIt the sam e t hlog baa you call not wlll l say, hoat t~, it. '-' or Dear 1iInt.1;'Inkham :'1i1lP' of chop ped a nd .s weet ebell · peac bes E lame",r, ll!.1d oont lnue s to tbe Jung lhe e nler prls . " · e I do know Dotr .-e u log we ~llIe ,uld e.. · . thei bell r IlIlbU e ! eTe " '19111 .. Afte r foUowlog _11111,. Iruu pl!lte uu Slal lon. 'fills !.uu[ San ll with a bot pudd in a ·UUC ' ad'l'lC!', you are il , don heal help me, l If" II. lel Is and cakInK Lydia. E. Plnk yool 0 : ARC DR. tate to 'ret a \C;.. . V"Ilets.ble tIe of Lyd ia E.'tP1n~ ,Com poun d; I am vory ansIbam' ham'a Ver OWI 1\l!lld 'y ou Com poun r;!at Je. once .,aud writ eKr a:etab my tealmonllll, that otha n maltokno" PlDk-tIMIIr ham . Lyu n, II.... , for ~ walue III4l wha t you baH IIoAa f~ alln o._ it 111 &114 al"'' ',llle 1pfu l.
- -- -
O; ,§.
A Tunnel to th e
S ..
Cl oud.s and Pe rpet ual Sn ow s
- - - -- -
~rrtnu,6 'rnhltnl6 of QtqHb ·1Jjifr itt Qtiti~
Pr~per Dr~sses' for Girls~ Misses and (~rown_Upsl-THE
The tholls~Jl(l ,; o[··c".il\lr n ill ou:- ()itil's who
th('m 8elre~
GAME · OF FRUIT;'H Any Company for • Few Minute •.
- AY
It W ill Amuse
Slun me l' . m ll llth~
For tb ose who lik e entertalnm "nt on UI onllndl"U DI order th e game or t rults ()frers somo aUrn tlons. Each m embe r ot the co mpan y Is pro vid ed By MRS. ANNIE G. MURRAY. wi t h a pad or s lip ot paller nnd a of Ihe Chlld,·en·.loulllutioh. Dcp.rrment. Bo.t on p n 11 with whi ch to record th e an· sw rs to tbe i'a r lous Questions pro· Illstral' Ihe [ol'ec of tho Iin£'rl thut pou nded by lho Sllol. s maD . T h ree minutes Is allowed tor Ihe wr lrl ng ot Sntnn OU l')1 KOIll O mlscblef stili the an s\\' r and a s cond r wHog ot 1·'01' Idle hllnd " to do the quer y Is allewab le o n reQues\. I TIl!· wilhd l::llI'u! o( all I1wJllti l (iilll:iPl i1\~ fur thl' lIlo;,ths cann oL be ~OOl ti me s pl'lz 8 a r > awardNI for the 1I 1~\' III \'0' Ill ; Ihlll g rU l' II gl'OlI'i lll(. c:l1ilu wh o l: "IIl' I'"i l':l l' '1lu ir all lIullot. b uC lists ann (li so a hoohy lu·lze. On U" l'UIJJ"\,! I lI e I'( ' t ' I I . " . 1 . III '" 1'1\('11 1011 ' , . 1111) S III 0111' III' '1 ' 1' cit i 'd BUllJlorl tI uy Ih~ IlollUlar last was as (oll ows : Oily II IllJ'!' 'hiltJl"ll .• I I I·J . . To reveal a sec ret? P ach . . I ". ., l UI\! UII' II ~ 11.1 l . se wl llg , nlld c l'e ll hDW to pro \': :\I ' d. Wha t h lid: a le ttor? Date. 1 [~~ ~.~ !tt l I I IJl II,)' se lino( ,YlIrd s 1, 1 pl' op"n , iriwl" yOll llgW ·lI il dl'l'n 1I11,".' plenl I ' o'· ll" .tIl, 1. IIlld bIIU\'1'1 • :ill iht·.\· 11111). ICI . .CI 10 ' lI . IlL' 1 GIrt .. A s wlr t Wil l I''' passuMC'~ I lC' 'lily U I' I)!u,' 'in " llJ '" Hl ll t ' 1111 " 1' 1' • 0 Lo\'ors II nabl e to I'UQ away? lo upe. tI Yl'I, I fhi ;lk. Ih e re IJn: lII 11d l IIII1I'C p mhlc'IJI R (·Ollll t·(· I('l l >fIll! Th nam p at nn Is land? Plum . 1 '1•11'1('11 1'1 ' th· ~ hildf't '1I II hi!! t·i t,\'. An illIll l t' Il Sl' IIUlIllIUt of l·ITll r l i~ A CUI ' and t be out 61de o f ch eese ? 1 ~ I 11'llIalllit'd I . II · II ' " . 1'( ' . . ' '1 I ' 01 II II ( I lotlOll " f ('nll l l lOllS SII 1'1'1111 IHI I 11'" '(' 1'1,11 11 ·ram. a rind (tnma rln d) . ltiI lC I I \. 1' lI ld'\'1I 1\' 11 1" ·11 'lr ' I . . . IJ tl I" o . l ' .;" .. . . • L . ' C . I!I 11111', (' I an 1(' L'OtH IIIUIIS ;.: roll·IUg oul oi foolis h p rSOn and a ( I~I •., I (;t I d ~dl l)\l l d" ldl'l'n III t Il\' ~ IJII IIII \ ' I' '''lI llth ~ . (loQse herry . II I hl'I'l' 1l.~'1' Ilil -Ihe-y 'll l"I'Ollll d jll'Ol d,·lt\s Ihal fin' flll'ail ill·r ol nlion. All The nanlC' of a thin dross materia l. Jolli ed to a II l'I' y? ~!ul b(lJ'l' )'. ' 11(' . ~JllI/,( ' l' II 'lrt Iha t. t " lilt! 1) 1' "~111t ' 1'('" Illi " hl be [I1".( illl l,11' Cllllllo \'('" (,I U I 1t" lI J1 rtlhl" IlI~. 0 . • • A fruIt m enlioned 10 mythology ? Apples. } 'II'I'IlI' (' r~' Ihl' i nrll ll l ~ l'i ;:I''' ril l' 'Ilh'lI'1' Ih,' r'() ll1plninl o f the "" Ino! 'fo g l'l \16 nnd tb name of a frui t? ~ II 11'('11. 'I Ill' l' hil(l fl 'Il'~ il1hlillJt ir)ll : of 'lh~ (·ill' hlll'hnJ' I lIlll'l n'''!; ~r li ~ . Pin !UI' 1l1 . '. lt nl:: I ~"~IIII" .. ls Ill~" iIJu. ll'a tioll · Ih unhappy IUIll \11111'11;11 \'0"1:1 , L': \ltl i tiollS A II Inlord:cllon and a glrl'~ 1II1 ~ I I PI·(·I·llIl. ' Bana na . : 1'I 1<1.~(' p il i ru l Iitll" l· i ~·t i lll ".IlJ't· lak l' ll IInI1 ,· ,. thl' 1'J'lIlrl'i i(1II ; r I!l(' pity Nnlll ~ oC a snmo an <! a IJ~ Il I'll! 1,1 lUI u;:!(' 1\ '. prh 'l l'!r : Il 1I'0u!d h CI'CII bl'll"r i r til y I)l\~ b' so h ('I{el·bc TrY. I g11 :\I'I I , ~ I I II'ftl : f' l /il '\' orr' itOi'll . . T o HI 01' to Irri tate and a Ra SllhorlY. We ~hnl.1 Illll 'not hUI ,' lI1'ril-rr1 nl t he' Ro!uti nn I') f tho 1'(,11 1 ,.hiltll'pu'!l 'fo Ile\J l? Pea r. J~ roh h ' IJI. llnlJl .W hal'\' SllI>,·t·I·,Io·rl in 1"IlHlri /l~ ( 'f IId iti ullS IImll' I' I\'lti"h ;t A mal a nd a commnnd ~ M[jn~C) . ) 8 Imwt,,·,,! !." IIlljl"Sl ihll' for Ihr ('[lild 10 ~ellpl ' 'olll tlllli n diol1 or Il r"'f."t .I."~ /!. J' f,HU," SIIW: . ClJ/u mbN, Olli,. Na n. .;h·en La smn ll s hot ? G I'll P(!. (J.f ll ;il tl J'1I1 I)nl'lnn l l!l'Oll' lh o r min,l lIll, l Im,h·. 'I'lt H' (·on/lit ion:; I1/,C '1) 111 • A Sf":llo r nnd a be rry '? ~~ Id e l'h 1'1')'. :.J AY FE:\,E i1 is " n<1 ' \Ui~ cnt,u·l·h. , It ~ tlmC': 1>11 ""I y mlllf'l' in l, II J'i ~i llg frnlll (·X( 1', ' 1'111' 'pm 't' I't\', U\ll 111'111'''' IlI", n\ s :-l L ("IU l ' P4 1 hy ~UJll U irri t n li n${ ·gub.A fruit hearing the nllnle of t he stunt: ' inllw nllll /,splt,u·l'dlll'lng.\h.e ' :tfWl lI al"d . ~"'\(,Il 1I0t ol'i;!i n:lII ·11. h.\' Ih.., hnlJil s of tbe pll rr' lIl s nlltl tli , start ' of li te ? D"di\drr ult. late MIllImeI' IIl ont h!!. I ~ i~ 1\'t!J11'r:,lly, 1' 1ro) ltIli 'Ill 1)1 th .. hOlIII'. I Ii · (h '1 l' IT nr Ali lw rb sig nifyin g ltlttorn ~s and t holt~ h th ut tlIl'noll " " of cQ rtulu woods! t hl' ch i!,l"" 11 l1 ,.i ~i llL( f m lll lili i' (1 II li,. I" r n· sha r I' last rum nt? Rhub' rb. l.Lth1 I)OI w Or :, i l.hl' · 'au:.Ic o f it. • for Ores$cs for Seven and Seve ll teen. t o II'h l(' 1I II' {' 511uul ,1 pill' the 1110 I 0'1'111 . Chtt" ~,,, lIf 10 ·alit~· NCCIII S t o b tho An urt!cle ? ' a te r m mea ning "be· p :l l hl'! it· Ill' d. . . o nl.\· 1'!~Uo ll nl CUI·C. Th u. I)f l'eMina, • 'Wilh 11](' r omlo of cooler tlays on e d comllv('- to outline the broderl o ra r e," uud a ~ mnll b ouse? Ap ricot. •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mlls t pic k th e R which will be "Ith rum d of Val e nel n nes. h uw \'\J r, ~t.i tnulntHH Lh n"r\'uu . \,!) t e m ' t o. I',,,bt lh" cl1\'ct of· ~bo · pol"l'oo o" I , In ha rmo ny With the hangc. nod nOlh· F OI' a dr oss lor coole r duys one ot Remember Th at. lUuI1lLlI (lu~ nnp ~Q m imo IU"J:i, j; the. In g is flnl. l· Ihnn t h IIt Ll e s rnol)lt d the f:l.'!llonnbl ' ell c k'ld 1'011 8 m ny To brlglileo ni cke l rub wllh a wool· y iet i rn thru ug h tIle hilY ! : ·c\·, .s~ill.SOn t rocks oC IlIPtl II for YOullg glrl B. 'f hey bc mad e up Into th fai hrlll IIk enesjl CI\ c lolh dipped In slllfita of am· Wilh ull un utl;;::1( of tho dl ~ ctls~ ' " .. not only CAn IlC WOI'Il for ·lhe nd o f oC th all show n In Olll' sketch . sa p. ma nIa nnc! afte rwa rd poli sh wIth 8 A In :'I;O 11 11 lIIb vI' DC p ~n p "i 'l:( upon '. P CI'll nil. for litis ptlrl" '"C. Thdsp. :wttb · . ' ., t h silm me r £' ~ n ll . but lat,,1' all for ph lre Ulu , wllh a .CO:Jtl,·os t on lhe bod. cl an ' lJa:llols lea t her. ,, school. Aillacn Is Illso mil h to be Ice of black and II'hlte. and h(! soft n· The I ILI'CS o r India rublter plan ts d., n \lt find it '{)u I:cnicn IJl .eJmnge If) ·~ U O I1 . lp u voi (\ HO I' ' Ifu y,"~; I comm ended fo r lb malti ng or dresses In g nnl sh of som e Iv ory·ton('tl lace be· I sho uld be s ponged wll.l! milk anrl th'it' ' w Oll ld dll WI!ll 10 g i " ll [. mnil 0. t ri!,l. ' , . for misses' wUlr, as they fir not ooly Ing one of the most e ff ccth'e color wn ter onl!e 0. we ek. "l'hls .t r ealment 1L IIH~ \11'. " . n ol pncclc'ss VlllUC to .. By NELLIE eRAVEY GILLMORE, s r.rvl ceablc bu t sma rl. In fnet. It sche mes. 0 1'. If made In n fln e su m' mIlk s thorn brlg bt nnd gl09sy. m any pc f1. c. • , " I, . ' '---------------------------.:..____J I will b dls l1n(' lIy wi se IJ for tll tbe mor c10tb IlI .blac:': and whitt:! ch eck, It W hon \lnlll ng away sllvel'. a IIltl maj or ty of th e youog folks' n w co uld be worn right o n into Oclohl.'r . 0111'e al l I' ubbed oy r It will PI' ve nt 'rh u u ~ h fully ~~. young laDlful'd only thln~ to d. It'll ·tmpl y have to . gown!'. tho chosen matcrlnl~ IIJ'O al' l and In thi s case th e 'aislcoat fl'onls It fl' o m ge LlIn g r tarnish d. When THE CORNISH TIN OEP0i-IT8. <li d li CIt loolt a day ove l' 19 III bl ~ IIghl h dono. th llt's a ll. .• '0 l I' ady IHI soo n IlnCn. covc!'t conlin"'. s erve or \'0111 • could Int l'oduco some lonch 01 010 1' neede d wash In warw. soap wate r tl Ull1l Is lUI be rail nl lUlJl.l· <rill> th o ItS you cun : WC' I' procious lit tle' Ume I ns Ihon th y will do good lIorvice I'I/;hl --old r .... Greilt Enoli sh Indu stry Stili e:apilbl.1 . ~ (or exaplpUe. ",oulll look nn \1l'l' t horoughly. ,vurand/l Ilteps or Lhe' 1-J h redgc homt.' to s qulI)ldo r." "T' to th e tim e ' wh e n wi n ter clot bes 6/1 ciall!, well wilh !.Jord erings of ltlack Wben ll a nglng clot hes to dry. r e· of BiO Product io n. '. '. '. alld 1)f'e ijH d the lectrlc b II bulton. Insldo ' W mlnllles I~lh o r ' dllO \V:l S and furs b ('ome a n(!c 5slty. a nd whit . mc,Ulltc l' nlwnya to hung s tookln\ls by r 'I'I door 11011' all 11 slm ll llJln o;l usly " rl ggf'd OIl L" In 011 ,oF hi!! ~Ist r's Thotl!:h the Cornish tin d epnslta' Wl lh lh youn " C' I' gl l'ls It is 'omlng For the r;rowll' ups all'ea \ly tho prot· th l oes. nigh t dr Baes by th e shoul· al ~ tl a M t u lld'I' laa~ d. Iwrsonugo In SUllll'lost 1l()"' IlS. wllb u S"!' ut lanse , m ol' Dnd mOI'a ' to be tho olls tom to Ueat of foulnrd Ih: IISCS Ilr !.Jelng mad e de l's and skirts . by th e hem, and so h a \' b en wOllkcd rrom t ho I~ ;L\"n ,.f,Jr IIl'Pl~' a t ot! courro ntlug hllU. .coat to hid e lIl a figllro. T he dai nt iest f wonI' lh Itg wllsllnble materials up. ' to sen ' a (Ioubl purpose-lhat pr ye nt them dril llgin g out. Of sbapo. h lswry. eX llqrl.8 hold tilRt vnSl Quan.- ' . "Is .1Iss Eth I'clige Il\ ~ I wish W (lr 1"1' neh tOqu 3 surmolln te d his nil Ibe y nr. lho n e (Icel wllrm th lte· of flnl s hlilg . alit th e outdoor t; aaon. W"be n staining a fl o'or, ba oar fil l tl Uea are still to be lOl/ nd ' [Ii this '~'" . !lCI) bO l' at ence, If I)O s~ lble: " l1u elll·lIng. blo nd hurl'. l in" su ppll d by tb e . ext ru Onnne l un- wllen It Is 1I08Slbl to wand"'I' Rroun el tI! IVays 10 brush wlUI th e grain of tbe lU etnlllflJ l'Oull 8011.f In the lla~t; twent~I~ . . ., . , thrus t U cllrd Into th e sil l- ' I' recolver ," • '.: Toget he r lh 'y ntered a coupe an d t1 prgarm cllts. J\nd tbe tlres!! of dec· minus a wrap of any d escription, and wood. and n ot a ga ins t I t. Perman· years Cor,! wall hil S h Q n badly. hit by and Silt do wn . So me what out ot dl'ov rapidl y aw a)'. . l orall" des ign Is just ns ncCeSSnlT fOI' an e l' e nt more Importan t one of being . ganate at potus h dl ssoll'e d In boiling t he d9vclopm€lnt Of. tlo mInI ng In the !,' •. Ji. "' 1' l!1'l':ltb, In t bo L\ UI' 5t chair. .J. ' • •1 1"lve IIlln utce' rapid drivin g ltrollq ht t h neven ·), Ilr-old as for Ul(! 17·y ar· us ed fo r It heus dresij. wa ter makes lhe cheap es t staIn one straits outp e mont. The faJI la .\ minute passed and lbe butler r&- Ihe m to {h Grand entl'al dellot, and old mIss. Bllt tor both the cholco Pal'ls has oo·c.nly decl a r ed her belief can ge t. 'j'he Ooor should bo arter· prIce ot the metal .en(!s o.(I the ,()loSL~ '(.:, .. tUI'J1od, iJl."fil'lug a sli ll o r P:'.Il r jll8t in limo to purchase tick ets aDd ,I mny woll f nll upon wbi te mus lllJ or In fo ulard s-but th ey (Ire always the ward polished with bees wax and tur· of man y of tbe Cornllih wln ell, anti . ., . a cross t ho b:l 1< of which was scrawlod board lbe as t,bOllUd truln. Incidentally led lo ...the -ml l$rsUan.; 01' fln e :llQue trimmed wl tb h e brod crl e ne w toulards, which h'a'Ve com und e l' penline.. III Ii hu sty haud: "Deal' Dick: I A drizz ling ruin had set l:l lty tb~ anglaiae. wltlcb as It mana ges to com· the chlll'on Influence alld flnd lh em· After wasblng cut glaes, dry very " Co\l~ln .ra,:ky." a s tILe OorNs li !hlner . Ii Ill. uufortunal Iy. too III to leayo my tim e t h ')' reached Sprlnb'fleld. I\od t ho blno dalnlltl S9 a nd durab ility In th ~' selves a s sort and aUI)[lle. Ilnd al· thoroughl}' and br1ls h over wltb pow· Is kn oll'n, to eve ry Qunrler ~ of ~I I'oom. au you not, Just as well. com· night was pitchy. Artor SOUlO dlffl. l.moSl satJsra~ Dry fa shion . Is IIk.e ly to most as rich In a WI\Y as lIberly sat· dered chalk. A Quite soft brusb should I!:lobe. It seem ed Indeed a 3 il'mlnlna" 'lIIunl cate w ith me tbrou gh Cba l'iey?" ou lty. St'-DntQl'd tlU~ceed ell In locating go on enJoytng th e fnl'or or(\ Cashion ios. bo used. and all the crevices carefully In tho duchy h~ d rec elv o~ Ii blow . You ng Glumford ' wall in a quandu ry. his 1lUcle 's carrillge, anU once com. I and her ·followe rs tor mllny n long Onl,. th e slmpl r sort at house !;one Into. Continue brushing till [rom wh ich It CO lAId by no 'pb:slblll.iJ:,·· .' D cld dly nothln g could be do n with· COl'lllbly in :olalled. tbOY ' were whi r le d ; day to come. Ln th e cas of \JIC littl e gowns can be mad of Lh m. bllt they every .vestl ge of the chalk Is r emov.ed recov9r . A t e w wines maflR,ged' to · . ou t lhe· co'oncl'atlon of Miss Ether· away to tbe g lOOlllY sceae of th II' ap' dam sel of !\8.ven. the design o( th e nr e stunning. Red foulards, sprink led aod the gllls s lo oks bright aad spark.· Burvlve. notably nolcoa lb.,{ .wbfoh enrn cd D m'od Qst profit e" eP In "U!a ,.;', .• '. rl go In pOl'son , l\lld limo ,,:a5 Oyln g. 1II'0a ching nUlltlals. sketch mlly he rollowrul t.o advanta!:o. all o',\, r wIth tlnr wh:lte dots, are lin g. lean years when tin varll)d betw'eJu ' ~~. H e co nsn lt d his watcb nnd (oull<1 to On th al'rl\'o I of tb e carrl nge they ' th e broderl whic h rorm s ·th at very made UTI ' In Casolnatln l; ways that .£ Gil anti £ 70 Der lot\ . With the! • .• ..: , Metal Boits. hi s d ismay thill lta re,y 40 mlll).t s re- wero mot and usbered Imm ediate ly ' efl'nctl\' e plas ron anti II:1nol • being show s kirts shirre d on cords. unlqu If m tal bed!! are chosen wllb an m ein l ' nenrly treb l!) that pr lcl!'. ' It '1. .,1'. , ln, mnln tI In whlcb to !lCt. H e /'et1ected luto tb o nick mall 's chamber. where I. outlln crl 'fJtI1 IItli kll ted Crlllln!;s of pla ltlngs and tucks and plain shlr· 11 rnomE!lJt, tben turn ed hllotlly t.o the a strange priest •. lawyer nnd o ne or j the mllsll n, :,'hlle a .folned belt ot s ort rings withollt numbe r. or I)Ollrse. eye to th el .. keepin g bright and th 0 ,not surprising tbat s peclilatll rs and " .,.1; 1-" ' f , •.•l J bu tlor. "Toll Mr. hnr l l' to como two servants ns witnesses we re al. blush Tosa pink sallll way be pasijed th e re is lrlmmlng, 11ml, It Is u sually given jU3t a little care, .j t here IS no pros pectors are turnin g B.vid eyes tD ; ,I :.~"" ready ass mbl ed. . I "nderneath . so th a t it may gi ve a fas· of a IInge rl trpe-a ShE!er white yoke, nocessity for their turning dull and thi s lV esternmost coullty. ·(\ow1\ Immedlatoly," b sa·ld. The enhan ced pri ce ot lI.n Is lIkel" Stamford glanced du blou I)' toward clnaUn ' lIugl;estlon at Its prese nce porh[ips with 11Ildersiceyes to mittct.. tarnls blhg. Experts sny that b rass \\ h 1\ Chlll'ley ' EltberedgO' allnr.arcd In 1'0s IKlns to this summons he (ound )lls ull cle whose tn ce was chalkY tjJrougb Ule s Utl·transpa rency ot the or at least with so me Bo rt ot a fri ll ought 'not to tarnish If It Is prol'e rly' to be perman en t. ror It Is due to treated In t~e first plnce and th e natu ral. not arUflcll\1. cll'uses. ~n lit · Stamfo rd Imclng restlessly till aud '\'h lte and (ea.rully omaclated . and lu rolder y In f.ront, tho ug b It co mes In to 01' of nn e lbow cull' to match. dO Wll tb e loog hallwn)·. lmowlp g that d eath was In e "itnl)le. full er 11I'omlnenco at t ho s ide.. Lik e ' crepe ' de ohln e, R toulnrd brass trlmmlu gs to white be ds a re the I.he rarest or all the qJctals, and ·tII. "Tho ract of Lho matter Is. Eth er· h.e noled with a slgb or rellet that tho Sweet 17. In her t urn, llll~ht r'l\lI, doesn't reQuire a silk lining. which first places usually that show wqar. world '!! consumption bns 'now out" ' ..... , edge," he began nt onc . ~' my uncle once keen. bluck eyes had dulled to with just II [e w mo. dll1catl ons . adapt makes It appeal el'en moro Btl'onbly Be caretul In getting ylHlr bed to see g row n th e SUIJllly. Tbe world's ' p~ ducllo n has a,·eraged. In rec nt yea .... if the t rimmIn gs (or Ik e bed Itself, Is tl yl n!;. Ho hus alwuys had hIs eve rything save bnro herce ptlon. Lho samo des ign to hQr owu use. tb c to th e majority of women. " . hart 6 t o n D-- on my nlllrriage Tho eo[ubln aClon or dotted toulard If It 18 nil brass) are care fully fin· '7 5,000 tonR. of wb leb mol'o tha n on. Scan t IJrelJaraUons had lJeqn mada .tlrode rl o Ilanol bein g, oC COU TS , In wllh )'our sister For Bom o . unex· .tor ' lhe tirldal. Illld just five ~ rnut s I her Cli Me. sn grGduatod as to talle r at with a plnln foulnrd of t hc Mamc shade Ished. If you do not know the signs hal! bilS co-me from the SLral~r ~ ,,; .' pllllncd and Illexpli cable rt~aso n . he were consumed In tylng the Got'dlan III wal$t Bnd wl !len Oll t again a t th o Is motlt ctlectlve ot all when It Is car· yours elf, ns k Bome one who does; It t1eme nts. About 16.000 tonI! p~ aa, 3klrt: willie a tran sparent yoke and rled out In a new blue, li ghter than Ulay cost a lIttle more than you Dum como t ram tbe Du tell' Ea:lt In· ohoosos to fall oy at lhls la, day that k.not. • 1' Half an hour passed .and the darll. collu Illlnd of Valenciennes Ineo and th e us ual shades. as sol:t. lu lts wny . thought. but It will be Il)s lI In th e long di es; 5.000 tons rtroni Ci)l:n.wnll: of IIH wl\l draw Ilack tram our ell ' u"elll t) ~t because or tho' d ola)'. The en d slcl~ room became the eha'mber !l foam of trllls III the same' 60ft lace as Is old. blue, yet a much stronger run . Enamcllng can be dllne (redone, 000 ton s troUl A USI ralns la. nod • bulk of pronert.y. as you huvo of death. . The newly' wedded ((o upla as a fin !sb to tlio elb ow slee\' os. rim y shada and one t hat . uitorly lacks tho that Is) at hom e with very IItLle 1I1n;I llar quanUty from Bolivia. 'nn. I. b eard , liaS beon willed to nl.e on ,t he IIngored [or a so lemn morllent,' then !lisa ho suggested. while fur thormore peculiar milky tone that character· troubl e . Aod ena mel paints cost 60 Bcarce ly fou nrl at all In. ~urope or la ' .., '., little that there Is no eXtluse' tor lot· the UaltOd States. . IIllecl tied condition of our mOrl'lage." silently' le ft the room to I'rellare tor It would be advls nble"7l1nd dis tinc tly Izes.,old blue. tlng a white Iron bed go shabby, even lie. 1111 used and drew troUI hJs pocket the return journe". · '. though frequent handllugs lIlay ba've .th.e s~all, unmistakable . yellow In· scarred the 'e namel h ere and there. v elop. "Alld now: tho worst of It Is," Katherine Stalliford elltered the . .~ Once, In every few ", eek~, too. an he .llUrBucd anxiou s ly. "·ho has bllt a parlol' with 8.ome trepi da tio n. Ethel" • i • ?tl l:' -:.t ,. " enamel bed 8bould be gone over with tew ho urs t.o IIvo and sends this tele· edge was 'standlng hefol'e an olle n Dr. Wllllam~' Pink Pili. :8l'Oudht .. ....: ,.• a · soallY ra g: It ia 8ur pr!lIing ' how 'gram at tllo elE\ve nth bo ur: 'Ir )' 0 11 window lookin g out Into tbe atreet, ""'ha.t will MI Lady's rail lint be made lief, and Cl'r~ f~r · .p!lttlltll ' ' . , J. ~ " " - .il tbe bow In doubl e. triple and eve. milch dirt will come orr nnd how 111' no't married boror e the breath but at the' sound of hel' step he o( "' ade Of Headache. ~... ~.ll• • ~' . .. , .}, l ~' . quadrupl e tor ·matrons. whllo chon leaves ' my bod ~'-nt ,illY vel'Y bed· turned a nd came forwurd wltli Qut. Whal ,;'111MI Lady' rall hat he mAde 0 (. and rosette Ideas will ~E! SOCD' among fr esh t h e e namel '1'1111 look arter . It. Dr. William s "Pinl~ Pills, a': r&m~ ' : ( I •• ~ 'I cleaning. t t h d h d Pl umQR nnd will ge. and ribbons gnl orc. I!lde-mll shall .be ohanged.' .;' . , f! re c e an . And tlmt·. What ' Al l Lady'. Illn w/ll be varlou~ other torma. \'I'hi ci) bl\.~boelJ be[oro the Alllill:i9n",~ ! .:f · , Etheredge pondered a second Ilnd "So good ot you to come," she sald, ",atlc or." pie for ngelloratl ou, 6till acoomp~:... ' '':;, { .' Flowers will not be to.rgotten, tiuil Banilnil Cilke. shook bls' head. hi can't 'see what 's plaolng her fiugers In bls: "we have It will, of courso cost · II Ilrett.y natural etfects not being 80 · much iugwoncl urful resolt81'l1IH.J)y!dE:U~·~ '· ' '" l , • • Cream together one and ono·halr · to be' done"my dear fellow, unl e99 been waiting and wishing for an Of\' penny, bitt thoo ge ne rally when a S01lght atte r as the large silk and velt.ho foll ,)wi ng iu ten 'iow with ·Mrs.:" ' ''''?' ",. , '. ' . you Jus.t' .lIlmply .I;l:tpilil n that .my sis· IlO rtunlty to . t hank you for the royal I VI'oman Is buying a bonuet sh e doesn't vet rosos which are very beautiful cups or Sligar and one·half cu ... of but· ehael Gardu or, of,'W1 1 ~'y y, K h:nsi .... .• ".. ,'." . . ter. A11d · one·balt CIII' of mIlk and ter Is Ilhy~lcatly unable-" . way In whlcb you camo to Dick'. count tll cost until IlftOI' tho bl\l , ... , It.. one·balt cup of cornstarch. Tb ~ n beat . "It wn s vcry st ra'lI ge," /ilia sny., ~~~ "So nllloh charr. In hl 3 present assistance:'" . co mes In and thell with sweetest I'csig' never cOU ld toll what cnused .It audl ~;.r' :,.' " In . one and ·, ono·half CUllS or Oour. weaken e~, fl\nclful condition 'n n e x· Elheredge . Bmlled and caught·· her nation s he lets ' dear hubby do ' th e silted with three level teaspol)ns at nciLh or 'c ould lluybOdy elllO.· For lODe ' . , ~ . ' Illan lLllon of that sort would serve ad· ol be r hand In his. crushing Uu!m to- ,,·o rrl'in g. • :. baking Ilowder. aod told In lailt ' tho thuo I Imcl blLc1'spcllHwit h my stotn'acli.. mlrably to strengtben .hls \mreRson· gethe r In both his 01"11. "An'd hoW A poin t or s pecial' note In r fe renc e The pnin would "CilJUOl CIICe 'n\~)Ut" Jllr; ';' !hlckl!' beu.ten whites six egg~ ant.! a\)l& whlni', and ~90. 000 Is no trllle w about· YOU, Kate?" he asked, lau""h· to th o new millinery Is the extreme one teas poon o( lemon fiavorlng. Bake bcnrt(llHtwas50 d()adlyagouizlngtba~r ." I. , ' au Im Jl cllllloua follow IIll e-lll ~· s c lt,' · lug suddenly Into the tell-tale eyes I.Ie n l;1h ot tho \llumes SOe!l on many W0111(1 hQ.\·o to serCll1Unloud, . SO·lIIeU• •·: · f I : In laye rs. "Of course not," retuI'ned the ral sod til hla. of the dressl or styles o( hals. Some it 'vo\ll(ll n~ t sc,:cral b ourli and' I wolll4 " :1' .... . ' F<Jr an ICing for the tOj) and the other mUSingly. " l<tithol'lne turned 'away swlftl}' to ~ re . almosl t.wo 'fect In length and ha,'o to tlll.a li1Llrlaul1lu tf) stop It. ' ~ , ......:. la)'ers. beat the whl tes or' /lve eggs ' '' It's \\'hatwe've b1::en lookIng tor· hid e the burning flood of crlmsQIi')n. l1ado to loole lon ger by tho manllor In Bid os tbis 1 bnd a hcudacho 1I1100s& COIl- " . ' ,. . ,~ ' . and . ncnrly. two cupa ot powdered ward to all our III'os; too," . c beek. nccl! and brow. I whloh they al'e [)Iaced on 'tho bat. sugar togoth er. Cove r all the cakes · BtnntlV. (1uyulld uight. tblltlletlrlyoTUe4,' " Iiltb~rE!d ge wns . dumb · ro~ B. veral "No .need ·to den)' It. dearest. Thnnk I lostead' of being curled atound tl\o lat· with the Icin g and lay sliced banana rut), 60 you 600 ~ s uffer e(l I!o great ~ .' minutes ; such a thing' 1\5 a lIoluUon, heaven luck · Was the means ot bring· tel', they a re \lut on almost stl'alght, all 'but one. Then 11110 together. Alttl whcn I tbmk ot tho al(ouy 1 11Il00at th o present juncture, silem1ng more Ipg to hIe ' wliat no amount of Pleu"'1 tbus showin g of[ to full length. Somo .durml it stillmnlcos lUO sbudder. ." aro ostrich, althou;b fancy olfectB are ·, lmlloRsl ble than ' the moving ot a Ing COUld!" Odd Leattier. for Shoe!. " •Doct()r~ ,' (I II you sny'? ;Tb·eir.med1':".: ·' \[OW did you guess? I tbou~bt 3een. . mountllln. Crocodile ' akin 18 rcg""on sP'le for'the chl o made 1110 siellcr. ' I couldn:.' tlrke:i&., As to colo~B. white and black wjll Sta~rord took out bla VI'atep again "';-1 was sure--·i .. 't , and I k ept g'tf)wing ,~orso until adTie. . and studied Its tace critically. I·Half· "Tbat tbat tilmsy dlsSllll\e ' ot YOUI'·. bo stl'ong facto rs In tlL o s ituation. but most a ttractlvo n~ht w/llil ing shoes. ..d vi!<Col Ill e fo tulle Dr)'WlUiluIl8',-i'iDk; an hour," he. oaIcU,lated unde~ ~III wa~ p0rfect? Never, wi t h me. Be- ' tbe ot hel' ~had ",s will. not ·be n egle tOIl. ~ade wlt.~ high LOllis IJeels an d la rge pm" and I did. ' I b egall to'foel bettel' cause I love YOIl, n!llther wi'g. nor I Brown In the !!ntlr range will btl used, brent'h: • . ton s u ~s . . and I)ros~ . bars caught with I flud ,vnA somi ",.llo11y conv(lrted to;.tJUe Slldden:y Ethllredge loolccd lIil with cl\)lhes. nor ,tho IItartllng rose n~btanco I' whllo green and blue effects will be strnss buckles. . LI~ard sldn Is alse wOI.lII" rful m edicine. It did we mDl'e ' a dining Inspiration ' In hi s e)'cs. "I you bear to Y9\1r· twin . brpthel' COl~l$I seen, at so certai n shad ca of red. par" • emptoyed, nnd ·as the se3so." advances gooti tbull I hlltl ever liollOd'.fQf. ~ ~~,1 1Iavo It:~ he cried. "Sujll)oae I~what Ilvall olle 'Iota to . deceIve me . . Be- 11iculnrlY Qf tho rRspuorry order. ' A will ' be much seeD In coohoction wIt h Oll wilh the I'ills al.ld llO\'I.1.:r~~; _,;'.\ : J if 1 .mlght rjg out In .ome o( my 31s· sld~8." I\e wont on, . "I happene d' to new ~had e als o wtll be Introduce.d. gowns of pole 'grey" tbe wbl te a n(1 g ray, th om to nil who.l!'uffer: " .. ' .. 'ter's ' tOggery lind go on with YOl'? I\now ..that old Dick. was hundr ds· ot I knovlO as Ilrlncess bltlo. ·whlch Is slm· markin gs on tbe skl.n i:o~)J llIln g cxc'll.· '. Dr. WiIlialU!!' Pluk Pills . ~II:Y."' .~ : :~\",'" J ' I 'vo done tliat SOft of thIng ~for~, thlle. away wben that telegrbm tlar to ro),RI alth"!u!:'.'J a trifle gayer. Jent!y. wIth some of the new mULoI'lr, S. Ievcrecl\'~I:RllfilldrKeslion. ·blQpIll~,.,. '. Rlbbolls will bo milo" III 4lvldonce. you Know., pretty ' Bubce8llflilly. lie· caJDe." ; !1If!tlUUza, hOl1dacltes, backaches, · r~ f t ·,!.. "But Charley. that marrIage- was all llnd solid color ottects ' tn lighter and o~ntl.lDonta1. Thellil '11'111 be 8een Do 'tou Keep Your Card. Clean ~ member. those' private theatrJcalll last bag(t, . lIIJillti L'll, ~eoralgia. llervo~ t' . .. .'\ as a 80le adornment and .1110 In com. 'I\ummer,?'" .. . ._ a Iham: tho proper parties are t.o he Bhadell on the bod)' of the hat will be Sph'lts er' camphor Is I ' help to tbe all,l 8pi 11111 \'I'enlwCBS. 'the geu\Iiue Dr. " .. \ • Young Stamfl)rcl ItlI,rteil and red· married In t1l0 weekI. lt~ur-call' l' palttlllllarl), good In ' soft lustreu. blnatlo:i 'wltli feathers. aDd plume•. hostess In keeping her packs or cards WiIlhwls' Pillk Pilla are I~"" . f'rull. especially ths. ~III In a spotlels condition. ' J( tha cards be fl'88 from oplaial or '&111 ~ ; • ~\ ' . weave.. while warp prlntll In light ct· · dellcid , furiously for an Inltant. Rls not really Cfrt.nt. you know." and are not hadly IIQUed gentle rultbln; drngslUldcaunotllljwe&beiDGIiii ........ . >' • It dId. howev~r. for • fortnight fecta will. be used for very dressy bats. make a strout; bid tor .• yea clling NlOlutelr to the C8l1pet. , willie wIth a sponge dlppl!'~ 111 tbe ea11ll1tuf lyaCt-lU. At 1111 drujPl'"&a, ~ fl'OIIi ! :. Thon. after. mlnute'l hesItation, be later · there WU .. ilouble wedtllq .t I TIIen ribboD. wtll be manipulated III the natural colors will e\'ldenca 11'.111 reslflfe their 'urmv ,,"olb 11» . Dr. WilllaDle Jrledloloa 00., Sohllll~. :..... '. . " yarlel1 of t1l1rer~~ lonius. lucb u follap .ill be verI UW. :.Ianced up. "capital!'" lae exclaimed, 8t. Plul'S. N.Y,.-JIOII.tpaid aD ~" of ~•• •.••.. ,. 4nthlll!1utfcal\y. "It seem. abOut the tCOPn'!lht, uae, bJ' DaIl7 .~ l'ult. N . .... per boa, IIa - . . , . . .~. I.:
I1M·hill; to lh ill k 1I:j:.-f.tlcW!-I-l. II'hllL till ' l1'rfr('s t i t11·j.,. pr(;oL<ntpi(' L cl'ke!> lind ~!:" ;r OW1\ chii,\ish. illJll:;i nul iOllS prQI' iul: il.
~ _~~
frlllill ,,~
'the \. ,.
• ,
A Short Chapter on Hats for Fall lVear
r: .
on .
.... /!1····
til. .' ...
/ ,-
lie:: .~
2 _ 2 _ )t'
Mrs. Anna
__ 7t
Il:bwore blessed with Htlrtll1.
Rudd of
flunilY ' uf flv"
'1'111'(10 of t.llo \lhilllrrJU J1r~~odo, 1 --., I their I){lrt'nts ttl t,be ut,h, r wur Jrl. Mrll, A nn~ .Rtulll , Clf ,ytlfl, (hed I Wlllillm Rl1dd t he h\1sbllnd . uml
IS Deau.
Whit e Wash ed, the Sprin gboro Team .
3.5 0 8 ' ShiS 't
Waynes ville High Sehool BoYIl :o1liturdllY evenln ~ With \t pr fllthor, '" nt homo to I,lis Br)1Ivon ly losod ~ life tbat WU I! II JI'''~Ull to 1111 I'tlWIII'd MIlY 6tb 1!10~, Illld WIlS Gi ve Spring boro People lin Elthi· Is a remind er that who oaDle In oontlll't with her~ UA. ed by his compau lon who jui n bition. t Good 8ase ·BaJl'Play in&. ~ t'ell ' l o~ u~e ot her ohoerfn lnel''' ",,"I hClllUty Hle!'p in .l esus eptollluer 28t.h 1\l()1; Bya soore of from 211 up IIny· . or obn raott>r., , 'I'wo ohi~lIre rlllllniu Mt!1 . WiIlltl lll oy~ lior ulrlll.l~t Il (pUlrtoT of !I CJ IltnT.v t'r(light on o f lll... ytle, wbere to 4~ on the part of Wayne s· ' >,,11080 tellllt'rl;v d ville"to one lone run on the oppos. she wus /I ~ el plll ..tI Invllli I. bllt Lhrll urell fu r t.ll tll'lll' "filiated Get Them &t ing side. u team of Hlgb !:)chool boys all her 8utlerlh g .. IIhe Illllinlillncd U und MJ' s 'l'holJlus !:'iuylof ,' of lU vtJJ l.' r , , l:)prill l( During thc n'e xt two \ H 'k " we from Wayne sville, defeate olleerfu l outlook nnd nn e,'eO' 10UI · ullin' , III (I six grund ,ohildre d tho n IIN l will olTer 1000 Ch ildrcn ' ~ISlli b in I:!prlnl{b oro Bigh porllmo nt, Scbool Lean. at . , no ~iR ter IInil two ,brotho rs of '1I1 Double Breaste d and Norfll\l { .. 1\ les Springb oro, FrldaY llfterno on, Sbe was oomfor ted in her iIlnll.88 , VIIUOl'U' nge, . EV AT\' UAW II [H I P Op"i'1I1' l l ... : In ' Our good .fdeud, Prof, H, D. Kel.. hy t,he constan t 110'(1 lovung miDIs. ]o'l1r many years, siNter RUller h ilS t hl .. 'hil{ ..ellin/{ 1'h ... . ' liII~hl1l ' - are lison, superID tendent uf the 8p rin s · tTstion . of ber devoted ohllure n been n h elple~s InYlilId , ilnd II I{r ht regul nr 00 VllltU'H li nd will • ost boro 8Ohools, twirled the Funera l service s wore c:ondnc ted ,lIunar er . Yet she Will! alwlI.\'s ball for brilth t vou liIli.DO 'L t, fln~' ot,her '~ t .)r'" tit Lytle M. E , ohuroh MondlLY after ) unn r hearful, the Gr ll:Oe of his sohoola nd t he way tbe Wllynel'" God W II!' • • ' ville boys knook4jd that ball about fI~on, when the follo\'I'ing obltnar y ' lluflic:'ilm t, bo kA pt the fuith , amI ~or the (;e it, lJrnt,pt\ Mos~ the field was 1\ oautlon . "AS read : , i lli O(1 in grent pOIiOO . Uohon Speoilil B. ys Howev er. It 8h~u ld be exphun ed Ann Loos" Woods WIlS born tLt PmLIP TRO 1', PIlstllr, Su!t.Il WurrUl lt ed to eqllllln ny *7,00 thllt, thu WuvlleHv llIH boys tillY , their 'altborl l6 Norfolk Englan d ou ' 1:!1llt on tho mll rket . " abe hved r!ln~ we r e not IIlle' til \l,,,,r pltuhinl,l " , un A. ug, 10th, 1 25 whllre 'A IID 011' THANK S · LOCA L AND " . Conc ernin g 1 Uhildrun'ti Kneo P •.lIlts. Oil Mr K e II t~OI~ ' tI )lur t b ~ t won d or · til she was mn rried to Willian l Ip e fllnuly <;>f ~rs , Rudd deslros .., C I Corum' u"" or CIISl!illlor • es, fully ~,)Ild hllttlUI{ on th eir part. Rudd. Februll ry 22, by the to e xt~nu tllllir Sl!l core tllllDks to PERS ONAL MEN TION : u~lInllv solO 'It double tlliH Form er ReSid ents. Rev. Patterll en, Bish op18(j.J; Nil nne kn owR jUl!t wbatth e IlOOr ll (If Gate St, their frlentis and neighbo rs for t,jJ elr C J price - - - -- ' , Norwio h , I' lilly WII " Spr ingl;oro wlIlI Pflrmtt t !Iumer(lus kindnes/les extende.rl duro Mr . Gan Murphv . of Dayton hlill Mr anel Yra, Lee Shut,ts, of Day· :.. " (,d to j!l\t nue lone rlln. The oftl olal Soon ft th l i t h beeD a KUI'8 ' of bls Bleak 'BOUIe tnn. wlllh to Imooon ue the IlIg her Illness nn d nt the !,lIne "f $1 aO ) RJltlOlt\l BIg Lot of ~corl' kllepllr '8 pencil wore out, be IIrrlval left E ~r to e r k :Ige, t ey I her lIontll' I't>I.tlvel IIlnoe kODlh,y evening ,f • of a hllhy @on at their hOfll e In that home ~g ~n , i mS~ma~r I Childre n '" SUit,M fnre "lIfIlll Willi oellrlv over anel t . le r ~ho~e Oon'~ t orget ,be sale of fine pl&nts olty on Tae.da y ovenlng , Septem $2 00 ( in doubleSohool Brenster\ W/lYIHlH'villll brough t hi rllns so fast ber 10 n me~IM . h "trh 1n1gSr.°,n I' edr "'I I Cem te ., t rd t fte 25th This handllO • me litt le strange " ... am J styles worthllll.OO w ore he 'lI11ve np t,rylng to keep trDok of e ry". u aya r · , ...aro • . . ' ''', mnk. • liD . M E Churc h rin Dg g voyageYork April 17th noon . • • . ' ;:~~hnlto96'f pounds and w~llI . be ing tInheNew l'hll\l!!ll ndi! of Rnu ' them : jonrney In 44 days , ' , Quart et:'ly Meeti ng 0 C ( pre tty Cn ()8 nod new .The veO'8l'llble Cyrul Smlih has ard W 8hUI't:I~ny friends as Tam!! for B"w"rr ~Iob l Trtl Shortly nt IIllyR the !!COlO was nfter arrivin g ill thi s tltlcn failiD" tD healtb fur leveral . \he Childre n , otber slores twicil 11) to L DUll then SOIllO bellidell ~. oommu nity tbey united with the , .I! ' ridRY evening , ..toeb, but. ~ Itlil abht to ge'dow n , Ootobe r r., Ilt 7 ::10 ) will ILsk YOIl 500 t.o 750 tor , Fol\lIwlng 1M the line np of Mr. Bert Roberti!, who was oom. M. E . Ohuroh nt. Centerv ille tbe 1 54 , Dr: 0 , Lee Aultma n will pr.eaoh town ooouioDlilly eqaa l gmdell, 118lled 0 few years ago to go welt in during the pRs torllte of Re17, Ilo01L1 t ellm : ,Joe ThOlDpson, catoh; White ) l:)und'LY mornin~ lit 10 ::10 Holy Mr. and -lin. R . G , Orou are .esroh of health, has tely nnd Oossard . They Ilttende d churoh Comlllunlon; Haym,m l! WIlliamson, Illtoher ; at 7 :30 in the e venlug ~pttndinla w~k with relative s \At recover ed and III now a comple FREE TO THE BOYS Barry Hamilto n . firNt bll""; Bo~ Oftnrgs \own, Om~lla , aod othl'r ged young man. He basIltoUt. rug. nt Rebobe th un til 1656, wh'3n they sermon by Dr. Au~tlllan . All per. Footbal ls, P i10ket Knives, heen . IIrd em ~j'tOllt, . remove second bil RIl: Raymo od d to Raysvil le now Lytle sons nre 1,,,10&1110' Bro~ aDd Clermo ntoonn . ployed ns locomo tive enginee r f)r Pd, E , Churoh , Mr , Ilnd MI'ftI, Rudd ser'l'lcos, cordlll lly IDvlte(\ to these ted Tops and Boob, A1\ Free with DaVIS IIltort, IIt-oJ); Jobn ~tTIIWD , tV I Th....... tllir.l hllll"; Rnymo nd MlirlaU , left ong tlmll, and Is now at POkallo BOYII ' Clothes , ~8 "'_".,. tt"reel!I ved II very p Ies· -a· fleW; Wllltf'r ~Iillt,h, Idaho , oont4:lr fleld ; ' B " nt cal\ "flnda~ from their old , . '.!'& MAIN DAYTON n/!Io BnrgAU, rIg h t fl e Id , ~.t&.t& &.t&.t &.t& trlllDd, Mr f:hMfjlll l Jllmea, a prom· J , A, G. Roberts and dangh. lt1ent ,rll .. 1 , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . m.n 01 Dayton . terMr, MIIII Olive, of Peoria, Illlnoi8, Secur es Incre ase. ~I. Jllm .... pa_lnll hlrOURh a very brief vilolt with their n .... Wayne nlUtI to H.rvel .b with ,. relatlv ... -andf -.. I d 8a t.... , . ren of Pensi on. .. &ynesv III e II 1*rt yo Ine'l,,8 Saturda y and !:Junday , CI.01 HI':S,H f' URNI.5HINO.s , ' Mn T , J • ~tth reoeive d word ' Mi. Roberte :tlad been' vI81ting Amus R omine, a veteran of In !-landa , III abe diOath of ber brother ClnoiD uti tor 'leveral weeks Don't forge t to ask for Civil Wllr, wall notifieil b.v the the where Pen· Ueorn at Hamilt on. Mr. her father joined her Saturda y, your Gold Bond Coupo ns l ~iOIl Clf'pnrtnl ent IlIs t, \Veok that h e lind lin tkD~ 'PII\ Kttend the fun · .rrivln g in Wllynea vUle th"t after. • had beAn /Crttnte! 8 of tlnl wbloh t ...., place II' Hllmil&on nOOD. They secure elega nt and use- l~nHlnn (rom 11414 tl n "n inorllll8 They 'were Rueds of Mr. ft month , today. ' Robert s' brother . ' E, D, Roberts f l ' Mr. Romine i8 ull\Oh , d lin. HII~, lI'a rray reoei~ed in. until Sunday , wben they vieltec:1, u premI Ums. ' I m ' fo r the pr ompt inorpa~". ""gratlOe he had ,· fnrmllil oq .(I~y of 'he eerloWJ hllllist era, Mi. J&ne (tilly IUlide 1I1)P1i00 tion for It Jut RoberiB and Ill..... of bel' IIUDt, Mra, Phebe Mra. Amand a tiut,ton, of G P rt" t • F' ht .lulle the Har. 8mUb,· . ' lIilton, Ohio, Ail veysbu rlt pike , : Mt8l.1a nl Roberts ypsey a lCIpa es In Ig ~::::::::::= · W'urren Oil kin who lives on M"ll. lira. Bmltli II more ~baD g5 years i. more than eighty' years old and old, ... reqGye q II verl doubtfu l- is In very fnll"~eal'h. Ion Ridge's farm Wayne townsh ip was badly inoutEas' 111'. L, B.~~ ViDoeD' IIDd fllmily ftbout the Friday afternooD, Mr. aow~rd wbo ba"., eQj~ '. , 'heir 111m. Jobn80 n of WbIUle r, CftUfof head Monday mllrnln g In ftn en· nis, a mv home b~rit r.lne ral mODUlI oowlin of the la&e G, T. O'Neal counter with a moving ol tizen wb o l, b ... KiY. lip \be boW18 and lire made a long call on Mra, O'Neal bus trll,veled in .gypsey fllshlon over ipMldf .,. • 11ew. daYI wnh tbelr ' Mr. John lIOn was bnpreas l. tiouthe rn O'hlo for a numbe r of lid by ~bon ~ fnepda , IIr. lind Mrs, Sbe manl oh&nge lln theoom YllI\rs, . COot. . ~ rewrniD g &0 elnce be lett it 44 1~ar8llgo , munUy The fellow Is said to have stolen Z I M M' E R M A!N ' S Miami n.,..: . t. .'iD!1 Jllmea Kerriok , Cemete ry pArtionlarly appeale 80me harness from a party at Lab, d to ,.~ bPe ,ba lira, Julia Bar bim by ita beauty, aDd be oonsld. ftnon . MondllY be II:ttempted to Rell .... looeta p oa ),;ower "'In Itree& era i' one of '\be mOlt the harnes8 to Dakin who is Il mem Everyt hing in the Grocery Line beautif ul ' fOft eneral~, , wl11 oooupy tbe cemete rl. he ever IIfItW; ber of the Wayne ~oWD8hlp Prot«> tbis Is propers ,. tbi.wp ,ter. tlve ASAooi ntion eePeotally worthy of note as , ' , 8 The man noticed Mr , Dakin's "r. , A.lla~"·,~ad 'heple uure nilllll.ra~ousforits beautlfCaUfor ulcem. hn» UYI ot blln. AI ble p . t Mr. eteriM, Mr. JohnBOn was $lme mber!!b IPbadg e and It ill Bobet'R lddeiJ. ,ot.:i'o rt Smitb, Ar· wbat III now the Hoel farm born on posed he though t him an officer. At and is a "DIU, h ~ '1IeeD tblrty.f our IOD of Micajab JohnllOn, one of the IIny rllte there Will! a s110rt fight and FRESH FRUIT S and VEGElean 1Il00e Iff.... 'Biddel lleft Spriq pioneer a of tbls vioinity , tbell he Illade way os fliRt liN bill . VaUey for bill new bom.ID tbe W8lt lumber ing vehicle wonld permit. TABLE S. u4 bill made bot one vlaltba ok The·Xenia Gazette has the foUow· Officers from Lebano n ond WIIoY p' ~per .......D jellra~lInd baa _ _ n,&O ." concer nlnga device nesville followe d the man a. far as Highes t Price Paid for pat. n2U7lf lj _ w Id friendl bi n • ented by 'Mr, 000, W. Ebrleh t, for· Xenla, buthees ca118d , Hutt er and~g~ . ..- mer1 fW tD SpriD, C '10 lIyneavill~J an dhl I many 0 _Dd Xni.,V.lley, ew BurllnR ton friende • among the ual'Altte readers K. of P "s Pr08p' e rouse •• sinoere ly bope ,bat he may reap a ,, K. Q. E Notic e. We are paying 8ubatan tlal benefit from tb .. lame: C C Crown Ca8tle K. of P . ' III recelv· " Mr. George W . Ebrigh t of the All mambe n of Palntin e Castle, 8&ore . ing a' numbe r of new mem bere JU8' Hutohl & . Gibney . is ED~U 01 tbe Gold.D .sle are re· the inventb r ofson p~pel'S ' now and at almost every 8e88ion Olie a usefu! 'devioe n l to _ttend a meetln s at the whiob proml8 8s to oome Into gen· ~ or more oandldu tes "ride the goat. " . ~room, Frida", ,eveDlng, Ooto enl Ule The Inoreas e In membe rship hili I at dry ' goodl and other ... I. ItOres. h is a display holder for been especia lly pronoun oed 81nce Thil meetiD ,I.. ,s$rem ely impor. handke rchiefl and gloves and the eX08l1ent ahowinR made by the other ,• taD' and e"ery ~""r abould" lit- Ught artlolea .,.nd ODn"tlts Castle during the Home.C oming of a DUm _d IIDd upreea )lIa opiDion on ber of wooden' auns extend (II The BEST GOODS parade . ing out , tbe matter So be ~dared , from &center, Each arm will hold The Knlght s ,of Pythias are !laid The LOW EST PRICES R , C, RoBIT .ZER to. be making a more rapid Krowth sre&t many handke rohlefs , lhe arti, A I t f ts t 2 d 3 , Noble ChIef. 11 cles being Attache d and takeD off than any other order In Ohio and 0 0 remnal 11 a an c per ro • . - _ _,";-'''''':'_ ,' thelooa l OastJei s doing Ita part In 'be raok in II momen t'l time &nd a' • ' Pint Meet in* ,of New Awellin i the UIIemberablp, tbe IIIIme time ~laying them to , . , . Who lesa le - - - - 0•. -- , centu ry Club. --.:.' ......-' Drug Coun ty vtoe 18 being m.nufa ctnred for blm of ~nd Tbe New CeDSui y" t-'lub. held itl ID Da1ton , " Store W. C. T. U. at Harve ysan. mee&u., for I. . . . IIIIIIIIOD with b lin. WIU'd ·r~.y afterno on, Mrl, Abi Bllinea, of Dayton . is Urge JI8I»oDIM &0 OD roll ~w... ''CiUea W '11 Ohl'o. lpendln 8' II weak or mom in Wayne s · ' aynes vl e, of traDoe," after w _ ,·1I11a Duke vtlle vllitiDg Mrl. 8. a. The County Conven tion of tbe plilyed \be NII.lonll' ,~ir of Fnmce. otber friendi, M~. Baln811Joy and ) WOlXlau 's Christi an ,Tempe ranoe has but Z I M MaE R MAN 'S Uulon will be held at Harvey sburg ' a . .
C00 HI S
Baltnhaltt~s ~xdusi"¢ Sh,,¢ St"It¢.
S5.0 0
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2!) ) 45c \
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TheSlore~~~ Goods
ALL 5 and 6e " 7 papn rs 8 pape rs " 9 and 1 Oc
3c 4c
"1 1 ana 12c pape rs 14c plo pers
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20 ce nt s· For Eggs
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--- -
I , _ ~~;'~!:::~:e~:::n::e
oourlel i81 IIDd· ~1I0D m tbe time. WhiJei n Mercer ::::: : 01 , 1111, ~ pUS " .. r, lI~d '·'h8D . Pc.eDt ed the Doil. on \be Fourth ofoounty _ from .all over theoou nty aM wdl aa .Iuly. Mrs. rani to ber'euooelllOl', !In. Hawke HiliDes met wllh peculillr experi ~ several state worker s will be pres . · , wbo ."MO WJly aooep& _ it, lind en08 whloh she adoes ent. not care to ~"' '''''''''''~ ......~ "poke of ~ ho~nd deetrea for have repeate d , Tbey were At the 'Avenlug se~si on, Dr, 1!.1bert over . Ihe Club !l'pring 'the-i4omlDg year. taken .bya heavy" norm Rn s~illl. Preside nt of Earlham Col and' drove The I"nuob BIaSo~ leaIoD WIll lege , Rlohmo nd , indlsnl l, will.dI'Jiv, a barn · whioh was struck by led by IiIn, I"raPle, lifter wblch Into Son of Mr S H EIII Jlehtni ng and let , afire, All the .Oeorg e Brook s Ilr an address , . s. , . . loin, Allen oondao ted" very IDter. peoplel D 'be oarrias ewere· s. - - - -stouned Died Tu.esd ay Nigh t EXCUR SIONS TO . ..tilll .....p tiludy of Frt.Doe ," The for quite &while, Off· for the ,Rese rvoir and the , horles ' Called into Consul tation by State paper "PtIople of France " read by were tbrown to tbe floor _ _ __ Denve r and were II,., Barrlll 1911.. enjoyed by an. ID a 's tate of nervoU l . ' Veteri" ary. A porty conslstlDR of Mr and Mrs , collapse for Was Well Known Reside nt of 001 l ~ ' 15-Amcr laan MlnlllA' Congrellll , DartnS tbe lOOial bour wblob fol. lome time. Walter McClure .nd &lr. Rnd Mrs . Ferry Neigbo rhood. Dr, Uharles Ellilf, of 'St , 'Louis, a . R,oy Hathaw ay,' of W~ynesvme lowed Mlli Duke'fllY!)red 'be ladl" New Orleans Mr. and' Mrs , ti l Lev. Cartwr ight and son of. Mrs, B. H. Ellis, 'of Wayne~ . Mra, Charlo tte Thomaa , wl&h lev.erlll mOllce lleleott oDl, aDd had the,ple s.ureof enterta October 12 \0 1 6-J{ ot pytblael West of George Brooks , living on tbe vilhi, has been oalled luto CODsult ~I~tl refree bmnu ,were lened by and Mra, Ueorge Sargea ining Mr . a · Ferry, left the fir8t of the week for nt, of U3ft'S . BI(I.COOD ,tarm west of Ferry, died tion by She hOitlill , . a.tned by Miuea ,&on New Hamps hire the 8tate' Chattanoog veterin ary surgeon a, Lewisto n . , Reservo ir, where tbey ' Saturda y 8.n d Tuesda y night. Hougb lind Wllll&mlon. At a IlIw Sm;day of,Ohio, regardi ng the epidemlo of expaot to h,unt &nd Oc~, Hi, 18. ami 17-Soolety Army , fish and live Mr. Brooks had been a residen t of glander s wbich swept over Dllyton olose to nature boar the bldiea adjourn ed of Oumberla nd. meet '. general ly. MeBsrA, this viohlUy ' Beveral witb lin. Fume In 00t0be1', ' George and Ernest HartBook expect . !lr. lind MJ'8. Sargea nt left Way. from Brown Conoty , year!', ooming and vlol:nify thl.s summe r. ' West Northwest " ' .' . Dr. Ellis is Qne of th'e forllmo st to join the partv l$te~. • - .. neume loon after the ctvU· Wsr. " HiB body wu taken to lIn. Or8\), veterin llry 8UrgeOns In the Oran ge Pair . South Southwest United,' DurinR M~ , MoClure s absl!nce Many older reader8 of this c.olumn Brown Uounty , for intermi int, ThQr8J. Stutes,' and . h.l s beIng' called tnto 8: hla undez:t IIomo'Se eter '8 ,E :o:cunoton. In Oclober will recall tbat II&~" bre&klng. out dtty . . aking bUlines s Is being . ' 08se of. this imvotta Farme n Granse No , 13 will bold of 'be Civtl Wllr be pve tip liis is a marked 100Jred :after by 141' .. Hal Gustin. a Mr, Brooks Is survive d by his Wtrl3 tr1bute to hl8 ability,noeDr. Califo mia It. aDnU&! fair . Sasurdl lY eveDiDg, ,trade 111." 11. painter .n~ enlisted frolll Ems practic al underta ker lind embalm er and one married son. Be was sixty 'be acoomp anled ' to Ohio by will Oot, II, _"7 30. liis Orego from Lebano n Mont ana , n , i:ach pa'ron tbat 0110 ill req Ileated ~=t.ln~t~leg~!~~:~:'J:t~!.~i yellrs old. daught er 'Y)lo will visit relatlvefi Idaho · ' Mexic o , ----~ tbe frOnt, lin, SarKea nt made her to ' tiring .ome 'vesetab le, frot' or •• here. and ,nterJ!led late 'Terr!lOry Nothin g to ,Fanr. work, ' bome a' W a y n e s v t l l e · D e a t h of ~ Little Child. , ODe way Seeon4'c1aao COIODI., U."",,\ • - • Work in 'be tblrd IIDd fODrtb . Mr. aDd lIIra. Sarpao t came to Motber need have ' no hClsitanoy ____ o~ ..ale dati, uom October :1I1t. ' Speci al Sale of Plant s . in continuainK dee. . .. to Onlo &0 attend tbe Rennlo n of 'l)1l give Cbam' b erlain's Alm& For Infonnat lon aboul far"" aod ,ralnl The followt ni propam In Obarp 74tb remen t wbioh W&8 beld ,a.t of Mrs Teresa, tbo .little daught er Cougb Remed y to their little ones IOQulre 01 Stellll Sbocke v of the MaDor The Milimi Cemete ry A88oolation /IS it contain s ab.l!olutely nothIng of lIay 8mWD. Pomou ra lind Emmll Xenia 'ridIlY . From here tbey , ed in· Frld f TIck", AIOD~, ' . went to vtalt' 'beir jurionll IOn 11.& CiDoin utt neighbo rhood di . This PhllllJ! li Ceru, will be lrivn : remedy Is Dot only ' aJ: & tel' & has 8 . fine oollectt<:>n o~ pl&nts, in· perfec itly.fe '0 give 8mall .... Ch'" iIIn888 SoD_, ohlldre n ...- - -..... aDd, will go 'f rom t b ere..., . by the Gl'IUll8 a.ta, brief Fnnera l aervlcel i were held Sun. o)u(Ung .ooleuaes, cannas. geraniu ms but l8 Dootrll, wbere Mr. Sarpao t wtJI d " Beotta&iOD, a medioln e of Rreat wor.h GJady. Nn" h h f 111 . and many otb~ wbich they will and merit. It haa a world wide view tbe battiel eldl of MlIIlo narj ay mo~ing from PaJllr, Ella B. K8JI rep· M ra: 8811 II:t reasona ble prloe!! Saturda y u.&ion Rea4i q.. lira. Rober' WIllIIlInIlOD Ridge and Lookou& MountaiD where ShockeY ,8 pareDts,t r . omedo for its ourt'S 01 ~lIIbll DB. HAT HAWA ¥, ' an ra. , be oonten . ooldlan ded d t()ll OI'OUp .be and Uolon' CaD alwaY8 cauae Emmor be GraD" PropbeoyLlIl20, Barnell, of :Manor. Inter. afternoo D, Octobe r 8th. , J8l1ecl Wa:ynei UpOD. l rille'li For LeadIng Den ill. Bale more by thaD F. o. fot':r Sob. yean ago, men' ID Lytle ohurch .yard, aBI. CornBll , Robert 8btd&k er, Snpt. olDceln Ken' UIlIl4laI. warb. . .. alii StU ~
Pennsyl~ania '
--L .N Es S-......
-. - - - - -t:..,
AND VOL. XLVl. NO. 4:&
OCTOBER 10, !91)6
~ --. Supre me Court TOLD IN SHORT NEIOH~ORHOOD I Lytle. I Harve ysbur g.. Cente rville . Susta ins Hilde brant PARAORAPHS NEWSo , Founta in l3yrlnges fnr 5U~ lit, Fonnta in Syringetl for f,U, at Founta in Syringe!! for 68, . ' Tbe Suprem e Cour' of Oht~ Fountai tl l:ly riDge~ for (19, a t 1 Wellman'. ~~wart ... ·!! Drug ~tore Wllynesville (~~I~:.rrtz'8 Dru~ t:itore Wltyn p.8ville '!':I~:~~~;~~ Thun4 ay handed down a declaloD Schwar tz'lI Drug Store Drag 'Store, Waya6l i· Wayne s ·
)1 0. ville O~Jo. Mrs. Sarah Whiteh ead, of Phtla . Bot WIlter Bntt16tl t nt 5U1 I&t Allen Emerick made two barrels P~Of. Elbert ltu!l~elllt\ Aglllnoalled delphia , I.a r'sltlng her alatera, MI'I. MillS M'lhe1 HrahRnI , nf Xenia, SchwtLrtz 's 'Drol\' i:lto re Wtly nesv\Jle . of older hlst week I&t the mill In t.n Hrveysburg. 'I hi li In Its · &elf Batfiel d and Min Voorhe ee. was the guel:lt Of . MrIO: ElhAI. Hlth ..,.. , . Mrs. MRud Clelt ve~ entert!l lned at Wayn6tlV!l\e, ILad of course the cider' IIhnuld be 80~0~e nt tell Limony Of. Prof. JOIieph ~a'lleld and wife Saturd ay Hocl t:i11lici" ,v. dinner Sund"y her parents N. B. called fO~ making applll butter, th e esteem In which the good peo· visited bls molher Ja8' week. Kr. MIlS Hel ·n K.. I-I"· I" "I\tc' r tllinlng t Rich and wife, Mrs. hi ary A . CI whloh proDl 0ly )11 0 of Barvby sburt; and eav· "p. done. hold this able Rnd most elvlolnlty oquen' Hatfield spen' lome mODths r80en', her 8tep8i~ wr .\tr" !:JIII' I,· Welch. er, Mrs. B90heJ Roberts , Mrs WII· S. L . WIlliam son w.. e In Dayton lIj1eliker . The house was orowde d 1.0 Iy In Callfom la, fO.r the' benefit of of OInolnna ' i. ' son, Mr. WYBnt ond W . F. Jordon Saturda y attendi ng to buslne88 It s fullost capaolt y. Mr . Russell his health . He Is Wante d- An flxt TIl IlIr!!!' ~('t('nnll and family. l;uperin tendenC ot matters. had n 9 trouble in holding his liudl , t he Public Scbools at O.d<>rd Mr. Lew Wolfe and wife visited , Ohio, hand heati'lK Mto vu in l-:"n,1 ' '' '"Ili .! Miss Opha PhllllP,lland Prof. O. L. ence, h was the other way, tbe ' ... J ohn Wolfe Sunday . au· t Ion. I nq~ ; re a t thie 6IIiceo :I.:1rs, Emery Bradstr eet la Ir... o· Smith were in Lebano n Saturda y. .li ence could not hold Mr. RU88ell a IIy growin g well. ker an d i · ,)"nn" , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gurets on of Los&-A b .. lIy 'B w hi to k nit • oow !tIrt! . Letitia Kenric k entertained Ie\O genoug b . I h eardai d a y 88y In confined to ber bed all the time. w Ith bl ue rOBe tt es, bet ween tl Ie rl"v Midlan d OIty visited the latter:s par· the afterno on '0 a fri end , "1 am 80 during the week paat her 00u8in Mr8. "1mlra Llnooln er . ll d,L: · pnd the raUr08d statinn ent8 here for seve.ral days la8t week . D..... 'went. 'to' Mrs. Yates ••lao Mr. Thoma s Ken. tired I ca . nn Jt 81t In thl,1I oonven tlon ton lRst" Leave Kt GazettA office . .. Sat,urdM..Y t'o r a --n . Elvin ·F lres aud family took din · riok. of Lebano n, ... claYIL muob longer. " "Be patient m y . vhdt WIth her son Wtlliam . MIlS EI!lte HlLrt~oc'k , who has been with Mr , Jacob Sears friend, for tonight we are to have T he exceedi ngly wet and oloudy Mrs. Moddox '8 ' aIBtBr I..tely ,pald In the fdmily of her unole. MI', and wife at Harvey sburg wl!&ther whlob prevail ed for almOBt PrOf. Elbert Ruseell . MOBt dalelll'flnl'.h~. etrelloml h er a visit. George Ho.rttlock of Third IItrent., all · Mr, John Legg of the So~dler l! t wo weeb pl\8t hu ' been greatly .. re larger at tbelr mouths tban Ilvfden tly OIenlOn County . I. de. lumme r, htLl returne d to her d TheOld People' ll Meetin g ('of 'he B ' -ltI ng frie n de II gl&In8t home ome a t DaYto n I8 VI!> ." tbel lOwing of wheat, and their aource. It 18 not 80 wltb Rua. a-rmi~toba'fe h 'a Con -an. M: E. Churoh will ooour Hunday .. ' ,Mlddle run . ... IN ere. ... - thee 11' (lult I. that 'be III .Itm quite 81l1, I&nd on Saturda y mornin g' It was Ootober 21, at ... l . . re Work on Waynesvllle'8 long 100". 10.30 a. m . Re'f. Seal (Ill every lip . " Did you hear Prof. Mr, and Mrs. Brloe Smith lind tL lot, t,t) ~O W . At all Um8l10 MIa's ~Iara Ule mll· RUBl811lal!t night ? Be ls fine, the an "gild Ih inisttir, }"Ill ed for drinklnll: foontal n la now 8 C Mrs. Charles Tuoker of preaoh. Barvey a. tblng hlllqerl!d. The ground would "'-t h h d h I Reslf , , 1 he Washin gton Townsh ip 8un' to 'ually under way. The foontal n i~ b ure pa8II ed tb roug h our ll ·tl •••,s her POI I ton. """ we ave II ere or yellr8 . • e wn either Ile too wet to work or If It' 'I .t the railroad tltattOD at Corwin tlunday evenlnj t. ' never h eard 8UOh a wan, h e oer· day '&lbool lJonveiltlon wUl hold I~ drl t'~ . 80 a drill would work, the tOlnly .... L...... Llle wbo . h .. taBlh' and prellarl&tlons are being made hu a Powerf ul brain." hoho .Autum n 868slon in the Church· tn Mr. and Mra . Charles Burge and fertlil Zllr would be so damp at It w0!11d the same and I ba ve BIlid Prof. Woodll urn, ~unday room foor iD the WaJnel 'fllle put It (n pJa~ nt .tbe NatlonR 9ctobe r 21, .t I allnk daught er of Wilmin gton took din. n?t ,liod out, ?r If neilber or theBe RUBl81 is the aeoond man of thll age, 2 ao p m stl&ndtL _0011 for a Jear and a half baa 1'8- Dorner. rd . Rev. Dr. Her. ner with Mr, George BOl(tLn and hmdere d It nlned j08Uo ra ohange but I am oow able to StLY he 18 sec. man, P"stor of .Ipeel her poIltio u to . ~ a Iillao Badley who moved from family, ~unday. t,he Reform ed .J . M. I:Uacy and Albert Staoy ond tl) no m.u living Prof. plaae .. teaI,1her In Ute Ii%Ul grade Barvey 8burgt o Ukl"ho ma RUll8ell Ohuroh I&t Mi"nllQhuTIl', wlll ..lld·rtJM &evertLl Mevera lladl68 from thls nelehbo r. ~pent Wed ntlsd:ay af~rnoon In Leb· will" I way. find a royal welcome 01 lbe XMIi. ·eohool l to wbloh ahe years ago la uow vlllitiog his tbe Con ventlou Rev . McMloh ael III parenti! B - - uift-nlm o"·I" el---.II lill on. awaitin g blm In HarveY lburg. I H dl --.... I th' hood -" attende .... 1aI. also exptlcte d tnd t"lte ~r~: ~Itb d tbe tea at arveYII. )II. r ,lIe I. a mOd aa--ble _oh. Mr. and Mn. MI ton a ey n a. b ' •• , Wed .1 It I Mrs. 1~ l&d()ra Ward wae tr .. dlnK good uinglllil 80 tlleua t,wn uood ,... .... '• d M F d B I bad rnesuay ; ' Mra. Badley 18 orltlcal ly III urg WIUI g ven ~.. , ~ .. el' ·..Dil a mOlt _lmab lll lady and -Itb ....r. an D_ rs. re d ar Iln In Dayton Thursd ay a 8 ,e,., canoor. ,r", by thll Ladles U Aid 1300lety ...... of ~ we uhMII .loo'" for a "' .... ech ' . . III rDe .. . ,~ ~ tbelr d ,uests on tlun ay _r . I&n Gro"e attenda at Mra. noe and Mllry J . Cleaver '8, a , ood Oonven "on. *b. WaJJl"'f1ll1l people' I'8IJre~~ to MH . Kllte Johnll. of Manor, haa Mrs. Barl Harvey and llttleso A 8"-1' urohwa y, la to be erected nand .. Ing h OU88 f . they hMi a. good crowd Il.n d a nice been aeep ..N' " owI&h bar. or her son 0 . Mr. Floyd Andereon IlJld tamily. . _ (J" Jon aa lute of Coohoo welt ennano e to ' Mlalnl appoln . '0 tmen' h.. been over 'he naY . . ... . ~,m • E. J 0 h I ' b b lunoh. f hi If n8 n • e a II8noe 0 ~ flll tbe 'f&o&D01 al yea Mrl, H. Eo' ColleU I&nd II ttl.. ton ' Ohio• h -Ma auooepted a call 0 - ·-~a Oemete ry whloh wllll\d,} very ma· F . A. Hartso( \k lind family were wbo has re.t urned home "fterII. W e ... -~ ~I&V. dauKht er vialted relative s here on oharge of tbe SUl{llr Creoek Ohrtstia terla11y • to its appetLra n08 . This ao· - -- . D • calling on J. Burnet tlunday t anll wife Sun · lag "pent" very pl_n t ",ith and "'onday Dr. Spen~-MII.l pg . tlon was C(lntemplated a numbe r of day , Church aleo of the oharoh at . EDon, ... afterno on. relati V IlS n~ln RlohmoDd, In~an.. . MI88 Ethel Wri,ht of Wllrulngt<lD where be wlllloo ate. Bia firar - - ----- :"" .Yflllor8 ago when ·the small rei' C. 1;. lAmb was 10 unforlu nale al -Iailed Grandm a Mao" a few Dr. A. O. OIpe"_, of' ~-oo" Leb••truoture ll were Pllt up on eaoh8tone tide Mra , Raahel dllya alar eervloe at l3ugar Creek will' be Roberti ! of Morrow '" -"'" HI . " anOD, who w.. arreated .boo. two of the entranc e, but the ~slOOla held Sund'" y Octobe r 28. &olOle 110 horlte rrtday. tlon Is visiling re I..ttvea h ere. tbla week. be f 01 weeb ..... OD a 0 " · - ·of ba't'in, WIllI not Ilt tbat time finanola k An entertl&lnment by a oolom/\ lly able Mn, Ida Ml\nnon and MfR. Luk. -' ...... Quite 110 nnm r °ha II _roree Mr. Willi", Ba$ell' many frienda troupe from DI&1ton, waa liven .'&emp ted kI bana hll real.daO B to to oomple~e the ~~rk . . by u ngona.I h . were ,lad W eee him ens went Tuesda y to Marlon , Ohio : towneh lp f$ell me were ' mlnglln g h I t k the former aa delegat e to the W. C. ed lIk>ne rom t e cal'a u the K . P . Lod~e I\t IIIIOW8 the luaoraDOe, anel later theil' B.ll 1~lIt wee Oregonia. them few d"YIl thl8 ·week . released pa ~ bond fonaialu!d by How long wall It be unlll all will. among . MI.. Nola Batea enterta ined ber Saturd ay evenln ,. T . U, ~tate CElnven tlon aDd the lit· rel&li. that U woold be more Profit. hll .11Ier, W.I ludtcte d by the ul Lill M df C b Bot WtLter .Bottlea for /i9, at ter to vl81t lIer lI~n. Prof. C, E. C. S. Beara, of Ferry, will a'$end Lot· able to CO'fer &he elone wlUl the cou,lu ... 88 . ,..ud Jory 1aI' week. Ie oon n Ii tbe Americ an Christia !J CotlVcntton Schwar tz'lI DroK tJtore Wayne 8ville. ens. Mrs. J. W . Harboc k alllO ao fine d08t or IOreen lnll? If all from i'rld ..y until SundtLY · Wben ~ SherUr went to .rred at Huntin gton , Indlanl l, Ootuber It MI'I. Ed 8herwo od Ilnd two daugh. oompan ied them as far all Delawa re crDllbed stone "ere 10 aervecl, &he Mr . &bln ~oDon a ld hIm it wu dlloo'fe red ,hat be had ten were tn Xenia Friday of WlImin g. \ to 15 . Ilnd!:la ' Ohio, where ahe will vlslthe rdaugh . aavlng In the wear . of rubber 'tires ton IpeDt8 und..y with hlsalst erand • Mr. Lewl. forfeite d btl boll4. orday. Vlnoent, BOn.ln.lAw or Mrs. Anna Oleave r and f.mlly . would be enormo us. ' eranel father . A reward of t300 haa beeD offered .' . Wl1U"m Weller, Jr., wu 'borted MI88 Apphta Miller. teacher in the Mr. and Mrs. J . W. H..rtsock are for bU aapnre bn' 10 far no oloe prlmar If 110 ItrangEIr had ohauoed iii our )Ulepa The W . C. T . U. Conv'en tion W&8 lut Monday p m . · In our r'men' In the , . . , Ha achool vi.ited friends here Corvtin vil' a 8e Friday oonteru plattug mOVing to rveya· villllge last Thum ay mJrnln ,l. he enjoyed by a l ..rge hal beea ob&aineel .. to bla whllre. evenl';g . . an d en."h08 I&8. oem. te ry . 11e wu ror 'many years burg thla fall and In tbat caae, their would have been O1lriOO8 a to know '10 audleno e, especia lly the lecture rllltident of Dayton abouu. L . C. Wtliera on _s In Lebano n Ion. Mr. F. A Hartso ck and . family why thel'o wall8uoh a mutley crowd of the eventng by Prof. 8peuoe II d8lOrtbed al beln, one day la.t w'eek. Elbert R08, Mrs. Fred Darn la bavinC the In C. 11:. John8' .iore be'wee n tlle 1B1l of Earlba m Coll8lP:e on 88:Yeare Old, 6 ·f . e Inob81 tall, Mr. Fred Sherwo od waa .ln Mid· will ooouPY 'he homest ead. 'he IUbhou&e remode led on her ' farm, lhe '. _. hours of 8 ant1 8 a . m. I& W&8 only jec~ "Cbrlllt ian Temper Anoe." wellba . 160 1111., hal wavy brown dletow n SaturdllY . old Ev. ing plall8 nellor Woodlnarn. Midd lerun people lIecurl1lg their tlokets to 'he Mr. Gilbert Weloh who I~ balr .&reeked wllh gray; ....dy Rev. Welbat im, of Dayton , WI&S In ~tteud. The hog cboler,a atlll conUflues to . lecture. ' mOla.o he. Ing the Wilmin gton Oollege lpent tlo Itl fatal work on IIOme town &turda y an~ ~anday . falow ' ln Bot ,,:ater Bottles for /ill' at Mr. Walter Olarkw u In Lebano n 8u!l\lay Spence wall ""!IBe D at Lanoaa ter with bla parentll , MI'I. John Oonuher, WIho hlledbeen tlchwar tz sDrug tltore Wayne thia ~iclnlty . Comml 8sloner Baluea '1'bond a" Di,ht, Oct. 4. avllle. Saturda y. quite llI, II liomew at mprove . "r. Maurlo e ColleU of OInoln . lost seventy head of high hrell • .. hilgll M d M a Wlebin l were In hi and his IOBa would approit mate Mr: WIlliam Pennew ltt and fam ., Mr. and MI"II. Ira Barril and • .110 •, natl h&8 bE' ln a OIn~~: recent Knest ~1 F~cillY at 8 ' 5000 In value. It la qul&e a recOrd and 8aturdIlY · lIy spent Sunday Wayn elvlli e Man MI88 'Laura Krlegho ff and {riendl witt lind famlly . with Adam Pene IClem Barril apent alm08l a week in parenta l home. · for him as a fl&noy "took b~er to I. Land s Oood Place. retnrne d homCl wltb them. "Me thinkll the my.tlc ,,1 bough 8ta$e thai a pig 801d Ilt hla ..Ie.· Ilt MiR!! Berth" R,e spent 8atnrda T . Brown oounty ,,'leDd in, the George · hath Rl'lnted anothe r oharter to tbe Fair Grounda la8t I Miall Laura Kibler, who Is teacb· nlgbt wlt.b MlfIIII Bert,hIt Smith. ye!lr ." or town fair. . man ..nd malden fair, ,. Guen Who? ts07.50 , won the aweeps &akllfp MI'. Bar1'1 Hb8l'wood hal been ap. Inl at bohl&kertown, llpent ODtur "'d liy rem Mr. and MfR . William Tbomp son _r. ~ an d M.... W . F . C"-" .;_ra en..,r· Mlu Lutie Vander voart I8 v I8It. F and Sundl&Y with her parente near of Bamut.oD !'pent Saturd ay luin thlll yea!!' h at the fllllnolj ed ,~ $.ette CIfl night talned Mr ...nd MI'I, Wm. B, Car. log In Oovlng polDted bJ Ute Comml _lonera (If OrqOD ia . ton for a few d"Y8·. air, and' e owner re 08 , snd Munday with Lewis Mtlbbe and mony!: Junday . er llooitlo mer7 .p outy &0 take 'he Mi88ea Chrtltl ne and Alicia Kelly for ,2GOO for a half Interest The b1l8ln688 meetin g of the Oh ril. wltA 'ln~,the .upeni llon of .n roatl maobiu ery tian J:ndeav or Boolety 'h h ' f thel beld a.t pig, • 1- ... _, OODn- .nd .'-- 0- . _ . . . .peo . • he home of Mr. and \Vat' ." '. Ohaa. B:ough, wife and aon lpent 8UDday at e ome Mr8 . Frild 0 Mr. and Mrs. Frllema n Smith aud Kennet h M. r The Stev!'n8 fl&rm, belon4o\ j,g to au ." - - ... _a were • Suday vllitor. of aunt Mra. Robert Miss Collett. Minnie ' flart"oo k spent Sun J tal oba.... of • new road macbiu.e ~hel'woOd.oa-l'...ldIloY evening • _ • . day with Nathan Austin "nd fam . Dr. and Mrs. J . W. Ward. the acob WUaon heirs, )W&8 t,'I'806nt no8n'l y poroba8Bd for &he ~ount:r . New Burli ngton Mr. G . A. Neuma n u l8 mlabkln g lIy, . ly lold to Mr. Smead t nr '5000. ~I.UBllAlly 'the larger amoon t of til. a_ u . UI. ood prepara tlon8 to move to ...Iam Burg Tb, . W' . - oame IIU 8U'. . . . . . .rw • _ • d f In tbe nnt future.. Ell D__ Mr . and Mrs. illia~ Bl'nntLJ: 0 Ing III done In I.h e ~prtn" but . t th wI'bou ' I0110n.slOD, he ty.'rinlC ~n qolte 1'1'1. Ailna Rally Day eer't'icee were held at Daytnn Mpe~t Sn udav with za n.ot<Ivea 8 on e Pleas a, n t Ridge.,I,' A. B. a great deal Ia projeot ed afoond lick IlBt. reoommeacled for Ule plaoe·ll ' IBV· the U . B. ohuroh SundllY e,anlng . Norris Itnd wife. here thll fall. The reuo!! ,to a The son and daught er ...1· p'roaala eut coboern a d8llUD, in Lat't week we'w ere glad to an~oun of Mrs. Bot Water bottleS ce Mr.. Clifford Baker 8pent Satur· .grel&t extent II 'hat there II a euob maob' .ry I dlk>h· Elizabe th Collet Browni ng are vis· ~hwartz'8 Drug I;tore tor. ~li~~ at 'hat MH Ross aeemed on the road day night with £d. Hartel'o Wa~~l1e . k. ling . , mllcbln tl In ' tbe . neighbo . rhood lUng friend 111'1. B. B.Good rioh who to · ·r Thla week the report • • "\r . whloh dlga &he ditch or r.ther. the haa be'eII apeudln Tbe ~OIleri were .moua la ::::dl~l~nt While g . aoveral the weeks ·phy MIB86a Oarrie and Edith MOBher, . . ttroove for the tlle and la)'a tbem at with hllr Irfandm other Mrs. ~, • . &barwood eboold aooept Ian in charge did all In his power alo. · Ann Luella Cornell a,ld Irene Troot vi,, · to • College Hill. . . the ..lime Ume, th08 making an enor· Farquh Ar. hal gone t:o Philade 'he pl&Oll •• onoe, bu' OWIDR k> 'he her, lhe dil88Be was '. . mous amoun t of mU801llar exertiOD . where ahe wlll make her bome.lphia lted our IICbool recently , ' D8ONIi&J of bill .naq iu '!I'rioua the oon'rel of everyo ne beyond MIIII Trona Oornell .lII\ve the Mr. ,Ioe Pennew ltt and JtLmes It 1M now oper ating on t~e, farm Re'f. and Mra. O. M, 8eUars ;of In Dayton 8aturda y wali Ihoppln g buidlUll8 ....n. he deo1iued to &au .G reat Phyalol..n, an~ on Thorsd 8~t,1,. toQk: clln· ay Zollatte ndlld the Hamilt h on Fslr laBt of a~~!:k :~~~:. r:t:J: ro: : Dayk>n, were .... place~"" " 00014 be belel op.. .venlnt r .be pa~ed ,Into Hie amonK. friends ' here ner with lira. MtLry Ellie of t.bA' care. Thursd ay . '!:r IIll\d of loUe. The ooet rBnglllt lilt week. They came W attend placll, lin unU' 'be I,.& .or Maroh 1000 the MI'tl.l3uydtLm, who has been spend. . M'r J/lmes Zell and cblldre n via. froOl 22 to' 32 cent. per rod, accord. Oommi leloDen .greeln l to'do thla., Ing 110 few weeSki WI If,hboher dahnghte the H ..ydook .Inwood weddin g. Mr. MtLrt ROUSIl and family: and br. !ted J~ Hawke '8 lui Tuesda y af Ing to 81ze of .tile and 'he kind of Mra. Dunaw ay who hI\!! been Ill , Em~asLar;lck , haalon e to pr ng ro w tire e e . Berberc ground to be t .... veraed. Mr. C. W . for 10 100, will 'v lait her IOD . a time died Wedne sday apen un By wa~t~ hrother . ternonn . . Pateey Curteu . Cox, who bl&a 'j08' recentl y become and waa taken to her old home Ora" d Jury E~m· . , MiM Helen HolzUo left Tuesda y In a~d ~Ife . . and Mrs. Carl tlmlth spent the purcha&er of the farm known .. Kentno ky for burial. 91 esles . for J"llnou ter, where 8he will vlllit lastMr.Tu68d8 . . Mr. Barton Earllha rt, wife · auct y night tLt earl'lI home. the "hundr ed aCll'81." hae ordered a Th • d II frienda anil relativaia. perteno e" pI~n of • aon Carl spent one d".v ,l&8t . w~k P 1 f thi I hbo hoOd . . car IOliel of tile, and aillo Mr. Chu. 'h t~~&la~ e~t1dea . W If dE ' t vol' Society with Mr. James Sml'h and .amn, . eop e 0 8 ne II r . w Clark 'Is In the notion of puttlnl in e ·Th. G~and JUf1 ..... in ~Ioll at M!~~a~f ~:t Fo:k w:r~ In a of neaf Mt . Bolly . ~!S4 begin haollng gravol tbla week. a hundre d rodl or more. No doobt ~~~~~:m :t~:: !~ :h:::O Lebano n 'he fin' four ~YI of laat ·Sunday . :h~~ Elmer Keever ' "nd mother -:-;:-" ' .. Mrs. Mary ~\l, of Spring VlIolley· other~ will deolde to follow the a~ in ex· the lOuth time eumln4 ld III ,'Charle a Bradbu ry called '1Ilde of the choroh Trena Cornell oal\~ on .lobn Red . on has been VIsiting her J aughter , Mra. ample. lot. wltDeMee,OODOBl'DIDI i1 calM, Ig. frlenda herp Suill!I&Y· . mon and wife SuudllY . .. James Zell and family pat week . Mr. Frank Bo~ne" Ilu.n doubted l)' The hOtile of Mr. and Mra. aorlBl I0 and tlDdlnl Indlom enu Mra Sh..okelfor d la enterta lnln, E. J' . , Mrs. AnU,a BartMook lpent 80n. Mr Ch rl.,a Smith' and Wife en. 18Ome ID better 'ban 'oailel. ' . he W&8 teu day8 Inwood w.. the 808ne of a pretty day with her parents 1 , ' her co~"lD Mra: Randol ph thla week . ed a la t 8 d Mr. Pepper .Dd t dl alo, but the doctor promll 8l him wed4ln , laat Thurad , Tbe meu .......&ed in Uay$oo and 'Po0- f hu "'ven u bla tertaln ay evening wl~e otthi!l ph:l~ ~'ll It I' 11 ~ ~ oe Mf. s un ay a nner, _~;,. that hili r ........ 11 v h umma& e I'ooover bel y Will be ~Imeon when their ""her eldest 0 .. daught t' I BPid er Abbie Frank Pratt and Ot. Pepper returne d home. with ,bel' lIUU_ nlo . - nil. one Ellwor 'h Mdl"nl, u&re1Dely 10, eiDDe 'he J ·w.. united In ODII- poeltlon at & regon a r ge ' d CIS Ith d wife, marrl .. ge with for a ahort stay. IDI &0 Will GuI&la 0'. WaYUllnille I~ M Wm weathe r from IIOW OD for Be'fen\) . Co. and hllll returne d to hll! home , d an Th brt"'-I al' m an I 'w e, rs . . . . tba wUl be 11lOh that • CODVII . .Jam811 a. Bay OJ:. 8 1_.11 ~.... . ' . her'e . ..... ~oup ~ 'Daugh tera, Kate, Irma and FloYd ::: t can IOarOO Floyd Buage "nd friend o"lJ~ o~ trOlt hlPUl8If out entered 'lui parlor to t h e atr.. n~lo RIlY Cornell Dr. 8paDoe uf ·Booth "bano n, Mi.. SNlie Bolzlln was· In Moll'· DB hte n . . Suoday . . the g march played by ... 88 ug rll. • _ • lor doora. MI88 . Luria II ptnlnl Vedaweddin obaIpc J 'Wlth .&HIilpUBI to burn. row Sunday eVl!nln,. Vander vort, and took their Cliff Eunhu t and ("mlly F' R ' 810wly but aorely. hIIlJI'OII8rtJ wu bultotecL plaDe before . background"of'autumn , 'on Barton Eunh,u t and f.mUyo.ned IIr. SamulII Mote had A 8Ught at· 8u~ or .e nt The Quaker IIpwol' ''' Leafne . boBlha , where the oeremon,- wu day. lack Of paraly lll !:Junday. . .A 11 f rm lIuUable. for ral.iUl Cllll, to wbtob tbe membe n an 80. , ~ • • " .... perform by Rev. A. K . 8&rgeant \ David Thoma . and wife . a Oar W.,n ••i lle mll~ lOUts, dairy , oelved Invlta"ODII earay lu' Iprintf .....ted ed wen 'hI! .. III' Albert WUkersoJl of Spring oorn ema by Rev. Becker. and After tobaooo the .. 80nd.y SAtlafa loeak ctory but whiclJ w.. poItpODe4 of tb~lr .on I'nDk ....... milk bonl_. e~ for' ..Ie on laid, ~al in town !:Ionday evenln ,. terma. Inqul~e of George E. RIl!?y. meny h~ th, mum~ wtll elnee 10 • datD" four coane 8upper wal Thoma a and family . be held .ned. About Diuety ,ueata ,..erll .,., low. termt sToll.... Sao••. ,. Ilr . • nd Mrs. Morria Bherw.ood -R . F. D. No.2, Lebano n, 01' The Literar y will be held •• abe call .t tbe bOme of Ilre. '1 IackIn WIU'd preeent aud tb. young made on Tb~ .nd )iri. aDd III'. Samuel Gnbam apent ~un cout:. were \ home of hank BDlder Hata. a" , Valley phoue throu,h 8PriDICborol,OD l'rIday eftlllD l,OWob er P. Aa, of --~ -~. All the reoiple nte Of,hb .!it wt':::'fD~ nigh' Ootobe r 13, le08. day wI'h Mr. aDd lin.. I1red Sher· haBle " 'Come ,aa.. ,... mem~n, OOIlIider 10~ ID't'ita&lOU -. wood, .They ba.,e e ' WILIoWI,ZIILL exo, 0 and ,.I~ JrBll.e~. • hod of friendl . .to 'the deo' ,ha' C. Q. Hildeb ran' wu the rilhUu l nomiDee pf' the Re· pobUoaD party of the ShtUl Dlatrio& forCo Dar-. . Tbe Coun'l &0"00 was. goDera11y expecte d .. "WU In line wUh I. deoilion two yean In re11l1inl to 10 behtnd the acnlon or .~e elec· lion board. '-.1- 8ml." of I' I... . .14 .,.:., "_v Xenia, who - ooo_W d thoe ... ' Oue &Datu, B.Udeb..nt, wtll lopper ' ... him . WiJml nl'on now hal. corDer on aU con.....ional candld atel In 'he dl.hlol , the Republ lcao, thll Dem~ llratio and 'he Problb l"on candl.
in. _
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The Miami Gazette --~
BROWN & Mcl<AV , Pub llsh ~rG. - --
WA y:\~: \ '1 LI.D; ~-~
• Railw ..y E nterprt5~..
Mr'ST" AKE I Y I. P·rAl1\l'S
A NERVOUS WRECK 18,... Q'\lOn Gainod 26 P oundll and
R ecovered Her Health by Taking Dr. W illia ms' P ink' P iil,.. GClI.!'..t:l.Il del lill V is tll ~ 1 /I t covers • ruul!ltulle of \.';1' .. wh , ro tlwr is ilo ac ut o IlI .rll/, • ~.' t 1I1\~ Iltllll 'Ul c"lIHitluCS
, H I h Inri mt:1:IOIl ~n ler l'tl In a tJl~· I, lL~=================~ '=========jeE!!E:;:;~ . , Ct) I 'C a pntch (rulU l' a n s pt ' • • )t r~ . ~nl')· . 1110,1 In Ihe lift.'h n c f , oj I " I WWI to u ee .tllll Cueys 81 g lnn ln;: Is :11" ", 10 b .. mille tn hO Iht! "13u' h Ill\l,t nn,1 11 )1'« e·.:--." I !II Il. xt tvl'· D. but 1116 r&1:11 wu 0 mo Silll·<,,,rlnu·: , enl rp r i, .. of Its )Ir. t:'Jn '." . "ltr l uG ut a I lJhl Cl "I' ;Il I d ll'r J :UI' nyLh !lir;, ",nd 1 sloppet! Ql k ln<l ,'er Il' .·,,-·al,,·, u. T I , rC'Jlort j ' udo ll" pl' ''l dl>CI .Il.. S. ' llll ~ hlltIUI pl a ce. If bado,nly k-:.o,,"u from hl' f'r c:1 11 (':1 1.1:;'\ Is (0 th ' e f· l'hpu .\ lr.· .. n •• "t'y plleJ 1\ clnnle· ) "U b.>re I'd nll.\·e drc) wned w) · f 'ct 111 1 thejl , rl li<- I ~ Iln , t"l cd by I orbe nN ,-er t ' l! lir~; nit wa", \I .•t, . ,. ,( 1'.11 pr H Ull . to;.!' ~l'On Lol~'l tlt' I.obt'! hJ.< II e n aU ' j w, old H d rl , fl .t (''' l "t : t.~ ~ :l ll." wnI!o . \:C>.b tl 11 ~ en Wj on t!,e tall e , .. I (l111..'d, '.' nn oro(!r ' $ 811<' 1')1 tb 11('rllll, " u: "rs, :l ~allor It!" , u I a \? I r Il'l <:: U qll"lIly . . B~- t be way. G ~ you walLi n,; ShOt.'b.!l s w a!! size !OJ "'~ I I n'\)llk:!l .lIO I~. I c..zur nf R 1l ...' ...,1il, t o 6 art (}",,\:4" 'Ions on jI III nmde. ,1" 11 '0 . W I,u w 'Nh t. t bo Stup~d oul
" ' . '. 0 10,, · Irt'lI'r\h cultl ~he ll ndnr ' I" wlli. oil! s lr u"tJ Uti aPll' rcut .,,\l·Ud. '£ 11& I!I' t h ... L11~.ltn' Ihll l 1,.... 1., til .1" 11 II if 1111'1111 8 are n llt 1'11111111 I n ti" " It iI,. ']11 /l1'Vllt m',ljllnty or (''''' . D r. " , li l lll :II ' I' luk Pi llsw ·l1 , h,.(. k.i II\H\ I I·(:' t" ·II !tI"lt hlllll stn'I;'; hlt. ,·:to.,,·:IH·l tla :, \· I, " I;" IIl"\bl I tltl st) " ' 111\ r \'ltl'\·;,·c! "it,IIlty t o en' ry r!lOon ,,,"I l·","<. I'll l in; INdy. I 1\11':-:-, ~ , }- . (i n 1' 11 , " . S '''' ~ (\ l jl h 'CflA 8 ]3JJ X 2!l. . 1' . 1.1. 1, 1'111 111:11 11. Ult. .n".~ : " 1'M till " IlIttl n h ••lf Y,':l1'8 r ~ •
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WOMAN . . .10 , A
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1 k \l ~ Elltf red \yh h W"..U I( 1I1 · "!i awl ll l'l' VOUSth ·.· i!lu ·lll n·.\ I r n roo "Are ItH' g~n's tbln dr~'?"' llQutred Agnln 5h b!u:;betl ;'11 ~n we reel , ta I lJe In '!H"II by rll~n, und In 'r,,· u U '~'('''llll'l , .'I '',l \l'ilh :-'''"I\''' h l r'Hlhle •. .\':lrrb. · filI'I' ILl, ",/llllon lluc o r In t h.? tur n. 1 At ti lll ' " ( WII" 1">1' 1\11101 t" tll\'b"11 tor prokct. T!l ls tr,,·oI Ytl. no :' 1:.<% I ~s ~J:. G(.tT·y uWekl), it", h e " lowly' nu!1 c. rd",,,I)'; "Tb,' t';':!.! ; thall the ('(ntiqr ctlQn of 21 ra.l rtl b,reru!!}' r"luo,"etl tbe eyes from II. DO- i " YOII ,<,cm Hr~' t <!"~r t.,;, ~t h :' lIe - -- lIa~ l it€' Ih'ld 1lI h Pr" cir. Ih' r(' u, ' 10 11" I ri't\I~rtltl.:illg f'·.,ll ltlll·t·,'W.·.·!<H to twO llll " Ik~11 at b "r. . 'I ARE iHE WAGE· EAR 'IN G WOi,: ' ",hll<· ~h" fs mon·· IHld lIIo rc 1I'II ~l," l l-lJI um h& Iwd III" '111<'1 " 1' I :" I' !!!' I('IU\I'8 lin e f rom. Ibl'fts to hI' Alller lcnu ~ f'o I to. ...:".' HI" l'o:1 ::1 101), was I) ':cky I E N DO t G TH IS? < t it. rl' i- no Im nwllint II , n J:t.'r t hu l cal' 11I" '~ lIf II· .. tit"" f ,,: 10:',·" ." ,·urs. I r i 0 ~. or Alask by bl'lclgln<; a nd tun· I Mrs. Gtlll'oy nlfT'ed a n repeal II be ~11t. 1\ III t·I" .\\,1 th e lIIen 0 It. \\'., mllY do\\'lIH ll Ot 1'1'0: kll ll \\·.l II l<tI'V n lin lb e 10 H enlu!; wa ters. In('llI d. ,\ QlIf" t I0 0 to:l.Ur Ic I I >. "An' why won ld n' t J1' (>0(\\1;\1. " It wah CLl It l\ e b" ' 1 ou r I~II h· '" '' CII wa lt \\" t. II.'" Itll l Il'Ilublu ',,<aU II, bnt "I, 100; B rlog' (rnl l P re ' lo u:! 8tlH men":l tbey bo d ry ? H Co here d ' rerk ly wl'dd ln dJ Y n Ihe u!n-h. I lJi' l I e y e . " . ' . I'\ln !1I11' tl' ""n 'l 0\11' . < n" tIl U1 etll,' ul , t h on;:h 1 t<~,k tl !.:1I'a t cit It l "r 11I ",hciIlP. tllat the \Vorl, f' 10 b' fluan ~ d a the nrt~r t.!lnae r, dhl n'c be! .An' be gIl" me " How ~ r e yuu gol;; tu ' ll~n:l I{~ , "( ltcntt~ n of he Y OII!1:?, 'V om~n s i·tllI~~l· .. Cfultl" >IIII'I' tho , wh n t il YI' UlltllilJg ~t'('III ' '1 llOgl\'~1I1 '''t l'''"l(l h, At ext ent of $lao.oo ,000 to $20 .000,000 bls clo ·(!~ . dillo 'l he? An' I nllt! · JJ ru 'f" j P ecu l! ar Sphd r ? -:Few M eu Pa· hal(' -" 1'1,' ,1 tllC.' 1011 " IIr Ilm lnoo'): liP' tim s my ~1 '1I J1(l"h L\1I't II >' ,lIlIlthihg " I lb l:lk nll , ~ ball (;'0 o u lln d 1 tI~nt or Un a~lfish Eno g h \ Ct' m' lit· ntl"('~ltlp ('.'!\l·t,·tl by tho Sta l"' j fc;\rflllnu(\ my hl'lvl .. r u tr ,.I hl ....I IIH' . . . , .. fo re lb., tire all the afte rnoon. hatlu ' t by Amerlc n Il.tlLl European call1tal1 t!l l l ? n ' yoU 6 il rue la ke 'em t<1 hl~ r,1.'l It ·ahel " . 110 W :ter W lit t 0 pete with H er os T e'.ch ers-The tb.·~ will lI(1t Hnd wo m n t!t' uorl'l n s , I WIlS "Iecpl" . tllll l whut .).o L,. 1 dtl S ·t mllba Illn!! each we . htl r I~." Wo I " . I O . 111,' 111 flom tl'l ':lI inl! a ll~' nJllllbl) r \II d ie! Jh~tr"Ir('hh lIIe. . . . I a re re)lented, ant.! the _tory Ilas e\'ery door. !lidn' t ),ou?" Ind Ication of bei n g pu forth III good qUI! lio n b\' her "Igorons actions round 1 n !l~ D~ctol Hil S Widell Ilg P I II' 1I'lla~' It11; (J!l1I 'nIS. T he fRI·t 18 th a t .. \\ I II 1 1 P.!: tl i 1:.tWlg r , Vllhnms fa ith . 1\ 8 ha s nlr a y b e n s hown. lI ' ll \' pOI·t un ltjeJ,l W it h out En cl'onG!Jin g 1','11 I\:h~n m "t . 5t1,·C R~ful , 11\ worn. P ink Plli~, 1 '\\'. i~!Il'1 1 IlIlt I'~ JI.otllJ(l~. I, rep fI('e. U "m H er Brotll el' P h slda n-Th e I n' I kll~\V 1 was B I) til t11~' [\ t ,, \\ cI ,cs aa)'s lh Troy T im s. hould tile proMr. G<lney slo,.-Iy Pllt tbe 1'Ot'loes " I. biJ'lll get C· l a~)"s bqrse'. or wll nt LI . Y nu doc lor In _\ 1111'1 It'n I~ on ly Ilt c)(l u" ,,"ou ltlu t I I ra \11 0 1""\ J iJ.',l, ti "lI ue. Jec d line be carr ied ilirollgh It lnl a ;;:lU cepnn, nnd hIs wi fe beg~ n , e"er tIl! tall ' ll. tl1ll ·cr.a bl" stm whe r. n~y Ma n H us N o R ight to Com· l UI) t ht: l'I'lImlJ" tI.IU( rnll, from lh(. mall SllO l1th ~ r l lsh.;:n n! tl~ i '\roat" . \'l'IIIl II.. would m an the possIbility of rld'i ng looJlectln;; cu ps and sau cers o n a Iray. ry qUll,l. UI' J ouL,ltle, aud go ~,[JII !lh ' plom I Displnced by Iln ln d llstrl· otlrt<!r s I Il~I .. ~h(! IHl~ , till' lI~r{' . to Illy lJj,)()<1 lI" t iu I ,'II" r,· lIn,h ",,)1. ~ ('fllli d "Tben be don't know abOUI the I o n afH' r I 1 1I1II.! lell Fred Cn £IV to ous ~/omn n-Wb,men :B ring F i:.ler t he WO nl ~Il" wnrrt'<. of In <o n u. ylullls 8Ie('p\\"clln lIi~Jlt.nJIIlh\'l fI 11ll<'Wlth the II h " 'llhO t c an te or eo ,s . ' G f!ey's I t'()lO Cur \' .0 11 " H felt thil t !l.. , rll W ' h on" 'W" I'k , ', l'" . 1 I,\]JI: ... ,I I J30 l"u. lt I I .111 ' I'" _ from ony r - roung la li' bE>l n' here'" :'Ir Atmos phe re I nto :Bus mess Life. I nlll I to t h • post as ph ~.S,1'1 a n I 0 ,\om.. roa d ceut r In lhe nil d States to curl Ill' ~'[lS OVOrma t~rln~ bls ~c re. 1 ~' lt h Frc\' [t.~e y wo uld do him 0 11 tile \ ~ n '~ t(JII{~ '\·~. III hn hl(!~' h O~Jllt n1. , nn cl thiItK .JI ,i.!Jill, I r' WII.I! ilJl': ~ll l r c\..II~lltl. llie cnpilalsot ElIrorc. WIth the tun·. "on I J I t I I I f I o r ~tllll '\I(L" I' [' ~~. 'r'" I ~o on Ullt 8h clo"s nol c rowd :)1 (' n I Or. \\'IIIU\1It Pltl cPIII~h rL\, · d ')IJ( " " n... . gool n 1I w or (, IInl wa s I' r U • . ,. ". '.. .. \,, 1;": I':, \ , ' I ' of I ! J .: ' u iJul't [11 kuow n unil I' tlie ngLl sb ~ hannel nnd tb~ .. 0, h" don't; n r . !;he don' : J; now . th,l Pun ~ ho ultl be BU',1I1d"d In thiS «('''I')rl. 1>I. W' . by J()'CI~tI II lIt> wk l uut. ere)!'. to dtl h r ju s tice, bas B\le tbe ~bi: ~;~t~lll~~t . "tt:u~.t,;g ' . compl e tion o r the " three ".mel'lcas' ' he's h e r~ lllH!r; a n' I'll tell b r \Vb n ' ..... ay. Wow n ,nt! 01 n are not Jlnturn.1 1 rUlnkH " isb to do ,,0. nr. W illilllll S' I>:uk P • • )!t!h~' n n B)'slem Iu tbls hemls pher , one wlll be I lay on th e lab le," " " " U "'III d uo llllO g Qr lll~ J: lnd. elH'ml , t1wy arc uot s eL \'er I • •• dru~b!.;ts. ur IV 11 '1 nt)" lI u.!I, 1/0';(' able to go by rail J.r<>m TemOLe I)olntl Wltll tb k, Mrs. Goffey t k up (be IIl .. n~ yml; I can take enre vt mr"el C against one au ol h I' In ?Ppo. fu.; I Of rOl H i!I'. O.~ r a rc In . oo r OC~ 1J1\R' p:-lid. ou r l't!i r f prit·t·. i:il\ ,;, ll " pI:r ltll,(. In South .\ lUerlca dlr clly to L ondon. tr y nu dIsa ppeared 10tQ tbe oex' 1 1:>errc(,lIY," " j rUln l19. On Ih (·Onlrr.ry, It tr IlI e r' , nous whirl! Ille till' l)f"J\' III~ nrwom 'l ';l~box p .~ . • • I':: llh Ur .•\\ !hIlW. ~ d· And )\' 1 h th e carryln.i; ou.t ot· tbe room ; \.lI e bo~rds renkl ng 8S She wen t. · · A)I(l.II·~ nll y nlU ('n n 't. ~1I,;htl l : n • •'~ta m e~ ~ IlII l~ ml ll )!I.:. ~lIti ~n('h , II. an. an d At to r lni ll COllnt rs of the c1 ICl ll()~ h 11l:' t ~ "ly, ~.~ : ___ _ "e " f I "Ho ll you Te not reelln' as Ir you 'd Ille ) iJU ro r n oo t b~r cup of t~n . pleolS \l ?" t hIn$; II. 10 n/II '1 aUlI nma onlhm /IRed (ltlrtm nl tor~~ lb'y o r .. und 10 I"J, "II.iEi'il!llr'~~DCtlml!lZi'.SIM_ ape to ?atro seh me In A r Cll gal a hln. miss?" sh nld. atldr<:sslng " YOII :: . 001. to go." s h ' litll o.l . I on the score r ~ x Is 51lproru t' ly ub · , In Ill t· lr elel)l ' It. Dil l til '!I or 11 ' I" r , , , . • . ~ere way" .be u "hrougb ratite from (I elrl wbo;, 11 0 a balr by he ure. ' ." 1 nt >I'r r y 10 dlsl.I"",!! YOII . bUl I snr,d. , " at Iw ('on nt r r" "'h('r~ I tr' , IIn l',; 0 1 (be Born to Good Hope. "\Vbo u nci wh \V IIS w~arlng Ibe nlol'cme n' I " nll lnl" will gil." J '\ et II on~tatlllr h(,R ,r thp Illisert!OIl I go IIR tlrf.' 1If1 ~" nlHl bn ntll~fl , tlh1y (10 . " " .• 1aI0'll'II ? tloned Alii, tl r(,AS. II Jl II~ hed b l~ btll r b ck rJ'OI11 lbe ml1(lu thnl \\' m.,·n sholl " I '.101 .:. n It'!' nlll Rt'1! cloth a III I Ril k. 1I0r siln ' In ====:===:=:--::~ =:= 'he I I\l'ri U)l t 01 he r bOIlk ond tnblc, .1 ,wly fli leil bls "Ipe--c\' "Y ac. I ~ertalll Ilr f ' ';1 nnl I '·1l1l 0 n~ . lost Ul dl'llRrtme n or rn g~ , ca l·pe.llI aud . Buy in\! an laland. ~mllcli . ". -0, [ um r tillS pe rfe ctly n wns ~CI f" mlllar. ~h(' 1, IHlW ~o \vell I 1I.le lr )lrv. e ~e, shDlllcl c ro.~·cl 011 , men 1I00r co, ·I' ID ~. " Tbe man wbo ' buys a mlo.e ,[.rely well, t llnn ' , (llld 1"10 100);lng torwartt how I)e ('I'ool(e, l his IIt~lc tll.l g~r n i t " Ito nave . :"re;( II e 1'1 III of Wll~·. Dill' \\'Qu ltl (' Kper wom en lO crow!l ie.t.S so d eoly laken In as to bave m~ slipper.' he wondered. Wll ll ( pUSbCtl lh e \()ba~co 'ci') II'1I In l<) Llie nnll by t r;l(l1u n a .~d Irllinlt~C; tll'~ es· :0" 0 o ulln boo I, ~t.ore!\, be 'an:e !}oOI< nOlbhig at alllhllt he can' sho for hI IlO me sli !;ln alnr m. Ie )Irs. (;(Ilrey I wI. now It e ",oul\l I! r::lt~ It WI h :t. I t~!JIIS It <I In hd r .11 lin". . rh l' M me a " d ' lIgbl f nl to ha ndle a nd wome n money: '\Ir'e re' B commonly a place mea nt 10 sh. re the meal With It r, ror coal rr m t Ile fir . un tl 1l1:1n't1 \l'lIh hls .· o IJoctlo n ha~ bel' TI u rg .1 I,Jmes wlib· un' Ih~ brltl':'t IIUIn r of r~lIdtll's some.w here ' aud II bote In Ihe ground I 'Q ('upS wer beJng- plnced 6n the tao e)'lis h :\1t r!OF d eoJoyl ng Lhtl tlrs t lIl W Oil nu mb r u!!ulnl't wom n In IIsl· a nti po s lbl ,bu~' n. In tltls 111.1Il at least. ~ot so, bowever, WIth a ~Ir. ole. 't wo 1)I~ i (ls. 111'0 kul\' s wo f9rks. whiff, ' '1'Il(,)1 ~ ll1ltl lily he wa . h OUP . ' n . . lhe f~IlIl Jl r b\'I.1I lila i. 111e~ I. an Yel nop !1!'1<lo!ll flllel !\ WOOl [\ I' mlllo: ct Tu~t. who ''is reported. 't rom COlorado "Ther_':1 gentlema n 81ayln' bere." 1' h n ~) N!. Gorrev clime III to clear untaim 55 0 1:1 1'1 III Ih" .l ~e Ilnd Ca· to an a larmll~ l'X ('nt in book . hops. ~Rlel 1. ri . Goff Y. Kua l'ely. "31'1' be ) he l'lhl e, ,'I n'l nr ~ I;ll .v - ho ~I""S alp'u cll Ily, wllh whlch wornell . lip i1l to IJO- Alm08\ nl l\'(I ~'" Itt l) ~(.'r~·o In lh CII· , Sprin"" as having latel" purc.ha ed an alee ~ompnny (o r y<>u: be seems a.v ry u ~· the ' • ~ .. • J o· , fir". her.. IJn llds liglul y. dnsjJc,l '.!1lt.1 on ' . II III.' r to fill 'J~ bY I II I r .at 1 ' r~ Ilal'l ly of rl<) r k~ IJ hind bOok cou ut ' l"1. Island oir WaShington stale wblcb be Il nteel pH60n." uu her hOl'rH. 1 " 'rs In h" r blue eYCH, nn d \11 olh crs. Th~ xeer" lUll I ' nIl' In ep. rtm tot bas since been unsuccessfully tryIng "I s bould Ilre for AUPP\lr by mnel!." Three . ,nllmU,s I\I(! How lOll!!, It As I'l l' ' ryhody k no '" Ih re ar!' IInf?~ . tore~. to" ll'nd. HilI deeds . call for len ncres sal ll the slrl coldly. Irrw rdly she WIIS SfI mer!, I) lld b .)r ml ae rable sh !' had Of .•"'Qrk perl1 lfar lr ado!, cd l? WO~l' On t.he wh ole. 8.1: e:l wom n nr~ no,l tn tb.·Soo Juan ~roup 011' Drlll.s b Co- rllrlolls. W ns s he 10 IIf1'eT n prOlonged be u sln~ I ' H W her ntl e rnlltil a~, ho . , nu Ii qui ck wll. QII I'k sympathy lind II 'ely to ll{>co e aPllrl'tl nll\ a01n~(1n lwnbla. nod h e (Qndly ho;! ~o hulld tele-u·lele · ~ltb a strauser- a COJllmer· plt:l l n<,r~ : ng huc! f;lller!. Huw ner lit.' m null cul l\lJ'~. \' I'Y few".' n c~ se I IS In tb Q('c'l1llntlon$ th t cll'lI1anrl a lummer' h'om\') "thero. Alack al\d c ia.! trave le r. of cours . te'm\l(~ !O be~ome an Inte ltl! tUi\! wo- lpnrhl ll g n.s a prof!' ". Ion. rh ou anc(,; o ri gi nal 10\'1':; II,':I tl ou, e;\ IllI v() all ll, alas! ' lie salled Ollt In . Ills yacht 10 Mrs . Go·trey 1001led .nl her In I'Ome mall an I a pIver ha t.! ful len ~hr('lIgh! 0/ women tIltn to t il 'lu ~o IQn of be II), In" r,' at phy It'nl s r ~n II, II dop.~ surprIse. "I'm Snre he's quite res pect· How ulmless &he h lld been. Itl ha w young 1\ 8 th \r pro; l' pb r. Our not s~{'m Ihll t til . re ill lilly r(!u-"o n .10 "lleJ'e~ be s\1pposed LPO Islanil to be. e n(lrely certain lhat bll Wll~ III tlJe public ~\'hoo l s ~n ltst an nrmy of sp!en, d rethl their. n'lllnca III he lIu In('s The rays ' Of :;}r;J,l1lln"M. 11 e those ' 'but nC?t a scral) or land could be find. wrong. : hnt h e r pe tula ll l le mper wa.s dldl)' Ollowad a nil rully qulp p d worlt!. Th ~~' hrln~ to It a fin e r con. of Ught . lITO col\) Il\ ~ \"j{ell unbl'olc n. ~hls miGht be considered sufficiently 10 blu;ue. ond that s he s tili lo" " d '1'0[11 you ng wo m ~tl who '.nlHIl evrry r el\lIlr(!. sci n re. a n l e lll ~ nl of Inlrgrlty an d 1\ - Longt !low. p~ovoklDg, . but it WitS 'nol ,the worst. Geoffr y wl~h 'all h r hanrt! Sile wos ,ment from t he hlgh ' scbo.o lto til klod · moml allllosp hl'rt'l . t hat aTe wort!1 just 21, alone in t he wo r!"l. f)Oss~8s lng erg rteo. lhrotlt:;bout all gl'adcs In cluil· much to th o. \' "hom they me t. In . FI NDS V\RTUE I~ P~£?, CLOTHES. T be >s Uel'lIow clnllns (lJELlthe Island ,ras there wh en h'e sold Il, but UlaL It some lOon y a nd II tlre fr (ldom. li nd Ing not ~n Iy th o mo~ t dim III and ab~ th e las t nnnJy~ i , I be ' world 18 . tt r a Ilr nt s he loat h d and hated t lla t !. lrus!' Bllenl ltlc nn ll Inl'.lll d unl I'ln d- becau. o 1I'0nt(l U ~o lltrll)ute to It om - Men's Garm ~nt,o Shaped ,~ ' Fig ure Ilank.odJ1to. the sea at the t Ime of the •• hi b A A S F all freed om. A t lr (Iroppe(t' o n th o while I I ~. bllt as w(OlI t he (Iom es I' anti r11 nn- t hi n" In It ~ larg' I' RCOP and InLer I by A1le .Catc'h Artiat· s : €ye. th et.r qua ...~ . w C uestl'oyeu a o. r • apron and she ga ve fl little !;hudrter of unl trnlnl ng that nre now Inslsl.!d upon ot wlt n he __ htrre .;!+wa l's 'Il' n to __ • " . -~ A.J1 .Uli's II no Jolte to M r. Tott, ~I~l\gll~t that s he s houl!1 'be caugh t nCCe$sary. , the home. ·r.~e modern \\'orlt! I com· T o tbe ye Qf the nTtlJot ,t.\11l ,:a·, . b~t: says 'the. noston Hemld; It IItrongloolll n"' , such D ' (rl"h . She ra pp('" OD wHere Rnd t!lere one nO ~IB n· man or pi x. \ ';e s holl ney l' , I' tu:n 10 the mC'nls 1 Ihe moclcrn man,.ai.'1i only 11' s~ggests' the cnlie ,of the curio us the floor ror Mrs. G<1rr y. "Brl ng'me t 0 . n~ng~d In ~peclnl "Qrk ami tlte old "lm llll~ll l eR. \\'0 n ee a I;re t tol mill wl, em u, bn ~ aillllll t'd' tilt''' people who flocked. 'to a tent a nd paid my own lhlngs. plE!:1. e," SlI E! ~R I • "If ' lIP,l'rlnt n(\ t'nt and p rlndpul ~ are ," su, deal mOl'o mon~' hnn we onel' did. som l'wha lo ,tlle lIl) 5 c! tllc fi;;uf(; ; their way In to soo tbe wonderful (hey ur (Irr [ a~ ofrald or Silollt ng all) m<1n. but this, Is not bee nn s "om· \\. ('nn not £:et on In th ese !lays of t o til a\' ra ge n~t,l sl a nftW 5111t ot . en, hal'e ('Towd e men out bill be- l . • ~ . • Qascutns:,' They didn't see b.ll;II. bnt this hll nd so me dre .., or YOIII'S " 0 II • I\lIlclt tl'O\'ol and s wift commulllcatlon clo th s Is an aUClml,latiov. -ere g la'd to es"a ' pe wltb their ' li ves at f . nln lInter s'be ,"a'· III 'n ' e ca IH e men . have , n ve: monollollzecl with III oili . low n,le1 hod' of tile s ta "Jt Is n I Ilv Ihlll "e'" ~ W I II . • p I' OWll IIlI ' o,\flnne TIJ y have not s n _I t " .. Q I. . . ., ,, 'c'. LUnu '. a rv~ cry rhat th e !eroclous thln p' "s :Igldn • II' nrl. s~n t 1I he rs elr on the nor. rared . for . It. Vt!ry unfair . 1 Ihe sailing \' ssel. . m ore ugly thnn Id," saltl :1 J;1J·\th ! the , aJarml n" ..,,, . r 0wll9 nI · ~ eoMh unci. . I C)'&8Cutu8 haa· brok n, loose. floor In fron t r Ih e Orc. At n Ine e,'cr th e\' do enie r this n~ Ie Ilor Th e work to be d one Is muillplletl the pulet! . who (\Is~u ss('d the ' ques· o' clock . ~Ir . Golfey brougb t IJpr In a. fi eld. thl"y a3k and r el~e I~;rg r ~1l1 . a tholl sandfold nnd everybody must I.lon ; "to m~' mlntl no olle can b~ prop. ,, . J ' Pr,l"on Re;orm, g lass 01 milk and a sl ice of cake. aries thon wome n for pr~cl @el y t h 1tak e a hand. Th e situation r soll'us erly ca s:.; or grl.!('~'ful 'Ill tho m. . A nota ble .r e fo rm In 'prison admlnls· Pen s limed !;Orne r tho mll nl Bud 8ur· sa me work. '\1I c ~e a wOmnn lI1On.!,. Itsl.'l f Inlo ou Qf. (JoDl'en l nee . . If each "I nevcr f I thnt J )lI'OII('llr know a tratlon ' 18 c.o.ntemplale(l bY, Gov. F.olk rcp llllo us ly pouretllhe rClSt ')U t Of lhe Cully a ccepls fro m $ <>0 to .$J.200 a tl Into th rl gh Ill oqe. In Ihe right m an unt.! 11 hOI' 11l t hlrn · \\·tHl.rl ngllll and the advanced pelJoToglsts of MIl' window •. Iho· clIII sbe bid ttnd ~ r II year for her ' II rvlc~:1 8S prln Ipal oJ lemper. th er e will Ill' nl) Irritation anti oW su it. C rtn :nly no ill~n , n ~ o~sl· Boud: '/Uld 'ilt tbe goy rnor's sugges. ' glU s ·s hade. JJ}tlf a n. hour Itt~pr s ite. n ~ chool a man tlolng [l rhnps less no exrlls for II la ~l' man to com plain bl)' be his calural sel In evcmlD g hell r~ tll e h I' c's hoors ugn ln. :Iull !lIeu W rk re '.l';es from $' ,~ ,0 to $1 . 00 as Ihnl 0.11 ind uH\rlO \lR woman hal< crow<l · t1r S8. • ' tion i.b~ ~ Re';'. E. A'. Fred nbagen. or . Tom appell rnd . . a u '" nnu:!1 slIlnr),. It 011 ht perhaps ed him , Ollt. Brnln!' and con$cI('n~e '''I havp noUc'eu· u"'aJn and nr,al n " Fred Is dr\l'ln s over for yo u c'o\\' ," II" thollg ht. nnd IL ma,)' b partlar.r 11'111 ""he nur pl'ohler;rs. how' diffe r nt Ih l! !lnl \ I e ))11(' a re .T opell.a. Ktrn .• Is engaged In the prCI)n· ra t loo , of: ci : b!l\ on the subject, whleb be saId. He IOO IIt;t1 Rp )l ro"ln gly u, bLl r. 1 trup. thut l be jJo~ Ibllity of ti tUng ) - - - - - -- wh u w~'ofliJ.g dltrC'r .m rlOI 11I'~ I will be introduced a t the nexL s essIon ch a nge (If COS lum . h ~. WIlS so IJre ~ty. good worl, for I",s mom' v here uet. MODEL FOR DRESSY WAIST. went, 'Cor Instllno • to a I~~r.:;c tnOlil)' of - the Mhs ourl leglfllatllre. Its cblef an ,1 he~ f,g1 tr Wtl s so dainty. as n fa ctor In Ihe rm l)io"rn ,nt 01 gatberlr\g some lim • a go. und for • Hi, Arma ' Were Around Her, ' . • t eatnres will be the l)a~'LUent to the "Pl'n, t!t·.t r. w u:; It II 01 1 lUke'! \\'n 8 wQntan rut h r tita n r m ('n hilt Ih \! Made of Soft Sil k an d Tr immed With som e reason c" crrbody I.n I ucn,rrM conv ict's wife and chlldrell ot an ap· a ble. to<'lT.'1 'd never huvc let him In lit er nn)' doubl In your mlnti ? Lu n Irnlh t , lho t Ih c :\\,C l'a"C ma'n j)re f rs 0 31 nty La"e Ru ffles. full v nl ng t!ros~ . . \\'ha a c!lrrC!~: pTeclabl ' )1eroentage of bls enrnln gs; If he w:.e lt L Goff y's al? 't Ih e Jllace I thin gs t· n~ tbey I\',~re befure? I love to p ut his llll"n ts to Ill~;ot t 'Rtfy oth!!r .- lie it mild! W w I' nil n ler ms , wlll~re blo(t;gua rd s ':?m~I ' Ihl s, Wllh you U~ l1lutt! as ." '1' I tilo l·-.! 'nl nk II SC thon hal of l at' h)ng. li e Is not S 1ft sill, Is li S cI for thIs prot y ' of int,inll)t frl 1111 hill . b\l~ Sh ln !I .W the use q~ a gradunted un iform Instead loss .f he r . hend. He s a,: ,II g UI. moJre: a nd I' n. f(I 'llInrro w '''n~ I(i Itll.l'o 1 s nffirlclllly I,u t l n ~ufl1rll' nli,. Itn el. II'al!;;L It 1 I'I'IlS Ii sort of bol..-ro gath- Ul o cloth broll :;1It In loll I" D~lIt c! of the.'II!i\'nl stripe d clothln ; the s nb· 1' 111 su re : wea rs a l'lng o u hi,; finge r )) _ II n nr wNhlln s d'a .v." 11 <: r. polt8 0 Iill l! thl ,Iu,' b~ thy las k J r gul<l- t'rl'd 3L llll;' top to l'l. ),111'0 trlmrned wllh colt1u ss . Dud fCl'lr.nllly. \\-, all fe lt etltutlO):t or, ~ military double fil e ,for lUI ' 10Ui '1ll allier jOoleI'Y." 'Inl ckl)" 'eug rl ~' , Ilw l'~ wus n q\l~er I: n- I fi s h lind s nm,.j nil )' ~ 1111 'ot "hlld r en 1 11 111 Ia.r" I: llme~. whl(·it opparently I,-even th e WOIII OII , n!rh')lI gb. or the abhol'l'fltf loc.lts L I) aud rcgular lD· Ir\ s hull de r cl. tb ug ll , iHIC! s he cenal n 10 llc In hi ;; I'nll'e. u ucl li e Sl<Jot! In g 'the nexl ~ n~ rB tl o lI In the wa,' It I rnn\lltll I" I' th p ' o ps o f h s leevos. cou rse. th fnlr R : 01' 11 0 ' t!: S Il~' J;cr: stroollon 'fQ.!' priSOners flye n lgh ls a kno\\'!l It. th , J w;>lry, with Ill e ~' X' nwk\Yn ral~ berON hll r, t sh~lIld 1:0. Tit r(' Is no rPII:,O n to' r _ I I Is h,.rel 'rc'fl ,,: If a dl'n llcI)' of the s\II\dec1 of til ,llIerl s of ,·:ell·.,,'oru ~ r· W'eek. < · The wltole tendency of the ~ pLlO~ ~t.. lh~ rlll ~. wa~ I)urely II fic" I dOn 't l<II o w. I' m ml sel'Uh l". find ' gro t tll-" ntuner lcnl ~I I)\'ri Ol' l ty ot I "li lt. wh ic h Is a lw tJ'imm ecl w llb the UlOlltS. ' flut ·U? JUlin W\I:-, .lr ~. (fI. OOV ' ciian~es "l;ttgg te d Is In th o line Iluo 01 :',tti. (,uITe.1 s. . I' m lonel,' ." Sh e tllrn d / 1' 1m him women a. lten I'H In lh e i'choolroorn. I la ... " J'uflles. eJ'ect th e ease !lnd com/OIL of th ' lll . . ', a 3 ' ell s lug tJl Rhe d . fr oIl) Tho I;;irl frown.l!'t. "ery a Ll ,I ,leanl her Utce. againsl Ihe n\ nntu t. , ~ • . , . ' . " , T h l!'u;mpl' I ~ r.(Trlsh Ince. hO rtle ,ed 11'111 r adlly Ipn: tllcm ull .. ,\9. for the retoJ'mation [ I 'Il Is really ., WI" ~ . you COlli" ):ol(e piece. b'l: hfllh \(Jn e u lld OIl,1I1!d \Vome n cer t lli ni' 1111 1'f' not liPI·l'el1tl\. wit lt u ' Ilnpo d ba':d 0: the sll~. whlcl1 a rt1sll slcJ,p of tnClclcrn (,\ ,,·h ~ 5. it only 'VIndict ive punlsbment, nnd a mal.n .nn9Y ng. some otlle r arran !: men!. I~ lhls the were yl elrt lng. 'I ho. e tW{1 I no I~' ho urs bh' c rowderl mt' n In " 'e prof ssio n. 01 corn s ' "' hen th y bllf'e' rll ';:ow 'Q by purpos e Ie 10 J' IIeve til m l~ery of lil e on ly s lUing room III t he bou se ?" ba t! Ilolle 1lI11re fo r h im th nn : he m UM la;v anti tTl , d cllll' an;; a \H.m an In "thO uile!" .' " I ' lo nocent dep ndenla upon tbe c r lm'· "y ~" Il Is," ,' pil ot! !tlrli. U<lf!e)" e loqu ent plcilc1 ln·g. )lillI/I t Is " 1I0 1'r' I ~Y und ~ o ex ce:>t\onll l WEL-LP~O-P-L-£.~u 6 1111\ 1. sbortly. t, n~ i'I lint ' eI onl. Il[lfl 'Ir lng !11 " WeI!, \l'bO r.all look art r YOIi bet- th at s hp Is lI "ua.ll y explu lnPtl nr ne. II ,felY mll llple nl!! with til ba"on and t ~ !111m 17" H l' "!l lllt' c'I?!'t' to Il PI', h h1 l ('o llnte d fOI hy ~om e special p lpa dln,!l', Wise ' Doctor <;ives Po.stu,n · to Con. II the class pIpe 10 become a fe ll.' eggs, 1M t l\, IInrl sOlne hot butter cl heart wi't~ benLing . rast; .l\t a tl Ha n t Thlls fhr. he \\'0111 n lnwyer h ns not ture at coeducnLlon a l Insti lutlons?1 o allt. Tll f tt t il' 'Irt lIenrt! her co Pen wa s hIs own a~al n. "1111\, (lear. ': ap P(>:lr '1 1 15 ('(lUn~ I for r~!l t co rpora . v alescent~. " In 11 descrlJltl on ot the fa ss day ex· ~ Ion g Ih'l ua rt·o lV Ilns~:tge. a nd I<noel,· Lhere m us t bl: 11 0 IlII ~t akes , " 0 . mlsn n· ! ti o n ~ . no r ,10' . she rpap Ihe mognlfl' erc.laes at the North ...· s l ern I1nlver· Ill,," III a Il"u r at tllo farlhel' c url, In· clersta ncll n, ' till k tlmo. It , '(HI tal(o me ' r, cnl h :l n" "~1 of golll nntl . fpmr ac ruA wise 110 t-q r trlt~s to ·Sl" ' II n[me alt y at Evauston. 111. • .Is Htls m nLion ror m som,· <Jn~ lh at s upper wa s ready now , It Is .ror good n ud all. ~n ,1 w" wil l I In;; to Ihe Fll r e't? s flll lawye r I1 f tho Its bas t tllall~ ' by Hi! 10;'; ho li ttle strength o f ' t n.lread)' extl' U~If.d liaof the pipe of I,ea co slllok lng. a ere- In th e Il lnln g ruo m. be mnrrler. Qn our w dr1ln~ clay." tl oillcr ~ '~ . ' Admlue to th e' bar It.'. t jent, and building u p w:\su. entll' y m ony not cOlllm()n ly Ilrnct! re(l In coT ll'e man.,wus half-way. n~r~ss ~he l She s mliNI. bu ' Ile ~ould uot see ber man~' ~ t3Ies. , he gen lJrally (' onfi lw~ her with shlljlle bnt po'\\, r[ul nouriSh· educational ' M e thodl~t InHU tulons: roonl brfol he ~u w he r fd ce. ::;he I fa e. . prnt:tlt e wllh ln nH l'I'OW IIm ils aue! nJ nt. . looked UII. fo r he !:uye a sudden exelu"Pray Co n·t co n ult me ubollt . a ny orlen flntlR he r )lecullar worl' In a so rt "Lewis ' n.. Hor ton . p re~ltlent a the· miltl.•on o f s u r P r Ise . 'a n d I h t!n s h e a rran!; lIlC'nls you a re mal\ lnl~. " of ,lhle;!1 nad humanilarla n Inn ce. ':Fh 'e years :lgo," '\'Tites a eloctor, eenlor class. filled the pipe. tonc lled a t1uabe~ ~rt. rl. I, li nd rose In a ne n'OIl R "Pen. (;on't jO$1. It Is fo r goo,1 and br,':l I{ ln g' fOI' the lIoor nnd .oppre. N d "I comm n eed to {Ise P05t1!l1t In my .match to . It. and It we nt slowly fro m way. her hooK dropping unhe ded to 11111 tbls limp. 011'1. 1 ca n' l !Iee "9u- ' who nre C! cfl'nlld d of th eir I'I£:hls. own f~inU·y In.tead of COn'\?' . 1 .was one pair lIpa to an othe r. Giving the 1\ro:lllcl, Til ey loolied a l ()II(' a n· LUrn 10 me." H e la id u. h;lncl u~ ber : The woman InWyer has not Its yPt '~een 80 well I!icase ll vlt.b the res ults that orr an odor of mild tOb'1CCO It IlD ssed :llhe r for a mom Ill, a n ti th e n s he, .11 1,1 , a rm, anti Ihen with a q\l lclc ImpUl sive tak en se riously ltnywhe re tbot sh., I had tw.o g r.ocl!J'lt, .p~!toe It. 10 S~O€k. f rom one coed to anoth er. NonA reo In a lu w "/ol 'e; " 1I0 1Y cI :II'c YOU nc,:)) ?" I Jl1OI'eme n t slle s wun g round , tlIrnl ng ' Is a com l'~tlior 10 be fEnl·c II ·or reel,. gila ran eel ng It$ !l'a1e.. ' • HI tben comm~nced to ioeoommend fU Bed ber,' 'pun:: A fe v cougtls ,WBre ,But he elld !lot a ns wer. :tnel ,llrs. her r" ~tl up to hIs. ene,1 ",!tlJ ' by h,m1h er IIl"'~'erR. boa~d ,lite en d 'If tile cel'emon)': · ~tle)' enlered Wl l b :l IlIg of bot wa- I' " Ab. To m" wu s all s he saId. A~ for the wonlOlI ,locI or, it r~ m ll ln 9 It to my ' patients In. place of col'ree, as a nutritious ,}leve'rag/! . . :rbe con se· , The me n took lhelr In ru all d the pipe His 'tr illS w!'r I'tH!nd her. "S\\'ee t- to be see n what I h~ ne xt 20 yeArs may d b k t H Ion wilo ft ' a ,!I;ow you IWO. ahe sa id brl ~I'l y. "I henrt. It I", g II 10 11OI 'e you fn th e show. In lJe:r case. She Is ot )lr sen t a 'quen ce Is. e,' ery slore 11'1 tow n Is how ~8sse. a~ 0 o r . , a g ~r bppe you 'lI bp go~d fre ll'~, Th "enrl e- / dea r ol d way. If )'OU cOuld o :oly k now : t Ol'crlt In many townl\ an d In , large selJlng It, as it hal; bO(ome a bouselOll!; drpg, handed. It 1.0 ~ r1SB . Ilrall. man Cll n elt here an' serv\) Ibe !Jacon I wh'al ' lhp liru e hM be n III,c! It \V1lS Cities s he Is consltlte(] on cJ ua l te rms hold necessity lu !Tinny Ilnm s, Shute. presidont of the junior claBa." nn.' e ggG. an' the larly r a n pour ou ~ t be ' crn".1 of you, girl. II W AS rnl'I!" ' by modlcal man anti has n.n Incl' ns ln g ''I'm BUre I presorlbe P.oFotnm as Of Soft 81!k. te:t. qulle domesti c like," and she "A nd 1:(1 ),Otl Ihlnk r h n"e heen so voglle 8S a spe r iallst In dlscnRtlS ot often as anyone remed y, In' tb,e 1\[a, . Tru a ncy Is t1 fln~c1 IlS a disease by chllclil l'cL I h RPPY "" But Il "f voIce w a iIIl.l!s:ln ct I wnm n and children . H er r~ tlm 3 terln 1\l edlca-I'n almost every 'Jase of a ChlcagO Rohool sharp who )las or"If YO :~ ~lI n t. annbl n' j~st rup 0 0 i he r, r bel' r:,ce \Va>; burled 00 ' bls ~h ,JtI I~ " when ' ho Is RI1CCeJ; rul nre large. and Is ornam en ecl wlth mottrB of ecru Ind lge~Uon a nd .ne rVOUlIneSii 1 trllat. d e red lrl\ants' on a , (11m uf p rot-EI ln. lahle. ~ Il I 11 he'l r YOU . I m J~. f In t h~ I~ e r . . Ju h ,,~pllnl wor k Plll'ilcu lilrll' ~mo n g In(' ' . In lI' hlch are' min gled' t hreads aild with the best' results, ' the al'enlgp hoy wOllld I'llthl'r lallo k lte'hen ro t·tlll ' c~ (:Jrr Y'B lea ' ,", !';II'e " Loo'\( here. Pe n ... · He ra~"(!ll tier wom e n and c:h l! rlrell. s he hni! 'Vlden ln,:: ot sol d. aocl edged wllh the. lace rut, "When I onea introdnl:e It Inte a hJs chanc'$ with the schOO l thun fly a sUrl'I'p!ltll'lll" wink. a Dcl 1.t1C'1I /" "n'p- 'heitcl I n elprll', nntl ~he ~aw 1l<1W gr ove ' .01)POrrun It 12;. 'Dhel' Is. howlwe r , t hi s lies. f!tIDlly • .It Is quite BUr'll to remain. I to tbe arlllS of prpteln. a )lulllsh llle nt pea rpd. itA I, III!,: p:trrlpulnrl), k D'JlYl n'g . 11 Wll .. ··Ilflrll n!,:. It I ~ renlly l ru e nncl I reRen'a ion. man y . Jl~on l .lec IRr') tl}at The wl,le oorselet IR ornamente" shall con Un ue o. tlse It And prescribe "What'q to be tlooe. ·Pcm 1," 'l' h ~ man ertaln 11>11{ lim e. ro r I «mlrl Il ot !tI nd th r y would lI"ver trll~l a woma n to with gold bnllons, bordered with har· It In tilmili es ",berg I IlrActloe. whose ui.ture be Im perfectly comprelooked ,It,,vII III he r. " He~"en KIl ')\\(9 I slIPIl It Ihl ng 0";0 10'. I !(JI'e yeu 110 'Perf rm a. RtlI'glt al opl!rtltlon OD them, ro w ribbo n, and s lash e,c! IIl1en I)ver . "rli cODvale.$cellce from pneul.toonla. hend s. am DO t. to blome! Wb "t rute on Ctlrtll tbal-" ~ ~ II'e& or on anyone ,ll1a r to them. In Iris h lace. T he cravat III al so or rib- typht)l<I fever lind other 'oa 9 , 1 give It h & a liquid. II' ahsorbed diet. The sen'ant 1;11'1, lhlnks l pton Sin· oou ld hal'e b roug ht liB logl'l hel' on tbls I "Tom." , lie 100 " rruptll,l . "I r tWe "re tA tbe. nel(r of fOl'el:.,'1l mIS'l on$, the worn· bun. claIr, needs uplifting. The can of da y •. : JIll .Iaya. WhAt t~e de\,-dl ck· be 1II1lI'l'Il1ti fl/·m"l·ro w. I tlCln' : - I- an doct or dall:.' p .r form nurglral op- . Tht'! 11tIlfed . lee" es Are nn lshl'd 'a\ You may use my letter as a refer ence e n~ Itr ' ),"11 dOi n g here "II by you r. Ilon't th ln l! I'll hll"c m tl(lll c llllll t'e 01 emtlon@ or Ihro I.UIJ09t dlm~llllj' Rnd the Ibow with bltlld~ of the !IIa ter lal, any way you see fit." Name glvev- by keroaeno on tbe mornlne fire has self'!" rJe iB!! It ..luill , " III I ?" ~ Ilell ~RI'y anJ In large jlnrrf'l!ta~e 'ber tr'lntmed with the rIbbon and ~1e4 Pestum Co., BaUle Creek. ,Polich:' Read ' hen know n to operate lucO'lllsrull, wIth lace. "Un ~t "alklDg tonr." s be replied" Il'QIII'rI.dll. t" .... hv JOleDh 0 ) trc!ltmont Is dllC'eesstu l. "The Road to "'ell VIlle" In I/Itp, ' .ID &bat dlra.ctJoD. ":rbea', a reason,"
and c onsider
ti l
UI::. I
-. We ste rn Ca nad a' Wh eat rn A Good Crop of Exce llent ' Qual ity lias Been ,
Raise d This Y ear.
"hll ~ge of M achIn ery the at;o of ;, direo'lJU I: mind b~, colDe. : ,l ull), of' lDiJ·r a'~('''utl. wune m ere brawo I alia (' r rE' SIIIJIIllfn glY In v l uo A w r ltor In I he R ",,'1(>w of !l('\,lt'wS f ro m clny til d'IY. Tbnt "crenl r l c I,hlt. 8~Yli t llul "mnrll IR II '1 W "Iay lll~ lilt! o. Tlh"I·. Elbr'l' l Hu hlwl'tl. sa.'·s In ~ul o£ tho WOI'lei'S bllnkor. i'lnlliand oC b ls ;;5:. H. "\ ' 1 " 1'0 a nll!chinl ' w II IIml h I' clnl m I Ihe I I1Ie I when sh do IHlttel' w ork (h un Iho h Uklll huort. w n t lO wur 111 olltil ,\tI'Ir.n. A g"n· W Ilrc t'l r to IUL Lile lUs.cllio u do Ule ; ' l'atllll1 1l!;0 0111' h(l,1 io go H~ " nution work." , I to f (J(· 1 ,thp pul~t' Q( I ho Int l'l'lIlftln,,;! 1 It hOle t e"o hut a t'lW Y tlrs Rlnre
Frllnce Succeed s En gl.1nd as a Result of South Afri'c:an W ar.
~'e II \'E' In T h,' Ihlllltln;
lOa~b lllel'Y, .,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,~
HistQric Jamestown IS Have a ' Big Exposition
The grn 'II ~ rops stimatcs frpm lhe 1904. Can:tdla n \\' . ~ III II I/O n r!lng or fr om M :,nll ohn ....... l!J,1r.~ I~ J~.~'~, :!'ro II lit 9'lt 87,000,0011 to J l['.OOO.OUO bn shels. Ilnd s".I''''' ''''·W(II' . 1:,.:. ,.:i3" 'r"\~:33~ ,)f Fir~t Enllli h Sctt l eme n t ill Am er icn to an aecurnl ~lnll III Ul will be son)!'· Hc Cclcbl'lI t'etl NeJt[ Ycal' " wh ero ), 0 weeu t beMs figtn·I'S -lll'Ob· AII"'III< ....... . '1 tl ' a bly n ol f.w from 90.000.01)0) b sh e Is. 1905. , 1 b" sll'i.lf·g to wn 1'1 IIn>lIWlll r ~ u·· IIIUld pll'kl;'l', Ihl) ~l'llInlng wh .· I Hnd T ltJ ,f yenr a larger oer(>lIgo was sowu , ~l l1"H'\h" ....... J.·,.7.a.410 ~·,. ~';"I.r.~~ Itt)j'H.O!!G,. r rf'lun,r~' whlrh Pl':UI f' is tl1n Jcll1 ~ havo tllf' h:UHt lou n~ ; sJnc\, th~ r nll/'r '-'lJ d . esLllllat Il at all Iller :' 60 of (r.:>m J ~li ~l:ut!'lI\'W:1O I~'!.:!);'; l~,.:t:1.tI~;j .. :.~.39·f ,1 1H n Infl~t l'llpl ll In tll\-'& ln HI tlvl' yf ant. Lfndo . ..... ' , ... th takf" n~Jlj I (:~hl"r, th f' r1H,J'W'· I to 20· I 'er ~en t .. and h ~ ll eh II "e rngo ,\1 ,~rl .......... . : .•.,•.• 1 ~"'~I:I) ••l .' , ~~~~ 'r 'h' l hd tin .: fir . ~ l;ClnHIt)n~ {It, Ire frh')k" !l!t l('l(\ whh'h r c\' hJlh'....--'!tl~tzcll 1 111 Ihot 111111' 1o'1·.' nl'h 111" 'n\flr'~ h:,,·o l lll; nUH'lllllr; Ih \(101. I ll" ,.fu. e of' n", "I d ! fl'''l n ~ I" ", 11" "II'~ ",," yield last )' al' IJ ' 1\ IJI :tin aluell, b l,hi'J, :':':,J 7i,!!Jl,~;U l !i.j;jJ,:iJ.j lnlH~ 1I UII JrlUtly 1!\lIl1ar41 .r 'm"'~I"W I1. I : "01 ',lIltl).: tl'~h IIII-: c ra ft. uf 'iil ' wol'ld nt "Ul t l l,,"", L.1,(.~ .\'hn. IJitt'Lf I' k a nfl h.llld t he :. ltI!'f glli .' woul[l nss nl'cdl)' ha\'o ,"rt.. I.. l t1"'\'"t '1111\' 1(11' l"fil.{,·lnll tnU as nuu -'ol'lli,·tl tJ:1~ 1.\1(:I' U5 Thl~,\' ·nr. t hl' Illwl ·~t 1·e[lIl'I'~. II~ wo r~l r~' I~1'I ()bllc:ntl"l1~ T I!f'Y flnnr~ f rtHll. \' :;1ch fl1l"l"~lll'll ! I'll! ~' : l'III\'(' Iltn II l ' llnn l :\:llcb 5\1' Iii ' 1'''' 111,,11','jn nl gone cOIl~tdel'ab ly b oyollrt the J09,OOO.· lIn\' ~t llt"'lt. 111',1 "'S ilt"" Prl lll.: Ill<' ";'1"'\'11'[0>11 I) Jl Wh eat. ld'I'nl Ilrltllfn Willi Illnnh 01' Ih .. ,·np· P"l's"III th" 111I111 ' m llllllh 'khip , I'nl\, ,I. ',1 LI,(l til! ~ nnll I nu, 1' : ;u.' o of '1JlI I lall IJH' II~ a 000 bll~1l I ·n\3rlr. T I ~e except!o l1nll y 8'.~O:J.UOO bll sh '1,': O'lI ~, 1101 "~I,I,'tI" l ll1n , 1{;,.2 i•. HOll, Itnl thai I\(~ nl t::. Ifn nnc(' 110,· bue r t he 'I'h,' "I ;~ clal I" l!lt~ 1/( hl!,tUI'lC ll1 in. m ml,'l'u .I ·atnt fflO'lur.\' 1'<l l'lal'I~1 Ule J .\n ll IH'I''' ''JIH n,' I'ia l arqo Infl ux ot sol tll"!'s was !'ClSjlOI) Slble UllIl bal'l y nt 1li.!I.I). GUn bu s1/"ls, l'<- ill Ih, · I I1l1nlt'), I(','"S whl l'!l wllr: Ih,,:-, Itlan",1 ,'!IIII'I ' OUR n lllOll ll1 ' UlUII /'1" 11 wit h tit lirsl ~ot. IIlab anll: m u ll r, the ).Jaic~ pol !Iud , [n'II ' hl"l~ol'l(' all fl rOllll'nlic t o Ii ,con ~ld ru bl e exten t for m uch of Is " err ,a\lo (nl· lol')'. ' ".'~f1I· ln · I[ Dol absolnle ly ilr'l1ll'nl !ll'l.' \'111 '" I l l'nry. ()III tJolllt 10 Iluij~ln, " ,ncUroaIl Y .HupplYIl1f.; Ihe llD,ddle. 't he luc!' I l ~" Ll area, and. t h ore clm bl' ~n ll.f)'lllg. To Iwt[(>r 1 110118 w\flo Ilt V hi ~t.'I',I 01 th" l ' nd,·d , ('111111 ;1 aUlI .I :om\·~I.:l wl1 Rjl(ll 'pr lnte lhls n10~ t·y 1I ~(': I :~II,Il .th:. a.C;I\I.Il.~ : ,\ t ("a p t I n c"m'Y en~e wh~ ~e mn rhluer~: haa 1 ~lutllS \>s JU "J P ,I n () d,oub (, I s also respons ibl e ror n faN . fill !hat Is IIl'rOHsll 'nlJt!o:II III Ill,· IH'I,,,I III' I 11 <'111 ." lit' ~ hillS {o!', \\' 11 l't'" r), 10 do I~ to .lap.ln. th q l'lll 1,1111 (; (Jrn!u,,~ \\llh li nt ilia be n IUlr t,u lI d to Il plure h:\llIl la bor. ! lndll rs"n "'II ' 1111 part of Lbe Il vcreasQd nverage yield. gu ba ck ~5 Y('nl'~ III Ill 01 l"tll'llllH! '.I' 11'''u t hl~ , tir~t 11111'10"1'",1. (1011,a C:l'na~ uu",' . hlti tory or l ,OOO.~oo .o ~JU U1urks III Ill, 'I '~ I COI' ~~ 1I)!1l'1\l1 . t be lubort'rs h:ll'o r 'aJ~l\'(lthe (Ihu nge : I'IlH'I' I II ttl\' h The fi r st erol' r nlsed by tlte lI ew s I, \\' eSlt'l'lI "UHilrill l\:utl . II·111HI of th!' SI,oi "hel'<' tI , ad'·~'n l\\rer){ nnnda. Al thnt t l mo ~he on, hI I' 11 In n tlOIl~ 111111 , ltlf,dcll,. Rllial 1111 I ' Iln d liS t.lle weaVl'rs.tbe~rmiJ"ll' s~e8 "I I'~1111a tier-or t en unacqua in ted wit h th o ag'l'lc ul \l r nl IIl'udl'tt ~ of, Lhe , wh ole PI'IS('S: lh y LOO~ U "~'I'ral am."llnl \ 1111' 1'<' III IIl!)1 . tlil sfu llfls. I '"illl ( j ,ltll' I, t Ilnll. ~he ~l\ rlO . labol'c'I'~ , 11;,I'Il1slad J It I~ lllro'l' colldlUo os of w es tern a gricu ltu r e-I s COll ll tr)' WlI S confln d to ·l.'lIll1 rir'5 "llIce Ih,' ftrst r"ll \\'!l~ Ihllr III rit hal hoI" i\JUIlItO\)U. th e laRt .lnlllll CS It 11 11 . m il 11 wa s so thun 1l.~lIl n\;t n c\\ ·funcl d 10.o 111~,a"I\ I Oh rua·. I ElIgIISh n ot usually prOlin e, and 1903·06 plae d an ti rOIl.'llst d of 1.00000 bll sh(.lri >pult1lHc 'lIl lu ,\ IoH)"icll \\u" >!I'lonll ll M t'd 11I1"a\ IHf' II uffotd(,f or h uH of Lh e HII 8slan IUlll! o[ la ~t Aprif chi n s and l Ilel" ! a ' I'I C: lll tllrul Inor i 'IIHmls, , IIl1ul\. al .I11111t·sl" WII. awl a v ery I rgl' I1ll1nbPr or am ntollr !!,rm, wh f'ut. on nn acrf'u II. I ~ 1'1'0' I fe"1 ~ helle l' nutl II go' o( 01.:10 0 anti ~,:Id Il nally I h l')' SH"" ~I d bor.l'tlw~ ufo allchllfU~e' rs 60 In r eeent t Im s '~IIIj)~Isl tor~ bave I I' O~"" 110:. 1 ,Ill' I 1'-(','11[('11111:11 ers 1ot.1\!na tbe sqlts of the pl ow; bll t 1 .2 iO. ~G uUHhel s (.t "'"\I~. 'rll(' ,, !ltil'e of (hili f,Ir dill >\\01 m"O~H '\1 WI1... rlll'\lJ·~. Jam '5' Ih I nl,ll'lI Stutes" "lIh rull) $1:.0 .• Inoteste d agalnS t bey wil i .Ie l l'U. nnti l efll'fl fll ~t. all (I CI'OP was UL thU.t lime L. tYI!(!·~e t Illg ilia· " /'lIt ~holl l 'cl.>lmll('<i u(,)(l ~'r'IW 1011'0 . , \\'h cl' . llIp p,lollU 1' 5 .Inn!. I'('<lulr d ror 000 .000 dll1l l1 ~ I h o U.,hL mOlloy ,'''Ilod ~ l,!l elllct's, ~Ia s!i blowers a!l. atn~t bOl tie frnm ~IIIY I III w ith an olh r season or I wo wil l hE'lp Io'cal /llll'jWS S, 111111 the I'XI'or~ N\ln'l1Il> (lI' J. 1';lahQrlll ll \ .\JO\·. 1(; '17 wa s t he fi lial st ~Il(n';" u'nd e of l a~t ~\' lnLt:r au,1 UI'<' now lilluneln ;; blo '~lcg ma ch lnps. to rp!£e th.e a vo l'age 11i SL lu i of de· was aD ulI l;nOw l1 ljuAI\ anti va illl r~ ItI 'l'I ,a l'llll , ," ~ 111" ljl'ln/-: tI):"II'. II.1l1 1 II e jtlll~r ' of ;h ' Illll''''. \il y . T o·du .\', tho t:otld .3n ci. nolt'. IS!JlIos or SDllIO o t agalllsL '", " , t~' roady ru l XNI pain ts. And ali , I"ORIII'I'IH I"'" bl'lI:hl pros~his I t. ' . :lf1nwlng nenrl y ~O QUO 000 bu~lwls o r ollr gleatl st ( lUI' II..., holdlug I,rall lp tnll. the 'h'mo or fr"~ ndJl" ln' QI IJOlallo JI S, . In the ' ense -., ot th elle . Ehol'L·ijl .of tbe estJmnLQa to hand, tbat of wh ght Th r o ' f I ~ a a SIIN'I'As 1-(1' al r('8 ' r"ol r o f r 0 ~ Iass sot a' f ,,1 ~I " "H int! I II cat (or l oca l con ~ UlI\lJtfon nud SCC! L1· ea It I I k 11 ' d U ' I I 1I I P r " : w .• '. t he North\\' s Grllin D eal I's' a 90- Illg. lIlcl'o will r , Inns, nO WIl lll' ".~ oll g b la u~, .J ...tlI e-.. ,0 . , n Ill' 01' a y . 90":~' t I l . r I n ctll1nccl be abou t . 0.000.0 0 laP l~ bll• tlrl lle ll f' . hl~111 1.8 hlillS ~ml~.ll ol~ of t o,dlly . .. tbe p. ~LeBt \\ 111 b 8nlnlt·l ion with Ihe ('\,('lIt wil l olll 'sl cOIllI~IU4}J ~ s.l,llll\!I1ICIl 9,(1 fi:p~ "J cl@lIOI1 Is tile lowe~t: W II at. 7,203., busllels lI t1 tlllllulllU '"1. l1Iul'lllC oud [ lIi< um un In .\ III<'I' ca. I l f or xl1orl, wh eh at 70 conls Iln~ wIll ~ II RO~tl , Is on l{aLUIJ' " ~ I ~~!)a n~t CW~ I I~' n vllIll. ~t (100 ' bu ~bl'ls; oats. 75. 725.600 bushel s. pCI' p. ul stllculn et .el v. ml1il1ll'Y I;el hraLlI.n (Ill l,ho WU bush el will bring In OU sl(l o lIJon ey It k I'lrij 11011 Homl " , jUH( across (I·ah\ llill'l:ex. l ~ 1lillOllll i ll 0 th ~ la n to n sn d barley.' 1 U.9 O.GOO bu sh In. 'I1ho l znl t~n , agal ns ,t the common t I 'A $"0000'0 00 en l, of tl 1"11111>101 e lIS we 1 Itn'1I"1I, VII .. n ' Hr Ih" 'il 'l IlC'Rlloll gl'ollncl~.' 01 ·nl\(1 s OW8 S SII aga ost I hel r own w Ifare. t. • ,,' • . • ' " ' ' ~. d ' Wl nnl jJeS . Fr e P ress sent ont ft ve .{?b 1~ ~x cnt IJO n ear y . ot x hllusllon. Th Dank of no ' r' . Fran ce, 'l 'be history o r all Illo<:hao tcal 1m. I~s (lr :>;,>1' '9 ar e,v lIn oalll export.e fJlk. 1 0J'lSltlllll lJ,1. :-':1' WI)<}I'1 are th e l:IrS' Rl h O'lrd er or "'01 <1 o eX f to provcmc all cl al Orreb{IOl lden ts, w ho rc turned FlII'lroS~ i\IIHtl III, Ol'I/:lnu ljl' o' l laH- ' nls sbows Ulat wOI'i,' llleD nre ,(, WS. II nUlI/lvlI Illld guod f or IiU adti llional $2 5.000,000, and th Ih \ ,IW l'OIllUlI l ~a lhl fml or Ihr flr~t ~t!lIle l·s. <\)Jum \ed ' .. I I I e •n Itp II S In l CS t rCllR ury. l a ~ n lS th e n rs t to be bpnefite d ' by tb - m , H llSf;>I\'Il, I'01'1!' ~~ ~1"III:oe. l I II I ta! <lntl f~l'tHlcu " row , ' ' . . vaults todnr n earl)' $600,000000 ot Tho l nvlmtfon . ., •. ot tbe Sewlnlt machlno , Th ' o;ll(' 'wi 'Clef! I ' Lil li 111 • t lIi R' l lall'r. 1M n uw II ...• ".lIl'Ht flll',tresaf , .in tile proclO lls me t al ' (wo "o~rB ago l ust OD" 01 throwin . '. ' g 11 011 n ds r '0 ' Lork pllnllJn lIt AIIII 'I'lea n 1·I·ri • t )l')'. ,\nllull'~ al,,1 chll'C n .' tl1l c I'Y st· lInn" Of ., . It hnd $4fi .000,000 ancl n a sa d\\ IJl In 1900, wh n ea on t" , 01' emlll o)'m Il l. Iccr '1'1 II; I! I' l I , Lhe I i ' I I ' !'it " ~I'LI COl li III '\'I\S 01 , aIllP ~' I I P arlll 1J0l;U II slowl y to l u r ge flh('ad o f d lDand to sncb n 1 >( • '11"" " crlllnl'n t . • ,l I t , .' 3n cst ut IhaL lltou. l UII'll lI;lllll(I, 'fliJnlll :to 1I1f1{'" frtllll ;0<01" ,;lIln,l!! B01)tln('.~ L"l ' llon a~ the cen t er ot ' l llrgcst 8and~ ot wo men bGrol' Lhe p undS\ ' ' h O" e bc~i) 0111 lo)'ed fol k 11/1 111 0 Jalll es 1'1\' ('1' . . \JIIl all ~')jJIII·:tted by 1)'11 lillie" of" wa\ " l~lL .mOil y su pply. til e illsti t ulion 11 Id at beollc r '\Vo gt's, f or shorter hOl~'H iln d OC\' olllll (Jf Lh , . <lIW<' I I lit L1'811 8110rla, Illltl wn y u I WE'!)1l IS Il}<l nlll',~aIlS on l y $375.000,00 0. eRsl r 'Hide: wbero huud r eds before tl OII fa ' llltlf'~. It waH tf ci tl"d 1.0 bold mo~ l r: m t v rL: . HoW lln6 Franc!). a nation InIJu ~. " 'orked I IlI l ubol'~ous .. ... . • I l hI' eXllflslll o l1 HI th o m o,at ml spry to k e l ~ultahl e :-.: ewIJod " w/;. w h ere the greatt'st trlally In tel'lor to German r and ,,'Ith out a piti abl e exlslonc e, I t was so poi nt neal' JallleBu,wn, whOl'o the lUug· • shlnuulf lll n l; pl ant or th e a commer c e much h el ow thal o r w ith spi nning un d w avl ll g mac lu. GT at n r llnln n, snl n r d such a power CI'Y, WiOl 1l111'lcul lll l'a l ' I III pI ml'nls-In In world finance'! Tb e answer I s. f act, I t Is SO With e r ry 'notablo 1m · throllgll h~ I' domco;U c econ o my . I!'o r proveme m . Tbe multipli cation of frugallty . th rift. In.t nso appllcat lon to books In th e Inst d oaado !s a dIrect the ' " '9rk In h and ami the commen ll, r esult or Lb e Inv!'nllo ll at llnotype al) l e amllt loll to carv Cram life' s ~ a(: bln"'.I' and f as pr s~ es. la \>ors ,aou gh t o molt hrlght t he Th mix I pulnt Indll ~ l ry . In wblcb W heat and Oat 'Farms, Elbow Valley, .Twelve M flea West of C a lg a ry~ In evftnb l r:ll u~: dny and to cheer 0111 C!a re fllll y tlosh( ocd ' fUllnt3 for house agc tho PI' IIchmnn haa 11 0 IJe r, To painting nro prepnl'of a ~ter 20 ..tlay!! wl t b a Somewh at b t er ! 011 Ii Inrg s,!nl e lhe combi ned nmoltDls, togethel' with sal'e Is, an Inhcrlt d desi re, l'e pol'~ Rna 1;1\\',e r ensous · for Ute CRith by spccla l M Pr h lno!,)'. Is anoLhcl' tm. that r eo I"NI f rom dall'ylug and otll-' Th e pooretlt [l ll sn nl In th\! Icost 1I1'0·,,(,1:1"n l. 01 (he am t1ult wns lu 'them. ' Th ey 118. d tl'a\'el /I t ype. The er Gources. are b lind to make nnan. I1ro(1I1(,Ii\''' purf~h of t h r ell ubllc m A.ll· eh alI t! 5 8 UIT ' g IH.· I·nl ex " l1 ene/' aU UirolllOb [he sil'rlng " 'h at dl sLrl l; 0101 conditIo of n s VNy easy In the eima· ages t 9 pllt asl do a l illie ne h y c:\ r t hr ~a procltll'ls I'~ R !Ill dU m tl l:.:,!d the h ad di'lv' n ' ], 4~OO miles through tbe dIa n West unUl 'the next har vest rna. for a COll1 ,,(\ I t'II C~' Ilnd the fish erm en c n BlIIlIJ)Wm of r.alnt grain COUI1~r.y, besides II' voli n th ou· t UI·CS. thb h: do, do wn. on Ib e l~.rILtuny cvaRt . would manll for the !lands ' of Illiles by rail: and they h ad S rrl ~e~ of pa1ut(ll's has In' th l a&t w eek .ot All g u ~t a to ur ha y RIII~" cI Il tel" WI !1l rs ngo. wh ell corrl'sjlb n\l!nqly m ~llI, 1! 'II.. v lsltl;lll !)3 IQQallt(es nnd kn ew w\Jere· 01 In ppeclitln fjf'foTe wa s Il)o(}e along 11 line lho ' Cllt h was almost nolhlng, h ad th e a dvc:nt or these TO() I~ ,. ",pll.pal nt. ot t h ey Rpoke , '1 h ey r ported: Wh eat. of 'r nll\l'ny ill t he wh II nl'E'a by Lhe HIe), not 1)('(' 11 obI to drow from tho cd bOUfiO was \1 t' Ice.. Ie I'v ln lia 90,250.000 bushel s, : on .. 4.750.000 Ilrl'<;ls, ~or hw t Gralu D ' ni 1'$' a ssoc iatiOn sa\'1n gs of IUOI' fl'llitful ),1"01'5. T ens r arity. w h err.ns to·rlay all III. a!tt.t od wIth lin av rage yi eld ot 19 bush Is nnd p a IIUITl,b I' of , \.lD el' l ~nn g rain. ex:' of I.IluIIsn lH1R 0[. slIIall . shopk e JJ r s. b Oll~e 'I s 'p li, pICUOU 8. l ler acr . Tile w stem tlll'lslon of perts. Whdt lh y sa w con vin e d Inn k c rIers. scnntlly p aI d g ol' I'nmE'llt the ' Bank of Commeroe also Invost!· thorn th 'e t'rl h ~\ lpsG. the I,nlllfere. ae a nt n ot ' onl y ,I'ns tb c rop a O1l110),e8 nre I n,'eslo rs. of ' Aud i torIum al)d H all of Congrea ~1 ~ameatown Exp, 03Itlgn. and th pi r r ul e, (ollowln~ t h C~l\tnll!O 8 t . by I d wi t h lIe followIn g result: good al'crage 011 • hut t he quality of !lOmbln d sal'l Qgs havo p rovlLled th e t h e wen\' I' ~. the. Il1'!J~tl' S SM n ull I he' Alb'erta. nlHI' ilL 118.,'u l IJI l)lny COul[) bo ' pos' 10l'alp.d 'tbe g r alll gTo.wn was admitte dl y of (IInd s to fi aan eo manor a IlRLlon anll ( arm l ab r 1'8 or old. almo l , was'!li's t kuo wn as PoT.t;.~lIee. , 10 a m8n, ~Ihl: Yield, tit best quality, and mQre than on e arry It th ro\lt;h Ii l en n perloll . tu d lHU ng ulMh It from an old I' lnoe :, . Acre8, pe r a cre, oppose the ImprO\·p . U1cnt. H I ~ \l r('n l T hp W IJ(!B't .. ... , .... 141 .42l of tb e " Isl tors stnted th ll al hough xpo slUpn Is to OI!~IIPy 400 of til .0 The lloDulali on of PI·anee. Is ahout I mprovem ent, ho lI a,1lI of. \\' llle8. ', L~ was i h re R nrl ey .... ..... . 75.m w I' r. and slmp l)' ue- ar l't:!s of I flnd. nnn ubom 2 ~o tlt e yi eld mlg tlt h a ve boen l arger. tbe ~0 .~0 0,000 0 ll('r('~ thul II) III 11 trom Jnillel!Lo wu ()u'" ........... .. 321.923 peopl \'. t l le w eal t h o t cali se ot that f art tho sal e ot slIeh I llf ~u sl~ht. watel' bll~we ell IWO "grn n \1 IliaI'll" od LUI'ol QllallLy could h nrdly bave be en 1m· Franc Is n arly no't"h'ul 'u'ij ,shll)S ..... hen he $,~ G.OOO .OOO . OOO. This p rod ncLs bns iocr used until during I II H 540.02:: ' p roved. Speak ing on thIs point. Mr. w ' alth I s venl), Ulllll ton H ad s. n oal' NOl'fotlt, IIl'st call l O to ' \,I I'~ lI la : ··Nu..... pol'L :..; ws dlst rl bnted. Th o num' the res n I )' Ur . It wil l fall Saskato hewan. Il\lt fa r I 1·(j(·t SIlli)lIt Ii !I uel ..- WIlOI'l ./ \ · w ~ . J. P. Whall ey . the w ell,k'now n \\'b at ber of estutos II li p;; at t he m oltth of UIO .Jam es I'IYe r, ","h"a t .. ........ 1, 331,64~ udmlnls t er d. In 1904 short ot 9.0,000.00 0 01' l (lO.QQO,OO O gill, • I~ Ii",) miles fl'OIU :-I01·ro lk. ' und tlv e man of Mln~eap olls, said : DQrloy .......... 41.21:~ was 3~~ ,7 S7 aDd of Ulese one-half Ions. \V h I' I t mpt.i' 8 Int o HIl IU(lt()1\ R unda. OUIS ..... . .... .. . ~2.l\<J ~1 1I111 s from Ne""l1ol' t ~ WI;, fOUl' m il l'll "Th e quality or tlie crop Is excel· w er e fOI' values I 'll t be bl ll zilbe til l llvcr. ill 'e&lllnry rBng lng from l eRs HindsiG ht Is always h etter thaD f rom I.' rtrosH Monroo. nnd lent . and 1 Ihl nlt the eJg a" htlllll e~ el'nge wlll be, than 10.000 to a little und er $100.000. 'l.9i's:405 f I hlllllJlon JlOllIl s. ure thl! cltl 52.233.7 ot for sigh t, n od most ot us wll drplore ' f rol1l Porto;m(lulh Manitob a. N o. 1 North ern . I ~'RS up with tbe Ollly throe were , 'I'h l!x,l'l'sIUQ Il \\'111 • 'orl'lJIlc al1rl .Pul'tulIlo u t h o\'er $10.000,000. un do tho t he sh ort·sl gh tedn 'Wl .~It! .... ...... 3,Hl.C037 ess o f 'o u' r an~eslO rl I, h uw' fOIll' 1I1 " os of lI'!ltl'l' fr.on l. 'rh er o 1{IWn . of U rk 'I!,))'. ttl graftl m en lWO years ago. nnd I am Jlarl y .. ,,, . ; .. ~74.2lt , -' .\11. !;Jr, so a rB, would do '~'el1 to see th a t we do not iii to bo ·n groal Jl\11ltul")' 30 v ery mlfoh strll Ie With Lhe Improve , 0 019 .... ., ... . .. . , I.I:.5,DGl dri ll Kr .und ~ lI1bllstJlll(' II [(1 uf DAY , OF LARGE FItI;S. 40 (h ' s \'(' n~c ' 1II h ' ..' turn fm' n l sh " Hwrlbl" eXll lll p les " to I 30 mll('s llCl'OSS It. Th re Is 10 bo Ml!lnt that hu tnk n place In these c Q ll thrl' , I P"I·t;;I1IUI'l ih ia tlte i\or. Dllr posl er ll),. . p , O. a Ctl lll)U I rail . l\vl) w I! ~ 1011$. rUII' folk n avy 'I'ntnl. 4,'71l.1lQ I:'·I~~:.~ t wo y ours. T ho ~ rowth Is certain ly Eminen t Lawyers and Surgeon s R. rill·.l. "nil :.It "-I)rflllk Is the An Imp~-;'e d W h~4 t .... ... .... .. .. .... ........ .. .. .. 01. 13.!IOO m arvelous : Postal Card, lIillg frail I fini sh cre there I. 1I0t a h etter cOll n· " t hl'oul;tb' I1le ehl or . coaling' I!tu tlon uf tho giJ" el'JIOo ceive Magnific ent SUIt'L Out" .... ... ... . ... ...... ........ .. . . . .. . ;l t d 0 Our po st al eMd Is III u eed or Int. 111 5t Int r 'stin g' Ilarl of tllc leX pO!;I, lII~lt. Burley ...... .. . ... . .. , ....... ,., ...... . l'1.i3.'i,i9\l t ry In the " wo r ld tb all the Ca nadIan , :.~ "'1 ~. j, provollle n t. The wrlllng OD, It Is tit II , groulI ds. A l'OI IlIlUli c WIIl (1I 111; : Th is Is nn Jigc of great teeu In l a w, Illal n ,·Iew. (0 All of' wh1cb goes to show t h at a N(l~thwest., ' Tho mas falllOll!! 1I1l1' al (:pt:Rl!n~~1 bo r ad nt l el slI r o by fOOI.l'n lh ca lled ' " li'JIr (atloll walk. " 18 or 1 h e ]last f l1-w y ears,. In whlcb agrl· In 'su r g r y, In Bt;.l ell the cI v il wal' WIIS the batll;; ",l1liat oroll or I)early Ir ilOt fu ll~~ 90;· ce amI enm In an), POSlol empl oye from the tllll t he It to follo\\ t h e OO llne lmil fpr a mile M errimac 000,000 bushels rna)' be saloly counted cul t u~e has been oarrled Oil LO any dlpldml\.cy. ' Th ese rees are not allv!lY8 l eaves fhe sen der until und MonlLor . Tills due) " It n rrl\' s at or 8 0. grea extent, hal' o brougbt the IJrob· paid h~' cOr))ora Th ol'e I)robabl ), nO\'cr h as llo ns or Indian tribes. Its d stln a(lon . It Is snfe 10 OPS UffiIJ be II a n :'tl'OSlllo ll (1l uU ll od \i.hosq oat· , " says til' Boll lmore Sun. A re w years th al thl hua hcen tho cali se of no lit. u"a l mjl'unta !;('s e\'oll apIll'ox,l mUtCld ogo (It was widely Jl ublf sh cI at th e tI e tro uble nnl l mllurraasm nt. thnse of th o sl~e fOI' Lh ls ouo. time) a gentlem an wbo WIlS among Durin g my fir st slay In Braz il I Th gra nd I'lors. tt ll' '1111>' Irtontioo ed, the l eaders of tbe N e w York bar re, fOil 1111 tbat t he po~ t8 1 carr! the re In a ,'e to extend 20400 f t !JIlO ll ull)IJton celved are' of $100.000 far a l egal 'JBe ' was suppli ed with a flnp 01' covel' , fl'(I I1I th e oXJlnAlf tol1 ~rD llndg . opinion whi ch he ,w a s able to g l\'o' al· In g of fl ,\rk popor wll fch. w hen g UI11. '1'1 ,(')' arc io bo 011 f act whl l'. anrl , nio~t ' fTband. A ques lloo Invol ving l'I1 l'd dowlI. 'cQmpl tp ly hi d th w ,·II! nt;. cOIIUUCICl1 by n cr()!1~ pl el' 1.200 f ee t t h e ~t (us of a g r eu t entp.I'j)I' llIe was ThIs fi all W MS altac}w( l to I h e Imelt at III I g ' at 11 di~I'U ll ' {\ ur 2,.100 ru t fr\lll1 slIbmltte d t o hIm hI the form of a th o curd. I\le Ol i go gUlIlOINI u nt! lI('r· bhol·.e. In 10Kln . J:: Ii II1n~nlll lI1 enlol'und um . H e wrote b ls op i nion t Ol'ntl'd, Ih I n ~(! I' 1011 or n fltI ~er 1111 be- IlIlHl n ~XU ncr Ii 111 ext 'III . "O ll t gmn d In Il ll e word nud I t w a S"ustlllllP.d III IlI g 0 11 th ot WflS I'cllll ited 'Ion u It. Tho >x jlosllfon wi ll be lllUllIly his, t he ('ourts. Th is se l1~S 10. b lin nb· r t ",' nr " e(1 til e 1)III'nnSC h v . .. .or ' n.I ellljlltlii " lel ll'I' I'l t I I zI ng till' I ca l Il ild · C(I ncalillu sU"III~' IlIl'ge sli m 10 pay t o r olle wOrll h lllf~,~thn n.• I ) '~lI q.. I r"II I. lo ., 0 wll)' Ol lr ot I .go l , n rl vlrl'. l i t nllO h r aspeo t. <> . " till " " ,'elll !; U r IlJlt IOtlll I I III C,'I·.·, 1I ~ 1 gCI\' «l'nlll ('nt did lIoL adopt this sty le U" o "r thl' IJI' I!"' II1I~ ~ "r I'(' li glotl~, ~o · boweve l" It wns not excessl, ·o. f or It of n\I". ta l II f lJ Illn ..,", "'(l, ' l ilO a ll~ll ..., ~ "" " lo n ". 1 cfal. prj I ilk" I IIml ~1'Cl I)OIll I C I 1\. I1'1"' 11> I. nn bl II this oDlllnny 'to (1stnbll sh I t· - .• ,Inll 0 11Pl n.,. so sllOTllt as st IlI to ~ .~ n'" .• enc'c t I nil. PXPI' P!:IH(,'{ I It I •I UIJ)l' sluwtl UlIu oeU In nn Illlll('('gll ubl e po~ltlon III llle iear...e ,1 handsOm e PI'u(JL 1[lt 'I' t'slnblls h , II by th o f!)uuder ll at l egal pollll o( \' I ~ w nnd to con li lluo Its , -. A Stili Better Outfit Seven Miles West --Morden. ' 1 I t t IlO a SS III'all e tlal I It our gUyel'U III 'lIt. O\lCl'lltio n il wt, How 'To Catch Spatrow 8. " I t 1M hot til e lil t ntloh t o f" a lul' OLD JA I\I1ESTO WN CHUR CH TOW. , could nol be aUneli er1 s\lcce sful!)', A t upon. Thi s Is less Ullin .was l ook ed l ell) or ,trn n s,n ortatiOIl A llI'oll ntchlu'u son, o f W alli ngton. III00n si riai 1fi 81)la)'5 very prominent. the cl ose of th e war b otwoen ChIna II:; al Ih \\' (wIII' . ER ON JAMES TOWN IS.LAND . 'I-' t or b y some enthusla stlo ' w cstern pco· d' e v n enth'lp KC'r r lary .. r th e SUlI lh, I y to th e fr nt, and t h ere Is a rallwa) nnd J opan elevoll (Th F i t 5 ti l years a ~() th e hi· tll'n K an, :1.3 ) '11I 1.11 III l n sul'lI n ce C W plo, who m al ntnlned 1 Lbat Increaso d developm on l In and :oll . c rs .. hUJI fal l' ·XI.o,.;ltillns, at 'hlell,TII c lem end ) as ' U poh Thl , I . 'lIla!lllo ba. Sa sknl ' he- I lle 0 gO\'prum nt n {'erler! the '" se n 'lces a n llW hiI'd ell' clHW thllL (irlcd til e wOI'I(, L oui l acreago necessa ril y UlC)!tllt nn 10' wI\n, Al bor t n ' s, and ' B rIti sh ColullllJ la, o( lin abl e nnd eX j1ori ~ l1e l!d d san . , ,\ lpl om A. lIst The disco" ' 1' ), was a '~hlmllal. ::;Olll~ . ~ c reaso d ag{:rega te. Stm, 90,000,000 Such ns blls T ltcl:c will be gl"n ' rallS tll t;\i! II YB ot. look p lu~c In Hal!l never been seen to ('0110 \\' Il h tho capable lind II p,tO' I II1l ago pl on Roads •. wU)llq, busltel s '· ot \"beat I s 6,OqO,ooo better an), wh ere. It(, Ihl' w lute) th e haG' lt .Ytlrd '[ till ' "I' ll; II l1d Cl'llct ~. n.Sh 'l' II'~' , al'IlIY Thel'o al',c nt presen t I date .J all:ln e e dlplom a,t s. lL pl 3in tiil:h ~ of lhe esposili o n gl:Ollllda,.. th ol'c f ore all 01\1 I'/l.t fTllp - lhl' 1(11111 wl1('I'\' lile Bnil than what was lool.ed upon I ~it year over 11:1\')'. nl1vll :1II "5. lml.I~l lor lllllnl1 6,()00 millIS of ra ilway In onsa J::\'\! MI' . .J obn W. ~"l'ry S "l llcl l~ of tli$J01T \\'U I 1 :80 , Pos\el'. a f or m er mt~ go In li t o ll o ' enll. st .P un n t n a s a goot! crop. and we do not think operatio n lfJ' .an d ~(,n \ 's C)( hlhl l~. Ilutl th e ·XllOSI· moml.lll r t In t11nt country . and I secr tO r y of StllLo of lhe l n ll,eel States, door ltn l hat l 'n Ihal oc c~,t \U\ ~1'Qll" \Vest erll Cnnadll bn~ m uch t;a,use to a consel'v all,'e l t alll Ih rou;;h . I t was ubou t li o l1 \\'111 be lho ffrs t OU ( cn l cillall oo ot th e to assi st In t he prelln rai.11)1I ",,, r CO li ' d lld' "r~ L Il1't It· ild . · 'l'ill blltHe t the w orn Ollt Hnt! 1.11 nil s \\'('1' nil &:o u,,: ~ '"tl'uctco] f eel d own In th'e Mlout l1 bec ause the lines n ow In whi ch will IHn atI'll!. a di s· 'Will h(' r<'~JlI'(>d;IU ' d d tl rl course of con st~ucUo n treaty or' p n ce. J't Is 'ui:HleI'81 ng lIw XPOSI: ' 110d t hnt A f ew cl a)'s later h e bllnl)('n I La ('lass tllJ(·tl,· acme o( Its ao tl clvall ons on t he wheat Illnees th e extent ~Iy l of 1ll'lll d tectlll'U. at ,5;000 addItIon al t he f ee which Mr. F OSle r r ece II '~·fl l . I lUll " I'lnd, IUIt! ,~ 1\'1.I1 \Ill 9U ~ ~ . ~f, ive d n' B ohl t.l':1p an d th oro WI't; 1·\ >.il'u r •. be ·'11111'1, crop m al' n ot 'have ' heen, realized . miles : a l arge 1), (·ol onlal. All ur Ll II' bl lll d· tl ' I' I{\l lI ih~ bllt 111RII'uct porti on of which wlll from ChIn a was $1.50.000. a lurgo l" .' i\ der~ " ~ 1I11l. rows In It, J)rownln~ these , h e ]l Ilt I t Ings , Takin g ODe y ear w ith another. th at bo com pl eted X I' CI d b~' tho. tl ll0RI1I0n ,·om · lIal'l c~ duri ng Lhe r,resent y ear t o be su (e. b,lt not out o f !lall ' f r om Ihtl t cou fl(r,tl n u<i t!i'QI propor tion bflolc; :lnll In tUlUt her d ny 01' two rUlto d pallS' count r y hilS de~ oll,St ra f~ \ thQt it can Thi s m elillS the wi ll be r c plicll s or seVt' n le n t h 1'(11)1' ticnllLl 11' 05 01 1111 op nlng UII or a con, t o th e serv~lces h e r onf.\ered . th J w orld's na•. China 19 elltl'IIJ1l1llti, E}"'h cu ( ~h Io n: \) eell ,CI;!II It1I' b e dellend d upon a s a gl'eat 'wheat sldorabl y Increase ~: strucLu l'!'l; hi' c l ul)OI'tl I I"II i1 of vies will s,' In 1907 d ag l'lcullurn l aren. wa s at tbe O1 el'cy of Jnpan . ,whi ch llt ' l ho w the was somothl n g lI ko L)lIIf till Ul i. mOl'l1inp;.,· tlw ul. growing terri t ory, and b as to be r eel(, and thero js Th COII('osslu ll evO'~y r ea son to believe Ilble to . enforce It d el)lftnd ~. dJvlsloll . culll ha(anl « ,'0111111(11(' <1 til l) se l l' B II both as 1I'hen h e f ound 25. brlngl,ig the LOl al oned with I n , the . markets or the tbat In a "cry" ail ed th e " W il l' Pnlh." w ill contuln tltis !It1'ugE(i<' ~,' few y ears the agrICul. ! regards l errl tory o'1d Inde mnity. flhnut II p'r ced ' ·tl• • fl y up to 3\lout lOO. worid. , . VUl' ivd co ll ec llon o r the b('st UlII\lSeturnl wealth of the countr)' wlll be IJersnndln g Ibe .Japnhes e to mod l(Y 0 ,1."",,1 If tho " I1nrrOW9 are hoth e~lng ment ('n tcI1 Jr I SE'H rlos~lb Th o ' yi eld Iii. oa.t! has been In. develope d t o ·sueh an ex tent that I::. t holt· (]omand l o' t fl tiel' tl l'e , s Mr. ~'Yas In a po, 10u. t r y n rat trap, You s crMsed (his year by near ly 1.500.000 stead ot "~ Bundre t it h y Dllt. ' h eBe will be con du cted by I'ecognlz e d d, Million Bushel ' sit 1011 lo sa ve ·Chlna t en ltory 1/\ an d ling It live sllal'l'()w III It. aml t h en nll lix !, rts bush els. tb e !\ ggreill,ttl .e~Umate - beln g 9r(lp" It ,wlll In lhelr , ' arlous lines. not be out <II place to ' t reas ure, It \\'OS a bUSiness m ailer the oth er sparrow s hea l'lng him flut.75,726.6 00. with the averoge at 41.2 refer to tbe crop A ttlllullc r ' or lIew fea LU I'p,g ,\' 111 be all "600,000,000 bush. t h rough nut. and the Chine se goverll· t el'. want t o I-(et In and whIp blru';" afford etl,. Olrlgllll bu ~ I~13l s to Ule acre. Tbe estimate d els 01 wheat 0 IJfllIoons itnd f1 EH'O' Cor ellport." ,ThIs ma, lIlenL seem s t o have been thbro ughly · Kansas OIty Journol. croP of barley Ill' placod at> 16.98(),600 lOok nko drawing plan s '~III c n " Y pll ssell gerl; fmlll the long bo~v at the saLfsOE' d with tho w ork or Its AIDerl· Pound er - But bushe'l s, which Is Ii alight Increase 'present time, lho sh th ' shi,lS. but, In the IIgbt ot " bat . can agent. n\lsua l :u l!· you Oil lhe IIlano. The slewa r cl ot a JlulILlonl club In l elhlc me t s will oVllr ~be tot$l of lut.yea r., Of Halt tbel hlU been done b e It 1(\ Oil \VAter as by West~m Canada ~ll ss Propper -Oh, o e3r. ntl ! '\l\falQo --,-. ~. N ew Yol'I •• Jubn . PHtt l by n ame. h tl! w ell as 1311d. 'estimat e gIven II 690.184 busbefs, In the PlUlt five and ' sull wat cr btlthl ng ml,l 4oe ~ n ' t nllo w young !l)en or ,t en years. I.berf Pre.enc c ,of MInd. to ' M' the rurL' dlstlnt:f lon or being a grand· on the magnIfic which la a materIa l Increase UP01l last 18 no limit that en t beaeb E'B wilt be a ' col1'tpallY me an)lwh ' r ' ' wl!iIlpul ( ~ ,, ~., can be pi aced upotl "Q. Charley . del\r," exclaim ed young Ion lin d a s mn drnthOl' year's figures. at Ihe same featul'O distinct ive from tllf,1 av orag!l chapero n.-;Clev eland ,hat may be dODe In the f\ve or ten Mrs. Spend It. L~a.dpr. ' .' ,." . "! as tbey sat together at tim e. . Ills g'rnndm othcr I s Followin g are the lIrures In detail year I Iizllnedl ately !I" lng at expOSIti on. . . , 'I n fronf of that t he table. " wh ere Is the locket I gave th !) nge or 97 . IIrllI a bl\lJy grandda ugll· for , wheat, oats, aud harley In Wellt· tusty young giant Natn r ully the torrl tory Burl'Oun dlng WoUted Effort: .:1",' of tJ1e We.t. • yon before we were Dlarrled ?, hnB recontly been born. ern Canada for the three year. lut Jamesto wn 18 the ,most histor Ic of the "It t\lkes time, trouble, atJ~ IilftAlte ' And Oharley wltli a guilty conscIou s. palt: . new 'world. H ere IL was ' that Poco, pallenc'e. ot course. to be ~ a god4"BD~!J ·An Delloua COmpar llOn. ne88 ot tho pawn ticket In his yest Three hunrlred lind nlnety·t: wo egr· twntas saved tho lite of :Jobn ' Smith; d~~' 8cbool teacher, "Doen' t BC1!ubbl,. look cheap ·beald. POClket answere d glibly: " Well, liut 'yq.!l' iiav.a : dear, dlltrlhuU n s slnUons are maintain ed where 1103. that mAlPlllc ent, well.dre a.ed wlf. ot It 'll lust u well Sit· Walter Ralelgb learned /Illtlsrllc t!on of knowlllk tbat ' yo,r ,.rr. ~x to keep OD tbe rIght 'b, the gO"erlnm ellt In Ireland fOl the how to smoke from Wheat. Oat& BarIJi hII'" helping to mold the charact er bt '_ ' . tbe IndIana, and Ilde of thele rich relative ., so I lett purpose of betterin g the poullry of inlroduc ;ed tobacco to th e world; ~~~' ·:tt:rn:m IU=:~ abould 01 101 , and rlaing generat loD." &1......... ..... 1,111.110 l,lII,5U l,m,n. ba".tend er'a ahlrt-ltl Be look, lite. It III a pledge -of a.trectloD with in, lhathcou ntr y , Man)' me1re!!~gl ue held where, '''Yes, ,but It makes me ead to mOIre tba~h tw~ af~ one':~I~ ld "aSci.' the KGIroo Wlel. Jut Q9w:'-D alUtnor e .AmerlQa & lac ii;iii;Vii pcturt,y lao centurie s ater, l·aOOr. "-.Judp. hoW qulOkly a year'. worlE .. Q~ e err e con c ~ be~W8('b the Monitor
r,;.:~::~:: ~:~;::~~ li.:~~;i ;~~~~7 l;;~~~~!is ·:~~d~~I.~~~n IUI\"I!~
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tltr '
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. l p E RSONAL ANO' LOCAL. Pro ,~din gs .
Notice of Appointment.
C IU'Hni ss iullt!rs'
On . E . 1:'. KI ·Oll·or.', nt B orn ,
t>Ctooor I, 1901l, ('Hlli l'lIl't WIll' 'JlIMOII Ill ! ~ , T. a .. uw", '.' to~cl l tor,. rtnrt M -;ar1nj.!eN '()G. All"".'''''' M, M,' \{" V , :/ I'IIt'. NlLhn for a III h \ •. MKS. T . J . Blh.: W,. , ~I(OU lAT. E01Tuk h"ll nr nnd two OUR.' lit t hI' 11 .00 " yeM' . . . . . .• In Iwvan." •, v' $ :15 .t. ~6. year If 110~ l'atO 111 .wynn...: Ph~m;. lIpc If! Htiom: lind ')FFIOE IN AL [ .EN BUILD[NG , j l'" 1\ C·(lnl'rl·tfl "aWI:r n 'lIr , ~ '"' u...r ' ...r (, c\flllOO of Geo rgI' Wolf . on t ho 'in , .Mr , nlld :tilt;> .rn!<eph Ditm r IIl1d '1 £i.I£Pp.Ol~E <ZJllrlr •• 1,0, ' 2 IOiOllll ' l pik,', II.' e rtlelcl tJHv n. h ip. Orphn !'\ hull'. nf Plliot e r!! w ra npl)r d vt.'(] IIl1d ontru t Il't to {r Elk hllye ' hlloo r eoent. 'U l<ts f WEDNESDAY OC'I'OnER 10 • . •: . I ou Bllrl R t'1'1I n the tt~tit.llfitO of f,4 lI50. Mr . nlHI MrM . W . H. Thor pO. ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Concerning Former Residents. low A )1'01l1:a :1, 1906.
O dKAL008A ,
.. EDtTOhS M lAMI n.UETTIt : I very IUllOh regr... t Ihllt olr c umsknoee prl1VAnted my Ilttenllln g j,ha "Borne {'omln g" 811" portion of my boyhood IItA "liS s\Jflnt In old Wd .VlleSville Il~ n Illlpll In \he old U n OD & h ..ol UVllJje on. ihe hili . 1 w1II he re membered by the older l'68ldenta &I "Tom Garretson the Dtlwsboy," ~aving BOld CinolnntLtl tnrl.led froIII II vi~it· I)f !lix wee k" dally papel'1ll1urlng t he wllr . As .1 with hi!! dUUlo(h l r. 1\111';\ '11I1flll!l Ol\lJed Ollt 'he .head lines people B!trhellu IIncl tllmil .v lit ~ir(Jliwill,., . ...uld alwOll' orUllh eaoh. other in Mr, BOrlo ville r e l)ort~ the hous tlu'Ilr eft'orta to ohillin tI .OOpy of t,h e hold tL~ boin"~" in ve ry Doocl Iielllt,h, I*per ,c oDtainlnll latest news from 140c1 th e lilt 10 . ~ f) U untl 1mby cia ugh tbe IroDS. · 8uob anhlllinoemeot 118 ter growillg Illoely . Mr , Hllrhellu, "~urrende'r I,f Fo rt Donaldsoo ! , bowever Is s lII e wbl~t r1iI~l1bl ed fr om H~V.1 6ghtlnIJ and many tbousand thC' ffeot!l n f II lllldly illbl l l~ h ecl It'll .Idl\ed anl\ ~Yllllnded I" ger whi h Willi inju red ill s ome pnrl C:rrpaibttUht ragtolCnear Pittsburg of I b Inll c hlll£ll'Y o f the il OUT mill I ",u(ling ! Unlf)n for06i\ driven baok ! b e i . oJlemlin ~. Bu' nlll'ecl anil repalRecl tbe enemy Uontrn t wat< en t red Into with wltb h."y 1088! " Fl'nnk Miller to repair bridges on Mr. Im el Mril. (io'lrgo E , Ril y , Llat 01 Q)u~ regiments engaged ! r oads in south half of Frnnklin nent Rid ·oville. .mter-tuilled t.hl Tru"t o. of t.ho \VHyuf1~v ll1ll Nfl .Par"ll11at of lrtlled lind woanded I township I4nd where clireoted in 810. ''};b.Me wUh stmilllr report8 of FrIlnklin tiol.lltl Bunk Il no tbeir wiv c~. (I f town ' hi p. ' '.: o\her peat battle8" suoh a8 ··Gettys. whioh Mr. Ril ey I~ Vioe P r e ielent., . ' .. bQl'g", · ·OhiokAm.&DiU&" "Lookout Oontraot WIUI enter ed into with at a dinner chorllcterllll'io f their MOUDtaln" "P.,. SidRe" "Mill vern 'J ake Burob to r e plllr 01\ bridges ou USUIl] handsom e st·yle . lBe. Ide. the ~· '.;I.8iep .of , Vloksbnrg " ~nd roadl!\ in!:! W . balf of .'fur t leor eek geoial atmplIphero whioh preyailed m.u,. .iDaller englgemeDts cansed town hlp . . . Il prominent felltu re wasl the dinner nIIIb for paperll and when all Contrl4Ot. WI\S entered into with thllt was sAr ved to the foll o wing ' 00014 not be 'applied some one Bert Reeti to repair all bridges on guest ,' Mr nnd ~rs. W " B . Allen, Mr. and Mrs. J , Will W hi te . Mr WOQ'~ read alood to snxioUil groups roads in Deerfield townBhlp . und Mrs. , . Lev, lIftwright. 1\:[r. 'be a&m8ll00Dtatoed' in the list of Oontraot was eotered into with ' and Mrs . ~ . .T . Bli\vke, Mr . on<1 ' klUed, woonded aod mllIslug I wblle Baywood to repair bridges on Love. Mrs. hllrle ' . eRr I\od Mr . J oh.n eao~ ..,alt,ed, wlth ' ~t8..l"lbreath alld land and Mnrdook pike and wliere Pence. wl&b ,!-liRb of relief if ·they fonnd direoted in Hamilton township. ' 'l'be harm ot 11 Clear Complexivu Sbe name of the "loved. one" W&8 .'Vontraot wa'!! entered into with ot ~in g le nds more to persolllli noUn 'ht' fatal ~18t *h~Qgh all knew OtIoa.r B, Vl4in to ropai r bridge!! on IlttJllcti veu es" 't ho n tbe, c1ellr s kin Cb., IOmlt , body s boy, w~s u;mong Coz~ddn le anel' Stuhb Mt1ls pike a nd f resh rrlM.\' compllexir)n that &he number and tn lOme bOdy's Maineville a'nd Rossburg pike anel complexion t·hn t '~orue!l to t b ose whl> use LRxn,kolo tablets. 25 cents, 11 bome 1,0 . t~e family · o~rcle there where directed In Rammoll towo. goaranteed c urti for 8011,)wne sand "w~d be ~n8 vawant obalr." Bhip. cOllstill!ltion . J . E. .Ta nney . Is w.. a time that tried men's " Contraot was en ter ed into with ana ·ornahed·many' & mother's PEACHES . beart. 'tb0lMl dark da,. of the Civil Ladnie Whitaore to repair , bridges o~ D ~M ~ on ~r~o~e~ll ~n~d~C~ar~ks~·~il~l~e~ ik~e~O ~s~.+-~~~~~~»&~~--2 to Sept Wal', Yoq1'8 Very trnly, oeols. pike and Oadwallader pike ~[jt.h . l!iOO ' to 2000 bushels Yellow anc\ where dlreated i~ 8a1~m town· Smook!!, from Sept. 15th to Oct. 5th ~ ~4RRET801'l . ship.. '":j00 bushels fnlll4nd apples · B" i Reusonoble prloell to 311 DIS. be T._WOO 0 t ' cor r des. w . c. Wllson bridge re"'\\rs l . , ". r ooun t to dealers, Tb ' III be . al eddi in Wayne township .. : ...... , 17 26 t:;TACY'S & KETTERMAN FRUl'f e~ ·.w ' sever ·· w ngs Bert Reed, bridge repairs ' In CO,. Lytle, Ohio. ' Vlllley 'phone ID thi. ~totnliy wit.h in ' 'the next D 76 ~x, Wnyne8ville exoh ange . • ~ni bt hi h f ' . 1 . eerlield township ....... .... ·n 25 Oan Shl·p by Amerioon Ex"reQs or aO... II ,w 0 are 0 eapeOia 10· J . K. Spenoer, oontraot No. " teNt to many of ' oor read'e ra Mr. by freight over D. L . ~~ C, R R.
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and lin. Wellington Squires, of Tbo~~~'U~~~hii~ :b~id~~ '~~: oear Ferry, will IIDt~rWn n"i • , a large .... I'S i' n T nr tl eoree k to wn · party at. parcel shower Wednes· . e.eDing: Octo~r 17, ' in honor sblp ... ..... ....... ......... ......... 01 lbe .pproaohing ~rrlage . of' J . K. HawklnsoD, lumber .. . their daughter. Miait ~mt!l6 Oor. C.N. , Williams .oxpress ... ..... oell, &0 I"'~ VerooD Houah. M . . R. 08w~ld, burial of ADo~el' bridlll patr II Miss Ber. Thomas Howard ., ... "....... 'ha rnnoea Rylt and II~. Edward M.. B. Oswald burial of Comell aar&800., whoee marriliCe Thomas MoCllbe .. ... .... .. ... will take plaoe a' tlie home ' of the James Follen, Mlary for bride'. paninu. Mr . ' an~ .Mrs. Ohal" .I:)eptember ......... ...... ... ..... 'be ~llbrOOk pike, on R. Harshbllrger, salllty for WedD8IICla,. evening, OCtober 17, September .. ....... ......... ... .. 111~8; at 7 :'5., . J. W. Jones, pl4parlng anll All tb8118 young people have the painting at oonrt honS,e ... ben ~labe8 of a large nuinb~r of frieDdI. a, whom none more Public Sale. 80 t ,h aD the 'Gazette. '
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DnDger b~ r\1 m I,ll' Pll4gu , Th r 's /.. ru Vl' dang r fr olll I,h IS pluj!u" "f cOlll{hs nnd ooIds thll!, lire ~ fl lll','vu len!. nn l ij vou tllke Dr, KIlIg'~ NtJw Disoo very f or 0011 UIll P Unn. Nlug hs nud ooIds. Mrl" G, 'o \\. II llu~. f Fore~t " ty , Me . • wr: 1" All : ~ , " " II '!I n (i od~ n d to peo I' I Ii vi In citullltm! whur!! oougl1 >! lind c4lhl ~ pro\"lli \' I fiod it qDlokly end .. t hem , It pro\' ut~ IllleU!lHlniR, ourtltl l u · ~ riu f,li\'fl>! Wllnllarful r liM in Ilstlnnll.llId buy, fe ver, nllli makes wenk Illllg'N st,rong nonuh to wnrc.loIT o(O Ilt'Il111I' ti nn. cO l1l{h~ IIno coldR. GO. tln,l ljIl. Gunrll n tf'P c\ by ,F . C ScII\V II r' z
Mr . IIlilt Mrs. Duvld tiaru , uuu nnd M r.. Alb rt 'mUII, rf Dllytou , worc tlllloog ti'! rolntive:l fr om II (Ii;;tnnctl wh o Iltt OUtl Ull ·the fun TIll . of Mr~ . J , B lillnl lus t Thllrsdu)' . Dr . Imel Mr!< . W E , (lglesu08 s pont Fril\rl v onj o~' \ n!(' Hnml lton County b'nlr nucl wer e I\!-o ..roue. til _!!""---~~~~!!!"'~ - - - - .....- of Mr. 1111 \1 l\1rN . •I e.~se Burt.on L U KE NS . Mr. :t1ll1 Mrs. FflLUk Tlly lor, of • , Clift,on, 'i llclnllllt.i, nrr ived ill' Wil Y, l'flYII IC'IAN ,\NII tlUI!\lF:OS . Ob' b·IP. K IN MAN IILOI K neu"I ' 11r "'rl ' (11 1'.' II ft ' r n, .v'II for II bric f o . , vi~1t wiLh their m oth e r . I\1rt' . Edith HllrrlH nllll flllllily . Mr . WiIlil\u, BnUTIC "iII\:' hu !! ro
l'l1l1tru Ct WI4S en t r · cl Intn with 'Gutter y for II 20 incb Itl fo ot coooret,e ewer 0 11 ~.h e Oregon hl vlke III 'l'urtleoreek township. I,t the ds Ilmllte of ~H . ~O . P ill us, 81lEloiflolltions und e~timnte for a "lpel hp .. Ul hrluge Ilelir t,he '1 .. 1 rt\1 r lln" IIhO \, A t l ll~ rl\' r l)rH ge nt the 1'eleg rnph MI11Il, In EIi~t Wl4yne tllwnl'hlp, were IIppl'oved IIlld oem· t.root I t to 1'he Oregonin Bridge "_ t' r'" ' >OJ (,r. vump"ny at til ell Iwate 0 .. I .J p,) . Vontr aot Willi o'n tered inl n with Johu Llmlor to relJlllr brill b\&! I1 n Kirby pike lind whor dlreoted iu '1 C oaroreek t,ownsbip Cootrnot WI\S mnde wi th Frnnk Klneler to bridges ou the u p per pringboru pike on tow n . ship line ond all roods north of fllI lDe in Frankliu towlIship. Contract was entered into with .John Linder to repair bridgetl on CI"rksville and Waynesville pike in Massie township and where directed . I.
'! '!"'--_
Often The Kidneys Are Weake"ed by Over-Work..
Unhealthy Khlneys Make Impure Blood. . It 11. ",1 tn he ('or,s,.lere,l th"t 0,,1,. , urillar)'"~anti .bladrl!!r trouhl'R were to hI, lIJlll race,l now to the ki,ll\ 5, 1II00lc"rn ~~I1~~mJ sci"n e prO\'cs that lIcarh" all ,lisensI!s UII\' C "their hl!~illnill i: ill the disonlcr of these most iUlportllnt orxull s . The kidl1ey~ filter I1 nrl purify the 11100<1that is their work. Th refore, when your ki,llIcys ate weak or out of order. ),011 call 1t,"lerst,uIII Itow quicldy your clltire IXMl y is u/Tecled and how c" cry orgnn seems to fail to do its .Iuly. If )'ou nrc si,c k or "feel Qadly,' begin tnkin~ the grent kidney rellledy, Dr. Kilmer's Swa mp. Root, because as soou liS ),Oll r killl1CyS are well tltey will help ull the other OtgllllS to health. A trial wi IJ cOII\·.iuce anyoue. If )'0\1 arc sick y .O \1 can runke uo mistake I>.y lirst ,loctoTiug your khlneys . The mild ti nct the cxtruonfillary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-I{oot, the great kidney remedy, is SOOIl reulizeol, It stllnds.the highest for its wQlldcrful cu res of tbe most distressing cases, alld is sold ou its merits by a ll drul;Kisl:i ill fiIty-ceu t IIUtI oue-dollur bottles. You . iJ_orl..... p·\IOC>C, ha\·e u sumple by mail free, also II pampblet how to find 'out if you hd"e or bladder t rouble. Mention tbi s paper when \;'riting to Or. Kilmer & Co., Ding· humtoh, N. Y. Dou'(muke any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's SWllmp·Root, aud 'the ad· dress, Biughruu.tou, N. Y .', O1. . v~ ry. ~tlle. 0
'1' I ph n e 0 hiM h , "'~tI whl'I'" hI' \ ':.:-, cn,1I be clI ll d n.t, all hOtUH. llil ~' 111 n ight. ' . VOllohes Iillll lIupplloo Hltvo recently movfld to rooll1 next to r oss Bros. WAYNESVILLIt, I I IIA IN 8TREF.1.
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WOll odtl. Brui"t'~ ,\lId B,i tr II By IIpplyi ng 1111 IIlIli"Aptio lIn'!'!' Ing to wOlll\(l>l, brill",,". h\lrll~ /I 1,,1 li ke ioj llr iH" hl1 r ".,' 1110 Il/lIn .ltl" n sll t ~ill, t1 '''~· lI1 n \' 1I"h",, 1 ,I \\ 1'1 " ,,,1 UlIlt,UTlltlllll allll " ' "h" lll 1/111 ' Ihlr t he t i nu~ ft'lIU" ./1 II.,· '" ... "hi It" I, 1 nleot 'J'b i;. i~ IhM lC I",,"'~ t. •li,,· \ 'ilry IIl!d \.I' iUllll lh .. f 1\1,,11" 1'11 "Il r ,' '' '' ' ' hllUluel· ltli n '~ I' .. w II " trn ",.,~ " tid " "" 1111' prin II'''' 111, "" .i""" : tio tl ll ci Wit t' ll "I'" III 'el 1" 'liob '\1 j ' " Ie!', f"\lI~"'!I 111'111 , .. 1",., 1 vt'r .,· Cjn c· 1 y: . I t ,,1"0 IIII H 'Ih , 1";il1 Hurt r n "!1~ Itlll1 IIr .. ,,·u" "",. II'""!"I " blrll1cl pnl ~"n ; ' , >.! KI" 'II H hI) 1.1 I, ' "I Pllill Blliln In ~ ,I 'lr . 11 ,, 11\1' ","I wil l ~tI v ;Villi " " I "i,o! IIIO r",.,·, t ,) m e utlon th n IIICfIllV, rllt'''(H ,, 11 ,1 jJ j 8U urill!! ~ n o h ill IIrl"" I 1l1.1Ii! ~'., I' , "IH b ~ lJ -;011 \V I f tz
Cincinnati &Louis ~ilr8 TO AU IMPORTANT CITIES South. Southeast. .... Southwat.
An Awl ul \,;o ul!h Curp<1 "Two ~'f\lIr~ ' I ~O unr 1I,.tl .. I!irl bll,l ' l tOl toh of pOAl1n"",III . whic'?1 IMt her with lin \I wfnl ""'I1Kh . ISh" h,,,t ~ pell" of ooujl: hl n !!:, jl\-t. 11kI' ... "" ,\,ith til" whl/oplng CI ujlh IIncl 1101111' r, hoUl~ht !l il A wonld I\(,t f(et WAil lit Ilil. We gnt It bottle tlf 'h"mb.. r . IlIln's Con!:!h Remecly whioh aoted 1\ kn II olllwm t:!he stopped congb. injlllnct gol. .. tont. Knit fllt," writes MJ"!I ' Or:. BU~Hllrd, I:Iruhllkpr. 111 Thi!4 rellwo v Is fllr ~ 1I1 f> bv F. I). l:ich WII nil -. .
'or '.'...... Bl!.OWN. and n."" .,,"_ lion PAUL
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Kil O while wh .. t It, WII .. Iu Hu'f fe r I will g ive FREE OF 'Ii A RH P.r"
Ilnv umlot,cd II P I!ltlvt\ O llrfl f'lr 1£0 l:I~mu, Hellt-. rh"\lIf1 , "·r\'i1l p'·h~. pilell a,nd , skill llillelil't'!I. £o14l .. nl. Tt'IiRf .' Will onre' an1 Clase of Kidne,. Don'l. llutfAr t /lIl~!I~, writ .. )i' ~ W or Bladder diBeal6 that is no. W'i .IJLAMioI. 400 Ma,nllllltllll uv ljllnl' ~1ond the reach of medicine. Ne w York. Eilf'ln""II,iIl IllIJ. :' GIV •• UP TO 0 ••• JI. 8plecel, 1:!06 N. l"I,.lnIA BI.. BY.oanu, S
In~:, .,IIeII: " Por DOer ' QDH.... n I wu fMDbl"" ·wllll a klu811lD4 bladder .lfecdoa. I "",II..b UId:t''',IIIIabl, to wo,k ..'I'h... pb'.lel.... tdled rlP me alld .h~g to Pole,', Idna, Ctlre . . . ~'" eel .Dd Sh. lin' _lI ...... me .....' nll.f aDd .fter Wkl.,. Sh. - " bolU.1 ... enUNir oored,"
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co'rTON and WOOL Advanced to 50c. . ' ... ... Sl.()O Suits .50 Suits
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" . dD
two SU.a 50-..a_Cuat ..... RIDGEVILLII: OHIO A Young Mother at 70, ....·.l ~_____ BpEOIALTIEII; DI8I1lASK8 01' WOMEN " My: lIIother has !!nddeoly been made young .at 70. Twenty years AND C HILDREN . of intense suft'ering from dyspepsia hlld Elntirely di8Q.bled ' her, nntil six ' months ngo, when she began takinpo DAYTON, O. Ele<,ltrlo Bitters, whioh bavo · oom• , Established pletely ollred her and' restored the .. . 46 years st.rength nnJ activity IIhe had In' the prime of life," wrltesl4rs.W .L . Gil. pat rlok, of Danforth, Me. Greatest 1I00K.· I{EEPI!IlO an'd Pf{ONOCKAI'U.Y lallb l onl , bv .000perlellced teacher., '1'IIflu~a ll" relltorll tiY6 medioiue on the globe. DC 81.udenls In Un" po.IUou. Terms moderato ; ca.y wotenl, paymclI l" ."ken. :-;l ud ~I/Uf tiets 8toml~oh, liver and kidneys admlilcd aoy tlmo. f>l poslUnD" tor trraduotc!>i hI Ju l ~' alono. !I!IO 1)OOIIIono ,I~n . I . I UI)O. to A UII. ~!/. ~ 60a . Wrll~ A. D. WILT. Pru,den~ tor tree cil t alog,,~, Take J . E. Janney 's Advice. For right, the blood, and ourel! A Conere doing 10 much for othera mlY be reUed on to do Moro 'than two"Years be has been milIa 1'\", b,i 1I0118ness and wealt;ne88es. . much fbr you. . h C Wonllerfnl nt-rve tonio. Price [j0, . T rying to to 11 ' ,'ou ow to ore Guaranteed at F. C . 8ohwartz's. ', Waynesville Graduates of the Miami' Iodigestion , We know of no surer wuy to prove ~~~~!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!~!!!!!"!'!!"!'!!!!!!~" E. V. Bampart, J.O. Cartwrliht, JOIl. W, Hisey, Miss Lilia Githens that we 1!.ave a remedy t~hat will reo Edna McKinsey Rid~e, O. C. ~fdte, Samuel 0, Henkle, GA!(>" A, fqn~er, Heve stomaoh t:rouble lI.nd Indiges, I ii, '"'''''1'''1 . H. Fred White, Georie Heu, tlOn than by offering it to you Ilt • "" .. our own expeD. e iD Clb'le It futls. "1 Through onr own pers()nol ·reoom. W . E. MOORE . Receiver mend UllI.ny Waynesvi!lll r esidents beeD induoed to try this remarkable TIME OARD dyspepsia. reUiedy, and they have J>;~'li'g('''L'IVE APRIL 16 . IkClII . • {o~od relief. almost without excep NORT BlJOUND. " ~ . tiou. One little tllblet t.nke,n lifter Stations No. I' No.3' No. r, . No. ~ · ~R Uleals invu.rillbly r eJieveli distress A. M . A , M. P . M. P. M , Ilft~r entlng, so ur s~mac~h, formAn.· Lebllnon J o, Ar.~ 311 10 ~r. 1:10 r. ~r> Silk ·Petticoats: One special for $5 that cannot be tl4tlOn, h ean burn, a.nd oth er symp· Sit I C 7 ~7 10 ~~ I ~~ r. ~2 lied toms of indigestIon. Pep~lif koltlh 'I'ab· .. 'tl I II Oe~Iwr yn r. I ~ ~ 2 1'11) I', I I ~~ I r. t; .exce. I ets are ~ pOSI. ve cure ; o!-, c ron 0 Hempstea(\ 7 III lU I. I II! T., J[., dyspepsll\ I4nd If yop have plllpita. Ce nterville '7 I ~ ,1007 . I I~ I) or tion, !liok houdl4che, llorVOU3 spol\s, M n r t 7 011 " 10 01 , i l 011 t:. 01 gnawing .pain at the pit of the stom Latl~ 7 01 , II fill till I 511 We were tortunatein purcha81ng Underwear tQ retail ' at old 1101\; uaokaohe. or If yvu feel worn Y C . price 25~ , .~ "~jKCWood ; d Me tl;' n ,i! fig 4, r;a out" rnn uown, tired or despondent, ' ·enabk tli r.< ;t! l tl . I ~ ". H 41) nothing In t his world is so sure to ){ tLcitllcr ' HI '-,2 ~\I 47 ;J ~ r,z U 47 rene w your enOI'gy, stelldy your D II a [,0 ro 4f. I ~ r,u , 4r. nerves, Improve your digestiop Ilnd [0; ("1 t,l H : 11 .1,1 " I ~ 41 4 3t.' illorOl1se YOllr bocHly vi go r as p te n ~,nc L J ~ :1:, dllYs' trial of tbelle tl4blets. Pepsi. e aao ll- ". ij:lr. 11 ~u 4 ao kola is Illse; a gru nd nerve touio nnd eEl ,It DO,\': X l ' 0 &. X '1' C II,!; D II 4" J I OU 2 00 /I 00 M,r. Jllnney will cheerfully return vayton yo ur 2/i oents in Ollse you are not I).!< X l' D &: X .T g reatly benefitted. ' R 00 II 00
I wm sell at pabllo /luction a t wy Siot Bead.obe CUl'ed. rel!ltdence 6 miles sopth east of e'lD. Biok head"obe III MUlled by derange- tervllle and h R.lf mite wet't of Ferry ment of the ·Itomaoh aDd by indi· on Sidney Uoon farm : . trOltioD. Chamberlain's stomaoh TBUSRDAY,OOTOBER 11{ and IiTOI' tahlets 00 neat theee dlllor. dera aDd eJleot a core. By takiDg 10 a. m., three good f1l.rOl Horse!!, th818 tablet. as soon as the flrl' In· three w iioh oows · 2 8pring ca.l w dloa"OD 01 Ule disease appeal'1l. tbe ' , ve. ! a\tack lDAy1le warded off. Forsale 18 head of sholl.ts weight, abont 110 bJ 1'. O. Scbwartz. Ibs. eaoh, 2 brood sows. a lot of • - • ohiokens. Far~ Implements cou. SO U'l'UUOUNp . A. M. A. M. P. ~t. P. M Mr. and Mrs. 'Stlbbs will of one 2 horse wagon, 'on e MonumentalWork. No ~ CI ' NO n'o No II J.(m\' c ~o !!, o, Celebrate Wedding Anni- Bp\:lng wagon, one bugg,y, one gOud , --. 'I ii 00 mower 2 breaking Illows one ri 1. 1' lieo. Dodus und 80n. proprietors Day 10 n : 0 II ... D versary , , l of t he well koown monllment firUl , OllVlon : V, X '1'" 00 1(' 00 i, ClO _ _~_ _ _ ._ InR corn ploW. one 5 hoed oulti v fl· of Xenl'u, have on hllod Q stock of Leba.non .k. 10 3ii . r, 42 j "0 IIr. Ilnd Mrs. Lewis Stibba have tor, one hay rake, one double s hov · lllOlluments und wl~rkers.. which SlIaller Crn •• lng 7 4~ 10 :\0 2 tJ7 344 to ~7 ;\0 42 !! f 2 "r. 40 iBloed luvhations to I!r large num. el plow, one hllrrow, one gravel beu th ey wish to dispose of quickly In [to"yn ~ r,~ ; ~O 104il ber of Yleir friends to celebrate the 3 set of w.ork harnes@, set of douhl~ thei r flew building operations, and HcmpsLe"ll :! 0 1 r, GK -; iHJ 1 0 r.II bnggy harness, Bot of single hnrneslI lire t herefOl'e prepared to make nn · Center \'lIle twentieth annlvel'1lary of tbelr ma,· C;lDe inoubator and brooder, t oiJncoo usol~lly close prices on the work ~\a. no , 'Il 04 "10511 "~n, "11M a 0 2 6 011 LYlie H 09 \I 04 rlage on Monday', October 22, 11108; oanva8, buggy pole, lIOytbe, oross now, . ~ ti I :! " 11 01 a or. 812 as their borne near Mieldlernn meet- out ,s aw, shovels. hoes, f ork8, ,r akes. l:ilwe 1I1so rece.n tly Issu,ed a new ,EI: gcWOOII ~!I IfI :r 09 16 1t1 111\ tug hOD88.'20 acres of corn in field. A lot of cl4tlll b~ue, sho~lDg manystyl e of 'vcnllble til IH III la .a 11 . 11 18 household goods conSisting in part m0011Ulent!l whlob Will be mailed to Kllchner t8 ~O ONleL. 11 I~ :J 1:1 16 21 A Badly Borned Gtrl of one oook stove. heating stoves, 1i0Y Interested ty on request. r..clancl ay ~II III 2( 1:1 !!!l 18 :to . 2 bed room soits, carpets and ma.ny First Aid to Bellut.y. Lolbacull Ar~lvc Il 3u 11 ;)0 IJ:lO II 42 or boy. maD or womaD, 18 quiokly: al'tlolesnot mentioned. Terms,sums' ou, of ptl.t.n it · Buoklen's Arnica Dally eXC'cpL Su ~'I I\Y . SLOP on Ahene•• &In II applied promptly. G , J. of ,5:00 and qnder CtUlh, over that 'Nothing is more certain to benH' SUNUA 1 °1' K.\1N8 . Welob, of TeokoOlha, Mloh ., Bays: amonnt a oredit of t welve months tit your complexion thalli a 260ent "I D88 It 1'0 my family for outll, will be given by pnrchaser giving box of Lllxakolll tablets. They fresh· T,alllH p".' r.y tle a8 Collo... : lorea and find It P,8~teot ." Qnlok. note wlt·h 2 appr,o ved "eonritles. , en t he skin gi ve color to the oheeks, Nortbbounll 1 :;6a. m. ' 6 47p. m ed pile cure knowD. Best healllig SALLIE BaOOKs. c ure confltlpu.tlon, Bod give yon I\, Soutbb9ua~ 11 Olaf m. 7 03". b., MIT8lDade,250 a' F. C Sohwar'z Wal\er Kenrlok, olerk. clear. rosy, healthy oomplexion. J. W. E. MOORE. dnqr lton, . ' A. A. MoNell, auo'. E . JaDney. , Gelleral PIlSfICDjler AICDI. LebanOu O.
BlbuLl Poi~,m ill!i rHl:\nlt., frotn ohr onlo rr Mtil)IltIIIll , 1whlo h iM 'lUlllk Iy (lUTlIU hy IIr Kinj.!'11 New I.ife Pills ThtlY rfl· nltlYA 1111 J)ollilonouII ~Ar lll " fro.... ,.1", ~.v [<tel1l II II II iufu@ n w life n"cl vigor i II l'e ~oll r Ill,o(nlloh, n " o~ AII, headllohe. db!:zines8 lind I.lOlio wlt.h . lIut griViog vr dlllcllDlfort. 2Ci . GnufIlote d hy ]i'. ' Sobwartll. Druggl!'t, '
Ladies Misses
$1.00 btl)''' pi~~ qualitY'. , . " SEAMLESS ' B·UGS for l'OOms.
Th'ese ~re growing in fav9r each, season, Tapestry $12 75 $15 00 Body UJ'Ussels $25 00 $35 00 Jute S 3 00
Velvet Ingrain
sao 00 S 5 00 $ 8 00
$20 00
Silks are very Saleable Silk Chitfon ,newest all prices,' silk 37 1-2c yrd wide '1
Hos·iery, Gloyes, ' Corsets,-a great stock.
.H'ut~isQn 6t Oibn¢y, X~nia,
, I
IIUI1'1I .....Inlln l 'Olp, ali"" W, ll'. MobJe~ , \If! Tho 'tlllii of Ohio. Error. Trllptl. 'orlpt, tiled (rom Vllul't IIf Hon. (' eo. MoL,me , llIl1yur of Frlmkli n'. I5pr ~; gll Fl.t:t.geruld lind Sllflggs !Ire at torot-ys for pluintil f and Pat ~aynor for d.~. 'l , l U ' tt.nt. H,.," \. JI II " IIII' \ 1 4 .I "H'I)h Vl llO· hlll.l F,II" .1i ~ " o! \lII ' ." of p"l ' 1\ .. , ~ l.ip II (![J.1Il 11 I lil t.", "ppflul tme'rt, ul' II't;whe r 111111 1'0111111 hili I'etlllf. PllniPK owued tn pnrtnefl 'lhi{l I wo , 'nC'H horRfs . "!:Iitulllunll Boy' · uml " Delm·or .fuy '1 BrllnlloD. Hun all.d Ivins :lrll ' uttor neys for plninUI f. NICW
When you we'll' tl Hort, ScJ~hlfn cr IIDd Mnn, suit or T n ]) COli" -"our friflIH1R will tbtnk ROIll" 'Swell' Meroh flnt tailor "111,11' it. It will l\II vn Ule ARme high ('I"" .. IIllltArll\l, IIning8 II IlJlnrinr wtlrlcm llnRhip Rml thnt, p<'culill r lIil' Ilhout it· that only Ihll Artist tailor can give. Brit there I" thlll flllvont agflin tllo AII~' •."'" tlll' ''''r ,mIl Murx gorm nl- -t,b< r l' will b(llln Elx trll t" /I tllIll " I' hill III YO llr .J\ OCHi't,
WIIIII\II I Ii. I-\mith V~ Norll flmltll . 111 '·'lr.'" 1" .. rril ·,1 0"1' 2 1, H'W:I, III. L. :I".o •.1t P I.,itltlll' "" " ,,~ ,1.. 1.·"dllll t, .111"" 1:1, 1UflII, ,It.'''PP" 'TI d '" 1l"l1Ip"I I.V w llh , •·•• rl.. ill · m.;" fllIIl II llirh,· r hllViI 1,,10111 ~fl.m Mione ]:o'rllll k I :, Ah.h:l r"oll i"
w" .. 1<",. n" h',p . I,v l,,-AI I '''1, ,,01
\V!J.,,, 111 '
1.,,, t 1!" " " I.", t" TIt I' I'
IIlInrulI: V for jJluilll,tlT
. ,;11,..-1.,11 Brini nger, 'YH ."I11.,p11 At)n
You !lave $ lUI, 'l'h'ltR try I J ft unn ,.r tlHIt"O pXC f11.
'h !' m "f\ lv, '~
15. to $25
w. ~.
Mobley VII l'btl I5tllt of Oblo. }.p""e I!rHnh d t o file petition 1lI error. E~l' onUon of "pnteno e is "UI!I1tludl\ll nholl $i\OO hood belog given , Ida Belle &80re ,,'8 Nf'ttle Bowyor et 1\1. PArtitio n ordered , How nil S. ('nullve r, l3l'orge 1:(.. Rossmn n Mlld .j. M. S~(I\ltcllbllroug h ILro ap polntpl\ r.o,nluil ll'iuner l' to fl\uke sold
'r ITE
. tllplp I1ml
PhQne 79.
It Iie~ in s pocilllll t,t ollt.iitll 'we give to t,he IU111lotlnn of nJateril il 8ultllbl e f(!r h,)\'~' '"rhlll!f lind In the import-litl e wa IIttllC'.b 1,(1 tIl/! II ' lecUnn of Iiningt< IInll trimrnl ngs ' And th .. IIpec\al !iO\\'inll we' .Iellllln! llinil whil hour e>.perie noe hilS pro ven to OR to btl noceRsa ry satiefy our (l11~I O ll1 P I'!I 'W ilu lover prll!od gorli, eDt you huy of nR yo~ ORfi '>0 ossured thu t It will he OR low in )lrioe II~ "1111111 ~1Io10rllllt:' oli n he hooght , e l!le l! h ~ re but it will be made' better .
Not milch econom y in trying the teal oneil]> kino [~D(l we don't re oomme nd them ,
GQQd H.eavy W 0.0. I .SchQol Pan ts,
b('lu~ht them el!.ewht 'r e t.hHY would be We make a specialty of them at
1f you
.l·::~~Wf;~f¥!::::,:s i :Boys Blouse a~: "'-Boys Double
t.o unknow n helrs 188ue4.
$ ~
Eatate of Veda Van Rlper, minor'
~::~a~~ flnal lLooo~nt
'or.ett le·
sohool . In gru.YIl, brown, aod fllnov . ohevlot-II 1119- 110 others at
Blue/!. llraY8
yar$2:50ut~ $6.0 0 '
$!). 50 t).
I Q5
to 1~~.5~. '
'l'hey pome with Knloke r, booker pllnt.q ond are made In
___________________ ___ __________ Every section of our Furnisltil ~rtment ls replete with ·New Fall Goods. The SEL~C'fJ()N is large.1gJ>~ The prl~e is always right. ~
::~~{~t~~;:~f~~t~=~ ': aD~rt~'i."t!t. :a:~~r,Ofof~PL!:!~~~ $ Ro:;::~-;h:!:':':;:::::" In.#
l~ · l &- Amerl . ari
(lnKr~NI ;
New Orlea ns
,of Pythi~s
Ottoh .. I ~ Ln 1 ~-i{lIlllhUO 0 1 Pylllla .. ..;......i~.........,_.
Chatt anoog a ,.
Oetobe r ' 15·-25, 1906
OCI, I:, . 16, a,nd
For ra.eR Inforn",U olI 'all 10 da,e~ of ule nntl limits on IIckel8 Or for IIhlslr<lled 1100)< lei lIeRcrlpll .e 01 New Orlean s aD.l l)(lill" of
'C alifor nia ' Orego n Mont ana Idaho
"n,d [ntermed late 1'err lll1r,r One way SeooD"· cll. CnlolllM' !I.k~ts on .ale dBItV un,lt Orolober 3 1st.
HAT HAW AY, : , MaIn
Hom ·Seelcer·s J!;xoUn<lon'. 'I n Dcl nber
C . L , 8TONE , Gen'l Pass. AjCent'. LOUIS ViLLE. Ky .•
Wayne sville's Le.tdin g DJutlst-
1 ,7 - SOCI~IY
West North west South South west
IntcrcH(,. t.O be tiern cnroute n tl(\rell8 J . H , MII.LI"KN , " , 1". A. Louisvil le, 'KY ' F. D , UVgl\ , O. P , A . Cin cIn nati. OhIo , .1. E . OA\'IINPOIIT. I) P . A. S,. l.ouI8. :d0 Ii 0. UAII.KY, N , W ' . P. A. ChlcBICO. III
omc~ln I\ sy. · 8ultdln~ . . .
Denve r
J"'or In(orruut.t on about (areNand train",
Inllulre of
Ticket Agonl '
r ee , ~-------_ _:..........
Keep the Ben. Ii War m.
PA RO ID la rccommcllIlecl by IIOmo ot the Jargcst pOIIlLrymon 81 the mllllt economlcnl rootin g III1lI Biding for '. poultry hou sce, sbeos, ctc. Shingles
allll clllpoollnis cost more BlUi do k~'C p tho hulldings'IR ory uud
S " U )t'p)tI·S~
- _. - ----- -
I '~-
350 $5, $6.50, up to $10.
And rew Phillips and Grao.. . E . Lewll,b otb of Frankli n i Rev,. Besoh. Thomll8 B Baker, Edento n, and ~ ~.r:~edE.f BRIOKa.neohrs88'Mte°rr. row EiderS . •
C. M. BROWN, ' Propr ietor.
~edE.~~~~~~ ----~'-------Any-~. ---he--Appr Qved----~ew Style ----.$ s will Foun d --in QUr tbotMa son .
fHI '-rt)btlc""
Boys -Oo-u-bl-'e- -- i OR. H.E. · ~J.t~~:g~~:~ Russian Blouse B~~~.~'t~'~~!~f" breasted Nor· $' SUl'ls folk
'necoun !
(}lIlimlli f.'llloll~ .
Louisville ~ Nashville R. R.
Boys' IQt-bing Alwa ys 'a tisfie s. 'I hl'rl' f~ " '·1' ....." " fllr 'f 11.1111
BO'Y S SC H'OQ " L ·,P AN'T o :·'
I:rnrHri l'fI
1"1111/',\ '
V"~etlllJIo'~ Ilnll
) ,
We fit out more boy 'in our •Boy's 'Depa rt,m ent' than an; store in Dayt~ n: We say this withQut fear of contra dictio n. ,
forthet .ermelt ug.:U.l IH9: A. D. Hllney III plringA appoint ee! to succeed A, D. Bit.ney tOf term ending Aug. 13, 1912. aild Eel Deohan t t8ftppo int: eel to sncceed M , .J. Bntohln 8on for the term ending Aug. 8, 1908. ' ·Wm. J , Alle" VB Annie J. ",Ion lit 81. Reell 88tate ordered BOld at publio auotion on the premo
ttt al, Ort!er 'or Plllll1OAtion of no·
beginn ill~ lit 10 n'ot c k /I III " till' foll owi ot! lI'O)' rt,y: ')111'1 ll"r!w :$ h:". yea,I's )(1, u I?(lod drlv"l' u"d ,,,.; , ) UI ' f'I .,T· I I I' . • tl,' P ' " bro\;I'lI1 ; ~ CUlttt fl. 2 nf wlll r h H I'll bll~hl'ls norn. :.l:, · 1.11·h , t· ,, "''' ''''', goon mil ~ c.o w ~ !lull :.l VOIIIl!f (' " tl 10' ; " gllott r lul \\ II U'I ''', "'Jlll11 !,! ' \ I B "' , lOIi h alld f Rheep, 75' of tbpln hr" ,~'I · !I tllll hu gg~', Htflil:Ch, Ill " ""·r. I'lnw". hR,rrH1~!I. whaut .lrH I, nllrn "!,AII.·.·. in ~ ewe und :!Q M prillg lum b!! : ilO h llu tl o f .;h OtltM; furm illlp1 1'1II611 1:<, windmi ll, hu.y rAke. 2 ollt.t.inl{ holl.· •. inolulli ng!l M e 'ormi c k bln<'ler, tWh woot prellR, gI'l nd stllue, Itl wn mo\\,· goorl tuowel'~, two rilltng Cl111 i v,ltI T!I , nr. t"rgo iron kflttl!!, doul/t e I'ct w,,~. OIn hurne!';!!; !jot single buggy hllr· R new A vOl'y 'c orn < lrOJ.lI ;or. II COI' n nl'~~ , coll11r~, Iinoll, I:IlDgletrers, dou h I! hock er, ' McCormICk Nelf flll(llpin !! hll;l' ruke , field rnllllr. dif<c hurr,,\\' , I tr ret!, 109 chains, pORt 'hole dlggflrR, lot, ,)f 11111 Iron , carpent er toolM, or"H~ 1,"{.t~ h olld R, wlIrk ' hou('b , I ',n l~ , hu "lit !lll w. ~('Pt1 sower. grai n orlltlle, fnrk lind 101)11, (If\.rrlfl!:O .tllfl tI '11111" l il y I)f hllrno8!1 , Bnd ' llUIll ~T otlwr 1111 IIr grlli" ~ unk"; househo ld ~01J(1'" I hin!!. , PrilctiCII ll .v evcr.vt.hill l/ n~l'fl (\o) o~ ls l, ln !l in pllrt of t oook stoves, :! b"l\ting stov8H, dlnlngr ootll ohuirll, , , /I " fllrrll will he " ITf'I'otl for !I ll I!. ' 1\11111 0 I of the IIrt.i l'11' ~ t.) hH <101/1 .. xt,en sion tullle, 8ooretu ry, lounge, l", t1~tead!!, nmttrell Sos, 75 yui-ds ot .. , in gonel (lo ntlit,ioll . "" f)lct, lot of elishA!', JDllk orook!'. W . R. HIAn' jllrR , two ore .. m·/l~,f. milk· oanR, ohnrn \V ',II. Mills, nuot,inrwel' vluflgoT' tJlurelll, tllrl,/lul ln, !lu.1 1 wi ll am r nt, I'llblio "II Ie nn Ih o ll\lIn'y oth er things . !"Iflll of th H luto nf'orga '1' . O'Nplll1 . HARItIIt 'r E . O'NJUA LL, 2;; llli1e~ ~out,h ell~t of WII.y u c.v illoo. ' , T . HAWKE WEDN E8j)A Y, OUTOB ER Ii. Auotlon eers. " H . SUltF'A F; Itnrr\nni ng tit 10 o'clock I tho follow.
S6;50, $8.50, SIO, and S12,
Copyri ght I 906 by Hlrt Schaffner t5 MUI
ing ohattel Ilropert".t .flnlf 0' one good tnlllll nlltlo'w. fill<' hllt('k horBe, ha~ hMn 11~l'rt ,,~ H' "I ;1111 v horse: 12 tina "hon horn ('nfll .· , "f whloh Ii ora ('IlW.", t.wo :: ivinl!' m'II": '3 fiDe heifers, 1 Mper, ,1 .vollnlC 101')11 311ioe calvptj· /lome ot I,h ...... " "I I I lue in good tlha)>A t(lr hUIohfl!' ; , I hlm d of flue sheop; :l t tlDS olovHr
WEDN EHU':\ \', D ' TOBEli. 1ft
Othe r Good ) (,)\ k()~ . .
pllrIlU<'~I .
~lIea .
P II,· t lln non\.o ill h llil ()Ilr ""1p',,m tin ""I,' n~1I11 to show therie gooflll.
i ',
IIIKtlr . l.tillll'nl l ' l"hUI!/IIlIl, Mllr~' Brlnlng llr. BUl'.e1 ~. Hl1lChilitlon, Wilhur HuWhlnKon, p , H. RUI1, nd ininhltr n lour of t.he E~tllt6 of llirlu. Brinhll( er, deoelillod, F!)T' plU '.Ition 100 lIorus in Frunkli n towDKhlp , ' p , H. Rue II! "ttorDIlY fllr plaintif f .
$ Fabl'l(,s, Lilli $ $ Ha , Sch aff ner & Ma rx $ flNf SUUTS and TOP COATS $
pll\illlil l'
~ . K"r)lIIr ine f1ilobrl l't VB The UD , Ili10WI1 lI"ir .. of ~noolt Wilkin8 " de pel181l11. '1'1111' qmeh·t1 . tt""ry Dunlap VII JOllel)h CO)XI' hlllil VIIUlle 1!1l1et.tied ILnll dlAmiH8oo. a. Hlrl!ohw\tfl vs CellI!. 80bmlt ltln et 01. ijlllllllll tuto ordered "Illd ut public l~potIO" . ' . M. 'fV . i£at'hllrt, hi aPl)Oiu ted true tee ut Orphan s' Al!ylnlD Iln.;l Chilo dren 'It ·Homll to SU0tl800 J. M. Dill,
Publi c
1 witt i ITf' r III puhli o lillIe nn my farm I X mile!' !lnllth nf Nllw Bill. lington " " t h e Npw Burlin'g lnn IIml Kingnll lO piJlll.
Su its cl' To p Co at si
VurwlU Htllterm lln v John E . !oIolllil.,.. r At III. '\'" '1nlpt, tit,11l t o til r,ll Hf'rl'M of IBn,1 h · 'I'\Irl1l'm' el' ~ h,\\",. hill () ~; Alllt,f'ftu ll rJ .. ,..1 BrnWil IIn,1 "'1111 '" IIIIn II fP II II "rnp~"
,. '~,,~.
.. ' 1'
St,,)t~ $ " .. S~~~~B Dayt.O .n's most,P ,opu,l!lrMale Outfit.ters ~
wn'r m, '
YOU 011" .....1..Y IT YOURSELF
With. f"n';" '( kit III <'"ch .rr.II.
.. .,
Bl' l'lII iti
,I I"
It dne~ li nt rcqulro )Jllinlltlg whPlI :t1rf1t I... ·/1ny rll. fret> samples "",I /lllr boo,k loL, "Duillllnll Eoo_, ." ,
~ IJIlI . b,·" d
For Sale By SPEN CER & MONROE Rev. J. R. Buliter , of Lebano n . , '::-:,'- . ,-" '..:...:..2::. OREGONIA, OHIO ~~ ~ ~ ~ • ~~~ # IT IS THE "KNO W HOW" Irithe manu factur ing 'of Paroid that makes it the most econon;tical and satisfa ctory roofi~g or siding SOL Albert A Seau; Jot iu MaInev ille; . . Q mater ial on the marke t. Both fire proof and weath er ~ fl· .. ' , " : Raney anti C~lesta Burns to Te· ~ proof. You get full value r~eived if you buy ~ r ... J... Elttlrot h j lot In Morrow j f1 ""'''''' 26 & 30 East Paroid Th~rd . Street , DAYT ON, Ohio. ~...... Robert W . Smart to Frank BrIAn' don: quit olaim to five loti in SlAr., !!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'! PARO lD ROOFING PAIN T. !~~~~~~~~~ ~~!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!! veVlbu fi 'j f2000. !!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!~!!'!!!"!! ' . Oelelta Burnll to Tere!lllll A . Eltz. Not Old but Makes old roofs new. Good on any kind of roof. blg Chest nuts.' of· ut.tentlo n . roth ~ lot in Morrow i fl. . So fR,r as we knew there are no Ask ' your Grocer , fO,r ACME FLOUR, made MargRr e\ Wei!! to Emma. Wright i the Chl!8in uts larger thon the ordl. other trAes of the kind in thlQ ooun· Orego nia Mills. lot In Waynl! llvllle; f2ooo. naryao orn 'oan be found growin g try. f nNE RAl 0IRE .CTOR, I .Tobo'l>. Wikoff to R. John Btone i within four, mlleJ:1 of Waynes ville. Our Flour mill h~s been newly remodeled a~a the • ~ • lot in Mason; fl. The ohestn uuare a .JaplLnese varl - , Tormlln ta of TelephoDe Day or Night. and Eozem quality of our flour is bett~r than ever. Emma Bachan d hnaban d to Mar. ety "nd grows·o n· the fll.I'ID of Rioh . : · AIlIAyed , " .. lnlrbm ; lot In Frankli n ,; ",000 ar4- Duke on the Upper ALL local KIND S OF FEED AND COAL. No.1 ' Springb oro Th8'1nt eDae Itohing oharaot erlatlo n. lit &0 )'ran vm II: Bl'lUldo f Laban n' &1 I t i Labe. IIike. The nut.s grow on a Mmlloll' tree I, 0 , eoZOIt Il,.·et·Also all kinds of Hard. Good Lumber. ' We make a an d 11k'e a '"I . .. '\ di s ale 0 0 , 0 ,n Long' Distance No. ,69-3r or hush letlll than twelve feet high eallles 'llI instant...r l" alllLyed by apply. anOD. specia lty of hard wood frame s. M Ed B th h ' Ing Cbamb erl"ln's salve and mIAny 8anh F. BaUleld at al to Edgar
Il '
I\way, WIIS lowin g levera
ouea have been ,perman ently to 4.17 &Orel in lOme ot the ohestnu ts In town Mon. cored by U.s olle; For 'sale by 1'. C. k1wuh iPi fl. da711Wd ther a"racte d a great deal 8ohwart~
~ult olaim
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Brlnc~ oHlcl, HarYlYlburg. O.
Spencer &.Monroe, Oregonia, Ohio.
_--' __
-. L-.....---
ORIICULTU-RE IIAutUn1:H:dc:I~:~r9 H~::~:f
~'l'\,;'"' ,p;' 'i'"
M~~re About" the Autumn Modes
' Trou/;lle,ome Enemy of the, Or~harcl,
- .
Talent Is f rC'lllfllltIy mls rnken (or ,GOIUB- bY tb, f How who bas' ;t,
' Vll al Prillcl ple s Ofteh Involved Where Amount Seem. Tr lfllng .
.Pt .'T:o.: }i' \mrr,i.:~, DYE~ 'color lltlle J!fl(UJ. . J't"r ,nl"!m~t'j ,hUH (It "oJ LUC culul . arc hi, ,10\" .. nllli ".Itt.
An ~rH\ll n llti(lD at th o Inlll III til(> A {l('nrl;'la rnllroad ani! on'(' ot tt~ lall , til s hu\\' Ihl w ItlI l."r-t llllt a I~I(' pn tl'\'llS hn,' SIlt Il ~ (nr , lit; Il\e 11 11' Ci · ~r. ~ .. {. ...... ~~ . : :. ~ I H'H Y l ng t'L_Y' I l a(! npp h· ,.,n ' hard L f Tb' pr Ill!' ('our t nl I hilI 9 at \\,11 it II h\\y· Ci;i;'>; ,;\ ' "l.. ' "', '~<9- ' • ' Null l " .: l, lOl h 1J('b'itl~ ,'ill'ly and Ihills du~I".11 the sl\ln or nlollt')' at , ~ " II , II l1 t I II,' n" ,l t Il1 nns of It s fil'st I ~S llO I II 1,' ,'\lt8 , hut lh I'e Is tl 1m,. ~ to ... )!,,\. , Thi s fl'; ,11 is ou t nt Iha Wil Y clpl IlIvnlv'cl wblch 1:)Cllh 15l rhl S nl' A FARMER'!') NURSERY, <tllrly, I l rllc,pH (.IT " l l1 'n I,'ss Ihall 1111 duio" m llll1<l " hull be s Uh! d ftl[' nil ,,", I~I ' \\'II. T hN'I' I?'l u'i ~ la r",-,\\ \111( 4.1 r t]!A tlnH', 5a)' 6 th e lJoston Tl'ulI soripl. Is Ea ~i l y M ~"a!J~d ~Ild S,hOlild Be ' :>I'I !i1> at ,I h,' '~d y x, n ~ I ' w 11 kn !/wn , Tn \ hwtu, O~ In I!!IOst ~ lI l r8 ijo tltb , R F ", u ro ' o f e: o.r'l Farm , 1, <1 1,11' ('(>11'",)\ I II" nl (llll fn l' tlicI <;,"'Ull t! vf :>1 "1" h:lIJ.:'l:lllll , on Cl.\n nlJt cnte .. 11 " 1\ tj,wl .' h (' Ill l''' I: <· t: L'j; C"R lU I'::: ~I) t'n I l rll ilf wllho llt ,' .'(. hl hl tl n~ 'l )It-k ' t IInci " sm ',j l hOlll,' n \l rH' /'Y I" J\ ! I," m" ,- :, ,,"\1,<, ' hl'!' , 11\1' ) ,10 nut dnll) :l f.I". 1011 1 hll" ln ;; It 111111<'111'11 at til ~lIt , s, An :.lUd In 1lI :' n ~ " :\ ,I)S Iil l\hJ y plolll, .,1\111(1 "d l'h .. lI1 1\1'1.1 lulll 0 :1" 11 11' ;:: 1'1" '11 Atlall l .1 III:I !I 10 uld :l W\lnl1l l1 with a .. bk', 'Tho l'l' oil! IIrch,1I U~ of J\ur-d : ! II' I'I .... Il!! ,l II(' Inrlli ,' th,tt hnl ' h nllt I>ootl u('al of h alld baggn!(c 1101l;;ht n SOu l, J.lnt ' a r ! t ' t "· ~ ( ~l~l. 1\ IR II ",1m..' I "l1 l " r t11/' Irull \\,h,'I,\'vrt: It I l o~ ( I Ut.1; t 10 1ho' nell re st IItallon Ill')'oml p ar.)lh'tll" sl ltll'l(' tontl ,'I' Ill , J:' 1'(' W l' ulI l"" l\ lml! . ~ , t th,' sl'i l'lI tb, S h " ,~ I , Ill lit, '''I'k nlllnElIl, I t. wn ~ ~ 11I1Il(l U YClUn ~ 'lrt't's. H, l' I:l IIU l lle; a 1 1I 11.! IIll,1 \I ~. 1111 Ii Ii l tll ' l,h" ,'llIlt i un \\'111 ' \ "r ech'!l'malJl e It no t 1I!lt'd," 'I'h pur·, ab,\Jud . t.h e tOl'llJ t,r llH' Y ~I O W 1~ u wn 1110 \"! ' it . T h O~ t· \\' o r tu \; nrl' n L'! hr hy r . ' haH('r bef" r o Il'avl n,l( the alation 11 1'(" tnll~ t r s UI\II pl au t a .'vn ' hi, rollle , I h,' 1.. 10' .J IlI ~' " I II'~.~ iti~, A fillll nC 1'1' 1I lC'\1 I t fill' rcdefUllLIntl, btl this wa s ' ~rcho nl at ~lIg h t t!\I'I,n: ,', I lq l~ ul\ ('n hI' 1l111l1{\ will' fill illl n(1 l'I, fllSl.'d, 11 0 lhe'll weil l to tho 100'al Sc e' l ~ ot good q ll :l llt~' I J1 U ~ 1 h!' I' p . 10 lIl,' \\' 0 1' 111 h" lO r (, ,IL (,li n do nllY III !:ollrt. will ,It d(" l dctl in hili ral'I)!', Til MIrved l Q grow ~ to t rh s ro l' m ,lIlill L; Il l" jury , I'lIl1 !'Ulld C01l1ll11n y t h tl RIJ)l :11\1<1 to u gralll:tg Thi s I' dill'" hy ('I(':w ill'l l ~Iut' h l l nR 1>(,l"n I rt.l'II ('cI HlJOll1 th" h1l; II(,1' o{l tl\'l, 011 th o /); 1'01111,1 thal In = ,1 w~sl)lng tilum \\III n tll y (11'0 re· ,,"tllln/! IIIn1 h \\lI ltlll r<'~ I ' n l ~·l l ll '~ . hilt , h is PilI' hos of t he ti ck et ho sllllll ly moved froU) tho fru l l :tn ,l all f) \\'(,(r t o lh H ' IK , -"til l rOl1m fo r f lll'l hl'l' roo fll'eleud C'lI l() 'nt I' 1,lto n \lonll'nd. dry In tit SUIl , , 'I'lIcI' ma y 1.1(: I({'ilt 8 ~l"'(' h , 1 11 (' 1\'01'11111 thnl lIutch on I • nnd bl )lllrll(l " Wtls to derraud , ov'e r wln t er ' ln II lJox' of m ol sl ~n n (l. lti. , ('s ":n til t' 1'. ' dil l' lii d,·. all(1 bnvfl j A I,t(lln lhe l'I)I" 'h lls('r nlltlllnc<ll a or pile or lOll vu s I('ft f)Ul o f t1 l1nrs, I h(·('I} k nuli'll 10 hUII'II \\' U IU llg th l' 1II1t1· , JII Ilg lll('lIl nn,1 tlJ en Is no w b ' rtll'O lt Is best 10 Kllow tJlc m to f rN'! ze. 1 rib , T)",r(' Is f'l',!!lt lll til ~\l Jl Il<1~" lI,lIlt sU III'enl , cuurt of Ocol'gln, 'fh I III wbl ch will crlll'k th e lill II", all m '1;;n l. ,' tl)ny nn rt (1\'1'i(lIl In t h r I,·af. II< It ~ 1I'I'IIIClPIe of t ile 1' lnlnWf Is lhal thE' 1.1 for sproutlog. Th s tIs arc Cl wn oflnn Ihal II11'Y dn I ht"? 1'11:\1 IO:1)" ! rallnmd had no rlghl t o questi on his in rOW8 tb r e toet win e, <lnd l )l rt' r to "S ill In why t ho In s,< I R are, l'lentlrul' l lilt t " '('J; ' wh II h' Ilr('sellted t he lI ckcL ill: inclres ujJart In lhe ' TO\\', t !lCk~ : ('v n nft ' I' H yt'ar III \\'hlch th I' hll v" ,f or r dOlllllLlolI li nd lhllt or ' th e mil· usual~y atlnln sufficient . iz t bull Ur hC't'n H" fl rc('l y an )' 111'1110. , ;o.:')l llavlll~ Two Handsome ALltu mn GOVlne, r loll cOlllpllny Is ,lhnt Ihe dJ;tonce wltb 'one yea r'" growtb. fl'lIlt III 11,'(' In, 1I11'~' hll"e J'(rn wn 111' 1 ' ' 01' I h o guLl' ysl III Is at IssuC'. In I I1 VOS, I[ ~hl!! shoilid pr()I' to be "·a" hItHI 's deer e s !\re In the llIaln 11 slgas In cQlor ('ll(, ks with (lv,'m :,. Ill ghl y illlllQrlont decl sl olls II,\\, th ~ ~"(:t, ,," ,:\'I~I be Ill! ' ~"~lJOI'lIlUt to whlms,len l lind 1I1It'(lI'\lIla, nUl l Ih e be8t plaloling or stl'll' II\'~ of blll('\( II l't' Cilllal h '{'n Imsed on I ~S U 08 In l'oi Ing I' ry ~ !;plll~ In off lean! Uij "hfln lilpre l 8 lalll pln'l1s Ott' lIIunuJ'lIt!lul'(!I'" nod m r . ' IY!;Clud, nlllll ll IIHIIIlly consldel'atlolls, 'J'he 8U' frull. fl f' r hlqm llIorl' 8 , li S Ihn larva ('h:l l)l s " gn n!l nfl II v:l t'y:' ror t h(!y 1111 ' H Ullilful tnl'l nn IIn,l I Il l' m (,O lll't 9t Ul e niled Stntea lost ann he l;tlled b tt I' II foliage Ihlll) dc r sUln(1 bell I' th all lIayon .' 15 lhe l al'tan rt ('I , hut In OIMllIl{ ' to wlllCb Wl ll\er ga ve n good d al of time and on th nJ1lilcs, Thl,8 IR lin In \l'restillfl I lInc(,I'tahd y ' as to ,11 ~\ICC~. ~ M Rny nn Inn ' VIII III)' <,Iolm . !lr 1'('1'1' S~lIl' rl' sfllll'ch 10 n calise currl o;d b ~fo l'e It qlll' sLlolI. nn(1 ( In \"lIlo:h O'V II C I'~ of or' I" Ul\W UIlI :i IIlIcl lIu\\' ,1L'$ljrl1s III malerlrlJs l'11 um nj; th l' ~ fl WO<.lt.'II S. Ull ullJ1cnl I!woh'lng only $24. A rail· chaN!>! lin Ilsal.l ~n I\ngWer, lu "'hillinG III 1101111hll' fll\'OI', Ou or Mu ch Is slIl,1 :llIollt th o IIICI'I'II~ln!, mad WU S, III tlliR aa. the derl'ndl1l1t, :-101 tJllly li n ' lh(','(' two hI' nils of t\te I 'h " lIon' hlt'S may filII entll' Iy, nnd ~""jlHcll)' unci $(, 1' rllY Jl1 th ' l !llIol' J rl ow ed one or Its em]lloy~, R train 'milling mOlh during tho year, but It I Itilly II l'Ojlll l ar !l thlru :mn)' lJo chlc- >III' et CI)stUUl . !llltl It Is lIuqlll'sLinn, hand, 1111 5 s lim. which was nlla h d Is now (,olh.. ldc r~d poss lhi I h,l t th cle I fOI' fa Jr.1 pOl1ulllr lIad ttl be ('ilk moall :lltll' th nl 1h Vt1r tnllol'-mrlll t.' suit !llHI coli rei ' rl by one ot 1\ ls , creditors, m ight be l hrel'. Ihnnz h lh:1I UI<lIlY h:II'e r t WO VI'I'Y lIitT,'!' 'nl thln,!;s, undo thlllJ;s will hn,'e it~ lillie, AII'('IIII:; one hal" The IJ11111 I(,y contend d thUl tbe not h ' n n('luolJy r Illll'lt1d, 11111 tl' 9 CIIIII,' IncompUl l bl (l, A cnlol' 01' II lit . of IJru delot" ('0 l llm es whos!! sklrls mon )' \l'a stU l dlla him llnd carried develolll1lf'n~ or til JI('sl oliff rs ' so , rlnl mo)' 1Ji) smllt d 1Ij10n II~' 'he IIll,'U nrc' 1I'lmnt d III Oul. ShIlP(, I nOU(\(' ' 6. til (,OSo , 111l to the hi gh es t t I'lbiin nl milch 1111 the 11loglh or tim fr qulrod modl 6h Ill. th ol,(lnln!; ot lhe !!I~ll~ OIl ('nlbl'Ol<I I' (I lO mUloh til 1'l1lbroldl'n' In th o land, lhat t If' \' ul'e malul'o In secls ro m the d ' I ' t' tJ I " l lb II ' . Methods of Grafting , IIU "lay pro<Ol I' I l In III'UI " 1(' I lIllon collar onil nits of th l' fU llclfu l 0111' own ro moul! Chief .Tusll Shaw b clln DIII!; ~o thc OIl of Its !l 'IIson. rowd Ii 1I I r ' whl 'h wrule one or 1118 most Iumillou s x, Wo cll n ' Ul along quite II' 11 11' llbolit . I 'C ilL. IIlH 0 eUSl11111 S 111 AppJes, plums Rnd cllenl s may be I, II I b l' I' Prllllljltl y th o 0101' b ('Olnl'!! ophl em· Slllill !lnd lll'oarll'lot it 111'0 ('II've!'ly com. position:; of l egal prillcl[l i II In d cld, ,sJ'Own by g ral ll ng, while ' pe9~h e ' II ~I,II'C rJ I c, th I l id Ie anll th fa 'hlona l,1 \ wmna n shuns I t hllwd I lo ~ lin fM ml ng the f(lllo(ln . I n~ Il lin which turned on th own· ' h ('OCI IIg mo nrvII8 I S away I ' , I ' I ' arId ch errIes 111'0 m ore fl' Q~I nl· I l h I II I us Sl U \\nuld \h" 11 1111( 11 ". )\II U IWIt:! II 11011 nf Ihe f n,.. \( while ('Io[h 01' the er~h l[l of a bull calf, It Is rol ated ' b ' ' llome w l ere n 1 0 , or ns sllon as t f A I I .I I d f (. rpea~s b ~d d J' Il" ~, bll er oJ)erO liOu I' quires IC'I " ('I; Ih 1\ I Ie ' thE'1I S Iins a rOC(llln I \lcl'ceol./lge ~l ,~IU I' an wumen, III1t SROIe 'shndo I ~ III" sh l' 11 ' or !'1m. tho l th bnr " nIc k ered at tbo fr Qu onl 1:bal !l:o d s i CJll~ b(l ubluln d fl'UIn'r h' I ml' ' I till th' I b)' no III fl l\ !;l (I small 1\ f(' (,lllngl', Will i m lng. r ell li lian of Iho phrnse "the said bllll • , u ( oes 1I0t lel'OIlI a PUPil e I " j , t I ', I I I bolUthy tr~ II ur th e doslred "li n ty, !" t ul'n of warlll wal/1or, If It I~ In '! R \\O~S IIHlP U llO II I.:.t n('\'o l en· at/n Ilrollll~ , s to h ell' g r fit sue cnlf," lind th hlet jll~lIco I'ebuk . d 'Illla 18 wborll tho fanner mal' I all il' ('ess IIn,1 II Slltlll IiniNh UI'III'III'S upon tho IUI)gl>ln!; law'y er hy snyl ng : " (Jen, ' m al, e I, an (Jr Ilar(I I t II II [OS I n ('rtwrfla () r t b (l , s t lid (Jt wnlLlng lo :;1'0 whut <,olol'!. If use of the J;ood val'letle~ of tbo 11 111;;11- 1 b nr It, 00 l reB t I'IIII" ., S UI' uorI r rll btll Hh , mat rlnh; will UC(' ~'' llIU II (,C \'lthI tI It'f (' II II1n 11 "' of thE' Im'lllpsl Rllk~. nnd 6h (!)' tl lI1t'n, ),011 rio not I' II ·t what a 111111 . bo¢ood. . T he fpwer hit!!og pine !l th re 'l lIuy be, \Vh~) Il l' ,II Cit) sElI) III \'"II' h \1'1 \ asll ' ,,1I!;rn RIlllf., \l'h ll" ~Ililn s trlll & , Htltl n cull lila), bl' a 1\ very poor famil y. " , In oorly wJn er . before frosl bal! In. / th o g ro ut I' Is tb , probubilit)' th aL It l un,s besL , lints. ('.. ,'ut,' r IU Ill many of lh e fl) n'"I' R ob rt Bl'Ownlng wenl to Inw 01' r Jur:ed the twigs, cu. t g sclous ror 11'111 be plrk ntl \Ill by bird .. , fowls 01' 'J he I'(,OS ha ",' rl!~lIl1(:l Illlporlllll cl' ('ombi l1lJ tinn ma ('fInis . such as t ho t h vahl(, or on hottle of 'Wine. on ~~lllg ITl\fUng. Takc th 08B fl'nm rb ll prodllclOll 8 In sprts. "r n lIlclled lly !Ill n (be m Elllllf!\ ,l llfr'ra '010 1' c·ol'd., ,!;lntln aud CI'al' ' stripeR li nd t h e sal in th gl' at l~l'I n cl[l 1 that ,I> 1I'01lll1 not ~OSL vlgoroll I rl'e3, parl lculal'ly from I ICII." IImtll~ flies be!ol'c It-enn find Win. !I ~nd R IO~~!;,lIll,: flf rw1 ~, ~Olll ' ;'.f, \1"' 111 li nt! si l k mllll. ' S 1I11~' .strill CH nil' netl b s \\'1 nfllNI 1'01' IInlf II ,el'llIYn If he ~e ends Qf tb e main ,bl-lInuh s , wll re l eI' fflHlrt('l'S , 'I'll moml Is (Jbvloui!- exn' f',III1 ,..I) Ilc,lIlll f llL tl l , ,) IT I ci I~ nut.('(l, could, hoi" It, 'rhe "klcker" Is orlell the buds, ani wplI 11tlVeloped , T llesCl cIL' s li up llll' \'IIbbl~lt. , th fnll mill '1'1 d ~, 'Phe ~n,coll('11 ruby For lhe d" (l5$)' COOl and 'Id r ! ~ul t! I h e subj(l(·t of rld lcllle, bill kick I'~, may be bound , lnle bundl !I and k 'p t 'I'll odl'ln/<' m oth CRmp fl'om Ell. COlol·ln~!f. c l 'a I', y r \\'Ilh ollt 01'11(\\' 11('8 I t 1ft Il'Obab\(' Ihnt t h bIro. wh oso ha,'o help'd Lhe worlu ~IQllg lit, In the cell ar unl ll u sed, lIl1ds o!'e cu l , I'OPI\ !JUl un fol'tu uM Iy did not bl'ln g - IlS 11m nil olf Hit' col''II'II1I(~ l'''PI't''~I'IIt· (lC)cllne IS ' olte 11101'(1 h I'IIldbd. \\'jll b e limos. Given a" g rent s('cnle en'llrol1' .as ,the,v are need d. I its eol'ml 8 Wll,h It. Tber are' flev. Ild In nl's t-clal ~s mnl,' r lal!;. nOW lhal Ihe os 1'0" 11 11,,, liS (>\'(' 1' , a_nd thol'e wf\l bl\ m nl DI\d tht' " klckl! r" b com'es iI his· O('&ftIl1g 1lS a simple operntlon wMoh oral or them, so It Alll'~ur8, 'J'hl,) de' dycr s have 1II IIel'd Qllollf1ed :\ $ ani t8- loose. III 1III'CS'lil lilt! !llll IQt nnd 1.01'1 III I r~tlnllg ' or III III'st clotlS, '1lll\y be lea~,n d with a 111t1e p ractIce l1arlmont uf ugl'l Ilfwl'e Is now inl 1" Ill' mphu Ile,1, nnd t1~e nille rods. ma nUl' e ffects, ""ch :Ill IHiVl' LI' n 11 CII Tollll JiIiUll'd n would n vel' have • n!l roay !xi i10ne 10 tbe win ! r wit n , st ed In them, and he.s b e n e)(lI('rl, muny 01 \I'll! ·h. like th ulno dr gs , nre In lhe slimmer costumes, The qmlllll "r('lt" Ihe Amount of "shi p money" .o.tbm ...'ork Is not crowding, Th e III nllng ' with sel 'eral. 'Ill resulls IT tit leal' I un '~ , bid fair ~o bee/nile dl'llil d wrnll I't' ailing th t!ays of Ihe assesscd on ' hla '(I~ lale, most uCt.'eij~ful gran for nu rsory prac- have h n suntel lit to Kelt'l th hop 11 vcr~' 110\lnI01'. ~ II:1\1'1 1$ [00 r ecent a favorite In P aris tJce lY tho' t orlguo graft. of frlllt sT<;lW, rs. f n time \h ('odllng ;o.:ulll'rOll8 gl' n$ a ro confldently 11(1· t be dropperl I\l relr ll~caltso o( n ASPARAGUS IS IN THE VAN. 'T!!e root, B. Is ' ut. as" sbown In !l'lg. mny go, as bll.~ al l'eatly Im en pre- vallcetl. Ilnl'th:nhll' l< heing Inld change nf sell. on. aoi! 11' 0 shall sec ll. 'WIth a too g ue! whIch Is Olted Inlo, di r.t d, but that lime Is stili some dis· lI11011 lhe hml1 z' !:reen ton ',. ; and III 80 11 ClS 1n olo th und " el " t al1d Prec edes the Other Fresh Vegetablea a notch t u lIa t he 8elon. , h, . 1')le t\\'o tane In the- futurll. There Is as y ct th nugh U,Crt' I ~ SOI\l Il dlfi' 'r cn or ' fill'. ' .. Th at Spring Affords , are IItllck togetb r \\' Ith the bark lay· no sate ami e'ls,), m enn s for gerlln rid olli nloll as to the pnrt !Jrown Is to IlJIIl' Shlll'l wa l ('(I C'Cl:IIS. t oP. wi \l, b n t-'4'''''"1f.o'''''' ro ,... ': '""'" ,,,"'• • ' ;/"'~'." ,
• • l:
1"",,.. ,
, Mystery and Men, An all' IlIYl;lory hi abQut all til.,.. la to S UIIl O 1'1tlO, --,..
L.ow Rilles 10 ' tile Northwest, Evcry dll Y Illllil I't, ;J J ~ I Iht! Great :'\on JI(ll'1I H all w I)' ~ III ,.11 ulle wny 'Cul onl sls' '1'i 'Iwtd from -'Illens o Ilt lqG fo ll(,lwln ,; I II' I'nl "~ : '['0 S 'utt 10 . . PHd luncl nnd W('sl ern Washhlg l ' 11. $30,0,0, Sf}OklillO, $aO ,(;O, 1~ (l llI'lJJr Iuw raleS to 111011 li1tl LI, [(Julto, O "" !!,OIl an I Il r ltlrlh c: ,llIlIIl)la, l ,'or fll rlher i [) fOl'lnallOIl ndd reell M .\..'< B AS::;. (; ,lIllI'ul llll tUl;;-ml l on Ag :ll, ~ ~ I) ' 0 , l'Ja r l.e !:it .. L' hIIIUI;O , 111. Cherry LI pa, "SlI1y boy! I ' trlto ' rl od, " ,w hy dIe!' you l ake 1110 6c.rlou~ly? '1'hough my w ord s w re II " ('I'C, . YQII" ~u s t have I! I'll tlm t r \\' .. :1 slll illng , " \\'011 ." ho l'C']l IiI"d . ")'llllr mouth II BO 811)0.11 I dldn'~ Aolfco It,"
IJIlIlcl ~
era opposI te ' an d ' h en wrap r)cd wltb • cord or string, ' Ordlriary No, 18 cot· IDn wrapi ling twine ,~ belli. as i ~ ro ts' orr by t hE! tim e th e graft Is ready to Itp'OW~" The ra fls ure pl a(!cd tn 'cllllar " until tIm " ~o pl ant In spring. T bey ' ~~re "et' sfx inches apart In rOW3 threo ' tl!Ieit w ide with t .... o buds on tho soion ' .ab()~e ground , ' Buddlug i s done In the S\ut:01er 'Wb~!IU tbe scions are In most I'lgorOWl gr.o.'''Ith... 'rh o aeloll s shou l d be , ~t trnm strong, h CU l thy ~I'e"s. ,Trim , ·'the i{'ii;"v~1i ~s"sho\Vn In Fi g , 2 al n anl.! "1:Ut ofL1iIe buds as th y aI" Hel. ' 'j'hey ..rei In>\f;l~,under 'l be ~al'~ n t b, un tl wrrappe~ ~ IMy,ljI~ Ot: ra.Jflu ,to I; I) :them seCllr ly In placll' Alt er lhe .,~ have btJ!!un to g'rDW ,·Igorously. the tops of ;he stocl,s may be tdmm (1 10 stlmulllte growt h , iUt'l-r On{(9 II' II · startod, SRYS the 'Fal"lli hIl<l }jool e. lbe \Indi es sh ou ld be kept: ;:Ioau tn pI'eveni \ln due branchIng lin d' nlilkc h 11\ /l'l'O Il' tall. :ood eultlv, !Ion I ~ neoessary nt ull times,
of Ihe worm In ullpleH, and Ihero Q\IIY not be till spray p'umjls arc worn ou l thllt ore stll! unci)a<i~.
In th o sl'luion's ,mli,los mnny shados IIf Lhl. eolM UrI' In t'v ltl nC\1 aad SOl ie buyers who II slInll ), Im oll' \\'h ' I" of they SIH'IlI( ,'xp(>cl the bl'OWn cl (q hnv 11 PICKING BA'GS, I arllllq' ro) e, (' 1'el'lll Wlll'ln browns or , f:1oldPn tlng~, a mahugau)' tint lind lhe In tile northwoRt grent pains are . d liad l en! . 1J1I'l orlllgs all pr'Ilml se well. talum both In plcltlng lind Ilacklng, f And lll! for hlntlt 1111 IndlCllllOllS polnl Bl,lcltcts Rnd basket s lind bugs are all to sllch n blae l, season ns II' hal'c n ot u~ ed. an d one man snys that he pro- hud)n IlInny years. , 'Ides his pickers with «oal sCl!lIles, trill tI errOl! t ~ III' to flg lIl' l argely 1'he, one great obj cc~ IH to provlli p. alnong the cQmlng modell, lind a , no,'el· pacl,agos from whi c h th e frll ll "cn nnol ly In black good s will b th e stl'lp d roadlly be poured Im9 t~e llar.~e l , bUI etracl produce!1 wholll' I),y the dll1er, wb l ch mllst b e sently anti slowly un· en '(' In l abril', , NIcked. 'Bottomless ba~s al'e IISed b, Ch (lclm ,and Illallis will I' ('el ve r.ecol(' nilion . bllt II " , mall'l'I nlfi In t hose de· sigil li al l' d~' Kh('\I' n Indlrlll a t en· dl'n r lC)\\,IJrd olTl'(' S R 11'111(' 11101' 1I)'r1' I I nnllncI'd tbll n [hOlle ur Ihe gl'lIY h (1l'lcs and ll ald.~ tif" mUCh \VI,ro la~t s jlrln~, PIII {' ('lil;cl;s In graS nnd lllnl'k. fl ecl, d with thl" hl'I';\lls 01 con11':lSlllI/; eolot· I ' UII'] pl ai;l",d II)' a III1L' uVC'l'lIne of llll ~ ' 1 slimc cr,l e)l', IlI'O IIltl':lCII\'O. antI similar "
I p.~acy l,rom SlImlllPI' 10 11'1 II tpr, ami th se will hal' sl,lrts of 1'1I1,),in;: I flllglh, fl'<Jm Ille shor htp lell'ltll basque to th e 101lg. enVerolllng , sl(lrts of tho carr lll !.:e and ('twn ;' cant. The sbort waist ed back combined wi t h fronts. g ll'llIg 1\ nRlul'D1 wai st lin . Is not uulul('orning, 'I'ven to the "oman of Inl' e hips, If It be cl evcrly c ut nnd hung: but It does n c d very skll lfu! handling. , [n 0111' i1Justrntlo,n w e sh ow two verJ ~lIlal't strcet costumes. The on e wi th , the Illnl n skirt ,Is of rlc b bronze cort!u. roy \'elvetee n, wllb very smart revers tfnd tab s ot CI' am tn\ Ire. an ti th over. l ay of ,'el'Y !lu e l;1I1\lure lace 00 th e holi l ee Jll st 1!\l pjJlIe~ ihe III\PPY lOnch Ihat eUhanccR th hl1l'lII (lr the gOWIl The alli er cnS~lIIn I" a v el'y ff clive IIIndel III mOll so·colol'ed cloth , cl'l)1Itnad with vcll' t of th ' 13llme ton ' . Ill d smnrt IIHl e bolt'l'o coaf, wll,ch Is li ned Wilh Rllk bein g IInlshcd with cQrd and but. tons ,
OdldS "and En dS 0 f ' Fash'Ion ' T a. lk
'They, will n,-HIlII), ~I'O\I' 'f"'JIlt £Ill ' 10 · 'two 1<'01 high '<I IIl'iOI; , t h first rp(ll', and If th e ~ ulJ Ig favol'ahle. \'l UI be s:eady t,o l .. un!;'pl ullt lO the orchard ,the ' Bl-c1:lnd amUllln,
M ol l'(1 IH hc' l nl! \' l gI ) rtl ll ~iY ' JlU s h d lJy !:he 1113 II II fl1( I I; ... ' I',~, hu l Il1 rll C!ltl'~l i" " poi nt tt) till' " t r.h;t~l iIlIY Ihllt ll wlll, IJ:' 11 , 4'11 t' hl('fly Inl' U'III1L11Ing find In COOl, 8PADE D EEpLY FOR TRE ES, blll :\tlon 111111 on l )' Iho o.1 llh'r l y will h.' dis pos.. rl tl l fa vor whole lrocks or tills G round Shou ld Be Well Prepared fo;' , t he New T ree. rnatcl'l al ; I ('I 1l 1'l11ill!: e l'enl n g !,:Oll'lI S m ndo of 1 ~l: e xqll "i l,1;! pol ll t,'!1 "hlO'on olot h s Wben a nl!\v Ire Is 10 be s~t out the (!ITol1od should b e w<)11 !lrepuI' rI ('11' ft, wi tH ).;;L r lan \l hon l f)l's !Iud bnI1'll;. Th7 Apron Plck.' n g Bag. 'l'h c s" arc nwue III G(j·ln,'h Wi dths, hlill W.hen l arse (J1(lIIlIlt\OIlS a r e t o ' bp l"lt in, a plow muy b u ~ ()d In 1,11(' pl'ep ' somo. Ie ,I hem lhe frul~ Is l1el'lnllle( \\'111 I.,,' II 11111(\ 1', ' amUon of the grn und, MOl e Oft UII . tp roll f !'OID Uie bottom, Whll thes , Wllh 1h e CfJn tl~llIa t.loo of t.h e f(lge thow ver, th e apnd p, Is ' Ilsed for pro. mlghl nn swc l' wl \ h ornnges, SRl'S ((II " C,I' 111 (:\'; IIl l1cl, HI li, lill'C) Is ncqllll'lng 'Cl!lrlng the gr01lnll in w h l~ 1I tl' 'OS ar HUl'al N ew 101'1ler , th ey should , IWII all 1111111' ,et' Jl'nu;d IJI·,' sll!;t?, ' 'to be seL Th e tleptll ' nr th Sllude' Is b u~ d with !It's t-() llIss am,los. ns t htl : Onf' (t 0 1i I'nlll" f OUt111' I)f Ltl' wi n" -ab out tell Incbes, which is about 'f0 1l1' pouring tnlo lll ' bag wil l S\l1'(lI)' IJrulijll t cr froC lt will bc th ... lise of h ()R "~' c " sh. lnc.bes morc l ban l h e del )th at o r . Iii m. A~ Prof, .hld~oll A:lY~. lho aver, ' lOll " ' ;l hrlllllt'l'Y, aild t h(' 11I (IIIn , \.If ' dlnary pl ow in >;, The depth Ilf ,Ihe uge IMI( ' r 1~a.llnot w.lth ~ tand. t h o cor'red Ivt;lI'Y unci or l e":I ( I. C' Ilh ' ll so opad El. MY8 Ule ~'armel's' 1{cv le ... t ell1p1ntlon to ~tand UII and let th elll pOll lllal 'In PLlri s al'e cerLUhl' to gai n .bou ld be t1:a m ea~ ure usp·d i n lui'll ' sh oot IIUt of t he bag wh'en 'lh e fol'(- I fa 9r lInlon!> those wlio can aITunl the v (ng over th e ground 'r or Lr es, Th e innll'R ba elc i s ~ \ll'l1 ed. The best Picle' l hLXUty. " 5~e 80 \.IrI.' pnr ..I "hoilid he ton f !!ot new wnhl 'flann el s man y 'atlrRC' tn g hag appeurs lO , ~~ t he one sbown , .or more In r1i:lmet ('r, and l hls pre' In OUI' Illustrlltlon , , I his Is ;alled aD t i ve l!tl'l\lCli ' ffccts w \ll be offercd. tfle pared !lpace ~ h ould b ill Q I'I'Il~c d II ~ lI,pr(ln Irng, b 'Ing lI sually maco from a f , I ' (h e mr~' oft. n Inch'l (lI ug malty the tree gr U\\,R, 'I'h t,bje l <il tbe en. lt lfUI')' g l'aln ~ack, 1t hnru,s In tl'om OJ S " ' d 18 8 h a II 0\\, • .' c'o lol's ' hlle ~ l\l'~. . hlendln!; lar«,ctn.w1t, or tho SlIllCfl Is t o pre l'ent COO,' Qfl I en t { Orf il ii n g, a n I ' bl'ln, g lns- ~ho m t.11e tormlol; of a . natu ral Wu\cr,light so thnl th e fil'st apple can be lald ' i n It In to 11l/:on s JlIi, llo tl~ IOllll/ln,} . 1'UL6~D !~ ,,:hloh water would !lccumu. 'wllhoul dropping, BO,t h hllnds are froe And n (J\v we arc to have , the late toitfi'e d(!t rlment of .the ,tree. to plal( : 'aoci the' b ag will hOld all that irlthmCd 11001[ot2. w h ich are tORtures ll1 IYCjlr er can easi ly Cllrl'Y. )' et ·It can· of sdme of t 'IIC n OW ' Sl P I'on eb onats To Che ck Tree Growth, not. Ite poured out Ulll e8~ the pickel o[ dl'l'3SY ,C barade:', rt a tl'e e IHlrs\ sts In malt l og too stan ds on bls head, T his S\lIlJU8 to ' be Plaid cl oth will be )'o[lql a,r tor Inll c;nucb wood !iro lv th , h eR d It i n Reverl!· the best way to avoid brul aln J; In pi ck. co~tll n";u aDd we ilhuw IICl/'ewlth a ly I~le 10, I~e 9Unlm r, abou l ihe tlmp.' Ing and ban<l1InS' In tbe' orcha~d, The novol deliisn lo,r ,gown done In plaid the wood stops growing and b ;:;,il1~ to :lllj\lcs are pnt from this apron b~g Inlo nnd IYlaln r'IOth. The J'liald omhlna. rip'n Uv ror winter, 1'l dl< h us, a t on ~ppl(! hox~s , Thoso used fut orcbard tlon I ~ uurlc green , ~Iue nnt! black and den y l ... chuci. woo,1 !;I'owth . uud in' l huntllillg ba"e a' slot In ~s ch end for II t,hl! Illaln c lol'll blue. or ~rlJen may be ,dace fruit bu d formalJon. , hand, anll lit y can -be ell61ly plc.l ted up I u~e!l If prNerred, for the making ,ot , ROIl canled to tbe packIng ahed. FOI, Illlo "al\el~ pn bodice and skl~l. while ~ove' D•• llln In Plaid and Plain 'CIDth, Applt'8 ehould be Illclled wben tbey lhls jOllme)' a spring waf!'on Ie "led IIltle lapel s, rt8 Ii.n d button s or hlack, .... fally matul·ed. bilL b efore tbey. or If th o dl~tanCB 18 shorL a "tone bur , 'lfatltl 11'1\1,::;1 a !lma!'t fini sh. The et. belts of 'blft<;!k 1atln. and gren anil \.Un '-IUD to gel m ellow. ,. (rflO\UlUth' emDI<weci. ' (eeL cun be ~b~ the waist blue leather,
121• •1
SUFFERINGTH~SUREPENAl,TY Hoalth Thus Lost Is Restored by Lyl11a E. Pjnkbe.m'e Veget.a~. Compouod. Bow m6ny women do YQII lmnw .. ho r e p rfl' Lly \" llll and strong" W e III' over.v J"ytlle samu Bwry OVal' and ovor o.g:,!n. ," J do n4t feel well; 1 am 10 t il'ed tAli the timc I tI
I ' ll
AllPOl'ogus Is t h pr cur80r of the of rrllsll vegetabl es, llnd tb 1'0 Is fll'oballly no (Jlller vegetnbl e tbe On,' r ot whi ch Is 80 h ighl y csle mI'll £s Is I hnl nt "HId pr nspal'lI gus. hem, ICIlI Onlll)'sis olfers no explana tion or lis IIlon s n n ~ flavor. but osslg ns · lO It II dc Idedly blgh nutritious \'alue, ;\'spurIlI;US, however. furnishes on e 01 th08 interesllnJ; exampl es 01 a (odd wl1l~h. th ough con tain ing more waler ' III I ts e mlioslUon than tloe8 milk, Is nevel'lht'l ('ss a solid subs Ian co. Thus t he h ead of ' th e Ill!paraglis con· talnR slightl y mOl'e ~h nn 93 per cent, ' of wnlur, which Is only 1 per ce~t, l ess than t111J.t contllined In the hi t· tucC', but Ii ppr cont : nlore Ulan Is ill'csclIt In milk, '1'lte solid, constlt· tlOnls. 11",,,el'er, are pll r tlcularly rIch In n llrogenous substllnces, which amQun l to 30 per cent. Qt the , dried vogotable" • , Amollg th ese may b e r eckoncd Ilurln body. to whle~ bas , been as' cr ib III hll1'm.1'1iI Innuence of all' pnr,aglls all snme Jlersou~ Wllh a . gOllty l lid noy. Wh nn nSjlarilgus Is can· 611mod In ' 1III'go quantities lhc oulput. o( uric Rc l ti 15 vc ry tl~stlncl1Y , In. CI' IIS(lll. "h snm o IT ct I s obtalnEltl uft I' dri nking copiou sly of bee'r , whic h !lIRa oo;,lolns purln bod I 9. at· lI'Qugh th y' are enll ret}' 0 uaellt ' In wlncs, and, of cOUJ'sc, In. spi rits. Sweotbroad mllY h"l obJ cllonable 011 slmltnr gl'Ollnds, -rb pro Is no reuson for t blnklng, howOl'ol', Ulat ,,'hen as· pal'aglls Is ealen in renso nal!1 QUan· titles It c'anses an , unilesl rab lo dis· Lurbnnce of the bodily" fu'n ctJo ns, 0).. the co ntl'u ry" I t Is v ery digestible and, Is easily tolel'Uted; even, by , luvallds, son~on
Breathing Sodium P~roxlde, At l ast man hns lea rn ed to live wllhout nil', !;lod lum perox lda. on e f lh e ncwel' prodllcts of olect.rolySIS, Is , a compound of sodium wit h oxy/;en lha decomnoses.ln the prese n ce ' of damp lIrbOll le 'acId, Tbo value 'Of this su ustan ce may be, gaLhereil trom ute fll 'J: that a mnn eM Jive an ,alrt~ht box us 1911g' n,s any sod i um peroxide re·' main s 11Il eou " erte(\. It "Is sllggosted that, by meuns of soclll\m '\ '~e roxide, subDl(\.I·l ne bO!lts , will ,be' !llllo to, reo m ain tlud er water 'lor con~lderallly lonser periods than bltherto hall b ee!}: pot!elble. J ust how ; long will "'b .: a m of ('alcuh)t1on, the' f ac;tors' In t he cal cillutJon bclng tht\ amount:, of ox~\gen co n ver l ed Into, 'qar~oI!IC ,!lcld IIY OD e man In pne bour" tbl! nDmber of mell presen t, 'B1Jd tbe' ' weIght of pe:oxlde tbat can b~ carried, VSi!)d In ' mlnel, It should en4ble a mJller to 11 ve wt"tb bIll bead lItf.fal1y In. a ,pt India rubber contalDlag thlll peroxD p."101 ide, wbereby be call Ude
of danPI'.
M or' than Ii)I 1.1' Y \I S l' ok th 81lm O WOI'r1S you~se lf, alltl no (IOllbt you feel ' 1ol"fl'l1n1 IV,,)1, 'l'hccn n ' lUo.ybe aslIy trn ,il to!;Om rl l'nlll!'CI1l nt 01 th Ie· llinlt) OI'l:rnllS w jd"h fIlnnif .., l~ It.~ If t n di'pr ~,~i" l\ of spiri ,I',' llI,'l.un(' to go nu,y wlll ' r (lr do nn."th lu g, bncks{)he, I.!I'nl'illg'·d ow t;! t'!U PS, IIIl ull'n(:~' . nor .. OIl ~ IJ ' f, . ,;Icuplct;l!u liS, o r oth feIllrtlc IV olme&!<. ' • '1'11eR , ~' lII ptn ll1 S ara but wnrnl,nga Ihllt th\'re i,; dnng''' r alo \,ll.l: anit ' unless h,,('(\t'ri fl lif\' (If s lil1'~ti n g r n s ~Ioua l ov'rlll.i Qn i s Lh " III "i TI'sult" Th o n,'" ·r.'fll !lin!! reID .. tl v foT all. t h ese ',l'Irlpt nlS i~ L y diu e. 1'it\kbuU:illI Vc'~ . ~ltLI\ ltl (·PUIJlOllntl. , . " ~I i"" l{utu I cUonnld of IWoo.lbridwe • N. J ., w,'il.,)Ol : ,;, I Uenr ~r..,. , f>fnkhnm : I • " R ' ~I;\.t1 ~ IIliLh hn.lru'lI.nt ~ llli:oh to m. lhut I ~ nllll L h 'I ri fron, t .. lIln~ alxlUt i\ for;
Colle oakef otb"t ""lTllI'lntl; "'(llIloIn.' I' .. For I' 10llg tllllO)' . IIJrurecl unlohl I'~ny I\'ilh n TMlitl u tl'O,IIt.lo fllI(l Irregu lul'lt/"", whil'h 1111\,10 "". IL l\byloh",1 IVrelJli, ruul )11) 0/1. " 1I10tlf:bl. I wClIIj,II'L,'o,'m·. hilt Ly,lIa 'I):, Pink: ! bum'H Vr·l;tl'I\.le 'Ol1llIOIlIld Itn1i ...~lIIjrcly ourt... 1 ruB , 111111 Uln~e n'Q w ~ lIl\n(1 trlN; nJ;\_~Dd
r . f~IILl'II'lll1!\'I " t'\ II (ltb r""f'I'1jrlbg"'lMJ8n wbllt n w londl)ll\ll)dlclJJ It I.. ' , Par t\Vent\,-6vll ycnr s Mrs. 'Plukham, d llugh l l'l' ,l n: lu\V of 'I.ydill E. Pinkhom. hU ij und 'I' h(l r III~Q~ioo, And :li n ce h er d('c('use. heen il(lt' igi n . ' ,,\ j( WOOl n free of ollarl]', H er n(l vi l'c Iii' Ire II and ~~l p!uL , .A~ldre ' '" I'.ynn"r.l~
,I There are pO!lltlorts opeh In the l N,LVY for ,hntldreda.o f ,:voung men , bCI,\I',een 17, and 15 y eftrll !lf age, nnd for m ochan ics up t o 35 years ' of rage, Good p lty, and g(lcXI f 60d furnilih"d ', bv ,. ~hc GovernnHmt', 'F or full h;forrnatioll uddrc!lS Nal y He FUltj l1/r StatTon; Post Offi CI? BuUcllnS','Oinc!nnati,Qhio, ' ..
CllgIlSU0!l ~~ ~ ijear1\r
A perfect rem-
e<t\y'ror,DInIDeIII. Hallie&.
pro.mslneas." Jjp4 ~ In tho l!o~t.h, I (loate4 , Toniue. Palll ~ tho ElISe.
===::"':"--.J TORPtb
tmm: _" '
rotrUlate tho Bowels. Pure~ vegel4bie.
'S~ll~ PIll:, Sf4AlLOP%E=: S¥ACl'I!!'\CFJ
S,' ",' fae Gem,J1na~ M~ ~e~ ." Simile- Slg!1ltIJrt .
PlLL8. .. I
~Itf ' , \
~ I~ ~~~~~~E ~a_U,!a,~11\y.t.E"
,CROP III ,WESlER. C•• AOA,rTHIS yeg', · ,JJ.I ' ~ I \ ~jol
. ,Tltl" wtlh ne!',rl,l I'IA,'bol. hel."of "ma 111Id 17,000,008 'bu1lte1. of baric, 1I1'.D~ co ... UnUOII0'l1)1 . _ ~I. . .,fl'l ''''J ror.,..~. ,of· W. .
erD l:auada-:
Pree farma, 'bIll ~~ro", '1".. tau •• ,1wt.IIIl7 aDd Ip •••
ell,,!"., . _ <,bu,.,. .. ac"""I., 41i1 ,..1 ... , ... 111tc. .. .... edt 011'.... 160 ae(ell <If h>iee:
, '
~ adlan r.o~.rn ·Ia.d froe 10 "~",, ...,.,Uer ..1111-* ud .ble &It ~pl, ,",II ;bt Bo ...e.lead'Jt....lilllo... ' Ad..tee &lid ID'.h1>aU". _ , be obtaloed fIw ••_ W, D, 11...11 8aperlal.lod..., D' I . . . . .,.lI"".OU'''O, can.da ; or fna a.I,""YaII
'-a. ... • .
aDadl •• '00te ••••• , . . . .
..." hlldl'!l&' TeJea," '
''=~ = ~~~~~~~~~~~~~====~~~~~~~~~=~~~=-=-:~,---
00d; ' Qk IS. I
~ I,
Jlft!l.'·R melhe
"I dirt," 0 IUlo wl edg' U tbe pl¢lI-sa n til'.
('('" 1:11111 It wa s In 'onn ccl1on ' w it h )'11 111' \\,Ol'li ' along' eetrO\l1 lin ~ .ot roller:' "Thal f~ (ril e," "Yet. [he oul y 1)\lplls l' II h!\I'e , sent mo 01'0 i'l'Inll'ss l'f.l(J jIiQ , who Cilunot lJ() ssl hl y \I : II. Uluno." "1 kn w. I llIuy hava om l te d to meilll(lll th at 1 W (LR d oing t bis fa I' my " YVIl ~n.\'() III
[ 0 IllH
M yer~. or ISO South
thr ol'l ~ 1
H6w Rhod es and Belt Met. Mr. Rhod es once tolll a circle ot Men ds alt r cllnn r tho s to'!')' 01 his IIrat m otIng wllh [lett. "r callM Ill. Porl':es' late on e c\'f' ntng, ' bo said, "anll lher e was Bah I\:orldn g away as
Worn Down by. F i ve Yeai'll of Suffer· Ing from Kidney Complaint.
,A Relief. Movement. "SI r:: Bllld lb e . aggrIeved mljs lc. toal'her to't lle Illi IItlnlh 1'(J\ lI~t who II v d 10 th "IJ1l1'loIOjlt bOll lltb bllll , "YOu a ll l'c(>ll l o IIU Y Tn fo r all my lim o 1'1'0' villud thal r Ilevoled It ')lIly lo th e JIll' pllK ~·ou s hou ld ~ruHI Ill"."
The eld I'Jy li nd some,,:hnl llustrated In d y slnt 'I) ' d un ob s e. ' man on 8' crowd ed titr~e t.. "00'11 It /l H' I; a ny dlfT ren e," she 11 81«0(1. " wb lch or th a ' ('ars 1 l al.e to th ' . mElior)'?" . .. ;0.;01 0 nl(), ma ri o Ill," nn8\\'('rOII tllt! \lolilo hllnvy· welght , n he IIrt.ed hi s' htl t an d ~3 ·d on.-Chka·o Odlly )II ~\' S ,
One Point,
An Opp o r tunity for Rest , W e omo II l lon tho ,Idl e ItulL1o r , toll, Ill g Its (la1;1l In II qui e t s pa\. . " (( o w now ?" I\' say wllh 1111 air' of chi di ll );. "Wily 11115 l ack or Inll uat.ry'( T hi s Is 110 way to ~e t along . In t ill! worill- ly in g nround like . 1\ s lllggnrc!, AR t hOll gh Uleljp 'Will' u Olblll g (0,1' you to rio ." " I W UB Quit bu sy ycs tenln}'," yaw n s th o Ilil nU/Ilor; I' but lO·<Ioy , can loa( ul l I IIkf'." "Ind e 01" Miss Po s ~~>- " h on I le nce I alwaya " Y 9. ),'OU II • lhl s momlng they It ,U' a /'liB el;! . began u Olly lug me."-.Tud r;e. ":\1I ~y 'r,iufI!lc'>- Ycs, I 61111Ul11 tll lnlt Might Help Some, you wuuld rInd fC''' 'inS n d l!C' lllut! ad· VIlLl ta >C'.- l:hknso ~ 'ws: W or kers i n th e Vineyard, Sl ok ROlan ( n d U!!l1tion IlArl..l'lM I'. C ooll l1a~ t I', til l lrl ncl llnl lInnutlr:n of Lh "vo ~l n' h".n'( arrive' l. owl n' to some II 111.1' II th e rullrOllu. l 's a 1,IallO lor l11 ~ I' 1·.oiJa l(c . Mr. G (1lII'U ~ t o r (dc'Ii!;hl('(1\ - A p l ano? y S. \111' iI'l! 1\ I,;Clod 0 11 • ioo. \ Ve be!; t hnt ~'o u w ill I'(! ~ 'I Vl' It a s nn ex· vrea~ l o ll or UIII' )' gar<l, lIlId w o nl y ask I hal, II ~ U ' 0 '.)' 1 Lllllny or he ' d na· to rf; hn"oll' , nny IJh nos \)r th ('II' o wn , YO\l wi ll a llow th e il' oJ llI r s IU II SC lhe 11nr~ OIlIl ~(' 1)lallo l 1' "lIell 0 O n :'~N. Y. \\·!l"kl),. .
lb lItti o 5101' ' HI) bero u tll corn 1', way WbDt'S lit li S of goin g aJi th to town , Rod ,iu y l n!; cal' fare both wny s. to g t It r OI' 42 nts ? YOu don't silva on Ylhlng, do you ?" "Goodness, yos. .Para a lwa ys allow s m . man y for nr faro.'·-Chl· cngo 'l; rHlIlll '.
What th'e Jury Thought. "PIMmltn. r 11 81' ~'O ll w r e llrrcstecl the olber do\' fol' In s ul ti n g 11011 brow· b ea ~hlg a JOI;lIor . . How did yOIl come
ou~"iIf , .. '. "I wn,s ' tri ad (or ' Il Ilntl ncqu IUed." "On I.h lh ground I'hn t I t wns JusUfiabl ~ . " " "No ~ th Ju ry couldn't be mlldo to b lIeve Sn b n [hlug WDS jJosslble." Ch.lcllgo 'l'rl btlnc, '
~hll'ty·llve l' 'Drs: . It
Bears The
tlllt . K liS, murh (or hIll Il llpeUance And w \lId gl'lldllall~' d rOJl wIre to li "c.'·-Chlcngo Dully ); ews: off. T o r emO\'El lho ni l I'll :+cs l <1s b y bathing or Mlng , oi l to soften th em . MqURNING FOR A HUSBAND. III fi os h , ou ld be perf c Iy 1'0 w. and , lisht dlscbarge of bloody sll\)sta nce wOllld ooze o n t. Th a t sca ly ru s t "'ou ld form ag aiu In II\' n y· fqllr h Oll r s, l L was \\'or~ on my a rms ana limbs. allhoul>h it was In 5110(S all O\'cr my I:! dy. als on m y scnlp. It I l et tho !'Ca les remai n ton long . w i h au l rem olte . lW birt h- or I?th e rw lsc, th s lil n would ('r~ck a nti . bl ed. I suIT red tn· t ellse Hobin};, worse at nl ' h ls aCter gettlag warlll In bed. o r bl od w ar m by rel se. wh n I WOUld, be almost unbearabl e. ··W. M . Chidester. HUlCh· InSon. Kan., April 20, 1905."
~e\\' s.
He Enjoyed It.
enJoy ' ber two \t'ollks' 8()jollrn In the ctlulltry? EDJlOCk'-J don't know, bUt . ··YOll bet I dld.-Chlcagn f)all:i' NeWll. .
u l uk ..~ .
\ Vhe re\' er y'o u li ve , y nu CQ8 flhta f" \V. ~ 001l11lll1.hot6. li iJ nome ant.! price I" . t tUpeel" on th e bottom. which prutech, "y ou _. UI U1l hlp
"rlUl and loferlor
be.s. Tol("(1 no
fute , AI'" )·o\lrd ... l tJ: for W. L. Oou VJ""th_ .nd Irt.ltt cpon ha v l na thrm. Fa., t Color Elle/tt ,#; li Ned : thttl/ will fl lI t ' Lt' nf b r a . \ Vrlte for II lu . tr.t~d Cat.Il)st nf F. II ~ ; ~ . , ....... t W. L. DOUOLAS. OOpt. ,7" 111'0. _10". M__ _:"'-
Soothed ,~y
are strong &hooters. strongly made an4 so inexpensiv.e th~Lt you won't be'afraid to 'use one in al1lY ' kind of weather. . T~ey are made :ro, 12 'and It) · gauge.
~.aths- wj~h·
It. r AVORITE OF AI~ERICAN SPORT$MEN · Sold E:verywhor••
And gentl~ :'apRll~a:~ion$' '~f
(UTa. th e g~e.~ t , S~ m Cu re , unci pu·rest .and swe,t:,test of moll! , nts..
..,.----Between Frlen'ds,
• ••
· ~s w i h J yous hearts ard smiling faces they romp and play-when in ,healtn-and how conducive to health the games in whi h t.h ey indulge, the ' out 'oor li fe they enjoy, the· cleanly. regul ar habits they shoul be taught to form and {boe wholesome die of which they sh()uld p:1rtake . . H cw te,nderly thei r health shoul be preserv ed, Qot by constant medi cati on. but by careful avoidance of every medicine. .of an injurious or objectionable nature. and if at any ti me a remedial agent is re guired, to a~sist ·nature. on l' th Qse of known excellence should be used ; remedies which are pure and wh91 ecome and truly benefiCial in ' effeQt, li ke the pleasant laxative remedy, 'Syrup of Figs, n:tanufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into geiler-al favor in many millions of well in fo rm ed families, who e estimate of its quality and ~xcellen ce is based upon personal kn owledge and use~ . Syrup of Fig's has also met with the approvall of physicians' generally. ,b'ecause they know, it is wh olesome. simple and gentle in' its action. W e in fo rm all reputa. · ble physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs. obtained; by an original method. from certain plants known. to them to act most benefiCially and p(esenteq in an agreeable syrup in which the ,wholesome Californi an blue figs are used to pfOrhote the pleasant taste; therefore It is .not. ·a sec ret, remedy and Renee we are t~~e 1'0 refer to all well informed physiciians. who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor Indiscriminate self-me:dicatlon. . PleaSe:! to' remember and teach your childrel'l ~also that the' genuine S'yrup of Figs always h:af; the full name of th~ Compan'y-California Fig Syrup Co.-plainly printed o~ the fron t of every package and that it I::; for sale In bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size •. or having · printed thereon the name of any olher company, :io n~t accept it. If you fall to get. the genUIne you will not get Its benefiCial effeds, Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as It Is equally benefiCial the parents and the children. when ~'/~r a laxative remedy Is· r~quired.
l\leeker~Dld Y.OIlr · wlte
H ~f""f3 1 tltht' r
- tlu'"
II I could Ulke YOtJ Into my Il'I tge fa torles at Ikoc(,tott, Mils' .. :: ill: :;hoW' you how cOlrcfulty \V . L. o au \'. t0.'; >lho.,.. are m ade, y ou l"o uld th en llflderstancl why they hold thei r s tt:~pe, fa bdtc r. we.,;' Ion Iter, and arc ' of greater va lu~ t han any other mal(c.
A~I.ltl-I~ll't that u n'e IY lImb~ella? NailL- No ; ' It lIas been In my pos· ----"'--,,---'-- Sometl'mes ' So, session ror' neorJ,v two years,. . A~kltt-.Doll· t )'0 1 thlnl; It about "So Fl ck le9 W lit lnfelt to his Orst , . ·10\'1): ' ] wOli(ler why:' time you 'r eturn ed It?-' bleago Dally "SJi,e WIlS the only one !'lUI w Olild :-lows, bave him ....: - ~ ." '011 F' re~ Pr~~s. . Not' Proud. , .1 ~. "A man sho ul d Llot 'be proUd be" UptoH e r, ' aause I s rUlh." " Is .$hp. III soc:l et)' 1" "or course not;' an swel'ed Mr, Dus· l!Well rust a stlrt or lH'obationer; "aha .. Jjail' n ever l,eell dl VOfcecl yet,"~ tin -Stu. "l\'ow·a·rl8Y8 we'i'e 100klllg, for' ~ymllatby. "-WU5bl ngl.oIl S la r, Hou,ton Pos t.
IllC.,- , Jlld£;l'.
:;1l[~ll:d~~~~~:u':;[1ora;J':~~:'~r~: 1?~tJ.~ uw.,_ t
mel'cial·Trlbun e.
It to ht'i u. An d go Oll .,,\lado\y Ing h im un til yoil r eceive Oirther or(\ors fro m
$2.1!1S Lo * 1.0 0 .
. and stings of insects. tir ed, aching muscles and joints, as well as fo r pr servin g, purifyi ng, and beautifying th e skin, scnlp. h<li r, a nll ha nds , Cuticura oao and Cutkura. Ointment are ,~,j ·~iess . , ..
Proof. "What'rell $on haw: YOII for thinkIng t h at th e t.hl f w!J o c n,erer! ~' Olll' hOll se W!lS II 10 l; s,llllth by tl'lld e?" a ol ll d the Ile.l octive. . . "Wil y, 1 s aw hi m m a ke a h o lt for J3lg!;er Just got II · t\je door," s aid \l ie "Ictlm of' tbe robuery .-J ~l(l ge.
durin g the ' PUSl [QUI' weeR:s. .", , ..... lJplcJon Wlte-V ry w U: present
t1ll ch~tl· ttG I:"'\"" ,
For 'summer 1ashes, Irrita tIOns... itchings;' clillfil\gs, ' sun burn , bites ·
No Real Grievance. ")' s'llose YOIl're inItio' a vacation 1" " Ycs. 'lIn\l I've earlwel It. by George! '~t's the first one J Ilflve , had for Ii year, , Been w!ll'klng like a horse f or 12 long montbs.:· . "You Ullnk t hat's tOllgh , you. n1lsl or ? You (loO' l 1\ no I\' what hard luck la. It you had tu hUD t joba the woy I do yo'u'd changlJ }'OUIi lune. I've on ty Ilad .th ree ruonths' wOl7k In the l ast year," "TheD )'o\l've Ilad nine months' va· catton. yon lucky dOI- " Wh~t are YOU r klckbll abouU"
... Maki ng It Hot .for Hubby. 0 t ctlve-:-Madarn, .hel'l3 Is m'y' bill for s hadowIng YOllr ItU8~lllld
M t1!" ~fII '
Over Tl!ir,ty .Years The Kind You.Halle Always Bought
Occasionally a man spends II. lot of time at bl s olub b ecause lb ~ [I!' s no place like home.
Con v incing . H E'I·-J] ur. tI (l ' ),011 rAlIl y and truly J o"~ me", tl ri >1\:1,17 Hlm- - I Us ilrc you, E lul s(', I lov' )'tJ u as 11'IUC!l as I lov I ysel!,. 1 t't' - Th ~ !I' I !l1ll Y O U I' ~, d :11'. GrE'nl' I' la\'o t hUll t ha t no \\' tl111!1 1l cOllltl ev II dare to 1)011 \ rOl·.- Cbicll;;u Dnlty
AT A.Lt, 1'1 10
1'r Y ,V. I,. J)tlH I:'a~ ' Yu lIIC' n't' . r t i !Io 1\ ~ Is ua 'b.lIdrell '8 s h ul'.: fur " t .v l t fH.. .t nt! w~ .
Ter r ibl e Scaly Humor In P atche& 'A I Ov e r the Body-Ski n Cracked and Bleeding-Cured by Cuticura.
r~.~·.'~:.hWbl~~'\~~ I~·~· n: lJJ .b~ y~~::;o.
~bou t lhre
' Ute 8t\tlta noo!" "What In Jt.i1 ?': , . ·' No-ln' mal'l'lnge."-Olncltinali Com·
I!l{OES FOll
Ready to Listen. "'And tI()," s utct her bii.u ghty (atll e r, ':y01l wlsb mnr ry Into 1I1)~ fIlIUJly'1 " ":.lo~ I 1>a\' lm ' t IlIlY deal r to do lb nt/~ r apll e'!! l1\O CLInt! 111 young mnn. 'and Jt YOU CIlIl tell m , or any oth(H l\la1ll1- Why Is thnt larl.l' oyor the r spoctnble WilY In \,' hl ch I mar have your clllll!;h tcr rll .bl! ml ghl}" glnd to way II l wo),s In blaok? I s she maul'll' 'l1g [or any n. ? • hears lt."-ChiCllgo R C I'd H cmld. Hess-Yes; n hmibnnd. Maud- J didn't Imow s he 'd been morrlcel . Hess- No ; but she's l11ou ~' n /ng for Ii hu sband nil I h (~ 9,,1\) .- Tho T attler:
"Hcnr the ne ws ?
Danish uOlillunu. \\'h o bas Just' d lod at 1I lirb oe, Ju llalld, a ged
Cle ar Gain. "Bul . '1<11111(1)' , If ro u . C(ln huy rlh· hOIl li ke thut (or ·15. c uls a yard .\l
Ely's Cream Balm
aa""alba 8q'Ualiodal any prloe
"I '1\' as Ilmlcted wi t h ps ori asIs f or W:l S In a t ·11.en n il a" r m~r body. 1 \I S (I hro enk en o f Q:utlC Urtl . 08 Il, s Ix bo.' cs of 0.1 a t · In nl and tW;) boW's of Re:ol\' nt. F ac s in th e Cas e, In lhll· t ~' days 1 wa ~ comple Iy euJ' d , "I. It , I r ile," t) 11" rl E'1 1 Ih .. bachl' loT il ar!' I th in k JlCrl11alwlltl~', as I t W il S ~ who sttl l!('jill!l!H ;'ea.' o · d to r h sl ,"!."', IIIJClu l tJv y ears UJ!O. Th e I1 ·Or I1l.8rS ~ UOIIS 11[", " t hat II !lOClill ' \ ~ O$t a Irmr. ; first made 1\.$ il(l penran c~ III r SnOI:! , ~la-"Bllt . p~ ,.h/l.i'lS t1 ie . young ma o 1'1 d IllRil nny III re 1(1 II\" Ihnn It o lJes ~ g nerally t Ol'ln ln!; u ci r cl e. l.ell"ln In g wa nls a lIt.tI ('II ourng('1l1(t1l1. '/1 sl nl!l, Olio '?" Ihe 'cenle r II. ~llot nlJout til e sly. o f a Dnll j,'; btcr- YL'a, mil ; h nw wpu ld It 110 "ll I,;," an:; \\' re d the mnn whb h II slb'er dollllr of O\ln<1 Ii sh . I n II sh ort If y(Il~ k ~ l lt 'ollt of sig ht wh e n . h e's h p n up u ni ll st ' Ihl! 1\11\ 1·llUlJu lll.l LIme lb e alTt'el l'd Circle would form hero V'" , . g mo for nl lLn y month s, " bu t Il co~ts a hen \'y dry scn le of a wh l1 .sll l' ry
fi.LUouglas $4 Gilt Edge IIna
u!'tltlt:--"l3o )' ou U \' 0 1' tuk(l n r St ?' 1 worke d hnr<1 In my :lskell. 'Not orten,' h relJlled . ' \\' II, UrIle ond hilI' lit, n . " 'hnt.'s YOllr gRllIb?' sold I. ' I am go· e xposed' 'l~al n lind I IJi g to contrbl tn wh ' 111 dlnrll!Jllcl 0111· ' a ga ln ' t6 chang 8 o( , PUl betor I am milch older,' h nn· Jt Is no I lIwPI' (I . as h ,,"ot olf hi t; ~tnl)\. ''1'b at'~ w ent h r. wourl )' my kld ll CY~ I fllnll Y,' I MI. l ll. ' 1 hUH' IIInll ,.. 111' mY'1 g!lI'!) Olll and I W lit j IIIlot! to do III sawe ; WP 111111 U('ttf'T all to ' pi C~8 at I li t. , join hal l/Is: " ,loin hands III Y d i d., ' 'Fn,. five y ars ' l. wa s j' l'nliko A lfred n ell. 1','(' 11 I!h l)dps h Rr~ fading Q",uYllnd fi nally so WI (lk Ih.u t sma ll \lu tl('oco wllb al'ithm 't k ~ 1 d f or s ix HlUnthli .1 cQH lll !lot " l a n n , tnll!<. 1\('0 lhls charn l'U'l'la I.. In· of lh ~ hom,r,. 1 wa s nerl'OllS, r esH ~s volved him In a dlffi c' lI lty. f'ltchlno; a . and IIlPfll ,It'Mf.\ at nl Allt, and lalllo ood ' bal all" '" shecl Inlo III pi le 'Jf papI~ rfl !jnrl) In i.h Dlurnint;. . Om('i.lmr!s 1before li c it, h p " )< f' lalu lf'11 d '''Pf'l'iLlo l)' , A Positive p' \'nry thlu g wo uld wh ir l' nna I>l u r he' j' I I,: r', YO U IInd c nsland thI ngs ; tor I RE fa 1'(, mo, I hl oated so IJIi']!Y 1 'O ll ld ', heaver'!! Sill <1 t 11 1.1 ho w I nd ," CU _ not weur tight ('l oU.l ng, 1\1111 h ad to f Wild B tIt s lz s Inl'ge r Iha ll H abtt9 0 ee!l. IllI 00 S.O 5 WO ',.; Th ere u(e »bnll\' flv ,", th o\l ~nnd apeI. qui e~ly cb, orb.,I. U~Ulll. 'I'll url ll \Val~ rJl l:\OI'(lu d ,lIld I cles or th e 1"11\1 LIlf'~, 011 'VIt1.1 Int r(.~ l. ' a" •• n.".1 at Once. IJa SRn!;OEl W r'e 11 1'R~Mull l' rn ·Il",· n l. I · I, 1 · 0 t' D onn" .... In g- W U)S 01 th"Ir' "WII . ' ,\ nwu. t; th em IT ,L' I ,'n.J1 " ot b l'lp (I'om t h II l'l> l b'u~ . '~" I ••rutllt ..l eS ,. ,.. 1 . if! a H))eci t: s wh uo;o f t' lJ1llh:s ILL re ,V ~l'l t\t ' U " ,lU ' Jl 0 \,; 1 ~ l'( ldll I' 'Pills . h o w vel'" und by t Ie I . . n~ ti .. ,IN ,,.",1 IU I' ",. tlm o Iw rl ta k e n f a III' boxes the pain 1\1l 1 . Ilm:.t~OIl : , ;1111 1 I'arl'Y 1001', a .. brun ... -· lI "ur,'" COl" nud blo tlLl n~ was g tIC. 1 I\ayo \Je n I IH ller wt:·won s I.hall th e If\nl os. rh p le I tnrrh . IIllII dr i\" ' ~ III 'f!ooll tll::a~lh \' I' sillce." or.o th e " c uk oc, ,' b :r'$, who d e l) .s ll ~w"Y II (:,,1,1 ill tho Sold bv n il dealers. ;,0 c nL<; n box. UlIllr 'gge In I ho Il ~ " ts of ot.h ~, the '1' " l".I,\'. ]1 ,F ostel'·l\1'lIuul'n 0 •• Buffn l • ~. Y. Ilrogon y of Ilol h Jt \' IO ;; pell.c:eably to· ~~ tr H thr ::,"'" (I~ • ~ , D, ' gl;' t hel' ulI ti l ml\tll~lt )', Willen til y St' P' l:Ultonn,I SllI(·,II. ,~ ~ lI s.', .r "f)ot "., iI, rtl?:_ , ~-:I\k ~-;;;;-~nled. nllllf) • Th e n til I' Is lhH uI1UJI'i n g JJ P, J;l 1,; o r Lr lln,U ; ,1 ~Inl f.;\7.~, )(I , 1 ~; b, T~llt\i1. F lyB rut·h~I~,r.u "llrr·! Ori re( .J\ "I W(lut Lo 5 -' 0 yow tan k." said whlr-h cuts I (,:11' ~ Yo' II I I I\ ~r S f' I SHUr · · . OW \QTI{. I ho Wl.\ti'!rworks m an a ' '1 e kllch n lik j a ws, an d fit s Ii 8 U U.<; linIng r lhe tWor. ' 11'.u! Illal 'I'lal IUlO Ilor ca '~·Q·s I l:lpe d HiCKS' " Tlw n rou ' lI hav to com 'a ro und Ilest. art ,,), I1lldull\ht," nll ~ \\' I'!I'e ll :\1~ , Me· SOH h, SIi\'u!;(' ly. "H f;' S ne \' r hom!! Su bl im e F a ith, !It this lime 0' du:/."- Jev IU lId l\'othlog Rh ort of true falt'b will sep- . CUiliF~ S L ead e r. ' , n ra~1J a balll·h uded mU ll from Lbe I ALL ACHkl.:S ha r d·earn d PI'l tc at II. boUle at hair J Saved Many ' ro m Drown ing, r estorer . F lY" 11IInd:'ecl persons Stn'I' d 'f rom ~_________________ _ ____ _ dl'owllln~ i ll ·18 )'ear~ was th I' o,d RC'hlt'l'elll"n l o r 11I'ls tloll Lang r. a
l' ul1 e ( ."-Jml ~", .
'II" 1... Douet-AS
-3.50 &. '3aOO hoes .E8T IN THE WOr,LD ,
.. •
comes nl! '~9Q': Cjuic,kly t ' h r who sLifior .fron1. the di a es pee Lrl i a r t 0 w omen, " Path; wcak· ness', debJliiy, Soon I~i.ive
you.but.a· wrec k .of 'your former ' w Qlmi nhood .
· . , : 1 ; CAR •
relieves female pain, cures £e- . ·male diseases.' 441 was sianty; ' had numb fee1iHg5, and was terribly nervous ei:ery mont h~ but Cardui has made fed .' so much better." writes , Mrs. J. Brandenburg;. of Hunting- . ton, W. Va. Try it~
At ail DruggIsts..
wRITE lor ' Free. Aitlllc'e• • I.alinllil ullt1. d<w ri bi nlU'Ollt MI'",pt (J OI~ , ~o ,,,dio ' A()I' r~O r, 1J()llt,, · (;)h~t,anoo~a
•• •
l u<iicilte Go .. ()lJn~ulboollll, ·I;cDn. _
A. N, K.-n
,,144. '
t ·- J_;"" _ _ >J>J>J>whJ~>whJ~J Coun ty W. r
. .' e"'''1 Wh atbhH
} l r "..
'-i. T. U.
--....--.... ......~....--~~..~~~"'~"....~...~~_~•."~"""_~.~_~_~.~~~~~!L ~_ ~~!!
Buria l of Mrs.. Held at Harve ysbur g. _ -->-.Jo hn H. Gard.
The Way the Ho~e InSl.rance Co. does Bustn ess
Session Marked by Unusua l - 'rho fuooml of Mrs. J ohn One of the da1ly papers ot By wh oi U Mondll Y, Oot.ob r t, nt t.IHl Intell'cllt. • Franoisoo, nnder date of Sept. lIl, home of bAr scm. (" \V . Md. III ill a remind er that X (lnllt. WIIN h r.I(1 'I hurad l1 Y mornin "' l 'J' lI e IInnnn) OOID vtmtlou (If the I " had the folluwl ng t.() llay of "'l'he ' \Vorulln '!1 (,lIri ti 'n l'ulIll ,,'rnn oo ut II 11'010 k li t till' C hi h mortun H.-~b !' Y b~h S r a*!~ nh~ Hume" dh In8uran oo e . of w 0 . nioll" of Wllt'roll GUiltil y t. ok c1m.Jl I in ' :tinrni 'em ote!'.V'. ~ .,~ ~~ ~ nnd \\,II'~ ~Inc-e lit l'illr \'0)'8,1I\11'1; h~, t 1~l'idli y oondu tl'd IW He\·. B n j H I; ",kin" . . RLgeORontY ' Irons Is the Wayn88 vllle t . ) ' of t.ha Orth ni:lox F r i. I"h. (lh\1l'oh , of Got Them lit' und proved "I nw r t 1"n or d mary wh leh hOll y "hI' "'uS n elc\'oted ttl Ill . "'J.·he Home " of New York was inl er el!t. be\'. . During the next two weeks we the first oompan y to annonn OelpgHt Clll ware pr 'seu!. froUl all oe that A Inr!!ou llm bpr of [loOI,ln from II will offer 1000 Childre n'lIjSui lR in pInts of the oount y . It would 1)8.Y Its 1088ell In full. A ve r~l !:11 ~ 0 bl n IItate w.,rk rl:' w r,e n'lsoIlUd s nt. t d d N f Ik t I cli ~n n('1 \\,p rn fP~1 ~...~ ( ·Hlmti. ;1 E e ren s,~ un I or t' iii ~s \ few mornin gs after the fire, when l'eume mbers ofth WAynos vllle 11Ielelll,h o " r. u nr... W II >! pe· \" rYotl { WUlIu pupllur 1)lu. l'rn In aU oOUlmer union werE' present . I1li llrly ~1Ir1, II sh wns IImking II tbis big ~'II Il U~~ Thel:'e Sulel! nrlJ , endeav oringoi~l San ·Franol lOOw.1 f Ex~1 ~~ Sb" '~ St" to adjWl~ iteelf III Oak. H~. Th e foJlowin for g r£'Ro lntion were fillllllto"ilSit t Osber IsolI~ Ill·f ~ V~ ..,~ i ret~rl\. ~.~~ O~t, (:0 YO ,nta R IInd will COMt ; hmd, there was 8wung aorou IIdopted b.v tho Uonvent.ion , ng "o ng enD I, ,/I I uru n. w 1 n yregu~: ou ""'. IL /I,ny o b er ij t oro. .Broudwtty of the latter oU" • great't he IlOnl)[\1 'O'Dnmt ln n of tb e tho Rummon s M ille to !:fa to her lOng \J! I'nr the Cele brM,ed Mose h arge bunner of "~e Hom e," an· Wllrt'en '0 . W . '. T . 11 . met lit Bllr. hom. , ,:;1. Cnh en poohll ..,~ S nViI' nuUtlOlnl! the fllot that every dollar ",,..,,..,~,..,~,..,-,.., ~~~~'""'r. B ~ide!! her hu!'bllncl, Mrs. Unr(1 S uits ~VurrIl IJt E1(1 to equlll < veysbu rg Il\st 8ixUi dltY, • .. toller 0, nny f.7.oo l'" II ~ lil'IIt'iy '4,00(\.000.00 of 1011_ e u \ Ull nU ll t \VO cl~u"'ht er .. to 190(\ nnd wns fuJI of intereat . 'l'h lell . Va l I:! I .... " . Ba It:!u it o-n th (l tllllrket .. . t wonl, 1lI' pll Id III rU II W •N • men, he r depllrt nre. . . 1 m?~ru , r.)ll(lwi ug r e80lut I 1I1l!' wer e pn!'sec. . LOCAL AND . I' ('1'.Il·f Ildjtlllte 1 he fOJlo .....'1n g ,me IllOt\, wn s r elul r of th" ' Conc erni'n g oompsn y C 1 ( ~h i Idren II Knee . Pauts . 1lUll I " 1'11.M rl!d nn the sllene, lonked Wh real:! w e IIr permi ttnll n ~;nin nt th fnn eml : ( Corllur oys or Cnss1m e re~, a vo'. ' UlI' tlehl. Ilnd tbe !lnnlmn I.-»ERSONAL MENTION to nssemb le In OUI' Ilnnnul guther. ot-Form er Resident~. in l\lnr~nr (1t E . daugh ter of .Tobn 11~~I" .ll.v !'I old nt double thltl nwn!. r .. rE'rreli ·t,o WIUI the rellult. g. tile W C . '1'. \" . of Wnrroll Co. null Ehzllu th heno weth . WIl S bn rn J have prHlI cause Wllh,," , 1,111 J1ill ' ,tt I~ 'I\llrl ' riu ~ for Mr . Jes86 Compto n, who hilS been Ihunkfu lnctl!! to our l'hi" "ltttlfACI Ihe insuran oe ~t.tUOll. W ill r ... Hit ' . . Ii rOl!ldent of Xenl .. for lIeverlll year!i, 'B en,'enly l<'llt,her for tbe b l o~s ln g!'l I.~ e l1r . lI Y II ?~ \' . 1'1 • nnu." ry.. fr .. 111 " . Ittll' · .. r 111,,1 .. rIll fl'ver ' .J . 1 Rp" "iILI Big Lot of !Jb,' " 11Il",tly , 'fen,.dI'Ys luter.w lth Sho \\'/l ~ Ilntl.,:d llge t o .ll)hll , "" ''''11 Ilocepted Il polIl tion wi tit the of the pnRt year . Resolv ed : ( ··lo l1 01l'on·1\ Sohool Ruth! tb ... ""~ \,.tmlUo B C. d t X. 11.\ !ullr~l Oh 0 o! the followi ng b ~" 'r It .. nt- A ("rIll Inquire of A . OIlVIIl ,; ~ n~ " ,Ontll, • ~wlng Maohln e Shops In 1 . 0 , . " F eetll~l er 1t'!' J . iu Iinuble Br08st(••1 gOlt !. ·"II·": M. E. First- That ost Elm it 11 bless· 1{, I G:J, by tbo H v . h rlR~IUn BI !!~y. .1'..;.1. IIURt. lllliePlln . Il , ·hHu.lh·r. Oayton and hu~ moved his fllmlly 00 opportu nitywe I s t.yl .... worthljl l .OO more CIOIlI, Allj to ~cco pt the invitlL' Los .AngeIA". C"l., To' t.h olll W r born three chl\oI. to , that ol'y. Kolforll ICrAth tlon to ,,18it our belo ved tlls Lucy r Oil , C. W. Gllrd. of XeniA I. A . ~Immerman the up town tllte Agent Blrlll; Mr8. l hll nNnt!r1)4 Of, ?re w afnll iu~llotUl Badley In her John J . Sheaha n. IIn el min glo Emmn. Or elghton , of plllUCl , 'a l 23c)( jlrllOo1r b"d tb" firijf, oyster9 of the Mrs. Benry G. Sides and daugh . with her lind b erhome, _ prot? .Lups nn'(l am8 or Spooilll AgHnt, I:!an Franola oo: B. B. y in It s hort Uornla ; Ilnd Bn.rry .1 . Uarc!. of .11,,11'"1 lin !!ale laB, week . .... DC \ .tll.a Cblldre n, other storell Broomall, Tuc'lependent ter, 1rl188 Belen, of Dayton , will Impr6!ll!1 ve serv ioefl~mil during t,he n oon· P ortlnnrl ; Oregon , . er, . : U . WUll~m80n ret-arne d home IlIJend the winter travelin ) WIll It"k :vou IiOe to 71io for Tnoom" , \'VlIsh.; Oharles AdjlUlt Qaltrow , The m ost of her life \\' 118 SlJent in cqllal grt\IlII ~ . rI"Iurda y evonln g from a week 's the West I\nd sttlrtell iallt g through tlc'le hour. Speolt,l Ae:ent Los Angeles Cal; Sitoonc1 - Tull t \Ve 1l0kno \Yledge lIulllnou t.rlp throug h nort~ern Ohio ' with 'faOOmll, Washin gton.ThurlldllY IIlILl Clinto~. oountieR. Ohi o FREE TO THE BOYS Bnwllru P . Moore, ~R their the'\iil dly weloom '8 lind oourtesies Warren Stilt. 'Ag'lIlt, hut m alld Indiana . oved t o Cahfol' lliu fiv e YO llrs firs' objeoU ve point. AlbOl)'Y, N . Y; \V . N. &llIfln t. exttmde d to us by t be i:iolrvey sburg ngo . Witl~ her husbltnel she return· Footbal lti, Pooket Knlvell, P~ten·' Genpr;,l AtJjulltttr, New York ~trNlt Comml88lOner Ubarles W . C. T . U. Als" to the HlAmbers ed . t o OhIO sovertll - '- /)i'y ; wooks ngo to 81\1,,11 and. force of 1l8llistantil are All Free with O. T. Dt1IHriok, Stotts Aeent., Colum Mr. and M.rll. T. O. Million (MISS of tha Friell(\A Churoh for their vh!lt relutivas lind fri ends and ox· . Winnie Wlae) of Xenia, are very open house to our Conven ti on, peQted t o return bUH Old'l IllljuHtlng Ilnd paying !Jlutlng In ooullre te pllveme ntl! at 11&ppy 800n to J\lonrovitl , over the birth of II. little thankin g them for the RIIUJe . beg~n. '1'I;e HOllie lell tbe way . Clilifor nill , wher e tb ey hnd urrunge l1 al\ 1Itr6e~ IIIId al1ey oroet!lpg. A I daoghtEtr, Mildred , Thursd Mr. BnIlH'll t 'Proved hlUlBelf by bl" !ly, 00&0. Third- That we endorse evary for u new h ome. bllt God lillCh noodE'd Improv ement. . wlllod bar 4, and will be a welcom e oom· legel moonll for ~h" RUllpression of otherw heroule nn off' lrt.1I a88ll4ted by Harry ise. I will have no fall opeDlng u htU pan Ion to their bright lItt·l e the liquor trnlllo by better temper . L R og ' the I~l Genera l -'lent. lion . In the home of sou nilu fllmi . a~d Joitll J . 8hooha n. tbe Spoollli anoo leglllillti on. lind TetnlJefilnoe l:v, where fllmlly ber b"l'n ro.y (lnlltom . I have. fnlllln e lind fri ends ten· afr. Martin TanH)", of Dayton , t-etl ohing in 0111' Pnl)lio SohOuls eurn · derly Agent of the COlnJlany In SIln I!'rlln wlltch II IInrl Clu ed for hoI' •., I dlorAd ,lIncl trlmUie d batl ready ' died Tue8da y, Ootobe r 2, . 011100 in behlllf of the IItrlokfln olty, aged ' 65 estty prllving that enoh one of ti S durin g h er brief lIIn088. tbe ." nnt' hlll)JftOt:i()n . Everyt hing years. Ilnd after funeral oonduo S l1nt · D 't f t t k 00 'one of &nFrlln olllOO' . jfrelttHllt ted Uln.v work f.lllthfu lly for the princi. m ons suc1tlonl.ll Ollme Uot oller 1, " ' ,·,,·tly HAW lUid .. trlotly np to date . tit hiS ll\te home, his body on orge 0 as f or to frionds Wliune ver t.he fire In8nr was taken plell of total nbstine noo I\ud Prohl . 19.06, t o /;luter ~be Bome 1I 0 t mado your Gold Bond Coupons. anee history of &n 1" 'IC"1I very re..onable. . '0 Frankl in Thorlld ay for Interme nt. bltion. Fr'anm. oo IIhall WIth b,lUds. wb ere slcknes ll nnd , Mn, U. M: White. be written In full, tilt! hilltoria n will Ur. Tansey had lived In Wayne s: Fonrt,h -Resol ved thnt this 'on epnrati on IIro unkn own. . They secure elegan t and use- doubtlfl@8 due ImportanOe to i\and ville durlog his early life and was a venlion represe nting tiS it does tht' lel\ves 1\ hnsbllnll. three ohll· ful premiums Mr,j. Esther L. BarrilO n and membe r of the Old &hool A8800la. temper anoe sentim ent or W~rren drenhe takeo b~ The Homl', whloh m.y , ooe dllught er .in law ~reft of d"lI~bter o.rrie. of W.., Liberty , tlon, In whlob organiz • yet prove to beoome ~he ver:v cor· ation be beld Co. respeot fully r~q nellt Mr. r om 0. lovin g uevo ted wife und 'I tlwa and lin. Mary Boarne r. of. the offioo of viae preBld mother , nel'ston e on whloh .New Sanl'ra u· entlast year. Il sister. Dee Main... Iowa, allo a daulht er It was from Wayn..vllle Char I S h ' er t h e manllge r 0 f t he Miami. Va 1 1I1so OiRCO will be that ' Mrs. be. MI~ry Anson " ..... I'rom the of Xenia, our es bavo been utts of Mrl. H.rrilo n8 volnnte ered In the "Emanu el;" Stln bunt Fra~018CO, 8eptem O. V . I . ley Chauta,uqun. to llllve on ,th~P~. brother bnrlcs C~en nwth , of Horse Deice, lin. Robert lJrew . the put during the Civil W.r,79tb Ran Away . bel' gramm :11, 1906. r for . 1907 !\ W . . . . . ~ewl\l'k, Oh!~, who wl~h n nu~ber and the John , week. 1(1'. an" Mrs. Phlo" Wan~. Kell POIlt h~d oharge of Leroy IroDl, Agent. . the burial B~~~-:~Tho.t we comme nd the ell'. of oth~r relntlve er. of Sonth Charlel ton, Ohio, have Hrvlae att-he sllnd friends mourn Friday afterno on. a fine looldng irBve. . •• al80 been their ~U . . . . recently . the lo~e of. oue :vho wall " trne . horse driven to town bv Mrs . Ohar, orts of Air. Cromer and his·cow ork· friend . ' a kind neIghbo r IIlnoe.r e in lell Shutts and bltohed noor , the lilA Aona Thomao n who reoont. · Mess age Arriv erll for their measul' es they blwe III. her dev otions to God. and ed at ' ALB~1IY, OIUtOOIf. l ready taken for the observa nce of to her churoh F ormerly fluthful .h ome of her mother , Mrs. Jamel MI88 'MAIlI) BROWN. Inapp ropria te Time . Ii mem ly KradDi ted trom the Jaoobe BOil. DEAR 8cHOOLJUTE oj' OLD-:- tbe Chrlst~an Subbat h on the MI'aml ber of thfl Friends .. . Mirand a' became frl ..... htened and Ohuroh but slDoe . 'n_ College at Dayton , now hu • Some 22 :r.. rs alo when V~lJev Ohauta uqua ground s and en· len.vlng this she worsblp ped with run down Main Rtree.t, It A good story I. going 'be rOllnds pOlt&lon a. book keeper with the that I was .bout to lI ..rt WOIIt, Was oourag e its oontlnn nnce. oth d nominntlOns where her lot ~on ~aot. on the Wily wltb oomlng in your · some ob··. ooncern ing a well known gentlem an SixthThat we express to Mr . BUSfm.n Leaf Tobacc o Co. of that father gave. me the addreu e~ ~ , Jeot whloh comp·l etel" wrecke d Qne who recentl y attendtl:d a of ble Bl'nkley our ·a pprecia tion for hill fa. meetin g of . wSshe ;aithfu lly wore the white rib. wheel. When oppot!ite:E. brothel ' DaVid, Ilt Pendlet oo,Oreg oD, ctty . 11118 Thom,o D lpent Sanda" and S. BaUy'. friends In a . nellbbQ riD.'ea te.,; As ur~,ed me to see him, if oonven . vorll In plaoing the Valley Phone I~t bon badge of the. Women Christi an mel\t market •. the '1DIm,,1 tn.r ned wl*h her paren" near Wayn ..vllle. lent. It toot me 22 yean i8 gllnera ltv known ,'he' FrleDdl al • to.reao h our service for W. 0. T . U. work. Temper ance Uoion of whloh she raptly acr08s tbe IItreet and ran "b· up Society are very muoh opp0te4 ~ 'Raymo nd Hawlre who olerka I~ hi. Pendlet on, bu.t when I Thanki ng him for the same . was a membe r always on. tbe ,sidewa lk in !ront finally did of T. B. the growin g or handlin Sevent broth ..r In.lawl eroOflry ., Dayton arrlv~; from the romero f .my memo ~ense of h-Rll$o lved that it is the 8p6oial lnter88 t In the 'J.·emiJeranoe Ouster s jewE'lr,v "tore where be althoug b maoy Indlv.ldg of tobaOOQ. . .this Conven tion ory that where the I and had Peace s'ored departm the Item. I ents. WII~ oought by William Battert h, partion lar hum In it . . nal8 lee no .&11 a 110 home fO.r the day, u wal re80ued the name and inqaire d for Of her it may be said: 'Well wl\1te propoae d inoreas Dane BUbf anothe r W.YD8 8vllle David Brown. Y88, · th,!y A. tbe e of' due8 from 60, done good nnd fn.ithfn l lIervllo t en. an Iron .The buggy dashed 1l(laln8t 1088 tlila gentlem an had all to '1.0(1 wlluld be un hltohln g post, Ilt the edge of III ooe of lltory wise and w ould the laUer 01.... bo, who II employ ed In the Gem known him, but he bad pa88ed . have a tendenc y to 'preven t nCClll!l!' tel' thon Into the kiogdo m ' of thy ~he oarb over ~ I a · . City - tone "'•• 00 0' ~h e meeClog Lord ten years ago. but hi. 80n III . the ions to our membe __ A .r ship partlou larly IOvere at-tack waa ....... . . . . e ,POI'm uter now. '1 made bold to on cob.coo. A'the 010119 of the IMII., Lu. .prlnK tbe BualaM . Menl call aD "onr cou81n at the postoffioe, Eighth -Resol ved that we endorse Euuerll i. service l:l conduc ted by Nothin g to Eear. slon the nam88 of tbe lOve;') recomm .p!raou endatio l n of our County Rav . Ben.J. l.eape offered three priZll for 'he and reoelve d a oordlal greetin s ,!ere, held at ~othertl..Dlled..luuro no hesltan oy were g, and 'P relliden t in ber annnal address em· the cnap.el B11Wkll~ .readon t for whom &el.up~ ' 10 Uemete Irea~]lrOY81JflJ · I own tf'Ulew a. very iliad to .get ry· In continu ing to 'gi Vtl Chamb erlain's had coine In and aoqualn ted phasizl ng our reijpontlib1llt.y and Wttynel!V1lJ e, In~t lbnrl!dl lY. II. larger Cough Remedy to theIr little 0088 Wall one of ~bem. thill gea'lem all ' appean noe of an1 pleoee of. p-:oper. with "the twin," the other il deputy pr1vlh;ge to work. First for the pas· numbe r of relative s a.n d frletJda be· as It oontain s Ilbsolnt ely no~hing in, . He tore open tbe en.e1op ~ In the &own. Dut:ing tbe iumme r oount, olerk. Anothe r DOusln i8 at lIage of the bill for dIBn~turallzec1 ul· ing presen t. jnrious . This remedy III oat only several of hll aoquai nanoea e andohohol. Second for the pnMsage of the Lealue hILI been lnactiv e, but Wana Walla, W'aabin atOn, Tbe o. ) I\uy bSllntlf ul floul tribute! ! perfeot ly safe to give small chtldre n bad news orowde d .boa~ f.-ring and 8tlll the Womanll bill [defeat ed IllSt year] &0 offer , from frIends lemind 'DOW tbat oooler wea~her il hure It anothe r In tbe vlolnlty of Pendle· also to encoura ge the enforoe ment love for flower~ /lnded us of her but 18 n medioin e of great worth sympat hy and I't!Ild 'be m, , · ,all thllt. . was. nnll I. espeOted a renewe d In_e. t will ton . I felt that my call merit. It has a world wide rep. Thill wall wh.t . It oOD.abl~· ; on your of the searoh and selznre not. pure 'ID{~ bOttut.lf ul. .r uta,t ion for It II CU~8 of , ooughs ba0008hedll fall. Wha'II.I~ be taIleD In Its work .. Mr~ ·.nd Mrs. cQullln wu one of the most wedo? TlIe pIli I benrers we e enjoy,a. Fine her ooldll and oroup and can always be Exhibit. of The joke wu too ..,00 to keep, Ja_ Kerriok bave beenme ntton'e d ble featnre s of my trip, nephew s. F~ank (fard Eugene relied upon. For sale by F. though to O. Bob. and after ~"Ing home I' 1Mbd 'Prod ucts at Gran~e (fllrd, Otho Cllrroll, Harry Johns, arb .. delerY lnl of 'he 61'1t prize, . be lure, my o..rnal " ride over the ant In some wily Bert Smith nn'd.H~r:oe Anson . ""'w~ . ~' ~ ~~'IIIIIII/II!'II •• IIIII/II!~'IIIIII I/II!'IIIIIII/II! ~!IIIII!!'IIIIIII Umatil la Indian Reser"" ,t1on was /II!'IIIIIII/II!' IIIIIII/II!'IIIIIII/II!~!!!!~!IIIII!!'IIIIIII/II!'IIIIIII/II!~~~~~!!!!!!; 'rhe meethl g of Farmer s 33 Horse s at Publi c Sal~ foll of Interes t, aod tlie Beenery Grangerelitolar No. 13, .held Saturdn yeveD. Announ cement . b Col .......~...,""~~ ~. • We 0 ..11 your a.t tention to the fuot . a Ioog t e umbla river was an· Ing wnll unusua lly ' IntereRting, a.nd that . Dermuk ola oint'f"' rit I.. I~ vosi. . . J. B. Cbapm an, .lIvln, one half other Item of eDjoym ent. . . . the request that plltrons bring tiveour e for eczemn,. uloers. .. mile' wQunde, of WaYn.. vlJle aD the The GrandC omman dary of Knight s 8Ji.mples of theil' produo ts wnt! .lib . pile~ , ond every kind of 8kln WW"...,I"lI1e and HarveY lburg pike Templa r 01 Oregon met or tloolp . In Pendle. erally respond ed to. Among the . . ' . ' 11'1118811 a' publlo .uotlon on . BamI" ton on t·he "7.b ult., to at ·.-nd whioh day, Oot. ISIh, .190&, beliinnl pR at " • .., exhiblt8 was Il dil!h uf lIecond J E J 100'olo ok a, m ., 33 head of horeea WILl m" primar y object ID making growth 8trawb errles rn.iAOO by John . . !lnney. • THE STORE WITH THE GOODS colllia&1Dar of a numbe r Qf load 'he Irip. Nixon of College Bill; Illllrge Wilt · New Tobac co farm bol'lOl, gener.l 1I1l1'p011e and THE BEST OF EVERY THING and PRICE S RIGHT . Altbou gh .thl8 letter h'a ppen8 to ermelo n grown by the little lion of driven . Oae matcb ,team of ·. trawbe rry be written from. Albany Ware house at Dodd s. I . , , my Bd· Frank ThomlUl of Middle run , n.nd a roall horae., .fe for woolan or dreu 18 stt,l l Portlan d, alld fNew Corn Meal ' New Canned A8parali'uU88----:---==--.:...~ If you 39 pound pnmpk ln Wll8 exhibit ed by .A tobllcco warebo nse III being put ! New Oraoked Homin y ohlld d"ive. Pa.r ypmiK roan hear . of any of the W New ·C anoed Peae I ~yne8vl l1e Or. mare. well m.&ohe P. D. Clagett . d .,,,t h up at the little .VI. ~lllge POtldR on New Flake B· min teama'o f Iron RrltY dr~ftr~·a: New Pille Apple chuob d folk8 who are to be In ~ortland, tell Th·are wns. · ,~ very enterta lnipg the D. L. & C. rnllroadof . 0 y The Gazette believe s thlLt the bus. .. oolt, one f.DOY bl.ok Iadtle mare t~ to call me up on New Oat Meal ·New Prell S&rawbet'rl81 the pholle Iitei'llry program . ,after whloh ice ness people of \yaynes vlllp,' gener' 1New Oomb . Boney . well brokeD , one pure white floe and I'll do what I can New CarreD~II. to 8ee that oream was 8erved. Illly, do not .laddle or drlvlnl bone ..f~ for they make the belt U8e realize the vlline n ·to· l New Pan Cake 'Flour New of Cream their of Wh~t , The meetlng ll of the Urange are baooo wureho uso wonld . be to. WilY, ' . N l.dy, ,wo o~her broke saddle borael, ' 6lme while there. SYRUP S' New milstein l Foods always very enl'oya'blo, 1\8 Is ·evl. nesvllle and Oorwiu . IWO very .Uraol ive yoong dnvlnl • . I ew . . . . hones, . • •. tage t , . My health Is 80 good tbat 1 feel. d enoe d b y"-h la New App'e' At. Butter New Ze.t, Hardy Food I a e.v ery r~ il roo"·1 0 r Ollstl19 1\. II Fanoy Filt Maoker I recentl y puroha aed . 18 ' horsee like a triennia l oonolave of pugll. each meeting , enndrge percen I el New Shredd ed Wheat B Oil til more espeoia lly .o:ver this ·seot.lou \\'lIrehollses lI,re I,e· , . _ _. In the 'Weal and the ride and h"Dd. Ist&~ometlmell I set New ERg'oee e the alaro. the night meeting s. ing (Jut up for the rece Ipt of tobllo. Don't fail to trY th~ 20 Centry lInl w~l1e .on the. tralo will make Come In Ilnd get a sample fr&!' . Ch821 fearlOlll and absolut ely Afe about 2 a. m. 10 that 1 '11 wake up co nnd its stong.e . Matc.h , Damp Proof, tlie Best " aboot ateaw, e18O&rlo oars and AUto. and realize how good I Til ' Pure Sq Pepper , Pure Spice I r · t T b.... feel . 1 ve 11 r a . In M u res ~our . . 0 IlOOO 'JuyerR. D.l lturll y pre fer mobll.- . ateh 'made got all $he money I feel capable of . New "York Cream (!beeae :. ____ t,o 'lIbip from the places where the ! . ..:...... '-" Tania: Oredlt of three montha &aklng care of, I like my work, and ~qtlire M. Van Dusler' was engllg· facilitie s lire offered Itnd tqey usu will, be "Iven purohu er givin,l .p, have an interes.t lng and happy )'d"ny other New ,6 00d things to el\t thtlt .you won't find ' film ed Tuesda y mornin g in .hettrin g n' I\l1y seleot the points :. having warer::::-h. IeOUri ty. Dlaooun$ at 6% lly,. and '80, ~II I live in el8·e where, \lnd.ou r Fr\i,it ~nd Vegeta ble departm ent I~ .al86 full Oregon , 1 ease betwee n Charles Sa.tter.t h wllite houses , all 'other . things be\ng equal, of uew Goods. New Crambera:t88, ~r~ndll Onions . Yellow 00. • - • oount myself bleS8ed. · and Wm. Sattert hwaite u's to whioh The· farmer' natur~lly spendll , his Hoping the be8t of everyth l f . ions, Swwe~t ~otatoell, IrlAh PotatOe s, 9& The Negro Probl em lre , Fre8h l[ . . th e owner 0 f Il t ~1O ' money, Ilnrt of it bba ~t ng least,· or \Vas 10 the wugon you and your8, ' zoo Celery. Appl88, Bananl\8; Ne~ Florldll Orange 8 th~1I week. . "~I wbich each claimed . pltlce w~ore he 'daliverl l' hlll tobacoo. In"th e South . . ·lam sincere ly, A deolslon was given in favor of If there be .no 'bnnks or 'other busl. Tbe 88rvIOO8 ..t She ·14. E. ohuroh JOHN BUTT&RWORTH . Charl~8 Sattert hwaite . leU in the town where ·the .tobacoo FRESH ' In ~~k or Can. . more than ordln· Ladle s Club Meet Million Cans of deliver ed, may IIpend their . 1 P Idl In Joint S·ess.'on Dr. D. Lee Au Corn P cked money In a.nyoue of several Plaoe l!'! res DI) . . • Elder of BUlibo rotman, a Di8trlot, ~.s A wn.rehouse here would keep a . .' , Highe st Prices ·paid for Butte r aud Eggs. '. presen t.nd pre.oh ed both mop! Ini . The · membe rs of the I d Ja(ue8 Stoops Preside nt of the Iarge IIIlure a f th.e money New Ceo. rece ve d I anThe e.en ng. Wayne svllle ' rally Cnnnlo'" Co. and also froUl tobaooo hero . It' would a)so . . Sunday Bohool held ' day ' t ury.' 01~b a f W ayn88VIIIe me t . 1n Preside . Invest· nt " of the Van Wert Oannin g PIiY a good interes t on the' 00 illt:erol....t their IItIIiBlon. jOiot 18l1li100 wUb tbe membe rs of Co. ' Was home over Sunday .. • . . . Ml'. ~~nt RII has been prQven lit Lytle . In the eVBillnR Dr. Aulima D de· the Club .of Lebano n at the bome ~!oorxo:t'::: ~~~~n!~~eYth~:v:eal~~~. 'l'b~ Pennsyl~anin. rllilroad ought livered .Il addreu on tbe 'I'reed. of 14rs. Dr. OharlO l Hougb CUStome.... In' Leb· having paoked a million oan8 of to be willing to aSRiat in erectin g a . aDOO Tnelldl.Y 8pent most dtllight . CQrn, Tbev now at; work oann· wn.ri house lI,t Oorwln and we be· of 'be bel, dlaoDIIlona at the negro ful day. Ing tomatoe 8 and problem we ha.e ever heard ·01' In the moroln l Hrl. Hough en. ' tbls uotll troAt. . will oontlnu e at lIeve they ' would give thjl 'ground ' at leRllt If properl y approao hed. -read, and ·Dr. AuUlIl an'l audienc e ter"lne d the Wayn.. vll)e ladle8 The oountry seems .tiO .agree with We und~rStllnd that for' ,1000 eeoured a olearer Impl'8lll,on of cona 811'- ~ Mr, Stoops as he has Rained seven ditloDi a.1I \hey really are In the and ID the afteroOOD Uu~ two olubs pounds durlDg tbe 15even w.eeb Isfaotor y fram!) , loa$b. Atruotl lre equippe d ...... ...... ...... ..... a...a.....;" ...... held a jOint meeting . ~Inoe he W&8 l&IIt home. with 806108 eto. could be put Ull. . '~'~~ ......... ......... ... '.......... ~ ~ "
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New G ds E very D ay
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$ TheGoo,Bes.t -Z ,.t ds 'IMMJL:RMAN'.S .R igh Prices
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' NEW~
WAYN E. VILLE , OBlO, .WEDN ESDAY , 0 TO BER 17, !9')(j
---- -
Cong ressm an Scrog gy TOLD IN SHOR T and Charl es B. Ki~g P.j\RAORAPHS I
Matt Denv er Here.
,N ,L~WS
W~lIman. , Hon. M. R. Denver , of Former Reslden t8 of HarveY 8burg Oill.~ r mllri on 'fburRd ny nmt Fri· . ton, Demooru.tlc OII nc1ldl.lte for Con· 0 00 't, fo rget to take lulvno mge of Re-open old feud. the olelLran ce sale of 'wa ll pnper at dn y of &11'11 weak. grc8 from th e !:lixtll District. W II8 NEW SY NOTE S GATH ERE D BY TH E GAZETTE Achwar tz'll Drll/t St or e. Wayne sThe followin g despatoh froID_Tul. W.ILLIAM ZI':L I, I in Wlly nesvllle Tuesda y, CORR ESPO N DENT S IN NEARBY PLAC ES ~S vi\)e. Ba, Indlanlt Territo ry under date of MiMi! L()lli~" BI)O~erlU " lI , ur ; ilJ- i Urili nl.ll'i ly, 11 dem ocrl1t blls n 't the Octobe r 11, appeare d in the daily clnnu t i st)(\n t S uo d uy wit h Mrs. Jo hn T bompson enterta ined h er O\l Ll S· ghost of u cllanco in. t·bo Sixth Dis· - - - - -papers ThurSd ay , , lust 8nturd ny at dinner ber motber in, MiAli Emma l:J eighw it)'. trict , but the 8trife IImong th e reo Corw in Charles E . King, a real estate deal· Harve ysbur g. The Lud ieR of the M. E, Cburch publlCll n;1 lead8 to t be belief Mrs. Wi lson , Mrs . Roberts of Mor. tbat er, today thr6l\te ned t,o kill Oon· w\ll hol«1 thei r r p."ultlt' '1'h - - - - - -' r D d Don 't for get llnk~"lv,· I the . contest lletwee to tll ke IIdv tl nttl ~e of Don't forgct to t.ll ke flrl vuntage of ow uod 'Maud Cleaver I\od childre n . n enve r a n tl I I f .." II t '"reliaman T. E. Boro"gy , of Xenll1, Ing M,llrkl\t IlHURUU\. . Mr>!. Heorge Bog un' vl'slted her Ie c oarnnce M il , 00 \Vn I)n.per I BildolJr A .. tbo nnt. clellr nnco lIule .)f . Wil li )llIper at the r epubli can OOlmnee, S bw t ' D "u " to u \" e Ohio, In the latter's.. winter home son Ed BOIY" n and wife . c IIr Mi .1'. ~s s M{llli rll, g '" re, e Wilson, of Oln(l1 J) 'lIlt,l, w ill be closo , of Wayne s. v llyn ~. Soh wur t~.'H Dru g Rtn r ll, Wl\ynes. I tl I it ,. .... , ville. t ed .." the Oon . . vill . n , 1 soy. -.-::gen er Mr Deo ve r h. one of WllmlD gton tI ville, Wed nesday of last week. - who frequen tly VISlt!' fri eut1~ In " " . ' . .....essman'l:! yard IIrmed with a doo. W ' II ., . Dforemo st C1 tlzlm~, lind 11 v ry plOllIl ' Mr. and Mrs . Lester Surface A vn~I! V I e, I 8 qm'te I'11 . Mr, Othelo Ar nold Rvent ' nndllY ble·bar reled shotgun , and, It III said Mr. Jobu I ucker lind lllloght er • t Sa d lit ' Ilnt . geutlell 1 lUl, pe r~onu . . ll y, W , T to he meet . Photog apen with rl1ph bis studio pnrent!l In I,lli' Mr , unu l'li r .. , W MISS EVil wer e trtld m g III IhnlOg- 'th th tnr ay n g 1 an d Buu d ay i)reat.e ned to kill Scroggv and his . , , I tte • WI e a r s mo th er M rs Will _ W Arnold. Furr & Wbi te building willlHl OP ' 11 IOn on l::llltUl'dllY , ' P f 'R b otber und nephew , but. was pre· every '. Id . ', : Sa~urduy hereaft er. Son of ro eyno S Ri ch 1111 Mr , RIch 18 tuk. lUI!: a Misses June und F lor noe Clnr k vented by uelghbo rs , who t,ook t,he Mr . Il lJ d Mrs. E , R.eason a un ounce tHun r ip t,i) Dotr llit , Miohlgll n , a Dies . at Cedar Mr ville. of Xeoi" spent I~undl\y with UHlir tho on gugell1e nt of thei r , Brndbu ry, who is a bOl1rder gun from him, A feUd of lon ~ duugbt er . . h ome. fol ks. at the Alr F riends H ome, IS ver y sic k Elsie to Mr , Bur l Bo ke tt. 'I' he 8tl1nding exl8ted betwee n the men. . .. . ~Ilrah RlCb a nd Mtss Auna SherWOOd, t he eleven year. 0 Id ' Mr lind Mrs , I~ irb:v nnel da ugh ter weddlD Brllud our telloher IIpent Saturda y Ilatlng from. politica l trouble In fr om n fle vere cold. Ber large olrc le g t o tllke . place F Wednes M R da y , Lab d sou of Prof and Mrs. ' . ' ey· EIRie visit etl Mra. Kirby's W Ilrren .' an on li n t 00 k d'Inner w Ith br olh er 0 tober 1i. T hese young peolli e lIn of frleods lire ao xlous for his recov nold o., dl'ed v oun t y. ()hl o. year a Ilgo , Ilt Cedar vl'lle Wed n es.. ~ Do t h partIes In b tl MI', be H t E. Bootb . I a nd wife uouay. uve Ie · t b e case Ilre' we II ery. • \VIS les a r It IlOS t 0 f Mr , nnd Mrs. Frank Ri ch. day e ven Ing 11 ,ft-ar severu I wee k R k Mr , Lydill Gordon Is visitin g her fri end!! . MI'ss K Rthryin e Frtlm e visited '\1 nown to nuR7,6 tt e rea d erB, b Mr . J nccb !:lears , of H ~rveYtlburg, avi n g Itb t YPb' 01'd fever II nd I ness w lived Itt Barvey sbn.rg a ~umber of 'f riends In Dayton IUI!t- week son Mnrio n near Hnrvey sburg t his Mrs, Ed win Smi tb sp nt sevel'ttl hu ~ heeo out at hi s pllioe ploklng Ilnd spinal mentlg ltls , wee~ , years. days with her mother Mr , E, V . IIlllll es several days this week s.w Ethel Barrym ore LIt t be Viotor . Sherwo od WIl Ij the son of Prof . F , ' . iI\ Tb I MC'Re"n olds. to Mr. Kiog WIlS for 11 time County Rull y Dey se rvices were held at ClurtHlC , en r . ll Edw llrds r !lpent, 11 fe w M. . Rey nolds for several yellrs !I ll · day!' Il1st week with hi fr ienll auditor. • I h~ d Mrs. Ed C'IBrk and li, ttle duogll ter BeeCh. Grove Don 't for get to tako auvnntl lge 01 periote ndent of the 0 lUra on "y morn· schools nt B nr.. I . It 18 underst ood tbat Congress· the olearlln ce sllle of waH ts t th h ill ~. dlrootly George tLfte r 81~bbllt,h sohool. Wllt erbollse , , p/lper III "eysbu rg,and who lII oved 10 '"dur · were we come g oes 11 e ome 0 1' Mr . John 'I'ucker on FridliY. Dian 'Sorol{g y ha s sold 1Il0st 'of hiB Schwar tz's Drug Store, Mrs. Nellie Bunnel l and son Wn ynes v\lle tbis fall t,o tuke charge of t he Pleas ant Ridge. )Jl'operty III Xeula aDd exp~t"" to ville . ' 1. ' l1e B ud news of th e dlleth ' of Rbodes of ~eor Burling ton spent schools ther t!. The body of the ohild W il li tnken ::l" t urdIl hili home permlln entlv In I n ' l Mrs. B . J , Hopkln ll returoe Y 11l~h l, with h er parents DO II 'r, f rget to tll ko nd vl1nt,l1g e of Sher wood Reynol ds cume as u shook M d to pilln 'I'errit ory when bls term in her llome at Belmon t. near tbe cl ur/lnce BIl IEI of wall paper lit to ui K wuny fri eudl:l her e. Mr , lind r , an d' M. rs G l'i\J'IIt! B DAyto n to the fAmily home o:t B1unohe ster ,)gan , , R ' Id b i I Th ~(lngl'etls expires nex t March, dd ht d I Mr. a nd ·Mrs. Geurge Bogun Ber' Hchwllr t;".. Drug· ::llor e, WUYll es. .. 1.'ueada y aft.tlr Iden day" visit with f lUrK eyno s an or ur 11. urs Ily . 1\ ug !lrs 1uve ville. . . o f,Jj( dellpest sympat hy of n, hust, of lind Edl t b lJo~an und Mrs . ' h er lI1S te r, M S J . G Keys F I , ty y Nellie The friends of Mr , Imd Mrs. Rey · r . , . . ears ConI ' TIIe f I wa Will Loy 11 0(1 wife ~pen t Satur . fr 0 11(.11. b Id F r I Bunne l we re SundllY visitors a' f b G t te h s nolds In this vi cinity, extend their nnerll s . e Tbe attentio . n 0 ,t e 111'.0 tinuo . u usly . in Busin ess been Cl\l1edot . ' b sincere lI.vmnA thy to the Iler ellved dny lI.nd t) undll .Y wllh the latte r .8 d uy a ft·e rnooo a t ....> 0 'cI ook a t BI an . Mr . Will Dund 's, nellr Ohve Brunob o tbe game J",WB w h. 10 ,r ,t 1 h R d Mr , un d M d wif 0 bio , fo~bld~ tlie hunllng of anytblnl/: but parent~ In thi s thei r t ime of sorrow rS J IIsper Mercer of , paren 8 . ~ n e Il!on an . e. Mahlon Ridge Roundll out Forty duoks at thl@ season accordi Quite It n U~lber uttended th e b og l Hurvey sburg I\nd W, 1:. Jordon ng to and Yean of active Busine ss Life. Jaoob Cornell Ilud childre n h Ad T' M . C family were l'llll ers ut N. B Rioll's fo r thei r "UObtB fr oUl Friday unti l 6ale MOhday. Ooiuoor 15th was a dllY our au th ority. 00 hursc.I1Y I1t r , \ , . . Lytle • . SlIt urday '"I,heir cou sins Mr. and .Mrs. WI ie t e oh' a, III so ·tb e h of wurn thllu ordinllr y Importa nce orse sa It Mr. j ~nnclllY a.fte rnoon. The Misses U&rolyn and 'Edlth WelJ it feels n little like R;,uben W yatt of D8Ilr ~ldDBY Oh io. J osepb Cbnpm un SlIt urllay. to libblou Rlll"'e, for;t marked t'he MOllher Ilre milking an . Mrs. Jessie Elli s Ilnd daught er extende d more Th e .. . B, Klei nhenlll and faDllly spent 'fh ose wbo nHe nded the fun · Mr. and Mrs. Frn,nk Tay. confort&ble living now ~gllin 'fort.t llth Ilnuiver8IUY pf, his entrano e Vl·.lIlt Wl' ··Q eml Vestlt were !:lundRY visitors at Ed , · f.M uti~aso nably cold weathe r Il\st SundllY with Mrs, KleinheQo 's fat,h . o . as t Sh 0 d Re Ids Martin 's ,~nto buslue n In W"·YllesviUe, ~ er erw 0 yn u . on lor of Olifton. Cinolnnllt,\. ' week Wl\8 both unexpe cted IIond un. er Mr , RU8seia od c hildren . ,. On Ootobe r 15th, 1866 , Mr Ridge Friday wer e 01' . lIod Mrs. ElhsoD, Mr, lrn Hartsoo k retnrne d to DIlY . Pure N or th . weloome to many in Fifty bushels strictly ' this vicinity Mrs. Burton Ellrnha rt and Bon FMr. kand Mrs' EdM Luke who bad bnt lately returnCld from ero Clover I::!eod , Oall or ar8811 B ton Sunday tifter visiting 11111 puri .d J h os,T Mrs. k dd J • lince they had apples nnd some had Rarl , spent ~undlLY' with relatIve s. rllD a,rr Iln Wr.'ll 0K n uo e r ents Mr. WllliuDi Harto8OOk II.nd 8or:vlce In the Union army, bought M. Stlloy Lytle Ohio,. V·a II l'h dd hte s M ey one peara yet unllioked, The freeze Harriso o Cornell , ()elia l:iav age nn aug r rs. . I ortley. out' t:layton Fostor who hlld been Sample at GI1I'.ette offioe. wife t,031 dried the oorn 80 thoroug bly th<lt It and son Floyd spont Sunday with Tbe many fri ends . of Mrs J osh ounduo tlng ft , barber shop in the Mr . Ueorge Ta.ylor WIlS t&ken First olass work In every partlou . ia dllHoult to /.tet it- cut up withou t .Jaoob Cornell and ohildre n , Collet t of Lebano n Will be. sorry to dange rously slOit Ittst Tuesda oltl UIiY°1! Hall. lar is, guaran teed at the Phot ognph wa8tillK, it is 80 dl'Y , y but Ev Wal ter Bott8 1lnd wife have bttd h eMar °tf hercorlltltCll,1 cH I o nd,ldtloa . h . ·er s DCe th a t tl me Mr .' Rid ge gallery in the Filn & White b Id is able to be'out at present . It yoo WI'11 ran .... c k your memor !II h ~ t._. ' . y the former s Sister and ohildre n al!! b Ils' er a8 ' 110 .,.,en oon ti IlUOUI:I Iy Il t wor k as a lug. Open It \'11arf e on enI derson th ose af 'Y( IU w h 0 b" ' SaturdllYs,. EIVi!) Fires and wife anti ~r8 ' h their guests tor ' aye one w h IC een qu e . or severa a.yll. several days. ' barber in' WayneSVille . . Few men . George Dllvl s sp,ent Sunday after,. flltb er of co vers Il long ' time "nd 1'.1 worth 'bave attendli d' mor~ fllUbfu lly to Geqrge Larrick , wife I\nd two Mr, Russell Hllmilt on. Mrs. Corl\ Lilmllr of SprlD~fi eld noon in ' Harvey sborg. ranililoking will surely see th~t it ex.' sherl1f Frank M. Hamilt on, is spent several. days among frIends 'bUllin6fll! thlln AJu·hlun Ridge and the , several here last week. 8nows before It younge I st childre k 'l nh spent " I Mrs. John Wolf and mother Mrs. point of death at the i8 not often that It M d 'U . . d"ys that he hilS been IlWllY from Iylnga. t' the days allt wee w t: r . &n . ..ure, M " Hamilt on II' fros,ts , whloh It did thiS year. t Mary A. Oleaver and Mrs. Rao be' l hu! work during 1111 the@e " years, home of hili son.. 'r. . Pat (Jurre.n , Miss Wlnonu MaoDonl\ld vlsl ed RolJr,rt I s of Morrow and little Au. ' , ulm08t '94 yoors of a~e. her brother and other relative 8 In R , H. St. John m .. rketed 1\ load have been very few .indeed. It The soolill at F rl·mk Snider 's WIIS d B f of I ' Bilidwi drey Cleaver n apples were guestl! of Mrs. in Le bllnon on well attende d the offioers , were Wilmin gtoo wuuld be I!lteres tlng. to oomput e on !:iutUt; ay and un · Lew Wolf of Harvey sburg Mr. and Mr~ Marlon Clark t 0 S'\turdu.y . lilst elected 'just how many men hlwe been Lytle, dr~ve Sunday , Frank Rioh, Prllsident ; dllY. ' to Dean, Mont · I Th ur~dtiy. , IIbnvod by Mr. Ridge during these gomery County and' spent A "re t many ILttende d the Re Mr Frank Burnet trema\n ll muoh Elbert Snider Vice Preside nt the ~ay i Trenl\', 1 bllcan . .. a Rally beld at Wlllnln . gton• \ Mr ' Robert !:!hllnllban Ilnd Wife ytlarB, or how ml1uy bead8' lif ohair with tbelr old friends, tbe same though be hilS been .nut ' Cornell, ~eoretary. ; 'F ern MbMell I~y Soider, .)U be haa out I1nd trimme d, bui the dil\ and Luham a Darst, I ta Sa t ' . d Ph ' lI lust Saturd ay Ilnd henrd, th e Hon. of Annn,. Illinois who have lleen who tire cllm · of doors since tbe weathe r has be As!! 8 nt . viII. cre Ilry, an ftgurett W Juld ruu into the hun. y 8.nd . content edly I .P itlu g r eliltlves here for seveu} ' sitoate d come warmer In the last few dllyt! , Bnwke , Treasu rer . The nex t meet· J . ,B. Fornke r , dr '.A- of 'b'uuy;'n'ds , wee ks left here last ~aturdllY, but ' ..... w MillS Loria is deoide<Uy improve d li ng will be held at thE! home on the old J:!olnlMi teo d " uf Mr , hiies Llbble, Randal l , who fo r se v· before' ~'etur~lng home Will . " . ' ' Everyb ody 'bId. has lived in or I visl' to. Ilnd h confIae d ntly I expeots h t to be Donit out .... In f"et lund to tn'-e "dvantl lge of Mrs . Cliff Ea'r Dhllrt Saturda y era m on .. s a8 ma e ler orne. , 0 a, ,Duyton , Culumb us tlnd ' PI~.tsburg b 'v .. h ,. a ' ahollt. WU1~es th F I d Bo e i W Y esville vUle' for the ' la8t lulU. t,h e .olearan oe 88.le of oight eoem er 8t • 1900., wall , prlper I\t " few dllYs , , r en a m O l.' n . huse moved of A centary " .OWS Mublon Ridge. 1 Schwar tz'8 Drul/: Store, in part of MISII S. M, Ilua sever.. 1 ot.her olties. . ' Waynes Don 't f or get t.o tllkelld vo.ntug e of New TiDie has dealt gently with him, ville . Burli ngton . Smith"s house.' Mr. Frank the Wyant olearan wasdltoWl:ilU nday oe 8ule of wall , puper R.t howeve r, and he Is atl alert and vi81tor of bls friend Davl Wllyn~ IIIl&mll Don 't forget to aotlve and liS full uf bUI:!\ness ua tuke adva.nta I5cbwar ge of, t,z's Mrs drug . b Emmll sYJre, Hamilt on of Waynes · of Olive Branoh . Miles Woloot t who was In 0 Qrge VI' II . ~. the ville spent " few dl\Ys wltht olearao her ce '' en b ..lf his age To sale of wull mlln " m paper Ilt ..., of French Bros. Cr611m tleehlm ery st.lltI OT" M Wb " B' 'f ., d t:!o.hwartz's Oro'" Btore, Wllvlle s. mother Mrs. Sarah Kin"', who' ba8 . Mrs. Ida Mannon,;:--r " r, Ittler urnett, WI e an oDe WOUld' lulrdly think be had here · IRst I'prlng ' hlul retnrne d II '" " been very ill for mauy weaks. ad I tl li t tle, duugbt~ r Lillie dinner dro Sunday her reilltive Rev. ve througb d 'd h t \It Wllyne ,e. svllle and agliin take up the . ' serv u Ie IlrIDY an t en ,8 d 0, Compto n and accompaDled blo) to M K d d hte 1 b t f from Mr V~ndttll , Theodo ' l' ro Ohio Lawren to f ce tbe' work, trlluSllc hljlUe I Ueorge l t. ,Chlls. Miller k c Ilyan of tlprlngb ,RUg oro rs lave . a - . o~.rentlyh ty ~ear8 , , aot ve wor , "'arvey sburg I'n the ~fternoou IlS , . h · 'Heap t .... ed businall8 in Ylllmin gton 00 Wed . ~ ug ·mf) 'ny"'oo d ye r8 whoha s'hado'hnrg'e IIf the oreRm of hi ~ brother , Rar-rey Burnet t, moved into t.he 81mt proper 'Yo ~, .11... he Is the ministe r at 'the a , nesdllY M~hcid.lst ,. , bef.ore Jilm, s~1II and tli~ Gazette ery having r8Rlgned ; &turdn y, "' dlstilnc e of at letlllt 27 Onr tOllcbers Ilttendec , 1 Greene . Mrll. Fraok Squires of Wllyne8 ' 011 urcb. milet!. Tiley spent a short tlmo (Jount,y Teaohe rs , Assooill . 11000rely wishes htm oontlm ied tlOn In . Master S&oartA lIen, of Nor\V~d, with .Frllnk Burnet t lind flimily . and Xenialt lst SlltnrdllY P osper lty nd .rIpe old e ' vI~le was Cl\lho g 00 reltltiV&!l tlnd r u II ' . . ag. , ' 18 very Ill' w Ith t Yll b a [d fever II. nd r eturned home l:iuodl\y. Orego nia. ' , I Chrl8t..y Vickers, of Alpha, , spent friends bere rG'eoently pneumo nlR. St,uart hM madl), him,' h , dd . b Co rned- Houg h. , Mrs. DII vis tn Rm fln When Ilug ter Minor Rose w/llked up to SundRY with his gru,mlm other, Mr.!'. sillf ma~y friends during hl8 vIsits . W. . W d Don 't forget to t.a~e advant age of . t.he depot , Bunday evening he b~d Aon F Ilrquu h r. were sh opping In Ilmmgt on e· the oleurttn ce sale of wall to his grand mother nesday . Mrs, B. O. Mi88 Bern~ce cornell ' IlDel Mr. Allan 1m of . wbom _ . . . n"per _~t rejOice to no Idea. meeting aDl one he formerI5cllwartz's Drug Store, . Mr . lind Mrs , R , L . Laokey bav/) Wa.yne8 Vernol? Hongh were nllurioo Ilt 6 :30 hear ~f."hI8 speedy recover Mr. Bent Clea ver has r ece ntly ville. y. Iy knew when .be lived near Sidney . moved in with Mrs. Laokey Wedne sday even in 1(, Ootob" r 10. by 's moth. sold his town pr~periy to ' Mr. 'Brio'e ". " . Yet It is t he unel[pe oted tha~h"p er Mrs Belle Colvin . aev. Philip Trout at tbe M. E. }lIIr:, Yo~ are Ipvlted to oall at ' Smith ' Mr. Robert Hunt called on Prof. the pho. peos aod he nlet· ... Mr. Jlll~e8 Wiley Mr~, J , Orville Compto n who' hilS "ouage, and. will m'ake their home togrllph gl\l,l ery in the F:arr . L~ C: Wilkerson , Sundlly afterno on. & White who II ves ~hree miles from Sidney been In Richmo nd , Indiana , for the on R farm weel of Ferry. ' Tbe llIany frieod s , of Mr. Rnd' M.r. fLnd Mrs. R. 'f . Spence ~ondlng~ &~tir(la,y . r were and wbom he ha4 not Been 81nce he Pl18t flv!, yelltR; 'caring for her In. Mrs. Levi Jessop will be sorry to in town lilst Monelny These yonng People belong to ' Mr . and '¥l'I.\, ,Joseph Bl\wll;e ", had left Sidney five year8 ago. They villid , mother, returne d home l/lllt hellor of thei r being quite ill. some.o (' the oldest, Ilnd best: IIIItab- a8 their g~etit.s at their home Mls8 Frl1nces Terry nellr ,spent a ple,llsan t fifteen IDlnutes to Wed JlesdllY , . d lIsh~ fllmilles of the oommunlt-y, Sprlnl/:: Valley, 'Mr, and Mrs. John Mrs~ ,Luolle Boist ler I\n~ little son from S~riJ:igfield I1ft~rhl18a returne pleasan t gether before .the trllin puJled in. The .friends of ' Mary Hawkl~s 'nre vlsltiog her pllrents for l'nd are exoelle nt repretlen~atl'l1f!s ofl Fromm and baby ' daught Il f.e w Vi8it with frlerid s there, er, Illld " Bello! SOlUebolly 8aYtl Lytle Is Terrell formerlV ,Qf thi8 place. reo days , tbe I18nIP, find 't heir mllnv 'fK:iends Mr. ,Raymo n'd Hawke, of , Mr8. Sue l:lbe'rwo dd unu dil.uRhter Dayton , destine d to ba, v e new l!idewlllks , j oicecl ~o near of her "ueeees at the ' .Mr. I\nd unite in wishing them.a ·long hllp'py M Mrs , Ruy Hl\le of WII . Miss Mln'y, bave ret~rlled frow' Me. d 'M 1 h ' 0 Da'w ke Mr Work blls alre\idy been oomme noed , .. GrlUld ' , Din~on , d r . Medal an Contest. at mingto n were the r eoent g uests of chanioa burg, , • ~Hawke, ,n ' . '. and 'prOtl!ler'ouM life. ' and :Mrs., rs Le.e whore they hiwebe en , Mnon" rl OhIO la8t week Carl , Rnd. In that·dir eotion. visiting Mrs . '¥'rerl Gove. • - • ' Mr. A. T. Sabin an d family. . Now gentle reader pre}lllre your Some 'T he "''':II's',bury' of our oltlzens were Clara. ·Bl\wke . Mr . and Mrs. Thom" s l:illencer self for Ii list of names wbich for Xenitt during the snow ·storm in OA last ' Middleru . ' n ' The Ladles Aid' wllJ give" '!locial length would do oredit to the l10d Mrs. Fiijher, spent l:lul1d~y with . U()\" Wed nelld!&y . The snow oamll down . Orch estra Conc ert. Tlinrlld" ... · evening of this ' week ornor'lI en~rtalninlt J. K . Sllenoer aod f1l1 1l11y. ' list. Mr. ant,i 80 thiokly , '., for a few ~lOute8 that It ' . Don 't forget to take advanta ge o( . , . , Mrs Wm.· \Vheato Mr. L . ~. Holzlin ,and duughtt lr,. Mr, and Mrs. waR "lmost Impossi blle to see across t,he olearan , l.t: tbe Cionoert given b[l the, &11• . .Octohe r .!l~ in ·the Stoops storll roo,m. CJIllrenoe!CJros!lley. n, of Yankee Street, the 's ttee.t .. Snow before . frost Is !:iobwo.rtj' oe sale of wall pllper at Miss Belen. retllr.n ed' from !:.ancas. b~ry Orohlllltra ,MondllY ' .evenln g Adnll,l\slon free. Oyster .. SteW8 l 's drug store, Waynp llvHle, ter FrldllY ilfternooD , WillI were Sunday hosts t.() the followi ng : ,rather unusua l. was 'Ij eatnellt , of 'he standar d o.t ,b~"I'lirved at the Weddin g bells' are ringing . usual prloe, all'o, Walter WheRt.on, and bride; Mr. and Mr . Earl Thomp~on, who bas been ew and Mrs Thoma s Bl\ydoc k the entei'ttl lnment8 . tbat are t tol. home 'wade fudge and Mrt. Lydia AU!4tin 1.Ind Jenllle ployed' for the ,l1lSt tew weeks poll·oor n. Mra . George Wh6llt.Q ut n, Mr. a.nd Mrs, ~ .recepti for their 90nJam es Maxwe ll were Dayton . ' .• . 0 ' l visitors Sat· Lingo's store, ill now olerkln g Ilt ,Antho ny Geisler and daught er Nel. lind 'brIde on on lpw on the cour"" "or tbe ""'''" 0 11 of ,baU!' fo~ the 'ruesda y evening of urday. 1ittlef~ kII. Come 'Bymlln 's, 1906-1007. it. will be '.hll flnt1~t. serle8 body "ndhay~ a gOod time, every lie, W nl. McGee, RebeCca ure llg llisi week .A bout sixty. goeets wero Mb,"es L~olle Imd Ruth Hn,rt80ok M.lss Lllul'll Kibler enterta ined sUllper and Ora Wheato n, all of Dayton , present . A plelUllln ylii lIrt'8ent.ed to our peopla t feature ' of the spent !:;unday afterno on with Mis8 triends froUl 8haker town' oomme nolng at 50·0100k. . alilo Mr, !!ond Mrs. Ja.m811 Wiley. of ,oocl.ullon WIIS that it 1lfaS the on !:;unSliver Scott Tbe'llfu gtllm Wli~ m"ill! UP' I;f flrRt dllY. MI~" 'Lydia Cqnard matron of the J:lesr Sidney, Melvin Snyder , , wife weddin g I annive I ,. rsary of d MI'. til and A son arrived Friday to makes Its ' , M.ls8 Ednll .tltout, tl)e prlnolp al of o all" BA ,80 U)M. Iill ohlld, n8llr ~ Llop, !lnd Mrs, Haydoo k. Their friends pre· .home , .. r"II'lit,Ionli Fi'lendl l BoardlnR. Bome, had the I!lnd Mr. and MI;II.ofWm. with J. Oal'Dlony. Mrs. Tim t;mith the.l~obool8 here, was In Lebano n, sent.,d them with a 81lver mounte d were IIxqulllltll It' t'vt'lr:v In" t./l t100. plelUlore of having a8 her Mrs ' Pel'Mr . and Hartsoo k ' and two S8turda . gne!lts l Mr• . ,I088le Bosler, who has been totlet l!et In, honer of ellp;;otallv the dl!flO~iptjge ,Nlrtll ·. 'he day. . ohildr~n 8~t Bundb with ber The J~~ior Soolety held Bunday and ~~day. her ' n~pbew a~ the itome of her parente a mea., Mr. William Huft'ma n, 80n of James parents In Spring Valley. . all~ Abby ROM! Wood. tbp.~lolllt, and niece,' Mr, and Ml'8,' . Ing the other day and elected 'he illo,deUghtftd the audillnoe witb her l\ew VlenDa. 'Who 'WerePhll\ipe . qf , and Mrll. W::d Du~, for some "m.e l Huft'ma n of thl8 plaoe, was mar· Service s at Baptillt Church followlnlJ omee.... Preellle D'. La deU"ht ed past, retorn to ytoD tSUDd.y. ri~ OD Wedne sday eveDln g to Ada, Sa.turd ay lit 1Ute clear eDDDoI.tlon and tbe wonder fol wUh tb B me the vil~ :30 p _m . Suday , olle ~OD 1 I:5eol'tltary, Gltui,. d tb MI'. and , Mr •. O. t a:;. Lamb en'«lr8l daugbt er of Alapb Baines 10 :30 a . m. ol)nduote4 by Elder . 11U'I'OIID~. oOOUD'ry . ge an OODUO1 0 f b 81' VOt08, e tained 011 !::Juday Mr. aad lin, }'0nnlJ ~penoer i Treasul 'tlr Buber ' Bolalin i t.UDIf of Lumbe rton. . · JobDl. of Xenia,. Linea ' Oborid er. Lucile Muon,
', Wilmi ng.
- - ---
V:t wis'h the
The Miami Gazette
' m erch a,nl 10 lJUild
iluilb lip tilt
BROWN" McKA,V, Pub lishers.
um we
up. de si re tht
Famous Flagship of Perry to be Raised,
mer -hant ' to Healila Fully Ruland aad tbl loy It 01110 WAY~ ES"ILLEl. . Life "ellal.... ~ rospcr. I do nol beIi ve in the mail -o rder 'When lI.ebeer1ul. ~rave.lI!1'bt-heartecl Mone y a Mere Superfluity. ' woman io suddenly plunged Into ~hat cilizc n. If a . I'l al'C The:-e is 50 much p l ,,:t ~ "rc In 1mbBy GOV. JOSEPH W. FOLK, 'p erfectlon of mi Ilry, t.he BLO ES, it i. 'o Dd ell ug h for :l 1lI't 1l llahlpg " n I"ls pap r lhat 80m' (lit· a sad picture. Jt Is u sually t.hls wny : of Mt,."url. ,She hu.s been !t;lllluJl' ., out of .orlJl " : or8 IIrc r fu Int m OIl ' Y liS II r ward to li ve in a nd to l1lakeThe Nlal1arll WUl Be Preserved as a Memorial or the Fjrst f or th Ir seri1c 3, ays lhe h~rry· hi ,mo:ney in, it is Ame rlc.a n Naval Victory "lIle (Kon.1 Re puhllcnn. It . ta kes enou g h pl:! Cl' f, )r h illl 10 spend hL OIl ney. wind to fUU ' a n wSllaller, 11 takes Jnachan t can Mlcccn i w ith lit gall to run a news pa" r, It tak s a ne wa y or ano th er , Pa t ro nize yo u r 10 WII paimaboiuaull u luU llnllng. ocrobat] F Or lIevcu y.enrs now ther hilI! b e n IIn f\l rlt~\1 1\ bill illig. with th e lu scrlp· and a half dozen white shirts anll (w r ~ , bu i) I t hl:/l\ IIp a;l ,! they will buill! the to wn a ~r<lwlllg SC' ulllll en t (or th t' "ltl,~ tul; IIf 11(111 In white I It I'!!: "bou't Qlve Up rn.ilrond ]'ass es to run a lI e \\' ~ p a l'e r, up and bu il d you up inc r ease d trade lid greater t h Niagara , t hf' ramous old UHgshll) Iho Shll) ," This II Wid th l'lIl was lO Uut ilion y- ti a\' ns 10 B('lsy an d s ix oppurt u nit ie . 01 'Ollllllodore P rry "'h 'li h" fOIl ' 11i he III !! sl!l'nal tOI' action, :lnd ne Ol(' ,,·!'tb Ih I:Irlllsh II t III Mi.'C!I'Y Imy. 1)lalllo<l lhat on account of l ilt) IIll1atl ba.nds a l'O un d, who 0\' r n('cd d u o b ~ y 1)0 n o t be afrai d th ai bu , inl's> is gn ing- to be I,ak Erie, Thi s s II1hncnt , 1l ~s um "l l r 11;\1118 whit whi ch hl B vess IH \V r to rUIl a n w s pa pe r? Kind wurtls a r practical (orm durln t-: IbE' Ins t st-' ss lun ma nn ed IL woulil be nocessary to fi g ht the III il ium uf xcllang e Ihat do til e hu rt 11: :hl' n 'cc nt (' xpo ~url: s f wr u ng-do ing j n th e o f cOIlgress >Inti lhat uody npllI'ul'rlat· aL c lr.tse range. ,'0 ma n \l'h i; 1I1I i ll<' all h(JIlbusln ss for til dl t~!'- k lnd wonlg cOIllIllf' r cia i \\' dd . I'd $20.000 for 11ll' raising of lhe 0111 There w re re w llrelhulnarl('s to the ' and ("burch aoriftl ti ck lB. lJtm' t ~ > l bu , in ('ss c an u(' in j un !,1 iJy the ligll1, ~ hlp, under Lhe Illreotion 01 Ihl' ~(· CI'U · bn ttle, First 11 bugl ' un t he Dell'olt worry nllout th o dl Dl' . II b a s a la ry or lhe JlllV,'. The sh ip wlff lll) wus heard , toll nwe Ll lJy ch ee rs . .A 8 ' (.banN from ille Slate to nct as t.h ' placed I.n a ppr ma nen t bnlltffng or an ti later n Jlllft oC.'smol;o rnm from ~Qc.c.OCOOOQQQOCCCQCQQCDO~ doorm a t tor tbe cOIIJU1UUl lY. IIc 'lI s utlen f or some urick and st on<' on tho I;ro ulld8 of th e n l,orU10Ie, foll uwed by th ; hend h aa IIclled and ' Ii: t lho pap!!r OUl som bow. ;; ud soldie rs ' nnd s ailo rs' ho me lit 1~ r1 C!' l uoo m of U ,cannon, whil e a ~ilot rlchu- back 01 0: hns 51 pt poorly . bern quiteD"r~ lUI , ancl tJ arly faintcd once or folllnd up f r you w1l n you run for Pa" Its II III lIIol'lal of till' first "I 'lOr)' eh t tld alo\J!; tho ijllrfllCe of the ,vllter otll c and II II boul yo ur Il lgc ~}D , root, of <I n Alhericnn tI ,t ovcr a fU I'('II;'1I and s plas hed hllrmleHsly near th e tw ice; l\l~ n d ,.Ii :.zy. nnd h e art b euLs very ; then thllt b nring-down f C'liull'. foe, '" I>row of th LillYI' nco. '1'hls olleut!d 11\5t «-d dnughtc rR weddl1l 6 a nd IIIDwaboul and d ur lng h e r periods ahe is e'XooeilThe faL' t thal th e 1I:ln/:arn II ~ at tho ncUoll , ' f h e squ lHlrons were a your blg·toot II boys wb ' n t h" y ge l l11g ly d espond ent. Nothing pleW>es ' tb!! bottolll of ~Il~ery bay wa~ Ilrst mile npul't. P erry. with every hich her. Ber doctor 5Bya:" h eer up : yo u a four dQlJllr p r we k j ub lIud Wee l) call ed to th IIt t ull ou or th publi c of ca nvas swead. I rt his consnrts have dy ~p~p s illo; you \\Om be 0.11 rigbt. . o,'er your :;llrl\' I d Bou l wh n IL Is , lJy F'ormer n ' IHe enlatl \,o S, 1\ . Da v· far b ehind . '1'ho D trolt IIr d again IOQD." re lcased from ruur grllspl ng body. Dut she doesn't got .. 1111 right." lind , Siuce 0111 s Ulllmer b ad ro ml!, I had wI! 11 II pu rcha ses au arucle ? Was (, IIPOrt . o f ~:rle, as a r s uIt o( a t'll ' - this tim e from a lont; i;tm- and the and smi le at yo ur wHe's secoud war' lert DIY office In lIle tOwu Rnd ha d lbere not In oven tbls poor fub rl o lhe v I'sallon In \\'ashlllgton In th s pring s hot I'IIS 8 d throllgb bolh lJu l wark ~ of hopo \' llni ~he8; th n (lome tile broQdIn~, morbill, me laucholy , evtll'lastiulj ria,o;c. 11 'II g et along, go ne <'lit to tl,at o ld pla.ntu tlon upon suns!llnc au,1 Ihe min ; the merc ha nt's of 1 !19. At thllt tlm e th qu es tion of the Lawrence, PITY did nut 'r e~llond . , 'ES. whl r n I Wits reared anll wblch r ecently (oresl!:!.! t. tho f"rmer 's ,Iallo r, the cru n s- Ih ~ re halJllital lon uf olh r histori c He was rese rving bls fir e (or ('Iose ac' DIDon't wDlt un t n YOl1 r 8ufl'erlnlfs hllve The Marvela of Scie nce. I bave purchased, DIU 11','1 skill-anti ISlIu('soh u ? I was hips \Y{l S being wid I)' discussed, Ilnd lion. knowing Lhl\t his small guns drh' D y u to d espair. with your n erves , When ""e b ar o r rays of Ught capNo In ck of oc 'uputlon ha ve 1 there, paying for (be Immedl,ute personull ty It was s ll~ g sted t hllt among other would be Inetfectlvo at a dlslance, all shll1. tel'ctl and yonI' eournge gone. able of acbl "Ing Jlilo~ogl'apby through nor or frlentls, For me lhe river w llr- ot Isan c o hn. fDm ons s hips t h e old ouslliution 1:ho wind was li ght /lnd h e udvnn d' ,bill. take Lydill E. Pinl,halu's V<,gea foo t thi ckness of solid Iron; of !.h'i murs nnd lhe old-rasbl n d roses ~e whnt It did for ' "Now tell me wltlat th e people In should be res tored, slowl y, so th at during lhe t n min. ~nblc o mpOlInd . charllug of :he s ky Its If on 8uch II bloom; for me a l sun do wn tbe negroes \.own nr d"lng1" I sUl:g('s t 'd, Th n SOIli on e annouuc d [hill th e lit Ii b was IIpprollch]ng the Detroit Mrs. Rosn. Ad Bm~, ot 8 10 I ~th Street, t. I I, o( s hamefa ced ne 's spreaLl Nlaga m WI\S s tili InLllct In th lIule his ship wile IIlIrrerln g terrib ly rrom Louis ville . Ky, . nice of th lale (Jo nscale thllt a t.housand milli on memo Ch ~ nt thei r ,pl a lnllve melodl s: a nd for eral RaCIer l1u.nson , C.S.A. She writes: bers of the fi rmamen t can be r('o me we warm n lgbt f:llls; tb t win kling over t tl trader's moune L'Ou u tenunce. uay fI IIr E ri c, Th knowl e dge that lhe rajtlng fir of tb e long gUllI!. Dear MI'!!, Plnkhom; . Raked fore li nd 11ft, !.he Lawre nc corded eacb In Its appointed pluce: of st.:lrs come 0111, and lh e moon rises " I Imow nOdl ngs':"-j dldL not , s ht ay Pe rry's flagahh> wa s still lu exlsteuc " J con not teU you ",lib pen nnd Ink .... b4t . over th e Illnes, AIHo Isailcsohn Is IlC- de re," he confes sed. "DOL town Iss no Lylllo E. Ylnk!lIun's Vtlttllllbio <Impound us II slIrprls to lIIan y r presen" sti ll wad e ' a plucky fight , One aft r calll the illscovery of sometblng like tbe cusI:>Oled to visit me lh ~ re. Now goollt, sqvlr . If so be I owned dot tntl " ~. wh o manlfesled th e Sl'etltestanotb er her cannons we re dis mount. has done tor me. 1 sulTered w ith t,,'IInI. sense organs of buma n knowle dge on ,Isaa ::so bn represe nts the rest! 'ss town C(l you know 'vot I vouldt do \'Id Int l.'r s t In Ih e project soon afl r pro· d . Her bulwa rk s we re beaten i n_ troubl.." oxtreme IlllISltude, 'tho btUL'II.' nervol1$U Rnd that aU:soll toollng. 1 was the rants, st ms aud leaves of plants ; ene rgy and the kindly g nluS or Itlt ?" pose d by Mr. Dllvennort. 'fh e e vents Th s hot pa8S d thro ugh h er 81~ell IIdvl!;<ld to try l.yoU.. Ii:. fi nkbulD's Veg tablD ' .of tbe troelng of di seases which decl· a w nder lng mmercia lis lll. (o r h I wuCessed my Ignora nce of hIs at !.he u xt session or con gr 5S were like- n edl s lhrough sail cio lh. Compound, and 11. 110t only ured my f<'mala, dcnmgemeot,bllt It bna rest,,",,1 me to ~rf t . ~ted bumanlty to theIr obsoure Is u I'cddler. and goes from door to prou!lble collrse of action In sucb nn heallh Bnd strength, The bu nyau y or BOurce In the parasite of a para sl[e, door IJearl ng a ,"olumlnous pack and event . "An d .wbat 'Would you do with l'!llIllger dllyahRs retumed. and I do not 8\l fer auy Ill"" r with d('8pondI!Jl C,". as I L1 ld b&and of tbe process by whloh two pa· an apt a nd reatly ton8ue. IL' " I nsked . forti, 1 ~'ODSI,t er I.ydl.. E, Plnkhum'. ega-It was t n o'clock In the mi dsumme r "Veil ." he wenl on , rertect!\'ely, "{ llent nnd b,umble scIentists working table Compound a bOOa to &10k and I~ 1U)On a few grains of an , lament In mOr:llr:g wben Ian this cheerful Itin- I'ollld run a vlre (ence through de midw mel.. " erant CUJIle my way. Ol'erhead the d,le of Idt undt I vo uld turn Ou dl bolll II )'ou bave 80me denUiemeDt 01' a m ere secondary form mnnag ed to liun hone with excep tlonlll Cervor, abd sides Into de posture-landt, " tbe ' female orpnlsm wrIte Mn. nI.,olutJonlze our whole 'conception of' out In th e dusty mlddle-s tretcb of the 1 lal.ghed. " From what you say, 1 Pll!kbam, LynD. ~., for advice, the most stupendous Corces ot lbe ,hl ghwny the heat wBves rose a ud shim- galller that you are opposell to \.owns," pliyslcal world-It seems Indee d a mered un til the while dog-roses In tbe I remarked. Water In £pldemlu. my8tery, saya the Pall MaIl Gazette. farther hedge see med hut the s hadows He shook his h ead. "Nodt ,all of The relation or water to serinl an4' ihat the appe tite tor 8urprlse and of blos!!Oms grown fa Int 'a nd tremu- dem," he replied, " ellust (lot "un-bol'll" epId emics iJ,·a subject tu!1 of ln t('Ilest ; from tbe standpoint ot public hygiene. , lNIIlutJon should turn asIde t rom lous. Through tbls quIvering haze I towil ofe r derc, Now dere vas vun In tbe " Rev ue Sclentifiqne" Dr, Mal what t he ' pur s ui t of truth can 011 r bebeld from my seat on my broad nice l€eUe \.own b,ack up de shlate. melBc di scusses tbo whole subject of and prefer to regale Itself with the vine-shaded , plau.a un odd figu re com- Vnn lime Rebecca Ilbe lifted dere," I lIfled m y eyebrows . "Rebecca 1" I the experiments wblch havo beeD )letty prOducts ot trumpery In ve ntion Ing \lowD the road-a figure bumped like a camol and equIpped wltb two qu erlcu. "Who W'I.S Rebe cclI, Isaacmade from 1885 to tile present day to . ad Ingenuity. soh n ?" ' t est this question, and e8peclally "Itb. _ ~ '" ======== "Ah," sold tsaacsobn, with a shrug respect to Eberth 'a b acillus, which JI ' - :/' 8ummerlng In a Schooner. 8.lId a. smile, "sb'e '"liS cbust mi!le Off the West Shore of Put' In-Bay Ilia nd. snd Bce". of thl Battle of , Lak. that ot. -typhus, A;t tbJit Is bown ot , Er l •• ' sbveollleart ' vun tilDe long time ago. . .only the other day tbe wires told this bacillus-Its vttallty, habtta and . . from Chicago of a, New York state I vas nlldt den so oldt as vat I Iss now. so closely crowded oJ)e upon the otb er Heavy smoke hun g oy er the decks. repror!.ue tlon-Is dwelt upon, ~1th the ' man 8.lId his family who had arrived undt R Ebecca sbe lookt schveet to me, t b at no opportuni ty was fOUlld for In· wblch were strew n with dead sea· result of s bow'lng lhat It ! ubslsts lonc· ID the outBklrts ~f lhe western meI like her pooty veil, you see, undt troduclng the mellsure, but the mat· Illen and s lippe ry wllb blood. 'rne er than any olber In sterilized water. tropoUs on his, way even much fursbe j~ ke me pooty veil -sometimes I gO etr was sugges ted to Mr. Bates. who sail s alld r Igging were bangIng In tat· Dr. MBlmeJac'a e,onclns lon 18 that """ , ther westward, 'In an old·tlme praIrie to ~ee her more liS two tlmcs a veek, s licceeded Mr. Davenport, and the reo I rs over 't hllS1des, The ya rd8 were te l' sbould be regarded as a true am- , eehOO1ll!l"<lrthe- type or 49, -~ 11 Yunco I say : ' R~b eccli. vlil you kiss s uIt was th e law of Il\st session. spllule red, The ruddel' was In atoms, blent for germ8, and not as an acc .. member8 of t be household.• or ""ngon. w~ dear?" Wh ile th move ments of Perry's Still th e woun(led fought on, BJeed- dental channel. aUd, above all, that· hold, ' lliUe and bIg, one of whom at "Sh<l s hake lIe r h Emdt un(lt laugb. '1 fleet h ave b een c learly followed In lug and faint , Lleut. Yarnall the 8ec- pntbcgeneou8 germs uiayllve In wa.ter· tor a suIHcle nt leligth of time to caUH, klsse!i no su h "Ieked mllll,' she ~ay. nearl y nIl the blstorles, It Is not gen - ond thlle app~aled for omcers. ' the b eginning 01 tbe long journey 'lIke tlot Isa csohn: ollidemlca .___ _...:...._ __ erally known how, the Niagara came " Mine have all 'been klllcd," eald lIa4 been Invalid, and In whose In· "I leels m'o poo ly bRtlL 'Rebecca,' I to be In b r present pOSition. Soon h e, QUEER TRICKS OF AN IMAI..8. say, '1 Iss no such vleked man: , , tereat the overland I.rlp had bee l nr· afle r h is battle Perry was ordered to " I hav e no more to give you," 8a1d ~ged, we re b ealthy and , hearty, "S!Jt! ans we r q\'lolk, ·Sut. yes; says winte r his vesse ls at Erie, and the Perry , ' Seemed to Flnd P,l esaur. '" Wsshlnl l 'T &day come tidIngs from ovel' IQ sh.. 'You say no prayers-you w Lawrence, which was the first fl ag· of Oddl and Endl. ThIs was after an hour and a balf'. Conne\!Uc~t of the arrival th ere of no flrf'yers, You SU~' \'lIn pruyer undt shJp; tbe Niagara. lbo Scorpion, tbe fighting, There was but one gun left another (amlly; this one eastward I liI 's YOII !'Ighd t n o w. qvlck: Porcullne , tbe Tigress antI the others on . the Lawrence and not enough Beckmann glve~ a dellgbtful account :.. bound from the far west. In a couple "Den I "ilK glad t. Idt Heem \.0 me were auchore d In the little body of men to man It. and so Perry, an om- of a coon wblch. used· to amus(> Itselt dot 1 ( bust kneel me down dere undt waler opening Into tpe eastern e n· cer and the chaplain s erved ,it Ull a by washIng various odds and euds I.ot well appointed prairie ' scbooners, !Dilfe my lips so sh e cn n see undL dondt trance to Pr squ e l s le. 01' Mlsel'Y bay. shot di smounted It. At half·pust two ,a bu'eltet of water, An, old pot bandle, eYery mem be r' emh uslasti c wlt b the says nodln gs. experiences. This party ' h as -consumed "But Rebecca she VIIS schmnrt-she The Lawrence and tbe Niagara were In 'the' afternoon the Lawre nce was en- a enall sh ell , or anything of tbe lort , , four months, coverIn g lhe di stance , toe SChmtlft' for f04Jl\shness like dot r efl tte d the foll owin g spring and tlrely di sabled . w ith only IS. of h er would do. But the tblng he loved best of alii !rOm Minnesota to Stratford. Corin,. vas. 'Is liaesohn,' ah say; i (,r ter shordt. joined the ex pedition against Mack- crew re maInin g alive. But Perry dId Jnaw, U IJOn t heir return to Erie the not d esplllr, Forest. the second om. was an e mp ty bottle. Clasping It In , puslng through Iowa, Indiana, 1111'you Eay uot prayer outit loud~!' cer. saw tbe Niagara In the dllJtance, his fore paws he would waddle slowly Dols, Oblo, Pennsyh'anl'l and N(.w "'De" I ree ls me pooty ba<1t agaln- Lawrence was found to be unsea wor" That brig does not h ell) UII," said to tl\e lJucket wltb lbe boltle clasped I thy alld was sunlt wlUI the Detroit and York stales, Such mel ho!ls of loco· I been \'un \'Icked mnn, undt I chust Queen Oh arlotte. both captured iJrit· he; "see bow h e keeps art: ' close to bls b reast and lhen roll It\ moUon and the coonsump.llon or such dond t know no prayer." Isb s hips, In Misery bay. Tbe !,.aw· Per ry took In llle sltuatlou at a and rluse It In tbe ' w/\ter. If auyone , of time 111 '-averslng com par· I wan In l erested, "'I'hat was Indeed I -g'''s ventnred to dl8turb hIm be wae furlrence was Slink In the northwestern .... cr • "Dot I.. Lofely." C " I I I d "Wb atIvely al-,ort distances will appear to un ortunate. nterpo ale . at pa rt ot t he bay, where the wa ler I" glance. ous and threw himself upon bl' back 'l lep pnd a slnrt. A close{ look en- bappened, pray!" , " 1'11 fetch him," be e,rled, and ollnglng so tlgbtly to his beloved bot'l many far from attractive, but to not a blell JI.e to discern !.h e lace of a m nn . Isaat',f,(l hn tlrew u p tils Sllolll!lers and quite shallow ; and she gradually be- springIng Into_a small boat.-Bnd-·-IlP';'r.e..-ii"a;T be cou e I et! by I r~-~ a few;. says tlie Troy TII)Jes, a little wbo, ",ben be reucbed my gat e, un- extended' hi s open palms, "I cbult cain. the victim of relic hunters, so pl!!g around him tbe flag ~ear.Jng lhe Gro08 says that bears Wlll ~9 the l of such Bollemlan eXIBtence would latch ed It and ,turned Inside. trled t to ttllnk," be ret>lIed, "For vun words' of Law~ence, he was pulied to- lame sort of thl~g. He re lates the f baTe a decMed eb arm. Houseboa tlng "AIr! Goodt ,morning, ~l!vlrcl A mlnu le I said nodlLlgJI- den I opened ward ' tbe Niagara. The shot tell all case ot a polar bear wblch used to , on t he grent rivers and lakes Is ,year· hot morning 'Idt Iss:' min e mouth lindt dldt de best (lot I about him. but b e reached t he sblp In roll an , old Irou_pot , to ,a nd fro In bill , I)' growing In IJopularJty as a n Ide al I 'rocognlzed Isaac~hn. To te ll tile, could . ·Oh . LIndt; I say, 'make me safety,. As h e mounted the deck of tank, and . then, lifting It out, rub It' melbod or recreatlolri, For lhose to truth u~ut tbe molter. I wus ti red ot thankful for do~ vlch now I am aboudt the Niagara h e looked back and saw up and down In a trough of running ' "",whom . t he Lawrence drop her colorll, wblle water. stood on hla h1"d 'Iegs\ "a lire on 1'h e ocean wave' " h as my ow-I\. company[I a.nd Willi not sorry \.0 to receive"" . , see the face of be ma n. Wi) ~n 1 bad sufficiently recovere,1 falnly tbere came to him the clieera and used ' hla fore paws exactly Ilke a . DO ' atlrncUons why DOt overland "CQme Inl" I called. ~ lhe fellow myself ' to bl;\ him farew(;li, Isnacsohn of the Brltlsh seamen. washerwomau waablng clotbss• • cboOD~rlng for a seRson ? 18too (1 heslta llng anti mopplll g b ls hot shou<l hi s pacl;, bu t RS b e would Perry look , Immediate command of ,.I. ' Gol( ha-;;' another virtue-a virtue brow wIth a brlgbl red bantlkerchlef" have lJassed to lhe gate my Irish set- ' RIGHT HOME. th e Niagara. and. wIthout a momenrs "Come rlcht In, my friend. ahd tell U8 ter-a' gentle a nd Mrmless dog-stood loss of tim e, bore away for the Brllunsurr asse,' by an y other game. alt lIle n ews of llle co un tryside aud up anJ burred tbe way, Isb line, agaIn wIth topaall ' ' Ipread Doctor Recommends, POlt\.lm from_ That Is Its ..ocfal III de. says th e Lou· the fown ." " Ha turned to me, " De dorrg!" he Bnd bls signal for close action 1Iylng, P,rsonal Teat. don Graphic. It Is e,s sentla!ly a so· Th e peddlar Bmlled hlR app reciation, ejacul vted. apologetically. The breeze had (reshened, and the ciaJ game, There 16 a s tory to ld of eame t"rwllrd to the ste p~ , ~o werCd hl8 "Oh, It's B,I1 rlgtll-g'O abead!" I Niagara cut tbrough the waves, No one III better able to reah41! th. two Scotchmen In tb e wildest part or beavy bundle, and unfas tened the en· said, ' "Everybody knows U!y dog-be splashIng {he ,water before tta bow. Injurious action of cafteln&-the' drug ; Canada. Bot.h were farme rs and ba.d Circli ng etra ps. , won't bite." As the vessel approached the Detroit In colree-on the heart, than ,the d~ long dlspuled co nce rning a strip of "VIII you buy, .lkvlre 7·' he In.qUlred; My friend dt:Opped hi s pack D'n J that , v essel tried ' to come about 80 tor, . land whloh divid ed the ir tarms, They Inslnuatlngly_ , made his cu~lomar y' ge'ltu re wl tb hi. It could present Ita starboard broad· Wben tbe ' doctnr himself bllll been ,' " W!lat h ave 7QU thIs morning?" J pal ms , "V a-es !" he refiponded , earD' side t~ Its.' enemy', . The Qneen Char- reh"ved by simply lellovlng air coftee .. were at enmity for ten years, till one etltl)'. "I Imow, ' undt you kno"lotte was under the B'rltJBh 1Iallsblp's and using, Postum, he can refer ~Ilh , .ay on e SIIW the other swin ging a asked, Is na c'!!Ohn spread hla b ands" "I hat e- e ff~ rvbody know-hut de dortg? Do lee, and, as It did not follow the ma\ full 'conv.letion. to hl8 own case. Mlck In a familiar manner. He weut VDl YO ll vants." he sail!, wi th confld en - h e Itn~\V7" neuvers with 8ufflclent '&le,r tDess, the A lolo, physlolan prescrlbea Postu\n, .,..,er to his e nemy an d fOllnd he had t,lal Illteresl "I hilt etlerYdlnv,;s! " Wh\lreu DOn I arose' In sil ence and e~ . two ves sels', touled , tor many of bl8 pallenta' becaUBe h& , Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry. been a golfer In days gone by, Tll,e y With a Ifourlsh of his forenrm h.e co rtetl I S" iI ~son n. to th e road. ' 1 felt At this psychological moment P erry· 'was bencflted by It. H.e says: Iald Ollt togethcr Q. nlne,hol o CQurse d";cd ~m ong his pnrcltjs , ca ~t n wrap- th at. hI' had enrned a f!'fle plISs age trom that now bardly a veStlge of the old "I wish to add my ~elltlmQny In rOo , passed under tbe bows of the, Detroit. on that , disputed slrlp, a lld, bavln g ping us We. 1m\! brou.glH a wov en colin - t be nrpml8es us we ll as the prIce 'o f hll vessel remains. For several years the almost poking his gun8 upon her deck. sard :to ' that excellent preparatlonprocured some clubs, the se two time· terp3M to 11ght. ':Dot tss 10fely," be counte"pllne, NIagara was used as a rece iving ship, and p oured Into botb Ensllih eblpe , Postum. I bave ' had fUllctloual or ' (Copyrigh t. b y Joseph B . Bowle8.) worn veteran!' IJrorf)f)de'l forth to d o corumented , "Oot sh pread Iss chust but finally becoming too old even for a 'broadside 0( ' ilrllope and canl,..ter, lIervoul 'heart trouble ',1<1r over 16 .. ' batUe, the land to t.e the prize,' va t I tlrlngt for yOtr, sqvl re, See de that service 'she also Wall 8unk In SImultaneously hIs port gunl pl&Y<Id yearl, and part of !.he 'tlme ,.... unalil~ . patt"rD of Hit. de closoness of de veave . Slin Spots. Misery bay ; but ',sbe lies In t he north- Into the Prevolt, ' "hlle the Amerlean to attend' to JD}r;;bU8Ine880 ' ' . 'The ma tch was halve d-the l und dl, -{jere I ~s IIOt. nor n ell'cr , vIII be , no "Oh, my dllI'Hng," , c.-led the, malden western part' ot the bay, where the marines with theIr muskets cleared "I wali a moderate user of colfee a.nd·, ",Ided, and life long fri endship was os· alll"'Qalls like dot any more," aunt, toller favori te Illece, ~hom ehe deep wate r has protected her. Ille British shJIJS of every Ilvl~ ' crea- did not think drinking It hurt me. But t&bllahed. ' "Come. no w." I rem nrked. wi h cob- bad not seen In a year: "Your f~cl'! The .story of th e baLUe Is Interest· ture above ' ~Is, Then" 'pMBlng on stopping 'It and usll1g Postum In' fl dencl! . "ttlere nre other of , th e sllme On , account 0( ' lIllJ many fn te r rup, ,p ll lter~ . I ::;1I08S. At ' least you must Such freckles! You,r complexIon 1ft lng reading. After P er'ty had built adroitly to the leeward of tlie shIp., stead, my heart lias got all rlgbt, lIn.d,: ,lion to lhe whiter telegrnp):i servIce In .adm lt t.hat' th e 11 )~ n wbo wore thal one ruin ed. YOl,l dldh't "avO\! tbat bor rld his fleet he waIted several weeks be- Perry emptied hl8 etA'r board broad· I aBCrlbe It to the change (tom co![ee • the Yukon region, Canada will IntTD- cou hl "'"a\'e 'nnotber like It ' It he lenUg~ last s limmer!" "Don't w;orry, tore he could hrlng on an engage- sIde Into the Queen Oharlotte and to Foatum. aunll e, dear. It 1!IO't frecklell fO~ lee: ment. Willie waiting In the bay at the Hunter; 80ll'1e of the ' Ihota going' "I am prescrlblng It now In CASU of . duce the wlrelesl! system tb'lre. The "Isbed." only sun spots," Sandus ky word was received that the clear through the former Into the De- lloltilel8, especially when corree doea ·, lBuccess of the U nited States govern· Isaa~t'Ohn shook hi! head vehem~nt. ment wllb the wireless III Alaska Is I" ";\0." he a~!(o. wllh ernphllsls. Her Bill W.. o?<l1 RIght. Brltlilb were on theIr way ,to gLv,e .bat· troit. Tbe small 8h1PS of the Amerl' not agree, or arrectl tbe heart, nerv~ , a valuable object lesson, A prominent physl elsn of Dorches" tie to, hIm: Perr.? at once gave the oan lIeet now came up, 'Iring tnto tbe or stomach: " no ," Then he IO"'ered bl s voice to a "mi..D made rllht tt has • mucb ~ whl s p~r, "Sq\'lre," he conllded \.0 me, fer, lI:fa8 9.. Is noted tor hi s ready wit, order to sail, and, hasuly gathering British vessell and completely dl. abllng them. In a few minutes eyery better flavor tI;lan collee, and I. a vUnl l . • .Au Inves Ugtltlol! by tbe BelgIan gov. "tim IIUlIl ' I'ove dot ,'un shpl'ol1d unllt He sell t a lJiIl for SE!TVlces In bls line his vessels together at tbe hCfd 0& the ,t o "1I11ss Sparrow," Wben 8be called bay. proceeded to tile scene, of acUon. J!jngll8h gun wa•• nenced. The Queen aUltainer of the Iy,tem. 1' lIball Oon-. . enuuen.t of tbe thett of leat1l er mall deu - he dledt.!" Ob4rlotte struck her colol'l, closely Unue to recommend It to our ~ple.j ' bas. In the Congo Free State dlsclosad Re',lly I did not wllnt 14e flimsy to sottle It she remll rkeCl : "My name A't ,.unrlse or Sep~ember 10 the enefollowed by the Detroit, the Hunter and I haTe ID)' OWD case .to refer to," the faCt that natives ill tbe postal :ount~rpQ ne, but I drew out my po!'I.- la not Sparrow, bu\: Swallow ." Il'be my I ships were Ilgbted from the and tbe Lady Pre.,a.t. and lD ...,.,. Name c!ven by' PORum Co.. BatUe ·· doctol' replied: "WIIIl, yuur bill Is 'all mastbead ot the Lawrence . .enlce took tbem, ent out the hO'!tom etbuoK and paId for It ImmedI~telY, . '-The deck8 were cleared tor eetJon.. mlnute& after Pem broke tDto tile Creek, .Mlch. Riad the Utu. ,book,... aDd pye them to their 1I'lvu til I). Doll 0119 ",., mere Inert materUlIlt7 right Is It lout?" , , AII4 PelTJ. I~~~~~ by bla _0ll!cen. lille &llille BrlUIIl colora ,were dowa. "The Road to WeUYUla," til I...... _ . . c1otblll&, ....--naaoa.II
1i;ntttt ~t·nbt
l'Q untr
Cure For''The
. ona.... •
Appropriate Dress for the Outdoor Woman
Mesrag... Are Sent BetwiJen Chief. I" Zu l uland_
',f enll n ha b elln trollu entl j' du ring lh I"I'C lit nallv' 1 rouhleij I n Sou th A frka o( I h o " Kamr ,t el cgrapb ," I.ho strang 'sys t'tO by w hich n ews of any IIIl PQI·tan n III c;oOlmunicated from a il e ,xlI" , m e of the nall ve t orrlto r les tn th ot h r with ' 'almost Inn dlble r apldl ~' , and the " ,orkl n:; ot wbl eb, It has heen 5 uled. Is still a m ys t er y l O t b wh ile m :l.n, '" Tbl s lU ll I' st ale ~"nt Is scare I, COI"rect, NUl1lb,' '' ~ of 1l[),cQuutry, l' 51, df'nts; lraders, a nd th like ure w ell aCllualnted w llb man y or tha ways I.n whic h coinmunlcatl.)U tlass II from lI"l be to trl llt'. Wll l!rI a (' h lp ( r !'cch'es II m essage be 8 e l '~cls a fast runner, ami gives him , lh' w O l'd ~ , nnd Instr ucts tl\l s man to 1"\111 In a ,,;I\"cn dlrecllon as f a 1. alO h o ca n- hoJ'ses ar 'n eve r useel 111 lhls work-until h tl Is exhau sted. Wh r,n h o can r lln 11 0 I li e; 'I' h elll r s tin 11 II I' st kraa l. ~1! "'(" lB lh chi ef man, giv 8 hi m l he wo rds. and Lhi s Ulli n Ir, b ls 1U1"Il pi ks out hid fast st ruu ne\", " lIo Ii l (Inre Slarts ott un lll h e 0.1 8u Is exhaus t ed , wb ell: he ucl~ In a slmllur
\' r ,
Th e nex or I IJp em pire eX6I'eis!'l> ('nn Slfl ls In h luling from 6111 . t o slrle. A , 1' hl s Is hll l'll mnllsh, und most li kely
W omen at t urts , r tboreabonts, ha. . th ei r future in Ihelr own hnut.!., . 'l'bere w ill btl n\:hll llgo f ur I ho bellllr or WOTIIe, (Ilr t'be IIPtteri f tho Ry ~ LOUI i d puritled by !lIlcll a t nu i :asDr . Willielln ' ,Piu k Pill•• M rR. D. O. Weddiug, of Hart f ord, Ky. , , wl"l t s lIij !l1 lln \\' ~ IJllccrulug tb'o d1l!l. cul . ill" w h idl ntu i(t'~I I h er : .. 1 W(\~ ~Hi o l1bl." iil uud wtL~ co nftoecl to b (I f ij i' sis d r ~'h:bt III Olit h s io all, d ori ug two Y!!lJ I'H. 1 hlll1 ou ills, f, rucurulltislll . !ll~ sWlullch lIt'elll nd at1\'nyn hlP fllll. ni:; k id ucys did lIot 110' f r ely, lily liVl'r \\'n~ IIIUCl l v r> , 1,1Y hear. bnnt w n ~ v,'r1 W I'lIk Il IiU Ib'I< 1 dlllZinel18 01 Hwiulllli ug iu llly h !!nd uuu uorvOD.l, troul,l \l.~, , " [W II:i \ln cl~r t I " r ntmon t 0 !s6veral d iffer"<1 t ph ,iuill Ud lJl1t th y nil failed t o (1 111\1 li lly W'OfI. Af t~ r ' utI riug for two \'('I\rll 1 J"1I1'II1\l3 f roUl nil ArlenQ .... f d , 11·! ll\l!nut. thc III \\r it. llf D r. Willt1UD8' P ill l, P tl ls Ul li l I tlcuided t hllt I would try Iht' III, 1'110 vllry fir , t l )<IX I t QOIc m ,ult) 1110 (,'e! Left <lr onll W UI' II ' ! bad' tlllll!1I f lJllr uoxes I110rt! I \n\.< ell tirdyweU, w ~ i!-;h (,t1 ti f!I'''lhPO \l ud~ IlI OtU I huu whea. I bP.ljU II, 1'\! . umv,1 illY hllU, ILoirl da tieli, I\il d .l!Ive si ll eo 11IItillued ill t hn UCMt of henllh . 1 IIn\'O I'coollllllellll c(\ Dr. \ViI. ll lllll $' Pll1k l'i n~ t l l1 l1 ny p eoplo r. 1l coull tor w hnt I hr y ,l id fur lIIe, umU feel tUlIl l Cflllllll t pmi" th em I ')u ~t l'o ugly, " D r. W illlu nl s' l'ill l.l'III~' r 101'011 Mn. W elillin • t It IIh h uOt'uli Ro th oy IIctuall'y, m nlta u ow bin (l oull wh It t h o hlood i. III full vigor (I\'~ ry fUll et,ioll flf the body i s rc~ t()r ocl , bccau ~o th Q b1 tId cll1'rles to e" cr y orgfiu, cvery m u It , C\'{'I-Y IIIlr.II, th o u oce><.o,u ry 1I0\lris hIU Ollt . .A US WC'IIIaAw ho i ~ iu lere 'ted iu the c l1r~nf 1\11' . Wed. d iul!' will wnll t our book, " lilli u Talks to W UII1l' U," which i R f rllO on r ' quoSl : All dl'll >(Il'ist-s sell Dr. Will iams' Plok Pill ~, or thuy w ill be Bout lJy mail JJOat. pnl 'I , a ll r(!cei ptof pri ll , 00 ceu ts P'1'r boz. six boX l'~ f r :l.llO, hy t h e D r . Will.iama ~edJci ue 00. , Schllueotlldy, N,Y_
" MLrnin tll""l tlln mu ~cl R, U tl L I h'! t') llthuijlast can lnl< holll of, !," hnlr way. by war of (\ijSlstllncI', U nd nu t hmld W ith rel ays or runners like tbls 100 ' Sim ple E Ke rclse Recommended by a too tur ell h I' Wfl r, Tit It! u Is to m iles CR n b ('ol'Pl'('(1 In 2'1 llours. Famous Ph ysical Cu l tu rl. t~ IJ nd tho h d)' until It I Is SUIlJllo. Th S),s tlllll o[ "c;a Illug m cssas es" T it mOl" Que b nds In Iliodura(llin Is l argol y us .1 fl y tho nattv s In war M ist al<es of Beglnners_ tho IJ tlt'I', t i llie, Th e air In Sou th Afl'lca 18 so An "l ng ll"h pl l ysi cill <'ulLu r l st h as , ' h n c k TOu sl bl! " mall Ir 'one III til')' that Sound c a ~rles a v ~ ry lon g Inv nl d sn 'm l' ex , ra l scs wh i c h hc s olns I n got tho (:lUl I)lre figure, and "3)'. 'ath'e masl.Iengerii are staLion d nil th o em pl ro e x I' Is s. II took a l l he tO I1K of hlll ~ to call m essages (ltPI11 10 P'arls, bul h ·round lbat t o each other. t h women Ulere did no l n eed , them , 1L Is no l'ogg eratlon to say that Aud now he has s nt th cllI t o this t lley cnn make th emsel ves h eard and coun Lr y, ca rryon coU\'erso.llo ll a QUarLer ot :l Th ese exc.rcJscs, · gRlhel' d t ogeth er mile dl slant ; but for ob"lous I'easons brl ,ny, arc th C!,lp : 'rhey ara called the}' cannot be stationed so close to· the mlilre exercl scR, an d thcy ari' f or geth or . so a system ot si gna lin g by th' r" duotlon of tb a b I t lin . Only smoke Is carried on at night, but thIs 1hls, nnd n ath lng mol", upless one Is m ean s Is n ot followed In r uch a caae ,tu ll In tho throut. when th ere are ex· as 1 allJ trying to desc rlbo. rcl sos fOI' making the throat smallor. A white man named Groom had set· ~ l o~t pOOI)l e . practicing t ho am· ti ed down among lhe Pondos Dnd ,plTo oxe rclses will tighten up l h e D do~t d thel I' way!!. and, except ror Attr~ctJve Tenn is and Golf Costume._ ~,., '1J I t. But this I s n ot tila way. Tll a the trlnlD g dIffer nce of color, was to " bel t should 110 very l oose to giva l h e all Intent a KaIHr hlm selr. This mau W oma:J 's In t resL and partic ipation slil r t <lnd linen coat ; so thnt- the armwai st musel s fu ll Illay. Th corset once, In ans,,"!!r to an argument which ' In ou t door life and go wn s nl' b co m , holos b o( w i de di men sion ,to a llow Should be laken ott ," hlle one Is ex· look , place outside th'c store In M t . i ng mo r and Dl or e gen ral, and g I f Ilar rl'CPr free Il l llY comfo rl should walt r otRlng. . F r se, offered to ba ve a m essage de· and tennis pro ml e to occupy t he UJlon such a costu Dl e. A whll serge Th e empire ex<>rclses aro slmpl III-ered In Komghll, about 20\1 mJ l es YO\l ug Wa lt nn's lelsurc 1m during tbe sklr l wlih a blltchel' blue linen coul Dou gh, Put on someLhlpg loose 1U1t! away. on tb e day after tbe .one on month' q,ui te t' ' clu slvely, I ha ve se u bearill[l; faclnlt of wh it d o lhls : t p for ward und sink upon w hlc b w e we r e sp aklng, and a note And " 'er y woman wbo t.hus I n(1\1 I I': s s rge, and cro wned wl tb a ~'~n('h 1m". n egal u yo ur position and st e(l wa s aocorillngl:; wrltt n to a stor e- (I sir K l(\ Illay In 1;'00t! for m. Wh ich sa llol' hat tied wit h lJlltck rl\J hol!, bnt f orwar (\ with th o Qther foot aud sink k eeper in U1Ut ytlla!,;e and give n him. c rm :1111111 a more strictly to t.he cos· j) rlHI11 S a belte r etrect Is ga ined hy UIlon the othCl' ku e, On e foo t gocs On th second m orning a I<afH r [\ lIl]e " 'ort} when pl lly.lng t h a.u to I h Iho I' vel'sal o l thl li or ll<!r of !l l1'llil'sf orwtlnl and t ho olhor, knee b IHl s. walked InLo tho stor e In Komgha ' anti" k ind of ~alll" Pllt UJl. Unless i<he 'hus Lh IIneu sld l'! and ma l l'lal j:\oker. 1'lIBt l ij Lh e wn y 1.0 do I t. Th e nile placed lhe paper lu tbe storekeeper's the golfl ng eo wmo an d · tll L 1l11ls A while I h~en sk irt of II al'y dllele I' I ~ to k Ollp on un lil you nro pretty well band and w alke(\ ali t; but w e nel'er g w n , Ju s as ' b ll h :as hRd her yn 'h t· Rhoulil be chosen by ' th ,!lo i re I', and a ti l' tI alit. f oun d o ut h ow: thi s had been accom, Ing d r SS, and Iler UI()u u ta ln logs dur brl ghll y col or d c loth coal, 01' a IlanTh EnS-lIsh lu st ru tar advises 1II0doll sh ed. -L ondon Fi eld. Ing th ~ u m m r, sh e i s n ot apt to finl! nel coat, In ' b l a,cll anel whit 8111p ' t al lou, H e say s Ull1uteU I'S do Hlo ncxt wlu l r on must h O\'e this !\g. n uch plollsu ,'e III th e gam . lIul art r lool(s nice with a linen s Ll'l, nnd l he lUIiCh In th e beginning, ami the re- ur , moen though 0 110 does DOt plan ull I t Is nol. so mllcb the dlctat s of add lUon of some br ass bu t.on s on lhe Foreigner. Stick to Cltl e•. Th y gct to w eur au Ilrupfre go wn , All dr BS 9 a ult Is a aorl (lU8 relallse. Th e comm is sIon r gcneral 01 1m m i· f IIh lon I\S the ;;reater co mfort a nll sl eves a nd down the front, A iJrl"hl 6 0 tired U1111 they lak!! to th co uch, are t o b e a' lIttle sborler In the wai st Jlud thon th ere Is no m ore xe l'clse IIna, aud n ot a word 1/5 h ear d abuul gralion has m ade It apparent In I!ls r e- ease gal ne(1 whlcb i mp I I h wOn/lin shade of gr een cl oth has ch arms Wi t h ,port s that the ,number s and quality or "'ho Ind ul!;es In t h es,e healt hru l stlo n s brass butt(lns and a while sldrt. alll' f or IV ks and m ouths. Maybe lhe t he straight tront. t h shirt ben alh should be of flne tbe n ewcom ra to our shores do not to drc ~ s In specially rleslgu(.'fi limes, I rish linen, bearing no dllco raLion bill' exhaust th e problems of ImmigraUon. Tbc gol f plll.)'er Is b ound , aud m os h em ·~tl (c h ed t ucks, a t urn-dow n coi l al IDEAS FOR THE HOSTESS, "-T.en arti cles us d by s carpenter,' One of th ese whlch ,causes much trou· ble and embarrassment Is the malter " ·IHel)'. u>, l hp con vention of slm pl l c, an d ,a smartly tied c ravat. 5- Two lorty t r es, 'Th e l ennls Illayer, I f she be serto118 Some ' Novel and Simple W~y. to En. S- Two, good fish, of dis t rIbUtion , I t beIng claimed that I tr . sc arpel y rt are sbe even take un to tertaln Guesta. tbe n ew swarms shol\' a dlsposi tloll ,to horsc lf I hc lIghi ch ~(rm s of linen , tb e In h er lalJors, dare nOl cr)Rcern her self 7- A nllOlller ot shell fi sh, 8- A ,fin e stag. cli ng to the congested lite of the clUes, exigenc ies of t he wind llolnllng tbllt with any details of costume: she mu st A Handkerchief Shower, 9-A num ber ot small anl mala, P rofessor Wilcox or Corn ell unlver· , th e way of wl seloru lies with se rg~ 0 1' only con sider that ' h er bel.t and her !J' hls alralr fOI' a 1)l'ospect!ve brtde S'l\' trt nnd sby , sit}' aod a special agen t of the U nited twoed. I t Is some lime since Ihe scar· ski rt ca nnot. under 'any clrcv m ~lances \Vas armnged ,In a verY clever m aun I'. 10- Two playful an imals. Slates census bureau wbom we have I t coat wa looked ,upon as an 'essen· of tha most strenuou s exe'rcl se, part tla l c umpl merit to t he skill fu l lise company, that her hat or cap will reo 'rwelve In Uro'a te trll'nds ware Invited I' cently quoted eUlllloyed staUstics to U - A number' of weat h ercocks. to luncbeon wIth Ihe' r que$t 1.0 br ing 12- Two establlsbed m easures_ libow that there Is a general move- of th e cl ub pr nibliCk. ant! al hough main fa ltbful to her bead. and unob, tbe gift " moucho!t.·,,' roll ed up Into t b e 1.3-'1'wo Implem nts of war, ment c llIong Immigrants away trom the re 11 1' II f VI" who bold (ast by Its t ru slv!' In I t s bl'IIIl , tha t t he oulfs 'al1d sma llcst package possible, Defo r go· U-Whlps " 'Itbout handles, the cities. On tbe basIs or bl S ftgures hcco ml ng and si gn ifican t ' InHlI n ce, collar,hand to her shirt are no! Ilk Iy lug to the dlnlng-roonl Ule hoste>!s 15-Th e steps or a ho I , It appears that n earl y one-baH of those th e m8)rlrit)" Is no lon ger bound b y its to be an Impediment to h!' r most', ac;. tlve movem en ts. F'urth r more, she t ook ail UII~ pack ages and dianpetlared. 1 G-The sides at a vot c.. wbo have arrl ye:! wlthJn the las~ Ove cha r m s, and l h e herr lng-lH;II1 c- serg Wlian lunc~eou 'I\'as al11101lilC d, With I7- F lne tlowers. y 'aI's aro to b e found ' outside lh'o 01" t h(' hOIll CS lllifl t weed a re the most should wea r a petticoat wi th no , pend, nnt lnce frill , and s hould be asslIl'e d o ne ,'olco the gLiests axcla'imed "how lS':""A fru i t. cities or 25,000 and ov er : ' Evon with· us nall ... fa VOTed. An 'excellen t .' m alerlnl f or the galt g t1 !!rall l' of her comn lnt~ comfOl' t. pretty.' - SUBuendod trom tbe chanda· 19.,-Two scholars, out, dIsputing his figures and etate: Il l'l l' t hera wlis an ' In'\'()rted , Jajlanese W hite lin en an d thlll wh ite ' Hannel 20-Two plac '8 of ,worshljl, m ents t hey hardl y slrlke at the root lin k Is fl anncl. and t he late. t Ilat· ulnbl'ella, trom each rib th ere was a 2 L-Ten Spani sh nobl em 11 to W1',1t o f tb e matter. With a foreign Incr e· tern s of the~ Include n varl (). ' or ar the Id 'al ' matf3 l'lIl ld, and pel'SOn, tr'l pe. an d of bl'o wn a ll y r "'.au ld eschew Ihe enlo w sleeve, smaller umbrella and' from this btln!; upon m e. ment at the ra t~ of abou t 1,000,000 a hJ..' and whi t lJy rlbhons thero was a gilded water· 22-A way out oC dlftlc ulty. y ear It Is beoomlng Increas ingl y dlf· lind wh il e str!"e, w hich IMler, when hut Lh en ther Is n o C'ostUIl1C In which lug can the sprlnleler of whlcb had l~ ficult cach , yea r to obtain help to allied t o 0. bro wn ha t and lealher b ,It. ~ really find t his an pssen llal. dlscovANSWI~RS . 1101 s with baby ribbons of dlITer ent gather the rrults ot the earth . What- wonld hllye milch tel com mend It: In· er lng al \,'aYB and always l ha tlhe more Tbo human body which hall : c olors coming out. At the end of each , 1-A chest, ever mar become or tbe~ e new r e- doed. It would be hur d to bellt. a nd 1 r mee t It the less I like Il , B ut bt'fore ri bbon t here was a tightly rolled (lack2- Two eyelid s. crui ts when tbe)' l eave th e l arge cities cn n picture il well crown ed wi t h a lea " l ng the subj ct o f tennis players, age. Tbe etrect was l ovaly, The place I WOUld urge that the), I,'a.rry a con. 3- Drum s. tb y appear t,o .studlousl y avoid tbo panama enCircled b)' a br(lwll gauz ci1rll~ were miniat ure " Jap" para sol s funda mental Industry of the countl')'. scart Wi th very h ort e nd ~ , or a s mall , v~nleni poel(et In t h eft· slelrts, and 4- Nalts. ' 91tb 'the cards tIed te the band l ell, u-Pll>lms, , toque or .bro wn chip t ~lmm ed wi t h 'SUPI)I), th elll ~e lves witb 11 thin light ·-Boston T ra nsorlpt. ribbon s, or tb!, ev,. r' popul ar tam-jf, " Tho candl e shad es were ornamented 6-Boles, ~ han lc" , se t jau n tily upon 0 ' lI!Lndeau <,:oat there l ij n oUl l ng belt'll' than 'i'h l l e . 'wltti these same tiny Ilarasols and 7-Mu scl es: or brown riu bon, tied In to a bo w at s,erge or homespun, ,a nd ~\ uce t be like Marrl~ge F:lIght of Ant .. 'timall l allelrns IIl1ed with ' oandled 8-Hart (heart) , mllY btl secured 'tor domethlng under "'eople liv ing along t he RIver Stom, one s 10,1 c, ,11Urrtld rloe 'wore , at -eac h place, The 9- Hnres ( hall'l), 'Th gol fer may al so tak e UIl ~O h er , a. so verelt;u ,and lIp wnrd~ , IC, ls withi n at Sandwich, E Jilll and. were the allier nllnt sherbert, wblch was the dessert, lo-Calves, day trent ed to , a w onderfUl sight. Sud, selt th e sallsfacllon of a abort t wood th e possIbilIties of m Ob1: of us_ had smilax 't wined arou nd t h e tall ll-Vanell (veins) . denlY 't he stream, t he s11ores ' and the ,gl ass with another lillIe UDilIl' lIa In la-Filet. hands, ~treets of th e to wn ' becam e cover ed "tho t op o( the glua. l3-Ar,m s. wllh tl)'lng an ts th at seem ed Lo be WD1 i4-Loshes. drollplnl like hall from the clouds, I5-[n' , stepa, Novel Flower Party, Tb e black evenl!)g gow n Is alwl1>':; u woman Is In very dee p mournlpg she The pbenomellon was a \llarrlage 16-Ayes aa,d noea. consi dered useful. In f act t hey are will select an all blsc k lace ,gown At an atternoon part)" gl ven ror 15 IIlght ot ants, such as alwayll takes 17~Tultps, aimo st essen tial to complete the ward· Wllrn '!:I ver bl ncl; , whi ch always sug001' 20 I\lrls, each was requelted to place In tbe Slimmer, The ants thus IS-Adam's apple. robe of a woman w'ho goes ant a g r eat gest~ mournin g: An all blacl( laoe -coDle w earing somelhlng to Indicate It swarm i ng were young queen8 and, 19- Puplls, ' It certainly , was a r egular " flower." ~' Inged males: In theae marrIage 4aa,1. Yet ~lian~led _tu ll~ &9w n,ij ar~ ' gOwn may bo relieVed by Borne to uch es 20-Temples. " nower ' garden of girls" 'that ' anem· ot j et and blaolt ,velve.t rlhbon. ThlE fllgl,ts 'countless millions ot ants take 21-Te.n-donB. bled on n.ll broad /lower decl<ed porch . prclduces a charming eITect, ' and milY' part , yet tbe nolsa of their tiny I'lbrat22::..c)1eetr: "The i;oaless gave out ' little hand· be mada' more be~oml ng by the uso of Ing wlugs Is 'scaroelj' ail loud as the MADAME IIERRL pa~nted Rower sliap.ed booklets , ror, tite white lace or bows of colored velvet at hum or Ii bee. So fraU 'are their dense 'bouellsep ~o be wrillen In and a prize of th" Wrists. ' column!J that a little putr of Wind wfU. HOOD FO~ 8MAL~ CHILD, ' Il hllge bouquet ot asters was awarded it Is fa"llh lcn able this season to 'wear dlspe'r~ e tbem out 'o f si ght. , " to tlie ~Irl wbo guessed tbe moat and ihln black go,vns over col ored II n ln ~;8 Comp!lratlvely tew ot , the myriads 11 box pf marshmallows to the one hav. and over white , or any light Bhade. which come forth from their nests Ing t!1e least correct guesses. Some of thi s lining makes the des Ign of the ' Into fhe all' li ve to enter a n'est again , tbe r epresllntaUons w ere exceedingly "_ce show orr, very ell'ectlvely. ' P mctlcsll), all the males die, ' Ionoly dover; a ' row of pins consplcuolIsly aud shel terless, The surviving queen a OIac k lace ~wns trimmed With worD on the froDt of tho gowa was found n ell' commuliltle's, or, enterlog whl,Le lace appliQued on the black net "rose," several 'pInk bOl'l'a ot huge proold n esls, 'are at once taken care of by are sllffic! 41ntly n ew In design to be atportlQns was " pinks," 9bUe a buttoD tbe worl(ers, Ilad start new eutonles- ' tractl l'e, W~II ,:, 'qtilet, gowns are more 1astened on with a nail ' was " bacheIn ~'1e lr old n"raery. suitabl e rOr old er worn on . they ,can be lor'. button;" a girl resplendent (n stlgi ven a youthful touch by the Introducver stars proudly ,sald she was. whole tlou of. some color In the waist. Balida rough Kid, 'b ouquet of' " asters, II of' 'je t, n'ot th e , old-fa shlQned hell vy "That youll'gat ElI or yours Betlms to Space torblds 'glvlngan·y more ex- ' Ilasseme'nterle, bllt a muoh Ilghter sort b e h av lug hIs own way l ..tely. You're am pies, hili It will be readily seen ,bow: qf ~rl u'lQllng, that l Ooks as though It Dot RS strIct with blm as YOLl were." thll)dea. could be adapted to almost were emb ~oldered on to the gow'n It" No, 1l was a question of economy atiy entertainment. Ice cream was self, Is liked for trimming sU'eh gowns_ with me," ' aervad In "/lower" mOldl_ "Economy?" May Come I,n Time. "Yes; e\'Qry month I ulled to han Riddle •. "R.wat's" the matter wl t b restorlnll to bny mY8ulr a pair of :sllppers, IUld Hero Is a most lugenlous riddle by tbe! b'o y a llalJ-"ot trousers." Effectlve Coetume of Crepe de Chine lre old , Anglo-Bsxon Wil Y of spe.lllnll Bisbop Wilberforce which 'wlH atrord " hwtcl1" "hwlle" \\"e are about It~ , and Courtauld'. Crape_ keen amusement arranged •• a conChLld '1I model III pale plnJr chUra,. That's th e' way we pronounce t hem.test, At the bead of the Ilap!!r write : tatreta; the crown o( the hood II quiltNothing Elle Tljer.. always stylish and beiComlng, and were Atlanta Constltlltlou. .'J am a ilngular ,pIece of mechanIsm, ed_ 'The brtm around ·the face Is mad. when a [eUow ' ,haves I1ltnllOlf;' never more fashionable than a:. pres, u everyone admltl;" then write taie of live row. or gathered ruching or asked young Kall<>.w, '!I. It necessary ent, while evel! wOlJlen who are I'I'earfollQw'lng queatlons: the talleta_ The .tlllll are or 110ft wIde too sllav.e up agaInst the lP'aiD!" Inl light 1I1t'umlng h,aye an 0PPorlunl1-1 bave a carpenter'. tool boll:_ taffeta rlbboD, futened to the 11004 ·'why Bhould you ",-ant W kDowr' ty to wear eve~tng $OWDB ma'lle or a-Two lIds. watll a l'OIe and • bud made or till ..ked Elder. "You'D oDlJ bve tI Chantilly or 9russe18, net and trimmed I-Two musIcal lutrumentL ribbon_ Nave dowa." ' wIth hau"s of t.tre~ IUk or cra~_ If
DrinkIng Custome. eocl ety I s soall ed In drink. The eu. tom s of Europeans In India are alt Anll -teeto t al. It Is even regarded . . unpatriotic to b ll a to t al ab stainer , be- _ couse th e gover nmen t has a d l rec( lDt erest In the sale of drink, It It! " tac t that when Indian s becomEt Chrlllt!. an I t 18 necesS\lo-7 to 'h ave a te mperan ce society, wb\ch as h,eat henl or MohammedaDS (nl;ly did n ot require. This Is d ue to Brl ll3h d rlnkln, cu .. tom.s,- World's W omen's T em Perance Bulleti n.
Low Rate. to th e North west, Every dny unt O 0 t. 31at the Gred ,N ortherp Railway '", 111 sell on e wall Colonlsls' T l cket3 f ro m Chicago at th& follo wing lDw ra ~es: . To Seattlo/ Portland and Weste'rn W ashl nglon, $33,00, poka n e, . $30.IiO_ Eq lfally low r al 8 to Mnn~ana, I daho, Oregon nnd Briti sh Columbfa_ For fu r ther In:to l"matlon address MAX BASS. Geucrn l Jmmlgratlon Agen t, 22 0 So. Clai'k St., Ch.lca/IlD, 111. BEES CLOSED A MINE.
'lwarmeel In Mi lliOns and Men W .... Unable to Wo~k_
There are In sta nces In great number where mining operatloas ' were telllporarlly suspended by a shortage of fun ds o r by wate r 1I00dl ng tlul propel'ty, but It reRmlned f or Mohawk, a small stat i on along th e Southern Pa. cillc, to rurnlsb tl n ew cause )Vblcl1 i. unique In the h l slory ot mining. company alrected owns t be Red Croa. mInes In tbe M obawk mountains. ,Millions ot bees, nttracted by the ,water at th ese mines and ' ror~ ed r_ lhelr h i ves In tile moun t ains b1 tile ,dr ought, took possessi on of th.e water SUPllly, Bnd their numbers were ." great that it WIlL fa od Imposslble ' to drive' the swarru s away. Con sequeDt!7 the mines hav been ahu t dOWD ' UDUI the r alllJ' season sets In, when It .. hoped til e boes wi:1 r eLurn to their lJIOuntalu homes.-Sacramento B",
The Popularity of Black Evening G9
iF10u WA.T~o EARN IOIEY': "tOOOI.e...b8re ! . ,.~urCbaD all: Wearrtr •• • • • Zt.:A fur "bos' wbq l~curlllub.ortrt.JOQtort_
' .0 IIlft.telL n ll1l",.ID'6 clubbln" olJera o th. . . . . .... (A nd lVllma" Homa ()pm~II""" , ".(lit ' • • full J 84'r, .I.a,: 811(("#14, n --OrrLon" lin",', 0"". . . . . . Ind llt,1Jlewu/ n",nt'1f.ll'i. " .00. PeilU are I II acldl1loll.
1On. l1 bo,.1 CUI,rJml .. I'"Jn uu ... ob ord.r. TII...
.a•..., ·
almo." .~ I l toh8D 15 UITU. . 80ulo "n rn 111.,0 a ~ WInny .... much A. ~,. C.n u.e aU, .your \1. . . . . . _norlb Wrl,ew·". , 1Jr"anll:ulanl. bator.,a.. . C e rrIt1l r,· I. '1 Illteu. "" .-' . 1t&:f;&ilta.a.I.uI. . . ft'U ....ILM II....... W. . ,...
ALL A.dNeACH ___ _ • • tilalholilolOo ..... _
$25 000 00 ,
FOR ACENTS• • 1 ''none 10\1.
1'0 ' • •
(?equ a ot Inll'l. I.,..·. OOmlul .. lon l •• nd ' b4' ,~ r..aJL , Add~ lJCP" 'X,II K. 24,btl .. , tj.Y. ClIoar.
lIA","8:rrBN IFAN2'BD.
Publl li ed
WeeK'! 31
.' . T . lJKU W'1\
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J ~il l torMn nc1M Q,lIaJlcrs: T . ,J . IIH,IWN. A ~O ' I T" E:o I·ru.l.
A luu. tt W: KfJ' M . M LCAT ~I
\\·3yn". vllle. Oh io
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' 1<00 " YOIor I , ~h .. ye. r 1 )FFICE
: , ••.• , If IIUL paid
In 1Id"lAuce In ""vanloO
i" Cl.JElP~Olhl eJrLIa . . )'lO, 6'2 I
OC1'Oll E I{ 17 •
. .: .
I Anu
A Waynesville PERSONAL . AND Bargain Day LOCAL ITEMS A Plan which would Orin~ an InOn . E. 8. K,N UIHlFF. ('fease of Outline 8 to ' Waynesville Mercltants. Iu conver8lltion with tl Li'v e Iller · hllnt of Way ue \' ille II few dill's IIgo, II HII l'.I'I tt,e r pre~ ut-atl ve find Ihil4 ultlrohunt. ~i8 Ilssed ' wu.ys lind lDelln s t or iuor Itaing thEl bURinesM of t,he .1,(1 \\'11. On e ilIa" l!lll(gllsted was t,hls: T o hu.vo '·A, WH y nesville Burgllin ' Oj~y.I ' Lt' t t,b o ID rchnlltK g .t tOl:ether and IIg r ee to mako II pe il\1 prioOs 'on oort... in artloles for (.hnt da.y only .. For i nstu.lloe ellch m erohant sell sOlUe article or group of ~rticlQS fit tiO ceot", or II. dollllr, or u.t Ilny prioo tbat ma.y bEl a g r eed upon for tlla' matter , Ev.e n if tl10 d i uta d e n o pro fi t eli er on ~bes~ indlvidulll IIrtlcles ~nough other good .. would be sold t o the . or ow d H thllt would be IltlrilOted to tbe town to mllny times offset tho lo,.~ of pro tit on the s peoial", besides tbls plnn w o uld mnke permunent hn"lness for tbe town . T~I make this Ito IH1Cae !:' eaoll mer ohant shoold try t o olIer , some u.rtiole different from his oompet. Itors . Every m erchant ' al sh.ould
Ourlug Ihe past few ye6rl! so JUllny perllOn!! hriV'tl (lorue to Wayne t-own!!hip from KElntnoky a.nd Brown County, ()h \l" th .... r. ll11IDY neighborhoo4s th ll l (ur yElllri< pre v IOU8 hu.d been ooollpl"ll by '11 . f e w old (smilies, have chaugl·d oc)lUpit'tAly . 'rbe new omer" have bllan IIt·trll ot · ed here by the pOll8lbiliti oK of t o· bllooo ouiture, and the .tohu pco bUill· UtlSl;! 'tat to a grellt exten tin thei r hands . Nine out of . tAn of t helle n e w comers are Democrat and thtlre Is a )1ONlbllity of r. ohange in thA political oomplexlon of t·be township lIhould tbe I)()pll)ation oontlnue to . dow from Kentuckv' anll Brown County as .i t · has tbe be obsolutflly truthful in hit! udver tisiug'l'b e people \vi\l soon dlslJOV )~II.t few years. . er IIn:r attempt todeu.l unfaltly with' All illustrating the prol'perlty or th em nn d liS a ~esult tbe ent·ire plan • thft 'oountry 11<& the present time would be ... fallnre. Anothllr thing IIbsol utely Deces (11.11(1 inoidentally the value of The sltry ill liberal u.dertising 'rhe HII~et\e 88 an advertising ' medium,) it Is of,' Interest to note that reoent· new8)lllpers .wIIl of oo urs'e do their art, as they 61ways d o, but in "ddl. ~ Iy I&n 80 acre farm WIl8 advertised P tion tbe surrounding towos Ilnd iD 'he GazeUe, and IlS Il resuU six neighboring oonntry should be thor. .. Inq~lrt.. were received for th~ . fllrm wi$bln. ,few daYI .. The advertise- oughly biited with ·.lI1rcu)are and Thf' slIII1e matter that . np. 'oont&IDed only :it. few lines and posters. llrs ' In ,the newallilper . couJd be 'Mlly appeared twice, t~ere being pe used 10 the pOllters, tl1erllby Btl ving • ao.thing about it to lL'ttraot special Bome expense, ' ....n~." o~er I'nyming-else in ttie paPer. Tbill g088 to show 'hat the "If this plu.n Is tllken up a.nd prop erly poshed, .Waynesville will h6 ve people are proeperous. ·T he $anan t suoh tb f b . wbo hal been rentiD, a farm is get. Il roag 0 uyers. ln 'be town tlDg enough Dloney ' ahead to look as sbe hat! nElver had before. Tbls would be" pr otl' 1 d ~ ~ 0& un er .bou~ tor a farm of hil own . Ten y.~r • . &RO land could hal dly be gtyen away. ·Now In spite of the would eael th h • '.. r ve e l. eal'~:V co ope.ra· oonitalit Inorliase In 'valne, the tlon of R majority of our . business ~.n~: for land il inoreuing. peOpl!) . Isil.'t It worth trying? '. The Renewal of the ' !. haD ' .... M b Let I> _r Irum you_r. ero Rot Traction Frailc.his~. If the League 't 6kes the matter up The ClOunoil of Waynesville h8s we would suggest appointing a oom · , ted D Vh 1 mUtee to look after the detallll; se. gran r. ares A . Hough, of th ' LebAnol;l; another year, or to 1908, oure . s oo·operatlon of the lndivid· u81 business men 8nd make other In w hi eh to b uild a traotlon line th~a8h Wayne8vlile ., ' neae8sary ,arrangement8. ' . Here Is anbe'outUn!l . Th e pub1l8Iiers 0 f th e' Ga zette plan might kedof tbet way h the d have onl.. "'indliest pe-onal wor ,pu a ea· . J -,he ' a OD . · tb feell':lffS flJr ,Or • .Hougb, but we "do mg out U8 : think Connoil hll8 made ' a 8erlou8 "WAYNESVILLE'S GREA',l' mistake tn KtIlntini 'h l'm anotber DAY," rIgbt of way through &be ,town. or Waynesville,' ' A8 long as he hlUl a franohlse uQ er t e an8p oes of their Business othen do noto&re to oonie In and tMen's decided to olIer th .League I bav" f th d undertake' tobnlldaUnewlth ' the 'o epeoll.e 0 eS!lrrouoing towns and countryspeoa I I b po..lbill&y of. litigation and /delaY8 . In . ' all Iinell one d y I <>_.targll.lns d Dr. Bough has had plen.y of time ' . 6 ~n yo' <:JG ur ay" to make good a'n d bllli faUed. Coun': ' ,~t. - -.- The object of this bar. oU should have refused tache him gam day IS to induce yo~ to come a ~ranohi81? untUhegave some eyl. ~:"aYbet8V~lletotdO yo~r =di~gb den08 Ulat he aotually expected you wa: 0 tge acqtona,,~ w t buUd a traction line. ,an wan youlook ....."ome aoqnalnted w,tb us, over our J
Death of a Llttie Child.
B. E . B obh. Ma:ster the 100111 MIIslml o lud go IItllQnlied the lIunulIl Auiherlng of th e G rllnd Lo(Jge of Ohio tit, olumbuR 1' hurs dllv und Frldll Y. . Mr. ' W , Rin'g l'l r in ohargf1 of tho .\11 y '1' I phone CO':l I.II1 ~i D el!S ht 1'0 nn s we red plII,r oue of th e liu o wi th nil IlIlUSIlIII\ V c beelr(ul ' ·IH ll h'.' unll " lIulllb r pl eueo" lus t w ok' whl h WII ~ IJx plnln ed by t he urnvul of lin IIdditlonlll. operl\to'r t o tho f orce in the pers?n of 'I lit tlp Miss Ringer who lurlved Thurs duy m ortling . Sa vern l of Ihe pupilll uf MII!!4 Lile wbo relli{ln elI b e:r pos It Ion In t b e . soventh fllld eigblLh' ;J rudes of the IIchool, iuvite41n II far e well s urprise F . I .' rUIIY e vening, gmng t J . the horne ~f her rellLt·ivll!:l R o v. lUlU MrR . 'Ilrl. wlIlIllder wh er e toey >lpent thoevon · ing ve ry pleIl8n~t1y : FriilllY lifte r noon 11 number of Ihe pupils. unltel} in presenting Mi. ~ I..ile ..e \·orlll t o k. ens of pst,ee m. _ ~ _ ._
At a 8p ohLlllleti,tlnj( () f the hOllrd . o r Eclll('ILlion' Wedne~ rlllY e vening, MI!4" Annn. Vllntl e r\'oo ~1 of n our WI-liml/n W~IS 'uppointerl to fill th VIH1ItnOy In r, 'OID four of the lIOboo), OIl\l~ed by t il e re:signitlou of 1\lil' C1l1ra LI·lo. u . Mitis VlluOervoort tuugb t lust . t,h e B lSOy ' 0 istrlct of tbe yellr In Wltyne to wnship ;~ob oo l!! . Miss Lile enter ed on hAr duties in th e X Qn III. !If) I100 IfI ·t o wh k h 'ihll hnd been eleoted, . Monday . .
Commissione:rs' . Proceedings. Uotober ,1906. Wm . B. Jac ka,~ on ,' Inerauun
~:::e B~; W~U;Qll:~Si:: "th~·:n;: Leb:~~:f~II~::;I~~b~i~hi;~~..."
!I,t R lm , II.t OrAgonill , lifter Sept. 12, ' 01).
Miss Vander'voort . Succee:d~ .,"iss Lile.
H,t "r,.
Chl1Dbarlal.I's' Coulfl He.
. c.:ommisioners:' Report... 5 Western t:; til 1'., pllbli!lhin~ ft . . nllnol...1 rep9rt.i(lr coouty !J We-teru ""nr, bUT docket" ... ~'0 ~.,.... Xeolu- l,.'ity Worl. l:I.ouije. b dl .. 6 . oar ng prlllUners ... .. " . T , (). Patterson, sherift·, b 'd ' . oU.r 10K prisollers ...... .. 134 ·Lebanon .GII.8 . ..• C .. o.. m .• pany, ' gas f ur Jill I li ...... " , .. .... Lebauon Gas ()omlp8ny, 8Up.· plies' for oourt rOOUl".... 12 Trustees of Pu~lio AlIllirs, light at court 'house... ... Trustees of Public Alflllrll, light at jail.. .. ..... .. ...... Warren County Appeu.l' blnnks for sheriff........ J. N . . Burch, bridgere''''lrs .... Turtlecreek towDshill ... 9 Cros!! Bros. , sewer ' pipe lind nails .............. "... . .... ..... ~ Sum. BElnkle, expens~s lind fees ... .................. .. .... .. 126 "v. L ~ W fl.n~, t. I um b or.. ...... .... 4,1 N, ~ Ingersoll , cOllltrt1otNo . . 7 .... .... .. ....... ".... .... .... 52 Lennill Whitaorll, oonttllct No. li9...... ............ .. ..... S:I 86rt Reed, contraot No. 68... 211 John Wolfe, briuge r epairs MlIssle township ·.... .. ... :. 25 Q
gooda ILDd get our prloes. We IlS. sure you fair treatmeot and good lIervlce. We invite you ~o call on Alma Shnoil:ey Willi born .he 29th us at any time, bnt we espeoially of Mat; 1905, and died .he · 28th of 8eptembei, 11106,' liKed 1 year an.d 4 urge that. you oome on this bargain day and ' take advantage of the great monthe, laoklng 1 day. o~erings whioh' follow,," 8h~ . Iii laid by those '~~ knew The announoements of the mer. '&roey l{tihn, CODltrnct No, her &0 hllve been a rvery .brl,ht and 90 .... :.................. , ........ beautiful Qhlld, and although so ohllnts oould follow this. I::l. F, Koogle &: Soo, paper · young will : be greatly mined by The Biggest Ever. ing und p6intitlg hall u:t those ·w ho had the oak. of her. court hOUdO •••. .,: ...•••. • : . . We trust tba$ the oooaslHn of the D. W. Meeks says thtlt the btl(. I,.ebunon Ice lind Coal Com· baptllm 'of her moUler IItill be geat single mail that has come to pany, ice for oourt house fr8llh In hill' memory in ' tbis hour of WaynellViJle during the , thirty odd 1I0rrow; and tbat .he may look tor. years In whloh ,he has oorried ' mall State vs Barvey N ,. Hughes. ward with' joyful and bllssfnl II.ntic. ,w a9 thfl.t whioh 'arr! vad Frldtly .. costs ......... .. ..........,. ..... .. t3tllte vS' B arvey . Hughes, ipation .to a future .where she,may morning. oosts ..... .... .. .. ..... ,....... " .. . meet bel' little jewel in : tbe Land The mc1il consisteci of 10 tic IIlIcks tba.t Jr'nowl, nO' sorrow"and whete. and a large letter l)Ouoh u.nd Web's Dfl.yton Billnk . Book " aDd GOd with Bi8 own ·hand. sh~1l wiPe waKon WIIS so full ~e WIlS unable to Printing Company, en · IIoway ~lI · May . the 'little bud find a pltloe to 'r ide: velopes f ar Auditor .. .. :. W. H . .Stanage.llnd 00, \ mer· of.promiie that ~al bOOn taken (rom Monum·e~b.IW·ork thOle thllt loved her 80 tenderly De . • ohandlse and blll,nks t~r the. means hi God', hands .of leading Geo.Dodds and son, )lroitrietors Audltor ..... , ................. .. ~ thOle that are out of (;''brlst 6nd of the well known monnment firm W . B . Stanage lLD.d COmpany wlthou. hope to ahe Bavlor, ~nd of Xenla,bave on hand Ilo 'stl)ck of penoll shllrpener ......... . monuments . !lnd markers which thOle who 'hllVe 8ubmitted to Hts they wish to dispose of quiokly In W. B Stl1nage and ,Oom· authority to oonlloorat.e anew to the their new building oper... tion~ Ilnd ptlny, reoord for examl· Ohe th~y have pledged themselves are therefore prep6red to mak~ un, ers for Audi~o:r . .. ,., ., lisfore God and men and'angels to' ·u sually close prioes on the work now. W. ~' . 8taDag~ and CQmp · obey ' and aoknowledgeBI8 law as Have also recently iS8ued 11 new IIny, blllnks fpr Clerk ... . 8~pteme author"y In tbAlr lives, oatalollue, sh,owlng many atyl 'e of W. B. Stanage aIld Com. that they may he ble88ed ' in time .monuments which will be mailed to pay, supJles for Audl· . and be happy in Eternity, Is the &ny Intereeted ty on request. tor . ..... . . . .. : ... .. .. : . prayer of the One that has written Firat Aid to Beauty. W. B. Stanage atld . Oom. thil tribute by reques' of the frienda Nothing Is more certain to bene. pa,ny, blanks ~or Clerk 11188 aLAnY WIL80~, Sa. fit yonr complexion than a 25 oent Valley Telephone Oompany Centerville, OhIo. box of Laxakola tablets . Tbey fresh· I re t nd t It ' en the skin, give color to the cheeks n ·s ,a 0 s . , .. .. . .. . oure oonstlpatloD, and give you ~ E . A. llary, lumber ... . ... , olear. rosy, healtby oomplexion. J. W. H, Antram. P. M., E. JlUlDey. stamp8 for IIhel~ft ..... , CWWCol48, CI'oapIllld ~ ~
11i li l
ComlDllI!lillUerl~' ''·RtlllOr( ..
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KIND~. Dr n:.:t!lH I,
.rele pltllue ill his b O ll :i '~ wl, ol'l \ lae \ ......,,,.....,.,..--~=--=enn be Cll lltlli M nil Ilonr!!, ,lu y or ~t/:.' f uit.;h t. ' " IT'> n' \ i~ ~,,:. j ~' , COlloh fj lmd c huirK "utlpltad .. 1:l1\'vC r contl y Ill( yell t,o 1'00 11' 'U' . .! h ~:~ next to r OSB Bro!\. . [QUI PPEI) WI'rH '1 MAIN S'1' IUI: .~1 . ' WA YN Ea VILLIt •• ) t 'U" ' I
AUTOM.: '. ,; ..:~:
ELECT. . '. ·w'-t· ;:.
Cincinnati &louisville l~ " ~ ,
..." Southwest. HOYESUKE.I' llCKm ON UL&
for InfOl'lll8tion and RIotn Add_ PAUL UR.OWN.: T. P. A.
, i
OAP.IlETf. a nl:tl<l
hl li n" ~tf.
W. C. RlNEAItSON. Q, P. A.. , L't.dtJ.uu.. t...
~~.!t6eLu!E"'" " - . .........J
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u: ;V Swnll1p.Rf?Ot is }.Ile:lsullt 10 lalce nnd is zemll, s .... t rhe om, ol""'I''''lu", n'lle~ a solc1 liy nil 'd ruggists i" fifb ',(:cllt nnll .. ' " II' n I;' " oue·dollar si~c ooul"s. \' 011 lian), hn\'!! n mIl Mklll di!le!l8 s .. Instltnt r A!iPf. ,· Will cure anf ease of Kidney s:lInpl~ bottle of HilS w()U(I<:rflll new d is. Don't !!uffer· Ion ' er write F W or Bladder disoase that is no' 83 co'l'ler:y nt"fd~. blook thaI lells nil about it. \VILLAMI:), 400 MIIDI'I"~tlln live' n[l e' , beyonll the reach of medicine. I)0 I sen ree .Jy 1II 0il. Address,.Dr. Xii. .1, Iller & C 'B I Ne w York . En c l o~A ~+< 1 , GIVIN UP .TO DII. 11 . .. 0 ., 11110: IIIlIIlon. N. Y. When ~ Q",1 np. B. 8plceol. 1206 N. Vlr..lllnl .. SI .. E-t.null1 UO o\\'{fr.'!r thn~111 IIt'IC!lliOIl readillD){ 11th gellerous! "F"roverfour~ea"' lwa.troubl:t LI S paper, '1isWilke any l:! 19 100 I ~dtl!wkrlltedl: w . . . a'. nO~BDdbladdeflllJeodoD. IlosUI b uun 1I119(lIke, butrclllcm\;cr lhe nuru e S" ·UlUn. I • latowork. Throepb'.lel .....r..Ued 21i Root. Dr. ISill1ler's Swump,RoOl: IlDulhe f?ld:~~ '8~;,u~!..~::!;'~.~Sedto a~~' tb~o~~: addrcss, BIDgbamton ~. Y ou every ~1 LA"' G ~" I' ~ttlo.aYal1l.grellt",lI.r .od"ft.rtdklll&'h. bottle. . . ., •• . !~ , In. v . ," . IOOODd bottlal ...sonllre!r clIred." . . 1 ......0 "'1••• 50 C. t d 'lOft 70 RIDGICVILLII:, III I . :..," "::..... .)0. '. .., ' ~ ••• ,, ~ • • 'r, . . ., A Youn'g Mothe r lit 70 . BI'E , IALTI I£S: UI8I1lABKt! o~· WOMEN , 50 . "My: luother hilS I:ntddenly been A~O 8ILDIlION . . 81n S oUJrh • D ru6.d '" y.o ung· n,t 70. Twenty yeart! ' c-urea Colil5:-<:roujtal1d Whooplug COUll>. 3& of In tenSI;! suffe ring from dyspepslll ~!!!!'!!!!!'!~~!!!!'!~!:!!!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!~~~~~~;~!!" hlld E'ntirQly disabled her, until !Jix ~ . DAYTON, O. month,S Ifgo, when she begun takiuf' E8tablished 46 year.8 IIt·re ngth IIOU a a tlvity sbe had In the prIme tlOO PISI; 1'-.IONOO t I kof lI,fe, 0 " writEls Mrs.W .L . Gil. of ~tK u d' KE~) cnt$ In ti n p alia IlO!o.IlI ,.. T'J(A PIl . .... It tlK hI .oul\'tH ' xI> ' r iencc(1 If:.acherK. 1' h ou .. a nil pur , of a nforth , Me. Grentest ad 1 ' 1 ., on". c nne D'Dieral . \lU~Ylllnnll l.,' pay ,"c n l' ln~~ n . Slu'lclIIS r""tl'rR tive uledl' ol' ne 0 th '1 b 10 mJ\ U~"" ~,_a nl~'oIO'm c,\V °11 .p o 1~l n. "". ror " 'l"lu'IlCk In .lllly alo"l1.. :1;10 ~.Il I"I·· ., J '." •. ' 10lili ' n ego e. ~ . A." ' CoII~ge u riCA" 0 WitT l '" v , \ , . til s tomlloh liver Rnd kidneys d' . h'J',eros"I onh, fo r IrQc C!1I: . 10guI'. 00 right, pnrifies the bloo{l ond onres O\ng so muc or at ers may be relied on to do mlllllrill,biliousn t)ss lind ~euknesse!l. ' . mucH for you. 10 W onde rful nerve tonic . Price 50 . Waynesville Graduates of the Mia'mi (}unmnteed lit F. U. Schwllrtz'R,. . E. V. Ba·~nhart,.J. O. Cal'twright, J09, W. . Hisey, MiSs Lilia Githens 50 ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~ ,Edna Mc~tnsey Ridge, D. C. Ridge, Samuel D. Henkle , Geo. A. Funkey, H •.Freel Wh'I t e, George He&!. .51 lIfii& 61
ant ..
' /1
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~11::r;O o~~~~r~erWI~~~h re~~~:e3~~~
W. ~:. MOORI:! , Rpcell'er 40 50
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Vo nabl« i<l,tchncr . 98 00.1(1. ·
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2) L olanu ~K ~ " : UJ ~ 4 2:1 30 Lebanon Arrll' II aI', Ii-ao u ao U 42 Dnlly es<cpL Sun'tllY' ; Stop 011 signal
SUNUA" 1'IIAI1<8. 1'r;lll1'l paM Lytle as folloWd: 15 11 Norlhbound . 7 liUa. m .
14 ·15
2 00
0 Ota. m ,
.00... _ _
, One special for $~ that c~nnot be
COT.TO Nand W6.0L Advancc'd We were fortunate in' purchasing UnderwciU' to retail at old price
25£l to 50c.
$1.00 Suits .50 Suits .
Ladies Misses
WRAPPERS $1.00 buys nice quality.
P . M.
C H .!; D
ROH l y n Hc mps 1.-c\ul
~U· ITS ·
(; 7
m I"
W. I!:. MOORE. {,lelteral PMacQler Alcat. Leb..aO" O.
SEAMLESS RUGS {Ol' rooms. These are growing i~ ' favor each'!'seaSon,·... ~. " '"
Tapestry , $ 1 2 75 $15 00 Body 8russeJs '$21) 00 $35 00 Jute $ 3 00
I' ngral~ ,
$2(» 00 '30 00 ~ . $' I) 00 $, 8 00
Silks -are ¥'En'Y Saleable Silk Chiffon newest all prices, silk 37 1-2c yrd ·'. wide .$1
Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets,-a great ·stock.
6t Gibn¢y, X¢nia, Obio.
' 'w
L Cbollon .I C. Ar~~ ~~; ;~ ~.; ~. ~:; ~: ~I~ &ilk Pett'icoats: excelled. 00 ' SlIal<c r Cr. 7~, 10 '!~ 1 ., -
2-1 t 71 Ce nte r\' lli e
II Cl11p8ltilli
Wood , • re ults I roul ohrohi<l onHtlllllti nn ,. ~'R'l~Al r L' I W~liO~ I", quickly cured . h y Dr." J'.J .1. \. dJ " . King I' New I..!fe . Pills . 'l'hllY r .. m OVIl all 11 IH~1l0UH j:!6rt1l!1 r~OI;} thf1 i 1\ ' 1 1 . ill. ~ ,\ I IIYStQTlI lind mfus6 new hi e lin d A Il _ U~:f\l .I~ l f IN vigo r j Oure Bour stOlllltoh , '",1\1(01 1111 , I~URNlr.I' l=+ ' hoodttoh o, tlizv,iuells Ilnd olic with. ~ ~ V iplng-oT dlscomfol". - ~ ['
I' HYH IOIAN AN I) • Itllt,:I)N . 011'(1'1 It . 1:-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ Wo und!!, Brlllf;fOk IID(lBlli'IlR :Siok 8011 !luoh e Cured , Si k h pncll\oh o i ~ cnnsed hy darlln UIl .. By nppl ying IIlI 1I1lt.! ares!!· f ,. ,. In!! to wound". bl'Ui",,!<. burnH flll( m e ot 0. t bChtllllborlain's e Ht cantaoh IHHI fltOlll II\' inlH. ·' llll'llllln,'t.I ' on geat.ion lloh tik I;! iUJ' Qrl o~ "v efnro ., • IlIId Iivor t.a hl ets corruot t heliA c11 "a r !<Iuts in, ·t hoy 1II11 ,\' h hI III (\ w1!,h ou t llers IInll e l'fao t fl Cure Bv t.nkiug iJtlttUrlltlo n lIu,1 i" ubout ulltl,(,biru theso t.ll"lo·o us ~ Oil 1\. t.Ll . 'l r~" till . ltl Ime requlrt' d by t bo olu trllll t ,, . th e g r£'" I· !It (lillon \' O, " I JeUrR~ tlt men t . '1'111' ~ It! lli o.) tlou vof "'t.he dhlell~ 1/ I.tuck Illay be ",n .. d Ad nit I F'I;': .., e,;-y ltod trl,n~ph o.r Ill udern s urJ{er~' o y F .. ' . chwnrt z. ' Ie humberlulIl s PIIID BlIlm UClt,!! 0 11 t~llB SILIIlO prinCiple. It iHlin lIut.i""11 ---_. ~IC whon nJlpllcll to s lloh Injnr Th C .IOS, lIud CIlU!les them tn henl very qui! k e ause of Many Iy . It nlRO nlln Yfj tho )lllin lind "'Off! ne!'s IIl1d prlwentfl II n.v dllnger a t Sudden Deaths. hlool1 pOlsoll1 u ~ R o('p IL hot·rhl !I f There is n lisease prcmiling ill lhj~ Pain B ... lm in yo nr h om e unci it cO\lutry most dlUI~Crous iJecalls . so uccep. will II v yon tI ;II( II nIl m oney IIll t . III . ti,·c. ill (ln" ~II(11l II to Olo\l t,ion tho inoullv6l11e nc' , lIud .~~Il\ii~~~'Z=E ,lealll s nr~ call s~ll suffl' rin~ s n h illjlll'10i! a ntltil For ~. case, by it- henrl dis. IIle by F . C. . hWtlrl ~ jlJl \.·ulll ouiu. ] hcart fnil llTe or '[ (lI'Upl elC~' nrc oftell An Awful Couj?h 'nred . the result of kill· I ll ~y d isensc. If "'1'wo Y{tllrs ago ollr lit tle ~ i rl hnrl ,,~~j ~~~l '\ ~ kllirl~\' tmulll · is tl to uch of p1l6umonill , which left ~ :.. \ ,t a ll \,:cd lolll!t·!.11ICC her with lin IIwfnl cough . !:Ibe bnd . r> •... ncy,polson. oeetllckai I UifJOlI will al· p.e l1s of oou g hlng jU!lt like oue lack tile "ital orgnns, cu usi ng cnlnrrh of wlth the wh ooping cough nnd 80lllA the hladl\cr, or lWilsI he kid nc,'s Ihelllseh'cs thQt1/!ht s be would not get well I~t IJrenk down allll e IIWI'Y cell I Y cell'. B\adde.r troubles almoSl lllWlt)'s reoult flll. W e go t II b o ttlft of Cbl11Ubl!r I"in 's 'ough Rem edy whi oh noted frow'lI deraugcml!u t of lhe ki(IIICI'5 IIl1d Ii ke u ohlum . !:Ihll stopped co ugb ~ .n~rccllre is Obllliucd,cllIickeSI by a -proper n tlJl " nt ofthc kif neys. 1f ),011 are feci. In g nnd go I, AtOllt !lnd flit .. writes IUg bndly YOII C:l 1I ,"uke 11 0 mistake by Mrs Or:~ BUSBUrd, Bru~k er 111 ltakll1g ~r . .Kila:"er's .swllmp.~oot. lhe This r e m edy is for sale by F. G: great k)dl1ey,. 11\' ~r . a ll I ula.h.l er remeuy. t:;ohwurtz. It <;orrecl~ III.ub.lIly to holl! urillc nud sC(lldUlg palU 111 pnssillg' it, :l.IIc1 over· comes thnl unJ\leaSllll1 necl!ssily of bein g compclll!d to 1;0 Qf{c n t\lr ugh .. he da)' ECZE"IA ' d PILE a!,d to g ll' t . up. uid ll), tilU~s durillg lh~ u an CURE ulJ.::ht. Th, e Wild 111111 t.hc extruonlinnr)' FREE Knowin a wb,tt It wa~ to ~uf II t f S .. a ~ e ec (1 waml;>-Root IS SOOIl rClIUzeu. f f - ' II i FR
n oslyn
[)'ID~ r Ii'rtl lll the PII&K110, g rll V[1 <l u n~i r t,t ,,"\ I,ll plll !,: ll ~ II, f oOllgh s !Iucl oldl< tlill t. lire Kn .pre vlli on t" mll !'!!!' V I1 U t.1I k o Dr, Kl n t; ' ~ Nt w DiMe v(' r.v for c lli'Ulll l' tloll ,oong h IIl(<1 6,)1<\". Mr .. H oot) W,\IlR. of ~'\)" I'Ht ~ ii t y . .M .. \\>J'iI f'I< : . H ' ~ II G 'd ~en tl t.o poupl e Ii \'i nl-: In Ituln l al> wh rB 1\l)Ug hH. ull tl 1!ldlj p r o""!! . J find I t 'ln1 cl{l y A ll cI~ t.ll (1 ll1 . I t. prl'\'en t" pn s l Ul lO llilJ , cn r s hl ~ 1'i \) ~ i v, \\" m d,e rI ul roliefi n n;;t hlllll llllli It Il .V hwe r, lind ma ke!! Will I k InngH " t.r nn:,.: f'no ug h tQ WII rei 011' OOll!nillll" t.i 11, oOllg h f4 lind oold , "Or IIntl :;;L HIlII r ll ll WAd 11» F . (' :;;('I/"\·l1rt ·1. 'l'h 11 ra '
-, l
-==-=- -""=-~-:-:----~~--':"-----------. County:Court~News ..
. ..
ItT PIIOU ICI!l OlNOS, M~ud o Englo VII Eurl Eu gle . vorce grunt,ed nnd plilintil f it! I!tor ad to hor oHIiden n nul e of J,ln 11 ! ,Foster . Frunk L·. BO WUlItD ' e t nl.. Ro[~l e.~ . tute is tlike n at th e apl)r llisom ,,· 1 by 'u!<nn isnbelle W e rner , Fmnk 14 BownJUn /lnu Mary E . Bowmn u . The gmnu jpry reporte d Til I' " , ultY nftorno oo ufter being in ses ,I,." four uu ys , It had examin ed lH W II · nestles In twenty one CIIBes und ill'p,. s ented elf"ven bills of indlctm ll ul Ignorin g t en cuses, The ju,1l w f K 'VIsited Bnd fOund to be in' good COli · dltl on nnd a\l tbe rules fllithfu liy observe d . . tol llll" 01 Ohio \' ~ GI' nTl(e H nnt1k e . D,' Io '11I1,,", III II TI'II I!! II",I . pl e".i~ n,)I. 1-! "1 11.,v 111111 b"lIIll~ fix. .. d in ~ 1l111 lit .*:!f,O ", ILl llh b l>i n g l!Iv ... n d"h~ndllnt. II
'j~ ~ le
MEN'S and YOUN MEN'S Sults ~ Top
Co at s
\ Vhou YOI1 'welll' Il J:jllrt, ~dlldrnt'1' IIllll :\11I1' X Sni t 'fop 'Ollt YOllr fr i o nr1 ~ will thinl. sam ',' wdl ' r.l o rc h nnt tll o r i !linda it . It. will hu vo th o 81111111 hlAh I' III !;4 lI ,atl'l'\nl , li n llJ r in:.:" s npor io l' WOI'k UllI ll ship nn,l thllt p ,'cu li lll' III1' ullOilt It Ib ut o ll l~' tlll~ A r t a ilor ca ll g ive. BIl' Ih(,I'e i~ I hlS " .I " UI1II1 :':" 11I I h Hu rt , .;0 II lr .. e l' 1111, 1 Mlt l'X ~HT " .l·"I--- t h" r " willI", n" l 'Xlr" t P. 1I d, 1111 1' 1,\ II in ) 1111 1' P"P Il' " ,
F'a hrt (,s, Lini ll()'s ,
\\I('I r\<I"'."I,!< hip fi.t,.vlo·- All " 'lU ll I You Ruve . 10. 'l ' hll' 11 11 \ Vh t'lll" llll"t o ll ('(11111' III If "' \ lTV ,' n n n n "f IlltI"CI (,x ~ ·pl IAnt ,:!'crll wll f" <inr l'1I1"stllllll (l lll l' n;'l'll I" s how th p. f\ I!omh ,
'L'IJI\V !;ell th " IIl~(\ I \'" s
Sch affner & Ma rx
.. I *21,0 .
iu g ch ll ttel pro pert y, CO D ~ I . ',i o g' ' ,f 1 ] will s II t.t I,ul, j\(! " ne l.I,'" III ,u,,' one good tetlm of 11lu la~, IJ luck I l'esill -nc(' ;, Illllf' ~ . (111t1l 1'",, 1' .,1 ( ' ~ " h br tle, hll~ 100011 tlM11i1 II H ,L fll nl1 h ( t [\, jllo onrl hn If mil A '\\I'~ t of hor se: 1::1 li ne ~ hor t. uo r n ('1I,I,r,I.. , nf o n 8id n (,.\r (Jf)(J 1l fu TIn : w h ic h 0 a r e cows, two 10:1 viu}; 01 11 \ k. ) 'l'Ul.:, ' , DAY, ( ('"[,O OEI< I "; II t 10 II. Ill .. I h rp I-!'''lld 1'" rm H ilt,.;,", (ine h eif()rll, 1 s taar , 1 y ll llu~ btli l. thr"l! rni ioh C'I)W~ ~ 3 ~PI·ll1J.{ ('alvi ~ 1 :3 uicl1 calves; 80me of t he"., I!Ht t,l" J"J hl' Uti o f :-Ihi Jllt ~ \ Vt'lJ.! h t u b_IIL ~'" ur e In good s bnp for hU I he r ; 70 1b~ . RClt , :! h r ',o,l ~,,\\~. Il lot 'f hie-k ,lO" ~'H I'II1 1111\)1"1111' 111< t'OII llead of fine sit ep; a . t ~lD d olo va l' hay . t> o r 10 to ns ti m ot hy h ilY. Vii ~L t i n g of' n llt' !! 1111l\"o1\ ,,', IIP III I 1 11 1'" ~ "rllJf;! WHLj IJ Il. 01\1 h\I1!1!\' . ~j ; I ' k! 11' d b tl b e ls corn, 2;; lmsh alM p I ttl trJt H, 111 0WP I·. :! UI'"'' Itt "I! plnw". 1111 , · 1' \11 n good rond wagon. Hp rin g wllgun , i l1 J.{ ('t r u pl'Jw . 1111\- :, hll ll d pnltl\"U /I t op buugy, s loigh, mowe r , p lOW!' , 101', oUL' · hlll" 1'1 1\; ". ,)Ilt. ll .. 1 101 , · hh"" I p IO \"', OUll hH 1T O \\', 1I 11 1 1 ' ~ '~tI \'1 ,1 IU 'tl hl\r I\ tiS, WhUllt d rill , oorn Abella r . :1, ·t of w Ol'k hIlMW",; . H,' I u f tll~ ulol l' wi ndmill, huy mke, ~ outt in g box et:!, Img 'y IJlIl'n eK~. ",:1 " f ""'glo, 1 1I"' nl'~~ wonl ,prl''''', I-: f ll1ri ", I , ,,,, , I"wi l 1Il1l\\' · 0 11 0 inc l1lJ .. t r Hnu hrol1, l, 1' , I" " ,il" '" l' f, Ill r l( I r " 11 Kl' tll", ,I,' nll\", ~tl t. Wit" ·u. nvn ~t hll g';.!Y p ul l' . rley tht" (' I'oIto'l-' 0 11 Imrllf''',.. "01 "lIIlll,~ IJu j./IlY h/l , . c u t, ~ll\Vl ~hll\" n 1!'oi. h ')!1~, fOl'kS, I ' ilk ( ,~ 20 Ilc ros 101' ('0 1'11 il) fi nlll A lUI.' " I' "",;~, cu llH ,.~, hl1"~ , II1 g l",i. r~ " !I, ,1"\110 hon;;e hoh1 ~ ood . <' (') JJ ~ i R P Il l-: III I'll 1'1 If-4ttcOl''l, : o~ 'lHli n~ , }Jllst, hn le d i~J..!ArJoil o f o no Cl10 k ;;l lI vc·. II nil tlll ~ ~ I " \"' • • 1111 II I u 101 iron . CIIl'pI'llter tool., Il r "~" ~ h II 1'00 11\ _nir". l'ill'lllI ts "nrl 1111111 ." (,lit ,,,, w, ~('I' d ,H,wnr . I(rll in nrHIlI A, , "· tH· I, '~ n ll l IIlP n'i o lll'd TfJ TlI1 ~,"ll m ,.; \o l t of g l'lllll "" I;k,, ; h Oll sf.'ito ld go " 11,, 1)( * 'o.()!) /111(1 11 11111"1' l·u;;h . O\' IJ\' Ihul 'Ull o nnt /I l' r()di l. 01 IWII\·O lli o ntits I'll ushq,ing ill purt uf 2 cook s t.tlYP", ., will lio!;i\"'11 hy' lJUTI'IIII "f>" ~.d \'il1 g ~ 11 Il l,ing ",Iuve", (Iinl ug room Chili .... , 1I0to w ltll :! up]JI,)n 'll ""cll ,'it",,, ,'x tl'n ~illll t,ll h l(·. SCCl'etil r y, lonn ge. 1:l .\LI , I~: i3H UUKS . heu~Wlld s, 111111 t r f'8SOI! . 7;; .Vll rds o f 'Vult r l\l'lIrJ 'k, c l ')'k. "l1 l'}lct, lot of d i!!h os, milk c r ook", A . A . III ';)iC!i l. un I·. jll r ~, (,WO orellll1ll ry m il k cam., ulluJ'n vi Ill'gu l ' bur rols, P u blic Sa le. ttU'})n.(Il \u , aud llllln y oth or thi ngs 1 will nff"r 111 ptlllli' :<u I 0 11 1 h A fllr m n f thn IIl te (; (lI' l'I,W '1' , ()':-I l'ltll. H ARRIE'l' E . O' N ltALL. :.i '" 11111A. ~ U tlt1l " '" " 1 of \Vnn1tl~ \' illl', c , 'r , B ,\ WKI!: I A t' .\\'bl) :-;~S lJAY , () ''1'( IB'J,:n. I';', ', H . . ' IH' " '~~ ( ' uc 10neOr ;!, "l'~ lllnill l: lit l() n 'dOl'k, the 1'0 11 0 \\1 ·
O t ]1C1'
CD" 'I ..
'1' lIE C 0 it N E R· GRO IEH .Y l'I t,II I,ICl 'Ind Fllucy O r ocor il'l',
~ [H kes .
'igllrll tlllll 'T obacoo,
Phone 79.
8,,1.1 1'" "' Mllr ht Srilling er, d ecen!! 1', "1'.1 H Rue IIppolnt .. d Ildmiu· b ioi',, ' .. .. ,\ l1h b" ud lIt 11000 A D. Bllr R" I.. \\, . Wlu . lJ. i:lllnk in;!"n lind " " II" ~;h"l1Ih " Tlllin 'lPI)TlII IIPr... We fit out more boy in our 'Boy's Depa rtmen t' than any tore in Dayto n. ~';"t" , t, .. r Mllr y lJ. MnTtln , Ih,celil' , We say this witho ut fear of contradiction. . I'll . [lIvt'1I1o r y imd IIP~lTlli!!ll nitlll,t . OUI' illH.1. ~A lwa 'y, ~tti ' I h er e ill " r 6H!<!l1I f o r ,t 11m' it. Hel' ill thp spooittl IItt6 nti " 1l It.l~t,"t e 01 AlIlImd n M. Schnell. de · WI' f.!j,: p t·C) t.lo fl l'1l1,-('t\l lo of lIInt{! riul s uitable f n r " nvs' ol oth ln g Hod 10 t h o itn!lMt.u IIC'! w~ utI " .. \) t ' l t,h, ' ~.' Ipl'!i(lll o\f IIn ingH Hoc1 trimmi n gs c~"~ ..d . I11 v" rtto r y uud 1I1J\lrah:Je. Bnd t,1t s pecial ~l1wil1l! we dflll1ulld all d \\'hidl' O UT 1':l. 1,f'nf·n c(' hn" \-"',w!>11 to U" I II" l1oel'RAIll'Y e<lI ti!l ty 1111 '"1, fil,-d , ...IitI our (\U~tO ln l' r " \Vh"tl'' ''' '' p ril't'd gll T IIII" ut .'"fln hll Y (If ll!l ."011 'n n bo 1 t,hn t i l will i 0 Il l' Inw In TU will uf 'r. Ii , )dcClirr e n, d e., ... , In prl ce ,, ~ f'(l lllli Mute r ln l!' aim hfo hou gh t ~1 "l'whprl bllt it will be mude hetter. c ' usd'. Applipa tion 118t tor' ueurlu~ ~ . Ootlll,e r ,lit 2 0 'ohlc" 1)· UI ,
Boys ' Clot hing
0 Fi~:.::Lt:c~!n~O~o~tr~~:'I:~:ln~II~~:~: I-~B . LYS EKtllte of ClttrtL fl . P ence, rleoeas·
ln' r e estate
~ ~
N ot mnotl
James D, Lewis, 811.Ie of pe rson!!l pr.opert y ~ pos tl'pned until Novem ber
d eco/Illed :
. ~r~~~:d
for l\ettlem ent
, .
·ti es.
th om
We make a specialty of them at
~~;~~;~g~~t~:'~:E~;: $ Boys Blouse Boys Double Boys Double e~~:;: ~.~::::sU~.i~::~~:~::I1~~~~ ~~$ Russl'an blo'use Breasted SUI't~ breasted Nor· Non,l'C sidents are Be nt copies of the Wester n 8tar, ~ publi~t1on contl&ln · iug notice to non residen t plntle.B. ' . ERtate of Perry ~pencll . minor Flrstuc olluut .forsott lem l'nt. f1led,
$ $
~UI't~ d cl
Brn\~'n~ 11n (1 -- - _. ,
BlueR, Grn,v""
. vn r i,01l2" .lJ51iXO ·f!llrtC.0!4 l $ l.~.OO
An ei:l pecinll ,v
Jl.ev.l )ooper, Clifford Badli>y Illld M'urie W . 'Ol1nklemIlU, hoth of Frankli n . Rev. Wonell. ' • REAL £IITATIO TIUJl!l f1t1!8 .
line for
~chool, in grIl Y!<, hrn wn fltllflY--e h evintR' :jI~t h .p1'f'lind li t ~3.5 0 ~a .l1(1 . ."} 40:-'5 . ,' I.l p fll7
M~:nA~{;~:~~::;:::~s;d~~~:n~ $$
~t TOnlr
' ,. ·.DE p ARTM EN T. ,H AT
,toN~t;Il;:t~h~:~~~,";d ' :r~:~~~': townsh ip;
Dellrflfl ld towllI.h lp; , Rudolp h Dorig INlet wife to Ed·
~:,,:~~;;~~~, E~.:O::,:: I
Inger i tract In Deorfie ld townsh ip
'\W8a 'A; lift to Edwnrl l SchlA8lngflr ; " :'-42 oO"liolell Ii! Dee rfield towush lp
S. .~
SO~E~~~~~B .
.& ....
i """.... ...
clapboards cost more un,l do
,,')t I,co p the building s us dry 'UIJ warnl, \·· ·· 1, r 'ln"
(' :r h ,.' d.. ~ ', ' /I,j
I t d ll{' S I.l nt. T! " j llin' pa int ing w 1", ,, fi rst
I ' ., lny
(" f
hi'll ~: I UI" I l's "nd oll r It, • •klo!.,
" B:J jlll lng Eoonomy ,"
/.for ,,' I I, I !. " 11 .1 .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= .~~=~=
0 , L, lST ONE , Hon ' l Pa RS. AgOllt
S t'0. )t. ~
J . II . M II.' ,IK ': N. •.1. I.' , A , Lou lsvlllo, rc,. II.'. O. ,B1 ~ II , 0 , l', A. ·in c lnnutl. Ohl(, J . J':. H \ 'KN I'OIl'I', 11 P . A . St. L oulH. ~:1 0 II C. UAII.n . N, W . 1'. A. C11!"a~", 111
Warm .
E~st Third Street,
t.ra Jn~
Libera l Return ~imits, R' I ~s unrl l urth " f Inrormul lnn
Fo r
i8 rccOl llm Clld c(i by soma of tbe iargc~ t poul trymen 119 lh o mOst cconumi Cili roofin g 'IIH\ .sillin g for pUU itTy hOU9C~, shed,. cle. S b l ngl~8
Deyton's most Popular MaleOutfilters
28& 30
Califo rnia Orego n Mont ana Idaho Mexico .'
'--th 0 ur Ig •,,0 Ed . d" hI . Ell "R,m wnr ,,0 , es . Elizu. A, Eme M.G, V 1\nO U11) 11" l lllJu~" " o,l tn rson tn ...,..> ",nlte\' T ny · Ii . , Uw inger'•. '71i81J~ell. In Deerfle ldtown . lori 2' 480Bor e ul'n B-mllto n town · Wlllter U, Tu,y lor; l:~ Flo rB" i!l o •• .hlp; 8MP; '1. DAArfleld' town ~hlJ1 ; II.. .. .,tAVl'nS " t0W I t .Edmon .. II Ar Iv ' " 'l'ilylor W"'. G. Fields 'Ind wlfl\ to WII I. Wnlter U. I&n(l Wife to I. it ..Taylor ; 11182 IIcrlll' In H '''~lilton O. Ttl.y)or ; 117 !l or eR In Hllmll tIe MilllDi Li g ht, ,. 13 ent, lind Po we r town!Ob ll'; ton townllb lp; tl. . Cnmpa ny ; tr Ii !Lcr s hI Bllrnllto n .IOID"" Cnnell lind wlf" to Wttlt:llr Alvtna Boyd nod 'hl1 Mbtlnd to Wnl .. on.r~~~b s~~~l ~~~P to Wm I~ . Hur . 0, Taylor ; 68 1i6 1I<00e" tn Bltllllit on t e r C , Taylor ,' 48 4fi IlClreR in BIIIIl ve. .v " lot in Bo,rvlly s burg ,' #1. townllh lp i $1 . mon°townah ll' i $1 . R Ed!(nr Slmpkl nll to JILOob R os· Albert 8Qyd "nd wl!e to ·Wlilter .fohn Apglir and wife to' Wn) 1 n e r ; trnct In C IOt~rcree k town jlblp ; Ta-ylor ; 3 acres in Ba~moD town· c. Taylor '; 37.60 acrea 1'1. tn Daerfle ld 1 ' ahlp; 11, ' hlVllth ip; 11. Benry Jay and wife ·to OpbeM s
SU It·'p lt·,1 .
1l ame-Seek er' s Ex('un;i n IlH I II Oct o ber
Every' section of 'our Furni shing Depa rtmen t is replet with New Fall Goods. The SELECTION is large. . The price isal,wayse right. . ~~~~~Il~~~W~W~i-------------------~----~--Schlesi nger; 1.I'iO ucres iu Deerfie ld --~-----, '
o f C'tunlw r lnnc1,
West Northwest South South west
350 $5, $6, 50, upto $10.
~\ny ~ppl'()vcd New Styl es will b ~ Found
New Mexico and Louisiana NOV. 6 and 20, DEC, 4 and lR
Keep the Hens
~ cl T h ev como •.... i tb Kllioke r . h"ol(p~ tinnt c hulld\Vuor~ ru nl ll de in ~l'1'/!O, ]Jtlnt~ te NI,v"lt y Che vlnt.l<,
88 . 5 0 .:'
I Arkan sas, India n Terrib~ry I Oklahoma, Mexico, Texas
Chatt anooga ..
I nl, u l n' fI( 'PI Q\{ e t ~\.At· lI t.
To Points 'in
(lct.. ' I ,i . HI. ami t 7 ~ SocteL)1 Army
, For ln f url ltl'Llon ,a bou t far s nll.l
VII Etha l lJll1rk et ul minur!:! , Or(l.u for !!IIle at real estute iil/med . Eiltate QI. Jllmes D, F ox, deceltse d,
r l oher l '! \.41 l .j - l(tl l K hl ~ or Pyth lllCS
HIH l i ll h 'rrnctl lotLC' 'I'(' rri t.ory Cue way ~t'''''{HlIt·!<oJo( ColoulAL !.1t;kCL" nl1 ~ alc tilll l \' until O(,l(\h cr :n SOl .
New Orlea ns ~
I Louisville&Nashville R.R.
. , ~SCHQOL P A N Td $ cconoIJ) YG~~dg I1~~~yCheWk~u~ lU ~hd(~~ rOpT~~et $ s
If vou hOll jlh t th e m el~e wll ero t b f>,v would be 71>c.
I£lry Lewi", itdm ~ nlstrl1to r of the
","'111,. .
~~~: First ' accouu t
C. M. BROWN, Propr ietor.
~' r lli f, ~
V got HhI ,!< li nd Crmnoo (loo,k
$6.50, $8,.50, .$10, and $12,
by • Marl
,, ~
' It-'
15. to $25
Ht llt,e of Ohi o v ~ ,Jolll\thl\1I F ox. Dl1ftludl lllt plenda ~o t· .guilt.y lind bond I.. fixed at · '500. Htllt·11 "f Ohio va Marion F ox De fnndnn t pll'o ds n ot guilty ' and b ond 1M fixed 1\ t ' IWO I:ltn te of Ohio VI:! Jllmes Mllckri dge . Dl'fend llnt plends Dot g uilty nnd honct is fix ad II t 1500 'hllrltlll G. HIIll VII JIlW6S Reeve et III. '1'hl~ C UHB IIl1d cuse N o. 117H lifll d l"m l.lIlld II \- c".. t (If 1l1nl ntifI,
, Publi c Sa~e,
~ ,,,I ,, fir 11111 11 V!! H,'"" MoCoy Oil " ,," 111'" 1'1o '"rl ~ 11(1t ~Ililt. v IIml hI l< I b 11 11 I.. fl xo(l ill "nlll Ill" 1j12fiO . 1.",,1.' 1' Mnlfn" 11 VH Anni e E Mul. flll'd , <':""11 (li s ll1i" ~fl(l. 1-\111 t"l fl f v hl o V~ H eorllB P ri ('e. J 11,,' olHlllnt, Illell<1 .. g nllt y IIm1 I.. srm · tl'n cl'/l t Il "II CIIUflU tll\ in j .. iI. :10 JIIYII \ /11111 JlII Y Ih t) ()nllt!! of l)rop.t;!ou Uon . :';lul l1 (If ' Ohio VB .hmn t b ll n Fox 11I1t] r.111 ri III Fox, [) fonrilln tHplelld . JI ll' ],;uil ty IIl1d bond nf fllloh IS fi x ed
PR(Jn A 'U~
5 .
W L BialHlI' ·. I. ,,, Ilores in 'o rw ill; p
'~iHCl{IO,•O,lSen r~ t " 1. ,,11 r y
E . "on,r '" ' e, l Ou' I) ill B lLr vavs hurg; $1, . ,r E.' Jnlln c"' ,., • fl tlminist rll.tor til' bl1ld!\ ,~o n of llohnrt E;ug\e, decen ~e, I, t,1l Hel e n K elsey; .In,t. ill Wayno!\· ville; * 1.:100 . .
1t1l1..lI be th HcIl~!I and hushn.n d t o ' buries B . flurtlloQok; li5 9 Rores in MlI ssie t.Qwn hip ; $2 00. Eli1.11 F , 'HllillIlR to Mllry B . Oint ; I t. 'In Wtl yues villl3 ; 1375 . J, H. Morglln aDd wife to B. 'F. TbomlU l ; lot in ; 11,4.25,
. For Sale By SPEN CER & MONRO~ _ ' ~!. . OREGONIA, omo ~- -:-_:;a: IT IS THE "KNO W HOW " . . In t he manufacturing of Paroid that makes it. the most economical and satisfactory roofing or · siding materi al on t he mar ket. Both fire proof and weath er proof. You get full value received if yo:u ' buy Par-oid, ' PAROID ROOFING PAINT. . , Makes ~ld roofs new. Good on any kind Qf: roof. Ask ' your· Grocer for ACME FLOUR, made, by the Oregonia ·Milis . . Onr Flour mill has been newly remodeled and the quality of our flour is better 'than ever. ALL KINDS OF FEED AND COAL. Also 'all kinds of ,..ard Good Lumber. We mak~ at specialty of hard wood frames.
Spencer &' Monroe, Oregonia,J)bio.
The Etiquette 'of the English Royal Household Glimp e of the Manner or LIFe .r th e fun ctio narlc!I of the Kin\f and Quee n
1'h ,' oul .. lel l' \\'0 1'1 rl k no\\'s ,'"r)' 11\ Il' Till ml:,;ll'!' of ('CI C'moniC's. Illl(l hN or ! ,,' I nnl ' l' IlrC'. of Ihe (lrdC' l'llI); tlHI 1':1·... :\( olli('lal. \'I' nlly (,fUll.,!! VNY little .)\ "'~I ~ or 0 11' vast nUlch l n... r) or lite npl'll Ih ,' 6(0<111 ; (, "'('pl fli ~ tll t c 1'1111(" t: 1I :.: 1i~ h 1'\')' 31 househnld. wltkh mllst [lOll .:' hllr it Is hl ~ ~ 1't'l'i ILI provlnl-c 11I11.','ll All with rl \('kllk o \lrcC'I ~ I(l1I III ' 10 1111 I'll , ''"' (' to III lIl>lj t'i< r \'Isltlll~ l it . ni l ' Ihal ah ~ 1)(' (0 of (' nfn ~lo lI or . n wi) appoln l ," all!h:l 's nd()r~ anll wt ll l h 18 "hgo lll ~(> ly 11111)(' 1':1 Ive _ l'h4'l·... nth,'\' 1"'1'1111111; nr ;:I'r,nt n .. I" . a II' ~" ""I'al h\ln dred 1'('I'''On8 on th e I-:llI'h 1ll.1 1I1I1'rh hus a Ilrl\-ntl' RC I' (~fI 1'1(('11 (llle of whom Ii>!" u <:' l eal'l )' rel nl'Y, 11'1"1>'(' dll !\' II t!l (U 0111'11 nil .I~'l l ,,'\l dul y , From which IH' eldn 01 COI'l'f'sJtn lllit' IlCIJ UIIII l1"al witlt II. th r ,h". i:H .,,, fur 1'0ltrL c liqu c tl l', t3kl'II 011 o nly l ' X('('pli' ''1 1i"lng SII1'11 as hn n' 1111' \\ hole. Is preci s' ll!1d fnrnllkl. !llld till' 1l/,II-IIHII:k of I'rlll!lllu~hlJl 01' 11 (> lIl all>- nli~"I' V[lIl C(I S whl h 11I'(,va,loH III " crJII>, l n" hlfl" ur fl'l"Il\iI ~ Ill<lllurr· h~. 111'1." " \IS t;1'1l mUolls ~ tl ll hold i;ond. Th ell 1111'1'(' I tl l(' 1\\n~t ... 1' or th r t hl' SU nI,; lIdn ~~ , III rU l'l. 1ll'ln f; dOllo h(ll'~, 1111<1 II IS UII' ,," '; ill~ ll) lI<.1h' I II 11 (' suuw wa)' , that !In t ak.'K nm !; r(mll\' :IS Ih" 'h lrd '1'111'1'(' HI' SI~ Ve l'al II IlIl l·tm 1I 1~ n\l' ).\1'I:lI t ollle .. r of til[' ('''111' ', an ti hll.~ ('I" 11'1'1"llI l ug to th eir m njcsll l's' hllll~ . I I lrl' sIIJI" l'lntC'IHI,,"('" uf lit" H( nlilt' s. h ol <l s, til' b enel of r>IICIt ne \l elllg ,' . ~ 'I'h., lIml' , of " nil stl·\'H., '· I. al\\'a\'~ · poll~l hl ., to Ih e 1t101131'Ci11! fo r th ' I Ill' h( III hy a r1 11('h()R , 3 till I,; \', Icant ..a'cll lH" l f.WOTII1UC(' tit duty hl' (' \'l'l')' IlI cll - I lItlle a ' l1I lnl~fl\r 1'1'111' s, Th e cltlti \'s , 'l l lulll und I' h is or hel' Ilttthnrity. !l1lll l are I' 'IHI(l r£' d f'hh' h~' au 81:11 1' Ole.: . UII'r" nr e office whirh nl'() tl 1\art · , 810115. whl'n I h.. mlMlr os~ ri .lps Inim.,. III nls I n tlt em slllv 's. 1'\e Ill ', ~ I II fliat ely In, fl'tlnl or \I,' r ttl. ost)', \\'al~: ' " Y. ell(!h r ' sp(lIIslhl 1)(Or 'o n m tl~t P{) ~· IlI g I n clos C' Bll lloi n 'E\ in 1111 ), 1,1'0' 8e~~ t he hl gl\Ol;L qUl1lifl C II ~I\l11 (0 1' h I. • (;e8slon. S b al,;o La nds or aits cear
Exk l bl ted t TW9 Men Pusin!) on Tra il by U& Two Cke : rful Sextons,
, 'rWIl 1l1(! n 'SI'('ntl ln;; I h" ~ lImme r In t h .. re;::lntl -a,c' r" lI n\l'l n!! a IlIllunlal n II' II. 'l'h Y OTIU', ·al on.' lIultll. \,1 a 1'/ll)ln besi de th 11 w i In l.h wood. . Two Mpn al'!' " I ~ 1I11' 9t Ihl R cabI n. one u mon 01 50 01' th" I',,"l)uulll. wl t b " f;h(' I' rlll .'011 11 'n, n (' tlllIl 1\ bro wn _IU U, tn It ,'. ~lt llllg o n th e 1)IIl·c'h. an tbe ()tho: It yo ung r nmll, ,,( 30, III II y. be, nlso IIllIlabl y tii!>II('S d . alll i w it h " hl:\I' lI 111 11 tadw alld cl05 h' trl mml'll "lin I SkI' 1t1'lI r.1 (If tit KUIlI' hUL 'Phis IItllll I R lIt1 n~ 011 II sl ump nbnlll teo r tit from t ho rubi n, III f l'l nt. 'rh man on t it \lol'ch, pl l'n~t1 nt l y . t o til l' 1I11' n on Ih c Il'a ll. nt. h 'Y ( '0111 nlllll~ Il hrl'lIst of til I'nltill . " \\',lI\t to 5c'e a lIlollu tuln rar,I ? ' " \\"h,.. ~·('s . " sn),s Ihe l enrlcr o f th e Iwo nt,' n WI thO) l \'all , [I mfln wlLh 11 po It i(,lIln r rallc y r p<lII)' (01' allY sort or t;r:t\·.'yard~. mlltllJtu.ln (I I' o lllor. \\'1 :<1'. IJ I ~t lJl IlU wi Hhl nl:: III seom l II1IJollt., ; " )'05, II' 'd II kc til s . t bo I\ r:I\'''prrl .'' "\\,. ,I !. .h lst slep al'onn fl h t' rt" III f ront of h cuhln ." SII\' S tl\(' man on th e p I' h, "rlg ht aro un'<1 to th ulh er ort ." Th ~ wo. men f rnm til" trail ~ te Plle d a,'o llll(l as III I' ct n, allil il)'lk!'tl abo ut tb m. but wllho ul sf"l!'l ll!; an y thing; when III'CSllllt1y thl>)' 11(.' ar a2(11n th e \'olce oC tile cb el'lul man on the porr h : "Look up on th e cod oC Uie hOll s .. s th e slran::er s d ul y 10 k th ore th ey Hea tbe mountaln gra\' eynrd; III the r 1' 10 ot 72 ampty boltlC's ol var l. ou s shapes nnd slz s and color s of glas s, wl r(Od In prelly n car ly unIfo rm rows to th e building In the ga bl e "nd In tb e end or tb house, t h e bottles ext mllng across, so, from the peak of t be r oo f hal[ war down t o tbe ground, Sevellty-t\Vo of tb em , ' The two men at the cabln, 'the selltaos of thIs modlltaln coliccp on of empty graves, sILting one on th e cabin poroh, nnd t be OLh I' on the Sl ump III ( ran t, seem ed to be all rI Ght -perhaps It was the bracing mountain air that e ORbl ed them to with. sland the effectB or tbe " mountal n dew."
They Cao Euily Be Tl'a i ned to An,! Desi red Form,
poat. and a.n abtlndance or tact In hIll dellilng with all 11\'\rSOIl N With whom h I' ."o mes In contact. Th e lord c itamberln l n, ' as I Imo wn by n.aoy, Is a pl'omln ent figure al a ll 151,IIle ce l'e ln o nl c~ . and nt tbelr mal 8· t l 's' OUl't be It is who makes th e a clllni Ilrcsenlatlons-thll\. Is , I' art s o ot tit uarnes of the jlresenteos to tlte k ln lJ. Out there ure niany oth er d ulies connected with his lordshl l' tha t~ Lhe )luhllc know!! not hing abou t: fOl' Inntanco, he nud hi s d n3rtmen t JI8V (\Ie absolute cbBrg of nil th e furnltuffi and fHtlngs or each palace, N'e0<1I I.'>\ .. to suy , thI s Is a ve,'y Ollel'Ollij (lbllrl(Oe and 0 . most accurate HYSLem o f detail '8 requi site. Every arti cl e v.-tlhln lhe 'palacos Is el\lered In 1.1 hllge volume, one or a seri es styled .. Inventorl.... - at Windsor Castle
tb e queen lit rora l co ur la. atate con C I'ta and ualls : whil e f or be laat named sh e I s often called ·j-lOn t ta k e 'purt In t!Ie I' ya l se o( tho op en· In g qlladl'jllo. 'I'he wl slress a l so looks 0 \' 1', l ) a 8~ . nn I algon s ~ he bills fill' b ar In{.lj ost)'· wa t'(I I'Cl hr>, and al so Signs all WUl'ran t s Issu d f or this de· )tartlll ent. or OUI'Sl' t her · 81' a nUllib I' of offlcl als o( the ro yal. hOllse lmlds wbose ofllc s a r e almo,;t si n CUI'es, suell a th e slole lJages, g n lemen ush ers. IJtlges·o(·hoool', ell;.: th .~ onl y all' Ileal' at court cere mnules durlog the s IlS0ll, or at th ' 011 '1I111g of parllu· ment. Oul thor e ar' numl) 'rs of oth· ers who tak e th eir t.lIrn ~ In VOl''; ac t!ve dull es, these 1.I"'I nl; lo rd ~. lo ' w~ltIng, grooms·lu·walllng, sCfuerrl es, maidsof-honol', and wOlllen of th e bcd chambcl', The lonl a·ln· waltlng and th e c st'luerl'i~8 ar c In c lose atL lid . ance on th.e king, Ihe <,squerrles al so riding on each sIde of hl~ 'majos ty'S ca ~ rlag e In state processio n , These gentlemen ma,\' be callCd upon to belp rccell'e distinglli sb ed guests at th e casU or pala c, 01' [' ecelve alone thcK' of lesscr stan di ng, a.nd 10 malt)' In · stances coudlt~·t B'tr'~ ~1! tQ a'nlgnerl al18rtmcnts. A lord·in-waltltlg would r eceive a b1 81101' or a noble man of hIgh dcgree, whJle cOlnmoners would be receh' ed by a n equerry . . And the degroe of rank rogttlut es " ' hetller ' a ~lIe5t should be me.t Ilt t hO' station . thl! palace .entl'Snce, 01' mel'lll\' r~ celved In a saloo o. . The same rul e a:lpll.,s 10 h er mahousehold , ~a\' that 'Hun, Cbarlotte Knollra, woman of tho bedchamber, who Is alway ~ In at!.e nd , Ilnce on ·the QUl'en, dous the ma j or part of tbe r eccptit)n ef h er majesty's Irldy vi sitor s. M Iss Kn oll)'!! Illso fl oes much of the qu eml'd ~1I\'l' E"~Il t)lId e ll c" . at any rate thul of a Ile rtlollal DutUI'l~ , whil e some of th 2 oth el' I~ done b y tile mllids-or·honor. who . also walt upon' tb e quoell.' Th o~e yo Uog ladl es bave t.o undergo v<\rl' sP"clal trai nIng to (It th em fOl' th eIr [ll)l;I tS , They must be ilueut IIn..,ulS (5, llllSOOd /Uusl lana (a purt of th elr duty beinG to Si ng and pitll' to her ma j esty., good elocutionists (atl th er al'p' often i'e· quest erJ to r ead alo1.l It I , (''' pel't horse· wOIll~n. and (:1 vel' drl\'er~ , and nluat havo a kllowlerlge of a \' ari el.~ of out, door and indoor accompli:;hnwnts and games. Th <:!y l,Irt a l ~o 1)( ~clldl'.IDally d Jluleil to pay vl HitS whiCh t h e lIueen cannot \lilY 111 person. allll th'lY have erl81tLJ\ with r egard to ber majestY'H rHII ehasf'S.
'jell~Y ' s
The E-arf On.mard. One of the New , Lorda-lo-Walllnll.
alo/l(' I h t're aro 60 sucb-In the pages of wh it-h appear Ilal'ticulsrs ot origin, d 'pel'llIlIon, nud artistic vallie. to· g l'ihm' ",'lib ditto or a·cqulsltldn. !,;~th· I liA whlllever which comes under tbe ('[1'01(01')' <lr rurnl UI'B or ftttings Is r a(·.. i votl III or 9 nt out of th e royal· Ideners w\thollt the signature of th e l ord t humbel'laln'a <.loputy. Tbe lord li lllllLJerlaln aleo hns coml,lete control o f all oOiclalR cODllhg under tbe title "Il hn\" Rtalrll," tbls' Inoludlng tbe chatli >l ln5 alld physicians, Ihe alngers a:ld IllllijlclulJS all well all a clerical . li lliI!'. The lord chamberlllln holds a J'lorllllllfOllt poat, 'DO! IP'lng 0 It I~ part, as dn certaIn o!.hel·ti-sucb, ~r· !~"lIlQ~ all tbe lor'!, steward.
MAR \'
Tllese nre th e ad\'a n t ges of plnntIng you ng trl'es: Tb eY ' con h lru lned ttl the desil:ed tQrm b Her thnn old, er tree s, say s Farming;, t WO or threo-yea r-old tre I s branched and bas I ts h ead already form ed by tbe nul's rymall ; a y eal'lIog; II' a of l he apl1le, [lear and sweet oherry ' Is usu' all y unbranched , So.meti mes tbo nursery man bas headed th tree too high 9 1' bas nol.been CIlretul enougb aboul starUng cut the s,catrold limbs, and It I s difficult to correct tbe forill of th9 head after It bas \:Ieen starte d, There Is an 'unmlatakable prerel'o ence lor low-headed trees, due chief. l y to the need or economy and e ffi· clency In spraying and bllTyesling. Tbe slnglo advantage of low h eading is great er, Inconv nlence In Ullage, Tbls Is much more tban ollset by the ad, vantages. 10 the judgment oE' most growers, Within ten years the' b elgbt r ecomml)nded for beading apple treell In the east has been reduce(} at l east two feet. The beari ng of tws on the matter or yearling trees Is thllt the grower can head e. yearllog tree wbere he pleases. Japan'. Sulphur iSupply, Sulphur i s not so essen ti al In war as I t on e was, but the .Jupaneso wOIII'd hn ve fOlllld It dllftcnlt to figh t the Ru s· 61an 3 'wlthout It. Tbree years b efore tbe war tbe yearly outrmt nf ,Japanese sulpbur wau about 8,000 ton s, Tbere Bre deposits In Formosa, but tbese would bave takeo some' conSiderable time to de velop;' wb ereas In the Ku· I'lles there are known to e:dst the I'lchest accumulations of the material ever discovered. exceeding even tbose ot Sicily. These Islands, tbeugh belonging to Japan, were ' almost withIn tbe clutch of the Russian bear, stringIng out between Japan and the Kamchatkan p ~ nlo s ula. In tbls locality tbo Japanese, aided, It Is said. by Americans. selected a volcano near Moyoro bay, 1t t ook one season to pIck It out from lhe otbers Ilnd survey It. but dnrlng the next men and material- the latter lucludlog a wire rope railway several miles long-were transported to the spot. . With tbls accomplished tlie rest was easy and ' the Japanese quickly procured all the slllphUr they needed . According to conservative esUmates. 2,000,000 tons of sulpbur Is no.w In sigbt: Tbe stock Is constantly being added to by tbe Vl\pors wblch veU .tbls t remendous natural labOl:ato!'Y. Teaching MC!nkeys ·to Talk. Dr. W, Reed Blair, tbe surgeon olftclal· Iy attached to tbe Bronx zoo, has decided. tbat monkeys eanl\ot talk, bo:allge they bave no nose to use as a sounding board. Dr. Blsllr ha>! tbere(ore selected two orang,outangs. two adult monkeys, and on.e Intelligent baby 'monkey, upon whose Caces 11'11\ be graft~d arUOclal nos('jj. Tbe ex· perlmeot W.1ll be tried fl,rllt of all ' upon tbe baby monkey, wbo will be excludl:d r,.:m otber anlmals until It II ;leclnell whether It eall be taugllt to articulate words. HI. Deflnltlol~ • "Papa. what 18 a work of art'" "Oh. almost anything III the ~ a pic' ture or piece of ltatuilU'I WILIIout
Wt-iEN CLEANING THE ORCHARU How the Work of Getting BrUSh out Ma y 6e Simplified ,
",""I'yhOdy knows what a lIrclmrnll ami Hlo w Iii_ k It 10 tlI l ea n th bl'ulIh ullt or u n OI'CllIll'd wI th .l :lY lllllll or a .ul1\·t;I~· llll '~' Wh en I t has LO he pi ' \()d UII It 1& a bout t he \,-.)rti L wo rk a u I he ~ fn I'm. I t I ~ e \' n wO'I'~e thull churn· APPLE PICKING CN A BIG SCALE, InJ; .... I th an nld·fushlolled da ~ h b l.ra. , Hilt \I e of 011 1' n ' w ;oen on l h rUI'lD, The Metllods Employed by an Exten· suys a cOI'r espond ent Or tho I\ural . Ive Orchard is t. ~(' \\' Y ork!!I', bus mllde an 1rt1IJIOII,Oll t with w h l h t wo In n 0 Illi 11 tcom t all Oll r at~ r tlllG JloIIIL In pi kin , 8ppl03 ~"t It ou t ('aslly and te n lim 5 a8 Cas\ :, · t o truln our Lt'!'!' - I'll h lo w h e li S,· IlS with aoy othor con t l'lvallc,! I I. llYe· Thl ~' we ~"'n ;ld .' r !'\- 'I' S eu . . H w nt to tho \\,OI'C IR a l'ory I llt port~ 1I 1 rl,l :ll er. as 'Ilir Hnd c ut a smull tree with a crmch , ns sho wn, 0/ tough w oo d. 'l'he lIn;ua w en wi ll lllek \\'0 h l eft sill feet lo ng and tho I)['d ), trl thr oe till1 ~~ It~ pllrt 12 ( t. It was abou t foul' i ndi es lIIur h fl'l ,ll ~t nllllIn (lia lll l er at th o I'otcil, and b e IlIg on tl.e g l'ounot It liS th ... y \\'111 frnUI howed thO fltTnlgbt pnrt (Iown, wn 8 nuo ttt · t\\,o and a h alf 01' tbl'ee lad lh.:rs. \\' h II I l'l" .' '; l; t so h igh Illch s at th athol' eod . 1-10 lIlI'n cut t ha t we ca n nlll thl' IlriS o f thc lim bs a Iitlh~ slanli:J s I' [t.('h t ll fru it " " I he IIl1d I' ~ llIe, 51l as 10 "lln 81l10nth , rrom a 1':.( n lad- Iy ulon g an d not elil c h III tb o ground , dUI' we flhake I t l\ernss till' c.rotch h bolted a pl .ct') of plu n k 1 _ In h a thlrk anll ~ Ix orr and I t gODS Into til c ull 1111 . ~Ye hltr h t o a. low whe I d w ne;on Inches wid e finnly to ~ al'll limb, Hnd Rnd se ~~ hnx o n the lllalfllrm . W e far Dough rrom t he cro tch so he uld put a h em'y cl vis on It In tue th on go to tbe fipl<.l with 11 wagoll R!\d pl clll' rs nn,1 (lut lhe t ('lIlll mid-way be- 1Il 111dle, to which h ~ou ld fUsI n R t WN'1I two rl1Ws of l l'e s. OUI' forc o l ong chai n \ Lho chain sho lll ll \) at '1'0 t he other OlHI~ts of Cro m Igh t to I ~ pi k rs I Il. t 12 f e t long ). n,ls ot th e c.hain h o nltnchod a 10tig lin d a f oremau , Tb f or !lIau 's ll u81Ve Il OI' six or seven f ct lo ng, nod 11 Is to IWoI' the w gOIl 1111 e,'en with thc pi ' kell'S, t o Nee th t [u pick· slngl . whlm ctr e l o l hls at eac h end, ors do not gct ' wo CUI' a \\'ar f rom the 1111 or w hic h Is B.b own In t he u t. ,{", wagon or do 1I0t g t huddled up so as II S0 I [ ol1e mno dril' os lbe t eBm nnd t o In terf l' with enc h 0 h er , to s' e th o OUIPI' tak es bold o r lon g end with lhat they p,cl, the tlPI)1 s cl an and t h slant at limbo polnll ng up. TU6
Penetrates to the Spot Rh/ht on the dot. Pri ce 25c .nd S()C
w. L.·DOOCLAS 13.50 &. '3.00 Shoes DEBT IN THE WORLD
OUt '
t o kN!IJ tho time 01 tho men, "'heu tho pi ker fill s his sa ck wh ich Is shown I n tbe C llt, h e goes to tll . w agon, I'al.ell th e bot tom or t he sllck 'a little and re~ t 9 It In a t h b o~, unbooks 11 !lOll 00 tbe bOllom and t!l e apill e ro ll out Into the bo)(. Enough Iadden are ta lo.en aloo g t o pick t be BRples above reacb from l h e ground. The loaded wagon Is drl\'en lo th e paqklng bouse and the boxes al'e seL upon platforms alongside, Sometimes wben parts or a'¥" orchards nre too fnr from the packl n!\' house IV pack In the field. W e lak e two plank s 2x8 Ineb 5 by 16 f t , On e ~nd of each ·ot lhese planks Is cu t aloplng, and tbey are r aised for nmn er~. We sel lit III on edge. si x f ee lpart and nail cr os pi es overy two (eet and tb 0 lay ' conllnnn fen Ing ooal'ds l en g 111wls on thl a )<,d, On thi s we sot our sOI'Un):-. able l eng thwise on t he rron t end. Hi tch a tea m to h e l(1d, d I'i vo l('l tb o fi eld Iln d do our pac ll ing the same as In. th e pack i ng hous . If the t ree3 are very full th sl ed can be d ra wo along between two rows lind tho pickers can elllpty th II' sac ks directly onto the sorting tabl · , Some · of 0111' n eighbors us th is led and l1r'ef er I t to the jJacklrtg house. Our sorllng table, SIlYS tbe ' corre!Iloudent of Farm and Hom , Is eight ~eet l ong by three or four fee t wide, fh e back ell4 bein g eight Incbes blgher than the tront, whlcb sbould be 30 Inches high . Th e hoHom Is mltde of half-round sl rillS wi t h a spa ce of one Incb b etween to let lhe . I aves and tr~sb through . On the sIdes slx·lt!ob boards sre nailed to hold th o apples, In the upper eod a tbree-Incb strip Is nailed, The apples are poured on the IIl1per end and two sorters on each side do the work. The second aod third grades are sorted out whll o sprelld UI)On tho tah le and carried away. Th ese are nearly alwa ys sold In bulk and so are pile In lIli es or loaded dir ec tly In to th e. ca ra which stand on tbe side track by t he paoklog hot.J;S·o: T~ e first grade apples are rolled on down to lho IowaI' end of the table and Into the borrel or bOll. The first gl'ade con si sts of all ' sOllnd fruit above 21,4 Inches In dlameler . It this liI's t grade Is fancy or a little dispose:! to be sort, we pack them In boxes. bltt It they are good, solid Win ter varh~tles we geoerally pll.c k 'n barrels. Our boxes Ilre 18% Inch e~ long. nnd 11 ¥.. Inches square, Ins!do measurement. T.he enda are Inch thick nnd tbe sides, bottom and toP. % Inch stull'. Tbls box holds about one busbel. We place a layer of faIr sized all' pies, uniform In size and color with the stem onds dO\'ln, Tben fill up tbe box. shake down 'well, level up the top so . I b at tb e apples are trom 1,~ to ¥.. Inch. IIbove tbe top at the bo)(, put on Ibe top and with a press force It down II and ' nail eacll eud, tben nail on a cleat at eacb end, We tben tum the face si de up aild with a rubber stamp mark the .DElme pf the variety ' .and our braud, Tbe bOl[ Is then ready t,o sblp_ . New Idea 10 Ladders, A ' California I)lan has .blt aD a new Ide8 III making a ladder whIch he l.hiun Is lucb a good tblng tbat he
I t
my 'arp
lactorles at ahow you how carefully W. Douglas.hoes aro made. you would then understand why they hailS their shape, fit bett<"t'l. wear lonlter. and Dre 01 creater "al~.. than any. pther make. W""~ver )'0&1 IIvo , )'OU cat! o'Cola W . L Douill. . .hou, HII name and prlc... U ,Iampecl on Ibe bottom , .. hleh prol..,11 ~u a~.....t " ' " prIen cmd Inferior .hoe.' .
Tolf. 110
... r.. ".k your dealcrfor W ,1.. OO"e........ and Inll,t upon hovlnlC them, Fn!f 00101' £"" . t3 u3etlt th,v wl/l "of w,a,. ~a" . WrIte for fIIuII.tled CotaJ!'Ir 01 Pan Slyl ... W.1.. DOUGLAS.~" u; 8rocktOIl. Ma&
A B l' ush Drag. t cum I; driven slowl )-, aod tbe 'brusb Is l;at hered by tile limbs IInder ths cbaln until as mucb Rl:I t am can draw Is accumulated . Th e loail la then drh' cn liP to the.Jlre. where It Is burn· ltjg, and when 8 IItUe past Is swuD,f all', and the man holding tbe lonll l ol e lifts .I t up. Tbe ends ot ths sbort posts or limbs catch Into tbe g round. and thc whole load Is rolled over on lOll nf tbe Ore In tile beat possible noslUon for burning, Jt properly 'made aod handled thla takes the brush absolutely clean and with· out tOllchlng once by tho banda.' U 'a wood lo t Is not accosslble It ban be made bY .boltlng three nieces ot scant· ling together as sbown. · beIng carefnl to use good, tOllgb. stralgbt. grained timb er , and lbo ollerotor w11l find It as great a labor saver as the b orse rak e In tbe hayfield, THE
HARD days come to over-worked women, becailse of their weakened ferrtale organs, which cannot stand the Vital draln that over-work causes. Pain, backache, headache, side ache, etc., can be cured with
OF .
If a cover crop was oat sown 10 th.) orchard last mooth. attond to the matter at once, Don ' t let the !;rouud be bare all win IeI'. ' Satisfied with the varletl.. III tbe orchard? It not. now Is a good timE to decide which trees bad hotter b~ grafted next spring. Watch tbe peacb and otber treet I:arefully for weak crotcbes. A fe,. well-apll1!ed bolte, where needed, ma)' save loss wben wind atorms come. lX, It now. . It tbe p ea r. and qulncea" are scabb)' and cracked. and It the leaves havtl prematurely dropped from tbe tree.a , It's a Bure hint that you nel~lected t(1 spray with Bordeaux mlxturo early III tbe season, N early all varieties of peaI'll af" better U ripened Indoors . . Tbe prop, er time to gather peal'lI la ahown bl' tbe eaGe with which the stem partl! from tbe ' brancb, wben the fruit lu slightly lifted, We Ond the much . abuaed Kellfell pear very fine for canning, Tile can, nerles In these parts p,ut up largll quan~ltles of tbem . Properly cooked and canned they are crisp p.nd tender; and, t90. tbe trees are regular ·and . prolific frul~ bearers and very hardy, Bulletin No. 222, by Prof, Pettit: lu one. of tbe 'best authorities ' yet pub. IIsbed on spray'lng agalnst codling· moth on apples. Write for a copy to the Michigan experlment. lltatlon, Ac'. rleultural College post olftce, Mlchi· gan, Thorough ·spra.ylng will now clestroy tbe·second brood 'If the oloth As a general tblng (except in soutb· E"m localltle.) It lit uaually lIafer to plant fruit tre. . In the spring. e8pe, elaHy tender IlInd. like the peacb. tbe plum. etc, If desired, apples. pllars. etc.. may be set In the early Wid. Bale Fruit· Ladder. fall . Even if · trees are not to be sel . , . tbls ra... It ·Ia. ,often a good plan to bas Ilad It patented, Wblle th.1I lad· u )' nl'eded Ilursery stock now. and del' :s Intended for Ule In works110ps, , then beel It In at bome 11:1t11 spring, In ~, Imblng over and ab~ut maCJ1ln-) Windfall apples .hould be .duBtroyiad er)'. lIays ~he Prairie Farmer, tbere or fed aa BOOn as poilibl., The or. la no r81W1on but what our readera chard 1st who thul kt1la aU the woriDi can "et lUI Idea from this plan fOI' wblcb drop to the rrowa4' III WlDdfall mal.lng a Ilmllar ladder for their fruit, has takell a big att'lJ) rorwar4 own uae. ·TbE> .ct .. I. well lIlulltrated In tbe deltrucUoll of Ilellt yea.,'. 001&' III the ~ccom~~~yl~ _s!et~1!Uu.moth croD.-Fara JOIU'IliIL
because or the Bpeciftc curative elTect it has on the womanly organs. It builds up woman's strength and makes her bard days eIIsy. "I often recominend It.. In my pt'8Ctice amonc women," writeS Dr, J. F. W. Moulet. of RoeehUl, 'TeL ' Try it.
an 'Drugglsts
0 l~
WIlITE ... Free A41IIee.etatlnc \'nd dlJlOl:rlblnl..10llreImPloms, to fl.e8. Ad\'illOrr, DePt" Chatlenoon ICIA. 00.. Oba~"'noou. Tl!oo;
GOlD SEA!, There are poSitions open in the Navy for hundredlQf yoling men between 17 and 25 . years of age. and for mechanics up to 3S yeaTa of age; , Good pay. and g~ ~004 furni~hed bv the Goverumellt. For full information' address Nayy R~cruitiDg' Station, Pest C:>ffice Building. Cincionatl.Oh,lo.
OILED ,SUIT ~. ~U'\..L...I'I'..... OR SLICKER ,-f,
......., 'deman4
r,. ' L
Ib the .UiI!!M ~ only w~ to .,.t the beat .
. . , Sold.w~ .......-
.......................... .............
A. N. K.-I
"_"'1" Ell in_..... r r
Perfact, Save 9mall ,R espect.
"MOSESES BIRFOAY." A prmllllltlllL
-tha L lust !rIg n horsulmek nip lhrough lhe uo rt h rn I,nrt of Ainua lllu wh ~ 1I he (',\IIIU ullon n 1I(,~ro ell Jill, lh sOllnds I s u ing frum whl 'h I-:llve ovld e llce or lU1 XI monll II D I'" co mlfl ot!tln within . hOllts !lnll )' f.!I I ~ or tc rror suc ceeded a b olhel' SCI I'n plllly Iha t t h travel r hli!$1 IJ d tlJ a ~ c 'nail, UIC ause of the IrUubl . A s th .'ltI('l· ell' W I' In befOre Iho <.1001' half II dnz n rngg (I Ill('knnlllllies r lln OUI. AU bul 0110 of them were s r 3mlng IIIHI ~1'~' l lI g ' HI tho tbps ,of til II' \· u lc f'~ . whlll' Ih· od t! onc. as m rry 1\ ; th others WI" sa.1. began ullnbllllg 1'1Irl wh' Is !lilt! Rlandlng on .bls heu,!. At thl" 1110111(>[11 a man . ("vld nlly lhu hea d of the hous boll! , lIPP ar d III Ih dnol'wIIY. In an s wl'r to Ih Ir.1\' l er'~ ' InQul r l s th e dnrkr vourh ar (I th fullowlng Kplanaliorl uf I he 'Ol)'SII' r \': "Yu' ~e ... , ~o h, dis Is lIfOSl'Se9 blrf· da y." Ind icating the Ill cklllllnny whose joyful IInllcs ha \'c b en ref I'red to. "Now. I'se 1J0wel'rui !lanl III' J. S' III ' Ires nt. on' Illn' t got no llIouey to 1 bmt . An' II jel>' 'bl'uk rne nil up to sed res' habln' Jes' a s mucb fun 100 lItos ses blrfduy liS Moses WIIS Ilnb lu' hl~H 'If. Tlml's belo' hard, d only thin\; I could ~eo \\'as to glv nll do r~ s' a 10k In'. nn ' tint kinder raises ~os es up over de o tllers."-N. Y. Tlm\lS. saYR
MBJlY 8tol1e8 ar told about late rosl r Stafford. -wlfo Wf\S () tbe pioneer mill m ' n of Fall RI vcr, Mnss. He was a bard-beaded buslnes!! man, blunt ot speecb, llnd rell· giuus altah's were not his long sUIt. Two anecdotes lend to lIIu!!trate tbese \IOlnl3. When the fir st of the mills whi ch now b ' III' bls nam was n arl'ng comt,lelion It was fo und thllt the build· Ing was to be a Ont-roofed nltnlr. and ~ome of his sl.ockbolders wbo hatl lin eye toward mnklng th cllY beaumill , called on ·lIll". lnl1'ol'd III a body_ They trl ' d to lIers llade 111m to have lin ul'~ate tow el' lidded to' tlle struc· ture. "ben th y ha d e:-: hall sted tb Ir arguments MI'. Stafford c l o~d tb e III Ide nt by remarking: " You nun ot mllke me change my mind, ·cause. d - - It. geollomcn, towers dun 't wea ve cloth!" J'revlo lls 10 his denth. Mr. Starrord bad a [lIc-s lmllo or 1\ cotton milt ,cut ln gran1te and pili cud In his 10L at Ilk o.rovo ceme t ry, to sorv o lIij ' bls toml/stolle. ,WII n It hud b epn "ut In pln ce, be InvI ted the Illte Waller . Durfee. nnother woll·known mtll nian of thoso days, to go with blm and InspecL It. Durfee l'xnmlned Il closely. "Now, Dm·fee. wh nt do you think · of It ?" as ked Slall'ord. "W II," r Jlll ed MI'. Durfee, "as rar as I can s e, It Is comple te In all but one detaiL" . "And wh a t's Ihnt?" Intorro ga ted StaffonJ. quickly , "Stafford," said 1111'. Duriee, "I don 't see IIny III' escap . nDd, Cod knows, you'lI bn\ e need of one."
Th(' Jr Rhe t Ir o n lIntl"rshfrh5 s tuc k n ot. .-i \l\. h j,-.lY tl ttn~ lt 'JH l s u ll I' h' ht:t!~ AIlt.1 p er l" lI inlliuli 1Ill1l1 u ttl'lIl not
~ O\I hel'll stale ~ m l\lt SlIlIIl11 I' he was milk-
NI h-k H I IIIIJ (' tun It'vn hll'P, ' h II. - 1f:) UShltl ""ill.
I !it~M
A Sure·Thlng Pred ic tion. Ou r 8orrow::! k ep l~enr:
,VhNI Ice 18 4~ h np ('081 will be dar.
- Wushl nglon Slllr.
HIS LITTLE JOKE. \\ hen the big, bronzed hll bll1ld tim· Idly dlliped his SIIDO!,] In a tiny anu eer u f breakfust f od the tlttle wife be· cam alarmed. " Why. Hen ry." sh e snld, uneasily. "you told me that camping trip would gh'e you u good nplI tit ," "w II It did my denr" assured Henry. ' . ' , "Bll t -but you sa id you would have an apllelltc like a horse. and here YOIl SIL only nling ,a wee bit of oat ~,. ,. ", e ll-er-thllt's the kind of nn OTl lIetite a hoI'S has, Is n't tt, deilr ~ 01:1 rOll ' ever bear of a horse eating beef· st nk1" A ud Ule big brollz II man Pllt on his hat and grinned to hlms('lf all the way down to tbe omcc.~Cblcl!I;o v..lly
Wor.t Ever. " Sa)'," remarked tile theatrical man· ag 1', "your acting last nlgbt \\,II.S eel' talnly the limit." " \~ by, 511': what do you mean?" de'fh e Fhlr One-.And what do you manded ~he )Ie wly e ngag d Slar_ tak wb"n rOil hn\'e a cold , cnplaln ?' "'''e ll ,'' answ ered the manag, r, ;'he re The aptaln-Allout Ove pocket· arll a doze n letters J recel ved from deadh eads thl~ morning. d mandlng han dkerchiefs a dllY. Miss. thut their name s b erased frOID the free llst."-C blcago Daily N ws. Juat LI~e a Man. J1c Mn~, " ,\ SnllDr's l.tre (or Me:" Ar(,u:d tl~ thl.! whol<: flat: NOT ALL ALI\<E. Th ..-" h i! had n. fl t OOun U80 hi s wIfe Pu rc: hn~ecl Oil M.llnOr hnt.
._--- HO'N HE KNEW.
- l-IO UHlUl1
"Hove you eve r hall any expe rlpnce In ' Il llnd ling hi gh grnde pott ry?" lUIked Lhe Imporle·l· of an ' aJllllicant f9r a eltllatlon. "No, si r," rellli erl the a J'lpllcQllt. " but I can ao th e worle all right." "Suppose.", sn hl t he merchant. "you sboulll a ccidenta ll y ureal! a \'uluable "aile i . what wo ulrl you do?" "I would put It togclhe r carefully.'" replle!! tbe Job seeke~, "and sel It where a wpu lthy customer would be sl,lTe 10 knock II to lliehes again." "Consid e r ' yourse lf engaged." sa id the ' merclulIl t. "And now t II me wbete )'ou got Oil to tbat trlcl( of the trade." "A few ~· ear~ a.gQ," answ ererl the other. " J. was In the 'wealth y c ustome r' class.1t
Many Racel In Abyaalnla. The most Inte resting pnrt of tbe dark contlnellt Is Abyssinia. Here the beusle ot tbe field a'nd the 1I0we" of the ,meadow from the Mediterra· nean region meet those of tropIcal Africa. He re tbe snow capped moun· talns retain a wild gont: bere also Is .. peculiar and nherrant dog. and In the western lowlands Is a true ""Id lIoar. Several ot tbe antelopes and t .... o or tbree spedes of monkey are pecullnr to Abyssinia, as are numer· ous birds, a tew fish, two or three reptiles. and a great many plants. Tbe bumnn races are of varied types and widely dlll'erent orlgtns, speaking a diversity of languages, some of tbem S8 yet unclassi fied. In the extreme lIOutbwest are negro types, In the loutbeast and soutll they are bandsome Gala-Hamitic or Somaln stock, In the north tbere are Hamlte and Semite, and traces ot nnclent Greek Dr Egyptian colonles, 'and dark skinned Jews whose origin seemB to ante-date the destruction of Jerusalem. Abys• Blnla baa a history going back to a tbousand year. before tbe Cbr1!ltlan era.
Enthll~laSlic Golfer-When TO'll know that a man Is a de vot ee of golf, "I hear hl ghl)' you can be absolutely cerlaln of hiD mental cnliber nnd be 1\8sul'edpraIsed." , Plaln Mun-Oh, come; I woul~n't "Sume say be doesn't spea k , from RSY thaI. I don't doubt that some men the heart," "On the contrary; 1 aln ossilrod tllat fllay g;,\r who nre reall y quite &el)lII· b is chest Lones leav'e nothing to be ble.-"-ClnclnnaU Enqui rer. ileslrod,"-Puelr. ' ·Then See. "Yes, child, the future may Heal Quanti't y, Not Quality. Church- What db you ,think of your rose tillted , and beautiful aud tull ot wife's volc sillcl\ she took music le~· Joy to you now, b\lt-walt." "Oh, annlle! Wnlt (or wbat? Toll .ona? • , Ootham- IL's 11<1 better; hut there ·rne?" "Till you get your feet Into. U,ht 1180mB to ba ' more of It.-Yonliers P4ir or shoes."-Houston Poet. .' . 'Statesmull. '
Conflicting. , the new rec,lpr
Not. Single Stone HOI. Formed Since Us ing Doan', Kidney P ills. P oets and ·tudents of o.~tronomy . hll\'e a laraway look_ J . 0 , Dnugbtrey. lDllslc publl sber , Jf Sulfolk. Va., suys~ "Purlng two. ~I ... WI".lo .. •• ooU,IIIK ~r'''p, or three years t 11a t ~:-U!·~~~~~ :Il.H~'~ ~1~::jli~~:I~~,f~~w~5 ';~I~I~~", ~ "~~\!~(J:: I bad kldn y trou___ ..L _ __ llle I . pIIsse4 nbout Offer Reward for Brigand. 21 pound s of gro\'e l Th Ru ssian government hus orrere!! and snndy s 111m nt a r ward 01 10,0 00 rllLl es for the lip· In t be urine. 1 11Ir(>, dell(j or alive, of Murad Kisnu n" hnv en 't p:lflsed a t h famoul! Caucn~lI s brigand. 11 Is ston I since IIS ln· g sold ·to huve killed ove r 300 RU~ Blan Don Il'S Kldnev P l l l s. '
'" Resume of Cancer Research. Wlltlnm Seamao Dulnbrldge state! tbat cancer occurs with the sume essential characteristics througbout the vertehrllte creation. Tbere h; u vari ety 'o f co ntll Ung evidence In rere rence to tbe Influence or di et on tuo do\'elopmen t of cancer. I:IO\\'el'Or, <:ancer Is compuratlvely rare In bot conn tries, especially In those whose Inhabitants . s ubsist largely on vegetnLJlo diet. Wltb certain exceptions It se mM to be prevo. alent wbere animal di et IS mostly consumed. Black rnces are remnrkably 1m· mune from cancer, yellow race.s are mo~e pr(;me to It, while tbe whi te races lire tho most susceptible. It occur. wb en tbe tissues are undergoing retro~ade metamorpbosls: Cancer Is un· doubtedly on the Increase. Tbe pri ncipal Increase Involves tbe nllmentary tract. There nre certain district called 'CDncer belts." Such areaa are usual· .Il' low lying aJld damp . Women are attacked by cancer far earlier and more otten than men. Much recent experimental work points to tbe cell es the essentlnl e lenlent in tbe development of cancer. The pnrasltic tbeory Is discredited by lIle Harvard commission. ·Tbe rl!port of tbe Imperial cancer researcb fund d eA troya all known theori es of the ori gin ot cancer, but proposes no new tb'e ory. Surgical treatment bas been estabIIsbed on a firm er bnsls than ever b~ ·ore.-Medlcal Reco,rd •.
Tlle GlrnITe (rowing his .allor)\Yhat do ~' Oll mean by makln!; me a lIul r of trousers with oll ly one leg In em!
,'IOJ'e by "n
In , On.
DrfR.fR, CJo:\1J~. II ibOOn8, F:1rlh. ~k~ NI II be mnd I " look hke "t·'. PUTNA:'I F ... OEU;:S· DYES . No mug •.
P,lgeo~a i.a Dootor'a A )alat.nta. A doctor In the nllrth ot Scotlund IIlIds carried pigeon's of ~uch use to blm, He has n Rcntterlng practice. and when 'on long rounds be takes sev. ('ral pigeons .wlth him. If one of bls patients n eeds medIcine Imm~ Illately, he wrlles out a prescription, ..nd hy means of the birds forwards It to his surgery. Here an assistant getB tbe messnge, prepures the pre.crlptjon, · a'n~ ,d,lapatches the medl· cIne. ]f, atter visiting, a patient, tbe doctor thinks he will be requIred later on In the ' dny. he simply leaves a pigeon, with which he can be callI/it 'It necessary.
Ju.t Two Look... He climbed down from the pay car. Bays the Now York Life, with bl. month's wages stilI In hlB hand. ExplaIned, Not Particular. "Su r,e ye must be feelln' rich,. "Your Bummer vacation must bav. "These are hart! line s," said the Pat. with all ye b'n ve t here," said' a by. touriSt. . wearily, us he Ilauseel to look agreed with you:" .tander.' ' "What makes you think lOr' ,L th~ lall(\Rcape. " He,rc I've climbed "And wbat does that' ilenl,ry to "Youlre 'so much tatter." 10 tbe top of this mountain aud rorgot "No, 1' m not. I probably look tat- .lDe'T" ,Pat. "Just two loou, to bring my glasses with. me." "'~n whln r get It,. and wan Whlll 1 "Tbat's ' all right.." !lald · tlie guldo. ter because I'm 80 milch sborter."ctv. It to , the "uld woman." Cleveland Leader. "I'd ' Just as SOOI1 drink troJU tho bOt· tJe."-l'd llwaukee Santinel. Reversln, Thlngi. Doubtle... 'AJ'eD't YOQ on · cOod terin. willi Played at It. "I think I'll write ' a comic opera: Wt"u·t tJu.( be IJI'IUId T" ,our raiaUona. Mr. ' RuraJlter' "fb.v. "Doel be pia)' golf on Sunday?" "Ho'. always on the link. the sam. • N", I df1n't thln ito: but If you'd bHll till th.y all wanted to "llIIt me . . week day., but 1 nevor knew that wrtte a , opera It woUld prot-abl, UII... wnm .... but DOW, the,. are aDl )8 ~ relaU;'u With 1111 senu.· lie Illared.':-MUQaJrM BeDtin.,L " t'ODkQ," ·-Ht;lUltoD POIt.
?,~~~\~.~~ ~:~eSr ~~~~ I sOld le: ,5 :~~,~~:Il1~:iS? tn(Jst
:agnny- u~e j~ft'r~I1~~rt J: ~!'ll1ru~D~:tbr: ~:r~drtr'°U ~?'!
durIng a i;ravel attack, and ha ll til
l:.lOrrb \:urC.
F .. , . CIIF.!'F.Y" ' 0 •• "''''d,' . o.
ot h r usual ° ynlp toms of kldn y troll" IfO~t~ ·"t:~~lUI~tl~::::.It:~ld \~~ji~\~r~'I~:III~i-I~~t l~l1t.~,~r. ble--lnssi lu(1c, bllndache, pain tn the I. r .. hll, JlI ", It r'Ullln~.1 Ir IU·fh llollo1l aud I1nauc-I.U,
bllek , 'urinary diS.orders ' rb. umaUc .. pain tc. I \la \' n box ('onlalnlng 1'1 • I t 1 ., b t that'
g ru \' 1 s t on s
paS5 u,
. 01. ' "
Hall '!'! CtiLftrrh Cure II! lskCI\ 1mermu l)' , IH: tllI~ dlr ,ol iy up" o the bUJ{ld and !Dlleou, I!!urfa,'u. Of Il lu ~~~~~:,'o "'·! ;:1~;Il~I';1ij':II~~~;1!rce. l'rlce j ,"cot. ', Fw",III· I' III. f"rcOn,l!pott n.
Is no on C)uarl r or ~ the wbole nU~la b r. 1 co nsld I' D03n s Kldu r PIIl~ II finc kldn y' tonlc." old by an deul r8. 50 cents a box. ....os ter.:llllburn Co .• Buffalo, N. Y.
"T ips" Given bv Monarchs. ' . Edward tl labu1' s a good dE'al ot m< II y In tlp~ C\'cry y ar . . ~~acb visit to one or hlB snbjecls costs him from $1000 to $3,000. A shoollng purtles ;1.6 gamellealt~ rs'ot $1 5 each lfnd Ihe gameke pel's $25 or $50 each. Wh en lie go 5 ahroad he do s sU lt ll!. ilcr. n the occn slo n of his recent vl sl L 10 t he kal~er he g ~lve away near· Iy $JO,OO In 11I is way. \ ben Ihe czar vl slled CJIIJ;land he 1('(1 b hlpd a checlt for sl u·.ono 10 he dlslrlu utcr1 amon!> servaD'ts who all nd d h im.
t'0"1 "" tW'''Y "~II~"!I ..". ,,,.do hy III. Drln . .I~ I II )iO , l\I N IiJA~kM"I1\"1 ."", \\'''01 ••• 1"Ilr • •• I.... 1'01.,10. 0 .
N~ ,
, DI'OW8tlIe83, BIId '!'IIIIIF In tile )!Olltll. .,..... Pa1n In ClIo 1MIIo,
reeuJa1e UIe 80wdL l'w'eIJ' Veaotabl8.
SlUllPlLL SWOOS£. SMllUII'£ Genuine Must Bear
i~: s ~fac-Simila Signature aVER -:;;::
'-=:;:::....... REFUIE
I .
EI'yS Cream Bam I ""idl,_rlled.
I. , GI•., R,1Iet 1010_
D i ~d i n Westm inster Abb"y, n e1~, lIOOt.hea llenl'Y IV. III d in \ \"s 1I1i!ISle r A~ heal& :~rotecte bey In H l ao It Is t:llIlm ,t lI"l t trom 1 1110 tli molUth al lime 10 lhl~ llf' hall ended I llntlle. It <:tUe~ C... - • d tanh nnil drIves there, ~ I'elll tllut of a mlnlslor name away.. Id in tho Sh pherd. who orol')I"lI uead In Ihe new} qaic.k.ly_ t1l111011S old slI ntluary, Ju st as he fin· stores UIl' Solll\elof L~hed a SI" ·eh , nl a m elln!; r cull y 'l'lUlte IlDd Smell. }'allslzefiOcts.,atDrutf. 1 held Ulldt!r I h' charmall ~ b !p ot tM giijtB or by mail; Tri&! SizlI 10 eta. by mIIiL Dean of Westmlnsle r. Elyllrolhllrtl.56Warren8troot.N_Y~'"
, Scorpions Cause Disaste r. Scorpions were 10 8, grent exlent re~ p on s\ b,e for lhe ro(: nl bu rslillg of th e J{ am.lapurain tauk In lndln. There hac! beell v()ry h!'n\'Y ra ins, but wllcn an alleml't was malle to preserve the bank or thc tank sco rpions I. tued from ere ll/ ces III the eurthwork In such num b(!rs t hat t he at· tempt hnd to b e allalldoned . Over 30 laborell! we re stung.·-Shangbal lIler, cury.
CASTORIA For !nf!at8 and Children.
The Kind You Have Always BOUGht Bears the
Promotes Digeslion,ClI.!erruiness and Rest.Conlains:neiU\e(' Opium,Morphine nor Mineral
Ears Looked as if They Would Drop Off-Face Mass of Sorea-Cured by Cutlcura In '"wo Week' for 75c:.
"I reel It my duty to parellts of other poor sutterlng babies ~o tell you what Cullcura h as done tor my III lJe daugbter, Sbe, broke out nil .oyer her bod)' with a humor, and we used everything recommended, but without results. I cnlled In three doctors; Uloy all claimed tbey could help ber, but ~be continued to grow worse Her body wns a mass ot sores, and bel' fl ttle tace was beRng eaten away: . h e r ears looked as If 't h ey would drop orr. Neighbors advfsed me to get CUllC\lrD Soap nnd Ointment, and berore I lIad used blal! of tbe cake of Soap and box of Ointment tbe sores bad nll bealed, a'ld my little ono's face and body were us clear as a new·born babe's. 1 would not be wltbout It agnln It It ('ost five dollars, Instead ot . seventy·flve cents. Mrs. George J. Stees(~ , 701 Colburn St., Akron, Ohio."
I' .
In A~ec' Remedy
signnlure or
Imitate Sw·ma, wbo laid un much merlt.-From ' tbe ,Cb lnese,
non. Sour Slomach,Diarrl1Oea Worms ,ConvulsioM,feverishness and Loss OF SLEEP.
For 0Y8F ,.---'---'~; .Thirty Years
1011 reI.
THE LAXATIVE OF KNOWN QyALI . Tbere are two classes of remedies; tlIose of known qual. Ity alltl 'Wllich aro permanently lICucficlo.l in effect, actinll" gently, in bllnllony with nature. wilen nature needs assistance; and anotber ela.fl8. eomflO9llCl of prcparn.tlollit of , unknown, UJlcert.ain and inferior c:1&aractcr. acting tcm)lOrarily, bnt iJljuriously, a8 0. rtwIt elf forCing tho uatural {unctions unnecessarily. Ono of tho mOilt exceptional of the .r cmedlea of knOWli quality .lId esecllenc:e Is the ever pleRsant Syr1Jp of Figs, maJlufadllred by tile Ca:ffornia Fill' S~' rnp Co.. wweh represents the aetive prlllciplcs or plants, known to act · DlOst bcneflcially. in .. pleasant syrup, In which the wholesome Califol'ninn biRO iJglI are uaed to ·~n· tribute tbeir riell. yet delicate, fruity 4.,·or. It Is tbe remedy of all remcdlc8 to sweeteD aud refresh ..IId cleanse the 8yStc~ gently and naturally, anti to a8sist .oil!! in overcoming consti· patlon aud tbe mauy Ills l'cBultlll1f tbere1rom. Ita aettve prIncl· pies and QualitY' are known t.o llhysie1ans generally. and tllO remc(ly bns thcrefore DIet wit'h, tlleir appioaval. &8 well 0.,8 with the favor of mauy millions of well informed person8 who lmow of their mm personal Imowledgo and from aetna! e:lllorienee tllat it is a most clcellent'o rcmed,. .. Wo do'not' Claim, that It ,,-JJl c\II'e all manner of Ills, b1Jt recollol'llM!ud it for what it really r epresents, It luxativo r emelly of knowJI ~aUty autI e:lOOUeDC~ coutainiug nothi ng vi' an objocUOlUlbl~ "7 illjurlon8 character. 'nlcro al'o two clo.eses of llurcbasers; lbose who are Informed o.s to 'the Qua.lity ,of what they buy l1ud the l"l!W!U1l8 for the elecl,lenc:e of al'Ilcle8 of exceptional IlJerlt, anll wh<> 410 !Kit· laCk. courage to go elscwhllro·. a. offers an iUJitlA1ion .01 auy well knowll article; bnt.. uilfortunately., thero lire BOrne }leOple 'Wbo, do DOt. . know. n nd ' who allow · tMtIUlel\'C8 to be irnpo!Scd urWm' They C'AlWot expect Us I,encficial effects U' they do not get the gc~nine remed,. To the erc(Ut of the dl'u ggls ts of the Vuited Stale8 be It Baid that neal1:1y uU of tbern value tbeir replll.aLioD for. profeBSional intcarlty nllil the good will of their eustumel'8 1no lUlrhlJ t,o offer . imitAtloll8 !)f the .
'of Figs
muuufaetnrc(} ' by tbe CI1Iif('rllia Fig S,.rwp eo.. ud in order to beaeAela1 deota, one ~ o~y. to note. :wllcn , purchasing. the rail ..... '01 the CompanyCaUrornla }'Ig Syrup CO.-Illrtlnly Vrlnted GIl tile Iront of ,,,el'7 pack8&'e. Friee., 6oe. per bottle. 0ae.1IiIe GIIlJ•
.buy the genuine lIl·tlcle and to get its
,, J ~
.' t
Slit 2 ' ) '"
e~ld W~atb~Jt
Is a r<>minder that (
Get Them n t.
Battnbattt~s I.
' 000 .16• ::~,:~;:~~E~::;:' ~~~;:I:~::I,::~;:,,: 1$Zl~M~R~AN:S $ ·g
. . I ,.. ..............J....~IJ>J............IJ>J...............................,~. A. l.hanct!
EX~lu$i"e Sb~~ ' St~Jt~.
r 1 J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LOCAL AND Concerning PERSONAL MENTION Former Residents. ---~-
for the Youn:g Man.
Condition of the ~~'J"''''...., Weather for the Week ~ ~
WI' r nll t ho (lo r r o/HI. .'r!' to th p IH\\'(lrtisE'lIl ,li t. \I f th > Nil . tiOl1ll1 Hu i lwl.' '!'I llillmg ,'rhool of . I h l! ""'")l"li~, ~1f11Tt •• whi ch wi ll 100 thll " cl 111 II n 'l b ' r llilu,nn . Tbl~ ~u h" ol llr' i'vld":l thu Irllilllllg whi tl h i .. ~ (l nl·e('''.III'Y 11 )"' IHluy .'! for I,he . Upplillllti t 1'0 " " railJoollo )1 0 Iti "l1 Tlw ill . trll ,ti on gl\" 11 h)' thi hool i~ \\,h. ll~' bv nlllil . thUN IlUlking it . Utllll'('(' ·~ Il r .\' f o r til(' t'fuuent· t o • I {Iv e 11Il1ll1'. Mlln y .v olll'li tIlen !, n tit!' r"TII'" UllIl i l! t it .. (·,ti.." 111Id Muse Co hen sco ups in the s urtow n" Illl jlll1 rtl 11 111 11I ('k of ' ljlPIIr plus FilII stock of Men 'N Suit' I Is t err ..P~. C0. , 0 f t.unity til ~I \t IIhl'lIt! ill Ih,' worl.l, rrum JT"I'Ic'ne w1 " !11 th .. fUel' I" 1l1'P"1'1 u uit If'll 111'0 [tol'he h'r, N. Y. Lu be f!lllllil Oil 'tv "r~' ;;101'1 if ope ., - t '! " t bon ght then, IIt ~" ·0. Ii Jl r cen 11111; tho n hili l.\· I I) II I''';;!, tJlf' 1lI Tho Lf'!\ ~ th lln r j!olnr \" hllln ~ lllfll)rlo a . 011 r I )\' ~ young 111 00 of I.h i!! vi IlIlry ' I ~f' now 1'111 going t.o I et yon Il II 11\ glvPIl 1,1111 Opptll'tuni I.y 1<.0 enroll DOIII-'1'he e l1il1 ~ ~ tart~ SntnrcJ"y Morning, O('t o1>l1 r :.lOth , IIncI Will with 'I I' putu ble tmltling 01100 1. Continne nil til ~n.t urcJlI.v Ni~ht., whi ch hilS the enti nr sl'. Jll on t, nr m il· November ard . r ll/lcl'lfliclllls lind HI't. vulllllble trllin --illg in the c ~s e ntilll!; of rllliroilcl Come and Gaze wOl'k for II slUlIlI pri cII . Th work Come and Buy this sohoul i~ ur in g' ill hi ~ hl y com · Save $2 to $,'; menllulJle nml s h onlcl receive tile henrt y supJlort ,)f our r ue1 I'll Here's the Way we Go!
oln;::iOll l Observtt.t.iun ·,.•,k un by the uuller!liKDtld '!I" II Ol1 \Jerl,t.'Vl \JLJ' I ~ SorV l;)r of t.he Wt'Lltll J: Hllrlllll i "I j th o U . ti D')PlIl' tUl li t of A~'· I(: lll. tore 'uuring tho weo k flmiing ()~~"i ' Hi, lOOt!. lit WnYlI "Ville Ohl t . . cry r e. plJutt'lllly, I 'n "!t. E. M lllll ltNIt:II . \ :"':t~~;:: eo l
- .
at - i 0>_ '" "'_, _ .... co I;il ... " "
'" 0 ' ''' '" ", .'" l..ow e "- of- .... .'" I ':> "" .... -----R.tti Ut ,Iii , ~
_______ ~
illC)bo,; IlO C\ hunuredths .
n t'un/,!f'!' - H"n"nll~-Lelll ' ,
2 $ ... C \V, "I'M ,II' ;Vlll!!
$ $ $ $ _
$ZIMM~RMAN'S $ $ $
t,lon thlln by offering it to Vou lit our own expen~e in OIlSO It fll\ls. Througl.\ our own personal recoU\ · m ond many Waynesvl11e residents been indllced to try this remarkable dyspepsia remeely, and they hewe fouud relief almost withuut excep tion . One .little tllblet tnken !ther meals ' in varin bly relioves distress Mter en,t log, sour stomaoh, f rmAn · tllt,ion, heart burn. and other symp· t OIUS of indlgestlol!. P ep.'likohl '~'Ilb1 t~ ure 0 positive cure for chronlo dyspepsu\ Rnd If you have \>IIlplta, tion, sick boodoohe, nerVOU3 spell!! gnawingpllinntlliepitofthestom· Iloh. backnohe, or If y,lU' feel worn ont, run down. tired or despondent, nothing in this world Is so sure to renew your energy. steady your nervell, Improve your dlgll!ltlon Itn<t inorellse yonr bodily vigor ,I\S n ten d,LYS' trial of thelle ttlblets. 'Pepsi. kola Is also a -grlind nerve tonic I\nd Mr. Janney will cheerfully return your 25 oents in ol\8e you aro not greatly benefitted.
Chamberlain's Coueh Hemed,
FnNERA l 0IRE"CTOR r e~ephQne Day or Night.
local No.7 . Long Distance No, 69-3r
8ranch Office. H rvevsburg, O. OR •[1•E• HA'I'HAWA\"~ Wnyutl" vllle'" Lf'lIfllnl( DfllItb.t '' OJ'' ' IjU II(I IIIW .
A Un.1l v 811m".1 Unl , or bo\" . IIIlln " r WOIlO ltll, I.. · qnluh Iy onto OIf )Jilin H. Bllc'kll''' '" A1'1'",", 8ul\'(' \" IIIlPltl.t\ \lr'!ln"il~' G. .1 W,'l eh. III' 'l'eck nn:<hll , Minh . ~II .\ ~: "I 11~ " It. \., rnv f ,tlllllv for e11l". ,.. ..... " ,,"tl filld 11 !"'rtl.,;t, " ~111('k e~t !Jilt! , nrA ' kll n w" H,.~t h,," l\ue ;Ui I V"11I1t,1~,2/in IIt.· ~'i '. FIohwlitl ~
HEMJ~CU~I'H~Co:;:I=d'='c~rou:;1>'~lId~W=h~=Il=ID=lIc=ou~rb.! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ,d! ! rn~1.;~"t~nr~n,==~!!!!!!!!!!~=
·H ome of goo,d' Clothes \for Boys at . the Rig;nt Price."
·We have built up our trade in this dcpa~ment: not by giving" footballs and roller skates, but by givin~ a Do~lar's Worth of Value for Each Dollar. You will save two 'or three timos , the price of a ' preBe~t by. buY!~~'. here.! -... ' . . .
. TEST THE ·ST.ATEMEN.T: Russian,' Sailor ,,~u 'l!~ton Blouses'.
Doable Breasted Suits, the . 88rvloe- . nble kinds, neat pretty ll~ttern!l ,
$1.50 to $5 Belted 'Double Breaatad 8nit~, with' 'knickerbooker pllntM, sty 1i1l1l , garments anel tliilored in superb . Dian .. ner,
Boys' .Wn.l ats, Sweaters; Undel'walt~, ,8o".tery~" . Sepn.rllte Pants; Hats' ~nd Caps. .'
The Oh~rm ot a Clear iomp lexion . J . E. Janney. ' Nothing lends more to perSOnal . ut,trnctivAnOsli thll:n . the c1Erar skin W.LANo,M.D; ond fresh ·rosy COmplexion ~.hat Rl'DGIllVILLIC, OHIO Cu~'e!lPLleax.!~.knotlh8at comes ~)6th()Be WhaO SI'EOIA LTlIllB: DlsEUJCS or WOIIU guat:anteed oqre for and _cons ti patt OD. . J • E . '- AND OBlLDRJIIN.
82.50 to. 6 ,·
Our entire second floor i~ devoted to our boys' and . Children's department. Mothers know it as
'We know of no aumer wny to prove
'The ON'LYAgr'lcultural NEWSpaper,
Of 1'.11 l<illli14.
'fn ke J . E. Jllnn y '8 .AdYioe. For~ ' _. ~ More thnn two YOnrs hil has been 'l'ryitlg to teli You how 'to Cure ~'r,,,, Indigestion. .
Of Course
Young'Men WalRted.
tLtIll 8P1!CiaJ Inducement oft'ers a life I tlize unlargement . to anyone 61 "\1r· i A lot of doors nud windows suit.· ing a dozen first o1a!!11 piotures. ! u,pllS for outbuildingp, lot of window \Vhether you want plow'r es or shutter!', coal stove nnd reserVOir, not, however, call hi and get ao · 2 banging lamp's, one of them a hall qaaintecl .aDd look over samples of lamp, also 20 tons of good timothy L wor., ha •
~jl·", .b'·I· r i",,__
WI' ::;"'1
$ '$ - -g I
i1 t. i1;;l
HI ~ h tl!!t. 8 '" .
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?f~;~:e ~;;l~st~~!e~~";~t ~:~t~~ ws~~~~: ~:~~~~: ~~'~\:~~~::
15 00
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Fine photoe;mphy Itt. t.he UIlII'ery Mil!!\ BeRsie Hunt, formerl y of Lyin the Far~ & White bui1diul:, I$lI t,- tlo. who wrnt, t o .Jnclilln Territor.v in ~")Jt o lH b(\r ' to ,tellcb the Illdi llD urc1ay . Willilim Batte.rthwaite W'I!! Wetl ohilllrllt;l in tho PreMbyteritlD Mis ion nellduy taken to LebBnon !lud the a bools 10 Welling. in [\ letter to the following day was ttlken to t he Gllz,·lte Il'ives !10m intpr esting !>itnt.o liospital at Dayton. Th~ g lilll)JSIlS of life in thnt tleotiun . young man hltd given evidence for Am ong othtr t.hlngs Mi ~ A Hunt 80l}.e time that he was mentally un I :<IIYS: You se fl'f)lltier li fe in greMi Men's BILl k Clllv i!"hmced, but it is 'hQped that after II bundance hor~ . All rOlulll lond • Wors ted ,Dr SN ~lIits Advertisemtnt broUight " s~IiY a' the hospU-al he will soon t hroug b 'the foret, we are right io . wortb up t o $l!1 11110 Reply fr~m ColoradO . bf' hlm88lf' agl1ln. the for es ~, 0110 tree in the :;ohool 112; !lize :l.1 to ·12 . Mrs . Clayton Foster lind dllugh. Y'lrd m r e~ th ree reet In the cir' ter, Mrs. Nellie 8~lth, of Spring oomfereo e. The country is very 'l'ho publiSh ers of ' til " illzettoa 11ehl, wUl start ThundliY to Terre bellutiful, we ure partly shut in hy ha va 111 W;l · ' '; b e n rn th r proud of Sui ts . lIIado by Hllutp, Indiana where they will vis- the 1D0uu tllin!l. the \lIlPOI' R lin ad vertil'lng medi nm MiC)llll Is . 't ern ; t.o i~ Mrs. Fosters/daughter, Mrs: Alioe --und bol1(lvO thut It hos few equilis r t·tll iJ lit *I:.l " ta r,o T:-;nill and family . .Durlng . their Miss Ruth Yakc; of Findlay Oblo II!! til reslllt.fwh tnin ed by uel vert! er!! , . ab8enoe Rnother dRughter, Mrs. hilP includerl friends in Wl1ynesvllle sill.~ of flu'! town oon!'lderfld etc, ~ I'~ !' u lt.s ever y lIew Uti" Killen who has been visiting lind viOI~ity in II. t our. ph e hus be?n but 11 1l0 \<' rr cor el fOr 1011/2: d i:'tllnce df\~1TI~ltle Pll tt~ rus Ilnd 1ll ~ltel 11I 1-mucIo by relatives iD this part or Ohio, will milking Of.PlqUI~, prmg field. Xema, r epli es t o gnoels nd vortia'Dct. in it.8 M~ cbll e l !! teru to r e come and keep the dom estlo wheels' Ly'~le, . SprlUgboro I\nd other plaoos. coluUllls W'UI mllde t hi wt!ok ~1I11 11 t ~I G. i~ motion lit ihe'Foster home. baving been absent from home five MondllY. F. C. 'chwII.rt.z, the t.~ en·!' Snits. smurt or Six w ee ~B . Mrs. Yates WIlS for- druggiltt, r ecei v d 1111. II l'd ~ r from u Mrs. Harry Mnrray lnst week m erly a pupil Of tbe WlAynesviI1e n \\' ~tyl e . UIltde 1 Y • Mich ael;! ' t·~ rll c. • '. 'learned that 'ber youngest brotlr er sopool, lind will be remembered by purty ill 'olnrndo for i'OlUe of hi~ t.o r etllil ' nt *1lJ.&0 000 Belaford, had been thrown her old soh ool lOute:; us Ruth Gibbs. famons Corn 'ur whioh tbey 11IId seen ntlvert.iso(i in tho GUll. tte. from a horae aDd 80ffered ~ serious Of course not. [lllIny SIlleR olin he M'1D '~ 'uits. IIIl hnno fraoture of the hip whloh made it expeoted by adv rtisers to " lorlle'lo finish ed; m'ld by DeoetI8ary for hUn to be taken to Mr. Will Smith, of Da.yton. r e p or other uist'lDt points, but to get • Ml ohAl'1 't.e ru to rllt~'i1 the MIAmi.,Valley Hoepital, Dilyton . resenting the Beuvor Soap Co. of busi ness from the pe ople of . Bt;i;t t.o UO . , Wedneaday laat when Mr. Murray that ~Ity,. w~s in Wuynes v!l1e Tues· Wn oEtsviJl lIod vicinity--why, the vlll'ing tllis Big Two W ellks' sell· 'madeJiiB w'e ekly trip to Vatton he d~y: , Mr, Smfth expeots to visit ~orlll is t,his: 'A'dvertl ,se for it iug ' W(j will offer . ~pe !III ron llCtl <J , called at ' tbe hospital to see hiS WI\ynesviJ)e abont every throe h 1 'rh Mi ' I G ' t., · " price!! in Men '8 Hilts Ilud Furnis h .. . ' t rong I e 'tin nze ,..3 . brother -iD·law lind found him sufi'- month a oow as this seotion is In. Ing~ In . Ohlltlren 's . ult-l', , Over .. eJ'ing from great puln, 8S he WIIS eluded io h is terrItory. Mrs. Smith oonts lind OtlP~ j Itl~o 10 M~1J 8 Ruel tl~ong strangers lind lreJpless for Ilnd ohildren h .. ;e been spending u 1l0uths' FuJI Trousers. ' our 'Snow Before Frost. udvlc ! Come! Yon'll be sl1rprlsed the first time Ln his life the flimillur week with h er parents, Mr. Imd to s e whnt IL grllod urray of B'lr · flJOO of his ltlnllman 'lloved hi m to Mrs: A. B. Ivens nea r Ridgeville. The unusul\l peotllcle of snow guins we prflpared for YOIl . \ears· as Barry pressed his hand. falljn g before frost WllS \vitnessed 4 !.!' • 1.1AIr DAY'roN HOIpitala IUId hospital nurses ul'e h ere Wednesull Y. and M!s. Ohllrl08 \{ . Roberts Mr, grand things' but in siQk,ness 9S well as tn health "there is no plape like formerly Of Waynesville, who have A sevore cold nn,p 'oltme 1D early ook (LIlll Wednesduy !!lIOW fell been living ill Ceatervllle so ' home." . C.LOTI1F. S. 1 I"URNISHINOS. time have moviltl to Leoonon where in genuine \Vi~ter style Mr. Roberts hlls!\ position with the. Tho first fr ost of the sennon como .Guld Bouu Ooupon with all pur· Will Move 'to Dayton'. Thursday night. D. L . .& C. r Mlroad. . A s thl) Guzette goe~ to pre!!!!, Tnosduy, we are enjoying t;h!l m os~ E. 8. ' Ban\ly bas given up his , Big Potatoes~ delightful Indian summllr , tha nlr blaok8mlth gone to Day. is warm and 1)alm.v uml II l t ogether ton. where he .has e6cur~ employAbrahum Shoemaker, living fine · ment.. HI8 famUy exveots to move sootll of Wnynesville hrongllt some It is fl noh chanl{os as ' t,hese thllt. to that oity soon . mumotb potatoea to Clement", groc- did vlLri ty sOll ch ur~ 10 the oon· verSlltion ILnd climlltfl Qf th'\s st:otion ery Monday morning. New Owner in , 'l'he .lia!Zette w:ns on able to .lotlrn "evera cUlles hllve been permanently Possession of Blevator the variety of the pota!<toes, Qu·t they cured b.v !~ U8e. . For sale by'P. C. Sc\}wllrtz, . are IIbout thilltu: ge~t we have 'ileen in lIome time . Mr. w. Bl8hop, of Williams- Three of them weighell togetbur port, lndiana, w'ho bought th.e Cor- four pc;>nnds and 2 ounces Fo'r FlreDlen and Brukemen. Ex· win grain elevators from Henry perience unnecessary . Ove l' 500 po · Jay, took POIlll888Ion of the property Apples for Sale. si.tio n~ ·open at the preilellt. titue. this week. Higb wages. Rapid promotion to Several varietle!! of excellent win- Eugineers and ConductorH. $ 71) to Mr. Bisbop 's family wUl follow ter lipples, lill good Jceel)er!!. I::lamoel $200 .per mOnth. Instruct.ions by him here 11.8 soon as they CRn find 11 li!m itb , on the Wl1ynesvilJe an·:} Ly. D1UIlIl.t your bome without Intar. snltable location. tIe pike. to 31 ruption witlJ ' preHent oollupation _ _ _ We'ul.lsist ench student in seouring M. B. Church Service. Former Resident of a pOllltlon Don't .delIlY. 'Write to· ' d'lY f(lr rr~ e CIIMlogue, In l' l~ ruotlons Dodds Seriously Injured: Rnd applictt.tion hlank . . AlCO AOIolrrn:ni,v TO. . !Sunday 80hool6 ::10, O. M. Robit · N ATJUN AL RAILWAY 'l'RAIN· Leading Journal or1he World. zer, Superi ntendent. ' 8ermon 10 :3q Caught in ,PreslI Drill at Alliance INIJ SUHOOL. Ino., 130StOIIl RloCk, ..,.. ,. . 11 S, M In ' n . USA E.,Idep'-me~ by .-clallll.8,. tho JulDneapO . . . _ , _. ,.. ()hio was Orville Goodwin. . by tbQ PtLtItor: ' Epworth Leagoe hll:he8~ authorities 10 their I'Csp,:ctl ve lin... 7 :00 : Topio: Studies .in ohuroh ·be. No otbor paper pref,endJI to oompuro wiU. It Announcement, . In qualifications of·edILorln! .t.fT. nevolence!!, le!lder, M;iDnie Satterth· pOlltsl card to tile Guzette We call your attention to 'the f'lct Olvell the agricultural NJ::W8 with" r1,.grtl6 waite . . wlAiled from 'ulumbo!! sig ue d If,) tha,t Dermtt.kola o\ntn ·t!Il t i!l n. I'osi- of L'Omp!oteness I>~Le mptcd by oth ...... Evening sermon: 7 :30. Snbject, lrn W. Kirby, contain s the follow- dve our'e for eczema, ulcers. wounds, INDISPENSADLE 11'0 "The doh man goUlng Into Beaven" lug : ;'11 serio,os nccment Ilapp'ened pila~ ; nnd every kind of skin or 8calp ALL COUNTRY RESID.ENTS t rouble. It costs 25 oents if it oure!!. Everybody m~e ' weloome to to Orville. Goodwin , lormerly of If it· don 't, we return your money. 'WIIO W1Sil TO t·he~ servic~s. Dodds, Alliance, Obio, by . being .1. E JOlll) ey . KEEP l1P. WITD THE TIME8. -~--clAught in a pross dnll at . th ' MorSlaglt SDbICrlptlo, '1.60; Photograph Qallery . , Two 8ablerlptlo... ' I . gan Machine ~hop . Hit! c lothing Come_ l'he ilalJ.e~lp"OD" ,1>;60. . __.____ Will Open for Busi ness was torn h 'om hl~ body lind flesh 5PECIAL INDl1CEMENT8 to RAIS" laoreated , reqoirlng IL BtIlY , in the . To the Y. P. C. E . m ee tlpg .to be .EftS OP ".lRGER CL~BS. Mr . Worth VanBarlingen, a prnc. hospital of two months. beld on Sundlty evening, OCtober 21, Four Months' 7'rf'at Trip 1;0 (,,(JiltS. tloal photographer of wbllnon, hns nt the U. B. Church, Oregon·i",. . SPECIMEN COPIES rented ' the gallery in the Farr lit Nothing to Fear. Speoinl IJrepllratlons lire being malle .' , ,,·nl he mAlled rrceoo requcat. It'''111 pay any· White b, ulldlng, formerly useil by Mothers need h. ILve n o h e!'ntancy on: th. e topIc "l!'~ ltlifulnesll.'; (;ome. ' . in contiouln" 'to' gi ve Chiunber Jain's 1."ly IlItcNlll~ In anyway 10 country uru Lo " Le~ter Spahr, and beginning next Cough Rem.edy to their little ooes and help mBke it the he:;t meeting . " ,i"ltorthem• . Addr0e8 tho pubUtbel'll: &turday, October 20th, will be ut uS it contains IIbsolntely nptbing in, YOIl ever ntt.e nded. LUTHER TUOKi:rt a. 80N, WILynesvUle t:»\turday of each week. juriou• . This re!I)edy Is not .mly ' ..;.bo.n:v. y. Mr . VllnBarlingen was in business perfectly safe to g~ve sm'l11 chlld.ron 'For Rent . in Ohicago for several years Ilnd is but IS a. medloine of greu~ worth . Ii ' .or. Davis' Presorlption' fol' Beud" . . . J a,nd merit. It bas a world Wide r ep A slUall farll;l suitable fql' Tn .8 ng. aobes. thoroughly e;perienoed and capable utation for it·g cllres of .c oughs oorn 'n nd ' tobacoo. Ii!l\tll~fo.o~ry 'When we reoommend nnd gUlUlln. of doing the higbest class of work colds and croup and can IllwtlYs 'ho terms. Inquire of Gaorge E•. :Rlley, 'tee Alia·in 'the Head tablets for head. III every particulllr. , relied upon. For sale by F o' C. Soh· It. F . D. , No . 2, Lebanon, or can nohes ILodnourlllgla itfs 'boo"uBe we 80 Is anxious to meet as many of wartz . · Vn lley phone through Springboro know you must obtain relief or we the people of Waynesville and vioin. F S I exchange. . stand ready to pay your ten cents ity a8 . po!I8lble on his first day and I or ~ a e. baok. Bafe, sure, and always cure
Dllt ,
Another BI Treat'
8 .85 9
S· nrprlse St..ore I.
'EverythIng fortbe 'B oy 'to .wear'·, . '. ', S I 'TI ' St 0 Ie raus
E 'C " , . uiLli.
" ' ,
Darion's Most Popular Male Outfitters. /..
28 & 30 East Third 'S treet DAYTON Ohio
. '
g! ! "·!F! '!o~u! '!n! '!ta~i~n! .'!~T! '! !'!O! '!L! '!D~IN! '-.! !S! !"H-O-~-T--:--~TI ~-:A~H:-o-m~e~w~e~d. ~~::in~-g'! ',~-~-~E!!C~,!!!,!,",,!!,!-~~" §I9N~! !'!~! \V A
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U I 131m 21 '1'< Wn.ynosvi1lo's lon g .• tflolked of . . drh iki ng fou nta in is PA RA G RA PH S All oo w un a.ctuIII du 'Id on g tbe IJI'etty IIl11rr y u( I'Illi0 1111 fao t. ' h 1(\w lin iugM nf . 11k'l'h ; . urACIII,\' IIm l Fr i · I ti:lo , . we . ,ok Wu.s thu t of ~Mi ss Th e fou nta in bu s \V tt. I.' A ~t ~": I .l . J3 r tb a boon pu t in F t u rl(i (:4 J .r e h od lr . Ed wu rd or M E J l\1 hw art 7. 's 'or n (J uro lac e on Mllin str ee t . lJ iR g Ullmn. jus t III fro nt . I' no ll Uu.t't!loo k. P rH wl! .. t i ch . oeC ' . t 0 r!lIll'JVe cor n s . l ('.Y _ . . -- -. bell uti of tbe Na tio llll l Ba nk pou dllll! tlll .. " .· .. k,I':, .\\1.. r 'n "" . IS fili i I' cul oill t5 ,. nt ::>oh· NO un d hOTo tbe M TE S 'lli 111 wa OU OA rtz 's 1l (,1' 1I 1I 1I1 1 We dn e~ullY VIIO THEREL> ' UY 'TH E . ,[ I It ..., t St ore , \V uy ues v ille . . thi rst y, bo th um g D' r~ CO RR ES PO ND EN (jA ZE TT E' S B UrB tDilrnl{u~ l1ll ,YI II _"""'1\ tA r II lW Il 1t ma n nn d bel . I' 1Ilj ,t, \ I, · ;"t. l~r I ~ , ~ wl ll . hll,ve op poon TS . ' • IN lUOll, ut· 'j' :-lij p . Ul Le ml tr uo d wi fe, flo Na ::A . rtu nit y to reglst, Uu ' y PL A ES . ' ale . -MI SS Eh n Ho ut . Lh\! It I m fj of th L< son . .... U the ms elv es. dllul\b t 'r " I Mr. j' ell bri d o'" pa rtd. rol l' 1I1111 .\lr ... ()lm amI Mr ... ' pllr ),(11 Hm ith L tI rle!! ' Ry e of Mi ss Co rn .l\Io PJl ers on . i. ~ult'.'ri,i I: nCl ul' Mi TIl e top o( the ba sin , ot Hi&:h · H . y e. of the fou n - fr om all IIt.t ll ck nf I "11h l)i!1 lhl l uru n . few 'r lllnd, is tbo gll est of tai o is a. litt le les s Soh ar . ve wu ys rtz he bu 's r hro the r 'o ' rn thn n five fee t Cu re is t I I10 up pol.n t ('L1 "uo Ilrs. Hu rry ~ll1rr uy W Ge or ge Mo Pllflr son. h\Vurl ~:k Cu rll 'Ilr H : .. fTl lm the gr,)I1O!l. ur " Mi lIS tee d to .,. IIM ('11110,1 t " '" co arn n. teeSo ~ll Ilrl flm d ln L ' to ov tllo · o ren l cor l p ovo " n,ll n We ll . 1 e"' I't st ll .)fll~ . I f,", ·t. :-'''. 11 MiJof " '"t at oh· wa rtz ' Dr ug ~ ruc k t"u e op en t.ou ~' rillll l' I I' IItt",,, Mr s . 0 rlm ert A 1IIIIIft th'roo gh the . Br ads tre et is suf fer · wll, rtz. 's D rug S !,or e, h Al' lIu nt , M ri:' . Ph d ('b 'tor e , Wll th ~e in l.{ ch or'u s of th ~ ynr o~\n 'ill....'~. co nto r 0111'- . ing ,y lIy nel lvi lle . e we dd ing ml lrc h, , f l·. Tietbe 'llI Htl tltillok of ga n sto s the Mr s wa . GO ter l'lrg M e B.I U .I' lluin . wh ioh flows 4;lown in- Sm ith IllI S iltn ne a . Ln. n of w . bi . Wi rs. h lY ho · . rni l1o . , tl ugo · mb tho d 'V an d 1I}l[lrolloh of the IIpent \)-1 ye urR. t , a .l 'B 1'1 I ,,,n pl on an Stl lnl ey oes vil lo spe SlI tul 'da y in Da yto80n Uml . ill pA d du ug hte r, nt the ~tellt • r pa rt . W. J Ki lhnll, Dlann go n ahoPIJlnJ? Illlit we rty . of LO l1i ~u ." rP visi ti AI tog eth er tho fuu ntl r IIf ek ItA wi ,lo th r 'R ho lit; r mo li n prQsen t.s tor o. Wil l! in rel ati ve s in Mr the s. r }1 1'. all ll l'Ilr s . , Vi l\'r oll\ s. , O'u ke u.u . ...:IYII(l 'x , I) l1 ~i n!l 'iu ci llo a ti Ill S wook 8ig bllllw ( 'ul lnt y . qu ite nil im po ing Ilp I!pe nt u IJlea811nt Sa tur u ch ild ren Bn rab Ki ng. poa ran co uml l(ly ing in II ~ uP\ ' wh o of is in h e 11 hl'i \' d ry da . cri y at,t aft ern oo n Illo on dit ion tic· lly " f III r ohlln lll ~1' en ded t he oOllpl e. an iii HOlDething lon g ne .l oh n i\1 ,· nJ enb nll . d ti undllY wi th tbe lr ed ed . Bo th th H brl tl" lin d Mr i~ vor y sic k fur tb eir win tM trll de po .rs nts uo d ~ ·Uo x wo r ::r an dp Mr wi lh hunl·t Irouh le nt, bls 8. Tw o De at . hs at Fcu Jlk Hl lrr is tlDd Hon Ow n ure nts lil' . nn d M n. 1 11Itllt ~(ll1l r' 1 )' L(, I W ll c ho mu ne ar Be llb ro ok . Fu noy K If r Pea rs Milton vlHite d rel llti ves d In wh ite ~ill fl t i!:ur uh nrt , of n elLr /lnll. fri en ds in Wil RI)rin g V·tll "y . po r bn sho l lit RRdll r 'R O< 1111 11 f.) . OO tTl. mlll ll(1 W I·tl I I,lOP t l b 11 Le ban on . mi ng tou Rl\v er ~ 1 du ys , I r I II oILl·r y · . t or . MI~ ~ E" .I U" rne . g Cfll 'n ll t Io n III~t w" e k De ath bU.8 inv ad ed on Iiuu l...oUf{lLore r etu rue llI r qf Xonill i~ viSit· ~ r ne igh bo r· Mr s. E .. 6. Hn nh y l' d ho T{.a9p yo me on ing nt. Illf ' hom e f \VlI lllll tur nl' d It ClIl1 P '~ Ing vl1lage of Be llb roo nr llIl Th Y ye o to op co do eu r(, h er bro th er lIIn for tllt) " H o ll ' so me neoeslilLry ve nl' r . n;l' WllEl por f Ir11 ieel uy k thi s we ek Mo nd ay mo rni ng fr liI@U El I) f) I .. wo rk IIro un d h 11D1l . 'bll!' Bn rn r . ~fl 11IIli GfI om OIlY ta ll , Ro v 'l' hlJ lIl~H \\' 1\ an d tw o res ide nts 'l.ot Hli le. l " linl bro 11~ ; of Mu gre \\', ELl Qf the vil lag e IVh ere ~ho hn rl UElf'n the r TIl IIY wi1IlIlAk o for II f w do v.' (tl nll , IInrl WII S 1\ b uu rif ul rUl ha ve responde{l to the ll r U\ .' No rm uu B,, ),l w t tn l'~~ e d hy SIl\ ' nty tuuwurd bll~ de oid ed to mo ve to Day. he run oe for yon ir tillnl Bum· on It h on~ o huntin~ ox SB, wh o bns bea [or I' frl ntl \Vb we re pol gnn d siu ce he ha s II liti on , . 11i ll gU (1~I ~ n mo ns. in bu ine i n Ch inn , po yin g l~n o t nbl e Mr . lIud 1\1r s. J . D. to WII ~ ou llin g on att pO en ~lt d iuo t il . 'undll.Y mo rni ug Elm l 119 ll oar om T pll Ma fJ. h o nltt .rlI '011 I' >r lH 1· vl1 on )" fri IIn on W ll nll e re '-'po uti ful ly <l ee. ~' h e re III s f wP HI; A ll will er Uu rpe nte r , MIAS He l (lll of tbe g. ne w bu ild in g Itt the N spe llt ~l1ndl\y wi th Mr o!." t('d iu pil ng ed llG yel~rs Bucoo 1''' . e. R. lk 11011 grll tJ n . Af t tur n ah ou t No v. 1st. . mbed to tht lt Mnrlnlt-!! ~ . Mr . ull r d Mr I M a t s er . dre lld dil;eIi8o, ounSll Ira , Mr i\. An nn d 'yp M be rd W of rni F Sa th. t,L10 (' r elllon y Mr CI k Olption . Bi s ne nr Ml dd Ma rri ed. Oc t. I th bml~ we rs. J e se 'm lth took fnr : . 1111 lit· Ou klt md lin g on fri r ntl s h rll l rlln . wi fo on ll on e eb ild ser . IU t hpi r I, i t nre~ liS . tb u.nd on Tu esdreaycal nll y al s CHncliuc. e Bll Mi ss ;\fnry Morri s I\nd vl, ,!) him . . un I:; d . ' i ohw Wo , o l ol' ood dn t :l. lll ird '~ wb dn (,lo lle y sJl Wu rn. ' u ro I ~ gUIlrn n . ent Bu lt BnIDe» • nll "y Th Mo nd ay Mrs. Ho dg ins \YU ClRO h "01 Mr 11'1 " IlRoplo nrfl . !tn d Mrs. Wi llia m bei ng mn ult.tI , tb en , wi fe of · II. teo d to r mo ve {' I'M "'.nll kn o," o . Mr . lIud .Mrs. Th oo do . the y led t he Ca rm " . l r. ¢ nt , 'Iii Wil "u gro oe r of Be llb roo k die re on y La . , ... ()li r ene Y nd nce ha s bee n \vith e in .,tl r \' iol lllt v tm d. Th e f(lm· Wllrto:l. 'H Or l1 ~ ~tc JTI' d !I I\ VO t,lllI 'be llt ~rd fl~/helr gn as ts on \ . \V " .V\lO",· H! (\. Slll )IJotor t it dl niu u ro0 1l1 w~ ere l\ fin e Mr s . 'htrlr for the ily lillove Ih' ed on ly _ ednel:!tlilY wif!h il!l (I f nll R OODlpllrl1 t\\' oly WII:< ~er v.'rl Th e tub pIIst we ek . M lny ' le fri El W end nsh ll8 sh ort ~llIl e in Be llb s. lng Mr 1 ton bt'n s. Hn l1ti Mu ch I (! 1'fl\V 111111 son CII l10n of 10 ",u. , roo k [md the t eelU to be tbe mg ii th o rog l1l'lr p,re U I'ICl~ gr pe fl1 l1 .,' deco ru.1ell ill IJi uk !Lud e III tbi vi· Ohr, ~' Marr lso n !lu l1e u of bo dy Will h tuk en floh Cr ing ser vic e ew t.oo n le nu nd d vll Ill un .y llOl Iut,ifu I Ilo cini ty 0 He ~'tl ntu gc. of tlIll IlIl P J t o the f(lm ily 10 , t a ne w ran ge s. Al t rs. II k 0 B III Ilnd Mr lllklin a t t ho Fl'i oll\l's C Itlr nb Suncln v ho me dt .Ju mO l!to wn fio w rs len . nn MU Mr d s ll' er for jnt erm en t uu tnr nn lll ,,"e nth . 1I10 ' E rlli n ", til l on o" r <>o tlo ' 11 ~lI .r - rs kl ne Hay es 0 f \.i '" l ull n ox ten tl ed Suu~IIl Y !l nd lJlu. d n II t Wtllnl o y 11 1111 . \lI O l)r sen t.~ we eful Itnd hll od . EIl1l ri ok Ht.. rte d the bll. ll t.o rol lin g We du etl day . ng ton. A·n untlu " im M rR. Ell re rec eiv ed, nm un!! w IPo .he bo ug ht \I dllY \,isi t " ti n us V ilw · l lta . o n 1I.1 ,. I!1W on e lIever ,Je sA6 wi t h Dr . Eli I . Cr ew lll d I t M L .ILDuel'\'oor t nn d ffl lw kin s t rem ain liS li nd fUlllil y at the m wn s 1\ ba nd ~om o wb ite d l\g. - wllek s ug u 11.011 be ISS utl e are spe nd in g l)a!ltor lion· Jo hn W ak le y Killed hU Ii bee n PII,t . f !tu g I er ?:liI1Ulis bllTg u oth k er y Ill' h ter no (la fte r by W, lIIn Tb ose pr sen t "o r" Mr wo se .m 'ar mo ny ew re . , . an d Mrll . ILnd Mi no . Mr!!. oAn In Ra ilr oa d W re ck . Mr . (lnd Mr s . J Onllt,lmn Cook, of SylVllDU na Elooo k. of inc inn r Ro se. S l:Iartsook, pl1ronts ntl the Ca 8nr~ Cr eok IIpent a .few da ys Nr ll. An n Wa kle y uf thl n ~i l t;ll bo Mr rhu wi . S. E;. I(e "e rm an ma th rel ati ve s od. gro om , Mr . I\nd W el lm an . rec eiv ed II. tel e· rej oic de 10 bb l, he re an d Mr s ll1lo( ov er t,be ~ rrl vn l hn rle s RYII, of olde~ gra Ul llls t We du eld a"e nd ed ihe weddiTlg uf n plIT en ts of th e b on laa t W8d~elld.y. ay Rn no un cin g fine bo of rid e, Qn ite be r nlOO6. y wlJ CIlI UO to t.hrir Mr . Wm Ry e , flo gn tbE' dM th of he r old od lot fa" oll e makinII'. home g ruDllfl1th er of Schwflrt7. ·S Co rn Cu re ett lion, Jo hn Mo t:ln r no e Ry e, Mrthe is ga aro n · nd uy av en ing . bri de. Wa kle y, at Da nv ille . .M r. Cly de Le "lo y wa Ela rve s. y Els ie All SO litb tee In Ill ino is. ', s d to rem ov e co rns . Mr ill I . Cln be) om en · .. me r \lit Mrs. E. B R nge n •. 15 f at Sc h· lev Mr . Wa kle y wu ,ng tl el ILl ev ery na wi le of i.he Lu t be r on e sho uld tha t it lIaY wa rtz 's Dr ug Sto ro, on Wed Desd ay 'm ine er on a co Bll r tsook , wifo un d son Wa II yn to u un ty cOlllllli~~ t on r , i ll8 ~lI 11'8 gra ve l tra in an d me vll le o.ti ' og all bU i Mr 8in Ve . ou t of flo 'WDII' tha t e88 . rn Ie Ha rtR ook uml son ~ lit. I,h e MI t bla de ath am 'l'h nrs da y of laljt we ek the re ' Ie in it. t;lu l, Mr. i Va lle y El o~pitolll Da wh ile 'an duty,. Mr Qu s . lw •T. E tlD a d Du Mr mb . yto n. \Vb re er' fro m a tI istll nee ~gg of Ly . •Je 88 81 lrts oQk, son tle , bn d us he r gn est F.·ed W itb tbi 8 vie w In mlDd be pa r· att l!n she un de rw nt 11 sev e 81B bl' Ot her W m. Wa d He rbe rt, lind da llg ded s the re I'll!' ' i<m l ou lin oh ke ly, of Ro x· ase Ho d las t we ek a .n ew ck ett ·Rells OII nu p. bo r Ist ers , Mrs . Mr . J on ntb an Sm i th r tb De La va l tla ls on \V Wm . Rio h an d ~nll, .tll l1e d We . And he wife.Ru dneed&y aft ern oo n erl itlon reocm t l.v, bu t, b er frl end ~ Ro Mrs.i sep llr ato r wh loh edn esd uy Mr s ev . en ing . N . B Ri ch lind als o he ~n B rry bll l an d da ng hte r, Fla i8 DOIW In ful l wo rk. for DanVille to att en wi ll be grn tlfl ed t o lfln r nie ces MI88 He len Ha rri 8 en m i ing oo nd ltlo n an d the (un era l ru tlIllt. h e ' i~ Mr . IIn ter tai d ne (l d wh !\ir . an d to iymp~hl?.e wi a loh s. no Mr Frl w he s Ln . ge k Ou. rey , Mr. un d ve Ma tti ng on nicely . IIk ell ud nu Cle mb nv er tb tbe st.r lok eD er. of lIe Mrs , Bo rda . r hie nd !! on We dn es. ry mu oh . i\1I'!I. JIIOl es JOhDS fam ily . Jo rdu n 1111 of thl 8 plu Fif ty bU i! hu l~ stri utly . Mr Ge org e da y eve nh l,g wl ib a wa oe an d ~r8. Pu rn No rtb - Bll rrs ock Mr. an d Mr s. Pe rry ' x pu llin a. .Be lel1ves II Widow, Ke nri ok a~d I1ml son EnrOll t, Mr . R. H. St. Joh n, of Ly MflI. Wi ll Wrlll'b_ "n t,o wh om he erl l 'I yer . cd . n1\ or nd rlr s!\ .J. l:Io Wm . da ug hte r 14188 t.l e. d da ug hte r Be rth.. ~e~dck we re blitt. 11011 wi fl', Mr . ha d bee n ml lrr ied bu Mrs. Ha nll ah Rio h· Wll of W Um inp on lIJM nn d Mr . the Su nd t tw o lWl nth s, M . ' tue y L y tl \, Oh io, Vn ll .I' I:'b on p 8 sho pp ing ay !n' Mo gue 'l'hursdBY am l vis itin nt Elo uli tt lIod tw stB oJ! lte ate r Ke n· a.nd Ih' e gro wl l oh ild rtln o oh lld l'en i rIc k an d g rei lltl ve8 In o.. yto wi th l'elaUVflB ber e. by u for me r Sa mp le nt, G 7. Ue o Ino . t n:l1 w\ n fe. l 1r ' . Ilm . lM r s \Vulte r Mo lur ma rrl ug e. fro m Fri da y un til Su i\lr . •md Mr~. Fr an k M.r s . Fr an k Wilso~ lin e, Mr . ndllY . ' 'P ru tt, btl \' .w d Mr Th u.t clover-seed of Ma d da ug hto :;. r Ed rio . Mor gn n lind tw o Ilh ild n Cl ark 's M18~ LouislI Mrs. M(lud 'letlVer m oved fr om th eir h O Ul j ust. UM t h reo : en ter tai ue d -we le tru .di ug 'in Wi wh i ch he bo ug ht lIo ~ipe St ra w be rr J . un da y at din ne II' . F reel Bn rnb nrt· nn me '50 mi les mi ng ton ie s of ol' wi n w\J erl' tb l r. Mr . an d Mr s . d wife, we st of lnd illn y ntl vo Ji\' '11 0 Mr . on e da y III,a t we ok . apo ll8 at Tb orn tow n "ly d Co x I1ml w\ fo, 1- . B. Rl cb , Mr. an d in Oc to be r. nUll1b l' r of yp ur" to tho ('o rll Ze Mt. We s ILrriv eel on MI'. Jo hn Tu ok er Mr8. Moae Bo .. ll ley Hui ne , wife los t Wedntlsduy_ It :au d fllm lly !go n Im pr, ' per an d ly ha t1u d !jon , Wi lhm l ; Imd Mr In d ug Wn spe hte r I Mr . bee n jus t fou yn esv llle nt !:!undoy ut the Jo hn Ni xo n. hv ing . u.nd nn ti Mr s, Ve rni e Ho ug r we ek s on tbe roa ho spi tab le Mr . Ch as ne. o· the Pe nrs for oll un ing d. hu me of Mr. au d h , 'El de r ILnd W.ha t . Gm y un d <;;Dlhig e Bi}1 seh "I on u few flln oy Ml's. Th M,rs. Milo 1\11111en. Mu 's . the mu tte r wi th il. the tlp rln g K eif ers . Ru om n ry s mo lind Optll ; nn d Mr . ":il1i1IIlI !>, Mr . lind de rn VlIlley pik e bro ug ht de r' H I:) tnre. Mr s . Cb arl es !:!hidakeo ral Ge lro 91' g& ocb to the Gu zet te ng l ? is Mr en joy . !:!mitb of Wa yn ~ I. wls ' tibbs : It lsr ep orr ed th nt ()h 00106 t:iatllrdllY 11ft 1'I1 RlIIJlb , Mi~80S , .Mr . osv iJl e. ing a vis it fro m he HI'\ " V COfl- RPllIl. C . W. ()ox rec otv od 00n uh ou t, n r bro th er :Mr . E l l. J O, le P uri . Mrs. Com '1'h ompMon his . plo t of flll fln e lonki Cll r ,El liS Oll rro Isa ll Ilod dn ng h' bel of ng 0.11.1 In~ ci o u ~ ble , t~l ~ruph op , Mi 10 lw tld oft uu ke e, Wi 001l · ter s t uf nt t h \ P OII II - l3e rthll un. . Gn lui Al lur ey un d OplIl ' vis syl vu nit t rlli lro aderu mi th; Ninll ' cu r- llged ile Ills t we e~ I\qq . iA nu w \sm . jltr aw ber rill 'l n8 we <l11 ite d relA. 11,lo . n In 1m V tI fl bIl1 t H 11' \~W \ ng .he m. 1I\' er ull, lllI ~~ n l\ lIl Hl\rt.~ ook i ~I\rry I " ] 1\11 :1< G m e H Il iiv es iu MI180n fro m Ii~eil . Mr . Ii, nd Mrs . I?r lln k ,, lln l,lJF ' prl llg _ '" Fri , llll Sh Y nu tll ~~r iul llte . ::>tu r lIn O y .4\\ d Sn nd ll Y. Lo,,\t o I fld J ess is WOfki ng " 'itb ins V'III,'y , wi 1l1lf~ 111 Il rl'i c .ltr . NIX-Ull rilLY" hn 'tln mlt~ ; u. dit c4 ing l\l,(oqImQ thO H . u ou ~ y /.[u ts e,1 SUO Il . ~I r. d hi ll fuw ily Q6 Mr qll . III~U l\r '~lllt Fo rk Mrs. Itll d hf\ ve ha d all tbe be rri 'l'llll Re v W. l:I. . O'NOA Bl lrt Roc k i Jus sle WI lbu r :s t u m p of- ll es t.h ey OIL red Vullilble IS I\. ne.p h\:", of Mp ~sr b. ' 111 ,1 Uh nrl ie\Vm I Im d wif& s wee~ t-nr \VII nt.e r tui nm Th omlls, Mo lbo qrn . to ea t tbe pa t we ek' .l oll n l 'uu du y th eir Iltlugl nn d e S, ~ nll a. ng Onvl. II lltl 11" t!t1 1l 1 ~l1 \1i\'n ll; Ali c 0 110\)0\1 ton . . ' . L' u r . nn d "'r s E J Sm ith a 1611.\, Aq~ It-80 me tlm ea bn pp en ter s nuel fllmili cs . Mr . P flu ...lte d ... 11 ge l', Ru;<a Oa . s l,hlLt a Rec - Wn yu csvill e Iln tll. l f W yea . l , Wu \V ri" bt r . .-i8 Lew 8 , 1) u -E lR Ilt "l tur dll S the l Po nn e. of \VI' lnl l' Dtrton s r IIg o. wi tt, Gc lr~ an d iro wt.h of be rri ., F . A Hl \rt.soo k IID lind . IIU O. lilIol'd Oll. Mr. an d lIfr !'. LeI' y Iro es wi ll n.ppon.r . ·undu. ll fAmily !'In··nf. y wll~ hi s IJul'!m t. . . vis . pe nt ll hn d ~h ' Sundn.y wi th Mr . ' nn to in the faJI. bu t tiS 'It Su 'l'h nfl ny wi th i\lr . Ju ek h UP I»)" " d Mr rul e tb y ple u ur e o[ en tur Ilpl s. e C. lef E t Bn rD "tt" ""n . 1'b Mr 11r . ,lo hn Etlley II.UU ftlr dn y Joh ns. d tnl nio g Mr . Iro ll s' 1l10 IJIlIlll an d do no t rlp oo uil y wif . " rni bg /lm oug r ice nn d . Mr . Nixon'!! sis ter , Mr s. Ru th en ter tltl uln g bis ne ph old sho es B" o,vn Iwd he r for ho we ve r. we re tbo ruu Th e w e of co me :pr nt wa lk8 ",'e re no t iug . !!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'! ·1(' \'el nn .1 un d oth gb ly ripen ed sis ter .ln .l(lw, Mr s. all !!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!~ r po int s tal k as ar. ' Lolll~ e Bro wn of IIlu . an d ve ry lltt-ge lind ~u ml lny oth.e r pro jeo t field, Uh l o. n'" the 10 k S . we re liS' fillo os Sp rin gfield , illi H om e frO no is , 111:10 hit! ~i :l t or Mr in . an MI~ ·lI.ny t,bn.L gro wn In tb uri as oe qu Co ite lle tt of Cin olllllu ti IL str etc h of it ha s Iilr !lp rtn g. Mr ~ . AjDandu. R~ ed eu.ely s~nt las t we ek En jo ya bl e Tr ip , ue en pu t do wn . of Le blliloll, Br ig ht Yo un ut lIi~ pll ren ttll ho me . frODi Th nrs da y uu lil g' M an Mr . Dn Mo vis ndllY . Grn bUill lind wi f hll MIS . Dr . Wu rd Iiud ni n , Ev er )'t hi rig Mr . un d Mr ~. Ch d . 'lrl es O} "rk , 'If Cider. bn rre ls goo d Mr s . Mliv a fllmily Wi din ou llil Ly tic, ret nru ell b llIe nor !it th oir h nme es l-UiO lm !lo n, Pu~t .Mutrons . In Sigll enoh Rude r's t:it un Mo nd llY ov on · of Pa ·tb e ss Sun es du. · Aw ay . qn ler of E;aste ~·. ore . _ _ ~~~_~ .. ill g' fl'OIll <L II eli gh 'Lfll I rn ::>tar \\le I1t~nulug Al frell H Olb ruo k, sou vis it wi tb reI . W . ~ n:l lbo n lind ~is Mr 01' Ju.mee . StooP~i _ Pre sln .· JOf W. C. Wol clI on d far ll ;\h tho Ur an d OJIIIV ter ter Mr s. Rn . B Olb eri t of the de r hu ve ull y en · nll " oij . Ahu ut t WI) wtl ek K Ilg lJ tho.y roo k lin d n grl lnd son IlIeeti n!: ot D(lY· ter tni pu d I\, Po ck. Wi lllu uI of .pr of. t()n thi s we Va n .Wer:t Oll.·no lng ne d Mr . Rober~ Co ek, on Al fre d Hul bro ok , 00 , Wll 8 ho mo Fu rDl1 li ott nu d wonL to Tlt orn t,uwn. lTll li lLD ll, wllt\r& {o llu der of NIl0e plACed un de r the re fllm ily In oo mp lim en Satur~a:r lin d. SundRY t to th e IlItter!; they flp nt t\ fow dn Yil wi t·1I !,be pro pll r- tlo . Mr . t)tooP!! ', ty at . .. - .. . nlll Nn rm al Un ive rsi ty, Le l ... · C'..orwiu am I e~Jloot, mo tbe r Mr s. Em nll l OC .lIaye th"~all tho .seatlO bu uo n d . t.o , kee p led at N w yo n for oa no lng oo mf !llny, of Ln n bro the r·iu ,IMY lin d !lIs ter , Mr . 11.lld C0 IIege H ill . rk III~t Th urs dn y.. ort ub le t.hi s wi nte r . oo~n an d tom ilto es Is Me ter , Oh io. Mrs , SR mu el ::>t eve o~ ov er ' I~e no w , wh o jOille.d Mr . ' l:I olu roo k bull bee ' Mrs. Ab i ~ the fllotory at wo rk u ill for a.l. t he m in n vis it to - ----&lhWfut?.'S Co ru Cu re un pu mp da y ~o be Ellllno~ re tUl'ned SI1 tnr. rn o t 11 ye llT nul th! )ir ne ph ew . i8 r gu ho l arl nle thi W' s wi In OilY ton u.fter a. stu IUl!sl!'nd .ap ple llll nd . exp P rof . (}eor~e L Glu Or eg on ia . rk llUd fllm ily dy IlIx cd hi .. brul.n lin th ov er t-eed to rel llo ve ' oo rns . 15 . at eotll to thr ee we eks vis it wi d . ~treD gtlI Wnrt7,'S &l h. rig bt ou · un til wlnt~~ n.t th Ur bn na, lliin o l~ , Pro fes he r Dr fri ug on :8l ds ore wh en be wi ll In tbl Iley , Wa onc yn 1 sor in 1.110esv th oir ille lim . it . . &lhwart~'s (Jorn Cu re 18 tnr s vio illi ty aL ten ti!l n .to oll.nn lng l nibls l\lrl:J . Be nry PrlLter d gUllr"n law sch oo l of tile U rhaol\. B.·a·te Ull~ up loe sll e spe nt In . 1'w o dll ys lu s t week b 11 Be WII Is 8 tw tL en suf ty fer er; e.~cn yelLtsof IIgo fro m rheum the' co nn try' 'a t tho 00 es I,In. 8n ow Il s \vcr!< ity . Wh ile 'th ero un d W (lB c011si do red ' a . tbe y !,tnd tbf t llotlsm . h om es of Mr. Sa mu el U Il of tbe mo st op Mr po rtu n ity of ~oing 8 Fr M ::>i ed des J G lin d ' Mr Z . . II f thr ou gb tbe ' pro Wi h r. M J llll1 mi !tru hn !l1 sin es g H. ' . yo un g lIt'tol'neys in e ",!LS ""g·QU ori .b Dl nw illd ie, lind huil d I)i ve rsl ty wllioh hn.s the' bIn g cor n. bu rg, .Is' vis itin grov a cit y of Ne w Yo rk e.r mo J • .E, ~ . lin ne y , n ur e. 0 ech nn II n he los enr nll · .. the r he re . fllo st enj oy alJ le "is it.. me nt of U.l,)Ollt :.1500 . stu ue nts '011(1 Sutrerin'" Gr ea t Pa in "8' .. Mr J\lr . J . Ch Ho N nrl lbr Bo Le a,, oo rn, mm ' k's Sm on Cn sbl er of tbe Ci t to . 1lI0 ltb the rea "It . lin d MrE/. ,V llb nr co ve rs un I~ren. of LOOO or • , . ... he r !~lI~rrill~e .MI ~ LatlIe r wa s be for e Fm nk Pra !;t mo ve LO he lpe d Mr . Jef fry ; a 80nMr '-of mo ro 'a ..... . r~.... ~"I " r .A" ..,.eld en t. " r '!Zen Bnn u~1l Muson im d I Wa,y'n eev ilJe acr es, ino lud illg Ihe k . 'l.v d i M . for est ry, ag ridr.r e lom e on lln ye \'' tnu gh t for u. tlm o .. , ' . . . . . en lng fro ust '1'ueldtLY_ ou ltu ral bx per im oll t, I'll I,h e \Vn·."n es. Mr s . , Em m II we eks vliou.t.lon lla rs un J, E : Jan n!, y.ll as b~ s tal ion . dll,lry, Chl'OIIgo, u.remav'l'sl'Vi ., , of far m , oto tri p vill e soh ool. . MI 8. ~ Go ldi e Smit' h I,I'ng rel llttd\·e 80nber .n'gO,lng ab ou t wh _ Th ay Ills " ba d the ioh tt he 0.. e. d 811 ,en 'on orute) d . th e tb . . he s ~or sev era l day!." Ok lah om lt ILDd ' Th e j ~_ i8pttbin \TT H ple asQu t ite ~ .. ar soc -R ye we dd.l ng 1 a . a8 .th e u er po n"" e t'y ml lnt hy of the nst We anes · fro m Or nu mb er of yo un."'o peOI)le ure of h en rin g Mr. rll lrk gi ve I~ lec :re lul t' of Iln aoolde.n t fri en ds of d n e .. est . .Mr . Lentego nil wh l loh eO ., wi tb at Bp rht R. Ya 'ded the sul 'pr ise tur e to his c.h l's, tbe fnm ily all ov er the IIY· me t mo rep ort il II. mo lle y, .'l.'hu,"he whioh sho we d oo un ty go es · .. at en joy abl e tri p 'ou bduy : , an dnad dan co Mr Itt de . G. . d !Ln t grO sev to d A. ern llt th~ Mr s. Ca r,l t)mit.h 8p Ne um an s FrldlLY Iluility In his pro f .s, l pouutl~ of n"e rin in thi s tim e (If sor . en t ' ev en ing . . ion , row . lIe oa me do wn .to (,ha ' troQl Da t vUhlge dup~i8. ytona nd wh t1e wa itin on e da y las t we ek wi . g th for . Fri Ce nt,e en ds Th rvi e fum ily of Mr. \yi lle . at Atl8s Ma bel ~riegh Ol d Pe op le 's M ee tin his tra in iio tne w~nt ec ia l Tr ai n to llh lm R . Sp oof :.w ltb a olt ize n Bla ine is spe nd Ing thi s we ek In Clnoinnl1 . g • , wh o ha ve 11 ved for ti. of tbe. .tow n to; ~iltl1tnf . . . at tbl M.r rt-e s. M Ca en . E. rl \ . Sm ·C t G t.h! hu re ltll t at _ rc h. fire SPB.llt lad Fr i· . Po lit ic al .M ee tin g. da y ols on f.!lrns wb ioh j the y 'us Ol ive r Fra zie r en ter nig ht an d Sa tur da y e the re . Hi e hI\.'I'e ·de ir far m no nr Fla t,. Fo rk, Int ta. ere ine sti d Tb ng bi~ e D. Sl\ wi L. &<:. rnl lro ad oo mp rvicll ne xt Su nd ay th Mr s. .\fri en ds at· ", old ed to q~lt rurl\1 life im ide Jiftecl uj,. the he pa rty SaturdlLY ev en an y Ba rsh Ha nb y of av y II:OD oo v ha ve ao d wi ll run II speoiR ing Mo rni ng to wh ich all are Inv ite d J 8ll tao lls bed a 'ho me In I tru in (ro m Ly tle •• Z IIWadyn esv llle erl ng fro m the ols ter . hil d' Lit tle Co lum I\.~d Int erm ed Uhtl'r~es ... rs. am es e an h n an d . os. bJ18, illt e IJolnt8 to Le ban on 0 ren sp en t as been qu I III WIiKersoD ' wb o Fletr\ nll lin e I\nd Mrt!. Mr. ,Ja nn ey.ste pp pd for , on e da y lu t we ek te El);L tom orr ow .. Th urs wa rd to loo\;. Gnls~e for the pIIst. w~ek, 10SundlLY morDin.;, Oc tob er :18, ILl In Wa yn eev U! e. 18 oo w eo me r hll vin g ulr en dy . beOODlA giv da y eve nin g, to. . ::10, the re wi ll be the til It, he dro ll.\lfld tlll\ wh at im pro ved . MI:s. Lu cin da Mu rra an nu al oh . " on rm u; ' do wn ' '\le ttle d ll rtls lno nl.S . uto ng. tbe roa d an on. y, of Ne w ser va noe of "O ld Pe oj) the re 1l1l4 Mrp. Bl(lln Jam wh leb f~11 oq Mr ' e8 . MI le's Me eti ng " Ma l80 ._ n, at Da yto n, spo nt . rke t • ha s bee n vl8 ltln ll'r o ex p'o rtu nit y to lltt ull nli "y 'tI fqo t, peo ser mo n qy t.h e.R ev. ela eB Su nd ay wi th tll to joi n tbe m' ne xt ~un I:tl-rln~ the toos lIevor61.~ , Be his pl1rents . G . Bl ack . di\.Y. Pu bli.onn ga the rinengd the gre at Re . all ILround tis. of bKS Neu.n mu · w dCll Mr slo . at .Bl Le ain derhs . le,ion ba I co rat e no • ere 4 "gr eat ly BII tl Oh Mr wll n IO. . tha ~ an s. rer d t Mr Speolll.l nu Ell s ln . Ha lw on or& tba '''ILY we re In the evu nln g, )lS mi th oo me bo me reRn~t. of tbe far m . At "/ o'o loo k In the lu tlt ow n Su nd ay. . R wh ile lon ge r . ao otd en ' an d. bll8 pu ev en ttin Su ing .g ud ay 'tb& tbl . ng! ! /Jet ",\lOut on In Iha Tr ain will lea ve Ly tle top lo for tbe Ep wo rtb on to he l DOW, pe to leI\ove, tbeD wi at 6,30.llDd Mr . Jll me s Sc hen ok liaR Le ag ue wi ll MiB B ll Co dri ra ve boo Ba y caUed on he r sIs. will ato p at all int erm n qu ite ~'tld:~ p~:r.I thro11lh to hie ne w ho me sio k wi thi n the pa 8t ~I~n;:'IL~~~ndllbi\ll ... ed iat e po ln"..· "n_ . .... ,, _____ ., .,mIOh bo~ gOlDg an d oom we ek. . las "• Fr iday aft er. ' Th e I18rmon lit 7 :30 iDg. Al be rt W ilk er. on WII8 In DOOD. wi ll be by tbe toW II pa st or • BIUICla7 8V~. y w! ve ryb od inv ite d to tbeee I18fV.
,n 5,
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The Miami Gazette BROWN &. McKAY, Pub lishe rs. W A\ ' NE VI1.LE.
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Rad ium and Its Revelation •. lhl' ,I I~ 'o" I'r)" uf ra dium li nd n dlo.arllVl\y n as brouhh t Into que . · tlon s ome of I h mos t Orml~' ('stah· IislJ('d tlll"ol'lI's ot mode ~ s le uce Is well Imow n , but 8 rer .m! IHhlress d . IIl'ered at York, EII'land. by Prof. Lankl>ste r, t in, noted nrlll ~ h scientist. In dlca t l's Ihnt tlH? Ull. "tli ng or pr . vloll concclltio ns hns been {:reater tb nn Is ~ (' n erllll)' IlIl nJl;l lI eu. =- w c hemical .. I,·n1(' n s h a,. • bee n r veale<! In rap id slI cre sslo,n 10 fl'ceut y nrs, b ut r;HUnm Is Ihc III O&t won<l rfll l ot a ll. ' It has ral d IIJl dOll bt s ('on cern· Inl: Ideas that hnd bE'(, ~ ac I'llt d a8 th e (II nrin me nln l base of lle l !l tlae sp rulntl on. It has cali s d a n w study of the n loml th o ry; Olle nl ng ' , u p tll E' nil Nilan whel bor the t rans· mutn bllily r e le m nt s mny ne t afte r 011 be n p o~~lblllty, 'fha number ~f new prolll ms wh ich II1n tollow tho d lsce" ery ot this x t rilordillary (>1 . m en t wit h Its mysterlells /lowe r a t gl v· lng "tr en ergy fre m seme senrce wl l h· 10 1t.'eH ~a n "en ne w ',e only co nJectured. Th e Qnes lloo e t the e volu· tleo of t he selar s ystem aod th e pre babl e age e f t he world will have to resltl dle\l In the ligh t of the k no wl· e dge bro.lIght by ra di um. P ro f. Lan· k sto r pelnls o ut th at' h ereto tore a ll tb e ca lcula ti on s as t o t h probab le past d uratle n of t he earlh and the lengtb of th e variOUS ge elogicaJ peTleds ba ve been based on the a S1; ump ' tJen that the materlnl of the eartb was ""It~oo lln~ . WHb tbe d iscove r y that a small quantit y ot radtum dlrrused through l be eartb would maintain It I tempe r:.turp. again s t all loss by rad latJon one of the mos t ftrml y establi shed theorie s of the ph yslo ls t s beco mes un· tenable. A tracllon or o ne per cent. et radium In lhe s un 's mass would make good the heat ann uall y lost by Jl So fa r u concerns thi s method CIt calc ulatlon the geologists nl a y have to reville tbelr views entire ly, extend· tn, the llrobable past of the eartb In· definitel y. P r of. LlUIk este r's word.s . lIays the hJoago Dall y Ne ws, open up remarkable vistas as to t he possibilities of no w Inves tigati on s ond lIlus· trate In a st rlktng way th e te ntative and llDcert aln cha rac te r ,or muc h ot tbat whloh bas been accepted a s tru t h . Our knowledge of 011 ' th e grea te r phe, Ilome na ot m ateria l n at ure seems . aft er all , ptl'an gely lim ited and In· dellnlte.
~lI rtHhlll O\IlI1
Tire Brltl~h 88\1or!5 recogn lzi'u hll m c · dlRle ly t onI tbey hllll 11 lead e r n nLl till of th e Amllhlh luD with u big \"Ie'rollc omce r til UlIlt. 1'1I"_y rnlll ~el Clulcill y. und r his xrm and li tH Ollt nt In his tl lI,l tiO t e rrill was th clt- IIIlSIIl\l~hl \hal !I nu c rrel'ell tn dnlnty Indl vldunl sets Ilt'lll'l. ' th e Am rlClln~ w 'rl' 'IJI'ut'lll bUI'k , at s mall Inblcij. A IIInc h rOO Il1 or tills It "'as 8mll"l no"gll 10 be bu t u p " Hoeray ror Ihe lItL1e on : .• )'~I\ d h r kind . It "rollcrly utlm ln lstcreu . Is a on " ollrd tI III1Ul·Or· wnr wilh oOlh lng mo j~ s lr'~ ul" l'j l\ ~ k c l s. " Stand by th' tl' 410 e xr lit po 8 bal' kw a l'd no d for· Illllc oo!' !" And for ' the n('xt rew HAS NO W BEc;O ME A HAPPILY ~ o"rce (If Jlron t ;l:CPllt In ~1I1111t ~ u· b"rblUl " llI age>< \\'h I'!' homes nre ..n rtl ; It wa IIIOU!1 I)' lIle,r e ~e wh n mtnul s tht' Brill h hn e he honors. ACCOMPLISH ED FACT. wit hin CllllY r eBph o n tl no oll e wis h ~ t lw rc WII S pl,'nl\' lO t e~ cl l .. m ' nt lis hon' I AJI thnl nh,tlH tb lI1arll\ c~ wQrI,e~ t o take a mea t lit 11 rCK ln Il TU r.t . wit h n IJroe-p l' t ' at a lI\'cl y ro w bl' for 'l hal'll aTl' Mtlng th .. 1'lolOllS lJlud~ I' kel~ , The at I n llants In II. \\,OI1\>l.n·s ex· til (fay WaR 0\' r. all rl the brigs ntHl hO ~ IJlr ul ' ('" the IWO No V lllnge Too Smal! to Su ppor t One C"hn nge IU liS t be ·co urt.eou s, ao:;ommQ· O"l.' r til er a t Hon oluill. the k l n~ lny Ame l'it'a n Silips and 011 l he Am Ih,lhl 11ll - Good B I'end, P iclti es an d Pre· dOli n g n ud senslbl . oj'b ey do not •.1 . dead, nod Ih e no bl s a.nd r presr-nta· w r tl ll pt\ to o\'e rOowlll l(, .\l ld~hln · ('Iile Cl II Aliens o[ prlcl.', n ol' (10 th y ~ e l'ves Fi nd ' a R elldy Mal'ket tl \' es of \he klns,lem were sl ll l ll ~ In Ulan L ~ I ): h IllI rl 1II01lU!; II t :;1:1 011 F amily H eirlooms Mny Be Dis· 1I 11 ~S " \lon t h\! q\llill ty a nd Quau ll ty o t solemn rO IH'la,' 10 ~(' I Cl his suceC',sor ; hQard tb., Amtllll lJl 0 wi thOu t 1H' ln1-: I IJOsed Of- V RigllS In La ce nn d gOorts r eeclv c'l. T h lR lalter !lULl' rnlla tor t he ktn~ had I ~r l 0 0 11l'lr. II IlII hail obll., '(\ til exh ibit Ill s wo","I". lu't h(' L inen H ere DIsplClyed Un equnll ed IIPOII th ileaI'd or mn n agel'~ o r Il B(>Il \'en full ed to take illl\'untnJ;c of thut klle w the)' CO li 101 ne t be <'o n e 'al ell III , t ed f!lIh.. r omm lltt'l'. 1'he II IH' l1 d& II I" pr O\ Isloll t t he li n wIlil all ce7l1«lI t utio n tbe morni ll g. . I by Dep artment Stores - Si mpl.. le~ bo I'e pr "'"ely th e obligatio n o r Lbo w ilieh permitted him to name til p!'r· "\\'ha t's II111 t~" c l'l ~ (\ ' npt.. h II .Q Il !I. Men ls F urni s h d Sh opping P eople. I'ler l; In 0 11 ol'd IIl UI'y ~ tol'e : t h y IIt a n d n ox !l21 D 1l I'1tff:. Ohio. Bon '''' bo e bollid cume lift er hi m on t he or Ih e AOll'I'ic'o n f'hl ll \\, lnn iRO.,k. me r· DI·..'. n. H lIl·tlllUII, ' vlul ubu:" Uh io. bClw(>('n 'Ih e CII to rner 1111 11 Ih 1)" 111' :-; i r :wh pn he tWAl'd o f Ihe "Wi e. "1. ,I by I It,· ~1 ,' H O_'It F:'l' E , A:"a; TEn. t tirOd. ch o n!, Ih o mercllR nt tn thIs Ins t anco 1 W ll~ a. tt!rrible .ulfe ~,. ( 1·('Jr.. There hll (1 be n t alk of 'lIn UI·r1sl nl!, a Urltl ~ h om,'e l" ! Tb ls I ~ olllragt'Ous. I 11',,1') 1'1);1 11 . 1!,,.;. h) .I" "C' ph B . Huwl.". ) bl'l n!; III I'en~lb'l\ e. If t hey a r good pel viC ....ellklll:ss nml h ud helldltclle ~ llln y ot t hc natlv eR had decla red and r won 't 51and it! .lII , awIIY th ,'h .. WUIIUlII' S xd\Un~e \\'a~ orlgl ual. fu l e~\\'o Ul p n I h e\' will otten be til cOl/llnuous /y. I ",u s oo t .. bit! to ,111 m y ope nly lhul llley would JlI.we r Bllbmlt cutte r, Ir:' to I)' II hnppy t hough t. Itlill is DOW n tu (.t m efl n>< of callsing m uch ""tlsroctlon h,'US""',)I'I, (<o r lll ys~I 'fa o r\ I,u <batlli. t o be gal' TIl d by any elllc r th un the npt. )' " nIlP pr ee II d s lralgh t hUI11llly n comll llsh tl In all eu r Inrge r to 1I0tll porti eR. I wrote' .I'<o u IHlli d eRQri bed my ,·...ond ·· ' widow ed Quee .. Em ma, A nd Jt \\,11 th e Am rll-nn I<'gatlon und , accom- lowns alld ci t ies, I'll r , I~ no vlllns T he boo ll kpcp itl4'( li t 'a wOUl a n 's ex· ti un I lli II 'ad.\' us pOIisible. You re'~()OIl ' Fald that th e nobl s 1I~r1 I' yr s(' n ta· panl d by tb mini tp r. call ed on Ih e thn t m ig ht not with p roprle lY lH\ vO n "'lun ge mll!<t be acc urnt e nnd exact an d me ll detl Perun l\.. J l lOU k lour bul th's of lI'e8 1'o'lJ re opposod te Emtna 8 su~ces. Ul'l l lsh comrn l ~slr)nE'f . Til l' thr e lIw n WOl1l t\l1 'B xl'hange It wome n. ma r ri ed th 1I1 most cu re Illus t b.. token to keep It au d w"" cU '"Jll t.<~ l y cured , J thi nk Perutlll" wonderful medlclne u l lll l ,uv • sl on w nt te lire Amphibia n . where t orUlal . . I a n ll s lngl , rOlluLl It con,' n teil t to or· n llell\lI eri Rccount ot very t ra nsact ion . 1" 'COIIIII"' I"!" " iL t o my f l' hm ds w ith t h o J ust ns ~ lI ds hlpm a,n Leigh 1I wah' l 'o m\l lol n t was made 10 Capt. Clell m ga nl ze nud carl'Y on e e n wltl!. of R ~tllrn:' Ie co nslg nt1Ps fl h ell id be u · v~ ,·y b.'ti t. of 1'l:~1I 1t..., was r.ell veIl, n hoa l came orr [rom th~ thnL one of hIs of~ era ha d le tl th CO U I'~ . a coo pernth'e bas is. };slhe r 1\( . Milner. t remel y pl'o mpt. It nrU,·Ie.a after a 1;here with :'>l lds hlpman Art hur Ball e) . Bri ll h tara In a d l:, grncetul a ttack on ' Vpry 1"", o f th o I[I't!ut m ulLi luti .o f " all , J TrY, " be 1'1 d, us he steppell .'\rne r l(·lI n s am en. The eX,c hange needs onl y a r,leasant su llabl Inl n 'a l are found to be llnllCll. w o m t" 1I \\'h o l\u \"e b\') "'rl l'~ 114tve(l of $ OJlle abea rd, " lhe old man snld I was to I II ~lI cfshlpma n L elgh 's black eye oD cl reom 10ln tecl o n l~ b\l ~l o !IS SIre . t e r a ble t be cel1B lgllPes 1uI" e uo "I1U8e to r vel V;\! .lise u"e or w 'nkn f'ss b, Pl'r una yo u th at you ceuld have liberty. He swolil'n cheek we re a lt Lh a~ we re neces· !lcar:l bUSin ess ce nter. Her ma y be COllll)llIlnt, Ir th eir properl y' Is ra- e Vl' r COlll-c nt In j{i"e a t.cht lmo uiClI to bu I't!ud by tir e pu b lic. s~n t m back ; said be Il lun 't nee tl me. snry to point him out as t he culp rl l : brou g ht ror Hale articles 1'1 beaut y. tl1rn ~d In good erder. An yon wt ~ hln g to add ress n wom'j'lll' r e ltl*(·, how ,·c.r, n f w coura g f'on s. Bu t I don'l ra re for n oth ing 's ge ln g b ut he tran kl y acknel'o' ledged Iha t h e ostly wearln !: np pare l with wbl It the self·"" 'r ilicin g wo men who wil l fO I' thl) an's pX l'h a n go ma y do so by th e si mto ha pIJ n. T he~'re os harmless 8 S ba d been Cl partici pant In Ihe melee, ow ners wOllld li ke 10 po rt t e r a cen · bUk ll of t.lw ir s ulTel'lng siste r:; uno \\' gu inea IIl gs." and mad e a poor fl s.t of eXllllllnln g tb Id e rall on , li nd va rio us !l orn stl c prod· ple m ethod of selllliug a letter by mall thei r 'u r<'B t o b pllblish ed . Mld~ hlpman ~ t gh was ove r the sldo extenualln g clrCllms tnnres, Mlds htll' n cts, Ir lhe r e Is a n In til e com · el lref'led to HIe pr ~I df nt er the wom · lol l'l'l. lIIillll'r iMone at these. In hel' ty nOlI J;l'lltlLlIll ll fo r I"'r r l'sl.orntiCln to h l'" It b In a jltry nnd Into the bont i hat hRd man Leig h "'0.8 ordered In arres t. an d ,muntty who has a sp clal ~Ift tor dell· nn's exchan ge, ap\lendln g he is w illillg t.huj, bro ught Balle)' alT. Wil en t he boat tbe next steame r cm rrl ed 10 San Fran· cal e. coo ke ry, s be may sa ve h ' r ni gh· st.lI~e. The po. t lll n ~ I ~ I' wlll forward A GRATEFUL th e \\'0"' ''0 . o t t.b.., reaohed t be landing be s tepped ashore c iSCO a brl e[ t elegra,m to l he admiralty bers lro llble an d adu som ethin g reg no BlI r h lellers to th e proper pI lice. All LETTER TO wh ole wor ld . honld qu ickly liar! s tarted t e ward tb e scene and a leng Offici al r epert te go for- larly to hcr own exc h Cluc r by seiling tha t III n ecess n r~' I ~ to be aSRlIred t hnt DR. HARTMAN lenow it. A hrm rie or Int e rest In th e lown.· ward by mall. he r \,ak l's or pastry, h r home· made the to wn In qu estion possesses lUI ex· '--_ _ _ _ _-.J h\\'olld broughL hncJ, Few peeple wer e In the s tree ts. bllt Three mise ra b le 1I'eeke were s pent loa ves, her, pl r llie allll pres I·,·e8 at cha ngl'. t" l"',,lth i ~ nosmnllmntU'r. Wo rll ' a reund tho courthollse, whe r e t he leg- by Mldshlpm nn Le ig h on boa rd the tb e weman s exchnnge. nre inu d,'quuw \.0 ex press compltlt, TORTOISE SHELL THE BEST. ·gruti Llltl u. I, la t u ie was sitting, was a gr eat crowd , Amphib ia n. Then cnme anotber mall S.e metlm es Cl wom an 's xrhaD ge es· mos lly na tives. tram r wit h te l g raphi c Ins t ructions tab,lah!!!! a repu tn lt Oll for a partl \I lnr from tbe ad m i ralty 10 se nd ~H dsh l l)- uatnt" all d p ople s nd trom fa r Rn d Styl~ of Comb That Can Be Worn by COSTLY CLOTHES FOR WOMEN. Everyone. 'W al king blH'11 to tbe lan d in g place ID lln Leigh ho me. Th e ad mi ra lty W IlS n en r to 0 t)to In I t fo r I IIe IJ' pa rt Ies or t hat nl llhl . h decided lhat be in g R wlll iog te b a r any sto lem nt he ha d social t ellR. It Is d s lra!>1 hat or· I. t e nly t he geld n.l\ nlred or black. Enorlnou. Sum. of Money Can a. na\' al omce r was n't s uch a ba d Iblng t o malle. s a id the Ins t r n 'liolls. 10 or- ders s holli d be de Ooltely talle n to r Spent for Finery. der to dete rmln o whe th r he s he ll irl perislia ilip geods or eiRe Ihere will h p hulr d 'I I' I r lRk t he gold ao,l Ivory ".,,8 m m: II as $ 0 a yard 8i rt 0 eo be dl : ml sRt!d e r given t he 0 llport un lty loss elth el: te t be cell.lgnee or to t he combs. an d lit e s ll\' r one !s for the b run , elte alone. '" 0 s had e uf hnlr' wa ll "II ' go Id nil! I 8 II VCr tl HS UG-(' I{) I b to res ign. :t l':\chnnge, . I'a ( t or J . Thompson. s n man. . S . N., wen l Warn ell wh o Wi sh to onAlg n a rtl Ie: \' er hOI'n o r 111" IIl ed wht ch co u:d of /o:lllli. liS It Is (::llIeLl. t hou gh it Is lI ot " ssma k !lr , " COl I It 0 t Illoft ' th e vory day l hllt Ihe Instrll rt.\o ns et "a lue 10 un p)(c hnnge. m\l ~ t pl ai nl y not wenr t ortoise Nhell. Its t ints a JlJ r lla IIy," ~ nII ( n ur ol'e lInl " rsu lly becolJ!lo g. go,t I a I u 11. F'o r co I til o f ' g 0Id, t ~ frOID the nd mlralt)' WHe I' celved , to , tat e lh e alllOlll1t tbey nre wer th n nd li g hts fi x seme ~pnr of, t h e Winl1l sook, nD rl t he lowes t se lli ll prl,'''' the ow ners are Th s co m bs are nil expeJl slve, fo r r a I t II I II ', IB mn, I I:J f pu re go I , d raw n Into 0" wire, and th en WO \' n m issed bls foot ing. Mids hipma n Ger- \\'11 li n to u~cppt. Th y 11'1 11 probabl)' aI d Le igh, slUi ng 111 enso late o n tb e b Ds l;ec\ to !lOY n 6 01011 ('nlmnro fee by hnm\. Such clo th woe otten URad during tit rn lot lU ngps. It III ne w dec >.: or t he Amp hi bia n . n lt unureLl nn d a comrnls. lo n will lie )Ca ctl'd en 'ya rus :1l1'a),. saw th !:Qo n t nll. lhe sole ot the , nrtlc l R. A IJBlhetic uMed o uly In lIU1utra, Ita cost Is qui te In a n inslant Leigh was overbeard . tnt rest som lhmM altnr h ps to t he . 200 a ya rd. ', Why People End TheIr Lives. an d wh l' n tbe CII ttCl I' fre m tb e Wlllnl· beulItl t u l object Be n at a womon's "Thnt S illS hig h, doesn·t It ? It 1& The 'Ne w York World co mplied a sook r oc hed the SpOl whe re Thompson pXI·ha nge.' lI er I .~ n In ce lI o un ~e. HI · Ile th lng, thongh. bes ide Ule cost o r ha d d l~a(lp a r d, Lf' lgh rose to th e s ur- c\ ntly nn li..,lrlonm . l-'gekl ng nt Its lace, A cou rt l ru ln ~ mo ire n ntlQ ue , growtb at s uicide, and g l ves the tol. raCo ,v llh t he dead bally of t he seCl' film y t ll!.~ l1 e!i. priceless 10 th e ey e~ of dccol'nlE'd wit h gold Ulr ad lin d I} orl8, lowln'g 'reasons wh y some pe rsolls e nd· mnn In hi s ar m!!. W hen he hn nd ed It a ny womll n who 101"('s real Inre, and wn~ mild In Pn rls t I' an Am rlclln ed t h eir IIv 5: .roala h B. Riddle, or over to th e bOll t's cre w, L<;lg h s wam ohsllrvln g Ih nt II wil l Ile 81'111 at II pa c. lady las I y 1\ 1' tit n eat ot $'T;liOO. ba~k to h is own s lilp. rlH I'e, on r enels betw een the lines " To th e elllpr ss at Ru ssia not long J eIYers on City, Mo" becau se ' h e was Th e I'ry ot " ~ltlll 'lVe r beard" bron ~bt th e IClCk of re ndy mon ey, th e st ory or IIgo I h . nobl s of lhe provi nce ot teo tat. Ire ne Baltimor e Bogglns, o r Cap t. Kn il pp t o t h e rJ4wk. '!te was Just wanin g t OrL un es. th decay e f on eld Kh el'sOIl IJ I'I?SIl Dle!l on ermine man tle ':AUnnuc Cl b'. b ecause sh e had a ne w worth $[,0.000. In l ime to see L eigh opp or wlf b ~b8 fa m ily, In bri er, t he mllt uliouH ot torlavender dress to be burled In. Pon· s am a n's, bod y. " Wh e wus t hat ma n?" tlllle thnt In due tim come 10 thoso " Thor lire la c handkerchiefs wer b lepo Fulponl" o~ Chlc ngo. becau se he h e a s ked, wh e n t be bont returne': te who lIave lon g been p rospereus. F ew $5,000. E \'e n the lhread or wh l'lb to'lO 'Was In leve with a mar bl e sta t ue ot th e Wlnlll 0011. b e 1l 81'~ t ll ere nre th at do not sooner or 18 made comes ridi c ulou s ly' h igh . The ;VeDus. Mrs. William Tbomas, ot "Litt le hap-beg ,pnrdon , s ir- mid· Ini e r teel a chili brPBth frem th e bltlJlg flJi e ha nd·ma de thread used' In t be Punltsutawne y, PB;., because her IIb lpman who fOll g ht ollr m e n, s ir," winds of ndversl ty. Ie This length of beat Hrus Bels lace Is spun rro m tlBx -was turnJng gray. Her man Recyllng, answere r] the coxs wain. la ce adorn ed tile gown of a talr lady Irown III Ue b cq·Hegnen, an d te tr hes, 10 good seas ons, as much as 12.500 • Capt. Kn a pp wa s nethlng If not B I'o'he danceu at !l ball 1'911:h MarClillR Qf Wes t H Rz·lelon , Pa., because be Pouud: ' -Phllad Irlblu Bulletin. mlln of nc tloo . " Stay In your 1,laces." de LnFn yettc. It hU B been worD by missed a train. James Andre ws, at . Plunged Into tt1e Melee, was his orde r to t h,e boat:s crew, and other women e t th e heu sehold , at gay , ()xtord, Pa" because he bad to speak d d b r Ig IIt w eddl Ilg!! S Inc~ Cheapen. Co.tKnudson' of LiquidIs AIr. all, and h e cOllfessed to being Wh en Tb ompson 's boy bu tl b cen' a S6~m bll , es nn A Dane lIlIllled cre~l teti at comme ncement exercises ' betore otter rather glad tbat he was a "ollllger tion, hoisted aboard, thle commanding of· thut Ilroud day. and now It Is to plies gjrls. IIIrs. Grace ' De Walt. ef St; " with dl sco\'e rlng means of produ Ing and weuldn't succeed to the title aod ftcer nimbly went dlown tbe aid e laclcll'r Into the bands ef Mrange r.s and Its Louis, beoause sJJe could not bear to be obliged to settl e do wn Ilt Lelgb aD d t 00k II Is . pace In t h e storn. "Tho pr Ice wIII procure comtorts tor an In· liqu id a ir u Ihe cos t of no mo re t,heu I one-six tb th e usual price, and It III sa Id be aeparat ed trom he r IllIter·ln·law. ie/ouse. where the re wlls n't any exci te· Amphibian ," sa Id he. valid or pay the tuillen at a st ru ggling tbat hi s p rocess. which la mecbanlcal Robe rt L e hman, ot Des Moines, la., m ent or c hance to dlstlngul ~ h onese lf. CIIPt. K napp appeare d to be excited lIt udent. ratbe r than c hemical, wl!l a rtl matel y I Ieck 1'1 the Am becau se he believed bla family reJUlt then Mi dshipman Lelgh '~ picas· w hen he rencb e d lie! Neor the In e I an exqui s ite s hawl put liq uId nlr all t IP.! r.narket at not ferred ~o him when lh ey sang " E\(ery· ant rev er,le was Interrupted by bDl. J) hlbl an. ot cream y c repe. wond erfully embroil!· more t ha n a bemt t wo cents a gallon. body Works ' But Fathe r." George 'terous nelse. "Capt. Gillam," he burst rerlh. ered lind deepl y frin ged. Holf a cen· only th e genuine materials ~r tbe-ll8lll4"T'h .r"'ll'll"lmrM'TITmrrtorrrmmnt lleBalble "ShOW liS ~he bloed y 11m\!· julcersl" "you've go~ an otrlcer on your ship lllry ago tt cressed the wnlcr and wss Imltatlens Bre worth . buying, 'rhe til lIell oxy gen lit a ,ce nt a !CTciCit. Hawthoro e Sml tb, of Ne w ' York, belh calise he b ",lI evcrl hlmsetl tee old 'at wa s tbe cry that Le igh h eard as he Who has jus t perrorm ed a gallant act. the gift at a trnv~le r to hi s s,,' eet- han() somes t ones nre j e weled, which up wi t h blu ('Jat:k tfi -a hundred s ir, which my government will not henrt. She were It for years with the hrlngs- lhem to a tClbulous price. :?~hl:;~~~~:~ ~~e~rlng It lnto Ta er 45 years . All or whi ch gees to show cameore of tlte m, He sa w with dtsmay PIISR unnoti ced! I understa nd . s ir, thal s ort or pride Ihol women tak e In ralor m t b In se lec ting any comb, be oaretul that buma n li te does net weigh very that they were f rom the Am orlcan he Is about 0 e se nt 10 Eng land ,to metll thol Ca onot be bough't 10 every 1.0 choos e one with long teeth cu rve~ beavy, afte r all. s hlps·er· war. s u«e r for some s li g ht Intral'lIon of the s hep, To -day YOI1 may have It or I , If "H e rc's a PI' tt" mess," sa id he. reg ulations. To plTnlsl\ thlll youn'g we have Ule 'prlce In out po ketbook s. s o lha t t be comb feels flrm In the 'hair. , knew that th ere man, s I r, well Id b e' an outrage, sir." 1I11 (\shllmlo n I.el"'h A fan , an Ivory carving , a pi cture: 'It Is bo th dange rous to th e comh and A Frultarlan ' Dlet. D 'r k Capt. K na pp," the what IK t.he re ' n ot he r e ,tbat tells Itg e mban'aaslng to th e weare r to have Anemic Womsn 'Cured by Or. WIIh nd been an a "'rce ment bet wcen his . ma y r mar. A frultorlan diet cens lsts of, tbe " I rl elr sa IIe, "thll t It was story to tbose . who pnuse, r flee t and It fall. if YOIl a rc within reach of any llama' Pink Pills Recommends the fruits ot trees (like n ll illos, orangcs, ca pta in a nd I h scolor Am'c rl cao na \'al BI' tl sh commnn Chinese hnl,/Orte r, h,e Is the best one om 'er Ih a l Brltts h a nd Am e ri can sea- your comp Ia In t tl la t cause d th e a,l· s ympathi ze ? Pilla to All Othsra Who Suffer. banana s and oliv es), t he fl'ults of men Nhollid ne t be all owe d Rhore lib- mlralty to ta k e t h e action It ellel with The re Is, not a woman's exchan"ae In te furnl !lb you an Ivory comb. 'rhe , 'AlIll)lIIin Is just t'lil doctor's IlllllI O for busbes lllke c urra nts nnd I'aspber"Ild hi L I IT ' Chinese bave be 11 quick to learD our t to orty at th e sa m.e tim e, E vid en tly t he re re e ren ce " s pman e g : the I".od Ih at . does not hint at timebloodle. SIIC:!RS. Dr. Williams' Pi nk Pi ll~ "Th en I w It hd ra w my camp Ia I rles) , the trults of plan ls (l Ik e straw· had ' b en a mls llnd t'rstn.n d lng Boment, sir, " o. altered tort un es borne with noble~ desires, lI nd the)' have ndapted their enre an mmia as food cures .ho ll g r. L handiwork a ccordingly. Some ' at their berr,l es' BDd m elons, le ntil s and beans wh ere, tor t h nt ve ry nt g ht seve ral scere aD d d es Ire that G th amra d I I ty be netl· selt. r espee t and et \Ve'm anly de votlen , Thl'Y olll'cd }.IrR. Themos J. M cGultll. of , tb a t eITe ct . 9 I" and c ucumbe r s ), tbe fruit s ef g rasses or Britis h blueJackets-Hllme·j ul cers·' ~r"':..... .. r. not r eillctan t to gh'e Its bes t It It may shops dl8f\lny combs c~rved In eXQui,!I' 17 Liucolu Place; Plniutleld, N. J ., who Ite d esigns. Man3' 1' 1 these are set II b b (like wbeat and bllrley ant! tn.lze aOd to the Ame ricans-we re enjoying W en t e ma steamer Alcatraz lett add some hrl ghtne811 tei tbe shadowed , . . h . with stones, 'fwo smart examples at lIlyN: <lata). tbe fruits or !tut trees (from th emselves In Honolulu , It the two lIer whart two o urs later she car- lot 'o t a' ioved one. "III the spring.f l!lO3 I IUd my the IIp-to·date couture ornaments are e e • e. IIhown. The one on top ' ls ot sheJl In DAllal hOllOO cleaning alld 800'1\ aft.eTfllbert tp cocoanut), toge ther with fac tlan s me t lh e re WM beund to be i;. Tied seme omclal communications In warll I lx!gnD to have the most torribl!) 80me eartb fnUts (like potatoes ), and tl ght, ns L eigh welt kne w. There was which the 'name olr Midshipman LOlgh e nellgh or trAditional III.reeling be- appeared more tha,n once. More che errul are the suggestlens ambe r In Spanish style, the I!ther' POB' b enlltICltes. My beart wonM bent HO ir • • modicum or vege'tables and salads: tween the m en et he r majest y" s serv'Nearly a mO'llth late r" the Alcatraz tbat we find In tbe tabl e Bcarrs, doilies. 'selaes dis l lnct beauty ot Its own, anti regularly that it wns painful 'aud thel'e To these may be added butt~r, milk. le e and these w'ho were employed by was agatn at her 'Whart In Honolulu. coverlets nnd tea· cleths embroidered Is Quite t!- .. n weat fancy. calue a murlling whe~ I could not jfct honey anef cheese, although tb e lr ' pro- Uncle Snm; and this had been luten- She had j118t arrli'ed trom San Fran. wlt.h a skl1l and grace that rlvale lip. My doctor said I had aummia all el ductlO'll Is net so free frem risk of HI ftee! at Honelulll ever th e belief cisco. Her commllnder personally de· painting, Linen ' 111 tbe ,twin or lace Parll ,Fa,hlon !'ilnt,. he wns surprised tbat I hod cou ti uued contaDilnatlon an.d animal Infection al amon,; tbe Ameri cans that' the Brlt- live red the official mall addressed ' to In the atrectlon of the feminine brea8t. Lingerie robel promise to be better to live iu the eondition I wns ill. The woman wbo does not prize ' ex. 'tban ever durlDC the coming season, I was eouBned to' my bed tor n earl; tbe case with the products 'er ' the Ish ship hnd come 1.0 put QueeD Emma Capt. Gleam. Wben Capt. Gleam ' had ftnl ahed qulslte linen 'Is se exceptlon~1 that she only tbey are to be far ,more elabor- two mouths, tbt; 'doctor cemiug every vegetnble Itlngdom and the wortd ef CD the throne, and the supposition or frulls. Grown under healthy cendl· t.he Brltlshe rs thlll Kalakaua ol'o'ed his reading bls mall, he sent for Midship· seems to have an odd twi st In her ate than ever, rep relenting a fabulollB ooy for the Brst ttlW week~, but I didl\ ot. mlln Leigh. "Mr. Leigh," be snld, "YOU mental olltfit. There Is a wide scope amount of work ., ' im)lro\'e to amount !-O auythillg. AItlenl, wltb dlsea.eel specImens easy to succe8S te Yankee Intlmldatlo'il. The roi s tering tars were 'n ear tbe aro reetored to duty. The admiralty for decoration In linen for ,the table Yellel are consplcuons upon the togetber I 'vas, sick for Denrly two detect and remove, It, I. 'tar more pas·, water frent ro.,. "Honray fer DaV \! wlli send an admollitery letter: .but 'ln not anly. ' but for tbe Mawlng'room I was al ,weak as a rllg, , bnd albIe, saye tbe Westminster Review, to Calico! Dov."ll wIth the 'Ume-julcerel" view ot YOllr act 'ot heroism and tbe and the ·bed-cbamber. and oUen the loveliest ot bleuses-yokes de:nnlltelY '1 cut· or the IIne8 of a ' yoke Cl9Dnlved at irregular heart beats,I08S of live bealtbUy ' and well ' liP on a frult- theY ,lIhouted . From the 'dIstance came request of Capt. K!lapp, you are to ,'slngle opporiunlty ter Its sale hi In all by the way Ule trimming hi disposed. appetite, cramps ill tbe 'l1!lIulI allti wn. aTlan di e tary tban upon the producte on answe ring sh'o llt of deftance: ·'Cod. sufter no other punishment." exchange. The department storel . Tbe empire sea'r f of colered ganze te uuable tQ get a goOd lIigbt'••leep. ,My ClI tbe slanghter 'bOUle. flsh! Cod·ftah!" They ,,'ere at It In a As tlie Wlnnis()(,k steamed out past cannot oUm furnlsb specimens 110 In high ravor and lends the· note of 1egl and feet were 80 _",eUell that 1 minute er two, ea b side eager for the the Ampblblan ne",t day, the Amerl· ' unIque and designs so artIstic as aft! color to ' an otberwlse sin lie-toiled fearecl they wonld bUrst. ' A modern cempOiler. a8/<s tha.t por- fray . L Igh WIUI at a loss What to do. can blue· jackets manned the rigging shown by the lady who presides lit tbe gpwn tha ~ III Parl~lenne'e eye :.or d~a I I Before, VefY long atter I tried Dr. tlens 1'1 his work be played "as 11 a' de- He did not care' to be mixed l IP In a and cheered. 1;'ho omcers and the exchange. !patle effects requlro.. WiIlJ\UIH' Pink Pills I felt a ,olmnge tOI' licious pear were mel t ing on your brawl bctween seamen. but he "'as a crew at the Englis hmen were teo sur· . A board of managers with president, the bet ter. ' I bave taken about twelv. tenglle." It Is such e!f.u8lve extrava.- British officcr, nnd perhaps dub' de- prlsed to respond.. A lot of bunting lJecreta'ry and treasurer, are essential Remarkable Fancy, Work. boxes and altheugh I WAS AS lIear t,be gaDce that causes many mllslc lovers manded tha t he s hou ld Intertere. He brnke out from the slgnal·mast ot the ~o tbe cenduct of an exchange. OfteD Some raft.e r rell\arkable fancy work grove:ui conld be, 1 DO,," feel '118 if I to lack sympathy, wli.b c'l asslval •• un forward undetermined , but Batla- Wlnnlsook . It took a mlnnte for those \t adds to Its ether. sal.1 a luncheon was recently exhibited In London, the bud Il DOW lease of !if", I bavo Dc) lied that the arralr WClS serlOlls, A OD board the Am phibian ,to read the and tea room whllre simple meale are work of a woman living In Cape Town, btJa(1ncboll , )110 beart \taBu reguLu:ly, my tnlml s ts. glance showed him t.hat. the AQlPIII- fiag·lIymbols. Then there was a Bcram· 'turnlllbed te .1I0pplng people, the lie- So\11.b Africa. Several screens anti oueekll aft pink al.d I fed too yean blan's men were getting the worst of ble tor tbe sides anti riggins. Oapt, cuttar Inducement to them being that some exqulsi'te panels wero decoratetl :ponuger. I feel that 1 have beeu oured That Kansas law wble)! requires It. I\fldsh\pman Leigh forgot that be Gleam led the "eepoaslve cbeer&- they may retresh themselves In a quIet 'WIth lIowerl and ftgllrea made enUrel, we1'1 cbeaply nud I ltOV!l rilconulI'eudeti autemoblle.s to give tbe entire road to 'Willi an omcer and a gentleman-forrot tbree of them and a tiger. place with welll.sel'ved and well-cooked of ftBh aealeB. The. ecalee wefe tl\re.d. Ule pills to loti of my frieucla." , other veblcles will probably, with the everythIng except that his men were And a midshipman on her maJeflty's food . A few viand" shoulll torm tbe ed on silver ·wlre aDd dyed JUlt the Dr. WlUlanll'Piuk Pille are 801 c1. by all belnl!: wOl'!lted-aud ralllulI: 'tiP the ahlp found- iJilr e;'ell 110 Iltm thlit , be bill of tare, tbey ahouM be tbe beet rlcb~ Unte, and ~hl , relulta were quitl 4rDalstll, or will be leut -----o"tb~er vebleles, merelt 18( lbe mer..,. mail ou reo ··H.onk! HOlik I I" as tile bl&m14 t~ sleeveR ot bl! abort uulform jacket, couldn't read the 81gnal aga1n. Tb1e of thetr kJDd, and tbe tea, colfee 0; wonderful In botb color anti lillie.... oelp& of prlat,lIO.leuhJ\~ Dlllnftd 101.0 t.N mllee. la what It said. ''I!lully boy. Leln," chocolate sbould be bl!Jond ~roacb elfect. f2~ao, .". tbe DIo. WiWUu Jihuoille eo.. WJlJD b,. ~1C~,K,:r. HOll. G raid Lelgb. of
h r II\n j"~L~" S se n Jco walkl'd \h
The Important Matter of Dress
An Jndustry Which h Yet i n It~ Infancy In United St atellBy '\Vat50n Plclc.rell.
Club! In Enl/land and fr ance Which a re 'fl n dlnl/ Re ~rc atlon In New Diversion.
11 Is c ur io us ho w ofl cn t b , o ld say· wa s ab oillta HlIt' ne : 'I Ll:\er lug Olllus t r ill'. lhll t " li i st o r .I· r el1eats br ok en!J)" tho whi~ lI r o f a l ocll lUollve I ts l' l f ;" an d t hi s i s mo st forc l!Jl y sho w n or t h e bal'k o r a d o~, or maybe I t Is ill IIH!- r ettlnt to POl l ulllrlly of ba) loo n· simpl y t h t' IJrecze I'lIl:u lllIg' the l ea v s In);. I n th " pl gh tcp nl h en tllry we of t h o 1.1' <'1I. Itl Iht' hi gh t· a ililulles, 1'(,1111 It J;ou rl !I ;"al or th e de1i!;ht 5 or bow el·C I·. Ihe sll -ut·" 1:< ('ompl t'le Inha lllluni li g. bolh "R II spo r t fU I- lIIen dl·pd. and Is Oll e, or lIl e l1Iust nuli ce· ,\11,1 WO Il1l' 1I . /lu ll Il hilS gon e nn .,\, .. r ahll' Ihl n >;5 011 a Il l'sl hli llou n·l l'i ll. I t m ay 11 01 he ~I' lI crn l l y know n th at "IIlPe III' l u 't h o I :\~( 111' 0 ypars , wh('n . 011 t he fO l'lltalion ur 'UI E II ~ II H h A~ro I f n bul loon I" l of t to ItsI·!r i t II'tll co mo cluh. the 'port has !J't'n b roll~b t 1,<:)· rllllY lI Iu " rth n l' It" nWII acconl nIter ru ... • pll hllc III,tlCI-', nnlt ia ke ll 111' by . u ce rl;lill t tme. l)tll It rC'qllll',,:;, of ~.U\'l(,I~' In ~" n entl. Some rCll r~ IWfor' l COlll'S(', 1111 1\", s kill of I hI' P ~IH'I'l en('ed
O slt~ cb tal'm ltl!; In tb e U ni ted S l sarr, becall se l ho Qs~rh! l.I ca,n Jilok or I ' I'eally onl y III Its Infan cr. I t h as sl l1ke \'CI')" hur u, bu t I t ul wa y stl' lIte s Diy 23 y ears sin e I ho tl l'~ l 0 11 . In f l'Oll t IInrl nC 1'1l1' lJehln cl. so tbll t ·lleen ·A Ol erkan osh'lch (arm waR sla r tcd. II pIIlCI,c l' Is porfectly su r It be 'I'h e nrly I\W,m 1) ts m et w i t h Vlll'~'hlg sl an d ~ In t ho rc ur. (I !IT t I . Nothl llg Is posl Uvcl:t il no ll"n as to Oljl e . es 0 success. T h e Illoneer hllw l ong an ostr ich 11" 111 III' , III ced ers III t hi s counLl'Y hnd w gol writers clai m t hal I t will l ive 100 , most of Ihelr k n o w l edge [rom Ih i r y o r s. OSL l'l cll o whl(' h IU'e k nown to ow n cxilorlonce. Iu raef. I,n or a, than h 1' 0 twen In ILIlllI'llj' 101' ~I) r earn n i t er! ,' sti li hr l!e d l n ~ li nd pl'otlll('lng reat hh If Ihe oH lrl c he ~ IlOW III th ' Stat ed lire l ho progell)' of 1\ si ngle el',. It Is the experi ence or A l'l ozn tl p all' owne d In At'iZOllfl In 1 01. Ore:!t f r m(,I'S .th ut llnlon g hi nts hllvl ng gooll ' p rogress has been Dlad e Itl th ' l a ~t 1I 11ll'l1i0us gl'e n reed ,I !tlh s sel dom 1lvc .vears, nnd. t her o lire n ow 1,200 'J 'cur exCellt OM rho I'ClS II I I of accident , Qstl'lch{'s em fa rtns hI {h II llud A dog or 0 11101' s m a ll animal will some· Sill tes. , or th e e, 1,640 (\ nclndln g li mes frlghl en o ~ lI 'l r;h ;; Il ud onllSO c hick s of 1905) Rl'e I n Arl zQlI:l, ooct t h e 1r"11 to 1' 11 11 In l o t ho tCI,ce, whhl h III AY re muilluer In California , Fl o"!1111 and n )<l \L1t In Il !J"ClI;on l eg. W hen th is I A l'ltall sas. . lt nplltHl ~ t h ull'd l1Ia ~' us wcll he I Wh re goorl al ta l fn Ila stUt'e It ~ s heoll II H1 d, as rCIII' It UII)' (IV I' recover u Vllllu ble th c IJIr'ds bred In Amerlcll f :'om Slich !I II Injury. Th e QlleSLi Cln mo~ t rroqucn llr naked h ave r own lIirger thnu 'l h oRe tll'~ l 11IllIon rI , A full ·grown ' fnl ostri ch wi ll by I~I I tors to a ll 0 t l'll1h fll rm Is: w Igh from 3 75 10 450 pimn d ~. H ·1 ·' \\>h8t. la nil O~ I l'lf! h worth '/" T h e will Ftllnd <ll ghL f eot hi gh , bil l CII!I aome w ha:l c ill'l I'Clll y u ~ ll allr gi r eo Is : " T he b lr'd ' Il l' nOL rOI' SAl e at an y asll y reach to 10 or 1.L feeL. Oall'lcb es thrive best .ln a \\'arm, d l'), 1)1'I('e." The ./lay hus n OI y t ' anl vod c limate, bu t an be grQwll In II n y of when tho Am r l f!:1 n gtOWer la ready th e sou fb eTn sIMes a011 l Cl'I'll orlea In LO iJOl't wl tb hl ~ hlr'ds U ~ th e g ro wer tbls counlry. In a molRl m m ato t hey of OWl r anlm al g does. '/' h vallie o( 8bould ho ve protection f"olll cold !1lld tbe ostl'l 'h haij on ly begun to bl' all' mlu. precl !lted. PJ'flcLl call Y th ' only In· Rlyel' v alley, Arl~otl R. Is !l llcem en ! t ha wi ll bri ng all ostrich Sal t tbough t lIy many t o be tb e beat loca· f al'm er ·to th e poin t wb ere h will ijel\ tlon In tb U ni ted States rol' 0 5t r l~h Il'ds Is lac k or aVAllalJl po sture fOl [ arm i ng. Climatic cODd lllon s at'e fll.· them. Ost r i ch farmer s may n ame tbf
t lUI
formatio n
01' U II l!: n ~lIs h
-' 1'0
cl ull ,
n erUntllll
t o e f'fO('l u
:-Ia l l' d ef;(:(' n ~ .
F rll ncl' boOtllctl <If O il " cu ml,nsed of U ri. I II Ik ijCI' IIr1i nJ; wlth" "t 011 und ue 11111111' hll 11l1 1' 'us o f en th usiast I . IlI e'"' , " hllmp," I!< I" 11 ' 1 011 1 J II ~ t t ho I'Igh t hoI'S, II I:n' lll . ·II \1l11be r or who m own , qulllltil y of f;IlS nll ,1 ,,,. '·he,·k P'" fa ll pl'iI'lItP unlll, 'n ~. (lr th ' 1",lIolJII III l h,> rh;ht IIIOIIl,,"t by 1' 1I111JII lJI<:;u l), 1"1'0 1\('1> olT I 'r~ more fn · I.h l'owlnl-; 'illt s lI tIICl l' lIl IIUllDII!)' ot 1'111,\ s 101' ba l lo,, "ln l;, In t hul Il l ~ 1I 0l '· uall usl." SIlIIIP l l rnl'R It I" II 'I:('~" "ry fl n 1>\lallll, Hntl ' u t here I~ 11101'(' chance I to " IJIIIl! down I' ' 1'1' I'Il!;t hUIlIo1. fo r 01' nHlk ln g l ong Jour Il PY ~ , as III I he I iIl Ht llll cr'. Ih' slm HII IIII"II I), luo lII in t he Ori tlsh Isl('s Lh" wl uo Is sur' t o Ink' tli SlIlTll' - hilI L1lol'" III nuthin' 1II0re YO Il ill a \" ' ry shon s pa e of l ime to "lIjJl('[I~ aIl L: so wh f' u any Oh,II I1' 111 19 th e se a. wh ll II Is nol J\ l wa~' !! sl I'o ng ~ l l\ hl"1I 1I1\lo- h n" l'''~ !\ llllll 'S ,1 'I~ l'nd · " nough lO In su re n KU re th!s c~o l on Ih \ IIJ'~. IIlIlP'" ,Inll' 10 ' Ollll! d()w l\ should ot h I' si d!'. In Hpl\;' or t hl R ·on d l'!lw. Ill.' al lulI'(' d, IIIHI lhllS InslI l" .1" (t" bac k , E nl\lallu II! a tl elll\hlflil place I (I('s(·pn t. t o lJa llonn In for t hOh' w ho IlI'e co n. : A nOl h I' 1'01'111 r 31!1'lal nnl'lgulfon Is t elll with II JOIIl'n ey or 1\ I' w h onrs ; I t hl' kil l'. T hi s 1:< IJloj n!,; Itlrgel), II ed bl l l I f 1\ jOlli'ney I'ullnl ng Inlo day \! Is . rOI' arm y 11IU'llUS OS. hl' lng 1II 01'~' com· con le lllpl8l ed, Ihen It Is lI ec'ssary 10 Im et thun II ballQun anti r qui r in g no go OVA I' to Fran c(' .nnd mak 1\ sta r t preparati on herorehand , Wh ·'n IL III f ro 111 t h e I' , prereru hl y from paris, too w l ud y to s(,lIci up II cupl il'l' Imlloon, w hero V I'y facili ty Is o lre red to t be a kite Is of esp 'clal SPI' \'ic(', as t b e grea te l' t h ' Corce of I It II'l nd the aeronau t . T h - m Ost ast oulshl n g Illl t·t ot bal· gr Uler t h )It' lI n;.'; IJ O II' r o f Lh Itlle. loonlng Is t b e varl Ir of t emporature On 1\ wl u dy ti ll Y at Ald t' rShot ant' oCt one I s lik el y t o ncoun t ' r. I L may be sees a man BUSP ndou SOntO fI,' , or st." sno win g on tbl) eurt b, and y l , wh en bu n tlr 'c! rn L f rolll Ih ' 1l" UI Ul' a th clo uds ha\"(' been pa ss d t h l'Ough, string "o f kites. on fintl s ut'lII lan t slInshln und ulu!! T hero ure two most nce SSQI'Y th l ngll sky abo\' , wh ll('. look in g down, the Lo Im111' as on t h e 'norl e II nll , t hat c louds :\ lll1 or as a g re at ocean. Th on no con sldel'nllon lUust h t' ' 01' he IIlusl ou Is ' ! r)' I' n U~l'k u b l e. Agl\l n. alig ht from t h ball oon wh en on ce I n· 1\' 11 n d eecendlns In Q SIIOW storm , It sid e wl th ouL fi rst g l ,(lo l; Wlu 'l)iug to
(1) Of white Ninon. The sleeve. and ohem l.ette of
. carf. (2) Prince.. wh ite . lI k.
blue trimmed with raised embroideries in
Th e t all ol'ed coat 'anu sk irt In IIghl e r ~ !J ~i lt g a Ilt tl o o lJove l h II' l sI cl ot hs, mlxllI r Il . c h {'ck~ ,' linp; from I hill (loin t. th ey Shlllt t1 " 'elg h t s r l pes and pla i n good s 11'111 now h I' e do w n aIU'l 'l' I I) to th l~ h el L th eir Inn ings. T h e~' wi ll bc th SlU ur! 'r h ~ I " " O~ wer t' f ull coal sl e!'l'es, " L (o r n\ of s l l'ept cost li m e s · ell t his Elmll n,;; II IIU I h elo Vl' Ih .. (' l bo II'" I1ml Such costUIII'S d li' l) nd en ti re· ' h a v lll~ t wO I' I ct !,oint s Ol'crlapll l lIS fall. I v 0 11 th ei r cnt lind fin ish fo r th ei r I ea ~ h for Cll tTS. ~ea ll (Y and 8m3r l ll ss. A 1(0 ";;(>01," dln ll " r gl'''' n in pa le 1' 01' t lll~se cos tllm cN, wh en wo rn by pi nk C;hlffo ll t/l IYNn ha s I I1 g l~l\v i ~e l h o wo men o f IIlnllt'I'HlI' means . t h sll ip >! or " Ink roses. T h ese stri pes Old.. Um fu vorlte ul ll sp.l'ge w ill 1)0 'l ore stl'lpij of sfl tln rl bboll 6,' 1 on, an d Ihe,l' show ha l f blow l1 ,'05'S and fOllnd cxceod ln j;l y rl llslJ·fihl l'. On rae I1llr seen 11Iul a Shllrf wal k · I bud!; III Yf\" l nll ~ shad 8 of pink . Ins sk irt , hal'l nA' 1\ fo·ul'·l n ch h ell1. , It I~ un 8 m "Ire ro bl" t he sli ght tl nd th ,·{' I nch ~ lll'nrt - thil ti rsl on" sl anti ng In lit t h" "' fIiMI li ne bei ng at· t h l'ce Inch e: abo \' I t-two (hree·lnch talner! h)' box plait ,; In th e ~u ll ehitttt KS. T I, s k h l Its!'lf w ns a mudl· fon ta ll' IS, {l aro as l he), ti e· t! d cl r lilaI'. ol os ti l Ihe t op. Down acen d, nd l",; at lhe k n es. t b e cent r rrO tH W 8 ~ II ta p r ing bell< 'I' b e to p or I h e robl3 has Its ner k cut pl ai t rOUl' In II s w lo'e at the be l t, h)' sqll are. Hutlds of w'h l le Illce so o\,e r ei gh t ai ~lJ e bottom, th o pt alt t\lk · , th e slirl llld.ers n eal' Ih e thoal and e xIng In th e ttl k ed sccllon. Ac l'O~ s I hls . t end 10 t b e !Just line. Dnd b et wee n pllli t wer !! l oops o f bl ll sil k ti m id. ! Ihent . I n bot h lhe f ront an rt L1) e back , tb e br aid belli g (Julte Ilk !' Ii corei : j. are sq lla ros- no t squar s, for Iher are .~ T be Elon coaL was cl ose around t he t wo Inch es longer t han t hey are waist line, h8\'IDg a point II donbl e· broad- ot l engt hwlso Lu ck ed yellow v ornble to tbo bealtb of t be birds, esti ma ted value of their bi rd s. b ut -b reasted wa istcoat of, tan·col ored I chl rrOll , h avi ng th r ee w hi te l ace I nser· yield and quality' of featber s, mi d t b e there are tew wbo Will sell tbe birds I l oth , cl ose,! by loops of th e hl uo tlon s, and wider Inserlion at th e producti on of alfalfa for green fee d at the pTl ce~ nam cc!. hicks . Sl l cord, and edged at t he t op and bol- I top al! a fi ni sh . tb e year round , montbs ol d may ~ e sel dow n .all ,...·o .. l b tom by s v er al rows of tb b r,nliJ I T be sl eel'es a re k nlfe- pl ol ted Ostrlcb es 'como to mat ur ity wllen $t OO each ; on e.year·old , bi r ds, $150 ; set cl ose togethet'. 'I'hi s wai slj:onl ' OOll n(' es of pin k ch ltro n t hat hegln nt nt-[our years of age. The t emale two·yenr·olds, $200 to $250; birds t b .. ee pointed down a bit b low t he bell. tbe l ace bund s gol n/; ov er I h e shaul· year yoars of age, $300 10 ' $aso. an d b irds 'f he bel t Ill so tRncl'cd dow n In a I)oln t II ders and en d se v eral Inch es It 'l o w the m atur es from six m on th s t o befor the male, but she wHl soldonl to ur y oars old, t bc age at wh lcb tb ey In tb e front. a nd up to t he si des, enr v e o f Ule sh oul ders , cdged wl U\ wh o .. e It w a.. quit e' tl ll .. t'Q W, and t h e I \V1i.ll'e lace. r um es: T h eile ~! eev\ls a r~ l ay ~ fer Ul e egg uoUi sbe Is t hree an d pal : , . 00 01' mOI;c pel' pa ll'. · . ' narrow widt h contl nllecl around' the I c ut t o laper dow n to t he cenle .. bust o lle-h al t ,y e8.1"8 old. The n est Is a ro~nd hoi e ~n th e' grotln". , whi ch t be PRAISE Of THE BAKED POTATO, . back , It wa.s nln d th e bhi ut'ol d l ll ll~' w ho ..e l h e whi te l ace str aps tu male ·SCOOp8· out wlt b bl s feet. A t s{'L so closel y t oget h er tbat I t COli' wh i ch tb ey are atlllC'Q >d en d. nnd l he first tb o temal e m ay n ot t ak e to t ho Of All Known Varieties the Flnut' l eal ed ~he ro und ~Uon , Th i s b elt was I lIndc r par t Is n r ned, .!Jllck and ~orm!! Declarea Wri ter, ' uUnch d t o I h c coat. T h ere were I 0 dr oopi n g pOin ~ a~ , oss t h e s ide or n ost, bilL m ay III)' h er first egga on se t'g r evers lIIrn nd ba k f l'um th I t h e bu st t hUL ex ten ds LO tb undel'(h e gr ound, wbereu llon tba male will roll tbem into the n est. ' Gener all),. T il Id I b 'I 148 d' lf t l tb v eSl, th wldcst 101't of t b l! r I'· IIrl\l yc:u n . /.I Uc r th e male b as IlII t Ihree or four ore nl'e S8 0 e, • ~ren .. eggs Into 'the n esl , tbe fem ale .....1 van etios of potRtOGe. Th e bellI kind, so far dl sco ve rod Is th e bilked lO t al ay t her e. In abou t 30 dRYS !lhe will to. Of course, th~ pol ulo grOWl! J ow n 1'hnre s en'l s Iit tl dOllbt n ow lIl lI t la Y. 12 to 16 oSgs. Bo d will be ready I n tb e ch a mbel's of. t he enrt h a WIl\' " to cop!mence Incubation. froI,\\ th e sunshi ne: t he JolI)" ' ;ellbyr~ l he ldells emuodl eo i n- th.*' arti sUc Incubatloo under tl omej;Ucatlon Is an Ie son so th o n iB It Is 1>O)'Iull\l' IlurllJ ·' I h a summer · -carried OD In two Wll)'S- UY ua Lura l d tJ g tb h ' d I ·tlme wi ll find fU I'(hl''' cxpr 's sl on In, e aDd by arUfl clal moan s. ' Som e grow· 'I oW 't lel'e ,a~onj k w~r IS t~n nl'ri ag an d' v n l n~; cloaks t o . be , 81 prefer lhe form er met h od, ot,her s ereI II uhrcsddO be t 1:1 ' w . erte ce ICO lVo l'n l1 uri ng t ilt' I'all· li nd w lntc l:. I b f or tbe lalter, E llbet' Il as b'een f OllU r1 't a I'a b 11 8J u Ie a "ou ,lIa l'S e 0 UlllCloth , I' ch ' , nnd SIl k :;1 t'' t ,'l"1 U • yield satlsractory r O$ulls, Wi t h · r I' til , lin II tour litI,'" b" lt I' I fa ll an d w lnl r wear 1\ 1'0 a ll n ow " .' " ? d f ., f l U . U 10\lg S OIl V I'Qn mC'nt s I r I 111'11 1 '''ulao e/flrs, About 4 . ay 0 V t) co re u d ism al , nnd It hold s n o co mm union l1) :\rl i n S il O I S O L allr s ., , atlenllon are rcqlllt'!Id for good r eo with the 'Iovilly vision!! -or the all', dear Lh al Ihey Ic nd t h msdvcs I'eallll)' l o Bults, . old OIothel' Rt uro t akes good care ot d l'f\,p ry nn d (IInlJl r 'ruin s, an d f ur w i ll In. natural Incubation the m " l e tak es I t d IT It I lJl b I Itl uul add t'l chuoss l() t be mod lll \<. For a't·t OOY 1'10" t be eggs , lin 811 lIses 8 IIl1n e e nr; w . t i t s' l lnr c l'en s'l, eel' mnt ria ls 11. promI nen t. ll ' .. m an y bappy qualities, 't brou ' h t ue t \0. III v , . , . , 15 or 16 hours on t of t b e 2 ~. H e ",'111 tlo chem/atr ot t he soli g wblch such as cr ' P lind 'muussellne and II th y b II fI l ace. ore nowa l l ay s press 'Ii Inlo servo u l ually go on tho , n est about ,live, ~ YS t I urs bn a e ex~~ ·kel·dnce dO a , kOw , Ice fo r wlOlcr l1VC lll u g COllIs, .md al· .o'clock In the evening , an d r emain tl b ~ er, w en gen y va e an ro en most an,Y onc Qf tl Ie'exqlllsit 's limmer th ere til 1 eI r;II t or '8 : 30 LI Ie n ex t mo,o, 0 Jen h ' a l ovin g band . Ing the f emale tallng hel' turn during 1'I'h ~ th t ' . b ' Ilk ' t ' c l oak s, 81l\'e t hoso, of lin en, might , ' . "" , ,. ' ell , 8 snowy· 050m- e en· . ' . , I the day-. , [t Is l ll,?Ugb L that tbe ~q lor ((eruess exudcs an "ro ma as delicate ver y w ell be cOj)I~d (O t IV nter wear. .(It the sexes bas bad SOpleLhlog to do iii " d 'h t tI e tiL ilk For da)' tlm e . llHe ,t. he l l lc! ,u resqne, ~lth ,developing tbese Insti ncts . . The :8d~8h ~tS~:l~ro:ia~ sOnle :~~~er: hO: " Qlumin(jns l oak.s In. which ' Ihe chic male-, beln~ bla ck, Is n ot 8 0 easily seen I t can be ' so, t hat thi s soggy tuber Parl slaulI, have. reve ler! t~\I S ~ "l11m~r llt nlgbt, and remal e, b eing drab develops Iliui U l oto a con cr etion pf Il iweal to bilL II slUull la ss. 1 hey ber eamy spray, wben. submitted to tbe long to th e ' WI) Olen , ~f lu xurious carr nea.rly the color of sand, ~ilnno.t be , fr i endly b eat of tbe 'o ven B u t there . l'! ages. ot l.~e dal nt) sal on s" or tbe _ eo readily seen 10 IIsyllllhl. , Tbe ostrlcb .I s p~ucked tbe ft1"8t time It Is sprcad out In I'lI flt u:CS 00 the , Ihnllmer a ble , n ock s and hal!! and .~ ' ~heo six ,molitl\s , Old, . aM SbOllld he plate, an(\ anointed with bu tte r and ' w'ruP8, a!ld t hey ' D,r ; lflPr.oprl ale .·only 1)lucked aOOut eyery , el!lh ~ montbs sprinkled wltb salt, th e riill'est. dish ot' In such n rich settin g. . herea[~er during. I t s lIfe~lme, The healtbati'd vi r tue and . lovlng klndneai The womall wbo ,walk s. w ho ddes ,anI): (eatb,er s , re,l,IIovM ' are those o~ In all'tbe menus o( dcUghL . , on . f!tre~t.'· ca rs , wh o cllmus elevated the wing and tbo tall. Tbe process ' of Tber e. 'n e mBllhod Ilol.atOO8, fried road steli., .,...110 has r, IV ~ostumea, plucking oOl' slstll , In cu ~Ung t be ta ll pot atoes, bolfed potal <lrcamed (JOo n eed . oot · con cer}\ h r Mllt ~'i th Res-. -fel,l)ltn's Rnd one (ow . ot ,tbe largest tato es Saratoga chi ps and div ers oth. t oratloll anjl LouiH ' XVI. Rnd Eg}' ptlan .quill rev,thers ln tbe wing with p.runlng er Bo;ts o f g rea sy watery . woody , wr!\ I)8In p!llIIlIln g hf)r li ay-Illn e t oil et!', ;abean! and ilr\Lwln'r b y b &n~, tbose of '('onc tiona the bumble .1~lMr, but I;nL ' ev~n rih e m~)' give h '1')3 If over 'the .rema l nlng t wo or tbree rowa In no'w::re 'r esides 'tb e brooding 't eoller. 10 nl ctll resQUfjUl llSS In the . mailer or the wing. Two lTlonths lat~ ' tbe gUIll,8, nesi, Its loving mot her as wben an evening co at, und t o·dll ), any worn· 'Of ·the cu t fl!ather.fl .~ay.' be remoye~, .. bllk9d to the t urn o f . an . autumn lont an who makes. evtlll th e s~ l\J1est' pre· . At p1ucklng ,time tbe ~8~rlches art!' and breaking Into 'a smile' before you. ten)llons t~ being well dl ejlsed . baa .drIven In trom t he paHt llre ', All.d placed aut one must not bake a 'I)()~t() clu.m: her evening coa t . arpall lien Bur l'ollnded l:!y a t!ght ell)', dumping It Into any. kJnd oC an Sllte ly IlCI·t'r, WIlI'C mat c rlals better ID ,board '.nee Ilye or "Blx f~et blgb. Tbe old oven and givIng 'I t no care' no ra. adapt d .to th e pm'pose ot tl\at same "luQklng box II' \!-b.out f our feet bleb. tleDce, n~ khidly ·tOucb . Give It tbese, ov elling ooat ttlllll a~ tbe f abrlca o( '110 IDches wide, and three, and Qn~half and of , t1~e I .US different klndl or po- t():daY', The silks and v~ll'et8 . ban ~t 10llg, open at once e~d and clOlll!ld tatO .you w1ll love lbe baked tile beaL 10/l t tbelr stiffness, wblle 10,s lng DODI!! Ith a door at the other, AD oltrtch of ~helr rl ohness and beauty, ~d 11 cauaht and' a 1100II pl~ed over'lta ' To Clean Velvet. lend themllelvell read\ly to every trlell I ' hea'll, An olel bl*ck a~ltJng makes of drapery an,1 grace.ful line: The.. .. very aatisfacto!'JI b.ood. The Iaoodad RUb with. ploct: of tbe lame mate- entwblle aUt' and uDc:ompromillal blrd II ,.er1 '. .,lit bandied. .. It Ia rial dipped Iplrlts of \lii-peaUIle, broadcloth ball become as supple .u . ·,,11oCllCl III the plticldna bol: wltb Its tUnWIl tile piece as Jt IMIcom81 1I)I1ed. crepe, almoll. all In.troWl, : iliad . Dext to the clOHd cIoGr. , The Vel Yet. If 1\ "'peIIl to ret ..,et., ,hoWe! Aod beblnd theM beavler ~l ma, ;11lDker ltudl behind tae bird ..,1lI... 'be -allalleo tboroulllIt oDIJ. tertal. t. · tbe blllt ot soft .bIlD~er.nIDOvfIII tlM ~ T1lIt .. ..,.. TtIb~~. a lal IIIkeD .\~ laclu4e4 ID the lilt
Arti"sti.c Wraps for Fall Wear
I. I. I
Balloon appeal's to be an owlng llll WII .. d8, o w l og t o t he ba lluon falli ng f Ost I' th an tile snow{lll kes, To t n rn for a m om en t tro m t he en· J r b II i t It 111 d o)' men ts 0 a OO~I ng 0 ,s sa · I·nlltll~c~ . t he l\I OHt nt'orn ln n t one, to my min d, IR t'll Impossibilit y to s t er a ballcon . alld h ellc OtiC Ollnot rc~c h a dosl t' II polpL unless the wrnd choose!! 10 o).lll g YUU.. T h el',(' l a 00 dOllbt th at a " conve l'o llce:' lie It aero· )ll ane or ba lloon . wi ll SOOIl III' In venl· eel , wh en t hi s dl'llw LlIlc k 11'1 11 II o\' el" co m e hil t not wllhom man ), !'~ ll e r l · m~ nt~ und possib ly loas of li f e.· T ho - . . cOlllltllllt t i on of gas and an !ectrl c sp ark Is Ulost dan ge ro us. so w~ sb ~ lI pl'obab l r sec t h t' aerop~au e tu klll~ l ll tt pi llco of n gas·ball oon In t it near fu· . ' t ure. , n egnrdln g til e utilit y of balloon s, t his wo n! eRn l'nrlll r he appli ed , t o th; rn 0 >'< ttrllcles ~I' u s~ tor Ihe gene ral ·pll bllc. . rul' tb e I'cnsnns berol'p sLal ed. Nnver lltel ~ . es. s, In t he . arnll' - t h e", a re of g r eat se l·vlcf'. In t ho Il rst Il l nce, they lilly e ounblcd people LO ge t Oll t of he· si llged 10WII S·: cnd seconu))", hy behig so.nt IIfl capl! vo. a gi'eot ' orca o r COlin· try call be s cn at one Lim o. To ellJoy a' balloon l rlll th or oughl y one must be p l'uperly tI" eased ,f or t he occasion : for worilClI , a !Ih or t coat ,and ," s1>l l't Is th e best thing to wear . . It 'Is not wblle actllally In the lIalloon . that tbo benen t of th is a Ltire Is rell, lJllt on descending, When nino ti mes out of ten there .Is a walk or sOl'eral miles to b ' do ne to r each tbe near est I'allway, stati on, . while 11 1'obabl y t he ballooll and lJas ket havo t o ue packed IntO tbe only av aI lable cart, . ' .Pel'haps tb e most en Jo~"uh l o par t I!r blIlloonlng IEr what Is known as " 11'011lug," This co nsl ats of l ot tin g a r ollo about 250 t eet 10tlS hang over the si de of Lbe I)nlloon blUlk et nnll t rail ovor ,t he COllntry benea t h, j u st touc l\tng the ground . To ue so Ileal" the al· ~It , a.nd ·yet Just . to II able to sail ov er ·hou se· tOlla aull t~e.e· t.olla, gives one ,t be senaaUon the n earell't aklll l o fly i ng, aa when one IIi lIol\rlng In higher alt!· tudes one 10BelI all .se08e of movem ent . 'or jltdgment of distance. Tbe en,U r.e abaenc e or. glddlne..· wblcb lIeemll 'a lmollt Incredible to tbOlle who have not triad ballooning II IlDHrely dlle to tIlll tDablllt, to meaaure dlltance. I "uppole there II baretl" eger a tlme " OD till. earl' wileD ODe coultS ~ tIIere
th e
'5t of t he pass n gers, (Iud tben" It e mllSL all ghl wl l h ou t I'(l lllsing bJ s ho ld 011 t h sldo ot L1le bllll oon·bask et. Sltoll id h 0 11l1t to do t hi s, t it ualloon, I'e ll e\'ed of so 11111 h wel g hl, w ou l d ~ h oot 1l1l .... IIJ'ds lit Il fill' g l'eal'l' slleed I han Is cHh I' slIf 01' ()l l" u ~ u n t for the I'o mal nln g O l~ II I Hlll t ~ or I h e car. 'J' h" l! e p. 9 I1d-I/OI·t ~t-l. .mumb ... h en th e balloon Is desc ' ull i n!; for good, to ;'l\l s - tlt e feel tro m Lh e uoltom Qf t he bask t by m IIn s o r huldlng 011 to th e r OlleH ullol' with t it . han us, aud k ee ilin g Ih ' kn C8 b n t unLlI th e blllloo ll·car h as r ecel \' ed l he fi r st sh oc k frO m con t act wi th Lll e carth . Tbe dny mllY soon co me wh II a fl all oon "gnl'8ge" 9'111 be as neces sary D parL of o no' s hOllse as a m otor garage Is uL the pmsenl li me. VlmA F . BUTLER. I'
Hi, Usual Habit, A locu l flastor te lls tho st o ry , with ono o r hi s bl·o th (,,· l ergy man as t be subJ eot. I t IIPI,eat'R tha l when some m en wish t o " sw ar orr" trom tbe ' u se of III !.O X I('uli ng liquor, t h ey t eel Sllrer or Lli elllscl l' flS to t llke the Ille<lg wl ti l a cl ergy man tt s wltn·esa. Tbe pasto r In <l uostio n was awak en ed one ni gh t SI!ol'l1 y aft er r eUrla g by t he f r nntic r i n gin g of hts doorbell. H as til y donnln ll a few gal'llll;m t s, be wen t 10 the (10M and adm itted II ratI\e r tllIal)h.l oted specimen o r bumanIty, quito ouvlOlls ly endeavoring to I'e<!ov el' f l'om tho effects of over ·lndul ' go lice In i~e )lo wi ng bOWl, o r mod bl1ll·sh jlp ed ·glass • el'll 'q lll vll i ent, " Wlln t'r l ake th ' plesh, llieash," he at' f ull ), BI 'tlc lllnted . T h e clor gy mnn hesitated , b'u t .dnallyII olded Ihat l ho m all was p e.nltent· ollough t o r ea li ze wha l h e was 'doing, , an<:\ sta r l ell 10 prepal'o tb e' dOcu, lIIen t . ' " H o w long ' do you waot ·to talle It . ror?" he asked. "A yeu, ' or two yean, cr lon ger ?" T b e Vi sitor looked at him In lome surt)rl llc, and then replied, "11th n~ feellog : "Ou'ess 'I'd beeher talle It for ut.. Uah'ly do." ' . Tb& ciergyman promptly tlecUaed t o c:onUn.ue "11th the ceremoolea. 'but preeeeved the story fo~ relAUoll at tbe next mlnl.c.n' . . . .·DI.-PIoYIdace JOllrDaL
p lts G azsee,s o I
Marriu~t' n.f ,' 'liss [lsdl:
. PE}.!S NAL :~~ 'll ~ caso l1 nnd . \r. Earl LOj::AL ITEM ' Hockett . 011
- Ftr:-t t
I,'o'"rn (h" »l tl{ll I' .
Poi~o ning
NUlh,1Hf! i ~ ~ H q l:l\ t'lll' P JU . 1 H ht'tll h t'.. ~ nll" tl'lllll Ilhl'IInio cnn"tl pllti1Ji" " P IH!l'l":,\ .:rll\' " dUH:.! '-to f l"Il)t1 ' iIlt' pIUg:ll t1 ,,1 ('nl1l\h" 11 1111 ,>o)lt) ... Ih 'l ( III" 111, .v"ur (,,"tI[J I";O< I' 1\ Iitr/ll ' I '1;, ", II~ "' hi h i · 'lll1(.k bo , \!\lrl'lrl I)~' !Jr. 1" ' ., ,, 11' J.. nx ll \!"III' I,tll l,," -,'I,, ", ·,',··h. K )11 I,;''' "'. ,IJifll Pil l 'I'hl-Y ' 1'\1, hill , \1'1 prt·"llh'IH. \lId ...... "4111 t',kt' f I r (1ft th(..- . 1011. ~ ~l.4·.{\l q r; tt l f h .. t ·h ",·I; ~, !lI 1l\''' n11 1lflf. ,)I), UR !!A ' r ln ~ frQnrlUII, l\i lll!'~ _ "1\' Il l ~" n ' rory ' I' "qIlO \lI'\lp n I I 011111' , I tnn. 1'IlI1!!h~ jlllt\ ,', ,10\.;, J\ l,'" 0 ·;0 (In I '~ c nt-I ill" fi nn. "!I ll U' ' "I" , 1n ~.. I'\',,11' 11J IIlIil ll1fu"" HI'\\' IHe ' ''I\~ M, '1'. I11\U"1> \ £l1l toro I>n,1 ~l Ln.l",'r Mi!lR ~:I w It '. I~ "11 lin" ,\1) 1. 6'''n'M . ~(t1I\AV \ {llookett, 1\\'\1 ll" pnl ,1f 1',111111( pt'opl 'V alt" <,I ~,,\\,.~t ( ;1 1.' lilt , \ ' r ilfl~ : d"lIr. r tj .... ~ , IlHllllh~' ! 'fI1 l1l' lo'x "" " .1. v'j ~o r : OUl'1 BUUT tll l1U1 r' h , nllUMl·lI. at Ol'l'!'{ou in . 1If1\'1r (oIJ pI I~, 'on Mlex-. T . J . Bn UWN , A · s Ot' )" ..... Ellt'tlV li . lle!ldllclll' (Hz/ti De .... undnp.1 i " wi lb. ''It ·,,, n II (I "II t il I"'upl 1I\·!n..( lu m .I a lL 1Il'~' f BtU·\' l'Y"""I'~. \~" " '" Ililill'd ill tll'IHlf " r rl, . II I 1\11111' \' 111'• . out g l'iphi g ,j l' olj~ 'omfOl' t , ....lio. t1.1fllllll'·~ Will\l,' "ut\.!h~ nut! ,,10\ ' 1118 rr io'l!' H t ; .,11 II '(']f){,'k \\', c]ll l'ill ~ 1,1 - tlw glll' · t tlf Mt,~ . (111 1':u!!l .. II f l.u 01 Y .. r • • ' . . . . '. In a<lTlIn.~ fTllllrllnt,oeri ".Y F, . ~obwnrt~. pl'lIn\1l I linclll lJ'lwkll' f'n,l ~ III II I . I.~r. .. )'cilr If 1101 11"ld In ..dYa ll'" rillY vlllin;:, \l,'t"b,' r 1~ . U I(lll . h~' r lt f!)'(! \'OO l" PII' \1111 01 1\11), l' lll'!~ hi ...rh L' r' I Drll!;gl. t. • 1. " ,)1 . . !. . • t . . ._~_ _~~~~~~~~~~ :1\',,'; \\'1'111 1. l'f1111' . 1t1l1 II) /1,' 1 httlll !UI" the 1 e, Ol Io (' '''' '' , plI~rut· I'll' l ilt' MI"~. EltZtltJl'lh ~t]lli r(o ,If A"ui" , lI·tv t"I''''', nnel lI1ukes \V,tlnl\ ,·Jn Ut;1I dFFI E . IN ALr~EN B ILOrN Of. jl'ri nd.: ('h1.l 1'(11I . I !If w('<"1r III /tIlPI:I, (If !tM 1'(11· ...t t:C\nl( l'1I0Ul!h til WII Cli ..n· (\I\n~unlp Th ('.,' rmn Il IlY l IlIk "I;Ll' 11 t. III f ~ )liE: <! J1Llt . • )110. (1' nth'i'~, ~In:!. F I'1I1 Oil Kf111ir,' nnll I ll,. C'ulI/;h ~ 'I\ n l\ Clro l d~. fiO "orl ~ t " h III !' qf th hl'i,lfl '", PIll' nt!!, ~ I r . i illll rlll1 t l'NI1)1'~' C '. I:h\\,lIrt z Mr, Frnn~ Hql11r(l!< li nd flint il v,. • 1I10U I1nl1 Mrs. Ed R aso n. in tho pres· :\1r. H n",aT(l r.nrlr. f ' lirtnghnro I'n I' nf t wellty fi \'e or thirt,y IU OIII . hfl r R Il f till' iJ I11lt ",1itil t' fllluill !\ of w,"11 kil ow n il th l .~ ,·if'llli t ,' . has i The Ga zette's Il nr(\hll~l'Cl rUr hin ~,'If 1\ h nllll " IIH' !tnlh 1lIlr'l if)s I 'U VIII ' I.I N A ' 1' !< K LND~ . ~ombinatiol1 Offer. Th llriUI', n1\Y ilY<l wiURorl1 , n't'Y n w uul q nll) lliln on' l n; I~ ' re ll )lh'lI1\ 111 lIlt; " fl ll ~ 'l wl H' I'l" ~'" A it Is gf'nflrn lly kll o wn th~ fi r WII . mor e ohnrmillg thun n u tb i!l 1\11', II nIl Mr~ . I;" S , .1 ,j llL·!' W(' ~t 'Of DOY Ot( GET I je/lu 110 (~11l" 1 11I 1 11 11 I\ II\\I·Joo. I~" .V , II nr.l'I".i l1 n. wlH'n ~ h l' \\'a ~ r ,llt" 11 ill 1\ (hz Ue ba n v(,r ll1RoJ· it, n P" u ' Wu~· nl'~vi11l'. h Ml ' I ii I I1l'i r It Il M I ~ BLOC'l~ j l1 w h t · tlce to om bill e with n l hpr pll "e r ~ or g"w l\ I) f w llllo' .11l l' !<i1k. IlI'r Ill y I·ocen tl ". Mr . II l1n i\Ir ~ \\' Il lt r WITH A LAME B ACK ? ;OI\;,I!l'''' ILIlIl (' IIILlr" ,111 1'1)111'11 mR~ozl n el'. or 1mb l'ipt,ion iudnco. t1J' III1IllI 'lIt "I"tri ll!.~ IIr IH·Il!'I,.. 111 11 r LtI (lh cy .. f ;-" nw H\lrli n g j" lI1. KI~lIcy Trouble Ma kes Yon ~I1 sernl)li!. II:! \'" l'l't'tllltl .I ' III II 1'1'(1 t il 1" ,,, I me n t!' to any QOll sld o r uul e oxt I1t h lllr .' · Ir F l'l r ,'1111'-'1'",/1 ·follt.llPr b l' d ~ , In Th l' ":1'''0 11 1 wb o wo n Ih l4 I :\ IIl1n,,1 \'I'cr\' I ~)( I )' "h<> reru l ~ the I\ C W~- II11!xl, t,,1 l 'I" I:', FlI'\)" Reoen tly . h owf\\·pr .1I ~ Jl!' cifll Pl'o. quln' li t GII :t.I~t.lll onil" I'llpl'r~ j, sure I kllv\\, o( thl! \\'Olilcr MAI :oI 1:11· H h:hl1. W , \ ' N t :"" I!.I .I', po.oltlon wus t'111J11l1 tt.col to us wh inh br ille' lI1 llol ,o IlIl il\j prc's~h' II l1p ~\ lr .. II _ I' '. '1I!~' 11111<1" hy 1 r, . .. 1)1'. {,h 1'1 ~ ~~I I1 ~ tl 111 hl'i!.t lot · li t, ih~ IS RO good fh llt "'0 hll 1'6 tl ,cioll'U' tIl IIIJ C" ill II IH)nd "" I1l') \ohlck ".111 l=-=::J . ; ~ Klhll" r's . ",:11111'- _ _ _ ·hr. '~ "I" I 1t('IIl\1I11 ~ IIllll fCllth ~r son RntIlhll1g:h tt' I' , I,I' !-It ni ~ \ 'l' rf' offflr its II d vllntngPII t o t he lluhl,io ' '''_'~_T'' Roo t. the lI""nt I, itl\ nun,l", \J'.' ui f<" <\" 1L11 13111'11'< 11\'\' . Iii L!r uud hl ml· MJD ' Ve offer t h o Rl!vi w of Rcvlaws f" rn !' 1111 or t h ", roomS IIml the gtW~ I H o f ~I r!f M H 1£11t~ IInc! n IhI' l' _:e 'ler r.tll\<!oly. J)y "I pl~'iI ' l; "" nnti~'''l'ti ,· Iln':;:; rf'lott.h'e ~ in Ihi M nnilghhor h , ,,),l Rro \' , th o Wornllus ' HOlllo' ( 'orn Jlunion : 11 I~ IlK'g(eat III ~I, t il ' I \\'nlll1d~ bnll~ '''. hurn ." Ill1ti SOUTHERN F: l L\~f~.: c ml tlll ~'f' 1(1 t WI' (' I; , I'r tnrllitl~ l!0l1l1!' t qf\ I:) u cce~!! MII/:llzi nf\ IIn(\ th o Miful1l rO Ill'Ro !l upper \\,1\,.; l'IPI'I·I'cl . ~I i,:,, 1 lrill.'lIjlh d lilt· I ii I,,' iujul'lI " 1;"f ,,,'" illjllllL ll llLI II) II J'RO:t/t Thl' 1111 g ' 1I11111lll:r of hlln d~(\nl; IA llzette n il ro ur for on l.v %:-165. ij~ ;Ii!~~~:~~~,t,r~c~~t'~~n~~ ~I't~ i n. thu. 111:0. h,·I,,' ,, [I'(\ \\'lIh ll l1l of ~·I(· II Ur.c rt·$e.. n~h III d, ~ rHL ill lJ IIlId ill II h l l1l lin " Ihll'll T h e re~u lu r p r ice fo r t,heso publi prt'!'n nts r l'c h' ed was IlIlt II " 1i ~,,'''lt ::'l l l'~ 'J .11.1.10- \Y Plli I H~ lon. wll(~ ,~!£:, !!i( hI' P ro I'i hllcr, th" l it 11100 l' eqnlrN I by Ihn 1\1 trout uti on a would h i(l 00, W e oIT r r.ul;cn of 111 (' hig h (. 1('1'111 in "hi r l\ b ()II \' J:,itin~ 111'1' 111 ,." h('1' ~rrs , Mar y ......... ~ eilliJwl1t ld{hlt~y a ncl I1H' Ot 'rh i :-: 1 thp P r( ,1 , ,, .... t; (h ~ ," ) \ ' 'H:;~ r''';~ ~ ~ h em n ow ut a litt.l e mol' thall olllf th o 'Rr hIll. Kn H e .·tli W'1 it.P. fi 11 (1 , III \J AI' I' III til'l' hhul,ler ~l' ci.illi!'1t, :ll hl is wo n I 'rfnlly t~ l' \· .11.\(1 I I' Vll llph ' " """ '1, :-. 11r:..'.l '- ' price. Th e .young 11 p1<' WIll Ill" kl·1 r h orn ~I n ',' II 'lm n C\'rnipl!', WOllt to ~\h.~":C. f111-illprutupUy· ..:uri: I ~ Io\ 1I 1Cbnck; ('b"'I Uht1 I~ .l ll l · P itll , J .t' lll 111 '1 :0: II I South, All of t.IWI\II nlllf,l"zill flS I1l'e str ic t h om ' until pring with th,' I!'r oolll 's DlLvtlltl W,,<1nesdll'\" tl'1 "I"it h er uri 'wid, y :L t !trrh of lh· . bh" ld\)I IIl1d I"!' S II "'" P"/J ,c.l I'''' It I _ ,"1 111 '1 1..."11 Southe , Urighl's plscnse. which 15 th' ,·,>rs t t il: '11,,1 \\ h .. II " Ilpl).',1 I" -"r'll Ifljlll' Iv h igh clto!" "n,1 thf' . puIJlic iR t o(l purent!O.i\\r II ml Mrs .1' I) . B f)o l",t~. 1"16 ; (> 1' , Mr. •1(' e (" OIl lptOI1, in "h er ftln u or klC1ncy troll hi.;. . iI'~ I'" 11 ~"!' I h" 111 I ., 11" " I I ,. ,. \. <lUll", ~,.., S~uthw~t. lJr. "i hnur's .swamp. R,oot .1S ""l rl'l', . ' . . . ' , . . . . WI' II IIcrl'll~1 II I uti " 'i I h I h f' 1II t.o ne\ld whl'll j,h ry wi ll f!o t il hou~(\ kr!' l'lng n>lW homn, IIn,l wi ll hUI'II .v rr oce'd ('IIII I1II'no1cd forc\'eryl h inglolll lfyo uhllvc 1.\ I t. I'' ~ '' loIllI~!< ( ,, 1',1\ 11 I Old ,,"1' It n .v desoriptl')Il o f th ir marits, ill th .1 . D. &'nrll"l' fnl'm , 11 11 Iii tn hflr horn e in 'hi('(1 )/;" HOIIESEEKEIS' TI CK r5 D:~ S.:UI 1 ki,IIll'Y lil'er or IJlllthl' rlroll\.>lllilwitl he nO',,!> 11 1111 Jlro' \:"nl~ 11 11 ' \'10.; 1'1' fI' FIRST AND THI En 'li .. 0" · $ 01" '~ fOUlld j'lI~l lhe r e lll dy YOII IIc~,.I , II !UtS hll," o ~" ' 1 ~f1 1 1'''j! 1\ ,.,,1' '\ h" 1till ,11 1'he GaZf<f,tfl hUA th exolu i VI' nse WaYlw8\'illl lind B,ll'\'eYllhurg pi k e. :'1 r!< l'l u ll iP(' Bunte ILnet M I~ s heclltcstcc!iu s OIIIIIII),WUY .l llb spllll l t',l i ll S il im in ' ''ll r h ' "I" EACII 1.10, lIi HI U 1' , )1 of thill pro l'o~ition h e r e. You Olin. r c e n,tl Y fJll r('\JI1 ~cf1 loy IT , Huc k~'1 t, POINTS J 'i .. I!.lJI b ,' l\l\le nml th ' ' IlIon UT • I ' · work aui! in privo l .' pIli l ice, !llId hns \ III ... ", ,I'{ II II;. " /I !ld 111 "11" , !l ilt not get it. 8 11 ~'whf\ re Alae. Mr. /llld trs Bl'or: lrp t,t'A I nr~e prO\' .1 !\O~ncccS fll lUl every en e lh nt II I " IlIf'U r ll'll th ll IlI r 'I1\"' n ll 'u,'" ""d or a 1 !l IIYH II1 ~ t w u k of bl\ viug .. ' Fa,lofontUlt4"' "", ~ ' 1-'-< ... q;..., ~peciu l Ilrro ll J,!c mcut I!us b ' c II Ulall ' hy " UI\·" I' 1l1.!' :.lIoh 1IIj lll' IV" "lIl'\oil F 'lI' While thl ~ propOl'il io n i !.Dnde eirol (I t frlnall w.i llll fOI' th (!111 till " " Cl1P.., t >- , :\rr"l P Ol" l t l ' 'n nk tt JHl \I 111.:11 1111 rcader. of till. !J:lJler. \\'ho h a l'!! : I ,. F ' " 1 I' ' P UL I R'" I ", \ . prinolpnlly til int ere!'t, new uhscriiJ. bnppy nnll pro ' ]I l'nllS li f l' elIAS W. Zl·U " ~,. . , buhy . !rllm H Il~ h 11\)1\(1. [lIcl llllIIl. 01 HI lIut nlre:lli\' trie,l il . "my h an: :0 ~:Olllplc ~II II uy , l . ,",C 1 I II r " '("; ~t ri m~ -I. lJOltic "'-' I\l free h." mai l. ul:Hl n hook tcll, ers, we will ~e t rua ~Hzi n es fo r "uy J,H . . r ~ .I· ,' ptll1('t; r, r'r OIlL 1. " t\ll/:(l! iug IIIMe nhonl :';'W ltllll'·H.oOl . Ilud h oI\' to of our subao rlh e r~ df'lll r ing t hem at Arthur Monfort w A, (\ A~,R[;Tr. 'lw"I ,I',. · '. I l'. ( :lIl ifp r lJI>I • • \r,. . I ·'H,lc \\'II ~ 111 hor liliu (Jut if 1'0 11 h ! ~\'e k i. lm'Y (Jr hl ,., lol 'r I ron, A ll ,\ w l , I r educed pr ices 1Jk. \\'hell \\ dtit1~ I1h! l1lion rc:ulj ll g th is W. c. RlNI!Al(SCt , " . I' \ T o Be Ma r ried. L(l l' t lo l lOd Il 11111 111 or r.i r~ ~hut ,·, III1fI gCllcron,; ofier ill lhts p:Ll'cr unol se l1\1 your C&1JcJu. , .. h'l\v " "H~\ r~ u g h elt r litt lt· ~ir l h lill Iw r hll~ll1lnd 1 ~ O O P, n f ti lfl instrnc 1'h nWll y tri () ucl. of Art hur :lr!,ln' s~ til Or. Kilm cr J "." /I tOll oh" l'"onm "ltlll . whlf'!l 1(\1 1 Blind, Law , . &' CII.. Ui\l g hUln n. \,.. .. wlt b 111'1 ,,\\'fl1l " " ll):!! 1 .'111 b>l cl Monfort nmong Gltzl:l tte r ud rll will I,ion 111 Earlhlt l1l ( '(,Ilt, ,\) Unconstutiol1fll b e inte h 's t II iu til ' IInnunn' til nt i'll' tlnll I'S F. B, .r n t '~. " f Ill " .', Y . 'rite re/o:u l,or "111'11" ,If l llU!;tl ill ol ju~t tiki' fi ll" Jiit ,·~ccl1l : 11U\ ollC· WIth ''' ~, "')" '('1'101,: coug h ,tnll .. (, m,> - - .. of his m nrriuli:e \vlJich ii:! til take \\'ay nl1s \'ill n lind L~'ll,> pi k" hud t lw i\oll llr ..i,c !toll Ie. ur 11001. Gl SWtUllP.RooI . The Suprem e (.Jourt of Uh io III t plucc tom orrow , )otob l' :?ltb t ll ~olo l 11\,:111 j(Ob\lllru~~i~L<. DOII ' tl1l3kc th oul!bt 116 WO\1' <1 not ~ .. t ".11 ", f flt \J rtl\ i n ijl~ ~ r r . •10 I'" pll'lI, nr \111 \ OJ ~nt. II b ll tt.IP III I 'hll llth, ,. 'HI)' 1I11F.takc. hnt r('lnl~ lI\lJcr Ull~ 1I:III1C , Wednesday deolared t h e Inw g rant. Pd i!! Etta Kin g, f N w xing. hrotb el', r . B .l OW", Olf ].1''' f;W:lTllp.ttoul. Dr, ~iltu \T'" Swuntp ~l:l t, 1"I'u 's 'LllI ~ h RI ' IIlt'll" " I,' ~' h ''' "I''d Ing a pen8ion t o th:e blind, u ~('on tj · ton Au g I ('"lifo l'uill , l,,!'t tv .. );. I)r Hlld lhe clolrot." , 111l1!:h. !!IlOIl, N . Y ., 011 tutlonaJ. cv~r)' !Jollie, !'rir. Monfort is R son of Mr, J OD . is Ill ,'ltill ~ nn I'Xtf' l1 tlt tl It'il1 Mrs 1m BU ~"" I'd . Br u h"I"' r. III. , . '1'here Is general 'r egr et ber e over Mon for t n n~1 fo rnl erly .. tte~,dell t h$! tbron g h tit lIsr, Itll I P,' P I' ts (n 1'0 . -~' 'r~Ji, rl,u1l'dy I,. fol' "'\ I... t)\' the deolalon of the Oourt as II nu m· Wnynesvill e h ool. ,nud bu t,nr'n her li g nin Qflfo r e go illg hnm o. A Y OI, n g A] uthlJ r lit ;'0 l:khwtl r1z. Will eure any case ot Kidney. ber of persoDS in this violntny ben e, fr len dll b r e . b elOg veT~' mn h pI u ~ed w !tll th is "Mv: m ot h pl' b"r; t-l1c!t1C'nly IJ(~ Il : _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ . _ .or Bladder tha.t is ·no. fitted by the law and all we r e de· Mr . Mo n fort lItlS f6r aeveml ytll\ r5 un[t· ~" 11IUI1 y ,mng Itt .U. ' l'w l>nty yeti r ol PI'LE lJRE beyond t he reach of medicil1\. serving. Ot i n l n:u l;ll fi'll rll1 g trom !l~' p'p!'i E ZEM a n d GIVEN UP TO DI •• , , held an xC 1.lent po it.ion Itt lJolulU' hllll fln t ltoly \li~lt hlo.'Cl he l·. u ut,11 ,.ixl F,REE J{1l fI willi: "n l, t It Wllfo ,., tlf 11. S{J1e1J01, 11m N. Vlrglola S t.. Ennmu.. bUB, Ol~ tim e Spe lli n'g ~' l il t 11"1 . I'l'""",'. ''''' 1) ' I'' ~' 11 ,' I"..." ' , 1 ' ' IwIUioklw.C7t1u,dbllldde nd •• wrll8ll' ..l'oro.erfour' ....... l ..."'roDble4 Rep~b1ican Mass Meeting. I)10111\1 ",.!:o, 1\'1tell .~I 11) 1 I,'I! l " ' 1I.! f\' I' l \\' \1 I 1\,1" r.l!eotioD. 1l000UI.. b and {;iphering Match. n l;o l'j , l3i tt r~, I'h!oh h rl\' '010' 11i1(' tf'l t ), .1 1"." (uro.j"r fi:n audwRannablo\.Owork.Tb_ lIblllolan, '"llo;d Move to Hamilton "111' < -11 b~ I' II urI r,' til (lrl t h l' \tnv II "1 ~ I ' tob.lpmonudl\1/tl811Iven up t.odlo. Boler . III't"l v I Governor Barris and Other Prom. . ' . . It I .; .; I') ' I>18.. J.lll.f' ~~ · Kld ne)' Coro was ........ mmeod"'l nod the fim ~~I' 1I 1..:th IIU I tleti \'i ~y HII ;,,, . \ 111 tllo V" . OlIl, M , 1'1 n, ,\, r·n bolt!oJ{a'.ornogrontroll. 1 8nd .~.rttllil~lh. mp tlll) Olq)CC·ts to Prnves 0" much intcfI) t at Cor win Mr a. Eljjllb inent R epublicans to be at Jlrim iltf ," \';l'\t e. It · .'i\~ L GIl. nnll s kin <li8f'H""I' I n tunt r llt, r ... oo d t>otUo [ waoon tl rel, oDmd. move from W.l)·n e ville to Hamil. Friday evening, Lebanon Tomorrow Night . prltrick, of D tlUf ,)rt h, ~t . 'hltufi'l:lr h,ol{ 1', write E. W .. I ,"wo 81 ••• 50 C.nt. and 'I.Ot ton in a t;hort timll, and ~IlS hu.d r oot Ol'ilt i\'t;> IIledi ci n e filL tbt' !!j{JUIl WIt LA1.f ' <\.00 Monb ll t.tnn It'\' nne ! - •.:, "',.,... . , ........ Republicans all over Wn.r r n sale bills print (I nt,the Ilzotte 0 'o l!! stOrtJllr1l, Ii\'cr nilL! kitl uf' -6 J , . • I ' A n liM fll . bioneol ~I .. llin lin d ri g ht, VUrlaN! tIll hI d, Illlll ()U T es X ow YI,rk El1cJm'll' tlln P aln~s County are looking fo rward t o t h e lice ndvertisi n g t1 nle of'her h OUse, ph ri11g m u toh . t ook I III s 19 11)0 Cure. Cold •. Croup,ond wh uoploll Coua h. great Republican m ll 89 m ee t i n g h old good effeots to tll,k e pluce n ext 01'\\,111 eeb oo l 11 t1. ,'ridny (wl'ln ing IH lllllrill,bili o Uiln. IIIHI w aknes~ s V ()nol r fill n l'l' \'1\ t on ie. Prlo 50 ~ ' I ~~~===~~==!!!!,!!!!,===~=~!e!!!!'7~~=!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'~ whioh promiRes t o be the g r ea test Sa,turday, Ootober :t1t,b. lind fr om .t he c ro wd thll(, WIlS pr • Mr, Compton "and dll\lghter poli'tical gllther in g h e li! 10 th is DAYTON, O. en t it seem. vicl e n t th l' p enp le l lil VA Mis os Mllrt h a und Mil bel bl\ve Es tatllis hed county In a num ber of y ears, not lost'int r ~ t in ~hl~ 0.1l , poj)o lll!,', 46 " ~overnor Anftrew L. Harris w ill b een e mployed In Btll)lllt'on for Inuu~OLUent . toi Ul P, nud t,be fumily bllvil d e some , Ilft one of t,h e I!peakers. Oih er Big poopl lind Iittlo \Il'opl (i ;)lI rU OI{ ' K t:t:I'INU ~,ool, E HON 0 \tAJ' H Y Ia~hl onlv bf teach rO<. ~'toUI\.:lU<ls I . "lIpeaten wl1l ,be C, .Q. Hildebrant , a ided n ow, to mnke t h ut oity t h oir t.iol pate d in th~ conte!'ts Ilull !lnme or ~ I \ld (' nl ij In Il n ~" ~iL lonH. 'l'e rnl R Inod rnt ' cu~s /ll Ol' I/Jl y pa y m e nt lilk" n . • l udenIA perm a n ent b ome, ad mltH'tl nnl' lim o, :.1 po~ ILlhn~ for " rnd uu tt~"l tn .ruI. , ' 'ri.1oo . !laO po!SttloOl,.Jan , J \ 1000 , andldate for Oongres s, and D. Q. of .~be bi g peoplo roll do\\'n nn the t o AU ~. ~2, ~ GOO . ~'\~ rllc. A. O. ' \,~tt. ./l'. l;r(~bHl .lit ror (ret!. Ua LG1Clgu. , • • 1dor~ow, of Hillsboro. ARD , A College do ing so much for ot J11aj' be relied on t o do ' arnall s t words IInel vilju v er Cl1. Knight of the much for yo u. _ , 1': I" ~' z.: n ' I\'E ,11'10[. I ~ . 11'UO. Mi R Mary Fnl y ,'1i $ ~ ll ll cl'll IIll , N ) 1~'l'nllor:i'l1> Golden Eagle. Anniversary of Battle. , . . E. V. Barnhalt, J. O. Cartwright, J!? '. W. H isey, Miss l"ili a Gilhens 't..llh')nH N' l ' ~u:) '" No. (, ' eompetitol'., in t.ll I) l1in~ m lltch - ------ . Pn li tl n e as tle, ' Knights of tlll:! NI~: ;I. 'Edna l\'1cI{in ey Rid~e, D. C. rudge, Samuel D. Henkl Geo. A. Funkey. .\ . ~t. fl . 111 . P .It. nnd Mis~ Apphitl MiJ1Hl' I t>1l ho>r tn ' Rec~11II8tirring Scenes to · Waynes" U olde n En <>le will h old ' n. special ~ ~:, H. Fred Wh ite, GCOI'g - Hess. J au th e priUl llry clopn rtf1l l' ot lit OOl'win r. 'bllllon J c, Ar. 7 .:I" 1 0~.. } .'ville men who Participated in m eetin g Frldny evening, 0 t ober 7 ;l 'i 10 2:.! , Sllilkl' r C r . \Von in the Iph ering ~n'l toh. • 7' :t:! I III I,; Famou8 Battle. 26t,h. Hosl.,n ~!! I u J j
1\ 1·
UN OJJ{,'1 AK l~
.\~t~fJ~~'~ I~ I~~,L ~1 F~B I
L C.
Up-, -'"
n1 1
Cincinnati & t 10 All IMPD
FOLEY'S 1::)I.:'I,'~(JI'~l~:, ~~",~):"~~,.~::.;:,,I, .",::,~~I>J j KION ,Y GURE, Ft·., ' , i
d ChamberI " 'CDugh Rerne,
~~;;:''~;~D~ Ro",.",,. , MIAMI COMMERCIAL COllEGE 'eX,,""leIlCNI
Last Friday, Qat 12th, was Ii da y of more than ordinary importance to Metlllr's Henry Prater and B. Lev , <.Jartwr!gM, Qf Waynesvllle, ml1rK. lug Ult did thl! 42nd anniversary of the bnttle of (Jeader, Cre ek in which both tte n t ie men partloi pated " , Every sqlJOolboy Is fami1ll~ r w ith the story of thia g r'e llt battle whicb bas been Imlno rtaJ!zed in Tho!.DUS Buohman 'Re~d's great poem "Sber . ldan '8 Ride," ' Mr. Pr"ter says the s t ory of t,he bnttlll 18 well told in the poem, T b e eDti~e army was disorganize IlDd in .retreat ~hen I:Iheridon came n p a nd raUted the army; I!llyh~ g ,' t u rn about b~8, we're going the other
All m e mber Ilre urged to be pr s, ent as business Of the utmq t ill1 , portllnce is to be con idered. Luncll .wlll l)e sll r"ed nft, l' Ule business is ooncluded , l'I othWI;: to Eenl·. Moth ers lleci! h tl\' flO h P!<itn a,oy in con ti n uing to gi ve C\J nmoe r luin' Con gh Remedy to thei r Iittlo OUO!' liS it contaios Ilbsolu toly nothi ng in. jur ious, T li!!! r eUietly is l\I,t (lilly perfectly snfe to give m ILl! 'h!1(lt'('n IJllt 18 n m ed iuine o f ~ l' eu t. w or th nnd me r it. I t !.tUB 1\ world w ide r ep ut ution fo r its un'l! of cougb . coldl:l, an o cr oup lin d enn nl wlly>f 1) r e li 'd q p on . Fo l' snl e b.v ~.. '. 'ch· wa r tz. -----~--.~------
Concening ' former Residents.
They did RO the other way l\Dd Mrs. 1:1. E. Binkley, wh ose hus. 1\ great viotory for the U nion Arm y was the result, ' , , bani! onoe opel'atoll '['/L y lor (lou r rn illll qun'r tor of u mil~ below 'Or. to win, n ow torn, /L WILY, bllsspont, m os t of the twen l y ~enr H sin ce s he 111ft Have a Rally. W'tynes\,i l1o in Denver , wtl h tbe
fl cml)~ t ~ a'l
Ccnlt' n 'l11c
Mallo r
7 111 J U I :, '; l !! t n 07 t 7 Otl !' 10 Ol .. (li ;1:;
r. y.lIo 1')i1 J::OW'Jlxl
\'f' II ~1J le
:tJ M
rl '''ld ~
au ,", '!! o ijrj
Tho ONLY Agricultural NEWSpap r,
L) •.lyw n '
1\.llc lU1 cr
A LL COUNTRY RE SIDE N TS ; , ,'UQ WlSU T K E .E P Il l' WITH TJIE TIMES. Sl ugi. Sa b.. rl ptloa , 81.. 50 I ' . Two SDbller1vtli1ll8, 62.1,0; .-hv Sub;lItrlpt1au" $;;.00.
" P Eel" L lND"'V(j'E:tii~N T!l IO R~~ S E IeS 0 1' L ,\llGEll c~llns.
+, 01
tl ~
U (.,. ~
11 Oil
'ro!s luK 7 I:.!
R UU1 p~tCIHl
Ccnwr\' lllc ;\I a nor
r..~ lit'
r; uo
(. ·I:! :-.14
1 11 12 4
Chamberlain's C'ough Remed,
$1.00 .50
25(\ to 50c.
S ui ~s
L adies ·~li s es
' $ ~.OO buys ni~e, quaiity. , ,
·. :1 1111 ~" I fJ
0 Of) ~B
fOl· l~()OqtS.
:1' 1:1 I'O;li C!:.J .~ ~ ~ tl :10
il aO Ii ~).! FOlo r Mont/Ul' TI'~«l Tl"il1 0 0 (;C" .'s. L l\)o n ll l1 ;\r rh'(j ~ :i.' 11 ao J)nlty cX"Cjlt. · \lr"III)·, '* SLOP (I n !;Iu unl . A R epublican ~al\y /lnll 't,b e ,u E1U!d exception of It s hort t im in Mexi o. ,SPECIMEN COPIES For several y Il rf! she bo hurl 'lJ,h~:I~' k S U A ' '1'1 INRI Hullow 'en d oings promise plen ty of ,\,111 Il{! ninUed rroo on N.,<] UCtlt. n \I'll! p'¥ nD)" Itn t a ~Hl pt:Ofl t llbhLel'l.lployfIJ l~ n t wi l h I lly inlcrest;eu in /lily WBY III country lito to ~ ' ra ln IJ:l88 IA)'lJ ~ a~ f o )lOI" 8; exoitement a t Harveysburg th e eve· 1\ flo r ist, IID i! shc makes h er hOIll 5\'00} Cor them . A(J,1Iu;s tho publishers : r, .. 7p. rn Nortll bO,ulll1 nin g of ,31st. , wi tt} t,b e fa!U l1 y of h e r younger son LUT", ER TUCKER &. SON , S"ut~ htllto,,1 7 03 r . ~ aUU1Y . N. V. The Waynesvl11e ' Band hus been R a leig b . I {)OTl I~ . e ngagOd to furnrsb musio ' for tbe H er older :lon, Eur l, is u IM(J ttlllr, ocol1sion and Ii good list of speake rs ried lIud li ving in t,ll e ' lIme city. To r men ts of Tetter A II d ' lin VI' been seonred to a Slilst the e a gle - - -- I\ye . 'Iolt h ead noh e ooused by' de rll n go· in soaring upward . AmQ D~ thE! '1'l1e Olll~rm ot It 'Ien r Complex ion ,T il Int-en!!e itching oharaoter istlc j Itl en t of t h A tomnoh I~nd 1:)y h uli sp6llkers will be Hon . By D, Da vi S, lil Qthing len ds mor e to IJ«rl)olL~1'1 (Of ~I('~e ll w, letter a n d lii ke s kin di;) gesMon . ' hllruqe rl nin's RtOIf,II~ch , former Sta.te Fire Mllrshl11. IIti r llcti von ess t h oll tl ~e c!ll,lr ak in ellR S Is tnstnntho a ll llyed by a pply. li nd li VAI; tllbleta corr eot tb SA tI 1S0r il nd fre>lh r osy cOlllple xl ')U t lill t j In g hfl lliperl rt! n 's 'sal~!3 and man y 'rlf'rs and e tl'ec,t n cure By taking' !!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!! eOUl}llexion thu.t como to I h ose w hp severe CUS6S h a ve been..permanen t ly the e table ts liS soon as t,lle flr!!~ in, \l~e L ll xakola tllble~!l. 2a cents, It c ured by its u s e. For 81~ le by]f. C, c1 leation o f t,h e dlsea e ILP116ur ll, t he gua rllnteed cure for BU,lI ow nO!!8 a nd Sch wa r tz, n ttuok may b e wari!d\l off, For s uJ e Curca Colcla, Croup aDd WhDoJ>\Da COll_.IL , constipation,'. J. E. Janney. by F. O. Sohwart~,
We we re fortuna te in pur~n8ing U nderw ear to , retail
r, r,:!
1:1 II
)1, :,
One special for $5 that cannot· be
' Iii (1)
" II 01
tH 1)< 18~O
,I', M !\'o
JU ~. ; t U <li Z
~ II
" 00 .~
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Ho l )' n
:, {Jj
l' 00
,\, M. ,\. M. P . ~1. N O' !?- NO 'P No no.
Silk Petticoats: ' ;;u. excelled. '
nay"m ; ' fla k' r
l I:! ; 1 OH , 1 01
fi ·OO , S u'rllllo i Nil .
Leadlng AgrIcultural Journal of Ine Worllt
~NDI ' pl1NSA Il L, I~ ,
i, H,
·. 11! r", H·lll t U 4'i' ~ I i! :d :t.. Ii I '4:, . I :.! ;",1 ) <4 I:) 111 JII ' " I ~ 41 • I " d fi' :Hl I ~ :1,", · '·1
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L ·ba n9n- I.,·, ' 11 . U O&.X '!"
A.."ffi A.DlI1TrI:DL'" 7lJ
EV('ry d epart m~~1 by specJllliotS, llJu hi~ h "" ~ nIlLbor l,ie& In their rc<ijlt!CtlW lIlH' •. ' No ot/! r p3per IlrtltcndB t Q ~oonPQtt with It 10 qullllOcntlono of cdltorlnl ."ofT. of"08 lhp nl?",l culturnl K&"'!; with n' d,'W' 0 01 c mplbwDe ... Dd~ o,'an rtlklnpl .d by olh 'n!,
\I M
.tH :in
Tapestry ,
$12 75 . $15 00 Budy Orussels $25.00, $35 00
Velvet Ingrain '.
$ 3 0'0
Jute '
ilks arc, er)
SUk .Chiffon n.ewest all pJTices, silk 37 1-2c yret "wide $1
HO'Siel~y , Gloves, COI'Rcts,-'-~ greut' sti>~15., I
H titcbison ..,6s ' eibn4ty,
X4tnia, ·Obio.
~--~------------- I!ll ie Murie -~~----~~,-----~~~--~~----,·Lrt wr('UCi 110 kott and ---
Coun ty:Co urt News .
nl'u un , 110th of SIII'Vt-y. but'g.
t,itjon BV rs oonnoH of Hlli[l villnge ,,"~lelll'or tllwnl!b lp; .,J, 1'1ll'mttt .ed tho ooruptm y uilcler it!! .1. Ii . M r 'Ilo o.ncl wife to B . F . supervi sion nOll uudol' l~ frlln oll; '0, 'I'humu s ; l ot in WIlY0(:lf lv ill ; 1425. I::rHntl:lu OO.IU\lI~UY . to COD troot lind . Au nit. g 1.111I[oI'U to L s t e l' J . op rilten • rtlliu liDS OVOl' ~hestreot.tI '~111f nl. ; I 7 4J. II Cr ill' iu 'J'tll'tleo r e k The Village decline s the ' oompan y townslJ lp; * :1400. blU, no other ri ght Of wny but IR ~ll1ry .A. i\'lcF rl" ' ll t o ' itl rn :M:o nevertl1 eleS8 pr paring to uuild its lin, (1\' " '' II Ilifferen t ooursB ·If it is F 1'1' n ; 2 1 2 IIOI'C:; in Deerfiel d onj olD II. 'l'11{ , '<Illrt iSllued \I, telil. town:;b I p j "100. jJul'Itr y r stl' uiui/lg orn~r upon the . \V . G . 'L'h~m jiRon , t lW"l1f (Il' uf 1,1t . plullltif f Ilivill~ tionu i l.i tlln llf $3UO, willllnu es l II to.: of l,yl11" Hheel il, Il l"'t1tl'iul$ Gllynor j~ liftorlltl y for COIl/lOll t o Chlll' le8 E. ]);' ukl'r; 101, in Lemmo u ; :j\tial.0 , 1.IHinl iIT. M.. F . Willillll 1l\' h .. i t·1< t tl ClInrl R Ell will :. M!li·tin, 11M IlXeCul,(,r of th ll la ~ l, willitud tll~t llllt e nt of Mary I,. Millnrd ; lut III Fl'll lIklln ; ~l. '. Murtln, tleeetl8eU, VB . l!'rul1k R. SlImuel ' . Bo wll1un h,v T . l' P .. tt· .l::Ihlull ot ul. For OOl1~t ru ctiol1 or er80ll , sheritt', 10 ~ll ~U 71 1 . lIlwlttl will . E1I:llrot h nml Mnple life nttur· Wtlm er; 5tl uc reH in BnriulJ I W\1 n ey" fur plnlntif f. ~hlp;. $ l fi JH , . Jdll Mav [tll,tlltl y \'~ J U~HJlh Ri~ I:!II Il1U' I I:!. BOWlllrll1 , IJv '1' . '. PH t !If'\'. Oi V01'011 . Ex t r e m e c roul t.v . orson, s h oriff, t,(I Fl'I\llk L Bowmll u
PU I·tl ns
CLOUDS Elm'IT MILES t·HOI-I , litany I'ucult l' i~ le~ AtlexulJul;' o.ud l' ecedlng Thulld ~ r ~O l'ln s Ma,
\' 'A' grOllt cumll - ' loll~ lhuud<lr h end (·loud.
Another' BIIg:'~::~:' ';il~;I: l l~ :~~'11 }"i: I:'.;': ~;~ :':It:t,::~r!I:~~:: ite a Tl t'
Here's the Way we G
I I'1
985 .
'I11.85 1
["\li n n
\' t'
_ Es tit to o't Oa~n r W. Reed; ,leeansad .Firat Itntl ' fith.1 IIOOl.mll t · for Bet,H e. m ~nt ' filed' .' .
B . BIITdIn g, dl'oetlso d Fir,it lIocoun i for sottl~ment, 61ell. In r o William) 'II ttertuw !"ite, tlHaged inBuue parson . Adlnltt,od to the St.nte A,s.ylum l\,t ·I\lIytQJ ) . (i)
. ~~,A RRIAo',Ill LI ICN!!ER .
both of MlLlnev.tlie : R ev.' Cooper , . Alfred B . ibphR-rt, ~nd Peltri J. ' BUe, b(jth (;llllrkav ille Rev . UoinJJtn n
In ·
' II".
fou nd rf'\i\lf HI III," - 1 wi t h'j[ I l1XO p . ti on . (hili IiTtI, . ruhlo'r t "k" 1 tlftor HAT HAW AY !lPuls in"H1'illlll ." r ,·h,,,,!'.'! distl'l'S ...' , tlfter olltin g, l<r, ul' tll<)IIIIIi' Io, fl'I' UII'1I WaY1I"'l ille'li LQuuw g, Dentis t hll inn, hl·ltl·t· hurn , 111111 ,,~hUl' l\.\'II1P ' Ollicetn " <)fl ' Uullalu" , . . . Main St. L nilS of iluligl'sL io1! Pf'\l~ik u lll Tub I ts nre H poslt.i ve (I1r fOI' ch ro n io A Rud ly Burn ed Girl dyspe)l~11\ lind if §ou hll \, fl Illi lpHn tlou, $ick h!\adl\ohf1. norvOIl . R P!\\I ~. or bor . 1II11n o r womtln, is quickly. gnnwin g pltin IIt. lh, pit ur till' Ollt of l",i lt if Buc kl e n '" Arnica. t1 e h , ~ft(lknoh e . or if ." , '11 f ... ) ""1I'n j!,l/llvc 1- ': I:plle'I, prom p~ly. G . J . rmt, rnn Ilown, tired c dp~l l\t nl1 n!. 1 We lo h. ,'I lookon hll, Mlob. ~/1 ."S: nothio~ in t.hi s worlll is so 8111'11 I.e "1 UA,· l' in m y fUlIlily fo r au I,!, • r 11 w your ll (' r~,I', " I .. <I y YOUl' 0 1' f)~ HI " I fI nd it ),e l'f 'll t .. Ili~k uorve~ , illllll'll'- r Olll' dig!) I.ioll HtW e~ t \11\0, 1'111 '0 known . Be. t IHlIdlDK iuer ti RO r oul' bo'llil .v vigo r IIR II IC' I1 ' 8111" (l 1Il",1, ·.:! ,0 lI t, l!~ . . SOhwlu·tz
dlt~' 8'. trilll of tiJ a~e tlthlr' t~ kolA
II I"" n ~ r"l1fl
n fWV!'
I' rll~ I. 1 rlrll/{ ~tnl'
t'"I\{' IIntl l _~_ _ _ _ _~~""!!~~~~~'!!'
Mr. J lll1ll ry WIll chl'l'rfn II ." rdor'" :.l~ ""111 " ilt '-I[ gr(,lI\lr h"II (lfltt (',l . (\U~ .. ~' .. n lor" nnt 1) ),0111'
vV • LAN G ,1l'1.. } ,r 'D ' " M 1 ,\.J.
81'Ji: 't" L'l'n:s:
~! n ·.. Wltr~( l'd e".. I'lin Ol'El llrH1 'hevl t HlliI ~, II lIlllp hI' Mi c hn e l;; RIC'rn; t'o I'otuil Itt $12 & 1:1,,0
M I'Il ':; 'uil~
vory II \V I'It!innd m lltl;l'in I- m auc lIy Miplt u Is stern to r a t,,\lllt ioHi , S~lit.8,
M en 's
I'll.n \lle lind Fnncy Uro e r ioo, F rult~
Vel-:otulJl s null 'igllrS
Phone 79.
ltllned Goods . Ilml
TobBo '0,
C. M. BROWN, Propr ietor.
l.e n·!\ ·ult~. 1111 hlin tl · Unis h oc1; muL!' lll' Ml nh'lIpl , ' t('I'n til I' tnll
I;h':\B~~ '!,~~~:2niul~V ('~.' sell'<111 ·Penns·ylvan.-a,I ,--------------olr"t
WIl t
rt'll n
III C!bl1l1re n's SUIt,~, Ov r C,)11 t8 ulffl 'up ; ul~ o in M n '" l1ud X () utll!l' Full 'l'roU~ll l' H" '!'uk o . o ur ulhdc ! 'orne! Y ou' ll u surp ri ~ed to 0 whl\~ Il grn nd Ilrmy ~tlr . guins we prs[lnrod for yo n, of .
_ _ _ _....
' Louisville&Nashvil le RR.
J ~· t r.·-" alC rl.a rl Wnlll~
To Points in ng re"8 .
New Orleans
Octoller ) .! L
1 ;,- I{III~h",of
Pyth Ia. .
Chatt anoog a OCL. I: . III. allli 17 - oclet)' Army of umborlau d.
West Northwest South South west lI omo·, eckel"8 1::" 'u rslon d In Oct ober
California Orego n Mont ana Idaho Mexico " nil Intcrf11ea ta,le 1'Crrltory Onc WII)' cco ntl' clll.'IS olo u l.t lta kcL!I on sale dllllv unLII· c tober :It,,,, Ii'o r lu(ormutl Ort :Lbout f ares and t.ra lu " Inq uIre or l ' Jckcl J\ gent.
Arkan sas, India p Terri tory Oklah oma, e xi co, Texas New Mexico and Loui.s iana NOV. 6 and 20, DEC. 4 and 18. Liberal Return Limits. R:Uc~ 11011 IUrlhor In tor mo ttoo J . J·I.MII . I.1 KEN, I>. P . A. Louisvill e, 1",P . I). BUSII , I), P . A. f ' l nclnnl>Ll. Ohio J . ~: . DA\,P,S '·OU1'. D P . A . \. LouiN. Mo H C. '\lAILll Y , N. IV, P . A . Oh l oago. 1\1
C L . "TONE , Gen ' l POBa. Age nt ~O
Keep tbe Hens
, War m.
Is rrCQrnmendc.1 loy somc of . the Inrgcst poultrym en tiS tI.e most,
Publi c Sale.
economlenl ropOng nnd siding for p!1'.lILry 1IOUfiC., sheds, eto: Shingles .
Iron ehol11 Goo<1a. 1 will OffOT I~t pn,bllo Sft 10 1\ t· illY l!tr at. W uyuesv llle
ro~i(le noe
!lnd c111phounls 'cost 11101'0 "1,,1 do ' 'lilt 1,cI:p the buUdlng~ II.!! dry al\(l
3 rd
8A'L'UR DAY nOTOB ER 27. 1906 . (lh one o 'ol nok )l , 111 . 3 . 00nl sto.v es: New c,J001r J e w e l OUk. soud heat r Ji:~tllt.ll Ook. 1 glisolill O !!tove, 1& Ohllil''', 2 be[lstcnli@" 2 tIl.',IB.~ : 1 e~ t e n Sion, t klt,o ben, 1 11 phrlst e r ed lou"~:B Imd obnir ' to 'mlltoh, 1 m ill'· ble 1,01' stllnd, 1 dre!ls I' , 1 !It!I nil, 1. sq llu.r l! onpbur rd, t !!ltfa, g,1oli .\V1\~biDg Ulilobiri e ( 8 088) ,.lltwu mo\\,· , er, garden tooll!, tork!!, shovels etc. -ltOllll P oonhollt ll/l nllt. 001\1, 1 ton Jllokson nut 'ooal. 2 In rlcle r>! , lot cR r · pAnt ' J' tOllls, III WD '! lwing, lot t ur . l1ill~ nnd bee t.1I , lot tabl!! wore: stolle gin..." Rlld . tin.. rOl\sterR, oQoking u tlmsils, glilS8 .cllns, jtl,r !l, ,olothell ,ro c k , tn.Ulo lamps Rnd UIIIIlY other Brtln!es n'''t 'h ere mention ed .. Te~m8 1I1111lA known Oll dlJ,Y of sa Ie . , MRS . EL1.JAB CO~lPTON . '
l '[', Bayvke . Auot. Orrill Jllouh~, nf 1,"xln'g t"n , . K V , und Myrtle PoIrll1l.1l4, f" Ki,f)g. Mi1l~, Dr . DlI.vis' Preaorl ptlon for ,fIelld lIobell. . Orlvhl F Do.d ", lOr 1',01"'1""' , vnd , When we recomm'end Rnd I1(nftrlln Flnreno ll ,.)OI\CI', . of ~,,1l>l1l'"1 Rf\v , tt;le A ke In tbe.ll8l ld tIl.blets for bead' " ohes t~nd n ourlllg\I& it 18 becllutl e wn Cooper . l!ldwIIl'{ l 4) Ihrt'!ltI~k. of :ip~jl1lf know yon mU!lt obtain ' r e licf or .... e ~tand rendy tl) pay your teo Ile ut" Valley, lind ~rtb. II'rancl18 Rye, back. Safe, sure. and always oure W.~II.vlU8,R6'f':Thoall'8 WUltllDl8 J. E. Janney ,
,v urln.
, . \'
The more Maga zines there ar,e. the more Indisp ensab le is The Revie w of Revie ws ..Jndillp cou ble,.. .. The one mal/lIZi ne I feet J must t ake." "The world under ' a field-lila ..... "An educatio n in public atTairs and current litcratur c."- Ihese .'c IOme ol lhc phrMCSorie hed ... from noted people who re.d Ihe Review 01 R eviews. The mo'e m'gazi".,. Ihcre Dre. the more nee..... '>' i. lhe Rev;ew 01 Reviews. J,ccau5C it bring. logcthct Ih e bell 11..1
all the "''''' important monlhli.. of 'he world. Such i. Ih.. Rood of ' periodical l ileralure .til.! now'4")" people My Ihnl the ollly wny ti> keep up with iI·;'lo rcad the Review 01 Reviews. Enlirelyover anJ abo". liti, reviewing seclion, il has more ori)!in.' mntler and illulllahoDS th.n mo.\! magalin.,. . ond i. in
tlie mo.t timely and important articlel printed in any monthly. Probablr~he m~ .... luI seclion 01 all ;. Dr. Albert 5Iu\\., iIIu' Irated" Pros· rcos of the Worl<\." where 'pubUe .evenla and iOsueo are audlOri~' ljvoly nnd lucidly explained ill every issue. Many lubscriber wriles, "'Fhia de",,"""'nl II ' wortb more .than Ihe price of Ihe maaazine." The unique carloon ckpllttlllenl. depieli~ currenl h;'lo,y in caricature. is another I"vorite. The ew 01 1 ..1,,,. conn lin coatla.a l" and 'yel ia American, hrQ DodRevi. la,om"". Men in 'public life, the of COng'.... prol...iontil men, andl lhe 1l,..1 captains of indU!iry who mUJI keep" up willi Ihe lim..," inrcl1i&enr men and wpmel! over Amer~ h."" decided 1.10. 1 it;' "indiap<J)llble."
RI n,lIW II . I.IC , OIlIO>.
Odie A. Kroene R lwei' Altu, Bq~ftn,
lJ, t rJoo onll l
Long Distance No. 69·3r WAYNESVillE, OHIO 8 . ranch Office, Harvavsburg, O.
til '
er t~n rl ollll,r s on t h e Dog :;treet nnd the, FOl!ters 1\ nll Ri v er ~oui.1 ILlld where direote d In Daerfi~lld. town·
,Joa W. O'N~IlU, guRrclilln of.Tohu
. ERthte o~ Willitlln QonllOl I,decena . od. ~'ifSt .i ud fiuu! ucooun. t for set· • tlement. flied.
1111111 .\'
Gene ml OOlltrao t ,VIIS mude with V. ',J. Zentmo yer for the replll r' of Illl brid ge!! whlln the oost is not ov
Estate of George B. Osborn" de· Goo. W. Vftrey uppomt ed Rdruinl strator witoli bonlt of , ·JOO ,Frllnk Snook, ,john Btlok tt Imd Will MoBnro y tll'prRls erij , , Est.nt.o of ~ndctlw .J, S tllnsell, d o coos.e d. loventp ry lI.ud u.pprnis s. men t filelt. , ~ed.
WII I·t.h UJl t il :f:j(J 111111 '\.2; "iz!Js;l4 t,n 12
pri r l":;l ill 1\L'II '1; Hli it.
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1'1 11,· ' ·f.~ irl fl llt hl'I'11 illdn"('l l to I,·,,' l.hl S IW . IIrkablo d.\·k\1. p~11I 1·'· lIlf'll.y . ,11,,1 til I ' 1I"\'(1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~!!!!!!
u('w . t .... I "'~ , ulll do hy !lUchll! 'ls !:It!\rn, ' . t retrtil ut $lfi :,0
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15 00
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\V ,,,·~ t 6d Dr!'", .· lli'~
Cuntrno t Wit" fit/de wil h Borl Est41ta (If Rob rt. Engie, UNIA:O" U, Tent\! linn fiuIII \L('OQl\nt · tor ~ctt l o Rt't'fl fOf t;h e r e plLir of tUll e IIbol_ ullnt llell1' " bOlll hOIl ~e In Deer m(mt flIed ' ~J!ltl' r,i' " f MII~>(I .. 8 nu~er:i , bono . fiu1U tow["~bljJ II t oijtimlt te \If ":l0. floIRl'Y . . 1:;,. Grahum ' appoint ed (JoDtrOI\~ 'entered 1010 with trustee . ,J ohn Linder for twen ty inoh vitri EIIIRte of Wi\lilltl t A . Bough de· fi d aelVer '(In Crnneto wn pike in hilaor e k tow l1 Hhi pllt atilullte of censl'd. Firt!t snd fiun\ Recoun t f or $14.2&, t'Ottlem eot flied .
M. F Liu411l , imbeoU", VII John .M . l,iddll et Ill .. Oruer for !j"t.l of r eRl IIstMll i ~s ll ed . WiIIl,th l T 'l'homp . ' aou, J,;m s F ol1 lm.'liU41 "'on ~ , Big. gins, ILppoin!.4tl. Il jlprllil!e rll . . '
\ lW I I
lIlt' '' rl
!lam hoyanll~~h Qr~. l s . flf!1I l lipo~r tlmn th o h i! :,(. 1 Air would Ill' It I hey wer • plied or. OJ or t e HIm alayas, It Is Dot u n \l~ulII f o r beso plou t), I" men.sur l\lose Colt '1\ SfWUPS ill Ihe s ur(lV f). tix. IUJCl e vell ighl mllQs from plU !i l~a ll s tud, ul' !\ten's ::)uits tb I r !lu t. lIusr. ho' rln ~ 1\ mil" o r ! d J from two a llol u lh" ,. a rIa , t (J ' ,lie r 1'01111 ( . R 'h' MiciJne t N isY Sterr & Co., of ~\lslelli~g r u m Ill, splenrJlol In' lIl118ulI· oe er,. . ~Ight. And lu t\l eso night ",\l os t he changes or trmll rr IIIIrn uro nR grcnl u,; I IIn u g IIt t I10111- - HI, :!r, t o :1:; lIAI' en t lhosa over :1lI. t holl Ilnc\ mill'S or Ihe L I'lIlK t,lIlIll r · 1!lllnr Wh ole 111 0 pri 0 earlh' s e,urrUI'e. " lese ~l rJlld~ ,'Oll lllin I l'In ~(li"g 1.0 I!'t yon ul1 in O U t ltis str atn of I f' OI rr 'I I IITI', nil I'm", bolt~ (01 Ueul-'l 'iJ ",Iii i'll; ~tll rt!! Salnnln y frcezl l g cnltl ol ll:rJ ':lllng Ivlll larllo (lis· l'> Jornil1l! , O('lohlll' ~O' h . 111\11 Will t.o.nces of ro lr. ), n)l$ and [ro? n ~I~OW ( ',l lItillll u n til ~lIlurt1IIY Night., . b .No'·Ilw Qnd Icc ,mr t"'l s. 1 I,t II ... tOIlOR , W III r /lT(' ~ her :11'1 1. (ormet! frolll /I ~'Il" '" IM I'l II·It. fld l" I from ho IIllp I' n' r~I'lIiI"1 IS Irf ,::I' 1I h:Hl I ,Conle and Ga.ze In th o frc ',':'!; 1t.:1 "lid ~()n.trd with I COIl,)e and Buy Ild ded Icc a ll th~ \\' _I bel t .nrc ,,[le n fnu f, .,flh :t Rrr,C~ f I:.y e· r. In Ihel r r.. rm ... • $2 $:; Uon, ~ ,Jw\\"i.uh f ila t lH.·Y ha\'n pn~.. t'1 1 throll;!. luis SU\"'IISSI011 o[ tloua stm t a mo re ho n nn lla Orl tlt t:lr ",oy from t he upper nlr to the "c'rth. ;\I Cll'f< 111t1 ()\1 ( ' h,,·
\ V kl10W ,,'f
f nNE RAl 0' RECTOR.
tower ing up all Lhe horlzl\n Itk~ n bng
ro ll\ tll'I'iotl lilY I t. I, !lI) lind wife ; till Il Orl'H in Hor lun IOwtl III, NI\W ' Ol ' ~ \' III !\, olll11lliVO 1,\\'o,:hil · s ltip ; $liilf) 11 ","1\ ,Pluintif f Il v\'rl:i t.h ut. d fond B'lrrir./, GllI' n r r Ilnd hll ~h flnll tIl lin t uulliva rs oc nsiuut! I hrollt n ed A. N . rlull 'rh e l!lore CnlHle ll ; Q1Jlt, hoW bellt ulI,l oh 'lkell hO,r. 0111,111 t t,I'II0b hI ~'lIlom t,(lWI1 t!h i lJ i Iluol t hllt, Il\lholl" h POSSOI!, rl of *l lII e.. n~, ho {'uilo(\ t,o pro\' lde {o r h r \l OW W Et,~ R ~'G3 AT NIGHT - - -,-- -lind I he obihlTl' n , lind that 011 ~e p . Comm ission ers' )rnze tor V"~n .;;~ Th~'" at All 'l'lmes ~(' III b~r:l 11)05. Kbo WO . oO"i11~lIe'l Proce :e:,,~ neenL;bl';a ·udby Noclur. edi ngs. t I) lton vo ilef 'uullnt 1I1l11 tlll100 tiJllt nlll E . ;llbltl nna. limo hlltl Il.Hlilltnil1,nl b ors If IInll Oblo Co rrll.rltt 'ulvurt "Women nrc oOl wc nrlllg' rln.g! ns ohlldre n . P illin lift· LIska for oustody nut! Ullildlll~ 'o mpoI1 Y, :bey c l l ee\'cral}'c:lr8:1~0,'.8nldo.wellof ohildre n nnd ll lim ony . .11)11. M. sower lliI11l ........... .. .... .. :1\ l :ll '10 know!) C,I!C":;O 'f)m expert. to nn BI'lInt atto'r no:v fo r plnlottf l'. , .TORfph Corrin g to n, lumbe r ... III 00 luter. Ocean. rt ~ort~ r. whe n Iltikct! It r ln !!. ~!' lin I (' I ;' ~ el)li ' b. " Thoy 1:1\1'1 IvinR VI:! MtlUde Emmlll vinfl .1. M. BtlYlII!r , coutru t, '0 . lUY marc r ill!,:; l hl' LI O\' 1>1 vorel. ExtrOlll e oruelty nlld n llg , . ......... .. ....... .. ...... .. .... 1i 17 uso tb (' m only or fuilI'r ~ url) rc . but UICY d ress, It· t of dut.y. Portles werB marrleo ' Uillule!l l:1en(\,>r "o "Wh:; . as r oc ,tl!: as fivo years ago ll , cu ntrll tO toh 1'7, 1903. On eptemo or 6,· Nu. (;0 ....... · ........ ........ J 0 00 ~ho sex 1t:1I1 " I: r" :'~ inr nll\l.Ing ,,/lwn· Ibop d t!lIi ays on Ih ~l r blinds. and warP. 1\1\ ti, de fendant threllt.e ned to take bl\rl"'" i:)t.lbh,q, II II t. rn c t (I rings t:.)or uin ", r. ... (" t.ho lifo of plnintif f IIno publiol y :10 .... .... ...... . ....... .. ... :\(lU 00 wbeT a:ul '1 cry\V ~ '. 11 a U11 IIIl!il t , any· }rn. It: vcn w nwn In IIbns n him lIud u s d vII IllngulIg e .J. .: Morri .., the 0 :110 d(''' pcst motlruin;:- did not I~card reoo rd" IIgUhISI. him. B:nndoD , Borr and for R ecorder .. ......... ...... 911 tiO lbolr r ings. " "But It Is not so n ow. 'l'bc waLron Is I vi1\l., ILttornflYs for IJlu·i ntiff . Geo. E. Young, l.?peo!l "" !ootoul. wllh \'\'ea r lng he r w()ddlng r ln". PI'OSAoutilll( Attnrll".V... (\ 00 aven pllalu" u~!Jc har c g tl !'me nl '1 ItT I'tlO ItIilDINQ • rlug , .... bile bol' £11' -1 ... ,.I '.·~r. I[ sbe \\ I'D r , OV .U C. P. Wh Htoo, treu~ur6r eto. VII '1'be W p~ter ll tllr l'ub1i~h \ n !.\' tirl1 PK no h n lrii n~ oun ... 1\1 HI one! r lttr. '1 :;~'~ . I~ R.. ~I~ts Dl,':\!n dull .;ol r Mllrl,ill A, J IIIl1t!8\JTl, udlll M.c . Ato· ,eat rl:;,,.- !l ~ .' I' ~ " ' \1.;i 1 h 'H:r coo. t.·Qr·a. rro ~ hili) ftJr II JI oifiostll lOillsnt OVllrrul U SlIlknll.11 Pflll :(llllp.t Il Y. ~I1P ::If ~llUlf ho.::G .. (I ~ ':L pli 1I f t,r I ·l'.rk .. .... .. ....... . . :i n O.,f... nd ILOt ltlli! 20 c1f1,YI'4 to fil IID "Rh':';' . !' 0: 1" _', .~ : out "\ Uh t he 1arr. ~tnk,dtll Pf II 'Om jJhll\', 111 ~1' but It to new c ' 1....... ~ q l\H ~ vul:!nr tl burC;o:J Lhe h ..,mle ,-;;llllh 10 IIHb e da~· oh ll llllbu fllr 01 nrt !It 11 · \, lIw MIIY Kli k va llireoc O . LUht." . ,ogropiJ r .. .... ......... ... :... G itO Klick , Dlvoroo. grtlnted und lllll iu. Ceut.rul ni(}Jl 'rl'll'pho ne lIlT n '''t tl~l1c1 t,l 11 r 11111101,'11 nUDl~ of Cump lIy. r nnt,s llutl l oll~ J2 li5 """"""'''''''~'''''',,!!!,=~~''''''''''''''''''''''.'''!=--'''_~_, N,.lIl,· l~ .. trUII1IIII l . lirlt tllnto n, contTn 't ,. Ir.l IIwr '1(11,1 ' I'~ . I ol ln~' 1{lhuey i!l .. ....... ..... .. ........... ...... ar.o ,,1 .. 1 ArI!ltllti~lrlll\)r ... urdo rt'\l' to Lcblluo n P,itriot , publi!lh in g III 1\ r ell) ' ()i!1" I II II t jJ1'l\'l1 , ~1I1 II t Lllblluo n Plltriol., publis h uVI, rlli" 1II0Ut, JIlad hy th IIpprnl8 ing t,ime of Cir ollit, I ro< I,f thOi pnr~OI"u l lH'l,!pvr ly of John Cour t ........... .... .'.. ......... 19 R : iii bbtly, ~]eOllll eel. Bert R ed , n utr~et, Nt). (\9 .. . !l, MlIlUl'd l!' l]lnh lrfl 11 0 . k \'iI Will· Contrll ·t, WIl!il m hdo willl Or!'goll in lu", E. I?" "uk ., I, III MOl rI>l K 'nouk Bri<lgl llllpll ny for n. 1 w trOR!:' d<!I'Ultl:i(\d , II! IIt Il Il port,y 1,1 fendllo t br1\lge ueltr Elill!' Whitn cre'!I r e ~i nml filoll bi~ 1,It!lWOr ,. d Ilee in 8Rrillu towllsh lp lit e~ti . illiltl' o f ~~OIl . N. " PllOllA'rlll '0 Ill' , WI
tC~u~!rlc~~!.I~~~::~n;~ ~\~l~'ln~~~~~' I
lie footed 'by ObS01'Vo .nt.
::; " oral vlldati ;-- { x;,I'"IIL wi n . tor lI\,plo , nil gnl)d 1t""I'o.'I·1; Hn1nU 11 1 I'll VIlIllttfl of Frllnlll lu, Ohio, VI< I g,\L ItS'I' 1' ~ · 1I (A'l'i~IIU I 8 . !,Imltl., n n t,hl1 \ nyl\E>ll\'ilIE 011 I 'rh Ir;Wiltnll tl, Nor1,h ru 'rrll 'tiou E. b:llthur illo Hilcllri t to Jnmu. tl pi kll, to ::IJ C lIupllny. lnjun MoilS at . 'l'b pc· R IIltll 1!!;;~('lIa 1. Browu: JOG ,3::1
A11100; ' ook_
NEW S\J I'1'S.
Apples for Sale. ,
CIU~ A.... LY IT YOUR SELF I ill I ,e ll r · !1. It d oe~ DI ,t r IIIIIN.! \lllilll.i nJ; \\'h"11 !ir~t ,. ". ,1, I. I I' S 11.11 . ~ I ,.d t ll .,lnr folr f l O Olllllpl e, itlld o llr I",,,,klct. :'8::1' lIno Economy ."
·s; , It r
For Sale By SPENCER & MONROE , ~ " .. ':".:.,. OREGONIA, OHtO ~~c~ ' ~~ IT IS THE "KNO W HOW" In the manufacturing of Paroid that makes it the most economical and satisfactory roofing or siding material on the marke t. Both fire I'> roof and weath er proof. You get full value receiv ed if you buy Paroid. PAROID ROOFING PAINT. Makes old roofs new . . Good on any kind of roof. Ask your ' Grocer ! for ACME FLOUR, made b~ . the Oregonia. Mills. . Our Flour mill ha ·_ tbeen new~y remodeled and the qq.ality of our flour is better than,ever. ALL KINDS OF FEED AND COAL. Also aU kinds of Hard Good Lumber. We make ,at ,specialty of hard wood frames.
,Spencer & Monroe, Oregonia,
- ---'- -'-r-.
Hu N'ed lc l"al Qu.l itlel of th e Great, elt Val,ue.
AlwaYI a My.te ry, "And that'd II art." remark II. th e 111 n \\'ho sOll1oLlmes I ts oul liD Iltl .IILI,' Ihllllgh lo " \\, hal 'g 1\ ta t ?" QuoriNI thl) (larty J'uo " antl'd to \;D u,\l'. 'Tllat 1I wOffilln CIln't und orstand ",lIr h r husband rl ollSD't IlilY old baCh olor. nlnre lhn n he .doos," x, phtl ned th e n ol~)' lhlnker.-Chl cago Dully IIIc\\'s.
. Money t'('C. nd."r rn~ p'oqltllll" It PUrfAM ]··AIJI·; U :;-. .. DYE ' i( UUlliltta. factory. AKk) uul' ul'ugl!lIi~,
The Experiment of Mrs. Har~iman
011 0 or A !,('or! ,.I.,£" rn A' n I~ (lle the f "sl\lst llf Vl'l;ell1lll BnbsLlIncea for l loc stu1I1 11rh to 1I(IUI with : t be en· tiro 111' 0 '>U;S ot dl ' sllon bei ng ac, ctlll1lhnda t"d In 85 mlunl. . Thore' nr modl cl nal prope rllos In the aci d of th e npI'1I1 tbaL ar(t not found a ny. whi'" () I ~e, II cording La b ygl enlC! annlY91.5. ,'h ese clds are or great" valuo fo r poople a set len lar r habits, whose IIvel's nre slup:gls h, Boning all thl' ~' do to IImlnato frolll the body nn ~lotls rnl\ tte r~ th l.1 I' t"lnpel mnke thl' lm.ln hellv~' and dull or b ring on . jnllll'li c Ilnll skin erull tlolls. The :tP llie also cu nl al ns ~ larg I' Ilo rc (' ntll;';" of Il h"~ I 'IHll'US lhan allY ut hol' frulL 01" v('getll.h l£', un d this La 1I111\111'lII) Iy utlll!)L d FOI' renc wlng the ess \Itla I ner l'Ous ma 1 I' or th e brain lIud 81HIIII I ·corel. It Is l' rltll ps for lh ls I' as on. Ih oll gh but rud ely uUd r~tooll, Lhat t he old SClllldl n;fil'la ll tmdillons rcpre/wnt d t h alll,l c a: Ihe food at go ds wlto , reellllg I It ''IM h'es te ~l'O wins fooblo or old . It'sortcd t.o th lH fn llt to rtlnew th eir pow 1'8 ot body or IlIlnd , Tho CIISlll lII ot allng appl e ~auce wlUI l'OaRt pork, goose and IIko dis hes has s<lull,1 h)'glenl c reuso n I.Jchln ct il, th"" rnnlle acid of 1'11>0 R['I,los. eit her I'll \' or cooked. ~ rvllll; to n ulruliz uny xcess at chalky maU r ellgentl'red by Po!lllng over· rIc h meats.
Thlnty Brltl.he.... Nearly 70,OO() tona of Orl( are neell· ed for th e bot lied bee r an d a ratod w.. ters cons umed a ll nu~ lI y In Br, -
By Nellie ' Cravey Gillmore
Chea p .Excuralo,, 1 S~uth. On lit 1 I nu d :;I'd Tuesdny ot each' mon th til !JIg F OII I' Ill', will ~ 11 exCIl)'SIOIl 1I IIC't ' io most nil polut In "II'l;llIil\ , Soulh 'nrollna, Tonnessee, Alabamll. anti G ot'gla at ralo .ot oue rare "Ius $2,O() wll h r eLurll 1I00it ~() du rs. CIlI 'ral ~tol.over .I)rlvlle ce.. WI'Il Q 1. r . 1,lnln g, Ge n rnl .lI(or~herll A ~ ' Ill, 131,:; l~O llr Routo, 238 Cla rk S t . Chic/ISO, ~flr fU l'ther In formaLlon , _ . _ __ School for '-ollcem.n. Therll I~ 1\ (lo liccme n's ooflege In Sl Petertburg to trai n a pplica nts [or Lh ll force. It consists of a museum com· bl nM with. til schoo l, wh ere tho pUplls Ilm ke th oills Ives fa mll lll!, wit)! tll c lools or cl'lmlnals - jemUlI II, drills , ch laOls a nd oll trl vll n os tor robbing 'collet'lIon hox s, a 51) clal fi eld of R ussian lh lo,' R, T he RUHsi an pass· port s)'stem Is Rtud yled lu detnll . 'fhe (l\ltlt'S o( tho 'd,,()rnlks, a sort of aSRisL· nnt Ilollee ara ta \l ~h t. T hey keep watch on tl1e resldenoes, re(l'o rt on th o h nblts of te nants, their visitors, xomille th papol's or n ew·comars. nn d dlt'll(' t t hem 10 re llort themselves at th Iloll~e s tat!on • .:.--.-Why Mu slo Attractl 8p l~r •• It has afton hoe n said t hat 8plders are- fond or \flus h:. bll t a Fren oh Inv ·s. tl ga tor, ~r. U){'1llflou, now assor ts that t his Is not t rue. He says t bat the ir mus ical senso 1II11st be Bttrj!J\' ~ d m eroly to gr cd or 10 Imng r. Wh n ' a fiy Is Illlght In a s illdor'a web It buzze9, and t h ~lIlder Immedla~oly makes (or th e pln ee from Whi ch t he bu zzi ng comea, Ill. Lecallleu. b y ex. nerlmentlng with a violin, sO mo nles, a plano. vlolon ello and a ce rnet, found tllIll on ly thOBO musical 80unrls ",1I1(' h res mb led Ibe . buzzin g at th~ fli es altrllllted tb spiders, T he cornet. tor In Btance. In vurlab ly frighte ned It. and BO did tho plano.
Mrs. lIartllman wa. ll'emllllng vlo- ' . 'fb Illil Or I,w g hed o£;III I1, nud ~ hl)ok I-lilly wh ell s he ronc hed tb tOil of hl s ·h ad. t h ~tal l's . to , lhe lert of whkb wus .. A re n't )-OU talk In s jUHt a II tL.1' dla th ' door ope nln' In to thu an le room 01111 1 :!! Iy?" he a sked. Indulgently, of 'i' renll 'r'ti ofl\ee. Sovel'lll porsons " I thlu k 11 0 1. I 11m qlll to coufld nt IIR ~ d hOI'. and one o r t wo looked or m y gro und ." back hnlf-e uI'lollsly lu to th e , wom811's Th oro wn 3 n long s tlellce:- \\ b oo whlto (aco a Dd telHnlo o:y08. IL ",us . he lookotl lowa:l'd Trt'noel' agai n, b e the 8 U\11' 010 ,hour of hel' IHe, . • he .relt. was I'lllluing h l ~ fllI.8er~ ' rcll0'1 tlvel y ass or coa rso, re I· It was to be tha ClI lmlulllloll or IU tmlhs throug h II tawuy FAT tiE R'S FA " ORITE, of a n almost \00 durl ns ex perimen t: low l. h hlllt' Ihat g ll\'O 10 hi s rll Co 8 but It t hruugh t he rl ~ II, hl'r IIl't should .listill clly I (lUlnu type or eX llrosslon. \I'l\ lIllllh, shl! mig ht eo nllt 11M noth ing " I ShAll nlway~ couslrl el' ihllt you the b,'cath Ilf sos ~ l\) lhllt WII S alr'elldy (llaced llIe III It r"lse position ." s he rc' be~lnlllns to ~ LlI' In~ldloll ly . Illll"kud , angrily. Tile olfl ce Iloy was no~ no dllty. "Still YOIl will have to Ildmlt th.ll ~h Iwac k d lllllidly on 1'l'll un e r's pd· )'0\1 CllnrllSS yoursel! lIflubl to core "Ilte ufl.l('C <1 00 1'. Th lll'll WIIS no I'e· wi t h l:i1'CuIL\ltllnc s." "Til oftl co UO)', (or In slu nce," she RponS , anti she mp lled again . Still no II n 8 1\' 01', aud the blood Iid ed to her hul'lo,1 bael\. 1'0 'e. Hal'c WIl S lin ulliool eu-tol' dUlI Tho re WIl S ,"oth er sll.,!lIco, '1:l'cnn er r ulty. · It· dropped Into Il cllllir DlId WHS th e first tu broak It. Hlll lwed uhont Ule rooUl u illll.. iJu' " W II, hllvo YUII fonnel out nil YQII \\'1I~ cre(1. Whnt If . hc 'hould be tle· wa nted to I(now ?" h e Inqulrod. feal d lift I' ull hoI' Pltill s! "All. lind more, Illy xp I'l mcn l hns There \\01' ,I num llcr or I\mlllt'lIrl~ h IHlen most ucct'ss ful . l owe you an skel h ~ ,1.1Il In all wllh \\'hl h 'I'rell' ullloid deb t. " S he guvo 111m II ij l.hl ux· ner ha d ho~ n to Ol'll lllO enL hI wRll s, 111;0 luok, lind Mrs. lI urdl mnn amusl'cl het'sc lf 'fl' llll r'~ lips [I1U'l ed In a ll IUI'olun' Didn't Learn Her Age , hy walking IIbout ft·OUl one to the tar), 8mll . the p" ettr "To·da y," -remark,e d ',I he r . .tl'rlll l! t,o tl oll lJlher tbe S\lIl! ct~. "I t hough t yo u'd como 11\1 herc and WORTH REM EMB ERING. yonu g wido w, " Is tbe firlh &olllvurIl81'), III Ih e COrll er 01 ea ch wero th Iniliuls explai n It all ," h e obser\'ed. of my marriage." M!,:, H,lll'lll!!,!u.n s wall ow d hOI' rallo Wh n mAkl oJ: a 11ucI !I !n t;' dn not for· I;:. H . T. Ill s wife, In 11 11 I"'ubllbllll)', "Ind eed ! And a t , wh at a ge were get to muko a plait III l he clolh a t the 'he l'elll"01bored havi ng heard tha t and coveI'd It n[l "'lI h a II ll1 0 qui ' I; you ma rri ed ?" asked ' tb e hache lo r, tor" BO ns \.0 allow the pudd lng-' to Tre nn!!r had mR''I'leti BOtne yeurs a1>O, luugh. wb o lhought to geL Ilex t to Ib nllm bu t th at for Ull IlS ~' t llncll~cnve"ed "Thnt was my In lenlton ." Hhe .. swoll. ib er or years Hb e hllu sojourn ed 00 Tr th e \l1'[lC r Insille cdgc .l( th e pan I' ason, he was ' noL livlug wi t h t ho ll '!'eed, rls lug. earib. I' re nner pr -ceded her to the door Is woll gl' ase d with hUlt er, c hocolate , WOlll nll a t lIre~l'.nl. l-I .i lf t he peopl.. I " At the paraouag ," ans ",ored th e milk, COOOA, or anylhllll> o r t he ki lld, said It WIIS becllllse s he wus era7. ~'; nntl held It 0(1 I ~' He said noth ing, li nd p. y. w .• as she wink ed her o ther til e other hulf said they ",'e re lIol sur· the womun d _ ~ not 'peak olther, ~r "T he mU81c teacher ha s Rtarted the Il will lIot holl 0\'01', eye.-Chlcago Dall y News, lind, rlak I" S little gIr l lea rning bel' To revi ve hlock vely t h ats or 11I'i sell' that she wa ~ unable to live 10<,1: buck. \\ hIm Mrs. Ha rrl ln\.1U gailled t he UNPREPARED. first pi ece," tOqllCI!, well s(lon ge th e bot or toque With a hll band like him. Mrs. Hardl· " Do t 1I! What Is It?" with a 8mall (lllflntlty of pars fl\ n , t ben man confessed h erseJr sUllromely In- ollo n alr~ she d l'O w' a deel' b nlllt" of rollef. ~h e r It flli nt lind dizzy an d "Waiting III th o ohu rc h."-Chl cllgo tboroughly brush and lea\'e In t h e dUf re nt upon the QuelJUoll. Presen tly a s hadow c ut ncros' lhe wl'etc l~e(f. T he e ncoull ter sh e hlld had ,Journal. lo(Jen al l' for u fo\\' momonts; t his will quickl y remove all 8Ulell, and cleaned !trbt In frollt at h .. r an d she turned \VU h 11'ell nl' le rt he l' more thQ n pbYBAl'llbl Puha Old and Frlendle ... S hi pwrec ked , In this WRY velvet wIll look equal to With a little sta l'lIod gest ure that WR lJ Icall~' wen l,; It ' had seemod to take unavoidable. . .;ometh ing vita l Core vel' fro m h er 'lICe. tn a li ttle house up a by Dt reot e f Mornin g IHllO lind stili , they had ite .\,. Tl'e nner ame In t'O Ih e room wllh Th e e l(lle r l m e ~t In to wblch she h i d tb o Moba m medan quar te r, 'old, friend\\ he n Jewelry Is p ut a ""ay it .18 a pt sight d no shill. " I gll ess It Is all up." sa id Ihe sk lp- to becomo null anti tarnlshod. At In· hi s us LOnlflf), , all' of dcllbenUoll nnd I,lunged IlUullly ror t he sake oC hl'f 108s, broken, IIvoa t he man .wbo might per. grimly. "We lire on 0111' last tcrvul s the artl clos 's honld be take.n s lOod 'dl'Uwlllg olf his gloves phH:ld ly, work bild Ill'Oved II IItUIl tllore tlllm b ave rul ed Egyt' l. "WIlI yo'u b hll Y for Lil nen hall- she had beoll abl e to grapple wllh. It you n ~ k 20 (leople In Cai ro tolegs." rrom tholr coLtlln clIses and oleaned " \\'orso than that. captain," In cl an son rlsluls, u!lln g flno toilet houl'?" 11'0. HlI rdlman aRI,ed, AS be T rollller had -La ho Bllre-showod day: " Whore Is Arabi Pash a?" I ~ will chuckled I h bu lfoo ll sea cook . " We SOIl[. , DI p !.hem in lo thi s and dry l(uo~t1o n e d hal' "1\h h is up ll (t d brow'. him elf all lhul 8he h lld wi bed a nd, toll you thnt be Is doad, while tha " I am u \'el' bnsy...,.\;-lLh th 111'OH]lO(,t Inlcnde d- the exact opponl te or tbe otb r q-"o do not II,now, In fact, aUe r ~. r' on our las t bootlegs: -Ch icago ih 01 by us ing a soCt brus h or a fine sponge. and uftcr ward drr them with or your com lr:i ny herOl'e me:' he an- ''q,man llc aniOl'lst wbo nllght have the bombard ment at AltfO lld rla be Dally New ~. old hnllrl k rchl efs. and, lastly, wlttt a s w red: Illying h is halon u tobl' a nd met her rop t' Ilobe ~ with weal{ aasev- was s enL to 0 II for ure ,11 Cey lon, ' Fooliah Sol entllt . S(lrt lcll lher, liver ot'D4me ni s mny mov ing towa rd tho door of I\ls office. oraLlon DC hi lo"e nnd 1I.o nltonce. bllt WIIS II110w od sam CaUl ),ears ago " r see hoI' ," suld Fanner Kornkob, h ke(lt In o1'l'ow rool, and stee l arU· Mrs. Hardlm nn d llllnl s~c ll his I rlte· Bllt s he fe lt 'pnsc l u.s o( a koen ~aD8e to' I'otUI'1I to his nuli\'c city. who \\'0 6 reft ellng tho Week ly Screeuh, les will I' lnln the ir l ust r Ir slored noss With n IILlio g StllrC of II1II IOIlion e or moral hurl.. 1l was only a ftt' r 11 week's hard fer"lIlnt a s(ll nU st says th e end ot tbe In a box o ntll lning II lilli e $tal·ch. and followe d. Wh ell sh£' 1'l)ilChed her own gille, retl ng Ulat I dlsoov rod th rougb a nil· ... WOI'IrI Isu't rar orr:' " I wanl to :I ~ k yo u a lIue~tlo n, " sho she wa s WOI'll out ond spi ritless, She tive jOllrnallst tbo whereabouts at A soli d blACk oat call be quickly " Nonsell Me, HIra m," retorted ' ,Is cl an cd by :llilllyfug with Ii SpOllgO bogo n wl ~ bolll II1'Ora e, the be lUgc r- !'IIlI UI)9tKll's lQ b r room, lind ' Il un g U.e gl'ellt IlIlln. Edle-Were you tallllll by surprise wlro ; "ho OUght to kuow th e world' s stt'ong colfee corllalnlng a fe w d t'ops cnee or her attltnd e at once Ilnmls- h r 'e ll fllce cI "'n 'o n a loun;;e, n burnl~vCII nO'W, In bl. a6veil Uetb year, w hen he proposeC\, tlOIU"! Ill g S lise of mOl'llllCllll II Ilervndlng be is a big mlln; In his pri mo he must E lla-Geodness, yes! Why , 1 llRdn· t round and haln 't got nc end."-MII- ot R1n rnonla. "~In ls h IW I'ullblng with takaltl e. waukee Sen UDe l. She he IlIl L d n mome nt. ~erllli lllz- h ' r bein g, freseutl y, a rus h of ICllrs bave boen Immons, White \loll' a nd even look d up h is Ilnancllli s tantllng. a piece of colored weo le n cleth. Ing him I hrollgh hllU-s hu,t lash es, he r C.UD O l h I' roll f 11n(\ sbe sat UI' . re- bea'r d : a brontl, thoughtful forcbell.d. HIGH' PRAISE, In Afte r Yeara, IIlls COIl1III' sHed_ fre be ll. Artor nil, t hough his h'n nds surnrounled by th Turkish tarboosh, A Good Hou selkeeper. Smlth-Wb n Green was courting The IHICCQssf ul h om;el,eellor Is no\ Trllnner endurerl bel' eyes for hod touched hl'rs, ho haa n ot kIssed k indl y ey s • .dull ed n little by age, that young widow II coupl or )lllnrS ess ntlully lhe one who hilS II spot. IIwhlle , but I. re~enl r - gan-io 110 un· It I' a s h woul1.Tllove. dell e. bad n ot but ligh ti ng U'(l wonder[ul!)' wilen he ago h e declared he couldu't IIvQ wllh· lessly-kept hOIl$e, nJwa~'s In orde!' but ('om[orlabl e Illld prompted her. s om la t, r Il111Rnt of SU\,I rlor will: ta lks about t hlllgs which Illterest h im; ' <luL her, lbe ono wh o ll. all ages t ho a lfa lrs of lbe "Well ?" ho said. , I,o"'el' Ill' s n 'ed hel' In t he extreme 1\ stra.lgh t, I)owerful 'nose; a- large Jones-Alld did he _marl'y hel'? house so tbat ev ry one Is made com· "lIavo you been mlUnrorme d Ln reo mOllle nt frolll t.hat poll ution. mouth, wblc'h must once h av bee n Smlt b-Yes; and now he's trying horne Is a lwllrs ga ru to rn ~ '!" she a sked, In a cold Mter awhll he l' husband came Inlo hard and rue l, now Bortened by ad. tortR ble IInll l h It o get a dlvoroe all th e grounds tha t tbe room 10llk lng fo;' h er, a nd eha ven lty. 'I'bougb the day 18 wllrm. hoery and bright. A goOd hou~e· voice. Ill's Impossi ble to li ve willI her.,keeper tloes not worry' over e'-Cl'y 11l" I ha 1'e uever beon I nfo~med of you jumped up eXeltcdly a n d th row her h e wears an (1vercoat, an d h e walk. (lhlcago Dall y News. ile dcla ll that goes wrong, but sels al all: ' was t he .stllf reilly. arms about his neok, h eavily on a muslye ebouy. BUeIL- " to war·!t to IIllt It In order agai n. $he '''l 'hen I wus personall y responsible "Dlck!" alie cried. h ysterically, "yOU P a ll Mall Gazette. Ea.y for the Hammock. can alwa ys te ll you wb I'e eve rything ror ,your act at yeslerday?" mu~ t talte me away (mID h ere, someo I '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mam ma-l bope you were not s it· Is lO b fon nd, as sh'~ always has a "We 81'e. a ll ' personRlly rcs ponslblo wh.ere-lInyw hp,re-for a time. J' v41 tl og 10 the h am mock wit h Jack last certnl ll Illaco (or certain articles, and for whal bnl1llens 10 liS, Il re wo not?" woj'n my nerves to a sh red ovel' this . night, Lulu? ~ II that Lhey Ill'e ke[l t t he re. T he 'rhe woma n was s nent for a .rna- Insl story, ao(1 1 mea n to iJurn It up Lulu-No, mamma. .I dlc ln't t hin k mellis 31' nl \\'II)'S jus t on time an d ment. Her wl ls, lIs lia ll y kee n and I IIhall neve r wl'He another , l1 ue a. It was strong euough lor both of us \\'ell cooked, nud t b& ch lldron look Qlllck, th reate ned to deser L hur In Lbe Ions as I live !'" to sit In. Jaok ut 10 t he ha mmoc k. nent ond hall11Y, This cnn not be done hour Lh nt . ~ hll wa nled them most: ( opyrlglll, 1!lO6. Ill' Oi,lIy Story P:1b, 1:».> o nd I sat In .Jack 's lap,-Yon kers wlthouL good management, Bays Worn· , At ter a pau se, she agaIn: Statesman. GUIDED BY THE TRt;ES.' du's Life, nnd t he methodi cal house"1 am af raid , t hough , t hat ro u hnve . Ii\lnt:ly Performance, ke eper will bll ve tlte <lay ill I'ided ..out mnde u mis take, A-a mlncalcula· the Ind ian ReHel 00 Tall Pine. Redd- Your wlfe's red In the face. for tbo.dllrerenL dillies thnt a re to be lion ." Show H Im the Way. Greene-Yes: sbe's .been laugh Ing dono and s he will seE' th at b er SYIt-' "I tlll nl, noL, A DIa n seldom doosa ll the a ft ornoon. tem of arrang ing the worl; does n ot und er certain con di tion!!." "Laughing all the a fternoon ?" 'rhe Indian s a .'c gul det1 by tbo t reel Mrs, Ha rdi man felt t he blood Home calise dIscomfort In the bouf e. "Yes , sbe's been out watcblng me more Lb an u n ~'t hln g e lse. i t you loek . to hor face In a scorch ing wa ve. 11111Y golt."-Y.o nkerll Stateama n. The Meaning of Beauty, "!\orcn a re pro(ound egotists." _he cut across t ho lake yoU will see tba t' the Erl lt h- ls }.onelyvl\ e a good pla ce To Ilave the mRnue:rs of t he well· In sharply, "nnd I de ma nd an apology' tops ot a boui hal f of tQe ta ll pln. to Brlend oue's vacati on 1. AND 8HE HAD REACHED IT. tTees be nrl sllgb tly toward t he eaat, J ack- Yes; tr yOU go t here )IOU will. bred womeu , to move abo ut with j;rllce for your con dllct toward me: ' . Trener s miled, lInc rossed his koe·es 6aya RecreaUon, " T here Is B dl sll ne t wlsll less t h at you had gone some, a nd dlSlllty, 'to 1<00"" pdIHe,. cbaracter , where elso t ha n a ny place I know 01.- h onesty ond dee p sY,mp,at by, these, a re Rnd sat up qul Le s tral gb t In Is chair. trend' to t b e fores t, always t oward t he fln c r li nes of beau tl rying. Who "My' de a r lad y;" he s aid, wi th great t he east. On this' tile I ndian rellea Chicago Da ll y News. cares a cen t tOI' tile do:lly woman who dererence, "It I ' have offe nd ed you, I Implloltly. a nd It ·does nOL deceive blm. AgaIn. It sn IndIan, t ra veling In t be ts beautiful to loot, nt a nd who hasn', most humbl y be g your pllrdon."· Stabbed. . forest, makes a' 10011 and Intorsec ts ble "Choll y sal,i he d rea med a bout me sellse 'enoll g'h to draw h er breatb '. "U, Yo u are sure of It. a re you Such women are not after t be rIg-A o wn ' t roll, h e I,nows It. Imme" lately, th o other nlgbt." ·Iden. a nd Lrue bellut.y w ill nover place not ?" She ben.t towa rd him exc itedly. wltbout seein g any footprints, boca use ''' Nlgh tma l'es are dreadful t hings, Its golden ha lo on thoir heads. 'P er"I-well, perhaps J Ollgh t lo be, bu t of the cba racter of th e, Umb er, a re n't ' t hey?"-Houston Post. sona !' mag neUsm makes womlln beau- I'm not ," he retur:ned, candidl y, bill One of ou r (larty . a ccompanied by lUi True Even at That, ~e moanor n ettlin g th e woman almoHt India n, Big PaUl, as ,guIde, sho t a , "The Idea of his saying I ha d more tlful, a nd wbat Is t hat b ut t be free beyond e ndurance . moose. Big P~ ul bad never been In money t hau brains. Quite rldlcu. worll in gs or a ge nuill el ~r lovely splt'lt! Pertume t.he Ins ide of your bead with "You t ook a dvantage o[ me-ert h a~ coun ry berere, and, as It was a lous ." lende r th oughts, keep yeur body ot tbe situation," s he cried. storm y day, wlt he ut t he sun to ~i lde "Tha L tio?" " How Is t hat 1" b e qlles tlorietl , wlLh him, b e became confqse " In his seq.t!8 "Ot course. W hy, r baven't got a slroug, We ll and clean, make up your mind to lea r n ove ry thing' yeu can, and' a fain t s how of Inte res t. ot dire ction and had to wander around C9tl t,," If you do not look blla uUful yeu wllJ ",T he om ce boy .w as- tbere-In the somewhat In order to find ' the camp " Well ?"-Ph llndelphl a Press. ' nexL room. 1 was obliged te keep a ga in. But on tbe follo'Vlng day he be so-a nd tnat will sufl\ee, Yel, Indeed, sUent, les t t be re should be a mlsc on- led uk t!lree miles througb the to)'ellt Proper Care of SlIve,. .uetlon," sbe c ried, "They are t rying to In vent a bottle to the' carc s s s, - He did not follow tbe If tb e box containing ,s ll ver DOlIab, tbat cannot be refi lled." "I was ' uot aware t hat I d lil a ~y. .bac k tra~I, but went apparently by 'In, E lla-If war were decla red and , J "Yes ?" sma ll bottl e of alcohol, soU ftaonele, thing to ecoaslon your Indignation," stlnet. J followed blm wltb' my com, 'Were 8 man I'd e nlist, "Ye s; but t hey'd do more tor the cha mois skins and' brushe s be ke pt in he perSisted, impe rturbabl y, pass,,' He would vary and waver hi 'hla Stell a- You COUldn't, deal'; there's world if t hey would In ve nt a boozer 80me conven ient III ace :In pantry or "That Is ~ot t rue," she jel'ked out, oourse ne url y S() degrees. first ,t o rIght nit age Ilmlt .-Roohe ste r Democrat wbo could not be relllf ed:'-)-l ouston ki tc hen, It Is a trIlling matter after st rugglin g h ard . t o keep ber mast ery , and then Ie "the lett, bu t be' went to tbe "lid ·hronlcle. euch meal to rllb the few .pleces ef sll- , 'Trenn er sbru gged ani laughed 'sort- moose. Now and again he ,w ould Pest. VC I' d iscolored by ' egg, aalai!, er 'what Iy. ", te 'somethl:lg he remembered 'partlcu. Jea lou., Crowed Too 800n, nol. By t hI s means, t llle we,o kly 1111· larly. 'vH ere ," be weuld aay, "Is tbe "Again I beg your' pardon ;" he re' Tt'ss-Ob. yeB, tbe very mention et Fall' Passenger-They say YOIl ver pellshlo g maY be IIgbtened or Ol.!RE FOR tock wbere you Bet the COlI\paS8 I,ea te d, with mocr. !lummty. -<)l'J;aulzCd Inbor ill ll kes Miss Plissay oa n't foo l a st ree t car conductor wl tb done aW IIY with. , dewn ; " er: "Tbls Is wbere' we were Mrs. Ha rdim an bi t b er lips , hel' flnWi tH'e . ,R plu gged nIc kol, bu t I worked o ne E;>;tra 's Uver sh ould be ,kept ' In cao· ge rl! clenching t hemselves l!l her lap, wh en we heard the s hot." , 'fhen he ,h'ss-T ho ItI a! Why shou'ld It? air on hi m a re w ml nutcs ago. tou fi a nn cl bags wI t h a s mall lump ef " YOll are Ilertectly aware of t he lact jVould point to the groiJn'd, where to . TeSs- She hutes ·to t h ink o[ aU the 'rhe ·Othe.· Passe nge r- I know H. cam llhor In each. H will In this wa7 our a Sllhll lt-Plwement-tr:allled Benae. un iOlLS llelng formed th rough out the mlldam. He gave It to me In change reta l n Its brlg,h tness Indellnltel1.- • that you- .t hat wha t YOU t rie d to do there waan' t I!nytblog at all to see, , I, qulekl, lit•.,.., waH a gainst my will ?" s be went ,on; ounll'Y a nd nono [or ,he r,-T It-Blts, jllllt now.-Chlca go Tribune: . 0".....1111 a$. One.. Hllrper's Bazar, , 'a nd mak e ne cemment, bat would brea tbJng t!ln sely. smile a t ·us a IItUe and ge on. By and It -cleW ell, IIOOtbes, 11 Will So, He Doea. " I don 't t hink It was," h e responded, . Recipe for .COld Cream. by he ca m~ out exactly a t the moo... heal. aDd F9tects Th£' Ifltl Bon of tile c'ro wll prlnoe "Wbat looks J;Doro rid icu lous thaD ( ;aiarrla' A slntpie cold cream. .I~ . made thu8: to),lnc with h1 9. wa tch tob, All I could get ellt of him Wa's t hat he the dl-.ed mon.b'Ane. lt _ of Ot'r l1l11 l1 ), ha.s been prcseuted wltb a peek-a ·boo "alat?" IItId llrivellaw., a 00ld in the H_ 'llilok.I)'. "You are most Inaolimt !" Talle t wo ounces (If spermac eti, tw, wont by the t~e8. . .' all Island Il eal' t he · coast ot Hol"W ell, a man In white c,a nvas shoe.. oUllcell o [ ·whlte WIIX•. five eunoes 01 Roatorea the 8enlle8 ,Ot Tute aD'a SmelL T t enner caugbt 'hls 'breath under the rn addUlon to noticing everythlag l a nd." !:'all lite 60 eta. at Drugptl!.or b, mail;pto3s lonate Bock' and turned·up treu· trails tbat 70u TrlaIIile' lO ct.. b, mail, ' , "That will ma ke a good s ite' on l e rs , Bmok lng a c igare tte, c rowds 1'1 011 ot 's weet a lmonds and mel t togetb· look s be gave him, temllorlslng a ' bit. el8e, YOllr guld4! "Yoll )lave made tbe mhltake. Mrs. l'celaln keHlet over a alew e r In a Ilo cannot Bee, allll notices the bitten wfl lc h th ('rown ]lrtnee ca n build an mlgbty .c lose."-HouBten Post, £I, Broth.,., &6 W_ ' ~ X."y... ftre, R emove, and wh Ile the mixture Rardlman, or cooruBlng the splrlt"al twigs tha t you .110 ~et dl, coverhave b elr' (,astle,"- Houston POHL !4 stili hot add one and one-balf lnrt tbe ,mllte rlal. There Is 'no spirit- been browsed olr until 'be polnt. lt ont How .TrU.1 OUllcell o f s lronge r 1'O~e water, III 11&1." He made ' the announcement lu to yoti. When a twig seelns t.o have ReaulGltated. Teacher-HOw many kind. of poet. whlcb 4 () grains of bonax have beeu " tone of lInallt)'. been very freahl" bitten 'olr, he wUl Kll'kker-W'1l8 h e In the social rl are there? dlBiolved . Have the ros e. water allghc;. Af~r a moment ~. replied, lamel,.: apply hie \lwn mout h to It, , IUI~ bIte it .. willi '! ?upll- Th ree. Iy warm. Fluff tbe mixture t.o a · foam "The quelUon now II uelther meterlal olr again, If It. " " froth on- Ute Hocker-Yel , he 'Vall d rowlllng, but Teache • , rrqC lIeU . ~e1i"almCllt lOr 8pi~tual III a.peet. It 10\'01'- twll' , he mall•• a .Ip to 10U DOt to _'IIJI" ~aved ' b)- b eln,' rafted OC::D:!>L:;'bJa ~l-Pupil- Lyric, dr-.natlc and ep1dem tblck add a few 011 01 ~ ~tmply al.\. ab8trac~-feet, " cree" 10 maD7 MMheL .barrel ..-N. Y. Sur le.-ClevellUl~ Leader. .. &III "re~"""" . .
s l II,,~ III the smokin g hotol au,1 the t Ik wn llbout nd.ufanco 'u~ choWIl by m u' -of tb e IH1S.L and (lr e~Ilnl. D\lrlllg n ' ,ull In lh t'ol1vorsll l lou a young COlli ' 11 I'clal tra ler snlll: " AllY nlall', It be ha the will (lower, call odure pulo or tatlguo; I, know I all " Tbere "'88 IIlIence [or a moment , n od nn old _r wnn replied : '1' 11 ""ag r a dlun I' )'Oll ca n't h old ~ alit toot- boot on- In a buckot of ' ,ol "' at~r a.~ long a s I call." . 'fhe of1er was tlll{on and two buck· <ll" of hot wutel' were b ronght In. II well all a ketllo of u Ill ng water lo ral e Ole telllperat ure t" lh !,oln t of ""dlll·a nce. III w nt a [not o[ each ~I' n lostll n t. Soon the youn~ nHlII '$ laro bega u to pnle. bm I he olh"r , all od for ruo r uoillng waleI'. " \\' ha t a ll earlll Is your leg m nde ot, sir?" ~!l l el Lhll (ormor. )slid ell'lI 1) l :tkl ug bls root from til hU('k ·t. "~Q rk . sit o~k , " "'Il S the ('001 a ll "lVllr, and [he othOt' hilL lhut be b d l ml cod 10Kr. 'I' hey, wer
"'QI)\fI of th
- - - ---
CATARRH~ By's ef8a•••Im
r_. .
PREVENTING SWINE DIS£ASIl , Adv lc. by R. A . Craig, V eteri nar ian.. Indiana Experiment Stati on.
' WORST FORM OF , f ,CZEMA. Slilck Spotchea A ll Over Fa ce-A f , fected Parts Now Cl ea as EverCured by th e Cuticura R em· edlea.
' How One May B& ':;onstructed Very Small E;:penae.
As SOl) 1I liS hI' :•• m!JR lire wpan pd a gl'aln I'll II on sll!)III(1 I.l' ~ 1I [l 111l 'd to KU)IIJI IIlI'lIl till' nOlirl ~ hlll nl l·ec"' ....JfI frolll Ule ('\\·l·ij . In 01'11.' 1' 10 sllpjll y th is ra<1o l1 III [\('(' \'IJla1.lI ' ('" .. dil lon· a 1,;1'Il1 1I t roug h I '~ I JI'('ia"r eOliflli' ''''1 d s u tlHll ellery 1111 1,111 al muy ,,1Itnlll Its share du ring fl'PIIiIil; l ij d t'sl l'llllie. Wh t'n IUUiUS are ' f ed g'rliin Iii' an o pe n ti'(JIIg h wll(>I'o l 1lo lurl\l) l' OIl(>S c ro'~'(l til €' ~ lUull er and wcak(·j' o u B away all" (lbluln m ol" of t he gi'lll!] rU lloll tlllll\ IlIt "III] " tI fu r llll!lI'. Ihey ar ' lIut onl.\' 11I'1!\'CIHlng t he g ro w t h of tiJ(l hili I'. bil l a r c e lldun gel'llI f,; their own nIlP.' III "s u s w ol l. In t;I'u!"l nl; our lambs. sn.\·s th o YI'ulrlo F 1l1'1I1<'1·. II' aim to h a,·o 0111' trou!; hs so cnn slI' uctpll lhut \,err In· Jhldual h u~ uu equlll eb allce, thll s ,
. ..
Grai n Troug h for Lambl. i ll&,", r lng each Il Ollf ll~1 h is allowanc e ot tbe I'o tlon . 'I'h ' V Rllu ped trollgb I s , not \\' (' 11 lI11nlll ed fo r j;1'alnlllg l ambs followin g weunlllg autl shoul<l uol lie liS d . The d l uJ;ram h 1''' ....'1111 sho\vlI ad · sign of grolnln g tru,, !;h we hU" e n du()t d Dnd us (( rol' many Y !IrK with , "I;el/()Ul I' 81111 s. 'I'll t 1'(llIgh IlIO ), b made on y lengtb desired. 'rile en l' pi c Is lI\au Ollt or a 2x 12 lucll J!lan k. hoI/owed In lhe nt r t o 111; 11 1' ' n (he ,"!'lglIt o( I h ru(·k. Th e bOt · lom and si d e "I ces a re III III Ie or (IIru . fourth l! Inch lI1uI(>l'lal. Th slnts or Inth I\nll ' u six In!!i!es II 110 I·t . The t r Ollg,h fro ll1 th e ~ro und i1lj Is si x Inch es bl ~ b. aud tb rn ck 26 In b es . IIlgh . The gTPnt ad\' anla ge of lhls TQ('k I" th ut Ih lambs Clln not crowd ami ~In grnln Is l!lll ' lI fOI' ll1em In an :>cceplu blp ('ulltiltiun fo r f eeding. ROOTS.
Stoc k W ill K eep In Better AppetI te When Supplle.d with Th is Rat ion.
use by 1110wlng and slIwlng th ero t o ou ts, n ilII'. ('o w neu a, t. ' In n o place 011 tile I II I'm are d!gln· ' f'Clnot !l so n ~cesRlll'~' as 10 l h e hGg hOll s a and ynrds. "h it wa sh should IJ use ll lI,bnllt th e hOll!i·s atlpns t once 4hJd ng th e yea r. EI' ry 1\\'0 or thr~o w e k s th e' hOIl5(, 8. f ':ling fl oors. trou ghs, etc .. sh o uld II Sllray d with a dl stn(ec tant. Th e t al' dl ~l nfe la lltS nre the m OSl con v«" I" nl 10 use. Th se IIhou ld I,e li S II In not I 88 than lwo p r cen l. water sol lit Ions. An occa· ~Ionu l sprny ln g 01' dlpjJln IIf Ibe hog s In a ouo ,II I' ·enl. waleI' solUtion sho ul(( b )lractl c d . You ng hogs ' shoil ld not be glvc lI crowd d qnarl I'S. III oruer 10 k P th pm ill a h ulthy, g l'o wln g co nditIon, n prope r ul l Hhould be fed, H enltbl' ItlLlIl'ldllaJ s possess a certa in amollnl uf po wer to r esi st dl sense, anil thi s \llays n I!llIall I,nl'l in 1,l'ev ntlng it Th e e'nll'unee of disea se 11&'dllcln tl germ s (rom outsldo s/)lIr ' S shoulll b" care full y g uard d again st, (J cl ally I f bOj; cholprn Is (ll'esent I n Ih n " il;'" 1I0rhuotl . The dllll g'r of arryl n g thEl germ s In th 11111(' IInti IlIlli that Ina), otil'k to th sho c;s of a J) rson who has walk"" l ilrongh y ard!; wh er e l lOgs' are lIrlng of "cbo lf'I'Il " . houl d be I'eeog· nlzed. D ogs, ho rse~, cn,l.lle, strn r IIOj;9 aTHI wa gons Iliay al 8n It!'t as ear rl " I'S at 1I11< ase. 1'h ' ()III,ortll nlt)' fo r crows, Imzzanls IIIILI <.l ogs III d i slrlblile dis· lise I!; nol j;rral III seetloils o f l ho ollntl'), wh 're th carcass s of lbe d aO b OgR ar' disposed 'f b), bury in g. H ogs (rom ulhe r her ds shoulll be p lnc(>11 III ClulIl'lIntln fll r t hr \\. ks h efOl'e 11110\\,1" j; t il ' I'll to mix wl '.h the h erd . bcst H e 1,Ing th o I, gil un d",r Ih sR.. l t ilry cOlldlllonlllloss lbl an d Ii Ing til \I c<'ssnry, I'" u ul10 ns In lJr vent· lo g Illfecllon 'rom lhO-- uulslde Is Ihe most sal i llru ctory m lhod o f al'oldl n~ IOSl! r rO I1l thi s clays of d i seases,
In th e Tl l t ell Sin i es ~tl ltl e ' (!cdel'. J:oll II "out o r lh habll o( r !!d. Jng rOOlS to caW', h Clllltie f Ihe abundunce or orn Dll,l curn (otld pr. '1'h hern l t bo s a l so asslllled In lhl s Jnov an nt by showing tllllt th 1Il1trl· tlve \'oll1e or r oo ts Is not 1;1' nt. n~ coll1pared wllh lhe IllItriUve \' ol lle of tb grul ns. H ilt r ts hav e a ' "lIlue grelile r lhan that shown b)' t he 011· ; . trl eots os det erm ! n ed by allal),sl s. 'fhere Is a di gestive "lillie In the acIds and In t h e bulk UUlt no' ch 1111 al an· alysts will dp ull,lln, Roots have a 8t1mulall'u.~ e l1ect lu t.bll( lbey 1I1ease tbe a;iI)Il \lte. ~o Dle l'OOts a r e sllll r ed to cMU In tHe ensterll 8tl1te.8. where the e118' tom begnn rill' back In t h e early set · Uem lit of lhe cou u try lind bas lIer · slsled. Two teUSOU8 ure .ound, fOi' thIll, Ono. tbe early !leUlel's w er from Ellgl a.1d, wbere root fe din g WII S common : two. the growing of car ll Is II morl1 dilifenit matler thnn In th e w est. \\ i,ere til e l eve l fields mDke the use ot lIl:l(:b.ln ery JlOSijlbl e. In New E UIl'and roots ol'e sull raised Qui l e ei:lensl vel y for st ock fcedlng. SOmo object lO I he feedl ll g of tur· nips t o dairy pO\\,A, hilt thi s obj ection 18 .not' to .be me t wll 11 In tb f tl hi s of beet attle alld of 'dl'y doh')' cows, DOlll>tl ess tho cll rn an,tl corn rod d I' will he 1I10re d tectlv \\'11 n f ed willI root~ t han r rl wl'thou t 1'00lR. No\\' t hat lhe price ot corll hus risen lo sucb a hel ~ll l. I t Is n eS~ lIry that It s fetl dln~ sho'u ld be madll us elfectlve us poss ibl e. WIlh t h e Inc reasing prIce of land It become!! nee :';5n ry (0 IIlllk every ncre produce as mucll f eed 1I~ possibl e, A very gl'cot lpnnugo' of beets or hiI" nips can be grown on nn nc:re o f l and tr the soli be pmperly enric hed Bn d properly lIlIed. says Farm er!;' R eview, Tbe tOIlS ,8S well liS the roots ('on be le,J to beet caU,e. The ' succulen t cbaracler' of tbe rools Insnres t h ei r cOIl'blete digestion ' by th e cattl e. Man'gel wUtJlelB 111'0 pnrUculnrl y adnpted LO (eedln g, because they are r elish ed hy the cattle and can b e crown in large QllantlUea. lll~\,
Use Rubber HOle: ,One ' of 't he New ' York corre~pond . ents o. Farm Journl\l wrlles : "I ,h ave b jld Quite a little expel'lence with the different wnys elf removing obstrnc· tlons- froQl the t~roa tll of choking cat· tle and IIn1 that a khort piece ot rub· be;' b'oS8 la tbl! best thing to us.. ~e , h08e , adm"s a"'r, nud Is not apt to sUde by t he obstl'uctlnn: t h ei'etore It III better than I.. wbl{l·stock or IIny lruld Inst rument."
- - --r--
Kieffer Pearl for Stock.
A Loullllana correspondent
will Vay t(l plan t K leffor petirs tor cattle and hpge, but be seem s unelltbu· 'Iulie as regards Ita quality tor bu· ' man conllllDpUOD. ' We think It , ex· ('.ellent for eauDID', IB18 the Rural New Yorlier, but ~ o) ~: ;lVe nev!'r ret learned to, fen! tblUlkful· .beD latiDS
it ullCDOked.
Burn i ng Ott ?a l nt Mot k a V eld.
'nsur"nco I
Mane Unhappy Homes- Their Condition Irritates Both Husband and Children- How lno\lsands - of Mothers Have Been Saved From Nervous Prostration I!Uld Made Strong and Wen.
DANlit.R()US !""A-:TICE.
Th e heul' Y I OS8 from di s 'IlS In bOIl~ It 811e ms thot ('un s it~" rnllie tl ang er lo lurj; 'I Y d1le ' to rnil:n""'1S"'lmjlr.s:s>"";·'h ,<.-+-----~~----.,_-----H_'"~rLy P >.i"lS I" II. I' I ,racll ce o. l?a~eH. Th e OI'gUIi IRIlIS l h al 'J. ' (ttl 'll "A Ilout f our y ea r s a60 II w as am l ct· tJIII'UIIlj; of! u:d paint I, 'II,,· r ,paint· tid " , cl ass of ul KenH \I , nally ntc, ,' thl, et! wl l h bl ae l, splotch es n il OVllr my ing. Tbe (ill e (iun ' ha l:; long :1'(' 11 n b vdy in th e fccu UII'U liI ~ jllJ'~u ui r . flLCO and a rew coYel' lng my body, slI lIject of dc1<lIt III th" lP<:lInlcn l l1(' n('o, Iiluddy 01' dllNty YIJl'(lis, 811' whl h ,Ii'oduced (\ severe Itching irrl· jOIll'D al ~, a nu fl UW hOIl ~rho /tl I'~ a llu lu ll y tr U" "' I'CI'uwtl tI all(( flllhy,I1I1,1Iy Lullon, anti whi ch cllUS d m e a £'1' 8l l h e IJ cwsjln pur x htl\' \)1:'''''''' to dl ~(, " K 8 f~edl" g tlUOi'S, lroug h!l u nu hO\,;]I o II He~ ((ea l ot IInlloyallce und 5ulTerln g. to It. Those o. us \\'ho. w i t h t r"wbll ng, ar IlIrl;"l'l y I' SIJOnsllJle (or .the PI' ,a· su ch an ext n t th a t I \l'IIH f or ced to h a\'e wntcbed til I,O;"t('I'S bluw a II nC" of lIug ohol erll , ' win' IJlog ue', tc. cull In tll'O ot the lading pb), sl. :!lDS fler,. hiusl f l'om t11t'lr ' Illlil/JH u!:uln sl As YU li ng hogs ur I ~~s lIablll lo resist of my tmvn. After ~ ' !iloroll g h exa m l· our bOilS . and ha l'e 1(lukl'd satlly at th ea tll s uses thau healt.tJy , miltu ro nlltlon ot the tlrf1aded co m(Jllllnt thcy lll o size of 0111' pnln Li ng lIill lJ ecauso animals, lile n ec sslty of ut;lng PI'e- IInuolillced It t o lie ~1( ln cz'ma In lIS of (he thno wunUed un thi ll IlI·elJl;il n. \'pn!l n) Hl t'aSlil' !j nl thi n s ason o ( the w orst f OI'Ill. 'J'h ey tl'e aled me f or t he ll ry work. urO In ll!r" st "d III th" I n. Y<:lIl' I s o f dOll1.ll e lI11portn ncc, sa m e (or t he !'cogth of one y ar. bll t \. sll gaUou lIy Ihe GI'p"lIfl"l u (MaRS, 011 ri ng th e S l ,rl u ~ a ntl SlInllller \\'0 1· th treatm lit did mo no g ood. Fin· Gal ue ali(I L'olll' l r I'. Whic h ~ "' (,8 ('011' low ho l 1)8 ure fOI'll IE!LI III the yards an d nlly m y 11tI ~ banc! 11 1Il'c ha ~e d a set of sl deruulc spa ce to 111" TI!II:UIIH f(u' the ·"IIBIIIl'es. In eus ' tIl!! h o's rUD In a th o Cull lira n cm d l s, and ufC ' r Pi'll l ice, qll f'S tiulIS ll~ I ...,,<:>ssll;- un(j IU I'ge Iut or paslure ((u rl ng th e sum· II sln g Ih e conle nt s o f the fir st bOltle suggl)!lts , w ays t o I'r~I' I' nl th l'l~ k ot nw l', It Is often .'on ' luc re(1 Uiln C R· of CulI' ul'a R sol " enl In conllccli(lII bllmlng tlo wn on "H , ll\IlI~ III oro I' lO sury to e11' lIn lind ul sln fe('\. t h smull Wltll I h e C ll ilclira Sonp nntl Oln t nienl. gd Ih ' oltl 1, ~l lIl ufr, I l S"\'~' )'urd H a!ld hog lI o\l~ ~ nl1l1 Ih ey be· th c b rcn ldn g out e ll ili' I y HI Ollped. I " T hel' o Is <I.' J,;lInd \11'111 "f' ui. r' II ~R Il] n 1'0ll1e II l lh y alld d llst )', ;\111(1(1)' )'(lI'I1s l'outlnu l'd tll e li se of tll C,lIleu 1'II ulllon g hOll !t"IHlld l" 'H aH ltl till' "p slr. al'O (' ~ fI (!c lully otJjl 'C titlnabl l?, a t l1 C'Y Homl'd les for Rl x mon(h R. Ilnd aft r ullIIIlY. 11I 1"lllI lln g hOll!l'·s.or IJ III'nlng I 800 11 upco ll1 e 8l t h \' thol e v('I'Y sp l otch wa s elltll' ly gone olf til > ul d paillt . it PI':lI'lit'" thaI ha ~ If II ' cessar)" th • ~nnltnr)' ('ond ltlor,s ond t h e ,,!rected purls w e r e I 'ft a~ grow n ,. 'r y c 111illUil or lat In 01'€'(, 11' of Iho yar d (~lIn be I 111 I'I'U\'01/ t,~ (1I'n ln· <'1 (,lIr :I S eVOI', Th E' Cllti ClI r:! n "111 p, fl(·Ir1 III1U cliwwhere. 1 1I~"I'nnc nll'n Ilig Ihe m . k eepln l;" i h' \\'11110 \1 hol ps rllt's not 0111), cur d Tn or hat dr n(\ · are ~ lrOIl j; ly Ol,poRctl to th l~ IIl 'l holl. /llIed III Illld takin g Ibe h ogs out fOI' a fil l dI RC'nse. eczemo. hut Ol n r com pit, It mu l( s ,'ulu I11 S(lrt\1l e poli cies for few luonlh s even' '·"Ilr. Tht> \1IlU S d catell lI'onules os \\' II. U zzle 8. fl res cnus ed In th i s man li er , S",' 1'81 IlllR clln be cl efn;p(i nnd ptll lo goud l o<l:;e,!i40 Jo n R Al' e •. Sehua. A la" h ou ~ 8 i ll GloI! nflel ti l lD\'c gottell allre Is
Oc. 28. l VOG."
A 1'1 ' r"O\l ~ , irriln\,lc m thC'r , oft non MrJ;. Ch est.C r li r~\·. I ,('alier o( tb. th e "crg-!! of Il,I'stcri '~ . i>; un fi t t.o car Llld ies ' Symph ony U;" 'hp!' tl'lL, 4 ~ ~ara f or eh illlrcD; i t ru ins (I. ch ild's dispos i· t Oil" S t reet, )'lls t U""tuu. Mass .,
as til '. I'ps ilit of Ih l M methud , !tlld In sOlJle IJla<:es IIOIIS 'S LIII\' llUrn ed UR n ti OD n o d r encts upon h cr ' I f . 'J' he \\'I'II.('S: LroulJl e bC'twc('n c h ildr('u nnd th ei r D~l\rMrs . P inl,hnm :, Huntert Mali l ed by L l onelt. reSul t. 0t" ~ I'!l to ofll'n i ll rlue to th e fu et "For eight yC/l1'!i I "'IlB traubl l,,1 ..-!tb e s:A Ilght lJpt \\' 'en two hUlltel's and an "Jt I ~ u ndollhl ellly ~ 1' 1I lh at wil en 1ll t h at 1.h m <lt:!I/'1' hil A Rn lll ff' llln\o w (' nll' tremo n ~ n' ''" "u<:ss fiml h y&teriu, b r<ll~ht O~ Infu dllted 1I0l1ess III r :lol·t ed from a h ouse h l\~ be 11 1,0 ,;11 1('" 0\'1'1' u nd bess, and ~h o is rn ti n ' I." lInfH to ht'llr lIy Irregularll ics. I cou!. 1 nellll. r CII JO), IIf. sJ!'eplllghIS: I WAS vcry Irrita.ble, Ml'vo'" Briti sh Eu~t Africa. ol'el' again tll er e OlU ea to b e all nco th " ,·"in u pun l" ' r DCI" 'I'R t hat g vcrn· Dor Duddl'lJ'poilt!ent. Messrs, Lu all and Gold8nch l efl CIIDJU l alion of polm III ulll1cll es. Jt Ing ch il dren inNh'c:; it i 'l Impossi b l e " 1,Yllifl E. Pinkhnm'. V eg tahie CompouD4 Nairobi on a shootin g xjJcdltfon. and n ew paint Is II!1t UIJ (o p oC these ac. fur h er to 110 uu,\'th i o g' cul mly. was nl(.'u mlllclIlll'(iun<l pro'·... , h .. 1Ie Ihu alii,. Th e i ll s o f w om en u ·t 111«' II fir 'brnnd re\l1 l~Jy thnt bdped UJe. 1 bave d.. l/y iUlwb en fI" e mil K from th e town tho cnmulllLiolls It hi II1 mp8 t SIII'O h I blls. npoll th e n Cl'\·t!R, co n ~" qucn t ly nine. proved in hl.'l1\tb ulltil 1 am nuW' .trung ..n4 1I0nesR was oils 1'1' d. t e r , T o blll'n it olf ill I he (Jul ck 5l \V~ll. Rnd 011 nerV O llKJU~6H bll s tlix.Ilppe.nNd. · ' lIIrs. 'h urles l!'. Drown, Vi ce. Presi. Wblle tbe llIell sl ood at Lbo edge of antl ch apes t Dud 1,,' rhuI ' S the 8 l1 re~t tc u th ~ o f th e nerVOII!) prostratioD. n c r · the thick et the brute IJo linced on Mr. 111 tho,) ot gelling r id of this old Vall u e~!Xlud cncy, .. \,he bhw. ," 61 ·ep · d ent of the MoLhcu' Cl ub, 21 Cednl' Il'sslll'ss. lind n ervou s irri ta1.liH t.y ,01 T erra ce, Hot Springs, Ark, wri tes : , Goldfin ch and threw him. to tbe pa int. ' w Olll en IIrlsc from Rome, derungement. Dcar Mrs. Pinkham :~round . It bit blm on th e thigh 'beTh e Gal tte nn d ('ou l'ler Qllo tes ce l" ot t il " f" male organ islil. ". dragged tbrougb nine yeon ot mlae.... (o r e Mr, Luea8 lod ged a bullet In Ils taln o ld llal l'OIlB 10 t hE> erl'ect that lIC' 00 YOll experIen ce fits of depression ILb' e exJstc llco, worn out with pnln ..nd ue .... neck. . cnmula lfou s or pulnt lire unn ecessarr. with r cstl "'~n ess , alte rJ\ atin~ w i th " OIlSI1_, until itEEel'lloo as though l shou'" Maddened by the wound, tbe an.· 'I'll so old ·l/mllr s l ay t h e blum partly extrem e irritubilit.\,·' Are ,vollr spiri t s I\y. I Ulen Il0ticed a 61L1Wmellt of a" minute yon troubled lUl l wus, and tbo wonderflll resnlt. mal tlIrned Its IItlentioll lo Mr. Lu ca8, OD t h painter who fu lls to bl'lI ah h is eu..o;i ly affect ed , so that one ... f I she derived tram Lyllia. E . I ' Jnkhl1w's Veg. . j wh08e borse It fell ed und then plnn d paint in \\' e ll . partly 0"1 lile clisto m o( ,101lg'I, au d the n e.t mIUU"", you ce table Compounrl. I dccldctltot,·y It. IdldlJO, Iik " ' erri n g? and ott.biJ end of throomonlbs I W/1ll .. dlifcr tbe rider to the grou nd, lofllellng lac· JJallltlug In daml) \\' l'nth l'I' or not allow. Do ),'011 f eel something 1i1{e a boll ris· cnt woman. My n CrI'OIlRII WI 111'08 all gone, I oratiolls on hI s fa ce and IIll1ng his Ing s ufficient lfrn fur ul'r lD g b el we n Ing in YOllr throat anti thrcn.lenin g to W08 ilO longer IrriUlble, lind , u1, bWlUanLl felt r ight arl\1, li e wu s suveu lIy Mr. COUIS, nntl )lal'l l y lO th(J li se of nuu llel" ehol,' \' 011; n i l th sen ~es peT" crte d , In love with mo 011 over ob'IlI... ' Women should remerobcrtbllt LVIii .. Goillflncb. who, Bi tting liP, rolled tbe al d palllls i li s tea d o f o lll . fa~ hloli ed 1lI0rb;'\\y I5Cn si Li,·c to lig ht nnll sound; lioness o"er with n w ell·alm d shot. IIn 8e d 011 I\IHI J,lIl'e \\:h lle l en d. The pa! 1l iu th o obdom l nul r egion , aud E. Pinkham's V gctable olllpouu., i .. lIet\\'('c n the shoulder s j b oring.down the m edicine t h nt holds th e record for I Tli e beast W08 abo ut to s Prill g o n IJtlIlt: I' saY Re Ita vic tim again wh n anolher dis· " ;\I nny or the o l d ho useh ol ders 80)' pain s ; n e rvous d ysp p. ill tll1d alwost. t.ho g r atest. number o f aet.lIal cu res ot continua.lly c r os, aorl sna ppy" f emnlo ills, aud tnke no subst.ltute. harge rrom l he sa m weapon 1)1'0" d that If caro Is tak ~ n III oil th es polrrts H i!O, you r n rveR nrc i n IL Rhat.t. red Free Advice to \Vomen . faLD I. Th e wound d' m en were ta kf'n It I s au sollit Iy lion c ssnry to hal'e cOIHl iLio'n , unel 'you ur" tl.l rcaten 'u w ith lIIrs. Pinlchl1lD, clUlIght E' r ,lu· l llw of hack to towo, wber e they recei vect Ilal l1t bllrn d olf, Th y ud"lso lhnt n ' T\'01l !; prostratio n. , T,ydill E.l'inkhl'ln, L yn n. lIl ass .. iDylt es medical Bid. people who ha ve IIOIIS 's pal nled slloll"] 1'1'0', ( is roonumcntnl,ha nothlnlt'in all si clt 1I'0ml'n to write to h"r for huy th eir wn lJIa t r i als, and lO Illwo t he "'()\'h l l s b.' lLPr fOl'n l' r\'oll s prost",- od,·ice. lIIrs. l'inkhIlID·a vast. experieDce Plum ag e of tho Rlueblrd. tll ' m put 011 to)' UI(:! lI,:lr, so as to lie t iu ll t hn n L~'(lIu g . l'inkham'H Ve~ . wi th femal o troublescullbles her lo n.dOt tb e mal e bluebird Thorean said: slire to get gO/I" ' '''ad ond 0 11. or tll l,le I.nlllpDnflll ; th oll o",ls nnd tholl' vise yo u wi s Iy, and hh will ~harge sn rl!IS'o f \vCJlllen Cllil tebtify to thi )) fa ,to y ou noUdng for h er Ddvl e. "li e anles t h sky ou' hi s lIac1c," To cou r se the blll'l1ln ' off of /lllint groatlr Ask IIIrs. Plnk.ham's Ad,Ic:e- A Woman Best Understands a Woaaan's Ills. this ,/olln BIII'roll ghH add d, "twd the in r ellSWI (he COSt of t tl jab." ('arl h on hIs bl' a!'l." Th e binI's back , Th o t r 11111 ' hollsf'huldecs (' '' e r ~' wh ra wll1 gs and tnll. chin antl thrOal ar a hnl' with lJO lnt Is 1'1' 'lIy II' · 11 s(llllined vivid ""Ie. whll his IIreast antl flank8 lip by our 'oli lelDpol'n ry. UII(( th e are a ch!'stn llt IIrown aud his abdomen cali s s are a1.l0ut ~lJ e salUe el' I·y wbere. IN THr: WORLD n dirty wh ite. Th r m ale Is v ry Uy rar th e 1U0 t frequent c alis or lho lIluch dull!.'r In colur ln g, o r t en. lIa l'llIg IIccesslty for th e dan '\,l'OIl A pra 1I a r lldd,l slt tone that extentl s fro IU til of b urnin g old Im illt Is lhe li se o f 1100 1' mldd. of I he lIac k ol'l1r lhe should er , mat rllil. Tbe 0 11 sho liid IJ )lUI'O lin. Bis ser (bao ;\Iissou ri : as big as Ohio an<l_ _ _ The Sornlnol e I mllnnR say thal . the s cd.and l he wblle l ead should 1.Ie r eul lodian a combine d, wilh n noil tee lDiog wit.ll . mule IJluelJlrll on ce fl w so hi gh lllat wblte I 'a d, Th e lalle r 18 m OI'e on n all th.. crops that lilli' SInIC raises.. h i s bn k l'ulJlJed agai nst lhe sk y , tam l ler ed willi thull t he oil. Eartby O KLAHOM A-Ih e new SLal e- is desl ined I -w1lt!'1 rIm}lnr l ed 10 him I ts OW II azure SUbstaoCf)8, Bilu (J1l1I'(! rlz d roel, Bnll 10 occupy first ran\< in- n f ew shorL .yea rs. tin t. R t umlng to earlh. his ,,,\fe so Quartz, ar (1'llliu nlly used as c heap. li ere at (he p I" CO\ ti m ~ over a millioQI ndmlred h i s Il w coat thl<t sll deter· ners. to llle gl' at tlctr !m enl of the peo ple are d\lpl icl\ling the life which ill goillg ou ill lII illo i~ untl Ind ioDa. Their mined to 11nl'e II like nue ru r h e rs ~ lr pain t. HOG TROUGHS. houses, their towns and Iheir schools are and t he n Xl mornin g new away to Palnte r a rarely nd ult ern!e w h lt o newer bU I in nOlhins el se do th ei r sur4 get tt: but t.h da y "rov ng RomewlH.t l ead t h msel ves an ~1 th ). v ery 8 Ido lD r ounding. diller f r om Ill""" in our S,ate",Two Devices Wh ich Obv iate the Trou· cloud y, th e color given to 1I'!r d ress 11 5 r eady prefl~ red 1"'!l lnt~ - lhe mosl Thei r cilies nou lowns are growing aud e,,< • ble wit" Hog., ",as nol so brillinnt 08 was that te· f req u nl causes or pa lilt trollbl e, B ut pandinll wilb' Ibe impe tus of a f ertile ""i1~ , celved b y b er mate. th y do of t ell tl1lY allllllcrat (J wllite aod a pu~hio g, wi,le·awnke cil izenship• . The d e"lce here shown fo r attach · I all b ecn li se th e TII'opel' ty ownel' In. Her .clliers, mainly.iTlim Ihe ol der Sl ate9, m l!nt over n t r ou gb Is ' i nl~nded lO Di sused HouseD Cheap. see the vi rtue of e ncouraging o nterprlse~ ot' !lIsts on a low price ao'" the paInt er Mil'!'!' to',rl stll III Switzer lan d ... er e ha s to ze 80m wh ere. every kind nnd Illl! n eedfulness of gelli or' The marC Clnd beHer f .. oil il ies: of Ilelling 1II0r'" Clst ob\'II !d this SlImlile r lO see vi i· s ll g~es lioTl I s th erefore a good one bands 10 devel op the co untry. lable~ In Ihe Hh one \'alley. o enr lhut (h e I'ropol·ty owner im'estlgale 10 brie f. conditioos l Qr~ simpl" Rrl glle, whlcn lool( e<l ' as If lhey had th e slibj Cl a 1I1l11!. find oul Lho lI'ame tbese: O I<LAH OMA is in n eed ot nOlhioll' been bomllUrded. On Inqul r)' they ot ~ Iltll e rc;lIaul e L I'ntl\1 ot white I('nd, save p eop le. More men are needed i o Ihe found that I he demoll sh eu hOll ses and sce thllt the k eg Is mark ed willi th0,7 citi es alld 10 WO : more fnrm "r~ l or the ,·nat If I coulll you my Ia~ areas of ' unimproved lantl Do t DOW yie ldla, were \no stl~' t lIl(Jornry boarding tha l brand, ractorles H Brockton, Mua. ,and &hoW' places . or Ibe 111111un Iil borenl who crops at which it is CllpnW e, T here ar. The IIll s d 011 Is UlOre dlmclIIl to wade the Impl n t llnn el. Arte r be Rll re (lf, aR It .S II sually 80ld 10 you how carefully W. L. Doua:lu shou openings of all sorts. for farmers aod are made, you would then understand artisnes. lor mills aDd mllou racturio& their d~p t1T ture t hose hou ses were or· bli l k wh en t h e (iUallllty Is small: but wby they bold theIr shape, fit better, t erell for sllle at $50 each - nnt. '01 r ellahle milke rs of lillseed ull cnn be wear lona:er. and are of &TCAter valuo plaets, for small 'slor es of all kind •. conroe, 'n cludlu, the grouad on wlilca Ica m d on liHlulr)" lIn.d, If YOHr d aler than any other make. Wherev ... )I.... live, )IOU eon obtoln W. L. th e)' at~ Is I'ol!allll!. ~' u u wlJl get what r Oil want. DouSlo.ohOd. Hlo ond price 18>«dl Theop portlJlle t.l rutl I. h .", "'htl ti f bet Il\nt' If'! cbr.ap.., Pure wh i t " lell d an Li lin seed all lire on tho bollo.... whkh prolocto you .,.Inot hl,h The countr, h t flst.8ouJ l llW till> . r you IHlr C' hBNo lan d '6tcrior ,hoo.'J. 7"ak. no ... b • .,- 0 (.1 " 70u will .o(\ D I ce R'N" up around , o u II Q(Hll, THE WAY OUT. so lI eceRH:lI'y 10 ' ood paint thnt the prkea .ad Aok yourd.. ler 10. W. L. Doual .. In.... Ulun ltl Or pf'OlptIOU ' . OO BrUftlJ O "Hi n wbO. II)l:t, 1un,... l i t I.) u 'ollhl e lI · ces~n. ry 10 g t ·th em .nd In •• lt upuo ".vlnE them. Fasf Cu/or,ElI",t, ullci,' the" wfl/ flof w,a,. br(JSlIP :g~!a~:::~!~::!R~:~r.~=~O!~t~~:I~~ Ol[~ Chanu" of Food Brought . Succeal and \\' t ll re pa ys t he 11 0 ,;e own r In dollllrs Write lor lIIu. lrat.d CololoS 01. F oil Styl... W. L. DOUGLAS, Dept. 13. Brockl?n, /II .... ' lid cen LK ~:\\'P(\ , Happiness.
'3.00 Shoes
The New State of Oklahoma
Your Opportunity Now
Proved EffectUIII. .\ n ambitio u s but delicate gi rl. aCter Trough for Feedi ng Hogs. 11 Is 900 yeoT!l slrll; e ' the tallure of : all~l1g 19 ' 0 throug h Rc h aol on nc· keep th o hogs out Whil e f e(( la belna ~/) lInl oC nei'Vousnoss lind hy sl er la, a bahk In Chi na, (n th e last oc aslon ponre(l In. Th jllln I Is· Ilun g or, (o ulld In Gran ·Nlli s tbe ont')' thing ' wh f' n sueh no event hnppcned, lhe emrlerol' h ad t h e rullllre i u \' es tlgaled. IIlng 8 a ua cun be flrm l )' fll sten cI 0 1' t ilnt se m ed to bul l tl h oI' un alld fui" und fOlll'd Il hlld lie'", due lo r ecklesp either ~ Id e ot the lrough. Tbe s e~o llll nish her til e pea ce of h ' altb. contlllc t 00 th e Jlart or th e dlr clorfl I1 ll1stralion 18 of an ord,l nary trough t.. "From In raDCY." sh e SIIYS. '" h alle ' H e al once Issued a n (!dlct that. Ihl! not been sLron g, n elng am\>l ti oli s to next time a lIau k falh:d. the heads ot learn al any ,co, t t tln!\II~' gOl to the t~1I Ilresldent ' and di recto rs were to High Sohool. lIut Boon had to aban· be cut olf. 'rbls edict, whl"b hsa dbn qly studi es on n couu t ot nervou s n ever been r evok f'd, has m)de Ghlna'lI , prostratlon and h ysterl n. banking Ill slllutJons tbe safest 10 "My f ood did not agree with me. I the world. ~rew .t hln an ti il espondenL I could - --'-,,-' not enjoy the 81111111e9 social nffalr {or , D'apen.'ng with Waite,.. I ~uft'e red constnnUy fr01l1 n er,VOllS' Aillomallc cu n h l\ve lIecome 80 ' IUC' neRS in splle of all sorts of medicIn es, ceSRrli l In Swllzerland tho t B com· " Tbl s wretched contl ilion conUnued pany Ilns been formed to supply the unlll I v.ros twent y·ll ve, when I be- Swlsa and t heIr visi tors with electric : oll1e Interested In t h e l et ters of th ose automatic r eRIRnrllnts, ' where. 811 If II'b1> hnd oases lik e m ine and who by mo g l c. m eal s will tip. se r ved by eleoWEl!e beIng cured by eating Grape· trlclty to all conlers, 1'h e only thIn, Nu'"s. ' n eeeSSllry 18 to lake YOllr seat . glance "i had Ultle faith , but pr ocllred a ol'er t he bill ot fllre, '(Jlace your ))1)1 and arLe'r ' the fir st dish I el\pe· money In the right ·!llot .. and the ma· rle ltce d a , I,eculln r sutl sfled feeling chl,nery does tbe, tha~ I had never galneil fr om Dn y or· .--.---~--- .' wll'l ch la attsched an ' lIprlg"bt box ' tw;, IHnary food. I Al ept nnd r ested better Low ' Ratea to the Northweat. and one·balt 'feet long and elghf~; lIlnl ' nigh t and In n rew ua>:s began Every .11lY IIn lll Oc.t. 31st tbe Great four inch slde.d . The top Is' ruun el to g:ow stl'Onger. Northern Railway will sell one way shoped to facilitate the emptyl nl: of "I had a n ew feeling of peace and Colon l slS' Tlckels (rom Oblcngo at lh4! the Jlail 11IlIJ It. r est ·uless. lu n fe w weeks. to my followIng low rates: grea, joy, the hilndachel;l and nervons· Tu Sell tlle, Portlawl and Western . Putting Hogi on Corn. nest IPoft mo 'lnd lite i'ooame bright Wnshlnglon, $33,00, Spokane, $30.50. When sUrting lhe hog vu corn at ar,;I hopeflu . I r esumecl my studies Equally lo w rutet; to MontallD, Idaho, tbe begluolllg of the faLtelling seas,',i' 'lnd I:\ter tanght ten m on ths with ease 9regon and BrlUsl" Oolllm :lla . . care 8houl11 be taken no t to give l he -of !!ourse !Ising GrR,;,"'!'!ulS eve1'y For further In ~ol·mnU . !n , ad)lresl hogs t oo much corn ' alld tblls InjUN! day; It Is now four years sInce J be· MAX BASS, Oen e ~nl . mll'l r;r!.uon th eir dlge!>t1on and destroy their appo.' t I an to llIe Orape·NutB, I am \be mIll· Acent. 2~C So. Clark 5't, Cblca llo, 111. Ute. says A. J, Legg. Nicholas county, 'rels ot .. hall(ly home and the, old W . Va. .I\. SUdden change f rom gtal" I weaklll!8s 8 11.8 never returned." , Nnme South'. Vlnt., .. ,a nd blllky teeda to such a cont«on'l· given oy l'olt um Co." BRtU. Creek, Tbe lut SOll t h ""'lst raJia villtap t rated reed &I com I. Ukely to ililuNI MleJ!. '''i'ht>r!l's a rea.'lD." Read tbe 1'e'lItHl 2.656,947 gall, liB, RI compared tb. bop .nd !fIve them a b&ckatt lIttJ~ 1.o0le "Ttle W W.lIvUle," .... 11 ... ¥~!(M71 Sa ttl. "NYIoU tbat tbe,. .W pot reaQ1Jl \D,~ JIM . ' .
the N .• K . & ' 1" llT. tllter1
l l'W nl~ •.
-' b luaaf"
Ok lm.homa el t, .! he rA te i s 1Z4.M t from 8L. 1-llU J.. 12fj.'26; fr om !:it, 1A)\l l •. 1111 00; r rUiD Kania. 011 r.I I:!.20. Uj
1~he t lcketa vo rDJ llo ot .LO~ overt In bot b dlrCQ"\lon .. vl !1 )I ., K . Jc.fJ' U, . I t 10u , u e Ar'CSt. ' l\lINlld n"' '' Dt, ra..nDo ~ . ha
, UU raL.e., wrlle 1111 for pII.rtlc ula,..
Generlll Plls.~ense r As eol . M ., 1\. & T. H 'y
Wain"ria:bt nld~ ,
S l. LO lli l . Mo. ' U. F. BOW8BHiR, 401! TraoLiuD Ulda,.
OlaoillDOU, 0..
OOO.U(lO h u ,cllels of (lai S I IU.1 11,000,000 bU l b e ls o f I,:,rleoy me-a n . til COII tinn.l ion of lood toot" fo r tile hutuerl of Weli~.
ern Ca.llada.. . Free f.rma. bf. ('rop", 10W' tn,ea, h ... 1th, Cli mate Rood tb",che K u ud £c hou' ftp leouiu rallw:ay'I'e:rvi«.
' 'l' IH~; Ca nad ia n rt09'ernmtl1t offt;' r~ ,~ ure. of II-li d free to to",:r" setlier .BlinK' a\:d a'lle tu compl y witlllbe: ifo mC: ltC'al1 RCKul M l i oa~ .~ Advice nnd Info r m ati o n m a y be. f)blai n c,l hH . from I), Scott rhq.\ erhuf!t1c1ellt o f Inn""grat lou ,O ltawa, Call.d,, : or f rom "!llllClriutt Calladi .. n Go\'ernm.nt Aa ellt-H, M. \Vill1ama 1., ... Bu ildi ug, Toledo.. O .
'V .
all inflamtd, ul~erated and catarrhal CODditioDS of tbe mucous membrane'such u na.alcatarrb,uterlnecatarrll caused by femlnlno 11111, .ore throa~ so ... mouth' or Inflamed eyes by simpl, dosing the stomach. . But you sur.cly call cure these ItubborD affections by loc;)1 treatment with
Paxtlne Toilet,AntiseptiC which destroys the di sf'uegelml,checka
discharges,. st0J?l! paiD, and bew the Inflammation and aOreAe,.. Paxtine represents th4 most .uccetaful local treatment lor femlnlno III. ever product,d. Tbousands of women teatifF to this f act, 50 cents at druglats. ,
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I\lai , On.tH, Hominy. Ca nned (;oods
$ '$ !
Cru. !ted Oy s ter hell f o r t.h., 'h'i k!.
'r"lte your ~hiokenll t o Rl!.lle r'~ I Mrs . MIl Y EVMly 'rat,il, who 111ls Try our . . C. ARparagus t:ltore they PIlY highest mtlrket prioo l freq uentl y s ung t o appr oin ti ve IIll· In tr~de . . dienoo!l io Wllynesv! l1e. MOil a solu C~lbbt\A'c. Sweets, Apples . 1'h li' f M SHE II d ! at U II ug r ll itn I ~i vetil 'l1Iulny !lV · Orllnges. Lemons • Hananas. ' eU ome Q rs . . . I sail , l b ' f th Ri d I •• ' Ell ' h f en n' by UI II 0 01 r II e ver 1\ e 1Ul!!S or" 18 WIIS t e Boene 0 B . ID,l!lt happy family reunioo So'n'd uy ' Methodis t ohurch ID Dflyton 11I beln.G hero throug h II th 'ort iHioj.l w" "1'2° PII)4' :': when Dr. C!larlAs Eilts And lUI Ie . KIlD.8~~, tho 8 1~ltO wher e Oorn· ill the (;Iazette. ~: ve ry hit lof bUHi ~J ~ ness that came to him is lliroo tly Hon nod danj(hter from St. LoOiS' I 8tlliks grow unW they scrllpa the Mr. and MrM . •Tohn Me Clure and I w llon where there If! plenly of wat. rti sing d irl FOR EGGS little lion and threA HUle danghters, er bu~ 110 fed liqul1 r . tbe st.nte ~hilt ~ Dr. !lnd Mrs J . T . Ellis nnd s on fumillbell U1 0r e vfitorll to our right here nt h ome, I ~ It I)IIYS to trade at . Chl\rles and WIfe, a180 Mi88 Irma Homo.Cowin. tha n any state Ellis and Mr . Sid E iii ii, Mr , and in the Uni on. tilt' stl\l e I,hllt IS faUl . !fi li nd Whi te WnWII' M ...... J . E . JIlDnay nnd four little OUS for any number of rell "on : i direotl v, Imt t.hey COILl On O\'1 rtll 1 ttS. , p' I ) f - [0 (~t 1111 whi tt wit te r IJlll l ~ .,., ';" " ,le P II I, ., ;.. or .,0 l: ] duu:;hters, met Ilnd spent ,the dilY peopled by u grant Dlun\, former 'l'hu point w e Wllut to Ilu/ll'ess on D""8ort di .. h s, :? for & [I " Blne & Wil l " 1I'1l1.,'r pllils t.o!{.ether. . oitlzens of Wnyn esyil\e IIl111 vLC!ni . thollt who .. enrl· th is is t hut Ih e (;I ". 7 " 4 D !lort 80 llP pili t ~ ~ Of Course "',0 Ii .. Blue , whit E! iltl1W Kott.le :l~O _ lII!'" ty Ilncl like Waynesville ,people Z ttP. ill an unusually good 10 ul pl~ (j ill . Coreal B OWl :; ;in Wil li!! Busin s Blu !LIHI White I"U ~ ' D~ath of Mrs. . everywherA tbey are winning for . ve r .: 1t i~ uway n\)o \' e tLw UVflTII "e B Ol1o DIs h e::l - .1 Wu ,; h BlIsiJl ~ 11lI Wb i t" '''io Sarah S. King. tune snd h onor ill the oities of thet r of f1)O~t pupers IlUhli sh ed io towns Oblong ~e" . Dlllh£' l (1c I J) i~h PIIU~ ;~o adoption . the Rb:e of Wa y ne \'ille _' tOol T 'D BIIlft". '> 4\l o l :li n Moot dis I1"" "I'•.It-l.t.lnR, ~" "'. \\' lIl t M1't!. Sarah SlIbin King !lied !it It h~ u homo pllpor . It is reatl by 0.' ~ 111 • alitl B I )w l ~ 100 ' 'llIlIll b \' Illli1. ' lill White A copy of tho SenllO& KBn8lls r.o her home tn the vi\luge of Harveys_ Tribune received Bt the (Jllzette eve ry m ember of th o fn.mily nnd , .1 ; in . I3n l tll r ~ 10 ' ' 01 . .J II \1 ESTABLISHED burg Tueaday' afternoon after B office Monday oootuined the follow . go into II ma jori ty () f the hom S . I t) 1.1 ('t (i nlvtltlised ll llQ.ko " [ ) 1 . , g . OIl' h '8 -. long iIInesll. . Il)o l ing oonoornlng R, M . Eml) ry jr. · of ~h CO 'lI01lloity . it- III h e 'ullse of this thnt ' we in i t !}I~ i ll. Dinn r platl,,.:1 fur Funeral will be held lit the M, E. candidate for 'ounty Attorney of F;lIloy Di un er P ill teo liCit np i n 11:< \' lI llIe II . !III ndvurtising ohuroh Harveysbnrg '1'bnrsday Nemllha C\\uuty. 1$11\\'1 nntl I' itt'llt'r morning at 10 0 ·olook. Mr,. Em or y it! g randson of Mr . wediu"" becullS we kn u w t he 1-'" 111> .Jllr" . lire. KtDg was 76 years old land add Mrs . S. B. l'homp8on who por Ottn !Lnll will !JClItl Ut Im yon e wh o 7 pieoo t oilet SI"t 1• .l!lo l ~l, tI\'( Pip bas Bnything. to sell thllt; somebo'ly had beeD a reeident of HarveY8burg moved from OorwlD to Kan8as a 1 ~;Il.J o w l~o else wants to buy. ' mADY yean. ~he was the motber, of Dum ber of years ago, and " son of Pi Jl I! )leI' j oi n t Luo Quincy KIDg and Mn. Charles Mad- their dang hter Mrtj. Lon ThompUnderwear. I, I) ~•. )1 i lOfl jJ pin;: hUllke l ~ uoh I Oc den of Harveysburg alao of Mrs. 8onEmory. The Other Side 1Ile . Leading Agrlcnltnral Jonrnal of tbe World. 2"0 wn " IL bOll rtl George HamUk>n of Wayneaville. The Tribune hilS the followin g to of' Scroggy-King Feud. MOll S BCllv.v fioooet lin cu ~hirts 11 11 11 i Luo wn ~h ' h OtLrt1 s R"-I.' ry deJ)f.lrtml';;;;'~ hy .pt'!Cl.aUa18. tlJU 110 say : l'll: hc~', DlltborlUCJl ln tl"lr ""peell." Un.".. tlrR wT!j 50e, 7;;(' $\ 00 )I f' r . ni t. 120 l,rool1l . 150 );0 other paper preteods to .'OmpiU'\l wit h It Oathering of Eastern Star The RepnblioAn party made a. wise '1'ho .followIng n rtiols :r ela tlug to I I) In,ll coo I bu k ts in quull flcation. or ellltor"'l sin IT. aDd well merlt-ed nomina~ion for the feud between COllgres lUan Ol vCH tho ol:t'lculturnl N!\WS with n d"I:"'" Clothing. I . of cQ lU.plct.encss- 1l~~mptA"" by UU'r.... Ail'l!; O. M. Ridge and' 3ofr8, J. C. 'be offioo of Connty attorney in tHe &roggy lind h!lrle E . Kiug hilS . . jBaskets. Hawke are a&teDdlng the meetlDg of pel'l!on of R . M. Emery. jr. ; who been BeJ:It the Gazette by tL I'riend Mens .Jertu's pants 50 lind 750 It INDI!!!PE!'!!!!"-»LE TO ptllr ' the Grana Chapter of the Eastern was born In Seneoa, August 15, 1 0 of Mr . King at Bllrvey~btllrg. ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS !\lens orduroy pants 1'.75 Ilnel 2 flO E (ld Bask ts II co r.. a tltl lest;. now in his 'twenty-seventb . The publishers of tho Gazette Star of Ohio whloh will be in lIes- and WHOWJ8HTO 'ortlnroy nits 17 ' id!'r burr III itoml, ell~h , 1.(;0 year. He graduated from the Sene~ know nothing whatever of th e en 8, slon at Dayton .until ' ~Ilraday . KEBP liP WITD. TaE TIMBfI. .< WQrk Conts *1 to ~11 .'j'5 . h ot. i n \ 0 lb. I(,tl'. P rib. (\c CIi High Sohool in 1 9 • and from a. exoept what hus appeared in tho 1. 8 mpty sh a ll 10 <'0 l.l gllll'o IIfl,r ~I "I. So""'rlpU.. , ' •• GO, .• Cortlllroy Vc ts 1. 50 Two S.bCltrlpU ••• , Milk Ro~te:l)iscontinUed. four years' litera ry oourse at Law. newSpflpnrl', 'but we give thi ~ ver· " Od d V I1~ 1 50 CO lltS )'1 .. 8Db!lerlpUODl, '&'00, buudr (I 40c renoe in 1902 uud ugain from the sion of the nfi'llir by r cql1 1St,. in or 'ut Mils by th e loc, p r Ib Yu ~.IH) fAL JNDtJ BMtiNT to n .... sSunday. Stokes and Brown who fu]1 tbree year!" cour se In the law qer tbut bot h sid es Illa~r h·. va 11 ,,1"'1 OJ! L"'KGEI' ()LllBS. bave bad pbarge of the milk route department of Bllrvllrd . College iu bCluing: Shoes. , Four .lIontJuj~Trip u{J r.mll.~. in '\YaYBe8ville hav" dlsoontinu ed .Inne 1905, a,n d soo~ thereafter WIIS Rubber·BoodSr" Who of U B hn not oUlde lll is tlllCetj .. . .i\lpll \:i a/l VY "1..,0 1 $3. 00 theeamlk SPECIMEN CO'PIES ndmltted to praotice by the Suprema in our Ii ve$? But ,\'\.·hl)u we ee the , Luu.ies hoes 7Go t o 3 00 Bull Blind FcHs UUl1 OV r!! This ie&ve8 Waynesville without Court' of this stn.te; Very fe w Iu.w- folly of Ollr W!lYB and stn r t on t~ 'I'm I., rnlllled troo OD NlqUCllt.- It ~Jtt parAD • . .. 11<1 Iy Inw_ led In oay way 10 country lIro to .a ·regular dairy route, alt~ough yers have hll d better. training In n ew pilth in a new coont,!,Y. why B !l Sb nl' • ,tm 1.2, 1<1. L, 2. ut 9'50 ; Dn 11 B,1l n d ltu ~ her Boots , St!IJU tor UUlI)l. J\dil ",...s lb ~ pubtl8bonl : numerons individuals who OWlI one their profeSSion , which "You~g d o n ot our fri end encouru.gtl u~ iu • LUTHER TUCKE,80N, · two three oows are selling milk. Rufe" bas made possible by earn_ s t,allu of slsndering onr CiUll r llt;ller i We give fine rugs, clocks, lamps and rocking cltair for cash purchases. ..a.:'banY. N .. y. e .... • ing muoh of his necessary expeusos ·OUt· busluess ability and oor /ltl · • a vc your ticke.ts . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Stibbs. by any kind of hqnest 1abor h e vanoement in e'vory wllY~ UR. H-A.'l'BAW Celebrate 20 Ann~versary. could finel to do in vacation. With .. Ln S!t \veck I.her~ IlPP"I~ rou i n l1t'mi· . lI'oollege 'd ebt still owing be is eng_ Iy every paper in tile o(mn.try th e Wtlyn ef!ville' L tiding Dentist· er for the aotive·dntles 'of his pro- following ; M~ ln Sl. " ~~. ' . Uullc) t nO\. Of their Wedded Life. Many "!phll.ll. EKing, ElI:-Auditor fesslon and preparetl to give the , friends join them in the Happy oounty the .t en,efit 01 hisleglll know_ of Warren Connty, t:b r e ul ElDed ' Occasion. led~e. ' on ' Oot. 11th" to kill. Hon . During a ' large portion of his 0 life' he has had the a88ooiatioD and ·rhos. E. Soroggy of Xenia. hio lit Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Btibb9 oele. hi!! winter home . In Tui!la, I 1' .• brated their 20th w.e dding aDni ver· experienoe In the law offioe of his WIlS bouod over to the investigati cn sary at their home on the Wayn6l!- father, ,Judge R. M. Emery, and of the Grand Jury. ville and Bellbrook pike Monday immediately ou his grllduation on · ·Ill d efault of bond It(\ WI\8 tnken t.ered bis office lUI a full partn er . October 22nd. to Musk oga where h e \VIIS pluolld ill ' 8nd hilS demonstrated his ability 11 6 The OOC8.SI0D was all that conld the fed eml jnil. be desired tD every way. The day 8 olear thlnker, lin energetio (toll 'l'his is trll!l in pllrt, 1'h9s. E. ' !taelt was beautlf,u l, a. typical I~U foroible ~pe!l kClr an aotive, in!lns dcroggy ·for yeur!! hllH bill ed King, trous rustler and a 8uooe8sful . prao tnm day. Ilnd he bud not Imried hi!. hlltred, Mr. and Mn. I::iUbbs 'had Invited Utioner in his ohoSen profession . but curried it with him to the wild a number of their friends to share His habits are right, hA lias a pleas. un(l woolly west. the enjoyment of the day with them ant w ord tor 1111. Be is plain I1nU For m ont hs ScrogGY IlIIs olldellvand by noon more than 8 J!.undred praotical and deservedly . populllr ored to ruin King and at la st it had persons were present and. lILt down those who have known him gone too far nnd Kin,g II/IU toltl bim to a most. delloious banquet which for twenty·slx year8 . He is Il Ne Ho . Inolnded every delicaoy'to be desir, maha oounty produot lind the dll· 'l'bey pud t\ dis pute. whicb might ed in 8e880n and out of 's eason, and ties of the offioe oun be sufely in. hu ve prove n more seriolls ,hud was a proof of the generous hospl trusted to hIt care. Vote for R , M. friends not iuterfered. M,r. Kiog tality 101' whioh Mr and Mrs Stlbbs Emery. jr., for county attorney . is not in jllil or neve r hn Abeen . ~~.ial!li are noted . No doub t b oth iu pllrt were to ' The remainder t.he day' was ft)Il-' bill me, bllt it is U()t .ri ght thllt s noh spent in a seMon of 800ial enjoy. repo:t uS have publis h ed shollld go ment, the renewing of aoqualntances undl sput.ed by 'Ki~g . and a generally pleas'a nt time, Ii,n d . For Firem en and Brukomen. Ex' perlence unnecessary . Over 000 vowhen tbe hour for 'parting came sll sltions Ollet. at the present time. joined in expressing sincere good High wages. R8pid prom ot.i on to . wishes to Mr , and Mrs. Stibbs for Englnee).'s and ()ontiuctors. $ 75 , to lUany mote years of prosperity Rnd *200 per mnnth. ·Instruotions . by mnillit ' your hOllle without interand ha,ppineKB. ruption with preRent (10 ·UIJllt·ion Mr. nnd Mrs 8t1bbS have one SOD W'e assist euoh studeot in seouring Rlllph !l pOSition . Don't delny. Write to· day for free oatalogue, .instruotiuns . ~{iami aI;\d a,pplioo.tlon blank : For Sale. NATIONAL RAILWAY 'fRAIN, INti S()BOOL, Ino., Boston BlOCk, A lot of doors and windows suit: .M lnneapoll8. ,M inn. n. S. A. Th,re . rem ore Mot1a able for outbuildings, lot of window StAI ~ '1 lhAn o f an " ott",. r accu unt uf 'heh 8, y lt , accursc, Sunday Excursions 8hutter~, cook stove and re8ervoir, lU c('nll'. IU "II" ..tDf'I (TbeOutCI" or Fa"blon)"u to Cincinnati. mo te .uh,,"n tJf"H 11"ln i1 t1yoth c.r l.aCliu' Maru in•• dna . 2 hanging lamps, one of them a hall ~~~~;:r ~~~; f.~~~:f;~! 12 Y~~~~:~~.~ri~:r~~I~:'U~CahJI:! tern I' r~ t " . :::U ri ~l e IOdsy. IlImp, I1lso 20 tons of good timothy Via P~·nnsylvo.nh Lines 90 cents 1." rI,· AO' ,o" , "4 ' Vno •••• UanchnmalP,.,.l • •• ol' hay. ' 'II1a , u.n. Pinero Ca,.lotul!!( r.ound trip from Waynesville tipeo- IIbf'f I I.,:n1l1 II; Ij fl . ~II.· 'in l"dalorl.lft ($ho ....·lnc •• pn.iuml) NATHAN AU8TlN'. .ea.t b uu. A ~llt ea. THE "(cCALL Co. Il. . lal traiD lesvll8 8 ;28 a m Ootober 28
'R a (Jj ers
th~I:I~ttbi: G~:::~'IlUV
R::u;~i11e~~n~;'~d~~,tl::~: l~~~r~~:;U:~ ~I \:r; el1~;~I~n~fI~~:l:cr~
peel- als.
~ I --En~~cled~~:~ ----- ~
~~~. ~'~i~t., .BIn
/COUNTRY 1831 GENTLEMAN The ONLY Agricultu(al NEWSpaper
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·R~ders . Store,
Corwin Ohio.
$6.00 worth of High .Class Reading matter for ... .- T . S . 8 5
By Special anangement the Publishers oLthe Gazette ofI'ercs the following magzines of national · utation in connection with the 'Gazette at Gt'eatly 'Reduced' Prices.
Young Men Wanted.
'rhe Review of Uevfcws
\Vomcll's Home Companion Succes.s :M:agzine . }'he. Gazette '1'ota1
$'3.00' 1.00. 1.0·0 1.00
OUI'. Spccial price for all four publications
I lIl
0(600 4./
.... I T . a . 8 5.
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--~~~~~--~-~ ~~
\V A YNI£:-; ILLIll, OBI0, WIDONE, DAY , 0 "rOBER :)1 !9'l(l
VOL. XLYl. NO. 46 ____ __
; =~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M~l~t~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . . .
TOLD IN SHORT IMrs. A . Bradford Start from ' Union Dies at Cedarville. Depot Friday night. PARAGRAPHS 1
Walter Kenrlok WIUl aUendlnlr ~ business ma.tters in' Da.ykln OD Sixty passengers will appear on Tlln.i gut, Wed ne!:ldoy , Ocl,o lJ~ r 3t I Former Resident of Waynesville. Wednesday: the 8tage II.t Sohool Hall Frld&y ev· nt 'rOR;! BIIII , tbe L I:'H \IY Uom ·d.l I M .. ~ . Almon Morford Brudford NEWSY NOTES GATHERED BY THE GAZET TE'.S . enlng in the oomedy "The Union Uo. Mrs. Isadora Ward and !hI. Kay ~ dip-o lit h er. \J011le in Cedarville at an CORRESPONDENTS IN NEARBY PLACES Depot .'~ Williamson attended the EuWD New !inp. of T.enth er P ll~ t, Cllrll s ut, ~ elul~' hour 8undny morning . . ~tar Convent·iona' DaY~D Wednes· This hnmorous play is to be pre· Kllt,\J IJrillu Al exunrll' r '~ ,·I" rO Til !'! ~.T('''t", r pllrt of MrR. Brad. Harveysburg. day and Thursdl&Y of last week. ilentod by hOlLe talent under the Corwin Mes!!I'1'I A Mnt1'if.t UIlU Elel MilliS f"rel '" lirl~ wa ~ HJI lit 'It, Wlly nesvilla wanagement of Misa Morris who Miss Belen BarriH, hlld IlS her Just I~S he hlAd a 8treak of ~18for. .bIS given It tn many town8 In the wellt, til Hprilll,;lieill TI1\'1'I )".I~ t., II t , nlll1 th €! a nnooncement of hn deatli Mis Benriett:1l Mo Kin~ey Is vis. guest on Sunday Miss (jb riHtine tune so Allen Emerick is now en· wa M I. s~ v e r e IIhock to her iriendl:l state anJ;l has drawn large andlen06B tend n !jllie of livery llOrl'l:'lI it:ing bel' t;ister Mrs. 1. N . 8,~rris in Kelly Ilond sisters. joying 1& time of prosperity. He Se u ts urc 0n ,;allo ut .JIl nu ey 'M here. wherever It has been shown. Dl&ytoD. Mre Floyd Anderson and little hRS been the recent purob8ser of B er <lellth WIIS due tOil lung tronb for the llerfornlllllCII son sl)ent last week with r('latives 11 fine looking young borse. - When The admission prloe Is but 2ap. Drug Stor l\{r, BenJamin Stiles Iloud dllugh . and friends in ViIloinnat,1. . he goes out drl v\ng now It II ID ancl iii well wort h ' the money to " A foxy 'l'rnwp" wbioh sll WII lit, Ie of IOll g stlludin g. OrOSH BIIII ~onlght. 'l'be b,Ouy of Mrs . Bru.dford Llrrlv· to r of Morrow I&nd Mrs, William Apeud an evening lll.ugbing. Mr8, 'fheodore Laurence and styltl, . Hatfield of XI~nlu visiting Mrs . guests of Iowa, were tbe recent Dc n 't forget the nel[i , num~~ of Lee 8alnes of Third stroet is Buff eel from Cl'luarville 'Tuesd~y morn· B ope I:!tile~ anll daugbter Sunday. guests of Mr. Jake HILle and fl&01. tbe lecture oourlll! whloh Ie to be .. ering fr om severe heom Jrrlulg es of ing tlJld WllS taken at onoe to the Elder Corwin Reed home of Mrs , Eii,m .Bulne8. whe re Mrs. Ruphun '!l.nd daugbter now Ily of Wilmington. mU!lloa1.entertl\lnmeni by the Lyoe. tbE\ lunl{t!, but lit tbis writing il\ Starll. Tloketll will be On ule Dies at Blanchester. very mucb Improved liml ill oonsld fnn eral ser viqes were beld at 1(' ::10 . o~ llPy purt of Mrs. ~ordon 's ho~se. Quite R number attenclod tbe uln t C E J h 't . , S· ') ... A' "8 1 .. h II 1 B . II. • , 0 n8 8 ·ore 1&. 0000. . erod out of dnpger now. B'i s brot h, Bosides a nut.nber Ilf r ellltivos 1.1.189 Appbill ~iller spent Satur. eWing e ( tat t 1e apt1st M C I' d d th 11 Well Known and Popular MinistQr er Ed, ILrrlved hom'e Ills t eV<;lni ng f r oD11l distnncl!l, il large number of ilHY liner ' nndal' with h er broth er C... · hi Ilst ' W e d nes d Ily' . . ome ear •van avo e rue, . ..uuro . . i 'I' d Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B, CarmonY', Paues to hla Reward. fr om Illin ois where he has beau elll· Mr Brlld fo rrl ' Waynesv ill e fl'i ml s Gnrl Mille r and wife in Columbu!'! , Oellt1I 11 II. ILgUln v s te our httle d ht M W l!' 01 "...; d h ployed. for I!everul yellrtl, ~ !ldl e rpd t here to pay t h e Ill Mt trlh Mr . Olive r Oa,vls and . wlfo were villagennd tIL ken one of our bright daughteer ~; ' l'" d' Mar-.,..n e! Tbe Dews of the "path of Elder r h aug rs. .IIl1 ure, Ingary anos s h oppi nil' In Cincinnn,tl last Thurs. Ig t,s from us, when Mrs. sarll.h _ "" WI lind witty nre the new l el~tb ut e to \J er memory . j ' ed II" I"h' ) Corwin' Reed, of the Prlmltivfl &p lTT IS b ' K " n.u th rJn en ~ II. va. w. re a· ,t Kl&therlne Alexan' R v. Philip 'L'rout conduoted the dlly. Il ID Ing WUI' OII11ed home. No tl I Cll8 I d MI t ~ist (jhuroh, wbIch ocourred lit er P ost Cards B one named her but to love her. 'Our ves 11 mpa gn an , am tle rvicos fine) /I bolr trom the M, E.' Blancbfll!ter Thursdal' c lilt ~ pro der 's till!! week. Mi eR Alma Wilterhouse spent one liveli are :better be~use she lived c:~nt!es fr~m Friday until 80uday cburch fUfni hed tbe musI c. foul1d I{loom over this oommunity Mr. J.60 M. l:ieuderson, who bold!l day la st week with her fri end Lou- everiastlng os truth, indefinl&ble 0 I&Ii wee :,. among nil who had known him aDd II. positiou III the Pentliun D pu r t· R v. Trout read the foll owin g: IBIl toke !lS a 8unbeam, will be every kind The windon lost Saturday and .. admired him for his wo~th aM a ment In Wilshington D. C. has cumb Mr ~ . !:)U8/1 n BmMOl'd, du ug hter Mr. lind Mrs. Will Morgan of wor<land deed of this noble, grand, portion of sui:iday WAS, to tUI6 Sbe mlnillter and nlany splendid ql1all . home to ClIst hi!! vote for the Tlleu of No.t,han IIl1d Amuncin, h llrp6 Dnyton s pent ISunday with Mr. good woman modern slang expression aom.e'hlng ties all 1& ml&n, of bis cbOloe llext l'ue'8Ildy, und will Morf,) rd, WII.P. born F eb ruury 2\it,h, lind Mrs . ,lames Morgan . Tbey will dr op tl8 the rain IlDd fierce . FenOO8. gates, oorn ·1I.bockR. Mr . Reed wall for ' severnl years prolong hili vi~it u fo r tnight wlt,1I 1 41l, on th e fnrm now owned by distill as the dew, a8 tbe 8mall rain telephone polell and many other Elu ler El.lrnhnrt. a,bout one mile ptUltor of the Middlerun Bl&ptlst his Wliyncsvilltl. friends . upon the tender herb and 88 the / movable things were blowu 'dOWD Oregonia. from Wayne v ilJ Il B er fatber dillll Ohuroll and IIfturwllrdti Willi fre. '!'he family of Mr , G eorge .1 . ~hower upon the grass. , by ~he great velocity of the ~d . quently oltiled upon ~I.l stl~ve his Smi th hn s been I;re"t1y IIll1icted r eo while be WIIA st.1ll in early ohild. Will l.'er~y, of Dayton, spent Sun· They will live In Onr memory Ilnd 1 The Bome Telephone la nO$ O~Dl' tormer pnrilihoners ' daring wed cently, Mr. I:!mith hll!l bu~ reoently hood aud II.t tweh 'p. yell!:!1 Rhe wtl8 daY with his par'ents h ere. give joy instead of grief. The ing bu' ie already here. The bosee dings. tunerl&lil lI.pd othar occllslorJll recovered from Ii lIeri ou!! illne88, bere ft of h er motber ' h e t·hen be " funeral WIUI " held on Thursdav are not aU in'yet, but will he .ill the Mr. Jaml's Soillenok ha!! been in and In thill wi~y gulnen II Wide IIC . I&nd bis dl&ughter Miss Eloise, hllil ollme th leglll wdrd of Mr\ aDd morning Itt lO.o'clock from the Y. ooone of ate." daya. The lnolem· MrA. Robert Engle who took her Meohanlcsburg "or the past week. qoaintHllC6 uver tU6 commnDlty . had Il relapse after au a ttltck of fever E. Churob A. beautifal and tm . ent weather on Saturday etopped under their own roof and into t.heir Mis8 Ruth Kel:sey was In Leblm. preulve ~rvloe "all beld and ,rib. the progreu of the work 'whklb MI88 Leah Smith ie now quite 111. Elder Rood putlilelllled 1& atrong per· . . Stokes t:lllver, of the Ohio State bellrts with all the tenoerness of on Sl&tnrday . 80nBI ulI'gnlltl!!Ul wl&a thoroughly ~tell of the 1118b8ll$ were spokell by was resumed :alfaln on Monda,. . 1)I~ rental Illl'ectlon, und care . •Just as MrR. Sobenck spent Woonesday Univerllltv. was bome Fridlly. even· dewocrll.tio lind hlld the faculty of sbe completed her eighteenth yenr Mra. Matilda Underwood. P",f. J. Mr. and lire. Joseph Champlon enlering )UJllrt aud soul In the joys ing until Monday a~ thll home of hill of her life her gnardlan pl&ssed a wny with hllr sl8ter, Mrs. Olaaver of B. Wright and Rev. A ... K. t3argent. WIIr'8 the Suniiay gueat. of Mr. and Hnd IIorrows of hili people. l:1e was paient~, Mr.uud Mrs M. W . Silver, Lebanon . . Mr8. &rgenhang mos~ beautiful. Mn. Leeter Kenrlok. and she beoume the only home com Fred Sherwood WI18 In South T Be "a. Ulan who will bo mlll1l6l1 greatly of the Ul)\ler Springboro pike. panion and solnoe of her foster Iy. .. he Uer Land." IShe beKI88 Reva ;wllliamaon lpeDt Su· everywhere he WitS knQwn. !leved that-out of ~1I6Doe oomet~ day tn Cente~'i1le. ..• Mrs. (Jeorge T . O'Neull I&nd I!ister motber, Mrs. Engle, and bv her re Lebanon Friday.:. funeral at BIl\ncb6f\ter sat· MillS LetitIa. MoKay toduy mov· q nest remained .wlth h~r u~til Will M~ney elntertalned 8 num.· Power. She WIll a ohriati&D "oman It III a aettiil4 fact tba* we. INl)o urdtr.y wall largely attended. A ing from their farm which bu's been November 24th 1 94 when sbe ~as of ,their friends nt a dance W(ldnee. and l;1er life waa her plWoober. lOle onr mlpiater, ReY, ~iI~ t1T1mllf'r"( 'Mr Re!'n'Q r" rmp.r p"rlsll their oherl!.hed homo for m ore tbnn .trllirritul to Mr. Almon Bradford , of 'dRy evenln~ In the grave 80 pure aDd 'Wbtte, l\latbew8. B.e la golnl to i OI ! l1nt I rum UII ~ Vlollllt.v blling pres. tl.lrty yellr:! to the south ~Id.e ot Cedlirvill , I-Jreene ('ounty , with Earl Thompson 8pent Sunday prepared by t·he eftloient se.noo of York t.o take: charRe of a (''iroul& ent. , Mra" Emma Dakin's uew d,o ublo wbom she lived happily un.til deatb with hll mother. Miami Cemetery, Mra. KIt;l1r rene, near Troy Bf! delivered ~i( ~. . . . , well sermon bn Sunday a!WriiOOD honse on Third street. ru,th l6l!!lly snatohed her from him , G, A. Nenmann beld a sale at his Mrs. Wm. Kemper and MISII Ptllrl hi hid ad b-"'''' A_a , The New Century ClUb. M r. B en dl ey """,rron, ft 11 h I hi d 1 w n e •.wallHlit 'tery ...... W OBt;! om I a.v ng . m eBO atl' in the Ilome of residenoe, last 1i'hursday, prepara· ijta,rry of Lebanon attended the I to,0 ti I I • ' 'I,"" IlL '°1 I11S ' d aug h tar, Mrl!l . Wh 10 ' h) h a db een t h e ligbt since ~ory to hl8 removal to. MIamisburg . . " of Mrs . King. " . , th n '(1rea Dg oqe. IS eav nc .lIKe 11 b as een Wl u 1 Sle funeral ' f 0b d bo ' I.'· f On th lifternoon of Qotuoor 26th L:OD.lntou · for aever"l ' YbUr , 11e entered I"t a h b 'd . e ropplng 0 a. un er ... rom the New Centnry l;lub met at EIIJ'''h ~ ... .,.. ra appy rl e. C. F. Myers lS now at Ripley Mr . Howard Collett visited hie la oleIU' 8 - 'unexpected so. e.,lIi-... went yesterdllY to Lelpslo Ohio to , . h " . ' b " b i ' CI t I 8 rda . ~ DIlf.UIODd 81\1 tho home of Mrs. W . . . ' . 1he news or h er delitb, whloh W. ere he 18 placIng mllobinery m a roo er n. no nnat on atu 'Y one The-3, pulpit will be ruled hn remain during the wmter with bls . I ill " d <I d . . . ' )' , '1'. Erllme \. M rs, 1omptOn r IIphed W lI.yn aVllle lalit Sunday gr st m . Ian ",n·n ay . next Sundtr.y by b roth er. ' Mr . aDu' , . . a Rev. Grwn _ .'of J Twonty.two '.\adies responded to wlll join their dl&ughters, MI8S«:; morning, was a grellt sbock to be. Miss ~11~1' h.rieghotf, ~ho has Mr. and Mrs. Oarl Duke and in. Daykm ~nd ~p be ·. rtigularly, filled rol1 call, eaob nl&mlng ~ome 'n oted Mlirtha Ilnd Milbel at Bamilton r ellltives a.n d fri ends, 11 only th e been in ClOolDnllti for the past week terestlng ohlldren of Lytle were a~ter ~hlt by ~v. Obu. Caner who m.u ...of France. MiMs. Edith ~bute were h th bnd been h ere guestll of Mr , Ilnd Mrs . Nathan 1has been remo,ed from' hla ' aba. tlV I&re b oth' pro fi til bl y em·' \V ek preVIOtl .. t ' l she f d l has returned home, . an d ~llIiI ~ybo.J 81lwlretbeu favored ployed. • . l)n II. VISit 0 ~er O>lter mother, ~n Mrs . Osborn has been In Leban- Gray. in Syraouse, '. Y ., tofUl tb.e· 'De~I' .' the lub with a plano duet. All ' though f:1uf[erm~ from Ii Bevere oold on for 0. few days ' . made v&Oano.f, here , b t bel d' d M~s. L . A. Zimmerman, who has 1 e sbe left for' l I I . Mr. Robblns, of Cinoinnati, will . , ng 18pu8e of, the Bis WI . n. . 11 r lome no ~ne I, Mrs. Oharles Myers and Mrs .. deliver an ' address at the M E Mr . Bnd Ilrll. C K. JohDa~;tul , us Dt!1IS :tory Lenon for thll dMY was t~ken for 8everal months been Itt Marlon, Il-lltlOl))lI tell!;o serIOus 1\ .t enuinatlon CI d B k I 'D"':d Lt C . . • Candace Baird were ~undaw vtet~ra .' . . . Oh' f t t . t S d f h' bI' S d y e ower were n no on huroh on ~nnday afternoon Nov J u,p, with Mles Mury Tbibll.JII I&S 10, or rell ,men, Qpent un I\y 0 L e·trou e, he hll . fro~ YOllug lone day IRst week '11 1906 M R bblo ' t' with Mr. Bnd Mra. C. M. Houlrh "of Jel&der After whioh Mlsa May and MondllY Uti home, greatly 1m. womanhood been fTnII, nUll h lld I , ' I " r. {) a repreaen II Waynesville . Wright read It m ost Interesting proved 'in haalth, but bU8 I'eturn d pn!ilsp.,d t.hrougll ",lIn.v !lieges of i 1J J , K. Spenoer was at Monroe Sun· Christ Hospital and the Deaoonl!8a _ _ __ _ _ to M'lrlon for I~ short :ontinllllUU ne B. frl)ll' which z..he reoo vered witb. day . home of Clnolnnatl. Be. sflre and New Burlington. pllper 'A 'l'rlp to Purls" • . then In Adjournment wal of the treatment" whell!lhe hopeH to out "sertons dllma ges, find frlpnds From tbe IBat reports of Miss bear blm and tell yonr fr lenda. ", . order, ret-urn home oOIDl'letely re!!tored her a ho~d for ' t,be !lHrne in tbis E<tlth ROBS, she Ie stili Improving . Mr. Calvin ~dwords tr~n8$oted Mrs .•laa. MoIntire hilI ~. -dllt· and during the sOOlal huur whloh MI FI h BI . b b .011'''' Bnt . t,he ~nd h lul e Ind . businell8 in Wilmington on Friday. ing her parenti, Mr. and all'li: Cbal. followed. MI1I8 8huf.e and Miss s,s . etu ~ID " \V 0 iiI! been om , I MISS Edna Spenoer had the Pleaa. , M Dill t C 11 Co ; Bllw1ie rendered uDother bellutiful with her si!tter, Mrl'. ElllI Grllsser , thou gh ,,11 thllt; Ii ue\> oted husbo.ud, ure of listening to Governor Hlrrls Be sure and ationd, the P..epubl1· OM 'Ja. b °Heged krnler. ~.. av Isabel 00 "liDe gUNt ' new h oUle . lIt C'0 I ftllt,hful nurse , kind frlend l' unci IIlS t F r Id IIY morn I duet'.Il~d ,·he!lI . added ,to the analJg I ng tl lelr ngN at theN . . , 0I n R. Ii II Y nel[ t W e d nl'l'Uay even ing, this re. week0 ofn Mrs. Collett at pJeftsure of the \ICCllllloit by I!ervlng umbu!!, tbe PI~st few IVtle kl', Cllm t- ~ kill ., c\ pby~i oilln llfln ld el ,) WUl' at Lebun on . In his addre8s to the Oct 31. We will have able ep6l&k 8 b .• , ' 'Ioe ort'Hm. lind cillke, a~l!i .. ted ,. by down to their bomo nell r We llmun prolllpt,ly d'lllP' sh .. !:'lInk " rllpid) .\· , be showed them wha.t er!:! here to de80n8S tbe issue of the . a.rveys urg. ' " K ut h ryn 'E , I Thursday und she Ilnd her UlIITlll ';' Im el UO'OU f;! la uH)' PIl!l~(1 IlWIL.V grellt OI)')Ortunit'leB the" p08se88ed day. Mrs , Horace Compton, M.... O. MiII" , r~me hnd Ahss • ' .r . Edith ISb ' d . , returned to ColumbuB Sunda,y , Mr. Kun l1.I~' mortlin g OC'I,)hpl' 2 til , 1906 and urged t hem to mldre , the be!:lt Mr "h Sh 'dok h d ' h D. Becker and La~rence Lumpkin n e 1 . . 8, v I&S. 1 er 'l t e Bre on the slok \1st . ....,-- -----..•-• - --.:... Blume will rell\ain on the rnrm II Mr!' BrAdfOrd \VIIS I~ obrl tlan po~q lblt:) nSIl of those opportunities. plea8ue of a visit from her brother A Good P'l ay Promise(J few daYIiIOuge,r ~n~ .th~n join hie WOIlUln and bud been II memter of ln t!lroll·kinlo! to the pupil!! of the Mr. C!,rroll, of ·MIl.waukee, Mr. W. T. FII.rquhar of HuntSVille ~ Waynesville Peo Ie. fam~IY In tJote Unpltnl City. t,be Wllyne!wille M. E church ~i n oe LebllllOD schools, be said thl\t it wn!l •• Ind . WIAS the gu.e stof hi. Annt Mr•. p MIllS Stelll& Wblte, IIrrived in t.he elgbteenth y.e 'lr of her life until .not monllY thltt counted, but persov. ! Wellman. Ann Farquhar Il&st week. Waynesville Thnrsday from Owen. after ~ e r murrill~(, whAn h!'! r mem ! (' r~Il (:!l lIncl n kn?'IVledge of whom to The W. F . M S. whloh .waa to Large cOmpany to be at ~ayne8" burg, K~~~uoky. f9r 1\ months visit blll'fllIip Wll!! trllll~ferrp,(l . t th IJ 86l <!:tl opportunitWI< itS they present· met ~t the home of Mre. lsaao . ville Tonight. witb usr brother. U . M. White LInd churoh lit Codn,rvill c. " ad th tlm ~e lve8 . , . Mr . Frl&nk . ~yant. . Is spending Wilson on Baturdl&Y, will ' meet ---other "frlends here'. ThiS Is Mis,; ' . Mi. ~ Elsie MoCurdy, of Genntown several daY8 In Sprlngfleltl with at the same plaoe uext 8&turdaJ .. <:> I t : . White's first visit t.o 'w · '11 er life \VIIS fI. qlll et unollt,rusl\'e wu\ln t,own Sundl&yafternoon relatives and hifmlls. . Mrs, Emma EiIi~I1. ion haa .· "on~ , w ng 0 OlrOullllltanoes whipb re : '.' . , . aytle!!VI e \In . III hnn.Hh deh Irrin'" hQr frum . , . ~ . . . .. aulted in ,t be OII·ncelllltlon of' lL dote. slll.oe the fat.nlly moved from here . '1 Ii MIsses Grace KIbler n.nd Mr , an~ Mrs. Lester Surfaoe of to the State Bospita.l G&lIpo1l8 at. 'o ne of tht! large nitle" Wfl.ynB8. m(irft thlln I, year I&go and she is on. yonth.fnl pleasure.!< lind pttr/il nit,. . .lI.nd Frnfl ces '{'",rry ' CII~lled on the Misses Wliyne~vllle took dinner Sunday for trell.tme·o t . ville i~ to bave the ben"fi~ of A'hl h joylnJ{.lt aooordingly, Her aunt yet wlthlll "he WII ~ IIlIPIIY ,lind un !'Nelllnlln Illst Tbursday, wlt,h the latter's parents Mr. and A few of 'he ,frlenda at'''-nded' ' a . . g . . . cotnpllllntng. Fl !'! r " S8001I1tI'S were M' La N . 'M W RI k .... oh.811 comedy at CrUll.!! Batl tonlgbt MiaR Susie JJllroh, aocompflnied h er I ' . ' I. l'es uru eumll.n wns ID I r8 , m, o . parcel shower in her honor,· a.t tbe. II WII\,8 of t he bA~t lind sh e \\Ins trn e I b i t If . ] , . h d I " The Leroy (;omedy Co. of twenty ere .. n snow at Spring Va,lIeyas t,o h ~r friends . ..e IInlln II~ rH I&y . Mrs. Sarah Rloh and Nellie Jor. ~ome of Mrs. W . R. Lewia, of Xing . people will be her~ tOday, Wednee sll!t:t.n g ourlnjl for her brotber in. ... " Mr lind :Mrs. L.. C, Wilkerson and dan were ca.lltng at W. T. Jorllan'e Ulan. . . Frank Reeves spent a few dllY" daY"llnli It. III highly rtlOolnmended ~aw A . L Sid~s. who' ls BerlOllllly ill f Mrk!li' Bdrllddf"hl:el III ~urV1ve~ fly but ohlld ren sJ)ent ~uiDda.y in Morrow, . , 'l'hurliday afte11loon. . I\S 8t~o~ly O. K. wltb typhoid, fev~r. . ,ew n reo , t P. nAllre~t bel.n~ OOU!\ Th.) Bo iDess MeetlDg of Ihe Mrs . wnso~ took dinner Sund6Y in Rl04mo n d, Ipdlan!l, last week anl1 trih ' . Mrtl J . ~ . w~lmer ' of Strilltllr, 101', ~~ the~a but two. hV Il tn, Wl~.v'. Young Peoples t:lociety will be held lwlth Sem'ael Ellis and wife , returned on lSunday. Be waR IlC '~ e grellt play "A Fo~y Tramp" Ill ' I M M' " P d n eRvIlla, the\' nl e MISS Ruth Mor . F 'd d' h h . . . , '"'Ill be uiv,e n tonl"4t. · . Ino II, fl! . . L1, en ergllst of . . on TI ay eve 109 at t e ome of Mr and Mrs Elvin Fire8 and oompBOled home by hili bro~bei'. H. ".,.. G. elM W IIi K I ford tltld nleoe, MlfI~ Eva· Wbtl re o M d M L A H I' r " . Anyone wh~enjo.YII . good' oleRn ..erom o\Va. rs. I am e sey . , .' , r . un rs, ' , 0 ~ In. ohtldren Fl08l!le I&nd Lewis attend. B. Reeves who apent Sunday with of· Old 'l'o\Vn Ohio I&nd Mrs A Ham Ilde, With Mrs Elizll 8alOes, MrR. ' h i . t h d do h 'M .. : Henry Sidell of Lytle lit 11. ' reln.tive The. C. ,E. MeetiinR Sunday even· ed a aurprlse at'Mra. Fires' brother, a .paren B ere. oomedy and everybody dooll Ithould , attend: . ' . .'. . :;~I:1~~eld ~~I:~leC:' o~~;~·ra~~ ~y' marriage: These <1eeply feel ~r!l. Iln R wasMia ~heoid\edodsuooesls. The LeWIIS Bear8 at Barveysb.rg, Friday 'IMI811 Fhloretnoe H?hOOOkf 18' ent~r. Prloee 26.llod SGo , Ti(1ketsnow~n . . II' . ' . , Bradford ra liooth and witb her be ea d er, 88 0 erwo ,band tld the even ng. ta nlug er wo bro. era rom Col · ·1 I ' ' I ' b h ha " Mrs . A . ...,mley paid them a visit llt aale at Janney s drag IItore . th I h i ' Co I I . reaved hnsband bBve the sympfl. top c n fln able manner. Her dill· \ Mrs. Sarah Rloh Mrs Maud umbus, w om e e • not leen to'l' " e l' ome n rw D Ii!!t Tbnrsday . . . f LI ' I • . " I Mie H It Ther.. haR hAftn "tlry hUle time to I&nd Frlday where all had mo~t tbles of mllny life long friends of OUSlIlOn 0 , v ngeton~ was e8peolal'j(jletJ.ver, Mrs. Martha. Davie .and aevera yearll. a a~ooo cam. advert.tMe , tbill plav owing to th I. t d . bl . the dell6aSflll . Iy Interesting and instruotive. ThlJ Mre. Ida Mannon attended the mls- here from the Ohlldren I home in . , e p ellBan an eUJoya e time "lIr.. 1 -' f . . Col b d "h .. .. ' fact tbat., CODlnAny"did no' know (J 'D . f'" 'th' Le". . ea.. er or next !i31I1n(la,y evenIng Is . slonary sewing at Jonah Run Bap. um us an t e mee ..DIr of the , ."'" . " . .o;ar80n 0 oOU ....non sister iM' Lilli K I' . b hte d .-.I until Sunday evelling thAt thi .. date f M E l . ISS e ib er. Let everyone tl9t churoh Wednesday 'of last ro "' an s"'",,",la n anawel'to , . ' . ' , o r a , m ey was al!!o pre8ent A D ARI) b dh ' , bliehed b bo h' would be open, but ie I" hfJpl''' t.he M Laf d h b I e present an OllAr her diaoU8l1lop week. no ION pu y S parttN, . , rs ever Bn UR anel wi1l soon I desire trO eXpre8!! throllgh tlie of "The Ble8ll8d1l1l8ll of Communion peQple of WaynellVllle 'linct viCinity 81111 tor Indlll as .mlsilionariell ' "ent G8ze~te my tbankA to ~11 wbo hBve with (''hrlst I t "Union Depot" greatest home The Ynlon Depo& irtven by !!IIBY. will abow t.htdr appre,clatlon of a by the t!eventh DR.v Adventist hy their sympathy hnd In o t h e r ' tallent entertainment ever given in of the beat and mOllt popular ohar. hitch chua entertainment , by ohurch of Springfield, Ohio, wher", '~GYII Bided Ule daring th'la time of All turn out a d see the "Unton WaynesnUt-e. to be given a.' 8ohool lotera. Given, at Bobool Hall, I'rI. $urn nK out in larBe DWD\Mlrs. thlt ohnroh.a very strong. ~eavement. ' . A. BRADJ'ORD, Depot, Frlday D ht, Nov. l!, 11106. Hall, Frida, evellhil, Nov. 2, 1996. day ulab'. Noy. 2,11101, • .
. .,..-
The Miami Gazette e~OWN &.
8;J1d Experie nce Put Obed S?,all Out of BUllne6l,
McKAY, Publlahers,
WAYNF; ' "ILL-m,
The,:a had b .-n \ ' ,' Ot'F whl·n beel Smllll hall ''''on th'E' tOWn Ih(1 I!pnoli t ot his woalh r PI' dll-IIoII P: III fo r, IIll'r 1 c8ld c!!t of nus hh "{'w,-, mlwr!:cl th es ' YCUI'l!. and was 'l.~t t;T{lp 'LI'i' d ru r the lin I' s l><lIls lv lOOk whi ch III ,'ked Mr, Snullr~ fentll r s wb en lI ~ k \'1I whnt th!! nnlSI1Cl'ls wer for II J;uud Ilic, nle dllY, . ' Tv ' sot not hing to say • ~UI It ." !lud MI'. Sluall go? d ar 'full y down th roud. on whlcb t hel' ' W8 S Jlothln' 10 b 50 n ~II\' dust tl \1I1 n Dlull boy with 11 largo Ilapcr blind It,. " Wh y. Mr, 1lIIll!, ' a l'I!U 't you the towa pro"l",t. Ju st tlS YQII us d to be?" Ils k d th e tor me r n'~ h lit . :L~ Ilronchfully, " I I'e l! ~ I on you to Lt'1! III lIcfore I 111\'11 ' ll tb young peo-
~ !~~~~~~~
Sleep and N'!I"Vc Reat. Tn the 1I0ys "'ben tb bl hourtl for ~l~p was nominally n'G(\rd~d ' M an bour too 10uI: to IiU Y 1\o:f'Tt'spoe-ling Ind ividual, th o xcbaustlng dlara clo r of mod rn Ufe wss IInkno,,'n. There was less wen lth anc) mol'o conten tment : le"s comlleUlIon Ilnd 11I0re se· curlty: fe w..,r dlse racUons, b ut more I;lmplldlr. " -ork ,,"liS ' a ~ ler, slower: Bud arl'o nnxl e ty: apprf' h IIslon-) n .. wor I. worry- d id not feed, Ilk lhe ... orm I' 01' bud, upon ell lfollr8 ex· mpt from toll. We ar I' llIol'llel s~ In o\'ertaxlng Ihe d IIcale ma chaulsm .of aliI' minds and n rv 8, Tho best ""alk r, tor Ins lance. do 8 not pro pose to b lms IC to 1):0 regularly GO miles a day, or to subject lllo same set oC muse !.):; In a ny otller form ot Ilhys· leal exe r c l ~ e lO iut ns . lind unl' mit, llng laoo r, BUI tl)at III whut we do wt~b tb o Imm dlate . al: DC a t our mJnds- tho braIn mnchla, W o can, 1I0t watcb 115 operations, We oHen aesll me tbat Its lilO\' em ots are' as , light and end less as the ripples ot lIIe nnlversal all', \Vo 'know and n " er' thel S8 wo forget that the braln Is a .lIubslallUal apparatus AS liable to deIPreciatlon ns tho fix ed Illa nt In a works hop. 'ow noth'lng Is ruor~ <ler~n than tbls. that . th Joolenlial ea-, paclly ot the b.Ull\8n ,brain tHIS .not Increased, It at all. In auytb lng IIko the proportton of lho Imm nsely a glP'avated dt'mand u))on 11, The mod: rn man Is suhj ct 10 as mu h me ntal and 100rai wear and tear 10 a day as his ancestors In no very remote gen raUon experienced In a wee k. BaYS London Telegraph. " Yet In re-. .pect to s leep we h ave hardly changed tradilional babll We kl!('p later an d lItlll later hours. We catch our trains .In the ~ornlng as usua,l, There Is no doubt whatever tha, we burn j~~e oon, eIle at both ends w_th' np~ecedented 'dIsregard of the TaWtJ1 h8yHbloglcal 'tlOOllOmy and lhat' Uie"'IllOount' at rest Iwe alloW for nerve and brain' la 110 ~ooger adequate, .
HE STQPS AN AUTOMOBILE. "Wbon!" crIed Poll emon Flynn. " Whua. I tell yo l Shtop! " 1'b mno with 't he auwmoblle lowed JIll. und finally ca me to a full stop, " Wbut's I he moner?" h e asked, " Mattl! r! " ejaculaled Poll emnn 1,'IYU II. " P'ye thlnll t hlR Is II speedln'el'n ,ol'k ? HIl-nve Yll th ' Idee tbnt th' p oplc on tb ' crOSS- Walks Is hu,·,rdle». an ' thut 't Is f' r you to s how til. ' !;llld Iv a joe-key ye lire? Are ye Iv th ' opinion thaI ye're doln ' th' cba-ar ge I v lb' Llgbt Brigade nil be )'O' el'llllt? I 'll bu-ave no lIu t ywoblis goln' out aflher lh' rccord wllere I'm wea rln' a po-lis bo-ndg ," " This Is n' t a n automobile," asserted t.he man Who hud becn s topped, " I wn't utrord anything so aristocratic t.8 tbut. This Is Only II horse loss carriage," "May-»e 't 19 so." returued Policeman Flynn: "bu~ 't Is Wr-rong ye 111'0 It ye t hink lhls Is a COrJl e~B boolvllr ; nn' If Yll persis t In vl 'n Un' til.' la-aw. I'll r-run ye In, I wIll UJat," , "I'm "IOlntlug 110 Itl w," 'replled the man. In U Qu iet tone, "Obo! yo tiliak YO'l'e smnr- rt dOO'1 ye?" exclaimed Pollcemnn Flynn,' " Ye'd gO to shpllttln' hulrs With a po-IiRmll n an' thryln ' to come over him wll h th' a i' joke. Iv ooorse ye 're vl'latlll' no IU-lIW now. F 'r why? F'r bectl use I shlopped ye, 'T Is not th' likes Iv yOU thnt can lbro w down Barney \I'lynn un Lbu t gllg,"
nutoJ)lolJlle, "I r ye're golo' to ma -nkllth' gl\'e xhlbltlolls I, J:r-ruu nll nil' I 'fty tumblln ·. I 'll take th' blll)k t an' r-run yo In," "CoUlO 00," rewroell th 111 an , ·mnl,. Ing room tor t be ollil:el' on Ib I'ea t ueside him, P Iki'!uun Fl y" n hes ll u te~ for a moment.. UIIII then rli lUbcd up, "00 shl ow," b€' rnllllo ued. "nr ·twlll he eh' wor,rs f' r ye ," "You dOU'l s uppose I'm golnl' t tnk e mY B IC to Ihe stntloll, do you ?" r cf nrwll lb e mll n, .. You ' ll hn\'e to tuke me," "Iv coo rse 1'1) ea ko y "sn ld Pu lkadJl an 1·'lynn . .. ' 'fI~ f' r lilat l 'm bens. G1\\'ao. no w." "00 a ll Y(l UJ'I;clf," nnswercil I h e' m~n, "I 'm In ehe hlllld H of th Inw. nnll 81) Iff th e Ilutomo blle, LeI the law run [ 1., .. " [' vo 11 ilrd I v .b' Dlul' hlil'ry Iv Ill.' Ill-a IV." Olllmen t()d Pollee lILa tl Flynn, "but 'l II> Ill. ' fir -I'st lime I W tls iv r UP ternln s llt. n 'ye tblnk I'm goi ll ' ( 0 c-run th' llut ytnobll 1" . "Q)I'lIllnly. " "I C I laid me hO"R nds on I.hlm hn n,!:u we'd be cllmblo ' t il. ' t11lgrnrl' no l ~ Jllmpln' o\'or hou nes an ' 101M," " Thill ' yO\II' luo koul." "1'11 noe touch i hlm . I IIn-n\'c a ",Ifa to ~ UPPOI' t, on' 't w'u 'd be II shu-nme t ' r me to la-like Ole 1O \\'n lit, An ' [ t III ks to me," wen t on th o putt'olman, llegl nnln g to sbuw slgllSl or unger, "like Yl: wna )1 - d C~ lhrl l1 n R
pl e."
One Hundred Thoullnd Workere ~aoll Give a Penny to RUlk ln Collelle, " Scranton Woman Tella How Df\ William.' Plnk P,I:a Mada He, . Well end Strong. The Br!tlsb trado unions bad not In N O l'voll8 d llbllit.y is t,be eOlnmOIl n ~ th eIr o'r lgln any dire I couc l'n with educaUon. "uya the FortnlghUy Re- tor "'hilt the dootors t.eI·1J} lI uura tb uilL view, But It 18 a fa ct of no ordi nary It is obu1'Uuteri 7,ou by lIl eu t~11 depresslou. slgnJfllllll.lce that' 60me ot tho leadln. fit' of t !le "blu c ,'/ or mellllloholv, Jose. IIc rgy Ulld l'lt'itH, Tho pnti lIi'~ eyes lIoloDS should be tnklng very gr at or becolllo IInl1. I Ie pluk fudes frolll ebe Intor"st In the hIgher ecklclllion ot tbe ohecks, t ito UI4' "lOry »OCOIllCR dl'fl' th'e a wo rkman , tIlllt it is (lim 'nlt to rellllll dnte, Plld For tho lost three year8 80me 100 .• IllIlU I! lit will, SoUlU of these SYllIflt01U1t 000 workingmen, members of the ollly IIllly lin prbscllt or nll of tb Ill , 'l'be Amal ga maled Socillty of Engineers, r lllll dy lies ill I lIlIing up tho lICl'voa s bavo mnde lhree le vi us or one peany s~'slol!l IIUr! tll er? is 110 ruedioi lle better Cll (or t111~ purpose tuan Dr, eacb to hel p on the \fo rk of Ruski n aclapt \V illillJ1ls' Pink Pills, colleg lit Ox ford, This le vy )lro1\1.1'8. JUIIIl J, Davi ~, of No, 81-1 WnrlIuces ove r .£ 300 a Yca r. and by m 'anB r II stre t " 'mllnwlI , 1""" sayH: .. !';ulIle , ot It six e ngineers are ma in tai ned tor YOUI'S "ttl) I lIeCllllle greatl y r dn ' cI ita a year's course o[ study at the col- ll r,IIILb IUlil SLl'O Ugtb nud Illy lit I'VpUIt lego, sysL" 1!l U!.'Clllllll S,I debilit.ut (I thnt 1 felt Smnller but I!ubslanlial BumR ha"e w" otob d , 1 co ulu 1I0t I'ostor slu TJ w ell been co ntributed to lhe SO lllO InHUtu, at lI il{itt tlll\l \\'ul\O lip 1.18 w elll'Y 1IIll} lI gui.1 ill tl,o !lIMui1lg liS I "'liS wbeu 1 tlon by the I.ondon So lety a t om- Ifl \VClIt 10 beel. My 11 'ad tlchcd ill Lhe. pos\tors, by tbe LaOl.I·ks hl re Miners' 1II00' ullIg' nurl \'Ife l' ll th ,'e WOIII\ pllill iI • County nlon, by tho Amalgamated my rittht ai(l wuiuh was \v01 S0 WhUll I Assoclalfon of 13eamel's, , ' wlBters and BIlt down, My 11I!I'VC8 \Vero 0'" cllleO all Dmwers. by t ho Darbyshire mln' rl tll o tilll e. ev "y l iltlo ulJ iso b"thCI'l.tllU o, and tho Durham minors, whUe a IUI'go Bnd I WflS gClIumll.y misel'nbl \, '1'1/1' 1\ l number at othe r s(lcletfes appear 11 '('\tlcd to t"y Dr, WillinUl s' Pillk l'ills fIll' Pulo P''lOpl l1. nSllIy hn sbond hnd til Ie " among Lbe donora and subsorlber. : til III wit h g vou l'I's lIlt a, nllli lli(' y d ill Low Ratt s to the NorlhwMt, wOlllllh'K (or III, N uw I lmve 1I01ll0l'b ~ , . puiu in Illy sille, 110 111 0 1'0 h ca( lll o b ~'~ , l Ev I'y day u ntil Oct. :J I s t th e Grellt sl CI' well tl' lIl t eel atl'\lII~ auu able t~ North t'r n Railway will s<, l1 0110 way , do III V "''1rIL'' olonlsts' Tickets frow Chicago at the Dr: William s' P, ,: \; Pills curorI !lIn, followln!; lOw 'ratc~: no,' i(·~ nud L' , ,,y CIIII c1 jll ~c Il H IIIU I'I\ To SorHUe. POl'lInnd and \Veslern for oth r w, ~I(, pill" , uilillg III r ll or Washington. $33,00, Spokanc, $::0,60, WOllle!! '~' !'o Llrt ~ il'pi!lg .\II to 1\ hopI,les/! Equu ll y low "ates to 1II01llana ldniJo rtf'CI\IIU, I h ~y fltl ole') fi ll'lll~ht nt tl lll !'IIoe OrC1g0n lind British .Col bl' ' of nl,l OO '!!JIl ~,n c1IFf'nR~R CIIUllCU by poOr U111 n. Qlle! IJIIp(l V(!l'I ~II~,l bl'1111!. Fo_r ~uTlher Info 'lllotlon address Dr, Willillllla' Piul. l'illR are soJ.liJy all MAX RASS, C ut! l'ul llIlmlg raUon druggi sts. or will I, ,~('lIt !>O~ tllllitl, (Ill Ag nl, 220 So, Clnrk St., 'hlonge, IIJ, r cci llt of pri 0 , GO celles IIUI' .b;lX, Iii" bnxeH . for 12./)0, by t he Dr. WUluuus' Medicine Oo"l:)(:heueceatl.Y, N,Y, Urugu.y·1 Financial Condition, Uruguny roduc ed her noe lonal debt by $1.570.460 during ln05, Tho total debt on .J anuary 1, ]906, was $121,455.747, of which nbout ' SO p r' cent. was ext ernal. rnguay Is a pros pcrous country. Dnd In hl'r prmlpl',rlty Is 8 good cus tomer of the lull d Slates, Exports of merchandls from this cOllnlr), to U ruguay for tb o nine monthS ending Murch 31, 1906, amollot"lI,to $2,172.276, against 11 ,200, 642 In lbe same period of the pr&"IOU8 ,ear.
A spark or 1I11g'I'y re('ol! r ctfon IIlndl C'c1 In 1\Ir. HllInl!'s d'UlI Cy ~. . " It YOIi Ilid b n h l'!' In Ibe su m' Iller of '02," he snld, $1 wly .. yo u'd It you 'll se 11 know my rpn so n~ . Mo'nm Cregg wlien sbe cnlll (me, all s alls s't. for telling her "Iary Jnu o lhat 'twas goIng to b(-l Il 10\' ly tlrt e rnoon for hI' " to go rlt!lng wleh that young SlnlJlso n 'bnp lih \vall trying eo ge t, yo u'd h a,· kl}t)wn ' m. "Sc(. IlIS s ho WOl' ' Ii r b gt suit 0' , fiUlIlmer ~ o\ld s anl1 4 flow er hil l nnd a ]lInk Bllolled ' veil 1111 on my rep r ' 6Cotnllons of th e w a t ht'r, 'l'ht?y sot forth Iu an Olll'u buggy for Wllsoll 's Lak . 811d a thundorstor m ca,ne up fro m 0\' I' b hint! old Or enou !;I\'S 111 un taln, alld st l'Uok ' III on til e tip' PC I' road. whe r lhe r '" 110 bUllS ror n arly I hI' e mil es, ":;llle's afraId oC lI !;b tn ln ~. And hacl lI yst rlcs : heslt! s whiCh h I' clotb E s llotted unci shl'llllk mOil : r ' urtul , an d her hal!' calllo out of crimp ; her hat flow c ,' I'lln. and sO llid h e.. v ' II : ullll 8h lost Ihe Slm)lKOIl hap as tile rEI ' Bults. her molher said . "I moved my Blb lo and hYJDn book to lbe Mal'shultow n church II month lat e r. so I sbou ldn't hu v 1\1 s e Ihut Gr gg woman IIDd Mary .lnne (' \' ry SundtlY. I' ve s utTered Ilrelty w('11 (o r . my roll~r , I lell ye-and r learned my lesson once and for a ll. . 'That boy coming al{)ng th road'l1 probubly tell yO\l a goo ll d al more about the wealher prospects In fh'e $100 Reward, $100. read ... 01 Ibl •• aper wl\l be pl .....d to I..... minutes than I'll ever tell long as I lbTb. at I..bere hilt k&.t ODe dNIkle4 1.11-e.ue that ecleou li ve, So I'll bid ye good,oay,"hal LlcClQ abla w cure tu all U.. ILN:O', !lui:! tbat I. ~I" I tell 'y el Shtop l" Cal&rrb. nail', Cat.arrb II til. OD IJ poi"'''. Youtll's Companion. cure Du" knuwn to tbe 'ue ~II".l fratem ttl. Catarrh Produotlon of Sliver. ..,' ";"'·'iitt ' i :ha'ten't been vlol.a tlng any ,thrytn ' to mo -ake 11 monkey I.. me:' , :t~I::1 ~re~r:\t~~~~IUfl!III~~C:-tr~~~' .: '~kDt'.~lt:: . ' 1'Iie production at I!lh'er In''*Oilf '11I.'W,'1 hi~1 8tect the man. No l.ea of London, Oh , weU,'l'lI do It," replied the mnD. !!~~~'l. &:~ID('t:"~~~lIl~PO~e~:~:I~~~I,::e:: /United Slates hal! 'DOt ' Va:I'f~:r, ..,.- -\" 'We bn-avan' l!" cried Pollcemnn co"nclllatorJly, "bUII want to cautt.on YOU Our Immedlnte forbears complained ' \J uDdatioD Of "be ,U,elMO. and It\'IDI lbe pattlaL taally since 1899, and we arrive at,our FI,Ynn, his fll!fly tak':ln awa1 by about one tblng_ You mus n 't touch me of tho cries of London, beglnnLng with ttre.Dgtb lip bUlldJD, up tbe eoa 'tV.uuoe and ...IU· tn l nat ure 10 dulDJr Ie.. " urk. The p rn prl.LOn baTC!I judKllle nt at a radical _,'arIIltIOn . by the palm asserUon, "Yeh,a-aven 'l ! Oh. or In terfere with Ine In any way wJil!!I1 t he sweep and . the 1n,lIkman . In the 10 louch laltb In Ita cur.UTo powo .... tblL tb e, o'or HunIJre4 DoUart t or any cua t" t It. taUI to .oomp~rlsou with 'the' cbange . In ' the nol ,lv _~l'!Ie l'~. ba-~ve n·t. " Ye've only ' C'et my band on the levers, If yoU do morning and lasting until tile evening 'One Cure. Mead for Iln ot 'cMn lRl uotalL _tput of gold which hair Indeed ~n ,!feen ct-ree.l/iH' along like ye wan puehln' we're likely to go sailing througb tb. be ll of the mumn man. says London Add ..... p, J , CU8NK\-. CU" T,'.do. <I. SOld br all Drtll;i.l u, 15c. , . , . / . ba-abt~ ~L " V\!hy, Ylil gasyleen ot a house." Truth, Now there Ie s uch a constant 'laka 11&11'... am1.lJ I'm. to! DODJUpliLloIl. ~1ca1, pay I! the "al~k Hills ¥1ffi.!J~' I~r....y~e been makin' twlnty mllell sid!) 1'1 mlls t I'ave ye alone?" rBeket that the wboop of the sweep " ·Be.. lew, There ~as a I dllrer'ei!. ,e lit ;an \lp\lr,'l. ' New U.. fer Gramophon .. "Absoluteiy," and the jadel of ,tho milkman cannot 14,000.000 ,oul!c;ea. ' ap".r o~Jmatelr if . "Whit 0/ ItT" asked the maD. Drllllnl lIatlve,Malay levle. byword "Tbln I\on't ye, put ye,er lI a-allds all be heard amId the din, Even the bar-. , 1IJ8r C6l1t,. between the 16w prod~ctlon "'l'bere's no I.w against Il" thlm tblngs , or I'll batyeoverth ' h eadI" reI organ 18 only . partly. audible be- ot command emitted from a gramo, 'I, of 1894 and the high or f~2: ~hlle •. ':Sa-ay," cautioned Policeman , Flynn, exclaimed Pollcemlan Flynn, "How do twee n th e roar oC the troJns. tho hoot phone Is the latest Instance of modern • there haa been no De w extrdibe~~itlr- wIth a Bolemn ' hake or Ws bead,' " 8 I know where ye'll la-nnd me'" ru:enu\ty, Even the Zulu · can now ot the motor ftre e ngines - and :b ., hl- ayear-II, ThE' · .~nual 'Outptnr o),e B..a jo~e. iii' I can' ta-ake wan with " You dou't," Hcrunchlng. gri nding, brain-racking hear his own naUfe songs and war .cold bas COn8lderat>ly more, thf,n- th nex' ~a-an, bo~ don't be altber pusb: "Ye might r-run me miles a wo-ay," !lolses or the ll!0torbuse8. Trame at danoes from records made by a Lon1l0ubled wltblll tbat time, . The varh I~, me too far. or I II h~-a ve ye before th " 1 mlgb t," the !lrdlnary sort grOWII h ftvler and don company. who have soltl ·· more I , 11 I." Id' II """ II 'pO-1I11 coor!, I will so. , " Keep ye-er ha-OI nd s air, I'll not I'ava heavie r with every year, Vans, drays. thau 20 machlnes .to swarthy warl'lor , a on n ...e war saver J)~y_u«<.... o .• " ~'O~-;what chargeY" demanded the ye do It." wagons, mllkwaln.s aro n ot only twice cblefs In South Afrloa. FQllc,songs of daring the 15 year . perlqd,Jl1Jll ~n .. mall, ' . " If yOU won't nln It and YOIl won't lee 88 Bumerous as they were flve years the Pygmies were recently procured, Ie_ ' than tha~ .at, the nlted , states, . "Fa -as t dbr~vln'," aI:swered Pollceme, wh at a re we g:olng to d01" a go. hut the,y go about at double the and a machine has been dispatched to I' tOle high extreme, of 1898 exceeding man lI'lynn. ' . It wus a urd pl-t:lblem, and Pollce~aa rate ot speed, ,It may be that tbe Lapland for the purpose. If possible. of "I haven't been driving fast," a&Jerted , the low of 1891 bY' abtJut '26 pe'r cent. Flynn looked puzzled, motor 'van was accelerated the,. pace proC\lrlng Eskimo folk-songa, , Tbe world's annuar production of gold the man, "[ hoven 't been 'drlvlng at "I wlsht t h' good woman wai here," , by. creating riv~lry . but wbether that Remarkable Double Wedding. on the otber ' hand. been going all, The law says 'rldlng or d riving any he sighed, "'')'111 a line t hing. I've been be the cause or not. certain It Is that A remarkable couble wedding has .tOllldlly forward ' except tor the Inte r- horse or horaes or otber onlmalQ,' tlIld doln' to mesllf, an" me an 01' man on ·tb' tbe leisurely Jog trot at tbe dray or .' b h 'D ' U 11 that doesn't arrect me," I)('en cele brnted In a Viennese c hurch • Policema n Flynn 8cratched hl~ head. foorce. !If-m·m, w'ell, I'U take ye with. van Is noTi' replaced by Ii degree at A manufacturer named Muller mar· ':;,' TUPtion y t e ollr war, prac ca y ' out tb' nuty m~btl," speed that . a dds at least 200 per cent, tre'bllng since l ..~ l , Tbe " Unl~ed He wasn 't s ure ·t ha t the .ordlnance. was " SomebOdy moy run away with It." t,o the noise It makes. The cart horses rll' d a' widow, wlllle at th e 8ame time ," State3 has bought ~o Hilver In 13 correctly qlloted. but neltber ' W lljl he, protesled t he mUll. In alarm, ' In London must wonder why their bl , son married the widow 's daugbter, y_n, Tbe last. purchas\ls wer~ un- p,repared to deny It, It certaInly sound. "r'II,ta-ake tb' r-rls k." sold PolicemaQ wonted amb le no longer sallslles their Tbus the tatbe r becomes the ratber· , tier the BCt at 1890, by whlcb In ex- ed right, Flynn, "C' wan. now! Out ye go!" drlv.ers. why t.hey are now expected to In,law of his own soo, and the moth, cess of 168,006,000 ounces ~'ere ac"Luk at that, now! " he said ot IlU)t. returned the ma n, weakening. , t ear alon g with the unwieldy bumping er nlso tbe mother,ln,law of her "Say," qulred. DurlnSj.!1De llO yelFS tallow- .. 'Tis lIl;te thlm gazabos tbat makes th' . "just call It all onr. n.n d ['11 promise to flt the vehlcl 80undlng crashlngly be, daugbter, ing 1873 the governm,en't purchased la-a w f'r to I'llve a cba-an ce f'r thO rna-an keep wLthln the la'wrul rate ot speed tor hind them. Why th e whl' 18 plied 80 Rich Crown Ha. Dleapp.aNld, almOtlt 600000000 'o unces or ' at the that vl'lates It to skin out lv_It, Here horees," mllc b freely t ban It useil to be, Su, A ri chly jeweled cra"n, whle" COlt ave~age r~te : ot abc;Jut' 25000000 I 11m tbrylu' to do me jul y. an' no "Ye will'" burbla Is lhe prey at the motor fi end, £20,000, haa disappeared from the " cha-Ilnce f'r tlIlnythlng but th· wor-rst .ounces per year, " Sure!' noise and dust and horrid petrol cburch at Mont. St. Mlohael. Rouen, Iv It. whaUver I do, Th' la-aw I~ ma de " Ghe me ye-er ca-ard; so's I'll know smells are now lite accompaniments f·r ·tb· good' people. but 't Is r-read be tb' I .. One' version Is that It ' b,ae been st.oleD, hl one Benlle. Harvard was ,der-eateet CWrt.B f'r thO other Wan8, It tbey 's a where to find ye if ye'l'4I Iyln' to me," ut e very hour from ' midday to mid- another tbat It has been bIdden b:r The man handed over a ellrd , and · Po.ol.hl . lou ilie Tha mes' anll . In anoth er sense bole 111 It, t hO lawyer sbtlcks a cr,ow- II ceman Flynn jumped to lhe ground, the prleltll to save 'It trom conllllcaUoa' • won, It was. a t riumph .of com· ba-ar In. nn' thO 'Judge'glves a bit Iv help, "G'wan, now," he aald. and when the by tIla ,overlUDenl . 'nu!8IIhlp among sportsmen and of In- an' bechune th' two they ma-ake 'l h' man had t urn\!d a corner he drew a long ----, Alra of the Parvcnue, Report Seeing Pure White Rook. tel"DaUonal comll r, Tbe visit waa o,,'nln' big enougb f'r to put a lacolJjo- brelltb and mutterell to blmselt' "Ho A fumlly who had s truggl ed many Haymaker8 at work on a farm at well worth tbe re~ult In drawing more t!vlI ' lnjlne lhrough, If Iver I had th' had me worried, be did thot.' Oho! I yearS 11\ a poverty-stricken portion ot Little Bur8tead. Essex, England, bave ma-aktn' Iv th' la-aw I'd ha-ave IIrst lv' 'Us a line picture I'd make ma-ar.cbln • . the city suddenly ea~e . Iota posses.eloaely togetb~r the ' sportsmen of recently seen a pure white rook amonl nil In th' big book a slntence r-readtn' . both nations and 1n: Intensifying the like this: 'TIt' la-aws herein mane what him olr an' l'avln' th' autymobll fr thO s lon ot nn Incomo, , Toey moved to a • number of' black onel. popular fri endship which- the ellped- they mane. an' 1I0t wha t they sa-ay,' la-ads to pla-IlY with! ·twas a gr-reat lftll,e place, In tbe country and tried blulr I put up, but. thank Hfvln! Il to Impress their neighbors wllh tbel.:, eDcea or recent yeartl ,have done so 'Tls tb' onlY wa-ay, f'r now whln a la-anded blm," Importance, Tbey talked const~llY lIIuch to develop. The crImson of ma-an dbraws up u la-aw he knowa ot whnt "people tn our position" sbould (Copyright, 11106. by JOlM!ph B . Bowles.) (CoPyrl8l)t, b)' the Century Co,) .Harvard \\'os Indeed the "red badge at wbat he's a fther. an' iverybody lise Dnil should not do, ' ,courage." ,but It also stoad tor the knows what he's aUher. but lb' coort A SPEED <lBASTENEB, Some at their city acqullintances ftret color. In ~ ur naliooal emhlo!D. takej two fa-aJl s out Iv It. an' he gets tame to visit tbem on,e s umme r and ADd It re presented tb e ...·arm . blood ot wbat he doesn't wnnt, pr lise th'la-aw the little dallghter ot seven or eight III 'broke Into sma-all bltll," ~ _ ", wall s howing them about lhe place, ldDahl.p, ··Well ... · remarked the man with th e • I "What nIce chickens! " exclaImed onf\! of lhe guest8 wben t hey reached · Barbers' supplies m"" soon be fur. tbe Iloultry yard. " Tbey lay eve..,. 1I1shed to toldlers at cOllt price by the dill', too, r sIIPpose?" Itovernment, B'rlg, Gen , CQnstan t \vil,"Yes," sa id the youthful hos teu, lIams. commanGlog the department of i wh o reaily knew nolhlng • abo ut It ;. the Colorado. In his ann ual ,report r&"that Is. t hey could, at course; bllt In commends til at nrticJos needed for our position they don't have to ," tile proper care of t be fnce shall be added to lhg list that may bo p lirMade Statu II Out a Hoodoo, eIlased from the army storehouses, An ,'Iderly man In Sbrew bury. Eng, ' Amoog lIle nrtlcles mentioaed a re ' lIs· land , ",as s howing a co upl e at trlends __~-=~~~~~~~:._~_ terine, !alcllm powder. witc h hazel. abo ut th e tow n, They ta rried before - razors. shaving brush es nnd cups, He thu hery's placo where statile qfs its Sbfew8' great son,theDal~ IVln, ' ,and th1~ks also that soldIers sbould have broodti, "'fhat." said the Sb~ew .. burY the Ilrlvllege ot bu yiug thread and lI.a -ands off, I 'll J1t!t l'ave . 1'011tlYeI,. eUl'f'd I I Ith b Igi Ileedles at cosl ' ye do it. man. po Ilt ng IV a u ng umbrella, theW IUle DUl.. · " Is Darwin: ' .. yes .... answered one of . - .. .~ automobile. " If you 're througll talking the visito rs. arlor a rat bel' unfriendly . ~~:;8~ A veteran stud eut, ot iihoneUcs SIlYS to your~elf I'U move a long." Elmergency bralle' and chaurreu J' the lIound ot iI Is obtained In 19 ways "Not so fa-w;t." Inlerposed Police, chute by wilich all owner CDn red li ce him . . . . ,. - _n come from monkey~," '''He did ... • went Eat.lllg. A perfectreJDo and t hat tbe 26 lettlJra ot the a lphabet Illan Flynn, "Ye may be r-rlgbt on' yo speed and remove. cbaoffeur WIthout . cdyfOJ'~~_ may be used to replesent 658 d ifferent may be wr -rong. bUl lbey's won 1I'lnt I Injucy to mncb lne or guests.-l\I, X'. on tile Shrewsbury man, "and I'll tell you another lhlnlJ· Npl long ago tile DrcnnInesBo 11114 'l'UIa lIounds, In tbe 'Iaf:guage of the poet want settlell , D'ye Inllnd to keep down Hl'la ld, s teeple oC on~ ot our churcbes tell I a III tbo .JlOUUl, CloIIt.acI Gray, "Enougb: Wbere i1':Uorllnce IJI to th'la-owtul sh,'eed 1" down, There are mlln y as says It II! ToIIa'ue. Paln·1Ii tbe Blde. "There l~ no lawful speed for me," bile. 'Us tally to be Wise," Didn't' 'A pply_ a ,udgment UI)On the town tor puttlng repJa&e ClIo IIcnreJa. ~.:=. TIItIr an~wered the man defiantly, "I can go Landlady. (knocking at bls dooraa fast as I want to," Mr. Jobble8. It's tI me to get up. " He up a sta t ue to '1m," A. Louisville police judgo decides "M-m-m. 1I0W," said Policeman Flynn tlutt would thrive roUllt rise at flv,a.'· Putting Him Oout of BUllne .., that Sunday Iheatricala ate workll or to himself, as he drew bJs·hand thoughtSleepy Bonrder--Tbat'8 all riGht, M~ Bw "The municipality of New York Ia o_alty, In one way be la rlgh~ tully acrolls his ohln, "I wlsbt I hll-ad tb' MI'II, Irons, "He that hath thrlvea IV~I Fac-SllIIlla S~ You don't cll~~h an actor 'I\'<l rldng a t It Rood woman here 1'1' 10 tell mo wbat to may lie till leven." ('.... tbrlven, J eDgaged' In a thorough Investll aU(Jn 0' - --a.lee a day for leven 8n a week do, 'Tie a mighty pU7.zlln'thlng; but." proposed to MIss BulUoll llUlt nllhl It II bake abopa," PI "Tile)' don't Beem to want Ule cock, .-l. . Il' II. compeUed 14 • 1le adthl4. addreBal~j( !.be IIII&Il wiUlIJI. aDd wae accepted,
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"I'I1II .. PAKTOM co..
Do JOU believe In IIrogroSl? ,no YOIl I!1J~I.h Manufacturero Co"y Method. believe thaI. .II the "onderful ~clileve· In U.o Here. mCl.tts bf 'the nineteenth eenlurJ-the' railroad, the telegrallh. the telephone. The many vIsIts of DrlUsh m3n:Jfac, electi'fc ' Irgli kerosene, sewIng ma' turera to American factorIes are beM' chine, agrloultural maohlnery, steam, Ing rrult. one Iron and steel manurnc' shlpa, trolley cara. etc,-have made turer stating thut hI! "had been lIfe ,eaaler and better "orth living? I through Boine of the 8,bops In Amer, Bronze and Marble Monument to be Erected on the &anks of i Many are F,.eebnoter. and Cut-Throa", erler for the Oppor· do. I believe that a man who lives Ica where tbe same kind of work was . "udllon Where FIrst Steitmboat Wa, ~lIn, tunlt)' of Ph.'ndcr. , , . 40 years under modern conditions has done and bellev\!d thlllr new tihellS experIenced more life and beller lite were ahead of thole clf tbe Amer· '.\ fw _____-:-, 'tban Methu8aleln. tbough he had lived Icans," ' , An E ngllih manufact.urer II hardly ~,'_ ' ~ . ~----------~--~ ----~Ir· 2() centUl'les of his time. Tbe triumphs of the nineteen th een· regarded as up to dalEI to·dny unlM9 , . , .Just 100 years ngo oext Au"uat. his IIrt work haJ bl'ought him. 111 A IIlglllncBnt worll trillu Cul)n ·slbee portunft)· has occurred t!ley have COln, turt were trlumpbs or human aer vlce he hns seen american fa ctories, No " , . - r Robe rl !"ullon, IIftel' Illuny yeal'S ot touch. H pnlent d II mill [(lr eawfDIf Sa~re tary Tnft wen t t1wre In effort mltled deeds or 8h~klng reroclty. -tbe plaCing or Itnowledge and ' th'a ' one who hila III·ed In I~ngland d\lrlng ell'ort. succeeded In mIlking bls U'IIl IIIlIrble, anll Inter made plnns ~or tbe to brIng about amlcllble I'oltlemenl or Bcarcely equaled by those of the , /lIlV' fruita of knowledge wllhln tbe reach tho lilst. Beven 01' elghl years can I'en!' on the Hudson In hi s famous bteam. coDslr ll ·~tlOI\ of cast Iron aqueductlJ. the rl!'volulfon Is thc'.t in III IIY cases age Inman\(. on our rr~nUer wbell they of the common mnn, Eyery man's Ize bow great tbe aWakll:Jlng bas ber.n ·tllc Inc'; \ll'gentli lire 1J.)f;r>m: ug I·eslle-s. weI' upon the ~artiaUI In t heir most life Is belter. 'hap)ller, more eeeure be· there. nor how chaug d the Brillsh driven sui", tile CI rmont. The story nurl a greut work o( this kill(\. w~ th e birlh of slcambout nn vlgntion buill a 'l'O~M Ihe r(vel' Doe. tlll;' df!;Cl llllno Is baa no m!lny are valmy day/!, In 80me respects they cause of lhom, We live more oomfort· me nta l altHude la regnrdlng new ways of Is one filled with the rivalries and He also (lutented In Ellglolnd a mabroakJlIg liP Into bnnds r. lt: U\e pur- are worse than 0111' savages, tor the able. more aoclable II yes In botter an( of dOing things. There has beeQmuch for chine fur !l1.illulng flax. a dred glng; IIOSe of 'I ndependent move,nent wltb Indians made war only upon ttielr more COmfortable houses because or 'I'jae and clever adaptutlon to Brit· jea lol)I'IIe8 of Inventors wbo ·hud . Vie ll' to "l und er, The act of till>. mat· onemles aud .we re always hue to each tbem, Even the bopeless dwelle r In lah cheRller Inbor needs of American )'OIlrs been struggling with the prot>- machine. a morkQt 01' paijsage bont, II; lem or th e UII()ltcation of sleam to dl spalch boal, Ilnd a trader, am· t e l' Is I hilt 'mnn}, of till revOutlonlsts other. being bound t.Ogetiler by" their tbo ",Drat city alum3 Is moro com' machinery Ideas , navlgutlon 'of fi bl!,!!, and the conll'D' phlblo\ls buut. as It \VIIS el.tlled, to ' uro whllt might, be eaUild tri'ebooters Owll ' laws aud tradillo1l8, But It Is fortable In his physIcal condillons than It ha s b cn beld. clnd seems to me ant! · Ilt·lbroats. and ha've '\felcopled not 90 with .these Cuban freebooter8, the mlddle~lass citizen of tbe days of and so 'llIan y olber Americans hel'O versy 8S to who wus the orlglnnl 10' b used on clluil is . His ~ renll'ilo 0'1 IIcntnr of .stC111II uavlgallon has bel'n the Inlllro v III nt DC an III Nav1g:11o· the ' preRent 8lale . ot dlllall'o. tlou In an d It , IVlis oWlng' to theh' tl'eachel'ous George Wasbington, who know England as well as they lhro s hed ove'l' and oyer from lilat tlon, wrltl en nbollt this time. reo ClIlla,lIs ali'ordlng ~em un opporlu.nlty met hods, which multiplied with ,each Iii lIttJe things ns In greal. com rort do America to bo corr~lct. that In the ~ ived wide 'clrculnUon, nnd a copy for IIleh· I IJoWI!il~ deeds, ~l\ch a I they fresh outbreak of un Insurrection, that and convenience have bllen the legacy making of certnln classes oC articles tim e to this. But bowever strong the ,l:lalm s ot was sen 1 to tim Ilreside!'.t of t)1C1 n)oy~d In the ;"gQQd old dn)'s"l lp!1er hisplred \)Ie Spaniards to commit of the ':Oentury of Improvement." thi s shnllllfi('ntion and divisIon aod 'Ill.ted Slales b)' lbe n\l hoI'. "sptlnlHh I'ule when murder I',nd rI'\lllle nlany ' of the -ertlel deeds attributed Paint, ,In a certain t!en8~, I, a minor tbe elllilloymenl ' of ~trlB ae 'operll· Rums ey, who tried u sleam-drlven tl m lty I10t lie generally known thnt' . wt!re evell t~ ' of IlV ry da oCcurrenoe, to tbem dul'in!;\ their strugGle to main- matt yet It gl ves b eau t v. h ea Ithf u·I tors, who are Ilald from e lgbt sbll· v ssel u!lon {he Potom ltC, 10 1785, or n:lSS and durnblilty 10 our · dwellln~s. lings (SU/4) to IS BhJlllngs ($3 ,64 Ii John Filch , 01' Patrick MiliaI', 01' Nu· Fulton was ' lnteroslCd In submarincs, 'Prom Il.s eHr!lest:,h\lItor>' tI}ere ,tlas talp their gl'n8[1 upon the IlIland. The. Spnnlards clllled these outlawl. Fifty yeA~6 ago paint Ing was n ser Ious week. e nables mnnufaeturers here lo than Rend, (lr even Rohert L , Stevens, which or Inte yeurs ilnvo Occuilled _ ,e>.Jstc(J III Ouba uu,c !"la\\'l e~s class of . , " \1etlple, .!\t. onll Uine a (pW genern· "bl1ndldos" Illld alwa)'s, Ilurs ue,d uiem proppl!.ltlon. a lux ury rill' 'h l e owners produce at figures competitive wllh whll navigated IL padd Ic·wheel stenmer much nUenUon. and hlll'e acb leved lIous ago. they InfeJted'· the coas'~ as ~'l fh ,more .or les8. l'elent/ess vigor. bllt of .stately mansions ",fio could alford ' much or the work of t;he most. mod. pn th e Hudson ou ly u felv days urter suc h marked ~ncce~s. bl:t wblle In irenewa T - . 0f ph'IlLOIS, 8w\loplng down with thel!, 11~ their buccaneerlnj; IIlethOd~ were ·{tlcll the expense fl'equent S. o· ern and bt'ghl)' developed automatic th e 8UCCBSRfui trip of Fulton, It has Frouce, In 1801, he begun cxpe rl ments tie sloops or !!Chooners UlKln all un· lllli~ nellher the SJl!\lllllh Guardia C"'l1 day ready 1Pi&ed .paInt Is so cheap. 80 maclllues, Amerlcan~ 1:0111<1' haye sole! be n prat:Ucall y couceded that Rob, on the Seine with n b'oat tor · subma· al'lJlcd vesseia whlcti ebaQced their IIQI" tb.e Spaolsh Infnptryman Wil li; vert goott, . and 'so uni versal that no hOU80 a great. mllny of tbeso sllnplillell mo.· erl Fulloll Is entitled to the credit for rlue navigation, nnd lnler coniluctl!clw:s:..,nnd as S\1Ch:th j.l 'ere oilly final· el!ecUve against them, TJle!!}~lte lho owner hils an excuse for not keelling chines, which stili, (, '\ hould remark, ,the ftrllt ll1'ocll ca l application of sleaUI some 'experimeuts at Brll1\l in , behalf of the French governmenl, but wheQ. retain thc C86,.011t1a I/rlnel1l lell. bllt- lUI; f1 prope lling powor ror veBsely. I)' ~I , llpj'eBSI!I\ by the \j~IU'81\ .. who u , bliccaneers of ohl. rtveu· o1f the eoun· lils property 'w ell pnln ted: ; '" 'I'hnt the memory o( th e great III' be to lled to blow up the British ves· A amalllhlng. Ind.eMd ; yet several American ' ''IDaclb nery mallufacturers late ns the '30., lItew": cordon aro d try, aad \I'e ,"ounlry supplied all their the Island ollt.liI or .. UI :;J.h'ree·mlle- Immlfala te neC SSltlca: whe~her th~r hUl\dl1e.:! la rge-tactorles. emp\9lf)Dg. would not . 1 am told,. bOJ.ber wltb ventol' mny b~ perl1etuated, tbe Rob- lIels lhat s ailed nlong ' the coast, the- . , el·t Fulton Monument assoclatlou pro- French ofllclals beoame dlsgll~ted with limit, .lfbJeh wttb little hesitation dePredaUoos were carried on In or· ~ou8ands , of cbemlsts and" skilled tbe trAde, . ' they 'l"()c:\ueed' to suit theil' convenience ganlzed lIands or by I'oamlng Indlvld· workmen, are running every d ay I n One machine merchant here, atte r · poses to ereel Oll tfie ban~ s of the lho novel cralt. b trying In ,'aln to get cel'taln American Hudsou a marble nlld bronze monu· . Englllnd. arouse d by these elforls set h e )lellr ,t 0 k eep ' our h ouses rres, wblm I qalDe to the matter of pllr· uals. , '·f .' macblnery manuracturers to make a llIetit tO~OSt $600,000. The clay mod- cured tlie servlceM or t he lu ventor, :tilling Il s usplclo\l 8' Cl'aft. 1 q'lhese craftl Ae a rul0 the most 101\' abIdIng nod clean and wbolesome. A small thing, yet B can of good klnd of machine he knew could bE el of the monume nt bns boen com- IIni! nfter testlug deolded th e Stlbrr.ady mbed paint, such sa' on e mn)' aold ,here-and be tola the Amerlcar:t pleled' and :approved, and now a ll tbnt marine was ImpracUcable: but con. • Ier, • em· mac bhiery mercbant. t:her~ were a r emains to be done hf to raise the sldored his torpMo of some value. b uy trom any repu t a bl e d en ' bodle'~ tbo study of generations CJf great many. minor b\llillneSB peoplo skilled e bem.lsts. tbe toll of a thou· here who could not alford e cost· sand workmen In ralll. laboratory lind lIe r type of Amerlcsn lIIlachlner)~-" ul rac~ory. and, the prod'uct of a , long timalely had r designs Iror tbese mil. , series gt special machinery Inve nted 'chines prepared nnd bud tbe m made ani! designed ,ust to make thnt can here.-London Cor, N. lr. Herald. of punt and to furnish u s nn infinite . . ......_ _ _ __ ' :" .-. 0"" yarlot)' pf UD'ts. cnJors nnd shades.' It Won't Be Gardner. n was a wonde rfu l century, that Clerk Gardner, of tbe Ooates house nineteenth 'of our era, ' Dl1d not the In Knnsns CllY. Is about Ove feet four least ot Its wnnderru l glfls was tha t Inches tnll and weigh" about 100 81lme common(llaco Cilll or (lnln . pounds. This. by way ()f prelude. L, P. "" 'hen I wae In Denver last week," said Gardner to a Journal man, "I COAT -bF PAINT SAVED ·~ANK. _ _ __ went Into u Inllndry to g'e t sOme shirts· Clever Device Stopped Run That I had leCt ther n COUll Ie of days be Would Have Be'en Disaatrou., tore, and a girl came to wnlt on mc She couldn't lind my bundle ilt firat, "'J lleed It 'badly,' '1 said. 'because Runs on bnnks. as \Ill the world !;nowlS, are oClen s loppod or I'estrlcted these shirts 'are the ; ,o nly ones 1 broughLfrom Kansas City .wllh me: In tbe 9.d dest ways. . ' "Tile girl was interested at once, A rich bank· kncw that a run was to aot In on a certaIn Monday morn· 'A'j'e ~'oti' frolll Kansas City~' sbe lng- for it bad been rob.bell o( 1I0me asked_ .1 'Yes: ] replied. 'postnge" stamps on SaJurdny nlgbt . ''' 00 you know all the bartender! ~nd ~he bad ' b,een exaggerated . In tpe newspaper r portS-and It 1I11i1 Urere?" she asked. "Tllllt sort Of stunned me, but I was not kept wllbln reasonable lImlts ' tiie bank wOllld have lO ' clo", pulled myse lf .toge lher and inanaged Ita doors. It had plenty of money. but to slutter: ·We11. no-no- not all: .. 'Know one named Smith ?' she d& ltti~~~'"ITiiO!;pJiiii"I:y of'caS). it .needed' 24 bour.' Pl'OfIo.ed Oe.19n of the FlIlton Memorial Monume]lt. manded. , "I replie1i''that I dId nnt, neCllseary money, The design ' em· which a t, a test bl w up a 3()c).toa Monday momlna , Before Bunrlae " 'Well: she - said, drawtng ,herself bodies the brand est Ideas of the r e- brig. '. man pu r 'a fresb coat of paint lin the Fultou's Invention, the Id oa Soon 11ft r this FUllon l' tllrned ' to !frntt doors ,of tbe bank, on the '''wall up'to her full height. 'Ipok 111m up' for suits panelS. and Oft the counters: ' Tbe' re- ' me when you get thore, He's a (reat being tbat all Industries bnve been lhe nlted Stales and oontlnued hl.lult was ' tbat the people who made big feUer, illx feet tall and ""~lghB 22,0 I developed ..ylth more or less I'ap!d- eXlll.\rlrnc ntn ~ Itb (orpe~Oes, nnd the- . , tbe run on Monday made ralher • pounds" He's got a PUl: (ace, 'Vhen Ity tbrough the atlpIlcation o( steam governmopt Rllprolll'lated S6.000 ror. . walle o~ It. ' They wanted ,their money,' you tlnd him tell hIm he"s a low dOwn, \ to ~!\vlgaUon. and tha t through tbe the t 1I~l ng of Il ls lorpedoes and entJ.. ,'. but they rusbed no one, On the con- d!rty ' scoundrel; and smash b\m a ' 8ame, agency the [O.UI' qllarters ~t tho marll! ~"tlxp I OB lv es . I~S eal'ly as l7!)3 Fulton had turn~' trary; they camo on , wltb caution and couple of times . . , Thall [eller's 'my Ql!.rt" ~ I}avb been brought together In . ~~Ind Country In Whlo h the Freebooter Thrlvell. dellb8PIt!on: So wefut were they bllSl}Ud . H;o: deserted me. . Just Quit I O'lminerce qnd Inlerco urse, bl".atl nUoli to stea m lIavlgation. but .11. ~ "~" " " '. , I "' . le!!t they get l?alnt on ,their clothel me Cdld. Sonk him a couple of good T he design shows n heroic figure It wall nOl until len yeara later tbat. , -wer:e oha~ <' I~ip,;;·~me · one of tile ~c a IndUned pea811nts sWOtl 'In that It took 1.0nger to pay olt one of ories: for me., Pasle' blm . bnrd and of Fulton contel11platlng a "1nodcl of hili \!lTol' ts look any tapglble ijhape. nUlne'rqu8 cQy~..,.pr . bayS "'hi!rb Inde~t with. t egl to the el(tent of covering' them tban ,lt WOUld, have' taken or-- often wh.}i1 yoU' do it,' ", the Olermon t, surmounting a sbaft Tb !!n wllh tho tlllAnclal assitltunce or. tho con!!t of , C,iioo, and ""lIen their ulI 'thelr trails wben pursued and ae- dlnarlly to pay lIve: " In which Is' SUI posed to be n wind- Chanc 1101' Lh' lngstOh, he launched a oe:re"'s were~ captured the)' WIlI'1! taken cepting, a sb~re of' thei" booty, -wbUe . Thill is 'one Qf many odd trIck. 'Dean Swift No Ic,o noclllt. Ing stalrwalt. to the observation land· steamboat 011 the Sine, whiCh, 0'11'to Janlalca for hial, where It ",as a on the o ther band the peaceably all' whereby, IlI'!a ,run, a hank baa saved P,esldent !Roosevelt ,,'ould have re- Ing. At the:~n8e ,o f tbe shaft are sym· IlIg to taul t construotlon 0r lhe frame. &hart shift- ,between tbe re {lnd the pear'tng, pe,¥ant. 1r.habltlng S9me Itsel! from wreck, celved B"OI:( shrlrt at the hands of bolized the varIous Sllhetos or humnn Imm i1lateh' Balik. Another <boal was ------Dean Swlfl, The latler roundly de- lodllsl~y, luid th e corners of the base built, wlttl' the old 1I1achinery, and a hall,man's noose. Freqtlen{ty ;the ,v.e s· tllatbbed boll"o on the edge of a clear· llels were driven ullom by ~he Ens· Ing with h18. wl~e and c;hJldreo"mlgllt EftnpUIItII 1'or1'ey and Alexander nounced llie poets wbo boad lnlro?uced are ornamented with etb nologlcal trlul trip was made. but no great. Ih,.\J •crut'serll. an.1 th, .c rews of . the possibly be .the very robber whose are nnder ' engagement to conduct the "barbarous custom or nbbrevlat. II..oU,,8, depleting the rour racos of s,,~ed was 't\ttalned, "lrate 8h1p8,.p1aldi}1J their escape, be- daring _plolt had rec:eDlly ' meet lng!! next Winter In the folio,,' Ing words to fll them .te, the measure mpn. or, 111 other w,o rda. tbe tour corHowevel'. en,col'lrs,ee1f--m""-tiThr1rnr1~--;=.c.:;=::,:,,~-;:,;;,,-,; came l>Irat~e , on land like \.be old,tlme whole ~0l!n and seo.Ltho IIOIIUI'8rti~l1t.+JIDI'-"'LW=~""'DU Omaha, Wlnnl· ,of their ,·,erses.'~ ' Swift histunces nerll ot the ,Iolle. The materlall to . tlal success; Fulton. ordered an en. buecal,leeJ'll of ·H lspanlola.. ,,·Ith the dlt· on . b.lll ;.Jra\l, : Tbe , Sllanleh' peg Bul!alo, Pittsburg and Montreal. "drug'd" nnd "dlsturb'd" as moHal of. , glne tQ be seni to the United States. fEiI'~n(l", " that they rlillt}\ made ::'far' nevel' could, tell,· ' I., " ~ ' ~.~ .' . tenses. Tbo custom so.lntroduCe\l had and I'elurnod to this country to c()nUD'ln the couiltry 1lOOple. who alinoet '111 the fertJIe 'troJI!cat hind of Cuba ~. WI>lte Diamond Found, . begun ' to dominate ' prose, A.nother tlnue hi s eX llorlmonls. Enrly III tb~ , .. I bl- tood " - with them . th "te r th" 'r boot '1 ~ A white dlaiu'ond , .w elghlna 149~' ca\ls~borrowed, Swlf· sugge'sted. 8.lll1ng of 1807 tile boat which was ' I"·/111-r II of', ..,., ' ,.~ e ,I'i 0 "se. ree , ers a ,uom· karats, baa b, rep found by a dlgg~r ~, 1Jhe remnanta of thele Illrates. or paratlvely easy. As a, matter ot tact, froID the , clipping process-whloll he to navi gate the Hudson. and especially ~boot.~, ha.,e exlated In Culla to aitel'. tbese Cubnn gentry hav~ taBtecI at Karreepan, 'near Klmbe~le)', wbo held had contributed to the mnlmlng i the system at steaOl n\lvlgallon. WU of I ~ It Is bard , for them fu rellnqillsh .old It for ,14.4G1i, uf the, language, "Is a foolish oPln.lon completed at a ship yurd on the EllUlt It. , The)' live In a 'I~d of eternal sumadvanced of late years that we ought rive r, The , engluo \~ as, pul In later.. 'Iller. where In normlll tImes cattle, LOOSE TEETH 10 ~ spell exactly as we 8lpeak; which. aud on August 11. of that yenr. tbe boney 'and .sweat pptatoea abound. besides tbe obvloua Inconvenience of Olerlllont lItenmed Ull the Hudson t.,.· \VhY. Il,~out~ , they work. when Ood :hal Mad~ Sound by £;atll)lI OJl·"e·Nutll. uttel"l y ,destroying our ' etymology. ' Albnlly. the vorage occupying 8a. given them ,so ,.much? TJle peaceful . " would be a thIng we sbould nevet osee hours. Thus was, the world give" farmer of 'the InterIor, no matter: ' Proper food nourishes every' 'part ot ~be end or:' ·the f\l'st steambont ot practical value. little ~e ' Iabora_ in the '8eld: pnJldll,ceS tbe bOdY, because Iilaluro !l8il'l:ta' the ------and the crcd It and honor for the ' a 'great deal mo~ tb-a n' ,he can C9n. .dlllorent , materials [rom' thu food we 8uggeatlon. , greal 'achlevem nt are undoubtedlF awoe, and be II ,ever readY't.u tihare eat, to build bonol ai~rve, brain, mua. "Dcre am one thIng moh Ab want' to due to Robort Fulton, It witJ1 ",l1,9 !nsoever c,lO m8lJ along. and c1e, teeth, etc, , , .. BaY befoh dis eongregallbun am die· For thiS I'f~ason It seema fitting ,that' conaequently .tho' roVIng ,freebooter, All we need Is to eat the rlgbt ldnd mlssod ." said Parson Whangdoodle as Lhe cen 1 nnlal of lIIal 1I0taole a'c hieve- " w~o ~oul,d bl! a simple 'tramp. else- of food elowlY, chewing it woll-our .he fixed his gaze on the' contrIbution ment s hould be marked' by tbe eree.. • Where, linda Bubalste)lee e88)'. ' digestive organ!J take it up Into the ' plate be(or.e him, "and ' dl1ll ' am to ·sug· liOn a m'ollument to lbe great t .. lle mllY be , ~ fugitive from juatlce, hlood 'and tbo blood cnrrll3s ' I,t ,Jl gest dat certain mombahll ' ob dis fiock vell~or , At thc Jnplestown ' exposition' and tlien be 1ear118 ' to look upon . aU, thro\Jgh tbe bOdY, to ev~ry IItlle',uoOk glt together an' adapt n !Ipeshul brand ne xt y at It Is planned to obse"O' _ , , co ner of bulton, sO u to maJc:e .de collect- , Rob rt F ul ton day. when the ' navlett thoae who ar~ 'rI~h or In gove~nment e~me . one . would ask yo~, ," "ls ahuns moh uniform:' , or the world will be represented 'fA . Berv~ce, emi~r 'as civilians .or aoldlers. ' 1" i. hla ~enemle8, and be only awalt~. G'&I.c-Nut~ good for 100S~ ,wotu Hallllltoa Hoads. nnd n na.VIlI review Society'. Conver"atlon. Cometlul Vanderbilt, President of tbe otJpOrtune moment· when It leader you'd' probllbly sar, "No, 1 dO,n 't ,s ee surll~ 8 sl n g ,anyt.blng yet scen -'11'111 'be The subject ot talk sllnctlo'ned by Fultcin Monument Aaaoclailon. _tepa fQrth10 'organlze-hlm lind ofhers bow It cou:.] l'e." But a woman In witnessed. 'oi'lIe1l118 Vanderbilt. wbO the IImnrt world :ot L9nd'~n ttHiay are like him Into' a' formidable lIand. Ontario 4!'I'tf,13: • Is tho president of tbe monument' __ ueed tn Its conslruction are white I\B follows: Racing .. !ltocks and Bbarel, • . ".For the f'IIs1 two yoars I lla ve used 80cla tloH, will sail at the head ortY : ' Atter the Insul'rectlon was oY4l!land Ora""''''-'lltB Food wl t'b , most excellent politics (hI small Quantltl!,s). chl.l loljl, marble 'snd bron'ze. . the brle'- 'will' ~th analn ' bad been' ........, Th\!, lI;tory ot Rofl,ert Fulton'. 8trug- 8blp~ of Will' In his yacht. hrldgo, motoring-nnd now ballooning fought out ~he , cQ,untry was, ,so' com. results. It seems to take tho place Tho desi gn of tile Fult~o' monllillft", Ie with the problem of sleam navlJ;a-with Clurrent goSSip o' b ~be mlr· II10tely devastated tWit, Buch of ' toese of , medicine In m~ny WIlYS. builds UI' III in Interesting one, his earlier Is by l,eOll(lld l3racony. and It' la, p~ ex.f~bootera , as remained were the ',J;I~I'V~' and restores the bealth rhiges. deaths, debts and divorces of Ion ttempts provIng f811l1reJ ,' .8 did, Ilosed to rnlst'! tI~e SlIm neCesaal')' . . our dearest friends and acquaintance.. obll&ed to come ,Jnte tile towPI IIniS g.merally. . ose of numeroua other Inventors at Its creation In lOorble 'and' bronm' tii, ','A milo Grape-Nuts tnken bofore re- -M. A. P. small subscl'l()lIoll8. an4' to plllce u..:' oi-It.on tbe same 1l~0 blen'l. clUes, "het e tbeY ",llOled as ' patr,lota tlrlu ... soothes my 'norvcs lind gives and came Ill, fqr th~lr share oC lout-Ia .. nnmes of fill donors or ' ten dollars or J\.e a . boy F:ulloll was Oiled with tho Not· E)(cu~able. tlie v;ay or Ilea eros/! aupplles 10lln4 sleep," (BecaUSe It rOlleyo Ir· lIIore Upon 1)1'onz8 tubll!'ls wltll, wblcll ' dea of bOats and bOR,t propulsion. and '''What did tbe pr.lsdner Gver do tl1a\. W 'Btar~ln'g ' reconcen~rad08. ritabllity of tile si.omach nerves, being at the lige of 13 be had constructed tho Inu I' wnlle pf tbe tomb, wbere. eon vlnced you of bls lnss,nity?l. h t hi h tll • a prcdlgeJIted food.) • t h ere .w u ' t a . pay''' Cot , II '\Befor" I illed Grape-Nuta my tOilth' , "J onco alw him rock a rowboat In' , alidle.wlieelB wbleh he applie d wllh tb ' I'emalns ot the Inventor' will' rest. ! to GQmez 10 t)ay hJs 1 0 1 . . . . . , arc to be II not! , lilers, wben al II ma,l ter' of ,r aet 'hls -,v:ere loose In the glims. '1'hey wel'o lip w'lilcb' were several women and cbl1· .ucceSB to a fisbln'g boat. He had a strong artistic lient. and severnl jicars eo-caUtid. armx. ,Ii..d 'bee~ practically bad I wlls rlrcaJd th~y "'oul~ Bome day dren! ' Thtll, waa of hlB young mnnhood were I;rIBnt In Burglara ' In Hard Luo~ "Tbat elltell1nlne.leCi before tbe beltDlllng of all fall DilL 811\c81 ha,e tlsed Grape· wIth the I Pklntlng Ollnlatnre portrallB. land'Bur :ID1'8 i 'ho , broke Into a bollia lit e"'mlnal tbe . war with Spain, They' came fa ~Qtl t have nO,t been bothered linr _pea, etc., (Jes!";!!!a mnlling mechan- Chard. ,EngTlnd. aclll,eved th,e ~ . more wUh 10088 teeth. ' ;'.aee:" leal and arobltectural drawlnSs. , At ftc ont halll of 1\ Itox ot pills a\ld .., . fila: lOme lif that. , .....t dealre fo~ paiitT')" h;U dllappell1'the 8ge of 21 he ' went · to ' London, . lIenee, They recall the burslal'll w1Ie. The ..~" apd ..,IWara· P Q " " _t I h I h et ..... t /au1eted the turbulent Iplrll of thoee e4 &Dd .l have e;. .ned D ea t ,'III' ... won. where he practiced bls art, IUld It wa" cngag«i on ·a Ilmllar ' ml"'_ dtIto former outlawa for a lim., .U.boup ed bapplneal 81nco l ' beran to IIle "tb there tbat h. began his oSllerimenta covered a lIlter of kl£teDi UtI ,. ~ (IurlDI the occupation or the Jalpda' Grape-Nuts." Name. lifeD by .~ID derrulluckl My lut bUa~tI ! an mechanlCl tinder Lbo patronago or '!,man BI\Uaage. which en...... the. . . . . were ,....... or UAelr Co., B_U, Oreek, llIeh. Get the fa. , me ,Ix monthl IUld TaleI JraIf ', tarloua w-.!UU' DeraOUI 1tUh Wbolll I much that th\-}' drowned \M leaL . ,.~~oaJ"'IiIUW~-· _ . . . 1IIOUII Jltue fIooIro "TIl. Roa4 to W.u. au ,earl-Tranalltog Sa a rtUOIIt"r..I1...
,.______.--. .
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, PERSONAL AND Sons of Veterans LOCAL ITEMS Camp at Lebanon. WeeKlY
a, lVayn""yllle. OhIo
tl ~
Danger From 'he Plague. n~, Alii to Beaaty. Blood PolloDlD, There'll grave dltnger from 'he Nothlnlf ill more certalD to bene .....uU. from ohroulo OODal1patloD, plague of oougbll and ooldll ,~.,t are fi& JOur QOmplaion .bAn a ..J!i oeDt. wbioh I. qulotl1. o~ by Dr. ItO prevalent., uule)i18 YOU ta.e Or. box of Laukola t.blell . Tbeyfr.· King'. New Life PlI18. They No King's New Diaoovery lor oonlump· en the akin, ..he oolor to tbeoheeb, move aU poillou01lll ,erma fl'OlD .&be tlon, oougb~ aud ooldl. MI'II. Gf'O. oure oou&tpaUon, 'a nd Iltve you a .y.tem and ~fue Dew life aDd Walla, of Forest Olty, Me .• writes:, rOIlY, healthy oompl ..xion. J. vigor; oare lOar .tomaob ..a . ., "It's a GodRend to people Uvlng ID Ill. JaDDey . ' . bea4aohe, dlzztD811 aDd 00i10 ""'b.- cUmatea where oough8 and oolda out· KriPiDg or dlllOO1Dfora. Silo. prevail. I find It qalokly ends them. . G,aarant~ by F. O. Sohwarbs, It prevents pneumonia, ouree la grin' Draggist'. I . '--' • • gives wonderful reUef In asthma and hay fever, and' makes weak 'lunge RAILR()~Q' stTong enough to ward o1!oonllump. r.: tlon. ooughs and ooIds. 60, and t1. Guaranteed by F. O. Mohwart~.
Mrll. IB;~ I " ;rlght is vlsltlDg her The Lebt\non "rrespondent of Mr . Clyde Bhatt a~ Win. the Dayton Journal last WedDOIIday ~D~~,,~!~~. M .K AT t ~dllor •• nd bot .oaeere chester , Indiana . lI&i~: Adelbert MoKay UlanaPl" .nd MM. T , J .• OIlOWII, " SIlO lAT. EDITC.III. 'rh b B eel PI tb joint editor of the WayneevUle Ga. . oroug r yOllUg ymou ,zette transoted buisDe88 4ere yeater. 11,00 D 1ear ' , • • • • . In DclVIlOGe Rook Roosters, very ohoop If lold day in the inter08 of the new Leba. ' 1 .~5 "yellr If 00' pale! In l14yaoco SbOD ' O. L, DUKIil. R.F. D. No -l. non camp of 8on80f Veteranll. U II ()FFICE IN ALLEN BUILDING. ]:o'ifty bushel8 IItrlotl y Pure North· thought tha.t tbe orgal1lizatlon will ern Clover t!eed . CIlU or addresl4 J start with fifty me.m bera in a-boot a 1E:L'!lPJo!O~!l GJlLL • ~ ~O. 6'~ M. I:!tlloy Lytle Ohio. Valley Phone month. '!'be camp will bemultered I:3l1lllplo lit (olllzette offioe. , to31 In by H. V. Speelman of Cinolnnati WII:O,NESDA \' OCTOBER Ill •••: . , • 1900 C. I!: , Hraueu, tlu\.k'rlu'tend~1I1 ~t rormerly commander.ln,ohlef of tbe AND UEALER t:N the WlIyulJsv llle 80huols IlttlJulled order. The melllbers ~If tohe UranEQUIPPED WITH LUKENS, Our Souvenir Number. the lJleatin~ uf the I:!outh Western ville Tbureson p,)st 'of t·lle G. A. R PHYSIOI AN ANt> BUBGI\X)II. 1'he Gllzet~ hopeI t.o Iuue tts ' Ohio Tallohe.'B AssuoiatioD at BIWl· Ilre fllst belog vllnqul~'bed In their OJ'J'10111 1M AllAM OLOCK lOuvenir wltobln tbe ne~t few weeks. Ilton StlturrlllY· . struggles. wi th tho grim foe .nd an ... 1 di Telephone in his hoDBO where he 'Va ~ve had many un.e xpeoted Mrs. Mllrtho vads .,u, 01 n an· order whioh will perpetuate tbelr · 81)00 t 11 ['e w d liyt! last week memo rI es t n t u t·uro d eclid e.8 Is !trelh• 1_ l1li CAn be called, ali all h011l'8, day or delays but hope now 1t will not be lipo IlA, 01181 U CU . IUU nigbt. long until we are througb w.lth It. with Waynesville frleo(ls, and ly desired . Tho Met.IS of Veterans . . ' . Ccaohee and ! IlUp~1\ed As we bave received a number wbile bere WIl8 the guest of Mrs. camp will shlire the G. A. R . hall of Inquiries we .sk our friendl4 to Joel Evans. with tbe boYI of '64. Bave recently moved to rO'lI) , . Id er t hi II &n answer. Co pl e oons 8S Mr . lmd 'Mrll ,i 'har e8 E" . _o"re 0t Kidney' trouble pre)'. uhnn the mind, next to OrOllI BrOil. . Th e Oh arm ot a CI ear (.... .-:' w" YIIDVILLIC wiIJ 'be ~ailed promptly to all who Wlu!bington D. C. are spending. .0ID".e:i:ls n . d'IlICouragesandlesaensombition; beauty, ••111 . 'TRII:In. ROUT e::: hav" ordered and paid for them . week wit-h " lirs. Moore 's parents. Notbing lenda morA to JHllrl!Q!~I,J vigor' and cheerful. -!! .. d '" D R b t f N h attractiven088 tllan the neu lOOn dilllppear . Tile Political C8mpaign:- ",r. an MI·/I . .,. . . . 0 er so ort and fresh rOIlY oomplexion that when thekidneyure Wounds, Br~I~. and~nrns street Mr. Mo,?re Is 6njQying his complexion tl1at oomes 'to ~hOlle who eaaed~ order or dt.. By applying. an antilleptio dr0lJ8 SOUTHERN RAIlWAY annul1l v801ition Ilnd previous to uae ~akola toableta. 25 ce~" , a Kidneytroublehu ing lO wounds, brol_. burnl! and Ned 1'uMday tbe annual election o~mlng to WoynesvUle he and Mrs . guaranteed oure for BallawnelB a~'d become 10 prevalent like Injurie. berore infi'linmatio 0 , tak_ plaoe and tbe campaign II .Moore spent a week with his moth. con8tlpation. J. ii:.. ,Tanney. that it is not-uncom- sets in, they nur.y be heliled Without "'bl th d mon for 0 child to be maturation and In about une t,hiro! warmi ng. np preoep.J .., a8 e en er in Oolumbus . , born afllicted with the lime requlrf'd by the uk} {",rt\" , draws near. While there are..nQser For Sal-e. . ",ea!t kidners. If the ment. Tbll Is the grotellt' dlllOn,v, ioWi oonttll" 10 the Uounty, the'Gon K " hts f " childurinate~toooften, Ifth~unnescalda ery and trlompb of modern 8lu,en rug 0 A lot of dooft and wlndow8 solt. the flesh,or If. when the child reacheaan Ob be 1 i • P I D-1 - t . g rAIIBlonalsltuation 18 & matter ..-ot 0 Id E I ago wheo it sbould be able to control tho , am ran II II n ... m Ill!! 00 • • >: muoh int.er88t Ilnd to some extent 0 en ag e. Ilble for olltbulldll'll, ilot window pauago. it is yet afllicted with: bed.wet- tbi8 Awe prlo~lple. lt ill an alltillep Senath. . . ' . party linea are being loet Blgbt of. Paiistine Oastle, Knlubts o••he Ilbnttllrl!, cook lltov~ amd r08erv:oil', ting, depend upon it. thecaulle olthedifll. tio and when.llpplied to ku~h Injur .... Senath. . . . n &. h 1 f b I culty ia kidney trouble, and the first les, causes them h~l very qUlok ' l bere IIPpt'AM to be Il disp08ltlon Golden Earle beld an interesting 2 · anglng ampe, one 0 ' t em aha 1 step Ihould be towards the treatment of Iy. It alllO aUay. t,ho pain IInll 80te ......UIII' ftCIIIlI • UUl . nt timds to make a personal matter 8e88lon Friday evening. After . tbe lhamS I', also 20 tonH of good tlmotby theseimportanlorgan8, Thiauuple.,lIlut nelUl and pl'tlvent.. any dltDjler ot fllIT ul1IIIIIlUIIIAWI II of t.hl~ ooute!!t. . work lunoheon W88 served. y, trouble,!s due to a diseased c~nditlon of 'blood polsonlog . Keep • bottle of ......... :rillAlCY Le~ UII remember above lill tblngs , NATHAN kU8'l'1N . the kldueys ana blladder ,and not to a Pain Balm tn your bome: and 11 NlIm'lIune. bablt al mOlt peop e Bllppose. ii ' I ' we ~re llelghbore. Men can honest . . 1 h e Cut1e hM reorgaJlised and Women a.well aameuaremad mller- w I eave you t tile a~d money. not ~"""""'MdRa"'!"'" of this '-Ind, aDd ita future prospect.... are bright. able with k.ldney and bladder trouble, to mention tbe Inoonventl!noe and Iy differ on ma.te~ .a • The Union Depot. ou!1 both need' the same great remedy••afftlrlni laoh tnjurl6I! . eDC~tl . For . PAUL BItOWN. T. P. A. we woulll prefer to believe that aU A regular meetl'!g will be beld Tne mild and the· Immediate effect of ..Ie bv F. O• .tIohw.rtz. . , awW.zr:u.,~.~...... are hon..' In their oplniona. The next Friday eVening at whloh. all B'o me thea'rioals IArEI ever ' popu. ,swamp-Root is soon realized. luold I,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ooutitry will "0 on muob the eame memoore are requellted to be pres. by druggists, in fifty· . ' I' W QARJUl1T (,..... ___ .. . ' lar and tbe pablio will be hiterest· cent' and oUMolJar An Awfnl Co~"h OUred. A., . , no matter who is l'leoted and thORe ent, ed' In knowlD8 that a honie 'c alent li8Ize·[,Otl:les. You may , '. .. . .... Go IUICIWI.SON. Q, ... ~ of 1111 who are frlendaand neighborl plav will be given a~ MohQ;OI B , all~ . a llample bottle "Two yea" ago onr little flrlr1 b a d ' . ~ ... o. • oannot afford to become eDemies Mr and Mrs Harry ' ~ . by 1U4l1 free • .also a _ . . . . ta todoh of pneamonla. wbloh lAft. ',,-_..._.I!I~'" .J' • • Friday evening, NoveD~ber 2. t:mp~let telllDg an about Swamp-Root. ber wUh an awfa.1 coa,h. 'Hbe bad ...,;'~ ....v oY~r poU"OB. Sherwood's Anniversary. . Sixty o~ .he belt local charaitertl ~~~~~tre=y ~~i!~of:::.~:r~:~ llpelll of oou,blng, jna' Db nile ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"0.11!!,!",!!!!,!",!!!!,!",!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!,!,,,!!!!!!!!!!!! • - • have been leoaredto take In cured. In writing Dr: Kilmer & ,<:0., wltb the whoo.,iD,ooulh and 110m.. Interested In a Thursday. October 28th was the tbe area' play ";r'he Union (leh"t' , Binghamton, ·N . Y., be lure and mention thotllh~ sbe would not ..... WAn a' " .urs. . . ann i verBary. 0 f th e mar'-lIIge a comedy t .. ·t h aa madle R hit e~ry....... f'V this' pa....... Don't make any mistake, all. We go' a bot-tie ", Cbllmbt-r .•.•Ba,ryta Inay. D UD .... •r but relllenl~ ' the name, Swam~Root. .11&i n ' , 00ug h ~mvuY whioh 1I0tft(\ , ~. ' of M~. and Mrs. Barry Sherwood wbere It haa bP.en ilv8ln. I ' 1<lImer'lI Swamp-Root"and the .d. like a .oh•• m ~be '"t;.,ppe(l coujrh the _Gazette .and ID the evening ab,out twenty of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ J!iIlKhamton, ~r Y.• OD ever" Ing and got; atout "od r..t, writ" .. A few weeb . • uecea'ed to the · merohimta of tbeir f"lenda came In and reminded Mrs Or3 BUlll\llrd, Brubilker, 'lIJ. Wayn.-YlUe 'ha advantagee tha, them ' of tbe event and Ul!lated In !'!"'!!!~~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thia rAmedy iii for IIBle by F. l,'. . woold 'oom.from a • ........ ..... i It A ' Young Mo·ber at 70 Soh.arh. ' WiD oure &Dr cue .of Klcln , ~~ .... .--l ·day to o~rvng. '_.:.'_ _ _ _ _ .~ be knOWD a' "Wayn..vtlle'.barpin Both Mr. and Mn. Sbtlrwood were ' liMy motb~. hal suddenly been , P1 ~~:t.: ~ ~tJ-· day" when the merohan~ oould taken oompletely hy 8urprlse tiut made yooni at 70. TweDty YOllrs ECZEMA ••d PILE 'tURE ""9~CJ !'!f . J8M!! ~~P,!t ... t _ _ .. _ _1 ... t...... tObI..aIi• .....,.,. o~.ID ......." ..... , .... , _.... Wb ............'. I~~~~.,.~tlt hlld f'"l~ dlllllblf'd her, untl1 ..h; . . , , ,.. " M::et~t~:i' .barg~lna ~o!, thllt day Ilnd bring weloome lind a moet enjoy&ble ev· months "IlII, ,wllt'flilba !)OMi.-n toklnjl fer I "III Klv .. FUEEI'F CO A flU ." " . ,a ...~ orowi1a .of people lo ,ttie town from enlllg Willi I~nt . Electrio Blt.tera. wbio.h have 0001. aDV aftllOloAd It ,p.... ItI.Y,.. OU'"" ,lor Eo I .:. .i_. 1l1l 'he.aurroanding nel"bborboods. pletely oored ·her and ·,..ator8cJ the Zltn;", lI1la.' rh"urn, Iln ..iwln ", .pUN i =:::a~ ~ Sinoo 'ben a number of marcbllollts strenlCtb anJ ,~ttvtty Ihe bad In the and Ikln dtlll!lUM'8. ,In"'n& rlllier. _ _.s __\ j lpokeD to. tbe publishers of Dr. Davlll 'P re80rlption for prime of life, writN H.ra.W L . G ..... tl. 1 - . "". II< W' tw. ......O c...... ....... aohes. patrick, of Danforth, 'Ke, Greetee' er~gar, wr~.e &10. • " tbe Gazette oom~.ending the · idea Wben W~ reoommen~ Rt:ad Ruaran telltoritllve medlolne on 'ho .rlobe. WILLAK8, \100 ' ManhaUfn Ilvenue , aud therS appellre to be a very tee Ate In the Head tablet. for head: i~j]~~~~~~~~~i~E ~ta lltomiw,h, liver and kldneYI NelJ York Euol088 .I&am'p. ' !ltronl.en"m~nt in favor of giving Debes andneoralgla IU. because we ; I '~~~~~~~~:i~:~!!t:,b.~" blood, Ind ouret! 11g' UOS. . CaraColda. Croapucl ~=, 'he ma~r a trilll onoe at l~st. . know yqu must obtain relief or we I' and wejlkntl88l!ll. . .I . . , ' ,
L C.
-SOUT'i i'
WII I ca laM Miserable by KIdDe, lid · Bladder Ir..'Ie.
.-~ QlIEEH &'c~t~t
------ -
Cincinnati & LallsvUle 10 IL ~:AI!~ ~.
PW "".....
Chamberlain's Co.,'R'-'"
=.:i:;~~~E:~ ::;:::.~ ~ dJ~: ~':"~"! ! nd! ! Y! ! ~! ! ~! ,!! :e! !; ! 'I !:'!:! :a! ! e! ! ! !:~=_;~.:~~:::::::::~~:~:::::::: auu ••Iood".-:;' c"'~t"::~"!· MrAMICOMMfRCIAE COlLfGf ~=~ ~ml, . . . . :!:,:::a:~:,~I:;::!~;'h;!h:! Ra,d.e·r .,s,.. Spe'c i,als,. ., ,m ImA!I, L Tne BOllnesl HeD's I.elAgue la tbe
we predlot that WayneavUle's Bar gato day will bring tbe ' greatflllt bUylDR orowd to the town .tha.~ It 4Iver has bad.
The Joys of the F*mer.
Tbtl il 'be ·..aeon of the year wtien the fumer .atben In bla rip. ened «rain, when bll barna are ftlled to oV8rdowt~g with ea,tli', riohee od whilli pe&OO, 'OQD\eDtmeJi& .nel prellPerity ate biB. , After ' all who hilS more realOD for happlDeall than the farmer, with tobaooo rolng up towards fifteen oents a pOund and hogs bringing $8 Or $7 a hDnclrcd WhoD In fact everythiDg brlnga top prloos. The farmer It: i. whom tbe poll. tlmanl of aU parties appeal to ' as a beIng of .uperior wledom for wbOlle votel they 'an,le Bea80n after seuon Tbe merohant big a.nd little appeal tor the f.rmere' trade. Everybodylookllto ' and depend8 on the fa"mer himself the most In dependan~ man 9n earth, Is It any wonder the millionaire tnrns from bls qnest for moiley and rtUlb for fame, back to tbe farm. . Then who wouldn't want to be a farmer?______ ' 4.____••------
w. E . MOpRE•.Becelvu
Queensware. cup aDd 8&uoer ,,_ 6 large oope and saooerS' 7Ys Pie platel,- 2 for Deaaert dillbes, 2 tor Dauert aoup plates II iD. Cereal Bowls. Bone l>labes Oblong Veg. Dtah~ 131Jl Meat dlahes 9Ysln saltd Bowl, ~" in. Bake'r s 10 In. Velr. Dt8hes 9U In. Dinner plates 8 for Fancy Dinner Pia tell, eaoh Bowl and Pltoher ,. Sl:Ip Jarll ' 7 piooo toilet set L&l'g~
110 100 100 100 . 100 100 100 100 li6c
10 Qt. Blae aDd White Water paUs · . ' 10 Qt all white water palii U" Blue & Whlte wBter paUs 6' " Blue & wbUe stew Kettle Waah Basins Hloe an~1 White . Wash BUID_all Wbite " Ol"h PIiD.. . · ", Tea kettle8, Blae iii Whtte Ohamber paUa an White " .. Jilp. 14 Qt. Galvanlsed Buokets .
A CoD. doiq 10 .~a:.::r~:~;:..m.y ~ ,relle4oD: to ., ~ :A:L . NORTBBO!JNJ;J. • E. V. BambaF.t; J: e~ ~~rti'ht, Joe. Yi.' .Hl.ey·, ~iBli Gitllen S~Uon. No. I' No. 3· No. ~. No. " Edna McKinsey RidJl,lr P;. P~ ~~Q; ~Hel .1). H.... Ie, Geo'! A. 1O"nnke.v, A. Y . A: M. 'M . P.M. H. 'Fred Whlte" 6....."-...;ri_ .l:"'~I· . . . . ..1'. r., .. ,-y .
Enameled Ware; 110 2110 60 '50 110
t . ,.
LebI!Don J(). Ar.' 80 5110 Shaker Or. 7 2q 890 Roel1 ~ i 1 22 2110 Bempetead Till 7 III 150 eeptenllle t 7 De 260 Manor LyUe. . 7 01 ~6c Edlte1P04 ;e 58
500 K.I&Cbner 890 DOdd • . , 2110
10 2~ 'I. 80 10 21 -l l!T 110 11 I 1 2:1
6 26 6 22 I 6 11
1015 10 07 "10 01 . "11. ~ liB
615 5 ot t6 01 I 118
Veaable;e 54
1945 *II as II 30
til n
Lebanon-Lv . 8 S5
t1 O~ 1 01 fl2 DS
12 50 I . . •• 1 U .. 81 111 Ill! • 30
Maoor Lytle Ed,ewood Venable
'801 8 08 '8 II '8 16 KUebner t8 18 Dodd. tB 20 .Leland 18 28 Lebapoll ArT'V~ a 85
"'2 67 "II 01 a 02 e .Oll U 05 '012 '30\1 18 Ie 13 11 16 18 3 13 18 21 18 22:18 30 . 8,30 6 . .
Mens Jeans pant!! 50 and 750 a pair Mens Oorduroy pants 1.75 aDd 2 50 Feed J3asitetl at oost a.nd 1088. .. ' Corduroy Sulta 17 ' Older baiTels 1l00d, OllOb • • 1.60 H~re are the Biggest Yet. ., Work Coats 311 to $1.76 Shot in 10 lb. Iota, pe~ Ib, . /10 E " & •• Corduroy Vests '1 .50 mpty shells Iv . ' U . ~ge per . Dajly ~&'PltIl~· S~p41t7. f S~O~ ,OD 811l'Dai Benjamin James hal the largest "Odd VOIItl! 50 oents ~nDdred . ' 400 Potatoes to date. Cnt naUB J>y the lot. JIlOr lb. Yso . ' TraIna pUll Lytle u folio .. ; . Beojamin James who lives on Shoes. Nathan Lupton's farm I~Ylolalm to Rubber Goods. the holior of having grown thelarg. MenB Heavy tl.50 to '9.00 w. 1:. KOOBE. est po~toes or the lealOn. . 'Ladies Sh08ll 750 to 3 00 Ball Band FeUi _nd overs Ge~.ral ~lIII'r A.-ilt. LebanOu 0, Mr. James notlo~ the .. ooouut Boys Shoes, aI7,e-l, 2,3 11, 2, at 950 Ball Band Rubbe" Boote. Siok Jleadaohe Cnred. . , .given ID the Gazette of lOme pota __ ___ . _ _______ -=-________~_______ Biok headache fa oaued by cleranp toea grown, by Abram Shoemaker, We give fine rup, clockl, lamps and roektn, ,e f0t: CI~h 'pqrehaaea~ mea' or the etomaoh od b7.Jndi. 3 of whloh wellhed \I pounds 2 oz. g8lltiOD. , Cham berlaiD '• . atoDtaoh 1rIr. Jamel brouflrbt aolfO to Farr Save y~ur tickets. anel liver &able" oomo' ell... dtaor· dera aDd elfeot a cure . By .klDl & 'Whl&e'i srooe~ 'Thunday, a 'of th... table. . . loon .. the '8111' ID· wbioh weighed ~ pounda Ii OODoes dt.Uon of the ~e .~. tbe oel he thlnkl he tak.. 'be prize. a&ok lII&y bewu4e4 off. I'or..... CaD aQQDe beat tlulmf b7'.O._bW~
Raders Store, Corwin Ohio.
::::":: :. ~: ~.
" ." . . ,.
COTTON'" and WOOL' A.IIVf'JlPt'Jl We were fortuna.. In pa~... '!ndenrttar: to rea." ~~. ."".
"10 511 11 01 "11 07 '11 11 III Iii 11 16 III 21 11 80
,Elbows 16c Leave Plpeper joint . 15c Dayton: OU &D 500 20/1 6UO Underwear. 1:1 Dy. 2 hoop plQe bupkets eac~~.> \':JC oa,ton: . DokXT700 lliOO 7 40 10 86 I 311 II.. • 260 wash boa~ .180 LebAJIOD 10.' ! 87 6 i t Mens Heavy fleece lined IIblrts .s~d 150 wub boards , 9Q Shaker'cr,o.lalJl, 7 III 10 87 Hoi'IYII t'/, f'{ ,~g n ,2 ,i "540' drawers 6OC, 760 311 '00 per suit 200 bro01Dll 1110 BemPl~ad 7 ~ l;q ,fJ .' • f!! 5 5. 7 68 10 68 I ~l 6 68 Jap coal buoket~ 190 ceo~rv'me
. A . III. A, M. " P. Y. P •. M No 2" No.· No e" No a
Silk Petti...ta: · One special·for $5 that cannot be' '
. 1 \lge t;tove Pipe
FA' LL an d. WIN....,ER CUOAK:S . .', ,
00 "
D&~ ~"8
.,~.ft" u _
0& X T D '" X T 0 nokD
940 '
110 1 11
W 47 U! 'II! U 47
18 52 P' 60
o R&D
I BOOK'KII:BPlNG &lid PHONao1tA~B'Y t ••ht onl, b, ellperleoceil' teacb~ 'nIouaad.• . . o~ Illldfl!lta 111 110" poell.lou. 1l1'1D.t moderate ; _ , mOUDI,. pa1lDCo18 tabn. S'II4cata . aCllD1tle4! aD,. '11D,e, 61 poelUoDII fllr rnduatea III lui, alll'oe. 330 IQ1UOOI JaD. 1. 11108 til Aue; 22. 1000, Wr.1te,A. D; ~lLT. ~.nw4iIn' tor: froe c.lalo..... . .
26(l to 50c. '
" .. '
81.00 SUits '. ,: Ladies~' ~6~\.. Suits'
,l.pp 1Ifa,. ,,~~ ~PfJn~t ' SEAMLESS RUGS·for roonis . .. ·These are :gro~ng in favor . . .. .eaeh . TapeatrJ . Bod,.8~"
$12 7~ 'IS 00 . . . 00 . '00 ·, f ~ 99 . .
si~ k:s .are iery ~aleablt\ . . "
'' 'e
pnce8, sUk 37 1-21: "... '1 ' Hosiery, Glbve~, , ~or8ets,~a \'great"stock:
Silk ChUfon newest_an .
tlut~ljiSon. '~, eibne~~: ' ''elllilj· ~l)iC>.
County Court New•• ~ ' J'
•." .1Jlft.
Ed..r W. Benry .. euoator ~f 'b.l.., Will uacl ttataaa. ., of 8. B...,. deatlMII f t JoIaD . ~ 11m... a OOIUI..ble In &D4 for 1'nIa~lin klwDlhtp. WarreD Ooon", Ollle). Replevtra. PlalnUJr pra7. jacl,mat asaiDI& defendant for ~~ of oha'tel proper,," aDel for ' lb • .,.lue of iaid pro~ft' aDd OOIti heNfb upended. P. H. Rue dklmq for plalntUr. · . State VI Leon RawblklD. Plead DOt·,Ullty. Amoant of rtlOOlDl ..ooie ·'BOO. . 0&18 Luo.. n Alloe Lucu Di.aroe ,ranted (..'DlltocIy, eelooa"cu aDd 00D&ro1 of IOD, Abe LllO&L ooD1lded &0 plaiD". IDd of daaaMer, ~ Lacu. the dei_daD.. ~ lIelia. MoKiDNJ 0$ al f t John F. BoWlDaD. Defndara' graD~ 18&"e to Ale IDllwer In ten da11. . BeD'7 C. Sbo'" f t 1It1~rd 1'. i:4Dook )'or mone, on17. Amoun' 4llatmed '231.80 arid ira.rea,; ISUO aDd iD~t; 13.8.60 aDelln"rea'. Sale ex reI 080. E. YOODl. va Maud ShaD.. Ind A. D. 8peooe. )'or mUDe, only. I'wfeihln of bood of bpt!D08.
* ..,
Ellzabetb ~all v. S."e, IIJII. Partl. were m...rted t5ep&4lmbllf;'IS, t806 tD I'raDklha aDd had OD. oh~. I>8fl!odeD' for the lad &breemQ6!h. ball heeD u&remel, oro.. klurda platnUIf, loo1ll~1 'her up- tD a fo9m both day and·Di.b, alora., aad ~ baa permlsted 11.11 bo,l to beat .:Del III &l'e4& ber. DefeDdtmt bal f-lled SO provide .b. Deoe.&n. of lIf. for pl.lntllt'. PI.tDtilt' &lkl for allmClbY darlnllJllDden01 of bill aDd .... Ih" may bit dl."roed lOci- be d~ a reuonable alimony. Oeo . It. . YOQDI a'klroey fOr pIAIDM". . .. ' OOUBT PIWOIIIID•• OII.
. &wulIl II. o.,.b ..Ipea •• IlII..lIfItb A. lietarth, '" 101 'I'i.'\''' ·ID fnor of dlifttndlloC. lIo"on fM new trl,,1 overruled. VlIlalCl" IIf IraDIlIi .... J.J, (1(lIa. her. lIuttou oyerrailld. >
~t~t4I Y" ~n ·~",..IuD.
HAL D'l'4"......UII..... 'Weddlnl Al\Illversary. aDd 1111. Adalll~ Penra.witt, oraoker . J. E. Jllnoey 's Auv U ·. EOl' , A 814dJ:r BlU"lUKl GIrl ' Jolul B. 8taDkJa to the CiuolDll&- I , jar; Iolr. anel lb,. J'rarak Wrtabt, 6 More thaD two YeaT8 btl QI1 heen or boy. man or 'Woman, ill q uicklv Noftbara ~on Co; 1.&0.. . Mr. Ind Mn. Lewt~ 8t1bbl 081.. de..ert d~hee ;· lIr. and Mrll. W , E, Tryiog to tell YOIl b ll'" f O Cur e llt 'of p •.!n if BO(J1rI f"TJ I" A,'nIC". ID I'hDtlUn klwaahlp i '1.00. . (' brated their 2O&Ja w..sIUJItr aDDher· CortiD lind d.1:lIgbter Mary, of UlW· Indil5Flitloli ' u.l v~ ill ' u'ppl1eti promptl;v U. .1. n.... '--- ....1.- .... .:.._ .... ___ .. tary In cbeir hQJlle on tbe WaWDe... _ WbllrR, Ohio. dilib i Mrll, J . N. Nloh. We DOW of no Urp.T wlI.y t.f) l r o vE' Wl'loh, of Tf!ckoOllhll, Mich., I'"? t': .......o r ...... ... _ . . 'J ihatwehavell>rmedv1hfd 'j. I,p 1 i' Hinmvftlm ll1T f ('I"/'I1 ' , NortbetDTtactlODCo'SSJ in yme arad Bellbrook pike Jlfonda; olalanddauibterMIM Marte,cate IIl1ve I'tnmllclt , .. " ,.,. ,., ., ".1. I'raakil. klwnahI • ~: Ootober 221id. plate; Mr. and Mrs. Fred &rnllTd, Wm t.ho.n by .,lfll r , • ., • , . t pU" CUrl' kn.,Vo·" : .• , . .... !lilA · P" . TLe day wal! greatly eDjoyed by M~. and Mrs. Freeman Smith . fruit onr own expsn-8 in UlW' II. II\II~ • • Ive made,250 .to I' 9 l4cb ...... ~ber' Ollbert ,CorwiD et al. to "n MUlio Will JurnillhAd b" Wm. dish' Mr. and Mr!!. E . O. Bart ook TltrclDgh our own pllrliollll i r€'com 0' al ~ Nell 1 S In LebaDIlIIft ~' . ' meDii maDY W8ynN'vtll .. , ..·. Iilflnt" . ' on: 0.. ...,...; Z. Obenowetli /lnd Mn. E. C. Bqt valJe; Mr. and Mn. Jobu Bmltb Imp been indllcOO to rrv rhi~ , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~!!'!!!!~~!!! 'I. iWCK and a Rrll.phaphoDe, ;uroished lion Jelltle. dillb. i Frabk tlml,h ~nl1 dYllp p"ill rt<IlJe<ly . "n.t . ,., :e " BeraJamlra Braider arad wire to Ilt· by Mr, J!,oob Carey. two dtiuebters Elsie Rnd Rena. bon found rtlllot almol!lt wlth,lU, tlXI ' j) '\11 lilr' ~ ta II. Doqhman; qDi' claim to &w!l . A' tbe noon hoar 57 .personl were bon dlsb; Mr . and Mrs . Cbarlee tion. One little tabler VIJto..1I ,,(UIl" I ... trac.. In a_I to hi 175 00 • . meals invariably reUevtlB dlatl'88ll ....em WIII~; ' .' .' tallteel at ooe tabl.e and every tbing Rye, dUlh; M,lr. and Mrs. B. K. after eatlDg, sour etomach, fermAn. • J. Pullen Bdman and 11.111... tbat one oould wisb wall before 81l1nes. dlllh i Mr. and Mrs. C. 13. tation, be~rt burn, and other eymp. f kiF. S. Pullera: lot In Lebanon; ,~. them Ilud this table wae filled twice. MllXwell, spoon tray; Mr. and ~rB. tom8 of indigestion. Pep,liko)a 'l'ab·William 8&nlaoa Gr8l , to· Sarah Quite a Dumoor reDewed ;u,quaiu. W. Gilbert Tbomptlon and dangMar leta are II. positive oure for ohr~nlo BDd :l4rs. Amalllda Manger of Bam. dyspepSIa and jf you bave paJplta· JaDe GnU i qal& olaim to traat in taDOOII 1108 they woold 8&y they had tion, Biok headllobe, nervon", spell., FrtnkllD sowraIWp;.,aooo. ( Dot 1188n ~t. ODe or that ODe for i1ton. 12 oapkinll; ~r. and Mn. W. gnawing pain at the pit of the stom. Lanra C. CorrlDlklD kI T. J. Oa t"eDty yetln aDd lomelonlel. Z. Chenowetb, oake plate and disb i aoh. backaohe. or if NU feel worn Mr. aud Mrs. Wm .. BobUt. a oat, run down, t·lred or (leepondeDt, bomB.; qDi' olalm to totlin .... The boue WI. beautifully decor· plate. Mr. aDd Mrs. Clilt' StibbB DothinR in thlB world is ~o 8ure to Ion; ated Ira pink and green. • . ' renew yOIU" eDergy, et-eady yOIU" Blne Ash, Milll JenDie BtibbA, Leb- nerves, improve yoor digestloD ann . T. J. o.boroe kI 1I011le lIarlaH i Ve'7 uDtlIome and UNfal ohina anOD, Mr. Ind lire. John Stlbbe, Increase your bodily vigor 118 Il ten two 10"ID IiuoD i 117~. preeen" ",ere liveD whloh Mr. aDd dloDer pla~1I i lMr. and Mrs. WID. daYlI' trial of these tablets. Pepsi. Edna A. Sh.rwood to B.D'Il~h IJre. I:Uibbe greatly appr,eclate. as PenuewlU, IIPOQU trsy; Mr. and kola' i8 also a grarad raene CODic and I ~b 1 ~ t • _t.II . b Mr. Jauney will oheerfully return . Sm. i. o. nUll_nOD i . 'he, w11l alwaYII be· kept iD reo Mrs. Jacob &l()ti and daug t.er8, your 25 oents tn olllle yon are notl ~othlDg to FMr. o.aar B. Tuft. aDd ",Ife kI ("'rane membradoe of tbe day arad of thetr dish; lIrs. Jac()b Wiras,trel. Morrow greatly benefitted. Mothers need bave no b e l i ! arad 8read ManufaotDrlng Co. i la, fneDda. . gravy ladle; H~1'8. Charles Backer, Iin oontlnnID". SO ghe Chamber . • ID IIlln81111e; Th~ .... _.. e"Joy--- 'he -"eroa- ),I(,rrow rpeat forlt · Mn. Barter . CoaKh Remed7 to thetr U'iIe' ., THAW A Y , 811 it con_tDII abllolotel, nothla. boepttall&y 01 Mr. arad lin. SUbbA lAIokey, cel.r, dllb; Mra. Joe Mlln ••• jurloal. This remedy i. Dot .~~ Commisaionr.' . aDc! the prMeDtll wbtoh they Kilve Ington. cake 4i11b i Mn. J . . A. Wayne8ville's Leading Dentist perfectly.'e klgiYeIDla1l Ob:: ·:s. ",ere a. folio",,: Mr. and Mrs. ~k, Lewl.barlr,OJlio. oraoker JilT. omeeln Keys' Uulldlo~ . . . . MaID S t. but III a medioirae of rreaS . . P..uo--.linl •- 8andlOme dllhl!l were alllo prl!8ent, 811d merit. It ball a 'World wld.,- ~ " Dam 8. Jaok~o, Dayklll, Ohio, Dut k utation for itll oart'l of ooai1a .. BIJllD08r aDd llooroe, lumberl126 37 aDd O8le'7 dillh ; Mr . and Mra. John eel with no D..m'~ aDY ooe Dowlng oolda arad oroup and can al"'a,.. '. ; Stablta Pen Co .• pen. tor· Banlook aDd two ohlldreD, ohooo- thllt vleat18 notlt,lit'. Stlbba. COull relied upon. For 1&1e by C. ~; Reoo~ ......... ,........... 1400 late pot; IIf. and lin. John Evaf. Those $hat Hra& preHra'" and CuIUCokle,~paa4 ~"eoup. warts. :, C. K. SamiUoo aDd Co., oele'7 dllh; Mr. IDd Kn. Lewill were unable to be there ' are Misl !!!!~!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~.~ wall paper........... ......... " . 78 JlIOk cupe arad .uoen Blan. Vernte Lao~e7, lalS arad pePlM'r box, :. r" .~ J. S. JIorrIe, Dldee for 81l1'. ob.....r; Itn. S.rah A. Th~mJllOn II. B ~1Io81er. Ilea .et: J. W. Sin ye,M........................... 8.1& and ome M!ulldlne Doddl Ohio .dell, pictnre; Jlli. Sallie C. Jen. o....,Dta BrIdie Co., IDd ...- .. pltcber i . r. aDd 'Mn: Jaoob nings of ClevelllDll, dllh; Mr. Ilnd No.6 ... WC!.OO ditb; IIr. aDd Mn. J. M PetersOD. Mrs. BODHworth, Ingar bowl and Jacob 8h~k", npatn ira &lIbrook. dt.b i M,.. a A. CbeDI). cream plt.cher, lip. Adolpba. D. W..blnpon ''''P ........... S. I~ ",eth, cake plate; IIr. aDd lin. ' F . B"uell, oup and I&Qoerl; IIr. Ca8ey Bert Bead. OODtraot No. Sit... .6 6U W. Bathaway, 12 deuen dlaJree; and two IItllte~, .._e &ray i Mr. and Staple and Faraoy GrOOlrlee, Ben Bead, ODD"*" No. Itt... lif). 00 IIr. aud Mn. Wm. Decker, drib; Mrtt. CooPflf 'Ilid IOn, .... ; KIM John UlDdernpalnlnClt!&rIIr. aDel lin. Frank E. Bartlllbok Edith'Sbute, dt.b i Mr. and M". E . Vegeta blel and CanDed Goodll. . oreall 0 00 arad 8OD, orllOker . jar; Mr. , Ali8D' B. C!evengltr, oake pl,a te i Mr. Ilnd JohD Linder, ooDklot No. f2 l~; 25 Decker, cup aDd saa08r; Mn. W. ·MrI. Barry ~"lblb1 of Indiaoa a fine Jub. UDder, ooatraot No aa if. 27 L. I'ra_ lDel daucb"'r, oap; bd piece of o.b l .... i ·Jb. aDd M,.. S"bbe M. a . OIwald, blll'lalof tDdl~ IIr. aDd M,.. John ttbeetl, I'nii\k. 'haDk .U 01 tllle lr Deighbon a~d Proprietor. '19. ....l .Idler.................. ~ oe UD. Oblo. oraoker jar; Dr. and in. frien~ for eir ~_do8811 iD U8t~ 8_", f t Oeorp PrIce, ouetl ~. 96 Ward LyUe haDd painted ~rD ing ~hem to entl\li1aiD and to tbOl8 Stale YI! A . D 8penoe. 001" 18. 118 dilh; 'lir. aDd Mn. FrankManb8ll. "'ho ftl1'ntl~ed mqlil) lII1lcl .11110 to 0" . W. B . •~18 and Co., aDpoake cUg; .Mr. aDd Mn ~*d, ~bOle \V~o ~"Iped If!' the vt.lkln pit_ for ~onr , ....... 32. 88 ~"bbl,KtoiP 1111"1 ~ d.,..~ !ll~ell; to .Dd froQl the OIIrI.
ItTl. plpad. woUlJ; a~d onDn ~D fe n08ll ~"n ~ ~"11 fur 'ye Ott,l arad
AI '1\'Ed "l ' aOvtJ"UIll)
Local 10.' 1 LOI, Olat.lel II, 69-3r
Hrancb Offlc8. Hlr",O'" O•
. .t.$e'o' ~hll" Mm.r, d••_led?;! · ,l'rno' of pobllOllt·lnD 110"08 Of I t I t d pnl~tm .. ~t 0 a .m 0 • ·rat or IU , Oeorp ~man, admtn; tow
er ,nil "'.-... '" O~er
.....Ii. C'
IoIb ••, ml"on. A.Da 8o&h ap . ·poID,~. ,_rdtID. ' .
f:o'f',....... .
due~d · Pri~.
, .'harl'" (J. 8ndel'lOlJ aDd 1'10ra ·. lh~IaU, both of W~yfteevillA. ' . 8IImUfll ·G. hideralld 6 ..01 Wflil .~,~ ~f _Iraullle. 1 Attie E.II~n. III..mtlbllra. aDd · D~• . lIa, Shepbard, Bey. C. 8 . ~... . F-, Ife.,on, 1IIt1",
,', .
One wa, SeooDd.ctao ColouLlt
1'Ieket AreD\.
The Review of Revi~W8 Women'8 Ho...~ Cumpanion
8"0,00.' Magltna . Th~.
A""• .ow.rllQl".. ~. -W. O'Neal . . . 1.
'., "':
Louisviile&Na8bYille To ' Pol... I.
B..&.t " ~f "
. kansas, Indian Te~tp.
kl ahoma,exico, Tew New Mexico and LouiBi~na .
NY•. 6 and 20, DEC. 4 , , 18. '
~. ' ,)
For Rate. aIi4. 'anlt. J . K.JI(JLLi.",· U, ' . A. lAMaJa . ... , P'. D. BIIIB. D. P. ,". ClncJDDM&:. .. J . B. D.. ., •• D .P, ".8.. ,,"_til R C. B.all.n. N. W. P.~. c . . . .. C . L. 1:lTONJ:, OeD·Ur..... <A
~ recommended hI lOme of tile largest poulu,meD AI \b. __ economical ~1In" UII\ ·eldlD. tor ·w~Uy boU1e1j Ihecb, etc. 8~".Iei Ind clapboard. COl' more' Ind do ~ot keep the bulldlop AI d!1 uil I .. wann.
Miami Gazette Total
83.0.0 1.00
1.00 1.00. '86.00'
wlth 'rooflng eacb mil It does·hot require paiDtlD(r .,hen .._ applied, alllnlc~ HaL. PtlDd. to-day tor troe I8IIlJili!l aDel our boulIa\ .
•... Ilell. . . . . . . .,."
~~~~Fo~r~Sale By; SPENC)!JR .& 'MO~ROB OREGONIA, omo ~~~ . IT IS' THE 'fKNOW HOW" In the ' manuf11Cturlng of Paroid : that 'makeis t i~ 'the. most ~on()mieal .ahd satis~aetory roofing or 'iidln, \h)
material on.the ll}arket. Both fire proof an~ weath~ proof. YQU get full value reCeived if you . buy ' Paroid.
Makes old roofs new. Good on any kind of' root~ Ask, your Groeer for ACME FLOUR, . .
.,. .tIij
Oregonia MUla.
~ Ie)dflll R. 'Laoll anet Gail B . 8n4 "ft, bOth of . L..~non. lley. W. A;
Our Spec,i a' ·p~ice 'for .all four publications
I'rarak C} .. Ktil~\' .nl' '1,'" \1 • ~... IM1tIa Ilf t\prt~bo'rn. Be-y If~ ... ~ ...........
. By. SPecial arrange~ent th~ Publi~her8 of the Miami .Ga~ette Qtf~r~a . the' following .ml\gzines of national ,rep- . Qt"Uon In connection ~ith the Gazette at Greatly Re ..
tn .... i"rdll~lblP of Ed.ard
tn."" MplIIMl', nr
. . .I · 7·.·• •• 8 : .···
· 011.... ......,.
st.oo wortb·.' H~b ' tlassReadingmalter for,
Ilad d ...1 aanoant for _"Iemltrat. Ob",l... I.:,re"" miDor, floAI lIOnOunt. r.Qllln Hptince. is"" &a . OI,aot. Lero; ;1'ha1e" Jl~, oJld loOoDn'. .
. .....,.
0 COMBINATION .. ,. . ..' _ .: 'ffER .: . " .'.
4~1ItICl., C\~$
, ..,r.
a- ,~ ,
c. M. BROWN,
on.lale dall, uatll Octolltr :110.1. . For Informl\loD aboutoffare. aDd . Ir&1~ • ' . laqulre ;'
·""lief. ar- "~,.n,· Pitt_r .j» I-q"" ~ti tt!'.~ .~Qflqllra~ ~'ld tttllttt
c.r..CDIrII.c-.... ~~ '
· SrlIt BDd flnal "ooOlUIt Phoe" Tha,· IIIe1d ria'. 4801\&eed, dna 8000nra&. WtllOD W. ~mllh, minor. IIfIOOIld 10· CloUDt. &lm.ntba .Ba.... dllOlUed,
Mr. J88IIe tfrpilth took the gr~up Mr. n~ "'tel' 4inDer wbto" il reported fiDe, ~, JO~D 6~llaaber! ~il. Otilo . 0 .. ",bo W&l Pft!HDt. pi klher arad cup &Dd "1I08n I Mr. ' . EXCURSIONS TO aDcllln 8. J:.Ruel. Mr. ·aDd II .....' I ..,....,... • Denver JOlt Hal.ler. Mr and MI'. &. ii"r~ r Appl" Jor Sale. 00, 1~·16~Amer1.aD ItIIDID, CODgre ... Ibalk D.ykln. 11 pte platell. ytf . ~ _ . aDd· II,. JOhD ('oniD. ohooolate ' Iilveral van.tI". ofel:oellent win · New 'Orleans pot. Mr. Al1ltn Dnlll, and M.te. ter applee. al1lOQd keeperl . tiamoel ,?clolltr 12 10 U-KDI.bla of P'tbl~ Lydia A\:Utira, ",ater Ht; Mr. aDd ~mlth, on &htl W"yneeviIJe InJ Ly. Chattanooga lire. J . E. Enral, sliver oream l"dle ; tie, pille, 1 Se . OeL ' lli. l5. aDd 17-8oClIel, Arm, .' Mn. Amanda Smith aDd Re~ ' .....-.~of Cumberland. ....'nm.r, dillh i Mr. Ilnd ·Mn. Ni.:'b· ToI'DU!Dtil ' 01 . ?rett~r and .Eozem West Northwest ara AUltlra, plate: Mr. and lIrs. Roy All"yed. South, Sout'h' -est B h . dlah. M · Atba ...... d . t ' I t " At lwa7, ,rs rt ~y, The luteDBe I ,oblDg ohAracter st 0 Jfomc.Seeker '8 Exoul'fIl~n. l~ OoIQbe, Loveland. oy.ter dtlb: Mr. aDei 01 eozen.a, tetter and-lIke'lkin ~I' .Kn 6eor,e Jaok, lIorro.w•. i d~h_ elll8lll1 ina'-~th, all"Jed by apPly' California. Eld T C won d 'wi#... f lOll Chambe,l~tll I ·l&lve and m~DY Or-on Monta ' na ... er . amll an '" 0 levere OIUIet ha~le baeD permaneDlily .... abtre"'. mnatard jar; lIr. aDd oUred bY'i"lll8~ 'or slI\e b,y f. c. Idaho Mexico II". c. K . Johrall, cake plat4!; Mr, 8obwart~ , . food. laterllle4la~ TerrJt.ory
em. I'ier a. bowl and orelm pttcher
ADQOlUl08mn'. We callyolll' a"en"oo 10 tlie (Mot Dermakola olot·, ....& III - ~ o.t. &Iveoare for, oloera, W~II~ pile. &Dd ."e'7 kirad of .ktra qr .".Ip ~rl)lIble.· ItOOltalioeateiU, +S. If it dOD'S, we reto ....· your ~ . J ; le. "aDDey. . .
tor ..1. of real ..... lIfIft.lflmellt:
beC;:-:':':'f::'II~"~ ~"~~~:d ~ . • nd l4.ft. c..rl ~""ood, Iocr
I"Q~. :::~;,~r.=~:.<:= ~tltA Inr
,"1\," "<.lbad,iok . ~, ed~• 4tlO81!,..c!, 'IIM",.rtI •• al.
t't!P......... ............
ICtOtat41 of Arthur L,on, d ....... ~ Invent.'r, and • ...,rlltedm..... lied. .....t"te .of MtIl"r el , ora Firllt .i»d 8011 lOOOODt fo~ __ tJemeD' dleel. s.tate of 'J . P.Ollobrlat.claa. . .1Id Prllof 01 pabliOiltlon of Dott08 pototm.. "r Idminlltntor de Dora 81f>d.
'lma" ooa'rac'
M. W .LANG,M.D; C.M.
R.DGE"....... OHIO m-tl'" 01 J .. III.... P Joy. IDI.or. , .. " . ·f· 8ecood and fln.1 aC'OllaD' for . l8.,le. D .......D OJ: "'y~D meot Bled. AltD OBILDII...
-- .............
drl" .lMgn4 ah i ' . of '185 00 order 'ha& be pay 'hit 001" of IJIOIIe - , maa. , . IOIltion. ::. '11111 ..'1'1' Q. ·Uhf.
nI ERA L DIRE CTO.R;' Ttll,.OII Dar .r llPt.
... . IT . .· •. .. j
Our Flour mill ' has been newly remodeled quality of our flour is better than ~ver:
aJMl ' ,_ .
'- -
-- -
'\tMark ,bl. Engine !. That Known aa Til.. )' Tim,
T( II, Tim hi tho nl me of UI s mall, lit ellKl n ~ III the world. It Is made DevIce at CohJmbl ,;I Unlver. lty by of gold and sleel, " and Is 110 email Ihat 11 COlUlUon hOlltle fly soelDs lillie Which All Part. of a Locomo. lu eonl\larlsoD. " tlve I.. Action 'Can B, 8tud. ""11 ' squire is a tcrrllJle old man I n , old r.enUclllllD. Mellory It welgbs Just fOIIl' grains complete, . lad In WClrk.hop, . fee Uag sU rt wbJcll Is . a l!!>ut the wel~bt of a com· .Dld tbe new Jla.l'Ilon, a.b aklng bis head. It WJ.lI \.be IIqutre, walked II10wl, From the foot ot the gra nd stairs mon match. Itlakes 120 snch "\. pointed out t.o him that lor lila across the li:raaa t.owarde him. HOI leading up to tbe library of Columb ia lo weigh ono ounce, almost en@:lJ1"M coachwn n to bellt bls wife ' causes I\. sun-bonnet bad fallen bllOk, ~.6\Jb to D\n3SeS OI J universi ty we pass round to tbe left welgl~ a pound, and ,mOl'e .. nnll J III tbe vJ\lSg1!, and Implored brow:!. curls clUJItere d round q'Bll 3,000.· the hot, of the gl'eat library and come to 000 UIO to weigh a tori . blm to remons trate," ~------~--------~~~~_ . J pln1< checks, and h I' brown Tbe enslne bed and Btand n're ot ""nil ",nllt dtll ho say~" I18I(ed AllOL sblnlug: A big deer bound,eyes were entranc e of the school of engln erlng. lrlag a ' i We find bere . lectur.e room8. labol'a. goid. Tbe shaft rulls In hard ned mid ~u snn. , tbe !1QlAlrc's teet. rOlle @e ap, tories, drall>1ng roomfl. Qnll mUSCUlUS, . gn:mlld steol buarl ngs Inserted '·Oh. be smiled politely, nnd, beg&ed. proa bed, and snlft'etl a e as 111 the lIer. 1.oyl1l8 In cOllnectlon wIth these Bohool gold bed, W poin t out tbat hall Interfer ed Ii&- 0. little brown blind ooufldlnsly ~o Its and •. \ . departm entB 1 li .-_ II · _,_~_",_,_.'_'_ _'_7_,_"_._,' • _ _--'--:........:. a patlern eboll, a " 'cca a Dlau lind hlij wife more than ooll a ~. she lind thll dog fa These bearings are center·borcd THREE,QUARTER LENG7 ced the SQuire forgll H$. TO ... · Ilnd . machlo( ) shop-In fact, (rom tbe Insld to torm 1\ ae\f-illling ollce 1n his Uie, Rnd ibM trouble "bad logelh r. ' " ~I .. 41 " " ' 1 ,';' BE IN FAVOR; ' eve~yth lng a young nlan needs 10 bcarl~, Tho fly-wheel hilS a steel Novel lie. to Be the a1WolYS OOlUe of It; tlIereforc he !n"What III yO\lr na me!" nbrupt;Y de· learnlu g to be a first-cla ss engluc r. cente r nnd 81'I\1S, with a gold rIm, and lends lo Interfer e .-. more. Il seems' man tled the 6.9ulre. .~ . " , • .., Feature f)f $fHUO R. W e go downstall'll a,lId enler a ' line, th la l)lIrt (the conlJllete whcel) weighs l/ln inlUl JOff8 Is icdld ellous ll to hiS' " Ob, my nam!! Is '1ell\>I'}', You 4\'1i', largo , ' sho!!. :.' one aad .. . . . 1 (I grain. there. on " Its track, ",If wben bo'B· lidber." Pa~ fa Alrudy Has Set Stamp of Apo U.I'Ilql.le ,nd Pre\ty , .look \'ery wicked! " ilbe a~ded, quickly. stands a passeng er D"!.. and Tolle. 10coDloUve, th The cylinder Is o,t steel with Qcta g· 1'he now pal'8On looked Inquirin gly p·rov.1 on t. h e Garmen The squire 81l( Ul) In his chair. t-Eape· Accello rle. to Dell\1ht the 'olumbla- just ' s uch a grand fellow ona I bll80 hIghly 1l01lAbecl . M Auo t SU6an~ Sbe, 100, sllook ber The " clally Adapted for Woman "Wllat made II good little girl come as Klpllng's englno hero " smart Womln . stroko Is 1·32 of 'an Inch: Ib bore In his 'story head. r emArki ng; '. of Slender Figure, to s ~uch a wick d old man, ell ?" i" , nU '--- . tled "0,007. ' 3·100 of an • Inc h. Sevente qn ,)Iecel! "The squire. Is Inoorrlglblo. ,Th\JI oome to sec sucb a wicked , '. old man, .. .UII.oga aho.Yid 10 .bop~. .. , Here is a 10Comot!vo turned schdOl. reused In tb e construc tion of th[, ' l e is eai·}y. 'hl . tbe nr, « Illobman got. drunk' elecUoD eb?" 'year to speak of wl)1 smart womelL .and younl! master. We walk I'ound the gl'and olel engln. da y. So the ,qulre•. p.ulled hlni 'off till; t wlutel' f6«lbloutl ' " but It' ls e r , l Ijn :lhli\ "Oll . yes; beCB.use YOU are, you fellow and stand bE fore 'hicith.,.1'8 ''who go sbOlll1f GG. now. for Tho feed Is thro ugh Ule gold .b88e, v I'y lOllS three-qu arter lengQJ. tlle great box, ru.d put him IllSlde tbe carrlase . know!" coats t hbl'!> ~e 110 many Ilnl(106 anil pretty driving wheels. Here we al'I!' al tlic whlcll Is ~ollow. , 'r.he SlIced of tile en· will h fI'~l/~vo Tllell, mou nting the box blmself, be rlt~. "'~ n To~t Paris. J)reas and tontlt aoc~orlea. flll' ,~tb "W·:'.o Wid you I tim Wicked ?,.. edge of a s illS deep III pit 6,000 In \,ovohiUo the floo r. lI& In pel' ·1t minu te. returns '!\lIed out to the crowcT'::'Ehere's &.11,IIYII to ho · ga~ . •~alllfat, . 'wrllell ~1'own, upB and Infants. Ribbon "Well , poor1e seeRl to thlnft'4f" auo we llee II Ilalr o f massive cor. Wh' n fUllulng ' 100 per second, no \no- ldalh! de VlIIlers. ... ,' Wheels II crowd outliide Lhll IUng's, Arms on 60 do . ,' . 80 t.s are among th'e"nov ellies 1 IC )'Oll appro ve of beating B !lorted on great Umbers. EliCh IIU!>' tlon 18 vlalble to tbe ye, but 'It makes wbeel electlon day-'HO '8 drh'cn me home wlf ." At t1~ Deauvlll rliCCIi al\q ' on the '!lnd Utey are 'so ' lieautlfu lly thi8'~al1 , OWc\e' '01 ' 18 exactly ullder and reatli against a nole like the noise. of a mosquito, (l1~nche8 at Trouvlll nlD,ny times "'b.e a ['we been drunk. 60 e ! lillY'" .11 ' oumll I' " "'lUl U" nlm08t shouted the squl fe: oue of the gl'eat "drivers ," and wben ca.used by . thil \'lhrat~lIg plston·rod. !Jilheso COlll8 In 1:18b iac\> and '" ne· -Yows of 'w lde sa'UII that very ' member now I'll dJ;lve ,.In(''bo me: ' and BO be bul Mallorv WIUI Ilot ot. the fatr Bev who Ilus Been one 1m. In t he ' Irllsl the dl'lvers move thi~ whools In the Tile 'horsOLlOWel' 18 1·498,000 ,0C one Ilan gulllll)-e, and 'tho SIiInO 'stylo dill·" . '" ,.. will Dledlately- w.ruts to polllle8 IIUC!\ IW Illarmed. . almly sOAti ng heTllelf UVOD 1)lt mo\'e: too, Ilud ~n t1lls horsepo wer. Com\lI'e sscd way alr tbe Is used. en. be worn nll Ib ~ougb the , wloter. ,;. • irUolo Of dres8' If only to ·"Tba.t .~ IIlnd!" aoswered a Dew his I n.,e, s be oon tinued : uee on IlPe' "You encour· 1 gi lle c:an move ttll to ruu It: nnd It' may be of In terest Theso COllIs are cut after ~l!P fa,8ble!, :cfal occasIon s. Tbese coreetll Telco, ft' clear Joong VOice. ' age ;yOur ooachllJa n to lleat his wlCe. stand perfectl y .BUl I. wheels and yet to noLe 'tbat the amount T9 gi ve I)erfeot ' 'reqUlred tq . Aunt Susan .tatted. "Wby, Mellory, I wlall yoU v,'ouldn' t; It Ilm't ' the plctl1rcsqUe garmen ts WOI'D by qulsltely made. wltb. each are ell" nice; ranlo sBcurlty , the first wheels of tbe en. .flllIke It hum call ' eaallY be b'o rne on IAluia rlbl¥lo dl lld. 1 did tIOtnoW ' 'you 'Were · hert'. Iy!" XVI!. Th yare ahaped to tbc ol'erlallPlng .the one beloW..aI lcJ. h I'd glne a re blocklld up. the eyeball wlUiout' wlnkl'bg....;N. Y: ~g}l!'1- but ' Run away, dear; 1 dO/l't want you 'just lboy $Iii not tit ti,litl>~ ~T.beY' securely 'i n place P3~ ba'nd-e ll\brolde "So thllL's what tb e~' 6ay, 18 Il?" red ' .. '.~ By this dovlce It Is possible to hll\'\l \Ve ~ k Iy. , ot I. hq,ye lat,.~ ,~)QG~} all~ turned bll k d1\181eB. · lenr de 'lis: ' '''t ROW' ... · laughed the SQuire, and bls volce .... u an engine "fun" at full lny bUdell' of speed while. c~ trs, but the~' arc oot so ornato , as IIIv of the valley or a rOllebud But Mellory 11I1Io~ her allnt. and: not quIt. 60 pl~8lIant this . At the time. He put I we sit be81de tile tra4~k and see jUl\t NOT VET A CENTURV OLD. ~~ coats ~~~n , In the u~~ ~! ~u',B top there III an edlt!og '<,If narrow ltandhig ~ trollt ' Of tbe neW' partlOa, hili !\rm' . round Mellor)'~ asking, " Do how It ..orb. On ,t~e 'l'oad tbo eagt~e ~allroad,lng Haa Had But -" Elllht~ , O~ II tall mode'rat e"" IIlenitj! you llelleve It 7" , 'ftgur41 .r'~bon (ulle~ .• o,~, _or !l Dlece ot Iheel Illes aloog 80 lIulekly that It Is 1m· Veal'. of Llf', , . ' Melloqr looked Into ' bls face; li n" possible to aea anyfb • < I '"~ • 'nlal ,valencl~nnM or Cluny l&ce gathered ' a ,coat.~ lbIB order., I~ a tblnl>,pf to mue a fttlsug 1lnlab. In wblte rib- , then she SlId decidedly. "No, I don't j' learn anytbln g.' Thinkillg. stili less what an 1m. beauty, It has a ~arell!!!l1 ; : ~ce of 1111 " ., t' : COI'II' '''''s are delicate enougb YOII a rc more like a knIght tban •. mease advanl,age we own, and It Is dellgbtf ully ~mtortl ible. uon ttae 0 "" have ,W e' havc yel two decades to , wala Ono tbo 'other hand tM • lIqulre- a rlsht wOl'lJblpful knight," 18chool of the locomo\l.lve! In . t his 8l1ort; IItout . , for • . .nde, qt for ,praotlc al u~e, ~! . before Here. Ip we cnn celebrat e ,tbe ~~,~-'women must sbe added flOW )': aVQI\!. tlils ' fRab'loo, ~:..., ' n oqes ~o of,..81'B?', . lIgbt tan ~ tbl8 quiet. comrortabl(l room we Olln nlal ':nnnlvOI'lIary of the birth of will Cllt hel' figure In a mOlit uo,blICoJD' Jl delicate sba~~ Tbe squire s book hli' head, and hl.r lI'alk 'ull about the great of right ,bl!,~ or ~~~. machine, railroad , ' It Is a wonderf ul"' reoord, . It (ace gr~w sn.d .l1li be said : " Alo.s ! No, learn the name and use h 1), pin" wlil 00 m9~t serViceallle. that an yea1's oC .ra))I" . tranal~ de-I· I";&; nlanner aneL. la1lle awaf._. om . til' ' FI 'I!' red' silk {."rlen ('m not that. I might bave beell- and actually seo how of ove rYll8"'7 1\'111 .... worn by ..,. " , ' . gu It lI'orks. "_ ., , opment. It haa revolutioriised , - ,...b,e ln~e~, "" . ' "sack coats are stili veri populaf," but "once:': ' What millie you come t.o SOl! . Tbe asslslan t leacher fR8hlona bl~ women. '~ot IIlte the ' In tbls world, commercially, socl"lly and In'. ~'hcn winler cotnos' lIucb a wicked old man, eb ?" iVe'&ball lind tholr nal'row pIB;ln, C?!1Ss, ~~~ were formerly lIohool of the locomotive 0llmb6 Into tell!lCtu~IlY, The AtianUo ' and ' PllclfIQ p\.aC1l taken by the lIeml.tight . coats J ,.used fO.r hard.•. , "l'Jl\ ,no l good here. l am at bome; the cab · with several students wear b\!J: artistic kind. but All nt IlsaD ' G goodnellB is dlfferenl part of the 0lnS8 are studyj.n while a bave become near nelgbbo ra; tbe Cn· bave JUBt d9~crlbed. ,' . . ' , n.lllde of prel~~' eolored Ililitl p:there<! g tile accesslb ac. lo and therefore valuel" l With tho LOuis ~at8 .It III and IImocked ~o Ibat tb~y 8Om.1how, and [ ClIn't do It. . I·erhllps ., tlon or the vlBtons I:n are decided , you C~ n'l he good here eltber?" s he CYII.nder s.. Others CStl the Bteam plslns of the WCSt havo been pene: nacessn r.)' to leave' ~hl) frdtl open !ln~ Ir d~0r.aUve; " Instea.d or belne study steam· trated and brougllt Into touch .wlth loolle. tberefor about sugge6ted. e · making. tbe work of runnlng·gelor, the markets of l1!e ' world; New York und erneath mustthe ~lolJse 01' hodJ e an Incb: wIde, 'as , the styles of a VJ&'f . Tile .squire .mutlered 80met hLnll' and or the wheels'. O~etb,e be specially attl'll~' ago, tbeso ney.: 0l!'!s ,I!:r? !'~ leas,! ,th"" then stoppe'l. There w\1S 8llen~e (or l olli ng. whlfe l\notller boy can studs and Chicago, that In Ule »Ioneer days UV6 nnd :"011 made. Inches III wldtb, wltb an edgin, 01 ·11 m~Il.lI ~ , till Mellory aljk l!~, " Do' you usa of tho! alr·ljrake. 113 'tud)jng tlte were week6 aWay trom olie 'anotliel', " . For mOrlllll8 ' wear: 'fie, IIball .. ~ar~ nnrrow baby rlb~n or of V~ellclenne. Again, a boy ,al'e now but i8 hour. apart. ". I~:e }'our ooll('bmlln vory mucb":" may lJatt. tbe t o Ilea If the . Tbe railroad !ls" enter.ed J prl1ea' long, pertccUl' lIgbt. r.edl,nA:OUI8-:-but. I~\ce.: In bl~,!k. ~\tb y.~Il<!~ ~bU~~ , , ~ "W ~II, no ; I cst\'~ till Y I love hIm. boy at l he . lover,tl'aln knows tile 'rules O~ lEl'!l ;,.tt J\il8 plol'ced ,darkest A,frlca ; It (oned up ill front mea il , rrlilng habit. 01' In white ~~th ,lIfllle .~rchld. thll,lII! . ' theso a ·.averel r (,lnlu' He's "~i!D u good ser vant to lUO." silk garlers are studblng when pOI- .... , t be road, A dozen boys cau t hus 18 , C,I'osslng , tho . Hounds of Sabara: Vlth' . "T 11 hIm he muslu't bOIl.t 1I1li 1\'lfe. study an euglue turning Its It scales' tbe 'sldes re" ,leated or smoclled III ·the latest Ves vilis: II , myst bot worn ilnll an eXllu IS."t Is wbeels at . 'If' I . Ho would pay attenLion to you," .0 mfles an ,houI: In "ertcct oaso and bridges mnny fOrhldden cbaemS! and ~olJal' nlld tie . . '':'~' I : ' . ~, " . ,' .. " .t!l1~lon. .• "00 'you' a lways puy a tte ntion t~, s afetY', while 60 more Tbe rediq ll' Ie I~ ~Ioy oan· !lljl.rn much t unnels th~ough mountai . and .1In\ '~o be In 'keeping with the taJlo,,~ pf' ParlHlenJleB and tlley st'waY's nlan,d waists whllt ~·ou c;.re told 1" of t~e les80n b1 looklDg on and \18. del' rIvers. 'l'tle whliltle ns to be . worn" tbl8 'coming ~ of \oeo' ".. . "W~I, no." Bald. Mellory, ntber ' terung to the explana tioos of tile moUv~ Is the voIce of' progresstho 41 1 I ore !' a(le to look most aUra.:tlv e In tbat Bon. t be nec k.w ear sp ay a Il\i ~ J. s lowl y.: "but. ( dou't beat people;" • ralill ov Ar -bleb 'It' :r..,,-," ar-" lb': teachllr. parUcul ar ' irt;le of ooslntQII. '. P.erhaps s6verl) tban It has'on, bllen for several .." . l'UIl tI ~ "NeIthe r do I," satd the squire, I. beca~8e\lli~ are: natur~Uy.\'ery, yeatJI. and the modiih A looomot ive -Beat tt., Coachm an. T.llitnl" Ex· "tbolllib 16 ' ~ sr, a nd, ' aclentlfi ~cOJJara bandS c &re pat ibat . ..... bUia nlltioD' 'Into · , . veat I should often IIko to." . aat' repNle: uelf.:ba ln :oI.b,Olr te,rned 111.8 the men'lt, exQ8JI... tool used In a cerUm way for aceI" commer cial broUlel't iood: ' ", ' ' " that thit. clalml!tl , Meliory• .Trlumph"lJtli· ~ . ''';'; "Beat the coachma n, then !" ex· taln end: An enginee r ha-" arranwement«: , '. ..• '. ~ . ,, _, U8es this are ' p~y ' decorate d wltla The rapid -develop f :10 , ment of _ the. . ,,<. . : ', ·clalmed t~ulllpbantly, " then IIplondld tool In a SCientific way. and along o'lery de.Lrabl embroid ered II c l'911, dl!l\lPa, ,»r ,1Ja!al¥.' . dcma.n~~'1!! . he beaten wIfe.' mucll he'd lino'll"Mellol')', e U~o since tbe what . It's lI1<e." . KEUS mE ·ptjft'l!·~AJrE. ·" he must be hhnlelf a ma~ of .'1Iel. locomot Bora! ilevlees. eltber ' natn . . r _~ .' , ._ ,bUrp And ~h? ~,~at be~, ' the 8qU!~ . "Egad!'" .sald the squire, ive beCame a fac'(or"l n' huUlAn • .' ~ ' 's' applng hlB ence. It 115 not enough to know .how alfalra j ; . Iu IblHlr linen theee col- ' ' J ' . . or tbo coa(,blillul , 'jB ~all the 'ii'sume nt .:neCeell I llri SImple '\iilocl!up led knee. "It's . lin excellent to "stop her" or "start .,bou~ 111C1h·:.~d a her" or run to prove ' the rallivad 'the great:eat of .....1.. ContrIY~~'c\a DO'I:'A';"liy W.lth. "'111e roac~m~, my dear: 61n~ -\delL l ' Will. " Irritatin g Lq.... I...? ,:. ' . "on time," ;cCOrdlng to tbe' rules , of all civiliZing In1Iuences. A eompar' ud •.~I.l 10u',,~ bellrd 110 much;' but' It,~' not # " Mellory put 'up 'her faco, aOd. tbll the road. He mUl!t know, , • ' woaea " bl8 engiile; ison of tbo PUt 8Q years with the pleaaan t lubJec~ for girls. oompact was ratilled by klss8l! on ,~oth know 'every part; bo.~ ' .itevilr ~' pUrse 'W~r;1Ir ovldea U . ther '. ,to · it Is. made ~1I~~sand8 of cantun " pre'ledlng f,ur: tlw .device " Mellery looked at . th,8; plft'!ion- with Cheeks, Tben ehe got of Which we gi vo oft bls liDee, and used. He IIhould be able to make «;IOlle to tbe tbroat. . , ~tu. IQmo 600l'n, then llo"lr abd with dig· IIlIylng, ''I'm ' glad I came: J 'd on't be- complet e working drawing s of , the nlah au eloquen t proof, of ' the far, the number.. colllU'll a tie of BOme 4e.erlpUo1l nlly leU ~m. 1 " ' . reacbing , uplifting , InduBtrl al; etblbal .Iort'ld be muCh . \Ieve ;rou are a bit wlclled, really!" whole machIne, from lbE' headUght to and educatio III·a 111illh, and ail ~Iqerte ' Allnt ilIAD, gaV,~ a slgb of relief. I:S nal ' value ot, He looked very Sll" 'as he IInsW'eTe\tr the r. ' Be mUB,t bo'!'kno'tli ' or' 'tIhort .. fOurltQ.bllDda '.are know how ,road,-F our·Tra ck NewlI, " tbe rail" lIIalle and seWD .lhe d09 r closed. She I!;.,my nepbew 8-: "Try IInll bellove the best oC people. the s'team behavell 11\l5Ide that cylinder , only chUd, and 1000t her ~Oth~~ ~wo alW''''ys, my delLr; then you will grow and must bo able to take ,tho oylln. ., ALO~G' THE RAILS, Jle"... qo. Sbe 18"a1If/fl.&Y8' 1\'ltb hIm, ' up u.S good WI you ar~. pretty, and sa der apart and put It tQ.get~er . ~.3al~. .) A networ'" 'of rallWIl)'I', Uas a~d krr,lbly Bft.'t. " .' , happy as you anr botb . He must know how e'very pad. I&: -lailDed foi. 'lJollvllL Tile 1 bell lhq c a~ .t,bc ~ubjecl, anD . Mellory COlt •••'_.". did n!>t understa nd e.JI!'cU, .made and be. able ha.tan't1~ to decide-: 'Dialed at,U7,jiOO,OOO. ~lb Mellory ~d , t,be, JI~uJr~ \ Wjlre {or:- :wbat lie meant.. but sbe realized Ibat whell the engine (... , L >. u . . . . WO~\cEl lIadly, and ". "qplll was ' the Orat Smith AD!er.l can.l. COllen. . .e" e " ' . ,• e WIIS not vllry ~IIPPY. so aM said wilY, and be able, as tar Meliol'1, l\o1! r, dldn.t [qrget. ;Ful- apln; '''l'm Glad I eame ; PDs8lble , 'stlrtp to bul\d ratlwa s 'of whIch w,e sball al· to cure Its little Ills al!lda8dlsorder Iy oollsclque .<;If, .,&a er. Iniltlenc;,e In her 'wllys be a. no,.. haa 'nearl!!, 8 oooyU;Ues . , '. CrI9ncls! :' . He must knoW' it all ; mUEtt Jed be fireman , ' «*'n phe!'80 .~"'" ,.e. f!l , , . . .Dad ~"d. . 'iI wonder. " mused the squIre. maChinI st, rallroad Dian: engtnee r and lJ'b,0 ranway bridge ,which OOUDectII lb.s (rlen,d" ~r./,[e<lu':'!-}tl\4 .the . bjg < Ho walked with be! to her aunt's man of science. He must have strong, :Venice with the ·mainlan d. I.. atu4.l?,' wl\b a ri!d:Or .~I!\ ab\) declde~ iste,. lind n8 bo waved bla Iiat on leav. calm nervea, and mUlt nl~ver;"ge't COli, fE.oot long to so he~lr to ·... ID6 w1tb tb!l Ing !ler. she alld bat 12J .• called a(tpr him, :'¥ou tUBed, or "lOBe hIs hea<1,'" or make The Republi c of Panama, ¥quire. I It teach blJD Its " h!)rrld tq look It rlgbt worshipful. . knight, any· lIiI8takee. A bundred Ihres may de. only one Ileat y;!\'~-an1bodJ"8 Wlte! she Bllid howl" . ' ....IOy, torty.sey~~. ~(ea. ' . pend on hl8 knowled ge ~bd l'km. . In le~gth, (bongta the. ~reJ ot; !.be to hor., ~I~ . and !!!!.~. _~~.l\~~ d~,!~ ::~e ... He stood In the mldd~e of the road ' The men who build 10COmOU ycs . In eountry Is 31,600 qu~re miles;' road. Tne sWlt? ~lg gat~ stood to, Wdove bls bat o.nce mo~e, and to, look the veat shops at 1:h.IIBde Jphla 'e~ open, JI""d.~b.\.\HIMd , doW!l ~be ,drive, back at the \lt~lo'f1g1\re ~.tan4In During t~e ,race. ke g In th~ that this 18' the way to teach. 'So In Wales a , trllina toneartbq~ whteh ~emed \'et¥' lon~, l$pt p'1'l'5.~nt- sunshin e. Tblm he turned Ita way Into hi" Uiey made thts IIplendld engine a gift Cardiff to Barry' ewaye.d along Ita Jr $he I?me In .fllil vie", or Uio 1ff.000t own sToat . gates; where the ' drh11 ~ to the universi ty, that In It, cab ",hole length, and several lady p.,a' lIQlf8re liouse. On thb"ta"'~, lfndcr the all, III Hhnde, like 'his heart )'Oung' meD and boys can have a bet- geager~' taInted. Ih3.ue of ~ ,Immense tu lip '1 1lat au (Cvpyr!ght. 1906, by Joseph 011. Bowles:) tar ' chance to ,leatV to blo \lnglneers ~ l!'IUnload of It. crlpplee" ~nd 116 " ' th"an dId their fathers, wlilo ,picked up blInd, Dlany of wbom bad --'''~''''"'",.4N'..."~.M_.,·~-"M..".... b,,'er traY: _Ilfi·...._ ...-""'_".,·.~-~_.."N..-"'.....".._ .~-" . .... ~ tbelr educatio n on tlie r()adr " _..,..... '..... V-»": eled Iiefore,· and aU hallln« from Lei. ''''' II h.u I 'W -W 'No 'more ·the Columbia make coster. arrived at ,· HUlllltan ton re, IN THE CANN ING SE,p.SON, her 60 mllea aD hour. Never qa\n centl)',. fllt a day's ' ouUng, ,,,..... 8.)'11 . ' . wui her headligh t gleam on · the pol; EngllehJ ell;cbanl!e; " parlle, and rend.ers 108S almost libed ralls. Her whlstle. ,1\1 never Miraculous was the e~pe 9t • Bible. It eon.slsts of !> ' loop ImllO,B' . o~ cord atarile thO ecboes .In the mountaI ns \vo'inan whC\ Jumped :to )irake -Ibe .sleepy towns along tile express train between411 front of " an , sewn' on ,to ~acb "slde .of' th.1!, PU\'lO, ~'I\'O!l ' and 9V81" · tbl~ 'QPP, of cor,d a > g~d. !lleed 'river. She)s here at· rest, and wll1 Brlghtoll, England . 'Jfbe "engille lKiad III slipped, anll ao rlns (II, .smal no~er go out ' again along the line. kn~ked lI';,r ' Inlo' tbe four·foot way, kt'Y'/'I!l!f '.'Villl answer .the ,Sho Is ,Ilere to teach-~d to teacb I, ':w~a::e she 'lay .qulte , ~ 1~i!~~~~~;?~:f~)J~~i:~~~~t~:~~'~~= ~Ieal' . of ' tbo \ sewn af th~ e nd o~,thO lbop'purD08~ 80 that ,~e the groates t thing any man. or " mao wli~ and m!l~ whllo th~ ~D b!'.ad 'cannot slip <llf. : 'Tbe. sk~~h cblne' can do. Perhaps It he captive ' 1l8lised 'eWer her, " .' Ibo 8 Utls clearly. !brough the tI~ engine mlssea the road .•IJid dream8 . / ' . per pO'~Jl)n o~ ,the , Il>I;Ip of cord ,the of the IIgbts and IIlgnals '. besJde the Iro.h Tlea. 01" G'rm~n ROld!, . , band Is !>!'s;,?d, atl4 then If tbe Way, und longa to fly alorl~; the ,track. On t1je '·maln lIuel ;of , tll~.' Germ~ .It1 .lil}s.~ It, 'I\',IlI:'i~~~1l ~1l1t O:ol'd Or perhaps Cohimbla knows..' she Is RalJrol\d Unlon. In 1903, the,r e wore , the wrIst, and ,the purse at Bchool, nnd Is really and' truly' a .11,621 .of r()&di laid " ofl ' ,j~iJ. ' frqPr. b"ii~ JIi~~" sllatcil~; .ol'tal,iI.,dD'"n"lia' teacher on tho stair of a grel\t un I, sleepersmile, l:'j! , w!ilcll was 6 per cent. . versl.t~·:-=-Oharlea O. Barnard , In' S ~ the total~ 'rlloueandll .of DillI!8 ot ~r and forgotten. :~. l ' ' . ;'. I. ~' ;' . '. Nlchola8 . . .". . . have,. ellste4 f\lr liD yeaJ'8 o~ more. PI,ld: p!ttI~.o~t.. . . •... ,,-" __ - - - - - - - . . ;.. and .tbey offer an eXllOl'lence. u~ .' A:ttrRCtlV~ .. w:Orknday, , . equaftid' elsewhe re In .tflo worlal, . Ia tbe wllmen wbo are , too!leLtlcCf't,. tor New U.. fo,! LocomDt.lve., maDY eases . tbe II'OD tlo, have ~ot; 9nOl 't o jlllb,ll!dt them to bard oll;. sJlk dally, trUsts In ·,a amall 'toW.t 111 ' Maflllacbusetta· lasted 88 long tbe ' ;WQS!d6lf' 01lel' ~.I4'Q, ~djl ,.at IDo"alr In prett)'~ h recently t~ere . occurre d "W'hat Is p~b- but the advoCates ot 'cUlm' tb'~ 'bl'allf eti'ccth. ... , : . . a~I,y, tbe Brst, Inltallce ot lb~ . kind on , thIl hilli been due tQ roB !!tORt Qf tllem ' l!Jl! rather 110 'record '-a \l~omotlve employed ' to 'anei. cpnstrucilOO: .1, , . Imptopel' for~ r; . , . . • .. . . ' ; '0'.' , ' &l(tep\ fQr' a , tbr'"lIiJ'of . yellow ' ,h run a faotory. The estabIlBl!Jment .ha~ . ' may ,U"bwn the IIfhole pier-a; . . outgrow n tlle power develqiled by ItII .' Progro,' . In China. .. . :. ' A'ritl 16tt'Of plai!l ..... llk petUcoa ti ate Il1oI~~'unt 014 pll\nt .of boilers, and. nt)t 'wl.sblng .';r.ho aecUo\l1. of th~ 'Shaugbal·XaJl-, bell}f' mllil. up no,,! t!i wear .wllli> ~II to 'lIhut down long enousb to 'IDstall 'king railway to Su-chnu a . ne.w battery, the prollrt,e tors cQa· 91 miles, were · omClnlly add ·Wn·ilch ; and' ~"lntM BUltS, some 'of tb6m Jili.4e on to mlltcb Lbe s hirtwais t. !lelved lhe Illan o~ aval11ng themlle lft$ July '18, sa,. .th~ LondoD .: _ -:'"_ _ _ _~(l( use of the 8urplu8, 10comoUvea trom h' bD»eII tl'tat· tlie line .tIl be the IIbol)8 of a near·by railroad . ' 1'he pleted 1»7 the 8prlnl of engine wall .a small ' fl'elg~t engine. ·I t .1908. to Nanking . 11'1\8 Blde·tracked" noar , th~ faqts>r1. . · , < . . ' The 'pIJIM' leUlq to · tile qrllil4e r , . TIl. . . ·...... '1UiIML head, ",ere dlac.onuecteil, and one of 'l'he raffway from TenDou eo 't o I tnDeluC8Dt J'OII8 ),ellow amber, ourthem connect ed to the steam dome,nlil . lanatural the only oL~-I _lOthe, Jeadlng :-tDefcfr our 01)8- Tbll wbloh ruu , rallt red . . ",b·a I."encle r, a!ld tunnel. tunnel Itntlq jr clJjO tree" ,&de, .. wen .. to the enllne room "f the f~:tol')'. The I. 980 (eei l~nl, aDd hal h\oo)n fQrmed Ole elqlllll~ e pbaklah will .. oorII. • pig was perf8<lt17 IlIllGUliruL ' It)'· ~ river Imow. ulttoc ll erteII. .' . ' . . '. .' .
The .Lat est'.' Styles
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Slim. W: •• In ... te,'ellee t. the tl.llnage mont of the P iggery.
'ro HERO I
PUTNAM FAUF>L,E SS ny ES the bl'is hte~t nnd falll·cst color. with lelll! ,,'ork a mI no mu •.
~ WIlS a m u p wh en the obCl!e ""OUlt;ol was til e lIgbt o r otber days.
. Th I'e will be a atron, tr':npl~ltlOI, LIl m/tl'k<'l th~ old 8 ;) .... Ihl" I~I\ 'm 30 "1lI!,.,111._,.'fli" ~. ~"(,""' ... . H urt Brui!le or Sl'min counL or> high r ri cl' ,,[ I' I'k. MIll" ~t. Jacobs Oil rehc\'cs {rom paiD. lire or Ih o"llIlon tba t Ih,.1! _lit>· busl -rl!nta Used by the First Presiden t n 58 Is 11101'0 During 111'01 11 ~bll! the War when of the Revoluth ~ow , DURAB LE HOG YARD FENCE . Thvse mt' n wbo ride on tbe wal er are turn 'd all' aft ,. 1'U1 ~l n :• .ljUH 0 1 t ion to Be Sold for a Pawngo n ge t Eome awrul jo118. two and Ihe b reedin g ~ oell ,'b9" n tdotlc Purpose . Method of Constru ction 0' On. Out rmm t ho you'lga Lora. sa ys Ohl 5" '011 ~l r• • W'n<I"", ·. I'" o ll,'"t:' ~yr" t>. of Woven Wire. Urt)etJ c r's .1ouronl. ]n lhls \\ sy ()~Q To he hJ swell t h nndoWli l n t o r tha ~iU~,~~~~::UJf:;~I:~:I'II~n~~~,~~~::~ ~~II~~"'~I~'i!:ull~: ~cts l'Id or th \ xllense f fC'CtJl ng tbo COil rAd rate \ Voll1 en's hOJ'HP, ut R Ich· '!'he QU ~ Llou or chea p. Ilnrnblo and --- - - -. old !loIYS dlll'ln g Ih e Inte foil Jlnll ·• wIn' V moml, H II. DIan would know hlm s~1I thor· a. -t I,e chnrllr that IS u (!JIfservlcea b lo f \I '11lg fm' til small l' a=dl>lld jacCllt to ' tite plgg toy 18 an lCl- 1Il0nths. 'fhe yuun,; lIll " mu st I' t to Il(~ r h 01' 1 - ,.' I Isa "' Ia rl' L p • '• I1e ou ..nh ly be hasn't mu ch li me to waRle And a True of the Vege table Compounc1 lJe f(!d . I ralrl ' y well hi In an y € V ' lIt. wbOlb- on Ir fl lI I'V '" ng "nlll: ('I' 0 t G·, en. I{ "'I In (r)' lng to flnd alit thinca abou t bls lmp()rlll ltl 11I'fl/lle m. aay n 1{. S. Shnw. 1"',. Ih Y be Inl n<l ,1 for bl' tlln r. Jollr. I·t!.. E IAeCl "nl'pos S se III ng I wo" r n eigh bor. Had Its Birth u of Mlchl!;a n, tf\ Pl'Illrle Farm r . Dllrthe "'Pan ic of _. __ . and . Ing tbe IH1Ht. IlIlllbor In YUrlOU8 rorms l'osell or for the meat ma rl! ·t, llOd it th,) tbl'c r:an1 1' lents (IS't1 I,y 0 or~ Was hing W indows. it to be Offere d bas be n cuit l'ert od In tt; fences ot d if- C rlal nl l' Is t ho most econom ical Irom Washln glon In tb e war of Illo revo· for Publi c Sale In Drug Store s. T ile Jllt'l1loJ of w~,.ldll:'; wmdC)w~ 1m" ferent sly I s fo r th is Jlur)lose. but n ow the f . d KlnnolllOlnL to I t th .old sows luU m,. 'fhey ar among the n\(lst l' IUl II ~'( l \l' r.r flltH'1t (If biC. 11 :l\t' a pI li go and 011 Ul e bi' t:dln!.: jlCIlS wI b precJous of the \Vashln g ton r IIrs. (, f l\ll:t:wlu '!U t-. tltl li II W tI (' ,"l'lli Iv,,!"\, Sou p . Its scarCity nnel hi gh 111;lce 'render Its yonng olles. Th is rt'markn blo 'Woman, " 'h ose restore which were sav('d from the hOUl IIr Ill" a .,o£t ,.! 'h in 11,.. \\ ,lt C'l' ; "'IUl~('/tl II I· use n l llw ~t prohibit i ve. family fortnne. They maid" n name wn>l i!:stcs, was born. i 1) a "guctJ tthe Hlo ... t ll,.~ _ nlld W'lJi~ l ilt· ~111'::o' ull. Thl,t' We do lIOt fnl"o r thl!! prael C • how- G"n _ L e at Arlin gLOn. when hot tho medJciIwl wblCh .,.~ A lIg b t bourd teuce probably makes Il \VII S llf111l.1 h Lynn, "il l! I-h Muss :t llll, .• ili Februllr .\'" it le y i" lith. .. eVl' ,. t)lj r, e\'en und l' vreSf·n N'nd l ions. seized by troops at t im I III. com- so good for their woman fMeoa. )U II .._4 Ibe nl Ost perf ct on fCII' l urolng !l OgR. norlh rn nrlll ' III1~t .JOf.:S lh p "ul'k \\ It It n ll)/"I ' t'U". ' . ing from a gOOd old Quah er !nmily . neigbbo I ·: U; . \~ I lit It. 1' . \l: I~Er: . We haw' nlt(' mptcd I" mnl(c a s nit· or co ur se th 1'0 will 1)(' 1,1 nty or sow~ leA foll owing th e mqlllis ion of lhe can· }o'or some yeurs sb e tau ght school, nnd womell rs was eqU&lly good fDr 'Uae of tho w"'~o world. hl l' Suh KtiLnLt'. In lurge part. ror t he In th corn IH' lt Ihl 3 ru ll tlltl ~ B rA ' !ederate lead e ..·s famil y In 186 1. became hnown as a woman of an alel'~ Anecdot e Robert R. Hilt. TIle Plnkbam s bd DO ~. 1IiJ4 umbor ('xcopl In t h CUtie of the dl- worlh $25 or $30 cach for n, I, , and The two le nts, ' wl tll cauI':ls amI Tbe late Robert R. Hltt had.n knowllittle ercdll Thcir SnIt labc:<:a "-7 wh e l'c Hj 01' 20 old SOWR or h"lll 0 " r pol s well pr sC I'v~ d , UI'E! III . 1)rl'S nt edgo at al n O~I'aphy whl ~ h . wae of WU6 1.he kitchen . Wllere roota aJKI It Is tl'ue i hnt ~o Jll e cailital j ~ lied lin I pacl!ed uway . III ,1-oU191" cases III thl' «reat value to him In debate . . H e baa b erbs wero 8tecped on the 1\JtDWe" In Ume . N 'vl'l'th less, w b",lIHe n' Na llonal lUUS 11111 ilL gradunl ly filling a groM of b1U.Ia. WushlnglOn. 1\\l S8 b e n knowll to ri se wi th hi s hand full the II xed polley of l~et'lln (l 1' Ct the L e I"lnka that lnd 'rhen cama tbe question of uelUIIC npendcn ce hall. ot shorlh nnd notes of a sp ec h jusl h · st old '-ows. ~el cct thu~ lhnt bring ie Phllild hlhln, Is it. 101" alwnys before 'tbey baa l(il'fll th e pl'oper Illnee de llv er4!!d to whlch 'he was about to Ihl'o u~h II good litter uf unlfol'm pi'. rn r th em, nnd eJTorts it DW.Y freely. They bired • job may he mll(le hy r ply and woe to Ihe mnn who ac. printel' to run of!' eome paD1;pl:ileC:a 1'hel'e Is nu ques tion tha t the' old sow pu t rlotlc "llIwns oC tbat city to pllr- I cllRUll M I'. Hilt of mi squoting bl:n. He sctt.iDa forth the metl.. 01 the will rnl ~C') morc pigs. and ral~ tllPITI chase one or bolh by edJpopular Bubscl'lp · wus the patron salin of th e stenollcinc, now called I,ydi a Eo Piu\:.Pu m'a beLter, t hun a youn g on{'. ~'u~l1l r· I l ion. Vegotab le Compou nd, raphcrs nnd tbeN> of ~h o housI~. "'11101'1', b.I' contlJ\lI ln ~ the pra '\.1 e uf .)<Olwllh s lnnd ln g that s h e 18 91" politica l Inllt\('oce was Not lon g a go distrjbu ted by the PInkham I;IQIIS S. about to dl sbro ding rrom mutu re SflW ~. I wlll pI'oachln g hl'r Ixtleth lJootou. New York. IUId BJ'OOId.T!l. rea r, Miss I ,~o place rrom the line of promoli oll a mnterlnl l y conLrlbu te [r) k.,cl' og nl' looks to be ma ny yetlrR The wonderf ttl en~tlve pr'OJIU Da 01 youn ge:. 1\ 1'1' young expert wl'lter of IIborthnn d rrom stami na 'nnd ons Illlll lonal vig r. . I tlte p Is [\8 sp rightl y 8.s a gll'l s, nnd 1I11 chlgan wbose tho medicIn e were, to a grea' extent, work Mr. Hilt bad Thore is a g rowin g )(:111'[ ',l1!on,; I hflr rac wcun. th . U !f-adver Uslng. 'lor " o.wa " ul1lllla ted Lan occasion to admIre. Mr. Hilt we nl to many s win e Ul l' n that lhl! rp\l"cllu n l u or Iipr 10llg tr:u'eIK. recomm ended it to othel'8, ana e c1eilpenker CUD Don . . "This will n eve r do, mand gradual ly Inereaae d. sw mln u or ct'I'11l111 bre el f) . 11l lIot s? A m? n g the rpllcs whi ch :101 Iss Lee Joe " aal d tha aborthan much dllo Lo Iho pl'" ll e vi Inllre d Tn 1877, by combine d ef!'orta thel'aa ts (llJl'lnll )' prl. s nl'e sl'verul IUI'ge i lle'houe e. " We can't d authorit y or do wltb out lhls Uy bad saved enongh money it> c0mIn g aa It IR ttl lho Ullst ko 01 cunlln· 1Il0Hs·a g-ate bll LLo ll s-each Denrly u n. .nan_ The bouse musl ba\' e him ." "All mence uewHpa per adyertil ling and ' TOID uall y hl'e('dlng from yutln~ loCI(; that Illch III (li um ter. wllh sl ll'e r shanks. lIght, HilI." rel)lIed 511 aker annon. tbnt time the growth and ~ of. 18. trom yOUUJ; ROWS Bull rrom YOllnll , whic h s he nnd ~ne the en lm'prlse were _~. tmUl '1D1 oC h oI' s lst 1'5 tlur- '1f an),hody k ho ws tbe sort of s le nogDu r3bl~ Hog Yard Fence. males . . Som . or oll r best brec.1 r~ , ing a chil dhood G ~l'Dnk , ~ lIJlp ed frum J&lJll crs thi s bOllse ought to bave you and invcs tigating mind. au e~rne8t day Lydia E. Pin'k bam and 11ft vcee~ have round by using m ature 8tO "al· one or Washing ton a CORlS, thlls brlng- ue the man." Th at s lLJed It and tbe roceker after kn owl edge, and above tnblo Compou nd bave b e . - ),Olda Ylslons IJ t ". en t he bunr pen8. The \VaYR. and by Inbrl'e!llu g s n Ibly LIley Ing upon I bern u sle rn rellrool o.ll. possessc d of a. wonderi lllly sympa- hold worda eY4!!rlwheftl. aJM1 - J feD c !I rorml nll <lUI' s lOall pens ara clln Ox dl'sll'Dul cha f"om ructe n Htic5 001, her mo t her atlll he r gl'llndfa lher. MlehlilUl IIleno\ll llpber he ld bla place. t hetiC nat ure. toos of mota and hcrbe are 11IIeIIi aIlIlDo . oonstrn ctf:d of ,,·ov n \\'I re \\'Ith !!)(6 In thl8 Wl\~-_ iLa manufactul'Cl. iT un yone \Vould lal(e Ih" Geurgo Wash ington P [l ~ ke CllrUs. In 1 8 ~3 she married Ysanc Pinkham , ally The loch ma t rial at bottom and lop. Tho lIme to xnlllin Rnr TIRED BtICKS, a builder and real estate operato r, and Lyclia JIl. PInkham h6J'8e1f Wd ,,'"' good Jlur bl'ed IJIIHons were l1e\'el- 8 II" lIon lh cou t JlIUll Is s bown In Ule accomJlllnylug BlVlne h their enrly married life was mo.r ked by JIve to _ tbe Ir"'a~ IlUcoaa 4lf thiII 1',1 h e would Ond tbat th owu,: aga in , and IV I'e th e onl y 11art or lhe s ketch. 'cd a r posts are plac d In this et· b 'lI ves The kidneys have 0. great work to prosperi ty IUld h appiness . They hnd work. She pa..ecl to'her In t he plan or I)re ·dlDIl garmen t 3u\'ed art r A I' ll nl,.'1.on was re...... .aa con- do In keepi ng the blood p ure. 'When foul' children . threo 1\008 and 6 ago, but. not tl1l sho had Ca.IIe, a lilt I ' less than eight reet IIpnrt. troht ma ture )Ir.GOid a nIm als. " ' hll a lbe mUll fl scat d by t he gov 1'l1men t. In dllu gbter_ m setaua (They should not be more than thIs who ral as for CODtinul nK_ bel' wa'k lhey ge t out or or. hogt; Cor the meat m:vke t tlngs of gold Mis s L 0 now c aectlm ,. . . ehe oonld . In Olio wear tbo!le •• dl 6tan~e for pen fences. ) s __ D good old fash ioned days It del' It causes luiekTbo posts bas a I'udically dlll'eren t object In I the m In tbe form of bl'ea st pln s and owns common for moth rs to walee benel1_ were n otched out al tbo bottom OInd i ache, h e a d a c h e s, vIew, y t w e bl'lIeve Ihat the B8m~ penda nt s. t.h ir own homo medlcin cs from roots During ber lOUa' and ,eY8'IlttD 'l ~ top one Inch deell 'and Ihe willth of dizzines s, I an guo r and h erbs. nature's principl es RIlPl y anll that tlle PI'OfilI rlence abc ..... 01V1l eyer r emedie " methocH It has; b n In m y mind tor some cU . I>es\ the 2)(6. Thus the 2x6'8 when Ormly and di stressin g urln- calling in B pbysleia n only In specillllsIn the e n(l will be lOn ge r wh n the time t o dlsl)OSO or y work and abe wu alwaYI to,.-.1 th e t wo tents. spiked In place, InsteAd of .b Lng plan ary tronhles . Keep urgent co.scs. By traditio n ancl ex- sene.• record of e-.eryca ae of I( e lling th old sows as Ion!! ; wlllcb lawn. for Ihe bene fit of tb e flusb, projecte d an Inob out from Lhe as they . the kldneYB well perience many of the m gained a won- her at.tentlo n. Tbe _ of e-,. .... are nbl c to ral s large aDd Rl ch~ond home," said Miss surCac of the post. I.e. nnd all tbese s ur- derh1 knowled ge of the eunlive prop- , ..oman who appl1acl to ber fa. ..... uniform IIttel's Is eDfor d. "There wel'e ' three t ents nsed by The 2G ·lncb ",o\'en wIre 71U1 Illaced and t.bere were t.h~ ferlngs w ill be erties of the variollll..roots nud herhll. Washin gton In his cllmpalg ns that OIl the J10SlS wltb tOil and bottom !frs. Pinkham took a great Interest. eaJ"Ilful IItud,., ud t.he deaao.. aelllll" savetl )'ou. lIfrs. lng eymptcm la, treatmeD', aM ....... ca me Into tile possessi on or my grandwires just toucblng the 3x6's. Tbe A 8MALL CARRIA GE HOUSE . S. 11... Moore, pro- In the study of roots IUId hcrbs. theIr _.f. fath er, who ",us Martlla Washln l>ton's ristics and power over disease. werereo orcled 'orfutureref~'" woveu wire not stapled to the prletor of a res- charaote She maintal ued that just as nature 110 \cHla,. th_ reeorda. totreu..r w.idII Only grundso ll_ The lurgest. which was taurant at Watervi eDd posts but eac.b strand brought Deecrlp tlon of Way lle, Mo., Bays: bountifu lly providcs to BuHd iI M06\ Wasbln gton's mess tent, was giv In the haMeBt- hunc1rcclll of thou_ne ls maile ~ en " Before using Doan's KIdney Pills I fields around the post and. wrapped 00 It. ConvenI ent Structur e. ' and orchard s Y4!!getable foods of availabl e to lIck "OlDll"o the "'01'1& to th gOvel'nm elll by my grandfa lher. ,uaered eel!. eve rytblng from kIdney trou- all kinds ; 80, if we but take tbe.pain over, and repretM!IlL a .,... ~ Tbe wire fencing was alao s "The ladles oC Moun t Vernon so- )Ie s for a year and 0. bait. stapled to the Inte nnedlal e cedar poat (bad pain to find them. In the roota and ' t.iou of informat o\qo die PIUllS of a building I lix24 fe\lt 111 clely have asked It ) would sell them _n the baok and bead, and almost COD- Qf tho field tbere are rcmedle s ex- treatme nt of WOlD&D '. llt.. w~ . . and the lop and bottom wlros to tbe sIze. with atalls for hvo cows, It. box the ot he r two. But [ do not think :Jnons aut.bent lclt,y and acc:uraey caD a..ral.r . 21:6'1, against ' whlcb they .rested. In the loins and felt weary pressly designe d to cure the variooa lltall for a horso, and room for two Mount Vernon Ills and weaknes sea of the body, and be eqDal~ bl aDl l1b1'lU'1 ill the proper 1)lacO for ill1 tbe tlme. A few doses of Doan'a The woven wire used was speelal buggies, hJ shown in tbe Illustrat ion. th em. I bave heen told tbat ee rwln world. . Kidney Pills brought great relief, aud It WM her pleMure toRCare h tbeseOl· ... IlGK fence 1I'lth sev.en lateral wires, Sills 6x8 Lnches should In! set on posts . alld prepare simple o.nd cffectlYe medi. Witb Lydia E. Pbllrham worIreiI __ , wealth)' men In the west will pay me I kept on taklnr; them top and bottom wires No, 9 and In- or piers. Tbe until In 0. sbort cines for 11er own family s tudding Is ]2 feet long. any price Cor the m. but I will not and friends. -in -lew. the . pr-t. .... dis· I UlJMl I waa cured. I tbi nk Doan'a KId. b!nOOdlute No, 12_ There are 28 No_ of 2x4 Inches. The firlt lI~r 8 fPet In pose of them to any but a resident ot ney ChIef of these was 11 rare combina.- PInkham . She wucare "-1lyl......... .. Pills are wonderf ,,\." I I cross wires to tbe rod. The woven the clear and lloor . tion of the eholeest jolsta _sl!, placed one of lhe 13 orlb1naJ state.. It was al roots In all her hard·wll D IJrilo,,~ . . . For sale by all dealE'rs. 50 cents 0. and herbs fonnd bellt mcillein wire and 2x6 ma'k o the fence 38 Incbes adepted for the for yean she ~ ber la ....... . my Idea to 8ell one to New YOI'll. and bol:. hlgh. This bas furnlsbe d a cbeap Foster-M ilburn Co.. Buffalo. ellre at the Ills end weaknellBe8 pecu- ~deDc:e. . "' . one to ·Pennsy lvanla. I have fix ed N. Y. liar to thc female sex,nnd Lydia E .Pin lefence and atter three seasoDs ' use ""e To her hand. aatwn1'tY f'eD 1M bam's frlend8 no deflnite price. but wOllld like to and directio nclghbo are perfectl y sntlsO~ wIth It. Dut n of rll the WOrkl'f! heD lta~ learned What H. MOlt WI.hed For. that ber compou nd relieved and eu't:ed \or ]lI&8IIeCl away. For __ rl,. hI__~". s,'e ure a btlllt $10,000 for tbe two. 0.. one repair has been made and that at John Fiske, the America n bl ~torlaD, and it boct!.me quite O;'e lean popular abe baa ooD&iDuecl at. ... &m01l1!' tbat Is tho s um wluch r ~bollid like wu lUI ardent lover or a point whero a flaw occurred In tbe music and blm- them. nothing III the .~ork ~. wtoeB 1.he to l'also tor t be Confede rate horne. wire. The 011enln81l of thOllO pens eelt no mea a musicIan. Furtber more All this 90 far W1I8doul!I freely. with- Brst. Lydia E. Pbllcha m ~ IK!I' 'Th re Is no pla~e at whl ah r shollld , he was extreme ly corI.lllen COOJIlst or doora wbleb slide up aud out oney and price, a.a a pen. end the present. lfn. ~ rather see at leasL one o( the tent. ' tbe bot weatber painfully t and felt 1ahor'mof cIowu In irooves at the aldOl, dropplDC now the motber of a.1M1J'C! ·~. ..... loye_ He was l han In Inde pe ndence hull . In Phlla- once dellverl ns a cour81~ tuto slots at tho bollom to prevent Bnt In 1873 the flnaDcia l crisis Btruek h up. 'Wlth women\aMI.tau b. _ _ or'lectu res at delphlu. capable beside pfr;a from openIng theUL . . henelf, ' tile prnuII. ...... the IAlbel:~l' be ll and a lIummer sabooll n 'a s\Uall city or Ihe Lynn. i ts length am severity we re too He other , historic re lics. much for the lal'go", alestete lnteresLa PinKham cont.lDues this 1fl"'8t .-t.,-a mlddlll west The hent was lerrlnc proba"l ,. from the oGke o' ._ otIow · of the l'lukbnm family. aa this class THE STOCK . and adjoinin g the hOlliBe where (be of pen!IO<I ).ave JIG moy womeu lJe.!II .... bURlnc8B sull'ered But They Never Came Agaln_ most from ·the trusted bull Is alw·~YII tbe oue lecturer stayed was a cburch wh ere fe.arfnld epresslo n.80.wb e n the Centen- vi....>d how to regain lM!alth. $ d r _ In a rurnl t uwn In Ull adjoinin g jul' In III-match ed but zlOalous that does the mi schief with hIs hornH_ Floor ' PI." of Carrl-o« Houw.. "Quartet '· Dla.l year dawned It fonnd their prop- .men, U1111 advice \8 tty.urs far B_llbl~ dl c Uon thl' l'e lives nu old Inel y who prac ticed and p erforme d during all No bull III 80 ge ntle that he can be erty 8W4!!pt alvay. Some other liOurce /..., "lyen 11 you caI.JJ wdie . . . . . . for ll. trust~ to have hom9. 2 teet on cenlers_ First !loor joists am is the possesso r ot au economlclIl dis- I bours of tbe torrId afternoo ns and . of fllcome bad to be fOl1no1. . Dehorn tbe calves when onil' a fe w 2xlO. nlae ed j8 Inches on ce nters . uu· position and t wo preposse ssing daugh- evening s. One t'venlng . seeIng tbe raBncll ta the hlator7 01' Lydia .. F~ At this point Lydia E. P lnkham' lI ters, who al'e belles or tbe town. Not moua man sIt for a claYs old by !IIeans or caustic potash. le8s cement or eartb lloor 1s uGed . Vegeta.ble Compon nd was made known ham'lI Vegetab le ac.poun cJ ; . . . .. Utile unoccup i ed trom simple roots and . . . . ; Ute _ If' )'ou nM d a ram. get a good one. The box slall \Day be 9 (eet square lon g a go , on 0. Sunday afternoo n. two Ir.d apparen tly opprt.'I!sed by this com- to ~be world. grea' medicin e for W_D'a an-ta ., Butte rmilk alone III nof an lueal ra- which will I~vo' two cow sl a lls a holll youtbs wllb a decided liking Cor II ret- blaed affliction, the young dallgbte r ot The three sona and toe daughtc r. and the fI~UnC DJODUID CIDUO . . . . . . . don for swine. but sbould be used S teet wIde . wlLh 0. partItion bel wooi t y gl.rla. drove out to see these two hI_ hostess attempt ed to divert him by with their mother; combine d forces \0 WwnaD wtw.o Dame it. ~ . ,..t.b other feerls. It will sharpen them extendIn g . baek • to Ii foot. In rail' damsels . The), were cordially r e- otrerlug hIm a new novel . then just b(}Ulelr appetite s It fed al()ng wIth a each stall Is placed a four 9112 light ~I\'ed, delightJ ull)' ente rlnln ed. ulI,1 coming popular. "I I hlnk 'The' Cbolr BOOd corD I1ItIoli and _ e el,I'I'el' 8ash, hinged at the ·bottom and ar when slIppel' tim '! came luvlted to Pllf- InvisIble ' Is pertectl y splendid, Mr. I NO MORE MUST ARD PLAST ERS TO BLIST ER. pasture_ .'Iske." said she. "Would 'n yoU 11k. ranged to 5"'lng In at the top. ' II lake of tile e venIng meal. THE SCIENTIF IC AND "'ODE~N EXTEtN AL COUHT~ 4RR1TA 1n. Supper ' over. lhey still lingered The Pllckertl and baeoo cure,.. "'ant BUsh ot tho same size Is Ret in tbe out . Bod ,. to read 'It?" The blstui'la n llUl the J • long hog that will we l&b 176 to 200 sIde sliding door of the stable. Tlttl time came, they 'lUll lal'rled. The old book asIde. "My dear ,.oung lady," lady. used lO early bOllrs. went to I Wd he. "the only choll' In lhe world JlOund. with not more ~ltan 1 ~ .Inch9.!l door belwee n stable and carrlnr,u bed at nille o'clock, but the two young In whlcb 1 could fee. qf fa~ eveills' distrIbu ted ove .. the room Is u.lso a alldlns door. 1 any intere8t at Oue wi.· men ,found no fault with that_ back. Such hOg8 are beat. furnl t bed rth'" momeDt would be lhe ebolr lDWakIng rl'om a sleep ot 'several I ltu!!!:le." by . tb. medium Yorkshi res, TamEXTRA CT OP THE CAYEN NE PEPPER PLANT bours, and 6"elng a IIgbt stili burning worthe aad Cheablr ee and tbelr A QUICK, SURE. SAFE AND ALWAYS REAPY CURE the old lady caned: FOR ,AIN.-P\ ItIea NO ' REST NIGHT OR DAV. or 1 Sc.~IN COLLAPS IBLE ''rUBES- AT ALL DRUGCtS TS AND DEAL'ER S. Olt "MaUld al" BY MAtL ON RECEtPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGB STAIII'S , . OON'T WAD" TILL THE PAIN COME S-IUlE P A TU.'II "Yes, moth er." With IrrItatin g 8kln , Humor -Hair Hay 'or Sheep. HA.ND Yw A substltuto lor and superior to .rn\l$lard " Have' the huy s gone?" or IIT1)' otbor plaatcr, an. wlllllCll l'he best hay for sheep consl.lltll ot Began to Fall Out-Wo nderful Re· lllisier tho most doll. C Ale sk.ln. Thll pain-alla ylllf and ouratlve quall\les .. 'The boys. with n'ods illul pauto'lli me. dover and the tame grasses. Timothy eult from Cutleura Remedi al, !he arllclo aro wonderful. It will SIOP.po loolbache at oroCe, aad reliewo b eso ught Matilda to unswer In the Rf· bay b, itself Is not BO p":,lltab lv f~d Headachll and Sciatica. We recommend It as tho beIIt ancf"fea a elllClmal !irmallv e, I!O the dnughle r an~wel etl . . 18 the same hay wbep mixea \I'tth "About tbelatt er part or July my oounler-I known. also u an ellernal remedy for palna ill' ~chcool agaIn: clover. Tbe timothy hay I. compoae tl wbole body began to Itch. 1 did nol and stomach and all Rheum.l le. Neuralrlc and COllly la, '" trial "Yes, molh or... . will prove.what wO 'clalm for It. and 11 wIll be found to complaln of too large Quantltle!l .of .fat-form ing take much notice 01 .It at IIrst, but It >?J ~<II belnnlua "ble tile I "Matlld household and for chIldren. Onco used no flim1Jy will be without·" . In u!" element e and has a too .small pm!,?rbegan to get worse all the time, and Maa" people say "It Is Iho'best of all your preparaU ou.'· AcQipt no 'prc "Well. moth e r?" tlon of protein. . This latter "I ves tben I began 10 get unellsy and tried ~ 01 vaseli ne unleas Ihe'same carries our label. as otbontUo It Is " \\"as n'I th e m t wo ooys hogs fo~ a1\ kinds o[ baths and Dol 1000'-Front ElevatIo n of Carriag e Hou. •••. I(I'tl4t vIgor to ' the sheel) and goes othe, remedie s SEND YOUR ADDRE SS AND WE WILL MAIL 'OUR VASE.:' buLter T' -BlIlTalo 'flmes_ tb a t were recomm en'J e d ( or s kl n Itum to m'a ke muscles and the more Bub· dow In LINE PAMPH LET WHICH WILL INTERE ST YOU. each aide ot tbe carrIage room stantlal portill ria of the . qarCllss, of two 6·lIght orB; but. I hecame worse all the. time. 9xt2 8ash, will provl1e Easy. Strange ly. O!lly Ii minority or the OWn- umple CHES EBRO UGH MFG. CO. I My hair began . to ~(\ II (lut :lnd my lJght. Two 4-lIgltt !lllsh mh;ht " nut h ow." asked t1le :;ot-rlch 'YllICk scalp Itched all tbe lime. 1"1 STA T~ STREET NEW YORK CITY _ at slleep bave as yet rOltnd out ' be Especia lly placed In the door, If dosITell . 10 man.'s !lsslstan l, "a rc you goi ng 10 get at night, just as 800n as I would get 'that tbe clovere make a more proflt- . llltic6 of one window. th lleOlllo to II l'lng In lhelr mon ey.?" , able hay for sheep than the more comIn bed and get warlD, my whoh, body A harness closet Ie bollt In ono cor "That' ll bo "nsy e nough. I'll I"wo would hegln to Itch monl, used"gra s8c8. anti my linge r' ner, says Farm and Home. hleh wit! .the .word 'Flunl,' r-alnted III bIg gIlt aalls would keep it lrrltated. aad It provide 'room for harnestl, biRr I(em. lolte l's ubo,'o the door_"- hlcugo wlls .not long hetol'e 1 could not rest Glln the Calf. wagon Jaok. etc. J\ eupboar d Is bnllt. olght or day_ AU espert t ecder lIays that a calf. In the stable ror brushea !lnd oum' Reoor.d-He rald. A friend a s ked me LO try the Cutlcnro. Remedie s, and I from beet breed' parents , sbollid cain comb, while a tew, books wlU take Barber. Gal Away. did. an"d the first applicat ion belped three. pound8 In weight per day for care at the broom. shovel, forl<. "Wh)- don·t yon get a hair-cut 1" me wonderr ully. the Orst month, 2~ pounds per da, ACCeSS to lhe second 1I00r Is by · etc. For about four 11 lad. " I wI\!. some day." weeks I wonld take a hot: baLh overy th.. !!Ccond montlf. and two poun(\s der built a gainst the parti tion bactk' -You'lI have to take gas when you nlgbt. and .then· arlply the Cullcltr a per d,, ' ror all . subsequ ent months. of ·t he cuws. Tho hole lht'ough the do. I'll bet " . J Ohilmen t lo my wbole btldY; an d I . . ODloDl .nd wbllk, fo~ a comPrOf_u r Hun t (ound that It re.Qulred floor Is c()vere ,l WIth a door to ahut ID . "Na .tura1l". I'll have to go to e kept getUpg better, and Illy the time bination calcul~ted to put almo.t any eI&bt txl 1Iine ponnds lif mIlk to maile cold weathe r . A door 6 fee t wid e 16 barbor: ' . : used four boxes of Cntlcura 1 was happy b'ome out ~f commlu lon. one pound ot gain In the 'lair. but that klft In one end of the b8rb. tbrougb I anUrely cured. and my hoalr stopped the a~ (?rase ;;:aln shonld be at leut whIch to lake ha)'. IItraw nud grain. Sura. ralllDl~ ont. D. E. Dlank:en shlp. 311 Cheap Exourllo na South. pclunlls ~r day it the calf wal T "In" are built m(lu",o tl'"ht wo gra In u .. r-r. Dill. St., Indlanap olls. I:nd., Oct. 2'1. Oa the 1st and :lrd Tuesday of eaeb .., properly fed. " "Pupa. what I. a' round of pleu '1905." oyer the cows and the graIn hrought • ure?" month the DIg FOllr Ry. will sell ex____ ___ -<_ to tl:e first floor tbrougb 1!1l\ll1tB. Sucb i ".0\ round or ple8Bl cursion tl ckels to most all polnls In ..·e N_ Vork'. aNat Oelan Tr..... Fib" of Cotton atlllc.. a building clln be bnlll Y4ry o:il(,.llply that Borne other man III Ii romid ' pa)'B for."New York I. tb• • econdl STeat .e.. VirginIa . South CaTollna, Teunetla ee. It IIu Mea delllone trated that llber and wlll prove ample fill a vUJ~. Houston Poet. ' port of the world, In 19)3 over '9.- AlabamJ i and Georgia at rate of one from cotton stalkl II ~earlY .. IItroDg ' illace. . 000.000 toni of Impor.ta al!d 8,700,000 !are I.Iu8 ,2.00 wIth return lIinlt 30 • that from lias. A proceu llu beea ___ LIbe ral etopove r prlvHegetl • OOIl.,·t Alway. Follow. worked out fol' maklnc papel .Dd b... tona of e.w:porte were clcll ~'Cd·throuall· daya. Cnrn doea Dot contalll enougb lime "You are 80 unlucky at cardl 10U New York harbor. 1.ondoD . .... from cottOIl ltalk .bl!Jl whIch, It to· fUrm the eggs II Write I. P. SplnlnK. General Norther n that can be l)~ ougbt to be luckr In loye." lJ'l!ateat _port, ftCeeClln~ New York Agent, l.11g FoUr Route. :3& Clark Bt, .. ..umate d, will add "0,000,0 08 au. ducl!d from Lhe otber element a It "I waao't. though; the ftrat ~r1 1 \ \D Importl , tho1l8h aot ....1' to the ftlue of the woP. I'M rood. Bill .qte and 11, pport&. Chlcaao . for further iufonnat loD • lappl1 JDu, .. foll In Jove with marrled ....."...,JIo... lDl~erp • • art JlGW IIe1AI utallUllled. and Kamllu r, thlrtl ul1 . \lllIIIdlUlce. _ "-t_ , '
• , ,.
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' eIlll·llJe ROBUST DIRT 10SSlo,£ 'MEll ' ~nam SLOP 'YUSSel
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Venerable Russell iCandidates for Clerk Hamilton is Oead and 1;1firma ry Director. Well Known Citi7.on All wl!r ' 'innl l ummon!>. __ ___
'1'111' C; "",.' 1 In J III I'> 11C'C'H r"qu ' Ill 1.'.1 t o nnn Utiortl t hllt t<WC' nl tli(' nit i;r.l lJ l' ' of llii nnrl of t h" 'ouot" tt re ('on .
R nssell Bum il ton, l/\t her of ex · .. h er iO· F~t\nk B lIlIlil hm , uil'l cl 'IlhnrH dll Y It t hi~ sun ' h ume in J.. bu n~n . Mr Ham ill.on W Il i< IN y onr!! of lI J:(e " no W UI' uno o f th 'oullt.y '!! besl ' knowlI c'iti'l.PtlS Il'or n lltll~· .vpn 1''' h E" Ii veu n t. Ly t In, goi ng til hi ~ ' !' n'!' b<1l110 II1)Oll t t wo eur!! a gll'. Fnn fill ll!1r \' ico IV.· ro hBItl 1l t, L p h, an on nturd tl:,!, lin d huri nl louk pi lice .t Mit,mi caUl to r.v to Wa yne vill e
Mr, l,;harles Venable Nliss Grace Holland Mal"ri~d at Xenia W.ednesday Even-
ing. Mi d8 Grace .Elolhlllll, of ' pring VlIlley, , !Lnd Mr. Uharles Vonllbl e, operntor lit thll R ox!Lon stlltlon of the P ennsyl vllni n railroad, wer e uni ted in rnarriuge lit th e lit E pllr onn ge in X enill Inst '\Veduesrll1Y evening. IUlm o illtely nfte:r tbe wedding the haUpy oouple leH for I\. hon y. Roohoste r , moon trip to Pittsbulr P nnsyl vlllliu , 11Il1i o ther etLsteru it iell . On t,heir r e turn '1h"y will Ula ke t·hl!ir home in Prinll: Vnll y Mr, Von.llble form erly Ii ved at Wllynesvi\[e, ulld hi s bride is cilso known her e. l ,
clidnt ~ fur , 'ullut y olli' '1''', lin th o DPIIl ,) rnt,i(' tiC1 kf' t:. Tl 1!f'lI t lemen 111'0 C, 'I.' . Hu\\' ko of ~ \fl1y t H 1'111 0 'umlhluto fur 111 ' fl1rulllry d ireotor, nn.l 1_. " lI' i n ~ of n I tt' Rl ll;(c' I'III , President uf I,h \\' UfTen C;uun t..I' TC ltoh or~ A". uoill linn, is I~ , ( \11 D!lIcl li tc f r ('Ink of
$16. 00
" lUrt~ ,
BollI l::entlollJ ll n li ra II lll nn" th o 'ou nty 's fllrlll u t l'it i;r.oI111 111ll1 wh ile they ure 0 0 t be wrong tiollet to u<) el oled, in th is con nl y, t h il' fr i tllis wil l uo dUl,bt, gi vu t heul It g uuu COIll plil.nen·tlt ry vot .
Missionary Tea. Mrs , J . F, MRrlatt will opou h r house Thursday II ftorn oon, NOl' m· ber , , lit :! o· loclt , t t,llo IlIlli(';; of of th p i'lli:lsl ontlt'Y so iety 11Ild tl\l'i I' fr ientl , wh u lU r ~, Phi lip Trnllt, wtll be th lenel r 11·t( h "'J'ue W ' II\ ' 0 of hintL" IIR t he t o pl . Evo rybody in vi tell to come nud tell nil th ny know on tba subject,
Mr. fi nd Mt"S . Am b rg ft 0 1t Port,,· mouUI Ohi o, IlIn' e b en y i"itlll " r I utiv61' in this ClHlItn unity . The \'ouor llulo Dt·, Bflil, bf Nor. wood, prPllclll'tlll t th .. Id People" The ladies 0,1 ~t , Mary's ohnrch III olin" in t he M E . chur hun· ILI'ft tlrrll.nging for II. !loolal to be gi vEdwin Hill Dies du y Uetober ~ lst. en on the eveniDj' 01 Thankagiving in California. Rev. O. C. ,l OllS!I of E non , Ohi o, OilY, Novem~l':'29. Mrs. Etta ~dama, of XeniA, a • t il newly elected )1tlstm' of tbo Wltynesville frlemds were IIl1d· ui: tlr 're(l k former reeldent of Waynetlville vis· 'hriHtinn 1l11\lrC1h , dened Sunday upon !recei\' inl( ne ws protl oherl t hers lu st bundllY lind Rd · itoo friendl here for a day or two of the death of Edw in Hill at Los miliiste re« I,he Lord' supppr , Mf\ u '" \lit... !<!IInrt ,hi. week. , n f\ W ~ t vle ~, TIlude bv Angeles, 'alifornla. Mrs . Cutll"ui no Wellor is 'Jlll te MI IH' ~ l s Htern & Uu. ick 1\ t t,hi writing, t r t41i1 nt It ll 50, Mrs. Aarou ur lIU R bl! n 8 11fT r· Me n'!! SlIit "" ul1 hond ing for two w eks fr om It bud ' 011 0 JioitU1ed ; mnde b." of poisonin g all th e s bollldO( lind Mi hn ol !:itern t o re, IIrtn tnil ut, ~ l to $20. Mr . Frunk S te venH, wh o form ,).. DnriQg t his Bi g '\'W(I Weok s' ~ 11 Iy r ~ id e d nellr her, iEl visit.itlg r I, Int{ we will offer speoilll r dnc d atives in the villugo, . prico!' in Mon '>\ BILt!" und li'urni8h . The early sO lVn \\' hellt is looking ill gs In t:hihlren 's oit!:!, Over· fine . The fllrroers tIre getting u OOltt I1nd 'II,PS; RIso in M n'M nnr! good stal't lit oribbing corn , fa t Y outh ' F ull Trollsers. 'fnko onT corn il< qnit.e good both in yield nud nc'l l'i nr! Cnm p I Y nn ' l1 h" !' nrpl' l ~ r! quolit." . to:;c e wh it t II grll ll u ul'm ." 'I f Bll r Ow ing to nn nttllok e f Ln (trippe gil ins wo ]11"epu I' P ol for you. Mt r his r eturn trolll onv en· DAVT'ON Man Ilt Huntington Indillna, your oorrespondent wus nnuble to fllrni sh Slumber Party. note la st weea, 1\ nd en 0 ,rep rt but viva him , little t bi;,\ week . . Miss Elsie Zell gave Whilt she termed as a. slumber pl~rty t o five of Marshal of Fralllklfn " OI1P II Middlerun her sohool 1U8,tes Friday night, but 'S hot and Killed. ·oh use r . those who I1re posted IlS to whllt J..nmpton Smi th n,nd barles P n· went on declBre that "slnmbering" nre both qnite siok, n ewit, Was Attemptinll to Arrest a Negro was the lallt thing pO!lsible . Jacub ~ ou tt IlIld family have had Free Street Parade Today. suspect. Gawes, trloks aud pranks were r eitltivElI:! fr om OilY t on as their indulged in from early in the even· Ma,rl!bal Bilysoro, of Frunklin , gue!lt,s this wee k. Ing until early the ne:tt morning was shot Ilnd almo·st. instllntly killed 'rhe Ler oy omedy Co. which Mr, anti Mrs, Le wis l:ltibbs tlod Aak to 8116 the new line of leather when they flnll.l1y settled down to about noon yest~rdn.y by Barry fumil y, Banj . 'mith und furnil.y , bows nt Cross Hall tonight will Poat Oerds at Kath&llne Alexnn a few winks before stl1rting on an. White, a negro whom he was Itt, B nj ; Smith lind fRmll y anel Mr: gi ve a· free streot pa.r ndo about noon other round of sport before break. tempting to arrest , der'l. and Mrs. E C. Btlrt ~ock SpOilt !:lun tochLY, Wedn osday. Everybody is invited to turn out fast. The negro had 'd rifted into Frank· d,~y lit the home of Chorles , , Mr, J. Idd, Clark, of Corwin, is The youug Misses who enjoving nnd see It. lin from Middletown and WIlS just !:ieveral 'persons from tbis neigh. lIuffel'lng I18verely h'om a swelltng this unique entertainment were purchasing a ticket on 't be traction bol'ilOod spent 'rue dny with Al1llt of 'be IImb8 and anldee whioh has Alma Clementa, Clara Hawke, line, the tloket, otflcer of whioh is NUllOY Pennewltt at Be llb~o o k . Condition of the cono'Ded him to his home for some Lanra Haines, Mary Hl\.wke and 10cII.ted in the drug store; wben the VVeatherforthe VVeek. time, Glenna Smith. ~ar8hl1l stepped to the donr and Fun at Springboro Jlrl, Bradbury of the Fl'1ends • - • asked to see him. The negro drew When Denton U, Crowl, the Par 'EOITOR Oil: MI.plt GAZE'fTI.:: Boarding Borne, who has 1teen Dinner on, Election, Day. a revolver, Rnd wlthc)Ut a word be · qnlte ill from the effecta' of a oold, The L , A, S. of the y , . E , church glln firing, h1ttln~ him three times, trayali!lt, mounts the platfor\ll nn · For publiClltion in your paper I our leot,u re oonne us I:IRm P .•Jones, · furni~ll . herewith rocord of meteor· ia so muoh Improved,as to be aple will serve dinner on eleotion duy, and it is probnble R'nY ono of the to go from her. room Into the upper Tuesday November 6, in the vaoant IiIbbts would hllvepro,'ed fatal. The there will be nlOre ftln ' in Sprin g ol ogiclII observations t \l,ken ' by' the bora Stlturdny evening, November unde r~ ign!ld !I" tt coollOrILtive ob corridor, bo' . not yet able to' go room In the Stoops bnilOing. marshal died in Il ,few"minntes , 3d, t han t·bill plaoe hilS h(ld for some '!<t3rver of thl Weather Bureun of down atalrs, Bhe had t~e ploosure The above notice is snfficient as· man who had witnessed the A time, But , dOD't think yo~ will th e U , ' Depllrtm ont of Agrionl. of II. 'villt: Bnnday froin her alsier. suranoe of a first CIIl88 dinner at u picked ' u'p the marshal's g,e t fun only. 8C1111 J ones ' never tnre during the Ivpok .11ldiug Uct. . reasonable price. from. eprln~eld, revolver and fired at the u;,gro as illlid ~ thing in all his grellt CUrl'or 2!J lllon. nt WrlYll e14ville Ohi b. Mr. Arthur Monfort and 'bride, of - - -- - he started to rnn, and strul,lk him Simply becnuse it Wllij fUllny , It VOI'Y rel!pect,full y, Colnmbus were In 'WaynesvUle Centennial Anniversary. ID thE! 'Ih6ulder . ah~lty s teaches some grant, common Cn tl s , E. MrOHlCNKI\, Toeaday afternoon . .Mr. And lIrs. . of Lebanon Church. The killing of the Marshal spread everyday moral truth thllt any mnq Dnte. Monfort have been apendlng 1\ few ~ '~ ~~ ~ ~~ :e I,~ Great interest has heen Ilroused like wild fire lind within a few min olin understnnd. ~ days of their bridal' trip With ' his Don 't fail t,o hear Crowl Sat\1r. mother at, Lebanon and expect to all oVllr Wllrren County in the 'pro. utes lin imrnense crowd was in l)ur posed Centennial Anniversllry of Buit of his 1I111yor who WIlS snrronud· dll..v ev enio'g , tlt the Ullivo rs~I 'i li t ' retnrn to Oolnm bllS . Thnrspay. Mr., the First Prellbyterian Ubnrcb of ed ill tl co;n 'fl eld uear tb'e town , As ohuroh , ~-.--- ...~-Monfort is lIilleema,- for a b~klng firm at Oolumbus 'Which dispoees of Lebanon ~"llch will take plnoe Nov. the bullets from the guns of the oit, t\!JW ..... Gl:IW.C;I CJ' izenll b'e~ft,n falling about him ' th e Appointed Assi~tant'Cashi!3r g, 14to) , aFont halt' Ii million loaves of bread. ember 8th, 9th aud 10th . . A program rooelYEld uHhe Gazette ~eG'ro shout'e d that he would surren. A~ .t1le laB~ m eeting of ~he dlreo ' tors of the Cit,izens Bank Mr, Fred offioe glV'ell promise of-a most Inter. d'e r: ,... ~Idgeville on EI~ctfon Day o esting meeting, probablv very mnoh: 'rbe feeling was Intense aB be was Hurtsock who hilS been serving. ns 'l'be ·Ladies· Ali 1:\001ety of the on the .o rder of the Friends Uen ten· murch ed to the village lock op, and b;:lok keepet: i13 the bank was ap· Ridgeville ohnroh wlil serve ' their n\.alanniveNlllry at Waynesville 11 threats ,<tf iyncblng ' were heard on pOIDted Assi~tl~nt C~shier, a well "nnual dinner and supper oli elec- couple O _f y_earsago. all sideR. deserving mark of appreoiution of his effioient service, t.ion dllY : ,.i\ Young M.other at' 70 , Sbe.riff :lI.tterson was apprised o( - -..... ,- - -
Guild Meeting. ,
The Ladles Guild of St. Mary's ohuroh will meet with Mrs. J. H, Cllt!key Thnrsday Ilfternoon.
.- .
$1.00 to Springfield, $1,.25 Round Trip,to Columbus. Sunday November 4 from Way. neBvmo. Special train leaves 9.13 • a. m, over Pennsylvania lAnes,
Imade "My motper has, !!nddenly been the sltuat,lon and u,r ged to mllk~ yonna at 70'- Twenty ye.lrs, haste to reaoh the ,prl!IOner and ,get
A. L. Sides Ill.
' " us h. e IS ' '" hi t Iff ' A . L . '0'"'ItleR "or ,'" Lt no. of intense suffering from dyspepsia, m a a p ace a Sll ety. ' , 'known to hosts of friends, '1\1 critic. hllod Elntlrely 'disabled her, until six 'The sherifi' and M:lI.rshal ~mith ally Brllt his home In Spring Vnl. months ago, when she began takin~ of Lebanon made tbe' I~rip to Frank. ley. Electrio Bitters, which restored have oom· pletely onred berand the lin in an uutomobile Itnd the pris. As ·t h e G ttze~te goes to press his st.rength flnU aotivity she b"rlln tl;1e ouer' heavily handcuffed WIlS con.( ,ltion ShOWS little improvement. prime of life," writes Mrs.W, .L: . ~Il. rusbed 'to the coun·t y jail at Lebull Announoement. r:::~~~il~fe ~~~?~i~~ ~:' tb~r:~~!~ on. 1t is probable the ,Gra nel ,J ury We ca.11 your attention to the fllct !:)etll stomuob, liver . Bnd kidneys will be CIllled into spemll.llession to that Dermakola oint','e llt Is a ,osi. right, pnrifie!l the 'blood, and onres consider the oaso. tlve onre for eczemn, ulcers, wounlts, malaria,blllousness and wea.knesses piles, and every kind of skin or soalp ' Wonderfui nerve tonlo. Prioe 50,: trouble. !toasts 25 oents ff it oures. Guaranteed at F. 0, Schwartz's, . If it don't, we retnrn yonr money. . C-QoIcII, c:roupud <lCIUIIII. J, E. Janney.
Chamberlain's COOl h HemadJ
C: ~
Young men Wanted. "' or ~'I r\ III '.IlIml Brukeruen. Ex. p,B:iencu nnll(lP!'IlIur;v . Ova l' 500 PI). luM ni< op n II t, 'hI" prR~ "nt time . Hi ~ h Will: ~ &q)\d promuti nn to Engi nllorll lind ()nnrlnct,IIrli 11176 til #~OO pur ' month Inllt,rucUunll lJy "'''lin t y.'ur hO,IIf\ wi1hllut. inte r . rnpt.i'ln with lJrllR ~ nt, noeul'IIIinn We h "'~i lit IlIlull I.It,udIHlt ii, t<ecuriug II p ll~ ltl "n Don't, del u;\" . Write to dllY rll r fTl' \-, cuM 101,'011, in"trnol,innll nlld "pplicliMOn bill nk . NATION AL RAlLWAY TRAIN. INli "'Il AOl)J., TnI' . R""tnn R1ol'k , ~lt, 11 '11 p d i i ,... . l\h 111 1
An Awtnl
nUllh ("uri'd
" '1'wo y puri! "go "lIr lil,t\l girl hl&el
touch 0 1' pne uUlonia. whioh left her with 1111 I' wful cough IShe bll<1. sp 1111 of onghilll!, jul:i t llke- anA with I ho Wh l10ping cough lind IIODIR t.houllht sb e wonld not ~et WAll Ilt 1111 . Wo go t IL bott.te of Chsmbll r. luin's Cough ROlUody whioh acted ~ik o a ohtuDl be HtOpped cough. ..0, IIlg nod got lIt-ont nnrt fltt, " writE"1I Mrs .' Or:. BUllsurd, Brubaker, 111. This rem edy is for sale by F. C. Sohwu.rtz. II.
ONlY RAIf.. P.O :' D'
S'Ouv.-:.r '
.1. '
;'~. H':.
ELEcrR: ~
Innall. & low$Ylire '~ TO' ALL IMPORTANT cmES ~utht
, Southeast. ...11 SoUthweit.
, <
HOMIIIIKEI" nCKEn OM ULa i "In AND IHIRD lVESDAYI or ,~ , ucit MOillH TO MAllY 1 POlim lOUlll. ~
,.,.Inf~:;;;-tecr Ad~ PAUL B~OWN , T. P. A.
ZP.LL, D•.P. A,
W A" OAWrrr, o.'~ M~, . W, 0. ~EAilso~, a,p, A., " .• '
, ~ll". ".
. ~, otblUg to Fear, Mothei's ntleel hnve no hesitanoy incanthlu\ng to give Chnmberlain's ~!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!"!!'!!!!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!!!'!"'!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!,!,:!!!!! Cough Remedy to their little one!" us i~ contains /lbsoln.t ely nothing ill , Tormllnts of TeUer ', and, .Eozem jurious , This remedy Is not . only 4I1aYed , . perfeotly sa·fe to gl ve sma.ll· cblldren , The Intellse itohing ' characterlstio . ' bnt ~s a- medioinl;! of great w~rth Qf eczeu. tl, tetter and lUre skin dis , ., and merit. It I.les a world wide rep· .eaRes Is Instantlv allayed by"pply. ~tation for Its .cnrcll of coqgbs "Inl( Obamberlilln's salve aDd many colds and cronp and can always: be/sever& oalles have been permaDen&lt relied upon. For 88le by F. C. BOh· _onred by Its use. , For lale by 1'. O. wartz, , I Schwartz, . I
VOL. XLV l. NO .
\\' A\' N ICI-i JLL~~ . OH l{), WE D)fE . ·DA Y. N OVf .iI1B ER :1 , ! ~~6
WHO):,E NUM BEl l 2130
We llm an .
Ce nte rvi lle . . Mr ~ l'jullllllh lil'h vu!i teu IJ oJ' Dr. J . T. ~:Ili,. W"I' II Kprin~fl p l ' l Rll lI 'l'h us . Riot! /Iud fllm ily of Leb visi tor Mon<iw . Mr. Tnt tle r ecen tly D;loved Ibtn nn"n ~lIt. llr(l/l y ni ght lind ~ tlndn .v . Mrs. Alethill A,·lpx .. n,l. r e \lWl'tll iII· Mrs . Him es ' h " II<" u n U" lIhlt'1ry NE WS Y NO TE S GA TH ER ED BY f! ' hVU I'U l5ellr~ of Hur voy tlbn rg TH e GA ZE TT E'S Ave nue . ell Mr. and Mr~ . S " tl f\' ·!,w lit diu. WII >I tho gne><t of his oou sln Lew CO RR ES PO ND EN TS IN NE AP i!l . ner Sun day . BY PL AC ES Mr. Sam uel W.·I,,·r rtlll frum ·11104 Fire MSa turdllY nigh t Ilnd Idun _ __ ____ . _ _ lluy . Dr . .. ncl Mrs . \Vir.hulIl , of Kin wag on one day I,,", Wf' .. k, "nt g s' Mrs W. T . •1 or~on find dllugh tor lrt· 'rhe \JU~ilJ !I~ ruee ttn /{ of the Y . Lytle. Millt., "" 'JIlt 8 l1011llY with t. ~ e ir P . ceiv ed sllrlous inl flr t\'ll It\j \lrip p.Lr- VIol!\. tlnd Miss Annll BrlLOd IInu F '~ Ii .. , '. E .. wh; tlh Wfl S he ld fi t t he . e llt~ , Mr . on<1 Mr~ . Adu hom e hall been lyin g Ip Itlrn o'l~t m ' toop s. Mrs . Leti tln Ken riCk, Mrs . Net tl A. Hnr tsoc k and wife we'r e Lebl It Iadl"I ·"" e I of LD ~' ': · lIud [r~ . Hol zlin Wm Llp plno ott htU! been IIhle . Frid ay ev. oo~dition eve r ~inf' Eme rl ok Mrs. HlLt tie McGi nni" to on vl8i tors Satu rday . ''. Dr H"., k l<nu l en lnl{, "'fie well 'LUend ml. wulk clow n stre et for sev" r,, ! tllI "tl M waltR upo n h l.m Mrtl WttlI"r • . Mril . Httr ry Var ner lInd 'obl ldre M r R. Ne~ ,V'" I e ontg , om ery of en n tl'ev ille wer Mr Itft,Ar It ted,O US Il1n688. e shoP l)lng in Day ton 011 from .MJtllU OS 'ehenok h" ~ retu rned alig htly imp rove d ' ' of Ore gon ill. spen t ' Satu rday , chll lind nics hurg . lu st Tbu rsdllY . . 0 dou bt tbe st.oc Cem ent orOS!linl(8 ~re ' uow l)6~l Mrs : t:ltllDley M. Sell ers, of ·UIIllIlll. Snn day witb Mrs . Gi!6 Itr k rge Ta.ylor. MrH. e. B. Wll k I'll n cull ed on bus, Hpt'nt, & .t urd ay lind ::on put in tbe d.ow n lIorOS8 MillO tltrt!ot . , mer oun tile bus mhy ln esR sutT Mr . ered J . W. her Hur son tsoo one day t.blR week ks IHe with her pure nts, Mr. lind MrR . The Aot eyli ne pltm t Bnd plp6 I E. plat ing m vlng into Dr . oon tem a gr~t dep letior:r. 8 Vtinder. . Key s . In WOI'd ~Vu.s r ecelVe!1 here IIIRt wee hav e been put In order. alld wa now Mr. u.nd Mrs . Joe Tho m" H Iln voo rt's hou tle ne8.r Bar vey sbu k enjo y d rg good IIno oun OIO" the sad deat h of Mr. IIgb ts IIg MllHsrs Lesterl:)plihc', of WiJ mln son Uur l, Mrs . .K:lt e Job " g. this wee k IiUt,i his son F. A. Htlr t utilI Mrs . Bar ry Job n s ns nnd Mr Gu ve's brot ber . Mr. Fred Gove, is . Mr . "b ) ton, and Rog er Bro wn, of Ciuc v ar ell W 0 l t d of 'orw in well kno wn In Ore gon iu. ook will occu py the old hOO ill The sym . 10 tae &lm mer olal IlV 8. 8 II u I'nt lest en(\ . spen t l:iunday witb nll tl. wer e call ing on Wll yne svil <..:ollege ... t BI~ . Mr le JUllles llflt.b y of al\ is exte nde d The corn IIhredde r Is busy In t.his New York and Ohio Repu~ ladl es Sun day eve ning . to t,he be- ton Indi ana, wall unit .J ••hn u tlud fam ily . ed In mll rrl¥ e neig hbo rboo d now , Job n Wo lfe " ed f II ' ulld Hall oween nl~ht to MIll!! Bea am v. MIIIII Klzzie Mer ritt star ts toll uy G liean, Mr. untl Mrs . J . W . Wlir d. Mr. rea v I rl . eorg e Duvla wer e IIhre ddln g Frl BrAc kne y. at i h.. hom t< ,.fth " brlll ,HId Mrs . Wlll ter - K enrl ck, Mr for Top eka, Kun sas, whe re .lIb e A" . ex· '. day and Ha Sflt urullY· rve ysb urg . Stanley Matthews Elected peo'R to rem ain 'dur lng the wlu ter IIJllr ent,l!. rere mon y by Rev Vllu ~ E. J Oh llS, wife und 80n G lt:nD , Mr. ban • Mr8 . Ed 8bn nno n btlll blSen in untl Mr~ . 0 . M. Bou with relat.iv6ll . '['he Ball owe 'en 8001.1 of the' E.,. Circuit Judge, gh and son Bro wn Con nty for the PIlst Wel' K, Mr . Fra nk HurrlR and ftlmily lind tit, Kenn eth uud Mr. W . F . Ular wor th Lougue Ilt the hllll, wu 14r s. ,J. 0 Oar twr ight hal'! l)flun the bed k, wife Mr . .Wa lter Btlr lun • #. Mat t R . Den ver, Dem ocra t, yes side of her gnn d Qlot her , Ilnd and fam ily "cane of gtlle ty, and fltm ily wer e the SnndRY gUlll!ts bllving t he plel l"ur e of Il visi t from com lo ap. -r. s)le nt Sun day at tbe hos pita ble hom who WIIS dan lrer ousl y IIi ok but terd ay defe llted C. Q. Bil(lehm e "nce8 Masked you th and obll is of ~r. Ilnd Mrs . Alle n Eme rick nt, he,: frien d. Mis s Milry LeITer80 dren n. of gett ing ulon g n icely Ilt pret of Mr . Geo rge B,u ris of I:!pringh Rep ubli can oun dlda te for Oon gres lept . ill. tlres sed in vari ous cost ume " Mid dlet own . MO!It eve ry ODe aays mak e hllY a, lay Mr. Mis! In tbe I!ixth di8t rlot. lind Mrl! Geo rge Bogl4n lind wlli ' Mnr y Fol ey spen t Sutu nlay und le tb o !Ou n shin es but 'Mr. Bar ludl orons, mov ed abo nt h,t a Mrs . Luoin(lo l:iear!l lind t· a nd l3unduy with ber purAnts Miss clilughte r Edi th wer e undl Tbis dillt rlot il! norm ally Rep ubll iY gue"tM too;v t.hluks It · pay s neu r comlOlllllnd Ilhnles8 man ner . Ohll rity Pee bles , of Cen te to SAW wood tow n . Hom e r ville. of Mr. Rnd M.r~ . Oh,m noy olln by betw e n a,ooo und 4,00 0, iJllpnel. hut dine d Tues<iuy with thei r old whil . odd visi tors called at som e e t,hfl went,her is fuii' . frie nd, of the 118 read ers of the Gtlzet,te kno w, Mr. Il'nd Mrl! . P eorg e Dav is hlld Qui te a num ber ILtte ntled the so· hou ses the ' Mrs . S. B. Ellis. :> Mr. Bnd Mrs. BElrry Lackoy werA clal lit tb e bellu tif ol cou Re)lubllcan ' ... rty In tIle sixt h as th alr gu s t ond uy Mr w Will ntry fM M I 8 . diS· bom illUl Sun dtly r . ho~t s d to Mr. t e Dr and Mrs Kee IInu Mrs r~ink 0 . rs. · Ilr n AlOe Mrs . Dr. Chtlrl e~ Elli s is h Mor rl·s lIne' Mrs . Milry D,'v .·)rn . ver oolebrated. I)y fuotion8.1 trl'ct bm8 s " b~n un ls ~ repo e of ... r I\, thei r twe ntie th· wed r e ' f I!trlfA the ptl.!lt severtt.1 .Y 6111'11 . .., • ding ann lver. W Lo ·1 Luc .. ke.v lind fRlnily of L eban o n ve ry vleuslln t t.•mo I b ' Mr rom ",t. ' _ lI yne svll le und Miss 'M"ry ......,, u M. r. B sRry In a q uiet way on a rece nt It ng t e r e IIIt·lv B . K II ,Ioy es f , . of her hus bunsd,VIa·nd Oflnvflr won with mor e tban I ev· Ilr. on . e . y 0 v lDO n- enl·.n g on Frid ay slle. of Har vey shu rg R.em emh er t,but It is on 'fhu rN<1oy Il ,boul48nd V,)OOS t' . M)ltIre. Ilnd MI~ 8 ' Ethe l . ' natl spe • Mu nt Sun . Mrs . T . J . Bro wn ¥lU MiSt! day M wlt·h E bl~ t sist M ers. The Llb rar Clu b will hold I'~ u mOt Klz.ue Mr8 . Cba s.. "ad den Ilnl1 MIs8 g, Nov emb 8. Ilt o'ol ock, nno n . r . rues ann on nn tbntrnin n , UI Il t.iok ets forer th[~ y EJe I ~~ IIII ~~ '''''ol lilly IItron'o DIan Mer ritt wer e tmte rltu ned lit dlnl ler Ray mon d Wol on con cert. It fe on . Win ~~ ...ona I I tI Mac DQnllld wer e oolitng on re u Iar , , " by Mrs . S. B . Elli s I1nll tl • nll iM pO!ll!ibly t he only ' Dem 'lnnn a. Miss e 60 o~ mee -, t ~or" ' the d . L3 . will Mrs W b on sale . . SUl lh Riob and dllu ghte r oorl lt . '11 F 'd fte Tue rlen to III Ily nes vi e rl Ilya sday ning , Nov emb er 13th in t h" DIMtrlot who oould hav e Mrs . Jord on wer e visi ti ng lit r In the K ofeve been P 'h all Ao el.b Mr . Mr. R H . .St. .10h n il! hom Mre. Clyd e Coleman and brig orat e Jl'. elflol...d til Congrellf! e ht for Obll 1\ no~ s Oru : .. Har y'" ry Wed • ~• 8hid llke r anu fum ily erlll'Y lind nesd ay of lli st sb ol't ti me a~te littl e son of OIDoinnlltl, wer e gutl ente rtai ning prog ram ;~. r 1\ two wee ks lib · spen t Sun sts wee k . • t.he Thi rll f'un gres sltln al Dis· d~y with Mr. Iloct Mrs. bein g sene A on buslnell~ . of thelr')8 ,rent~ , Mr and Mrs . J. (Irep . ared , and retre sbD It!n ta . trlo t uf whl oh Dlst rlot In whi " t S if . ch. C01 emllM Master Wil bur Lao y of 'Oay ton Frll.nk. Sbid alte r. n. r. vO I Otty ton Is lOOIlted, Eug ene HIlr£lIn em8.n spen w 111 be ser Ved un " Mrs. <":or ~. Thompl!OD s peu t r• · g. dll·Y Ilt the pare ntlll hom oltme to tllis place. on Satu rday Rev B F Vau lhan e, retu rnin g Ihu rsdllY of Illst Mrs . Mar y U pp of Way nesv ille f\flpublloan defe ated Ex Gov erno a p ~tell ttie wOf lk with . Mrs . M r to tbe olty in t,he e ven lul . Shl l It a p. o .' B n 'b 0 b . ding the time unti l Woo nesd ay has mov ed to her new hOlne she pulp it of the Plqn ll.C hrla tian Ilry I chu rob ( u er nell r nrve ye urg . ~pen Illllpbe ,t e emocrllt lc )nte ly puro wltb ha!l frie e" nds of Mrs . MI'0 . nom netl R. 8 Lllt B . l St. e Van ,Job . . Mrs n of Har Sun Lyl ry w day le ·Cle vis· fore aver noo n and eve nl... " and son Muob Inte reAt oontereB In the ~ t MuM odo re, ' visi ted rela tive' a In "'prTbe· 'ted h W' I Mrs . E. R. Rflndolph Itrri ved bere derv oor t. l· ng. II lum MORt of the tobtaOoo orop e u"..L m ' Re~10PiI"Iren ~ elec tion In New Yor k .wh ere Hug '" -BTb . Mr. r . ~n Mnd ..,1's Mrs . . .. st ", Cba rles M.oo· re of rJlCeDtly been I on M urau ay . hes. field from Wed nell day unti ' for II- wee k onday even ing bou sht up at prio ee l Snn~ RtlpubUoa .., won over-He8rIIt; Dem s WlI shln • gklo _ • D. C. wer e the-w~ vhli ~ W1th her pare nts. - eve ning . Hr. Clea ver and oorlltlo oillid id"f~ for Gov erno r. littl e gue sts of Mr. Ilnd Mrs . Bllrk Dak 1'. . . . . . . froa I lit to 11 ... .. ,... .Ple asa nt Ridge. Wil bur jolo ed them &tu rda y in pou nd Mil'. and Mrs . ,Joe McO .', anll ray Locally a Ugh t vote waR out of Day . nnd othe r rela tive s Wed nesd retu ton rned ay ev. spe hdln nt e Mr ~un witb and day them Mn witb Ben t~e I n te rest 0 1'0 t r -l· prln ol' ''''II '' In' the de Dm old Mr. enin lAte rt C. g. . B . Kle inbe ln lind fam ily folle e ~ took a tine yoa ns bab e to rai8e s, .Mr. Hod Mrs . Alb ert Cor nell . " Mis8 Nin a Ant ram who ill the Congr~alon"l con test ,;'. Hild ebra nt hlld as thei r gue s'" Snn day Mr. . . ' J b /:fill 1 tel Mrs . Elle n I:!hields of Columbull lift: and Mrs. Les 11 -.I I to oi'...' . d oarr !ed WaYbA townsl1ll) bv thro very emo lent . all8 istan t matJ viS. ter rou Ken WI 0 of rick n ll ess a lted arn y h s an .h fam llya t:!d I 110m drov,e to. Cen .,.. 0 M F o the Obl ldre n's Bom e at Leb ~ .It B I l'en ny's 1I0UllO IlDdmav terv ille on lfl8t Sun day llno n Grim es Ilnd fam ily nor th W\1I II~ vote s. arr a ' d f er · .nep ew r.k ran of Lyt le. even:lng with thei r dou speo t Frid ay afte rnoo n oall iug mov ed Into ble teum . . [aD aml ly last wee the the Dod ds bol1lM' ' . Stan ley MIlt,thews. o~ ·JIIQ ob Cor ' . nell atte nde lout d ~he ed her Way netl vllfe frlend~. She by hog Lyt le hBS Illmost .out grow n itl! . ,. , Will sale llt Xen ia and oandlrlllte for Olrc M~tdan: ~rs . F~anfkM8h l::k :rBat· \ Mr ElmDr B\1I ·pur obll sed Il I)ltlr hum ble title Jnd~, :wa s ·aooompanied hy Mrl!. eleo ted ove r Smi th. ult of er Kel sey baa la&ely had 'vill i'rll age nk ' with Lud A . its part of Ohe ater Wh ites . tenl1e t e nnTherR 0 ~ r .. t ~ arly har d figh t w~ mad e hore ioul lor. a new dou ble orlb bnll& by new oem ent side wal ks. It ce rtlUn The R ." lum, Mat ron of the Hom .1_• . IY ' timej" °hli' lahst e. un ay a pub lica n nomineA bein g b6llten Mrs. Wa lter Jord ao and mot her pr ng. E!e1l.1'II and loll' PaU erao n . e u c uro on is a grea t Improv~ment and whe Mr. E. S. Ban by and fam ily hav . ~ Mr. How~rd MoCune Is v.lsl e Mrll . N. B. Rioh spe nt one day tbe Iron nd tha t he WIIR a Cox tlnR man \l ove d to Day ton. whe re Mr last ther e, Is a wal k. 1~ld on t· A Bnn day school will be orra nlze• h e sout h his mot her and siste r. Hllliby wee k witb Mrs. Cha rles d The Rep ubll cau tioket In Wll rren ball Grtl. Y· !Slde of .the stre et as t~ere sure at Wo odb urn 8000 IL posi tion In the .Bea ver Soa p ly eou My wen t thro ugh with som Ern est 'But t-erw orth and fam ily Mr. A ·.B. An80n Ilnd fam fty I'n. e. Co .• lind Dan e hal emp loym ent will lIe tn the futu re •.a nICe r aven Rev Maddox itl &0 prea oh tber iu a were' tbe gue st of Abe Cotl ude joye d a sho rtvi l'it from thtl wha t redu ced Olajoritie8 e lrda ugh . nex t Sun day afte rnoo n k and box fliotory. I thll n our Mai n A num et ber will Oth er 1II1n. , of be MJ'Il har . wife rece ntly . ter MI81 Mar gure t and lJay In Uhl o the stat eRt l..... blio8.n tick et ton Iste rs will lupp ly the pulp to find , at lells t In a tow n of Ban by's frleQds gav e her .. fare wel U oqo&. this frie nds on Sunda.y. WIlS elooted Ly abo nt ,.Mrs . Bur ton E arnha rt spe nt Sun . 75,0 00. . l slon ly part y FrldllY by dlnluK WIth . slz.e . . her . 0 ) dlld with rela tive sllt Mt Holl y. _~_.. )j' Id M T'" . Pro f. C. E Bra tten and fam ih .,.eodore Lawr en oe and ' Mr !lnd ~rs ,1llmes Mul len n last r ay mor nlD g Ber t Mrs .rs. G of ruoi e l:in.r Cor ah nell WII wal! 80n the trnn8aOted busl . Fer ry ,a e rejo T hea ter P ar t Y gUtlR t of I:ltno y and seve ral othe . bad the plet lsur e Sun day and Mon , . . loln g uve r the la&e ar· . men who wer e stan din nell.r · hlB r bllrn I L '-her aun t .irs ()eh n t:i/l.v d I t eek riva l of twin s In thei r hom wer e neSB llg e n r eoen dllY elRO t of non hav pne ing ay 118 IlS e. g thei . 1I.6 . W. ,r. Kilb w r gue . . sts t!lt'l r . on Iy r . WIlS h'jllt ' at a b t Mrs Frll nk Bllr vey Ilug dau ghte ... " r o us6d a t 86flIDg'tha team °fonnngt r Mrs Art hur WUs;:rn of DIlYton . ro her. Mr. C. J . Brlltt en, wife lin rl a • ""'r ty "ht . hnt Wed of f Leb n-dM l , ano . Y n spe nt seve rnl da.y s with 9pe nt • ~~ r,.,.. . . " o~" even ing, Iittle d ht .'th e f'trl llers of till,; vl olnl ty lire u l spee d d own e rOil d Mr. B t her birt hda y last wee k with rom 1 th d ' I e Ilug er . ' busy d . ith whe n the foll 'lwl ng . ynu ng ludl rat en 18 th I bt her . nftr d bau · ents Mr . and Mrs . Blu lan h er hn g gmy ell10d shred lug . son e~ sup prin tend ent of the Met ropo litan I . d . l rive 1110 til · er"" I b essk an 11'w B t erg n·nd l' n tIle " Uni on ""rs CIar k P'ine .lOdder. who ""rt bbe d Edw..... .... l·oln ards " ...... , . . lin lnsu -: loe h ranc ro fl . Co en . . , with bead qu8 .rter ll at °b ' er g~ta hi · \ "Me thin ks Dep ot" wer e hlR gocilt.!' lind witnesil M1811 Otu the mys tlo ml8 tleto e Pep per mud e It f1 YlDg one Cin cinn ati ut d espl e . 0 •. t e hors es ell . t.hA produoti01i ' of " A New Bu rlin g'to n. .. ' trip t,o Leh an on .outl uilY lust wtltl bl t s bug le hath gran ·Fox , g y ted Iluo t.ber eblt k. .... v l or O C n,8 U ntte rter l mdPt l was • unlt e T ram ., at rOIl8 ... a . Th ose.w ho MC8~r8. Wil l and Geo rge GUI to to Dllln 1 lL~d mai den faIr " Goe88 . 'I'he ILin, Id II do I:ilwllruluf thll! pilloo uttll nded the c lec k t lern, an was ccm pell e frie nds of ~181188 An j ov"_.." t h A en t,er '....:'1 nfOf. m t, wer ne aDd , of IlVI e, I n dl ana, wer e sum mon d let "0 Les ter h.en riok nex t trie . . I . Oliv e Beg llir very pleaCar " d C. i '" sho who . w a·nd ill ' Mii.~No LUlllh.. Cor uell . Kat hrye;n Wny 1 ~n'l, aUI" . uesv thlD ' k lllo yon Fr . t dtlY Will h nigh gU08 t S . !Jut I h d e . WILS h to fort IDO hwi ,red nna~ th l .-.0 hurl on ed aoo into a ' rl ~bt? oun t 0 t e pr Ie t em on. . o __ ay eve n 1ft F pIT . t Edi th Shu te IdeuLll of tbel r , ,,,,Ir. I . , Th D . p"w h of cookIe bur rs. Wh en ram , ronA fat·h er, and cam e Ilnd I.. ' . ron . . . . •-.. e elta A. Ip... tbe spe . Don Ml nt 0 Ia.. w.. ~und ddl t filII lLY eru to with n be~ .11 thei r !!'Alna Zl'll , 811rllob Bev Ut. ,leR8 Ur. r .. aun Rob t, bins wlig Mn on of . tain cle ed tbe at --_ . - - - railr oad truc k in Cmc inna tl nex the ho~e of Mrll. Jl'tI\)_· 8I', . t f::!unull.Y afte rnoo n B d MBrltlt,t.. Carr lll Osb orn and Olivle AIe thlIl AIeXlln d er. Th b th , Mr Lam pton Smi t Is Ilble to . . . at the e e M. B ro E. 11 ers ohu ' roh be . tr1lut of Ber t s h ou e th o " > ay 0011: on Mor rll , . are look ing well and dOlDg warou nd a owe ea, 1!1 Itb , ;.a ILgaln .. . . Ifr ., ot w hee I CIlme 0ff b Itt on drigh t e ll,' Th Rb I' moo nlig ht plcn lo . . R 11 own M . bein . Wed I J g e lD b part elm Ica n u y on "'_ t n6lrllhlp in the }JalDting • • .' d . I thn r ll!s.d th oy wen t uno hec It d • MIami .Qua rter lv . rs. _ Sec ond Nu mb of Frle ndll will ' e 119 It . aug Iter nes dIly eve n I ng WIlS a very en th 8 nt Thuaco er rslla '"",ot afte rnoo 1 nud hou se deo orat lng. n wifh Mrs us· II be . ~ d blll' held . pen t' at ed the a ohu t· hl.rg rob a Th In liIew Bar . . og J}>8 I WIS." B '0 r o f U B e th itYh Or Le ctu re Cour~e . . Le w I8, W I10 reoe tI dd ht tlOnHS t ile rotld In fron t of tile b!lor 111.8 10 mee m g.. e ssue s 0 ame s 0 ling om ton nn nex t nug Frld n y pur tlY and Sat urd .,. !.1 ,er, n day wer e ably dlsc u811ed and ' . ohl\l!ed tba Fultou.~brl"ht farm do not . Mr · II.nd Mra Rto "..- J.... . bay . see . ira 1:i!l.rrls and wb'l.t With. jqst Mr. LeWIS ~tlbb8 wis hes to ba~ Robf1rt P'l.rktlr MilA><. of New ed ., . tbls b t i how any . man who atte . . -, e ob<tll ole before tbem [lOd m!)n we~ t of t,)w n, is mak ing 110 grea • yell · mee.tlng cou ld go to the nd t· a heen at the bed81de - t the mlst.a~e corr eote d.tbtl.t Wl\~ 'Yor k, lIubjoo't, ,, 'I'ltlluw Dip s," MOD POUII and Milt on who is Fri IIInny Imp rove men ts on tbe In in g 'wh oa' t,hey OOll1:e to u very low, w1~ stn.n ,)lllc ,yo d· Ollst any thm g but II. strallJ:ht e. \ Ia~t week ItiBue. It say mg Will I .venIOU, N" v. 23 tieflt ." on Ht! repu1>- pbo id feve r at bis hom e lll~ IStill. l 'he tellID belo ngod t o ha8 bull tll ne.w rORd, new brid ge, nea r X~nia. ! • Mr . Os· liolln vote Lur ge' dele gati . _Ie., 8I\turct" ", N .. v 17; . At. 2 80b llt aud wife ut~nded t·he anD ons p. Ill. eto. , and Is olea rlng ou.t l wer · ,C,Lr Mye r~ of 80me fiye milet' ..90u e Or S G ijewe\1 who fom le"" muo h of thtl vers ary w!?ere it i!lio thh ere fro' ll Leb anon . Wll yne :' Dr YlilAM Is Illo·q ul'n t., witt y ,md ulc1 hllv e been of her lll and . whe svll le,' live d' h~re 'has gon e to tIm ber. Be exp ects 8180 to put n he ' Ieft C.llfl.l~ 1 • them ~p I Inllpli Ing. ·· Onu 't. hili t, hl'llr Wil Mon min t gton Sob Ut. , Ultl rksv ll\e and el8e· whe re he hop es to him . oU\l~lderli ble feno lng and stnn dlug tlley tarte(1 to rl~n . enjo y beCtW- r . rebUIld The Iwhe re. BIl h~1I l~'" " Oo-workllr,wlt.h PlLr Mr. fI.nd . Mrs , Jll cob Soo tt iind . .k tile old bou se that hll.8 stoo d hors hell lth. Be WIlS aoo omp anie d es wer e well nigh exli aq8ted I Mr. and Mrs . Geo on the two chil dren , Mr. New by~: hUrRt .nft '~" ·"'.v In N"w Yor k rge Hllr lan left his WIfe. ton ~mith und wer e 8we tltin and g prof usel y Tue sday mor ning for EDIt,,,,1t /I. milD. of ',"clIlOtttton In f,um II. nuw ber of yea rs. wife and ·80n, Mr. a.n':l Mrs. Rus thei r ann ual Tho mlls Bllydook h thul igh tb e u.or oing wILe Mrll . .8~rllb Fos ter "nd dllught-ur, Ilnd f.m lry. r quit e trip wes t. . 'tbelJf'flllt IIObuol .ltf ftxperlenoa. of BI"nobe ster , lind Mrs . Ear l Ev· Mrl! ohil Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bra dstr eet ly N .elll e . 8mi tb, retu rned ~ome nnd ' son, . ... .• : Dr. . '. • •_ Ran dtl.ll and son Edw in visit. tend ed the and ~enry . ·Fr: idll yev enln g .fro m Il fort nlgh fune rel of 'hei r reI" th'e : ." t 'l 8pe nt BU~day wltb Jose ph Eva ns relll tiv6 8 O. J. Bu rne tt at Auro EVHns l'tl. a few day s Sam uel Our l lit Oregonia, VI!li~ with rtlitl.tiv88 I,n 'l'er~e Hllute,' Sprl nafl eld obu roh 'IBSt wee k.. II.nd wife Call~ from Ea rth ; I "'dl ana. Thl on Sun day . . M 8 WII.8 { Mr. ra. FOIIter s . Mr . . au d M L. d C. 0 WI\ Ch l Mr. lters Arn old Sllbln and f"m lly .en. on a,n B kl . rtI . . ar I r. first vlllit outt tlde·of Ohi o, und On Thu rsda y nigh t, the Ilf.. en· spe nt Sundtl.Y With Thoesma! uc es KnlegholT \vere in Mor row ~undaY. tert nlne d Mr~ -i ! ·Hes8 . Ann a Bar ris Ilnd Mrs. D~vld VI! ' Mtli. OWAn J: Bnr nett nll'd lit her joye d ever y 1I,ln nte of it, I~ol~dil Tur ner. 10 full of lIatrwer e in sCln and aun t Mrs. Shie lds of 110"111.In WllynAl1vil l" Mnntlny mrr p a nd~ .llorOIl8 the WlLbash rlvt!r on lga !i and f8.miiy . Col· erin g was bro ngh t to a ClOM Mr, and Mrll . Wleb~lng . 1'01' ~ ., The par ty give n. by, Mls~ Elill umb~8 on Frid a·y . Inll, ,ftH t: · Itn ilirIP"" whlub hlltl e Clno innia tl Itlst week . . boa t. year s' she has bee n aml~ wl'b , ex· : Har I .... · tsoo l;tr. k Joh Hall n Tno owe ker en was tran saot in eve ry teadMi OVtlr , y,,"rR ed buS· oree ping ptlr alys is aiJd Mr. nnd Mrs Gbll fles Mon roe Mrll . Har~let Wel oh retu rned . .. a 11Id4eo a'. " I Ines s In Leb ano n last wee k. to 1way II. siiboell8. Abo ut fifty 'HAr hURm"u,. thl'f'e " ..nil. · two ber hom e In OIn olnn wer e Illllled on oJ . K. i:lpenoe r. taok uf pne umo nia term inat ed a.t l Thu rsda y Ipres ent and mos and · fam ily Mi'II. Eliz a Maoy ente rtai ned her t of them wer e ,tlonda.y . daa ,htf lt8. btt..ltl,·11 ""vI·",1 j!r"n her dea th. dhe was aix'~ foUl' , . c.l. mor ninl a.ftel' seye rlll wee ks' v!'l'y I maRked. At. IL . nleoo Mi.. Gilp in of Wlo obe late hou r they de obill):"n itnclll Will '; mrul ... ,r,rriaDc pI_ nt vlal tlter old and Illavee, bea ldet her ,Tame., MlI80n Wt&8 an Oregon t with her Sl8ter, Mls a: ptlrt ed ls bu lll.\ Indi ana one day last wee k. -l all decl arin g they had had 1& vhll mOUrD 'b ... 11_ of a good t,ruA wife lieltIJI Kell . baDd: . four o~lldree; lin . Cb tor Sun day . llY. aDd la the II.fternoon fl"'le , ar'- r . Mra. Em ma Den ney retu rned thne mo&her and frie nd, to ·W'ell.ver of '~e . Elea. . . thei r othe r sist er, Mn . Adellll Sim Ml88 Mllobel Krie gho ft' was ID ()\n · . . . .. . . , Joh n and Jak ie BooU lpon t Sun her hom e at Lan oast er 00 Tha rsda hDe ral lIervlOllIl will btl beld tbl. mo u, · olon atl for .. few daY lllas t wee y boo d 1I.0d Do~, NetUe - ' UIIt s, abto of (''1oulon..'', I,Itl ved to k. ty afte r a pllMlllllnt vlal t with d. " y aftll rn'oo o with Lam pton smt W~. mor Dio l ., her hom e. I'uD eral . . . . . . -... 10o 'clo ok speDd 'he win ter with 111M th.\ )(rtI . L. H . B011110, and dan .. .... ., Xel nJ lhte r dau ghte r Mrs. W: C. Wel Ill'. N ewt oa Smi th, wife aDd BOD ,.. . her lite home. oh aad &ta rda ,. mo miq MI. . B: leu, wer e III . (Jln olnn aDCllIrL ADD ... .. atl fam ily lUId othe r rela~vet were lhop plD llD DQ tcm . . I aDCl OOD4ac&e4 117 ~ 0. D. Me
Will be Next Congressman from ·Sixth District
tIa rd in gW in s Th ird
1' .
""y •
t1lftlay. 'rbundlr.
aDd Brr• .1_ Bawld~
The Miami Gazette
• • •
BROWN & McKAY, Publishers,' OlllO.
The S ilen t Opini on, MOlt men have Bome silent o1'IOIOo.s 'about Wamell and most WODl('n about ,IIlCn. 'I' her are Cl'r:..lh t)' l\ S ot tace, (lrtaln kind s Itt malllHlr , certain • " maUIOda ot Xlll'l"Rliloll 'I',' n, for \\'hicil mllnr mon alld WOIli 0 (lI'O III'. 1'1;~ond I11n('(1 In Ih minds o( somo of their brathf?I'H nntl sl vt crB. A dlRI osl· tlon to dislike ennln Iyp s ·· or fuce la at thul'S Fa stro n g A8 to UIU; 'fll a previous ()XISh 11(' . W 110 n ot O[1tlol)' soy that all \\'0111 D \\' Il h ·· s ll cb olld Illich er bl·OM. are bnrd hf'nl'le J or tbat n Ula ll mllst be' 0 (!h urllu l\ 1I If 1bo (Jolor ot his ('res and hal r conll':ldl<:t e.'1cb other; bllt we a'l cO lll la llnlly upon notion: Il8rdly lells unr '»sonable. ~dllcut l'd Ill!'n with small \'OCllbuIRr· lea, for Instan('('. aro (1I\'ldea as a rille b), clever women ' lnto fools by blrlh .nll seJr·mnlle fools, :lcco.r dln g t.O wheth e r their want at eQ.ulpm nt be &scrlbed to qalure or to Illrect.nUon. To Ole 1lr&t tbey are Inal l!' ru t; \ .> the laU!'r they \jave a lmost nll"u),8 a rubre or less nctlve di slike. uch men are often able, a tact Weir own Bex Ifm' srlnbly recogni!e. The man whoso words a re few and III choscn may be .n nWn at prompt ~nd reasoned action, ,who having been brought U]l alllOnlt the silent wise or the garrulous s ill y depr ecates the waste at pains occas· ,oneil by the gaine of talk. All mental . &t.1l1etlcs ' bore him just as pbyslcal athletics bore titbers. In the same wa,., says the London Speclator, lbe . 'act that a mon pretends to know no more words thap ' a ~ ovage may be a l!Datter of awkward tbough gonulne bumlllty-a fear at pretending to a culture he do 8 not poss ' ss-or lin act " " ot 'liupl'r/lclal contormlty to a passing 'a.b.loD ' among snuiLl . et. rt may bave .no more to do with hili real mind than a n ogly . /lgure or an l.t·oul coat . !~cum~tUJlc~s ')'JlI . sOluet!mes cor· • ~Ince e\'en a clever Tlomon of thelle " acts s'o (aT ns II glv~:1 man Is can· cerll'ell; 'but s be will III!Ver olle r her alll!nt 'oplnlo!l as to the g nerullty. " ,. ~Iever WOIll It are very 'bar'd on Ule men they, lmagln'! to be tools. Able . men, on the otber ~and , are not at all · . ,' IIjlrp on ,\ypl,D.ell ..~6Y k now to be stu· . ~ j" "l~,., Wbere Y!l\lth ao~ 110allty It e con· .~ c:;e;ne~, theJ a.ct . ls "aslly understood; but youtH and beau't y by no' m eans e x· " )):aln ·1he .wb'0Ie of Lbls pllen~menon. ., <Many men ' ore ' lnoUnect to 'think that tbe" kind of mental ' power In women wbJcb we colloquially call . brains ex, J~ ls 1,0 I~ ers41 r",Uo . to th'elr common se.q~e and serves only to cllrry Ulem ~lth flltlgulng rapidity through verbal ." "{illiac/~ 'to" a rBlse 'co"ocluBIOo. ,. ," ,. ~~ '
Gum Chewing ' 8t~tl,ilc .. . The re Is now be'l ng p'a ssed about a ooli~c'Uon' of facts about Lbe chewing. IUm~ Industry which Is uncomforlable reading for the fasUdious. The Amer. ·Ioan wan, woman anll child, It air ,'ears, chews DO ao average ten oneceqt /lU Cks p~ gum every .year. The ' allowance 'w ould be •s~mewbat larg'l r ., " 4' •• " H )ufanLa below the gum'chewlng age be e\tcluded. Thill consumptlon ob;t'lous ly mllans a net chewlng·gum bill Wl't U,ooo;'06o n year, The Che wing 0' cum Is iUI 'IIn'd lsputed merU:an c us· tom, ,yet· the' production of chewing .p pm .. n~ only a. forllign. Industry, 'b~t . '/ras d~llb~ratelY ml!-de IIICh, -so far as the raw material Is concerned, after the naUve, bome Industry, prod· ~ct bad been ' rej"cted. Spruce gllm catlltlred 10 Maln 'Was tbe original che~' lng gum. It bAS still kept a place I rot ',ts9If,' but a ' Bl1 bordlnate one. Then eweetened wax came Into use. It was • p'ul'e American Invontlon and patrl· oUe stuff to. c;hew. But the l\{el{lca~ ,cbICle, Inlrojlulled o,llrtnall.Y a s a flub· stlilite for Indla,rubbcr, was tllrned to 't bls IIS(l /, Some ' 3Q yenrs ago, and hss ]lractically drh' e n Ita rh'als from tbe
market. .. ' WI t hin ' past month the mj\rlt· time jourdals have contained tile ad· .ertlseme nts of three ships and barks , and two brigs otrered tor sale by their owners lmmediately u pon their return 'mm ' thef.r voyages. Tbe presumptl\lD ' , .. Is that tbese vessels will be ,dis· ' mastOd lind join the lIat at coal barges recruited {rom tbe ranka of th~ old square riggers. This proc· MS, which hilS been going on ateadUi for mahy . years past, sppllara t o be more rapid tban ·ever of late, saYI the N ew York Poat. Betweeo · 1894 and the present time the pumber of "'ellsels of this o.la88 under the AmerIcan flag has decre,!sed 'from 633 to 290. The U ilited Slate. commission at nllv· 'gatlon llredlctll their entJre ilIaappearo' .nce Inside of 20 years. , . .. Tbe lateiit 'statlstlcs on the IlIbJect clcrgyme~'s salarle. furnish ma, tCrlal for the conclusion that a pPe&Ch~ er of lhe present day must cboose between debl.. single bielledne8B, race suicide and a rich wlrs. But, aakll the 1l0tnoll Herald, what's the'1Datter willi truatlng In the Lord?
Some ot the men's col~eges ..... proIIJbltlug can~ and . flag ruBhea. But, .otblng I, heard from the women'l Ueps on &lie .ubjee' bar,"'a _lUltel fuhes,
THE RIVALS ~lj~. ~I-J'A~tH
Call1l y ' rtri'lIkl ll' '. at Amus SWlllTal'll'~ III i'1'I'l~ I"' ~S , Pretty Aon sl\'on'UI'II was hoilin /.: lh,' SOl'l;.hlllll 1111,1 wb e u tbe ketll o \I'lIri "1'1111), IU II I" l!ikon fr(J1II the Ill" til!' girl's II\!) IOH' rR swou rOlld)' to Itti I~ t hcr. ono un eli h,s' !ll dl'. ZL'k IJ" lh.l1('y was II bi~, bruu d·,lIollllltll·"\I handso m t I· low, bllt thpre \I' ll Jus l It IItlle Borne· thlll!; wun l III; III hi » l' hal'llCl I'. LJ ge UUl'lon WII H IIwk I·HI·d. hon"~1 an\! ug ly. A'II11 was de"I)I)' u!(itllied o\'('r t ~c Slllllliioll. Sh j.:hllll',',1 Clulckl y fr III (11\ tU til ' 1111"1' uf Ih(' rlvul s, lh.,o h['l:\II 11tlt'~'I )' lurn ed to 11'11 1'<1 Z('ke. 1,111"". " )" '. f"11, 11111 he fall II sudll n sll:kll""" III II '1l1·1. flu i h RS'Oij lin d hI s (mUl" t;rl' \\' \I:ollucrfllily ('r('ct for a montc·n l. 6S Zl:kt' 1'l' lIIol'('d til k ltl frulU Ih ' Hrp. Aftnr lh cant ntE of Ih k(' ule blld beea dls1rlbuL d. lh'll II1 l' n h san to cboose parln fa rnr lh!' 1'ullln!;. Ann was I r'mhlln~, It rea r d a r(\\l II" lion or Ihr' 111111. g which hila bappe nod at th tlrelllHcP, li nd ~ h ar ad d It. She was 111 t l'l'lldy LO lOa k so [JOint d n dec ision; (o r s he had hllt l'llcd to rely upon l,lsc. Durton's rrl ncl ahill. thoup:h /l ile admired Ze kc P n((] 'y's good look s. But fat was a gil s t at lha candy breakln·. and u tore Ann cou ld r nllze how It hlld hapfl n d again sh was sianding lIetw ell Z ke atld Llge - a.nd bOlh wiJl:e asking her fllvor at tlte su me tIme. Ann wa s r,'ady to burst Into I aI's ; bllt. biting her lip I~ard 10 Sup)lress h s Ilnll'l') r1ng, s he ga l' e her lWlld 10 Z kc. " Was It ·,.ou that !ll.loko first?" she 'I'll;'
lL~kl' d .
,\ 11I1I1I1,;'1I11 nl . Ihuugh Jllllln~. " )' e wn s 1111'11\·,1 II pUIl I.Igc ~IUl' t(1Il :In ~ho 5,' 0/1 gl oom 01' ! he hutt'. bUl 110 R" lI urt \1'11 5 lIil" I'NI. 1.1):;" '11 rar!.' ~1I1J ·1)1,·n,'~' nn, l I a"''''11Y !-fa\' him "olllcwh. I th, lIu· "anlllge of his fe llow (01' 'IIHln III Ihl~ jI{(,lIl1al' II lrll lll~ I', lind IIf! [' .. II hO I"'(11 1 or huldhlK Ollt IInlll tilt! hllC'k.' L (o ll ill U""N'11I1 III;UIIl. Hil t Z,~ k ·· H hi ,.,It .lrvllgtlt hu,1 r(,lI(' h .. u "0 lI ",u r 10 Ihp limit of ell tlllrnnce Urut he I' all1.l ·d I he )/rtlXIIlII)' o( dt!Rl h. . " I- I r,' ckon II ~ u'- n,- 1I1' w i' III .... h I"xl'itll m'u w" lIkl), 11,1', 1'" Ih, ' ,"I, hurt bad tim e to rl'ul' h tllo~ lOP ot t he
shutt .
1.llI'e bl'III·t! him. unci. l)uirlvln ~ III ('nnlO n 'Ur hlll1 III till' 11'111 ' 1'. Il'UI' , the big nlilO 1\ lI ulo s upport. . , "Hold ), I' J{l'lp. :1.e kc." h, sail!. plu';c 10 hi li eal'. " Ye' \, gllt 10 h 1(\ ""r .1'I\1- llln' t yo a thluklu ' aholll: A II ;11" t that mom nt bol It 1111'11 " ard lho bncket rel(lll~ c a at th e to p or \ h(' shllft and It WIlS d('sce l.ld ll1 g rapid I), . wll,lIy. (or lhose above rl'Hllzed the nee,'s Ily for hRst. Bill lit tub hud hud a n a wkward Rla rt and IL CUUl lJOJllIl'llig Ic rrlflcllily (rO ils 0 11 ' Ride of Ib c IJule to tb e oth 1'. an d at a tI 11th of ~J)O rll .[ It etruck upon a ll hnrp, Pl'ojl' 'Ung sto na wltb 8U h !!ull(ll' n fo\'(' lhllt It In s \antly went to )lIce ' 8, s howl' rlng !t il sU llder d s la"ell UllOn the wAt r s urrounding the t wo III n h elow. )~Ig nnd Zeke hn,1 heord It nil and und I'. Iltood th (ull nwanlng of lh > aU.l,Hl'u, phe. Z"ke's heod fot· a m mu n l below the s urfaco of Ul wille I'. 0111 Lige sank with him a nd .jhol'ed him to the top again. " Holy ' yer gr ip, I teU ye." Burlo n hl saed Into Ze ke's ear' " the rope's a. comln; on." ' And th e I'ope wllh the ball of the bucket 11 mOlu e nt lat r tou~h ed ' 1"lgo's boad. ';Hel'e. Zeke, dt'Tn Y . lend 1\ jerk or two," muttered l.Jgc, as h s natc h d th 1'011 . Bllt Zeko had sUff ned with t be cold: lind, thougb he Sl.' 1\1 d to 1\111 ke an etTort, ho cou ld do no mo re than barely slIs laln blmself. " an 't but one on liS go," co ntll1l1t'<1 Llge. "an', Ze ke, on account · o' Ann , IL's gain ' to lie 'you. An' de l'll y r big hid , Z ke. listen at wbn t l'm I IlIn' ye, whll J glt till s !'ope tid rO llnd ye, If I can ,10 It. In my 'obln. Z ' k', big rock- In - hesrth - ra lfle 11- II's jest a JlLlI J b e n s avlu'. ,II' It to Alla-wedtiln' 'Ilrese nt- tn)m l.Igun'slan'?" Ltg gave the faint jerk which s ll:' nail ed tbose above; the rope tlglllt'lled about Zeke's body, and he arose rl'o in the water. . "An'.' Zeke," It was I.l ge's I'olce once ·m ore, though now VIlI')' fa int nntl broke n, "dern ye-lf-ye- dun 't- II'en t -'er-goo(1- l'lI ba'nt yo-:.Zek tie rll ye-d'ye hear?" . A gurgle succeed d , bOI'O'e falnlly It!' to Zeke's eIlr In aW(\l1 COllC!luslon. When the hal(·f,·ozon body of Pcnci· ley WRS lauded above {be rOlle again descended Into the s boft. · But Rome time e lapsed without a signal jel'kaud It was drawn up agalu IInbu r· dened.
:ontr l v anc ~
in S ilo Whi c h Facilitates the Filli ng Operations.
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S<' IIIIIII' ,r II ll1t rlll i ;11 I" 'hiP III 111(1 1In(!\' ,'11 cli ti lrlblilion of Ih " Hllu!!j' ,,~ il (ail s frol1l tho 1I10 \\'cr. It i" H1l 1 H III 011 11II1l\'en Ilaeklng, Rnu CIIII "'ltlllnlly I; 1I1l1l ~. ~:Ith I' l'tlll or lw" ('X\I' IlIl'~ I ~ l;ulI \)I'ally nnl ed; Ihe 811<1<;1' IN £'I1i1(,I' pac'kl',1 too linnl In Ih o (' ' Iller. itit U ItOl ' (' lIl1l1l(lI "Imill tht' wall • . l)r \'1(' I'e l·so. Th e lati.el' Tf) . 8\11111 In all IIl1 e " e ll ~etill ll g thut Is ru lllOIlS to II part of the slilige. sa)' s ~ Iontnlll i He rllid. :-:10 IIIl1lt el' how hllrd on" 111[\11 may WOI· \(, or how c Ul't) rul lie III IIY try to bo In sllI'en,lIn):; Otl t Ill!' CU I sl urt, th c r ' Is alll'lI )," II \10951, IJ llll r Ihllt thcl'l> 11'111 hI' t!X lj' Illes o( 1II;IIt Ul' loos(' I.nck ..d I'lnct'H. .\·h ul'e 111 (' llio ll' c r Is u:e(1. II ,1i' \'1 for C I' 1\, I~' dl:lI'llJlltilll; Ihe sllll~ m 'cr th S\lI" race of tho 611 0 Is PI·IIc1lclll. This g 1111 rci t sprenlii ng boilru "A" tn o ur IlIuBlI'Utlon, Is s e,c llr€'ly hlllJ(ed dh' ct· 1;1 ove r tb ('{'nl.el· .or III si lo, III :lII II Il posltJoll ,hilt III e n~llu ge throwlI by I h blowe' r strik es It Itt Ih cell te l' II'h n ll a ngln g verl\(,llll r , :I S ~h ow ll by "C," Iln d tiO that It ma.y Rl rlk e only
Out It wa s Ll go who BII 5we red h r qu estion, liS hp. thru s t bls hallds Into hi!! flO 'k(,l ~ IUld sudly turned IIway. " Yes, Ann ," be said, "J reckon Zeke For Distributing Silage Evenly, W~rsl nhead o'lllIde: ' 'b d f 1 11 Ul If' lOoon III ar over I 10 the low r edg whcn ·1 valell to the mounlnlll wh en Lige lelt Amos Swof' IIO IIll s ho wn by Ih dott d IInl.'s Indl· far d's. He Was the first of t be guests eating th e door at " E," u light rO\le. lO dl'part. and hV crep t 'a long up III "~ I : ' Is lI11ach d to the !;wlngl ng (\001' t.·all III no hurry to ge t home. by r bolts, " R ." IlIlssed 0 \' I' two Lige Bllrton anr! Zek Pendley were . llU lleYiI, "P:; and Is (\pe mtcd dire tly Corenleu al the Clay HIli mines, and by tho mon worki ng In th "ilo. H they had to use roosid e mble Ilrgument ~lIay. Jr d Sired, keel) . th tlllr adlng to Induce some m embers of their reb ard almo~t conslanlly In mutIon; sp c Uve s quads to · follow \hem Into Ihus s ecuring very nearly perrct ret he old Hells hol lunn el which bad sulls In th e wa y or 'e ve u dtstrlbullon . been reap ned on t he morning aCter The board hould he mado at ex ira the candy boo king at Ainos Swolfard's . IINl\')' plllnks, or sev rn l Ihlcknesses ,. Thi ll, tunnel had beon abandoned two l)f henvy boards, so that It will easily years before on account of Its floodlnlJ I'flsls{ Lhe fOl'ce at the hnpRel of trom an underground stream whlcb ollsllng from the blowe r and l1Iuln taln had he n tllJllled. Dut the campau)' ItN posl tlon by gra \'1ty , had Installad a powe rful pump which 'had the capacity ot rellel'log Lhe tun· ESTIMATING A COW'S VALUE. nel of ovel' 3,000 gallons at water per minute. A s IouI:' as this llUmp \\'as The H lgh·Prlced Anlmll I, Generally working the stream cou ld ue turned the More Profitable, up tbrough the deep suatt a.n d out Ullon the side of tbe mountain, leav· In Increas ing a lterd so In replnc· Ing tho ma u to work In satety . . Ing those tbat have h e n cu lled nut, Only a f ew days after the alIe ning til average [1I'odllctJ\'e ness, Is often a sudden Inmsb Of wllter Illbmeried ke pt tlown hy Oll\' st ron Inclinatio n to the teot of the mlne\'s, and a great buy cuelill cows In tend I good ' on · ~. shout came down the shaft: All hands For exampl '. a <.'ow Ulat will glv on out a t tbe Hellahole!" an average: a gallon at milk tbe year The big now pump, for some unac· I'ound will cost. we will say, $30: one countable rE!flson, bod stopped work· that · wUl give one and a half gallons I~S', and the mIne WIIS faHt becomlu!: will cost $6il, and one that will give tlDoded. The oro bucket came rattling two gallons will cos t $100. We Imow down tbe shatt and the men , tbree at tbat tho e xPen se of k eeping each ot Il. time, hegan to allclmd. The two these three caws Is l>racllcally the (Dremen brollght up tbe rear of the 8ame. and for the 1)\11'1)086 of lIIus trat· FIGHTS WITH A' SI'IARK. p rocess\on. Ing this point we will, say that It costs Up went tbe bUCKet a second time I,nd when It 'descended again the !'tot.I·Keeper Encounter. J'nlmal end $41.20 tQ keep eaeh a .year. ' We /In II, t herefor e: that If Hie milk tests 4 . ~ .... lIter had reached the men's waists. Battlea Bare Handed, )leI' ocnt. blltterfat. tbe one·ga llon cow At the tllll'd descent · Zeke Pendley will produce, about lIH.S ]lounds ot Jllver bear of a lierrlng whII)llln g • ~Dade a movement to crowd through bllttel:, which ol 2ii cellts pe r Ilolind shark In an open ea haltl e? :-:Io ? t he othe l' miners to\\'ard the tuu but We ll , go down to Coney hllRnli Rnd wlll bring $41.20. The one-gallon cow, Llge seized hIs arm. Ih I'efore, pays expenses exaotly, but " 'Ve go liP last., Zelte," he eald; "J a s k foJ' ~rr. Geary, a corpulent p rso n n<lt one cent Interest on the In vest· dou't rec kon 'ye ever hyeard of a ca.p· I(ellt at Lhe Island to mak e hig h tide mllnt. Tho" one and a bal! gallon taln a Quillin' his s lnklll' ehlp till when th o water appesrs toQ low (or ' r.01V. ;"h1ch oos't $SO to begin will;, good bathIng, Bays the IndlllnRllolls evory man was all, did ye1" mak es a Ilrollt of $20.60 a year, wblle Ze ke fe ll back and lbe tub aroae Star. MI" Geary will show YOII lh e the $10 ICOW', giving two gallons pel' alia desce nd ed once more, Again anti 'shark, three teet long. wi th liS eyee dA,\", mak~" a proHt of .,$H.20 a yea.r. again the ' ore bucket rORe wllh Its hll' blacllened. Its noso broken oncT til-ad 'rhe refore. whic h would you preteI' to man freight, and descended empty'; upon the beRch, where It LOol. the do? Inv est $100 In olle OOW tbo t will ' nnd In the moalltime those sut! walt· co unt. prOllllco U )l1'<]tll or $41.90 a yeoI'. Or Lng bad been Bwe\Jt orr at tbolr fee t Mr. Hering keeps Lhe Soa. Gate Invcs\. $90 In .three cows, nil of which at the bellom at the s ha[t and WCI'e Bea~h hotel. He decided to talle a will noL 1)I'oduce one ce nt 11I'oOl In .t he struggling hard to k ,tip t.helr 11el\ds \. ~wlm, alld wa:q J~O fe et off s I~OI'e y Dr? This Is an 1I.111straUOIl ot lit e RUl1ve wate r. , And tli ,cramp was when \Jle Slllil k ~ as sigh ted. fhe ~ XllCt contlltlon thn ~ exists In many s lowl!' stealing UI'On lbelr limbs. sha l'll at the time was Mwhnllling 011 or our he rds to, d a ~', and unlll we dis, . " The lllun 'at stays her o much hi s back to k ep from s wallowing to o ))oso o C those $30 Uoard(lrs we can longe l' will havo to be fi shed alit" lIluch water >lud lit Ih e 8Rme lime nO\'e r 1IIal<o the dulry (18)'. no maller growled Zoke. as onc more b e made Il eO plng a s harll lookou t for pompono l!()w. WO " '0,1 th e m. an trort to reach the bucke t ahead Ilnd 8l1aghe.l ll. ot some of bl. fellow s. Mr. Hering saw the ebK rl, Or I. Succe,Sful " Dall-ylng, t sually wh en n man sce~ a s ha r i; " Well, we're goln' lO ' rlsk It," said Slicees!;rul dairying menns the apli nt the s hurl: tines not. see t he IIlAn Llg.,. a saln res training hl~ fe llo w fOl'e· If Ihe man call h e lp It. nu t \\'I t h plication of careful tbought. nl1</ In· mUll, while s ustaInin g himself In ' tho H"rlng It was dltTc re nt. H.,i made le)lIge n.t e ffort all alollg, ana ~he .hoh· watllr. . ' for tho Khnrl, . tmel, .Il1st as t.liollgh he coc k test I~ an Important adjunct ot L!ke ,dl'oi'nlnf: sats In a rilln barrel were Joe Gans going In tbe rin g wltb Ihe bus in ess. It Is the on!'y reliable, 01'0 men at the bottom ot the ·shsft Rome ~eco nr! ' l'ate fighter; he led for cbeap. s lm ille methud ' or deterllllning '3 truggl ed almost hOll lessly ' and walt· the s hul'k Rnd caugbt It hy tho. lett t ha value of . milk . of tbe cow, avail· ed for anoUler descent of th e tUb. Tbe flu. I':\'cn with .ono fin the s hllrk was able. It Is the amount of' fat IL cow moments IIragged' and ..presendy one s tili able to ~wlnl, Rnd Mr. Hering. puts Into her milk that gives h e r head sallk beneath tbe water with a holding tight to "one fln. man agert La \'Rlue, and I he mall who neglects to gurgle In tbe tbroat. Llge Durton fol, gl'U~p the othel·. find out about this liS Boon as the . . lowed. But h e rOBe aga in, supporting In this munn e r, the shark b'llns' cow cOmes Into milk. Is grea.U)' ,handl· hili fellow, thus sharing the llttle held In tront or him and pel'ml tted to (:allped In hJs endeavor to make strength remaining to bm, s wim by Ihe use of It s lull. ' Mr.. Her. mon<lr. for he Is guess ing. He putll ' ''1 persuaded ye In here, IItUe 'un," Ing· headed for shore IIntll he (' ame a dollar Into a new cow machine and he murmured, "an' I'm gain' to give acrOS8 II Illece. of . driftwood . The doesn't ' know whetber lie will get ye the. I\ft It 1 can." . shllrk by this LIme was becomi ng more thon that l,Jack, or , less. , 'he tub desce nded. Llge Illanageil tired of towing a large man lI shore. A. to Cream. '. to catch th'e rim, and, pulling It down, I'tli-. .Herlng look t he plac·e or drlfl ' Keel! tbe cream ·cane 1£1 cold "'•• commanded one at the hlst slruggllng Wood and , beat 1I,e' sho.l·k SUOllt tbe miners to get Inlo It. Tbls. the man head unt II Jt gave up and cnme a81\01.. ter wln~er anti /lummer. , With brush and washing \lowder did with dUflculty, rrozen IUId sUff us and · took the couut. It weighed 15 wosh th o cream separator ufter u. he was; And at Llge'~ fmth e r COlli·· pounds. lng, . . mand, tbe miner exteitded his halld A ' necessary thing Is not 1.0 over.nd grasped that of the man Llge waa A Poor Boardlng.HOUle. lupp<.Irting. The half·drowned youth Miss de Pink- I will be so g1at1 ' 'ook rinsing with clenn hot water. You cannot make cood butter trom 11'&8 dragged Iota the tub and the third when George and 1 are mllrrle d, lind old, stale cream. miner was as slated In tbe same man· he can have 1\ home of hi s own. Cream will absorb any odor near Iler. Frlena- He boards now, I "II [lpose. "'Zeke an' me'U "'alt," ..... Lice and . "Yes, and such' a time as he mil t It, 80 dOll't put It In the cellar 1\'here ~e bucket arolle. . have. Even Ih"tr l!ortee can't be any· tbere are vegetables and other bad . Up, up, liP, up It went, bearIng thrBII · thlng · bllt bot water and ~ urnt peos, odora. Fresh cream "hould be cooled to more human belllgll t;o sarety and leav. I)ecause he has a ehew real coll'ee Ing tw" to conUnue ' the uncertal air the llDlB to mike Ulll:"-~' -ls.. I,he teDlperature of the {lream to ~' hlch It Is to be added, Do~'t mJ& struCI" until It could delc8'Dd agalD, WeeklY, cold and warm cream. I
DON 'T SCRIMP THE CALf', Econom y That W ill P"event Re ~llz'n9 the Best . R~!Iou ltl.
e ll e th .. ('nlf pltlllly to . nl nnt! It ,,' 111 ),\r, . •' III h,' \I 11 1I'lf l y, \\'1'11-<1 1'.:>1· upe,1 " ,lImltl, ~('llnt fl II 111111 It : will II III,ilNnl,....I:l n,l sern I\' IIY, wrll S 1"1'11111'1 8 I ~ . Ft)l ~o n In Oil . (,~.' htln g('. If th ... ('nlt Ila "ltll·,. I!I ~I'O\\,II II ll 10 hIlAli',"' .... nu,1 I " h<t IAs, lIud ol h" r pnN' turll~ la nut fit hnnd, I\ln e S(llfle ni ce hl'lgb('\u I ' 1' hl\ )' III a IIHlll ger wll()I'e It "nn bp ):;lIl III ' ·"lIvl'n le nll y. nnll SEll! how 011 It or. it I~ uuncit of hl' nll b, yon n g~L' I" will ,"ul.e away with. Jo" 'lllllg m ilk ll1~ y seem like n I'er)' s lmpl IhllH; In do. ~' l,t It r ..qulres brai ns to ft ' d II- Illf Its milk I\nll do It 1·l ght. It'I'I1(lIlul'ltr of te nlp 1'1I1111'e and of qllanl li)' wOI'k h nv c with the sen, s lllv!, s tllmnl'h of n )'01111.(:: calf. aboul liS 'l1l1l'1,I Y:\$ I)'t hlnll' I Iw o w or. Th e mil k s holll<l b£o lllOOti·wltl'lll ond tbe (juumlty reg ulat ed al' col'(lins to a~o . Ovel',rc,' cJlng Is 118 lIall g~r() U 8' dllrlng the, Ilrst few week s 118 lIt1der,fpNllng, If not OI orl;! so. llogln with two QIIIII'IS arid gl~ lIlul\l!~' lacrease as th e colt STO ll' .' old ,'\" The Iltl l' l. IlUilil), or g h'lng gl'Dl n do]'I t' ill.l s 11110n ('11 ~nll1sII Ulc es. \~'hlle It Is anf' " s ay Ihll t whea l' bran 011 mea l or outs \\'111 glvo Illld tl g r~wlli und geueqll ~h rlft lll o~n of IIllllea l'nn~e, BlIIl good cnlYes hav' ueen I'OI"ed . wlthollt ..b e m . T b lIel'( 11 nlwn)'S I'~ ys t o pusb nuy )' olln~ nn imu l ns rns t as consis te nt wllh 1I<'I\ Ilhy j;1'OWth, uol forg l l i n~ Ihal tile ,I !lrv brf'd calf shu\lltI not b(' 'on too rat. GoolI, I hrltty growth , lI ould be strlv n ' fo r from Ihe first. but lI Ot 11 cnrcnss nt rOI' \. '8 L It I ~ 1I0 t n s mooth. bel'fy 01111 111 ... bll th YII'ong nlld mll~c"llIr one, wh kh Is 1lI0sl 10 he desll' ,I In a ,Ialry ca lf. P I 'n l' or nllm~ 1I0llS tood will ~E1" uro ft. .;
She 16 Ma de Well \ly Lydln )11. PInk' h"!I\ 6 Vc.:((" 11\:'0 Oompounrl, nell Wrl~oll ura.erutly to Mra. P1nk.ll' m. For Ihe w ond c~ ful holp lh:\.t IlllC h 10uII,1 Mi 's ClIl'a Ouol1~, !!:15 K "hicllffu A" c nll(', Ch lc ugo, JlI ... b,llel'es it I\ ~' duty ~b wl'ilo the !<i1l0\\'11I!:, Icll~r 1 ., publlcntion . in ol'll 'r tllI\t oth I' Womel\. aJlllet.ed ill lho 6ume wny mo.y ~
bene6tt'd as IIho wns, AIlsa Goode III presld ut of the Bryn Mllwr Lnwn Tennis Cl ub of Cblcago, She writes, DMrMr.I. Pinkbo.m:• •. r trlud mony dlt!'.ront n'medl~ to bllllu "I' my ~y"l~m, wblcb lUlcJ IIllCOJOO run d ow n t ..OIl1 1
r est Bud
'able bourtl, but UOlltinp: S(lOmoo to hdp me. 1110111 r Is a gl'ML nd l'U(.'nl0 of "S,UII. E. l'inw· "n,,\'8 Vege\.41l1 'ompolI llll l or felna.le trou· bleil, bllvl'ng ILGCIi I.~ II nelt 60",8 y~nl1l ago wltb greAt .Ul'<.oes.~. So I oo~nn to 141;" It, al1llllllf6!\ tblln A Iti(llltb 1 "'IUI nhlAt o llll \)\I\: or bI.'Il IUJt1 ,,"~ of ,Ionrs, lllr"" lII onth .. I WAS clltll'lliv \\'011. 1t. lIl1y I hnvo ever tel .u 8lro~lg Bull well ",II 1m ve .111,,(>. n No other m edici ne hIlS such a re crord of cu re50{J"l1lale b 'Ollhle nsll1ls Ll'di16. E. PIIlI(halO's Vcgetablll Compo uud. Women wl,l) aro troubled, i h pIIID~ ful or Irl'egllln r periods , 1>R ·\<u ·he. WINDOW OPENING INWARD . . bloating (or flnLnlon('e), displncem('uk 01 ol'gnu~, intJammotloo or u le ralinu, K ind of Ventilator for Stable That con bn r e!ltor d to p rleet bcaltb l1ud I\treDg'th b y tak ing LyJJu. E _ Prevcnt. Draft. Pinl'hnm'll Vcgetuhle Compound. Mrs. Piulchnm luvltcsall si~l( women Th e h l'lngham \'nll'l' n ' wlnd o w to write he r {ornd,o\ce. he hasgllldhi haM h ·n found 10 S I've a good Ilur· thoustllld to l.ll'nl lh, Rcr Clip 'ri(IU 'u pas' In I \' "lclI11 1~ (III' tor a Htllbl~ and Is very grcn, ,and b gives lh bencH y l mlulmlze 1he danger of R tllI 'ect o[ it to nil '1'1,0 sLll nd In n eed at wi. " elll'rent "f air. T hi s IIlan III IIIII atl'61ell COliUsel. I'he Islh dnug't>1.<' r·in· law ot her '. It will be noled I hilt th o \,all'e Lydin El, "Pinldllllll ond fIr twenty- fly"~ Is bllil t uru'nnd a ""Klilar wltlllow s6lih. yell I' , hlVl 00 'n II-lh' lslng ~Ick WOIll U Tho sJd ~t th l' m lve b. d :lnd e e x· Cree of ~ "Ul'j:r.. Addrc.,;;, l.y un. IIUIS. tcnds tllll'6rd fo r IIbout ten Incbcll.
A Positive . CURE
Ely's Cream Balm tl qulckt, . .orbed. llil ... RIIlIf at O~C ..
It clco.lIJ!(l8; lIOoLhc8 belli.. Bud l'rol80ts tbo dlllflll~ membrano. Jt ur 8 ent!lith nea d rivos .wny 1\ old ill tbe Head quickly. Re.t ores tbe Se n~eR~f 'l'nate ana mell, E'II Il'i ~c GOclAJ,.at Drug. gista <>r by mllll ; Trial Size 10 <lIB. by mail. Ely Brotbere,litJ Wnrrco Street, NewYora.
Ventilating Window. The wi l1,low 81).5h, ot ('nur se, swing!) Inwllrd and is ' fasl,u d Ilt vllriOUS I)oln ts l)y ~gll' ln serted a e n, u.-a . Tbls fell' uilltes the op ulng a.t tho, top of tbe vlllye. Th dotted line c r )lrese nts t.he unse n s id of lhe vulve , lind SIIl).·8 tbl1 r.1·OSIl piece Ihnt o nnectll the (Iva s hies ut tbe valve. The P.OI'tlon ' be low" til dotted line bing 0'; 11 t~l pre h; nu hlndl'nn c to tho Iltllllission of th e Jlgh ~ through the .wlndo'lio prO)l· er. Tbls 111lln IA so clear 'ihat we aoubt. If .ahy of 0111' I'c ntle rs will have IIn ~ lroulJle In ' so Ing tlll'ough the plan at un ... .'. ' SKIMMINGS, Try to hllY t he C01'(, tloa t lho seller ,,:an fll ~ k I'" ,. Don' t burden Ih e cow willi a ~'Ok6 wh e n you con do b tlei· hy ilx n g t he fenc . ". SmokIng Jl! Lhe bar.n may IInl only cau~e ,l Ill' , bl\ ~ tbt) milk lllllY !lhaol'b th e ' IInr.! s me ll. ' Th e 1l1'lSfH les!! cow Is just os mllob ll'OII I)le a s th e· one that pays a profit. 01 5]10110 of be l' 'as' eoon as )lORsibie. ' •,\11 bu lt el' la , lOU,oll beUer wben rresh . .If Ilil' lIull e ~ . \\O,el'o cOJlsumed within te ll dnXK of th e dule 01 11.8 mllnuta'llll' . \ llll'o would be much I S8 ('om lllllint about. l'anCldlty. Thc iii' t sp ok ,of rust )'0,11 see In YOUI' mil/<: '!tenSlIs, bellel' 1I,1I11·t for th e s[nre II lid gel. SI)nw n e w 011('1<. You can't kee'[j1a ru st)' pall or pail 'or ca n I' !l ll~' swcCol anti C:ll?all . It Is a g rllat adyantage. for fr ah cows t o hav ex rolse. The niotion . of the I('gll in w!llklng. Is ho beat p<J1lslhJe trent mcnt for uio teveHilh udder. It Is the clollely cOltflfted cow, 'IIS a '- b"eneral thillg, thnt has milk fevo l·. .. .' " . ' /I Milk rich In butter fat aOlI the s lobul!.'! of ' wlilcb are large, wll, glvo the largesl butt.. r returns ' aud losa exertion ....·iIl be reqliJl'ed to get rile buller. . It ,Is, 1100\' ecooomy. to keep a cow wlllcb, doc~ .not give milk rich enough to make fl"s t c lass butter. We do not advu.cate ' 'dIsposal of a cow betore bel' ' jlertod' ot utility I. pasl, ' but we are convinced that It does not pay ro kee\l' a oow· long. DI~[lose lIr her before she be. comes too o ld nntl put In her 1.lnce a yo.ung . cow Whlc.b ,Will give , better returns, . , The milk inspector In BORton sen I out . 4,001) elt'culal's ' the olher day' wllrnlng the ' public against using milk boWes tor other purllOlleS. Tbe bottles w'e used betWeBD vltiltB of .t be milkman for kerosene, o()leachlnl ' powder and aliter .thlngB, ond behlE' after "ard 1\'118I1ed carele.Rly, the next ~ustllmer ll~dB hla milk Imllrtll· Datd
PlaYYfrlght',· Method of Work, ' ,Mr. A. W. Pinero has an ' uausual mell iod or writing his pla)'s. Hie work' d3)' doeR not )legln until that of the Ilverace olty man 18 over. In th. morning. he goes out, preterably all hie blo),('le, returning In time for early dlnu er, ·rl.len he bas a comfortable IIlee]). Dnd on waking up, late In th afternoon, Ite prepares tor business. After a cup of tea he goes to bls desk .and remoln8 l\'orkltig at hi' play untl iral' the ' nlgbt.
lucceaafully Palntl on Metal, Carl !Jllnde, a Nor~'ellan artist, b . . · made "hlmBelf tam 'liB by painting all metal, all IIl't e\'e n ~e Japanese' haTe raIled In, great as they are as met81 workers. Lunde decorates ordinary tin wltb cboractetlstlc designs In colOts nnd ' IIluminate8 an ordinary tr&,. or JIIIlt e tbat ,would otherWlso becheaply .jagan D~d. The m e thoct Is bill lecl'el alltl only one of many cleve~ nesses he ClmploY8 0 render ' utili tY' arti stic and decor~tfvll',
.. NERVOUS , . ,COLLAPS'E Sinking Spell-a-,~"~H~ ' e-8d~chea an. ftheu.m atlam all Yleld 'to Dr. , Wllllama' Pink. Pili •• , • Mrs. J, WiUinms', at N~. (!6 Ceoar Htr t, Quincy, III., snys: .. Ever ' siueD 1 lm tl II 1lrVOU9 .PI'Of:l t.rnt iOIl , Il.OOllt tbirteeu 'yellr~ ago, I buve had lllll' iodica) spell/! of ropl ' til ollOhllllstion. The doc~or ,sllid lily II I' VCR \I' ro Ilbl\ttercd. AllY e.:mte m l)llt or llll\l~U I II ,nativity' would thl'OW me i 111,0 1\ , sj,utfl of 1i{~~ollllueSli. At the bc~ill~lillg Illy 8f.,~eil'lt'l.:wqold come baclnll a 1II(1(lernt& tUIIO lifter eacb a~tat!k, b~l~ t he period of w ouklloll8 kept ICUgtitOUIIIg u ul ll 1t.t..,JllHt I ·woo1el li'l hdp.1c.~s aij m/lUy IIsil\reo hours at a. 6~;rcJ;Cb. ~ ~ad d ~~,:~ f~eUng8, palpitat,OU of tho heart., nllsery ILtwr eatiug liot . flushes, nervonll Wladache8 ~ l'beo: matl\~ pnius III bbe bucJroud'hipe" Th& .doct~r .did. lIle,!IO little gl)9<~ . tpllt ] gR"'& nIl hSII treatmellt, autl rcally feared that. my ('1lH1l WIIS ihcul'Ublo. .. Wh~n -l beguu takillf\' Dr, WiOiams. Pln)t PII}.'! Illy IIppe~itAl grow , keeu. lilY fM liD 10llgel'" citHtrel!HBd 'we, IIIl' Ul\rves 'yere qolllt.ed t9 a dejCl'ee tbat I bl!.d 1I0t ell pel'ionceli fOl' yelll')( aud my IItl ength I'tlturned, Tho fainting &pelJa. \Je~t 'lIle ' entirol1 ' l' bad u~ the.. . third bM , of the "UI8, .lld "'~ frielld. lII\y tb~t I all~ lookiilg ~~ter tbll~ I bllve d one 10r, ~rl!, Pwl,t ~tll\eii y(!ntli." Dr. "IH101lI8 ,link· Pill,, 'pl'e ·recom. mond~lllor dillllllgl!8 thllt "'IllUil from 1m. po'!' rlHhed blood ~1I('b 1111 nTIQ)tiliD rhen. nll1tl.o<lII, 'lebility 'nll(l ' dllltlrde\'8 th ~r,!eH lIuoh Ill! l;Iourn Igill, .uei<l-.onll pt..,. tratLOu nlld p'1l~ti~1 JICI!1I)Yf>it!- ,'J.'lIeY bave ctll'Oll t.'t6 II\Ost "f11bbiiru iudlgl!lItloo. Dr. Willil~mH Phtl, Pill" ng1"ee 'Wilh Ihe blOAt dehcat~ st')IIIRl!h, quiet nIl nor. VOUllnelll!, Btlr np I \'ory ori!llll .tl) do ttl propar'Work aud glvc MtrQlIgth I hnt la.t.. , 80ld II, an drngltillfll, or lIIlut polltpalc1. 011 ~Ips or Ilrioo, /IOcellt~ boll, ida box~ .'\" fI.I5O, bl tbe Dr, W.IlUiuu
Co•• SClblll1ect.d,1; lr, T.
... -
"", .
Dam e Fashion's Fam iiiar Cha t
A New Futute .for "T~r~c Great Water Hiahwaus
The Bald Eaole, Kina -' of Arn.erica.n Birds
• ~'mlng Meeting of ' Rinrmt n at . L Louis ,in 'ovcmbe r to Be . 1'larked by J; xlllultal ion f Gl'eilt Project.
!lolds Peculiar I ntcre t I3ecausc ,It
tllnds as the NiJtional
Emblem of. Unllod ·S lales. ~"tl f~l1:i, ;q..~1 1 lu,rcu' lil" .~rt.;~J.I Jrnn I II rlJl ll n I Ut)l u' np t"i lt UII,p ,.r ~~Itl !U) 11:(~iI ~ ',\'~'I·' · •.~'I·I > ldl~ ltJ .;,.('I"(J~~ li p' ('111111 ' \ )h' Pl' H ll d hHlh(, 1' IlIl't'O \" 'n " nlf~' wil l I I: 1\1) 11 I " ~~\~IL1. fh' n ' :-;. lllu d ,., wno ,' h e nj·, ·t'~t-(hl·_\·. lllt'fI' fu'.i' MIIII,I·l'r s · JI'~ ~ ...IJ ' ~ "'-1'1' Ih")11 ,1r')I\\,II1/'1 Ilwlr 1,,/(<1, ' l'o<·U 1"1; I,,,",,{hl ll l l, ·" III Ih e jll'nJ, ·' ·I. IH' II ' h t111l!11L In'h-du ulul ' 1I1I lI'('hantli rw, f (II rll, wJJ Jd J t li n llr e lilu'uur _ (I~jJvJldi .\ . t il l' 11\ \ l't; I1 J I h .. !lInd, ' f,,, pIJf: h,lIr I~\I' I tl lf ' F ink ..; ' f ll l f' In:lgnlh f'HIICI-. ,,-\1 .I l ls ,,!,;<1 1 J" Ih,· (illin, " '(" ,, Ih " I" ,(fl l' II l1tYl1l .. . (' ll' V,'lillIlI ulI'l l'a ~i<;I'n IJu -"y )il!- hh :'~~ Iff ('tllHlIl~ I C·.· !tI ll fi t" IIIJrl~ 'II (", ~ tilt" gt'('nl l ak.";,,: h o\,(. ', h· , t lUW:, v . ':.rlt' 1I1:O; fi, · ... C'IIJI".. ,l Ill l :l walhl ll'f"IJ tf"J t h .. !;hnathm : 1"L1,d-.;-lr c 1"1\,,' lliJ ,.tiol'-.,.1 dt· .· li n ~d. ~ l t.'tul) i\r:t lh , I u~\jllg. \',l,Ul :;lll.til h-' h)1l 1 111 ,h,ll' lll hJd 110 "", ,1 'hi'I ,· \\'1\)' h~rk an. i tn .-Ih 1 "n''' I ~ wh, ·" Illl' :;llil'. ('un:ti JJ;UIII ('hi. , h et\\I"'11 It
\\' h(l f' U\ HI'
df·( lty JI
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1"i ,', 1. a nti
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:'I'~ tllI~I~'
('(lnl lfl Oll,ly
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(It'a~ 'U
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(• Ul nl,.. II "("lll' lilllC ~ I;ill» fU II'Ii. Th l~. I l)c~\\,jl\' t ·\" l !i m',I'h mOl e lh a n n ft.i L' t IIY l aH~lIaf.! (· and It· t:; ' · nd~ or nUl'l pll1 1'1'0 Hn ll h'tI IIH'~ .-"(m tl ' \'{.\lnlJ ~' nn )H t tp :t r p i ':-;' . ~Llld t1l t PIi h nv' l h ('II c ! h IJ~p u ,;.td t'Jr its fJw nc:r, llaLl II!!!I!' " IIIIII ' ·Ill!'. ~I Il I" ful' sll' " pow· ~III('(' thl' !Jolrl (,!l~1 1' r" " d" I't'rlll II IJ.; ht nlltl II 1'.. .. 11 11 IIlc' Ih l'Y la. ;.: .. I ~ . (In Il hh of I':ll' i nll~ Idllib. Ih l \'" lHh'l1 ('ch'h t'! II I ', 1 1'11 1111 "'ltrli t,!'C t il 01 (~"'II' ~(1 dl' i f ro ys ;. \I" '1 t'_~ 111 .. 1"rh· llr\l( '~, TIHl Uf\h I'fJlIlItl In 111· 1I~ "l lI l 1" ,,"111. 1111<1 I" 1111, II<' U l0:-j'
~'\ n y
L,)II Li :, h nll . live rt t1h ' 11' /11'
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l:tl l\fl t\li chi~: ln I ll ' :I . ·'~ (rll1s· tlflil ~(.\, hl ~H' lhl HI .to tbt' f '(1..'J lcnl
(1I ' l " Ul.
l'PI lb.
I' l l lHi"'i~l tJ l'~; to t h \' ·:·j~U~';f .. nb1illt; ()~ ,, '\ \,al .111 tlu· din {-,hm ttl Ih (, wa l t'r ,t(\ ~ g l" 'll1 \\U j ' l'\\ i ~"" ( ' ntl ,! l'('~lH, Willd , 1) 1 ~1t '_' a.,\_ '1I1 11 \.I tI.' ltlm h11 d " ffll , l ' lI pl ll :\' . 1'~~ io11 111 \\1':o.hll)I : I(11\ la ~ll 111":\-,1. 1I 11l".i1l·;: Ihl ' ~lI l"ndi rl fa" 111 ' 1I'IIIt(,l·. wirh \3') ' rty" r ''''llrt '''''Ir'\~ It,· .. , 1 ~J '- \1 lIMJ-" \\~ I t{r h 'Ih! ~~ nlTorri ~l\\' I JI'(·~" 11l. II j ... \lT tr .. sli l~ It)n l ll i l~' 1 1 [t1(II..; 1 ' li t h.. h .ll IJr IItt'llt I \fJt~' " r -<I~It' I'" ti pl l' nllt! I\ ~ur.(,,, ( 'qlH~I\ l'!l il1:; ,th (! III I :t· \..· ~~~ " f'i'!Ul'lia h,.1 I (l) ,lIIl0 .f)I,,1 tu l"lil<l ' :l al :;Iak:'w ill hi' fUllill1 I)f 1'111"" . • h lll 'In,d r'·I.11I Lnk(: 1')1' 1" t.1 Ii,.. 1111,1 '('Ii,: /'r;"r'l's n jI(' I"llllI lo n IIIl I n~ ll\' "" 11 . ~Il Ilt at " (,lf t )!1l 1 " .1.·<1 in 'h ll':I".' 11 .1' III ' nil lin 'It r,\'Olllicti oll 111'\" ~ .. r l) 'llut h · H IIl.I' ~1I J1 ,]iY""1 ~n 1111111 " I ~ I(O(ld l 'I~''' ;ldv ' IIH' ~fl W!!HIWll n l , IIn til l>u rK~ .I I :!\ r. ', 1'1' L1v" r Jlo. ~1. Thl' "ll y ~' ILboUI"" '\ '·Uthl1l. 1I c·.·. (If ~lllIl~' 1t '~ tt'I·. 1·:n~ laud .. hIlS H Il~' II.1 I enl !I, !;1..11.,,· • II ~1~!i,lrt,1 n'j,! 'Uflw 10 YIII! \·," ,., ."1. $1f)(r.OOO ,tJUO to t't an Ollt lt' l 10 Ih(' st'a. hul f ,) f II", jlop',l l1 du n of th l 'IIII(~(1 (h' l'mU n)" , l·"r: ul '(" aurl 1':llglullCl Hr x - ~ "'t:l1t--H I' Iitd f'H lu \\ hal Ola~' LJ \ cor i' ·r.rJIIl ' 01'01) Il\ rgcr 6\IJII1\ .11I liln CtJII . 1·••<: t1~ lCI'III I'<i .\'hr' ~ I'I . l ~s lll )l 1 t'll} i'Y "Irut'hul l f uhsol ut I)' IWW 'l'<I~ S This III 11111111101\ h n:! lll'Il'l' III;ln Ilou, ('olllilr'y ' wat""" l' U),5. T he SOlllt 81 . IIII'll 11l",lr I" "'n' ~~ )' <.::11'1:\ fll' I htl 11ll ~ 1 ~Ia'rl ennui ·hlls nil' 'lid)' paid ' tol' it · I ('111111')'. Slll1l1ld I his ru t ll of 11l(· .'.'as~ Hei r , In lbl' 1lIllII<lnue vOltlll1 of Lr nllf' l b " malntall l 'll III' yea \' 2000 wOll lrl l ha t rll ~ h(.' s lh r tllt!!h Its I ck. . And '1In,1 the 11I 'llulatlnu , no IURR Ihan &fJOf Ch~rming Costume and the Latest Novelty In T ieL n il ril i3 .. h o\\,s the lcndcn"~ t ()wllrd 11 000.00 0. 'I'h aI'" , of Ihc ~1I"s i sslj)JlI " a t I' eo tnmunl ' IILl o u . , \'allll)'. I.~IO,OOO sq Ullra mil '~ .. 1I11 ,to lrl ' Wlll' r "~r" s ai d III ~a Q. wllu " a ~ Th!! Illllnllf'lr ll.l l'O l'S aro (ore l'c r lIb MOV \?UI ' 1I1B :II' ' 01) foot bnlh aloll !; il; Lwo: llfth s or II,,· whol£' coJ.lJ.lll (1 II I II I ' w'I:;: iii' 1(, 1,"'" II l' lioll, "thC'r I,; a pI'ovl ng 1'(>1\' Lpn • . 11 m ost udl'anta g h " hlu alld th ' M ls~l ssI I'JlI l·i\'('I·. It ,; un' lI o f thl! I ' rl'n,~ t nf I'a 'hlon : ~' tlU lII:i)' tlnd n fl uw (' 11 ' f llul'l·. nll (I Stat.!... IInci \\'hl ('h now h il S grn n lCti \\'ull n~ alon~ lh" Ml ssoUI'I. fol' Ih O 1111'1 1111111 tWO.l'.hlnIS or Irs 'of . ~ollis a ll1l 1i(,,1It.,,· 'nltel' ' nrah; ' llUl'f,lC'C 1'01' thE: ,Inlr. il n ~" ft n nf~ il . b l'ingln~ It IlIl c 1'1'0" m nt or I h9R wuterwt lys' so 1I r.' 'I'll' IlCIlllllaflon hlf ~h[lw l\ n , ~ leRd ' 10: 1'1':1),," , . And .Iu. t DOW In til lal'gl' ell· ' los!' l'('sl'lllbl u nco with ch l tton·velv et l<I a dmll ot l h 11M ot th(' hire: '1" l·caKe., III I to thc·· ,' all('Y dwol) I'F I....:' (It thl' Nl IIIHr),. ' M",' 'ltilly "',.'" II RllUC:II'S, laO, luI IIIlUl)' OXCl'lIl'tI: co l I:Hrtllll o r... '1'h l1 ~Io un of lh c Ohio "uu\l1l'oorc d hut 1.0no.()t\o . ))1 1 '50 Ihe V,il'l, anll Ch!(·ago . th "." IH.:l v 'rita ,I e rll'~ . llIulbt' I'l',), b lug one of the !,I1'ClIl It IH' r IrtlpnJ\'t! menl lI Y90cl ulluII I:; I "llIlIh"" h a" 1I110'11Il'1 or lI('rr· ~.l lI!! s w e ll ~Hl'Ill s hl·d l',; t " U Cf'(,'~""', Incr('n ~e tl to &,000.0 'l lUl l Ih lR In co mbill utlon " IJam th", Ohio rl vel' from ' Pl llslml'g 'N(I'I' hilS d lC" " uIII" 'rlll,ry ot Ih~ ~1I "~' with 1\l'{III'lp~ n t fur III(' all t lllllll ~l' tl.· 1 Ili' h )'1'Jlow l ~ h Illce Rnd lI'o ,'Y ('hlITolI 10. ai ," and there 1M II 61 mlh, I' Rlppl' niJl(')' b('rl o r OIlIl IH'ti H{' Il A' II' "o n . · 1'h ' Imin t \\'hi 'h I'!!SIR WI Lh ~Oll t 1.I<·ntl IlIO? 1 h e ul'lll), a s Iho H I t,('f~on III ~al1 he ill" d p.clur d IIy thl MI ~"':;· , I\~ 111('1' liS "r I~ lo ' ilil>: ) :0 11" n, o llo)' alld tak X 1111' I rOI' lIn 1J1I11I1I1I1 Tlt" ) lli. 'Php ('Il lll l' n t ;l .~o ·.vn 'of ),0111' dc tilV,,1 Hiv.:r 1"I I'I"I}\'c lu ' III "~M 1:Jl ihn . . o'f 01'1, (,lI lo c h nlc • !ln il lei III fern"lLl y hU)J1' ·)'ou Ilqh l , I h" IO N' IH'lngn. Onl ,. 01111 wJ\r~1I 111'0 1I!;('u with gl'I'1l 1 whl b i1y~, "1)111\1 lil ,' ;\IISl'IBl'. lt)l'i ', '11l(·liI,". CII th, ' Il Uml l<! l', aTl'1I l' u\1 I\'tll hI' gu lfl(' d 1\ JIlt I.. ill lh a l .' h olcD [J1'''fll ~h m nl>oul till' IICc]. 1'" Ihp \\'a l!;t I·f\, I' rl'lllll. St. Pnul, to ", ,' II' 01'1 1I1 ~ '" \"llillC ,IUl' llIfi; ' ' J I wtth lll Uti ('(·U \1)"'A RI1(wl ur t-tioBhiN lltl on for yo ur unci In fllll fl'll ls 011 1110 wille HI \l"P~ ' n.1 01 a m !!(:II II)( of Ih es( ' Iwo II ~ J . Ih""~" 111111,,1<11111.1 1IJoinr('. allrl thn t t h e slolll of I' I,·l'l. whle-h . ' l nlll ,1 a ssumC' n hl'l; , 'IA tlo 2 a1 ~\ , LO ll i. durll] , :-:u" \'I\II,,' 1' ( 1'1,,, "111,,'1' " lJl ~mw iI IIJUll'("llI n' ti h~' ll", fu s oJ. ,;1"11'(> Il t Ih\" llr'th('-( :o!'li'jll 'u<!'ucl in!l h3rk of tho ! ~., "" (lt1(! " , lIL 1011t:.. whlrh .1 nUlnB nrc \,el'Y 1;1' Ht
fH\ S !J4.:. ' 11 a
ql1:lI'I(' I'
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I lq:Uh. I/ ,,:
:-(' '''I h ,\ 1111'1"1<'11. ' 011111 .\lI)o ·I·i<'a, 1';11' 11111 'h " 1(\ lul lllllf' " II I o r lIl l' h" " " "dill' , .. \ ,.,ia, ,,\r,rlea, \O ~·tli\IiH, nnd 11 11'" wuuld H" ,.. IH t n hi' (,( I " J: ljL 'ul lv, -Iy ~m:lll Ea,.. Ind ia l",ll lHI!i -- 11(1\' Hrp Inol.q till fill 11I11ch o f fj!o\ lio llY 11 11' .> (n :u:!st:, 01 llI prH Il~ In I-;u r np(', .\ sJa an li .\1I'ka , 1"\ ) 1, .(' 11 .\1 IHIt t'('PIlUIJI : t ':l 11 \ lOl jwq't.\!ll . ~t)l'l h \ 111(' 1' 1('1\ PO~t;I" H'~" h ut (u l1r l"l"H, onlr lW. \1f \Y·h i (\ !t ·- t l!~' J.~n tlh 'n U n II\\' III hr l' haud t hr· 'd~ ' YP tl~ I lt~ I II \ .I~I !J1l.1I t1tl .. :~ .. f d l~a d ~~;, i l. 111 ' l f If t· ag-It, Hl1rl t ho 'J,l ld (O iI)!. i!· an' (It g f'Jl }p ft I n di 'L,' \;:ollitl I t~.IIIJt j t h l~ ;lir. ~ ral ,lb' II'IQu (loo u thll 01 Ila l'1il'll '1 .~ I~dl ." 'ttun IUf (·f' IJJ h \wlt · tl1tf"f'f '~' in I hj~ t l'~inn, I~ a 1'1 ~ il j\I' bCll f' .II T il t' hOltl t ~1J.!: l u, uUll' l'wi "i lc \ nOll ,;;l l \If fhwlts .. I!{~."'"'(" itll.l oll1 l' wa:o:' rO\'. 1. .. ull,·" ",hil.· h. II tl. ·u <'ilt;ic" II'h llP·lll'a<i all (If \\ 'lif h nrf' 1\ \ t\lhtld l' :I !\ rU lI I r '" j.t.! SP ..l Pfl~ I\', u.n~l hl 1'e! or " ~l ' hltl J,:lo n . lUaU . i~ Ilr' l'lwp~ _tl ~ mll S I ,I'r' ()'l~' tl f' it-; ot p al'llC'1I1 nr Inllon'»t lO :\11\ ' ric-a ll ti c'au ~,p ItHJ I I '''l'· ,tII·)!; 1 :~,,1: 1 II (lll:-;II ' thl' 1I1111"lInl 1I1hlt'lll "I lilt . i ' n ll .'d I~ 10 " """"lr l, ruill f';."'''' 10.(111. (,:,,1 o.:. tat l':l. to whkh III~ n lh' It \ ' n~ pl.' ('()Un I'd IH 1'I~ l" I)' 1(' 1hI..' \\ ,'1 ,\ j r tltle l l~'~ ,'U l"\d all ,IU IIP ~t), l-'~ ' Th l' 110mu I ~j':n'IHI!-. ul mh:.I·a liIJJl. 1t a:t:H'~~' ::1111,,\ . IJ a ld ' t·nt;)(. , hy w h lrh l1iP S IW(' lp~ it:; r anll ot hi r tl tHl -;'; Ul1Il" "ilI PI" 'd:'d)i ~I) 1, IIt' WI U II I I'CI'&uli~' ),lIuWn, ol' U ij,' ldllilf !h!l~ PI' "n WI!I'P Ilwh' U("' !I "'" I ' 11'0111 lh e 11'11 110 h t-a I ult d tiff' ('l'1'On . \'a lll ' nlll('" g-l'nat('1' l han It 1. Ih"J") ' U u ~ 11II1,rc:;~lo u o f uuldn(' ~s it glvlls would 1/,' 111<1l' u" alngl th(' c'H~I" n n III a d J.lallco , thlH SCU'·,·. I Illn lid glllll(' Illl'fl ~ an 1'hl H bl l'<I m('n s tlro nll o ut. thre(' 01' IIOl tirt en m .. lt's l 'fl. IHHI H(1 111;' llil ,I lin' lhr a n d ()n ·half f t III l e ll~ h. rl'OIll 'v ld~ lIti~ (· nll~l r.I re d t 0 "llmli If, 1. \1 s ix to elghl fe t In oxte"t nf wln gB, wonh pnl'K ul!. and 1V .. lg hs frqm s ix ' to 1.2 pounds. AlthClu!-;h nOL a ttackin g la rgo nnl·
hnn In the- f1 0 ll l.
.of 11... t hroe'Q1I11I' le n gt il ('lJlLl ~ Ypl l'l' l(,p n or lhe ordlon.ry t y pe I wllirh oh l /lln IIlId, '1' 1 !j:ht· l; tt l !1~ 1<110 wOlllrJ K.' lp(,1 ' (0 1' , 'bc~t f roclr~ for lillie loo~ ·Ollin/t. '' ·In ' ['I ~ . I1Illd" or t"''''' II, 0,"1 hi li IIlrls for th e 1IlItlllho. and IIF nnr.l mud" f ·1<1l1i. Ilf' it e r! all d 111111"11, I Illc'n tilUh'(I IlISl ",,,1< . 111i~ n,al(',a [UI wIth I'CI\' I til' hrn IUt·(j ('nli nrs . (\~C ' l1<'n l fOlln,l!l.lloll to Ih (' d lJcornl Ion t> ,IOllhlQ.h r aSJ d nnd ·Inglc·llr u ~ I('(1. u f bratd s . n Ill. blotl wlllc ll ',ar 110:,,'111 ellch iI{ Itself liaS 'l' s~ lnf; Ultwh to on· nn '('\'I' I'Y " ••plIl lll· ~t rl of coal. and . llc jl(1ilularl t)·. Alld Illl lllllnrilY they s lt1rL dUlINY '. , but th.: IIIU,:t IJ WOI'II II ' ' fhe r!l>hl.~vJl"Wn or till'), will ;'01 looi, A 1'1t1,'ogrt'1' 1l " I~II·f.'lce!l h as a, r Oll nd 'v clI llnd lilt' sto'll nnd lhe s hort Illll st , s ldrt re l\c hilli: I. ) III !:rOllllu . wltil h ~rA"'I' to IUI'tl a Rl tlE' frolU th Ir nt.! hroud t:\h ' o r hrald 01\ th hell' . al1ll ll'lictl~u s ' and rlc"olC t II It· am bll in ns II (' (ttl t I Igh t l~' nlll ll !; u t the ba" II. 10 w Jtr<l s tho coal ",111('h has n sho'rl. 1 sll ~IIt1 )' l!1o ~r. In Ih front, w ith labM st rqlght uasqu!' I>lopl ng R lI' n)' ~Tnd. of brllid . ou t llnln ,J; th wal~~cl)l\~ 01 lIonr , from . ll, ~I!lgle b\,co;lstad II·olll. (' hl ne . llk wh1ch rc " o" ls a hlouse 0 1 Th . I' f!'l' Otl <.' 31 clnlly I would ~tJr lac(' And ('hll1c r ibbon. 'Ml~ hal reeomm l'lId ; (ll ~o, willi lI oting'lll n It I wl.II('h COJlljJll' l'~ t il lil'GSS 1Il0SI, ud · Is lo> ' be oh l nln(,rl hknil 0 1' mach In£' , mll'lI hI Y I ~ of BOrt. greell UOII\,CI' with knIllI'll In IIl:lU)' d nl'k co lo,'s rw well 1' (( ~cllrf of a h l"ol1 h eld a t . ' lI a sid e I t . M .I,n wlt.i . . lh l. lIt!lkes It capillli g.,lf I u~ . n hunch or \lu r lll and a tile matter to b eo" r~('tlc8 I1y . ex· of t~,Il , J.·n~ d , Sillil'" .$ In bUllch 01 tJlO gr,eat CostU1Il1' III comlllnn tillH w ~l h n nl u ln gl .e n r,rape4 . 1'1<'lted. . I'ivcr whlch dh' hl es Mlss\>llr ! n ud 1111- s'ldrt 01' Ih(' jlolHllur Hl gl'I \l~d cllln. r I hal'c bp n Investig at ing The, fue l th ut O~ () Ml ssIRHl llpl river n ola. about mld"i'nr the qu es t h e le ngth or Mis· and a smali toq'Ul' wllh cock feuth el·s. 1 lion o[ (" 'C'nltIJ! gowns with I he r osu lt tu g an conI' ~. hi ~ix 'lll~'s fr IIlI St. SOh'r! : ~. . 'Plir mOSL fn v<)r'll e Olltu m e Is Or- I thllt I 110d liw mosl IncxJ'on slvl) arE I, 'UI~S to ' 01\' Orl<lHIIS . bOllts ~11I'I'~' h~1( <;.' nt, ~~ qr wh II,l. pI'I)<ln lion Iii. bI 3c1; ~Inlh : thl ~ . . be lng. oonsld~l 'erl blllll~ mlld e of mu slin vollc, and an O.OOO , tou~ grld n. "h1(,11 I\ould . , e · J , ~ !/'l,I cs " us l ' n[ De.; )Iqhw . In tlI \' ' PI'<lE'mlll nil); ~arl'. I ~ ' <: h pse.u . Il ' illx ' xcell on t mo.d·1 ill thl' ~hol~. (11I1f(~ 71J railroad lr"ln~ (!f ' J 5 ear~ "O ij l ,ljcy~\," I, ll"\' li (••il o.r Io wa. cross· , WOIll The Shaded Portion Showl the Breed in g Range of the n (lil t of l'lght . IIIHI , trlmm ti \0 I\' a~' ualHls tIf glace acb. slt"w; . til' IIOl>S Ihi lilics (Ie. th Bald Eagle. silk ali t ol\cd nt Th (\al·C I1 l<·\·., q.f (loIS II \,u ,) lIc tll\n I~ Ilisert'tio n with IIn(' or bl ack a llk Int 'n-llls tlIJ to Ih e l([I ee8. nnll proJ ct. . \\' lIl' n flllJx adliit Us olor Is <lark I Its dO~lr ll otloll of BlIOIl tho . nb III t o III I M ,'uHr' of De Moin 's. braid ollhel' Oil more 01' le .. ~ thf.' pl('ut(>(1 or blou s e ' hodJc IJ ,U'I IIg u tilli e c h c rnlsolt The ~at1t ' I'l n g of r lv ' l'm"'1l III t. I In thl' QU ~t .' p·nlri,1 porlfQII e. alld hrO\\'II. with \\'hltc~ head. n oel, an<l tall, 1I0xiollS (lHlmmo ls ItR opossum 'of l o'~" , s . m G' bod len 01' t h u , light ('0. t. It Cllll he a rl('e ll ),tlll pbllllCttl 1.01lis In NI\\'~'mbl\'l' \\' 111 ' 11 Iii' gI'C;~t· 1 Th ('('uler ),t'\Iu", hlll, oy " n n<l [c I. A t 1 ()~ t eDc n a. grolllld colJal' rOllnd the of tho nUlllilcl' of fU l'llIS 611 11" 111'11,,1\), In Ih, . conlllil Slluh'1"l s. prall'le lhlgS. tI pI h pol l 3hon llle l'S made of alt l'tJut ost oomlng tog thor 6f J)tlt)lIlc h.l!!I·· j' IS in 1IlIllOls; Ihr 0 or f(lll i' " nrs \'OWS are 0 1 reQ lIlred fo r I'lIbblts, ruls und ml co, J 10 lilli E'S e l 0 1' St. gown I' n~ r)'lhl)' ;\"WII. . l lhe lace amI lh e Ttlu ~ lIn . I'SIQ,d ; 1I , ': Il1 .. d~a ·~ I!,hi"rl 1" ",.lt rwa,),>; I. \.o ul s. ~II a ~8 \1rnlltll)'l1 o( thi R pllllllll!lOl. ~rhe OI11 I ) I ~!.in1lL..l'D.dge.t , '. Ll4l~~r+II-k!-"':"',--;----?"""'~ • ' ,I III th e hi s l\)I'), or Ih C'llIIlr): : A t H~ fOl, l Il g"r bird s bei ng e nllr Iy .hrownls h c:agl o rOI' till cl Sl l· U ~. tl O U 'flio cellt I' or ;he " allto of farms I~ L:!E===_.R_=;:5== or I.Ollltry ====; ::::= ===~; ;==== ===== or i>l nck ls h . i===::;=:;=ai VNY oiit~' t : '(1\(' Ohio Rlvcr lnl1ir(Ov,', . ::~ llIii"t< we~t and th ' Rl1la ll or dom oR tle allll11als , IJ)' 110r' hl\'''~1 ur SI)riUg· ment '\tRAo e lthlon !.lot It8~1r.'I'( 'aulutt'I .I· n ' ld . 111. Th e h n ill ell!! I Inhahll s np.~ .I'y t h e " n eh 119 pigs anll 11-0 . 8huop. se' lI\ to 'n", ,, , Irr 0 10 th lY L'l>!k 1'( cducntlo~ ('OUl\"cs s l'Il !I ' v,'holc .f 1':01'1 11 AlI1t'1'lcll, from 1I01·th· laq;oly from Iho 'rhl' COl1rl'l' of " ~r rlll'l1I 01'\':1 oltlio goq! l\()a s ~c.CJ' (lilill"l ... . . . . . , ' .' " I h e P~O I\ I O t>f Ill . I'h'C!' stul. II 1(1 til!' ':rllllll.l·y Is ,I cm ~1 1',i ( 'lJ alit! VlorlCla lIo rlh 10 I'll ' 1I1 1!,·~ s outhw es t of .Ier: ' ~e"nr i,:r.J· (h('!'l' boml a " seR3011 tllt es, III 10(,(IJIlI c's ,,;h ero til l' bil'(l Is .In v 11," I. 'Co mm el' 11\1 IIl1Porta n c fir ,1 <:'l'P' fr,.~ ()n Cit )·., Mo. gBV:l I<11l1 Itt" Anrl(:r~l lll l'i l'. ". \\" 'si III ,., t" '. . . ,! J. ",1,i(' h \l , gj'\n ll ,t o\,I~rlo '~ )" (II· "t~' l"s h ~ (",I n g . til., channe l from. I'lllshltl~ t o til" IIIH lnlnnil ~f ,\ la s l,n. t htl . il-II lI<n Th e (',c nIN of r ll llo!. 1,,·o(II ... llo n i~ h "e n ,1I:p laye ,1 thall 1!1I~ Year, nrronl· ('Rlro . • It,:l .l cu(l a~s lno.k, lh o d e lara· ::'1 1lI11 ~1' IWI·t 1~lalld ~ und th (' IlIlIluh <i c r 1 ~ lall (h, ll of .Ia ck~ u , Mi s~. III~ (":('1")" Ivc'!1 l1ltl I h:H 'oll!lorlu IlII)' 01 Ub u of I\nllt'Pw Ct'l rlll!gl .111111 "til(' I·C· "aOl l' h nll(ll . ,'h t' (' ont1'l' or 1:;lIllufIIClll l' "ti Is on . C I~'''lIO I1 w h'"h ' Shull hc~ 1' R l1 ll h (' r )lubllc ,nnw hns mol' thall 10.000 l\Iilt'~ . JIlI It. ~ w esl nf Un,lc l' m usl ('\ n~ lIm :-.ta ll c· oH Wft"y ·I(',·clall d. n. 11 11 '<.II'-~ l i•.P:\"~· I,h"w u; no· reaso n why. of' COnIH)ClO<1 j'It''?'" "h'd' lall !! 1I1,,·hm · lml r.ll lli rnlt of appro" 'h , wllh 11'0 lire ' n it' t·CIII ,'!· (,f pupulall nn In I!lOt! !!"c~r.. .. l;n\ll.i.U' ~\J.\juhl IIQ~ lIa n, thut lion. whl h slIllpll e>! lh e ohl1J.lJle~ 1 III ' h~~ n<1l':llIrc:ll )11('11 fo!' da n gcl' :l n d g l,' lng sll ; p('(:I l'C1 'yti~ I'Wl'<.l · uulli II :'WAu , quall lY of dn '~s \l'hlt'h s hall 11 1111' land tr1l1l81,OI '11I1I0n fol' IlI alCl'ln l ~ In $Ix IIIII ('~ ~ ') lIlh hln p " wl< lo he l'lh . th l~ uU1,(1 . n 'vc r· . u "l ".r COhill''' ''., Inl l. h ol"(O' Biro ' li(' F-l1a · lo,i'·u f · HOlal'ln :9 the .,worhl," tlnd til l' add (i: !hol .~. where lint IIIlJ h'~ lc d . I" orteu " 1'h "hcse aI',' Im pol'w"l ra 111I'~ III \\'hu l In h'(oI" I'/)~L ~,!\II<.. lt's\lh\le <1l1al1ly whl<!h Im p l'ovt)mt'n l or tll lo! OhIo will make II Ita ' h!lpn "call . 1I1· liI'l ~ llIgI)' \:l1I1t' aud Iln s Il S ltl \! lulI ~. ,/(l' tl tll ui'e~l l solrni~III :'f,f moro " ~1I11n " r l('1l1l1'~s ·of ' llltU.ol'ial fir et lll ' Chlllll'C):,"' ; .~'" ' .• ' , :, • <. ~ :, t lH' MI ~~IH~ llll>l '.' ' nlll'"yulc ed II rarl'l), a ttllc l;s mill!, al · r)H' I'." Tile j')I·ollu r.c <,Iul>ot;llt ru s s of.. Msi~~ ~,Jllll.rl(.' t.lje Th" UI;Il\l I', M! 'sl~,SI(lI(l :.!\ t!t'I... . II~l .. . ,Ul l th' jll'Od'l!' Ihll l,g h .t",h IIISl:\II('e s ha\'o b . I! I'e · h arB in tI\!" vnll.,)" "·("I1: ~X':l~~~'fl. '~\'.II.""I. J:hl.s .S}!llrt ne s B III'O\:mfif' n[ , ""soclaU o n wal, bl'flllglt ( \\'!I Illig to h (' 1101'11"1. II I'I'(lf<'l's tree for wall' hlll!; lIIovo,I' th o P op l(' H"O which Is f;t' d " lm liJi' Is r ea ll y " " n' ahout by Ill, 'cCt llu ll Y' !plltrlOtk ln d l'u081I n /:. bul III ~prl"g '1I1lH'liOl C" 'ftll') III UII' vull f1y 1'1' II)' ' Ill sh ip 11IU] Il) elllsr,'!': ....,·i' UI'r, 'pf i1n 'r~ tEll ' I,rlme S e ln g d Oc l:lI'a t.lon. SOliI' rcn,·~ a fl O" In: ·!'Jl,.: " AlI thai i P8Cl'n<id to rid til e p: lH 's of Ic(' III I. 1I1'(.(J l'd Is \ IIP Cl·.\,S· I'nqll'h,Hp <If S:'lIal't:rI'F,S ' III 'iTOs~ . n~' " ~oll101iLl c o1.. · l'e lll·c seotal)'·p cIJIZl'lp. WllIih""" of Ih t) l"" Ih' l' il'('I'. Mjl pn" I' lu ly I\l lll<1 n g fOI' 11"11. nl<ll ;.: 1'1'(\11'111(:;, ~Qr.~;. 'K('l on J11'l'\> ler,t.Iuy d '<Ioclnl'1I9 In 1110 I' ulle d upon Ill e :naY'lr nr QItIIl C),. II I.. t11 1'~rIJltn JlllJu(i~' Tholl gh tl ot II gl'" g " r l r) II ~' ~1'p.(·1 s, It wl (h which Ii. " dam .1.l!lJlI'-~'ifl\l'_~ll;tt " " o t unlil a ll Olll' wom· 1I1'"ln~ sOl\le 10ca l ,rlvcl· It11111'0\,a llwut.. :'l h ('1 MIR~'I~s li'lli nlllI' III 11 11If' ~ Ill' Sl'C II In Cll lIIlJlIni e S of I'h(! r" :\11(1 ' r o "I\,o lh~ <'1) r('~ :;:1117.' tl>l ~ r!l('l , r el!) thc~' hop .. 10 After u vmll:a<:l. ,I, !I!t~!:yl <l '~ n" . ~!) tll (' 1 1I'11Itlt~ gfl. ry l H ~l tt [I \ ' n s t h o r ' \ ' Plt 1 ~ IIHlt vill ur"'l i~. ,! Ih p:' cket allli o r th e (';ea t 'im,,;,'s M llel; Inli1roar h t he " alue of Pili: Il" loc nJ 1"'1'1'0\:.<;1)11 nl~ .. , rl't,1 -hter. " It I "v'hl"lIliY 1I0t. I:l c lrill/: III (:o nJllgal .. 9 01l:ir'n\' ~~ ' sh(lll'n III the Importe< l m od· lhe mayor snld: . "Do ynll " kno w u ri ~ ff~cl!,o ll. 9ml lh e fir s l "1[,,1111': r es ulls \ ' Ilh 1he constrll.- :tlon , of the C hi· ol~ . " . , . ... " " I n oy l\ ttl'tIll't ll1w lll ~ \;(!AtI , jl1a <1~ "" th l' ('ag ·S r. l ,ollls· In nn "lIlnll(' , ,1 ~f(,II ~ lvc an,1 nrrt'"slv! '. "annt. frClg hl Crs IOJldl'r\ 1t1.OIl!' IlIlI s trall ll ' we s how a hloll80 I'art or allY c nn ;;!' '~8l1w n 'Vho rt'llI·e. ! ,ylth ' g rlllil .01' Ihnl Is IHIJ.l\l\'OO · to lasl us Inn S It..- bonh i,rp al QlIhilh ('0 11111 Jncllet JHr_ t\JIl)'IUI~ WO\l r wlll Gh I~ 11111" .enl any of the live Slale bor!I, 'rln )!: ,,'aeh th l' n slIrv!\'e : h ilt. wh on onc 'of n pu ll' til es ulf lIr ~llJs lc o wi h01l1 " "IArl)' 5111[1I't In 1(" " 111' and Hullnhlc ~Il lll .. ul'per ~1I 5:; ls81I'tiI 10 lullll n \'t: 1 ' ''l ~:lllnj,'; I,he otll.'I'. m ale or fl'lIlule, SOOIl se· ('It : ;:". "li d b ,gin th pll' I,·n u,,· fC)1' til!llilll); til ,lllfl lch Ihe sk lrl , or :'on"t'l'S S tr:J make an ~JlproP :' lutluu I' ''' ',\I!:Inti l' ,'o ., ·:! ~lll'es' another IHll'lllCI' that al on e(' '; ,· t h e r e . as Ih <,)' will nnl',' \.hll' h~'·I' ~ . II I. I1nllE' pIn III a t , !'I I' cr, Improve ll1ent? 1I0 ~. nil!' .11n'Q I't ~ frmn Nt'\\,. ,"UI't. \~" ttlll es the I'cs pon ;.,II ILlo. of Ih e 1';< WilY of th ~' E r l ' ell' bu ck: th" tr\)nL~ 11"1' s llghll )' fllJl l,c,," made \)y the eOlll1ll1!r r:ln l o"glllt' l cu.unl. Inl cr nlp ~e d h OIl. c ho l<l. T he nuleR "f . ' The Bald Eagle. ,I tho ll·ui . t : t ll u ri g h t frlmt c ro s ~e s <za.lions or elties 'along the river. ,Hi the ongll1 nr" fe w. u ~ua lly produce d In , 'l'h dinlj fi tlon or POnnllJ~' (' a· .he J<o f.t lIml fush' lI s In"191111)' hc low & 1011(1 . harRb ~crcalll. l nlluenc~ coog r e s:i l d \:lIls' o'nd ?V nil lUll' nUlll orO Il~. wh ere other too<l I! ! 1181 ,vIII flll'l.her ' rovoiuti onlze t hl' trar· ' Il'c bu~l: il I ~ liuo ,l wi t h blu and Th e flight 18 poworfll i. c\lpuble of at tim a 80ul'0 "Nb." was Ille answer. "0111," 1'('· l lic- ~iXJii1ol1!. , II", , am\ wher ih' <lGn~eQ ' s o~ t h o {'A'linl white ~ll'il~cd ' sl\le The d 01' olln r ;pon .:'),1 olle cl~I~f\n , "It ' yl ll b e , doAe. SIt!o m CI'}I . Ionll"ti beln /( ludf'tlnlt cly 5I1SIIlIIl ('(1 111\(1 Is nc· m es tlcate d nnillmis .In Jlt\hl ~h, i\ltnuenj l' .nd 1'(""01',; 1I,'e ,'l1t In onB; they nre as)' of ne11I'e .otupllsh od IIOW ; 1 (llIce." by s lendy wIng hoa .' ta. " .~s: but 1be IMal lItuUllnt of • nllR. St . ,~ '''II.I~ , ph l ~lIum . /fn.\', ilUI'L n r whll(, "Iotll this . lined with sill.: no now I ,. ~( .arln g e ith er on a le\'o l !!!llOllge 18, compara On. tbat d laralioo the as..oo!,~tJ"tl aloug lilt' "I" ' tivel Y sJlulIkl ng, I wat£l('\vIIYS 8YMlolll . nll5Jin Qr Sllr.ClIllI!! Id req uired . tiS tho courr.('· 01' In great ascendin g circle.. not great. The was vlrtlll.ll1~ nrJ;lI.nlzo d . llH fourth , llIay roacl l .' .m lIul,1 I'lIg lo (tl. tIloreFI'lIoelsc o. , S II til'. 'ollal must fall <lull, sonIy ove l' tho os Is til" habit of most large blrrtN of 0"01'. almost e ~ nnual 1il !l~tllI g . WIlS held In Minneap 'l H()nolul u , Manilu. ve rywlle l'o s om e whlit of Vokohnm a, HUllg ' ,hO*clI'l' S, It Is trlmmcd willi lIarrow I,roy. The hiI'd ocoa s l(mnli y mal;os n ' /\ scnv e n!! r. "lis In OctolJ ", I.n :>/OV()Jnllor ,the . its· kong . • a t ra it that, s hollld be brenldnl ( .ClI1·g<l, ot blur. ;;111, IImld RrI'a nged In 1\ fancy 'obhltlon wifl jll\11 with th(' Ohln IISSO' graM savlpg of pillnge from n gront h olght. U mUI·vol· sot d own to It,; tfm Q and mon e )'. I'iven lOOP II ;rall'l'lI. Th .deep CIII1'S Tollil. to fhe A Blouse ,Jaok.. \. ' Inliuh • 'IiI n·eM wate "woYIJ' '01\' the .colllplt.t lon 'U!I fOlll porfol'm od with su"h ,,!'Iocity All Ihlngs eonsld 0 ..0(1. of th" Tellu:tn te pcc th(' Illl.ltJ purred sleeves are DIad to , 1'CHll, WhIch will flnhate tho 1108t!lbfll· 1'1\111'0011 aCI'06~" that Ih(' )'0 an scarcely follow tho engle is \'uth e \' IUPI'O benellcln l tl,lan {he 16Lh 111 II'; df Te· .1I8 ~Ch the colinI'. ollly ' must be m nl!lY The hat is Il " err sma ll salior 8h81'( ' iescolIl. In slI·on gt h . thcbllid cagle ie8 of. ,atld !IIuk e , l'eco nlluenda l.1ous hlllllltPl lec; I\texlcb, othorwlH e. ~Ince muc h of Itl>' 11 III II! not withoul In 1'. liP o"er canva s or stilT muslin so that of line whl to SII'8\\'. lrlmmed wl U , ,8 hl\l'llly loss remarkn bl '1)1', the ,hwclolU 1l9llt of u h eu,v~' l'oRchltlS \'lIsult., t han In of IIltle 01' 110 <Il l'oct cconolu lc ,'al·le. as Ir~ l ~ht eon b e Lhol' rna\' BtlU.t! well away frlolll the white s ilk , chl!rrles ' and a gold buckle. POWOI' of IIIl;hl. und It has u('OI1 kllown 'I' I~ht travol frolll st. Paul nnd Mill' lI'aI18rerrC~ I!c:rpsd, while the g,oUd It do 'ij mOI'e lhllll com· tbe lethmua , from urn. ,The ba~quo Is liner! with silk, Matol1n la I'cq lllre<!! Two and one· to calT), a lamh 11"0 mil e.!! fully equal J(UljlOllll to NIHV Orl!l~n. anli from ship hold t.o 11"1I8alo:< lor Its Oblloxlo ull dee ds: and shIp hold In two day.' 11nr1 Is addc,1 to thc hlouso JAI'IIet quarte\' un· raniS BOI'ge, lront Falla, l\loot., lIn the upper 1>1111' time aod at tan one and on~ :0 11 9 own weighl. II rUII roadlly be II rUI·therm ore expense of ooly about Jer a batt 01' the "'hite clcnb Il aeems no~ like ly flver quarter YII)'d~ clolh. aud three anO (ept III oonllnel luml. fo.' fa stene ;(,111'1. to I'ltlsblll'l\ OD the OhIo. All : \\'0 do\lars a ton it wllJ tnrl"" to become abundal lt enough III all)" I1lth , . sU\"er buckle lillo-halt vllrd 6 \lolu& slllL)11 UY klnt! 01 meat or fllb. and It loc:all', to be lerlousl y deatru~U""
The Q. ua .
f Sma rtne ss '
De tai led St at em en t
.1I\n .
II 1 U hen .J olles lti~
IIHI 1711
I i' l
WAYNE ··TOWNSHIP, WARREN CO. O. For the year endi ng Sept emb er 17, 19041. Date . ltoi
No . Order
8' Brown & Molray
Sept 8ep"
12 li ill
8e I'an" Wbite
Perr,. Pence
87 Dr. TbOl. I:!berwood
88 Gao. Hamilt on
Eliza betb Da vis Clara Daugbt ertl at ijmltb Jamee 82 lin. AlDOl Jaobon 93 Calvin Bunt 86 W . C, Pblllipa
Sep'. Sep&.
SlIp'. 00•. . 001.
'Whn\ for
Amoun t ota Prln\in g order blanks 1 7G Cleanln l( Water trough 1 r,0 Grooeri ea for John Bran 2 15 Medioal aid Cbaa. Copey iIoIld Certific ate "r Strong ehild 4 ~5 BIl1nl .,1 for Sept. 190r. ' !l 33 I'
U ·
8 33 8 33 1\ 26 5 00
1 7 :~
176 177 -17 179
. • .~
1 i
1 :l
I"'·'J . Hin kle
1 L, u lJen J onuA .1. B. Penoe I ~nd b lllH' "]vanll . JijtUlO EYllnS W UI. Cummi ng!! W . E. Cornell J M. Keys Philip ~urtaoe Cbas. Smith I:!. E . Elbon
8. F. E lbou W. S. G ruham J . !:!. \' un <l en 'oort
A nuu V . ( 'Noull l!H ]W Deall 1 Ii Lnf~y"tt( Hobisoll 186 fl o.n·tly Dorn tt 187 .1 . H. C.Lskey Itlil
P. '. tJ. & !:;t. IJ. R . 1, . 'fil lt No. 10 :-sef\'ioe us 8 upe r v i~io r Senlee us Su-p'vis or No 240 y el gra vel o. 10 160 YII gravel No. i ii 150 y d gruvel No. \:;. ~er , as 'u\len 'isor No.2
40 00 :!~ ~
50 12 UO 19 20
Fina ncin l ReI)O~t of Board of EdtWH tion ' of Way ne ~rown~hi p ~(·hools III "lllT l\Jl COllnty , Ollio ,
\I 90
Baluuoe on hUDd. ~o pt (\m lJur I , 1\I! :;. S t,ute 'ommon ~( 'h on l l!'uIlI.I 16 GO Other Httlt e ~. oI ' :~ , 1 Hlludlu g 1111' '"ll'.!'r" I" L . :' ~ ld i '1'.1', No . 15 10 211 ir " ' \ ! ll p j lr ~' , W este n} B ··.. j; I· l' \·I· " tu l ;-cr;" ,'l i IJlt I ii No.4 20 !t(; " L I'll 1 IX [ ,l!' ch'IVI purpose s .1 Nu. 5 :11 0 I! ~l , :t'u fr lHll nil {rt h r ~otlrom~ P h I'ld I HI-! 1\ tH !' !I"I '1) I .. .1 N'o. 11 1& 00 of Don.res ident. pupils eto. No . :J 1:.l '10 Appro. & R .R. TIL X N o.;J 1-13 tiU 'l'o trd l'ocoi p I:; 'j'ot,, 1 r ecoi p! :,r, in !ndi n g hlliun cu Hi Yllrds g rn vo \ No. ;) 12 00 F;X PEN lJ\'I'U IU: ~ ser : Il S supaI' visor & ~:U . 'i'5 oxl rll work 'l'1l1 1l 11l1l1l)U ll t plllll ICliell \'I; s('r . .1 H s up or\'l~ol' 1\ nu A lll Ollll P ili(} fill' ,u pl'l'vis inn, (lxcl nsi va of It!tl( hitl ;': $~ . OO fo!' fixing till 'u.I, of build iul{" lind g ron ndA S(; yn rll~ crock g r u w I A .Il 1111ut 1)1111] fd l ull " th or purp, ~tl ~ 2;; .~ U T otlll o XJl enll it • r l'~ II
. -".:-.,1'>
0\; ytlnls uun k g r(I\'
·1 t)O
{j !!
4ti I 1()
; , Ii I J I 111 11 " 11
D'lIIlDC IlD hUl " I " 1-' I'·Il , lJe .· 1, l\lU d
'1,tlO2 flo 10,(1(10 \l1j
:1.Ii·li, 2i. ~2r. 00
:W i 0 1,MIl \l'j' f•• tl~5 3(l
(', U:n
M. A . COKN~; LL 1;lerlt of Bou n l of h:d lll.lll tlOli.
son ' loo lUI t r u ~ t(\e 6 months IInu /:IN' • v ioo for 11l0[, ti5 llll 17p ~i;;;-;t:- C'\;/lIl1 h rlui n '" 6 95 Got. 2 \I 188 Frank Prtttt n GUbert Grab"m SI' l'\· it " t 1'0 t I! r.l 2B 26 n Ollll'd.\' •• \I 9& Perry Pence Ulont l.l,; Tllllrll i~ 11 (1 \ll'llIl r In.' Ii ' ili a mUll fl fllcutnr ool llll t hlll'l r ect-h'c,l MO l!\ :oll Y Hl9 J . B. Urn,hnm 1200 'or vlo li S ! rnst e I; I.'xpl'f)SMiollS of . g l:utl llld r\S Vhum U 97 Wm. Cumm ing' 60 00 U10n ths berlnin 'lI ('ou gll R'!lIl od .v . Ir. i8 e tl'lm. 111 98 J. Baum Bafe &. 2 190 C. H. Clemen ts s rv i uS {' Ie rk lI'Ioutlls Ii ve, nnd prom pt, f tl ll nt fo llo wM lt ~ Look Compa ny 2 , 191 Cha8. Crew Fire Proof Bafe ervictl llH ' upen ' isor 85 00 " l1!!e G rtll e rul 1)11ren' " pv e r y wb .. ro IS 119 Cbu. erew A ppro. on Gard & ' KeUey do n ut h e-It.1l Ie I." t ('~I.ify to It 8 LOurNo. 1-1 its fo r tb e benefi t of oth e r ~ It I", , Il •• 1112 Dr. Sherwoo(} road M ed . ail! 10 I'J \'u;;h il? 7000 oe/, lIlln ol1r e f r W i'll' IUI (I will pn all 100 Gao. HamIlt on Blind ..1 for Uc\. 11105 p oor S 3a v en t, the lIttn o k if ~ive n ItJi '.he ti l'l< t .W illue paid to is 101 Elizabe th Davl. any perso n .1 2 lila A. E . Chenoweth " 8 33 s.,r . llt! t!Upor vi,or No. !I 8jJPlIllfUDce of t,h e dl setl ~ tI. It. it' "tl23 10' . Clara Daught er• . '~ho .1 can find one .. atom of ' 83S Jan. 2, 1<)4 Ella Furna s , ')2 yd. gravol No 2 P oi«II." I\dll pt ed to ohildre n u ~ 1 I ' I S .1 · is lOS Smitb Jam8.1 1*'1181101. to tllke li nd tll!i. n .. l.b opium , chloral, morphine, .1 195 RioD Hoel, 85 yd. gravel No .2 in ~ injlll'ion ,; _ Mr , E A HUUlph r ll.\·S 23 10' Mr• . AmOl J'a oaon .. 500 cocain e, ether, chloroform, 196 'Ben Smith, 12 yd . g ravt.I' N u . 2 tt well kn own l' ~itl ' lit. " lid (,Ierk in P . C. C. &8t. L . " as 106 Cha • . Grew .. 197 1<' rank Sntda\ (er, 135 yd. grave l kit cLJ ~ 1I pit R. Tn the st nr A (If Mr E L ()('k . II f Alto.,. heroin, alpha and beta eu.1 1YS Bec k ett Bros ,. part pay on 75 yd. !! r a vc l No. 14 4000 Un pe Co lony , 8 unth A fril'u , >... YtI: caine, cannabis indica, or .1 23 108 Perry Penoe 199 J . M . Cook, 60 yd. creek g ravel, 2u yd Pumpi .g out pipe at " I lilt VO llsed lJll ..mhfl rl"ill ·" U" ug b . ba llk Rem ed y to w flnl ,,0' cr oups !llId chloral hydra te or any of gravel Cildwal lllder trough 50 theu' deriva tives, in any .. .. 200 M. M. Earnha rt. part pay On 15i I'd . g colu s in DIY fumil v . 1 fOllnd It III 107 W. E. Cornell Appro. No. 15 ruvd 85 00 be vll r .v ~~Ltis fnc tciry lind It I/I \'I'~ of Dr. Miles ' Remedies. " 201 Ed Furlltls , 70 vd . .gr.a\' ~ 1 '.lnd 10 pe r 'h ' 10 11 0 26 188 Perry Pence 2 loads gr. vel at Ly'le ~ell 2 00 mo plel1811re 10 r eo .. mmend It " .. .. ~02 Robert HradJo ck, 20() yd. g rnve l No.1 This applies .to goods in 31 lOll CharI_ Smith appro. distrlot No. 11 Fo r ~ u lo hy F. e. Schw tlrl~ . 79 99 .. " JI~ard Hocke tt, 20 1'. s tOn e and 30 yd. g ra N ' I ~03 110 Reuben Jones origi:n al pa kages, unop- . appro. distriot No : 10 110 00 .. 204 N. L. HUllnell, 75 yd. gravpl N it . I 8 111 Willialu Cummi ngs ened, and n t tampered appro. diatriot No. 2 B .. 205 M. M. Earnha rt. 3f> yd. gruvlII No. 1 105 00 9 112 Phillp Surface appro. distrio& No.6 with. Certai n unscru pu.. " ~06 W. S . Hartso ck, 237 yd , gravel N o. lL 40 00 ., 13 113 Ed Chandl er .. .. 207 Martin Gon!', 79 yd "rave l No. 11 para appro . distrlot lous per on are 44 75 •. .. 208 Maria J. Surfllc e, 50 yd . Kravel· No. ;:, No.7 false stat ments about Fo r Fir eDi El n li nd Brnkem n &x 13 U, Harry Mnrray ,J aD. 8 209 Hurton Earnha rt. 50 yd. gravel No. l' 1,Y. days work with ppr these i"nctl unu remedie . uas~ .. r 'y . 1 V ,. :'00 pll. .1 .. 210 Glee. Daugh ert y, part pay Oil 6Y8 I'd. team gra vel "1 h.lVe bee n t roubled with n. t~ r siti nn" ('pen nt th p p re~" "t t.h .. " 4 50 .. " 211 Se th Cook. coal for ~r . Mull e n 116 Brown & MoKa.y rlble h CIHlnc u (or th e In ~ t l e n y f'Jl r8: prtn&ln g detailed state· HI g h "':ll-:'" Rl l'id 1 """,1 ,,'.1 '11 ,. , ' t ho d ·tl,rg hcoul,l do me ,1<, goo<\. I " 01 212 J. E. hnn tly, li~bt re nt t o Jan. 1,1906 NIlW 1 or. 111 ~~' .AnU - 1'1\1 1I Pl1l~ " .dver .. l~ nl!:1tlt (lr~ Iii d ·.. orl t III ' I'~ :,; ~i. I ', ment 26 00 ti " M ed Ii i n lho 213 Ed HI lul Chandl , \), tllu b"Jlz lne . KO t e r, servi ues a s s llpervi3 r No.7 13 1200 '''' I' llllln lli 111"l rl1 I i , II' " I ' lUI Enterp nae Printin l Co printin g detailed state. i h"" ch l 1 would t ry n m l)I ~. r Illd •• 11 214 C. '1'. B ,. wke, part pay on 157 yd. 11grt\ ~", Dlltll :tfH.l a t lilt·.\" y .,u!' h .... lpt,'"' I1nlll m o wond e r fu lly. '· wtthnnt vel No. 11 1.&4 . ll1t ~ .· . 1 h " .l h .- U}J\ ment 25 I Ito ~o t.m fl ly 1 cl)uh l h n n.J .. 00 .1 Ii 215 W a ynes l, ruptioD ille Nut. wltb Bank, .0 I'rf:'~ (\ nt· 11('1' 1j""IO) IJ. : 1) ~\" l t t, \' ~.H k. t'O i Hc nt t.o'thu trtx on Tp. Hou se (,.6!:! 13 117 Chas. Shntts drul{' 2 daY8 work on Bale .. 12 21 6 Becket t Bros., 80 'yd. g ra vel N o. (, MUil·u dm! J;Ht .l h 'X. I n 1\ t,'oup)o or W a usslst- elloh stud ..u t \I, ~ l' r lll' n\.! 6.40 h,,,, ,.,. I " '" nil r igh t . It WU A tN0 tl r~ t road 1\ positi on Don 'b " :J17 Ma r ia J. I::) urface , Myel. gruve l Nu. & ·. W!i l .· t l) 5 00 llI l-tdl ol n\1 lu do m~ uny good. 4.32 day for frQe cat.n logdelu IS 118 Ed ThoD1&ll A . A. 11.1,10. Phlladelp bla, 1'0.. u a . iD ~ t. r1 'tH oU" ~ daye work on Bale .. 21 Ch a . W illi amson, 12 yel. :.{1·lIvel N o. (, 536a 'rnooma Street. .'J6 and applioli tlon lJllIDk . , 500 .. 211) ' Gl:O. Ua llgbert , 6 yd. I!ravel No. 6 road Dr. Mlle.' Antl·Pal n Pilt. are IIOld by .4!l NATIO NAL RAILW AY TRAIN ., your druggl.t, whO wilt 13 119 Frank SDedak er .. 22 220 T lh.: Jo hn'~ n and Wilt so n Co, 1 se t 'Cp. Acc't. guarant.. oleanin g gra vel pit 2 110 INU B'J BOOL, Inc, B08ton BloOk,1 the flrat p.""age will benefit. I'that It • II 13 I, uooks 120 William Cos , .1 MIDnea polis. MinD U . S . A. 9.50 1 ~I~o.~:, ~"c~~~~n,.r:~:r '::I~·r,; bulk. 4 50 .l il lI . ,:!2. 22 1 ll. P . Key s, 1 far 'ul gate - ...,;.: :---- -- ...-- 13 - .21 R. I: Jonl!ll making fill at oreek 3.25 - I Miles Medical Co., Elkhar t,Ind 1000 I, 2"'" M a t McKin sey , Dlllte rial and patChi ng '1'p. money paid 'W . Graham " 13 U2 C, B. Clemen ti house ruuf ~~~~~ 1.45 M.W.LANG,M.D;C.M.I~~~cfor oleantn g well, dyna. F e b. 12, 223 Morri s Rogers , ruateriu l und fixlIlg water RIDCH1VILLIC. OI'lIO mite, ekl. 8 68 trough HAT HAW AY, 8.00 13 123 8. G .-Joy ' I. " BpIOO1AL'fIES : D1BICAelCll 01' , WOMIilN conlab le fetia for year 224 !Jr. W . .Ii:. Oglesb ee viSIt t o Mary Knig-h t 20 00 Wayne 1.00 !lville', LelHlin g Dentill t , IS l~" A, E. ~"hlllloweth appro . dte&rlo\ No. 9 75 00 22r) J ; '1': ElliS, examin atlon for clludid ate· for AND OHILDRE N . " of!lc ~ ln Kev. · ltulldtna . . . . Main S t. 13 125 oT. Ii. KeYI h 4: 180 00 home .50 ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!'!!!!"!'!!!!!!'!!!!"!'!!!!!!'!!!!"!'!!!!!!'!!!!"!'~!!!!!!'!!!!"!' ~ ,I .j 226 C. H . Surr ... ee, haulin g 1 U yd . gra vel on up " 16 128 W . 8. Graham, " 6 50 00 .1 18 , 127 J. S. Vander voort IIl1e ruad 1 90 00 3.00 " ~4 227 ~e, th ' Cook, coal for David Work 28 128 Philtp 8nrfaoe appro. Muon road 1.00 39 113 Mar. 5, 22t! 'I' h e Johllso n and Watson Co ., s uppli es 28 129 Emerao n Katon (,.04 y. days work team alld Ii .. 22'.1 H e nry Ke·r sey. 27 yd. I{ra\'cl N o. 3 2.16 OO O\( ·I{r,:r,:r'I NC: a mI PI:IONOO I{Al'rl\' tak h t 0101V bv band 2 26 expe nced t eauhef .. 'l'h ou. anIlH " " 2BO Cross Brothe rs. SUI pli es p ~ r IllS btll (). 30 of "t uden .. 11I 1\11" po.IUous. Term,. mod ur a t e : Cu~)' 010'( 1111)'r iepay 28 130 Gee1'K8. Henkle m e nt. tnlce n , Rtulle nt " appro. dle'rlct ·No. I:! 100 00 .. a llmtjt c{l any time. 51 POR ILlon, for gm du ol e. In .I uly alon " 231 C. F.. Conner . wo rked road tax •flO t o A t1~ . ~ ~ . 1600 . W r it e A. n. \V'1 L1'. P r~~ lll ~nL f or free ca e, 3:10 JX>snlon. Jlln . 1. 1000. 28 111 William O"y Ii 100 yde. gravel No. 7 · h 232 J olin D. li'urnas , worked road tax 800 taloguu. . 2.70 I• A College doing eo much for others may be relied on til do I. 132 M. V.nDnl J8r ren. of cODDoil room for " 233 R. A. Cross, per ct!nt ou $3261-. 69 exuentl ed (j ~. 23 much for you. . eleetion for li104 & 11)06 " 2B4 A. B. Sides, water pipe, coal. etc. 500 6.12 13S George Hamilt on .. 265 E. V. E Barnha ll Retalli bhnd allow.n oe for r t, J. ck, O. Cartwl'ig ht, J O!'l. W. Hi 'cy', Miss Lilia Githens part ex. III e nding Da ve Work " to home 4 00 Edna McKinsey Ridge, D. C. Ridge, Samuel D. Henkl e, Geo. A. Nov. 1905 . Funkey·o 8 3S. I i II 236 J. H. Colema 28 11& Elizabe th Davil n, 8tove grate ]:25 . bliDd allowan ce for H. Fred White. Georg e Hess. ' " It 237 lJ has. Smith, workin g 1. W right'S· fOlld tux Nov. 1905 1.1!6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8 a3 Apr. 2 2B8 Dr. 'I'bos. Sherwo od, Health i8 195 Clara Danlht ere officer salary blind allowan ce for - c::- !!! from Aug. 1, 1905 ,to Feb. 1, 1906 12.50 Nov . 1906 .. 239 E. V. BKl'nha rt, p ilir of shoes fol' Goo~pa828 138 Smith JUDea bUDd "l1owanOll for hire boy " l.7iJ Nov. 1905 .. 4J II 25 2"0 J. M. Keys, work on Retalli ck road , 12.00 28 137 Mrs, Am08 JaoltlO n, bllnd allowan oe for .. H 241 Chlls . R Shephe rd, worked road tax 1.'.15 5 00 " . 15 242 W. C. Phillips . 1 ton coal for Mrs. RobNo.t1905 Dec. 138 C. P . Lewis, ARen" inson freigbt on 12 oars 4.00 Silk Petticoats:, One special for $5 that canno t be 62 1~ .. 243 Set'h Cook, 1, ton coal for Mrs . St l.lll s ber r}, ornabed I~ne 4. 011 It excell ed. May 14 244 2 tlrowil & Mckav , publi s hin g noti ce for bill s 139 The Lewill & Talbot 2211.8 yda. orUMbed stone 00 depo~il1Dg Tp. rllllrl ~ ~'oneCo. a' 85 OIInts per yd. Lese .1>0 1" 2-'5 W. S. Graham , repuil'l l1~ Spc ucer rca:,l .162.13 freight 4.00 192 70 " .. 24() H; E. Booth, A g t . , .fr e ight on G u ~ W i ~ 8 HO Philip tlurfaoe appro. on river road am1 We were fortuna te in purcha sing Underw ear to retail at Iiams' g-oods to Columb u s old .1.JZ Lebano n pike 77 38 I' 21 247 Grant LewiH, 'ar1l1 g fo r· l.!;e1Wlll Prilltz price 1.1iO 11 1.1 Wtlliam BobleU 2() yards gravel No.8 1 20 .. .. 248 C. U. C leme nt:;. gro ' I'ip:; fo r 'I:;d wi n PClUlz o' 1.54 142 George Dt.ugher&y 16 _. 1 20 June 25 249 Grant LeW IS. \vo"k ill 'I'p, H Ul.l s ,: ,. · 11 Ill. 00 US Chal. WllUam aon 11 ~II 208 .. .. H .1 U 250 L e R oy iru n:;, i n :,ur i ng' 1'1" lI ou e H .OD '0 11 14' WilliaD i 8a'ten hwaik 45 JlIl11 :.I C' S 110 BClihal Julv ll , pailltl11g Tp, H ou:-;e 2 251 .. .. 7. 65 11 145 Becket t Brothe rs " " 252 Juo. H . Cas kHy, tic r.. as tru stee 6 mouths 5S" _I 50.00 • 24 J. B. " G ra I b i a U& John Bartloc k m, 253 11 .. " 80" .. 9 nO.OO 4 80 .. " 254 Fra:nk Pmtt I. ., 147 B, C. Dakin 11 80 yard. gravel No. II nO.OO .. 80 .. .. 256 C: H. Clenll'l1 l~ " .. cll: rk " U 1411 William 8attert hwatk 89 yards "ravel No.9 75.00 7 12 Ii 9 256 The Johnso o an d W lll SllI1 Co ., Mvppli es 12' . 14'9 Phtllp 81ttfaoe 4.00 appro. hWDlh lp line' .. .1 257 $1.00 buys.nice quality. Mahlou Hidge, ponel re lit to Jllly .1, ]')06, . road 3.00 . 25 00 .. " 258 Wm. Sattert hwuite , w urk etl marl tax 3. 55 25 150 S. E. Ketteru uiD 2711 y4 ornlhed Btone ' Aug. 6 259 MOI'ria Rogers , matert a l a ncl repllil'i ng trough :'.00 •• 27 260 Dr. Thos. Sherwo od, h ealth office r sal. 114 yd spalla. 70 yd dUlt ' 187 40 6 mos. t2.50 25 I i 151 Wm. M, Orndor f " 261 W. S. Gr,ahal ll Ex. se rvi ce a s tr us tce of J . .B. Appro. and 21 yd gravel These are growing in favor each season. 8 26 25 162 Barvey ~urnett '. Graham , decease d 26 yd Gravel No. 14 2 00 4.50 Tape8t ry .. 262 Perlry Pence, fixing pum;> aud pum pi ng pive $12 75 $15 00 Velvet 25 153 B. V. 'Mmith .2000 $30 00 2.50 35 Vd .Gravel No. 14 2 80 " .. Body 263 Urue8el FrIlltlk e Elbon, $25 00 $35 00 o' apprv. No. 3 and Ingrain scrapin g 215 154 Anna& BaDnah Kelle,. 185 yd gravel No. 14' $500 $8. 00 H 80 Jute road $ 3 00 . .10.83 25 166 Becke" Brothe ra Part pay oli gravel' .1 is No. 264 14 4 14 C. P. Whel~t on Treas. , taxes 011 '1'p. House 00 6.(,8 25 1511 1t.1 46 yd gravel No. 7 il 68 $3583 .78 25 157 Marla J. Sllrfaoe " 33 yd gravol No. 7 2 64 25 158 Carrie Pbtlipe , 16 yd grav,,1 No.7 SUMM ARY. 1 28 Silk Chiffon newest all prices, silk 37 1-2c yrd wide $1 25 159 Goo. Dt.1ICherty 196 yd gravel NO. 4 It; 60 Bala.c e on haud, S,ept•. 4, 1905 n 180 Gee., Roberts on $68Q3.1 t 80 yarda gravel No.4 6 40 .1 Fe~. 1906. Receiv ed from WarreD County i.'reasu rtir i5 181 John ReW.11lok t 768.32 Part pay on 158yd gravel :I 00 Mar. 14, 1906. Receiv ed from Oountv Treas. for gravel 25 161 Gee Bamn~n Blinl\ al for DeC. 11)05 77.50 . 8 33 AUi.. 1906 Recelv ed from Mat. McKlIl sev for lumber re't. 25 1&3 . Il1taalleth DaTis .40 .. I . . ' 8 33 .... 1i,1 Warren County Treuu ry 2& ,1535.0 1 111" o."bte ra .... o. 8 S3 TOTA L RECE IPTS 21 181 8mt.h Jamea 9774.3 4 . .. I 0 "0 II 25 Total Expend itures from Sept. 4, 1905 to Sept. 17,'190 (, il 188 IIn~_Qa-"aoboD 3588.7 8 .1. I a 00 - - Balanc e in"TFe anriF,8 ept. 17, lct06 , '619(l .56
fJaul\ng 222 yd dirt on fill eo.,1 for Mrs. Robins on & J ohn Bran Work wUh team and hand Work on Lytle well plat . form ' Appro. Har'bu rg road
48 8-&
'R ew ar d
.. ... ..
Young'men Wanted.
.. ..
.. ..
DR. H.E.
. .
COTTON and WOO L A:dy ance d
25(l to 50c.
.. ... .. ....
$1.0 0 Suit s .50 Suit s
Ladi es Misses
SEA MLE SS RUG S for room s.'
Silks are ,very Saleable
..... ..
Hosiery, Gloves, Cor sets ,-a grea t stock . ,
HutcbisQn 6t
X~nia, O' bi"~
- ----------------------,--------~--~'¥~--~~--~ ~ ,.. ~i rt ~~----------~------------~~---I ,"It , . 1.. 2. IJ H . i 01'01'1' to' I 'l'h e prllll, preoi 0 Bosto n nrtir ll I , W I. ,, """
C.oll n1,
\ . ' I I"
,, ' "r \ ·i., , !,
,-c . ,' ,','onl
U'nlon -0epo
un,l rtll titl of Mh!>HCIIOOn!lt c"lt I: W it" II t ',lou t lJy l\I i~~ Oli\'a l ' ,: ' , 1", 111 II ' " \\' U :-\l lI t , p .... ~\. 'n IPt t\ lrd~ I , ShlllL . ( ' I " "I ' ul",", F'" , 1i ' : I""'I' "' ''I /Ilt t"r , \1, >1 1, ' " ' .. ... ".,, " •• 27 00 Popu lar Play b L I' Auu t Murthtl AuoI P t WIlS III'r"1 " ," ," ,, '41 :li77i, ,,, II IIl" " ' . t I l'II" , \ e~r ~ rn ""I,: ) I.' lI1k R for8ur y . oea I ut p rfrl' ly loy ) LI!-o'l KntlH .\ 1l .111 !.' . l .~ H,aHI. ,"1(1 n" ... 1... Ll1l'll'lI " t'y , ... ...... ,,,. .. .... .. ......... ,-u 00 Talen Prove s Glreat · t F' rulI \(' '\nc1 M'I ll~ nnll II lliu,'s plu~'I ' (\ ""w ,,'!', 1 IIt;"I" " 'Y I" " 1'1 111 1111 If W e ~t,," n ..... 111 1·, pnh. Sh r riff's Succe ss I,h P!ll' t of Au,,1 ~!tlri o Anr'i un t '111< 'L'I'I' I·,I VI!1 11111 Fan cy Cirocol'icc:. Irr ui: 1," ,J('luulIlt,101lIlUcl5 0 0 p . _ _. . I WbllO Mi !:! Elli l,h::; I Ol t n ppt'ul'((1 1I I)""i , 1."" 111,, ,· " 1:1 'rh' lIlll'" Zell (J r, lils "n htl/l v y boJ I'd ......... .l!) Ot' Tho Un ion Depot. I.~ porfur Ullln 1\ t\1fli r PrLltt ,> mec", Mh~ Fli 'IInnod g ht,' "lIll I II I \\'111 I,rrl"I'I., II'\ ,'II\,,,,·,'d t", 1'1.\\ n . W"!-te n , :-.tll l', :WOO ole \. tll x full of fun fr om brllinni ng to tlll l J ~."O J., ",1::1 1'-. ht' I' ~llltor, l'i~lL r ~ Ilnd Tol)f1cl'o. H"" I I ltl'. "I,." 1/ " II·I.h " gl' " r ul'r" ,l II lin uJ1" ti 1'I· (,.. il' tH for 'l'realHll' r ... 00 I, wo!< prisentec1 at ::'oh ool Hn II F l'i.! b·io lu!I . I) ,f"lf d" "t i,. "" /1" 1' ',1 t" """" VOl' .lnllll 'S Fu'1I lI , ~r ., Iml ilry on d tlY ond Saturdn y e ,'on ln g~ . ~ ;I'~ \V H All ,' " ~', .,.,,~ :I : -:' I f " " I/, 111,j"n f1' Ih, ~" ' II "r *to, '\ 7G , juui " I' lit co ur t IJOllS ' ... Gil 00 The l)IIIY WIIS nnd r rh tlil'f'o l lo/l "nJ Itlu I:l "iup" '\'1,)[' UU Il,. , _ ho' c 7~. . "\ . ,, $ l~ () C"U ';I' It! rl' IIIIII"I"II to R B II I'~h bnrge r, snlnry UfIlIHof Miss'Ol ivll Morris, of th e Kin g )H~s J O$si Cla r k touk t he I,n l t t,hll l;nllrr, III Ullllll lllln Ph'IHI for tIl(. ~ Itlt"nt jllll ltor .. .... ... .. ....... .. :15 00 Soh ool of Orator y. Pittsbu rg, lind of II gipsey 'fortuno t ell er, lmd for o· I'ontioll . S, A. ~tilw e ll , purt paymon t about flfty lor-nl people took pllrt tolu trJ(~ futnro of 1111 who upplieu , on feell fr olJl Ie ' ebruul' Y in It. n U ll'\' 1' 110 'I!: KIJIN"I-I , ,I limes MoClur £' uoted Ill! newsbo y . set,tlem ent . 11l07 ... .... " ... 1l!5 00 'l'he aim of t ho phlY is t o show Mrs, Tbomll s Zell served 8S pinn tit,nt H of Ohio 1'9 l'lll1rion b'ox , 'levRlo)lHl Ch ulIlicul ' 0 !Ill the Bcenes in n Illrge depot 11S they 1st. .Jllry f1mh. {\ efondnn t, guil ty , - :', glll1 on ~ graphite p!cint ... (\:, 00 uro, thougb of course somewb ltt ell: · Tb'or o WAre fonr song~ Ilnd urilltl . AIL rt An uer HOII 'vs Thir )\K Cnt. Keep t UOlltrll ct WII S e n terell iul l) with ugerllte d. , " He 's DIy plI.I " "8 0 Long Mllry 11\1, Cnllo OOllll)r umi socl IIltel diM. Fr,mk RlOh to r epuir lJrhl ~Q l lU '1'b08e tuking ]llut iii the pluy 01'111" "Ch eyenne " lind ~r: "llmnd ~ ni Mt-Illd , K eutor )like Il,nd Lelllln on IInll luu!. only a few duj's time t o d rill, 10Id ]j'lll g drill" in whiob the follow . •Iohn Hllrliln~ et ttl,vt-< th in 01))' Frankli n pIke in Turtleoree k tnwfI · but both perform tmoes were.carried iug persons {Jllrti,cip ated , Irtme P " rli !c'(1 villng" of 'onth Lohun on t!hi Jlllt estimllt n of f, L ::iO . through Wil b "l1~ u break und WII ~ Trout, Kat,bry n Al exande r, J eB ie R'lplyo f 1IIttintif l'iiletl . Chu tnl Ju ry \ _ ____ llllothe r proof o f th e oft repeutod Mllrl'ltt , Edith Moshor , LuelJn l;or· IN IIr(\orl'rl til recon vllll e lit CUllrt is r" (' nmntl~: Jr. I hr SH lIl e of tho Chris tmas Mark et la sertion thllt W'ly nesville al\Vn y~ nell. Edna Zell, Olive Purehal l , Ada 1 r. rj'~' At "IHllll ~ : ' n1l'11' as llt ~ n03:' Hlm",u NovolIIIJllrll, 190GJlt Il o'oloc k boats the worlcl iu whlltev er It un - Eyl er a nd Edltb ~hute, eoloist ; cClll1l1mi(.'a l 1 fu::n'{ alil l s i! t ll ~ for The !..Adio" (luild of Ht. Mtlry'~ dertalro s, for whil e ~blS Ilerform W~II~r K!lbon, R,1Ylllontl D'ivi ll, pt,altry lt o \J!\\':'I , .~h l'l is. l fr.. :--:' ~. : ! #J co 1'ltoIlA1'K COU R'!' Chur oh wi ll b o ld t h eir unnu .. 1 unee hilS belln given in several of Wllh t, l\J.oKtly , Fred Sherw ood ;1 I clap pur " (.' 0% II1l lrl\ : f, ; Bazar ILnrl 'C, b ri8tmn s Mark et" ~I\.t u r - I tbll neighbo ring t·ow ns . it is sllid to Mlt'ltl lIf Edwurd Sot ll l't III , mill . • 1,1 . l't' P C.I Rilym ond Marliltt , J ess . , •• 1 Le wis, dill', Deo 1:.. hl\.ve been bett-er ca rr ied out h ere Eu rl Roberts on, Edward Rinks. mK. Involl tor y fli ed . " l. __ _ _. ' Itban anywhe ru i t hl\.8 been given . " ,...EHt", t,ll of SU ~lm Wei ll nor , dOOOIl811,1 Missi onary Socie ty " , 101 1 • .:11 ',," Dr. J . T. ElIiH IJa rticiputed itl tbe • i'I, I '1 ECZEM A and I' irllt, lind fllli.1 II COllun t for settle PILE CURE . '. , ., . I I r o le of Depot Mu ster and t rllin cu ll . FREE Know ing whut .1 , " • 1,·0.,, 11 I ' ' , ' I '. ,;.,1.:1. • it wu~ to tluf. IIl Hll t tiled , 'f he Ln(lie~ ForoiJ,{ n Mi~slonary I er, lind in steutnri llll tOnf'SlI ' C: ' , nnOUbo . fe r 1 will give FREE OF 'HARli E 10 , ,~' In ro gllllrdlllO sbip of Walter R Societ y of t.he M E . Uh llroh will ed the For Sale By SPEN CER & MONROE arri val ulIli depurtu re of im . /tllY n tlI iotetl a pOll iti ve c ure for .1.i:, Eo· :-;CJl1lrl, ~ •. \l)lllor . C. H. , 6riftul u np . m eet with Mrs .J. 0 Murlntt·, nn agiuury trnin fO I' Alt, Holly, W aH ze mll. M'lt . OREG ONIA , OHIO cC -"":;,;.,..:.. ,~:0?: rhe um. e ry ipeltls, piles 1'''lIlt ml ~llurrlllln with hond of Sr.OO Fourtll !<treet" t nmo rr ,w , Thursd u.v Olan Rnd other nenrby t,o wnH, anll skin disease s, Instlln t l'(,lief. I .. rn will (If 'I'. B. McUIITr on , de l1f!,c ru uu n . IT IS THE "KNO W HOW " S. G . .10y in t he ollpll olty of de. DOll ' t, 8ufl'er longer, write F. \V . cl1l1"fld . Mury L. McCl1rr e n,. ___ , pot policem an lub>.lrtld t" IHe!h" ' ve Wll,LA MIS, 400 Munbttt In t he manuf act uring of Paroid that makes it th t-lln I1venne el l t'X"I III rJ)[ . King of n11 Cough Modioin s order IIlld deoornll1 1I1llUIll,! the Now Yo rk Enolose stamp ,most ~conomica l ;m d satisfactOl:y roofi ng or siding .. EsIJlt.. ~'f Art hnr LYOll , de ·""Mt'll. Mr. E H. ,UIIIIA, n nlllli o.urie r of orowds tbat throul,:e d Ib e lotntl ull , " I U 1908 . mater Jal on th e marke t. Both fire proof and weath er" ).'111111 II(,Cllnnt for ~ .. ttlllJnen t III d, l;tlutOIl (;ellt.e r , Con n " WHO bll ~ W .•T. KilllfJD 1111 ,J OIl Gllmill hnd -"'!!! ~~ -'!!!...!!!...!!!...!!!~~.!!'!.!!'!~~~~~~~~~ I" "p ,,,ti l III' 1'1"IIl"f~ B Mn 'urren, b.P!!n ill the U . S. tinrvice for proof. You get f ull va lu e r ceiv d' if you bny yel1rs, 9I1YII : " We have abllut trl tld I onf! of .tIle III ,~t difti eu It pllr'r~- . to clp·, " ~HI1. Witlow p l pOI ~ I,) wk l' un ~ sIxteen Paroid , IlIILOY oougb m ed ioinel:l for orOup tbe eutlre . pluy but IJotter u till\< otlon tl. r th .. Jlrll,iRiollK of \ III. ) but ChaUlb erllll tYlli. &augb Remed y oouldn 't bit vu been m llll.· for tbe PARO ID ROOF ING PAIN T. E~tlttp of nllr l'\l~ 1 11 1111111'\1 , cle is king of ull and orill to C. be r elied plooe, B MWilli th t! II tu,.;e "llIIo~t ul)On every ti me We also find it contltnn tl.v Itnd nn Makes old roofs new. Good 011 allY kind of 1'00r. (I/111 ." "!. 1\1ll'hc'lI ti tl ll ~"t, f, ' r blmrlll ll' the brough t, in Il Ulllll. bl)st .remedy for coug hs and Telephone Day or Hight. N' lvl' lIlhp.' :'. " t 10 ,, 'c' I"I'k n til . oold,., lCiving "ertuin r ellult./I and ber of excello~t locul hlt~ 0ur FloUt' mill has been' newl remod eled and 1,,11 viul,! no bud after .. Ifeot,!." For the a ud ienee ln II IHugb thlLt kopl local No, · 7 Dl Ol!t of th " III rIO 1'. 110 ' " "f ,111'""''' F Bennut t., sllle by qualit y of ow' flour is better than ever. Ie' . C. I:)obwor tz. t,illle. '''' c''" ~''' 1 '1'1 .. ' 11l11~ MlI1 6r ,.~(Jpointetl long ~istance No, 69-3r Raymo nd vV illinlllilo n .iIltl I:lug h I1Ill1lilll~1 r'I III " wlllt hl)nd IIf $20, 000. Riilge kL' pt 1.1 genuin e lunch ~ t"nd ( : bll"I"~ N I'onon, · .1 . E Rnbluso tl Conc ening forme r Resid ents. wbioh wu li berllJly Jl" trouh~ed bv Branch Office, Harvevsburg, 0, unrl \\ . H ~it'l!f rt fl d "JlJ.lrl iRCrH the pa ssenge r ~ I~!- I n l, ' Clr (;lco.,r J,:' B . Ihl)Oru d e· Miss Stelill White Il~ Mrll , :::!Olitb Mllde HIIPPY for Life , Alfred Harrill, of Danvill cIlII"'ci e, l11i. 1II,·'''' t.llry IIIHI Ilppra!t. e. ',rea -/ t b ' from . t tile oount r y cnrried ont her nois, WIlI:I in .Wllyno sville a short . applOeS ll CtJlflI e ID 0 tb e m Ull t Ii h'd . home of~ . C. Blair, sohoel superill . time Illst week , Mr . HRrri!! mo ved part s plendid ly. tendent., at· St. Alban.. W . Va . , ~'A RRU (t I!: Lt C KN~.:~ . from near BIlrveY 8burg to Illinn!s l:Stra wdll r Ringer , the Bu~mlln. when hi .. little daught er wus ~e· BIIM ~11 ." I Io·r , IlIIi nohl'llt(,r, and about f"ur yetlrs a~o and he blls looked und noted the port perrectl ~' . i stored from the dreadfu l compla.l nt • Mrs. Cblltt " rwuch Ilnd bel' clu gh he names. He 8IlYS: "My Rlr,li n .1I1 n k~011, PIA.umnt Plain. been 8pendln g a Dlontb little IlDlong rei. , . u d uughte r bad St. V ltus Dl1noe Rov. eClw~i11 . ati ves in Bllrvey sburg, Clurksv ille ter, Murillo Chll·tter much . In t be per wbich yie lded· to n o treat·m ent but '8 _ _ . l'i llrry E, RlIthllti n nml .Tulill M. I1nd other Uhio Bons of MIs8 Belen Stokos und Miss grew steadily , wor se ulDt.iII1S a last - He Ie grelltlv pleased with tbe Elsie Ztlll were fine. Kr. IVl1r , I..obllnon , Or . GCl\vcly. . resort we tried Elect-ric Bitters ; and. Mr. and Mrs. P. H , SurfllCIl all I rej oice to say, tbree bottles effeot· s tate of bis udoptlo n Ilnd bl\.8 boen ilEA L ltS't' A;'r R N~ P'KR8 . . . ed a comple te cure." Quick, FI B . COIIIII·n linll wiftl to .JesBe very 8ucooss fu! iu his bu@luess, Mr . and Mrs. Kl1tzeo Jl1mme r WIth Cure for nervou s oom plftints. sure gen . trlloveling during ·tbe l!umm er" fl1mily of nobody knows how i\ . MOllnbl; lot, in Mnrrnw ; $1. Crill debility , femille . weakne sses, months , selling u()velt16A lit corn many ohlldre n. at trllet.ed speolal at· im poveris b ed blood. lind milIaria . W . F . Eltzroth to FroclorioJc Frie ollrnlvtl ls., county fairs, . etc . .tention and the depot WI1S i\ . lively Gunrllnte~d by F, C. Schwar horg IIntl wife; I ii Ilores in St~lem tz drug place while they held for th store. PrlCO 600. tnwn $hlp; 11. Mr . JOl') Mugee, .who moved froD! Miss Olive Parshl1 llond Rtlymo nd ==~======~== T== Hflnry ' /'I. , Hurln.ncl too r,bl1rl1l8 A . near ' Oroljsw iok. to Fountll in Ui ty, Marllltt aoted the pnrt6 of .<\unt Hllrllll1d ; 2. 21 lI o r o~ iii 'l'urtl ooreek Inditlnl l , lust Obristmtls. hus bae n Amelia SlI.ylitt·l e lind little Willie • ' • to wn!'blp ; IIH . vhliting Mr . Glatlma n Elli!! nud Sn.ylittl e IGUllll1I Bnw,VAr to ~ylvttn Bnwye r ; otber friends io this neighbo Jeese Lewis wh o hilS nppenre(i on rbood. lot, ill Lt"h .. oou ; $1. Mr. Mllgoe lives on a truok farm tb e 1000 1 stnge u nUlJlbe r of tiwes Anrlrtl w Blnd!)r Illld wife tn A . F. abo~t nin,' miles from Richmo nd mllue 0. distiuct s ucoess in wh utever AND UI!:ALER IN Mill er; a2 :15 a ores lu Unirm town · Ilncl finds rt>ady sale for 'he produc e obnru ooor ho bus Illld Art-ll ken reully he ro.ise8 He likes bl@ new 100110· out.di<l hirnsplf 11 8 . " Unole .TOMb· · IIhlp; ~1 00 . tlon but says WIlYDesville is still Bis acting Wll~ pAI'feet UR Wll ~ u l ~o Lool16 M. Vlluclev ort to Mury E howe. t·hllt of Mis8 .T II8~ie MRrllltt, 11:4 "Auut tJpp; lot In HarveY!lburg; It. Telepho ne in his houso wbero he tlarah. " Frank Thothp ~oll to UllIJt.rJe clln be called a·t 1111 hours, day or t4'll't..;.-1I;,'I=;r;:;of a Mi88e$ Edit,h Mo~h o r , Iron e Trout Dllhllu ; 29.92 .torOl! In night. und Kblhry n Alexnm lel' millie town8b ip; II New Opera House . ohllrllli Coaohe s IIJld ohllirs II uPlllied ng so h ool f.{irIR . Adei bElrt, M. 6eorl(e Mille r to !;telIlL Wh"tse l; Bllve r ecently movI~d to room W l1 ynesvil le '8 noed of n com Ulodl. ~oKI1Y IIpplllreti li S I) Kll l'I'S (J~' s'l' YLtSll ~'AR Ilcon Long ::;0 ~oreM in MI1 ~8Itl ttiwn!lb ip ; $1. pext to Cross Bros. OUi! opera h ouse WII S eD1 phll ~ izlld fIlC A. RI '" MA D ~: A ~'TF;R ' 'I' III~ MAtN STRKIt1 . WA ~V NE8 V ILt.lC IZAttll I:'ellrk und hUFlblLOtl t o .Tohn "gllin last Wllok ~yh en t wo )Jlay" ellcb NEW I':i:;'[' Mill /1;1,1:; A II Mr. H nel 1\1 rs . B(HII'"c k were rep· V. H . Lewi~: lut, ill Lehnn,lll; $1. curryin g a Itlrge Dumb",r ut' pL,ople r e~onttl d b,Y M I~'" KllriJry H(JN~~ ~T LY C( N8'I'RU ( :'I'. u Frllme ( )' ' ED P"tor B. lind E. ,I. Ulen VOl' to wore put on III, the locml hull", u.nd ,Jesse Lewill "nt'! they :U1l1ue a Hrtco G. "Illi EI,hcl E. l:innlh ; lot in A s l,riot inwrpr otllriou of the lAW dist.iuct hit would roully not, IJe rmi t of I,lllyt! III ~lLrv" Sl! b\lrg ; *&25 . Edward Riok!' IIPIJ'Jul'e d 11M a dude Row Find Out. L' i H 1 . J "V M k sohool bttll but b"CILUtlll of neoessi ty "mIlts Prof. J,on rn'd, lind Kttt,her . 11i11 a bottle or To common ghlS' wilh your < rill '."IIl, wr to . • . ~r . II; we hllve t o utle it. but that hllll' WIlS iDe Frame uga in OUlIla on as MrF. water nnd let it stand t\\'cnt y.fOtir hours; 1 "GO1I0ro III l'llrt.leo r" .. k t,"\\'n~hll'; Id (\ sediwen torsel'ullvor I n t,en( e f or. any por t'orUlllllcllt! Brown tlingind icalesan iii 1 , r equirin g I\. IlIrge numbur of )luuple. L\1i~8 Edith Sblll,", who p .. t'lI:Ie~ sll'" a unhealthy COliHllrbur t W. 8mitlc tu 6 eorl(e Thll Vl\rlOUIl which an operlL voioe of unuHulI1 pOwe r and s we ~*,"~~~IIf{ ditioll of tile ki<l· t ~ Walker ; lot 111 AVlllulI i:lt.t~ht.t;; hou~ e mil(ht bA ., built neys ; if it 6tai ns havtl , b~e\l n01l8. ~oo red !IllMbo r lIucoesa as Mild. yo nle linen it is .4 ~7. dltlou ~Hed OVIlI' IlUU over Ilgllin Au Pli I,ti. "vid:ence of kid· George W"lkllr to p, ,B, ulld Ii, U OP" I·I\. hOllel!! with IItor6rO ue" trouble ; too U!U1! 00 thtl Jeil",e Lewi8 simply oouvull;led Ibe fr equent desire nnhalll ; 10(, ill A vlIlon l:I cighb!; $1 firllt, fioor would, oer.t4linly ptly I\. fllir b:o u~~ by ' perfeotly tuking off rhe to pass it orpaiu iut,Ilt,;!!t· on the money investe d Ilt peouJiorit.ies of tlBve rlll weU known - - - - ill i be back is ulso convinc ing proof that tbe kidJleys Iell'" t Com'm ission rs' . oltizeos and bladder Hre out of order. Mltuy toWIl S no Il1r"er t-hl\.n ,WII..Y·. M' . Cl . Proceedings~ d .. I ., What in Itiliell Tolhe DO. it ~II lI·n Bnwke There is comfort k nowledge so nesville suppor t a very fllir opera dressell io A Ja\ll1ue se ",y))1 oostum e sllug often expressed, tbat Dr. Kilmer's bOUHIl 'l'bomul l E. Corwin , llUUlIIgll9 a very pretty Japlln!ll!O !<tlilg. Swamp.Root. the went kidney remedy, ' A ...utltl~l htl l1 ~ tl would il. ttmot IL bet ' MiRR .Iessle for rOl1d ' IIrouno. brldgll ..$ 7 1i0 s every wish 111 curing rheumatism, Clarke IIPIJelL rAd ILN fulfill paiu iJl the back, kidneYS, Ih·er. bladder K. E . 6reely, 1l1l~hllr .. .... . .... . Il 00 wr OIIHUI of performl1ooCII tll,," wi! Mrll ~eedy witb two oh!1cireo Mill '. and every part of . the nrinury pllssage. 0lIt1 hope for otberwi su. tllld we be S. E. 6rotlly , lulllbllr ........... . 91i all T It correct.s inability to hold willer guer Ite aD d M'lt 1 on bompao o and scalding pain in pa8sinl~ h t' v" the gllotberlng8 of a publlcn " . Alvin'W t1bb. rt'pairl! ill t:;t, Jtom Une of tbe hlt.s of t,p" evening . ~tfects.folloWlng use of. liquor,it, or bad' wiue or Mitt' wbiob I1re now be ld he re,there was the oortrtllh tilwllllh ip .. .... ...... .. .. .. 10 MO lp of Widow er beer.. and ove~come8 that unpleas ant ne· d ' , cess,ty ,belllg conlpetled to go often Jo~, (J..Irring ton, ,lllmbor :..... , 7[, 76 Ilnci everyw here waul nlltural y Smith Ilnd Mlil~ ~ IlIhweJl . Fre!l B. durin ~ of the da)', and to get up' mllny go to that hAIl. Lloyd KtookUlIlD, IJrtdg8 rll' ShArwo od too k tbe part of tho' wid. times during tbe night. The mild aud d W ' II Oo you wl1n t a new b It II ?• W Il/l t ower ' JII~lrl! in Frank.!i n to\\'lI. tbeextm ordinar f S,,,,amp·Root lin ' I Ifl BUlD l'~, ForrFst is soou rtalized. yellecto It stands the highest "hIp ......... ......... ...... . ... :.\u C,1l aru .I'''U willIng t.o du to b elp get a Ridge. Ilnd Ed'nn IfDd Luelln Jantllly for its wonderful eures of tbe most dis· bllll? P, A , t.itiul1!Jt' , 1't1l>4l1dug pl'itl were hie ohildre n whilo MlsM M'IDle tressing cases. If you need a medicine . you should have tbe best. Sold Vhtir.;' *:'h"'1:O' ..••. •.•. ••.. •.•• b:y drug. Browu was Miss Fish we ll ~'amouR 8f.rike Breako rs. gists in fifty'Cen t and onHoll er IlZes. 1:1. III W"t\\'IO k IJI, ·",holll dIH", 'I'h .. mOllt fAIIJOIlR IItriko breaker ll You may bave a aaniple bottle aUil a Hiram R.nd BlLrbllry on their wed· ff" Jllil.. ......... ........ . ...... book that tells all 1 C,O in Ihe IIlm1 are Dr . Klng'lt New ding trip ill the persons of · MINI nbQut it, both ser,uI'''' ' """wY;'rll ' 1." "'I'"I·.. IIVIl Pull liv,'r Rnd bowls go on Il IItrlkp, they Il:rtnl\ Zeit "nd W .· Q &IIper aoted by' mail. Address Dr. , ~u • buuk Nn. 7(), I,. R A . r, 00 ql1iokly set,tled tbe t,ronhle , Bnd tht'l hke genuine oountry oouple . Tbey Kilmer & Co., Bing· .mrlfyin lll work goe" rillbt on Bflltt, ~ '20 and30 -East Third St. LItWYlltli' (lIu,... rllllvt' Puh. hamton, N. V. When , DAYTON, O. ~ nnrfJ for oou8tlp atloo beRdao he and were atteude d by Lemnel Bnd Luolo. writing mention tbis On. buuk Nu. 1, L H. A : oj uo dlzzlne u. 25, . , da, Straw!l er Ringer and LuaU" Cor. make any mistake, ~~'a~;~ ~~ ,Lawyer ll' ~peraCive Pub· name. Dr. Kilmer' . S at F. C, ~hwar~ drug,la& . uBIl. Use ad4rttt, ~lwIalOll, iVi H \
.\ .
:-. \, P"
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Spencer & Monroe, Oregonia, Ohio,
Thousand, HavB Kidney Trouble and NeYer Suspect It.
$ ~ol Stra.llS The SURPRISE STOR~ ~' $' Eo C. Hl1h L ~
• Day tOilS Most Popu lar Male .outf itter s ~
Dame Fa~hion's · Familiar Chat
A Ne\v Future for
The Bald Eaole. Kino of Birds
"Tqr~e Great Water Hiah\~aus c,'mlil{J r-iceung of Rin'l'nlfl1 at : 1. I.Oll !:; In [';(Jvc her to De ~larkcd by J:;xpillil aLJol1 uf (;1' itt Pm!l; ' ( .
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purl il l III (I,.. .": 1"';11 1" Kt ·:-, l uJ\ \ , IW ~ ''' f'l\''!1 1U ttJ" ~~ ' n: \t1 '11 1: ~'1tI.a r a!-. ,dll t.! ':. 1.:1, ::.II,til 1,1' cilH H' 111 Ihl f ,' In I, n SI, ,,11, ' ,I:,: !Jlp. l · I Jltoi Illim (' hi td J, Cl III ~1 I.tlHi " h 01l dh',~1"1 lrlt' tl'( l r 1,·(, "r L\\ ~. :-;uil' tl lll" 1.,11. 1' tln f u ll 1\ 1"} l ::'t:~t' _ IIr'hl ';11i " : - : , :l'\ C,," :tHri ~·. '\t Ol" ', 1I 1~ If ' .. t ad 01 .1 'J ('u.~l('IrH
l'Opt' . •\ s tn., .-\rr f l~ n, .\tI ~tl'Ll liu . find till'
l':" I Illd ia 'l sl .llItI ~,~·t1I(,)' 111'(' III " " I lin , llIftl'OUS I n I·: lI l'O pc . A sl n nn ll J' rrll~11. ~urth ,\me r it..' n I}(HhH" O:~('~ hUI rt.ur =-- 1)\' · cil' S. rm lr lWtI uC 11'1,10'11 -LII' ~o l oJ"1I C'll !;,it' ltll ~ th \lu lu " lI~ I .. - "rt' II' g "II ' 01'111 ',1I ~LI' Il>u' loo [lflo l (hll oC llu nlc ll ' lIu' ('(' lJll omfr' int"I·....,. l itt thtH I'l,;..t inn . 'rh bn lef ' :1,1: 1". ollo"l'wl , ,, " :II' I II II~lr . 'llnetl I\'hit,"ll e a~L' 11 i'lIgl , 1\'1l1\[',lwll d, i ,1\ SN' " 1l ~ 1 ' . and bi"11 ()f '{ l ~ hlll ~ 'OD , hs or purtl r' alnr ftl tl're ~t tn AU! I'ku u ~ tI ~ U,(' 1I!1111)ntli lIIul('1I\ (If i he l ' nllfld ::; al " ttl whlt'h {1Ig'lI ill' It IVns I , \'nted UIl .J IHH.~ ~O, 17 , ' ~ , TlI unm e ' lmld ' (,B!;, le, b) wh ich Lh •. ~ II\ c los I~' II I most unl\' ',-:;a ll y ),lI o \\'n urlKiJHlll' tl fro lu Ihe whill' h ell I uud' Ih' rt'OIl , O ll~ 11111)1' '~8 l on lit ba ldnl' ss It gives al n dlstallce. Th is bird lI1 eUSll res nho ul lhr C! 01' t h r 0 nlld one,h a lf rl!et III lC' ngth (1'0111 six to ell;lht fc et In ext ent of ~' In gs, tlntl we igh s rrom six to 12 pouuds,
1·,l!dl~~ ' ITt' '"~~ th .. l ClnJ11 T ~· Jot" ;,.,. ~ . ... "f 1:11'~ _\ ~. ,I.r~ IlI,'!"- h:l~ lW l l ll a I' l t i·' .,'11, \ III 'I., !r',t' "- I')ti ll~ I \ ltal ,itt IIH ' dll't. C'1h ul ,-,I tht' ,, 111 , '" ~tr\ ~ r!I'~'t \\UI.1"\, .' l'(lIt,';·, ..... \,;,1« I. 1 L.:'h~\I'~"~ aud :t (h'l 0l1"l111 1\' d Iff.Pl t In ;t t" "'111, il1 \\it. hill_~ltHI 1.1 t
~d";{ lh l' s ph' lu l l( l r~ l'lt, Ih..; .... l" JJ" dl' \\"'ftlrh 'tht 'Y atTonL ~f ·\\' YII ' h.l." lo~ ,11l"'l " "01, of HI " 1"''' 1'1 ' ar "WI" ';i' 1. ,1 ~I OI,OIJ O .(l11ll Ltl illlll n :\ ,.11 11 ' CIIMI f\'/l Ul t.ilk.: l;:r1<' I n I h,' Il lld
Wi " '"
·.... ht.
H.o I "
"P I ,'r
t1 ~a i)
'rJitnn~ lt~
c·otl !,: h ·, i uo; ... ulI,l 1I:;'It • Ill'· '1 ' lIl1c, 111\' Ilw :1' ',H~ ~, Ink '\\'11 'I" rollln,1 ,,' ' ,l illo',. 'I' lir' (',"I, lrs III 11I1)1II''''!.\11 :! ' "llr'll \' IlU . G') ,II,' L U l 'l\rg" I ()~" ', ,' d I II ' hl" .. ~n Ilv III :,11 11111' - nl r"rflilll "Iull 1tnn , ·r 1,Im h . ",:, )' flail Illrpr , ',n J111111' _It'mlill- , :.'h :111\' 'II w.,; \\'llI'tI , .1111 11 1 ""IJri<lU, 11 L'~ , }l r. ' ,Uf"\\' 10 1'lIr", 11 :.;\'1', (,I'' r llo ,I. TU L' (·il) r. iLhuu~ , of ~irin (' h">! 1 ('I', 1';n l;l n nil : hJ1 ~ l!11' ~n ' Ca I " .I, ! " , I... " ]I~"j"i nil ~' I\I II ',Y. .c ~II' :doo lO gN. uri olll1el In t1lt' S";i h;11/ ,Ill' p" p",ladoll ,I .. l 'uHI:ri 1'14',,1")\1.
l~ , ·rlnu.n y. Fra.n
and Enc;lnlld ar I t.lx.. "'1 :ilfl~ t'f1 ~ ld ( ' ~ 1\ \', h:rl Ula y Iw c r 11111;111,,, C\ n li-\f~e l' 5\111'5..In thl" "1111 ,, 1''' ,I). '1',,",',I,.llI' .\l hl<lbs!llpl ".111l·y ~ trll(' I n of IIhsollllcl y n I\' 'I'U~~ Thi s \lollul"ll oll h, ~ 'JIO m ' hUll dCll' " ull!itb~' w at ....· vlly~ , Tit " ullli:-;, IIIo' d h Mo'lf f'I" 'I'~' " .; ),l'al'g of Ih(' 1>: .. 1 ~IQli (' ('ana l ,hUM 1I11'1Ie1y Iiaid' (0 1' il · r " II'II")' . Sh""I ,1 Ihl s nile " f 1I1I'I'l'as€ Helf , l n tI)l' ilnmenn VOIUIII uf tn"I, ' , II/"'''n,allllll lllt'li hL' Y ar ~OOO w 111,1 Ihut rtI'Ihtls thrOll!;)1 It s Ic'ck>;. !\lI rl I t\II(1 Ihe \lllll ll lul1 011 110 II'<R thM t; tiil . ul ! lilL; shu ws U,e t e ndt lie)' tI1 W Il1'LI~ 00(1,000. 'I'll " u ,'" , or I ll ' ~II Rsl ~s; jl lll wat r c:oill llllln l.cnt\on, mllu)" ) ,~ ~ o,ooo Sfllllll'O ",11'&, !til lold 1I10v ,'0I ' nlS ar 011 rool both [II 'I S Is, Ll\o,n rt h ti o r Ih t' whol C".uJ.Llll"~ II ' 11,., 01110 lind Ih(' 1 '~" I SR IIII,1 rlv('I·. H ~ 1I1'('a ... r IlIl' l ' nil"ll Sllll ('~ . und 01 0 1" 3E1 1i10Ilg tll Millsourl. fo r I h(' illl' ' Ihu n I\\;u · 'htrd ~ 0" IlS 111',,10\ 1' sllrfa ce !l1'0\' mont o r Ihem wa l !'wuyt;' fi' II !'- j 'I'lk I/.pulaf!nn lui . ti!:< . wll;1 Il'atir In' . 1U admit of t h o u~ o of th l u!'~,' ,' ~"f'J'SC " 1 11 I ' If) th(" \' all. ') uwoll" '~ '<["li m 'I";. 1'h' Ellogan uf th e OhllJ l ,iuu'hl~'(lc1 1m 1.000.1100. In 1 ' 50 I he IU v!' r lmpl'()vom ot ossoC'i utilJO ' I,. ' 1111 11110"" Io M I in(,I ·",.~,'d In .00').0 'I " !Jam the OhIo I'lv I' Cn'm I'll, ~hllr!l ','nr hns 'hI' " "III " IIIltCY fIr t1,,:' ~li s' tn, airo:: and, I her Is fI .. ill1l1,, 1' I 1'I'~l l'p1 \'till£,}' 101,,' 11 " nOI1<'11 lIr')JI" II' lo)sa11 being d /iclaf d I.r· I lIP ;,\lis.;IM' I I(s i II c·,.. as!, fI r ]1<'''111, Tit, " 'lItl' n sfpp l fllver lllljJrOV'nll'll! ll;ijO i:t II<H', l!t (' ()I'II. ('OIlIHl, l illo, alld wJIQ;1 1 ]lr~ "hlch fI~Y~ . "\)al[( Uti, , 1i~sl !lF i ~ 1'1 i 'lucLl,,,, , o( th " nU lnlo(" " 111'("" .lIId l'i v r from 'I. PUIII to i'l'W 0 1'1 !111M. ".: "1\1 LIe ,o( rUl'II''', re. ' • I " 'l' hill lis c·un· A II,I at a m '\,In g of Ih 'M' I\\'to ;I !ll;t" i (ln l'~' . "'nUbn s at ~ . Lo uis \olln" 1I1;; , " 1\' \'1111",,. 0 ~ 'Ilr I' 'nl 'I' of I h ~ COl'll i ,r dl'l't len " ,
1I11 ! 1I ;IJ 1 ijJ~j
o f tI ,'a d !i ., it , 111.\! Ii' w U1IId IPlillutt l b' all. t::s a I ,p~hh t ' l, P II !lf I.~ d. ·~,l·~ 1 !I \11l (If fh tt 'l,:-;, t!.l' :i f' an d (Jth ' 1' \\a'~ l rowl. 1111 I' wll!<- h am nl'tl ll.tbli' ",; r, . I 1'1\' \ ...... 1
h ,Cl
I tl
11" '1 [I~
i,., !I(I!' l!a pl-i It H' IIjU ~1 l; l'r! " "1 III ' IlllJ :·q I'n "Jlh\ n l j; 'lll: :i tJ t h l!' IH 10 " 1 '\ 'II~jl"'t'IItoll' " ~I".',\ 1111:' 1. ,, ;1 1 I'."IIIlT' ,I IHi ,;,' Iy III till' 1' 1'," ' " all d (, Il' ' li ~a l-J uU ~ 01 I1Il tthllIUJ1 . 11 a ·t:l(·~::. t:::u lI 'i HII(I nlhl' !' 1I1111'f;'UIl'1' Wil l :. t..1~,"" h (l ij('l df)IJl th ll t V(' n WC' I'O 1i,..1,. "CI':I"'lIi . val u lI' lH'1t j:1'<':tl " lh:tn 11 I. 11 '1'I'll wll u ld b' Il/.:nln sl lI'" t'">':''' o n ' Ulis seun', IIl'lanll 1; 01ll!' hlo tI ~ Ilru not tirtiin IIh,1 8' ',1. and II"II ~ hit UII U,'II Y leI ~ nl1 ~ cOIIHl u ' " Ii 100 ~1I11l11 III b.J worth 11III'"I,I r. " Allhou g h 1I0t n ttac:k1ng I nrge uul, lIlUJl,
. :\\' h(1'
' \'~r," sal \l , I'
';Il~l' . whl1 \\ a ~
IlHIU nrnctll r ,,'S lire (ore I'!," I,.,. \ ' p h l leen . n mos t ud\'antB~ l' u ~ Cllbl'lc. which n o w hll' grn n t cu lin,. It n :"f Ilnl ~ lI. bl'lns'l ui:( I t Inl c losl' I' ~e ntl.olanC! e w\i h hlrro n , \'(~ lvt' t Ii ' tlI11Il'UI'S , Ino, In ma ny e xc IIC1t:t 'ClI "I'~, n, ulhc,'r) bing on f lh 1';1' al l'Sl N II('{'I'~SP" 11n.1 Ihls In combln utlon wi h yt' liowi. h Iuc(' and Ivor)' ... hllTolI I p ll'tlrl lI' O" t h N lrtlly as h(' ~ If'd !on (01' nn :tlllllmn , a 0:0'.1111 of )'0111' dc lI:;h 1. ,hI' la c ... be lli!; 1!" ('tI with I;rl':1' 1'" .ru-Iull Rbu u, II.t necl( lo I h "'al~t '11111 III fllll f,'l lI s Oil Ihe will sl 01' " 11','1 , \\'1111' \0 ~ hOnl tl a,'S lIm p u shu pe II , tit ... hark or t ho el~ o~': I " ~hc)rl i:1 Ih... c,'O It. " ('h'Nel'n or ' th e ol1dlnary t y po ) \\'ollici s ' ll'ct for, b esL f ro lIS (0 1' little ill'li hlw 1:1" 1' fo r tho nu l ulIln. nud 6E I III I1 t lo'1l'tl IIISL 'W c :( , this lIIal;',e an t','(' t' II 'III fOllnl1:1 ll on to II ... tll'cora liun IIr ur tld ~ , n flLau lon ",hl 'h In,. u!liilln n n '('Vl'l'), jlu plliar slyl ' or COIIt and , Idrt. 'fit
\\~'ts; , ' ill" 'H~ I' · g-f' lI eI'Uj' ion. ··thf)fC i!O. a pl't)\': ill j!
fpas t o r I'" ' hloll , YOII nt 'l ), lI u d n 11 111\' or , 'O UI5 ,u II II Iorl/ll t·s . nlll'I' 11 1' 1''')' .''" Alld J u~ ~ ntH>' In lit<' IlIrg" ell' 1< '. VI' Ih(' CUUII'I'Y, pSI"ciull) :\'1' \1' Yu'tl, tlllri (,hl( 'a ~ (l, Ih el'(, IH n I<'I'l la lie Ioan 'lllt" OJ' ''''('('s~lI h' .. ~ ,;, 'II :,uu' lIl s!t" I with hr:~ n llC" Il t fur ,I\(' 1(1111111111 M'[l' ~ 'IIl , ·The poin t I\'hir'h \'l 'a,,; wl l h )lli, I~ , Ut ' i ll\~' ' );UIII' illun ~y :1tll l takOJ YO ll r dH,iI'." nnd 1.. 1 '"" i l"l\-l'nlly h,I]lt" )'(J U WIt! he' gu ld " I 1\ 11,1 Ii ' i n Ihat t'i", k tl~I " i\ SIIH' lli r bJ1\ ~ l rIC'l' :lI l " " fu r ~' ttll " 11Il1I1'\ . 1 1I~1 11f{ url'. atHl ha, ,hI' ~ In ut l'l; Ul:m w ill 11 01 Iw , lll l'"d hy Ih" f O:ie!' II UllolI ~ , w h l('h J tllllll i i 11 1' I ' ' ,'y gl' Ill. ,(If 1Y", ,hl'ol"(I IIII ,' \1' 1' ICII !;' It <,oal H wl\lc~ h nh tuln lIud.,. l ' l!"lol ,foll l ug nntl IUIJ~.'· ll tt 111~. a, p""I~, 111[1£1(' Qf' 1" '('1' I. .~ ( ,r--:-, and marll' I ('IOlh. 1,('\1 'd au d un ll"II ' ) ~:" P l t: wllh I' In!! Ul' 1II'II iti d Iio ubi ,h, nsLt' d anti ~11I ... 1("l lr ea ·l,d. aeli In' ' It;;(:(, 1l0ss "~" in !'; I1l1l<'h t o ('n · lice. pOlwlnrll.'·. !\lIef IIOjlnlnrlty h ')' $ ~. / "" ' d C!-'t---I'l'L\ . b ill t twy IllU :i l I II] "'qr n b ~' ~ .... .... 0/ ' 't.""" - . Cllt' I'I{;hL)\'Il'ullIn II I' tJll'~ will JIll In ol, A ,·I n ('· ~1' 'ca v \I' ,t 'ell LV II. a ni! h lJ S\()lIl nnll Ihe s il ort IIII1S Hk lt'l I'enchlll!'; til ,he grol1ntl, with b 1I~~t"1 l o ,urn ' n sl d rrom t h eir \I I hrua t! WhH o r bra"l on t hn II III, un d It'll fitlll' ' il lI ll Ite \'()t~ Ih 'lr ambitions II r llill 'I~ht.l)' II lil ng lit l h uad. , ' I OWlIl'd . I h(\ r O:lt which hns II sho" I" ~ 1 1 "hll)' l uos In l he t ront, with tabs sL ral g h l hlls'1u(' slol'ln g' ll War "I'OU' \ or bl'l<l? olll1hll ns lh o \\' al ', er:>l\t of IInll)' .1I'1lIl1 . It sl!l;;l e I, reaste d f ,·o ll l. . ch i ne S,' ~knwhlC h, I; " ?a ls n blOu!e 01 The I'l' 'ic' l' CCllLt (', ll el'lnll\, I would H ,r! Iuc lit! chm. 11l1bon . Til . hilt ret'o nllll onrl : nl ~o . \\'h l h' uOLi ng lilR It ' whl h Olllpll1lt'K lile d ,'eNa most ad, I. t r> be nhUlI"",1 h a il ,l d r lIIilChll1[' I nolntbl~ I~ or ~rt g~ ell bpu,' I' Wl l h l Site of One of t'-e Proposcd Wing D~s, knlll('d III 1111111.1: Il arl, co lClrs as II' il l a ~ru ,' cl 'I nn Id at UII sid e I\S In whi l(!, .th l ~ . II1:tk 5 H cupl l a l gul f by Il bunch or flurpl e au d 11 bu ncb 01 the ma t~er Is to b e.nOl'j;l'lI ally ex' ' nf ,1;.1', J.'nU ..,,, . S'III "H .s III the gr.eBt ""S'I III1IP III pnmbl mtll oll w [t l> Il "I nlll ',·(o ... n gI'Bjle$. plottod, ' rlvcr I\'h~C I; IIh:llil's :\lI ssouol a llti 'lIlI: Rkln o f ,he tl 0Pll11l1" 1'li~hlal1li c la n. ' [ha\'1' h,r.en lil\'eRt!sntll1/i lit QU CS ' The flLel thal ope :\l lssl.'III,,\)1 I'IVPI" IIl1I H, a ill ut lIIitl','uy ti, I 'u glh o( Mis, and n !lm!!11 10'1{t(' wl, b cock ( p. l1 t he ,·s. l llo l1 o( eV l'nlng go wn s wi h t h I'osult IlIg ca u CO OVl')' In six cl u)' " f rulI1 Sl. : 8U\",.! . ' Th o IlIOsl f~i'ol'c(1 <, o. tum Is or l l hnt I lIutl lh(' II'Clst IneXJ)cnslvo are L()II~ s lo Now d eans r:url'r lll g 'I'h ' 111 ' 1' ,,( w h ('at pl'u.lllction 18, bl nel; elolh: thl 3, ,Iwl n g' cOlI sld el'c li bin g m ade o( llIu ~ lIt1 v olle, and an 1 1 ,1)00 tOIlk! [graln l whl h \\'011111 ,'(" : ii !II I) \:! , W' iH I of III d ,,\1 \IW~, .In Lll\' ' P''''' 'l1IitH'ntir ~ar , i l;, c; h'p-'s ,u 11)1.. alx I ('xc olloll t m od ' I In thi s aho\~ s cro ss' 'Illire iO r ailroad 11'1I In ti nf 1 5 car,? ! :"o' L I , l!ur ll ro n n r Iowa.. WOlllBn 0111 nf ('Igh t , 11 lid. Irll1lm~d to w ay bautl s fl f g l ace silk nU lc!tc:l at ,tlcb, sl1uw" ,. lh J1oli::l l bllilic~ VI Ihe I 1' h 't: ('('II \( 'I'" I\f IJllls 11\")tl ll c,l,n, . Is fllscn 'llon II' llh 11 11(,,, M lola"'; ~ llk In lC!\'\'u IH 1111 to the Ilnees, and the Pl'oj ct. ahO ll1 1011 mit· - 1"llil o ( Df'a MullIl'ii. ural.1 Il h I' 011 ' he pi<'IILed 01' hi 'ua hOllic b fll'l ug :J tull e ch ern Is ltc, und '!'be gn he~l n g or riveI'm II III ~l. ill l h " c~.iHl C'ltr'L l'iti pro rli II of h)·wa . hOllle(' 01' Lh' til!;hl ru t L, IL cn n b > n (J oe l' un u "oln ttl d colla,' "0111111 Ihe I ,nlli~ in Nov~nllb er ..... iIl b' t h ' f;'l'I'IH' 1'h(' I'Plllr',· vr Iilr, numt. I' II I' r'anlls Rulll'll ~II~II,\' to l lo f' "Il.lIIiIiCJI\ .u r b p>I , ~hou "l r~ lII ade o f nlternule rows of ,'s l comi ng log 1I1U1' of Ilelllllc h ,l "' ; 1M in 1111110 15, IIIl mil t's ODlll 01 SL. J:olI' n <or ' \, 'rnill)" gu wlI . I the g lue nnd Lho mu slim /'~ I 'd : n ,\ lII e rlca ' ~ InLerlll" \\',11 'l' waYll , LO \l I~ . " C~III1l I ")'_ Al I l s 'rh e l ,c .i tl! r f:h ' I'a lu of l'al'n' 8 Is I n III hl s loi·" (If \( ' 1'\' OlltS I. 'the O hio Rlvc ,' ' lri\J)I:;"'(' ~ ," ii,,~ w,,~ 1 10)' nor' lnni>:L uf ::illl'llIg' ItW~t ll~$o(' l:lllon sel Its(lif n'~ hl\ cl~' ' 1"lrl. 11 1. ' ") tb o I.n~k of ed ncaLing COII!-( " ('S~ :,11 ,1 ·~· ltl' ' (, II I"I" /o[ ' ~ " fa:'111 Or ." ot til' Ihl' I'!'Ilplp' o f Ill " . rive r , stat tl . t .. Ih t.' " Olllll l')' I ~ I II, H,'. ~n lllh\\' l'~1 ill' .I eI', Nev(.1' 'I13'.l'lhC'l'" I"J(,!1 II sr>a;on I n 'n ~t c(' m llll'rc illi I In jlOI' tUII '9 "I' ''' ''''p- f" r M II (' I , ),. " II I. , ! . , 'J . wh ll'l, u ~f'la l' ''· . ,'"rio ,, }' ot 1<I~' I('s IHI S 1'lIi llA' lh(' (' hall llol from PtllH hlll'l!: I II ' I'hl' r.r ll li ·,' " f ('(, tIn '! III'od llCl lol1 h , q n dl.wlu)" I than 1'11 H y<'~r , atro r d, lilt:( PI' t'I'" " " ':I Hl!! ,Il:'" 'l)i'por!ulI ll y or " 011'0. I t;; 1t'ltdBr S l on k til" de,' l ar a" :: 1 Ul ll l'~ nl ll'\h lO r .la r:kR IIII , ;\ l i x~. 'hili or; And l: w .i\rntl'l.;!o: that " III\' ,'l" I '1'h.' (. ' 1111 ' " lie " .allur:"' I II\' '\'S I ~ ;;('1l'e t l nil' \\' hl'~ h ' 's hult h'~!; t sllit h,'r 11 11 1110 \lOll' h as ' 110 1' Lhan 10,000 n,U ,," ,11l11"H II' l'til "j' '{.,,·;·lIlIId . .0 . nct! rJ,, ~ l l .,~a<t\ ' I,h ... w \.; nil' ~ ('aHtlll wh." '11 COlli " 'l' I 1'\I''! r' llU'(t' l ak e llll Vi!:" ,' '1'111' " (' 111'" ;,r. "o l'lIlu Ion III Inoo C'vt'r,)'" . )\:"yJ.UJ' ~lJ.q ll lll lICll \111"1) Ihnt . inn . whil'll Huppllc s th e c l l('"]1c~ ' I II ' I 11:; 11 :lIl nll"",1 \\ l~;' 1 F lI l"d ' un,1t I , "wf!u I (JuHlI,,· 01' 1I 1'1 "~ whil'i, shall ('11 Itl ' lan ,1 lrall s pol' IIl'l o n fn1' 1 1InL('\'ln l ~ In fS IX 11111 1'1' , ,,,"IH':I:< ITt (' " hlll1 l' " ~ , 11111 . h",.'G,' iil,, " '1 ~E~II:1 1 ')II ",f ·6 111 111'11l . ~ Ih,' ","rill," li nd l h y adll l'[l : " 1'h e ·I:III'H,· III'(' 1," [u lI'I;l 11I fn(',,,I'>' ill \\'l!j,l l III h'l-ll 'I'~ '~l('l'!\I!' : ll' ~ lIh[l'" <111(111 ), \\'hl('h 1IIII'I'UI" III('nt.,o.1' ~. h :'l U hi o ",lit millie i~ I' "~ IJI 't'II · ' ·al1t'r\ " llt., :: ~'I'S,U~Clllo'i'()lI :hr nWI'Q" t ll\ \t · r ll·IIIli' , ' ' Ilf ' IIIttJl" lul n r ,III c hl!J' p '~' , , _ ... , , ' , , • " Ilh'l .\ I I,sIKslupl rI ' ,'I'. rlo p proli ll e.' ('l a hp La l~lts~ .uf . dc-s il:'l .. , J1I~I'J,,; Wjfl Th ... UIJll: I'" :\1,l es IAstrJ~ . ~'.I,:... o:. ,I' ~I ', . 111\11 ( h t' ]11'11011 [1' -; fI r\' i n rh " \'all y \\· !'1l" g.I;'1~~0!, 10' \)1 1)11 11; . ~h l s J!l llrl ll('sB fll"I \'E'1lI lit ' UHsol'latioo 1I'1l>; h """)t h l . \\':iI'I!I~ In h n lIl 'I\ ('.I : tiw pC'op l, 'am II'hlc h Is HI) Ii , I 'all l l ' i g ,,'a ll y vory 'hlHl I by ail 'eqnalW pntrl (j l iJ' IIn'u'faj') i ll thl' n,I1,, ~' "r'''Il ~' 1\0 lihlp ~lIcl ,(\ ,,1t,.rv': " 1'i' ll 'n l'f lin!" r~ tr.ll pr i me 'c'..tng oJ 'clanllloll. !"QUI' ),C'rot's fi g'' ' ' ' 'I'::l·~ All ,1m, i, 11.' ('11,'11 Is I·hr' CTY'. I'pquifl i'tl' 01 ~"lal'l:'''';fi'- i li ,r.os~. 1'." \ "m lll i lil" of. ,·el" rcseo lal.I\'(' r:l tf1.l· lI~ 1II 'J.l oJ \I.~ o r II \{, rapidl y /n',, \\,ln;; ' ~n t, · H f'l p!I J lt,t:tojJh!y')"lo~' ct <lnclaro $ In Ihe ,:1i:,,[1 IIp"n lile ' j ,ny 'lr. n f QII'"r· ~· . III" IIlP lll'i,llro II , /JU (')' wlUI wlli ch 101 " U:0 1l1 D "I I ~,liiil.l~\',!.I}JiI "n , II!Hilll ll 0\1\' W01ll' 1 " ;:I n l.! S(l lll' loe;LI .1'1\'''1'1 1111'1'0 '''' 111'' '' <'' " 11",1 ?l 1 ;,,,i l ~ :'IIlI .t 1'1\'(' 1''' nnll ""1' '''1' I hp. ('n rN'c~nlz. , U,IH facl ," ", I h ey hOIlO to I \I ,, '1' a V:·UI ", l ct.. (I i l) l~l'~iC' w IlH, !!' .1h, ' ' ''") Ill;; 1:1111y .,,~ ! h., I'" CkCLlI lI1I II i' 11' 0 l·':;'n t~1!;(l\I; h'~ ,H, I,,]', ('\,(-:1 n PPl' oll('h t h e ' nlu(' u f 1l1ll'l'ly local iml,n''' C)'1 ' III ~ ... r"l'I~\Ot(l r . " :tlnrtn t- ~ ' s ho \\' 11 I:t Ih., Imported 1I10d,/ I h,' IlIlI)'\lr sai ci : "Do ~. ,,, , , k now (II \)'il l t ' Ii, (lOIlRIIIICllulI of rh (' Chi, el~.',· " , ' 'I .',1' a "lll ll t h 'w\ll ~ l;C'ell ,iliaci!!. \III I ll" "n~l)-' I. 1. Ill s 1':lIIa l, r'·r. l i:(htr r~ 10ndl'0I 1t) ,OoI1 I' .l1lu sl nlli llll w e show !\ hIOIlSi'l ' ;1"' l,f ;' 11)' po n;:r uSSIIIl'II who rrl' · ' " . wll h "'H!II '''' nO''' II' nllitll h r'<' lIld Jllc\IPI f~J'.. :\11 1)"1111 wc·" r \\'hlc h Is pn ," • ' !lJ an ' of t h e I; " e stllte s lJol" I""i" ~ I " '"e h ' I:" [ : 1'1,' ') 1' }l l'xkn Wilhnlll o'IcIIln l·t,' ~ 11I111'1 In' W"'II P anti sII II ult1 0 01' Ih, ' lIpp'l' ~lI ~s I SB I(ljll t o 1111111 'II· ··· :· .... :11' "'''' .'" ;';". ~ ·ltl b";.;in Ihc' l l' ' l"ll1S fo,' lilP,liilll'; til JU lll d, Ih " sklrl. or "L';l't\ $~ lO Ina l\e un Bppro p :" t at lu ll j ill' "\1 1:Ullil'" \ 1 1.\:t ~I · I h e r f! , a~ I ~('y wil l l H1\' \ '- bill(- ~·... ' h f". II b; r:l1llc.l .)) Iilitl ,nt ! I '~ !m proveJllont '? Ilas.· u,II Y , .' ll'\lr, , J' I'IJ1 1l :-.: . ' \\ Yorl: . b ~.. Wil Y or th l' I~rl" d w' ha ' I,1 tht' tl ' on'~ fl.·!' sllghlly fllil " " 'iI mad r> b y tht' comOl"I·,:lal l'l'g,,, ,, 1"(1111, 1 . , . .1 11'0 \I' ~lsl: th" rl g h ; frnnl n O"9CR ,'d 'i " , 0 1' Itll·S u long lh e rh·, 'r. III I Thl' 1'1'1111'1111"11 o t lil' ,' . Pa nllllla ca' .lIp Il' f l anll f:' ~II' II :" In \'lsl\) l)' below 1I11 ! "n(:t~ cOn t;I't'R'< '0 this elld ? 1181 will f,"l,h t'" re-yuill 10n l zI1 ,II , t '·IIi'· ;1' bm,l: II I" II nl' cl - wi h lo l tl o anr:! ' ;, ,,:' w as Ih e · allswe r . " H ilt ," n " Ii<' J)ro hl(·tI' , I ly ' Il' P U ~K or. 11ll' ('n 11 :1 I whi t.e l<t I'IJ, . ~ d ~i1I; . The deel' coll!lr ' "11,:,,,1 lti z II . " It wlU h t! ,lo,1l' KII'1I111 1"R 11I1.rI ,',1 III !/Ul ll l h, ~I1 I1 I1CI1 II : tnd I'I'VP" H HI' ('1\1 In one: t h ey lire " .. " •.~" ,,1J~. :'lL 11:I\lIi", PI I [.! IUI'[;. ~n)', IJPI'l of whill' " Inlh , liu c ll "' Ith Bitl;: no I I 'n Ihu, d ,t'laraIlCln' tJle 116,'<",lall .. " Hloll ~ til .. ' I 'L Wll t l' rwa.I 'S ~) '; <'-II ' . 111I 511n il l' ~i l f;CIlIIl;! I ~ requ lrecl. It" t he ,I ,,~ ,irllHlit)' o,"'".nlzed . It ~ ro u r tb 111:1)' 1'<!tlr'l , . ' ..1 l"ru nd scCl. Sp a II IL', 'nllar n lltsl f nU !jll il " so ftly uvel' the 01: ,m l ' 11·"'11111-': wa ti hT'ld III MItIll"O\p,. I IUIIUlultl , ,\I unlln . Y oko hnllla , lI 'mg' ' .1>0111(11'1'. II I s I rito ,nod with 1I11"ro w ' Uc, ol ,..r. III :\' OY" I1.1I.oI' " lh,; 11K, kiln f;'. WILhoul url'al(in;!: cm'gll, at blill" ' 111, hmlrl nrrtl ngod In II fancy " ~ I, It(ln \\'111 j~'\ II ' 1\ 1111 t hl' 'Ohlu " R~" 1:,' at HII"in !( oj lim!: nne! ili on, '),. I'; \'en I c' oll~il pall .. rll . Tho Ilcop cllrr~ to tbe A Bloule Jack .. t. ,:, Ii, f ll a :.:t.'a, wate" ,,'u)' >I" .:f,n IllI' " Oll' pl< linn o f th l' '1'01111:1I11 1;1 I1I" : 1110 1'1 puffeu sl e"os are lIIud to , . " "hi h will ,1 .. 1> ' l it" 1l,""HI.hlli' , ...<ll l'un,1 '"' \ 061< ,h(' I Hl h nll 's oC T ,., ,lIal':h tlill collar, only I1II1St be m a de The hat Is II \'ory small 5n llol' shaplt " ,I f . anti I1In WI ' 1'(-1'0 1111\1 IIfI:tllo,,~ hUUlIlPp('('. M l' xl ro. I~ not wllhulIl fnl" 1111 o,'a r r.llnva s or' ~LI " mnsl1n !iO that , of flne whil e sLraw, t rlmm ctI wltlt •. llw 1!,''o','loI:IIII ..lll iJ u h "a\') l'i)nrh l[1 ~ r e"ult, liS frl'I'~ ht <'1111 b " II !: " )' Uta" sLand well a,,;n:( fdom tho white R11k, che1'1'les aod n gold buckle. '., ., ')q t ra",'1 IrulIl ~L Paul anti ~Iill ' ,r:tlls frorl'l',1 II~I'P"~ Lh e isthmn,;, frolll 'lrm , The ila s'll ,e Is 11I1B'1 wILh sl1l(, Matel~al ~ I'eqllired: Two and one' I", ' nUri 10 l"" \\, 0 1'1I'lI n8 anot Cram ' i.h lp holel 'n shill !Iohl In t WI) tin "s' ' lml Is' n ,lde,1 In ,h(' louse Jacl{et lin' lluartl'I' ral'tI~ Berge, one ond on& ';' IOaB!!, r.IIlIII., 011 the a ppr'!, ~II K' , llIn[' :In,1 al au I'xp('n~C' or o nly uhnut jp-r 8 belt 01' Ihe white cloth (aste~1 '111arte,r YIl1'(lM clOLh, aud thl'ee aDIl tl Plt.' slllll'!; nil Llw 01liu. A t \'.'u IlollA l'1' a I n l\'Iitb . I sll l"el' uuckle uno-ball Yard s lInlDC, lIll1L
.' -
would Hl't li ll fO Ill ' ("(1'1 1:':1 ; 111~·j ~ I.\· ~,,"a l l CIlr lillii'll l' l' t1~ lill ll ), 1'1'1') • II :t:oIhll\ (II ~ill'('lf'l,; Hnt ;'C't'I1 ()HI1( ull.\ ill lP rt,u ll Oil til ., nlll,'" hand Ih,· d. ' Vptl. ~ \ :... ,,\
Cha r ming Costume and the Latest Novelty In Tie ..
, S lale~ ,
W hl!l'e l" '1' ('ag",~ oc IIr t'ulllmnlliv I ' . the), :!,'e UIIIOII/( Ih h oj 1(\ 111\\'11 '1;1" lll nl,.. I , '.'''Il'L'IIIIII'' Id lls (a\\'" " . 'I'ltI~: lo lnl s. 1'11ll.1 111"1'1" '" fn'QII lill y III ttl ' how 'v 'l·. I~ llIlIch lII (> l'C' l hnll ,Inil '. l,y
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emblem of· Unltoo
EEZ=,:.:; d.=E=======================i========::!I :: J.~~ . Qu~lity , ,of Smartness· in Dress
,I!- \"
The Shaded Portion Show. the Breeding Rangc of the Balcl Eagle, Wh on fl 'O ~ adJlJt il8 color Is dark Its cI strucUon or such more or I < 8~ IJr IVn, \\'Ilh whiLe h elld , n ock and lllil, noxlouL nla nl lllRls 118 OpOSBUIII S, r ae· At least coons, ground squirrels, prairIe dOgB •. )'t' loll' bill : y es nntl root. th ne£! or four y enl's are requIred ro,' rubblts, rnls and mice, lb, assump tio n of this . plumage, The co mllluirllll' l otl g d agalll "t tlti ~ y o ngor blrtl s be.lng entirely brownish' eag le for th e desLrucUo.a-o I,nllllr "01' ,llIcklsh . and th o slIlull er domes [\c alllmal s, . Th e balel ag l Inhablls n9Q\tly tile ~cb as Ill go and 8h' p, se 01 til CO lli " whole ' or North Am rica, rrom north, largel y r rO nt th sO~ l1 o~s l,eJ:1I l : 1I11 ('.1 urn :\l exlco find Fllll'lda. norLh t o l n ' S laLBs, In IIH'lIl1l1 es whel'o Ihl' hii'll 19 ~ava lind t.h e Audol'so u river, w es l tu lh e IlI nl l1,lnnti lit' Ala ska, tho !\ I eu tl an 1811111rl8 lind lh e COllll1lltn d,'r 1 ~ lal1r1s , " Kam ch a.Ll<R . Undel' most clrcum sLll ll ceR wary ~ntl dlin e,ilt of npPl'ua ch, \vltlt aft eYll Jpen rOl' danger onrl giving SUSlIOc:to d I hlngs II wiele b rlll , LhlR engle, never • . ttJel ess , whe r.e not mol es ted , Is otter,t' " un II st1lcloll~. '" ;II" lu'lsIlIglr tame and UupI'OYo!(ed,lt rorel )' I1hllel{s man, 11(. '";l Ih oug h Eouch Instances have beon re, port' cl. I t lU'et('rs tree tor watching utd moslln s. bill In sp ri ng som etlm e.s 1C8Ctlntlll to riri e Lh c al<oa Of Ice In th e rl:; er, apparentl y 1001,l n g (01' llsh, Thon gh nOL It g r eg .. l'ioll~ speC ie;;. It mil. v n t limes .h e 5el'l1l In cO IllPanies ,or 1M ;1\ f.\ IIY as LeI! UI' e l'Hn 15 il\dlvldllal~. IL Is vld enUv n o t l acking In conJug,,1 ~rr'e cli o n , and lhe Ill'st m alingre's ulls . hi an ullinn ce, deCen r- lve and offensiv e, l hat Is U~,,\'ed, LO I !LS l as lon g IltHIeth- - 6l1rvlve: uut whon one or a pair ules the other , malo 01' f c mu,le, 800n' se' ~ures' another pal'tnar thllt at onco ~ S SI1r.1eij Lhe I'Cspon s;.,IIt Lios or the tllterrup:et.i b0l180hold . The notes or The ,B ald Elgie, the engle are few, u sua lly produced In a loull, hArsb Bcream. I'nlh I' numerous, wh ere othe r roo,l Is' Tho flight· Is powerful. eopaule of· !,It times scarce, amI whero th(' 'dobeinl': Inrlrnnlte l)f 8l1stalll o.1 ont\ Is ae' mIJslicaled Animals nre' oa8.1' M aOo ~omplt sheli n pw by steady wIng bellts, r. 8::1; but the tl'lla.1 amounL of this now by ~na~lng either on a level damage 18, cO!nllnratlvely: 81leuklng, cour"o or In great ascending circles, not groa~. The bnltl engle I', lUore(l~ Is tile habit of m ost large bIrds or over, llirnnst everywhcro somewhat of prill', The hlrd occa sionally makes a a Bcav eng'r, a lralt that sho uld lJe jlju'nge rrom a /ireat hotgh t. a marvel, Bet down to I La crotllt, 1119' real nerfol'll1ed wlLb sl.lch voluclty All thlllgl:l consl de1'ed, th uall! l hat Lh e e.~' e oan scarcely follow the eagle Is rathel' more benefiCial than :lescllnl. In strength, the bald eagle . otherwise, since milch ot '!ts foor! Is 8 hard Iy IOS8 remarkable tban In of little 01' no direct econoD!lc val'le, (l ow ~r of f1I~ht, unci It blls b een known whllo the good IL d01)1I more tba11 com, lo calTY a lamh five miles fully equal penaate~ for Ita obnoxlollR deedll: and :0 its own weIght, It cnn reatilly be furthermore It BoelDB not IIkolv evor !tept Ill ' conflne~lel1t, fo. It will thrlv" to become abundant enough In all1 3D lUll' kind of meat or ' fllh, Bnd It 10calIty to be nrloualy deatraoUve.
. . ..
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what hi' l,iI" Icnrn, .i lit Ih,. rQIIII,"r.,(\,·cIJ
'11h l I'a ,.h llr tl t" '.·!upi ulo( \mu1 l ",
d;":I(> hlD ,l, ~1I·.,.ItW.
,.. Seen by a Hoo.ler from Nebruka. 'I'h" writ ,'r, hom n lI l'u·;"r, ('''nl ~ 10 r a (J eOUll lY FI 1., fl'O IH ~ l·Ll'U .. I;j' n ·u .. Jv yenr ... I~ ~IJ, II~ 11 ' d('t' l h ' iU' l'n I n "It
w,;r hut
1 ' rcl n t fl9 :Olll<i well hc
to ~UII\ h
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f Ille l'il:hL 1'1'1l1,1,·. i I. ,
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ltO BER·ra.
NEW , Thr dc· r ' ill', Fin. 1' . . ' Il l'\llIrl' di u·,'tf'll tn . t'I'''''lnn' 0\
Dadt· ~ Il ~ I (illl'l) u f 'f l',,,le· will hrm g ntut+
~lCtd jl"
8panlard. WQuid Emigrate. Six hund r 'd falllllJ 'R 01' weavers of tI e j III'. Spain , Are r e port pd 10 be seek. lug a id 10 emigrate to Amer lclUl COila· lrlell,
u.d iuf'WlIlutioH 1) 1' F lm·idu.
For Infantl and Children.
(Us DC '
At H0 "le In Any Part of t he Ea ~ l r•• illl"!>illl'ti. ·I'1,",,!.! h \\,.,11 MADE AL~ THE DIFFseEN CE. T h ir S e rvices In Warfare W l II tl lloi nwd " 'jt h 11I(,!'ll o f th .. \"lI'tliflrn ~U . l tl · Be of H igh V a lu e to Coun, he had Ih"" '· " l'~U ""~1I II .lid!! '·,,'I'IlI. 'RIng on the Thl..-;l Finger of tha Left ' . " ",I WO It whOII}' un"",! ":,, " l t',1 \I' ''I! , I'" fr i es Employi ng Them . Hand ~ant Much, ••will l ng,,;clIlturni till<l 'IU Il"f ,' ,'oll,hll"" of I<n). of the llul( stll lc,' . It Wit· h"~"I ,I ' • J ue to a d(lf'l u'(' til Aee U 1111 und" I'tlh uul 11111'1 S he W IlS hom el y. nnd to m osl per' T he tir"1 11 1'1' 01 Ii nt'w '1!' II1~' h3>1 \'aa1t 41ra 1) £ r llul 1 laJl l 'lj 1'lIlpil'a tl wt.. 1hp Bout,hern lril' ""'OM, . ~".,ct" ",11I( ' ll uJ ~l ill SOll9 Unalll'(lcllve; )'e t IlS s he cotere d h l''' 11 IL/! h l"ll ; Ih9 world It a~ a IIl\ W bi. hecolll inl\ .. ""ll. hcII I'(·S .. I.'I1 L and 1)I()lI· tbe 'lruln a surt or halo see lliod to f1 g h tillj.\· )'11)'('0::. , h e Ii g h ti ll l! fnn'n of "LIe li:r l urc In lhe balmy ::;"111h, 811rl'OUlld ber 8S all s e t npart trom '" \I I') lus l ll'gi ' IIl ." 'rhe 1 ? ~I0I1 ' of · I n'ant T r iilned to !!teal. A nd now IlI1 ri ng fl'enL t h r~e ~1111 Il IlCI" fommon mortals. 'I'here wa# no In, fI'U Jl II"I'SOI"II , HIl)'H the {.ondo n 'ketch . A woman h ilS be n nr r " I' d III PS TI. "nti fo ur w in tc r~ iu ldol'illn lh illl! "1lI" 1I ~ t he t)l!Oplc. wol'ld ng I h e tiu if,' Iintt l' X l 'Wh~l l d lcnLlo n at exce ptlonol ta le n t, ahlllty, It a.,' f' Illllll .. tbei l' II rKl h I VO il aI'. 11 01. In· ca r l')' ln g In he r Il r l1l 9 II fOllr 'YI'Il N lld to all th~ " iel itud ·. tblll (\ '· ~ '· l.lIkc .n I.' ~IV ' 01' c ud o wment ab/lut h r, no e vld e nc8 ill' d , ·a R I n" )' wUII,,1 ha \,' \\'i~h ,I ii, c hi ld whi c h h!i s be" n II·nl n .. d to sDlltt:h cumer ut1\lwb\!rc, he fech. tllt'll. he Ir; In a or 6u;Jcrlorlty, but a certain Inde fina· lIuut'r :I Hl!Y I' <l1I"lled by ill(' /(la"ll 0' WII I('h 8 lind s ca r t pill s 11>1 It~ mol he r WKlLion t"o g,lve to ~ '~ l' lht:rll IW(Jlllc u, lui l" ble .1!sllnctJon , It was not quite an PrOJM\CS Digeslion.CheerMI; a ll le, IIIlL Ihlll Ih")' Ill ll( h t lu, lIty III ' un'l e d It Ih rollg h (hI' str!1ets . The y !1ct;.urnt e Ideo o f Jo!orida . \I , !,C"fj\·C'. Illr of conqllol1t, though Bugg!!s tive 01 ness and Rest.Conlains neither li m ' of I' '1)('(' thlll tller w il l lJ(' n'IIlI)' Infan t WU S 8"" 11 10 g rab IWO wnt r bel .I!" Lhnt then~ "rc in lire ~ o)'t h ore Sbe bor. In 11m I,r Htrif<:>, Thp), " ',, b(,Cl.Hnl ll ~ 811d I n en pins In I 'MS thall halt . . And'llundred. of fUlllili!'. wh o w",,101 I" , ~Iltl ~ ra c tory a c bleve ment.,Morplline nor 1o{ineral, 'JlUeI, 'b'e tJ.~I· ofT 10 corne :,)oul h. wholl I"ok· h r heo.d blgh. and wore a Duddba· NOTNARCOTIC. 111\ al'llI of lilliil' l 101 d ... r" I1 ~ (· l!lI d LlH! .I· bOllr_ iog for new hotne", r:l1 her I hUll j in til<' like expression 01 proud serenity. nl lll " I lil'l ug II" , IUlclllgclIl'f' I,ra n c h thoullan<l. wllo orc strllllg iing " lid lig h~ i ll ~ A Good Rcco rd, Ouly 'u ·m oment wa s s he sellie d In of I he 5" 1' \,1 ('" w he n Ih £' god " r WIll' for t ho f,,1I' du.oly patcht" uf UWll' llIil ,' Out or a.1I tbe xl ernol I'l! m (>dies on "nd Bilge,lll'u. h )'ct IlI·IIi\ .. blc lor se l l"' I. b r seat when 011. came h er g lov es , ca ll H 1"11' s (1(·ri ll<-f'. The y !'l' III" '" u l \l ,o iu th. arid 'West. the market we d ou bt I! l her Is o ne and tbron th o ke y to tllo probl e m .was '1'ho firs t thing wllir h . trik e. II X ort h. e \'ld ent. 'rhe long, joyous look be· ( I'll ' l'l'ollll r$1II1' U, men w ho h a \' e tbat has tbe r f'!c o n l o( t ll t WO rld'1 WII ,.k" ,j. 111111 11' " til' fOll g h l in w il li em ,p erson on coming h(lf(! iF' t 1 1t~ uIHIt! \'", oped condition of IlIu ~h of t he . ll\l .. , ~n uw stowe d upon th e s purkllng rin g on the '·VIlIIII'!t·o CII'" seu. Ih o 1.>1'()l h ~ l'llOOil r e nowned poro us phl ~\el'- A I1cock 's. town" and loculilic8 or w<'II . n''''tl lI"",I, I hi rtl flug er or her I ft hllnd lold the "f 1Il\' c:nlllJ)~. C " l'I'i 1I11 " ICIIt:S Hre It b ll S IlOW be!;n In usc lor si xt y YcarS' 1 bu L, gonernlly ""cAk i n ~. IIIi. i. 1\ II ~\\ s tory, ~(,f' o I HI nat urc (0 tbe m , Hml so il I ~ and s till contlnuc s to b(' as poplllnr as c ouull-y, w it h \ IUS t. uno ·r.-.lopeJ re~oUl ~ Tbat lelt band hat! a bus y time. It Lhut I h t'Y wi ll ~('I u><' 1; 1I 1. l t·~. Rcn u l ', over In doing lis gr III wo rk of reand n""dlllil only the e ll o l'~)' DIIlI pnter II Is 1 prl~ ~at vonae with the , Irile m ~ uh oo'l In vI.'Btlga\ t'd tllo lIn gf!rle bat poised I,inn ('rs ' (ifill 1II0liilc lu n ' . fur r,!i<lln\;, lie v ing our pn ins a nd 31C leB . Apenecl l1r.medy rorConsUpa· andl\"aI\lJl.Jlhood tha t h ave h ui lt nn d \IN,· (, Que tlla h ly over lhe fa e of one no tbe re m e dy w e all n ed "b e n slllfe r ' -flIed the (it('at \\'e ~ l \e muke Ib is. too, It lon ge r young. It mnlle s ure thllt b e r " ' b " I" 1 " l li r'b Il 'Hllb I'R nr sumci.' 111 i n:; rrolll an y Ile h or \llll n r su itin g non. Sour S\omach.DiarrhOea l hey wil l hilI' II c(,lIl l1l llml. ianrt ""weolth und 1, 1,,"1 ),. Worms ,Go nvulsions,fe~rjsh· brooch was t U9tene d. It p u lled lI e r fl' ~n l t n k ln g cold or o,·(' rA lrn ln . It'l\'Q8 only Aomo (wenl )' odd ~' ~UI'8 n~o '1'.\'),\<;,,1 uf all a l'f. I h~ h' rOlln d ' " a lh l rwss lind Loss OF SLEEP. thll.t t,be fir.;t milronu. p UHI",tl Ull t (rill" lillk on s kirts dos I' about her , It h o no ru ry Allc!oclt's Plas tflrs an! s Id b y Drug· . ecr('ltl.l'l', P ro ll llc r,mu rl the L'OIIst 10ll'M inlcl'8I!cl inl! I he ,-:"l Ii s hle ne d the strllils to b e l' traveling ~I H s all ol' er I ll o ",o rl ll, HilI; l' P oco 'k. u nd Ihe L o n.loll I'o mfac Simile Signl\lure or wilde!'1le;!B of enlrll l /l lld 60ul he I'll 1-'1111' bug sl lllng In tho Ill sle . and so on mlllldnn t, M I', Up 11 01'8. lh)l h are bOI'n Idn , 'fben followell [l I1tdlt for lan<l, III Women Have Pet 5,rak ea, \he "orange iM.olt" allLl for 1\ few , ' ,'U l'- Ind finit e ly. occ nslonnlly pausing (or tl lII'C lllul'C r S- 1I' lI ~ (\ L11" 11'01'.1 ill I' S' A ~re"t IIlllny s nu k"s a ro Imported there \\'a~ II verilu l,le boom, bll ,,"'.\ ,,( a Cll l' ~s lllg gla uco Cram We Ure d b'Ut old I' ~ n s (' ~. ,It·prt.'r·u t ill g , h ,' Fa shi on NEW YORK. th~ Northern peo~)le who ~ell "'d her." f,,,' Ii nm i llg oyes. Into Englllnd , Th " I' III n b r is k d c, lhn l h ilS d is til,' I,d Ih le l'llI Inl n nH' II II ' a titnll. "'ere but "binI. of Ptl~MgC:' COlli The gay lillie IIclntlla tlons (rom tile Ing !IOUit' [ 111'111 r sl! llIll<. ~'ro ll tl"' I'H ' mo lid tor s nako Ii \ s among rich inj( South for the will tel' willie 1"' llI illing ( heir Ii0ILlCi and buoi lie, c ill Iii ' orl h. diamond na sb d out the SOfig; "Ell' 1II1t11 Pocock hus bee n ru n ll Y Ih l n g~, In d ie s . !l' s a funn y k iud u [ p ut , p 1" ~ry m llny in" cl ted borrowed c;1pitul in d7'enga(tI4-en gu ged! " I Ie wns (' I er~( In t h e cabl sf' nir ..... n ba ps. bul th (> y s(>£'m to II k Ib Ill, nncl o til nge gI'0\'.8, hoping Lo b~ n Lie 10 IJn~' labo "e l' 0 11 a 'r u lt rUI't1l nod U 1';'('1H'11I1 g c l quite fond o f Ihe m , I s uppose , otT the Ul0rtgu gc 1\nd mai ntai n (l w ill "'.'" [MCT COPY OF WRAPPER • . JAPAN LAND OF JUGGLERS. howe on the Ilr ,fi(s of (he grol'u whil .. rllr 1l1 In On lurlo. In s ll1'uIII:e !:I I'K, RUr' IL'S because ladl os nowud ays lik e th o uousual. or c ou rse . Ih el> pe l s nakes leaving Lhe ol\re of lhe gl'o " ~ II) hil-e,1 help. I'C )' h ll ll r\. "lio{.. ~" In a b o t!'1 01' 11 11 I" ftC ................: . . . \'eM GIn. T h~n come the grout rre~l.e oi 1!!Ili:i I1ml Old W lu rd Amuse. Dinner Gue.t. by ure al\ nbnpolsoIlO U 8 .- ~undon Morn, , " 1 ~ . m ill, m a n's uook k ·pr' £'l'. Ing " ali i· the ~I' r. D I 'U' I11 U h nf lh. , tnt r . "'r l'e Fooling Foro lgn Skept le. Inl: Leader. pl', l'u lI l'l,ll d lIav\'y , bool( li gen!. 1iC't1 t1 h'r k illed ( 0 tile grou",\. wilh the re"ult !I '"t mortgages WI' ''' fo rcl'I "~"ll 11111 t he " llinJ Japan Is the l and or j ugglel1l Ilnd 01' I, hotogmph. , ,ill ll')'man tl ll ll lI'n"I",r of I'I\.I""ge" fniled t n rol lll'O . The hool1l In I h ~ ll ol'l h II' s t pulice- a li In t ,~" bad iDd~cd tl,,)roug"I~' 1'0 lIu II luJ ..hoc'. fa s hi o nable Japan s e alwllYs have W h il t roop I' h' 11,011 IIH 1'1 ornngc/.rowin3wug 111 on y L" "'I IH.·~ fli them a t any In r g() a llterlnlnm c nt tbey ~' / ' il rs , temptc , up t o thnl l ilne, t il t· \\'I"JI.· c~lll l l · ~I\'e . O ne very d e ve r old man Goes .In Ih '.' forc d Ill ol'('b uf 42 m il,,!; :1 lI ny try Wft ~ .. lmo8L bll ll l<l'1" ' \. ,\ 11.1 I hu t '" (o r SC I' fOn cl ays f"[om Hogi na f() 1' 1'11 " ,,· ju81 \\,1,)' I bere nrr 80 HI.I II Y ~,,,,,I ' " 1,1"'1' uround In n single colton gow n wltb \l h r t. III a ra in ,, " .1,'11 "01' In PI'(O," 'III 11'0 bas kets full ot "prop rtl cs" o\'er tlmi ~s for enler)Jl'i.i ll ll "elll,·r. III Fl oI' Ida to·d8Y, bls s boulders. and. pulling Ih e m down ' Ii(' n I'lh w (' ~1 1'"I,,'IIItIIl. ll ll i It "'11M OrOllge gro,,-i ng i. ret Il rofi lnlolt> here , an y where . pcrtorms his t.rl ks. with I"il h l~ fOI'l 1111 l'J lill i,II, ~II I'P III1U " I' only the grol'e mu. t h u ~c i n l , 'l1i~cn t 11 1,,1 I h'" Hetl C roSR . H ull' II ">' II £' \\'u ~ pl\ in lL\~jng n~ 1 j usL H~ tllt-' 1',il "l l l\.( It Ih t' e xpec tlUlt audl nce en Irc llng blm. fI'tJZI' 1l 1111.1 HO \\'a~ 111 1':1 11.1"" wllh II flln ~'Y fruit requi r f·1' <,u re un" .l IUJ.;h " lj-r A ha l ful 01 copper8 rewards him 8ILt· • r mlell igen e (111\·wll\'I'I·. Il c ic nlty and be goes on to a t Ilre, \I"lIsIOiIl . But tbe New 1~lu ri"n nnw l;pinR .lr",'1 disgo r ge gga. n eedles. lant orn s nnd S 'XI 1)(' wn : " j\'11 ~ 1' \' :1ot 1l'lul p r , oped iN not. dcr.te ndcnl upun ur.'ltge!lJ nr war ('01 r · ~ pul\d t ·nt. ml s~ IQ lI at'~' , :;~n ' anyone crop. 'Iud _Ii t h~ I 'r i. n I(m~" " smoking )lIp s at tb e nex l place, .<\ t a li. t ~. ~~fUI nnd I,,'otit . hie <'1·",,0 re ce nt Japan e se dinne r a foreign m a n wllh \' ()\i 'lhulI1t1. l, il'lIl" .. I ' (o " \)in~ P'Ow/f l ie hlln ca ll ~ f~III" 1. II roh nhl)" Kuest determined lo ha ve no optical \ lI p \\ ' Ul't l !ttHl)oil,g uf ~ (-l al I U)k fJ I':e:; : f r ,·'c in IInY .Q.Lh porH"" of II", I ' nil ·r! . '1111 ·,: iIlus lon 8 IIb ou t wh'llt tile juggl rs did. la ll c!' j U IIl'rlull~1 10 lI~h! 8 1o (',)11 11 111,111 . for to tI,e enrn, onl H 311il pulnl.w< Olf Ih\' ~ I I ' .. inl ('OI'I'CS\luI III t' n l at 1, 0nll"IY min · North aJ"e ruJ(Jeo the peal!hl!-&. llen l Il'\tl ,t \ \- Ho ~' e " r allow e d his glauces to be herd Sl f J;1;npe.s nlHI tnclOli 1l l.r t 11 " CI1It';, 1 d l~t!'Bc t .. tI nud WIlS 1I0t once oft hl8 Ill!;' CIIIII \" I he ll :1 II - IV en'mlll ll ; ph." tuKl'uph ' 1'. 1 '~f'Jl" r (Ie n c lg a !' SlU III\. ~It I lind th" Inng li nl' "I "ill'U" "".1 u ri ,,· ), guard. :-;otlclllg thi s . tb old juggle r oeml·1ropicnl fnlits of I he ",outh. lIK "'e ll phll'ed 10 him e n tl r e l)', A n Imm nse tlll in l!'l' of \lli lllol-\ru\lhs ;tllli II CW.pill,,'r a. cot.tun tobacco nn.1 nl her "':o u ~ I" 'r1I n.!; n l hi Ib ,· li lli e nlOlln lai lls. T lll'o erop~ and the " ' h ole ILl of I rllPk ~rop . pOl'celal1l vll Se waH lIrought In and s e t now bruni grown here I.>y t he t hOIl5n l\(l. In Ule middle ot UI room and t be home cnllNI IIti Ill' s a~ ;I 1101', of cratee, for 8h ipment 10 X'.lI'th ~ nI IlInr· juggler, rnwllng \r. , let blm8elt down cllsl. 1111l I wn s n ot ton ~ I.>" rol'£' h ketA, And beAide. 0 II 'I 'e~ , un n pel'llll l' Into It s lowly. 'J'h e sk plio Silt fo r was bacl, In I h wil ds ns 3 cowboy better thlUl all, is the m i"i,,!! of hog , ~II ~' 111 Al ucrla. · glll <l m ill I' n ncl 1' 0 Ill !! III of tl~, 8h.eeP. horllel, rnul ~•. clc . :!.l ill ,.' n. nf haiL 'an hOllr wilhoul In .. lng bls eye pounds af beef nnd pol'k ore ',"Il nn ll )' from th" vase. whlc b, be was con, n vacl, Iml n . A Ilttfe IlI t· 1' hc plaCf: u ,bipped to the South bv l'o: ol't hl.'rll plluk 'Ylnced, Will! 80und and firm and alood to h is nre il ll 1\' h8t l~ )1l'olliluly Ih as with jO:lous hearts and smiling fa ce s they romp and play-when in health -and en. and I!I1ld at long p rirp., when I h~ " ' IIif' on 110 tra il d oor. ACte r this pro- 101l !;e~l IUlIl' 1'1110 "n !'t'('o nl- rr')o1 Fort how condudve to health the games in which they Indulge, the outdoor life they care alld expense wi ll 1"",lu '" lIIorc pounds of '-I Anti po\'l; in 1' lo1'ie jo tllllu lon ged watc b tbe rest or the company ,\I e l. (·od , ' nllod u, 10 Ihe tt y of !'lI e); , enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome Ico-3 .GOO m\l"s or roug h (, OIl"nl r ~·. In t he North. MolC'fl nrc obol,t n_ "to ,,", lI1!su.lled him with Inughter and Je ra, • rd' o. gold coin in the . ' II I h. a nd n ii-IOH .t~1 n nd .polnle d Ij) bls side ..... h ere tile otd co \'el'ei.l In 20() da ys, In the olllh Ar, diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, .plln of mllJe~ can he mised fl'om \",nll illl! j ll gGler was seatc<l tanning blmsc lt r lcan war he WlI S In llll' n III [L 10 01 , not by c onst~m t medication, but by careful avoidance of every medIcine of an InjuriIt t o ~Rki.ilg t i me on l':' l'i turc nlllll t! without one dnll.r o f III her e XJlcn •• ·, Ulltl bad been Beated for Bome min, In g COI'\)S I nnpahll. w1l0s 4) b ns ln e RR It ous or ob ' ec ~ionable nature , and ii at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist was 10 captnre \lO C I' toou 8l111\l1l A, nn il oat an)'1\'here in H odda, ute., ut. you will n~k, wh), do nt>1 pel>;>1r' 110 nature, 0 y th'Jse of known excellence should be used ; remedies which are pure In t he I1 l1t 1<)1111 I sr.out s, Hi s lIlosl. !'t•. DRIVEN TO GET RELIOION. fnlo Ihe b wJnes.. lh .. u ~ ;\10 ,, ), 11 1'.' doi\'1; c e n t xiJ\!ClltI II was 1lJ) Iht' .wes t coa s t and whoiesonle and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy , 80, but, \he delwmrt i• • il11 jJ l)'. ,.IlL o i ~i ~ h t of Gl'l~ e nllln l i. beyond the 8Upply, Thore hl'.· Hot , nOll,:10 Raila"n for Clo.e.Fi,tecl Man'l AttlndSyru p f F ig ~, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Sy rup of F igs has pe<l1.le. or tho!<e with t ho r"'lu i.ite ell pillil ;\1 r. D ' Hum , the well·k!!o wn mlnln!! and experience to l1l!l!in tu ,"pply I he .1," .. anee at Chureh. ' com e in 0 gene ral fav or in many millions of well Informed fam ilies, whose estimate " ng ln cl'I', who \\ us born 011 a " 10 k mand ; find bcoltid e.. ther e a l',' too IIIOII Y ra n c h III Calif mill alld bl'oll III lIJl lI R of its quali ty and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. otbu thingl to be done, WhAt we I1l'"d A N e w Hampshire man tells of a \a mM, meu lind WOlllen, I'c'II,I" of tOOIIlI' lIght' f1 ~ l ed mnn o f aITalrs In a to""n a howboy , hns a ',"iqlle I' cOl'd In t hllt Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally . because capital lind the nen'e of IIIOn('flI't! " ,I (M at th .. (>nl'ly age or 2:1 h e stole a Ull t, auch I here i. comrol't I\nd \llem y, DIIlI C,· II 01 lhul slnto, who unl ll I'ecently bad il s hl p, H e 1\1\11 lJe 11 lJ efol'e th e m ILS!. they kn ow it is wholesome. simple and gentle In its action. W e inform all reputa"'nlLb in a IRJ'@II mell"Ure, nWlliting t h ~ 1I1 nen'r been ohse n 'e d to lake un In· ble physi ~ i an s as to the medicinal prinCiples of Syrup of Figs, obtained, by an Ile(ll'ting In the south 'ens, Ill1d, cell I· hi l'alCO COtlOty. Florid., lere t In c hurc h malte rs : Suddenly, in s rUl'tlH'1' ad l' ntnrl', h e t hre w ill his original method, from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially and Climate. howe ve r, he became a r e g ular' aUClnd· lo t wllh n re vollltio n Bry I"flll!.'r and, ant at Divine Berv lce, greatly to the And nOI, lI!t UA look " lin le lI\ore "I""" present ed in an ag reeable syru p in whicn the wholesome Californian blue figs are I, III th., oondition • •,[ ~"i 1. vlillul te 1,," 1 astonlshmellt of bis lellow tOWill' aid£'d by a bUil L' s or \II ~ \l etlt1!ly g ulh· used to . romote the pleasant taste ; th erefore It Is not a secret rem edy' and hence ' I'£'d toge t hcl·. conl l' l~ed to s lea l Ihe aurroundinp thllt will ,'t)niI1H1t II n \\' , comt·' i" tho lSollth. II l1Iu st It rCII!I' II\ - men. wur v('ss I IIl1 ns<cor from P!.'rll, we are fr ee to refer to all well in formed physicians, who not appro ve of patent tiered that Florida i~ u 1'('"i n~ I1II1, II I hi" " 'Vhat do Y,OIl tl.lnk 01 the case of I n h e r he' commit II pirnc y n the poillt ollly )30 milc" wltl,' , (llId thnL it _ old K elchum?" said one of the busl, medicin{.s and never favor indiscriminate self-medication, , tl a ~ by r;tOlllllng 11 UI'i11 h t rAlIlp , aurIn"" i8 QQDtinunll,' )'"illl{ ~ \\'l' I' t Ill' t h,· n ess m e n of the plnc to a fri e nd. "II high () Ple~ se to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syru of Fig'" f_h .It brel!zetI 'f&:Om the AI""'I !~ or th,· steamer, wllh th e f('.s ul l t ha t II h n d e ,Gulf. 'rh~' the wh nl ~ illl.' riOl· " i "~,, , It t r ue thllt he ha s gal r e ligIon?" H) 1lf\lI t 1-1. ;\1. S , Shuh, H e WIl H I.>ndl,always has the full name of the Company-California .Fig SYR:l P Co.- plainly tral nnd South li'lOl'itln i.. dOIl.,1 " ilh ill ' " Well, lind I), ." re pli ed tho o t her, bf'al n , hil l ~ c a Jl ,I, o nly t u fin ll it enmerable clear frc~h Wilt",.. lak ,q. wloll,' with the al:' of on e wbo kuows. "Tbe printed on ;he fro nt of every package anc~ that It is for sale in bottles of one sizt .except io the F.vcl')lIII,1 • the I'~ n ll)' fa c t Is. It'a entirely a mattcr ot busl, n pr cssnn ' ttl ~ nl' I'(lndl\l' 10 Ih e rlllin)!: only. If any dealer offe rs. any othe r than the regular Fifty cent siz e, .or having ...."mpy llol'ij~nB are f~\V IIl1d fill' 1-JIWI"''', , BIR 11eH , pX)lNti lioll . g O\'(' I'IIIII PII I. Tbel'li t hou8IIIIda of ""1111\ Ink.!" 110 t1l)lI1ot lIess wit h 111m. I am III 11 po~ltioll to DI nt! ill .pH,·I I'! e l' h ill willi Ihl' f,)I'nlt'I' I prinl~d thereon the name of any other company. do not accept it. If you fail to gel do much to temJler LlIl' hea t. "i (he >111111\1 "" I knoll' lhu l about n ),ear ako h e loaned monlb. lind Il'llh t he .~I\ brcer.t.'M Imol (he tb Ilas to r $50. wblrh llle latte r WIlS' 1'1' nl u tloll:J.I·Y lon d,,!', ~ lId (' d ill 1."~ d is, the genuine you wm not get its beneficial effects. Every famil y sliouJd 'always havt' .!\mmer .I.IOW~1'>l ,'omUl lle fll .Ith·" I," /1 nllu le to II'IY. So lIwre remnln ed COI'(, 1'1' ur Ow fo m o lls ~In "lr e llnn 11'('11"' a bottle on hanci, as it is equally benefiCial for the parents and the ' c h l Jdr~ ehmate tlilft III lIe"er e~ ~c""I" e ly hOI. II • II re-$ ~ ,OO O. OOO In Il SlIlIk oll Rl,nni s h while the ni,ght s nre invR/'ill h1y ".11 ,,, ,, 1 nOlhlng (or Ketchum uul 10 t~k it whe ne"er a laxat !ve .re medy is required. , ,plell l!li nt 8nil it is nlw!I)'s C'O ol in , I,,' out ID pew ' r e nt." - Tbc Sunday ~ldgll' g Ull l'l)1l of thl,l sf' l·e n lll li ~Pnt uI'Y , s po il P 1'0 111 ptl )' f' ollfl ~c "l<l d uy n .hade, or t'OUl'lM! the "'ann went h ~ r l't,lI ' zl ne tinlH!!l longer thnn ii, doe. ftll·t hm· ~ 'I I· l h. ' - -_ .. _-- _ .. _s ch ooll er ;)1'111 h y Ihp A I')~c ulln e /:0'" --~!!!i!!ii but the ~liu nge8 in Icmpernllll't) III~' 11 1_0" Senator Spooner', Shooting. , (' rnlll~l\i. Wh1J 5l\ r ap lt n l ~ r · . 1)1' 11 ,1" 3 S e nalor poon e r , or Wisconsin, I. e n t'I'<l11 a Ili tle In le r at. ttlt) 111.':1 11 .If l1lurh lellS, gO 'that !lll e l! 1'n \\'~ u" " _In lltr,d to the lIlo\lcrntc wal'nuh 1111<1 wi lh _" i1 . , able cnn e njoy iI . t'U1h\ITOkt!, h.l· Il lIuccessCu l bunl ' r ot big game. On ;> 00) l'OWlJO), s from t h Rio ~egrn , It the wny, i9 Mid lo he enl ir.·ly IIl1 kllOWI\ ill one at ble trips b e had (or his guIde \\' a~ he a lso wh o I d Col. Nnr' Ih ' R el" Flori ul ! lIud eertaillly l he wl'ilrr hn h" e ll Dill Murray , They ,,"pro, out looking \ll or ln ~· . coxp Plllll o lI 1,'0111 [l1'1I~1\ In able t.) 11'ork o\1t ill th' 81111 ull (hrollgh h • the SlImmer i lllre wilh fllr 1,'''' .li. comfo .. 1 for bear or deer o ne tlay, w e n !'>I \I r' ~;cllndol' . Thu s n li l'p n l.lIl'O rollo\\, .. tI ad · , 81'.".N WORLD ' · tban \Va» often ex pcril'n.ced in t he North. rllY sudde nly threw up his rille Illld ' ,'enlnr nlll il Ihl' South Ar"I':Rn wa r ".L.II~UJ[III" 81" Ralnf.a j!. . nred . '1' he senator ·SIl W an animal 1)1'01((' ~n t. AI Ih al tl l1l o ti WOR nr li ll ~ Tb~ ninJ:tlll .of th is place i~ nl'Ol.t r.o full henvlly, nnd r olle d ; "We' ve got fiS mi atn!; l~II ~ lile~lr in .J oh a nIl P ~1.)1I l'~ and, se l' I,, ): I he st ll lP 'hp c1t~' '\'Ii ~ 'Inches/lor ,a9"um the greater pOl·l.i"n nr him this time. Hili." . which aU. dllring wh(lt is known RS I he ' :W e!" 811eere d t h e gu id a, "Thet..!'. Ilk >IY 10 l,;'e l in to , h o I'i\I £c ti a I'O!' I' ~ ,) f "niny aeuon," el\tllntling fl'om ,J un e II) no w e about It. J kill e d him plain fiOtJ n e ntra l~ 1<) nr- t ns nrm e d poll ee . !September, while lIlAreh 1111,1 April nre These !tlIL Ihelr wOI'I( IIn:iI Ihf' (llTl va l u8ually the drleet ·,"onUls. The rnin~; VB, enou g h." . ' · pecio.lly' cWrhfc ' tbe f'rain:.- _80n," ",'ell1 Quic kly making their way to where of Lonl li.ulJcr lR , whi111 tht'lr ol'ga n lz"r to be &Imoet wholly of 101'0.1 orilli ... unJ ' tbelr qUlll'ry lay. they found a tlne formlllly hUlI,lt'lI ') " '1 I' . l h, llillce lo ,Ihe we hilvlI , nOne of tho.. VI18t c\'clonic di s, speclnlftn of Jersey calf. care 01 'KP t. Wallr-I' Klrl oli, niRO. by ~ • tUrbttDc8 ' t'b.t a,." "" uommon 011 the 1ftII" welterD pwn., ,. . . "We've kill ed somebodY'1 elln" tho WilY , o f 11' 0 Lo ndon commund. A deat'r uetiye tornndr how ne"~r ,·i8it. ·<1 y~lIe<l thb guide, SUl'c'ly It dim!;ul r<'col d to eclipse. Qli. _j)jJrtlon of l!' IQrid.\ , tho.e uri. illl! III s onator Spooner gaye him a wltb· , the West Indies and which often do much Too Much Conden·.ed, daml\llt! on the Gulf alwlIYs " ...... illg "t erlng look and said: " William, you lead 100 UIUeIJ Soutliwc t of "" U8 .1I,1 (ho 8bould be more partlcular In your R. I. lricol n UI',,1i t (It Il m e eting ot ftf!ent Poorm thllt ,,'reeked l'cnl!Ucola 1111<1 cbolee of pronouns . 'We" IrID't adapt· t he AnI rlcan Autom o hile <, Itlb w:,s ed to tblll particular Inst4llce,"-MU t Alking of Il ce rtain ,"ulll(l!)I \' hilt I'lt,·o Mobile, . , H·. alth. waukee Sentinel. ' . work o n Rutomoblling. F10ridiam frequcnUy lIPenk nf Lhe rainy "After trying til b1\Y II! hOOk." ~ a\JI _lIOn .s being the ple&l!ant.est )llll·t of the • ",oM 8tuart Mill. lear .nd .onl, the .Ioctora grum', for tho \\fr, LlllIll tt/ "ilL 0\'('1')' !luul, sel1 cr'!'I I James Mill. bla (a.lher, .w . . a hard ~I bealth iA almost invarillllly better durin. the ""n1 _lIOil tbAn at an y otber man , a clever man, und a crank-a cOllld lhlnl! ur. I WlI f; told Iho l I m l\\ ht t_~b!d' yd, tbe aplendid I'l'r;utation lIe&on18t capable 01 makIng hlm.ell perhnlls get It, at n. ('erlui u ' 11I11'Ill'Y wtll ridil enjoy, os 'a hlll1llh l'tlfIort Th (l\' I ad ii, Hure ronough. III lh l ~ II· dlt!Br;reeable about th~ ' br;~I:~" hilL It waR 01\t, . r tr'if!d ognlr, ~ -.!e durinl the late fsll on.1 winter tIIorouchly .., are , not hero rean rdcd os createst happiness of the greatest nntl It W R!I ant; a g;!.l n, ond it wn li s ti li tho. '1I__lthilllt althougb they IIro lb. most number; • thoorlst who regarded bll out. plesaJlt portion .of the year. . ..l1li................ 1D nOther ietU!r the wrilll will Apeak clever BOil as a BlIltr.ble object for ed· "' Wh en wl\1 1 b. alrle t(1 !!e t: th h ucational e xperiments, .aN ill detail of lOil. and orops" or .lIy, .hape. Itt bette.,. book'!, I snlt1 to t he ctel'k at lasl 111 _il00ii aud 80CiaJ environments of lAnd He would not send 111m to ' achool ..... Iollpt'. .re Clf .....UI' ...... ..1_ IIIId \be ehancea for llrolhfthle in· becau8e Rcbooll "er.e tbe fortre.... ~ome 11lI11t1.tlenre, ..... ••,. .tller ..ake. "'I'm Sllre I d01\ '1 know,' I.he c le r k net_ta, IIIId Dlfllnwhil. Ir" will Qn· of "lltejudlce," and laucht the wrolll ~7MII"'. ", _ _ _~ .,............ n _ _ ptm ".' ~ M _bOo .'" _.~b1. tIIlnp ID tile wrong wav, He pro- nnswered. ulrlty, 'Hu t \\'.o· "e 'lol ! ', eGl'ftl!JIOncHnts. only let it be _ Ibr aU othst he ia NOT II vided him wltll DO pia) lIlatea, IUId al- nil right. IL'~ In til<' catal"!':l1": .........Ja_~ ~.L . . . . . .-:..,~ . .. 'Yes,' sll.ld I'. 'r I,now It Is, h ltt In ~o ..... AI J 8 I I ! - _'W'. L.. Dcr . . . . .. __ IDd bal no prlvlte )l{!h~",. lowed him no lIolldaY8. lest "the hable .~"IUlI condensed 110 Lurm thDt 1 cu o't rol' . Be IiJapl1 believe. in Flor, ..tOel""J/.~ ; iO . . . . . .1J,j Ie bll 1Iome COllllty, aJd of work a'lIl1uld be brolteD."-1'raacII It.' .. c.~ n I A. N. I<.-E 2'50. ",'. L. 00' , .lUo~. IA"J. ..... I~'" .\ . ~ •......c. . 1rm,1ifI Ie Mllefi' of QUlIn Orlbbi .. III I'ortaJallUl Bm."•
The 'Kind You Have ~Iways BOU,Bht Bears the
SigIiature of
For Over Thirty Years
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Dame Fashion's
A New Fuhu· for "'1"hree Great Water Hiahwaus 4
The Bald EaGle. Kino ._. of Am.erica.n Birds
l"icctlna RiwrmJ'11 ilt .- L 1.01lj~ in . 'o"cmhcr to Be f'l arkcd Ii J; X[lklli<111 n f Gi'Cdl P:olcct:
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whll'll now )1.1 9 f;1'Rll lilU
th e \lu!", It " sort lin Ish. bl'ln gl ult I L l[llc
1'1'11.\..... . .~ntl .i ll ~t nuw In tho ]nrg('o <'il' ('lnSI' 1'''~l.' lIIlllu nce with chlffon· yelv t I ('s 111' Ihl' ef)lInlrr . ll ~ JI" lall) ~ l'\\' It allllCJl's. too. In mnny ex cE' lIer.t col 1'(t'rl, ulI ll Chl(· Il~ o. th rc Is a \'(" 'IHI , Ie "I ·~ . IlIl1lb('l'I'), b 11Il!: 011 of lh e !:'rollt. ban(1l11'! n crl'~~ltlI\S \~~Ii \:Iu·n l. It l'd I'~~ HIlC' C' 'SSP~. ami 1I11~ III COIIII)iI1lLlilln wllh I HX l\ " I l' ~ III for Ihl' 1111 11 1\11 11 H 'u- \\1 h )"t'II11 Wl sh IDel1 Dllll Ivory ch iffon "'<lIl . .. · l'h puill t whit'h ri'SI~ wllh Y<i ll I IIINlri OI O<t h IIrUi)" ns lh Rel cetlon Is · 10 ·. jlll)" , :0111' mon )' [IIHI ibkl' YfJ ur fO" :111 autullln tra SO~vn of your (II' c:h ulct', 01111 1'1 nl t' .t't·l'\·l· nrl, 11111(' YO ligh t . Iht:' l ol'" hl'llIJ; 11 5cll with /:1'1111 will h" ~lI ld"d It JIlt III III ·th.,l clw ll'(l Iln fll~I"n abo ut Ih£' necl, to tll 'Wlll~t 11), " 1\ R)1111'lar tunslnl'rntlun for )' III' fl lld In 1111 f ril l ,; on th will e sl tlltf I \' hltmI 1lg urt'. nn ll hnl Iltf' SI{11i1 .. I' n ' II',·!. \i' b ll' h ~hollid a.sllmp a hl'lI 'wu u\ Im will nOt. hI' ·1\lI·ell It)· Ihl' fa ~cI · ~ h aJ1 lit Ihr barl, ,,[ the el!: :)~.. ailt! ilU llon ~ . w hlrll 1 n,1 III t: .Rr \' ry g'J'<'al, hr' ~ho l'l II Ih f ron . ,'r .O( ~lll' ltr ('·qUIl,· ' r I Ilgth Cl):tl~ \ ' c l"NCPO or th e o ndlnary t ype J which o ll t :lll1 lI'ntl,,\, t!t:ltt· fhtl ng anll wOlild Hl'I"CI 'for , bc ~t f rocl(~ for little 100 ·e·n ttl ll:', H ~I"' f'f~. 11111 ,11" 01' t\\·('"II . and hi;: ~Irls for tb' au l umn. 1111 HE and llIud!' ,)1 el oth. I, ' 11E'cl an d IIn bplt· I IlI tl nli on d lasl w e l" thi s mal;'!i\ ltll N I : wlllt ,. I \' I 01' Itml t! If (' IlIur~. ('X (\11 'J1 l 1'0Ulllll11100 to the ,I" '01'0 litH' ,. Iloubl<"!11 a !\~ I nnll ~ln HI('·hl'l'lIslccI . II f uml!i ~ . a t'a.s ~lol1 which r. nr (J~:;t ln neh hi I lN(ll f 1)06 'cs~ ln g IIIIII'h to 1'11· o n (' \'l'l' )' pU(1ulnr sty lQ or CaUl und ' 111:e pO\1 l1lnrl t r · An Ii' ll o PlI!:u ·lty h )' : I;\rt. • d \!~I' I· Y O•• bill tllf'v 1\111 .. 1 It \\,o l' n bl' . , I hll I'll:h L ~\'o m:t n " 11' t lt l'Y \\'111 nol lonit A I'I II Q·gr I'll vol\'cl cen ha . a round . 1~ 1'1I nn,1 lhc sllll'll nn,1 th e s ho rt mil I sk irt I' /lch l llg t f) I ho ground. willt b ~r~I· (i to tllrn II ~I "(' fl'olll Ihelr a t hroad LU hs o f bralll on UI h OIll . nnd tl'll 1I1ln ~ ' llIlIl IIC \'olc Ih I,. ambi tion s I :~ ('lIa t 1I gh II)' lil ti ng III the bn ~k: ' towa r ds Iho CO:lt wilich has ' n alior (. 1s llghlly 100gll In tbe fronr. Wllh ta b~. &tr~l gh l hll~qu~ sl ulll ng nway graIl· \ of bt'llid oll l lln i ng Ihe wnl '\cQf\t o f \tall y rl'tllll :.' .Ingle iJl'l'uslcd front. •.(' hlne silk \\'h1c h I'oyenls a blou e 0 1 Th~ r""rel' coat e~pe clall)' I wOlllt\ I ~~f 111 ~ ~hln(' rlb~on . Tlll? hal re('omnl en" : als . whll o noti ng lhnl It hlch coml,l I ~ the dless most ad· Is I n- be ohlai ll cll h and 01' m ilchlll mlrabl y Is o[ sort gl' cn beny I' with . S ite of One of· tile Proposed Wing O~s. ltnlttfl(1 In IllHUY dUI'I. co l o l'~ ll S w ell l : l S ol'f of ohltron h e lll [It ,HI side . I as In whl IJ • •1I11 ~ IIl:lkus a I'opll al gulf h;: n bunc h or ~IIIr)Jl e aurl a bunch 01 the malt r I s to b .t;n er gr·t! ca lly. ex· I or "!p. rnl.ll, d . S lI,I"s .s III lhe s roat, \l<);tUlllP I n I'Ol1lti lll :H in)l w \ h a pi n In , I' ·ell "I·ape~ . plolted. •. I'lv€<1' whIch (l h ·llle. ~11 nOIl,'1 nad 1111· ~1;11'l or th£' IIOlilll lll' 1Il g hl a~J chut. I I h al' O h,l:HlII InvesUgaltn" l he q uos . The filet th at on e Mi ssissippi I'lv I' nnh•. a!J,IJ~t lllltJ'\\IIY th tOll g th or M lij· .lind B small lonne wU h cock reulh el's. 1 t lon of evon l n,; gown with t h resull lug din coil\'O!;' II six tln,"~ f roUJ Sr. so h ..!. 1lhc mo"~ fOI'OI',>d c03lurllC I ~ ' of l tlHlt I nud ttl l' most Inexjlc nslve, lIrc l.ulIls to OW Qrleans boats urrl'inlt I Thl;) 111' 1' "I' wheal Ilr,,,\u cli oq I~. b1 1lcl, .clolb: th l ~. . h t' l n!;. eonsld I'.d It IlIg mltd of mU ijlln volle. nnd an ft .I)OO ton:! of gra in. which wou ld I'C' I 7;:; !"l) '~ we ' l or Dc.;! .,\I qhw:; . . I~ I lw . pre mill nlb- SlI! ' • • \~: ~ h p sell b ' . \ilx xc ell li t mO.d I In th i s sh ows crose· '1lllre 70 ra ilroad lI'alll M (If · J5 r.UI''! 'W ~ l , " 1 . ra l , ll"l't h, " (j.f Io wa. w om en oUl of l'lght. n llll, Irlmmed to Will' bRUds (If glllce silk ollloh c:l at ,' uch. sllQws . lh pOSl; lhlll) I '~ p l . th e 'I'h '1'; I'l'Il e!' . nf Oll i S 1"'(1UIIClIull I K d l sert'l Ion with lin.,; Ilf lliack s ilk Int(),'va l:! "11 lO tho Imees. Anti t he 11 I'ojeer. . . ahulll .~ot~ tnl ~('!\ . I'll. I. o f . l!(!~ ~'~)IIII :I. hl'al d IIh'l' nil Ih' pll'al ed or hlo'n se I hodlc h 'lull ng a lulle clt emlsctte. alld '!'h e Il'Mh r l n of rlv 1'111('11 III 1,1 I n tilt' OllS I C'Nltl'lll I'II . troll of Iowa. . bOIIl!!\, 01' ~Itr 1. 1~ 11I roo:t !. I I. call h e ' :t ,I 'till lint! Iloln led colilu' round Ihe I. uls I II Nov. mber will" b e l lo u Ill',' fli ' 1'h' 1'<1u l"l' , fill ... nU1I1 1>1'1' o f fUi'IlIS Rlll le'll l 'a~ Il)' to Uw ('nllilitl ,\l pf hl>~l l uhuuhl c l's \lIod of allernate r ow s 0.1 ('~I comln' together of peop le h.l\ll·, Is In Ill inois. I I Ij mil ': cu:;t or Sl. gown or e \'c l')'llar I-:UW II . the g lllc(1 and . the mu s lin.
,\ lIteri c-u
('11'1;. lIul .r LWI'l . uf whll'h '-l itl- ·ltn l lh'n flj t glt.· I n cl th ~tld !tAlt'- a rC' uf p,t'nom l ' Il>, I'l b"ll()n ull.1 tbu s of 1';!I'IIr Il' hll' ('('(!lwmlr 11I1(>rl'~l In. tltls 1·"~11IJ\ . Till' huici l!ag-Ic . oL\\"l'\\ 1'0 \' nl'l()II ~l y ,'a J) ('d whll ··h llt1 f." d lag- Ie, ~\' hi1 I.11l"'n d ' . II ~t'a 1'1t~ 1" . and hll'll ti t " a~h!tlglo n . , Ia of IlIl J'lIrlll llr In tel"'sl to \Ill r1"u ,, ~ n~ th na l lunal mul ' lIl ttl L111' I nl LNI '1l11'H, lIJ will h (1II' ull ), I~ wa s I' l e. ,'n ell "U .)!Jll l' ~() , 17~~. Th. IInIJl" '1Jl1II1' ('A~I ~'. liS whlrh thi.! HI'l' I .s 10 .dm u~l UIII\01'3,III)' ),II"WII , ul'l gltHl ted fl'om th e whltl' 11('11,1 llllli Ih'l ' l' rl'OIl ' "U ll ~ illlfll'o"Hlon or bl\lunc~s II glvOII ut n .\1 ·ta nce, T h is llird 1I1011'Bures Rh oUI th,'cc or .l h l'e(' and ono·hal f f eel In I'mg l. h. from s l.~ lu eight. reot In oxteut 'or . Wings. lind w, lI:;h 5 troUl six to I ~ pounds.
'tf'i,., i~"I"lI
b ll'\l ~,
,I" P, \,,! fI
'f;" I IJlaI N,
II ~O!lttqiHl(,:-; IdllH ra" ! IIH, Tt) tz-;, Th .\. ll ltIle[LI"f l''''1 I1 C II I I ) I n (h ' IIml·!" ' l'1'. I~ 111'1'"11 nlll\'1' IlIulI " n~llt I,), lunAt1i1 rt' nlld Ip~t' llli s rlr i.tlll'h' Ul IWH': .~nnl t.'lltlH' ~ ' \' t'Jl dl" ' l' 1 np~~ 1\ 0 I\U,lP a t· 1)It!H. UIIII 01'1 ' II hn VI' Itcm) c lJ o~ 'U ..lIp , 11 ' t; I IJlI':~1 1" '1' Its OWlIol'. Slll ~" \)1(' IHlItI 1':1 ~ I.. f" "I IM lI atlollal' etlll.lll' n·I~. elt l('l' fOI· sli,'. Itll lV' £'1'1'111 111:.;11' IIl1d 11 'I'r,· 11111111'" tll l')' Illt'j;r' l y 011 II~II l' " 111' 111111< Iti lldM . . l' (' tHI I' ~ {I dt. ·.j lr"~~ ~ t Jl' 'jf " hiJ.\' c· b el" II ('e lub l'lttt:d frl'lIl t'l~l' I1(l :;t II hl~lfJl'ic llt:l es." Th \lur:!1 ffJlI lI,l hi "I· U!ll'fll i. IAI 1111111. all, 1 III II I> 'Il" IUU ti! ' \' IIY' qUlll'tt' l' (lr Till! J.!'lllbp ""':" ~TPII 111 1):0,1 he ('0 1 H!df'!'(' d itlid lh \I,: ;\;"rth '\11I 1'1·il·/I. ::;o ll i h n )(·I·II'I1 . 1': 11', !J il t , hr. IIIIaI allilUllI1 II I (hi " h:lt'Ol t'O lh:', '-\ ~In , :\frll'u, J\lI $ II'a!iu, I1 n (l 11U''''' w ould '}i l'l ' llI I n h l ' ('Oin lit .di~· ' b 8lHail ~:~I!-tl Ind la 'I ~l l nd !; lhC' )' HI' (t Ill ()~ t 1111 - ril l' IlltWIt 01 it!; I1U ll ) 11 1 1 ' ~' ," :wi~hl . ,, ll1AI'OU$ III 1·:ul'Opc..· . :\ Hln :trHl . \ fl'k ,l. H)IP('I'''I hilt f' {',l l.)lll1l l t alb iJ\1 11 :"l! l t
Ililth- W\ln.' ~lI' . t
(.'OlUl1l(l Ill\'
I'MI d il' . ~ II1rrl~U''1, I pte,rlor \\,I~I rwu)'~ .. Lon Is. E;;:~~:;'~'~:=====~====::;;:;;===========:i;=======!!1 I n 1he hl ~It).r?· of th cfl u lllr~:- A !. Il:-l ,., Tb~. ('ClileJ' f 'he ,"alll c of farms I~ C - ., \"'r )' pula t. t il e O hi o IU vOl' 1111111'1"'(" ::~ .11111" 8 w e" 1 11), lIor'hw~~l (If 'llI·iu g· IIIf' n t ': I~ijQ' Intton set ftSl' l r 1:l's.... lul cl .l · II ·Irl. II I. ' I tb () Ul~ k oJ educatin g COlI!: "<!~ " '.n ,t '~' IH' (,'rlllt"I' "I' . hr' fal'l lI 0 1" (1 o f lll' , ... - . . . ' •. Ih c pt'l lpl E' of I h e rtver IlUl I s III Ih (" " I1I1I1II'1' Is 1\ 1It11" K S(\I\th w('SL' [II.l e f. K en'r ila';! ' lh el',· h "<' 11 !t ' sPllso n i n \' ~:iI co m m e r Ill1 • {nlportl1n cc Ill' ,trWI" I f, 'I' son ' (' il )'" Alq ... I • • ••• ! j. w1l il'll " gj'fllllel' . '·il.rl, ~ )' 01· f," \,\,1 ' 5 h as 1 ' lI l n ~ . lh" c hu n n el trOJu PlllHhlll'J:; 1/\ I Th C' r:"IIII '1' III (".( 10 " I)t'ntillc llllll Is h rJll n ,1I 'lda),l' I lilall I! I !': )'OILI'. al1'orll· (·"Iro. tt H 1(,lld,! !"!!" took thl' dl~ <:la r a , I:H UlII ~~ 1101' It ' I f .liI ·kHon. ~ I I.,~. 11Ir: (, \'I'P' \\'(,m :~1t \ il n!. ni>l,ol'[\llIll y of 'I"n oj Andl:ew citrniig\e: that "l lIl' 1'1" TIll' C(,I\[I' " of 1·.lIllll fll ctlll' ' I'S Is 5!1 • 'Iecllo,,' ~' htdl ' gllull hln L suit h,'r il uh1ic tt(l\\' h as mOre thun IO.OOQ 1I111 " ~ lIllIp!; \"I' sl of ' 11'\' 'la nd. O. n '(l ~ l'.- 11>·P:H11· j·hl"w I" nll' L'II >\so n wh:0 1' COl lIl'ct:d 1'11'I1'l" Iln'd' l uka HIl"I!!:II' t 'I'hl' 1'('nl"I' 01 Illplilali on III '1900 f' vQr,r.. . ll:"YlJjJ.l "~i.(jll l ll not bU H' t~\lI l ion . which SIIPI'lies tbe r::!tI'lI peH I I n'! hs~ :""'UIII' '11 \\, ,:;' II\;lIl'1.l · unlli II. :l1"RtI , q lwll l' of tin' " whi r h shall cn IIi la lll ] IrUII>lI0rtfllllin for lIIai('riltl :l In : Ix l nlll l'~ ~n ltl lr":I "1 111 (' Ol lll! ll)ll s. I nll. h(' r'{~;' iV{' \f e i;:lIa :i,' li·";)f · llnta l't n.s ~h . W ' I'hl," a nti l h ey addl'rl: " Th e '1:11",; .. """ illl JllIl'lall1 fa r tnr~ III wll'l l I n h'I"' ·I" )" l\'lYll r :J.1'~uhU ·1' C]lIaTlIY wh il'lt 11ntll' \'t'lIlcnL or Lh G hiD will l\Ia l(' il ha !'l 1... "n · t:a lll·/l· ' l1 w " 1'>IlUSClhlrnn:tr m.\rQ" tbnll · r lc:IIllf".'" ' Iur . ntl1.ll·I'I:tI · o r . ill CIl Il<11'C1'," : • . • . ... .,, " f • " t il''; ~1I ~HIH~ ilJl , l 1'1\'('1'," Til " ~Jt'nll uc " ('lnhoca lC!llP.~ " of d Si).::k ,.mal'l, _ . L1je '1' 1 I' fll~¢I'. i\[.I·sI8~'[II~ : ~'.i.!, I~ . .'IP·. . I\)\I' th I)I'(Hlu{'I ~ 01" In Ih l' "a ll), \,. lI~ g.\· .~~!-~). WI,.II.HlII .. ~hl.s ,S}.lIal·tn S9 pl'O \' ('n lt' n{ ' aRSod at.loq w a,. h 1''' 11/-1 hi \\'11 II I~ I', It" 1I11'I'VII : I h" PI'" I,l l' In 'l! w hl,,)1 Is 5 " .! (';I ra lll" I ~ r ellll ), v er y ., hlllli by nit 'eqllallj" paf riOlic 1I11'<1'fa)') III 11.111' \'ltl lp,' l'I'v li), III ~h lfl :11111 I" <,III rv'1:-: ~ " rlll'h rI tI, c ' r~ tlib prime _,"'10111 cJQclara t lon . ,""0111' rcr,r~ :l l(n a I r::n~.. ' All th nl i_ '11'('(1,,11 Is CI")·o;. 1' <,~ 'riHrtl"of ~nlart:If'"a' III cr.oH~ . a.\ll fllllnl i!l'O of. r eJlresenta l.I\'t; cl j l ZI' It H lu fl.I~I \I." "I' lit " t'n pl,II)' /! l'lIwln;; ~ ~n ~; . Hl'lp)I Jll' t; \; .ley, \.tuy(1 ~Dclal'(jS In tho . " nlicn upon Ihe ~lIa~' n r of QU IIIf')'. III.. III nl"It,l: , 1II')ll t;.' wi t h wltl,·h· t i, " tla lH D.!,lill-~ql1\'.J}lill " IHlt ll!l11l 11 11 Olll' wom· "'\{I nl< so nit: local.l·i\· el·I IlI f!I'OVI·IIl1)ltt <. " ,1",1 ~11 ';H I ~l1i l'ili !'i\'l'I'" alld 1'('\' 1\,,) Ih . I'n r o ' o:.: nlz,· thl H faci " ') 11 I h ey hO\l " In .lil" r ... l l!·otl'.acl.. 11 il!t~I'~' I l! w ' I\~.!!' Ih ,· . ')"1I11in;: g l ' I Y ':! !he 1,,' c k c l allil o f th!) ,;'rpat~ ' ~(l\vils \Htlrt', CI'P'ri n pp'l't;lfiIlh t ho '; ;1tri rtTl ~ : ~ ' sIH'I \\'1\ ill the Im po r t d m od· , nl uo:> of purel y locaJ Illll,rUVt,ljl l CnI H. , 1"I'I'Ij;:htl'r. I II.' nlll "!)\' slIlt! : . "Do YOII " khtl w II I \:1 II I ill' ollst. u(ltl on 1)1' lll\' Chi· ()I~.'·' ' .... '.' I ,,,\, :1 ": n1 llt bl W I Il~ l :t!e n.lllad ' 011 III" " ." );0·. ' 1 L Olli s I':lllai. rl'o l ~hl(,.I·S 101111 (,,1 111 ,0011'.• l1llls tratl ll ll we show H hlnn so ' I.nrl tlj 1111,' Cf"l ll ~"l) SS llll'lI whf) " " pn" \,llh c;r"l" Or nl'e nl f)nlll lh ("" I ld J ac ltet. .!.9}'. (t..Ill~l lIlI ~ w el\ r .whlc h Is pnl" , " n any of thc lIve st!lles hi)l'tI "I'I!'~ I 1('111':' I hr> 1l 1'1t' of ~1"xlt,O w il holll o'Icul Rrl\' ~ llIa\' 1 ' In :.:'"H I (l ltnc1 fi ll ll!llt l~! 1<, lil" Il(ille l' ~ll s~ ISsIlJ jll to IlIflll ,,,,,, . ; .. ··':t ~'I II~ f'U';'; ' I, 1I!1I1 bl'!;ln th eir Il'an ~' fOr li i ';'(i ll:': Ii, I l1atl'h Ihl! slcll't • . o f "".~I·I' "S W make un app rop :·IIlII IlIl.i !lI' .,,\:lulll· 10\':, .;,· , her f'. fiE Ihl')' will IIfi\' V' hltll·' ., ·t'!.:r. II Is 111111e plain 111 I ll ": l tuprov Hlent '~ lIu s . n,nY · " ' ''('I ·~ I 1'1'11111 " .. \\. "'fll · ~. t·y \\'a)l of IIIl' I-.: I' i l' III .. 'bnr-I, : 1.1( 1) 11'() lltK 1\1'1' sll£; ltll y filii .. 1'1, llIade b y t h " comm e r. :I,,1 f} "~:II" I·u ll a l. . .1 t h o WUl. l : III' ri g ht . fronl (' 1'OSSO" ""'(011 • .0 1' cities uJon g· ilt" 1'1\' 1' 1'. tl' :I'h,. .. :II II II " ·lll'n o f '11.': Pallall)' l Cll- . 11(' 1t'(1 llllil fUHl!'II H In\' lslbl)' h el ow ' III, " II'~ con st'es:. La tbls eml?" nol will fll l l.l th 1'(;70" In l o n l Zf~ th ll I raf'· :l>c;o bll ~l: II Is li ned wi th LillI' and .. ·u .", wos thc an swer . " I~ lIt ," n '· . {i,' J)1·(J hll·IU. f1~' 'l'a:l:< or. lit ' r~nnl \\'Ili te ~ ll' l pt'tI Rill .. . The (\('c (l COll lU ,.,,, :.. ,, ' un!' c iti zen . " It w ill II ' ,Iun'" ~11' 1I11l 1'1'~ lund, '" lu J1 "IIII,h. l<illlnel.lJl' tnd ,.<,\'1'1':; al'e " 11' In olle; th ey nl'O t .' nl ·I'." IIII~. ~1. PI:tRlt lln.:. ';11l .' . (Jf) ,.t of whit!' 1'I"01h. IInNI With sille no I ll' lh~l cI 'cJIII'[I(\OIi the us , ....\,,11"11 .. 1!Jng' lhl ' : .( \\',III' I'I'/I)'s ~ )H.(! m . 11115lin 01' HI t 'nln;! I s r ~lI l l'c tl . n~ ~he "fts \il'llIaily orll".. nl zo d. It ~ fm l r lh 1\111)' 1'l'1I 1'1 1 •.. , F ""'JI'lsr.o. S e-a 1ft'. 'ol\nr llIu st f ull qu lin soft l y over Ihe ".nlhll 1I1"" li: ll1 \" "1:\ hplll In ~1I1I n CI\1" . l lunoIlI11l . .\hl lliin . Yoknhama . II · 11 1,\ ' 11nUI(l l.'rs. It Is " '\r 'lIl I cI wilh na r row II" ill !Jct" !;('I', 1." . >;ov em I.H' 1' th" !IS' kong . Wllhf)ut ul:ca!llll ;': CH1·~\I. Ul !J Ill" ; si ll, braid nrr;one:cd In It ranc ~' ., 1 .\IIIn \\'111 ]<11 11 wilh tilt· Oh l n II. ll. );1' 111 ~a l' in (!; .(ll illl(' nn! 1I\0nl',I'. I'; \' en H'OP~t~ll\tl r ll . 'I'he Ilccp CllffR to tho A Bloulo Jack,.t. "'" Ii III II ~ I'l' t wate " \I':I)' a' r·nn · I lhl' (:OU ' I \lll l1n oC ' lh u 'l'cJlll11 II I r ll er. · dlorl (luffed sl eeves Bro Illude to I',·., . wltl h wtll (iI' ltat~ I II,· 1 ' (tH ~lh:I I ·, 1'f111l'Ol\rl :r ·1'1lf'.H Ih f' l!ahOlll~ Ilf Te· .nnlch th ll colltlt·. on ly mu st b e m ade The h at lij ' a \'ery small sa llot· sh api l ., ~ "f. nlHl tttak,' r c,cnnt IUCnn lllinll ' hIlUnlf'jllW. ~ I t'xk!, . H: nOI wllhunt fnl" liP o"er r.unv as 'flr mll slln so that of On e Whi le s traw. t rimm ed wltll ., ". till' (1<;\' cl\ll~nl\."L · of a J1I':l v.\'. ,·"nl'hi\l j.; r ('s ull.. riN f n'I :;h l' ('un ' bo th ey Ota\' slan d w ell awn y ""f01l1 the white silk , c berrles and a gold buckle. '., I"" r tr:l\,('1 frolll !:it. Paill anc! o\Il tt· • li'auH r"rr 'd IICI'PS.i lit!' Islhntll.· . (mm ~· rm . IThe hasnue I~ line~l With s ilk. MBter1a l ~ l'oQlll red : Two at,lf! o ne· ,. •• ,. nlla 10 N " w 1l1' Iunna ano! from ~h lp hold 10 ,;lIlli '101.1 In t\\'\J daya' I !lI\d I s nlldetl In th(' hlouse jacket un· 'Iuart"r rard~ serge. one aDd onl';"" "'11 11 ~. :'](1u1....n the IIPfJrl":lJI· l\to r' nn.1 III un (,XPC'IlFI' Of n nl)' about :lei' a belt af th e wh ite clCltb lm!tene Qilarter YOI'lf s clot h, Bud three tu Pill UUI';,; on th 011 1.). A I! \\'u lIu lln l'h a t on ' ",itb a sll \'er buckle uno-half vurd u IInlal silk.
The Qua1·Ity 0 f Smartness ' I-n Dre'ss
The Shaded Portion Showl the Breeding Range of tho Bald Eagle. Its d atru cllon of 8uch more' or I s~ noxiQnB mamn1111s us OP08Sllllis. I'all' yelloW lllil': yes lind fec t . A t l oast coon 8. ground squlrr 18. prair ie dogs, th~ ee or tou r years are reQ.ulred fOt· ra bbits. rals amI ml cc. assnml1tion of thi s plumage. Tti t! cOnt pl ulllta- lod ged agn ln~t thlt! TO n gor bird s b(!lng en tirely browni sh eagl e' for Ul esll'uct "'II of t!(\ult[\: or )Iacklsh . an d lhe smnll r do m es tI C Iinitnnls• . 'rhe baltl ilagl e lohabl ts oea\:ly tile !>ll.Qh liB Il i gH nnd aheol). seom to CO Ill " \\'hol(' ~ r North Am eric a. froAl north· larg~l >: from Ul e SO~~llCUS\OJ:J I 1:nltCII or n M('xleo uutl Fl orida norlh to In· Stlltes . In 11I ' oIlU., s wh 'l'l' I h e bini 19 1l8vn nnti the Anderson riveI'. wes t 10 t he IlIlllnland of A la sk a . the .A lell tlan i ~ l u llr1 s !lu d t h e' COln lllllnd I' I s land~. Kam l.1h n!lcn .. Und er most cfr('ulll stn nces wat'y lntl IItfll cu lt .of npp ruach . (vitll an ey Jpell fOI' danger a nd .glvlng susp octed I hln gs a wille ' hel'th , I.h lR !:'agle. ne vor~ , th el esl!. wh er e 1I 0t mul ~sle d , Is ott<!I1' .~ i , ;;urprl slng\y l"m o and nn susplcloW ; " '. Un l'l'Ovolced It rar el y Illlacics mlln, al· Ih ough buch tn stunces have bllon re pOl't~il. It IU'efl'ra tree tor watchin g ., Ulcl I·oostllig. but In sp l'ing somet imes 10scenlls to ride the ca kes or Ice In th e 1· 1~' er . apparontly looking for l1 sh . Tho\l gb 1I0t I. g l'o Ill'lou s species, It Olnv III tlnies b e seell In co mpanills 'of . l .s ~13nY as l Il 01' evo n 15 Indll·ldll!il~. It Is evid ently n ot IlIqklng In conjugal ~ tre cU o n. · · and the first mULlng r es ults . In an alliallce, defen sive and otten~ 1 ve. lha t Is b~,'ed, to l ast liS long Ilt,-!ltrthsurvl\'e: lout when olle o f II pa'r i1l es . lhe other . . male or female. soo n se· cures' nnolh or nal·tner that I\t. on ce \ SSl1m ea the respon s:.... llltfes of t he IlllCrt'nll~el1 h ouschold . The nOles of The Bald Eagl~. . Ute engle nre f ew. u sually produced In .. loud: h arsh screa m , ra ther num erou s, wh er e other f ooll III Tho ntg h t I s. pow erful . capllble of at tim es Bcal'ce. amI where th " dobeing h Hle nnflolY sustllin ed and Is oc· mesUcated animals are' easy of ae~ompll she ll n ow by st eady wing I!eals. cess; but th e total amollnt of this now by eanrlng ei t her on . :I le vel damn~e Is . co mpnratlvel y ' sp eaking. couroe 0\' In I;reat Ilscendl'ng circles'. not greot. The bald eng le 1 • lUoren$ Is tll habit of m ost large birds or over. almost verywlul re somewhllt of I\t'oy. Tbe IIII'd occasionally m ol"es a a scnv en ger . a t rai t that ~: hOll ld be pitlnge rl'om n great h e lghl. .a ·marvel· set down .lo Hs cred it. 1l19' fent perrormed with such ve locity A·II thlll/;K ,:onsldereu. the bald l hat th e eye can scarcely follow the eagl e Is rather more benefic ial 't han :lesccut . . In stre ngth, the bald eagle ' othorwlse. · Since mucb of ttll foon III .is bSl1f1y less remarkablo t.ban In of little or no direct e coJ)om!a \'al'le. power of f1I :,:lt t. lIun It has b ee n known while Ihe good I t dooll more lhan com. Ln cllrry a IlImh nve miles tully equal pen8ate~ for fl s obnoxloull de ed8; and '.11 li s own weight. It cnn readilY' be furthermore It seeln. n ot IIkel ~ IIvor 'o(ept In con(lnemenl. fa.' It will tht'lv" to become abundant enough In aD,. :)la UY lUnd of mea.t or 1laJa. and It Ioca1lty to be HrloWlly deatrlJCUve.
adul t' Ita color l a dark
hrq wn. wlt.b w'hit h ead. n e'el, and tali,
whal I... hAl! " fu'n l\tt fIr hlA rO tflJ1:11',l~ '\'ol , Spaniard. Would E mlg ,·at• . rl(" w ,n lll "a tlh lly dp\'·'}.}lji u ).; tO utU" , w ll o ~ Silt hund rr d fam lll e5 or weavers of i,lwll P III nt!, air I HlI in\'l lI nll h,·I,[ for t ho Beja r , pain, are l'E'ported ~o be aee1c. "11I1'"i," of tb I'i:; ht peopl ·. ". Seen by iI Hoo. ler fro m Ne bra ak a. "\ . IW II F: nT.3_ Ing a id lo ewl grate to AWI! J' lclUl coua· Tha ,lr ( 'i l)' , , l la . NE W FIGH rt NG FO RCE IN TH E t rl Cli. 1 ' , ~ . I nlllli rH!~ dh'w' h.·"l til , C'c' r(lt nr y n\ W OAL D' S A~M!ES. The writpr. horn 1\ 1r" !'),,,it'r , (Itt Ill" t l)" ,h" 11' I (~II'c1 i.r '!'1 1"lt \\,,11 brill' mud How ' s This ? J I~ co coun ty 1"1" ., f ru m ~ , l h rn ~I:H n"II I'h' uollh i" ,.,d in t'ol'rlmtl n 01 Flud d" . W e o tTr,w One Ih ludr tJ Du11 11" R f!w nrd for 1°1 10 111· y rtaTt; I' ~O , u g Ih'd" 4-t I)' ~ 1 'fI\' U lU "lit 5~l:r;,! ~:~::~rb lbl t fJ lUlD Ul b6 CU\fc li by H a ll l that, re Jlll t to ~n tlt h 'rJl ('u ur iil itl Ht4 li t" At Home in A"y P a rt of t h e 'Ear11'1 , Children. <,oulri well he iIll811I1W' \' 'I'\", u~ h wd l lie· MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE. Th ei r Se r vic es in W arf a r e W ill We, tbe IJn d "h(:~~: ~!Iy~ S:D'~ ~D(lP. 'lO~~~u~': qu dnt.t!d ,\ h I! IlIll~ L U1' \ Ill' .\ "rilu'r ll ti t. l it ·,. to r t h l! hUlL Hi ; S8 r: • a ud uol lt' ye h im l ~orl ~c l ' y bOn . Be. of H ig h Va lue to Cou n· he h" d ll ~""r ," ell """ 11 " IIdei " f NJ IIOCl , RIng on t he Thl..-J Fin ger of tho Left u, .blu In all ll u. l u e~. t r l\nIllLU! L10l\'i aad fl nt,"ul a'Jy ,,111 1 lYU~ whutly 1\11 ° " '1111" 1111 001 wi ,1a I b ~ IIblt: t v t' ~r r 1 UUt ''''Y IJI,U': lIo tlVU"I m alh - II)' h l l drw . t ries Em ploy ng T he m . WA,.n,,. lh J£l:q. " ... " An waN , • ""illl, agri~uHIlI'U·1 on" d i"H\t ii: "ullelill(o Il ' Ha nd I\Ulant Much. W lJllHU... lr Ur tl ~nrl'" l jlI , To le dQ, O. of uny of tloe culr st.ate.. It w ~ ., 11' 1');',1.,' I1 _W" {' ut.arrb f'u r" I. 1_" ",1 IUl Nullr. IUtUUK Jue ~b a de.i l'" It) ~e 11 11.1 unJ "I'. t 111.1 11,1. She wus home ly, nn d to m oat pel' dJ rt~ ,· t1y u,'"'' l be bl~d &011 UHI C~"" ", U l' (.~CI Of t bo " lUlt lIre~ of Il lule "no'. 1'lIl llll e Il illt. Ille . 'I'1)e 1l1'5l 111'<;' of ... lI('''' lil Y hll " S)' " t t' IU. 1 t!, l llllua l lll l fil"UI ( rcw. Pruo 15 cenu per /:ioulhun l ril' W,," I.. "rle. \\'Illula oliJ et! III aOll s u ua ttrac tlve: ye t all s b e e nl e re d ht'l!lI I lJ:;lt l ~cI : Ih e ,,' ol' ld IIlI S It IWW ~l·~~;, ,f~,' ~ b~&~:,'u';rl!fi~!·r\~~ (,,\,."' 1PIloUOD. biB llecolII llIK " ",lI i.fie,1 I" '""'I'II ~ ali(I Plul!. t h o t ra in a s ort or balo see med to flJ,:htln ~ f' ll'ell . . 11Ie tl " ht in lf fu \'c., 01' .... Ie Ihl t ur~ III Ih e ba h,,~' SOllt h. 8u l'I'o und be r a s o n o s e t opart f rom " I he l(ls t Il'g ll)l) ." T he !el!, lOll o f I'nfant T r aln~d to S t eal. nd now h""11I1! ~~ ~II ~ l h ,'~ ' ~ u m mc r com m on mo r Lals. Tb ere wad'i no 10' a ncl four winters in }: lorill. III i l1 ~ a lii II ~ I' I·un t!P I·s nWIl . Ba r R t he l .ontlo n SlIetc h , A w oman h ns be ' n a rr s t ~'d hI Pllri . lbe peop le, worldng t lw soil, un,1 ,,~po"e, 1 dl callon at 'exce ptlo na l ta le nt, a bili ty, h a n . B lU l h ' Ib e ll' fl rSI I> h 'Ollno. nul . In· ca r r yi ng In h er a rlnS (\ rOllr·yenr·o ld to a ll the "ici. Ait u" eM IllIlt ol'el'take 1\ "" \\, ' 0 1' e u dowme nt abo ut be l', no o vldence ilt'(ld. fl 5 th ' r would h Ul' t' w l ~I I (' t1 II , ohlld which 'h a s been Hili n II lo snatc'n comer any ~' h c re, I.., fee.l. tlmt he ii in 1\ or ~u;lerl o rlly, bllt a certa in Inde flna. U'It'l on to viv" lu l'turth ern ["'Oll ie" filiI" bl IllHlpl' :1 ~ll r r lIdl' o <l by I h · ' it,," nr' wu lc 1l s' a nd sc a r l pi ll s ali Ils mothe r ~ distin ction. It was no t q ui te .aD .. f,0 Promotes Digestion.CheerMy "acttumt e ..Id'a of 1' lor iti• . li e beliel'eH, ultll ic . I' IlL' )\fil · t hoy ntl~ IJ L IWLHy .III ca r ri e d It th roug H til(' s l. rnets . Tb & al50 that tlaer~ Ar in the ~orth ~rorc IIlr ot conquest, tbou!;b s ugg es t h ' e 01 li m ' or Jl '1\ ' I hlll Ih oy w il l· I,e rea d y Intan t wa s 8P ('n 10 grab 1;"0 wa teh e. ness and Rest.Contains neUher anti ' Hund red. of (Amilies who wOII I,1 lac' Rflti~(ac tory a c hl ev me nt. S be bore III lim o of ~ tl'lfp. Th py II I' IJf'('onll ug a nd ' lin e n pins In l\lis lbau bait aa 9pium.loIorpltine lIor loliueral. Illuch 1>I!Ucr 01T la c Ollie :';oll l h. whull look · h r h e nd blgJl . and wor e a fl udd ha. Nor N OTIC. for " Ow hume_, rll (h.r Ih"'l J' OIll Lli. Ilk 1111 al'lll or 11111'''1 lui d· f II S(' all d tb e y bou. I' n" • " e express ion of pr o ud s eren l fy, Cho ~ ruJ. who orc ~U'uWglill ~ :l lI d li g h\ i n ~ n llll li t u!'l lI ); Ih(' lu w lil ge uc(' hm ll e )I A Good Reco rd. . for t he ( "w d UllI)' pat !.1lcH of ""'H'l" II" Onl y a m o me nt was s b e settiC' d In or th e S I ri c e whe n Ihe g o ll IlC W DI' Ou t of all t lle ex te rnal r l! w edhis on and 1IIIgll.bruah )'et "\,IIIIII Lle ' for ~1' 1I1 ' 1" b e l' seat wbe u oft ca me h r glo ves, C' II II H fur SIIi'I·llI cp. The )' ),I' III" ~ ' li t l h e in t he a rid \\ Ci t . a nd t be n t h e k e y to th e proble m was t be ma r ket we do u bt I( t be r tij ' on o 'fhe lint Lhi n ~ ",b i.. h . t1'il(e~ a Norl h· II' II C (rrJlltl · rs m 11 , Ule lt wllo hu re ern per. n ali coming h. n · i. til. (1 11111,.,,1 e\' ltl n t. The lon g, jo),o ll/l look be- w(' I· I" " I. h lllll Pcl 01' l'o uSh l lu wlhl tba t nas the r co rd or t llnt wor ld· • ope d con d"ilion 0' f ",ue Il OW f t l ~ I All,. ;-00 ,. \1\ 0 Rlow d upo'n th e sparkl ill"" ri ng on ('U ' t he lI lI ll' l ~ u l' lot s ea, Ih e ul'Ol h I'h oml re no wned po ro ns pla ~ " I'--A Ilco c k ·tI. t l),,'ns IInti locnllties nr well n,h·lI lar .. ,I, t hi r d finge r ot b er I ft b an d told t b e II f III' C tllJ1ll~. G u rl'lI la I il e iles I'" I l h.1 8 now heE n III use (ur s ixi y yea rs , b ul, ge nerll lly 8p cll k i n ~ , Ihis id n lIell' I lory. CO Ul1 try, wit h \' a 6~ und"l'ploped rcHourCf ' ~('(' o n d nn t lll'o to lb e lll , II ntl so It I ~ a n d st ill co nti n u es t o' bc as no pu lar as and n cediulf onl)' Ih e ~Ilt' r~y Anti ~n lc r' That le~t h a nd had a bus y lim e. II L1lllt till', will 0('1 a ~ ' i;lIllII!s. ijco ul:, ever In d o ing Its g r :ll wo rk o f reprlff 1,'hut L'Orne wit.h l he \lrile D1 ~ uh oQd In vl'sll gatl'd tbl) li ng ri o hilt poised pi ou ' rs (l lid mu La lie lol'cc~ fu r m illin g. nev lnl!" o ur pa ins a nd a e es. It Is an ir\\'8I1la~hoo" t hnt hu\'c huilt nnti ro ~I, coq ue tti s h ly o ve r t h e for of one DO Aperf'ecl Remedy forConsUpa. \\'e~', I .~ In uke lb l·., t()(., 0 Ian ge r ro un!;, It m adc s ut e t hat h e r \\ h t> t'c. , e l' t he ir 1I 11111b I'll nl' s um 'l II I tbe r e med y w e all n eed " hen s u ff e rJqo1 ~e 'r·ot n on . Sour Slomach,DiarrhOell , "" in g fr om a ny a c he o r pa in r Gsu ll ln g lnd ' '''eolth und 1. lclli ),. t he y wll! ha \'1' n C(,m IUIII1lI. Worms ,Convulsions ,feverishIt "'lUI only fiome m cnt )' o,M .Hllrs u ~" broo ch w as fastc ned. It p ull od b e r 'I':; lllclI l 01' all 01' Il)eh' rOHllller !l.n d rl'c!nl lak in g colli or oY('l's t r a ln. nrss MdLoss OF SLEEP. that the flNlt l1l ilrouu. pnslll't1 out (rOil' s ilke n s lth·t s c lo Rer about he r , Il h.! 1I0 1'11l'l' Sec reta r)" FI'o ll p c rs lll tLll A ll coc lt's PI3 ~ I " r R arc s ol d by D r ug· the OIIst l OWl\J1 il) l ql·. el·l ing 1110 ,'".1 Ilg hte nod t he s traps to bOI' tra ve lln!; K I ~I S a ll ov r til worlU. wildcl'D_ of r enll'lll nnd fiu " tl l ~rn 1'1 I'. b ROJ;el' P llcol: k. 1I 1It! Ihe LOll don c um · YacSimile signature Idll. 'l'be n followed n I". h fO I' lUll \! < i" a g s lL LI n g In tb o .ul s lll, und, so on III 0.11 llnn t, MI'. Un 1·lol'n . I1l1lh' o re bo r n ~2)di;. Women Have Pet S r,. lkn. the "orangc bel~" an,1 for" fcw ,' CII " , Ili ll fln lte lr, occas ionall y paus ing (or lid " " " I II I' ' rs- w' U\I (' lll e ",ol'll In ' lI s tllcre Willi a veritllhle Loo m. \,,, 1II 1"' ~ of n Il l' ' bs lll g glllnce from t ho tir e d bu t A I!: rent man y snalu' s an Im po rted NEW YORK. , the NDrt hem pool)lc who ""Ll I~d Ilrr., f' H' b 1I !lli ng eyes. ol d r S 11 8 1'S, UI'III·('[,.IIIIIII,; ~h . · I'll s hloll Int o E nglan d . Th e r I ~ a bris k de'r he ga)' II t tlo acln tl llltlo Ds (ro m t be 1h liL ho.s d ls tul·t '(1 th I 1'111 111 1\1 1lIl'un · a t irne, 1\'ere hu t " bird. of pn""" ge ," ('0111 lug !!Qm rurlll tl f s l(IJ l\l;, ~' rw i tl "I'~- mun d (a r snak o p I ~ a m ong 1'1 h Ing Soulh (or Ih @ winter ",lelle m l ai fl i n ~ · ) d h II MlI1 ' U. os .III LII NTort II. diamo nd fl ashed Ollt t he s Olig; "Ell' 11 111 11 P ocuc l, . hilS bl'e n 1118. 11 )' Ih ln!':!'. la ul s. It' a a fu nn )' kind (II ( p,t, P r· t h~Ir .IomCI an Vuy ItlIllly iD,·e. ted bor m wed ca pito l in gag d-eo ga I(4Id-en!;ageu! " hu ps, but l h f' Y ~e c' lJI to Ilk l La m , nnd _ __ __ li e w ns t' l e r~, i n l h e cable s er vin". a ornnge groves, hopi ng I.e> be IIble to pnr gc l qulle la nd ot lh ' m . 1 s uppos c otT t be .IIIortgD~e r.nd IIInill lu in a will IeI' JAPAN LAND OF JUGGLERS, labOI' I' on (L fr ui t (ul'm a nll (\ !;PIlE'I'I11 [MCT COPY OF WRAPPEA. home \In the prufils or lh,' grO\· ~ wl"I.· far m in 0\1 1111'10. II1 Sul'ull e ( I rk , IHII'- It's b caus e lad les nownd my s like lh ' leaving the rom of the gro\'. to lai l II hell" 01 W A 1Gb vel' hnll rl. " boDiM" III 11 b ot " l o r 11 11 ' " unu s uul. Ot co urse. th es(. pe t snnkes ' r h ~ n cO llie th e greu l rr.~ Zl' uf 1S\l!i anll d Izoard mUle. D nncr ucat. y '9WC . ..,.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ". GI'ft'. nre a ll non pols uaouB. -LuDdoa MorDFoollnll Foreign S.kept ic. \'I es, ml llw)II n' 8 IJookkel' p I'. 10J; 1& 0111 1· t he gt'QVC8 0,' 0 ' 1I1I1('h of Ihe ' InlA', , VN " In~ L eade r. killed t o til e grou nd . wil h Ihe I'~",I I ( hnl '1', ro ll ruad llIi v ,'y. b . I, OJ; ·n t . jlrotlh' I' Ja pan Is th o la nd ot j ugglers and of phulog l'lI ph. , d a l l'y nlan a lHl tj'()II Pl'l' mort gagee w,'re (on' d ()!'f!(1 alit! t he •· .. Ird ol],_"e" failed 10 &'i'lu rn , T ho h ,om h In IhC' 'n OI't\Jw ps l Ilu lkp- III1 in I wo alw a ys ave h. indeed t.horollllhl.,· eulla\.. ~. I , ItIlll ill OI' fa s hl onll blo JapRn s ornngc / rowlIIg W,," I hc on .v IJl I, ,,,,·g. al · I h elll:1 ~ nny large e ntc rta inme nt t hey y e lll·s . W1I11 t l'UOP I' II took Illl!'l' tempte , up to thAt l ilrlr. II ", II'hu ll' (., 11 11 ~Ive . Ono vor y c le ve r o ld man Goe s In thn fol'(\ d II1 UI'('h o r 42 m il!'!! n 1.111)' 1 t ry wu ul mop~ balllkl'1I11 : .\ 1101 I hll l I, ul'o und In a sin g le cot to n gow n w ltb fo r se \'PII days f1'fOIll n "g,ill !l to 1"1'1111'" jtnn Ulltili\VJI)'for there I1rl' sillg St. nlu ll~·. Kim I' ul'!,"" III I\, v.·l ln '.11 II "A', I val' tIl 11 1·fi, ' ·!'ll ', enlcrpl; ijCLI h'f IT\ 1-1 (,1" wo bas kets t u II 0 f " pro pe r tI es " ov e r ,\ )IJ"rt. ' hi s s boulde rs, and , pu tting th e m down !lIP II nrU l wc. l I·ch .. l licm. Lalll it wa ll Ido til,aay. Ornnge growing i8 y~t profit nl,l.. he . a n }' wh e r , por'orm s bl s trlc ke, w ith lI !Jl h is (Ol·tll il tu l1 ui t'h. ' 11\;" Ulltl CI' only t he gro"e 1I11a.t 110 " .0 inl,'llilll'rl l 111111 h dl I II hi 111(' H ~II ·mss. !l alf W II _' Itt' \\'3 " p' ~in . U\kinl! c..... , jU ~ 1 II, I \tIl ,·,Ii.i ,\ ~ " t t €' e x pectaat au cnce nc I'e ng w. lnnry fruit . cqlli,,·, r nre II nll /I IIOgh QI ...·r A b al/ul at coppe rll re wards hi m -sut· ( I'U;l.C I1 !a 11 11 HO w as 1l1"alllte cf w\l lt a . r intelligence a m,\\,h I't'. fl cl nth ' a nd he goes o n to a i ti re, flf'1I ij l <111 . Bll t t. be , ~w ~'lori,I'1 IInw t.rin~ tlM·I'I· disgo r ge e ggs, n eedl es, lante rn s and :0,; x hI' wa s ('1,,11 ~(, l"'anl ,,·a d r l' . ,on o r, l n ~ 'S, or kt I t th t I At " Ill' Co)n'CSllollllC'lI l. mi s~ l on:II"·. sPa ' oped ill not del'endclI ~ "l an yone crop. IlIdceti t hel" i" A lonltPr a mo ng I) p s a e n ex pace. B ~ Ii~t <If ~ ful nnll l)rOliI8hl ' 01'01'1> recen t Japan ese dl l)n r a ro r l'lgn {lUlU wl l h \' (,);uhu m a 1,ll'ut S, I'o hll lll;; FO,vlf be hon CI\n he r""," I, 1"·... !Job"·. g uest uel r d t o b ave no o pti cal til" w' '''l' IIUIIH('S ul' H('1I1 l'Oll lt(' I'\eR ; 1' .." 10 nny qlJl por~I(\1I f tll ' nileri ' Iftl c_: il lus ion s abou t what the jugglors did. Illn., .. jn llrnll l l p~ to lI~hl gh 'O h ll tlblll , (or to t llo l'ilr ll on l ~ :I11t1 p " I 1\ l o~ " flf II,,' North . re lidded t ho ppnl' " ~. 1lc'1I1'l1, ,,11',, \\, He n eve r allowed b ls glances to b e ~ lJ ec l al cOI'\'(,SIH)II !1 "1I 1 n 1\ 0 liua y m in· berricR, l! mpu nnd rnd .. ,," "i t la e "enl ra l dis ra ted an d was not .once olr his Ing ()l1mll, III ' 11 Il 11 . \1' I"' !l li nll ; ph.,. bel t, lind the Innll Ii.", or ,jill u, "ml pt.h" I· . g UIl I·d. :-1otlc ln g Ib is , tbo o ld j ugg le r tU~ l'n p h 1', II ' ' I '11' 'Ii II e lglu ' ' rlm !l , I14!JUI-Ir.Qp i!'.ll1 u uit s of t ile. !lout h. 8M '\'~ II Il l a)' e d to him e nt ire ly. A n Imme ns e 111l 1n i11' uf ph oto g r ll ph s a lHI 11I]\I'"I,IIII.' r as (Ottun t.obncco a nd ol he r :"o ul llI'l'lI . crop8 a nd UI~ 1\'11010 list oi I r lll·k ,'1'01' . porcela in \' a se was brou ght In Bnd ee t II g nl In th ... Hi ll e 1110 II It 1I1i n. . T hen now beln. P'Own here b)' t h Ulo lI ~n n ".. In tbe middl e of th e room a nd t h e hom ('8 \I d n nd 110 Httl!·tNI as a no \·· of c l'1l~~ . lor . hillment to ~ or lhc \'ll llIo r - Jugg le r, c ra wling !r., le t hl mselt do wn list. bil l It \Va s 1I0 t lo ng be fure he kel. . And beRid"" n 1 t he"", ond pel'h,,!, Into i t s lo wlv. T h e IIke ptl c s at for W II ' back In t h wil d s DS n o \\' b,,~' better diM all , ill t bo' m ilan!! of )" ((,'1, ra l· , tie i!lwep, horAe., mu) ", ' , c. ),Iill lo" . Il{ half an hour w itho ut t n"l ng hi s eye I II Al ll r ta, go ld m ill or :r nd ('a pI Ain or pounds of bed e nd pork nr nnnll nll)' fro m l b" vase, whl c b, he was con· n pael( trnl n . A IInre llil l' h pi rIe d ,bipped to t he Sollth hv Northern l" H,k.. Tlnc e(l, was sound and fi r m and atood t o hi s Gre d ll wha l t~ pruLauly t1& QS with Joyous hearts and smiling fac es they romp and play-:when in healtn-and el'll &lid IOld at lon g p ri(';'e. \\'hl'n I Ii~ >tllIlP t d Al t hi . IOII ,· ·t 1011 (' t'ille (,n I' 'orll- fl 'onl P o rt care ..... d exy"n. " will 1..\tIllit e 11101'. o n no rap 001'. e r t &I pro., how conducive to health ' th e games In which they Indulge, the outdoor life they po"nd8 ot " - Rnll por k in F lol'! " ~ 1111.111 long e d "'Il tch th e rest or the compaDY .\'l c Le od . Cnll ad lt. \0 t he Cil y of ;0.'1 x· enj oy, the clea nly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the whoJesom..--.....1111 t he Nor t h . Mul ~8 ail'O "bollt n$' 1'111 ,,,1· ulIBu Ueiln m w t nug I ar an re~ CcF-'"3.GOO- m il ps o r0l1g11 cOl1nll ti·r . ard aft gold coin in t.he ' 111h, li nd a ~O() .IKI and poin ted to h is s id e, where til e old (,O}' rcd In 200 da ys, I II, l h e o ll t h f· diet of which tbey shou ld partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved. \ 'P"l) of. mules can he l'II isrd fl'(lIn \\ "ulli ll~ j llg~le r waB s eate d fll nnln" him se lf r lcll n W ill' h ~ wa s III t llrn III I\, lo ot · e t o 1Ift0killi t ime nil I I~ 'I li re ,,1.1rt(, " .. \ not by constant medication; but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an Injurlwithout one dolla r o( ot her XPCD"I·. and bad been aoated for Bome mlD- Ing cor ps ( IInl)alll ) , 1'1'110 e 1m Il1 eHS It nature, and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist ous or ob ectionable 0.1. ".nywherc in }·loritIA. , ute. . wa s to 1!l1J1ll1re Boe r toad SlIl}plle s. nil e! trt. )'ou win l\8k. ",hI' do not pf!O?le go In d ie lIuti 11111 ~ ou t~ . H is m ost., l'l" nature, only those of known excel lence should be used ; remedies which are pur.e Into' the businl!SJl t" f' Il ~ ~I nll~' ~ I'" d O ~ :l~ DRIVEN TO' GET RELICJlON. . 110, but 'he delllll"d iA ail1lp h"" I1 ~ oi ~i K h t c e n t e x ped itio n wa s u p t h (' w at eoa~ t and whoiesonle and truly benefiC ial· in effect, like the pleasant lax~ tiv e rel')1edy. beyond the Rupply. T hor· ,il'(' 1I0t eM hi'11 Reillon for Clole-Flated Man'l AUlnd- 01 G I·06 nl n.lll1. Syrup of Figs, manufact ured by the Cal1fornla Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has peQdP1e, or thOM! with t h' rcquiriit c ~nl , il ,, 1 ance at Church; :\'1r. De lI ura, t he we ll· o wn m in In!!; In experienCe to l"'Ili n to 11111, 1)' t ho <1 ••e n g lnce'r , who w us born on II ~ t()('k come in' o general fav or In many millions of well Informed fam ilies, whose estimate DLlnd ; Rnd lM:~l~s t)wr e. nrc too III B II.'" of its qual ity and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use .. other thin~ to OIl done. Whnt W.' I'" d A .Ne " Hamps hire man t ells or a rall c h 1.1\ 'allfom la nnd bl'our;llt 11 [1 ti S la men, meo amI "'l) lII e n , r~" [l l il of ","11 (' IIght.f! Eted m llD of IIlfalra In a town a ho w"ol', hns a lInlq ll l' ec OI~1 In t hut Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, because capital and ·the l1~n'e of 1""Ilt!e1'B nll<l i ol' a t \.h ~ eU l'l y age a t' 23 h e slJ)le 11 un to IUch there is comfort I\nd plent y, ," lid ~" ~ II at that s tato, wbo un t il I'ecenpy had they know it is wholeso me, si mple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputa"'eI\IUt in a larp .m~onre, t\wllitl llg IhuII ' n over be n obser ved to t ake an la- IIHhl p. He hll,1 he · n b e fo re lh e m a s t, · . ~UDt", . Flo,l · d. . n d I I)e al:ll n" Iii Ih e south ;' P,US , li nd , s ce n tphYSicians ns to the medici nal principles · of Syrup of Figs, o.btai ned, by ble III . ..... w , le rest 10 c hur ch matters: ..,ud eo y, .. Cllm.t~. · however, be became a regular attend- ' In g tnl'ti"' I' utl "e nl lll·p. h ' I hr w 111 his original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefi Cially and And no,y let WI louk ,I lit t le more t·h, .. · IlIl t a t Divine Be rvlce, greatly to the lo t with a r e volutio n a r y )ou<l I' nn(\. presented in an agree'able syrup In which the wholesome Californian blue figs are' I, nt the conditions o( ."iI. cl imllie 111111 1I1l10nJs hlD()Dt or bla fe llow to'l'l'Da. a ld l'd by :t bon ·s (Ire v.' s p e~d !l y ~t1t hlIIUTOundintP that will "I""r<,u t 1\ ne\\'· '!I'{) d to~olh e l' , co n l l'l, d to !! eal the used to promote the pleasant taste ; therefore It is not a secret rem edy and hence comer ill the !South. II 11111 t I,e r~n"'m · lDen. wa r vess I l1 i1a sc nl' trolll Pe l'll. we are fr ee to refer to all well Informed physicians, who do not approve of patent bered tba~ Floritill is II I'""i ll"" ln, II~ t hi . " What do you tt Ink of the case of pOIn t ollly )00 mil.,. \\' lIk ;lIId t ha t il . old K e (chum ?" s aid one of tbe buelIn b e l' )10 CUlIIlll Hl .11 p lra c), on t he medicin s and never favor Indiscriminate self-medication, tJ # lNrfaue ill ,Qllniinunlll' III'in/l: "", .. pI. b), Ihn n ess m e n of t h e pln ce to a trlend. "II hig h seaR by SloPl,lng IL IIr lLI8h t ra m p . P leCl se to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syru p of Fig" fl frHh . It breezed fro m ~he At l~ nl ic or t ho s tea mer. w ith t il r s uit Ih llt It I a d Quit. 'tilton the whol e illterilll' lO r ( ' C Il - It t r ue tlta.t_he~ got re li gion?" always has the full name oi the Company-California Fig Syru p Co.- plainly . ,",I IlJId South Klorid.. i. 1101" 111 Wit h ill " W ell , h ardl y," r pile t Ie 0 e r, 'Ttl fl glt t n . .\ f. S. Sh~tte WIlM batll~ lIumerable cletlr fJ! h \\' ~tcr InkLR, \\ h ili' with the a l:' ot one wbo kno wc!. "The beal n, h u t CS(lIl ll II. unl y 1M flnll it printed on the front of every package and that It is for sale in bottles 01 one size ,.el\l'<!pt .'10 ~ h@ .'F; ~ " ·glulleR. \ h!! I'pnllr fuet ts It'8 e nUrel y II matter of busl. n pcess:lI'Y to ~ 1II'1' IIdel' til t h r uli ng only. If any dealer offers any other, than the regular Fifty cent siz e or having _ampy portlqns a l'e ( ·w IInJ fnr I" II\\' . '11. • • I I t o VPI'II/lII' ul. H is lI e x t. e x pc (II \1on . ThellC!' t hoU9IIl\Wt of omll ll Inked 100 ,I u11t ' n es~ with him . I 11 m In a po s t 00 0 J!lrint~ed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it. If you fat! to get do mllOh to temper I.he hell l. .. f t he "1II Ilm" r know Ihu·t about (I Ye a l' a go b e loaned m nd e III 1 ll rt ll er~h l p witll t hA [orm el' man lhA Ilnd Willi t he ~ea la rt,e~e~ IIhd t h tb vus tor $50, ",lIlcll t he latte r was l'i' voh tUo nnt·y ICR il e l', fIlHl pll In I h e (fi R' the genuine yCi.U will not get its beneficial effe'cts, Every fa mily sr.ould always have a!\mm" wl! owql'tt rnlllblne In 1<"'" ", " . a l l . to Imy So U\(' \,o r e maine d · OO\'o rr of th o fnmQlIs ;-'( a g ll p. l1 nn U·... nNehmllll! lh/ft lit never "x c~ ...h·cly hot . nn 1 (J • • • • $" 000 000 I k S I I on hand, as it is equally benefiCial for the parents and he chJldr'en, a bottle . JI Il Bnll en IIllIl HI ""1iile Ille nighl ~ nr~ inVII I'i" I,I',· cu. I IIIloj 1I0th,l n g . tor h.etchum h ut to tak e It II I' - -. whene 'er a la:xat ;ve remedy Is required. , pTeollllllt I\n.<1 it is o l\\'n)'~ 010'0 1 i n I ". out 10 pew rent."-Tb c !jU llllll ~ ;\t",ga . f{u ll eoll I)r tile s e ,'pn tC'('n th (,l' l1 t ll l' ), -:~de. Of <'Ouree the "'nlln wen t l",r , ' (111 - ZIUB pn ll Ill'olllpll y !'ontl sC:1I CII . U)' n tinu"" longer thnn it .tOOl! (n l'~ h ' I' X!Jl'lh , . - - - - -- - ~c h ool1 e r SUi lt by t h " Al'gcnl lnf' I!O\.6ut the chnngCll in tcul,'ernllll'n I\n' " I. " Senator Spooner'. Shooting. , (, r nIl1 0Il t , whll. e cap lt nl ) [ '. Do lI m'A ,i" to much less. So :t hnt one !l1'(l\\," U"CU"t" " U'rj S e na to r Siloo ner, 01 W iscou sln, '!. l the lRQdernte wBl'ml h 01111 wi t h . ,11 1. (, lI lered tl fl ul Ifll(, I'"1 hI' h pail or • • ble clot hing cnn olljt')y il. S ll n~l l'ok c, h)' a 811l)Cessful hunt e l' <if bi g game. On 3 00) ('o\\'Uo>,s (I'om t h " Rln " ('I;rn. It thll \\'1\ )" i. JlA iti t o he cII Li r,' ly ull kllO' 11 ill one of hi,! Hips h e had (or his guide wn s bo :lls o wh o I (I 01. Nnr-t h' s ' P ;i' F1orid~, Hod <.'tlrtruti1y t he \\,1'IIPr ""8 1"'('1\ Bill M urrill'. Th e y wo ro out looking Illo l'illl{ (,XI1 ' IIIII (1I\ fr()1Il I3mzll to able to ' YOlo!< out in !h .. S\l1I 011 LlII'ough &~3.00 ~hoe~ , the ·'1lnmer here with fnr I.e ~ tli. i·nmfcJl·l· Co r ·bear or dee r one doy , wh en Mur· IUctitlu or. '1'1111." ltd " 11 1111'(> follo '''1111 :111 · B.aT IN THE WOIIL .. ' • than waa o(le'D exPN icnccd in t hB No(th . ray s udde nly thre w , up hls ' rUle !lnd ve n t ure II l1t ll I hl' S(l lI t h' Af ri can wa r W,LDouglll Silt [dp linfI ." ;==""""'Ralnfa il. ·. . nred . 'l' he senalor 8 1\W 8n .anlwal 111'0 1, (' Dill. At Ih nt li mo he \\'II S n(' t\ nf: The ,.aiDIo.lI of thi~ pl~ce i ~ AhOl. i r.o tall h eavlly, and caliell; "We've got D S m ini nl,; Il ng ln e " I' In .I o hnnn p s ulI l'~ Inchea pcr , al)llum tho gl'C!Ater pOI·l.i"n or him lIrl s liille , Bll).·' a nd. ' sep ill " . the s llit p. ' he cit y ' W I; '; which f .. during wh(l~· is koown M ·t.lw " .W e ! " s neere d the guide. " Thet\!! '. \\lI Oly tn ge t int o , h n. rIll'~ II· IL r Ol'Il ~ .M "rainy . aellfiOn," elttl:n,hng frolll ' Jlln e to no w e ,about It. I kill ed him plato . 600 n e l1 l1'll l ~ to R!'t D.' nr llll' d l)ollce. Sepl.emoor, while ~lnl'l,!h i\lld 1\ pril nl'e . uaually tbe drieet lIlontlJ ~. The rain ~ . ~~ . enou g lJ." These dl il lite '" wo r k IIl1 t ll lhl' al'l"lval • pecially' durliftr . the "rainv fOf!II ROn," ll< e ll1 Quickly making their way to where of Lord R ube l't5, wh c lI ih ('h' ol'g to be attnOllt wholly of forl1l ol'lgi", and their quarry 'Iay, they found ~ fine (o rmall)' hande d O\·P t· 11". 11la ce to Iho we have none, of thol!ll VII~t Cy., IOll ic (lis· turb1tDc8 that Illoe ..0 ,commun ou (h e sP.e clmell ot Jerse y CD If, c are o( CHil l. W a.l l t>r Klrto ll. a.lso, by irM~ wederD:plain8. .'. " W o've killed some body '. calt!" th . wa y. of· Ih e Lo ndon CO n\lnu Dll. A !lestructhe tornndr Ian. lI e"~ r \'i¥itcll )',l1ed thB guide. Sure ly 1I rl iftl c ul t r ell\' d to ecll ll _j)ortion of Flo~id .\. tho"'! ,, &'i oing in ' S e nator Spooner gaTe him a wJth'. the Wellt Indllll and ·which oClell (10 Inul'h damace , on the' Gulf I11WllY8 Illl.(I~i!lg "~ eriDS look and said : " William, you Too Much Condenaed • . Iea. t 100 mUM SouthwCflt u( 1I~ U ~ .Iitl t IIC IIhould be more pllrUcular 10 ·your n. !.I ilcoln L lpJlI! t u t n metin g 01 n!c:ent .term tbat wrecked l'cn~ucola Inill choice of pronouns. 'We~' Isn't adapt· tbe Alnl' rlcan Auto mobile (' lub was Mobile. Health. ed to this ·J,>¥.tlcular InstIlDce."-MU tnlklng or a .elll·laln valt\n lah' h ut ~I' n l·e . . F10rldiana frequently ~"k ... ( rain), ""aukee se_n",U _ D_e l_...· _ _ __ wor k Oil all lom ohU l nlO. " .Afle r t 1')' ln g t tl 1) II Y tue hook." nl rl eM80D •• being the pleal!Anlul t »'Irt of the ' - Jo"" 'Stuart Mill. ,ear and om, tbe c1otilol'll lrumhle, for tho ~1r. L lllllltt., " lLt e ,'c l'Y IWIII, ~ell ot" !; · 1 ftneral bMlth I. almo.t invarinbly ,lIcHer James !'tUll, bl. father" was a hard aUrial the rabQt . .8011 tbn Rt ,8I1Y otber mao, a clever man, lind a cruk-I could thlnll ur. 1 W D~ rold Ihal I It1 lght &1_"';" .t\Jld' yet the I!JlleJIdld,utaUon beaonlst capable of making hlm.eU perhaps get It. at a. ce r tH h, IU Il'a r l' r t!ad It, s ure Ilnollgh. n( t h'ls .11· =.~~'t"'J'I::e ~alle::;,i ,~~~!~ thoroughly disagreeable about ' the 'rhe bra IT, but It was li t. I 11'11'll" 8 11'111/, _tba.' 1dUah are not liere rCll1lrded as createit happiness of tbe Krea~est S.Sloo.~, BO$to~JMa..$$.U.s.A~ .tIIe .. .lthl_ althouab they ore tbe most number; a thoorll!~ wbo regarded bll anti It was Oll t ; a g:u n . Dnd It \v O l; st i II out. pleuallt portiOIl of the year. · ' I bl bJ f ed la .uOther ~Ur the WMtlt will I!)lcok clever BOn u a au til. e 0 eet or . "'Wh en wll\ I bo a hle to get t hl -... ill cId:all of lOila " and ctqp., of ucatlonal e xperime nts. bOOk '!' I. !Io lll to tI;e !!1el'k ILL last 8IIboob aDd ~) envifonmenr. , of !nnd He ",'ould not Bend him to .cbool =-~ ,be eballcn for llruli (ablo in- becau8e IIcboo). were the fortr.ea ... Momo Imna.tlen e. "'I'm s urp I tlon ' t k now,' ('I uti meanwhile \i" ,,;11 nll.0.\1 . " ... .tlOM ihl" the rea llOnllhle or "preJudice:' al)d taulht the wroo. answered, ul r ll y. ' nu t . '(' ·\'e . got " •• II'''.C.'' .. loa QU....ITY. .. ~d~DbI, onl)' lilt it bo thlllg!! III tile wrollg way. Pnt all l'ighl. It's In tiM' clllalngllp,' 0118 fiIr.n <that ~e hI .'OT. vllied him with no pll)lIIatn. UI(al . .. 'YeR,' said I, 'I know 1\ IS, but lu ~o . '. - - WI" t - - -. . . . . ttl _ . IIa1 . .... uti baa no' ftnvnte ~hpme lowed blm 110 hollday8, le.t "the habll co'DdoDsed Ii lol'm that I cun't rep I . ' ~t, -::~~ i,':a:":IJ:y ~;~ of warll a\ollid be · brokell-".-I'rUGII· It.' ..
CASTORIA J'or Infant. and
The Kind You Hava Always Bousht
Bears the 'Signature of
- --.---
For Over
Thirty Years
•• •
..... . . r.·-..
•• •
~l 'hiqht lon~ fro~_
·ne.urC>.t~i~ or rheum~tl$.D\
td~:-t "'
. kills th~~ p.a in - 'quleta the ·nerves h _n d lnduces·. aleep At 0.11 deb-lers: Price 25c SOc .'1.00 ·Dr. uri
W: 11: J:"'1
-.u ,.. ...
_a. "'. . _
IE'IAI.E· _'It __ ITIIII-::'o=,:
""",11", ...
Orl~bl"" hl'UliPtII Bm.".
N.. K.-£
'~~~~~~>J>J~~~>J~Jlcard Club Entertained
tU~ D attttnbattt's Sbo~s Weatt ~ ~tt
''1'11 Inl1ies
<u:~~r:f:~' tl~~,atl::' :
fll t'lr hllMh~l :1 d"lll(\'
810.00 An Aged Friend
Mo ' e Cohen.
Gone to Rest.
Hayton Sellers of
81;•.()O SIH,OO 8tO.lIO St5.GO ,
~~J"""" $ ZIMMfRMA~-
Mrs . Mllrtbll. Mi ohener died Slit· urdtly , No\,elllbel' ad, llt bel' home in Lebanon. FRESB BALTll\WR Good Clothes Mrs. Mlohener was for mllny f ~tyears B fllllli1itlr fig~re in Waynes· . v ill e, pllsslng In and out in her quiet a nu unobtrusive mRnner . Sho WIlS ell-uits n WOIDBn of lovable und ~entle ohnr· ~ ~tt lO~att 1 n· · and Y uth ~_ ' l'W l.b ; ~,w !w tl Plou ' act t, y t Wll ~ linn ' 11 h r r:onvio· ~ ,F u n · Il l',d [{ i!1I drit'd JJ Nti ses Men'" and Youth v! <.;0 a1:$ tiona of right.. \\ hy n t ntll k (' ynu r Illl r c btlse~ N~i\' l!~(I (!d Ibi;~I1!1 ~ \' fun e,nl took plu ce I,t the J Give Ohost ~arty. fro m u stOfl thllt s tili g"o.l tl llir~(' t FriI-!eud!! Full I>oulld I~ackllge We ~ ' whlr.e :,riok lIleoli nl( bonse fr Olll th p wholesllie l11anu fll tnr ar? Momlny "fterooon n ull WII ~ v, ry New UIU~ANTS ~~~~,., ~,.".".,,.,"'"',.,"'" 1\Ii"sl ~ ElIlf·1 " nd 11'1 11" ti tukes - - - --lurl!ul:v Itt.! nuerl. ~ Full pound pllckllge IOc ~ wprt' h,1St 11';1' t ll Il I ~' plt!u I hll \l o w I Say that you can save $2 to }<' rlllO(I!I Rl' h C It Merritt , i\Iut-lhl ll 'en pllrty , whioh 1:(11 v I villlllJce of New Meai, Oat s , ~ LOCAL AND Vacancy in Scnool $5 on your New Suit or Uurtopvnnd "n d S ....h' ,1 l'nrtlu~ "Iso ~ IL " relit IlIJlOUllt o f 11] 'tlnuity , nUll ~ I\ominy, Canned Goods ~ 11t\\,. J . F . '"uwullodt' I'. " F St, Mil' PERSONAL M·ENTION Board Filled at Last, thllt 1\11 t1mOllnt \If 1)1" ' 1)111' 11111111 \\,II ~ Overcoat . rs'" chu\' h, nnd It v . Phnip Trollt., ~ Cru shed Oyster Shell ~ s (lllrttLl to mllkf' It 11 1\ Ihn I "llulel be Thou sands of Other Economica l tIl!' M . E churoh, loo!v chnrge of ~ of Mi911 Etbel WilllllwBon, of OilY, Long Dead Lo('k Ends in Election d Ol<i rOI l. • 1"1' ,·lhI ('lJi ok" ~ • and Well Dressed I\lcn Do. toOn. lpent SundllY with her purents. of John Wil on , t he ~o r\'i c " 1ml (\, ,11 "'1'ell b 11lIt.i ful Twenty si x lJoupl , ~ Try our C, C. C. Asparagus ~ t ribu tes to the d plntell Mr. !fond Mrs . Frun k L. 'I'llylor, of ' T he long rl('"d lq('k in the Wayne being IIl tl keli , 11t1:rtici pateli in the Ber remains were teode d y ourrled Cabbage. Sweets: IApples Clifton, Cincinnlltl, spen t SuodllY Mon 'IJ dress shirts ·1\)0 nnll 9 0 t o their flnal!; liloe in the township Mohool board is ended. At wltc h ~' ma roh , which uegllll ILt th e Oranges, Lemons; with MrtI Edith BRrris and faullly . tho moetlng of the Board Mondll Y foot. of tb tairH (lml wound t hrough ' 0 t yo u $ 1 00 !lod $1 :;0 elsowhere Frienns' llurying ~ ro und by J .' E. Bananas. l '\,o tile lurge@t hilt store in OilY, No hnlltlng on my fllrm under afternoo n J ohn Wilson. of Distriot t.h e llOnse, passed nnt of d ort< , in to Malaga Grapes JllOn ey , A. B Cllt\.ndler, Edwin t.Qn All of the newest bllts nre so ld penalty of the Illw. No 2 WI18 ll nllnimollslyel cted Lo tho ce lillr lind lip in the kitchen bero t1t f2, lIud f,:1 GO Ev er yo ne I1llndler , Dr. T . herwooll, J. L, GEOROI!: W . HENK LE . flll the VUCIIUCY in the BOllrd whor o tho til hll ~ \V r a spr ad unll g narlIDtGod for six mon 8heeilt1n Ilnd E . D. Burnett. Found-A shawl. lnqnire Ilt the I t will be recall ed that B F Eiben whero pumpkins. jack O' !tlllt rns Mr . Rebecca Merritt rend the Gazette office. r e ig ned his pla ce uS n member of anti othor 'ea ~onlil bl e rleoo ruti ons w, following obituu.ry : For sale-A large heating stove. the Board Illst May, whloh left four were (!lapln·yed. . Mnrtha P. Miohener, daugbter of member in the Board , and in' the ElICh guest fouo(\ lit hi~ plR ce It InqUIre at the Gazette office. SUIDuola,nd Mury (3(\080, WIIS born No hnntlng on my farm, nnder effort to seleot a suocessor t o Mr pumpkiu I ~tnch box which con tnineu L(, T/IY.S . ISHINO.'! nellr 'Vaynes ville, tn Wllrren oounty, ~ FOR EGGS ~ Elbin they were evanly divdied a sub tantlUl luneh The ttln(1 wns penalty of ~he law. Gh1l8. Clark. Gold Bond CO llpons with 11\1 pur· bio, Fifth month :1, 1 21, and de. It pays to at , 8everl11 t1ttempts brought t hesame served in. t urnip hells aud t·lIe piok. ohuses purted tbi!l lifo at ber hnme In Leb. MI .. &rab BiLvltt, of Springfield, r esult and thing!! drifted un til tho les wer e m holl owell out kersha ws all an, Ohio , Ele \'enth month 3d, .pent tht!past woek with h eroo08in weetting Mondny whell Mr Wil~oll 'rhe ru nu con i t ed of ~lInd\Vioh 1111'8 1rene Trout, . ' was suggested nnd uUllniml) u~l y es. (lrn gon tee th (pi klo!!) , ghost A Sweet Birthday Party 11l0li, II ge!1 '5 y .lIrs IlUd li month!;. be WlllIlJlll rr ied to 18al\.0 Mi che ner M, w Lizzie Yea7.e1 bas ' n.lov4Ki eleotell. hOlld pie (pumpkin). vitriol (lunch Eleventh month , 184\! . Four child · Int . the house on Third street that (lemonnde) witch es' obill (ioe Thur da y. ovemllBr " 1, being r ou wer o bnrn t o this union : Mary Fnnk M!I1er pnrohll.8ed c re ~lll ) , nntl fo r tnille wb el, whi h Mi 9 May Wright·'s blrthdllY Philip Hawke's A" Edwin 13, 'lIlUuel K. lIod Rioh · from lolrs . Amanda Galimore. of , ~ 'onk e whiol1 co ntuillu the 11Ilni versu ry WIIS V( r.Y j oyo u ~ l y urd ,J . Mi hen r. Ber hu bllnd , Birthday Celebration (I, penuy whioh fell 'to t,bo lot of ('olobrlltotl by II fo w of bel' fri ends Mra. N. B. Baywood .And little two ellilllr n liD/I tw n grand·ohild· Miss Ada F.yl e r ; 14 bntton whioh ut tlie h ome of Mr Illld air A Muffitt lon , of Dayton. been guests of --r Sunday, Novemb r .J. wu.s. . not Mi !! Ber t hll Elbon secnred; It t.him · where the timo honored la k of cer· r en preoeded h er into the bountlfol \Vut('r Cllre fllr l/"til)l\ , . IIrs. Eunice tlbute siuoe 8llturday. only II p rfact Ilutnmnal day, but blo whioh Mi ss Nellie Wilkorson ·ern my contri buted Itt! shIu e of Lllnll of tho Dep!lrteil. Sho is 11Ilr· Hu H II pint (If hot witter takllD Misl Rhea Rogers, tellober of the was Biso the 7 til birthdllY of Mr vived by olle brother, Rioh lrd P . half un bour before brc"kfallt. will Pbilip Hawke . w on, and J ohn Strawn WIl the gnyety to the festivities. 8Ohool at the Children'y · Home at Gnuee, twu ohildren, MtlfY A. and ll suulIv k ep the boweltl r egular . It h btl . fortunate winne r of tue hidtlen riug. ' A jug of 'mlll>le I')Tru p wbi oh 111111 Richart! J . Michener, lind four BIlT ~ h cathll!'! i A !<boulc1 be avriid r ll . Lebanon, lpent l'Iatnrday IlDd Sun. Ii!! f aen le custom of hIS After pa,rtaking of the suppe r the b en dediollted to tb e use of the Whllll II purga t.i \'0 It! needf1d, takA day wl$h her sister, Mrs. J. O. Oart· oh I' ld ren or a num bor of yeaTS to young l)eople en ulIg d In opptoprl. ';gnng" was brougnt:forth tlnd tolfy grund ohildren, Charles E, A<1ll, bomberllli,, '!! toOlllll h lind LI vo r · · wriaht, Willinm lind Anrlll P. Miohener. mee t Rt hi s h ome nn<1 j om In cele. . 'rllbl ts 'rh f\~' lire mild "nd IlI'ntla th .. ute gllUles and Jok e·~ aUll rit e enter · hot nnd tully cold, tllffy pull ed lind ' Ber long IlOd useful life hus oome in I.h eir floti on . For bIIllI by F . 0. Misa Annie U. Brown, who is b rll t lDg e OCCllSlon In t\ fitting tainmant was contin ueu until a lat.(l taffy unpulled \Vil A llIlIdn, enten nnd hWllrt:t teliohtng in Berea, Kentucky, was a manner, consequeBtly on Sunday h to "n end \Ike one drl1wing the drup· . d carrte awu y. visitor at her home in Waynesville JOljeph Bl1wke dnd fllmily, of our. ery of his couoh ILrounll him and All things C {1 U i!lerod this WRS Iln lying down t,o pIE!ll8t~ n ~ drellllls ; sh~ Condition 0,' the from Friday evening until Sunday 8pring Vlllley, GeorKe W Hawke entertainlllent carre p ~nding well hILS ct1lmly gone to r est. eventng. . and fawily George Larriok and Miss Clara Hawke's Weather for the Week. HaUow e'en Party. witb all s uoh gi ven ut th Mt1ffttt She was 11 life loo g mem\;er of .James . Stoops ollme home from family, of ' Lebunon; ,T C Hawke hOUie . tbe /dociety of Friends. Quiet lind EIJITQR 011: MIAMI GAZIIlTTIC: Van Wert for the election, lind Web and family , John Fromm and fllmi. The in viteu A'lIest.!j were MiRses Wellnesday nigb t Wt1 !mppo ed retiring,her loving udmonitlons and Parker and Grant Lewis alAo came ly' anll Raymond Bawke,of Dayton; For publiolltlon in your IIItJlflr 1 May Wright, Emwa. Betghway, devotion are best known by those fUI' nl ~ h herewit·h reoord of meteor · Mrs Mary Zel1 , Mr Millard Dakin , to be an oocn Ion fo r freaks and hO?le from OilY ton to vote. Mym Bllird , J eB ie IlIrk Ilnd Mallie wit h w h olll sho WIIS ' olo~ely ItSllool. olf)gi '1.11 gbservlltlontl tllken by the and Mr nnd Mrs Oliff Earnhnrt' pranks, and ona of tbe greutest oele. Br own . Mrs Geo W HIIWko, nnd Robert McKay, of Xenial, formerly formed the oOlnpanyof thirty.two lJr"ti on of the kiml Wtl S t·lll" lum. :lted . nndarsigned '!l1I B oooperati.e ob Mrs E LV Bit-rohllr t, Mr Barnhart of W lIyn88ville, hilS gone to, the flLT God 's hand hl~s been upo~ lind server of the W euther Bureau of happy people who extemied thl3ir bel' pllrty ~ive n by ?lli lum und Mr Ronuld B(lwke joi ned tbe west to spend the winter, hoping to Qve r ller tbl'Ough nll her trials Ilnc;l the U oongratulatlons ~D(l best wishe~ Hawke. Dopa.rtulant of Agrlcul. ocne6t bls health. . Arter spending u ren sollllble time purty lllte In the evening victt'rles, and 'Is " eiling' her gentle tnre during, t]1e~week (I.!!clIOS · Nov Mr. and Mrs . A, B. t;ldes, uooom· Births strollinl{ Ilbout town participuting fllce frpm mortal sight, but she will G. 1906. nt Wl\yne8vfl1e Ohio Cn re for Sere Nipples. punled by Mr, and Mr. Isaac Evans, in legitimllte feR ti vlties , the girls still be here in th e frngranoe of un'. Very respeotfully. As soon liS the ohild iii done nure. of Sprlllg Vlllley . eXJlOot to go to Born, Friday evening, t\' Ib returned to h er h ome wbere the ing applv Cbamberlain's Salve, dying memories, I1nd in those invis· Cn~s. E. MI (Jnx~R. LoulsvU\ll, Kentuoky, next MondBY dt1ul:lhter to Mr lind Mrs Wm Beok. spirit of the times run high un t il Wipe it off with a soft oloth before Ible ministries whioh bind In unbro Date, . to remain during the week. ett in East Wayne township 11 Illte honr, when llll retiwd to s leep IIHowing the child to norse. Many ken nnity the whole family in earth trt1ined nurses use this with tht! Mrs. Edith Hlurls left on Wednes Mr ancl Mrs Clyde Blatt,forwjlrly 11 short time before sohool the next bl st r eSUlts. Price 25 cent8 per box . and hell ven , dRY for Nebrllskll to visit her sister Miss !:lue Wright, of Winohester, day .' For sllle by b'. C,. Sohwllrtz . A Year of Blood. Mra Mary l;risenberry; she was ao · Inr]il1nll, lire reoeiving oongr/ltuill.. 'rhose wh o pllrlioiptltpd were The yellr 1903 wi \llong be remem· ollll!p&nled by her 8i~ter Mr8 H.~ · tions over 1\ . \I pound daughter who Missos Emmu. and MIllY Buwke, bered in the home of F. N. Tltoket HII.rl&n of MtUl1ead and her brother arrive!l the 28 th ult . Ell!ie Zell, Groce W!IliaolsoD, Glenna ~ATTQNI or AllIllnC6~ Ky., as Q yellr of blood I Smith , Alma, ( 'Iements llnd Lltura tl F. MOsher, of Bennington. which flowing so oopiously from .. . . Mr. and .Mrs Eli King !Lre happy Haines. Mr. Taoket's lun~1I thllt seemed I J . B. Chllpmau IS ID Montana l over the birth of a daughter, Mngl1. - -w. E. MOORE. Rcceh'c r near. He writes: "&tvere bleeding buyinl up a lot of stock. It has ret EII~.abeth • S d S . from the lungs and II. frlthful congh been but a few weeh sinoe Mr. I un ay ervlCtes . r.IME OARD had brought me at death's door, Chapman returned frow that state Mr anrl Mrs Jllmes Mullen of }t' er. at Nt. E. Church . . b:"'~'F.CT I VE ,' P itH. ,", . l flUII . when I began taking Dr . ,King8 NOIt'1' FlIlOUNO. New Disoovery for Consumptlon-, with & oar lORd of horses which he ry, have reoently weloomed It. flne .. nUon ~ ~o. 1 No.3° NO. r,o No. j . with the astonishing result that af· dillpoaed of at satisfactory prloes. , of twins into their home Suuday school at \lI :30 Sermon at P. M . tor taking four bottles I was oom· A . M. A. M. l'M . Tho venerable Joel Evans Wt18 • 10 :30 by the lliultor Epworth 1 :lU Ii ~o pletely lieBtored and 8S time has . Bild a Olose Call. Lellgue at 7 p m i topio.·· Forgi ving Lebnnon J c . Ar.~ UO 10 ~. , t; 22 liroven permanently onred." Guar. 1 !!1 Shak e r Cr. 7 ~7 1 0 :l ~ Bbl.e to be taken to the poUa yester . " A dllngerons surglo"l "" . er"tt' on, ~ 'ft' u One Another" Leader Mrs B H, Roslyn I i 2-U . 1 10'1 1 ' ] 'l:! I ii 1 7 auteed for Sore Lungs, Coughs Bnd dB1 by his phY8ician, Dr. Sherwood, involving the removal of IL mulig · WIllillmson The IlUbject of the Hcmpetcall r; 15 OoIds, at F . C. l:Ichwllrtz drug store. I lU ~ lU J 0 15 and cast bls vote. Allen Haines, nlln t u Ioer , as Iarge as my lwnd, 7 I~ to 0 7 I 12 5 0; Prioe 500 and -11.00. Trial bottle from rhy daughter'a hip, was pre. sermon n.t. 7 :30 will ba "Is II. man 's Ce nlerville t l 00 t ~, 01 free .. t7 011 ," J O 01 who has been in deolining, bealth vented by the uppllOllt'ion of Buck . cOIIHcienoe tL true guide for bis life" Ma'n or I 01 ,I Ml 7 01 · g i;ij tor 118verl11 months, had rallied suf, len's Arnl ou Slllve," says A. C. Everybody Dliid e welcome to Lytle ~ 1 2 oS 4 63 Edl';cwoO<l fioleli6ty to wlllk to the voting pre· Stickel, of Miletus, W. VI~. · 'Pe r · "1 ve oomp Ie t e1y t.heso sorviueM t 2 M H ~Il Venable oinot ·aDd drop in his bllllot. SIS te n t ulle a f th e "a VERY L()W RATES J(tLc hn er IH ri!! ~U · 4 7 ~ l!! o:! *4 04i .. oured it." CureR Cuta, Burns lind . - -- 0 (,0 111 4 [, 12 r.o 4 ~r. VIA Injuries, 25c ut F . C. Schwartz No Opi\l~1\ ID <Jhamherlain's Cough Do(lIb Lelnn(1 to 41 ~u J 'l " 12 41 4 UG Ed Cook Injured dru!{glst. Remedy . Lebanon-LY. 0 :IG \}:IO I>': a~ 1 :10 Louisville&Nashville R.R. by Fall from Wagon. 'l'bere is not the least danger in C H &: 0 D& X,' \) &. X '1" C H &. U To Points in giving Chamberlain's Cough Rem . o 40 011 ~ 00 0 00 pay Ion ESTABLISHED edy to smull children liS it contains M.r. Ed Cook, who lives with hi81 () &. X 'I' Arkansas, Indian Territory no opium or other hurmfnl drug. , fllt·her·, George Pratt, on 8 '1 f! 00 It hila lin esta 1>Hahed. reputation of SQU 1'ULlOU!'U . Oklahoma, Mexico, Texas, I..ev Cartwright's farm near Cross· 1D0re t.han thirty yell,rs as . the most , . A . M . A , M . P. M. P , M , wlok, was severely injnred Monday 8uccessful medicine In use for colds, No (\ 0 New Mexico and L CI\\'c N o ~ o No -\ 0 No 8 croup ILud whonping cout:\h. It al. ulOfolq while on the way from 6 00 WIlYS cures and is pll~n!!ant to take, Da y t'!,, : C 1\. D W:aJ'IlMtlle t I Dayton . Louisiana Children Ii ke it. Sold by ·F . U. 130h- DaV l on : D & X'1' 7 0U 11i00 '1 on 1'i uo Cook was driving 0. wagon :.! :li, r) 4:! Lcuallon J o. 7 .. 0 J 0 a~ . NOV. 6 and 20, -= _IL~rt~z _ •. !!"!!!.~~~~_ ~==-=_ 'S hake r CrOSS ing 7 4~ 10 :! 37 i) heavily loaded. \YUh furniture be· .The ONLY Agricultural NEWSpaper,w ; 10 42 .A..'fD .... OIUTrBDLY mx 2 4:! ROM lyn t' 47 "» 40 longing to Ed Hllnby lind had gotten DEC, 4 and 18. !! 45 r, Ci 2 to 4& Hempstead ~ r.o LUKENS, about a mile from town w~in .the Leadtu Agrlcnllnral Journal of tne World. 7 ('8 to :;a :! ~i 1 ii fiB C elltc .. lIIe I'RY8 1O IAN AND SO ItORON . Liberal Return Limits, goods piled on the wagon began to Ev.,.,. department written Ily 8poelallsts, tbu ,,~ .;T "00·\ 'H 04 " 10 611 OF FlOE • • , IN AMAN ULOO.K Manor slip. ~n attemptine ~o prevent;' this Idghc8tauthorlUes in their respecLl veUoCl!. 8 00 I 104 :1 .0"2 609 L yl!c Por Rates 1I0l1 lur-Illor lnrormRLlon he fell to the ..round and was very No·otherpaperp....tendll to co mp....., wllll .lt !) or; n J:! "II 0 7 Edgew ood ,r. !1.MrLL1K&I<. 1.1. P. A. Louisville, Kv .. In quaUIlcat!oDli ot edltorlal.tatr. ~:J OD In 10 Vcnuble 8 10 HIll ' I' . D . LlURII. D. P. A. ClnelnDall. OhIo severely IIhaken up . Olves tbe IIj(tlcullurBi NEWS wlLb Bdegree ts 18 II J 1:1 !:I Jl 00 18 J . E. DAVR .. POUT. 0 P. 10. . Slo Louis, Mo I\llchn,t< . He was brought .baok to to'wn o(completeDesMDot"yonau.cmptcdbyotll.",.. -----.DQrld. t820 11 1(, , :1 t:l 10 ~ l II C. UAII, ST. N. W. 1'. A. Cblcago. 1U where hIs lojnfiM w,ere looked after .ND.SPENSABLE TO Leland 18 ~ II I II 24 13 2 210 :1 0 C . L. 13TONE,Gen'l Pas8. Agen by Dr. Ellis Late reportB were ALL COUN·T RY RESIDENTS L oban on Arrh'c Mail 11 ;10 a 30 0 "':! LOUISVILLE, Ky. Oally cx,:ept SlI n']uy . SLOt' on .llI nnl that he is now getting on nicely. ' wuo wlSa TO
tt attnha,Itt's
nooll I'anl ( ' I ll h , a f w f d nd" W I I'l' t n'n toll "I IIll entertrltllru nt \\·,"<Iw.".lll ,Y ,',·.mtng whioh l'>lrtn" k IU" g('ly of Ihl fu. ·tl va l f hall W o'on , tltl' ,\I'('l)rlll.i Ill~ and r efr os bm 'ntil lJfli nJ,(' il1 h"rlll " I1.' · w.ith th lJ S(ju~Otl
~ ~
. ~
~tokes -
~ ~
$:tf!. fI
Why Not You?
! i ZIM~~~u~~N'S i
mCINCINNATI 11.· 101
L C.
No Change In Condition of A. l. Sides. Reports from A. L. Sldel!! who has been III With typhoid fever at Spring Valley, indloate little change In his oon<1ltlBn from ' that reported , Illst week. Hill phYllcians' hold ont a. slight hope of bls recovery. .
KEE,P 11P wlTn THE T.llIES,
RUNIU.'Y 11'IlAt NA .
&I'SI. a.lllertpUoa, 11.50 I Tw. 8abocrlpUo••, ".50 I .-, .. 8.hcrlp&I.... 1•• 60.
Trains p a"RK l.-y tlc aM (ol1o w2I : Northbound 7 nua. m . u oJ7)) . m Southbouud II' 04 :.. Dl 7 oap. 1\, W . · 1>: . MOO ltt: .•
ECZEMA and PILE CURE Knowing what It was to Buf. · •• EClIAL INDVClBMEN'1'8 to .....I!!Gen~Tal PIl Hscng'or Agent" LeblulOn . 0 fer I'will give FREE OF OHARGE·to • • • OF LA~OBa VLVDI/. IIny afflloted a positive OIire for Eo· Fout'MontAa' Trwl 7'riz.' i!Q (:eufH . . •••1~.·~·'.~~' ~?<:'_~~.fJ'·_I!..I"~~tl'\I""~.'_' :tema, salt rheum, eryslpelR8, piles M~ W '().M. a.n d skin dlseR8es. Instant relief: SPECIMEN COPIES "Ill be mailed f""'l Oil requllll&. U \\'1\1 paT ""y. Don't suffer longer, wrl~e F, W. RIDGF.VILLE, OHIO !Judy InlerelltH In azi., way In count.,. ur.. to ' t.,. WILLAMS, 400 ManhRtt-an avenue . ",ad tor &heln. Addr_ tbe pubUfherw; . libo~.' ~!~~~~~~~~l:~~~!ll}i SPEOIALTlB!B : DISEASES OB' WOMEN New York. Enolose samp, LUTHER TUOK." '" 80N, =;~ ~~ AND OHILDREN, 811111108, , .&.\bIua7. N. Y· F~EE
I l
Frien ds
Board ing
NaW &.
I ~ , ! ~'l6
__ ;:r:e "== Home TOLD
Cente rville . Mr. Mr. tireen of Wilmin gton Uolle ge spe1\t UN • hunting or trt'lIpulI8ing IIlgDII," .'urdI lY and Sunday with the Oommlsaioner Bainea and.c" wtle for. ._ - - - - II 1'he Frienllll BOllrlhng 1:i ( t111 11 h.1I1 for BIll e lit the 6azette office. .tar~ for Ashym e, Nortb 'Cuo: mer's parent8 NEW SY NOTE S GATH ERED BY TH E GAZE TTE 11I\~lI ell tbe cxperlm llntlil Ituge IIond lIlIa. Wednu. da~ 14. for Uae beGd~ ' Fllrl3Hl e-'r wogrow thymal e.plgs. Mi~s Vedu Vander voort Willi osll. CORR ESPO NDEN TS IN NEAP BY PLAC ES tal "urpllMaing the Clxpectatlonll of blaok . F. C. Burnet.t. orAln • . Balnee health. BeW1 fre. . ing on frlend8 , Sa,urda y afterno on. ita mOllt ellrllilst fld VOOti tell. turn the JaUer par' of the m~~, bu'lln . Baine.e xpeotA to NPJAIa For & IA-A thoroug bhred Chell' Every room In t hll H.ome a t .the Mrs Laura Barlan and ohlldre p Elizabeth Gambl e Deaoonest! HOlllo Lytle. lonrer. perhap l all win&er. AaJinli e llre.ent time 18 taken, tind it. hllll ~r whit.e boar. c..11 or Rddress and aunt Mn, navlll spent a few and Christ Bosplta l of Uin. cinnati, is a famou heal&h reeort, &ad ie . betlu neoeslllry to refuse admiss ion Jocob Cornell. 'Yl1ynollViIle, R . R . 4 davs with relative s near Lebanoll~ address ed R IlIrge lind Rppreoill.tlve Mrs. Nettie Elllc rH; k .. lid daugh. beautif ully looa&ed OD aD elev. Mrs. P. D. Clagett has boon quite to I18veralapplioantH because of lack ~ Mra. E . V. McReynolda IIn4 audience lilt M. E. ohuroh on t;un. ter Blanoh spent SIlturdtiY with plateau ID the 1.1.1 " .. [, JhUtll 111 for two weeks p68t with stolURoh daugbt er MIIil Edith 'of of room . u i 1 . .... '1 . . lI ClnolDna~ dayaft erDloou . He told of the won· Mr. and Mrs. J oe Tboma y of Monor. IIUion of the m uuntaln r",,10D of: · . Alnonl 'he l.te arri VilIs at .he trouble . apent a few days with friends bers . d~rful work 'hey were dOiQg daily Miss Uandace Baird haa been .t Wes~rn 'North Carolin a. M.u,.y Borne are Mill Llbble Carroll; of Mr. lind Mre . Jes8e Wright , of IU;' Mr. J . W. Hart800 k and family f~\:u~e~,ng human ity in the nanle the home of Mrs . W . r. Clark duro tbere to esoape the Lawren ce. KanBIlB • . and Mra. El1ith Springb oro, visited with t he family have moved t.o the rigora of our:. propert y owne<1 0 e r IIlster. These self eKoriflo· Ing the greater part of la8t week Butterw orth, widow of tho late C!f Dr. A. T. Wrigbt Bunday . Northa rn wintere. by Mr. Vander voort known as "Th, 109 wom~" are to be congra MI88 Luria Burnet t Ie out and ~oTtlaBo Butterw orth, who wl\1 remain IIldward Keever I. home froml:' Spring s" and we are indeed very upon tbe r' noble work and tulated if only Ing ogaln . Sht' . spent Thursd ay at George School, Mrs . Ava Ebrlicht is reoov~rtng glad to numbe r them among for the winter. Pennlly l"ania, QQ .~. our more of th, e people ot the country the homA of Mr. " nd Mra. C. S . ahort vaoatlo The BomA i8 provltlg to ' llI' In from the effects of a very severe to D. 1 both men Bnd womell would rallv slok 8pell whloh conflned her to h er ~ " wn peop e. tu the oallee and procti~ e withIn LaDl b. every way what Iw founde n hoped . bed tilm08l all Inst week. Mrs . JohD E. Allen Knd her ..oldt!r~ . Mr. A. L. BeDllrlo kY III vlsltlnll ihe vllloSI' of HarveYllburg wh .. t 'The ditchin It would. The oomfortl! of home are g IDflohine hOIl beeD sister have recentl y begun hou.. ; Messrs Wilson ~dwards and Ron her aister M,r8. Lister In Olliolnn there, and a homeli ke air perVades' ati, these DeaOOtl elle8 are doin g for hu- operati ng durin g the past week on keeping for themaelvlIII, aDd~. .IIOWi ... h h ItI I ' ldtlildamell Lauren ce and Madden rnll.n ltyevo rywher e . the ontlre InBt·ltutioD. aDId B ow.e. W 0 tbe ne wly puroha l!ed f~rm of U. W . oooupy r,he Mmllll frame hOUR ave pas ona n to t Sat rd I! be.~ I ht d wpre calling on their Lebano n It Is to be l\oped that withIn a i to M Thomlll!. tI ttl ld. Cox. The work has not proir88 sed Ion ani ay n, spen. u IIY n g an r frhinds @ . Monday " afterno e., 0,on . Ihnrt time It may be neoesstirY' ~Dd ::::'.y at theIr I1S rapidly as expeote d but i8 'nlrnost Ma lu t;treet, respect ive homel Master Robert ('ollett Jr. and ' Orego nia; ~Ible to inorea&e the capaolt y of comple ted now. MrA. Ida EllIo" ill oonv. . . .D~ niece VI e th e , rg In Ia C II tt 'he Home and thereby eDlarge ItI! To reduce my M I:l d .,.. ~ I I Itl h Mr . and Mrs . Clifford Lewle spent after a sertOIll! Illn-· 8tock of milline ry weloom e an •• On of0 ewer Mr . and Mu "" rill. . ' uy am01 dII Wilk .phere of lnlluenQ!!. .. va -'" ... ng er d It ltI "'rll .. Wat~· 11.8 low as polIslbl e.l have out prloes Robert (Jollett reoontl y. Sunday with the former 'a sister, ... n8 , widow of ..... ,,-_ • ~ UI...-. au", I e~, rs. y e erlOn. Miss Minnie Lewis, of Dayton . Watldn 8, died laic weeka"ha, ~me on everyt hlni. Df\n't faU to learn MI811 AlicIa Kelley haa been en Mrl! . Cbarlel! BolUng sworth, of Mr and Mre. Albert Staoy and of her dalllht er In!blll'li. Coun ty Conv ention tbem before buying . and. joying oount ry life the PIlSt few Illinois , vl.lted relative s in Turtle. f&mlly apent 811nd&y as the gue8t8 waa burled lilli' &'urda MM. U. M. WHITE. days. y In 'he (lId of Knig hts of Pythl as. . oreek 1I4IIt week. of Perry Earnha rt, of Pekin. cemetery nort h 0 r Centenil le .....'. Mr. aDd Mrs , W . D. Cb~ndler, Mi886e Ann~ Stoop! A~a Mtid- Mrs. EmIna 8penoorTowDllend' , ot County Deputy Grand Chanoe llor and MI8B Oharlo tte Tyson, of DIloY den, Mabel t;berwo od 'and Prof. J . 8hrtins Mra Ell W tki UuI ldMa villl" spent a few d&ya with . Ilnd Mrs . Harry Kenrlo k were h Il na. Frank C. 'Ande r"on, oo.oll8l'atlng ton, enjoyed 1\ \'181t with tbelr rela. B. Wright theMrviotlme of a surpri& e t;nniillY peraon. ID za 'he ~wDlhi p, I. 0...,n . attende d the meeting of· ~r brother here last week. la st . Th08e preaent. were' Mr : 'and lvinl by henelf In. paJ't witb K oommla tee from tlKch lod,e, tivell, Thoma s Ze11and family two of ber ebe Cent rtll Ohio Teache rs -Allilooi lin. Ollborn oalled on her daugb- MI1I. Walter Kenrlok , LeIter ball arranle d for a grsud Coun" or three days the la'ter part-of t he tion Ken. i hOIlM!,. tbe Old Stone Ta."er~ ·'.: oa ~t Indiana polis blst week . ter In Lebano n 11I8t Friday . rick and Wife, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Main Street. She waalMl8n CUDvention for Knight s of Pythla s week. .&altiu l . The Progrellllive Woman '8 Club MI88 Mabel Bherwood spent of Warrt'n county to 00 beld OIl De Bun· ltenrlo k and daught er Mle8 Bertha. on' on the ,.'.... &heo&h A. W. HaineS and brlgbt. little met fl.t the home of Mre . Randal ar ........ 1 l on dtiY In IpdluDaJl-)lil, oember I, IIt Rooth Lehlanon . Grand 80n, of Xenia, vllited with a HgM iD her b.Dd. alld _liD, Mr . Halnee ' W8dne~ay ~fterDoon. A vel'7 in. lIr. Mercer , ot Mlddle Oh"nCAllor n . M. Bake, 6 . K. a. & grl\~dparentll, Mr. and pent Mr. and Mra. Cha •. E . JohDs were wed wh.' Ihe WIlUted, rep\itl4> Mr~. Allen terestln g program waa e~oyed bf Silturd "y with J .. K. 81 town,-s "1 S., Wm. Beat,ty and othQr ' good Haines at Waynea hOBW 18 noer. on last, Sunday to .Mr. and am 10iDI home" and ODly ,Ielded ville Bunday and .n prel~mt . It being the ' eleoUoa Qf Mr WIIHlr Lockwood. of CIDoln. MI'P. W. F . ?lark and family. Mrs. I ~ re'am .ll6akArM· will ~ prAllen't . Monday. IDto ber hOI...raner;m ,.ch officel'P the foUowlng werll e~ted na~ clIlIed OD frIends bere Sunday. Kate Johnll, Mr. and Mr8. Cbae. :14. \ entrea. y, . Mlu Jessie Clarke .Wted In Cln for ·the en8ulng year ; For , , ,. Prell. M 8 Ed tJh d te tal ~ Hough and 80D Kennet h, MillS Clln: Mr. &Del Mrll. Samuel Wen~ ol.nati ~veral ' d~.'ast week and Mre. Louin J. Wrigbt, Vloe Quart erly Meet ings .,. Prea. few:, her tll'i:~~:\b~~8d:y ~veD~ dtiC8 ~ird and Elmus Carmon y. while .at the hOQJe of her IIlster ou lin. Anna L Hurlll, Beey. eaoh alowly impro .lq. Mr. Wei.., of Frien ds Socie ty. Mn. ing. · The weathe r during Illi of last iI not :1e~ .ble &0 10 ou' · 0' Walnut Billil ellpped from a stfl) se. Laura V. Reed, Treall. Mrs. , Sbe Ban. M '. d U ... I Stood week was favorab le for wbatev er bou... eld ul Saturd .y were well Attend ed verely 8trainln .r her "nkle. and as n h C r. all B ... fI. morr 8 " om are II work a f peraon oared 0 - go ~t but a Il reewe , or rep!)r te r . ..... I ItI , . .nd of Much Iftterea t. I 'I ' I th result caused her muoh pain for Winona MaoDo "" , Mn. Smerv Bracia' ree' it 1l'O' "'7 nahl and for pro. v 8 ng re a vee D e wee , . the pre&ent week doee not promis e better. aeveral diLY8. , gram oomml ttee Mrs . Wrl,lht and !!IIII ¥yrtle Kibler tin&era . lned a .uch balmy Indian tDmme r daYII, . Mn LI _ Tbe Quarte rly Meetin g. o( both . , I IIrs. R8ed. 11M la~ bMII.. few of her young frleails friday but .mal?kB of Jaok Freet f~8h Ule~:: a-r....1Iad . . adw,,*!caM n brancbe a of 'he lI'rIeadll , . on . eveal.. .. . from the frlgid·Zone. bnat hll left arm Dear the wrist Mr. Ira aartsoo k. ot Day&oo, wu . . ', " were held &,urda y and both were &0 Monday aftemo on. . • Dr. Wrilht the gueat of hie frleadl here over Mrs. A, 1l01lin Mr. and M BflfQj W.. .,. well attende d. pworth hu re. •. IIr. Ed :r.homa. la golDg to oarry h.ppy OTer .... dreesed the I 4 red be d Sunday . tbe oomlq, of .,~a. . . turned Tb_ meetlDRB are held four ;t,o bome after aD g . lhe wate~ underg rouDd through Ule bab '" . Il.a mom r: an II th ir h . -, te.nded~lit ID .he west. 'hllM ellob year and 'be t.em~raf Mr. Evane is a' the ravlDe ellt of ~II bam or kllow the preeeD ' wrlttng , :1 ,,~r D e Mrs. Charles AD80D, of Dayton , ome. I I . . . . .IM) ..ffilireof abe Society IIrt! oonaid~~. dolDg a8 'well . . h B al could be exp8cted. visited his pareDts Mr. aDd· h Mrs. A lIr. d 1&,.. Allen Kibler .Dd /reason w y. e all prevlou aly.lain , Mr, and lin. William MaL'h, : ., , H . AnllOn on election da . ' • family ~pent Sunday In Bhuert own The Sunday followlqg the QnllJ:te rlj 'wo strlnp of eight Inch tUe and I Th e adJ nl'&er .0 f ciamapa I ' .... 4• Mr: t;~kes SUver who has ~ . , y ' '. lIn . Shaoke lford baa beea quite now intend.• followlngth~ MeetiD llI alw.ys of IJl8CIa1ln'C8ree~ .tuden t.t the Obio Bate been a up Gu Co. baa baeD makiuc . .• ....u ' Unlver . Mrs. Ed Reason vieited her 8lster· ill f b' • 110, beoaull8. ' all • pneral tihlDl, atty tb,! put . oouple of year. k ,with a Une of U IDoh whlob ID' oar- for damap a ;rttb-lODle ot lbe Is a& in law and family ID GermaD town or' II pa.t wee . , .I rylag oapacit y will' equal 3 I~ 01 - . The pipe line I., DOW curJtb 'heall IIl"rvi088 are very gane'ral ly the bome of h Is pareDte, M~ and over Sunday . tr a G. A. NelllDUl~n and . family Ie". elgbt iach. WUb 80 maDY atteDded, and thOle present at thll Mrl. M. W,Hilv er.lloff erIDg:f tlle he dow of JCII8 haviD I. JllWBU" 'f,1811 roma MI18E UaNol e~wu' he guoet of 1..tW~8IIda'forthelrDewhome. snrelyw Ul be able to Qaarte rly llee&lag aaMUy general breakd own In heaUh,o oontrol , the llhl' ~ the lIlaare inab. The~>an, au!l8d DaytoD frlendll the put week. . 14888r', l\a,y Wolf and Karl Cle6v· greater part of the water. _ for the followi ng day 'e. meetln~. ' farnish in, ~WD.· • 10111 the ( liDO by overstu dy. Mr. !:JUv~r I" a Mi88 Ev,\ Tooker enterta ined ber er. of WellmllD , attellde d tbe .8 0x, On last Monda y afterno on two with gas. bright, ambitio us YODal man and 'friend . Mr . McRay of near . . '. WU. , BooIaI bere ~,qrctay eveDlng . . carrlag ea aad ODe blJ«i:f'.· car~Ylnl Card Club Enter taine d. !lis fnelidll slDoe~ly hope th.t a Illington on tlunday WiIli.m ,J amu IIOld hill &o~ . On t4e Frldty evening before In all ten perlOn s.left thiB place fllw months reat aud oooDhy air tor crop rlilaed on lira. W. B. ~VII' Mr. lIIaao Stout wile at home over \Thanug lviDif a .. oyeter.aDd ohlokeD Xenia. They oODtalned Knlgbt a of farm for Hi, per lIOund one Mn. Gao. W. Sawke wa. hosteBs may reatore him to hla ullOal ~laa' health Sunday . • . ' Inpper win b" liven at the BChool tbe 601den Eagle who went to the Ladles' AftftruooD Card Clnb The New Cal'tle, Indhina , to·at. week. . '\ ·.Datly QuU~ a numbe ... attended tht'l con. ! honae . A very lpteree tlDg pr~nm tend Sa'arda y afterno oD and a mOlt eu. Pree8 had the followi ng to the degree work aDd banque t Mr. Vaugha D will .ttead the<Oh 1liiY of test at Springf ield churob , 15aturday III ~Ing pre.-l'e 4 for io the .OOOUIOD. at Shawne e Castle at tbat p~. tltate, Obril&t joyable oooaalon It proved for~.Jlll . Robert Parker Kilee wbo will ap. evenln i. an &lIOOla~IOIl •• . VI,)' . , Let ehryo .. " oome and enloy I·hem. Though tbe weathe r WII oold and .u mbna, 'hlB After the cardll delioloull refreah . PtlIlr ,n the leoture (loune at week, Mr. ~ ~.a.......,..x-.-----~ Elohool MilS Luoile Moon wlio was oper. 1selvea. ' . menw were aerved the ride long, no ~DII regretted·~v. of Ferry. a1eo expeow to att~ Oall, WaYDeRVille, Nov . 2a: 'Rob atllli on for appendlcltill in Xeala a l . The box.~~" whloh WAS held at ing "'ken the ,rip. 'In "1I~ eveaing Mhlll Dunna Ifawke ert Parker lIileR deliver ed hie lec. week The Tbe .a nnual mee&ing of abf Lt. ago Is doing nloely tind It Is tol the homr of Nr. and "'rl. BoJzUn .nterte lned a s"'1\1I . oomJit1)Y ot ture, ''Tallow Dips, " to a larlt~ oonferr ed the first degree 'On a olue brary Club on Tueeda y evenln aud be hoped sbo mtiy lloon . be able to '. BlI,turdIlY IIveniqg, was a Wa" a ' decl~ed of candldateB and the Springf ield one of more than :'PODnll people in cmmpli ment tel 111l1li lenCe tbat- was never better uauallmpor~DOft. 01', mor.. be brJUKbt bome. . : suooeell , there being abont sixty tellm put on the 8800nd . Bt ..llli Whltll, of (Jwen.~ro, Ity. ,TJte election of offioerB, 'be ohAa". intt-ree tlngly enterta ined." ., John Mlldden I4pen t Fri. present . 'lb. i Dltrum ental mU810 of It is very &eldom Indeed thl1t an whloh necesll tates the ~plo~ . , From the Denver 001. Re uWloan : dtiy wi~ Malter Cliffurd B.8iok. ell' tbe even~PI wa. furDisbed by', the eveDt of similar oharact er cauaea Than ksgiv ing Socia l. "Robe t P k Mil I P 80 of anothe r UbrllrlaD, the rene~ of M d M S b Cook f W MllIsee BLf"b.J _ _ _ _.___ . K rieghof f, Julia Sher· muobc ommen t as did the untime lv membe rahip dUIB, a~d ' . \ fI t el ,r t Ilr,. er h 08 • one <!' t.he rl·llall rs . lieI t 'he IlO\•• of .. ay· wood, aq!l Ruth Kersey , tbo vocal death of WIlliam H. Dake's trust.. ~ olever little play by lOme 0f to e oooutry .· Ols DellV e were 011 ng on DO A . Il001.1 will be glvlln by the rs d ec Inrers r. t Romine 'oj ItUt B d 'tb f I d d bv Mr. lI.~d Mn . Wiehkl ngand Mrs . hone .familia rly kDown a. uold J oholr raf St lIflry'H oburoh Ob the w or Pbo° urdea are gems. I d """ rs tOl8the Bill" a y memuq f~ lec. an ..o er. r en Bone ay the pallt Clyde \\'l1~II"OD r wi'~ ,tbe , a un ~ In _ De was purohas ed from JlUDea oheerfu l partakl nl of lilh' humor and wee.. . . evemn. , uf 1 baDk.g iving D\'.y ••, t ure rel,teeh: thOB brillian t wit, flasheR of 0 • . , . tI Thft Waeh~Qgton Townsh ip !:Jan. Shield of Bellbro ok by Mr. I:Iam' . , Ule home of IIrs. JohD Oallke;t ~en~ and Ins irln m uel meD were 80me of" the lll.ia· til,; Mr. Turner Weloh II maDY friends Ida, I-IChool Conven tion will be I" •• A mW!loal and literary program held 8t~ven. , then In the agrioul tural 111 P .urea of the evening. Now ~ of If t:;at~~e 'lI Ilre glad to aee him out on the street at t,he U, B. Oburch next Sunday . bU8ines8, almOBt thirty years will b8 rendere d and refreab menta Frida esw IlP:"r 1\ ago. U feel the need more and m-. of . 100 ti -.rtiin aerved. . Be was a Dephew of "SUDd Tom" a neat and oonven lent r y evening , ov. l)S. . Mrll. Mildred Eagle Willi IIhoppinR . UJ)rary :of the then well kn own Rolfe 8&0011. buildin g ih~t would be adapted A oordl.l inviati on' Is extende d Now that the hunt.lnl( 8ellllOn il' ID Dayton one day recentl y . '0 New Burli ngton . Mr. Duke became owner ' of . the the wanta of the people aa 1\ to an. "... OD, the famler should ' pr~tllOt bim \ Mr. Frank .Harrill and L!br.ry dalllht er ' elKra l ....dd, of LeeIIbllrl(, . w,.,j the horse lOme twenty elgut yellrs/ ago •, 1\8\f from th08e . wbo oome ID and sptlut l!'riday in the Queen aDd ReadinK ,room with ~ for t.'lt~. , guel't of M~I. Ch\lrle l MoKlnsey on laRt F~brnary and P.-mi ly Reun ion.' from tba' day the olub to h91d itl ~eeth".; ID. run over a farm, lE'aring down I Millll D~ltlY Levloy llpant ieverlll SUllday. . . . nntil bls recent d~tb Mr. puke There is a Ipleadl d opportu fel,l088 aDd deetroy lni Ilfopert y daYII t.he pallt '''''ook In tJlnolnn DI"'~ for flti Mrll. Stephe n Huft'man, of Long I drove 1\Im on pleasur e and ~ An uDullull1y enjoyab le event Th" G.zette hllll .for Balo slgnll buy,IIlK on boil. 80me ~enevol~nt aplrl&! ur penone Il comple te line of fall goodll BeKoh Callfor nl., hllll reoontl y Men ness In a very IIIItlsfaotory manner . to b?lla , . wa. thll reuDlon of tbe chUdre n and printed OD bOtivy muslin and equip suoh a bDIMforbidd ing Don't taU ttl g~ thenl i h·e gU88 t pf re I I ' Iraadob ilaren of !.tre. v .. ry Ana h ~. He was wltbou t doubt remarlo ·ble Ing. Thll millit enooura ge . , t nnt ng or 'resPllllalng on the prop. at vel h ere. M Le CI 801m. · .... h h . ~I .. at her home ID WTvD- vllle erty on whloh tbe IIlgn .. llI!e pilIItAd In many waYI For speed for docll w 0 ave I.rge and ••Iqable ,n; rll. na ark and lIt~le dangh · __ _ prl. n_ Miaml · ·Qualrte rly Meeting . . . of tllr Ity Wtlnt for"co the d DlOlit weloom e gueats FrlI'nds . whlob WIUI beld bert! on \ ' df '''' a§uDday. • vate oollec'l oo. of book." ~~k. , two or three of theol~, and put \ of. Mr. John Tuoker and .'amll .. orse 8una8 an or an ' . on &t.urd ayand 8unday was Illrgely aml~ble dlllp08lt.lon his hen" 8ve peraona wer'epr el8llt, 'hem Up ,OD your far~ [lin oentll equal was dona\lonB or leave b, wlll.uo h 0,1 t!II.turday y . attpnde d, Re,r. Levi 11l11a filled the sOllroo to be tODnd. 81noe ,hOlle, from • dllltaDoe beln ..·: Ilr. apleoe or S for a quarter . t:ha' day, 180\lonll to their own . vUille, aDd . . . pulpit- on bo'h days. • . week before last wben Mr. puke 'thus a Library would IfO. .nd. II.... J . B. Cummi ngs, Mr 0_ BArlan b bee It ftDd lire. J. A. Funkey atfAlnded the lin Mrll llP &0 M'r ' ~toQo ' , I as n .118 a · . Alber' B , 1'errell ..od family wat returni ng d II..... 'r, It. Gomml nlt" and two little annnal baDquet or thfl ' Alumni from Wayne a"llle tilell8 an d be . ne t the whule oom · !lr! g .. pal n tbe POlt offioe were the ,U8ltl of 11". Wal · andtbe hor.. became so frllhteD ed munlty . I durlnK 1I1s8 Anna 'I absence . eoD.. Do~ald.nd ~loyd, Mr. and' Oxford CoUege at the 6rsnd ton on ,Jlrlday algb& andAUQ8 dtende autf'I. , , . ' , Quarte rly llee'tlDIt on &turda y d at an automo bile that he reared ~... 'r. 0 ; Mallon .nd lIonll Joe and Olnoln08&1. 1'bursd ay, and enjoytld and I Mr. UIIU'~moe Hougb and. family . Thoma . 'Carbac k aDd 6eorge H1I8 ' Ifell, either dying irvin a!,d tlttl .. dill.. MlJrlrfld lluon. a most d"Jilbt ful day . From of fright or a Secon d Nu.mb er Cill ! Villlt.e8 their perent41 here on t;un· iAr hue pOfobu ed the aU XMn;,.. Isaao', Bnr. ' broken neak, Mr· Duke haa mlllHld oinnati llbe went to Lebltnnn where !,day. of Lectu re Cour le Ipv propert y aDd moved Into it. }hlS fafthfu lservlto r very muoh "~ . •, .he .ttende d the CellwlInl..1 IIDni I MrII. Uul Duke and Intereet ,a nd ' . y lnK IIrli. AnDI. 101'OC1fY has moved Into "~~~t !:el he .w :bta:'iahle &0 lie'~ . DIDne~ Pa~y. 'v erary of t:be Flrll' PrBllbyteMa~ . ohlldre n spent sevel'lll day. Robert Parker IIllea. of Ne. r the ~~t\propel'" oW?1 ed b, Mn. John errem.a . , D 80 IWIny York, 80bject "1'allow Dtpa." "ri· Churoh . aD OOtlaIIlon Idmllllr &0 tbe I palt weekw l'h bllr pareatll Mr, ftDd ~Irl·._ ;U N tb G M ..... C ~"arl.... 8 hi d ..... t, mill!' liar oele. br.&1on of the OtlDttlnnlll1 • .. • .. - ""n J' oa., IlI former' reaIdeD.~ I da, evenln« , N:o". 13 Sea.. OD of the . a an ray . __ I ............. . N 'hie place iaad IOD ot Blchard Of "No hllDUag or ' allow· _e IIIltlll' tal_ 'delllhU oll, lllltabl\abment of the 'rlllnd.! lIIaM Ad. &yler of WayneevlUe Jollea, died ., bJI homen .r Xeala Dr• .-.u......y. 0 • • 11, ., II Po ID • a' 41_. . nal'lllL iy. Mra. A . Jlaft\", ohurch ea as WI\YUtlBVUllI, ed QQ.,h.e preml ..... DOtlOllll read· u , Xll"D~,tc;:ne:t,;t. . ~. . a f"w Willi calling on tbe 111II18II Kell, ou I'rfday .veolD .. l'aIIera l aero tDIl aa above for ...e at ahe Qaae,te, II.., II. V • • rab.... I&IId II_11m . yean l1li0, ....d whlob flllly oo.. . ..:, .. eqaal1l1ll HUDil., .ftemoo ri. ~':uw=. -, t~at I'd.cia Addltio nal oorreepo d t • ~t of W.,D...u1o. &h.' OOOHIOD in.bate .... • Pa 8 harn and llood7 ba New y~ ... . Dr BohhIDl --Id --a' __ TheS~wt.-~ • 001"-" a ea OIl . . ~. A ..... of ...... .. ... ,he Ifel' ..,boot of . . . . . . .. Filled to· its Capaci ty., rhe Home no Lonrer an Experim ent.
.... _- _
.. ....... - .
-::...ii .
BROW N " Mc:K AY, ,Pub lishc,rs, --~- .
-.v A)'1"1':9\' 11.) ,K
The 'Oal ly P resa. Slr Ja lllul; C' rh' blon·UrolV nfl. the emSnent allen l~l. hus Just gl\" 'n lh o n WSIHlI c-r ))r "S5 n cCrl!n\ n t u n~ no 1.1.111llOr lll II I I,IIC. ,; nard u( tl. ' ~ ' oe rl.ll sa.nlty. " II i~ th :\lI t d h ' \\' <:orrOdln g "!tllll ~ m atlli gll"l' ~ a W /JI hI 1"1<1 borlzull 10 I hl' J ho l,ul'hlltl(l nlHl ~ I\'"' t· ,. sllrbtod ." ·'li11 .. In ' a '' '''USI' Is t\'tH·. 11111' C&Q ' ir b .~ ' Il .. fi ll l',1 tb till · I,,'m,s ,ls(I ... .~'fW"n l ~h" R n n ooslly dl'ItI'S i 1 III It I· Wttunl I~bnktm :' : • V J nn1tl_~ II k" ",IM ~JlIllll<s with. a specl Ilst's :l\lthnrhy, one IUU ~ t ~1I1l 1l0pO , wit n L1 ' ~ o; tbat ",· " UJAI'\Y 0, llI,m ball b"t- Il ~II \"'U f ,'11 111 . m lj,ncholy n il I':l.t Hlt y by h is d a lly JJraIJt!r~ . " a n t) t ·.ind t1t~ ~ : "S ' l1,pn J~tS • )'ou, 11 \\'II I'O»",s :1 n.1 )tou \~' f11 ha\'l> .• , \0' ·Dl :1h.~ 'ych~l ~ l\l ~ri tl'C a's~ \r.., , 'W'oulcl gindh ' ncCf' p for ' IU l's ·11' S a-!l'lI ()n'" oO Ii"U1\Uc;S a tr lhuH.' 1l1'11II01'1I:' ,'lntentl,l'l\ f or lht' Ilrlll , h llr " H, n llll w e cc rli \ in l ~' 'HII mil ' nturo to ehal· ) n.~ IIIl P. ll"l'l on ,hls ow n Il,'o unll . Uut \lc ( 1(> ~h n CW3 1'RIlCr ' HI' t 'w ld el) ' u pI'll d in flUI' h:J. niui rlull1s. we sbould I" . ~Ind 10 hu ,· t h ililinion f,! lbcal:nl l;o oi Is 'on Il (ew SIl e'\:lIi e IIOIIIL5. eays ' 10M! ~l,l w , Y :Irk Post. n U£'t. t( r ~a!llpl", (uut lIc'cuUnr ItI ~t1l U llp n , I!le ',QO!oreti slIllple.pJcnt, m ake fo r :eIlD' 8tep.j1yll)(I' "rr"e ' (;OI" ~' uung ~-tI\I ~ 10 \' 0 0 ' 'tIlato tb Ir lJlI ght II GlA19 (lnd .hO\l30 w lvcs their uurltuol gruclges 'In col· ;, .' ~1 bi'b'8' n tlt R'tl H;\id 'fo r ihe' /Dnnmor· ed." "Fo,""tl,c ' l~ ll~ lta Il Y Yak U ~" etc.? , ..,~ . ...,lh lStr Unm , 8 :!I1IS 00 r t.·gar\! th pr 58 . ~ '~. ;' 8S :A\Ji LIIAVIWk. 1llI:1IlD>lt dep rns 'lIlon' mere, .... • 'i'~"' U • •• 9.1/ I';(\lAI.lon !lnIL h,yl(larl a nro :, . ;,.~ . ~b!",~~ll'l ,y.mpt~s;,. ~p d It Is I ~~~~~ _t lt~t , :Vcl,IO~ jO)l!!lpllllm con· 't ribut es kilt a iWe too much to Uta '''~', ,, it eiH'lJe '~IY" ~ t his
Women bu w, ~ to do. s o ;nnny ' palmi to :;u tl'l'r, ~o IU Rny ulti rni pe r loti s to go lb rougil, th nt iL, Is ItnpO r ll1nt Itelm th k !d nc· ), w ('I1 , Ilnd :I V III .lit buckaell!? I. (' :\ 1'1 II 1;' dlli, 1'.- flll in', hnadll Ql1o. dlz ~ in ~ss, IIlI g ll or 1I1l1) olhol: omU! 'n ti lgl II oC . w on k l{IIIII l:)"B. I I'S. C 11\lI' l os ' Ii: Srull b . o t ~2 Ho yd en St.. WoonDoe l1 t, R. I" s nysl ' .'11\), kidneys we re wenk froul' childhood. anO for o l ~hl 01' tell y ars nntl l 111)/ IHl r lt was \' ry (l alnfu l Rnd I hUll m uny 1111noylng H),lIl ptoms besides. ,W h 1:'11 I hegan t'illthl!: Doan's K Wn y ' l'l ~ s ' I weighed only 120. 'fo·dny 1 \\'" lgII IG G. IIntl am Ill ' hl'l ter hrn illi th On f I' year,;. Doft l!'!! Kill n y Pill s bn 1'0 hi' II lilY ou ly Iddn l' IU C11l ci1l1'l d ll rin g (all" yallm ·Ilnst. They bring me OUl of 0 1'0 1')' atla ck." Sold by nil denlc:>rs. r,O eCnfH 0 box. Fos le l'-Mllb ul'l1 ' 0" IJuJalo . .•,'. y,
, " P"n'l forg .. t lile Grl'ijOry <l lnne r " 1 don' t kuow·-~b and Mrs. Grllg· to',nl ~Il, denr." lIIrs. Walton call1!d o r.\' WPll l SO lllt' wbe re to dinn er:' nft" I' hpr husband. U b .. 9t 11\) d InlO " Don 't you hllOW wh re'!" ' ' " ;';0, 1I' -tl1 'y dldll'~ say." t ile rllll.:lhOu~. ":'io," ho 011 5 \\'1"1'011. nhsontly. lu· "Tho de " II," salll \\"UIIOIl. ~ lIc l'tlnb til" Ill',," "hl'eli rein. " [ moy 'I' he Ulald In s, d th <I(,nl' elltl r ' I:, I)C lal '- ,\ s llWn, t ltll I r<'btll .ut or our ~ 11 <- tUrl n't wa nt t o tRk, 011)' hU lw \,s. 'olUllany, Is to b., In IIIW ;\ to-dny." 'l ' ll'(~d an<l hungr )" \\'UltOIl Ii"l IlIl O " h, d" fl r! Do l; ' rId II r him snme- lite cab agai n. , Ito IHut to IUlv", di u· hUw, (Ot' th ru" ury's Ill" ~o 1111n '1111· u er- he'cl' go Lack ' LO (h cl nb und ivu" !" luok up th o negl ected As lliun. " U\l' m y 11<'9t, Gootl ·by." ·'Statlun." he said. I1ml th'y cla t· " U"od ·liy, . tN ,! ~ n oguin. ~II' ~, \\' 1111\)1\' b\1l'rI 1 (11)' uttl'IICIl'll 10 lIalt nn IllIur lat I' he arrived at hi' I' 110 \' l'hold utIl\ i l·~ . amI w n~ ot! t h lull, IUld mild" b is will' II nxio\l'" to t hn . llIh to ),Ia y I;nlf. At Ih' Iy' IhrollJ',h tho dllling·rooUl In kill", o·('lIle lt . ' wh(' n sh t(' lu:'II" ,I. wllh jlmt COl' ~he erslwhl1n g UllsL III tho IIlU!!\ IIII'~ nou~h to dr ' Stl , :lh • was IU t lJ l' s('('luded part 0 1' til ('0\' reel Ilorc/\ a pal'l)' of I'eoplo laughed lo udl y alll i lill malcl. who said: " .\11'. \\'allon tl il pl1 { IIl'd ou t. mn'am. Illude mQI'I·r . It \:')t 0[1 Walton' s B hour a ~o, r I' y to (' OlUe out to tbe n rv es - all th-is !;ayoty. an<l 1\" c lub I,' r dinner wltll 111m au ' l\lIl1lher gla nc tl nl thom pu e v l~ h l)'. 1'h(>n h e • 'stopp d and l;IlSIlCd. ~l'·s ., Wnllon As hton ." "II" . Wallon put down ba r cu rling \Yus In th e mid!lL or hei' licst 's tory. Irou . UcsI,lLlr 011 \. ry I'e ature. and , As hlon ulI,1 1\(l's. Gl'(,gory I Ulloa "Oh. lhe WI' teh." ~ hp crlod , "he'. towanl hQr In rapt IItl cntl on. Whiton strou 10 th o shlu or Lho I.ab le. like furgl)tt ' n all uliout th Grl)gary' B." h fl e w .lo 'h t '1('111 one . L ar auu ut 0 brenk Into ' tho hnn " Glvo Ill ' 203. 11 '11\>- 18 llli s t he 1811111 nt 8 fJ edl. 'Country 'lub 7 Is :II" . \\ II llon th er" ? " ' Ve il!" h" 8norted . Well. sp nfi a nddy OUI wIth thi s m ' so Mrs. Wal ton louk u un at blm sa ge. T II lr. Wsllon tltllt he's for· s w tIl'. gO l loll our dlnn r "IlSllgem n t, aud " h, hol'O you are. dM r. Whe r (bnt be must eXC lt S h llllR!: lf to ~1 r , hal' you ben?" Ashlon nnd follow D1 at ouce. Ol d " "'hero h ,'0 1 been? Wh e re hll ,'e yo u get thql? I rs IOU t impQrtant. 1 b :l n ! " All rlght-good-by." "S uy h () w-tl~you - do to our " :-':ow, !\raggl ,'. sh sl\ld to tbe g u 815 . anti joi n 1IIS. lIuy YOll llin d !" maid, "wh on W al to n eorues )'OU T hat WII~ thl! 1118t stmw. I I · ho wed te ll him t o b urry just liS fa st liS ho to ~11'8. Grego ry nlld Ashton nu d BIH ·an. ,m d I'll expllllo as II st 1 mil)' un. down. , til be. gets th reo He ought to be .. ~o .. • llc en id . " I l. a\' not di n d." b a t n.'· Then sh s l filled In to the " ~1 r. Ashton .n! d something allo ut runnbout an d dellarted. your suildenl y hI1\' ln g r e memhered a An hou r later n statio n IIBCk da sh Pd i1lnn e r e ngllgcmtlnt. nnd bas Iy doup to the Waltoll's a l a break neck S I'ling hllU ." ' ~~ . ~" t ~ t " ~"" . ~ .:!-:.= ., ~ .~ . ",_ ~ , ==== " W<-II. ):ou kn o w \ vhy I 'dese rled .,. {.. ,'':I'" W trele '. Teleg.aph'Y. ' h im. The boy s lid \t WIIB ~rgon t ," ' "I< ' ).'~i . ~£;- telegra pby Is ,. 1l00a tl \1 y "T he boy- ttlf' boy 7" •s he said, ~,,,H +f1'O ~n ~ · .tn · '1mIlO r tan ' nd (lQr gov· \'as u I),. " I got your meB911ge to dine · r \ . ' ~m.~· b fU!'.b't&U ~ mo n &o ~be ./:orcmost with yo u a t the cl ub, 80 i ple li ed Mrs. Gregory Ull a nd cllrue nl on s to Und (. , ..•. :l ~ "'\lI'ru!~,~·' b!l ,!"~1~9d',, 0 "ragUllal ac· IlOOr i\!r'. Ash to n a bout to dine witb t :., ~~ "',vJAq, i1\. .ndeNn y J ~IIJ a g t o til Dac he loral," iWi: :ll~ ~~ oJ. ~,,!I):8~~ !n. Phil· ",\ml yo~ r ' wit was good e nougb {i)o••x/fP.PJl'\es Ilr " 'll!f~ ~9.Q\nl ~1~t..~ a.1I 01). moy, to r Bcue 'm e fl'om that dIre Cate . 1 I a18lIfcf!l l'o g lli e ri t1re const: of" th08e As hton ' lnterpo sed . 11111nds througb tbo e8tablrS1!lli~ iit o:t a ~ " I'm deli gh LEid ' to bea r It ,'· said Wru.O'N! '.. . . . .ii 0 "Ct_JmI81'~~6 idea; it; alrea dy ton. gr(mly. ',;An d now It you don 't l uir.. ..,. . ~B! <! ~' f cdlln~. ~JMre a " mind. "II b,?gl n n t 'the Orst. I'm . J~ ;~; of.Fv_~lllr.nt wire lllss sta(j1)ns ' s tar ved nnd 1 teel lhat l'vo ea r neCl' .• esteude tram P o rtland. ~~h ' to 0'11· s omethi ng a s II rewllrd." '• . " J[ YO,u' l ~ ~ t \Irs. Wnlton to t eU iTeIIW". T ex. Tl~e Illue Illf suoh 'a ~ys· yO!! b er s plondld story n bo ll~ t be man .~.... ~~lh'.A~tl&\1McJ'ti'ii~ 'omc 11 o rde/·s. wbo couldn t' fin d tIle dinn er he wall ·()OnWlylng ne ws of stornf~);"a~ d '(or .Invlte d tll l you'lI be ' doiobl7 reo ;J' , ~tkcl ' t'dl'J50II~. "be been, warn ed .... ·: ,: !fuJly prov-ed. Therq;,..S' need- eI. jJl like "No dQubt. MrlB. W a lton hl/,an eJ:·
of the Home. ~:.
~ --"
- --- - -.--._- --
:l lirnlII PcI . tit\' '1 1 Illltllllln l1 y 1111 1 Incn·lllhlc. fR(' l that ~ h ' wa ~ I" "~n l'\i·~(\ with 1'() I\ ~ tn ll i "n·col·tloa by O l\ ~ 0' 0 ul'll· lIan t Ilnrl rllllllll lllllirllg I\~ I" 'r "1).1'. Mislake to Anow Chil dren to Hurry Thl ~ nll'lllnl "1 tl UlIl,' IK Ill' "\l1I 1'~f' " 'I' IlrIlly W!'llU g a ll,1 111\1 II to I, .. (It'l l!' , Pare nt s Out of Mi dd le Age. Where rU IO (1. T hey Bclon!), Into Old Age, KO:IJ(!rll'lIcc hn ~ be!> n 1 ,'Ir ll l' r IIJHI S .lYS Wr iter. 1II01'U Pl'ollluuh.' f" !!t ll l'u 10 11I 1/t1.. 'r9 Ihnn sdl<){, I ~ onti C(J ll p)\I'H ho\' " b I!II to ----~BY MAR GA RET E. SANGSTER . 111\11,· chlldl'"n. T ltl' l'I::1\t m hll:l~rr llll'nl . Mrs , C'rnl glell Addresl .. "l·OIJ~' rlgh t . hy J O~tIJlh ll. UUWhHJ. ) ut a hnlll.o Im p:ll'lS t n ... WO I)) I1I1 \\fh'O Is An a mu si ng stO I' of th e lo te 1\I r9. In til " hi s tory ur t' \' cr y 110 1110 fI I' csllons ll'l' li nd I'l!c('p t l ,..~. ;ymllll' h('lI o Crnll:le. lite 'not d no\'e ll6t , ' \Vn ~ loll l as tb ut her tlay III the Autho r' 8 ~ club In l1t' rlOII Is re;tched \\'hl'n · til . ml)lh(lr~ 1\nd (.nlh u sla ~ tl o . SQlIlI't 'nrng lJ ult I on I I'l\ hl I111; ' the chllrll'l! lI fi nd th!' usefUl as a unl"erslt y oll.lrllllon. l'\c w Yo r/l. ,. Ii, I h O!l l'rl n OI lo ng n'o tory t hat .:hlld rl'lI b l'!(1 1I Il'liln lug thn ntl)l her5. ''' WIIl'Il )\ l I'S. nl!J; le wos. ln me rlea 'I'll" prncl'~~ of. t~n(nlllg nlw:I),1I In· sC"OIl'd lO 111 0 full of ( ho ~ "' r- el(!~ 1 las t year," Hul d iho ' etlt'tor, ·",jh., wa s ' 011'('5 a "l s n~I'(' \'nbl" s,ld Ip Iho pr r' SOllllll1l' 111 on,l til mORl 1,,·n.!llcnl s ug. Invlt etl 10 mn k(1 nn n<ld(oss at neeI" sn ll ,~ tml ll "'!. ChilJrl·n . Cor Instan ,'o, gll sllvolless . .\ dall,.;hWr wl10 bud taln lucetlnl;. Bite nccep eel tbo In\' i· ~pn wh n 8 m 'n "l' th lll tho true st 1J" t>H rndualctl wIth hig h bUllo r~ CIIIII !) tnlion, but her Ila (no; t h roug h Ilomo Iil lllln"ss tu 111l'1n wa s 8htl wn whon hOllle wll h hN dIpl oma lllll! SPl' lIt her o\'Qrl<lg ht. was put rar d ~lYo, 0 11 Ill " Ilw,Y w.. rC n rn ullllW tI tll luI\' th eir Ill's l ~Icatlo n In bccom'irl!!, In tili,nte li roJrl'limwe. 11110 worse t han" tfml . th 0\\,'" wn: . bU l III Ille al'IY yenl' s the y with 'he l' moth 'I'. 111 ho f II. )' ars of uhu\r muu. /I rallrer stupid p rson. In· "ftl' lI ' lIu u~b Ce lt r belllous w'hell re· ~e lml'alloH thl, -two h ad ddfl e l ~ IItllo ' trodu cc(1 bero l'o h N sOUle spellk 1'8 Th 1II ,;lllIu " pll'nln II or· 1'1 111°11, L ~ " 1I111l1'l: nllt In 'IOV IJllt III UC[J\I ~.l lI ta nt'O wl,o were lIot on the " ro~ralnlll t(lllC\I l1Ia~' b sn g lilly given nn.d (Iu, wi th thus COllll1l0n Rfl'lIlrs Ihao C9r m 1111. . ,. l'1I !I(Jn 111 11)' (I" conI reteli wit h s t) IUllc h th' Sl al.1 or IU" In tho ug ht antI con. "In 8ho rt. It W8S close o n to lt lud , hal III a su r pre,' omlr\ilt S. ,\ s 11 \·o l·snllon. · Th e d ugj.)l e l' did 'n o ~ ~ to' o'cloc k wh en tbo - chulrman . wllh a. "1111'. thl,lro Is K,) m c frlct lun dUl'IlI g hOI' I'\lorn 01' her, hnnH/lo~1< Itnll 'Mllend lJle usun t smile; bow ed a ~ d au.ltl : t rain ing whp h I' c'o llS o r chlld r n 01' bO llI's. in st udy ollli reall ing Ihut wuurcl "· ~I rs . ·ralgl . 1he emi ll nl Ruthor I ar t1 1~ nce tlttl subjcl)lS. have 'been exc l n s l~ e . though II IIg hlfu!: or "Sollie Emotions and a l\loral ." will Mo( he r art1ve by Impe rc C!ptl bl e but imm edl utely took hold or tho cla ll y oow giv e UB ho r add l'e66'; ")1 1'8. Cra lglo roso lin d !la id. cnlmly: ~I H g s a t tho plli nt where they cense work '<\\'I\,h H will. In e"ery II0 9Slbi o "M y odrl r liS Is No. 66 Ln n as te r :" tlll(O I h in lLallve an d Ihe clrtldren W B)' yhe IIghtenod II r mOlhol"s bu r d n (like It ' for Ih m. OccaSlonnlly .they nnd Wi'l n afte r her motitel' and herself Ga l . H )·tlo Purk. W " London. ant! 1 fee l R mll<l sl1I'prlso wheu II srow n u p had POSd d ma ny Ple fl9 !lnt nrfel'lloo rl s now wi sh you ull good·nlghl. for 1 am ' dU11"bt cnlmly ullvls s t hem 10 do logetlui r 'O\' er ~ooks th nt to l il e mOth er . (ar from home." .tbls o r no t tq do he oiher; ,vhen Oil n d a 111l"" wmld or ult u re. tlie TERRIBLE SCALP HUMOR. tbe rll !. In te r rel' nce r;ylth th oir dress. dR ugh ter pl unn d a cOll rse or s tud y t h~lt· com'l ngs ' llnd gol"ga. and whe n t hat lhey might p llrsul! t.Og ther. In no\'lltlons a r Inlrod uc d In Ib e :6'belr home wos rem ole from neigh· Badly Affected with Sores .nd Crusts· -EX1ended Down Behind the Ea:-a ho u ~'h 9 I d Ill llnagem n t. A st l·ong· bors and ~b ey ha<l PI"Il IY or t illl , R . -Another Cure by Cut,leura. willed rn o t~er does not en Ill' yl Id slstln g IlW .inclination Lo gq tlh road her h r c tle nce lind In h r t:a.H/l lbe IInrl and a ong n.\ nl ,fI Id tor stlld y o r "About ten ye!lrs a go my scalp bechlld r 0· 11tH·C· to Will! 1I11l11 II II pf II I· IA'o resslonal ~v ork. the YOll nger wom· ness, a Inng , \· I.~ l t or a'n nhsence of , nn stayeel by t he elde r und a wakened camo badly nffected WI Lh s ore ~ n (t itching humo rs. rusts" tc" and ex · some sort ' gi \'es the m Ihe lr o ppor- her 10 a Il e w youth . t unH),. ' QI) 'o he yie ld s an In ch.' they The Sll ddllst Ihlng In lire Is 10 wit, to nded jlown be hind tho enrs. lIty h nl r t.nke a n ell. , The iua terUltl sceptre ness th ~ dl cUllrllgeme nt of a WOOl un c am e OUl In pl nces, olso. 1 wus SI·cut · Idld d o wn ' te mporaril y Is seld91l1 reo who lun'lu g accoll1)llls hed he r tas k at Iy t roubl ed ; unde rstood It WIIS ecze .. "I . 8urne'd Wllh li s pr \'10118 vigor. Orte n educatin g h er c hIldre n. IInds he rselC ma. Tr t d va l'lollS r elll C!dl 9 so elllled, a'w your u tlcul'll / ' wltltOt!t effect. tbe '\'ra ining of tbe n:'lddl e aged . rn',othe~ Bollla ry and neglected . the r etum for ad \'e rU ~elllen t. and go t th o (' uLlc ura Is so tend er ly Iln d &"ee Uy undert!lk.e,1l ~~r dc\'o ~lol\ bei ng th a t sho. Is overRe medies a t' once. Allplied t h DI RS ~I}d ,9rCFo mp!la t~ J bfl l ,s he slips Into' loolted. while .tbey n ro absorbed b, 10 <llr eLlons. etc'.• nnd afte r two we ks t be IJqckground wl tbo ut be ing awa re ambition and t heir own llusi ness or t think. oC lise. wa s clear as a whist! . hn t ~he Mil IJrncllclllly ~bdlc~ et! her the ir n 'w re la ti on . Son,s lind da\lg h . 1 havo to stale alao ' that lato las t f all. l)oslt lon as queen. ' " . ~,rs mavryln g early secr,n to lOBO October !Iud Novembe r, 1004, I wos . Yel It ha ppen s every, day that 'Vo~ 'ldentlty ,a S Inte gral parts uC , tbe lr old luddenly affli cted With a bad eruption • .eellent story tell'3r." be remarked. ~ ' ~,tl!~ ~l?f\l.\P.PI~9F' WireIlolelnnly. a nd so mething tn ··hls tO[le en lI y I)() lIl enns old. no t al .a ll weact, ~ohle . Their plHen,ts do 'not enjoy tbe palntul and Itching pustuleo o've r lh t) It.!-IJ '.: ~:ml ~J~ ~pt .. /Jro.\l.8bt to thor· tralniJl'g In pnllen which Is t belrs lower part or the body. 1 sulfered s ent .1I1rs. Walton. Into parox~in8 ot oned In m Ind or bod y. R.n d uztt~ t bent ,a re , man ' III ul ' oughly con\'ersan t wIt h al!'alrs as e ver when st Thanksgiving and Chri stmas dreadtully, In two monthA. und er th&_ J. • ~ , • ~ -e~ before ~'coill1B uniell' laughter. , " they wll;re. sImply tllrou s h ;' " rlUllinK ~phn and. Mary lind It ,i1nposslb,le to !lkmtul treatment of m)(" doctor, (IOn~_, ... . 'W'Jiil~ltitil •. rill~ iiit~d c~~ ''Well?'" ~n ld Mfe, Walto~, a~r cO lJcesslons' to Ihelr adol'ing children cQme home, 1\Il,ll wben t bey are mlldo joIned with CUllourli Soap and Cutl" ~l! tQani l~W!·I !lelrv te.e t.1', hllprov lng ~A~ their -guests bad departed. ' ."Well'" Ibse th e rank. of relgolng SC)\'e relgn' to ' to fe el tbat t heir eonvictlon's nnd 'opln·· c·uro. Ointment, 1 found myself cured. ?IIi<. r), jalt4f1ed~ , ..' ; : he relle~ted. all :hls Ire returnIng. which they ore entitled: ' lonll a re qf 1I4le, accoulIL with' tbe lIecIl H. M. F. \Velss. Ro~olllond, Christian Mrs. W a,lton began io ' laugb, .'. "Beware or letting , 'your "chlldren on'd' gelleratlon. . ' ~., ,; ,~,~t1l1'iT ta~'C~abttnil'o . \isto~ of ' i)IIce, and ·tbe head of ' the house, hot, Co., III •• Aug. 31 ,. 1905." "It may be ve ry fuilny for yon.I,lo persllade you tbat you mus t take care " After a woman III 60 years old ebe 't' . , ' .fiiMl:t.ri iHI otf~'~H1cli '!l!:'rilay - tre 'Ill!)' ftUlbed ' and Jrate, leaped ouL . . ., -" Could Tiki 1:411 . Ch,lep, . r~ l \JIIIIi!Id"i!tMUsi' ·. l'Arg 151 ~ "/HJiien~e tl!e,l r , "Maggie-Maggie." be beUllwed'. · as ' BOnd 'me obaslng ,all over I¥1mwood of yourself. that you .Iljuat not go bere may as well 'dle," lY'as' the ' bltt~ lookln,. fQ~ an Imaginary ,!r, bne or go ~he :,e , or g; t t!>O Ured." said a Ipeech of a ',mother wbo realized tbat At a recenl Inque8t I,\, a 'ponnllyl, ~...' \~- .d l'IIJhe'7eit1l1!tnAfJ' 'wb'rld I Is tile . b!'l. ,~,~ ac~,~d t}..IB~ 'r9Om. . l'm unuble to se.a It!" .. wise man to a friend. ., .IOJ~r fro_~ taklnK the tlrtlt plaee with vanlll town, ono ot ' the jurors. after "Hq,w , lon" haa MrB, Wul~ll, beea IH ,' .IqMl~~.or.rfuet.8 :lenies . ln' ~o·m· ""or eour80, yon are. yo~ POOl} old "'Going down bill needs ' no exertion; he :cblldren. 8he Jlad becolI\~ a .c pher 'tbe, uaual swearlng ' ln ; 'aroae and wltb ; .oJ. f ~ eyetJ. A Germnn"na.tul'allst, K. gone?"'·" ' . martyr! Yon seE'. 1 tbougbt .tbe h lit tbelr esf}m'O:u<?ii. . '. '1 ' much dignity protested 'a gainst lIerv· Is just . the IIg test pnsh' bere at lhe Naturally.- when chlldl'ea have left ·'About · Illf"honr. aor, An' sbe uit Gregory dinner WOB to-night, so I It Ice. allegIng that be WaB tbe sene ral t f t" hili d ff d ' l-~~" "~ pee~ ,- ~8taklng wor.rtt4 ye wnz to barfY wid ull yer , , op o .. e an ' 0 you spee never L bl 'hem .choola and Dchcol maa. arrived In .t.ate. to find Mrs. Greg. De nd • . -:-8li t9 OOllDt ~ U1lmoer o~ fabate manager or an Important cnncern and bspk agf!,ln. Chlldre,n orten ters and ure confronted ,with the prob- 11'1.8 wa6t1Dt1 valu,able time by IIlttlns ..I tfotire, e~;' '~t-':ho 'fe wer l!lan' 151) sp. molgh( an' ,main; ,an' she'd be artber OI·y lilttJ ng down to a ' lonely repaat, climbing hu rry mothers out of middle age 1I{here . ' . 1" •• Mr, Gregory bavlng atayed III" to'l'lI. they belong' Into !cild age wbere tbey 18ms and sJtuations o~ maturlt: tbey a8 a juror at an Inquest. ~-~ ~. ':elM ~'i/ ; jte 'ffnds tliat" In ·the, lJ:pl~lnln' fo the lad1""':''' '''WheAi Il 'thla blamed dlnn~r?'" ,W ell. you knQw how 'awfully. proper ltave a right to Independence. Tbey t The s:oroqer. lurnlng , to b,l1I clerk, !suae' .peclos and Rex tbli ' ·numb.e r ,-'Where? . 01 don'·, 'know, Bor: ' Bhe lB. and wbat a teaae ahe II, and do not bqlong." mU'8t "tali o the responsibility for their ' laiC{: "Mr. l\~organ , klqdly ' band me ,.;" .W"**", :,,wlUl- th4! .. 'ilize ' of Lbo body. " You don't know? Well, 1 dOln, I knew that If Ihe d lecovered m'y nil. • • • • • oWJt ·ac!lolls. They are not unlike the ' 'JervIs' (the autbotlty . on' Juries ) ." :...... ~"",~. ~)MlIb' ,_ permaoent dlffti~. , oltller! I suppole abe must bave told take she'd be a",(ully , embarrassed. 1'!Iere 1ft. very beautiful aad birds that hsve learned to use their Theil. after consulting the book. the .... .(, ~. bj!tyY,",n ,oI,J1e .!lens DB to tb9 ;.n.e,. but 1 baven't tbe ghoat of &II and I'd nev'Ir hllal' the last of It from tbougbtful education of molbers. BO wings and' Kill .thelr own food and that coroner observed to , the unwilling . him. so I thought QuicklyI' and Bald exceptional and so g~lou8 that it III no longer need the 8npervhllon that ~~ . ~f. f~L8 Occasionally, bo~· !,de .. " juror: , " . . ~.c ~ ~ l tre~oe le, . ~arked . aa In • " She nlver told me at-all at·all, sor," I'd come to carry her off to the ehrb' wortb menllOnlnl In allY discussion of was once 80 untiring In the days "or "Upon reference to 'Jervls: I find. 1,\ 'tIfe CaBO' or.~p>,r'8 IIplendidula, III "Oh. we ll , It must be ili'e ·Papes . to dlno with us. 1 hoped we'd , get' lhe ques tIon. Th(>lIsands ot motheM! th9 nes t.! ' Yet It were well for most .Ir.· that no penonll tire exempt tram ,;.,'I ~ ' .t;.lcb"ble"rdi&! baa' 2,50 0 und lhe (0. Come to ihlnk of It. sbe did say the there In time to head you ofr. but we are so busy with housekeeping and grown up children to , delay too mu~h service aB Jlirors 6XcQ·p, liafolll. ialb • .:""" ~' ~06! <In 8p~cles : says IltA. Phil. Papel'-:'PapeB-" l;Ie Sl\ld , getting Into. didn't., and poor old ABbto!!" wbo was bringing '. up ehlldreri that they lo~ training of tbelr parents. How . shall alles 'a nd hmaUclI.'. Now, I'Under.. wh leb. tho back. ".a nd you've got about two wandering about like a loet soul. sal': heart about kee ping up their readln!; -We train our mothers would · I)e~t. be beadlog do y,oll claim eJ:~m.p,tlon 1"'". i8lelpllla : Recarll: Is 'rio e lh whtcb ball minutes to get me there." rou'd been gono some time. r tele· and l hey s it 10 th e 'p resence of their answered Iii · 'inost Instances, by an SaceellB l\tag~zl no. , . " h l;I"· ·'tIIe.·;oe'lt.rllOrdill8.r.y ~mberl' dt ' 24.000 Tben ' ha gllve himself' up to utter phoned tbe bouse . aad Maggie said COllege,brM, sonl! snd daughters teel· emphatlo ,order ' to le t them ' o'ione. Let '.1,, : 1,""1~ om r its"'oeye . of 'Ilbe, nmnpel' of aljd. s~)U1 satisfying dljltemper. This you'd just le ft tlle re. but as you 'dldn't Ing that t)ley al'e m,l serohly deficient mother,!! dress as thet plea se. set their "" ; f~ta..'\11I·gl:~~r. 1B ~e !rl\pldly. mnv: socllli Ute- he was going to cut It know where ,you were going. she ' (lnd hardl y lit to breathe the same 'at· lables as they II1c e. hold rast to little ,. - .,- , " ." ~! ~~\1v-e. .fO;f1D.ll lQA n : ill ~bQ more ouf. No telling how.., Ashton would couldn·t celli you up. Sc, wbal could ruospbero. with their gifte d offaprln«. provincialisms In tboir diale ot, un. IIUr'l!:! ~ I •tak e being handed ovet' to . perfce ~ I do?" '1qe , ~nc!U:ded . • "I. stand by, lho side or the rond and checkell. and be olel·fa shlon ed If tbe, Dr. Wllllama' Pink ,Pilla the MOlt ... ); a ,,-;v_s ., ;S~5. fjB. , . ' " ,.l, st'range rs 'a t the club. altbough- he lind . "But to ~ee t nH~. aft er Ii. hot 'cbflse pS2e at my .daUgbter,. almost with wlsb . Thel'e "re" en4Ie88 va ,rlolles of · , , Sueo.unal Remedy 'foj.· All . ' • Forma .01 Cra b lilt)'• . ' , . _J), ., ' , 'QWi.II/~t.i14~ii'·t gJ,MBth 'by" i lib usn nds , been very, decent ~bollt It at the lime. like that. wi t h R plea san t smile Bnd iLwe ," co nresse'd a motber ·who hud no roses In iJlese dn ys. bll t tho while Anmml!\o w.hllther it ,r6slllts1r;om ae~ , •••, ' ,u'JUie wriit c» '0"f "1904 :.:i5','bot ~uii t win. ~Vhy pn carib t.ou~se , 9 ld~ ' t m ~ nllo ll coolly a s k m e If I had dined." ex cllse for ~ uch pl'ofound humility. rose that ~Iont,ti s In t\le ·olel·loshlqued ;'W e ll, ' den r. I couldn tt . lot . Mrs. ' Anolher. tlllcd wi t h joy lind ' pride at gardeh ' Is s weeter than ' a'ny uf ltJ. tnlliloss pf bluolli tl'om luck of nutriti on 'lfl ' 1 · i'td . tlIeyt'bad ' ·'~".'Cil'sY ' tlm e 'except 10 Lh es!!. !.hln gs- 'fhe)' swung up ,~o tIIO due 'to st{)iuac11 tronb'le;'or :,,,bntJ vtll' it it ., : l~ trlum ll\t s oC a SQn wbose g e nius newer pl'OducMons. · , " .- • I ..... . ....lIoJo." ,«nd' . l\fareh . ,,' Prdm' -Masso, Papes ot a elut,torlns gall and be ran Grego ry k·now." • ....- . r 1I1).. to tho dool'.'Y' ·eU\l 8O, is ei'lllplya defIc iimcy of tbo v ltlll ,. ~.. ' , , ' " Hllng Mrs. Gregory! . Rer e ' l wau .,, ·,..u da;II«18! 'I:II', l'Bdktn:i.,me QlIsl'l ILre ·so "Hns Mrs. ' Wa'ltot1 arr ived yet?" he tryIng 10 get a raIse out of Asbton. !Jnid, 1>r. WillilLlus"Pi'1I1c 'PI1l8'lIctulllly ,;'J ', -.m& ~....t ,f:(lSlw.;: lting I;l.n .v becorpc aak~!1. . lIIake n llw bloo'cl. Th01 do tUllt 0110 which . ho, ,i bl, nks .t h e COm [)Rny IXltl't T' R 0 .. ,A TAIl " :t:, , BE W<?AN. ~r~st c~lor allli nmon~ , U.t e autumn thin ,~ nlld th uy do It well. ' ·,,, "~~.Yr. ; .1l1Al, ;\~il'<lS..t9" t..11)f!· 'pu,r: "~1}'s. wai~on? ,· SbEf a aot ·. here, alford. and 1 'W08 Jus. ge tting h!m to BllkH use d for skirts to b e wom with "A~ n gil'l, v 811)'~· Mi-3. 'Je5~ie Fintt, ,; ,.: ~1l~ ~~T"<l , ~nnd., .,, ~!~ ·~ t lt· !J..]O~:. Blr " see my llolnt of vi ew, wh e n ~hat Q{)~' S'<Qtch PIa,ld a 'Feature' of Ore.. and . 'RllIlr·mwl" ·c6st.umC!r lilaldH and 180 Ellst JIlIll sU'ect, Alcl'llIi, lOhio, "I , " .\~ I,~ i~v~ ,• . e~. ,~,Jlt~~edi Jjl. J\~i1))~m:r ' ::roiot dl nlllg her~?'" ,'Call ed me ' off. Yuu notIce that Y041 Trlmmlngl. ' s(rilles are In gr" .. t de nllrnd. fis tbe, ' Gulf md f"OIn lI orV OUB indiges lion !llld wu ell I wRIl 'eightcoln yelll's old I was. ,brighten ' \lp a Illaln cloth d ress. "j, . , '~}f.I!f":'!::b u ~'f d '~~\)"'~~~ ~.~!<y I "Wh y. no, ·s ll'. ' Mr. and JlII·S. Papo '!llnn " r (larty' will eo lit u~ sometblng, ,. beclluse .I'll not gIlt the .. ralse, " now,:' . .ocecar n ' " uo anc e ann !lave Joen are dlnln g ' ln town ." re!I.l!c~~ i.I! ~~l¥g~1i .t~. 03,p'IIIII<1R. I Willi. . . ~ T'lle conil ng" ,vl ntor Is eX·)lcct p.d te ( an ro n\lC, lI orVOIIR, c6u!.tIl·'t 'cM or IIlel' p, , ,'./ ~11tpb'dd ~'n6r' h :"i'6¥" · bi:e~ifiti~.; ' ;' Ev~ti I ':'l'ry nulton 's,' : cri e d Walton. wit h· • "Olt .. liut yo u wm.'· . \/Al:.\IS DESrGN. . ' . bo 'n . I.jlHtI nCtly " tlll·tan" oo e, fol' th o ,. . was s!lort of brlllUU after ·tllo IClIst exer • ·,::-.Ithtll Bi ipply I.' qiJltll · 'tnn·deqa a te: IIl1d . \ put CI wor~ -to th e ns t o\lI~llCrl , ~,,: rvant • _. " \\'ba~ d o yo u know abQut ItT" , S'cotch 111.11111 IS"seen 'uut onl.y In dress ' , tio" " lnia~ l iM 'iieIU(n~lfru "h!lo~t COli" · i." '!o.'m~~'hbt ltil 1oC'S: ' Ttle~'cwllh: ~!l): ~\ They d[J!3~Cd oft to ; hO othol' e nd of 11 '·Wc ll. It 'dl fln' t tIlke mo 'long to dIB~' ," . I. lbntl.. " .doc~ti, of·. o()ul!ll6 bllt [ cove l' t huL ' Mr. As hton's ' I\nbby was ma lerlal s a nc,I' ,trlJ1lmJngs . . bu t Is .lntro. ,~ , ' ' e'oia.~ r~I(~"'ln' ;;'r'neric'.1\~. 1 ... ~er6 a,ps town all /1 ut) a tho 8 ,)] tOlls_, 'lIIj ght nl! wAlllI~ve t.!A1CQII. 811 Jl1UCl\wn Ler' dnc\ld I.oto win gs un.1 Q ullis IUld even', , . . "t-iaS ' Ml's. WollQD urri ved ~' e t ?" he !,o~o garde ning. ruul I tolq , hlni Ih~l , rosos . 'Plain ' hrort'u(' lo tll - costllln/!!I; . for ' ull t he ' good Ills iue dicllIo .q~Il m e, II< ~.'tHlU'" ~ po\lul~r IIlv<l;.,'3nd, P de m.a ndc ll. I ,Flllnll, Illy vitality ,nllel 'HtrM1gili WN'II i,t wljs yo u, 1l0 tJby, too. 1 s,a ld It :YJ1~ havc b'oell fashioned by the leading ,. I ' : Illlarlt4!~""'·I~l· ~ ·:Wucd. for !lll , tbat ~ n • "1'\1. i ~lr, s he IIln't , bel'e." 80 J'orlnced th{lt I .'bnd ;,tO _tl~. ,J() my th e !Iqrrow. tho o nly BoVrp w ,Qf 'lil t . OO.BLn,mi e rs In 'Parl!! 'and London wittl '!. , _ ~bo .Prp:fiU Il;l.'A. gDBlJllete ,S'ICoe~ bas "N.ot dlnlllg hore'I" J I,'q~. t h !ll w~ couldn't a /'furd .to, Im .,~ .bed for ,Re,:e~ we,e ~s !I,L~ _.ltill1 e, I .BS 51; sbor t s ack · coa.ts aJ,ld .8k,1,~~~ trimmed could not dlgcRt n\\y 1ao1i d%P.!I 111111 for .,' , ~{ .~d .!n..r~s hH'; . ...ho m ,o r;! ~ . sllla)1 "~.o. :6I r. T hey're Ilt dlnne~ ~'~~ . II 'hot house tor rOI~CI!. 11I1I1 .he 'Y per fectly d li ght ed to find l)m t yoU wIth nan ow bonds of plplnli8 of tar· w eeles 1 di ,l.llot tnlee ~'ll\~t},< nrl8b. , · III ':II~P"' ~: W.!\fr ~hp.~\!oI ._nQl, ~oll;~ . ,~I;1~ ' s o .. you com ~} n .. ~Ir ?, ' • 'tbe little lUe~lt tbllu Il'IillP of(~ 01: mf.:l)I'!l1 h, . , ·,into the bualnes;; 00 5uch n scale ,that ,. "No .• than ks. . I II ·try nc)(t door.'" lIad t.hls, tr.l ste In c6rOlllt)fi. tbat lw tan', aud a' di sthict nove lty 'Ishlp "W!dlo l ' ~n.'l, siCK l'n I t~lIti of loltl It1C~ . ho thontth~ th e campnn) green anti .,blue t.:lrtnn .I ·" ;cpat .' be co~ld lurn o ut 100,00'0 ' po'", ' be(leall ild ba rk to th o d rll'er as he ~l'. Williams PIII~ 'PlIlIf !lUd ' 'I'ftoPl1 eti. w9uHl IH~\,o to put nl' for the hu (, trlnll/J,~ d COHlIl', lind faclu gs at )'earY ' I. , bn,:nll,e t,l th~ hedge. ' 1111 ot~l'lr mo.:!ieiup I\n~ ,began , ~ W; e tb & hou ae. afte r Jllllunl'Y 1st." black. ·sllk poplin ' and finished with .' : '_. :':"c":" ..:_.':' ~' ''': .:.;" , )1e repeated t.he (oullIula at ' tbe , ~illa. , S OOIl ,IIIY'III'!I\!IOVmull:llti,\f."it very "Dut. great Scol.t, LOIIIse, [ . dOIl't 1Ild·sllve r bullons, SJI,k poplin, olle o! notiCllIIllle • . My" U:Ohgt!l "~if ' to reA .cl~ ;,eu uf .Kanfl~~ City wrltee that sm'!th~l . wit", t he same rElsuJ'ts. and ' knoyr an . Am erlcan Beauty trom .·c the faehlonablo mate rials .tor tllo COni' :~nrh. 'IDY' stotuRoh;,gllve m C)!ll!)r'pA.IlI· nnd ',: .. ~\u'rat l;nB haa eut" down hIs annual' biB !ro hnd ubout Teachod tbe burs t· pol!lto Illnnl .", ing !leason. Is beh!g us~d ' fo~ making Jost ftM SOOIl ns 'I 'begun to:'t.\lke ~olld food fuel and ,sus bill froQl ,$1 j i . a yenr ' -0' ' ~nc poID t. . . ' WillIAms' Piuk I !\fiilled ill w eight. "Ne vor ,m inC:. wn,~n we I~ot · t he rals" these Ilttle co,ats. with a juC\lcloua "' . ; tif. to~ 'lilif ' aollHn~' ilf 'fr~do m from , "r glva It UIl," · he groBned to the trimm ing tsl'fan. for ' wearing with a Pills certalnl)! 8/1\'e,1. m,· Ufe. I OUI no\V' teU hln:. .tlJat we deel<l ~IIl' to pUI oluo clo th" sklt't. ahd ' In ' juxtaposiUoa :") te4iltllt; Jk" rlifuace: ' netter look ove; . cabman: who had dec ided that \ he we'll rite ValalB " dWalgn Is' ira...... OIl " perfectly.wail, 4nvel~pfned my IIIWh".l .. . r. • wall drunk or Insan e. "take me bome, it Into a kllcheLl I~arden . In;"telld .'" wel~bt of I~ pimilill\ Rud I thin I,· Qr.i "Well. If YO u . a,ron't a ' wonder!" 1\ th e akin of ' brown an,d blue pall~, ral.her a :dal'k ,'&Iorl!d linen. ""'t "HIIe ' Icemlln s a ccoutlt befbro allnoun' Or• no-u-I~· ~,. the· ,., . . ., I wltb a ' Wllliallls' Piuk Pill/! are ' . woudel'fill • , ~ , on L-LI J ..... egory 9. ' " .••. - ~ . ,~jDt;'tbe mHlennlum, . .. .;. Another John GilpIn s,. Irt, and 'they , saId b,er Iiu ~ bllntl. In sbeer admlr", with orange stripe rtlnnlD&- througb It 'bold coqventlonal llIJPPY design. lind lIIedl:olrl9." , : . . tlon. to accompany ' a plain. brown Cloth Is mOl,t effect! "A wprked' out In ' rl~ r .. IC -or ' I c· j . • i .. , I .' th TbOll8 . celebratQ.4 llll~ ~'I recom-vere ere. f "or cours e I am." abe 1'1l1l1led, mod. ·Iaalc collt. trlmmdd I.-Jtb ·mllitary braid·' Dle!lded tor HtubbOrn. '1;9..",,11 tronble ~, :@:lh" ~.a.~IC: t~e~~ .~f~, 6P~~ito~d.. .1:"1:I88)Jrs. Walton arrived yat7" ' 1~ cally. "or l never wtluld. Ilave madd Ill. haVhlI. on some models, ~ narrow deep Ihadee of '"• colQI'. .. ,. , '!lr .U cue~ or' wetllme..·.iwul debUitl .~ •. ~ owii,fl' ...bJOb ~ ~'8!ate" th~ ~lI1el, W&8 gotting mo~honloal. ,. EconOJrriCII 'Ire Kilt"..... ' atu.u l1li rIlIDI' , ~' 'eveii'.d> what I ~avo out ur ·YOlJ. Don't r~r. !at piping of orange cloth 01 velyet • ~., ~~ : /.(I ~e f4llt t)lat '.'I.h~ 1I~lp or " . "~hY, y(!~. Blr." Bald th9 maid. "but get," .be' ad~ed. An economical Ire klndler may be ae~Jt,e~. All ~runlatl"l8ll Dr. ~ he pul' out tll4 iltrodnced on either 11de of thlt braid. , tile' ~~.. I. abq'Jt tbe m ~t. orner, ahe s gonll. IIgbt. "tbat tho Gre~ory ctlD nu la lIeil' 1n mall!' of the new worated small alide by dlpptug com cob, In • mla. Wdll"!D~, PhlkPlllft,ortbe1Will belleDC ....te III' ereallon. lIome of tiJom ar. "'GODe! Gone wbare?" Wednesdsy." :beck clotbs and tweeda there la AD rare of melted reala anct tar-aDd dr,., iOubUili unit lor pubUcaU\.Il.- -TIra mald partir r.lolled the door. ~('oP)'rllht, bI' JOlIlIPh B. 80.. "er 9 1all1 aad Itrfped e!reet III a GOD· Iq. tIM1 Dr. WlI1lAmll Kedtobao OOWSJAll7. wa ~
}"" .
C ;,r
"'.1 ,- ,.. .'
, '
. ,
!'!u:IU.!er:otr,t«!i:='': 1oIae1llOtU7. Ji. Y.
IS THE MAGNE,T IC POLE MOVING SOUTH,W ARD? Scientists at Washington Say It 'Is, and that Amundson Ha~n't Located Only One.
'r have' h earJ
...,en lou'g for a PIl.III~'" !lIl t I " ::lM no slI<;1I abode. For '" Dlt h I ~ Q . I)Ur"" "f I""ub l!!, Ilnd a jcwr~ l e d CrO\fn Is a Inad; I 'll tir tlem- l lnmf1ln d, • . ::::~l', with :t IllLdu fC .r su!> a~~ r:l.lnJlIlI t Slv\) 11\01 my old ah II wagon, on the b undle.a '''' >'owlng \:Io ln , Wltb ,t h ni ling sh p aro HIl,1 lll'O, and "'Y d o~ \ It h hla bl'/II\ uti mJ I floaL rnr rl ga,'el II' sliloke' on th e S UAE' ~ c nto',1 I"'" Il'io:> brtlrJr,o:> ; A nd' U 1I1p;bt, wh en t tl IJIl IHI Is bedded, I cr II Iikr- a Il r(>11 c lt llel TO'm,. tarp III tbe fl'l Illlly WU gO ll, al ouS' on I h" she II range wild.
A Smooth One_ ) 1,' ",I ; 11" II '·dll>;, An (1 111,: r ;- 1111"14
ntnJl!;st t h e g lle. ts a l a CPl'tnlll Hea•• :,. h LI IlIt"l t '" like 'our aile k :'" Fid e bO;)l'llinghbllse wa s a y,)\ fI) ~ ma n "'J 'hlll '~ "; l lu d: ' f4.:.d tl h~. with :I cOlin c n aneA 30 ,; Iuum y tlillt ha "1 n li .lvt '. Y. IU ~,"', ' En d, IIIUlll ln l.: '11 the week." ClfrlLti I ho In t r('sl or an 3n: I:oh l lind _ t h'\ltlln 111..1 L~t ';lI t('r " d Hlll)' fl irt IMy, wh o III lld e' all efTort cl cntists nt Washington who hnve Normnn l (i ft a cl l'aw lng showing ~o d rll w him InLU £'UI\\'erRIII I" 11. SWELLS, mallo a 811eclnl stud y of th e 'm ugnetlc hath lhp varllll\nn n eedle and t he dll) " U ' K Il 10\'l)ly cl ay," sl,.. cUllInll'nr l'tl. 1I0ie 1\1'0 not ready 10 enUmly c redit u eedl o Iu ' on o vll'w , 1.he "Hrlution n ett" Y" ~, wl·e(('h!'d." 1'('1111 r! th' molun· ' th e lalttl s of apt, ADlun<l s n that die b IlIg In Lh" hOl'lzontnl jJoNltfon ~~~~~~~~~~--~--~.~ ('h oly man, nb ~ (' nlly . he hus fou nd or settl od tha. IloRlti on lIud the dip ne dl.. IIolntin'g down· t ,o lll<~ \\'h a, jI!'I'plexed , Ih(' lall), in· IIr tlle north tllngnetl c 110IC, for Ir he ward almust \' rtl Clllly. Norman's (jll l r",r ho w he lil; erl I he 1'1"",. ' liB )! ~ "ccee'l o d lu tlndln g Olle, tbere book wa s II'ubll8h d I wl ce bcror' Gil· ' Th e w or~ 1 I P\' l)r \'Islt ctl," WaS th aro "I so others. ' i> n, l h o 1£ll za llethuu el 'c trl el ll rl, pub· unlll'o m lsln):: I' Jol ncl r , In ract. magnetic north pol es are IIshed llnYLhhlj{, II hnil Ih ... Inollcsly " Ihl Ih 're lire some \' rr)' ni ce pea· III all y, lind tbey nre Iho mosi, 11('rs l ~ l' of Iru ll 1;0111118. whil e 01'. Gil bert WlI S By LYNN MURDOCK l ip h'I'!'," ' (lIltly UII8 ·ttl d thlngK at IIreRcnt II hOUMt'II', who rarel y ~ave CI'c tfll for " Are I.h'ro? I hll,,"o 'l ","I any." 1{lIown. or course, no ono expl'cts au ) cll sco \'erl.~ mari o hy olh er a be, It wa s nut .. neourngl n)!, hu' Iho old to find a 1I01'th msgnelle Iloic stle'k · f Ol'lI hl ~ I I III '. (t"1Pr r l~ht , J!<Q6, hy Dully S~o'Y PUb. Co,) Inrty ' Wlt " lJer~ l ~tc ul. and tll'fl ' y tha nl;' lng liP, lyin g dow n flRI , ai' c Ul' vlng , 01', C. A. Sc hot! , 1\ plonC'!'I' )IIaAn II c In ~ I hI" sUIJjcct itlflu lred Ill s vlc'ws on IlIw[11'dl)' , In~l'o wlng, 80 to Slll'llk . It ulll;ln 'I', who uSHl swd In lIuTv'ylng Mark WII S IIlncollraged-thl'ro was I RI1.fld IIII' situation with Ihe lI~htahl@ tll a I lolIll~11 1 Sit lIalion, I s suttic'I(' lI t to 'lind II MIIOI , or I'olnl , and sctUln/: th e n IV IJlJ ulldol'Y lIull no douhl a bout thSl , lie had hI' n III ru"I(lIly whi ch always camo In hilD i u "I Ih lnl{," h e snl ll , glorJlllily, " we • of whi ch one ca ll truly HlI ), tha t I t 1M bel w ell l ho tin lted ta tes 111111 M exl· tbe c lly n arl ), fOll r w oks and hnd a c rl sl~ , shalt ha v e eit her a \\':II' nr iI revoltl · I h IIl1rlh Illaglletlc pol e or a no rth co In I 47 and Ih en c llter".1 th e Oll~t hunted hard for an ojl,,"IIl!;-but to 1)0 At th e snnte mom ent lho j!lrl "I the lIol . And," hI) atl dl'cJ umlllouHI)" " the r /,, lllugrlt'lI' 11010, or V<911 t hilt It WIIS Hurvpy "cr v l ce III 1 8'18, made, In 1 8 ~O, IIvnll, H e wnR sl ro ll !; lind willin g, clu'rlap;e cil ughl Ri ght of lhl' IllII ~ tll ,'r lll SOOI\(':' th hrUer." 011 co II magneti c 1101 0. m ap of th rogl on around th o sup· wau Marll. hUl nobod)' seomed willinl: rac,' II bn\" 1l Lh plCol ll, iII -titling IOli lcs Art r th~t th e good ol rt Boul !lo ve In old n' tim es 5\1'h II 1I0in t used to pos'tI north 1l111J:.l\etlc lIole, Thi s r . to glvo him II ' han co lo (lro \'o h is nn(1 IIn,l £' r Ih fl uukl'mlll It.llr- snw It It up, and sIIught nn 0Pllol'lu nl l )' o r b o 1"'l'sllmed nlld nl IIlnted rWIIl U il ion IK show n fl y th e elliptica l IlguI'e ""orlb , alld IHlll cl'd lh dI~dsh' o ahl r l nl'hS UII, nl'; COU II sel with l he land l" ,ly on very , Insu ffici ent datn. From Line In th e Ulap, The crop mnl'k at Boothia H was ge Wng hu ngry, too, a,nll be· whl oh made him \cloK like 11 Uger the st. t o f hIs m ind, Ilol nls lu Ule clrCUUlfel'C.'llce or uny clr· F ' li x shows th e ~ J10 L Illsco \' 'roll ' by gall lo won·j er wll r e he wus /:olng to abollt to 61\1"I n g, Th , Inllllllld), smll etl r usall rl ngly. I cle Il IH eo BY to lind Ihe center, and 'li llt. .Il1m es Clark Ross In .J line, l 31. sleop wb ' n his scun tr store of munpy Sh' 8ro s III' the cnrrln!';c 8n,I " Did you nlll Ice tb ' yo nn!; 11111)' In t hl ~ m (bod wa~ firs t tri ed OB to lho wh re th e till) or t.h e noeilio Illrll ral(j \l was lC hllU8tod- BS I t would be In a , str'tohed h r hand !! owu ~tf him with )llnle wh o Hits OP !llIM!lP to him a, IlIl1gn lIc Ilol c; but It wouldll't work. 9 degr s, u9''!' min utes, Of' n al'l y df\)- or two. an ex Il rcssl oll of co n lid nc' on h l'r m£'"l s7 W ell. that'~ h l~ .w(wl heurt." An d no\\, IIrt r iuall)' yeal's' urcumuill' perpendicular to th e 'nrth's HUf'fuc . " In d d; "Ul t b o)' nc\' 'I' ~ Ilc ak to Th o sUlllng smells of th e city face. lIer ";'09 m this tlllly f or an t Ion of theor y IIlld (u('t t.he mOl'e enOl. l(os8 did n ot hay th oppor- Sl~ (leIB . Ihe '1011, alrlcss deadn 6S of Instanl - aatl Ihe nl'Xl InSIIIIlt he each nt hrr:' (' rooke' d thnt greil, cll' I " th e Imagln· llmlty to g t OilY n ar r to th nine- th e Inside 1'00111 In tbe lodging house, sprang rull at thc brl,ll ps of Ihe mad. "T hnl ' ~ ju st It ; Ih e~' qU1I1'r lied the Sbe (~cnl1lllp nl a lly )- How lilcq me ary ma J;n etic equntOl', . Be ms t o lie' ti eth degr , 111111 1IIr. Ronld Amllllll- t hc cro wdin g and the noise lind the dened hOl'soa. li e had bee n Wil l hlllg 11 r ~l " )' t h ey cam II<' I'C, and tboy ar th w a v is of t h e SCII ! co me. In ra cl, II\(' Ilroverhisl dog's sen, th e l'orwcg illn, IItal'te<l for tltlR people- p oph" peopl everywhere, for an opeDln g, IIn dl hi s hean had III. Il~ \, en'L lIlull " It up ; ·CI." Y e~ , '()Ill(' 10 th e sh or n :0 grcat H hind lo!; IN n atrulgllt lIue In comll ar, I'ogl on In thp. aJl"'"g o f 1903. equipped had mad him so sick and tired of the mOSL filII d him as h e I'IJlllizod tbe 8t yl and go away hrok , - ~ nclnnaa NO OPPORTUNITY, for a ,;la~' o r fonr rellre around Iblll whol Ison with It. ml sera hl clly that h e fairly hO(le l es n e~s of th ij ltuaUon, hut wheu EIIQulre ~, Th er t.' n8 d to b tlilk 11110 lit the spot. Hili magneti c Instruments were c rl d for a sig ht of tbe ~rc e n fields he 811W lh", light o f hOlle and conf,. CALLING ON THE "OFF" NIGHT. spe lull y oOll sll'UCt CII fOl' thi s xp&- and waving c01'!IOelds and orchard s dence In th girl's eyes liS Lhey 'mel magn ti c m er id ians aud IlIlra ll I lines ,II rpondicullll' to t.h e ma,!!n lIc qllll' dillon under th e ubi superintend ence Bud peac f ul whit h ouses and gl' en his all lho ught \'anl shed except to Th e milan h uu g 10.... ullon lhe west· ft or, . bill lhese are a\l now gall up, 80 of Prof, _' e ullla~' <;r, director of the blind s an ti all the r est of It buck In m e t b r tru st. As be I al)ed ' dlrecU" ern sl,,', Ham· " lIl1noy ." ,This-to say nothin g abont III front at tb e foamin g st c els a si gh I ' [~r as great circles 110. Th o)' are t er - Germen naval obser vatorr al "Ah ,'; mu ed Ihe youn g m Rn In the 1'1111 ,\' d 'vlou8 nnd ml )(ed up, IIlthOllgh burg, nnll Or, Chree, sUllerlt,te nrt nt H enri I ta, and of course he WUH a lot which WIIS nenrll' 11 groan w ent UP Y hnd ow~ of t he old IJOl'ch , " It I. not ,('xllcll), obedient to cc rlaln magn ctlc of K ew obs I'va tor y, Englllnd, more 10nesC'Tm e for H enrietta than he from th e cl'Ow ds puslling frantically my roguln r nl,;bl for Cll lllng o~ Evan· 10(\'8. ' It was con fid ently eXllec ted !.hat was for t P. pastures and cornfiel dfl to get out of , I he way, gellne, lJu,l 1' 1\ just aurpl'lse b er , r 'fbrcil hundred y ears ago lhe fact , allt. Amundsen would be able to 1I1l!! and while ' ouse and blind s and 1111 He WDS carried 01T his feet nnll knpw Ilh i s In th e' hammock hecause tile rest or It. drllgged ' between the hors 8, but with I just heard lier Cllugh, I'll just creep And Lbe funny tb ln g about I ~ all wa s lhe skil l born or nlUch experl nce he till IIl1 d hug an I k i ss her In the dark ." that b o ball l eft all thi s pence ful Ar' I'ha d s uretl a grip of Iron on th e 1>r l, H 1I pto ··d I n tho direction of tbe cadla aud In \'a ded th o enem~'s country dIllS , lind he gave eneb of hi s hands a hammoci" I I wa s os dark ns Egypt_ because of H enrietta's name, He had swift turn evc n wh i le the horses w er SUdd nl y h e ~ len d ed his arms, emalways call ed her "Hen," but, lo! and trampling on his m angled I gs-a twist brn ce d Bn d kissed t he forlll In f ront of bebold, orter she grad uated sbe would that brought t he team to th eir kll os him . Hil t In stead of the sort, fair not stand for It anti In s~s t ed that the Th er e was II mi g hty strugglo for n ch .. ek or E\'angell ne It wa ~ 11 coarse full sl 'nlflcan ce of the naUle sh e ha.d moment, wh en one of the h:>I'ses fel! cheek of brl stlos. been chri stened with be apllil eu to ber beavlly. drag"l ng the other after It. " Rol)bcr. ~ " shoat d a bnsao voice, when sh e was IIduressed. Both tell parlly upon Mar k. Inl ()rmln gloll wi th r mlnlne screllmB, Fool that h WIIS, he bad tok on It as Th e fleein g cro wd who hnd watch erl " Honsellr nll crR!" " Porch climbers!" a jok , 1,I!n SnulI:h as h e had called th e ull r lng deed pau sed In l h Ir ni ght Far down t he rOlill n brealhlesa her "H 11 during all Ihe ),ears they and In lin IU!llunt D, hundr acl willing Doctf)r-Yoll mu st be vor l' car.eful yo ung LUllII halto(1 0 resl. bolh co nltl rem !lIber , Uut It prn..-ed a hand s I'ull d the flum r boy from un. "Gr lit Jll pl te r!" hll ~asp e d , "'n· ~nrry j(lk e fo r him, b ecause she was der th e horscs, while olh.)r hnnd s a8. lind not cat too much! stead nr Id sa lng E\'an >;cll ll , I must PallentWhy , doc, ) h ardly dare eat In deadly ear neSL; lind she had chi ded sl sled the gll'l rrom tbe carriage, h avo Il l ssoel til e oth r r II w," -Chlc.. him liS helng a Ihere cou ntry bumpklo, Ot nil Ihls however Mal'k knew nn yt'll n ~ III all . l owe my landlady go Dally N \\'9: over ,20 now! -C hloago ~lIy News, aod dar d him t\l go onl Into th world . ' , to prove his meUl , W II, of mellle nothing, nor did h e r ecov er eOOS<;IOIl8' UNPROFITABI.E ENGAGEMENT. Nigh, there WIIS pl enty, and so Mark l ett the neS8 unlll Ito had IlIln for mnny bours old fa rm, whleb was to be his, and ID the hospital. \Vhen be open ed bl s ' T lit Irnp, nlrnOst . (or Itll lllnl f'r ~lr1 8. \"_ 10 h Ull lc \\'u rd co m o from NousltJe'. went out to tbe grellt CILY to try hl8 eyos h e gazetl about at lh e 91 mple I urf', stren gth In a fi eld for which h e was cl anlln ess and drE)W In a l ong br eath '1'0 d o)(' thclI1sel\' r l!, (trr t ho), rN iro. With Mro, M!x pm'8 r" r~c kle ' uro, not lit all 11\11\1\1 d. of good whol ' sOmE) air and loo ker.! up And her h W8!! h ck wenry Into lhe ey es Of th klndly·ey ed nur8D ·- bJi\wuuk tto Sll llll nc l. -almost defcal <i-- b\lt , 'I\'lth no - and wond red wllll re h e was, SureThe Schoolma 'am's Apology . . tbought of 1iI1Irr" n,ler; no, 110, thtH 1,- th,' r e was 0 0 such cl ean , quiet., An exl r elllely proper young N e w ' word did not belong In the D cnnlHon whol,PRom£'_ restful pla~e In th e grea t E ngl nn tl woman WIIS 11 k i ndel'gllrtener vocabulnr v. Ilunge r he could stllnd; cit)' whose st reels he hat! roame d dur, In 6 IlIrg cll)" G llin g Into a str t faUgu b ~ cou lll stand; har(l.h lp h e Int: t he pu st w eks, li e stirred and car ntl day , sh e bowed t o '-11 ' Ill •• n could sland; iluL It nil H c m 'd 80 utt I'cd 11 shu rp c ry . A th ousnnd who m ·sh e Ihou 'ht WII R the fnther or Map of Region Around North Magnet Ie Pole, (8ch!ltt, 1890,) hOllel S8 lo him Ihat h e doublod th il ne d le~ seemod to ha vo been In serted lwu of th e Chll t!t'cn IIlIu or h er chorg , ""08 dll\coverod thnt the earlh Is a I a spot wh ere th e dip allgl would be x'lCdle or tI tI ht Into hi s unnt.orny. , A s soon liS sh e had <1')11 > so she r"ul · e, Ie ." . g h, The Illl r'''' s llli l ~'d and said : "You grollt magnet. H eroro Ihat lime tb e 90 degr es, nnd h e may ha\'e 6uecc('d, •, 'Vb n 'cy I ' ti hi I zpd her miSUtka, and U ~ hI' go t 01T Ihe " at s t Ie use, e sn. lo rn · must b., \ ' 0 1'.\ ' qul el. YOIl nre 'ba lll ' If tI I 'I h ur Ilt lh e 811m e 11 1110 as her~ll lr, she 11010 nll~I' Itself wila Bn l l"o ~ II to at- ed, as such n spo t could not be far se a 07.<'n t m s , ' nv o a co m· Injured, bul we w ill null . \ 'o u th ro ugll " met the mngnellc n eed l e. Even rl'OlIl Ho_olhln ~'lfx . But the greatest bl I d I " stcII /l('d up to him and said , COI'ta e 10m , surroun cd IY green all rl .,"ht." ShakeSlleure waa or tltl s belfef, whi ch dlIHculty IIrl81'S frOI11 the fact thul t h e I I b I I .. "P ll'aBe Iml'don m y sl ll'aking lo you, I eles auil swepL y I Ie sw t w n ull " \\'h pre am (1" h e nskc d, w eakly, lIe ex.pre ssed io t h e phl'llse "tnl as much·blllme,) spol. moves. As th e soc· from Ih pastures nlld the IJralrl B, hilt J I hOllghL y') n Wf'!r I h fat her or Ihe n eedl tl to lh pol e," And 'brl s· ular c hnllg In the I>lIrth's mnp;lI etism WI h Ik I mlserllbl e " I II SI. i\1 1I1'k's h (lspl nl," sh(1 r eplied I lin (Or n,ly I'hlldl'en," - ,Iud!;.\!, toph er IUIllIHlS did not kuow whnt mov es at JlI'es IlL In Q n orthwesterly Iy s mIld I wa t 1 se d ,"You h ave b.'cn hE'I' I h r~o clavs. Yo " stoll e'l u\'cel slrpC'l s trying I nblp.In h." vn IJe II (Irllrlo ll " n nrl t~ lkl l;g QhO 'I~ NO REASON TO kolCK, rto think wit n he cOllld lind h y. his dlr ellon 01 th 1'al o r flve·elghth s o r tl I r i l l' I d.... lI I I ' ,Q" IeII Ilr ce II<, aI nh ~ It 8 aLlib · tI !': n a dm Is· I II 11I'lella 11'.l d til 01·CI·18rel ... ~ n (I ' It.~ rude a \lllaratus Ibat tho !l edl did II mil' U YOI', Ule north magm llio v not follo w lUI GUPPo80d law. 110le would be Coul1d f urther GOlllh. eraI. )t'l c \\)' t °7~' Y.ll n u on IIIl !\). e,)rnfiold t. lind bOllle-and -a nd a 101 so u e y lIlIC pan of Ihln "s," "What reuson llirl h e g ive for wlebScientific OilS r\'aUons IIr belllg Bu t ror Lhls 1Il0\'elll nt I.h ' pol' ~pot A . b f bl ~ n C tllcf nIIwould come H e HllI lll1d II w an smile, " Y es," he In ~ to lil" ak off Lho ugugement so mtld o nownclIl'ly all ovor lba world , !lll() uld huve been round n or Iltltude r f H I 0 are I hm , ,,..,rl-WJ"-'I_~'OI'n uh ace 0h enr " 1 Il\'e In Ihe cOll nl800117" :lIrl;t' lIs to the direction of the IlIn g· 70 degrees fI minutes nnd 17 SOCOII(. I k I'lt,tllI nn e Ie Sllld, ,wenkl", J 'J p;rlL ) Is Lept , tit e In tI te sla(' t and a1ll hom oS i It fo r it-D lld II pn rl " H e Rnlel t h€" r('I)O\'t that h e Willi t.'nlIetic Iln edle, wh ether eust or w est of nortb , nnd 10n ~ltlld' j ) 6 , d grees 4:; Wall r III d b gag tI t o 111 hurl uol xl(' nrl od his credy s I'l t anI start over IIga n. ella, w ell I I nrh Ita , sho 1I\'!!s In lliE> ' I h e polllr (llreotlon; second, as 10 Its rnlnul'es lind 48 second s wes t, of Greell' a It as much us he hat! h opod ror ," Th E'S W ro th~ thuught.H s\lI'glll J: CUlm t ry . loo-nnd sh" has IJrown hall -dIll or IncU.atlon toward tb e center wlch, ' t tbrough lal'k's tulnd liS he wa~l",d li ke YO\ll's." When Callt. Amundsen has su cceed· I I f I I Where He W ins down I Ie JOulevard n l eI' IIIlP r II" Uti ' " Yon must be QlIl et now," she sai d, . ed In making up hl~ re~or d s , t he · reJ h Th e qllh-' IIl rl n SliCC ~srully for a ob ns . conc man a sli ght flu sh com ing to h<'r fn ce. f . II f III I I suits, If ol'l'ect , wfll show t.h o jlreaen t ~ 1 1I\r \\ jn nrl''''" C::lm e 0" t ll (' swam es I '" lOS "n J~n' r.\' 11 a." a ~ !l:rca t. box of t he most I l ilt i n til \\"tu'ld : l oca tion of the SUfl llos'd north mag· to onb 1 th f I' Hu t. J Il!=a l I h ~ fUll1\ t!, ace oru er d tIe ,oroug lore, , 0 <lxrJ\ll sit" fl o w\, I's I tl Y o n th e' chair n() nr n elie pole, "nd th o distance It hilS \vas III t!'r ly dl scollrageu, hOllrtsl 'k the h uti o f hi s b cd - n lHI IlH Bon n 115 1'h4 ' lIi Rr), k l (' \H..' r'u trav eler! since .Jllne, 183 1; rrom which d I II I k I \\' , Itl l ' IL rt ' \l HO , do w~ary- Ie rell y WIIS S C , a · h o cOllill ellt I he chol 'st frU It.s,' w re J ~ 1'I 1I ~~ h i m tllO I H~!l l Illso Ihe, ralO or progress mllY lIe ap- t IlougII I l"l cIII ( not k now I t . -1'11(> roar brOIl"hL to him, In ou r lw ): !! ItnuHco IHnxlmlll el y nlade UIlI , whil e at tlte f th l It I d I I li I " , - Ilou ~ lH II °'.l 'II Hl. sallle tim e It will b~ ullder stood that 0 . , g l:~a .c )' r elic I e 1 S rcr ,' aI' S I Prescnlly, ono dn y a la ll. whl1!~ and 1l1! ' <1 h l~1 with 81 k eolu g disgust h ', l l l'nrl n,all, wflh -11'nl ght thin 'IIrs th e Ulnj;n 110 11010 hils b een lra\' ollll ~ I I hi C One Way Out, nn llnblnzed and Ilerhnrl& very ane onl nh . and gra " Rlde· whl si{l:rs. ('H ill ' In to over ~ FOI' II 1111 " , wh ll o lhey were be~ or a slId,I -' n above tho din of oom· I . , u I 'I I r i b 11 see him , allli on h i s arm l ea ned II radl· crDoked trail from long beror I ~:l l t wcon lIevll und tho deep Beo.. lind l aavl n" t ' m. merco an I lQ (l ang ng a II arlll IJ 8 antly iJl'aullflll gir l. to tho V", escnt tllllO, 'I'1 1('n tl!I( an go t her eomo ~ '" and th o ba!)ble of the ne\'er ·ond l ng )Ioral'Y ,norlh IlIsgnc Ic pol e by tha . thrrn !~ , th ere' nrosl' a I'lc~cln g shriek "Yon sav ed ill Y ,l ntlghl ('r'H life. " dreS~l' ~ nlatle, alit! \1' ilt down to the , tho usand 1111 along Ihe line. -thtl cry of a 'YOlllan In IlInrtRI Ip.r. sul,1 the lIlan . In :\ \'olc, ' h e "alnl y Th ci Tel' anl-Tha l- ce ll ar I've rented lalt 1'. I.l will b e noUred rl'om Dr. Schott's ror. Mark Rll'Di:;b tened his stoopIng tried to k eep st eady, " Aurl ,I ill It. sir, ot!' rUlI I ~ f ull or r n.l s: Uu t tll O nlan, IIrler SOlll tJ heslLatloaa. mall thnt th o magu tl tl c Nurth Poll) Is shoulders !llId fae d lI)Joul townnl the at the I'lfi k of you r own, I am II man L ~I~ tl b t d- On."a! t;nodu (\s:;, mnn: w ent to the {ormc,'. -Puck.. not to ,bo rOllnd ' within 20 degl'(1es of direction of the Sl'rcams, now rapidly of Bam m ml ll s, a nd 1111\'(' 1I f,: rl"al ,ll'n l \\'h al ri., yu u ' XllIl ct 1'01' lis, a w ee~ He Never Tackled One. the geo." rallhlcnl l'orth Pol e, q'h ;' ,- {IJl1Hoachlu p;. Added t.o tho ~ (! renIll 8 or Intlutl nce In t h e Illialncs); world, \\ il i l ;n lco'! "I'll, \\, u" Solnnwn I' all y the wleest rore, liS th e cllrlh lul'Os around nn its now soun derl the dattor of wild hoof. All I have-my Influenoe anil llIY nH'n· nUIiI thr.L (' \" '\' IIv etl'l" TI,e Russ i an Cen eraJ. axis, th e mag-n etic North Pol e' d So beats, nml Ma r k spran g to th e enrb, er-aro at your comm and, You ' nre, " ll ll !ttl" thUl I'epu tllt!r)ll, but of "J l1 0 1101 (('li t t il" (0(>," h ~ :'II~I (l. wa s' 'llllsllln g a YO llng man . Ch oose your car PI find cl' lbes a circle arullnt!, t h e geog:'aphl- fronl ,\'lllell lllO cro'''d " " T q w :lr I 'm n -: dly pHI'lI :lI. ('o u r~a w e f'an u e Vfl r s~('l1n ,; llny proot cal l'orth Pole \'el'y dny, Con se. wildly bnck, 1 will s c thal eyp I'!' obslac le Is r eo AJt IIIlIl~I\ I "hh'I'I' ,.,u tll (' \\ Il~1 dr ad. lha l h(, ('''II Ir1 have rlllh olllCel the (III nlly, In r:ddltlon to Its r egula r line Th e sight Ihat lilet his vision was movcd frnm YOllr palh . Whul '10 you ' T tN oil 'ca d of n.. l}\ll' ~ ·m l trl ' I.lI . '" . nll':\lIlr.)! tlf II l'aill'Onll tin le·table " 'First Dip Circle, (Norman'., 1576,) of trav I, the mag netic North Pole Bueh as 1.0 ' bl alwh his faC'e, There, deslro most Alrl.l CI tly, 1IIy son T ' - \\' uHblll~,o n lH,r . 'Jii ca;;o 'H ('c ord ·H L'I'a l eJ. may be said to "w('bhlc arollud ," scal'cel;' a hund rc(1 yurds di stant. lind MIU'k ;::1Ir-ed Inl o th Pllrn cs l eyos 01 Papa's V i ews, ~f tho earth,' and, third, as to the In· Ih b I ling 0'th e I ftl l and n ~ nut thIs need not 'be look ell U/lon llS dashing loward him Ilk. Ih wlntl . e man f'! Il . er . k, Good Measur., PrN,IY \)11 11~1t11'1'- llu l whnt obJec· ten sity of ~he force whlcb draws the hi I was a 11alr of S)lllmditl bin k Iforsp8 pecullnr whlm stca l ' ~m fle, ltnhltual to " I c gu t ilium I hUll be bar" ulned!Dr: thlll l oa VL' )' '' 11 III n (!I'!;\', lJH 1,\J ? li e's needle downward or toward II fixClI erl'lIt1e, ns UlO geograp cal pole 8 I I II h know'lI also to wobbl around a'a Ini. on a full gallop, drllgglng baek or lIlem 11m, II!ay,tl II lOUt. I S mout . wi",,, .h ' l1larrl C'd he,r," as hnlll'nl :lH I h ' !la y I ~ lUlIg, ' " 111' v m09 t ea rn (l o~ t dnnl Is to eno 110Iut ",hen dlsturhed, A magnetic 1I'lnllry central IIno lying In lh'J gen. a magnltlc lit carr I age, Th re was no ~, re ~ "How 's that 'I " 1'11 1 :l- T)1:tI 's JUSt 11. lJe will h:;\'o north I)ole Is found whenever tho tlrlver ' on the front sea t. but on tho Ihe c'ornll c lds lind to smell Iho applo " H er lll tl1 hcr rame to' IIV9 -wIth n "Icul~ eral (lIr'ictfon of t he )lole , . tn hU ~l l o -ul ... ,:" 1 In urucr to sUPllon mllgnel I c nee dl ellaI n ts t I~rpen.. Qr· , , back scat wa G a b6lluUrui young girl bl08soll1s In the orchard" anll 10 sl eop theCl ,"-Houst on Post. Iy. to the horizontal ,plane oC tho After tbe mll;:tnetlc pole hilS beeD with lorror.stl'lckell oy S Rnd blood- In my OWII h od In th e lillie hnck room, YOll , -CIII('u" " lJai Iy N E' WB. I face 1'hl" "tlIII" or do~' n deOnltely located, I.he questions will A Succe ~G, ear th B B Ir · . ~ n • lesB race hanging o n to th o si de of and to c at SO Ill > of Aunt 1\llIrla's corn MaGs backs, ward pOinting of the needlo Wll8, !lIe· arise 88 to how Il got th re, how Illn!: ' I tI If I ~ •• Wlfe- \ ('I'en ' l you u\\' III y frlght" Yel<, tbl'Y UI'P ' "lnomb ers or th e covercd by RoberL Norman, a seamlln I t has ~o n thol'e, and, fin'lIl1y, wbll~ 18 the v (lhl cl o wllh strain i ng mn se l s ~' I brea( -an to s,-,e enr (ltt ll- mos H. nn nd. ~ I' HI' . wh e n you nu llu yn ir llr!t " . 76 '1'1 Lhe 1:II' l se of It, and wby Is IL any, tbe cnr rla& swayed vlnlp.ntl!' hack all" to I!ee \Ienrl eua, anti 10 ularry slllRrl sot. " and Instrument ma",er, In 1F" Ie ani:! rorlh, nnrrowly ml ~s ln" oth er ve. her ," " !lUi Ih er do n ot ilPllcar to bo very 111'11 LIC'nl :;p ceh til otl.\l'~ uh, bt·! ~covery 'or the "dip" or the neeUl p where at all, blcl E'S whl h were scurl';' lng Ollt or All of which c~ma to pass. nn d lha l J(jllular~'1 ('aDdidat~ Y c s, buL I I,(ot t h rQugll , he1petl tlle enrly IlhlloDO))h erli to ~he way to the best I1blllt," of th e b;·ldosmal". was I hI' (laughter a mil, " :--;0, Y()li ~n" rbey are n\l!·rashlon,,(j sar Iy . . WI f< _ :l.fely '! br nli. away fl'OI11 lhe Icloo that the ,Nothing Doing, drl,vcrs allrl cbaulTeurs, i llonllirc hankl:r-.whl h rWed I [ nl'l()t. anl l (II 11 I I' ,Ih-vo III dl III' '1'5, UNI atll'actlou for t:lte neodlo' was In the He hlld mnlle IIl'lIl, m i nd to proposo Mark saw Instantly that the horeell l La wil h lInspABkablo j oy, anti all hor ,LrIl Ht~' li)l' an ybody ( ':u(II"ll l.e-Y es., bl'fnro ... all 'l "!~ IOU(ln al InEan!.;!, heavens, IIn'd tlspeolally ID the reSion al)d prOllc!lde<l lo renl bls way. \\.mld dash npon th' sidewalk nE'ar I frlellds with corresponding ollvy. , :.-"lIetl fm me lo sit c! wvn,-- Dotroll C I c. "-4 lo li ' 11 I ' nt-\t~ of bho I,Hlar ,star, """'111 clln--er-malce gcod bread, l' tbe very Sll Ot whore I\!' " loQd, and that I ________ Fl'O Pr !Itt. !"'t.:sslrnlst ' e,. Tho Chinese knew the aUractf"\'o SllllpoJ~e 'l" he remarl,ed, 'h" ;:arrla~\o "',lull! br, wreck ed and Ihlll Where America's Ahead, or COL.rse, ... Df", ['I' l\"H t \" ~ \I( h :. p '.'s3i m tst es power of the lollee',imo De early AS tbe "C II , I sUppOSO 80," she 'repllotl, "but qlrl th. wn (JI 'and I'robubly klilcd . Only 13 Iler c pn!. of En;;lIlth clUes "Dol'S the av rll ' man >lw"ur "Ilea , lIl!cOnd century at (h 0 ChrlaUan era, I ilen't llTOpone to do It. The -lIInn I Instaat1, his las~\I'It!o vanlabE- d nnd IInder 7:000 \Iop~, lation bave tram., III : hat f<'lI p ',T !,I ns'!" "V,-s I .,, ',-. IT ,1I<,\'e his Idea of be Ht(\PS on Ii til" ;:: ' nnll In the seventh century the Jalla, marry will llave sumclent coin to en' the old life nowe~ a,;aln In bls velne, tbe United States the Ilurc~ntaglt II hnn"· .. ' , 1 11l ~, I hat IfI -1tn\·" d witb "~ur.,; If he d ; ~n't ho \\' uldn't b. neae bad a carl devIce on whlc\l was nblll us ta 1l:ltronlze a bilker."-()blc. IT" knt. 1HJrana-oono bctte'r-nd he. 1 just (our times 118 lar~e. livid IJri' ,., " -Puclc. tit" B,'era;r'J l:Ia.~ " - ll<lIwlUD Po.L • masniUcI polllUnl IOUlh. I KO uaUy l'\ew,.
had m y till or m ll nk~ld , :llId my 'alii,,'!; my on l)' frIend , And 1'01 wal Ii!!:" here In th e H[\gtl bru ~ h, f OI' tlll JlId>;lmn t Iht' 1..0,1'1 may lend; Th ey'll find IlI IJ d Clld III Ill;' "'''gur. , :!: It'~ I''' Clfl I hl' hflltojlK bro wu , But I 'rocku n I'U rile u s easy UK I would In a hr cl tn to",o. -D~over H llUu llcur
I bav
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P" ri"lIt i~ I ton to 1 \ tonI< of creU1l1 fl.SyCLZSeeSo TIll' Inhu(Wll llt the (,f1 o rm nu ~ )Iric I ubUl h,,1I W"C_I , , I ".I~ I ..•... tI1C. (lhlo flC l:i . III worth t:I OO .OO. The lOY. !nl\" ,If ('ream at Mlo AV rllge prielU ..l. 'I'. U\iUW !' _ l ..:1I1I(\r:. unci M 'll1 ill!f1n· nl' (' 1'.'11111 II' worth ' \l2~ , A u,CI. ttWtc'" \1 . ~l tJh '" r \ " h l' I' fi gureR IIrp btlrd for us t o ~ KA . 1' . ~ . H K IIW N . ;\ H'" "' lAT. Ilj, UITlitl Itn,lfl r " I'l11d . Bo wnvllr t.ho furlll e r .,.... - - i- In IU\\' U 1tVC It (1 08 CtU" " IIf Ihn futll re who mu"t bring him . t.:!.ft" year If IIOL paid tit nth 'ane !:IuIC 10 Ihn !\oienllll C1 fllrminl( WIll . - - - - - - - - - ;- B I Lu IN' ·' , 11 I1rl e r ~ t>Ln ' l them hotter t hon WI'. "F FIl ' E IN A LI~ E . v ·UCl1lt1l. tho l'n w i t,hu ml}~t eon· 'I' ':: uElP~OjlfE eJiLL •. NO, IlllI ienl prolt\ll('ur of onr fllrm lin "'UII, ,i lllul . \V .,r n th i~ lIUt. t rnu " Il l! 1I~:U S Jo: ' UAY NO \'~:M Il t:1l I I. .. wOl,lld nnt. b reIgning S LlprI III '·he h i~h prioed I,m d urounel our Problems in Dairying. l u r~er citi ('s. Lot us oOll" idur a few 1ll0 r l 'll n. iOlll fA t.~ . 1'b re IR all Discussed by E. S. Guthrie of the m uc h nourishment, in 1 qt . of 5.11" llI i1k II th I' is in 1 lb . . of beef Ohio Slate University at CroBs Hall. ~ t e llk 'o w whAt does this menn ~ If /I 00 '" 16 giving (l000 Ibs. of 5 Mr . E. tl . l~uthri e, of the Dtl lry mi lk por year whioh every COW Department of tbe Oblo 'tate oi "hould produco, She is produoing versity, addrel'8ed UD in t.ereBt llrl lIS much nourishment £I S Cfln be lIudlllU(,;1l on " T h" P,'"bltl11111 " f til found in 2500 pounds of beef steaks. Dairy" Ilt 'l'''~'' li,,11 Fr,da y even· It wonlLl ttlke four or five s teers to InlC . Llo it. AII'. t;uthrle 1M vIsIting different The labor proposition oom}lllcatell JIIIrtl' of the Stl!.l6 in the Interests tb " . . e ulurYlDg b us les n s, nev e r th e IIf beSter ule\bodll of dalrylng~ less t ho cow is b er e find she is here He ill well iIlformed on the sub· d airyman who jeot Ilud presents it in a praotlCal to stay. And the posta bimBelf on the best methods IDanner. of seleoting for his herd Tho~ who were present at . th m n Ilnd ,. caring III win A gr .. t 18 e a Wuo w . . ,..a the meetmg at CroY Hall Friday many condemn the business whore nigh' maniflllted 'he greatest inter· it is their fault in not having good lilt in hla add1'988 and the disousalon herds . which followed was very generally ti I ted In par 0 Ill' . ECZEMA and PILE CURE Mr, Guthrie submitted a large FREE Kuowlng what it was to auf. diftgram .i llustrating his remarks on fer will give FREE OF CHARGE to mill(· tests, thorough milking; eta, allV nfflloted a positive oure for Eo. '1 i k f h d 'he m I r om tree OOW8 owne zoma , salt rheum, erysifle!as, piles by Mr . Gladman E1lI II , of the Bell· and skin diseases, Instant relief. brook pike, showed tbe following Don 't suffer longer, write F. W, teets : WI-LLAMB, 400 AIanhl'ottan avenue . f FI r8t cow ml Iked t h e m orDing 0 New York. Enclose stamp. • November 8 produoed 3.6 llounds of s 10190 . t.ed 6 6 t h Ut h Ilk hi t m w: 0 ·es , . per cen . '1 • ter fat. At the evening milking the N b d C allome oow gave 3. 3 pounds of milk, 0 0 Y ares.
Mose Cohen Dayton I
Seller of Goodqothes
$'10.00 812.00 I.'l! 00 , .., 15. $18.00 $20.00 $25.60
Funeral of
.o. J. BUfrtett.
The funeral of Mrs. O. of. Burnett took plaoe from hor late home Wedne8day morning, large oon· course of her frlonds and neIghbors gathering to pay the last tribute of
CUt' rd' vlu NIj,r)Jles. All Boon all tbe ollila is dbhe nUrtl, PERSONAL M·ENTION Ing applv Ol.II~m berls,i tl'" ~"lve, Wipe It off witIJ.1I ~ 1I1 I, doth h .... II'" No hunting ou my IllIm \1IIL1lw nll owillg thl! olnlLi t,1I nl.rKe. Mlmy t,rllillllu UUI'~e .. llll thl" with thd ·peuR.lty of thA 111 w, b , lit n 'lInl! !!. Prioe Il& cunts pAr box. Gl;:onOE W. HENKLE. For BillA by It'. U ::)( h wllrtll ' No hunt,lng ou my furm, under peDl~lty of the law. Chna.OIark. Trespassing Notices Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Burnt! visited Legible 14lgll11 printed in large tYl~e Xenia friends Thursdl1Y . on hel\vy mu"lIn, forbidding hunl · Ing or tr sp"Hflltl g, for ~lIl e at the Thoroughbred youn g Plymouth Gozetto offi ce Rook Rooaters. very oheap if Hohl ~;;;;~~~~'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~ soon. Carl L. Duke, R . F . U. No. 4. Waynesville. t. d 1. Mr. and Mrll. Carl I::Imltl\ have moved from the Nathan .lones fltrm on ihe Spring Valley pike hi Mrs Mary Upp's property on Tblrd street lu Wayne!lvllla.
respeot to her meniory. Rev. J , },. Cadwallader badoharge M n' and YCluths Suits of the servloe and epoke frum the Men's and Youths Ov'coats text "And we all do fade as a leaf." Mr. Whittier Burnett reacl the Why not make your purohases following booutiful trib\lte t.o her from a store that se118 goods dlreot memory : from the wholesale ' manutlloturer ~ Cllthluine W, Burnett was the da\lghter of Daniel L. Munger and I Say that you can save $2 to Sarah Ann Munger, She WaR born $5 on your New Suit or t he t·wenty first of May 18,&4 on Overcoat Ylluk 0 Street. Her entire life was . spent in Warren County,Ohlo, with. Thousands of Othe r Economical io a few miles of her birth place. Mr. F . K, 3tafford who was super· and Well Dressed Men Do. ' he died ou the fifth of November Intendent of the Corwin Sohool la~t Not You? ·1 hlOti nt tbe age of sixty twu Y8llfS year and now has a slmtl,ar position 'd I. Ii ve UlOU t.hs I1nd fourteen days. at Payne, Ohio, reoenly recel ved H n Men Bress :i nrt;s 4110 IIl1d 0 c F increase of IIIllary ·from the board of Cost you $100 and It :'lO ElIRliwher H As 1\ ohild ' she attended the Ive eduCfltlOn at that plaoe. Mr. Stllf I' YO the larg6l!t hilt storo in Dny. Point Diatriot sohoo\' Later abe tou All of the newes t hats are sold taught there I\nd the ' memory of ford ia a bright young man RnLi his here "at"2 ' "', $3 nn d ... .. ", "r. o E veryone, friends and events aSilooiated witb friends at Waynesville aDd Corwin guarant9ed for six mont hs. th I I . d will be pleased to bear of his ud . DAY'roN at p ace a ways remalne very vanoement. dear to her, ~he Ilttended the Na· tionlll NQrmal University at Leban- In Praise 0- -f C - h-am - be - r-Ia-in's Cough f . ., on, and although her plllOs for ex· Remedy . J : tended study wore never r ealized, There is no other mediOlne mll'uu, ' n nTH!!!" . I"URNI~tIINO~ . . she oherlshed throughout life a faontnreclthat haa received 80 ml,uy . Gold Boud CouponEI with all pur· sympatby for eduoational work and expressions of grlltitude al! Cham. , ohl1ses , an interest in IlJl aobievements of berlain's Cough Remedy, It is Ilffechuman thou"'ht. Reading wns al. tlve, tlDd prompt relief follows Itli • use Grllterul pllrenta overy where ban d , and she IOVEld him - God most Ii passion with her ; and she do not ~881tate to teijtlfy to Its mer. . " ,\ knows why or hOW, for Burely to an never felt lonesome us long as sbe Its for the benefit of others. It itl t~ onlooker It seemed a8 if there WIlS had good Ii terat,ure Many friends oertalD oure for oroup aud pn· ,Will be paid to' any per.sop nothing to love, but muoh to Induce she had . and she always enJ'oye<1 vent the attaok If given lit t e first I who can find one atom 61 I thO d d' ~ appearanoe of the di86lllle . It il! . ellal ' L!!_!.. oa 109 an Isgust. haVing them call upon her. If she pecillll.v Ildllpted to ohildren as It is . opium, chlor , morp1llW',' Her grief at his death Wll terri· seemeclat times to negleot the reo pleasllnt to take and oontllinll . noth cocaine, ether,chlorof~rm, ble. She refnsed to be comfortod, turn of aoolal oourtesl es, it Wl'o!i be· lng, injurions. ~r . E. A. Humphreys heroin, alpha and beta euin dee d there WIlS 11 tt I19 one oou Id say cause her time \Vas wholly de voted 1\ well known resident Ilud clerk in cam'e, Canna'bl'S l'ndiea, or the store of Air. E Look. I of Ahoo. that was oonsoling. Bis hlld beeo to her m lPazlnes and llllll.ers . ..:I. t f .. Cal>e Oolony , South Afr ca, I<t1.Yil: chloral hyw'a e or any 0 II. WtUlted life. Evil had predomiu · She .nub ml'rrle(i ~o Owen ,I . Bur. " 1 hllve us ed Cbllmberl~iu's Cough • ~~. ateu , It oould not bu said of him net.t. on..tho s cond of" Fe bruary 1 71. Remedy to ward off croups and their derivatives, many as It is sometimes of a nl~n who Is Their first hom e WII.9 on hili farm colds in my fl~lDlly . 1 found it to of Dr. Miles' Remedies. k f '11 d . I bl be very stl.tisfllot~ry lind It glve8 This applies to good,S in wea a WI an serommg y una e near Lytle, Ilnd here they II ved for me pleasure to r600fDmeud it . " of whioh 7. 6 per oent was butter fat, Pub IIsh ed at t he request of the W. to govern his apptltlte, that he WIIS twenty three ylmrs . This was" Ume, For all-Ie by F . V. SobwII-rtll. ol'iginal packages, unopand the following morning, Novem · "good. hearted" N ,, ~ t even t"IIt •- _ ened, and not tampered c . T . U. of Waynesv\)le , U of caro and toll, yet It was 1~lso a ber 9, 3.8 pounds ot milk tV8ted .0 negl\tive virtue was his . And, talk . i f d h i 8h A Happy Day. Wl·th. Certain unscrupuA sad incident ocourred ,in our t me 0 peaoe an app uess. e per cent butter fat. town not long ago, that led me into ing with 11 rell1tlve who CIlme to bore her share of work In olearlng Thut'lldllY wa~ Il happy day to Bam 10\1s persons are making The second oow at the milking the 0. train fo thought lit onoe Baddening see her and who. through his own the land , and In erecting' the new Meridth, the genial member of the false statements about morning of November 8 gave 5..1 and~ yet iusplring. A neighbQr ot recent bereavement wail perhaps house IIond bolldings. Bere their board of electlrns. Not only WIlS these remedies. pounds of milk, of whioh 'i per cent ours, II. man, I have nown for a doz . more sympatbetlO than. others, she fil.mily WAS born and reared. And Mat Denver elected to ,Congr8lls bu' ''I have been troubl!!!l wllh a toll'. was buUer fat . At the evening'S ep years, while making a buslneB8 revealed her feellngsl.n these words here through patient labor they ful. a few days before a little ' girl ar. ~~. d~"t::' ~~o ~:t n~n~i mllll: 6.8 pounds milk contaIned 4.7 trip to a neighboring oity, suddenly "The hllrdest part of Jim '8 delltb filled their life plan of owning II. rived at bis house making thl'l third ~Mnrn ~~~ea~:"~;PaJ~I'~e~:o"'i butter fat. The morning of No· dropped down jln the street, dying. is my knowledge t·hat 1 am the only, home lind being mdependent In daughter. ~~~ul~~'J \h::ub~l~ am:a;~~deJu~~ vember 8, the , same oow gllve HaU t1.n hour 's agony, and all WIIS one who Is sorry that he is gone, ' their declining years. '1'0 them I had hl'Adll che .0 badl, I eould ha • pounds milk which tested 5. per over before wife ur friends oould N~body else oaresl 'rhat 's the sting were born six cblldren i Harvey, FAmous Strike Breakers. ~o~oe a~od ~~\. .~~.Hr~ ~ :::p~":J cent butter -r;:I Wall nil rllht, It wa. tbl .!InC ' fat . oome' to his side for the: fare- 0 f.i t. T 0 II.II t b ~ relit. hi e death'IS a Bownrd,' Ada, WhittIer, Mabel' and . The meet famous strike brPaker~ hours medicine to do me an,. A third oow during the IIIlme time well. rehef. I know It, !lncl I realize I am l::Iarah. She a mother'S OIlre to in tbJ! . l~nd are Dr . King'" N,. w i36tTtco~L~?j..!'~1I&4. pbJa. Pa. _ _________.,...~rl~:/o-,AJ.;.to.-p~loue of mnk t-ested 6 4 He hnd been what we 0011 a bad the only mourDer, Nobody but me her step son Stephen from the age liver and boWtItgo on a strlkll, Ihey D~. , MU..' Antl;Paln PIIII a,...W III/ of three yenrs .... ntll he becnme n qulokly settled the trouble. '1lI11 Ih,' 1'Ou~ drugglrtkWhO wUlIII . ",,~~nt.-ltllf a..' pe r cent·, nine pounds 5,01 per cent " man . Natumlly 8mart, he hnd abua· cares whether he hved or died I" .... .. purifying work goes rl'""t ou St's' the tll'St pac a1l8-W ....... t l"" faU., ha wlll ...turn.)OCHlr mOM r.' .... ... 8 , S poun d s, 6 .4 per ceDt t es. • ed his talents. He had not been They say, "Every heart knows hs man. All excel)t Howar~ on d Ad a oure for oonst.iplltlon headuohe t1.ud I!II do_. 211 cente. , Navlr ..' d n ....... The variations whioh were noted good to himself j he hlld been un. own bitterness '" To this frithfnl survive theirnl9ther . dlzzlne88.25, . MileaMedicalCo" E~IDd from eaoh mUklng are oommon to kind and unftl.lthful to 110 patient and woman soul the knowledge that her The 1ll8t faw years of-herllfe were 'a_'!t,!F,!,,!C,!,,!Bo!! , ,!h,!w,!a,!r'!t,!':':,!d,!r,!u~g~gI~''!t'!'!,,,!,!!,,,!,!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!'!!"'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!'!!!!!!!!"'!'!~ all cows aud Mr. Guthrie explained muoh enduring wife. Twice he husband's life had bleen so ~wor· spent In Waynesville; they were = tbat farmers should Dot depend had taken the sold onre for oon· thy, so profitlesa to ·h im and to the year!! of lel8ure and of quiet enjoy. upon a single tel!t, .~ oompnting the firmed inebrlty, and twice he had wQrld that no one regretted or ment. She was devoted ta hor hume amount 01 butter~ fu.t they were 8uooomed to an apparently unOOD· mourned his death silve the one and found her greatest delight In , , reoelvlng. querable ap,p etite, Whatever who hlld suffered so muoh in pride its simple domestic pleasures. She UOOK 'J{EEPINO and P1l0 NOCl HIII'IIV tal/lit 0111' bv o ,p e "l ~u c~ " ~eo cI!P J1!. 'I·IIPII,"n". As shuwlng the necessity of money he oould obtain WIiS 8pent and love at his hands- this knowi· rllre!y left it except for' short vl!llta of etudenlo In Ilnr! po. ltlon8. 1'erm. moderato: Il~.y UlP t loly pay men II ta\rn. ~""I~III' any tlmo. 51 pORltlon. for IIrndunl ... In July nlono. IIno I'Q'IHlonl Jail . I, 1110"0, thorongh milking Mr. Guthrie gave for liquor or at the gaming table. edge was her I·bitteru.ess." to her ohildren and relatives. One atodmlllctl Au g. 22, 1006. Wrlle A. U, WII.1'. Pr...Hlenl tor truo cn laloKu6. " a test from three cows. The first WheD h e did not drank he gambled, And Indeed there 18 something" trIp, however, to the Plloido ooast ' A College doing so much for others may be relied on to do much for you. . , quart of milk from each showed 2.2, sometimes he did both . In his cups unspeakably IIIld and l>lIthetio in the afforded her ' rnuoh pleasure, and 1.2ud 2.1 per oent :of butter fat he was often ugly, sometimes via· thouaut of dying, dl:opping out of she often expreBsed her oppreola. E. V. Barnhart, J. O. Cartwright, Jos. W. Hisey, ?4iss Lilia Githens rMpeo"vely. The last quart showed lent. His bloa.ted face and bleared life a8 a raindrop sinks Into the tlon of. the varied bellouty of prairie Edna McKinsey Ridge, D. C. Ridge, Samuel D, Henkle, Geo. A. Funkey, lUi, ',2 and 6.4 pounds of bntter fat, eyes made him .repulsive to look dust, leaving no trac.3 In the hearts monntaln and sea . ' H . Fred White, Gecrge Hess. The following notes on the dairy upon, and his well known habits of others. ,IForgotten like a dead In oharaoter, she was industrious, _ IIQbjeo~ were furnished the Uazette made it Impossible for him to ob- mtl.n out of mind" the Good Book and honest j quiok to appreciate '!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!'!!!!!!!!"'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!'!!"'!'!!"'!'!!!!!!!!!'!! byilr, Guthrie and are worthy of tliln perollUlent employment. saya, but after all the dead 'we have klndne88, capable of JJlJlPh self·sao~UITS-~ careful reading by all who are Inter The woman whom he called wife loved are not forgotten . rlfice; yet governlDIt her aotlonl by ~-=' ~ lilted tn dairying,: was te~ times 'too good for him. But for Jhri there ill only the feel· roasoD, rather tban byemotion. She There are two ,reasons f'lr the Fragile in .body and frail In hell!th, in~ that Il family di8gra~e Is remov· urged her ohildren to be at peace dairy IIonimal beIng here to 8~'y, sue took boarders to keep 110 roof ed, that a frequent o[luse of shame one with another; to' be honest, to CLOAK~ 111' IIhe is the greatest fertilizing over their beads, Ilnd not the loast aud u.nger hilI! paliSed out of life. I be just and to be true. dhe enforoed Silk Petticoats: One special for $5 that cannot be machine OD the market. 2nd she is of her 'Nark WIlS to wl1toh her hus · wonder Bun.etimes if deep down In her advioe by .the example of her excelled. ' the most economical producer of blmd t o !!ee that whIle under the tbat faithful wife's soul tbere Is not. own life. our farm animals . iulluenoe of liquor be did nflt 80 sometimes a bit 'of p;rtl.titude that Early iJl long l11n888, she real · The faot 'hat the cow bullda up misbehave himself as to mako t,he .J im's aocount with the reoording Ized that the help or know· the farm needs no 'further proof bouse unlnbabi tllble to those on liugel is closed and no more sins ledge woujd be uDa¥ai~tni, emJ ehe W!l ':Ve~!-, fortunate In purchaaing Underw~r to retail old than the delds about Waynesville. whonl their inoome depellded . Gtl.n be oredited Ilguillst him, I dp resolutely refused aJi medl.olne: 1 "taited one man ~t of town who Hundreds uf tiDl~8-lIterally-htld not impugn her slnoerity j it Is only Through tbe Ilow monthl of wait. p~~e ~~r §O~~ poiDted out & del~ of oorn whioh she sat up till' it pleased him to reel a ma.rvel to me tpat sbe could feel lng, her spirit ste",dlly grew In pa. produced 70 to 80 ' bu: per aore, A hOllle £It au y hour of tho night, I1nd 80 deeply whllt so lllallY would have tienoe an,d fortitud.e. She wall grate. few yearll ago under the eame oon "gathered bim in " and put him felt Il relief; and think "Oh the ful for all oare bestowed upon her, dltloDB with the exoeptlon of the to bed thl\t he mlght 'not didturb pity of it I" that so touoh devotion alid phe often with tonchlng gentle. barnyard mll.nare, he oould produce the house. &ores of tlmes .had she and l~y~lty should be given to ODe· n888, Bsked indnlgenoe fpr fanltA of not 'b raoed blm ,up after II. debauch, so l,lnworthy. disposition when her sufferings only 50 or 110 bushell. It ta Interesting to know the supplieu him with new olothes !lnd It may not be much of lin lucen.' seemed more than she could bear. ohemlcal faots in the dlilrying bus· found him something' to do, hoping tive to strive after rll~hteous living · ID' II r~r"W~ll letter to her onil· . $1.00 buys nice quality. In8118, so Ie' UB compare the .some agajust all hope that at lllst Jim becllulle of the legacy we leave in dren she ·d8ll1~red. tnat t)Je flolden of our farm I>roduots with the avo really meant to reform Imd that he memories to our fritmds, yet who Rule was a perfeot gui\ie in life, and erage oreom. When we sell one ton would stay reformed . of us · would like to 1'ee) that if we asked tha't the twenty third PlIIllm l$he loved him . Loved him In died tomorrow someone would say should be read her ' funeral : She of olonr hay .as muoh fertility These are growing 'in favor each seuon. leavel the farm In that one ton as spite of his unworthiness. She was "Nobody oares. " Bald j "Death was no terror for .me. in 11.11 tons of oream. The ' oream BO loyal she would not allow one I believe it to be a holy and nocesVelvet , Tapestry $12 75 $1~ 00 $20.00 t30 00 (20%)' at 22, the average prioe per word of fault to be found with him . Bad a 010118 CIlJI. sary pr~vlslon of nature, Remem. Body Urusaela $25 .00 $35 00 h,grain $500 $800 lb. of butter fat paid by Frt'noh In her presenoe, More than onco "A dangeroUIIsurgioal operation, ber that the greater part ot our ,reI. Jute $ 300 Broe, last YMr is worth over *680. 00 well mellning but meddlesome invol"lng the removal of a m~Ui" atlves have orbB8ed the mystlo river i. e. as' muoh fertility leaves the friends 'suggested that she ought, naDt , ulcer, as large as lilY hand, with tbebo&tmap Mie with muff. from my daughter's blp, was pre. ' 1"- .' " farm In one ton of olover 'hay as in for her own su.ka, to le~ve him; v~nted by the applloat,ion of BllOk. led oars; and 40 not ,rlove torme. over '580. 00 worth of cream, The that t.he law would recognize her len's ArnlQa Salve," says A. O. •' . ~ ~~ p'e!,~st ~l~ ~rices, silk 37 .1·2~ yrd wide ,1 oomparlson of ourn a)ld oream ill right to Il divoroe, and reminded Stickel, of MiletuB, ' W . Va.. ··Per. W to Cur f (,0 i ti her how much better she cotild do IIlstent use of the Salve oompletely a r e , or nst Ill' ~~. • dollars is Iells t h an .. 18,00 to ovel:! cured It. to Cures CutSI, Burns ,and Half a pint of. hot water aken '1325 (oorn 500 per bushel.) Oatil by herself. The lIame person never Injuries 260 at F. C. Bohwartll half aD hour before breakfaet wtll . ;'0{ etraw whioh we oonsider almost interfered a seCond time. She d Ii usnally keep the bowels regular. rugg II • HalBh oathartiOll should be avoided. valu&less compares as followli jane fla8hed out flame pllB8l0nll.te. Indlg. When a pnrga"ve Is needed, take ton of oat straw to · ~21l!l worth of naut rejoinder that made tbe of. Chamberlain's Bto~h and Liver oream. A ~reat deal of ~obaoco is fender I\polOiizo for his blunder R. • • ATlIAWAY, Tabletl. · They are ·mUd· and gentle raiBedaround here and it requires and resolve to mind hiB own busl· Waynesville'. Leading Dentist in their aotlon. For sale by F. C. t rloh land. No ,woDder for the oo~· DeliS In the future. ~e was her h\18. ~~Kel.' Bu~. .' .:- ~&IIl~. ~Jl."ar~
' $5 000 'Reward '
COTTON and WOOL Advanc'e d,
tQ Suits
.50 Suits
Ladies Misses
Silks are very Saleable Cltiffgp Hosiery, Gloves, OOFsets,~a, w~e8t itQC"~ .
HutcbiSQU 6t ,eibn¢y. X¢niu 'Obio.·
··~c~~~ , ! t"l·r·t-'-N"I:·.·w-~"~:;;"-_n·,·,·,·~"q·J"fl"l t·~·l·III' I' 'I'·'I Ii'T·1t·lrmli\ii ~i i;il tl-I,·,"':~;'r":"'·:"'~', '-F·o·r·n-l·e·r~R·e-·id-e·l1·t";'·'O"'f---'"""!r--·F-O·(j·t·b-al·I·I-F·a-t·a·l·i·t·i ~~nC""n"'
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Lus t w eo k \\'ll tt MtrOU11 0 ns \~-e"k Huh' . MfUHw . II,,1 • A""' l1'" "',ii ,,".d Com mis sione 1l0'1 0 1l~ th eYlIpiis of 1,110 WIIYll e~\-i ll e rs ' 1~ mplime ntcd by ' d l KnowlI , 1j411JO. !nlf'r"~f 1""111 ,h .. 13 d"y hf I . ni g h sc hool tllree bnys 11 il)g ill jiJ r . I Mu~ical Journa l Procee(li at"~' :' Hf\p l fln ll". 1', 19M, I Itt f u,, ~ bnU , - .- - • T ho Etud . IH1 bllsho(l !lt Philndo l · . 11'\ 1 ' Tho~ , 1-1111'1111111 1"·lIlg" I" ··I/III . ·" i\J '-\01 l ' ·Rn.YUl o l1 d Dn "I~ Wit ' tho Hr.-t. vie tt'l' l'UOUIClCII IN('R, IIe I I ' , I P I II . on · 0 f Clltt1l1g' m n slcn ' , B "rt, } PI''' , IJI'l' dgu 1'l-'lIlil1 , tom injnriu g hi" IInkloqL1it e~ll\lo rl y , . •, "rnf'~ M I ,II II""'~ V" A . B , [' 111l1 0 . I 'JOl ll'UU]H uf tllo O it l \1 St.u.t('~ (on, th cn \ /. . rl 1 I .J hn Ct}!IlUlI)Il h nd h i". 111111 p,' I'Il. It I II " """, Ill" 1I; vH~" Q" ml'rll lll1Mn """ " ~::;t:; I ' i l ' , IInr 'I. , \ ' , .1 ("10 0 13 ' I lllt~ la~1 IS ~1l13 Jl ]ll'ogrilo l ZI·nt IJ H,,\"l·l' . hridl!H fl ' bl'o ken jnst It bO " C' th e \\,ri_ t a nd flit 1Il1 "~"(1. plltr l'l Ilct1 rl l,>ld 1.1" "'''' '' "1 i,U : " r u lIIusica l re c'ltlil. nJ'l'(1u" od hy lill y .J ohn ,' tnll l' ltc l'l'.\' 11/\11 IJi A 1I1I!! ( ~ ... ".rl .1ury f ou nrl Ulrt1H illdict J I L illol. :\! (· !\:n \, . IIf X "uia IInrl 1)1'11 IWIl . • 13 ]1 , )I , itl'iolg<, 1·" I' . ,jr~ ~ ,~ r , ( 'lark '. . I 'I HI t' III IlHlIIIIII L: , 11 " L ("11 1" ' 1', ,(, II t p " """"'" 1'"11 1 him" .'\ ll Ilin l)l)Y ' III'l' ' e tr lll~ 11 Ili tH! \1 'ii, I. f ~'"A>I R , H ir"olw, I .lr. " .... C'" 1.II I J, D, KIX"" , I' \. p" " ' ~ Turt,ltl, UUlllv J' I l 'U IIlI,hlll\, II I", t " I'min!! ii, . "I ~ 11 1(' Y /Ill ' 1 11'1'11 , IO U I II , 11 0" 1, I11' ~(' 11 "1I1nn t~t. H1 r-- .d ... n' II •• ... t.tdH ('rt'pl, 'I, .... . , .. .. '.. ... .. ..... . f tl 3 UO a lll(lcl e l 1)1',,1'., 1'11111. I WIl t'RO o r l e o xpc r e nttu " .. ·fl. ni. ·.1 ",,,I 1"''')1' ''' cli "'lrihnt,i · ,11 V,.I Z, 1It. "",'y ' '" 'ulI ( r lll.t. 2:i !lt l'. \I CKH."'~ III UII\, rri 11(1", II m Oil", ~- -. ~ - - ~ -----.. f t 111 ,01 .. 01",1.. 11. 11 1 Cl-' lIl1'nt " .. " " .. ,,...... GII 'l..' rI H rr;"oI (t l'~ will 1111 Jllnn~f'll I I) l'nOIlATE COURT. Be rt. It"e,·I. J .t. u~lilll!ll li l' U II . I.. llrn "I t d~ rnll r k of. "1'l'l'fWiltLin n of iti " I'l1'o)f l ~, IInll n il w h o know ]i,", \" ' ''11 PnmJl (Jo In ""lIn l'll' tm ll t Nil ~ .. " .. " .. ", .. ... him will Il ~ r np t.hAI thl' r o> ogU!llIITI I I••" \I\' lth th ...· ,. 'nt A " f Ar,llIlr L ~' o ll o llfllnoJ I'utl ur no w To Find Out, . r"l lIt ll'" 1-1""1 i. \\,AII m Aril u,l . I Fill a holt leor('''n ''JloJl g l as~ ",ith )'our .1"f'Ptl.lsd Snrvivin l{ !lII,mh" ,' "f Ilt U U tv " " " .. · ." ... "' ''''.'' a jfj wakr a ll,\ let it stall,\ t\\'c llt y.four !Jours: firm P'I\'" Ihn "'lmll1i~'. I'IItor *2!U, D, Hpj llJl~"\\,l) l' th . r"lJIIl!'~ : :t , ed illlelltor s"t · whu11. t.h'·. c uurt tt I'IHo"ve l ol . ,u1I1 nr I New Orche stra T,u" 1\'(; l't·pk t lillg il1dicate sll lI 'I ). tltl d ,II " ~. " hill " I' ~" IA d, .Jh·I' I'P'\ t" ,.111'_ . • u ll healthy leoJl , \V1I ~11I 1\ ~I" n tp " .... " ...... I :! :-.0 Being Organ ized : ~~~~ffI? ~" ti i ti oJlof t!Je ki d , .1, (i' . RI h . , ', mtl'u o: & Nil 11[,,, vi VIIII' I'M rfl\l'r \ II cys: it' itslll ill~ ( :, lJ. ~ ,!HIt vor , rll}J rti r ~ ];1..11:-1 wHIr Ii 1\(,: 11 i I is Lo('u l Inu .. j .. I\I \· ("'~ nr l-nl!lIUI,tl 111 r.· n"ttitfl : .. r R .. hp(~ n W, nl, ~"' l lI ,, " CC o f ki ,l· a.1 [,IJ i ll 11"J.!llnizln .! lin 11t:t:Ilf.J~trl1 HUC} 141" tl' """", .. " .... , """ ' " Wi"" 11'·MII~"iI . ~'ir .. t 111111 tlrud 11 0 II c\' trouble' t oo W . H , Ant.rltll l, liDO 2CRtltlll il eX JlI', :t til HII 1! 1I ~II!!P III "'l1 r H tll n ('''111 '"11111. "I' .. "I.tlpIIW Ilt. 1I1olt) frC''] II'' "t J~si re to pass il orpuill ell ~il vHIOIl~" for A u,l, in~ w int'Jr In ro tlppuillt tn!,nt ,If guurdhU l flf ill lhe bad:. is tor " "" .. , " "". " .. ,'" " ". " Am llnl{ t.l1lO"1i itl t o r fl~t AtI nr,· B ~ also COI1\'ill ci lt g' p roof t hnt th e kidneys Mllry 1£ UrJllldt n, Hn ~lIplI:ffi im\.m Lewl" Brllil: & Co., ~e\V,.r Buwll ll. Mi_~ &, Iit,h fe:.IlII,>. 'E rw!n' nn ,\ hladder ure tlUt o f order, ()Iltl CIIUIIA !let for h8llrinJ( N"vtlm Wlnat To Do. I",r 8 Itt. 10 o'olotlk . (J HU Rel<tl flild I'I tl t>lr~, ,tlld till' I II> rSlln~ e l 'l'!Jerc is comfort ill th e kllowled !:c so pip" " .." .... " .. """ " ." '"'' of tell ex Oregon in Brill "" en.. II nil I pressed. that Dr. Killller's o f IhA nr"oniz " lion III~nr<~s lin o r .E.. tlll" ", .Iuhn J) F"x •• 1eclfl"Fle cl, Swalllp- Root, th e wea l ,k idn ey r"lIIeLly. (l~ 11111111 0 cUlItr" ot Nil r; .1137 no c he~t1' 1l \\'hir'lI w ill h ,e " rr" dir t it fllifitl s e"t:n' wi sh III Cllrl ll )( rhcumat i sm. R"I'"r' of ""I" Ilt l)O'r"OIII" JII'ollf1rt ,v ' \V . I-J . :o; tilnll~O & ( 'i ' . '\V" .\ ·" """i ll " It ",j wltieh wi ll ll ps Ar\'p I'aill inlh e hac k, HilI .... kidll "),s, liver, bI31\,\er nit,,\. aJl ,1 c ,'cry part of lh " uri ll ary for 'r, ·u~ur,,,· ... ,,,,,,,, "" .. ~7 HII ,.Jl<' I ()~- "I -nl 'I" ,I·t " ,f , !lIB JI" ' lpl(' o f It cor reels ill abi lil\, to hoi llaSS[\)(C wat er Guo. ~~ , \' lI l1l1f,t, PX ,JI'Il"'ftH lUi fli p ( 'II U llnlU ll1 \ • . u"d >caldi n j( paill iJl'' it. or hud 111''''''''1. III V6111.1I1· ... 111111 l!fTcClf; fulleJ WUl J,! USc of liCluor, w inc or P""" . All.)' fllr 1I(·lloI,(·r ·1 ;,1) ,.'" .I"",pl' h
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CO RN E Hi:IIJ1I ,· unit ll'a n oy Grocerl ee, Frnil!\
'i!{ftI'B ' lInd
heer, !lntl
fllt 'll
.It} .. t.,.", Itf 1'"4,. U.h F"rtl. ,1 .. f *,II !'i I ' d F i r .. 1 ,,,,01 tilllll II. :OUUl1t. fllr ""ilk ", .. "I 111" lt E"IIIt'·" fur " .. t.!.lttlll .. n·t
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JlrUOllll"nll ll" ."" ...
'h,,". l:ilu!tIJ~, tilllli
cases, If ,You nced " m cd icin e yon sholl l< l Itll l'e t he best. Sold h y(\rug. :..:-i~t~ ill fi ft\'·CC l1l 311<1 o ll c-l lo l1 nr size s. YOll may· h a \'e a sU 1lJpl c bo ttle 0.1111 a 1,I)ok Ihnt tells all n ~illnt ill hnt h scnlfrec 1,1' I" nil. AO\ , lrl!.'~ (Jr, K iltJl" r & ell" Uin g-
lI c -
In' ,,sin ~
11 1
H. (l~I .. ' rn. d" , W,,~ltill ll l " " t.p . " " " .. ,," " u l ,111111 '1'1" " , n n · LeI. uU n .. n P,tle..... I . f-lll It . . ljhHl' ,
thnt unplea sa nt
is sn OIl realized, - It stands the hi ~hc!'lt fl'" ib wO lUl erful !C ur es of Hi e most ,its·
" .. .. .. , . .. .. . , . ....
1'. N. Will,u rMII" , I,.,plllr ..
III'L'" lit'
II. H' · llkl". 1'111"\" -,': 11" , , ,, . ,,, It lltl "XP"! I1 ... ~", . .. : . ... loj ';' 71' F. K Ut'l.d u l~ :0; 11 11 , h1t':i II uti e X IHJ h SI1r'
IlIlh lil'''III ' " f(l ..c!.
Q\"cn.::OItl C!i
cessi t \' .. i heing c 011lpdlcd to go oft cn 'l nr in~ t lie day, n nd to j!cl up In allY tin lc~ duri ng' the ni gh!. T h e milt! a lltl lh e ~"t ra"rrh n a ry ff ccl of Swamp . Root
·... 111
C. M. BROWN •.Propr ietor.
Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it.
111. ,,,1
gotlLul ell II ud Oa nned Good!; ,
__ _ T
Keep th1: Wa "f aoI
~" • •
ff'COmU1CI1l)~· 1 by slime OJ the IBrgO'St poulirym en as the mOI~ economi cal rootlng 1Il,,1 aiding for poultry houl\t·s .• lJ ~ol8. etc, SLln"I"1 anol elilphoaroia COlt lIIoro 1t .. ,1 I~' I 'lot keep the lJullJlng s 0' '\')' 4 •• I wann.
with r"olin" ~ .lln ('1\ h roll, It dnC8 Dot rClluire llllinl.ln;{ "'hI II f l'lt aplI li ·d . u .. .1 11 8 Ihlt. ::icIIII In,day fllr frco slImpl,·. ItI'll '''If 1".,1. ,ct.,
"Buildin g Eoonom ),."
For Sale By SPEN CER & MONROE .!~ .:...::-~ OREGONIA, OHIO ~~(I/IIJ. IT IS THE "KNO W HOW " In the manu factur ing of Paroid that makes it the most eco nomical a:nd satisfactory roofing or siding material on the marke t, Both fire proof and weath er proof. You get full value received if you buy Paroid. PAROID ROOFING PAINT. Makes old roofs new. Good on any kind of roof. Om' Flour mill has been newly remodeJed and th~ quality of our flOUl' is better than ever~ .,:'
, sl , t l "" h UlIlln n, >:. \'. \\'h ~' 11 Dome of SWan1p...Jt.oot . ~: · l lIt, · .. f .Inlll .. -Il! " "'1""", ell' truct N., . WI iliu,C l liClIliO IJ th i~ pape r and .1 ol1'l 1'.·,, ",·,1 ~'rII"W W " .. ,,,,,1'''' IInti InqueM t UV(, I' DUll y III .ltt\J II'~ make '''"' 11Ii>lak , h il t rem em ber th e MI' W II 0" ''1,(0", ,i pP" llit/',lnd 1I 1l",e. fl;', Kihi'i cr 's SW31I1P-RoOI. a n,1 Duherty , CU8t~ . ..... , .. .. .. II 00 lh e :l(ld rcss, UU1!lbuu llo n. N. Y. ml" i,/1· .. r" r ','1111 it.. ' f 110,000. St,nLu of Ohl " V~ (;U)' ,...t "v .1 .. 1", I'. I "" 'k, nlllll', '!'. E H ..nvl1r I;J n~l)U , Ofl~t!ol . . . . ...... ...... .. RIIII H III' I' " 1(,,1"'''11 IIpprul~erM Chilli. I:IIIrl,IU llo . cn,1trno t. Nu - - -- - ~--E.. t.llh, of Alb,rt Dill necRIIHt'd - I (Ji pl1l11LIIl" bridge .""" " 20 00 MIl,l t) Happy I'm Lit e Proof uf llUhhcat .ioD of noti ce of lip Perry Pe nce, c ntract II . {;ll'ellt lin)1pin .. s~ olim e into th e jlOlnl.I1...Jlt of ntlntl~i!ltrtltllr fli e d 3lllir~ t, l,stimnt e ." " ..... .. !H 00 h o mp of t; , U. Blllir. ~ o bool Bupe rin ICMt.l\tR 01 .'unteK Bflnnfltt ., dnCflllllf'd t., Albnn.. W, VIl .• . (,UI' tracts w o}re II1lldu f or luw her t e ntJont, nt· In v,'nt.ory IIDllllpp r.. i~elll e nt filed . ut 12,75 p 'r hl1l11lro wh nn hi " itt.l.lo d u ugbter WII S r oo d ]!l fel t o r un ~to r l' tl frlllU th drelltlfl1l o nmpla illt E.t,tt.f' of Cllthnrl nll Bu p.ok e r, d e Il er . IlQd la pe r lIundre d 18 feet or h ~ n!LIll O!.', 8 0 R I\ :V~ : .. Mv liUl e {It'II .... iI . Gporll" A MII AI1 I1r1l11nlliAr oYur . w it,1I :::. , K . ot A ph ll ll ~(III , illl c1l\ught,. r hud ::it.' Vi t,nl" IIP1)1'IIII;'(1 ""IIIlnll llrllf,III' wil.h !tond eon William •. Jr" B e n Mil l~ . •'rnnl; whirh yi('ltlnrl t.n II " trl'lI tme nt llut g- r»w "L-:uiliJ .,' \1I ')I'Stl nn lil ,,~ II III ~ I I' of 1141000 \\:111 R L4:>wi~, MI>rt DIIk Duke find Johu Sppnte r re~0 1't we trip,] E IH · t r lC B ltter~ ; 1\ lI d In 1II1II'Vl otlir Cmlr Hpprllh" 'rs G enerul Oo ntroot fo r th " re pllir It! 1 1'e joice tn ~II ~. th rlls hottlos !fa t A Y f BI d ' In I'H will nf H " "rI!O VnnDnr en . bridges Wi Lh E . W. DUllIfo ., ' e~lr 0 rd u" fld It Cn lnlll ... t ll pnr,'," Qll1 ck . suro' 00, nn r p fe r Il(l rv ou~ llo l11pilliul .~. gl n d ..oftl,,,,·d A Jll'l\on IIIIn ,I(>I FI,r h e lt f the IJo bflllOU allli ' hll,k e rt'l\vlI lh e your 1903 w Ilil ongb e rentem , pik e N " " ,1plJllit.y . fo m.tlo IIII! N"vA111!wr 10, lit, tn ,,'o lllo k . nnel wlle r e direoted nod ",it.h Will IJI' pltvr'rb lo ('l1 It!',,ncl II WOltK .. ,,~_e~ . hcre(l.'l l 0 hom e of F , N , Ttl.okllt no1 II . all\ r ill nI AlhnnCI3.,]{y .., as a Y,ellr of blood Cox on thA Ly t.le 'lDd Dtlytllll \Ilk I' G UIl 1'Jtnt p.l'n bY .F. ' 'Ch Whl t·z ,lru" wll\oh )lAlllllA lltc 1. '(lItN~ICII . flll\V~n so coplOlls ly fr om ' ~I ""n' P rice ()O. in Cleltror oek t. uw n ~ hip . Mr Tncket s lun ~:s Ihllt seemed Guy flrnlt.b , Aulnl'lfl, Itnll MII Y A. n fir . H e writes I "!!levore bleedin g Unntrno l IVn~ Illud e with &lllIer Hull, Mninov iilfl ." fr om th e lung!! 1I1 00'U frilbfnl ouug h bnd broul-;ht m El o.t tleuth's door, WI.lf,nn D . l::Iufford , &uth Lobuu , E. ::iheots fo r I'lll! pxt tlll Hlotl of \\' 1I1\M , when I helllln taki ng nr, K ings' PI', unll P t'rt,l" Ounnlu gh.!m. Lah ~ullrd rnlliu g m,uvro tection II 'nin ~ 1 . PH\' I I AN ANfI IWIlOt.:ON , N e .\, Disoove ry for Consum ption, 0 WIII:lh, nt cstirullt o of *2~. ~a ,1II'1" IC E ' H',,;,n f\ev CortJll'r IN AIltAN OLOOK wit,h th o nHtoni sbinl{ rosult. t.hnt nf , Cout.m ot .WIIR IIInd e with rhnrl('~ ~tlrolrl V.. n Btluren. Pitt,IIbu rg, It r l.nking fonr bottles I was oom· ' 70 pl e t. el~T r es torod lind liB t ime hO B Jll!. ,IID(t llllittlllA Milt! King, King!! l:Iender so n fur s t OIlA .. rel! on t.he • proven pormttn c nred. It Gunr· Mniue vill e & F usto r rond 10 I:Illmi! MIlia alW F. 'ilwRrlM nntaerl for 'ore Lungs, Cougbs Bnr! Io n IOWIIRh lp lit ost.intllt.c of *10~ :II, In 10 Cold~. nt F fl , tlchwnr tllllrn g store, Grll!lrl pe" .. and POIlr! On vl!4 , 001, t:ontrnl lt WIlS nlu,le with ' hnrl lltt l .. w . ..~ , M()O IU~ . I\ I'CCh'C l Pl'ico liOc nnd I t 00. 'I'rIBI bottlo orOft,' hI) th of Fr.m kiln fr.l'o . Ht'nd or!lon fo r ropllir of ,vlIll>l tnt h tl OtZO Blltt, lind Mra . AlID II Rich· culvert. /llId 1'1 ME (' A RO repair o f top, fnrni .. h· ':FF '·: '1'1\' , ; ,\I'HII , 1,'" 111(1t1 "fdB, bot,h of Mnin"v ille T log nnel e r eotinl! rllilill t:; nnd extru Not;'!''' 11i l'Nt) I, '",uk Sburnll rd , D llytnn, IIlId 11llls onry Oil Klrbv nroh lit Cllt.illllll .. 0 No 1 No . ~I Minnie Wharto n, Lytle of 122. i\ . M ". It' . l' )1 , Grude of Pluin nnll Fnncy Cheviot s, Ca8Blmerea and Warted •• a .~~ Fo r Fil'll m n an d Bmkem on . Ex , Ohule8 Grundl sh, Minull" liurlr, 1 1111 Coutruo t """S ulllde ~ith t ho Ore L eba.nnn J c Ar., :Hl 1" ~. arruyo f pretty pnU,orn8, sty.lishl y 1 ., .. porl enco unncess , ' ha)i 10 ~r '! ~ u.r r. Ii y :!:! , 7 Over ij1 500 1)0 ' out ......... " .... " . ......... ........... !nd BRt-t.le Tonl,llI n frankli n goniA Brid ge pq f Qr I,b.' r e pttir rtf . ""...... , H(I!'Ilyn I 1" I; I t '!:! , :, 17 ~jtion~ ope n nt tile pro8ent tim e , fii phll"O ! Lfl1lnflon" IIno hrit1jtes Oil Dt o ~'. (J~Ak . in Frllnk. II mnp5l l C ~U' III I;, .) If, f:li/th wll ges. Ilfljlid Jlromot ion to . ~ II· I Iii JIll" M. "IIII"r, Mnrrow R,'\' UOOI) lin ttlwp~hl ll nt. o~tllllttt,1I nr $111.00 l'c nl l 'r dllc i t ·! I \I II T I I; i , OJ I~ n ~iooers (tn(l Uo ndnotor s, $75 to ~ '; ti ll " I ll III I I Manor nl\ +, 1 01 $:!OO p o r m onth. In~t.ruction8 b..v fir. II 1\ t. ~'''tt r li m llll wi t,h o~~ inter . \. :, Ii 1 nl l.y III' d , MoPbrorR'1Q 'Riddl", RJlrln~fteld "4 i,=< 1'111" io n wi I 11 prORoot o COUlIllt·i o n . Ruodre dtl of pretty putteru s ill Scotohe 8. ell! ~n ; .;1 1'!cI~rwflo \l ~ I~ ~X h1ll1 Eli~lbN·h Bowyer, MII~on, Rev 1 ~ ~IJ W,· It,,~i,;t I'lldl s!.IllI·n t· in seollriu a' WorRt,od s and Velollrs,lta ndRome lytllilore <i ilP I I Ve n a h ie :! :d -:0 ;." ~! I HI Don" cleln y . Wrilo to! 1~ ;, :': ~ -I .1, 1\ \I ,,~ \t.i ( 1\ ' Ii :,:! KllChnc r ; SI " i Pnt·t , VIA tlll~' fllr fnl(J ollt.1I1og no. i ll ~ t, ru ot.ion8 l)o dd S' n :ill n -I :, t ·! iJU AlI ... rt Riohllri ll', N(lrwoo d IIml ... ....., J.4du.nd, 1'1\ -t \ ' -:~ I ,\t. "\ ': \1 ' I :j li IIlIrl n p vl ion t ion h l ~ nk . , f,( Cllrrl .. :'ol"y Pyltl, Morrow Rev l.ll'b,a n\'n- L~ \*. ,I; :!r, 1\ n\\ , '.J :1[, -t : 1\1 ~ATI()NAL .R AILWA Y 't'IUIN " High oluss fabriOil lIl1LdA hy 8art, SchatTner & ' Marx aDd ~Io", TNJ.I ,' CAnIIL . lrll!, e(1~l.on BlOCk, ~~int~ ~':\ Plitt, U !I I II II ,~ X T tt .. X T I ,' \1.\ II Bros. Suoll sult-s a8 only 1& high olaB8 tailor can duplica MlIlllll ll)lo)lis , Minn . 1. H A , te lor:tlO.OO to ~ \11 II IIIi '! Iltl i "0 r~{\"8a8~ ,~~~~{!
ao ...... .. "... ,,'"
",I ..
~THf Surprise STORE~ '
DlIne"' l
\Vhatovel' your want s in the Clot hing' I'Ine S'U1t. '. . may be \ve can supp Iy t h'em. an 0 vcrcoat, a Rain coat or a~ extr a :p'a; r, f W ',... trous ers. e' can .pleas e you an:,d bell' e we' can save you mon ey Corrie . when you are . Dayto n. and let us show you.
L C.
1 !.
Young men Wanted.
MEN'S SUITS. $6.5 0 $8.5 0 and8 10.
. ,1 t1Hrloli
MEN 'S SUITS . 12 50
Louisville&Nashville R.R.
*IQAIl ~nA 't!li 'I I!~~~'~l~
I 1l1l'1
R,·ltl,.lIIll11' t.Il WII·rd (;\0\110\4 InlrAr; a 16 nor,," I'n B,ulIllt "n town, IIhlp; *1
GAorge Knedl .. r Rnd wife t,o Ed · ",IIrll 80hlet(ln l(p.r i 59 nore .. In Ham · Ilt.on t.owI1Mh lp; 'I p,.t~'r
Grub,"r IIml WHA ton &Iwllr( \
Hohl"~inll .. r i t ~o ,~ot" in Bt1flrfip.1I1
tn~vn~!111'1 ,~ ., II ' ft1<ljl'II(lI r til MelWfl1'I' lioblA~ln "IIr, throe ~rl\o~ In Dl!flrftp.I .1 town
I'bll), ~l . . !CItWI\'" Soh18l11nICllr $11 t·hfl Lit~lfl
MIHml LIt,bt.,
Pow .. r .
Oklahoma, Mexico, Texas, New Mexico and Louisiana NOV, 6 and 20, DEC. 4 and\..18. _1.
H C, }lAlI.BY. N.
til IIOt •." in HtlIIIH, ·tn , . 110
t=t Onrll .;
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Fur Ila~ es I\n\1 1~ ~ th c r j nl ~ rlll~\lo\1 .1, II ~IIHIIl"N . j.I . P. A. T-oul~"lIIc, \<\. F', D. IIIJSII , D. J'. A. ( ' lpcIPllll ll . 0,,10 J , \C, P"V.llfOI11·. P p , ,. . S~ Loul~.
··UllmpI IIIY .. tWll t.r""\8 In fJ·!tnllt.l1n townllh lp 11."1\ s .. vllrtll III Deflrfi" ld
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:II' ,\ ~~ 0 pxt· ~O ()fOSIl 8rn.Q. ' ~I IN S'I'I\ItIfll. WAYND'lVILI. 1t
n ' ".110 1
~IJ I)PiU~\ (;h;;-;1.1 t;;;)nl~ 's
........ . ...... .. $18.00 "
. Men '8 OvercoatK All the approv ed mo(,1e18 .111 nov , elty
Ii nct
, $20.00
Men 's Rain coat's Au Immense ' .&Bortment 01 .hi.
i6~5 Ollhtl~B. 3~'5':O'0 t~pDlariio:o'ijOli~D.25:0~
.We give no
trad icg stamhs nor pres-:~nt8 of any kind and refun d no railr oad fare, but DO ' GIV E YOU FUL L VAL UE FOR YOU R MONEY~
$ Sol Str~us Th SURPRIS~ 'STORf $ C E. . ;Hil b e . .
of oil Cough .Merli cinflM In Cotlgh MI'. 1j:, H . PnMr.1 (I milil pi~"'ri~f of ,,~.'thb0l!nl\ ~ :,1111. \I I. ; , ITI', III R e nHldy. · (;l\l1tOI1 ' ~Tlt'flt' (JQDD., wko IlII" S<,uibuou\lil ' 1101 " . 111 .r .,:1 1', 'n . \ 'I'ho r o is not the ,Ieftst danger in hl'pn in t.hfl \/ . I:!l'rvil'E! for obo", IV. ~!. "'Inlb.. j( 1\oi n g Chu1I'Ili erinin Rem, ', , We "'live ,.i x t ~ e U Yflurs tl'in'l .. , !lutt8 g " ~~~ Png. cn~l>r A ~cn l . 1. .-1"1110". ° 11,,1 ', " t (l smull ohildr'o n'R lUICough • II r., I It oontain s • IIl"TlY Ollllllh mI\f1\1,In e.. fnr orouP. ---"!"!!!!!!!!!!!' !"''!''''''''''!!!""----~- n" o pltlm or ol.hAr htlrm,~ul drOll · hnl. 01111111I1Arlll\n'.. OIlUlrh Remfld .v '1.1' It hll~ lin f'liItflbli~be(~ {ep\\tat ion Qf lUOS ' " trin!! of .. 11 Rnel oue til btl rellflel .r ,. • AN G,~l. j l' • lIlli ro thlm tl,t,~r'y jlMrS atl the most upon everv time We !llso lind It RIDnIllVII.L~. (lllt ( 1 l>\ICl CO,sfu 1 llledioIDt8 111 u~e for oolda, r.he bP.8t remedy for ooughs 3n,1 and East Third .. ~ ;,r rmp lIlId \vboopl ng oonRh ooldll, Riving oertniD reKDltli !lind SPBOIAL'ryF.S: II~BI!1AIlK \lII'" wmlltM WIIY~ ourel und I.. pleasan , It 01. ~ t to take, 'Iuavlng no bad after effects, II For 'bildren like it. SC!ld by F. U. Sob. 1&1eby F. o. Schwar'~: ~....... .&..A.. ....... ......AJ ~5D~I\!DR~,
M W--L- -. .-
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~.I 'IIII!" . . . . . . . . . . ......... . ...... ..... "'!"'~.... ..
l istener Not Qu it~ Convinced of /l pp licat ion of Story,
How ' They Sho ul d Be D:alt W i t" Get , he Best Resu lts,
TIll' soul h":':;, r 1"<"1111 1:,," fat 1111111'/\ F"' ~ h c!lIc h f"J till' piau I er 'K I\~'. Slp(\k~l"t)a( I. <I n nl · mals ar al so In 11t'~I R nrt . In size. th I "nl.lnn llIul' r nn );,·~ fmm th (;-" U -h aod do n~ ('r 1(1 th (' Hi.:: .h:l d" fa l'lll mill . Mare ll1 1l1 l 5 al'l' \U\',' II lit(' prcierl' JlC'o In thC' 8" " l.h . h ilt norlh. ast or w (,91 I hIs hI nut SCI Till' w ise (" (' (\ ('1' will kl'''p I hps .. f Ul'lR In " I"w wh en buyIng Y<lllll ); or wor k IIllljOS. j 'll " rO Il);b . l (Og~y nn l m!l1 RIHIlI!IJ h' u vo l cl l'd. l'iuch ; 11'0 m ou n r ' ('lIl' I'S Ilnd 1I'.'ldolll fa t (O n Thi s Is al. n tnl (, of ('olts. I t Is possl. b l('. sa)' !\ Omit !!\' .111,101 ~'''~111 1', to t!'ll wit h J'('a Honohl,' (·,'1'I:1I I1L.::' \\'h lrh COil s will fN'11 Ollt 11' /, \1 :1Il11 \\ toto h will uo t Th e (',,11 lItnl I, (' II ~ 111'1111,- fut on ordl Itary (N'd allll wil~ <'1'III 'lllry nr' can hI' (1('ll'nrtl',1 o n. w l ,lI " the o ne I "at I. 6tll ut ' d. roll~ h u od th i n I, II ~ ' uhltlll f '(!d r. ~ O IlIl' Ilf ' (,'II' f ('(',le rs 1'I1ls0 Ihel r own ~t ' I('k rlIlIl,-~, hlly illf: ('0 11:1 an rl y (!a r li ll ~s . lh f' 11 Po/!:,t u J'lnJ; or. r~ f"'I I · Ing lhl'l11 \" 'I'~ mil ch no; " 11 \Ic are r.', 1 1-'(O('IIl n); II st!all~' h ' g it, ~ 1.1 carly fo ll Illlcl Clllltlf1 '" '~ 11 lit II WI!' e nt! ... r lha y ar. ~Ian~· ' ·IlI'IO'III !l of two·y al viII 1111111'8 go 601l1h. Th f ('C'llin g Is bl'st don e In 5 .eu! e(]III IJPC(\ for Iha t IHII·POS('. In n·.ost He~ tions . at I o ~ 1\\' (, k l ods o r ftl ,I CP n be b:1I1. Corn i s I hc p rl nelJ1a l fa l · "n l ng ('I ll1C'nt . but h l'an otid sh c lle d oalS aN a~ a I,)osenln); II); n and pro· dllcc a gila (I 'oat. uell f '('ds sho uld lie gl ven In t.h ' proportion o f o n \l nr t ul'lln or oats thl'c e or f o ur parls corn . Soy h !lUS Il l' It pn)ml slng mul e fecd, h!'l n g l h(' !'(juol of II ns cd m al. In r ca rl n ~ II !!I I fallon ln g mul s. lbo ~h cl\rlng Hhollid be nttt>n dcd tn often _ Th c man - fa lis n' ·cr bad l y wh 0 al· towe,l lo grot too lon g. au d I t I s I'rllc, ticlI lI y Impossible lo lI1uk u . good tri m Inlor . Wh on l' c Ivlng a mul e that hilS heen shod, r mov c lil shoes, es pecially thoso nn th lIln;1 f elll, the fir s t thin g. Mu les wll.I k ick cach oth er, ~ut It th r lire n o slto s, no harm 18 doo _ Work as man· 09 possibl e, If o'll);, a time or two. MAn y cons id er a nulle broken that has hael only o n e 01' two I cssons In th e wnf\on o r plow. MulE. should be kl'(lL, d urin g the faUe nlng period, coafillcd t o the sh d. Good beddin g I s \. ry ~se ntlal to prMu('lng a fine tlnl sh . Th above Ie writ tcn with speclol ~cr eren ce to colton mu le:i, but applloll equall y w ell to otb er demand s. Most 0 11 th coHo a mlll e!l froru K entucky ar !lol l11rou gh the Atlantic gale wllr . Tlt l' mark l upe oa In the late fall 01' al'ly winter and (l108e8 I n early 8\1rlog. •
:i,.., 11It' I'r I i", h '!!,'r
t,;nnven lt l1t StMJctur-e tf,r V... rms W here Se Brood SO"". Are Kept.
9""" . I
nn f ar ",~ whero bl"')od £<ow" RI'!' rllll'lfI n tly kepI :tII ,1 mu . l be {" nfln !'d In small lots w Jth _ f'\Nlt" l'(lns. o JlII:!!~'r.v ('on" t ru ·t.,,1 :.: ,;hvwn In I h(' plllD Is l,r SI)1.: raj WI /!. In thIs b n u~e '1h,'r£' II !'C' l'1j;ht 8I)pi\I"t~ 1>1.' 11.5, ,'III' h <"l \1II Llll' \(' wi h 3 sle('.[l.Ing !loor, tI'C.\U/,: h . /111.1 :.0 Illl '10 fel1l wille IUId a.<; lon l! :l ~ ti e.ftl'd. Tb o I oU! e.xtaod, a ..~ f ro m
. . .: ~~~T t :,
ti~~{··-: I-- -
.... -
: . '
Ptan of P i,ggery.
t He ]l1r;);cry 60 I hat tll"y m ay \J C' I'ln w t'd a nll 1)lanlt..1 t.~ . ftlragl) c r o Jl~ It n r N's:try , witbo ut disturbIng tbe HI ht'r Iota. T h'! pl ggcr),. says Farm and HQm e, 1B 11 t I " j .... Illl a pal r of ac:lIcs, a r""d ('(lok er nod a (c d m l301a,, vaL "h o fI \lnr Is of concrete aell it. 'lias a s('(> a nd ~to ry wher f eCtl <:an b" s tored. T hC' f ee II bins open lL....)O t h e sero n d fl o I' Into larger bin s ..." .. ro n 'Jllon· li I l' of mOAI feetl s o~ IttOLlo s ma y bl! ~ Cl"t. T ho 51 Cllin.t: pla\form s co n· i;ls t i lllilly of 2s4 scalluldln); nlR d ~ 'I .c; is around a p:Ul or ' Ute floo r of Ihl! [len, 1I'ftbln wh.i nh cJI'Jln atra \V for bedding 1£ placed. J\. plggory 81 m · 11111' tQ this Is beln~ m :cd (lll maoy l a r,;e (arms Allcl In, se-.~ra) of th e ex· p ('r ln~(' ot", 1 fn.rm& ot Ihe t.'o :m l ry .
ORIGIN OF THOROUGHBRED, Can Be Traced Ba<:~ t>., Arabl an, 'Turk or Barb Stock.
T h American tboroftCbbnld la de'ScClndcd Irom tile EA.!!M"~ thorough\Ired, o ~d the latter .. lII1de u p by 'blood almost wholly fJvm Arabian, Turk or · Barb IIloelL The English 'stllll book for tIIorou~re" I. not -o pe n t o an, taOnM! tbat baa '10&4 an ou t· 'erOlIS or common 11l.000i t!mtor; the paRt hundred years or- I::IOr'e, ftall It la doubtful It OM IItl.vint; . . out-CIOBB 1 50 yo ars back would b e retJltM,lItd. A r efer ence to tbe lists 0( hoTSCll 111 Eng. , JlRh rucing etabla at. ne tJme tbe thor~u~ hbred was brout:ht to (be Cront ,,·11 1 s huw tbat the orfJ;inawrtI d eo lP nded "Imollt I'otirely O!l the bomes llTo u:; bt (rolD the or:lent. and or the lh r eI' generil. elali&es lIIentlOll()l!. Th o American" baIIe ~tly improvod on the oril:[n:lI tIiorougb'brods by s Ii!cll,jg an~ \A) SOMe eneat by crossing '"Ith ArabJau bon;ea 111' flne t ype. "1118 ' practice tma not been CO:lIInou of late yeaN _ rDr ollr breede r s ha 'i e for-mod tbe opinion :Outt the, C{tn dJ) little more I'nr !:he " reed by Im porting Arabian horsell_ 'Oy ac.leclia r , tbe Qunllty of t be Oloroughbred Is r 'lw so high that It Is 'betrove d thal 1n orlnglng in more foreir;n bl ood, 'O,,(.n of lhe Arabian b roods, Utere ·Is d a n~ I' of detorlorllti.a g it. 'I'h American tnXtln~ horse was d .. vrlll pc,' from the lhomuJ;hbred. or r nthpI· 11\1 a Btraln o f l b • t borough tire d. "'Olls w nt selection ba . milli e th is bor s .. lIlI,' must I or UI(! thorou,: hhr('ds, not on\,y fur 1'1lC4..'\l, but nl!W tor (he sarldlc aud ca.rria~e.
HE ' JA.TTENDS A BALL. Pulkem nn Barn y Fl y n n sloo d lierar e th o coptnln n lid slIluted . " I 'd like," b e sa id, "('r (0 he orcl lH'rc,1 on th' nls h t pathrul IIlxt hu osdn )'." " Wby ?" ask cd th e aptnl n. "OIly w ork is consld ored p r efernlJ le, a ud I"ou ' \'e b o,1 th ut tor sonl e lilli e." , Pp lice m an 1-'1)'o.n fin ger ed hi s helmet nen'ousl)' fOf a minute or lwo boron:: rep l ying. ""1' I s a fllm'l y w utt ht'r ." h e sa id lit t ast, "but I'll t ell ye th ' w a-ay Iv It. \ \ so , th ' good w omll o I n a mlmber IvI v- w'el!, th ' nume's shll(lpell III 01111 '\ , l n' whut 't Is 0 11 abou t I ' ve ~ h'e liP gucssln', bll t sh e do b u mlmber In good sh u lIldln', lin' sbe's r -l'Uon l ng' f'r' t h ' olUco Iv Ornnd Sl cr l ta ry. 'Tw ' n'd not bo w orryln' me, II- (:oor sc, but t'r t b' bull that 's to co m e oft' n ixt Chu e~tlllY, wbln sh o W A!lt~ m e C'r to do A bit Iv ca mpalguln'. "T la f "r y ou.' sh e su ys t o mil, ' to p rove ye'ro a pop·lnr m o-u n with t h' Indlt!s. Ye mllal dll-nnce with thlm nn' be )1o-llte nn' nice so's th ey'l! all be rUlllo ' o\'el' tblllllsllves r'r 10 vot o
Is l h' w lt-a y th' bY!lIl dI d to R ilg llt" I)'ye 1'3y- mlmher H -gon, th' ll~o lhe~ bad hIm OIl l' tO lh' 1.Il'nlr? li e W II~ an IIwk'arcl tolly Iha t u lv r h ael ,l one nllny t hlllS 1II0re grn -uce ful Ihll n 'aITY a hud I v bri ck 111' n lrHlli or. lie c' u'd n·t do-ance anuy lullril Ihll n II ~o w tllfll's tllll gl d III n ba -arh wl l'e fln ce, !Jut lb' bye!f an ' th ' gl r - rl M was l](lund f' r to hn vo h im thry , all' S tll 'y mad e n P /l-IOl\ I\' llltll . Some Iv lb' In -u(l s h ~ ld blm wbil e Ih ' I'- rl st Iv th l m ,vou nd a r l o'es- lll1o r -l'(lu lI(1 11 1111. 'I'hitl . aL th' war- I'd, I h Y r -rUIl with til· line on· h e b gn u f'r to shpln. Olio! but 1 cn n see blm Ito w! Talit about Y(H'r r -round rlu -lI ll e 87 'I,'h 1'0 nl,·or WaS th ' nk I 1\. t hut w.,n Iv H egan 's. Ii '<I • be shl'lnllln' yp L II h e b Udll' t SOIlO th rougb a w illdy I.v tb' {Iay - vlll o n." " 'TIs ('II, y du -an cl n', " UT!;ool )1 r~. Flynn . "A ll yo 11 n- flve to do Is to gr- 1'D b y e-er glr- ri UII' go r -roulIII ln' I'- r ouna] till ye filII or th ' mll slc shtops. " " Will ye wind we up ?" d elllanded Pollcemlln l."IYQ u. ·· D olI 't be run -aki n ' a tool Iv ye-eralit." r otorted Mrs. FIYlltl, Indig-rlllnl Iy. " Ye'll bn·nve to !la-llDc'e, nn' ye' ll bu-ave to talk to thlm Iv purll'mll1t'ry la-aw. Y e must luk I t up 1I0'lj yc can luk wls an ' li se th' w or- rds li ke )'0 knl!w all there " ' 1l8 to It. 'T is a gr-real pin t ye'll m a-ake f'r m e In that. f'r Ivery wun Iv th lru knows tha t th' wl(e .v a m a-an tba l 's [IOshted on (Iarll'lI1lnt'ry l a-a w Is a ml'aDle officer f'r to ha-ave. Y o 8h ' u',1 h eur Mrs. Bur-rke's gOod m u-an t11lk Iv r-rulell Iv ordhE\r an' mInu tes un ' til' oom- Ity Iv lh' wbole." "'Tis IItUo I know Iv th ' co m -It,. I " tb' whole or tb' com -ity Iv tb' halt or anny 01 ' com - Ity:' protes ted Policeman Flynn. an" Thin 'Us time' ye I'arned," swered IIlrs. I"lynn, .
"gl rnbb~ the I~ lr-rl" and h'! , grabbed her tight,
rr th' wife !v' · thnt fine g\ntleman, Barney Flynn .' Oho! 't Is a gr-rel\l mhow I'd ma-ake Iv mesllf doln' th ' HO~SE KICKING IN 'TALL, . 'cl oty uct at a bnll." Device by Wh ich He May Be Rell' "Well : Ir you don't w ant to go, why dered Harmless. don' l )'o u say so?" asked the coptaln. "You cil n say 'No' to h er, can't you?" "F'r sllre," an9wered Policeman Tho klckln g horse . Is nol onl y rln n· gerou s but dQsl r tl ctlve, hut Ihe w ay \ 0 Flynn. " ' T IR no tbrouble at 011 to say con trol hIm Is 1\ Jle rtll e xln~ Ilr blem 'No.' ~ut 'Us th' dlvll's own job to maRometim e~ . South Dalmta carr· ak e It, shUck. Y e may be fir-rm In spondcnt o t l he Pm l rl F urm c r su g· ye -er tone, but It ye think Ulat Inds tljl' gesls a device for co nlreolllng such anI· matthor 'tis f·r you to guess waost more. ' I'm sorr y about til' ball, Mngnial. It he kl cl(s wI t h ollly one foot plac 5 gle,' eays ye-er . wire to ye-or glr-rl, a strong s tir I ng l e about him and nt luk k ln' har- rd at you ; "tw'u'd b e a n pul In a stron g rl n . F'ast c n a st r o ng gr·r eat chanst t'r yeo but ye-er falber's foo t slrall h l ow t h f .tl ock Joirll I tha t ullHsh h e won't go.' An' th' nlxt 00 t h e fou t with which l ie Itkks. Tltnn da-oy she soy s: 'Ye mlgh t as well gl ve rur: a ro p' , ( ro m rln~ C thl'Qugll rlllg !lwa-ay th' n ew dhre.qs I nlade ye, !'r B to a rlug fli ste ned to th e oJ posl tA! ye-er tath er wlil give ye no OPPOI'chunlty f ' r to w enr It.' "~b, well, I ' ll order you on night d ut.y f or next Tuesdny," sa lcl t he Cli P taln, with n ha sle t h at showed be hnd n o (ll apos itlon to discuss t ho Eubject of nOIllE' rule. Po:lcem an F l ynn wen t home j ubllnnt. He Ol1g11t to h ave known h t ter tblln to thlnle 11/1 had so ensl.y outwitted hIs wIfe, l'ul h e h nd tbe self-compla oen cy of the averoge m an In these atTalrs aod STOCK NOTEs.. cons idered the mutter settled. " 'Tis a mattber ' Iv gr-reat ray-grit Til ' more pIgs n auw haa, l.he morp. to me," be said to his wl(e, "that th' te ed sll needs. capt'lo h as ordher ed orne 00 night ju ty Device for K icking Horse, C~W6, plgB and the s-cparator are a nlxt Chuesdny, 1 ha.d me mInd all C t-HINe combinatio n. front foot lit D . \,' h on 11 klel,s h e m ll-a de up f'r to go to lh' bali." S;"IlI .l'o ur woo, yet:" Ilrol.\g\ll.a good Wh eth er Mrs. F lynn, Wl t b feminin e will JerI, thl ~ f ront foot un rl c l' him . It p rie, , I hili ' y ear. didn't lr! In t uillon, had surmls'~ d what would Th old r pl.\,"8 grow tb~ nlMC food . he klc k R with bot h h ind f E' t 1'11 1\ ' a rope frolll 011 0 hl l1CI .root 11 1\ thro ugh h appen:: and h ad pl!lnoed 0 sharp trick I I wil l take to make 1\ fK\ul\!! of t;aln . f or b el' lord and mast·er Dlllst ever rei'!S!,s ~ h lJ lllri be cro.'de4I .., t hat I hey th e "i n g n. dOWIt t h I'OLlgn r i ng D ant! m eln a m nttor ot con.lecture, hut cerw lll u" ral. and rClldy for llIarR ut 'urly. hacl, lilt· lI!;h 1'111<; n to C. nlHI fast en on th e uthllr h luel [o(l t. Th e l\ wh en h e ta in It Is that she smiled g rimly as Slnps 1lI0de of . middling nnd alilru ~ h e r epli od: "Thin 'lis 1111 r- rl~ht, f'r milk arc among tb e best foode ror klcl' H wl l !1 l)I)l h f '''1 hn. \A' l iI j erk Ihla onc foo t ~rol1l 1111 11 r h im, wblch l oa ves th' bl1li 's bcen eba-ooSed to Wln'sdoy f1\l( ' k illig RI)W8. him gtllnd lng (I n li lt(' f oOl . . Thi : will nlr;bt." T lu::re is QO l)hl1osoJlblul r ea sol1 why snun get hi m Olil' of til l' lIo tiun of k lClt· Policeman Flynn tried to lool{ hap:lcldlt y ,I f (ood sbould g\'fe any b~tter Ing. py, but Il wos II hard t ask. I'Pll1 r11· than swer.:" fUOC!_ .. 'Tis a fort'nlt thing," be said, "1'r Th r e never sh all hI be :lin . nsoune! Bu ilding 'a Breed. It I 'aves me free to go wllh you ond ''ow, !thoel) or bog' s l!nt to market Th e usua l , 1I1~1 1t 1 " 1 o ( slarti ng a Maggi e. " B!lt t he next nlgbt he camo fmm t lt e farms of th is OIlIlTItry . 'brl'c d of 1I ,' e Ht ( I(~'( I. t o l\ Il pct two homo with a lonll face and. an ounced Feed the farm b, tbr. way of Ol e or lI1 0re UllII RUilil y I!onol Il lllillais f ro lll that he had mndo a mistake In tho ~ood ~() W . Feed ht' r aM she lG llI foe d n groll P t.IJ nl 1I f1~ IH'l' \I ti c \' \01 1 ' d In orders. It w as Wednesday tbat he tho f nml, and ever:yb0l1y o n It. a ce rtain dl r l!l'U n 11Y· 111 UIIS o f b ~Lter wus to go on night duty. Cll lt;vale your 8m '1I ers. :'\p,vcr · Mrs. Flynn smiled .e-: en more grimfOOlI. huller .. n VIl'llll ml'nt 111111 ca r oflll h':lv~ 'n churn allcr washin g. unU I ly than before as sbe saltl: "Oh, It tll1l" II ~, ·as· fresh iIJI !he mornln;: d ew . 5 I 'c lio n r rom n gr"at er IIlImtU)!'. N o shtrange' lB th' wa-a ys Iv th' war-rId o w~ cau btl k eot il1 smoo't h, 5l ght- hrl)cd i R <,yer l7' al'!I " If Ih £' anl mah.: that Clon tl o 11 8<'d a r <' 11 01. h tte r I hon thnt us sh'u'd be wr- rong. I 1\· ('!Hld ILioU9, IUld ye t fullili 0 11 th " r(}lhe sum o hr e ," of fl.nlmnl s I II Rn o th er made th' mlstn-ake 1\' tblnlt ln'. · tbt!y~ ,;ul r elll enw 0' a.bu.lld:mt milk produclocallty. AI. the b"g lnnlng .thls \York Cllil-lloged th~ · ball nl;;b L" lio n . Tben Policeman Flynn surrendererl Is carr l d on hy 11 f~w III !!n, saine. 'U l llr(' n over dc slgnr d \lmt 11 n anitim es by !Jne. In ·hreedlng hilS to be ullcondltlonallY, He r ea lized that he m n! should snckle down t o a wke l elon, !Iractlced for g n' ra tlnna till certain waS In 1\ trap (rom wblcb there was v. b l eh i~ ncver done if a II C"IIeI· HUIJply (lharr.cterl sllcs · ar fix' d In the ani· uo os cupe. o( . f uo(1 Sl ven. ''I'll go." was all hE! sn ld, m al s. Thl' In·bro din g Is InlOl'slfied Of coutse It wa s \n .:!cessli ry to 8'lve by con s tantly 1Il\I llI a\,ln ~ tho ~ aul· BI!J Demand for Horses. hIm Instruction as· :t.o his dulles In Tbl 6 co untry if; hlWi ng ofLl nnll tuck mals not of the desll:ed type. l he premi ses, He WllS to be prescct. to g ru w horS!!H c noltg!l for ' Ute home llS a sort of polltiCOlI lIellten an t to Feeding the Pig111 a I kot. i>c w horlle" an.' M-Inl':' e~ ported . U dne.s nol follow h N' nu~" a h lmgrJ help ,h er In h er caml1RIg n f.or offi ce, Th ill i s a good Urne feT farmers tD pig wlll guln (I wu nlmllR't IIny klnr1 lind It WDS Im)lorlon t t hat be sbollld r nl. !' u f ow. of slop, Iliat :.Iny kl ml I ~ "ood enollgh do hIs work 1n the most efTcctivo , (or him . l'vl a k · the ~ I ()J ' str,.II ); ·IIOUe:l. mOllne~ The Brood 54",_ "Iv coarse, Baroey," ~ h e 'explaln ed, 11\ g l ecUng a b rood sow, b e. sure 10 giv e til , nit; 1\ we ll 1'f1 I1'Jdr'd ror'11 " rll mlt ot glv/l ye- I' Iltt.lnUon II) thlm (ha: 8h'J Is straight and h ea"y 11\ t he that will B la ~' with 111 111 all o f vh. ~hllt hRS votes, and ' tis nOl th' min IIm lo. >lllort In rnee n~(' , h(':fV Y In tim!!, nl:lt 1110 fo rt l1 Ilmt '. f; seen ju al In lh ls CII-DSS, Yo must /lp-anl,e-" ' 011 1. wilh good b euM. uQ lIank mea. alter lea\' !I\I; th IrOlll; l1. "L'!lve me out Iv t b llt," 110 hastlly ~ I t:nH.."nt . . lnterrupted, "Sure, · YOIl th at rhe: Pr;)f1ta!> lc P i g. knpws 1 neYer c' II'd rln-Rnce. Oho! 1 When to 8etect,.1In:/od Sbw. Und"l aV,'luc:P 011 HIIIIIl "Iltb tilt think I see mesll[ \II'blt-rlln' r-round N"vcr make yow' lIt'II'l'llon ror a farm e;', Iho l·t, I~ VPI', li ll II] (J1"-llit In lIk.e thlm tellle9 Barnurilusc!l--f'i'-o to tIlO(I" ~o\V until" reaaoonble a~e baa feeding 111 !'(s AIII'I' 1111')' wad a 'N e l ~hl bring ovef from 10m" bay thin la-and. .31'\·\'I'\] "'Il the guod and bad quaUlJea lot 25u 1)(}I;nd!<. '!' !; -) :n()8t 1'1I·k I~ mAlI! TI... onl, v.:a·ay "e'll !:et mo to Qa -aoee ~u t ~lUre lot C".ae GIlL .Ith Ute luaBl rued Oil ),UWU:; p j ~
Dllrlns lhe r egl ll\(' o f th e Inle James T _ ;' urbur liS gcu"rnl II\IUlrt l;er ur the 1I0&1II 11 &.. ?l lllnu I"lirourl it hU\lp.: n d OIlU m orning th nt all u'nll!!I luto !.lostou w er e V I'Y I l ll, Al a MllIall st~. 11 (0 11, abo n Ilv ' 11I1) os ulI l , on e jla~seu I! I' was w aItI ng whO,) h nd II lI UllIlJer ot ilion 0111 11 1,,:' ,I In hi s bll ~{ u eRs, and t o hl u1 th dula)' \\'11 >1 \ \' AI' )' ullnoy lng, S'J\' c ral lI'aitl!l W" [lt by wi t hou t SlOPpinG' lit blij litatl ull. an d tlte IIllll0Y , an(:u' g r ew t o pusl Liv' raging, and \l'h 'n b flrul i l y e11l1 get to Uoston. :loarly tw o bOil )"" iutc. It made 0 uee Ilno tor tho G'() ul.lrtll manll;':o)"'s office. Th at olllciul, ho \\' vc r, wa s uot ex jlU ·ted un til 80"11(1 limo lator, n ot! the vasa n);c r \\'Itllol \,(' ";\', In no way KnllsHed. \\'h un he uId III t ~I r. Fur ber his fu e llll g~ W')!'l) a IllLi intC'uslft d uy th ' adllli,lou uf sev I'a l or h lij fa,. \'uri t lIIurnl ug dl'! nlls. ~ I r. Fu r ber 111101 t he IJ:lSS 'Jli g" r Wt' r o ld fd n,ls, on,l ai'll'I' listunitlg to tile' co mpluln· aut 'li r C llla rk~ , the r; 1um l m t11111ger ~ull g hl La UJlIWIISP him, a nd sal (1 : "Si t do wn n llI ·nut ,John. I waU L t :> t II you a story," u ud Jo hn sn t. duwn ugaln ami list 'lI 'JII alLc nl!\' Iy. "A ll o ld woman WU K brtJlI ght to this country u)' h"I' ch ildreu . bllt th e )1111(;1\ '(lid not a;;r wJt ~ he r ond sh u soon la'gull to full. H c r doctor ordered 8liUlulant~ . bu t t' " n thIs . did oat cbeck hur d i>lNIso. J usl he fo r e slie (li e u, all(! wn n t ud o ne mOI'o drink, but [x-Senator M. C. Butler. Litis her d, lI/,:hU' I' r (l r\l ~e <l, sayin g : Dy .</Jrp s irr Is Ojfm Ca/lsal 11.1' Cafarr), " 1I1ol.hol'. li ellr, ~ O)tI don't w!Lnt to go to rif f lu Sfomac/,-Po'u"" " din'rs ." : MC:l\'cn wi th th e sm oll or whl ~ ky uu l arrl. aj flu Sfornfl el. aI/dIs 1 '1l(r ~iQr(" yo ur lil) s ! ' ])0 )O U sc th e pOint., ,,',tJwiy For ./)),sjJt:psia. .... .......Jolin ? . askeo.l i\l r. ~' urb or . " 1'\0 , I'm hangcd It I do," r op lled non. M. C. nuller , Ex-U. S. • eno.tor from Soul 11 arolin" l or two John . tu rrn ~ , In n l ett ' \' f r 11\ WIi.~hil\ll'to n, " \\' II, Jo bn," salrl Mr, Furber, "your D. '. , writes to th o Pcruna lIledicine ~r elllh Is st r o ng lIou!; b : o thro w o n Co., a9 tollq\V : "r_,; n e olt the t rack ." .. I can ucommend Peruna (or' " J)ul. cOll found It, Jim," anBwered dyspepsia and stomllch troublr!, I th nuw qui eted visitor, ··YOII clo o·t have "een using your medicine (or m ell n to sny that wllh only you' uud a shorr perIod lind I (eel \·ery much I h ' ro lh ls Is II :lven ." relieved, Indeed wonderful
meetin" Iv th' com-Ity iv th' hole,"
n ew portners for him, und It r eally seemed as If the mo at i nflUential members o( the )o(lge wer e tho homeliest. She hegan wltb girls, prog resse d to women, and tbe enrl came when he saw her approaChIng with a dumpy and awkward lillie woman who mu st have weIghed In the nei ghborhood of 250 pounds. '!How ran I t!l·alk parll " mlllL'ry 10-llw whln ' that's shtandlng ou me to es ?" he muttered to hlmsel(, meanwhile looltlng about for Borne meo ng or escape. His eyo ( ell on an open window that seemed to bave been p'laeed th ere fo~ his 80 l e henent. When ' Pollcemnn . Flynn struc\( tho ground he round him self In a IIglitshaft, wRlled In 'o n all si des. There wa s no escarle except by ' m eans of a ropo or a ladder. Meanwhile tho "oun<l s that ClLm e from above told him th er e was excitement In the dance. hall, nnd ho waited patiently to see wllot ,vould happen lIcxt. When t ht"n gs had lIulet ed down so mewhat soveral · heads were thr ust out of the wIndow , and ' his wife's voi ce floaled down to him with the qu ery: '!Bar. ney, arc ye thero?" .. t am." he replied. ' .. non 't ye know 'tis not t1!11 wa.ay out ?" was the nelCt qucsllnll, and lIler o was a world of sarcasm III tbe tone. " )'m not lukkln' rr th' wa·ay out," be an swered, SlIrlily. "Thin what are ye doln' tberer' HIH an sw er to thIs wa9 co ld and nolnted, an,l ' there WI\8 SOlt1 etblng or both bitterness nnd reproach in tbe tone when, after a pau se, he trusted blmllel f to speak. " ['m sbtudyln' parU'mlDt'ry la-.'I'I'," ho &:\Id. " 'Tis a m eelln' I. \hI oom·lt" '9 tb' hole." ' 1
.~~.?!!" .!b:.. !,~t~~_~_
-- .................................
Modern Farming, Th irty ~'eaTs ago thrpshlng time wna one at lh most ljtrenuous occasions tha t OLlie t o ~b o (arm er 's annu al ('xp rl eocd and was 90methlng t hal w as dr urlt'd IlS lIluch by tho \\'omen rolks of I he huuse liS l he farm· er hlm s If. °a I t r equired two or tbroe days t o thr gh t h overage crOll, with or course It Is unnec essary to sa1 16 and 20 m c n nlld liS IDlln), t eams ihnt Poll ce mon Flynn follow er! the to be f ed a nd hOIl>lcd. nnd tbe stacks cou rse hIs wife hart outlined for him, or 'rl'd ohlck II o nd opule 1)10 that That was esscntlal to domestic prace, d isa ppear ed during these da ys was H e master ed a t ew · parliam en tary HOlllethln g w o nd erful to bllh old. Tbls terms, and be went to tbe bali , and Is 1I0W all chan ge d. 1'he thr sblns: be danced. H e "gr·rabbed tho glr·rl" cre w ·com e· down th e r oad with tbolr and he grabbed h r ti ght, And then whole outfit n t rn ln, \lull In alongIn solemn manner they described varl- side or t hu stacks lIud In t en mlnu les OilS uneven circles on the fioor of tho IIr 'at \Vork . and no on Is su r prised hall. But Policeman Flynn was not I( th ey nrc I hI' sh l ng t en bushels 1\ bopp~'. "Th' grabb ln' tb' glr·rl Is all mlnuto. TI:J sheaves being red autor -rl g bt, If ye c'u'd · sbtop ther e," he maticall y, tho lhl'eshed grain MillS dl, said, but 'be sertously objected fo the r ectly inlo tbe farmer'lf wagons, the r cst of the programme. H e tried to straw bin g 8tac lrod--nutomatlcaUy, beg olf, but bls wlte would not per· taking away IlIOSt of tho labo.rlous mit It. Instead, she kept picking out and dir ty part or th e work of lhe old li mos, lind for th e nv era ge fnt'Ill ' I' o no day cleans up I ho wholo' job, and t ho thl'esher has mll\' od on to the uexl 8ctting.-Ex]lurt llUJIIp.Dl ent Al:o . .
(I 'Tis
medIcIne, besides. IOOd tonIc,"
~~~~~~~~~~~~ ATARRn ot the stomach 18 Ule cOr-
rect nllma l or IllOst case of dY"Pep"III. In order to cllre catarrh of Lbo , tomach tho catarrh must b erl1dioab'd . Only an Intornal catnrrh r em edy, l u ch 11 8 Pcntno, is avnUabll'_ l'eruno. exa t1.y m eets tit indi cations_
V ..uvlus DUlt Traveled Fa,., ParIs was oversproad with a dr)', ,ellowlsh tog ·.the .mornlng or Aprl\ 11 . of thia )'ear. A Ileentlst, believIng that the tOil bad been caused by tb~ eruption or Mount Vesuvius, placed upon the roof pr his dwelling a series of plate" covered with glycerin to eatch the dust In the fog. It wal found that part of the deposIt on .t he plates was a very fine sand, completeI, Identical with the ash sent up by Vosuvlus In 1822. In addition to this lIaud the fo« contained some perfectly apherlcal globulos of oxldh:ed Iron.
German Life In.urance. _ Acocrdlng to the ctrogne Gazette. there Bro In Oermany more Insurance policies tban hihabltanls-80,000,OOO poli ci es, as against a population of under 60,000,000; wblch abowl tbat a large proportion are InBured In two Lun a Fishel, Se veral IlX3 m!lll!s o( a zoological Dr more companies. _ The Indemnities [laradox- a /I sh whi ch w o uld be Slice d· paid by German Insurance companies Ill' drowned I f 1Iltlccd In deoll ,,'lIter - amount- to about $24,000,000 a month. hu\' e JUBt beon adlled to the coll ectioQ at R eg- nl' s ]lark . T his Is the Arrlcan wal ~ln g fI h, whic h spen(l s tho g r ent.e r part of I ts ex i sten ce u}lon th e mud, bank s of t l'Olllcul rivers. Its rn thod of I'rol,;l' s810 11 hus beell d O:l crl becl by llalumi i sl s as ot tb " ho\l, skl'll and JUIDP" I'll I'I t y, and wh en JOIII'IHlllng Inl ond, as \I UM S 01' r \o;:.g di s tances, it c Umus bv llWllli s of Lhe broast tins OVel' th e ,,~ot!! and evon Into ' t bf. boughs cf trc . ~. 'I' h S OU'"IOIIB (.reatureij, wh ich belo nll to an IlIIpol·t at: 1 group kco \\'n os IlIllg fi~h e8, rorm u conn oc tl llg lin k wllh the h igh er (orm a ot life, -th e all' ilIaci " .1' beln;; ouv 'r t ed Into wl1 a t ·l s PI':.I I lcally a lun g. Wh en th e rive rs d ry' IIJI In th e hot seuou th tly hU I'y th IIlselv 8 In the mUd, brea Lhln g III th o Illr like II frog or a newt. III Ausll'fl liu the ro nre severa l "arle ti cs of 11I11 ~ t1 shes, ail e of the CANNOT largest, \\'111 h Is Illuch est em ed OS an artic l e of rood, AOlDetimes uUolo· ing a l ent:lh of Bllt feet:-Lont1ol1 Dally Grallhlc.
Dr. ~J-o-h-n-~-o-n-'a--:S-:-p-e-::I:-:II-n9' Th ose who aro r eudlest to cond emn as "scol'l1fu l Inli. vaUon~ " or " Ame rIcanism s" variou s sUG gel!tiolla for au nlrer cd aUI hog ruJ1hy are apt to rorget how ;lrb lt I'ury lile ·cl'eaLesl .or Eng· IIsh dl <;lIollnr y mak ers occaslonaliy· was In hl H eho!ce bet.w een vorl "ot spelllng, says tho London Spcelotot, It was Dr . .J ohn son wbo addo.ll the '' It'' to " m usl cl;" ' !lnd " rhelorlck" 1l1ld "physlck." which bofore his day w ere commOl! Iy !ijlclled as w e spell thom now. "LnlJor··' l\nd "honor" lind' "tavo-" Irritn lc m :iny readers, who style them Am' I·lcaIl15I11B. But It wns Dr, Johof'On who Introduced the IIn nec· cssal, though · perhaps rather gmceful "\\." llnd who wrote, In addition,. "auth,.tar" a nd "erronr" and "gOY, ernoul ." , The l ast spelling has onl, dropped oul of lhe IiJngllsh Prnl' er Doole In file twentieth century. How . mony church·gool'll have noUnerl tbu r:hange? .
all Inflamed, ulceraicd and catarrhal can. ditions of the mucous membrane such as naslll catarrh , uterlne'catarrh caused by feminine Ills. sore throat. soro mouth or InUalned eyes by simply dosing the stomach, surely can cure these slubbQm affections by local treatment with
Paxtine'Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the di sease germs,checks disch:u-ses, stops pain. and heals tbe Inflainnlalion ond sorcness, . Paxtine repr~sen~s tlie most successful local treatment for femlnlne 'lIIs ever ' proc\uccd_ Thousands of women tes!:ify to this inct. 50 ceD,1S at druggists,
Send.for Free Trial Box Do_coa. .....
MAKE EVERY DAY , ~ ,COUNT~l:!::c~,
- - - --
All Right, "I !\r"l brInging 0 man home for '!Innl!r," tel ephollml her lIese. "All :·I&ht," replied the wlte of tt:e cannibal chief; " slop at tbe grocerY snd get some materln.1 tOl· dl'eusl""," -Roulll on Post.
·t1)e wwner.
ou CAnnot afford to be, Without a
U"kl"d, The Playwrh::ht-D1dn't , 1!'!4I Y'l'1 'n your sell~ 80me tlmo after thEl linal ~Qrtaln (ell? Tt<!! First ~Ighlcr-Y~II, the UShll1 .orlol to eowe arGtmcl kll ",a
~trmtter h()W'
.. A. N,
:....'¥.IW""'I!!~~ -
alGN OF 11IE fl$H 1=1 ' .,tQIIIIlCO . .__ U'" ~
r~~~;~~~~~~:tl §
s tory of t he Hall f or the Coun t y Counc il and the New Emban kmct;lt .
J' , I ', >C/lJ'S t he .,'\'tIll'''I . t bl! L uuk t'<J III fru llI' tb" lull d l 'f v ~\\" (, i hea lt h l(:! l lI ud II Il" w L'n ILh l "~ 1 clly )0 Jl g'I't>IU lUlU lJ,':m\l r ll l r l\'(·rslcl() I lIl' I he w'oJ' ''l hilS h ('I'U wl lboUl a cI \' IL' 111',,,"(, " nL, Ih,' "m l':'llklll·:' l (I f 111(' hll.hh utfon wm'UI)' . ~ Its aliI' I.lJJ l SPl.· snut!! ~' t!"' L,r 1111' Rh '" 'I'h:l.'1I(' 0)/1'(,1" L:eul !'n l aud hUlIorel1 nlUlI . 'fbI> BI~ Pel O~' ''01 1 UlI l l Y rur 1\ lill" Illl tl h"h l of I.nnuoll. IlS \lowe;. utllit, ,md ~l g:- lI'('nlJUI'l1 l ur Illis Ilrl'W'1 I ,;qIHl II,1 ully, hU-'-l' Ill": ),<'1 Hec.urt!!l acl eqnuu, St'ot. T h t! IIO>l t 1'1l11'ank ll\"nl III I h f' I . I' l' 'sHlon I n "lJIllodfN I III'k k , ('h.Ia:!lev.l \\'arlil r<l~ ~ frolll HIHokfr l:lr8 10 W ':I · ijW IW. 0 " f:1.~l l lrJ\W" IJ r or..r.(·_ lIli.t!S(l".r I,dd.,;" :ln ol Ih l' h o u s !.~ of I,al" 1..0 tI Ch.ll l huCj hf! n 10 0 l on ~ Il;l !' l UL'" II JlI!!.t~L. 'fhls l111 lt l(O r Ul.Ll1w u\· hus n '· dur,'nll u r 1I1 u dU es 111 Lh e mali r'r or f'l!l ':PU n !iund liOlII'" leU/.; l h ••,n iu f'; 01' II~ Irl ll fl 11'1 IlU I I' .c!o;;nl1 1011_ U k !" pnor ('10- Vle w d:, T ownr l?urdC:IlR. I ron; I Ill!' u .. (!"l'c'lh, h,'1' NlIIllly I'ot'lucl l hart In I rar a ~ 0 lI,'W l! It!' h h J'id~(' II,' :l. work a nd Ih' c In Ih ~ ha ~I 'tn Gn l d\Y ~ II · IJl'W I 'lI1b:l uk l elll \\",11 . u,l U I'I""I " (] ' lu t!;!J, 01' ·prlu!: I ~:'lr d (>ns . It e r r'l~lC'r~ , pl'OnJLi fUJdC' lJ;u' k ('(1 wit h fl nl l o tH C C' !<I Iti.. h\.II·(,u/; II ('uuflr ns an d I he r ll y rOI'· : IJ'Icrlpok l n.: :l I:nrc Hm I hal w l ll '(J (" ' up, "ul'a t h,>n , f" :JH I nr Jn n kf'l In I.IlI' Guild · th o land w he!" l h{' \l Id I ll 'U~l'S :.on ,l lIun nllil ~1: Lll s lu fl hOlls". Ilr <.I I r o rl I "'h n r.'~~ lOll' HIIlUU In l'iu " L a rnlLl' l!1 I h (' IJl ~ "II' C '~ In th e nlll1l"I'OI lS 10 ll n ' pnla(',. n til l' fl UI'Ih ~i d " Fro lll I hl H lmli H null (,I h... IJlIlldln ",~ thai I\m'p " a r ,I"r1 .hl' I' \\'111 " ", \I I,/'n (1)(. ('OUIl1), " ('('O n 1.\\'0111 'r! 10 IhL'1n h)' I h " r ul'o or h il I! IH 11111 ~ h.-d. " 11111' 1' vI,· w u,' h UllH. ,q lIal'II:HII I-:l t 01' Ihe cl c-rflll C' ( ' " »~ ll t " f I of I",rllulll elli. I luspli lli. l."n ,II(0111 ,,:II,
tlu ' t !"
CIJUK ) i111 nt
n ll! ll'tJllo 1it a Il
I"fl l f OIJ:l.\·r-ns.
Hs :d u lfl S
Tl l n
r\u d
'l'h lltll o~ f'UIIH"l'v:nlC'Y wltholll ('(lIllllI('n l
U(I \ !lnd
f ' n fH(·(f tlH' P} P
C nr1ll1etlll
I wh 'Il h pal nu' ,\ III ,'I:ll,,' al . ' ~h ', r " b a ' " Inst a ll d Ih£'m8 ' 1\'1l1l III r i paria n l in lb., y"ars Illlll IU". ~lf ll ' " n Ll' '' !'r J,uJItC\'R. fiO thlll w l l h g r \'(l\ c r e~ ij" th!!y I " I W . \' 011, t hu n I hal whir- h ('I . u ~ hl ('n n do Ill" I'r \\'ur l. . nl), IIIP r01l11 '11 I th , nrtl»tlc )' P (If l:ll r T h" ma•••",'re, I s wlthoUl u hlllll!! anll ... xl »! In loci!;· a ~ h e drlflC'd wllh hi s d UII~ II!r·r. 'I , I' Ings. gnret ROl'"r. I,'IIH I b ' III,r illlll ll 'n II 1'h ~olc' 1'0 11 y o r hunk , In~urance n,lornell . ,1<,wlI 10 Ill<' ,' Il l< l i to, · In 100R nUkes Il U,1 IIl r~ !! c:nntlucr In l h""srs d":Ith , Ihroll ~ h ' l' rH I I " r'~ l i al,- tn 11,(, ha:orl n Ilro'"ln lit ~ll" H , ,HI ....l llat... hl oc' k al I h low ' 1'. · pace . hnn(I ~01l1ro ~ :\t(!l"t t1 r J.\ 11 1141 inter- I Cp rtRln!y t h ('l \r it'''' fnl lll. \\·" n · lIal 1111 "fl c !\\' u n cs~ , R~ln lll l nl"'r, a JOl' at I' brhtgc' IH IIIlW 1I11d wil l h, ' F I ill nt wor k I n slnll, nn ol'll er In lJuHin 'S8, ( li ner I han whpn \\·Ol'<.IR\\, n h' ·. li n"" aorl :J sUI)I'l'm( ' Cll ll1nlllllrl tIf IlrgnlllzlI' , II' 1'(' w rll l n , wh pn I h(O "'''III{' I1'~ work lio n IIUPORijl ble In low. 111('11 11 nnd j h tWI' ('lI Y nllxl wll hrl dg f' II n ,l t'hnrl n ~ dl80rll<,rly buhllllll ollA, whl h bllt for ,' ('I'O~S I .. CUllll)1 1 ' rl , IInti Ih" jlrll]<'c t II hl~l\ 1<.1 al s of 11~lb ll 'dul Y woul d (1m !! (,O ll llt>· hall on l he ijOUII1 Mid I' 1, -1\\'('(-11 do V;I th' Ill' rragp pub li c man chnr;;C'd \\' «81111111 " I <'r 11111\ ( ' h<l r l o )\ (' J'0 3~ rail· hy IIOpu l ol' vnlr, wit h u. <'II ,'" gO"''''Jl' wn." hrldgo It'll/I s 1,\ IIII' " 0 11l 11l'1'D I' Ill· llll'nl. ' han lmHml. Thi s I= r",l 1. h ll l'r"\'\ 'Jl\ " ll l 'rUls hus lJ '?t' 1l re 'ognl zl:> 'l nnd I'rol'.1 ;>"hl 'h III slo w ly 1" "' ,':111111-\ i l "pI C. lrom
Pearl Neckla ce Source of W lie to E.ach Success ive O w ner'. 11ll0 . An,lrPt,1 lI'as t l! r wlt a 0/ II l lJ'ok "r nn tllH ~ L l' l'tcf"!tb ll :~ b{~lIn~ l! . ~h"
1<1111 d 1))1 "'I' 1\ll ~~lIn d, III 8 :'il. Pt1 rl'I' burJ; SU !JU1H l r g:uJ \II ,. 'I'll(' :-';,woe \'I''' "I~' :t willi Ull s sIClry of It p\l url liP klrl {.:(· tl !P wom an was wea r· 1113 ",fll' u Hit" lUl'l 11<;r 01 'lIlh : " 11 Is 1111 "lei Ill u(' , ' o r \\, Ul' k I))' O ll ' M the I H' 2-
I'llrlsi lfn
jt'\\j l~ I (\I'~ ,
~lJ l t l Ilr~ I
h ad
to th " head II 1I'.-1I·k'\t1 \\' r 1" 1''' 111'11 ('Clll l'l [a ut ily , 101 I he l!Jo. It '. llh:nl. uf tl,.-) grCtlL 1 '~ I'PJlf' h I" '\'c!l ,'1I 1u l\ n 91'1 ;' tJlI i h,' 1I\"lId"", ; of I hl H fll lnil y WCI'" glllllolll l " ,1 tIlIII " n l ~' n l" w of I tlt:' 111 maJlIl j.!pd ~" f '~C ' H P l' lu 1 'r\l ~.~ p l~ and eo Nn l'O'd ' hl'll' I Yes. 1111 II,~ flll-\ lll 'ust CI lut IIf fll lln,'y, and I I..-y \\(·1' o IJ H~ d \u I lu r t \~ II II l l1an y ( 1Il1 ' jp w l' I ~ . U1l1 UI1 ~ 11 "' 1\1 1II·· n( · r' ~ IU Ct" tn q II I sl lon , 1'1 LI lli I I Ill " I hUI lhl'Y 1' 0 1 1'1,1 o f thi K 11 1'1 1 'Ie 11 ",) II JO), (' " o I; l n ll forI UII" . " TlIi s ( ' h c ~ I"i "' I H II 1"W( I Hf 1' 1' t' h:1I1r:;In l: hll IHI ~ a ll nl'l t 1" n"l hll "~ "·,IS 11I1U':ht I, y Ih '31. 1', 'I " I'hh,"';.\ .Iw ' ,,1" 1' 111 111. fllr 10.000 ru b J"s ' ,~'I,IJ,"I) luI' 1'1 Ie ... , \' - . \~h(J \\l.I ~ OJ. I h ut tiu u· Il h ' a li!Jl~ l!Ian :u l'Oll l t : Til" pr! I ".o. \\'h o \\ ' hl, a gr('nf I''''cr OJ I I IIP iJ.IIIIlI, /::11' t il lI o.-ld a" !' t(J I II" \\,. I! kn,,"; 1 lJuli c ulna. '['zuk k l. FIJI' I UI Vill J.!: (Inn" l h ls hI' wn. 1.\ 11" 0\ from St. l ' l 'I('I '~ hll l·l-:. T llz1< k . II:1'L t il I II I 1l!!1 i al l,l.! " '1 " 111 1 11 IlllI nJ.: hl'r h(' ollh hll l ll J!, " h r' " " lI l I II h l'l'
UH li r
C(l Il Hl' .\ Hld" ;Iud a hu IHit.l l {ld ll :o
,tu",,, fO),f''' ',r , lI u t bcf. ,re II hll-\ so toh ,' s uld tht ~ lI c ('1: 1:l(' ('I!. ", \ li uIJSPt; Ul'fll uw tl(t r , lhe Q. n tlll lln~ tl UIl , Linh·I '. rh, dlc'd 811 o(ll' nl y Ht .\Ionl :a)' lo. :Ifill n whul l' ~f'l'I(,H f Il/'I))II ' :If! I W:Hcl who ~alJ\ " I lito IIOS' ~(-"hl 'lIl of t it falr',1 II cckl nel' I,tld !\IIlS l 5i tll y t lr ~ (I f: ri ei u·ps. Un ~ of t1H'Bc II !,(lIll1bl ·I'. nl :'Ilon tc ('81'1 0. jO ~ t nil his mOil y , an,l Oll ly tlJ sale of t,lle u(!ckl acv "H " U h im fro m bp!;!;n l";,. " 1-'1111111)' It f ell h~ lo t il" ilnnd s o t !ltr . All/l re"r. II ' pulu Ihl' luw prlcnf ~U,U01i l'u lJ l 's $ \ 10,:100) fo r Il " 1Il1 hi wife W ltR , .. arllJ~ I l whpn In a nt o f an gt>r h kl1l('lj II I', too ",1\IIm he had bll t Il short. lI n l !I'O III'CS ot d til~ I!nltl ~ k:, t oken, T h ' 11 0('I( I:lce b as now IIl Y ~ ll' )'IcJllsly dl1all llcarell." t
"'"r r '. ~.\~
Yo. r nn ol"
boul' A~l;
1I'1I !1
d ru~~ ..~.
cf '~i n" in h. lI " " \ } ·ADI:! t. E .... l)) '&:" '
- -- - - -
Doo't. p.r r llStl m ' [J or nrlln;:: Ihe fno l ; 1\ pe r h:lps they al'e not r~8! ly IIctintt , .
; ti fr nr .. , f:l il hr •• r.n'J\Ct~r~., 'r:tntr nll doc,II'l1i ,d wil ) Oil 111'111)· :-< 1. ,I ~ c u~.. UII. T he 111 1>' bu:; I~ bE'!'1 l'ally at h o mo wilen Iho 1; l asln g btl /: c Il Ii M. f !\l r rt , "" ln~' H\\ ' f! .t...o6t h lllJ.: !'<lyrup. " 11 1"II t." l " ,11'11. f· . " ' " '' I ii .. ,,11111 ... ~lU j u,, "\'U D..I I.I J_ , Ii , h . l ·Ut l -ll Yo IIHll'v,h' , 1,,:'" a
" ''''ll ''.
Fa r
Tw o Grate ful Lette rs from Wom en Who Avoid ed S i er ous Opera tions .-Ma ny W o men Suffe ril1g lrom Like Cond itions Will Be' lnterested .
l/v' t lr ,
A merIcan Aut os Abr oad: Du rin', thc l~ 1ll ,'r,l h ~ 1'IIII t'd Jllne :l 0 , I !IOt;, ll)\.! ,' nl ll) of Am cl' l('a n nut . nllilt ·.4
export( d
Wrl R.
r ;,'10' tOl6 .
I hit'h ju $1 . 00,1100 Clw r " Ll l all ,IU I'l lI g I ~-:; I, - " I' loul) ) ea r. En ~ la tl d wol; !lIe ~rf:l at p r ul ,o lt lo n. $19 4,7!}, w it h Hrl ll.:, , "Htil ,\ 1111'1'l ra 51) ·on Li. ~l ex· Ico· tiJIl'tl [In<l F J'ari~e f o urth.
Dcware of Ointme nts f;' Ca tArrh that C on ta i n Mercur y , mtof't 'lI l j \ \ ,a
(1I 1d
, un y dt.· ·lru)' I he ISl'n
l 'JUI J\ ,8I toJy d ~h ll':: C tho
or emrn
l\':"il e " ), ' 11'\11 II ht: u lUurO l t A . ur1'.. t·~". h lll'l IHI It It' l IiIh.wh) " l'\Ur \}fl mel! 1 ~~ l3(' }tl 1111 I" " t"," Jr. t i l 1'· ,lIlt ,tl, I' pIn . 1i~' Ull~ . U t U II' d Ii III 1'1':" "'·':I!· r il l ,I.. I .. 1 '~11 htat h) tI :C ~ "')t t r on Cit lt 1.",· :l,lylIJl'Y L'" "'IH"r"·1I 110 IU. II 'tIl' if ("Ml1rr b , ur o,II1 :Ulll t "" l u ~ uj t y P••1. ( 'llo' U,' .\ j t .. '1',.lc'\O, 0 • c"nt"lIut 110 u.u·
l'lttl'rl n.: ' 1 t hrflllL:h I ho
"'1111 .. l.l!i' 1I l.•lt,f ton 'ty . ..", t lll ~ d ln.- I"II), " 1"':1
ttl" It ' IJ I I\ n.' 1I ,U" U" IItl r b.:~~ cd l tl ... ,,\ '1t'I11 , Ju ltll~I II ": JJ fI.J l 'IILllrll \ li n.) tt l', 1 " 11\ v .iu ": 1'1 Iliu ~ "ll u tIU' h t lk' It '11[1" '011 11 " 1li1111 HlOtiu T ll icuv, 0 111 " I ~ 1-. ,I , ·lI"III':...! (;. , ·u. '. 'C.tIIllUII :;t .. III true ,
~'~lj:loll?t1t~~~1 1~~~~i;r ::r,I;"1 'i\J':ij ~~:;~r!;~'t\~~:
Nove li st Aven g ed r; '~9'a Dealh. GaIB''''I ' " ' '\ 111111111.10 , lias ,'rl"'U" 1 a mo nnm t'lil to lI is d'r;. Th · I ns(' I·ljlllttn i s long. 1 /!"';.:.inlll T1 ~: '· "':.a' red (0 he Impt'ritil ilibio !I1" l\lor~' 'Jf JII )' ~ I' e: l1 eSl unci mo. l ful l hl' lI l I ri Il u." 'I' lie cl og ""a s 1(llI N I Ly a 1'''''San l ~ u ll\ C ilion I hs Ilr,O, Th n ov'!:s t p rosel''' I'' '' Ihe mall, who , nt t he r lul , at FICl I'enc' t', sold lhat he leillc' l l it e cloJ; b ecau ~(! Il w orr! d h I. II ·ns. T h e nmh or had ~ng·nl! . 11 lh o 5('1'\'1 ('('5 or LIVO lloLnulc counc ilors, at un (' ~ "c ll s e of $1. 000, to p rose('IJl e. H e won , ond the Ilenbaut wns sculence d to ten d,I1Ys' I m prison· m en t . L ow Rales to the N ort h w est. E n !ry da y until ct. :11 51 th GI'cat l\:ortlll' I'n H a ll\\,ay \\' 111 sell one way Co lon lsl s' 'l'I r:lwls rrom C hlcllgO at t h o follo w ln :; ,l ow I1ll eR: To S(! utllC" POl'lla nd alld " estern ,,·'a!1-h ln g to n. ~ :: 3 , O O. Spoka ne. $30.50, Equally In w raIl'S 10 ~l oTl lol1 n, I duh o, Oregon and B r ili sh cJlnmbla, Fo r hlrlh I' 1nfOl'IIlU l i on addross lAX l! ,\ S. Grll ' ra l 1mml;;rn tloll AI; Ilt, Su, Clul' k Sl .. Cblcago , III.
When 0. phy i cian tt'lls n woman, suI· \ cl'i n g' from (e m ," tJ'o ll ulo, tha t au "p~ ruti" D is n ecessa r y it; o f course, rd"h tens bcr. Tho \'cry thou g'b t of tho o pcT'dtin g I.·,bl , a nd the lcnlfc strikeS ter ror to h l' r hc nrt. A s onll woman exprcss eil i ' , II'herJ wl(l ,by h er p h y sician that sh Tl l u ~ t nnder"o on op"rnlio n, sh e f c lt t lmL h (:1' tlent h lenl' ll hurl llOu n dell. OUI' h ospitn ls 0.1'(1 f ull oC w om en who a l'O thero f or jUbt bu ch operatio n s! it. is quite tru o lhllt these troubl es lTlaS r euch a sl ag e wh 'ro an 01' ' rBtion is t he nl)' l'cHonrce, \ lUt slI'l1 cases arc m\lch rarc l'lhu n is g(,n crally sup po~ll,
Vpgut"bl o GOIl1 JlO11rw'f heW I18VM etb3t '.~om, ." r l'lml seri<'lL~ l 'pcm1.i .... '" I Iloc ld\l<~ 14, Ir'iY It, nml l u less Willi f our mnnth" t '~CI5 ' " t l r" lt · ('u n>tJ: nnd word» La wtprew wy \411111<·
l\Jil<S ?tfllq,rr~t !\J('rltlcy ,
~7!i 3d.
S tree t; MUwau kce, W is .• wrl~ 'S: DOlIr !Ifni. I'i"kbll lU . , ., r~ or 6t 1"cu.gtll , oxtT'lnTtO. n r'\'ou• 'm{'~o, sev ero IIhooting [>IIln8 r.bruugll UIO 1~ ' ''' lo organs, crnrup;. hO'lCiq:;;-dawl\ 1JIll1l". It lid 4.lI b rlroblO rtls!lCI!il.i on cmnpooilloo' RIO" tn . ,,'k modJ ·,,1 ndvloo.. Tlio dot.'f,Qlj .fwr mil .1"1( n.1 OXD.1uit1J liiolt. snid that 1 bReI t\. S." I·I OUS ,", ",.. ubloand u)Ctmtl.lOJl. IUlrl nd '·1..... 1 no. opCrtlUDn llJlm l' <J1lJy bol'o. 'l'o tb ls 1 stl'on ~l y oltJC'I.~d 1 doc:kltrl ll8a.i.ut rosOI-t to try L , ',th . ... u'w Vogetabl o Coctlj)Ouncl bcc'nusc n. great 111nny wome n have ·" To.." ,Plnllhw IIlIr prillo u... ulCerat ion hen ell, aU b~ c lI curd by L~· dia. E , Pinkhllm 's th o blui!aymploOm.~qNa ppomrod and I (lIlHlIICII V eJ(ctable ompou ll d arter t h o d oc tors m ore ~. vi&ortJu. and well ; ",lid 1 ('n\l' n ot eYpJ'{_ ....y &haDb far what l~ iu14 don. hull su.ld nn opl'ru t ion m u st be f ormed, ] n f ncl" III' to the point wh er e for tna ." Serioa s feminin e trouble s arc sw all\, t h e k u i fc mu st be li S d t o ell rc instant r II t. thi s m()dicic (' i s 0 r Wli n to h elp. Jy on the ine1'ODJlO amoog women -nnd T he s tronges t Ilml most g rateful b c f o re 80bruiU iug to an ' op 'r a tion stat.c m~nls po, sibl e t o malc o cOlDe from e very woman shonld try Ly iJl n. l~, . wo mc u wh o, b y takicg' T.yd lll Eo Pink- Pinldlnm'tI Vegcla bh Compou nd, ond h am 's '\i egetabl e o mpoulld , haTe write MnL F lnlib1U!ol at Lynn. MaSll , loraihi ce.. escap ed seriuu8 opern Uons. , For thirty yara J.ydl. E. Plni.ham '.. l\ta r gri te Rynn. Treasur er of St.., And r ew 's oci ety, Iuuiuu n poliB, llld., V egetable cOmpou nd hy bee n lloJ'i ng the w orst. 10l'1Da of fl'..male compl\d Ol1l, w rItes of h er cure n.s f 'ollow" : all funct Ional tTOllble s. Inflamm u\i ou, Denr ~'[r!l. Pilll,hnm ::t l ~era\jon , fnUi ., I can not 11",1 lI'ord? tne.xpl"eSS mythanl m ",eak n ellll, in Dg -and displace men t. g ulllJ:iUe a, IDdigest loll f or the eo('d I.yllio. E ~ Plnkh/tUl 's VLogelAbl 0 and DeTTCllU I (;O!llllOuu cI did me. 'l ito d o('\;or safd I coul ,l who c ould }U'OSl.r:a tion. Any w omall read the many gratefu l IIOt get. well u nl l1llS ]' bo.1 nn opuroLion for 1 "'1 . •• Pi kh ' m the troubl e from wbl ch I slIlf,.rod, J know I e tters 01) ... e ,UI Jl . am so · co CO lltri not stand the smlin of nn OJlOmtion and w ould bfi_~ of the efficienc y of ",nile uI' lD Y w ind [ would be an IlIvlllld for her ad o.. aad Lydia E. Plnlthru n'lI lito. 1U!lrlng bow L ydic> n
Th e Pu sh H e Needed, " '\"l'PII I \\,a ll fl lill io f ello w I W IlS iocllnetl to woll ~o h· conxl'd." re lutes II l elll'lle(l lin d s l\rcP~ J; rlll Illa n I n 'xc lu \Il ' '. " I 1'/l ntpmbcl' s l uing beqill e Lh bl'O O~ on Il ay I\'h ll ' lh ohll')' c hll· d r ell w ere bu il din g 1\ da lll. Ther w ere wn<.l lnl;, can·Y l ng· Dlon es . SI.l usll lllg DEER FEED ON P ,E ACHES. the lUud n nu shou tin g onl rs, bill none of th m pa),ln g un y attclILl on t o m e. Connect icut F arm . rs Rutin Under l'ltlkham'. Vegetab loColllp OIUld. I hoga u t u fl' I a lJl! eu a n" lo ne ly, nnu De predati on". ' I lsk Irs. Pinkham's Advlre--A. Wemau Baa lIadI:rICIIIIb .. W.IDaD·S IUs. was bl ubbering uver lilY n egl ected cond i tion wh ' n A l!nt 'Sully came dowll Whil e t he Conn ectic ut t :lrtner III t h e ro ad; 81 eplllg Bn u g ly cUl' led u p I n li ls beGt " \ lint's the matt er . son ll~'? Wb y , mort gag • a loll g oomes a mild· yed NO MORE MUST ARD PLAS TERS TO BLIST ER. &.In·l YO l1 pla yln' \v lth lh t' r est '!" and wfld·toot .bcil de r au<.l d rags from "'Th ey don ' t w anL Ul ',' I said, di g· t be sagging \I mbs bu shel aCt er bu sh el THE SCIEC C; \ p i s ~n g m y fi sl s Into my ey es, 'Tbey ot peach es, Slatl stics as to tb e ca· n ev er ask m e t o co me.' pn cl ly of a duer's stomac!: ot bein g "t ex pec t ed ~ympnl h ~', b ut sh e gaTe at han d. It 10 Im possi ble lton esti mate .m e an Impa tl ell t shllke und push . 'Is ' lhe exact amount of dnmage per d eer tlia r all, yo u little II l nllY ? oboll r per peac h p e r farm er , but tbe total I!XTRACT OF THE CAYEN NE PEPPER PJ.,AMT l~aTlt9 ro l ks lhut'll HI-l nl'ound on a I, 80 mueh I bat t he a ttorn ey gencral A QUICK, SURE, SAFE AND IoLWAVS REAOY CUR~ bunk , and walt t o bo a~k d: she cri ed, at t he state W8S FO'fi PAIN -PRICE tl ppealed to t o decide ' I S: .-IN COL LA PSIBLE LL ~UGGlSTS AltO DEALERS OR 'Ru n n'lOllg with the r os l, an d maka wh el her or not peaches BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF I Sc:. IN POSI'AGE S'T AJIPS. , are eropB, DON'T W'AIT TILL TliE PAIN COMES - K.EEP A y o urself w an ted : TU)III HAND Y. says the Boston Ad"ertil lcr. lie says A subsHIUIO for and superior to, musl.," 0' " ,!)I Olh"", plaster, " That shak e and push dill tbe w o rk . tho), arc. and the farm ers are ' begIn· b lister I he mosl dellcale akin. Tho p,uno-lIflfay lDg aAd c:uratl ancl wilt 6101 View of New County Council Hall fr om Weatm l n.ter 'B efore I had ti me to reco ve r f rom nlng to try to collect . . ,aaUIIea of Bridge. dill mages from the arHole are wonderfu l. II w ill ~op Wle.lootb acllo at onoe, .~ ",lIeve UI Y Indign ant su rpri se I ", a3 In Ule the 'state, 'Wblch protects H ....dachc R,nd SolaHca. We recomll)e n.t It ... tire beSt and' tbe deer un· mest' uae;pal UCed by private enterpri se, "nd e" cry· Lb e end or counler·l rrllant known, abo as all ·e.lerna! remedy for ~PalDa Abing don . LreH 10 Ih£ middle of the strenm. 11IIel soo n W8S til 1911, As a matter at ra~t, and In' wbere hut In ' Londoll municip al admln· Tate gullery, a nd ~Iomac h and all Rheuma llc, Nell,alJlc aA'(l;ou ly complal tba CfI....1 " has COd~ 0 " .. a milli on as bU8Y' IlS the olher s, But f or lhat asId e tram conside ration., 'o f peacb ad· llt. r.' A la1aJ '1st ration has bulit a 8ultnble habl1a· or mone~' , shake and push I mi ght bo n eg l ~c t ~d vertl slng. tbe animus oC will prove whal we claim for It, and It wlll, he-~l1IIlllo beilrvaiu . Lb e a~i tatloc ablo In Ihe hotUehold and f or chi ldren. Once used IlGbmU,wUlbe .IlbDlltl don, and hl 80 doing rOllnded n public· .$,nd 1I0W th e publi c, CotlUc!1 and anll wnillng to thi s day . H 'B the p ea· undoubt edly Is tbo restl v'enes8 of the t. Many people .ay " l lls the besl of all your pr~" Ao~t no;repar atloft IIplrlted nam e. arch It ct have nil I:oo pcral ed In mak. lie who' ll b elp Iltlsh Illstell d of walt· Connec ticut amooth bore, wbl ch nl. ta of vaseline unless the same carrlel our label ••:soodlenrlac it isnotl1'RIYnc. , But now Lelldon, throu~h It II county tng lhe :Ark at th e Ci v itas ot a Ireo Ing 10 be IHlshed IhaL llJukc tbe wortb· on' tbe wall. waiLing for a Inack at SEND YOUR ADDRE SS AND WE YILL MAIL 'OUR council, IB to have a civic buildIng . a commun it y VASf.. 'JenIson, Undoub tedly t b ere will be fair 10 look Ujlop a nd tiS whil e cltlte ns." LINE PAMPH LET WHICH VlLLL INTER EST YOU. .., munlc:lp al bome, an traU"t1 of· worlh y a r el)08110l' Introduc ed Into tha l egislatu re oC Can· Y ot Ihe municip al Parlon MeK~own'a P.alm. 1100 In w"lch to strenuo llsly carry Oil tlrchlves . the center necticut tblB fall bills lookIng toward or clv/'c act.l vlt/eY, Old Par soll M cK eown ot the Spring tbe muiliple x dull es tbnl. are Intrust- as. ~OnUTl ental 17 STRUT, NEW YORK CI;n lbe o penIng oC tbe deer season b efore ci t i es bOllst, and, In Slr4.' t ( Basion ) churoh ( long slncc de· 1911. lid to It for the good gove rllment of erecllng II flUln The Conn ec ti cut fnrm er (back· g worksho p tor Lon. molfshe d and might.y l..ondon. I don 's d e"oted lied lice, will g iv e Rpac of the eartb) lite parson gone the 'Way cd by tholle cit y folks wh() a re making had a pa r ish c lerk whe use of For over t en y ears the couucu dnd encouru ge mcnl him to furtb e r their own ~nds) to those nl Unldl)al pe r sistently conllned him self 10 glvlllg would rath er pressed Its clnim ; tor all that perl ort gove rnors who j;et a sbot at the deer bave mad e IAndon In out Ihe one hundred th Ilsn l m. to be tb benlth, time. and truttrul energy 18 yeurs , of tban 10 continue to g et fr'om thtl state' their ndmlllls trlltlbn Ihe ~un g b)' th o cong r egatl co il ; and the In damage ('If Its councilo r s and tllaff were lUuulclp al M ecca s a b ettc-l' pri ce 'tlta[J he to whlcb IIJI civic parsoll finally Inslsl ed u pon .a c hall ge could "cribbed , cablRcd , cOllfined ;" and 10 ptlgrlmt l t\ll'lI ever get tor hi s peachel la tbe Cor Inslru ctloll, (> xa mple, bel n !; m ade, wh ich the cler k J,l rorulsed market. "orne eXl ent ItB work hils suffer ed by and Idc al s In mod I'll c lly guv eJ'llUlcu t. to do, _ tbe Jack. of centraliz ed , 6113'cl oU5 nnll J OBS BI · l'! ~ S " M . P. ;.iotwllh slandln g bls proml!!!. how" well·equ lpped offi ces, A ' FOOD L. O NVt:,HT . ev c r , ~ h fl cl e r k. froll1 f o r r!) of habit, Patient. subml ~8 l ve, ' tol eront to 8n JEFFER SON'S IDE" OF "RIP." gav c ont Oil lhe followin g Su nday t he Good Food the ,True Intolera ble deg r ee, the .coullcll prac. Ro~d to Health. su me w ord s: " All p eopl c 1III\I ,on pnrtb tlcall y unanimo usl y, Irror.llcc \l"o of part)'. <!ecld od n year ago, for Ih'? Great Comcdla n Had Given the Char. ~ o elwel l," wher e u pon t h e I l a r so ll' ~ tem· Th e perni cI o us h abit so me pcrsons ,actcr Much Study. good government of IA nd oll . LO H ,. per ('o nld ' hold out n o 10n ~(> r, nnd , put· still bn"e of r el yi ng on nauseou s dl'u gs PoslU.. ,I., cwrea 111 cure a ncw home away troUl the o ld 1I fig hl s hud over t h e desk, hc crle ct, to r l le\'o d y spepsia, k ~ cl tbese LIUle PHta. pa liP t he JOije!lh .l effer ROII look Ih(l ;:1' at esl " D- n all flcopl e that all IIlte, which has b ~en nell her sul ta bl c . , Tbcy al!O I'(!U_ Dt', a r t h do palenl medldn c busi ness tlnd ' helps sufficien t. nor aV/lllnbl e, tor lis ever· Inter est (l or hl\1 s III prepa rin g- h ~b SOli . dw ell ! " tress f rom l>yspep;la . 10 ' k l'c Jl Ull the army of dy spepllrs , Increasi n g work and Its multiply ing Tboma s J effer so n. ro r l h" " HII' \ ':In <l1j;e8tlOIl and Too nc~ Till s w as III 80 lou d a ,'oic(' IIlnt BC\,' I nd lHcstion - l l )'s peptilu -Is cnused EstlnG'. A pel'1'oot I'(!m·, Winkl e" s ocn e l a w hi ch that chul'arte r ru l ~ood d c:\(~(} u S (l CC U l l ~' l n ~ :'r ttl by wha t Is r c sponslb llftl cs, ., ' " ' put Into the sl om tlch In cdy for DI%zIDcss. NCl1lOO:l. A~lId. as til e CCllII\('1l w,ns hc lTl g tn·let· l'e:;nl ~ s consC IUl1 S n(' ~s a rler u alecp 01 5('n1.S h ~ arel tllC .words, I\nd wh al fe w th e wny oC Impr ope r fOI'rI , t h ki nd Drowsiness, lind T w;1.o eel f rolll Sprin g O~\ rdcos, . ~arllam el\t 29 3'ea \'s, ,lu81. hefore Ihe tl l'&1 r~~ hnlr s I II y h Ull r em aining on t h I ~ lIJ:lt 50 tax cs th e sU' ng l b of Ihe ell · In t ho Mouth. Co:l1.cil would not have It 0' tile Adelphi gil." h qarslIl Iho old·), lIlan eXplnln c,1 b ls h ea Is ~tooll " t 1'Illll'h t on (,IHI wit h hoI' J.! t'~t l l' o or ga ns lI)('y arc ac !.ually Cl'il)' Tonzuc, Po.lIl !JI tlIe SllIe, , and f h l) lI!]lld r ofuHetl to havO;l it i n platt or 11 i lou . ror , Aud U,nt w o s tho last Ol'l'ul·tu ol pl,',1. ===~_...1,T Om'rD LIVER. 'I'I1Il1 , " . 'o w , 'r uill . 1 will Ii,; d uwll as II Iy, Pnl'son i',,10')(eow n h:1.d of Pllrlia~ n eii ~ I r eut , wh c r e hellor co uld Pl1rcly VcgelAblo. eXi'i un d \\'I"'n t his " lnte I,,'rcnch c rl. t o rosort It be 11laoei,lh nn on tll o s \lSCIUUR plOl asl ecp, " he nnl rl iJ' !-ffeol , " T I\l' n I I ng Ihe' go " p~H (rom hi s pulpit . to sti lliu!a:lts ,hl lI 1<e w hi llplng ' n tired o C g round ccup l od h~' dingy wharf, w ill wnk en, ('xa (' l1 y as I "'lOu ie! if I hoI'S" wi,l h n bl !; lolld , Every addl· w pre \l or fuml I ut> ' 0[J I h,· st" ce lJr II n o no too eosollt ract o l'Y. , Farm T~lk, Llollal er10rt h(' lIIa!w s \lIl de r t ho l as h Genuino Must Se; , 'fhc rl \'cr UII the Io\lf'Lh , 1\ public c r ow d ed UI,'a t 1'. ~' ou I11 II >l l wa l l'!l mc ' 'rho l a t~ Ch a]'l !l llJlss, I he t am'HlS 1 1l(' I 'c'n~QS h is l uss ur p'lwo r to m ovo ' Fac·Simi le Signaluro terrace Int el'y en ln ~ b.~ l.w .. en a 1111e Inlenlly , , Bu l YUIl III " !It 1101 tl',I' t o stlll~ of th e Dun· nice ril'ClI"- h \\fns th e 10, d. embrlllk mon t end Iho CO llnt )' hall , ('nt,dl th e ;;C"UIi (IS "r till> fur!!' 1 tbe ul'lglcml " h 1l01110 fly"-lllIl lIll" d his T ry hc l pl ng t lt o slomach by l ett" lll g Thi s ,atl'wctu re Is a "oll d, " massive , ('h un go" . K el'er IlIlnd Ih" 'Jute ., lIlun; " tH' I!SS In I hor ulI J!h ness , off h 'II"'c a sy, I ndll> 'sl lhle fooel !1I\d d igni fied , lJs('ful u'ldlt, t: bo nncl ed on I t I s th " In ncr lIIa rl YUU IIIII M " u~u r\'e " VOIl't uUenlpt H new Irlrl(;' h takb on Ur;'l llo· :\ul s-llght·, ellsll y dl· ~~.JR[~USE SUBSTITUTE•• th e so uth by tl elvede r c r and. 1m· 11)' I hn,t I moan Lllll l ~"Il II,IUSI 11'.1' (: salol' on e ,Ill>" I n, . I ad l s'o n , '1111 you tlr (;<'''(''11. full uf slreng t h ror ncrvell and proved QS a I'elll'f IlP1H'ouc h 10 \Vn t ol" til Br.o' · I' Ihe wOI'lcl lI ;.1f< III m i nd 1\ h Ol'o u;;h masler ll f It. Tlt e oll l~ lI m lll , III c r r l'.\' grai n o r it. 'rh or o'g n o lo!) dt'ntlcll f l'om \"\I OSI I11\ n "IOr brhl "o F or wh en I .began Lu wa ell as Ilil Ivay to ~I\CCC U Is II) be r.o I h OI'nll!:h wnsle of l im e ilOr ener:, y wh 'II Grnpc· for t~!l ;.w.cstill' 1I tram thill, now ob- V an \~' I n ltl e I s ~ro\'.e \0 IJut m ysel f I n l a eyel'y th IOll: YOI1 und el'lu CURE FOR l.o t hul rill · !':lI l S Is lli e roo d , . BLrtl (l1,ll til/} jloULh n st corll er 01 lhe m l' lItnl atUt uu t:> t hat would haH U f(l Is nl ~o"" th . r 1111 I ntl'o S~ l hi;11Y. " [ 1 1111 an OtlLlilisla sti :: lI SElI' M GrapeBrl dn . On th e w est St. Thomaa' h06· , heen hl ~ , 011 l'O~O\'e l'llI !; h i m ' el t aft !'l " I t , y ou nl'C going, fo r la 3 t f\ n ~ n , t" Nu ts u nd co nslll r It :tn i d ea l foOd;" j,ltal . opposite 10 th e 11Iluse of pl!orlln· ha ll a II fc Ume s sl u miJ{' I'. I I I'Y t e he II sruni p SiICal(c l', Ir ) ou nl'e goln.,; Wl'l t C'R a M ul n lII an : ' rnen t-' e nhancin g: th e bealllY Iln~ view XPI'Pt;S the ullcerta l n l),. Ill ... co n fu sion 10 ad,ll'ess i\ l oo t farm r q. <1o n'( t.1 1k " C hnd n o, " OIlS u)'SJlC' llsl a unci WIlS of t hn t J?reRt 'pil e. lhe Iwpos" Mel rho ("nrH t hu l wO'Jl d fa l'lII tnlll unless y ou havo st lldled It Is quickly .b.~rbod . . 1111 ' r UI1 ,Iow u all d lilY (ood g, 'C!r!lcd 10 Iii \toelllitg with t/i, ,aliltq·. New crowd the IIIl n d or a ' " ... I·MOIl Gly •• R. :iel al On ... pussl ng up. do 1110 u nt li ttle gnod , 1"l'o uli I'em lln!> ;.:cotlllnd Y a rd. nod tormln g In the t hrou gh su cb uu 'x t l'oordln, ,:'y I!Xllc, It rlcnn~ps, 800thl)9, "Don't be like a stUIlJ P SI!flllker : lUI adv, I t rlcd G rrt fl<l811 (~ f ood" Dud n e'l\' r;trllctu/' al UP!1I'OIlCh cl!, chonged "l cnQe. ' , henls und prIJlccl8 'mow who yelled' at a cross rOllllb afte r . II t w w oeks' steady usc of It tilo Bme nltl es and 1I0blc" envlron mellt. a di se"sed lUembran e. It cUres Catarrh " It Isn l n eces ~ary t hnt ~'o u r Inter· , leetlng: (olt g r eatl y ltD I) roved • ~rea t I'Iverald (' emlJel1lB hmellt, n,seful , llrell1tio n, HlIou\tl and drioyOll owuy Cl e oId in the H CI\(l qui kly. .. ' H e w!:lo puts his hand to' tho Plow lJp ' Ollt war<.lly like "A III much stron ger, U(lt 1l (lI'VOU~ He.tores I h.. HenRm ur T ,..~le l'et nnmenta l. RUllkln g appropr iate· mine : In (aot , I shOUld hllcl Smell. b ex t.r em ely Dl ust not turn buck: ' DOW. and Cllll do 11101'10 w OI' k w l lhout Full Aizo &0 ('t s, IL t DlUggUi\ 8 or by 1I1AiI. Iy, y e t m oll es tly, with Greenw ich has· douhtru l of .. ' Wot' s he to 110 then whe'n be got~ youI' snc e e ~9 It It w ere ree ling 80 t f re d. imd 111\, hll t ter o very 'I'ri,,1 siztl 10 CIA loy mllil. • Jll ~ aJ, Lambetb palace, the bouse8 of Dllt the g r oat point will be to' eX:lr ese ~o the ·,od 0" the IUrrer'l' sho ulet' :! way. ELy llFOlhers . 56 WarrllD SIftet, N QW York. porllame nt, ('uatom bou8e, Chellea prope rl y t hc: thoug hts an,l I (l mollons 01 hired D,an In blue o"~ra1l8." . " r relish Grnpe-f\(u t s b est ,\\·It,h cream bO.ll ltal, Hampto n co'\lr.-b uUdlngs the "'ake nlns; [Up Van Winkle In Idul Inil use, tOl1r heaping tCll8 ~lOOnf"ls at Ibo!t Bllrvlv8 to UI . . worthy and own wa)·. Never No Subttan tla' S·atl.fac tlon. mind how you do • moal. 1 am aure therE are tholl' Dloaume ntal reminde rs of the lIa)'s thlo, and dOll' t tr), to 1l 1'Oduce Ibe d e"YO'I ca[J 't reau,. be very aD I , " umds at persoDs wltb Blo!tlach trou· ""ben tbe Rh'er Thames wail the oblet, aired orTee!,$ III I he wa)' ever." WIth .- oung Spendlt , ror wben you HJ(~ II GIlADB t: AJW6. I:o*fttJlle APEJI ..... ble wbo would be booeOt(' by ualng &to .,~ 1:0;\\ leI!,. _ 1_ _ gd u It muet a~alD be. the lime; the thIng 10 U mnBt be conccrq" 16k«. • • " aUllltll .,RDT. lH."old blm about bls ol eXI rll 1'''11l/1e, he :lrape·N utB." 1....- A.unw. , Name wldoat. CICl~n...t, prettlea t. quietest with. Is )'our «,ven l·.,.tum· J.U&y en·\,. !>. J• own nullon of tbe varl ;.aYII !\lch clGae atte:Jtlo n!' :0.. BaUl., Creek. Mleh. I~roilchfar. ID sreal metropo . and your pe 110Dl I ttlt'ltDKI "liN lOll tbe lit· N"um~h! 'I'bllD lbal', all bit '" . lie book. "Tbe Rood to II.. ID are IJla,Iq :Soel "'T." -Ib.ltID lor. Amerh aa.
- --- ---
rna'me. ll-n_ je RO,.IlSln=.J:'I011' 0KE
~ .
: irs~~~
A Pos itive
Ely's Cream Balm
"TIIOle' .
CAP UDINE ....... ..'!!!!!!
---'"" '-- - 20 POST CAllOS for 25c
----- -- -
=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~"~"""""~~"""""~""~~_~ . M~.~'.•""~~~~~~~~................~~w. .."""""--"""" __~______" ______~____________ "",,,,,, I e .
,~~.J~Jt~,J~ concen.in_g_'_o_r_m_e_r_,
Fott Cold fZ¢¢t TrY a
Pair and. Get , Acquainted with them.
' r B altnbaltt s. J~
~ ,
Mr . Montgomery Ulagett. of Montgomery oounty. Maryland wbo lived with .her son , Dr. P. D. (JIlig • att at Ridg vill , a ooupll~ Of y etlrS , Rgll, btUI beeu mnklng all xtended I I . v II t with 11 son in ArizoJ]~l and h er !list er at Montorey. Mev.' ' (1" . While .u . v in thtlt oit"" tIle "''11" t ~.. ket'" I'll "nd ,'s J ~ now in u h 08}lit.n,1 there, Rntl he r pity . iol llnR hllve deoi\\ell iu or·
Prof. WIlson lind Mis!1 Mille r at. - --tended the Tell. hers Convention \U Of Waler used by Drinking Foun.; Indianllpolis lus t week . , tain "~~ch Day. . Mr. Walter Kilbon II! on siok Jis t . Presirtent. W . 1:1 . AI \(ln .. r t ilt. Nil. ,John Lemmon bad his 8rm brok· tionll! Bank hns mud\' ~ ,)fI lil (llll(lll · en Itlst ' WedDAsdny while Il laYll1" '" Intions [Ill to tb tJ IIt1l01lilt or wll foot btlll 00 the Wuyoe8vill.' Bll bool usedb y tbe puuli fU lIJJ tnin wh luh ground. I1118 r becn p1" "I'I\ ' netl l' th e> Mrs . H l n~y .luy WtlS II recen t, btlnk. · guest of Mr s Alice MoKinsey. He finds thnt I pi'lt u f \'''Itt' '
Mrs. J , B. Chapman was on the lOlok lIat the patlt week . Great bar,alns In millinery at Mn. U . M. . WhUe's . Mile Leona Sohwarb, of Clnoin· na&i. 18 "RUlli' of ber ai,ter. Ml88 AllaM' Sobwartz. Mile Clara Hawke viaited ber ais· ter. Mn. Jolm P . Fromm at Dayton from i'rlday until 8UD~Y. Edward Rioke w.. .at Dayton KoDday and 10 tbe e.ening beard Lew Doob~er'. M.lnltrels at the Vlo&Orla Theater. Mr . and Mre. A. B . SldOll lire o.t tending the Trl·Sttt.tfl imple ment [)<>IIlen Exhibltton at Loni~ ville, 1\ tlllfuoky this week. Alllung the villi tors at tbe Friends ",1I"rterly Meeting Saturday were tilt! Mi8888 'Della and Ada Downing, "f Xenta aDd MIN Geor~la Frllme, IIf llaY&oD. Mr. Leslie MoCone who has been spending I8veral weeks at the home of ht. wife'll mother, Mrs.. Eva . Miller, returned to Williamspn, W.. t Viraini& Saturday, muob 1m· proved In health by hill suy here. While engaged In a Ilame of foot ball on the IOhool ironuds d.urlng the noon hour, WedDesday, John Lemmon, 1011 of J . N . Lemmon of ibe CitizlJnll Bank, fell and broke both bon.. of bl8 left arlD near the Wrllt. Be was taken to Dr. Wright'l office wbere the bones vrel'J!,_ and dr08llngs applied.
Mr. Barry Cleaver and family moving tbil week from the Itmae.of 'heir , grand mo1her, Mrs. ElleD Bides In&o Mr•. Mary Upp's honae on Third 8treet. De '
Thanksgiving Market The Ladi.. Aid 8ooie&y- of the M . m. ohurch will hold a Thaulr8glvlng market 10 the l::J~oope bulldtDjf ·Wed. needay, November 2S, the day be· fore Thank8glvlng. . ~ Tae publio i. r'equea~ to favor the 800lety with ita p"onaie in purohutDIf for their ThlIDkllPvlng dinner. .;
For Sale. Mllllaery 8&ore, Inclucltnlr loock and tI:durea of an kinda'. Owner delllHl ~o retire, :.
Xu. 'U , II.
The HarveySbnrg W U. '1': U . will give u literary I1nd musical entertainm nt. in that villnge Matur· day evening N Ovember 2 ... The ( com plete program will ap· pear in bhe n ext issuo of the Gazette Thfl seoond \lumber of the leot nre cours enter tainm ents will be a lee· tnrp," Tnllow Dips " by Robert Park . er Miles. I'll Paris, nllnois, Onily Ga?.ettc, says of him : Robert Park: er Miles delivered his nddres8 'Tal. low Dips," und fairly oa.ptured 11is luge audIence. .8e was easily the best numbAr on th e Jeoture 09urse .
Many Rare Trees. Being Placcd in Miami Cemetery, New Lnke will be Built. The Board of trustee8 · of Miami Cemetery htlv e plaoed a ' number of treeR about the gronnds this filII , 80me of them extremely rare and valuable . Among these are severlll purple beeohell and purple maples. III b ave b een . T wo weeJllUg wows plaoed on opposite sides of the main en t ranee to th e ' Beau t I' f u I C·t I y af our Loved Ones. " The Boord has authorized the Snperintendent also, to make an ar tlfioi'aJ lake of the pond back of ·the ~uperintendent's r esidenae Ilnd Ra· vine avenne .leading int o the Cem. etery from the wrst will also be 1m· proved and beautified.
~::e:yl:~r:~~(~lnn~:~:~: ~~~~gl:
la no respecterof age, and It I,a just u ommon a condition among child. ren as. It Is with their parents. The condl· tlon i8 far more likely to reach au acute stage, develop serl· ouslywlth the little folks,be. cause of the
EDlToa me Mtull b.uaCTTI:: For publication iD YOUI.. paper I furnlt!h herewith record meteor· olOKiOllI obllerva'tlon. tUeIl by the undenl,ned a" a oooperil.·t ive ob· IBrver of the Weather Bnrean of 'be U . 8 ~p8rtineDt of..., Agrloul. ture durlnlf the week end!ng Nov 12, l\106,.t Wayneeville 0hio. . Very respectfully, tIlJiculty in detecting It. . Cn u . E. MI(~~II:MI:II . Many a child h0.8 died from constlpa. tlon, or illness arising from It, when it Dt,te. might have been saved by the timely tIM of
;" .
- - lil T..owest .
-'Ra n--:--:;-:-,c~.,- ·
inflilf, in Inobes dnd hundredt.hll.
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(£o.ofl ... )
This Is the greatest remedy known for corr~ctlng constip,ated conditions. Don't walt until yourcbild Is afIect~d, J but administer a dose of the medicine I occ~ionally. . You wlll notice a perceptible change I for the better, a healthy color and, a Uveller diRposltion. · . Dr, C.ldwell'. Syrup is a good thing to have In thtl house, because It II
~~.o~ll~~r.,:~~I:..~ap~~~in can be obtained in both doUar and halr·doUlir alzes from all druggists. Your money w1U be refunded if It does not benefit you . I Your pUKu il COld r eq l1c fl t will brll1a' by retut'Q Cnre for Bore Nipples. lIIaU our ne w ~>oklcl. "DR. CALDWELL'S As .oon a. the ohlld Is done nurs· IJOOK 01' WnNUF.R,s" and freo . nmpl. to thOl" Who hll\'c ne ver tried tbl. woodadlll Ing appl., Chamberlain's S8,lve, nmcd),. Mothers wrlt~ toda)'. Wipe It off with a 110ft olpth before allowing the oblld to 'ORne. Many PEPSIN SYRUP 00. .a.U..Ile, 1111••11 trained D~ nae tbls with tho bt-st relult •. PrIce 25 cent. per ,box. For Sale by J. E. Jnnney .1 or aale-b1 F. C. 8ohwartz.
Dr. Caldwell's Syru)J Pepsin
'1'he Misses Kllte nnd Alice Clurk 11 I akin gil t0tal fl ow Q f II g n IIIll.l till W(' rfl in 'Inoinollti MQ1lI10y . 110ur or 11" . .. U gnII ODS "er y "~ 4 Il o ur~. The four;;tlliu h tlH pr oveu itself II PI R' long felt wllnt anti llll.~ Lecuw · u easant Idge. v qUite a popnlo.r Institution~ . U MI' . Put Curren tled wife were guests of the 100tter'B brotber George Lnrriok nlld fU.fUlly of D en t' Lebo.non the lutter part of last weok. E lmer Keever and motber Bun· dayed with John Redmon tlnd wife. EI "'_... t S 1 eanor "",rnullr spent UIl( ay ""it.h h er frien d Abbie R oland . Jacob Cornell and blldron lind
L, J
"' H !';~I:I SA 1.11'1]1[01{ V ' t('r~
t '(I·I·'.r , _ _
Gru n. , rdes--
~ N,' Buckwheat Flour
'Pure lind Kiln dried
t h eir guests 8nndllY Web Squires wife tlnel son Wilford. Hllrry Uor. nell , Wife and son Carmon, Vernon Hough and wife nnel hnrl!e Cor · n ell.
li S
Some Large Apples. The Gazette Rokn owledges with. thllnks two Immense IIppleR from Mrs. Ed Maoy , whioh were II present· to her from her, T. O. M1I80,n, lit Xenia, tl,nd who in turn bnd reoeived th em from his brother. who conducts II fruit farm at Hood River, Oregon . We do n ot know tbe variety of the apple, hilt if these IIpple8 nre Il 8umple of what can be grown 'in Oreg" n; wo h~ve II most exoeJlent opinion 0 1' Oregon lind 'its people.
Gongress Play,iog Cards. ,. ,
Cards of quality. ' In beauty, style and finish, no others compare with them. \ Found wherever society... pla~sicard:#.:Gold;edges~ e 'l'ftlll.I4LI IY 1 .J . E. JANNEY.
- -, Hoyle I 2 8'JlOie Pf.JlOld~ fortwo Concreu
JlOCk WrapJlOf. and name of dealar
from whom )lOI:k. wef. bourhl .~.u.
U. S. Playing Card
.. (;Inclruatt. O.
$ $
$ $
CUlUlANTS Full po.u n d pac k age lOe .
New Meal , Oats,.
II ommy, . C . ·annc d G0 od S
Crusl,cd Oyster Shell for the Uhloks • Try our C. C. C. Asparagus ~ Cabbage. Sweets, Apples At tl b f l O L 10 eautl Il oountry home of ranges , emons, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Htll' ~er ShltI'lker on Bananas. laet W dneadl1Y the marria"e of Malaga Grape8 .. their y oungest daughter Miss Annu Datcs plnd Fige d M . nn Mr. elvlUe I:)torer WtlS quietly W o ,u'lIll11ylng celebrated. Ooly the memoor~ of the Imm edillte fllllllii es were prell· ... ent. At th e conolusion of the cere, ..... many a sumptuous wedding dinner ~ FOR EGGS . was ser ved . The g r oom is the only son .of OliO 0 1' :::;"bi nn ' <\ )lr R»or0118 It pays to trade at
Wedding Bens ~ are Ringi ng ~
:~~~ :l~I;:I~eO~!~~eh~:ts~ o!!:r~~ Wi~:'B:r~~~P E~:~~:tt~~~ f~~~~;~ ~nU;lU;~~l:~e.n~I:~~d'l'~le v::';d:r~~)i8~
kn ow she 'bas one of the :kindestnnd be~ t of husl:.tmdtl. Then, jus t two k we II aftor her mtirriage lJeorge 's 'j' G t d' d f h l' d WI e er Ii Ie 0 eart ( 15e&8e, on in 'u r deat,h we los't Il daughter in · de('~ . 1:)0 we hll ve Geor@:e nnd their ad 'p ted son four y elirs old with us, m ilking another baby for us to raise.
ns I nUl , lI.nd :1, grellt comtor:t to u , I·neleed . • DIrectly lifter Gertu 's detLth, Mr . James took very slok w1'h wb~t 'l ~ threatened t o be t uberculoses IIna the doctor decided t,h e bost thing to d Q wns /I oomplet e oha:nge, so we sold our good h ome IIlId bought a frui~ ranoh on 3sh on lslond, lind we are hnppy in realizi ng th nt it hilS worked a cure. We arEI bllilding n nice home It ill only twel ve miles fr om SenttJe, onl y takin g a few min· utes more than Iln honr's ride on Ohio Anti-Saloon the bont. We hll ve 11 telfl(lhon e, gas, Leage Meeting. water in the house, Ii flne s pring, Rev. Phiiip Trout, Mrs. N . L. Jersey cow, oh'iokens, frnit of 1111 Bunnell. Rev. and Mrs . Benj . Hawk. kinds , ure only four minutes walK ins have beep in attendance at the from the dook, nnci one o,t the fine t meeting of the Ohio Anti (:;11.10011 views in ille oountry. so here 1 am Leagull at Columbus Mouday and a f~rmer'R wife again , hut 1.111.0 very Tuesday or this week. . thlinkful we don't depend gn orops for a living, and I have 11 good JIlP for the housework, Farmers.' Institute~ In this I will send you the pioture Wayne8vH1e will have a Farmers' of our new home. WI! will h '~ve gKS and eleotrlo light-, h()t and cold Institute this winter. Febrnary 26th and 26th hlive been water, cement basemellt, ' fnrnace IICt apart for the ItJstltnte. lind heat, so I will ha ve ull t hQ olmven . MeB8r8. Maolntlre and Gordon, two lenoes of the oliy and frElsh air, and of tlia best Inetltute workers in other fresh things, so I think we Ohio, have been assigned 8S speak• win be able to stand it . We oan see the watut' for miles' ers by the State. The Farmers' In8t1tute!! are al. from all parts of our plane, whioh is ways very popnlar at Waynesville, conllidered one of the fi:nest on the Island . . and unnaually well attended.
Condition of the VVeather for the VVeek. ,
Th o followin g· le tt er f rom Mrs . J ohn Jtlmcl!, of SetLttle. Wtl ~ll1n~ ton will be r eud with 1111 f\·.- t uy the lIltmy fr ieudlcl. (If th ... enlllil y Illllong Gllzette ) c U II ~ r N, wh u will remember the fllmil y Wh llll tlle y livedat Ferry.: V ABRON, WA SHlNI I'rON. Mila. T. J . BUOWN. · My DEAR FRrEN D:- After so long II • t·lme I will try ana Iln8Wer y Ollr vc ry kind letter, also acknowledge y our kind invitation t o the Botne Com. ing. While it was iwpossiblo for any of os t o be ther o, W I) nil p,ppre· oiat~d yo ur k ind ·b ospit,"\ity. and' if we could we surel.v wunld have en enjoyed It, bllt this bns been a year of g rellt ohunges and sOlrrow to US', fir!lt , our denr daughte:r Winifred
$ ZIMMtRMAN $ $ $ $
~~~I ~~ :ff:~:sll~/ure nil opemtion , th!l:~\l~:r~:~:::~J:~e ~~~~~~g o~~ !!~~:f;t~I~~~lIi~JO~~I~ .~';'I:·; :~;::~::~:~: $' N~'~11 e:.~:~~t~:!~:ll:e lOe
. ~~~
LOCAL AND ' w. C. T. U. at PERSONAL MENTION Harveysburg.
Fourteen Hundred ~""'.J""' . ""~ and Forty Gallons. ~ '\. ~
$$ $ 30c $
$ $
Trilenll Prater spent a few days charnli n~ and ~lcOOmpli <lh e d young lady lind II sOOlll1 ftl vorit.o botll in Iflst w eek with h e r sis t er Mrs . Frank Wurren lI,nd Clinton counti e~. Rogers of n eur Lyt le. Tbe I:p'oom has a handsome Il ew ~ Albert Hray a,nd lady fri end home fnrnl hed in l:labitl8 whe re Rpent Sllnciay eve witb Charle8 the hap py eOllple will he ILt h OID,o to GrtlY tlnu fUUllIy . their lDlln y (riends December Mrs. Les ter Sllrfa ce sp ut. n fow 1. W e vis h t hem God' ' peed .
Of Course
. .~ ~
days with her parents of W ellmnn recently.
Trespassing Notices
Mrs . Marin I:)urfuoe I~nd gran dllon Legi ble !'ign8 printod in Jnrge ty pe .rohnny called on Mrs . luranoe on hen vy llluKlin , furu ltlding huot. ' urfuce n,nd ohildren Sa t:nrday nf· in~ or t r~ pu "s in g ,' for eRie nt the ternoon. GazettE> office.
Spring Branch.
Little Helen' Grabnm has b'o.'n on the slok list for t.he pas t tbl· t!e weeks . Mrs Dixon Wharton and MillS Mary Mo.rlatt, of Mount Bolly , lind Miss Petul Dill, of Da.yton, were NEWSpap~r, the guest.s of Mrs. Frank Dakin ltlst uti .lll1llJTn!DLY Talt: week. L~dlDp;itI'IcnJtnra1 Journal of tne World Mr IlUd Mrs . Thonllls Grl1h"m SOUTHERN RAILWAY EYery departmetl~ h,. .JX!C)iAllattl, U>o ure the hllPPY parents of R fine = J'ao~ hlgheat outhorttlea In their IIDeII. hllby boy . Nootberpapcl'p~nda to .'Omparo .wltJ> It Mesf:1r!o. John Gentts and Frnnk III quallncotloo.o at cdllorlal .t.nll'. 01... the agricultural NKWS with. 1!.!8""" Hes visited with the lutter '8 b.·otb. 0/ coruplct.eDeeS not eveu ott<lmpt.OO bi othen. ~ er , Walter Hess, of netlr Xenia on INDISPBNSABLB TO • 5oo"' , l · ...... Sunday . ALL COUNTRY RESIDENTS ScnatialUt. . , Report BllyS the mayor of Mount WHOWlSHTO .... 5ootla..... Holly put the "lid on" rin Sunday KBEP tiP WITH THE TlltIBI!I. llist . 81.,1. 8abot>rtp'lo., 'I.GO I .000IIn..... TlCIllJI •• uLa Two Sabot>rlpUo ... ,t.60 I flm A.D TlUID ",UlAn or The tibutment of the bridge over "h. 8 ....rlpll.... ",a.. Middleron was flnilihed last )j'riday INDlICllltIENTS to BAIS. -!-.. by Perry Prnoe and his ·f orce' of ••ECIAL WII IWIY BBS 0., LAROBB ClLVB •• ftIt bIonoaIIoa aDcI RaIi!f ~ , workmen . 'l'he Bridge Co. will Four MontlW Trial2'rlp GO centl/; PAUL 8JtOWN. T. P. A. . erect the new bridge In a short time CHAS W. ZEU., D•.P.A. ,PECIMEN OOPIES a..cJDDAIA. Messrs . 'Va Iter and Ernelt Dllkin ...111 bill mailed tree Oil requ... lL ,,'11111.,. ....,.. were recent Dayton visitors. W A' , 0ARJU!Tl'. a..-J ~. body jllUlrest.ed In l.IIy wa,. ID counLry ute to Ma. Thomatl Bees ' Willi last w~k I/1I>cI fslr tbem. Address tbe publJahen : W. ~ fUN£AIUION.o. P. A., ~ ~u..). LUTH'R TUCKER., 80N, the guest of relatlvee at Xenia and .....blloDY. N. '1/'. Dayton. It seems, if all reports lire trne, thn.t a nomber of our neighbors1lre going to make a ohange and leave our vicinity when the spring time comes "gain. Mr. and Mrs. Worren Dtlkin were the guests of the Intter'8 parents Itt Leelan II few days last week . The friends of Mr. Frank Mnple, who WIIS accidentally shot a few weeks ago, wm regret to h'arn' that !:I,e Is not recovering us fnst os they would like bim to. fA MI8s Mllttle Hess was shopping in YEAR Xenia MondllY. THE,; "1 Mr . 6eorge Straw nnd family, of near BellbrOOk. were the li!unduy guest8 of Mr, TIlOmas Hess lind fnmily . ' Mr , und MrlO. FranK Hartsook 'The more 'M agazules there are. the more were 'gneBts' at a large dinner I·urty . Indispensable is The Review of Review. at the home of Mr. Mike Grimes and fliwily lit Corwin. . ~. Indiapenaable." "The one mafazine I feel I mutt take," "Th. Mr. Edward Cook WILS severely world \I~der • fi~!d-fla..:·" An education in publio .ffaln .... current Iaterature. lOme Df 'the phr.... one bean Era. ...... injured by fillling from t' looded people who read the Review of Reviews. The more mapzirIea there ate,. die moving wagon on Tuesday of lllst more necea&&rY it the R.!view of ~_ beca_ it, brjnaa t...,alwi the bat tIIat it in .11 the moft important , monthliea 01 ,he world. Such it the .8oocI eI week. Be W811 on his wn.y to Day. J><:riodicol literature th.t nowadaJl people ..y that the _Ii w.y to leep lip ,ton helping Ed H,mby move ~ben With it Ia'to read the Reviewof Revie_; Entirel), 0YeI' and tm. rmew~ the to ble on whicp. he was sitting i"ll teetion. it h.. more original mallet and iIlllAr.boIIa lhan . . ....,.., uti lhe mOil and imponant .nidea prinlcd in any monthl.r. ' and whioh WliS not seourely tied fell PrDbably)he meA uaelul oediao of all ia Dr. Albert Shaw • iI........... Pn.,to the ground tllking him wlt.h it r... of the World." where 'public evI!1IIa. &lid __ are .who~ uti laa.., and st-rlklng him on the ankle aplained in every Uaue. Many. aubocrlber writs. un. cIepatJDeM ..... craoklng the bune and outting a, wonh more than the price 01 the 1DICum.... 11Ie 1IIIlq.. C81t_ . deep gash . His friends hope to soon depictiDc currenl hiotOry in earicature, II another f.......: n. hear of his recovery. lul.w. co....n II .... cOIlII••ata, and yet. Amerieu, &ra uti Men iJI'public: life. the _ _ eI Coaar-. Pf'OfaIioDaI-a. .... ~ eapCaina of induAry who mlllt !r-.P." up wQ tJ.e Iimta,.. ~ .... aM womea all tim' America, .hu. deciiIed that it \I u ino5ap.pabie,
COUNTRY 1831 GENTLEMAN The ONLY Agricultural
Cincinnati & Lo.wUle TO ALl IIPORTIIT CmE$ ~
~ ~~~~~ " ~~~--"
..~... ... ...... ... ... ... ..~g~.~.s~£,~~2~;
~~~~~~~ ; "~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~k2~ Sylv este r N. Zon tme yer to;P . K. ~~~~~~~~~~~~22 !S~~A·~~~~~"--__ wor da a.t 8 cen ts per 100.. . 23 Urt on. lnt In Mor r w, --_ _~.2~""_.~. ~ 76 S. J. Tho mpe on, t!el'VlceB I!.lI For Ren t Sec ond .IBm floor of Jon es "ll ti'TIIZI'r '" tll by Luk e Smn •OOU RT PROO J.:llD l,,·G8 . I nflr ma. ry 'Dir ecto r ...... ..... 56 buU dlng JUBt the thin g for livin 35 g Ben ry I C, t:!hurtz vs MIlIt.rd a non . to .Ioh n B . Treo n. 711.:13 acre s LebB·non ()aB roomll 'I nqu lre of Nat han Jon es . 00 •• gBB at jail ,,75 in Lem on towll~blp. But ler (Iou Sno ok CalM! "ettilld and dl!lmi8lle nty. Phil ip I'Ipe d. lind 101 00 tH'rp • - .. I s In Frb nkli n tow n . defld reoo nce. tran sori blng MlIIllrd Film ore 8nllok VII WIlIt. Ho.. To Find Out. rd No. 28 ... ... ..... ; 310 47 ECZEMA and PIL E CUR E m shlp ,I"" .O.n . Fill n botl le or com mon glass with . E . Snook et ·1Ii. . Bern R B FRE Smi E Kno win g wba t It was to lIuf· wBte r and let it stam i twen t y·follr ,. ' 11" th, coal for oon rt ice Sno.ok 1 luiu •• Mill ard Fill mor e !:inouk ttl Btlr Mou . nt" er . C 8ub bou will . lltlt. se a sedim ent or , t! give FRE E OF OH ARG Eto ...... uted lulD ... · ...... ...... ... ...... 10 45 Gol d . Bon II tift' ,md leav a give n a& herPIIrt nts. d to·yfile 100 r'~u 31 her nioeSnook Mou poD8 ltorl' lI ar' in e lliug gl~e iud icale - \11 n fay IIffiloted a posi tive onre . fl)r Ec· eup plem enta l peti tion . unhe Blth y (" :I. vu wUh eao h 10 oen • Tur tleo rAek "lw ntlhill. 111:3500 alt t puroh&8e 250 rouh i ) <.li tion ofth e ', ,lzam a, II r eum , erYB pe as, pile s LUlllla. Cow an Balt erm tln V8 Joh 8kin ne y. : if it Sl . ,an B. N . ·et.tlllwa yar lind wif - pon 0 s BeOO E. &lb norf et at 'ritl e quie ted and . reB cho ice of mor e than t o ) 't your Ii Ile a i . ia B ,)rtlotol B. Wiljrerllon, 2SX Rur I es. In8ta~t rFeliewf. su1fdil er leU 1 00 eleg llnt and . usef al premlulIl '. \ e vide nce of t- . L. ~ iu in 1l WIL LAM S 40 ong er, writ.., Ida MIlY itigo ey V8 Jose ph .Klilg WI1Hbington towl\Hhlp. $1. the prem lum 8 are on exh ibit· . lIey lrou ble : (.. at New Yor ' 0 Man bl\t tan ave ney . Pltu ntll ! dlsml88e8 011"" with • ~~~ M ~ ~ nne k. Enoloee a~mp M.oee Cob . Duallo. C. Hill term an to ThomS8 en ,"'; .... '8 (on . the __ 2nd __ floo ~opu r ) out Il r El judl oe. sMit orr · . . KOOtl08, Cam erlls, ftip od. Hun u1l 191 90. . E . Hoo ver liS gua rdil ln of Edw ting The . follO Win g oon oern s gil'' ' ~~~~~=::: 111 the bor\' '. in Coa ti, Mao klnt osho s and ~tIlte VII Hen ry Whi te. She riff also COD, incln g proof that :::::::::::;:;:;:;:=. Rob ber. Gol d Bon d 'Ooupon8 wi$ and blad Llcr Bre out of 'lrdc r,the kiu", '" , h all pur . Ord ered to ~erve defe nda nt with Foll er Hoo ver, min or, 50 aortlll In VOlI.tA. Hun ting 'Boots, Fish ing 'Tar taol tleo t. Wba t To Do. reek Chtl leB: tow nah l·1) '1. pan el of the jory . T!te re i .' co rnio rt ill t lle knowled VERY LOW RA TE S Ie, Inva lids oha ir, Inva lid Rln )l~ ., MOB e Coh • en, Olo &hl n, and Fur ofte n e .• "res sed. that Dr. p. Stat e V8 Hen ry Wh ite. She riff Kil n, .., ' \ . nish lngl l; Bry ne & Palm er, Fur · .., Swnmp-Jto..t. tbe lfrea t kidn VIA Bot wllt er bags. Syri nge s, Air orde red to lerv a .def end ant with ey nl rClIlc,iI . fnl611s e,'er\" wish 1ft CUrill/{ r heuIU Pill· tare and Uup~tII: Van Co mm Iss Ion ers 3ll •• ,. AUlldal & Louisville&Nashville RR ows, Rub ber glovell. abd omi nal pain in tbe 1" " ~< . kidn e,·s. Ih·c pan el oft- he Jory . r. Inp bhld o\.: : Co., 80u lle Forn illhl Bnd Dill .eve Pro , ry cee Car par' " the 'uri, ,"ry pa.... ~ ~ . peta , din gs. port ers, Foo t ba.1I1, Stri king bag Wm . Mic hael T8 Per rine Pape~ To Poi nts in It corrects in .. H ·'l'· t o s' eto. ; Ral 8ton & Tra utm an hoM WBl •.J" SbO Uo. et at. AII .we r of Loui&a Lea e rubb and scal er goo ding ds p..'lin of ~J1 ~ " !'I~s il ~, it, or b(t~ kind l. ry. Commlaeloner8 Rog ers ond Dea ler8 : Prud en'B EliI ' Toy s sas , Ind ian cflects follOWing Ub . An· and exe oato r of Jam es Lea ry. flied. . '! \Or, wine ,'r . Hou se Flir nlllh iDg l. beer. and O\·crCODl",. derBOn, who met the oom ml& !lon " ' pleasant .l en Ola rk V8 Cln oinn atl Nor tber Ok cess lah ity of om Lein a. g Me n of Ha.milton ·I\nd Ole rmo nt cou .eoru xic ! o, .. Tex as during· tllc day, nnd .:" to go of •. 'l'he ooupon!! yon reol eve from ntie s Rail road Co. Plll ntif f requ ired to get to at Cin cinn ati Il18t Frid ay repo any of th.~ abo ve ooncerDI 'can time s duril lK ·the nigh t. The up Il l ' rted dApoHlt 125 lidd itlon al seou rlty with all New Mexico and milli . that the brid ge ove r '·he tlle be extra ordl Oary efrec t of 5wlID". : ! ' ._ plac ed in one boo k, Brin g you r ~' In ·thir ty daY8 . Litt le is IIOOn reali zed. It S!Ande the high •. LMiami rive r lit Lov elan d Wtlll to bou k to M.>88 Coh en '8 and plok Lo uis ian a for its wou derf ul cure s of tbe be oot I(IIW 8UI'1'8. IDOI t repa ired by repl acin g the pres the prem ium you dell re. lreesing case s. If ybu n~d a med ,, : . . llnl . iciue Era nk P. Eor gy and Net tle For gy NO you shou ld 1>Bve tbe best . Sold V. 6 and 20, Iloor and the C08~ of Slime Wr.8 by dr~'.. VM Joh u Kal l8r. to gisl.l in fifty ·cen t and Mon ey only . be divi ded in ' ~he oneeam e prop orti on You may hIIvc a sample doll ar .Izt:! DEC. 4 and 18. Am oun t olai med 1387 .85 and Inte aull ' •• book tbBt t ells all r &8 whe n the brid ge WI18 conllt.rn otert eat at 7 ~r oen t and . lnte relt on abou t it. bothscntfree Lib eral Ret urn Lim ite. the Tile wor k III to be don e und er tbe by mail . Alld reJIR Dr. unp aid Int.erest. Patr lok Gay nor. 8up ervl 8ion of the Ham ilto For Hat u and furth er lofor mall Kilm er & Co .• Bing. on n cou nty .Uo rne y for plai ntiff s. bam ton. N. Y. Whe n _ Ta J x . H ' . M..LLIKKN . " . P . A. Loul •• llle. No tice . eng inee r . Plan s etc , to be a.pprove .... ...._ .... KT d Geo rge &lg le and Nan nle Ea, writ ing men tion tbis pape r and· Bend us you r nlm e and add reM F . D. BliSH. D. P . 11. . Cinc innat la by the Hllm llton oou nty oomm i . Oblo dolo ·t ulak e allY mist ake. but reme mbe r tu.s i~1I J . E . D..."",.P OIlT. D P . A. St. •• Ohl trlel Wlr ts. Peti tion In Loul •• l\Io The and ersi gne d w\ll reso me the !Lnd we wiU mal l to yOU, Free of er ione rs. Not ice to cont raO tors nam e. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp·R H C. B.u t.,y. N . W. P. A. Cbl. ohu ga tl to be pay men ror. JCltzroth and Maple, atto rne aeo. 111 the addreas, Bing ham ton, N. Y. oot, ..".. t of taxe s on the sam e plan tial list ofoa talo gue Ihow lng a par• ,s pab li8h ed In eaoh coo nty· C. L. tn-O prem NE. iom Goo for plal qtlf f. ll. '1 Plilf We '. Will Ag. 80180 Dt .r. C. Ben nett being dead and S. Of laBt Dec emb er. Pers ons desi ring give yoa a book with '1.0 0 wor LOU iSV lLL E. Ky. Inez S. Stro usb aug b vs J. E. th UII to lOOure tbel r bills will ple& M, Spin kle blAvlQg mov ed to Okl of cou pon s Free all a lltar ter. 8e a· leav e ,Btraullbaugh . Div orce ; oroe lty thei "nd hom a. Joh n HUI "ud Job n l!:. Oox rece ipta r namBli. mon ey and road tl8jl eoa . PartleB wer e mar ried Bep. wer e app oint ed mem ber a~ tlJe llanJr. Ver y Tru l" . of tbe Sol· LON G TE~NE8EE SIG H'l·. "Wo rld'a "Fal r Cre am" cure s , up HUl ber 2,. 1898, in Cln olnn ati. Plai Wll yne lvm e Nat iona l Ban k. n. dle n Bur ial oom mltt ee of Dee For twe nty yea rs W. L. Raw )! of Oha pped r Fiel lips d J E Jan ney ~l1! ... dafe nda nt bill taile d to Bella, Ten n .• tou lM naa al cata rrh. pro· tow n8n ip. .. Ide tbe nec -Iti es of Ufe and Dr Oe wrl tel: The IIwelllng .. £ - £ hall Phil lp Spence app eare d btifo · re neM In Bide my nOlle WIIS fear;lfu.eore crue t tow ards her. !lsln g foul . l , the &UI Boa rd of Com mls lion ere for the r beg an app lyin g Buoklen 'a Arn ll.' a ",lei one and olMl8QII I"ng uag e and oon llde ratif )n of the queeclon Salv e to ~be lIore lurt lDe : of gen · $ba.t he stru ck her maa ,. tilli el thli and eral lndl ces to tbe reco rd8 of call1led the IOranees aDd IIwelllnR 8011 the hili bee n hab ltua l\y dru nk. Plai to dl&appear. Dever to reta n real e8~te in the cou nty, givi t ng the tit! uka for divo roe. I £elw in E salv e In exis tenc e. 25, at F.rn.O. Bea . E followlJlg re~eon8 for the Offlol; Soh . nece ssity O. war tz Dru ".." en8 . dto rne y for plai ntif f. ggis t. ~ of t·he sam e , . ! W!iltjlr Oom pwn , ~l1ie M. Bar . lIer. C~,. T. Harner .J3~1~JaQ, · lilt. The re are now In tbtl Re· Ii~JlIII .. nd fan p! (1~ooeri oo~r·. oftloe eigh ty nine vohi ee, "m it mAa aar ner . Br a. W. bar ner and Vor a of de~i, fifty "one ~vOiumes of ege tabf es' and Can ned Goods . ree 1\lD GEv tLLI C OOt o ' BlL rnet VI Guy L. Bar ner, J8IIIIe A. orda of mortgllgr,8, thre e vol , . um~, of Bar Der , Grlloe B. Har ner, Eva Oar Cig ars and Tobl!0oo. SPlC OIALTIICB: or wO Ma . For men and Bra kem en. Ex. mor tgag ra of But ldln g and Loa n parl ence nnnO O8ll llry. Ove All· r 600 po! .... PliDOr, and M.artln Bar ner, AlfD OOlLDRlCte. for ~oclltlon8. two volo mes of IIltious ope n a.t tbe pres ent "me reco rd II . .rtiUDD. Bra ndo n, Bur r and Iv,n Hig h WHo ,es. 8 l88se8, two voloml!!l of meo hanl Rap id pro mo" on • .,. Ph one 79. c8' _to me ,. tJ)r plai ntif fs. Eng inee n aDd Con duM on. ~. M. BROWN, Pro pri eto r. lIen l. and one v:olu~1t Qf reoo rd" · to ,200 per mon th. lDairootloD876 e pow ers of atto rney . l1I",klng In of man at you r hOlDe wU han t tnWb, all 1'IWN""~ /JOU ST. une hun dred and fort y.el gbt 'rup tlon with PJ'ClIIent nooupa.tlo t·. vol IrMtat.e iii 14w r. W . Iijm onto n. ume s uf record!! . The ra arll We ulli stJl aoh stud eaH D . IIIIOUtin••~ now 211 benet}.olar,. ""Jj rd IIc.oo/Jnt for I poa ltlon . Don 't dela y. WrU t .o. set. vulu mes .of alphabetloa.l Indi ces 10 &!eru.en' GIItcl. day for free cata logu e, inet roo'e1o.k . aid In eearpJJlnJ tAI)Me recordtt . j and a.pp llca tlon blan k. t:!o '} JIllry l.ewhi, IIJImiQllIt,,,tor 01 'he exte nde d hI' ve ·tlJa.1I repor411 "NA TIUNAL R~JLWAY TRA IN· lleoome ~ta... of .lam es b . lIewil, ya Eth el r,har, to trac e the title of ING SCB OOL . IDo., Bos ton Bloo land it! vary ~. cn.r k ., .1. Sale of ~Ii) e8ta Minnea.pollll, Min n . U. S. A. te dilUcult, r~ulring muo h time lind P1Ide and JWOJjer rlbu tlon of ex penile and witb a rellult ! I·h at Is prOOB«l4ll ' rde r" mad e. ofte n unsa t!sfl lPto ry . I.~ 01 J~ Dtiart/l; Idii nor . 2d. The genllnt) indio!l8 prov ided 'loa ) I&OOOP' tor lettl ertl ent mad e In .eo~lon llCH of t4e ~vjsed £lIta t.e of L. l"l)rJung, dece ~aed' otes brin g InllO ~ Iiln"lfl tndt'jf nlll:;t.ltt tbr I!Ieoond and 4na ' IWCIOPDt for aett le· vari ous tran ster e ur ~!lr give n ~r,act, men ' flied. parc el or lot, 80 that tbe ejl:"mlnBo ... Nn IJEA 1.i:R IloI ):at ate of W.iI1lam II. Dwy er, de hon of 'be title tber eto 18 VRll tly -.d . Fln t and finlll tlOOoont for lIimpllfied lind rend ered eom para NEW CUR E FOR JI&l>lLE . aettlem.JI~ flied. ti vely inex pen8 lve, wltb the rStiu J . 8. Wat t:rlW lnof Wat armPSY an,· O. lt Eetl lte of .pav ld Blue, d8Celllled Ror aUr ae deli very . writ es i My . . that ther e Is secu red IAn acco dau Tele pho ne in his hou ae whe re rllte Nin th acoo unt tor aet·tlBment filed ghw . aml oted for year ll with epUep I . trec lng of the title from its origl Cl\U be call ed at all hou n, day ~1l1 Eat6 ta of Eno ch Whl taor e, de. I" W&8 cure d by Dr. Kin g New oc r .our oe ~ t·be date of the exam Life • nigh t. . ' Pill s She hu not !nll· an atta for ~o~~ a.nd ~al alJ90unt ove r two y880fll. ha.d 'Ion , to,e~be, "Itl- t It porr oot .bow Best bod y ok olea 11e4. Coa ches aDd oha lra suppUed, ere and Ufe glv in, tolil o pills n. lng of all Inou mbr anp ea tber eoq on rece ntly mov ed to ro('. ... .*- ot li'leaeapt p. Wel ton/ 1m. All cou ntie " eart h. ~Ci' ". J\ (J. 8oh war t. s pontlgqol¥! to War ren nez t \0 Cr088 BroIl. lIeoiJe. Wtl ltam Jaok ioD . ap· exo ept Ole rmo nt . ILUJ I ITB& aT. are osln , ·the m WAYIIIDVlLL\r ~n~ Imll rjJi4 a wl~b bon d of .600 . wltb muo h &atillfllo tion. 'l'he Re· '&e .*" of (leo rge T. O°)lea!l, d~. DorrJ#lr a,ra ee to perfo r ' , , tbo wOl ~"""........oWti Qed . k Inv ento ry .,,)4 IIpprallle on @al» e ~~ tile prllkl and ootnpensa· men t fUed : tlon of 50 for 8110h trao t dalo ribe w. E, NOO RE . RO( :.tnl d Eeta l" of UtlCar.w Ree d, deoe,,18 the t;)tal OOtIt ~nd oomp6nlllltton " ocl. Dt.t rlbu tton of fund e orde no~ .red w exce ed the aum of '7.1100. TUl lE (JARD made. . . ilFl" ECl' IVE APR IL J5. HUG . . The boa rd h'~vhig read Shi uep ort, lCBtata 0' Eno ch .Whl taor e, NOR THB OUN D. de. on mot ion deol ded to dlaoD811 it ·fur . No. 1 0 No. a· No. (; 0 No. 0 oeal ed. IIleoon4 aDd Dnal :aco 7 oun t 'her at· a mee ting Dec emb er ... . Jo(. 14, lit 1 A. 6l. l for .~.)emen' nle4 . P M. P . M. o:clook. LebU lon Jc.A r.7 80 10 2G I 30 ' .~ . Ja ,8 /i.ppljua~ion ot TI101. Ii 2& _ Sbak er Or. Hpo ver 'I 27 Th\! foll owi n, refn nde r o~ the 10 29 1 97 G 22 ~ill be pai d to a '1,)" pc: .!:ton ~ ~lQIr4laD uf WWID Vol Roil ,n I 1:liI I 10 11 I 1 21 I 5 17 ler Bop ver. hou se belo ngin g "0 Iren e Roo f :who can find OIW nt()1t\ of WI' 111 min or. Orc t.r I.ue d to Inve st the gran ted; Bem~le"d .T 111 10 1& 1 JO Ii 16 !.. 4" ~~05. " .5»; 11103, '5.5 6; . .. t l J~ Cent ervil le '. mon e, or war d tn.Pl'oilllpti Dpium, chloral, mo rph ine , 7 I)l 10 07 I I' Ii 07. t'l ryrr.c n us I '~r,; mo s~ ve relll 11104, '4.9 4 i 1905, '6.110 Nail or t 7 00' "10 01 U 00 t5 01 i wta l 18lltl. '! . .",te . QO e8.ine, eth er, chl oro for m, . rn,' ":n.'! n ,~ d sid ing for Lllie 7 01 g ~6 1 01 ~ GO .l~ I .ta te of Ben ry Gra f, decea8ed road. tax. ,19 44. • :... ~" her Edlt \ or. ...ood oin, alp! la and bd a eu· ' tl :.2f1 h s fa 68 Per ry Pen ce, oon trac t wor k til 50 n 2 58 '4 63 ,(ll' tnt And dna ) aoo oun t for sett Vena ble t4 u cai ne, cam'ulJis inc1j(~a , or til" HZ if U 40 le· No. 110 .. , ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... 166 00 ., \'1' : 110' hu.llolin ss us dry 1111.]. .<• .,....::..lMtoliMtP... flied. 18 1)2 *'I 47 ':1: 6:;4 47 . ~ ....f .: : '.' .chl ora l byd I ate 01' any' of W. B. Ter ry, oon trllo t No, 107 27 6 60 10 46 12 50 , 46 90 11l re Woo drow H. Arm stro ng, aD Cha rles Ben dere on. oon trlo the ir del'i r:' . i ves, j 11 any Lela nd , t6 .~ til ie t ·U U leired iDu ne pen on. Adm itted .~. 86 GIiN A....LY IT YOURSELF Leb anon -Lv. 0 35 No. 99 .. :..... ..... ...... . ...... .. 104 81 g 30 I I! 36 4 30 . of Dr. ~I :!:.,, ' R.e1 i1'~dief!. r ' 'l '; "~ \; , I. in Pilch rr.ll. l~ d clCA nut require pAin the S.~ Alyl~w at D!Lyton . n il",' :1 " , Il ~ . • f .\ \. ,·. "tI ,·, C n &. n ~ x T D &. X ·T .AM Wh itac re, brid le rep aln Th is appJil!3 to gtl,. ds iI, .. 1 ' Y f.,r f. 0' .mph ·, Oilt.inI "~' 1rwhp C H"D I , .... klet. ~ ..... . bT U" TR. ".... R ..... , . Q .0 11 00 ,. 2 .00 6 00 In W"y ne tow n.hi p.... ... .. 1 50 original pac kagc::;. l1no~. ~ 4 WlD lam B, and Sara h D& XT ' . D"~T E. PIAoe Fo r Sal e By SP EN CE R & ene II 00 d, and llo t 1;: mperO<\ r .fl. J.. Dlllfy. 118 aore l In Deerfieltod J . . N. Bor ch.b rldg e repa irs' 0 00: . _.~ .. _~~ OREGONIA, OW In Tur tlec reek tow nshi p... . 8 SOU THB OUN D . O wit " h. : ~ ~wt;llIhIP. 11.00, 00 Ce rta in 1.Ill~:lI ! rupU . = <1/1 ' LenniI' Wbi taor e. oo.ntraot 11.. M . .... M . P . M. P. a: "K • Elry Lew la. IIdm fnll' trato r of NO W lou HO s per W" s,ons al"O ma kin g T IS TH the E No. 33 and 84 ......... ...... ... 110. 711 ' Day Leave No 2· No. ' No e' NO 8 ,,.k& e of JAmes D. !.8wlll, deoe fals e ton: C H ~ D stat ement.;') abouT. alll'd. O. L. Wan tz, lum ber ...... . In the ma nuf act uri ng of Paroi.d tha . mak ..... 16 88 ~ D. . LeR oy .rn bll rt·. 998 5 ac", .oa l't the' Dalt on : D" X T '100 1(, 00 C ()/\ 6 00 these ~emedie8. " The .We etllr nSta r,ata tlon ery ,,~ . Leba non Je. most economical and satisfactory " .ID Ole srcr eek t.owDshlp i '988 7 7 to 10 86 , B 3& 6II UO "1 have been trnuhl ..l with & V~· 42 11l. for pro .eoa tlni atto rney ... HI roo ting or rlbl. sid head ing ache ~ Drs le ButchlmloD .to t:ha Sba. roo' b~ 1" "1 lo·n YU""i k er CrOSlin, 7 4! 10 87 25 material on the ma r.ket. Both fire rles W . Wes t,ern · ~tar, pub lish 8 87 6 U the 400101"1 cot"f l flo me no ..God. " proof and weathe Ro.l , n ing _" Dr. Jollie.' ""Ii · Pili" '. irIo tap r, 100 aoree in 'rltu t7 ~'l ad••', *1041 t1M4 1 kltn '2 to Ie Hemp the P I1;" lI , 'I' mJ.tg1'111. "5IU' r"te e&ea 4 pro e of o~. tMX T .ttOD ;y 110 ou Ie ...... 4& g~t ...... MW 1'5 .. full · value receivec;l if you buy 349, 05 & 6. ~t I wou l' l !r.v ...... ftsiIlO , eo I -r IIlhlp' POO. ' · "'''1. . I 41& , Par Oid L._ . tIO _ ~d Cen . \Cnm they Le .... l !,fO non Patr iot, llame ...... ... 3 ' \,i·..t mft T 68 ui 63 J JerfuUr.. • al Ii &8 I ...... " llam ael Eck hart t .... Danle! Eel! l I _ ch" . .. iJ',lll y I wDne could 1. '8 01 "100 g , Cen Mnn lal Atlllll Alllloclation ..9 06 I" .ee to worr. -2 liT - 004 . , .. , I s.nt til the 1\&1'1 :..,t , tbre e trllo talD Fra Ll~. 4ru1\' ltoN 8 011 11 O. nkli n tow n Iro. " •.•• l<. In a coup le a 02 • 0" 1I!Dun and 221 8pa rate map a of tow n. ,,' I W1\8 £d.". 1.\1 ... OOt :ht. I It PA , ' lIalp, '1.0 0. U II "1,1 07 ROID ROOFING PAINT. tile ..... t .8 011 '.12 lIlecl lClne to . II, I It' n ny ' wn8 . IlDUd. 1O "hlp for Ven ble A . A. I ,.I.!. Phlladelpl .1 16 ub i .. '3011 18 IQ . . lia. .... 'Makes old l'OQf3 new. r. P. CunDlnRham and wltl ' to .. . ,blp audlt(Jr and tow n AC. Klto Taco llacr n ... ~'r""l. t8 18 .1I 13 any Idn4 of ro(,f. .3 II 10 11 oIer kll.. ...... ...... ...... ...~. .,-....,~ Cla.ytoD 101J~·~ aore Dr. Mil ..' Ant '·".'n PIII. . . . DOCI4I .110 . ... 11 16 a ID rran klln ("'hronlolei blan K.... 4 40 Our Flo ur mill has l.-;"n newly remode ; lIruIl D,"t. w.ho w ill Guar 3 18 Ie II .. tIia" ·W:.abiJ~aklll toWDllhlp. tIIOOO. led' and Lelan d tim paclUtgl will lleneant II 21 .11 24 flt. .. 21 H 80 ~ . for oler ka.. ...... . ...... ... ...... 4 50 II .. 1M will ..turn _"ou . moner.' It" th~ LebaDOD Arr i" II 86 . II 80 quality of our flour is bet ter tha n eve A. Httlwell to lJow ard bill .. IIOeM , • _nU o N _ 8 80 6 ~a ID'lI n.a . I'ran klln Clm hdo le, blan D r. Da1I, aDe p' SIlD a,. , Skip OD . IIIl1al IIiI eIll edi cal ~l. EIk bart, lad 1I11JIJ)&. 'lllA1 D. for llutr B. Sa. ., bJ T. C, Patt erso D, ~t A. BtilItr ... :....... ...... . ,..... II 00 ~ p.- L,U e u folio . . : well. mU tua No. . to leta ae:u, ... ... 10' ID . Nort1llloaDd T 61a. .. II "Po • . of bee
,Co unt y Co urt Ne ws .
UOllands HBYe Kidney Trouble and Neyel Suspect it•
CharIes Il.'6ump.
.PUN ERA l 0IRE CT0 AI Telephone Day
local No. 7
Long Distance NI. 69-3r WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Brane' Har"ws'urc,
.'Y.~ANG,M.D; ,().M •.loungieQ Wanted.·
·A .
31 •. _A IlW S' I'.
D A Y TQ .,
1----. . . . .
" Rewal~d
\: a:
Good OR
III ".. 1111.
ADCl . ..a lm..o; . . . . .,'700
Spencer I
II ota. lD.
T ClIp, Jo., W••• Il0 0_ W"'riUeJe·'I.~~ Gn IrII l.... .. ttl' AlG I, loB_ OIl ... . 1D1 hJa· ·..
- '""",
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........, .., .... &A ..... ".bf+J"hNh,~~ I\l. 'tQb"M~'~~'
. ... -.
Where to Beglll Refo r m. 'lbo t emp 6rnte t empel·snc.!' man , th e
,-ROWN ...,,_MCKAY, Pub'Ushers. ,. • I ._ _ _
htonncd r ef or mer , the 1)eal ",1 (lbyal . elao , are 1I0t easy to I1nll, e\'t:'a among the grea t Olles of earth. 11 n It be· lIooves YOU and me, xplort>rs In the COSm i C hughQu"lI, to go ~l ow nlong the . retorm 11I1;o • • 'ru l ul, I:ow long r.eorge Washlu gton Ilr'.letl od b('rorf' It \\'a9 aliI to on qul'r tlto hahlt o f cl rll111111 1n.l: ....ltb hi s t11l ~c rs on tlie Il l ll!n;: mom bbt'e. ,,'e ' an '111 1 r<l t1 In h is <'Dill' m on pla 0 b o k nil Ih t' nit. h!' l aId do'lVlJ fo r re fol'[nlnr; hlm ~el f. \" t 110 n~vcr got o ver I he in llll l ~ 1l to I, ou t a tiw enr w onl. II lI cl n" ,.'(JIII('q IN l]{Ir rI p. 0, It Is 11. 1 ~ mI 1 rl s l!l t: I I!ll wllt'll Ule r v(,l uti nn ,":tilt" H Il~! !lt~ wntJ (ql (' ~ n to l oad the R" II, In 01It, ,' W l1 r d 5 . wh<:n .. 'he w as ,'n Itl~ "'a~' al'lo dl t.! nol l<now w b er h ,,,,. gOi!II', he l.'hu k d a tear 01' two. Th l" " Wl'I' hundr ds of rofortn l'l's III tho '1 ~' lnl t,r w ho w oul d h ~~ tal' on Ih ' Jol! with a mcr:-y flu! ba! Hil t 'C(,UI'gfl, I; nnwlllg hnw dllflcu lt it ",'as to rdor m h ltl1 s~' lt , vIew d 1I0 t wt ll} l\ IIl'hl heart lhe pr ospect or i'e· f orming tho Orltl sh Il1plrc. H e t.hought U 01' I' at I ns t once and a halt., Y .:tu may b sure h e spI t on hIs h an ds l.wlce before ho rabb d lhe 1I0n 's t all. Jmlt.'lte h ts cautl rm, tClI ow r forlllers ! llrges tho BQston Clo b . Ev oll a lry , will do you ·gooll. And think what a good nlght's re st the w orld, n ow t oss· Ing uneasily on l h e va st bed of sr,ace. ,'Would get , I [ we ahon.l'l I l et I t al on e tor', • while. and strnlghte.n out tlto k lt~'k 9 «n the pillows of ollr own perl·er se· .esa! F 1I0w l111ysl clo os of tbe sIck lUnlverse, let 11 5 try our prescriptions cpI oursel v R b erore t rying th em on that poor dog, the world!
'''''if''''' ""'.,, it"" """W,.""",I"""""",.".",",,,,. (t:uP),rl{:li l . l !ll." by J " . ~I)h I; . U'l\\'I ~", )
was a ll unwlllln f; wl l l"'!iS of Ihat most, hI) I1lc or lo\'() sC,' U(' S Iu II ' nnl oa that Willi In lt sl'lC all Idyll, Tbe murmur or voices troUl th lit - Id llt pl1 th , 101m '(Jf tely I W:lS (!'nnce 10' lll o I" ' I'S III. wh I' loullglng, was th Hrst lullmatlnn l n'~'l'lved thai SontCO"'l lI('Hld cs IllYOi ' lt had dl~l'o " ere d t his rr agrlLnt curn 'I' or I h:tt most· lovcl y !;a '·(\O!Il. IL , ·us II ruuO 's YO leo thal Broko f1 r.~ 1. III FrC'lIch, ('ager. Imp t tlo us. and . o ~ I Imlllli n d. YOuulrul. ': 'J It' lol'C~ I :' b e saId. " Is It t ru ? A r c you surC"! Will lov bo lIulI1; h 'l" y l dllllUy ' 'I':llour; h T ' '1'ho answ r am from n &1rl j t ho t on s W I'e so f r esh , so ("I 'til' , bu t ",',UI u p lIetmOn!; SWel'lnes tn th em. ' ' I f you I new how Glad- how glnd J tlJn Ul nt 1 a m free lo' choose lo \' , t o tojl o w m y heart ! L onl I s enduf; h." Th e l ast wo rds w er v ery simply said . !.tnt Lh () ~' h hl a d ,'plh or m ean· IlIg thn t mn <l o m y fooli sh ol d hOll r t Cl v() n IC'a p of sympathy, " r,ut yo u gI ve u n so mu oh ," h o saI d yery th lng ; l be donlilTu lly, " I t nk sacrifi ce Is all yours." , "S acrifice !" ah e crIed, a ring of glad pri de lu h er yol ce, "Do YOII thInk j caro tor ran k anrl llll LlHlt r auk h rln ~l\? 1 am g lnd I was hol"ll t60 late tQ have 1.0 wear a crown that Is,\IO tho r n y-so t b orny ," sIle r I' aled I I most d rcam· Ill'. '~I am (ree to .g lVe m ys If t o you. SacrIfice'" she laugh ed sotll)·. " There is no sac r l flce In' goIng In t o Parat.!lse." A s sho sli ok e th ose Wo l'(\~ , t he two pau s d In thol r wal k nlong l h e path. and throu gh t he dellcato wI st erIa an d banksl a I av s I ca ught a glimpse of
sUlI shl ll ' on lho ~ t oP !l, th ere came, IL'u ulng un the III klllg 's tlrm, a l all Corm in trailing w h ite gar tn ' nls, h or dlall lllllfi s Has hlll l lll !ih soemed to 111m' In au la? ot li gh t . ud w \t en I S ''IV th o face of (he brIde, I ca ugHt my lorca t h :nul utt('rod I t.J\V 'xcl amnllon. rur t h rae under I h e lIrlllul \'ell W ;1!l 1I0t the face of a Af r '\II!; 1'. I l ook l' rI (JUI' agnl u Ulmn Ih" face of tb e gIrl I h ad seeu I\'ulk, In g w it h h r 1111'('1' In t;l C l'(:ll'lIon al su useL lillie- t he f;i r l who h a'l entered Inlo Fllra \I ~ Wllh Armallll ! Th e sa III !', y ( not tbe ,;lIl1Hl ! ('x'lul.ito coutour W U S I h er o >l1I 11; III ')'e·s. Iol lle an d dec"p ;u; Ihe ky ovor. h e:!ll: Lh o b eaullf,,1 cU"v 's of mouth UI1(1 chin: the ' Iuaml ng bull'. ]J ut th c 1 0I'11I !(~ Insl cliu ot mllkln:; m e t.hluk o~ alllll" , bl ossolll" I n sl'rIU f;, wos whI l e. w hit ns n &1I1.1ue; and th e radl. ~lI1(! e wns nil gall! 'r hl! fu cp w ag 5 I und sti ll 1I~ tho ugh ca n ' e,1 ou t of mar hi!!, 10l'eJy h YOll d worels, Im l 0111 wltb a co ldness th at fro~ DIY h url. Slto pus" d h ll o t ho build ing w it h Ihat tr e. stnt e!y step 1 I' m mll red tit ' 11 I tnrn ell wltull QuosLlo n t o a man belllnd me. "Y ' II-th nt Is tlte cro wn p rlncl'ss no l\'. H pr eldur ~ l sto.'S both dIed, Yes- i t wnR sad . " (Iry sad. They lIal d t he roullg Pri ll ce"~ T heresll had be en abou t to res ign h oI' roy al mnk , tlJ wed for 101'0; but -her sIster s hod <lI ed, and sbo hn d hecom e h r fa t ller' s h It - and- w 11. of cou rse. It was as lJy t o be see II t hat sh m ust w ed Lh o Bon 01 a rov al hOlls('," l\I1 d so on . nllll 5 0 o n. 1 ~nlt d t o h ear no more. 1 cO llld not bear t o Sl' q tha t beautiful cold race
Dr_ Wllllom.' Pink Pills 'Rc s to~ett Wreckod NorVo. to Normol Cond tlon a nd G ood Health Followed;-T h o lmff" rcr fmm HI pI es !lOSS roo otton r USOI·t" hI h.. hit·!urmill g drnl;9 in ordOl' to SllCUI'O tho coveted l' eM t . 13 1~ t sleep obtlli ucli by I ho u se of opitli ell l ll 1I0 t r efr shin /:' II l1d Ihe lIelleUt i:J but WII1IKlI'nry ilL 6.. ~t_ , M l's. It J\ . ,F I.·tell er , o ~ Ii!) .n lndll'et stl' Ilt, lIltllu'h 'lSt ' I', N . n ., I N 11\' 1II!t 01'1 (l C II <I or th o t.\'ll t h uf t.liirl ~tl1\ullle llj,. tl ho says: "I \,~(lo i \' '11 1\ shu!.:1 I)r (IU tllIIWI(,'()fill hl1l·,... wr_ ~ t, w a~ hi) ~\'\'or'~ , thUG Iltll sight of lily r ight ," ~· o nt: fee L' lI, cnl~~ illl{ II I t 0 ~" U uhJ" 1'1~ loulil(' . 1 wo.s COli fiu 'lI j II Illy IJ,'(I abOIl t f " ur w Nll,s, lit ulIOt i u, u hcJ IIg t oW by 1110 U t or t lmt I CllllltI JIIlt I:: ·t w ~' II. W heu 1 IIltl h'IIvu '"Y1)l'( 1 I \\ III!, III !;1wh " ." er \'(II. M stille t hllt I ' !illtlilllotHIN'I " lt 1 1I g lt~. . I wUllltlg('t "11 nllll hi t 0 11 II dln!1' UII LII co'''pl et 'Iy tirNl llllt nll,l t h ~ 1I go lmuk to beu 1111(\ RI 'Lll) 1,"1111 ('Shll n ~llu lI. " .. I hml b ill' lI I IIJlllH' Lh u t" ~ ' ror ~ cnrtl f or ~ix w lIl..~ ",h"l1 1I.Y sl " I" r , l\lr ~ . ,,(' III UlI, 1)[ E\' 'H' lt, Ill' I"~I "t1 v~ l III t I .,y Dr. , ~ril lillrn ~' ]'," 1, l 'dls P~ lo I'l·opll. b r~II II tl1ldllg tho PllIR "'.I t h th ll l'i:~ lI l t t llll& I Rn'J11 e "p~J1'iL' 1I " .(\ \'('I ld. II i lI igltt hOllll ll f l l' t alw i /{ t lt l'lII I IllY P\\',.1<0 ollly 11 ~It , ... t ti ll' 111111 t It I) • Iles t uil{lt t I \'l' 1('<1 \1' II. li'l'O lU Lhnt hLII ~ I Iill'Jlt \\'nll v(!ry lI i ll ht IIlI tl (!(l{'11 I::ot w ('11 (l1I(l MI'''" '':. I Itave I' ~C(\Iu," ~ , "I~ ,1 Dr. , \\, i lll"," ~' Pink 1'1I1x 1\ 1II111 ,L r !.!tllI'S, IIII,ll"Y II I JC I ItHI 1"lw l1 I,.r W<'lIlt lI efV ••s 1111.1 poor bl oo, l [l lId f ouu d th orn vo,'v h l'1I I'fi ci nl. " p,·. \\ ,IIUIIII " Pinl( Pills h:wn (mrcd. rn allY suv !!r O nr n 'LlII " t ro u blr~, h ~;l!lILl'lle, I ,v'trnlllill "1H1 6<·i ,,~il'.\n , ~\'u ll :\S " lhll!, xt:S o fth hI .1 RlIC·h H!o! Hll n' It Il H, rhOl1l1ll1t l!-i lll , 1'(.10 nUfI ... ,Hol\' ('<)lIlpll';oon tlll !l IU UU yfO I'I "~ .. f \\, <'lI lt11 t'~s . All "I'n!;~ l s t >!. N(,ll Dr. \\ i llia lll " }>illl Pill s, CII' t ItU)' \\, I I~ be M n t bY lU nl l Jl'l~t\llllcl , O ll r c~ i (lt, ' f 1,1'11'(', 60 e II t~ ptl r hOle. ix I H1~"S tur , :3.60. by I'h o Dr. W iIli llll'~ M uiliclu o ColU pauy, Selloll 'ctlldy , N , Y.
U I 'I\1 "r
R UI :-;S OF TIiP! '
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<1 II I 01' IIIWI' . l in r,lI (,Brt. at Ih wOI'hl. ( 111' rl'I'1Il1. In CI'cRt Or il. nil; II" lIIa kln !~ C'lnborll l(, plnns nnd wi ll al teml I ho OOIlVClltiOIl III I\\' l IIlr. tle~. oll e Rtnl' ll ll!!: jll LO!1I1un lind ';-0lUI{ overlll llu to H UIllC'. h oldlllg con rerI'n('rs lI l1d CII II " l' lI llom! III tI'e l or,;-cr cill s en ru ll e III ~'rHne •. r. I'Il111ny. SwItzer l an d a nd t ho n..rth erll part ot lLu l v. 'I' he oll;('r pl\l'I ~' \\'111 go by sl til er, v lslll llg IJ " all tho MedilIi lll t I'ra nllean un d I;lmllng at . 'allIes. " I f Is XIIC I cd Ihtlt d elf'~ates \\'\11 bE' Ill' II n from Vt'ry part of th w orld. W e hllve alt'f)luly U!\Sll rll nl~C 8
Big D Iv idend s from Minn. . Som e r emu l'lmb lo rcs ul t s h n" e b,!on ' ob tai ned w ith in tho l ast h nl t dOl: n y ears by lbose wh o h nu t h o enl erprl s ruid nerve to Rssl st' In the d o\'elo pm ent of 80ulb w sl rn COl 'I) r mines. Th e Calum et and A rIzona. , mIne at D lslJce, ArIz., whI ch III now p ay ing di vi dend s I'ory yell r of $2.- , (00.000. has made a prom of 3,~0 0 per cent. In four years t o those who bought Its stock . The m all who put , UOO ID to assIst In the d Yel ormont of the Calu.met and Ar izona. tn ] 9Q2. now has II. holdIng wotU) $ 3 . ~ 00, which Is payIn g hIm nn aanual I n· limos c ome ef $4 S~ '~ arl y fi ve hIs orI gInal In vcstment. - LesUe·. Weekl),_
t h m both . agaI n. t hat n IImnlJ r of mlssl unarles from 'fhey w ere y oun g. lIut tber o was no It wa s a tin y l'huI'cl:rarc1 011 a hili· IndIa, Chl nu . Ih I , \'an t. and from nil I mmatur Ity or lack of purp0tlo In sid e In Swl t zerl an<l .. Uelow It the IUi 1Isi onary districts In co u tl n nt'tl l E u. Apples for the Brain, wat ers ot t he lak shlmm red In the rOil wIll alt nt.! th convention. W 'eIther fac e. ,- Appi es are s:ll d to contaIn more "Deloved," he 8a·d. and his voIc e sunshine, a llove It,s lorroces arose expect a large t\ elegallon [rom AilS' IJlhosphorus tllan !lny o~h er fruit or shook, " will YOII n ever reg.·et all t,ltat vln eYllrd allovo vfln eya rtl. till they tra1la. ou vegetahle, IIml It Is claimed lllat th is will lose If you come Into Paradis were lost In tile woo ds that hnng upon " Upon the program wilt appear a 'm akes tb em specIally adap t ell t~ r Et with m e?" tbe sIdes of the great brood.lng moun· numlter of nl\I1IOO of world. wl de r. " Never ," sh e said quIetl y. " To 'en· talna. l w alKeri sl ow ly along tho little Dr. George W. Bailey. no wn. Among thl'se may be m en. l1e1!llng tbe n ervolls matter of the braIn and spinal cord. Perhaps for the sam e t el' par adi se wI t h yo u, Armund, thal Is paths nmonl; Ihe graves, r eading the )(,hnlr llln ll ,,",o rld·. _ lIIHl n:y' School Con· lIoned F . D. Myel'. Dr. O. amplteU ,·c'lIlIon . Home. 1Il\1~', M,l ), 2\'-23, 1907.) ~rorgau , R" . Jo'r auk Johnson, Mr. reason, rud el)' under stood! the old enough." And she tll r ned her beantl· Ilames oC th e drod who Iny in theIr N t M tly. In til e " FJtlr n'al lIy" or Ch arl es Water s, of llrcnt Britain, 'an(\ SCandinavian traditions r present th e (ul face to bls and let hIm kiss ber peac ful res ting place amongst (he ' . I·oses. . RolU l', Italy . thore will b e held one of such men as Dr. Je.l1Il Pott s M r . Mil:, apple as the food or ' tile gods, wbo, Boflly on th e lips. . I caught my brea~h as they tUrn ed ' All at onoe my sloW st eps wer e ar· t ho moet Important and far .r en chln!: r'l \I Lawl'en ce and man y olh I' ml1 ll when th ey f elt t hemsel,vell growing f eeaWIIY. rested; a few f ee t In f rqnt of ~e I -gllthel'lngs of the tim e-the IHiIt o'f r enown of Amer Ica. AWFUL SUFFERING. ble and Inftrm resorted (0 t hl a fruit StandIn g thnt ev nlng on t~e ter· saw a woman In blacle and a hOln eh' World 's SlIncln y-s('hool con vention. " ThIs 18 to h e a missIonary Sunda y , for Mlne'll'1ng th ei r power s of mInd IL!ld race of the hotel wntchln g a rose-{lol· kneellJl~ heslde a grave over w c , " ."I'c vl ou s conv enti on s wer e h olll lu school convention aud mI ssionary In. From Dr~adful Pain. from Wountl o. rIll swor k c over ed wIth '''hlte I 'body. As rar back a th e tentb cen, Or ed sunset b ehInd Ule great pile of "as a lre Foot-System AI! Run Down. Lond the , 8on' In J 9I undJ 189 I• In St. I LouIs 1904 'It er ests will have t ~ rIgh .t o(111 way, h 111 \ tury m edIcal onthorltl es wer e en th M o n te ROSD. 1 saw the gIrl ogaln. She banksla roseS. Mlraculoue Cure by Cut/cura, wa s walkIng across the gar den, all Ye~, oh, y es, there was no mistakIng I In 1 93. und n ,erusa ~ IU n : ' he t\ elogatcs rom ' m erloa II' , 0 - utlc In th eir writing ove r r emnr lt ablo elt\erly lady on one sIde ot her, lbe her beautiful t eutures. Though yellrs , but the comlng , assembl:u,:e Is expect a m eeting with the mI ssionarIes at " Words canont spealt hIghly enou gb curative proper ties of dllter ent fruits, had gone b y they hlld not dlmmlld h er . ed to su r pass th em all In Inter st and f:' unchul, or; th Islnnd of ~lad elra , at for t1ie Cuttenra R em ed ies. l am now )'oung man on tlle o~her. . 8&YII lhe Sognogram. In more Dlodern "00 you see tbat g11'l 1" a botel ac· loveliness; .~nd though b er eyes shone ' results. Ex tensIve I1lans are alread)' A1 Qlc rs, OenoG, N apl es and perh aps sC \'enty.two ycars of age. l\1y S)'stC Dl times thi s bas been r eviv ed, and n ell.rly qunlntance asked eagerly. tbrough a mist of tears, their color In operation to make It a gatberlng at e l l/mllar. JC 0\11' pl aus unfold. at- hnd b een all run d own. My blood \\'Illl everyone hns beard eC til o "grape cure," J nodded , waB sUII the Homo wonderful deep unique In ilie hIst ory of the C.hrlstlan urday e.v enlng•...l"lay 18, will wI tness 10 bnd that ' blood po~oal ng had sft" 'tIIe appre, peach or strawber ry cure. Is a ' :;reat personage, In spIte bllie7 - - , f·CIlureh . . perbaps the largest Protesta 'lt gath· In. I had sevornJ t.!octors all OIHl writer l a said · to hll ve r oc- ot h r ~ Im p l dreB s and manners. Sh e Tbe grave was marked only by 11\ The tho usands ot del egll,t es and erln r; (lVer aSSembled In tbe olty of m e. so finally l -went"<to UI -!.tospa611 G1~ded In special caces eating 1.0 Is th e Princess Ther esa, df!.ughtor or ' slnlple slone. No dlate wa s upon It; work ers In attendnnce will ' represent R Clr. e. Sunday mornIng, May In. the wb&re I was laid up fo~ two monlh s. ,pouads of Gtra wb er ~l e 8 a day; Tile (lind h e named t h e klll g of a w ell· no t ext; tbere were no wreaths up\?n 2 62.000 Sunda y·sch ools. wlt!1 26.000" Lord's Supper will lie cel ebral ell In , My foot and ankl o wor e al most b e. Only It wa8 1 000 m mber s, t rom I eland to Cape t he lending chllrClh es. Sunday aft 1'- : 3'011.;1 recogn ition. 'Dal'k bl ood flo wed ~e 'wrIter sal ned reason by th e e,,· known ' a'nt.! ftourluhln g little kIngdom). the simple g l'lSS p'lot. elullive usa of cberrles. These case. " Out for t h e fate ,,,hlrh has gIven wr apped about by tbe traIling brancb' Colony. and f r om Alaskn to Tibet. noon t he conven tion ser mon wltl be l out of wound s fn mlluy Il lnces and I • ' tH en and women speakinG more dIffer· IJrl!ached by Dr. '0 . Gampbell 1or~au' l was so dI sheart en ed that I th ou sht __ vor of the rIdIculous, but there Is no h llr two elder slsterl/, sho would be heIr to the thron e; she has no ent tongues and re llrc~entlng more Th e regolnr sesRlous of t he c,on\ en- • • urely my last ch alice w 8 slowl y l ea"doubt that lbe Bo-c aJied "grap e cure" brotherB. As It Is, 1 taney It looks dIfferent seots anti -creed~ will meet tlou wIll lie h elt.! III lhe ~.fternoons t Ing me. ' A s the foo t dId not Imllroye, for IndIgestion an<l other evils has rOo as It she Intendell to r enounce all 1ft harmonIous concla ve t o I'romo~e and e,'enlngs ot Ihe days that tonow' you can readily lmaglae holY I f el t. I .ulted la great good t o pCl'son s tr)'ln: regal rIghts and b e happy In her own God's kIngdom tlian probubl y ever be· Tbe mornIngs will be glv~~ UI) to Clon· was simply dIsgusted and tire d of life. It, Th e fruIt should bo of soo d qual· way with the young ' fellow heslde ro;'~ In history, Whil e the offi c i al feren ces and InsUt .He antI commI t tee ! I !ttood thIs pal II , whIc h was '!lreadful, tt,.: It it Is not and grapes are sOllr her." lang uage of th e com'entlon wltl , h e wo rk. Th e lang uage ef the conven· tor six monl hs, and dllrlu g Ut Ili tim e Two years later. as I was Journey· Engllsb, sectional confer ri ces will Hou pr oper will b e E ng ll sb, bllt pro· I was not abl e to w ear a sh'tI and aDd wa ter y, the p~lI ent may b e harmed, ,Ing homewards trom a long tour In be co nduc t ed In GCl'man , F ren ch and vIs i on will b , made COl' thOSB who not ahle lo w ork. Som e one apOlle to nther than benented. the East, whlcb bad takcU me far out Ilallan. Th e convention wIll last four sp ok lIotblng but Genna.n. l~rench Ol e nlJ';ut utlcnra. Th con " qtten COB or r each of all n ewspal,ers or tidings days from 1\lay 20 to 23. . and will and italian." were 1 hougb t a set ot the nt l curn PracticlLl educators have b een bllSY or the west TIl world, I to he In a largn .hall In ROlli. Bul l Tho AmerIcan del egation will SO to R ein dIes or one ot my trlends Wh o of at t eachers' lnstltutes and oth· st ay ror a ni ght or two In a town on tile most unlqite me IlIg of th e gath· ROlll e I n a sllcc lall y churter ed steame r, W/I S a druggIst, and the praIse t ha t I et' gatherIn gs, and m an y t opics 0 t II ve my rOllte whIch, Itklso d h e was t.he ~ .. will be a veSller ,e rv lce, whIch j us t BlI the deleg utlon In happenea. erln" altend dI I ,gal' e aHer tile second application Is \lIe eapltal at that ng om w , er l it III vlanned to hold wlt.hln lhe ruIns th e con" entl ou In a specla b eyond descrl ptl'ln ; I t s " m otl n mlrInterest have be n dIscussed . Among PrlJleess Theresa's Cathll r r eIgned as of the Coli seum. It will truly bo 11 shIp. 1' h1s cru Ise will constitute one Acl e for Ihe Cutlettl'a Remedlo3 10011: other tlllngs n thlcti cs' '/lnd secre t 80, kIn g. m emora ble scene to wI t ness men and or th e most valullllle mat ure" at the ell'c t ImmedIately. r w ash d Iho (oat eletl es have lie ' n conlilder ed. It 13 My thoughts naturall y enough fl ew women of nil languages and tong lles convention, for meetin gs will II It Id wIth the Cuttcurll , Soap berm' applyIloteworthy, says tbe Troy Tllll es, that back to h el' as ! drove through the RIngi ng praises t o C od on th I all t h e nil the w ay goIn g o ve!' Ing til E! OIntment and I took.,J:be.....Ile.---..:: mucb opposl i.lon was sho wn on tbe quaint and pI cturesque town ,~ and a " 'her e t.he blood or mar yrs or our and returnIng , and as atated lJ )' Dr. solven t at th e same lIl11o. Att er t\~o part of professor s a ll fl oth er In strl!'J vivid pI cture of her as l had last seen faith was sbed In the early centuries Ball y. se vel'al mISSIona r y conrel'(,ness Week s' treatm ent my f oot WIIS h ~II I;'Q__~_ tors to secl'et Hoclell s, particularly her arose berore my eyes. As r drove. 'of the ,Christian ern. will lJ e beld. ' compi t'eh'. Peoplo wbo' had S(len my those ,Iu high IIn1 academIcs. I nwal'e thllt th o streets w ere The " call"ror tbe fi t th conven l.lon Tho Slc:lmer Is O1Cf) cot ed tol ' av e f oot dllrlng l1.Iy Illness who have ' As r gard s at hlotlcs. however, there !!nlly d ecorated wIth flags and flowers. hus j)een Jssued hy II !I lil t mali oll ul 'f)osl nn All1'l1 :!7, nnd en route to llome soon It slnco' tho ' cure, can hardl)' beW88 a smprl slng , unanltnl~y ot opInion llsllalthat loo k people'a of f estivity andworc rej oicIn ~.,• n1en alltl mi nIs. th e del egal es will vls)t the quolnt and lIeve th elr N ' own b N YRobert J. Shoent 21. and facet; an g.un· c on1mlttee of bll slneaa ey eR. that pl'oper Ind ulgence WIlS an ,exco!. "Wballs happenlngT' I ask;e(l of my tel's r epresenting lhe IIn,ln ,\' school lleall ll ru! IsJand of Mactclra, I).S w ell as ' h19nO\~e.;" ew urg, , .' ugus l ent thIng and t ellded to promo~e good '1I'I," ' r . " Is "l i s a natlo~'al f estlval. :or ue wo'I' I ,1 , '1'11"' ' u'I·' . y I s " lb mllar, AI"l ers, NalllOS, POlnllell, I II l er es!s 0 r t ,· u scholarshIp. EV'3n d l ega t es to rellg· ,tb wannIver .,. sary of some g roat 'VIc· compo se .'u 0 r 11 mell' f or t he U n Hed , Genoa a'u d Pis a. lou8 aErlembla ges join I II thts seull· (.OI'Y?" l ., e • un Four·Footed Thlevea. ,Wate equal nllll1\]e ,· for GrOltt GEORGE '1:. B, DA VIS, ','T b e .." entl eman "oes ment. At tbe Baptist Rtato convent I nn U not know?'1 he nrltnln and oUlCrs ror Gel'munI y, Swod In WInchester; England, a grOOM Clf ~1lnn es ota there WIlS se ver e don un· saId. " OUI ' prIn ces s Is to be marrIed d en. H aly. Swltzcr lan<1. ?>I ex cu an began to mleR 'm oaey from hj a tl1l,_ MIRRORS MEANT TO DECEIVE. ., , l o·morrow- th i> crown prlnc es.s, the Canada, Its far.r eachln g nnd cosmo. and set hIs wIfe to watch. Atter two elaUon of secret socIeti es of th e claS3 ' h etr to t h e thron c, be It undorstood." "Armand-au revolrl" pollinn chal'arter may be Im a" lued Dealer ExplaIn. Some of the Secrets wceks tbe wIfe ",'as Dot ' able to dementioned. qu t Prof . ~ a thanlel nutler he went on for t he furth er enlightell' os of the rose, who .. e prtals bad made from the fact. that It Inclndes P;-1n ce of Hie Tralle, toet tbe thIef, thouP;b money 'WIUI of tbe Unl\"erslty of Clllc~go vigorous· mont of nw dull fore! gn under stand· a pure white mantl e llpon tho grass; Flernadotte. Bon of , the kIng of Swc. ,stolon almost ~very day. Ther wer,e ~,. defended aUtlPt.\c s. Incl\ldlng (oot· Ing. " She marrIes our nolghbor, PrInce nnd the three word ,s upon tbe IIttlo den ; Count BOl'u stortT, of ' G rlUsny, two clc rlts ' In the store. and the . '. "It II! not enough to make truo mlr· IrrocQr ftimll y e~llcd tb em tbleve. , , .&11, 8ayl,n S':, "A.thletlc:; am conducive ~ r~e cl "ck. nnd w e rejoice, " stone see med to me t he' most I.athetlc and two AllIflr l can mllllonnlres. The r. to bl gh morals , and a h lgb d eg re e of "So," I r e flecle t.!, " the PrInces s The· ' I had ever r eadchaIrman of the committee, who 19 I'orll," tbe deuler aUld. " It thllt wer e and, disoharged t\lem. When two othel's hat! lalten thel~ aeholarshlp." Wh Ich ts m e;' Iyanother resa' s eldest sIster was to be m ll l'rled, ' " Armand:-au reVOir!" devotIng almost hIs entire tlmo III "r~. , nil, ours w<l1Ild be 'Indeed Ii slmpl o places tbe money C\ont.lnned .~ , J{ll ....,. ot surIn g Ihn l th e warld Is made and no doubl t.h e younger IH luc'ess • I have BOell h llr ooco sInce then, a paring for .the conv ention. Is Dr. busines s." He was walkIng complaeentl)' over appcqr. and tlie case wa s glyen 10 tba ?f-,- ---r better by an Incr eaee III tbe numbcr a f herself would be at th e w eddIng." I crowned Queen . and her people's Idol. George W . Dail ey, of Phllatl olrhla. ' mll8cular. bealtby and, scho,l arly C b r I (I. tll eu alltl thor e I'esolved . , , t h'a t I would Sh e WIIS drIving along the streets ,of A I)al't or tho " omblal call,:' Inviting hIs huge shOji, whIch bu stled an -police. An omcer who Itld ueder ' -,A,' counl er' so)ved \ bo problem., < lIIalte at l ellst un effort to see soma- h er COll ltlll, her IIttle ' son by ber sIde: .11 throughou t 'th e ' world who ~re In. hllmm(!d wIth brIsk tr/lr1 e. • "Oressma l,ent and 1lI1111n e1'S "~ he cl.· found bIts of 'paper · ropl' 3cnlln& Uantl. Ihlng of th o l\Iorrow 's ce r cmony. , sh e was dressed all In wblte, and ·het tere stcd In th e Sunday <School moveThe tawn was astir lIetlOlcs, aad 1 10\'01lnes8 was somethIng ,to dream of m enl fo be present at the Rome con. plalned, "I'eq)llre mlrrors .oC aU Boris. about $GO tho,t the " mIce b~d made , En~laud -l OBUS a n otahl e Slru~ture They need, fOI' exomple, a mIrror that nests of. They had entored t/le til): throu gh t he des tru ction by Ore of tho was asUr wilb ,th e town to take my uud' rem ember : I tho ught I ha~ neve~ w lntlen, III as follows : "In the Acts or tl)e Apos(jes we read" makes on e look taller ancl thInner. tbrqugh a b.o le tn tbe ba<:k, a nd ta1f81t' ,'amouN Allb ey at Se lll y . 1'ho building III ace aa n enr as m :ght be t o the !lt ens seen a smllll more InfinItely sweet; When the)' dress' a tat,' sho rt pnh'cl,n In tho bills one at a tlmp. " , dated ba ck tn th e tw.:.lrth ce ntury. of ihe IIn (' ('athp.dralln whIch J learned and yet the sadnE'ss , In her eyes thal PRul with his vIsIon of II 'world. The two cl erks who had b el'n :Ol~ " brougbt .a mist before my own. ' oPlO r itmlty havIn g dete rmined to vi s. one or their n ew hat s or suI ts, they .... hen Ihc A bb ey was fOllnd nd hy tbe tbe we<l dln ~ wa~ to tllKe place. For a ruop1ent the I! tr ee t, the people It I,Iel'llsaie;": saId: "Arter 1 have l ead her to thIs mlrl'Ol'. anit she \s 60 r.harged for dishonesty brough~ Bult' 1 [oUlld Dlyself well amused watch· J)en edl cLl!1c s. was Olle of th e fln ~ st sllrprl sq d and 1.leased wIth the chnngl!~ Cor damB~es, and the othe~ day. til. Ing Ule gil Btll stream ! " tl) tbe build· p.oout me, tbe swlCtly rolllu;;: carriage, I been there I must III so se e Rome.' , ~clm c ll s o( t be o "~'lI me monAstic for th~ beLter In bel'. looks that, grucer. wall compelled. to p tll. , thuD r.blll'cll('S In 1~ 1l r- la ud nnd hUrl wit· lng, li aU!lIi llg to the COIl',mCDlS or the rad cd from my slsht. h ' t ead I saw a . $SOO each, . ". ' "Tn th eso ~ater da y s, when the straIght ocr, she buys, lt05Sed llIiln y Rth'l't ll ~ eve nts. A galnlt PI'III11!\c~, and IOllmlng frem my n eIgh· far·away garden, ' fralgrant with ,tho .~J-aucb 11 IUSIi t bere Is 110 udequate In· bo'r H who \VUH th Is grande!.!, and wbo scent of pale , wisterIa f10werll and , world of Paul S time hall grown Into : "For maHseufS .1 mak e a otlrror that, that. Tb en at l us l n !Uurmur .' ran hanksla rOBOS; radlatlt wIth Bunshlne. j a limItless Ollpol'tunlty for the (ollnw· like 'a r etouched photogrUll h. hlde£ .lIrance, roun ,, : "TI' e royol h!'lullehold IS coru· full of thll Bongs of lIlrds- the glory ers of hIs Milster and Outs, It Is mOl1t blemIshes, wrlnllles. scars. Th ni as. The. erecti on of U Slll tuo to Wash, Ing." and I ' raned f 07\\,flrtl wl,th the or BIlI·lng. I snw th'~ (ace oC II. gIrl. 1 fittIng thal the ,World's SUllday School 'seur talees the wrln,lt1eti race of som e h&ton In' llutla/lOlst IR lD ' r Iy an out r es t to Wlttch ttie lords nnd '!Idl es In glad wIth II v: ouderfUlI ne w g l adness; , Conve.ntlon, having III t In .~e rl\s(\I,em, rloh old woman, !Iteam It. thllmllu It, 'Ward slSp and to k p.n of how t.he Ideus wallin!: 1'116" ul' th e steps, Once I I h(',nrd a v Oice. the most 110ft and tho birthplace of t1:o ChrIstian church, pJQches. It and smaoks It [or an bour, for .... hIcb ' h ~ stood 81'e perme'a tlng st arterl vlolenUy, tor I saw a face I muslclll It· has ever b een my lot to IIllould g atlier nCru' In ' Rom.e, tho.t and tllen hol<lti up to It the', mInot kn ew, lIu ~ n face gro'w/l from youth to h ear before or slncl', say gently-' , i world·center ~hcrCr tho Chrl sllan that gives a Ijlurred, blemlsh·hldlng roevet'J IH1rt of tho WIlI',ltI to·doy. It manhood since 1 hnu 8 en It last- the ,"1'0 ent~r Paradll!~~ wIth you, Ar- ' cburch fought ulld won Its notable flection. The woman thlnk8 hoI' wJ'ln. DM.n s nibro t ban m er e Inl r natlonal fa ce of the man coll et.! Armand. Ani!. msul. that Is enough : ' triumphs." kle" are gone, and III hnlJflY till ah£ fnendshlP ",hen th e sta tuo ot the at! welt li S the routh. nit the gladness !J.1l\e vlsloI\ faded, I&nother toot Its , Dr. Bailey. ,t he head of the world getl:! 'llome to her own true D1lrror. leader ot tile modorn 1''''~lIIbllc ,Is put bad gone out of it; il W8S etrong ann place. , committee. III a bllslness man of ,P hlla. "Altogether. 1 make 80Dla 20 varie. , In the ~3,pltaI8 of kIngdoms and em- . pure as ever, but Inl1nltely liar!; and J A hillsIde cemetery: -'he deep, stili delphIa, wbo 18, one of the roremo.t ties or' raIse mIrrors. Salesmen and wontlered. ' · . lakl), the broodIng mCluntalns-"roICll. Cbl'latlnn loadere or,that city • .nnd has 1I:l14!.;';omen, In millinery and dre•• .,Irea. Noxt tllere , came a paUle, tllen a ros ~s all the way" -and a !I ~tle g;-ave J01l~ been aeUvel, IdenUfllld with 'I!e making establishments, ~oubl' 1M tiu lI,;et'llutl, and Yet it blare of trumpets, a great libout ('!1m aOl\lngsl them, a grave wbolt\..JllmPI& SUllda, Ichool "Iocl&tloo. Dr. Balle, and qUadliuplc thetr bU81neu If the)' --t-c:---:-::::"-:-~l.mliir't'O 'iii mucb mOI'e lloPUJar than the mnttItude, a pealIng volume of Btc,Je bears enl, thoae three ,bart lave mil! further detalle regardlog the are qtdck Ind deft In theIr $llectlO1l . j' .mlnl Convention, as 101l0W6: "reseal liu)lnfllrlu8 10Utal Bound from tbe orpa,. and out of.. W'crd_ lIIa;ll1ll1ccnt lltate carrIage, JDto ,tbe "Armaojl-aa . ""be' COD'feDUOD IlU ,&wuelld • of the Dilrror tba& aattons each o&U1II1 J
" ,.
Oarpct~ en n be, olnred on lhe noor wi th
PU'l'.N .AM lIAOJ!LI!: S J,n ' !!: '.
druggist. l Ou Pill' Jluol;n~c.
A sk your
Selt·made men don't- aTways make the mselves ag reeable.
'\~~ttthl n ,; ~~ru ... . Accordin g to ; S ir J oh n Lu'llbock, the :::;,~~ tt~-~n.~':~: ':::th~~~~ ~'~~ 1:~~ t;t~I,~~'" ~~~I1!:~~:: ) f rlf.
Finest Thoughts bf Man Are Contalhed In the List Given ' Below. $Ir ,Tl1bu Lllh bncll, the wl'll kno~v" Ilcle nllst and piJllosoplH'r, III hi s boo k, "Tho P It>tWIl I'llU Itr 1.ift ," na lll s tho foll o win g m; I h" h~' ''l 1Or) books ·wOI·tll r ead ing: '1'ho' 1I11J1n, lIf"IlIluLions or :lI1a rcllB AILr Ihls . 'l'PllChlll !,;R of ,l~ lllc· t t UM, Arlsloilf; 'R 1~11 1 1 '5, Anal ects of OIl[u <:IIIS, St. 11 1111111'"',, L o Boud, elha t 51i lll' lI dn n, '\'\' nl[,'8 Apoll' tollc Iralll I', rlflli[lllOn or -hrl 5t, by ']'homss n 1< 11111 pis , Confcsglons of Sl. Aug us tin ', Portiu ns of th o 1(01'1111, Sphwzn'~ 'r mctl1CIIS 'I' h 'ologl co·PollJ.l· liS, l.'a ~cal's I'll n SI"'s. Bull 1"1l Annl· ogy of Hl' lI t;'1<1 II , TaYl ur's 11 0 1,\' Llv· In ll anel DYing, IIllll ya u's , PII!';I'IOl 'S »I'O & r es~. l{ ubll!'B Chl'lslillll -"al', Pia· to' D OilI IO;;II('~, X ' lIl)llho ll 'S Ml'lnorfl' billa, , A l'l ~ t otl 'l; PoII Uc!l. Ve mos· th onos' 0 0 l:OI'Olln, CI '!Jfo's nom · daHl!, ".\ ull clt la, a nt! ne CII L'C\ u l , Plularch'S 1,lv'I'a . Htl l'kl Y'I! HUlll nn Know l'd~ , D~'sCn rte' B D lscO III' !I III' In M ct h o~l tl , Locko III I Ill, CII IlIIII(:l of UlC 1 II dl"l'l!lLlnlilo~, lJ OUWl', H sold. Vl r!';11. lnhablJ:11' ta, Tile , hun ' mUll I POI'sla n . po m . thB Nlhl'!I1 I1!,;eull ctl . Mu lol'U Y's !I1ort eI'Arlllul , 'I'h 'hokiu g ( 'hines po III , KJlndfum's SlIl<untn!n, A scll y· luI;' Pl'bntol hl'lIM nncl · 'l'1'luIOI,')' of Ol'ell tes, 801)h r.1/)s ' ed ll)1I8, r1 urilll d s' 1OJ' a, Arl s\O I,hllfI CS' 'l'he Klli g hl s alld Clollr!s. !-Iornce. ' hnllce l"fj Cn ntorbu ry 'j'alea. :3hnlt 5 J) li re , MlIlo/l's J>ar udl~a Lost. :OItlIlS alII) ~hortcr 1'001113 , Dall l 's Olvlna Comadla, ' SJ /I c r'll FiU'rle Qu CII . Dryd en's 'po mil" W Ol'cI~\\'UI' th, l3urllQ, 'Pope's Essay all Criti Cis m, Essay o n, italIC of lhe 1.0 k. Byron's 'Id 1<1, Hal" old, GI'ay, 'J'(~ lln yso n. lI('rodoluB, X n· ophon 's Anal)!l I s .. 1'hucydlt! II, TaCitus' o rmanla Llv~' , Glbbo a's Dbcllu o lint! l 'nl l. Jl um o'u HlstOI'Y or England, Grot :8 HI MlOl'Y of Or .ec, arlyl's Froncll R e ,'olutlnn, Oreo n's Shorl His· tory ' of E lll'l lanrl. I~ew\ls ' HI s ltlry of 1'h1l080ph1', AralJlnll Nlgh'Ul' Enter· tnillmeut, Gulliver'S Travels. ncroo'll Hoblnso n ruso , Vicar of Wak 'ft Id , Cervantes' Don QuJ xo te, Hos well's Life of .Johnson, Moli e re. SChlll er's ;Wlllism Toll, Sherldnll's 'riLl -, School fa I" SClindal and Ri vals, ~al'lyl o'8 Paslaad Present, Bacon's NovUDl OrgsnulD, Smith's W alUI of NaUolls, Mill's 1'oilUcai ~('.oUO!l1Y, CO lllaln Cook's Tra vels. ' Vbit. ,'s Nat ural Hlslory at S · Ibt~rne, DarWln's Origin of SI)ecles and l'Inturnlis t"s Voyago, Mill 's L ogic, J~acou '8 E !lsnys. 1\1ontal gn 's Essays. Addison's Es~ a YIl . Ell1le rspn's Essays, Edmund Burkp'S elect Works, Smile!!' cit Hell>, Voltaire's lIla(llg and ' lI1lcr()o 'megns. Goothe·s . Fausb And Allloblo· graJ)hy. Thaek ray'S ' Van ity Fai r, Thnclcer'U"s Pend nnls, Dick ! IS' PickWi ck Pape rs , Lytto n's Last Dar !! of Pompcll, Gears F.lllot's A(l am Bede, ]{Jngsley's Westward Ho and ,Sl;otl'S nove ls . Freaks In Animal World. Unlike most animal!! horses hnve , no eyebrows and I~ares are minu s oyelids, Conseque ntly ~h e PYos of tho latter oaunol b hut nnd II ,tbln memo braneous s ubs tnnce ('0\'Cr5 th e m ,vhou , asl ee p. The eye ' of Ih e ow l Is also vory peculiar. soclnt:; that It Is In'lmO\'' ably flsellin It socl, t and cannot sUr 1n a ny direction. To eom lien,snte for this soe m ll1~ di sadvantage It can turn i ts bos(l nlmost 'on1 11letely nround without movin g tts bod)', If you were to k c~ p a trog'R ' mou th opon many mln.ute It would soon die, All owIng to Its IH!Clillll r conslructlon U cnn only hre:\the with lh e mouth eloH d. On the olhe r h and; fi s hes nre compolled t'O keep OIJonlug ,md, clos· ·in~ th e lr ' lllo\l l h ~ In ' ol'd l' to g ive the ir . J'e~plra or,y orgn ll9 f ull pill),. A 'curl ous fnol nhlJllt. tbe eel Is that H h 8~ less life , In Ils "hend Ulan Its tall ; con seQlIon ti ,v wllt'n k l) ltn g nn eol tb o fisherman s ma"lI es Il ~ 11111. It also· h nA two h arts , ' SOIII;es IIsl1nll~ have their ' wel)l In the hentl, but one var ie ly In Africa . wbo s I1rln (:111I\1 toad Js e/!,~s , Is l)ro\'ldeI1 with ' a snbstllllte tor them tn Its s,tomac h.
W1lpn a ma n Is t1rlrtl ng 'W1l.h tbe stream he Is lilt Iy to Ulinl( tb ut the .tream hus ceased to flow, A Well·K nown Remedy. Ooe or th e o ld est, safest and most favurab ly 11 nOW ll r m III B In Lbo )Vorlll (o·d:ty , is DI'anllr I h'q Pills-a bloo(] pu rifier and la'u h ·c. !Join!: purely vcg I.ublo, they can be us d by , old or yo ung wltil porrel'c ,saf ly, anti While olher rc mL....ll es requ lro Irit: rensetl dOBes natl tlnally (',c ese acU ng nll.o· gelhor. with' Drnuflrel h's Pills Iho BnlDO dOBO nlw aYM ha!1 tho sallie efiet:!.. 110 malle I' bow lon g Ihe y ar ta ken . One Of' t wo 'pills Laken aell lll;;ht for a while Is U) e best t hing know n for any o!!e trOUbl ed wltb conSUltat lo l1. !n· digestion', d~'S Il (lsla Or :1IIY tl'ouhlc a rising (,Olll Itn pul'ltr of tl,,· , hlliu£} . OrandI' th's Pills havo b ~ II In usc tor o ver a celllury, und ~~() [or sale everywhere, plain or SIl j;a N :orlled .
FEARFUL PA I N SSuccess in fhe Gulf Coast C~untr, HOW $500 Realized from One Acre of, Onions. Her.: i
an example of what YOU eoui d do.
Mr. Geo. fI off man, of Kingsville, T ex<ls, planted early this Spring five acres in carrots. In March, he sold his carrots to Dermy & Co., of Chicago, for $5 per crate. His net returns on five acres of carrots were $3 20 per acre. One acre pla nted in onions yielded more than 20;ooo'pounds, for whicl~ ' he received 2 r-2 cents a pound. R e. ult: $500 per' acre.
. .' ~
-rr. H o ffman 'i ~ n o t a myt b ', hut a r eal, I ive , up-to-date far me r ; I " write' hi m nt Kill gs yi lle ?oD d hcw illiell more n bo ut b ~s wOl)derf ul s uccess , ." ,\IC' b r es ults mal]' SI.! m b eyon d h el ief, li ut the y arc fa\:ts . . "You : .. ." mi ght tlo os \\. 11 in the Gulf Coas t C o u otry, I t has a mild clim:tte., \ <: ndl'r v';,:' · tables cam rai sed almos t ve ry m onlh in th e }'eR r : T~e I:Irnlt r t pu i s hi s crop on t he markc~ t in \rVinle r and e arly Sprir If; \\h <: n th e price i s h ij:\h 5 1. By ' irri gal io n he insu re:; him self against
Whil e nowomnn ;s <!nl.1 re,y fl't:' from ('oml'r,und_ .sn~no r ; rOl' I hn.,'o t rloo so mu.ny cl'io.\icol -1I0't' riug, itdo c~ n ot ht'~m t r~lIlu, lIl'" " ILhuUI hrl Jl. Veteran Drive r H ~ s Rec.,rd, · · I . I ' .. I 1\r<'ndeJ I ho nprroocb ot evcrvmontb, I I f J ames II. John son of Wa sb :,o gfoll, )0 t i P t\~ () I;,', "~ 0 ,l I~ , ~~ () .n ( n 1m ; it 1I 10nll~ ro . IlIlh'U I'lli n ru lll Run'i,I'itl l; [or filtoult l s llfT~r so So\~ 1 I) . . Ih ~ 'l l ~ U. UIL' . IJIIL <If ' 1' 1 h:"l """I th~ l 'OIlll"'UII<l lwo who t1ro\,\l t ll I' malnlng llH'lIlbers o f scv. 're st.ruln on n. '\'Olnun s t'11.n llty. IIltJlitltS l b 'C" rttllf l("ltulurullrilln turn l Itlld litH tbe Davis fumllv 0 Ih e flln e ral of Wit.c n pnin cxj;.l S BOlli ~h lng is ~"l'\Jn l{ UVIV I " '''f~"tly. WI il,ulIl [ I'(' fl:o"" pHiU. r ulrl Mrs, Jr.lfel'so n Davis, 10 R iehm nil , Which IS holl lt.l bo se t rIgh t o r It WIll '"ry ~r"I(' llJl f', I' '<'hilt J•.\·,lIu E, l 'IIII,\lauJ8 ha!; drlv ea til Davis carrlng\! at III I ~u.d to a se rious o!prnnl;cmcut of t ho " 'c!:euwla lJoUll'uuml U:ul douo for we." fun e rals of eac h or the members wh o wh olo fC Ill ~. lc o'·~lIn i. m. Such te~t int ny sh'oul d l,'l a ce pl ed lrave gone b tal'. He dl'o"e nt lhe • '.rho)lan ntis of women have tos jjfterl 11y I,lll \\,(,ll ll! lI ti>! ~lJnd ncj ur:r evidence III grnLe f~1 l e t t )' . ~ t o Mrs. Plul 111110 that L nll,. I'j, 1'illl,II1111"1;I \TcK Ul lllJlo funera ls .TdfCpl'so n Da \' !~ lin d MIRS ompOlilld 5t"IUd ,~ whlll)lI L I. pl:c r a s a W lnulo Da vis. He has neve r llllsr,etl . th :. t I.ydlll. E . Plllithruu M ~e"'I!IIII! 1 0!l'pound. ov l'eOtn~~ wOIlla.n S specIal r~ lh,,:lv for all LUll t! is ~ressing ills or atte nding a ,CoDfed ru te reun lun since POIIi S uncI. Jrrcgul ur 1tlCS, W O III ii. the Will'. I to prOVIdes fi' Bafe. nnd Rllre w ;.y o~ 'rh o Sll cce S of J,yd ia, E , Pinkha.m's escnpe from (hSlr~!;!>l n g IInu d .. n~tlI·ous VC>!"tnl,le 'OIlII'0UI1<1 re~ls u pon the A ' MISSOURI WO MAN wc~lmesses mId t! IS(JU~t.:~. w 'll-curn ed g l'U Wlude of American . 'I~ c two follOWing l,c t.U:!'s t<;!l . 0 co~- Wl)Il1e n. vIDcmgly whnt Lydll\ l~, . Iml,hullI s Whe n W(lmPQ nre Irolull1 <! ~ ", ll.h pai n Tella a Story of Awfu l Suffering and Vegetable Compound Will. do tll r or il'rl!~ll illri ti,,", el i pl:lcelllcnts 01' ul Wonderful Rel ief. wom e n, they Cllllllo t fnll to brtng ho~c era liou .o f t he org ans" thnt bl,(tringto thousands of s ufferers, tlo WL! feelin g. inf\nnllna'Lion, lmcl<uchc , Mrs, J. D. John son: of 603 ,W est 1.1 iss Ne1!1e n olml's, or MO N. Division uloatin!i (01' fi n LlIl ~n tly), general dcuilHickman street, Columbia, 1\10., sa ys: Slree t, l1uft'alo, N. Y., lty , indigestion a n(l n e rvous prostru"Following an oper- Denr Mrs. Plnlcham:' . tion . or nl'e bc"ct \\' ith !\Ut'h sy mpwlDs ation lwo yea rs ago, "Youl'lnotllt-iue illndeednn Ideal m.dklno as di7.zi nC$S, fa intness, lossitudo. exdl'PIISY .se t \11, and t Ol' ,,"OUlrul. I 6ulfcI'Il11 misery for yllur~ w ith cHnl)\Iit.y, irl'i ln llillty, n l' rI'OU5neRs, my left s ide was so painful porlods. bootll1cbO!!,. and IJearlng"!l,owll s lctlpl('ssness. Ill ClatlCholy, tllt'.y s hould pain"- 1 COlllnl\tU<l tw'! d1lIorenL pbYRlciDII!I r momuer tlicl'e i~ one trIed nnd swollc n the d octor but railed to get any reltet. A frlim,1 t:rOlll the . L E I" k I ' rost Ullvh;oo me ,to b'y 1,nlln E. Pinkham'. true r emedy, ~·( IIa. '. HI IOID S Btllt! h e would have ';'eg. tnbJeCompou nd. T!lld!<O, nod 110 longer Vegetable Compound nt. once 'r omoves to lap ou t !.be water, suti'erns ldtdberore. My Jl0rlooSR.ronntuciti \ i!\\ lh troub1 s. P. fU NIl toQbns any olber T here was constan t eve.ry ocho anti pain Is !lOue, onll my gener,, 1 lucdicillC, for you n eed the bc~t , . 1l.. pain and 1\ g urgling bcaltbls muoblmpro\'t!<1. llld \'il!ellll WOIfI~ Il who suffer to 411,0 LydlD E. Plukbnm's vog... Don t b CIII.tnte to write to ".,n . sansaUo. '. around my table Compound." Plnltham Ii t lll'ro is nllythilJg hcart. ani! r cou ld :M rs. Tillie Btl", of Larimer'! ~_ D. , I~bol\t YOUl: sic.k ll (l!!FI Y0lt d .o o.ot Jiot rolse my arm wriU:s: ' ' l1l1clerstund. She "'11Il treat 31m, above my bead. The kidney action Dear IIiI'!!. Plnkh.. n : wit.h Idudocsl'l RDd :ber advice Is was disordered and passages of tbe se.. r mlgbt hoxu boon IfJUlrod mnny month. free. No womnn e,'er regretted o retlons too frequent. On the advice of sulY~rlng alldf run burl'l ohlykIlOWU'Il( tho Wl"1t.l1I~ ber RIIII sh.~ ba8 helped of my husband 1 began using Donn's efficacy or Lytliu E. l'JUkhfUU" Vogctnblo tbou~auds. Addressl LYOD.Masli. Kidney PllIs , Since us ing two boxes Ask Mrs. Pinkham's Advice - A Woman Best lJnderstaoos a ,Woman" Ills. my trouble has llot reappeared. This True rrJ e ndsbl ,\l Is imperlsuable.Is w.onderful, afler sufferlag two You CANN OT Puylhllgol'WI, years," . • Sold by all denie rs. aO cent s a. box. $100 Re~ard, $100. F08ter·MI1 ~ urn Co" 'Butralo. N. Y. The nltdert 01' t.btl naper .-1I1 be [lleuact to 1••,.
crup Lti lurc ; rivet's or artesian \vell~ g ive n. bountiful supply o[ ,,,at r. Two ;md so m c!tim es th r ~ crops a y ea r , nre rai sed and tweo't y a c res Ihere w i TI mal, e as m u h a s fifty a c res in othe r places ,
. ~.
D o n't you t hink thi s i s be tt r t lHin a on e -crop coun try wher<' YO ll! s uce 'ss d ' pe nds o n I1ncertnin wea th e r' , it h irrer.:u lnr r ainfa ll ? -Cbm~ to lh ~ Gul [Coas t oll ll~ry an d win success as olhe rs have don e . ,. No w th e lant.! is ell up an d you can g t it eas y terms, ,Twen.t'y ,r;~l acres will cos t y o u abdut $ 500. The c os t o[ clearing it is abo\llii ::' IIit! !(l a cre, Th' cos t o f wale r for irriga t ion varies . You m ay wan t ,an. ~ art 'sian ~'( II o f you r O~"JI; )'ou may get wat e r [ro m f.o m e rive r. ; ,or :r 9_1I ... .' m ay g ti l' from y ou r n c:ighbor. But th e cos t i s not g rea t and th,ose
\\ ho ha\1c tried j t hav ~ nettc.-d from the first crop, a su tn ,vbich bas pai d all spe n ses , and le it a ~ood surplus . ' ' It is not on ly a good place to m a iw money, but it is also a goo
,~ ,
" ,!., '
p lace fo r a h o m e . Til e s unny. mild winte rs are de lightful and l he,'L s unime rs are te mpered by the cool breezes from th e Gulf. .....-~ilJ!-"--' T.,8.e;;;'l;ft'l.9":' Take a tr ip down there and see (~t yolin.1ff . " nlol.IfIa' V e61t;UUlIC that'. the heg( way. Every lirat alld .1!lit'll 'l' u'eS- '" \ '/6 -~ day of each f!l onlb, we wiH sell rounel·lr ip tick~\~ " I #UI\~& . . . . \0 any point In th o Gu lf Coast Country :lDd .re- , . I turn, at the. followinG rates : ,I , .• 'f'~
From Chicago, From St. Louis, • 'AS . From Kan~, City. EXft. From Peoraa, £...,.,- .From St. Paul, From Minneapolis,
$25.00 • I '~ 20.00 ' 20.00 . .
23ioo .' ;· 27.50" ~! 'J
Tbese li ckels will b9 goo (1 30 dayn Ilnd .th:r, ' , • - - _. Will pc:rmi,~ you 10 stop ovor at <oily'polnt: ' ,.,J"!>"~ , Let ";'0 son<l you our boctk9 decrlbing the wonderful crops produced i,n this m:lfl'e!:< ' OUS coUlllry. Don'[ deLlly, write me t<>-t!ay. .
JNO, ~EBASTlAN. Passencer .Traffic Manager,
ROCK ISLAND-FRISCO LINES. ';00 La Salle St. Station, Chlcap, III., or 700 FrIsco Bldg., St. Lou!!, ~
th at .. 1I~ re 1.1 ilL h, ... " uDolJrr, llil od lUtOln tba, IUleuce
~Ift' I.II' OU .'J~e to UN 111 ..n " .. 'U.V IIi , &liU l b . .. .. Women at Strenuous Task .. til tarrb, Ua u·. aallurh Clue t. I t)c on ly po,I UV8 On the western CODst or the United " urI! UvW' knuwn to t ho lu clll ~1 tr't ernit.y ,· C"tKrrll Statos, at Moaterey, Cal., Mrs. Fish ~I~I~:I ~r;~~I~~~~~lll~!\ I~~~t~,'t~~r:~(bU~~~' .: I~O~~~~~~: 1tee\l8 0 ISjlI1ps lighted In t he Roln!,. !~~~~!Jl~ ::tOt~~1~~~~!rm~P~_tie~~~~·~U3:.~~rll:::~~: Plnaa II ghtholise. On the eastorn f\tuo,Jn\luD of tbe l~ .eUt!. aud gll' lo K th~ I.." ien~ lIy lml1r1lna: u p t ho C() n j tltu t tu rl aD d U. I!'I I' coast, at ~outh Portland; Me., !\Irs. JLre.nR'(b Inl tllt.lHro Ju C1 l)l u~ ItA w-",rk. The prp prlftt,1 rM hay., :lJu \! b r!l1tb t tl I tt curath'6 power. 'hu t LhGY otr."r Gordon eams b e r lIyl1lg by worldnr: II) Unn Hliollrcil Oou l n r ur any C.Il.IIf) tblll U, tal . to a. a deep·sca dlvcr. Sprlaklcd over cu re , end (Ot II", or ttllU l mual all, . AddMU F. ,I. OUI\SEl" & 00., TolOdo, O. the countty between t.hese two wo~ ~:1t61~~!,O::~~:;Li;,:t.Cro'r eonltlpl1tloll. en are th~u6a1lds of .other · membors of . t.he re male sex who deserve to be T be milo of many parts seldom entailed as auxilia ries to lIlr. KIp- , parts h is neme lu tbc middle. Ilng's corps of "Unafraid Gentle· ~~~~.~=~~=======~
a.'l inflamed', ul ceraled and «atarrhal can. ditions of the mucous mc'morane slIcll as nasal, uterlne';.t.... rh caused by (e m i R!D . Ills , 's om tkroat, sorO mouth or Inflamed e,yes by simply do"ing ~he s tomach, But you surcly cag curCI these Btubbom aHections by local trcatmcm with
men." AndIs, thsheriff en. !rom tbehangs woman I~ Utah who and mur· dc'rers, to the woman In, Chicago who boss!!8 a gang, of I talian stree'l cleanera, be tells 'the role or wODle n wbo are engaged In str-onupns oconpa tlon s
I. UnI'to" wres " ..... 'Vb.."tram , rou hasth.h ied t a living unwilling nature t he re woman has also l eft the Impress of be r darin, ex, pJolts,-Tec bnlcal World.
Paxtine Toilet Ahtiseptlc .----~
which destroys,the d iseasc gemls,checks disdl:lrges, s tops pa in, and h eals the inHammation and serene:ss. Paxtine repr esents the lf110s t Sllcr.essCul' local tr eatment for fcrmlnlnc IUs ever proC!uccct l ' housands of womell. tes tify to !h iS t acl, 50 cents at druggisis. _TlllD _~ P~TOft Co..,
Drom;lness, Dlld Tasto I!l tlHl 1Jouth, Coatotl ...... n_~ ·P.. n In .~~ Sld- , U .1UfjU...,..... u.w
P ound , 10 Ii'!:itl~~mJl!rJ t(Shei~ty·thr.e Ih' Mh t'I) . Are Joi l u~t.d Iu Ihe · nlln.linll ~~~'o~t. ~Ihl%.n<'!~~~~;
Boaton Society Fad. =====--:-..J'rORPID UVER. Tiley Dealers In pet stocl, say' tbat su· rcgullte fobe Dwell!. l'ure1yVogetAlJlo. burban' resld'e nls of Boston are nllopt· hig ' as th~ hltest fad the raising of !j'aine chicke ns. The stately car,lag'e Genuino 'Must Bcar F S' " 1 S' and bl'lIIla nt .plumage of th ese :belll g· erent rowln make them \'alllnbl e for decorllll ve. IlUrllOses on the In "'II , to people wllQ' WOUld, ho"'e ~' er. ,1('Ver dream at · putting thei r cemlt.utlve REFUSE SU8~TITUTEn. Qual!tles to' tho t est The deal e rs are prophesying that' be fore long tha old. time fancy Qt keoplng gamecock II : ,c hained willi sliver cbal us on th o Fourid Grocer Wa s Honest. lawns or COlin try houses wm·· b. re "Do Y~11 IIno~," a prefty bride or \'tved.-Boston· Rccord, tllree 1)H:l nthR', Ral cl to a fr lo nd the athe r cloy. " I tillnk nil ·,tlle se jokos COfFEE IMPORTERS about 'YOI.llip; ",h'es hl\vln~ 80 mllcli irouble wltl1 bllt~lIors imd g l:oce r8 anrl PUblllh a Book About coff~e. l.eln j!,' ch fjl\.lp.d nnd jlll that Is just too loollsll .... · '. ' . . There bas been lIIuch d isc ussion a s "Tben I presume YO II ar!,! ,gOtting on to Coffee and Postum lately, so much' all rlll'hI. With ,yours,. deal',?" 1I!;!I' (rlend In fact th'a t some of tl~e con:eo Importb\q ll lred. " : . ,.. ers and rO!lslers h a ve tal;en to type , " Why . ~f .<;0111'80 ,I am!' Anybody to promote' the sale 'of t hei r 'wnr¢s would If th e y would J1I8£ de nl a t ' a re- and check .It, possible the rnphl growt.4 Uable, IIJ"Qe.e," th'o YQUng Wife declared:, 'of the use Or P OStlllll I"ood Colfoe. , "Now. tllel'o .Is .my ' grocerl': , silo.' con· In the 'colfee .Importers' book a chap. ' ~In\led i· "1 e Is just'. as obllgj ilg and tel' Is headed "Cott:ee as a Medllllne," t1l01l1tht(1l1 I)S can be, ' The other day · and . advocates Its use ns 's uch, J or(\emcl n dO len oranges and wfien :' Here . Is an adniiss lon of' tbe truth, thoy clune I rouird there we re but , 1t moat l~p'ortl!-n:t i.p a.1I Interested. OfrlRE ' FaR 1n tho ' ha~., so When' I ',we nt " til the' ~v:eI'Y p"ys lolan' knows, 1lnd every • to ro o l:'(8.ln I ~old ' hlni so: ' . , tholightful ' pe r son should Imow, tllat . I' 'Wll y, · yes, ma'luiI,.' he :."ald. .'J 'hlibitulll ' use at 'any " m()d\clno" at -the ltIlO\'" tlt er e ' were, ' J /lad \lut In 11 ·drug·sUmlllan:t hi)e 'of ~ol'tee 0 1' whls. ·dozen,' hIli l notlAcd ,that one of them kyo qutckly causes Irr~caUon of the 'Wall 8pollcd nbd Of conrse 1 COUldn't tlsa\Jes ' an~ orgll,ns st!mulated ' and Rnd yon any but tb!3 best gOOds, so"1 8nl\1I7 , aets' up :dlser.s!l In the' great took It alit.' , . , . maforltl' ot cases It , perliisted In. It "NOW, dO,n't YOIl, tblnk tbat WIUI nice m'a y show In ant one ot' the many , hi h \m 1.0 bo so t~ought~nl Dnd hOb· organa ' ot the bpdy and In Ule great est?" s.he conolulled"l'Ial:pcr'8 W~ek- majority of caseB ClIJI lie dlrecUy J~." ",ced ' to correa III a most unmlltsk'. able way bY leaving off the active ' Iro' Bight. rltant~orree-:4Dd tlSlng P08tum "ht1e Boy-A're not all the :tronl• . Food CoffMl tor a matter or ten daYII. ased t9 be foulld III tile 1dlotlonary~ ! If tbe reauJt III relief from 'nervou', papa! \ , trouble, dyspepsia, bowel complaint, "No. my child; Dew word.. are beart failure, weak e)'OII, I]r &1Il' other, mined mer)' daJ," · ! malad), let up b)' a polloned DenOUI "And wb.t I, ~be last word, papar l1.tem, you bave 10nl' IUIlwer wfth ". don't IInow,' dear. Aalt 10ur ~tbe acCtlrlC7, uf a demonltraUma 1a moth..; .... AlwA1' lIu ' U&e Jut paatbellll&uoI.· ....... "nerl', A'" for PoItlUlto
':~.~~I"~";~I~r f(!i;It~~
SMAll PilL. SMlll DOSE. SMAll PRICE. ,
"I' .
, ,
" .1
a.n (l .ble to c(tmply ,,'1 111 the HOlll " Ol I",d
A substi tute lor a.nd 3npc:rior to mustard or any olher plaster, and will not blister lho most del icate~ . Thlt paln.allaylng and curaUve qualities of the artlc lc arc won<te.rf'dl, 1t will .lop ths tQo thache al once, a nd rellcve Headacho and S :;lalk-a., We recommend 11 as the best and safesl external coulIle'r.lrrlla t kno ..'n. aha as an e.lernal re medy for pains In the chesl lind stomat'h ~1Ic1 nil Rheumatic, Neuralrlc and Gouty complain ts. A Irlal will provo what we claim 'oril. and II WIll be found to be Inva luable In Ih" hous..'liloid and for c .IMen. O llce used no fa mily will be wilhoutlt . .Many peop le say "Ills the but of all'your preparaliolls. " Accepl no preparation of vo cifne unlc$3 Ihe $A.."" carries our label, as olherw lse It Is nol gen~ln". SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WI·LL MAIL OUR VAS ~ , LINE PAMPHLET W~ICH WlLL INTEHEST YOU.
=~~~~~~~~ ElltlDJ;. A rem· FARMS THI1r GDOW IVER PI LLS. otI)' lorDlzz1ne5",ti(lu~e:l, .. NO. I HARD "I WHEAT
Doe_ ....
Send for Free ~rrial Box
PosltlYelr cu. ct b, these Little Pills. They also r eUcyo Db-
--~~ . -
' ..
I tt
Durlu ir
W!r. ~~ N~;-Wh~;tG;~;~~TerriIOr) w~.~LF.~D~-10~U~C~L~A~S~.~~~iiiii=~=~
A 'Positive
thai I,.. been Pu.,.hcd, forward
TO lilA! ON !;'I' RUCTIO SQ Ylg~ruu. ly 1
lbe three 11'cat rllllwD Y ~mp;iln i cl.
IV \1.
Porllternture and particula rs o(ldrel9 SO P.F.h
I N·rI'. N Dl!NT OF lMMIG[\I\TION, Olt~w n Canada, o r the following oU'lhor lzed Call.diut! Go\'er nmrnt Allcn t :
3.50 &. '3.00 Shoes .aEaTtNTHEWOItLD
M. WILUAMS, Low Buildia" Toledo, OLio.
despair often !lssails ,women, who sUf{er t, , continually from ·the diseases that afflict their sex. After trying doctors and medicines in v~in, they feel l,ike giving up. Better try
01 YOUR .INVESTMEMT a.".e ~niI reliable"
on POllal and 1.1
S.nd YOII' name
u.lell you abolJlil: Add,.. ..
Br'Oclktlm. 1lU15. . . ._ _OT:
you how care.",ly
-_ ...
you would . Sfa·7& they lIold their shape-. lit ktter. = ilr.ewhymade.
SlI':l.,911 " tr.;~.= Ooulll~ ~R.1S, !tEN'S su.... IJS, WIJ SA' e YOU MoNEY. Katnlp/I for B cent 5t.4rpp. POwm.l. 41: CLEAIt!NT CO. 410 lIoIJ.. 6~, CUlcianati.
..--- ,-. -
weilr longer, apd are of ptIIIIItcr " ..... than any other mat::e. W .... rever you live, )"'U 0111 ~. .~~ Douttl.. ,hoes. HI, nllne and on t .... boUDin, .. hJeb p'utf'!IA ),0" _ _ II II .,.1... IUld Inforlor .hoo. . Tclfto • • _61th , .. r.. A,k yourd ..... for W, L. 0DIa~_ and Intllt upun IIaYln,! thom.
..,Iee ..
Fa," Col., EJ/.I.t"u" i Ih,¥ ..111
Write to. my.t,oiled Cil,alo, ,,' RtofI • W. LDOUUJ.,U.Dept. U; ~' ~
B=_EAD. , ..... E-.B,..S :fn~~ ..:,.:;:
~thl.. "". . . . .1D as column, IbnJ4 , ...... II.....
..... or
~ ,.,~ &II
:~"l '
'I, "
~:ECARnUI WOMAN'S RELIEf (or It b81l relieved and , cured thousande, where all else had failed. "My wiro "all giveD up to die ten yean al:'O," write. J.' F. Stone, of Lawrence" K~~ : "but hat taken , Cardlli ev~r , .Ince anG·i••till alivo aitd weu:." ' , T'7 It. ' -
Ali 'DrulllllSta
I. I
, Or•
:,1 '. "
, ' '1/
·· . ·I t. .-\' I ••
1.\IDf to handle mhohlnes and is at POS8 1:'<1 UlAny f6lltures of int,eret!t" Wu yn ~\"l ll innN Ullly remeDlOOlr tllut home In the work· shop. Be may to ~ higber sobnol if he Wl8hos bnt' Mr . l:I"IUUl 11 ut!ed to "pend his W ayn~..'Vl1I e. wany u boy has beoome' a good eu· VUC'h I ion~ lit! 1\ boy in the old Bam. II. T :II...... ! ~dlto· ra a nwAM "'Inll rs lI'i.neer wUh no other·tralnlng. Man· tll\· ll Homee i ll t he (Jo llett borne. ~ _ _ ... "OKAY" Oil' trnining should be taughtlu our <tEllld (lncl on l'hi rd Street and OD liM. T. S. Bao.... A~8001 ... TI: 1'lPt'l'<!R publio sohools. God made eVery the fa·1'I111:1 of Philip Ha wke and 11.00 a ,ear· . . . . .. In ttd\' anc~ mau uud every woman to help io ,' Ilm e... 'nllett ·Esq. 11,15 a year If coL paId In OOVl,nail tb progt'eas of the world a,nd If We' would live hllppy lives we must Bank Election. ,OI'l'lCE IN ALLEN BUILDING.' work or we will oome to destruo !EUI!lPJ{O~E eHLL • • riO. 6:2· tion us did t,be outhern people In ----'rh ... !'I took holdorl;j Ii the CII~l zens W&DN&8DAY NOV EMBER 14 • • . . I ~OU . the "ivil WAr . They 'who though t it was a disgrn oe to work. B""k of ,W llynesv~ OhIo will If manual traI ning ' and dom e~ 1i 11 1(1 t ilt its Bli nking RO~8e on Mon . An Al'lument for BOlenoe be taught In our publlo d .IY January 7th. 1907, betweElu the Manual Training. 80hoolll it will make the coming gen· hOlme of 1 and 3 a 'olbck p. In. to eration independent 11 11(\ independ. elect DlrectorA for the ens uing Ia tile Public Schools or Waynes. anoe i. rhe S ,' mlJ lof Amerita . . year. ville.
For our Bohuu» BUYf.' I'!1 r.1I £i11. e t !lele 1,10 11 uf the toll\owing goodtc to I !lId I uny oity, lip to t~ !i I 0 :
that cannot
exc elled.
BOOKS SIB LE ' . · T~ R ( M H
P IC'!' I !{ Ii: [,'lL\ .'\J~ FU N 1 Alb. 1'l!i. :.,; , R( OKW()OU W A Rii; , l' GLA, 'R,
We we"-e fort u n~te in purcha ·ing Underwear to retail at old
25c to 50c. $1.00 Suits' Ladies .50 Suits Misses ~rice
BOBEMIAl\ \ ~RE <';ARLSBAD BRAND ENORAVED GLASS FINE OANDALABRA JAPANESE WARE In Chooolate POt8, Pitohe~ and Tea Set!!, {"'ups, Br6lld and But· ter PlateB. eto. TURKEY PLATTERS OLOII:!80 NNE WARE PLAQUES I\nd PLATE!:! FANCY CALENDAM POOKE'r BOOKS LAOIE!:! ' WRIIST BAH VASES. 'URM~, LOVING CUPB, PORT FOLIOS MUSIC ROLLS All 80rts of Novelties. froln 100 .on up all high as you wi8h to gQ. VloUna, Guitars, Banjos, Man. dolins. Bows. Stringe. Fixtur es WE S T'S BOOK STORE Xelll'a, Obi.o.
Old Plantation Tbe following exoellent paper In ~on of Former ReslConcert Company. tnor of Introduoing manual trllin· dent of Waynes~llIe. AD, into tbe Waynesvi lle sohool. _ _ _ $1..00 buys nice quality. wu recently prepared by ~Iss . . . ., • Old Plantation Concert Company Aim .. Waterhous.o,ln the debate on WIns PraIse of ,A rt CrItics and of Negro Minstrels will be here George 'be question; "Resolved that man· P~es8. t t d I t W. Ha~mell, ar- Frida.v evenin"" December 14. Seaia ~s an ec u~er recel.ves . merwill be on sale next Saturdey Dec. lted recognitton 'of hiS work . 8 at 1 p m. Flat 2"ft, no extra ual tralnlni and domestio eulence , . aught in our publlo BOhools." "'1 These are growing in favor each season. ; lIanu&1 tl'alnlnK II\n d d omllll tI 0 Mr.. Ueorge M. Hammell, of C1n. for rellerved seats V~lvet $20 00 $30 Otl Tapestry $12 75 $15 00 lOienoe should be tBugM in our olnnati grandson of the late Enooh $500 $800 hlerain IChools. It ia ' already being Hammell and the Rev. Thom88 Body 1Iru88els $25 00 $35 00 Jute $ 3 00 aqh$ In the up-to-date publlo (JoUett, Or .• has won note as a land. An Ordinance No. 42 eohoo18 with greal ~Uooes8. Editor· 1J011p8 painter In wawr colors hav. '- - ....- - -tal and joke writere poke all sortAI l I d b distl ' 'h ed To Prevent Children on the Streets . og a rea y eoome nguI8 III after litated hours • ar~ Salea~le .of fon at the manual tralnlnjt move· an author. editor" eduoator and e 1e ~lDt in our sohonlll. But p 911 mlnillter. Four yeara ago, he SIIq. 1 . . Be, It ord;'alnt!d by the oolln~U of Silk Chiffon newest all prices. sU.k 37 1.2~ yrd ' wide who have Riven their lives to. this to EuroPe; and whlle there produo- Ihe vlllap or WllynM,·lI1e. W1ln-eD County. t d d th t in Oblo. \Ila~ IL sb .. 11 beunla"fill ,for al~.v cbUd work stan rea y 0 prove a ed a group of ploturee ' in Rome. or cblldr...n 'l ltder tbe ace or slUeen, tc be the study of the dome!ltio art./! in Florence Venice and Cornwall lolurlcr In the .tree~ or e180.. bere. In thl. ' vmaltre . In tile nllbt "".8011, . i...,r tbtl boun h h f I 11 our publlo soh.00 s, e8 t e ope 0 England. Returning to the United or elgbbL-tblrLy [8 ;:1 0 I o'oloc); p . CI, from ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I :6 bom~ 11ft! for the mall868 In our States he temporarily laid Il8lde tbo UraL day or April unul tbe nrat day of = " Octobor aocl MLer tbe hour or seven thlTt, •.....t chlea. 'l'here the father and his bru8h, buf, in the sprl~g time of 17.S 0J o'clock, p. m. ' rom Ihe lI..t day of Oc. er work aud the ohlldren stay thl to ... it i d d 10ber. until tho lIrstda, or April, unless lIC' m·...... u... , 8 year 0.. up aga n an e eornpanled by a parent, pardlan 'or otber ill eohool only 88 10Dr as the truant voted himself to portraying 800nes .dul~, or bearlnll il newl., "rUlon. slCOed ol&fir 'l4ke8 them. then they too along the banlte of the OhiO, the ~~~r~~3':~ ' t~~:~~~::\:!0'::n8U:: e:~;;::o~; beoomll ~aae earne", in f,he lP'eftt Little MI I the Bla Mia I the errand, a am '. .. m • SEC. 2. Any cbllcl eo found alter tile tlrne famoritlll. We 'read 110 mu<!h now of Miami Canal and the Liokillg. . appointed. sball be liable to be "a~rnecl ,b, oW labor If when tlielle ohlldren The exhibition of these paintinas Lbo Marlhal, or lIOy otber peace olllOElr. to KO .' . .. , home, and 1\ arUlr lUob ".rala~, Ille child .... len' to IIClhool, they are a ' hundred and fifty eubjectll, bas sbnll be round lolterln~ on tbe 8tr.«lUl. such ............................. ~~ 1rb.Ie manual tralDing and damee. produced I\D nnnsu&1 sen8ation in ~!:!.~ . may be \.IIkon by 8;1112 olDcer to ItI The name of TiitRny 18 a "guar. ~",.~ ....... ~~~.. , , . tto _en08 ant taught &hey w11l nev· the art o1rolee of c..llnolnnat1. The 'so. 3. Any parent or &,uardlac ma., .e antee tbat the artiole Is flrtlt· ... Deed go ADto the tactory &I_In, Commerolal Trlbun6. 20th Novem· ~~!":~:'.todto~~~t~~,:~~o;k::' ~~~~:e~ 01a8a In , the Dlamontl. Watch . , In "rlUnl and Bnd Jewelry line. The enor· nc~ ~M~ h h b .., a' iohoollearn BOIDe nsefaJ 00- ber ..ys· "Of Mr Hammell's paint. after bavlng been ".rned . ~........ ' ,. may I>e rtn ed for tile IlraL offence. One [J) mous Inorease in onr bUlltnees , OUpatiOD. Inp, .be lea8t that can be aaid of dollar "IL~OULCOII:, and tor tbe ~nd of· this fall ia the bestproo.f 'of bow . JUI"'~ bII8D 10DI IlinOQ,tlllde~. Ulem Is ,hat ~hey glow with loft ~~~C:~;~~~n~~~~':cll all"v~ l~) JI.~';~lrd or our onltomer8 apprecIate gOOd everybPdJ, to, eXamine the pdeDa wen OOIllidered a fad. GirlA oolor and a power to poruay which S'O... '1'hls ordinance shall 16.L8 cffec~ servloe. ilberal treatment rell"hI) ",en then warDed not ,to waste ill pOlllleeeed by but a favored few. ~1~n~n(J after 15 da~ trom ItII llraq,ublloa· . ., . . 'St"~k time 'on &be fad, are DOW malting The truenea to natnre of hiB P ......ed IbJ~ ard dUjfnf Deeember, A.O.IUOB. abie goods and low prloes '" ~~ THOMA S RI!lRWOOD M~t' or &lIe Diamonds from IG.OO to 11110. tood ._\arles 8uJMll'vlelDg kind er· and 'he poUtlOl oharm of his Bub· locorpora&ed vIII..., . or W ..,oq'fme, ·Warren . ..._- been "h 1 . Watchea from $.2.50. to $100.00. t .......118.80 U 'u .. w ~I a· jeotllhav!'aroulled the enthUBiasm Co!~:~t?bg'HARi.E ' D. , RI<lED. (llerk or 1 ed a - - e.,..,: e4uoattonal lnDovlhoQD, ot art orlttcs all over the United 'be locorpoMiIoed vlllaa:e ot . WQ;Denlll e, Select silver and p at ware, o WI. • W C Oh l A preaent from 21>otA. to $160. ., ..... laht tor reootPIi~. "en ~tlltea. ,; .. arren oucly. o. , SAb~II" s" 7011 h9IIaM . a'bout the fature of The Timee Star, 7th November, _______ ~ ... ...
SEAMLESS RUGS for rooms.
Hutebis"n' 6t ' eibn~y., x~nia, ObiQ~
maD_I m.lDlD8 remember thl. ·Y8: The Ohio and Kentuoky
A MIRAOULOU8 CURE. H. M. ., will intrest paren . ' mv·
~ OO1U'8P aDd ~ope that aoen.>B are done with luoh charm of The following .. loDe lDIdlul 'raining will be Imagq.atton ..nd)etwlth noh Opel. Adam8and -lIIht Ia aMI')' publlo aobool In iW1liiit th J
ey ap~ even more
$ $ ..' ,$
I na., +t . V'"
Xhn i 8.
S 'U R· h C t Watches. Diamonds; Sterling vert Ie u Umbrellas, C~oeks= ,'.' I J...~ _.... ,
, 'VUI••~/.'I.II'
' .
0'1 ~~'i~tl~~,.t~~J~~~ •. .A. . ~~~ -..0 . a ,, ~. "6n \1o*" u,. ' roretl8' ,li1!fb?-t1 ~~~~t~~.~l:~~!!!!~~~!1!!!!!!!!!_~~~_''''~:: Wi oame ~ beri~, h~ to jeota a half dozen palQtlnga and was pronounced t~O\, when ' " work Ia a taotory. He afte~ed ot ' V~DMlan Viewl, whloh are the we read about Electrlo BitCelrs. a~d ' A WESTERN W0NDER. 1Oh00l train· muterpleoei of ilut collection and oonoluded to try it. Before tbe Il00· There's a Rill · at B;)wle, Tex. , Kodaks ' , Chata1ai·n Bags in. Silver or Leather, 1__ " , ta h'- That .me ltd is qnd bottle was all taken we n.utioed, that's twloe a8 big a8 last year. .... 11£ 4 tend t wblob are of exquisite beauty IUld a ohange for tbe better. anill after This wonder 'Is W. L, Bill. who ' Gilt Clocks and a Very Larg'e Selec.tion of Silver DOW' lupeotor aD II1Iperin en ~hD1que. .. 7 bottles he wal oompletely from II. weight of 90 pOUDd~ has of &be lIaohille Tool Woril, KanThe Enquirer says' "The It's tbe bl~od med· growD to over 180. Be says; I" Plated Knives. Forks. Spoons and Fancy Brie. . (JI'T Ko. ' b o d y building tODlO . Guar Bnffered with IL terrible oough, awl Tbe ~1IIIl' papll. of today are floenoe of theell. lJIllntlngs p 50, and 1.00 Ilt F. C. Boh. dcoter8R8Ve me up to die of oon· a-Brae and Carving Sets at • eaJo-'- ztNordi.. r, a4vantagee that it is not neoeuary to travel drug 8tore. lumption, I was reduced to 90 pound " of -':~=!-. u Tbe... (IAn hardl" im. more thaD a fe,w mUee from Cln. ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!! when I baRBn taking Dr. King'• .... _ a u "o1n I f th = New DI8Covery for oonBumptlon, " Il(Ine whiat e'uoh a eohool .. a man> .......DAtflto aee somie 0 e mld~~ ooqh8 and oold. Now, after taking _1 IDC IIClhool would have ...,..u" u 'IOenery n thll war. Dr. M. A. ShOemaker 12 bottles, I have more than double ...:. bo i d gi III 41_ The AmerlOln Art News, New V te • S wllight and am completelyoned.,. meen' ...~ y an , r York, November 24, says: Perhaps e nnary urgeolll , Onl, lUre Oongh aDd cold oure. yean alO· Tbe boy. and girll.went 'he moat extensive and ambitious and Dentistry GnarraDteed by .F. O. Boh,vsrtz to IIOhool aDd Itudled their l688On8 exblblt10n of wster color paintillga Dr\lllgfit. 50, and 11.00. Trial bottle ..fir! mnoh the IIt8 we do. bn' ever made In <..'tncl.n natl bv one art Phone 92-2 ring's free . XBlVIJl. ..ery ofteD &be an of honse·heplng tt.t .. tha' of Ueor&e M; Hammell. Waynesville. Ohio. ~ ' . ~ "..8IU11leoted. When It WIIt8 $aUlht Some were painted In Ualy and !!'!'!"!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!! L C LUKENS, ~ ........... ................ . ......................... . ,he hard working mother bad to England but the maJorit,y are . . . . . . ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ...... ......... ' Ii-n&be luh'uctlons and even then eoenee I~ Kentuoky and Ohio and PHyalOIAlf AND SU801£01(. - - -...:-.- '- L._
. .
Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets,-a greatt stbek.
Holiday Anoouncement.
.JEW.BLaY OF AL . . L EDt , J)S -t
&hm WIt Uttle ttme out of IOhoo1. are of exqul81te beantv.
How g~ , thoee mo,hers and fath· era wonld have been if tbey oould ha..e MIl' ., helr chUdren t.() a 10h00I where 'he gtrla conld learn to care for a bome properly and ' be boys learn a trade. .. In Iohools "here manual trl~IlIDg i. taqht it '" ail ineenUve to tb,e pupU8 to ha..e better 1ll88Ona , for tbe ed.... time ~ lpent In the work· ehppl.. It .. a relief from hard men· taliMdy, it ~ta 'be mind whUe tbe" uncia work. Whell manual . t~ *-alht in aehool It dig. . bo b te h ke Diflee &be la r,t e, DO ers ma 1& 80 pleuant aD~' in&ereatinl tJtat It does Dot aeem like work. What II learne4 day by day does not seem muoh but at the, end of the terJU ODe would be lIurpriBed at the amount ot InformatloD' acquired, ;' The ..trIa will appreo1ate their •• . knowledge of houe work when the, are alder and put their know. .. ' 1 t t ledge '0 a pno ...~ ea. , To the boys manual training ql_D8 as much if not ,more. Half a . oentury ago boys wbu wuted to l_m engineering were llent to i t great ell· IOID8 eutern 8Ch 00 a pellle and &boae who ooul4 not af· ford tbla had irea.t 'ronbl~jn lesrn· , . fBi. Now a: bo7 goea ~, a pnbllo • .........• - , eoIaool where lDIDual UlUUing all ta...hl. Be pta the tralnine aad &be reqDirecl ~owledp, along with .... 1dJ- iIllelJeoiul ""ort. Be
' Prof. W. W. Venabie. poet, edu. cator, historian and novell.t, anth. or of that 0la8l10, ·'JuDe on the Miami" saya, "Tneae plotures were executed In the open air and repre· 8ent aspects of nature and Ufe treit· ed with ellqulsite tute. No one ~n look npon there br1llant and deli. oate worlt8 of ar' without instant. ly realizing that Mr. Hammell ie man of llDAfPnatlon and genlll8. " &8ld811 these tr\butee the artists of CiDolnnati who have seen the ex· hibition have been unanimou8 in " ~ , praille Bnd she preell has unlted'in a. ohoroUB of eulogy unknown . for many yean, that It cannot" be Mid of Air. Bammell that a palnte~ Ie not without honor except' in hl8 own olty Bnd aqlong his o~n , kin. rlred. For U was in Cinoinnatl that he ·took htl firat Instruotlon8 In drawing and exhibited his flrat paintings . n_ The Miami uu-zeUe Buggeets to the people of Waynesville that an arrangment might be madt! by .bloh tbla ool1ection or part'of may,be·sboWn ,to tbe mutual proUt both of$painter and peopl.,. Mr. HammeD .. a leatller IIt8 well 88 a nailiter and the 8tery of hia '- , the stor" of his travels " England and vi8its to ..erry' GaDl, Bridge, and hia trampi a10n« . the buib of the streams wbloh he hal illuabatecJ
~ OJ'''~OIIl
Ie DO IN AllAN BLOCK torofage,anc! ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'! ~ It Ie just .. mlJilon a_ a condltlion mong child. it Ie ren with811 parents. tl~~e J~o~~I; moro Ubi, to reach an ~~:!~o;t~ri! oUllywlth the
tlllculty in detecting it. , Hanya child h.. died from C(I,natlpa'on or I11ne.. arisIng from It, 'when it might have been II&ved by the timel, uo of '
Dr. Caldwell's ".> S yrupCt..... P i , eps n
'rhls is the greatest re~edy known for eorroc:t\ng constipated condition •. Don't walt unm yourcblld Is affeclec1, lIut admInister a do •• of the medicill. occaslon'!'Uy. You WIll notice a perceptible cbanp lor the better, a healtby color and a Uve,ller dispolilion. . " Dr. Calcl",.ll. S"up Pepala.:~ • P.4lt thing to have In th. houae, .,.,.:a1lM the wbol. family. S,.....PepeJa call be dollar and half· dollar BIsel from all drug!dltl. Your money wln ' be refundoc1 If It does not benefit yo". t - b-' "",,-' Yotlr pollalcard - . , by ""gno .. aU oar aew t-)oIt1!I... DR. CALDWI!~" BOOK OF WONDS ...... ....s, Ine 1 _ _ to 11101. ",bo ba.. lI"'er trj..a Ibla ........ / ~. )lotherl wrile 1048,. '
_m n,..
Gift Handkerchiefs
The largett ~nd mOtlt eomp}ete oollidioll ever ShOWD in Xenl~. &Koellant VllD88 to lult everybody, Jl:m~roldere4 bUld. kerohlefs tor women 100, 12"", lISo, '10, 600 and 1.00. Initla1 handkeroblef. for men ..nd women, 12,,0·, 160, ,260 and 60 eta,
Almollt end lOs!! !eleotlon of popular Dew ·plcinres. fra~ed, at 170, 250. 500, 750,11.00 and up. Paaarpatout plotures, more thaD 100 "tyies at 100,aud 250 eaoh. ' Our picture dllplay, 2nd Floor.
Fine Hosiery'. For. . Presents
Kid Gloves for X~JB Ladles Fine Kid Gloves at ,.~ and ,1,50, Wann.Uloves at 25 and 60 cents
.Golf Gloves, 25 and 50 cents.
Silk UJIlbrellas For men and women. at 1.00, 1.25, 1.,1i0, 2.00 and up to 5,09. I
N.w lI'ylea ~adlee' embr91ded lisle bOlle, 1100, 860, 1 50 and 2.00., Ladles .Ut hose!" .plala alld embroid~red at 1.00, 1.IIIi, l.fiO , and np to,a.oo. · Mell'. fauOy hOle, 15, JI, 110 a .. d·. 7110. Men'.lIiJk embrotcJeNca h~. 600, 71a and 1.00, Children's Uh'a nIDa hoae, lla and 250.
J obe Bros. ·& Co., Xenia,.
DECmIlBiB ., "06, '
I'~le ~4 luteree~lng one and wor· sblllY decoration and 0DtI ..... . _ t~ of a minllter more 6J:perlenoed in toue~ with ib~ "Goolcb t l 10
tban be, S~lI.r~ing with next; Sun. day Rev, M1LddoJt of OentrbvIlIlI IIRre'ed,."to o(;nduot i8orvlo(l8 bere otber ,8abooth until ~ pr\"g lit Tilers. ie Ullk' of bit villI{' tbf le,vloe~ In the I morning wbloh III many ~/l.y a will bit mnoh more
ohaq.. . '
keep up with tJ1e It Is generally conoedtlCl ()Ur oiE! 8fe 1111 1:1 t' ~l <1 nutil .bll ~oruill. 't' ne~t ~1uroh wbeD thar", will bot uh .. llgiug of abod II wfth ~m'B Wilily oeb t ti who woald 11ke t9, even though mllony eooTeplelMlM Lytle. con~enient. ' enjoyed wonld 'be exchanged for lIr. and· Mra. Charles' Watlun8 ." Mr. and Mr8, (;h&rl88 ~ough ~nd those of an tnrarlor. Truly "A . . . aJ)d IUtle llaushw May 'enjoyed 80n Ken,DoLh . were entertained on IIB.'d mind ,I a contln nll.~ taut. , .. ~ their 'l'hankigiviog , ~itb< 'Mr. a,ud Sund"y ~V Or, Ward and. wife. For the Plillt , week perbape OUl' , Ledter K~~k. , •. Mr. 9alvln Hun WIl8 11een In our IltreotB somewhat r esembled .. sopCi . Mr, Jaml!"-Jol)nll ~cI f\lJDily b~d PD Frh~~y. ~nd &tu~d~y Be sized .sDloke honsl.> ftl trom every; , 118 tbelr ThanksgiVing Ukes the ,wl>l'k .be Is doing in CI)I ['OlOt of, the oompa88 emoke iKl!ulnlNo deose volnml!ll troin ,We diDn~,r Mr. '~~n. Wi~Jia~ Bob. ~bll8 'v:el!Y m~ob , . IItt ,and Mn. .Murpby ' all from . Mr. Oharles ,E. Johus was trllnll. llllrning of leavII8 Bow tbe Itree', We.yneevlU~ .l~O Mr. Fran)llln ' ao~lng bl1l4jllaalllll Duyton on Mon' l il'lJ" tluts II o\ell.oly appearance "afaer {btl mUDlpulution of rake; brooni Thomall of ~ place. :'" day. . lind brim .. tone yielded' by tb\t ' llIighty female woman who ~ 8nrely Harveysburg. ill n nower withlo berself ·'yea,.ver. , Mrlj. Floyd Anderson elltertalned !ly." lIfanday to dlnne~ In hoI' uaual Uur former townsman Ed 1&0 eharlblnf(manner in bon or of Mra. Fl1rJllod hilS a . new house .bo'Ilt Barry Barbeau. ' Tho e fo.vored pletild In the olty of Bl~oa:y. were · MlIllles Wlnonu MaoDonald. ,~!lJe, Qnd Ed Is' Ilherlff of *he DQr• ........ u .. J,., Lou~ W,Uson, Dalal' and Mary te Ihnlt'8. IS the ~hole and Mrs, Harry Barbtll1n 8ud hiM produotlve farm whUe tbti nnte,llon Byron. wire IB 1\ model hO!lse k8epel' P:Mia 1)al8y Levley SI18Dt Than'lee>. Helel1t in the oulinary art _ .. ' ~IVtng In Dayton the , gnest. ' of ploll8lng entertll.tner. , Carey ' and friendl and attended the InBsk ball God only· know!! what will '. a$ $he'&8ylilm on Thursday evonlug. com~ Of .U8 before we die, B~"" ... Mia Nola Btites .Ii'd brother Mr, p\t;v our old friend and',oiUseD .,~ Earl Batee entert&ined a number ert WU~nn. Now In h1a ~Jibty their frlend,i o~ thankllglvtng entb year dlseaead and in 'a 1IIII. .1t}, their beautiful country home. helple88. Time "faa w....u he ........,!'t:.,.., prese':J~ 'w ape r)t the .Jea~inr uiUMIlt of b e l 1 A maD of 1!JOC;l truJ..-.. .,; the kne ..... term. Foremoet Itl &he ob"rlty, hODorable and' up_~ hl~ dealing, genial ' ,"_h mll.D tq ,be ~pelldad .o~ . . ........1IMi::.,.l.':\',,,,,;,t: l1li1118. Let UI emulate UQj. . aDd Jqot to hie 'o omfOlt tor luoid blODien' he hu .. J. "i"!'P"~ oi~tt9D for "lot~ , dDiSUDIlptb.1 WUh" b~t
guea"'; at a
,and' Mrs. Keever, of ~ter> were gnest08' d the bome of . Wright andfauilly ~llnday: ,
.Iror' Baie':"'About 3 dozen full b~ed 1'''~I''ii'~U'' brown legbor~ hene. <lllod ' lll1el'8. 'R , M. Duk~.
P1IIIi" iOoI,
Wellman. Elvin ' i'lrH and
'* ...
or ,.
5-'--- ... . y _ ..... ,
.. , ..
~ G '" lv y'S a. z eQ,ts.
Publlalae4 ","&.,.:11 '''"nt,vUlt. M. '1'. Bao,,~ I Edl Inr. AD-aL •••TM . Mel'AT I
hi" ,.
...... T . J . aROWN , Af04~ OO IAT~ f ! IH1" 'H
11,00 .. Jo .. r . . . . . .. '1 .25 a yea r If no~ I'nld
In nol, """" III u,l"an<u BUILDINH
'l'EL~PJ'10:rlE e:RLL ..
.~~-. WEDNESDAY NO\' EMIH~ H H , • . . I\lOtl.
for Manual Training.
In the Public School
of Waynes-
-.. _.
leamS td lIuudle Ulllollin !I aud ' is nt1!>0~!\('~" IUllny .fARtur " of inti r st· ~om In tho work· hop . lie Dlay so Wil Y 1\\'"' II1Inns Illlly rllll m bl' I' t hilt 00 II blgber sohllol if h wi 11 ~ bnt Mr. r I"III1IWll 1"<I'd to ~pend Ill" 1Illlny II boy hils becowe 1\ gOal] on· v,, ",1! 1011.- Ill' II buy III tho old Hum !\,iuper with uo oIli e r trllinins. 11111· 111 " 11 How'I'1Il tho I;o llt'tt hOI:tlf'. U I trAi ning !'boulll b tltugbtiu our .I" ," l I1l1d U II 'l'h inl t,TI' t lIud 'In plluh ~c hool s. (Jod mude e" eI'Y Ih ,· · ftll'lll" of Ph ilip HII\\'ke lIull Ill IlII nlll! u,' c r' WOUIlIII to help In 111111 "" C oll "1! fi.: s 4. Ibo p r (lsrp~!; Olf til w rId /lnu if \Y rwllllid h,' a hn ppy lives ,. mnst Bank E lectlon, wUTk Ill' w,' will ('owe to Liestrno tiun I\~ di d thp Soutbern pea pI lu thal' ivil wnr . They wh Lhought Til ' -tnrk h Ider~~!}h GiI·iu lII it \\,118 II dlsg rn co to work . l ,," k' III WII .v n f'!!W I!T' hio will If UlIlUUfll tt;'Il IU\U g tlnu UOIl1"'" it' II \(" ' ! "to l ! ~ B ll nklllg lluuso o n Mou · 9 ien c be t t.\ llgh t in o nr pullh ' 1I11.\' ,Innunry , tb, 1\)07, \) t\\' e II tho schools it will mukEi the cO Dlil1 ~ g ... n. I H JllrM of I !lnel :1 a 'oloek p , ill. to ~ rl\ti on inuepolllhl.llt. 111111 inllepelHl. t1 1N :r Dir d nn'l for the flUsuing Ilnc 10,11 ,,:' 1111 /111 " I AltIPrA'I\ . ,Villi I'
FALL Fll r e !.
1 11111~'
Buy"!. 1111' fln . .. I' 11~1' ~'1 L111~ t" I,,' 11",1 ill 1I 11 '\" l'il'·. n\, t (I *:l., nL) ! fj( IO!\::-; HlB U:."; \ l. H t' \ 1.: fl UI'
,,~I/'l' I I " 1l
aud, \r OO L Advnnced
.; L'l /1'..
l' tI "" I' 11l I'll \ ,": . "'....-werc
F lIU,:-J I A1. \ ho" ~ RI)I \I, W I IOU \\" .\ IHo, t ' t ' ( i I. I'~
rlu lIl~ ill pUl'chll. i tJ: \ ' nd l'Twcltr to retail at old price
BOliElIllAl' \ A1H.: ( 'A HL!;BAD ·BRAND gN(JRAVED GLAS FINE CANDALABRA JAPANESE ' ARE In hOQolMe Pots, 'Pitche~s !lull Tefl Setl', Uups. Brefld and But· tor Plates, eto. TURKEY P LATTER' OLOHlSONNE WARE PLA(~UES nnel PLATEt; FANCY (,ALENDAR ' POCKET BOOKS LAOIE~ ' WRIST BAG 0 VASES, URl';S, LOVING CUPS. POR'I: ~'OLIOS MUSIC RO LLS All sort.s of Noveltios, fr om 100 'on IIp t\R h igh IlS you' wish to '0 . Viollus, Guitllrs, Baujos, Muu " dolins, Bows, Strings, Fixtures '
Old Plantation
One Elpccial for $5 thut cannot be ·
ill. Petticoats: excelled .
$ 1.00
25(' to GOC.
Ladies )I is sc~
Thefollowing excell 01 pllJll1r in ~on of Form er ResiConcert Company. t"1'or of Int,roduoing IlHlnml! !.rtlin· dent of Way neSVille. ing Into the 'W" yne!" ill e se]lClolll $1.00 buys nice quality .. Olu P lantation Conoer t · Comp llu ~·. Wall recen tl y· propl\r ~ (l b;V Mi",s Wi ns Prai e of Art Critics and Alma WII!,erbllll s , In tho tleb/l'te 00 Press . George W. Ha mmell. ar- of Neg ro Minstre ls will bo h e re FridllY evening Deoember H. Bellta ~he question i " Resoh' d thllt mlln · tist and lectu rel' rl'ct'ives mer· wi.lI be a u slll e u ext Satnrdey Dec. ual training lind domostio scie nce I ited recognitio n of hi wo rk . at 1 I' In . F lut. rote 250, 110 extrn be taught in our public scllooIM." These are growing in favor each season. for reserved Heat Manu"l trni ninr; Bnd domestic lIlr.. lIeorge M. Hammell , of Cln· IIOlence II bould be taugh t iu o ur Velvet $20 00 $30 00 Tapestry $12 75 $15 00 oinnliti grlln usop of the ltlt.e Enocb publio Bobools It I~ already being Ingrain $500 $800 Dody Urussels $25 00 $35 00 HAlUmell nnd the Rev . Thomas taught in the publlo Jute $ 3 00 An Ordinance No. 4~ Uollett, I1r ., has won note II!! a Illnd· IOhools witll great· "ueees!!. Edit.or. . .~ t 1 h v - - -- 1,,1 and joke wri ters p ll ile 1111 Bnrts 8Ctlpe pllm ""r In "'II er co ors, 1\. To I'revent Children on the Streets i ng a Ireli d y b 600me .1ulS ' tm ' g1ll8 . h ed Il s after stated hours. of fun at t·he manual t,rllin illf,l move· an /lut h or, editllr, educllto r and ment in ou r sohoo Ill. Bli t, pc,'ple Fonr year8 II go, he went ' g . 1, lie It ordainc,lbv the cnuncll nl Silk Chiffon newest all prices, silk 37 1-2e yrdwide $1 who have I(lven th eir livA'" t.o thill to Europe, aud whllo there proouc- th e "lIIag" o f Wayne.vlll •. Warren eolln ly. work stlll1d ready to prove that In lb..r"" , It~lI sh,,11 be unla " ful for an.l· c blld ed t\ group of plotures in Rome, Ohio. or chlld d .. r the awe of olxleen, to be WEST'S BOOK STORE the stndy of the dllm e ~tio ort!; in Florence Venico and Uor uwllii InlLerlng In the sir ...... or elsQwhere, I" Ihl . Xen.·a., Ohl'O. \' Ul3j;(e. tn t'\ e night se asou, aft.c r the ho urt\ our publiu 8o bool~, lies the hopo of England. Returning tu the United of elghbt' lhl rty '~::l0 I o'olock p, III . rrnm ~!'!"!!!!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'!'!'!!!'! .. hom~ lift! for the tnltMSe!ol itl our S '1 '1 'd tho IIr3t (lay ur o\prll nntll Ihe llrot day of tates, . h e temporllrl Y lall aSI 0 Octo\)'r aOiI .. rter Ih" hou r ot .e,·cn t ltlr~v ,rea' oillell. ;rbere t·he ~ath er lind his hrusl1 , but. in the sprlug time of ,•.:101o'clock p . Ill . Irnm Ihe IIl'St day or Oc· . . . ' . t obt"r. un ti l th e IIrs l day or April . un less \I.e · mo'her work f\lld the ohlldren · stllY thlll year took It up agflln /lnd de " 0 III I,;\n Iml by ' a paren t, guardian or other in aohOll1 only lIS lon, all the truant votsd himself to port raying Bcenes ,"luI L. or bc .. rln ~ 3. n 'wly wrltl"n. signed . , and da le.1 .Ioo ta l cment . from s uob pUlre lll Or otJlNor '!>likes them, then they ioo along the blinks of the Ohio, the Ru:mlbn. that th ey nre on BU emerwcn'Y . beoume \\age earnerll in ibe greltt Little Mlt\mi, the Big Miami , the er~~~'.I ~. ,\n y "'hlld 80 found alter the time taosorlee, We rOlld so muoh now of Miami Canal and the Lioking, appointed . • hall be li able 10 be wa.rnetl hy ohUd labor, if wben these 'ohildren the Ma r.hal. nr anv otber pellet oMoor. to ~o . i i T he exhibition of these pll nt ngs home . "1111 I, ",wi- Huoh wnmlng. lbe child are lIent to lIohool, they are lIent a hnndred and fifty 8ubjects, hilS .hull he round lollerlng 0 0 tb e .trem., suuh · · ohlld rn a. be tuken by .ald om cer \0 Its mannal training' and domes· pr od n oed f\n unnSUR I sensation Tbe na'we of 1'iffRny 11; 1\ gUlir· 10 bome . . tio lOience are taught they. will nev· the Ilrt oiroles of t,'inciQnllti. The Sec. 3. Any parenl Dr I(ual'dlao may •• Ilntee that the article i~ tlrst· <'1 helore tho Mayor , for pet'mlttlng cll\ss In the Dia.n.lOud. Watcb er need go into the factory aRlLin, Commercilll Tribune. 20tb Novem surnmon(' bls fhll(IIO habllulilly IIrenk Slild or,lInaD cc, and J ewelry liue . The enor. but ", IOhoollearn some usefnl 00· ber says " Of Mr Hammell 's paint. after hll" lnt: be 0 woroed In wrl~j o&: and , " may be lined t o r tbe flUL oflenoc. Oot [n mous inorease in onr bl1sioes!l oupation. Ings, tile least that can be said of lIolh" wl,I'DeLMOL. nod lor the gellOnd.ol· this fall is the best proof of bow U ·bu bot Men long since. kinder. . h h . f I." ea two ' ~ I doll ars, and for lbe tblrd or them IS t at t ey glow With 110 t ~nl' .ubsC<juen, offence nve (6) dolhmi. our customers 'tlppt'Boillte good pnenll were considered a fad. Glrlll color and a power to portray which see. ~ . 1'hls ordinance 8hall t llk:. ellect everybodY,to ,examine the :11111 "OH H, ,I:,l's lrom I.. 61'St publiCI>' I'ervice, liberlil treatment rell.' who were then warned not toO waste i8 P08tlOSSed b y b at a f I\vor~d f ew. on Uon. able gooos and low prioes t\m. on the fad, Ilre now making The trnenes8 to nature of his color I'a~• • d t bb :lrd ,Iuy of December, 10 .. 0.1906. '['llaMA S SIIERWOOD, Muyor 01 ~he Diamonds from $5.00 to $luO. 1000 ulariea supervllling klnder· and 'the politics oharm of bls snb· 10corporaLeoi vilinge of Wllyn8.. lIle , Warren Watohes froUl $2.50 to $100.00. ,aNDS. 80 it haa been with 11.1· jeot8 have aroused the enthuslnsm eo:~L~·I ?h~IIAIII.ES D. R~~ED. Cilerk of at IDOl' e1'er1 educational innovation, of art orltics all over the United! tbe ' Incorporulc(l' village 0 1 Waynesvil le, . Select silver t\nd pin ted wnro. • Warren Coun,y , O~ l n . A present frow 2C'CtR. to $150: l' flgb' for recognition . When Btates . .. you h".l&a&e about the futura of The'Times Btar, 7th November, manual training remember this says : The qhio and Kentncky A MiRACULOUS CURE. faot. tall. oourllge and bope tbllt 8Oen.' s are done wi til suoh oharm of The following statement by H. M I Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, Rich Cut $ ere lon, manual training will be Imaginlltion and yet with snch fi pel. AdaUls and wiae, H enriette, Pill., will , • " " Gold iuulSi1\fer. Handle CIOCk8:'$ "'11111$ In every pnblic AChool in intrest pue n Is at1d others. "....A mir · . I . Opp, Opper' Duet ~,a' ' - -' 1 ' . . . .0:""'" £1:"'r.l 'srloxta._t dae Q. ~,A 18!1." yean $go 11 Je1!<. ity that they appea~ even more plo· aOll1011s cnre hIlS -taken ,nlllCe in om . J ....41: _ ' ..... ..' /. . "'~ ....~ JOles. ~ .' ' tUreBqlle ~ban d o\he forei gn stlb. home . Onr ch1lttlmd eoien:u~ years I.h lad came '0 «merica, hoping ·to jecta, save a hali d ov.en paintings ond WIlS pronounced incurl\bl , when ,et work in a faotory. He attended of Venetilln view!!" whioh are the we read about Eleotrlc Bittelrll, !Lnd A WE81'ERN WONDER . a DllfbtllOhpol where<lJlannal train. ooncluded to try it. Before the MC There's 1\ B ill ut BJ wie, Tex" maaterpieces of the oolleotion and Qnd bottle was all taken we notlcecl Kodaks, Chatalain Bags in Silver or Leather, ing wa'l taught. That same lad la ·that's twice !l8 big uA la st year. now IDlpactor and snperlntendent .vhioh are of exquisite beanty ' Ilnd a cbange for the better , and. after This w onder is W . L. Hill. who Gilt Clocks and a Very Large Selection of Silver technique," taking 7 bottles he \yas oompletely from It weight of 90 pouuds h!ls of· 'he Maohlne Tool Worke, Kan. The Enqnlrer says i "The magni curect. It's the·date blood med · grown to over 1 O. B e says i I" Plated Knives, Forks, 'SPoons and Fancy Brie- ~ 8IIS City. Mo. - Iclne und .body buildin g tonic . Guar snffered with tL terrible oough, aud The manual pupUa of today are ficeiloe of the8A paintings proves snteed. 50, and 1.00 lit F. C. Soh. docters p:ave me up to die of con· a-Brae and Carving Sets at . ~ sUlllption , I was reduced to 90 pound enjoying edraordlallry advantages that it is not nec08!1llry to travel wart:.. drug stor e. when I began taking Dr, King 's ,of education'; They ORn hardly bn. more than a few miles from Cin. New Disoover.v for oonllnlllption, aKine what suoh a IIOhool /l8 11 man, olnnati to see some of the most cOUJlihsllnd cold . Now. after t-aklng Dr. M. A. Shoemakler ual training . AChool wou~d have beantifnl 80enery in tht! world. " 12 bottles: .I bave more than double The American Art News, New In waight Ilnd I\m completely oned ." m9&nt to the boy. and girltl · fifty Vetet:inary Surgeon York; November 24, says: Perhllps Onl,. snre Congh . and cold onre . yeara ~go. The boys And girls went the most extensive and ambltiou8 Guarranteed . by F. C. Sohwartz and Dentistry '0 IChooland IItudled their lessons exhibition of water oolor paintings Drullgi&t, 50!' and Sl.OO. Trial bottle Phone 92-2 rings 1'8ry muoh the same as we do, but free . ever made In Vinclnnatl bv one ar · 1'eryoften the Ilrt of house· keeping tist is that of George M. Hammell. Waynesville, Ohio. wal nll81eoted . When It was taught Some were painted In. Italy and ~!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!!'!'!'!~!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!!'!'!'!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!!'! the hard working mother had to LUKENS, England , but the ' maJority are give 'he lutructlons and even then 8cenes in Kentuoky and Ohio, and PRY810IAN AND SURGEON. there waa little time out of sohoo). lire of exqUIsite beauty . I. no lI'espec- OFFlcm • iN A~[AN BLO<"K How glad tbQ86 'mothers and filth. Prof. W, W , VeDllble, poet, edu. terofa:ge,an4 en would have been if they conld cat or, hlatorilln and novelist, antb. It is just .. common a hne I18nt tbeir ohildren to a IIchool or of that oillsalo, " June ou · the condition ". where the guls oould lelirn to care" ~ys, "Tnese piotures were :~o~/7:1~ for a home properly and the ~oys executed in . the open air and repre · wit h their lellrn a trade. sent Il8peots of nature aud life tre'\t.. parents. In IIObooll where manna I training ed with exquisite tas~e , No one cltn The hcondl· tlon far Is taught it is an incentive to the look upon tbere brillant and deli. more likely pupila to have better leasons for oa.te work. of a rt without instant. to reach an . acute stage, the extra time ill apent in tile work· Iy reall~lng tbat Mr , Hammell Is a develop serio IIbopl!. U ia a relief from hard men· man of Imagination and genius," ous!ywitb the lillIe (olks, be· tal.wdy, it· reAt!! the mind while Bilsides theec tributes the artists CIlUse of the the hands work. When maoulI.l of Cinoinnati wbo have Heen the ex · tilliculty in detecting it, traimD.gr1s t&nghtin sohool it dig. hibitlon have . been unanimous in Many a chlld has died (rom constlpa. or illness arising from It, .,when it nifies the labor, the teachere make praise and she press bns united in a tlon, The largest and . Ulolit complete collection might have been saved by the thuel, .It 110 plOllsant 'and~ In teretltlng that chorous of eulogy · uuknown for ate of . Almost endles8 @election of popular new ever shown in Kenla. Iilxeellent valnM 'It d08ll not seem Uke work. What pi otUrel', frum ed , at 170, 250,1100, 75c, '1.00 to Ilult everybody. Embrotdered hand. many years, that it ca.nnot be iaid III learned day by day does not soom of Mr, Hammell that a painter is (".) aOll Il\>. Pt\8arpatout pictures, more t·hlln kerohlefs for women 100, 12Yoo, 1110, ~50, Tlll10h but at the end of the term riot wltbout hoo~)r except in his 100 IItyles at lOe lind 250 each. 600 and 1.00. Initial handkerchlefa for one would be surprl~ed at the owo oity and alllong bis own kin· Our pic tnre diapln.y. 2nd Floor, men and women, 12y'o,· 150. 250 and 50 ota. amount of Information acqnired . drell . For it WIlS in Cincinnati tbat This Is the greatest remedy known for The girlB wlll ' appreciate their h t k h . correctlng constil?ated conditions . fi rs t Ins t·ruc ti ons 10 e 00 ill Don't ",ait until yourchlld is a:lfected, knowledge of bQllae work whe n drawing and exhlbiteu his first but administer a dose of the mediclno . 1'1:1 they are elder and pnt their know· paintings. occasionally. Ladies Fine Kid Gloves at .~ and 811,50, You will notice a perceptible chanp' ledge to a praotioal teat. The Miami Ga~eHe suggestl! to for the better, a healthy color and" New IItyles ' ladles' embrolded lisle hose, Children 's \~ arm Gloves' at 25 and 60 oents To the · boys manu!1l training the people ot WayneSVille that an livelier disposition. . . . 5Oc, 850, 1 60 and 2.00, Ladiell allk hose, mean. aM muoh if not more. Half a Dr. Caldwell'. Syrup Peplin Is a good arrapgment might be mlldt! by thing to have 'in the house, bcc!auM it plaill and embroidered at 1.00, 1,211, l.Ii.O centnry ago boys whlJwanted to Mbloh t,hls collection or part of it II good (or the whole family, , learn engiDeering were Bent to may be shown to the mutua.l profit Dr. Caldwell'o Synp Pepoill 'can be and np to 3.00, MeD's fanoy hoee. 15, »11, , obtained in both dollar and half·dollar aome eaatern school at great ex· 50 aad 760. Men '8 aUk embroidered hOlle, both of painter and peopl". Mr. aizes from all druggllt., penle and Ulolle wbo oould not af· Hllmmell is a leotner as weil as 0.. Your money will be . refunded If It . For .men and women, &t 1.00, 1.25, 1.50, 500,7110 and 1.00, Ohlldren'. extra .alne ford 'hili had great trouble In loom· . t does not benefit you, I pa i n t er an d tb e 8 t ory ·o f hiI! pic urea Vour pootol card reqtlul .. III bring- b,. relUnt hole, 160 and 250. 2,00 aDd up to 5. 00, I Ing•. Now a boy goes ~ a pnblio the story of his travels in lta]y lIIall our ne... ~)Okl.tL "DR. CALDWELL'S I , BOOK OF WON ORR,," and free ... mple 10 IIOhaol where manullI training IlII England II;nd vlsl ts to Harpers' those who have Dever tried tbls "'oDCIedlil wrlle 104a,. hnabt. He ' gets the traIning and Ferry' Hanly Bridge, and hi, tramp8 hDII14,.. MOlhers . 'be required knowledge, along with along the banks of the streams PEPSIN SYRUP CO. I 1111.... 'he hillier In&elJeotoal ~ork. lie whio'b he hal iJlDltrated· would For Bale by J. E, Janna:"
SEAMLESS RUGS for rooms.
Silks ar(> very Saleable
Hosiery, Gloves, COl'sets,-'a lJ"i'ea't sWek.
HutcbisQn ,
Holiday A'nnouncemenl.
~ . eibn~y.
S"'~~~""~. '1 $' Onc~ m"·tt~ W~ Inuit~
~ f
Cbltistmas' Stl!lck
.$ $
Scbell's, Xenia.
.Tiffany Optician ,$
Scb¢II's, XENIA. -
L C.
Holiday PiC'tures
Dr. Caldwell's S P yrup epsili
Kia Gloves for . Xmas
Fine Hosiery ,For Presents
Golf Gloves, 25 .and 50 cents,
Silk Umbrellas
' . ........ \:!-
JobeBros. & CO., Xenia;
DECEMBER 4, 11106,
WHU[,E NU MBER :t13 l
the nis ,1:1 . ,El1 lR Rnd dllughLpr, , llXpetlt to IIttend the I~t Cllnton uext week .
Hou~emay be Built l
ILble and Intere8ting one a ou wor· thy of a minillter more exporienced 1\111111bcrs of St. Mary's Coqrch than be , Starting with ' nuxt l:iun· day' ""RBv:-Mlld u , n' Considering New Building blis I\~rood'o conduct sor yi I'S h er The ' members of St. Mllr.v's NHWSY NOTES GATHERED BY THE OAZ'ETfE'S every otbet: Sabbath unW ~ pr ''' 1:l tit <;hnroh ure ollol:liderlng t~e a~visa · 1 CORRESPONDENTS IN NEARBY PLACES loost. ,T hero i itdk flf hu vio ll.\ th.· bility of ' building a po.ris.b ho~ . 'aervioesln th e m orn ing wh ich In where busineRs 'and so~ial gather· Don'tforget to attend the Liter. Lytle. many wa ys will be m,uch mor logs of tbe churcb people may be aroy held at the home at Mr. and convllnlent. held . . Mrs. Cliff EarnhlU't Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Charlea Wo.tktns . Mr. and Mrs, Ub.arles Hough nnd No d efioite aotion has ~een taken Oeo .. th 1906, Come one, oome ioU. and little daughter. May .enjoyed 'soo KellU (:th were eo tertained 0 0 In the mtitter yet b';1t ,tbe OhU:: ' Mrs. Will Carey called 011 Mrs. their 'l'hanks«ivlng witb Mr. and Suoday by Dr. WKrd Rnd wlfo. ~eoI~le are very muoh interes John Redmon reoently. Mr8. Lel!ter Kenriok. Mr. Cn lvin B un t wto. seeu in our
: Parish
I~f Ib~i1t tbe pa\isb honse wtll be 10. ' reum ~' oure!! up cilted on Miami street just in tbe hunds iu one night J E I'eu ' of ·the churoh and oonneot{!d wit·1i it by a oorrlder . el'(I -A girl to do genern 1 Rere the societies or the ohuroh Inquire of Box ' lll, would lLeot Sunday School oould be held and business sellsioo of ~he church also take place.. were guest.s ot the bOUle of 'l'he prlnoip'll obJ'eot In bruldin'" a. " . Wright lind famil y Sunduy. pllrish b ouse, however, is to enoonr· Jfor Sale- About. 3 dozen fuJI bred 'uge:the 800ial s plrlt among memo brown IOn.hOrn hen. Good lu"ers. bers of tbe church fl,nd tbe. publlo !;U .r R . M . Duke. generally. At fhe present time . Nothing better than "World's there Is little oliPortnnlty fo~ .~e Fnlr Oren.w" for keoping the hand'! people of tbe various ohnro~ to ' oi lath Irl\)018 all in goou shape for bu sklng J E Jon. go .• t age th or 10 so R g ' ". it is a tax 'on flny borne to " e for J rroe Muokrldge convioted of 11" m!l~y IlS wish to attend gather. st Iding a horse IInu buggy from 11lg!! of this klnd. A 11l1.rl8h bOD8t! W 0 Gustin was MondllY I<Antel}ced wonld Illlow frequent, gu.therlnge of tbis nllture and encourtlge Itn added to five yflars in the pAnitentlury Interest In ohuroh work Mr Wulter BottM who hus been oonnecte" wl'l,b the \.!tok & Brown
For th p pu>!t week perb&ps our 1It.I·Cot,ij sOllle whn t rE:'s embled a goodlO l\!' d tim ' ke b OUH(' I\S from ,6very pUlIl l. f tho oompass smoke was I ~~ niug III ,Ion a volumes from the hnrniug of 'Itlllves How tbe street III "~"nt8 II 01' ,wly oppearanoe after Ihu mll nipn lutl on of rake, broom llu rl . brill1 . ton a y ililded by . the ll oi ghty f IIlld o w"ma n who Bnrely ' I I~ )lower wituin herself 'Iyea. ver. Ily. " . Uu r form ar to wnsman Ed Mao Fllr)!Lnd un a It uew house Iloout OInI,let-ed tlt It f Hi k III 0 0 Y 0 0 ory· \-; li e ' d "'d I h 'lf f th ' an '" E; S erl 0 e 09r· porato IilllilH . 18 the whohi pUlh 'w hl11 productive tll.rm while the' gociil . . - - . WI fe 111 ,\ mudel bouse keeper pr'o~ ficl'ent l' th I' "d . n e ou mary a.r. an a 111""cl' ng nte t I V"" . r u nero ,. d I k h t win ."", ... 0 on Y now" w a ...,. 00 e f ' I.- f dl H m 0 U!! "'" are we e. 9w we pil,.v our old friend and oltizen Rob· t WII N I hi 1 h er ~on . ow n 8 e g ty I8V· nth yelll' dlsealled and in a· ~er I I I 'l'i ' b h 10 P eS8. me was uitizens w eD 01 e 1tU one 'If the lelldlng the
Mr. Jamea Johns and family hto.d pliloe on F ridliY. und IItmuay He as their guests at a Tho.nksgivlng ,likes the wo rk h e \8 doing in 'f)l dinner Mr. and Mrs. 'William Hob- umbus very muoh , ll'tt and Mrs. Murphy all from Mr. Uho,r les E. J oboli "WIHI trR O~ . Waynesville. &J~o Mr. E'runklln uotlng bU"'IIl B~;o ill U". y w n Oil M Oil · Thomas of this plaoe. do y , Mr . Charley Thomas and motber enter&alned at a Thanksghing din · Harveysbu rg. ner Mr. Verne Boider wife and son, M Fl d Mrs. Bruce Williams u.nd Mrs. J . . r~. oy Anderson llDtl'l·tuined Mrs . John Redmon 01l.1Ied on her M. Staoy. on Mondo.y to dinoer io \1 ' 1' us\u\1 8lnt-er Mrs. Pat .Curren one day last Frtl.Jlk Duke 's ohildren, William, ohurmm~ maonor Itl h onor of Mrs. week. Harry Bnb.u Th f d Stanley, Elizabeth, Anna and Mary I , olie n vo re ' George Kleinh, enn spent Elnnday 'ftere MI SMe~ \V 'I 0 Id enjoyed tbeir TbankagiviDg and " • 100nll " 11 0 ono. with his p'IIrents Mr. lind Mrs. the remalnlng time nntll SundllY Loull!l\ Will'on, Oaitl), and M llr Y Kleinhenn of Springboro, M d I..evioy and Mrs . Harry Burb6llU lind 0 ' J h wtt.h their grandparents r . an llttl B on t forBet to attend 0 D Mrs . J , M. Earoha.r t of near Leb. e lion yron. NI·Oli a .AIA Tbur"day De'lembe· ~ .... anoD. William alone retumiDg on, Misil I)aisy Levioy I:!IJtlnt TbaOkA. 6th beginning 100·0100.... Ii ' .. Sa$urda.y. . g v ng 10 Dayton Ibe ~\lest of Born to ·Mr. "n" Mrs. C!ar-... a f-' d d ed ~ " .,...,., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carey and &"len 811.n attend the lllRSk bll.11 Sorruoe an 8 Ih. boy. .. t tilTh d danrhter Alioe kept Tbsnkagivinll! Ii le 11m on nrs I\y e vening. ----.--with their aud dlLugbter MI8S Nola BIltes uod brother Mr . Oregonia. Mr.-and Mrs. Clyde Cox also Mr. Earl Blitel! en iierf.lI.lned 1\ number of and Mre . William Cox. their friends on thanks,givlng at .. " Wellman. . JHm, ee Mason or VaytoD ~vas In tbelr beuntlfnl oountrf home. Those dulry tbj'l past three Yl)ar8 has retown ~unday . Mr. Walter Clark &nd wife were $I"ned Rnd he lind his familY, hllve Th "n I in h t • th f II present were M888rs Rue Carr, Gil. I> Oharles 8rRllbu~y of ulbanon anlUOg v g 011 8.0 e 0 ow· burg. A mlln of good judg.-meD',' A ' moved 1,0 WR"nesville l.1iarles Elvin ""ree and family were I M it Mrs Charles Clurk bert Welch, ~!hom88 ,Weloh, Carl J .." spont Sunday with friends h'ne. ng: r. an.... ~ . phllanthroplat in tbe true senile of Zell \ o f Morrow . eucoeedll Mr Bottt' shopping in Leban'on FridllY , and two ohildren Mabel and Stan. Ule8.ver, Mi~1I Lonile Wilson, . . Mr. und ~rs. C. B. Wilkenon ' :daoDonald , Ann Kelly, Helen tbe term. Forem06t in the act. of . Uouncil lit it·s ~eR8ion Monday F. A. Ha.rtsook nnd wife !Inter. visited tbeir lion here SUDdal7. ley of Franklin. Mr. aDd Mrs. Char· HIlrrl8, Blanoh and Bertha Harlan. oharity. honorllble and upnlrh. in .. nillht pIlsaed nn urdinance pnblisb. t.fllned a.t djnner 'l'banlisgiving day MllIe Lilura Kibler spont Sunday le8 Parlett lind daughter Rhea, his dell.ling. genial ,wlth all &IIIel .•+ . eel in this i~ oe of the GazAtfe, J . W. Bllrt" ook and wife. J Bur· M~. Abbie Stokes of Dayton, Mrs. Mr, and Mrs Ed Hatton of WH. . . . 'r wlth 'ber ""'rents. . and . mN.n to be depended Oil io ~ whlo~l requirAR ob\ldren under 8i~. net I1nci wife of Harveysborg, Geo. .... Llzzleol:!mith BOD W"Uer Lewis mlngton spent several daYIl wlt.b formers plI.rents Dr. .. -nd Mrs. and lienee. Lettous hi8 emnlate hie for eumple Clyde Bowker and wife enter· of -nilmlniton, .... to br, off the stnettl u.t 7 :ao In Oa.villa.nd fllmily "nd Mr. Ira Bart ... r. an d ... _rs, WIthe Il . Jook oomfort I ... a tamed a few ot their frlends a' II 6J ~ d M R I h Batton au . d f win tar at 8 :30 In IIUlllmer 800k and two gen'tlllman frien S 0 _r anney, _r. an re. ap. . luold moment he haa a jut ap-" , dl1noe last &turday evening. Le wIa Iln d Ilttle' son ...... Y -)1 ... "I n an d wife enter. oiution for all acts of klndn8118. ...~~. F B Carey jeweler of Lebo.noh. Dilyton. s e, Mrs. ...r. Ed 0 a .. your Ohrl8tmlltl haa an unusu~l1y flne line of holl· N , B. Riob and wife ha.d for their Mr . and Mrs. Oharl88 Villa'r s cd Otar. LeWiS, Elroy &1ld Herman &alned the' following to Il sumptu. • ,F B C"rey, J e weler) Lelil.N.1CID .... lviDg With few exoepttonl 'fa day; good8 dn, b&.nd thitl year lind guestlt'l'banksglvlng dav Mr. 'aDd son, Herald have returued tc:, ,_heir LeWiS, Peuy: Bailey and IU'lmd. OWl G o'olock _dinner '7 .... . but httlebut slokneg In "be ...1'then ....... _:.0' A fuU line of watohes, clook~. f h G bome. ' I mother Lewis. ' evenin", Mr. B. L .. D'Rkin and wife, • VI the readers a t e aze,tt!l Mrs. Edwa. . rd Gray of 8prlngdeld, " t h e HllOPt comel kl II '''h .bl'e11l1l:4. 'sllverwllre, fountain pens, and Inl!~t Ilnd buy ~ .Mr. Ilud Mrs, Mose Bogan ' of Bar· A number ot Orsgont& yonng ' The home ~r M~. and Mra. Albert Mr. Fred D~kln, ""Mr. yr. W. Weloh are on'the 00 iIit~.~Ia'~. ! ~ rings eto. Hl\tlla-wR'y who sold the City veysburg aDd MIS. Ett~ Wilson, ~tr. p ople &ttended a danO!! d Mr. Cornell in Lytle WIUI the acene of 8nd family. . , If some on8wlth t~I'e...cs~' oOll4" ' ---~:.--' B. F Thomo8 severnl mon Frank Wyant. W. T, JOrdllU and Warner's Monday eveDIng. qulte ,a laqe gatheriilg OD Thanks· Mr. Jake Hule .nll *lte Bnd Mr. ero.l had a eum0"8D~ ,Qioaat en. Souveriir- Number of ths dgl\i11l.8 bought baok the proper. fllmily and Mrs. Maud Oleaver and Roy Sherwood spen' ThAllbah . giving ~y at whloh were lJI'tl89nt, aild Mrs. Er8kine BaY81 and liitle terprtee to put- u~ ' . ' rew d",:e1l11U ,. Gazette has been Issued t,y Hnn a8SDmed obarge Monda.y Mr children, 109 In Columbna. Mr. and Mrs . . Barry <.ornel~ and Ion of Wilmingkln apent a few hOl186s here UJ8te W()DIill.dDe.fla"t!'iIi'-':l~~~1;! Tbolllas and family ' will p.r ob· i Mrs. Ida Mto.nuon tI.Jld Mis8 Ethel Mrs, Illilllie Kelford called on IIOJJ CarlD&D, Mr. cd loin: A1 Cor, days 'at llie'h08 tabJ'e home of M.r, dia.te demlLDd 't or tbOJD U The' sc>uvenlr' anci BOlDa-Coming ably move t tlle vicinity' of Spring ·were in Dayton la8t week. Mrll. Spencer Friday, neJ'l and dauahiers ~a and Lola, ~nd Mrs. Tbeodote La~~nce. ply Is en'irely' ezliaulted. b....;,;,."w'. edition of The MI~mt Gl1zette hIli' \TtllJei,tr~Dl ~ hloh plaoe , tbey came MitiS Anna Brand viBited rela.. Miss Lanl'll Krelehoff, of Winton Mr. and Mrs. Web Bq'nlrea ' cd Mig Cora MoKay of Xenia was cUUle and h&ve to leek el8fiwhRtM ~n Issued' tlnd 'oopl8!! of the.l'.4~1\ Mrf' . Celil1 ...... ~e . or.. the Lytle LI V~~ at XeulIl TbanksgivlPa.' day Pllice. spent .Thanksglving with her f&mlJy, Roy <.Jorpell and famUy, tlie recept. gU8l' Q.t MI88 M.artba tnr property, ~o ~Dt, ~he1'8 is nlJt' can n9 w be ob~ained tit tbA G~~~,te -pIke, entertained I1t dinner re~eut. lind remlilned until Sunday. parents here. Mr. and Mrl, ~~nny, Ollftord Lew. ~oOune. ., _ - . , oom "1lIioooupiecL -office: . . , " Iy, ~Mrs. WiIllutn Philips Rod sou, MIRse03 Edith B glln aud FI088le Mrll. A. HoJlingswor~h and Mn· Ie and wife . .J~~1:a!,d Wife, Mr. lIud Mrs: Lester at Cincinnatl We are,ln receipt: or' a !!onvenlr The edition contalli!! el~hty. foor ltfll' Omer- uewi". Mrs. Wolter . M· rites were t,h!' gnetltl:l of Mabel Frank Dedrl~kJ of Turtle Creek, at· Mr. and Mn. j ~-!J. ~",el1 aud. apent 8unday-wtth rellttrves here-. - "Curd' f~om W, B Antrltm , who III tended ohuroh h.ere ~unday. family and , A)e~ Emerlok, wlfe 0 I 'N Be I h t d h p ....ylng hl$.sl8tel' a ,v lelHD San An. .' pages, Is Bubetantlally bound ' in a'nd Mrs .. .ltlohu.rd CrQ~8. Mrs. L~l i~ "'ulld~y. ' IlJ a '" ~ and Mtg Blanch Cornell ' r. . • a as re nrne ome . Mr. I\nd Mrs . E. Fires and 'f8 1D11y Herschel Bteddom iB oon~~mp1at;. , ~ .. after & week's vlllit with relatives tonia Te~s. Ile re~rta )lrs. Judy , nlagazlne form with hea.vy· coverll 8,*,vl\ge had 88 b r guests Sunday printed OD . AXCtlllent plipllr lIud Jllcob Co~nell8nd daughters, Trena spent TbaDksgivlng in Barvey". ing R western trlp in the n8&r fo. On 1ut Wedneaday aftenloon and frlends at Blanohester, Ohlo. In bad he!,l~h. 'B I'mIe]f .feeling ~& tllustra.te<l. with muny plotnree I1nd Grace and Mr and Mrs. Wil. when Frank Duke wu In the ' and enJoying theJ h-tP. ... Tbe only A oomplete rjlJ)Qrt ' of W Ilynes. \lam Loy burg , ture. woods on the Nutt plabe overleeMr. and Mrs. ,Charles Madden drll'wbao~ kla state' of JM!i'feot fe ' vlUe's Boml)·Comlng wit,h Mr. John Thompson wife lind The Lebenon Bigh Scbool ~w ing ~Is men ou, timber he was sud. transaoted bU81nellB in Wilmington lIoity in the·wlde'. ;poeltJOD of Ly . . of tb" floats I1ppearing in ~he LUtie Ved'l., daught{!r of bee dllugbters Awarey &od Opal Ilnd bOIl two litersry SoolSti88. vis., 'he denly taken stak. ;Be howe:ver did one day recently. dta ' WlIl wisbs. to be remembered parade, plotures ot groups of p~r VooUey, while playing on the pave Kln ki8 Tho(,.peon visited relatives Stratford and T,nnysOD Clube" not think it would amonnt to muoh Mrs. George Bo.rrill &nd sister .to every body, both, friendl I and , and . IndlvldnaI8 ·. who partll" Ihe~t near ·b~r . graJldfuth~r'8 homo Ilt Lebanon t:!uncl,l\y . Rev. Farris. preacbed Itl Be•. a.nd decided to walk home. But ~e MrtI. ~hlelds of Colnmbus · 8Pf\,nt foe. (That III one of Will'e happy A.AII~atiflrl. togfltber. wlth ' the addresses nn Main ~trAet Sund~y morning, Mr, BerDa. Jor'do,n and friend Mr. Welbaum's plaoe here SondllY· Kf8w worse and when he got as .f ar Tueeda~ at the home Of the tormers oharacteri8tios.) , All ·" ...·""\'. ocouplell the front onhe fell lI,nd struok her heud agaitJ8t ,an. O'Brian of Sprlnltfi81d vl8i~ reI&MItis Edna. Spencer was d~klned as Wilbur Clark's he WAIl unab~e son Mr. Fl'lln~ Barrlll. Th k ivi .' Fbllowiria' this are wllny l'ron hitohln~ post, outting It abQve tl~88 here severl1i dByslas, ·week. from lIOhool last week on lwoounfi to go farther. Wilbur took.him Don't fail to see r,lflrritt's Dew ~be u~:fl.~gwa;~e:lli: ~~,:,:..e;: ~ _._i,J~'_a of speoia) Int-ereet to Way· the left eye .80 severely that It re Mr8 Maud oieuver and little Aw of 'mneg, home from the'!t and the rem&ining Un" of di!lhea and Ohri8tmas gift8. el)hftnt baBh etc no" for"-'I"'OP . 11 k quir~ . two lltitohee to o)ose the ' . . • _ • .. • 1'1""•• piotr-res of we nown wonn'd. Dr , Wri ht dre/l8ed 'be drev Ilpent Friday o.nd Saturday part of Wednuday and 'hat; n.l ght. MI:. Robert WlIson and daugbter those to whom good oheer wu due, oltizens publlo I\nd private build· g with Mr. and Mrs. &muel Surfaoe Spring ·Branch. Mr. Dnke was a very sick man . He BIn. ~tump were Rlleatll tl.t the Cen· P f Ed H tt d h'Iabl ' . ri 1 .. wt>nnd . • , - ru . 0. on an .. am e. lDgs, eto. uBtly are histo OR Iln.. . at ·Lebanon. Mr. and Mr8 W'm. J ohIlson ot haa now recovered 80 as to get out h'al Botel on Thur8day. , " wife of ~tlm . Ingt.on were a" - 1lP 111118'rat4ld writenps of Harveys . Mr. a.nd M.r s Roy Hathaway en· Mr . Ben Bowell and Frank Brad. . yet not to ·w ork. The tronble is 'W N \H""~: . hi ne d vn Th ans k'vi T Dear Clarksville took supper last -tth .oL him eo Mr. IiiIliam tldryd and sister HI~toton8 for the holliday and en~ burg, Lytle, Oregonia 'and Corwi n t er"" ~I ng d ay dook of W lIyneevl11e an d W .0 e 11mb whloh .,. W ~.r 1:1 enry. 0 ec k er, .... their niece mO..,'8 good old pumpkin "". 81111 The vol limo I" In overy WilY , fl' Mr , an d M rll .... _r an d J d h ti 0 d y . la8t' I Wednellday evening wUb Mr. ,'m uoh tr'rtuble abo' nt two YOArs .. OP·o. Mi88 Sal e 1180n Iln--="'"'"'==. ~ , D h d h or an were un ng ~e a . \' Jllmea Chenoweth Bud family. Mi8s Ll1Ue Nsdry are vlsl,lng tbeir w 'lDy other good thiogs to · bit bad . o~edlt to WaYt;I'i!8vllle and sn~round· Mrs Chnt~1l eart .. an 0 trdren week. . , Mr. Ed w&rd Cook and famtly Mr. and Y,:". Walter .Kenriok h~d aunt Mrs. Charity Antram I:loroggy A.t tl1e daily spread of Mrs. S&''On& .. " .lDg comD)un~tlee fl;~,d _ever~oody in Ceoil, EI~o.~ and Samnnl, o~ nes'r Wil)illm Rioh and Perry Gray . "pllnt Tbank8gl:Vl~g wt'h hi., broth. u Thanksgiving !rue8ts, Mrs. Annie in Indl~~a' for, /I., few do.ys , Mrs. t",ble. Ye wbo partaken w~li. . s , letMted 8~ould .obtain copl.e . •. ~r and \irl!d Orl",. Mil werd In Dl1ytoQ Friday of la8~ week. i er Frank and ramlly of College Bill, K~Driok lind danghter MJs8 Bertha: Scroggy is past ninety yea.ra of nge. eoho in verification Of the fo"'-o1n", The boolr8: 8o)1 for 25 cen~ eaoh. tenber~er and MrA B\1l o. Deoker M f f ' Mr. Will Bllnes of Olnolnnati and ," , , . ..... .. W.e ··prefer not .' to ·send out · 8.~y of near Franklin. MrtI Bulda Deoker Mr. John on fort I\n: w~ ete° I Mr. Lester Maple <of' Leel'!n .pent Mr, Wuren Kenriok of Centreville . • Mr, BArton Kelly ~( l.'inCinsnatl . Mrs. Mara Barl?eaiI 8.JI~ BOD By. oopiee' or the ,number until tbey Me ISllflst 8( years old but wlth the rest Fort AnCIent visl~ed t e t ra Wedn9llday night and Thunday , . Wt1.8 the gueat of hie sisters 00 un ron of Batavia who h.ave been.mak. pa.ld for. " enjoyed tue dliY ,to its fnl1BRt extent mother, Mrs. Thompson, la8t Bun· Iwith Mesllra . Walter and Erneat Mr. and Mrs. Allen Emerick en· day. Ing n. visit at home and with o]d. D8 w' h o ' left orders . for it, their first visit Mr. and Mrs dllY · . Dakin. . terdtablned onEdHdulndaBY Vehrne dHo~gfh M'rs. Barry Barbeau " and httle frie~d(j a,nd soh'lol mate8 ie_.u med Tho d ~ not pay fo!' them !lBn ob Datha '" Th e R ev , Ba Id WID ' one &n wi e son are spen dl n!t a f ew d aY8 ID . to, t- h elr ' 1\ bod e ' . F rl'd o.y wuere " 'b ut did wo.y . new ,h ome toey &11 It a f Marrow . .Mi88 Pearl McOray of Centerville and 8ri e • Co e they trln tbem by calling ·at. tbe Gllzette gn1ed tbat It ~lI.8 0.0 ideal home. preacbed at the BeI1~h Grove ohuroh i was "entertained by Mre, Frank ~rma=~ry rnell wife and son Lebanon at the home of W. H. ~n. ~;~!:e~~:e ~ml~:et~::m~:l~ .~ . offioe aud pttyi.tlg·for them or sapd . Master ~dle W"ollll~d the sixteen 5pndllY · I Dalrin at IlUpper 'l'h&nksglvin, eve. . before retnrning to Batavia. glndden bor old home Rnd ber r y B8r ' Mi-nd . aiste·. MilSedAThPha rohulfhl (From another .oOrrl>8J)QD<teDt) ent.l!. . • o .l!1 mechanic haa under oonst . . • - Mattie Hees . .Flo.. . enjoy ankl'hlillilpe s8 vng antho t ere. . , lug the Uloney to us lin d we WI' \1 y d mail them . · rtctioD a huge bob' s!ed of o.bout ten ,Pleasant Ridge. eDOO spent. Bdurday nfgM and mainder of the time un~11 SUDday The paII~ lIeason everybody has tpo dlspla.cement ,Roii bids fair to be , 8n~d&y with Mrs. GeorieShaw and aUhe home at her sister In CIDoln. worn white shoee h~r~ bnt totber. A Pleasant Aff~ir tbe large!lt one evor built In Way Miss Winnie Meredith 8pent 8ev' j family of near Bellbrook. na*' Now they o..r e oarefully , wrllpt in B . to . put way and we shall liee Miss Lillio Nedry Is vl&itillK -reJa. was Church' Social .• .n A8vella jnst bow many knots a~ erto.1 d ays' 1118t wee kith . w nr n Mrs. Chartee .Tones wu oalled *<> Mrs. Marpret Johns was trade paper, . a .. . tl vea In FranJi:fbrt Ind; ' ,,"" honr tbe man of battle will make Earnbart an4 family. Cinoinnatt"la.t·Friday by the seri· ing in the Gem CIty on Friday. them no more until' SpriDg' .wben Mrs. 'B. E. B;oot........: . T ....: , ,.in 1"'"" OP , Sev~nty five ur Illghty perilOns cannot- be told ~ottl tt - good sleigb. MillS Pe!lrl Carey of Utica was 0118 111nell of her grandson. her buds 'and bl08som .. reminds the 0 lit .. enjoyed the sociul ~Iv~n by tbe ing snnw Cl.'mfllO. Be bftd began to the guest Vf bpr friend Mrs, Ada Mr. Frank Daldn and flunlly Mr. and Mrs. Minor Roae enjoyed fae!'dious it is ·time change ~he friends Rnd relutlves In, ' lAbauoll .nembers of the t:lt Mury 's ohuron ot bplld II ward robe .whloh is no snllie Uurren 'a few dllYIi last w(Je~. IlpeDt Sunday wl&h Fmnlt Coot &Del ~v:~:::yndl:~t:ro:la::!n~:a~ burdensome . fel.t s for sometlung this week. - . \l'.... ,... the home of l\lr and Mrs J H CIII! Itffa~r but it bad to tnke I~ back spat. M GOb t d f f II • Coil . I1ill more oonfortable and attractive. MIMlI Stella Lemmon ~' Q~vtll! ' • " t. before it could , be finisDl'd. 80 the . r. eorge liug 6r y Iln 11m· am ya. ege. Fle~her at the end at that time Mr. ' t Tb k i i Itb 0.. _..... ' key Thft.nksaiving eveninll lIud tue bob IIII'd would be rehdy 'for the fir . ily spent ThanbglvlDg with Mr. ' Mr. and Mrs. Davld Luoaa of !oU. ROlle came bome and Mn. Raile While tber.e hll.8 not been ,con. llpen an sg v ng w ....r bUIll OO()O.8lon proved most. enjoy" bl,., st snow . .. t1l1th. Ivins &nd family ot near Holly: was the lues* of 'be, lattera jourDeyed on &0 visit her slsier 8truoted a solitary edifloe the past fOIMkS' 0 S 11 'f ' Ct ' .~.' '1 anc1 a. SUOO8S8 ill every wuy Red Lion. fa&he~ Jam81 CbeDowe$h anlll fami. season yet It hll8 ~een as oommon r,. scar t es 0 bcjnnll' A IUe88lDg oon tt!>!t (lo(\\IJli fijd the Mr. Bnrton Earnhart nnd family Iy las$ Saturday night and Uuday.' Ella at Dawson In Shelby oounty. ted a seollcommodtbloUt! , ~erandlls serotoht- visited his mother , '.l(!'l" , ' tt~~ I. early pari of tllA eytlnlng IID,l j(flVtl MiddleniD ' . ' . Probably *11e world doeen', know 'a over e O1,.y a8 wa e Stiles and sla.ter MIM81bt,\=a '$OJad"~', ' ' an a~ opJ)Qrtnnl~y to Ultuilio tQ" spent l'nanksglvlDg with rela~lys Frank BelS ~ at prlMlenl; 'uala'· that we have a new hu~b8r shop, white shoe fad. They Ilre prett A Mr, Clarence Edwar~~t ' flat.: Mr. Fra.n.\t Bartflook and family, In Mt. Holly, . ln~ his broUler Wa.lter OD hle farm but the worltldOe8n'$ know. :Mr, oool.oomfort for the time of yellr nrday an,d SundelY 'w~'h "Iiia' frlellcl. 'plue'l'. and beoome aoqUllI~te,1 this the following -program 'earl . Sherwood , and wife spent Jacob Cornell and danghters near Xenia. lauo LoDga01'8 baa reoently ereo~ but gorgeous In the tlweo~ 8ummer George Wat/lrhouBe. Plano Dt;le~, ~lJI80l! ThllnksftlTing with Aaron Beare . SpeD' ,.ijunday with the formers Mr. O$to Woolard baa l8ClIured Ion edqoUea oeey li&tle building north time. ' 11 La , and' (JlI.rolyn Mosher; and -ife, ' fadler B.arrisoQ Cornell near Ly&le. excelleDt poIltion in Ule Na.tional of hll honae whloh will ~ ~ In A 1 t b a 80 roe oom MIS8!:ite a mtno,o, ·Hen at. , "', . . pp 88 seem 0 e a · MoKinsey and Alt'lla W.terhODl6 MiN I£d.DtI. Zell i Read· W8818~ .,Dhan apd wlfe were Ouh Regiller at Dayton whioh he pursult of Ule barber trade. 1$ will modih. in one market as the price t F id wi tb __ UI.. L ' ' 0 _.a . , be"' ti ' Ipen r fly lAppb I.' , • .. Miss Nina Boot;t spent 8an"vt MoLy i VOOIlI ~l\l . . ...,,, 8Dwr"!'bl.ei1 b:r.. P • •, orrio ..... II now ooonPyinl.. . open ..... proapeo ve ouk>merl indicates 11.00 for allY old klnctl. Mtiler in Ha1!VeYI~ . - ,\' . .._ sa i PiaDo &10, MbIs afternoon wltb I!lJsle Bartllock. trife BDnday. TbeThukqtvlnl uerolllell held ~ar the firs. "me on Wedn.u". theturnJp 6rop and oDion • '' '''''. , " .. i ReCitation, Mig Mrs. JohU ~rtRook' abd daqh · Cllmtn08 Snrface'. tobaooo eh~ ... '~e School hoQ18 ... 11Ve4D ~ of ~. week. ' ~ to hau ' been . bpu~tifnl ane M7'~o,: mUd - da_btel" ~olo: Mr GeOllge ter Mlill Mil)Die spent Thankagh·. 'Was burnt Ba*u~r. It was "fuU ' of dar &fte1oDoon aa4 in wht~ &h. ~Jdqo' ..ni08 CD ~, 1$_ -I!J: ~ouUl ~ not ~ oontorted. ,8pe.D :" an 411, PI ., ~, , Mr J E Janney: ing tD. DIlYtod'. '. tob&ooo aa4 'several other ,artlcI8l: dolars s:eoited tbe~ &llatlOD~ dar aherDOCIID ~ ~~ bt 'tIui oat-pjltof. skives from our '. Min ~sele BalDU&o!l at ;JIInft Lntber &llerB I MI'II. ,Fred Barnhatb a~d brother The louS. beavy, well and were well twne4 in their Be" s.,.-woocJ of Da;;toD "'~. bUd~ wa'dera hu ' bften . some. MUl was a reoen' ,I . 0(.111:. Edith Shnw and Lampton 8p8D' Sand"'T "rteriJoon M~, Ad& ~, 111'1. C. B. siDglnl and readlDS wU I!.ttended ·"dn'.10p84~""'1' ." Bey! Bay. ,thI_-pi_bal~1 thie ' fall 1In,,¥. MoKlnlfe:r, , with Mille MiDDie Blirhook. . KWnhenn aDd obUdren and MiIIII by. Dumber f~m 01U' Slih~. woo4'.flrIIl ,." .... io tile .p~ _ _ t_ IIIUlh Mr ...1iII "M!". \nr'lIIlrain a deliol· I"'. Parrr Bu1aook ,,,.. at XeDIa Pearl o.n,' called OIl Ilia ~ Iaood .nd Wa,..vtUe. Mr, Job~ .u u nl.. lD proclaliDlDa that the . In . llt"e aGn apeat TtU_ ()omeU TbUlllay of Ju& week, CammlN t. .... teeobe.. _IDOD be 4eU~ . . . • ·uh ~ . C)f XeD., '1:1
Charles GrHY and tamlly spent SundRY with Joe Burmell &nd fam : 11y of WRynesville, E rnes t Bu tt erwor th an'd Wl'if e en· t ert·Iune I fe Ia t\ ves T""· · .. . .. seVAra wan ks· gJvlnR· w. Surface I\nd family of near Lytle spent j:3unday with Clarenoe BorfRce and family .
sblny deootll r-ion and one muat be In t ouch with the "Goulcb'~ to keep up with the ohange. t lS !;enerally conCed;ed '~-o-ll-r-peo---- ,,1 II ro 1111 ""t,r,I"d nUlI l t h O uumin, ' f nr. u ~J llr o h wh'u , tber" will btt h ... gi;l g uf /lbodcll with smne and' '1U 1I 1l ), oth,·!, · who would like to, eVt'n i.h ough mflny oonvenlence. IInjo.ver\ would be exohlmged for t,h o~ t;\f nn i.nferi or . Truly itA HIltlift, d lII in,1 I . 1\ ontin ..·' ·.,n •. a..........---~----c_~
_v .....
Miami Oazette. BROWN
a UU.
P.bll ••trL
Bural Water Supply. When !\'fcat IIlImt. of money are be, tng lIl1pended by city go ... ernmeola thlll 'hI'! Inbllbllllnl.s 01 towns mny hilI' a nn!tnry wat r 8ullPly It 61'emti slrnnge HlDt lbe s upply In rurnl town R s hould reeehe IIIt\e or no altent Ion. ThIs lilt. tet' pOPllla,Uoo may sc m r Int'It'ely In· Ignlficnnt. but a ccordIng to th e Insl c ns us It cOmprls s about 40,000,000 Ollis. This mean s ~hal lb e 40,OOO,OOC iJ ople Me drinking the wa ter mos l r,v'ltllablc wllhout It Ihonght of Its s an· lIa'r), condition: Thl'se various sOllrce£ of supply. wheth r wells, spring!!, 0 1 small stream s, are s ln.lllarly unreliablE for furni shing drlnkjng TbE SIIIt\stlcS or mortality In lh e oun ry aro very In(1 flnlt.e , but even tbesE show tha the Tural pOPlllntion Is nol AS f r from Illness M It shaultl be Aud though everywhere tM rure.' deatb rate Is low r than t.h o urban dea th rate, yet ,the lowerIng In tbE country has not been as great a.s I n thE ctt)'. An exam lnlltlpn of typbold at", tlstlcs sllows that tbe' deatb rale or oth' ,er dI seases Is .generally lowe r In thE COllntry tban In th e cIty, .but tbe prev, alen ce of typhoId ls almos t equal tc it not gr ater in tbe rurnr di s tricts than In tbe cities, Several In ata.oce! have be n r eported which show the ru' ral t);phoid rate to be t lln times gTeat, 'tlr thnn the nrban rate fo~ Lho samE 'dlstrlot. To partllnla'r lze • cerlam dilltri al In 'central Pennsy lva nIa provcl Ithls fnct. It Is mll~e up of a ruml pop. ulatlon wltb one bundred inhabitant!; to tho square mile. It 18 a region ~I 'One farm s, wild mountaln8 and woods, country resIdences and plenlc groves. An d In thIs valley there has been &f much Iyphold .fever as In ' tbe city 01 ' Pblladelphla. Sad all thIs condition Is, 'there seems to be 'no rem edy for It 'Tbe sources.'ot a city s upply nre few and lhe cltf gov\!rpment easily , cotnrols the condItions' affecti ng It. But wltnt cun be dO~1l when t~e lI ource! of !iu!)ply arc nllmered by th e tbou' sa nd s? A mint of money and an army of hcmlsts would not be 8um clent to give the same care to the coun try s upply .tbat Is' g h 'en to tbat ot tbe city,
It ..... as lila day before Christmas. 'rbe hou r was ea rly, th e 8101'0 doo rs IICllr ely open . bill cro\Vd ~ hn.l already begun 10 pOllr Into tbe ~ h IlIllll£; dis· tI'l t. In a bIg Sho w wlnil w, no w a flllry grotto 1111 frosl II llIl tli lver 3n,! green, Su nla '1IUll! gre le(1 th~ ea r ,l' comers. HCl!tn ' W Ills 1.In ItI PS~ , to , tills Sallta Clau!I', He was nOI In th e 6how wlutlow t'ot hi s 11 ·alth. He lookell " lrlfl e wOllry-he bnll bc' n wor)<lng o"erUmc~bIlL he nodded an ll "mlled and s ml rkcl] li nd wlnltell at tllo bOYII Rnd !;'Irls out side the wl n(Jow. Jobnny stoM ncu r tbo I ol l r the eJol'Ated station', a ot far f.I:o m Santoi ChillS. Tb e re wal! n cutting wlllli. n lowering sky, und Johnn y'K jack I w"' ~ ragged , tiO were the "knre P II IlI S" 111 11 : r eached to Ill ' ankles: bUl ,J ohnnr shumed his fOC l nnd whi stled "SlIlln V A(rlca" to kCl' l1 wa rm , The passe r-by Who h appened to cnt h Jobn ny 's eye turned lO look at him again , Trllo, J o hnny had a wond rClIl pa ll' Of orbs ', bIg, brown, wid o pe n !lnl) tou ~ lI lng. they were dumbly eloqu en t ; bUI J obnny's appea l w as entirely uneor.Iclous, no t: w. S It bls 6e~l r c to at· t ract nUentio n. He whl s lled, Jigged nnil look ed Innocent - thore was a r;ame of crnps under til e levl1ted stairs, and J o hnny was "I uyln' fer the
c:op. " .
"'No. It IID"t'" nappel tbl I!lve1ybody lallcbed; enn Johnn, Imlrked, and dire things might ban bappened to blm then nnd tb~re h~d nut Il<Ime on8 called over tbe baJua· tl"uoe: "Hare, 61, didn't you l06e a ponllet, 'hll Inwn mower Is g~,"~l'ally mUl'h book'!" nbuti ell hy til ' majority oC thoso who .Ixty-on.e ,.... s 1\ young aRlc8woman nM It. Wh en nltely adJu Hted !lllil In wtt h IJrlgl\t bro,,' n hair. Irl ~b blU e)·es. good working order .Il mR)' be kepr ond n s mil e tlmt rev aled fI. roW or 80 by u hol .. 'N bread th tnru 01 tb perfecl wh ite teotb. be ran up the adjl1sllng lir r W R or bolts lIud 110 on E ste ps, ' Ilhould b ntlowed t o meddle wllh "Yes, I tholl,,!ht I 10Sl ~ sODlewbero til ~o Jlllrts unl e~s hc ' fully under· up her~- nnyone lind It . " stll nds them. Thc blall es oC th 11IWl\ "Yell. mnybe I dill," J o bnny look d mower Bu lk the 'utthl A; Imr In, s nc h up at 61, . bUl b e Pllt tho l)Ocklltbook a mlllln or 88 to bll lur ~e ly gt.'lf·"ho rp · behind }l Illi , ' , I c olng (l'ud 110 mn ~hhlt.' , ir we ll oi lcil IXly-qh o sa w Ihe pinched foce, tb, 1nnd (l(jju tNI, , willi neetl gli al'll uln " big . yes. She , fOrgo l he r los!!, unless Il Is rlln Into s t o nes or ,nth " r hllrd H uli8tance~ tbat ,lnay .lull ~ r beull " You poor lIllI ~ r ' lIow!" Johnn y was nul \' Is lbly a tfec ted, He the knlv'll. ju s t Inok('cI lit her , li nd IIfl ked : 1'h .. onJlnRry mo ('h ln e 011 used npon "How mll<tb wns It ?" Inrg r Illachlnes Ulnli till' Inl,'n mow r, Oh , of cou rse Bh hnd to prove he l 0 11 wagolls, 'I C., Is too h (,3 1' y (or th' oWI\c rs blp. Sixt y-ollc w as alltuse d. lawn mowe r exc pl In v e ry bot IO' cath· "Let m e seE', " She RU ld, "lbol"O wlis er and should be thInn ed with I\ n neither go ld 0 0 1' ~lI vlll' ''- Jobnny no(l - ,e qual o'mounl of kl' No ma· dod . neo urtlgl ngly- " lIo r b1lls. but II I chin o will keep In pe rf ect workin g or· Ce w coppllrs, I 'ell I'e," d 'r for a grant I~nglh ot time wlth"ThIrteen," sH ld J ohn'lY, pr{)duclng Ollt olea nln g and th e law'n mowcr the 110 k IllOok , which Is run I.tJrough so mu ch dUa l "The Lord ~Il ,' a u s!" sa id 61. "That" nnd di rt. ~ tiollid be tak n Ilpnrt once why I 105t. Itl" or twI ce e v ry seaso n, each part cure, " Da t'a why you found It," Bllld fully , cleu ned and will d nll(1 th en Johnny , hli llding ber th e IJurse, freshly oiled , The 'm at' hlnes wllh "Tb:lt's mlno!" said 61, joyfully. "I'd large wh cis nnd ball benrlng~ rlln more enslly tha n mnuy ot th e older patte rns, Imt tbe laUer, If kept In , perfect ord 'r, wIll run with com para, IIvll ease nnd will do good serv ice for mnny yeors. Wben the lawn rllpplng!\ nre ~hort. not vcr an Inch In Ir ngth, lbey will selil e aown omon g tllll grass 8tem s nnd Ilecay. bill. If the y ' ure too long or nrc IV t they wlll l!lIn ch li nd In very warm wcathl'r will sfnot her th e <rr;\.lIft stnlk R imd roots ull111 r th ell!. In mOijt ('n~ s It will I' quire I 1I~ lIme nnd etrort 10 moll' t wIce R IV k ""I Ie ', the clippings drop on t hl' g rail nIl /Ioo d remain ther e thall to ellt but oncl' n w ek nn ll fIlk Ull tll ellp pln gs. nS must of len bo donc.-Ghlcngo bronlete,
0UR B .FeRn Some Historic
1'h' 'rer III forrsl ' firp,; In ·the ~l fIo h- en lie ulIlJl'r I' ni l l<ll lu li nd W I~colls ltl with It U'JI (Hll r rt1rO~t fif'S Ihal h llol'e l'eglon (01' \vor l_l'd ~\I"h h:l l 'UI' III UUI' spll'nrl ld y aI'S a rte tim ber hlL,d ~, Fir s In Ih' Adl,'UIl - ~ tllDlpnge du d,s , (!lIl'1lI \ Ir.! nO ll a,tl Vlsll :llI l.l ns, tIme or tho sOlllcthn l\ I' n rllln~ Illrge p rulJortlo n ~, Ihe dnmnge tiu mHill1r. frrri \I' rl ~' I'IHu eti 'rt' milch wu ges Ihllt dll mu!;e h tl~ b ' n lIoJl(! ; u ' ain w ' II nr hI lIl))eI'ltrg. !ld o f II} !;1'Cllt '.... lHI !! In Ihe rorl!~1 rO· l lJrodll ce th at j,;lo n ~ ot I hI.' ,with' rO/lM; o f tir('s In dWHCl1 I BU tilt' tll rllentl nc fUI'I'Bt s (If thu BOUlh : ulld th e taxes ngll ln , Ihul lim ber lumls ill )lIch ll-:ll u devoted 10 rORds, nnd \\,I s~onsl ll bu,"e L~e n s w ' Ill II;' Ih III'O\'eineul s, flll' uhsh l\r" II IlIv n. llI oa. lll·e of how ,"lIcb, I .ttrunl Plnchol. ('hl f f lw (or st It co~ ts " regIon . wheb, s ervk('. l'nllsil SIIlIC!K 11 l'lli11'lUl Cn l ot d Rlroyed by fire." ngrlcullur . gi n 's lu the I~arrne ,.s' 0 111Th ere :Ire 'WI> 'recogn lei In a Rhon rel' l \V or 1I 1~ I OI' 1 tll'~S , sons III the United S tn IIl'e" t hu t IUII'1) 'rf'H h",1 gll-:" l1t 10, Tl ro- s pring nnd ·fnll. Tbo nre pUI'IIOns. MI'. PIII('\1(1 le lls lit. the ,h e greatest damage IS Hlll el""y, ;\l ln :1., fi l'e of Pil I mll" r J, , lIlhlrlle west, rltr west nnd ] 94; lh c JoIrea t nr s In ~l lch l g an in soulh, Is in t h peri od ] 8 I ; Wisco ns in P hllJ; Ilr uf Oclo- \ Augllst and «rty "'",u"·m1",, .. lJer.l 7J. and the. )llchlga n fires of th e I uter, editor of .Fol·estry Sa m e l'ea r ; 0_ Ib" )lIram lclll fir o of I tlo a. In un nrU cle III Iho 1 2;;. . Hevlews, s ny ~ thnt CIlIrel12ssnlliae III (ho lo t le r fire n r rlo n In New fOl'D! or nnother, Is cn uso Drllll SlI'l clc Butrered , This fire Ilt abOlll l th e fo rest !lr s III t'ho Un on e 0' lor k In th e nfh'm oll n WIl S rng- , "Of those prol'cedlng from en lug at R Ill!lcC ao m t;O I11l1es noo,'() Ih r fllll y o lle-h ll if ure tl1l 9 to railroads tpwn of Nf' lI'l·RJ<IIIl. 011 Ihe ).lIrll ml (' hl th ir en lj)loyc ', Indeed. an Olll>Orl)'or; b.efore ten 'clprl, · 1t wus 2 rle ncr(\ forrst r, wh o for u number of IIlll c~ belo\\' 11: w<;as tl ' . " In nln hours yenl's "'liS a 10como Uv e en!,;llIeel', Is 1t. _h lUI des tro yed n bl' l\ o f for eR I SO : uUlhorlty tor the 81M ment lha nt miles lo nt; lind 2~ mil (!s wlrl e. 0,· r l lcas l G- pe l' cellI. o( thI s ountry'8 fol'mo re thnn two a n I a haH .m lllio n cst fires !Ira dlle .to mllr nds. SpIlrKS ~ n ll ))rln~
Johnny felt he ..hould not linger al th e corner tbls morning , but If bt~ "fren'" s bould "win OU I" the ordor "ould be cotTee Ho d rolls for two, Johnny bad to JIv e. So ho wall d fur bls br~akft\s t, while h!s brellkCaJI wa ited o n lu ck- not on ullu s ulli situ· otUm for J ohnny. "Come crnp-come seven." Il 1111'0 .... of tbe dI ce, a cry o C vI cto ry .... n o:lI.h ot defea t, Il nd J ohnny 's whlsll e und jig came to n dend SlO P togeth r. J ob nny 's TIMELY FLORAL NOl:ES. "tren' " weut broke. Johnny's eY68 !;'rew wlole nnll 601Tbe SeRson ror Various Fnvorltes nnd emn, He looked ilt hi s "tren'," Nil Ihe Commoner Flower B Not to ma n could tell wh a t Johnny wns tblnl,Be Despised. lo!;" J o hnny su ld : HE CERTA.lNLY L OO KED A susPI CIOUS CIlAIlAC'l'ER. " ChUml)! " , . OrlenLnl poppIes , wllltl very It'.r gc NIl'a tougb,' s.~ ld h is "Cren'," gl Ie a montb 's J;uy any tlltlo tor a. und Irnpo~ lll g pcooy.lIlU! flow ers. lIlalll! "DIS belD' a SllO rt on a couple 0' I'm so'rry for your snke til re i8 n ot a bra "e s bow In th gurd II froJJ~ tho ceots!" saId J o b nny, In Ono dlsda l.;. more In It, Would l ' b oodoo you H I end of May tbrough th E Orst weell'! or "I lOlt c ber not t ' dO It o n an emp:y gave YOIl the )3 cents '" June. Tbese will beol' tra ns phl!1 tln g IItomlck, \r ycr go t l ' gam ble )'1': "Not on your lIfel " Johnny h el<l Ir clt refully hUl"lI cd. Contiu)10US Business. oughtn't never t' do It It yer al n'.1 Foxg lo ves. whIte, s poiled ind )Jnl The facl that the tll'Il~ "nlt;ht an~ Ilrst got yer roll-an' n cup 0 ' olIee 00 out hia pulru and 6 1 e mpti ed th e co ntenls of tile purse Into It. A shrewd I)lac, nre \\tell worth tl plrlcc In :lu y clay llaD It" In the 'World opened In New the sIde," Rosamond John6lln, look ·tllat transformed bls fnce cllwe gnrden. In tbe ba rdy borde \" wh ere At U1ls the curbstone wInne r an1 Yorlt a (ew days ago: and W:l8 lIn as· ,son, C'l mpose rs ,'of tllal into his eyes, th!!y ore best placed. it Is well to sured suc~eS8 trom ' the start, Is prllb- loser Join ed forces e nd sl!n t UI) a howl IIOng, " Und er 't be Ba mboo "ThIrtee n!" , he said, covering the II l nnt the m buck of s weet wllllllt:IS or beld a I'oshlon n.s b \I boy lIbly ot more slgnlHeance than the nv- of derls lOli, burllng at Jobnny the money Wllb his otber palm. 119 If he else with pep oles, 'fl:ley bloSIIOl!l nt choIcest bits of U1elr pi cturesque VI)· were about to matcb pennies. "'£hlr- nbou t the ellOle time II nli the .all, botel-in Bo ~ton. Tbls place, erage reader ot lhe Pews Iml\ Ac· ,fY. . , ,C1'\ss Magazine. he , once ne~rlY cordlng' to some preternaturally ·fn r- ca!}UI 'G' Iln. you8e!" retorted Johnny, te?'~~: l~Ye!~~i~ nu~~~.~r~;lld the d~- graceful s pIkes of (o xgloves . r1s lD~ through laking Ihe IIborty of p1nylnc sighted observers, \b bank that. nevel T , adherIng to his polley of "havln' tac tlv e. "Chuso yourself out of here." above lind, behind Ihe OthCl'Q IIrn 'lu .3 Paderewskl's "MInuet" · tor the great closes Is the first slep \QwaTd the UinE Jer say 'all' Qulttln '," be suddenly ri'Jobnny rattled hts wenltb, He baJ ' ~ bes ullfu. etrect. antH~ury .,alls" pIanist. Paderc.>wskl, "1\0 was staywh'en the maChinerY , of metrollO,UtaD memberlld- Johnny always remem · nO fear of th" delectlve now. bavlng much the sa n1 B bablt liS foxIng 01 tbat hot!)l, had rung for a bell· '''I'm waltlll' t' see tbe 8uperlntenll- gloves, are grown In (he sa me hshoommerolal,lIfe, I~tead ot slopping al tiered In the nick of time-that be bllt! boy, and young John8;On answered ~. cnt. He aIn't . In now.'" Ion; tbey a ro whIte, pInk, blue nnd call. . . Jjnnset, will roll On cenaeles:!ly day and urcent business wltb Santa Clnus, "Ob," saId 61. "If you want . a loll, purple. Both u re blen nl nl~; that Is, Now me bIg show w1nllow nnd ' tlle B eing so tonll ot musi c, h e Illade nlgbt, when three relays of clerks and bold to nsk tho groat composer and II.rtlsans and laborers and employert ,crotlo therein had no attraction for I tblnk I. cull .help you. Yoo go quick s tl lrl from th!! seed one yenr , Imd Jobnny-Johnny had an artistic tem- to tbe de livery e ntrance round lbe cor- blosso m Ilnd dIe tbe ,next. - '!hey ;lr" 'pianist to play ~he " Minuet" for blm. will 6ucceed each other, and the meperRment, nn 'ImagInatiOn. Tbe dis· ner, ask for Mr. HarrIs, the frelgbt much more effe tlve gToOwn In clump. , Paderew&kl ,could not ulldcrslilond Engtropolis will become, In every sense 01 guI se, of this Santa Clau8 was "too, clerIc. 'Tell hIm I 118nt you. Walt, MarlgohlH, both the double . Fr ~lIch IIsb theD, nnd the boy tbou:h', from the world, un all·day and all-nlghl thin," He wall not tbe Krla Krlngle wbat's your nam e?" Sixty-one tore a and the doublo j\[rlcan, are 0l,t to be acres nlmost every I\vlng thing WtlB Crolll an engIne proceeding through a .hls gesUl:ula.tlolLD that ·be wtsh~d blm ciLY. Such a state of affaIrs, say tbe of Jobnny's drealD. Jobnny tboug:i't leaf from her nole book and wrote': t:re~ted wltb contuffiElly durIng tbe found killed. Even .tbe fis h were ,nft- fore~ ted counlry during dry wenlher to. p1n.y It. So he Bat down thll erwurd found 'dead fa beal1s along tlie a~e almoat s\lre lIljlan Ore!!', In thIs observers, Is beln~ forced forw8J'd b) there Il!lIst be somelblng "~ueer" Wll~ "Dear Charlie, Johnny la a, great kld. \ reign of more delicate, and benu. Iful river bariks. Five hUndred and ninety ,connectlou It iif-iroteworthy thnt the ' pl:mo and commenced., playing·, lIadthe fact tha.t New York's pbpulallo'o th o crc;wd that illlowed Itself to be Take him on If yOU love me. Kitty." s ummer flowers, but \"'Ith wbat grat.e- bulldlugs were bUf\le.d; nntl II number first perlous IIres In t be Adlrondllc-k erew~kl's manager 'lappen.e d to en~et Sixty-ono folded ' the not6 and was fulness we turn to th ,em In October, of town s, luelu(Hng Newca's tle, Cltllt· region tblli spring (1903), wore dire t- the room just tben, -nnd , en rago d \!t grows more and more congested Hnd, taken In by "dat wise old guy, " Jobnny expected no Cbrlstmas gift,; about to give It to Johnny wbep !\ I when everythIng else Is gone! more tban any otber thhig. room II ham and DouglaSlOlVn, w ~ Ilestroyed , Iy due to th e' hot olnders tbrown out tbe bellboy's presump-llo::. lbrew him demllnded. I~ we b'a ve our populnUon but hIs spirit wa8 not dlsconsolalo. thought occurred to hC1' that made ber I . The new vRriett'!s of z!nlilas ara lIy One hundred lind sixty 11ersons per- by ' a locomotive wilen t\ heavy wind out of the room nnd went dl~Mtly blusb crimson, Dnd she blurted: no we!lns lO be' despIsed, Thuy ar~ and and n early 1,000 hend of was blowIng across the tracks. The tho mana&ement and had blm working In three relays, three men C&Il n eltber WIlS tb ere rebellion In bls "Johnny, eun yon reudl" I line In color. many new sbades hn ~ lng IShed Johnny's crying want came stock," " torest was In u highly Inllnmmabie charged. "ark In the space now occupied b, beart. "I think I could make It out It 1 been developed, are veTY douhl e, "nd (Tom his stomach; he had to \IV!!, As soon as be IOllrhed wnat The next fire, the Pes bllgo fire of condition, due t() lhe long dry spell, one, ond the gro\"lng congestion will 10 he turned his atlentlon to the crowd tried t'," are fine for house decoration, tbe October, 1871, was even more e1es lruc- Ilnd these tires burned for (layl.· An- been dobe. Pnderewskl, who h ad been be relieved. It sucll a d,ay ever arrives, going Into the store, For n few mo"Well, don't try to'" sold 61 em· stems helng long a nd s tilt. tlve. Two thousand squnre miles of other fire In the same, regloD WRS' -pleasetl "Ith the hid's playing, aent Ida D. Bennett fnys she has grown Wis consIn lan"8 w ere burned oyer. re- caused b); lin, engineer 'whO, In order for the manager of the hotel aod baeS saya a ' locai w~ros'pondent, the olt, meots be wao lost In a moving mOSH, pbatlcally. "There," and she lbe note Into JohnnY:8 hand and close d sa lvlu pplendens (ecal'let sage) to r. will renlly have three IIIlparale popu· then hfO emerged on tbe Inside of lM su ... ng In timber a nd other lo ~~e s to ItltprOve the "raugbt, took tbe Jobn son r.elostated In bls posItion. laUOIis, one of wbleb will be wholl, great IIwloglng doors , How "dend hi s lingers over It. . "You keep It .juat height of fi" e (eet, In u bed of ma rsh moulltlng up to m noy millions or dol- spark urrester out of tbo en gine wblle Willing to · O~lIgc. Tbe warm like that till you gIve It to' Mr: Hat. enrth kepl well ' supplied wIth w ter lars. Bel ween 1,200 tl nd 1,500 persons go'lng from Sa runn e to Lalle Plaold. nocturnal. The thl ,e e "111, bave thell easy," Jobnny thougbt. "OIve me Ihe city hall, please," rls," thtough a pIpe. Sail' In, w!1l 110 wt'll Ir. were k\l1ed, almost half ,the po puln- Seetion I\lInds, too, In old tics, air took him In Its fond embrace-how separate neWilpaPerll, different .am\l8~· Needless to say, Johnny got a Job, the !lottest sun It well ' SuPII)led ' with tlOl! ' of Ihe lown of Peshtlg\l perlsbed. ,brUSh, w~e(!s and ru~blsb along (ho the lady to Ilbe conductor of the m ents, dlfferen~ dlfferant nice It "lUI. But s uddenly he SQuirmed ' water ..-~lIchlgan LIve Stock JOlll'nol. At uhout t~e same time fireS rage d In right of way. are apt to let the flames c,'tr. and almost doubl ed blmself. He fell outlooks upon ute. While one shIft "j ShOllld lie j:'li\d to 1M) so, a hand grab ble jacket ,ut the back 01 COUNl:ESS OPENS LAUNDRY the nelgbboring, .(.1 te ' of )lIchlgan, escilpe Into ndjolnlng wooded lands.'" Is breakfastIng anotberwill be dlmng; tlis neck. replied tbe conducto r , Who ",os hundreds of people lost tbeir Itl'ilS, a Others resllonsl ljle tor mllny forest . I DEAS. PRIMEVAL while ono Is s leeping, anotber will b! Pllrlll World of Fa,blon Patroniz .. RETAIN "Wbat are YOll doing here?" 8trlp of Illnd abollt ~ miles wide lind fires ure lumbermen, farm ers and set. man nnd. bnd been .greatly imp at the height ot Its oally ncllvlty. Bul an American Woman'. Odd Johnny s bo t n look over his ,sboul: IndIans Are Not FrM with Informa- 180 m\le~ long. ex tending nC.r oss tbe tiers, Hunters cause trouble by lell\,- by tho rules of the company, In8111teu upOn employes beln&' .En terprlae, the ImaglnlltJon ' :alls nt the state 01 4er, and tbougbt bo !iii.,." Ii lillint Sla n'ltion to ' Agents o;f the Gov·' . ce ntrlll pnrt of the SUlto Irom Lake log ea'mp IIres burnlug. Tourists nre us nnd obliging, '" should. In ~ mInd of the housewife whose husband Ing over him. It was only n .tIoorMI hlgon . to Lake HUl'On, WIIS devlls- Il menace, especlnlly III Moine Ilnd tile ernment, Parls.-DIlIsatlslled by the work be glad to dO so, but the lady ·tnted. 1:1 this last na med conflngrn- Adlrondllcl(s;,. mlltell end. Il lighted sons would be soattered througb walker, "I-I'm lookln' rer a job. Don't cber dono by the Frencb. the Countess Alexander Posey, the Creek clerk in tlon' the Ore ate up timber estimated fire, sometimes lending to II m lgbty tbare wllh the green fOllih'lr In U1ree relays and whose wholo lIfE Rene T e mple de Rougemont. form e r- the D WI'S commission, 'who work8 for bat asked for the city hn11 be'fore "ant 00 more (ash boys 1" lit 4,000,000,000 teet bOllrd mell'~ ure, conllngrll.tlon.. Berry plcl<er8 nre , ......O'llIn be a Jumble of eonfllcllng breuk· ly lilies Edltb DeVer eux Clapp, oC New got on the e'lr, Ie there any The spoken word would have fatl e:J, the government among tbe filII-blOOdS, valued . a l '10;000,000. ureas 10 Impr.o ve next season's crop, fasts lind dInners and s leeping hours. buildIng that "ot!lI11 w'i't'yOU- jU'1 bllt J ohnny 's eyes got In their nae , York ' eUy, ha s establlsbed a.n Ameri- r,uns ucro ss some Interes ting cha,r acters Ten YCllr.S nrtcl'lvnrd, In 1881, great' SI\C~8p , herders to I!nprove .,pasturage; can laund ry at Memllllon, her bus· nmong lh e Indlnns, SPJrrle of whom \lye well '''-Detrnlt l"ree . press. work, IIres covered more tllll n 1,800 mile!) In and bolh have proVe(1 sources I)f danband's coulillry Plnce IIi the depart; The World'/! Athletes. "How old are YOII. anybo,,?" far from towns , s peak: lhelr own lan- vnrlous ' pllrls .< of ~lIcblgnn ; ngaln lIer, In the soul\l n m'lnOl'e hns been "Ol ymp,lc games" In whlcb -tho win· Jl>huny looked s mall j'o r t en, He ment of .tbe Eure at Loire. gunge, seldom get Oll.t oC tbelr own many persons pel'ls he!1, over 5,000 per: t h e hurry [p get" lise of lanlis fOI' c~rn 1'bougb tbe enterprlso 'Was begun nelghborbooll and s tili Im ve- . tillili In lI ers arc YOUtilS rrom America; Aus· IIllgbt be a year or lWO older; bill sons were mad.e cle~tll.itte, niu h prop- and cotton. Eaeh yenr In the south eoftee Iti.ifcd an Old Sold1~. solely t.o ill) away wltb tbe ' necessity tralla nnd Canadn look like a very JoUnn} bad to 1I1'e, and! with as muob Ih!) trelltles of th e government wltb tbe CI·ty was destroyed In IIddltton to tbe Immense areas ' are "gird led" and of sending line n La London , to be cerl1lude as If he had bls blrtb cernew thIng, but tbere Is really nothing valunble timber. burned. Soml\~imes wnntonnes:! and An old soldier, released trom laundered, the Frenell work being lndlans. One of these Is Artus Rollya. ' wlio Up In tbe north wcolis Ih ey Hili malice ure at the bottom of destruc- fee at 72, recoveted bte health and new about the Sllccess or the ouUylnll tlDcAte to back blm up, be ans wered: wholly unsatisfactory. It bas Ilecome a "F ourleen." cnnnot spen k English, Ttle other day spenk wllb batl!cl breat h or the drcad- tlve flres; boys wanting 10 see a big about It as t allows: ' districts In these classic contests. It The giant looketl Quizzically at tile pa¥lng Investment In tbe Brat week, Mr. Posey wellt to l!iotlYI1's plnee to ful Hinckle y nrc In Mlnn~sota, In blaze; nutives jealoll8 of prIvate pte- -', "I stuck to calfee lor years, n1th<luSb was Quite e common tblng In tIle an· for all tbo (rl~ds of tbe count and IIlldget. get Informal Ion conc:ernlng u child Whi ch so man·y persons IOSl their een'cs Rfld even of stale preservml. It knifed , me agaIn and ngllln: d e nt day for from the outly· "Well," he salci, "this Is thl! last dB)' coimtess arB glad to patronIze It and of Hollya wbo had dler!. In repl to lives. The burned-o ver Brea was ,not But c8rele~she srs Is chle! cause, ' therp ."About eight years ago (os a result ing Hell e nic states and the colonies of tbo rush: but tbey oro ulklng every- PIlY good price s ' for wbal they call EO IlIrg as In ot her great fires , but the ure hflt scattered Instances where ,tbe of colfee drinking wble\} congested my ques tions HoUyu answered: , to take the prizes, and tbe conditiOnE body on. You might go up and seo "peerless" r es ults. "YI>U crossed Lhe WI~ wol,a creek :hlR doet n Hlllon of life nnel prope rty , WIIS calise can be traced lO maliclousneBs . All the machlner),. 1n the laundry morning? It. Is's prln,g arid t he water very heavy, H,tnckley and six other And the're are but scu'tlered In~(ance~ llver), 1 was Ulkun with 11 · very severe that mnd c vlclorles for greater GreeCE tbo slIllerlntenden t. Hhl office Is at attack ot' malarial fever. came from Ame rlcll; and all tbe launin ~bose d'nys arc precIsely tile same the bead of th e slalrs tbere." runs ; you Bee the green 'grass on thl) lOW,ns were destroyed. abo\ll 500 per- of tore st tires Btll rtlng fl'Om lightning. . "I would apparently recover and dresses are Ameri can girls, wbo, be· Johnny lIlade for tbe slnlrs, Seemas thOllo which win lhe laurels for. In 1903 the bUI'ellu .o t forestry began pTIIlrl eR; the grnss at!lll grows. Our spnrs Ilerlshed, nod ' 2,000' were lert dee-. cause the Innovation haa proved' such peop le hll I'e ngreed't hallSO long all WIl tel' tllute; t he estlmatell lo~~ In lj ~ollcr'ty a thorough Sl)llly In vnrlo.\ls regions start about my usual work _only lO HufShe rl aan, S~err!ng and Asty to·dny, Ingl)' he lost DO ' lime as he zlgzagge1 fer a relapse, 'A fter' tbls bnd lIeen a s ucceSH, are recolvlng much hIgher Thnt Is to say. It III the pion eer , who tbrough tile crowd of shoppers, but wages than was promlijed to tbem by run s lind gl'llss grows, we shnll nllt ha I'e wus '25,000,000. , Tbe loss of life would or the foresl lire prob lcin. Men were repeated several tlUleli durlni the year tn that short ' passage J ob nny saw ollr IlInd H ,lidded nor our governments hove been much ' grenter l1n(l It ilot IJlnced ' In ' forest regions to , tires' I . was agnln tnken violently III. ' bas In him ~be spIrit of tbe cbamploD tbll Countess de Rougemont. o~d the Iradltlon of ol'e rco mlng. II -beaped wun ters oC rIches;" h e saw . Purls men of faRhlon who for years "IIIlplonl. d. I aJll' not yet i'!lady lO 'g lye been 'for the heroic I!ondllct of the In the process of burnIng; l\genLs put '''The Doctor said be had carefull, "pocketbookH In every hand," nnd out rallrou d m ~ n. to Investigate caUijes, lind how fast Infor mation," ill the "new country" tbat gIves the fltudled my case, and It was eIther 'Quit of the pocket boo lIS 1I0'w ~ d "streams of have Ileen sending tbelr ,lInon to Lon· Heavy smolte from the freQuent Ores fires burn, what condItions favor anll ThlH sfJeech was made In Creek nnd bOpe, tile en,gerness, the clasLlcl~y thaI money," Wben J ohnny reached the don to huve It laundered ' are making represcnts the dignIty and [alth of the OD the westeI'D coast' sometimes ren- what hInder them, whn t damage they coffee or die,' adv1l!lng' me to tllke Pus. makes g'r cnt athletes _ top ot tbe stai rs. he paused and looked personal' appeals to tbe count to hal'o old CIUSB of IndlilUs who sUlI resent 'l~tJ ders llllvigutlon dangerous on Puge t dO soli and tree growth , Othe~ agents tum in 1t8 place. ! had nlwllYs tbougbt coffee olle of my dearest frIends, and their work done at Memllllon, but he Omt lals -of the New York city ad· back, tben durted across th e bull . Not refers th em aU to the Amorlcnn g Irl go vernment IlllOlment of lunelR. When Sound, In 1902 tores t tires In Oregon w'e re delegnted tei study 'fire protec- ,especIally whiln sIck, and. r was ver'l lIod WnshfngtQn destroyed wllhln two tlon. . , five mInutes later ao employe wbl~ It W\IS explnined to him tllllt all the Inm .l nlslratlon bave at t b e'l r dlsposul whom th e countess hns put In cbarge fOl'ln ll Llon wanted Will such as wOll1o1 W41eka over $12.000,000 worth of Urn· pered 10 the hou se delecll,-e: Several states- notably New York. much taken .back by, ~e Doctor's decIi.W() ·automoblles, which cos t the "There's trouble up there, a woman as manager of the laun dry . mak e PI P, ~l llle nn "Hotme nt foI" bls bel' and property, 'file 1085 becurred Penn$ylmnlll and Mlnnesota-bavo sIon, for 1 hadn't s uspected tbe colfee 'city oriS1nally over ' 55,001), nearly had ~()r pocket picked." It Is a Cllrlous r,act that wh.lle tllo' child : lie rcp ll ed: . In U re 't~lcted llrea. a nd represente'cl .adopted effectlvo lire laW8. Mlnoeso- [ draUk could possibly cause my trou. ,, , balt ~s mu h b'c ing rer.tulred a~uulillY I.:t the top of tbe IIrs t la ndIng tb.~rll e lite ot Pllrls 'sends Its launury to "G od hns gIven her nn nllotment In but 1\ IlOrtlo!l of·' the ,country:s Ilnn.tial to. learning hel' leslIOn In the Hinckley ble, . I tbought ~t , ~ver for ." few minutes, {or their mlllntcDance. It Is believed wus a. glltherlng crowd and a woman London, socIety tolk .of lhe S'r ltlsh th'e gral'eynr l\'. She I.s denll. · 'file ,,1- forest 'fir.e 108s. 'Yearly torest fires al'O cntnstropl\e, Is credi te d wftll the ,best tlUlt 1))1 tbe en d ot tbls year tbe 1Ium- bewlllllng u lost pocketbook, The plain capital · patronize Paris wnsberwomen, lotment lhere Is all thllt she Is nUll ed looked for; the annual loss Is esU· e.xnmp'le of fire IIIWII, Mr. Sllt~r ,tll l la Rnd IIna}ly told Ihe DOctor I would ber of clly' owneii autos will be In- oloUles man arrived on tile scene, and preferring for some reason not obserl'- to, A grave Is aU the· allotment tn:ri I :mrtte(1 ILL $50.000~OOO, • . us the only way to' Ileal with forel;lt make 't he c.hllJlge. Postum Ail the chtEif of tbe 101'est service fitl1s Is 'lO prevent thE\m, and gl'ves' cor- ' cured for me tbe slUl\e day creaSed ,to . 60 and InqulsLUve alder- as 'be was IIslenlug to the complalat ablo here, to theIr work done on om enti tled to lind all tbllt God Intende'] tbe banks ot the SeIne. thnt I ~hou ld have. Ills enough. Tho sn~gellt8, the lolis by great forest :ires . dIu I praIse to Mlpneaotn with her Bf- according to directions;" men are hlnllrig that lbl's ls an alw- his eYM IIgbte.d on Johnny. Johnny was slinking along tbe wall, his hand Great Falher plnced tbe pnCtnq on ouo IE , loss \'ery d~mc\)lt to estlmllte·; feetive service bnsed 80lely on ibt. ,It and stuok to It, and gether ullnecessal'1 eJCpense, es»eclally Smallest VIl, l age. bave been a new man. beblnd him, ' He certaInly looked !l . sIde lind tbe Atlantic on the other, aurl ",:.e destt'lldlon of the . t1mbe~ IB ,\ ,Iden of ]Iroventlon, JI8 some of tbe olllc1llls t1Be the maOn. of the resul,t s of the recent cen- tbe land between he guve· to the IndIan. roore ' 8erl~us I,OSII than ' tbut of tbo bealth beian In a few IU 6pleioull ch luacter. 'KATHERJ:l11!= POPE. :blneJ! 10 gOing to tbe r~ and In alprlsed lJI,e, and ."Wbat Ila ve }'OU got there?" erie" sus wall tbe discovery .lllat tbe village "Tbe white man clime and be set co ror Boerbitsch. In tbe dIstrict of Burg· ner stones nnd told tbe ,l ndlan that hI' tAudJng La otber private affaJ.IW. sevl'ttty.t;wo the detectlvel" hard work. Jobnny stared at tbe detectlvlI an 1 dorf In Hanover bas only four III, must live between these. The IndIan fn clescrlblng a 'wedtUng an Indian pld nothing. habltant8. two males and two femalell, cannot live' BO. He IIi being stilled by have beell "I"errltory exchange announced tha~ one "You have a pocketbook!" lJ'be .:,. and Is therefore tbe Bmallest munlol· the white man, who ~laB dIsarmed him Tbo would·be diner had called for within a milo of tliat 80111)-1 gtV8I mu8ti a day of thi" bridesmaids wore u a velvet out. teeth'a pounced on Johnll), anll . paUty I~ the world. In the same dis- of hla bow and al'rO" ODd driven (rom ox·tall ' soup. , ,er 'my word au' hopor for It, IUd" loadl... the at a mile long. and 111 rows of hilt· d d him toward the losM' of the t~lct, Landwehr numberl ' 14- InbabL· the forests the game, 'J1Jae end ot thll He looked at the liquor whtch wa. -St. 1'.011111 ~epubJlc, ~ tum In ,til. ragge tant»; Benrod.. 1M; Wackerwlnokel, tone em, ber gloves. Her haIr :was dead Indtlln III Dear, Iiut 1 rim not yet ready brouI;l>t'to h im ',hard, and 10n8'. tasted (or me, I d .. J h ' d d th 26, and Ahrbecll, 28, Several otber to contribute to haBtellllng It." Quite "'I~blll. 0' It, smeh It. and tbeD beckoned the ""lIow, tied up like a bun and had a p~:se. BI I did I foua It. 0 nn, pro uce e vtU.... number lUll thin 60 Dr. GUBta"Ve Le Bon. of Parlll, h!l8 young· walte-. tresb-eomplexloned III i' 'eaetablet-'lla-ll" , - pocketbook from-beblnd hi. bolCk, bllt- taat& -~ '!'-- ""''''''-Iyoung fellow, whOile foot bod evident· reacbed the revoltlUonary coDclu810D One !Ian'. WilY. ~Id on to It. , that matter IInall, _away b7 Iy Dot Deen long olr hi.' naUve heath. HyJrIl'-ArdUpp cIoeBD't .lIm towor"DoD" lie," tald tile deteeU,., 1I'1t11 Oood Pltae to 8 _ ~ Ala Indiana ,.ouq died th. , spontaneoue chaJlg\'8 In Ita molecu1. II!I, "I suppose,' whispered . the eUB' Bllfln-How did ,.on com. to etop rt about aUJthIDI· He mlllr,_ light at . . . . ~17 la GOUeQUIIllce 9r Qylq • eocIEIIlreI1IIt dlat IdIPreued 1111 Ill· . tomer, contlderrtJaUJ, '·tbat an ox real· aa IIIU1trated III the all hili tl'Ou&l ... t_1'II. H. to' rbe billclt aDd _olllDl _ _ rid a comblllaUOD QlaacIL I, did illp hili fn W. soup a~ ltiaat dlum, and that .JoIIlDIIY'. hand ed WhUren-Oot .tacll 'qr .Is ."\I'f~~c~ ~, Ill.... II In a IIiIalI "Wace whlre OIl OJ.., ......-NI Y. "'....:r.
DI$FIOURINO SKIN HUMOR,. OF TmS mSTORIO ON • THE HUDSON. e of the Living ton s, Fnmou.s Thl'oltghout the Country i:l th" Eighteenth Ceotury, Finds a New Owner. O r('u~lll nally the ell r ly h istory of th lt ('I)1lIl tl'), III ' recu lled Ity mode rn Il'lln suf'tluns and {HI II Is th ' uJ;e IV th Ihu salc (j[ Al mo nt. III pic· Wr S 'IU tl COUll try hOIll J Of th e l.h'l ng· ston fam!ly. In Ou r ry to wn o n th O IllIil son. A Now YOl'llcr. Co rd Meyc r. Il,, ~ Ilu r.c ha sed til entnl rrom Rohel'! S . LI\'lngs lIln. a gra nd 0 11 o r t ile or lg' Inal I;tollort S. I.I vlngs t on. IIntl tll us tb re hRs passed out or l be control or th e ra mlly III · falllo us cOll ll try seat wh Ic h has be n h lel by th e m ror UPwa rd of a. cent ury. nut Il was t he cll ree r of the orl g1 Qal owne r, Col. De Venux, a mall o r mys· t r r, whI ch mad e Almont famou s 10 ~e m... ·!· throl:!:hou th country In tb os e arly Olt. wh ~ days. FIl\'ored or til e En'lIs h nobility <l I,III 't see m' Dud a prolege of t be crown, Co l. Oe r rl~ I " I ' hl ,, 's sa ke. ~nid. quietly.
~ l ln d yo. I t hings on ." ~ald Marian as ~ h 1I\II'rieti awa y. heiln sllP II rt Into hel II n ll y. Mnrslon hull of Il : hI' lto, l SRitl (lid or It 011 hl'r was d IISh U u!. PU l her hond ab"!'nt Iy In to one IlockrlS. [Ifill ilrew 01l t nn nve' Loo ldng down at It th e (lr 'nml · In her eyps slowl y gnvc place n Ilew lld er tI II'ontl r. It wa s ad ureas d III hel' ow n wrItin g to ~l(1 rtJlo rl HIl p;I1l's! SlOwly. with r ol a IIn ll'ers lhnt tr 01· bled anti (IIUlb l!),1 nggray atl ngly, Bile openo,l t he envelope nll ll .,took Ollt t he sheet of paper Il1s ld e. "Denr ~·I arston ." sbe rcal!. " hc{w 110e~ a young mp ll pro poso OI L n ll ~ " . IIddpllly he gay n l it tl e stru ngled EO rl of ('r)' -a so b a nd luugh millg lp.1I In It. h!! snt dow n s Ulille nly 011 the neA l'Pst ~hnlr: Bbe lr mlJlcd so t hllt I he Hbe t of nole'naper Ilhook III her hanil . T h n wIth n rush t he JOY :tllll rolor rrune bark 10 her fa 0 : ~he ro;:o and , go ln!!, across \.0 hel wrltln g· tuhle. Bb Ilnloel, crt a draw cl nud. lakIng. f r m It n piec o f nole· pa l)OI' HCl'O'w lert 0" r wit h thl('k smudgy \vrltlnp;, went back to ber hn lr nn .1 reatl It t h,·ough. " n's m ine," s he whl!;perecl; "minea ll mine." She gill'S n lillie ha ppy sOtl nntl. leaning back. rested It I agnl nsl t he paper. dnshed ott nn In co her nf not: .' [ wa n t to e you at once. Oh . I Ilm so sorry. ' lease come. Ma rstondo come at once. "S HEILA ." Ho IlUlll e about ha,lt·past ~hree, " You I"antetl t o s~ m 1" he 's nld . Tbe cold court sy oe hIs tone braGI\c1 her. Wh en Rhe nnslVe,'cII , he r voice . wns as steady as hIs. "1 want to elrplaln s omething.:' . s he sold.
y colli ont.
Ilf/!tOO: Thanks for lelter. sorry ' ror yon- yoll do It so nt It will dobcOluUfnlly for In m slory. I could never ono like It myself. I did you bad s o muell eloquence. It'll be compensation tor your .,.,hen YOIl se YOllr lelter In the Maid,' In 'The ~rescentP !leerely. . "SHEILA DESMOND."
Hung down her pen wltb an s igh. I you get on 1" Marian 'oa lted.
[mposslble to Oet Employment, . . Face and lJodJ' Were Oov.rell wltA C .. ugers. De V"aux '3 al oo['R alw,"YB SoreB~ured by Cutlcura. cam e IIn(1 I' coy r of d,l lrl;n <!ss and th e unloadIng WIlS 8UI'T ~)ulI(l o d wltb ""'I"co tlto year 18!J.\ ) hn ve been troll' the d" <' \IeH t m YI!L(·ry. H e broug ht bled with n '~ry I,nd en"" 01 C"7-<" II" whiob , ho,'c "Pent hundred. of duUnTS tryi ng to fl'om Ih .. 'Vesl Inlll 8 a co rps or no.nre . and I w nt to tIl' h o~pi l al , bllt thcy tl V!!S all 8 1 0~" ur se r vllllt.. whose fatled II' ('UI' me. Dud i ~ wn9 getti ng Illet 1I,ILy It WB!' to It ep lbo Inquls· \I'M. ni l the t i1ll ' . j,'h,c wecluo a ltO DIY wife Iwught n lJo o< of 'ulicurn Oil\lmClIl It lve !lit hi s pos~e!'!~ l ou8.. When h e <:nm o luto tJD8~esel:>~ or n.n(1 (Inc uk!! or ( 'u ticurn :O:onp, nnd I nm plc""l'<i to ""V (hnt I alii now cpmplHc ly Ih e ll udRon .. iv r prop I'ty. nL-mlt a c UI'~d mI(l \Vei l. I t ' 'I'll" Ilnllo .~i hl· fltr me h un dl'ed a ll il tmy or lil ·IOft tiCI'II tn o:ct cmlll oymc\lI, n. my facl:. hend nud r oundi ng. the ma nSion hull ~('e n hody II cru cO\'{'rcJ wit h it. Tho e"zemn t nJ11'I'nrcd nn Ihe tup of m\' he.d . " nd cleu r rI. The rest was It ,!tlll"a rnr· £iitr, Imrt worl<ed oil the wily nrou n (l tlown ' e~t o f hllge ollk uu ll b lc: ~,?ry. w hIc h lhe 1,,,,,1< tti Illy lI ~rl< lind or"ulI<1 t o my was carefully tlr 8 ' rvcd hy thl' I.iv· thront, dow n my budy nnd nl'ountl lh. I n~sto n f amil y. und thl!rCl l'Cl11O lnfi hi"M. 1t il"IINt $0 I w )ul(1 be ohllge.l 1.0 ' IICrotch il. IIn tl th e fl e.h "'rut row. r OUI to·day so me 200 ner s of v irgin rores t. now ni l well. nnd I will be plcnpctl 10 Dc Veau x mn rr l~" ;Vii s!'! ntlHirln o ,,!!collllllen,1 t he 'ulicur" Renled ies to 011 Vel' P lun l(. whose lutb or was on ot IIcrKQ:'. who wi.JI 1\ "Peed)' Rnd permnnen t tbe wea lthIest Dutc h .S{:lLI r8 u long <lI re flf .kin diF n~s. 'l 'homus T>r. UO~8 i· Icr. 200 P rospec t a reet., li:nst Orunl:e, N. t he Hull ·on . nnd In the IU !l~r Y()llfR :J •• Mar. 30, 1905." or b ls life mlnS-led' In tile Moclety of th e plae to II conslderahle u('gr e, Ski ddoo' an ti hiS ma nsIon ca me l(l be a heild T he YOllng man w as lr)'ln g to tll lnl, Qua rt ers ot royal hos pitalit y. The o r so methIng I~e to say w hen t h e olll Va ll Al en mons lq n Iv as Im pr ove d youn g woma n sUlhl en l)' spoko up. In prl ucoly sty le. II was o( brick an.1 "By the way. ~tr . ..Ingerlon!:,'· phe. sto ne. l OOxiiU te t . l wo stories In said. "I tri ed to coli YOU . U P by teleh Igbt with a rtistic porticos and phon e tbl s morn Ing. but 1 IIllIn 't get plll ~~as. The ma r il la s t Jls were 1m· nny r espon se. " . portetl by 0 \' ,;tux In hIs ow u .. You tried to call me ti P by telesh Ips. ph one?" III t he wall of the di n Ing r01)1I\ m'cr " \ '0 9; I wnnte d t o lisle you a qu est h ~it l e h oa nl lIw ow ne r p la ced n Ilee· tion ." () rnli On whI ch was relllarka hl . Str ips Wby. t h aven't n ny tclel.ho ne num o r soll,1 ",li ve r we re sot into I h wa ll bE' r." In such Il way us to r I)rlls nt t bo "0. :; ~ yo u h:tvc. Double six fou r wa I'es or I he 8 ' 0. n nll when lighted . f'even." UIJ e lthel' by the' Sull or froll1 tha hugo The YO.lIng man mane II rapI d mental log fi re 10 th e s lOne lfrc)l lllce ra- calculation. ~ Il'Ib leli t he !!tlln' ~ \I n on t he ')e an. " Twenty·t h ree !" he p;a~ pr d . r o~ bln g The Wil lis Dud ceIlIngs were sludded for bis bnt.-Chlcngo T l'lhu ne. wIth ~ Ih'e r hmlons. T it .. site of th A Imo nt mansi on Ki CKer by H abit. c( mmanlls a magn lftc n t vi w (or "That man b ~on to kirk tl\ ~ mlnu e m les up nd de"w n lI,i' l-iuu sun river. lle entr. red t he o mce." enid the hillel 'rhe nlsk lll mO\l ntal ns lie tll r clly ·l(\t'l~. tft:ross tho rJl'cr. Ibe Ove rluok h ote l " Yes." nn s I· ~ red lito ~(I prl~ l o r. "'HI! h Ing In plain vi e w. 'l' h lat ~'red · behR I'cs ns If b p harl 1IIw:O),1< hecn lI~rtl rlell E. Ch uroh . III his dny th e lead· o th e wors t of \-cry th lng."- \ ·:.Is h· rot Ill e so·culled H udso n I'll' r school tOl,;tOIl Star. 0 arlisi.~, _pam his s umm rs lit AI· ----~Poi nter f or Percy. monl as tbe SII 5t of th e Llvl nb"'wo s. Nell-Percy ere wus t('lII n;; m liS no plac In t he H ud son va lley fur· nl s b d such goo d mat i'la l tor t llo t.hat lIe stili h opes to ha \' til luck to win you. brus h. B lie-Wen, Per cy will fi nd Ihat It Almont wo s purohasetl by Rober t Swift U\'ln ~~ lon. th grll n dfath r . ot takes mo re thAn luck to win me. I'm Ihe I' r (l ll l I)wnel'. In Ull~ I'nl'ly I'R l't no' r:"mc.-Phllilde ljl hla Ledger. o r tit la : t c!!ntllry. He broll/(bt t be cl col'~d ' porliu u of lhe prOper lY to 0. hl ~ 1l 'tu of culll \·atlon. and t h ~ f rtlte licree we re cove t (I with tin l) orcha rds aod "ney al'd s, Th e wine cell a r In t h olt! IIIII n310n WIIS ~ al d to Ila ve been gtoell d with t hc tln eut wIn es. T be famo us olrt m.a n slo n waR burn ed In 1 i , le,l\'ln g olll y l he old fa rm house anll ba rns standIng. Wh Ue the tire was roglog Mr. Ll yl ngl!to n tlelzell n r ow l;1ar nud r us hed luto I be lild lng room to ·try to !lavu th sllvor stud tlefl' p lctn re. hilt wus lJompe lle d to re lr(, Bt. T be wall s at t1le rul n~ ura st! II stundln g.
TH Ji:
Veanx was g1v n cons ld mble grants ot lunol ' ln S out h arol1na. ~ul 80011. tor r aBons Hes t known to hl ms If. h e p'ur hosed from oe n. J ohn Arm· stro ng. DC I'C \'Olu llol1u ry t UllIe, hi e cou nl r'y' seat In lJutchess oun t y kno;<\'11 n~ Almon t. Appa rently poss ssell or li mit! ss w eu lth no ()OO of h Is ne'lgh bors cilred t o Inqulr Its eou rce. fo r D 'v allX hroug ht wIllI hIm Int o tho henrt 01 thill cenlel' of lh .) old ur lste>cracy n r pUlutl n as a duell'ts t Rn d fi re a Iel' which r\1 ~cou rag'ed unel lie Cll r losity ol)Ollt h i atrulrs. He had be n com · mission oJ by [he rown 10 s uppress ·sO me of t h e re bellions In t he Ber· mudna null ,other Eng l sit tip n de neles In t ho Woill Imlllls. ana caJllureli II. num ber ,<If t be .forts wllich were III rebell ion. Re prod\lellool! of tbe fons 80 Dplll r d were afterward cut In slone lind · adoM) 11 tlle mant els In the old ma ns Io n of Almont. De \ eall)( ¢hose Almo nt. liS bls pe nll!l llell t h ome 1Il0re o n account or t ho goot! an chorn p;e c911 d th e s he lle r for 'li ls s blps provId ed by t be d~ep "ove 10 front of Ole pro per t y. unfl baclt of lhe · Island. n ow Itn ow n a s
CO·pt. Mork CnstQ w ns b<>f ng co ngratIIl lltod on his gltt } of 41 .500 [ro" the Ca r neg ie h ere '(utld for bray ry In the wrcl' k o f lho Cherokee. r ei utes the Ne w York tfrlbun e. "Tb l! gift wns un r.xp ~d d," t! n l ~ 'II1\. Cns 0 wllh a modest smjlo. "It "" US nB .Hl OXp ·cted. t ho ugh by no III ans ns unpleAsan t, tlS t h e r e lort tllllt a wI fe m:lde to ber h u ~ba n d wh l' n he c~me bomB at th ree o'clocll In t he nlDrulng. . " The m ~n ram a home I'ery qu I tly. Tn fuc·t . he oo lr ort h is ~hoes o n th e front doorste p. l" h~ n h unl orl(c(l the lIoor nn d w"llt e:1ll1lously tlnd I; lowly II p''t:Ilrs on hIs tiptoe. boltllng b ls br nih . " Du t lip;b t was .lream lng t hrough t h kllphola of thl) door of be bell roo m. With IL sl.o:h he pnu s~(1. Tben he opened the dool' I\n,1 ente red. " H1 8 wife 5 ood by th e 'bureau fllll y dreMec1. " I Oldn't expoct ,'oll'd I) ~I tt l ng up for me. my dO.H,' he sa id. " '1 blll'eo 'l been ,' sh e sllld. 'I ju st cam e In myself: " SOINTILLA TIONS.
Double deolln g ends In divided dl\·l· dend s. Our seeklrig alwn)'s secures His sendin g. As soon as a nati on becomes bearl· loos its case Is hepel MS. Codfis h eult ur Is Il r ve r ca m pi te un· til eO DScl(\nce Is kill d. E " cry time you Pllt "It an y new life Eome old leaves d ro ll all'. Slan der Is bad br luh: Its ev ltlence a pplies only to Its so u r~c.- R a m ·s Hpro. T h cTO ore two klr"ls ur men. tho se wh o Ill . I.e a WOUla n hnpny berore m :~ r r illge and those who muke h er h npl)Y lifter. anll 'he ge nerally picks the i1l'st [(Ind.-N. Y. P r(!ss. l·lTFl. I'll.
- --.....IS
V itll ~ JJU1l1' C
nnd all Non'ou,
Jll\rutn l\ ~ lltl r ~ lIrN I lty Dr. Klill ~ 's
N Ql'\q H C:1 tClr<!~. ~f' r al for Frel.! $"~.'JO tria l hOUll! il ncl t1'1'111 i"c. JJr.' It. IT. KIi!l~. Lil" 93 1 "uJ fl3:.t "\I'eh ·t .. Ph ilod~l(lh i[l, 1'...
() j' ''lI t
NOthI ng comes so nca r to " censure" as "good ndl' lre. "-.hldge.
A CRitiCAL · INTELLIOENTWOMEN PREPAI& Dani'eMl and Patn otTbl1l Crlttoat ~ Avolllttd bl' tbe Ose or Lydia JL ..... bam'lI Vei'litable Compound. Bow mally_ milD ..e allao tha' Lhe most erltlca1 pe riod in • w~ mlln's exillteD_ is t.ho chaD(I'e of Ii fe. qou that tJi. anxiety felt ~'!I-~-1': women aa th tim e' draws lIear is n ot withou' r ea son? II h r sYRlcm Is In II. de r an ged eonal- . tlon , or sh • is p recU.s po~ed to apoplexy or co ng estion uf nn y orgun , i t is atthll time Iil, e ly to \)(!eOl1le nellv anj!. with " hnht of n er vous ir ri Lations, mako lU. a IJllr,lcn . A t th is t ime. nlsf) . cltne rs nnd tumon arc m ore lin hi" t o begl u' Lh e ir destruotjl'e worl(. Such wa rning symptoms aa ... 8 ns' of s u ffocatio n. b o t 11 8.811e81'.dl.. zl n e s.~, h ~n(\ n cll • dren<l of Impendl1l. viI. &OlI nlb in th o e nrft . timldlt..v, pnrpit II tlOH of \J ,ll h Cl\.l't, sp ark s l)efoNi the (·.I·CR. irr-c![ul liritics . con stipl1t lon, variahIe nppetite. we aku esa and inquietude [II" PI' ,m pt.l y hecrled b y ,lntellli~Il' ",6ml'0 wh o lire n.ppl'on.ching t bo porlOd o r life wl l n WO IDIlIl'S grea.t IIIny b e ex" · . We bali 'v' [,\'lIla E. Pinkham'!SVe,t ...blll ompoll'n d is t ho \\'orl d's great.. ('st r emedy fo r women at tbls tryln. period. I. yll in E. P inl, ham's Vcge~a.ble Com· polln.1 im'igo rntes ILDtl strength cns tho r 'male o r!(un is lJI. Dud b u ilds up ·tbe weukencd lIervo us system as uo othor lIIec1icill(, can. 1I1rs. A. IJ O. flvl o nd, 01 Chestertow o , lII ll , iu a. letie r to Urs. Pink· ham. SIl YS : Denr MM'. Plnkbnm:,. I hnd I n outfel'ing ...ll h n. \11!!f1l11cem.I:\" for yenrs ami wn~ possi,,\:.thl'ough t bo ch!1n;_ of lite. ) hutla b(lOt\ dCpl of .fjQ~ n "",,. dIu., SWIlR, h IId oche!;. aIllI wns very IIcr\,()\l9. 'i wr" YOIl ( " " nlh'ie nllll ('OllunC11 ~ t l1lCltm nt witb I. ,·din E . J'i ultl lOm~§ Vl'gcl.nbl_ Cum pound u, you !lh·""tOfI. lllld I happy to,,",), lhnt nllthn."di"' I " ·~lng sym ptom.l~ .. e, and I hUI'" pl ' t KrI[ througb th_ , clll\ng or lila u. wuU wouuu •. " . I),u l' peeia l lld vicc regardi ng t his imPOri llot p ·ri 1\ women a re invited to w rit · to ~I r_ . 1' in l(h am, Lynn, 1Iro.l& Sh is daugh ter.jn-lll w L ydia ' E. Pillkhnlllllnll fo r t weo ty.·6veyenra hal b' n nllvi ~i ng sick wOluen . free of han; . Hcr ad viee is free alld alwII.1. h elpf ul to a iling w omen :
The KInd You BaveAlways Bo~gh~, aDd 'whJch _ bet\D ·'in . use for Gver 30 years, has borne the. sJguatDro of and has becn.m adeunder hJs personal supervision lIiDeo its~. • Allow-no one tOdecetve j'ou In thI-. All Oounterfelts. imitations and "Just-os.good" are bufo . Experiments that trtfte with.n:!d endangcr tho be'n1th ot Infants and Ohildren:""fupcrienco against ~crfmeut.
~ ~
the Wife Had Been Out, llItaybe Not, the EfffICt WLt! the Same.
' INI' AN h.thLD·RJ. N Tbal the life of lhe pro fesRlo nal hAll \ st r ung lot th a n th o overage lolk, player Is no t Lbe soup th at \ln thlnklng Th eY' ve go t lO be high strltn g to be Promotes Digeslion.Chl!enultans: a re WOnt to . speedy. There are tlmel! whl!n ball .ness and Rest-Contains neilber . believe will rea a- players o-r a \I are as n.ervoull lind peevOpium,Morphine nor Mineral. lIy be seen when Ish an d fid gety nn d ha rd to deal with CastOria is a ho.rmless 8UJ>Stltnte Iileator on. PaN- . NOTNARCOTIC~ all thll dlsogl'l'ea- as a bunch o r babies on nn Immlp;rant "Yes' " Boric, Drops and Soothing ~Yl'IIP80 It Is Pleoaimt. Iii teatures lu traIn. They become J.rn I'el RO re. Tbey ble There was 8' pnuse. eontalD8 . neither Opium, Morphine Dor 'other Narcotlo wit II a lwa ys travel In th e bes t slee pers . ot "I- you see-the editor ot 'The H--""oIC'"+IH-~ ,.,;.D>"Ol!lJ1rS.4Ml'1i1.Pl'1r Bubsmnce: It.s age is its guarantee. It destroys 'Wonna bls I)rofesslo n a re course. but It.ts mnkes n cO ll1pnraU\,ely Creseent' -b e- be-I mean l se nt II aDd a11n.ys Feverishness. It cures Dlarrhooa and WlDd 't a keb InlO "ollslCh sm a ll diminution of th e IIlscomlort short s tory to him and b e liked · It. hut CoDe. It re.Ucves Teething Trotables, cures CODstlpaflon &MJJ"IttI#oraUon. It Is dU - IVhe n tb ey're vI rtu a ll y travelin g all tbe -be-be sald-" . ~: . ' time. The g reat ma jority of h!lll pinyand Flo.tu)eDcy. It assimilates the Food,. regulates ftllulL evl'm lor !!XpertB to un· She stopped nnd d'r ew Ii deep breath. Stomach and Bowcl.~, gIving- Jlca1thy nod Datlimlll1eep. ders tand ju st how the IIlamond ~tarY ers-ns m a ny as 19 out of 20-smolte. Sud"Ro sold-m y bero's love-makln gcontrlvo to keep In l.'Ondlllon during Not only that, but mamy of t1\ em' ThO Children'. Panacea-Tho Mother's Friend. . ~rrr. was not real- and- snd-'s pecJallythe pl nrlng season . In res pect to tbIJ smoke during all their . wnkln g hours the-the letter h e wrote-proposl ng-" eted \Ind Int.ense 8tl'IIIn ·baseba ll wh en th ey' re not plnylng boll. Worse A.~cci Remedy forCoJLCi!lpaAcrol!.~ th~ silen ce this time biG plnyers' endure without a lUu fmur. yet, Qulle a lot. of them s mol( s ' clgalion. Sour SIOlllllch.DiarrhOca words cut sht.l'plY. wl t bout broak lng· down a nd generally re tt e~. But smOlllng. even Inl'etcratll \\'orins·.CoriVi..llsinns.fewrish"I hope I helped YOll there." wllbout detriment to their s peed' and smokin g. does n·t. seem to bOlller th em ness and Loss, 'F SLEEP. Suddenly bel' fortitud e'. ga...... o::oay. oIl Ilround ability, lhey a re the most' or Interf re with th eIr ~peed. But nut A despaIring lItlle cry broke trom lier: remorknhl e nnd ut tbe s ame lime the mony of the m drln~ . Tbl:s tact ought fDoC simile sign! 'tUre of • "Oh, ~;arston. you're OInkIng It so most pu zzling hotly ot lIthletes In t be 1.0 be beUer known: Son:e ball pl'lYers · hard for me !" world. Tbe wonder s bould not bf! ,hat wbo hardlY' know th e t.'lFlte III drink Fte was besIde h er In a moment. He bllse ball pla yers occaslonully Buffe r have the r e putation ' of be'l ng drinkIng took her bsnds In his. ' from charlllY horse nt criti cal perIods men. Bu t Ile re we have t.he combina"I'm BOrry." bc sBld, remorsefully; 10 th eIr teulD' s fortun es. but thnt they tion: Th extreme fnU gue"Dt almost In"come and s it down." are not ·harley· horsed all the tlUh1. In ces~a nt tra vel. no dietary ~ YM em whotHe settled her gently In to chair, tile first place. (he tra veling port ot tbe ever, smok ing on the part of almost put a cnsblen behind her head. tllen busIn ess I~ a o eXlremely Irksome prQP- a ll. and pretty la Ic hOllr!! for a good . softly: osition for t he busi?ball playe rs. The mnny, nnd yet thepe boll playing athtMC el:MTAUA CO.,... Y. ~? IIU'U!;AY .TRltt. WEWYO •• lOllY_ "Now tell mc, Sbella." gre t mllJorHy of them. except the Tlew letes. 'unllll e any other known kInd at (. "I wrote 'to yo.i......,1 asked ' you to players taking tbelr first look at th l) athl et.e. go r Ight on playing the !;llme, ~ ~. ~ wrlto-e'ee, h ere Is the lelter." cIties. hute tbe travelin g port of thl! keep in g lu condition . a nd (Iellverlnlf He took It 'l\nd read It throllgb. tben jobs willi a deadly and v,ltrlo,lie bntreO. the goo ds. 'rhe one condllslon must g1anQild bllolt to. th . date. J . as well thor mlgbt . The ,,"erage bllse· lie thnt th ey'r a mi ghty nlgl;ed and n11llpam. , "00 QO," be said. "You dldn't po~t bo.ll plnyer takes bls traveling 0 <;real hearty 10l o r men .to s tart wltb, alA Certain Cur. for TIred Hot Achln"• F.... C\". C> AdUr .... thill. Why?" . deal horder th un the av(\rnge mao . for tbollgh /;I gr eat many of them <!?n't . , . ' ~ 1I. 0Imlt.<.'iI. ball pla yers ti re 11 mu cb more " .bIAhl}, loo k II . DO NOT 'ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. o.a 0fC'1 bOL Lollol.N. Y. . His f~e wl\8 os white as hers no~. . . "I thought r had. J took It to tlle post-It · was In . my ,Ilocket-I-I reo THOUGHTS FOB QUIE'!' HOUR. W i Percy Skillen, tho crack Dartmolll'h The Game of B~ebal1 in England~ member now that tbere was n circular' pltcber. hlds fulr to malte the best rcc· . From th e potnt of vto'w of A m o r - . . . ~l ~nflamed,ulceratedOlndcatarrha1.eol)o , th e "'a me or bns ebaU playeJ In Don t . call the world dIrty becaulle dl tlons of tht; mucous membrlUle'suCb. . . loans. too-I, was In a hUTry-1 went to tbe ord of any of ~he .. you have forgotten to clean 0 r ' nas:lI fatarrb,'Uterlnec:atarrh e.u• •; wrong pocl;et-J dhb't notice In 'tbe college pitchers In tbe suburbs o( London tbe otber rlay · . Y u by feminine Ills, ..sore throat. 801'0 dhsk-" be t wee n " teum' co mposed of Ar.:Ier· gWO E'S. mouth or Inflamed eyes by simply the eust t1llR sea: \elln Rh odes scholllrs at .Oxford .lild I If your rellslon Is ot tbe kInd that dosI ng the stomach: "Shell,,;" be came close, lils .volce eon. He nlrc,ldy one mod e liP mainly of En glish [Mt- :n b~ eas ily hldllen It can as easily Womenea nnot poss!bly be But yo u surc1y'c:m cure these stubbol'll . was hoarse. "yOU thoeght my lette'r hns won th e f·Jur ba ll plnye rs, was I:Ot n thin g to rave Tl os. I • • affections by local treatment with • was In answer to )lours?" games thft t h e !las o\'er. bu t It ser ved to slg n ali 7.o cred):Ie on y r ea son !!Orne men won t go strong, whil~ suffering from Paxtine A~tiseptfo uYea." pltcb ed. 's hu tt illg i ' I t' I t.' t I t he to lhe church Is because they are not Itn bl y t h "Then. Sbella, you dldn't know mine out the strong. e rev va a n ,_re. n Invited Into the pulpit. any of thediseasespeculiar which destroys the disease gemis,ehee~" was rea~?" sport In E ngland. The o ffi clnl ~roro If you want to ma ke a rIch ' mnn . h ardy I'ellres fmtud lschnrg es, stops pain. and beals the She shook h er bead. was 19 to 7. In fnvor of the colle!;.ans. 'inderstand yo u must touch his pocket. to their sex. E;'ven if you do Uves rrom HI.I11 in Aain mation and soreness. , He took h er hands. ' "Then will you Cross nnd Br.:-"'n. · ~ t tbou:!:h th ey mnd ~ 21 TIIns. The .lIs- book\ Dot feel weak, the weakness Pn xtine represents the most s]lcc:essful aDswer It .n<\w?" . local treatment for .femlnlne ilia evet crep nncy Is rlue to nn o vel'slgh t _oll tho The people who ar.e loo IIlZY t" preBnd beh1 the lat{er produccd. 'fhou~ ani:\s of women testif, Anti · SO she answered It tor the sec· without a bIt. · He part of the Elngllah scorer. who becamo ' pare al~'nys bave a lot to soy about 'of your ~ystelli is there, and to tlris fact. So cents at druggists. ond time. . . . beld Hurmrd do ..... n confused In two InnIngs wh en r ~1I1 8 tbfl way th e prizes ~"q distributed. is a constandanger. I Put ca me In SO thi ck alltl tasL th llt ho . , to one rlln ~ lid Send for' ·F ree Trial Liquid Oryatals. 1I('g-lected to mark up the rnlsslll,§ taI-' Every boy bas th rce ambitions bestrengtb into Jour frame kept the 1..ln:v!!rT~ R. PA:1TON c;o•• Bo.&o~ . . . . . I~es. ' fore be IInnlly settles down , HIs II rst witb When the IIlscovery of liquid crys· ~lty of Verm ~ nt . Is to ' be tho· s na re drummer In th o tals was· anoounced SOJlle 15 yetirs ag J .slug~r s 1I0wn to \'llIage b·and. The seco nd Is to be nn by Prot. Lehml1nn, many men ot Bc l- Ib·ree. He was the Two View Poln.tII. ehm. [nllian killer and scout. The third Is ence Were very skeptical on the sil b: first twirl er to om· . The twIli ght WIIS srey Rnd to be n lOCO motive engineer . Tben he ject. and tbought that some e rror elate .In a no·hlt "LIsten ," !laid the acslb"U'3 young lady forgets about them and Is ambitious must have been made by the. disco-v- game tbls senson. In a t~nse VOice. "'Hear the howllng I)nly to .make a living. ere r. It wall po1nted ou~ tlliit the un d . ·t h e ~tl1 nt of the winrl among the bure anll very name "liquid \lryeUlI''' '11'1\9 selt· has been repeated tremblhl g treeR. See how Illourn!ul' Ingenuity of tb.e Lazy Chnlus, SKILLE !'I. contradictory. More recently. how· only once since. lies tbl' walllng lig ht on tho IIlstant 'I'here Is no doubt that ' the Rverag~ Prof. Lebmann. assoolated wIth Last year •. whllec pitching for the hUl,.. Oh, does It not makll you feel loater dIsplays cons iderable geniu s In Sellenek, tras continued and, ex· "green," he defeated Amherst. Holy tbat In life there Is too Dlluch of ·cold. keeping out'of n· JOb.-Brookft6Id (Mo.) tended the study of theBe . str.ange Cross. Geo,getown. Harvarll aad Co· too much of llletlknesB?" ·O azette. llb t'l\omena. the genuineness of wblch lumbla. Skllli!D Is a 8Outhpow, with i It lives you strcogthtw~e 1U!l.&DE1lIl o~' THIS PAPBB "Well. 00," answered the practlcal ~~~~=~;;;:;;~~~~~~~ DESllllSG TO !lUT A I!IT'l'UU>lO the.y seem to bave elltnbllslled. al. great 8peed and an excellen t assort- young man. c:mdl(lIy; "m), fat.her. YOIl ~vlln'l'lS£J) IS 111'8 COLUKSII :'you most nudit. It ~ though tbe molecular structure ot the ment of t",latera. HII delivery, Is !!O see. Is In the' COllI buslneso."-Cassell·1 mOUL» INSIST UPON B"'~ING peculiar IIquld8 eXP!lrlmented wltlt III eOHy' that be seldom bas allY trouble Journal. WHAT THBT ASK FOR. RBFU8U1G pam. It fCp1ateswmatuial oot clearly under8tood, The facte ap· with his :lrm. lind bas pItched on 8UC· ALL 8DU8T1TDTD o~ DIl'r£1'l~ pear to be that certain chemical IIq· cossfva da-ye wltbout any bad elrectl. It bas , hal No ObJection. ulde at. particular temJljlratures ex.' He Is a born athlete,'and alwaYII k.eeps blblt the 'cbaraeterlitfe ' I;rystalllne "It tbey retule to allo'l1' us to barfouocJ a most'lUCCCSSfqICurc In arst-claas condltloll . . ManP'lVpertles ot double 'refraction. and ager C(>!llnii. of the Boston Amerlcuna, ness Niagara." said tbe great trust aU the dbea ItS peculiar to dlchroiam. .llut exceeding)' smell dis. attempt8'J to .IID him wben be se- promnter. "we Iball go over aoll ' barturblnc foretil Bullies to deform the cured OIa...e lut fall. "Connie" Mack. n~ Veeuvlua." womcDo TIT It. liquid cl'18tal', ..awfrl, to their allgbt of the Pblladelpbla ·A thletlca, and tho) "Great cratersl" eX(llllll'l~eld rigidity. manap1Dellt of the Ohlcago NaUoDjlI" BlBtllllt. "Wbat earthly bave bteJ1 uellOUatiDI wltb bJIIla. and make .out of Vesuvius?" aU It Ia Ukelr that after til. collare rea''WIlY. we could run a .on fa over lie will found wIth 0110 der the AtlAUtlC. pump America beat un.·....·UQillD at
What Is CASTORIA for
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her tboughtfully. don' try, to get on 8tor».,-·l\fo\]y. tbe "YOII '1I:now the Crescent' III forget ttqee weeks Illnce be back tor YOII to olter." go out," said Sbella, ·In. j
eve,brc:lw8 rose a little. She at the thhl drl??le of rain h.6Ilvy gray 6111es. day for a walk/" sha eald. . went forth. loto' t) fe' drizzle. I1ray flg\lre, and proCeeded ,,1 walk he.r selr In~o a: s uitable or mind. She shared Central Pu.rk IVl;)rkman tor awhile, tben even away. and apparently she had to herself. Then she saw a tall fli;ltre approacll. Inr. ' , 'As be drew riear he raised his hnt. '''011. 80 you Ill'll back, Marston!" sho cried. ·gayly. ' "Will you hol~ my umbrella while I shake hands with you 1'.' ':1 wouldn't think ot troubling you." There was a IItt!e pause or horror. Her ta~e. pink as a rosobud from .the dl4Jlp all', wtis ' ral!led to ' his. like a ohild's wbo had been c bldden ror. nn llnknown fau)t. · But Shell~ was not n Qhlld. so she smiled a stl.1f IIttl!3 ·amne andI j'tt Is a nlllsan,ce'." she ngreed. Indlt• ferently. "Jlln't It a borrlble dayY"
"Yes." .
There WIUI 8 pause. ' . . "Have YO" been In to,,!n long?" abe aelted •.-.· '. "AlJout thrtle week",." "Then you have had YOllr 1111 ot thI s damp •. close ·w!lather." ~he said, ·and. 1I0i1dlfl~ 1 het . pretty bend. sbe walked
In Us-e For Over 30 'Years
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,. [0 I.I'II /llilld }Olloui~e tlne of tho llrl'H WUM t.1ll1t r ~'\ - I·.'" , "'1I111h IIlIlW,j nftt'll" II lon ~ '1 '1", ph"y"ir's CiIlH!! hu~ lIoon !trent nndMr. Lewj ~I' ' . . , .. 111 ,'I.,,'" "'li S ceiobrnt ",J ( I, :!"' lI '~' oIu ." l ~' rrn1\hlotl -by n flU sOon whiol.l .. 1 '\ ' . III 1 h .. Prol . Btll tten ga va •t,hem , Look. n t 1..' 1.. )l I W III f t III Id. ~~ IlIl" ur.., Mr tl'lo1<t\nn No;\ ill ",Not to Urtl.Ok, " U old DOllcl ,) U{In II H' g ll'e n lint.! ~ I'IJ If Y() II 0/111 h 1)1. ~he cor. H .. I 1' 1 ' II , II . IIIlIlI . with I,lt\oh III lll'll1 jll ll' ,1111, • ~~,O cuu1'1 \ II. ' " 1'1\ '11' 1·01 IlIlIl· 1\11''' ' Vin l'Pot nlll.WAf WIll h e publish ed n xt )l on ·srQ.llI'eH (!h .. Il" lit 1I1 '.'J·I3 thn n On o mOI'nlng not \, A~Y long ug " II" _'I'11f' III" "II' Il!Il ~ chordl' Try a Pair and Get Acquainted with thrill. " 1 000 pleglluD' Ul1(1 n'l,fol l'f,· Until!" ,t h~ 1 ~_ ,llI un! u~tl l'( ' h w l'nt'h h r · lIlr. BraM an gllve IL "~ry lutm' \,iug ll~ lIIiulII:\ /Ill' ,I." t':\,uMI V.-e hopi nur prlinci pnl will I.. ,. "'I" · ,, 11 .,1 1111" I'ricln l ilk Mo. ' OIl 11 '!- «If) I ~'" ~'1I1 Ii " ,. ) I ,,1\ . 11' ''',! \l ' ~ 11 ,· h,'r l 'errilll' n l () SLOOP 1Il V 01' I1S with '1 "hort '\:!\I lllll,," In /' ,11., r,J ~ IV(' h' L,.I.'IIl'II \'1\'11111 v tll:wn,lt!u the spee b. Cilolel Bunll ('ou\, u n~ \\ lth Ill! PilI' 1·,, 11111 .. A 011 ction is being tJUl~u e ilL) by chll os: 1 h . .." ,,' ''- ,\t ' I'" 'w,lntlfu·l\.; (l ()(' ·th e Ml g11 8 '11001 pupils, whioh will 'I Ot- hI Ot; Ilnl! FI1T· Mu~o ' b on, j'dd lU IJlllh Itt !( l \,' hl1 t~ , . li t to help the sohool ohildren 11"r lilt' (' p .... nl<lll:\' whioh In F rltnoisoo. Mr, JBrIltten hn tor 11ml 'al'potR : VIIU .. World's Fill r Cr'·' . I111 ' '·u r, :~ \I Jl P" I·t. ,.. I111 'c l i!.v l{,' v. Philip Trout t,be .. nn ouD au it severnl tim es befor e 'ro, HOlls(} Fl1l'llishltllX: , LOCAL AND ,,'IlV lI'fI~ 1",,\1 t n tho l1 il1ing. room the school but 118 yet tb j)' ri ll (!~ ohapped lips .T E .1H 1m e.,' to . ; Rul tOll , " '1'1'111111.\)1111 PERSONAL MENTION ",h'or" 11 guod 'I' hll uk gil'ing dinn r bBye not colUe in in 11 grelLt sbo\\' r o IIlorll : 1'( udoll '!I l!~ 1I1 r T ys I\lIfl Edwlll'o .1nme!' • ! (,OPR President· llt I he \\'u~ ~e r ve(\ 10 [I hOlit, ·10 ut t,he r ole.· This y el\r iosteud of the \V h Ie Bo nso Fl1rnishlng~. ov n ul d . 08<1 nothing but " " ' ''rltiR Fulr V"n W l>fl . Uhi,) unniuj! ('0 "1 ut· t ive ... I<ohool tIlking pllrt in 'f,b literul'Y ch,ys iu wilioh W ThE! conpon~ YOll ruciuvCl t'r nn l (.;ream " for h8ndll tlnil ,,,00 J E hoUl 01 fter /I bu ~ Ilnd p'r o~pfl rOlls MllnY lIsQfn lllnd hnnd som meef.lngH it hnl! boon (livideO into I1ny of ille IIbo';' cou(' l'l1S ciw Itil Allen. 8.. 8ewitt Jannoy e nl·s were rec;oi v (lu . A bed rooUl four Rectionll IIml t.h ey in t urn t nko be pillced in 011~ l;ook. Brin~ ~)'onr 1'llolll p. au, RIltil. etc, 'buries Frye lInd f,unil y. Hllrl SUIt tlncl lInndsnm 010 k , Mr . Aud luU'g. Elich bAS 11 nlLme flS For ReD t . Second OOllr uf J ones c, IJouk to Moso 'ohou'lI n Ilel pi le out Hibnm"nt cllo colle(\. bollding JU8t. the tbing for living Harvev Ilflll ftlmily, 'ttl y Burnt't Mr>!. Ben Hmith, p'lren t~ of tho tlon 1, "The Rileys," ' Bct,ioll 11. IIs!(le of I,he oinmercl th o l)remitllll you (10811'0. room. Inquire of Nathan Jones amI Wifl' lind Wnrra!l anu Elln I,r ide; nn e tAhl" cloth anel nllpkins "'rb e Lowells." eotion TIl, "The ~ L;A'\' T'ON Gnlllcl'~ n lind lenve is gi Deoember 1, Prof. II.nd , Mrs. Key~ 6nj "Y lld 1'hnnk Klving clny tit t m.atQh, :ltr~ Onniel ~t. J ohn Wbittl ors" nnd Section 11 Ll , "The Ill) \\' t· to ('roa lletitlOl Whittier Bnrnet weloomed to ~heir the 11I1III U of Mr,' nnd Mrs . ' Ernest moth er of III g room : hlllld8 0 Ul ~ Cornhus ke .. s . " :'The RII IIYs nnd Rhouelll \lll, odm ., 6f r\lS, Mr:l. Al ox mith J,(rondmotlier L )wells hBve m t with vor y g ood ' bomll In Vandalia, a 80n, Owen AI. liuttt'rwurth itt j n Ii v rltlYR. bert. . or tbo "Hide; frui t diSh, Mr . IIUel progrums anu dohateR . Tho Rilo.vs •.~"i ~I~ 'UlmISllI NO.s. l'ljotice to Taxpayers 1I1rt!, Roll Ross; h \Iotiful I)icturefl, [lebllted: "Ucsol" d thll t th l' t: LOTHI!S.IIAIIT~~~,<I~.~ , ::; nil u yom' \l U010 nml uuill'el<!! A Uc1Ol' on ot 111. Mi~aie8 Blanoh and Perl" Riley hlr. nnd Mrs. Will St . •tohn ; towel, sob ool bourd h ould introuuce OHlll · IlIIel we will mllil to VOII F I'cll of \\'I\S up pointed trllst .8 lld were bostell8811 W a delightful h ouse We h"ve decided to resume our wllRh basin, cups nud ohint\ fruit unl traIni ng In thi scllool. '1'he fur E cnlllll G ilpin inRllno, par'y given nt theIr plenstlnt cllun form Hr rUlltom of paVin g ttlxes aet, MI'. ' yl vl1n M.nrdls Iintl family ; I"owells debateu: I'Reso lvetl t,hat cbllrgo u cnlnlog llo showing 1I pn.r· Andrew J hnsou VII J oseph tilll list of preminm :.!. W WIll ulso Uy home from last ' tlaturdllY until ,throll ,!h \)t\nk . Thosll who wllnt us Il\ml), gIll s ditoh pitcher IInd :. w jre we C!1on leurn morc from rllllding giv~ you f\ book wl ~1\ *1.00 worth Hul o 'S uttletl IIUd eli St:il I ~Bed . Monday . The guest,g were MIM ~e!! to 1111 ." 11, .. lr taxe,. will Jll e tl~e leave rlisb cloth , Mr . Barry St. J ohn lind thnn f rom trn veting. . Uirum ~ . Stllntsoll VI:! Chc rl~ A . ot conpons Free tl~ 11 tutor. Anna Bond, Dayton an~ <';llIrn Mllr thpir nKffl HII, m oi l6Y ILDd rand reo fl,\Dl ily; fine linen table cloth, Mr . Tho Whitti ~ rs aro pr pUI'iul-( for Ande rson et~ 1l1. Pllrtitlon ord red' -----~ahaU, Middletown and MtI8i4rt< Ourl o"i pi" "I t he Citizen" Bnnk . nnd Mrs. Elmer Ellnlhnrt ; et of th ir meeting D 0, H . 1906 . IIml .fohn Il:. RobIn on TboUlI\!\ Killer, Franltlill. Howard lIod Ar J . N. ~JeMM !'I, ClIsh . ingravl'd tumblers with nome of :\1isses IJu ollll UOI:ne1l and Stolll\ ~{y Ie \. UlIU hnrl s P enQell rEl allpoln.ted Bold Collett. ·Harvey,. hurt,; H nct bride, Mr. Rnd Mrs. Lester Smith; Lem on viMlt·ec1 the soh ool one nfter· 'oulrnissioners to malte B I~ld pl,r· For Sale. Warte~ Keys. . ,~ nice rug, Tdr. and Mrs . Edgor Simp· noou this week. kins; towels, Mr. f\nd Mrs. Curl Mil hll ry store, including stock JIlt IDd Mra Georltt' W H .. nkle !:)mith; handsqme rug, Mr. anel Mrs. Nuts to Cmck ll1ith. DIvorce gnnted. had &8 thatr lueste ~ .. ndItY R M and fixtures of all klnus Owner Heber Perrine ; fine set of dishes, Frpm time to time iit thiR colmnn 'Iimulll A. Ellis Vii Jnme W· 103:)7, Dote and ",lfe, 0 L Dnll e nnd flllq. d8l!1rtl" fO retire Mr. Clint R088 and fllDlily ; linen under above h eadi ng will be glveu Ellis 1 epl.l" tuen. 111 and Mr and Mra I:!IIm\ud Henkle lift!! U M WRITIC table lliotb, Mr. W/l.lter 8~wyer; questloda, problem" and brain teus ~r,lIt of Ohio vs Georg HeneKe, towels, MisS Cora BI1Y; towAls, ers generlLlly . Try ~~ our hood Ilt LJf rendunt founel n ot gllilty Mr . lind Mrs. J 08e11h l:!a wyer ; fine answering them. ~oleotel l Answer s .ft lin H'lrrl Ol) et 01 vs i'he Eligle h&nl\ embroldereel oushion, Mis will be llUblished. "elld your I1n· PUPC l/" Il t ILl Third report of swers to "'&lbool Editor ," Lo k Box JenDle Nicholson. (~ "O. A Bl1 r1" r .OO1.V r is r eoel vpd. Was the bellers there? Just ask 53, Wnynesville, Ohi o. Il Pjlrq l' rI lind 0 Dfirm 1. Rool'liver 1. A uroV'f! r bought 20 COWfI lind the boys. i'l ' orr!lIrall' to diblrlbute ;b,Llnnoe 30 oxen for /111500, H e sold hi ' co'''s IIl.ll1 ~ I!Ul1tiH "monn ting t o "I:llitl 15 for * 2 1 liO per henll ; bis ox n lit Concerning former til ,\lu'l! 'W I lIor~ .1I "" 11 0 1, ind e bt· l'Ll I" I!tI" tl I' It III unt, tbau Weir 8"'ple and Fancy Grocerlee, Frnlta Residents. $37,50 per hend and ,gulned I · MDl lIoh as 1 cow tlnd 1 'ox cost h im . Find dl \' hl 1Il1 wUllitl ,m"unt to tlH.hl Vegetal;JJes and Canned Goods. r\~c 1\ r sun il ill I~ qUill report uf The Oommeroll~l nnd Finllnolal prico per hend of ellch. Cigars and Tobacco. 2. Bow muny mltlts in the Unit· ~n 11 rllpllt· Illlfl iJe 11111\ ~lInd f\llly World, of New York, reocntly oonLl.!..ohrtrgeu . talned an artiole oovetlng more od States? Loca.te them . "~IlS never AO lurge lInd for ,~u ri · ~ha.n Ii page relltting to the 'l'riple 3 Wbnt is tqe slgni'fic!u.tion of num PROllATE OUlt'f. · Phone 19.' C. M. BROwN, Pr~prietor. State Investment Co. of <-'hnrJeston bers in shoee,' buts, cellars, wire, ety it f nnexoalle 1 tit prioes witliiu p ens, peuollsnnd I,hrend? the r each of A .II. I m et 1111 Mmpe· ILl nllltter of th e:!tll t!l and Kanawh~, Wes' Vlrginin.. titlon from whlltev r SQllrc it mit)' B. Thirkl Id , deCetl8ell. ---,.....-----------~-----~-______ The formation of this Company oomo, Itt the AAme Imd In mAllY t.i u of ILellllini8trlLtor . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!!_ baoked by ample capital is of local How They Spent casell lower prices 1 ( U with u view Pat'k~ , 'lJrOp rty is 0 interest beoause Mr. O. W. Morton sold. Thanksgiving. to retain your pntronllgo . who was formerly oseooiated with Estate ell AnDu t:iobfhei!ling minor An C;lxoellen t tim 1·0 selec, II thinl Ilnd !lultl ncoonnt filed oy Jamell t:ltoops here in· the real es· Mrs Ca.therine Keever, Mr Elmer wlLt.oh And hll vo it luir! nWl1y for 11, g na rdinn Wilhelm ' ill Sohmeislng. tateflrm of Stool'S and Mor·ton is Keever, Mr and Mrs Ed' Brown lwd Ohrl stron . pr sent , . ome in and Esta te of Frn,nk . ue\lllm ; a8slgnor Secretary of the Company. Mr. Mort:m bas been remarka little chlJd, Mr and Mrs Ed Kptter· see 'my ~took y U IIrf fllwllYS weI tIl' t IlDd fin ul ac uut filed · for set Mr a.nd Mrs Wm BergdaU ' llnd oom tlement QY ~s Igo olt J . Butobln.S ilk Pettieoat&: One special for $5 that cannot be bly snooessful sinoe Jellvlng Way· man. nesvlile six years ago and has be- Mi- land Mrs Samuel Henkle u.te T. B. Custer, Jeweler ·on . , exeeUed. come Il powl'r in tbe dnanoltl1 off· Thanksgiving' dinner with Mr and of.FellX'&. W elto n. eleceaR. Es tl\te Waynesville, Ohio. airs of his state, bei~g one of a Mrs George W t Henkle ed . Robert h,l. whlln uppointod ud· group of men who are doing so ~Inir.hlltor with bond of *"000. D R AndersOn wos made ha,ypy At the Churches muoh in developJng the t:-emen· by t·he arrivfl.l of his wife from J . .M. Thompson, W. B . In.okaou l':Iext Sunday nnd JILY Reibold appuinted o.pprals. dous resouroes of West Virginia. A WESTERN WON.DER. Indiana a.nd they ate 'rbo.nksgivlng There's a ' ~ill at Bi>wie, Tex., The Commeroial and Finanoial dinner together at tile home of Mrs M . .E. ers. that·s· twice os big 118 la8t year Age In connootl<1llwitb its wr~teup Ella McKinsey AlrsJAnderson will . $1.00 buys nice quality. BundBY ochoo l ILt 9 :30. 'ermon Est~te of JamEi Doherty. rteceas This woneler i8 W . L Hill. of the Co. says of Mr. Morton: Mr. here this winter . LO 30 : Snbj c t.. "The two kind of eu; Ellen Bridge Doherty apl>oluted frOlD II. weight of' 90 pounds C. W. Morton, tbe Secretary, hits g rown ~o over ]80.. Be says Jess Cla,rk had , with h er Miss FaUh. " Epworth Len ~ue adminis tratrix at '200 bond. rooms~ been looated In West Virginia for from Wedne"day until MondllY h er Topio, " A Qcln.tion unto IIh·lition." , Estate of ThomllS ·ReecJ,. dooellsed. Imffered with 1\ tt!rriblo cough, over.' six years and 18 thorougbly little nleoe nnd nepbew fr9m Oincin Leader, ~lr8: l\'lt~bel FltTr . Evening First' llnd flnnl ncconntflled by W . <looters gave me up , todle of These are growing in favor each season. sumpt,lon. I WliS reduced toO 90 converBRnt With the 000.1 and tim- .nati , Maroin. a.nd Louis Clork uddress nt 7. Snbject: :' The 16nr B. Rc t1 ndmlpistrator . when I began taking DI7 . ber deld, having been over them Tapemy. , $12 75 $15· 00 Velvet $2000 $30 00 Miss Lydia Oonard. matron of- the horses of di ffo rent colors." Every Es tate of ,J . C. Reed, (leoellsed. New Discover y for frequently In different oapaolties, Friends Boar ding Home '~ nj oyed body [Illide welcome lit t.hese , Olift' Reed nppointed adtninilltrator couRbsand oold. Nbw. Bod, ~Ia $25' 00 . $35 00 Ingrain $500 $800 12 bottles, I more th&l:l and' gives bis peraonol supervision ThanksgiVing hoHdays . with rela· services. at $LOOO bond . , late ' . S 00 In wllight and am completely to this business. Mr. Morton Is tivea at, New Vienn". ST. MARY S Cl!URUH Est-Ilte of David Lashloy, Imbe . Only 8ure Congh and OOld young, able and popular, and the The seoon d Sn rielll in Advent, eile, Inventory filed by guardian, G uarrl\nteed by ' Ii'. C. Si1k~ Mi~s EVil Davis who teaohes lit Deo. 9. Mornin g prayer and or· thorougb 1JUsinesll training . Druggl8t. 50, lind 11.00. I . New Burlington wus home for m on ut 10 ::10. Even ill g l1rn-yor flnd Geor J(e W . Hawke . be brlngs to bear is espeolally fflle , addrass at 7 p. 10 . ubject of .ad· E tlLte of W. B. Witham', d~ea8. Chiffon newest all prices, silk 37 1.-2c yrd wide $1 ThaD ksgi ving. ullble in the important office which d,re ~s i "'rb Judgement." ' und.IlY eel. First IIccount filed fnr sel·tle. Miss DonnR Hllwke WIIa the guest ohool at 9 ao u. tn. Yon 11rO!D· tllent by .J. Lee'I'hQmpson odmlu\s 'b e now holds . Be has worthily Dr. M. A. ShCllemllker of Lebl1nro friends '" ited to th ose ser vlcllR , All seutfl earned the respect ond goodwill of trlLtor, Veterinary Surgeon' Rev ()aliwulJllder oondhoted spec- fre ' . the most substantiaI'lI.nd oonserVII· ~IAIlR'AOE 1110 C!lNSES. tive member of the oommunit-y and ial service at St Mllry 's ohnrch , and Dentistry' . Lewis . St. Jobn, ~3, of Waynes· is 1\ man whose business caplLolty T~llDks g i v lng morning A MIRAOULOUS aUH.E. . Mr Ilnd Mrs .J H UolemAn nte T he follow ing stutement bv H. ' M . vl11e to EdnaS. Smith, 17, . Waynes. Phone.92.2 rings . . makes him Invaluable to any under· vilie Rev. O . Trout. . of AC\tlUlS nnti w ise, Henrlotte, Pu . will turkey with M r IIlnd Mrs Lester taking with which he ,oomes BSSO· Wa~esville, Ohio. int,r e!fl: ]llll'en ts nncl other s. ~'~ mil" Frederick M. Hutchiuson, 20, to alated. Crnne, of Urbllna,. f\nd remnined ooulous oure hns ttlkeu place In our ''''''':~M~',f'; Doro ~hy ~ . Heif 19, both of Leb~n. until MunuBY home . Our ohi ld bud eozema I) yeBrs on, Rov. G. E . Gowely. Berbert WI\l"wlok 'of Ironwolid, . Prof eM Austin, I:loperintenclent I\m\ WI\S prononnoed incurll bl, ~vhell DIO G Alextlncler , 22 Lebanon, wo reud about Electrio Bitters, !lond W'no~ MIOhlgan come to Columbu!! on of tb~ WeRt Clurolton sohools spent 'ter9f ap'!~ oonoluded to try it. Before the seo to Nancy JIlne' 41berton, 20, Ore· Keep the B~ ,.. :":' Thanks~lving to '\tVitness the foot. his 'I'll Imksgl~ing vllontion IJero It II U ond l)ottle WitS nil t'Lken we nuticed gonit Rev; John Bnlt, of BllincheB· ommOD ~. \~~!!"rn . ball game between ' the Ohio Stlit.e Mr lind Mrs JeSSE' Hartsook of tJle I~;e for the better, lind utter condltloa a. . tel'. University and Ohio ' MedlCa,1 CoJ. Spring VnUey' pik,e ' entertained at taking 7 b9ttles he . was oompletely. moog ClbIJd. =; J. Wllllllm Sorivner, 35, Middle. ren aa It II lege. Between trains at Chloogo he Thllnksgiving dinner the family of cured" It's' tile . da~o bl~od med· ioin e und body bollding tOOlO . GOllr town, to &lUe M. Tyron; 36, Frank· wltll thetl' spent the time with C. M. Cart· Rev Pbilil) Trout, .1 N Lemmon nnd anteed . 50,", nnl11.00 tit F. C. Soh· paronta. Jin. Rev. Mr. MoCraoken, of Ft~nk family nnd Mr and Mrs ,Jeff ·Mn.rlatt wnrt·z dr~g store. wright. The condl. lin. Is rrCOlllnll:iul!' I hy Sf)mo or tho· tlon t. fal' IlDd doilgbter Helen lftrr:,'st p,," llrymcn !19 lhe most more lIke11 f th JOl!eph Deoker, 28, Middletown, C G Willin.mson spent Thanks· Co d Ot' to reach , aQ c(;Olllmlical rootlng nutl .hllng for Tax Notice n I Ion 0 e . to 'Kate R, Olevenger, .23, Lebanon. ,.cllte Ita',., gi ving with bis flLmlly in Indiana pn .1Iry b rIll9(·S. shcds, clc. 'Sh!ngles Weather for the Week. develop ~. REAL ESTATE 11lANSll'Elt !LnU will remain in that state for a. The undersigned wlil resume the "nil clllpbollftla cost mOfU n,:.l 1:0 ouely With the , EDITOR O~ MJA!II bA7.ETTE: Robert M. GUlltln to ~rllnvil18 payment of taxes on tbil same plan month or more. "nt 1.eep the bullrllnl;s us tlcy uIIl little fo'lb,be!cauae' of tile Mrs. I:lnmuel Sides 8pent Thanks· wa rm . For publica~ion In yonr pallor 1 lind Lydia Deoker, ! 5,27 acres in of last D.ecember. Persons desiriug ';, ' • difficulty detecting it. ns to sooure their bills . will please giving day with bel' aunt, 'Mrs. Ann furni~h herewith reoord of meteor· \ Olell.roreek township, 11. Many n child baa died from coElltfj;lalo, YOU PLY ·IT YOURSELF Jesse. Gustin relict of Phoebe A. eon) or iIluess arlBlng from ' It, leave their names, money and road Eogle, who on tlie preceeding da,J' ologioal ohservlIotions t,(lken . by the with rooftng kitln (llll:h roU. It dOl'S 1I0t rcqulre pllinl,lng Wh en (irst have been eaved. by tbe reaohed her ~7th mil,e·stone In life' s undAriligned !1M A ooopet[~ tlve ob · Gustin et n.I, tc;l Granville and Lydia mlgJlt applied. a1ll111t.. fiat, Scud fur fl'ce ,,,,"plcH.II!"I uUr uoo.,klct, receiptsllt the bank. Very Trul y, ue of , . . ....n.ln. EOOfl~J." journey. server. of the WOllther Bureau of Decker 10 aores ID OJearcreek town Waynesville National Bank . . Miss I:ltella Lemon, of Sbepherd· the U. S. Department of Agricul. ship 11. ~~~~F~o~r~Sale By S{»ENCER .. MONROE , son Uollege, Granville, hom~ tllre during the week ending Dec. Jesse GUHtin relict. of Pho.ebe O. ~ OREGONIA, OHIO ~£.~~~ Tobacco Shed Burned. for Thank9giving, remaining until 3, 1906, a.t Wl\ynesville Ohio. Gustin, et Ill, to Oharles H. Glancy A tobaoco sbed owned 'by Mrs until Wednesdll.Y. . T IS THE ' -'KNOW HOW" · VOt;,y resp otfully, 1.08 aores In (' lelU'cl'eek townih'ip .Libbals of the Ohio· Wesley M arla t:;orfnce on the farm aCcu. anBenj Gu 0\1\. E. MICllENIiHt. '1 unlversity .came bome to 8pend In the manufacturing of Paroid that · makes it the pled by her son Clarence Surfaoe a short ;:., 1>,' , • ,vacation 'g' "8 :Cburtland BradJ"y and wife to most economical and 'Satisfactory roofing or ~iding west of Waynesville filled with to Mr Luther Seuel~s of Dayton spent o l>o 0 l>o Robert M. Gu~.n, 60 Bores *1. and farm implements, the the dvy lind several succeeding material on the market. Both fire proof,and weather bacoo .. joint pr.ouerty of the two was de· with ber sister MTli Ray Smith ]~f3 .... 1;;<11]l>o"dgQ ... ""g M,llrY tf. Pine to "allon II. Bheha~, proof. , You get full value received if you buy stroyed by fire about noon Batur· Mrs Hannah ROI~9r8and daughter 2 :;6.26 ::35 lot In Waynea,v!lie $876. '. day Mise Rhea, of Lebst.Don, were gnests Up.. U Pot W. J. Cornell toO .Odbi W. Brown ParoicL , The 1088 amounted to 2~000' There of bel' daughter,M lrs.1 0 Cartwright lot in Wayne tOWDshlP, tsoo. was about 1600 worth of tobacco on ·sq1po.l'pnot( PAROm aoGl'ING PAINT. , B:lttie E. Stephens to WliUam B. the bnildb,lg LONG .TE~NliC8EE FIGB,!'. paw seqoul Mrs Surface bad 200 insurlUlce on For twentv yelir8 W. L. Rawls of ..!L,j~~ Fires;'lot 1D Tnrtleoreek townll~ip'. ~d new. Good OR any kind of roof. . ,j i----'--.,..----= " 150. theBhed and has IDII'IlI"IUI09 IlJread.Y been catarrh ~,, • thethis Ho~e Co B enilI Telln" '10-.. ~. " t..naaal ~. Flour has .been newly remodeled and the I whichbyLoRo,. lrona ill &pDt ' Be WJI)teII. The ana sore· . ~1IGA\0'l 'F rank BrBn!1on to Geor(re 8himp, a The oonteDm of &he bD1lcliD; were De88 In Itt f~rful, 1m G . _Bt}' of is lot In ~b&nOD, II. not iDl1lred . I bepD • ~rntca Q, otark B. and Ida G. The 18 to Sal.. ~ . this S '~9qJJB . .ned oalllal the .to ~ . . from
fott Cold f¢¢t Battnhaltt'.s
. . . . . . . . ''Of ........ ..& , , - ,
- ---
·.THE ,0 0 R N E R
are very Saleable
Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets,-a great stock.
HutcbisQn 6t eibn¢y. X~nia,
9." ...
. _.
our ftour better than ever. ,
..... XI., l. N\). 47 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,-.. 44
-In Explanation'. The Gazette goes to its readers in about half. its usuaJ size t his week owing to a prel!S of work on our Souvenir'number which we hope to. is· sue 1the last of this week or . the /l'rst of next. . We trust our readers will bear with the 'Change. We have sacrificed our advertising and there is almost the usuaJ amount of news.
TOLD -IN- SHORT : Attending Nils - -~ - ~ .. , PARAGRAPHS sionary Conference.
= Corwin
Mrs. W . W. Arnold tmterluinl'd II MY' lind MrA . Samu~1 Weller con" C. G Willlmsoll WII tn 'i noillllilti .Herbert 8attertJlwalte. of ColumtlOUl)luny of f\'lendfl Wl',ln8bdtly "V · t iline t·o imp~ov(\ ~ I owly, Both the firdt of thi s wC"fj k in nflu'n o . - - ---hus, is here viljlting bill relatlveB enin g in h\lllfll' (,f Mr. i\.Iu (hlt'n·" ('r nflllf1!) t n th e ·hoQ eye!.. ut tbe "Men'lI Forwllrd Mnvunllm t." NEWSY NOTES GATHER.ED BY THE GAZETTE'S birthd l~Y . Nothing better tban "World's Mrl< F;mC'r.Y Bmdetroot contluue of tbe E)I\;l('opal churnll , going .H!I a CORRESPONDENTS IN NEA~ B Y PLACES Fair Cream" for keeping the hands Mi!!s Lillie ,('d l'Y h,," l·tlt IU·Il I'd I ' I! I'O\\, w ~l! e r . delegate fr ll rn t Mu I'." in good shl1pe for husking .J E Janufttl r !iPIJO(li n ~ ~eve fl11 week" \Vuh Mrs. Linco ln iA quite slok with The Olee biu l( W!l~ r,· "I . II mi!l>lIOIlHarvey burg . Lytle, ney r II1I.ivotl In Columbus Imd 'fro}'. III grlpp . ary nieeUn ~ u f 'hurohmen of Oblo W J Rilbon, manag"r of ·the and .nelghholing, Bud Wli B Mrs. 80pe Stile/! And dlluglll,or . Born , 'to Mr . nnd ~rll . Wil1 Mll s ter JaOl er; Raudolph , of Ou,y· Rader store at Corwin, is very ill t·. 'h ll~ . An ou sp nt severlll pent 'unday wltll Mr,. lind Mrs. kin s, tl fine hoy. II.tttmded by mllny mlln of nl1tionn I to u, wos tllk en sicl\ alm ost t wo --..---' Macbeth with typhoid fever, (h L Y~ >If. 111:< h I/in lJ ere 11 f nt·c Ifi ll'" ~Y . Hil i fj Id In Xe nia . reptlt~tion "ot.h o1! ' r~y "nd lllity \V uk l! ngo wit.h wlmt p ~ov('d t(1 t.. · Prof. WIlliam Hatfield has pur· Will be. Played by Local Talent Soon Have you seeu tbe bargll.ins in :lI I" IJ ,'n ri ·ttll \c"it1~I'Y·n r'<l Mondl1Y lI ij.(ht" hll l1(]up.t WII S ~Lv o n Ii CII~ I\ ' If lli"hrlJ rill. Of (,c>ur8,', tli,' In ~ f lil' L',01 1I ', '·ll llL . whc ro lJo £\Xpoot->l 'lII1N('(1 Il )loreo ,,·nd buggy for .d rlv· 'l'heatriolll entertainments bv local millinery I1t White's? Get your tlJe dulpglll .. , lit 11111 Grllnd Hotel h!1lI~" w:o ti 'lullroutiu d. u nt, us f 111 mi, I,,' his t nl " I' C hfllll O. \,' 1'1 wish ilOlli, ·, IItt1rduy f'\ tllll /{ aftt' r u d '. inA{ t, ~llh oo1. fie is now. boarding ol'lI ers itl I,bls we k f ' " Tbanks h c:hlf ll l \' " , l willi he r ~istl' r in DIlYtd.l o:nt "rtl nlwlI·y", I opular lind the "' ''l1 lu ~II1V it, MrN . (, R R.. ntloll,lh hllil . ,11:"1'·" ill h t; 11 'W h ll ln (,. ut 13 IWOl· t own. . Thanksgiving Market ,,"l 111 Ly 10 0.1. tll" timll unu t , hl1 ~ MI>I. NOll, B l le~ WII giv n qu ito t nn pl1bli o will bn Intflre"ted in lellrDill~ giving '1.0111' correspondent or ganized II. 'rhoroughbreel young Plymoutb tliut "M'lCllleth" will be played by II \,I " II~ l lIlt ,"url/ I' se on .E l'iuuy . \·t l1 . ~lr . \\'1I 1((lr Kllhllll iH nut im p rov. 'l'he LlidieH Aid 'oCllaty (If the ,r. ei"(~ I\) u d u n unw lcomo illl)Jri~on HUll dn y clJool a t Woodburn 11\8~ tlilent during . tbe ollming Rook RooNters. very ohel\p if ,,,,Id h om ment. . JUllIie is pli ~t dl1nget' 11 Wi Ina..:. H hflinl,; III r n ll tu\ u'IY. Tho ing UK rll~ t ,," h i:! 111llllY fri ond undllY afternoon \vitb a full roll ot 800n. Cl1rl L. Duk e, R. F. U. No.4. E, olmrou will hll k; a 'l'hllnk giv ing hut l\1i ~s Bessie is now uff ring 6V6 11illJ.{ 17/l" I.;rt ntly enjoy'(\ nna WtlUld 11k . wl.nter . . ()fTi cer~ as follows: WlllteY' HilbeDt, t. d 1 ~ marKet in Ihe ~t.oops buildlDg W ' d · with the mtdudy. 'l'he plllY will be under the IItI )Ii. Wa.ynes"ille nil I~ft. w i"hi nlt · lJer ml\l1 y mor'o ;\1,' ." utl i\lr>!. " . W . Arnold were 'npod otenden t i Charles Wal\key" ne dlly, November 2B, the day be· oos ot tbe Edmuod RetlLlllck Camp, Mrs. Mo.y Hitch and litt.le dl1ugb. Mr. Frank BUflJl>tt b/19 be n OO D b npp )' I'eln rll. ~ of tl1 l litlJ . 1!\t:l1l 1111 i vlsiturti Friday . fore Tbllnk sgiv lug. As. istnnt Supt. ; Barry Grist, lSeo· t:ionJ ot Vtlteran8. JbBlle Lewill, tbe tel' Belen have arrived in WlI.yne~. sidlmlblv th H l)ns t W fl flk We Mr . Ch"s. T ucker, the effici ent 'rhe pdbllo iK I'NIU et;~d t o fav or ~li "lI UlIiuit ~lU J{l/l sUY uC Leban. l' ta r y: Miss Illith, Treasnrer \Lnll tlllent.ed Ilmlit.eur I!oror. will IIppear 911111 from UinolDtlati Ilnd WIll rEI t.l :e t:\ouiety willJ 11M Ptltrollllgfi in s inuerll l.v hOpti th , iuqJrovelllt1 nt will r urn l 111 .. 11 m, rn r , is onjuyi n g II on, ~ p o nt ,,'u nllll)' with her pnrents. orgunlst; Misses Wnskey and Smead in t,he tit10 rl1le . The intenti on now Illain dnrlng tbe winter with tblll r lII uc h (le~ "t' v"ll \'lI Cllti OD fr om 0 1 purolHl sing fut' thf' ir 'l'llUnkl:!gi VI/I' oontinue. librllrillns. 'rhe prospeots for !\ good i~ to ' givtl tbe plHY 800n "'ter the Itn.nt, Mi!l8 Belen Kelsey, and t.h ei r !-I" 11\ ;> ~l'rVi ( 'l' 1',\ 1' two ,."eoks. MI'. Mr. a1ld Ml's . A ll ' 11 EIIl Il I' iuk I'n· dinnet·. cbo ol nro ftLvornble , New Burlington. bolidlLy!l mother, Mrs . Adelln Immons . tel·t.'L1 m,t! UII ~ lIlldn y MI' . u ntl :'III·H. " ,,1111 ' 1'11 ('k~'r i, filli ng I,h e . . 'l'bere w ill be un all day meet,in' No bunting on my fllTm under Thanksgiving Weddi~g ·J oe 'J'IJ OIIIlI lIml ,. II Ellr\. Hullu L'lII III r nnd f llmily bn,vfI ILt t ho Bllpti st ohnroh Toeeday tb., M r, A. ~ al in SI> nt soverlll penalty of the lillii'. Literary Societies Mr. and Mr.~. W . }' ' 1lIrk 111111 (III .\''' IIIRt, w,,,, k with b i~ duughter , Ul o\'ed into t, bo proporty vaont d l:!y 20th. '1'he Pl1stors of the ~pti8~ 10vl til t.ions h .. OJ \:! beHII issu d to GEOROE W. BXNKLK. L uu lio Npi! Hu(l fa lll ily. fllllllly III ~o t"tndlloe Blliru, ~ plmt, .\irt! R" i:)" I·t. C.. II"t t. , '£?oing Oood Work. obllrolles of DillY ton to be pres· u bnut fifty \l fl l'~ nellr l' · 111 t.ivt"s of No hunting 'on my farm, under 'ulOdll Y wnlJ Mr. lHld Mr~ . "m H . }>I'tn c L ytle lIud Mrl!. J osso Baino ent tlnd tnke pfl rt Refreshmentd r,.· r . !lhiu !\1t;C onuld und Mrs. both purtles to th e tnlll'riu go o f ~h Higb 'School Pupils Acquit Them- penility of t·be law . Cpa.s. Clark. urll1l1uy . Anult Hunts ~p(' nt. Tue8dn.y In WII· II tt nIl xl th e An i·::'; ,111<>U I, Ag I,e n' to h "arv c1 at the oheroh. Lewis :tJ ohn /lnLl Mi . Ednu I:)mith, selves Creditably. \"' III'\ "I ,tlulI IL L t '\,l nmbu s III~t w uuk . l 'he llll: tor H. v. MoElwain, is to Mr and Mrs ~ Lev ClIrtwright, MI ~s Lurln Burn tt WI1::1 1111 nil miu l;ton . on 'l 'hursdIlY . No v" lier 29. ul th"1 ~tllrted Monday for Chicago, where :,11 ~ Milry ( 'III'I' ~1l11n t ~ 'ltl1rd"y ~Iv IL sorl el! of Sterioptioll.n Leo. 'The IJUpl1l1 of tbe W Ilynesvllle MI' lIud MrA. AllJOI·t M rritt. nl home of tbebrlde's )Jllre nts, Mr und Mt m uon 11.11 r on Mrs. .J,mnle l:Ilgh l!Ioboolltre recelvtng . prtictioal tbey expeot to. make a two weeks Mrs B V ISmith, on · Union ' Pluce l.>llmb Ilist. It,nrllll.V. Miss Lnria teu'd tl th e fun e rnl of Il t· luti v tit I,nd ' un,iny \vilh rl,l"ti ves io Hur. tUI' s each evening this week exoept vey ~ huq~ . instrtlotion tn Iiteratnre o.nd eleotl . visit witb tbeir son, Chas l1 Ca.rt· Furm went t il Duston Tuesday t·o !1l'end MQunt Ho ll y Friduy . Snturtll~y eveDlng. All are invited tlon this year I1nd II.t the IIIIme time wrlgbt and fRmlly trt nttend. th time un~1l ~rlJu nkl!giving with Mr. Frank I::!hlu.u,ker htH~ oponeri ll J . M . Bllrlan IlDd fl1mily and Mist' Tbese yonng p euple are bighly there II.ppear8 to be a very general POlltmll~ter W. B.. Al?trll.m, of thought. .of by IL Inrgo cil'clH of tiC lJor si~ tA r. !drs Mnry Bro wn. fir t elas!! I1lllllt lUnrket I1t bis home Flora Bnrl/ln, of Mitunl sburg, sPllnt The first number of the lIea80n interest in thtl work . Lebanon left Monday for San An· qunlntnnoes, and if tlleir futur e i ' MllBter 'u,rl .J o Ltn!:', who lms 1J en oe Muple sIre t . You will d o well ' undu y lit Lbo h Ull1e of th eir bcr, ooursQ of Entertainments given un· 'rbEl Higb Scbool has .bellO diVIded tonia, Texas, wbere be will visit for governed by th" wi l<bes of thei ,' sulferlng so mU lCh from ear 110h e to slve bim Il 01111 , A . 8 . l-1 urllln. dfl c th e atl p ioea of the Library ' into four !!eottnn~, Ilnrl ever.v two II. fortnlgbt with his sl"ter Mrs. U. friends, notbing but sunslJin will fur Il \V ok ]ll1st, i no w SOOlO better . Mrs. Witl Wr ight.. of Np w Bur Ll,Lst W edn esduy . wbile lit work Cll1h w ill ce h eld in the haH Mon: weeks one ot these !:Ieotlons glve8 u H . Judy, who will be remembered conte into tll ei r It v s 1\1,.. iitunuei Bu ino .. , of Spring. lington , . pout FriOu)' th I;nest. of ou tU Il n w Solloul huildillg lit, King. <lilY evening November 2;i. The Or· I uhllo entertainment. by mll.ny readerB of t~e Guzette IlS bOI·". is II vlctml of ptlonmonia . B ~ lJe r motlJ ' r . Mr~ . Mildred Eagle, mun. Neri Moon fell from t~ PCb 11' Id iole onoet·t '0. \9111 furDlSh the enLalit FrldllY I\fternoon the second baving formerly llved at Barveys- Warren County I in !HI Illm ·t crltionl oondltl ou. and othot l' Illtiv s . recei villg injuries ubou t the. belLd. tertl1 inm ent of the evening. They I! ettoo known R thlt Lowell Club, burg Teachers Association. and lJiB recovery is not assured . ;Mrs. Rebeccn. Merritt. of Waynea. Dr. fi O. Whit.lker was called to will lJo v a ludy reoitalist with 'I program . had obll.rge of the TlJe fumlly of Mr Frllnk Braddock .Mechllnlosburg last week by the tholll The ~e entertainments ",In 'J'he tirtl t t ohn oo t.o hll tnken dowu villo. WIll A)lend tho winter wit,h her Eaob member of t.he aeetlon ra. ball b en sorel.v afflioted of lllte Mrl! '['be Warren 'ounty T~ach r !l t o !lny groat. e~tent \Vus I"s t ::lnn · s i!:!ter , Dr. Romino . . EHlI'iou s I\In e of his mother . of !L Wgb order and will well IIpontled to roll oall with Il quotution Bruddook hils hnrely reoovere!i from Associlltlon will h belel nt Univ r puy NeArly ever y on too k soma tb uttendnuf!o of u11 appreciative . Mr. 1:),lhin M'lc Douulrl h"I' lI gnin L odge enjoyed u T he Mfl!lOni from Lowell. Iltur· IL dietr6!lsiog uttuok of Nhlnglef!. and Bity Chupsl. Leb'lnon. Ohi o, bellrers. ,10w11 , but t,he ( Me \vu s Bcnro Iy ope oed 11 first. cill . bllr\) r )lurl or, )l\1If}lle t Jlls l, 'l'ne~duy evening ufter 1 Miss Ada E.vler, President and bls son Cll tl hilS blld ibe dlptherla dllY, Nove mu r 2t, 1006, 10 :00 n III lJlg b e noug h to ju tify the tuklng and will Ilpnrecitlte 1\ clIll fl'ool hlN btl ving worlt in the tllird degree. Howllrd Trout, Sooretury, presided As previou ly announced p<>mand I.i.ttle Warren was ulso quite Tbe follow Ing pfl)g mm hall he n down of any grel!lt umount. , mllny fri nds Be it; 'I: uOIwrvin g A lJI llsing f ilII t,UI' of the ooolllllon wlUI dignity . prepured: missioner Haihes nnd Wlfl' went to si~k with II oold If th ll I:llbblUI nud ('}Ulli1 hull l y ullg mun I~nd \\'orl,11y the buarty wns thllt the degree WOI! o.)nferred There were t'l'oltllt.ions by Ltlolle Asheville. N. C. Wednesday tbe 14 Music "World's Fllir Cream'" cares np kno wn what WIlS to ooeur Tbui'll · !!l1)lport f t.ll p\lbllo. u pon Jus: H . I1aydook by hts brorh. for tile benefit of Mrs. Baines' health Cornell lIod Kennetb aldge. A 8t1!0 day, November Hi, tboy wo nld 0 r . ob/tppecl hllnds in one night oJ E Devotional J<JXllfCl ilB by [rrull Stokes. N Prot. J . B . Wrl·ht gltV nn IDter· el', Trevor C. 1:iuydook. IIs8i t d b y B. F. Vnughan attended the S'ate Rev . \ . A . 'ooper. tl1lnly bu\-e left. It , aein d liter. I tin,. I Chll' Hlllld,lY v('ning on t h ei r fn tll el', TlJ Ollllll:l R nyd o k . In IL tlpelllng oouteat MIllS Flora Janney Musio Ghri tilln A soo~lI.tlon lut week at Mu i Dept. N , N. ~l1Y I\S if e very~n.e w('rn; hunting. his trip t the Uentrul Ohio'reuoh. Mrs. A G Smltb Bnd fuur obll. Be"ryhlll outspel1ed all oompetitors. Columbus. Be W811 eleoted Scorerown , vtlluges, ()\tle~ nnel th e ooun· er s ' A s OCill l.1 11 'Lt Iullmun po1is. R&ldillg Minutes. A debl1te on the IItlbjeot: "Re· dren . of Bonner,, have arMeeting 'Protective 10 :30 " Eng li "h in t be Urnd es " try Ide contribnt;e d to tbe t'I1nks of tllty of PubJiclltion. also delegute to s " lved tbat we learn more from rived Ilt the home of her grandu ('nit,lI It nllmb r tlt"'mlell the Estell u M. ur ,Associa tion. IVn, c~ r nokll'n , .. the hunte rs. IMr . Ant.hony Goisl r. '\I tbe ~tute Federatio,n of ' Church tra vel tbllll from boob" WWl par- motber Mrs. nsau Eberly Rnd wl1\ 11 :00 Addt es ," Wllich i ' the Unit, Mr. Joseph Geisler Imll MI'. WU] , EIIlS trilll nt Lebt~non 'ru 8duy. 'I'll Wn-y-n-elIn d-M -·-D-S-I-'-~'l'owD bip Convontion, to be held in ~o,yton . tloipllted In by ISnean Wrlgbt, Ad" divide fler time among relatives In the 1o\8S or the IndividWlI, " MoGee, all of Dnyton, came t o the Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Cbns. Mntl(l n were November 21st. Eyler, Fred Hawke !lnd Cllrl Bawke Waynesville, Spring Valley and Supt. N . H . Belter, WllpJl.k onettll , O home of Wm. H. I1rlllony t !J in. the guests of Mi s P eur\, l::Itarry in P)'ote ol Ive Ilnd Det,ecH ve AS800iut·Jon wUl meet at the '1'own ship h O II1~e-l--f«t\7MtrddtnMID1I.111e 0. 'Visit to Cin. on the aftirmlltive 8lde, while the Cinoinnllti . 1.;10 P. M . dulge In the sport. Le bunon 'I'ue80tlY· n ext Sl1turdllY, November 24, "t 2 olnnati rut week. He will be abaeD' negative propositIon WIlS upheld 1!y Mrs. Lida Killen. who has been M wno ' 0 ep. t N. N. U . Mr. Amos Ellis Ilnd Alrs . Floyd o 'cloc k Every me m beUs..espeoia \1y from the Village, TQank8li:vtu,g,' to . i Old yon know th . at we h a· Mary Hawke; .Josephine Oglesbee. visiting her parents, Mr. and ~Mrs . MU80_ A . B. Slagle hnokster right ill our midst? Ial10C Anderson spent Saturday in Lell\~. requested to he present qnlte two hearts 11.8 ane at high nocn Herbert Edwards and Eleanor Earn . Clayt.on Foster, and other friends in Reading Addres~. "Thfl B'L\vltinn Islands , Longucrfl is now working at thnt 1l0U. in Dayton. bart. this part of Ohio sinoe the Home'l'beir Geology , IDbabitnnt·s busiueBs In the Interest-s ()f Ernest ~ii 8 Addn urfllce i. c nfin ed to, Ha ve you been buying from Tbe judges decided ·the debde In Coming, started for her· home in qtlire Brown is qllite "lok .threat\Lnd Industries, " P. Stokes. h er b om e witlJ rlJeulUll tism. fllvor of the negative side. Ohlcago Friday. bllt wlll remain Chicago Mail Order House ened with pne.u~onill. Prot. J . A. Brownooker ' . Mr . Stokes Silver home Just Mi~ s M..bel Sherwood spent SetSeveral vtalt!>r& were pr8l!en' and with relatIves in Dayton II.nd SpringIf so read carefully Mrs. Mary Kelsey is iu' very feeble (J ~. U. 'olumbus, O. II. short time ago, sulferlng from II. urduy aud I:lunuay at ber home lu followed the elteroilies with inter field betJre retLobing home. belllth. Misoe)\uneous BllSitltliiS. general breakclown, ooused, no Or go~il1 . th ese compal'is~s. est. lie8srs Rov and John Che'loweth, J , L Cad wl~llflder doubt, by too muoh study and over. Tbe 'progra'n throulCbont Wll& in I bl1ve one of tboRe Buy rs' the former from West Je1!ersotl, Ex. Com. 8 . 0 , Kelhl!on w.nrk in that dilreot.ion. Mr. Silver every ,..:'.y reditable to 'hoae par· Guidel:l b fore mo tn pre[Jllring thIS last week I1t 12~, for s~d . O. E 8rlttten ,.. and the latter from Rlttmnn, OhiO, . Wellman. , oopy lllltl tIte ol)mpl~ris~n is not HYo for :::Ipa,n lsh. . . wn attending t ll1e AgrioultltlrlU De · ti~I{!Ii~lng . Pres L. 1:1 . IvIDs were ~ummolled hQme I'lst Tburs· g uos!:! work, 1 will slJow yol1 wbore :eo'y .... F . Young plHtment of the, 0 .. 8 . ,U. at Colum· ----will Sf\ve money to suy nothIng day owing to tbe extreme Illness of bll ,ILDcl was ' progressing ~o nicely Mr. Iiud Mrtl . J ohn \V O fo u nu sou yofouhui hling up monster expres!i' BANK STATEMENT. tbeir "Ister, Mrs. Frank Ml11er, 'llod if only his b ee.Jth had not failed . Rnym oud fl.ull g randmu ·Ieaver compllnies lind helping out OhiollgO returned to tbeir ploces of busineslI Birthday Surprise. Mr. Wm. Dak:e bWl been quite ill W r El 'uuu l~y gli'ests of their ~ on blll!ineS8 houses ' wWoli at the 81lme J{o. UJO. Saturda;v. during tbe "RSt week WIth a bellvy Lew W olfe lind wife, of Htlrvl'S'!\ lim Wl'llklma your oountry t·nwu Wednesdtty WII.I:I t.b birthday of t' d l'IlW dow n the 1I111rke or .v 0UI' I--;:::-= Mi~s Ada E ler ond in tbe 'veui ng cold deva\opiug, ind eed some slight burg. j)" O(hI OIl nnd llll!llent; the . 'vullle of Mr . null 1\11' . . tleo . B Ub'll u flu t OI' · y 1l1: 0,\<11 lund In fuv or of relll esher - aunt, Mrs. rhnrl · A. Bro wn .· yn;ptolll of prne umonllt. UUlltl h1 1' . null t!l ttl vlliu !! In () hiclI~h . Not nrrllnged tl l'. nrpri!l purty tn h on or a'ir. Herbert Ul ln oal.l le to this tuinetl tit d inne r 'O F of the 9Vent. IJltI u on Wetln esl1llY e voning to Mr . ClJltuncy BUTlu oll uml s n Il rll oU!;Jlndl1IlS thougbt u ......lL!l.!!l.....!!.!!CU+ TBE WAYNESVILLE if YOIl will rel\u Otlrefully vou will ._-' t I t ent" r I"e r'. l nk s of hunte rs the. next Rh odes, I OfiL Dunn nUll cbllolrOll , . eo w borl~ 1 ClUl Ilotutllly SIl \' 8 you Oil: THE '-I U 'I'bose Invi""" to . pllr IClPfi e me by bis w l' fe Miss Flos. io Ilud L Wi s . IWl1lCY· at the bOUle of Mr . nn d Mot'S . •1limes dllY , H •·v• \VtlU,'~ f')ll~··v"(l , • ~ 'l'b o ChICago co talogue quote~ Kerrick und ~Iltit froUl there In a lHlc\ I\(l U Friday, Ilfter wbiOb tbey Quite a number of In th ' I; \If 011' At Waynesville, in tho State ot body to MISS Eyler 's home rell1l1ln d with :'dr. und Mrs . S. L . neighborbood lUi e mb lcd IlL A1r~ . price of t lJ6 fu1\o wing !Coolls . Lilli i ~w . size. 7 jewel Elgin OhiO, at the 0los6 oj btlsiIJess, ~lusic, gllme Rnd a genernl good Willill111S0n uuti1 ouudllY evenin g . ' Vurner 's lust Tbursllay tLncl. cl i,1 1ll0 V" t!l fit 6 yen I' guarantee At Wayn."vll1a in the State of NOVEMB&H 12.1906, time 1JlOdO the f' veniug a ,:er)' Jllf)os· 'l'h lw t,ook dinner Sundll.Y with Mr. j quite 1\ lot of ewing for Mr . t il\\,' ti ll d onse ~ 1 OhiO, at the 01011('1 of buslnesB on ant. one. unll ' Mrs. U. P L wis . I~rt 's fumi)y. Ex pross froOl hioago RJj)80lJB~ · the 5th day or November, 1906 la w lind wife, :Mr. a Re rre~ hm en t s oo m;istin!{ o f upples Ml' lind Mrs Wm. Co\emlln wero ' MI'. lind Mrs . Geo . 'l'nylor hl1d fur Lettor Postage and mouey Loane and dl. cO\lIl.' RESllOlJRCES oruer WIll nlso go about JAn'........ O"erdrllr18, ucureil op corn o.nd condy were ~ervecl llbsen t nu IL visit to 'Iel'l\lout .oounty tlJe ir guests Snnduy K . E. Tholllp, ,20.82S 00 P . d and nJ)lecllred, 1~88 T7 Loana on real e.tale, 11'"i5 leln 'll thnt tl.le ootton J)10KJIlJII 11 'i. Boil4a to ...cure clrculatloD tllI.QUO 00 All oIlier loall .. n4 4laco';q18 88.985 87 Tbo~1;l proHent Wel'f': Mi s~e~ Bill' t1w Itt ttet Imrt Jf hi t week und the SOil , wife nnd daughter , Mn 1Jl e, lin 11 00 My prloe . . BoDds, .ecurIUe., etc. 101,1.115 00 .lOl 6. t,hll Elhon, Ednll, SIlIit.lJ, ."rl·ie Of! for epa rt o[,; . Mr . Orlt\ndo BrlIDnon IlULl wif . B~n~lnl' booee, 7,00000 OnP4rafla. 7 jowel Elgin or W 1'1 h un Oue from approved reaerve alt. 21.188 8. Otber ltocka. boll''" andmortlla_, 10,OOO 011 born, Ne11le Wilkersop, lrLtlll ~tok s Mi s Ethel Mllll~on entertnillalll1. movem ellt in 20 year Gold ,' ..-" . Cbeck8 and otber caea Itom. , 26 4/0 Due from otber bank. anlS bankera, 1l,6BP 16 HIt k O ' 1~ 9t , a qn ~ U - O!l, rt!gonla. few of her friend::! Sllturdayeven . fil1N\ oUl>e Notes or otlier .National Bana 2110 00 Fu",,',ure aDtl Datu reo 2..Till! 37 , Ethe l Stokel! RllId FractlDLal paper currenCf. 'nIckel. Express 0.;;;;Item. Mesllfll . WIlrrell Ke)' B, Louis St. ing in hon or of her frie na, MilSs and cenll . 1811 01 Oold coIn. " 6.0 '00 John Fred Elbon Bowurd Trollt,' Chnrl c!:' Hnulbury, of · L ebllDon, \Vinkler Those pres e nt ware Mis s Lott r po tt1ge ' Ilnd monoy LAWflIL MOMtn' R._va 111 BAlfJ[, VIS: ord C' r Specie 7,~;!6 80 ~28 08 E~oe~t Ha.rt8ook, "Hllrry ElI.rnhal't: WIl<\ in t. uWU ~uudt.ty. Mllry L twi y Mi ss Annn Brl~nd IlOd - I X aI, , Legal·tender lIote.4.0oo 00 11,1120 30 1,3.8 on Sid Ellis; Raymond WiI]illmsou , Mr . •1. K. "pencel' p nt Sunday Miss Mll r:;- O·u vis, lInu Messrs. Ray 1:1 00 My P r io" NatIonal bank notes. Redemption fUlld wltb U. S. ~rea.· . °70:, ~~ . RUB8el Pllrlett, Harold Bowell lind a.t Loui sburr.:. Ohio'.. mond Wolfe, Ca rl .Cloo"er , Joe 011. 8 dllY office olooks urer (5 P. c. of clr~1I1atloll) 2,500 00 Ualted Stal ....ote8, " ~76,9 . 00 Mr. and Mrs. Jam'es Kerriok. . Will Terry', of Daytou, sp,;nt Burl· 'ViMand lilrne"t Mannon . . Frei~M from Cbioa.go 877.841 .0' ToT.AI~ - 86.00700 ---:-... • duy with hi8 parents. Wllylan Joroi&n and sister Nellie .L ettor 110st~ge LIABILITIES Births. 1 Mr. and Mrs Bf1thl~w"y~ 8J?8nt took dinuer !Snnday with t.h eir My Pri . ¥ABILITDilS. Oilpltal Itook paId In. . 2~,OOO 00 SundllY with tb eir daughter, Mrs . brother W . '1'. Jordan l\nll famllv . day Bl aok En ll1 u ~l ed clock OapUalliock paId In ,60,000 00 Sllrplll. fund, 000 00· MY' and Mrs J B Uhllpmltn .are ~orton. nruh nl'oll 110(1 Mrs , Iell\.. ~'r l) tg ht fl'd m ('h i on ~o SUl'\lIIlI·.lI lld . . . 60,000 00 Undlvlded Droft~, I~ expon8e1 and . I tloo I I f da h t Be t Ai i d Ii.' Jl<I. .n (JqdIYI~ 'protlt.ll.lel.eZ]lOIIH' . reJoolngover 0 II. qg lotr. II.nd :'!!Irs . r :v s' an ... MllnnoD utt nded the W. C. '1' U. Letter EllS~llgtJ II,pdlU" paid oUlollaadl1l4 :;0,000 11.8g0 00 tar.el unll"ld paId, . a[185' f!ilrht . I tie' , Ila,n ghter, ·of Dayton, . vhl1~ed ~.• Way. ne8villo Wd(lo(,sd ' 0y, ' !lnd ~aUona' Dan'.. notetl 00 ni·v ldendl 11'0 00 tar Itt t,heit borDe IStlnda-y . . ·nl ...d.o... ua . In41 ..ld"a·lr1opo*I'., 6~,T3:11\b . Born, MondllY afternoon, to Mr', MrB. Alvis' pn·lre nts here Sonda,y . f b . .... , r~ ' . were the guests at dlnnor o · t e .My IJrice ., . Due to otller National . BlUs Pa,.ab]e 11.000 ' 00 liDd Mr8 C B Olemtlnts, a OX) pound' MI8s :wura Kreigholf, of Winton . Niokel t\Ulrm olock~ inLllfVul Dana ' '.00000) - -Missea Kelley, . 1 20 ··llIdlvl4aaI4epoalli ToTAL. 811.90T 08 Ion Plaoe spent Subdll.Y witl;! ber par· M · r, andl!rs. Edward M"rtin vis- ulnrm 2 tU,au 811JI eots here. .. 'ubJegl to cbeok, .Elxtr[l. Postngo 07 !';:~Ir'rUllute• • 0,!l1H O~ IUU411 OS 1, J. N. Lemmon, CWlhiel' of liThe Mr. Fred L . Panly took supper ited tht.>ir' Ilughter, Mrs. Geo. ElUs, L tter post~lgt.! , ~: - - -,- Citizens ,Bank," do (loleml, swear Services at M. E. Church. and family. TOTAL, , 377,011 ~u lliat she above statement IS' true to witll J, K . ~penoer and rnt;nily S u n . . . . ;\ly p ri('" I GO d ~." ·.. MI~s Mary DaVIS was tbe gu.est 1 c uld take IIp thl' whule "aper Bun d \Ly so h 00 I Il t 9 :30 ST'''' 0.,01110. OoVll'l"t' o. WA_... : the bess of my k uo,w led ge all d . be .. J. N. LEMMON, CaMhier. &ermon at' 10 :30; subject, "Why The Wa8~8ton ' Townsblp Stln. of last week of ber grand1l\other. Ui v io~ l' UIllPl1r11l ns. and III every I" ..... v . '·;"'N, Pr.... Id.Dt .~f the abO.", lief. .. ......... ... • d Ily 80'''''ear tlla' ,,_._ or Omo, CO.... TY OF WARBi\" Noah Built the Ark" . uoo1 · Cl..on"ep ti on WIIS .1Ie Id Mrs. Mury Cntherlne Davis. ot \ 'In ·tHm'" it wonl(i be in f my fl1vor of. • am..d lIaak, do aoI.mDI,. th. abo,e nat.mea, Ie trlle to tilt! bi;.t or ..." • .• ., ".. '1 k . . i 1 S d fter:DOOn t the U B WaynOjjvllle. l hl1\'o IIl I ctlto.logue rom on~ 111, kDOWI. . . . 1Ut1l belief. . 'Sworn to and ·,QbIlcribi.Jd before " At 7 0 () 00 a ~n1.on serVice III' t) un ay a , 0. . • . , the lnrg(\~t oone!lrns hore llDd can .. . W. K. ALt.JDN. me.~1lte 17th ,day of Novtlm~r.. 1906, the Friends Subject, "Echoos from Ohuroh . all~rtb84 . aaa nora to lMifore me ,bl.. I. II. Knl, Notary Publio. . ~he State Convention of tbe Anti ~l'he C. E , D!'E,etln~ For ' Sale• • 1"h rl..,. of 1fOYOID\Itn'. 1108. . I.e "'I'll k ill . I. ... KIIYS.·lfoTu. Po_LlO, Tbia B&nll W1UI inoorporft,Ced June ~Ioon ague. e &pea . ers w in8. Meurs. "Il.n.n,vu waiTeD OoIIlIty, ObJo. UD~ 1008, aDcler act ot fJ'r~ Bank. ~ Mn N L Bunnell, Rev aDd Mrs L. Pauly , lDI 1851 aDd oomm8DOied. bQsllleM Ben~in Hawkins, anO the pastor the ...,_4n...".1 01'1111 II, iooa . Ilvel'1body Invited &0 thll QlliO.D Don't
8sport 01 the Oondition REPOR'f
. .4.5...... 0ubIef
~ Goo4mu1o
In a hunll"d 'CIIllel ot you. and ae ~a, ALL KINDS HORSES. PERMIT WAS BROAD ENOUOH 10 spend your woney aft .. r )'011 t:"t It, of 8a~0..,. Dim.. Wbat the Farmer Needa II the Xe' War-'1'Iml BemlDllICCIIlee mUitrati..: Klp/lplng nl/thts on tb,' rll ck~ ancl elllln • ~ Wida .ay Be Made with Egp aa ~ann('d ~tllrr you JIM I; III h~re litter rahot the Humor ot Pr.1dent clium Sind Animal for All bing a RroC'" ry , thalJ to enl!'r th!' realm a Fo lndatiol1. . Llncoll1. Arounll Ua., , , 01 hlJ:'h IInance alld he rp~JI('rted by the fa the s pring whl'n ggs arp plpntl· penpl... Bud be one or the lleol*' • Ll torally nil Ill ud ~ at borses are Mr. LllIloD Park, who II now an Inwith . 110 >. pr"'11 on .your " head, tul a IlrPllt mlln)1 nre lI~e l l IIpon tbe tOllud In Ibe i\Dlcrlclln horlle murket. mutu at the Soldiers' anil 8 1I0rtl' one nt the ,.rcat body or eljl;hly mil 110 II form , At this ILl mD oggu aro more There 8eems ttl be leHs ulllfllrmity home at Erie, Pa., WDS u,mong tboa, IlIon who ru.le II counll')' lila Is lb!' [)rldll allP t1~llI g limn lat any olher seaso n there Ihnn omong oth I' klnall of form who joined In the chnrus, "We are of the earth? YOII nl lI ~1 hll dnrry." 8al lJ of tb ~ )'Qllr. Al ten tlon ts eliDed to t!rld Htock Thts Is du\, to the vcry grent comIng, Plllhllr Abraham, tbree hUDHOW TO CUT UP A BEEF. pn. jll8t ns lI~gll. lc·,J Its hl'\ could b~. fnct In a roce nt IS;;lIe ilt j ,' orm nud number uf c1lll'erent things ('( II' whl ob clrcd tbousnnd more.." Ho enllated at ." III''' . Mlk ," aalU the) I' Ihber. "E,'ory· Ihr 81de lIy ;\lll ry l ';ost r ' n·)'lIl'r, \\' ho Two Methods of Dividing Up the hMII QS al'e II ~ tI. We hnv callie either Washington, nnd was ILsSlgned to the bod~' here r<'sp CIS III P . Rnd wh respe ts g h 'os aOI1l~ I' clues ror pr<,plll'l n g O~I;>I for milk glVll.t!l' or rLtr tlcefmnkillg, lind Secontl Dlstrll,t at ColuDlblll regiment, C,.rcasa-Nnmea of the ' Ih Wall III I' I \11 /;:h tllHlnt· lind lifo In· in vllr.lollS ",ay>!. WI' ar sure t1loL tbey quite 1l!1turoll~ divide Into two relates You~h's companion. Part •. I!u ralll'p rnll\Jcr? Not (l"eu their \'al~1 s. mnny of Ihese sugscg llon~ will appeal geol'ral clOHS s. Not so wIth hOrsee. M.r, P.trk . WIIS then, aR now, a vogeMe onc ot Ih e Jl~opl<' : ~ e J;ods. bllt ~'O ll to I' IId ' I'S: When killing ~f It I! very es- All kinds or work ··Is to bo pl'rormed torlon. While bo could osslmllat ev-_ wal 'h th ~ KU III people for a (!'w EggH on l"rom'lgo.- MeJt one table· 2onll¥1 10 pro ll8rly QUlu·ter Ilnd cul the b)' them, anrl enell ki nd of work re- erylhlng cOllnected wllh his nnswer to yc:nrs. rOll suy th ey rllll 1110 go\'ern. spoonflll of bUller In a snucepan ad ,I ca rcass. in ordor tllnt the good cuts quires a porticul r Idnd ot horso. Tbls lhe cnll ot duly from the stnnd at pom!!nt! Ther Blld ·thelr J';oveplment an 0'11 scn nt Cllpflll of rl II grat d cheesll, mllY be se paraterl from Iho 11001'. Fig. hits given rlso 01.0 III II cortDln section triolism he rould not nsslmllat tba run by \Ynll s treol. whlrh own tho mix orl wl \h iiI. s.llghtly bent en ogb'll, I Illustrates the ortllnnry metbod at at t he' country to lhe demand (01' lhe nrmy' I~rk. It wns Illnln that It the l' nllll11 States scnalp. hody allcl ROil!' nnd aHr ('onlltnntiy until. the mixture cllttlOg up a beet uow used by butch- mulo. ' govorllm nt wish ed to do the SQuure Tho p opl are pawns Oil II chess board. Is Bmooth and 'lrenmy. S ~ull on to n. The following explllnalion of Lho . The elly estallllahm nt thut has thhl g by Park It would bave to s bOW' IlHH'Oll by Lhe play rl!. and tho), ": lIly taste wl(h salt allcl paprl\,a. and turn ,'u rloue parts g ly 8 th nam 8 or t heso htlrd ICllmlng 10 till wants /l henvy ~rootl ' mlnd<;l\l aes9 hi tbe mattor of \011(. whll e the Wall SLreet ", 11'11 r~ act. out Immecllately on rounds ot ton,st cuts nnd Ih cOllJmon \I ~(!ij to wbl cb lIor80 thnt can PUll nn Imnienao land. rat io ns. Let me tell YOII a story. J ollce had ft sortened with bot milk and me lted tbey lire Jlut: The better t he' ronds over 1vhlch the Sn lIP look his lroublo~ to President dog trnlnM so t ha t h would lay dOITI butler. Serve III. on ee.. The hll1d quarl r I dl\'ld d Inlo ' londs lire to be d.J'awn. tbe Icss oeUve Llnt'oln. and oxp.l a ln ed tbat In SO O1e nncl ro ll o\'('r ror a crack r. nnd woulll Flg:;s with Orled Beet-Ohop line nin o cuts os follows : NO. 1, 'bOice muy til horse be. while Lhe poor(\r Ihe rD P III b WItS llt;'e Ihe (' hlldron at hold a piece o( meal on his no~e un~1I ane-hulf ot II cupful of dried b et. and I'OIlStS. tb e porter nnd sirloin f<ten ks; road s the more aellve. So In BOmo l s"nel IIflN' thoy net out rrom E1>H1L big mouth would waler and h Is eyes put It In a st wpan with ono cuptUl 2, rulUp. used (or steaks . stews and cities 1\ hell~'Y !llugg-lsh horso iii allk d HI' c01I 1<l not for Qet the le:( li nd for. but In another .a h a,'y ho""e ' onlons with whl h he waR IVon I ~) reo s))orkle, but h would walt for mo to or Slewed tom atoes. a tew drops of s lightly ltghter In welgbt but hnvlng !'ole hhn s IT ba r l( In rnd lunu r(l 4 l1ty. Hnllil iny nllgers befo re he wourd lOSS the onion jul ~ , Ilaprlka and cinnamon to more acU"lly. Tn the grent cHlee Is Llm'olu 811111pl1 . ''YOII Wllnl m 10 l1I elll In t he all' with his nose an,1 ta ste. nnd two labl cspoonruls of hilt· round the d mnnd ror n CAb a IlIrn' YOII Ollt to grar.o Ilk N ~II 'bailfl nal ,'b It In his mouth , and swal. ter. ook slowl)' for ten minutes. add comparatl\'ely h en p an imal that n n~zl\l"1" ho nllk ecl. low Jt whole tor tear I would set It two ' lablespoonfuls or graled clleese, well nnd cno do a fulr nmount "II WOllIn bent snit POriL" wns ~fr. aWBy from him. He WOuld s tand on hi' lind thre woll·boa ten oggs. SUr lin · work, Thoprh'nte coa b horse Po rl,'s rOllly. "rhereupon Mr. Lin o!n hiOlI legs and speak and b eg for a hont tll the mlxl urc begins to tbl cl( cn , moro ot nn nrlstoorut tl nd Is dODland- I'rol c !'Iu'olessly on nn ordinary sheut 10 be tbrown to blm so he coul,' then pour o\'er hot buttered toast, lind a d Ill' Ih e w IItth)' of th e citi es. M 11U! r : ca tch It. Do you know, Ihe pepple 01 /lBrnlsh wllh ha rd·bo lled eggs cut In T~ o farm or wa nlS r. medll1ll1-sl~ed " Th e bea rer. r~lnton P urle . I~ h ero· lhl:! co untry remind me of that dog. II s lices. . brow,38 they do not ass rt thelJ1 selve~ and lak~ Sa\'ory Eggs.-Break ft,'e eggs Into O~DI:-rAnY M j;:THOD O~' DlYtDII\O horse Ih lll cnn be Serviceable In' milnl' with Ql'lIlIted permission t departll,lents ot tlHm work, suys the wherevcr he ~hooscs:' , BI:JB1". monolloly. hi gh finan ce. Insuran~e rob· 1\ bowl . add a Illn h of sa lt und a lit· MI'. Pa l'k saw th Q hu mor In the n'l . lIe r)" g ratllng and millionnire and bll· lie 'holJP d Ihym e ; beat th m well to· orn b eet: 3, nltch-booos, u80d . for Farmers' RoYl ew. He a\'olds tbe vel'7 lionalre ownership of e\,ery thlng thnt geth r, Rub II s mail stewpnn with n bulling Illeces. stews ond pot roosts; hea v)' horse lind lhe very IIgbt hOI'9,!. nnd IIjoyed It quito ns mu ch Il~ Lin· pa),s by lhe throat nntl sl rangle tb em Cllt onion. molt In It two tabl~spoon· • • bllllock or rolloll aleak. tor roasls or The nllln thnt spends a good part or colo di ll. Fre also 811]0)'l)d his prll'!' all. and do busi ness tbemselyes Instead tulll of bu tter. tllen pour In the eggd bofllng JllllcCs; 5. mouse TOunu, for hie tim on Lho " turf" wants II light I ~ g .. o( "browsln !;'." Tbo nato Is stil I ot haying business <lo ne for th~. m by th o nncl sti r conslantly IIntll oook( 11, about boiling Itud s towlllg; 6. sbln or leg, tor horso that Is all muscles nnd sinews. III hIs posse s lon. - -----money 110Wer, th ey wlllntl\'or get notice,1 (our mlnulcs. Tllrn out on hot but· oups and hnsbes; 7. t.hlck flank. tnr Hla only qUllllty demnnded Is I.bCl one t hat will carr)' hi m oyer the grouDd III . 01\ly Wanted 1\ SqU IlTB Denl. xce pL wben they cio th lll l' lrlcks 11k terecl to ast or lUi Ie pats of ho ~ potu· stews, cOi'n beet, nnd boiling ploces; 8, a greM I'at or speed. "Prlsoner." said th judge, "sl and veiny pie e, tor eorn beof or drIed my' old d g . Wh en tbe lime comes that toes. alvl ~ rve ttt on r-l'. It does not look now a~ If we woulil '111, H nv you anytJllng . 4' sn)' Ivl)y the poo ple wear collars and are led b)" Bak d J':ggs wil h Aread Crumbs.- beef; 9. IbiD flank. for corn beet nnd be nble to g t /lny general ngreepleot In(\g men t nf the ourt ~l1ollld not 10 bolns. and th ey hav e La stand on (heir Butter lu (lI vlU llul bnl, ln g dish es. Bnd bon lu g. as to What kind or h,orse Is th most ,r(l lJolln red nsnln1!t yOIl ?" The for Iluarter 18 divided Into nine profitable tor the form er to rnl sO- h h lntl .1r.!;S anti speak to llleir ri ch al1(1 ror each verson to be serv ed ml~ to· "I'd like , to sny. your lt nnor." on· arrognnt maSle rs tor bonBs, and hold ge ther two tnhleElpoonfuls each or rich. parts as followa: No. 10, tore· rib. depend s 00 Lbe market. and t.hnt de- 'WC1I' cl Ih e I'rl~anpr, "tha~ I h " you meut on Ihelr nOHI1S until Wall s tr et thlcl( crea m nnli brend rumba. ha lf prime roasts. and ftne steaks; 11. mld- pends on lile 10cnUty, ' 10 a consltlerrill lint nllow your mind t he PI'~' s naps· Its fin ge rs. YOII wltl want 10 come a t !l spoonful of minced barsley. a few ' dle ribs. prime TOasts: 12, ch uck ribs, nble exten t. The .people are demond- I , cl i II agnlD!lt m by Ihe poor ,i\,' the secoud quailly tor roaste ond out h ere In lhc mountain s and 1I\'(\thl) drops. ot onion julCI'. and salt anc\. Ing nil Idllds of hal' es nnd ore not '~IIR ' my iuwyer put II, (or nl e.. I'll fre e lit ot a train robber wllh /l con· pnprlt;n ill season. Put · one-hllir of ronll nlng themlelvell \0 thy one CIBS~ . ' lIke It liS II g-rcat tuvor Ir your honor sci n e. What 1\0 you t hInk ahout It, lhe ullowarice for eaob p rson III eneb An attempt to rnlse r':l 1 one Wlll!S of will ju ~ t ~Ive m the s en ~ n e(\ 1',1 Iw,·o bnklng di sh, brelll, nn egg CJlrnrully buh ?" sa id t he robber to me. borses, to the e .. clualon at other kinds. ,<(It If I hnd plended guilty 10 the first 'W 11." ~IIYs I III him. "YOII talk like ol'er It, and cover 1I'lth tbe remainder might ' enslly result In a glut and 10", pl:\ce:'-Cl1lcHgo Tribune, a. sociali st. or a Democ: rat. bul you tallt of tho mixture. Wben 1\11 aro ready prl es tot one class of norses. th em In a l1u 'l rk o\'en aad bake un · 1111 ri ght. If I alii one ot lhe Il f.'O llle r will lie Fitled Them. do as I ho res t do. but i'lI ha dnrn d If 1 til lhe eggs are :8 t. A 1Itt! hoy was on hi first oun· STATIONARY RACK. StiEEP Poached Eggs a la Relne .-Cover will .ge t clown and 1'011 ove r (01' any · (ry ~lCcurslon. I' 'Illtes tbe nl'Oo~lyn body." hot butt red t08Slt, mad e slightly moist 1I11.8n. ome bird s '1'0' r flyi ng hlgb Description of One Kind W1ilcb OnVIl with cream, ,\'iUI (rl erl mushrooms. Q\' rh ad. Rnd h is host SS, !l youn" Satisfactory Service for CH1CAOO B TCHERS' METHOD. Ivomnn, suld : TO THE SPELL OF DRESS. Pllt a poacbed em~ on the mushrooms. Yeara. and pour over 011 a. little cream sauce. cteaks; 13, brisket, for corn beet, :'Loo!c 1I11. Tommy. Sell ' tho pretty prirlkle grated cheeses oVCjr the top soups, etc. : 14 • . sbou.lder piece, for birds lIylng throush 1;1 nlr:' Tribute r 1'ald by Famous Writen Some yea rs ago U reader living In and place In the' oven untlt the cbeese 10UPS, mince :Il£Ul and bnshes; 15-1~ , Tommy lookerl 1111 QuiCkly. onrl tben and Phll060phGl's to Pa ~old Them About the Wave of Be form. Oakland cOllnty, Mich., built a stnbrowns. GarniSh _th , oll\'es, neck, for soup, mince meat, hRsh. n.nd Uonury sheep rack whleh he used IUC- be suld In 0 compHsftl oale tOne: Fashlou, Egg rOQuettes.-Chop bard·bolled bologna sausage; 17, 8hln or shank, "Poor ltttle tellor~! Th ey Q!n't got ftt lobster un~ our atomacbs 1\'ould murderers' union and I would " a cessfully for a number of YQal1l. Not Jane Austen wrote to h er sis ter !n ggs ' very ftn e. 'lror six eggs make a (or BOUPS nnd BtewHi; 18, cbeuk. for untU the bnlldlng was torn down to no cages. ba,"e tbey 7"-Dotrolt Free .form an antl·lobster union, and be so marked man. ' rgay 'the people would think we w,ert) "All pTes ldent cit a lire Insura nce com· 1814: "I have deter milled to trim my cream sauce tram one tabl espoonrul at mince meat !lnu suusage. ghe place to another WtlS the rack Pres!!. Tbe Chicago retnll meat dealers abandoned. Originally this rack ,.-88 :)'oung Vandergoulda. Since pa and I pany I could not \'ote mysell a bundred liIoc sarsene! wltb blacl. saU n ribbon, bulle y two tnblespoontuls at lIour, One Questlon ' Settled. ~ere captured by the Hole-ln-the·Wall and Ofty lhousand dQlIarsa year salary. just as my Ch lua crape Is, sixpen ny ono ellp!UI o( milk, a little anion hl\ye a somewhat different method ot deslgnod ror the feeding ot ftne wool Jo:etch u'Ol A, CUOlllllu-Have YOU deKllng I bave .tound that all Is not- glorl: aud take It from rather less children anll width at tho boltom. threepenoy or juice. and salt emd pepper to season. cutUng liP the nnlmal, aaya Farm and 'sheep to prevent chan:' hom getting In'clde.d . whet you 11'1\1 spenll lbe sum· ous In the traln-robbllLg ~d capturlng- wJdow8 and retain iny selt respect. Out (ourpenny at top. Ribbon trimming Mix It wltb tbe chopped eggs. and set Home. liS shuwn In Fig. 2. Tbe partl mer mODllls? 10r·l'tlDSOm buslDesll, iUii'I tbat robbers here In the moun talns I can occaSIonally are all tho (nahlen at Balb. Wllb thla awny to cooL When cold ,torm Inlo as nllmbered on lhe sketcb are: 1, j:ledzl Wynne-Y ; .I havo ' de hi d ;are nenr bappy except wben a robbery take my boys. when our fllllds get low. add ILion It will be Ii very useful gO WlI, sll( croquettes. Eigg and brenlt crumb. neck ; 2. chuok ; 9, prime rib; 4, porterto stl nd tllem at any darned place my plo ce In a fl'yln g basket and try in bouije; 6. slr.loln ; 6. rump; 7, round : '1s sarely over, and th gang gets goou a~d ride away to II railroad, and hold up happy to go anywhere." wltll and daugbTers co n a~1' ullUO , 8, plate: ;9, lIanl(j 10, shIn; 11, shank. laud drunk. the cboo·choo tmrs. and tal(e toll, but not Bmerso n Quotes. "wl!b admiring 8uh- de p bot tn.t. u\'es llIe a .no:l,P or tro:.t ble.-Chl ;:0 They cut a larger part or the animal In 'Tbe fi rst day or two after p& and 1 and at tbe Door passe ngers. Who tio we rob? mission," the xperleoce of the lady 'Prlbuue. 'til trnltorous f)Owb oya were captured, Wby tbe tbe railroads nre ownea by wbo declared tbat "lhe sense of beln SUGGESTIONS FOB HOUSEWIFE. tbe 'portions 3, 4, tlnd 5. wbl ch repro· !lent tbe hlgh or Priced cu!S. 'e bad a pretty Dice time, eating Standard 011, and If we take a (ew thou· perrectiy wfll-dressed sl ves a teeling . Nothing A.arml ng. -canoed sluff and elk meat, and p& was sand dollars. all Mr. Rocl, efeller has to of Illwal'd tranQuilli ty whl eh 'rellglon Au excellent idea Is to connect a Next Door Ne'.1 bbor-l W;19 abou to kl'pt busy telllng the gang ot wbat h od do Is 10 ralso the price of Il orosen e tOI' !l Is powQrl ess 10 beslow." GREAT BUTTER RECORD, ' sp ring to tbe r,eCrlgel'.'.tor door, thu s say, wh.tlt·S thn terrlbl mck e up· ba ppened In. the outside world tor se\'- day or two aDd be comes out even. The stairs? Is somebony havin g a Ill? So tbe clel'l l' woman a,nd the pbilos. ke plllg It always cold, ns chll drell are What a New York Farmer Rnd His ral montll!!. as the gnng did not read exp ress car stnff Is all owned by Woll opher,' sa ys Youth's Companion. llllY often .ncgllgent In this regard. Mrs. No. Tbat's .Tohn. the dally papers. Wben tbey robbed n 8lrel)l, and wh en we takQlheconientso( Ihulr trlulIle to th Wife MAde in One SeaBon from He's reh enrslng tho slleecb he Is g(\lns spell ot dress. 'fa cianI) go ld jewelry wltb !ltooes In trnln tber l et tbe newslloy talone for u safe, len t,ho usa nd or twen ty thousanll Any , woman whO has qualms or con· Two Cows. to deliver to·morrow b fore the Uni f ear he would get tile drop on tb em. dollnra. Ihe directors of Ilro ex press com. ~ r l cnce a t t h~ 11 III aunt ot time and It wash i In wl\rm suds mnde with versal Pc~ce Qj6~hlcag o_Triyellow soup wltb ten . drops of sal Pa told tbem about tbe wave of reform puny sell sto k shorlln Wall street anrl thougbt sho must. give lo bel' clotbes ' J, H. Presler and wire at Steuben to the wool. Tbough It wns not a aure bune. voilltile In tbem. You will notl tbls 'tlltU "'as going ovtU' the cpuntry. and ma\<e a million or so to co\'er tbe lOSS by county. New York, mllde the following prevelltl\,e It WIIS useful. In a way, .bow t he polill lans were taking Ure lbe 'b andlts of t he 'tar west. a d pocltClt mny g ath er heer (rom the InnOCent milk 5 the lewellry brillIant. gven thou gh U lIl a ll CllU uut 11ft blm . I'ccord from t wo cows during lbe ~ea each she p was l)ro\'lrled .wllh a stall pleasure so gp.nllille a nat,lre ns Miss Okra Is 1\ \'eg'lt nble tha t Is uot aprailroads and mon9Pollsts by Lhe neck. lhe balnuce. So you see we or 'Ioln~; son ot 1905 (1 Include t be woman In ~omvosed of n bOnrd a bout 8jlveu luches t elt by his bo o L~tra \l , It Is wi bin reuIII the simple task of Austen's fOllnd PI' clotell Ilt tho north as It lle!!erves. and sbaklllg tb m like Ii. terrier woultl lhem a fo ~ or 10 rOb II. train. and my conthis matter, says lbe editor ot Ohio wide. ThIs board was ~ncked wltti an- Ron nntl ex pel'lt:'u' thnt h lDay ele".ehake a rat; how the insurauce omj)Q · SCie nce lli cleBr. I aID nlways so rry when mak ing ' a gowlI " happy to go any· 'rh(> ,Iwllrf \'url uUes do well and okm F'armer, tor througb h er management oLber foul' In 'hes BO tb at the spaco be. "lite . hhnsc lr tn envIable hlghts with JIles U18t had beel! for years tying th , lin engln e r or expressmnn Is JiIllcd . nlld wherll:' Tho WOIDa n who · hos com· Is an Innllunbl e addition to sle we<1 of tbe milltl, after It Is brought In. 0 tween v,:,IJere the sbeep extended tbe his own h\) t 1\11'. . . pollcY,boldersbandandtoot.andllCarch. when SlI cb a Iblng occurs Illod out th e pns. 1I th al' of mnklng that Idnd 01 tomRto e~ ana to 6 011 p, should a bouse· la rse percentage at the good bUlte. Is b ead Into th stall was'Y, belng A man w"b stlckij to tbe tru ln Bel· tng theIr poakets for IIU"lt gaIns lIatl family and sehd mouoy to tol,e are of II. gowlI hns L1ono herse\( a lllrgc S OT\'. wife 'lind It .ln6Il)ld by Itso lf. due). ' A!tel' yeallng l.wo calvos h. only IIbout sl'" Inches. Tbe "sColls" Wh Oll was hlofr blnck sto k ings take Mar b and April. 635 pouncls o( butter we re about ten InChes wide. The wide clam WlIi(s obo,,\ hlmselr. been caugh~ Itl tbe act, and how tll o them. bill ot latl? yeurs we never klll any· I e a nd lb worhl no small one. We 'U""""..,,,1Al and dlrecLOrs were 1I1\ble t.:> bOdY, bCC3\1S!! th train hancls don't re- shoulcJ hn ve "admi red" to see 10,1159 Cllre Lhllt. frosb water be used. both were made a nd sold, as follows: SIXlY' rack WtlS nUnched to one side or tlle serl'e Ume In tb e ponltclIllllry. I slst a llY more. for Ih ey do 1I0t care to c11." AUR cn a tl lred II; the Iliac snrscnet for WII. hln~ Bod rinSi ng . and thu s tbree pounds nt 1 6~ cenls; nine wa ll and wos suppocted wll II a plnt~PJ.LLS soya Wall s treel mon y. N w wilen with I h ~ IlIac" sRt! n ribbon. W e may nl'old huvlllg lbe s lock ln gs eOI'orl.'d pounds nL IG c\lnll\; 35~ pounds at 19 form In frOnt wi 'to umclen ~ standing tlie Hole-ln·tbe·\ all gang . tIle news unt il be ~ot h'1arse. I L. soy to ao nglne r : 'Charley. turn bcr he ijllr tbal not only was tho gown With lint. whl h Is sO llletl rues t ho 0119 0 cenls; 4:15 pound s at 20 cents; 23\<4 room tor the sbeep. Tbose of our . "And 'how is my oltl frlencl Telldy. the "ft and slop here In Ih ~ t;lI lcb aud tak'! Illlilfl Y III g anywhere, but that tho wh en they nr8 wtl~herl In he !la me wa· pounds lit 23 c nts ; 29'4 pOllnds at "24 readers, Bays · the PrairIe Fnrmer, rle- Cured by Dr. Wlillem.' Pink PII' he Romedy Which Actually Makes ~ugh rider?" ask'1d one· of tbe gang, ' a 511 k a.nd go wake up tb\! W 01'!!1' \\'a hnpllY In It. nnd lhal tho ter lI ~ed for white ·Ioth es. cents; 40 pounds at 26 cents. Total, re· sIring a rnck ot tlils kind which will New Blood. COnlllnny wus hn'JI11~· to ha\'e her. LIght otton dress SOl?d~ hold their col\'ert for 6a5 pounds ot butter. $134.62, aid In kellplng tho cbaff trom the wool, Allwmln mnl( us tho pnelent abort of . " lI le w 1'1.1. a charllnble nd, R color botter wh em W~ijhBd III tbls wa),: To thlM may be I,dded ~20 . 22 from sAle nnd at tbe Slime time lI~ovldlng a good so tlmt tllerll j" often n !lCll~O o.f ,1It1lt-lIlt ~n (\ritl re RI' each marc easy In FOlll' qua rt s ur hailed s tarch ere malle. plnee to fee(i. may find some uBeful hl'ooth unft'ollution, 6 mctillle tU\ll'e 18 n cougll n WGIl· Iltll ul! nnc] hecom lng dress, Per. Hnlt of Oi ls Is put Into t wo pailfuls at of 1"'0 vl'al cn.lves whleh weighed 397 bin ts In this plan. pOllnds. nnd sold for six ents n pound . !lud t40 NIlfl'eror see IUS to ~ goiug 11I~0 haps It mny he n Rlgn of ollr scn' lludu Slltt W\lrm \I;Ellel' 01111 the goods Mill" cream ond butter for n fnmlly of consumption, ut Oth"1'8 th'ol'tl is n mur· o for h thot lhls should b9 so: but washed until cll~un. Add water to tho two per, ons were resener! ulld Scattel' the Hogs. . mur of the b Cl\rt nud h etu't d\sellllO ill whllQ 11'9 live hero wo a.rc bound. to rema lnlnl;t half I)f tbe starch and rlnso. It III bett e~ for mtlny reasons thM courRO not includetl In the record fenred. In the folio, ,ill oosa severo Inl'l l< ra f' t~ In tile fac e. (lud cherish tha Dry and Iron on the wrong side. the hogs be scattered IIbout the ftlrma. abovo. fniutiug 8(lO1l~ au nlnrmiu t\ymprlilen l of I he "hajlJlY" gown. Her .Is a Wlty to removo a greliso One or the cows Is 15' years old, There Is. now !>elng prtU;tlced not ·on1y tom resulting from" too li!.tle 1lI001\," nt tbe experiment stat/oUB, but also spo t. whi ch answers excellen t ly: FIrst aross·bred Jcrsey and Durham. The Mrs. George FO,rrest-cr. of 'l Clll·til COURAGE VS. COWARDICE. plllue a dOllble thllckne~s of blotting other I her progeny, e ight years old. on many ot the rarms where largs street, 'Vntortow n, N.Y.,~ys· : "Sotne l)al)er t)n an Iro nin g bonrcl. Lay the sired by .a Durham bull, making lIer numbere or hOIDI are being raJsed, It tilllG A;;O I ·took 0. benvy coltl and it le(t 'lhe Opinion of a MilUai'y Mall Re- mllte rlal on this Illltl Hilongo well with three·!ourt!18 Durh\lm . Tbey had COlqo grelltly les8eWl the' 1i088Jblllty ot 'hog me tn' " very wenk condition. I boo gal'(iing tl~e Two Qualbenzine. Now ' put lwo lUoro thick- mon IHljjture, wllh pumpklnB and corn cholera $alnlng a foothold, Bnd'lImlt.i 001110 worso nUll worso n.utU ' finnlly I iti es. nesses of biott'lng papar ou top and foeleler in (Mlr season, but none of the Ita spredd If It do,s. small tent- hnd n\lrolnh~. I lost flesh uud nppetite, Iron with a moderllloly hot Iron. Re- lntter while at pasture, El'cept wilen shaped houses !ire D,0W' becOming. POI)- bild ItO'color nnll wns subjeot to. faintlug "Co noge," obsel'Ncd all old mllllan' member lhllt benzIne -Is Infll\mmablt:', eating pnumpklns. they have a quart ular tor bouslng , hogs 80 dlslrlbptea. spells. Sometimes tboy ,wollld ntlnck man, "1M a Qun illy \'ery d lWcult to ana· 80 don't <.10 this near a lire ' or ijgbt, ot meal (corn and oatll) at each end ot These houses have floors , In iIOmll 'me snddolily and I wOllld fill to thoflOor with hardl¥ allY wlII'uiug. \. iyze. and sec that your lIaUron ISl1't at the day apiece: They bllve no more ~:esJ bl!t ~n9t I!\ A .IIO<?r that , "! Md· o.f 'o ur bost pbyslolanll, " 1 ha\' e Known m"n wbo. III ord!r.ary sco r ~ hlng h ea t. can be removed at pleasure Is ~eBt. bnt nIter lie boo been attelldiug me MIn In winter \tl~:ll In IIUIVQle{". life. r;e re shy., srms lll\'e r 110'1'5. dis· To a tidy housewife" gravel walk' Cream Is ralse~ by tbe deep-can wa- l.t reQul!:!l~_mo~e Law! to cnre tor. hOgIJ aoopt a mouth with.out auy iluproyorial' the uttt)lo· t ll illel, and coolnes! Is otten an annoyance. Unless It Is ter process. , Dnd tbo morning mess \a wben scattered about, but' the extro IIIOllt in nly-conditioll, [deoided to llee cn the l.mlll cftcld; Just as, on the othel conllnuallY looke~ !.~ter It will get drawn trom the can each noon: Tbe labor la more thon compensated' for what Dr. WlJlhlll1S' Piuk 'Pills WORld do. .. The pills "el'O well kuown ti)'D1e .~ .. I ". ....._ t,and, I have secn sclt· possessed. I unll( y and the.n It clO fl8 look .80 for- nIght's mess Is allowed tAl Btand . till by the greater freedom of tbe atllmal~ s l unl)' bladeE, olruost panlc·strl ~ken In lorn. In jI'l'tlnce th<l practical natives morning. . Cream Is well ripened be- from the disease and tbe Jeator elelln- for, a.bout two · years bolore, mombers of my fnmlly bnd takeu them with the lhe so me elr ulUstouces. hilYe Im'ented a preparation with fore cburnlng. but not allowed tAl be· IIne8s Pos81ble <In ,the farm . -Money 18 best resnlts. I ijoon found that tht/.pllla I Say to the Englneer-"Charley, TurD Her Oft' and !'Itop Her." "One lh lng I have learned by expcrl· whlcb they frelll)' wa~er gravel patbs come too IIcld. It is churned In B.reo not made out or sick hogs, but out of were jnNt wbnt I ue\ld\ldfQr 1 800n be. bealthy ones. . I'nep, n nd that Is the talslty ot the say· and roads an II thus save much work gnu to notloe nn iniprovemellt, After 1 '"ho clalmell ho had gone up to San Juan express fellow by blowing orr tbe door ot ing lhot 'bul.llcs are nlwoys cowards.' aud man), a backache, Here is tbo volvlng churn. and washed, salted and, had t"lwu thom" while 10llgQr I WBe ellcnre( packed In tin tubB with , wood 11111 with lhe llreRlrlp,nt. bls cnr: thc eoglneer wipes his h and s on THE LIVE STOCK. : tlrely oured, Rlld ,ve nil beiieve III Dr, I IIOI'I!' Imown blUstcl'lng follows. who rule tor It: Telu gallons of water, 20 jacket8. Work wltb Ibo butter Is don3 his overalls and sa)'s: 'All rIght, Bill, "Tbe Ilresillenl Is In fin e SIIIl(lCl." 8111d Willinms' Pillk ·p ma lLud reOonunend ,t cllghled III hectoring their comrndes, pounds of lillie'. two pounds of flour Tbree, CB to stand bY-OOW8, ~~n, tbelu hi~~l~' . roa. "and he Is making (rlelldae"ery dsy. but don't poillt that gun at my head . flghl Ilk!! Trojous lI'ben their tUrll: of sulphur. Boll all together In an In season, all tbe way tbrougll. There .' Is a lesson 1.0 Intensive dairyIng bere ' clover, . flgbtlng tile ( ru ~ls. and tryin g to save :cause It makes me nervous: lJe blowa cOllie; wltbout noy Sign of fear. Dr.W . /I'PlnkPUluctua1lymalte Iroll kettle. Wben co.ld pour oft the up car as a matter of accpm· thnt Is worth needing In cases wbere To prevent butth:g, tie a. SUck or a new b.lood, TheJ" do that one tbing iwd the liooJlle {r1)m ru in:' " It seems to me .tbat cournge Is very clear Ilort and use on the walk/!, being do it ~ell, Im,p6.ei'iftbed blood la "Gee, but whllt a lraln robbcr Tedd y motlation to me. 'and the expressman :nllch a question at the Imagination . vcry cll~eful not to get any at: the mlx- even more tbo.n two eaws are I>eln~ pole three feet long to the . huck's bore they. rubbiog his Il~d .let It drq on the ground. ' , rleficientin redt)(llpulOles, Dl'. Willinma' would have made. If h e hlld lurned hi" comes to the door II dull man will plllnge fearlesly In lo ture on gras~ or lIower bods.-Ohlcago i(ept. Piuk Pills iucreaae ~be nUmber of these I Any·.anlmal on the (arm wtll stand rod corpn8Cle. and ill thl. way iend talents In thltt dlrecllon. Instead of sleepy eyes open and 'S8Ys: 'tt's a won· nn ngar, bec~u se he does not realize bls Dally News. . The Beat PIg Food, more exposure without sulferlng than healtb . and IItre\IRth to nery tl88De. ~as tlng bls strenuousness III politics." tIer you wouldn't let a wan g6t a .lItlle rer ll. If be 1I0d the Imagl na{lon to Fed In conjunction With cOr;n or Q coW' giving e. large amount ot milk. . ' .Ald elle lead\! r \If he ga ng. "I would reet. Tliat dlnl,y .lIlUe Bafe In tbe cor, do so, h e mlghl turn tall. or, . at nny Peppers Stullfed with Cold Bam. All druggists Bell Dr. WilIlap1s' Piuk BaIt and ashes are' a line .preventlve Pills or they will be·sent ,by mai), pqat. Give a thousan!l 'rlollars 1.0 see him draw ner hasn',t got allylhlng In It to Bpeak of: rate, shrink and hesitate. Use sl X Itl-rge green ' peppers. SCI npe Iborts ' sklm milk Is the very ,beat pig H. R. Qurler tound, ' 8a tar back paid, On re.oclp~ o~ price, IiO oclltl.JllCr · a bead 00 the en .~l lIeer o( a tast mall. An'd l:4iJn we blow lip the .little safe Oret. "On the otber band, tire Intelligently Ollt cleun nnd 1111 tbem wllb a mixture feed. as 1876 that S,klm trt\Br paid 34 cents per at sickness In · tbe bog, yard. This hoE, BtE bqxOI! for 12.60, by tbe Dr: Wil. 811d mllke blm get down and cJo tbe dyna· and msyb e find 1111 we want, and we bra\'e !nan is aided by his Imag lnallon, ot onc cull of minced ham; aile cUp' ot means bara wood rusbes, never coal _ . Mo!1lcine 09.: Bobe~ectadY,l$. y, mit e , ~t, and lhen loa~ liP the saildle 'burry Ull. B.O Ihe hoys can go on about for while It cnabl. him to understnnd breBcl r. rutnbs nnd one tablespoontul of bushel fol' corn. This Inorease With the 'aBbes; bags and pull out fqr the ·Hllle·ln·the· tbelr blls ln e!U! as Ilulelly al )lOsSlble. hl& danger. It makes him keenly alJve butlor. Put Into 0. bilking dlsb with price at corn until 1877 made him 49 Unless sheep are caugb~ with. a crook, Wall. 'Cbat man h Ill! wastud hIs oppor- (t ia all reduced to ri s),stllm, now. IIko to the shame ot cowardice anu tno n holt . pint of stmlned tODlatoes sea- cents per busbel. The Wisoonsin experlment station etlll later 'foiuid tbat more 01' Jess wool wlll l:Je wasted . at tunllit's. a.nd Instead at beIng at the running a rallroall or/Pipe IInee, and l !;Iory at heroism. " soned with sallt and pepper 'and a ta.lUi orn at 35 cents per bUBhel shorb Ibeep-.s\le~l'lng time, Sheep and lambtt liead o[ a gll ug ot robbers. wllh the am contented with my lot. and there Is blespoonful at t9ugar, Bake for tbree- W ' 1IfUr i::aught by· band otten '1oae hanllfula oi world al his f L ready to hold np their no Slraln ')n my cOllsclence. as there 18 st 77c:'cents per 100 pounds. pork • " . quarters of an hour, . ' New and Simple Barometer. made a t a oost of tou r cen ts :p8r pound . fleece, . ' . Itan4i1 at the slightest blnt. livIng a I\(e would be Ir I was robbIng tbe poor In·' Dr. Elydam. 0. noted German meteor--.- -= - -On8 ' reuon ",by the bol' pasture of ft'(!cdom In the mpuntalns. there he III Btend or tho riCh. Of course. there are ologl~t, has dlsplvererl a new and 0:- I • Peanut Butter. by using skim milk, and this was Jater must be restricted In aI~. ts that hog a' o Ule thlnKH th'at I would like to have dlllng · political stunt., and wearln!; trelllely simple kind' or baromeler. It Peanut bulfo,r 18 easily made at reduced to thrM aad one-quarter cenIB. \lolled lolhek. Ilnd eating ",Itb a fork." tbe governmenl do like building us Il consists of the tolegrapb wIre W'hleb bome by passIng tbe routed 8.Jld For voung animal, skim . milk la ex- fenclq Is very cpatly. The atranda , of '11'1" mnat be CloM toMther IUIII tho house nnd rurnlshl~g u~ steam beat. be· Is S.tMlDg from pole to pole along tile shelled nuts IIlversl times througb ceedlngly ADd tbe bandit slgbed for Ted'tly. valuable, lUI It bull~1I up bone loweat wire inqat II. alODI' the grounci. hWell, lie wUl !Uake himself juaL a8 cause Ihese caves sre cold and .In tim" roadsides. Dr. P.yctam declares that by tho ftnellt 0'1 a patent ;tood aDd mqlcle. The hol"a abilitY to root under a1moet famoua:' aailS pa. "If be 811eceedl! In land· will IIllilte liS rbeumatlc, but 1 can walt listening cloaely 10 the sound made grinder, the the nut being Quite anythlnl' malt.. him a llard animal to . tOl tile lIol1l~lIp Dien of WILli 9t recto and anolher yenr. wben wo aballlend a dl)l· by tbe wln~ blowing acrOss tbe Wire, Bulftl!lent to the bulter creamy, A . ThDugh~ Ahead. fell:ClI aptpt. .::,--.....~H4tta-JllM...tG-....P1pge4hell'""'~~I8-4IIIa**~LbQ+.~nm.-r"...,.-ttn-r-...".;.,.r!th~.,...,'A~-.;"..-l-f!!houle!- more needed, adU IIttia Do you remember In wha.t coDdlUon W'lIllook outtor our Inlereats. The Mol" weather Is IIl,ely to be several day. III pute olive oil, Salt to taste IUId JMOk you put away those bayfq anll barJ'eacUq the ~ 010119 are represented In congres8, and advance, It the wlrlJ emit a deep. mel. In amall jan, Vllllting maehlDes1 Did the, DOt Deed Bilca1ll8 Iheep will eat bnlllh I dOIl 'l8_ wby we Ibouldn,' t be." low and slistained note, like tbat ot' au lOme repalrlqT ~meum....,. the othtr-Jtnll! Of tUt lIoa't "Well. you have got lal\, all rigbt," Organ, It m"ans tbat the weaeer will Farm JOUl'1lal, It ta.k.. thr,t or lout ULnl oil! IDeo • tot _tIlI...i old (la to tho bandIt. "You meaD to be mowery. with poslllb1e aalH, A tell m. )'1)11 JOUI , Ib!lrp. high note toretells palller, wI! l'n wluter, You would shine In th.,· buslneltB world. Come on, go hal'k f'aat wllb ruo, and I will UIIO nlY Illftuenctl to g .... l YOllln a.lIlong tbl> OIt1n ,,·hl)O\\·lllluln· mobiles 'and yal'hl8, a(HI "rh'e rour·ln· haods. What do you 8IIY?" . "No, It Is too lal6," said Ih It'adllr .of tbe Hole-llI ·th . ~ all gnlll> of t rn.11I rol)· be .... with a algh. " I RhQllld ' be Olltla,s l'U It I went Into Wall 61 reCt now . l ha '0 got mlln), f (Ile I pm~ nls In m~' maltc Ull of th ~. UCC · Srll \ nnun/;e·r. ROel .Ihe oil odnnllS, anell t' I had lIO( bo('omo a train ";,bb I' I might hal'a b en a sue· ce sful InSllraR('o PI' sldl'lll. hut I hR\' e always be!)n hnndkappcd by a tOI\' i; I n e. I IIld 1\01 rob widows and or· ')lhnns If I tried. It wOllld gll'c moapalo . I'a lind the BRd Boy Amon g the TTll.ln I hat morllcl ne wOllld not ('ur to know B.qbbenJ-Pa TTlo;a to PIIl'5ua!1e tho that women nnd chlldrcn ' were cryln~ Hend Bnndjt to Become R Flnnnefer lor bread be all. e I hnd mbLed Hlom -The Bandit Prefon TrRin Bob· and was living high on 111(~ lr 100noy. If bary Ilnd 1'uta Up a Good Argu- it wasn't for my consclen c I cotlld tnk~ tb e presld ncy of a lifo In surauce co m· men,t. )lllny. nnl! rob rl lotht alld I ft. equal to t used ·to think I would like to be!\ any ot Ih rl'Owned heads who arc now tl'llin rObber, and have II nl c gang of In lbe bushl ~S. 13\11· If I was rlrlving in bOYB to domy bidding. r bnvcoflen piC" my aut omohlle and should 'run over 0\ turod my gang putUng a r ellllghl on I h poor woman wh 1;III/tht be a polle~' tra\lk and stopping a train laden Wllh hohl~r, I cou ld nOI act as would he e x· «old. holding a rel'oh'er to Ih ' b ond at lIeeted at m e, and louk nrollnd lIsdalnthe engineer, and cOmllelllng 'hlm to gl) (ully at b er mangled bOO)' In the ronll, and dyn amlle llle l!xpr 8S oar. Then wo:> and snrer at her raJ)ldly· cnollng n.'· ."Quld fill our pockets and baversack~ ma ins. nnd PUL on 51 flm and skip out with rolls at bills that, would choko n wllh Ill)' mask on. I would wllnt to b l(lpnpotamtls, nnd ride away to our 1101, (\ 01[ the s nort Ins. ba<l,smoltl ng shack In the mountains. <lIvlrle "11 th d Jug gcru ll.lI l and get out lind pick liP l ho swag. go on a trip to N w York, bathe III Ileal' old s olll'lInd try to r store ht'r to . llampagne. dre s IfJl e mllllonnires. go consclollsnelOS, whl cll at'! would ('auso W Uleaters morning. noon and nigbt. , m il to be boycott d hy tbe auto~ohil !l
alI Ito
8101 HEADIDHt:
--:ii ------
BlJringUme-arter e weather Ilu A New DI~h AccidentaUy Evolv.d Which Prov!!d Very Pleaalnr. , become weU seWe,l-ls' pal"Ul1g Ume. There Is no ·duilt lIyfng, nD In, and Also Economical. lects are In the air at that tlmo roady So m:luy of onr leisure , hours· ~e to comrult s ul olde b sutlocatil)n In ,A c(lok the olh r day aruhlonta ll, slX'ul on the por 'h In Hllmmer tbiit It the coat oC trash palp,t. The Ilbmos, eyol v d n llOW 'dlsll. III ate.'\,I,n~ aprl, IA or greal linpllrLnUr to bave It as a t- pberlc conditions are al ~o favora ble ' ~O~', shp found lhat ~ h(l had mor e Full of' Humn.Il Itt terest. . B er "-wtul Dread. trac:Uve Ilnd llOt\venlent 118 possiblo. at that seuson (or proper drylllg und jlll cl'~whi ch was rOlilly a thi ck elru p lhe Uprisiag of tile Nlltlyei- Tbe,ZlIllIs Would A~enge Cetewoyo's Dethrone. Nn /(gufl-Wlllt lim YUII working " Wh y do;;t thnu In' up, t:J-lr malden?" It ,. 0111 h h lud er to make a small Increase,l liCe oC th e lInIn t. flO 11l1l ~h sugar hud beeD Il ~NI -thao DOW, l:I or lh';? ment-Generol Massacre of Whites Threatened; "My loyel', kind' Kl r, hill' g ne on • por ,h attfllctlve thAn a large one, It s hould be a bnblt wIth every 1;1)111 wi h d to 8~n,1 te th lahle wftt .B.orll~- l · Rill wrllln~ a ~ "ry furc lgn trip, IIn ll 'ilc wUl Dot return :0 wh'ore woll-deslgned pieces or furni- prop I'ty owne r very spring to loo k tll o fru ll. She t herdO "e 80nkl.l a Itt ~' hlrh the-re Is IIl'I her Ill'ro lI or ·hero ln . mc for u whal e year." " ture lool{ well llgalnst II dellghltlll set- ov r bls buildings, eto., lind see If U g,' lollno, a,,,l lIou ..('d over It thl no lovl' mnktr ll\, no \·Illul n. no d tce· "h cr III', pretty nile. A )" " H , lSI ting o( trees and. vlues, but In tbe need repainting; nOl m e rely to hot uP"\('ot Jill ' , to whi ch fihe hl\li ttVI' , nnrl Hu t n \lUI' \t' le or plot: _ Clulrkly spC?u , nn" Il a will re turIl t.o our re:1I1~rs 1111\'e but II az y rl ou n nepubllc, th e year be(ore Ihe re- ~u burban dlstrl< ts the ' houKeileeper or sec It th ey "will go anoth er YllIlr," a llliell n vcry 1I11le-bal! a t a ~ lIoontu' Nall!lll lJ~1'hRt ollghl to be Interesl' It. ea. " renl ~:nlll'"l1 M f r~ceut ,lIs lll"bllnces tnalnder 01 Zulu!lJllIl hu\'lng Ilceu de- little meaDS has \Wln y prClblems to be hut whelher the HUle bas not come - btl 1'1' almond l'XI ract. 'Vhen th~ In g " Ah :es doubt not bls return. BIlt dowu III t h Brl ~Ish coloOY at Nalal, lured II IlrlLI 'It r~\Vn oolouy. solved . . It 18 necessary to bring lhe tor putting In the proverbial "stitch g .. IIIt1 l1e wns thoroughly ,1Isso l" r d ac d Borus- I't oughl to he more than whQl If $om mon s hou ld cOme a loup; on I IJp. son Worn onut oC Afrl cn~ Ullli n cun Unued tr, ma lt a outdoor feeling !La; much liS possible Co'l lewll >'0'8 ru lxll(\ wllll ·Ul e . jul ~e, Hhe IlOur II lbe In time" which s h a ll,~ v ll utulll1y "sa\'e thaL. I hop t,) mak It touchi ng Rn ti lind marry me In fhe . mea.ntl:m.e?"-·· probably' ,a re Jlfiylng 1,III t Hcn nt Iltt!lll- trouble; In 18 1l . ~e ll1pted all Insur- 0 0 to tile porch. n ino." For nn e coat I)f palnl applied mlxlure In a 010111. IIs ln g fOr th e pUI' pathell c. Il' s 3. hu n l·luck SIOry, writ· Cleveltlnd Lende r . ' lIoll t prell ot th l' ~lenl ll l;1! lu ZlIlu- r!'clion; hill W il S ,""on <!lIpturCl.I, IInli Pots of grow ing plants, or' bOlles jus t a lillie berore · lt Is actually need· POHi? on(' ot the ~ alte till S thot bAv! len for my ll\ndlo" d'H Cl{clus lVIl Mru ~ al, ~------JUI\li, a provi nce or :jtul. BUL t he dis- Bo nt ' ln ax llo io St. Hoi ron, h efore h& fastened on to the woodwork of the lIuteeJ 9 ltln~ n'oll a hole In tho mit!. HIs Vlew 'ot It. tu rb n. ll ~'eB were ' serlu,u8, t ho th reuten- WIlS ntlowctl tn r t il ,'n. J"rom IIDle 10 porcb, serve as n scree!) trom passers- ed will otten 8avo most or the paint dlei. Til,> 11 xl lillY ~he run,tu lly r& a nd sel forth III detail th e rllu~n l\S "Do yOU thInk that II ommer 101 ea, Inb'll nre ~rtlve ; ore ··Ion". n eWH pf u time slllall dls trl cls IVere ."llIed to lilo by, aod a~e alwnya attractive to thoae ' on the buildinG' l1y pnlventLng It from lJIo\'ccl lI.o· jell y (0 IL rich durk,blll! wby I s hall \la 'io to as k him for anoth· le tting go and cnuBl e,g e edless trou· er extrnSllli) ti r tim 00 my rcul.-Cbl. reer 18 to b(l (lo mpar ~d to a Uterary g uNal mllKsa re or the whiles of that Britis h IJOS~csMJonR III Zululnnd, and Bitting on tbe porch. These can b e I>latter. wit re Il lookM v I'y Ilrl\t.ty cago l'r lblllll!. ble Hnll exponse. coreer?" asl{cd tbe hlgh·browed and r glO Il m Y s hock Il1e world. 10 18n tllo wltOlO province aunexed covered with pieces at Virginia cork wllh It ~ orange colodn/:. The h oll melan choly youth. Paint lots go hecause 1IJ..llIled oil, The u .mdp·o Graphlo, discussing th e to Nn,luL· oatlert Irregularly against lhe sides ot whi ch Is the "cement" that bolds all In t he c nte r w n~ !lIIed with wh Ipped ;':'.Iy boy," said Mr. Cumroll',_ ''In H Is Joke . !:lOll t II Afrl 'a u uprl lug, goes so far nil . And now I t 'li S lurn our ott.entlo n tbe boxes, and give a very attractive ~r~nlll. un ci a rio. Re rt. sent to Ih~ lam· bu In eSB yO\l ca ll write your. nn~o on good pnlnt together, gradually docays 'I'h.r wn_"" 01<.1 mnn til Hohokul to suy: '. "There Is, uufortunately, Only 10 tile colouy oC Nnwl. Inl! ludlng Zu- ru stic appearance. \ \'h o, ~ Il w'"g Inten tio n t o j o ku ~ a "I co at paper no bigger tha n posor oKldlzes, ju st as Iron exposed to Ily tlint c'ost almosl nOlhlnK of oltller tOO ol\lob reason lo believe that Iltc lul and , It hus nn rua or :11,307 square Fern baskets may also be hung In air and damlJUess wUl slowly decay nH)!l ey or labor. Ot cOllrse 1\ rlnA Said : " T h" rIower or my !l oc k tal CArlI unci make It worlh thousands Zulus and Knlllrs are II termlned · to miles. In 1 90 It bud II liP,IHll allo n tb e spaces between the posts, and on I s fl c r [l(.· lI ~ . t'l on' L k nockmolJ l'oul(1 be u s~d to YPlI b Iter ad· or dollars. In . lIter nture you can write or oxldl7.e. The wute t and Qxyg II In A roo , pr , )'OU kn o \\', Is a. c r o\\'·CUS!f. M llal L11e wliite people fr\lID South Af- or ulmo~t 1,1100,000 1100 pi , \ be l£u- the posts themselves IIltJe brackets \'ontu~e . up reo ms of naper without maklll'g It - H n u t on P os t . rIca, Ir Ibey <;Itn niuuuge It. It Is no rup IIns nunlbeJ'lng abOlit 65,000. Nutul can be placed" one above the other, for the air are the cause or th e troub le A very I';ood ~he rl cn ke Is mad from wOlth 00 cents," - Washlngton Star: both cases, and th e only I' nllon. In louger lb e question or the loyall y of Is admh,lsteret1 by " governor " llIJO lntIt si qUlIltly or canll"!l 8prlrotu th og !)Ote 01 growl as flow ers. outs ide ot lts beuutlf),lng errect, tllnt RULES AND ETIQUETTE OF GOLP Ilnv purtlcul Of chief or Irlbe; tho COIl- ud by Ule crow n, and It ml'y be Iu<rt Drain lh .. jul,;e all'uy rrQIlI till' rTull. Another holder o( t10wBrs seldo m His Trophies. tagl n Of rebolliol hus 80 1'1I()lilly of th I1HZY re m mlJran 'e of mon\ or seen, would be one of the Japanese we apply paint to wood or IroD Is he· a,llcJ ('li t It In amnII pi ,.(!~ , Sel III 8 "Did )'OU kil l 11.11 those animals yourII preull (h1lt Its cxum .. ca uno t be tnons- IcsH rcc~llt Nawl ll eW8 thllt tho " d- bamboos, whi ch must be nailed to the Clau se we wont to k eell 'v ,nt er an,l IVIIl'IlI ,.lnt'C, 8n(1 l. rocC ., d to mix Ihe selt?" Ils ked the \' I ~ ltor wbo was adpain t, u rell with ,ny degreo or IIl'e Iselless. rulnlMlI'utlon of NU'. nl lind Iha home posts, and can eltber be filled with air away tram ' tlt eru. Ll v rlll{l·. "1118 calls for on e ('uprul ot miring the nn e deer, elk !lnd moos!) that Is paint In which th e 1I11gelo" 1 011 Ar lhe Bnsllto8 st,)1IdfIUl l III I heir 10>'- gove"lllllllnt nOI long ugo vcry decided- wa ter, and hll ve fresh flowers placed IIour, rO\lr U;uSllOnrllls or bakln j; 1)0 IV · Ilea r)s tllat wl! re swclt up In the new Is sUlI oily, does this very c::tcctun l· n il>' " Are lhe 1>{uta llvle, Ibe M:l.~hOlln, ly 1IIslIg"cetl nbollt :t Cllse or dIscipline. In tbem, or can be filled with spll, and l l~r, 11\'0 l!'aSIl OO nrllla or SIl!\[\r. nlH I ma n!!lon. Imll th " ry mlx.l ontlve pOPlilutlon So rue time ago Iwo memhers 01 t.he ClOntnlu Bome quiCkly grow ing creep- Iy; but dad point, that Is Il:ll il t In i'.n r a l . 'a~ I)lIo nru l at Mult s ll' lt"ll 10 "Yes," prollllly r eplied bls host. which the 011 Is no lon ge r all)', Is nc. of tho new co\onle3 slanch In their Nnlal mounted poll"1) we re ruurderee) , srs p)anted in the openings, giving a gMh r. Into this work tall I' table " By Ihe WilY, why have you bad t~at ' trlendly r lations w,lh ti,e Englis h 11011 al1tl in IlunUdHuent t.he Notal' govern- mosi. attraot! ve appearance to the se t- moro Impervious tonlr and wa ter ~ \loOllrll,l ~ of bl.ttcr. add thrp lourth1 old cap fastened above the door'" than a s lllg le thick_n ess of oheesc c f 1\ ~ Il\lrlll 01 milk. an,l ~t1r InlO 8 DUI"',? Old colonIR'.'3 declare Ih llt tb y ment r,ond emn eil !t cons ldero lole horly ting of tbe porch. "Tha t WIi S worn by a man wbom 1 cloth would be. 11' t.h en ,.. apply c wOlild nOt [m . t Cl oy naUve, no mUI - of unllves to d nth . 'I'be home governII g)11 da'igh. Roll In a nOli rod bowl, The large growi ng plants placed 00 fresh coat Ol ally paint betor' I:. mi stoo k ror a deer."-Judgc. ter hO\V Ol'fuslve his I,lIrected 10Ylllly, menl Wought Ih e mensu re too . strln- the floor, either in a corner or near an rl whe n one·fourth or an Inr lt I hlr'k wlllle lu Nlltu l, espe IIIl1y, It hns lOng gCIIl, bu l A I)rll 2 IIle exec,. lIon WUS the steps, are always an attractive old point Is dead , tb e 011 Crom th e cut Ini o gc nerOIlR squares. Dru ~ h the Teated, coat will p n trllte th e ol' J coa l, now b eeD 1111 a l'tlcle of tDIll1 umung Ell - cnr rl etl 0111, 12 Ka tllrs w re shot Cor addition, and this Is usually tho only' :'Cl llnr ~ wllh III !ted hutter. Smart Wlle-Doll·t worry, G,eorge. I nn(1 th e whole coatl nl; will onco mort' t:J P of th !! oth r, nn.] hllk rO D Ihut Ihe hle I Zul\l ~ WOUld tit mllrd(,,· of til tWO poll ccnJe n. ' de<;araUon round on the uveruge porch, become alive; nu d thla method or reno wrot e an arUcle for the pa'per to·day, Ilomo 'd oy nden \'0 " to n \'enge 'Ie· A reIJel hi f In -\l!lll, Bnmbautn, Qven . "hen ,l OllC, ~P ll8rnle tile pi eces, The larg at sIze of lard bu c ~ ets can ovallon may go on Illdefi o itely. sbowlng how to get liP a tamlly dinner 3pread th e frllit IHlt wce n Ihe lay ra wuyo's d Lhroneme:>t by ~OnlllllSB lng u has heu n tb o r~ '1l 8e o f no s mall nlllQllnt be planted cla rk green', and these can for one dolla r, and I took It arouod and This explains wby It Is be tt(>r eaon· b4l placed all the grass and In front omy to repnlnt a li ttle befo re It be. a nd on toP. anll pil e whi pilell cr am the editor gave me a doUar. \'or all. A sw Cl SOIl CD whl{'h may ot ,t he porcb, and It they are I{ept comes absolutely ne.cossa ry l ha n u Husband- Tha t's a rare piece ot good filled with growing nastlll·tlu rus, little arter. Wben tHIe paInt Is once hI! j·w r verl wit h t11P shortenltc Is madp luck. What are you golog to do with add In s to a CUIlCul at the rrlllt hy would bloom durIng the hot months. dend tbe fre sh coat wlll pull th(> the dolla r? ' juh'c one tabl sl)oontlll ot por nsmr h Threl! of them In front of tbe porch whole coating (llf. "I'm going to lry that -recipe myself, lI'e l In a little wnt er anil bolled tor n would gil'e quite an air to n modest and see It It will work.-N. V. Weekly. In the days when r epainting meant f w mlnu les. A tsble pootlrul of but· porch, and one would feel Indeed that a general turning of Wi ngs upside A Buay Family, one bad a pleasant garden, without down, a two·weeks' "clutterlIlg up" tor Is melted Into the pauce and a ta· "Whnb's you aU's tather?" Bsked tbe the trouble oC breaking one's back to of tho place with k egs, cans and lll espoonlul of lemon jll ice Is added vl sllor. plant th e seeds and care for them. If palls, a lot ot Inflamma~ e and III- lust b [oro servlng.-N. Y. Post. 'A ball lyin g In the I rlt at a tree "In the woods shooUn' SQuirrels ,. preferred, they. c;ould slruply be used Imelllng maw.lals IItandlng n!'ound, must be IllllYCd or the player shull lt1!;e answered Pleknnlnny Jim, as receptacles tor the flower pols, flic., the dread at pedntlng tlme was VINES, ,EASILY GROWN a at roke," "Whnh's yah brother?" 'l -'--;';=o~. the pla nts wb ll'h ha\Tc Ul!en natural. So was tho dread Ii! soap· "Down town sllootln' craps." Indoors during tbe wlntBr wunths. making time, ot sblrt·malling tlmo, of Boston Ivy !\.nd Vhgl nla Creeper TWG "Whllh's yoh mother?" A Lucky Cast. 'O hlnese vegetable baskets are even candle· mouldlng tlm'l!. and the IlIt e. ) Staud-1Jys-Some Beautiful "On de 'scurslon , ahooUn' de chutes..· Shl' W B" n 'rreckl ed coull(ry maid, more dec;oraU Ye It they can be proBlossoming Vines. Sit" ~ I d Iter moth r'e /Iuty. -WusblugtOD Stor. · (lured, ae they are low and wide. It llut we live In an age WhCll Hoall A 'II)' . ell ow married hur !hare rontrlvan ces were -thought oul comes from tbe atore better and 'I'" j; l II speckl ud bea uty, chea per tban we call make It, wilen Nol alone ruay the veranda bE 1II[0re to the Point. for comrorl, many things could be shirts are Bold .ready made for loss -N . Y. Sun. beOtlllfled wltlt vln S . The wall of (I .\ ·H E. done outdoors which are usually done than we cnn bllY the material s, wben To YOU J . 'ng brlok or s~o ue house mar be given 8 Increaae at Poverty. In the' bOllse.-Ch lcago {n't er Ocean. 01 eprlng. we can burn coal oil or gas cheaper l1ylng coat of green, wbl 'h wtll be a ZL'l,t·[..A:-IO. Mistress-That young man who SHE. than we can make tallow candles, j.,y to the loy ra or notu reo The Bos· Oh, >prl ng- .omu other. lhln~! THE PICTURE BLOUSE. and when all we have to do wheo we ton Ivy an e! ,the Vlrg lnln oreel'er, two called 10 seo YOll last night, Jane, wbl:e mR!IIlBC re th ro ughout the Oar- ot troubl e, at presl',~t Is s upposed to HE. To YOu I brIng want to repaint Is to plclc out our vines known tbrou gh Am erica, cling slayed very · late. d n COlony .. ' be In hidIng In 11,t) prut'tJcally 1m, A ring'. J nrie-It WIlS me brother, mum. A Dellellte" Green Glace SUk Embroid- colors from the card at the store and . U!~ us Jind Ollt som what of this penelrObl N'Kholld 'lla rorest In Zuluto walls wltbout support, and so are . SHE. "But, Jane, 1 !lave noticed 37 dllferered In Small PUliea Is a pay the painter for put\.Jng all. the cspeclally usefu l tor thi s purpose. Cetewa)lo whom rhe Zulu\, would Inod. Otller ImpQrtanl chi efs huve exYou're shouting now, by Jln.! eot Oleo In your ~oUlpany within tha paint. . Cleveland Lender. aveng. ,But first let U8 locate Zulu- pressed themselves i1S bing untavorThing ot BeautY, The tormer Is no t as hardy ' IlS the When it comes to picking out the laUer, but In th o mldlll e and south· PIIRt. two yea rs , lind ench one, YOll sald, ,!and .lIll<l · obs~rve the s t ps by whl~h 'able to I'ellollioll omong them DlnlTHOSE FOOL QUESTION$, tho Engllsb huve w ill e Into posses- ;mlu, who sumdy to Ihe ulItlves as repThe term picture blouse seeml con· paint it Ja not nee:essary thut one e~u 'Iatltudes It succeods well nnd WUi! you r brother." "Y es. mum. Poor fol1{S ' anera have ~Ion . Zil lulnud Is t ucked In there on resentnlh'e or Ihe roya l bouse or Zu- finsd to those that are beavlly em- should be a paint chemist, any more torms a beaut\·rul IDMS a gllins l a wn ll. the COM I, borders on S"wnzllaod, Port- luland, ' and one , bjl ollcycd. 'ebB broidered, and th handsomer the em· than one should be' an all chemist The Virg ini a rre Il~r III ll!ll'fectly large fumllh,ls. mum."- N. y, Weekly. ugll!Jse East Afrlu!\, has the Illi1lao Swaziland Pille nl!jo profess 10YIllty, broide ry tile ,more does the name tul. .... hen buying kerosene, or' a depart· bardy. It will hide ugly Slone fences, Explained. Ql!8a n to t he ep8t And 8O ulhell8t,. uull a nd among the Bllsutos Illere I ~ no fill Its mission. Oll e beaulltul waist ment slore buyer when s electing oLltbi.lldlng!i nnd d en.1 trcps, tranS' Dribbler- In my opi n Ion, a man Nata l on til south west a nd west. It unrest. But preporallo ns are III prog- waR made of peau d cygoe, as glossy shirts, or II. soap chemist wben buy· Cormlng th m Inlo Lh ln g3 at beauty. wh o writes nn illegibl e hond docs It lIas beGn tb Bceoe or many troubles, ress la . 'iltal 10 aso 01 emergeucy; 118 a mirror, wblle the embroidery was Ing soap. ' All that Is n ecessary to The rapid growing Vlrg ln 's Bower beca use be think s pc pie nrc wUUng Jilngll!>tl "ti ll Zulus , Engl1sh and ertorls Illultl ng to \(cel,l lila ravor at In dull silks , made more. beautiful by Insure a fair show Is some Imow l· 18 an cxcen Ilt vIn e (or a \'c •.-amln, to pu zzle o l'er IL 10 ptller words, ho edge of tbe cboraoter of our llalllt giving a dense shad . H pres illS 8 Ie a maSij of oneell. .Ho rd" 8 d at tlmlli! Zulu and Boe r til nlltfv8s Ie lJOds.ble, If 1I0t to bo the contrast with the background. Jlnve been arrayed agulust Ule English. , readY sllould nc d ' t ur. One ot th e pI cture blouses was 1n dealc r and tbe reputation and s tand· snowy bank of alal" Mbap II white flow· Scribbl er-Not aJwnya. It \VUI3 low rd the close of ' the decadc .LOt liS Ulke II ~;tnnce at L1le his tory the most delicate clo ud greeo sill, Ing ot tbe maker ot the prInt olfereU. ers ot deligh tful [r·a" runcl'. wb ich last n ma n \\'I'lt ' s illegibly not ""'wu,o~'-""-I_I-_ _ l S70-S0 the warlike natives und er King at Notal, observe th.e whi te men that glace. The design was as or a bOil- Nor mUBt one e.''Cpec:t to Luy 0. pure tor everal week s. A comllD ll lo ll va· Is con Iterl , lJut lJecnllsc be Is modest. CeteWaYd become ~ seriOUS meuace to haye Rtl'll ggled for 1\ loothold In th is IIct of smaH . flowe rs done 10 ,t heir linseed 011 paint fnr the pnce of lin· rl eQ-. Clematls ro('ct nen, has ro~e·co l· "1110')081' Wha t about 1" th elghOOr.l ng BrItish colonl03, nncl , country. NlItlll W,JJI.. IIr~t s lg ''' "'r-''~-D'\1~n--W'"''_--L'''''''' design was 0. little seed 0\1 aloll(!. It I:an ,IJe takcn ror ~r::Cd 1I~;Cr\a~YshICr~o~ Pam h~r""7==-1-.......,rroOU'Hlls 8pelllngf'-!J!I-t-EHfln---'·~a-c.tlh\erO?:\\4l1-1i(~'lO, Smlthl Got,the tooth· nl tho b ginning Qf 1879 (he BrlU II Vas o\> <In GAm", hrls llll lls day, 1497, !it · one side at the waist, extend ing gronted wh en nnyol~e olIers to Be\1
Natal and he f2rovlnce of - Zululand
How a Simple Bouaeholder with a Small Porch Can Give It An Outdoor ,Appearancl\,
~ . nlildo WDr Ull them.
(It was In this and lho laod uema,l NUIIlI (NaU\'ltr) llVllr a u(! acro M the troet and trailing dollar bllls at a dll;l:ount, he Is bait· Th \\'lsta l'la Is a gOOd vin e A ProfessionAl Objection. In honQr ot th e day. The Out It made over tbe other s h·oullier . .A campal\' Ing a hook for "suc kers." So It cnn h'e1\l s, but Is eom ewhnt nrRe fo r Brilliant Part, "So you saw Nln gllra fal\s?" We urst u lte D1p~ ilL ~eu l ment nbout Ion wal qt to thi s was In th lightest be tallen fqr granted wh en anyone- most verandas, bing bOIlPr suit d tal "Y es." ManRger-Wbat? YOIl want a role n'nswer d the ,'eteran mem17:!(J, 1m! Wtml nOL f UCI'eSSrll1. I'n 1824 Illn ll, wltti flowers don e In red and whether mall ordclr house, paint the ru s tle hou se or pcrgola, wh re It _ ber of tit IIr(l ,I Ilflrtm nt. "l've wait- In such a romnntlc. play lIS "llomeo the E nglish llIade '1 trellty Wl t b CMI,II, while nnd forget·me- not bIUG. manufacturer or dellller--olIe rs paint d ll ght[ul 1 urDle fl ow rs hnn~ ID ed all lhe. e years nnd 1 saw Il at last." and Juliet?" Why, your fllce Is .. king of the AIl1(\~ll la, bUl Cbuk.a·s S IICOld.fn shloned [rllllng Hnds a place too cbeap, he Is blddJng for the trade gra e tul proruslon . The Crim so n "It Is wondorfully bIg aod 1m pres· round as II. full moon! cessor. Olngnu n, h' !lke liP Ihe Engll 11 In the wal t or ~·day and the Crnler@ or "sucl{ers," no matter what his nambl er rcse vin e Is perha ps on O ur Fatty'. Hamme-Thal's jU8~ It. s"'~. Isn 't It?" colony. In 't r.5 n rumber or tUl s~ l on' who di d not bcgru dg hemmIng mlle8 promises . . the surest, h a rdl !It nud moa~ satlsfac· "Yes. It's nil that. But "m blessed thought perhap~ you would let · me But paints sold In responsible tory of vines, nilmlrnbly s uited Cor tr , ca'n sec th ~ ~0()r1 or playing 11.11 that sUck my faco through ~e canvas sky nrl es eslnbl 'h9t.1 them~elves at Dur- of 50fl lndl n frllllngs are now get· bon. hortly !lrter wnrd .. he Dulch In tl ng bus)' ul)On frill s no wider th!lo stores under the bmnds or rel)ci.:lble , tbo. ve ran lla or almos t nn y oth r plac\!. wnter wherl' th ere Isn't any Hre."- ,ond bo the moon.-Chlcago aUy lhelr grent trek Itorlhwurd, entered lIo lf tb o willth of your little Hnger. manufacture rs are all good products, It grows raplclly 01111 blooms In great News. Wash ington tnI'. Nllh!l; Ihuu!;h Dlngaa n tr llelllll'Ously aeh frill ' edged with fine lace, The differing [rom one al3 0ther In the loss a bundan e . .. Bllter sweet Is an excel· mllre! r d tile 'nrs~ bnlle), Ille .Boers }Jer- waist!! are trImmed with IIlese trills, Importan t matter clf the Bolld pig· l ~t vi ne 01 ri ch f(l llnge, whi ch be, Too :Mlny Heads. MOTHER'S ADVJ:CE,. seve"erl, hilml grntlon contlnued. a'hen Pllt on In rows, a ud rows across tbe monts eontlilned, but pructlcu lly alll{e comes, Itl j;bly "ol ored In tho Blllllmn "There-ol\ght to be bul one bead to we hU\'6 the 'Ouulh and naLI \'e In CO il- yoke ll11d around the sleeves, and In In having tb elr Ill\uld 1'0rtillns com· ilnd Is ott n [ollowed by a mUlls or j!very 1I0use hold," shDuted the orator. III .~; In II gr~:ll batlle bel\Veell tho 1'0\\'8 aud rows AI'uund Ihe gird le. Of JIOsed essentially cf pure linseed Oll, ~carlot, rrult, whl ,'lr hnllg~ for. a 101l1l "That's rlgbt, " muttercd a worrledBoers lllU I null\,I'D (au the Bl'llIe(\ eourae, llono bUl a slim WOlCan would The com potiUon of the bette r class tlme.-Brookl~' n 1l;'lgle. looklag man In tho audience. river. 'Dece mb 'r, I :\ .). Ihe 'ZulUS wero IV IH theso frills, hilt she who Is tall of paInts has drlvflD Inferior goods "Vou a\;.tee. wltll me?" sbouted tha oye)'I)Ow r d. 'rh lullowlng yeur tbll lnd s light Is very Ifettlve In the m.- prat:t!cal1y out ot the marlcet, and orator, Singling him ou t. AQUARIUM HATCHERY WORK no manufacturer 01 standi ng now RIIIlIIbtic· of Nata l wn~ orga ulzlld. BUl Urool{l yn Eagle. " I do; I 1111.\'6, just 1L0Jshed paylna puts out a podr paint, uLder his own not long were the Dul 'h allowed pos- -- - - - Cor the Easter boooets ot my . nine Nearly a MiIlloll YOUllg FI'Y Turned 1: 'l' :-I,' naru e at Icas t. lon, t he Britis h I'tIl l Iloll\ Ih'o t lIie SOUP. dau ters,"-Houstoo Post. (Who l s to L~nil (ho IK!clnl Force 8ell< Out This Season in N ew Atrlk:lnders WarB th Ir sutiju rs, Dnll In 1_-I'IUl""';;~.lU~~~~~" As to gunron~ee$ on paint, they ,A nlt;s( 13a!llbAnln. . York Hntchery. 184l! ullnolled lhe r~pllbllc to CUlle Col- rakes Almost Wbole D~y to Oook, cc.n be tal,en fOJ' what they are worth. , Oouldn't Help Blm Any, AllY re putohle mallufaoturer will war Prln e Loll S Na poleo'n was ' lIlnln.1 OilY. SOme yenrs 11lt r NAtal wUS But a Flne Meal After Long Mr. Maklnbrakes (Ip clillnce acqualDVery nearly 100,000 lIul e n bes-thelr " Early ' In Ille yenr, at llJ1lnna the ntllde Oil . ' IndepeIl(lcnt colony, (Premalte g('od any det lct ' actual1y tracelance wltom he bas D;iet at a 8well Britis h UlI!t with , a great disaster; "Ious re(erence hng been malle to ' t he Hours of liard 'work. ablp to toe paint Itsei! and not to lin· number computed l't ~9~,(jOO , tu be exparty) - It you 'have any 1~6uencl\ with actohove been h atc.hell OIiL lu tllu later the ZulUS w.e re repulsed; In July war c~rrled on 'Ill ,1879 ug~lnst 'Ceteprope r u s or treatmeot of It. The Mrs. Uli)oho r wIsh you would augg": lu AqUarium's model hn leh ry th us fal' Hllllah vegetable soup requIres a they w r OfJrupletnly "efcllt.ed; In wa yo', ' )dng of tile ZUlus; his terrlr I1l1y IDlPortant gUI,rantee which the to her Ibat she unno!lncs dinner. J'm Aug\lst Cateway!) W IlS calltured. A few. tory ovel'run nn[1 occupied, . Zullliund dlow lire and a whole day for cooillng, paint bllyer should exact from his . the present S~llaOn, t ho ht~1 to be lumen trlgh tfully hungry. ' but it IIJ very ' good, and ls a supper denIer Is tbat the pnlnt Is macl0 by a. out to date being a hl g lut of yellow years lal~r, 1.1'1 end rllfficl\ltleli with the became n purt of NalaL) . . Chllllce Acqunlntnnee-MeI, I haven't native prill es; the Btlt.lsh restored the 'l'he Boers did not 8ubmH tamely to to look forwurd to after. 0. hllrd day's manufacturer that }.nows his bpsl· perch, some or these trom uggs or ~ pecl any Influence with Mrs. UpjohlL 1'111. klog to his rank. the EoglIsh IUIRumptlons. · III Na~ol work outdoors, Il co1\s Cor a pound ness end that th e paint Itsolt has a msns' In th e AquarlulD, aul! som from Mr. ·Upjolln .-1'lt-Blts. oggs received (rom th e SIIlt.e fi s h hatchof beef, a cupful at red or white bellns, But they reserved a portion at hts the'r e bave taken lJlilce several memrecord. It he secu res tbls guar.! utee ery al Cold Sprlllg Hurbor, soya tbe one-half cupful at split peas, four toterritory for themselves, a dls'trlot orable encounters between Boer and ' 'How can I marry that man? I abhe can afford to ClIl ance the test (If In Memory ot the Depllrted_ lIOuth ot tbjl 1)ugela rlve~, and- a por- British. Balik In J881' the Transvaal matoes, thre e carrots, ,two onions, rour it-the paint will ullrloubtedly give New York Sun . "WII/lt a beau Utul locket you haft. hor, de$plso', nbomlnute him!''' These yellow perch will lJe used fOl' t101i 0 .the ' north,e ast; Cetewayo W08 , Boers ·eutered the'e:nreme northwestern potatoes, parsley, celery, spinach, 8 good , service It pr(lperly ' applied ac"Tilere, there, lIeu r! You con teU I presum e you Iiave ' a memento of restocking with Iohls s pecies the waters ,him alt tll :lt aftur you've married ~orue sort In It 1" .• 1.., __ Jlmlted to Ihe centrnl pllrt. Now dlln- comer ot the colony and defea,tetj the cupful of butter, . nutmeg, clnDllmon, cordIng to dlrectlons. ! In .the city parks, and mnllY hU\'e ul- blm!" . 'euIUes arose again, !l'nd Cetewa),o was ~rltlsh!l~ MRjubo. HIli. In ·the grent pepper, salt, obeeae and br~ad. Pill '·Ob. yes; a lo ck of mll h~b~d '8' ready been placed In the hlko In Prosthe beet on covered with cold, water ,deposed, I n the very year of h~s re- Soutll Afrlcan,.war, northern Nntal wos 'Troubles of S.prlng DI1Y.: bnlr." ' (nstutemenr. !J'he following , yenr he. t,he soone of lIercest fighting between and add It 'l arge pinch of salt. C!lt all '!'beso are the dllYs when tbe old pect Park. Wnltlng. "But yuur husband Next before the yellow perch hntc)1 ec\ the vegetables In small p,leces, but do diM. His son,. Dlulzutu, 8ssumed a Dub h 'al1d Epgl1sh. "At, Elandslaagte, hen gots 'In her worl< asslsl.lllg l~e ralllie ","ll e d nnd w l\Jtcd and wRlled. be?" out liere In the prese nt BeaKon, were a The "ur ta fn arose a t eig ht: ho~Ule 'a tlltudo toward the E~gljah, Glencoe anrt LadyslJ\ltl;l, nnd all along not cbop, Wben the meat has cooked jshes lQ c;oDle up; wh im tbe houso dog "No. BilL his hair 18 gone.~'-MII AA ld "he IIIHI only '0 PUl on her wauk ee Sentinel. and In this ,,;ere al()ed, l)y the Boers', to ,t~e line : at the Tugela, _the most Oil- ror nearly an hour, put all the voge- begins a sy-ste m oC oXCflvaL!ng In the IU,rge lot ot salt wnte r s melts, lhese also She gl oves, trom e~ll's rece, l ved troll) th e Cold In wltb the meat except the 'tabloH . Whom ~e 'had granted ' p. strip of land ·BUnote and snnsuln~ry bllttles of the lIower bods and wh en the neIgh 001"8 And tlUl e, II<' 6reo", ..(1 or hIs fal o. potatoes. Allow th ~ Soup to cook near· cow walks lel ~ llrely acrpss tbe Sprll.lg hatcbery. The sDlt watel' smelt So he fin ge red hi. hill and he ",nite,I, Dll!erent View Pol~ts:, In tbe west, Tlie Boers eil~bllshed war occurred." goes up Into In, l eUl rn lhe spawning seaIy .all d.ay. ~enty minutes ' I!eforc And he wal l,,!' and tinKered hI. hat, prepnred . laWD. - Cbapman "The 'lnxlous lover Im',\gloea -that In- thiS dl8~rlct "The New Republic," ',1'be majority ot Ihe people In Natal An d- and - he nUKered hIs hut and lie wb en the marriage ceremony tak~ son, nnd like the shad, to{ Instance, IlP serving bro'tYll the' onloDJI, cut up IIDE', (K.a.n.) Outlook. axtended their control to Umlatual a~d are Zulus. The Zulus are powerful waited, . . . streams to spawn. The young smelts pluce alt his troables Will .. be OYIIl And walt ud and flngored his haL Saint Lucia 'Bay. In '.188~ BrlUsh and and warllke, their 'Weapons the 8S- In tho butter; remove tile pieces or hatched out In the Aquarium's hatch- -Mllwauj<e" S."Unel. EthIc!!. Boer entered l11to Q friendly a'g ree- aeg!!l, k.n obkerrl and shield. I t Is re- ooton and add tomlitoell; put In the with." "00 yOU think WI) will over be able ery .w ere put over the Battery sea wall ment; fhe tor mer rec;ognlzed the N.ew lated the great lea(llJr Tyaklf'.... as wdnt potatoes, al80 cut fine; add' toma!oes, "Well 1" • Immediately back of tha bulltllng loto No Cause for the Rash Act, "Well, when he is marned a ,.,h1l. .Republl~ th e latter pledged them- "to 8ay to his men on the eve of bat- butter, etc" meat and -vegeb!lles. to communiCate with Ma,rs?" "Rave you !!BClII'cd Ule portraits the Hudso n. . . Brown In the oven butterjld bread cut "My dear Blr," answered t he astronhe rcllll zes that that III jUlJt when lIte'l I18lveII to , vacate tbe reat o~ Zululand tie: ,'''Go, sons at . 'Z,IIIU, go and return .Before t he IIberaUQn of the ynung those prominent persons who tlgured In troubles oommence."-Houston Polt. , "yOU surely dll not thlllk I .anti :reuQunce recognition of D1nl- no more," Burrendi3r WRS unheard of; In squares., grate lhe chee8e on to the 8melts thero had been aent ou t fl'om that allege\1 klsslug lucldeut 1" IlSked bread and 8erve bOth In the 10Up._ would spoil pages ot magri'l:lne arLlcles zulu'S pl'otectorate. ln, 1888 the New, victory or death, editor. 'Rura) New Yorker. Living Up to .It. yet' l<1 be wri tten by e ndeavo~lng to bere for ' planting In various state R!!publfc ,!,!la al\nexoil'tO the Sou~ AfCHRISTOP~I!lR WeBSTER. "Yes ," said his n sl~t.nnt. ;' lJut I'don't prove the, conlrary. It would be ver, ,waters, all hll-tl)lled In the Aqunrlum ~ H "What Is s h ~ !lO excited a~l!" Bro'W11 BresiL hatohery, young whitefish, rainbow think we'd betto': 'print ·them," . "Tbe editor wrote that Ill. 1taa unprofosslonal."-W'Bsblngton Star, Irout, lake trout and, bllml,l-baeked one ouP 'black molasses, one cup but"Why not?" . woman ot ' placid' disposition," Dhllpp,olnted·. tetmllk, ' oDe, oup · wate(, ooe teullOOn "T.bey lend to disprove ~be story."sallllon. "That was Dothlnt; to be mait about... "So Hrs, Nllrlch was h elt! UP and' each of salt, lIoda and baldu,' poWder, Among eggs yet. to be placed ID the Cblcago Tribune. "No; but the printer malle It ..... anti one quart 1I0ur. ')lhe ooaner robbed. How did ehe feel about IU" hatchery In the present l18ason are 'acid dlsposIUon:. and .now ... , II "Oh, she's feartulily mad. Only had pike perch eggs from ,Vermonl, black the nour, thil ·better. Tht, -..111 A Business 1II[an's Opinion, making SOOd."-HoustoD Poal. "1lblnk 01 Ib a men at genius ",ho ~oem Imitatln, Brat Barte'. Bt71e , sorlbed an engIneer lIfho took hll trahl and one quart ..,aham fIo.p,r. ,Thll ~II live cena In her p;ockel book at ' tha spotted trout eggs tram South Dakota, Aroused Suaplelon, GiVeD Wide Olrouia, t!on. tbroJl,h a 1Il0llf8tor tn the Bterr.., 1111 three one-Pound baking powder .time, ;rou know, an.d ahe'li afraid peo- /lnd tbe egga' ot grayling trout from laa)ted the necessities oC 1It~!" excans, wben done. B\lt dlYlde tbe mix- ple will thlnk ahe hasn't any money." Montana. Claimed tbo sti,ldlous young woman. dylnc at hll poet. ''HIUI your auto glveD :voa aD,. ' The Aquarium's hatchery, with tta "Yes," IlDSWerecl Mr. Cumrol, "and ble yeU'" aDel lII'otice. From th! AUaDtle to tlIe Paelflo the ture equally In eans-they .. Ill be -DetroIt b'rce PreN. . In. nearly every case It was because eggs seen In hatching troughs and poem w.. . copied, "Blnley aD!!' 46" about olle~half full, and rall& to the "I abould all; I IIac1 DO ~l' P U'ttculaJ\s Wanted: and Its hatched out youn, t\shea ID they dldo't l{nnW how to advertll;e."- got .It than a 111'1 I Ule4 to '10 ....dl .... IlY8ll a full pace ID an llluatrate« top, . Bo lure to put lid, on and bake "~, dearest," youog Brok. various . • tagea of de,.elopment In W~htngton Star. . weekly. with ~ portrait at Bret Hart.. one hour lD a moderate O.,eD, thought r ~ult ha,.. lOme mODQ ,alJ4,. leigh. "I can ",lthout you:' aDd detlCJ!lbe4 at "the ,beat 8~o.rt poem troughs and b.anu, III an object ,o f u1!rought 8)1lt for ....cIl 91 ~~ "WhT no.t?" the ,Irl wlt'll falling Interelt to Y1..ton. . To Belt... BeadachL Hoalton POlt, .. of 'the dlC\U1e1' Bealon for It. "Did yoU 1018 :rean b,t toN lIr, aar;te ODe 1rU of ~lte"lnl & headach,l til the obeae bank "WIl)'. Mr. KlIox:' said the landlad1 water .,.. to lbe feet. 110 tILe new boarder, "you have let a deu.le4 The poem baa to .P~ & of butter rail In your colfee" blood ttom the ha dtd It OD purpose, Mrs. Hasher In ...
on tke Pub'lishe rs.
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~ Imla, . 11I 1I'liill~" ~I'atl tal tI,·"lllll· i ' l h,.!t!1h HI.'''\\'n .
Try a Pair ,and Get Acquainted with them.
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Nt'w lood Our h' 0 r(fc,m~ li re jU!lt 'hlle!, ,ult of
,'j' H" Vf'I'al )', ~N,
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J Battnhattt's rJ. ing.G. 01'1{' 'I'hcJl' p . flf I{ichmond. I . J flldl onll, MI'l;. l3e lhia 1'·urnnR. I{~·I'. J Philip '1"'Cllrt and ({I· V. ,J. i·'. t'ad-
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",C U'l' l'llOl
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Good Thing- to Eat
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2 ,J. W. Lingo. intI. e fur l"JUrt 11 u \I lut\! jlu l ........ : ...... T. . Pn ttC"rl<\)[I. I)onrdhl ~ I'rilll)Lll'rR \In riul,; nt,lolt, r 11\J Dr . R. K . F.\,lIn~. nn,l ~ . A. _ Built.ilton, OXI.llllllnti{)lI . 20 I l f 11( 'r~l\ Bll~ nr p" .. , ..... Or. Murk PllrtlP,ll, .'XU 1llil)l ' tion of A h tJ m (JI'AtllT1~ .. 1m u ti t \'er H orge BtL~o rC\
00 50
oilt.!!.. .............. . .... .... .. .. ' h url '~ \\" Br" 0I1in~·r vs .T'l~tlpl; Bre uninger t ul \ fI t \If petit ion Centrlll lJl1io~ Telophone IRRuell . . , rents .LUIl tolls ... .......... . 15 an New Buckwhea t flour Riley 'r eI pbone Co. T,e nl i! William .J. Allon Vii Ann.,\ .r. W . 1........_ ...,.....~....~_ _,_I""'!.,....,.....,.._ _ )'... "'""''''''''""'''''~'''''''''~ wull"d(; I' all hU I" L.·. (I flll i ll\' 1(1 l h\! Ncw Panfake C'our I\nll tolls .. .. .......... ....... .. l ·l 11\ Wilk erson ot ul. R ul ptat e otl'f'l'ed lift· and I;ha l'ac[ I' I,f Ih" liel:~·aJ;ed . N~w orn Melli f ur "Lllo but for Wl\.lIt of II b ill , r"Hell Elmer E. Sheets. oontraot No '" H . E . H a th 'l'he (lhiLuIlI'Y \ a,; r ad : New 'rllcked Homin".1 100 .. .............. .. ......... . .. 24 :13 LOCAL AND ;llrs. L\ fqUml'ilig _. to Ile oleL AuotbOi' orn er (If Nfl le is r I:Inl1,ul Ann Brown. dllUghtt' I' fl f. N('w Finke Hominy J. J . ti. ·tedllom. ~OO photos i !lu d . PERSoNAL M·ENTION away Entertains AHr .." n all d Hilllna I1 \,.'val'd "1. mne II '1'. Ncw Rnlh:d Oats Or. Spellc .......... .. ...... .. 15 00 " (,1 ottlt ,·s He M ' '') "''. Udoll,l uut F. ~ . Soll\vnrtz, trip to DIan· ,.11'5. -. . E' . II- at h away c h arming _ , WIlS b01' 11 fill t It l,'ImotII r IlOm e:; tfl:llI New Oat Mea l " 'VorJd's Fair 1IU1" oure up Iy entertained a party of young :. ',., miles IV 'lof Wa yn I'ill Ohio. pllllllls guil t.v 111111 Is ilent uLl c, d to o hes t ~r in purs uit of Dr. ohllpped lip ' J E Junney ladics from two Lo fiy ' Satu rday wher h e" futh·1' Iln~l muth ',. had C th i r~y Ilnys III j : it ~i\'c u II fin e 6 00 ,·ponoa.. ...... ... ....... ..... . .. , I'M. B. . B owelllmd the pfeil ure a ft ' I'n un in Ctlllll1liment to her • ettled in I 24 . She dieu a t lhe New ereats ti t ':'?:;. WOl!t el'll U nion ' 'relegrBl)ll II vttl'1I1 Ilny .. 1n!'! " ', ·,·k ,f " \'i$lt COll. in~. M i,,~ l\ allll'yn Ro nngl e . Il(lme )f h ' l' son Charll·s A . Browl1, Z es~, Eggoscc.• Hardy food $ tt.te \IS LUl' II1c11l Pl'icQ. Dof nd · '0. seuulug me-.llge in , fflllll hiM fl~th nr , fr",n Pllrt. WilIill !1l . III G () •clock PettlJohn s . Hals Cream I 1 '1 d 't of Spl'i II glJl' 1'0 , and [11 iss N ola Bates . near iVaynes\'l. lIc. OhIO, of Wheat. Suoton on , Wheat "li t p tun Ii gO! t·y s nton f' - '0 penoe ollse ..... .... ....... .. . Mr. ..t rn wder Hlri!!"r \V',,~ Ii Imst of I fal'\'ey::;bul'g. who w I'e her on the Illoi'll illg nf Elev('nth )llonlh. fnnd . Grape Nut. , Shredded $ twcnt.y clflYs In j.lIl und g l V n n flne ~ Ulllll' j i 1~tl'ntl ~s 1 "llU tl ll ~ neMIi vislt"f In X 'ni" l'.ut'UT'(la~' ~nwst.~. 1 ' . 1906. (It th ng(' of ?tl yeu rs 3 \ heal m scuit s, Snow qf ~:l ;;. lIight sign,. nlill IlIttcr lng Gu t. ptiOl' 0 11 II i I rt"lldy (l W I'll r Th ent l'Lainlll nl consisted o r monlhs and Hl days . Flakes, n o e ofShllron O.ats 1dl1 Boll e 13l1soro \''1 N tbi ' 13\1\\" 'l UI ........ ...... ...... ...... 25 00 'fhe g n I'I log)' shows thal lhe lothers Onts Puffcd Rice hu tf', fenth llr!l. rihh "n~, I ' TI me, 1\ vm'iety of COR tests and .games (~uakQr Oats' , $ y r t Ill. Sulo ot' rOil I stllte e n· ,ntrllct WIlS en ter ed lut wit.\! (::I !II' for yonr!lelf hl, rnrl bu yiul! I'lso wh ich were thurou gh ly enjoyed by Chandl er fam il l' "('sided in the Pal'fi rmed nOll deod . ordor ('d gl \'on . 1 . E,lgley, for hridge Inmber l!l feet \'I'PIl,re M,... 1] 111 Whitll all . i ~h of .wil ot t a"d \:ounty Wil ts in New Rlli!!ins P ROllA'l'E 0 RT. or nn der lit 12.50. over, 1() f ot nt A two curse lunch was served. England us al'l y a.! the ll1id~l() of New .C~rran.' t.s, $3. 00. Tbls iR ror :3 Incli s tock or 2U Miss Bhlllcil Zlill. wh,o hilS been '1'he f ollowing oung ladies en- t he 15th c nluJ'\I. In 1G8? G nl'ge Ne\\ I-rl:,ncs EstRt.e of Al onzo Miller, llcoenseu. inoh !Ito k, 20 nts per 1000 less. wpl oyod in th t> ld tlil l lon k nnd . Ch 1 . ' ., I New Mmce Mea~ First I1ml fi nul !Iccou,n t for ettled lh af L'ontrllct \V/IS e nte red Into with ·uir. '0 fit Lflb,tDuu. is 'It h ome this Joye e terno n . am ler WIIh ,Jane hIS Wife anc Dried Pe'lch es and Apricots $ w ent flied. LUf: ll a ' ornell . I ~la Ellis, Ill·O. !leven children crossed the Atlantic • __ til .I ohu Mc 'urt,y '0 . fo r hridgo reo weak on tb >llok listlyn M sher, Edith Mosher. Ru th - for a hom in t h then wilde l'll es.~ 'of New Canned Curn . .h~tt1t e of JIlW CS 'l'nrner , imb cile . ptlir ~ Oil 1111 rOlld!' In l niou town · .Mrs. I\~ Hue nclerwood. of" Ilr ryll Al xalider, Aida uater.Agnes p cnnSYlvsm.a al1l,J frO'\ll thi!'l fall\il~" j New C'-lmned Tomatoes 'l'hil'd uue1 flntLl account fos lIetil . sltip Oll"t· of 1'urt.1ecr ek in oludID~' Barvilysburg, spen t R(!varll l <LLY!! "Ah rt D onoa }[ aw k e, EI ' IS . t.. d l he han eII er d eacen d ntl! New mont filed . 'l'Ul'tle reok brlcigoll llnc1 river br idge ~ s,e I ~e NewCanned CannedPcal! Asparagus lnMt week vlaiting I ,ul() n ~ her fllr· ov wa z, VanHarlingel1 . tella White, Edith of tillS counlry. New CannedSw'eet Potatoes Estllte of Yedl~ Vau Riper. mlnol·. at::; nlh Lebnnon Ilud where direct.· Oler friends lind n ighhors in Wtty Shute. Katherine Frame. Kathryn She with eight full brothers and N w Canned Peaches First tl nd finl\l tlCOount fOT Rottle· d in Unlou t own ilhi ll. netlvfl1e. Ro .n agle , Nola Butes. Evu Day·is. sisters and fonr half brothel and N C 'F-'-ment fllecl. Con tl'llct WII S mud with .1. M ·Mr. HUch came down fr.oui Day and It· ne Trout. . h 00 d an d womew lIl!\. IgsFig E t te f R ".. • If I ' l UI t n· 'mi!{ to r puir b l'ld gEt~ on Goshen sIstel'S grew to man New myrua $ 'S II. 0 oy ",,,rllw, 00 ton S&turdny ev nm,:t fi nd remained anhood in this household. a br othe r w Dutes .' ors. First nccount for ett! lllent Imll WilmIn gton pike, Morrow nnd nnnl /:landay evening with hi!! film 111 tlllllnt Ph~iu pike 'I\nd Eclimton Death's Work. and sister h\lv ing died in infancy . Millugll Grapes filed.' IIv at iJj home of Mr s, Ann Engle, The infant child of Mr. and Mrs FOI' her school euu 'ation she deNew lloconnnts Estate of Olu m fl. ~peuco, decens· pike In BU1'h\u township . Oil8 I\othlng bnt ' World FaIr James Dinwiddie died Monday and pended upon h er home district, her It yeu r old Pop LJ~ rn 'ontrn twas c.utered into' with ed. 'FiI'st tlOOount for S ttl mont l,'ream" 'for lUl-nds Ilnd face J E vias buried at the family burying personal enel'gy and a, term under New English Walnuts tiled. . V .•1 . Zentmeyer for CDnerete Ilrron Janney ground in Bellbrook Tu sday. t he teaching of Robert W ay a t New Almonds ' Estate of P err y Spenoo. minor . unu proteotkm to Ilroh on . Kings "" Miss IrmlL Ellie hils &rrl vEld, home Mrs. James Smith, of Midd lerun Beech Grove near Morrow, Ohio. New Pecltnl~ & Filber ts Firet 11 'oount for ~ettleru ent til d . . M i J1 ~ hill in J) I\rfleld township ILt from a visit of I!I'vf' r~1 weeks 8.t St neig hborhood d ied Wednesd ay aIUpon reaching her majority she New Mixed nuts & Braze,l s esti Ulll to of ~41). 00. Est.Lte of WlIIillw A . Houg b. d a· Loals ~ ter a long illness with eancer. . e~t~red. the sphere of teaching. o/IiSwe~t FloridA. Orllnges PI, II , ' )J cl flOlltiouB "nel estimn te cellsed. Fi rst find fin'lIl Ll C ount for For Rent Second floor of Jones H er husband and sev 'ral eh il- clatll1g 1fi hel' home school. also at Fine MeR inn Lemons ., for n e w. tone Illmtmc n t ntl'Lr Oralg8 dren urvive her. . settle," n t filed . l)aUdlng Just t.he thing for .lIvlng gr'L\'llyurll on Morrow nnd PleoSDnt Funeral services were held at outh harles ton, Clark ounty and Fnney fat B.ana nas . E ta te of Rob rt Engle. llecl'tlsod· Pltd n .road in Hnrlan towlIshi~ were !09ma lnqnire f Nathan Jones the Midc:lle~u n chu rch Friday af- Morrow, Ohio. One ol her pupils Cllpe God Cronberrles Tenth and ilnul acoo nnt for ottle. approved and contrnot let to .1 . M . terno!>n ana burial tOQk place in h as testiJied to the hig h ideals she Klllnmozoo Colery . : . Thomas Sherwood attended . ment fi led the meeting of the Warren COunty the emotery IlL that place. pl.aced b~fore t beJil. and t~e digni ty $FreSh BaltimoreOysters Cruig ILt the estiwute of 151.00 . MedieaJ Society -at l.ebanon TuesEstnto of Rebec u Phillips. de· wlth whIch she stl'ove to Invest our Fresh raokerl IlLId U1.kes P Inus nocificatiens and eBtim'ILte day. Clyd D. Whetsel, on ly son of . I I I'f NI l' k f 11 1 caused. Firs t and fln,d 1l0Coll nt for fol' r epair on Turtleoreek ooyered William A. and Fannie B. Whetsel seemmg y comm on p ace I e. . ow or u orOIlDJ 0 loe e Edwa.rd Rloks hu acoepted .~ po · was born , at Dunkirk, Indiana, settlemen t filed . Later she took lessons in mill inery 011 ves - Piokle - Horse !Jrldgl1. re1lfJOr ipg I::iollth Lebanon Bitton with the Dayton Loan llo of February 19. 1 9 and' died at under Mary ~raYh·oJ'n . . She c~nRlldi8h' -S~~I~~~ Pennius Estate of 0 cur W. Reed, ll'lceased rl\'el' hridge ,.n<1: h u vlng Diltltush D&yton and eDttlred on his dutiee Phenix, Arizona , November H, ducted that bmllness assocIated WIth First und finn,1 'oooonnt fot settle- utoh in bioll t wn ll ip were llJ.l· \here Monday .'. mo. Rebecca Eorigh t Randall and afterWhite StM 'COIl' os 1906, at the age of 17yrs.. ment flied. ' provBlI nud' ontrnot l et to J ohn Mc 25 days. He grad uated at the ' th L T Miaa Mary Franey, of Oolumbus, and bUlliness college in Columbus last' ward wi th her sister Mary in e Ipton8 eM Est.o.te of Eli King, deceased. 'tlrty at t{t est-iUln te of i 0.00. is a Illest of her 'aunt, Mrs. Anna spring. but his health soon fail ed dwelling now owned and occupied U1 - '1 Fi rst a n. d tin al Ilooount for settle. ontrilcb -wll en tared into with Cook, of the Springboro 'pike, d r' e can snpp y your overy . h h' an d WIt IS parents wen t west by Dr . Sh rIVon . w~nt iu the ea.ting line. if it ment filed. . Bert R-ecd fOT furnishing 20 fe~i; of "Mr. F. C. Schwartz is enjoying about ten woeka ago hoping to 'fi d b b d '11 fI d it ' cun (I R yo'~ W1 n E.~t.o.te of Harriet Donnell. ne· 12 inch corrug!~ted sewer and IRY· a Visit from his father. of Cincin- ~eBtOre his health, bu t \vas disap- In the spring of 185 ,shesacrl ce pointed' and his parents made the some of the pleasures of he r young h ere . , ceaeed: Will admitted to probate Ing snIpe. nellr re illenoe of t:lh~r . nati. • Bring in your (lonntryProdnce .Iolin B . Donnell appointed ex ·ou. man Morton in ' De rfield townsbip' Mill88ll catharine Bo8nagle, Nolo: long sad journey from P hoenix liIe an~ listening to duty's call, enWe tLre payilng tor . E tie ~nell . l:Iifmnn TeflVilieger lit es~ill1 l1t of $25.60. Bates and Donna H&wlEe and Mosua with the preciou!j r emains, aniv- tered the family of her brother ing here Tue!!dar morning. D d h Ii II h'l ' speciflOlltionB nnn e . I,lmntR Wa.rren KeYl, ·Aile1bert MoKay. The funeral was conducted at avi , who. with is we sma c 1 And Geor ge Kn~I.>p !tPp~llisers: ' forPlan!:!, oTlor Elre' PTOt . to ou tb ft~:-:7--:--'''-'lI:<twilnrBloka and-Ronald H8wke. the chapel in the afternoon by. 'dren, bad s uffered. the 10 . by death . Joscph W. 0 N~llll gunrdliLD of u.but.ment Itt Morrow ri ver brid~e Spen. ~tnrday' e.venlng very plea!\- ReV'. Philip Trout. of a 'devote? Wife and mduli'ent ; .Jn o. F. Lidoil, im.becil ; V 8 Jno. F IV r e Improvce:l.-antly with Missee Oarolyn and ·mot?er. ~ree member:' of this ~ fOR EGGS Liddil. at ul. Apprni emont . file\l PlUM. spOOificatiODS Itlld eatinlate. Edith Mosher fam ily su.rvlVe hel' to teStIfy to the and gunrdiun requirod to give 'an for stone ~ing Willi IInil repair ~f integrity and fidel ity with which . It pays to trade at .' addit.iontll b ou'd of slx-teon hundred n.butmont jus t lib ve BridgeJ)Ort -on (. Mrs. sarah Hamiltc)n, of East RIver r oud i n &l le m township were la DO respec- she per formed her part for the ' ~ doll" r!.! . WaYile tOWlll;lhip mother of M_rs. npprQved . ,Corwin and George Hamilton. has three years that she remained with Estllte of Jobn F . Liddll.lm OOo)le. been quite indisposed t~e past Money in Tobacco. ommon a them. Order for sale of r eal estate is ned . week. On Tenth month 11, 1860, she condition aWibli the prevailing ptlocs for mong chlld- united in marriage with Elhan A. , Of Course . ElOtate of Cathflr[ne Hl1eoker, de . Mr. George R. Th'o rpe, of Rich~rthast~tet: Brown with whom she traversed ~ ~ , lnvento;y und lI.I>prllise. tobllcoo many fa,rOlers hnve a grent mond; Indiana, a former resident ment filed, . ' parents. life's pathway on their farm two deal of money tied up In their orops. , of .way.J:l~ille attended the fun~ The condl· miles southwest of Waynesville. • ............ r MARRIAGE LIOKN8ES. There Is oonsiderable dllD~er to ~l of 'Y rs. Hannah Brown Tuestfon Is car until 1• .25, 1901. when he was .... ···'·~ d ' ' day. more likely called to th e higher life... Davi B. Denlinge r, . Frnnklln, orop8 from fire and Ilghtnillg. No Mr. and ,Mrs. W. M. Gline of to reach an To them were born two ch ildren , Waynesville Member ~nd 'Mrs . Martha A. Weir. Frunk_ onw who has a orop , ~hould tnke chances·of JOBS in t his Wily, By all ClarkSville have bought the res~~~~~o;t~ri: Charles ~. and Annetta- Mrs. lin . taurant cond\lcted the past year inennR Oltuy some insnranoe, 80 if o\Jsly wIth the Charles Clements- both of whom R d Ii' Ell .... S' t b '11 Ilymon. , 10 ••, n envi . ,' · by Miss Anna Edwards. Th4lY will little folks,be- survive to cherish h er virtues amI AppoI'nted on Stolif o( Commander. you ·l1ave a firo or ,y our shed ahonlri . live in Mrs. Sarah Holland's propcause of the high standard character'. ,in- Chief of Sons of Ve~erans. I1nd Hassie Q. Newo\lmb, Franklin . be strnok by lightning you will my on Main Street. W.DCl;U() in detecting It. The memory of her chris tian for--Urbftn T.J. Weill 1', Miamishnrg. 0. child ho.s died fromconstlpa. titude is ch erished by her devoted Adelbert M MoKay, of Waynes · Mallde S. )l 'o ter, Wu.ynesvillo. Re v \111,Vtl Ijol,lletblng left. We nrlder· Mr. and Mr!!. Henry Jay and RIRnd Lero.v Iron" 18 writing Insnr son lWph left Thul;Sday for their "on bor i!lness arising £rom It, when It relatives and large circle of friends ville, rpoefved notiee lust week of have been Baved by. tbe timely She wo u a bl· Mthrl·.. ht menlber .... F . W . E . Pe b en . nllw home at Royal Center. Indi- ~lJotf IIn ce on tobllooo 01: p . ...... ..., . " IIppOIntment 011 t), .['CAt-ional Aide ' ana where the best , wishes of their REAL E8!l'A.TE 11HANSll'Blt and for many ,years an EllIe .. in on the stflff of Generll.l Edward M It would .he well for 11.11 growers ~o .friends here will follow them. the Society of Friend s anu while Almes, of, Altoona. Pennsyivarllfl, Willilllll T . Ill\d RehOOOl~!:i Whi t see him (LOd proteot tjl emsel ves. ( 'L_atlo.) '~ health al\d strength ' permitted she , . , lIlisa Stella White who has been . was f oun d'In h e1' aecus t ome d sea t (Jommlln"er ... in OhiEt,f 'of the Sons of nore to Mary EJien Eiohholzer; lot visiting h!}r , broth er, . UpshUl'f) TObacco ·Growe;rs Stick in Morrqw '; '125, on meeting days at the " White Veterans U SA . White for several' weeks. left T be pllloe came t o' Mr MoKny to' your COntracts. 'flus is the grentest remedy known {or Brick." While she extended the Mltry' B. ODd F J . U"nty to Tuesday morning .fo r William!largest liberty 011 dispu ted doctri- without ilolioits,t ion on his part, a nel Mn.y d~. Gouls n ; 1,i l.Oii . noros In burg, Kentucky where she will be correcting constipated conditions. t wait until you rchifd Is affected, nal P9ints sh~ held tenacio usly to is n murk of appreolation of his During the .elL.rly }lurt of t)le Se"8' a guest at a hou e party. Fr m butDon' Deerfield tO~nsbip in. adm inister n dose of the medicIne the principles of her ' chosen work for the order on 1I0Clortling to tho usuul oustom there she will , go to hel' home at occasionally. . church that made [or uprightness Annn· Sbotwell ~ Thomtl s C . t:;bot . the tohac~o buyel!8 wen't ' th~ough Owetlsboro KentUCK Y. You will1loti ce n perclI.ptlblli change of charlicter and fidelity to truth . .well: lot hi Ellst Morrow i S1.00 tor tho beller; n, hcalth¥ color "hd a Warrell' county oontrnoting wit.h The ll1di 1\ of s~. M .. r y'~ Churob livelier d ispo~ ition, f A. B. C. Condition o:f the Edna MIlY E. imu. Benj tm'lin L. tile rnieers ~o ..purchllse their orops. Mondny mnde nl' fI. btU'rel c;> f clLuned Dr. Caldwell'. Syrup Is a go<\d Weather for the Week . Coulson t~ I~ Mr. H. Cant. ; 141.6Q Usun-Il y th er e iBd,awn up betw81'n 'frnits Ilnd jollies whIch t it .v sent t o tbing·to have in the house. because it Convicted of Is good (or the whole family. t he bny er ana the {jJl-mer Iln Ilgrell' Horse Stealing. EDITOR Ol:ll Mrun bAZETT& : Il~ re!J in D"erfield town llil) i U : th ~ Children 's Boepito.l un M t . AnDr. Caldwell'. Syrup Peplin cnn be ' ment ",hiob b o~11 sign ,. thebuye~ burn. Cinolnnati. This hOspHul iii obtained in both dollar and half· dollar For publication In yoar 'Pflper :r Co , m'mi:ksl' oilers' . James Muckridge. of Cambridge ..ires from all druggists. IIg reeing to . nccept the tob'lOCO at doin g fl g rl\nt work in r fll!toring to Y.our m oney will be reiu nded if It City, Indiana, was last week found fnrnil!h herewlUl record of meteor · the prioe named in t he agreement healtb cripplod and affli ct-ed chil· does not benefit You. Proceedings. and tpe fllrmer to deliver the same guilty of stealing a horse and rig ological observlI:hionlj t!l.ken .by the ' Your postol cfu d ~eQu ellt will b ri ng' by r etuMI dren, Althou~h s upported by ·t·be m all our n ~w ~ ~uk l.' , "DR. CA LDWELL'S belonging to W. O. Gustin, of underslgned .BI\ a cooperlltive ob. no mlLtter whether tJle price ' per 01' W ON IJ~: RS" nnd tro .. mple to Episcopal churoh It il! open to all llooK of the W~atQer Bureau of W. C. 'l'urton, ooul for court tho.. " w ho h lt\'e never tried Ul ls Waynesville. . pound In ter ~ent_ up or dpwn: This oreeds lind denominations. Two or nmedy. Motbeu wrltetod,a)'~ house .................. . . ... : ... <11:1 7 year the buyer on bis 6a,l'ly trll> The rig was taken about a y'ear t~e .U . S . De~~Ttment of Agrio nl. three ohlldr U from . Wu.v nesville t)l1'e dnring the ' week ending Nov Lebl1non Gn!l Co .. gn.s "t jail PEPSIN SYRUP CO. 4 00 bought' much tobacoo at a price 1\&'0, and Mr. Gustin and c~nstable .0111100110, Ill1riol. III~ve In times PRSt l'oo 'i," ed trellt16, 11)06. nt Waynesville Oblo. Western ~tar, envelopes for have spent cOflsiderable time and whioh is lowor tbaD the prOleDt For 8111e by J. E. Janney. men~ ftt this boepitHI. Very respectfully, Rnoorder ......... do 00 market price. Boolluse of this It til money in running down the crim~ Gn AS . E . MlORI£N Ji) II. E. E. ~beets. brldg p repnlrs nal. . rumored thllt several of tbe llll'm. . Date; C1eu.rcreek t wnsh)p .... ,. "I 25 'ers Ilre going to brlOk out of thel.r Iri j ail. Muckri,d ge made a confession claiming to tell where the Western t:!tar, tu.x notloes for ngrellulont with the bnyer and, sel} ,olltflt now is,. and Mr. Gustin ex. ''l'reasurer ....... , ............ .. 4 00 for the higber price Y>'hioh preVtLl/s Higbest: pects to go to Indiana ,t o t ry and W. v . Stri.okland oorreotltl n Ilt' 'tho I)resent, time. Chnrles Leiber. "0 lo~ate the horse on the informaof error iti apprai8il1g -----1 '" "';ho il lls bought ~uoh tQbncoo and ;;l M. ' E~ Church, Harveysburg, 'Ol1io~ Saturday evening tion given by Muckridge. sheeP .......................... . GO trash in t .hiti comity this yell1' de. Lowest. ::t November 24, 1906 at 7 o'clock, sires to announoe that expects ~ W. H. Stan~ge & 00" s up Concerning former lilies for olerk.... ..... ...... a 50 all fa.rmere whose orops he bjls ]Iur· iDfaTI;"'Ttl . Residents. PROGRAM IneMs' Imel W. B. Stanage & Co., mds~ ohased to stRnd by their agreemeJ!,t - - -- --:Voluntary' . . . . _... . . Alice Mae Oglesbee ... , .. .. , .. . .... . Schubert hundred tba. . for clerk.. ......... ......... ... 24 ao and to deliver tho orop when the In a hitter of recen~ date to the Invocation. . .. . ........... . , .. . . .... ....... ... . . ... Anna Pllnn Sargent ,Tclm Wol!e. ~rldge Tet)~lrs Q t'lme cpmes nt the pricieii Dam\ld 10' Guzette. Wi11intn Best expresl!es his g;11" Song . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ...... . .. , ... , .. .. , .. . ,.:. _.... .. . Dale Willianlll ¥n!jSie townShip .. .. :.. ... . 16 50 the agreement Any ~ho .fail to deep regret ,~~ not being permitted <Di: Comet Duet .... . : . " ... ... .. . . . .,Floyd Anderson and George Edwards hvrelWlU&. Bridge 00. con trout thia wl111ay tlt.em$elvetl1i~bIQ to .a to attcnd tbe Horne-Coming. as he t:l .' ij.eadjl)g. . . . . . . . . .." ...•.. " , . . .... . . . . . . ~ .•... : . .... Della.Y. Downing ,,"'" No 97 ...... .. ...... .' ..... : ...... 16 flO ll\w aotle;JD whioh Mr. ~Ibet wi1l still retains an in·t'erest in Waynes. "'I" SOlq... . ....... ..... .. .. . , .... .' .. : .. .. ... . ... . . ... ..... .' .. Mary Levicy o Oregonl&. . Bridg~ QQ., ' oon. brlnlJ against. anyoDe of. whom be ville. From his letter bead it wonld . Music., ... , .. ' .. .... ..... • .... ..... .. . .. . . . .. . . Dale and ,D.ove Williams . traot No 4684 .,.. :: ........ 3'6 1(\ hall boag1,lt tobacoO' IInll' -Wh41 ra~IB . . . .tion , •.. . .. •... , . . . .. , .. . , .. ... . .. . . . . . _.. , . , . .... Gal- Ullgles/:>y appeBr that he i8 t\ grove oontrl\Ot !!!!'!!!~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!'!~~ 8 . ~'. t:!tephenson, bridge reo to Itlok to tbe al!Pled alP'8emen'. , , ~nd I\Isv1ook~ IIfter-the-prepQuartette . . pain aDd. lumber ......... . 45 60 bai alwa.71I. been hODor.ble ta erty of non· r esidents. at DeLand, Shoelll8ker UblUl. Bendereoll' floal esti· hie deallpl8 WIth thu f.lIIDerl of \be Florida. 'eb!riJI~i':Y Surgeon mate oontr8ot No 60 & 88 ,887 00 country bT . Penr Peace, 88OODci8lRlJJm&8 .
$ $ $ $
I' "W
N~w Itcd Kidlncy Bea ns New Lirnn BI~II" s
$ $
i $ i
$ $
$. $
$ $
$ $ $
'$ $
' ,CON _ .t$. TIPATION
' D r. Cald ' weU·.$ Syrup PepSI-,n
. . .,. - -_.-- '
-" 'l'h.anksgi'villg , Oft'eriI;lg Sale Men's SUitB and , Ovcrcoats. Chilo dren's Suits and Overcoats. Hats, Caps and Fur'ni hings at Prices that Will Surprisc You.
,'Mose Cohen's
Here's Just a Few!
Mon '8 8 Ll1 t~ I\,nd overoolLta, worth up $l2.00 und Jn3 .50 .. ... ... $1l .96 Mell's suits lIlill over ooats, wortb up to $lG,lIO . ..... .......... .. ... ... $11. 5 M lJ u ',; ' 1'11 "enot I(lt!. \VUrI h "l' III
~ l ;!
IlU $ l;\. ii(l, .. .. ..... . .... ....... 10. Ii
Men '1;1 m y nMte , wor th up 10 1(; tlUll HUla ... .. ...... .... ......... 1:.! GO 'hild r u 't! SUI til in ctollh)e.lIreol:! t t1 tyles, , orth 1. GO ......... .. ..·.. .. 1 II hildrl:ln '5 snit!! in .don(lle·l)rellst d !!tyle , wor th ::l. GU .... ... ... .. 1 78 Chlldren'lI s uits In dnuble·brllust· ed Iliy les Worth 5.00 .... .. .... .. il ~ Childr n 'to RIl slnll over Uli tS. 3 to , !!11BOlllj bi~ SUll' tl t b 00 !lnd down to 2, tI, l A8 nn\l .. ...... .. . 1 28 Uhildrt1D 's o" e rOot~ts, sllllB to 1(1. iu ul !' Ihe ne west s tylelL.pri d Ya Ie iI t lllw elslJ\Vhure. II [, ,7!l, .J , 3 .12 and :.......... ... , .... ..... It 10 5Q Q~Ztl U ohildrtm 's 1'011001 wai~t.s 25c qlla.lity. goes nt... ......... , ... 1 0 100 dl'z n bOYIJ knee pu nt, for IIoliou1 wear 2» VlIlll s Ilt ...... 160 75 dozen boys' corduroy OIlSSlmere kn e peut", GOo vuluO$ go Ilt ..... 250 ~pe iu.1l otof men 's Ilntll>oYS' h uI,S 80ft li nd tift'shape, 1.611. kiulis go ut ...... .. .... ................... .... 950 Bpoolul lot- of mell 's u.nd boys 'batll in ~oft \lnd Stiff s hu.pell, 2. 0 vulues go lit ... ... ,..... ............. 1.48 Bi ~ lot of Plen'l\ C!~P~ til olose out , regula r 250 Vil las go ut ............ 2c Big lot' of boy!!' ou pl! i u 'L'urblln . !!tyles. go Ilt ............. .. ...... ...... 50 Big 101, of bOYII CllP!I in new• . lllurt . pn tter ns, g(ll~ t .. ..... ...... .. .. ..... .. 230 Girls 9well ne w tttm In bi llok Ilud ' white ASti'lIkllllO, 7~c vnl nlls flo tlpeoilll lot of MOil '1\ winter caps, r ('glllur :.![Jo kind!! go at.. .... ...... 100· l:ipecin llot <if boys' lI5e wiuter OILP g I1t .. .. .. ..... .. .... ...... ............ 1"0 600 pait· of tn 11 ', IInt~ hl wors tad (Lilli cq slnJ re r go ·lIt. : .. ..... 1.00 'eRe n)lIr !.riO ,," !uefil) ' Sp~oiu l lut ojf · now dress PILDt!!, ' 200 va hlQS go nt .... ... .... . .. .... 1 39 'p Inll ot ·· f lDen ' puot · in dre ll~ worstrhl~ .a 00 VnlULlS go ut ...... 2 3 • p oial8..1 ot Ill ' U ' :I dre!! pantll , *.00 to ".GO vlllues. go nt .. .... 2 85 Men 'l:' lIel\vy fl eece Jin d ~tIdr.r. · . weILr , GOc kind!! go at, ..... ...... 1I9j1 MElli '!! (II/10k ,wd white working Ilhirts In str'pus' 600 kiod,go at 300 Mrn'fI betlvy RW Ir,I' r I' Qt,· yo.u 1i00 til w/)rl.l /)v.!r , her flt " .", 2110 Yen's tina ·wool !;\VOfltf rll In all popu lar "liudel', ~ 1 liO kinds 1(0
for ... .... ............. . .................. 080
Me n 's genuine · 'I:!h!l.w knit B088" • 250 'kinn , blaok with ~hlte teet 1110 PreR!deut SURP nderl'-olwuya 500 yon kn ~"v ., 'o le price ... ... . , . ... 1190 Ways' 000 Mutllets. Mpeolal !jelling. , , . during Thanksgi ving lIale ...... 220 Ohildren's btllHlY 'blaok IItOoll:ltlg1I, reg~lnr 1I()o valUl!. go ' for ......... 50 100 d01.on .of our 200 fieece lined oblidren ·s.hose· go for .... ! . ...... 11'0 100 d5zen men 's !)Iaok and fl\D.o y hose i regala, ~~ u.nd 120 values" . &Ie price .... ...... ~:, ................. 110 . (Limit. 4 pah'll) . Men 's bl.lok and fRn oy ' lib'a8. -!!.~~~ . 1L1Iy sold ut 1110 a Pfllr i sale p~ ~ fo r 260. Qr elloh, l~r pair .. ... .'tao :Men 's tine blaok hose; !esuh\r 150 values; our speolal prloe dur ing lillIe, only .. ,.... ........... , .......90 (Qnly th ree 'pllirll to eaoh oUlltomer) men '8 nl1t-uTnl woolli o~e; regular . 200 kinds j BILle prloe .. ... ......... 120 n's fine embroidered wool ,hose rel>l:ull1r 21>0 Imd ~60 vl\l~ _._ ftJr liDo. aI', eaob ... ; ......... .. :.......170 .' 's blnok cilt!limere ' bose In bllloks Opl.v,\21i<i vultles ..... .. .. .. . 1Ilc men's sterling 'blaok oollar but tonI!. 4 oti a card I worth 200; , lilli e prtce. lisl' otlrd .................. '60 m en's Boston or Brightpn ht>8e , 's nppor't ers, the 250 "rades ...... l!lc Bone oollnr buttons, llpeolal bl" , ' · sellln~. 'p er doz!ln ............ ......... ' 80 Ear mulf ~ • . tba 'kind that YOllal ways plIY 100 fo'r ......... , .... ....... 70 merl's 1lut or Tonnrl arm bands. the 100 kind, 70, I\U~ the .110 kind 50' men's pllteuted self ·rlliilillg. um hrelllU! j ~1 vulnes .. ....... ...... .690 HI ~ lot of m en '1:\' 1100 and 0,30 UOl ~ brellM. f~~cy anrl, pl"ln 1\8n41e300 200 doun men' s wHite hemBtltohed · btLlldkerohiets, 50 to 80 values ... 80 IIpeoiallot of' men's 'fanoy border ad hllndkerohiefs ·; 1lio valuel'.•. 70 sPeoit,1 16~ of men's ,wlilte liu.ndker . obiefs, regular 1(io vat~es.i Stlle 'price .............. " ....... ,...... ...... 110 100 d07.en ohlldren e wool mitteDI w ....rth 1~ i eale prloo ..... : ..... : ... 50 meD 's jersey glQves i replar 'l!50 · VA Illes ; sale p~lce ... ; ......,., ...... 170 ml'n 's ILnd )Joys.' /lolf ilov8I. regn . · 'l'a r prloe WII.8 300 ; II&le prioe, .. 280 , men'~ jersey jaokett! ; regnlar 11.50 'values ; !mle'prloe., ................. 1130 spoollll lot of D:l,b '8 Ii 26 card~g.,n jaoke~go/;o .... " ............. ,......,870 C4Qloe of all m~n '8 25,0 and '. 350 , lisle suspenders; no reaerve ... llo. . men '8 heavy. ·~".ra.nteed police , nnll foreman .a IIUBpenderti. 1110 kind ......... ·.......................... ...190 nlen IS ' .lIoft bosom wb~te alllt&8,' tbat,)!old at 6110; 8peolal'lot, to 0108e .............. , ........................88 meo'a IUld boy.' -whtse ilIlJau dereft IJbtrte, special 10' to oIC!18
.. WHUl.E NUMBIJ;R 21:'16 ':_
_ _ _ ~_...
Harveysburg Will .' b~CAL ANI> . Have' a 'Railroad. · PERSONAL M·ENTION
~(jliday Visitors.
--- .
-~-:::= -
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Jones were Ltr+le. happy. in having 1with them their 'J" Harveysburg. Centerville. ohlldren, Mr. and Allrs.Frank Zell of . - -- - - - -~"'----'--Mr. Georg" b'oniC(~y lett tbfs morn. Many Former Residents Spending Bellbrook Ilnd Mn Eva Jonell und . I' 1','1 r. w· 'o"-weddlng . in" th e H 0 lidays Ii'ere, an d' M any . . " Mr. ana Mrs. J onli thnn Oglesbef A .. fo r Q, 1II'10 f L"UII Ines~ trip to ClHo . <1aughter Et,heb:n Mr. !-Iuu Mrs, James R J oilns entartnioscl Il t u l :l o'clook dil,loCl 'It'IIll ,·-tll J1nlllllS Id1onl<1Tead On.After many year~ ot. 'waiting the aga, Residents Visitinar Elsewhere. Christmas at the Friends Bome entertalDed on hrlB tmlls ddy Mr . 8u t 1trd t~'y, the :.l20d, Mr . ulIdMrs ~ id '[' \ ' \I!>11 Inlit.lII d at Pinel and Ohio Southern.wiU 800n build 'Ml ss Paullnu Butterworth will ~ . ' .. was obseryed in a quiet mAnner, but and Mrs ..Joe Thomus and 0 Ellrl Onlvin Og·lesol" und dllugh ter, Ml s~ ',1i,, · (" )'1 ' II b-Onlkl', IURtE'. ad of ·Fou1t~. to Han'eysbul'lr. ve 6n Thursday for un extended Miss Minnie Hathaway, who hall' the day was one' of great enjoyment Ilnd Mrs. Kllte Johns of Manor, uillo ·Alice. Mrs . Mll ry UPll, Mr . lIod 111 1'1:1 . ,'v (' H ~1l1'l ~er, fonner pfl.~.tT)r Harveysburg people will apend 11 t wjt,h relatives a.t lJnion Ct~.Y, u.n exC)eJlent position al s&6nogr&- for all wbo make that their abiding Allen Emerick, wifa IIn ll duu ghter ElitHI Uglesbell lind dll.u ghiers MillS rnr i, \>t'"ril of &bo Uenterville &p. . pher with the Jamestown Exposl. place. ·A bounteous l)hrietmaa din Blanohe Ilod Mrll. MlltIJd!l Erneriok. es Heien and 10 eJ)hlo e. ' I,t. Clhn'rdh, tliotlll.t bls home in OilY· 'Happy New Yellf with t.h~pr08pectll Indian,. of a r&uroad intO their vlUage, J. Mr. 'S . M. Soil rs , of Columbu!!. Non management at Norfolk, Vir· ner WllS served at noon and besides Mr. and Mrs. Wallnoe l'ihbllls' Hlld . Me8srs . ll il bortllt)({'l'bOltlll!! We lob Ilin I "~L 'l'h ursduy, ttnd tae body was Altel' 10ngw'llitlUg, It is probable spent Ii few hours with Waynesville giniH. Is enjoying the holiday.s with the r egnlar bollrders. Mrs . Amanda ohildren, Misses. Flam t,' Mnr.v lind 1m s Annu Hoil y lind Lou l e 1J1·o u!:ht.- II I' for burial lal!t l:3a.tur· t~at very BOOD tlie "mlllte will be friends 'l'hul'~d .. y her parents . Mr. and lirs. F. W. Wright, Miss Myra. &Ird and MI88 and Messrs. BennIe Ilnd Wlllte,l!!pen t Wilson HI ' nt ~ unduy at Hle ho pit lillY· 'I'h fll uerul pet-vices were OO1:1nooted wltb t h e outside world . ButhaWHY. May Wright wore ·guest.s . a dellgbtful Christmas dllY wtt.h Mr . 'lI blc co untry hOIUIl . of Mi ss ' Nolo helll III t h o il"p/,Ist churoh bere.con. by a s~m ral1rood. . Mr. nnll .Mrs. Jlltn~ s. K~rric k bad MI A Th f D t M Worth Stok8l!, of DIlytou. Btltcs . lin ter! by th e Baptist pastor8 of u·~u.bern ..... _ ullToad, oou. . 0. e , VII!lt ID Dayton is speodlng ss no"Ohrlstmasweek om,son, 0 ay ber on, r. A. K.I Stnft'ord , who was last. M ellsrs H arry 110 d Bert (;lrn " nlu fO ' 11.r1l1tiAn gen· •io "",., t vtlrya elljOYt~bl 1 at 1>1 A [ H I ' k I 'f ' (1 ".V LD IlB . e WIIS.110 Oh The "d by .he " . H . &', D.b I\tt "l'es. wo !lys tIl!t week. . south of town . yeILr super ntendent . o~ 6Ohools at spent (,hrlstmlls ~. . .WIth . 'A~!lJ9 t~Ollg ... r. .1. QOl rIC ItIl( WI e fire tl > .. • .;; If 0 k d at I '1'h f S d home Corwi~, was a visltor among Way ontE'rtl\iuju~ fri ndR from Coluwbue eu Hill , 11110 a devoted preacber of trol) ent runs tv n.ingman a,.ou , onr ,ar . 110 up oy omll.!l O I . Prof. C. M ' Austin, lIuperln.t end : uesvllle and 001:wln friends Christ. MoCray: and family, u ea r orWlll . for If fe lv lllYs. th~ gOM peJ. miles 'rom HnrvAysburg . ney., Ilre expeoted .T hursday at. Mr . F rIln k' Sta k !Ill Is .t,ulriug his M . D~nt'ythe ra' ilr"'A.d lIuhmitted Il home,. of their unole, Dllvid Thomas, ent of the West Uarrolton sohoolll, milS da-y. Mr. Sta1l'0rd is now Mr. A. 1'. ~auin illl!j boen quite ill rl! . M udd" ox uoes not .Improve. D<:\><> 'I . . . . . ,.. I . ltd ' tl f tellohl tP P uld'Christmas and h ol1dl~Ys lOO t f but !:Ie, ' 1111:1 t o becom e weaker . Her ltton t o "he peQple of Ba.r• .where they will remaiu for.a short s eOJoy ng a. en ays vaoa on rom ng a lIyne. a "'Ioounty. . ay on. or severn I du y!!. I It sohool duties at his home on tbe M G M ad 11. Ii Mr. and Mrs. ~imeon Browil and . , . Olll rri (1' all oghtor from Lewi8burg, propos to the ~etfect t hat prov Id" eu V s '. r. rover er at trave og M1 " . ,J ot!eph Uurroll I~ lym g very Ubiu. W 't\! with her Il\st week, IUId yey8burg they would rt.lse POOO lind sooure Mrs. Perry Penoe ~nd Miss Lizzie Bellbrook pike. respresentatlon at the Amrloan Tab· da.ughter GlenDa IXlssed Uhr i. tlll.HI low 11 t her home 8011 th of I,own . 'lnuther fro m Cincionatl Is with her I ~l1e right of WlJiy. work on bu\1~iog . attended the Ohllstmas axer. Street Comml88loner Cbarles baoo o· Is Ipending the holidays day enjeyably with their son lIud Mr . lIud ·Jrs. W ill Wright. of no w "d waul" begin at once. lit tbe Mt. R olly olluroh "nn Mmalld hied hlms!llf to Springfield ut his home on (,.gIUlO. Oreek. wife, Mr. IlOd Mrs.Lela Ernest· Brown, Wilrnill"t .., 1ay Wit . b JII!! • . Tile ~eri etl of mee tiugs Ilt Owen's b '" . t d Ch I of Dayton , Mis 'formed oue . '" on ,. leu.• ,,,unc ro tbeThe oitlzens of Baneys urg e'Venlng and remulned over fltur lIy mornlng 0 spen r st. Mr. George Hartsook and son f th h . relutlv. S hcre" llurob, oonduot,ed I,y n-v . Jones. s"onded promptly to thIs i angges with friends there. 1008. Springfield seems. to holdd Ernest entertol' nec:'l at. ':hrls"mas short o . ~t ime company, . UVIDg ....., toslok· .~ 11. it t-t otion tor Oharlle previous . . gone uII Ii .M r . Nt'" ~ 11 ulln ~~ r~ y au d wife entel" 0 iotte d last !:lundny . Owing .. tlon and the m~oe"'dey f~l~ii'ge~t ~~ I The friends of Stncy Burnett who qu e Ull 11 · rli . . Il~ dinne" Mrs. Euphemlll Hough and Mr . R. H . tit. John is 1:Ipeudin'" U !fu oed tn 11 L hrilltmll ~ di nu er .MI'. ness lind bnd weather the attend. now been seou. . lives ne r I kill '11 h~s frleuds are. muob Intertl8te~ 10 dllughter Miss I,~ma., and MI88es .. Curl Duke ll l1ll fa m l ly,of nelir Lytle, IInoe IVn8S ll~ ll . way has been seouTed for the J.QOS~ . a IIr S'l e, :W 1 regrot to hlB fr eq uent trIps in thllb thrivID& Klsle and Ruth Hartsook . few days of Obrl8tma s week \\!if,h M m t althou h not entirely. nnd, that he Is very frllil llealth, city . '. his fllmily . ~. Fred Gr~y RIl? filmi]y . of Kings B. }I'. Vllu'ghtlll Illied bit! regular r:!~ seems 8'0 be )itt,le doubt but .from kiduey trouble Ilt I Miss JUtie and J 'enDle . Davis and The sleighing nt th e present ti me Mill!!, und M181l \\7lOooa MuoDonuld. fll>point,lJj (mt Ilt Fellowship churoh th d wo id be' built. . laat reports htl wa~ ooufined to his Among U1e 00 leg~ s~udents who Robert. Davi\!!. whl~' positions Mrs. HOIJhiu (Jiluse Diokltl S'on , of lust SundflY· u . I' f It th bed ,. n.~e hom., for t·he hol1dIlYs,. not pre In Dayton. enjoyed Ohristmas with is better than it hns been for y oars. Richmond, Indln nll. was cull ed here 'fl'e oontl' nued snow fall ·h as ~Yd'e e roa Barveysb\lrl hilS on!f e e · ' vloualy m entioned in tbe GIJ;lette, their varents Mr. and Mrs. J . A Those places on tbe road s on wh ict. I k U ~ need of a steam ~anrl/fld. Sevllra) !4iu.t.aurll Baines 'entertlined II. are Miss i:)t.e\la Leunnon of Shep. Davis ,., oommonly the snow does oat stick ast wee by thll dellth of lI er aunt, good sleighing, lInd a Merry t-'briJl~· times it hal! Ileeined III tbough a part;v of Ave young IIld leti at ao he rdsun BIlIl, Granville; Mi~8 Helen ' . , . are all nicely covered over Ilnd not Mr . Milt on fludl ey. milS WIl8 enjoyed . The sohools road were almollt a-cert.llinty und oYfltet I!upper Frlduy evening I1nd Oglf'!s bee, of Oxford, and Barold . Mr . and Mre H. E, M111 entertain· even wq.ere crushed stone or gra.vel. 1n ~Il t we k' is ue \,?e !luid, " We I~uve olosed fol' holiday vlloatlon. then would come III dl,appolntment. a moat eUJ oy n.ble event it j)roved to Cook of Opio Weslayan. ed lit tl family dinner Cbrllltml1s were placed last fall does one expe· h llllr It rum ored welldlog bells Will !:Severa} t eaobers ga ve a treat on Qnce the road bed WIIS aot.nally be. Tbo!'O prBient were Miss In.rll b Ch day tllelr I!on Mr . B. B . MiJls Ilnd rienoe any dunoulty lUI he gJiu es soon be rinr,ting," and Ilsked if It Frlday, and some schools gave enter· • bnHt and tbe 8Oreeoh of the engine l:b .wlre, Mllry Hawke. Elsie Zell, MIM!I Agnes t:!e "'!I'rl.z spent •. ~I~t ftllnlly of Oorwln u.nd Mr . and MTS. swiftly over it In bis sleigh. But were true . Yos, It it! true. Mr.' t.alnments . mas at her parents home in CIOOIO · John Walter . ' B . . . tho presence of so mucb snow. emard ~hidllker, one of ' tbe pros . 1\1r8. Ouller from nIdwell Ohio oould almdBt be heard but Abo u t Alma Olements, u.nd Glen no. SmIth. nfltl ', Imd Will remain for Il week's ' that time the work stopped, John ~Jawke hilS been oonfined to visit In the city . One of t he most enjoyaille hall. paoked down as it is, wakes It all pe~oue youn~ men of MlisBie tuwn. has come to speod the winte~ with 'Dbe old roadbe4.wlU bf;I used on his 119me o~ ' Franklin r.oall fr'om tlui MillS Emmll Hm, of Wilmington, day aff,ms was tbe reuolOn of old tbe m,o re neces!lary thllt yon should 8bl(), lind MI SS Anno. Hufflllau, of bel' daughter. Mrs. Dill . thle new road . .d etfeot.of a ruoa.wll.Y aooltlent, about is di'vidlng her time between t.he neighbors Ilnd friends at the home go to Harry McGinnill and get nCllr WihlliogtOD, wore joined hi Bernie om Edgu.r Wilson Kindle At prell8nt all frelgbt all espreB8 , days a.g..l . .Be lL.nd Alonzo Bur. nome of Mrs, Agnes Wright ILnd of Mr . lind Mrs W. H. Dinwiddie him to put, on some of those wedloo k 00 Wodnesday' evening. i3tancel Reriry Sim Bon a'd 'W to H&rv8Yllburg ·oomes either to whep dtivlng from Bellbrook that of .Rav. J. F . Cadw!lllader. near Ferry, when Mr. lind Mrl!. Jon· " Never slips" whioh he is prepared May the berrios of pearl be symbola Kindle' are all jurtr. fro':n t~ Cor~n or Kirllrfllan and eIther wu.y when their bOffle ra'n away. resolt-. , "thao Haines Ilnd lfamlly and ' Mrs. to do at "ny time, and when you go of sinceritv, ' fidolity lind love for : townahlp '011 a murder oue ill Day It is a four mlle drIve. Ing in an lujury to Mr Bl\owke's ·col. Lester . Onskey, . whoae y lslt8 t.o Eva Jones and da'n ghter Ethelyn. In to grt yout' horse roughed you ever. May there be few of lire's tOn. • (l'tie pec;lple, Vf our nelahborlng IILI' .bt,ne Wayn9HvIlle have . not been very of Wliynesvllle, pl1rtook of It. joyful might speak to .Mr . McGinnis about storms. but muoh of Its Mummer' of M ' H ' . vlllall'e are very much Intere&te4 ' . frequent SlDoe he entered bllsioeB/! f t d II i ad that tobacco pre8s you intend to content and swe t repose. Aod the 1 r. any Brown. wife and nUI.e ' "e -'Iroad Mnd tty~ coming will ~There u\)rl' n' g'field sev8rl1! yearl! IIgO, ents "lUI,from Iln the 11 two reo handsome elV; manyObristpres· buy. You wi I1 fi nd h 1m ' umply for- ...~8 ~ till. "uost 0f f rlends go (aUGhter Marie 1 i8 no IIhort out t.o fortune. in '" w s as a. f IL Oh . t l h ' . . .of . Da"'~n 3"", . spent In th no doubt add muoh W the .ol.lvl~ ar 8Ilvlng,'ill ·the only · sure on~oyed meeting his old friends mas tree . titled in that line also. with them to her new home. TIS !Das w t _r. Brown's pa. of the town. An aQOount In (lur savings Chrlst.mlll! dfiY. . . 0 pha Elmo Phillips 18 DO Mr. lind Mrs . Theodore Lawrence rents, alld Mrll. J. T. Brown. ('11. • t th I f MI8S Mrs Mr. 01 ro M · Here's hoping Barveyliburg may wIII b ea surer re Ilance Mr. (\oDd MrR . James Chenoweth, liS mM was e oooas on 0 a d b h II ~ ontgomery Ilnd Ill.. yI h "et it'J railroad soon. time Of Deed than any glittermg north of town, hlld as their Christ. happy family gathering and reun · ~uh t :njo ng "~r vadcati~ntl ugely were gUE'sts of Mr. Jaoob Hal6 and Lenn. 'visited in Dayton Saturday .. prOtJllAntn oun oifer "our putron . Ion at the h ome of Wm. Duke, of w t er paren .... an re II. ves at and (umily, nellr 'W Ilmington, on an'd Sundny . ~ Dlas glle8~8 theu relatives, Jacob California, Kentuoky. IShe had !::iuoday. . '" . : age eolloited. . Llloy and daughter, ot 1JIIyto.n . LytIC), when thel!: ohildren and been looking eagerly forward for , . Arthur Greene and family will ~BE ~TIZEN BAliK, Qr. {\ond Mrs. J. T .. Ellis made grandohildren to the number .of quite a whUe to this Intended visit Mr. Ed . Clark aod httle daughter move to New Paris, Indiana. where weloome ~/) their h08pl~ble hOPle twenty four &lI.thnred round the 80 she oertainly mnst be enl' oyinfP spent S"turday at the home of her he will t.a.lreohargeof a stone quarry Notice to Real •...reots , Mr . Rnd Mr~ Job n To 0k er. Th e twiu babies of Mr. and Mra. .lud served t.o an elegant dmner, festo.l board. Janlilary eigh~h ~ wlll herself. Our Prinoipal, Mr . O. L". .... , Estate Taxpayers For R~n~. Mrs . S . H . Ellis. Mi88 Dora EIllII. be ~he ~sion of M.r. ~nd Mrs . Smith had vlslonll 1~ week before James MuHen, Ferry, have been . ~J'.ters()nil owning property 00011 Miss SIlrtlb Brown IIDd Mr. and Mra. Duke's fiftieth wedding ann.venuy, Christmas of a la.rga turkey roost d:l.ngerously siok with pneumonia. by a tenallt who barb9re'd a Uh Ell' Hnd they deolded to oelebrate t,hls d h t f 1d f ' d II Oregonia; atthe. time .ot listing chatSeI!! As I will move to t,he Ohurles Ill! IS. event and (;brilltnllA8 . at oncehya aD 11 o~ (\ 0 Men sawatng Mr. lind Mrs. tlamuel Weller pve' h &h d Jones farm this spling, I will rent; Mr. E. E. Keever and mother, family gatnerlng, and a most IIUO· .him.a.t hIli homed Eaton, in Preble a (,hrI8tm,IIS dinner, inviting thell' bl h d Keevtl r, SI)(1nt t,he day wl·t,h their oe88fnl afbir the oCloa~lon proved t.o county, so ~e hll8 gone to hlwe hla eigbt married oh11d"/D, with the April sbould see t i~ be ~ ",x II paid. If not PIl . & e )t) ou realona torms, DIY ouae an rellltivell, Mr. /iDd Mrs. Lawrence be. A grestChr~sttnu tree delight- dreams reahzed. Will Terry hill! returned from eight grllndohlldren. Mr. W'ener I win become a lien on the property nine aores a ground on the I:Hate Roger~ . ed the hearts of tbe little falls and Mr. Harrv McGinnis wall In Day. Dayton for Ohrlstmas. reorntly PIiSSed his 1st blrthda.... Re.peotfully . Road, north Waynesvllle. Make ., WILL R. LIIW.~ Trellsurer. hutuiTles onofthe premises, or ad. Mrl' Agnell W.rlRht served dinner young and old e.z:ohangoo remem· ton Oh ri~tm'l4.' I He apent the Ilfter· . Messrs. Will Whlttipgton ond Ray ~r. OhllJ'ley, Bailey aDd Mles N . A. STILWII!.lL, A",ditor dress WaynesvHlepost office. TU8l!day t(} Miss Emma Bill, of Wll· branoes. The dinner was wor,thy noon WIth Mr. Mu.rlon Clatk and Hagler spent 8unday with. Ed Sher. Blanohe Hibbert were united tn ~ dlll3t. J. H . OHKl'fOWICTH. mington Mrs. Annie Thorpe, IUld of the ocoaslon,·tw·o larie turkeY8 another frlond at the Miami Valley woodaod family . m&rriage la8t Wedn8llday evening .... Mr. C. G. WlI1iamson, of Logan&- ocoupylng a oon~piQQous place. Hospital. Be r,eportB, IlS y?U will Mr. and Mrs , Walter :Underwood by R~v. M8.ddox at the hom" of the A Oenuine Old . pnrt,ludillua . 'Those who' enjoyed 'ilia day were all be- pleased to hear, tbat Mr. and Miss LaUrA ' Krieghoff ' 6t Gin. ·bri,de II JlI1ren.t8 • • They will &'0 on t;;loned Ch' ristm.... Caesars Creek. D. L. Crllne. of Urbana, Joined M~ . and Mr8. Willill-m H. Duke, Mr. Clark ls some be~te~ than when he olnnatl. are spending the' holida 8 'Mr, Benry BaIley's ' farm In .the . , ... Mrs. CranB and little son Ethan. snit M·r s . WUl!ur GeeSmAll, M.i ss left .Lytle. A 11 jOin lD hoping tha.t with Dr. /lud Mrs. Kriegboff. y sprin,: . Fas II p rovement may continue. James Mason returned home Sat . Mrs. Keever and her slater, Mtn ',. . Walter Wilson and family 8pe6t here Monday, an~ will return home Jennie Duke. of Oh:loago; MlsII Zo his ImC Peopleip this o~lm.te who h ' . ThursdllY: Dnke, Mrs, Jessie 1~08ler of Day~n Mr,. S Lamb went on Ohrlatmas urday-eve i ' . . Lydia, visited at t)le old homestead 10DlIId fora genuine old faahlo~"r.,""'v. with J. O. Compton and The ohlldren and grllndobildren MillS Zilla .Glthenll. Mi88 Mlnnle day to the · bedside ot hi8brother· n ng. ' . nd plaoenea.r Springboro, 'lad Friday. ChristmlUl gOt It thia· year. Snow Jan .. o' WI loon "nd wife Il"pent ' luot of Mr. aud Mrs. A. L. l!'arr partoolt Duke, Mr. lind M~". Frank H. Duke in·law, Mr Stoutsenberger, of Bell· Mr. an.d Mrs. L. C. Wl~kers.on a. Tbey greatly enjoyed the winter .1.))eaa,D falling ThDrmy . ard by OQU ~ .. ,~ of the Ohristmas feall~ at the paren. 'EliZAbeth, Anna, Mary, 'WilJiam, brook three ohlldr.lUl..Sp.llnt Cb~lIjtmas WIth tlri ve. . ." "Gilday the ground was! to week with their da.ughter. Mrs. tal home.' . Stllnley, .Qharles and RU88ell Duke, Mr and Mrs C ·W Cox apd' Clyde :i;rr~~ Mrs. C. B. "ilker80n , of a"dep$h of I8veral Inoh811 and the .V anDervoort and family, In Cov· • . . Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Duke, Mi. Cox II,nd wife were ChrIstmas guests .. New Burlington. $hermometerl 'fhIre showing ·any. IDgton . , Esqr. A. Bradford, of Oedan'llle, Reeva WilliRm80D, MIIIIie8 Anna of Mr and Mrs Carey of Yankee Mrs . George Mote and ohlldren, ,.whel'f'l from beloW zer". "Ohrlstmu ,Joloepb Leaming nnd wife were r1ined at the bome of Mra. Ann and Alma OJement:e, Mr. Cliarl811 H. Street ' of ColumbuB. are spending the hall· while no~ quite so oold wal wllt'd to BtJrtonvi1Je last week by ~~~~ea:~~ ~~~I:~t!J~~~~.t Mrs. Clementl4, On laMt Tuesdny evening at the day~ . with relatl.vos b~re . The Christmas exerc1s88 at ' our au I oold enough .nllthJ' Rno"" deep the Ileath of an unole Mr. Nathnn Hawea had as his - - -.K. (2 . E . meeting an invlto.tion to MISS LanraKlbler IS spendlug the aohoollast Fridav were well /Iotteud. 8Iloqb to pve a ieiloine Oh~istmas Wilbur Wilson an!! fHmlly expeot Lytle OAstle from Ingomftr Oastle holidays at 110me. ed. . " 6_ t h ere. ' Christmas Observance P rl) f. B omco Wilson Rnd Mjl!tl .1.. ..,De~ the !IPt.mOlp In the Lloyd property on gueRt bll4 unole frOlD Bowersville. No. 115 of Day too Wll8 read . It re Mi88 Flora ~arlan, of th~ Mi,amia· • • In the near future ; Mr. and Mrlo. Emor 8. &lIy hud at the Churches; quested the . pleasure of a8 mllllY Apphia Mill er, of Corwin, attended burg sohoohl is a.t home 'for tbe '.Comp.t on ~nd family are 8-S their AU8(lts Ilt a sumptuous dlnMir Knights li S it wete pOBsib~e on thtl C. E. banquet Saturdl~y evening. holidays . ' . l.eiltPec~IDgto !Dove to tlleir now home nero Dr. A . 'r. Wrlgbt and family, FridaY e,:enlng December 2 to . Mr. aOd.!Ift!!: Fred Gave are vis- . ?!Irs. H. B. :Reeves and ohildren ~p of Burlington, I!Oon. Mr. Ilnd Yors. J. ~. Ohapman and ChristmB8 was 'o bserved by the witness the. work In the third de· Iting relat1ve!! here. . are guests at the bome A. W • ...-.-". the d&Ulbtel' ql ,L6f~,et\8 ' A very plea8{lilt surprise was Mrs. Avu. Ebright. ohurobeR of WaynElsvllle with epee· gree by theIr excellent teams .. They Mitis Edull ~po ncer Is home from' .Reeves and family. . . ~~."'~DbI.Il"Dn, neat' Oregonia, di~ M Z W Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke epj'o yed 101 exeroises. In which tbe 8ond4y announce that Ilt the concluslOll of Leba.non for a vBeution. of two Th E 11. L 'l'lI,11l'I1I1II' DeoeiDber 20. frotP OOJI. lti ven rar Imri Haines Illst ed· the prlvl1.e ge of having their ohlld BOhools took an Ilotive part. tbl degree work Il grnnd smoker k ., e . pwort eague gave a chr.r· .nmptlon. "nle 1UOoi woman .ae needllv ~eOing. the ocoaslon 1>6lng rell.- Lee S. Hawke aod wife; and At. the Orthodox Friena. SUnday will be held. So for thoee who wore wee s. , . tty soollll on Satul'da:y eveDing: A tweD~ OIle yean of qe abd hlLd ber btr day. Oy'!ters and other Ray Bawke, of Dayton, with them School a Chrilltm&l' program was not present at tbe meeting Tnesday The . C.. E banquet. whICh ·w as large 8upply of prOVIsion!! was dobeaD m lODle time. . ' tOOd Ullngs of tbe seaSon · wer~ on Ohrist,mlls day. The family given at the regular Sunday Bohool night let them oonlider thllm8elves held at the Krieghoff home 8atur. nated. J'Qn~1 were b.ld Bun. _i ved, cirole will be completed 'fhureday a (;hristmlls progrllm WIlS given at oordially Invited to atteod. MAke day 6venlngwa8 well f\ttended . The Mis!! Eva Dav iS, the prima.ry nice little program was wbm~ Mr, and Mrs. Johu Fromm thll regular Sunday Bohool hour up YOllr mind to go. It will be of fol1 ?wlug pro!l"l1m was .rendered : teacher at onr aollool, Is ppenat~g at. the c;:huroh Sunday ,mil baby Catherine arrive for a follo"ved by the UIBUlil dilltrlbution benefit many ways. PUlDU solo, Miss Julla. Sherwood the hohdaYfil a! her home In Wayneai Mhl tre!'t W"S visit of several da.J's. of oandy to the ohilldren. M r. an d":' Le s te r K enrlo . k Reudlng, Miss Spencer ville F Boh 1 _no Vooa1s010 Mr8 L Edn'l C Wilke o · . Itbe Th,e. Bl\d old; ' P~ot . and Mrs. C; H. Young, su ' At the Hlokaite dends 00 spent Sauda,. with ~r. and Mrs. ." . . • .' , ' r8 n The Infant so~ of Mr. and MH. ~..n' t"e ' Har'mo'n y perlnt~ndf\ht:,of Kings Mills l\ohool8, dChrlst~asIng waa also observed Sun· Artliur .Watkins 00 ' Christmas. :Rvm\~hIl,1g" be'E8herSwoud Reeves died on •., U : ' . ' 008 so 1 0, MUll! MMal118 lina tout IJustus . . 1'ueaday l"rif . gave ~n ·~ntertllin. Ilnd Mr. and Ed Young and ay 010rn . . ·day. they w~re 'he.guest of Mr. and Violin 8010, Ml's. Wiebking .a st week nnd was burled W~eaenjoye~ by the winBome little sun, of Nllrwood, St. Mary's Munday Bohool's Christ· Mr8 e.,huies WatkIns. Vocal solo, . .Mr. Wiebking day. . with 'eire. Mary E mll8 festival took Th e 1eo t ure by I.t "\'81#.e8eJllt, The Qhrlstmas tree spent Christmas Af ' I" place. tl Chrilltma8 . ua brle1 MIlgu Ira ·Piano 8010 Miss Laura Krlell'ho'tf ........or rs. Ly Ie Uu,orrIs dl ed verey sud . · ve. . ter an r~tat; n~eres nB progl'llm . .. .. have been given on , ,are . . •, the 8nMial feature of Young aod Mis8 Abi Yonng. o(mnslo Ilnd lons DumerOUII which "houl Revi val moo tlngs h ow being d an I yo t h er ho~e sou th 0 f t own ~n ,.--Mr . and Mre. Ed Bergdoll and ' h hi dl ~ Ib the evening of February 1 ()Ilrried on by Rev Welbaum and Saturday 010rn\ng. Funeral iJerv. f :::~ t~~ tre:~n wpre II r · dllJ, aud numerOQ8 presents hf\ndsome little . 80n, of Dllyton, ~~ The tloked. wbloh are out n ow I Wm uder vood' • loe ~tlre beld lit the bouee ·found·.among Itl\ branohes, th~ were :"uestB from Sunday untIl to· ~.e ~•. '" Ch"roh was the scene will be --~.. fl'r .he l~ture by u ar . ~, m orlllog conducted by Rev. Jelle telJlcb.·" r.lI;r; ' Horace' Btin, receiving day ti.t"the home of Mrs, Bergdall'B TU ... ." .. .....,.. • ~ ... . Earl Thompson entertained, a Bllwklns; 111110 at the Bn.ptisb ·oluu-oh •. ;.~il~l~n.l~l ·' 4'.... ·....111. of them pjirentJl, Mr. and Mrs .,Phllip Bop. of a very elaborate entertainment. garet~tahl whloh will ooour on numbor pf hi!! frionds' at his home in P ort Willltlm. where ·she was a. r'The''ilo'm~Du'I\1t;y was sbocked last kios wht1re their ICiftil were dlstrtb Chrl~tmas night. Elanta OJaus was TuesdaJ e.,enillr.January 8 on Monday evening. m ember. Sbe leaves Il huslXlnd and tbe word WM llt.edJ froIU a heavily lade'n tree. present In person. ,coming into the Mr and Mrs III J Smltb an~ son . Quit~ fl number from Oregonlll intnllt son who have lIympatby o'f Lyle Mortia At tbe '. home of Mr. and Mrs. room lri the ' oonvenfitional W.Ay Walter LeW1s enjoyed Chrlst.~lIs attended' the funeral of Miss Eliza· the community in tbls affi.lotlon. l aU I MI Ma d tbough an Immell8e re pace. · and tI. portion of the next day With beth Roberson wh o died on 'Thu.r s· . .. ' L~mbe~r:er ~r:::d M'r~ ~ L. T.b omas· .the family of D. W. family at Chrlstml!s time wu well Mr and Mrs {)baDles E. Johns , dllY evening. Wellman. led itf~ h d' bee f ham as and of Frank E. Thomas reprel:lentec:t and tbe prollram • - • mar~ . " . h a . no . '!inlte<) In .the jO),l>US oelebratlon of througho. ut was e][cellent. ' \ • _ • ana ye." r,s IlPlllnetl8. !,n<1 ·Chrlst~as tlay", and received' their Spring Branch. MIM Anna :Brand will spen ' 'd , Ute l ,hIBr.·lsulildeln. deat~, ~hioh WIlB cau88d. gifts from a handsomely decOrated •... ......." ...... \Jy:<.bea;r\ failure. WII.S a great shook trel '. ' . S"hool E· ntertainments. Middlerun Bolldays lit the home of her grand. to tier 'maoy friends . &8ldes her . __ .. tth ' d n .N pllrents io AdllDlS Cciuuty. Her frij)oillJ' KlIUJler"'1bushllud: she' leave,. a babe about· a John T . Lldtly, of Dayton, . olrou~ _erry v nstwf\S Iln ...fl.!>py ew IIlster, MillS Mi\d?ed, who Is attend. old '. lated Ilmong hie friends hero TuesYear. . ' ing Hobool flt LeQanon a.nd her·aunt, .' day Ilnd Wednesday. Alm:>8C all of the sohools In thl. .Mr. and Mrs . Geo. Woollnrd Ilnd Miss Brand. of Olive Branch. ao. 1'homa& Zell and fAmily," A. B. violnity beld special exeroi888 llUIt Several from here were Xm&1 Mrs . Otto Woollard, of Dn,ytoo, were CODlpllnied her. the guests of their father; DIlDiel . . .,. .Chandler .and M'\88 Lizzie Carroll Friday before CI08log for t~e holi · shopping in Dayton TUAllday. went to Dnyton and s'p en' the day day week vacatl.;>n. Misll Eltza~th Mr . and Mrs. Nathan Austin nnd Wool1a.rd and family last Sunday. ;Mrs. 'Maud .and ,children, CoIi1Urntng with Mr W • .0 . Ohandler and fami. Chandler of the . Ferry sohool a.r · t~o children .w ere . guests of Mrll. Mr. Frank He8s returned bome Clareuoe anel Alldrey . 8pe~, Satur.. Former Reside·r:ats. ly.. Miss Carroll and ~i.u Elsie Ze11 ranged an unusually ·Interestin, en· Lydia Austin and Allen Davis, Son- one day Illst week after 1\ few weeks day 'nll:ht I\ud Sunday \n . $pring extende.d ~lielr ",Ieitlor sev,eral daY8. tertalnment and .tihe ohildren's eff. day. . stl\y with his brothel' W"lter In Valley, the guests of Mrs. Alfred' ~ . arts were asSisted. by the talented Will'Am Hartsook Is home from X ' . Wysong IIJld went to Dayton from , ,. " ':l'be frlenos of ,a ..torney L '·M. '.Grant IJewI8,,w)l0.i8 empfoyed in musloian Frank (Jarman' who fur. ... enil\.. . there to spend the Hulldaye "'It~· .RIIQdursdl). will b8 interested " In Dayton, !lpent Chris~mils wItb lila nlshed & number (If 1181eotloD8, The Dayton for several days vaoatl!>n. . Mr. JOl!hua ~attortllwllito Is v18: her cousins, R. J, · Wa~t and faml1y. The entertaloment given at the kno wing thllt Unole Sam hll8 reo family. Ronald Bawke. o~ D~YCon, .Corwln sohopis ga,ve" w·e11 attencl." J~b I:lc9tt and daulh~r ,Nina, itm8 i.n Dayton Of>ot)y :cco/lnlze(l' h\s elDoten·t work iR also home tor the ·holidays. eel entertail!men~ Friday evenillg. spent SUDd~y the g~ea' of Cal 8ear.!, Our flirmers lire busy !It,ripping 8OhOOl'b.ouse by the 8oholars FrIdai . by a J!luht\lanl io1 incre~1!8 In aalary . . Mr. Frank A. Kll!dle, wife and 'the Wayn.,.vllle IOhooll all held and .dau~hte.l Della at Oentervllle. tobacco and butoherlng . afternoon was quite a 8UOoeae , • ~I . ~ ." ~r RendArlllln bu' been In the,pen twodauKbters, of DaytQu, observed speoiaie.z:ercilHll!! 1:\11 did the Sugar several were in attendance at the Meurs. Ernest ·and Abo Dakin' Ohristmas tree was eujoved by tid '" r eton ,departl1)ont at Washington tlJ('I ChrIstmas witb their par~lI~, Mr.' 'Grove School tangh' by H\88 A'lDa e.z:erojses at the Bugar grove aohoo transaoted business in XeniB Sdar. lIttle'onell, • '~f . . • 001JP~~:f ~,:,r:~I~'; ~::r:::~. anet Mrs. S. P . Kindle . Meredith. the Mt. Holly IOhool Friday. They all report a fln~ time day afternoon. Mrs. )'" A. HI'r~sock and J:ie~ .: , ~. '. ; f~e inor~ll8e 001llrnl la!!!t IIprlng. MI88 Eva Davis, teaoher in th'l! ~nlht. ~y. .Mi's Ruth (''bandler, the Mr ~wald Ourtln, of Louisburg, Mr. Frnnll: Maple, of LeehlD, wu brother. Clem Burnett, of neal' .... . ~ .' l'blsl~t advance ~meunexpeoted primary department of the New ()Ollete HlII aohool taught by .Mlla. Ohio. It! the guest of his oouillns, a caller lit tbe bome of Mr. B. C. Wliynesvlle, were at the ~lde of 1\ , II" QlJd 110 Is the mOr~ratlfYlng, .B urungton' 'IOhoolll, Is .~, bome thie H. ~enl ~_oCI:re~t1llj MbPrinpl Branoh Lewis !ttbba , and .fl\mUy.. Mr. Dakin Imd ·f amlly 8atutday evening, \>rother StaOy, Saturday liblht • ' . . . .. week. 10 90 _u~. ' y . 0 n • Cum~. Jamel _eeka WII,8 alao their guest • The Cbri!ltwlls entertainment 'was aud Sunday, but i8 beUer at 'bie D~~j._I) .D' t.-.ll . . " .~ - ~.- , C. G . . Wt1llam.on. of the real iop and. in faO~J.l1 the 1ICh00ie III Ch~'mas <lILy. held at the schoOl honse Blonday time. ' . . ~ ...K 1IiiU. 1'h8' lH.P"tte . recetyed • letter MRte llrm of .wmlamlOb & Jay. at the neIRhbQrh"""l. . Charlae'Rye andfamUy ente'rtain· afternooo nnder the management vf Wm. DUDn &nd 'am,ly wen Mr, and Mrs. T, Lee Adams Loaanaport. ·Indiana, took ad.,an: 'ed several meou Bon~ay. · the el'cal1 nt telloher', John Cum· guests of Geori e Bogan and w.,. I.ti~;=:. Clay; 'Nrl~ · on "The tage qt t-hrlatmae make. few Berv:oee at the Baptlat ohuroh mlngs . The. pupils were all1ioor· !Sunday. ,.4 IAll1tted" . ,n ta 1'8 R~. days' *Uh ~ Wayneeville . 8at~Y al. S 1),. m ., Sunday at ally tT IItell, and the teacher in re· MIllS Nellie dordan anli ' blather lt6 i1i1~ . I.ftJltd .-'e of Deoembel' 18, in frienda. · 111'. Wlll.lon repone After Jan1l&l'7 !lm 1107 I&wing 10.:80 a. m. and 6 :30 p. m., condtlC'- t01'n repeived a handsome present. Waylan are viltlillif reJattvee &lid ..tell "We are on oor Lopneporta .. ·booming. wilt be advau0e4 . . . per hun· eel "y.K1Ger T. C. WllUame. Ilr. and Mrs. Walter Dakin spent friends 1n SprlallfielC1,. . AI'lIoba, ~ 8IlJ: 1Ir. ud ·1 In. I'n4 B. tSbe",oocl dred on all .... 1Ir.·U4Ilr1, Lout, 8Ubbl enter· t-"1u'ialomu's with the latter" Belen . H~Yook ·Ipen. :~==~ r;"~"".:ljlel-I'''::. r.. flDWWne4 M Cbtle&anul cUaJaer • 11;,11. IIu.u talned. ~'1 at an aye. parenti', Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maple niP' uulllaDoltP~. 1 Bey. aDd Mn. ii, 1'. CtMIwaIlader. . ' fi* nppw ntaht. near Lealan. makt, Viola.JOIdim. . .. • . I
, . "
Q .
"rvi" J
."OWN & MoKAY, Publl.h ..... OHIO.
WATNESVTLLB. A School of Zoology.
Pr. Onst"v 1..018('1 , wh o Is
Il pI"
0 1'
An Enforced Companionship
R t' ltI gh n"~~. Ihu t I n~ldl"lI\j {Ill' t hn l ' had r,'lt In ,\Ii 8~ )1 111 1"" lil'l' "'UN ' ~ w(' k l'l'I' more or I ~s IUlIll' I" IInll'ul 1" l lI lIh' IIl1l'omf' II' tall ll'; I.IUI 110 1\" , ICI(lldn ll mlr hn llll' Ib tlll lo'IH"d dl rl" 'lI ) \I c' " I her, shl' hllclI lll e fuml llHr- nwll sl", SU\11. ,Ipun o HI' tru,- Is. tl' r 11 M It WI\"'''', t o lhu WOl1l tl n ht.\ ha d Sir ,I l'hn lIay hilt!. by rI' I'r h,'n8Ih ll' l ltlYl' d. HI' t>l I!UHI I r I 1I1t' 1''' sil Ill;: . l:n , m,'n IlS. sl'I'u r ed IIn l H h JlI1s<, 1f II fl r~l·' \l el'R(m al n " ' tl"r~ . W II~ II rh "" 'I' , ' /JIII hlH>I, 1ll'I'llIge. Jl I' hat! tlllll,' d JlOI"II'I'~ Iln nlou II nl l " ·l'tloU·hIl Ul ort'tl , ""~I ~ It. ~ hll ll,lsnnllly SHld Wa a w nlchl ll!; Ih M II II' I't'>;l1on, I\1,I . by a 1\~ll\ nl llj; ~11~\('1l I l u t~ hl~ clll'''l,s 11I'''Jlfl''I\IOI'Y to c·Ollra~l' lI1 ~ n t. bl" w lll!\ lhl' m , ml IlY th r oug h I hl' T h Y (,<lIHl ol;>,1 wil l i " ' I'h ,lI h,"I'- D w hj~1 1 ll t hll t wng to J.J; f\lt,,'," " )1(1 ~"nKIII (" f s h a m ('n 1\tI()h~l\t·p. !O l ' li Ul h ' W(·1'(\ IX ' II ,.I\I'r Ih .' ~ i "nu l t o. slar t. \' 11 II t be 1· C lt(>tll~' hnllll),-Q" Cl' 1111' 11I(' Ie' 1Il t hlll}lll" o t his <'arr lag d or w all 11 0 )' u f wh k h, 11 M hou r a f lor hUIII' 6111',1 Wr,'n ('\l \' d "lol('ntly opc n. on, th o \\'('n.1 11" " hl'('lIl lI I' "",, .. Sf' nllll Tltt' girl who Sl t'IlP'd un and In I \\" 0 1'8, T h,,'c' Is 1\1<IIHllh lnj; ))('cullilr' 1I1I' 1I !>,1 to alll t h h\l: I'!.' ~ o f h er ('o w · I)' Inulllr lllnl: In n ru lll sl .... 1lI f r o IT, )ID nl on. wh o, b o wrN r. r en l l\llI l',( 011 w h l h on Is III·Ot.·I.t d l he Ill ul(lIl"1n un do IIf)llCting hl'r hn lHlR, \\' l1h T au n l nn H'llc h ,I nl · Io" t. In (,oT l d : " G r al'lou r., I ,h I\\' I ' f t YOU I' Ihe " l l1 om (Jf th e d ll~k. alii InrOrtUH· tlon l h al I I lVall \ Ill' I l' rlll l llll ~ ; t hnl hand bAg!" Th en. t urn i ng brll s'Iul'l y I t'om Ih 9 t wo III'e vl ou8 Imln s h Ull I) (On " l r(Uul y d oor of thn I'om pnrlmen t. sh ' s pe d ~ 1(Jppe d 11", ,.,,: Ihnt Ill ... wl1l( ll1l;' I"\IOlll 8 mnldl )" up t h Il ln l fonn lUld di ve" Illt o o f t h .. stll tiUII wl ,,.i, nil illllckNI uy IlllS' th Intorl or of t b stallon. \ S Il !: r R or t he I f'H~ d I8t l nJ; u l6 h ~d T he l ong·del llycd whi st! 50ll htl . d c la ss ... ~: lind Ih nt t h l' nllre accolII' and tb o gUllrd l ocked th d oor of t be lIIodullon II r nil t h p hi lt/' Ill WA S at>car r ia ge. ~o l'IJI'fi hy Ihl' ~ 1l11 o( II NI., 'al I "'r~o n' Sir JOllO h nd been An noy tl ou t or ase who \\"fl~ h ltn ~p rr !l r n 'H t" ,1 nn d ~Of1E .. DAINTY /)EcJ/5f'1~ 1/'1 LINGRIE 9A ORA~ErUL GOWN 'OR all ..eason nt th e In" a ~ I Q n ; y l h ere held prlson!'r . A ' GIRL .....-;.' _ he Was. gesticulating, Im il lorln,;, (' I' m · D plll llr .. I.\· Ollr! '''" 11388I on nl('I )". a ~ mandlll g delay . und o alTe r in g blt .k· th ollg h t he "trllir WIIS n lt lll' r I nl cr~ ~1 T he !Jur aonllllt y Or d rea s I s an Inter · b en' l im A to arrall ge a ver y car flit sheesh on th e Intrudor 's b eh alf. . lIu r (' on (" rll o f hl'l·!!. wl l h 1111 t. he 1m· esllng su bj 'c t , ' ror P il l e 110 grow to ' ollrur , Th e laws of t h e Medes n nd Per sl!lnc 1108[UI'11 or Rl mj,ll clty, ah ' ~lCIod asl tl o b e lik e t h ei r cl oth es, o r Is It t h e oth er Til e har ming Il I·tJ Rtl C loolt l ng fichu " ' ere a9 nothing ooml'8rcd t o fh e In· . w ay anli c loth es com e to l ook like Is . omlng aguln 10 lh fron t. NOl o nly exor able rules of Compan v 's Tlml'. th eir wen r er . A woma n often so s t o will I t be worn II I' eveni ng tl r es8, but Sir J ohn g r ound his t e t h ' whil e t h(' I UJlot h er : " I S ltW such a l ov el y gown al so for sm al'( lIa y wenr. Many are ~nglne Il"roaned, gospell, spillit r ed. , downlo wn . I w an t YO II to H e It. It Dl a de of Spolt (I n el , fini sh ed with shrieked , lben slid In to I he COlli (o·rl · 100kR j ust li ke you," or " M rs. B. (rill ed edgos und .II bor derin g of nur· How Oyaters Are Fattened, able level of long·journey tl m ll. wore a !br l gb t r ed coat yester day, It r ow white sn.tio r ihbon . Oth er s ar Sir John eXllerlenced 0 reeli ng or At Lynnhaven , Va" th e U nIted dId not Be m one bit rl gbt ror herdlll utily Illud e of c hl tron, cr e lle de , Statell bu reau of fi sh r lea has bee,n livel y .a nnoyance. not. 11116 her , you kno w"- lI nd 60 I t chine, l ace n nd embroidery . Companlon sblp tbat hAl! not \Jeen g oes-cI IJth s d o gr ow to look like, or 'Working ror 8 veral ·year on a plan to Oh cks aod tar tan ·pltlld s are quite at l east suggest ce r LaI n peo pl e. It a f ea t u r e of ll utumn rB shlollll. heCK eat.bUah an art ificial tattenln" bed sough t , nlthough I t may be "1\' 111 prove a boon, man ID vnrl nbly r esents. But may be fl'om a lon g contlllll cd lise v I v ts ar e t o b seen am ong thEl new <!or oyster s. Tbe oyster IIvetl, chleny when the case 18 on e o r enrorced comor a col Or or sl yl e, or some olher ma t erln l s. They are to b had In I0Il diatoms and other DJicrOtlCOplc rna. panionship w l l h the parti culllr wo m an ca us , lilut t h e racl r em ai n s tha t w\}ll a od b l aok , g ray, tlnd bl ack, red .rlne plants, Th ese plant s recaulre for whom for flv') year8 th parltcular m an cloth es 10011 11k peu)ll e aOlI sugges t .and grll)" r ed and blae); , and ",r een their growth a large supply ot !norgan. ha s carerull y sought to a voW , then t heir Ind lvlduullty , th eir tast es aud und bluo. Marry t.all or ·made g owns ric salta In th.e water. The necessary t.he case' bUl 1;0 S to p r ove lbe rutility al'e trimmed w\lb white muslin r r lils. t belr h"hllS. plant (ood Is supplied by puttln, com· of fightin g F aie. A s to t he pa'r lloul ar artlcl of dr ess ed ged with Valencl nnllS, and n ot ouly H e turned to htl companion. m er c!a1 f ertilizer s Into tbe v.'ater, The thal bears t li closest r esem bl ance to do s It fini sh air sl ee ves. bill al so the 'fattening 'bed must be In IIhallow wa, "Th er e you see how lItll on e's aid 18 'I' h ski r t! t be wearer , th r e are various o vln lon s. ed ge oC bol ero coat s. wortb wh en one can 't e ven oJ ol ay a whI ch accompany the che k \. ' I v t Iter, 10 as t o bave a Telatlvely high Som c contend t hn t a g love l lis milch lraln tor YOII." temperat ure. A wall I. maintaIned or Its w mrr cr. for In st.anco. ·A gl ove Illo use o r bodi ce urI' usuall y mude l o Sh e laugh ed- ' twas on a m ajor n ol l', a round Ihe f attening ground, explalnl and lb,e mom ent of t n sl on 11assed. worn out on til Inside w ould Indicate match on of t h colors III th b lou se. n lIeI"\'O\III. r cs ll es.s person , who k ep t Fin e mbrold erlcs IU ' I nt.roc1u cd on Country ~Ire In America, /30 68 to re"Alld to think that I have ti p ped 111s or IH' r hll nds 'op enlag or clus lng l h e collnr and (.mlrs. A pr et t y art er· tain th e f ertilizer and dIatoms. Even those m en for yeflrs and yef rs!" b e an d cl ut h d III th l nb s. rr w rinkl ed, ooon /:tow n shows a sklrl an d bodle after the diatoms have multiplied enor. deplore<!, then added : nu II ntldy per son must have curelessl y macl e of blue n nd w hl ( vel v t . w ith "F ate havIng made us' f ollow· t rn v. mously t l,Je oyst erll r eceIve no henefi t worll It . Some people lIevel' pu t on a t rLmml ng s or dark Illu silk , rl cbly from them unless Q cur r ent I s main. el er a as far as Swlndoo- l PI' Sllm e gl ove st ral gbt and lh r e Is It gr eat dlf· embroi der ed w llh wb lte sl\l(. "Rola." talned In the water t.o, carry the f~od thal you will awai t your maid at rrh~ fl!';l1 ro 01\ Ih I ~!t or Ollf Jarge fer ence In the way gloves ar e worn . Swlndonw e ·can surel y b ebllve like to th oyster s. Salt water Is pumped ordinary. courteous beings or t ho a nd I r t te him t he on us of arran ge Certn \n ly an olil boot o r sh oe t h al hilS pic! ur o !!how s ule d esign for a glrl'e dn to prevent t h e fattening bedB from world and (II SCUS8 such SUbject s as lIlent. " W e are sUIl ompanlol1s In pnssed t h roi lgh hard liB b ar s t be r o ' Simpl e evenin g gown In h n\' y cream lbecomlng too f.r esll, Dnd a little lime are not tabooed to tb e u se or Ktron. ml s~r y.' · sh e r millded hi m . And ul· ord or I a IIf and so rutlnl zl n g ey es Li ber t )" slllln. Th o f ull raid s are, Y OII t hnate ly nn, Inn gave t hem ha rborllge. m l gb t r ead man y I.n l s In t he crcnses wi ll se , so n r ra n ged a s to g lv ~ t h .III added t o th e wat er to prevent t h e gel's." "I have mosl fragm entar y Ideaa, Miss' Mul l' estubll shed h er selr ' llI n and 'c rllcl,s lind In It s ,wllqied nnd ' lin· fa.shlon abl e E mpire e ffect at Ihe bnck, ;growth of algae and other plants whloh would gi ve a disagreeable flavor ' but perhalls the wenl h er- ?" sh e sug. r ocklng-chnl r . T he best will In 'l he even shape. !'io d oubt t ha t , t ak e Il all w blle a sof l ness o f l ace Is h eld In. on wor ld l o k eep a wake was not stro ng In all no Ilart ot a man' s dress so In· t he corsa ge by ban ds o f sa t i n. f a st en· to the oysle r s. Too much .lIme. on gest ed . "The w eatber! The subject alwaYR noug h t o come air &'Ucc essrul In lb e dlcnt s h llms~lr as hls bootl. A ' man's Ing on Ilh I' st"de 'I n flo w I' Ilk ros· the other hllnd, w111 destroy the food to h and, I think that. ven b efore w e conflict w ith wArm t h: f or 'h er chair, hil t Is a convention al t hing and whil e l t es. The sl ee ves are entll'ely rorm ad .plan ts of tb e oyster, The ' process reach Swlndon , It.would be o'nl y polit e become I ts a ll y. swin ging to rhy thmi c It bear s t races It t ells but v ry little of l be lace, and or, c ou rse B t ouch or seem s somewhat complicated, 'but It to orrer you th e hospilalily Of m y rilg. time, aDd lbe corublnntlon co nciller ed of t he hend ' that 18 cove r ed- the cOlo'r can al w a ys be supplied ·by 'a baa been demonstrated to be teaslble )8 t IlOrmltted 1" t hollgh ts t hat dwell th er elo, No,,", a co upl e or 10llg·s tal ked (lInk rose s, 10 h er, and to yield tine results In the num· "C ertalnly, (or slnc your name and Sir John took up his posi ti on on the woma n's h a t Is a differ en t cr eaUon al: which case It would b o JJI'otty to h ave ber and quality of oysters. condlUon are advertised by tbe brass ,oppo Ite side or th e fire, whence . hl ~ tog l h r .t it Is all Individual tast e and a 110ft sa tln ribbon In the r ose shade plate on your gun-case, I m ay be sup. l'omDntlc vi si on tbru st I tselt torwa r:l stand s the chan g of angl e 00 the The board of regents Dr th e Unl· posed 10 b a ve seen them , und, take as the l ens to bused. h eo d tha t It adorns dall y . It Is n ev er • verslty of Callrornla bave tfeo.l d ed on them as a speci es or Introdllctlon." His · self-com(llace nt, enviable llach· qui t th same ; n ever In ndjusl ment " The name has, since you r em em , eIOl'dom, which lie h ad thou gh t a8 l ong equall y beco ming or ot h erwlBe. It 13 plans (or tbe elltabllshment of an ago broll ghl to Ilprfectlon's point, now j er kCtl o r pull \ld and caressed and academ y of Pacltlo coal!t history, with ber It, an addition," "You forget that we are strnn ger s, shiver ed under I he f eath erweIg ht of p un ctu r ed w iLl} bat \>In s and to most the ' great Bancroft library as a foun· and that the Sir John H ay of th gun . Hasa's Ilr es n ce-a 1Itt1 mar e slim, t enunille eyes mlllles ot Its wearer a dation upon which to build up a great cas e 18 not ne~ess arIlY' m y John Hay,: ' It mi gh t be, a little mo r e 11 tt1"l1c llve. " vl sl on " n.ddlng to h er charms or el se collecUon . of works dealing with the Th ere was p erhaps th e tini est poInt ce rtainl y , y et not on e w hose 11lI1; res ~ It .Is beastly or unbeco m i ng. ethnology, geogra phy and hIstory of of raillery In her eyes. h e would ha ve r eckoned as likel y to n ut the externals al'e not all l hat In· the whole Paclflc coast, HawaII. "True. that's true. And Sir J'obn Influen c , ror elth r good 01' III , the l er est thll ,,"oman dresser . Lin geri e Alaska and Spani sh Am erica. It Is Hny- " well-con sl der ed str llctu re oC his life. styl es always hold n. 4 "l"'..inallol1 b ~ proposed l O hou se t hi s. vast library ' ''Would at thi s sta ge of our cn. D esi r or acq uisition g ripped his her , und t he styl s pr o mise muc h tor 'In lbe new bUlldJn g which will be forced. acquaintanc e. be nnx lo,I:I t o In. h eu r t. It w"oula b (' !'aIl8 'stupldlty nOl th 'futurE), The t allor·m une linen construoted wl U, t ire Chn t'l ell J , Doe form blmself or th e n e ws or lbe dav:' t o make th e mo st of this unlooked·fo r ~lB l st will undoubt edly be a fe:Jture, Sir John took npl t h e ·rlm es. "r.i ay dpporlulll1 y . (or she might , to·molTn t';, anCi d spUe the Bucoess o f ttle 611 k bequest 'of '750,000. I t Is es timated tbe : expense o f ma!nLAlnlll g t he InsU· he be permitted to offer to h is caUl. Jlo olll o f hl ~. life as li'be llBd gone on ce waist durIn g tbe present senson , It I s panlon- ?" . JJerorc. 'rh e four JJecame In t ol ern ulo, coming of ex pected lhat with lb tutlon ' will b e $10,000 a yea... Aid "The Field, Thanlt YOU," She ac. and his fac e took on It an ex pr . s lo n BI/r lng "thEl lin gerie wa i st anti tailor d ".nf be sought from I be b ur eau ot his· cepted It wllb a emil e. o f r esoluti on. He turned to her 00 waist of cotton or linen will be In full . /torlcal research, r ecen tly established "I regret, for Y01lr sake, that It Is pn sslon's nerves. favor. In Waablngton by tbe Carnegie In. not the Queen." R;e becaru e 1m. " Rosn: ' Matoh etl sets are a ve r y popular and eUtute, and an .acUv e ca mpaign will mersed In his journal, thus givIng to "A b! " Th e woman awok e, 1D0ved, be Inaugurated to 8eOllr.e sufficIen t .the womRn ol'Poalte l eisure to Inspec t wonder in g. shy, but camp i tely hap. growing Id on In muslin ' und r wellr, anI! this Idea I s uelng IJrougb t out hi . py. H I' yes w ere 80rt wllh sleep. funds for the proper maintenance and his race. tho l ess exp en sive IiIl S, Th e use of He was decidedly good,lookJng, arl s. " John," she murmurl'd. His face, lnc rease ot the oollectlon. . tooraUc, dtstlngulshed.looklng, with f rom the altitude or his 73 Inches, silk batis te Is noted In high-class IIn'e s of t"mported lingerie. A beautlrul "In Algeria:' snys tire Spatula, " the the dlstlnctlon promised at 20, t ruce. SUllied down at her, " You woke me," sh e protested, reo match ed set. of tbls material sbowl c ultivation ot 'vegetable sponges' Is abl e at 30, and now, at IIve-and·thlrty. elaborate hand lllclting and Insertions now making prog,.ess, T be cultivation which she kne w to be his age, very Ilronctrrul. WHITE FELT HAT. and edglllg s or German Valenciennes. " Nut wltlloUt good' reason ." m a rked, decidedly of this plant (of which about t en spe· The cbeml se and ni ght gown. are With Crown of Apple·Green Velvet, " No ?" Ther e was a long, noisy silence. EmbrOidered In Sliver and Gree" cles are knowlI and culUvated In t-h o '·1 wan led to know tbat you were trimm ed I n boluro outline. The night Bird of Paradise. gown 8le,~ ves , wblcb open t o tbe wa r m r egions of Asia Ilnd Atrlca ) I s SJl e 'broke It wi t h a Juetty prete nse' of r eaL" h esi ta tion: ."·1 b eg your IJardon-" shoulder. have the lIew Circular move: fairl y exten sive In th e envIrons of AI · " Are you sure?" • :thread ed In and out of Ule lace and 1'he ' Tlm ~s was do termln edly Pll t cl ers and Oran. Prior to maturl ~y the "Sure." Sbe pu t ou t a hand ~ "Is menl worlt ed ou t In lace Insertions, lied al oll e side In a big bow, asld!), and Sir J ohn . In hl8 turn . looked hand t.uc IClngs . and lar.e edgings, frull I s' edible: wben i h o stago of rirIe· at hi s com llanlon, lind In an In st.ant lhat all ?" L[lce continu es to be I bA rabrlc most Broad ribb ons hold th fulln(l ss o f th e neBe has been Ilassed. howev<1r. th e thin gs slid Into t h elt· ri ght IJropor. " ':-': 0. I had foq;o tten, nil HIe time In demond for sn" nrL blou sos, and rt I~ gown acmss th e (r<ln t .tlnd cn l ch lh e freqnenU)' r elle ,' ed b)' it toucb of col· we wer e log eth er . to ask fOI' wher o )Iulp beco mes sell a l"nt eCi from th e tJon ij. ollen alo v eil In t WO "Inct!s . 'rh e pan· or ed ('!Ubi-oiller y , applications or Chi , YOII :l r e bOllnd :: fib ro us matler , wlll r:h lit n .for ln s tb e A rter all, how ausurd had been hi s t alon has l he sam oUllln e In u ·lm· "FolmouLh," n e ~ e n ee dle wo rk b ing particularly er· 'v cl;e tub l e Id" 11 t h nt on til spong)" I11M S te rq.t ed l h sm a II Incom o to mln g and IlIl'grl lIo\\'8 or I'lhhon lue "Flllm oul h1 V~t to my slster'8?" placed on the out8111 or" t bo UOllllce. fcell vc. An ullu sually Ilretty illouse Is spong : Flnl! specim en s. wh en care. Whi ch ny c y e3!" ago he cO llld I.~' :. I " 01vcd tl'om cotTee·colored '· Y es. I have nlw ll ~' B k ept up my he ' fully bI en h ed In u Wl'uk li me bn th , ar e cl ai m , h e could ha ve supposed • Our lIIu RtratJ on 811I;1"\t' sl ll n SPl of d·osp l'l t. t be n11'I'OW vcst down tb e fri end sh ip wllh Jllary. sold a.t f r om 3}fa to 1 If. 'Il. nee (6 ven might Rupport t h i s C'xotlc flo w'er of IIngol'le thnt call h o eus ll y COlli II. Th fm llt. thc 'Jecl, blind. alld Ught cnffs" " 'r hen y OH kn ew-?" to nln t! ce.n l s) apt e ~c·. Pnl'l s I s al pres. womanh ood. H o w hod 11Il C \" l' ven. " 1'hat )'011 wer e 10 he t here ? Y C8: ' IltUe cnll Is llIad o or la e U" f'r t he til lh elbow sl eeves, b eing of wh ile t Ur'd to suggos t 10 Ilcr l r:m ap lnn tallon ' ent th ' chi ef mar k el ror most Ilt t.h e " \ nIl t hc t rnln I was to go b)' ?" H e fln eal of .... 1111 ml1 slln with n t Wist Inc', t h pntt el"U emb'r old er ell In ralato th ~ bl eak 01 . o f his ban n po v ' r ty! v eg et a bl e sponges J;l"o wn In Al g eri a. H e had to nd ml L (0 hImself lbat h e could IiNl thnt hQr lip quivered. a.nd rose ttes of s~ trn r lbb<,> n, und III etl w hite BIIII and gold and sliver Intentl ed to bo " 'orn In lho mo rning t"rr.nds. Th ey Il r e h i ghl y sll lt., bl(' not onl y tor bnd no grl c ~'ancc eVI;o agai u st h er " No. Th at WllS I'enll y accid ent." lOllel and bu th roo m bU l al so for do. worldl y·wlse pal·enls. Hll Bl llllcd . " A mre thing III the by t he young h ouse wlre who des lrcs to The Crow'. Uaefulne... m es tl c purposes." .' world Is a woman with I l ~ n etratln g make a du i nty nnd dcco'I'a ll ve aPI)ear' "Yo u w ere golug to suy-?" A '~row destr oys 700,000 . Insects a " Tbat I r ear Ihe w 'utll er Is g e t ~ln g Inteiligenc . Failin g In l ovo Is no ance, aod lool( at h er b st ut t ho t t n '· Agai n Ib--;' IH t alk of the govern. w ar s , :11111 ou r;ht we not to be som e· hubl ~ or mln o. I did It onc e, some Ing per iod ~f th o day befol'o th er e h ~s ' year. men t p;c tlln l; after t he drug tru st., and, wb er e II CRT S wlnd oll 1" years ago. and the woman,-pnrdon romark s t il ali ne oun ty H eglsler, "Tbe wealher Is cO I·t :1,lnly gcttlng l h e descri p t i ve Inaccul'ucy- was il gi rl w e ilia)" " "1\ 10 see It g et a good dose wOrse, bill l am n ot. I n a po sition to wh o ,hen did not kno w h er own be sure auoll t wlndo,, : It slrl llOs m e m lnd- " of knockou dro !ls. thnt w e hnve eml)lIrllE!d ullon a j Ollr· M; f 8 Mul l' In te r r upt d : "Sho h all In n llow oth er lJ eOI~ I~ to make Il up H enry I. lIa r b" y. "f New York. ' wbo 'n ey thnt has nn II )"cul vabl e entl." . "You hu yc-" 1111 $5 Mul r 's E. yes for her." . dl d In Genevtl , Switt1.l"rland, la st sum. until a n ew sparker Is Pllt In. You Sir .John d r oPlled npon his knees at m er. hn s be(IUrll l hl'd t o t he American wand ered 10 th l! 111 n h b osket-':Wlth Another tI:lmple of the M.n Who Ece I know. I 'u sed to work In ,a rae· you a m os l Atlm c t i nHoolt lng hamli er . ·her sille. rellgiouM and cl,arit~b le Instit utions tory where machInes like that are Can't Be Wrong, 'rh e m onoton y of III gI ~'s woy be· "No w, wb i!D Chance throws me with $1 20.000, '. made. J understand the automobile h er agaln- " (a r e an IIIl0P{)IIC!r1 ' su r pri se' l'ao:I,et." Th e o t hell' afternoon n Bln gle·seatl'll lhorot/ghly. I saw at once that the "1 am II h rll l' mlnd ' d enough to of. " t fluln ce ! Dtln't you roall y und Ar . Klltomoblle, driven by a w ell·dres8ed sparker wns out of comml8slon and Th PI'll IJlII' Ill'nlll l y tor peekaboo t el' .t o lih nre." sl and , JolIn. or Is a man wi t h penl" that there waR no more 'run' III that wal st s In t he Wln Ler time Is Ii doctor 's Perbolls It wns the luo('h thal un· u'IILlng .i nloillgen ce til I'arest thln ~ In woman, sl o pp ed In t he middle of tbe bill, . CIH tracks at Slx t ee1ith alld Curtis machine:' Here he looked about him lock ed th e h eart or blm. Defore It he th l.! ~ o rld ?" slreets, anti r efused to budge, The fQr l he approbation of the croWd. Tbe ar.. JIIu mltuit ed .. walking IIdck,. woman I!ushed l eve", and ' turned wor:ral\ kept tinkerIng. II_~'IJ.I.. A... ';'·-.·.......J.~ 01 anks. but there was nothing dolDg. amOIl!; 'Iat ellt I11'IIIIc81\0n8 of ell'c, ""'''''''-",,~'''''''·'''.s " No ule," be continued. "It .on·t I rlclt ~·. ... small IMllndescent lamp :.fter lWO atreet ca", had come to go. I couldn't be wrong. A man wbo' a stop andl a crowd of perhal). 25 knows the gasoline auto as tborough· I. am' I d In .the h ad bf tho cane persons ha,l gathered near her. ahe Iy 8S I do COUldn't make a mistake. ~ lhe ca.ue can be IgnltBd by a • requested some of the spectators to I_f' _pring, ""'1Tt1 ~ ramillar term , us .1 In coonec. , who have contrt'u: ad to deliver tbe push the macblne to ' the curb, Thll J.ust Ihen the machIne began to ' lOti with gllllre transa Ctio~s. \l e~ l g· SO I\1I'. or. who fo r n l\ ~' r eason wish to '\\'as done, and the woman contlnuad to pulr. The woman got In and twa, It nOl pg I wo nJlPoslng factiona en gll>;ed I Il IIY, ~o all In th ei r Il ower to deprp. Unker at It. Just then one of tholle w.At, " rhere was a Jokt!r In the crowd. SUI,. ('bUdren w er e ftterlilined to In·1I1ullon, Ule one cnrleavor,og to, clate them, and III''' ther et.:>re nlclt. ·men who knowl It al" ll:1.mi along. . Stepping up to the Ulan who mado ... at Hu hClnlleD, E llglaud. au the bot, " ols the vIIlll es•. alld the other to · de- I nam('d " bears: ' l'hfl origin or the "Tbo 81'a~iker'l busted:' he IIIlId. tak· the big talk. he nitS: "My friend, lOa! u f " I puN Ic pond, to com. I,rt·ss them . The "bulls" magnlry ~very 1t"rm Is probably Ih" natural proollv. Ing a look )'olJ.'re right That lII.cllln. win tho machine, _ _.....l " til f&at tbat IL d.., tor clrcumslance favor"le to the apprec1. : illeR of the anlnrals- - the hlllls to tu.. "II that ?" said the woman. .un never run until a ne.. 8parkll1' II put lD It" lrat tor alal'1I a JluDdred lilian of the stock or Other m~lum or I t hings up In the air and Ille bear. Unlrerlng. A policeman lpeelllaUon the, ho~tI, or lIave BCiueeze any enellU" w1th wlllcla 10 take at. a alva ~ .1aUe &hole CODal ill CODtact;. tim' to
Knew All About the 'Auto
.....__' ' 'ftj'' ' ' '_' ¥' 'IfI..__11"'""'.-....-""I1.."..........- ....·"'..... ,..
GOOO Rl rong, rea.r )(1SS (ellow. who Is a goc.Il com r ad e; w 1l o Is I III' (~ ha.m Jllon , ..... tU.,& ..__-I w\lnk , W?O lIe VOI' f1 gll tw aoy tid )' hla Kl ze, ond wh o II V(ll' 11/111 IOlultJ a~ T"e Tell·Tale II Ri ghtly Unpo p ll <ir-- 'lllTlhtl onl'O In b l~ . lI f ' wltb th e WOI·d. Proper Life 18 an D In Wh ic h shame.. There I. Never Anythln~ 'u lll \'nl l' In )'o urs!'IV(\s n hl gb I dellt to Concfi:l\l , or bu n ar . I.(lok at th 1110 0 i n blst ory wi", ha,'e hl1' 11 h (.lIIornbl and t rue, B Y MARGARET ", 6.6,NGSTER . :11 111 who hllvI' \\' 0 1"11 lho . whit fi<l w r 'L'h e one ba m ctor that tltJUOIl y ell a of tt hlll m c l e~s IItu th l"OlIgh all til Ir" nd ur bQr uu so .IJIl I:; 91111(11)· h lo ill 'uu ('11l·t' N . On Qf I h c~() ,II,), s YOU \\'111 'be n nd too hllterul for on)'thlUlL bv ~ . ~ Ht ~6 ' Iltfl7H .~. You l \l lll\ll , Is a sn ak . will hal'e Ib n ite. !lo t'hUI1S t . I)('al" <If· Wh en lL ( ' II t1 w IK too ' ol,'urdl), LO n" t" II lId nt nil I' V 1I1 i1 ~'O ll Will IUIY b. 81" t lr o 'bl umo It h hUJlP' it 1.0 ·,10 Illell ty III (10 rOl' sou r . 'Ollnl l'y. Tn ~oUlel h\lI g w l·oug . w htl n h o le\l; u l lll' rM ,10 hCI' wlII'k w ' lI \'0\1 will be oblig ed ~ lIlTe r rOl' w hu t h e I"", done. o r ~ "Itl . to H('t1rn' ull Ihat. · l R !.Jirso. u nd II ~(' when h e I s " h n lOc rlll'. t here Is no III · Hllil' lId lUl y for all lbat Is flll Sll<t lItllCh' pU~H l u l e . l hlro ",x el,t HUll til' lIolll e. IIbho .... ctlc(·. N o u Il y . an r slIecL It U 'npY I·tt; h l , ~,-----'-'--oward. aud l h $uen k 10 tb e Hcb ool· IDEAS FOR TH E HO$TESS, ... . boy world I s a lw nys oward l y . III on of Di ck ens' novol s, on e 1I1uL vc r y b o ~' al lClu Id p ad, there Is a " Box Pa r ty" Is ' Somet hing New -Pro· gren ive Pea nut Game. r l ah B eep . c ri ngi ng r c ntHr ClIlt d NUl h l ng I s too lJelty 01' shalll 'ful For ,. r l l'flsl' ClllIl l' to my 'hox ' lIa r l y n ex t t hi s persun w ho l'l ngs ra l sll Itl< ' ('ann· TUl'sdny Il f(e rn non lit two . B rln!> II. t er re l l collI t!"Om beginning t u en". Perb nl18 yo n ar e 110 b usy In I'cu dlng pal l' or sci ssors and n n allron to !1l'0' Ih boo ks thu l are Iluhll sh ed lo·day l ect yuur gowII: ' \Ve il , of 1I11 l h In vl tntlon s tb nt that you have 'nol found tltIlEl 10 r eud the boo k s thllt HIII IIlI In stlll " l y ro ws rl'om lillie l o li m hu ve r ench d Iny on th e library all ' lves, (nil or qnnlnt d sk. thi s OU<1 WII S l' rtu lnl y II uew on e. llIu slrati on s nnd belongi ng In t h e I r OSllont! p« with Iteen I"tcr est ~o IInll ' ranks at slII ndanl II ter ul ure. m on g liS IIstlnl t hut t ho " el e,'ur wOllllln '" wa s Ul ese b ooJ(s aro se,' eral by 'harl es nol blnl; If lIot ori ginal. Tbe raoUl wn s Dlc k ells thn t YO ll oll gh t to r ead . . A 1I1 emily (1111 1.0 ov e rfl o wlll ~ with boxes boy who Clln r esi st tho charm of Da· of nil sl nud lIesc"'IIUons. 'rh I' v l d Cop per fi eld or wh o wou).l nol 1,Je W r e u ullmlll'r ot sewi ng t abl os . tube I t:'t er es t ed In Nlcholus N l ckl eu r : Is ur IIh·nlr~' 1111. h . lIl1 d 1\1I1I1or OU$ r oll s 01 not a boy a fI er m y h Oll rl. A II houg h cr epo l lsM IIO pa p I' of hol\y ' tlnd IlIllo· D lck oll8 por t rllYs IIIOr e lh nn one lad He ll s d 0 8 1 ~ n . ,1' hen t il r w as Vllliu ot til e vu r l et y k now n li S sneak . h da· r II cr epe (lap I' lind 'Whi le, Henrlet. 1·lb· scribes manly r,'lIows, 1.00. w i t h w hom bon n n d IIIf sO I' I~ tl r hrl stmall '· stlck· anyone wo uld like to bo I lltimat. !It er s" or seul 6. 'rhl s wus t h e I doa aA outlln ,I by the lltiostess : " La st year." soh ool. sh e said, " I r ec Ived a number 01 Cowardice III of se" era l ki nds. tln.ln ty C h r l ~ tm n s gH t s, a pltlte, home· Th re a r e boy s wbo have an ab un· mnde cundy . bundk er chlef s. et c ., and dnnce o r phy si ca l courage, who wOllld l hey w or e donu Ul' In the IlItist aUrae· duuh rorward and ael z th u d dl of tl ve box eB. . On I,r lcln g them, I found II runllwny 'ho rse, or Interfer In /I Iho cosl almost doubl 'd the o r l gln al fi ght bClwe n slIvllge d ogs. or resclle 9 11111 eX)lended on lhe ,;lft l3, 80 I 'llIt a child rrom suddell Ilerll, If lh ' ~' IIpon lhe sc heme of m nliln g them . A s' COUld . V ery ;seltlom do we flnd a r I· I hut to do nn, thin g al on , J ask ed lo w wbo has th is sort or h ea dl ong \' a· yo u 1111 to hel p t" l1 ao d to Boh m nk l or who I s al: the 8Ilme "( Ime 3 sn enk . oll e or lwO box !I (01' ~' our own lI ~e :' It w ou ld al ruolll seem as Ir t h e brn vo " And thut acco un ts why t he 'cl ever Imllulse, l he r e&! Ulan\lncss told al Ba wom An ' h as ful r Jy hn unted t be d r y o n l h spiritual lite for good. Y et good s Sl ores ror l \lllly uoxes. wb )' tb t h er e Il re bOYB. alld to r ·tb al malter , mu n or l h b ouse bll s ap» enn.-d wl t b Oleo. who h ay sh o wn cou rag enougb his arms l ad en Wllh bUD1 pUOIIM pa k· t o le/lCi a fo rl orn bOll e ph ysi call y, hul ages, fi nd wh y t h r e hos been a I:Qrn er wh o lire m oral cowllrds, O no n eds h rl stm as p110c,r 8," In t he III l1rkct all to cultl vn t b yo.n d r.\"erythl,, ~· el se a snl d l h e 1I tt10 nei gh bor from o v t· tb ~l I'n det el'mlnutlon to see tbe t r ul h way . A t hull n.n ar rour , 1 wl $b YO\l to l. ell It. Wbatevel' else w dll. we cOllltl hll.\·e seell the array or I' lill y ne ver Rtlye ou rsell'es nt l he expen se llN\utlrul boxt's : aome w er o cover ed of truth . wltb Il lnln r d pU llcr , the little seals , fl Ing liS d ror a bard r or In a d ec o~ . Tn school II re th ra are otw n I ern})· lI ve con\'ent.lonnl d sign, Ooe In .y tallo f's to brer.k ru les. A b ll~' ca n· sahl sh e hadn't h llli so 01, 1 b fun .slnc , Plot unl er sl.arrd w h y t each ers mn ke , be w nt to kinder arl~n . There ' . .,-'" perelli ntory r egol atlons, for Xn mlJle, seem ' l O be a fnsc l nallon abonl cut, nbou t smokin g. t r espassin g beyon d tlng nntl Jlusllng p uper t h at cbll rOl boundnrl es nnd doing oth er t hin gs nol ouly c hlldr n, llut grown ,ulls [I e that If gen r ally done wou l d com · wfllI. F or r f r esh m nls we h ad delici ous pi t el l' rru st r a t e t he well ·ll Ins of an I nsti t ution. A thoroug hly manly boy lea mode In the drawl Ill; r oom . >joned lUak II up hi s mind t b nt so ra r liS wit h a spoonru l or br andi ed ch er\'l es In he Is v er Honlllly conoern d h will each cu p on d Ih " most II l ectabl e muf· <llley rulCil whe ther h e 11k s t h em or fi ns w ith ro ober r l AJ In th em, 1 slloulcf not. A boy wbo I s unmanl y pr eLen ds lhlrrk II " box" tahl c nt a chllrch b8 ZtUlI' to ob ser ve th o sume rul es, alld som e- would be a profitabl e undor takin g. limos gilt s c r~dl t ror doing so, wh en . A Progre.alve Peanut Party, at t he sa me time h e stoorm-to decoI1' This I s played Kaetly a9 nil olhCl lion and III num ber less lill ie w ays, (l rOg r es slv games, v iz.: IIArln er s are by nl·tltl e; s !lnd e Vllslon s et ll_ w h at choll n. ln bl e~ tound andi-score ' ea rds he thlnkll to lie th e belter or his Il r O\' Id d. In t b e c en l r of e'ach l able .. tea b r eo H e I s no t. getting t be bet· t hel"O Is n b owl con tain ing 100 p anut(l ter or his l 'neb r s. H e Is n ot gu t· ( III t h sl1 li S) and a l ong, n w !lat pin tl ng th e bOiler of (h em , but h e I s de- fOI" eacll player . Dof ore b ~ l n g Beal ed cldl'dly g etU n g the wor s tor h l ms I f. Ileh g ucs t I\as Lbo rl l;ht hand aCQureH e Is to wer i ng his moral t one, and be· I y lIe,1 dO\I 1 t o l he side b y u rlubon or co mlug m Ol"e or l ess a sllenk. fancy cord. Th cr e Is n b 11 a t th ~
nf I Inll In t h orboll lle. Is m :lklll~ 1 rlll Kh' nl CrrOl'ls to Ililve tho rrwtln· orlC' III t h ' .lurtl III des Pla.m es 311111\t· .. d t o tbo n ('Ii :l at ex'p ri m IItal lIel· " lice . H e wU1J1r1 I,ave It f o t )"," " , rOlllled a8 to bN'orn e a school or tool ogl cal reIla l h \\' lIlIoll t at I he snIDe Ump C /1 8' ,llIg 10 be a )ll a('(' of lit rlal nu1C1nt ro r t be 111'01>1 ...·. Slleh a plan hllll be Jl parlll' carrlrd nut I n Dro ll x ]lnrk . so :;ays. Ih . · ~W " ork P OSI, st) Ilm\ ('l'r· lliln rnulla al'O IHlrmltted I 11\' and b r ePd aIm at as If I hey w ere l u " the wil d." 'rhe e p r! mpntRl !lt n tlon s j.n 'hl ~ co uu tf~' \\"11 fl' Illllr ine allinl nls anli vian i lIla y be st Ildl d bav PI' \"pd of th e bl ghesl ,·al up. to sci ence: and H i e l nDorlltor y In conn d i an w it b the NapltJ6 'n q"cloTllml h as l ong hl'en a fa· \ro rl t A rosorl (or na t llrnll sl~ . Two o( Dr, l .olsel 's suggestions Rre n ot li kel y to Dlt" [ wllh Iloll lll nr Olll ro ,·nl. On o III to do awny altogetb er wi t h t h m onkey 001181', Wil ltb h(l Sllrs I s Infected with luberl',,1 81R. Ilnd l h.e olb r I s (,Q cll mln· j llb I hn nllm beT Of t h more (QrmldaQle IkI IliU m' I ~ t o roo m tor beasts WhORl! ~ nh l! ~ ma y be mar a oV'.e'ol , en tl)' .111/11,,11 . n ll t III gellerll l I here Ie "'0 gnot! I'('RlIOn w hy I he 7.ool ogl clIJ col· l ec:u one ot t h e world 8h ould lIo t be adapl d 'te) th n l"ed s or stud n t B of na· t urlll hi st or y who ~ho u l d hnvll advan· tages analogous 1.0 t ho~ already en· oy d by wor k erll In bolany li nd In the -JlDe ar t s.
High .Ideals
Anot h er forI\l of sneak ing nlways hend tuble. \V b n Ihe hundr d nu ts un popul ar. nnd ror the , best at r eason s' I'hnv b een pea r ed f r om the bowl lhe Is IlId ul Aed In by auy boy who s(ll es b illS rung, card s are pllnch ed !lccord· u(Ion other" or deigns t o be a t lI · talt~. In' t o t he sco l"e aod the flam pro· Whoe" or may I M l st to the . conlr,lTY , ceeds. To hoose partn ers hl\\' ( rdli the Instl ncti,'e reeling. o r ev el'Y scb o(ll· for t h e m u bear ltiJ; t h i s jlngl : bOY' la ri gh t. It! B n ot h Ollorllbl 10 00 "l"rom sUcki ng yo ur II lS-hIJor refra " , II spy and t o curr y r l\\'OI' With oae's '1'alle cn-rc, 1, lnd sll", tull car \, : ~uJlerlor by rela t lug the m lsrteeds In countlng YO\ll: I(lSB o~ your gnln, at other bo ys. Sj:hools In which t hts Play fall', kLnd sir, pi ny r lr: ' system Is In v ogue ure sending out \"'-rlte t he sam e for lbe ladl S onl " uu wor thy Artld14at es who will 1I0t. ('am· lnut ead ut " Itlnu sr"r" put "pr elty maid.;' Ilrehend the tru e m eaning of houor tr In xll~n slve pl'11.28 Bfe desired hllve and sin ce rity In Illter lit . Boy s a b ox of sal t ed "jumbo" l.ealll1ts and a eho'l Ild 1I0l Ilermit tbem selves to tell box of peallut candy. Peanut SOUll. tal Bar otb ers, 0 n e I s !!n~e!v~ er. l· -!C!lJ021I~II.:. ' f.I1l!aJlllJJLlllli.tOl~~~ll'iEtMl!t-_nt--at!lnIF'"'~ Ilelled to throw blam e on a clnsslUale. f1ecorat ed with peanuts way fi gure In 'flbe oth er side of lbe shield, however, the r ofreshment s. Those who at· makes It obllgn.tory on th e elllssma!.e tended theso (larties say they al'e 10 stell [orward aull as sume th e re- ' funn y b YOIlII words. sponslbllily f or his own .aets. ' MAD A..\ tf: ME RRI. Th e : schoolroom Is a mlr \l atu re Cro ... Stltch : 1.. ltI,,1 Letter., world , As we b ear ourselves here, Th ese Jett ers conllnue a .. ery usef'll '0 shall w e· Rllllen r In days to come Nhen we ore out III th e wider school IIlphabet for mnr ltlng hOllse nnd 't:1bl., Bclng £0 dlsUnct tb ey , Ilr~' of hllsln ss or pro f eosl onal life. W hat linen. )",") \1 arc to·day YO\l wl"l be 1en y ears hen ce, 20 yen rH h n co., A boy who. b g i na lIrc hy colng mftn, l ow and cowardly things, will la ~er on b come 1\ mean, low and cowardly man, . •
Ther e Is a STeat l ead thal ench fe). low can do In bohi t erlng liP a strong, Mtrnightforwllnl r ectitud e In thoae n ')out him. This may be done III the simplest way by exaoll'le. A. th e sneak II an ohJect or II qlver' slleciBlly sUl l ed f or m n r n g blanketl... snl contempt, ao lhe lad who Is unJ· rm' ""hlch Ilurposo wn shlng silk. Lner ' verso,lIy ailm!red .and lovell III the cerlzed COLton·or ,yool shollld be usod .
00".1 lUI IiCCCCI ClCI CI aaaClaClDt:laCla aIDa aaaacCian ClCI'~C1CQClGCaCaQDO ,
. '
1i'rench modistes almw a pre f er eoee for the lIel'fectl y roulld '''Bls t apd the nor. mel wlllstline. That fh stylo Is gain. Ing grollnd bero Is evld'enced by the newest belts, whi ch ' are not. sh"aped HO~lJ7le.1 and which, lIlmost wltholl~ (!~1lepllon, are just two Inches Itt width. How. Umt' ·~avlnl: way to DU~ down new ever, thIs Is a seasoo of Infinite Vll' oilcloth or 1I110leum 1ft a k!tehen or rlety, anli Indlyltlllul taste Is largely where there are sink or table - legs the criterion. So, one may designate tbo waIstline at any J)()lnt betweeu the ' to be flt.ted I1round, III tel cut out I'llper pattern of the eXlIct dimensIons a~mtllt8 and hIps, where It happenl to needed. wltll nleh.,. for 1I'IIter pl\>CII, best .ult the general ilnel or the figure. door jamb8, etc, • This "i)attcrn~tiJ!ould be laid out flat
I\~. t.h~ !le.w: ~loth or lIn"ieum cut
Faahlonlble Colo.... frnm It. or course, a room larger There. II no longer allY one (uhlon, than that for whlcb. the Hnoleum Is able color In ParJII;- tirofrll" green be)ng cut wm be Deeded to lilread gray, bronle, blue, 1)lIr~lo and all of down the pattern in this way. the old-Ume favorltel' are In Abond. it I. better cut on the wrong side, anen though In entirely ue". tones aDd ("or thon the ontllneR of the paltern lind ~r the mOlt fantnatic .namIB. Pecan be drawn In- chalk, and 6S either a Is one or the mo.. t favored of linoleum or oilcloth hal to :.-e 'cut with 1- n-urt.le !Jull. a)lpe~rlnH' to a knife, the marilod line I. the belt advsntap in both clotb .a4 ".I,et. It. 111148 one can bava, . I. aDa of fe.
by the E1Cperlence of One Whll The American Settle-r I. WelCOmed Ha. Found Relief.
to Callilda.
R. rNir d f3rnl cr, or FenDer slt<'et, a~enfl vla . . Y •• flIU's: ',\hout Iirle n .' ·enrs • ngo I R:I!Tol' cI \\'Ilh . 1\1Y IJnck anll 1,l dnul's. I cia tOl'ed unll u s!<1 JUuny remcllfos wit hout gel! illg reo HuL ncS"l nn i l1~ ",IUl Doan's Kld n")' I llig. lid "eliot frO!l1 tite 1\ rst 1.10)(. nnd' two h"xes I'CStOI'CU me to good, sou nd ron I' on . 111 y w II an d muny of my rrl I1d ~ ha ·c lI so d Doan's Kidn ey Pills with goot! I' snit s and I cnn earnestly r COmmend lit e m." Sold by all doa lers . . GO ccn tu a' box. Foster-Milburn 0 •• Bu lfalo. N. Y.
A number 01 Ihe len.dlng newspapers on lh ls s ide of tho line b ay b oe n n oticin!; the growth of the Cano.dlan 'iVost lu r cent l'ea rs, a:fd dmw allen· tion to the fact lhul there !leems to be no abAteme nt ot t be Inllux of settlers. to tlmt reat graln'lrrowlng cOlllltry. The nurfalo Express I.bus re rAr!! to \he subject, "Cans tln. " est continnes to grow. Tbtlre wore ~ . 174 homesteads entrie!! t lt 'ro III July of thi s y aI', u.s against a .fiN In July. 1905. 'aond a plum(\s hers .If 0'·01' th Is (ar t. Wtlll becoming 11rW e. But wh at IIppe ars to' maltO ollr n IgUbors bapJllc6t III t llo stal me nt that o[ t ~ese 4.1 H b oulc:;teaders, 1.212 were tram this sLda of the line. Lltlle Is said abou t . the 97 'anadlnns wbo recrossed tb e border to . take liP homes In canada. West. or 01 tbe 808 (rom Gre:J.t Britain, or of tb e l ,nS t rom notl-Bl'ltish conln tries. It apIl 111'S' tbat the Item In. this Jul y r eport tilat mal{es Canada. roJolee most Is lhls ot lhe 1,212 America n farm ers who decided to try the ir fertun es In Canada We at. ·" Tbe compliment Is deserved. The 1,212 were mostly from Dakota and olher farming states. and g.o .Into . Canatla IItted better thun any otber class of Immigrants [or developing tbe new country. They take capItal with tbem, too. say Canadla.n papers proudly, In every way. th.e y are welcome over tbere .'· As the Expreso well says. the Amerlcnn Is welcom ed t o Canada. und th e reason s given arc sufficient to InvIto the welcome. The Amerlucn farmer knows thoronghly th e tarmlng cond itions that prevail In the anadlnD prllirle provinces. and Is aware of eve ry pbase of ag ricultural developmeDt In receDt years. In practical knowledge or what la wante d to get tbe largest retu rn for labor and In vestment. he Is ' by long odds 8up(lrlor to an), Europea n settler. H e knew s what Is roqllired to bring success. and he Is a.ble and willIng to do it, aod bls ' "uture causes no apprehens,jon to the flUcce8s lul 'anap lan farme r. Tile agEmt of the Canadian ' Government, wb>ose address ap· Dears elsew here. says tbat the d llference between th e ma nn ers and customs or tile ra rm'lr [rom Dal;ota, Oro· gon or Minnesota. and tbe fa l'me; from Manitoba, Sa skatch ewan or Alb erta. Is n ot nearly so marked as tha t b e· twcen tb . fa rmer or the Maritime provinces ~nd ihe Onlarlo tiller of lbe soil. Hence the welc,ome to the free homes teads of the Cnnadlan West. nnd .there are hundreds of thou sand 'j o r Ihem left, that Is extended to t h e settler from the W este rn S tates.
-- ,
Care of Children's Teeth. At S trf18b1lrg. Germany. a denial clinic hns beo l1 ollcned ut · I he II n l· ,'c rsit y (or l he t reatment of sc hool ·chlld reu. Ilith er all th e school chil· dr n Ilre sellt. In order. by lhelr teacb· ers' Each ohiltl Is Qulc ldy exam· Ined, as man y as elJ:h ty child reo lIeIng dealt with In nn hour. and II ar ly 300 a day. by a s ingle doctor. Ten h· Ing goes hand In h and with t reatmen t. The doctor tell s the ch il li how to U50 a loath brush , sees th at he UMS one. and sends him hoMe to PI:uctice W.l l h It. Tbe moveme nt Is Sllr atlillg. In Wlesblldcn anti Mulh ntAe n school tl en· tal clinics are to be erected.
LIMB RAW AS PIECE OF BEEF. Suffered for Three Years w ith itching Humor-Cru iser Newark U. S. N. Man Cured by Cutlcurl.
<STeAH C(!)1181/'{ED H/.lRVEL5TER '1 sulfered w Hh humor tor about Will we e ve r weary at the story 01 orchardist; at harvest Ume there It tbreo yeurs orr and on. 1 Onally sn w a Qillifornia's golden harvesls'1 In the work for every man, wom a n and chllrl doctor and h e gave me remedies that alato's 150 miles of breadth and her In the counh'y, bu t lho d mand· if did me no good, s o I tried utlc/lra thousand niiles or extent aro \.0 be gJ'uater than tll O suppl y. Every va when my 11mb below the Imee to tile found very nearl y every cOllcelvl1ble riety 01 soli nnd· location Is I1t tb e di s aDkle WR S as rnw as a Illece et beet. product of the 8011. it Is Bome 50 I)Osa l of the rarmer, so tha t It ho ha! All I used \Vas ':he Cutlcura Soall and years s ince the whole world was ring· any hobby In agrlc:llture the re will be t·he Oln tme nt. J bath ed wi t h utic nra Illg with the sta~tllng tal 8 of tb e no diffi culty In sel tlng the right spot Soap every day , and usetl about s ix creat gold discove ri es In Cal\[ornl o. tor its ex relse. If he pre fers to l\Ur· or seven boxes or Cut\cura Ointment. and. Itt that time th e country bad II t U suo a ny s ileciol line-grain 01' frul l I was thoroughly ured of t he humor othel' Industry than pastoral ·\lllrsnlt s. grav S Ol' vog ta bles. stock· or I)Olllt ry In tbree weeks. and ha ven 't lIeen af· Arter lho flrst gold te ver hili! Gomc· - lh prollcr condition s ure to be fected wit h It s lncc. I use no ot he r what a bated Immigrants begun to rec· fouud. 01' Ir b pI'ef rs to pursue them Soap than ntlcura n ow. H ..1. My fS. ognlze tbe l'mme ns r rUlity of the all combined he may do so. Li·veslOCk U. S. N.. . S. S. Newa rll. New Yorl{, • soli, and tbe e ra of the great Wh eat raising Is ve ry lal'g Iy nnd successf ul· Ju~y 8, 190G." fnrQl s commen d. mnu y or them be· Iy engage d In. anti s tock grow ers or Market for Herring" ing rroa. 10.000 ncres to 60.000 aCI'es now 8\11111'! " with Ih(' fln 8~ brc lis 01 A neNew w ma rll t ror Yarmo uth herjn x.tent. QJI)o (lr I.ho8 ~t1 11 remain. cattle tor n il uses. xte ns lve he rd s be· rings has lJ n ollened In .Lhe Caucasll s, tJlOugh tno ten d n ' y now Is to dlVidtll iug IU l wit h In a ll IlI1 l·ts of 1.1Ie stll te. some Scotch mercbunts bu vlng Bent nn thes bi g hold ings and 111 vll se ttl e· The roolhlll and 1Il0llntarn dlstl'lctE expe rlmentlll shlplUent Ihe re. The Illent by slTlali funn el'S, fruit ra isers rurnls h rlc b 11IlSlurage-thc blgh I fI'sb are being handl ed by Prince LolliS ,!Ind calUenltll1. Ob slich Lig areas as mounl aln 01 \'aUons In s ummer ano Napoleon Murat. llH!se wheat farm s whol esale met hods th root hllls In wlni r-and a la l'gE ar ImlleruUve. and hnrvesllng can flren 1, lnnt d to alrllirll during the las l National Pure Food and Drugs Aot. only be accomplished by the .aid of rna· f w yellrs has added grea tly to thE The Garfleld 'I'en l'llllllllUlr' prepara· ~Ines. dl'O\\m by a s many. 118 30 1I \'C6toC" In tereflta In the vnll ey dis tion K . colnply in•• l' \'cr\' r 'l" I)(~I' l wit It the "horces or mul es, whlcb cut and tbrosb trlcls. Perhnps lhe most remun'c rlL ref]uirf'JI'IllIt 3 of The l nl illtlul P1Irc F()O~l the gl'aln, delivering It In sack s ready live. anll er tain ly t he most attractive lInd DrUg!! A ·t , .lu O£' !l(llh, JOOU. fle ri,,', No. 384, a .i~ued by 'n"llIIl!lIt, "ill • fOr shillmen!. Large ClIn g·plows . hUIII· ot illlfornia's harvests Is that ot I.h ~ UI)pcur Oil Cl'~IT I.",ck"~l! of Ihei ,' ~ood . d by tracUon engines, are a lso e m· orange; In some di stI'l Ls ,the country 11Io)'CII . · But great ns was the produc· rOI' mil es round Is a lmost one contln· A Misunderstanding. tl pn 0 1 gold und wheat. It \\'11 8 oon 00U8 o1'llll ge grove. Th o j\lally·coleApropos 'Jr a mls underslandlng 00 to be surpa sScd b)' t hnt or th e or· brat d nov I 9l'Onge, seedl 6B a nd pel' tbe cnnlp('!1 (j nesllon. Gen. J.~r ederlc1c chal'ds, fOI' which lh0 atate hlls.eal'ned ter.t. In flo val'. may b a ccoun ted 'IlS t hE D. Graut ~ Dld a t a dinner In WushlDgs uch · w·orld·wltl fa m . AllhougJj 20 OrBt In Im portance of any citrus prod· ton: ~' ear8 ago Cnllfo1'nlu production made \l Ct, and with It.s good keeph\G qu ail. "It Is I ~ l. e tbe case at my fri end bllt little Im)Jressron ul,o n th e tl'ult tI s Is ensy of tran sportntlon. N c 1I1aJ. Oreeo. M oj. GreeR sald to his marllets of th nl ted States. Illst frui t (ree IS more delicate In Its com· s'e rvau t au!! mornln!;! 'car's ntll from ,her or 'hards. mene mon t or r Qnlre3 grcllte:r.,...::;::o..::++- .. 'Jam es. I haw! left my mess bools vineyards and gardens to poin ts be- lIut no m h ' r bccomes more out. I ",·a n . !b em soled.' yond th Slnle nggrega t d so me 1.000.- maturity. " ,' Yes sir,' the s ena nt nn s wered. 000 tons! Cnl\fornla i s, above ull C. EAOLt.:·BOT T. ""he m ~jor. dressing for dinner things, n land of hortlcult IIre-of or: FINE SPECIMEN OF WHALE. tbat night, ti nld 11/;1110: .... nllg II. lemons. grape fruit, apricots.. "'1 s UPllose. J ames, that yon d id peaches, pears. olives. Ilrunlls , q\llnces. aB 1 told YO ll a llout those boots?' Sixt Th Feet FI k b f g URvas. bananna. 10Qnals. nec to rln es. Sk e Ie t on .0M n ao '1- ree t diM "Jllmes laid 85 cents on tlle bureau. L otlg pomegranates. che rri es and lll\lms. oun e nauseum. " 'Yes, s ir.' 8nld h e. 'a nd t his Is 0.\1 It Is a land of lnlYlY products-gold 1 could get for t hem ; t hou gh the cor. nnd sl1vor . .truitt!. vegebtbles. fl owe rs , Its e1l0l'1I1011S ja ws agalle as It III I · In trllder . lile porol wbll 1I0u ght 'em sOlll he' lI have Wool . hay. cattle. crtlnbornes, wnlnnts, a mon co t 0 t IIe h art) almonds, 8 U<;1l1' b o\. molons and wine. skeleton or a. Hnllock whalo, sa id to I;fvcn halt II dollar If pay da y hlldn 't This ll! not to be wond ored ut when th e be tho larg st a nd fin s In tb nlted been so · far utt.' '' fact Is g raspeel that the ellulate gives States. lies In Otl or Ihe galle ries ------300 da),s of sunshlnll' e v ry year. and "behind n.e 8C 11 s·· at th e Am rlcnn Unurthlng the Briber. tltOt no ra in fa1l 8 from Jun to Novem. Museum or" Natul'a] HJ atory. says the During a r cent campaign In Eng· b el' l III Lhe northern llnr't or lhe Ne w York 'l'i'ibune: Il hilS Just been land a certllin wom an c.'1l1ed on ala· ~ lltat~ you may BlnJld b eside a fi eld ot l\cqult'ed t hrough an ag ncy by Dr. bor" r's wi fe and asked It her hus hand ....... eorn of 1!08 flne growth as' can be fonnd Herma n C. Uumpus . l he dlr ·ctor 01 wOllld vo te !.nr Lord Blank. "No. he anywhere In thl' woriq. hall t il fiU S 1m). uud will be ex hl blt'd lr won·t." was tbe reply. "Rut. remem· never had a drop of min slnc It was the public as fiOOU as It cuu b 9 pr bel' the blall ets and coals you got sown. bas not be n Irrlguteu, IInc! pared und Pllt In J){)sl tlon . It Is an trom the cl I·6')'lI1an." "Never mind In all like lihood , bo harvested WIthout Important addition to th InslltuUon 'B them. He's bee n promised a new ilRlr ha vlng been tOllehed by uny mohlture collection pt the remains 01 mono or trousers It he votes 101' Mr. Dush ...· whatever. Although the climate of strous crealUres. which laclud s skel· Sus pecting that this was a case of the norlhern, central and southern J)0l" etons ot II "ch1\lllb red dinosaur" 70 bribery that mll s t be outdone. th e tions ot the state are substantially the feet in length. ot a lon g-necked plesl· woman canv38ser ottcred a sovereign aame-I. e .. agrleultnral anti hortlcul. 08U\l1' more than 40 feet lon g. and 01 ft tbe womall would t.ell her wllo hud tural products being fou~d In latltudos a had rosaur ' almost as large. . promised the t ro nse rs. Tbe mon ey The bones of the catncean Just ac- paid over, the ","omnn IImlled . "I 700 miles apart- the rainfall dlmlnIshes as you go to tbe BOllth. rilnglng qulred are thoee of a tull·grown epecl- promised thelll." sh o s Ul d. "and I'll fTom a total ralhtall 01 f ame 40 men ot Ihe fin back nnd ure Ilrncllcally buy them out of your sovereign." · The total length or the Inches In ,the north to Borne six Inches complete. NO MEDICINE. In tbe south, the temperature dltter. skeleton as II stunds Is 63 feet. It has Inl; ., but IItUe. In the Ipcall. 61 vertebrae. The .length or the longties ot leuet aonllal rainfall ' est 1'1 b Is nine feet two Inches . The But ellange of Food Gave Final Relief. irrigation has been resort d to. and nt Skllll wclghs .over half a ton. Its clrMost dlsea s·~s sturt In Ihe aliment· the .llresent · time BometlJlng like 2.000.- cnmferellc being 20 feet nud Its ary canal-stomach und lJ owels. 000 ucros . COII\\)rlslng :15.000 Irrlguted length Hl feet 2 inches. A great tle,ll o( our s tomuch and ta~m9, ure thlls befng watered. Thla species of whale. the common The canning and sun·drylng of trult norwhul. Is met Iii almost all seall bowel troubl\!8 come from enli ng too are big Industries. und the productll and nttulns In the tl,e&!l to a lenhth of much starcby and greas)' toad. Tile stomllcll dees · not d.lgest any or _I'Q I'Qo"!n the world ove r. The proc- from 6& to 70 feet. It II! ne xt in BSB of sun'ilrylng pooches. apricots size to the "blue whnl e." tbc largest the stnrchy. ~<. od ',"e eat-while brend, Jod pr.unes Jj,I'OVeS the dryness or the of all known animals. which reach a pustry. pqlutoes, oatf etc.-tht'se ~ lImate, as were ·thero much lI\olsture lenbrtb ot SO feet, Ilnd sometimes even things are d~gested In tbe small Intes· in the atmosphere It would be . impos· 86 fe t. . It Is I\lso the fllJlt ~lIt or tines. aDd It we eat too much, a s mos t , ~Ihle tor the snn to abstract, 08 It doell. 'whal es. bing of elendel' build and ot us do, til\) organs thllt should dithe . ",hole of the mOisture from the possessing thin blubber. For tbe lat- gest this kind ot food lire ove rcome reason It Is not at so milch com· by excess of work. !!o that fertnoDtufruit. . . The lack of labor Is the most serious merclal valuo as some ' lIf the otllet tlon, Indigestion. nnd a long train of ails result.. . trou\)l~ in Coh'fol·nla. especIally to the sDecle8. Too, much tat. also .Is .hard to dIgest, and thia Is change" into acids. sour stomacb. bGlchlng gas, 11M a bloaty. heavy feeling. . ]n ·these conditions a changi\ trom indigestible loods to Gralle·Nuts wlll nated tile soul of the deceased Gov. w.o rk WOD(~ ers In not" ' only rqllevlng For 25 'Years Soldiers In India Paid Gr.nn t. and It shOUld. the rt rore. be the dlBtro r.s but In building up Ii treuted with the military honors due strong digestion, clear brain and Honors to PU~y, steady titlrves. A Wasil. woman to lila excellency." . As. however, tbe original ~entry writes : In PooDa, at the government house "About (lve years ago I suffered 'II'ltb Cor more thlUl a Quart1!r of a century .. cQuld not Identity tbe parUcufllr cat .very 'cat whlcb pused out of the he had aeert on the even(ng or the day bad I!tomach-dYBpC)lGla. Indigestion, tront door at dark !,vOB saluted by the of 81r· Robert's death, It \vns df!cl(led constlpatlon--.lauaed. ~ know now; eating slaroby and greBSY food. -tI7. whO ilreHnted arms to the tel'- that every cat which ua.sed O\1t .of the tram "I doctored tor tl\(O years without main entrance arter dark IIbOllld be PllIllY. . . It' MeDis that In 1838 Blr' Robert saluted u the avatar ot bta excellen- lilY beneftt. The .doclor told me there wu no curs for me. I collid not ent GrtDt, &Overaor of Bombay, died In cy. ' LIIe '&QYeniment ho-. P.oona. aDd on • Thul, tor "ver a Quar.ler of a cen- anything ~,thout suffering severe !lie • of tile .,. of bts death 'a tury. every c;at tbat palll!od out aCtef pain lD my tmck and sldea. and I be. ::at ... HOD to leave the bOUle b), Bunset had mjll~ ht;lDOra plld to It. came discouraged. . "A fl'lend recommeudad Grlpe-N Ilta the InIDt door IIId to wal~ up IUld not bt HIndu BenUnol. only. butSon . a particular patJI prea1ael), .. Bueh Is the Infection of a aoperstltlol &Dd I began to · DIe It. In lell thlUl _ late aovel'llor had ~n 11800 to do ..... by Mahommet8JI. 'Dative (:hrleUar, t'll'~ weelca I began to feel better. IUId and even JewIsh IOldlera,-SouU IDIIde of LWO mODtlul 1 wu a well liter .un.-t. WOIlWl anI!. have ~ eTer sInce, Cblna POIt. A Sbal!u aeDU7 obaemld ~I! "I em eal aD)'tbiDC I '11'1111 wtUl pol'tH to of bI. We eat. OI'llPQ:Nutl aDd JaIG 1Ireakf1lt, aDd \'1111
,It· (;""
Unkncwn Qualftlell ef Radium. Prof. Henry 6. Arm strOng, the di s · tlnguls hed London sci entist, has Jol n4)d Lord Kelvin In a Ilrote~ t against tbe propos ition submitted I.{l the British a ssoclu tlo n lh al the pro· ductlon o·r helium [rom radium Iml' es· tab llsbed the fac t of the evol u ll 11 . or 0110. clem nt Into otbers. Pro ssor Armstrong says t hat no one has yet handled radium In s uffici ent Qua nt!· ties to be nble to say pre cl ~e l !, what It II.
A Nsw lIesplng car Story. I AD Cloth Hat, Child~ Dreu~. etc!. Among the rail rea" vlllitors In tO'll'D I11"de to look lik~. ncw .... t.h PUT. -AM yeste rday was F. A. Miller. g eneral l-ADE.1,E.. D'\:E• . , . POIluwei,. Clnl'1'tt . . Habit Is stron-~ -r-th -a-D- Datore.passE'nger agent ot the Cblcl\gO, 11111tlaeae LIUle I'm waultee &: St. Paul Railway. He vls- Quintus Curllus Uufu • . IlIo rdlm -..; Iteel 011 of the general olllce B In town treM trom.D1IJlcIId m. o IHl at tile Holl nde n Hotel y Merd ny '. 1\Ir•. Wl .. 01O .. •• !loo t hh'tr ".rrbp. ~Iro A ptlrt . rmntold n story of one of the sleeping car ~:[ni.~!t~~~n. Jj "~~I~:in~~~~~I!~\~d C~W~~)t·M'~I~ki t':: ed1forDl:z1Dc:S9, ~II~ pOI·t rs who was r ecenl1y (ou nd When a ~jser murrlea be pi ck! ollt o!)lec)l whllo on du!,y. T his Is co n~O;!rje;cu~'= trol'Y to the ·I'lIles of The St. Pau l a woman who looks ni ce In her old 'rqngnC!. l'aIIllll ow Bla.. Road. and Ule n Agro man was In cloth• . I:====-_.....ITORPID LIVER. 'RIlfQ/ trouhle wben found by the inSllccto r ,Fn's, ~ . '-iLuri nnnce I\nel nil :-iel"\' ou~ relrlllJlte tile Bowels. PureI)' vegot.allle. , on 'rhe rlon ecr Li mit d. H(' bud his n ,"rQ.~ij perll1!I IJl'lIlh' oll re<i bl" Dr K11nc'~ wit s obont him, howev r, :lnd In l'e· (ll'cat ~ er\(! H,·s-tt1rt>r. l!nd (nr, F~~(! $:!,Of) Ir illl I"' ltl,· "", I tl" ·l1li",. Dr. I:. II. Kl in·. sponse to' the inspecto),'R inq uiry as Ld Must Bear ., O~ I ,\ rt'il .t., J'I"lndd l,hia. J'~. CARTERS Genuine to whnt h e WAS dOing Ilslc p, he sa id : fac-Similu Signaturo "I'll t'll you bow I WAS. b S9. 1 ITTlE If ~ mnn bas a marble (j\l:;trry II IVER have only be 1\ wltl{ t h e company a &RIiS': What a n I do witli marbl . PIllS. shor t time und before Olning h ero ][e builds, he ' s eks olhN · build ers. 1 wus workIn g on ' sitch and such a The IlQsse~s lon of a pow r, like· tbe ~~JREFUSE SUBSTITUTE&. rail rand. Th li ne was 110 rou~ll lhnt possessio n or lin oslate. Impels to uso. I. could not get ' nny slee p. Since T ·to gillu. to serv ice. ha"e been working for tile 'I'he St. CURE Paul the rond h Rs be n so smoolh of I~~:::. ~1~:r~.P TO Llm II. that I just could not kN'1l nwulce.'· FHA-l'f& J . t jU~~ 1Cr l"lke, ouh tbat be 'I ulDt ()r or t htl I1 rll l u t F . J. CUB:f ICY .. t,l~., d hl ng Mr. MtlIer suys Ulat whllo th n 'l- partuur butllllf! IIII In It.) Ci t, o f 1\ 1I6tJu, t.:ouot, ud til to I. quickt, .b.orbed: gro h ad violAt d the rules. h e was Ilf()r{j All! , ond tb"~ ... ttl Oml will p_y lob " .UIU o r a l. e, Reli cl .t Once. uSE IlHSUH EU J) O I~ L.An tor .,.cb anti c~ t ry per mi tted to keep hIs job ell account ,,' a.b o r ' "T .. tU\ U tlil'" cau u o\. bo cu red bl clio UIC IJt [ t deanses, IIOOlbea UA LJ,.'II Ca1' .6.UltU CUBe, of his wlt.- l e);elanct j ,ccrdCT. F RASIt .T. OIl R"SF. \ -. h culll ODd pr()tectB SworD t o batnr~ me Rnd lu blll rlllel1 ln my prQ8,CD~C, tbo dl~eaR <1 mcrut bl. 6th da, ut Ih:: ceUltl~r, 4. 0 ., t ~8 (j, Museum G ~ a Fino Pulpit. '-"- l It. . W. OL&ASO,., brnn. It cur 5 C... Kin g Friederich Au g-nst of SlUony ; 1C"I~ f NOTA RY P UBLI O. larrh aud drivea -rbas gi ven to' t h e Germanic museum at Oa tarrb CUro I. tlktl"n InternaUy a a d . c ~ awny II Col(1 in tbe d ire 'U 1 un cb" hluud antl lIIu.;ou e' Illrt.cOI o r ,be frend quiCK ly. Harvard a full ·slze reproductilln of tbe 11.l 10. ticu!! t or t~ ' LI \U I\hl ..l .. . rr~ e , F . J. (: I1 K~EY ct:. CO., Tolellkt, o. .torcs Iho Se n!M!ll of 'bll r h of sn ndston pulpit at tlt Solq ." Mll n rn rgl n~. ;~ . Tllete lind Smell . li'ltllslzeGO ota. ,at~ 'r.ku Uall' .1-'" aUl llr 1"111 . tor con.Llp.cloo. ( We hselbllrg. n cu r Y.Ali llSlc. This gift Cistti or by mnil ; Trial Size 10 eta. by maD.: Is rega rded as tbe !Uosl Importa.nt Ely DrotlJers.li6 Warren Street. Ne'v'York.:. Scheme Work ed Out Badly. ma de to the mllseum since tbe fin e Congrel s man Sulicr rcpreaentll a collection or costs was sent b)' the BICKS· Germlln e mperot . Tbe pulpit be- d en aely I)Olllllated dl qtr lct on the East longs to tbe beginning 01 Ihe th lr· ~Ide of Ne ,., YOrk (l ily. It occurred to tee ntb century. and Is a massive struc· him some months ago that though ture. 15 fqe t hlgb, re"Unl: on Rowun· tbere nr e no gardens In bls district CURES some ot his oflstl tuent\l. · might grow esque co lumnR. ALL ACHES plants In boxes placed on window Worth Kno'W lng . sills or tll'l! escapes. ao he sen t un 08' tllalMllleJ.. AI .... . . . . Tbat Allcock's Pl.ttere Ire the 6£lrl menl 01 seed to tb e Inmate of a blghest res ult of mfll1lcal scIen ce and model tenement house owned by one skJlI. and In Ingredl~nls a;::J m ethod of hI s friends. The lalter met bim lIave n eve r been equn\ed. a few dltyS ago and S8.1d : "See be re. Tbat th ey are ilie origin al and gen· Sulzer. 1 waa t you to cut out tbal seed u.lne porous plastera upon wbose rep· busitless. Il's til e IlmiU" ··Wh y. utatlon Imitators tra ll~. what's tbe m B~ter?' asked tile s iltoa· AgedUns~OU That Allcock's Pla:lters n over tall to ish ed Suiter, and he expla ined wh y hc perform their remedial work quickly bad sent th e I!eeds. ··Oh . you ml'unt and effectually. we ll. all rl ghl.," re turned th e rrl(mel. Tbat tor W eak Bac'tl. Rheumatism. scornrully. " but whe n 1 visite d th e Colds. Lung Trouble. StraIns and all place .tbe other day I found thai about Local Plllns tlley are Invaluable, ten tamlll ell were rai sing cabbl4:e, cu· Thst when you buy Allcoek's PlnB' cumbers Inll tomatoes In the ha th ters you obtain tbe best pl:ll!!ers made. tUbs_"
Ely's Cream Balm
CAPUDINE' ....N............
·P aints
Stand Every Test
exte rior and interior work
st Eight Dolla ... a Pound. " French walnpt Is the fln e~ t woc'c\ we h u\'e,"· said the cablnet·mak er. ·:It comes from Perslu. but It is prepared in Fran ce. I huve seen French walnut worth $8 a ponnd, nod It Is a coromon thing to pay '2' u pound tor It. Of course It Is used prln olpally fo r ,'eneeri ng. Only millionaires coulet hn ve chal Tn and tablos at solid Frenoh walnut. "Mahoguny, wonderlul 8S It Ie. rarely tetch es s ucb hi gh prices. From $2 to $:1 Is a v ery good price pur pound fo r this \\~d . "Ebony. If . It· I!'I In n particularly lurge piece. so lhlll It wlli c ut well. will oft n . bring $5 a . po und In the n ood market."
A . L. O. Paint cODtalns only the bo,' ....lto\. a l:. at'lftl d witb the , 'f e,atell care .dd ~rolt wmbiDdu hi p:roper propor'CioDs wltA
, Aged linseed
Attd in lIur own t::a.n'ks until clear and pont .. aI11~r. 1'hi. is but oue: of the important proLeSI(S rn \he tnaoulacture of Gu r Pi-Inll.. but it
i Uu. tra tc, t he CJ,.re eun::iacd lh Nout 10 the
:::~~~.~,rdl~;~~.~"'~~Y':'~Ut'ba: f.:!
lorlor palnU .
A. L . O. Pahlt II grourid Ihru _rflli mIne ()( 1~2 1 con' lNtti on wh lc.h en. ur'e"' PI"Olle' and xnhth'll' to,elber o( a1 f pard.. elM, and produ(u It paint unequal ed In CQW!t.. I nl I....... r. d.... bllhy. of lUI"'" ..... ~r.llrllUatio"
boau,y olu nt"'.
A. L. 9. ".Jot
the bolt polat ror all ""rproduce. E~ry drop and .1Iom Is Il.ut. the mOl t ecoDOmiQI I I. ".. d.. Will look botlU .nd J)lJKI 1t ..
fanller than A. k you r d•• ler
Mind Plin ... infonnatlQD ane! t.1
To Clean 011 Paintings. Man\' lire lIot nwnre tbllt oil paintings m y t;· Jtucc~$ ",ru lly clell ned b~' un nmn· Leu·r. Dill u clolh ill t!l\Jid Ivory ,'onp .ud~ and wrin~ I,lmo.t dry. (; 0 0\"01' th~ pi ture wry carefully "oli! dirt und · 11), ~peck. nrc rClUo"cd; til n 811pl)' boi!ed Im. eed oil wh.t. n II nil I clot h. ELEANOR R. I'ARKER:_
lJralc ro eyerywhere..
PRICE 2:1e AND Me . God has m any n a me!s. though he Is o~ly one beln!;.-Arlsto~t~l~e:..._ _ _ _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,
All Cats Given
...,.ac w.
lbe Signature
The pbcnonumal Inorene In rntl"., ml1t1Ne-
~~~I~ It' ~~~ ~~!~ l~tr"r":JI"~:;;II:;::! ¥ur~.j~~~~~~':t~e:lct:::" • ' hoo:", III1HitC tM , .o!JI.:W V ru ul
An" eyerr w()dern
"bO NIN R'l'.V !>III.I,ION tl l/lll1(LWlil'llt.TOItOP nr Ih l~ ,.cu r 1.lHmns "~,~ . tuJ ld Ihu funllt:rM o r
Weil or" ' ·"nn"l1. Allan from Lho re5ul18 ot Other
lra l n. flud Ca. IUc,
Fu r ft,(h' lro nnd InrnrmD.ll on lu1r1rc.u the HUI"lOn·
1!'i 'I'KS IH\ N'l' tW Ill)111J UA"" ON. «),I&WI ,
or uur
I"ioycrrllucm A llUUl.
H. M.
WII ," .U'l~. lAW
Buildin,. Toleda, Oh••
Thcre ar pos itions open ~ the· , ' IlVY for hundreds of youagmen lJclwec lI 17 a till 25 years of ag ', nlld for mechnni cs up t.o 35 years o f nr;:e. bOO" pay, and gOOdtood ~U rl1 ish~d b\' the Govet'll ment. i'or f ilII i,;formati on aetdrCllI:I N""y R~crl1 itinA' Station, POlit tJtl1ce Bl\i1ding, Cin cinnati,Ohio,
'Emer~encies at Home '
for the Stock on the farm
Sloa~s Lil\imel\.t Is a whole medicine chest Prlc:e
25c 50c. &
20 Seconds is Enough
Sand for fro,e Bookl.~t on Hor$es.C&.1tle.HoQ~ f;F\)ultry.
Addres$ Dr: Ee.rl S.·6loan~ Boston. Mass.
lor lhis Scientific CURUNG IRON HEATU\.. SuvPOrt S ij lb •.• nd bolls • llll,HI li t \V,lter III 1 II l1nu IOS, No ioterferwnce with a .. 1i.hti". appa.. r.t" .. Indispc:nuf Or ljuick wor k. ,t:?~.;~§~~;:: ~hit' Hu rll5 GaIi.} Pre· unid to Y OU tor 'f.
ol1l y.
1"mnY "Ua~'" "OUII: 8. UGl '}~'
It URlIAHD.J,; l tJ •• tHO I-' 8 t .. W.1hl qt.otl. P.
SUJrer • In
~ NEW YORKo:¥~;:~. A. N. KEI lDOO NEWS~AP~R · CO.
t ·nilla-OIl'S E"I w .... ------.--------------(190&-50) _• A. N. K.-E
If Aml ... O "IIn
fQru \'iIU, 'I . e C
Thousands of Women suffer every month In silence. tomres that would drtve a man ·to the edge of despair. The a11mr.nts peculiar tQ women are not only ~ainfl;11 but dangerous and should rfl;celve prompt treatment before they grow worse. If you' .suffer from paln. Irregular functions, fall1ngfeelings. headache. side ache. dizziness, tired feeling, etc7
follow the example of tliousands of women who have .Jleen reUeved or. cured, and
A Life. ketch.
tht'm III tlf IOlIro VII . /lull g ulll.
~'~'"'~"'~"""''''''1 i'
The I!xecu\or ) lIn l'hnr,1 thillK 111f'r \tUI II \Il l{ l or ("""""110' the will of Davis PUI'nIl.ll, dt.'ct·w;cd prll" ".I eolu!! tillvlor eag filld in the l'robal nurt in nnd ""n~~ "'"~ W~ ·It~ tho\l 111t!. t 11 r ul rOI' Warren county, Ohio, his appli'-" ~,"" , ~ ... ~ '" V '"" IICHh ' Ilf li te nntll h C}.ltiUII praying f OI' nn orrler s uthort ll'l:u of II I' til 1.1( tvil everybody to examine the ' hi!n. to til . ~n said cO!l l't. Co.l·.. ) I . I ro ~ ~ t h il rl Vl'r ~o b trnuHUg ur tl lAm l,lalms 11 long ing \ sUl~\ state ' . vIll., 1 1111l . I. tiC IIIber lti, llllHI. nt nnel 11 ,"'11".\1 ill n" 1l Hen whlch ~B ",hi'l1 are de perate, 'imd whirh t·ha Illol" vf ~!J YlIll rt! 9 'll Ullt.ll ~ ,m U~ the r igh tooUt"IO~Y of- niLlts, "llIl t.t( r1uim. ar Illl'licul/\I'ly deRc ribed ill ~b"l· stmas St~ ~k ill \';1. ru ·"Iv" llllr h~nlltiful ruwn th"t Ids I".\lid app lication. · S: jd tll>llic~l.~C Try 8 Pair and Get Acquainted with them. ~h ~ ' I'; 1Inlt.Cl1 in 1ll'II"rilll'(e ~O l flldoth JIOt uwny.un,l ,,' gl rl1l',l ,yltll tion will b fo r hearing in Mid curt. .1 "m'·~ A . \~ o{>ll y 011 Nll\' mb I' OJ. n ~ 0 l<1 n g mll e. H. l:l. 1\1 , at t Il o'clock in l h forenoon on the t 1 74. '1'0 th em W 1' 0 burn t.wo ~nn ll 1 th llf Janual·Y. 1!)07. a L . Wooll ~' lIud Fl'llnk W oollt'y,.1 "I'H FlrRNA , IJ wh o III'. 111ft, wltll t.1l hn ba~d 1\ od Tabled by a Executor of Lhewill of . S~"~I! ' s, X~nl·a. rll t,lIC'r to IIlflUrU fb e 11It':i of Il 1U1l. t • loving rDot.i.16r . Whe u II. young girl. I, UnaOlmou s Vote fit'uwn & Oavi" Furn . decea.'>ed . ~ ~ hllWhsll, At.torn ys. . ' sb e WII. huppi l: COllvert,ld lind - - -- - - "'''''''''''~,.",.,,'''''~ "'" unitell with th W\'Y II~~ viJle M . K Propus ition to Index Recorder's Watche~, Diamonds, Sterling 'Silver, Rich Cut . chn r h. tinct ,..ll h e r h{e sine t.bnt Books is DrOIpped. Notice of AppOintment. Glass, Gold and Silver Handle Umbrellas, Clocks . timo ~be htlll been n flllthfll i elm . I - -~F:W ( RID FOR I!)J .II' .E P ·Y. Itln womlln For 1\ f IV Y IL l' be l Wi th ",Ixt ou hund red nut! two • .1 . 'a. Wut,e ntlutl or " II te rnmn, O. WIl!! OOIH'ote<l wIth tllo ot.hor l f . ~ .. ' t ·· .1 . I:,tat· of 11""11,,1, A. 11",,,,". 11",," ""l,(" . ... Gold Sp ctacles. .... . . : a!!; My duu ' 0 1lUroJIPI! 0 f t II 1 I . F e I). '\ LlUl ll('l< 0 Vl'OIDIn 110 0 1 I ~ens IInu rl'hc uudersll>!nt!tI ho. \'(' tlern appoi nt ed al1t1 .".. .... I Rurul frpE' <lph\"er.v. wl·lt 1 S P " e . .lI1t on . I'orFirem en and Brllkemen . Ex ! lI ter.lltHiot d fI ll ~t!\1'lI with epilep . J'un ~y . 16. 1 U . lly 1' 1,1 r from th t,lxlIuyenl I~m)d tu n, g rout V.l1o of 'IU !lII'lc(\ a s :ltlmlnl.lralo ", of I I!. 0"'''lA' n f lI ul10Hh A . urown. 1nll' or \V nrrc n (QUilt y. .. UnDOOS8l1ry . Over 600 po I g ed b D 1'1 N L' f Uhrlst!un ch uroh he r turnel! to rem onlltru nce., th ommls 10ll ers (lhlo . O ~oollJl~ ll . . ~. b t. t ' ' IIV WI\!! cur v r , \. u lt 'v I e th M .,. II t I I 1 ,. . b . . . . . . open Ilt t e presen . lillO , .,'. • . e e ,.uoc Ii c lurOI . nm u'l!! eell of WnrrtlD 'Oll llty In e sion ut nal ' I 1111. I lb ,IBY 01 Decem!>"r A. (), ~ .W.~8. Rapid prollllltl o,:? t o ! Pills Slle h tu! not, hnd lUI atl,uok for tl 10\' (1 lind h()n or ed lIIem ber to the LcbnDOIl M Illilty. voted unllnltuOu8. LOOII . . ~ UAIU, It.~;A . n'WWN Kodaks, Chataain Bags'in ·Siver or Leather, ~ CHA!I1 ."" II . ·,.K 'KS·.... BlllirtDMre " nd Oonduotors. 1iI. 5 to l ov!)r I,wo sears. Btl t body oletill · da y of lIer d Itl! Iy to (tlblo the pr opo it loll to Ildopt Gilt Clock and a Very Large Selection Silver ~ tIOO per mOllth. In truotloDB by I e rB and life giving t.oll io pili" on As a womu n "h e h ud II mllrk c\ II new "ystenl of tndioes in t he Re. ll r own, ~.h"u . AuUrnCY'. ~ your home without In.ter earth. 26, n t. F. U. 'ch wllrt:.r. per sonn1lt.y pos!lestlin l: tdine for"n c ruer' ollico for whloh the ReoorCl· Plated Knives, Forks, Spoons and Fancy Bric~ mat present OOOupaH? .. I nnu a g rn ce nnd beauty of B· er wo s t o r oc iye $ 1,500.00 in addi. A WESTER.N W NDER. W.UllBt eaoh studen,t In seOUl 10 t I slon t.hllt mllde bel' It harming anli tiou to hi~ regulll.r s tllury. Tltere'l! I\. B ill at Bilwie. '1' x . I a·Brac and Carving Sets at apolitioD. Don't delay. Wrl,te. t ). , LONG TEN E EE FlOB'!'. beantlful womnn. lind hor kind Illlll 'l'he fill tion of n ew indi os hila ~ for ftee catalogue, in!.'t,ru otl o l " ~ I W L R I till otlOlltlt e mllnnel' mHde overy · heen b fore tba Iieop le of th e .appllcatlon blflnk . For twenty yetlr . . aw s of body her frtend . As U ohrlstinn sh e 'on nty ,,\)out t.Juee weeks Imd. In aATIONAL RA~WAY TRAIN . Bells, 'renn. ,fought nusal catarrh. ~ad 11 strong .f!ll th lind It .goOd b ope tbut tim e th e Interest of the people fr om n a to weight ~ ~ grow over of I ODO . Bpounds e ~nys; IIiII"S i ~ QCBOOL. Ino" Boston BloOk , Be writes : The swelling IlUU soro' I!-lwny ~ 100klU g. fnr 11 brIghter day g n erally hil S hllon ut wbite heltt . n988 ln side my 110 e WR8 fearful, till lind brtghtert.hlllgs. As a w~fellnd Tho outeollie ot the Ull1tter Is no suffer ed with It tE'rribl c ugh , liud JlUDDeapol\s. )linn. U. B. A. 1h 1I B kl ' A I w other h er uevotlon Elnd faith fu l. iiurpristl t o t!Jolie who hu ve ron owed docte r ~ave ru e up t Ille of 0011. 8umption . I was rellu' c1 to 90 pound g ftll app ~ n g uo . en 8 rn c.o. n ess htlS b en nns nTpllssed: ~Il EI tho cuse. Salve to t·he sore 8urfa ce: thIS neighbor aU t.est.lfy till to bel' klnli · As is generally known the GllzBt.t.e when I bpgnn tllk ing Dr. King's , , BATHA WAY, MUlled t he 80renells a nd swellin g to nc R lind hor. helpfn111es~. htl WI\S OliO of tbe first newsIJllper s In N w Disoover.v fo r oon<!oru pt loD, ' , Le dl De tt' disappear. neve r t.o return. 8 st wtLntpd II purt In IlII good work t11/1t the C unty to tlpellk out nt.;lIin~ t the couJ;:hs aDd cold. Now. aHer tllklll g ~ WaJDeavtUe II a ng n s t . sa lve in exist n . 115, nt F . '. oh , would l1elp th ~ , ~nd W'~S n memo prupos\t.ion of (he :R.ecorder , und 12 buttles, I have m ore than double 'Keys Bldg Main Rt. warl·z Druggillt. ber (If rhe LllIl1 Aid oolety of witlJ tbe excoptlOn of t he Leb'llloD In wl~ight lind Il lll oOlllpletelyc lled . ~ ............................................................. ... t her churoh, unrlltls was II Lllomber Patriot Ilnd ~'ronkli[1 New s every Oul y sure Oough IIl1 d cold our~~ .......................................................... ... \ I of t h o W. C. T. . H.od gret\tly in· other l)£\por in the Uoonty was for GUllrranteed by F . . Sobwnrt:.r. Dnl[lgi@t. liOF Ilnd '1 .00. 'frhll bottie """",- =-"","",- -'..te reRted io its work . tlle ruensuro. Keep the Helt~ She loavos to mOUl;n their loss h er 'fhe Gazett e took tbe pOlli tion it free. husbllnd. two lions tlnd two little did not from II11V {tlotionlll or par. W grandohildren, of whom she was tl e~ n -Illotlve but be<U\use t he pubwas very fonu I lilso t.hree brothers liahers of tho pl1pOI' honestly be· a nd t bree sister , a nd a great host lIeved t hnt the propol!ition present. of lovi ng friends. She haB done ed by Reoorder pencle WIIS not for nobly her part In life. We lay her the be t int orests of tlJe people of body to rest In the grave, believmg onnty. III rellf'mmcndetl· by SO/llQ or th9 · that heaven will watch over the In brief this is a hlst.ory of tl!e largcs.t poul trymen flS thq lII!)st ~ored dust nntll Goo shall reolaim oase: Recorder ::5penoe pent " C~)D. economlcnl roonng RDd sidIng (or hiS own. siderabl e amount of l;ime. acoordmg po:lIlry }IOIlBCS, sbeds, etc, h!rl/;Ie~ Philip Tront. to bis own tatement·, inv e tign.tin~ BUo! cl:lpbounls cost moli: ,,:,\1 do - - ---the possibilities of u n ew system of 'lot I:c(lp tl,o I.lUtJdlng8 11. tl ry IlIlJ Inde)(ing the records of the r9ll1 Card of Thanks. esttlte .. of tho Uo unty. Yet Mr . .vorll1. ::;pen oe d id n ot toke tlle t r ouble to ~"'OU CAr.\i .~:.)Ll' BT YOURSELF Tbe family of Mrs. JI1.m e s Wooll· let t h e imbUo know of th ill', but a t 1''' ) .. ~~ I:.t h ,,",ele )·:.11. I t d()('s not requi re p'lintl ng when l1rst ey extend their thankB for many tho Commis ioner 'iI rueettn g Dec. 3, ·1. :. ,1\ l!\~ II. • 1·II.l1 IO.llcy fur flce la nlplfs Ilud " Ir bQ,'k l~~ kindneB868 tendered them at the came up with a proposition t o d0 " . . ... ''' n C;:'''''''''''y.'' time of $helr deep b ereavement. . the work fur 7.500. 00 . It WHS only For Sale By SPENCER & MONROE ~_ J'~ ~hrough the ell'ort of (:;ommissionor '~"': __ ._ OD'Ii"GONIA, In Loving Remembrance. Keever und Andltor 8tilw 11 tbnt • ' :>0 the propOilition wn pr!'vented from THE "KNOW HOW" going through Ibnt d llY · ~ The local W. O. T. U . llBve adopt. The public of course Itmrned of the manufacturing of Paroid that makes it the ed the follQwlng resolu~ions on .t he thi8 at once' tlnll t h e 'Coullty WtlS This is without doupt the Sale. ..Sale event in Dayton blOat economical and satisfactory roofing or siding death of their sister. Annl~ \Voolley: soon flooded with remon trances . As we lift the vale of the iUlOr ed pr:J testlull' ugniust I;he pUl!stlgo of of Dry ·Goods. The very best of merchandise selling material on the market. Both fire proof and wheath e put whllt. II vision presents itself- t h e m Hsure. Mllti~r good peopl e ·ve. d l'f you buY too beautiful, too tlf!lnd to b~ even believed, h owever, II [J w ys proof. You get full value recel faintly plotured in thta bri ef tr1bute. tem of r ecords wils needed Ilnd for less than it is worth. As is our custom during these faroid In v1?wing 1\ dark ol oud th at ~us t.hree h nn dred Ilud twent.Y !ligl'l~ , • arisen lD t.he horizon, the absorbmg tures were obtuinetl to a pot ition' in ROOFING PAINT infiueDse that hos held our steady ' favor of the measure. sale days, except few minor it ems sold under contract. "_1_ . • i'llze was th e silver linin g and the In 'the metln tlwe it WIIS di oover . PULKe8 old roofs new. Good on any kind of roof. golden hrightness that WtlS grad nal. ed tho t IIccordiug to tl ueoiRion ot ~ tho Iy ~oetra.tlng through i~, until it the Attor ney Ueuerlll of the sttlte Flour mill has been newly remodeled and ~ vontshed Into a halo of ltght. As the Comllli~sioners could not legally huality of our flour is. better than' ever. w~ look buok ovar the l~e ,!f this give t.hh; work to thE' R eco rder 1111 It ":J 88lDted wife, IQ,other, SIBte: and be in direot oonUic~ \witoh the new friand, memorleB gather so th~ok, 80 .BaltLry law wnioh g:aell Into effeot, e e fOBt that we fn,ln woul~ give our: JOUOtlI Y first. j; 9 overt() ~heir Slid, sweet inllu. The Cammiilsion elf oould, how . enoe from which we ~ould emerl(e ever and still Clin" contraot with · strengthen~d and purtfied for the someone 1'0 do this wprk uuder the ,I!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!~- battle of hfe. We shall not lloon direction of the Reoorder. forget our dear white rlhbQn sl~ter's . The Gazette oppos.;d this m. eosure . ut;ltlJ'iDI' interest in churoh and'our bccauee on att.eolpt ' was ,made to w. C. T . U . work, shliionged to ' be foroe it t hrough without the aotively engaged in it, but her pray knowledge Bnd M nsent of the erA werewlt\l us "Ddfo~ ita advaDce· pebple who pay the bUls and be· ment like , sweet inoense ascending caUtle the price IIsked, seemed to be, • U! to the very throne itself. . and we 'believe was 'more than the ..r 'A..LJ We plaoed on her h.osom ~he white ser vice would'be wo~th. , · . 1~ $ h . bow8, our tribnt~~ ot love and ad · Many person!! who l)ad ex· .O ne Specla J.or 5 t at cannot be D;liratlon, she prized them (in .lIfe) perienoe in 1001ritJg t p t.Hles be lieve . because they were emhle~BtlC of thllt a new system ot: indices woold, pqrity aDd the representa,tion of our be .i n advantage and ·if this. is the groat oouse. . ' caBe we . beitevEI the People She was giveD In a marvelous of Warren County will have the lI .olear conception of duty work done sboner 0," later, as they and when It was made plam to her, never ohjeot to ImprGVementB when We ~ere fortuD.ate in purcha8ing Underwear to retail a t old Bhe would go through fire for tbe they got va.lue received for the · aooompllBhment of that duty and money expended . price with the ory upon her Ups, "God It has been repelJ,tedly asserted helping me," she preBBed . on oheer. that the work Mr. Spenoe fully. hopefnlly, her life Il\ustrnted offered to do for $7500 .00 oould be the poet's lineB, " Th£'re is no finer, done for about 11IiOO. We do not flower OD ' this gre.en , earth than eta te this 08 a fact, but if It is the oourage. ".. the strenuous obj43ctions of the The ontlOok was Dev~r so dark people of the Uount,y may reauily but that to her ~YODd the oloudl! be unders tood. . The importance to the p eople of theso matohless vnlue giving events, onr seml.l1.-nOlLI Ra.\es, is the sun waB still shining and UDder her . magnetio Influence a safe oon· precia.ted in every town and vllJlige acoe~sn.ble to Da.yton . Notice. .duot WIIS given over that. which to ',$1.00' buys nice quality. . others would have seemed insur· mounta,bIA. To know Anna Wll8 to All supervisors and other personB Their p opulllrity Inoreases every senson nnd each s(l.le n.ttraot,8 thousl1nds of Dew patrons. 'l'hls wUl love her; she had It. child·lIke Dn.· having bills ngainst the township ture, appealing and sweet; we were 8.l'e reqnested to 'a ppellr and present he th e grellte~t lIule In our hiBtory. Thousands ~f dollars w01,'th of Cloaks,' Dress Goods, l:1~.der captivated by Jler Madonna·like face them on. Monday December 31, 1906 and mllgnetio personality; 8he waB at U a.'olook · a, m . nt township These are growing in favor each season. wear, IIoslerv, BIllnkets,. Linens, Dom~st~cs, Notions, e't c, wl1~. be Bold a.t prioes so t~r below their' . . aB winBOme .in manner ae she was house . .By order of trusteeB. Btrong 'In oonvlotion. We l1ave C. B . CLEblItNT8, Township olerk. Tapestry 112 75 $15 00 Velvet $20.00 S30 011 gathered treallures from her rloh value that none oan alford in justioe to thelOselv~B, to ~19S taking "dv"ntage of the hl\rg&inl! 'offered . . Ingrain JI04b' Srueaela $25 00 $35 00. $ 5 00 $ S' OO life. I never hellrd a word of' gos · lute $ 3 00 Bip from her lips i she had lio timfl St. Mary's ~:; for it . Always when we saw her she was under the press ure of th~ Sunday after Christmas Decem. need to move on, beneath whioh n: ber ao. Morning 1:-'rayer and ser. life like hers U)ust be lived . "The m on at 10.:10 tL. m; Evening Prayer mllny make the hOllsehold, but only auu sermon ilt 7 p. m . subject for Chift'on J.lewest alJ prices, silk 37 1-2c yrd wide $1 one 'our mother ' the home. " . tlle evening "Thougbts appropr!. Anna Woolley 's IIIghet!t quality ate to the olosing yeor." Sunday was the chtlJ'ity over 0.11 the frailties Sohool Ilt \} :30, It. m . Everybody of others,. Its mantle was thrown. InvitE'ld to these services. Bnd in oar tlloughts we have aBBO· • olated her with. the watchless song . , 'of oharlty sung by Pa.ul In his first letter to t·he CorlnthianB. . . To her h08band she was a-falthful '. . RIDGEVILL,m, Onto wife,.o. .thongbtfnJ loving motber to SPIIlOlALTIRS : DISEABES '!I' ,,"OMEN both children an'd grand oh'lldren. I I1nd the lieritage she has left . t.() , AND <:RlLDRl!lK.
Sbo~s FOIt
C;old f~~t ~.
All'" F .- W,)ul1tlY WII!; thl'dl\Ullh. . , t,,,r IIf ('III" Ut>IIU " 'tIlU ~tllry A. \\ II · IIfun .· ,'''. IIIHI \\'Ii~ h(lrl1 In \Yurr n · milt'· ~11\111 MI lllre h ;S 1t{:i7. lind l1i,' " ;,;. lil'\" 'Iula hurnt! h~ \'Vtty n )$.
J .
Ba ttn .... attt's
· t d I 1lODgmen Wan e
$ $ $ $
$ $
S Cb II" s,',"
Dayton, O. HIKE'S Dayton, 0.· J AND ARY SALE
..... 18 ( In
Begins Wedne day :Mornino- J a, nua1'Y 2nd.
Oh10 $pcDeer· & Mooroe, 0reg0010,. SUITS
HUNTER ~ HARDIE'S M.IDWINTER Cost and Clearance sale. "
COTTON and WOOL Advanced
25c to 50c. Ladies $1.00 Suits .50 ' Suits Misses W-R APPERS
8EAMLESS BUGS for rooms.
B~8iery, Gloves, COl'sets,-a great stock.
~ , e.ibn~y.
Remember tnis great Sale. Begins.We~neaday ,. ,January, 2nd.
Silks are very SaleabI'e
M' M. W .LANG,.M.D; 0 . . .
14, 16 & 18 :East ·Third .St., Dayton? Ohio.
' We are prepared ·for the HOliday trad~ with undoubt-
largest, best selected. stoc'k of Dia~onds, Wa~tohes, rich cut glass and Solid S~~rling ,w are htto the city. ' If~ou want the ,come
Copner Main
$ ~
Ii :
~~~~·s ~~~~~/~Sb~. I~. ~I~t;. y,:I;lr~ 1 I
i $ ! $
In ••
'-' .. .
$ $ $
( ~F r Y
~ mAR
Danced the Old Year Out. LocAL AND . ---. PERSONAL MHNTION
And 1he New y'cat 1\1. Nelv Vear's Danee WI8 Enjoyable Allair.
One of I'UI! Jiw.t tnju,YII<blll ~ ocllli alfalra : ~blob hu~ tuk"1l pltlus III • Wr.;rnesvllle· In oil lOOK tiUle Wbll tbe New Year'lI Dance given at Cross Ball nnder the antlpiOOIl of a com · mltt-ee DODeisting of MlssOfl Ml1rtha O'Neall, lrma ElliS,' Edith Crllo e, carolyn and Edlt-h Moeber. Tbe a1l'I1r obaperoned by M~I'. ,I : '1'. EllllI, Mrs. .J!ldith. J:£al'rll! ond ~rs . J . A. Funli"ey. ball:Was l'rettlly, ~ecora ted In oedar and flags. . Danoing belJan IIhortiy .fter eight In the evening and Oontlnued well bite the ne'w year. ' . Refieehmentll we~ ' served on . small tables let 011 'the "tage of the hall, the WIlOte of the guOflts belnllooked after by Clan llawke, EmD:!a ,Baw!'e ~nd .Edna JODey. A Dumber cif alarm 0 000, set to KO oft . at midnight, were plloed • boot the room, an~" tbe old year &oak Jte departure the olockl united tn a DOilY demoDl'ratlon for the New Year, JU)d the daQoerI j'bined h1 dlree oheen for 11107. About alxty person. wereprOfleot. lIolulllo Wal flll'Di8bed by Yr. and )In. Beq "Lew18, of Lebanon.
J'oseph l:'rint!l. of Dayton sl>ont Nllw YOl1ril with bis pllrenblhere. MiHH lalli. Lile, of Xenill, spent l'uesuuy with her uncle an.d aunt, Mr: and Mrs. J . F . Cadwallauer. .
Prof. 'r. ~: R llger8, p~noIP; 0 , F~unklln so1l0018, spent ew eur duy with W.~ynesvill e rell1tives .• . MillS Irene Trout lind brother Howllrd st6rted "l'uelldI1Y for Ada,. OhiO, where they 11'111 enter Norml1l school. Mr, Uharles Merrl~t, of l:iooth Charleston, has for seven I days been the guest of his sl~t·er, Mrs. Ella Mlohener. Mrs, G . J . lirahll.m Ilnd MIHs .Ma.. ble GrahlllD, of Xenia, were gnests of Mrs. Eli7A Haines a tew daya recently . Miss Belle, of Xenia, ~pent & week recently visiting . the hou8e. holds of Mr@. G . 'r. O'Neall, Mrtl. 8. C. Allen and Mr. W. H , Allen . Mr. l1ud Mrs. Will Elliott, neu.r Centerville, are rejoioing over .a fine son,' Allen, who arrived at their home (''hrlstmas day, MIl, Hannah ' Rogers Ilnd danAb · ter MISS Rhea, of Lebanon , were gu~st8 of Mrs. J. O. Oartwright Illst Tfeek• • Mlu Ethel WIlllam80n, who has a good position as book keeper in Day too, has been enjoying a few l1aYII vacation .t·home. Mr, and Mrtl. Allen W . .Baines IIond littlll aon, of Xenia, spent New Years day with : their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Allen ~a.in88.
Macbeth. )..
Harvey~lburg Views. " Macbeth" which is ··soou· to be ' ~M--1}6t'e--lIYjl~\- {olent, under Ther e ure ou !lole ,Lt t he IPost the aU~1>ice3 of Edmund Retlllllok Office ut Htlryeysburg IL ser l of tlons of Vetert1ns promises to five views In lind about Har veys. he one of the best attraotlons 'ever burg, Inclnding tho Hlgb 13011001 IItllged by bome tal ent. building, th e Jl:ust lEnd soh ool build· The.prlnClpnl POTts hfl,ve IllI1 been ing, two view!! of l;be S Hill, lind a flsslgnell aOll great care h08 ooen flseu In tlelecting the cbaracters and streot scoue. 1'4e price of these as u result u Htrong company hili:! card!! is two for 5 cent .
heen secured. The dllte on which the pll1Y will 1111 gi veu will bfl Announced through the GAr-ette . In tllis oonnectl'lD the (Jllzette , .uggests that tbe publlo rel1d and Itndy Ml1cbeth before the date of 'he performance Ind by so doing they will be able to get II. great dell I more froUl tbe play.
Concerning Former Residents. Miss Lola Zell, who hILS been Ii most Butceasful worker in Florence Ohittenden Homes In different cit· les, bas recently resigned her posl· tion In Parkertlbu~g, West Vlrginll1 , where 8he has been l'ngaged for 11 yea~ or JD llre, and Is qow in Cin· cinnati. Miss Mllry Stout, of Hllr. vey sburg bas gone to Parkersburg t o take Miss Zell's former position.
For Rent.
- -- -- --
Fourth Number Lecture Course Friday evening January 11. The nUIDllgaDlent ta ke Dluoh plells U\'o in again pr\lsentlng t his talented comblnl1ti on, onel believes thl1t .t he personnel, I\lwuys s o atis · factory, will be e\'e~ better thun in forDler yellrs. Ellie rJ . Pa lm er, man· 'a ger, oontralto /lnd r eader, ha s faw equals, and as fur pleasing her IlUdiences , ~e doubt· if I~ny can surpass her. Mtlbelle Brolulbent , the ffrat. lIopriln o. hIlS Iton uousul1l1y fine hi gh voice, well adal>tud t o quartette work. and with her winDmg stage presence, is alway~a fuvorite. Sibyl Smith, seccnd Sopr/ll.nO and uccom ist, hus a voice full of lIymputhy and sweetnes whil e b er I1coomplID . iments give lifo unll spirit to th e progmDl . Ella Muy Hobhs, fir st al to haH a tltrong, well·trained voice of good quality. She is also 11 s killed oCllompl1nist. The prt'gram of the Uhionlto Ly . ceum Ludies is of tbe populur 01118s, adopted just enough of tbe hlilUvier selection\! to gi ve stll'eng tlI liU d' var· iety. 'l'b e qntlrte tte is carefully coached each Bel\S u for their COil · cert tour by one of Chicago's best professionul t enohori:l . This gives I' h . l ' finish and 1)0 IS to Its p Iltform ft· Inp· pellrance und adds tiC the e eot ve· ness of t·he ensembl e work. We hllve sought q uality in t·he se· lection of this now celebruted com·
Post Cards of
Mr/:! . George Bogan and daugbteJ Mr. I ra Hn r t!!ook. of Dllyton . llM E<1'tl R d Miss Flossie Fires !i\pe n 1 been q nite ill (It his flt t hflr ', borne : t,b~ ~ol~a y" in Cincinnati visltlllj;! tile pll t week. bu t wa s fl,bl t o r e· ' I t, ' d friends turn 1.0 his w ork O il 'l}ucsduy . j r tl. a ,I ves a,n " f' . d , , N . B. Rich and WI e entertalnu ). ' 1 ' y Mr "'arIes GrllY Mr. a nd Mr ~ . AJlJer t Me. rrl tt huu I . . I Y M Ed u.t r Inner un r .. . u ' r. ' nuel fn mily, of ,iyo.ynes ville, Mrll. a tbelr gnest~ ,m . HUDl ti McG arlllUd u,nd wlfa noel Ir . un d MUlill lall~er und ohih]ren and W . MI' . Fred Hn,rhLIl . , ~. E . •Jorll-n lind falnl' ly , ~ Mi s~ Annn 'liolt, f 'incinn nti' j . h ' l ' tl .. MI·Ii . Hunnah Ric IS v 8 1 ng I h 'l" "'1 e w s wI' tll was tll e gua;; 'l t ~h e hom o of her. ' . ' ulll ung lor 0 lurAn . " I U broth~1' 8.. M. ' li ll (luring th e h o ll ' her dl~ l1~lIte r, Mrs. ElliS' Spray and . , d tl ' " alld duy::! . . fU 11III y I1tur fly an unuay, Mrs. ,l ont,thull Morris spent hoh - cullou a t Mr. Pbil Surfooe's on tbe du y ",.eek at b~r lJo routa l bool IU wu y t o seo Iler d,~ughte r, Mrs. Les· WllsblDg ton , U. H. te.· urfnco wh o i!:l " er y siok with Mi ss Helen Hurrl!! .spellt Aeve ml t,be grip, und vislteu h er Ro n Tbos. days latlt week with her schoolmate Hi ch !\Dd fam ily . of Lflbllnon, Mon· Mis!! Eschine R eYllolch, n t 'odur . duy (llld TuesdllY.
M r~ "luddox"c oniHLlon Is IOlIghtly hnlJfo l't'd In !lome respecta,lLnd tliere
of permanent set'lu:< lu .h tl flume hope . , iUl,Jr ')Vl\lIIent . Mn•. Milton Kelsey died Illst Wed. , '\ Dfl~dtl Y lIi ~ht, t,be 26tn, after a In. geringiJluel!lIof8everal~eeks. The fune rnl service was the relli.
villo, Ohi o. The mllny fd onds of ¥,r. t:ltaoy Burn ett hu,ve heen very unxlous a bout him the pu t week. But we I1re glud t o r epor t him m uch 1m· provetl. Mr. A. '1' . !:labin hus beeu In a very oritical condition for several dtl y~ . B is mnny friends wish for him a s peedy recovery , Mis~ Eva Tuckcr spen t Satnrday unel SundllY tit th e hOUl e of Ilel' sis ter MTII. Will Kersey in Orogonll1 . Mr . •101m Tucker and falllil y 110d Mrs. Franlt Wilson have been en· ter tullling th eir cousms fr om Brem. e n, Olli ,for so vcra l dllYs paijt. . Detlth ball I1gain visited oor village the pust week I1nd culled two wo r thy peoille home. when Mrs . Joso pll Cllrroll und Mr. Joseph
Ml's . EIlIL Wolf and granuma Cleaver spent Ohristmas in t:)prlng V·nlloy. Mr. I1nd Mrs. Geor ge Dllvla and 'bll dr en to ok hrist.mas dinner with th e formar 's mother , Mrs. Mary K . Dil vis . of neur Waynes ville. W . '1', Jordun IIond family enter · tnincd ut dinner Uhri atmaa N. B. Rich nnd :wife, Carl leaver ~nd Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Oharles Gray and daut h· t ers Mary Ilnd Opal, of Waynesville . J oe Dlwis and W , T , Jordan were In Dayton Thuraday and Friday of Itlst wee1r I1nd attended the K. of P. lodlre 1\Ill! witnessed the third degree of sroveral oundidates.
'.1: _-
dence Thuradi1.y afwrnoon, oonuoO,t. ed by Mr. Vaughl1n. Just 8S "Old Chris" was leaving for his hOUie in the land of the rein, . deer Il,nd the snow, all bis midnight fIt,rewell, he left an 8 pound, brlaM eyed boy to oheer the home of Ilr. aild Mrs. Will Elliott. Mr. Wm. B . Wl1rdlow and' Mlu Nora S. Rioeder were united In mar. riuge Wedne9day evening, Decem. ber 26, Ilt the home of Rev . B, F. Vaughan, and by him . Onr villnge has beon. curlled this winter with a Bottle League of men' young and old, who have dlag~ themselves, their families an(1 their town by taking too freely, of the accursed IItnff. En.rly stepe shontd be talten to apply the law \0 any who violate .i t in thlll dls(l'aceful pract.lce and traffic, Mrs . Haines is gradually improv. ing at Asheville, North C-arolina. Mr. Nat La'wllon Is visitlol his mother and brothers. Be OWDe abont 400 aores of flue farm land In Kaosd. . .
Mi-o . .... Lydl'~" Wrl'ght I. Spel~d1Dg A 1 will move to the ehtules . New Burlington; tbe hoJida.ys wl'h frle.oda and Jon os this sptlng, I w,m rent, ~ivesa. . ~ furm ~ • • "prlngboro. '" on rel1sonable terms, my: boulle and Miss Loni811. Compton Is very III Mrs, Linooln is able &0 be nine acrea of iround on tb e t:!t.ate ~::pha~he~r~~~O~ot:::~f~~I~ere: with hel1lt trouble. , again, after anil'erinR for Rol1d, nortb of Waynesville. Milke d 1h h . '1'. M. Harlan, of Miamisburg, seven weeks from allflvere . d for months lID 1\ t oug we nl\!\S . ' b f l i t a was clllllug on friends bere Thurs· la grippe. 011 t h e' prenlilell, or 0 . dress Wnynesvillepost offioo. theIr appy presence we ee i ' . . ' U r , Olark McKay . ., of XeDla, came bl essing thl.t relieve our day even ng. . Mrs. Emery Bradevee, .... d31.:It · H . CHItKO\TICTFI. • God Mn u" down from .Kanil\. Saturday evening loved on es when grent i:lufferers. Mr. Fral,lk Barner. wbo went to low with oonlumptlon. to remain until tlundllly ev('nlng The famili es llllve the deepest tlYm. Okluhoma a few weeks ago, has R, M. Pine 'and with his uncle Mr . J!'1'IInk Clllrk, Pomona Orange plltby of a host of friends. returned.. Christmas with Mrs. I h . . cd Q tte f Wil whoe health Is very muo lmplllf The Warren County t'ononiu Mr. Boraoe ,Stl.hin of Xenia WIlS The O'Neall uinte , 0 • We learn' tha$ a stook Prof, Croni~, wife and bright Grlmge met at LebllUon last l:iatur· VllOY , Ilnd have spared nelt·h er called to the h'Od side of his venera- mington, gave all enter~ainment at being organized for , 81x little son, of Mt. VYashlngton, Cin· day. it was one of ~e best sessiolls pains nor expense. Eaeh member Is ble father, Arnold Sabin, the pI\.st the M. E. church Christmas night. hank in our village, cinnati, were guests of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. ever beld and was wall attended . an arti st delightfully fitted for her week . Mrs. .Tane White 18 enjoying a work. '1'hey represent Q, bright and W. B. Allen for several da.YII re The progranl was lI·n excellent one, Mr. Frank Brdonon, of Lebn.non, visit from her grandson, from Rioh. MBIlIrs. War · d 1 di the Frllnk "'tokes orchestra a ssisted happy ba.nd and are brin ging larg" Ernest Roeuagle contly. '" succe8S and satisfaction to WI1!! in town E,' looking. after mon , n ana. Mrs. Croes' BIlle. alao homo from Mr. and Mrs. A. Maffitt enjoyed wi th the music. The Waynesville muny of our bellt COlluses. railroad Interests . Mrs . Isaae EvanshaeBllher Iruesta on the "old Maxwell" a visit a few da.,1 laat week from (hllnge received a handsome rug t:leats on sale Saturday January Mr. and Mrl!. Mal'ion Van Tr6!!8 of thll! week, Mrs. Sadie Evans, Ml88 off last Wednesday their nieces . Mias ~enry and Mid for h~ving excelled In per cent of 5,1 p. m .• ~teops bOlilding. :; Yellow I:)pringe spent last week at Effie Darst and ~Iss MoK'lIn". atteodance and fair Leaf Club. Jililmlitoo, teaobers In the Toledo attendance. tbe bome of Mrs. Murgaret Levioy . 1'1le W. F . M, S ' met at the home l Ladles' Aid sold rel~l'8Ilhlll1' of 'be Olover Leaf school.. . " Doctors Nleeting. Mr. BILrton H. Kelly of Cinoinnatl of Mr8. Isabelle HaydQQ)Lon I:!atur. Don't forget Ralph ga ve.D Ideal ' six lirs. 'J . T. Brown and Mrs. . Olara Bad Stomuoh Trouble Cured. spent Sunday with his sisters, day afternoon, The inite box offer. humorous teetnre .~ tbe Tibbals hOme Montgomery, of centerville, and Having been sick for the two The Warren County Medical SoArt.hur Gilmore and Har. ing for the quarter was about nine. the Hall. Come and get Deoember S(\, 111OG. Mrs. J, P . Kindle were welcome past yellrs with a blld s tomach trou· ciety will ·meet in .t he town hall ",t mon Da kin of Lebllndn were traps. teen dollars. Refreshments were kles smoothed out', and tlbltl8l~iDI.. lree. gamee, roasted 'g ueltl of tht:ir re , .lative8 at Bleak ble I). friend gave me '.1 dose of ella- Lebanon, Tuesday January 16th at served and everybody enjoyed the radlaot Iiml1es of true m mberll1in 'a Stomacb and Uver tab· aotlng bUM iness in town on Friday. m1l8to~ elo. made BOtlllfl Thursda.y. lets. They did me so nluob good that· 10 o 'oIock a. m. afternoon. wholesome humors io very ,lIIIjQy~ble one. J. B. Yarshall ha' d the plea@urefthdhveDr.HersoheIFisherofJ..ebl1nonisMr. Harry Yoe of Riohmond Ind. R.' L . TU"cke'" is taldn" X.ray countenance and fill yeiuf ill u I bought a bottle 0 em 8n '" is the guest of his cousins Mr . &n. A" .. p_I' 'were Ilr. aDd ' Mrs. of & visit Thureday from hiB neph· used twelve bottles In all. Today I Secretary of the SOCiety and an in. treatment iD Wilmington, for can. JOY, . W,idJAoe 'l'tbbaJI; Mr, and Mrs. e ---, Carl and Roy Marshall, of Bell· am WE'll of a bad stomach tronble vitl1tlon itl extended! to the generlLI jamin Collett lind faml)y. cer, Bis many friends hope It will Our village ooaiJoil ..D Mrs. John Lo~e, Cooper, Maine. M P R d Will geo.... atley, IIr, aDd )(n. 8. D. brook, who ar" bright and ambi· These tablets are for sal ~ by J. E public to I1ttend. essrs . eroy eason an prove beneficial. t.te some system of ~~ II18IIIIlbrl atulFlora Tlb tiOUI! IItudent. at Antiooh Ool1ege J l\Dney. • - •.••- - hidaker sJJent severul dl1Ys in DILY· street and gutter cleaning, oo JenDI'e ~iel, ...t the baIa, lW1e altd BlaDCIIi ~ller, Altna u l' ton and Oedllrville 18S~ week. Oregonia. work as will beautify the Farm Hand Wanted. ' 1IarJ. "~elUld BUa Sheetll, O....B.....& S. O. Bome ~ ... t Xenia, reo Trustees S em I Mr. Gilber t TV , e1c h spen •o h IS va· then require every tramp, ~ -BoDdi Clara llarahall,. Ida to her~U.. &turdayafter,' Annual Meeting. A man to work on a fnrm by the cation lit th e Ilome. of his paronts Meurs . Will Terry, James Mason cant for night'slodgiog 1D ( II,..... r..aa ,Ilat8.ld, Cal.". Ana· turned, noon after 8~lng a week, at the montb; a bouse provided for him Mr. and Mrs, W , W . 'Welell. and Earl Thompson returned to iion house, to work one hour • aacl"W~, aJ?4 _ r s wm home of her ,relative, Mrs Ed 'l'he semi annual meeting of the to live in . InquirB of Allen Hole, Mrs W. 'IN . Arnuld of Oorwin Dl\.yton Tuesday afternoon, after supper and one bour before u4 BeD~, Waltel',Byen,Oarl ahandler. board of townslilp trtliltees was held on the Oadwl1llader farm, one mllfl spent F riulLY lIt t he home of Mrs. spending a few days with home fast to pay for his nlgJlt'8 MiIIII', W..... AtleD, .Stokes 8l1ver, A. II. MoKay 'IltteDded a meeting Monday morning at the town8bip north of Wl1ynesvll e . Telepbooe Amos Ellis. folks . and meals. The present 0batIe7 Aanm•. Ano)d; aDd How of Col. Bundy No. 10, Bous howie. No . 96 ·2,Y.. tj9 ----~---'--Albert and Will Oody are enjoy. free meals and lodging with ... ~1. . .D4 Wai'nIl KeYI. of VeterllDB,at Clnoinnati laBt even· The aocounts of the townsbip Caesars Creek, ing a two weeks vacation from coal for keeping comforw.ble iDg. Division ComDl&D~er Yeng. treasurer R . A. CroM, and the olerk Residence and BusilJess SChODl work . enconrages vagrancy and(Spl)nR~ P roper' t y f or Sa Ie. MI s Loul. a COlllllton is still 'Very Mr. and Mrs. ~eor~e Mote and off the public charity. ling and other prominent mem ber • U. H. Clemente were i nspeo ted an d ...... Gra'1/8 Wle 8Jlethan, of the order were In attendance. found to be oorreot. i k. two ohildren have retnrned to their Mr. and Mrs. 'Barry Brown, of on the Among the Dolicia;, v1!!ltors were All blU8 on hand were audited A very desira ble b.mdn ess pln ce In s °JOhn - Cri tes preached at the bome after ,spending the holidaYII Dayton, sl>!'nt New !ear'8 lA..... .o~ pule,:were nleu&n , '17 lur Barry Dodson of I~dt-"apoliB . and and ordered paid. Lytle for sale. S. L, WUiiamson's I 'th '1 ti here ' Mrs. Brown s parents, .... r. and ~. n- b,~abo II' au ' tt. ......... . ll'twft;:closaa of ~elr Herber' War-ick "rom ' MIOhlaall. • - • property and stook of g roceries . H e oburch Sunday lind took dinner WI re aves F d. h ' d d Fran k B urne ... - ,.,,;,, .. I n , wi t h Wl1l ter Wilson. Mr. apd Mrs, ' re S erwoo an ..... 11er ... \0._ _U Irtei,- Wed~7 .~nl«, who air .Warwlek baa been Profeasor of Jamlls Bale and nephew, George' offers his property lind stock at n· bt t S d . 8 I Mrs. Revll .-. 11 beeIt q .... e I • ~ a. :gerT ...... and direetor of Athle~lC8 Waterhouse, h ave ,re t urne d home . very reasona .. -I"h Enllillh ' , . bl e pr iee. C·a 11 an d' see CIl"~rley BI~yle8s and family Ilf daug er IIpen un ay ID pr ng sick IIlnce ber r'lmrn from ... "she"' , Ue, • pI,". 8\'e nioUlem. ' .Dim,oIDg ~,wu elle 'pnnolpal iD "''-e High Sc'hool of , that <)ity, but from a visit to relat·ives in Ohioogo. for yourself at his plac eof busines!!. Huck Run s pent Bunday with ~e Valley . N. C , where she vl81ted her mother, ' S . L. W Morris at Corwin. Mi ss Luelle Mason en$l!rialned Mrs. Haloes . "t~.~" haa.......eel ..... et..the ovunUoo. Wilson Edwars who is employed t. j 22 '. ILLIAMSON . . "0}, , D-, ....... h f h N 'fho Foreign Mission enjoyed a l tbe Misses Holz\ln at dinner, Suo· Mrs. David Beckner, of Daytou, .'tertalaed at. Carda. Min Anltle U. Brown I\nd Walter io Dayton , was ome or t e ew . lleasant afternoon Saturday day. . vlsl&ed Mr. Bsclmer'l lister, Mrs. ~. MoKay, who .bve been spendiug Year. Corwin . very I . I McUrath, last week. ~ lADa Wrlab.,'·enler~~ned a iheir holiday vacation ' ~t Bleak Dr. I&Dd Mrs. Thomas Sherwood at the bOlUe of Mrs . 'l'revior Hay. Mrs . tlamuel Mote has belln qnite . ~oe~ore.frilllldJ Mondayevso. B . t e4 to $heir scbool dined New Year day with their son, Mr. Jilmes 81l1es und nephcw doak. . 111 during the pas, w6~k, bot ap the ,.\ f ' . t • ;aw.. :r:ttJ'Uted F . B. Sherwood. George Waterh ouse are visiting Mr. WilliaUl COJUpton u.nd wife 'are Ipresent writing she is able to be . . Notice 0 Appolntmen • l· y .... ' _ d' w _ 1IIIl . ., e .. i d d Matt Sales Imd WIfe in Chicego. on the sick list. , roulld OBoe wore. n.....- ............ -....... 1\.. . """".;. 'o f' .... n· ., ovenlDg, They wort aooompan II lofr. and Mrs A. B. Sides IIOrve S ted b i f;.t.a:lo of Hanoah A. Brown, a-ued. ;u -~.....Ill........ "'" u 'U~'U'_ ' t 0," Mr. Mr. lionel Mrs . H. E, Booth !;pent . Mrs. Howard Ball of Harmony Mr. J Leb . K, pencertransao us· 'l'be ulllleral(llledbave. been appointed an4. . • -__--....I-a.n. ...:.:......:. :r.., Dumber by W lll~ . 7, . w h 0 .MIl ""& tak.e 110 an elegant N ew Year d loner M d h ~ H aw k e, Mr~ . an d Sun. day in Lebanon With rell1tivoll . Grove 8chool spent ,christwas' with nesli in anon on ay. 'lunllHed A.asBro,m, admlalatraton of the etlla\e or "~r"" .r '··1f.1I~\ ,. ..... ~"111!"............... .... ,,;:.. lGDot.;' wu len-cd oourse in tbe 8O~001 'e~ and ,Mrs. J . 1,;. Hannah late of Warren county,
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.... •. -·"'~.!t .:weloo"ioti4 - iD ·the . Mrs, Eunice ~hu~ aD~ daughter, lIrs. Le,e Bawke, Mr. .."or,~t ~D4:- .- ~.i'--:"'-I" . MIss Editb b&ve gone to RichmoDd, elohn Iiromm and baby
O~~t:;c~:,:di8tll :CruRLIlII~, l;ib.Wb",~:r:C:;:e~i..CL&JI."Ta
and lIrs Misses FloreDce (lnd Jane Clark friends in Lebanon . Goy Sherwood IIpent Sunday day qt December A. D. ' Katharine, of Xenia visited UHlir parents ' one Di bro :4nd wife , are visiting with his brotber here. ] 006. BIIO. . , DI· .1Ddlan", wbere' wUl tbls Me8llrs. 'Burry Fromm and Ray day last weeli:. in indian" . Mr, and Mrs. Edward Wlebklng Brown & . .' '~'"",":pr~bdi7 .dIspJay. week vlsmPI ~onl old. frt~ridll, Hawke, Carl Bawke Gnd 101188 Ular~ Mr, and Mrs. RObert Shute were 8umuel Wilson 's Ill>ont Ch;istm&s are Ililending-the latter pa.-t of the . . •• .;a."''' r9M!eJ~e4 .. . there!' h~ been ",round of ' Ha~ke. recent guests of Mrs. Hope Stiles . . with Horllce Compton 'tl . holldays'ln Oinoinnatl. . Notice. . " . . t,wIlUe iii Spring , theater Pl;U'ties and Found on Main a hand Miss Alma Waterhou8e Is Jesse 8 tl1rbuolc and tomily, speut Dr. E. P. Krleaboft'reoently pur• •...,. ' tD Oru., oUter .lo' amueemen•• ...,. ... ad ,f or Atch e. I I nq u Ire " t G azo tte o ffioe. . her II. un t In T roy. ' . o~· coul>le . of duyu l"st with .ohased the .Jordan farm Dear Ore. the' The as executor of " • , ' ................ : .,.~ InA -- _ ""r~ .... ;' ~,·""I ~ wee..... A willundersigned. . of Davis Furnas. deceaSed per -' \ Tbe many friends of Mrs " MAmie Mr. Horace Sabin of Xenia visit· Walter Wilson ·s. gonia. eas filed in the Probate Court in and 'I! D. Cliff Rfdle, 'oi OolumbUll, Wille ('urDmlnge, of Xenia, will be ad bls relative's Alice MaKin· ' Chuunoey Bunnell 's pJaced ' Eva l'uoker spent Sunda.y for WarreneountT; Ohio, .. adIl,~""' . c aacI tree froIi;.~y blslD. ~. b&en vi8IJin.R h •• Pflt.8D , te, Mr.. hear that Floyd, her fiv. e sey and sister Miss ,Lillio Nedry u furnnce in their country home: with her sister, Mrs. Will Keney. ~tion praying fot: an !>rder allt or- . t ' 1..11. :" . " lee # f rom .., , business of the Y, Pof. hl!ll . to file, II.IlId ' ."!T:1 Mn, Char Center· years old son, Is sUllering ",t. Mis8 GI1I1 Dunhallll of Dayton Is Amos of Spring . Valley O.The E . S. will be meeting held at the home tall} claIms to court, aaid eer- , . VIne, for week. Mr .. joined Vito II dance, b.nUs visiting ber cousin Kenneth Kllbon. spent a few last week with his Mr and Mrs. Olyde Wilkerson, Fri- whIch are and WhICh. . her In Waynesvllle"8ii'urday, when • - • Mrs. Naomi BarlllLn. hll,s r eturned daughter M'r s. Charles Shepllerd. day nigbt. . . Cl.alm~ are particularly d~rl~ ,i~ 1I ahey and ·Mr. O. ,M: lUc4ie "~4 fam Chamberlain '8 Cough Remedy Bene: home atter a several ulontbs visit . 'Mi!18 Mabel Sherwood returned to tl~nsaid .srn~:rPhca-. , Il v -e- anr"ed to MD·-· ........t. turkey fURl\. at . ber IIChool duties at Ba.rveysbnrg • 01 . . . . . ..., ,. .......... K Cltv 'toOouncllmllon J _. wlt'- her son In Okillhoma City, and by Mr: anll ')(1'1. Mablon . mgs n, amlUc~. '" Notice to Real Monday. . ll~I~III~~ ~t'r, w. O'Rellla Foparty, who' Is with her daughtoer tn GlLlesbury' h atdIe. ,". . a membbr of thll "''tty Counoll . at Illinois,. Estate Taxpayer.s 'Ih Re I . 1 M U :::: . ston l'Ia&ll71 The trien~ of CalVlD Bears of KinlJ , Jamaica, 'Weet Indies, Miss A.pphla Miller spent the hoI· has been oarrl8C1 on by Rev. WeI. 01.. OeutreV1lle, ·w lll b8 ~ &0 learn aa tol1oWII: "One bottle of PersoD8 owning proptlrty oceu- banm and Mr. Underwood. hIa i , \.:.. til I Chamberlaln'8 Cougb Remedy h~ ldays with her 'parentsln Harveys~ pied by a tenant who harbored a . o appo n'men." , e uew y .good eftec' on a oough aha' was IIlv. burg'. dog at the time of IbJt.lng chattels The Price of Peace. Yd 8herUr . Ing me vouble and I thlok I should Mi!18 St.eU" Adams Laura lallt April should see that the dog Tbe terrible Itching and aman. ;. ,.·11q!1111J1'!'I 'Co u V .1 tlltDte, lot' til. oounty have been more quiokly relieved if Werntz are viSIting friends !lnd rei. tax Is paid. If not paid the tax lng ineldent to oel1aln skin dllllU. ~all. Tbo pI*.ltloD .... re.ltonllible 1 had D01ltlnued the remedy. 'rbat will beoome a lien on the property. es 18 almoet Inltant)y allayed by oai. bllUU .ito 'with It W" benefiolal and qulok 10 1't!. ,,"vos in Q,aytol,l this week. Respectfully, applying ChamberJaln'l .1~ flWlIft... 1 II ......". lIeviar me tbere la DO doubt alld It Prof. Wilson . the holiday!! WILL R. LEWIS, Treasurer. Prloe,25 OI1lIa I'DI' . .10 by oJ . . . Ib, an "'&1& tile ....... lllao.tlon to obtain ano'her I:S • "~w.' . ' : Audl~·qo"Ii...... til !'or lIoleb7.J. B . .Jau8J: wi~ bls bomo In Oregonia. . ..... ............ ...... ..JaDuoy.
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By G. F.
Doal a~ Police man. YJ1tor 10 tbe Ce nturv maga zin e 7fi~"'._
Intc1'eslIn!\, accollu t or th USG III Rssls tAn ts to tJl po ll e In el ll 8 and In P a r is. In the r Ity thoy h avo proved elficl li t neeuln g Cram the S ine mllOY vic· 1lIm. of acd d en t and "" 011111 b SlIll'lMs, .... I. In otb r li nes of work nn 1'1· t8cl w ith t il po ll c II pnrllll nl, Ih Ir _n1ceB aro "lllnn bl o nut II Is In lIl e I ~an IUC's UI&t Ib e Olllllloyl\l nt t dog' pah oe seems to Ilav b e n roogbl (0 Its high at mel ncy, 1n ltb. ult.y at Ghent 010 tralnlllg nnd !aDatnt en once of dogs for poll('o dllt')' \11M p roved to be a pl'ofitnble Inv 81· f!Ia nt. A dog costs III ~lIy f Oh nt ~ Ilttle ovw five c n ts Il r dnr fo r ~Dtcn a.n!'e, ana 30 dog p II (l cost 11,185 frallcs per y or. II Is claimed bat 30 <l oas " do m ore t h a n t ou r t imes 'Nark t hat wO ll14 b acco m pllshpd ~! 12 m l'n , wllo would CO!t th o m unl· ,ctpallty 12,000 f ra ncs" ~'bo Idea at dog ])011 COlli 0 sem I's to be a goOd on , ~I rlght. O ne dla ti n ct li nd obvloll' iactVftn tag of t h!! sy s tem, nol m n· luoned by th e Ce n t ury writer, woul d 'be that th ey o ul d go on t h1l " dog !'fatch" wi t hout d ltncuJtr or fric tion. iADd In th is co nnectio n the tho n~ht 'lllCCu ra that It wo uld be a good Id ea . or Ban Franolsco to Inv estigate t h e ~ polic Question It thll t cIty needa 'Glle t hine mora thlln n noth er It Is ug, !8Jllcle o t pollco Cor oe. The Q~e9t1on of fNOrgaoJzlng th e torce I. now und e r jacU"e discussIon, a nd the ti me ror t be !8S~rlm nt Is oppo rtuM There a n jbe 110 r eas on able doubt that tho oddl· ~Oll o f a fow r;ood d ogs to tb San jFranc p ollee force would add IsreaUy to Its efficie ncy. Som o pl'r· !-on a m ay thLnk that the force wou ld a d og·gone slnht be t ter It It wore entirely ot dogs, b ut " 0 do ao 80 fa r as t ha t.
8tllt a 80clallat, VIVi a ni , the new Fre nch mini st e r a ppOinted by 1\[. Cle monceau , In t. news po per IlI ter· acce plln g office he r eat his politic al paat. """lUII SI," h e s old . "and 1 truthfu l to my Id eas s ocialist fri e nds. Ltke the Wa ld eck·Rousse a u like Briand In tb e Sar· preserve my freedom p ropagan da. As min s hall endea vor to se· I de tended as depot t bo cbambe r. ]
In la bor di sputes, Ilb er ty ot trade union s t o be bli nd to t he tact "'111 be a difficu lt one, vie w o f t he Infl ue nces the F r ench d emocracy hi s m inistry wlll n ot ot the Ie· Jt Is t o b e esta Ir "nremlseta just va cllted by p ubllc worsh ip, a arran gemen t. disporting It self In this ~ea8 0n, Is mixing chU dls h g ames , s uch us , le a p t rog, pUIS In and bll u d m an's buff, a nd lot of (un ou t at t he p a s· la a ll very w ell Cor but the yo un ge r se t would the excite m e n t or cards w ith " rough hou" e," e ven to t ear· ling li P ' and do\\ n stai rs, s ec re tin g Is llpper s or rus hin g madly tra m cor· n e r t o corn er ,Purs ued by s om e "cal" It. iB a n Cl rtl ss CI aze, a nd I t DO bone s liar brl ·Il·brae nre s bat tere d, one to , ,b o a pp ro v d , Som!!how, ~ald a woman c ashi er a t Ithe Illte bankers' convention. w b e n the Lord mad wOlllan be ga\ e h e r a pe cullar Insi ght t hat alwllYs e na. Ibles b el' (~ disc rn "h th er a mau or p ropo.ltlo n IS /:ood or ba d This ,'WU h r pol nl 10 mnl ntn lnlng th o Ipropos ltloli that her sox Is be t te r j«IQulpped by na t ll r (or the r espon s l. Ible du tie s th at ball kcn are ca ll ed ,u pon to perf r m th .1n til m ascu li ne And ye t h ow often w h ur a nd read h oI' being takc n In ond don o b y g ny de<:e l vers!
Matrimon lil l tt c lll'ts ale SU llphed by Ca n ad llUl Pn clOc rullwa" to set. In the nor tb ", st territory wh o to make a jou rn y In ord e r to a wlff!. On p rese utln g the re coupon and t h mnl rlago co rti ft, the s e Wer Is e n t ill d to ( re e fo r hi s bri de
'1'h ,~ma!l '1'lodul 8-'I',1U1I1W 'l' r nrl 1 '(' lf IIllllnl nlll 11IlIln,lIng t<1 ~ u t UII .11'11. :19 we nil lllleod h lnl-I\lI13 l\ pi, I'hlll, uf • nil"", 'ollldll I b > permll q ll a nl anLi In tel'eSll ng old bnch ILlr tl'd Nil ~IIUH' "nt' l" nti uN',1 n ke y, ulld H was \ r\' -:" pulur III II. wiel e el! rI \\ cit ,111 . 1 Ill, I b,lIltabl)' bt' nt o n or OCClu.l lnlnnt ~, for r.d, 1 d II, hi s r~('(lnl 111.111(111 nmla!)1 IP l's onal qllulltl~, h I' hml ' ()I1I~" 1)lt uf " t,ltl c y fUll Illenl,' or mOIl (,) nntl \\ 11/\ '1lJril1usll Ilnnw '1'1 "d ,I 1<'6 1 ~ , n'l \nl.., it W(1 boslll tnb l . At th c sainI<' 1I1O('' 'h .. jlrl~· (,l'I"" ~ I~, "Ill 11101) 1'1('111'" I Di k· B B~el1 IHII's imllUlll1l R )tl'l'ullnllllcR lhlll i ~() U mllde hJflI thu suhJo '{ t,r Inull nll rkhl!' " ' ou ,II.1mll Ih'>11 Ihn: \'(, " good storl.,s, adlllnlt ct1 n ~ ltf('r. nil Ii) I lhcllI nllt " r IllY I'lll eH ?' ~lIhl T(J\ll the amUH' m III ,If all who knt' " him I till', l'I" ' lllu ,.: It ll'l IIw llth tor ' !II' III 3t un h' was, d tb t' Ill~t mall In Ilmll .lOtI ><p,'n kln;; \\Ilh un ufl' ·:-ll 'd LIle wOllt1 w!> \lnUld hUlL' "~I>l' to(1 to I .tlr b bow led out In IIIl nt'! IIIlt Cjllll' I I chm t (I r' n; II , ' H:lifl I Irkson , eonslSlelll \\111' S(,I"'lesl 11'(,lllllcl(' hut ~II U kUOII, T r,Hhll ,'~ YOII nll!:ht wh e n ntcl,,,on c.lll l(' hu rrl .111 11110 our hn\'L' h otel aL Bo ulogn nlld told us Ihol ' . . Iml )011 \\11 " !III ll:lrtlt's to Iha TOn\Dl~ \l nH 11I"pt) s ln~ to 110 :l IIltll' l l llI'fl ?' h,' 1111 , rl ll(lll'" 6mu~\lng , Wl' \\l'r" 011 c1ls(lo~ "d to 'l"Ulh II ,III 1'I"tI.lII1s ' IIlI::ClI ni ck· b In c r dllloll8 ~'1I1 , "Ill I " ,I~ we $tol YO llr W h nd pick 'c1 UI' 'flndlllt>s "n nur el gll rs \\11('11 IIIl' IInlHI we' l e tloll{' hns Wll)' Ii 1Ill' [rom un IIUtUnlll holldn\ In I"~ l' n 10 ~c l "III tlln/ug h lho liS Norl11f1lld ) Il II ns till' m,lrlliug of 11lI 1I~ fOl' \"" ' tb dO)' O il wltlch \1(' hud :11 rl\'I' 1i 10 ' \\'e ll It' IIIII'II T rneldles tako th e bURL nero s from 1I01l1(l ~ IIl' Imlllalnlll,' ,1I1t1 5111'uhl n): thllt Dlc kso u tuld 118 hOIl he· had 51 'I nt's t 1111111111'1', 'I \\ 0 11 t SIl) any· cltnnced to RPY t ho 5,,1("11111 Inllna II IlIln!!" lit 111"r O il Ih seol uf I h eft , IstG Tommy In th,' \'('1'\' ael ur nlflklng iJul III s hall) ou \\ hnl I' ll elo ' li p n b ro\lIl ' (lIII'f'r IMll'l' l at lIrI,',1 Imt . \ Il(1 til Ullt am,l1. l'nlellL h d roPIl II aulclI l 511 CllIl eus, tn 1110 llllp(1I o f tlw II Illd II flill i s hn ulrod to a CURI01Ut\ whlcb b II' I\S c\lllnln ~ ll , 'O il 'calillg (,!lIec' r \\ h , stoull nn th(l other sid nf some 1111""" ' 8 of I'l'tlls IlouQ ll el" elj· t h ' "I .. fur m Th e UllIli c.1m e ptOlllllt· d nlly In th c helll of <nllllt);lInp; t h In Il to hi s call , lInrl Tommy IIddleStled \ fe lt " 0 111111 got 'l'ul11 m) 00 him t oast thI s lIme, und \\ U ol\ ('d hi m 9 ' tnccr" h s,lI d , " t his man a dm its Io n s scoro fnr prac ll clli Ivlllicltlms ha, In#; bro ug ht t h(lse ('( ga l s as horo p ltlYt"d ullon us N II\' II I' a uld pay In hi s hu n rlhng "Ithou t ha vlns otn· him In hl R own coin. allhoug h wo lull ), dec l:"II",1 Ih m" lI av ln g 81,'111 e ouldn 't a gre a s to th b st m Alh od tltl s, h d rO ll1) d in lo h is corn or with o f doltlg It \\ hnt w \\nnt d wu s to th u ir of :J matI w ho had acoom· xlloS Tomm y s IIIlI Cllt rprls w it h· 11118h OO n (lllinfu l (Iuty o ut lI o ln g h Im IUl~ relll hnrm, n nd Fo r l h ftn;t Um In ou r kno wle dge that was just what W cou ldn ' L quito of h im , 1'o lll ml, I II hosplta hl e, 90 s eo o ur way t o do ciable , old jok r , hod clan a reully Kl ngs tone t ook no l18rt In t b e d is· mali c io us thin g c usBlo n until \I e s em d to havo The offie I'S m a lin r "ae v rl' quIet r a che d I he e nd of o ur Inve ntivo re o 111111 v I y sell ollS, T ak ing I!OBsesslon Rources ; th n h qul e lly anno un ced o f t b e c iga rs, be In ll m nt.l'd l hat Dk k· th at h e ha d a C81)ltu l plun, a nd If we so n mu s t llCCOtn llU llY h im t the 5 U' woult! fo llo w his dli eeUoa s, Tommy pervlsOl', lHIII wit h sornel hlnr; IIk o a sho llid ha ve a sUl rtlln r; s how· up With g roll n , t h o c ulp r it d epnrled W e all lh e pro mpti t ude ot u mnst e r mlUd In t rol1 ll da ft r him, a n d as II I rt t be command o f d olls Klngs tone ft rst cU II I.tge vC,'Y one r li S, CXCl'pt Ki ng h e ld a whlap l ing a ll id e with t h o s lm· stone .hurlccl r proach s at th gll m pie-h ea r te d D ick so n , und th e n sen t fi gure In th e COlnel who we n t on to him away on so me rraud , alld with tQw n by th e trai n, II hi h s a rted \'e ry Dlany an Irr 111' Rslble huek le , h o SOOIl nf ler we loft It. ,V I II d to ma ke th e s u pe l \'l sOl uo· r)roceed e d t o t h e o the rs Into tho parls eacb would play In h ili cI reta nd wha t hall h ap pe ned, to show p lot. him t hat the r u l '(' u prlt w a s the In· Aecordl ng to Ins t rucltons , we bega n for me r hlm s tr B ut alth oll gh t h e b y dJ s p layln g a n Inqui s itiv e Int e rest offi c er look rI s a ga cious n ough, b e In 'l'ra dd les' pal c I a s s oon as " e g ot see me d ex ll' m 'I)' d nse, a nd could o n b oard the b oa t, W all re el to le nd h im a sma ll porlmant enu to whl h ho mlg llt tra ll ~f r h is bo ta nical 811 ct· m e ns , It would be wore conve nl nt a nd wou ld look be tter. As our voyage pro g ressed, \Ve a greed tbat T I a ddles W ill! not hap py. Appare ntl y, III p arcel W Ig h od o n hi s mind , aud Qui te ulI SCrUllltlo llHly we look e ,'ot y menns or In crea s ing Ws u ne a sin ess W e e nl nrgctl 0 11 the fo ll y o f s muggli ng , lind t old tales o f Ig nQmlnlous expos ure and heav y fi nes " F ines '" echoe d on e or our party. '''rhey don' t fln e n o wada YII ' Slace the las t nct th e pe nulty fo r s Ul ug. g lln g i s Im priso n me nt, wit ho ut t h e o pUon of IL fin c" Poo r Tommy's fa ce WtlS a study His Jaw dro Pil e1 d is mall y anll he loo ked nitog e Ule r moody all d mi ser. a ble. As w e dre w n ear th e e nd o f th voyage Tr a ddl s look ed a s If h n'oul d " IVIA wo rlds fOt th e 01'"01 1unity ~ " Go to the Devil!" to d rO ll., th e wre tch d pa l co" l ovm. board, If only ho cou ld get OUL of se Ilo thlng bllt t he fa ct t hat It was '.. " e too k n ot t il e I ufm m e l' who w ac a Cluni l>' o ur sight f or 0. m o m (m t goo d care, b ow ver, th aL thore sho ul d g uilly of s muggling be no back in g out of I hc e n te rp rise, W h ud \\' 01 ke el ours elves to a ell. and as 'rommy m arc l,w d do \!,'n Lh e max of eKaspe rtltl on , when a lad carn e gangwa y , h e look e d, or we fa nc ie d h e In and h andod Ibe SUlle l vis or a nole. d id, a lItUo whi te a bout lh mo ut h, H e a llen d th e nOle. uud as he reud bul be hol d b l8 V!tWOIIS head so u p· w s aw that It on lllltlcd a sUlJlrl se, ri ght. a ll d da nd le d t ho Jllu c e l with He has til y lU I ne d to 1'Otl UflY's Bue b n n a ir o f Innoce n t conCC ru , lhat P tits BOIHIIl ts th at la), o n the h e ml gh l ba ve passed (III ugh b ul fo r tn bl e b eslfl him , e ager ly c xam the a s toun di n g nctlo n or Di c k son , Inln g flrs t o n e and Ihcn a not her . who hurtle d torward al\(I tl l)Jlcd a !l na ll y e KtlucLin g a e lga r, he h roke Wi nk to Lhe man 10 buno ns a s h e It In t wo, the n s udd en ly s elzmg 1)1I 5 S e O both 'l1Undl es h e came o ut t o u s 10 t. " An yth in g 10 dcr-Ia re?" was tb e lOW l'rlng lu ge. 'rak e yo m rn bblsh and go to the p b l g m a tle otllelul IU'l uirr , a 8 1'o nlillY plls sed ~ dCl'tI ! ' h ' said , ' No t hing dutln ble,' d ecla red t h e W hut s up ' What's Ih e ma ttcr au dacious Tlltll illY , with a n aI r o f no w . " we blOk e OIJl. e a ch In b ls ow n dIgnit y t ha t s hould have can'll'd con WUy 'On ly botan ica l s pecime ns le DI' Ollt, I t ell ) a u," r oare " th e vl ellon a nd- and- on o r two o th Cl t hings fu ri ous o mc la l , I ,'e blld onough ot Not d ULlabl e , I nSBUl e l OU' t hi s foolc l) " T ommy l rl eel v I y hord 10 m n lnlnl n ' Wh.\t d o yo u menn T ' ejoclllu le!l an a s pect o f OUl N' t;Gl.1 dl g lli\y a s th e Dl e k ~o n , an ti fit; h s pok b e dr · w o ut officer l eso lute ly b gan lo u n Uo t he OU'~ o f th e Pe tl t~ DO ulIue ts Bnd bro l'e I'arcel bu t h couldn' t h IIJ b,' LI a v It as ho h ad secn lho s lIl1e r\'lsOi do , Ing t h e gre atest a gitation H (l to od an d th n we saw what '!'u m my h nrl '1IIl1Y we l'e, 1lI0le d ll m mles of t h e vory pl c t lll e of a tle lcclCd Ol ilU d ne Ina l He pro ll' s t d , lI'cu h e l> llIale red clsars, and of c Ollr.o we t e n ot du lln· a nd coaxed bl l1 l nil It ", a s, ot c ourse , II sel 'ss, a nd t ll ~ , \~ t) s ha ll jllsl cntc h tbe 4 28." 6al 4 official was dea f lo en trea ty \v IL~ KI !lgslo n In III K dll es t Dlaun er ' WI' heartl (l~s de libe ration he ft rsl ollen L'(\ s ha ll find To mm y o n t he p lnt fol m a n o ut s ide pO lle r . t he n lin Inll Pr pa wltb t he lughu..:e J heJl e vf' he e xpccts per, and th e n b eg un t o r n mmngc liS to d ille \\ It h him at th e Cr ite r ion a mon g the botani ca l specim e ns , In gh t H wh t! d up t o arrange, I t h e center of wb lc h h e found- a small, know' CI us ty loa f of bread I Dl cllson wa s the o nlf on e "ho d id It wal, of co ur s e , th e ve ry fa mll. not loo k 1I1i,e gll' ln g a ready accepL lar joke that Di ckso n had )lOTiI trilled :!lI ce, for fili. had be e n slle ciu ll y vic. under Kln gsto no's direction H e had II mlzcel all t h rough 'J.ook h el", K lng s ton e," he sold as con trIved to tll k ou t t h e c iga rs allll s ill' In the lont, and then had Re t Lhe S OO Il a s we ha d got alit ot t h e Hupe r. cus toms official 00 t he tnt e nd ln g visor's o lJl ee , "dill o ld 'f1'lId dl es le t mil s muggle r, s ee hi m m a ki ng up th a t Ilarcel o n 'Sir 1 t old r o u there Wil l! n oth ln s Pllll1os o ?'" " Of course h e did." replied Kings t o dllcla ro :" s old T omrwy stornly, as tbe DIa n de rt Iy re ti e d tbe II. reel and to o , tak in g bl m by the a rm, 'ln d luov lng on " He's been plllnn ing th iS putlhed It from him We p rese ntly d iscovered him lock e d little s ell for w ' It s Come on. or wo ,n a first c lus8 carriage , quite b y h llil s hll il loso tho lI aln '
One or t hl' IltltllCtiC stnrlu or Ul e IIOTlD th a t BW"lIt up tlt ~1 AUn nllo ronRt a trw doJ's a p;n was thu t of t ho dt',tl h or ("opt. M Ulh('~o tl , o f th e sella )fl(! r '" III Floyd Wt ('{'hcII 01'1' th e .' I tit 'I\,'oll na t'oasl It 18 at 811 lal In u1\' ell l hI litis s~<'Ilo n , I~e('all s ('apt. ~ 1 f\th eRon II nli his \'('sst' l we r \\' ' II kno " n hf'r allollls FO I a nu mb I f It' Ih I' h nd b!'en frell ll nL "I SItUI'1I 8t Cllwlina IIltd G 1'I~la ports, "hcI'o hi ll lind nl nl!U'1 btw.ll l1 e fnrnil iol fi g· III 9 , Wh 'n Llle Fiord fO lt tlderctl nn d It WitS C 'rtnln thnt sh ' llIust leuyp h e r bOlle s Inlhnl nllldnl' gllll·t1) old olT t he NOI'II' nrolina "oaHt 0 Itr raft of h"tc hell "ti S 1'0n lIu<' l od , nnd th o CI ~ W. In luelln p; Ihl' cn l'tal n, l1l1 pd on Il. As tbt'\, II ro nbout to pUHh olT, trus ti ng to furlllll tv be p I k d I,ll by a pasRlng sill II, rhpl. ~ I nlh son luokl'd 1m It lI 110 n h l~ ltrluv d schoon r, Lh n In Its cll'lllh IhIO(,S Il ls h art smlltl) him II " fr II ilko n el S rtcr The 6ufl'etln~ hut Inll nlm Ill' h ulk cHlled to him, Utili h ('(Juld not r('slst th call. I 11111 ~(llll/: 1I1H''', b O\'8, h Halel ; , c.oor1· h'· IIl1 rl 1-:00<1 hll'k to "Ill ' Til on It" SClIltllbl,' d I.m I. to th dctk5. hy Ihat tllll O l\\\lIsh II till fas t sO ltl ln Jl: Ami In s l!,: ht of I ho ('I P \\ thc ship nnd Ite r IIpta ln \\ e n t (10\\11 10 their flit I t Is OtWl1t hl lJlln"; !I fll l'orit tiwmns lo lII u~lI,lt(' th' ,lO pc ll on of n (,:l pl,111I f I' hi s s hip , lin d an en~ ln <'I' fCH his 1\1tICh illcr l·. Il Is on(' ot 111(0 t'unt('n tln ns of )1llllstR thul 0110 <'nnnot IllIo nn\ t hill/: In calluble ' If IctUlllitl!\ affc(" tlll n In kin d, bll It'~ no gtl ' h of lho tI ut h or II' n NlI of ItUlf;lln;; to say I hil t lhe so a IS 1.11 rll' peopl('11 " Ith Rk lllP r~ " ho 101 () th ' II' I' t oft wllh s u ch de l'u llon Ib:lt th ')' p, rfur d eo,n h wllh Ihom to li fo \\ it lJ(1ul t he m Surh \l'n thl' en St' II It h t he III Itlsb Aelml! a l T llOll, II h r ~ fu8 ed to bo rost Ilt'd whon some I W ~ I'alS ago olT Arrt c:\ Ih b[llll s h ips VI lorla and Cam!) r uolYn cnm Inlo ollision wit h Il uch dl str us I aull s to the 101 Ille r, ,\ d· mlrAl ')'1) on 's 1I [I;;5hlp, 'f hert' aro thuse who will us sl'l l I bat a /A,' ct s hill nnc1 II gOfl d llln~tpr CO III(' Into closes t tln do l lnndlll!!" ullIl nfft ' li on f r 'ncb lIt hpI II he n t h y hu \ long s ail ed 10· gNh r. 'I' ll llIllStCI Is j niDus u f lho (nro of h is Rh lp and Ihat s h :lhall hn l o the I PlY b ('s~ ttcn lme nl, "h llll th ll s hill IIPlmrcntlv docs ht' r b st to c1 e m on~lrnlo t4l nt t h l' kind ly cnr Is ful l) apllrccialcd. C!lllt ~I nt r) r;t sn's th al a slllp will become s ick and >til l. Ic n ntHI crank \ uno r t he hllllll or II now mast r aft I 11I1 old a nd kindly on htls b t'll r loovell fro m h l' he ml ses th o [J e lling and. accordll1~ to tho fa s hion of b r s x res nlS lh6 d"IIrl \'aLion Capt. ~ l lllh son , who died with h is sch uti r WllS a 1 I pe o r the sa liOl who lov(,s hfs ~ hlp n nd II 110 w ill si v hill ure for b ls 101e,-Ravo n' n a h ?\ ws,
Men d ing Day In Labrador 1'he follOWIn g morn ln !; Oun cu n nn· !louncc,1 Il \\' II ld be necessury fo r 111 m t o tII e nd his s(' nls ltl n boo ls b fOi e b g in nIn g tbo dal s ' "ork_ lio h a d pretty n ellrl) 110m tb III ou t on I ho s h llrp rocks o n t he 110t lnges, Tho I' sl of u s IV I we ll pro\' ld d with 0 11· Latl ll d m occ:rsl ns (someti mes cull(!d IUll gnns a t Bhos·p a ells), w h ic h ~. nell n e hns lou gh l lIle a re he best fo ' l,1 >a r for a jll UI n y Ilk ou :s POlO'S kllllk i I ro u se l~ wo , e i.ta d ly tol n III d a y belor lJ y I he bl'U8h li nd we i e Pl e lty 1:1!;);od , au rJ h e wi s h " I lInlo to llI'nd Ibe lll, so I gIl' e Ih ' me n a li llie \\ hllc In whi ch ~"lU ako n ec ssary r", 'alls hefol b reaitiut; 'nmll Kl ch ard a ncl ~~.I lOll Wote ~lue lt lnaw t,'O IlS· ors, 'r ills c.lo t h hnd nll t \\ Ilhs too d th e h UIf] u nge of Labrado r trol vi .L wee k, a nd bot h III n. when th e ), h ad a slJnre h our oCIl 'lpl d It In sewing on Calli .IS Jla tc hes , ulltll no lV th ere II 1I almost h c,LII \'ns 11Il I'" liS m uc c" as "' I tI k. nUll' c lo th 10 lh('so glll"lllelll S R IClo.r <1 , h owOl'ot. cnnl cl uu ext ra pnl r " r 1I101e· sk in 1I 0 1lse i A nnd I WOIO molcbk ln, Th l8 IlIlle l' ma tol'l a l Is the IJ SL 0 11 t ai nab l. so far :1" m y eX(lu rl cncp goes, for t o ng h Ira\' lin g In the bU5h, np d m y t l onsers slood the t li ll with hul on e smnll lI~ tch IUIIII wln l r carn e - 0111011 \\ { linea In Th e Lon n 1.-1I1l· r a do r T r ail, " m The Oull ns ~I ugll' :d ne. Rare Ant lqu a l'l a n F Ind. An unu sua l Iype of Rom ltn vi lla hns h en ullou l lhe ci Oll th e site of th an. (' le nL 110111 n n enCi\1II11l1l en t In Hl lla ln nl GlL ' I \\ Un t Tho l " m al llS ho\ e beo n fo und to be In tHI e~c ' !lenl sla l or p l'eH r \'a llo n ,\ del1.llture fll llll t he conI' 'ntlulla l IJI a cll eu at t b!! Ro mans In l h ,I csil;ns o f lb~lr Ics ces, as I 've nlcel Il\' I,,'o llous eNcnl'alions In th a t cou n lt I Is th c p rovl s lnn o f eX1I3 IIl otliS abultl n g 0 11 the fO lir sl tl e. ot th c cotll ly ard In the b a ~c m ellls 1\\ 0 e() m lJ l etel~ Iler l,"ct lI (l,lll tl g d o.'l Ic es or !1 , por' a lls IH were fO lln d, togeth e l will> Lhe I' 'r ll ii o l' h luo lIIcs Il tlllzed by lh e own e rs fo r ('Ondll'l ln g t h e heal [rom t h e st OI C In th e bllse m e n l und I a ,lI n(. lu g It L1l1 oll gh tbe UIlI H!1 l ooms of t h e d wolli ng. lu t ho bllst' m c fll Ho m o ex. Q lIl~ lle s pecln ll' lI s o f Ito mall pavlll:; we re II l1 eU l th ed - -- .- . - - T he Milli n g of a Coin. Nearl)' e\'en'botly think s th at the milli ng or II c oin Is Its <'ol'l'lI gal c d Ilrll, hut t hut tel 01 has noth ing to do " lth Ih A c lrrn g,lti ons T h e coiner a t thu I1IlDt tak es 1111 II blank, 0. round pIcco or plu ln s li ve r, c ut o u l of a s llv e , b,lf, <lnd dl o l1 s It Inl o 1\ mac hl n' 11 climes Ollt wllh t he eclg,'g s ll g hily rou nd l)d , T h en ho (il o ps It l\lto th e mill ing ma· ch in e , a nd It 0 1l\US out wi t h t he rim lIut un ci m lscd n li lLI e ubuvo tbl) sldea, T h e m illi ng Is lhls pla in rals cd I'lm, wi t hout refer e nce to an y can ugaUons, a nd It Is Inlend ed tl) pro tec t tho s ur· fl1ce or t he coIn rlorn we ar The cor· ru gaUons aro und th e 11m are ca lled t h a " re"d lnlj," _ _ _ _ __ _ Too Sea.lok to Eat. " Yes," said the s te ams hip Bgent, "that Il !lur' be st Ilrl ce (or a second cabin pus sug o In J.. lvtlrp ool." 'ALL THE SAME HIM. "n ut," aalled th e p rospe ctive lollra ad rnsln F Ili a lly b e turno d ' "Wbat 1st , "dol1 't you wake /lny rebate ?" It wns S untl n). u n d a bu ge c row d ' Fo r w hat 7" II a loll'rl llg upon the t u rntable l be-" 'W e ll, sny , lor nine m ea ls. r m.· a \luill llJ; Ih e gear) s t reet car An , SO)' Does II mu I,,) Rny d iffe rence" ~ .B l.c1Ll.11eJl rst Ihlreo days out." oldl'I I)' lud\' , II'<I In t h" face. fl us t ret! ~ hf a s lle/1. " whl l'h 'Jf these cars I tnl,e and lu .. ey , d\l ~ I' lbo ws Inlo the ribs o f to Ih., ce nle lc ry?" Scientifi c Discovery Antlclputed. an" su ntlr)' to he r seareb tor 10' . NO L to Jill> , madame ," he ans \\ere d, It III Interestin g lo nOl o Ula l In e lt· (orm a llun. and le l t her Wf) Ilf)Cl I'ln J.; wI) I' Iho C'row d tractl ng e lectricity f mm 0 II'3D '. A fat man 0 11 b er t Ialii hot a pal" lOared.- San f'raJ)('I ~J'o StAr. IItomac b, In San a dr in k o r Ul'ulo1rly vlg llroul Jill) bl'lo w the belt. whisky d O'lhled volta ge. T h i. Bh. called nt him : "s.,!" that have been Adam got a boc a ld Eve got a apln ·' beara Ollt He mO\'ed ID froat her, and n lng wheel; a Dd came tile made b)' bllll !;Ill lbe ~4 .,arJi~rciVI~...,
Th. Qua li ty of N? , 1 H, rei W h eat Cannot Bo Beat e ll, 1'he Cannd l.\ n Wes t tn iho pa st li ve or te n ) ear s ha s gil' n a Bel b nck to the th eory tha t largo elll s a ro tho bllClthon o o f a coun try Rnd a n a tion's bos t asset. Her w h n va 1\ country where n o c lly excc d\l 1 00.000, and wh e re only one comos w ltb ln e asy tllstonco of that f1 /: u re accol d in g to t he eonstls jUli t t ,\llOn a nd wllel e no othe r c ity l on eh 9 a pOIJll latio n ox· ~ edlng 15,000. 'I'ho plac 8 w it h Ii p opu illtion on~ r 5000 cnu bc ou n lell u pon the f1n ~or9 of one han,I, a ud ye t th o prusp rl y that Il rm IIl1 s Is 90me· til in g tlllllt' c (J nt d In the h is tory of a ll coun trl os past o r pre s en t, T he rellson for lh ls m arvolous Pt'Osp r lt I' Is n ot hnrd to 8('("11 T ho large majollty of the 10,00 peop le I\ ho Inh abit . ra nlh,bn. Sa slm I'hcwiln nnd All.> rla. hOI'e guno on to tho far m , Il nd IJa\e belnl; n th C'm uc lv s to tho t n~k of n ot only fecdlng lind c lot h ing th mseh es. but of Ill lsing fool! fo r oth c rs loss hnpplly cllCunlslanccd, T he crop at 190G, although not I'\b n ormn l Is on e )'e open I' to tllRny ~ ho PI' vl o tl ~ IY hn'l gh e n lit llo I hO llgh t t o '1Ilet> 1111111011 bllShei ot t ho sllbjo<,L "h rnt ot iO c nlS p" r llu ij he l-~6 .1000 ,· 000. 'iG,OOO ,OOO blls h... ls of o:..ts at 30 c nls pc r bu sllrl -$~2 00,000, ] 7000" 00,) busb el of I)R11 Y a 40 C ( Ills pe r b ushel- SG 00,000 mak ('~ II tota l ot $ ~2,GOO.OOO This Is alto!; her oul s ille t ho TOOL pro lucts: daIry pt olluce, lind t hn re tums f"11l1 th o c aU lo trnl1o, lhc b,) t SIlI;,lr Inous tn' a rl th e variOus olhrr Il~ ·pr oducts of m ix d fa rming "'h E'n sueh r(llurns or o btal noble tro m th soli It is n ot lo b e wondored a t lho many oro lenl ln g t h ca n" st · PI\ ells t l!c'ls of the ay~ t , to Inl,-, UIJOn th ms 1\ s Ih o lire of th e pr,dll o fnrrn a nti th I (lbol' o r th h OIl Sb(lndlll(ln . W ith t h cons truction or atl liltiona l f al h oads n plv U\'O:lUOB fo r ngrlc ullur. a l II I rprl ~ ar opening 1I1l, a nd 1m· Ill'OI (} opportunltlell fire oIT red to Lhe 8 1'1lIl'r " ho IInde l sta nds flr:lll'le farm· lng, nnd Is ""llng to do his pllrt In b uild ing li P th n IV counlry Th is I the th me t h:l L ~ rr. .1, J Hili, th o I lcrn n r ailroad bUilde r In tb o Wes t, h as la id before th 11COl' lc In a lIerle9 of ad dresses \\ hl II -he h as gi ven a t ' nrlnus 110I n ts rlut Ing t bo pnst r w mon th , an d h avi n g b een tor so long IdenUfl d w ith til deve l· o pment of l he " 'c t, Ih 1'0 nre few m e n b lter Clll a llfte d tha n h o to ox· p ress a n OI)ln\on u po n It. T all ca re of the count ry , says lie , and Lhe ci ties w ill t))i core or tltem selves The tormors or tho W st rn States an d t h ('ann (lInn \V s t, are Ill ore p lospe rous til an eve r before, nnd wh en It com('s to m ea suri n g u p reo SUl lS, tll G anud lan appcars to have somewhat tb o b lle r of It Hi s la nd Is cb en pe r In fact. t he gOl' TIl m en t con t inues to g ive free h owes t :Ids to settlers, an d t h returns per acre a re h a l'l I' \\ he n tJle crop Is h nTI'(ls te d. F arm ln!; Inn d III t h \\ sl rn Stlltes ru ns fl a m $60 to $l iiO nn IIcr a nd up, ",h erells eQu~ lI ~ goo d so il may I'e pur· e Ansed In Canada ro r $S 10 $l5 pcr (te re, wi thin a Sy reach o f a s hipping p oint. a nd much of this Is a vailab le for fr h omesleadl ng Th e Quallly of the 'anndlan r.:o. 1 h ard \\ h at oau· n ot b e b eow n, p,'lcl the reI ur ns to tb e a cre are I bus h els belter t h an on thi s s id o[ the IlnC' , th so li nnd cllmale o f th at co un ry bei ng J)r.c:Jllar· Iy adapted to "' h ont g t o\\ lng 'l'he fa ct Is 1' \ Id 'n lly :lllprre l:tt od by the large n Ulll ber a t Am rle on t arm e '-:' "ho h:l\e In t h e Pll9t t l\O or three y e;}rs seUled In th o Cn nlltll an W as t. 1'1..) a ge nts of the nnad lan Govern m ent , wh ose add ress 1\ 111 bo found else wh et e, nd l'lsc u s thnt for the fi sca l J car ] 90 1·5. th o r co rds sho w tlJat 43 ,543 Am erican s sellied In Can ad a, nnd In 1 90~· 6 the nu mbe r reach ed 57,79 6. F ro' ll a ll of w h ich It appears th at at pr es nt, t h er Is a good t h lll g 11'1 farm ing In Wes ern Can ada, and th a t th e Am erlea n farm e r Is .uot s low t o ava il h lm sc lf o f It. A m a n with out
a wife
And a True Story of How the Vegetable Compound Had Its Birth and How t he "Panic of '73" Caused It to be Offered (or Public Sale in Drug Stores. '
T ilts I'Cmnrknblo ,,"omnn, ",h oot> m ai,1 ' n n a mo w n~ Estes, \\ ,," 11tH n ill 1' .I' lIn, M tu;s , F"lJrll n ry IIlh , IHl'l, ~11I' lug f ro In a R' l a id QIIIII ,I' fllllll l.I' For some yea r s she t uug-ht ~L'hnt.l l, unt.! becume known U$ u. II OWnll of a u a lcr t
an d invcs tlgn t ln [1' m ind , no comes "ele r a fw r 1' ''0 11 I 'II ~ ' , ann all I ~ I II, possc~ d of a. wUllJ c rfull~ 8) wpn· tb dl c natu r e. I n I 43 sh e mnrricd Jsnne P inlehnm a bUll dor IIntl 1',·,, 1 cKl a ttl 0l,,'rul()r, IIU.! th eir earl y ruarri~,1 lito w as mlll ked I.>~ prospe r ity an,l h lll'pi ues.q 'r hey h u, l four ehlldre o, tllleo sons and a daug hle r . ] n th ose g ood old rnsh ionccl dn~s it w as COlli 1110 0 for l11 oth "'8 to Dl III e h r If 0 111 iug h l!r JonR' and evontfu l Cl'pet he Ir 0\\ n hOUie m eetl ',nes (rom ruol! in h oI" ond h e r bs. n ntu I C'g u w n r ClIl t' (iit:'N- r ic life she W {lS e ve r to precalli ng IU a p hysl,' h,n onl v In ~pf' 'lUll \, \\ a ile " li d 5111\ ,m". ""W I.' W urge nt cases. ] 1\' t rll<l ltiun u lld s lcl, pc rlilflce tnuny or t h,, !U g UlII ee1 a w on' de r tll l "n owled g o f th e 'UI all\' pl'Op ert.les of t h e Vllr lOUS r o()Ls lind berbs. Ir s Plnk hnm t o Ie 0. jl'rcn t interest in th .. s t ll ,ly of r oots nnd b" r b~, Ih .. lr charnCWrlRtlcs a u.1 p \\ er O\'e r elis II e . he lO:l m tm ll II t.h u t J II t IlS n ,.tu , so bo un t ifu lly 1'1'0\'111 in tho h a rll' t· fl cl()~ r.nd orchard S VCl{ t ah l (ood of aU kmds ; 50,1 £ \\ e b il L L,IIIll thu ,,"illS t o find th em, In the r ols nIHI h I U 01 the fi e ld th C'r ti N rcm,,\i sex. pre Iy d es i~n c d t o clIre tho Hlr inl1s iUs nn d w ca lUle 's o f I h bod y, Dud It was h e r pl!'tlSUI C t n sl'n rch t\ 1l~. alIt , a n d pre pll re s llUple 11 ",1 ,' !Tcehro med! . clUes for h er own famityand {rleod s (,hlef of th c~ wna 0. rOlO combina.ti on o f th eh iccst m edici na l r oMs nnd h e r bs round h('s t u.ill ptud 101' the cure of th tlls a nd \\ l!" l clI(~G: S p een· hartoth ft' mulcs .lC ,aIIlI LI ,lIa l: I'ink . bam'. tri ' Ulls nnd n CI"h br)l S lentil 11 thnt Il er co m po ll n~ r '''en'u Dud cured a nd It becnmo qu itc popu lar umo ng the m. All t h is so f nr wn.~ c1 on f rN~ I', \l it h ou t m on cl' n ell WI ~ hu u t p rice , ns n Ja bor of lo vo But in I 73 t h e finnn c\al.crl Rts s tru ck Ly n n Its IClI gL h nn ct SIl\'erll \' w I'r 10 0 milch {dr th large l e,d Csl,'L\li n l 'rp~ l , of the Pm lc hllln f" " ,, lv, U ~ Lil ls cl io>!; of bus In ess s lI ff ' red 1Il0s t ( ru lll fl'nr futd llp r sslon , /;0 wh c n Ih uCe n L.'n . nio.l y ea r d uw ned it fOllnd t he,,' p rop' e rty s wept ow uy. Some o th e l' source of Incomo had to be fOll nci , At thts po in t L ,vr\i n F: P in1chnm 's Ve J!(' t"b le Compou ed \\ :w w nd", l, no \vn to t ho w o rld. The t h ree son s an u til il o ul!h l r wi t ll the ir moth er, eOlUul ll ccI f ore,:s to
wuhout an anchor,
Dp i S
TILL THE PAIN C O ",r E S - 1U l E P A T Un E HA N DY, A SUbsUl ula for gnd s uperior 10 m ustcrd or any olher plu ter, a nd wi ll not bllsle r Iha mosl ae lleata sk n . Tne paln.all ay" 'g and curallvo q uall ue!I of
~ J' r ltl " Fo r Q.h tll llUIi tnlll l llt:. Itufl(' lI :i l l l ~ ~ 11 111 10 I t ll uC f It I n.
1'( r8. "ln l" l o u " s iju o 1 hlll a:
Io& ln. urt:." II IlI \ \) 11\;: ,
COh' T
Acco rding to the thco r los of tbe pes· s lmls t It Is foll y to ell'cula te t h em I\&I UUI.tIUU "11")8
IcA tJTvf'
1.11 a bllJ loon
p T NA.'I F.\ nE r. r~S.' DY ES morc g f)o ,ls, bl igULcl C{JIOl·~. \\ I th wOlk li mn ulhc ••
rCRtor e t h e f nmlly f or tuoe , Th ey UIg'lIl' rl tll ll t th ill d id o \lhich \I ns b gOllll for th ei r \\ oma ll f licnds and lillig-il borll II~I equn.lly good for the \\ ulJIu ll of tho whole \\ a rid. '1'he »iulchnllls h ud no m on oy, ond 11111" c r.'ch t 'l'h It' fi rs t l a1::.oratory \I u t ho k itche n, wlle ro l'<Hlts Do d hl' l b~ wero I\t~C{ll'd on t ho iii a ve, g'l'lIlIlIa\lv fill lllg 1\ gross o f bottlcs. The il CII IIIC ti ll) quus t iuu o f s 11I 0g' It, fo r nl wtl ys b efu re th ey h[~d given it O\\:ty i l\l' ly. '!' hey h ilcd Ii job prlllltl r to rUII 011' some p!~mphl o t !l ",t lI n~ {urtli t. he m erits o f th c rued I· ,' llIe, no w culled L )llu\ l~ . Pin l(h Rm's \ ,''''c lob1 , C,'ml'ollud. u n,1 the a were III,ullIul,'d by th o J' inl h om sons In Uu~ lo n, New Yo rk, onll ll rooltlyn Th wOlllll' rfll l c llra ti <"e prope rb ~s at tJlI' 1I11'Ihelll u wcr,' , to n. gl'c uli e xten t , self-lI ,he l t"l nll', fur wh u've r II sell It> 1 <I ,'o ,o tn~l\I l l'.l It t o oth" ,·s , and t bo d ellIa"d g rmluully inclI:ll sc d , I n 1 ~7, h v Oml,lnl'n e tfoTi s t 1. f amily hllli sn\t'u enuugh mOll '.V t u com· Illl'''oe n c \\ ,po p ' I' nih ,'rt IbmI:' a nel frvlJ'l 111111. t ime t ho grow t h u l1(l s li ce,':\::; of I he i.'lI tt' r pr is W(' I'O tlSSur('c\ , u nti l t o· tln\' " y ,lm I~ Plllh htllu 0.1Il1 h er V '~ r;o . I..ble Cuulpou ud hu \'o b uu()U10 h o ubtl_ hoi.! ,,,,,,Is el'e r!'" h ero, nncl UII IlI Y Ion o f 10 t B all d 11(' 1I ,n ro lI ~e u :lnnuoil.\' iu its mn nu fucL uLC T. \'ll in. E . PI nk h am h c r se H d id n ot H\' . to SI'O th o ",r~ nt IlUCCCSS f thiS II ndl. h e pu',$"d t o h or rcwtlrtl ,cars :I ~ , but IIv t till ~ h o lm(l prfl\'iduet 11I ' lIn s for uo n ll nu ing he r w o rk Il4 t'Jrecli.c1y a5 sho c ou ld hLL.O d Ollo it.
~ 0 w u,~
Department's Oood Record, Tbe colonial socrota ry of th Raham as s tat s In hi s r e port of lhc Is la nd s for 1905 lnOG t hn t no co mp la lu t o f e rror o r d elay hail b cn recch'ed by the tel eS lll ph d epartm e nt for 14 years.
toe arti cl e are w.o nderlul. II Will slop Iho too lhacho al once , a nd rell evo Heado.c he and Sciall ca, Wo reco mm end It as the besl ,nd safest ""lerna l coullter mi lan l known , also as a n ex tern:!1 re medy for pai ns In the ches l and slomach and All Rheumnll c, Neuralgic and Gouty complain IS A Irla l will provo wh31 Ive cl aim for II and II wil l be found 10 be Invalcable In the ho usehold an d lor .:hllo ren. Once l;sed 110 famllv will bo wlthou l li Many people say " U Ie Ihe be. 1 of a ll your prep. rallo ns " Acce pt no preparallon 0 1 va~e, lne unle: .. Ihe sa me c ~ rrl es our I. bel, as olherw lse II Is '101 genui ne. SEN D YO U I? A q DRE S A N D WE W I LL M AIL OUR VAS E. LIN E PAM PHLET WH,I C H WI LL I NTE HEST YOU.
Persistent An.:::mio Cured by Dr. WlIl,ams' P ink P ill S After Other R e medlcs Had Fail ed, .. When I b~g't ltl tll l'llI~ D r \ VII IJn ms' Plllk I'll Is, " Ila ~ ' i\lrs Nllt lu llu el Fl dld , of St. A lhlIlI S, Sonll:r'I't uou u tv , l\I II IlI O, "I was th o Ilu l ~ t , mos t Illoud loHS Tlel .on y ou COli lei 1ll1ll1l' " 0 . 1\1y ~o " gll e 1111(1 gll ms " cl e cll]orlllss IInrl m y tl uKer s nlld elU s w l'te h ltO " a ~. I hud two doctor s nucl lb o), pruu OUllccd Ill y tl'o uble Il nalfJlIA. l lmd 811,,113 of v onll Mug , (lUold no l eat. Mix So.p With Dough. in fil et , (lid II Ot dm 11 to, I blln Stlct. dh. From a commun icati on r eall to tbo tress n( te r onl lllg My HtouULCh Wllh Clllccl Asso ciati on of Belgia n Choml sts It With gll~ \\ 1, Ic b cn u ~l·,1 111 0 aw f ul ngony . soems t hat confln en lnl bakers a re In Th e b o 1:'\1 he I I;IIIY, rcel 11'118 nt ti mes the bab lt ot mix ing soap w ith th e ir nIJu o' t un ilcllIlIblo a llll tho IOlls t exer tIOn doug ~ to m ake t he ir b road an u pastry mncle my heart ben t so fllst t lmt 1 ('ollid nl ee and lig ht, The QU ll n tl t y of s uap IUU'ltly b rea t ho. B u t he wors t of all wae vari es g reatly In fan ny articles like the spli ttl llg lIollt'llllf la ItClIlIIIQhe wlll ch wames and fritters It Is muah Larger n eve r I.. rt m ofUl'sov(' Uw UI·k k, A boul this tllan in bread. tUlle I IIlLII h ad sevaralnllfllb Rpells. My lImba w oul d be cold nll.1 wl t hollt n lly Keep 10 Good Health, f cclmg n lltl tbtl lJlost d ll8Lhly ~OlJlIatlou8 WOlliel cOllie oytlr 1110 , Tbe re aro many t hQlt s llnds of peo" N otblllg IIILl1 h el ped m e nllm I belfOu plo all ov or tho wo rld who can at· talu lIg D r WllhmllS' P wl, PIII_, IU fn ct, trIbute Ulel r good h ealth to taklog one I hml WOII'1l wor~" e,,"ry dllY. After I ot two Bra ndreth sPills e \'e ry nlgbt. hud tnleou the plll Ka shor t t UIIO I cOllld Thes o pills c ll'. an so th e II10maeh and 600 thnt thr.y 11'01'0 befJ ofi l m g 1110 and bowels, IIti muia te the Illdueya and 0110 wortllug I awuk o clI Ll ruly fl'co frolll live r and purify tho bl ood, Ttiey are pl\in, T h o dlstr oss aftor Oa ti ult ditlllp. the aamo fine laxa tl\,o tonio h'lll your pcaced all el iu three weoks I eoultl eai ... BJlything I wlln w ll nu l BUrrer DO ill CUD· grandparents usod, and belng purely v lIIe llCO. I IIlifO sl opt IIORllllly, I vegetable they aro adapted to ()hlldren tnkm~ sGvorn! b"x,'~ of til e pill" nDd hnve Bnd old people, a ll wC!U as tboBe In IIcd w olght from J20 to 1601 polWda the vigor of mnnhood and wDma nbood. cu~ perfllCltl,y '.yoU IIOW." Brandreth'B Pills hove b een III Ille Dr. ,VII II::ms Pin k P Ili!! oore ftlllilmia for t'lver a century and are lor BAle b(JOI\D ~1l MIt'Y nctu'llly nwllo lie", blood, / ev h 1I J.o'ur r horhmbiblU, i!ullgClltlnu, IlervOIl8 !lryw ere, p a n or 8ugar-coa tetL h eadlU'be'l alld f' lIlnlof wcnkll_ "TIle trouble with tbat tallraUft are ifanllold ordluary lOa IS tb at h'--' "'M\ltrad1litta, e .. ""'ueD.... .... ...
rname eNO
ill ~
~t~J IOSMOKE ~~s~ ~~
A Positive OURE "OR
OATARRH Ely's Cream Balm
II qulckl, aII&orbe,. GI.u RIII.I al f)noa. It uleansc8, IOOlb~, bcn1 ~ and protects th o diaenaed membrane. It oures Catarrb Illd drlTetl lIWlIT a Cold 1 n the Hend qnlokly, RlljIl.ore. the Bea leS of TIU!te ROIl 'Smell. Full size 60 etl, at Dmlfg iats or by mail, TrIal aize 10 eta. by IDIIlJ.:
BJ,r Broth.,.. 68 W_ Straet. Naw'lora.
, ..
POINT$ QN BUYING A HORSE. What to Hilve In Mind When Select: Ing a New Animal . T oo mnny p opl o buy hOl'ses wltb · Ollt 'on!!I,k l'l lI!( ilie PUrl'0so rur which th ey III" 10 bo IIsed. T h ' Y t h l il k n h ol'so III !l hol'~o t he w orl d rOllnd n n d th ut I he rt' Is hut 1I tt1 dllTel"(;n'o ex· ·('Pl. In size nn ,I w . h.:h l. Ex [. 1'1 II C.O . nud olJ~"''''tllI<'n II UR In " gh L me I hut th ' s lopo ur 010 ~ h oll l u(' r has nll'l' to do wllh th horsu's ablllLy tbuo d lsp'lSIl!oll or nlhl' l' J)olnt K. Th h r se wI( h lh sllOlI l tl I' ~lIch as
Where They Can . . Railld to Beal Advantage.
Unable- to Do Even Houllwork Be· caUIl of Kidney Trouble..
From the tll !'oreli cal st ulldllOln l sh u!!II ' can bo slIoc ossfully m l sed 111 oYt! ry SLul 'o r tho AI1l(\rh' an "'tim und 'KIH· Inlly III til Houth , A H a lIluLtel' of fact, howo ve r, Hht' p Iln rlllsod In flocks of thuusa nds IlrlnC'! Ilull y In h ~ s'm l·nl·ld s(ut II of t h ~ weSl. 'hllt' IIl OSt Of Lile ~ h p [I Iwp , In Ih o h llmld SHUl'S a re III 6111a 1l flncllB. Th w r iter of t ills WIIS (ulll Ing wit ha sh ·CII ran cher rrom the woxL ~\' bo m uch wan lOd to m u v" hi! Hht'(1P brl' dim: Clprrurlolls to th "ElIn, u y su uth ," B ll t Uft OI' In vc sUgllllotl h6 ( ·.lJ.Ul O (0 Lhe cO l1 clu ~ lo :l th atl h" pllllll H f th e wcs t w rB batt r adu pted l(I sh CII mialll);' I hu n Lho 80U h , o n ae· ('ollnt o( lhe smul!,er rul nfa ll, \Vhcro till' raJ n r,, 1I Is eonsl d craUle I ho tih" ' J! hove (0 b nrovlrl "d wtl h ~ h (' 1! r lIlIll 1001; d ufl or n)OI' nl'Mnliy ihun rl s," wher c. In tho WCS l 1111 ' " hec l' ('nn III til ·· yeur br allowed to SIUy 11l'OUl1d , In Iho 8111llnll' I' Lh e roln Is IIUt con stant ellou~h lu Injllr Ih plII, lind III Lh wln( I' Lb suow 1& not <I<' 11 enoug h (0 CO\ or t !J' graas o n wh Ich IIley ro(' d. 1'hl R glvlJs the ad vllu tage to , Ih o rn ll ~~'K, HO far IIR t h nli HI I1~ or 1111'~0 fI(lcllH (,f RllI"ell I s (·onc(' J' : I1mt IH, t 1)(' r" l sln l; u f shcpp by l:l O t IHI1/ ~lI nd ~. 11 111 III ~'(h I' [Jurt s or th cOlln try sh epp clln still he ral g d t o gr('at 11(1· VUlI I ugf' . rSlll'lJlall y In th o rougher ~l'c· llllu s of lhe cOllnlry. In II r ('('ut trIp Ihrou!;h :>I ' W I'; Ig la nd I nolle .d Ihu l In Illllch of LhaL (11l1llry he p:LSl llreS
MM!. ~fnrgf\ret E mmerich, of Cllnlon st roe t, :>Iulluleon, 0 ., says : "Fur fir, ·t el'n r aI's 1 waft a g roat stlttel't:'1' from J(lIl ney troublos, 1\l y b aok pul ned me t el" I'lhl),. Elv I'Y t tlrn or m ovo nusell !lhnrp ij h 00 tin ~ p nl ns. ~[)' ey slSIl l w as , p<lor. rl ark sputs 1l1'1.C'flr d bc' f ore m e, and J h ad <l izzy 51) ' lis, For t n l' t.ui'S I could not rio h Oll s w orl(, nnrl fur two }'oar !l tl ld no t go onl or the hllll ~e. 'l' h:l kld oey Bl'c' ret ions 11'1'1' 0 In gll lnl', an d daclol's W 1'0. not h Iplng III ' . D llnn's I<lllnl'Y P ifll! h l'l\1 l;ht m qu Ick r uller, ItIlII Oually c u,.,..,1 nlP. '1'1I"s s:l\'ed Ill)' IIf ,'." f;'l ld lo ya ll (\('al r~. r,o ccnt .. a box. F osL' r·:lllluurn Co., Bn('(:llo, ~, Y.
lUI\' tl
DII[e r cn t T y pes of H'!rses. shu wn III 10'1<;. 1, whl r h 15 !Ilmo!; t IIC" " I 'C'llIl k" 1111'. wil l b~ !lble to 1'1111 !l h 'uvy loud 1V111I11111 IIIJ" rln g h is shou lttp' ,·tl. Th' c(lliar will not WO ril PI' 1111.1 c hu lw h Im un(1 hlR HIH," ld 'I'S 11'11 1 Htllnd liP we ll IInll"'r hOH vy work. A hOI'se wlLh sho li id 'I'!! III, 1~l g . 2 11'111 s't' nd orlll · na rr 11'01'11 IIl1d drlv w II. bljj, II horse w ith v"ry Bl ol.lilg shollld erR 111(0 F ig. 3 Is suitab l e unl.,' ror u se as B saddle \I orse. flll h a Hhould r uSlla ll y goes wIth a short COllpllng unci wclI Rllrll ug r i bs, which are chum t I'laltc ot a sood slHldlor, SUY S I~"rm allll H om e. A hUl'se w tth \, pr~' Rlopl n!; 8holl l<l(·r s heavy d l'uW n!: co linI' 0 1'
U~tJ' ~ ') IIO
h Is ijllOUl dllrc
f,;ro wn u p to b r ush to such
xtl·nt thllt th ey n(.oW [Jrollllra I s:; grnss than th c), IIS('<I 10. l cOlil el no t h eir' Ihltl lclug hoI\' l1ll llllmbl y p,eHlllr II we r u tlllUp l ed til sh ep ·and h i \\' Iht: she' I' \\'lIlIld h11\'o k C'll l down th o Bhl'llhs and brll ~h . I ex p 'ct t o s e , Iho limr \\'h (\n Ihose h lll sill es, noll' ~ l'o\\' tn l' UII \() tl rho ... al grow(h~ , wIll lIa CUY n 'd wit h lIocllS ur !;rnzlng SIH)l 'l!. I tlo not eX[J!'c t t o sec she p ev r Inrgely on the forlll :l w h re the soil Is l1 I'lch prnll'l l oa tll [lull all cuI, Uvah l ' , s al'S II '\lTiI () r I tl F nl'lllOr s' ne· vi ew. ~1I(' h 111l1d 1M n(11)1t cd to m Ol'e 1111 ' nsh'e ftll'mlilfl t han Is IndIcat ed by I hu ~ r R7. ln g uf Rhecf). 11m tha wild wast's thai nre Im' I'('llsllll: III SO Ul e Ilal'IM Of I h ounll'Y ('all ho IIInd l\ InlU I'lch shcep IHl st 1l 1' ~ h y t he su w. In~ on lh ' m o r graS~(8 ollallLcd to shc II Iln SLUr . HORSE TALK.
Po i nts ' Worth RememberIng About M an 's Bet t Fri end.
Th. Story cf POltum Ceru.• In Word. . and Plctu .....
Tbe ~owth of the postum Cerflal ~ . Is like
a. f lllr y _tnle...hut It Is ever)' w ord of .It, "The D oo r l ; nbolted" Is tbe tltl e of a oharmlng lit tl e b oo klet Just I S8u etl by t lie GompoJ1Y w blch t li S. nnll II · IUstraLes. t ho etor y ot tb l ll r m llrk· able growth, I t t ake~ the r onll ",r trom Ihe little whtte barn In w hich th e bu sln S8 WDII IIlurLt'11 J:ln . I , 1806, through t ho pnlntlal otn(' (lS a nd grenL ra tory bulldln·s or t he I 'Whllo It)''' t hat compri se Poslull1v i llc. Ballie I' oek, r.1I ~h, . TI. little white barn , 80 careru lly prosc l'\'cd, Is a m ost Int ' r estlog build III '. for It I'eprcacnts (ho bumbl 1)· ginu llig or one o f Lh country' s great·. 5L DlrlDurnctl! rlng entt'l'prls s o f toc ay, on enLer(1rl se thnt ha s gro w n (r III thls lilt Ie b01.nt to 11 wh ol e city or foc t,)I' ~' uulld lll<;S wIthin hut IItUe mom th an t en y('ar8 , Al most ony one can be /I (lowe r ror No l ess Int r esLi u ~ Is til quaint or, Av ll- llIll Il takc's II lIl all amlJcg m en ·Orlnl h om of the I'nslulII Cerea l O. to be a ll ulI'cr for ~ood. 1'110 "",,n {' r al ofl\ c buil dIng ot Mr. P s t 111111 hill nssoci nLl's III 01. r (' pr dllc tlon of Dzafnes s Ca nnot Be Cured II Shnk rRppa r li n I ~ at Slr'aLronl , e~,,~7t~,~ r~~~::I~I~l lt~~/\ :~ . lb{l;I'~!It/!' II~nr;J~:~ ~:J ~~(\i'd~~ on.1\ I'on. and lipn n I h (' hO Il ~o ,and Its j';~ r.l f;:;~,f JI~e:'~~II!~I~tl (~; ~ Ll; ,t;'\'::I~~,I~ U~.I:tll~ l~ Ir:;," ~r I ~~I~; (u rnl 'hin~s h Ots bce n XII 11I1 · ll Yllst nr ilion y. I'm tl l th r oo ll1s aro 111III'UIII I. 11m: o r !tIC ..: ".. ",,'hll\ 1I Til lie. W tlf'u l1 101 H IIIll t u"~ h. Ie fj l'"II',l y , " ~ hM'C R rlllUhlln .. ""umt ltr It ,,· lII(lro Ilk Iho (\1'tlwing rOOI11!l of th o l li lt t "I:' IIt."rlu .: , !lu,1 whell!t , .. ehtl r !!I)' ,'II""J, 11,1 ~r , li t'"" III t he r.· . . utl,:tllil unl"...,' !!u lnUl\1Um~tl' J n ~at\ ttu or our m ultl·mlllle l :lll'e8 tltl'it' !1I111t Mill l til !! t ubo f l.' t u r4'll to tn IIn f lll ltol l' 'U11I , t han IIko offif'cs', t lu lI , 11 (> r l ln: Will h !.\ d,'oj l r'I\'j' ,1 ( .. r t!\ " ' r ~ " 1 1l~ (';loll' " ' I'lt ti t "'Il QC'U C: .ltJ "l'I! II}' j ' pt .. rth, "'hll' h I ~ lIolhtu K 'r IUit, Mr, P us t I as h II(,H'd thn r ' b u t IUll n lllln,·ld ,',,0.\1111'11 II( th·· IU1l(~ die "" rr .. \, C'~. Wt, \\ III ,: 1,,\ ( IU l' U 1III I l r-'~l t " 'll rl I If 11.11)' ('it'I ' li r Oll));bly In th hl l'il or ~Ivln~ to his [l "MUU'III.Jt 1"K \ Il"U' 1 Ily c" l tt1rr~ l t~1 It. ~nunut lie cu rud III ,I v\' s all rnc Iv nn,l h r nllh rul lJy i1 :.a lr ll Cal.H lli Coro, :--" ' 1,11",. ,'lh'lld+.l'!t , t r' .... ,.' , .J, l ' UI.. X ~ \. & tJu" 'l"uil!i..Iu, 0, w ork ~ ooms I s pro""11 n ot ani)' b y th II I h .... tint~I! I ' · fI , -;:,(' . 'l'alo. +.) ('"II'. } ' ~ llJl! , l· I. U r .I t c un tlNltlon , tl;pnl' ra l n!llce IlIIlId ln' r til e Company o.n,1 It!! fu rnlshlnr.s , b ut hy hl a r c· ''1 r.n"e yon r1 :;n~ yostl!rda:v," reo I nrt S flS "'I'll, and or nil or thl'so m ark 'II the (lhllal1lll rllp ll: ~f' llI a l (' , "and Lhlnr.1I 1I 11~ Ii an11flll 11 Ill! bnnklN t ,' l1~ 1 saw YOIl 1;0 l11tO nt' (,r 1I1 0S'~ l o w Iho lut I' sting 51uI'Y, 'It will be se nt " 1 9. mum : ' r l'pllr,l th e tu U oyon 0 11 r CII ucst. 8,ll o(1 n9," w<':!ry w",yfa!'C'r , "a rello w w l.l IIll'y 11 T he SI x L arge st L akes. dlm u nln·1. gol no cu ll til ~ II 11110 .I cm Si x 1(1)"'8 o[ marl' Ih:l0 ~O,OO squ ar e bl:;IHoue l1 011 s,"-PIlJ\atl ' lflb la Rec· mil s In arec x l st In the w or ld. The ord. ' osplan I s t ~ InrJ::l'st of Lbcs o. Ilnd BOY'S HEAD ONE SOLID SORE. Lalte Hu ron th sma ll 61.
I F lO
~~ECARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEf was worth its weight in gold to me, and I recommend it to
aIL women!'
At all .Druil81sts
Two H z ndfome Gawne Fo r Even Ing Wear.
Th e ruo ue~ of tlte pres :1 ; eeasc n , as Al e a ud In\'o,t5 It s w Ill er WI l li 0 ~ ug· , oown I() th o nlllllllllde, all",,,, of so g sli'w o f t·u'llI<'try. t hC' nOll IlR~ Hnne ,llllch Intllll'''' alHI admlJ or slIl:h S('opt' fUI'II1 III. Pa .. ls Ihu l 1I0lh 11 1' 10 11 for thp eXercl s of IlIulv ldlllll lUSIO and 1 "lIthl(!J;SI)' :l b(1l1~ h (·11. L;l1 fo l' lltn"tl'l y, ! nl;p uull~' , t!t al II 1M til· WOIllIIII of Ill' nv ragt' WOIllOln \;' no p:lfl"I! 11' 1111 imu gl nn LIo n, !t!1ll11eH!d b~' Iwo wl etlg .... , Ill<' \o' rl'lH'hwu III 11 ll' ;J 'Hl a I' l alo l ll l )' In I hlH l'e sp"C \. ali ll II. tak ·s h H so mo wl\o triumph s. . Alllto ll gh IL Is [lracti cally It crise o ( ti nH,' nUl l IlItU'h ) \"'ilt' f l;;C' :ll'dl l n ;:, (·1'0 "'IOOSI' as \'O U wl·l l. ('I'rUlln II nb renk· ~ ll l' cnn I'N'o nci l r' h(' .. ~elf IU :III unnc· ahll! rilles ;Il l;s t hp ubs ';"'0' 1. For ('x- ell ,I UlII,!'1 m(Jd('. lind Shlll( p of!' (hI' .115' alllpl<,. H()iC·rI'SlIl'C III1)'; !l1 \·os exhlh l t a tl'us l(1I1 ulllw.Io ' whi ch sill' Illyarlalll, cI Itl' , of ful u('ss 'II th e should!) I', a malllUtln s 10WIII'(1 " n 'IV' f:1. hlon. PI c· sq llare rr ct h"ln g II hI \'cd, wh en IIII'C hp(', rOI' In Bt.lIl ct.' , " e!1 luriIlS nut II Cl!SRu r r. h y m lIliS or n small res' In a wltlc· hril tllJ1r'd h at of unRLltTcnl' d Ill 's hnped 'll ud Inserlpd lle(\\'('('11 I IIC f ·It, Ih,· t;1~ IIf a 611111 11 II mbl'.'lIu. In lini ng un d t h mal ' rI a l III Lh' tUll n sort, r('alltY u n , Lh' 1',)Wn \\'1 ' at " I'OWU ihe orm . tleh currs a s ubtaln Oil n sort, c 1'('amy lOue. Ih dl' s bocll c lind blnU B's or tlA'h Iy \IT IILh 'd wi I h mom; t .. magnolin bins· hfLl'ac~er l>;tl o bl'llnZ ·rod Oitlll!;, nn d r nch 10 h lbo w ; In a d· ~"ItIS unrl (lli lo ll ll)ey b us n ntlnlber or dlmlu u· lea v es. (\111(' bil lio ns whl h 5C! rV e tho dua l 11111" It lij pssC'nt l:!\. fnr tile prop 'r ex· 1I1(\l till g 0 1' )I I' '\'n lcllt 51y l ~~. Lo be sl n · pns' lIr ti S an d OI· lI tlIllOI1L. ·kll·ts aJ' Ion!,; lind It ng(ntl; and II rjlif.'nl sun' y II!'I'. T n Iltl,. 'nel Ih t:' I;l fL)'111 81< rs h:tvp or lile ouLliI1 ' uf Iho r eallr WI" Il drl'Ss· 11 l'I~(' d 'om lJl nO l hlll!! of wov ell slll< \':hll'h an ' 1I1'l11 ly hOlll'll. aft I' Ih ' I'd woman poss ss d or 1 .1' IImal claIms to ('I<'~a ll " , Cllu Res Ih unlnl· IIWIIII I' of a .'tn)·, · \1 bOIl"s r!'a h l ng Un ted to wllIllle r W!t ()I·C. she bPSLOW~ w II 1111 [0 Iht' hll ~ t UII(I CfllI lI lt lllltg her pettll'ua ts {lllil Lo qu(' stl on wh l'l her to hpiuw :hro hll", 5 Ihut Ih(' :,(llly : h(' hns not tlnn away wllh th rn nllo· I", 'oll lllr(,s~l.'d Inln the l easL pr, sl lIle g th r lI S SUlltH'OUl/li S r.c eRSOl'1 S. C{l Il1 \lO~M, In our Inrg "r fo . hlo n IIlute nrc. As I w ri t Iho IIll('st l ou or IIllllln ~r y Is ex c" cl slntl; the f em l u lne IIIlnd to an Rhow n I Wo ~ I'\! nln g I;o\\'ns. til OIH' In nalC' ~ray v el\'e l , Ih(' Oti1l'I' In Hnf tla wonl d ex\I·rll. Dcs lllt' t it tlnd nhlbl beconlin g nc ~ s of 't he ca he- plnl' ~ a 111; ' llIbl'O l.l E' rcli lu r' Iraceil pelg ne" tlnd I h o hund au al tllO si de wI t h IJIlIIN t l! and plaIn 'hllfo ll tlo whic h ' lIrl~ t he h ut to t he desired a n· thei r uuty us trlll1lllln !;:
Hai r All Came Out- Und er Doc tor Three M ont hs and No B etter Cuti cura Works W onders . Mr. A , C, Dam n, propri etor ot n g en ral Bto r In A \'111'11 , Oklnll onl:l. tulls In the Callowlng !;ral Oflil I 't t er h ow Iltic llm cllr d h Is SO il of a L r· rlbl o CZ(, Ill :l "i\ly JIlL! bo y h nd ec· zt:' mn . HI s Ilea l1 was ono 80lld 6 r , all o\'cr hill sco lp ; hi s h alr all ca m o Ollt , nUll he sulT 'l'ctl VCI' Y n \l eh. I had a ph)'slclon trent h i m, 1.IlI L at tho end o r three m onths ho wOl a no b t· er . I r cm mber (\ that tho uLlcurn n medl 9 had cu red mo, anti llr ' I' givin g b l m t wo bo lIcs 'of Cuticura Re~o h' nt, nc('ol'dlll g to di rections, Dntl u sing utlcllrn oap allll int· . m ' nl on h i m d ully, his eez mn I ft him. hi s hai r grew again , nnd 11 0 h ft!) n vc r hn(1 n n ~' ec z ilia sInce. \\'0 u sc tll IIl1t' lIr a SOIlIl llnd Intment. nnll th c y · k eep onr sit In ~o rt nn d healtJ1y .' I ch c" r ull y r comm en d the nlicura Remedios ro r all rnse!! of ()C 7.Cmn. A. C. Dame: t, ~fa l" 30,
;)3 .50 & s3.00-Shoes DEST IN THE WORLD W.l.Oouglaa
Nat iona l Pure Food and Dr u gs Act. H. cHwdi~'1S ItwL'i \\,I~h the l't~q1l Ilt' lI lt'1\I~ ;I[ t ill' IWW J~, w.
T he Ourfi(·hl lli!o! ht"rit
'f alw
l~ Clrhd d
{til' c(j u ~l IJJUt lull.
W Ill Study Irish L anguage. T he etlucallon r'ommlllcc of h L on· don ounl Y COUll II II !1K II I d · cI to r ommen(1 to l he cnllndl tll tlt Cln ~8(fs ror 1·-· S ,;;;tIKl (h e studv of tho lri311 l atlt:un~(1 nnd Ill· rn tu r 'be nI' IIN I In Ih [mblle e1 e· III ntary se houl. or F'lu a\Jury. I sli ngton, St. Paucras 0 nu St lluey, HIg h Posi t ion f o r Admi r al. R ear A fJm lral Wllln rtl H , nrown~o n , ",ho h :ls Just tnlt n comman.1 o r t h e Ameri can naval fo rC08 In tb Ensl. wIll , Il Is nntl I's tood, soo n be r called t o I n k whnt hilS b,'com o to bo r('g ard· ed os t be most Important post In I ll e nnvy-n am (\ly, ch lor £I f Ih o bureD u o f n g,atioc . A lImlrul Urownllon WOUld , In th IIsu al courso. be pi a d on t.ho rNlret! list n ext year on accoun t of ol d nge, bul ow in g to h lR e.·coll en t phy slcul !lilt! m ontal cl)ndliion It III lin· d r Sl ood hI' will continue !It th o head or th na\·l gnLloli illiretlil at I !1s t duro tne; Lbe presen t odmlnlstratlon.
The littl e co l t sl)ollill hav e n reed tI\'l 0 a dllY or ouis, hm n and 011 III al - ;!· 2· 1-I)C'glnnlllg wIth a pIn t ancl Increasing to a QUllrt. mn nner as Is A cnl l red tn thIs way, an ti ):iven a s or th lIck . Th o r tl n III u Iinu ll oc k \'CI'Y ti ny. 11'111 never l\rO O~htlnl: l he hnl" un ' <HIlld f Ot and I SS u liless b y tllUrl s nrc blll n!; Ilcclol£' u l. On o or th es W euk footl wi ll Itlllk n w nk coltcut ti e , Il l! In l li ls w'n l( I /; 8 3nrl IIIl SUUtH[ jolnls, or III Ihocl I s I he A~ soo n ns th e .grn~s Is fro st ·hllt n , Ill , In I h Is slway· 1905." w ean the (:011 If I t Is (lId enoug h. lInll usell. lind 10 It Is gly It Ih o gm ln rnLion and S cO II·d· o r~ ulc, to llIake the A BRIDGE· OF II' ''HOGANV. growth clov r 01' nlfnlfa. I r t oo yuung sp rny ln/( In r pro· H" 'C' tho mol' 1'1 Il'Y or ll11tl'itl oliS e mIxed Wl l h wule r Valuablo Wood Used In Me xIca n Struc, hl! hnrm less I II tho sk in or rood . n nd elve lh m a r oomy hoX' stall ture for Pedest rians and TCOlml. aL nigh t. jU1I1 to cost: n l y nllonL fu u r Mau)' COl tR nre give n ugly Lem ll 1'5 Th e COSL of c!1 1'[ll ng h Nld As m al wgany Is n m o n ~ th e m ost by eruel aui!·careloMs cllrryJn g. mnro: l 'tll (h e cost o r t h a costly w oods In I he worl I , I t m ny h e 1'0 ij r al 'h u nll lIu l't n olt or horse !Jlllnt I ~ cClIlsl d rub le. Th Is Infcl're d t hat tl1ls troplcnl moterl al IlIlm or I he III n l but pl'actl cc wil l ClIuse h im l o ha t the oneratlo n Is not vcry extenslvol y empl o),o(l In alld th o OIl rutor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 81}ru~' lng nnd b lIl!ve In I t. The th ('ou st r ucllon or buildIn gs, ,tc, A L ook at your cUI'I'),comb. Thoy aro Ih t hold to Lhe tllll ll illg- D S Ih e brl dg con sLl'uc t ed oC SOlid mnhogon y OrlNI Instrumenl s or torl\lI'e, m oM elf ell ' III a n ~ BLal t heIr si de Is c er t n \nly u rarity, a curIosity. 'f nch Ut boy s t o use I t gcutly a nd of flhe I1rg ll1l1 0,t t hll s: T h ere I s on , cl aimed (0 be th e on l y k crp I t III ord or . SIII'nyllll; I'equll' s Oye times aJI FashIon hll II creed Ihn t vel\' t sh all one In th e world, built or th at m ate· Goo d groomin g shoultl b dono TT)lI ch lime as does dippIng . On R be wom and m a ny nI (h e ulIl·l)f·r111.I1·s rlul. T hIs struNur Is l oca '[j In t h o vel'Y dny 10 ke 11 ' l he [lor S Ol lon. til sm nll f arm sprny lllg m ay he the " os ttlm s will Ill' milt I o f thi s llIat r· departm eot r Pnlcnque, :; .8Lo of hI· ~ k l n Jl enlt h y, And t il hall: silky. of[ cheaper, bul on a lal'S ran ch \'ih. r(' n 101. In fn ct , n more t:omfol'l:lbl fo ,I, R[laS, r public of i\lrxl cn. 1'hls d Is· " rl l r Is very wa rm u nd Is a non·co n· tho usnu d ' Cull Ie must 11 lI'ea t ed, th Ing 01' 1'0IllfOI·[ublr. iooltlng clot h co uld trlct li es III tho P.X I I· me sO llLh\\, ('~ 1 I' n dll t or of heot. llArL o r M ex Ico, n car Lbo bou oolury lIn o malleI' (lr U IIW Is R IrreR t nn o. It reo nO I he fOlln ol . :\: '/ I' I nve n reekI ng m C?ss nr wet quIres 118 long to spray 20,0 ('.ntli e as of Guat cmala, sL r a w nlHl munul'\) under th e horses I n malt er uf coats 1: 0 I lI rl'c'qtlnl'lcr!; T he mahognn y. hr l dge I r. ('on s r ue t· I t w ould r~ql1lr t o d i ll n t hollsund , It r uin s t h er ,lJlall h nnd c yes. ancl Is n lengLh so' m: (0 be "' al In vn~tl c , Rn d cd en tirely of thu t vul uabl e wo od. ))11)JIl ng destroys tho tl oli3 mu ch mure dlsg l'U c · t o nny hOI'se owu cl',- F(l I'IU all nrc collarl ('S5 , :lIth llI!:h t il ls lI tI '5' oxce pt 80m I r on 9ra es and nails t hnt etfeoLl vely than cloes spmrlnJ::. For t i on , 90 1 11 11 ~ In ab )'11 III co, Is IwlnA" .lou r n al. Ilro n ecessa r y. 'I'Ile bri dge sjlfl.n (l th e thIs r 'IlHOn t he dippin g n rrangpm ent ml!ltHI In t he fasl1J,u cen te rs of Purls Rio M lohol nnd Its total J(m ));t ll . In · has di spl aced t he spl'lIylng (Ipparatus RACK FOR HAY AND GRAIN. and LondoD. Afle l' hn\'ln~ hail n llr clud lng appr oa ch es, ~ceed~ 1 GO reet. on nearl y all (lultle ra nch '5 Ihnt cu r ry oals nnd l oa k s l'nllarllls8 now for a whil e th e width Is 15 r pel. It I s uSl'd large numb 1'8 or cattle, ~ged How a ServIceable One Can Be Mada guor! nlll1ll/!'r nr Yl'urs , m'PII In th o by b oth t eams and p'r\(ls t r lans and, of PIne. delll h of wlnt!' r , I hos occurred 10 t hough somew h at rude anol prlmlLlI' o como of ' the big furr[a rs In Parl H 10 LIVESTOCK NOTES. III cODs t r ucL lon , I t Is \,cry substantial. A sh eop trongh sh olliit be m ad e of rRI ~ t he qu estion or I he wlsdolll or X o ne of thp .tlmb ors' of t bo n oor lng such n rn shlon and w hel h!'r U wnuld wcr e sowed, r o r 10 tbat r oglon the r e The best medIcIne yon ca n give n lilne. 1'h on e 6ho \\'1\ m uk,'s t h !n O t si ck hog Is t o slO p fCl'IlIng t III h e compl et e r llck and tl'Ollg h I ha ve ever n OI b well 10 ro \'I \' !' Ih h l~h M r\l els are no saw mills, but w ere l )e\\' n anll Cllllnl' nnce m oro, P('~'SUllil ll y, I shoul d ahows ~om sl :,'1lS lhal be w au t s SODle· split. h all t he r eturn nf thC' :l1 (,llIl' ls or ~tPl'1J'I thing to Cllt. In thllt section of olll ~ ! ex l c o tllor e rolla r to our fur I!:lI rm :nt s with Jo y , nre so ve ral vory Inrse ru blH!r [)Iaotn., for 'rh e elld In vI eW In I(e~ [lln' sit ell 1I 0t only did It pr o te t the back f(l.l' ex terior and interi or work t8 profit, ond Ihe qurs t lon I s ho w bes t lions, and r.ul h ugany t r ('cs n r e Qui te or t he IlCad tlnd n ck .' whIch Is n n A. L . O. Point con ta in", nnty the be l'lt !nate ' • 1.0 conduct tho bu sin ess t o ob Luln a comm,on , In cl e:ul ng away t he tro ll' a l:J , t\-.. Ic:ctt·11 "'hh Iii..: crt~ I ClO: • rIC 'UlJ t1aa,,!y o C [h e m ost sen s lll\'e porqullS o r Lh e l en l rores ts f or selling out tht' yll ll ng ·JlI' on~ ( 1'001 l he Sr o w ln e of w ool or curnbiucd in pr per I.ropul uons with I",mao Crulll . :I IHI the one m aRL n co ru bber trees fh e maho~aoy /,'rowtlts Illuttu n, II n r c nl s') cut · dow n and r em on· d. As cess iblo lu n eul'Ol l.<;ia , b lll nJi.'o , !':t; ). tb e bos t aulm als In lI\e m ust frll med I he fuc In I he mos l hc wltch · th Is w coot Is quite "l blln dnnt, ~ m e or econ omical manner and 80 bree dlug Ing fa shlnn. H u t IhC' 1111',.., 100"a or !t was II sed In bi,lIdlng Lhe brldge.and m anl pulallng Ule 1I0cl; and t ile r edyal h as rai sed shrlck s of op· Amerl~ an Inventor , . Good Sheep Rack. fleece as t o sec ure th e Ilost prI ce for positio n fr om IlInny (air r UI'Is h1nn es, whot 18 sen t to m'arl; aL used. Grain and r eed are both pul wh o declare t hat t h e h l Sh coll ar 1'1 lin· NEW YEAR ' S CALLS. To kn ow b ow to caro f or ' sh eep so In from toP . The bottom I s as wi de r l l's t he h all', Ih olt" h why . It sh ou ld 8S to mnko th em grow the largest AS the top . Th er e Is non o .l os l, ns Lhe do so. whell th e htl " Is Inva riab ly /It. New Orink to RerlOlce the Old·Tlme I..~d lu Ol'l f own' t:mk~ nntil clt3 t "nct pme I I anti fin est ft eeces and th e most vlg· bott om haa a two·lnch . sltle 1'1~~e . ·QtJer.' ' l'IlI.'I IS lnlt "Ile I, l Ihe IlIlpwUu t pro. W01'I1 draw n II [l to U1C lClJl or thc Illlud, "Apple,.lack," CCS.!CI in t il\! HI.J l1 uf;'\chlre of uur I'.all lh, hu t it orous lambs I s th e m os t Important nailed to , It. The slo.( s I\ llt g h~ nil II th _ ~l ed l (: l s co !ar Is al wnys lit , H lu i t t"3l r1 the C;"1: r wrt"htd t h rnuu t In the 11111klflg ~f tl lc hi,lZ.hl!st q\'~B:y Jlronuc l.! (.f O\lr part of flock lll.anngem nt. c enter piece alternatel y l ea ye 11<, An Elegant Street Costume. to stunt! out &1 th e, lOp :t~1l1 I avu ti le Twenty.OYe y ears n go the cURto wof "¥I', f k ~ , lI ud which (.Os t a o more Iho..a. Inhea d fr t:, Is (lIfflcu ll LO e"pl nfn l og· mnl\in g Ne w Y oar' s calls " ' liS (l. deAs rar 8S can be don e, th e flock nlnca for anythin g to cl og.-Cha rle s fcrJor poln tl. A. L . O. "alot I. f.'ound lhlll powerilll OItli. should be sol ect ed Md ollilod so tbat Edminster. Lewis COllnty. Mo, Ther e Is os mu ch Yarlet y In the I call y, I'; ,'C' T)' r('v l\'al . or . IUllovRltO:J, lightful on e f o r \I II concerned. uotll 01 sped .. t COIl'l lnll.. l illn whid l enillru f' tJrc r there will be but on e g rad e of -«-001st yl es ror til e str et costume Ilil .ror h owever, Ig Ilcarl y al wnyg ~reotc d some of th e boys go'. more" gg' lIog" :a si llu l..\ti ..m , 1t1(1 L:rn tl inl; If IRc lhe, of a : JU fli . de5, ::t.nd prHdu(CI a IJa UIl unt:Qu., I('d ill I.:u\-c r· well.treatod fteece-as no muller how Market Grade Known AI Stagl. th'~se ro r Indoors, lind Lhe wllor mnde \v \lh sh rld. of p rot SL by Ont' ~ec tl o n or "opple,jack " tban tltey c ould suc· i ng lJO¥o c:r. d Ul illIil ity. J1ncnc~. 01 textu re iltul meritorious each mny be, the liest Stng s are hogs that at ono lim\! 8ults are Ie onythln g di splay in g mur e or au olh er or the t n cOlllmun· cessfully ca r ry. b .. au lY of rmhh . prices cannot bo r eollz o(\. A, L, O. Point I. Ih. 10<31 po lDI for . 11 JIIl r. Th cn tbo l ad les trl c d to b o c h ~ rlt· w er e hoars beyond Lh e pi g stago and ~llsLe nnd elega nce tb an ev ,. bofore, Ity. p*s it is (lo"l'"flblt to lH I ~uCC. 1:::\·C,.)' r(j p able and thc gentlem en tri ed t o be Don't \\'ant your horses to hayo the have been suhsoQuontly castrul d. a flU atom is 1'1..111: . It is t he me, t ecol\4"Unic.a i p.titu IHade. ' ViII l!ll t io nacr. loo k be tt e r:a.nd all cblynlroU3 lUI ever anll st and up at heaves? No, 0( ' course not. Then Thoy sell wllh a docka~e ot 80 pounds. Co fa r1hc r 11\:11\ all)' olhe r I>.lint . . ' stoll feedIng tbem dusty hay, If you ,It they Ve ot good quality aod can· tho same time. hIg h. lind w ith ten w l",doll' '; or m o re Slunder Tactfully Covered. ~~~koul:~~I~!~ r ~'~h~~~~gn~inJr~ O ~~~:~r; If anyo n e thinks tlt e.r e bas no t been must use It, sprlnille I( 11'011 with dltlon' and do not abow too mucb An editor wn s IIral sln:; L ord ~ o rth· on ellch stor y fron Li Tig th l! sLr ee l. , h lfurmathin ;a nd chan tlf iUbcilutfiul ~hildelJ considerable Impl'oYem ent m llde In th a water. w.lth a little salt ndded MW and stagglness. thoy ' go In wl(h Ihe var l · t!lc: " A s :-.I ol'Lh c l!lT'~ waR gelling (I II n=q tJcst. .... ')r u h: by 1- atdW'.rt ilnd j )111 0 1 'o us grades of packing h ')gH, Wheo cllrt'e. the young ond ramo us newi' out o f hI s motor <::11' o'ne d ay (I II t lle last quarter of n c eutury ·I n the u se D alers t \·e ryw h: ~. . tholl. of a1covhlle b everagc s. l et him stop tbey are cnarse an(stagf,y In alll.ellr· papo .. proprietor of Eugl;utd, ar u i r hIs Ilcc",;sl on Ln Ih e 'I,e ' nt)';O .~o 011 Paint ~ Varnish Co. anee lbey nro sold In th& sante C!tIS'S " Lord NorthclIlTe," he said. " began Lortl R osoh 1'1' w as al so g I tl ng out to con sid er . among olhe·r tllln gs, Lhe Don't Let Sheep Catch Cold, Bo& 103. JQffal•• If. 1'. fact t1tat th e old custom of N 'w Y \,or 's with boars. The Intermediary g l'ad es lire as a re(JOrtel·. At 2~ h e was rush· Catarrb Is Orten contracted In tbe of hi s, Th e tW;1 nob lilm (!Il sholll, hands calls and the t;enleel ti pplln g I s nearly ' sell ror I)rlces ranging betweon these fall · of the year t hrollgh expORure to Ing to corner·slOne lay Ins aod l ectures nnd Lord Roqe llery said: . storms. After the sheep take cold extremes, dependent upon their troe· and wh itt not for Ii London Journal at " ' Ho w do y OIl like, t be . houso of obso l ete, The custom or calling on on e's dom (rom stagglne88 and tbelr qual' Beveral limes tbe affection becomes a salary ot '$15 a week, lord s?' friends, however. a t the b eginni ng of cbronlc nnd cafarrh sets In. Colds Ity and condlUoll,-lllInoll EXileI'I fta.M;;;;r,;ilPoaltlft'Y cured b, " 'Like I t?' exclai med (lie (,cttVI! the now year. Is a good nallit. and nn· "Then h e started 'nswer s, a IItlie these LUtlo pm •• ment., Station. ·are often br.ought on by 8trOng, cold 'I f ee l ( her e as o ther good habit to stnrt at th nt lime 2·cenl weekly. It succeed d. He Lo r d Northcll'lTo, Tiley 0liI0 relle;re DfS. drafts In damp quarters. often the reo thou gh I w er II a (1 lind IHI rl '1d all ve.' started other weeklies-Home, Sweel (,"O:u DyspepsIA, In· Is tho use · Of weil· mode Postum In· Had No Hog to 8011. suIt ot Improper ventilation. Remove dl!;Ol!llon ned Too n~~ l-tome and l"or l!jet M e N ot llnd H earts· "He 110U3 .1 n ntl, notI n ;; th ., l oull of stead or cotrce or s)llritsl The SUPllly ' of pork was getting 10" the Q8use, It possible, and guard Entin!:. .\ perfect rem· ells&-and Lhey all Bu cce ded . He d l sco mfit llre 011 Lord Ii:oal!he r y's fu c,e, A. Staten l sl anll, d octor has n sen· DluJncss. NIWl!COo agalD,Bt] It In the futUre, Smear tbe at R grocery hi a Mnlne town. and word startncl the Dally Mall Ilnd Qon h o added quic kly: IIlble daughter who ba9 set Postum Dro''TSI!:lelII, Jla4 T:IsID nOIe or the affocted anl~al wltb tar. WlUl Indirectly received that .. c e~ta ln was making 'a million a yoar out of .. ' And lu Lh l and 01' t hc hi ssed.''' boforo ber gue sts as 1\ good thing to 1IOtllll. Col t.e4 fanller living somo miles dlst""" In tb e that. drink I\t Yule T id e. Ilnd a good way PaIn III tlIo "Ido. countr~ had a nog to sell. A llln'l wa~ 8e C.reflll, _ _ .JTllJlII'ID UV1m. TIll!.? "ThIs youn!; man on holll!!; elpvuLed to begIn till:! New Year. . lIer father H ie Stronll I;>olnt. sent out, says II writer In tbe Lewis Be careful how )'OU handle dynaroguIate tIIo Bcnrels. 1'UrcIr Vegetabls. t.o tbe, peora!Xe found the sleel)Y at mn&w'rltes: A IIttlc ho)" was on b ls ItoeeB reton Journal. to ma·k e the ll'ur<;1iase. mite or any of I~ compounds when "My dau ghter and bavo tl se,' He found the farm. and bls r&lo phere of th hou!!e of lords very d I rt'er- cp.nUy ut II I hL und aunLi e, st ay ing. al ~ICE. blowing out ,I.umill. l .t Is a most ont trom tho llusUlng' atmosllhcl'e or th e hOll se. w as prell n l. " I t Is 11 p l eas· Postum t or BtlIllO tlmo p ast. anti wo brotoght tbe farmer to tho dOQr, dangerous wa)' of getllng rId of the onIces of his Innnlltt!( Hhle' w eek· f OCi sllre It contains· wholesome food· u rC'," Rh(' s:I \(1 t f) h Im M tc1'\\'l\n l, "to "I hear you have a hOJ to Bell," h .. Genuine Must Bear ltumpa. Jf )'ou use It at all have lies aud nlonlhllea ud dalllo.. hear you snylng y our pra} (, I'S so welL material. Fac-Simile Signaturo _ lOin. one wltb )'Ou, wbo understand. bepn. brlaklY. "1 eball not only ' recommentl It to " H e lives In Berkeley squaro. In ft \"o u sllenl; 110 and 8l'rluusly ITTl! ~ "'Veil. up," repJled the 'all,.el', de 'tIIe ... tile esploalve. 11 a fUICI aVER J::.---" vel')' taU and ' .Iegun~ house of pBle flnd m on wbat you 8.y and caro my patlents. but m), daugbtEr will be PILL&. ~ . 01It, walt a daT or ~"o Uberately. ''1 ea,,'t Bay that. 1 have a most plP'llled to g!.ye a demonltr.tlon sto ne aDol two or 'three doors distant flbout II." ··Ah!" l1e " :111. bOS' ry. had It 11 Jeal'l; anel .. 10DII I. th• of to onr New , REFUSE . but. aUQUe, you bear ~ • ..,. III. • trem8ll· alaGl, 1 may .. wnll tbe earl of
Clothes for Out-of.Doors Wear
DuHalo Unseed 011
Stand Every Test
Linseed Oil
tn r w t' f :f w h o bave .....
\h'd l u C" lI:U':\ Ilurin •
Ihe 1>3 ... t f,,· \__ Yl!3 T " tf'.l~
I,Y .... I h ~ fact th a t Ceo . . d(\ I,,: bc:vu1I cf que.tier' IrC:Qt ~lt farniing IGll C1 In tbe world.
· O
'h umln g W omeD. RII: L BIITATIC Tit .. FIIIlt Bow talou1'8 "'......'~..... Notoblbg lond8 more to p61'110nal Herbert E . orr un to J.ovl Laoy .ITo enjoy, ,freedom from Safe chllrm tbun a dl!ar r osy t1kln a nd \ blatu." writes Jolin Kemp, JCalt I bo t t ruot In 8eotlon No H, l!lOO. 0'iI6&ld. Me. , "I IIpply Buoklen'. D a ~.... ID84Io1De f~ n oth ing i", so su re to freo t ho k iD Williltm E. o mpto n to Isadora ArnlOllo &lve. bave also used it tor ohtldl"8ll, Deftl 1Mi . frald to '*7 h'uln tll otb RPOtS, sllllownollH Iln d Jj;l( p ll rt tl H Ull" I ul CUUDt y 'om " ChamberlaiD' Ooatb Remedy. tho fl 1Tl'ctS of chronic constlpat.iun \\" Irll • . 77 II ret! In Mol' Ie to\1l nshi p, 8alt rheam with excellent results. There is no d~n . .r ' rom It, IDd n . thl' Ouinry Luxnkola toni tA b- ml"'"lufJ(l I'lO uf \\'lf r l'en 'lI ll,n ty, Ollio :jr i:iOO. G uarn.nteed t'o oure fevor 80ru8, in- \lef Ie alwaYI l ore' ! UUbW, U II t o t.h r ('mnlnon 1"11111. l1oU1't uf IIl1ld I d, ~, 25 cent . •1. Ji. . J Anney . M~;rtle r.. P a r r t t, /l Oll L. A. Parr. d elent ulcera, piles, burna. woundS, intended eepeolaU, fbr OOQIb. CO\l II'r j;'(lr ITlIlI ' for of fuc t1 'f Ill' I frOo\lt bites and s kin diselllJes. 250 nt· oolus oronp and wh uuplDI oll,b ' Imd ther e I~ no hettur III I\lohi I ~ kin De p, "t ll ~ II I 'hll'lI .I' I If'llllr ltl1t'nl h tlv ng I I t-o .1 . L . ~n ',JIll, 0$. ·10 a t·r ee' n F . C. Sohwartll drull store . the worl d for \bflllil til ... , It Is 11l \'l~ ry OUO who wnnt'" 11 good nl1)1 '1'I iun ~11 t., Un; . {,Oln t,v ,' I 7(1.1. f,·1 • V il e town ~hip, Try h Pair ~lJld Get Acquainted witM,them . bcnlth v col n1', RIl , \ .~ olear s kin free fa " il.II',·,, \, \.lIl ,·ulld.. III 1'"1111, I iUII .\tr~ R. D . ' rllm !:'r to Trll ~teell of The R ig ht Nnme, not ouly Il oortaln oure fOr oroup: fr om hil io l1 l1 n o~~, ~J\lg ~ish II v r Llud Mr. Au gust Sbal'pe, th e populur but, when, gh en III loon as tbe .l r n . . A. M. Lod go 0 2!l 5 of th II l ilt' '\l lI nt \, I \' y 11 lIJli lRI' c1!rollio (1n n ~ t, ipAfi n' sh onln ~ t, Il l' I"" ~nllt Plllill , lot ill PI " tion~ Plain overs oer of the I)Oo r . lit For t MOIl!- croupy couah appellr8, wl11 prevent pn kuge of Dtd nl. J.llxu k"ln t-olli RlD " 'I'\! OIH 1I'!'I'oI' 1"' l flg 1l " t\lI nj!. I n " UI ''>. 7' , N w dthe attaok. Whooping . sOQ , J a., say e: liD r. 1L~lD g s h til coug h III not trlbl t,,.. l1ntnru :s W ot r lls tol·OI'. •r. t h ,' l " 11I1' ,\' IIIII! S tilI .. HOlld 11l1, .. , ' l ll l... 110 \Y It''~!5 t n kttll M. MIl- Life Pills LIre ri gh tly nomeu i t,lley an ge rous VI' en I 8 remedy i8 Riv. , E. ,lunney , pr " 1 llI t'rH fll nrl l 'll rllli ~~ l l\ 11 I II II . kl'(\ LlOt more a gr eeably •. d o m ore good e n all directed. It;oontains no opium iN', lur ill MIlt\O n " and make one feel better tbon any o! , other harmful' drugll. aDd maybl! to Il'lI n ~l'r r ~lI iti ~ 11lI' t., a irl fnn ,1 . It'~ CIllLrmiDg .If' nni .. R . Ho,¥nolu,; to M. L. and other IUXlltive." G uurallteed to given as oonfidently t-Q a baby 81 to t 0 p o "ell ' I II ,. • ~ yo . ., . . . . . . . . , . - , . , ~,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,,.,~ ueu It"uY~ I! I0\,,' Ing COlli · .fro 'u (Iw ('''Il nl .l' Fuml. Pr O~IJ(· \l I · )lll l' ''' Lt . I:i l tlTi ~, lo t in L hll u on ~1 . c ure IJill!ousnes s and oon stipatlon . n.n adult. For s ale by J . E . Jann ey ' ple:l: io ll . Uldnty I~ A XA KOLA T N - mg 1\11 11 1'1'(' .1' 111110"10:" ~" . YI 11 11!! 1~ "11 UI"ri~. M'lbc l Wellillgton nnd 2lic 6 S F . C. Sohwartz dng,s'ore. I ' 'l'A BL ET,' ob H.t,e rnt e a ll orllp-' br iD C! ~ th l" ~Il lt for I h" I:O rn n~ i 8~ion , I, '(" . Lu ke nI' to Min nie J. Satterth. . titr us o f til sldQ. b y th eir mild . \jut f lO . IN .................. ~ 1.1 0It, 'l'e tnl . 'I U !Joe on t II " huOwe l . 'L'r\' . _. Eu w'Lrd lSlIhl otlllllll VB 8 nr y . " " ', dlt', 110 Ilor CS in militll r y . . tb om Inll n' ,11,,1 I", ""II \'i nc " I. I'··) r:. I' ll ') 411& ;Ill , ,. lu! m 'lD . Fl'odorh i nit f:l hlot JUll n IInel . , 'l" "" . . .. Eva J on s ,e ivod t ho 1'1111 ""eof ~bed a th of b er A\1n t. MI~8 Clara Keenlln a' Quincy, 111 '11, Mon1 t' ~ , ha t le!l \Y . De Bourd , of Morr.w, . . . afternoon December :n , I IJ O(l . ~ rI'A J.>\0.1 nl \ t rn oy f V. r p lni n tiffD. YB The U uited to J ennette Noolly. of l\lorrow. Silk Petticoats: One special for $5 that cannot be I..J 1 Mu r. y \, ilao )In. E~ta, of Xenia , spent. (f yo u wnnt the vc r y heA t E 'rB AL ~,fE I~ Pllbli bing 'olllIJll n y, II, corpo rl)tio n T .. uke P ea sleo Beeoh . of Norwood , excelled. e vening and Su nda y wi Ll! 1\ l U ~ " lim1 r tho lIlw a of bio, APpo1I1 by I Cll rrie E ffie Wood, of Frllnklin . Eatllbl n, ~u on th ,n n':lr < k ,nt, a,,' d _ , Mrs . E UR Rttcle r . want to be su re of fa ir pri cA;II II IJ~: A I .I·~ R IN dufen dlln t, f rllm j udgo mont of th e Ed wa rd R. Cook, of F ranklin, to .,.,;orwln. . ' ~a-th en leI us !;erv(' yo u durCO llrt of Ge orgo W. Ca r ey , ,Jostloe Mngllie Downey, of Klu gs Mills. '"g .I ohn W . Reov s, of prin/! Vu lh,y Ldat Wedn06da y Rev . au u Mrs . Wl! were for l una te in purchasing Underwear to retail at old J. F . Oadwillade r attended t h T I' meeting of t h e Lebanon ~'tl nner 'II Gay uor f or d efendant , ley . price <lh. _ )leld ILt the home at J . M , Earn · For this week we have clln be cnlled Itt nil hours, d lty 01 Franois B . P less, of Be nford, In . Fre ~ 11 Balt imore OY!lt ers n igh t. Cbris t opb er F I'y" to Jllmes Bur- lliuua, nnd EIIIl s tu amoun t, of Mor1",. t ' and family, Dear Lebanon . to 11.1. P lain 1,lft' Is given lell ve 0 i-u-. anel Mrlt. 'lay ton ' Fo~ter hud olid Mea ure- No Water a chos ILOd oh ldrs s uppllod . to Ille IIDlo nrlme nt t.o petition fo rth- r 'i~ f US Dflike, of WIlyn cll\'ille, and (J ., pleal!nre of baving 118 their Now Fres h C.e l ~ry fill YO r ecen mo ved to rO(lm with . Lulu Allen,,of Way n osvill e. tear 4a1' Ruee"', M, r . J oshullo F os ter Cr a nbe rries next t o e r o"s Bros . and family, and Mr. Ells wortll Fos Florida and California MAIN STREE T. W AY NESV ILLU I') RT !'fIO I£EDlNOS. Oranges. ter and ramily, of Frunkli ll , Tonn ' . \ W m . J . A ll en V8 Allnio J , W11k.
It ,
eold · fZ~~t
- --
--,,..---- -
*J .
~ $ liMMER MA NS ~~J'" ~:"~;:;"I
$ $
.Il I GI!'I'
N . Ii. Anthony is s uft'e rin g fron;
U'n l I) E" I) '['AITE \.. $ $
T. ~~:~,~,~: ~:(,~r~:::H::::: ,,~,:::: !:~~~!:,:~:;!~,::~o'
I n07
'COTTON and WOOL Advanced',
~p::n~~~ !a~~~£e ~!r~:~ p~~~e' IJ~~i'n~i'lrEI~z:~tbpl~:l'i~~ t~r~ u~~v~~~el:y~~d~fO~P~~~V~:~:
2 5c to 50c. Ladies $1.00 Suits :50 Suits Misses
$, $
$ Thousands Have Kidney
Young men Wanted.
erson et nl, Il le llpproved nnd conllrtu ed. P llrubn 0 m oney order $1.00 buys nice qUality. "~"'r Fir em en Rnd Brakemen ., E'" . Chrt.'m.a eve In Itttem ptin ~' to ed paid in clI sh , DI!!trllJUtion ot jJ rltlll<' e unnoossar y. Ov er GOO pu. a door d 1he top of II. 11igb t of How To Fla4 Out. . proceeds made. i itlOl' !< open a t t ile pre!len t time. h ll a poUle or common gloss wltll youl CI'ft' R d f ..., .... his h lmd slipped fr m the a hbage-Onions watcr and l~t it slum) t\veJlty-four hours; I ee , ndrnini lltra t or 0 11i ~ I' WI\~8S. Ra.jlld pr m otion to JtflOb, be ledl, bll bliltl.nce .md a sediment or et- estate of J . (;. REled, decea sed , plni n- 8 1\1(' "e I'I! nnd Uonducto rs. li!"'[i t o These are , growing in, favor each season. fdl to tile b o t tom' of the I:l tltirs N ew York Buckwheat t1i llginliicatesan t iff vs Be ll e Sun:IUler s et aI, defend· fo'!OO )Ie I' mon t h , In struotion s h.V fI ' !llll t y ou r home wi th ou t lu ter ullhea!tby con ..,ramiDg bis deht hand. brlllsln g Prunell-Peaches-Apricots dition of the kiu- nn t,s. On Ilppli()lltion of plltintift' " I' ptl J II wi t h present occuI'Mio " Tap~stry $12 75 $15 00 Velvet $3000 the top of hie head and other wise neys ; if it s1:"i!Js P . !::in vuge is II11Pointed guanlinn ILd I\" e tts,.ls t eaoh studen t in Be ourl n ~ lh dy Sru88el8 $25 00 $35 00 Ingrain • 8 flO r Injlnrln. himself . Te lephon e us your orders ),O!1 li ne uf " ~' Il~ litem fo r m inor d el e ndlln ts . I pOSI tio n Don't elelu y. W rite t J , LICe $ 3 00 CVId ellce 0 ItI C h luy rilr tree catalog ue, in ~ tr\lot. i o 'rl i8 DO abort cut t.o f or t une. we ave the goods. lIey trouble ; t('_ lii:~ tnte of T h ow a !:! J ones, decelll:led r n1la pl,1I 0ation blank . freg uentit or d C3irc c ' X-th a? d tl 01\ I nOCOUD t f or se't t l e II&TiDg ill tbe only sure Happy New Year to all . to pass pain ",I ar~ , J A'fJUj\ AL RAILWA Y 'I'R AINAu aoooun. in onr lIa." ings -in the back is ment illed b y Ubnrl es ,Jo nes lIud '. li !:lC FlOOL, Ino., Boston Bl OCk, ',l lllnen p olis, Minn. U, 15, A. ilk Chiffon newest all prices, silk 37 wl1l be6 Inrer r eliance nlso condu ci ng proof Hlllt lIle kid.D.<:Yf F. ti. W y li e, execu tor s . nnd blallJer are out To of order. E st ate of W 11li1 ' !m C: " Dlt Dl Br s, d e· Deed ..han any g h tte rID I) 'Wbat Do. can offer., Your ,pat ronThere .: comfor t ill the kn owl;~/[ !;l' cel\8ed. .l obn anu co t t Ditmars O unl'ante d R em euy fo r Indigestion i t d ' Ith b I In terestl' n g" Utntew en t by J E . often e"pres.~ed . that Dr. Kll mt!r's OF QUR' E ~ Swamp.Hoet , the grcat kidney remcd)', ap po n e execut,ors w OD! 0 , '" , . Tn CI'l'l ZEltS B AN K, . fl1lf11ls every wlsh in curi ng rheurnatiSJJI . 13,000.00. Osoar '1'. Ludlum , .Jn~:~ II OIl1n comes . in to thi ~ ....... ....... .. . . . . pain ill Ul e Doll'k, ldd ll cys .. lh·cr, bladdj:1 Uh llrles Lndlum Imd David Ritch ey s t()re and cull~ for un y partic n)a r 8. P. Kindle was down .... ........ ,, "d every part '. the II r11rnrYjassage. indiges tion r emedy. wo Itl Wil Y!! give I t correct iliabUly 10 hoI ",nter IIppolnted' app mltler s. he was seized wi th 1;, ·'·',:illg it, ~r bad £ stn te of Amaud lt J, Dlt'lllllrs d e . h im wbat h e flSks f or , .but in · ol\se nnd scaldin g pain pain8 in his '(!,lOr , wIDe or .' b e lelLv it to ORwe usually reoow· effects fo llowlIJg IIh: Lcer, !lnd overcomt:t. ' . 'npleasanl ~r: ,ceased . Jobn Dltmnrs upp olDte d m end P epsi kola tablets DOW rostlng ns oasily cessily of being C O lll l"l <:(1 to go of I adminis trator with uscar T. LudB ere Is II. preparation we hl~ve .tlllllllffers grea tly. ull ring the tiny, IIIIlI to get up tn ·,;) I C D I l l' I h tb co te limes durin g the nigbt. The mild CI ~ unl, luules Lndlum nnd u.y id ,een se lug r g t· ove r e un r I for years, and from lIct,nal obtlervu · the eJctruordiu llry effect of SW!UD"'~')o . .Rit cbey a s a pprllisers. Beautify 'hI! Complex. is soon realized. tt sts nds t.lle h l gh c~t ' l ion W 6 kno w it must do good, anf! Ion. In m atte r o E will of Clam r eall y cloes r elieve a nd ure indi ges· for its \\'onderflll cures of the most <ibIngredlent8 In Dain. tressiug cases. If you neeu a medicine Sweeny, deoeosed. W ill admi tted tion und d yspepsia. or t h ere w ould ''''bleta are 08S' you should lIn llC the'besl. Sold by druv,- t o probate, btl a. stend y s treltm of people camlnl{ wblob II! one of Ki fi fty-cent ond ollt!-dollar si ze~ b.lck for their m on ey , liS every 25 / Y Oll lll a y h:wc 'u snmplc botlle anci II E sta.te of Clll\lries ' D. Janney , in- cont: box is Bold with t he under. IODlplexlloD beantifiers sane. Fir t IIccollnt fl lQis by J . E , tn.nding that y ou mus t be decided. book thnt teJls a ll ohooolat~ ooatnbout sentIree Janney, gnardian . IS ben efited or tbe re Is n othing to' 25 cents. J . E . by llIait, il. bolll Address Dr. Staple and Fanoy Grooeriee, Frnitli Kilmer & Co .. BingEstl1te of Asb, llry S. Kirby . d e_)I P'LyY' • I P Ik I t bl ts haruton, N. Y. When d F' t dill t ou simp y t r y epa 0 Il Il e Vegetllblos and Canned Goods. wriling mentio n this paper and don't oOllse . Irs an nil ac~oun wl t b t be unders tanding t bllt the V - -C - igars and Tobacco, ' malte allY mistnke, 'blll remember tbt: filed by W , J~, Ki rby, exeoutor . will st61ldy ,V our nerves , ImproYe IInllle. Dr. J.:ihlle r·~ Swamp-Root, Rud E stllte of R enl:y B. 'lind Jlllio.,Y, yo nr nppe tite, relieve winu b elch · the address, Binghamton, N. Y. . ' t eI t . our stomlloh CleDleut beneficiaries . John B . m g , coo e ongu e, s , , , f u lne ~s after ell tm p-, weakened en· Phone 79. e lemen t.... t rust ee, flles'tontb Ilccount e r gy. nnd otb~r sy mptons of Indi. C. M. BROWN, Proprietor. The personal rec01,lIWentla tio ns of peo. ; H~~ H A'l'HAW A Y , Estnte"'of Cllroline W . Soteld o, et ge tion or J . E Janney Is ready pie who ba " 1! been cured or cougbs Blld al, bene fic ia ries. Ele venth accoun t n,t Rny time to IJIlY ba ck your m Otley colds by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy , ': fl .) eaville's L e ltding De nti st filed by John B. Clem ent, trustee. without the least argament. have done more tllon nil else to moke it a \ 'ffi~i n~" BWg Muin ~ ~~~ ~w. a C~D1~ t dR~~d . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ staple article ~f tmde and commerce over 0::: ,a large part of the civilizcu world. '1'we lftli Ilcoount :filed by II . S . IInu J , B. Clem en t exec utors. Estllte of F lol:cnce P . C1 ~ m e nt, deoease!! J ohn B . Clement, e·xeC\l· Keep the -Hens tor, fli ed sixt h 1l 01~ OUn t . E stnte of Lydia E . Daniel, cle o ceased . F irs t and final aooo ant flied A, B. Cha m1\er , ndminl stra to r , ~ tn.te of l:fanDl.Lh A. Bro wn. ~e ceused . Charles A, Brown and Char· ~ill be paid to allY P ". on ' les g , Clem ents Ilppointed adminisIs rcqollllllcn\1 d llY some ,of t ho largl'st )loultrymen ns t ho m os~ ;who can :find one utom of tra t or Itt lIHO. OOO bond with S , L . ecoDonr \(',\1 roofing ollil siding for chloral, m 01'jlltinc, Cartwrigh t, Aaron B, Cba'a dler and poultry h f) U5CS. sheds, clc. Shingles cocaine, ether,chloI'o 'orm, S amuel But terw9 rth .a s Ilt>pra.isers, and clnl'uo:lr zls cost lI\Ur ' nul! do In matte r of d isposition of des · heroin, alpha and beta eu· Tlot k 'C JI ('I,c l)ulldiilgs fl S ,Iry nOll war ill . caine, cam 11.1 bis indica, or perato claims ,t o estllte of Da vi8 chloral hyd ate or any of Furnas, d ecensed, Case up for hearCAN APPLY IT YOURSELF January 8 at 10 a . m , with roofi ng t in cac h ro ll. It, , 1c)I' ~ not r 'qui ro "lIiol,ill ).: wh ~ n ,nTllt their ' dcl'l" ;:/ ives, il l any m gEstate of Cla ra W . I::Iweney, de. a plllied. and 11<-8 fiat. 't llt! In.,II1 Y fnr frcu ",,"Iples "UtI our hooklet, of Dr. lIl,:l t·s' R I JI '~(liC 8 . ceased . Ka rl H . Sweney appointed These sale days are being taken advantage of 'as ."Bulldlng Eoonomy." This applj 'S to : g'(/ ' IJs in exeoutor with 12000 hand, Barry never before····and no wonder. For Sale SPENCER & MONROE, original p aclcarr(·s, unop- PenCil, John MOluger and Dewo s _ ~:::. .~ OREGONIA, OHIO A fresh, clean stOck of the very best merchandise ened, and not t:nllpel'cd Guttery a})pointel'l Ilppralsers. THE "KNOW HOW" Estllte of Hllrrie t Donnell, deoeas'made, all reduced. Desirable winter merchandise cut way :with. Certain lJ Il SCl'UPUIn the manufacturing of Paroid that makes it the lous persoDs arc making ed. Inventory a nd appraisement , below"its actual worth, just at the real beginning of the most economical and satisfactory roofing or siding false s tatemcn t:s about flled by ,lohn B . Donnell, exoout·or. Winter Season····spells'genuine bargains. Estate of S. F . Ilpurling appointed , . material on the market. Both fire proof and weather these r emedies. ndmi,!istrntor with $3000 bond. I "I h a ve becri trouhlN) with n t.~r. rlblo h cnQacho to" lhe I"Nl Ion Y" "fS ' proof. , You get full value received if you buy the Tbomas Shark lI,nd Walter Jones doc tors coul,l do m o no sood i Dr. Milos' ilnll -P" ln Pi lls ndvCa~' apprai8~rll . tls ed In the S "n~u y m os " zl nc, 80 [ thou" ht I would 11':' n. su m il l .. I dl~ In ·matter of ' ostnlo of W . E . 80. a nd t h e)· ~ , c IJJl'(l m e wo ndr.rful1Y4 PAROID ROOFING PAINT. I had h e:\( I~c.h c w, bnd ly J could h!lrdHtockton, assigno,r. Report of sale Iy Boe t o w!) rk. ~') ( Mo nt to tho drw:r Makes old roofs new. Good on any kind of roof. of dosperate claims filed »y W , F. IItorl! ..... '1 S<ll " It"". I II n cou plo ot hours I wns " II rI ~ll l, It w as tllo tlrat. Eltzroth assignee : .lD.odJc ln e to ,J " I Ill- nn y good." , O~1J~ Flour mill has been newly remodeled and the A . A. 1' .1.111. T'h ll ud<llphln , Pu.. Estate of J dhn Marshall, decMsIiSC2 Tacon,,. till'ed. , quality of our flour is better than eve!'_ Dr. Mlle.' Anti-Pa in PIli. are aold by ed. Fifth account 1ilod by C. B, , your drugg ist , who wi ll guara.ntee that the flrat pa c kage will benefit. If Ie Deobantadmini strlltor do bonis non. .falll, he will return .your moner,. Estate of .lames D. Lewis . · Sale 25 dOlel, 25 cents. Never .old n bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind bill filed by Elry Lewis, lIuminlstra·1 I tor : tile e ft'ec", of I~ fall h e 8ust~i llOd
I: I
B a nanl l s - Apples BODI e Madr Mince Meat Dat~s- "~igs- Nuts
- -
$l .
Trouble and Never Suspect It.
SEAMLESS RUGS fot' rooms.
$ -$ ', -'$ -$ . $lIMMERNAN'S $ . 'I
vel'V Sales
'l1 Jsiel'Y, Gloves, Corsets,- a
Hutchison ~ ,x¢nia, ObiQ.
--- -
You Can Buy At Will
Thru Our Immense Stock
for Less Than Regular .Prices.
Dayton, O.
& Monroe,
Wise Counsel h 'um the I:!outb .
"1 WIlDt to give some valuable adnco &0 Uioae who suffer wit h lam e '-k aad kidney trouble, " SOYII J.
Dayton, 0•.
Oregonia, Ohio.
----=-- -.-T ----.:.
~ .-. ~, ~-~
Of.=~~:~£ The Surprise /...."ri':n...~~~~ Annual event, ~
1mElW EFI'1£'
Store ' of ". Dayton starts its big ' SemiThe Public Benefit ~ale, on Thursday t~eaa ,--j m~: MQrning~ January 10t]1. The reduced prices won be~of llnusual interest to y0.1I. Watch this paper. d remember the ~~.·Gm.J'<' _"':
. ...-1Iflntl.
AND WAYNresvtLLE N fl~ J Y
,\\,EDXE ~I.J A Y
~~----~--------~------~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~ - --~~~~~-~~~~-. ~---~-.----'~--~~
Arnold Tlruesdal~ Sabin. Corwin Oregonia. L.OCAL." ' 0 , , Local Castle -----·Mr M1' lind - Ir Ed ';;lr{t ' \Y ll f'b llJ -: 1 to Consoljdate. Of 'co tl1sh unu New Englu nd r f'tnrnrd flC)o~ ( ;m<'l n outi 1- 11-11 111 11 ) '[I' ll L"rJ l... Altillll' III"onl n1; I I L\tt "rnOI,n I I I" 1:"0,,11 ~ 1'61h\lK lIlllhh, I I Aft~ r \l1 f1re t hnn IJ y III'S eff o rt , ItnCO!!tIY, Arllol c1 l' IlblD , In 111 Mis, ~llI rv l'IlJ1I1fr 1,,,1 '1 " 'IJ" AV",V!JIHJ " "I p" I "tlllfl lIl!th', Kll1 g bt ~ 01 the uc tlve, vIgorou!:! hfo,uxpro I!d lhe wh o PIO few "f hpI 1 I\" IIr1~ ' ,i, 'I II" P ,lllU lIhlr"I"I " r (i,I/1 11 EA~If1 , of \\rnl'l1(1~vlll e, hu~ OIII'llmnl VIr u S of tLo !SII,<I![ l.nUIlY \\1,'(I11 r,01 lt'' '''1 nlll!! 11\ ]I,,,, , <,_ ' . I1I .. tj~lll L'l~~ t,Vayn6 III' l'lI) II t Il Hurl emler Ill! elUli tOI lIud ed('(l h Im In J Uti, his g ruudfflth ~ CUIIIO III '1Il.lltl ll llll "1I ~~"~ 11111 1.111\ 1" .' , Ill )'" 'le>', Ilth T jJro jJl'lt v to the !lin d 'list Ie !\I I '\.)u , Ulllhlllll IIn.1 {II III II I', u l \ lhor\'ll ld \\' 111 (.0I1vhll l·'1 1'II" '''I j\h ltr , " " " UlU! b .. II II relitof Ohio, lind t h oRe of th e membel s wit h tuo Dllkmcoilloy l orn 1>utclt 'hnt IU D uyton. \,1~""l t 1;1111 ItlllC'1 {'II t ol thf'l r lr h '1I11 wor k III 1)11 ), 11 ,. I, ", ' UII\ tllll (<lr !t ~' tl r, ~)Je n t \vhf) wIsh to remuin ID t h o o rder aSH 'OUll ty, New York, t " Ipr th r,l l\lhd,I\' \111',,11 011 , 1,1 llllJlJlJg lllH W"Ylle"vl I Itl'e I1 rrltngm g to t ransfe r t h en TIle lD couo ty, 01110, llnd n eur Ouldnn u , :51~ tu r dllY II lIcI ~lllltiIlY. Augus t 2:i, 1H;!:t, the subJ t of I hl MI' untl MI S ,I ).: Lmlllll ""n ~It l 'lhll', til II PII "p'I'III . , I ' II . " ,I" Ilrr" hIp to L vtle ske tc b wae ho rn t ar ln netl II ('OIllJlUI • or I fH'lJd tn nlm.... I\ b ~ 111111\1' hN,' a d Ii C 11, ( mCl'( lng of council Mo n 'l'he KJII g u ts uf t ile G old e n E~gl e Ml' ~bID ' fut h er IIv od t o Bee III un olegtlnr. tlmn I' Sll\\ Yl'II1 ~". . n'"ul " 111 till 11.. 1/111' ,(llll ' I ',t" 1I ,,.; h ', M,trol' h I;! "" 'II "P o r g llnl~., c1 Ilh ont. II Ytllll' II go wltb soo e tll hl1lJ d 10 hfo, but hIli 1\11 AIIII ,I \ V"t'l llIl1.... '· 't' tl Il I" ,j ~'\ I" I' ID 1 'l" I~"n I Ilt ll ,11 , III ,: ' l 'l "'111 11 clllrfirl!1~u , 11I ,t ween fo rt y ul\(1 hfl ~' lI1oll1l1p r~ oth er (\1 II wb en It wns o nl ' ,L h UIlI lIlnl1l\tIY ILlt" .', , \\ 1/ "" 'L,, 1'1 111 \\' 111., , ~,," I" " , \\ "tI 'I ' "I", I ".I, u \J11T .:, ~ l1 ~ hl:let I!t1J1llbl ~ • 1'he 0 111\' ,'PlI"'JlI fill th ll n un 8UC m littl Illd , llndhll-lfowre mCtllbr,IIlClls VI::-It wuh "' IIIII\'r~1rI Ir, IV ~lts J 1< " III ' l1l' l h OI ' 1"'II,Ipl ,Ill, I', 1, 10('" IIr 'bBrlu y SilO I, CI ~s Il f th " l!~l!; ( II PPI'IlI" til hlll'e of 11M lov !lllcl oltr o "' litO trell~J1rorl .\I r!! , i\ltl ~~I ' I\.l\) su\ 'llld ~I~ I \! I , Inn~ thtll' .f \~ ""k I " ,I I' Jl iI h·,t1I'xpitecl, IlItl Ll t h e IHl'~ Ihllt WIIVIII', \'1 Ii l' I", Ulli ('lug th m t ' PIf' ll O\l>l llI IlIlIlJIl;'H 1I1 ~~s Llllw Nt:llrt\\, X nllI'I IIII. \I ~ \J ~ ... H' ~"' I I "I/' ln'l"nt'I'h nr"" I " "1 ,1--S' I,n l\ \rl~"L Il H s llcen out /l it eady or llwll lj\l wiL li " IH'lOU or · Of hl Q lifo ;\' I:;~ 1.1(11 )" W\l~\J~ , ul{'I' 111/1 1 tll l[h l "11 11 ,\ . ... f .Indy ... :-'1' (>11(" ' 1 I ,f ,( 1" ",1 r lil" \V.'el ,f>t frl!nn~ frOID 11 .. 1s I tl lJ~r. of "Inoh 11m ID f10url II l\Jt 8111Jln \\u!:!'l!!olfll1llo, 11Isellrly ru r:;~rd Bllll'Jn J ,"1\1v , 1 ',"'1 [ ~I" . 1,'111 ," I ,,'I h.l~ I", 'n ' " ' I .. C\'llllll l t,l(). of g l!I, In llllr Ilig ClJII \lltt o n un c1 wh loh are doltlg oriu cll tlllrlltl Ilci va Lltn gl~ b lo g velY eJ\\url llull hlU llI I'U (, c lt, 01 .... " p" ,t\yt , r h" ]l l"t f~'w \\" '~ ~ til "A lllU It g ooc1 " 01k Even f ~ see m t o ltmlte,I , lint I1ppr('Clul lO U 0 1 OppO l ;~unll tl ~LlU Mr CO rl \ Il g n< v t ;'III Al hplt PlllltJ" " I rlll ~ tl'II , \ '~\l' (,~ l l llo flien (l~ of i\ frs Lon~ plOVU t hilt t Il er o "'li S n ot r oom ft'r tll nJtt e ~, k een o b er vllttou,flllIl /II 11" Y III "tJll lCluy ~JI(' otl:)ll l 'I,' , WIth r('l ntlv('~hpIP II(m ley of l\lorr o w ,': Ill g rlevo IInothe r ortl e r. nfls tll c~S o f plllpOS )Jlepuretl lll lU MIS!! tit JIll J.emmon retl1ru tld t o Mr II1ll1 ~1 '~ 1\ .. I ~h fl left 1-1l1nllll\' vith ber 11\ Iho 1 (J~s of n o~ only The r~ ytl ll C UlitlO K U E IIi In U for 0 life of IlUlV(lISld fo roo, und Grllnville 'ollo/-{fl Mo ntl llY III fllIn ' eve nlu/-{ COl t hl' lt Lll' W n o mn In I IJlld, lIn f'lg bt Teur c ld sou, who I' ~ I Y fl ourishing uud prospe r ou s mudo blm 1\ loutler lllUo ng bls fel lufte r I~ plOllsn n t. VllcatlOn WIth h e r K1l1 gR M l lI~ (!J e d l' hl1T Utly, jllnuo.ry 3, a fter .. n (' nc1ltlOD and a llum ber of tho e 'len oblOg ~ohool, fa rm Jluren ts ._ _ 'l'11 b[J~I!lf'~~ "'I'Ptlll\{ "f th e C 8 , purutWIJ t il l' "pe nd ioitls Mrs w ho h a ve b e n (onnec;tetl WIth tII lo w m eu Lytle, :'Iome t y rtI p t lit flr f' 1}"tJI (l l \;'I l,f \)>1nl!'y 11111c1o IlI nny f[Joruls III Ih lo 1 0~1 ~1 (;n s tlo h n ve IgU1tied th eIr m g, ole rklD g occopleci hi S eall y l Ho (l ;'\1r~ 1 11("I~" " , 1,'," 111 O \ l1 n. 1 .. " llllllll1ty "h"" II \ IsS 111'1110 Int otlon of tron a r Ir111 g t b elr m om III II nh uf)c} 101 4, h e tndlect IUIV, hu t 11(' \ ' I tllIpll od lor !I th 111 S!H on to Mr Ulu n l;-'--uu - Mul luur III nu W 111 ~ '1'11 r, Ih'wlll~ (l f11 ue rtl hit 10 '~'1l1wuJlad 1, ~h" \ I, II('u h!:! f (;oll.ln hc r Blllp the r e thu bu r , but u thorou g h , Pl'uot l ',,1 tuw n w iLh frlcn d::! II tlllCti Ilt ilo 1" '1 11 1,lpl'll"ll l' n'~, 1>1 of 1, ('. ~\fS J S \ lIj!hl , '10(.1 n wu tlru ds kLHI\1 ledge of Ii gil l prlllClples, add od r etU1 u ed [.Q Du vtull 11'0111 WlDolles \ 11k I ~Ol\, VICO pre!:', ir F r"II ~' rll;llld m oe I Ifl '~ 111' 1II i rHIlll'U I h ' to an mlln to lov o f h on esty ond l ta r , [1II111~nl1, WiJCl tl he hu><lll Ull fnr Hh r rw ooll, ~\I't' I MII I Y, MI~~ 1,;1111 11 Til 1I1\Ul y 1 IlII'''~ (If S .ucy Bur . Ofiicers of Lytle Castle Ju. tl r.e, mllci o hUll thot r u teu a nd qUIte 11 \\111 Ie, sev nil " eo k .. ngo, Hpr n 1'\', I I ('n~lJr I', ~ 1t ,rn hu.~h P J' IIpttof B lOk(lI J I'1I1 1' , WIll [) g illt! to On Tlles uuy e vening th e rollu w. h OIJ r ed 1I(11'11:IOr of mnny, nlllnY loomlng to t l\lS plllC8 0 \1 FrldllY " 0 t1, or gll11l t , MI S" LIll i hJhl or ktJOw tblll h U 1;'II Olu:; 1I 1)W 10 1I1 ~ office rs WJjl e lInlv In stn.lled lIt p er o n who lIoug ht III ~ b elp IU M r Will OIlt UC recel voll fOt hIS HI'S R ,I lUl'l lIY 11'111 I Id t bo h~lllth, n.lthulI~ 1I t " lIt 1 '1]l'OVe11lent Ly tle UII ~tle No 122 K U E . tronble, us n oo nrprOllllHflr III tlttl 1flrUl , t he NOYobUl g h '0, n lbe G E nll~ettngll e xt 'umlny o l'eDlug I" vory g l'U(lUII, IllS oU I :Je::l I r e eu Pu t (;hHlf, G eol /{e Scott, N obill IIdJu" 1,II1ent \If le~ltl ell mc uHle" he Ly tle \, uro b (ll1 ~ o n Illst W ou oo::;d" v WI th • B ow :l (1 'f! Imn g IR P rotlr l'v. ( unrll god In II:" " IIW. bie r E ,1 Cllrmony VIce C blef, wn l! eS )Jecmlly suocessful, Illwu y ~ 20,000 IJllILnll!:! of trll!:!lt tol)llcCU " (11 )1 IlS o r Lo t," 118 II r An hJ c~ I J , Ii : 11t.· rlhwlI!to, who Ev r 't Ea rly , High Pri es t , Clyde lid vocutlug r ooouClhutlon IOste tld uf Mrs , 1\1 tlltln Eru ort ck IS CUllt 'U! A IlI r go nttendll11 00 I" llmu r 1 ~ 11l00 tho 1; (,HI 111 III f1f J\ llo nst, Il IIS 'ox, V noruble B e rnut , Om " a rn htl~lItlon pllltlllJ; \fl1 lf1l II I n gtby JOllrlJllY tis... ~\I nll Hpt> r ro r hll~ l'otUlnerl illlon VI81 tl :.: ,Ill fI l( l II,. II I OhIo I' r ' IT f.Je rltlci, L s te r Ke nrI c k, BI !:!te rh n g h 1111 e t y fil l :SIgh ted. 11" pr()ll u ell ISO II1~ tu tho b OIll t III h" r S llllol llnrll' III 1.. UIUJO Il und Indlll JII\. 1.. l t .ll ,nIJlllY for IllS ~l~ste r o f H ourrl~, Wnll er ){ enr1 c k , nesQ , chlrJudg m unt f l odlllll fl OIll h ur ~ I , t I , II :.\.Irs 'I'u rcb , of \V y I",mu III J..n k "(" " O,li lll h, \ el l ~ut. (11 rk of Exch eqner, Hurry ~1 0' Ilr oJncl loe lind ll flcellslllg hell ' l o more Neb l' u kll , 1.0 s PlJnLl tho \\11 1 Centerville. I~h lJd wIth lI l- \ 1~lt III ,1 h<.llJll1 ~ t o G ln nlS Keop el of lolx e lle~u or, le nl e bl/)ll/{ h t Illm prOUl111 II tl\ bl' LI-r MI~ ,elll' ch I~ I I !tnt! ilTI! 111 \lo tet! u! TU;:;t\(Il,i<-;-!lle fnll r il l "11111 ng'l1tl \\ lthlU Ii I" w yelll'::! to Albn rt " tu ' V, W orth I' BtlI'd , O~ on l forI, t h o eOntllluLlllV . lind Ill' WIl~ J.,;nH:rwk Int onlltilwolllog honse fo r of Mrs Milton l~, "ey shon ld r ad whu.t h e rl'g III' 1.. \1 1 Ll CIl I'I -t s po t 011 WI,de, En igo , Perry ' \Tude, o vOl ., f or €,lI) o ~t figur o III ull Ihnt. h I' IIml uer hl1 ~hltl1(L nntll "prill/{. IUll urnl held F r loluy llfte rlloon, In. eurth,lIxc pt 'I', IJI~ I\l P~ nt bome, E Sflulre, Eornoe Foulks; Wu~t h y t en rl edtu thulkd \'II11C('Ullmtlll' "'I ld !:lh tJ !\rurt!;oU he r Wtl Y(J1l 'J'hll r~aIlY!:lt tI of '['unrdll y ' tlfte.lJoun , .lntl Mr '1ll11 J I "l llIl 11 ,)1.. Il ee r eo Uhn m be rltdn , StlLOY Lnmb , .Ii Ir t (, ntll g of 10cII I n l e~l11n t, ~' In IP\' 'st , lOOl01l1 g , hmvlOg t h IJ lI lU1l 1) )lot " nelu ted bv Ro\ Hllddox , nQ"I~ted jOlOlUg III t h" hlr t ll "I I. f1 '11;l nlO d Htltll'dsma n Bnrr y Luclwy "od 1I011 tnl1\l.\'Il!lP f()\I'Ul PIlIS, ",. In til ID 1)"yt n ut \1.0 11 III und IIUI\, hy MI V llll~l"I Jl, i tl t;tl "lll of" o n punn(1 bnr, I'. ILlIlr. I.nuurl" ~ 8econd G nll~dsm nn , Will 111m Cr I ~ h IlI lItl e r of Wi' Hl oll uty r " .uls, ur \O g nt het t1t)~ tlD,Ltl ollll t ~ .15 p. Ill, du ct ',1 1J v I,' Vum!lJllll 11' Elleu ...1 I ,11 11 '; I II I, It r Sprm g t OD T r ust, ea, Sb llrm lll1 Dy ke, WII d ne to 1118 ulllln gJ.:1nlt Intt'r o t lIoll til ftJllowlo g tlu nly ou chtln " t ,II,~rvh Klnul l' I !'tI ll uut! hst Wcd. alloy, IVIl" It WO'I' 111"1 ~uilst With h olU Cll I 11l 0UY, FrRok\m 'r h ol11ll i'l \\' o-!,k I ~ IUlfl11red ilL tlw LTulou f:.ll'pM IU no:;(1(\)' I Llw Oill ', ,'tute ll1\'€' nlltr Wny u II vll1 Iri' I ' , S\ ll1ldftyF o r v Il rs Ill' IlI'ltl Ihl')lJ Idon y ~ l LOUl ~ , wlll'rc h o 14 ClI)llJ ~ " IIU"t 1!;1I1t1nn tl ' , [r A L SI<1.' of • 1I11lg V lllley ('I I I,\.)e 13 01lr(1 of Olrf'ct tll'" <If Mlllll I Thu ~l SO~ Lllrlll Hnru t.t lind ' onr 1I111 Illutb '1tI11lI " hil S s\lITor d Il 111 11" IIlltJ serions 'elllPturl' , lI nu (h I' Y lI rh III T('astng 'o nL .l::IIltfiold \\I::le ViSltOI H ut Ly tl o ' II Iv III S eILI ;; IIl 0voll to l)11~T on slCgo "' It It t \'I,h u1(l r"' \ " I, hM so br l. E. Keys has bee~ a hOIlIlt- y ,I tbi~ 10 1'o lv"0111Y f th e !:11 gb!; h ool on 'I'll tiu V' aft rnoon In"t \~e k , \I'll i'l l' he hill! ao I' ptod rt<CfJ VIlI·('tlll ~ lu iJ uh,~ t the Mason Fift; Years. lend," III wlll elt I Ht ~() mU 11\' o f bl 1111' 1\1"1 II I t, .I uhos 1I0.~1 Miss til pO:Slti ,)O nC tnrn \UlY fur the but ho n 't )"r t \' "tor d out lovt'd o\l e "'" lL' n ~t,l1lt. tl nur,'S B1 ..oc11 e 'ortll'lI \\ P I 0 111 'IV !Lynes ~h rill ot 1t [I\lI t ~OI1l 'I' \' ('[lunty d<lIJl S H up))I;,! th,1t IIuh or door J A h ttm g cOlllpli11l n t to th e ftllth of p1 >n II ro t o h l111 Onl\' r oci'n1,ly, VIII on '"r.urtlll Y uftcll no on ~I r K~l1' ,, (m • • up rmt ude ll o f 11'111 110 heuo(it:11I1 to h Im, All' fu l ~o r l'lI e uf I E Keys ID thtl 10 II h e s r w on ~ lOll, rlf fUIlIu 7 M ~rs 1\1111 Ion ,Inu F rtLuk !Juke >loht)ols ,It H\JrlU~h () I' Il, \VII In O UI h (\~ " I'clded t ('l Illll' e to the ,,,I Mllsonlo lodge WliS PILl d !lI Dl ut str en g til, dul be r esIgn h e oill 0, IItt ull t1 tb e fl1 nend of th olr u nult', IIh1ge it fe w dll Yo fi g , oOit Cltlllg fI' I 11 und i n tile t.1,m ng will the III t m oetlllg wh en t b e ill m bers but uo n tltJu ed t.o II ttend th e m eet Ml' WIll Com ptoll, of Edin iJ u rg , s took sh ur R \0 th e pro po ud n cw b~'1 1'0 Ide n e \0 the h u se uOl t eu \U pr esen 1)1[\1 a h a nll· In~>I of tb e bontd Indlnnu, on In t l!'rldny, l e t urDllll,l bllt;l k III UontervllI e [ Kl uer '::! fa rm III t he bend l\(I m e ~ltce p~ klu Mllso nlo upr on Mr Iu p olttl CS , Mr Sllbm wn ll un e n llome Sutur (llty, Mr A McN N] nuctlono(,f, hil I:! r(),)ll lenlhu to Lytle and Friends Build new 1I00es Me s Wu ltor, \Vll bur, 'b 1'1 s u IInge nu mbe r of sules o n his lI s t dnor.' tb tltl'JIl w or '· Th e Wyowing Lodge No, 102, WflY /JP~ K ys h ilS be n 11 m e mber of t~l1. thu .. rnshc Rep ubhOllo , amI h eld tile 1I>IIge UlOle t hllll fi f ty yen rs li or pei solllli frl eulh.hl(l f nmll )' of t h e und I dd Ulllrit hlLVO Hum o ODO of for I!' bruJlr y lI l1d MlIr ch ACI! 011 Church in Xenia. Ville, 111n 17th m ll u)' v ellrll h sen ed It II~ !lorA stnte lonu er !l of eu rll or dllV' th om 1'181t Ii th\! !\llll UlI all'y H , ~ rur, MlI llllox is dll l i Imlln)vlo g Memllflrs oft th e OrrhnLL<'x Frleo I~ R e h er Lod/te, No, 14, SpfID g Idry nnd tit p rescn tJlll llll t ill", Iu epte mbor, 1H4!i, b e \\'11 8 uOlt cd plt'llovor y dllY f o r tho [lust " eelt R v Mudtlox IS oooductio~ IU fltlt cbnroh who r er.d the Gnloelte wIII \Jp bOln, Juu 1 ~th jllolCe on th e ueCliSIOIJ of hl >l r etlrc 111 Ulu rrl nge to MISS Hllrtl t WIIUII!I to u,soer tllIU t,h o OOrltlltlO1I !lDd to In ~ H (ltl,'h e venin g UII~ Wee k o f New Century Club glad t l kn ow tbnt [L lot hILS lleHIl Lebun 11 Lodge, Nc , Hi. L ebl1no n, IIllUt fro m thut OIUoe of Wtlrron '0 llll t y OhIO S tll'eu IJI\ g hl"'u tho s pn'l t a t tb Ir fa(ll ol ot t."rllyur , nnd will c ntlnu th o Meets with Mrs. Ell puroha8 d for tlle build 109 of II .Iun 1·Uh qUl r e .1 G K eys hll also b een 1\ clllidren lli e s \1 thel l' unl n , two of und bl o ther, IIr Murl on 'hlrk lu Illlolet,lllgs n ox[ week Friends ohuroh IU X e nHI 'rhe lot Wllrren L odgo, No 11, Frankllo m um b t o f thIS l odg e 11 long t.une ()O the Ilrrurnoun of J !t.noary -1, who m sur VIV!) Tb Ol I' h UUl Il 'lta U a ddItIOn t o bl fo rmor nilme llt lto i\l r s Em ry Brnd s trcet dieti a bout i. looated n eu r the p ubllo Bob (,111 I n.nullry 21 _ _ gomg IUtU It In 1 10, fift\' se l'l'O center of gen e r() u , r flo od b US Jlltul . , ha bee n II l'i ctlJll t o uu Ilttllck f ~ II III Mo mluy , th e n b , liner II til o Nuw 'untufY Illb met wttll bUlldlOg on t:\prlng B111 nnd WOI k Ity, s t rlmg l' uud frl nd IIl1ko Inee t IDulu.rlUl (C\' CI l1nflel'lu~ II1n e~!'! of Almost 11 yeur Mrs ,I '1' ElJllI , twe uty three ladle y 'a rlS ugo K. of P's New Officers will Boon be begun on tbe bl111d lOg I rRpomled to l' 11 oull, l11 g u oor Ellllltl Yl)f we leo Ie Ibn t huu K oep Il wtlk ~ I 'l'lIl' n r~ & 'n WIth pullll onnr.\' rh eeltH Rev . Amos ook, the pl1stor, f(lr JIll::'!! I rma. Elh " !Iud Miss Edith . Ih source III th e h ud al s \to m o R. btl chuug (~lh l l imu 01 It" trill 8 Thll Llhrnl'\' ('I n will n ot Illoet Uro \\ u Lollge, 0 u3, KOIg h ts Daughters of Rebel< ah merlyof Harveysburg, btl!! ~reatl y of Pyt.Jl1UR, lIltl'l:I e l"cted und m S lllII 'ru no t lleu r end e lcd II beauhlul \l'lIS IIId ed th e d rl1 r o!lt plnee no the n ew ~ch ' tlnl t) 1m mg gOlle m ba tillS week 011 11 (1 Ol1l1t of Lit e m eet, Officers Installed. endeared himself to t he peopl e nno! ed th e foll o \\'JDg officer>l fOI (Ile ))1110(1 d u ot, ufter wblo h tho hlrltory ,' fir t h B o 100'ell t .. h lLVO 111 ch ild. oH eot on JunulI l .v () Get II new lUgs iii working very ell.rnestly lor t be The unnll lli lustullll1.101I 01 the r C'1l li nd g rnncl ohildl n ullout lUll, tIme t-tlble lI ud kee p po tod Ev or ybody "huul d olll e l\lo nd a y I I.l~~1J 1l fOl' tb,e day \Va8 takeu u p ensuing yetlr wterests of tho Meeting Mrs . F r un k lhunoU won l to Drry. E'venln ~, the ii,tb, t o h eul R.IIIJlb \\ I~h Mrs Bu u aell n lellder, Wlll te r MofJlure. Ubl\.nollllor ' O lU otueer s of '0 \' nunt Lodg , Dllu ~ h · unl n o Rllonfjce wus deom ed by l:i lm Miss F loru 'l' IIJba ls reud II most mlludorr, 0 B Huokett, \'Ioe Uhl1l1 t e r!; of R O\lA klllt , Will rnk e pht e t ,)O g r eu t thllt Htlded t u t uell' :lorn ton Mouday to nttem1 bOI duug lJt r , Hl ngllnlD , MJss Anna Redfern Th e Illro ads Mrs , Mflry Brown . wh o I!:! fJl1I CO III Air Ed linin t!, now wOlk1l11( III IUte restlDg paper 011 Uharlemagntl , collor, W"lter Bott-, P I elute. 1 Tuesday el'e nmg, January 2:... after fort II nc1 ltllppin es • To be Married. L ~r~hnll , KtLster of , o rk ; J (; whI ch an oy t el' su pper Will he Wild e by d ell Lit HI IllS flllll rly en 10 WIth II Rev r e BOI e throllt antl cold t,llo NCR. Itn d un ID gell1 lJu~ InU· 1t1(1I :Mr3 a E HutIlI1W!IY ~",ve 1l Ollll uy OU' the h t of tobaccQ CllU III C, Illte ly hlld II. fib r oid tumor r elldllll{ w h Ich wus enJoyeu by .. 11 - l!liM Anna .Redfern is to be m tlr. Iflsey, Ma!:!ter of Fll1llnc , Ma t fl r served A larg attendance IS eur th e lust few y et1 r~ uged IrJru perc 11 Durlll g I h o HOClal h OIl1 whlob fol. tll)ly, lind h l1!'t n ed 111 nW ll dopa r stupp 1'9 Is g r o wlll l; IllS!:!. t1 ~ HOUle l'elllOVtiU Irolllltl::! fuce, f r om whloh .ritld Wednesday evening .•Juuuory of Exohequa r , PhIlip B OJlkltll:l, Ilestly Wished lowotl t.he lut!ltll! \\'el e fu v oreu wllh , IIl to Ih n Il! "tlillt h tit f ur on e fiD1sboa UII '1'he DUlllbOl' WilY h o I'; r Jl j)ld ly IOOOl' erm g Foll oWl11g!ll' the offie '1 ' for W07 Lur 16 too Mr, .J~n P Bocekett, Mas t I' of . Arm s , Hl\y Sm ltll , Inner BIS Ion IID I.lS H WUR ell 'e/ PII btl !lu [ely conli lled t,o I~ fow, ,fl l II 13 0 TIl to l'l1r und Mi~ FUlIlk AI· u"utlll'L ))11111 duot, nnd t h e hU!ll tlstI MISS R edfern 18 u grndl1(lt ot GUArll, ,fo Tilomp 011 , !)utl' r N'Jble GI'und, Lydl uJ o)' , VIC I'R111 I :l IYIJY " ~ ' v cl tlul\)~Y r ef resilmollll!, " ",,)tltt,ld h v th lov e untl cl e vo tloo of bl, uow Ullll1 e 1 0\ l' IlU1I UIlOJl IIdlll ll L len, of bl~y tO Il , lu >! t Sl;I tmda Waynesville high 80h ool, but fUI l1 l1nr,I , L A Zllllmorlllll K t::' l'or Meta R (Jgel , • (, Ie lary, LizzlC Y U'( It ' I ela ngh ters , Mi l\ 1,m.. tmd bllY fiv~rlll yeal s hilS b een II r e~ \Cl lit of R cords .1I1d ~e'LI, L, A ZIIII zel , 1'1 na)J l:w I 'L'c l'eulry. J hI) • r; llIud tlulIglJter, Wmo nnMncD o11a1c1, th o hst MIK::! Cundll oe Blurd IS WIth ~ t. MISS JessIe LlLc key I ~ now bUMl1 M Il\ ' 1111 rle~ I!:lhs, MiSt! E UJLil Uranu of Xenlll, where s he hlu< lllleu elll m e rm oll , R 'pr ~ IltutIVe ~I) Grtwr\ H awke, Trr:l.'il1l I Lettl C;v all!;. " h o cared fo r h i m WI th ll SIDgl n e:' u fh ellrt und fid,ah ty, mrely f ound Wn ll noe '1'lbblll 9 IInel fam Il y tug In to wn ntteudmg ll ig h l\lId Lon un .. ,I unney ployed IlS stenogrnpbor fur !lOUIe Ca:!tle: U . M. WhIt" , Alt r outo Trustee, SUlS16 Haw ke; Th e !tuli p", uf t.h ll lub we re ple:\s H WIll he III ! l!OU I 'I'h r o 11:! n o 'l'h e endin g of \louve Dlr postllis 1S School. time 10 ~he office of the Li t tle MIamI G. A. R. Installation. o n thllt CII Il t!lk o t,he place held by 1111 t h e roga nowlldt.tys Th ll sUllle T lle Epwor tb Lougue wns lod lu!:!t ed 10 IJ II \' e i\1t :.!. MlI lIlloe Sri ve r, l\IJr8, Powder Co, Mi\jl! Redfern Is al@o Juniors Installation TIll m ember of B" I p c,sl Grulld Lll1 !! stro ng m llll of unIq u e IDdlVtd· WilY l}e hud lit 1I0Y t Ulle 111 out VI I· uuday OVOll1Og by Mrs. J '1' Brown ' hu ~ HOllll h lI tHl MrI; .1 , l) (Jtln· a mem.ber of 'l'rmity ChOIr, I!. fine and Banquet Army of the R ll vullhc "11\ Instull ullllty Str on er Ill, 1111 t111.t st,ands hLJ.:6 lit eltber o[ ol11"01tOl S 'l'lll Y In IL vo ry eiIlolent manner, u pon un "'\'lgII 111(' I WIfU thl'w 1.111 thi d mnSloalorganlzatlon MlIlw I -=V"-'"Il"" Io-y-- Uou n Ol i, J Ull \I r th e f ollo ~'ll1g offi t' I'~ n e x t ::;llturtluy fOI t h e III b llst rut\lollo shlP , At,ron s ILro Lytle sceue", Itud t.h Olll'(h tile IOter e!ltlllg tOPIC, Th mon tllly II " ' - llll t uceu> ltJ ,11:1 gUt:dts of the After a brIef wedding trip, th e In II s l)l[ut.ton fol' hI f'LIDl ly, th ' :!UIJP\y HI n ut liS y t, vory vue! d , It b llSlDe~S a nd sOOlll1 m t~~g of t be h i' Ic·,. bride and groom will return to Order Unltec\ AWOrJOIIn MeohllUIO , uftOIUOOfl. ,l Ull 12, I.t ~ "c1 ck Robert~, '01l1\11L\1I\1 I , A (j o lUl1lu nit.y lind hUl1lnOlty lIt largo, will lJe IOcreutlecl In t h e fUtlll l.Elllgu{l \V'l hold lust F n dny eveolllg Xenia and go at onoe to h ou e kee p S~tnrday evenlUg held thllir annunl E inK in their own home whloll itl lostallatlon of otUoet~,u lis t of who m Mullon S enior \'1 e 'OI1Jl1ULnU ' , str('1 ll~ ID recogU1tlOo of t he gre nt ut t he h o llle o( MrA J essHl Dill, with De.1.LiI of S usie Stcddom. E dmun'd Reta lhOIt: . Jl1UIOI Vice truth thu t SOl vice to broth er WIlli, Ie given bel6\V : Harveysburg. u good n tto odllnoe. ready for them to oooupy, After the evening's work the OowwtLlldl' r , J H Col ell11lD, (~u ILr t 111118 Redfern haa many friend s Mr. Floyd Anci er ~o ll, uf Dllyto o, Mrs Be rthlt Elmore Fox, of Bl\lok Is th e holding I)f tho " Kingdom of \o,;',n ' llfls \l I!lI, Il:lhLtlve~ or MISS members and visitors partook of an , er Master Sergellnt , B E LlllPln oott h eu l eu" lU t h e b Em r t among Gazette readers who unIte ..... h h IS WI f 0 a ll d v lll o, 1l; VtSltl U' Mrs. Rd M PIDe, __ spent Ilnduy WI t _ _ oyeter snpper Visitmg brothers Su" If- :'i ', dtlll"' , of OSkU}OOIlU, Iu 'I'U, OlUOer of the Day. All members of In congratnlatlng Mr, Booekett In WIth whom Rh e lo n g 11 11 II 'ung Il tt l" !jon " , " 1\ ' /I Il' ll)grnm lI1uU (h. y Ull. winning 80 ohannin~ a bride, und were present front XeUla and Bell the GAR nre r",questod ttl mnlee Il R esolutions Pass ed by Miami Ce rnM;. lind M. S Hnrry Ullne "'1'0 nllllll[ u I)cfor e he r 1l 1llll l,\ 1~ 0, brook. Iu pn.sBlDg it Is worthy of lII i\1 U< }II " 111'1' llt'll tll ~tlI1<lllY IUOt'U' apecI.L1 effort to ILttend t bl UleetIDg all wlsh for them a long I.od slnooth e tery Association. Mrs J (>iJJlIlI U WOll l'\' \I, " lHlruted 11I ~ , III I)U,H'I; I" U" I radu, 11 1111 Llllt.~ over t Iie I1r rt vII I0f n"" II ,u~' mention tha.t Bellbrook blls tho Capt C-H -:- S~Tt.h -\~:SCllll ed to Wh e rell ~ , 'fh " rout IlIlti suIJr 010 rboej IOIDg '. voyage, UllOl1 In s t week f UI ~J\11 " Iuno Dr" hI, iJlitl v II '\11,1 iJ (, bl'ou:,;l t t 011 IIIs t }' rltl uy lt1rgest CounCil of Juuiors III Grtleu e B I 1] (1 Jreev" l IlllI forlll ' d ;:'r lrnW H"rt ock r e tltrne:1 to DIlY Ilr ,01', III Y UU ~ v County Ilnd Its meruberA Ilre von' 'l'oledo Wedn eso ll.Y Illo rnlll g by t h o Rultlr of the UU1" \'o rso hu 111 hIt! M. E. Church. ;u " I' IJi U ll ~' , fll'[( J!~ vllI, IIll 10\11 \11 1 Illuess of his brother , I..Hl Wll 'lodl'y 11 ft e r 1\ fo w dll.I "· t h e opr l II IlUn ".., I,u I ~ g' tt 111.£ on uct t Oll lve'lll t hetr w o rk for the or do r ,N ,) uLilUI Illl lll llllll1'JJ1 !lD lI I' Aohed S 111fitJIte l(flstlum 1'0 III lived I rOIl1 ,. 1 I tt ( tv 1,,, 11 Protnoted meetin!;: this week And '.'IOt'tlon \"., Ith hl ~ IJUl e n ts l ory ule 'Iy PWUll 0 IV U J " Tbe new oilioara of tho loonl r emolD" Ith hllJl lor s evel'll I d'I Y IIID on g Il ~, o ne of our wo rlhy IInr!,· rorl' "I ) h' ""1 ~r\l ll~ t 111'6...", liu t h ,-, next at tbe M E churoh. Dr, D, Berbert VOrl on, who w, nt to Luo· OVI u 1)eatb hlu! nl7... UIU VISited OUI Vll. 51' 1105 \I ro l UUl . PlJII (lollt n"w laya th o fUlI ll lll1 )lII' IY I r xp" ll t','t! t o • L, Aq-Itman will preach SoturdllY CouuCllllre k a bll, OkluholUll, Itbont It y en r II g o ~ t Aemel1 fell ow h ~bo r e r , Arnold T III ITR lin " t{lKe1t tbo old est lind J Ilur uO I r e v Counoll or, Elmer Lllcy, Vice wl t h OtIS Hudloy u\1(1 flu\IIly p ( SllbID , Llncl whl re up, t b e Ion!.! uIIiI U I tl ( ()I Il L' I)"'l t"r IIf teJ' ""I 'l' ~- rllll \ . 1\'\1 1 t ho 111 11t1 rol w'lI nigbt. and t;undl1Y mornlag, The.~e " IllO"~ t eu>c"w cd Oltll'.on, wbe n Aru old (llWU I ]J 'll 0, ~ ,. v c Ui vrusl)Jntl nt t"k lJII eS,I lIrlln y 11 , llltlJ !1I101US meetings Ilre held for tlle pubho, Uo nllol)or, Isano L ongo r E', Iteo(l nL H ll rvtlyab urg, blls a g llin r et urn ed 10tlDllIt !l r ell1tlOn b Irl WI t h IJ1D11D 'r "'flbln lIn sl' d IUtO III l;rtl!lt 13 lI ourly Olll) yelu II lI f h OI UIlII I, MI<I J Ot!eIJIl HlIlU tlH, 109 Seoretary, Vllrl Sm Ith A1iS1 t .". f I Ino" Everybody is made welcome tu W"-Yllesvllle whe r c he IS ollJ oy Mt o fll1thf~tl dlsohlll'ge of Ill S dn t le torm h~ Will! t1I~ k r uOl t II V~----,:::-.-:u OIl/nllt ot lt uuItIl street uud b'tuuk. llecordln!l Secretary, W B Dill mg meeting his old frIends 10 thiS bOlurd mllkes It omme n t ly YOlld In " orY , Phlhp Tront, pl1stor, hll ltoud be fH tmg thflt w e r eoord our appro und rook bnt In t h e Bl~?shlDe h e Pleasant Ridge. wlddie, Ftnanolal SOOl;ebtry, 0 B Mrs, JUDe DownlDR, wbose home omtl on f hlw: therefore, MISS 8telldom Itved in Wayn es. In Society. Bamllton , 'l'reallurer, Fmuk B • wu~ "vIne Imd flower , . No ono MI~d lSt7 tll1 Duugllert,y hilS been Mr. lind Mrs Emmor ,B~lIy lIad fi'llfr; Conductor, Henry Foulk", is with her dllugbter, Mrl:l lrilltlldu Resolv ed, Tbat the WIsdom lind knew hIm but to love h,1ll1, Be wa H thu guests o f f lle nll!:! und r alutIVcs v ill e whe u u c hIld , Ilnd was a ~ n· Underwood, near Bllrvey sburg, IS Churles SmIth, Iu"irl e I\blhty whIch be htls e x er01sed m known as tile ohlldre n B frleml l 11nd ut Mllr Hod LIOn fOI' severn I duy~ I it I Cl1VOti tll 1I" I' lIIolher WU!l ,;I:!ttlr as their guests at a stlt a olook dm Worden 11." L lI lIta Mills, o f 'h uttllU~o. t o Mr Is1uel {rIght IIlld ~h s, Jos , Dar Saturday evening, Mr. and g lj utlnal', W!I1 S Graham, Out!!lde falhog grolltly III strength, so mucb t,b e aId of our bonrd by servlcP, 1111 th e wllrd went o ut of lilt! tl Ot\~h lira, l4ert Dukin of Lebanon, Mr. Sentinlll, Will P, Bny ; ,1nDlor Pllst I\U thl1t she It! n ot u ble to ~ lt UJl co ntrlhut lons " ILOel oonnsel IVIII be youtll tlu d l1'eI b\\ o pt t llg t.l10l ,Til 0 fin ~[(' r t U1 co unty, IIII Il IJOllU \,I ~ I t - H IUUOS CounCIlor, J , O. Hawke; Trust ee!!, OWing to the fll ct til",t l!tu;. Dowu. b eld \U gruteful rem embranoo WIll lie \l11~~e( y e vcr .l'0nu Itl ~ h er tlu lll , Juco)) Uo rl'l ell, lin d _.- - and Mrs George W Hawke ing will be 94. yeurs old the l:it,h of l:tesolv oll '1'hllt the sudd~n r e fun e r1l1 Will:! h ald on Fl'IClu y Hfrer ' ''DJlly the )lust woek. New l:S ...l riIllg[on. Mr8. AUlllDda Wright" sisted by W , H . Oln widdle, Will R BIlY Il oxt lJIootb , her frl e nds .Jeu r t.ltlLt ,I aooh UUI 0011 and 'hl ldl'en It Itllll:! OU1' c llut · h,·.., LI' - u~rvlD g the Mi8l5 WrtRht and Mls8 Mini W. S Gru.ham,Ohnplu.lD, WIll BIlY Bile h as n ot tbe e nduTllIlOe to r a lly m oval of ~ucb a life from (lln on'" n oon fr oQI MIIILtlI Cem tlt e ry cbupel our midst leILvl's u VACtlncy lrod ~ Inte rment III th e olt,y (I f LIl d Olld f th o\[ ~ n ~t!! eund" y Mr, IlllCl till'",. W l! k of pl'll~ 01 IIJ ln i ~uu Baird ~erved 1\ delloltlus dInner a~ B e l· duughtor. Mrs . ltebeooll Mer r,.,r B or nee ::;ILUIll U l1'~ Wife, ~ FlIlu lr Snl do r. Mr, HILII'I:son 'ul'nell , Bo rn , to MI 1I0d llrs Juwes Pe .ix o'olook Sa turdl\Y evenin~, .to Farmers' Orange No. 13. rllt 101 WIth her IlSBlstlllg III h or shndow that WIll b e d ellply rellh:r.('(~ by .. II the members and (nend s of XOlll ll, !! pent sevel'lLl dllYs I~C nt Mrs Cohll l;iILVUI,; , MI ~S 10' I' ll lind t Ilion JI' , Ur U,' l1lhti f :l1, II son, Rev aDd Mrs .1 F , <.Jlldwllllader) 'fbel e lS no more lovtn.1 set of lief) Cill'O tillS bOllrd and WIll prove u ~erlOUN rece u t ly WIth theIr Dleou flnD nO ~d Buluh Snlcl ':!r !lUlI!!:1 Ullor b: 1\'0 h ilI t, HOllben Jones II nd f,ltJdl y ha ve a s / Mr. 'and Mr8 W B Allen Rnd pIli thlin the PI~tTOp8 of Busbandry , 'Je~srs Lew \V a t Oil, EII1l iI1t S I11 their gu ost, " it E IIlt'r J UOl!tI 'Mi8888 Lizzie Uarroli anll Emmu und no other organlj\ation e otertllllls National Bank Directors 10SI:I to the'commnlllty llnci the pu ir ow , Wmonn Illltl Sl1blO ,IIICI OUI\ Th o (Ulle rlll of Arn old S IL lIU Vi ns dOl lIn" Elll r~o u ~'II IIIJ1UI t ' \\' so t I 0 ,. 11'c more 1l0ngenially than thts body of HeighwIIY, I I It Cll ed by r e lntl\ e nncl u ~ '" e IITIl In' 'i I"PIJI t ( l I' l ; e [. At t ho unnulLI mee1.I~" of the nellolved, That with (Ieep sym f'lr g lY fl: 1 WIlmington J..Clba noll MI~Nt) s Trouu Uo rnoll llllel L tl11l':!. McPherson b 1:> \lot u~e n !!C) w ~ Il, or 8a~urday, January, 5, wus MI8S stu rdy people n' t UI' MIll s took dlllner \\It ll Won Il II lew w eel, Snturday evenlng was no oxeep stookholders of the W .. ynellville lluthy ""Ith thEI berea vou re lntivos rl Cl S l Oll Katherine Alexllnder s DItta I duy, uy Oil, U , MIll !:! antl lu ulIl y, l'[ u a'lr RIIl!;WILll 1\111>8 ElIlZ I Men II. flf '0\1 C.lI' • • tlOn to tblS, wben I!. luge num b er N Ilttonul Bllnk held 'fuesduy lifter. of tho d ecellsed we eXllr es ou rho)Je Troy X elllll, Snlllnll . and tn order to oeltlbrBte che Ilunt noon 1111 or the officers IlOd lllreotors thllt even so g reat II I t)~~ to Il l:! 1111 CIUTlU(,1 IIn(l Hichm ulltl d Ll ur, Is tho gllu t I .111" J,I ~ C!l .\lo. , "eraar~ end to glvo h el" frIend!! of lhe mem~r8hip met a.t their hull who havl:l se rved tb e pust }luar w are muy b e over rul ed for g lId by Blln 01 1 , , elJl r etu\l]~ OUI' ouuo y i ntlr ll I pleasure, IIhe In vlted ,tweoty or Ilh cl witnessed the m8tallllt.ion of II , Vlll,l"'o uft cl' II 10rlUlgll t 8 VIl:l lt In '1'l\e Ll tem r y WIll 11 h old n.t tho rll eleoted Dlrector!! W a Allen, "'110 cloe th 1111 t tlln "s ,~ ., " I ' h of 1 (loo" Corll',11 "llt'l"du y ~i r. 1'0111\ F,lrqnhll1, I 'I f Hodoo, m'ore young ladles to her home th e olRcers for 1\107 The cer emo O eorge E RIley, S Lev Uurtwrlght, ., R esol ved '! '!In t " l~ copy of tbeso Rlobm ond, n t.l/ln l l . OOlv' I) ,..." , , .1U , " M Ed Uoll tt of WlltUlUgton, D1 gh t, Januury 12 COUIO on e !lnd I mhu~II, oulled VII lH.I Iluo t , Mr , fro.m 2 to 5. ,vhen the afternoon UH'S were in charge of A B Chan J W Whlte .. O '1' 1:l11wk.e, ~ B Pence rellolutwns be II pre nd up on the r eo r , I F c1 11 Ann lllLrq ull uI', l lt~r \ Ot It • ed swiftly by to the tnn~I ' of dl tll', who p.roved himself to be well ords of thlii board IL copy printed W/lS on ilin g on frll'lllr 1:1 [\ ILy d 11. II d 1 It 1 ChriS Viol 0 • \\ If llllL' lIe ell ol"rk. ~nd C S Sel1rs t:.':py voloos In merry oou verslltlon 8\l1tecI to that offioe Mr 1. /1uO tout S)len t Iltur uy J 100b Corn e un t uug I IJ r!! u nt . .. 10 the 10c" l \'nllers' tln cin OOIlY fo r. Afte r Lhe lodge work W&B com d S 1 nt ll ome Ll\Urll }lIlls ::;p l:lnt New Y "r~ WIth w g ID g U"lll ~1 (Ill'lt's geoerl11 .,.. well lUI in readings from twa Of pl otlld 11 bounteous oyster snpper wurded to sthn b~rellved f~nl1ly, !1.Il Mr u~~\~r R enso n, lJ [ Dlly lou, IS .. t tile flll'Ill'r '!! ftl t h er , lr HlltllSOll :!t l>re III Alphll, OhIO, IS at homo fQr Citizens Bank. .brae, thl1re WRS 0.180 Inslrnmenttll Wut! erved, Tlttl m el:tlOg uf tbe Il tookholders "\ . 'fl Uollett home f or Ii f w!lIlY (Jul' noll, lind dlll1 g btol, Muo;, oll u IL fo w woo k!! JDuslo, BI 'l be following offioerll will have ()f ttW 'It' zeut! Buuk- beld MOudllY season waS lie voted to 110 W l' oker, r.h~s Uort rudo ('1 tl rc' , of 'VIl~h· Savllgo, DIll\[ L.)'tl , .\II T ou cl ti ll wktns was last week l h ft' Ellrnhlll't,' tlml fumll y ' !:l 1 13 th gU\jst of hI S uu Ie JJlh)aa Bn.wk· • no u ingto n ' 11 , I Vl ol~lL1g hOl'll 1 t a r story," wbioh exOI ted ohllrgll of the lodge thIs year' JtlllUllr y ;' tor the purpose of eleClt I lu.s ter, Warren, Keyl! Ing dlreolOI'>I for the ent!Uln~ yaur, ebpeoially to Mlllij S yere storhlH huve been pre\ul1 Mrs Jon t MOrr iS l eco nt gue~ttS or .I3u, t\JU Elllll hatt II ,~, He WOll cu ll Bd h r~ by the ()vet:l4eer Morris vornell rt:sulteci In the eleotlOn or the fol. ing In nUillY secMOoS Of our c.ollntry waS prel'anted with ILUd tllmlly, II nes~ lind c1elLth of It \'tll~tlve, M~r. l.eoturer: Frlmk Hartsook oarjlllttoos ~ a reward 101'lowlng. rousing !lortous damflge from t or. - • Mrs C has Surfa oe wus s b opplUg Oll>! Kourlls Stewllrd Will Cornell ibOit oorreqt answers in tilO. A. H1060h. R . F Mosher, W nadoes It Is wise to be prepared Att mpt to ,Destroy lD ~ In D ..yton on e clay lu t week \ AIVn Bllilr !LUll I'hlh]ren, Hele~ ~S(l18tnn't Stewa.rd,Rftleigb Phlhl)S A llerri~t, NU Lhlln Jon 8, Levi S ure our e Mat lJlu.rnlllut and wl( e pent Sun. und li eu uan. h lLve \ I! turu eu f, om II. ( haplllin Mrs Ella Hisey LUKens Oharles ~urllell, S F EI . for tbe Ilnexyeol,e~ and ~~B tor:ad o Kings Mills. c1",y WIth Burton F.Ilrllhart Ilnd fILm . (' ary 111 II lUll VI "lt wlt.h r elutlVtl!:l tn and loes were servod II Vblc:l/-{o ILud lU llhlLJupuliH Trell8nre~, ~ttll. Rathet'lne Cornell bon J 'N Lemmon, W, '1', FrnlU e} propert V Ilga nsl, re / I . following 11.1'0 the Ureat excitement prevlllls nt Y Thoma\! 11" ',1\,u.k u.ntl ~Ifl! IIDttltt. Luella Cornell Jurues t;toopl' and W, J. SherwOO<1 Leroy III'trI!, 100 ,I agent. lIariha O'Neal, S~Clrel.<lrY lIrllnolpll,l,[ _ Mr, Carey, spent Jrings MiIll! in this Oounty, where For Sale. toLluud on ~'~w Yenr' : ~r, Ray Cornell retiring, Mr, Stoop~ o~ 1I.coouut of Edit,b I Hate'Keeper friend. a repeated attempts have been ___ Mrs. W!ltt llllwdIJ IInll Ceret! Trena Cornell beina abaeDt 1D behalf of otber in · the pallt week to blow up the un· A Warren Evaporator, &11I0S of Lumburtoo pomo'DIl, Mil' S",,,wn Sereeta, 1\Dd Mr, Sherwood on aoRA'..,,,,. ill hindered in menle Iliant of the Klngl5 powder little uaed !lnd pr1l.etloally as liN. D ~_.,,-,!9!~~~""l Flora 1Dll1l. Xell oooot of poor hellltb. L, A, Stella Comell Hr, W. IUlOOIUlIi of Co, 88 noW. Kerritt _UWI....
The Weather for 1906 News of the Lodges . The.Cold, th - Hcal , fii()RaUI, th e - - - -S now of the Past Year, Much Activ ity Among .tli order s . Chil l .. ~ ~j iltLll,h" IlHr, wh o ,"po r i" N ew O fficers tak ing C hUl ge of tltl. " 'IIIII I'T 'un!lltJ uns 1111 Ih.. the off lce r!:! of Lh (' locll l lolig ' ll. Unite II ~tll"H "" lither , N unH:roul!nanqu'E!t~ . ulen1 I r 0 1l1 rh \~ VIC'lI llt.y, !jUb llll , I I" --f ltllf'l\\ In ": ) ,·pt 1' ( of th o \IItHlt ll ", The ))I'Ol:lont H I n ilU lIY !! IIMun fur >()01l 1l1! lt)' 1 ~ d llrll ~ th A J)tl!' t yell l' l n.hno · tllllr)ftll 100111 lodge~ New whloh 111 1\ I,e " " ry In t ere~tl Ilg r ,HI of1iccrs 11u va b lJ olected to b lLVe 1ng hur ge of th e ord Ar ' wo rk Ih l! ell ' l'ne t o t~tl r~lnlllll for .JlIlllillry 1\ 11M ''1l 10 1,{ ven r und t lte IUsrnll llti Gn c I ~ . Oll III ·h .... , Ih l II' o wfu!1 \1111 8 Ie) 1I1l1 01l1P!; wlt h tho 118UIII h l~ II'1l1 fi t, lllCh 1\ 'l'h l1 t " IIJp'ln tUl n fli t " ,i 11Jl~ ,or v!',l t,'l11I·I :.:l! t 11 I h lil t l l'''~ d e!!r t'" h, III\\' Y,O jl) '\ 11 Ih ll I\lIl t h 1\ ,,01 In 1\(lllItl .. 1I 1<1 tllI~ Ih e IlI r lllf'r" Tetu'lI ,·,l -:-2 1I i1/,;"'p~ H Ih' I' ~ Ol1 th t' O!<pr>CI .I ly h ,L\ , t I rr r.11I "~ III !!II H 21st ' In t h r' I.III I~I · th '.1\ III ~ lllll t' n tll l' r '1'h' I I"nlllllllf Ftl irr nlll> \1111::1 11I"' I If'fI~ .. lJ~ .. 1 'hI .'ou r sl) l hnt nlto!!,':1 , leHst"f 11 11\ "l lIlIlh h l' lII~ ,IlO of , III ',r th ll hll ll~ .,1 Ih o \lIlI!lUK unl ' r ~ inc h , Illl llw full r, llJclJf:!l1 'l'lttl lII n ~I 1IT1' Jlrl'~t1U llll f( SI'IIII OII o t ulIll ~n , l\ mum le lUpe r lltllfo \V nS 6:, d e ~n I ~ ILOl l vJt\ ulld th e m in illlllln II rl H!t r lle~ lilli,,'" on t he t ll- th l!l 'l\ IU! th o. cnld \:;~ Open Meeting. duyof th6 yellr Tho rlllDf"ll I " t Ml\roh WIlS 4 tiS m c he~, t b e sno w fall wu~ 2y' Inc h es, IIlIiXIlllUm t e lll Kdmllnll Rntulh ck CUlI1!>, Son s (I f V ft t Ol'llO, WIll ID !!tflll It S olllOllr!! perlltore 6U, Imnimum 3 During April th e r e Wit !! 1 110 !Ilect ed for th e en sum g ~ e/l r, tit IItnches of r nl n , tho lllllXlmuw t III n ext r eg ulur meeL1I1g W u no dttJ. perature wus 5, the nllDlnll1ID :1 4 ,Jn nllll.ry llltll 'l'lIe raInfall for MlIY wu~ 2, I I 'l'hls meet,lOg WIll b e "pl'n tn 1111 Inobes ; hIghest temJlemtnre WH " whu deSIre til ntt"'I,,1 ~ lf)l llb O I .,f thd G A Ro, 1\11\1 ,ie t.! nd nt<l of 87, lobe lowest WIlS 21l '1' lIe rulnlllli for June was 2 (1 soldier s of the ' IvII ~Vflt' uro s p I' Inohes. 'l'btl bl ~ h e t temp rnture lally ID vlterl. of tbe year Wlli r I\ oh eliin ,Ju l1e E :.:e rCISOR b egIU at 7 :30 \U th e bull when the thermometer OIlDlbed Ill> 10 th o Fllrr & , Vh l te bll1ldln 17 to 92 the oold at lInv wus 1;\ Tit I' rainfllll for July wal! 2,63 Inohos Thll mllXlmnDl te rnpe mtnre W II Knigbts of Pythias 90, the wiDlmnm 52, during Augu , Banquet. The greatest lIiIDfall for IIny m uo I h fell uurlug AUi ust , 1111l0llntiojit t.n r wu Lut1gs, Km ght>; o f Pylh l" A Ii 86 inohe!! Tbe llig hest tem p er" held II. tllO"t n]oYIlule mc'e lln g I II~L tUl'e WIlS 00, t he lowellt U~. W 'nnll ulty Dlt-(ht FoUf)wlDg tU Il Tho raln fll ll for e ptomber " u!\ bnslDe S of th e e Vll1ll nr.; 1\ r OY li1 3 ,10 Inohes; the IDIlXlmllll1 te mper bll nq uet WII SArv ed, llUd I t I ~ unnc'o ature was ,the nllniUlulll 17 I!ss ury to I1Y full JU"ti c WI1S d on e .....c ~ ~ .rhe rlllnfal! for. Oot~ bor WII S OwIng to th se vere u o w storm Tatl1e r I1ght, only 1 J3 IDche ,ht gh enrly In th e eve nmg, thO! 0 \\I n eat temperllture 77, Il) weAt 26, not ns muny m embe rs I1T eS611t ItS During Novpmber 337 Inohes (If \vonlt! ot h e nvlse b uvo b n tile CII~ l' , Tam fell The t mperature rlln gpd n vel th eless t b e somA l p,rlt wbwh between 7?- 1I.nd 10 chttru ct e rizes a ll DleetlL1g of til ' Ir The Tb.IDfttll for De eUlbe r \V ,~ KnI g ht" wus In evld n ct',IUlII v e l'" 373 ioohe8, mllxlIDum tOlupe ruhll H bolly e nj oyed t h e OCCII IOU fa til fifty. mne, luwest 1 dogr 'o-e ll~ht fullest inohe8 of SIlOW fell. 'fhe t,otul rtllOfull for the v eil r 1 ) 1 t' -was 35 33 Inohes, whloh 1M cun sltll1r I Odd Fellows l1sta a Ions ably below the ~l1lUfltll of lust.l' \1 I:3IllI1 U I r.ulth, 01 Lr i·t Dep uty of which WIIS 44 53 t ho 1 0 O . E' lodges in this viciu The uverage year~y ralDfull fu r H.y w llIlUBtall moers fOl't he yeur the last ten years Is 30 70 lOch s 1007 Itt th e follo\v1Ug pit10e llnd
rEl{~ ...:~L M ~N'n or,
I"",,,, ",'
DfJU" j
", v
~~i.:~~n '
Elderly Mnn Recalls _n Event of the Long Ago,
Much Care Needed Leat Delicate Fab· ric Be Injured,
~1'l'lIkiu" <It u,,~,," ~n l ll 1111 ,'ldVl" mflll \\hn '" "on \\"S IIlI lkl lll'! blls\;l) d,,"" til<' I'lI l h, 'I l('II,"1I1 h el Ih,' tl l~ t 5".'lul ,'11 11 I e,'ar mAU" lin,' (\un~ Ind ~' I /!u" , S 1 !l ldn I III(llc 'Iull~ a
-.lI i It
Great Trium ph of Engin eering SI<,ili Which Will Make a New Land of O(d Egypt . Behold "bat Irrigatio n butb '\I'ought to Egypt DeLweon 190J lind 190f> 206,000 a tes wer gl,· U IIl'rl'nuln l trrlSllt.le n I\l n l)st nf about $7 (100,000 'I'he rental ot (his area has HIlICO III oreaslld hy over $~,O OO 000 nn d the nle valuo by ov r UO , 00.0(\0 I rrl· gaUon hnprO\'cmellt~ 011 an olr! p •. JI . nJal area ot \82000 ncrcll o( flln(!' land 'ln Mtddle EIQ pl IncI e lt ~ d III meu rent trom $1 , t $;16 por n(1"', :lust doubl e. A stlltl' Ilroperty In the Fa)'oum or 34 000 acr(l~ hilS hnd 11K mean rental Incren.t' d frolll $5 611 In 1898 to $1020 In 1 ~(I5 , The "nl11o ot thl8 propert ), estlmalt 'd III 1 ' 99 III a little over $3,000,000 Is DOl' abollt
I ' ll S01111at, 111011 :\' l1e ~nL! <\lbnra cOll tll l1l11<' nO' ,il Iy till of Ih~ 1Iood dl ~ <,hn nH' , I Ill' Wh l . ;>;111' 1)(' lIr l ) I,h' whol £' or 1\", I1l1l1n (' r .1I ~l'Ilnl n, I h~ lIlt'lIn mllxlmu1I1 floml nl~chn. ~I rf'tIC'h Ing A"wan Is 7,Oiltl 1"lbk nll' It!I~ 1'(" nn d t h t~ 11l~lln rntuhl\u1 ll ~llnh
UIN dl.dlUl! 'l' 410 ,'ubi' mUICIS I)UI Bel' 'nd I '01 till' h\\l1 ,~ G I; Illlnwl(', s of II H thf:l'
I1l\h l 1'1 '; ('Ih(O I
tnu'l\l ~(\~
mls IlY s WlIlI1l'S 1\1 Ullll"II'I OIln('.1 II . ' .. '0 !;,rC'tll Is l ll' r(,t: l1 l a ll n~ I'If!"!){ or thes' 5 11'1101\1" Ihnt 0111\' ~ll I n 6Q I'C I cent of th .. SU lIlIU ' r und 10 I.) .. 0 per Cl)nl or the fioon t'1~chllrg' or lbe t 1\ I' r eoch,'s lhe Whlt l' :\1I i" To Il\lwrc Ih ls 10SI bu nlll1"r dl~char!;c $6,500,000 The area under perennIa l In I!=ollon wlth o"l Inlerfl.'r ln \\ lIh the \,xlsllng til 4,000,000 IIC. es, lind the kilo· noor r~glme , Is th., I,rolllem nl'W bIng metrar;e or perennln l cnnnis 11 67~ sl11!lIed l ..t.'t "" I10W sec how lhe A kllomote r Is 1,000 molNs, and a aVlIlIRbl ~uPl l ly I~ utilized meter t il 3936 Inches loug) Tht' s\ Siem s of Il'Ilgallo n proctlc d The en· tire perennia l trBct In Middle Eg> pl 'li e th e baRln and perennia l ,Yijtl'ma 18 supplied bv lhe Ibhhlml ell cannl, Gu der Iho IIrst thO Innd r ('I v 5 onc 243 kllomote r s 10DK, Thi s cau,lI tnkc~ ununal HoodIng , IlOder lhe second, off at Asy ut. alld has a bed \I Idth of wl\lellng s pi oeced unlnlcrr upt edly 60 meters, a summor deplh of 40 through out Ihl' ) ('liT nasln Irrlglltlo n meter., and a dood d plb of 0 has h n Itt 1' , Istence som 5,000 motel'll. Tho dlsoharg e vn r l es flom ~cur~. nnd fOlmerl) , ""a s unl,ers lll 166 to 700 cuhlc metors per second In Ib20 perennia l IrrlgaUo n r epillced - ---'il'-Il<I l-Delta su pplied by tllx l11llln lh(' 0 Itll bawlns, und In 1 73 reach d Sln"o 1901 the con CADala taking orr between Cairo amI Mlddl o BS) pt VNslo n o[ basI ns Inlo per nnlal t racts t he Delta barrages , The IIggrega t dlaobarr ;e of lhes canals Is bel." ecn hl\s b n pushed v igorou sl y an d In 400 and 600 cnblc meters per seco nd thr!''' yt'ars tim IInly 950,000 acres 111 summer , and 1,000 cubic met rs \ler of bllslu s "III bo I ft In Egypt. At Ule h 'a d of the 0 Ita como the second In flood , A. number .,f nlillor canals also draw dIrect froln Ule r lvor RosotlD. and Dami tlli burrages T bese
,n the Nile Valley. SU'UOUlr 8 w r comm~n cd In 1 3:, ofiicluLI) com pi ted In lSGl, and pro nOli need a fullure In 1 :1, Th n Clln\(1 Sit 'olin C'Olt Moncrlo f nna sov ra l Anglo [nil Ian ItllgU\.lo n ornc ra, under whos' ell I eliuns both bnrtage s wore remod I d bel\l eeu 1 7 and 1 90 They " Ie fu r ther Rtrength ened nn(( plol'lded wIth 1IIllsslv' down·st ream \l clrs b twe n 1 97 alld 19 0, und to, do) hold liP six III t rs of waL r, and dh rt ~he enU re summ er dlscbllrl ;e of thc r ll' I' Into lho Deltn canuls 'rhe _ SSYll t ba. ru ge was eomillol ed In 1902, and dll l'lns tbl ea recent lo w flood s has BIII'ed CIUPS to lbe value of
Egypt condlUo ns by gravItat ion gener· In the Delta condlllo ns and two th irds ot tile 'IB eIrected by 11ft, Ul(JU.,aUIIl saklyas and la bll steam pumps at WOI k , thousan d sakJYIl1! nnd mlUve maohlne s worked by tabu~ the chain ot earth en by periphe ral cbaRl' wheel Thousan ds or screws, worked by are al so In use for small 1Ittc. area or CroDS In tile Delta !n was 4,686,00 0 acre., The cu lll· area was 3,167,000 acres, whIch that 48 per cent of lhe Illtter doubls crop, Tbe gross vallie crop per aore of cultlvat lon abOut $75, an .. the n et valne $50 Of the Nile and ita system or IIrl· gation Mr K V erschog l e, 0, 1>1 G" inspeot or general of Irrigatio n, says: The Nile rises south or ,Lake Vic· tOlla and drains U tract ot 300,000 .quare kilomet ers, The mean annual ra infall over Its bllAlln varies tlom -4xty to ten Inches, Tbe river bears
The Aewan
ilon 10 tloorl~
ReG.rvo lr :l
Illr;le area of bn sl ns In low
AS\\,PI IPHCIVlIh wa" (0 1,' ,Ict II I s ~,O (} O metel s lOll,:, l lIlcrcr.:d \)\ If-Ii slul cl's, Il1cl\'ldC'l1 \I Ilh gllt~~ :t'1 r1 eft l:l 111(· O[ IIll~R lll g I hI' , 11 l ite tli sc h Ir!!,' ror til" I h'ci I" fiood Tl! dum ,II ('.,lA"s ':0 1I10t IS III h elghl , has a hase ~3 I:lCt 'I S \I Ide !Iud Il lClll \vldlh of !lCI'''" 1II (,\ CI ~ 'l he slora ~;t' capnc:lt y of t h" . e~,'"ulr Is I ,QuO mil lion clIbl' lI1 I -IS 'I he rCIi' n olt Is filled In ,,1111 t and elllpticlll bun' co ll May 1 ancl 1l1 1,ld le ot Jul) In I'er)' low ) earl' I~ lioulJl Ii th 'h er. di s charge at tho lowelll period and In c r oalies lhe mean minImum dl Hcharg by GO per ceot
pet In I~(I~
Horae, Tn alliable biJnglu g 10 a I ransp£Jl" taUon compan y al.. ul a doze~n horsP8 are kel't. and amonk ' b em .~ l\ hanll .om gray, Bays the Incl1ll1;..1 En IQ'Ilrer. Tbe IUporln Lndp.1I1 Qf Ilto I.tablo, to avoid the II/c(>s~lt' ur hll\ nil • tnlW f;o everY mOI'ulnp; al 4 .C)'cl!lC k to reed the b)rs!)!, n "' l s~ 1I a ;olflD by wblch tbe r lid would ,It 01' Dto their trougb" I Ulat hlluI' w ith , ut 1)fl11ll~ baDdled . Tlw ur un~em nl ulsl..d Qf an alerm clocl, ~e\ to 1;0 'Ott at 4 o'clock. and II wei 'II II l1 al'h £I tD lbe clock In Inoh n wu,' II \\'.)uld 'all wbeD lhe ala rm sountlc.'1 Til ta\1t.. ot (he .... ('I"bl \l,,\I,d " wire. o~ed A. trllJl c100r 0\'('1 ~ a cl1 alld tbe f"o'd cam .. l\lmhlln~ TIIla workf'C1 nil rlt:I'1 unlll It . . brought to tilt> !flllhlC' whal (lulllnit Ihe wire !tOOd " B(> oC hla nlgblo This ,. till' ho"," w "" red In th n Ibo
Thc Zlrtl\ barrnge , on Iho D m l tta blllllCh, wa s complnl ed III lUOll IIl1el Incr a s th earl) flood su ppl y of the Delta Ily 25 pel' een t. These bllr· rages vary '10111 3 ' 6 meterlJ 10 820 m olorR III I lIgllt Th " sayut blll1ngD has 111 , and lho Zlfln blllluge GO 5 m t er yonts T he eo~t or Ibe rout' barrages ha s be II £4,000,0 00. Tho ).olBua ba 11 age, l 7 ~ kllom tcrs north of AS lltin. Is now In h une1. Th e fu nction o[ this IIOt It \I III iJ 10 I n sllre Irrlgll
Barrage and
'the followIn g names In Its dlrreteu t reaches : Bot ween La ko! Vlctotla and Albert, tbe Alber t Nile, between l .[\kes Albort and No, tbe Baht' cl · Gebel , between Lake No Ilna Kh ar' toum. the Wblte ' lie Tile Nile pI op· o. comm nces at Khnltou m The main Irlbutar los are the Rubl\t'll t kilom eter J \l 8 from Lake Victoria , the B l ue :>; 11 at Khartou m (kJ 101l1 eLel' 2,f>2G) , ;h Atbara at kilomet er 2 46 NorLh r the Attara junctJol l, 00 t1'lbulal Y OC, <'u rs The total dl stall ce from Luke VI torla to lhe h ead of the Della Is 6 t76 kllometo rs At the b eMI of the Delta t h e liver b lfurcale s InLo the _-r1'~···"~t1S etLa and Oamlelt a branclles eacb , . . ~ometets In l ength
£'71 ,~ OO
c l ck nnd l ert The gl ar 11'11 Sf' wn~ not aa ti slled wilit ,,,hu t he h,lIl lu t he c ,'onlng h t' wan led lI1orc, 11 cllIl no. I,ll;I' him long 10 HUll ou t Ih se I \')t o( Ihe " ll'e, and afl el th e hOI ~"R h ud eatl'll tb elt' ' ,"ln g 0110 \\ 111101' h ' \\o ultl r"!Icb liP, caLl'h till' wire 11 \'\'e(> 'I hl ij te th anti !lull It wh cn rlo\\ 11 \I ould come th' I'eed In l"ndtll rtll' I he neX I mOlnlng The cun ning f"lIow 'lid this rl11' !I good \\ hlle he(0. e llt~ \\ as cletected Peculiar Centiped e C W .~I II I r~.)n and H P C M el ville, two onlt 1'1S o[ t he Brltlsb dll Ilarl!nrn l or latl<ls and nllu Ols, whll hal(' hE'!! l1 Q"lJlurln g 8rll18h Guiana 1 ' po t dl &('o" erlng a 'Ipecles or centl Il('til' I" 0 <lr Ihr!' Incbes Ion;.:, \Ill! " hnll a r'll Iil:ht In- Its h!'!!J .ud 11
cl'nt ,polK along Its bod,' onll '" ellch 5I!SJ!lCnt
. I~
I n\
t ht ::: \" pnln ~.
hul r hllll\\' I r('11 1'111 11" ut\l'mllfI lH' nhlp' 'It 1\lIS "ho ll t IWIl hCl ur~ 11,,((\.<, Ihe u:;unl limn Il'w ~h' lng \IP \\tUK \\hcotl I \('1k . ,I til!' ,,10\\ l l llt elf lh' IU I I'II \\
nlld el ro ,'" Ih., old UlIIIl' 1,"",\111 Iho ~Jnl1w r WIIS li t Ilw \\ 111111 pll ' ,!IIllwrl1l ); chillS IntO hel II III fill ;\Iy latHl : "'h p e'\:clulm t1 In luna ,WIll ' ut. h nll9
' \\ h:U's tilt.. lH alt r, IIl~ lll) .) .
"':'\ ulh lluC I nn,W('1 II anll stUlt· II1l1 ll ftll th (l b:u n, IIlll'lI his IIl tllll\,'" w.lh hn,' Ilnd \'lIlIlC,1 . Cs \)· 11I1t'l\ t.)\\1I1I1 (11£' hnu!'O ~Inthl'r WlIS IllsI ll,' Hll W ,IUtl I wns Ihuukf,,1 Al I h" "Inlc I sl'cnre d II haT of y 1I0w , ,"1 P .,1Il1 n ltl \\ 01 I flll 1I lho till \),I"l n Wllh II alol ntHl '''0 tlcll It lip 10 Ill\' IlIul1l \ 1 ~unIlY I mulle my 11)11 ot III the h£'t1t b III t be ~ :irll I ij llllgl'\lL'\I Illto a sU(!Iy stal bed shl! t 31lel IIS RUlII d DIY Sundu) dlag· on,ll s I had 11 cubl \\'I Lh lilY ShU'II, rO! thc~ \l elf' II!;h t at Ule best at tJIUCS. Uy Lhlij lime 1 h etl1 d UI)' fUlher B YOICll, nnel In II moment my 11wlhel <Allied ' Suppe r , H nr y" ' I w asn ' t huns . y I y rnlher was . cnted at th tuble Both he and motber look ed lit ml<, Ther was un II" rul silen ce, 1 trIed s VOrill limes, and lit last mllnage d to sa). 'You don't CO l O It 1 lake tho 601 rei Olarc aud tbe bu ggy, do you?' ,,' ortalnl y not, m) 80n: sal d fa th· er, Pr sently be cough ed " 'Going 10 a political m eeUng, H en lY" .. Now, rulhe l : 8a.ld mOlh er " I gOL up and pusb ed m y chaI r back .. 'I wns just asking,' sold faUler. I dldu't m I\n any hlUl1I' " I shook m y boad and Inll t led out l" h ll. uess th e orrol And, d ar \l\e' Her R m y own boy beginnIn g lO ge t notion s IlItO hi s head " ~\I th l
Has the Wasp Affectio n 7 olon y of wnsps 11I!ldo a lIest t h o dark I'oom of a 61\1 110 In ~t 8UIU' m 1', 8U)S 1I \l nl er ,n th o 0\1 In~ mag ,lzlne, At fil st Ihe \lal t)' \\ ho \I d the roolll did !lot l ollsh their cOin· PUll) - hUl for certai n r aso n s he did not 1II0iesl lhelll He PIlI,I no atten· tlon 10 th li llie b\lZZO I S , alld th y came and \I' ut at t.helr 0\\ 1\ Sl'oot wi ll Afl r II. lim bo began to st lldy t hem und 800n alUe 10 I hI' conclu· Klon l h,l t they \l'Ole gllldual ly b COUl' lag U quulnt d with blm, bl s WI\y S lind bls dat'k roo m . Olle da) a 61 raog(' r was Hcal d on I b wlntlo\v sill The fil st wa sp enlerl ng til e room pal d no attentio n to him , but made tor tile old ernelt 111 til wall T hcn out came a big fat f ellow wllo dUlt d throug h Iho Dilen windo w like a b ullct With In fll' e minutes h alt a do~en ""SPS enme with a rush at tho Bll'ang I' Ilnd lWO of them located 1I1m. OUl Il) e \\IIUiI h as I1 e\er b een toucheLi by his waSil colony. Widows , Widows eldat in nil countrie s , thll 3 count t balancin g the mntruno llial tic· cadellce whleb mlghl olh I wise I csu l t i rom ~Imld m n Widows ore Clinging by lempcrA me nt and attncll Ulem· selves r 'a dlly to nn~ objoct that can' t help Itself. It Is genc l ally consld· Cllld unluol;y , to m eet a widow on a ctn rk Il lazza by tbo light or lbe moon In many countt'lc s to he kissed by a " ' Wow melUls enellt'ss troubl e, Wid· 01\ S are fr quentl)' accompl lnled by child r en, w h ose nUlllber Is constan tly lIablo 10 Illcr litle, T he) lonm atlurge over tbo pl'lucllll ll sectlonB , llnd no mun la sn fe when tb ey are near All the perfect m en now dead hnve mar rlod wid ows, thuu fOlmlng a co n· tlnuous contras t to the 1l!lsernb lo spcclm n s who stili IIvc It hns bcen saId 'l.Iewaro o f wldowH, " bllt t1118 Is unneces sary for no mun can really hcl p blm self - Lire, Sensible Woman Hunters , Bi g g.lme hun tint; lu th e noclde~ 18 n o dlvl dlJd·slcl r t propOSit ion 'l\'ot mall\' wom 'n," said th e t;u lde, "ba\'e th o ~tlcn th 01' d sIre to Ilaol, a gun Ullll ({l lIow n guide all day over aR r ough a couub'y as God onll' mud " Wh!c h Is n Iluium But If she has tho slrongth .wd tho des II 0, lh en she mu st d lscn rd nil \) .otEm.e of sldrlsboth (or comfol t as well ns fo .' ~nfOI) D. ass th e pal t 01 k ecp ou t of lhe gllmo, 1'\)010 nro 1101S ullek It Ips w hol tJ IllI! ulIll el hi uoil Mid tiluh!!1 would 111 111'0 sho lt WOlle ut un~ IlI ml of a sld ll , :\ othlUg hut nO t O ~ -',adl il e . Idln,'; and Imlcl:cl boc l,cl s (I ' Ildlu:; III eN 'heR al o LO be con sld I II lI (j Uv~ cll mlli ng boutl; wllh bob nolls alld leg· Glng s III I) n c ssI Ue" . II 11,1111101 shit t I ~ mOHt ClOlllfol ttlble, \lu (1 It l a well to hl\I C 1110llS a h CII\~ wool ' lI S\\ Bl or ,111(1 u wate. II' oot coat - Qullll); ~1,':;1I' Above Worldly C~re •. HII)1l1nnlt e S D,lughl er-Yo u wrong him "npn 11 0 dues not l ove me for 111\ mone) li e scorfs al the world'a nfll liitl 'tl!;Ql lIess to. wealth 1'lIpa- 1\ hur proof bal'e YOll, child? 11111101'ul1 s Dllu,ghlCI'- Why, only hlHl nigh t h e to ld DI e \I didn' t ellre 1f h u WIIS ne" o" abl u to m llko a Jleuny In ltl ~ life If Ile on l y had m e The Judicial Child. '~Iumma : ' It~ked the lillIe boy, tl olllbilog whil e Lhe thundet stO'lll WUII III 11I'lgr .s, "does the IIgtllnln g r eally BlI'l k e IIcol,le'/" 'Som ellmes. dear . " I\nd does It kill them?" "\' ('5 dOllr," ThOll, \\ hy (lIlO t they have the AJ· mlt;hly al'l cst r1!' - Judgo,
Fr;i~;';;'Rich Am rlcp.n Father In Law-M y daughte r IUld 1 1116 much IIlsal illulntcd :n , our c!llItcaU It seemti to b n bur· rell \I.l£'t or land. nne! 1 don't buile' a BD¥Ullu b bas Slowu on It COl' r,o \ arK Count Bolyon de Bakkov l snokllonslcu I' forget~ ze lOagnlllo ont mort· - Stray SUltlel.
T-;,;;mJ -T-.-II-.-T~.I-I"
..,. 81m)" • .You cloQ't take after
WRITER RI::CAL LS THE llELIGH T9 OF HIS BQVHO OD, When Life Was , PoIIore ' Or L ess One Contlnu ol Round of Joy- Particu· ar Pleasure In Teao hlng the Calf to Drink.
lL I ~ UdVtftlllliu, b"Co1t' wtY'bll1g cell )1 01 1 ~111 of lUly 11,'ijc,'lpLhl1l, W ~(lult 11 hl l Il time lu ,'otd Wlll"l" WILLI U II I 110 !llI lt In It Thl. wlil \lIe 'lIl !JIll l.:ul01 II um 1' UUlllU b
Wring ) .', I l1llltH , !i 'II1(W~l'- lt Ullt l. f 1hl ~ , no(\ wlIl; h II IJ_'"t'll) thC:l Ha11l" II 11) ,,~whlt ~Illt , II slll!;; I pld wallJ!' s. , Ir' \101 hoocl' s hn P\l~' .Inl B ot ,ll1l1 1)111) \\01 kill" It In 1\ \llth<) I , not ('n"l lI \\ kn Oll "bollL thlll \Ve luhhlll~ .t \\'1111 Ih~ gOUII Im ll' n' t rt'l);'o ll(l[1 l ilt' j U\' of ~ 1(!l'llllIg lJu It 1I11 Qulel.I)' us vejs~lllle , liS, I,r III UII Ill\tllIiI; h ~1 1 1ft III willi 'r , wh 11 1t\lIlln",II to Illn , h~ colUl \\111 \) o ur hrl' nth ! Io-.e to l h" b cI,lIn /!: lIlIci nlll'l' Ille I)' to Ill! so It In tb .. \\ ,II 01 fOl \'i " lwd I l l~I\W OUl wllh 1\ hot f1ulll'on Ull) I I\f,; t h of LIIIIG, 1-01' Ct11"retl sill,s ,ulll It IlI l l(, 11 11I 11IUn In to til Ilnsl tlg ti \'('n morn! ng lIluI nlllS' lno ' \ Ve Ull at ro ur a IVAt ar lu o"h~ 1 10 Ox the UIOI , m, pht'h \la I k , • \' clCl w ~ero, and \\ Iw n It (ltlllIg c IU!Elt! SIll, Sill ~ntl fitlll ~'llllg . ~o wn' \\' hlld to g l up, pi ' C' uf 1' 1 ,u.1 cioLlI U\ l't l ho II on· hilS! Ie out Rlld r{'C'd and mil k Ihe low- In,,! . I,, 'ct, SII t \JUL II ,'h' '111111 11111!! Il I llS heHl, eu r l Y I ho rell l ' I vUllon or "Ill 1I0t mOIl, IL th e family 11\ lil t' wak e 1110 l'<lllster up \\ h,'n 1,lack 1t1C'(' uee'o01 N shubh) to CtOW , thaw III the PUUlP , chull rOIl1 tlud ll c&ln~ 10 Iv 0 Its e'ullll h l'oU1ln~ 01 ds of wo o{1 au d sho \ I 3\\ ,I\' the .,Ithol b,ul! 11 01 1;1 en-b luclL It will suow to mnlt rOom f or lhc su n to lle U1llch hUl'love d I( wa shlJtl III lh ' llse 101l0\\'lup; nHlll'H' 1 Plt at urush \I ' SOlO Umol, we wen t to schnol In tho \\(' 11 . I f ij lloLlul1 tl r slUlne'II , " ash II \I IlIlol'- not oft n nly on thn da) s In tl Ihll e ,.1 with a "II 'ht hI' h~1 01 \l heu It WILl! too cold lind SlUrmv to SUU\I. 111111 1111 R' In cl III l ua go outdoor s Tbon w " sat on a nlcc, I t UIll) then \lu washe\l If you (,Clo l boarel nbout GO rOl't IIway from 11111 )' \\ IRh 10 s tlITu lI Il, I t Il .ouk fOI the Hl ovo Ilnd gal h hlew at our fin· h,llf a n h011l III th e follo" IlIg ool l1ll ou gNs nnd pl l'ked I(' lclrs from 0111 hall. l'u ,I .t '.8 t 16\1ounflll ur gnm '"<1bk And ns we "Il l, we li st ened Lo a "ood· I1nel n \lllIt or hoillng W,l Le.' 81111 111<)1 n IlIIug \\llh a l ea'he, 's lie n ns slow!)' oyel lllo flre unlit t h gum bc h unded liS ml Illfol'llln tlon '"l \101' I" t1 1~so hc;1I 111111 IIIl' tell a gond b lack l11 anenU~' cI lllpletl OU I Intellcc t s co lOI tllIln tt I brough mu slin lind Tllen I'um t he nwtry 1I1 J1l nglll11e' liM' I f It Is si ll, 10 'C ndd m elh) Illten Ri so at 2 30 n tn M Ol e lowing hl'l<I' spl . It In til proportlon~ of two t .. Th e h Old I"wlng o'\\lnl; to the IiIlPl lly SPuoll tllls 10 halt U \llnl or lhe abuve of folleler belnp; l ow Then th e hi. d solul lon maclt lace must n evOI be 1IIa 11 , who Iliad hlb('rtHltC'd In the f or· touc h cll \l llh tho bOI Iton cst, <:ame l orth se k in g whom ho mlghl Ithlke h nppy with his III CHe nce HOUSE HOLD HINTS, And WO, b el ng In n d ef ('xliII JOY, wei 0 allo)\'oll to sleep wtth tbls w oo l· PuL ,] few ,h ops "t am1ll0nl a on a Iy hlt'cling , wbo Bnored like tlw boom IlIg to lub nn ~('r· m ru Its t l {1 m l ooking· of Iho sad sea wave!' II wns a gond glusHeS or wlntl oll 9, fello w Ihl~ hi red man Ho lalll'ht II!! i::tllC'r Is ex~ II Ilt fClr 1'('\lIo,lng to rb e\l l olmcco and swear Theso J{ ' ('ase. bn t n n e,l SY \\ ay Is to soa lc the genU pasthll l's procnrod li S mOl C 1'10' 1\. \Ie1e III old WOlel, t wb lch hilS l en t lIckln j.(s thnn nuy olher joy In ou r b ell acid cI a II ltle b01 ax wbole ) ou ug \I f£' \\ h n 5t \\ Ing fruit II r\' I' li se A '0 memol y Is more l oaded II Ith joy ,mHO I Iloon , a w oodC'n t;1'0on Is be'l, gOI m s Ihon t h sprinS crop·wo rkln!: fln d thoso ,dtll shol t balllli ~ re most an w v cr forsot I he plowlng O H o w co nlcn le llt fOl' Ihlck sub sluno('s, w o h Id Ihl' 1,101\ wh en ''0 llad 10 Pul nt·leAth .'r shoes ~hou ld bl.' I('nch Ull wIth a. plku pol ' to g l tho dc,med "I lh 111 Ilk, or Il IILllo sweel baud I S, hnw \\ c ell 0' \) lhe oW Ilhl~ u ll m nl b~ ,uolletl !l1tO th em Thq t eam , \\ Ilh tbe lines MOUlld 0111 neck, sa les !I 11.1 ltt'c l or such sho s nle or bow wh r n th e I ', I s bt ok , lbe IIInl s COllr.f', to ho c1,,""lecl \\ lI h black i ng II alked away with OUI' rr,lll boel,' (I r ag 10l hes \llns boiled u few m om nt s g lng behind h~ tb e 1'1I1S' When eIlIrk· a nti qulchl\, (I! I d, onco or t\\ Ie :\ n('ss Cllm w e stabl cI the plugs and monlh 1)elomo mOl o tl e:dble ltlld <l11r w enL (ol'lh to milk tho bllndl !! lllllrC'r. altle 10 tllC's lines II III lust long'r 111111 'Phe b el! rille k d \IS ucross I he bUI n Ilue ll III b He . Order I! oCCl1 slou nlly fioor nnd nil old cow obli gingly klc l.rd Irf'ated In th S11 l11 \lal'. liS back af,;al ll Th n, "hen l he l11l lk· Wh en Ion \ t's Ilre bilked In 100 hol 1n g was 01'1 '1' whllt fun to tllrn III an d In OHm nil" Ih o onlsille crll sL gC!ts (00 t each II r oo l al! lo dllnk' Thi s aCI, U(o\\ n, el nOL ultempt to CUL I t oil', In g ns c,,~ n11l!le to a ban 11 legg d llut as ~oo n as the bl ad Is e'old rub It en lf wa~ on of th most l1ulI1lxl'u JO) S o \ er wllh II. ~oalj;e tin glfltcr nod rO of nil W e li e d tho clli r sh ort, se L lb IlIn\'e nil lh dal k bro wn crll~t. bucl\ t In frolll of 111m got . st r ndrlle A bla kIn tber tra "elln g llng can of his n k stuck two fin gers In his nl\\a)8 be kept In callital oondl tlon by mouth, anel w i t h the otbe.· hand I1 lxlng one tabiospoontul ot 5 " eet 011 j ammed his l1<'ad Illto th e pall And \\ Ith two tubl esp ooufuls of mill, nnd all tbo time \I e wCl'e mptyln~ out I lIbhlng Ibis \l ell In to t he ba g Arter abuso on ' call 8 In gen eral and thI s Il h ns l h(1I011gh ly dried It sh onld be 101) ared Idiot In I,alllcu! tlr This polished wi th II chamois lelllhCl w cu t on until dad came In and wl t b In c lea ning t h o bt ass aroun d t ho l oving pati ence horsewh ipped us all I.e) hoi I~ Is al most Impossib le n Ol lO about til p l n~e £o il t h e surro unding w oo d Got a 'rhen, when we had cal'r l et! 10 the \llece or ca t elbonl d about rOUl Inches WOOd, brought 40 gallons or waler aq unre, cut a hole In It tho shupe or frolll tho sllIlng and eaten abont al gh t Ih e bl ass lind \lut I t o ver t he kevhole IlOund s ot soli d rood, " e went j oy fully w h n c le:lli lng, anel the wood" III not ulls tllh s-and c;ame do" n aGain Imme· be touch d. dlately tu bIC' akrnst W otten dream aud wake to weep To PoIIake a Closet, for t h e days gOllo by when the hay f o Im lltO\ Ise a closet pu t up a long' "> as r ip W e r cctl ll the old s l\arnp lmllt d sbe ll on It on brnck t s wing thllt alw a) s had to be cu t by haud. It I'olc or s lick undel It, Iittuohcd by 'Ve r ecall 1It.Uo ston os that w e rasped \\ Ire 10 I he boal d On the pOle !Jut tbe edge or OUI blades ou We recall wll e hanger s which wtll slide con· the pretty sna k es we st pped on wltll venl eutly nlong, Clolhlng hooks O1ny all.' bllrEt teet W e r omemhe r It nil be seculcd Into th e baarLi As for cur· wi th so l emn g l adness laln~, do not box· pl"" them In, but W ell, w eli! How It nll comos bnck Il ut only a box 1)lnlle ti or a plnln rullle to IIs '-Ohlca go Dully N oli'S. around the t op nnd hans the curtains by smnll hl ll SS Ilnp;s upon wh es All Red, placed und." neath I he edge of the A W est Philnde lphla yo utll was beboard and Ie lIt t her e by SOIIl W eyes Ing tau ght llu f'sUve gume of pok er nt th e cornels nlld wll ere the curtains th o othet nig ht, lIud nfter th r latlve purl valuo of pairs, thr s, fiu s h o~ and i\l1uslln 001'('1 ell dl esslng tabl es stl'Olght s hnd boon c xplalned to hIm m ad flom b(}xe' ~ shOUld bave lhe pluy was stUI t ed Afler halt an h our drtl po ll C)~ hung For tbese or BO he surprise d the oth rs In the t ho box pluillng shllultl bo atlached to gnm by asking: ' Whnt Is It wh on lhe muslltl cover of th" top. Two of all th e em ds BI e ot tll !) samo colol '/ " thoBo shou ld bo m il lie, sInce tbe \op "A flush , ' \'1\ 5 lho I III), ' Th en I'll wi ll need 1Il111ldel i ng fa r ortenor tban bet six dollars, " lIlJd , sulling the actio n t h drn lle rles to hi s " onls hI! thrcw lhat nmount For ,l c l() ~ e t III{e the ono describe d Into lho pol Tho other~ , fri ghtened t W(I honrd!! ma) be put Ull, forming a by th Il ia)" '" Isel) I,lld .]c,,\ n I wo slwlt und er the curtllills for lIats and I,alrs ami threed whi ch weI" held se \\ Ing a"lIll1s! the tIIol' lcl'. and he s~ooped In l h o 1I0t , ID)lng ruc lip UII I h lnblo Rye Bread Recipe, thl ,h c.1, IR anti tw <> dlalllOud s nl g· .:>calll one CUll milk and add to It ma' ,.tlll fUIlh er I'XIlI"n:ll lnI1S fl om on e CUll b{llling 'Hlter Cool In luke· hl ~ lu st .ucto,s u aluru ll) followed \\ al11l , then add a halt culte COlli' Pilll",lul llh la 1'1CSS I" essed ) e[lst dissolve d In two tablespoon ful s cold "nter Add (l. balf t ea New N ame for Lazl nns, spoonfu l salt, t ben lye flour t{l mal.e Pe til." ,~ so me lIllY It f(~o tl'lcl l\'D a IILlher still ball er. Beat thoroug hl y, ta. 11T \\111 be ImIlOS('d 0 11 Imporle d 'O \'(H and set out of (l. draugh t fOI \l ol(l~ fo'tom HURsl n, wh i ch gnve Illl Ih~ee hours. N ow ndd more rye flu ll " po~roll1 ' n ow CODICS ollluntO ld/IIII, to ulIlIl YOII have a dough stiff enough df "ctl llC.> /l h~ sl cn l , 1110. 111 nnd Inlclt ct· lu knead Knead Ilnd pound for ten nu l slolh c.l!tl d to IIlI e'~tl me minutes, shapo Into loavos Rnd put The tlll fft! ret Is cnll ," on to 1I10l'e to Into gl'eased pans Cover and l et the a new IIIlIISO "f 'ols as Ir th e hu.llen of hread rise until very light, thl8 will the "orld WCI e on his sho,llde rs, It IJIke nbont an hO\lr Rnd a. halt-br ush thc c rops filII he laments , b\lt can not over wltb milk or m elted butter and lake th Irouble \0 go and look alter bake In a moderat e oven rOl' one \otIs fn. m , It he must wtlle a I\!tt.e r th!! mel st trifle, even n comma mls· hour. placed, Is cno ngh to mnk him glvo Creole Kla3e •• up t h o taOlk He ItnBSCB hll' lire In lhe Beat togethe r ono pound of con f ec· h O Il ~e dozlns on lila bed or In an arm· tloner's Bugar and the whites or six chltlt hellloau tng eggs for 15 minutes A!ld on ton Thl ~ Is appnrlm tly unclnllr lasls or 8PooDrn l of cream or tartar, then b eat th t av,lg S 01 the luzy worm In Ru. some more, not etol)plng llnl11 th e sla mixture will stand ulono No1\' add ono t easpoon ful of vanilla and on e CUll Uncomp limentar y Comp.rl aon. ful ot chopped nuts of any kind and Clliltain Iin'mar Rodge, Ihe presl· bak.c In 11 thin Ill} er \Vlten bal,ed Cllt <l ent of lhe A Olo olub Lold al a dlnne,' Into narrow strips and roll them, Btill In Ne w YOllt a bullol)n slor ), hot, over smu 11 sliel,s, "A frl " !lt! 'Jf ,"Ine," he said, "a \ cry rut ~"ntlemnn , In walkin g along Deviled Cheltn ute. t!10 Stl C 1 Ihe oth er day bU1l1ped Into Put one pounLi large shelled cheM a. l\1lck~t er IIl1d kll(lck od 11 half dozen nuts Into n sa11cepan or sailed wator turnips Oil! o f tho mun's hal,d, and Ilarholl DraIn, I'lul\ge Into cold "Bad luck to him: saId Ihe huck· wnlel', then r'move the skins, Dry slel', scowling at lhe recodlm~ figure between lo\\ ols, then llIlt [lito" tryIng nf mY 'Vll frt trlend-' bad luck to hlml pan \\'111 " little oll'Ve 011 or butter and A nd tho) want to lay l hoy' \' o Dlade t()~11 anel 8hal(e ~IVer tbe firo ttntll a balloons dirigible .''' eI noloT, !:lIlt "It' with sait, mIxed I'lth u little cu enne aDd Bel've hGl or cold Ragout of S.rdln... U ra ln Bardlne. , 1'emove the nod I.paralo In
.. Old Ideals Have Departed. ~ - -,.---- -~------NO ' . nnk In Iho (J0l11nllln lt y bl' bolng mal' r ll',l WOI11 ' 11 'll IIII !( I ~ I f,sUII\lCJI ( lug It I ~ In (\111' u.lmo t all unheard of (1t11l~ Ihul l\ nlllO shall r emnlll ,.. ttrnction s of B achelor Life In L arge slll!; 1 te' 5nl'IJort hIs un murrled ~Is le I ~, Iwfore I h e cl vII "III' un (lOCO Mea sure Re spon sible for Ch anged whl< h lllulut!u lly h l\ n ~eu oth r SOChl1 Conditio ns - Exceul l/e Cau· e'ulI,lIl l oll" lu this <'OllnU' y, for all li~o, tion Among Young Folks. It Wllij a tl \lll ll ont Occtll'l'c nce that a !11 ~n f1ul llv IIlId ut1 8Cllllshly gave \1\1 BY MARGA RET E, SANGS TER. hi" O\\U I'll'ret IlC fUI 111111Jh\lI e thaI Ir som bolly \I h{l III' ,Iou lhls plnlll't h 11I11\ht toll for tllo mulntaln auce 01 10 0 ) eUI ~ ago coulll 1"l ur n !lnd wall" hl ~ HlsloIS li n ull Su Bllec t d ob.ell I. Ul1'Q11!(h Oll r Tho WII1.cIOUlI th llt bl ok e 11\ tm rlftc Il\!HI I n c ities, OUl' or th 111 at UOll' S 8tOl111 U ' r th Slllles III j S~ I, SW Ollt h e "ould Illu ko In h is t ublel s WO\11(1 br awa), from uorth anel sOItlh Inlo low· to the elTcct thu t \lo'opl uo 101lg('1 Iy gIll VOR, II "list host of br ad win· m allled In their enrll l w 'Ull s III uor s I t 81)I\I'od and sont hOlllo to th eir hi s day he would r ell1 e1111l r , wllh a w011lcuklnll another h OSL of invalids 1l\lzzled shalte or Ilectra l \t end, thllt 1I11l1 c ri p ples \Vollion uncierto ok as th " ollelin g bells HUlg ror gl d s or 11i Ih I had nol dOli b fOlO, l asks 01 and bovs or t9 I " PO tll' ely, onll that wage eMl\lng boyond th olr door8 All such ~(\rrlng e s '''' t e C01111110n and 11 gl eat wars 111 m odern times, 10 every mall er or CUll t se couull)' under t he 6 Un, are followed E~cept In Ilrlmllll' e commun ities, by lhls r esull Wom t1 aro forcell Into opal t rr01ll lbe b alon trael;s of Ivlll the epon n11l1 10111 n to tllk o care of zalion, girls amt boys do 1I0t aoW mAr Ulemsel l'lls uuel or tholie wbo depend r y nnd tnk on th em se\l es til l espon uvon th 01 slblllUes of bringing UI) l atge famlll Ii .... girl "ho \In)s hel' own W4Y, who MDI tlage l ij more ana mor pos[pon oo buy s h r own c l othing nnd haa b er until W{l11len 1111\ 0 p;ono be)ond 26, lIud own bank account se ldom m n 33 und 3~ ~ (lars of ap;e Whllt I s th e fll Sl lIusb of gi rlhood, marries In be grows the occasion of tbe cl h\nge? rtl sLldlous, too, sets [\ high vl\lue on Lite In lhe great cities I s ex trem el y herselr, Is unwillin ' to marry unless easy for the bachelo r wh th r ho be sho meets b I Idea l lover, and then a DlOII or IIu go men;ls 01' of eomlJarn · she COllnl s tb e cost. I s b e IlIto l Y to be tlvoly limit d Income Wh en bnchelo r abl to give h r tho co mrorts 8ho now apnrl11l nt hOl1 ses bccnmo lh fashloD, possesses. or with their combIne d af lhey took the place" II h many m en fort s enn th ey establish the 6(>1 t or th nt 1\ ns on~e nIlI'd br t ltb homo Id"nJ. home Lh at sh e ern,'os? T he queallno aJ A mILn Ilsed to fUlIcy lhat h e n cd II nrc s I'lously con sidered In bel' OWII n wlfo to l ook nfl el hl5 domesti c 001 mind, 1 fort, to sit III hi s dlnn el lnhlc to lIollr • ••• hi s toa, to mc n<l hi s slocldng - and Coll eg(' tr!llolng to! bolh sexo s bas help blm enlellnl n his rrlcmd 'l'h oso become g nel'lll and It like" Ise deters w ei n t \\. 01 [lIe ]1l osa l detail s In' mart In e u'n tll n latc pCllod A. stu clud d In his t heO!)' of mnt'tled 1)10, \ d nt lit I'A college b l\vel'n 18 and 20 As thl n:lR ,II 1I0W 1I1nnng d II Sl ~gl,c. f\\\d sponds COllr yen l B In I ts compal n· mon mllY live Inexpe n sl\'cl ) und \ CI~ III'e 8 elUSion Jf a PI'OleSsl on I s to ~o mforlably III roO'1I B (ot \\ hlch ho follow tha t mentis trom Illree to flvo nnrs 1\ m on th l y or \\ eltl)' rcn l ul Hi s adlllnon n i " ars absorbe ,l In otting lIwul s are obtninpd lit n t st a11l'Unt ~n r ady tor lit , The )'oun· doclol , tho Ihe building 01 In th e n I~hburhooli ' \ voung la\\ y r, the young j ournalis t h o I s fl "e LO so and come wllhout en· CRl\not I ap Into success a' a bound; eumhran ce Bill C I'll I more ycnrs arc occupied In His visit in g list mny 00 long or 1 tho endeavo r t o gain cll nts or prac~ Bhor t, H e m a)' srlend milch m onc)' lice or to find a job that I s both alrreeor liLlIe, live simply or IIll!:uliou sl ", ub i and remune rative, ns h e may ch oose His Illd ponllenc e At l enst half tne girt lITadl'ltes ot I s absol uto anet at an IUSlllot s noUce our coll oges underta ke \I,dv!1O ed be m ay ghe his Il\ndlold warnln ~ studies after t h ey, celvo \ho lr dlplostoro Ills turulU!l' e or r esign the k c~ llIaij, 01' llrepar for n protcssl on or of his flllni shed room and go t o th e ngage In business, A t a glnncn It Is end of tbe em t h H e Is a wclcom e\jdcnt thaL tbey annot IOllrry until gues t III the homes 01 m u. rlod trlem ds, Ihey ha,-o r each ed n certain mlllurlty . and It he bl' gallunt Ilnd dobonal te hc At III 5 'nt. tho ~rl who m arrl os at I s n favo r ltc In society and, on the 30 I s milch oftener m t Ulan sbe who whol e, ha s a very gO!,d time. Is a bride at 20, nnd tbe m.lU wbo Th e shadows ct a I on Iy fnture do marlles at 40 I s not now excep tional not proj Ct thc msel vcs-=ro ss tho path or l oo ked 1I110n as In the l \last all old of tho man lind r 40, I\e decl ares lhnt fellow who I s out ot date, The man of h e can n ot u tl'ortl to marry, and vel y 40 nlllY porballs ha.v a .\)rllle ~16 years posslbl~' the fact that t he cost of living his junIor The man who marrlos at Is constan t!} on Lha Inc r ense Ims much 25 I s Qulle likely to chooee as a mate to do wi th his conleu t ed and som e: a girl somo yoars old er Ulan hlmselt. wllllt sell1sh bll,'h el ot aillte Tbere H ere enters the Intangib le la'lll oJ IIro people who for Il smnll r emunera · average s, : tion will keep bl s clothing In order, Wh elhe t or not the pre.ent 'tuslom aod bls linen Immaou late His din· Is one tor congrat ulalloq or regr~t. It n els are npt to be good, and he may la a IIttlo III meult to determI ne or know, Ir lie lIke, to a rracllon , the olle thing we may be BlIro and that I. amount h o must spend annually to that Ule old Bweet anll exquisit e Ideal 11Iulnlal n his pCl sltiou , and lhe amount or tbe slm~lo homo sutrors [rom the h e lOa} save for a raIny day. uudue discretio n and excessiv e cau, • • • • • lion of twentioU l century young )leoWith women the reasons for the lIlt'. A home to be beautifu l need not Postl,on ement of marriag e 'nre moro b e extravag ant. Chlldlos s couplos are complox Tbe love or 110m • the love less exeeptlo nal than of old People oC child ron and the need to be dear who marry late have small families , and precious to some one out of the and ,they bave, though 80moUm es they wbole world, are Inwoven In temlnlne do not dream It. lost much or the hapcharacter Y et women do not often pluess that might have been thelrll marry ror convenie nce, or that thoy bad they been contont to sellle down may change their names from Miss early, and enjoy the trials and trl· Priscilla Jonos to Mrs JOllatha n Rob- umphs of !.he day ot smBII thIngs, bins, or that they may attain brevet (Copyrig ht, IlHltJ, by Joeeflb B, Bo"I..,)
..... ..... ..... ..... .... ...... ...... ...... ...... ,. ~
Made PrIncipa lly with Corde and Rlbbona .
Our illust ration shows a useful 3quare-s baped bag tor ca l ryln g books. It Is cd~od all around tho silies with : ord. and bll8 a flap at Lhe top wblch bends over aud fast ens wi t h IIttlt' ribbons The bnudl e is made of the same matena l ns the r est of t b e caso, and Is llso edged with cord, Onc ot the chler fea.tureB of thl. osefnl alllclo is that It bns a IImall pocket In fronL also closing wl Lh a lIap lind rastenln g With rlbl.tnno, In whlcll may be carried a handker chief Dr coppers tor cnr fare, Tbe handle mado or a double tblck· ness of matorla l and edged with cord is suggeste d will be very 8ervl~eable, but ribbons to carry It by, thougb not
,Jastlng 10 long, would look prettier , The Blze must be regulate d II)' tbe number and alze of the booa to N carried.
• •••••••••••••••••••••• g •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••
Moat F •• hlonabl . Of All Thll Season,
co8tume . wliite UI oharml q. Wh!'lynx woars better than foX; but I. more ex~nalve, and Uleo w1i1te fur Ie too oon81,lcuOUIl to be worn .egillar-
I)" Mink Is extreme ly Ja8hloD able thlll Boason and Is made up In very band· some ~e ta or long double boa and large flat mute, As tt III sUlI the fub.'''' to woar the tur olosely about tHe tll"oat, with one end thrown back over tbe leU shoulde r, only long coilai'll Ire pOa8lble The little collarett es lro BUll Been 10 ermine and utrakan , Ind ROmeUmes chinchil la. but are no longer smart. A. the tall t. alto\lethe I' ,he prottles t part of tbe mlnk In the collars, the majority of the nowest mulls are tl1mmed with counttesll little brown tallB, Folt I. rather otl,t of favor at ant, fOl' .ave 10 the white. whlcb ne.,., teClIbyea amount of wear, it hu been fOllnd to UtU. utlafao.
Th. 8 ••~on'. Oolorln a.: ' lD the l18allOn's coloring s valiant attempts are 'made to deeorlP Uv. tItles, Bueh as cberry brandy, roM. Mal~ey. grape mauve. tUleuJ, lime greea, The narrow dbbed velvew and velv.etoen8, toile on toile; are productive of the moat encbanU IIK l!Claw and ebadea, whloh Bel'Ve to Imme~ur abl:r ellbancs all th'e plJam•• prune, .... her&lne and bronse-K teeD tlnts, W' "etber with the man,. nentral .... novel abade. of Cl'Q • .aJta.ou.b i'ea11,. the mOlt pllullq of a"11 to cope wlda ill the pmut roae Ib.. III IDAIJ) ataneea bJsplratl OD baa 1Ietnl Cle&litd
the iDlldo of a
.SOME QUEER "RUNS" MEN OF THE RAIL RELATE EXPE· RIENCES. R;ather Startling Yunl Are Told When the Crowd "Sltl In"-Why the Special Had to Wa i t on the Dragon, "I'll bet fonr dollars," sold end Irick dl Rpalcher, a~ he a t f a III' o· ' loc k . "you:1I n I'er comuln llllon Ilga in In u
th E\.CC· "sat In" see DIU I hUlldl'e(f
yea l'~."
Ho w H . · Knew. conk " \\ 'h('1'A a l l' YtlU ~ li lll,; II ) ~Ilt' .. rl nexi \\ ,," rtll'merl)' " IIII, lnyed 10)' ~I" H . :;\\'ell· HU ll l lllrr '~ " IIl hll Hnd liht: lelullll H Hhl' h' f l ur bl'l' l ",\1 !:l:II'a l ,' ~" .. ,, \\ II nrcOl'd, hil t. I tHIHPl't't ~ h o was " T hnl 's 0/1" p l:tI 'P S h ll' \'O u ret t l is rhul'~(,(1. . 1...... 11 . Isn' l II " .. Mrs. Re ulll- \\ 'Ioat IIIl1k S YOII " li oll' tl(' .' ttll kll '''' .:" Ih ll:1< I hlll? -:!N'IIII~" "1111 " I' .. ' Illng th rl'." M r~. I lImlll n' 11 III'ClIl l"(, of , lill ll"tlln PW, I -' "111' IlIln~·.\ ~ h .~ lei fall MIJI('c ~h l; ' s ' - - - - -- CHESS SO, 1Il l'n with III . ,\11 K 5 11111- \\' 11 :0 1 wpt' th.,y ? ~II'~ . Ht nl lll OrTl'lI - u b l",s. -Phlln· tI " lphia Prt'Rij. ~lt h . I II m ill O tTcII- :\lr
Il I'W
Not Personally Concerned. mlln nl " Wailpr." nsl' II I h i allir In Ih o corn('I' 11 1'111' Ihf' rl otll·. I' wha l lin' tl.u's hl S t ' ult ~ ilIll ci or '! " " T il )' loole sit·... ~alcJ Ih €' II l1 stcr , ~ 1iA'nltl"d \\'!I l tel' . ."as If t h e), w"l'e Illude •f PQrllnllci C ' 1II1'1l 1.. bul I hll " 11 0 /lO~ItI I' knnw l !d 'I' . I hlll'C' Iwlil ing I tl 1111 wll h til modll s Ull 1'lInlll (J[ Iht) (. okroo01 , ,'hull I c hun,,; th 111 . si r?" - r'h lrRgo Tl'lb unr. One on Him. " M r . Sullors MIJIl I IISH n lch ly the OItlm neSl k ind 0; a CUI' cl Og: jllst. for joke," , " Old shQ dlSCO Vl'l' It wll sn·t. Ii tl.l )I'. oughbr d1" " y H; bul sh l ook HItch II rUD l'Y to it I hil t noll' Sui tors hal; I n I ad It nlung o n n chnl n Wl llHlcV t' I' lh ..-y OU t t o walk." - D oll'olt I"I'\'(' Pr 5ij.
" What combln ulloll oro you l alkln' aboul now ?" IIHIIII I'ed l it all 'I'a l ol', lazil y. " \\'hy . loolc a·hel'e!·' per~l~tctl Ihe 1;'11 3 1'111 lin of I he second t ric k . "t,;lIgl n 11 1 ur l'll'cd at K ansas e lly at 1: II I". III .-engi n 2~~ Iloked h ... r n o~' IlIlu til l' ~' !lI'd at ~ :. 22 p. Ill ., un d 1'111 nully If englll :133 dl d n' t pull 0 1' ' I' th(' mul ll Ilne "witch at 3: a3 t his afternou n. "'hOl .1'y l hlnk o· I hut '/" "Thll t 's 1I0Ihln '," exc lolm ed the mllll' 1I~l'r. '" sri aln rull)'. "W hen I w as dis· l l1l1clllol' ba el{ yonll I' in th e' Os on 1 he L o W I'once & 1.0 ",(> \1 rU1ll1 llu' (' n· I;'l lI e~ IIsod 10 lI'e fll' 11 11 III eR. Snll w tm rc Ole 1111 11 1 or 6lll~ and U\ )'l h olo~lcal 1J ' I n g~ . 01 h ra w I'e n alll d rol' lIIell . Ono day I had a cuup l e of lI'uln s o n .tlll' ma ll d ll l'ln;; lil Y 'h oll rs' th e co i n· cl dl'lI' f onlllrrs of whl h gh' S YO ll r cUllllllnlltion a om n1on pl uc ' apn al'· a nc '. One tra i n Wll8 ru nnl ll g rrom L ow II to I..nwrence. Th engl n bnl' th O' nllllll' o f lho fOI'I1I'1 1' city, L owell , a nd II'IIS IInndl cd hy Engi ne I' Fra nk FlU nk L ll wrc ll co w a~ l he L owell. condu lOr. At L UWl'ollc(' J uncllo n a lI'nl n WIIS l11('t wflh whi ch w as sol ng f l'OlII LUIH n 0' to L o w II , hllll i II hy ngl n L a wr nce wHh En g lncc r Fr d L aWrence at th e lhro ttle, whll Con· dUl'lO l' FrE't1 L o w 11 w as I n churse or th o Iral n." Evp r r mon I n th o o ff~e sl no ply stared and sighed h env ll y. " Wh at! " conl l nued ltl ma nng r. I n dl j;II Rl. "DolI·t bell el'c Il'! \\, II , lI 's I h IrutJI, as sur as my nllm Is L UITY! " "SII)" Low clI," sn lll a ma n present. "wh at docs L aiTY slllud fU I', aoy· WA YT'
AWOKE 0111 PILOT OF ENGINE. Tossed fro m Wagon Seat b y L oco m()o t l ve, but Made Safe Land i ng. Il,t'pln,,; nil ponrefll ll ), liS H halll' on l he ~ent ur h ~!! fA 1' 111·\\'U"OII. al; hi" u JII horst' alll!JI d Iuwl j' ilionI'; . \l'lIlfu m ,f Cl IlI1 ~o n hud a sl\rpr fMln!; 1l\,'a kt' lI ln!!,. Jl'l'om tb IIllobt uf ell' 1IIIllnnd h fO llol1 hlmHc(f cllngl n ~ to :. IllIot or u f n'l" hl I ruhl 's 10Collloli l' e with t h o w rec k of hill w agon about him. Joh n son's sic p bud 11rogl'e8s d swe tlr un ll l his bors8 , hoOl ward boulld. sta rt d ovor t b e P nnsylvunl a rIl li mnd CI'oslll n g, at Trento n, N. J . A hen I'Y fl' Ig ht t rain was cl os t o tb e crossi ng. Th e engin eer RU w ' t ho sl oe p· Ing LllIllI an d slo w movi ng bOl'se 1\111\ HOll nil (f h is wh l sll l ou(f nough , he said. lu nwukplI n gruvoyarll. John, son slu llIu 'wu on lin II th hor se reo Fns d to Qulckeu I t s pa o. Th e en· /;In e hit t it wagon, tosslllg Johnson I n th all', unrl wh ' n h e cam ct"w n he IlInd 'd sq uUl'cly on t h · pilot. 110 w" " w ide u a wuke t hen nud f'XCll tlly "Iutd) tl 1I1 e headll'll i. W hpII t h ll'lil n WlI S stol'P d and t he fl'll;h l nod 1'11" 111' I' run u r tn l ook Ilt th o ~ I\ p' (oOtid dend man, Joh nso n exchtl l\l ll cl : "\\, Iiru /Jld yo u wa nl to wlliIO lIIe up l hn l way r(Jr '!"
Th" hpl'sl ' was lIulllJU I' .1 Ilnd Pill III li S fl'el:' mOIlI.'llI s ('a li ll g grass all t bo l'CIa' l ~hl l'.
il li n ois Railroa d Official s Exp er iment In U se of F i ne Co al, Ita II 1'(t111l 11IIo( !1 ~ tlltl y fl'el g hl ulIll III (J rolmill e
ling JII
It Is QuI t e Differ ent From Thilt to the Deciden t,
Be Fou nd In
a bont?
fl s~ l ng
sl ttl ng In the lu t he river,"
-iE YEAR • .
No co nl.l'lI"t COllie! l'" greatt r than ( Ir h 110 ~S (,l1e" 8 on e) as he gu :d es b tw c(l n Ih ... fnrlll ·llr o f t h" c('idc nl 11r l lnlLl v.' pili \\,. :-\ 111 IIn tll duyllsh t hIl i! d 'Illlen rl in l o alld Ihllt of Ih ;' Orlr' lIt In th ' " bll lld nf th" IlI Rlnt;· UII." T ht' llIall w ho night tl OI '~ l it· 1('ll V' hi s l abo r and PUS ~(,~H ' 8 nn e Stllllul'Y IUIIIIl/' k 18 , Wl'IICI his \\'I'a l')' st(lils 10WOI'd tllA .1 '(tl llt'li I'lc·h. A wen l l h) fIlI'llH·I'. li S we \\'I'l,t ch cll hnv t' l h t' cu lls hOll le. N o IIIIIJ"I'StIlIlCI I he t n l·1l1. I ~ IlIl KlIlIW Il . cllf'cl'), wlf j;'1'lirt,; hi m ll >\ be I' ' II h ell ( ftl'l\ 100 11001' 10 hl l'l' /1(,11' Ihp \\'I lole his 11100<1 .,. Sh o has \\'Ill'ketl n il day w(irk nf hlH I'll''' IIt' I,1 tlt 'I' oll' 'so 11 1" 111 jllHl as hll n l as h ... , an d Is j ll st oa him self and rllllllly . . 1 wcary . A s thl' f. II · III~ al l' 11' 1) ~ 1I\1111 Iho \\,hll" Ih" s"nlll y lIIeal o f r l(' or flll'III1'I'I;' hIIlI Rl'" 11 1'(' usually buill In nllll (' 1 Il\ loel lll-: I))' ' pal''''d lbp i'a l'm er ~"lh N , I hu , f tJ l'ml)),; " ~ I \01l 1l vl lll\).;l ·.1 1111I1I):l'S 1111 .. Ih .. l T I, .. I, ontsl de hl ~ T h£' I lI\ till lt; ~" . , . :0 1\ 11.. . a 1'\' ti l' th.' hOlI"!: UIIII Ilwl'C' ,, 'r ftJrlll~ hi s I' r,· \'l'ry 1"t""n's l ki n d . a lld nfrL'1l ('flnutln in A'''' a b lu ti o ll t'. \\' h ;: t l\rl! l' lUay b e th e IlIlt II slll;;1c no'llII . Tit, · rl'ltlll " I\:IlI'k fallil t,r II", .I apun c" .. luck 'oF clt'anli · I Ih· ' hUllS.' I» IIII1 CII' 0) 1 1''' "11I,,,,, 11111 1 II . SK I ~ lIu t OIH'. After his ha t h It e Is 1""'1',..,,1 wlth ' lll asl,' I' 1111,,1., III 1111111 .. tl rt'S~l" {' UIII'(' lII om l.Jy Pllttllll,; 0 11 , lId I'lt" slraw. '1'1", Illof Is ",,"all y hIs I ;In I'1"lh . Th Oll . Nqlla l t l' 1I 1111 11I 1I1I·lt pcJ with·(' sl l'aw. anti tlte 110,' lIour a llol SIIITUllIlI/t.. ,1 loy h is li ll i e 11""1', ,"'J'II III tit " 1101)1.,, 1 hll\l M'S, Is 11 1'.0,,(/ . "II 1 ' ~IIIIII l' airily c lot h ed . h ~ ('U \' PI'I 'd \\"j,11 mau; m Il/I ll tlf l i lt ' : o:Hllu ' pUl'luk ' !-i. \If h iM f'\'Pllln g m en l. IIIUI,·rlal. Th"r' on' IHI 100111l' "111\1 · . \ " Ih, ' 11'1 1(' I~ II'alll ell W oiJ elllen ce. fOl'lS III' l'o nvl'ni"IIC·I'S. !l li d tlw 1111 It' all I hat! 11 0) edll ullun . 11 0 h el pf ll l or \\,1«' ,1 ,,(, ,; l ot'r hml sl' wo l'k IIl1d>'l' tilt' " I t ' ,' a lln ~ CUll I' 1'8all\111 Is h eard at I11 0SI 11'.' illg' ('lr(,III1 I ~I"II C I' S ' hUIII(1 Ih .. fa III II)' hnnl'(l. I ud!' d, l h rani;=5h d.'slr .. to wash, l it' CIMhcs nre 1.' 1' himsL' 11 has "ery fell' Id ea ~. his
ffi('11I19 In ll1lnol!l arc mak · o[ til liS (If li n ' c a l for I,assen/; 'I' tJ lI !rilH'S, and I t t hal II 11'!l1 will UH m ade. Slails t i c~ ~ 1I () w lllni II I lIn~ IIlIl ol m t of /In C' coa l Is waste'.1 a i I IIC tnlll s, and II It ('tin be used for SI II ml II";, tho ll' gunds of dollrtrs will b sa I'cd an nually IIY ruflwlI)' c0ll111anl lI . For SUrl coa l lhe 111' hlem of ge ttin g liS f ill fll l out of t h fin 'I' grad I ~ 11I0r dilli 1111 ond Il h as be n alta k d In II nll lllh I' or WU )'H. \\ II h ok lng roa ls I t Is (':iSY to use the fin e couh; IIIlxl'(/ w i th t he 1tl ll11lS In tho co ke ol' ens all tl tlnl s obul l n g ad quality at f. lIel t n the forlll or cok e. Anoth er III t lo od on w hl h n larg a moun t at (,X I' I' llIIonta l wo rk hilS b n tl ono t s " My nRlIle III Lawrence." rf'p lletl t he thll l of brl lJu ' l llllll', and so rar as th e m allllj;OI', " L uw l'etl cc L o welL" lIIe hllll i al op ratio n Is conc rued a J 1lI llhy- l l h""IIIIII" " ery II·y ln g. Iny " Say, r 1I0ws," slii d th e detec ti ve, 111111111 ' I' of SIIC cssfu l ma chln s hnve rll'ar. you ' f(' !llwllY ~ . By llll: eh que. who dropped III Ie :nq llll'(' aliouL lhe bcell d(lsl g ned alld 31' I n us In til l s c\a equO!. rio 'I]lIl'. I f,'t' /. as If II f' were Ilull l lralll, " dill I e ver t ell YOII ahout cu nntl'Y. The cust or m ak i ng lo rl·" II 10ll g IWlIle nr ell 58 . lh . tl lII I I'J n a n 'n:;ln on lhe ' Lo ng qut'll eij Is, how I' 1', til pri n ci pal ob· i ctl onub l ' f nUll' , and It Is IUl'g I)' a Will ' -\\'1'11 . ~:d\\' a l·r1. If YOU don't an d hort' 1"lI way? " :lI1d wlt holll wult A Japanese Bed. " lI llIlIlIn cla I probl l.'l11 as to j ust wb or e me SIIIl I ' 111011 ' I, I shall hnve' to Ing for a I" l'ly, ho pl·"r.'cU.'(1 with brlflu It mllchlll S li n b rro fl t abl y lIll II'D . pawlI. ['awlI . IIntl II wou ld :tl ll i tb e lIan·3th· . " On day 1 II' li t down us'd fOl' th e u tlllza lun of line ultu· tak en o ut Ridc to t h'l rllnnl n ~ neck , 11\ n ln l hori zon being huund b y lhe '<cellI Il k a :';U OI uf ('h(;8s, wouldn· t ' t o th cl l'l t t o take alit lilY I'un. M)' nnd IJ noll l1 1{ IW('I' II, shl' 1IIIIIIes t hem 'on fl nes of hl ~ tin y ri ce fI Id . It ? s W{lelheal·t, a pi c ture of an xiety, was m illolls COll,I. whlt £!!· I hall I h drll' 1\ sn(lW . I.ollg Th e I'l'puH I ' ll ded , t .10 quilts w'hlc b .-----~ th er o to lIIoeL l1I e. b(l;lrds !l n ' " Iucorl In Ih SUII , and o n rO l'm Ih e hcds of 11 11 c lasses {)r the ,Ja,, · Fireman Receives $975,000, Firew ater. .. ' nlll ; s ~ lcI s he, tremulo usl)', dou't th' fU I'III"I"s ", I f ar full y 1I11 !',;; Ill' halll d rUI-t lt f ro m th e reo F l'o ln til ' 110sl tlo n of a fir ml\n on (It s " Wha l lIul h im 0111 f bU slil 56 ?" co .out lo·da)'.' a ra lll'oad, r oc " ' ing n an la ry o f $60 a st!· 'tch s thost, plec(tH or (' Iolh t hllt re· (leSH of n IIl'l ,,;h hOI'lng c li llboard nnd " Tun IIIl1d\ Il n' wa lf' r ." "'Tu t-tu t, gll'l, I cOlll d n't do a 1II0uth . t he 11{JijSeSSol' o f a pat nt on a qui I'I.' 81I1UOl hl ll;::. IIn(f \l'h ' lI (f t·)' l it ' Y lIrc . pl'cud on th fl oor . H It he Attn!' " \\'hy, I IlI dll' kn!)II' he was 11 d rl n!t, tri ck li ke th at. Il' s lI eul' leu" lng LI llie sl am turhin e IIs ln Cor which h e has w Olll d Onl)lDI' favu rably w i th similar III 1', li nd t he mO " 'lll l to~ s ll'ouul sume. Ing man ! " I" C " , d $n75,OOO fro m th e T l'Un s· Al· pi 'C PS Iron ·.1 U.. ' IIP IJI'IIWII Y· 111'1[1 of " npl 11 6 hll ' ~f' UK t hl room. nnol marle !lOW,' " H ~l Isn't ; IIl1t w hetl ther w as n lalll ie St Ul1Ishl\l co mllRny Is th 1'- SO IIlQ \\' ISt lJ1 n lau li'{lKH . or fln l' an vils III likew ise b!'oug ht " '0, h ili !' sh e pl ead d . 'don' t go. sligh t "rc In t h .. ba s,' m ent o r h l~ MtOl'e Ll k" all .l:lIlIIn 'M' hUII SI'S, I he plnce rOI'l h. UIIII th e ro rn el'S ti <!d to lIull9 I had a dre adful l1Iurk aul" ch ange 1I\11({e In the posillon 11 11 alul'nl was tu rn ed i n and t he fi re- Y OII Inllsl not &;o ! IIf ,l am 5 F. 0 1·lIn . a fir man m· Is ,Iell t ll ll t e or rlll'tl ltu r. 1'h 'hI ure tid y II Illio th e \\ U nd er thi s rh e ilion tlc lllg cI t h (lIar , !lnd h w as d r 11 111 Inst ni gh t. I dream d YOU I' played 11)' Ih p )i ortbw st ern road run · al way s ehlld l'ell. II lI d 1;('11 ' I'all)' pi Il t )' 1'1I I'm' ·I·. hi ,; IV l fl', h is r,ur Ills and his t ra lll got In-on lim !' w l th olll Insuronre."-i:-Ioustoll P usl. IIl n ~ Oll t of I~scll lla bu. M I h . of t hem. ro r I t 1M consld 'r(,1 1 11 d is· c lllltl l'tlll ('1'('1' 11. and t h I' spend tllE! .. " ell, gent l em en. r II' nt oll l Oil lh ... Inl to UP II g I . A druft pf $97fl,() OO has !J een turn ed g ra(' for a lIIarrl,," WUJI Leaves That to Others. run III r ig ht, bu t I'll 0 I' I' f org t Il Ol'el' to Del ' lIn by A tto r n y A . L. SlIc h . .'·CIlI' III ;(nd y ar out, 18 th e a nwt hc l·. I n utlciltlull I., t he wlf a 1111 " Th r c·,,· 011 ' th ing Ithu u t Gayboyall ;":ol'elll b('r 11, tb e I I' 11t h (fay.of \\' ul h of Ln w s II , \\' 81 'h & Law son at ehlltll' II . Ihe flll'IUClI"!! 1I~('d futhl'l' anti hOnl\) li ft' II I II ,l a l,lIn 'su 1'01' 01 1'. If he l;n o \\:~ h \I' tl ttl'd I' U good 111 11' tlw ' 11'en th mun th - at 11: 11 a. III :\ ' II' Yo rk , \\' ho pu rchnsed th e pll t ent 11I1t1h,, 1' al'e Url ell 1I1PIlIIJ"I'" or Ihe I'alll · Il so 1I 1111P(O n ~ th at I he hOllso contolD ncl· ... trai n N o. 11 w i th ng lll 11 , bal:gllg' fOl' t h !\orth GCI'man Ll oyd Sl am· II I' '1reI ... , fnr. 1I ' ('onlln ~ tt> t h ' II st om 11101''' thau 011(' roO lll , Ih o,l' It I'> sepa· " l i m hllh . " lJer" '~ oll ly une t hi n cll r 11, ,:ontalnln g 11 I i'll I, a, nlll l i ca l' ~ hifl ('o mpan ),. A n agl'ce m nt \\'II S Rlso of I h t'Ulllltl'Y, 11'11 '\I Ih Ild l's t. son I'Ilt cu IJ~' IlIl pCI' s lltlln ~ ser e ns~ IIbmll It It li n I I ,. 1'11 . " 22, chair ca l' 33. <lining ca r H, \1' II I 8i/;nl'(\ by I el' lIn !Jy w\ll ch h e 11'111 I'a!lICII'r ll's he a l wll~'s l ukeH hi" wife thl'oll ' h w hl(' 11 t'I' ' I' Y lIollnd cun be " Whnt's thnt ?". In . lh ' tllteb at milo pOkl 55. Th e C ·11'(' $1 0 n d ar lor GO duys to super · hUllle I II hi s pal'llnts. Th ll s. It is IIU dlstillctl .l· h 'lI n /. s th ere ure lit) " Ho w III i'''~' rot' Il."- Dc u·Olt P ree \\'1'0 k WIIS cl eared at ] 1 p. m. T h ' re COIISll'IlCl l on of th e fl l's t 1I1111sun i sight to behol,1 fO li O', s ix , 01'1 ' fll 8 1 e n l ll ~s, allci U ti I t Is Lh e (.lIslom In t c lld lh I' I' C~ti . w ore 11 per son s IIIJIIt'erl and l he. dalll' IIglne. " en ' 11'hl I )(l l ' son ~ hlld<llt' u 10fflll h I' t o on tc i' u mo m IInannounced, I' ery a /; sui ts fi led w ere for lin aggr gllLe De vllll ha s been empl oy d n s a fire- In UII" ruono . HI LI' In ll'll ,I' elln 100 had . A DOUBTFUL VIEW. of $II,OIlO. "" of I his hll IlIlen'ed I L peni nsula division f or At dl\w lI or dal' Ih \\' h l) l~ fum ll y A t lhc dn wn of dny t._<, fnl'lllnr OIlC/! y ears ago, anti J hllv (O) ld Ih y ear s we i'''' r l s S. Ight y nl'S, and th re T'tt , nlllll.l e l'l'IJII t I ~ quic kl y 11101'0 ri a s from his IHII'd bet! nnd raabou l 01 I'en hll ndt· II ti m es." ~ p e n l In ('ol11l,l etl og the I oven linn . pre pRI'!' ,1 . '1'111-' fi l'l' pl ace Is u hibachI. l)Cu t s th e l ab I' or th e prevlouo dU7 "Anrl t' V I'Y tllll e," I'entu red th o of· De I'll II I 3L )' a I's or age. II kin d IIf brnz l r. 'j'h e k >tll e Is IIlaced wllh ollt on e Iot a o r val'l ution . n CldlO~', " yo u ad dod ] I ' new gllgs!" on l hl s, anti the g l" ' II I a Is made. Al t hough Iguoran l . h e Is not IIl1tReligious Serv ice for Railroader., " I us d to r lln II train," said Ule A IInlqu slet'v lee III h · leI c I'vry yanlnmst r. who ba llil ' n 01 along j ust In ti me to gath er frolll th e onvel·sa. Thm stl ay m Q!rn t ll g at I hA Ilflrlsh ~', /tlon thn t engin e ntlm s w 're bohl /; rhur ~ h of All a lnl ~ . SCllI l h L lu nh t h, con slu r ed. " 'rhe tlay of th e bl ~ l~ n " l n lld , umm encl ng at 5:~ O a. m. money Illlllie thr e or four tloze ll lIlIl! lasllng e x !tcl l ~' ~ IIIlnn leli. Tbe 'l l'l'l'Ill;e con grega tion of '100 Is com· y ears aso, 1 had Ihe pr esld enl of th -:; rOllrl OUl on nn in sp ell OiI ' t r ill . A II \l o~u d chl ell y of t.ondon & SO ll t hw 'sl · of n sudden )Ie gOl som l' bad news. 1'1'll ru llWDY m l gl noCI's and f11'om n, and told his cl erk t o wll',) th e stlp el" t'oncluct or s and rella I reI'S, wh o aUell .1 Intendent to s ll'e liS 11 c leal' irack 011 Ihel r wa y lo work. .rllst i?ef ore I and a fll st rlln ·t o Chicago. Goll y. boys, 5: GO a. bclI Is t olled, and the Ilrench. PI', wh ol) \' er he IIl ll), be, I", s t o stop but we bUI'D !)d Ull lh e tl'Oel<. After Illsta n t l y. even In · t he m i ddle of a sen· spinning nlon s for SO 1I1111"s so fa st I tha t th e tel cg m llh IlOles r semhled R l encp. III ord 'r t hat lh e ili on llI ar not he lato fol' th el l' (flltl es. Each 1V0rbal'l'lcnde, w e CRme to a sudden and allilarently unnecessary SlOII. Th e shlper Is pr 'l;e ll led wi th II bOQnet of fl owers. which lIl'e III'ovltied e very conilJUIIY had, a short tim e prel' lolls, wee" by S'l lll t~ 50 rl'l ends In t ho counJy, pUl In lIel'vlce II locomotive wblch 1-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ was. fo r those days, a· mecbanlcal ' mar' t ry who nre lutc resl.eil In tlt e churcb.
.06E, t.llIn, enterln&, a communlea'1m·raced m~
f101l.Ct~ I1I I1 I1 -Whllt C I· f' I·
. clII. Mary, II' th
n lll ~ t<> 1'
wnuld YO\I W Il . to nO l' in
now? M al'y - Ob, he co ul dn ' l tiay lIluch. WIIS " It tln s: on his ku ec Ill st ni g ht . Occupation Gone, \vlte-OeH I' 1Ul'! So till' m ill ionaires drove )'ou o ut of hllsl· tl s In 0 l r ampi llg? rOO I ~or I,' r(\Y - \, (l~ ·n1. Th .. y ah ~o tllt 'll' \' f us d t o I t IIII' II' 1'1(. Y ;r sce I Wll ~ II pl'ocess·s I·ve l'. -Pur ic Ji'l\r m ~r'S
Never Be Hypnotized. " I believe In hy\)nOtlHIII ." sll id tl l O baoh lor, " lllll I do no t uell vc I ant !l ,good subjec t." "Wb:! don't YOIl 7" "No girl has C"CI' marr Ied me."HOllsl on Post. THE LATEST TALE,
"r 8hall have to ask aun t ror a few days. Shall [ call It a vi sit. or " 'hat?" -Well, per sonally. I sh ould call It I ,,18ItaUon."-Chlcago Cbrunlcle.
&leI. She WRS named 'Th e Dragon.' H c l' rating wa s 95 Ca1'8. There wasn't a passing track on tbe road that would cl eal' sue~ a traIn. 1 hustled around and discovered that we had been Inevltabte Sneers, flaggecj by the crew of 'The Dragon.' "It YOU do not tnk e cilre of your Sb e wlis lhere with her I'allng. 1Il0ney," said th(' ali I to th e gr aashop· .. 'Conductor,' demanded tbe preal. IJllJ', 'th e world will si mpl y stIceI' and dent. when I gave a proceed signal, lI~k YOU what you did with It." after several IIllnules' delay, ' why are "Yes. Apd tr I III I' sl It lind \)~' I we being dolalned here?' ." 'We,'l answ er ed rel\pecUully. 'will come rich th!' world will SlIec l' ond 8sk me wh el'e I sot 1t." - \\'ashl ngIOD have to saw by Th e Dragon . Sbe Is Slal'. ' hel'e with a' drag·on: "-Kansas City
, 1\Irs. Nooart-Jf you have seen bet-
t I' davs, what were )'011 l hen7 W ear.' Wllfred- 13y IJl'Ofesslon madalll, I am a composer of mUMlc, but I . have been. ruined by .muslc Il\l'atcs. '., The Lion'. ·Share. " Well, Dinks, now ~huL you've WO:l your snll for that Inhorlturice. J BUp,110110 you'll bllY a· new automobil e ?, ' "No; I;l lit t:llY lawyer wlll ,"-Qleveland Loader . Pe~tlnent
Query. Gr~ (quotlnG)-"A fool and hili money are SOOll parted: ' BroWD-H!P~ much mining stock did ¥Oil bUl ?-oblclLl:O DailY New8,
His Observation, " ' Whllt hi r o II 1" Idea of rc [ol'm?" "My oil!lervallon:: au sw red Sena· tor Sorg)lutn . "has hee n th at In a mao jorlty or cas Ii 1'0(01'111 Is 1.1 lII ys(o rlou8 combination of goon polil lcs lind bad Illuilnos8." - W asblugl on Sta r, . - ---. Can't See Up So ' High. l\Ionl<oy - ·y.r hul, mal< ~ lhtl l glrarte Itold his hU Olel 80 high '? Owl - H o'!! b Id h ad d and doesn't Wllnt unybod), to fi nd It OUI.- D~ ~rolt l~l'ee PI ess. ThOle 8umrner Gi rls. "How do yuu like 'Coni slon!'" 10' qulred Phylli s .. repeated Doria. " Conlsloll ?" "I can'l recall tho nume. Ha" 1 ever b n cn gllsed to blmf"-Judge,
Rate Clerks In Demand, One r esult of the new H el)burn rate law has been to greatly Increltse the demand for rullrolld clerks. The reA Japanese vision or the tariffs and the prepara· tlon of lIew ones made necell8arr by the law, hal:! created an Immense rhe meal con sists Of mil l('\. n mon,,;st amount of extra work In the general !he I'er y 1'001'. ond rl ct' wh en lloe fani · oOlces of the railroads, with the result Ily Is mor" pl'l1 s jJ c roll ~ . Aft I' 1) 1'~ llkfa S I th e fll rlll ('I' Ilf ,. thnt the old forces are quite [nade. quale to perform th e extra work reo [JlIl'(>S fo r h!s d ll "" ~ \\·(Irk . If hi s wlll'al qulred of them. N early every r oait o r ri ce fI ' lti h... SlIllI e rll " !..allce II way, h e Is rellorted to be 6courlng th e country tak es hlit tlllln N wi th hl lll. 'I'hl s can· for additional rate c lerks. ThoRe In sl sts u f n Jill' or mill et III' 1"1 0, !!O1ll '. SUir. division oOl eeR arc being call cd Into tl lII R a d l'll?!i !I sh II I' U Cillo of cOrn . the general offi ces. and the form I' ure li e 11',,:11'8 ull hl' r II l al'~c ' stl'OW lIuL lett bure. The new law, It I s stal ed, or a r l oth on his head , and II glll'IIl'! lI t Female ,Ticket Clerk. ell.placed. h al f·wuy II 111'1' ' II a 1',,1)(' an" a coal. For years 11Ilst experiments have will r equl r e an I nc rease. of 15 POl' cenl. Il c Is Ilimal l)' UlIl'ofoll ll',1. hUl 80m · becu !)lade on the Prllsslan slate rail· !u the clerical fOrces of tbe rallruad s. tt'lII t:S \\'ell' ~ SlI ll{illl s mlltl v or tb e In ev· wa ys. wll h the employment ot female lt al.Jle 1'''' (> "/I·II \\'. Leper on Railroad Train, ticket cl erka . 'rheao, uppnrently, are In 811 11111101' II'h " n h e r each ' 9 his A Roumanian leper wa s at 1"I'IlIlk· · not Mucce~ sr\ll, fol' th e railway IUlnls. wo rlt he lI" ull ll y d l v ~sl s hlm solf of all turt placed III 'a railway carrln ge, tel' has IsslIod Instructions tbut the every door and whldow of wh":h was SIlI)(' I'JiIl,,1I9 cill thlll g nnd 01 11)' he seell female tick et clerk a are to be grudu· Ilecui'ely fa s t~~ n e d and seul (f , for re- In llw tl t, l" well l'lllg UIII )' 1\ loi n clot h, ally replaced uy Ulen, moval to h is n ative country. The An ~ . and It COl' ' l'lug (til hi li h ad . Should t~lan ailtho l'lIJ es, how ver, I'efu sod l o It I'a l ll, th ' COlll 18 Pllt on Cln o IIIOI'e, 8ectlon Gang_ Bu_y. alld ill add IJlun a I'alt, coat. ThI s Is pormlt him t o PIlSN th fronti er , so tb In the six months endlog ,June 30, 1)001' man , stil i' Imp t:IHoneli ' In his a (,11' Ullil' 1)1('ce of IlIntlftl;l made of 1,297.20 miles ot n ew railway track ~enled COtll llnl'lm ent. r emain d In th o rice ~t1'II W o'lcI fa s\('II " oJ ro und th was lold In t hl8 country , a (I'ol ; ht y3rd I,L Passu u rOr Re verul nl'('k h~' a pi ece or Sll'tl W SIring. Far aDlount of new cOllstruotlon tban In du)'s. his f ood !Jolng 'conveyed In him 12 0 1' H hOllru he r m uili s In th (' burn· an), corresponding alx ulontba In tbo through a 8m llll . wladow. Finall y the tn g ' 111\ tiul'lng lh SUIlIII\er months, last 15 y ears, except In 1902, wben Oerman autborilles decided to urlns sometim es stooping nil dllY, UII he new r.,";IIi1ructioD &&&reaated 111m back to Frankfurt, where h e wu tl'au!<lllnllts th e till), bl udes ot rice, • milot, nlared In I\. b.08vltal. ILrlctl.Y Isolate!l rh)m.~l/l1ell walk!ns bealde tAB bullock
Ideecf, George before & race I, and the day <cbester DemIt)!. au t tbe meMto> kno~ th"
weddings· and 'rom tlle preso nev l' know vas whq gave f e."-Oh!cagD Vlan, l olnted, to an
F;armhouae. till he Beldam rettds, as the N ate.. hourM of l oll are 80. long that he prerel'S to c reep under his mosqnllo net us soon as thcy lire ended. Hi s Snarl an fortitude ls really surpri sing. With II lIcanty vegetable diet. low vllalllY , .and none of the comforlll of c lvlllz'allon or allststanee at mod" ern Invontlon, he brav es' the elementa, co nquers lhe soli, endures hardship, OV E' I'COlU es dlOl eultieS and maintains wltlllli .tt contented and even a , ebeerful f ..ume at mind . .
you w1Jl be erore Dllo thOf' . o)1ilet. " I:!ave .arlt mnll can
li ed sadl$. cotlrse-;' fews.
),OU.. Con91a llrest In 1101118
Forgot Name of His Child, A. P . Powell, a MI.sstsstlllll Choctaw, wh(J lI" es neal' Hom 1', I. 'r., w ellt to th e Ardmol' 'I und Ollie ' to re " is t er. II wus t.he (alh I' of 15 oblldl'eu, but found that l: hud rOTgottel) the niline or one 01' them. Arter half a dozen nome'!! had bee n suggest ed by th e at. fabl e olerk In th e elll'oiling dePlll'tnient PO'l' eli thought of the rlgbt on e. This child bo re the lIame or' Its ra~ e r and Powell bad forgotten his own ,~ all\e. Tile 17 allotmonts belonging to Po w. 4,'11'8 ramlly are worth l'!J\)ul f(O,OOIl,: - ' CblcaJI;o CbrODlcl&
leuce4l, daD.
I ;tRST SIGHS OF LOV E. Eld er ly Man Re calls an event Clf tho L. on g Ag o,
'Spl's kln t;' o f I Hl ~ 8 ," IInl d fin l'lell' 1:.0 Ill:! I 1\ hOtll ' ~O ll WIIS \I ulkltl ~ 1I1'ls klv dllll n il", IIH l h '1 r Ollll'utlll'I' tl W 111 r nil Inl 1,1 11 I ', er IIl1lde' 1111 II \ ullnt;' I Irly I IHlf'$H I ditill I IUII}( I}IIII (' Il~ ·;Jh.'l{
t hi :;
Ll '
H ( n ~.
hut I kUllw I f ' lt r nll a~ "II \Imfm tull"~ . • I t II IIS nll"llt hl" h,lll lt; IlO' r.'r ' th 1I'lInl 111111 fu r g il I ng 11 1' '\III k II ht' n I jUJ'k"11 I h " plnw l' Ut of Ill' filiI nllt! drlll'{' Ihl' ol d IJI II Ie' 1111\11111 tho ~! III hl'l \I 8.9 n I II" , IIIH. . llllll' Th(' SOUllll l, l' It'u ;\lIe ,11111 \lbn r s n ll\lSl' )1y ('nn"l'lbu tt' n"II,l y all uf I hI' lIoou dlH ~ 'llh lltll-\" ('hillS 111[11 hel alit 011. <:'}lIl1,.-O. Ih.. Wh l t(' :-illf' n urly , ~h' l:tll d !· :-;hu ll:\('lnluln(l In 1IIllH ll" tlIl"nL \\ Iwk nf Ih{' 11tI1IIlf'" IIl sC'hnl~ I h,' 'II hnl sill !II "ltt' r , 1I " IlI Y! ' ., :" lllh ll! ~, I un~ w 'Ierl ,. n(1 sto l1 · J11I;'O n lnn '(it n llm Omlcl !l IS l hUI ~ ,"l I ('.ll'lt lug Aswun 18 70011 1',,\.1,. m"I("~ 1Jl'1 e!l' till' mUle> fOI lho b" r ll , tIll .1 his - ~ol1d, find th e I!If'lUi Illlnllll'l!ll sum I1l!1l1ctl'l wllh hor a Dd \\'u l l\ u I so' I<ltl' " ,,'II :till I h(' h n u ~ e Mnl It(' I \I US Il1 I dlsc'hlll ~ 4 \I) (' lIbl c IIluiO. S PUI Insl cl ,' no w 11111 1 I was llln nk fu l At so<'ol1 (1 1'01 til\' I 51 ii, Ij klhlill ' It" 8 n( II> I he "Inl, I " 1'1 \lI ed 11 bar or ye llo \\ II 111111 a lOll 01 I fi lled ti l lIIl cetuso l.h i\ l1ullit' ll;(l twl I N.V(-J SPS m l t:hl~ 'HI IIII'M uf IIndl'l" l mlnetl nr , I tJ,!~ln II l1h \\ ,IICI nnd car d ed It U[l l ' SUI1U\ 1 m ude my SO J;'11'11l HI th rt'~lIlotlng ' rrM t u! tu UI~ I UI"1I thesll SW:lIll)lK . hlll only I" [0 50 l eI t oile nt IiiI' b(,l1cb I n th e 'al II ' I BII \lgAI ' d into u stl t!l y Hunch d ce nt of Ih" SUIlJllwr ~n d 20 tu 40 I'er ('{' nl of Ihe nood <iJsc h.lrf;e 01 th e shlt'l onl l ORSIlIlI rl my Snn duy d l llg· I h,{(1 II oll bl e w i t h DI Y shuos, li\(' r r('~ IH'~ Ihe W hll :"lle, To 11II.,ls caplll r I hi. los ! !, I!nt nwr dlscb arge fOl' I h ~ WOI (' IIAh . at t bo belll ot By Ih ls lime 1 har d my wlt llonl In ter fedng \\ ll h thu exls Ung L11l1!l noor r~glml' , Is til<' )II nbll'l11 \III W oel l1 lO fn th el's vo ice, and I n a m oment m y ~tll(lIed I I liP IIOW SEl" how tbe lIIo l h I c,llI ' d, 'Su llper , lI enry l ' lil y fa ther was ' I \\ 1181\'1 hllllg l y RVllll able SUPlJl y b utll l r.ed \3o t h he lind 'rh 5 ' st ClU s of In Igatlon llruc Ic (I sea t ed li t t he lable n r t h bllsln 3ud \ler nnlal sysle ms m ol h er luok ed al ml<, Th er o was an 1 hied se\' era l lIlIIes . l: od ol lho !l rst I ho lanet r celvos one a wrul silen ce lIud er l be secon d, and at l all t m ana g d to say, ' You don't anuual flood lu g PI O( eed u nin lerr\lPl ed !} cn l e I f I tak e t he sorl el lD al e and w ilt el in gs t hrollghollt I hl' y{'ar Basin Irrl gallon t he hugg) , do you?' .. . 'er lal nl y !lol , my sao: sol d taLb· ha s h en In !'xiS I lice some 5,000 , c ars, aud fnr m er l )' ",as u niversal er, P r eson tl y he cough ed, " 'Oo lllg to a pollllcal w eeUng, In 1 ~20 peren ni al i r rlgalion r lll aced til Dell a ho In8, und III 1 73 l eached H ODry ?' .. , ' 1", falh el',' sold mol her Mid dle EG: yp t. Sin ce 1901 t h e con· 'r got liP a ud pu sb ed lil Y eiI;u r \(~ rslll n of hRs ln~ Into per nnlal t raclll has beeo pu sh d v l gol'ou sl y and I n bock .. 'I w as j ust nsk lng ' snld ta th er , th Tl' yca r ~' tim IIn l y 950,000 acres 'I did n 't me,m all ), h91111.' or bIl Ins will b() l ert In Egy pt. 1 shook m y h ad Ilnd hlll'r i ed oUl A t t he head of I h e 0 Ita comc tll 1 Rosella and Da~ otla bar r agcs, Tbese 10 h Ullless th o sOl'r el A nd . dear 10 0 II I 's nl)' nl\ n boy bogln nl ng 10 gct no t l01l9 I u to b Is h ad."
Great Triumph of Engineering Sl,ill W hich Will Make a New Land of Old E gypt.
Bebold w b at Irrl!;n l lon hal h w rollgh t til Egypt. fielwt>en 1SOJ u nd I nlln 20 ,000 a res \I er g h ' e u IWl'cn n lol t rrlgaWoo ilL a cost o f ab \ll $7,000,000 '1' he rental ot this IIr('a h ilS sillce lu· creased by over $4,OOOOoo IIU d the aal yal uo b y Ol' er ,4 0,000.000 Irrl, gatlon 'Imp rO\' eUlelll ~ on au ol d pl'l"l'n lIlal ar a. or 132 000 ncr ~ (If stat a land ,In lI11ddl e E/l:y pt Inrreased I hl! m rent trom $I to $:1I; por Rcre, lu.t doub le A Slll l(, llropert\' In t he Fal 'Qum or 34,000 a cro~ li aS h rl 11 ~ mean relltal In rea d f rolll $5 6 In 1898 to " 0 _0 III 1905 T he \ u III O at thl a "ropertl', stl maled in 1 ' 99 l11 a lltUe over $3,000.000 II DOW AbOll t '6,501),000 The area u ndor perennIal Irrll;a tl on to-day te .f.OOO, OO O acres, li nd th e kil o m elrage ot percn!lllll canul s 1 ) ,5 74 A kllom eter II 1,000 m eters. Ilnd a meter IB 39 36 Inches long), The entire perenni al tract In MIddl Eg> II I 18 lupplled b y tbe Ihllhlml b cRn ll} , 243 kilomet er s l on, This con al tu k 8 olr at A s)'ut. aad h as a bed w i dth at 60 meters, a slim Iller depth of 4 0 0 m eters, anll a tlood depth at m et ers The dlsoharge \'arl es fr ow 156 to 700 c ubic melers per second, The Delta supplied by six IlInl n caaals taklng air b t we 0 Cairo nod t ile Delta b arrages T he aggr egat dlaabarge ot t beso cnnals Is bel " een 400 and 600 cubio m t re I)Or seco nd i o summer, and 1,000 cllblc m et er s per A numb r at m l nO'l' secoad 10 flood canala also dr a w dlrecl f rolll' t he r l\'er
Has the W asp Affe r. t ion 1 ,I 1I0s t l a th e cl al k roo m o f a al udlo Inst SlIIn· 11\ r. ~n~s a \\I ltcr ' n t ho OUI IIII; m all' tlzine A t Ilrsl t ho p a ll~ w ho u,;od Ih l oom did !lot I !ish til I. om · IlD ny-lmt for eel t!l ln r ,IS(Jns he tll d H e 11lIid no IIttc u· not m ol t'sl t hem lI ou t o lh IIltl buz zers, and l h y cmllc and II' li t at !.bel l' owu swoet
A cololl Y o( W3 SPS mild
Sy st em I n til e N ile V all ey. Egypt cOlldlUona by gravl t.atl on gen r In the Del ta cODdltlons and ~wo -tbl rd s at th o la elIect ed b)' 11ft d 811kly ns and tab\l st eam p nmlls at wO l'k , t housand sakl y08 aud tl ve macblnes worked by " Lbe chalo o[ el\rlhen by p eri ph eral oham"heel. Thousands of scr ew s, w or k d by are also In use tor sm all ur ~ area o r cr ops I n tbe Del ta ! n 4,686.00 0 acre., T he culUwas 3,167.000 acres, w h1cb that 48 p er cent of th e l a t l ef double cro", The gross value crop per acr e at elll tI va t I on about $76. anu tbe ,net v alue $" 0 Of the Nile and Its syst em a t II r l· M , G" 1];atlon M~, K V ersch ogle, ~ n s pector g en eral ot Irrigation, says , The Nile ri ses sout h o r L uke V i ctor ia and d r ain s a. tract of 300,000 ~uare ktlollleters Tbe m ean 3nllllal rai nfall ove~ Ils bll8l n vnrles f ro m '\xty to teo incbes The river bear s
8tr u ct l1! 0~ \\e r~ com lllence d III 1 ,l~, 6fflcla l l) com i l i t d i ll ] Gl. and pr o uounc d a fallure In 1 :.I. Th on CA m SIr olin Soolt ,\I ouclle ! and sc vera l Angl b·l mli nu Irligatlon om ei B, undor wh ose dl l CtlOllll bo th b[lll':ll;OS wor e I IllOdel (\ he t \I" 11 1 7 lind 1 90 Thoy \I 10 fu rt h er slrtm~lhc n o d and Pl o\:ld d wi t h m ass \\ o dOW11 alr am wei r s b'lween l Sn7 lI t1d 1900, and to· d a~' hold u p six III to rs of \l ater. and dl vor l th enU m MUlI1m r dtscha l ge o r th e 1'1\ I Into l h Della cDDal a T h e ASNY UI hal fR se WIlS compl t rI In 1902, lI nu d",lng t h l ee I ecent l ow flood s hilS BU \ d ClOPS l o t h e vul ue o( £ 7UO() 000. The Ziftn hili rag , on lho Delllie la bl nnch , \H 1S (.omplal ed I n 1 90~: ulld In l'eM ' S t he earl y nood slI llVl y of t he Del IO Ill' 25 " el' 0 II I Thesc bl1l ralles V8 1 ~ f ro m ~ G me ter s 10 820 m el ul R Itl l ongi h, I'll As;,> ut hat I agl] has Ill , aud l he Zifla llnrrnge 50 5 m ot r ven ts T he cos t of t he f our ba rrages hafl been £~, O O O, OOO , 'rhe 1~8 ua ba rrage, 175 k ll om l ei S nurth of A s wun, Is now In h lll111 T h e fUncti on of !.bls \\ ori( "III bc to I usur e Irrlg a·
A fter a. time be bel;a n 1.0 stllll y I hom und SOOIl callie l o th e cunelu · slon lI1aL U,ey WOI'O glflu lln ll y b ' CO lli' l ug u (Ju nlnl ed Wl l h h im , h i s \lays and his dark 100U. On e da~ a slr a!Jg r wa S(,lIt d on t he wludow 51 11 'l' he Ih'sl W!lSII cn ter l n g lhe 100m I)ald 110 ult Ollon to him, but made for l he ol d or,.ck in lit \lall T h n oUl CO IllO a bi g fa l ~ 1\ 0 \\ w ho dart d t h r ol:g h lho opell wi ndo w like a bu llet. With· I n fiv e m lnu tos halt a dozen " nspR caUl \lllh II ru sh n t I h st illnger nn d t wo ot Ihem locat ed him, Out t he \\rlte. h ns nc \er been l ouched by h ill \I asp cul o!J)
DAYS ---.\
rll ~r
Much Needed Loat Ooll Fab· r ic Be Injured,
it I s ad \ illtlblo, beful e wll sbl ll!: col· ~ ~ed
When L ife W;IS, Morc ' Or L ess, Ono Conl li,ual Ro und of J oy-Par t leu· or PleaGure In T eaching the C,a lP to Orl nR, tln~ 5 , or W I' k nuw :lbOUl r hnt, W h'lI'<'II'1 fllrgulL\'n t hl' jrn of slp(!lltng In all lI L1f1u l ~ h eti lpft I n wlnl!'r. lvhoo our btont h rt(l~o to III IJ d(lIl1 g ulld W I' 1I.ld II th,. w ou t \\ IIh Il hot tlati r oD Cl \l)ry lIlollllllK 1Il u,," ln S, l uO! Wo got liP ~l fn ur a, Itl pitc h dill k , 4 l.. eltl w Zl'rll , and Ktlll glllnll tiO\1 n I W hud tn get UI' , hURtl out and rel't1 un(1 lullk th e l o \~· In g 1l1'1d , CII I Y t ile I'NI1 el ' I' fli ion ot lh u fa llllly 11I1I1l' \\ ak f! Ih " r OSIIlI' up to ,'row, I ha w OUI th e HUIlI II ch op fOU l' .01 ds of woed and ah o\ .' 1 II 11',1), t l1 RIIOW 10 " mlto r UOUl ( or th o sun 10 rl s ' . Sam UIIl S \\ e w en t 10 sl' In t h " In l er-not of Len O nly 00 Iho days \\ ben I t wns luo co ld 111111 t;Ul II1l V 10 go out dO()rs, 'I'h 0 \I I' ~nL on a nle.. , cllo l bonnl n bO Ill 60 f 'I't ,,\I n ~ (10 m t h si ove n nll g ay l y il lll W nt 11U1' fin g I S IIlId lll uk d I cI(' I t'~ flO IU (JIll hllll, And , ns W t, 81l t, we lI ~ t ' II 'd t o ,l wood n Imugo "lIb R t eac h ' I 8 Il cI'n & as h e hUlllled li S m lsi uful m Alln n flntl P I ' ullIncnll y cl'IP Vl c(1 OU I lu l<'11 'cLs '1')1 II ollie t he I1ICI'rY Hl lll nfl'l lme l R ise at 2 30 a m 1\Ior e lo w i ng h(' 1d' T h h Id lo"lllg o\\ llIg to lh e SIIPlll v or f odu ' l being l ow Th en th hit d !lIIUl , \\ ho htad hlbc l"!lalcd In I he f or· cst callie tOI t!.h soeklng wbolll he mi ght tn .lke h ll )lpy wl l h h is p rOR n e A nd wo. hel ng In n ed of t' Xlra jO), w ei 0 nllowed tD sl eep with th is w ool· Iy hlt eltll;;, wbo Boored Il k th e boom of I ho snd sell wave!' lie w lla n goo d fell o w, I h lH h i re d man H o tall ~ht II ~ (0 eh \\' l obac('o und sw ar. ')' b ose ge ll 10 pnsll n w'. pr ocur el l u s 11l 01' \ 10l en t li ck in gs Ihn n an ~ othm Joy In Ollr whol e yo ung li t ~ o m mO il' Is mpre l oa ll ed "I t h jO)' g I ms IIln n til sllling crop workl nA' An \I I! 'v r l eng t th e 1I1()\\l ng' 1I0 w \\ e h eltl th e plo \\ whl!1I II !:' hlld 10 I cnr h li P wl lh a pl ko IJIlI£' 10 gel I he ba nd ies, h ll W WI' dlOI O Ih old plll g t {'OIll, \11th tho II11CS orOIlIl<1 our n ecle; ho w. w h fl u t h cI 'vi s iJ luke, I ii!' lI1alOS 1I',llItel\ awny wHh Ull . f l llil hod )' <l 1"lS' :;In;; IJI'hlnd lJ~ t h ell l s' " h n ll lU'k. ness Ilme w stobl d t ho pl ugs nud w 111 fO l l h La m il k t h e bl lnd l h lC r Th e !tel ft' r Itlc lked liS ::I cross t il btl r n Ooor lWII an old C<lW o hll!(illg l ~ kl('!; d us lmc k :tga !ll Then." hOIl t he m ilk, l og \YaK 0 .....'1. \Vllllt (lin 10 tu rn III and t each a f ool nlf to d l'l nk ' Th is uct· Ins as dl) nUI'~e t o a bandy legged ntr WIl S onc or th e most IIn m l xed JOYS Of Ilii. \ \. ti ed t ho cllif shol t, s t (h bll Cldl t In (r ant f him , got li st-a ddl e nf h i s lie k, slllcl, t wo lin ' ra I n hi s m ou l h. nllll \\ !t h l h e ot h I h and jl! lIlll1 ' d hi s heatl Into th o \lu ll A nd all th tim we w m e em p t ~ I n g o u ~ ab\ls (In ('ul l ' 3 In s enerul an d thi s 101) eared I diot I n Jlnt tl cultlr. Th ill \\ ont on un ll l dad camo In and II lth l ovin g Ila\l encI3 horsell hill ped \IS 11 11 IIbolll t h e IIla"!l Th Oll , wh eo w e h ad carr i ed In Ihe w ootl , brought 40 gullo!ls or "Ilter f rom th e Sil l InJ~ on<l eaten allont ei ght p{l und s of ~ o lJd roOd, \\. w n l j o~ r llll y ull atal l's-an d came d ow n again I mme· dl ately t o b r ealerast \\ 0 otten dl Elatn alld wok e (0 II e() p for th days gOlle by II hen the hay 7>as 11}le W e r eca ll lhe old S\\ U lII\I Ulnt alway s h ad t o be cu t by hand \" r 'ca ll lillie st on <ls l bat w rnsp ed t ho edse or QU t' blad es on, 'Ne recall the pr et ty snll k es we stepJlod on w ith OUI' bore r eL W o l em em ber It all wl l h solomn g l adness W ell, w ell ~ 1I0w I t 011 COlCes baok to us · - Clll cago Daily N IVS,
s, air! Bo\' hood s hIlPI)\
('U III' ~,
W i dows, Wl doll S c xl Rt In all coun tri es, lllU ~ coun t Ibal ancl ng lhe m aL r LUloll la l dccau () n ce "ltleh might o t b I II Ise I' Slllt f r m Umld men . Whtows are cllllg in g by t. !1111erame n t and a tl uch Ulem · sel\'es readil y to allY objecl that can 't It is ge ner all y con sl d. help Itselr er d uuluoky t o m eet a wido w 0 11 a rllll k Il la zzo hy I he IIg llL at l he m oo n, I n m any ooun l rl es t o be ki ssed by a w ido w means en cll ess tlou bl c Wld0 \\ 5 al e f r (Juen ll ' accol1\lIun led by Children, whose n UlJlller Is con stantl y liabl e 10 I ncr ease T he) r oom aL large ovel the pri ncipal sec tions, nnd no m an Is sa fe wh en t he) al'o lIear, All the pel fect nlen now dcad have lllar All Red. rled wi dows, t hUD for mlo g a ca n. A W est Phl1lld elllhl a youth was betinuou s co n t r all t t o th e mlserabl o Illg ta ugb t the ros tl ve game of pokor sp 011ll0n8 who stilI live It ba s beell t he nt h r ni ght. IIll d ar ler lite relnll ve sai d . Bewu r e of w idow s," b ul l hls 15 vulu ' of palTtl, threes, !lushes and uonecessury f or no m an can I c ally straigh ts had been XI)Ia.llled to him b elll h l m s If - Li fe. pl ay " 39 sl arted, A rter ha l( ao bou r or So he sur pIl sed tlt e nth rs In t he Sensi ble Woman Hunters. g ame by aski n g : ' Whal Is It wh n !JIg !;.Imo hllllllo!; In th o Rocl.teR Is all l he cnrds al e of th e som col ol '" n il d ivided sl(\1 L p r oposition. "Not " " flush," \I ns tho r epl) " T ll en I'll many wom n: said til e g nlde, " ha, e b I six dollar s," aod. su ltlrl g l h e acilon the stl ellgl h Q' desi r e t o poel, a g lln to hi s WOI d ~ , 110 l hrew t hut al110un t and ' 011 01\ a guldo all da y over as In lo Lho pot. The oth el s. f r l ghl ned ",u gh a CUIIII LI)' a s God 0"1)1 m ud() " by l he pl Ol', "., I ~Q l y ' IlIl d do wn Whi ch IN a lIlIl snl \J\lt If silo has \Ill II s and thr. J , w h i ch II CIO held t ho st l en "t h and th e d01l 11 0, th n !lhe IIgal nst Iho novlrl" ,11111 he SCOoped In The Aswan Barrage and RCGt!rvo lI . t h pot, la yin g fucl' li p on Iho l ab lo mu st tl l ~cn rtl 1111 IlI'ol o oso o( 81.1 rl 1lIh lC'e hrl:l. IR II l]d h lo IlInlll oJJtl s Dis. 't-he follo wio g nam es In li s dlltet en t flon 10 ,I 1.l ro e area of bllsln s In l o w both f OI comfol t as w ell Il!; ro r aa fe t} Drass lilt! p'lI l 01 k eell OUl 01 tile 111 11 ' dnll f ill the l I'x )ll anntlllll s f lo m reach es B elween L ak es V ictoria Ho ods Th el e al o horscl'olrk Lr IJl~ ItI A In81111clOl 5 It ::tl lll'o ll ~ f() lIo wed and A lber l. tb e Alber t lie , helwe n Th A S II ~ 1I II'~elvo ll WU s COIf Ilel . gll m l' lind IIlIIlter Ph lllu l I I/hill 1>1 55 L ak es A lbert an d 1\'0, t he B ll b l~ E' I · N I I II }P I)~ It Is ~. nno IllI'L IS I ni" wh el ' th l) lIurl CI UIUGb II OUW lIIul,o Sitol t wO I I, o f any 1(l n u Gebel. between L akc ' 0 Iln d I( hur' pierI! d 1)\' lOU 8lulces. " rov ld II I, l tl l 1'\ ol h l u g iJlI l nCI OKS " 'Idu le New Name for L~ z l n~S8 the W h i te N i le T he N ile PI'OI) ga cs nllrl '11111>1" of II 1,._l ng IIIE' 1.' 11 o f ,1 sld l l t 11<11 11:,\ un(1 1I II Ic l;()1lIoc l>Ol S 01 Ildi ug I ' l'h'lIlS so m ' Ii'l l n I st I l ct " 'e at K hallo um . The m ai n UrI har;:I' (II' till I I,,' . I II fl nl,,1 I" <'eche" III e to lw co nsl dc l d li eu I y t orlff II III he I IU"o~C' tI on I mrHlt I d t Il blllarles are t h e Sa\lba t at kllo lD et er T ilo dU1l1 ,I "~"~3~ CS ,:0 " " !le l s In h els h l cllmblug boot ~ " I~ h hoh lIuils nllu leg, \\ 0,,18 FI OIll nusRl u, whi ch ga l'o us 1, 8 fraUl Lak e Vlct ol'la . the B lue b as >l bast' L 1'1 tf.'l'S \I I d; , !lnd a [(:" b lJl g~ li l O lIcc ('ssl tles , a 11.1II lI el sh i r t " P O); I nlll ' no w CUlll S olJlolllofdn 'll, to ~II at Kn a . t o um (k ,lomol el 2,526) wi d th of ~C I II Illl'lf.' l . 1 hp stol agl' Is III as. cllm fo l' tllb l e, aud II Is II ell 10 dt)~c I I LJ c pll ) slca l , mOl'u l ami Intelleo t. ;he A tbnra at kllom ei I' 2, 16 N o r l h cnllocr t~ of lilt' IC~(,I"'O" I» 1.000 mil h a,,) nl oug ,I h ca l ~ lI oo lc /I SlI e.l ter unl Hl oth C,I! I I'ld to 1\11 extl nlO of ; h e A l taI a jUnlltion no t l lb uta l Y OC· !l Oll cub i c l\1 t IH 'I h l escrvolt Is IIU e! a WII tOl'lII ooC coal.- Oull ng ~I , I;:a· Th e slIrfe rel I s call ed on t o 1I11" e 10 CIIi S Th e total dlslllllce from L uke fi lled In "llI l er li nd emjlUI't1 hOI W 'oli ; Ine n oew hOll50 " f ol s liS tr th " bll ltlen of "I atarla ta the bead ot the Delta Is Ma y 1 allCl ~'Irl d l c o f ,1\1 1 ~ In ver ) tho world Wll i ll on his aho llider s , It 6,176 kilomet ers At Ihe h eud of the low l ea r~ I (1IlIl hl('H th e r h el dis Above Worldly Cares, t he cro ps fil II h e IIIUlen ts. bu t ca n not Della f h river blrur cA l es I lI lO til e chal'g a t th e lo \\ ('si P!'l lnd and III li lll lonllhc i! DlI lIg hlc r- You l\fong t ak() t h e trouble 10 go and look aner ~~--~ yel l ll and DamteUo ll r aach es eac h c. c aSOR I h e me,ln mllllmu llI dl " ch arge hilll, IlIlpa li e dues nOl 10\' 0 me for Ids f nl m , Ir ho mu st Wi lle a l ott er kllomet r s In l englh, by 60 per cen t II scolTs a t the wOlld·. tho mer est trifl e. even a co nma ml s. Ill' munll) s,;rcllcl CUI-Wl lleSS fOI' wealt h \ll a(,ed, Is enollgh to mnk him Slvo PIt\lu- lVltal \l ruof hO l e you child? till t he ladk H o passcs hl ~ li to In lbe 11111( 01) :111 s Uangh t el - Wh y , only h Ollse Ilozlng on bin bed or In an arm'I'he g l uy hn' ~t· \I 11K c lo ck n nd Ic ft ..-.rt Horae. 111,,1 III ' h t ho tol.1 1110 h ll dld n t cure It Ch ft lt bp lll oa m o!;" In • ata.ble lMN',ngi n ); 10 a tl anspor not saIl tI d WILh w h at he 11.1(\ III .t h t) h e \\',IH nOVlll' flll l" 10 m ak o a peuny In Thi s I s Ililpa r rmtly ullclnnrla sl s or laUon comll:LnY al. u l a dar. n hOI S f' S !lvell ing h e wanted 1II0r e It dl rl nOI b ill ur If b e olll y bad m e th o I a \'Ilges of t bo lazy \VOl m hi Ru.. al k ept. and alllon& ' h III H. II h and- I .lk.r ~I III Io n,:; to tl nd out th E' 5(, ('1 (' I sl a Tne Judici al Child. _Qm gra.y, Bays the ' In<:l nlltt ll Il:n "f I he \\ Ire, an d Ort Cl' lh ' hlJl'R" 9 had \'clli ng U Il OII~J I "\ hI' Mamm a." ask od the IltLie boy, .qulrer. The lupor lntmdent of l he ea te ll lb elt tJncomplirnentar'y Comparison. Itltablo. 10 llvl)ld the IDco1lsib of h al ' lI ou\d I .,n eh 11 11 , eB l eh th e w. re he· u arn bllng \\hl lo Lh e l hunrl el's l Ol I\l was Ou pt ulll I[om er H edgc, the presl. I 'WeE"1 h it; lel~ L h and PILl! II , wh cn 10 \l I'ugrl!:;s . dOOK tba IIgh t nlnll r eally Itn g a milD ~o e'l(el'Y 11I0rl\ll1 ~ at 4 denL or the A el () Clllb, told til a IllnDel' " G'oIock to feed tbe h)r ses, II I I ed II ri oll'n \l ollid come t he f eed I n t enri t'tl Sl rl ke IIl'u llle'!" III N ow Y o)l, a balloun I,\lnr y , Ol' I he 1I .. " t mornin g The ounu l ut; f s, Il ar " , o met hll pIa. by wblch tbe i ced '\l,Iul,! Ih OIl "A frl(!n(1 01 mille , ' he said, "a " \ lld does Il klll ,tbem ?" ADto tbel~ trougba It tJl at hmu wilh· (pll ow rl l u th is fOI ,I goo d "h llc be" r)' fal ~ n tl e I1lAn. In lI'alkln g IIlong " \' ('s, den r " ut being bandIed. Th ' 0111\11/,:0111 li t r I c h ' \I ll ~ det ec led '" !l{)II, w il y. Ilen 't they have the AI· 111<J str oet tile olll r day bumllOd Ill t o Illllltl'd of an alarm cl ocll sct 10 so a huck ster and kU(Icked II hnlf dozeD Peculiar Centipede, mfglJty III I ellted ' ''-JUdge, If at 4 o·clC)Ck. and a w I ~ t lt II t 1.11·hed t urnips out of tile m3n's hOlld. \\' AU II r ~l1 n an d H P C M ol· t .() the clock tn In('h n \\ ar \I \; ollld Pr-;;i,flc Crops, .. ' Bad lUck ll) him: said tbe huck. I lI1e , ( \I 0 of1\C'I'r" of lhe BIJ IIsb de· tal, w~('n the . l lI rtll I<ounll"11 The I'aI'lIl1c n L rl r hInd s and mhlcs, wh u R l oh A n1l'ri cI'.O Flath ' r In J.a'V-l'tfy Bter, scowling ,it lhe r ecotliluc IIg \lre rulllll Qr tbe w ela:hl lIul h'lI , I wlrc, hnll' 1'''~ 1I ex plorlll l: BI'I! I ~ h Oulo na, daughter Illid I arA much dl sHp po lnLoli of m) v ast (rl end-'bad lu c ~ to hlml ~ Op8n tltl a trlill d or (\\,'1 call\) to 8ay til y '\' e nl~ I p'll:LdLico\ rl n!! ll-JI.pIJClel:l of con :\,0111' C'ltll l\Jau It seems til , bu a b ~r' Ami' l hey ~ aDd' the f{'tlll ca.fjTII t IItnbll nl; 111'''1' I \I II <lr I h r .' • In ,It I Ion,;. ,vb.! l~ r ell t l ,l cl ot Itmd. on!! 1 don t belle\'o balloons "'Ill~ o rk ..I1 1111 r l ltht UIIIII 11" hu!:, II I d lI j:ht In li s hI" ! l t nll :L IllWLhi llg bas SI'(JWU on It for 50 ,'carB, b roUllht 10 II,.. t!i"I Ile storie s of 11 (II 1:: .. h;~Q Ilbot :lh<lrc q, Ool)on de nllkkovl!lllCkCouul Mr, hilI I'ulllllll t he wire l'l'nt 81)(Jl ll al ong 1\8 bod)', one La eat ll U BoJcmnly)-A nolod l\loIIQlolU' lorgel !t ;,:e maguiftcent._mort· KOOd of h dea\l ly hacterla ",gmon1. E.-.geb,-St r ny' Storlel. 'fhla l a t h e mallY dll elU!es, Tonml/-T-e-II-I-T ~ al~1Io fed I n I mnl!J)t)X, are Ipread In that "Tnmm".. .vall Wlo altor J01Ir
sill uf lUl y ll o~cl l lJl hl!l, to s{) It fllr II lllll In ['o lll \\' a~ I)I' WIt h a li t I I sn i t III It Thi N 11'111 IIlu' lI ut Lhl' COIIH' fl'u m 11111111111;, \\ r llll:\- Ol Ililhol , HIIII. I 'Z,' -Jt ouL or I hi s. n u ~ \l' u ~ h It l!XII 't:Jy Ihb ~U IIl (' .... av tid wh ll sille. USIII;( l u(/hl w att' l IIl1d 'l ll l y 1\ 1I II Ing Il In a IlIlh I , n(Jt 11II>1J11I); II IIllh Ihll sOUll D u II us \Jll ickly ,IS IIO~slble, us If In 1III\!d to lil li, ho <lulul" II III b ' mOIt'II}, Iy til un ~~ If l u 1I1l\ 1\ t1t 'I tOI U II ) ICIIJ;lIl u!, lilllU F il l c \(,retl sill,s ,,,I u II !tlile IIll1l11u,,1a to Iho tinsl ug w,l ~ll r h I UIl! I t o Ilx Lhe col lll \\ 1I('u It lllll nt,: c. ,ll>Iou SIll" 8111 ('.I\i tIle 'I) ur I " '(III clot h UI III t h e tr all' IlIg slw(Jt, ~ u llial it 'llll colo l I U"S It \\' 111 II I IIl tl ll It Whl''' hl ,l ~ k IllCI' I.l' OUIl'H shllbhy and ltCI>l u s to IU80 Its (' olm 1I0t'olll l ll;; I'lf hCI tll till II UI 1:11 ('t'II ·lJ lth' I, It w ill ll(' I11l1ch 1Il1 1110ved It 1\ "s hud lu Uw 1,·1t ut bru sh II fo lloll Ill!; IIl1LUlIl'1 II I' ll Jf ~ 1I 0 11 ',I u r Hl all!c'I I II Ilsh II In II IIltl ' 1,1, \\I t h It :ilh;h l la' h I ur SOIlP and I I II S In l eal t ' a I I Utu~ lh'n be II lIsheu I t ~ O ll on ly II ls h 10 HII O' 'II I t, I t I t du nk fOI hnlfa n h01l 1 II! th ' rOIlOI, III t-; Ru l u l lll lI , I' ll ,I II 'SSP " ~ l ln/ln I L11 u r 11 11 111 a I allie ,I nd ~ }ll ot o f blJl hng wnl el SI III lII et slu wl y U\ 01 !.be fi r o ull til t h e gum IH dlKsoil i?tI 1111 11 Ih l ' t ell II gunr] bln cl, colur Strll i ll It t hl llllgh mll slln IInu lI ~l' I f I t Is sill, Ille , IIdd moth) lul tld sp it It In Ihe p!OlIortl OIlS o f t lVO l euspooll fu ls I ~I hll if II Ill nl o f th o IIbol' solution 1l1.lcl( l ace m ust n e' e. be 101lCh ' lI wit h l h bu I h on HOUSEHOLD HINTS, P UI a fc w dl ops tl f u lll moni a on ,\ lag 10 I ub tln gt'r ma i ll S rl'o w 1001(l ng Sl u s "o ~ a i' Ill ndow s I';th I Is exce l! 'Il l fm r ell10 vl ng !;1 1',I Se, bllt n n as~ wa v Is to soo l( t hll nllic l I II co ld wlltCl' 10 wh l h h ilS b" II ad d II a II I lie bOI ax Wh en telli ng tr ll il 11(, " 'r u ~ n :neln I • \loon , 11 \\ 00 111' 11 SP()l'10 Is be l allcl Ihos " Ill! sliOl t h Indl ~ I mos l ClI lllenlenl (IIr t h ick su bstlu lces shoes shoul d Plll llilt Ip!lth~r 'Ien ned " lth mill, ()I a li llie 8 11' t 1111 n lll~ b I II Il 11('[1 , n to l h m Th ~o l es nnr} hCl!ls or s ti c h shoo. II I C or CUIII ,C, I h clt'PI!.'d wl l h billcldng, C' luthes p in s boiled D fo il' 111 11 111 n l s IIn tl (Jul 'ldy dtl ed, once or I w lce It mOlH h. 11ecoIlI c 10010 II x l bl o and (lU I' ab le Cl OUI S lin s w i ll last lon r; I' :tlld 1,('('11 In b ttC'1 ol'der It occa slun ully lll'lIt C\l III 111(' S.1 1lI \I,l~. Wh en lOR I ('s III (' bilked In too hot ,til Ol en ami t h ollls ide CI USt gels too bmwn , do not attern lll 10 cut. It 0 0', IlIIt us Soon as t he b. end Is co ld r ub H UI er II It h II coarR lin gl alc r an d re movo nil Ihe dark·bro w n c . u ~t, A blncl, 1' ,llher Iravellng bag elm 01\\oY8 be I(!lpl In cUIIHal oUlll tl n by IU l xln g one l ablospoon f ul of swee t 011 w., h l wo lllbl espoonful S or m ilk nnd rubb lfl :; tll l~ well Into t he lJ aA A rte r It has t.ho l ougb ly rllied I t Kho ultl be I)o ll ~ h rI wi t h a chamoi s leat hel I n cl ea n i ng Lh e bl'ass II 10und t he I;e ~ hole I t IS ul mosl IlIl llossl bl c 110 to ~() 11 til e Rurroundlng w oou, Gc t a Il lec or c.trd bon l d nbout fou r I nches 3quar(), cut a hole In It t he sh ape of the bra9s and pu t I t ovel th e k erhol o whe o c l anlo!;, allll the wood 11'111 not be tou ch ed
To Make a Clo8ct, 11 ol osel pnt UII a l ong !J 111 11 ~ h eIr on Iron b l acket s Swi ng n 1)01 or ~ tl c l( un cl cr I t, attach od by " I I e to the boal d On lh e p ole put wit han gers w hich \I III slldo con, I'enl entl y along Cl ot hlD g hook s may be s cu r ed Into (lt e board A s for cll r. ta lli S, do aol box-pl ait t h em In, but IIU on ly a box pl,t Hau nr n Il ltLi n r um e al oUllcl th t all and hu ng th e c llrtal ns b~ smull bl a ss rl ogs u llon wi r es placed und erne,l l h t he edge o f t he boa r d an d I(ellt t ber by scr ew eyes a t th e corner s nnd II bere Ihe cur tain s " ar t. Muslln'(lol'er ed dl eSsln g ta bles mado from boxes should have the drall etles similarly hung Jo' or. lhese l h box pl ai ting 8hllllld be a tt acb ed to th e mUSlin CO\'el' o f till' lOll Two ot I beae sholl i d be m rlll e, s ince l h e top \\ III need Inunderl ng fa r orlener lban Ihe dr.I\H!ries For 3 c losel like th o one described 1\\ 0 board mUl be Pllt UII, tonnlng a shelf un dul Ih o uur lulns for h ats and se w i ng
'r o Imlll ovi se
Rye Bread Recipe. 3 1'nlrl nil up mille aud add to It one CUll boi ling wat er Cool In luke II ,II DI, lhen a dd a hilit ealeo corn · Illess d y ellst dissol ved III two tabl e· ~ lloo llflll s cold wIltc r , Adt! a half tea sp oon fu l sni t, l hen I ye \lour to mnl, d I ,lt he.' surr ba tter Beat thorOll ghl> , CO l el and set out ot is draugb t for ' t h ree hou rs N ow add more r ye Uont' oo l ll YOIl have a dough IItur enoug h 10 kn ead Kil ead llnd llound for t en mill Ules. sbape Into loaves and Pllt Int o gl eased pllns, Cover and l et the bread rise ' until very IIgbt , this 1"111 IJ1ke about an hall I' and a hair- brush ovel' wltb mille or m el t ed butte r aliI! bak e In a moderate oven f a I' aile hour. Creole Klaaea, BE\at together one I)Ound ot conrec tloner's sugar and th e whites of six eggs for 15 mlmlteti, Add olle teaspooMnl of CI eam o[ l RrtRr. Ihr'n beal some more, oot St ollplng IInUl th e mixt ure will st o)ld .alon e, Now arid olle t easpoonful or vanilla alld olle CUll ful of chopped nll ts of all Y kind and bako In a thin la~ ~ r When bulted Ollt Into narrow st 1'1118 and roll thorn , sflll hot. over sllIall sUel(s, Deviled Cheltnutl, Pllt one pouad large shelled ohest· nu t Int o a lIauccllan of ~alled wJlter DraIn. plunge Into cold and pa.'boli water, th c lI r emove the sklos Dry h tween t owels, Ihen Pllt Into a tryIng pan \\ ,th a lIltle ollve all or buttel' and IOs1< and shake over the nre until a IWItI (,[j lor, Sprlnlcle wi t h salt, mixed " Ith D Iltl1e cayenlle aDcI sorve hot or cold.
Old Ideals Have Departed. eARLY
ardlne., remove . the
bone IUld ""I~"'-"'"
.tl.ltractlon s of B ac helor Li f e In L ar ge Meas u r e Respon si bl e f or Chan ged Cond i t.ons - E xceSSI v e Cau· t lo n Am ong Y ou ng Fo l Ks ,
BY MARGARET E, SANGSTER. It BOlli 1J0uy \I ho 11\ ('(\ ( III lhl s nlall t } 00 yeul's ugo 'oltld l Illi'll IInll Will \( , nn UnSUll11 cl II obs r v('r, lhroltg h Oll r 1110\1 111 c ltle8. 00 '! of th u tll sl n ottls h o " uulll I\l ak e In hi s I nb l ut s woulll b to t h e err l lhllL II upl o n l) lun gOI mo ni ed In th ei r Ollr l~' Ili oul l B In h is dn y h w Ollld r ' lII ombel. with a r ~ p I'll u l h ad, th nt p llzzl ed sh ult t he \\ eLlIJl ug bell s I I1IIg for glt Is ot 10 nml boy s of 19 I >~ II eth el y, nn d Ihot slIch mnnlages wel'll om Ulou and a ' m a tt er or IIUI BO Exc l It In ptl m illve cO llunu n l~ les, allart tram th e b 'l\len lrucl(s of ci vil I· zo tloll, girl s lin d bO)'11 eto no t now m Rr r y au d t ak e on th um sch as lhe I' spon· sl bllItles o f bl'ltl gi ng u p l al ge t amlllos "l ar r l nge Is mOl o an u m oro p08! pOnOn until WOlllen h uve I;on e boyu n!l ~& and men ~ 3 llllll 3 1 ~ a.s of [lge Wllu t Is th e occasl oll ot tho chllnge 1 Lit e In t he gr oat c ities Is extr em el y easy for tl! bach lor II h el ber he b a m all of Inrge lU ea:1B 01' ot com para tl vel y II l11 l ted IncolUl' \\'b n bach el or Ilpar tm nt hou ses bec am e I h e ras bloo t hey tool! th e pl nce with mallY m 11 l h ll t was onre flll " d by the h<>m e 1<:1 "1\1 A m aD \I S II t o tancy t lial he n eed d a "I f e 10 l ook Rltel h is dom es ti c COlli f or t, t o s ll al his tlln n I' t ab l , t o 110ur
rO lile In I h omlllunlty b~' bi ng m ill' rl l'II Wlllne ll ill In l J.: Iy IIcl('I:I II IIIIOII III ~, I t IH to ti ll) a lmost all ullhen r d of I h lll ~ IhllL a mil n I;hall I mnln sl ll g te to 1:1 111' 1101 t il ls ull mnr rletl RI ~ ((!I ~ IInfol tl t he cl\'11 wa r . an \lOCO w hic h fI1 atc . hl ll ~ hllnl; d otller 80ciBI ('onllll l on8 In Ihl s c0 1Jn lt' y, rOI all lime, I I II IlH 11 f l OCIII u l oc Ul'!' nce Ul at a " 1.111 " lIl oUr IIIIlI \l11 6el l1 &h l ), save 1I11 hi s Olin 1l!",fc lI>IlC'o fOI m arl'lll l;o thllt ho mi ght toll ror l h e m alutni llunce 01 his Hlstel s 'rh 11'11 1 l oud that b roil In t el'll\lc stul lII O\ ur t he stules III 16 1 SWell! !Lil li)' f .nlll nOlth lind sou l h Illto l o w. I)' g ill ve • It vliet b Oijl n( brend-wln. ner s It sllu r ed aod sent hOlll9 t o th ei r wUlllell l}11Il1 aUlll her hOKt o f In valids ,lnd c tlPI.1 5 Wom eo under tQok 118 t hey h llll not done II tor e, task6 of wnll .eol lliog lnJyond th eir doors A ll gl eal war s In modern ti m es, 1t1 every , COllnl! Y IIlId!'r Ihu sun, are rollCJ wed y lhls r suit W om en nre f or ce,d Into th e O\lon and 10111'11 t o l ak e care 01 t hem sel ves u nd or those who dep end ull on t h eUl A g h I wh u \la y s h I' own WoI.y, who bu ys her O WII cl othing and lIae h r OIVll bank account seldoin marrIes III the l1. st lIus h o f girlhood, Sb e growil fastld l o!lS, t oo, set s a bl gh vl\lue on h ,r ll(>l r, I s uowllllng to m o rr), up l ess she m eel S b el Ideal lov r, and th en she ollnla l h o st I s he IIk ol y to be ab lo to gi ve b er Lho comforts sl1 n ow pass 'sse~, or w llh t heir combined a f. rort s cnn Ihey esl a bllsh t b 811r t at I hom o tha l sb o era \' s? Th QU08 t1P l). ar s ,.IOU5Iy con SI dered 10 her own mimi I • ••
b l s t ea, 10 m lid h is sl Oel (l ngs nna Call ose trai ning f OI bot h SQKes bas help him ont edo ln his fd en ds Th ese bcco m gan 1111 nnd I t li ke w i se d orer.! w ei a fa w o f IIl e pr osai c dctnll s I n m Ofl lllg<l uu UI Il l ale pori ad, A ~tll' cl uded In h is th eor y ut mal'rl ed Il l e d 111 li ter s coll ege het w eu 18 a nd 20 A s th lll"s III 111111' !IIanng d a 51 nglo 1\'ld ~peuds CO llr y 'l,n In Its comllara, IUnn mlly II l'e Inex JI n 51' ( 1) lI nll \ OI y [ I II' 80Cll1810n, If a prof\!sslon Is to ~ol\l f(lrttl bll' In rOll'llS fOI' \I hlc h h ' folluw t hat m eaus (r olu Ihree t o fi ve na" s a m ont h l) r w ele l y re ntll i. 1I 1s add lt l 11111 \ Br s absorbed In {; I lln ' meuls Ilfl' obtai ned lit n I eSlnllru nl I n I ~u d ,· f or li fe, T h y ub g d oct or. t ho t he b\llld i ng 0 1 In th e n Ish bnrhood , ~ OUII{; l all Y r, Lbe y oung Jou rn alist annal l eap lu lo au cess lI ~ a bound : he Is f r e to go an\i co m o w ithout ell 8e' (,l'al more r nrs ara occup i ed In c umhrance Hi s \'ls l Ung list may oe l ong or l ho ('ndellyo r to ga i n ell n t s or Il rac~ sh ort H m n)' ap nd Ulllch money l ice or 10 find n job that I s bot)1 agre . or littl e , live sl tll pl ), or Illxurlousl y, ab le n nd r em u n r atlve 8S h o lllll y ob ooso His I lId (>l~ n(\ uco A t l east IIOlt tDe g lrl '~radu~tes of Is absoluto nn d at an Inslaul s nollce Ollr colleg s undert ok advanccd "'lll nlll l: 51 IIllles afte,. they I ecel vo thelr dl[llob e Dl ay gi ve h is l and lol'd store h is !url1 l l1! l or I csl gll th e key maR, 01 pr el1ure for a plOf ss lo l1 or of his furn ished room ant! go to the ngag In bu siness, At a g lanco I t 18 end or t he ClIl'lh, H e Is a IV Icom ol'ld n t I ho t t h y canllOl m arry until gues t In the homes or m nl rled frl lids, t hey hm'e r eached a certai n mllt llrlty, an d If h e be s all am and debonal r o hc At PI es nt, lbo girl who mar r l os at I s a fa"orlto In soc lel~ and, on the 30 Is III lIc h oft ener m et than sbe who wh ol e, ha s a \'ery good time, Is a brid e n t 20, and th e m an wbo T h .shallo ws or a l onely futllre do m al r les at 40 i s not now exceptiollal not pr oj ect l hc mse l ves-rrcroBs t ho llalh or look d u pun as In the l east an old of t h o mll n lind r 40 lie decl ares thaI rello\\' w ho Is out of dato, The m an of b e C!lll n ot ulTol'd to marr y , and v er y 40 rnn v Iler haps ha ve a bl- e"15 year spo ssibl y l h e rn et 1I11ll t h e ('ost o f Ihlng his j ualor Tho man who m arries at Is con slon tly all t he Inc r easo h as muab 26 I II quite likely to choose 8 S a male to do wl lh li i s con t ented and som e: a gi rl som e yeal's old er Ulan himself. wh at seHlsh baoh el or slate, T h ere H er e enters tbe l\ltauglble lawai (\re peopl e w ho fO! a IImnll r emUll era, a \'er ag s, ~ tl on will k eop b ls cl olhlllg In ord er . W het her or not til e prelent 'euslom and his IInon Immaculat e. His din· 18 one for congratU lation or r egr et , It ners are apl to be good , and h e may Is a little lumc nl t to dotermlne, or kll Ow If ho like to a frac tion, the one tblllg w e may be sure and thnt 18 nmolln t h must spend annually t o that the Old, .weet and exq\llslte Idoal mnln taln bl s positIon, alld tbe amount ot the slml/le home 8ulrer s tram the he may save for B r ainy dllY. IIndue discreti on and excp.sslve C&II-
• • • • • With wom en tbe r oasons for the poslilon em enl ot marriage are more complex Th e love at home, the love or children and th o n eed to b\l dear and precIous to some one Ollt of the whole world, are Inwoven In temlnln e character Y et women do not otten warry tor convenleDee, or that t h ey may chan ge their names (rom MIss Prl scllla ,Jooes to Mrs Jooathan Robbins, or that tbey may attain brevet
tlon ot twenlleth COlltury young pIc, A home to be beautiful n eed not b e extravagant, Childless cou nl es are les8 excepUonal than 01 Old. Poople who llIarry Int e bav e small taml11es, and they have, tho\lgh sometimes t hey do nlll dream It, lost muah of Lbe bap" plness thllt mi ght have beea th elra had they been content to settle doWll early. and eojoy tbe trials and trl " umphs ot the day ot small things .... (Copyright, 1906, by Joeepb B. Bowl..,)
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• USEFUL IN CARRYING BOOKS. Square
Bag Made PrincIpally wIth Cord. and Ribbon ••
Our lllust r ation shows a usetul 3quorc shaped bag for c a r rylll~ book s, [t )9 ed ged nil al ound l h e sides with ~ord , and bas a !lall at lhe top whlcb ben(l s ov er and f astells \\ !th little TIl>ban s Th e boadle I s m ade at the some ma tet 111.1 as th r est of t h e case. aad I. also edged Vi It b ca l d On e or th e chi ef f eat u r es ot thll us ' f nl al'Ucl e Is thot It has II 8mllll pocket In f roll t. also closlog wllh a lIan IInri ras teiling wilh Ilbbono, In which may be carried a bandllorcblet or copperl for car fare Tho handle mn~o of a dO\lble thick· ness ot material n nd edged wit h cord ss suggesl ed will be v ery sc rvl (loable, but ribbons lO car!'y It by, though Dot
.lasting ao long, woulcl look prettier. The alze must be regulated by tbe nuwber and size of the boob to N ' carried.
••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Mo.t F .. of All Tnl. Seaaon.
colltume, white lur 18 c:harmlna. Whit. lynx wears better thall tOl, but ia more expeaslve, and then white fur .. too conspicuous to be worn ..eaulJu'.
I)'. Mink IB extremel), fashionable this season Dud Is made up in very band· some seta of long dOl,lble boa and large flat mult. As It Is sllll lbe tasb· II)n to wear tho fur closely abont tho throat, with one end tbrown back over I he lett sbouliler, only long collars ire pOSllI ble Tbe 11 tUe collarettea ue aUll seen III ermine and astrakan. lnd sometime. ebinchllla, but are DO langeI' Imart. Aa tbe taU I. altogeLber *he prettiest part of the mink In tbe eOllar8, tbe IlInJorttr ot the 11eIVest murrs are trimmed with 001ll1f,. leIB lIttle brown tails. Fox II rather out of ravor _~ p .... llnt. fol' uve In tbe white, whlc!), nBveI' I'8Q01VCB
Aallout of Sardlnll.
hall benn
a groat
11tU. AtllOjo.
'Tha S •• ICln'l Coloring-. In the leasoo's colorlnga Valiant attempUs are made to adapt deBcrlpUve tltlea, such as cherry brandy, nMe, Malmsey, grape mauve, tUleul, lime gree.. Tbe narrow .ribbed velvell aod velveteens, tone 011 toa'e-, are producUve of the moat .nohanttq IIghta anll abadea, which &eJ've to 11DDle~ur abl, enhanoe all the plllme, Prune, auhergine and brouse-greeD tluta, ~ cether with the lIlany neutral ad novel lhadea of ~. altllpuah fialb' the moat pUullq of aU to ~Itb .. the lIUIlut or roee d,... III , ",. atanoea 'nIJllraU~ 11.. bee cle&n.ltl from tile lulde or a noh .. tile
.. ,
Rather Startling Varns Are Told When the Crowd " S l ta In"-WhY-the Spec ia l Had to Wa lt on the Dragon.
Suspicious. . 1 How H e Knew. ;\ly III'W conk " \\' I1f'I'A i,lIP .~· nu ,!., li ug tu s pe li(i nex t \\, Il; fCl I' lllprly "ntl ll,, >" d loy ~ I r~. Swell· ~ tllllll1l' I" :" IlIhn lind " IH: 'l aI01 ~ Hit" l efl uf h 'I' .. ~\ I Sarllt ",:u ." "WII ;"!I'orrt, IJllt I SUs"C'I!l s il l 1I'IIb " That' s ClI.II' p lM." ~' on' l'e " I' el III. ('h;\r!>l'd. "cpu . Isn'l I I .... ~I r :l. A KGUllI- \\' hllt Il ltlk o~ YOll " I l ow do ,' 011 klll\\\ .... Ihink I hIU'! I ~1(!t'IlU" 1' )'f) 1l IIi ·, ); lIln Ih ~re. ".\1 1':. II I1'am orr 11 - 0: 1I.'ca uHo 1.1 IIrlllKlll u !'OSI 'UIIII' thln); s sh 's I I fa ll Kin " shu'S ' - -- - - -- CHESS SO, hl' l' ll wltlt llIe. ~11· s . A 5 1! U 1ll- \\' 11lI I 11'(' 1' I h .,), ? ~1 1'" II lrullI ITtJn - !.Jlijh '';.- Phll a· lInlphll PreSHo ~I.l'~ . Hll'al1l Orfcn -
NOI Personally Conce rned . " "'ult 1'." nskl'd (he ullin nl I he In l,l In (h COI'II I'I' n l'a)' Ihl' rlOIII', . w ha l nl" I h s bl sCII IIH mad(' of·.·.. " Th l' look , sh·... ~ulcJ Ihl' II IIstl' I·C. 11Ii;lI i fl c tl \\' ;Lll£'r. "Ilij It Ih l'): wcrl;' 1ll1,,1!) -flf Porllonel fl lll e n ~, hu t I have lin pOSi t ive I lIow l odgc. I have lIolhln,:: tn 110 wll h lhe m Oll u~ opel'llnrll (If I ho 1 ( ool(roo m . Shllll I change th c lII . sl)'·... -Chicago T rill un . One on H i m. " l\I r . Sui tors sent \\ll s8 III 'lIl y ' the CO llllllnllest kind 0; a CUI' dog', jllst for jok ." ~ " Old sh p. di s o\' r It n't a t1wr· ollshhr (I?" .. \'c~; but sh e took sn h I.t fnn(· .\· to it Iha( noll' SlIltot's ha ll I n lea .1 It II IIIIIS (lll n choln \\'h no \' I' th ey 1;'0 olll.lO wu lk. "- o (' \l·oll I,'n'c! PI' So.
IllIh ll)'- 1t l)I'roll)P: "ery Iry ln g. my ,lt1111', )';)n'I'O ul\\IIY" sayi ng t' h Qn , c hoqll , ,.)If''l'''' I f coc' l as If li fo w ere a Ion !:" J;III11C 01 chI's. W lfi'- W I'IJ. Edwa rd, If )'0 11 don' t gil' lI\ I SOIlI lI\ II ' ). I s hall ha\' to PIIWU , puwn , po "lI . anti It would sti li ~ III like a game lIf chcss. wouldll 't Il','
F I rewater. "W ha t 11Ut h im ('"1 of flU sln Sll'~ " " Too milch fi l'{,wal"r." " Wh y . I dldn'l kno\\' he W ;~~ n drln!c, Ing man! " . " )-I ' I sn't ; bu t w hen Ih r o was a slight I\I'C III lite ba sPIIIPtli of hi s sl (1rO JI ll u larm wa ~ IU rIH!t.I III und th o flr em on del ug d I ho IliaI' . anll he was vlthout in surlln ."-HOllstOIl Post.
"\'II bet fonr dollars," said th sec· ond trick dl spal cher. as h e " sat In" at f01l1' o 'clo II, "you' ll n() v\' I' S e thut combination again In II hundred '1 ars." " What com hlnatl on or you talkln' abou t now?" IIHllll rcd til opera t.ol" lazil y. "Why. loo l( a·h ere:" IICr81sted I he g llunlllln of th e second I rick. I' \::ngln i .11 nrrll'ed at Kansas ~ Jty at 1 : 11 p . nl . .nl:ln 222 IIOk >d lI\j r l\0~ Inlo thp )'III'd a l 2 : 22 II. Ill " nnd I'm nully it en gin e :133 dl dn·t 1'1111 O\'CI' th main line switch nt 3, 33 th is nft rnoo n. Wh ut d'y think 0' t hai ?" "Thill 'S nothln· ... xclul lll d tll e ilion · ng 1', d lse lnlnfull y . " Wh en I " ' as dis· Illltchin ' bllck yond I' III l he 'SOs till' Lltwr lice & Lowell roati th e glneN liS rI 10 wenr nnm R. Some I r I It nuhl e ot st nrs und m ythological I.J I ng ·. Oth r s w or nlllll d rol' IIw n. One cla y I had a COUl'l of lmln s on lhe roarl dul'lng m y 'hou rs' th e coin · cld falun' s of whi ch gives YO llr combination a co mOlonpl ace npil nr· ane . On \l'aln WIIS runn in g from Lowell to Law re nce. Tb e engln bol' th nl1lU of thc ror me l' cit)', Lowell . nnd \\' UN hundl ed hy En gin eer Frank L owell. FI'IIIlIe Lawren ce wa':l th e on{(ucl ol'. At Law ren 'C JUllc llon n tl'olll WII S m t Wllh whl h was golnJl; fl'om Ln "renc to L ow II , haul ed b), en glnc Law r ' n co with Englnc I' 1"1' II Law re nce at th thl'o ttl e, whil e ' on· ductnl' Fred L o w ell wu·s III ch urgo of tit I rlll n." si mpl y Eve)')' mnn In tll om" slar d and Hig h d h ell l·ll l'. " Whut'! C'onllnu d the m anager, In rll sg llsi. "oon 't b II Vl.l II ~ W ell, I l's I.hl' tru t b, as sur us m y lIame Is La rry! " "SIl), . Lowoll." sa lLl a IIl lln prescnt, "WhUI does Lorry sta nd f or. anyv.'n y'!" "My nam e Is Lawr nce," r !'I)1\ tI the mannge l', " I.awren co I.o \\' II." "Say, f lIo w s," suld tit tl leclll'o, wh o drop pell In tc inqnh" ~ aho u t tho lIlull tralll, " din 1 o· r l II ~·o u alJNtl th 11m I rJ n un en;;l ne on lh 'L o n" anel S lort· 1"llway ?" alld without wul l Ing Cor a Nllly. il nr['c,~ tI wllh th e lIal'r :Hl ve. " On dn),! w ' n t' dOI': 11 t o t.h dl'l "'i. to lak o ut nl )' ·r ull . }\I y I\weeth en 1'1 , II pi Lure of anxi ety , WllS th ere to m eet Jlt • .. ' HIII: sqld sl1 e. tremulousl)'. don' l co ou t to·doy.' .. ·'fut·IUt, girl, 1 cou ldn't do a tri ck IIko tha t. I l 'S 11 'al' l 'uI' lng tim e n o w:
.. '0. B ill !' sh e \)1 ad d. 'don ' t "0. You lII ust not go! J had a dre adfui drea m l as t nlg h l. 1 dreamed your nail! got In--oll tim ..
Leaves That to Others. " Th r e' olle' thillt; a"o ll ~ GuylJoyI",o\\,s how mder a gil 11111' I! 1': '
l'oJicl'lIInn- \Vh a.i v r wlluld YOII do, filar)" I f tho m lh:!U1 I' wliR to JloJ) In no w ? l\Iar),- Oh, hE\ couldn' t sa.\' lIIu(:h . WI'S ' Ittln g on his kn e IlIst· nl gh t. Occupation Gone. WHe-D oal' m e! So Iho IIlIlIonalr rl 1'0 I' you Ollt of bus l· ll ()~ In to tl'aml,lus '! ~oot sor F rcly- Y S·II1 . Th !)v ab sa( Illlely r ef userl to l ut me worlc. Y ' r ee I \\'U2 1\ l)I'oce 's·sen 1·.-rlll'l .. Fllrm 6f"S
Never Be Hypnotized. " I hellove .In h~' pnnt\slII ." Sllld th c bach el or. "IJIIl I . do no t b'lI I'e I u m II / gpod subJoct." "Wh don't you?" "No girl h as m'er ma r ried lI1e." Houston Po st . THE. LATEST . TALE:
" I; m hu h. Tlll"re'~ only o ne thing uhollt II It !tn I !l'UI'Il." " Whal 's th:!1.:.. " How I', PII)' 101' iI. " - Ocl rnl l Free
"Well. gentl m en, I \\' nt OUl o n tit rUII 81 ri g h t. bu t I'll n ovel' forget It On NOI'e luber 11. th e 101' 11 t h da y or th e I I'cn Lh month- at 11 : 11 a. 1lI train No. 11 With ngl n e 1I , baggng car II . ~o n talni ng 11 trucl,s. Ol oll CU I' 22. cll Ir cal' 33. dinin g car H . w en t In t he at m i l o JlOH t 55. Tit wl'eck was cl ar d at 11 p. Ill . Th I'e w eI' 11 per sons Injured a nd t h e dnm· a go Sllllg fil od w ere for an aggregll i e of $11 .000. All of Ihls hap ll ned 11 years ago, lind 1 hav l o ld Ih story about 0 1 I'en hundr d tI nes." "AIIII ' I' I'Y \.1m ." I ' UI \I r ed tb e of· ficl' l1oy, "you a dd ed II n ell' gugs!" ': 1 us d to run Il train." said Ule yardlllil st r . who hU I'II ... n cI alollg Ju st In limo to gnthe r from til ' on y I'Ha· tion Ihut eng!n nnmes w re bing cOllslllored . " Tho clav or the bi g
mon ey IJanlc thr or f Oil I' dozen year~ IIg0, ! h ad t h [II' sill nt or lhe Inijl l CliOiI trl(l. All of a sudden he gol BO lli ' lJud news. and to ld his cl el'k to wl l'''' Ihe sup ' I" I Intend nt to give \I S a ~ ar t.rac k and II fllst run to Chi ·abO. C.oll y, boys, ACtel' bUl we bu rncd UJI th ·' tru(' k . spinning along ror 80 mfl QS so Cast I that th e t elegrup h poles I'esemblod u bal'l'lcode. w c callie to a sudden ~nd a~lflar'.!D~ly unnecessary stol), 1 h o company bad, a short time previous· Iy. put In lIel'vlce a loco motive wblc h was, fOI' those daya, a mechanical ' mar·
AWOKE ON PILOT OF ENGINE. Tossell f"om Wagon Seat by Lo com~ t lve. but Made Safe Land l l)g . Sill tiling 06 IWIlI' full y n~ a »ah,' on tile sellt .~ r hl ~ fn r lll WllgOII. at; I1IH uW hOI'oo ,lIrnhJllcJ Slo wl j' 1I101l ~, \\'lIJ i um John so n hnd a BUl'Il ri ti ln!; II wak'lIl ng. Fl'OnI Ihe 011111;( of 01' unlland h o lund him self elln glllg to r flllot of 11 rrelj;ht traln's locom o tive wi th tho wreck of hi .. wa goll hbou t him. 10 p bad vr gr RS cI ,Iohnsoo 's s w'olly uotll his horse. hom wll r d llOUlld , stal't d ov r tbe f enn Ry lvllol1I rallrond c rossing. Ilt Trenloll, N . J. A h RI'Y fr Ight trllin WBS c10s to tile CI'0881I1 g, 'I'll cn gln c r so w th e sl e II' IlI g lIIan ond sl o w mov ing bOI's lind ~ unl"l ... d hi s whi stl e l o ud enou gh. he sRld, to oWBkell n grill" yard. ,John· son slumb rct! 0 11 and t b hors o rofu sed to qulc kell Its pa ce. The en· gl ne hi t th o wogo n. t ossi ng Johnson III th olr. onl l wh en h c cam e down he IlIndcd squarcly on th e 1)1I0l. H e WU H wide a aWllke then n ml oKcltedly c' lu lrlt ed til h 11I11Igh t. Whe n t b e trai n W;IB slU llllcd n nd th frt;; h te n ud 'ngln c I' ran u p tu l u k al tll !!Up· flo~ ed dead lI1un, JCl hu ~o n exclaimed: " Wh at did rn u wan t til willIe me up hnl way [or·· .. Till' h OI'~': wa s lllllnJur 'II and put In IIR fl" p IIIUlIlt'ult; "lItlug gr ass on tho l'Ou"81(1<'. MAKE
Ill ino is Fla ll road Offici als Experi ment In Use of Fine Coal.
It Is Q uite Dl ff.erent From Th u t the Occlden ~.
Be F ou!.
day, Oshln g In
1 ~
sitti ng In the /n t be l·l vel·...
iE YEAR. ;
No cOlltrJl~ t ould Ill' 'rcnt!'r thall (I f h c JlOKSI'SCI'S on e I BS he gu ides U,.e IlClwce n Ihl' 111I·m·lIfl' o C Ih. e:cld Cllt primitiv e 11111 "' . ~n!l Ihat of th,· 01'1"11 1 III ·· I.u lld :-:nt until dU)' llghl hilS d(,ppP ll ecJ I nlo of th' nl ~lnJ;' Sllll : ' Thl' IIlUII wh(l Ill );ht IIOi'H Ill! I ' Il\'(' hi s lahor llnd "o:;~ '~S(lS on e s"ii lar)' IJllllrH'k ls i wI'url hi s w eIll')' ~ I'll" ,IIIWUI'd the tl Cl' lfl('lI riC~ I . A \\, ('"Ith) fanlle ·r . as we . \\'1' 'Ic: 11 ' d hllv!'1 he cu ll s hOIIl . N h t'!!I'y wifE' 1l1'1'!!I:; hlm us h e I'pnc hes Unll CI'Hlnllti Ihe t"rlli. I ~ "n~"nw lI . Uftl' lI lIlO P"UI' lO hit·.·. 11"'11 Ihe' whu lo his ahocJf'. Sho hll ~ \VlI l'k "d 1\ 11 da y wOI'k '0 1 his 1'1('1' fI(·lrl Ih'l'nl \' 'S lll HlIl I jl lst II ~ haIti as h('. oud Is jllHt alS hllllSt' lf [1I1l1 fnlll il y . I \\,UII I·)·. A. 1111' r.11'1II8 arl' \NY ~ III ,"1 1111" \\' hll~ Ih .. ~('all t)' II1 ' al o f 1'1 e or flll'lIl ru' Ilf)II HI'K "1'1' lI,; uHII )' hllill 10' ". 111, .. Is "1'111 [; Jl r(oI'HrpLl II\{' run ner 1;~ t1 ler, Ihu H r )I'lll l n!; If HlI1ull \'IIIII!;" 1 pllllO);I'S Inltl lho (;rt'l' lt o\llHide hl -s Th' l'"lirllngN. , s OJ 1'1011'. Il l',' "r th l ' IIIlII ~ 1' an.1 11t <'1'I" II dorm !; h is· e\·er.· " l 'ry 1 ~"" I·t' '' 1 kind , and nlll'n ('IIllIa l ll in g'~ alilllll(lll~ . \\' h ~t\l" I' lila ), b th l" liut II s lll~11' m u m . 'I'll .. t'1'IlIlI l' Wll r k fallil o f lito .Inpnnl'"" lack of el pfi nJi · I th ·' ·hUIISl' I ~ lIlad c' .111 halllll'll •. all rl 11, ·S I! Is lIoL une. Alter h is bUlh he Is I'OI'PI'Or! wllh Jjla HI. 'I· 111111'" ,II 1II11d .. tl l't.tSRI · ~" lIlI l" 11101" lJ y JIll I I IIII-: on nntl I'll" ~trn\\' . Th •.' 1'IJUl' Is II hllll lly III H loin ('IOlh . Th t' n, Bljllflll PII un Ih lllf·itOt.! with ril' P slra\\ . nnd titl' II." t1 0l11' ,Iud NIIITOUIIII(·" by hl ~ IIt lle flour. ' \' Il ill th4 ' poul't 'S I IIlHI !')I·~. Is Il f ,)!II)' all ('filiall y a ir ily c lo t ht'l !. It\.! r'/)\'''I 'l' d wh it milt.' iliaciI' Ilf Ilt l' ~ ""1" , p"l'la k.'x of hi s p\'l'nlnl: me:li . IIlnt l ' l'I a I. 1'hl)l' ,111" no l",,"l' cont · A : lit, ' wilL' I~ " 'lIin e" l<I o b til 'n fUrl S Ill' I'lln\,l'rlh' n ~I' ~. and III.· Jill I .., IInel ha H 1111 " .1 11 allIIn. n O h~lp flll o r Wltl' dflC'''; hpr hOll sl'wnrk IIl1d ,·j· Ih,. t ' II'\' atlll ~ ('UIl\' rHllliou Is hcn.rd at lII11sl 11') 111;:; CII'CIIIllSlan c.': . ; 'h'lI l llI Ih. · fllmll), bullrd . IDcl pd. Lh (al'w, sh Ih'sll'll to 11'1\ h, Ih clothes are ' I' hltusC'lf has I'er ), r \\' Idc·Bs. his
_06E, r,ll\n, enteri,,~ o. comDluulc;r.· 'Im-foced m~ though t per, ne a sntlsfact. and- " d Mr. P vers and J yOU the
.r ,GO
Sbe was' there with h er rating. ~~: f:w'~e~a~ne:re~:e~e ::ce~~I\~~n~~ ' ~ 'Conductor; domanded tho Ilresl · amount fJf extra work In the general dent, whon I gave ·a proceed s ignal, omcee of the railroads, with the r esult after several minutes' delay, ' why are ·thut tbe old forces arc quite Inade. w e being detained here?' quate to perform the extra wOI'k re.. 'We; I auswer ed r ellpectrully. 'will qulred of them. Noarly every road hal'e to BOW hy The Dragoll. Sbe IB Is reported to be 6collrlng the CO lin try h ere wtth dra g-on.' "~Kunsas City fol' nddltlonal rate clerks. Those 'In Star. divi sion officos are bolng ca lled Illto His Observ3t l on. t.he gon era l offices. and tho form er lire· "What 18 ,yOUI' Id('u of l' [ 0 I' III ?" l eft bure, Th e n ew law. It Is stated. Female Ticket C,l erkl Olaplaced, "My o hservntlon :' BlI s wer ed Sena· Fol' rears past experiments have will r eqltlro an 11I ~ reas e of 15 fler c ent. tor Sorghum, " has b e~ 11 tlt nt In a mao Mrs. Nooart-If yon have seen bet· lu the clel'icu l forces of the railroad s. jorlty of cas II r efol'llI Is U lIl ys terlou8 heen made on the Prlt8slan state rail. t ')I' doys, what were YOll the~? wa ys wi t h Ihe employment of female "W ear] 'WIHred-By ]lrOfOS810n rna· coml)lnlltlol1 of ~0011 polll.lcli lind bad Le'per on Railroad Trllin. tlckclt clerks. These. npparently. are dam. I ' a m n composer o[ IlInlde, but I busln os8." - W asblugloll St ar. A Roumanlnn l ellar \vas at Frank· 'uot ~ lI eces8 flll. fol' tll e ra,l Iwny mlnill. have been. ruined by m~slc 1)lrlltes. tel' has Issued Illstructlons that the fint plnced In a railway cai'rlnge, C ~;,'t See Up So High. every doo r auLl wIndow of whi ch was femal e tick et clerks are ' to be gradu· Monkey--'Whul llIak ~ Ihllt glralTe The Lion'. Shar~, se clll'ely fa slcned lind seal II . for r e11.11), replaced lly mon. ' . "Well, Blnks. now t hat you've WOli "-old It Is huud so high '? , moval La h l~ nllLll'e cO\ln t ry . Th o AU 2' Owl -"-H ' 's hllid he.'1ded and !loesn't yOU\' Bult for that Inheritance.: 1 sup· t rlan olll:hnrll io , howe ve.·, refused to wlLnl an),bod)' to finel It olll.-DEtrolt (lOse you'll btly a lIew autumobJle1" Section Gang. Bu.y, permit hi m tu pass the fronti er . so Ihe "No; hut wLlI.""':"'OIeve- Free Press. In the six montbs ending ,Iune 30, poor IUll'O , sti li intptl s(.oned In his 2.297.20 miles of n w railway track sealed CPIl1Ilol'lmen I. I'enluln('el In th e land Leader. ' Thqle Summer Girls, waB laid tn this country, a greater fr Ight J' urd Itt Pll liSIL U Cor ~e l'orul " How do ~·ou I1lIe 'Conlston!' " In- amonnt. of new COllstl'uct!on than In dllYs. his food be.lllg conveYlld lu him Pertinent Query. qllired Phyllis.. . GreeD (quotlnl»-"A ' tool and bllt an y corresf)Ondlng six months In the Ihrough 11 small wlndow. Finall y the "Conlston?" repellted Dorl., 1Il0ney are 800n parted." ". laBt 15 years, oxce/lt In 1902. when German allthorltle$ decided to bring BroW1l-HO'ov muen mining slocll.dld cnn'l rllcall the name. IUl'e I aver new ·c'';ll lruct.!oD . .uregated 2,814 him badt to .'ra nkrllr,t, where he Wall heen engaged to hlm?"-Judge, lOll hl1y?-CblcAW Dally News, nlaced lit a hoshltaL .tr1!lU" Isolate" • mllel,
Jog In a bont?
Hallrnad o mrlals In lIJ1n ol H or m a k· In!; II HUldy of lit use of fin oal fO I' fl' Ight n nd Jln~ IIg!'1' Ptlgltl(,S, and II I~ pro iJall le lilat u tC'~t will lJe lIH1de. ' UIlIs tl cs show thul 11 large I\llIount of line cou l Is wa st 'e l al I h I1I l n S, and If II UII be us 'd for stea ming, I hall' su ncl s of lIullul's wil l IJc Sil\' II an nu all y U)' I'UJlWI"Y cO fllllu n lcs. For sol't coa l lh 111'0 lt I 1\1 of geltl ng ' usellli til lout of tlt tl fln er gro de IH more dltn ult unci It hus b 'n attacke d III a nurn uel' llf ways. Wllh co king ~o a Is I t Is 'ns), tu us the fin e COll i S Illlxpd with th IUlllps III th e cok ovo n ~ utld tblls olJluln goo d qUllll ty of fue l In t h form of co k Anoth r III t hod Qll whic h a l arg eXIl 1'1111 nlal WOI'Ie bas b on d one Is thaI oC bl'lq uellln g. and so fill' us tbe IlItJchanleal operall on Is cOllcct'n ed B nU ll1lJ I' ot a ll cessflll m achines have hOl'n des lgnl"LI 111111 al'o In usc In this countr)'. Th o ost o( makin g brl· '1UPU E'S is. howe l'ol', th e prinCipa l oh· j tlonabl Ceutur. IIl1d It I s l a l'gel y a A Japanese Bed. cll lI\m ercla l prol.Jlt'lII n s to just \\'b r e iJrl quelt IlInc hln s can b I'roflla bl ), IIs" d Cu)' th e util ization of !lne bitu- tnk n e lltshle 10 th ", rlltl nln;:; en' uk . llI en tn l hor i zon Iw ln g bou nd by th'& a nd b neJhl l-: (1\. ... 1' II. Shl' Il utlccs lh 'Ill co nfin es lI 1 hl ft l i ll Y ric' neld .. , minous coal. whll (,I' I hall Ih lIrlven ij\l w. J,UIl!; Th e I'('pasl IIl1ell. ~,1 ((ullts whi c h .1l1'!lI·ll s Ill' 1l llIn'd III Ih e sun . lin d o n 1(11'111 th Iled s (tI' n il cIOSHl!s of l il ,Iu p· Flr,eman Re ceives $975.000. From til positio n of n 1)r · mnll. on Ih ese IIH' fll l'III "I"5 wlfo cal'l"full l' UII I'se nl'O hunl o, t COl't h fl'om th o reo a mllroad. r ec iI'lng n Ralar y of $60 a . str etch cs Ihosp plecP" of I' loth tllal I'e· CI'SS of a IlI'i);hlmring c llpbuonl 'and month. lite pussessor o f a patent 011 a (Jull" Rnlool hln~. unci \Vh \l (II')' titer ar sp l'cud un Ih lIoor. It It he sum· steam turhi n n ,:;l n for which h o has wOllhl umpIII' (a l'lIl'ah l), wlih sl1II11nI' lIl el', lin (I f h(' 1I11)o Qlllto '8 tl'Ouh l some, h ruWfl)' Ul'rll o r :I n I nR 1111'"" ,,>< till' rnnlll, IIIHI ml)(\ e I'e " 'NI $9i 5. 000 fl'om th e Tl'an s·Al· £II PS 11'011 'd h )' SU III<' WeSI I'I ll In ): ir(>~~ . nf OIlP ·call l·" N IA IIktJ wl sp, 1J:'ought l amie t nl'lIshlp co mpa ny Is th 1'0' Lik e nil .rU lltllll'S" 1J0uses. IIII' pln ce 101'lh , linn lIlf' ~n l'll I'll Il et.! til tllll\s ulUrka ble' chang mlltle In the position 01' fUl'nitlll·f'. Th",)" III' dl'!v n Il1to III ' wull . U)ldel' t hl a tbo tu· I s rl slilul o f ,lam s r . 0 I'lin. a flreman p lo" db" tit l'\orthwest TIl r oad run· alwa ys dlllur 'n . alld ~e' IIf'I' a ll )' jl lelll y f lll·IIl !!I·. hl ~ wife, h is r:uren tt; and hi s nln'!; ont··llf E:sca nn iln, M i ch . of Ih ' tII. fm' i t Is ('on slel l.!l·('1 1 u di s· II lid I'en erc 1', alld th ere s llen!! the A druft pI $9i t••OOO hilS been turned g l'oco fnl' 11 mOl'ri e.1 Wll lIllllI "()~ to bp 1I1p.~11 S uch. )' Ill' I II )(11(1 ). ur out. 18 th o ve r to 0 \'lil! h.l · Attorn ey A. L. II lIIolh el'. In ad dltlon tl . I h ' w ife 31111 W nlch of' Law so n, W lli ch & Lawson of c h lldron, l ito flll'n" I" ~ II); (I f ath I' uuLl Itom ' Il f!' III II .la t,:t n!?RC 'I nrm 1'. It . 'c w tOI' k , wh o J1urchlls d Ihe naten't IIIUl hl'l' :l1' Ofl II IIl l' tll h~I' S of Iho fUIII' It so hajlJ) ' li S Ihlll t h house confaln Cor lh Korth G(lrllllln Lloyd Stealll' fl y iI'cit:", ro~. ac('o l'd l ug to t he C tl SlO ITI m o re Il m il U I1 P room. Ihf1r RI' S I,a· ~ hlJl "ontpany. A n aJ;I' em en t 11'118 also 01 ih CO UIllI')'. w lt 'l1 Ih e rldtlSl SO li rat ti Ill' jllIJ)CI' sl lrll n ' screell9, HI~n d by 0 \' lIn by ",fIl ch h 11'111 ro- IIlnl')'l es h)) n.lwll)' s I nk,', hi s wi re lIll'O Il ' 1t IIh ll'h 1'\' ' r y ~u ulld cilO be ~ Ivc $1 () O n da y fOI' 50 days 10 super· h01l1 10 hJ R Jlal' III s. Thll s it Is no dl sllncll ), 11(" 11'1 1. ,\ H Lh I'e are no Intend Ille cOll sU'ucllon of t he fll'st II IIU !HIlI I sl!;hl to Iw ho l,1 foul'. si x . or fUSl e ll l ll !;S, anti as Ii. Is t h e 1'.\1,, 101\1 e l'on " I;:ht pel'sollM hllrl rll l' d l og t hor to c nt'r a I'CIO II I ullunllouncod, \'o ry engi ne: lillie Ilrh 'acy lin he hUd. . Ot>v ll n hilS been employed as a fir e- In oll e room . At tlllwn of (la y thC' \\·lt ol family At th dawn or dny t,. iOI' nH'r unce p nln sula divi sion tor Ight Yl"IlI'S , and three yellrs w er£1 I' l s s . Th e sllllpl. ' rUl'a Kl I s quick ly m o r e rises front his hard bed und reo spont III f'o ll1J1l eting the Invcntloll. prepllrerl. Th e fi rc rrlacu Is U h l bllch l . pealS the lubo r of lh e prevlu llo d!lT D el'lI n I s ~ I years of age. ' 11 Idnd of il rnzl\'r. The k elt Ie Is vlaced wit hout on e Iota of l'a1'l ulio ll. on t his, Ilnd tbe gr n t ea. Is mad o. Although I g llol'Bnt . h e Is not Hilt. Religious Service for Railroader •. A unl'lue 5 rv l c Is h Id e\'ery ThursdAY 11\ ruing at Lho IlII rlsh h 'h [All SHln ls, Sou th Lnm lJ t h. c, ure 0 . I bug-l and, com m en Ing at 5:30 B. om. ancl l aSllll1': exnctl y 20 minu tes. 1 be '1 C 100' Is COllI III' 'rage ClolIgr gal' no ' . . . ' d 11 II ' f I d t & Sou l hw ost. flose c I ) 0 .UII U 1 . e rn )'filiII'll" engl nocrs lUlIl Ilrell1 n, onductors' and repnlrers, 11')10 attend on thelt: Wil l' to w ork . .Iust be fo re :, : r.O lJell tolled. nnd the preach. 1) 1' whoc ver he may be. ha s to stop In ~talltl" . even In the middle of n sen. tenct'. 1;1 orrl I' Lhal th e 11\ 011 ma)' not ho lato fol' t hell' du ties. E~ c h wor. shiller Is pr esc n ted wl l h a boq\l e't of 1I0 wet'3 . wll i It ' ure 1)1'01'11100 every wee k by S'l llt GO friends In lhe coun. try who UI'I) Illteresled In the church.
"I shall have to ailk aunt for a fe" weI. She was naDled 'TIle DI·agon.' Rilte Clerks In Demand, days. Shall I call It a visit , or what?" , H OI'. ralillg was 95 cars. There wasn 't One r eis ult of the new Hepburn rate ·Well. personally. I should call I t . a passing track on the road that would law bus been to .greally Increase the yilitatlon. "-Chlcngo bronlcle. cl ear suc~ a trulll. I hustled around demand fOI' railroad clerks. Tho 1'0and discovered thut we had been Inevitable Sneers. flagged by the crew or 'The D r agon.' . vision of the tariffs and the prepara·
"If )'ou do not tak e oure o r your money," sai d tbe anI to t he ~ ra sshol)o per, ·the worl4 will simpl y ~'lIcc r ond /l sk YOII whl1l )'OU did with I t." "Yes. And I r I Inl'c st It nlld bo-I come rich th" wO I'ld will 511 J' and uk me wbe r e I sot 11 : '-W JI~hlngt oD Star.
100r COll!lm. areat [n. hol1\e Ideed. George before & race 1. and th" day ._ - - lobester DemIty, out tbe meMt!>' know the
weddin gs an4 :rODl the III'Oan never know .vas who e.......:Chlcng() Man, o!utlld ~o
A Japanese Farmhouae.
rhe m eal cons lst8 of III I II {'I umo nl(st :ho I' r y I10or. und rice w hO(1 I h ClI1I1' Il y Is mOI'p IlrosJluro ll s. Art I' breakfast th fa rn)(' r pre· purl's fo r h!s dny's wor k. , If his wh onL or rl ct' 1it'111 I) so me tl IHWIl ('e lI\\'ay. h o tak es hili cl lnn ('r 11'11 h hIll), Thi s co n· sl sts of 11 jill' of mill el or ri ce. 5Omo· Urnes n d r ied fi sh o r II cuh of Ol'n'. li e w enl's clIlI('I' II la r); s traw hilt 01' II cl uth on his hl'llIl. and 11 garlllent hnlf-\\"u.\' h p l W Pl'lI a J"oLw tl nd n coat. I I e Is lI\lulI lI ;' ba refo u tl'\l , hut so m e· I hn"" W ':~r~ ~a n.rlaI 8 11111 11 ' (If th ' Inev· 1t1l1l1 ~ I'IN' ~ I r a\\' . In SIIII IIIII' 1' wll pII Il l' l'enchllS Itl" work Ito usuall y dil'cat s him , eM of all SIlIIl'I':l IIOIl5 c l "t hin ~ lind 1lI11 )' b e se 'n In III(' flol .1 w urlng 0111 )' >l loin cloth. ancl 1\ cO \' o)'llIg 011 hi s h elld . Should It 1'11 111. th e oat Is Jlll t un ollce lIIo)'e. and In alltilliun a I'ulll oat. This Is :L '11'C lllal' Illt'cO oC Illnllln ~ Illude o[ rl(,e 1;11'11 W und fa SI"1I 11t! r o und the II c k br Il pic;ce or Sll'IlW ·Irillg. Fol' J 2 or 1'1 houl'u he r ' 11101liS in t h burn· eltlling th S lllHlll I' months, omolllllCs BIOOpln!; ull lillY , a~ he trun~tllonlft the tiny blud es of rl<'e, ti~ID.:.lJIl~1I walk!1I1l bOlido lh.e bullock
Stili he Beldom r er.ds, 08 the hflur~ of toll are solong that ' h e pro-
f ers to creep IInd er hlB mosquito net os soon as th yare ended : His Spul'tan for't llnde IH really . sur, prl slng. With a scanty vegetable diet. l o w vitality. and no ne uf the comforts 01 cl l' lJltntlotl or 8ssi stunce or mod. el'll Invention: he bl'aves the elements cOllquel's . the 8011, ondul'es hardship: . o v e r co me ~ (IIm cultles alld maintains withal u contented aud even a · chee~ [ III frulIl e of mind. . ADA L . A. l\lURCUT~. Forgot 'Name .of His Child, Powell, a M.Is" l sslppl Cllocta9l'. .who IIV OR near !-lorn r. I. 'r., w ,' nt. W Ih e Ardmore Innd office to re !;ister. Hq. wa t he fnth El r or IS .chlldr D. but found that he hud forgo tteo th e nllme uf one o f th 111. Aftel' hllH a dozen nllmos had be(' 1l sUSl'ested by lhe af, I I'ab le clerk In the lIt'olllllg denllt·tm ent Po\\' ell ~boughl of Ih rlghlone. 1'hl8 child bore the nalne of I ts Cat.!'e r and I~owell hud Corgf)tten ills own ,ame. The 17 allotments bel onging to Puw. ell's family are wurth 1l!,,Jut 1(0.000.'Chieqo Ohrolllcle.
A: .
you 1'1111 be eCo re a.nut her ophet. "Howe larlt mnn call lied 81101llT. course-';' ~
I, I
'.., . . n
' i lh ' r" Will It! (II' l'l'lI,nJl lor " lI!IIIH: " " " If, 1lIt1 •• H'l'llUli Ilf Ilw I",buun n \1 .,.,wo vll1l'. oh'n l l'lk,' W Hitt'S! 1)\\"1 1\ pl·t ut tIll' (·.l1·p.,r,l I i(l "! Th" 1)1'''1'1.1 Ii \,IIH~ t'nt
l"1l..S\::l'a.:; stts ~
'ublJ.he ~ ___ _ .,t T . Uhi ."
\ ..! ,litHr~
~Utr:.I.1U1tt 'r 1 :\lf1 n ," Y \
~ tL! . " • •1. 1l11\1WN .
Hflll. I1."a~h' r", :o.ldf'l \\ 11 ~~ e!'l ~ il!t
"~ lIl 1.\ I' "
h , ' llll t .. 1
AVt Il llt
Hutl ( ~ r\VIU
fl Ult'C
tltn u
\Vol t· , ~) UlIlU"
of flll two h)WII tliid III 1111 t btl '1·,):41 tlf ttl!' IlI' N"!<~lIry r"p' lit' ~ ,111 ,h ' t) 'l,J," tlbtri\.ll lt '..1, P "<'plt
"l,on I ~ t I ::f1 1\
\'t~'r ' ) ' t" ;-'1"
in ,,~l \'{u wc'
tf n ul I'M h I ill
IIFfl E lN AI . .014 wbat Irrl pt .Betwe n
I , ~~~
~06 . 000 acrea wer IrrlgaUlln \I.t a cost o'C The rental of thIs AI oreased by over , ~ , u le value over "
Tbe arell under' tcHlsy III 4.000,000 Be metra«e of perennl { A. kilomet er I. l,Oe meter III 39.36 Inche Ure per.enola.! traot
Is .upplled by tbe 241 kilomet ers IOOi·
ol'l at Asyut. &ad h a [i0 meters. a BUllln meten, and a 1101 meten, The dlllCh l
166 to 700 cubic met
The Delta Buppll canals taldng olr bl the Delta barrage s. dIscharg e of these • 400 and 600 cubic t D. summer , ao.d l,OOC seoond In 800d. A. caoaill also draw dlr
crop per I 175, an ' the ' Ntle a.nd pUon Mr. K. Vel 1nspeet or geoeral I The Nile rlBes ( torla and drains .&Quare Idlomet ers. ralofall .over its . '4,zty to · teo ' Iocbe.
'the folloWin g nan reacheB: Bet wee; ..and ' A.Ibert, tbe A' J.akes Albert anI Gebel; between I. tOUnl. tbe 'White 1'\ er commen ces at }, t rlbutarl ee are the 1,6 8 trpm Lake
Nlie at Kharto\ lm Ihe 'Athara at kilo ( tbe At tara jllMt ' curB. The total • Victoria to the p. .,6,176 kilomet ers. Delta the rIver t B t.ta and Daml kllomete r~ In
~~ ,
, 10 a ,table ~ I ll.lUon comi>aoy a are ke pt. and am _Ole gray, saya oClulrer. T\le alii • tabl . to avoid l Ina' .a nnw ~o t ~'clbCk to reed U V1a1l b)' "')1Icl1 t: lllw their trouctu tOut beIng bandlec aataUd of aD a elf at • o'cloak. Ai to _ ~\OcIl in I 1 W It th. .... ' of the . '
_*::CI~~ .•
Bt 1I. I1TNG
PI~cing the Schoo l Before the Publi c
1I '·"!\III.l II~
"tll n(l" lin :
d l. ~ rll \'l' I " tbo t<;)wli~ wid III tf
COrwin Aven ue. .C orwin A venue has been an eye· , eore and a eource of annoya noe and tronble to the people of Corwin , Waynea viJIe II.Qd Wayne townsh ip for 1'881'8. . The put week the A venue has been In worse conditi on than usual. As long WI the' A "enue remain s a part of ~aynesvl11e and as l,ong as ·the t·reasur y of the oorpora tlon oontinu ee in Ite preSen t deplete d oonditi on tand 't he probab illtles are that will be ita oonditl on tor.' eBvrr. .11 years to oome) . the town cannot malte anv perman'e nt repair•. , There appear to be only one so· lution of t he problem , and It Ie a seriOtlS problem , This Ie to throw Corwin A ven ua out of the !l0rp0rR. tion, This Avenue should be a oounty read. There Is no more r.ea!. on w)1y this road leading from Wayne aville to Oorwln should be .,.u8cl • Waynea vllle street, thah
~----------~ ~~--------~----------~-(Ol
UI'l' ( ••
I h.
town hlp
(' ' Ill') t "
\\ " ',Ia ' t it IJ t hI' (\)\1 t1 '1
iJ' ~ l'o
~ lit V y· O ,i n,1 (" ,n,-i n 10 tllke up Iho inuIt I' Il l' illl)ll',n "'lIIonl, ILn p ,,(,e whut CUll I,! \J«,d'lne in t lle WilY uf pluoinf.{ ( ho A ,' el1lW wh e r It "honld right·. fnll y oe, nuder tlt jUl'lsdi ti o n of t,h t! ' ''\\'tl~ hi[l lind ountj . If til t chn~1 'e ~h u ul cl be uutde th n t hat , of pnbli o high wil y co uld bo hOll utltl cli uy its sbnro of the 'f7 000 of m on y lat Iy drawn by Warreu count.)" f or Ibe Impr o\' om n of it.! publio r Olllls, and no r oad of equtl leugth Imd of St· ge nerlll nse, in Wurron ODUty, is so sudly in need of it,
Last winter the bUfllnes s men and oltlzene of Way'ne svllle formed 8n organl~tion known as the Buelnee s Men's League . During the spring and Bumme r when prepara tions 'were being made for the Home Coming, the Leagu.e did g\lod work In enoour aging the makIng of r eo pairs, a general oleanln g up of prop' erty, etc. Bince the Home.C omlng the League has been practlo ally dead , Now that the holtday rush is over and the people genl'l'l\)]y bl\ ve more leisure. would it not be well for the League to begin work onoe more. Put Into praotlc e the "Motto ," "i>aah for WaynesvlJ)~ . " The m ere gtltting togethe r and chang. lng of views on the part of a dozen wide awake cltill.en sls helpful . The manage r. of th., Gazette vis · ited one of the suburb an villages of Cinolnn atl recentl y and was strong. ly Impre88 ed by t·he prosper ous looking homee, surroun ded by well kept laWDs, the olean streets and general evidenc e of oore and thrIft, .lnqulry ; develop ed the faot thl1t about one bundre d oft.lll.ens of the village had organiz ed themse lves Into a "Welfa re League," workin g for all thing' that would benefit the .commu nity. Waynee vllle oan do what t~ bein g done there. We have always be· Heved that W~ynesvi11e must look &0 .t he future not In the hope of be· coming a manufa cturing center, but .rather our el!orts should be to lUI· prove the town 8S a reslden oe plaoe and to enooul'l lge and expand the bu.lne8 8 of the commu nity, In many respeot s it Is now an ideal reelden ce town, bnt we must not etop, but work for improv ed streets encoura ge the beautif ying of homes and public propert y . Mld 1$11 of us give a lfttle more time and effort for &he publlo good whioh means the Rood of all .
Wha t abou t
l ~ II
... .
. _.
t ':ar
Mi, ~ lury WiU\\I rso n Iltarl'ic,d hI M 1', t'hllrll'' i Hoffm un . Hr id ' wn.: 1~1)1' 1ll ~1' P ri nti pal of Ya)lIe.' \i ',. chools.
Lytlll BOllr11 o!' &Iurll l ion II< h/l villg I;rintecl "t th (JII't.,.. t lf' otti ne 8 IUIIII palllphi et rnillt i o · 10 Ih e in ! .:inoilllli lti. IIchool t hat will ulldo ubtpclly ue (If Mn, B n'man \\''lA fo r ? n o YI'U1' benefit, to the schonl lind to tln', Princip nl of the "'"yn f\villo I:l igh conlm~oltr. Iintl the idea de en ' R ~o 'ch ool. 'I'h pu~ 1 yellr Hha hns been be genernl ly foll o wed . ' euc hing lit 10rf OW!ln(1 li t tho 1'0 'I'he boOk begiuR by givi ng a Cllr . ' que t of .tb BOllrr! of Er!nru l,ion f c lllnd comple te hi. to r y of the s will coutinn o to tenob. th bllltlOCA tabll ~hme nt ,of Ih Lytle 'p \til of t h e y!'n r I hern . I:)ob 01 District. '1'bon foll ow.s Il Ii t of tenoher s, E ZEMA lind PIL E ' RE the time whicb thev served. et() . - - -- -.....---~ 1, nEE Ku owingw hutit \\'111< to uf· A pllge or m ore of prnctio al t.alks 'ureo of Lung Trouule , I' j w ill gi'\'c FllEE 01J' BARGE t 1,0 Fllil'lUO on sohool work, viewed from the t nt. 111111 sp[In(1 ~'IlIll ' 1111 " " It III now eleven yea r! sinoe f liy nltllcll II" 111I'iti\' st.andpo in t of te acher, pllrent and cure for Ec with all t,h!'r daug ht e r , ill!'. L .I'lI ,a hud a narrow esoape from on s llInp. Zil lll D, sn it rh pnlll . (11'", :;;ip lUll, pi le. pupil is given, witb good advice fo r tlon." Pr ~n"lI . writes . 0, Floyd, t~ lono· Bcd kin di 'II ~. ] 11 IlInt, I'elh·f. all. tng bnsine mati of Ker hnw, ' Don ' n 8,uj)'('r long r, write F . \V 1'bo comple te oour so of study " 1 had run down in woigb.t \\'!J'y ' nn'or f r o lll Ph tllllllllllrll1: t o 1 3~ \\'!J.LA "'[ , .100 Munh'll.t tnnIlVHllnO fr om t.he Primar y Depart me ot to pounds . Bnd conghln g WIIS constau t , D.. YOli kn o w !llId rh c ult1l1t1,,,rll both by day n.nd by ni gllt. Fiunlly I Nfl w York .. EIl<!l oRO. 111 th Biglt Scbool is Includ d, Ii I!:! 1Ill]) . [JIIIU': CU ll b rcilo \'lJl] -: If .'llll Ilulll ,1 be~lln tnki ng Dr. King's New DIS· .. 11) j \)O I tli ju t, tl'~- (,,, alilu a hst of l~ppllra tu s In tho ·) abrll· oovery, amI conl,inu ed t·hi n p pll<'nlioll r for H · _ _ _ 'hun d lerlu ll' l' PI\iU 13,, 1111 It '" , t Iry, II olaps fiontion of buOkS in the bout six months, when my cougb l(, '~ Chllr ll)in'~ m"k" I'i>Ht, un" 1-11 e p pt)~"illc. nnd lib rllry lind other informl ltioD of lind lung trouble were ntirely go no .,.. !.h.l t cllrtail' ly muan!! ,. g r.ea l lin ' and I WllS r eRtorell to my uorlUnl t o I ()~ !< II hClLlth~- glowing c om 1·0 UII)' tiuc v!llall t,o II 11 who "re interes ted in '11!IH't, II wit h I't ll,II II." weight 170 pounds ," Thousa nd" Of pl ex·i,m . Unin ty L XAKOL thn work t be so~ool is doing , perBons are hellied ever y yea r , I ' 'l' ABLE'J'!; ohli tl'l'nte A '.I'OX · tl RIII. ~-II J' ,, ·. I~ by ,J. ~ ,Jllnn ll,\', 1111 e ru[l· GUllrlln teed at F. '. Sohwar tz'!! l iOJl ~ )f t.h !<ki Jl , h~' th .. ir lUild, hut drug store 500 !lnd $1.00. Tr in1I ILotive influou('''' u the bowels. 'Pr y Re Wake up Busin ess id ence and Busin ess bottle fre e. thorn t od llY lind bn C'OIwinoed , Fol" Men' s Leagu e. ty Iubl e ts, 200 . ,I. E. ,h nuoy. P roper ty or Sal 'rh
'tbls property . e511wB little over , 8.000,00
_. __ _
cation improve men ts nlal IlTea or 182.000 land n Middle Egy mun r nt from $1 jllat double, A statl Fayoum of 34 .000 II melln rllntal In creati 1898 to $10.20 In 19(
fllil'IlI'>- '
U J.ElP.I{Oj'JE GJiLL . • J'I • b_'
1A lIlgy\lt.
For lhi s \\ c('k "c ha !' Frl'.·1a Ualti morc OY G 1l'1'"
L C.
olid 1\1 'a urc- :-io Wa t 'r il're)!h ('(' Ir r y '1''' b rril's Florid n Hud 'n liforn ln
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1(]~N ,
r " t;CS.
, IlLO K
(~ll n l'lI n t"l" ll I{ ,
"' tldy fm'lntliI(1'8t,i n fnll'l',,;<tll ' ~ tllt e ll llmt by J , m.
8u uanll - -Appl l's
Home Mad M inct'l\I ('nt
.1llll tl t?y.
~ntcR-- Fi f.l's--:\ uts
- 1' \1'" tlml ru l\s
\\,h ~' " tl 1111111
OOIIIOS ill t.o I.hi s fil l' IIny portl nlur III n,II !!"~ l t !l 1l 1'(,lIlt'rly . W(' 11 1""'),8 /:ive Lytl for ~1I1" . ::; L. Willi lllll~no , , 111 111 wil .. t 1\" lI>ik" fo r, but. in clIlle EJoIlnl of l l rUlDall A. nrown , ,1t't'e3.tH~I1 . Cabbag c-- On iollH prOpllrty UIIU ~ I Deli ,11 g l' ){'eri C's I he }.· II " 1 ~ i I. lo nl' we 11 :'n .. lly reOOlll, 'l' hc under"lK'o C41 hn\'c hee D Ul)]lOlote rl nnd (lualUled all ful mtnl"lrator~ of the ,'Slutl ' Clr 'hll k e~pl''' r ll j,. . hein I" IIlI P" p. il:olll til hi tl' rood u nil oft· 1'!4 hi, 1'1'''II I'T t~' Illlrl Htcw k Il " New York Um kwhca l Hannan A . Hnl \\,u, l at of "\ Ilrr n counly. Rill'll I. /I IWr)lll rlllion WH hnvo studi d by tbe local public tlll ~ V r , - reu. onll bl '" pl'il'" Ohio, d 'a 11 'lilt! . ., aHc<1. I " '~Il ~ llil1!~ I'igbt, IIVI' l' th e Clum"r Uatc tt IhlM UUIl lln~' 0 1 0 ettQ Ir . A . I), 'wi n tel', to, n 1\1 nolt g Pru nc -PI achc~for A\lr YOllr~ icutR I" l f r €1ll II tel' exttlnl hl~ 1'11l1'e rtf hn"iLH ~>' lOOK. lur ~"'III'~, n nrl fr on, III·tnnl ob·cr\,(l · 1I /\ItI.I ~;A . UIU.I\\' N . t j :!~ . tltllD ever LJllfore: The prinolp ul U \\'1 ·I , l.I ,\ ~ I~() )i nAIlI .£! II . CI . .......I ..:NTS. ti lHI Wl' 1"lH1W il lu n:-t d o I;{ood, nnrl Telep ho n e us Y(l ur ord el'. U to ,,,, n,, SililWbulI . ALLor ncl·l5. reason for tollis int rest oomes from n "ll'y 11rt/,~ Tl'lit1 ' i' 1I1"~ rllre iudlge!l· wc ha n! the goods. B o\\' to ('01' LJllbllliu ~. 11>111 Ilntt 1I .\' ~ I lt'!J~ill UI' t,hl' r p w ultl th o filet tuat " Mllob til" "ill he "To u,i oy fr <'oll til frUl\1 ~ h,' tI >l 1t'u r\" t,I' Ulh 01 111'01'1 comitlg Chnmb e.r 1aln's Coug h Remed y a prCJ(\tl ll. b.v local talon I· witllin t ho Happy Now Year to a ll . blttins, " writes .I"hu li,lmll. 1<),, : 1 h.I£,1: for tl,,,IJ' m OIl "Y, ,,,. \'c r;v 25 Safe ',Medloi ne for Childre n , n xl f w weeks, tl ~ flc l(\ , III • " 1 :l)lllly Un kl t'li , f'(' t l ox i" soill wi t h t l\(' ullcJ er . In buying n. oouglt medioin e for F r quent r eb eltrBllls ar ) bein ~ held Arnka ,':lIve 1111\'fl nl n M (t HI • •' r .. n,ll ng Ihllt )"m l ' ,II!'t b deoid pd .. !lIlt r heulll wit.h ('xcello nt rp:!llltrl ' ohlldre n. neva r b n fmid to bny ana It I Rllfe to· predl t thtlt MilO· I" "po firml 01' Ib l' l'/) i. uothln g to Chamb erlain 's Cougb. pny, Remody . heth will pro"e to be one of t h e Ulll'nU to d to curo fo vel' ~or '~, 111 dol nt \11 ' n. I i1<' bu r ll~, \Y lIloc! '. There is no danger fr om it, and reo best \" '11 silllpl.v try Pep~ikolcL tllbl t produo tionli ever und r taken frost blto IlDII ~ I:ioD, ul lief Is IIlwtlys sure to follow . It is sell~e~ :i.;(' III .. 1111 th (.l u ndl' rst~ olll l1g t h ut tb V ~. ' oil wll r tz dr nr; st,o ro Intende d espeoiu ll.v for ooughs, by home wle nt i n Wil Ylilesville . \,111 At .lIay " Ul' n ,rv ~ . Impro ve A Ileflnite dnte for th,e perfor m. ooIds, oroup IlOd whoopi n g oough, ' (11\ 1' npp tilP, I't'I\('\'.( wl ntl hel h · lind t h ere is no better mediol n e in UIlCO will Pfobllb ly b.e IInuoun c d ill II I!, onWtl 10nl{U< , sour Rtornuoh, ' F~rm Hand Wpl1t ed. th'll world for these dl Menses. It is n ext week's nlne~~ II fr er .,I.inl', WilIly I'\Ad tln · Onzette . W IKI' l'IIll lI"Cii frn lll Ih!' ,lilt h . not ou1y a eertnin cure for croup, "l'!!)', li nd ot hor R~- mpt () n8 ' o f 101i· In order ~ get t he grllil tes t good A mnn to wOl'k on II fnr m by th "1 WilDt tll g iWl!, m f,' \,I1.1..un 1.1 I II. O(I':- tion or ,J, E .1l1un ey is but, when gi ven as soon I1S t he !faay oroupy oough appeur , will preven t from the pluy, It i impor tallt Ihlll mouth ; n homl'" proviUf'l1 for .111m \ '/e tOfh o~ 1' who~ nlr I' '''lill }"111 lit. II UY time t,n pn.,· huo k yon r 1II uey tho attack , W h ooping oough is not (I ll who expect to Ilttend it IIl1 0nld to live ill . inqu ire f AUl'n /:Initl, Itul 'k und klt!n ... , (('''lIble, '' ~II~'~ .1 , '\' Itb ont, til leu I ur!l'utl1 \l nt. 0 It . B htlll;en~hip , f Ro\.'k, 'I'('n ll . '1 dangero us when t1li ~ r emedy is giv. take down thei r copy of on tb Uaclwul lnd tJ l' tUri n. one mil .. 1\lI ve ' hll kes· pr ,j\'(ld til ,\11 IIb~ I "nll' l ·(\1'/Ii ID· en as dlrected .. It con lnin s no opiutq or otlter hurrofn l drugs, lIud mlly be peare and reu d llDel SIllily Mllc\)olil . n or t h of Wll yne. ",it o. 'l'el " phml( 1,' - th at iJ:il'otrlr [31' t"'· ~ wi ll P' fll· given as oon fiden tly to a bl! by ns to by so d oing h e piny ltD be muob No . 9;; ~~;. t jll 1l \'llly ('llrl·th IH II i" rl'q,.lnl,! b lnd il io ll 'rhe nr!lr 11'l1!1 ... (!IIYEI II III I!T(,lIt 1'1". ,.n adult, For sale by J, E . JannllY' bettor ILppremu ted thll!l is pos Ible RW(H:V!LLI£,OlltO 11 f IIntl n t r tukill~ II fn • m ur t' when onll Is Ull ncqunln t ' d with tbl' h(l Ltl ll~, I w n ~ IItlpl 2 1'Il: IA'LTtt: : ulsJIlA ES Ol" 'WOMEN ..., t Iy l'llrl' d: ~ n story. onmpll' t l~' th ll t il' hl'C:llIn"" " plrll!,\ NO OntLOIIEN. UI O lo r comm <1l h ll'l f;rent 1'(l1ll dy . " 'old 1100ler \!UlIl'IIn t Nl lit 1<' ( . Chnrmi ng Wonllm , ',' h'\" Tl ;o: 's <lTO!; , tl11 0 P li '" :.00 Nothin g lends . mor e to personn 1 Bud ' t OUIlI h Trouble ured. oha.rm than l~ clelLr rosy !:'ki n und Bil ving bren !liok for th.e two nothing is ~o ure to Ir 0 'Iho s kin Jl"~ t y(~u rfl wit h a hud IItorutto h t rou· . frl)U1 m otb s pots sa \l o~\'llesij amI' ~Iaphone I)h', II frirm d BII va III !\. d b!le of CIlItotHe ff eots of ohronio 'o tlstipnti on III hI I'J,Lin 's totllBoh LLnd Liver ttlb . II!! t he Duiuty Lax,.ko lll t.onic tab· Irh, 'Ph e.\, did 1Il (l so lilll h good thllt Sufferiog the misery lets 25 ceots. J . E. Janney . 1 bo ng-h t n bottl e of them onel b!lcve aod' ogouy Ih nt come fro m YOllr liver bOing lI~od t walv bon les in nil . Today I . out of ord"r - trying /1 111 \"'11 f ll~nc1 stomuc h t rouble R eCelVe S H'19h Sc h 00 I : to beat up in the oe· I\ir" J I IIlI L we, Cooper, Ml4ine . Life Certif icate lief ~hat .you will be 1'h ~e til ble; t8 ure tor sal'! by J . E. • I all n ght III a day or ------~.two-nre you deli berMiss. France s Morris is awarde d I ately neglectin g. the .IUl1Iley . warning of Qutrage d Teache rs Lisellee by Stute BOflrd. I Naturc - committ ing the blunder of believ· J'.iis Frunces Morris Princip al of Ing th nt yo u don't , .. lIeed medicine? t he Bellbro ok soh ools h llN r ecelvell llyoll are, the sooncr I~ 'l ife high soh oo l certific nte fr om )'ou commen ce tlle )I, • h, lte'" llllucoss firy \ Over 600 po· t h e Stata Board of &:houl ExulJl ln IIBII of .·itol<) " ~ ~ pe n at tile present tln1e, ers at Colnmh us. . I~igl' WIll-\ R. promot ion to MIRS Morris Is It bri ght youn g Do you wa.n troD ef - in 8 tH,! ', erk nnd CJonduotQr s, *75 t.b ILa..,atlo e) ~no I'll l' month. Instruo tions by just a. few 1110l11e l1ts and lady [I.ud 1\ oredit t o t h e e,l1 oo l wlt,h ' .:' III nt Y0U r bome withou t Inter whioh IIhe is oonnoo ted, 1 no bad after- dEc ,ts. "11 (l t t ~ \I with preljont ocoupa Uo., haJll berltlln 'f! Cou g h Remed y Bone· . the bett~r it will be for YQu. If so, y u ha vc ouly to vi (, II sMia!· eoob student jn Beourin :t . . fits a Ci ty Coun cilman nt I po Ition Don ' t delay.: Write b. You can't afford to fool With you r take, Dr, }\file " ut i-Pai.n Jrmgston Jnmlli 'I~ . liver, alld you certainly cnn't I\~ord 10 !" Y flIT rr e 0lltolog ue iUl'truo tlo",'j . ' Pills. . be without this g reat remcc1y If you r 111111 uJ1 l'1ichtlo n blank1, . Mr. W. O'R ellhl Fopn l' t~', who i ~ . liver Is out,of order. Don't ' I , A'j ' IU~ A'L If subjec t to h ac1acb , a membb r of t.ile City Counoil I,1t,· / Both you !lnd you r liver widelay. RAILW AY ' TRAl~. ll .bo better u G t)CHOIJ L, Ino., Boston BI09k, have tllom 'with YOl I al- Ki ngs ton, Jam Uloa, We!;lt 'I/)dies "livers" than ever. rites ns to11 ows : "Oue bol,tla .of I ·,h nnCll,poll!!.: Minn. U , 8. A. DR,CALPW~LVS SY/W PPEPSl N ways. No har111 au (' 1110 Cw. hllmbor lllin ' Cough R om 011.y lt uct cnn be obt:1l11ed 11\ uot h UOI.lIlr an" hnlf:::::s ' . clol lar sizes frolu all druggis t,. from t heir 11 , j f' t tl k CIl as !it00d, e Ifec t ou II COU!,':lI t,hn t WIIS glV., You r. mooey will bo refunded i( It db:ect r,d, as t 1lC':\( 'oilla in ~n g m o troublo lI.n l~ I. t1nn~ ~ s hould I &'IOCS bot betlctit you . .. beeu ~ore qUickly r~ he ved It YnllJ' po • •at cRrd roqllc.t will hrlnu:hv retum no, 111 (11':1 1, m or- I ave bud continu ed tllo r e me dy , Thllt l 'lIIoli o ur now booklel, "01<. .\LIl\VI: I. VS phine, . GO('n in', (' h1oro- it. W~ s benefi 0iItI 11 nu.1 q ll IO..k III · ·re· . BOOR OF WONOE RS" ,,",I Cr"·,, 10 tho se who Ilrll'o n<vor Irlel! , IllS ''''''pl. wondc rlw h ovmg me th or O' i~ no d oubt nnd" form, hero in, alpha and it "''''''1', Seutllod n)'. . is ' my iuten·tio n to obl.llin 'LUol,her beta eucajnc, rnl1nu his hl- bottle. PEPSI N SYRUP CO. " Foi' ISllJOby J . E . •]fnuney .
Notic e of Appo intme nt,
Much In terest in Study of Sha.k espea re
A \· Elr.v Il c~ h" Lhl ,' ·hlt.
M.\¥.LANG,M.D; C.M. ·
Lazy L·ver
PUMERAl DIR 'ECTOR, T Da¥ or Night. local No. 7 long Distance No. 69-3r WAYNESVilLE, OHIO Branch Office, Harveysburg, 0,
Su ffe rer s
Dr. Cal dwe ll's
Syr up . Pep sin
dica or chlol'hl hydra te, 01' their deTi vat i n >. • Ask yOll I' druggist abou t them . . f\l:;~t t~I~~iC':T\T n ~1~~ t rJ:,~C!~~VI~:S ~n~~
Pai n P llI k it S t h u 11 sL rl'ltI (Juy we )"\\·0
cver h Ad tn our h'J wu.·
tl on and 'Who has
( 11)'
t he prcvc n ...
'u ro or h" lld a(\h t,l. My wife l) ~(' n a (l n ~\all l KurT I'or or wllh tho n".. ',. ,nmr,llIInt, joiflls
, m e tn· r C'romJ1l t'n .llng' Ilr. Mll s ' A n U'" . Pu'lll PI1l~. hOllhl ..,r ttl(,)! ,nny (Jul inlo the h ands of nil wh(1 l"u fTf'r." J . r. lJ S ll, Walo" vl(,It, N. Y. .
Dr. tillln'
Antl ·P~ln
Pitt. are sold by
your drugg'st , who' wlll u th:lt the 1I,..t pa ck. lie Will nUi1rnnte benefit. If It
. fait., he
return your, mdney.
25 do .... 25 cent.. Neller .old In bulk.
MUn Medical Co" Elkhart, Ind
Monlioal lo, illinois
For S nle 1)y,T. E.
For Sale.
,JHllnI~y .
H. E: [lA'J'1l
. Rose Combed Brown LegliOr n ';, it. A r ote ' C• J "AlLOR . ,. os rs, '" .1.. . ,:,prJng .'. I J e ~\' ilJ o's L(liltl in g Dnllth,l Vulley. Post 'l1l\pe Rddr ss, R. F , ( 'mC ') ill KC'YR 81(1" I . S • X ' 01 ' . . ~, eDla lt O, tj;?i:l ' -- , , ! _ l In . t . _ __ __ .. . j ll'prov unll 13f!I~lllify Ilia C;or)1plex Beaut y Mor e t·han Ski.n Doep, Ion . . Everyo ne wao wa·nt,1! a good 4'110 IlI'in 'illll] ingrcc1it'"ts iO Dn.iI. bealth y color, and I~ olenr skin free t ... !.'QXllk IH t 011 i(: tubillts from bi1i ousn ~ss, s lugglsh Ii,ver [lnq c.'" :' \ll, und dllndeli on .which /lro ell'; i ono <;1 ohronio (lOnstlpu.tlon s houla get Il th ~ ~' Ife~t comple XIon bell lllitle l'" packag e of Dl1lnty Lllxn,koUa tonlo. ~' n wn .. Forty little oho(Joh~ t e oont tablets. nature 's eweet restor.e r, J. Ell ,lnXutlve tuhlots, 25 oents. J , K E. Jlinney .. In.nlley . .
2fo ·ac(s ! 1\
set· 0f' 12 VleMg FRIEND TO FRIEND. _gu .. e
' t n for 25 ce 's .
The porBOnBl recomm endation .,of , . .
pll1 who have been cured pi 4 colds by Cbantberlnlo's eo.ata Rem. Dve done mOJ:C tlInn all cbe to ..... lt. ltaple article of trade aDd ~~ .... alaqp ~ GI the clvWze4 . . . .
Coun ty Court News ,
--~ --~----~~
9Icfi.)U t')f Alrll'l'~,,"It,"1 141~lh " f. ,' Gilpin
.I n,,·ph P . Milh"
Allen AlI)!)r
vs Alic" M
EIliH, FOl' ('(lnilllh l" TPliAf. PIHI Il till' tllt.,.~ I" i" HI YfIIlr", of II #1;A , I-J,
,11l1'in!' !1I ~t !'\eptl'lJ lllor III vl!ll t ' U 1111l Ii.if.mll' ln t who ill I) IIdn.u g ht 1'. at' Ihll'\·,·.vli llltl'g . Wi lli suys I.b lll
tberR b tl b eclI til 111 111111 h El wnl! b OI h ph ysioally find lllontll]l y w IIk OIIl ' ,l Be hll~unol,b p r IIl1u l.:11t r, one EOInl lI
King. PI'llnt.it1' 811Y8 t,blLt ",Lilo Iw wile tbn ell,f e hIed lIofenlil lDt in • rluced him to f,l ive lIer It prol.l:litl"OI',\'. nol e for f.:l,ClOO lIuo in one y [lr U;Ir1 I'la uretl hy U mortgu l; c.n :.107 1I0Tl ' ~ In, Wurrtln IInll Clinton OOU Dt.k,. Be I!lIylil she tnduol'd 1I11ll t.o d o th i. by repl'e euting to him tbllt be 1.111(1 ICivenh i other rluugbt or Ilro1>el'l~ which, u t inte rl'~t wunld bn\'/' "moun t,ed to .2,fiOO. 8e now Su ~' ~ thitl l~ fa lse n nd ' tbllt, tb e note n .1 Ulortgu ge sho uld be VOId liS till . were execu ted ",Ithon t ,oonslda rll tlOn and wben b e WIlS IlIllntlll ly ill . oopiloit uted . B e usksthn t they DI ll, be invlllid lited und be mlly r OOVI ' I h is Ou ts h ereio xpende d , W . ,1 8tewur t nnd RUDy,lIn nDd I:!tllnl"y aTe uttorne YJ for plldutiil ' wh i l' Brandl' n, Burr und Ivluij rp,preAelll tbe defendl lnt. '
D. J.
vs The Morn tl
~ '~
R t,ttiu Day, \' oln V, Hl!eOOC, Cb:1~ ('s" r dny tiC Wuyne!:lVille nllu vi. F'1'1I1lid'n -;11(' WII~ ~f I \1('1; s nnd L ('wi. Das ttl (-it'l'l; E. Ony ciDlty Inl t oo I Oll~, will bb I;lndly ~f rilllll'lv . t111T1 fJ:1 Timsly nnfl p rrJII' I ~2 r.r. nor II III r II l'lnU l ow nl'hip. " [. pnhll llh rll , 1I 1111 i t f n 'qnontl , h il i' n.IIII ., i"JI1I1·d 1lf"11l;:< l)!ldLv IIr"il',. 1 !lOn: fllPlt w o llll ' S]lIH'O for 10 n g "1' "'I t llll1(',l int 1·III1Lit:jl~d ~ lInllc1II1\V (.olnI 11issioners' nrt il-l p;; ..hll t of C'Oll THO th o.\' mu. l iP In!! u ,.111111 1' hemp brolt n 'hL! II \' . r ~--Jff"'~1ng nf 11/('11] inlo' I·C'. t . Illal. ~II I' X, 1: i~('u 1111 duo I)J' N'nn tiol1~ n 11,1 tJlllt the defenOun it; 1110 C nl rnet Willi tl nt r eel hltp with Mr .lo un C\)l'pet d iN1 u I. h is t ~ nlt i ll llillt illl Il l' WII,, " ot IJUiPI'I'11 II nl, ~t"n Lon [')r C Il ~]'olu l·(Otltinin g h Onl e ill Bc>\\'O r,;vlJll'.C1roc:>[lf' onnt,\' , \ IIh ,,\t' lil'll k l' IItHlI I:\ IhlLt iL "'nil ,..,, 1(1' ut l nITow riv er h I'Id I!; I' In Wt'dne'<lll:r . Dec'-lIl bl!' :If· ti t t H' . 1' 111l1lin~ Il t, IL rllt 0 f 0 \'61' tw nl .v ~l\l llm Inwll. hlp ut Ih El ! stilll il te of n"p r.1)-. C 'IIIP' .. liE fort y t wn 1 ,\.· C'II T~,f 'I~ , .1 ,,111' IIlll "" Ii tt brmr wb"n the o ril iollu C"l< I'll' \\'1\ '" II ' nc]I H"W n "' ~ ~ I '>..t o, ' ~ qf tit,, ' vllJll i{C' timil Ih'n "JI"'U tl' l IV l' f C'on ll'lI C't W11!' f' nt B!'('d into wit,h IflU IlI'r r y I I n l ' 11\ , o u p\J r, '.' l'igh t.IU ilt· ~ ptwh n r P illintilf IIFlt:; b,' 11 TtI' C'i1 fnr put lmg in 22 fo~;t 0 1 \\ a~· tI/'~ \,llll), l will /! qIll SO !\ or 11)(' 11' f~, . 1 00 r\ulIluf(l' . E!uuynn "nIl ' toll :!I' inoh ' o r r llt.:o tl'cl s oWt'I' ill ~ln I II b l' lJt h" I' Ii n jollllll , IIn,1 I II ~lVO'1 frO BI Ill.\' IIrt:' IIltol' Il I!Y~ fm' p lRllltitl', [1 ' 1 f' ' 1 R' V l' In Irwill \\·n\' n t ·~\I I\ ., t o £\0 \. r,, \'IlI o /l iJo ur '" 1' 1 ICI \ .\ . E~ l b (l r E . 'i\lilltll', un mfllllt, 1,.1' n tW I'~t fl vn '.'(,llrH n ~(l , lIi~ fll l,lll'l', , ." tI u c~ur' \,1' Pow 1" nnd changin g • hClI' u uxt fl'ililld Fllluk U : MillRr. 01 ' nn e l I\t \\r , Fur lJ1l1n '. ill De ' r . tw o t'1,l c-r s Li nd n llulf I. r r ~ llrv il' l' \' S the L hUl10n lind Frllnl: 1i n 'l'rll t tk ld to\\,I11'hlll lit, tbu stiwll to of him , tion Com]lllll .v . FLoI' dn mll~f' _, t l ', 70, Prof ..1, A . Bi:o~\' ;'~f X 'nill , wh en ' 1I!l1 ( .llDt cltlh n Cll ~5,OOO 'l'hik /I~~ , Bill we I''' n!l llwc,.111 !; rollow.,; : r fI nllll1 \>or f Y l'arH t!lll :,:h r 1l\\1~ J(' I" ~irn1l/lr I " t.11 t1 1ll'ecPlul ing n i H' J ' \,'a,n ot 1. lltln ~nw Ini ll . in tlh' ;: f'1 Io0 1 ~ or 'IV ~'IH' SVl ll c , ill , I I.hi" plnin tifl' huviu g' b p.PIl ,ill Ih e1I1mb!'I' .......... . ...... .... ..... f' !) 00 1 U e r to,) Ill e O uzetl o l1l1llM d tl l e u l SIIIH f) l'ig IInllll lllt with IIU /lcoltl,·" t 1 ' . Mille I'. buriul o f A , p., J .u \ .'11 \ '~ (Innllry ".. . WT!· t c~ I" u ,, \ ~: ' III l,lte8lllU munn el"f)l ]J Jlll n~ilr W lI , Bn Y~ItTo ... .. '" ' "'''' '' "... .... J O 00 I Wll ~ let.tell" ! poell ol' of 0111 I' IJlldly \ oll oued find tJl'ni ('(1 lI 1\d .1 Ifl" ull < Wut~ il n e ", co urt ill X c n ht t')w l1:4 hip t o u,', g in .J nlll1llr y !mifl r e d Il !;Arl ol1:' lI erVOI1f1 Ah .. k : I'Il1lI11l1," r .. "" " . .. " .. ... .. ,...... h 00 II I )~ ~ 2m I W !I ' I'I' t ll U l( I I, ~ •.YI'OI·H n ~o I' III "D e u f ·h e l' eDrs w us 1Ill:1o l'll rll1lIn" })t ,,'v i 'V hlJ. cOfltrn ' I N u H O U:\ 7' ( ~O \'t'n y en l's ' un t ,11'(:Uu d thl' " 1' 1.1' distigur l)d Rnnyno lind !::lIIl DII ·.\' I.. 'llli " Whilll[, l'l , co.n tl'fl ct pointLll l'tlt I llJOog b t tht' (l XpO~ , . 1'I oro utt IJrU e.l'M fo r plllln tifi', \1 0 101 ..... " .. . " ",, .. ... . . " .. ..1 ~,u t o t il w ot nnd ('o ld w u n ll ho nUll'\.' .J. ~ e ll tm o 01'. ,Oul,.cwt () It1' PIli) It KIJINO!l . t h ll l1 l ' ·rm l.l stuml. '0 ] 111 .. " ..... ... " " .. '" " .. ... ·12 0 Wllhllw J\l iohell\ vs Thl PCl'rin" 1 II vo j ust Ins ell fL,,'I .\· ye 1'1>; of .J. ~ BnlmYf\r, l' poirs. ',lll SfJ r e fo rl' llll til 1\ 8"('1'· Ulll ~i o aud will tflk n it oll si,,!' )Jo w, fjl' er liol (.l townKll ip . " , .." .... .j ~O 'omllllRsioll or t t il ltl' II ~o l 'y 'bl'lMtlnn , r(' jJn lr ~, nOll r e p ort. hili e IHlCl1l HlI l1I iltl)lI t nw n hl p " " .. "." u rtllin I~ u(' ~ of 11\ W ~ ! llIi IlnlllH'II, r('lIni l'): " ." ... Pe rr,Y B l{,ne ii' IIi>P int ('d ~n c b peoitll Ma 'tel' (;0111 u; i. 1'1011('1' II I, tl ... i D. Burnett , I ·l' tt.i r ~ , \\'/I~' DP I,)w lwhip .. . " , ,,,,. ,,, 1;. Ilu tho l'iz Il ' til oDlploy n comp" A, Loil!hl,y , 'ollll'lI c t Nu. tf:nt stenngnlphor t.o la lto lind t m , 1l~ .. .... ... . " " " . .. .. " ."" ... , I II Rurlba te ti m on y . li e is III. 0 o ut ll r I ' .. hl'lt !\luDge'r, I:tl l1tru Cl f, i7. d fJlnp I' l;rtl'ndulIr.e () f \l lr n I H-t ... .. .......... .. .. ... . .. . la\ !;:! lI esl¥d nOli to aWIII\ r IlU tu O, ' I \l UIlU ... C uu ,; h liu r\\ \lld, Nuuoy WillI v J ohn W Wilil ~ . T Ul'll 'on 'o k t ,\\\'n ~ hil) ... ". " \I :!~, De murrer to p ritiOIl v rrul f'<l • .1 '. Cbumb rlilill. coni I'll ,t Defenu IIDtbn8 ten uuy in "hl·1t 10 In
1\ It lmjni~tl'lI, ttlr of tho /). 1/11e nf ,\ J, I:)t.II"n~ell, u, 'oalu.crl b'\l r 1lI 0 Dl" 1,1II1y i "!lI qu or 1I'IIrnl'fi i.IJ:l w it h intarll81, ut I:lIl[ 111:1 1' C''' lt fl' U III /:'1 Jl tom " Ar I • 1111111 l=ton.1'1i n /I nIl /:ill! II · ley Ilre Iltto rrltlY~ f "l' IIll1mlltTs
......----............ ..--.- , -.................. ..............
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dldn·t. 1 WIIS s ll Ing In the It I was nshl"g In tbe rIver." rs Sta~es Inan,
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on inon ey on l1'W pa p C!" and ma o ·:1zinelS. If you inten d 811 b. 'ri Uillg' fot' ftlly of the mag azin es 01' d.l i ly pap' t's 'ome and us. We will geL til 11l for y u at cons idnra ble redu c, I tion ,'. ~mve
. 'l'flE
't n plo find FIlIICY (l'roceri ee, Frui ts \' o'~ tllbl S lind Cnn ued 'oods. G i ~llf.
Phone 79.
!lorl 'I'ObIlCCO,
• said Lbe young foIl1n . o n ter! n~ , ce, "[ seul you II cominun lca· lsLe rdIlY." I?" asked the gr lm,faced m~ ness. I . !11 r. Prater, [ tbought JlO"1 ·ou might g iv e me a . 8a,~BfD~ 1)ly to my requ es t. andIt a minulll," suld Mr. up :\ bundl e of IJaperB and 'ough them, "A 1'8 yOU tbe nt this acco unt rol' $60 daughte r'?" sir . 1"7." In you n I'e th\l onc II for S I00 fOI' her sIr. My COlmrUIU In yours must , shoes. und-" s ir. My noto I1gltt huve
C. M. BROWN, Propr ietor.
'\ 0 ,
JOn .... .. ", "" ." .. .".... "
I :!~
U. B n ppil1~, C1I1TJ)lJ n t "T wo rl, li t " nllrr. h OIl~(, " ....... l:!lj f ' 1:lllr ' h bn r i;l'r , Ril In l .1 O. . ,i 'II. i "tan t j llui t 01' ........... .. .. J, " ... ~. 1l,,11 ' n, ~ 111 1" II j Ln. I.'
F " 'd~L Hill t-Jetticoat excelled,
a.lld WINTER
One special for $5' that canno t be
C 'l'TON ancl 'VOOL Ad vanc ed.
\Jllte llt ! 1IL11lx .. .. , . .. , .. " .. .... \ . B. ' t ll nng' & {' " m r htl ll lli e f r A ndi tor , " .. ..
' t·lr .... " .... .... .... .. .... " ... . .. . [I :-;1t1l11l l! 1l, · ';0 ,l,l u lI \;" f (.r o lo... k .. ...... ... " ......... . .. \' H , l:l l llUlL ~ ' 1 & .' : , ,l illie,, '
We 11
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111 8rllto vs L Ol'on Rul · ~li !'I ou .. . ,,' ., ,, .. ,, . .. " .. .. .. .... " . ( ,, ~t~ iu I lite v Jnm t3 Muckri dg ......... .... '...... ... aa i j 1. D H a nkl o wnR glv n Ul\tu o l' il ~' t , prooul' n D W l' coru book fo r l" ltige pin D!I nnd cuntrnc t K. A n o rd er WII ree i veel f r o m th (' C. '1111t10n Pl e ll!! ('ourt [luthori zlug 11' e B OlI l'd t.o trunsE r $170.1i,1 f 1'01 11 t ' e 'Ollllty F uud to tb e tilt und County n II tl Irn lJI' OV mt3n t Fund· 'l'he Bou rd IlOU SI'q1lllD tly clil'eoted t ile Audit ... r 1,(. mnko Ih e ]J 1'1l111neut t r ,\ Dsfer /luti not,ify th 'l'rellsu r 'r thi l:! notion .
i ~ U.
W I'll
\' Ol'y
xeellen t l ik.('n Cl~ uf Mr. Fm111, Ky. , of C hl cll go, which WIt. ,lnt(md ccl for t h ' ~011\' lIi r II tl U\hl' 2' fl f III(' Gnzettu 'u t winch I'(\tlch d u.~ 11ft ' I' t.Jlllt wn gn;d nu WII,; nui~ 1t (}d . M H. [{uy, bU R Illude ll10re of /l ho si lll,':f; ''',n CI' c H t hll n U IO Il1l1 j oril~' , f 11\ 11 w h o h tl v !' le ft. Wllyn t\l; ville for I ronurr fi olll". Wbou cLull e II yo nll g m ll ll h e w e n t t o t' lliou :>(' lIml wu cr l pl nYClll b.\" hi s u n!.'I , !II r . K'efl/lU Il , wh w us u vory Itlrg .lenl l' ill cu t,t lc . By l)e1' _1 nt .e l1'ol't, s trict nttonli'o n to l)IJl<in 8S IIUU ,nu · n utll bu ~ill e " ll bil lty. Mr. ' K OYll 1I1 0 llllt et1 tue ludclor o f 8 lI C C OS~ wit,h pb en ominul Ttlpidit,.v, ,wd t odny t ~ nt t h (' h ellcl of Ih e K e l1/1u bn ine . ~, \\'hich, e vtl ll i u II oity lik" ' h iclIgo, i ~ of v CI'Y lllrl{O pr o porti un, '111111
for LunatB in purcha sing 'Underw ear to retail at old,
talkin g ubout dolnl' ng."-Cb lcago Journal.
$1.00 buys nice qualit y.
room s.
These a.r e growi ng in favor each seaso n. Tapes try
$12 75 $15 00
"' 1d y Urussel s $25 00 $35 00
Velvet Ingrain
$ 3 00
$20:00 $30 00 $ ,500 $ 8 ()O
ilk are very Sale able
eib n¢y . x~nia, .Ohio.
War m. --'- --- --
Roirooe r-Doe" 10ur COn!lla e take 8a much Interest In horse
010' es ' Cor sets ,-a grea t stock .
te' "'. .
i\ ,;., ~i'l>
want to gasped. J over In his bel'. young ~an. lam e. bu t take I
to 50c. $1.0 0 :Suits Ladi es :50 Suit s Misses WRAPPERS price
11 ier)
Tho ltigllt Nil U1 11 , Mr. AIl"Uf' t bul'p , thn po pn!/lr OTe l'"e I' of tho poor, lit· Fon toJn tli· fO ', Ia.. uytl: " Dr. Kin g '. ~ w Ihe lJfo plll.' or a ri g]1 Iy nnlll d i III )' I I' . K , S I~ I'Uted till on o 0 ' .ilk Chiffon newes t all prices, silk 37 1-2c yrd wide $1 /Ic t. m ore ugl'lllllI Io1y, do "' 0 1 <l "lind k llllin g 111 u in til r olllmLil 1/ U lI1uk 011 foc'l uot,to t' Iball nu~' in t \l O Witluy ·. :I t,Y . J vi II!>!' ,l uxuti v6 , " l:l11/t TiII1l.6' d , II) cure blI Jl,1U 11 ~s lind elllIU; lII'III IIJU , 'i'htl :'I U llr o ~ , \Vi 0 1111 " ill, .'t~ ntill 'I, :!fH~ It'" F , ' l:lobw"r tz rl1'l1 ~ ~lfll'f'. uf IJ 'cl)lnb ' t' :In, cuntu i ll ~ un obitll' My (If ,1ullg Brookg lJun wiuUi , wh rt d il!d io thnt oit,y on tho 27th of Dl'e III bil l' . 100\; . . • plaintif r. BI'\lu l'h Onn \ itllli o w u ~ hurn "UUl1 t E8t~l,te of Re beccu. H. Il l! W~ Ul'imelJ, 1I.dmini strdoT of oaused , Invento ry nnd Lo·wl'l. .)11 ~, mi l(l Ib lrth <Jr FIII·t·y, J"IlUU1'Y nl'prlllR f' , th~ elltate of JOllies Grimes . deCClll~ Ulll11t filed by Emmtl 'E;. Lo ve, ucl 2~,),'H ~fBALM}~ l{ Du n , thl on ~.f .lo ) itu um1 R n~h ed, •• The P. C, C. lind St. L, R,I' winist.r lltri x . ',\'id\ltl . 'llh l1 f (ll'1 l1 y c lI !\ i~ll"l .\ '0 Uj; ,\I,lm I . Keep the Hent:; 'Co. For ~oney o~ly . Amoun t ,Estnte of MIlY E . M1l1er.l o[ t e n ;IJIlS 1111(1 me dt~ ~g h te l", fllll l floensr.d olalDled 1>10, 160, Thl8 is I~ damllge William M, Miller files wife ,, \ 1110 Illte l~ zrll E! "inCd. Th l inventp-rIY lult broU'ib t on accoun t of the, loss aud ·lIppraise m ent . filth r " I' tho flllml." , ,TOltu, blld been .. of Uie of IBid JlI.mes GrimeM "'hilt! . Estll.te of Samuel Wilkins II l'I1\'olul hlnn.TY !\()l1li el:, , d cell:;' 'Tolopho n · in hii:l hOll (l \ ber orol&Ing' the traok of defenda nt. ed. FiTst nnd tlnlll Recouil BroolIs Dl1nw id(}I1~ Wlti< tl gl'Odu , t tIleu by cFl n \>0 OIlll d a.t nil hour" (luy !It oompMlY at IIobont 4, p . m, on Ootu, A . O. !Smith admioi strllt or. nto of t he al ,l'yoYRll 1lrg . 'lIlillllr ' Is Tl'I!Olllflll' IIJ c,1 1>)' sumll of the ber 28; 11106. Grimell , 80 saYII ~he whioh. Wll 10 it~ IlIIY liB illStltU tio L1 Estate uf Kilte M Benh.LUI Iwhe. Gouoho s lLOd ohlLirs i'lll)plla d . lnrg" )ll r" ,,'I ' ry mcn os tbo m08~ or JJe'ttlOD, w~ tmvelin g tn bis Wllgon ono. Fifth ncco~n ~ftl'd by P. hi g h l'eJllltt3 ; th e u >!tll(lieu Ill w IU P. !tve recentl y movod to 1'0('11 C C Nlll nl ll ~l ! TO ti llg lind sitllng tor ' "" 'drJl.wn .b y II hOrtle. '11'118, orossln g the. Benbllm , guardlu tIle 0 o r' 'l'h OIl1!lS 'n'w in fu r ll . pouilry h ',IS " ~, Hhcd~, etc. S~i nglC8 tlM.t, to Cl'O~S Bros. traoks of defend ant OOlllp$ny at ii , Estllt.e of , Villl!nn ei<>htcll'll m llLb s lifte r whioh he Bm·too. de · null. CI:lpuOIlnb cost. more nnd do ~I" IN STREfl'l . ol'08IIlng \)f a publio oountry loud in oBllsed , Finaluo oollut ,,(It I,er r the IJulldlngs 118 dry IIUtl fil ed by Wil, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w e nt t o '~i~coll,ain , HO ]l sessc(1 'Oregon ia. Throu'g h no Jleglige o oe liam Burton , ildmini th oonlJde ll 0 of I,fl o II Pp 0 Hlllon!;. wanu. st,rntor , Conc ernin g ..' 7 ofh1ea uddn& totbe faot that ~1J(i . &!tate ofLud·w iokW. whom h livod, 11IId t Illl f'lxtl'u or. Mill f, de, Form er ,Resid ents. c1iuliry d 'gl'efl ' n Dd thll " >~ YOU CAN IUlPL Y IT YOUR SELF orouin g ' W!l1l nut mllinta ined io II. eMsed . Flhit.tIC collllt filed t coo (iQom: i ';J:".~"'IJ'-' b~' '1'. U. !th r onti" rt Iii in ('a 'h mil. ll.(I"cs "ot rllq ulre p~intlug wh~n fint WAS ,fully justifie d, H e ~ I) l'\' ed oo n · safe OOliditl on' !lnd thllt this view Patters on ndmini stTllto np lied . 1,011 11, s 11111. I'". nll t".,lny f,)r frco snUlplcBlluli our IJooklet., r. rha intorost i n Lhill oo\.u1o'o c1ev.)t tilll10us l y 116 CI)UU t.y Juage fo r for ty w..·. ob8trnot~d by 0. ' frel~;'ht train "Buildin g Eoonomy." ed to new of f,ormer I' oj .deut~ of 1II"nRI AOE LIOENSES, y 'tll'S . until [(hont nin ' SOLl:_ ugo on a switob, be was strnck Rnd In For"S ale By SPEN CER & MONROE . kll Ie d b " h II' Cbnrles L , JORn, of hJ. llgOn , to th o OOIUUlllllJty, whicb t,he GOl'.ot.ta .' hen. h e ret.ircd v'ol l1ntul'il y , 'Btan$ly \,:>-::~~~ OREGONIA, OHIO · ~£::;S~~ y Il traul II.U ng \ .,)..'-'~ h ili! plll>lisll t3d Illmust oont,luu lIlI.s He Illurrlod Ali sl:!Rrltl h Yll rger In palaeDl ler8 from Columb u8 to Oln· LueU" Oh~lrkH'. o~ Mnso~f' 0 . ' tll' plI !:!t t".·o YOIII'S, uP1> lI·r . to 10' 1lS . o, 1 aG, ,1\ WOl lllln of li ne II bl!!"y IIUO of It' IH THE "KNO W HOW " 0 alDDlltt .• m regC)OIIl \Lh18 trli In, it I II' Ii ver,r ed , "··Chll.r! " ' . 0 " ('t O" IIU trllll1 .w. , ok to wee k, i !J the manu factur ing of Paroid that makes it the . ""U ~o'inl ' Ilt an uore880 nublt'l and Mary Wilj{o~Bol1 IlIl1ny x lIeut qUldlti II, who ' or .. o f regoDlo . Flowe v ri t il! [I suulewh llt dll'll. vives hIm . Be' lellves I.wo BOllS lind mo B~ tl0tO('0 .damlloge8 III [looord, Rtlv , CQmpton~ f Dodds ' d st economical and' satjsf actory roofing or siding cliit mottf l' to dit II oolumn ot In,ly a.ked. Pltil~tllf tll~o lillk!t tllr ' Albert G~ay, 0 f D t~vo dllught ers. Bi t\VO YO UUg HT material on ' the market. Both fire proof and weath er I~n ,Mis" th lt! kind Ilt long ruu gll, und wo .160 for the horile and tue wilgon Fleeta V, Crano, 0 . 0 8, l,roth e l·s. Dilni 1 ILocl ])1\ viti, 111'13 .1: IlI~pprI1CII~te IIny it,OIO B of ' uews proof. You get fu ll value received if you buy nl80 livin g . Brpoks i>id~\' idclie \VII S w~ioh wlI.e Clemolillhed. Bnndon , REAL K8TATII TllAN81'1C1l , " f f,i ends muy !lond in t lmt will l ov~d IHlll veu ruted by tbo e who Paroid. 8Qrf. and Ivins are ~udl'nfly8 for Anna. MoUlel land t o M lida CUY a ....1 t o t,he mtoreRt , Don 't be <lllli. Im'w bIrD, to · plainiUr. IL vory l'emlll'k ubl e . w i n, 7~ nore., Wl1yne to~n~hlp, lIC 1" dClqt iu r ilportio \ROm ROOFING PAIN l'. g Dews concern ing deg ree; boaau e · AnDie V. CoolrRa n Infan>, by R ub· or' h Is good deeds A, a. Pnmmi ll to Mar:!" E , Pom y c urself or, f"wily. We do not iVIak 's old roofs new. Good on any kind o~ roof • . pub, und good exompl e. ' .ert A, Cook, her Dext fd"D~, vs The' mill, traot in mll~tary survey Nc U~U nllin s of il~r. OilS Bendin~ news LebaDd D IlJld Frankli n Trl1otlO n 33a4, 1111, Flow. mill ,has been newly · remodeled and ·the v'len th r do not. desire it, nv doubt · Oompm y. About II o'oJook Decem · 'l'he P i'joe of POnC . Wi1Ila~J... Price to Emma. Price, many re\!dtl! quality of our flour is better than ever. will be intllres ted in 'rhe torrible itchin g und IIn1Rrt , bar 11.1800 , pl~IDti«, who ls silt lot No 7 in' Mainev ille, '1. teeII ~ of qt "'.. ~"'I ~g I·he .~u8lloU Elonzo Garriso n to Joseph hMrlng fn'll!'.Y0 u . In I'llot send in lU~, inoideD t to oOl'I' lin s kin cliseR a.nythin g !,ha.t will be of Interes t. OIl, is almorit instunll ,v' I~U(lyoc1 l)y &nialle ' ofdefei ldaDt, in. buggy A. Harcum , 28.5 80re8 In 8al'IRn II.pp,yin g Cbllmb erluin 's Remine cences reluting Snlve. ' the ...... ," .~ 1101'18, •• ... iDter· towDlh lp, alloo. P.rtoe, 25 oente .
oorrecte d. ' -00 you go O~hlng In a boat? oubouk -:-I ver, . r saw you yesterda y. fishing In
Ie Br,,'win g ComPlln y, Il corpor .. - tion organiz ed under tho 11Iw8 "' the State of Oblo, The oapital stoch of this c ClIlpuny is 12(;,1)00 dlvid . n into 260 shlues of 'l'7U "lIuh , II " 111 1I0SWOl', • prinoip ul ussot il! n leu. with t1w The Villn ge of Frankli n, 0hlo . \ ,. privileg e of purch" e of th o prOI rl .' .r, J "'jllnho r , 011 I' t' t!n(\~ in fll\" r '7 of tbe Morrow Brewio~ Co. '1'1 11 f defenda nt.' CompAny hu t! indob!e dnf'SS IlI clu,1 , The BOard of Ed nOli ti Il uf I:J Ii. 11 · tng ' ,gOO r tlllt', IlDl uo tlnt; to,190f ilton town hips hool ulSlr1f' t , W, r wblle itll uS!let ' d not I1xc00I1 J l. ren Coun t.y, Ohio, VM t.h o Unllrl n l There '11I'e ulso pending ngllinst 11 Educati on of th all h Lpiru n ' 11 two uotlons for money. Pllllntlt J Hpe ohll s hool dl. td t , ill Wnrr n as ~or ctury has been unablo to . " County . hi Defondn n t t 'run tl (1 on II a meel,iDg of tho dirtlotor s Q'n tl thlTt.y duys to fllo Illlswar ' litotes Cowpo ny ' Is iniloive nt . H plolld iug. 'b eing owner Jf more thun 20 pm ' Bllrry :Baohmu n vs t h tnt.o (If cent of the cit.pitlll stock, !lsks for " \)hio. Judgem ent of COUrt o f \JOII . receive r and dissoln tlon of' t,he 001' George MeLiine, Moyor of F I·n.D kliu, porlltio n. Brllndo n, Burr 1I1id lvill> Itffirme d. are IlttornA ytl for plaintif f. Ex plLrte B Ollrel of OtlOty. ' om August Keiser nnd Etuunue l ~1' 1l miSSion ers of Wllrren County, Ohi o . .Ierr, partner e as Keier auel Brllse!'g BOllrd is nnthori zed t,o trilD Pfer V8 William B. Gre B. For mon ll,\' , '1 04. G4 frOUl tho Coul,lty funu , 1 amoun t oillimed $565 a , 00 All" ,.he ·tate Rnd County Rpud Impro\· e· Ult 16, 1906, says the petlti oo. pll~in meot Fund . tUf8 relying on samples sbow n 11 \' PROUA'r & oun T. defenda nt. contrllO ted to 'pur Gllo'r ge W . Ruwk e, OS gl1llrdl~ 11 Obll89 150 oase of Zlllllme r Ilud uf David LllShley , imb illl. 111nll' tob tobllooo at lax oents 1>'" IItl' VB DAVid Ltlsllley imbeoilt', 01 ponnd and pl\lI). '200 0 0 1I000un t. Ill, defODl1Dot~ , C911~t ~utbori z6s Later their ag~nt wont to eXll w iOl plllintifi ' to borrow IJIOIlI"Y t o P IQ' IRme but, nut p'erwltt ed to do so vnlid debt of def ndunt and DIll k ' It wall ,f lnlllly agreed to ship Sillm ropid rep')r t tbereof. and defenda n wu.s to g uo.rantoe till' ' HilS Dmke, Ildminl s trator of tobaOOo to be 80und, Plniutif f th E'" D F 1 . b I .Tohn . ox, (l'OCn~e tl , p III In tilI '". patl) the balanoe vf pnce e Ilj( !-lIUl on Fox, et Ill, defe mlllllt', .1 •. ,1I002.3G. WIlen the tobllcoo 'reauh KnJ:1 Gllohri s t lIud R b e~~ ,IU II O ed BU«410 and Willi oponlld It \VII t:io ofie1tl WIlde pllrti s llAfarHlul1ls. found Ulat muoh of It Wilt! dnlllllged with leI ve to file oro s .p titi o n , ~ lind lllUlound and 4:! " pouuds \v .. ~ I£stute of (j! orgo ~Iu,,\1ol'. Illl rnercan table. Plaintil f aooordlngi caused , Finl~1 uocloun ls fli e d by B t\!, .. ka ~he ·"bove DDI~nnt whioh is the born Mu e'lIer, x cntor. Ilmoun tthey olalm tbey were dllLU ,.Est,lite of Jollll Lu.okey .filos tlr.t, Died. J . D'. Millllr i8 attorup y rnr nnd finDl II ooor . t
Spencer & Monroe, _Oreg., Obio,
- ' - - --
. as be used LPt : Rounder - Yes. Indeed . Georp ways tell tbe day before a race ., .horae ought to win, and" tb& day . why h e' dldn't-R ocbeste r Dem-
Awful Depravi ty. otten hear d about tb" meDIa,un. bu~ I happen to' kno:w the. lst woman. " 110's she?" , ' e olle who gocs to wedding s· and ' ~c move8 ,the cards trom tho pres10 thut tile bride can . nev e r lrnov l've
or her (deud s It was who he plnted bimcrkn lfo,"-Chlcago ·d·Flcrald. ' I
- - - - ---
After the Ie'.! Man.
) great ustrolog e l' pointed to an g roul' or 51;\I'S, ley te11 me that yon will be ,d by a da.rk mau before another ," whisper ed the' proilltet. "Have my Idea who tbls dark mnn caD )U8
e domestl o ,mall smiled 8a~. co,,1 man. ot course-" ... 'I!.-Cbl c.go Dally N"W8.
Great Tri, M,
010' 1
ltebold wbat 'I rrlp III Egypt, B tw ' 205,OQO ac~eR were
How ,to Preserve Health,.
Irrill'atlon at 11 cost ( Tb rontal or tbls , oreased by over $ lale Talue by ov r gaUon Improvement nlal area or 132 ,0( land 1I{lddle Eg 111411&0 ren t tro III $ U luat double. A stn Fayoum ot 34,O()0 lIIelUl rental fne TOa , 1898 to ,]0,20 In II tble prop rt)' , eslln little O1'er
them sickens wit h s'l\l'Iel r.'V(\r Rnl! "not be r With whnnplng ('o ll g h , Hnd lIuoth I' rllll ~ from a tr and br a ks 81] arlll or a coll ar bone, You r IllIrL' .... r t Th~t I. Worth Studylng-Pri n, n er In bu sl n !,5~ Is j;"UIllI'y, YUII" bOB t cl ples A re Very Si mple and Can stellngrllllh l' a nnouuces Jler onga!;eBe Told In Few Words-BeIII nt and the cl ('rk YOIl d cpcnll f'd up, on goes 10 Iluot her h OIlSC, while the ware or Worry , one who was I II ' fficl (' ot lind Illelipallie stays o n your hDllds, VOII ,Ioll' t wnnl BV MARGARET E, SANGSTER , to dl~illl sH him b CUIIS('> rOil hn 1'1' 0 Cn IlRi,1l'rlll(; I h alH"lt t\Ctlhll; wcll wh n "'I', til'" III , It sorL,h arlt' tI Ic,' "n~ t ha l II Ill' Is· Olll is I'xlraol'dhllll'Y thut sonw "I' us tllke of w(lI' k Il is w lf' 111111 chlltl roll will !l il t, r ", I) It ~oe~ , At the hCKt of limcs 80 IIIt1p pllln~ to keep wl'lI . ' 1'\)1' lal t'sl Iheory nf SC'l~II" 1' Is o p' th I'C is oC(,al;ion rnl' 1\ Inl ur worry In this \\ o,' lti 11111 li w e mak e up UIII' I'UHI'11 to a co mm on boll ef thu t so m 11l'1l,ple nr(> bom w II a nd othcl's horn mimi firllll ~' thllt wO''I'y Is holl, wcak III. The bllbe III Ule hili nud Ihe and wi kl'll Rlld thU l w c will Ilut wull( Ihls I'OIIIi C'IIIT),llIg It a ~ a I,il,;r!m-puck I'ah III th 1>llllIt:e ('a h urrl\'1' In Ih rllHh lllll' SI "l 'Ilf;1 h nllli how 0111' WOl'lel with R C I'tnln callillli stock ori I wh leh hI' mn)' dra"', \\' l lPth I' wac· Hllollldl' r,;, Tllk til mad chl'orlu ll y, Philo soph)' an,l faith '\1111 r e' ('pL thl~ or den)' It. th IlI'oballillty Is fl'll'lIll I hili most nf us c tlld kc p w('11 aft I' 11);1011 'lI,bllle to bll YOIl c 'at;c UBe· I ('s~ wnITY , (' h lWh .,,, If only I\' kn ew how , W "cu .. r ~ in III ~ heavo n, Ilia ), w " " our h l"alt h as 9 bo y pI8)'t! AII ':i right wllh th worlll." fit Ill llr(lh~ , Wt> tak ri sks, II' do I n Ih' Bl't of k ('111 111'( wl'l l , th ' u rt of f()oll ~ h things, WP. I " :lve unlloo lhllll;: _ !hut w (, plain l y ou/:Ilt t o do. , Ever)" 1('l'L1lng 1111 ea sy n)lnd tukcs hi gh
,6,600,000, The area under p to-day III ',000,000 a metraee of perenn (A kilometer II 1.\ meter 'Ie 39,36 Inch Ure perennial tracl Ie euppll d by tbe 2f2 lrllGmeters lona;. olf at AIlYut, alld Ii 50 metere, & 8UIIl metera, and a ' ft( metera, The dleoJ 156 ~ 700 cuble m( The Delta eupp callalS taldng ott I tile Delta barragel discharge. ot these .. 00 and 500 cubic
[,o"y ha s se n , ro r Inslance, the f'rull .tC ntll' or IIf h Id by an Inl' oll" who Is , always looking out and Imll ' ling l 'l'n;clf from peril; ~ uch 1111 In ,'alln oft u oulll ,'es cal' ·takers who arc atrong a nd II Ighbors wh o aro over' flowin g \\'lIh robu st vl t all t)', W e lIave IlNm, too, 1\ mnn of IIctivo l(,DlI' I'll, lu ont. bri sk aud IlllllUlslv and full of busin ess, bave markcd him us un (' who Ims lon g lire before him , and hav e Jlresoully been bo rl'lilcd wb on he fall~ ('xhau I'd hy Ih e way, He did nOI k IIIIW how to k BI' ",'011. 1'h Rrt of k(' Illn g well I ~ wortll st ud yi n g, It s I'l'lnoll .1 08 81'0 very aim, IlI~, Kethiug I.ortlculorl)' occu l t \II' llRrticulal'l:; puzzling belOngs to Il, 'l'her who Wllih to keel) well must beW\ll no t or drau gh t s, not or fre~h nil'. nol n f s unshln l', or rain, bUl primaril y IUIISI ovoid to ST t faUgue, The nor, lIl al btllnan being who hi In good rlaln h l'oll'h Is abl to endu r e a a m ,unl of atrllin Rnd to carry ace I" tal n nmount of wolgh t. , I I Is not doing lhe day s \York t h ot tells Ilpo n hea l th and' brings It lo the h reaklng 1I01 n,l ; It Is doing th e bit too mllcb Ihllt In lhe end ca uses weariness Of mind and body and make!! a l)erHon what I s ailed I'un,down, To be run down In nervos or In st r nglb Is pOI'· 1I0U8,
" I lQOk cold when J was lIl'e d," Is a (.' 010111 n e.."pressl on lind d escrl hcs n ('om-n1011 eXllerle.nce, Don't get tl r d and r u WOlI' t lake cold, • • • ••
. 0
Avoid dl'\lg~ , I'ulll ,ll ullllunlA, A \'old cr lltc h e~. Th e hubll or rcsort' IIIIt 10 II 1>1 k ,m e' u[) of souic sorl wh n Onl' ' f I ~ th fulutneHs or exhullstion Is futal. Drugs should nev " b e lllken excel>t by thc orel er of physlcillns who hAve a renson for preacrlblng III 01, \Vh Ih r th ey xclte 0" d epress lh heart, wh eth er lhey glvo a translollt sens 01 Inol' liS d I", "; t o. or s, lrao' l ont d esire 10. sleop, t!:{.? ar ' n o t ro r )' OU ,an d DIe to 01 ddle wllh. r~sp c ia!, I y ullwfse II you wis h to ko p wcll. Is thf y l Illing t t emlltalioll In IIIll DlUI ' t el' or blners, cOl'dlaJs or ,nth I' IIq\lo,'~ Bnd IIY I'U!'S 11I\\'lu(; nu a l co holic bRsi ~ , T en anti coll't'c ure th only stlmulan ls In ordlDllI'Y lise lhlll may b Ink n with Imfet~', alld It Is all Ollen '1 11 l'slloll wh lher 01' not uill ,I ul h,; flf us would not he much b It I' If II' u~P rl thern sparingly, T h o elTe 'l on th c" n ervou s syst(,II' of LOO DIll h Intlnl. g on e III Hher tca or rolf Is ' mn l'k' ed, Nobody Clln he c all~, 1 w II who ackllow l edg s slavery t il sny articl e of f od or drink, W Hho uld rul e ollr I III t, lI0t I t Il I'ulc II ~, I n ord er to k ep w ell, " ' 8 mllst ent r e,>'lll1rl y, 1'hl' e m ea l u a day I s a !;ood rule for 60m · : o th e"s 1Il0Y n d four or ftvc. lIud uther~ mll Y dll belle I' Rnll be Dlore CO;1Irol'la hle If lh · Y limi t them s Ive~ to t\\'o , It good d al de· pell els on ono's tenllollcy to lel1nn088 or to fl esh , and a gOOd denl also depClld s on tho wOl'k on e has to do, D)' s tl 1'51a I s due to ca ling t oo mu ch
W~;luf.;I~I~IllI~:~ac~~!,lr~~ ~~'T~e(':I:,I;~ ~1~8tOl~~~\~:III~n c~~~nt; ~1~~I':;lI r I:~U;~
1110 8 r "ry se ld om well P Olli e, Wor' nervous fluid to aid di g 8 t10~l' For I'Y frets mind und body as mnt.h frOl 1l 0111' naUonal l enden cy to ~) spe psln Ih fa brte or n bea\lurul ga" mc nt, Ihere Is not t he sllghtesl ellcuse, It e l i S III way s 11 blund er lind of len a crlmc, Worry corrodes the so1l1 all rllst cor' Vio lation of God's laws wl'llt n 80 Tod (>s m etal , From all SldCS conll~s plolnly that we mnl' I' lid thelll wltb , I sa Y out spcctac les, Is at' Ih~ bottom 01 t he 1·he rol st, 'b'lt ISh eas y enOUgtoltlO d on t worry, ut ow l s on !;! I I II l l , f d ' I HI b f w ryln!; dl slloslt lou or II l angUI Sh allli Irr itation 0 YallC pS B, ?" I f you woult! k eep IV!'I\ , do nOl f or, I e e 0 a . or things are COr!lrary, get thal th e wasted tl sHues of tho Daytl dawn wltll frowning ra e~ and I bod y uro rc)J)lIll'ed ,by 51'C Il, Pij!nty through all t llelr co u rse Ihey scem to of sl ep In w c ll \' Illilaled rooms, wllh lJl'llIg nothing bllt dl sasler, dl silppolnt, I R. good cou,;cle llco will do milch '1.1) JllcIIL aod det cat. !';olhlng goes right mak e "011 well I( you III' Ill, a nd to from moruln g till nlghl. Th l eiter IIOop YOIl w II In orclill ary ('I" lllllslan, you exp(' l <l d oe~ not com o, til e bar· I 'H, "Tlr d nut llI'e's f> \Vcct r estoror, I;ulll YOIl hoped for fnlls til pieces lind , iJnlm y Nle I>, " "Sl c":!I' thal knlt~ liP -iue lIlone y YOIl counled on I s delal' d, , Ihc I'uvcled sl e vc of Cllre I s th o hand· You thoughl the child" en were spfe I maid to nel'f ct·t h eRlth ," In sch 01 IIr ut t heir 111ay, and on e or I (''',,)'I'llIhl. I:~ i, by JOHnl,h a , a"....I .... )
crop per about $75, an, Of the Nile anel gaUoD Mr, K. Ve inspector leneral Tho Nile rises torla and dralns .&Quare Idlometers, raj nfall ave I' I t8 'Uty to ' t en Inche
Trimming' for the' Hat. ';:'wOllfl rfulI)' IlIl<1,'es ting cn:cct~ are got by during e:o u Ll'o sls, P lum es lire as good 11K ever they were-lind bp\.tor even thun that, if Pelt I r lmruelj wit h ve h 'ct, Is a n old thlll h possible-but they arc ulmost ('o mblnnlion, bul \' h ' t with fel t I s a Il1v"l'llIbly the un curled Idnd, lIew 01\(' , ]\;Iu p. ou or ten hats gbow , Buck les shure lu th e Irimmlng hon' 'o rs of ove r y sort of hat.. trom tb e smartest or large h ats-olmost p'lctu re t,l'pes, whi ch s em so much more drossy In that very dltl ~rence ' of siz e fl'om walkIng hRt.S, One stunning Ill, tie !;aal was a simple black f e l t sail or. sim ply " made." by the way wide plaid ribbon was drawn t hrou g h a grea t jel buck le crus h ed r Ollnd the c rown. and t led III" a groat. swashIng bow low on he hiliI', •
New and Old Comb i nationl Are 80th In Style. 'the following nar reaches: Betwee .and Alber t, the A Lake" Albert an, Gebel; between I toum, the White 1o r , commences at I tributaries are tho 1.688 from Lake N ile at Kbartou n: l he at klk of t h e Altal'a Jn11'c\ CU MI, The total Victoria to t he h ,6.t76 kllomeler., Del ta the river 1 and Daml In
In' a .table beli tatlon company are kept, and ami eOme ' gr~, flaYIl .quireI', The lUI I'table, .to avoid U III a mau go e G'c!ock to teed U 1 »10 by whtch t1 hlb Utel~ trough! -out being halldler' ClOQaletNi 01 an a SIll at • o'clock. IJ to tile oloclt In I
Wbt'A the
01 the ....1 OpGll,ed a '
Dr'lIlant Jamtlcan '-lre"le .. Ftre"les at JalOlI.jca emtt BO brilliant a light that a dOZED of .them , Inelosed Dr. William.' Pink 'Pili. Ha". Qu'" Th ~mal' lI y dressed woman 100D I lltanc", hOWl/vcr, I he wOlllnn 18 6lenl!('T within an Inv'ort 11 tilDlb ler, will euThle Form of DeblllQr In 10 PUll, for Id aM In r11'C~H, H er Amer' 1'!lIIIGr Ihan thin, IIl1d hail nOli or the ablo a 1Ierlon to I' lid or 11' 1'110 at night Hundrede of C a." .. Ican irllle l,endl!lHl IH to!> I,,'nnollncoi\, j('rky. alll:utnf mOl' m OQt s golns wHII wllhout dltllculty , TheHo flil's UI'O In .. Fpur y \Til 1l1;0." i;lLy~ MrH, F, Mo,," size B 8 large R8 8 CQll1 m Oll hiI'll bee, b owm'," ', til at\\,II~' s mk,· III 1.·lIth'olY I tho III1;: \lhll' f ra llIl', Ti sol) , of No, U)2:1 Ur$lIloftr t, 'Boutb Til £' ')111 I IOlll~ UI''' 'Iult l' II £' W, Thc~' and p r f etl llr harmless, Th ( Ir "Illumrt h sl ,v les 'fh ! t utlll',l n ul h~' Ih o Siell' , Pit tKbu"g. Pn " ., I took a cold dlst es of th gay l'I'PIIC'h ('II I,ltlll, hill .. IIIIIL .IIl\\'1I f!'fllll tile hSl' k snd t ho an r:e In un1l"Kllal 111111111 ra acol 118 a wh l b t urue'" i uto til grip, ThtRtruubl(O barom l I' to the natl\' eR, a.nd Is an ahe 1'l'R dll y , nd:tl.ts Ihp-1Il 11.' IIPr uwn IInd el"Il " 1ll 8 " lIlIl~, and Iholl Ill ey round l of~ me lIl1 ruu duwu, 1 WU8 t hill, boo ~a s t e~ IIl1d n etld s. s(l INJ, Inl; thl' IIn'IUl,,,r 1(1' to Ih c ' nte ,', IlSI'UOj; and swi n gi ng lud lcallon of appro:lchio&:; lain, bn'knoll!! mucb of tho time , botl uo apand IH1St of Ih mUd 'H I un dl~ cllr dlll :'; Inosoly IIlml'l, Th ore Is Ii Hosm somo poLito , my etolUl\uh was out ot order and L ~w Rllte. to the North west, those which rail III mc't h e,' rUIl CY, tl~e I nches rrolll th ,Ig " J)lil'1.lally Every day until Oct. 31sl lhe Or('at I f 'I~ norvous I\lId ulJ~~ruug, H u t II Itl, I'robull l that small "hJl t>ln ~ I h(l ('oul. and wh "C lh cool ., Wbilo.I bnd H\e grip I , bnd 1\ doctor, NOl'lhe m Rallwny will sell one way smart coal;, which ar th Nil clll i d e, rollnd;; over til hU 8t five 01' six !l Ui but I r 'lIl11y Huffe" OII tII(.re f m n tho OOU. 'nlnnl sl a' Tlckels from 'hlca:,;o Ilt I ho Ilgli L uf the I"rench Wllllllln will be tlll.(' ,'IIl !t 8UIIIll~ , lik t h ose IIsed III or dl tio n ill whiuh the illfiu ·lIzo. l uft Jill adopl ed 1I II'I t ' III toto by Alli e I'! An In makln !;, du,'lS, slan t In tr() nt t.he rollowlng lo w rUI:eli: thllll I diu fl'O Ill tho disell ItRnlt. 1 fe l, To Sealtle, Portland au" 'Western \l'01ll II , 'I'h{'s callIe; Ul' or \'arlulls ed ~' , unrt wh I' th ' y end. abollt the gen rruly Wl,.,1I1bcd alld ml5Crnble und' \V llllhi ngton. $33,00, SpOkUIlP. , ' 30,fi ll, sorts, cl~he r malchln g th~ COHllIme C(! n1 cr o r Ih,~ breas t , there Is li n afl ' tho l oust OXIIOMIIl'O to culct would muke ~Clllally l ow rate s to Monlllllll, lr1aho. In !;lIii III· ~ o", e other IIIl1t 1'11.11 that "llquo of I \\' (l cr 8 (' n t·~ hap d 01'1111. ' IUD WOI' e: I cnu l du't ~~e m an get /1111 ')1' Hon 'ond Hrlli Kh ohlm bln , mllk ('" (','Iti l' 1111,1 fnnl'Y ('''~t llm S, Mosl i nll'lIl l! In shu cl e" I"Cds pick ed Olll with For 'furth r Infomultlnll nddr 51! hettor ulltil I bOgllll to tukeDr, Williams' of lho~" WOI'Il In 1'III'Is lip Iu dntl' hnv o slln' I'. Rurl lit (,Ill'h enll (" th e creSel'lI1 1 ve,'y quicldy noticed a MAX BASS, G nel'lll InlllllSl'nlion IJill1t PilI6, elbll w' I(> II~t II ~1"l'V"s - lh"l 1><, 1IH1)' " rfl, Hu " , I!. ' I'lllllld lIIedu lll oll 8 qf \·('ry Ag nt, 22 0 So, Clllrk ;:;l.. b l ~ago, Ill, bOlJefi& nrt r I bvgnu tnking til IU and corne jllsl hpl"w Ihr l' lhl>lI', II'hll' " , du,'k ," II I' l' h'" , " 1'I11'H' flve·lnch II " th uy r NIOl'Oe} 111 0 tu good h enlth aud re'" e 'lfl hulrwa y hl!twl'r' ll 1'11)0\\ ~ anll l lions (II' 1111' ,tlllll H"C lu ced ' wl l h (11'1'1< stn'" g lh, DI:_WillhLtIl ~ ' Pink PiIIl! are CCPPER SAFE FROM LIQIt T NIN~ a wOllllerfully good IIIOfliciue. Thauk. w,' lsts, and II 811 11 rewl'" IIl1l11uc r ha ve I l'pLi \'e"" r~ i , IIlId (hl' n' 1>1 a 1I1ll'I'DW, [0 I hom 1 llln nOI\" in fille h ealth aud sl .. '1' 1':; c xlr'ndlnl;: liS ra l' liS the II tSI,elln!; cnlllll' or rcd \'{' I v c~ [(mund Belief Firmly Held Many Part. of h ll\'ObnillloJ; 'tllru o f lilY f Ol' Ut 'r troublo, st:<, ' t he II cc'k , "lInlll/; on a line u 1It11<: , the Country. 1 n ' ('olllUltmd the l1il1 8 to eVlll'yone who ' onl(' of th!' ' C CO'IIt! ar(' wllnlly I llbO I' ~ h C' ''I'S( 'eIllS, Ihe Ollrt~ nf Ih' i~ tIlling 1l1I11 tul,t) evury op portuu lty to loose, !'thers th rl'e, f(lllrlhs lilting; I cglla,' slll'\l11I1; th rollgh. or ralh er un' " Thi s malter o f sUPP'l'pU lion s Is & J t V"oplo lowlY h ow gonrt tbt\)' DI'O, JI que!'r thing" snltl the mOil us hI' CI\rC' I DI-', ,"VilliIlIllH Pink Pills cured Mrl!. , '" I .i\[1 I',',sun 1 .C' lllSO I,ll Y l\otUl\lIy nl1lke filII) avoid d walkin g un ci r II IlInde r, ltol"I, 1". 1 bl 1),1, Wh u tho blood ill r ed "ror even those of III w ho a N skop ti cs i illHI h Clllthy th m'e CUll bll U() d obill ty_ ha ve at least one SUIl I'stlllOlis fullinG', I '.rho I'Ullil ioll wtwcell the bloud I\lId Rnd mine Is walking unti cl' Indel I'll, nervous R~'stO IlI is Au~ h tllnt the pillll " In th country thl a S\11Il1ll " I m el l illi' " " 1')' dO\lic,lett nutioll n pOn tbo a no w one wh i ch was Hrml" IH' lIc l'ed , Il t'I'\',' R t\llli tbo,)' h " ,'e c u\'od 111811Y sev ero In hy a v'ra l farmers, an,t'lhlll WlIS u l'rv~lI" ,1i"unloI'M, hU'h as pllrth,1 \Int " c r IUS d rnl~'''I~, Itl..,onllltor lItllldl\ Dnd St, 'VILuA' hat a t hun dcl sto,m n('v I S I da ..." , tllllt Itllve 110 yi el,ll'd to ofdillnry over o ,copper mine or 001' 1)('1' vlll ll, h'~I\tn' lit , '£h II' <inul)lu nelioll, Oil (he ' Tbe old fellow wh o told III 'n boul It I bh)(,d nnd o n tho n l1rve~, IlInl(08 tbollllUl point d out again II lId Rgaln_ tha ai, J ld nnl tUII I<" though ,bla k clouds ml'hl roll up and ,All dl'u ggisl s 8\111 Dr. WillllllllR' Pillk Ilg h t uing lIasb, the storm alwu ys went I PIlIH , or tb ey will l,u Hunt by lIIuil \Jost. around I~ ol'talu Sllot In hi s ftlr m , paid, ~ n r oelpt If, I'rlce , ao ' nts per .. II h Dell ns on Ibc par~ or a thun- , ~, x, MX hn,x , M for ,2,00, \)y Lhe Dr, WiI· del' storm could mean but one th ing. I huws !\10dlCIUO 00" Schou ecliLlly, N_Y• b e said- that t here WDS a WPI' I' vein th ere, So aure was he or It. that h e I was nlllling by a llttle each year to have lhe spot ' Investigated to .eo If the r e waa copper ellou~b iD It to
Pretty and Se"iceable Dresses for Women
• (
o o
Leather Trimm i ng, Thc}' al'o going to trim gown s with l (JIuh er' thJs tall and l hls. while It m a~' bl" gllod n eWH to lhe WOnlllll 'who call atTnr" I 'alh e r, I~' Ii 80l'ry tol e fm' h') r who I'annot 'as pire to i l, But. for lhe woman who en nuol affo r d Ica lher, Il mny 1)0 r c ln ed thai t her e are dull s llk ~ whk h lakc lhe plnee of suede v()ry 1I I'I.'ly , H a!l e does n ot care t o hll)' (ilill si lk , lhp. Wolllll n w ho I~ do) n<: h er nWIl hom , "rlls~ nlllklng, can get 0 VCI'Y !;elOrl ligh t weight cl oth of dull nil 1>11> . 'I'hls I ~ C) 1I1t.c as good as Itmth' r. for It r" K? m hl es ,It so c lo:!'l y , M arguer ite Luncheon, A t a Mar!!>1 rite' It'nch on, descrIbed In " Wh;lI t o 1~1l 1," thcrt' wa M a amnII glass ho\\' I Of tho whll\' II1ll1'gue,'ltes lit ('ac'h over 1I"cI a l ar ~ c bow l ,I n the cenl r , Tho 1c:C' was ~., ,'\'ed In' dnlsy' CUll!! nnr1 tile SlIllI,l ,ler.llrnt r1 with dllisies made -,f hard·boll er! egg white 'the ('ombln atlon , otten the Lwo ma, RllIi "!>Ik s, 1'ho ('akes w.. rc Ill>rlnkled lorla1s mo tchlnl( , elu(,I,lr ; but som e " 'Illl -I'Plal s III ~lIres of almondl,
t " l~ ~
CIfRt5 ~~"""'-
ALL ACHES A a . N _ ••••
frIaI..w. ...........
w. L.:DOUCLAS '3.50& '3.00 Shoes •••T IN TH. WOIILD
• .LDouilu
Matinee ()t ','ell o'olY Silk Embroidered I n ra ised Work . and Pale P ink Chiffon Clo 'th Embroi dered In Garlaods of Shaded P ink Flowers, ~ () nl e
arc hulf nUlng In lho hack Rnr! loos' In th e front. llnel niollY Ilnl't ake of the nut III' of the 1l0 1l~' coal,
el el' sl mlla,' cresoents, eA('h end ln,; In a sh ort. ~n . h,l!k III'rang Illc n l of th e v ell'o!. Thl' IIdll of th e I'el v('t co m (' It lillie h (Jl uw Iho hus t IInc, This velto. d Cli ghtful IItLll' coM ro,' a long· el ilelng a fl no pIIIHle, I s us s unl) lc \\'al sted WOllllln ha s arrived tI, l" s id e and Hl'a fill a sll lln, th Willer from gay l' nr!t; In R co lor The Rl eo \" S 1111 Just below the el, quit gay n(l(lgh t (' llll~tria t hul elly, bows, The fil II lOPS are plttlt 1 Into It I s II I'Eld sergl~, lind till' skirt . or th l\!'Inhales ami In th e center of th Il'Dlkln g lo nglh. I~ htld III ~ Id plalls sl ev' fOllr Inches ahove l owor thaI arc loo ~e. so fill' A>I their ollter (Jd Yo the fullness Is luld In four plaits, cdg B go, fl'OIII th e h III tu within a two on IIch side, turning toward th r w IncIlE!S of th o Wlli st lin , or conte ,', Across the top and "llcITt'h COllrse, SlIch. II skl" t I s slIlted to loll bottom of lh ij J)lnlts AI' small crClS" or th i n fl ~;lIl'cs on ly. lind tlll~ I s whllt cents , Olatchlng the larger onos , wit h Its w ell,'e,' Is, Til' Ilklrl I s perfectly 81tlRil I' bits of \' Ivet at th II' ends, (lllIln . 'I' he hottom s leeve I s ilnillhod 'rh o corn l ha~ a pony I.tllck, bubblng wit h !l bu nd or v Ivet shuped to fit lip in wha t wou ld bO ridicu lou sl y , lhe slign! fiar outward of th si c " e's s h ol'l -wlIl ~ t e d Cushio n 011 n ny but S I IOWel' dso, ~Ilrl'ow I' d sil k braid I\,n· rail. thin \\'0101111, and even th n , un, Ishes th' Olll I' dgc of th I'cl vet l ess she possesses graco- and, a lll s~ hlll"ls o n ' lho sl ee ves and t he Inside t hll t I ), p(' scl ,lo lU ilocs, I n t his In- of Ih colla,,,
More Concerning Headgear and Coats Tit slllall t;a~ will abollnti Ihls year, Ilnd the crown much lowe l" Is In hell" l hlll I ~, If w e follow lhe sty les as set t rop e co l ol'o(\ vel vel or a li ght shaLle, are 's r' by 0111' 1"l'o llch 51st I'~, 011 or the Full twists 01 rna,uve t ull 1'1 h est and m osk hn nrl soille I)f l he hats I'on g d S Dl'r rDs hl on about the crown , ccnler Is It C" 'nllll -whit e felt, very t hin, sort bing ca ught' d own nenr til and li ght In II' ' Igoh!. tri mmed wit h rroll t with a plain, rotl nel amet.hyst 801Ull sh ad n dllhllol! . lulie, IIlId v el · jllu an Inch ucross, Starling from v t to mal h , Th I!hllp e Is model'ale' Ileal' this i,ln towar d the righ t I s a I y s m all , with a ruther flnl Grown, and ch oll or mauve velvet, snd fl'om this lh l eri. 'sili o I s I'lllscd to show t he threc ostri ch p lumeR In three dlt, lrlmm'd band 11lI, bill Is not t ilted, ferent shad es or h eliotrope and mauve Th e back hl'llll b(mlls down a bit over trail ov I' lhe crown nnd down over the oolfl'"u'." and Is flll ed In with lhe ba ck brim. Th~' JlaleBL one curves arounll the right br im. and oil t he hack , Th darkell t goes straI gh t, ,back , parllall y coveri n g tho cro wn , and droops ' well down toward t he neck, and ,the . third and m edlum,col, or ed Illume curves tOWlII'd the l eft, nearl y covering the crown as It sweeps to t he l eft back , The growing popularity ot lootor' Ing h aa created a domnnd for tho mo, torlng coat, which the manuracturers have b een eager to saUsfy, But if a coat especlally dedicated to malOl'ln g Is too great a luxury, ono may choose a coat that will answer for nnmerous oocaslons-tor d r iving, traveling Rnd general rough weather weal', , The Scotcb and English manufac, turer s 'arc ba vlng their Innlngs 'ln the furnishing 'ot material ror such coats, and serviceable ~weod and cheVio t mix t ures and other rough , loose woven stutts aro tbe pOlllllar choice ,for the bi g. loose, cl cl'erl y tailored coat. Check and plalr.l etTects Innumerable are produced In t hese ma terIal s. but a s a rul l), the co l orB aro 80 blended. ' Rnd the lin e~ so vague thAt 'there I s nothing spectac ular or loud about even th e plaids, 90ray Cloth CO;!t, It I s In th e hla k and while novelty shad Cll ye llow atld OI'an gc unCI hrO~D , c hec k s an(1 "Inldi! lhut the mosL pro' tillie, AI: t he lett s id e ap l'elll'lI tulle n Ollnc<>d ell'eo ts al'e sbown, and everi and lonps, In ~he soveral 6hades ot ye l, . h er e t h e preference Is tor Irregular de, low, and brown vel vet ' ribbon I s looped ~ lglI R I 58 bold than the ' big 'block In wltlJ It, Around Lhc crow n ann also ch ck of Ule spring season, nearly 'coverin g tl are masses of sllllIlI White oatB, ,n , h eavy. 80ft white velvet s'n d satin duhllss of 'littering chevlot'or hroad twill lIerge are shown sizes, aml >lhaded grusseB, 1111 th e l ilt, In the mOrlels slmllsr In general chilI" tel' belllg In dull browns lind yellows" ucter to t hoso ot which we have been ~ IO~SIl ·111. ra)' of t he dah 11118 a nd Blleak,l ng, and are most attracllve and grasses drool'S far down (m t ho left plctures'1l1e garmen ta, but they are, side und,er the brim, and Is caught of qOllrse. better ad,apted to the deok back 110 t.hat It r ests agnlnl!t the hall', of a yach t or tbe bolt aeat of a coacb hat, TIl uch II kc a man'8 ·or a mountain botel Teranda tha to . L.._':':"~....:.jt:..,.-th .:.e~ b.:,; rl;;. m b ent out Btr~Kbt a dUBt-r,iBlng motor car,
~~~ ---:-.
Posltinl,. ea ... II, theae LUtie PUIs.
Ther aI80 relliml Dla-
froID Dyzpep6la. In,.
(lJge8t10n&llll TooDeartJ BlUtng.
A perfec& ftlD-
edJ"rorDlzzlDcss. Nall!e8,
PILLS., ~~d=
ToIIgIIe.l'aln In tile Bille. UVBR. '1'bo
resrulatB tile Bowels. l'urelT Vegetable.
SMAll. PILL SlIlll DOSE. SMAll PRICE. Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
Ifl~~~i,;';~ki~~~;; lYUlII8.,anaanuw youmade, howc:arcfally ~~;~3E~l~ are you would ~; factories at
why they bold their • .,.".. fit wear lon~. and are of pca&cr v ..... than any othe~ lQake.
w....."... ),011 I"', )'OIl _
~~~~ t.'a_
RErun IUISUlfunL
DOUIIu .h..... HI. n ...... ntI price .. en tile battotn, whlctlo prol« •• )'OII"aJut II prlces ...4 Iatenor .bOe•• 7 . . . . 0 ... r..... A.k your doaJer "'" W _L, Doa .... ..... ...d In.I., ..poe baY,ne ...- , F..r Co,.,EJ/. 'IIIM..", Ih.~ wll/ ~ Writ. f.w IIh.. tr.te4 Calaln&'" P.llllt)olM. , w. L, DOUOI.AS, Dept. I a.; ~
WET WEATHER CLOTHING :you want ~"""-"'''''I.c:::l complete protection anti long aervlce.
A Positive , OUR.
Ely's Craam Balm I, ",loki, ablorhd . GI_ Retial at One.. ,It clean_. aoothel beals and p~teot.. the dll88Rd membrane, It ouree Or,. tarrh and driTe awa, a Oold in Head quickly. Be.tores the Ballllel of Tillte and Smell. Pallibe 50 ct.., at Dmru.ft. ' ,ists or by mail; Trial 'Bize lOcta. by
E1rBrotber8,IlBWarren81n!e_.:t::.N::.::.._.::Y.:ot.::k.=-~==-=-~....:......::...._ _::-_: - - : : -__ .
Shoot', Strong and 'BveDIy. Are ISure p~ ,
,Will Stand· Kelo.dID,.,,
The,- Alwe,. Get The ,
• FOR THE HOME MAKER. Right Way to Live Comfortably Limite,! Income.
'rhe Increased ('ost of living all (wer this country. cs peclully 10 the large cltl(>s. baa noL been IICCo'ml)anl d by a s ltlillul' l'lse In tb c IliconII'I fOl' mos t wngc Ilrnot'S, a nd the u ll'olldy busy house llwtllcl' Uods addillotlol I' spon s lbllily In COn t riving to !u1I1 e cuds meet. How to live comfortllUly, la y by a little ognlnst tho day of n d, anrl a tbe same limo live hon s tl y In the Hight at all m 11 to one's OWII COll· scle'n ee, Is It p ro Llem I hat II t .. klll! bl'uln5 to lIol" . In tile majol'lIy at homes-pm Is 'lJe!-the hU Huunll Is st ili, by the lows ot na tu re, t he refore divine appol nt mollt. wage arne r ; hut ullon tb woman r(15tS the equal or gl'ent I' I' s pons llllllty or mokln r; the best possible use ot the fund s h ande d over to he r for dlsburse meot. W it h th e sa m amoun t or mon ey to dl'llw upon, on woman who Is a good mnnnger may e volve n comfortable, hom ilY hom e for h I: family, while anuth e r, wi t hout ta ldng lImp r thou gh t 'fo r h er IJal't at t he hou se ke ping prollOs ltlon, has everything running at "sixes and
REMARKABLE CA.8E OF RETRIBU T1VE JUSTICE. Murlferou. Indian Official Killed and Buried In Gralve He Had Intended For Tra"eler It Waa His Duty to Protect.
TRIBUTE TO .. MERICAN BOY. Me Ha. fmproved Markedly of Lat.. Dec:tilr~1 a Ca'lIal Obaerver. It se me to me tbat the quality of lhe hoy now growlllg up In Illls eoun\.ry Ib IielJuJlarly !lno. }le Is not only l e~s obSI rop PQII S lind gotls Ucal . b1lL 01 IIrcl' and cl II nol' mind d thllu ' th Illd ot twenty yool's al;:o. lil a advance phys IcallY will be manJf 'st to nnyone who w ill e.lllll)are the flb'1Jr 1\ In a clas'! photOl:l'Ullb of to·day wltl1 I hoGO of y st ' l'dl1 y. lie Is taller, s~rn lgbter, lI!;,U r tllltLUretl, fin er hal l' d, hllllri sorner and more II"ke a horo ll!;hbt d In elV ry ' wu y, writes Oeorge Harvey In tbe Nori h AmerIcan Hevl w, rho exercise to which mucn oC this Im lll'OV 'ment Is attrlb ll tabl mil)' bo no lUOl'(' 1.01l10us, but It s ellIS to ~e ioss ~pas lll odlc , Inore consIstent and be ilor adllptetl to Its true 'purpose. As 811 In ' vltaLlo seo uen e. h is haul ts Ilave bCCOOlO lUor regular, ImprovIng In IIlI'n b ls mann I'S. Al to 'oLher ho has become nltracUve, partially In what be mlg hl reso nt b III'; can d a b1rll sh 8 liS • al! l.ho IT ct of hi s greater d IIcacy, but chle ny In a pUl:ely masculine way, si nce In polnl of reallty h e was neve r be Core 80 UlAnl y or so scrupulous of hlH personal ho nor, ' HIs mothel' Is the one obleny reNponslble tor thIs llappy Il v<>lulion. Thirty y aI's ago h r llrototypo donn d a ClIP and bocalD trankly mlddl aged nt marriage, From that dll Y Lhe principal fcutunl or ber personal al>IlCa ran ce-her fh; url'-ceased to Interest her especially , and at ,f orly she was sotl stactory to a degree as a mother, bllt uttcl'ly worthless as a co mrade lind us a he lpe r. To·day at for l.)'·n vo she Is ber d ough t r's equal tn appearance, and us ually, we beli eve. he r supe l'lor In tne possession of that mys teriou s , Indeflnabl e, yet pecullnrly fus clnatlng quality known liS "cha rm." She bas not only mlllnlalned, but 1I1111nced, her ItLtracllveness by gro wing wltll, 3S we ll as tor. he r children. It Is l hls dally assoclaUon from bnbylHlod wI lh her t o whom Ins tinct accords carll est I'e \'cre ne that bas r flncd thl' ho),. "b e mIller Iliay bave heen 110 I ~ss c ngenlal as 11 co mrade . but clrcllms tall ces 11:1\'0 mI nim ized In n comparative' .sense Ills h elpfulness as a fri end. H Imself. the prod uct at a genera tion less cnrerull y trained. and POSS &5111g th e sel f·satl s factlon or 11 r80nol s uce Sll , h III unl1l1le to poreel" lil d alrubIllly of a cbange tn method tcndlng 1.0 broaden develol>m nt. H nco hi!! patronizing attitu de. his di slloslllon to co ntinue to u' eat as a ch ild t he son rapIdly approaching manhood. It I~ t he moth e r. perJ!stlng In be ing a girl , who Is glad to be rega rded and trealcd by the boy as an fnt elJectunl equ:,l1, 'fa h r, l hcrefore, bcloogs the crodlt 0(- a tran s fo'rmaUon whI ch we be ll ve lo b clellrly percelvllble, and whI ch bodos tb e g reatest ·good to tWs vast Am crlclln organIsm wblch soo n wIll r quire tho fln est me ntal and mo rlll fiber yet de manded by clvllill" lion .
qood Jokes WHY HE ROSE.
It wo s rnlnlng hn rd an,1 tho electrlo' cai' Was rull when 1\11'8. Blank enlered . 'I'ho In n ~ot rurtlwr haok In their Rca lM a nd (>\'Incecl " () pterntlmtllon to kee ll a posillon of bcdent"I'y omfort. Mrs. Olank ran her y dow ll Ih Cli r, and nt th o sume tlm IL lUan 111 the corner started 10 rl s . " Dnn't," said Ih man n(Ox to him. hold Ing hiS lIrm. ''':rhllt' s II I r8, lJlank, Danlt you know lier ? he b IInvel\ In woma n' s rights. 8ufTrllg . Quality 01 sel( , tc., yo u know." 'rhe wall In the corper smiled anti l!ot 1111. "COID ", ~ !!BId t he s pea ker. stili more Impor tuna te. "YOII'!' noL going to g t liP, a re you? If sbo think s s he's e qual tp II mll~ lhen let b r stand. 01 v her a (lose of her own medicIne." . Dllt Mrs, Blank ha d taken the mt\u 's s eat, greatly to the dl sco mfltllre .or the ot her, who wante d 10 see be l' stand. Next day ho me t th e stra nger on the s t re · t. "Halloll!" he 8111d. "You're the mlln that gave liP your eat to II1rs, Blank. You missed a good c hance to take her down a peg. Tllere wlIsfl 't another man In the car who would havo given way, Wasn 't ImpOlite, you know. Just a little Joke. What mad e you get upOld she hy pnotize yo u 1" . "I ~a )': ' said th e Illan addressed, "I concillti< yo u do not know me." "Can't say that J do; who are you?" "I am ~Ir. Blan~,"
A Story of trench ery tollo",,,d by po Ii 1'llIl'1J.HIl It'n Is told In a llI s pnt II frolll LlIcllno w to a Londo n nt "'" 1111Poller- mun F lynn: 1'''1'. Th e HCI' UEl of 11l!' . 0 CU I'I' n~(' Is " lIlat out of there or I'll br a k a li ttle ' vl11age wll b n pollco lio~t rew 1U" cxclal med lho cont mc tor. mill'S rroll) the In,lIun ell)" "Y 'II IJr- I'ea k lh' Slll)ollo I" yo-e r Lai r; In the vellIlIg II l ra\,pl r. tI1 wh el If Y '-8 1' bor-rso moves," retort; fltOl'y KO(,S, I' allzln g I hilt h on1d ed Pu!lceultln F'1Y'ln, "An' I wa-nnt nnt r IIch Lllok nolV h · fure <l ark. !lud fr to give ye warn'ln' th nt lh" ubt J' 'RI'IIl!; III dnn g rs It I h 1'0aO. stuptime ye go scoolIn' ovor tlr 'crosslu' 1 pod at t)lQ h I1s e 'o( t he po lio IIISIl,"CIllay dam age me club, bllt ye-er b U,;lor, u nall\' oOi clal, uull lIPlllIed fo r gy' lI go to th e ray-pair shop. Now :;b It er (01' th e night. ' g'wall au' don't be blocklo' up tb' "r am cnrt'yl ng a consltleral.Jl(' sli m r -road ." of mOil y." sahl he , "and In vi I W of Thnt BoUled t he contra tor, and Lh dnngers of l he co untl'y 1 des ir ' LO thereafter Pollcemnn Flynn was the have ,VOllr I)ro t. ctlon untIl [c!\n relIutoorlit of hl a crossing, Ru t he ha\l su m lilY Jonrnoy by day light ," other trollbl !>s, lIuII hIs methods were 'fhe Ins pecLOl- mnd e hllll w!' lcomc. not alwllY!! those thai would be ap. ga"ll him wate r a rul food , tlnall y tak· proved III headquarters, The ad vice seye ns ~" Ing him to a s lc!epl ng room, wh ol' be th at be gave on various occa8Ions, ] n mana ging w 11 on a limited 10- I cr~ hIm alon e. while undoubtedly good . was too sharp come th ere are several "don'ts .. As th o ni ght wOI'e on th lrav,ple r and pointed, A man from lbe coun- wo rt h memO rizin g: WIIS stl'lckell with Sle ll jllesSIl CBs, Prestry sec ured hl a attention one day and Don't go In debl ; nover Hpcnd a dol e nlly be IHm rd vol Ii ne ar hi s win· told blm he hnc] been asked to ClIS h a dow and Sll'lIl1 ge sonnd s ilr Iuhor. II check for n 8tran ger who had to 'catcb lar UlIlIl you have It In hand_ Don 't wllsle; It Is the lillie lealls gal up and looked out. Hi s )' R, used a train to to stck wlte. to the greater da l'kll 88 or lbe rOOI1l, " 'Twas thO ell' gag tv tb e confldl nce that count more than the big outla ys. Don' t patte rn yOIII' living after so me discern ed t wo llIen dlgglnK In a !lcld ma-an ," 8ald POli ce man lo'lynn In ' tellot th e back of t.he house, He, straln<ll Ing "lIbouL It, " but th' felly from tb' one wh ose tncoUl e Is twice yours. They don '( pa y your bill s_ hi s ea rs to caLeb what th ey were suyco untbry was sorry ( 'r him, a n' he saya Don't be Ilfrald at " what the ne igh- Ing. and rea lized ' In a few mome nts to me. heln' In a bit Iv douut tram all he'd hear-rd Iv cit)' wa-ays: ' If you bors will sllY," Be sure you are right. that they were diggin g a. gfnve fo r him. Th y we l'O In ,Ii plot Wllh th e In· was me,' he says, 'what w'u'd ye do?' th en go ah ead, Dou't lose slghl of the true tlropor· specto r at pollct! to murd el' blm for his An' I S8yS 10 him : ' If I was you,' I sayS, ' I'd ha-nve a gllltl'deen llpp'lnted tlOI~ of things. Oood toad val ues there mon ey and hid e hl B body away b fore an ' thin hire n guide,' An' he wlnt mus t be: ditto war m clothing, com- dllyll ght. SAFE FROM SPENDTHRIFT HEIRS. fOI·table bedding, tools to work wi t h: awa-ay rna-ad. In, !;lanlc he stole through Ihe house "But 'Us th' women gi ves me t it !llIt never mInd lhe s ilks and saUn s anrl crept out by a back door. He most throuble. Oho! th' women! th a t ott " put out the kitchen flr e" nor dll shed Ulrough th village u s nol s' Nine out Iv Ivery tlu Iv thlm Is la k- ludul ge' " In rumes wh en wanting a 1 ssly as he could, a,nel a milo or SO In' ner-I-\'e or lise slnsc. Wan Iv thlm s kirt." down the road cllmbcll a. tree wb re DOlI't thlnll If you are a youn g ho sat In slIrety In thc shadow of the ihteps Ollt a fut or two an' tltIn r.runs housil ltee pe l' t.ha t YOIl must beglll bael\. ThIn s he tbrles It wlln st more. foliage lInW duybreak cam e. Thcn, an' ·tls liP to me f'r to tSCOOl't her wh ere valli' mOlh er le ft olT, a s II patrol came along, . h e slipped Don'i shirk . " Wh ll n Industry goes down to t he gro,und lind told his 'story lIorost. Th' nl xt wan ducks her head nn' goes like n ch icken crossin' II out of th e door, 110\'crty comes In nt to thc commall!llng Om r. r. r-rond , [ call ght wan Iv that ki nd the window." All hands retJurned to lhe vl1lage, ylsten\n -ny whln sb W08 r·runnln' CARE IN BOILING RICE, there th o firs t news tbut gT t (\ lind r -flght lIuder a pnlr Iy prnneln' 't hcm was the m)'s terlo us dI 6:11'II arber-raes, 'n'yC think ye' ro a blr-rcI1" Th ings to Remember if You WaUl\' an~c Or tbe police InsllcC10t'. The says I, 't hot ye can, s hpreall yc·er Get the Best Results. patrol took ull tha ijeal'ch on nc. w wlngB and' mu-all a sbra lght line?' lIuos, Tho tl'llV'eler locnt d Cor lhem :oJ ver set rice to cook In call! waler. the grave that had boeu Int nd d lO An' Inallel Iv ihankln' me she wlnt alVa-ay ma-nd, teo," Of coursl!, In ' time the fam e at Pc;.. or YOU will ha r e I~ tblck, mush y dish. receive him. Tb rec"nt di st urbance llcema n Flynn's met ho!l D and ' , co m- DlO t Un'Dl easaut to th.e sight lind of the ground WIIS e.vlden t. Th soldiers opened th o trencb, and til r ts h d h d 'qua lly so to tile tllste. ea qunr '!r s, owing to Al wllVS use bOiling WR ler. Boll rap. was found th e body of lhe police Inmen reae e ~1~m~'(lcSom~~~~n~s ~lar~lI~:tre r~;~I~~an:d~ Irlly fl'~11l til t im you cov r lh pot sp ctor, llOl'rlbl)' hn cked. "Abo\'e alI thIn gs you mll st be cOllr- uolil yo u tllk' It orr, Constllnt mollon 'fbe orrest two mon wh o hall u" l lealI¥, been secn with him lato I he previous I o W st o Id . On d , W Ith u'_1S CIlS- of wutel" allo\l"Iug cach grai n ro swell tomAry deSIre to master co mpl etilly to t hreo times It size, pr'vont s slick· evening follow ed, nnd th a n the wh oll) nnythlng that he lind rtook, he ' went Ing together, , cuse b camB simple , Aft I' arrllnglng Explained That Tblngs Were In a Bad out to buy 11 book on etiquet te. Thl. "My frie nd. do yo I put y~ur trust Do not sll r from til e mom n~ It he- with his nccow pllces . the Illo t to rob In ri ch s7" , was his uudolng. tor It Is In deed a wIse gins to boll, for Il will b IIml ed hat nnd murder tho tra,' ler. th poUc In• Way at F1Rherty 8. "No, I put my riches In tMlst."man who Imows how to utIli ze the In. when first rice IR put Intu tlo walor, s p ct01: started 'to ge t drunk while f the more tlloughtlcs8 of tho drlvcrlj formation III such a volume, He fol- lhe waleI' will cease bolJln g until lhe they we r busy diggIn g th g ra" e. III PhlladelJlhla Press, to treat Illm with co ndescenSion, It 10wC!l th e Instru ctions Implicitly, an.l rice Is .b ate!], Stir ocoaslonully du ro this condition t he Id ea struck him not w ith contempt, and notblng Is so many a "'oman wondered at th e elab- In g lhls period t o k ecp from sinking that b would go In IIl1d do th e killi ng NOT AS YOU WOULD HAVE EXgalling lIS tbllt. oratenes8 o~ his bow and tbe tactful to the bo t tom and burning. bu t do n oL himself. nnd so Ilk!m th e cream 011 th e PECTED. "Til' guardeen Iv tb' la-aw," he said natilre of biB reply when b e \VIIS aske!! touch With a spoon. fork 01' anythlug booty Inst ncl ot dlvldtng ev Illy. to a burly drIver one day, "sh'u 'd be to do saDIe absurd tblng entlr Iy out on e It bas commenced boiling, The story of Ch rlslovher lIf11lsnp, u Stooping over the bed t.o grIp his VIC-I tbreuted , with ray-splct." of the IIU1l or bts duty; for women IIro Follow Implicitly the dIrections ~' oung bookkee per In tbe employ of a by tbe lhroB,t. be mu st have fall on Th~ Heart of a Child. "Don't get loollsh, little man:' rc- o~cn s lonlllly ,unreasonllbl e In their re- about seW ng III overt aud allowing forwllrd ltn(] paElsed Quickly In to a . 'rhnt which disparages us and wholo!Sttte-hom;e, nltol dB U sttlk1ng turned tlie driver. patronizingly. at quests of the guardl&Tls of t he law. rice "to sweat." as tbe old 'I'eolos drunken s lumber. quicke ns revolt Is no less a factor In Illustration of t he way In which tbe , t bo ' same-' tlll1e showing a disposition He even 1!ept hIs 'temper and acted say. a Clllld's emotlonal life. But there Is wind Is o[te ll temp ered to the shorn to Ig nore' the pollceman's uplltted wJt~~editable discretion when , he Willi Yon wllJ th en have 0 di s h. t hll Is \\ h n th e l WQ accomplices outside lhI6 dltTerence, We have the better lamb, nlub, asked to rlln back n block ()r two an4 not only yery' beautlfliJ and ' tempting got til e grave fill ished Lh, y began to OI)pOl'lunity to detend ourseJvfl and Not on account of any fault of his, '''Ohol ye'd yet gIl-ay with me. w'u'd S 0 If ho could lind the lap-dog a worn. to the s ight, but mOSL de lectable to wond er at th.e Inspector s rallure to to obUlln rOI>sratliln_ So there la a bnl becnuse the busi ness would not turn uP' . Tbey suspect d thll be . was 'crtaln Jlatbetlc pleasure In standing fe~" cried Policeman Flynn, "Come an bad dropped 6ut of her victoria_ the taste. JU8t1fy k e plng hIm on the salary JIst olr drinking and they de termin ed to C llown out Iv Ibat blgh-chalr seat!" ·But the eUquette book ,W 8S responsible Pla-n-t-. -I-n- L-Iv-I-n-g- R =o- o m. h Ives FI.l te rlnll' wllh humanity where its joys, long- any longe r, Christopher had lost bls ive Ings Its emba•• ssments and Its ~Ituatlotl. The drIver ' only laughed, whereupon fOr his Waterloo. nevertbeless, an ti In the 1I"lng room the lilr Is gen, do ·the job bthY It emse ed . th' he house, ey arm emse II ' I lIn 1» are slm IClit and I"lynn'W:,by a quick movement, caught tbe night he '\lias sent bliC k to p/l.Lrol erall}' very dry. hecause we keell 1\ twith Day neter day he tried to secure anthe Inspec tor's Baber, and cr ell' dlsllPPo II en p hold. aT tho reln8 and jerked them out duty he tbrew It In tbe ,flre before even at such a high t,e m)Jerature that Illols. Ing Into tbe room attacked tbe man In , n e west, a~d, I p.srrorce, wbere Imi»' ~t her. bllt without succeS8. One morn· explaining tbe matter to his wife. ture Is burnec! out at IL ' Plants will of the drlver's bends. lng, when he found himself reduced tbe bed, literally backing blm to t~~~eI 8m~ 9~1~9 e~ost uncommercIal, "fllow wtll ye be good," be lIaked. .. 'Twas oil along Iv thryln' to be po- not do well 1) 1 a dry air, Those who to Ills last cent Dnd was tblnklng "or wlll ye dhrlve me over' to tb' 81a- lite an' tac'flll," be finally explained. lh death. this divinest, of enterprises for my gloomily ' ot snlclde ,as the ouly' way ht "What's po-lite an' compllment'ry to love plonts and desire to grow em Then tbey It Ick. IIl1 to look tor own! Give me a cblld to be at bome a lit of bls troubles, the postman hand· Uon '." ' the too plunder lUI II, di scovering thell' wllh, to be In absolute conndence .The dri ver reall~ed that he was at an ,ak!!1 Is praysum'tlon to a soopeer- will tbererore try to cOllnteract kl ed blrn a le tte r, It wall (rom Ketch· hi ,. . Ye see. ' mIstake. ha" no-bing lefl to do but with! It J cannot retashlon my ham & Fleecem, IIttorneys at law, and su, rilly yer. t-v.-as t s wa-ay ; a evil effect of dry air by tn ngf sl'Jps I Lbe policeman 's mercy, ... I h /I I k ... to 1m po rt a necessary degr<. > e 0 rno s· r burY the murder ed man In the grave "':a'ped, wrinkled and discolored old r promls,ed to sbow all p.roper resp ect In 620,r-r - 0 't a ne- u . In' 6· - l Iv 19 or: ture to It. They will shower tbelr Brattleboro, 'Vt., alld read liS tallows : -got m xed up becbune two teama. tbey had, dug. ooul Into thc unbiased graces and the ., tbe· future. "Denr SIr: Your uncle, OrvIlle nn W88 Ilk to b d . hi r 1)llInt8. Tbey wl\l ,keep water cvap· ' .. 'Tis not ma own dignity, but me ' e e r-run own w n I ethereal purity of tbe spirit of the Stlnjay Millsap. died last week. All h Idl ." FI saw ber, 'TwlIs no time to think Iv thO orating constantly on stove or reg; .1Would Be Fragment. Left. child, let me DOW and again opell that administrators of his estate we have po-lis dignity I'm up 0 n. ynn wa-ay to get hor out. Auny wa-ay all tetr, Plants like tresh a ir, and , fr,1I W. H, Oarrett, superintendent of th" !Ittle door and IIhut mYlle\[ In that lit· been looking over lIls pallers, and we explained IIrtorward. "Ye ca'lIn't to flourish In rqoms where the 11I'OIl r ~-rlile at a crossin" onl·lss ye Insist was a good wa-ay. an' f !lr-rabbed ber r I powder mill In Holmes park. tells a t.le heart, jllst for the Bbeer delight ot 6nd that you owe him $50 for money ' r-round tit waist an' carried ber to pro\)ortlQII of oxygen Is not OtlUC • pon r-rulln', an' 'Us tb' Injane.yus wan side, 'Oh, sir: ahe say II whln sbe The plant owner will arrange for ven - story about on~::e when h waR 8tl- It.- Patterson Du Uols, In SucceBs borrowed February 17, 1902, with In· lete&t at six per cent. frOID tbat date. ' got her breatb back, 'bow can liver WaUon, and the admissIon of os milch perlntendent of a powder mIll tn If ngazlI~c. 'IDa-an tbal's th' boss Iv thIngs," ----......;;.... i\.n oarly se ttlement will obJlge,". Pollcefllan Flynn certainly was 111- tb'a -ank ye!' 'Ma'am: saYIl r. UfUn' air as her pets need, By, work - California. He went to San FranBible HI.tory Up to Date_ ::Jbtcugo T,rlbune, genlous a1ld he held tbe drivers ",ho me belmet' Un t'll1nkln' Inli' ok :"-:"+i~""'n-=,"o this line sbe will baye cisco and watcbed a capth'e balloon Miller Reese Hutcblnson, the Inven· regulariy . passed bls corner In sub: manners, ,'th' pleasure,' I IIIlYS, 'Is all ber e fforts crowned wltb sue'cess. In whIch men lind women were going W"NTED TO KNOW. '&etlon by bls reputation for reso\lr~e- mIne.' 'Sir,' she says. glvln' ma a hlty- wllllo thoso who ,do not study th eIr up BOO feet and then be ing haul ed (Ill' Is a great motor enthusiast. and fUlness and the uncertaln~y ns to lIty luk an' shpeakln' oold. 'r wlWsee plants .and their needs and try , to down again. Atter watchIng It awhllc t1 'has tor many years been Interest· ed In their de velopment. He sold out wbat he would do next. When he that ye are ray-warded.' 'Ma'am,' BaYIl make unfavorable condltlous fa\'ol'a- be said to the man In charge: "I'd like mighty well to go liP In his stable when he took to motoring. tlnally humbled the contrnctor wbo I. 'th' mlm'ry Iv thO ray-ward I've, al. ble will fall with them. -From the was always In a hurry. and cut In and ready had w!ll go wltb me to the Winter Window Garden, In tbe Honle that 'balloon, but I'm afl'ald to try It. and In consequence bls son, Rcese. It looks dangerous lo me," Jr., a 'bright little chap ot tbree, Dut of the line of teoms In a moat haz- gra·ave," Magazine. "And whal Is 10UI' bus lnesl\.' slr~" knows IILUe of IInythlng In tbe veblardous WilY, bls authority never again "What ray-ward had ye bad, Bllr. cle line save the automobile. asked the man . . was QueatlOned. Another pOliceman ney?" InquIred Mrs. Flynn. , Preserved Tomatoel. "I'm Buper] ntendent of a powde r Before his r eturn from bill country wOlll(l have ,cnnght the boree by the " She 8I!ked me thO sa-arne qnlsl\on." .-'ollr boilIng water ovel' firm, rlpo bridle some day, tbrown blm back on · said J>I)Ucemnn Flynn. place In Buy Shore recently the lad's tomatoes, tben slip off the 81dn8, To mill." ' ' You work In 11 )Jowd er mill and are moth er wall · tell\ng him several Dlbll· bls liaunch 8, and cnrsed or arrested " An' what did ye sn-ay to her!" every pOlllld of tho tomatoes a llow a the driver; but Ppllcemau F lynn never ,II aOYIi to ber, 'Ma'am! I says, bow- pound granllilited sugar, Pacl( the afraid to go Ull In a ballo o n~ Gce cal slorles. and IImong oth e rs told of dollS things os ot hers wonld do them. In' low lIke thO {>Icturell In thO eUklt tomatoes In lay rs with the 9ugar and whiz. man. I'd 11 durn ed s Igbl sooner th e bIrth of tbe Saviour or' th e wotld Ete bided his lime, nnd ftnally, when book.' 'U:< wo~-rth more tllan th' r -rlsk let stand over night. fn th~ morning go Ull oul of ~Ight In a balloon than In a stable In U'e thlehem. 'fhe lad' \bo contractor was caught In a pocke~ I r-run,' I Gays. 't'r to have had slcb drain off tbo sirup Dnd boll, skimmIng to sUck my 1l0!Ie InsI de your powder was much Interested, and Illt e r In the lnil hlld to dr~w np, the policeman a beoutlfUl bundle tn me ar-rms,''' frequently, Add tbe tomatoes to th e mill. Why. mUl~. if you filII out of II e "enln~ h e awoke tl'Ol1I )I1 s s lOOI) ana promptly shIck his club between the ( '.91A10P 'Q 'l<loBor .( q '1IO!l[ 'l'III,J.«(I"::») sirup lind simmer 20 minutes, Taite balloon thero'lI be som ething left · or insisted on more s\orles, Asll od what ;pokes or bls buggy wheel. (Cop)'rlcht, by the Century 0 , ) ' stones he esp clally des Ired. ,be reo 1111, spread on platters nnd Bet In the you to )lICk up,"-Kansas CllY SLar, I>iled, serlouely: 8\In.ablne wblle tbe sirup I"s allowed to "Oh, I don't lenow, I think r like Oh, Ve Tea ... boll down thick. Shortly befo re reachPERPLEXINCi QUESTION. Ing the conslstenoy required, add lemThe president of ono of the well. thllt oue ahollt the garage,.) n Bethleon juice to tbe slruJl In the proportion known collcges tclls ,this 8tol'y of one hem ," Shnrpe- Ha,-e you fel.ct the Dew of a halt cu p to livery seven pounds of bls p ..ofessorl~ of cbemlstry: What Tuberculin Ia. (ootllall rules? Bugal'. the tomatoes carefully It Beeml tbat tbe professor alid bls Wi se- No, How many players are Tuberculln Is the result at man,. In ,jal's, taking care not to break them. wUe bad not agroed upon Borno (10' tlley allowed lO kill In a game now?e:!perlments to f)btatn a curntlve anti· cover with the boiling slru p and seal, me8t1c question. the protessor IIsse l·tIng that his mellns would not warrant toxIn, or Berum. for tub erculosis. It Is ClucinnaU EOQulrer, CuttinG • Fern. the expense Involved. His wlte 'had a product of the ~rowth of the tuber" PI!!'feet!:.·· C:t!Iar. Boston ferns , that have grown so used all her powors of persuasIon , Ie organism In artlflclal cultures. says HI8 Coaclllllan-Protessor. why III It large and Illlcurlant as to permit divid- wltbout anll. and at last ros orted to Farming, but It Is a perfectly harmless "'at the muon allu s shows th e samp Ing Into smaller plant/! may have cut- the final feminine expedle nt- a nood product when properly used. 1t ~1Jl faee? ' • tings taken liway from the rools with· of tears. At th'Is the pl'ofessor plclled netther oure nor ca'u se the dis ease to aproad In an atTacted animal ; neIther , The Professor-That II due to the out damage to tho plant, If carefully up Ills hat, but ' paused to remark : will It Injur a hnalthy one In any circumstances thllt Its r'e volnt!on Ullon done. U transplanted to the right "You mIght bavo saved yOursclf the Boll and kept under proper conditions tronble at tbat, my' dear; your 'toars way, In skilled hands. It Is almost In- Its axis 18 colnclde!!t with th'l revolu.' the tufting should l'oot well and (level- ha vo absolutely no elTeot u))on rue, talllble and with ordlnnry Jndgment tion It mnkes In Its ol'blt, The Coachmon- Thanke.l, '[ than the -errors are only a few per cent, In op Illto a healtby plant, Wily sllould thl~y, ,being nothing but A fern does not need hot., and In- common water '\Vlth a vel'y sh'lall per- Pennsylvania 4,000 animals that had It. wad 60melhlo" like thal.-Chlcago Trlhune, cesBant , sunsblne. ,'wo of the ftnost eimtage ot pho!lphorus salts IIn<\ • given characterlnU.: reaCtions wer;! slaugbtered and exalnlJIE'1 , aDd the Boston ferns known to the Wl'lter truce 01 chloride of sodlum1"Evidently In Earneat. prcscnee at the dlseaso was demonspend the entire winter In wIndows Harper's Weekly. Gotham Dame-Do you thlDl strated In all but elghL where scarcely a snnbeam faltl. Nlcefellow Ia In eal'neat? though there I,B plim ty of light. A 'The FaUling Leave •• Vau/:hter-I gU~8s 80. He asked me The Eye aame, tlltle BUn. h01\·ever. does tbem no J..eaves do not fall'from tho tree II.CapUvaU 'lg sbada. are "coming In" I/UI~ evening whlcb one or your daug&. 'barm and Ii moist lLt.mospbere lie. cause tbey are "'d ead"-wblcb '''e way wltb the liking for cand.'e IIgbt at din- terlS was your )let, and 1 tOld him I sentlat. laid! as eQul.valtlUl to saying bel'.aulle ner partiel, One of the prettiest thought If all tbree 1\'ere married U1ey ara no hin receJvlng tile .~on- shadeB III of wblte 8B,tln~ IIIIllJ:,aldered vou would ratber \1\'0 with Clara or Creamed Oyate,.. atitumlJl of rrom the bUll t71tb allver tbread. Candle-shade lora tban me.-N. Y. Weekly. Cook a quart of oylt\!ra In theJr aDd from aa a consr- •gamM' ~III be popular. One.e called owD liquor untU plumll, Drain. strain qu~nco or a w~h wblcb tho "eye ram.... 'Every shade bears Satlltaclary. the liquor and add eDouah m l!t to devolops JIIBt on · of tba a reproduetlon of Iho eye of a dll' DeeCOD Smltb' -Wall, t114 three Stir 10Ietbur slZ lear..tclll wltb parmanenl tlncu1ahad or· woman. painted on 1011 think of tbe new II1IIIlI~rT 1~lbI4I11JDOII!,,!~ alld of the D cornllke mica, DeaCOIl JOtIUIII~ltle"I' up, Panella and ....~ht4Ul,. Io.•• ~ ~::i\~'~ aroUIIG at 10 .-••• 'c.".,.....,.~
H ow Pollcllmnu Barlley Flynn hllP-' penetl to !Hi llll t on "crossing duty" ~\'1I8 a ' ml's t ry to every mun 011 th e fore . but why he wllS talten oft WIlS will, Dow n to all of tbem. 'l'he ""rossIn g 111 0" 111'0 usually large nnd 01 ImpOHitll; I' reSI! IICe, whU e Flynn Is small IIOfI would nOl attmct tha ntt cnll on or nn yone who dill n ot kllow ot h ll:! ll rowess, Dul he \V IIS · gl v n the work, ne\'crlheless, "''('III me Slzc." be B.a ld by woy of eX plumltlon. "1'11' ulg ma-ll n Is a Hne th ing on pura-nOo. hilt f'r wOl'-ry glvo rne tb' little felly Ivery tim e, 'I'h' big rna -au ca n hold up his BhU ck un' get go-ay wl,tli thO dbrlverB, but 'Us tb' littl e felly that (lodges In un ' pulls til' losl ehlldher out of hllr-rm's wa-IIY, Yo' II IIlwllya flnd It 80. Dill ye 1111'er l\(~ar that tb' most val'abl goods com 8 In tho shmllllost paellages? 'Tis a tac'. Wbat ye get at thO 99-ctnt hllyzanr has to go home In a dhrny , an' what Is ray-pr~sl nte " be th' nve hun· derd dollars ye splnd In a jew-ry sMore yo ca n carry awa-ay In yer·or vest pocket,"'ver of truth there Illay be In bls aSHertlon , the , fact rl'JIlaIU8 that be waR pnt on crossing lIuty, and he went about biB work wllh tbe same nergy that cbaracterlzed hIm In all that be had provlously undertakcn, };Ie was the s upremo ruler of that crossing, aod he did not Intend to have any mis take about It. He \\'a8 eX(!I!ptlonf}l1y jealolls of bls anthorlty. beoCauss his size tended to Induce some
"I "'[\-Itot f 'r to ta-alk lo ye," said
go a
Corrected. Yt'u st- Oo yoll go l1sbJng In a boat! .1'1nl~nn bnnk-:-/ever. , "nut 1 slIw you yesterday, fl shtng 10 It boat," " ' 0; ),011 didn't. I "'as RittI ng In tbe L>un t, but r wns nshlng III tbll l'l ver:' - Yonke rs Staie/llnan. FALL OF THE YEAR.
NO TIME TO LI;>ISE. " Sir," saId the young bUln, enteriD~ th e office. "[ sent you n comm unlcatlOll ycsterday," "Well ?" a s ked the gr lm·taced ni~ of hus lness. ' ··We ll. 1\11'. Prate r, r thought per-,. hallS yoU mi ght give me a 8utlsfacJ tory reply to 01)' reOll s t, and-;-" "-Walt a minute," sa id Mr, taki ng up n bundle of I)a pers nnd Ing tbroug h, UI m, "Are you the Ulat sent this a cco un l for $50 to my dau gbt r?" ··No. sIr, r- " "Then you' nre the ope this bill for $100 for "No. s Ir_ JIll' com '''r ben yours must ,40 . fOI' shoes, and- " "No, sIr. My note It" I might bllve ha nd," "YOII want to m Prat~r gaspe(l. Then , of bills over In bls hands, 'Take he r, young r.lUn, 1 your name, but take She', talking allollt dolny Sbo»plng."--<:ihlcago Journal,
Mr, ,Rountfer-Doe.. your Cous" George take liS mucb In.terest In borBe I'aclng 3S he used to'r' Mrs, Rounder-Yea, Indeed, George "nn olways tell the day betore a. race _ wblch horse ought to win, and the day , Itt-ter why be didn't-Rochester Democrat, Awful Depravlt)l_ otton beard aboll t tbe meOdlost man, but I hllPP8tt to· know the men nest womao ," " \Vho's she?" "The one wbo goes to weddings and s lyly removes ,t.he card's from Lhe presfl!)~5 80 that th e bride can never know which of her trl e nd s It was who gavo her t he plated buttel'knHe,"- hlcagD Record·H erald. "We'v~ '
- - - - --
After the Ic~ Man. The gl" at ns t mloge r poilltlld to an ominous grollp of slare. ' "They tell me t hat YO,n will be robbed by a da.rte man berore unotber moon:' whispered the Vr OI)bet. " Have YO Il IIny Idea wllo Lhls dlu lt mn.n call
be?" The domestic mon smiled 8lldl7_ "The coal man. of colrr!ie'.~ lIighed .~O hlca.go Dal,l, News, THE IDEA_
Surprise Store's Big Semi~Annual Event!
1'1 This "Vi I (
Lb: · 8 rl' \ R'f \."
u \ R Y. .........' lOt h . _.r... ..\ ..........
-. --..
o r St: )] t on
GOO( ,,'
D IIl'i ng'
App l'(~v al
morning, January 10th, mark th openiIig' of our Public Benefit Sale. The buying public look forward to thi event with eug r expectation and with the uimo:;t confidence, for t;IieIu:n~!d by experience that a FEAST OF BARGAINS will be arranged in \\ hich ALL PROEIT WILL BE SCATTERED TO THE WINDS. The Sill'prise Store has. ONE sale each that a GENUINE one. This is 'n ot a sale where prices are specially mad ~ for the occasion. but the original prices remain on every article and are' sold at advertised reductions . • JlL1Hlsulllly inild .w inter has left us with far more Suits and Ov.e rcoats than we care to have at this time of the year and we MUST CLEAN THEM UP. To do so effectively we are<la ..
~=:~fl:: U Oh as we bllv e Ilc' ver mnel b for A. Not only lire profit lltirElly eliminuted, Lu t in nInny CIISf'R b fl!< II hig FHo , of the cost, bOl 11 oboppell olY. • the sale stilrts Tbllr dfl,y morning, JanutLry 10th , The Ilssortment!; ot Suit. Ov r antI' !'epllrll te '1'l'Clu ~o r .. , Furnishing;. lind Ul\ts is lo rge, bllt we Ilclvls
to OODle in eUl'ly.
Till') !I lliug will bn fnHt Ilml t!le l.v birrlf!
'qt. following prie
olLrefully and bring thi Rilverti om nt with you when yon oome : ,
----------------------- ~.
Men'sTrousers. .
448 • Price., .......... .. ....... ...................... .. .......... 5. 73 ~~~!~=r:~:~ Prioe ...... .................................... ' ........ .. ... . 4 9 ~ 7.45
Men and Young Men's Suitt.
You cun ulWlly8 use no extrn po ir of sepern IE! Trousers, but you'll
PrlCl) ...... .. .. .. ... ,..... ...... .. ......... ...... ...... ......
nev r lJuy them Ilguin Ilt suob prie,Bs.
Men's uoorl. I:)ervic able, Pllr' W ool lind Juans Pnnts, will not rip,' eold for $1.00 Ilnel U .211. Public Ben eUt t:!ule only
All $1.?0 'l'ronsers . • Publlo B enefl t SaJe PrIce ... .. ......... ... ..........
A11 $2.00 Trousers Publio B neGt, Ie Pdo
Price ...... .... .......... .... .............. .. ..... .. ........ .
e . $1 19 .... ..... .... .. .... .. ..... •
"" .. "... ,............ ...................... ......... ] .59 All $2. 00 TrouserR . . . . 1 " 79 Publio BeneUt Sale Prloe " ........ .. ............ ...... ......... '.... ....... ..... •
All $3 00 Trousers 9. ;) Publio Benefit Snle P rioe ...... ........... ....... ...... ... .... ....... ......... .. ""' . ... .
Price ........ .......... ·: ............ · ................ ... . :. Price ............ ...... .. .... ·· .... .... " ....... .. .... .. ..
Price ............... .. .... .. .. .. ........ ..... .... .. .. ..... .
All sa.50 Trousers Publio Benefit 'ole Prioe ...... ....... ..
......................... ,............. 2.67 All $4 .00 Trousers . 3 00 .Pul)lIo Benefit Snle Pnoe ..... " ............................. "...... ............ •
Prioe ....................... · .. .. ... .. .. .................. .
14.95 Price ................... · .. .. .. ... ... ........ : ... ....... ..
16.45 iJrice ..... ,... ......... ......... .. ... ......... ...... ......
All 'ol.?O Trousers
3 • 29
All $Ii .00 Trousers
3 • 74
. . Publlo Benefit Sale Price ............ " .. .. .. .... .. ,.. , .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ...... .....
Public Benefit, Stile Prloe ...... ...... .. ... ......... ......... .... .. .... .. ... .... ..
Price ..........., .. . ... ..................... .... ,. . .. ..
21.45 Price ...... ......~·f. · ........ · .... ·.. · .... ·................22.45
LOT NO.1-:-A "peol8llot ~f 500 ~Ir!l of eplendld t·roullers that we sold at l!I~. While they lust .... .............. ........ .
:::pt~~~.~~~. ~~...~?:~~:...~~'.~~...~.~~ ..~.~:~~:.
LOT ~O . 2-Abont ooo ]>a~rs of .~ood trou8~rs thut Vie sell usually flt $1.00, ThIS sip eolull ot ........................ .. .
EXTRA, SPECIAL. . YOUNG MEN'S SUITSA speoillJ lot of 1i0 Yonng Men's Suits; mOlltly blu8l! and blacks thnt sold at '7.50,8.50 and 10,00 To olean them up.. ...............
:3'3 • 95
1 89
Boys' K.nee Pants. All 250 Bllys' Knee Pllnts , 19 t Publio Benefit &le PrlOA es All 500 BoYII Knee Pants 37 et s Publlo Benefit &Ie Price ............ All 750 Boys Knee Pan ts 58 et s Publio Benefit t:!ale Prioe All 1.00 Boys Knee PAnts '15et s Publio Benefit Sale Price ...... ::: ... . . All 1. flO Boys Knee Pants , Q 1 18 Pubhc Benefi& Sale Prloe ............ q •
2· 29
Boys' Waists.
Never ha,ve we sold .Boys' Clothing so cheap as now. Dress the ' boys with the best at little ClOst iI;l this great sale. All Boys' and Ohlld ren's U.GO Suits cll!I 19 All 4.50 Boys' nnd Children's Suits .3.45 And Overoouts. • 'll' . • nnd Overooats. Publio Benelit Sole Price ................. : ........ . Public Benefit l5ale Price ...... .. .. ............... . 1 • 50 All 2.00 Boys !lnd Obildren 'f! Suits All 5,00 Boys' Rnd Uhildren's I:luits ' 3.79 and Overcoats .
t~,~~.~i:I;...t tlIIlIII"PrtM ........... :38ets ~=:lr:&ip"'~e'Prioe ...... :..... 75ets
16.45 17 • 95 Publio Benefit Sale Price ...... .. .: ......... ..... ...... ........ ........... :.
Boys and Cbildrens Suits·and Overcoats.
~~~t'=~~~'~. ~ioe .......... .. I9cts
Price .......... ..
3 1 .45 14 95
. ', .-..u. Bale Price ..................................... ...... ........ . EXTRA SPECIAL.
'~~~~~~:t odd 'Meb " . Overcollts i mostly novelties 7
9.4.5 t"0 48 11 23
Al1Il!2~.00 ~uit./l
915~ '
3 69 ' 4 48 69 73 6 49 7 45 8 98
All '5,00 I:luits Publio Benefit Sale Price ......... ......... ........ ...... ... .. ....... ........... • All lBO ,.oO i::Suits Publlo Benefit Sale Price ......... ......... .. .... ... ................... .. ....... ' . All Iv 50 t:!Ult,S . 4: Publio Benefit !:lale Price .. ........... ,.... ...... .. .. .. ....... .......... ......... • ' ~ All1l!7,oO uits Publio Benefit Snle Price ........................ ,. ......... .. .............. :.... 0. All'S liO Suits .. Publio Benefit SI~le Price.. .... ......... .. ......... .... .. ... .. .... .. ............ • All $10.00 Suits Publlc Benefit S~l e Price .... ..... ......... ......... .... ........ .... ..... .... .. ... • • ' . All U2.00 Suits Public Benefit Sale Price .. ........ .... ..... ............. :.................... . All f J2.tiO Suits Publin Benefit Sa Ie Price ......... " ', .. .......... ..... ... ......... .............. All'13.50 uits Publio Benefit Sale Prioe .. .. .. ...... .. ....................... .... . "... ...... • . All $15 00 '"' uits Publio Beoetit Sille Price ............................... . ,,,.... .. ...... ..... • All IUS . 00' Suits ' Pnl.>lio Benefit !:inle Price ....... ...... ................ . " .. :.............. ... .. All $20.00 Suits Publlo Benefit Sille P rice .............. .............. .. ... ... .... . ......... • All i1122 00 I:)uits . Pnblic Benefit !:inle Price ...... .............. , .... : ................. ....... ..
$1.2 5 ~1I=blJ;:::~~:" &le Price ...... ...... $1.50 &le Price ......... . .. S2.00 Sale Prioe .............
Bnd Overooats, Public Benefit Sil le Prioe ... ... ............ .. ......... . All 0.00 Boys' nnd Chlldren's Sni ts and O,'ernont s. • Publlo Benefit Sale Price .... ........ ...... .. :...... . .. All 7.50 Boys' und Children 'S Suits Ilnd Overcoat,s. • Pnbli c Benefit Sale Price ... .......................... . All 8.50 Boys' nnd Children's Suits and Overcoo ts. • Publio Benefit I:)n le Price .......................... " .. AU 10 00 Hoys' and Uhildren 's Suits 7 and Overooats. I • Publlo Benefit Sale Price ......... ......... .......... ..
.r .......... '
Publi o Benefit t:!ule Prine ............... .. .. ..... ..... . All 2.50 Hoys' Ilnd Ohlldren '!I t:!uits And Overcotlts. • Pn blio Benefit Sn Ie Pri oe .......... ......... ......... .. All 3.00 Boys' Ilnd Children's S·u its nnd Overooll ts. • Pu1>lir Beneli t Snle Prioo .... ..... ........ .......... .. . All 350 Boys ' lind Cbildrens' Suits ",nd Overooa ts. •I Puhlo Benefit Sale Prioe .... .......................... .. All 4.00 Boys' a.nel Children's Snits and Overooltts" • Publle Benefit Sale Price ..... " ........................ .
4: 59
5 65
37 ets
An ·500 Boys Walst.s Publlo Benefit Bille Pricl! ........... . < All 750 Boys' Waiste Publio Benefit Sale Price
2 "'9
6 59
3 19
AU 1.00 Boys' W,!-Illts
MEN'S EUUNISI:IING GOODS SPECIAL. 100 Dozen Children's Fast Bluok Ribbed Hose; regnlt1r 150. , Public Benefit Sale p rioe ........ All 250 Glovee . pnbllo Bllnefit Sale Price ..... All 500 Gloves. Publio Benefit Safe Prioe ........................ .. All 1. 00 Gloves P u bllo Benefit S.lle prioe .......... .. ... .. , .... .. All 1.50 Sweaters. Public Benefit . Sl1le prioe ........ .... ........ • All 2,00 S weaters. publio BenefitSale price • An 2,GOSweaters publlo Ben~fit Sale Price •
8e 19c
$1 19 81 50 $1 89
53c 3He
79c $1 19 79e
360 . Dozen BhlCk tmd 1'IID fast oolors,
Socks. FANCY VES'l'S25 per oent oft 1111 l!'Rnoy Flannel P O]bllC ~e n e flt , C a.n!1 Wnshllble Vests. Bo e PrlOe ...... ............ ......... All 25c Neokwear, All 100 Eu t Black Sookt~ e Publio Benefit . . Pnblio Benefit Sti le price ...... . lSaJe Prioe . ........ .. .. ..... ...... C• All 2!ic B1uck lind Fa,noy Socks AII ,GOc Neokwellr , nblic ~enefit C Publio Benefit Salo Prloe ' ...... .... .. ...... ..... . :Sale Price .... ..... ......... ...... . All 500: W !lYS MutTIets C All 250 Suspenders. . Publlo Benefit Sale Prioe ... . . Publio Benefit All 250 Ways Muffiets , . Bille Price ............. ... .... .. .. publio Be.n eflt . . All 500 t:!u@p"nders So le Price .. ...... ............... Public ,Qanefit 37 Alii 50c FIDe Shirts Sa.le Prioe .......... ....... ......... Publio Benefit Sa.le prioe.. ... All 1.50 Fine Shirts, At! 1 , O~ Fine Sblrts . publio Benefit Publ10 Benefit !:lale Prioe.. ... . t:!l\le Prioe .. .................. ; •
5 7
15 (' 38c 79c
e $1 19
28 &30 f. 3rd SI.
H I .L B
AND B 0' Y
,-t ·
73 et s l' ·08 ' 3 t .
Alt.1,OO Muftlers Publlo Benefit &Ie Prloe...... ...... All 1.50 Mufflers · 6& Publio Benefit Sale Price ............. '11'. :All.70 Handerohiefs Publio Benefit Bille' Prioe ...... ......... All 10c Handkerchiefs .' Public .Benefit Sale ,Prioe ..... .. .. ...... AU 150 Handkerohlef. . Publlo Benefit t:!llle Priee ...... ......... All 250 Handkerohlefs , PubUo Benefit &le Prloe ......... ... All 600 Hli.ndkerohief. .. Puhlic Benellt Sale. Price . ........ :.
7et s 9 t es
ets 37 t c S·
JERSEY COA'~J. A.LL ,.00 JERSEY COATS Publlo Benefit Sale Price ......
$2.98 .
Balo Price
Mufflers; KHrehiefs~ All 500 M.nfflere 37 (' t S Publio Benefit Sllle Prioe ...... ...... All 750 Mufflers 49 e ts Pubho Benefit Sale Price ...... ......
30·0 Dozen Hemstitohed Hundk er . ohlefs i 0 qnlllity publio Benefit Sa le Price each All 500 Muslin and Outing NiF-tht Shirts aSC Pllblio Bonefit St11e Prioe ... A)l 750 Night Gowns, In Muslin or outing. Publio Benefit Snle Prioe All 50c U Dllerwea,r . publio Benefit Sule Pri oe .... All i.oO Underwen r . Publio Benefit Stile p riof) ... All 1.50 Under: wenr publio Ben efl t Sllle price • All 1. 00 S we/lters . publio Benefit Sale Price .....
............ 53ets 69cts ......... . ..
ALL f3 50 JERSEY COA'J,'S " . Publto Benefl~ Sale Price ......
. 82.89
ALL '3.00 JICBSEY OOA1'S PubJlo Benefit Sale Pnoe ......
. .-
NUMBER 2915 .
A t Sc ho ol; H al l Wed11esday an d Th ur sd ay , .J an ua ry 30 & 31 . Gr ea te st Ho m e Ta le nt Pl ay Ev er At te m pt ed . . ~nder Au sp ice s of Ed m un d Re ta lli ck Ca mp So ns of Ve te ra ns
Pro(lu ction LOCAL AN 0 Su _Ie Stedd om Rest• . PERSONAL MENTION of Macb eth. In Miam i Ceme tery.
ample accomodatlons for all, linoe Mr. J. W. Sattert hwaite after an he has a. very large ~mount ef~avail. extende d visit with relative s here Promia eato Surpal iallesp ectatio Ds able 8hed loom and.two strip rooms has retnrne d to hlB home Ilt Lake Seata on Sale Januar y 25 and 26. M iQ whloh one .Big aSlortm ent of leather poet The body of Hi~ tialie t:lteddom get warm. oome Town Utah . r. ,aud Mr8. Lester Kenriok and help ma.kema.y 0~rd8 at Schwartz'8. thinp lively. M' d M arrIved iD WaYDesville Friday Dlorn wore hOitl to Me•• rs. Erneet ~'he mOlt ambitious play eve'r aD. For eal_10 1aores in East Wayne ing Hart. r. an rs. FrAnk Cook of Col. aooODlp aDled by her friends , sook and Harry Earnha rt ijatQrday Dr. J. ~ataon, editor of " Pen and leie Bill lpent Sunday dert.te n by !ooal talent wiil be Inqaire .1It .hiB office. with Mr. . Mr. aDd KrII. K . Kirk, of benver , night and Randa.y. Platfor m, will appear on our lee. Frank Dakin and family of our given in Schoo. Ball, 'Wayl)~ ville, Bor Sale-C ood olover hay, no Colf)rado, and Hr. 1. Johuao n, vi, of Thollfrh the weathe r was oold ant) 'ure oourse Friday eveniDg . aud olnlty. Wednead~'aD.d Thursd ay evenings, weeds; alllO a wl,on bed, 65 bushels 0111,,1008&, Iowa, and wu . . at once windy Iktrs. Matilda Emerlok start· ~e~!:;;S~neD~~ :' o~~a:;r~: Jhanuary SO,and 31. when '~~Obeth" capaolty. ADAM DAY. 1(.. R. - - • 4. ta.~n ~ thedh~e 0Jf he~un~ei and p~a::e:~r ~.oJ~;:e~~:r~~arto8da.okYheUr best known and:a~:: S ~kelpeer I (lreate8t tr_"""y will mOBt popular plat. New Burll ng.t on. aun., ~. aD -.-1. 01. • ..110 nes, be ph~yed by local talent. form Mr. Ferd Van HarlingeD, of Bea- the funeral wall rs of the day and a full held Sa'ur. to Dayton in his buggy as the morn· houselecture RelHlrvdd lea'" will be tin IIle at vert-ow n.lpent a ~y or two should greet'h lm. . Dr. Whitak er spent Saturd ay in here day, Januar y 12, 11101, 'by ~Ident Ing Iratu did not get IDto Dayton J.oney 's drallto re u followl : For III!' week with hiB liBter, Mrs, Bouth Ohariest-OD. U. M Ronnbe r(ler. allilted by frieDd un,1I 81)'o100k. •, the flnt 1 i8ht's perform anoe leata White. Kiee EUzabeth Rearea llpent Fri. LevUIUJa, of WilmiDgtoJi. ~ Dum· Mr. allid Mra . of. B, Jones enter. will be on u1e at 01li9 o'olook Fri· Mn. Annie S. Thorpe Is lpendi Middl erun day nliht aDd Satnrda y In DaY*on. q ber of beautif ul hymDI were IUDK. '-tned on Sunday the former 'l day, JaDuar y 26th; for the aeooDd tbil week with relative s lil Cinoln. Mill NeJlle Turner entertal Ded Several handso me 110ral piece, bore parenti!, Mr. and MII,' Jonee of near nl(lhta performanoe I18&ta wlll be pn Dati and Covlq&On. he Delta Alpha olass on Saturd ay mute testimODY" of the lov, and Mt. Hony. _le.t Mr. Charles Rye and fa.mlly eD. !afternooD, une o'olook Saturda y, Janu· JllOlAIlh Thomnu . nn clerk - 6 .. in ClemMteem of bereave d friends ---r . """ The .... w · II of the d-.h of Mi88 Oar pulpit was occupied on last t er t'Ilined Bun da y La wls Sti bbe , AMi8S Mll'- f N • a.z- t... ~ en"... gr~~" -.. ""_" is off dut" WIfe _0 " thl1 week ... 0 ew P arts, OhiO, Monday lI~fternoon by Rev. Porple and nephew, _r. ~ an d au8. u_ with Ed an a'~ok d Is of villtlng nalOlY, r 1 tl . Steddo m was war e shock t her HarveysbutK Railroad. e a vel h ere. .. relative s hereal8ver who' knew notbin , of the Presidi ng Illldir of the Dayton H arta00k aD d J noo b Boo \t, WI fe and M118 Eva Barner , of Xenia, waa Mr. James Linder, >the cantag e her ill health. ller home had been Distriot. All thorouKhly enjoye d two ohlldre n., Seema CertaiD of Bel", Ballt. recentl y tbe guest of herlilt er KrI. maker, viBtted friends at Munole. In Ollk.l~, . Io~.. ainoe Ihe wall the lervioe a I&Dd his maDner of . . . .red that Connee tiolt'wi th I~na the 111'11' week of the ~r. Barry Smith attende d the Walton Compton . N~ elev,-D yean old but bad ROne to condao tlng them. • funeral of hit moUier at Xenia Barvey H\LwkiD8 aDd family D. L. "C. will be ·made. Year, ~f C.Ufor nla .. few' mODth i.,o with Lost ; Several weekI ago when landay , I X:enla.l pent the latt~r part of laat Little MillS laadora Squires, ber unole aDd aunt,· Mr. and Mrs. ~ Bert Graham wa. returni ng home .A1lI101IIJ1 no deftDlte neW8 baa daught er of Hr. and Mrs. Frank Mrs. Ruth CheDoweth-speDt Sun· week with hil parent . Mr. aDd KrI BellrY Steddom bGt her own health from W••ynesvil le ID a elelgh, . he da, witb Frank Smith.a nd family, Elijah Hawkina, beeD reoetved dnrin, the lallt few Hquires, tmtena tned IItlltlll .leauat e famug, Ihe Mm~ back &0 Denver a loat a book that he had purchas omthe ·ofllolala of the Ohio .IanDe yand HeleD M.rlat t at ed A crowd from here gathere d 'Up A party of yooDg people attende d her Ihort& tmeaco ,wbere lhelnbm ltted fromT. B. <"'ullter. The ,book Wil.l WedDeeclay evening and went to reviva1 aervloe satChe Southe rn railnlad reprdintr the U· bome iD Eaat Wayne &otn1lhlP steroDT hilra. F,t. &0 a auqlo&! operati on from the wrapped In green paper and though the home of Charles Rye aDd wife day evening. The teDilloD of the line from Kingm an day nigbt and &turda y. meetlng a are 00elr8f)a of whloh abe Deve'r recovered he oaq.not recall the tit.le it was to remind them that they had spent ing oonduoted by FremoD to HarveY lburl. there appea~ to be 8t wcler Rlft-r who has been t B. Mil· an4 paaaed .way Januar y 6 11107 every redOn &0 believe that the written by It . p , Poe, I'll LUltu , 'we~ty.flve yean of wedded life to. nero . . " of buildiD tbe Nad wUl b8. m.king , . hil home witb btl uDole, O. Snaie Steddo m waa the only ohild Mr. anld Mrs. S. L. WiIliam.;on' gether. .A lIennlne be11lng notified h 'I W. Binger for the JUt year,h.. en· of J?hD and liargar et Wright The repQrt is again goini the Sted. hI\d as their gae8ts SUnday ' Rev. ~h~m that some one DlSDced I ort Y H b was about. ronnds .that the tractIon line may $tired oDAl Noral UDiver· dom. aDd wal born iD WaYDe sville. Purple, of Dayton . and Mr. aad After recovering from the shook be haTh~~ OiU~~1 i lity wbeu he will lake a special Ohio, Novem ber 28, ' 1869. extende d from Jiprlng Valley Her Mrs. Herber t U\m and son . ve one t . e r pare n I'll O(r e oourlHl ot atady. they royally enterta ined their throug h our place and. on to mother Wil. precede d her &0 her heaven· On Monday of last week IIr , ,r. gaeltl who number ed about fifty. a'red mlngto n . ~ ~h ;D~ the Loat- A ouff bu"oD. Flncler Iy h~me when 80Iie·w a. but ellht B. J.ones and JMr. Isaao Longao re ·Mrs. AarOD Sear8 aDd Mr. a....~h·thye .....08-->i:D :-: t~n! four leave at thll oIBcie. and - -- . _ - - - - - yean old, but her lovable oharact er had their telephone boxel mstalle ,wn rw . d. Mrs. Carl Sherwood lipan' Sunda.y made her a weloom pi8Cl8l. e Oregonia. membe r of the . Joe Thomp ao_is un.ble to dteDd h hId ' f . " f I ... 18&80 took Dayton servloe since with Frank Hartsoo k aDd family. 1' .-Then it a peraiat ent rumor tha. &0 h ie d ut itill iD 0'ementl OUIIe 0 0 o .... er , reD.... Btore on MAL 0 took ' f N Y It hi s b ro th IIr Ed war d IS there 1nd be . ' Services at the Baptist churoh baa Dot been omotan ,oonflr med to &OOODD' of grip aDd aD abceM Dr. E. P . Krieghoff SpeDt Satur· In hiB Oit r. y • ~do~~_ ,0 u e~J ~U88 It lEI very oonvenlent for him Saturda.y at 2 p. m., Sunday 10 :SO .day'an d Sunilay in <.,"tDoinDatl. y, _n. a _yen &heetreot t ha t 'h e Ohl0 Sou thern th roa. , t _n. . . In . his prellent oooupa tion. , a. , m. aDd 7 p. m. Conduo'ed by " Edward ., Mr. Bora.oe Mayers, MI88es • will ulUmat,e ly be uteDde d from illder LiDes, Mrs. Ill. D: E. lIT, SOuthw orth 1 Trillen a and Marpr et Edward IIr .. Samuel Bowker , of COlum· s, of ~r. (), S. Lamb hal been quite Barvey abnrg to LelBDon where it oolnplete I8ries of bus, ba!l been visiting , rel~'lve8 Dovell, for Dayton, and Mre. J. E. Brown, ill from lagrippe for a week past, will 'OODDecC wllb lhe D. L . . & C. I8le at Schwar tz·s. here. . of 'VilmlQgton, were among those but I. mUloh be"er at present . nilroad . The fact that Frank BraD· Georl8 ReYDo lds. of COrwin Mr. Allen Kibler il entertaiDiDg . , iB from a diatan~ 'who attende d the Walter Kenriok 1I.i1d wife had as dOD, the well known .ttorne y, Of at home after a year or more Sprin g Branc h. . hIS father 'and mother thil week . . of fanflra!. Sunday ·visitors. Mr. and Mrl, LebaDOD, whl' i8uld to be heavily Benice iD tbe United States' .MI88 Luoile Mason spent 'Sanday navy. Perr,)' Kenrick "nel daught er, Miss lDtereat.ed ID the D, L. &. O. III ao, He baa been slok for !lome time with Miss Lena Myers. and Bertha and Joe Cha.mpion and wife. tive iD worldDg for the extensi on . Mr. James !Jakin, of Wayne sville. Mr. Zain Armita ge wae ID Lebaa~ John P. Ramse y~s · .h .wi' ie now on ~n extende d leave of abo Sunday guest of his·uncle, on Safarda y. of th e Ohi o Sou. erDe"e s credence Trial Set. Mr. Clyde Cox and wife onlled up· Hwas Cthe Dakin . &0 'he rumor. fn ily of this I8nce. . . ,and um Mr. John Burnett . of Mainville, on IIr. and: Mrs. A1l1e Hole on Sun· vioinlty. Hr. tlany . Sherwood atteDded day a.fterltlooa to see the flne yoang ,, the mee"ng of Oounty Comml88. spent Sunday with J. K. 8pencel'. Jndge Kyle, of Xenia. has set Feb· baby. Mr. Ohas. Jones hauled a. load of Miss Laura Kibler spent Marri ed by Squir e loner at o...,ton last week, al she raery 18, as 'be date for the I:;unda.y oom· fiwneeekh , oga to market ODe doy Inst with home.f olks, " meDcemeDt of tbe trte.l of JOhD P. , Van Du,ser 0 f Co I1V In. repreieDta&tve On .lalt Wedne sday Le8ter Ken· of. road roller OOD· D- .......... of Bellbro o", oD.heo harge _ _ _ ... . .. 0 rloaL. held III de I'Ivery of tras h t 0 bac· Mr, John Mr. L , H. Hohlln , and daught ers Gentls,, of Urbana., WBS I Helen oerD. and Stella. a.nd 'Ol~, Hubert , . of' .hooClDg and' kUliDa Kloh8el 00 and reoelved aboat )!O,OOIl .A. happy .~aulmoDi.l uDion 00pouods tbe recent guest of lIhomae Loat-O Ross ll MaiD were in Street town Sunday . '" eman Settler, of that ~ a' the home of Ilu. Van, bastown. more than a Though he booght for a Mr. Cross and family. flour ~k oontain ing mlsoellaneona year a80, . er of cOrwi n.t II :30' Saturd ay ev· 'he oheckll were algned by WliUam ' 1- of Ilt'le value only '0 OWD. ar "i'o MN, C, B. on, of Morrow, • is great interes t in. thie CraDe as I~ tranlfe. r had bee.11 ma d eDiDl Januar y 13, 1IItr1. The OOD· er.• Finder Mrl. Ada Dakin and childre n called on her Wilkers son und his wife here .e pleue th ~ddre88 Oora r h Bay. 0rlal thro'u ..h .... ' thi...... loD. As to the NI~wborlh Compa d h ~ . traotinK partltlll: being Ki81 Lulu ny. Mr. were e Kuest 0 er graD mot ~r. tlunda.yafternooD. • .. v_. Mrs. Dixon'W harton, of Mt. Holly, . ' .' . will be recalled. Bamse yud SeUler CnDe Jielet a deUvery on Thured AlleD, daUlht er of JohD AUen 01 ,Waynesville, Ohio; ay Stltnrd.a.y last. Mr. Dr and .. and Mrs. 1 Mrs. Arthur J . . E.Brow . Elzy speDt n, IOD . goUDto a dilpute in whioh Settler BAi& WaYDe '&o"nahlp, aDd Bufas Roger aDd daullCbter Elda., of WlI: waa kt1184\: The people'o f Bellbrook and rcldllY with the result that . Sunday with Mr. and MrB. C. F. Drake who ~tly , moved from there is ullward l of 60,000 pounds A telegra m was reoelved oy the Mye'r s, ' KeD$QO~y. > JudIP,DK frum tbe 7'o~8 mlnlt~n, were r~Dt i~8IUI of 11&.,.. • .,.4eDoed a pea' Interes t In ID the wa.rehOWl8 at the present, It relative s of Mrs. Preston Ellis of Mr. and MrH. Douglas HoiliDg•. WayDtl llville rel~tive a and friends . tbe eal8 aDd appear &0 be very aDX. ii btllng l.'ehandled in system atio Eell and' healthf ul I~ loou of this Center, Ohto, of her. serious 'worth are rejoieing over the nrriv· ~III H "len. Kelie" received the 10QII for'the oaae to oome to a tria!. oouple, their future l\fe O9urae Will ' J manner I the dirt, the f\?reigu mat· iIlDeB8. Mrs. Ellis wllJ be• .remem· D " " 1101 of a daught er in their home. . aad inte1lige~ 'MoDday of the be bo'h pl_n ' and ' prosperous. S"ve..-l "mea a. da-' hal beeD set te~ an d th e good. for·nothl ng littl bered as '~i88 Luoy Dakin and sis· ... rh he ter of George Dakin of Wayne l' de~th of her .dater, Mn. Haniet for thiB trial but for varlona MUItlll ...r. v ar l'e9 Bra db'ury vis l.ftA ~ . pieoetl being takeD o~t . aud t e III . h ~f hi I i friend. here Bunday . • d I. ...... good leaves bein .. pressed and baled v e an d H . C. Daki not Weloh, of OinolD natl. Mn. Wel~ sa...,.,D poII.poD e .. . • eeems uur· I v oln , Steam 'E nglne 'a nd . 'ty. had .peD' Mveral ;weeka l..' ... Volt· that t1;l~ aaae wtll be tried . On Sunday evenlDg a large orowd thia in ~dineu for shipme nt Boller for Sale turon with 'lIill K!!IIl8Y, and had "II1II. . , Wilbur WharioD aDd wife have . Mr. Guy (Jhenoweth is lufferln gathere d at the U. B.· Churoh &0 g hear Mrs. lIurray speak on "SOW, mad.e friend. o.f aU with. whom ahe '· ' • e ,_ moved IDtl1) the house owned by Mr. from append loltisat the . time A: two horae power steam engiDe came ID OODtao' by ber cheerfolDIl88 of God'8 Image Is Preserv ed 'i n us, or . '. ' SImeon Br'own. for Rle at a bar(laln, top,he r wi\h her inteUlgeDc8 aDd her ohrls this writlDg. ~r. Wright 18 tpe at· LOat," She held the attentio n of all ~ Wblt e 8 Partn er . , We are Iladly wtlUng to ·report teDdlDg phyeloian. 'Iioller, pipes, oonaeotiona, a&o. .pirl.. aer death waa the l'8IoI' of I by her wiDning ma.nner, and earn· " Sente nCed to Priso n. 'bU Mr. Marion Clark ie muok 1m· 1I1~ HaUle Hesl 'was recentl y BIt; helpful worda. It would be It ' -bold .....1UDODIa and ber one 'l'bia eDliDe hal 'beeo 1au nae .t ... r prQved and botb he aud hiB sous the guest of Mr, John Hallen r'" . . 'he Gazette oftloe 'he put and -"" thlnl for the ohurch· if there tbree WIIoI oonliideftCi v., _rlona f~ f Dill f X nia s.die I'reemaD.. the ~n wl10 an grsatly enoour a,8d as to bill e""'" . . reo a y 0 near e . earl and hal given aood .. Cial~ the ·8m. Ber IlItar, lin. Ade~ were more Mre. Morra..,.. w-.. w"h BeDI')' White wheD he covery. ~.. Mr. JIla-:l Daugh ten who receutl y " tKmmo~ pd DIIOa lin. Ha, Hitch ahot ucl bDe4 ~.. s,.on" of . Bello. Albert ~taor ea1s h. ia returne d ~om Ft. LeaveD w. an 1DUal1 1q. Dew pIOlio e lui.,.. niIpoD4e4 worth to the IQIDIDO.. I'raDkliD, waa 01& JIoDda)' IIIltaa0 e4 .oio, to ••n out all biB farmin , Kanaaa &0 hl8 home at lit;. Bolly . . . .Dd m ordez' .0 88t 'the ad &0 the lilt)' to be prIIeD ' to I8VeD ) ' _ tD th. Oblo palteD . equipm ena on Februa ry 26. Ever)' was calUD, in our vlotnltl ' oat of tDe wa)' will at the fuenl , 1.., &tar)' oa the 0....... 01 noeIvi II, btl47 oome fow DO matter how oold Sunday . Ble furloug h upir81 the Hlah.., 0Uh price paid It alaNp. CaD be _ at the _ . . . . . ., 01 aUk aa4 oUMr .toleD iOQIII. for white and or how we' aDd raiD7 lu' of fib.. mODfib when he wtll .... aud 78Dow . Utl I. . . . . ..,.... .. oorn.. lI...ttr ... . f t l .. wUlbee leokoo1lted .. Xa)'. dae -. lDA),be , 'here wU1 be &l1rD lohilld aU.!". ... W.lta_vuaBo~lilII.IL
ar:,I:S :0
.... oad'
The Miami Gazette ~UUIlMllIAAtI""''''UUIlMll~IM.U'''''''UUWll'''''~ BROWN & McKAY, Publishers. WAYNE
Secret of the Pyramid •. A Brooklyn engineer at 1I0t O, who spent several yeurs In Egy ptian CJ[ · plorallon, Is of opinion Ihtlt th e mys· tery of the p),romhls bas b n solved . The mosl extrllordlnary pictures Bhowlng 200,000 ruen hauling on B rope to ra ise a 200,000 pound stono inlo Its proPer niche near the pin' nacle o( old Cheo\l8 Is familiar to all or us. Tb eo rlcs ao to the modo of construction are le~ lon . BUI all lbe engln rin g logic .and ex perl nce ot fOoday and for tbe lost 100 years hD S failed to ~Ilst more Ulan a shadOW Clver lhe m),stery. Plazd mllh thought he knew al\ about It. but Lontlng of a pracllenl nature bas flOme of his researches. It Is al ngu, lar onr wise m n did Au t think o( examining wi th c rl tical l'ye . t he tools tound In tbe catacombs. The old SAw-a workman Is kno\,.n by bls hips- Is no better thnn a workman Is known by his' tools. Our BrOokJynlte SOl'I that tbe tools lire not those of rock masons, nor mere plasterers' Implements for · tlllln l; the craoks belwee n stones, but lire plain 11' 't he crutle Egyptlnn plant of oper· atives engaged In mixing and laying their cement. Cement Is Ule comtheir m lit. Cement Is t he 0001 log building matel'lal, says tbe New York Pres s. Railroads /\Te ronewlng tllelr ste I,. Iron and stone pIers, ablltmenll!, CUlverts. etc., witb It, and It Is eX IJected to last forev er. No ltrea\ sk1ll Is requIred In manIpulating It. Tbere II no chl sell ng, hammering, deweUng, no heavy lifting with derri cks, no misfits. Tbe Industry already has t:rO'II'11 to enormous PI'Opql'tiona. Drop a sack or dry cemont to the bottom ot III river and In II few mJnutes you have 4l solid It!l.n e that lIever will wear away.- ,Drop 1,000 sacks on top of It and round It and presently you will have a foundation that Will sustain tor all time a mUlion ton bridge. U.. of Denatured Alcohol, Not alone among aUlomoblllsts, enltineel1l nnd men of commercial pur8Uits generally IB there 'a deep cur~nt of Interest apparent In the problem of the adaptability of denatured alcohol to th'ltr several needs, but among all claSHea In all wallis of lite, and housewives In partiCUlar, one Slnds nn asaertlve Inquisitiveness as to how and whell cheap alcobol Is to be atrorded to lbe .\'lubllc. Tbe Unl.ted States commIssioner ot Internal revenue haa JUBt returned from II lour of Europe, made to 8tudy the free alcnhol problem aB It appelllrs there, and h~ brings some enllgbtenlng In· form~tion. He says tbat nothing baa been 8ettled yet as to the k1nd of denaturant to be used In this country. 10 Great Britain and Frapce ' he round tbat wood alcobol and minerai naphtha were used, rendering the spirits unfit for drinking. In Germany a com· position of wood alcobol with bone 011 was employed, but wblch It either or any of these w1l1 be uled as a denaturimt bere the cominlssloner wal unable 10 Btate. He fU.rtber declared that denatured alcohol hall by no' mesns Bupplanted gasoline In Europe, and said tbat tbe only automobllea propelled by spirits, 110 far as hlB obeervati!)ns went, were In Germany. Neyertheless, saYIl tbe Troy Times, he , appears to be confident tbllt In time tJils country will be enabled to teach tbe world mucb about the possible ued 'of alcohol. Tbe ' trcc alcohol oct, so called, will go In to e lfccl be re Jaouary 1. What I. Reall.m? Probably the slmplc.a t 'definltlon explains' realism as the attempt to see ftlld depict the world as It Is. Unfortunately, thl818 meanin gless. Every uisn sees his own world, and 11 be depi cts It as ' It Is there Is little likelihood of Its be ing lhe Bome as the world o[ anybody e lse. We shall be on sar r ground If we 8ay 'tbat' renllam Is the atte mpt to dcplct the world as thc ordinary man sees It, the ave ra ge, commonplace man. Allhough not a no\·e llst. says G malleI BradfOrd, Jr_, in , Tbe R eader. the typIcal realist o( lit I'ature Is Pepys. Tbe liomer of tbe ' commonplace, he expresses the emotions a!lll expe riences of the avcrage man with a , natUral' ness, a !Jdellty poss ible only to !lne wb o Is an average mall .hlmself-and notbl ng eta . But the artist Is. by deOnltlon, not til avorage, co mmon· place ruan. and wb en he tries t o ' be a thoroug hgoin g realis t, bls artist's gen ius Is 'perpetuall y geW ng bl< lWefi!n his legs and t.rlpplng him 11m . M'lss E)lzubllth BoiL 'started a fac. tory at Wakefield, 1\Ia5s., on a small scale a f e w years ago and DOW em\Jloya more thun 400 m n and women, W]I O turn OUl a bout 600 dozen pulrs of 8tocklngs dally. Miss Bolt under. Blands her work thor01lg hly. bavlor' been a mill gjrl herself. or the ruofe than 2,000 coal tar dyet In Wle all but six are poisonoul. 1. It lurpriling that the candYmaller make. a mistake now &la11 t-illlD aIld .... IJIl8 of UIe 1,&9. r ' 11011'
,." .."", .."'"..,,.,' .....," ..,,'" ..,,'.. 'if"', ICop),rlg-llI . by U.
halmal wnR jllst " I1cboccacsqu<,. beseQulnlld wnl r fr'lnl tb ochre c r he hnd 11 eo Imporled to Nazaretb. thi s cOlln l ry by Bn e nte r pri Sing ma nu· fll("turer who knew the comme rcial \'alull of a 111111' of lumillolls orie ntal Y H, of an 011 \'e kill wltb llps Dnd hecks (he red or th e ullnond, and or n l<tl);I"'-s \\'e('~ "olcll to "e nd his Inm. chin '\'llIbrold red fllbrl s 1119 rea! "yrlll l1 hamlwroll ghl s tu tTs. Sbntmn('s SII CCl!SS at COini ng shek els and spoili ng the J~gY fl('lans ougb'. 10 b a"e salls fi ed nny ralional man. but til mOllcy lIIl rob hud di seased tll O Am t'l'lclIn 's busln lls' a tlruen; und ellh r b bad never hard or h e will· rllll y Iguored the nh l pal;an precept ~ bat a n lucat d woman wno "a flight of sleJ) s leadi ng to calamity." tor. dllrIn g Ille Idle season, with the Idea of Increasing be l' co rumel'olal val ue, be enrolled Shalmal In a miss ion school wb e re matrl ulatlon fees are un· 'charged nnd \loth books and Ins t ruc· tlon com free. 'Throllgh a fateful COi ncidence, tile allureme nts at a linguistic ' education - that Is . a greater familiarity. with tbe colloquial dialects of th e orlcnt tban Is acquired In a college course, had Lntluenced one Emory Kernlsh to become an Instructor 111 tbls eame evangelical Ins titution where nomadic Semllos were lYont to gath r In unfragrant numbers. Shalmlll was truly a vision o( 01'1· ental lo\'ellness, dll sky a nd dee p·Unte d. Tbe santlal·wood and spice mys· tllrills Of the Incense bath W~re waned fn dellcloul r:ephyrs from her gay striped garments. She shone an Immaculate exception among tbat throng o[ ""reat unwasbed"-and from bls first surprised, glance tbo fastidious Kemish 'was Infatuated with her. But Kernilib was a politic young occIdent, and In no haste to commit hlmBel! to ' ~ord8. In truth. wb en aWQ from th.e wlteber), of Shalmal 's
·Your Place I. Here. Safe Sheltered I.n My Arm .... presence, be wonld argue with himself tbe pros and 'cons of lIuch a mating, and LO bls calmer Judgment It seemed rank folly for him when women tlf his own race and station were as pit nUful as June roses, and to be had fOr tbe picking. But 1.1 tbe meanwblle he de· voted himself to 8halmal's espt,clal 10BtiucUon . It was at this time tbat an unusual bOOk, called "In His Steps," was exciting a national Interest, and the reading lessons !It tbe mission were assigned troill III 1t wa ~ a story o( how 80me peoille In a weslern town attempted to apply the principles of Christianity to their everyday lite and carry It InlO their bu1!lnes8. The reo 'suits de picted were In every Instance In some what tbe'lre·of a Golgotha ; and yet, Bcornlng crllclllxlon. an emu· latlve e nthusia sm swept t he mission s hool, and. hoping by their united example to chllrm the world to applied hrl atlanlty. a society was form e d of t hos' who \\,ould pledge themselves for 0. specific time to do Just as 8halmal's hol y coun try man woul(1 If He we re In their !Jla e. With se rlo\1 s mIsgivings Sbalmal subsc ribed he r Hebrew name to the role or. Chris tians. Sbe knew the people and she Imew the tricks of trade, but · h er COli ve rsion was too sincere for periodi c use only. It was lhe month procedlng the holid ays when the momentolls compact \\' 11'5 entered Into, and It was also the ' lliu vest s ellson for ol1e In Shalmal's line. So, wlti] a tiny s ilver "In His Stel'S" ross banging upon ber brensl nnll a h en vi er one wei ghing he r hearl:. she took ' he r paclel ng cltses of embroitl e red ~ Ilr e ud s IInel cushlol\ covers lind clra llc rl es IIn lmown to the Holy Land and sturted out . over the old ramillal' frl qndlr route. He r 1II1;loye r's parllng ndvlce to make h er conscienc e e la ~lIc whe rever her ple{lge anll bu!;ln e~s might clnsb bad only lDn~ c her th e more doter· mined to· Jive up 10 It falt1\ful1), .. lIe had warn ed h e !' thtlt sbe would find silence . mQre go ld.en tha n trulh-hut a trenzy- for tmth telling had seized upon ShalmaL She was prodigal with It and reckles!I as to results. "No, ladee." _"e would say at every ,ouse, wltb an ~cent that echoed ot Esdraelon. hI am oriental, hut my embroIderies are from Oblcago." "They are .made by SyrIans lIvllll there '" woultl persist the IlIleD4iDI Pllrchaser_
o wles)
Th" re.ltllre '\\'~dlstlngllislies the nectarine from the peach Is that It do s not hu\'o a fllzzy cout. Were It called l\ smooth pench. slIcb as ' It reall.v la. the confusion In regard to It WOllW b~ n mhl !l . It W1l8 formerly s UPflOsed that tbe noc t.llrl a e was a d l~ tlllct species an!! WIlS tllvilled like. the peach Into f.eestone and cling. B\:,: the dlstiactloa Is now knl\wn to be Incorrect. Neclarlnes ha Vel bee n raised [rom \) ~ee d 8 und penches from nectarines. It Is even pOSSIble to originate eltber from lhe other by \Iud varIation. wblch Is s nm clent to prove that tbe dllfere nce Is the result of either c!llll\ce or sclt'nce. Necrarlnes are cultivated like !leaches, bllt olling to tbelr smootb Skin they al'e mqr. I'uble to damage rrom tbE! cu rcullo tMn Is the case wllb the peach. )n allfol'lIla Lhcy grown on a comm.DI·clal scale, but are Ins lgnlficDnt whell compared wltlL t.he pench, the ' product of the tormer beIng less th'dn one·b )ndredlh part tho.t of the Intter. )n ge neral, n ctn~ nes 11'111 .grow where p Bches do. . T hey are les8 hard y than ~ he pen ch und are shorler 1I\'e d. but th is Is prob)bly due t.o tbe. mUe ntlenUon which the d velopmellt of til e rrult IIns :: ce lved . Had lhe' samo conside ration been given It lhal the peach bas I'e~elved there seoms 10 be no reason Wby It 8h'o ul4 \lot be as hardy. On the marlte t th nect:lrlne Is not as .,parllliar as th e peach because the varl e Ues have been less hi gh ly de· ,'eloped. Qonseqll ntl y are luterlor. The only reature tllat r con'II1 euds It Is the smooth skin and tb l~ Is ' not slIOIc lent to ove~oome t'he d"sad\'antages. Were It not fOr tll urcullo ~he po· s ltlon of the nectarine might be dltfe r nL If It were qual to Ihe I·earb It would Ilave lh preference 'on ac· count o( the s moot h ski n. But ~o long as the fur coat Is a protection It Is probahle thnt the peach will be prefe rred by the grower to tbe neglect ot Lhe n ectarin e. The \'arlEjUes of n ctarlnes are few compared with the peach. Bailey ruen· tlons less t han a dozen 'as of Impo~· tance. The Boston and Pltlmaston Or~ge are most co mmonly reoommend d. But there Is one us e for lbe nectot" Ine m enlloned by Prairie Farmer, whloh ehoulel not be Corgotten. The smootb·tongu d h 'e a'g ent · finds 'thllt It s ome times senes his purpose vcry well as a tral) (Or the unwary.
PROPAGATING RED RASPBERRIES ·· No·o- we get mol'c 1IJ0nlo~ ~y sell, IlIg Thel1l." c,JUfe sH·tI bi\lmal. our· tlow It Can Be Done If the Bu.h Fliltl to Put Out fluckero. ageouol)·. " ( 110 to YOll once, but I n e Ita no",- I ChreesUnn." Red nB ~Pberrl s are UBlIIllly propaBut lhe l·n·Am rlcan m rlcan! fall ell to al)jll"xlla t llu RUP'I'lol'lly 01 gated by ~ 1\(Jk I'S be in g thrown . liP domesl lc at \J fi; o r llll' b ' 3 lilies ()f nil- from lhe roc. ts. bll t In case ot vorl etle" IJve talent ; a '\\1 with PIl ch \'89h admls· tbat do not so , propaga to It Is somes lon til wan;'1 ~ l1Ill e ot welcu me woulll times necessary to CI.t the roots fr".o graduully rpl '\X uulll S ~la ll'nnl saw on ly a look ·or c ' II Illsdaln--the no\'ell y 01 h arlng th ~ lrllth wus too recent an Inn o""llolI yet 0 e nco urug as a rad. 1'be dls llh;sloll lld cu~l(lm e r would put' awny \l e I' pllrse wltb RI defraud d air. (lnd the pmbryo r {(lr/Illlr would fold up h er goods nnp go I)n from village to alo ng her slIburhun rout!!. Three ' 1l'eeks or tr ibulations s nm. cl nt to dl scolIl"g oll e: to th re llgloa born. tben Shllimal wa u reduced to het Il\st rootlet "of 1111 \'11." . Her emilloy I' wond ered. th en grew wrotby. nnd !Jollily amtlOIlS. 118 ber I' . porta came from th ',' nI'I O II ~ town sshe was Dlaklng s uc h s ma ll 801es ·t!l a t one Illacb ln e cOllld O\'crs lock he r mar· ket, whll ahe W1l 8 n ot realizing Propagating Red Raspberries, enollgh In Jlront s lo. nrovlde be l' wl lb the e~Henlial s ot life. 'exed a nd per· tbe milin c&nes 11\ some SIlC)l manner plexed a t tbls s l,dd en turn of alfalrs. 8S lIIustra ted III the - acco :upanylng bo was conj ctr.rlng "'heth l'lr It waH cut. By. th is plnn , says l he Prulrle Sbalmlll's lack of lenrnlng that had Farme r, num erous roots are severed sold 111 8 goods ~ o reallilly "b fore tnk· from l he mall\ 11Ian \, which Imme dl· In g. " or whe th er II Wll B ller over-eth· ately send up . ShOOlS of theIr ow n. leal edu catiou that was los in g sllle. Theso may he replun te d, eltMr In tho ror th m now, whe n R mls h camf sprlllg or rail. as lleslre d. though we .Into th e office to he~lr some what nl be lle l'e rhnt tho . forme r Is I; n erally b er, nnd to him th e manufactu re r 01 prtlfe\'l'ed. . . illinois oriental e m brcolderles relleve~ bls mind with regard to his fears fOI SHAPING THE APPLE TREE. ShalDlal and also his opinio n ot tbf folly of tbat pledge. It Should Be Oone When Its I. Young -The Best Method., With tb e eagerness of a lover lon g Ing for a I>retext to a gain look 00 hi' I bellove tha t the best lime to shape ador~tI. Ke rnls h volnn tee red to go Olll as 1\ re ~c u e eX)Jedltion to t he ' ,too l hor· the tOil of un 11 1>)11 tree Is when It Is YOllng. I also bell'lve that t bere Is ougbly hrlstlanlz d I!o nvert. 'Vb'atev r Emory Ke rnl hh's orlglnn l no one way of shupi ng a lr _e tllat Intentions . may ha"e been. they will apply to all Incallti II and nil va· S 'lDled to und ergo a SlIb! Ie hange r letl es or JlPpio t ree~. \ onc e 11\'00 Oll realizing til e ravages that h er In n part of tb e couptry wb ere tb re wee ks of hD-rtl shlp hatl wrougbt UII Is milch mois ture aull much tOg. and whel's t h el'e hi never III the winte r Shalmal. !'low It He came Ilpon her liS she Wll8 drag· Iln.y Injury trom slIl\scald. glng b e r~ olr and he r llack through the :loes not · pay In sucb a case to s bape 81usb of a country rand . Her gay gar· the healhl low. On tbe other band. I ments we re wind and wentb l' frnyed; he lle v(J Lhat In mu ch of tile west the she was so lled. e xhau steLl . dl sbevC!lecl condlUons are' such that low heading -she appeared no lon ger a dethroned Is ad vlsub le. lly I[ the tr os be pri'ncess of tbe ho~ ~e ot Judith. With not on a norlhern slope.. Wh e n the HOUSE FOR CURING C~IONS. the tarnls blng of be r llne f atbt'ra northern sloIle ill quite pronounced I Shnlmal los t cns te wi th he r sultor--· l he ",Inler Slln. which Is low In tbe and the e xpression thlll caIne over hlu south. s blnes on th trees for SlIob a SUitable Structu~e Recommended by Agricultural Department. fnce was ne lth r sulnlly nor pleasllnl "tlort lime In th e day tbat Olere 19 li t tle dallge r of Injury (rom the sap to look \lIlOn. Thep lll.n shown rn'-c1:rt Tepre· Dut Sbalmul sn w only her lover 01 being slarted. It Inlg\lt be we ll to sents what has been recommended by the miss ion coming t,~ m eet he r, and head Iowa fe w lIeed n urost the top the department of agriculture as_ a she f 11 Into his arms wIth tbe limp· of the slOlle, out th s hadow from good, house for t'he curing of onions, ness ot a rag doll an,l wept her 811\d the!;e will he lp 10 .'rotec l the others and hns bee n used with 'SllcceS8 by tarther down the slope. relie f. Th!!r "re somo tre s that need a practical growers. Tbe structure con. "Why, Shalmal! " ho ellclalmed. greal deal of hadin g bacl( to ruake " I have It pt t he pl,ed&e, but bebol6 ~bem d evelop low h eads, these beIng to wllll'l It has brntlght me," and IlhE trees that are naturally : spreadlng In hushed ber sobs to hllOr tbe comme n their habit. sa ys 'the Farmers' Redallon of ber Chrlstja~1 lover. It Clltne view. Other trees. among which " I.t was a Coolish promise' to make might be named lh e., need and a more foolish compaot to keell almost no trImming back to compel But it Is over now. You mus t leavl the forming of a Inw head, tor they the reforming of the world to I host" have a droo)llng habIt anyway. 'rhls better able to cope wl lh It. You~ I\ITerslty of bablt or growtb has a8 yet 111ace Is beni, safe !!heltered ' In my received very · little attention froru aparms, be loved. and J wIll care fOr you 1)le growers. forever and forever." Rome Beallty makes a thick, dense 8hed for DryIng Onion.. Her tears sprinkled blm sfresh , bead, and this tree has til bave Its like AI)rll showers with the sllnbeam~ lop shaped by ttlmmlng out some of s lats of little Dlore tban a frame la sblnlng through, as he kls8ed tbe the branches. The Mlnklln, however, Which shelves are 1)laced frOm silt to pomegranate glow back Into her cheek has a straggling habit or growth and ten Incbes aparL Tbls sbed Is cbelll~ . and cnnsoled ber with foreca~ts of a needs to bave Its limbs trimmed at Iy made and keeps the onions well future where ~e and lihe were soon to Ole tips some, If It Is to form a head separated so tbat air can reaoh them jOilrney back 10 the shores of the dense enough tor Its ow~ protection. from nearly 0.11 sides. zlthern sea and ' tbere }I\i e Just for It I~ hest, according 'to my belief, to eacb otber. · I~ave the branche'! Quite dense on the Pick Off Caterpillar Egg .. "We will hav e OnE! granrl wcddlng side that \!atches most. or tbe winter Wben the trees are hare Is the time at the mission," mused Sbnlmal, wllh sunlight. ,as In this ~'ay Injury from to bunt tbe caterplllar eggs and r8' sUllscaltl Is aVOided . bllss{1I1 nalvette. move tllem from the branches. If thl. K emi sh lI\lshec1 guUtlly, then fal· can be done In Decembcr, It sbould be THE FRUIT ORCHARD. tered : "It won't ,be n ece~ S;jry-a done at that tlm.e, because the days mo r rlage . jUHt nQw might b fatal to are mild and a ooy can climb aboul Ship only flrst·class rrult; evaporate' tbe tree tops without being exposed my prospects:' Sh,lllnnl' s stunned silence encouraged him lIud, drAwing the rest or reetl to hogs. to tbe cold winds that will interfere A mal\lre Rpple Is one t.hat bas com· wIth the work later In the winter. ber closer. he went on IIIOI'e glibly: "Ceremonies arc me rely form. Sbal· pleted ,lts gl'owth; It Is not ripe Ullit 'rhe eggs ~1l .be found In clusters or mal. Marriage Is simply" a business Is at It9 best fOr eating. rIngs about the twigs and smaller· 'The Wolf Riv e r Is a good apl)le. branches. They are easily recogalzed, contract, and no mi>re requires the but so h ea vy that It falls from the 801'vlces or 1\ preache~ thlln an ofand cutting them out will prevent the dlnary partnershll) re quires lhe In· 11mb too readily and orten bofoni It Is appearance at the colonies next spring. terventlon ,of an attorn ey. A coven· matllre. The sooner the work Is done the more ' 'fbe best p,l ums for the nortJ:lwest, certain will the orchard owner be thn~ ant . bet\\'een two lovlal! h e.llrt8 j;holllU !is ,reco mmended by m:my hortlcul'be mol" saored than the onlalned the clusters' of el; 'S will not be for. l)hl'aSeS of the ritual. J herelry. prom- turlats. arc :, De Solo, Forest Garden, gotten. Nellt sprl ng . there will be a Clleslley ; Wolf, Rollingstone, Wy· Ise to love and cherish you with a great' mllny tblnl\.s to do, anI\' It 18 very greater constalloy than ma ny whl) re- ant alid Surprise. , easy not to flnd time tben for work 01 Currants may be ltarted . In late tbls kind. quire a le gal oalb to hold them ," and he stooped to kiss thl' ripe red Bumme r by setllng strong shoots ' ot mOllth . but 811al nll1 I sO~llng away the Bame season'8 growth In a Ibady Refrigeration of Fruit 'In Traniport. froUl 111m In sudelcn realizlug borl·or. place. PI'lIl1e off ~11 of thl) brancbes At a meeting of 1'etrlgeratl,n g engl .. and leave most of the leaves. ': rR this what you Chree~ ti ll.'1S call neers In New York. rt was stated that t~egllmlnolls crops enrich the soil in '.IQwlng In Hill StOl/s ?" sli. cried where apples are slUpped from the pbosphol'le acid and potash becallse orcba:rd without cooll ng lind are from Ollt III s harll pain. # " Not exa tty In His slepij, but In they bring UI) 'quantltles of tbese ele· three to ten days In tran£lt. large the foo t prints of others lass perfect mCllts rrom the ~l\b · soll'. Sow 'a cover losses occur, eSfleclally In tbe top layers or (rult. Tbe ollly way 10 obviate - Solomon·s. Davltl·s. ood- bo reason· crop ,of cowjJl'.n.s or orl mson clover: abla-:-wa!t, Shulmal!" .But Sbalmnl tbls 11\' to bave , the fruit tl\orOllghly had cnught liP bel' Dack nnd fl ed like Orchard .a a Hog Pasture, cooled before It Is placed . In tbe car a frightened fawn IIocross the field s. 'l'h tl best ol'cliul'll \ , knew of In York Or have lbe refrlgei'atlng arrangeleaving Hernl sh muci~ ' dlstllrl)ed 08 to,e wh n 1 liver! thcl'c, was always ' ments BO perfect III lhe ' car thrtt. lhe him ahe mi ght carry a hog pns~u're. and lily .brother bns an tl'lilt wlll .be coole \I uniformly tbrougb. thlt report back to the 1II.l8910n, and Its IIOBSI ble ol'ch nrd thel~ now that has ue~j\ n hog out. e ITect IIPOII hi s cOlHl1l1ar expectations. posture for 30 ycars and no orcbard Worth All It Co.t~, Wh e n safely lost fl'om Kernlsh In therr. beats It bearing fruit. says an tho s hlldows of thel ' early 1wlllght. IllIno·. s correspondent o( tbe :prairie , 'A wilrm; 'rresh blookbel'l'Y pie mode Shalmal sank down on 8: bunoh :"a1'l11 I" Last yelll' we bal'reled 280 by 'a skilled 'cook' wbo knowB )IOW to bMls hwood to think ov r things. and barrels and th e year 'bef-r'J they bar. get the CrII/it just · rlgbt, Is very delito we p. Ollt the last galling drop or reled over GOO barrel I! ,I set out the cious. We thInk of tbe seedle8s apple ber disillusionment. orcbard, 48 yeal's ago. I saw but one wblle 1)lcklng the b ~rrles, says the Then she look 81 littlE> calendar dead tree Ip It, at Ramb9. When It Farm Jou,nal. a!ld '\IIonder tf "e will from her pocket and, calculated car~ was Bet out I trimmed all the branchea ever bave thornless blac_kberry busbfully: "Selah! -tbls Is the last day off as high as Illy cbln, and It It went es; and there are more chIggers to the of the J!ll!'ctg-e1" - ~1IIKtI,.mt"11lrfrl1'tr".,.-H!~ov~ the top at 'my /lead, ClDt the top ~uare Ineb lD a bIackberl')' IJII.tcb relief; "and to-morlrow-well. It I. 0 ,10 there were live tf;) I18veD braDob- thu In lUI)' other spot OD the farm. too hard to be a O~tlall .. , .. all of 'a belgbt let two rod• .apart. But we .mile over t.h eae ImaII unO" Ohre_URn cowtree..' Now the llmhll meet'lUltf the treea lieu &DCell "b.a· the herrin aN Ia 1M ps.. SQ .. iCI IIll11lela Nell , .....
A P'rult Which I. Closely Rel.ted to the Peach. 1t~LTK
It Belp" Women to WIll Aud BOld.
Ken's1l.dmlrMlou. Reapea, a1ld LCXt .. Woman'sgr nlestjflftls thepow rto ·t, nnd lovll. TIII, r' I ~ II u.Jlln ty · in h cu.Jth wbieh iw more IIttl'uclil'e to mon than morll rel(llItl.l'ily of ICllturl1. , Insp ;'·(\ Ildu\irnLion , rUST
To be n. 8 11 c s.sful wife, to r taln Ule love and Udlllln:LUon of her hus bund, .hould be a. woman's con !.ant study. At, the first Indlclltlon of iU-bcnltb, painful Or it'I' 'gular parloUs, headncho 01' bnllimch·. secure . Lydia. E. Pilll,hnm'A Vej,'elable Compouud and btlgiu Its u ~e . lIIr . Chns. F ..J1rown . Vice-Pres1tIent Mot hers' illb, 21 unr Terrace,. B ot Springs, Arl<., wdills : . D4l8.r Mrs. Pinkham:"For nine YCllrsl ,ll'I1ggcd through II ml~ able ()xisooncu, Il[ferlng with Inf!IUlUlIlltJon ami t,,"ud~ weukll_ IIml worn out with pain and ",e"rlll I ouo day noUceo.l Il 8tut". rn~nt by II WUlIIU1I 8 UtrOI'lUgCU! 1 Willi, but who blld booll CUI'I.'<I by Lytlln E. Plnkhlim'. V elltit:llhle Compound, lind 1 determined tu try It. Atth" end or 1111'00 1II011tluo I WM Il dllrcrenl WOIll~U . E,'or), 0110 remarked ubout It, ami Ill)' husba,d fell in 10"6 with me nil O\'~r o"nin, Ly,1i1L E . Pinkhu.IJl'. Vegetublu C OIllpound bunt "l' m)' ulltlr SY"OOlll, ourod th lroublo,III141 [ r('lt like a lIew WOlllaJJ . I run. sure it will mllka u".,ry ~llO'prtng WOWIU). stroug, well nud blIpp)" WIlt Iltl.81116." Wom ~ n wbo lire troubl ed with p llinfill 01' irl't\glllu.r 1l<' I!~d, buckacb ·, blollling/nr t1utulclll16). displacements, inlllllU.Uu.tiq n 0 1' nlceration. tha~ "bearing-dowD " fe eling. dlzziuess, iaintllc!;8, IndiA'~stion, or nt·l'vous prostraliuu lUay be l·usl.ol'('(1 to pe rt e"t health nd IIlr IIg tlt 'by LukInI{' I... ydln E. Pinkhllw'a Vegeta blll COlUpouud. Had New York Sized Up. It WD S a 8 vel'\! crltl('lsm niade 011New York c ity by a visitor ,1'001 '\I' brasko. who said ; " Yours Is n 's hort chung' to\\·I1. In tbree days 1 h(\\'e hod Hev n diffe rent pllrsons tl'y '10 ch~at me by roturnlog too ' UlU. chauge." ..
LITTLE THIl'IG5 'ND BIG. Oifferentiate Between ' the Esaent la. and the Non-Ea.entlal. LIllie things :iro often of grellt IIi. flOr tunce. bllt wllen th y' are so tll ey are noUltUe. _Xb~pjn.ton oLa...wa ch' wheel, for e.~Q\IIjJle , In one sense Is lillie, In anoth er sense It Is not so at all; for wh n It Is 'not perfectly I!at jU9tod. the watcli Is worthless for U& keeping. It III not size tbat makes a tblng lll(le or great, but Jtl relation to the end for which a numbflf or tblngs are combined. If a thlng .I' essential It Is IlI1portant. Becallse sp..jnany of tbe people who are alWo.),8 llreaching tbe Importance of little things tall to discriminate between the little anti the non-es se ntlal ,- they otLen make ' II wre tched meas o[ tbe management of lbelr own and otber peolJle's affall'l. Theoretically, If every factor tbRt CODtributes to a result Is perfect, tbe ~ Bult will be f1erfeet; but practically. (or wan't o[ time, strength and op~r tunlly, the emclent man Is compelled to neglect Slome things for the lake of others, amI; In. ortler to do tbl8 and yet secure the main end, he blll8 to dlscrlm'lnute be ween the essenthdana-tbe non·eijsl'71t1al. Tbe one wbo Ie ' thoroughly, ~ mblled wltb the falso doc· trine of uil: 'Importance of little things, sllends his Klrcngtb wlthollt dlscrlmI no lion, s'1d usulllly .ucceede III rois .. Ing the \II ...!n c ha.nce.-Tbe Watcbmaa. NO DAWDLING. A Man of 70 After Finding Coffee Hur'
Him, Stopped Short, When a' man has llVlld to be 70' ~' eOI'8 old wllh a 40·Yc,a r·old habit grown to him like a knot on a tree, chances nnt I\e' ll st.1 k to tho habit till be dies. But occaslonai)y the spirit of YOlltb and i1 etel'mlllntJon I'emalns In' some lIIen to the last day of thel r lives. When s lIch men do find any habit ot IIf<l 'has !.Jcen , tlolnt;; thom .harm, they 6urrnise the 9 s l e i'l~es ' by a degl'ee ot will \JOwcr that Is supposed' 10 belong' to ruen IInder 40 only. . •. I· hOd been Ii uaer of cotree un til three years IIgo-a' 1I"lt,Jod of 40 y~1'9 "-and alii DOW 70,'" writes a N. Dak: ilion., " I WIIS extreluely hervous and de bllitnt d, and sow plainly tbat j ,must Inake n change. "I UIl1 thankrul 10 Bay I IIntl tho uon-e to Clllit coffee at on ~() lIud t.nlte· on POHtllID without any da\Y,dIlIlg, ·and experle llr.·e d no III ertccts. all the contl·IlI·Y.' l ('oJIIInenced to galn, ·loslng .my ne rYQusn as within two lllemtl,s ~ alSo ~aln l ng 'strength and henlth otherWlsCl. '!Fol' a man or'my l1ge, "1 anI vcr] \\'e11 nnd hearly. 1; ' sometimes nleet pe rsons wbQ have not made their RostulD 'l'lght nnd t\on'~ Hke IL Dut 1, tell them 10 boll It 'long enough, an'd call tbelr atten~lon to ·1I1)' looks now, and before J used It, that seems CO!" vlnclng. , "Now: 'wben J bave writing to do, or long columns of figures to ~l lip, I reel equal to it and caD get ftlroulb IDY work wltboDt the tanll4 out feelInll! of 0111:' ~a"Jt ea PotItIJID 00., BIIttle ' Oreek, liIah, · the IIGOIr, "Tile .1Iuad . to ...
.... "The ', .
Story of an Incident of the Indian Ca'1'paigns' , of Our Colonial Days_
DIll Manes did not ualo ug to lh ~ ,u. luol,l'd hIll! 01' I' most Rh l' 'wdLI', " upli ft" Fa r from I t. lud<l 'II -Mopes "What !I'y!' III 'all , 1I111 ?" shu uijlced, was one of th a cltJzen s or th e sOIlII· good," atul'ud ly. world aguilist wbom the " 01,), stron ,. " :-l Ull." It £' ~n ltl, leanlll l: lowanl h I ~ .'othl lj'g ill ,\ III ' I'IClllI hi ~tol'Y III of leI' cOll lrl Ul' 1'f'tIl:bccl.'llnrl 1111 IIl1rrercd ost anulb cma of the beLLe l' cla ~SeS nnll fi lII 'Inl1 hI t! 'lrmR huit way III'0uno Iter ''I','c got the game Il 'ul. ' OIO P I;l'enl l' ItIVll'es (II' rllrnlsh 8 I;M ' llIol'e ,~ r li t I)" frolll lhlr'H t. 'fhe Ind Ians COlD ' wera dlrel!Led. Jl:or WIIS l\l apes on cordial Lenn s On ancl I ' l '!j III' Iflie 11111" - InU! ~ 1'(JrIS: romonco and UdV" UlIlI' dll l'lnlt \Jill' lill'LClr lIurl'OlInrl {'d 1I;l'11I and kept up wl lh the police. In ' taet h e woullf go " lIow 'd yo 1111 It, UlII'! " :lIe asl,e J r'(\ I'ly <lays tha n Ihe stnl!:gl s of Lh II sPlI llel:llIg 11 1'0 .lil ni gh!. ch IlIzlItion or the . a ~ t ns It advan ced ~fany of th e red n who 11 1111 Cllt to sOlue oll Bld embl c paill s to nvolll qul "lI," , ",I,ook It er. gal." 11(' -('plied, ' 010 ' r· Into th o I ndian lands of th o wpst. 1Il'!ld du"k's UI'III)' t il pl "c B elv;hi. renl's s(lo lul Intercollrse WILh the '{uard l an R i\ IIll1ng I hI'S hl Hl ol'fc unLt l '8 tha t oC b ' fur' Were' 1IIII0llg t hI' hesl gel'H, anr! of tb e lUll' , ,\nd b~' the tiaJll e tol,clI Iy bu t pa ss lonatel,v , "'f"1) b,' n fl ',l In' move I'llthor to gel Ih l ll f:~ rlghl f or '1 , ' /\1111 nl\!Hushy Rlln sLllnd H QIII '1II'umlneu l l y, lhey gloll't II In til!! LhuIIg ht th at llt .y tlte 1J1t1 ·-COlltS wou id Th, s"W",r s ulon!; tho w tltO l'1l fron· huu Ql: l y to hnng npon t hp 0111 1I It,ts ra st or (hun IlStlal t o en joy th pl(lIl SIIl'f' htl It's b e~ 1\ hUl'd, N w It,- t nls ht I 11,'1' hnd hailed (UI' Il('UCe at lh lose Ilf th ' ifill ' CUI'C"', olHl I; rudll llll~' wille of i\l lllJ »' SOC iety. BII th (,n 11111 IUIII hap Poll od OlitO II 111081. " l(~ I 'I ; , , 1'II11y o( 1100 FI'(~Il()h alld lndlun Will', allll II oul by tlH' 111 thods of warfure nn iUllalo flreJudlco "gall'at lIllIo- "f g nl'l- Lh' rf'al Iilllr!, I wr.~n't <l ~' (holr s would IJI'obuhl y not h uve b el!n whl h h all u ('II su 'C Onl;fll1 I II Iho conf s an d lll'USs·hl, LLon s ltnt! st.a r s nnd aclly Invited, YO ll 1111 IW-lJ llt )It,.. ha, l' lu b~ IlIId all thu L sort of I hill g, P CI" IPII <l In I hl'Oligh the wll tll o w Gel', a vain hope bill fOI' Ihat g r eates t of nJ 'nl ol'nlJl" MUle' o( thl' MO llolI;;a lle la, IndluD l ea dors, Pnntfu('. His 10' BOII,!1I!!1. 100, I' nllzed that thl .. wu uld hailS he was nol ,wholly I' Sll Oll sl !)l e bu t d Sllftl'klers ,!tor WIIR I n tt" ctlff,' Qllence brough t nil t he t l'lb S oC tho h th eil' fn t' un l oss h cOlild outwit uocanse tbe nr eJud lce may have lJ en on d tabl IS 1<lld de shi ns In do 'I nset." \\' 'stOrtl bprdtr toge th er fOl' OliO lh ' 6uvUg(,M, n nd In t he 10111; hUlI l's CIt loh ' r l t d. I t Is , tn be recalled fha t his father " UltI YC gel 'em?" asked th e 1';11'1 mighty ulow ut th e I"hllo set.lIora. A t Ih ' IIII; h l h<' forntulnt (I hi s plan s, Iha fl rSl blow tltl'll 'k 1111 t h e torts 01 WII h lit hI' ak of cla)' lhe lud luns " Plllg" Ma pes wns con stitlltl onally l ell nlll!: (o l'lI'u I'11 nngerl y, " Null' ," I'!l plll II IIl ap". lennin)!; bA ~I\ th e f ronll \' xceJll , '1\Iu..;arn. Oel1'OIL r newed iii UILII k 1'lclolISly, Hud BOll' OP llfls£'d La the police b for hi s UII ' olld Pi tt f ell , and It Is with tb I'allef q ll t 's men rlll'll<'II with Hpll'H , 'f lte hal))JY Lakln g·o rt aL l h e end (I( a rolle comrorlably , " I hpcrd somC'lhln ' dll .~ of, tit l all I' t hat we have to <I ca l. j fI ' hUn g w nl on f,)1' Rom(' Itonrs pc- In a qnl ~ ( jull-Yllr<l on on e memorllbl o wOI'l' mor(,' 11 ull the spllrlcJer s lever [o'or ( PItt wn;' recognIzed as lIil 1m· rare nOllfJlIl't deeml'd Iho tit",! IlIld ,!! l· t h e society of tho I) llle·cl>n ts S "II ," " Yes," enCl>ut'ugNI th!' g irl. nOrltlnt slI.' ateRIC IJO IDI , ami I t WIIS cl l'c.t'mstuncos f"yoral,le for hi s 'J11I'. h ad beon Lhruijt upon him III a most l\1111)8~ s ttl Il h lltlMel f ('omfi}rlnhly I) ot tll'mlnecl Lo ~c lI<l nn eX II .1I1101l Th e hill wus ul 011 OUll side by a I'U' shamel sit manner, I t I ~ al so a matt I' of his lory that lo , the U(JOI'WR)" " W e ll ," h su ld wllh rmm th easl rol' Its I' lI e (. '01. vi lle, Som ,(f sLnuce to on(l ~h l at H<'llry Bouquet. a br:lI' Swiss, !Jill ' Lllis the lIIaln uUack fin all y C!'1I1 rcll the g ntlemllnly Wl'arer s of t he blue provoki n g d Iluc ro lioll , " I her ,,"u . a s<'!l'vlng I.he DrlUllh king, WII S choa n all two o mpllnl o~ or Hl ghl "nll e l'~, 'rhe gave a great slgb or r elief lIJlOn th i s COIII)I of ~ w li s tnl lcl n' l'lghl In fronl , tn th e cOJU mnlld, H e Hidtrl" d ",lUI cO l1lluund er cOlllmu nlcllt d fa hIs mcn ocr,nslon und co n gl'f~tulnL d themselves oC nt beror I broko pa sl rt I c urLn ln s, " " W "11 ?" c ncouraged lhe girl ahont 600 m oo, lh remnant!! or I IVa w h ot h · j!XP toll Ihem l O do, :lnLl all all nl y and oftell until some mon th s l'e'lmellts jllst r't urlled frolll 1111 x' nt 0110 t h 111'0 Olllll llllU I R guvc WilY la l'l' wben IL was borne to their In - ~ hlnt1tg eye, " W'II.' · I' spond d :ll nnes, " I llBd ' (rhallstJllg sel'vlce In Ih W est Indl ~s , IIUU f c ll iJll ek r!illl llir. as I f III I' tr cat. tclllg lIr.e t hnt young 01 11 Mapes h ad IIl1d nllcleci ahout lOO l'ltlc m 11 to his Ollie I' III II IlOrlially cl08 tJ fh e gall, aD S UCCI' eJ ed to hI s r es peeLed sire's es- quit and I had to l ist en, Gee, uut It tatll and was tollow lng, In n o lin war· \\'I1 S lin e lI"lenlo': ' (urco un fh o WII ),. If tryin g to CO l' I' fhe ret I' nt, " \\' 11'1" lil t 'rjcc;ecl the girl. Tho soldl I'S wel'e 110 broken by Th e India ns, th ln l,l ng l hey had lhe Lh)' m an ner, In th Ila~e rnal ((lptsLepB, FI'QIll nil 01 wblch I t llIay be de· "W >I1," reslloncJ d M apes. " It wa ~ thcl r, arduou s lind w eorl ng ser vi ce ill whl L~lI all I h e rlln, bl'Ok e rrom til m M L __........- - ~O trollies tba th y II' rc fit ollly rol' co vel' w lLh rel i t! o( Ll'lumph and ducad thlll B ill Malle!! lived lind old Strausllllg, de flresldenl of Lh •• l'llI' ~arl'lso n duty, unll bofo re the jour· foo m 11 Into (h e op ' II , Th d erend ers ut'ealhecl an d h ad his being wlLh out cl nll3 11 Avenue bl11l1, ancl f{nu le n ey WIl8 comill ete d 60 at Lb em had 1.0 ch ecked I hem fur 8 time un til the tho' law of the l and and thul he WQllid ..\ ugesHen, de ~ well young loller·-n n· not ha\, been a " eleome vi sito r at dey was ta lkl ll' um ss Lac ll ~ for sure," your hllOle a.t the witching hour o( " \\' ll'!" was all tit girl saId , ' midnight. " W ell ," r spoo\ll'd the man ",nh a Y s, g nlle read er-, you bave guC?s~e d show of Irrltablflly, " It's j usl oI le way . rlgb l; '11111 l;~a'lleB wa s ,a burgInI', a These wl~(! Rill'S art) goln' 10 bus l rle thi er. 11 rool, and earn d h is Itl'cad by bank da~' uftel' to-morrowan' "el Illlpro ll r laLlng th nl'oduct 'of the sweat, IIway wllh $200,000 or 0,00, I tit lh olh I' r 1I0w' s brow. h ·am all ahout It :' Aud yel Mllp B WI\S not a bad slgllt " \\' hat ,lid yo u do?" asl, rt th(' gl to luok upOu. H wa s a w ell·bullt . " W hal' did I d01''' he rI'pli If. SeaI'll' !!tunly, yot.ilt,l fellow Illlnd1fng his flllly. " I snNlkl (I HWtlY. Thlll"'s a snl('udld "lr ngth wlLh Dlarked g.-aco 1)11;1;('1' game In thi s da n to vln ch n of 'lie 1,m , HI (atures w er e ra ~ h I' f('w hn nd rert s, I gil ~S:' nll~ MUll S w lI ,forllln,l and 1IIs eye" c lea r and laugh d sN!I·nfulf y. " If I don't !;Cl 11111 lind Ic\lIghlng. flo was nOl a i ear. ali I' h(lu ~ nnd lut nud ull 1.1' lrlrnmlns sonle objl'ot to l ook ul,IQn~lCCet ling aud :t fC'w 11t'llII su nd In d hank on when dCSl1 rllt ai' angl'y, and ,hen de sid , on <I i~ d 'ai - well, I ~l n'L 131 11 It was a t hunderbol t of acllon and Mapes- dllt' s "II." uC l}a 8Slon. 1'111"1' \\'11S n l ong silence. I t w,1s Inevlt abl , of course, thaL "Bill." t hc girl BElId. presen Iy In 0 ' Mnpes should occaslonnllr be th mosl g n t le voi ce, " aln ' t Ihat. th e g ues t or lIle pollee,' but despite , 11 11 bank 'l1lM all the )JOOIII on the ;} \'enue th eir 1I\0st energetic In" ltatlcl!l" h e ha·vll Ih plr sa vln!!sT' bad !<lIcc ess fll lly mn lnLaln ed hl ~ mod· "Of course," ,repll e,l 13111. ('st.y an,d t! vlIded any co nsldeJ. \1.Jle "And tlwy arc a ll gol llg a lflse tbeh slraln IIpon thei r hospitallly: savIngs," p ursued flt t! ,g l l'l. pon hi s every uPllclirance In the filii ~crntched his !J ea d su \'Ilgelr, 1I0llee COII!'t, however , t h ere had ap" I ~ lIl1 llOse so," he Hlll d, I--"'~-£U ulso a Illost charmlug femllline " T it 1'1' "s old Slupsk l," said lhe girl, vl Hlon-a deliCate, mod est, brown . yed r emlnlscc l,l lly, "He 's ,saved peollies g Irl wtlOse b eauty won all beal't~ a.nd for 40 rellr ~ (or P'Jlfy-and, she's gowhose Lellra moved the sLel'llelit pOlice In" til l osE' It 7" justice to pympathy, Sh e was n mys. "Y.e ~," re~lfl8ll Dill , senLentfousl y. t e ry to th e poll ee court lind In silired "And nil these llOor people aud all more Interest tban the prison er In these st m gg llng bllslness nlen are gowhom she seem ed to have sucb deep Ing to lose'!" she a!lkeCl. LIBSEY HOMESTEAD, NEAR BUSHY RUN, Interesl. 80 to concern, Atter full "What de hotel bill do ;'011 and I aullt in 1687, and free dlscus810n It was duly de. ,care?" suarled Bill. "We will gIL our. clded tbat he was II setUement work . and not t.nko a ohl.n ce on t ht pon." I)c transported In wagons, belnl!: l eft Highland er s CQuid wheel Into tna ra· or or ometblng or. otb el' of tbat 80rt " UIII." ,said th e g irl, takfng hath his !lnally at Fort Ligonier. The lillie vine uoseen and torm for 11 Honking wbo WI8 grieved over Bill Mal)eR' Boul hands In her s. "Cnn YO\l l et lhls hap· army al80 carried a large quantity of attack, nnd two 'companies could be und was trying lo save him . I,en to all our peoill e on tho avenue! slOres. and drove a herd of callie and IIwung around on th e other side tor And while Lbey berated him as a Call ycl u. nlll ; call' you? " a like 11III'(lOSe, Then the defending a Dock of 8heep abead at It, dog thay !til bowed betore tbe dainty " Wh y. Nan," he aLanml tlred. "I to rce seem ed to be giving ' ~ay, and brown -eyed divInity. thougbL you said you wou ldn 't marry M Fort LigonIer notblng couli:! be th e I ndians, wIth tomahawks uplifted, Now tt mUBt be evident to lhe read. m e until I bad a born e ]Iald fo r and a learned o( tbe fate of the COt't lit swarmed Into tho central space, (ree bank account :' h the fork8 of th rivers , ' All SooUIII trom th o cover at the woolls, Sudd en· er st tbls point t at Bill Mapes was' " Yes, BiU," sh e r eplied : "But not sent out In the direction for, ' daYB not an Idealist, nor a leading cltl· Iy a terrific fire poured In upon llllmi zen, nor II pillar of 8oclety, nor any. with Lhe blood money o( 0111' own pea· had eltber been lUurdered or driven from t hroo sides, and they were back, and tho country Beemed to be thing oC tbat 80rt, but t}lls simple tale pIe." mowed Ilown by !,he score. ~warmlng with redaklnB, Taking 450 Tbe man )Jut hIE, head In his hanll. Is wrltLen to IIbow' that every (ellow Their yells of trlumllh were now haa his own lltandards and bls on (ai' long mhllltes, Flna,lIy be saId: of his most effecUve men and a changed to howls of af'trlght ant! In a Ideals, ' "Nan, yon are (Ie real tin!;. '''1 am 'llOrUon at tho 8uPllllee, Bouquet · Ilertect rout ther deserted the Ueld , One sott Bummer evening Mapes ap. goln' to cough up what I kllQ,," to de pusbed forward In an effort to gain nnd theIr dead and wounded, The Ilear'ad at "Brown's Triangle:' a rath . states attorney, Oat will save our peaFort Pitt, 50 miles ahead. The road whites follOWed them (or a time. tD er bad place In a very bad neighbor. pIe, Hut," Bnd hIs, volcc grew hope. led tbrougb 8 narrow deftle in ' tbe valgive the Impression o( vigorous pur· bood-a 'spot which pOlicemen avoid. les8, "I don·t. know b ow I'm' gain' ,to ley of Turtle creek, lind noL wiShing suIt, thou&, they were too ,tar spent to pass It by day, wltb Its perils oC ed wben 00 a lonesome beat and a m akc good fer YOII," to' go far. Tbe Indians left nlore U.i:o seellon most prodigiously berated by 1'he girl Dung her arms around hl a an ambusb. Bouquet -went Into camp' GO ot their warriors lIend on the Held, ,00 Q barren hill In tbe early afternoon, and bloody t t'allA shewed that mnny th c Antl·Crlme society. He ' did ' not neck, , enter tire flat-Iron sbaped saloon but " Bill. 0111:' sh e crl e~ , ," 1 11'111 marry J-lIa plnn waa to slip tbrough under more had been wounded, going Into one ot Lbe darkened streets )'ou to·nlght, I will go with ynu nn)'· -cover of darknoss. The place wai The vlctoJ'Y wad complete, being omlLLed a sbrlll w)1l sUe, Preseot!.' wh ere lind helD you all I can-b'ecause near a little stream called nushy Run. nothIng l ess than t h e def eat 01 t ho an ,affluent of Turtle crcek, and I,be en· fcrces tbat had been besieging For! a curtain upstairs was caUtiOUSI~ you are on l~e SQua I'o--and b ec ause 1 , . I '.:\'e yon" gagement there took ILB nnme tram Pitt for woeks, The I ndlllDs did not pulled aull Il (ace )Jeered tortb. Ullcn (Co 'rl 'ht (900: by Dally S tar)' Pub. co.) the stream. ' attempt to renew the siege, bul re- a (urther signal the. curtain dropped Pl ~ ' _ _ _•_ _ __ "Blue Stocking .... BOilQuet , judged rlgbtly, for ' the , la, tired beyond the OhIo, Fort Pitt wa' and a moment later a street·door Tbe 't erm " blu e stocklngl\" Is given diana, who had been apprised of his save,d and til e overs weeping Ude ~I opened and' Bill raced hIs brown~yed coming by tbelr runners, bad With· savage IlIvu's lon was tllrnell back, ~av· divinity of the police court. La ancA to learner! and lllE!rary lalll s who 1Iis drawn most o( their, forces from the Ing a thousand miles o( bord er (rom behold, rar from be,lng a settlement· play t heir acquirem ents In a' pedantll' work~ r she was only the daugbter of manner, Th e name Is deriv ed ' f ro m siege at Fort ' Pitt and were 'hiding toto! d estruction. Ike Brown. the keeper b( tbe notorl· a IILerarY coterie form ed In L.ondon ,I among the hills 'near at hand. Tbelr ous "Brown's Triangl e" wbere, 8C4:ord. about th~ y ear 17&0. A dlsllllgulKh Ad ilxact nnmber baa ' never been learned. Had No Complaint to Make. Ing to the ponce, more robberies had mom bel' , of the socIety was 1\ cerlaln , but they ,greatly outllumbered t/ll) Atter a long and warm discussion ~een ' planned than In any otb!!r .pot Mr. StllJln glleet" wbo was In the habit force lluder Doqquet, probably two or ot the 'merits o( (emale suffra~e, OCCU' Ln the city, at w earlo g blue slocklngs - knee tbree tl> one. The' whites bad hardly t loned by tbe 'repOrt s at the recenl "Howdy, Nan,"lIIIld Mapes In a Tolce br eech es and stockings wel'e Ihon tbe got settled In Ca!DP when. with tear.' troubles In the Brltlsb house of com ' somewhat , stralnell wltb embarrass· chnl'acteri sLfc dr-ess o( gt>ntlemen" ful yells: tbe savages charged upon m0!18, tWQ men decIded to lay II wager ment lind ,taking th e gIrl's ex t ended and all 'the ladl es connecterl with It, them. The camp W.II taken by sur· on the subjoct. One o( ' tbe declared bands awkwardly. "Nice evenln'." ... oted that h e· bbould be tbe onl)' malo prise. but tbe soldiers ~nd woodsmen ·tliat eIght out of every ten 'm en ' were " .11 didn't expect you," exclalme~ tbe creature admitted to th eir soci ety. qutckly formed and hurled tbem8elns In favor ot nllowlng the ,",olllon to girl beam ln,;: upon hIm with 1:1e glorl· The slory g etUug abroad . th e literary upon the toe. discharging their guns vo~e, while the otber men bet that thll ous love·llgbt, whlcb. after 1111, Is all society \VH8 callell Ihu Blue SLacking 1n ttielr taces ••nd t!len making a bay· was..not so, T,hey decided lo bell the tltere Is In 11 Ie. soci ety, and ftnally literary and onet charge upon them. Tbe Indians Jirat ten' ,men they met and 'get their' " :oIaw, but I'm 'bere," he ~ea·porided. l enrned women like Mrs, Chepoo e, ,lIcattered and disappeared, but were vie ws. taKing them as an average, qomfortably, Mrs" Carpenter and Mls8 Martineau ROOn' pourIng In a ' galJlng ftre again,' Oolbg out hi Market street the bet, Th er e we'r e some mOllll)uts 01 81· were ca'lled "blue stockings:" from places of, bidIng. Thus the /Jatters encountered a ' stolld·looklng man, lence duri ng whlcb Bill's reaching - -'- - UIl, continued during all ot tbe hbt , :'00 you believe In woman suf'trage?" Ilaw accumulated tbe slllnd" r band Record Sent'ence for Errore • .artflrnoon ' (It was August, G. 1763), No tbohy asked. " Sure." he. aid, with I at tbe gIrl. A buay ' 1101lceman wllnA grarumarlun was t/llkln g ~boul 'soonel' would ' the Jndl anll be ronted growl , "let them sulter. " -Pbllallel, derell by and Bill was sqarcely qulcK- gramlll( sllplJ that, l hrough their from one ·placo than they would skulk phla Record: " er tban the girl tq sbrlnk Into tbe Ola/tnltilde, Olel'lt.ed Immortnllty. 'to another and tire from tbero, alwaya ''There Is ono sen tence." ho said, sh:ldoW6, ' under cover. " 0 - - him. I'll 'get bls job," l!:1'um· " i.bat has Uved for Il hllnllred years on At nlgbU.ll It wai a drawn battle, For4handed. account of It II t 'r emendous Incorrect· Bouqul\t ~Il ba()~ to the bill of bill The poet, In bls wind;; atUe, 1forkM bl tl cl M a p e s . ' "If' you don', 't did wl11," replied the ne8S. In OIla 8enteoce every word, encilmpmenl, and there tlie 10Dg nlgbt diligently. "I got bls number-tnt. ' I every single word, Is uogrammlltlcal. "8'1 pualled In wakefulnellll liy all and ' "And wbat." we asked. ':.are you girl, know him," "The sentence was apoken by a lit· intense suffering by moat of the writing now. Tht!O<.rltus"" "Say. Nan. wbat de' y' say to ret tle girl In a sheep' pasture. lAoklng ' ''A poem on spring," be answered, IDe'!. ' 2l.wenty·Hve dead had been left awn tIl8 field, aad 15 dCllperatel1 shivering under tbe batb towel th:Ol marrl~:d, buyln' a boulle and Httlln' at tbo !locka. abe Bald to tbe lbepdown 1" herd : wounded men were OD the hilltop ID- be had wrapped about, bill sboulders. Tbll very bravely !!ald but I n . "'IR tbem ab~)PI rou~n" ~loIed . . . !lreUtworlr. malie of ball! "Bllt tills laa't we Inler rnlce betraying love. mystel')' and ' "Tbls bolda the record la '01 IDaI' and . . .t. , The IDIIl 8t Io'r .potM. Ita clasa." .mee were dllpoaed by eompanl.. uJt '11'111 be .". the .... I . . tIM lIuruder, clre1. aroUDd tile JIDL 1\10".. JOI8 1oId." ,M ..."..... ~.
of thH r'lIphoard lIIu at. b., r " Sl'rl'l lIl f II' th (~ li tll Irou l nl> tnh l , wltll'll I ~ t ht, l1l o~ l IUlllur t lUl t ARTIC LE AMATEU R CAR· It 111 In (h<' 11'11111" COUC:\' I'U, ) t iij Jl ffJ· PENTERCANMAKE. "IeI',1 at Oil" cull II'lh'III:OIIIII' lir ('la1ll113, II'hll'h, C;11l h(' hooll II Into Mopkt:ts J1~ .. d a ll),whcJrc [0 h' wall 01' Conven ient fo r Stowing Away Re- tll th l' ,'nd ut' " ",hll', to k C'f'JI It qllito quisltes for Getting Up Fine lI teady, w h il ,' ol'nnalh lhe oUt er l'U lllldl' tI rond b a tr" Ktlp S ( ' r (' \\' d un ,Linen a nd La ce-Take~ wilio n hili ;;,', .1, n ~ 10 .. lIlllolll II tu b" Up L iltle Spa ce ,
flll'l n ,- ~I,," tl'l.':l 1
'('he tOft
" O U\' t ' t J1
I l erald ,
fult.lcLl IIp wlt l· n lIut ill US(".
T he "malouI' ('arpe!)t!'I' HllOll id nllt 1:I!101l111 I... ,'m-""I'd .. it h u II..;htly I", sati~tl!' d willi nwlll nl-; (July I'I'l'l Y s l,'elf,h",1 O"nl1<'1 l!I' ('jill h , ,1111 llo"n, nn il OI'1H.lllt;nl:1 1 Iltlngs rio I' 11\'1' ho n ~ o, w illi Ih(, IIddl . lol1 nf :l 11110 or ho t T h"I'!' art' Innuru mltl' IlI'Ul'11' 3 /)[ u ~c I WIl l !'I', )'on all' Ilrol'lrh..-1 II'llh lit " npwlJlch w i ll ('0111 woll wl1h ln 1I111 s '0(0 I pnratn, fIJI' til" l;cttl nv; nil "I ('!)llar!) of h'r wOI'I'lIIansbll', nnr! fUI' PI' vhl . an d rul),. 'VE' II a shlrl ·wal sl, ir rleSh'llhl,,- th,' ",hllle thlJl g (1111 IlllWl her
Rightly Considered to Gi\le E ffeGt'"o F inishi n g' Tou ch. Th ose dalllllly nnaLln", ~curf~ 11111'> a, III l1st ',l'I'ort! " o f111 18hlnl: llln h lo tho e venIng tnl let. I n tit II' 01'1 gi ll II I ~lrll J! lici\ y tit y at"~ (I<'arell In chiffon . sheer OI'U IIOS, nlrny 11Il1Isin sa nd ol her fl,lIl'Icl< wh os tOl('· lIIr IcndR 1t ~ 1·1t woll H~ II backg ro und tl)l' IIl'tlRllc 'lll H l l>lI ~ IInrl c"lor work. Out III tll olt' l al r " 1'!J(' .... aDcus evell Ro rt e l' .'!TecLs prevaiL ' Henl Illc 'K-I'hl ctl y of the variety wh ose pall I'ns Btand alit In bold r II f from a filmy bll ckgruul1d, ai' I' 11 wlthoul 11II~' i.mck r;rO llod n l nl)--are a ll )'Itut'd wllh <lstl'l h plum 9 , wllh SWlIlIH,IoWlI ur more orten wi th mara· !.t OIl t. wh use "lifT)' sofln SH gll'ol\ a mORt h('comlng , elIeet. Ilroull(1 tbe sholli cl ers, Plnlll st ra igh t l engLh s at l he renl hlne se hlllldwo,' ell cre po nrc In high vogu e, Elauornto Il lUt~rof d erleR . cun· nlngl)' wl'ou~h l ur those 01'1 nlul llIast or~ or IIn o und co lnr, ad,1 Lo t.h el r rlchn HS aflll , IInrul, Mlln ), are Iho lI SEm 10 whl ch those long scarfs l enr! Lh emselves, and nt I IIsl on o , will pl'UI'e a valuaul u In vestlllfJlIt wh tber Ih wurell'obc b larAe or fJOIlted. SIHI)lt'd 1101111 In mOI'aboul III'e pl· quantly pUll ctuul d ,al IlIlel'vala wlOI rrln].les <If osll'lch IIlu n! s, , A II o f the past!'1 Ion S CDn readil y b foun ll In I hose, 10 a COI'(l with 01' ontrast wlLb Ille Ilin llC1r 01' dancing dl' ' 5S ,
An IrQn lng Cupboard. ' ~ ng the Ra lllC sh e 11'111 r(! 11'0 AI'al('fu l the t hun ks fr m til' 1Il 0Illu 'r~ (I[ hOllseh old . H re" CUI' InRtan ce, Is I h<' ~ k ctPb 01 nn 1I'lInlng clIphoard, wher l'nn be ~Ln W d away all t hEl l'e fJlI l~lt"s (or ROUIIl~ UII fi n IInOIl lin d I ll~e , In a RlIlall estubllshm ent, \\'h 'r' means nr' IJm llt' d ; It off " n rnll s III lhe lot oC one m'mber of th e hou sphol d to un. cI rtak" l h,' washlug lind pr!!Bsl lI!; or many slllllll 31'Lfcl es of i1PIl:lrl'1. wh Ich, by r~ uson of th e dl'1I '01'1' of tb II' lJlnt,c rlal , would 80[111 gO' to pier If .ubjectc'd to I he somewhaL ro ugh l reatlll l!nl uecorded lo I h'e gcnera l wo shlng, Muny women like to wush I ltelr (rugllo Illoe H nr o l d laco or mbmlrtel'les them~e l\'es, nn d th se alUm l'eC\u'lrc the application o( a flat· I ro n or u! crllll l>lng It'on8 In order to gi ve them a sm art allll eul'anc . The li llie clI p.board here shown could verr well lind a place In ei ther a bedroom or bath roo m. I t Is so n ar· row- noL more Lhull nin e Inch II Iloop - lhaL It occupies no 1l1)IJrcclablo when placed again st t he wall. The door lIud molding can be bought r ewl y m ade, and t hen there Is only the b ody o( tb e cupboard to b jOined t ogetite r a nd fllted InBu11'l ,,11th 8 dlvld· Ing plank and several small shelves, Th esc lal t er are Inlend ed rQr holding tho Irons o( varIous sIzes and oth er Impl emen ts-s uch, perllall., as II small h ea ling stovc, neoossBI'Y (ur th i s fin e laundry work,
In RU8slan ,Eroadcl oth. nusslun urllad In(h of fi ll at fJuallt)\Vns used In the con struction of a. gnwlI worthy lit deser! pllon. The rle· Hign Is padl nlur!y good and makus a really halldsome costome. Tb.ree ~Ula Jl )JlafLti at eacb saaUi rUb from knc.'C de pUl tlIfcrftn-rtrrJ;pretttty-,rt-bnh- -- ' tOlll, III onl y (lace ration on Lh otber· wise plllin s ki n, which fils II 1'(ecUy over the hIps, Tlt e blollse bas II round tuck ' I' (I'onl lind sto k o f plafLed greolL !llIk nnd s tftched pltlces of cloth, wlttl should er plecell o( green velvet outline, saUlo from sille to 'sIde, trimmed' In front with six Sill all velvet-coverecl bullons, Tho bocjlce ex t ends well OTer Ihe shoulders In cape ell' t. wbera tber e ar two nal'row tucks, nnd from beneaLh which are tbe pull'ed elbow sle ev es, A deell girdle at velvet ta.'ltens In fl'Onl with a gorgeous silver bucklc.
Hoods ,Again in
Pretty' Style of the Ago Has to Favor.. Hoods once more ar" fashionable, and are made In light. nlry l<fnds as w ell as 10 the subsLantial fllbrlc s tbat uutLon on tbe autolllobll e 'coals. A silk hood nnll (ull plaft cll ruch e to stand out like a ruff around tbe shou!· dors are on e of tbe pretl)' fanci es (or Soft' silk s, worl(cd wI th evening. splashy embroidery palternH, are used"
On n c r ealll cloth coat, cr enm Inco Is IIsell lind lined wi t h pInk slll(. or OD & c anary broadcloth coa t white lace III lin ed In callary silk. An embroidery I)attern Is given ror h onrl ca pe, the hnod part of whi ch Is c ut In ov al shape and shlrrerl wIth I'lubon, Maline Neck Boa. Take a strip of Incb wltl e doubl. faccd salin ribbon, white, blac k or enlot'ed, the length oC t he hitended ruff. This Is for the roundatlon , to whlcb the pi 'a ted flulT y Ulllterial will be sewn , Point d'esl,rlL a nd nut are more substanLlnl than lIIallues. aDd (or pres· ent Wllllr will be mora appronrlate also. To make a good tull boa you. will require si x strips about sevell Inch es wIde a nd tho: l en gth uf the matcrlal. Sew threo o( tbese togeLh er on th e short llnd s, making on o long strIp and Lrlpl e box·pl eat very close))" tbrough the middle. When flnlsbed thi s should nt u rl,bb on about 20 Inches l ong, t o w!il ch It should b o st.llched. down. Sew the three 'r emaining strip. In the llame W8Y. pl eat nod sew do... lo Ihe ribbon, making a double ruell. ln g, No fini sh Is r eally o ece~s ary 011 th e edgell, but streamo l's o( ribbons. mllY be added, one wide one to each c nd or thr e narrow o,n os In Il'Tegulacl e'ngth,s and eIther knotted about Uteo endlt. This will 'be a hl\n<l 80rne rlllt nnil much fuller r eally tban th084l I f ou nd lu Ihe shops, wh'lch are JUIII given a Cull OffeCl b! their ah'LnesB.
and other sill! hoods are cov r ed wlLb F."ckl" Lotion. cbllton. with full pIal Led rucbes let To reDlo~e freckleli tTy a lotion made about th e fetee. All over lace Is IIled I tram two QUUC6S of IRcUc acid, ODe !llso to mnke 3 bood and cnlle, which ollnca 01 glycerin and one-half ounce are ,lIoed In silk to match th e lIt!bt of ros'e water, Wltb a so(~ linen clotb broadclotb coa,t, and ~o be attached at apply to the (ace .. VEtra! Umea dllilJ', night, eltber to weal' In place ot a bat 1l Is. best to pOllr ouly tbe am_l "r lo make the coat more fanciful b, I neelfed la a Baueer, ke41plDl the . . .' being attached IImpl1 II a trlmmIJIl, ' III&Inder well 8toppered,
• • .
OYHamHc ' ou nd ill I Old S.ide board
Sy nops is of Macbeth
High Sch o'ol Not es' 'ews 0 r t II~ CJ100J , Jh:po rlNI
Ouililll' of ~hllk c 'lJCllr(! '" C r('at 'I' I'" t b ' PI d t for t he (;: zettc h, the Pu pi h; Jltllll,'r till' (Iuv In~.t I'('uk ra j.( Y noon 0 • ayc ' a ~" ;'~~~'I~~~;. M ' I' AV l ~:,ltLo" ""~ M """~l"'" uhl illh,)ll H " ' ''r.v of (1 I,,' III II 11 11 ' 1' 'chool H a ll. BII'<,sl!d i ~ til .. 111,.11 who hus lunnd MII~, 'I'. J , 1J\I(l WN• •,I ~ "' ''' '1' ' I-: ''I'r,,", mitu ,' I Ll I~ r" ulI,1 In II "lIh'\JUlIl'tl '1'/ f II 1 ' hi I 0 1'1. ; I~ t Ill lU 1\ k o(,hel' hlotltled · , • 1 10 a OWlI ~ ~ynop ' l~ LIt tllt! ue~, 1'lJ h i"hosl of ull p - I'BI\)llN I' rJlI1 l11l:' t r u llI \\ II )'lIr~\'111J Ilthl 1,lol':'~J l1cbell1" wll il' b w ill be. ' ,'h'clI 1.('10" yellr . . . . . til ,u""nl'e I ' h it'll W'IH U£'ln" \'('111(111'('11 b'!l . . ' is tllllt of ~elf It elp.- 'url.v I , . \. ~5 8 'enr If not Ilal~ In mlmlw,' .,,. ut Mchool 1:11111 shf\rtl~', Will 1>1 nf Unr !'choul ,'<'Il l' Ii! Ll Jrll Ol>t llfllf • 'e nill mlln II\tN'., t t o Ihll. (' XII I.ti·ng Iv wit . . .' Till' st,)rs \\'1' 11 hut ill\'(~ti ' 11 0 , At "0 g r owi 11 g III Illnlly t WFl E IN ALI ,E)N B lLDING. IH'''~ 'h o J)l'lIllnCllol1. , • If ' ~lItilln dt'v~'hl J!(l\1 Ihnl tll o .l1llali)J1. . ~tro ngor III I Il', Q Ll~t!l l' f'(l ll\g dllY" I' ItHUltt! 1\~hl l~I" h Iow ,~ ('.I!" (.\t"hnl t elf ~'olTl h~ 'l' r 'JF;jPr! O]'1I; e:JILL_~_~~~. II'n. rnth r r '(lIllJlH)nl,laco lIfter ,,1\ I, II h~II ('11 Ire 11111" J 1'('11( lUlu ~ U ( , '1'" r I t1 . Il . WKONE DA\' JANl' ,I\l1' \II. ,. 11'0 ; The ~1I1.I)I1"r,1 hl,l, m ~('c1 t" \Y , ~; , u ,Hill rll lllV 1111 cd t h Ir • ' ",; HI pili \. 1,,1II ,11 -\1 b III uch LIN t OI' I I II I (J ' Xtl" J1 Hlltl hilS h,'ull III tb' \ '):OIlU ' 't I ) 0 , . "(\11 IU I; Ililt UI)W lira ponder . '------. Hp}lrm~lU. I~l : inu- 0" (' 1' th (Jxo Hin ll IltOI)Ot=lirinllu of fl1 l1l1ly nllllo"t II l' nt ur y, I II f ".n . k ." u ~ That New Hall . , ",' 11 0 lO 1. o U t! <> .;J ull 'e>lJlo ll r e!:l Py t hll g<>r u!; 1111(\ E llc ll(l. --A fC' w w !lok~ ugo :'01110 ll.r nll llll ltl t .r !"cui 'S of 11 ' ~ ' I u whic h F or"oar!!lill(l .y ell r,' lhe l)eupl of 10tl'Ollpo flll' l)lo"'io " \1 1 "l lIm p,. , gr " . ' In ' i . I.~ ( ' • . ' ,"hil t i:> t,ll e u ~e f heu lth ,ll' of , '" II f owc', Il l:' g re'II L po w!'r of fll >lClIt/1I0U W a y n RvtlJe nnd Way ue to wnsh ip wns plnceli i n 0111' of t he 1 1' Il Wl'rll 0 t I • 1 I t' Ilill if n t to d o sault' UHf' rtll worlc . 1 I 1 f ' 0 t I f! ~ ullor DIl"ll r U (l 11100. W itS t bol'll wi t h ,- Clirl y l . h a ve felt the need of a cOJIIJllooloo the 81lohnllTl . " 1 0 rl ~' t I' It w us . . t i t 1110' '1'1 h 11 f bll ti ' . ., W fI ' C D tl 10 U .J. lC pros u or pu 0 m ee ng tll k n tok xleUiu . ~b e t1y nullll le bell1 ~ s l or y u~ed WIl S fou nd in Hol iu sh II'S N uts t o Crack , The ooun t ry residents "'lIll t it for 0 \'(11' l00 '0' . '11' . I .. Til I . A u weI's tll I re\'iol1~ llues tioll:<, their Farm ers I nstitutes 1l 0U Jl n bli \ h ell it rel1c hNI Xenin 111 0 llYl1n· ,. rOnlc os , f' ll0 111 I I' Im!,\~ l u ll>\ l. A dro vor b ougb 1, 20 ·OW. nnd meeting and the town people wl1n t m it o Wll S llisoo l'el'cll nml Ih o ill Oi., of the sou l Ill' 1)lllnt t'd lV\th II bm 'h 30 OXOD fl' r *,1 ~0, 1:le ~old hi s ('o w ' It t or t b e va r ian pnrposes wbich den t f urni Rhed mat rinl (o r II p r t. rlipppll in hlood lind dllrk nos!l . tLl for 21. 60 per h ead ; hi ~ oxen fo r . h E d eve ry scen o 1 her e is tJll h orro r !ltlll req Ulre a all. ve rybo .v flgre s t y gootlllrticlo. ,, 37. [i0 p r hila ud I;lI ill('(1 II !'! mn t;h H owe ver ILS tile c1 .vnl1ll1ite wu ~-e. ,redneRi! of bloou, on t b e necessity butn5tlling ia d one. '1' h fllCCil of th l1lu r~l rou Ki ng s 1 cow Rnd 1 .,"co .~t, 1)1l r IIOUd . Ita Rn old 8ubj eot, but wortby o f 'c u r I)" pllckod in awdu t !L'nd lind f) lln tlll 'S J UIIl'd s ur o I!lll cnl'ed witL olll li on : :tO o w li t :f:! l li O c'lu ul oons~dera tl on und we 8 U bmit once beou h ippod by' fr eight the sumo ' ·t32. 30 oxt'li n t. $37,::;(1' cq uu I .,1:;57 th t t h I G it , It s t,ulU~ t he sVetrn,1 l' be~ of m orE! a e 00 0018 of the n)letto way, th er ,· w llS not much possihil . 155'i-UiOO qUil l ~:Ij" !(Ilill . Bu t :10 .. f d ' f Bl\nrtno, flo ws fr om tbo wounds ,Of of cHch fit $(;7 eqnal $ 1710 oJ:. :! I 0 aTe open or a I OUSSlon 0 Ih e ity of un y uccid n t . tll o pI' tty ohi lar Il of MactlulJ,lI n(l 8ub]'ect , w ill n ot ofl' fr oUl t ho li ttle \Jllll(l of m ore tlmn en t gll in', The n *:n0 (!llu,tl price of to oo ws ---~.~-..----A Curfew Story. th 1e 'p wn lkin g L llUY Mllc b. · ~h . d $~ I ' f History Repeating liself. ~1 (' qnll pn c 0 I. , o w ; $u7Bun quo ll nu 1llllc bet h h uv ju!<t re, an 'rb ourfe w ortllnnnce whi ch hILS $ 2 1 f!fJ lllll $:lG pli eD of all OOW. tu t l1 llcl f ro))1 Ii \l ccos, ful ollwpu ig11 . . oited A number of yea r s ago t h e Bell been in effoot in Wn y n s ville u.bont in t he. oorth . ' n tit rond t hey , ;t, B ol\' 1Ium )' nlln t8 IU T elophone Co. had a m onopoly of th r ee w ee ks nntl whioh r equires w eet three w cif\l . i. tors, who pre .. tn tes ? A n!\wer fou r : Phillld olph in the telepbone bnsincss in t h e U nited ohildren nnder sixtee n yeurs of ug e dietod for Iluoheth k i n~ h ipi fi nd fo r ' ors on Ui tYI N e w OriellD, tI.nll State!'. to be off tbe t r eets b y 7 ::30 in win. Ba'u'1 uo thut l,is is n e sh ulel b lin Flinoi co. ilvor doHnrs wur k Then small Indep onden t com pnn. t~r nnd :30 in Bnlllm 1' 1 appellrs to kiu llS. eu with 0 nuder ellgl e o r mintotl in ies b egnn orgnnizing all o ver t h e beworkin g very s ati rnct orilY. 'Ti v' ry luto ; t h; owl · ltn N(1w Orle~u ; with SCI I' min teuill la nd nnd In lIome looalities t ho bus . .Center vi lle ha bnu a similar or· shriek ed gl)od uigh ; oll l.\' I,b e lord un ErnncIS('o; with c c " r ll m intorl inees was almost nil taken fr om the dtnn nce f or am t im e, and this nnd hill y of t.h . ClI.. tle Il re fi wnke in Unreo !') , Uity ; wi til bluuk nr Bell hy t h e independents, story whioh comes from there w ill H e, a lo~ e n. nd ' .... uiting her Sigllui mi n tot\ iu Pbi lild Iphi. 'orreot In :Wnrre n County t h e Valley be appretlln.tecl by nil wh o u nder · l ees fl Vifli oil of II phnutll snt nillu gger un II' r were so nt io by B oruce O. Telephooe Co. was organized b y stan d the wor ki ng o! the ordinllnce. in th nir bef.or 1Iim . a e nter s Bllll , R ay m ond \'\ 11I 11I;nso11 lind local people flnd excepting Fra nkll.n . A cer tain boy had b een noted fpr the ch uUlbe r. " Hfl r k! it W ile but othe r~ . ~u e tions , and Lebali'On v irtually seoured all the m a nn er in whioh be stllrted t ho owl " - " Who' s there? wh nt 1 fl ow ' w ide sh n 11 I mn k t h o t he business In the oount y , run ning b ome at t,he first tu ]> of the b o! " -" 1 hn I' e done Ih( d eed : clids h It ha8 been 18118 t han U,n ye urs ou~fe\V b ell . I n the cour e o.f time th ou n ot beur n noise?" In tb frlllllo of I t m irror, I by 12 incheS s ince the Uompany W8 S. or go.n l)lod thiS boy ~eaohed t !I O u.g,e or !!Ixleeo. d oud s ilenc , liS cluy dllwn~. 'omes to b ' et[ 11 1 in 'IrOIl to ti ll' t of th o , and the number of t heir phon es Tht! e ve Dln ' Of. hIS bll't bday, he u,t n ow u la nd knockin g It t the !IOn th micro r ~ :2 A trai n 3i'i ~ ynrdll Ion ' going has steadily Inoreased , a t t he pres. cll-lmly (\o wn II:l one Of. t il e tOl:es n t r y, lind tHo oonrse g ru m bliug of ent ' time they have a bont 1600 an d aa th b eJl begun rlDging , tip· tb hlllf.nwu kened po rter b rings .10 Dl ilo!' no h our ero se!l u b rid ~e in phones in WarreD County we b e. ped fn r ther hac k in the cllu ir he wns bltok tM oomm on. pluc( reuli t ies of flO s econds. Find length of brid ge. ' o c o upy ing, in ord~r to get ~ vie w of the du.y . Mllcbeth i cl'Own ed ut It' eve. It seems the Company wb lch hn s th o treet. und exchlimed t o One of Scone . Bu t his foal'. s tiok deep in Insure Against Accibeen giving service f or 1.00 a m on t h t he Ul ell sitti ng nenr. IJ ust s ee those Bno qoo. nnd nt II sta te banquet ono dents a nd IJl Health kid run. ,. has doolied to raise the price 'on of bi hired murderers whi pel's him oountry residents to 1.25 a mon t h . that BunQ uo lies dead in 11 ditch o ut Tbo Ae tnlll Life In surance Co. will This has raised a storm of protest Chnmberltll n 's Uongh R em edy Bene· ~ ide . A b e sees t be phost of Ihut issue you n poli cy by wb i 11 yo n w ill 11 fits II Ity Cou noilDlnn fit ellpeola y In the vioinity of Leba n . ~lDgston , Jlllllu ioll.. noblelD,\n in hi~ !lCll t . .. Pirthce, ee r oei.v e a s ta ted SUul por week in _ __ __ ~o~n:..!'and now the :aell Company hu s Mr . W. O IR eilJ 1I. FOl' nrty, who is tbere! beh old! look 1"-" Avn.nnt I case of 11ccic1ctlt or aic kn ss . F or offered to pot In phones at 1.00 a a m em bbr of the Cit y Coun cil at untl qui t my s l ~b t! Th v lll'n cs uro p!! rtlculurs 'e Fr d B, She rwood month, and it seems , likely many K ingstoll , J nm nloo , ,\Vest Indies, m nrrowlos , th)' bloQ(t is cl)]d i th ou Loca l AgflDt . persons will ohange fr om t be Val. w rites as follows : " One bottle of h bst no Bp c ul a t.i on in t h o e eyes ley fro the . Bell. Ohu.m berlain 's Congll Remedy h ud which t hou dost glflr e wi t h :' "u n · good effect on n oough t h at was giv. For Sale. Without any interest in elthe x: ing m e t r onble !lnd I t h ink I s bould tl em en, rise, 11i Hi ghn ess i lI O t Company it,is our opinion : nud w e have been m or e qnio kly r elievou' if well. " Mllcbe th , deep in or im e, have alwa Y8 felt so, that any oon. I h ud con ti nued the reJ.lledy , Thl~t hilS no res ource b ut to go t Rose Comb c1 Bro wn Lc~h o rn cern was entitled t o II. fair r enum. it wus ben fiolul un u q uic k in r o, and beoolnes (L bloody t y r an t ; but roost er s. T , C. :;AY LOR , 'pring eratlon for servll'e rendered and 1~e:;gi~:~!1~~e ~o n~~~~~~Jt n~~~~~~ ends hiS cllreor nt DUDsill ne Uu st!o, Vfllley . P o. t "lice addr s R. F . D. have always believed t h a t e very bottle, ' I For Bille hy J. E . •Tn nney. where t,he sillin ki n ~f s ·ons. Mal· 41 Xeuio, Ohio, tj23 buslnes8 req uired certain expendi. co hn nnd MIlCdufl', nnd ton thouSIUHl Benut y Mo re t h An Skin Deep, tures of whioh outlnderl! were not s to ut·· E nglish 1>01dierl3, m eet thei r Eve r y 0 110 who wnnts It good aware and unless the price ohu.rged f,r iends, t be colti sh pa triot f Qrces. b eilith y color , a,nd a oletlr 8ki n free , was on 't he ' face of ,It ex o ive ll 'fh e ty ran t is fqrtinc(1 In' t h e en. ti C!. from hflioll!m e s~, s lnggi!lli liver nnd have never b een disposed to 6bject: The wi tollOs ho vo told him ho Sh EIIl cb roni o cOn!(tipllti on shoul(l get ' n In WavnesvlJle the Valley 'rele. n ot lleri h 1i1l Birnnm wood s hn t! p il kn ge of Duio ty LllxflkolJ\ tonla til hlet.", UtI t,nre 's s weet rest or er . •r, phone Co, has praotioally e ve r y. T I D ' N' h come to Dunsinnire, and tb ut n o E T \ thing its own way and at freq nent' eephona ay or Ig on e of woman born s\'lI~lI hn\'o m ar . • nn n ey . A Duy '
Tit .. bl'."t ') \'~t ' I'"• ~ 'n ~ ~ uli d " ~ Il I'I' , nQ II:ntcr.
I '[ I
Intervals there are rumors to the effeat ,that the Bell 'Oompany w lll put in an exohange b ere a.nd prob . I\bly it wl1lsooner or later , However tae present situation seems to prove ·t h e t ruth of the old Bdage that history rep'e ats itself . First one Company hilS the field to itseJf, then another . C(lmpetttion when not carried t o. ex·oess. is a good ,thing 11fter Illi. Cnre of Lung Trouble. "It Is now eleven years since 1 had a narrow esoape from oons ump· ti'on', .. writes C. O. Floyd, u. lefld.
Local Ho. 7 Long Oi'stance No 69 3r
tnl power o\'er him .
But til e ' n e· brunch es • fro Ul BIl'unm wood "to s huc1,)w 1,h e ' I 1Unl bG)f of t.heir h ost . ' t ' Tili s t rlkos Harvevsburg, ' t erra: to Mucbe th ' h oart i b ut r ely ,
' Imy, li S they oJ>prmlcll .. c ut
Ing business man of Kers haw., S. C.
oovery, Bnd' continned this for n,. bont !lix months, when my 'cough a,nd lung tr,puplewere entirely gone
Pills. If
a .ew
l' ,. 111' . t d
l'C I ' ( -
·]1101I1 ClI . .
F.~ ta l(1 o f Hanu a. h
j\ , U",w n , tl ccl!"SNl
uI111el'. II<llcllltn\'c Ilc en n J)"ol nt~d a n d '!ua Il Uc,\ a' ,"I"itDI. lmtOni or I II Q~ (lltC nr H a nn nh A . IlrowlI . lal of \VllrrCI! CO un l y . ing all I,h e oth er assnrllnce of t h e OI:~~;;~fc~~ ~'li I II "n.\' QI Pe elllbor ' A. D . wltoh e~ , he fu,sh es f or t h to butt.le. 10011 , II A nLy.~ A . 0 1< 'WN. He. m ee s t h e enra ged Mncdn fl', Ur o wn .,'.;. SlH\\\'h an. Cl1I\AIII.>:s !T. C ',Em lS '('. . LLorrI CYH, . leurn eu from hin\ t bnt h e ( Mncc1uIT) wns ri pped unti mely f rom his moth · er'!; wOl1J b, !!I1U so i not tri ctl y Of . WOllln,n hi rth . ' W'I ~h t he en ergy of despAir Mil beMI nttanks h im , hil t, is ovorcome und b ehcdd,ed . , 'hc
Headache' Sufferers D 0 you wan t, . t f
,Notice of ApPOintment.
'll u11lber lnln " Cong;h R em edy n nJe Medici ne foil' Ch ildren.
L zy ti'er
Sul f<lrlu' t\lo n:i." r · lind agelll ' hilt ~ IIC ,. , roro yellr I·,n. Iv .. r "U,l1g Ollt of ord~r - t ..)' illg to IxQr l\P in t hu b elie f 111M you wi ll b e all ri ght iu I day Or t,~o":"' tlrc )'. u " elt' ber.u &lely IlCg l.Jl· lIllj! thu wnrn lng of outraged Nnture - commit!log f
" Fresh C'elcry- ('rnnbl'-rri s Sweet 1) tul()c~ C'a hha gl'
pp i cs--l )n iu lt
' S weet l"loriliaO J'lI ng es C I I 10 ..JII. nil a H ' r a nges .. Bn nanas & Lemo n!; ~ N ' · , '\ . B uckwhellt fl our
$.'e 11 s $ Dr. C a Id. wepsin
Lim a Ilea ns Red K idney Uoa ns Marrow fat BClln~ N'n' ' y J'~ 1111 Prun()s- Pencl c - Ap ricots
$ $
I_~ L
Syru(pLA JtA~flU"~ l
' tbe better It will be (or you . You cn n't ulTord to fool with yOUI' liver, nnLl yon, certainty cnn't olford to be wit hout this grcllt r~ me(l)' If your J • liver is out or o.rd ~ r . Don't delny . Both you nnd yo ur liver w ill, be better "livers" thnll ever. I lIr Eg-gs . DR. CALDW ELL'S SYRUP PE PSItf CIIn be obtai11cd in both dolt ar and hBlJ· , dollar sizes [roOl nit druggislS. You r mOlley witl be reru nded If " aoes Ilot .bcnefit you.
"~17 ~lrro.~:~c';,~Ok~~~e·~b'UI~I~~~~)~~~~~~ ~ ~~:- w~~ ~R~~ ~~V~~"I~I~~ :~I; ".!~~~:dJ
( F :O l R~.E
$ 6 C' $ Z.Immerman S$$
n~. s.ncl_(_Od_U_Y_._ _ _
""""''''' .
th. ,b l u ll ·' ~r o ('·e ll· evv u~ u
Ing thut YOll don' t Ileed medici ne? lfyoll al'o,lbesooner you comroe ncu the
AN G, lll..
PEPSIN SYRUP CO. .0ntl"lI.., Ililnoia For !iI,Ll n hv ·T E . ,Jnnn ey .
I ~ loA
; v · Jf.l. l~~...!"!!!"~~~~!"!!!"!"!!!"!"!!!"!"!!!"!!'!!"!!"!!!"!!!~"
RlDrn:\' ILLE, 11£0 ' P E IALTI E!: 01 I':A ICS 0 1l' "' ~ D 9R1LOIlEN ,
Wi e CoUD e i from t he ·onth .. . 1 wunt t o give some vnluub le uc1. vICe to tho A who lIu ff r with lalll
l'IME CARD 1'I Y~: AP IU L Iii.
gF PtJ
baok li nd kidney tronble," uys J. R', Blnn ke nll bip, of H ck, '1' n n . , " 1 provec'L to ~u n b ~o l ute ' r!.fl,ill t.I' nbllt Klee trlo Bitters will plIsi. t i v I.V onrephi di tre Sing oondltion T h fi rs t bOM,Ie gove m e gront ,r li ,,( a nd afte r t uki ug n fow lII ore b ttlet'l I WIlS 0 11l1ple tely' un red : 80 Olllpli.t ly th,, 1 it beco Ul e~ u. p leas. l1 t'1~ to reooDlmend tb ls gr ent- r me· lly. " S Id unuer g OILmntee a.t F . '. noh wur tz 's dru g .~t or Prioe 600 .
N H1'HII U NJ.) SL..1 ll OIl",
No. 10
N'o . 3"
A . ~' .
1 11
"10 r,8
.. 7 OJ;!
7 .. '
; lO ~o t 7 0 :tIO .f t. 17 3H 1-10.:1 110 H
K t t.Chne r
It, 1:1 :, OU 11 06 60U
n JH
8 0
No. tiPM .
11 :In II " :1
1 16
Ve nable
For Sa le,
1 B.
111': ' Hecelve r .
Lch,o d L cban on-L\', ..
4 H 4 H
.0 t-l 38
, aD
, 26
A W'lrre n l!lvn pornt-or , ver y ~O . 10 ~G 420 little nsed.,a n.!!. prr:?tloully 1\ ' goed C E\ • • 0 0& X Tefl & D as n ew. 1Jny lon U 40 12 00 " filj o.~ X 1' O &X T Now Is t h e tllne to buy before 0.,00 » 00 the sllgll-r Dlaking season ope ns. I • I) UTB U UNO. I uqire 'ut Gazette office.
It IS Ch a rm ing.
A. M. ~.
~ M.
P. M.
No • •
Da y tOo : 0 R &. 0
paRSes a. h ealthy g lowing 0011\. DaV l on : II ,(: X'!.' (I OQ ptexion , U"ill tY 'LAX AKOL A TON . Lob J 8 30 XU TABLETS obH t er tl t e nil e rup. auon q. :. t' of th . I ' b th ' 'Id b t bilke r OrOl!slng M .1.1 IOns . 8 tin , y elr mt • u Itosl n f8 a'l'
~l~~~et~~l~;e~~ ~: ~~~i~:eJ~' i;:. ~1:L~;ld H
t;v ttlbl etfl, 250. •1. E , .11\11Oey .
3 0 l!
or. O J)
611. ;-... :.! "r, 41 I"; 110
8 ~O 'N ,-,7
o O~
Corn Wanted.
S 00
, /; 00 ,' OOll 6 07
0 10
n 00
Higb est ollsh prioo pH,id for whi te and yellow oorn at ,
to H
,:1 11
10 H 111 ;::1
a 1;1 13 " 2
.0 10 ' 6 JP . 0 ~ij
'banon Arrtvo rJ ao a 3U U 1 0 hn rmin g Wom en. .- " llauy uoeQ~ u,,,lny. = 5100,1on sll1nlll Nothing la nds wo re to parsonR-11 HOfll).U TII AIN •. chl\ ~m thn.n II 'le,u' rosy s kin nnd 1'.alno paSH r.I' t1.e a~, fol\o",, : no th ing i!1 11 0 s ure t.o fr ee th e sk ill NorlbbouUlI 7 5Uo.. m , II 47 p, m froUl m th s pots, sn.llo \VD!lI!'" nnd SOul bbopnd 0 O'a , roo 7 Oll Jl:.. TIl t h e effects o[ ohronic oons tlpat ion W . E , MOO RE. as the Dllin ty Lu xak ola t onic t",b· Oen. rall·B88cnger Agc llt.1.ebllnon. O. lets, 2r. cent s. 1.1. E. Jann ey. ECZEMA and PILE CURE For Rc:nt. , I' i~EE Kllowingwhlltttwa8 to 8uf. As J will mo ve t o the Cbflt:leSI f r I will give FRli111lOFCBARGEto J on es fnrm this apring, I wiJ) r en t , any "lJIioted, a positI ve oure for Eoon r eusonllble ' term8. m y b on se und ZtlDla" salt rheum , erysipelas, plleli ' ui lle nores of ~r ound 0 11 ,t he I:)ta.te and , skin disellses. Instant rellef. Road, nor t h at Way n eSV ille. Milke Don' suffe r longer, write F . W ' W [J LAMS 400.Ma h tt ' inquir .es OD 't he prelUl"e!l, or ud · ' , n ~ an avenue d ress \VayriosvUl"' llQst offic" , Ne w Y ork. Enol08e stamp. Y ... '91908 I.
E~ii~~~i.~r:~~f.~~~~i.:: ::k!~1~. a;f~:~~~i,b;u~ ~~!,~~z;~:~~~:,O"~~:~Fi~:!~!o; POST CARDS ~ ."31S~~=~~~,'1 SHOWING VIEWS ' $ . FRU'1E' ~e~gIht~~~ 'pr~~~J:~, tTh~:"nnnodrsIUOufl you ' ~'~~ll ~h~~~~; ~1:dbe7~~0~~al~~~~~~ ' 1..d..J $' Of $ A TRIP .TO THE "$ I
persons healed 'every y ellr, Gnaranteed at E. C, Schwartz's drug store, 500 and $1. 00. Trinl bottle free,
Farm Hand Wanted. , - - -'A man to work on n, fa:rm by the month ; a hou8'" provided for h1m . to live in, Inquire of AJlen Hole on th e ' Ca d",allader farm one mileI north of WaynesvWe. 'l'el,e ph one No 952 1/ . " /~ . tj ll Why t:lufler ,from Rheumatism ? Do you know tblLt rheumatism pains can be r elieved ? If yon doubt thiB jU8t try one u ppllclltlon of Chambe"lalr 'l' Pain Bnlm. It will make n.t and ..leep poBsi'h le, and that certalnJy m8llnB " great deal to any· ODe alIlloted wttIi rbeuma . tism, I'or lale by J. B. Jumey.
, ubj or t t o heauucbe, 'lJ:rve, them w it Jt :11ways. N o hal'1ll ;1n ('01)10 from t heir 11 , if t.ll"Cli· as <lir -ted,' a ' ilw.\' l;OUta in
'rb.ero i~ lIO dan ger fr oD! it, nnd re o II f is n l ~tlys s ure to follow . It is inte od ed e~ p~oiull:v for , conghs, .
t h e wo rld for t h ese ' disenses. I t is n ot oul y Ii. cort llin Ollr f or cr oup, hut., whe n ~ i v en ns soon us t,ll e
~~~!)ill~~rai-~~~Iralt:ll~ ~~~~ . ~~~~~£~~~~:~~~~E~~~~l~~~)\r~~~
form, hC I'oill, rdplw. and beta eur,arnc rU ll ll a b is in<lica 0 1' ehllWnl hydl'ate" 'or their del'h'u th '8 . Ask '1.rOUl' w ·Uf!!.ri "bou t ' '" :t '" them. "It " h'e
m~ ",I'en l "l eO~1tro to IJe
nIJle t,) r cre r I" Ihl' r Uin ] ' 111 " fl . Ih.· h~",
r. ) 111,'8
1" m c d ,v \\'0 h av" C'\rf'r h o d In Qlfr h (tl1~~' (l l r t ile \Jrc vcn ... t1 0n nm1 l 'Ul e nr h l·Ht1n(t h . 1\), wlra " 'ho hll~ I,.."" II "n""w nl ." ,tT,'rol' tor )·I.!"rs w illi c"mpl\" nt. j oln8
.t. '''
en 11 8 du ected . It con tains n o oplnm or oth er h fl rmful dr tllgs? nndmll,y be
Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, ~d
\'/ ~ ,y, Jes ville'!j Leuding D ell ~!st I ' tJi c~ ; 1\ Keys Bldg Mllin Rt. - --
2'or acts
Itl1p~ov e and Benntl t;y the uom p lex. , ion .
r Jl rin li nd dandeli on whloh Is on e of 'h!' snfe!'t oomplexlon l1ea ntiflers Jrn .)Wn. F,ort y lHtle Clhoeelllkldloat. Eli laxative tablet,s , ~16 cents. J. E. J ,\DD9Y.
· ."OR
; ' it. H.E. HA~rHAWAY,
G~~~'y:i[~ ~'~;\:((::~~~~~~~~r~~";f~~ It~~~~~~I~ I~~~~g~~l~re~~8 ~~eD:n~
Dr. Mite. ' Antl ·Paln P ilI. ore Bold by your dru90lst, who w , 1I !lua r~ n te .. th at the flr. t p'Qka~ e will b e n etlt. It f a ll •• h e w ill retu r n you r mo ne r,' 25 do ..... 25 cenl. . Nev. r . old n bulk.
• •,
$ $
S ...... A.....
,i. , _. .~~ ...........-:..... , ..... ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ................ wry ... . , .
County Court New
-I .
,...........--....~----........~.~'~ . U2!£Z_ L~~·~!·~~~~~!~~ ....~~~~~~~~~....... -
option filod to In"l'nllJI:;I1 filf\d by B. S. Clement ond J. B. Ulemen_, . J ORl'ph G. Kays, exucntllt . . executors of tho estate of W . B.
'. '
oot,ion sahu'ies of jltnitor 'fh . ro /Lte on l!IJ IO It Residence.and Business . W...,.8":ell ut ,GO per month aull tho Uilio ut Bllxyeys1.mrg )f ' NEW "11I'• • • E!ltn te of Jlllnes F Br-m ne tt-, <1f'l Ulement, deceased. TWAlfth aooount . • "iJt.. It nt i40. JumesFollen hired five viow III uud 0 bo s. • Property for Sale. 'l'holllll!l MilloI'. Ildmil1i~· J , E . Janney gnardinn of the U · &II ; ..l' .or nnd Raymond Blushbar. burg, inoluding the f 1 , ---~-- ~-' Mllud ~ltullor va ' ~ . .L "".. ook, oeusl-d . ,,,te of 'hurles D .•Jnnney, insane. ger iUI.Jssistoll.nt. hUil cl ing th E ll , t gnd . \ 'A \'fl'/ cl ..,.lnlhl .. ImIHIII!. H pIll Urnoe 'pcncor, A. U . l::!).Ieuce nnd trator lile~ 801e hill. Estut,f\ of France E . K nIli'll,," ,. ~' irl!t ucoount. 'v .. "". v_ .. , . 1.. . W 'I lf 111111800 ' " 'l'beo. F , I::!pance, Mooey auc1 fOJ' . - -- ing, t wo' ylews ot tho H Hill , lind {I " LytJ f Or ~ufe . . W. L : Hnrtley, executor of the W C T A at M' t p rop~rty nnrl to o ~ of "q r o(' rI - B .. 1'01'1 of ruo~t, 'u~o 1m sllutb bulf uf r! (lIlIlSCti, Fit'st, uull finl11 " 'Ilonot . • . '.' . . ason. S I' t coo no '1" . jJrlCO t " ' H nr tl ey, d ecellse. d . iiUcont 0 t ~e~1) ofl'era l1i8 lll" '}l)A 1'-u ". 10t.Nu. Ii\) lu ~OUI·lt Lt lHWllll . . .£ luln III l'u,1',uy G eorge J> ... l'ssmnn . eR tll t e 0 f E) 17,a cards isetw for " rty IlUd ut"ck ~ u E~h' l to nf Allnie J . Wilkerll()Jt , Flnlll UOootlnt. 'rhe Quarterl:y MerIting of Warren vc ry l' U OlhlOII' priro. I :n ll 0 net !II'" titT c hLi",,; d"r.. udllllts u ubi' 1\14110 • cond account filed 'I', '. Puttul'son, Ildministrator of Oounty Teaohflrs Ass()('itlti o~ will fu /' yourself u.t lJI. I hll'e of I)ullin !1>. IInli he illlr rhc IlUlOllllt uf dafellOllnt.s blloAficin ri R. the estate of Ludwick Mlller, de. be hcld 'a t Ma on, Ohio Jnnullry 2\;, Gnarunte(tl RC'IIl l'lly lor JIl(h~,," t ll'n t, j 22 ~ , 1... WI"I.II'l~nN, . PI'OIllIS!H) ry nl,lIeS u !l~ lgned to h J' by by 'hu"I,,. WilkerslIu t.rustee. ElI l:Jte at F tix. S: ';Vcltcn 11ecen!!. oeased. Fir8t llooount. 1907. The fo1[ pIVing prtJg'l'81l1 will' Jil t l.' es lil,1'( .·tnlr-Illt'nt, 1>y .1 I!l. ,JOhn HU liktll,t . 8u \'II ge II nd t:i" vngtj ~ b J I ' be rendered .' .l onncy . urIJ lI uor n t.iY~ fol' pluintltl'. r d . J >0 er t . hrtWIJILU, I\dminls ~1'I'RIAGJt WO~NbES . .....' ~ n' ~ " " 1I ~n II II\UII 001111'" Into 111101 'l'be Mol'l'Ow lIrewlul-\ UuUl)lIlD.V trutor, fi les inventory 110e\ approi e· Williom Ca,rter to Dulan'ey 5. MORNIN SIJ:S ION, 10 . , ' LO 'K . . ton) und (J1I1I~ 1'01' IIny fur ~ u io, Quartetto ' IUdlf:l ' 1,lon l'elll('(lv, \\ (\ dWII'''' <"vo Vti ULI !1 Whlluur • IJIIUMllblo uf ::)/1 1llent. Cartel' and Muttie E. Curtar, 304 I h' I) , . E!ltutE' of Alb~rt Dill, dl:!oeliBed. nvoolltion, Rov 1 n. S. Hn gema n ml W lut 10 1\ '11 f'lI ' , hilt III 0 ' 1In) lew t.OWO~hljl, Wllrr u couuty, 0 ., Inventory nul! nppruisement' tiled !lares in survey u7, IJOO, ' • , . Vooul 010 , Miss Luura Gunnin g. he lell vo_ B (,0 n~ \\". 1I ~lI l1l1y I' (,0111 . Bnd Rioilllrll1:>t,rutJ2fellow. IUllrsllal Edward and .,ressie Hutton to H. bllnl. l.Ilencl l'ep iI.nlH t.olbllll ,; . of fhe villlLg~ of Morrow, Worren by Gcor~eT. ,Tetrick, Ildmlnist.rator M . Garwoud part of lot No. 14, in H e r is u pr l'pllI'lI twll \\'1 h ll "' \ ouumy, Ohio, III replavill. 'fhill ' In mutter of Will of Mury E . Ste Bllrveysburg, 1. . I • "The Good ' Ilrunritnn of the been E\ollin ~ l'I "ht m'tlr tlll \ r'lInn lM Sohool," Rev. 1!'. L , Curri!lr ~Ol' ycu r!;, nud fflllll .iclull1 Oh.-l' I' ''/I . Is a lIui t to regain possession of otjr vens, deoeneed . Will admitted to George W . I:!tanley to Ella T. ., gOIl!I , li nd .. H nlf Hour with Erowning," tioo \". 0, k o nw 1. 11111!1t un tlAin cbllttel property which W:IS )lro~uttl. Stanley 182.89 aores in Turtlecreek M' R rl lilly d oe rcli lWP unfl Cllrn in , lIJ,("~ , levied npon by thlllje officer!! wh u Estute of MllrY E , Stevens de. \ownship, 1 . ISS ea MoCuin, Lelmuon High tlOD nod li YBP Il,iu ' ur th e r wuuld 1)[1 II, st endy strollDl of 1)(Jl)li\ r" "I I II " llefendantt!. Bul'l' and hinB are ceused. Mury L . teV61lS Ilod Uur.' Ella T . Stanley to George W· School. ' ... rie S. Hobil1 son Ilppoiuted 'ldminis. ---l.m ok for tb ir In OO y. Il~ (l\'(lr¥ t~, ILttorneYI! for Jlluln tHY. 'iltlLnlay, lot in Lebanon, 1. AFTERNUON 'E 'IO'~ 1 ' t 1 . . ' "', 0 ,LO K . cen lOX 1:\ sold wit,h tllo Ill1u!'r Edw .. rd tit-lOngfelluw nThe 8tute trators at 14,000. J, Warren WOO(l, Cal vln and Edwards to ,1 i tl IU t you 1II11 ~t (10 II ciller!· Musio, Pupil of S. Lebanoo ·at un ... Of:( of OhIO. Ptltition in error. 'l'r.. ns C. P. Muroh und E. S. 'onkhn Up Oharles S . Edwllrds, traot in mlli . "ohool. Iy ben fitI'd or t.h l ' is nothio g t o oript from the Uourt of C. B. WH· pointed upPfais r~. N 707 "'0 ' " pity. f L tnry survllY o. .,. O. R.eadlng, Mrs. W . E . Putt. Y " Es t kerlloD, mayo.r of Morrow, filed. Vn tll e 0 orettrL J. PBuly, de· Churles ond Elizabeth Edwards to 011 Slfll Jll~' try POllsikolu til l lets Music, (~ullrtette w~th t h und · rs tr. lIlll o" tb ut t.!lIlY FRIEND TO FRIEND DooembHr 12, 190U, jllulntifi' wu/! oellsed. First uooollnt filed by Fred LeRoy and Lewie Luokey, traot in . will st OU ,1uy ~'I)ll r pel've c;o Address, Bon . W. H. Meck, impro ve . • tried before Moyor Wilkersun whu' L . Pnuly, executur, MU8sie townshill, 1. yonr "llpetit e l'elio17o WI'llll l'olc'11 I , Estu.te of SIIDlue ' l F Spurll ' n otellio Biah School, iDayton, Ohl'o I ' ' file ""rsona1 rCC OIlIIU Cl1dl\ti' ~ OB or ....... found him guilty and fined him , . . g, .. ng, coutee! tong uc, on r stOJl1tlch ,.. r-MARRlAOE LIOENSES . - Vooill Solo, Mis Cu nninghnm fulbel.'s 11ft I' entl' n" n, "0 1 I pie who hnve b een cu rcu o f CUl"gbl Uld anu costl!. Ilwounting ,tu IjIIO.35. It deceused. Inventory and Ilppraise. " u~. of n et 0 11 · " Wi lli am MI'II ar d t 0 MIlry D owney, " Some Present DtlY EducutionDI argy, olld o tll el' sy"mptom:! In 11. cold shy b Chlltll crltnn s C 11gb Remedy is clBIDled there was error in these ru",nt flIod by J . E . Spurling, udmin ' istrl\t.or, "oLh of Franklin. , Problems of Uhio," Pres. Alston g tion Ill' ,J . E Ju nllSy is I ('a d v r Have done tJlore UtnU nil else to IJJI\tt It. proolltldiugl!. Ww, MoDoDald Etltute of E . Dexter 'l'uft.s deoells .Tohn H . Brown to Edith McDon. Elli . Ohio UniverSity, AtlJens, O. nt. (lny time to ll!ly !Jllck yon r m PII Y' swph: article of lmtlc lIud cbmmtrce_ nttorney for plalntltl'.in.e~ror . with out til I li st urg urncnt . I B huge part of the civilized wor\oll ld b h f P PI I R ed. Second lind fil1l1.l nccount filed II. , I)t 0 leasunt an. ev. Music, Pu lils of S Lebnnon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OI)Ult'l' PllO HiItlDUWS. by EliZIlbeth 'l'nrts', exeoutrbt. ,10seph Sbepherd. School . -
Ollvill UhllIl?berluin V8 Patrick a,y nor et al. Distribution Dr'pro coedll of reillestllte mnde. D , J . Hol1eocamp v~ The Morrow Ale Brewing Uo. "oseph P . Fulr. child is appointed tempornry reoei\' or nnd his bond fixed ut '2,000. . Annu M·. Phllllps VB J oseph J . P hilJipi!. Uause dismi,8sed. Amanda MODger vs Luella .Trapp. O~ije settled. Bertbl~ WllSS vs Jured M. WtlSS . OIlUBe' dismissed. John Barding et 1101 V8 'r-he Villnge of I:!outh Lebanoo et 1101. Judge ment for defendant a,nd temporary injunotlon it! dit!solved. Fru.nk P. Forgy et al vs John Kui· Ber. Judgment for pla.lntiff sum o.f ,IM281: ' D W d B Andrew . t5hultz vs a e, ~ BrowD, t5upervisor, etc., tlt al. Tem. . porary injunotion dissolved. tilate of Ohio VB Emma Hooh. ro_ ......U8ed dismissed'. State of Ohio VB Marlon Fox. Mo· tion for new trilll sustlLlned, verdict is set aside and a Dew trial granted . Bond of defendant fixed at IliOO, State at Ohio vs Joshua Fox. Motion for a new triul Bll5tained VerdiGt ).s set uside and new trIa, I ~ "ranted. Defendunt's bond is fixed • ~ at IMO. tit.l lte of Ohio vs Henry White. f I I I d ~tlOn or Dew tr u overru e to which defendant exoepts. White . d is sentence d to be eleotrocute Muy 2.9, 19p7. The following porsona were sworn
tud sent· before the grand jury; IT''hoe, L. C. An " John Frie, ,lerry ' .aD der80 n, . J~ke Ridinger, Theodore B' ouk, Job Sherzer, Kate Kaho, Minnie Bou.1I: and S. B. Woodw"rd. Cba~les W. BtiDinger vs JOileph , Brl.lnger et d. Amendment to or088, petition filed. Fred Mllue V8 Walter C. Cham· berlain at aI.· Defendants have
leave to file an!lwer forth with. Charles W. Hrininger vs Joseph Bt:ininger et al. Bale is n.pproved and oonfirmed. Dilltribution of prpceedingB made. Walter Compton et 0.1 vs Guy L . '
Estllte of .fumes Grimes, deceufled. VaDoe L .Jacob~, of Loveland, to aoontl und fiuol IIccount filed by Muude Colli.n s, of South LAbunon . Willium J. Grimes, udmlnistmtor. • _ • Estuto of Albert Dill, deceBl!etl. (.:omimssioners' Lloorge 1'etriok files sale bill. p roceedings Estate of flenry Runy"n, deceos ed. Fir!lt Ilnd linaillcoount filed by ISert Reed, oontraot No J , A. Runy'un, administrator . . 122 , 4G 70 . Estate of Edwa.'t1 Lung, ' minor. . r.:Unt Stanton, oontraot No. Flua,1 uooount filed by Rose L')ng, 121 1 40 guardi~n. . 11. B. Smith, sewer aud ceo EstlLteof Ba~nllh Urton , deceused. plent 10 9 First (Iud final Ilcco uut filed by J. 1:1. Linton. 13. M. Decker, bridge reo pllirs, Ulearoreek town.E~ tute of James L. Brown, dt!ceas. '26 40 ship ed. First and finul ucoouot filed by .' lert Reed, bridge repairs W . J, Wl·ightexeontor. D fi eel' eld townsWp 9 00 Estate of W. E. Stockton, Dssign. 1.ebanob Patriot, publisb. 01', Elrst and linallloooDJlt tiled by , ing notice 3 2 W. F. Elt:.:rotb ussignee. Western Star, publishlDg El!tllte of Kinsey Thompson, beu . notioe 4 Itl efioiaries. '1'. U. Pattertlo!l, trastee, ('). B. Tufts, burial of Henry files third account. Conover 60 00 Estute of 'Hlmnah A. Brown, be, (ieorge E. Young, expenses ceased. Inventory and appr",ise. , 10 00 for November ment filed by CllIlrles A. Brown Ilnd Uharles H. Clements, IIdministra. RtlLko.lto. Pen Co., mdse for Probate Conrt . 20 00 tors. ar~therine Nunlist, washing t! 80l nEAL KSl'ATK TUA.!IISII'IIlR towels R. A. Stilwell, making pilte Joseph Keys, executor of the es. d Ii t-llte ' of Isabella Brown. deoeased. Mb 1up oates C 'J ar es ~'jr!lt· Ilnd final settlement, .rose, guard at 1 00 jlLil W .' S . Kirby, executor of the eB= Ed H ' d t j 11 1 00 arner. gUlIor It tl tute or Atlhbury KIrby, deceased. Andrew tihultz, guard at First' and 'finol (looount. jlLil 1 00 U. B, Deohllnt, udministrator de rJharles Dearth, gUllrd llt bohis non of the estute ot John Mar. 1 01) jail I:Ihuli, deoellsed, Fifth acuuunt. 1. 00 John Sml'th, gUllrd at jlLil Chlules Jones and F . S. Wylie, W. ·H . Stllnage and Co, executors of · the estate o{ 'I'homlill 45 76 supplies for auditor Jones, deceused. Sixth lLooount. W. 'B. Stanagfi Bnd Co., a~ · 35 00 John Bl*Oket, exeoutor of the es· k COUDt boo s for auditor state of Samuel Barding, deceuso::l. W B S d C . . taunge Iln 0 .• fee First Il. nd finttl account. d h b k P bat an ens 00 ro e (;~arles Frye, ILdmiuilitrutor of Judge 20 00 ~be tlBtn.te of Emerson D. Woolley, ·W. B. Stantlge and 00., fee d aoell8e. d F'Irsn an d .... ..... 11 I aooonn t.. boo k for Reoorder 12 50 A B h dl " . i t f . . v ILn er, a,,1llm t<tru., or 0 W ;1:{. t5tanage anll 00., fee the estate of Lydlll E. Damel, de· book for treallQrer 10 50 d F irHt an d fi nil I accou~.. • oeuse. W , H; Stanage, fee book Lincoln Lackey, udwinl8tratur of for Auditor . 12 50 the eS\illte of Jolin Lackey, decuused. W. H. Antram, 600 two Ji'lrstand fiuu,lllooount·. oent stampi! for auditor 10 00 , Bllrblnll Mueller, exeoutor of the esrure of George Aluellel', deoBllseti. .
~:;:~t ;l~rd~~~onIL:' 1~;~1V~~~ FI.~~ll~=U;~rton, exeo~tor
minor defendant. Eva Barner. Sam!). Writ of plLrtition il!sued to sheriff. ~ Seth Furnas, Jumell Vandervoort and Emerson Va,u der. voort are al>poluted oommissioners' ·to make said partition. . PROBATIIl OOURT, EState of Isabella Brown, deClms., ed J!'frst and fin III acoount filed by Jo~eph~, Keys, exeoutor. Estllte of Susan C. Hildebrant de. ()8IUled. Churles D Bildebrtlnt up pointed administrator wft,h l;~~rles Kella-r, AlvlI F. I:!imon~on llnd Jacob Smith as appr"tllera. . ,Estate of lsabellll ,Brnwn, decelLs. ed. Laurll U. Ubllollen 'd ismissed eJ;.
of tbe
. B urton, d eoease. d estate of Wllhum .Final aceo nt A ..D. Smith, admlnistrutor.of the est te of Slllnuel Wilkins, decellseu. First aDd tina I Iloconnt. P ; P. BenhllDl, gUllrdian of tbe estate Kti.tie M. Benham, imbe olle. ' Fifth aooount. JOhn . B. Ulement, trustee of the es~te ~f Uarojine W. 8,0teldo et 0.1, beneficiaries. Elevonth account. John'B, Ulement, exeoutor of the estate of Florenoe ·P. Clement, ·de. o~!led. Sixth acoonnt. John B. Cieqlent, truste.e of the estate of Barry S . Ilnd Julill Clem . ent. bon,efioi&ri.e8. Fifth account.
L . . Jvin. pre ident; J . F . Young, S cr~tllry; l~Moutive Opru. mlttee, C E Brntt n, H. D. ] elll 80n, J . L . Codwll,lluder .
Young men Wanted. ~' ...
The' Right Name , Mr. August harpe, the popula1: O'fersoer of the pOOl~. at Fort Madl· son, 1a., says: " DII'. King' New I.lte Pills a,r e rightly nllnled; tb y aot more agreeably, do more good aDd muke one feel better than Ilny oUier llLxative." G ul1rallteed ·to oure billj o\lsness atld oonstipation . .26c as F. C. SohwlLrtz drug store,
Our (ff15 ""
: ••
Staple and .Fanoy Urooeriee, Fruit!! Vegetnble
aOll Canned Goods .
C. M. BROWN, Proprietor. , '
Phone .79.
~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~__~~: ____~____XMmw~-~"~ _ _" __~ '
Keep .the Hen!ii
Telephone in his house where I can be called at all hours, day ()l night. "Coaohes u.nd ohldrs lIupplled. Have recently moved to rOOll1 next to Cross Bros, . j MAIN STRKE1',
PAR t],I D is fl'('onl1llf'tI()!lfl
The Price' of Pellce. Tbe terrible itching nnd E mar~ lOll, inoident to oortain skin dlsens es, is almost Instantly alla.yed by applying Chumbierlnin's Salve Prioe, 25 cen~s. .
Black SUIts have not met their equal In this city. CheViots, Thlbets, Unf.lnlshed WO,rsted.
1)), ~o m o of
] nrg(t~t
ELA K-Atways good taste. appropr Iate on all occasIons, becoming ~o ev.erybody.
, 8~~CK
'ig-Ilrs lind 'l'obaoco,
'l'he azettc CHll t:l tLVC you money. on no" spap and DlH rrazines. If you intend . ' b ' b' fOraD) 0 f ·the' magazines or paper como nd see us. We will get them y u ut considerable reductions.
Fir 01 n !lnu lBrnkeUl n Ex. • JJ.a rlelh," e uon o'sSltry . v I' GOO p '1 1'8 sltIO..... open Ilt tbE' pro 11t. tim l:Ii 'I" \\,Ilges. Rapid prOUl otion t.Q ~nwr, eer Dnd 'onductorR. $.lito U Cl'l Lll O' *200 por month. lnstruot.lou bv . ''' 'nl nt, Y0,tlr horna without (lotil' " n ptl.J11 WI to preRen t occn pMlo .. .. J It/(, Ils>list euoh student iu eCllrin :: I pos lt.lon Don't deloy. Write t ·· for luy f r free C!ltnlogu , Instructio 11'\ ou(luppliotltion blank . . ' NA'nu" AL RAILWAY TRAIN. '.Nli SCHOOL, Inc. , Boston BloOk, Minnenpolis, Minn. U . S , A.
It""·.........'~ ............................................ ·•····......-.j , , :
pop !trym It ns tim 11106:' cconfJ ,lI\r~1 \ r(\(lling nnd sitl lng for
poult ry 110.1.'1' , sbeel A, ~lC. 'h illgl '6 nnl1 clnpllllllrtls cost morc I\'ul do 'lot I,cr r the blll1r,lln;;R II dry uU\1
r ,,,,...,,t l
·\' Urlll.
Ill'·V'. '.. ,,'
,~·lt11 y" " fllll( I,f!.in "lUI. t, II. J ~ (I ~B no reI Illru nllinti,, !; w ll ~ 1\ Ill'llt ~Ip li ' rl. [,L I.!' s 1 Ul, ~ " .11 (o.c1uy fl)r 1'1'&:0 ~•• II1}1l r·s 1111,1 'lur IJOoklut,
"O!Jil dtng Economy."
For Sale 'By SPENCER & MONROE ...... : ._ ·:'2.~ '.-:::0:, OREGONIA, omo. .~. ._~,v./. . IT J'~ THE "KNOW HOW" , J n the manufactul'ing of Pat'oid that makes it the most economical and . sati faetory l'oofi~g or sidin~ material on the market. Both fire proof and weather proof. You get fun value received if you buy Paroid. . ' \ROID ROQFING PAINT. Mak:s old roofs new. Good on any kind of roof. O'L . Flout has ' been newly remodeled and the quality of our flour is better than ever. ~ ~.
H' II " , MfkR~~~ ,ST. O . enCa1np 5 Spencer.& Mon'roe, Oregonia,Obio. .
• '\ 4
... "
• '"
, .......... 4
, ...
'" • , '..
4.0 . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ •
-ae.- ...
. . . .T:&O. . ' . G-.-e..,'te8-a ,-ywr-.. . I~ , .JIII. __ ~JL-'E- €,.~1L-'. :J mIG- .'-rOI&E , '. ·',. a p·4e..-,ee.. -a OFiF · S ELLING· "RICE '
CL~TRING, HATS, CAl?S ' AND · 'FURNISHINGS Weare ready for you to come and see ouragoods and prices at the store that saves· you ' money, l Also M.erchant Tailoring.
f J
In!: In til(' lllcrar:v world t hat wo. Jua to Ill s I 1<'lI tS. It Is I lI t('l'll~Ll IIIl to 1I0t thnt IIjlon th o jlllbllf'lltlrJll .ol illarl·, 'I'\\,oln 's "Ad,'('ulures QI II 11Cklob('l'ry 1"1/'11," wh ich Is now oll sltl"r\'c! olle o f I II' clr\s.ic$, olle rlil c L1 oC'l nrt'll: , ",V 1'0 lIIar l. Tw nl ll's l'l'llll tlltlon us 11 11111110rls !t,~s well (oulI ll II and e ~ ll\ b Il K h'c d , 11'0 111It;hl say l hu L l ui s h ap lIud IW1" Il lc lo u ~ I uff is conchl 1,,(, ,'Id nro Iha l , II ~ a Ul hor hns' till ' Ia lm to h ra nIit'd witl, ;\ rlt' l1l l1S \Y til'll , Sy dl\ Y Smit h, 0 a u wi tt, Jphn lI uy 0" Oll r ol her l'f'C'o!( IIIZt'd h lll llul'I t u\Jo"" tho ;:l'I\do of Ihe " ul hol' of I,hll t '"ll rll!;t'ol ' ~ fl el! n, 'P er It's Dad lIny:" Hora ce Greeley as a "Dev il." !\Ind, 'I' wnl ll ~ a mo I'rolll l h(' W I" t. a nd tLt.' fll l ~lc(' of 0 110 "pl'l ntel"S de\'II" wh o .. Unl ll t,1 s u cess \VIIS: "Go west, youn g mall , lin d J; row 1111 wi th tho coun t ry." ]<;" cry 'sClLoolb o), Imows \\'h o gn.v/, IhaL advi ce, IJQrn III d ir!' t IlO VOI't)', lIome Greel ' " \\' IIS n ot abl o to oblllll1 III II il of ufl (!llueat lon , nJ! n r ~c r hili ~ lxth Y ar 11, wns (ln l)' 0.1· lowed to g il to s hool duri ll/\ t ho winlel·moll lh .. , He nUll h I- brolher. had to holp th olr fll ther 1k , oul a ,mlsor· abl ex ist 'nco fro'tl the liO,acro !llot whloh" wllb Llle rnru s ha rklo hou se un· on It. was the id eI' Greeley's only pos, s cs s lon. In 1 ~ G II 01'11 eo Grce l y en lc l' cI tho omce oC lh KnrUHi1'1I SII . tll tor, In ElUlt Poul t l1 e ~' , Vt" Il!\ nn a p(l renll c , flnd fo r lh\! first si x 11I0IIl.hs' work reo c Ived nothing bllt hl ~ board. Aft tl r that h(' I' '11\'ed In ad d itiOn the prInce· Iy su m or ,~O U Y Ill' tor four alld a hair :vears . At the cxplrulloll of 11 :S appr ntlc • hi!) h WCll t to ~JI' I , PII ., and th onc to Ncw Yor1t, wh ' l'e ho ~I\lt e d
FISH 8'1' THE MIl-LION, Enormous Proport ion. of This Indu .. try in the Eaat.
As to BalMced a nd Unllalanced
lions for COIttl e,
l1 0ward R. Smll h, prort-SSOr of nl· T ltl' r c/;ults of lh N w England nm l Ii IUl hIIlHlr)" t'lll l'lIrslty of '"Ne!lsh!'rl s III 1905 brok ull 1'0 ' rdll \JI·URIH., In ' hl H btw k 011 "PI'ofilable Main ('ouLI'lhul II ',0 t h , roo,l sup· SLack ~~el' clin '," SII j'H: pl y u[ th wo rld l ,OOO,OO.(),OOO IIncK 11 " III' HLHl'lo XI' H'lnwllt ·RtnUou..~ have sardines . vah.c't( tit $5,000,000, 1iJ'11 In fros li 116b alune Dostoll dold $4,0 00,con ti lid cel lIulIlPro! . f"'etlln~ eXll0~' SLEEPING SHED FOR SWINE. ' mon ls ",!lh al1ll1lu.!~, it. whloh bal· !l00 wrlrll' . Tit ' ~ren.t "'r \VllaI'C" In no~ton ahoul~ be Large Enou gh to Acc\lmmo· nnllod anti unbul,u' c fl I'nllo118 havo ,hnndl ed H)O,OOO,OOO I1nl111(19 or fl'cp h lwcn 'UltllJDr ct , Al"'l0 I<aullus Xlledato the Hogs, Etc , Comfortably. rlrnvn t s tilli on , eOl'n , )1\:111'10 hay und 111111, valu ed a t $2,GOO,OOU. Al thl , whnl'C li S Il ulny as 60 · lIahlll!:' y ss els To Ite I' a large lIumbo,. of hOf!:lI cOl'n s lo" I', a CHilli/ illation \laving < Men Whose Names Now A re Household Word" to ha"l' b ' n m()O red nt on till' ; In clos qUlin rH Is " or r IlflOr 11(1111)'. I1l1l.'llh· I'alloll of I : 11, wus r d tu GI01\CIlStCI', thu homo o f lit Gran!'! f'1 j;s s hould not he fed.ln t he Slime 81 "' I' ~ III 011 mat wi h a bal:1ltc 'fl raMillions Commenced Life as Humble Assistants to the Dank fl shillg n ' et. jll'O\' ld l'll tor pin e III which th ey ar bOlt dcd 10 1' Llon h/wllll-; n ll \llrl tll f) 1'UIlOII oC 1 : 6,5. V,llagt;! Editor- Mark Twa in and Horace Greeley tho wOI'leI's O I1 ~ llIl1l'Ll on 125,000,000 nny co ns lde l'llllifl I 1I);l h of UIlIf'. '1'h a vI' m gl' of ~ll1'ell ' ~I'hils ;;bo\V(l/1 1'0 \llIlis of s lll ~ nsh , vllill d at $ :I,7 ~ .. 'rhl'ongh th e sUll1mer I.h y s hould Cl"" lhul ~ S Ile r c Ilt. less I'oed ,'a>l raShining Examples. 000. Ilnd hUIIll l'l1 fresb fi s n to tho lalf) ly hnv e 60 (1!l1'at RI'l'plnl-; 3.pllr,t· 11 1lIr' ('l! for 11 'I O il Ill u~' e!l "O III weight valli ' of $2,000,000, rnClllS, Ilud wllll!' I,h ' y:tl' IlIlJ>Wl'ed wllh tho hulllncctl mllon . " In an'; l·ime nt ut. the " 1'1 ',,·tlska In th o la ltur pn l' t or 190 ' a 1'0,'01•• · ,n lllo\'nblll Fhullty, Ilk., Ihat show n In o;oxPol'lll1 e ll~ :::lU Li (In. wllh Yll8rlln g lion w n~ Ilroll.lsed III fi shing me l hodo; William D c n 110./('111'- 111 name 11'PCr:lIUIIlI; for('n1,tO o.t n (,lirlY dnUl 8t ers, II WDS fOunLi that., to DIl!.ke t ho hy t.he ndd ll ion of II. fI l' W steam trawl· ~,tll b ttl m lurl II I ncn " " ~I Ufl l'I' 11 I n· :ItHI tI \ pla,\' ln l; ~ll ' On!; na l ll ral la It" I' to t h 11 ,' \. Since fi shlug ho;:an 011 sam gaiu, ~O Ill' l' CO il t. . It!~s " lod " 'UI auce" nnt! "Th u Il\ ~ (,f S ll:l~ r.up· a ud en l )llc I L ~' lor d lt rShlll. Ihe Bu nks th worlt has IJ ('n dono reqll1r d with om nlHl alfalfa :h" II ~: Im," bo('ks tll nl n l1:1l'ly nil hnn' I'('ad Ma rk Tw~l n I a Prlntl o m e, wll h cora nnLl Ilrai rio h'l :-" , at.d till' alby sa iling \' c~5(' l s, wblch s nil out with great ilion lIr , Hul how IfIli ny "ng c 1101'1 '5 on 111 fi shing s rolllHls an d falfa was no 1II0l'e XPOI'S( "" I now of th days /I f lo ng h our~ th at H IUll g Ltlllg Is good for ma n , U. cn " In IIllot lr r lot whoI' Qi' 100(.\1, a whl II In th ale' ,'oyages ba ck alld forth 10\\,,\118 11111 In work ln!; II ~ a " printer' s ~I :lrlt Twnln d ~ n ' s well oC his betwoe n n {)SLOn nnd t he Bank!;, a ro a t ri ch pmt 'Ill food , "'ns add oll tu co rn Sleeping Quarters for Swine, mi l?" From "p l'lnl e l"~ lll" ' il" 'to rO Ulllr) men, for no ma n has don e . Lh mc rcy of SLorms: anti Vl'llirle lUI)', ~ 5 1l0l' , Ill. tOlDl 'World·wlilo r0l1 0wn I. a lOll!, ~ ~ ll: nol morc to h e r t he Am rlcan public The n;) are now more than (iOO ves, lhe nt, no t larg r tball 8 or JO teet !:Joll wus I' (Iult' d [or n ~I\'e., galu. ", lIoly a IOllg s lll l'. bul il S\l 'co~sion of thnll , this /; I'Cllt bll lllol'l ~t. s els oC all si zf)s In lhe fi shing fie t, SQll!Ire, and wJthout a Hoor, III an es· "The (>x[l-'l'lmenL s lntlon!l r IllInois otn1'811lldw ksu u<l YOlll'sof lJ a l'dund A t 12 yenrs o f ag · amu I I,ang' runglng In yalue from $1,000 to $lr.,- C'elJonl thing io provl(II1, li nd Missour i lune recently r~'O wll U'IO Q IrcmllUng t II. horn ll Icmens p 1nrk Twain) was 000, (ho . nlire floet \Jelng vnlil ed at 'I'wo hund red Co t or a BtU more of n~vunla"e of C(lrn aud cle,ver over !any n mall IJIl~ I. ill tlown III nighl obliged lo .qul t school on llccollnt 01 nboUL $3,000,000, If lh Sprny, tho III IUIl ' I' will bullLl It, sa ys Far m anl CO l'll and lImoth ~' In as sll'J1tlng conlin I.n9I\'n oul$icle of Ill H hum dial lhe t((141h of h ili fa lber, an d It was new s tc I lmwler, docs lbo work' x· lioUlO" a nd Il Is ' c0ll1111odloU8 onough tras t, . elrcll! of acqualnlauc s antl ' ownke ned th e n hts ed ucation In r eanUe began , pec tC!l of hoI' It mar mean lh pass· to accolllmodnte easily fro lJl six to "Nor hnve tha i ests h ,. conflo-cc\ in Ule lIlo rlllng to find himself famol' s , Always ha "lng bee" a delicate ' bol', InS' of lh old·lImo sailing fieN. glght hogs . 'I'b II tl'Uclll ro shou ld be lo tnltenlllg calLIe a lon , ltxI)e rl.;ol so, howe ve r, wlU, ~be " prl n t r's his fAthcr had beoll len leut In tb mal· Th ne w slea lller cost h I' ownerll I r et hlgb In (rbut und s lolle to aIAl 11l nls with ah ell, eWln o llud dulry de ,' II," thaI l a d of all·work arou nd a le r of a lt ndanc ilt s hool, although $60,000, Sh Is equippe d to II rmlt :e Lilt Lilo r n r, To gl VEl 1111 10dgors a co ws Rhuw lhat much la rl; I' rl'lllrns JI1'IJlI r's office.. li e must work hlU'd he hatl b en aoxlous that his children of all /Ishing op rallo ns b ' llI g IIn'led fr cqu III c hange or be d , 1111 th at 1& nl'e IUnde whon th mUons 111'0 com· ...nd Ion . and his pronlotlon comes s hould hn "~ gooll educl~U on s, His on f"om her d ck WiLboliL tho liS of neoessary Is to romo" e It occ&8100· pO\1I111ed In a wa y thnl will furnish lbo .slowly, ' His I ~ not lhe cl 'llnc's L' worlt wish WM fu lfilled, a llhougb not exa t·' dOl'I s nnd th e on sequent loss 01 lite ally to olher gro und ; a thlnl; wblch nuu'l en La In a ~Irollortlon sl'm whnt thel'll is, lor he must cle[1U Ule tYPll, Iy In lhe WU)' h would have planned, att ndant upon tI'Q old mothods of csn be rellfllly done b)' i oudlng II, bot- nonr th e I' quI:' ments as delermln",d "oop oul til cOl11pos lng room, and do !\111\'k Twain's hl gb school was Ute vII· fishing when boals were (requen l1 y tom s ldo 1111, on to a stone· boa t. by sclen llflc mothod~, " all th o etld JObs lhAt come " I' III a lage prlntlu g offi e, wh eTe his e lder lost In tbe fog or r un dow n by Atlan. prInting office every day, brolh 1', Orion, was cond ucting n news· DRESSING AND KEEPING MUTTON tic steam 1'6. The Spra y drags her WHO SHOULD RAISE HORSES, None but a lad of sllll'dy matNla l Ilap :., ow n lra wI nols and Is expeoted to a:ld possosslng great pluck could lJull Tho boy, then onl~' 13, s f\' ed In all mako huge hl\UIS and lime be· Prof, Thoma. Shaw SaYI It Depend I Some I'!uggeltlonl far the Home ]lI msclf ou t of thIs rut, for his hours (!a pllolllcs, llnd In the ocoas lonnl nb· Handling of the Meat, tween the fiBbi ng g rounds an d t he on the Man, ..e re Ion);. and wha tever knowl e" g he senees of his chi ef revol d III personal hOUle port,-Scrap Book, " btaln d was gotten by s tud y nft!-Jr hIs journalism wi t h original lIIus Lralions In dressi ng mu tton always bear Ie. In , ,grOwl ng horses, 'ns I n $:: r(.wln g urd day's worl( 'was done. Yol. not· huckcd Oil.' wootle o blocks wltb a roonRefined Cruelty of a Boy_ olb " ki nds of \I" e sto \1 , t he most mind tbllt )'OU s boll ld nol feed your a ll lhese drawbacl, s, knife. Thes e " Illust rated articles" ""Uhstandl ng "For genuin e cruelly tile avo . a~o lIot nl factor 18 the ' ruan, Some men wother for 24 h oul's prio r 10 slaug htermany a, mnn whOlie nalD e I uo)\' a 1'1" tcd t he town' s attention "b ut not ""e,yenr-old bor b as got 'a HollMlot should grow dl'l\ fl horses only, !lome Ing, It Is not genorally known, bot :JJou~ch old word has s ta.'ted In ns n Its udml~allon." us his br~ tb er wns ~ anlliba l Hclced to a fntzzla." said the s hould grow onl y trottel's, Tho many' undigested food is a llt lo ' flavor tbe ~pr! nl r'l! de vil," and worlted his way \\'ou t to ' canf s with a good deal of proud f:1Lher ot a YOUD!; hopeful tbo should raise th forme r, as lhe~' are fiesh. Keel) tbls point con8tantly In .. p lo (ume, aUlI sometimes to fortune, re lin$::. He , lielng the editor, had to 'lher dllY. "The luIes t trlc," or my so lIlllch mOl' ensll y grown. T ho fe w mInd. Do nol, lr)' Caney methods In Stepping stone for Many, tnlte the cousequ upes upon hIs rekid Is u wInner, but WlI B sort of r'lIIg b should grow tbe lutter, . The men who ilrcss lng youI' mullon. 'Have your car.AII wa lks o f li re have tnd me n who lurn. on lhe victim, '''hleh was Out' pe t caL can grow good l.'otting horse!), that CllSS perf .c Uy plain, It Is a good rule lilt\' starteil In In th is way-s t8tcS' I n 18£i3 Murk'H a d v nlurous di sposl· ;\ bou t three weel{ s agb we notloed Is, tl'O tU ng hors s of reall y 8ullMIor to kill til sheep In NOVember, at I~, auth,o rs and one even who was lion made ltselt manIfest, and he di s· ~h.lI t pussy sudd e nl~' s topped a ll ng merit ,are r wand tar b tw een ~hlle lenst Wall lIuUI aft I' fly t111~C . ;n 0 pltant for PI'Csldelltial bonol'!l, a!· appeared Irom llome to try his torlnd Ii rln kin g . All the ch,.lco bits 01 those wbo can a lso de v 101' them are Do not hire II. but her to kill your t llOugh fa lUng to relloll that goal. lU ll C, H e becnru n, vOrltable t "amp ·n ellls and dlsbes of milk WOI't! lert fewer sUlI. Some lUen s hould not shoe p, Do IL YOUI'p.olr. After s lilllghl'1l/~ e sam ~ me n 10011 baclt wi t h I'rld prln ler, Alld wnndercil from on eas t· JlIlflU 'he d. grow auy kind of horsclI, IU tit y Will torlng b a ng lho carcass In YOUI' collar. 10 tho time whllO. they "toed at t he ' rn printi ng ofHc · to Rllothe r, !lUPi>Ol't· "For soYe l'al days \V cxplalllAtl It 1I0t mak n success of It. 1'hey will 1f the, Inttor will ke ojl br ad wltbol1j; ' Ide oC the press and llpplllld lhe mols l Ing hllJlself by setting type. F inally by SI1T1 Pos lng thai the cat WIl S g tlIng uot make II s uccess ()tltbeclllIS Lhey Its moldin g, yo u may rest ,a ssured' Ink 10 the type, S uch tI ,mOll Is How· hIs wonde ring , caru !! to nn end on nco n1OI'O ll\a.n Lhe ordinary n um b •. of do nol tlnderstuDfI It 01' because they timt your mutton will not Il IIOII. Hnn& 'ells. count oC lo ok of fllnds, and he returned mice nud eating thcm to lhe "cl uslon do not like It, 'or for bOLh reaROllS. th e lDutton, do not lay It d~n. Jt William D<mn Howells' a rl)' me lo ,)I\'!' wllh Iils fnmlly. II was a this 9f our orrcl'lngs, but we aoou notlce!l 'N o ona should e ngage III gl'O\\'lng hllUg Ilro!lerl), with no, two carcasses "'IL fnr, from being till eo . )' one. Hi s period of hIs life lhat h e Induced HoI" ·t1\at sh WII 8 uecollling thi n IUtd guunt horses who do II not tako kind ly to tO llchlng, ·nnd wllh th 1008e pteces tilliler was editor ,lUtd [lro)l rletor o f the aee U1xbr 10 leoch hIm the Intrleacl s and did not seum Incllnctl to move Ule work, And no one 8ho Id e ngage drawn bac k 110 that the all' can lhor· l~ nml\lon (0.) In telllgencer, a nd laler of steam'boat piloting. " allont a nd purr as sho used t.O. One tn ' growlug nn y pa rticular kind of oughl)' p rmcnt.e tbe s urface, these f thll Dayton (0.) T ranscri llt. Mr. day, aft \' -t wo weeks ot thlR, I plolted horses 0" uny class' of the s ume unless carcasses shOUld keen till April, At with, bu t ten doll a rs In hll landed Howe'Us. sCln10 ad.\!Ocaled Uie nbollllon Twain's First Literary, Effort. IIll th e now skeleton cal nnd b()gan his tas tes run In lbat;, line. Howeve r, a ny rate, do not take It down tor cutpocleet. For days 111 want!: red trom ~f shivery, an.d In tbose daYIi such It wall , wblle wl lhBlxby tUat Mark to stroke Its neck , If one' unde rs un s Is '3tttriness and ting up liMit ()Ile m()nth after pnttlng 'Ie 8 we re not · overlKlllular. }fls pa· made Ills fi rst ve nlur Into lit I'ature ono printing office to ahother, lrylng "What do yoU t hink I lound? .1.. grows that class of horses In wblch It In th' cellar ; 1 preter six weeks. "fir was a me dllJm for the l ran sm ls, nllhough t his Is solpetl mes dlsllllted: to get work, and fln.all~· lhrough Ule tlllclc l'ubl)er band stretched lightly There Is, saYI! Orange Iudd Farmer, a . lot;! of bls vIe ws, Bnd n alura lly ar' and Gen. D. B. B unk e r, of Cand ia, N, aid of another prl n tEIl' who had come aro und lhe throat, concealed hy th o lIe Is moat In terested, t h ere Is ' but chemleal ' change In the flesb o'F' lhe " - - little doub t that bo win s ucceed In from Vermon t, sec ure d work that had pt'llllld ouly to a 8!l'I1U , lIla~s; therefore H ., ap pears to ' ha\' been the ene t bat long fur. It just pcrmlll.ecI the eat sheep within sIx weeks from the tlmtll Uf.' family pocketbook wa.s ve ry s lim. gave hIm tho m ental push whIch start- bee n refused by lhe other men. Here :0 'bnm l be, bu t she oould 1I0t eat. I \he work. of killing,. 'Y ou ",111 !lnd after tha!. his pe l'se verance an d Illuck showed His bOJl8 we re unable 10 obtain ade· ed him 011 hI s career. Gen, Dunker 'emoved It a nd noOv sh e Is getting time Lhe mutton wi!! not 'lIlick to tb. Feeding 011 Meal to Cattle, 'qunle schOOling, (or they we re obliged had' playe,1 a ga me of car(ia with Clem· the mselves, and It was not long be· along all right. When 1 a sked the The longer y,ou tced 011 meal tbe knife In handling the carcass. to tnrn In and heln get Ollt the paper. e ns, and durin g th e course ot the gamo fore his 'val ue was r,ecognlze d and he boy abOl)t It he s aId he Just wanled to ",,'Illiam otteo set tyve un til 1,1 o'clock had bee n much amused at t he 11Itby was given steady (lmploymen l. He Bee Ir kl tly would stra ngle'. If 'It' h8.l1 hIghe r the flnlsh ~ but you can see FOR A HQR8E THAT PULLS. :I t IIlghL Rod the n r08() At rour In the obBen'allons Interjected Into the rose steadily, and fi na lly became edi- been anything e lse ~t a eat It wou'd tLe effeels of It in 60 days, The Ques: tlon was rnlsed wheth er If 011 me AL 18 ot the New Yorl( Tribune' . tor lIIomlng lo ' rlellvor tbe papors. young man, Delng called to Aurnra to be fed juat 60 days It sbould he M.thod at Breekln'g Him of ~ Bed Greeley was descri bed by John O. ha\'e boon dead In ,no tim e." Although unacbooled, young William on bUlll n e88, the general Invi ted Clem· Habit. fed the first 60 daYB or the last. 60 read everything that came hl B -way ens to accompany him, and II few Whlttler as "Oil late r Frtmklln." He Great Heat In Deep Mlnel. day.s of the ,feeding: period, H, W; thllt would lend ,to Instruct, and , ve ry daYIl later was 's hown a description of wl\s a candidate, allthough an uneue,The Intest determInation of rise tn To break a horse from pulllnr; a~ ... tV' develo ved IIUlrary a s pirations, the trip writ len by tbe yo ung man , cesstul on e, tor presid ent of the Unit· temlteralure in descending unde r- Mumford aays : "j don't know," 'H e the balter, take a 'good stroDg . _ ed States, Every (Inc t()-day knows that most persons would answer Bald ~Il'u.rally hili ftrst ell'orts ' were In and was astollis bed at the wi t dI s· g:.ound gives 243 feet for every degreo half,lnch rope, put tbe middle aroud 'l'eJ'lill, and ,'e rse ot 811Ch high quality plnyed In the eomposltlon. He Bug- of Horace GreeleY's magnificent life, centigrade or' .136 feet tor a rise :If one tho last 60 days, that beIng the com· . his triumphs and !luccesses, but tew of ~bat James Russe ll [.owe ll accellted geated that It be sent to the San Fran· degree Fahrenheit. TIle dIffe rence In mon practice, But he has seen, such some of It for the Atlantic Monthly, c isco Union, but Clemens would ha"e know of his early str uggles and priva' tem pe rature, of different rock lub· a dl trerence In tlie way cattle start on (eed , It takes a . gre\t deal lon'ger to Jt "\1.11 a great ilay (or lhe young man none of It, romarldng tbat lber tlons when h e work'ad as a " printer's slances Is almnst InapprecIable. get catUe started to gain on corn and .~n he tearae(i that bl8 firs t attempL "wouldn't I.ubll sh sueb nonsensical de"II" for "/lothlng a month and his Experiments made In dee p mInes ' w board," . 1ft \'erse, "The PUot's Story," had trash!" prove t hat the beat of the rocks does clover hay than where oil meal Is fed When mentioning the "later Frank· ~D accepted b>' hlK favorit e maga· After a good deal of pers uas ion he DOt preclude mining operations at at first; with 011 meal they' start rIght xin!!. From this begln'nlag Mr. How, was Indnoed to sead the story aloog, lin," onc shOUld not ove rlook the fact e ven 4,,000 feet, because If the I ecog· otf. The corn and clover cattle make that the first Fl'ank:lln' was a "print· ftI ~ bas 'cUmbop step by step until 't()- but nothIng would Induce him to sign itlzed formula 'of 126 dllgrees jo"ahron- their • large galne along toward the ..,. he 'ranks among tbe greatest of bls name to It. He did not want any- or's devil," and pe rfor med all the h elt at 3,500 feet, demonstrated that last. He would like to lIee the matter menial tasks around his bro ther'S of· lested 8clentlfleaily, ' The 01,1 meal, will 4"e realllltlc wrllel'8, one to know that he was the author of flce. The youngest' son of a poor tal· such a t emperature Is not reaohed. ahow ' I~ the finish of tbc cattle If It III \.hose strenuous tim es when Hew· s uch "tra~b:: and 50 decided to sign Tho assertion sometimes made that low chandler, and one of 17, ,. fed at (he beginning and not at the ' nothing but his tal ents 'Bnd untlrln, minIn g mIght extend ' to as treat a clOie of the f~dlllg period, dellth as lO,OOO teet If haulage cOll1d Industry would havEl e nabled him to Method of B~.klnll_ be ' accom pUshed Is untenable , The rise 10 distinction, Foot Rot of 8heep. dlflleultles w~Uld not be In haulage, In a dl81;U8sl00 before the board the bol'so's baCK where the Adell.' bu t, firs t, that of breathing und er the Off thi B.e'lt,e n Trllck, Ilf agriculture of 'Creat Brltal n tile 'c omes. Take the two ends ' betwe61l e normous atmospheric pressure, alld, The olel captain whoso seafaring mnt~er of foot rot In sheep received the forwllrd legs up through the rIng days were over, looked from tlie eas I secondly i Increase oC temperature, A tonalderable atlenUon. Some of tbe In the halter as shown In the cut anll' mass ot air In a down·cast shaft of 60 to the arUHt and bac lt to ' the easel members had used coppe,r e.ulphate jlt tie as ')'011 would lhe haIter. I broke • again "A\th a tolerant s mhe. ' degroes Fah renllel t at the surtace 8 t the rate of one pound to a ' gallon of a bad ODe tbat way, writes a corraa dOllth of l(r,OOO feet would' a tlaln 'a pondent of Prairie Farmer. rt 'dld Dot " Hanging arouod the wharf, liS I temperature of 90 degrees by Its own water. If the sulphate Is to be uSlld pull 'on his h ead much, but on bl, ' do, I Bee a good Dlllny of your Ielnd:'. merely to prevent ,the disease and I'ot weight. Healthful mining would be be sald ' in n {r~endl y tone. "GoIng to ,,'here It actually exlst&, a mU l)b back. ,I.alnt the sell, r tllko It. Well, I'm glad ,I mpOSSible. ' ..eake~ solhtlon, c<)u1d be used, In lhe, ---'----LIVESTOCK NOTES. to see you Betting d:own to It." ~plDlon or tbe experimenters. TIlIl Since HII Mother Died. " Don' t the ,others sit down?" asked ;)opper· sulphate used waB in the pcw· A smnrt 1awyer l)ad been bullyrag· Blue grass and clover make 1004 the artlsL. ' flered form and wall purchasod un(ler glng tho wItness In a laundry case~ hog pasturage, "Most ot 'em rio," said th e captaIn, Finally he nsked : "How long haVE l IL' guaranty of 98 per cent. IlUrlly, The LamJlns Is a disease or the .bol'll8's ' "but there 'l\'as one womau kep' walk· you b e~ n getting YOllr wllsblng done at, 1,l'ay, of using the sorutlon wall vory In' round, hold In' 'up a pencil an' this place?" " , 51mple, the sllellp nelng merely driven mouth-hehlnd the ' Cront teeth. One ' way to help It 18 to feed ear corn to squlntln' he r e yes, Finnlly she got "Ever sinte your mother died," an· througb the bath. , When a shellp was the' hor!!e.' , ' where the view seemed' to plcase her, swered the witness, lound , to bft badly affected Its hoofs A slIght out, on a horee's tonglle hut she kep' stepI)ln' tack 'ard nn' "What do you mean, sir?" asked the were pared before the animal was will nsually heal and make no troubl':" ste(lpln' bllclt'ard, til at last she lawyer, firing up. Ii riven Into the br.<.'!t. This "appears to A bad cnt -may ,need a few aUtch. . slelll)ed of(, " "Jus t what I say, sir;' calmly re- ~ a very easy wli.Y or combating the taken In It by a Butgeon, ' , "No great ha rm done," ,add ed the nlled the wltnoss, I\lsease, ' ' On a certain dairy .peel,1 tb." eaptain" stooping' to , look more close, "Do )'ou mean to Insinuate lhat my hung a plaCllrd with tbe, f(,llowrus l1reed #01" Size, Iy at the picture Oil the eBsel. "We molher 'ever did your washi1lg? ' You The shep!lerd Bh~uld breed fpr III.., statement: ...~'.A. carload o( \oOrn I. ' IIshed her out, an' 1 'giless after that -you--" worth ,250, 1\ carload of bt.tterl. she was content to paint common.""!IIo: I ' mean jUst what 1 Ra~·. Your welS!i't, of fleece, evenness of dlstrlhu- worth ,6,000, Convert your corn Into Youtb's Companion., mot)Jer died six yei\I1fI , ago. Since tlon o:v.:j!l' the bO,d,... f~r length of ltao Ilntter and .Bave' tbe frellht 011 I' l,Ie nnd fineness, for vlgGr, healthful; tben [ hn ve bntl my wasblng iion,e at 'hellS and constitution, and all a rellult, cars." , On anotber there was, "The The Stronger Sex, thla laundr y." I tl will soon have , a flock ol! large dairyman leaves his chlldtlln a bett-Ir , 'Fhe n tho witness was allowed to The Hoene is a wOUlan's club, ~"m than he lot; the grllln farmfl' "What's, thls 1 he nr?" said the Brit step 40wn amid the giggle. ot tl:1t mul· !'brlfty she~I" which. yIeld hlro each doeB ,not," I uson lIeeees of the hlgh.est merit. woman, as ' sb'O II g\l[ed a tea ' clgarl'tce, tltude: "Well, what 1" r eturned the I)'.her, , A Good Siddle Horae, Don't 'Let Thll;" Run Down. The Limit, looking liP from ber fashion journal. It JOU do not n'wn a good lIaddl. , A lamb Is, perhaps, the most dim, "She's one of these faanlunable "Why, ~hey say 3'ou hllow y',lIr hushorse, get one.. Tbe landscape 100):. 'women, r suppose. who hIlS n pet dog cult of all anlmalB to recuperate atter fairer and tho ' outlook ' In life mnl'b band to carry a Il1t(:hkey 'now ... ' It ball once BtarteJj down hili, IUId the to tnk. with Iler , when she promell' d is "'"'I,,,d 11 9 a " Dl'in tel"S doyll" Ihe re ft with the MISSissippi leads man'" call "So 1 do." willellt and mcat eC<'nomlcal plan II to more cbeerful from the hack of • "'':I~ fllle U1 ~n whtl \\'lI n m o l" fort'llnato 'for two fath oms , "mink twain." A- few The speaker drltnk from the great, ade s tile a, ,,nile," to hol'lO after a balf hour's rldo, tbaa "Oh, she's 10 tallhlonable she bu. rare for them rrom tho ltan so 111 :-',I\'ooatlnp: h i~ "lo ws Ihan Hb well~' daYH ' liller lhe San Frsnclsco paper ~ool glas8 o( slralwberry 'Ice cream from ' aD), ether poInt of view. it I. maintain a thrifty, hea~y growth• . a dozen dogs of various II(Irt8 and not necBll8ry, I8JI tbe Farm JOlU'Jlal, fa\her, .. \'Id tb ;\I. man, WlIlIlIm Llord came, wi t h the sketch, followe d by a soda at her elbow. Tbee '!!te weat on &ltu,les to match her gown8." -Phllak.--rlMln, start lid III lite In til e same cheek for ' 100, Of course tbe clie~ tranquilly : that )"OU sb\luld keep a hol'll6 eXfu, Improvemlnt of Sh.ep,. -fl-A.s:-7--c-:::----_~er_.a..~,..:::., ....~,.. ~;;.= lie", ell8, 4t waa-dra-wn t~e eNer of.-_IOm14-_ "Ro I ,But.. tru....Ae), doelln't Il~ the delphln Led«er, Tbe Improvement of lIMeD bepn .: ....1)" for rldlnc, He ma)" be 1IM4 14 y earll of aga Oarrlsoo wa~ appren· Twain, and grllat eurjQaUy was mant- door. I JUllt let 'carry It to humo . far bAck •• the mhidle.... Be- for' other Pllrp0H8. oDlJ look "1It ,.,.. Swtaa Poet omen. It to hi. frlsndl!, 1tr8d to. tJie printing buslnees In the felted aa to who thlll might De, Fln·al. him. He likes Swltlerland haa more PIII~ otllCft rllre that tlme tIIl"lI "ere atDQll1. bpt one that II pltedror the ..4dl• •i' 'or tho Newburyport Herald. I,., however. the secret came out, and you Iulow" and them tb1Dk he'. In proportllJn to J:Qp'ulatloQ shan . . , wltbCnlt UJ ' a\teDtiOD Til. farmer II .U.... lit .... 10 .... ·UIat '.. ..,_ ne-re he ~r\e4 until he wal of "18. ClemeD. lOt, hla mane)' and an Opell' Indopendent: U1tp~~t~ oLber IlOlIDtrr.
1'Ie'" ".,..
-u. .
Shuwlng How hnport;lnt It I. for For gotful Husbands That Their Wlve6 Should H:ave Rich ' ilnd Generoul 13 oth.
A TERRIBLr. EXPERIENCE_ Adopt AmerloDn Ide... The RU8111an mllllary authorities are considering the adoption of khak i How II Veteran Was 3 aved tho · Amuniforms. \be having h~en ' espeputation of a Limb. clally Inter est d In Olle r ecentl y worn by un Ameri can arm y 1'llll r eSentll t l ve D . Fr:tllk 1 ortlm llS. v t rao. cit ot l . Pel'!rsburg. 'I'h milltnry ou· l l'I.uoMe,·el t AnI., ~n.tlla.~llJlOII S . Inti .• thorille.~ are al so ('on ~ l de rln g Anw rl~ aJ s. 1 hali been can ucoo lltreu.l Ta ts. Including wob ('urshowing sYHlp t omj; ot trhlge beits and cava.lry IIlltltlles. with kldn y troubl e tram Ii vieW' to tbelf adoptlo~. Ihe l i llie I was must l' d out of U1A
With t h e x ce l'tlon of tJ~ e sta ge la.l u c I'ury ilion hils h l 8 good I)olut • .
PUT~ A:'1 FAOE r.ES!'I DYJ.JS do OCl ' ' 8UlIII t hu hOld. or sput t ue kaLUe, ""w(J. " ,,,,,n nuu purllio. , :onle n; nrrlt'd WO II\~ II ~.~e 80 '~ eo k t b.-y v n a llu w ' Iw lr h Uijlm ll cJ s 10 k eell , Plll't o f Ihelr salarl eH.
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al'lI1Y. bllt lu all my .l'HE PRICE OI.J)-MONK-CURB lifo I u ever Imtrer!,!,l L<.ok After Jewl'h O,·phan •• 2!lAND:IOCfNT' "Johr., ,\ti n I'." r enulI'k ed !l11's. Florton as lu 1897. H eadAn AlI !a ll ce' I Mrar- li t e L' n'" r tlellll aCI'os th IJr ' al<fuHl tlllli e " do yo u II 1\ a, tllzzlnesa and ! h as pl u'!f'd liv e lli ulYS lok orpban s III ltno w wllu t dn y t his I s'!" ' sl eel,lessu eJ:js. 6 r s t. , tbo A hl f! rn ogr i c ul lli ral ~It: hool. n ud " WI, y, yeR. " "epll(!tI .Ioh I : " It 's thl! and Olen d ro psy. I has as a JlrHl ln sl:lI l llll' ut Ilppll ' tI Ihll - th e-w hy, 11'& 'l'h'l lrsuu y, of co urse. wall weak and hel p- · Bum Qr 16, 000 IlInl' k R (o r thei r mal u· Hung Il- whe,· o's t il al. ca londu ..?" l ess, hav in g run down trom' l 0 t e 12[; teu ll ocu anti etlucullou. " 0. I dOll t lII t:au t hat ," r 1111 13,1 Ih e pOUUllS. 1 w as ha ving t erribl e' pain In wife. wl l h II lI uspl cloLi oC l ur~ !b h er lIle kidn eys, nncj th e secr etion s passed ~T'TE u P I?~:" " ~;':l~r~: TDLU'O. f .~ vulce. al most In\·olull ta l·lly. My l eft leg , ,,>Ox J . "U<SK " 1I,. k •• " ..h tbat ~ . I....Ior . l. "t o]L·S. w y blrlhday , and ':ou (ol'"a o l s well ed until It wos 3• ~ · I es arollnd • \..ILlft ~."J.r t \ b &d r.'"tty vio fI'.'J"d J.t!dc). '; Ur.NH .. d~."I "" • or .. ~ lll"u Ip l!'AW l'" 1 \:0 a u ll l. t e au d the docto r tuP)) d It night and .r" r. ,nld. nUd ,bal . .. d wl!l p.y ' ho . un, or It " jN' t II .J I " I 1 . U ~ ~ I1 U~ UHf. lJ I Hlli l.A I(~ (or ,c ar ll "nct t' vh1 13 ,; a II • ur>u r; Il e at all. or Ol orn II., unt I au ld ne lon gar stand c ••• ot · '~ ' ''" II ' b'IC. uu" , b. ollrtd lly tll.u •• vr cou rse. I l'elllc flI u I' t. Th e <lato It. a nd th n h ll uuvlsed amputation. I II . LL', " " ' .. \" 11 utl lt.. I" I A"" .,. r·lI f: ;O< r.V . e scap.>d 011' I'm' a 1I101ll Il l. OJ' 'U1l rs . OAV OF TRIUMPH POSTPONED. r (user! . and began using Duau's KidRWDrn Hlll.'.". m•• nd , " I",·r"h·oIltl wYI,r••• tlce, 1 kn ew It was YOllr IIl r th,III Y. YI'I'I walt n ey Pill s. Th e swellin g su bsid ed t.b l'~!~.,Y .' " " .m oor, ,I . " ;\.' ;V':'ULEA ·o~. Dudekln, Haa Yet to Get . Even with .g Al(llI all y , th e \If'lne became ual.ural , an d aee tl6 . :",:: I :SorAny P U IIL' U. I l.rCSIHH I have 01'1IP.!' d (er y ou. anll you will be tllled wrth r eo Witty Charmer. au li all my pnl ns aud aches dl sap· 11 11 11' , .... t.rrh ur. I. .. ke n 1", rnally aod " ' /1 JDOrSC at. having StlSI~C ltetJ ma of r Ol', l Jea r d. 1 b~ve b e ll , veil now fot' nine :~~~~~~ O~I('~~~~~l~~~'I:~~~II~:~I.Ct~~~"lU rrlleo. uf lI~' g et{ ug. YOI) wal t" Slle hod b erm h aling tun with poo r y ellr s ~ In c u Slug Doan 's Kidn ey Pill s. f',,' c ~ m:s I~ \' & r. o .. Tvl ed", O. Dudeklo B tbr a long time nnd h e was Ho'd by, lI n rll~~h ' •. , .<. Jo III WO I> a "'Ick 11 Il .·.. vri rl (·ato~. b ut I I fit t l' For slI l e by nil delllel·s. 50 ce nts a 'f ak e 1I, II' . f&loI11 I'IIi' IQr "O, ol'p.lIuD. his LJlutr "we" l.·' w 8 I" a gil e ven wi h her . . Hi s \Jox , Fvsler·MlJb uru CQ. B uffale N . Y. Japanese Compan ies Make Money. " 0 • .Iohn deal', w 1)9 ' 18 It ? Do tell Idea t ook l b for m or a b l'llllanl onun.' " drum, wllOBa un sw l' Du <i ekl ns Sb lppl ll !,; cOlll pan lp s or e 'I/I'ofitaule In m e:' urg~ 1i hiM wll t _ thou ght wa s lock ed Il~ hl B manl,' ch st. WHAT WE OWE TO INSECTS. Japan., F er 111 P USl yeur ·eutl l ng " N o t 110"11'." sai d Ill . de Ithll ,Iohn. ~ ---" /t's a RUl'jll'ls • you lt llolV. n v ,J"ve. I . hI ha\'e a elllln drum ror yon, :I'IIas The Are of the GI'eatest Benefit to !\l ur ch 3 1 las th Nippo n Yusen I<al,... Frances: ' he sni tl , whell he nex t met y sha wro t 01/ $'IOJ ,fivO for d ep r eci ation, mll st hurry ,Iowu l uwn . I've un 1mGrowing flowers. $1 69. 000 tllr IIi Buran 'c, $~:13 .000 (or r e- I 6oo~let on HorsGs.~61tleoHo2s &~ultr'y. portant enga!; m en! n t o'clocle be':Ab! " sbe resj:!oud ed . " Wha t In It ? ~W nd ~r If l can JlllIk e It! ' \\'\10 gnl'e It to you '!" Prof. D arwlu said th ai If I t h ad not 1.•al rR. car'l'! tl $50.000 fI t'e~el' v . 11ald $3C.000 ftll' 4J1 n ,('lon;" all d uudl to r s' I Bo~ton. H wns ',JOhll' S IntunU on to stop on I " r m ade It liP' m 'self' " I . d been for Insect s \V el ~ h o\J ld n vel' have his WIL Y do wn l awn all,l orller 1I l)r CH' bl'ldlllll;l ROln ewh at.) . Ie asser e , !l ad any m OI'1! I lDll osl ng or . an rucli va feo~. gA ve I he mana gi ng di rect or bOllus of !;Il\'e em pluy s gen· e n ~ ror his wire : hnt. b ()mln g n. "Ind eed! Wbat I s It?" !lowers l han Ihuse ur t he el m , th e h op er all y $~OO.OOU In bonll s!'!:, [Ju itl $825,· 1 I<rossed In hie JlOI1l~ I·. he WUB .0 rur " Wh y aTe m y c lotbes I lite tbc an d t he ne W . l.o l·d A I'ebm :; co mdown lown b for he r eull zed It th at mo ." pn l'e~ th work Ilf l he Inseci to lhnt at 000 In 15 JJ ' r r;en l. dll-jd en d ~, a nd I \! ft i $4!12.000 a t credi t of profit and les. I he conc lud tI t u go au 10 th of[l!;o, S~~e' besl t a ted a moment. nnrt Du de. t bo llor l st. H e ('onsltJc rH t hn t just as account. I !Inll then te l'l ult slim Jewel I' III r klns began to look . t r iumpha nt lh e lIorl ·t 11Ii H by se l :<: t lon produ ~ed . __ ..-JI~J.ll'~ tI:1'" ., y thl k" b I I I' Ihe elegant blosse (J1 R of th e garden, Be c. " . ou may n, s e sa , . s o wly- b i b I I I I t Tbere ' I1S ' an tUlU Rual am eun t o t and Dudeklna somehew rel t I h ~ t e nseCt s, y tiC eet ng t Ie arges . I I " anI a nd I)righ test blessom!i f or t "U ll za, i b usln 811 10 be n tlell d d t o t ba t dll Y, ,1 PP og trom undel' hlm- I t Is b ~· lion \1 3 " 0 produ ced t h e gay tl o wers o f : and John's m elltal n lld ph l'sl n! r e· : ause they .bo\'e 11 man In t h ro , Dn d the 'I leld . P r of. Plnt.mll of Gh eut. has S OUl' C 8 wer e tnxed to th \I ~1Il0Ht. I\: l1l· fOU have 0. pert c! r igh t lo l hllik us carried out a i rl e~ o f ~e mBrk nb l e e!tou p1e1\se. But. M r . Dudekl na, opin· II r l ment s on tb way s o r In sec ts vl sll· urally h e rOI'got all about Ihe blrt-bd a present. lind I~ was ollly Ivh ' lI h wn s ,ons ul trel' ! " Ing lIo wers . !Ie rO Il Hlder!i lhat t hey INTERESTING CONTEST. li re guld d h ' BC nt 1'lI l h er Ihan by h ll ng lng up hi s ha t In the 111111 and his wire's " olce cam 8'1' !lLly dow n COIOI', and In th a con n tle'll h t! Is a t tbo Ill nlrs: " I s Ihut you. deliI'I 1" th at Heavy Cost of Unpaid Postage. v url anc w llh certai n nril lsh ua tural· til bor r lbl rO ct fl nsh Il 1111011 him. Rel. t s. Wh nt ver IlIny be t he altral'l lon fore JI colIll! find hla guil ty vol e 0 ne of the m ost cllrl .• oll9 .eonto£l r: In 110'\'el·...~ to .' n se~.. t 8- 311 y et, It ap· tb t" :,' .. .. el'e w as a fl'oll fro n or sk lrtl', (lnd 1!ver b ror tit puullc was con duollitl Pil I'S untlefiu d- I t Is ceN.n l n th al t he , !\Irs. H OI'I-OI1 'uIII g lldl ll!! dow lI th by mOll Y t bousaud 1,er 80n8 uud I' tt. lu tt er 1'1. It rre I)' a1\ blossoms ali ke. 1 .' . ..~.~... . stairs anll thr IV h r ar lns 1I1',' und tbe pifer. o f the Pos~lIm r al Co., Lttl., , m ak in g no dlstlncll on between t l e I wrot ch.,d mUll ' s 11 c it w l l h n Joyful Ba We reek , 1>1 leh ., for prizes ot l arge. brlght-col Jr ed ones nnd the I 5 S ~~··~~.~·------I litU c r y ()f "0 . .Iohn . Ihe III s~nt 31 be'4F3 ef gold alld 300 gr ' u ba ks cn ns)l il:nou bloss oms l i ke. t \l ose at th e ~m . I t WaR JURt what I wall! d. It te tho a maklug th m ost w ord s ou t c~l rra n l~, th 11m , Ihe pltll\tl lree. ·.be waa ,Jtlli t 10\' Iy o f YOII." ot the letterll Y.I.O.Grnp N uts. nettle IIl1d Lhe willow . Jollu wnll IlIIWllc1 lJr ' d. but he waa a The conl est w as start d lu F ebruDISFIGURED WITH ECZEMA. arl', ]900 , anti It wus ar run ged to b al'e m un or l·eMon r ees. " Yes," h e M old. " I th ollg ht you'll the I>rlzes awarded ou A pr. 30, 1906. Brushed Scales from Filce Like Pow· Ilk It. lD1~t\r- wh 1'0 Is It ?" When the il ubll c nllnonn" elUen t ap]f more th;].n ordi nary skill in playing brings the hon ors of t he der-Under Physicians Grew Worse " W11 ru Is It ?" r et ort d t ho w l f . pear d many I' r SOIlS b glln to t or m game to the w'nnin g playe r, s o e xceptio nal me ri t in a remed y -Cutlcuril Works Wonders. ·Why·• .101m, ar e YOU bllutl 1 nn' t YOU the " ,ords t rolll Ihes I lI ers, se moe nsures t he comme nd a ion of the well informed, and as a reaa I h ave It on ?" A Dd Rh e volr; l e" Umes the wbel e f amily belog occu pl e!1 sona ble a mount of outdoor life a nd recreatio n is conducive t o "I euffered wlt:l eczema s l~ montbs. to n Llro ocb or rubi es and dlumollllK evenings . a cOlUhln aliOIl or amuset he h eal th a nd strength. s o d:les a perfec t laxa tive tend t o one's 1 had tried th r ce doctur s, but tlld no t whi ch g li t t er d au her busom. meur...ond educa ti on . improvemen t in cases of c ons tipation, bilious ne ss headaches Atter II wbU be list s began te get · any better. It was on my \lady " Who th d-," be growled . but t h and all n:y t ee t so thi ck that I coul d e tc . It is all important, .h owev er, in selecting a' la xative, t~ r est u[ Ihe seutellce, which went "bnd come In te the POllhnn Ofll ce nnli b • , ' bardly put a pin on Ine without t ouch c hoose one of k now n quality a nd excellence, lik e t he ev er th h e k to 8 ud dln'tnonds aud r ubles ture IUDg tbe 1'131111110 gr w \mlll It r o~ Ing eczema. ?)y f ace wa s covered ' l plea sa nt Sy rup of F igs. JTlan ufactured by the California F ig to ' m y wit 1" WllS IInlltlll1' II. q'ulred wagons to carry th e m nll. my erOlbrows cam e o ut, and tben It Syru p Co., a laxa ti ve which s weetens a nd 'cl eanses the s ystem "Why, whnL makes yell sco wl 80 ?" Many of the coutestants wcr th oughtgot In my eye. I th en w ent to anotb· effectuaily. wh en a laxa tive is needed , without any unpleasant Inqllir d til surprls d wumnn . l es& enollgh to send their lists wllh er doctor. He aslted m e wbnt I w as "Oh, nothing" wu s th o re pl~·. "1 lnsu01c l ent posla~e nnd for a p rind afte r effects, as It ac ts naturall y and gently on the internal taking ' for It, and l ,told blm· Cullcurll. only thought a t first It WIlS lio t the It cosL the Company tram twenly·llyU . .' .. ~s- .... c rgans. s imply a ssi sti ng nature When nature needs a ssistance, He uald thst w as 11 very good thillg. ':, same one 1 plc~<\d Ollt. but I see It te tltty-eJght and ' slxly dollars a day without g riping. irri tating or d ebili tating the in ternal organs in but that be tbough t my face would I • ." to pal' the unpaid post age. any way, a3 it con tai ns nothing of an objectionable or inj urious be m arked tor lire. Rut Cutloura "In the evening Mrs. HOI ' on' l'lcll Young ladles. gen emlly those wbo did Its work, aud my face Is new na ture. As the p a nts which are combirred with t he figs in brother call d. w4t1 600n as hili naHlO ..had gradUated from the hIgh school, just as cl ellr as It e ver was. I teld the man ufac tu re of S yrup of Figs are known to physicia ns to was anollnced ;rohn gave n ';IISP lind were employed te examine th s \l st s all illY friend s abollt my remarkabl e act mos t benefioi ally upon the system, the remedy has me t jumped at t.hl! I;olnl\ou er tit rnys. and count the carr ct wo r ds. W b· cure . 1 f eel so thanltful I want ev· wiLh t hei r ge ne ral approval as a family. laxati ve, a fact well tery ' ot th e birthday p resent In a sec. ater's Dlctlenary was the stanua r d erybody fill' :Iu,1 wide to Imow whal worth considering in mak ing purchases. . ond. and each lIet was ,' cry car erull y cor· Cutl cUI'a can do. It Is II sure cure "0. how IIlce of "011. George, to reeted except those which (ell l>ele\v tor eczema. M r s. Emma White. 641 It is beca use of the fact that < 8000 tor It 800n hooaOJ e clear that is a ~e r:n e dy of kno..y n quality and excellence, and approved by come ' QIl Illy blrt h(ln)'. Se wha t a Cberrl I' Place, Camd en, N. J .• April benl1tlt.I!1 Ilr.C8l.!nl .John gl\ve mo," was Dothlng below thllt could win . Snme 25. 1905." phYSICIans that has le~ to its use by so many millions of well Mrs. HortulI'lI !lrst ~1'tlOU"g to hel' of tbe lIstl requIred the work at a informed people. who would not use any remedy of uncer.tain • brother. YOUDg lady fer a 60lld wec/< on nncb Legally Her Hu.b,nd', Bo... quality or in ferior reputation. Every family sheuld have a. Individual \1st. The work wali done BOllton bas o1)e wOlllun whe Is legnl· bottle of the genui ne on hand' at all t imes, to use when a "Tbal!" r epll ad the brother'. wllb a very cOI'erully and Ilccurnlely b ut tb e Iy b er hUllbluld' s bOBS. She Is Mrs. .', lock ot, pel')!exlly on his tace. "Why, ComplllI), had lie Ideu. ot the tilDe th e lax a tive remEdy is requ ired. Please to remember that thl'1 Ellor Carlisle Ripl ey . oue eC tbe as· . 1-" olfel' WIlS made. that tbe peonle would genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size ~l s tKnt 8uper lutendent s er t be public "Yes," br oke lu ,101m. looking the respond . so genel'olly nnd they w er e only, by all re putable druggists, and that full name of the sc huols at the Ity and the wife of other mall threateningly In tit ye : "1 compelled to till every avullable spoce company- .californ ia F ig Syrup Co. , is plain ly printed on PrinCipal Fr d H. Ripley , oC lbe Long· oro ered It n we \; ugu ot T;IItrally'g and In the ' emaes with these ronng lady the front of ev e ry package. Regular price, 50c per bottle. fellow schuol of Roslindale. Mrs. Rip· was arrAld It would 1101 be r eod y In examln I·S. and no~ wltb slundlu g th ey ley draws ' ~ome ~D a w ce k of tbe time, Come Into t h IIbrury 0 mluute. workod stendlly. It was Impossible hub's weal t h, ab;)., t. $1, 500 1\I0re per an· I want to spenk wltb ~(lll fer IL ~econd to complete the exttmillutluu until Ilum tholl th e 1U1l:r who has r ecently On II mattel' of t h e greatest impur· Sept, 29. over six months aftcr tbo be ulIle Ilci' " hubby. " .'11 assistant tance." Aud berOl' the aslonl sh ed prizes sheuld have li cen awarded: superln tc uden t Is vlrlUull y II. super· GeorKe cou ld gllther his wl (1I he was ' Thl ~ delay call sed a great many In· vi sor aUlI ~11·s . Rlvley 1M In l'l'Rllty ber' lelzetl. <lraggell In t o th e libra r y and qulrlee ullfl lIatlll'nlly crented so m e tbe ' door. lib lIt behl.nd him. dlsslltlsfncl!oD. It has beeu thou gli t husband' s superior Hnd could ' "lIre" him In a minute It sbe S IlW fit. Mrs. .~ "U YOll give. me awuy . · I'll murdel' best to make this report In [Jr:tctlclllly Ripl ey Is a. young WOOlLlII of pleasing Colot mo,e ~o~d, brlohler .rid lui., colDra thin In, other 'Ire. One tOc ,"ck••• colora In Rbe". The, dLeln cold IIDle, bette, t~an In, othe, dW" You can dye YOU, " whi spered John. Mr~ . Horton al\ ot the lIeWSl1np I's . III th e nlted IJtlrSolloJlty_. _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _UJ _ PNllent wlthoul ripping _pa,L Wrlle to, I,.. ..,.\Iel- ow 10 Bleach and ~~OIl._ .OI/ll.O. DRUG CO., U",o".,III• • • , ••ourt.. c:oulll bellr h el' hu sbulld's I'olce nltchod states. anti many ot th e magnzln s lu low alld Blldllklng eamBell)' behlud thll erder to make olear te the peulli e tho closed door. condl tlOIIS at the contest. "That's l'eaJI, a v I'y pretty pi ece of I'iany lists contained euorm ous jewelry:' saI d Oeorge.. . "Nut m .a n,. Dumbers of words which, untl er th e wives have RIICIa thoughtrul an<1 atten, rules . lllld. to be climinnt ed " Peggc r'" ......~.....-......~:;;~.1:1::u~8barid8 ns y.olI hav e, 1.01'1111. My weuld ceunt "Peggcrs" weultl n et. There are position s op~n in Ihe 'I'lli' be til) . to-morrow. 1'liey Somo lists con Lul11ed ov er 50,000 Navy for hundred s of YOl1og "'ell didn't have It read)' tMlay ." words. t1l!i great mnjorlty of whi ch betlveen 17 aud 2S years of age. '·'t baven't had SlIch A pleasant birth. wel'e Cllt out. The Inrgest lists w er e ' a,nd for m echani cs up to 35 year" d~7 In u long ." ~al<1 MI·s. Hort'Jn checked ov~r two nnd In some cases of age. ' Good pay, aud good 'footl when. sh e . r eilretl that ni ght. ,Iohu three times to III sure accul'D v. furni shed by the Governmen r. Bmlled " little weDl'Il~:. rOI' ho WIIa 'rhe $100.00 gold l)l'lze was' won bv I ,'or Jull information address tlred-nnll had reason to be,-N. Y. f.. . D, Reese, 1227·15tb St., Dellv ~, Navy R ecru iti.u g. Station, Post Press. Cole., with 99-11 .correct words. 'rho Office BUildin g . Ch. i nnati,Ohio. ~ blghest '10.00 gold prize went to S. E"gll.h )Nomen the Tallest. K. Fras'er, Lincoln, PII.• with 99 21 cor.Attel· tnKlng meaSUTCllIents o f the .. ect words . belght of woniell III Jl"rlilicc, J;ing Jtlnd A complete list the 331 winners and America, a d octor Illl llounces tllat with their borne alldresSCII will be an Eln gllsh w"mnn I s the tllllesl and ' sent to any contestant oUQll l rln g on a the A mOl'lcim womnn co nIes nO!tt. 'rbe postal catd. .I !lvern~e hei ght oJ', tho ' ''!'QUCh woman Bo sure ana elve namo and acld ress I Is five reet one Inch. Th e A,llI el'loan Jlearly ' '. '!{ODlon 18 ncarly lwe InQh~~ tDllcll', arid This conlest has cost the ' Co. m any . ;. the . WQmen ot Great Britain hair an thousand dollars, and probllbly ha s ] Inch ~ner .tban the Ia.tter. }\lD flrlclln not been II profitable advertisem en t. ""omen, bowever. w eigh slightly mOI'e Deverthel SH perha\ls BOPle who had suffer every' month In silenc~, tortures that would drive a man to the edge of desthan el.ther of the ot hors; -.tholr aver- DevC\r. M(ot o tri ed Grape·, uts [eo!! pair. The ailments peculiar to women are n0t only painful but dangerous and .... weight !lelng 117 ppunds. . have been !uter ilIad In the ·con test. and 'frem t':Inl et the (ood have belm should receive prompt treatment before they gr-ow worse. If you suffer from pain, shown Its 'y,cndalrtul rebuilding Jlow8ure Sion of I"aanlty. enl. ache, dlzzlne!s, tired feeling, e~c., Irregular functions, falling feelings, headache, "Tour bOliOI'. our client canet b<t It teaobes In 1\ practicable manner follow the' e:xample of thouspllt,-. Wo colI~d that ~e la In· that scientifically gathered tOOll' cle. ea." ments ('G-Il be aelected rrem the lleJd ands of wClmen who tlave "But the deteidant hJmselt 8aYI he If!'Blns, To'hleh nature wlli UBe for rebeen or 'cured and II of 1D1ID1i mIDCl." · building the nerve centres all<l braJlI largely JlPOIl tba~ clrcum- ' In a ,...ay ' that Is unmlltakable to take Wine GarduL ' l tll:llll4111t. ·. J'ItI"lIm~Dlb 'V e base. our ..!Ilaim aH~ of Orape-Nutl. Trick. of Smugglet'l. Double·botlomed bol lleR ..nd otber Teasels Ilre common contr lYIlD es tor smuggl ers. 10 ordel' noL to awaken susplClou they are usually Illl d wllh 80me beverage. b er 01' win e. IInti thi s la d ul" d c la ret.! by th e m an In ('horge of tbe vehicl e III whi ch tbey aro ,.ar· rl d. At lhe present Uro ,howe,,"r, th e c01l)el's are n ver deceived U)' \ 1113 double·boltomed bol tl es. nor. ror t hat ma tt 1'. by th e h ullow horse co llar, whi ch at oue lim was a rave rlle dodge tor the alcobol sml lggler .
Emer~encies at Home
for the Stock onthe farm
Sloa"Ns Li1\imel\.t
Is a whole medicine chest
11I.~ e
Price 25c 50c & $1.00
Sand For free
Address Dr. Earl S. 5loan,
. .:.::.-:\. '1 '--:":f:;;;' ~~'~~~-[ '~':"- J; ). -_.-." )) - "
._.i.:-... . .
. .. "'.-.
. ...
BaBrs ,
Thousands ' of Women
Suffer •In
JI\ .•
U~ IIId . .
"'AlaN's a teuoD."
" - - : - : : - : : - - : --
. ._ _ _ _ __
~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~
1, 1
Wet Ott Cold · Whatever· the Weat her Ma.
be, You Need
Battnhattt's wattm,
Signed St:atement
mQ. J .~N An y 7, 1007. 'l'bi is to ertify that we t be un· l1erbl~nEld. 11 ver nw William lit· rthwl\ lta dr\1nJ" aod tb,\t he lIu nlwuJ'1:! 1J uno b Ollo I wun slnoo we W A l'NES V ILLIil ,
~ r
h1 m . Ll Dlllwill<lH' ,
. '. 1>1 H '.nlllhl ~.
\ . •1, Shtlr woo(l Ii' . '. Ha rtso k ,
J . Edwunl ll, b'. '. SO!Hvurtz, L "'. LUI\o.UI!I, .1 . H
'.,IWt\ IIU
\Vtll'nr z,
. K 1/ . Ollr nhllrt
Ji'r iiCOfoprateF983 E;kF:~:: 1 . , J
·t::I~."~.i ~"""
Many Bi'rds In Evidence Now .. Mllny lI Pr I!Oll", p , I)('oillll~' thollO 1
A oopy of the Eddyville, }{an811B, Enterprise received Itt the Gazette oUioe contuins I~ notloe of the deuth of WlIlillw J. Wl\tklnsoll, IL former resident o'f WI~y ne8vi\lo : All'. Wntkin !!ou left Wn,yn68ville sooli nft ;. the ivil Wur, 1Il0Vlnlt to I t>wu l:lis wife Wll!! M I~rlu 'O,ulbnl'l1 dou ~ blet' " t' 'l'holl1l1 . !South r n II lI d I" I'tllflt ·d t I tll J:1l\ wk , I lln Ily uf tUI vi ' ni ty T he E iu~· \,j l1ll IlII I)1'1' ' 11 VI fo l. lilwln g ~ lId 1>1""11011 111 1 h ,I f i It· li e I
kllfl W
~ eomfOJ1tabl~ Sbo~s t~~~~r~~~~~rrr~~rr~rr~r~~~ OOll. H ."!lulds,
Concerning ,Former
~; .
d ,'nr:
,r. A: F ullk e~', N I' VI,' Hntll l·" . who take an int relit In nnturE'. 1 Wn PIlY Intt'rl?~t lit. the rlllp of) Plldl !, Tr~ut , . MO I'r lll I, "1'<1, h,lve commentl1d OD t.Ile lluruber of threll )J·r lit per IIIlDIlTll Oll ~ ,,' H, tIl·foen. ~ rnok Bl'u(1I\0 k silving" UCCOllll t,!'\. 'rh" tll ()lI!;,y 1. B CIl..'\tin, .' 1\1. Roblt..:or, 80ng bird s 801m In this violnit,y durIng tbe mild went.her of the plLBt iA "tlbJ ot to ynur call lIt ll,ny ~ uplb rt M. McKoy, th uok, time. but mU!lt r e mnin witb u C. M. Browll, J ohn troop, k . "'';'ed birds wer o ospeoinlly oumer· ~ "Ix montl.1S or longer !n o;dor R . '. 'l'llylol'. Il. H . Mills, OU9 and a ppeared iu ruuoh t.b6 SlIme t drllw Illter f't. B gill sy t e· DOlin Bruckney, F. W. Biggs, wo.y 08 if spring were upon \ls. ' . mutio sln- ing . One dollnr will ~ Enrl Evan, R. R . Smith. Mllny porsons advnn e the tbeory sturt nn uecount. (.Joll Itnd see B . P . K.eys, J . O. nrhvrlght. that birds bad come from fohe us, Look over tbeSouvenlr and A. B. Bleles, A. T. Myhe, sonth anel an early spripg was to be · Home· 'oming Edition of the J . C. Ba.wk , R. HathuwlIY, expeoted. Miami ,;a:t.e. tte Puge 'J9 ,lDd s e .) J,' E Jnnney, ( . W. Frye, rr. ~".,.. B B" S B OWt' II D d b t O Tbe Ga7,otte lid, dresseel an, inquiry w 0 OUi' 11'eo or an lelO rs v .. .w.. ro:wn, to Prof. C. B . Young, Superintenare . Thflnkln/t you .for past Mnblon Ridge, ok Eibon , dent of the Kings Mtlls8Chools, who fa,'ors We solioit your patron. B. G. Miller, Enooh Buincs, is an Roknowledged· anthorit.y on ng!l. , , ~ G. B . Ellis, C. M. Braddook, ' birds and their habits, and , Mr. ~ THill OITI7.E~ BANKlNO Co. J . W . White, H. F. White, Waynesville 0 . M . Rid ge D. Clt't rk . Young gave it ILB hi oplDloo thRt - ' O. IDOlit of. these birds reDlained with "'"~~~~ O. unvis, G. W. AdanlS, usduring the Winter, h.iding in some R. Brllddook sheltered nook dnring b'ad wea.ther. -Advertisem ent.
r rr
t r r
and Business Property for Sale.
Oood Roads Meeting at Lebanon.
LeI • .;UKEN,
II lm'duy Ol~ht II h l lllt WilhllU1.J. \\' »t l!l n ~"'1 WllS ,.t,,' nc l, by th(! moLm' ,11ell "' 11 11"'1,; i ll ,I ll 1l:<1.IY''Ille, tl l!d 1II ~ 1. "utb' In ll (\. H e WIIS r O$!:;inlo: tllll t.l'lIllir I II t 110' :<out.b pn.. t of to " I1 nl'll1' Iltll !OW l oh, iu It >li ng le llUg " y , II ncl wu : SLj till I'\! on the tmok wheu t; h' IIUlt , Ufll u g killed , 1I1l11 Ihe 'bu ggy broken into smitbereens. He husk. ed corn al1 duy, unu sturteu 'to town to bny Chrislmus present~ for 11is family.
'l'be motor was lute that evening, nnd was to"oing at n higb speed, it is .tlflid. It slowed up within 300 feet of tbe plaoe. No one seem to huve beard the whistle . Mr. Wllrd stood in front of Thom's plaoe Rnd su.w t·he oolllsion. An inquest WI\S held whioh re, ulta;! a verdiot being returned, howing that deoeased wns killed by t.he motor, but fIXed no respon· !!ibility. The funeral was held at hit. Bope olJuroh MondllY, und intermont i.n Mt . Rope oemetery, mllny fnends tind relatives beinlt present ~o 'pay t hei; respoots ~o the d purted, and symlla.thy ·for the bereaved fllmily, Mr . Wlltkinson] uves It wife and oblldren to mourn his 10 , besides a ho!:'t of friends . Be wu a member in go~d standing of EddplJle lodge A. O. U. W. f\ . '[his sudden snn1!ing the life of one ot Dawson (.Jounty's very best oitizens hilS ClIllt tl gloom over the oommunity.
PHYSIOIAN ~oND SUROItON. A very desirable 'business plaoe in OI!'EIom • • IN A~IAN BLOOK Lytle .for sale. S. L . Williamson's A' meeting which will be of Plore property Ilnd tonk of groceries . Be tb8.~ ordinary interest to the pea· offers his property Ilnd atook Ilt It pie of the {Jounty, generally and B ow to 01'6 bllhlnins. very rellBonnble pri e. CA.\land ee "To enjoy freed om fr om -obll· esPeoially to tbo e interest-ed in for yourself nt his pillee of busine blllins , " writ 9 ,John Kemp, En ~t good roadtl will tnke pluce in the Oti sfleld, Me, "I I\.pply Buoklen's t j 22 . L. WI LLlAMSON. ('omOlon Pleas Court Room at Leb· Arnioa 'aha. tia ve also used it for anon, Tuesday January 22, 1907. s nIt rheulU with excellent 're ults ." For Rent. UarA.Dte d to oure.fever sores, in. While the meeting is prinoipally for the towns)Jip trustees, street ' .As 1 win move to tlie ·vhllrles dolent nlcers, piJl~S bnrns, wounils, fro t bites dnd skin diseases. 250 lit oommiasioners Bnd (.Jounty officers, Jones fllrm this I! pring, I \ ill rent, F. . Sohlvl1rtz drug store. the publio generally· is Riso urged tp on reasonabl terms, my hotlse und attend. nine aores of ~round on ' the f:;ta~e PROGRAM. Road, north of WayneSVille. .M~ke 9.00 a.m., Roll call inquiries ou tbe llremisell, or ad· 'rbe f'riends of Ex·Sherlff Steve 9.30 a. m ., Explanation of road dress Waynesvillj3 offioe. Phillips of Washington U ·H. among law, by Pr08eouting ILtt.orney, Geo, d3t·3t . J . H. OBlt NOW lIlTTf . Unhealthy Kidneys Mak~ Impure BIOOIf. Gazet'te · readtlrs will be 'interested E: Young. It used to be (!Onsitierat that only tn the followi,n g notioe whioh ap. 11.00 a, m ., Division of work be- Remedy for indigestion ur~lIary and bladder troubles wtre to bo psared in the Xeni GA Mon. trnced to the ki Iners, Interesting I:)ta~ement by J, E. t ween Township tI:nstees n.nd Coun· bitt . now modern day: ty Commissioners; by B . B. Ander.' Jnnney . Mr: tephen Pbillips, the veteran proves that Whell It UHtn Gomes into thi!! ~~~~I~ e.cicllce J1earh' nll cUsensee 80n, S toro 1\ nd oltlls for ' uny partioD Inr hnl'e ' thei r bC!llnulng horseDlun of Wu hingt.on . G, B,. 1.30 p. m" 'State n.nd oounty road indigeAtlon r emedy, we ItJ Wltys give in t h e disorder of hus !Luded lL youngSter to bis roc· these most importaut ing !It.ring which be thinks gives improvement fund i how expended, him \Vbtlt he Rske for, but. ill cuse orRan •. he leaves it to us we 11611Ully r ecom· by Auditor- S. A. Stilwell. The kidDe,·s filter promise of being the be~t one he Pepsi kola tablets. 2.30 p.m ., Road and Street Con· mend and purify th e Illood- ever trn,ined und he bns tralnQd Bere i a preplI.rlltlon we hnve .....:....;. , is their wol!k. struotion. General disoUIiSloD, beell elling right over the counter Therefore. wh en t.hat r ur kidncysnrc weo1c some migh ty good ones during his for yeurs, und froOl IlCh1RI obser"n.- or oul uf order, )'011 can u.nderstnud how lon g experienoe in t.he raolng game. tion we.know it'mnst clo good, unrl quickly YOllr Clltire bacly IS 1I.lTected Oo!ld 1 QLD .IN SHO~ really doe relieve anrl cure indiges. how every organ s<:ems to fnll lO' do It. 'rbe now one is a year~lUg with seoond birthday dne in t·he spring . PAR ODAPHS t·ion Ilnd dyspepsia or there would :liltr ] YO\l nre s ick or. " feel uodly,' beg111 It I a handsome sorrel f!tl~l1lon, . ~. ~. . , ! be a. stetldy streum of people coming taking U,e !,'l'eot , killney remedy, Dr. Dumed Bay Wrcat.b , sired by .Cre. Mrs. PrecUia Butterworth stopped baok for their money, us every 21$ Kilmer's SWllntp.R.OOt, bccause !l'8 Sooll " cent box i sold with tbe under· over at the home of ~amnel But· standing that ypu 1110 t be deoided. os your kidn eys nfle we ll they WIll h~lp cells 2. 02~ out of Kentuoky· S~r the othe r orga ns to health. f. trtOol 2 :08. . tar.w orth a few, do.y;' ago, while ,on ly benefited or tb"re Is nothiug to 011 will COllvince Bnyoue. . He was. pUlohn,sod nt tbo;- 01d ' her way from her home iq Wit•. p~y. . If you lire siok ),,011 call mnke ~ milmfngton to Dayton where "8he went Yon simllly try Pep iko1t.~ tabl~ts t ake by first doctori ng ,:OllT ldllney.. Glory sn.le At Madison SquBre ~er· ·with the understr.ndlng th at 'th V The mil(1 and the (:xtraordlnllry eliect of dens, New York, by Mr . Philips, Tuesday t.o xisit her sister. will stOlldy your nerves, improve Dr. Kilmer's SWllmp-Root. t.hd great Earl Daughters. II. Wayne town · your appetite, rel\ove wind beloh. kidney r emedy, ·is soon rea1tz d. It through a New York ugent. Mr. 8latlll~ UIC! high est- for, its woullerfn~ cure~ IIhip boy who enlisted in Unale ing, coated tongue, sour StODlIIOh , of the lJIost di strcssiJlg ca:;es, IlmllS sold Pbiliips blld never seen the oolt tulne!!s n.fter eatinll', weakened en- 011 its and did not see it I1ntll 'it lurived ' by all &m'sarmya. oouple of years ago ergy, and 'ot her symptons of indi in Washington C. H Altb~ugh the clmggisls in . ishoDle on a furlough . Service in gestion or ,J. E .lunney I~ ready IIlId onc·dollar sIze pprohase price and expense!! reaoh. the army appellrs to 'have agreed a.t any time to pay bUOlt your money bottles. You may 'h o\'e n sample boUle lIomoo!8"",!,P'Root. ed to almost a dollnrs, be 'with him . Rnd to have benefitted , witbout tbe least argument. by umil free, also I~ pamphlet t e~ llIlg YOII was I'lreatly pleas.ed with his "8ight him generally. how lo fillli uul if you h ave kIdney or bladder trouulc. Mention thls p~per unsee.n" burgain. BIlY Wrelltb is I~ natu,ral pn,cor, wben writing to D lr. Kilmer & Co.! IllUg· Massie Township hOll1tOIl, N. Y. Don'l niake nn y IIl1stake, only one flver 8ired by Cresceu8, bllt rcmember UH: name, SWll mp-Root, Sunday School ConDr: l(ilmer's Swnrnp·Root, alld ·the ad· Lll st ' pring \"hen he was jnst a dress , Binghnmton, N. Y., ollcver)' bottl.. yelll' old, he stepped a quar.ter in ventio~ 35 seconds wbioh IS going some' for The quarterly meeting of the n. bnby raoer. . For·Sale. Massie Township Snnday Sehool He has been en.tered in ,57;000 -' onventlon will be held. at the M. wor~h of futurity rB:l1l8; a few as a. Rose Combed Brown Leghorn E. Church in Harveysburg, SundaY' two year old -und the remainder as roosters. 'r. (.J. SAYLOR, Spring a three yeur old , . afternoon, . January 27 at 2.M, . Vnlley. ·Post offioe address R. F. D. o'clook. Mr. Pliilllips will begin giving , ~, Xenia, Obio. tj23 , Hon.E, J.'West 'of Wilmington bim his track eduQatlon early in the will deliver Bn address on "The ~... slilnson on Il mile tra~k at Oolum'b us, Chllmberialn's Cough .Remedy n· , • : Tragedy of Calvary." The public is .cQrdia.lly invited. · Medicine for ChHdren. Bad Stomaoh Trouble Cnred, In buying 0. cough me.dioine for Having been slok for the 't wo ohildren, neVAr be afral(J to bny past witb a bad atomaoh trou. Wonderful Climate . Chllmberlain's Cough Remedy, ble, a friend gave me !I. dose of eha.There i3 no danger from it, and reo ·mberlo.ln'! Stomaoh a.nd Liver tab . . ' of Southern 'Ohio lief Is always sure to follow. It Is J'ets. 'rbey did me so muoh good that intended espeplall:v for coughs,,I bought 'a bottle of them and h"Te This plU'tlcular section of ' South · ooIds, ?roup and whooping oong~, 118ed twelve bottle8 in all. Today I ern Ohio ean the most re Ilnd there better medlolne 10 am well of It bad stomaoh trouble. lIIarkable olimate in the .world. the world for t,l1ese dlsealles. It is Mrs, John Lowe, Cooper, Maine. So far this ' winter we have had o~ 0111y a oer~ll'ln oure for oroup,'. 'I.'bese tablets are for sale by J. bl1t, when ghe:n ' as soon as .the Janpey. " bnt one really ooid spell of .w eather. ~O oroupy oough eppellrB, w!ll p~event We.olalm thut lion advantage olin the attaok. WhClloplng oottgh Is not • -. , only 'bo appreciuted by contrllst, dangerous when this rem~dy Is Siv. l A g ' t A' •. en as d.trected-. ,It.oontain8no .oplum nsurce . alns CCI therefore the ocollsional unplell8ant OJ; other harmfnl dtup, aod ma.y be dents and I III weather with whioh w.e have f.o gi\'en as oonfidently to a bil by~"s to contend Simply serves tG make Us an adnlt. For sale by J. E . Janney' The Aetna Life lnsuranoe Co. will 'appreciate the mOl'e the pleaaant weaijler w~n . .~e have it. We (J Issue you a policy by which you wUl ". • AN 'G, • \ ;~ ~ • receive a II.takld SUM, per W80k 1D . have "lwa,a believed that a land of . etUDIIrl 'Sl1l1t1~, Ute- me1e goodR~DGlIlV'ILLIIl, Omo case of 8.cbi~ent or aiokD088, . F9l' IMIA, wou1" , ~ mO,.11otODoul, :J~~'~~LJWU~~~~~~'~'~lr~~ 01' \11'0_. pani0111arJ.:·"" .Frecl ::Bi'Sherwood ~ Q .
OIten The Kidneys Are Weakened . by Qver-\VOIt.
M W L - . M ·n
Coiitul1ne. will be
. -.Very tJandsQme .
.t.;Iii.. .. Clael••U.ed ati Firm will .SuP. .lilt qt ~~
.prOduc, . . of Machem. -~"'"
. . 'JrellkDowb fir", of ~hwart ~• ...:. . . .11'. • 00d1lDl81'1!:- .P~ Cinolnn atl, ,~lIiIIl;'inlDD1Y . tlie-: OQe~"tp88 f~l' t~e ...~ lIo1.......,
whioh w111
~ool Ball, W~~IlY e.~nlnp, Juoai y
, H~~\reysbu'~g" ~" "
.. ~.
Th e tl'ains .hllve all been
-----!:'-~ !:)i~llccl
":;tal ement
\\ \ \':0, ~:'"
Concern ing For mer Re
()IIIO ,
11 ,1.10:.
. 1 \>; l lilY
7, 1\'10-;',
Ac op .I·o fth Ji~lldyvill , KOll!!Il ' ,' 'l'li l ~1 11 !'I' I'tll'y rhat ,,' l' tll'IILI- J!;U I" l' p l'i>hl r c 'ni\'udll t th o Gnz t. t o Illl~I<::(~I'I' Ilt' I" 'I: ,..111' \ ' Illili ln t:>lIt · !OIli I'\I"IO IIllI ~ II tl utH' u f t ilt) tlun t.b \\'tJhlll1 '. \\'lllklllSUII . Il rUI'Il. )' rt' r tl, w, · r,. tl l·nlll- . .!llli It " 11 11,\1,'1.''' h" . 1.11111 II ,JllI' 'I Willi ,:111 'I ' Wl' l'l'~ld (111 of \\'uvllt'HvIIIl'. lill" W 1 1111 ~Ir. WUII\lIl ~: '1\ Il' ft \\' IIY Il UllVill ll \\. I I I ' II \ \, I ddlt '. \\' ,I S it , 1' \\' , to 'll ~lI l) n "ff,·1' r lllt ·( ' \\' ll \V ur, JII ""IIIg' to
!I"" ,"t'
I,' (' .
'.)u l"
l ' ,i tl'\
11. 11 1',' ,! ,tlUI:''' . I ,
Many Birds 'r In tvidcn e Now,
M .IIlY pl'r~ (\ "~ , " ~ }l"" ' l llly I h {l~I ' . who t llke nil 1Il1 " II'.~t III nlllnrc' , lin,'£' C(l ln ment don Ihp 1l11l1llJll r " I' l ' .' 1 ~ l'> n f.: hi I'd ,. ~('rll III I II-< YIC'ltllly ( Ill' . Ing t,h lIl i ltl \\' ('Il1i1l'J' Il r III pn ~t ,\' ('ok , ' , R ocl bircl~ \\'1'1',' C'~ p c 11111 ,1' nUlIIC'I'· I ' 1 II . o n~ /lnu .n pp nl'L'lI III wil e I Ie >'lIllll: !I. WI\." II ~ II ~p r lll g wero Il p OL\ n, . ~l l1n~ prr~ul1. lI U\,IIIll'lJ Ih a th eO IY \" ~
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r l' l W l ill Will!
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that ti,o bi rd s hllll ' co m fr o m tlll' 1 liS , Look ul'('1' thllSOIl Y ' nil' Iwd o llth unt! lin e nrl y !\]lrinl; wa ~ 10 b l' \ ;' l1 u ll ll' . (" 1mi l1 ~ E <1itiull of 1 10 Ilxpec t l'u , , !.. :\I\UIllI l{II)1o tl O 1'agC' ·1\1 , 111111 ~l'(l The (lu:I,ett e IIUdr l'HS (I o n i n q u i r y w h o o m Dil'l'do)' ~ Iln.l Ollir r~ t o rrnL '. H . Y nt~ n g, cUlle rint.e n . r il l'\, . ThllnldllK ,V0ll fo r I'"st cle ut o f tbo KingR !'.Iil\,; c h oolR, wh o fll\, Ir~ \\, (1" IItC'it )'OUI' Illll r o n · i ~ lin ncknowl dge d n lIthority on flg-P. . I b't .1 ~1 ' PIn: C ITI), I::>" B tl :>I(l:'W ' 0. ltirtls 11mI II lelr In 1 ti , I1nu • r. \\" . ' II () . ., I ' nynr~vI e, Y nm: t;0 \'o 1\ n~ h i" " Pll1l 0 1l ti nt m~t o f Ib os hird ~ r ClIllline u , with ~~~~'""~~~~~~ u _ du )' in ~ th o wint r . hidin g in ~o m o !!ll e lt o r ,1 n on k dl1rin ~ bull w entber,
r rr r
Good Roads Meeting at Lebanon.
PInt .!.
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I ~1~ Wlt't.' "' H~ ~lHI' 1. 1 ~(l l1lh t't' fl
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, .'" lutdll ,\' I II !.! ~ 1 t a I ) l i lt ..... 1 I " '\IIt - I" \\' II. " II. \ 'il ll .\1I 1 .1 . \ ~. th.l"" " 11 '-d ~ . tt' I " I . . ,I ', \ F L I1!\,·\ , :\ t I ' \\ ' J l. II Ji · ... II • I tit' 1I1 l i t lH' \\ Ilt" n " 'i l ll l ll..', \ 11 t· 1'11 1111' '1'1' 'llt .VI II·'·I_ I,' ,,-,,· t', . I I .. '''' • t 11'.d ,!\.' \·" t', tllld 11i .. l ll ltt \" hl , II 'd . i' . 11 :-=111't' ' 1'\' ' : 1'. 111 ... Hr:ltld wI.. ' l' I~ l'U .. t l' )' , l ', ~ 1 1{ .d q CZt' !'. 1 .l It WH~l'I·\J ... "t: n;.: li1 "l r,ll ' l ~ 111 t ,I · . I I ' I 1- .lIllh I'U'I .. I ''' ' ' 11. 1''' ' 1' 11. " ~ It' t'l I, \1 \1 ..\ t 1t ' I I H ' I'I . . , ' I,,, \ ~')"I l t 1 \. . Ill \, l ,..,'1 Ilt·, '\'·I,. ,I oh ll :' rt'J )" I' , I' lit H :-.t l1 b tl~ h ll~ ~ Y . Ho d \\ u ~ :-.qtL tn" II. H i'I!IIl ~, ' ) 11 th" tnll' k ",11t' 1I ~f l'lI ek. It''IU!: I' ,y Hi .... " I k lll<.,1 it II; t tl III 1.1'. 11111 11'It' IJlI g,U t" R ' " ...... I hr pkl' u Intn ~ 1I\11, h l' l'e, n ~ , U u hn sk E arl )0;"1111". n . I"'l eorn 1:11 ',lilY. Illlll t o wn 11. I' K,' ~·~. A , T . M • ltC', t u bllY hn " tmll;< 1'1' :<ullis {or Ill!:! A , B i:'1tll' >I, I{ , Hntllllwn~' , ftllnil.Y . , ' .1 . ', 11 11 \\ kl', Th m o t o r WU l! IlIt,o t hll t ,', n illl,(, ,I , ~: .11111 111:'),. I . \\'. F ry", 11 11111\'I1S ~ ' )i[Jg ILl II b l:; h s pccd. it H , ::;. ]1,)W"'1. " ~1. I:i'll \\ n , i~ ~ ttid . It ,; Io w ed n p wi I h ill :100 ;>'111 h 11)11 I "ltl:;I'. uk 1,;)1 " 111 , f,'et o J' t,h o p l·,Lc o. No um" seoms t o 1 . ti . ~lilll' r, 1~ lI o h 1:lIlitll'~ . i . H , P.111~ . C, ~1. BI't1u llor k , hu\'() bC'l\rtl the whi!ltl . Jo[r, W ll r d
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r \\" ' I "'~' 1ll1 " I't ·~ t :11 tIlt' cot rr fl,,'O''' llllll r rHII 1111." Ir hil I ml1!'1 r I tl dm\\' IIl llnth, 1')I1(! O' r ill 0 1'(1,' 1' 1111 11" "]11 Ir' Illnt.I(' Hl\' IIl" UIlI' ./0 11111' \\ ill r !'tur " t nCI·lIll nt . ( '1111 n11<1
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11. ,I \; \ \\ ;11<1 ,I , U:,: ltlf"I', 'I h . 1I \it I"- d ll 111 ' 1'11 :,,\('" \. -I 11' t / •• I·' I I" " h r. I r , I I ... 11 . \\;n I. I ' .Lhh\ IC ~ l t h\ ~ \') ," 11 11 ' . ,I II • d l ll.Lt ll ~ i (ill' 1~ I CI\"\'1 11 I ' I ''i' ' ' I'h lJ I:, \ ' I 111'1111 " I Il" \\'fl ~ "' 4111 PH I' C l ' u l ill" ; ·1
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1-1 , F' . \\'h it (l. 1), ('1111'1;,
() 1Jn\'i~ . R . I r llll,l oc k
Ii . \Y . Adillll f;,
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Res idence a nd Bus in ess P roperty fo r Sale.
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A v r y ,ur i rllbICt un, m e~8 V111cC' ill L y l Ie fo r ~alE' . S , L . \\~ ilhnm ,;o n '~ prOIl rl,y on t.! _ t ~l c k of g l'O erics El l' o ffel's Iii Ill'Ollc r ty tl nl! : t l'ck ut u ver y r e ll ~on l\ hll' prie,'. 'tlll aod . c f o r your>,c lr /I hi" plul'" II f busi ne_ ~ t j '1'1 t-i . L. \\' 11,1.1 .1 ISO:-; .
~ttll't' I,,1 I~)
Istooll III f r o nt o f T h ow 's l'IllCO Il m l ~Il\\' tllO collis ion . An inquedt. WII S 11 It l wbi h n l · ~ ulte J
Il v e rdict. boin' roturn e u , Sh lHdl1g t,hllt d ceclltlOlI WI1S klll.~ u hy th o m o t o l'. bu t fix d n o I' SPOil -
' 1ll C' lIt ,
~ ilJllily,
.L rKl':X:-:, C'K
The fnllerll I WII' h old at hlt , 1:Io po e h ur c h l\lO!llIIlY , llUd lntc rill on t Ill' ildt , lio p e c'w e t c l'Y, IllIIDY fr icnds <111\1 rellltivos b t; 1I f.( \lr el<e n t to pity t'ltli r r e. pee t s t Ll t h ' U pI! rLed, lIud yUl (1!1 t,hy f o r the h orl':\ \'Lld ftllnil'y . :'Ill' . \Yu t lull o n 1 " Il\' e~ l\ w ir", und chi ld ren t o m o urD hi~ l o~~ . b !'I ide Il h ~t o f fri.' Dds H w,,:' II III m bor 111 gu od s tll nd i n g of Eudr vi lle lodge '\ A . 0 , L' . IN , , T lti ~ sndhm onfl'ing O(t th li ro ,r o no o l 0 11 W 'o n CUUlI ty 'Il \·o r .\, bCd t citi'!. 'ml bn en~t 1\ \.\I uo ll1 0 \' 01' I.h o co mlllun i t )-.
,A ' w eet,iog w h i ch wi ll h f til 1'0 thll~ o r dln llr y int I' s l, to the ]loo, U (l' W t ,'lI r e ( 'Ill I hl:tim•. p lo o f t h e 'o unty , gen ol'llll y nnd " T o' .. njI1 ~· fr E' l'.h1l\1 f r ll tn ch il· esp ecillll y to tb os iut e r e I tl i n hllii n~ , . Wl'1t !' ~ .h)hu I' III I , l'~lI ~ t good r Otids will t llke pl nco in tb nl' i~ tit' Jd. -'if , " 1 upply ~u o ldf'n '_ t'omm o n P lollf! 'ourt .R oo lll ut Leb, Arn iel1 ~ a"·e. bll\'(' also u~ecl it ro r ~lIlt rill nlll w i t h e xcel le nt r !< ult ,;. ,. a n o n , Tue dllY ,J llnUO I Y :!:J. I !lO:-, Fo r Re n t. (iurtrrln el'cl t o ('u l'e r v I' 1'1 I' ~, iu While t h e mooting is pri n c l pn I1y . (iolo n t nle I' S, pil p~ , hu rn ~. wonou~, WI II m o v~ 10 I h l1 Chu r lr for til e t o w n s hip t ru ~te ~ , ~trc o t fr o~ t bit A~ Ilnd s kin di "c ll ~e:l :! ~o nt comDlissioo e r s unrl 'o unty o llie I' , J o nI'M ftll'1 l1 t hi ~ " ptin g , I \\ III I' li t. r , C . R 'h Wtlt't7. ll!'ul.( ;:t OI'U the p u b li c gen rI\ ll y Is olso tl l' l>o cl t o on r eH.~ n llllb lt· I p rlll ~. lilY b O\l !<p '111l1 nill O u c rl'~ o f !!; r o nntl 011 till' ~ ll1t e .- - -- attend, PROG R AM, R o nd , n o rth o f \\ t1yn l'~ I' llI e , i\llfk 9.00 n . Ill, R oll call inquir ,e~ o n th e p r PIlIj,;(,,,,: o r 'tll1. The ' fri e llll:; 0 1 Ex . ~ ho r i,)' t e.\"e 9. :10 ' 11 . m, n of rond clre Wll y n eRvil l po" t o tJi 0, Philli ps o f Wu~hin"too '. H . IIIllong In.w , by P r o'ocu tl n g IItt01'Oe', l';eo, <l:J I ·:!t. .1 . 1:I . ·I1 P:);OI\· y.'nr . nhca ltb y Kidney ~hlk~ Impure nIool!. lin)le tt e r f'lI d r~ will bi1 i llt orost 'll E. Youn g . - - II "ocll to he ~'J1"i,lc, c, 1 llm t unl)' In III fo ll o wiIl " u nt ic,' w h ic h til" 1 1.00 II. m " Didsi o n of w o rk b, tiullr u nt oed He m lly fo t' Intli!!c::; li , /U urt tlnr)' ,,,141 hladder Irtl\l ltk. W ~' I': \() 1'0 , pOlln)ll i n Ih u X l' ni l! ('nzotle 111 0 11 t w een 'ro w.u Sh i P tru t eos nnd 'OUU- \ lnt ' I'es l,i ll ~ i-ilute m l' n t. I.,\, .1 , E, . : ~'I\l'~d ;I':,,; 1Ie k,~~:~f~~~~ Idl! : . . _ . I ~t'il'lICC: prtll'c<, lhat MI' . ~t l>lt c lI L'hlllillS, tit \'oto rll n t Com missio n e r s , IJr n , B. Allde r . .JIII1;1O.\·, Y . \\ h e ll u I1\ UIl c n lll n~ 111 t o t Ill S l1 <,~ lI" :I II .1I';tn~ , , . son , stO I'l' Itntl rn ll s fn l' I\n~" I'1t1·tlL'nlu r li3" " ' the ir 1t~);IIl I1II1R IIlCI rM:t1l11U o f \\ Il"h lll g t o n ' " H., 1.30 p , m" t lltO llnel cou nty r ouu g ,'sliu l1 r l'med,\' . \\'(' 1\1\\" 11 ,\'~ t.:in' ill h .. ,Ii ,onkr tt f , hit s I\ lltl ('lIll y o u lI l:l~tr. 1' t u h is r neimprovem e n t f nnll ;' b o w CXIJOntlccl . 1 h llll wll11 t' I,, · nti ki-l f" r, hut. III (' 11 '; lI,," C ""H, t 1111 JOrlnllt' l llI ~ :itl'IO" whi c h h e t. h ink giVOH "Y AUC' I· t.o r . A . tihvol l. h e 1I'llVl'S I ~. [0 11~ wo l1:'llHlly 1'(" 111 \II ~I" 'l',I,'," 10 1',1 ,1 "'\'." r.l ll er III nll' ,,~ Of II" 'I,I!..' t llo lln"t on o lie u .1 t 'OII,nH!lllIPepSlktlln t n IM ts , .,, 1/ 'u , -" ~ 2.:10 p , m " R ond fin d St.r eo \] Ol' lJ i~ II pr('pllru t lOn w(' bUY,(l ,,",lpllrily the l ~"od- e \'p r trlli ll Prl unu he bll s truinl,d ' n , "e t - - •.:fort, wh', ," Ill'" I~ th\tl\" d r ~:tre "<Irkwcalc . . I 1 nCll II ur wg ' 1llS . u n o ral dI ,HCU~ IOn , beon ~('Iltng I'l. l( lIt 0 \' ' I' 1I 1(' con n 1' 1' -Thcr ,,,wki ~tl ll\ l' Il11g l t y g UO( St ruo t lO for .rel\" ~. uilt! 11 011\ urt n nl o h~(',\'II' 1'1' (tU l <.t' onil'r, " (IIi "all 11Ildl' ;'~t.Lw l h uw l on~ xpe l' i(>n 'e i n Ih u r a oing g'lm e , ti on W (l kn .lI\· It mo , t do !rooll. III\() '1 uit'k ly y.J\Ifl' lI ll r., 1~"ly 1 ~ .afi"c't!(1 "",1 Th e now 011(1 I 1\ yon r lt n g with n 1 ~LO IN SHORT r cutly U' )('H I'rli.,vo li n 1 (' 111'0 in l! ig('~. 1I0w ",'Cn' o r" ::\Il "ccnts lU Jai l La .10 Ita , . . . , tl 0l1111111 Ily. pC)),in 01 I ltl're w o nld Itll'·. ,,~ , ." I ~er:ll nll blrtltdtty till III Ib p r~u g , PAR~GRAPHS b e It !!tetld y s tl' ClI1l1 o f ' I!lopl " co m ln/! II )'U1\ all- " 'k or : r"ul lta,lI ) , h~gtll i l t. IS II hl ln tlSOIno !:Iorrfll ~tnlhon , "11'';. Precilht Butte rwo rth s t oppoc}. hllO k f or Ih ir 111 " nC'y. 11 ~ (' \'(It'~' :!~. 1~.I)d ll~ Ih~ gn::'t , k .. lll~Y "re'.",c,I), . . llr. nUllI c tl BIIY W r eath sil'ot! b y C r o. l) ~ e Dt bl x H ~o!tl willi iI IlI UI1(1 £' I'. hll ll1er'" Swa ll1 p- k out , llL'c,\usC ,,~ soon ' , • over at t b e bom e of ~a m ncl Bu t.· , n~ \ ' (11ll' Id.llIcrs II rc ,,'c\\ (lI e-," WI ll !lICIt> crns 2 02~ ~ out. of h c n t u ok y S tar ~tt\ ntllll g I,hu t yon 111 0",1. be II N 'tlll'd· a II'll, \! otller On ! ,I '" lU h "" llh . A tnlll .' J ', (IU , '. o r t h n, fe'" dnys (1.go, while 00 I Y I1en c!] t 01 lo r tll (" I' "n l' "u 11 ,. 111' 11 <> 1o will t:,)lIvill,·C " "' yom:, " ter m " H I" ' If )''''' nl'e ,ick' you call lI",kc I!O mlsH e WII!\ p nrolll1s (1 n t t h o. Old h e r Wil Y fr o m h e r b o m o iG Wi l- p ay" mln g t e n t o Dtlyton w h 1'e s h e went YOll ):illlpl y t l'Y P r l's ik uln rllbl ot.s la ke b\' fi r~t d <ld o r1l1g your kul ll ey" GI')ry sa le lit Muui!'oll Sq ull r e Go r, wll,ll th n 11lHkrs t/ , n,lllw P I uhps ' . , .. • I I te l' ... th ll t, th"V Th e 111ihl "lid Ih e " "Irm.rdilla ryII effect of IIe n s. N o w ". or k . h y a" ll'. T u e d ay t 0 XI!:'lu let' ' . w ll! 8t'lI Iy Vtl U\' n c l' v('~, IIl1prO\' () VI', h: i hJl "'~ S wa mp· Root. ,t! g reat , .'- 0 111' OI) II",'t'I' t ~, I ' ,II' l'\'''' \\-111 ,1 II lC'1\ kidll,'\' r 'llll'd". i~ "IOU rUI11i I.Q'l. It tl1l'o n:;l1 n New Yo r k a ge n t, !Ur. E arl Du u,gh terl!, tL \ Va y u e t own, .. , " 1 hlnt/ d'; lir e Irigl;",l f, 'r It S w(. tltk- riul c ures Phillip!! bull l1 e "or so II t h e colt. hip b oy wbo ellli steu i n 'Un cl o in K. ('ou t oti to n ~ l1", 1<0111: ~ t () IllI1 !' I, uf Ih c 11110,1 Iii Ir 's,i l1)( casc~, 1111,1 ' "bult1 S fu ln "8 nrt l' l' Ctlt1l1!l . "'(1ltlet' lIt' (1 II · 011 ilS lIleril" hya ll ' 11ll,1 ,l id not. seo it nn til it nrriv ed ~0U1 '!! a rm y II coupl e o f year~ u go r lty . aUll 'o th c r, ~y tl1pl ons (I f In cli · 'Irtt ggi~ls i l1 flf ly-ce nl l in W n ~hingt,o n O.!:i A lt.b o l1 g h t h e IS ho m e on tl fu r lon g h , S r vlC III g e~ tlo n il l' ,I . J., .I ltllll e), J~ J' '/lIl y n1l d ()!,c" I, ll ll r , i/.e }lt11' ' husu pricc lI n ll e )(po o sc~ r e nc h. th e urmy "ppell n' t o hu ve ILg r eed Int nll y tll11 0 t o [ln )' 1'(1(: 1 ), o nl'lll tH 'Y ho n le. YOII lIlay • • (J h llve b e n c fitt otl wl l h out, Ih o l ell s t "l'glllu pn t. hl\\ "\ ~~1lI1'1 ' h( Ule Hom".tS,•• mp-RooL c d to Ultl\ ost II t h oll~nnll d o llnrs . , h e Wi t h han II m l t . Ity 111 ,,; 1 fn'e', ab:',lI )I:tllll'hlc llclllllg )011 W!l S g rOIl I,Iy ]J lol18ed w ith h is "!:lIg h t ., htJw I. , lind .. l1t II ~'''\I 1 ~ IIl' e ).. .. IIIl'Y or n ll~l'cn " bllrgl ti n , h im gen ernlly, 1.I."lrlt-r t1:ut/I.ll' , J I.~11 1 1l" ' , 1 1 ~l s Jl~ Jle r l\ b ' /I Wrl t lll ;; 1,)))1. h,l llIler &. l '),~ BllIgBtl Y \ Vl'c tlth is II /ltllul'IIl ]lll ee r . Massie Townshipit.. Ie 1"'"111\\ , , ', Y. 1)"n' llll',I:1: any nll stuk e, onl' \tn e PYCI' sn'(',l !Jy lllJl Jl'lIll"lHh~' l' 111 · 1I,I lII C, SWlllll p · Ko o t t • Sunday S Cuoo on ~ ,' ' !l r . J" i I1ll ~1', ~\\': \IIlI, . I( ",,1. a lPl Ihe ad. l .u ",t ~ pl'lng w h oll b e WIIS ju~t 11 vention. . . I r,~" Ili ll g h,\1U l,.I1 .:\, \' .• ') U c I'~ ry bott le. j YI'H I' u ll!, h s t c ppod a Ilutll' tc r in : I :1 :. ~euo tlll s w h ich IS goin g som e fo r T ile q Ul1 r torly m ting o f t,h c I For Sale, hnby race r , " lIillssic T ow n s hi p 110cl ilY School ! ' He h us bee n o nter e d in $57.000 1 ('OI\ yon ti uo will h c h oIl! li t t h o ]tf. ( '(1 m b -a Bro wn w ort.h of f n t ur ity rttOOS, f aw (1.8 I\, }t~ . 'hllrch ill lio n oy, uurg ; . 'uod u)" • . 'I.' , two ~ uar old -nud t,h o r e mainder tIS l' oo~le l' s , C, ~ YLOII, ,'p l'ing 11ft m oo n ; .1 n nu11 f Y :!,-;', ut :l,:W ! , a t,hr eeyeu r o lu.
Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Worl
· ouvenlr' S
u ·clock. ' nt, OLl. K .J . \r '. t o f \," I' 1m mgLo n Wi ll delive r fin I1cld r e S o n "'1'lw T mgedy o f Cll1 \, II I' Y." " Tho p u bli c is o1'll ild ly i,l1vi \etl .
Wonderful Cli mate of Southern Ohio , This p ll r ticuillf secl,io n of ' ou t h · e rn O hi o enD e lnill.l t,il e mot 1'0 Q1 fl rRn blc chmute in Lbo wor ld . ' So fllrt b i willte r we h ove hnel' bu t o n e r eu ll y eoit! Rp ell of w l'a t-he l', :'lv'o c lu ~ 1Il Mill t 11 n lid va u tuge ca n o nly b o I1 p preOiltt.eLI by , co n tl'll ~ I. , thor e f,o r e th e 0 C.<- io nrd n n ploa slln t w e a t h e r w i i b whi o h w e h u\-u to contend s im ply se n ' Os to Illilko II" apilreoillte tho 0 101'0 , th e P lllne ll,n l weath e r wh n we lin ve i t, "~e have a lwa.ys belie v ed tbat 11 In nd o f eternal SDnshlDe, like m or e g o od, ness , woul!i .become nlonotonons, .,outhern Ohio IS after !lll. the 'beSt place tD.the world' to live,
,r \. y .~ ES Y[LLE, LY'l'J..JE, HAn rEY S· B t; l.tG .'\:XD VI CI Nl'l'Y. ~,on SA LE .A~'
Vnlln.I" Post o tTi eo IlIh1res tl R F . D . 1'.11' , P hiil Hps will b egin giving I. X (, ll itl , ( hi o. t.i~:: Il1Ill " l 11' ~ t r a c k 0 cl llon tlon e nrly i o t b e ,;l!n~O Il ulIlllllil e tru c k at Columbus, (' Iuun!tMll1l n 's C u g h H,ont ot!y 11 " ufc lI1 e tli ci na 1'01' Childr e n, Ilud S t o m nc h 'l'1'o u b.le C ured , In hllyinl!' n co u g h' Illctli clno fnr E 1\ \'1 n g IJeo ll sic k fo r the two (' hlhlre n. n o wlr b e nf l'lli'! tq 1m,\' pust yell r " witb tl b ll d s t oma oh trOll , ( ·h llll l\.lt l'I oi n ';( Uotlg h .RclIl olly. h ie. 11 f r ie n d g n ve m e !l d ose of Chll' '''he r e i. 110 (hloge r rr 1\\ it. lind I'''· mll e r luin ' s ·~tollln o h lind Livor tnb · li e f i f! 111\\, II )'s SlI t'e t o full o w , It i ~ l e l~ . 'rhey d id m e so llIu c h ,good thnt i nte n dl~ n es p"cill ll .v f o r (· o ugh~. 1 b oulth l, Il b o,t tle o f the m un d h!lve co lrl !;. Cr Oll i' untl whooping c ou g h , ll ROd tWl11vo h ott ies In nil, T odu y I Hnll t h oro is 110 I)ett,or m et1lul n e in 8m wpl! o f It b [tcl sto mac h trouble , Ih e wo r hl f Ill' I b e~ o u isell se!'< ,' It iR 1>11" , Jo bn ' IJo w e , Coop e r. Maine, n ot onl y Il ce r t uin c ure f ot; ,or o up. These t l> Ul e t R li re f o r s nl hy J, E, h u t . w h c n g i ~en 'li S snon us I,h o J llll llOY· croll!>Y O(Jl1 g h Ilpp ollrs, w ill pre " e nt th e n tt-IIck . W h oo pin g co ug h I ~ no t, --------~---llnu gcr o ll, w h en t lt·is f flm (Iy is gi\'. Insure Against Accie n n~ (h l'eot.ed. It co ntn i lls 110 opium UI' oth e r b llrmfnll1rllgs. and roll Y' be dents and III Health gi v e n nl! co nfidlm t ]y t o n hu hy AS t,b nn 'lldlll t. For 81\10 hy .J , E ,lunney' ,T b e Ae tDl~ Life Insurnnce Co,· will iS8UO YOll 'a policy by which you will racoi ve a sta tecl Bum lJer week In case o f IIccident or slokness . For R IlIO 111 \' II, Ll C, Onro pnrtioullU'8 see Fred ,B. Sberwood SPI£OTALTl ES: Local ·Ageat • AN D' OHILDR EN,
The Miami Gazette·" • IS Prepared to doYour Printing. ' Ve sbaU be pleased to fUI'nish prices and • t i\v.laevoryou t 1. (,\:st.lma es on al't:, llee(lllfl. ~
la M '
t~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~i ~'=A ' =.~' e~~~~· ~~LL~E~N~EW~&~~~~~~~~~~~~~. I\VILN~D I.E. ~W~AYN
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Mrs. J . B. Jones wos vi sitlng elster Mrs . Zi mmel'm an o'f Uuy her t,('J1 (,loy Farr Dakin Weds from l.iaturdn y until Monday . . , ~ Miss Charlo tte Rickard . Mr. (lnd Mrs. Allen Emerio k at Leadin g ~inc'nnllti F irm "yi11 Sup__ _ _ Bill's 'a~(;dru Quinine ill guaran · . ~ tended quarter ly meeting nt C n· NEW SY NOTE S IOAT.H _ _._ ~-.ply Costumes Uscd in Produc ERED ~y T,HE to Oure a c'olll in 24 hours O,J\~f ff-i'E ~ Thl11'sd ay, Januar y 17, 11107, at 8' .treville 011 sa,turdn y ·nftorn .on. tiOR of Mllcbe~1t. , woney re~.unded. lfor l!l~le ~t F. O. o'olook . p , m, Goy,E, Dalrln, CORRE POND ENTS NEAR BY' PLAC ES ' . of Mr, and M:rs. W. ¥. Clllrk wore . . 'nfirm of Zs 0'h war f",.. 80hwar tz 8, Wa,ynellville, OhIO. . TlIewe llknow . Wayn'esville' led to the liymeni al in Dayton Ol~ l.iaturdllY ~d oamo d Harve ysbu r g . . b '(;. ' nDfdl Nellie Wilkers on s!)en~ &turdl ly altar 114188 Charlo tte A. R\o.kar Corwl I~ , , baok with the weloome report t ut costn,mers -----r- --' '--' night and Bunday in Morrow , . . 1 und the two pledged their faith to Mr, Mluion Olark intends ill , opply ' the COS tilDe . . 'Hm /:l e u is ll ullr n n.. The tl'H IUS h " ve all beenh qeJayec . . . \lve to " ther durtng' lIfe as husban d baok next Saturda ·whiob he w11l teed to om a ooM in 24.IHmr s . prodootlon, of whlCb Will. Mls8 Wllliel mlna Pogh, or tho Illst lo\v (11.Y8 Dlnny· ours on Dg Y' and :'e aoootrung to God's holy no doubt be able y. 1)& givep at School Ball. WellnesdllY ton., ha s oome to nOOOml)IiBh if m one r efundod. For Bill e u,t if. IJ. IIcooun to W"yneHviJIe lind t of. t h" trlt ots being washed . hi 1 and Thursd ay evening s, Januar y expects to remjiln the blllanoe ttl. rl g tbis week..., y , W '110 Ohio lIear elnci Olllt,tL of the OrdiO~ncem' I ' p ro vel1C1en .::~t nr . I' \, n was i s m last week -.JohWll rtrl. 1;, a. nesVl , t Ith M A Ebrigh t . ,. Mr Hnwlud Booth was in Cln. The 0 ol'.tmg a ergyma 30·andS l. . s liS mark ed aB .... 1l 0 d ' Win rw . . rs. va '1' H len Hurri . speltt Rev Friday Beaah of .fran.U n ·' Theoer · Onlas tFrtda'vhewl lsable tobo , I'fo 18 beiDg spare ID "ISS e . W ' I. " t ' oinnllti undlLys ightsee lng . _ .L.. the ~ best ln 60enery Mrs, Willlilm Soblet, ot Fourth amon'"., IOQV p'lace at the 'home of the fir8t 1l0;)r for a few minuteons, and l:'!atnrd ay tn I mUlg - vel'y ?n. . I Mi ss Lilli e Nedl v is visiting • wi,l ...dd street who baa been serious iy 1\1 the brtde near Bpringb ) '1' k ' d wi fe !lnd . ort9, and waa whloh. would have •been a feat 1m. . M r. C ooetum el uo ar l1:turdll and fl.iends in I ndi'1l ul\polis . . I iI f0t1several week8 Is now very muoh witneeeed by about forty goestll, aU pOssible for Mm BaNier in Ghe. week. luster . MI SS E vil. mucb to l'ffecit p ill ,improv ed in health and strengt h. M I' Robin 0 ... of Yellow !3prings of whom were relativo s ·or the con:, His multitu de of friends hope that 8unday in Vi':\llDnl\ti tLt J:l • • • t e ' J OlDde "L. .81 n t' one dll:y ' t' ' Mrs. D . R, Anders on has return · t"aottpg parties. with Mr. J. " The , young b r Ide his improv e men t may oon ti Due of thetr l1unt Mrs WOl ow an . InfCli'mat,lon • . ..t · ef n N. Lemmo D.. ed t'o the Indianllo StIlte Home ILt Uludea beautlf olappea .ranoeg owned untU his ,pel'ma nent is Cbarles for Macb eth \I .' Miss Appbio. Miller spent Batur: 1\ furl'iug h of illno. pure wh!te of simple but talltefu l effeot. qUIte III for several days pas . . dlly und ty dayS', visiting 'her old Waynes. 1I'1'le, '!-nd ' oarried in her witb Mr. and Mrs. dainty, ' Rev . John • "11 { Clevela nd, d 0. £ Fra~ldlJ l lEd R,etlllli<\.k of Oregon ia. gloved hand a bnde'B boque' .. Mr. Wm. oed Or'eigh th As pn"VloJ ton recentl y pur· will deliver a leoture at the Frl nu tBly apnou~ , e till I tl •VI e .rlen s.. of white'a nd pink roseB. The groom 0 h aled th e proper tyi L tie owned . Le~~ n y of ~tl ' for the firei niaM'e per· , Mr. and Mrs. Verna Hough ohuroh on . .B'rid\loy night.. t.h 0 2r.' f'U h • • Mr • N "",non "i , MoKlns ey was a , have 'I'l'illi dreBsed in a handso me' suit of by McOlelland Pickeri ng. Its cost Subjeot.,. "A Squlue DellI. " . Dou 't visl&or Idaturdu.y. formaDOtP, ,ot ~aobeth wlllbe glJ\ reoentl , moved into the bOllS!! :. on blaok, The' parlor and other apart· to him wall 11150. ' . fail to heur him . He Qqmes ~ig~ly Mr. B . E . Wilson . spent MOlle 0'01911,k FridlloY (1. T. Hawke 's fa·rm. opposit e SUJldlloY the Olents of the boUllO were beautif ul . The of the trash spored reoomm en ded, lI,ud th.ose afterno on, Januar y 2jith, at Jlln . reaideDoo of Joseph Evans, wttlh his home folks in on the with tasteful adornmentB. After tn the Lytle wlt.reho use has been h~ pronounoe him fine. ney'll drog Itore. . ' . Misses Jane IWd FJorenoe rna,k, 8pdng Valley pIke and Mr. aod don,!ratulatloDli an ~lepnt lap Jolng st-ea.d lly onward through out The Mil sie 'l'ownsh AI a Dew let af ,l8ftta for the aecip Sunday EIU'l' . r. ft:\Id Mrs. Berry and oth8r Evuns have oome to IUDoh wall served in noe to give the PlUlt week and it has been, as BOhoo) Cl;lll vention ;w1ll ond performa.. held !:lun. fl: dnds from X. 1tl. spent ;'"11 Wa.ynesvllle lind )lve on upper gnellts from & distanc e an opporto · steadily commg In uqtU. en ~ /iia_urdILY pne 0 olook, It 18. Third str.e et. It day I1fte Qdn, at tl!o:M.. wlt ll Katll Mld Alice nity to reaoh tbeir bomes before oar load of the baled waB shIpped taq;ort ant t.hat aU ",~o expect to E. churob, Harv~Y l!burg. On. Ed. Tlti'ougb an oversig ht in making tho darknes s added to tbe dlsoom • · on Mon~a.y,. tilere ,,!IlS almost 100,. W e t, of WUm}n gtop, w "" ....d t~e 6r8t nigbt le~ tbelr. up the fifth page of this 11 ~ddr~~ '~ ill8ue of fort of tbll unp)ooll&nt winter OOQ'pou nds 10 t he bUIlding. . . . . )lto_pi ly lUI Jf the Con vention . Be surl,' 8n~ henr 'do thp Gazet.te, L. A Zimme rman's "reathe r. The lecture deliver ed in -"'llam 0hlday U may , I . Mr. .neoes· adverti sement ,saying 26 Cents lfridll.Y, Mr. Dakin brougb t his E. Mrs. •. , . '0 4 the belt Lytle, took dinner polllible ,WOUld be paid for eggs 'was prlnt-ed. bride to hlB grandf ather, A. L nul in res!tlng olle IUId of bene" Miss BtlVerl ~ D~lht of the Pt\rformanoe. y, of Sal;fna ' IWd tlIe Jncob Oornell, and ..t'}:l'iJd ren 10 view of the ufloerta in conditioD Farr'B home, where B~e !,&B"'W&rmJy fit to all i~ auditors. From 1111 Mis ' es l'ierce. of Wl\9hln gt,on . H . day. A heavy advanc e ..le of tloke.t of the morket this prioe _ should wel,pomed by 1Ifb11ler aud grana, pit quurter s oome assuran ce t,bllt Quite a number vjelted Oipoi nllti Miss Emma "*l"olpllolied, . &eats WIT! bave been omitted. ¥r· ,?:hnmer- rents, and where of Dear Leb. her and James B. Wal;son ill a man of a on Sunday an(l viewed be 3S oenta, t.he city ill ullon, IlDd EI uor 260. nUlon do as,he always dOllS, Pl\y bJ.s !larl! widowe d mothe.r, h&d high were of charaot er. its Dooded aud deVlIstu tell' oonditio . the guests of beir a.u ut, . Mrs. tho very best prices the market m.ll,de thelfho mesln0 6 his infanoy Pllt!IY. affordB l'on., whicb VIle rlu;te H ~ The vonng people wUl aUerna ta. The eTnress the -,. dllynig htandl: 3unday . . .. , . ave you sen't . yoqr friends . . . ,, . . . . 1 ) f freqnen betwee tly ulle n tbeir ond paJ'enta hear "He lOmell praoor Harvey a sburg Pos t . Lo8t-A ohoppin g ax somew here eborttlmewhileoomple~ing a.rr~nr;e l( ' Will! ...The ' Liter . f ry, bwhloh . C ti.oes whit t be'~reaohes, "applies to be su~e nnd end t hellj n.~ onoe, 11 held ,tlwy t~e home 0 1100 orn~ . J, anna ry , betwee n the lJey buck of Nur t f t h -~ in" ..:. iD --In. the coey him very fittll!1gly. The audieno e enn ~e oht"ine d nt the nq WIO He Ulua1 Numbe r Brown' s home tn. Wayne svi IIe an d men B or ous....eep.. post oll\l!e . l~, Wll8 t\ttendo d , ,?y su.ty people, . H by . J.le ene In 'ttage corner of Fourth . nul,l1 ' bers ' was a oredltal . Mrs Hale. of Wilmin . of Change.. g ton, IlD d. Illl report a fine time • .Llght his farm 9 n the Bellbro ok ,adn N o":: etree'ts where a bOBt of oonsidel'ing the unoertl lin conditio n BPent' several . R .-.....O 1-' he Pll8t 'we k ref.reSi1ments were served . They D &n .8 ' La 8hIeY or leave frlenda , with beet wlsl!e~ .•1II1II .. .~ t"'-· . ,lAD. an OD~ nal 'at·""\&6u. follow 'hem Ga tte omoe. 0 f th e we&th er. . . , with . udJourn ed ut a la te h our to meet at her siater, " Mrs. JJI\.UreD oe. . . • , publio pin will take " . .. ~e..~ II! for .a happy home life. .T o the neo· .. ,Mrs: .I:e,l!t:!,r __ _ lits ,. !II ' ,.• .AJ.viJlIa..All)X&lLlle aDd. Corron Saturda y ' night, Februa ry . -heme -fD1'D ininp-w tlt l!e' OUlfotd Lewis spent Monday in the , the r ecent guest of tliDa &he DUbJlI8i'tiy Ka.thrinlt were called 2:ld, __ ,many beautif ul orname nts Gem Vity, taking IIdvont age no relativeB nnd friends . " OODdUio~ . M I' C . ~f , the Jut w'Ilek by the d..t~ of · ~r 11 ha.d b' ~Inga, pre&enta f~o~ fr Iends doubt of the• Januar y ea les. , Iss ontnrdl£ reno. Y nig6t orne and ~un\lay Mr. 'aDd Mre. Ma,rion GQ.rdon .. • .Jiole. A D1UDber of. te~, ~ho haa been ill fO~80me 88 ' er neBts • as mat~l expr088ionl of .interel lt It 'jI'ould seem t hl\t the many mis· spent uuday with Mr. frank FI h Ar ~8S Ad'~ Slagle or their larma In ThtlY retarDe d Wayne sville ' In. " be ;JODIl ,ooupl. who have tI1kes both pbar and ~ CHildren or ot~,,~ morninlJ· who expelit to lelwQf or II.nd Blllnobe ' Dyke. of ~UI,' entered upon matrim onial Ufe whioh have beell JJub1l8~ed In thIS ~liforll ,aDd lu. the lir. t of M(I,rol! . tq Before leaving I }ytle Mre: •. w. Hatha,..:!: has Abigail Roland was the The from column oono'Arning tbe pastore both t)le flJflD &b!'l uua1l1. prefer to 1011 euffe·h 'g I8versl y this we;lt Earl Hooket t spent guest 'of Gracie · also. ' Mra. Emma Farr Dakin, moth tempor ary und I~er~anent of Lytle Mr. and 8uJ,lday the at tbe bom~ itOOIr;, lDl of the h~t·ter 's M" M ' u· &.!d t"e of a h .... tit WindOw est of ' $he ' groom; Mr. 'la&l Mre. J. M. E, f 8Ii . '" , d.omllnd nn apology parents. Mr . and Mrs. Ed Rea.son. I -C- ' J: . Wlilte IIr and llrB aod F H Farr t th8 Ohurch f ' ISdS : ary iraYe'o d' bl" e gu , m . and nen a In x en a r of •. '111'. :0 mg -,e.II..,rory Mrs. Jane DOWnin g is IYlbg'V : y .loe ' Bllrrett 'O b ' to b The injury gIven spent lJlt' Ileveral days 'T OOD ' tl11&tionB of other friend. The S)rrors oanoot· be shifted t low .&J . . AlI n.,hn.lU lO..,Y•. l8lllo= tIia at :; deal of pain. . hOnte of lI er r, lust ' with Ed. Roland and' ahe altd8 "belt wishes for the of anyon e person Mrs . M'ltildu Unuerw ood. flunily. • '", ' was realizat ion of the hopes and upon eeverul, from the Mr·, Jos.eph " ';''':J t .. .. "a' _ of r id' f XQ eds nilL, anI(' Mr , WI.Ilter Gr,ay Bnd tamny and ,! .. It~.... pro""u e ...... 1-'\ , pros-o w of .the brida.l pair, presldm g elder to the lowly writex:. ia lit the Y· da of hI.S II f:1ed .mother . Will Rioh and wife were the '"'est! We Ilre !lssured t;hut from this nn. be • ..Ie' In, seel'll.8?D y, ,,_ f til sprlng t he pullpit will be filled by .\-ilnDlty a,lid.., every day 'dur, lrom nlanY "'pol Orego n lao or Charles ~ . Gray and .0 I · f a.mily ·Oran recentlY gers , 't'!o*lc ... '" e. ,iii.. •• r"'U&r". Rev Maddox 'of Centre villo und '' pertl6u h'OUl this viOlDtty. went· to Mr. Philip ' Klll'sey blls gone to The many friends of Mra. .., '_.mOll of "l·'b"' , . ' • " Rona. . . , Rev . Tront of Wnyne svlll() ",iter. Minneapolis. nil . ' ill b I' d to he-• l! • . seau ... lornnry w the oity.. ell B ... . '1lhe Graolle wjll ohangA t,be time nnteiy I. e . they will preaoh SnndllY Ofnce/ Head- . 114,,". A,gDes" Wright , Mr, Ch[l.rles Warwio k '\VIlB in in. th ... t the report of her death was recene d of it. meetin g. 110 tha.t the a Rev, Mllddox preside d las t oiunatl Saturda y. . \ ·qU....te... fdr Sale 8Qls. a C&l'd from har,bro 'her a . .WHfalse a larm. as Mias 'l'rana Oornell ...siODB will have the benefit !3unday and so .it will be Rev. Mr Childs and ulend left for reoeived a . ','. IlamloB now tn Texas where of moonli ght" , from her. about a ·!'rout 's turn next SUDda,y . ' Saturda y . ' is looking after' a large 1.D~ week Ilgo 'Ihe nex$ ~ meetiog will be hllla Miss Helen J ooes 'spe .t the time ' . Be .'I't~at b?, le(t ,~a,p1lUl bee~ in I)Oor health ever sinoe 8h,e . afterDOO~, Februll ry 2. from Friday eVClning until Satul'". . On l.iaturday nlor~l1ng Me. ~m- left Ohio. Sbe ta a bU~Ud ~ut fi,nda., ,~he am;} said the rest of the' CDI? followi ng wUl be on day afterno on with her frieno Miss ~el ~uffma n diea at hi!! h ome from family were ,~eH and gpttlng' along' r~~tll~lJ'i~:Tex..· wllJJD an ~lmr· the .J!'eb.r 'uary 18, and BO Blu noh OOl'lJeJ1. . Qllnoer. The funoI'll1 will be held on lJioely, '.rl1 y,. boal,',d IIot PraIse, Ky. e day .B/lISoioD8 on lhe . Tuesda y. . . ·, OO!atijllulr,lfln\ 8a'tul~"Y .of 'eao~· month and .M.r. Perry Wud~ .a'nd, family were The stookhe lders in Lyt,Je W uro · Mr. /lnd Mrs. WlebklUg called on coent guests.of ,E rnest Butterw orth th.. ' meletlnga on the 'third h ouse \..!olU pany may ,1ell be envi ed Pro~. und Mrs. L .. 0 . . Wilker son :nd famiJy. '" . . , "" BIi'urd~y. @ti.fu rth,r·n otloe. liy those WhO. ~wn .no. stQok, since one eveni~g llls~ ' \ oa k . , . . ' ' Mr: Erlles· t ,BuUer worth Ilno fani. , last yell.r the d, vldends renohed the Miss Sara. SteddOTll entertained '1 . '> _ I t . ) II: -tth 8 . .. Lt)'le• . , . Y BpQnt one ....y as wEle '.J' onUBua t1gure 1 %. t he Mlsses. Belel) U num and E:f\'th. IM,,' (ln(fMr s. Marsh, of Utica: , Mr. Edward LJongacre, wife Ilnd erino Will, of" Leban ou,' Saturdl "Y.. . . .. ' " . , ,. . , ; • I , ·two .ohildre n Clune to this place Oil nnd Sunday , ' ' . .'.' '., ,.' 'Htll'.O uoata QUinine ill guaran and remain ed witllhis broth .' Mr . Rnd Mrs . Kibler retur~ed ' to New Butli ngton .' , , . teficl a OO!\ ltJ 2" houl'!! or er Bnd mother until Monday morn· their homo in Centei'vi1l~ op Hatur. :, " ' ' F,or 8ale C. ing. dny , aftei' BlJleas ant v1sit' with 'r eI . ••'.r.z ·• . 'WaYDesville, Ohio.·. :'1'he high wat,erB at Clnoinn atl a tives here. • ~·l1 dlll'll·'l\I!,.,. L. Wl1Iiamllon exerted qnite an attraot ing in11u . '. Mr . Ohn.rles ''i'nylor oo.lIed Ijt[!d,~.Lgbi~ ~nfoye<f8unday ence over. many j)Orsona i.n this, .frlends herll Sunday:' . ". ... :. vioinlty . a!l well lUI in ·on Mrs. Bert anti '1I0U las' Bunda-y . Qn Saturd ay night Laste wete:in 'Lebaqo n &turd ay arion Duke controo ted to tue '.ten r, ', ' ., ' l'liElrS(ID8. to Leb4DOn to catoh the C. ' Me srs. · David Mason" Cha~leB .!If N, passeng er 1~8.ving that town a~d ~nllam . Myers 'V'er.e J~ Oin'he Queen CIty at- 7':35 a . iii: Sunday; . < " . tJtindli'T.-, TII.Otur.ll the. weath'e r was faIt torli. ).11'. , ClaytOn HUftmaD. .hps" ~"''''',~~'t'': 00llU'i!<aJ lIil oolder '~nd thl! "wind .was blow- oal\ed home on acooun t oUbe Inl a . ga:le, he "kept his WOrd. . The Of biB. fIi~hBl'. " , .., enii;re ~'D, ~,owe'Ver. di(i not turn .~~it~ · ., ..t the apwlllt ed .tlme, Bome onabli. ~ '9D' "n .." u "J'4
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The Miami Gazette BROWN 4. MtKAY, P'ub1l8hers,
. ' orno.
T.he Marvelou., tlte Laughab,re, Pathetic-. Tale. £xtrao'rflina:r y Report. from All Over the So';'e Almost Unbelieveab!e Mass of ,Material Gathered.
Memoria l Bu ildi ng at Arlington, Ono at tbo kindly tmggcsll oDS In Presiden t Roosc yelt's ann ual m e s~a &e Is tbat there 'b o '-"On structed at .0\ rllngton a m ' olOrlal am l'ulLhl'a t er, 1111 est!mate ror tb e Ilfcllmlnar y w ork on whl ;, Is collta l uod In ih r ('porl of tlle secretll ry of war. Til Gra nd ~rm y of lh Republic III it · f\unun l
_ _ _ _ _ _ _.lIUUJJJlUU..f!! Olu.-h!l.S--U= mmEmdl ~I __;r.::7_~~7::_~?:CSc. ed slIch a. str llt' IIro ns n('I'css:H)' for the aJlp roprl ate obso n ' nJl (,c or i\1e";;"---~: 31\d as n Iltt l n!,: m onument to (he soldl I" ,mt~ ~.: l\(lr delld hurled -«I the b !lnUful ccnH 'ter~', and th pre sident h nrllly on \Irs In the pml" ~I r, 11 111' 1, 1'11' 11('1' gOI l wo oslllon. '1'11(' Id sollli r ' ar(, ~I'tt lr!; hur l« lIot III I II bl'l'II Rt. , 1I~ n l> b ro ug ht 11 01\' : rr(lm \l e~ ~,I o lnf' ~ fewer and (<'Obi 1', nn \1 \\"h n Ih y Inke part In thC :\1 £'1II01'i:11 Day e x r cls('!!, 111111 ~n n l" II I~ hLVayn lr n hnd r elllflled says the Troy T int S, It I s r l~h t tllat ICl J III IH'" ~Iorg nll , h ' lt· vl cLim or th" ,dley shollid b,e mnde ...., orMllrl nble III~ h l !od or!!, ' th ree t ('(! l h l ll<')' hut! " 1111 hI ll'lI l 1()1t:llly " I, nockl'll Ollt , Thl'), lUI possible, T IHI L Is PD~ o f th Idea (11 1)1I~ 1 1I I ull y sul;g(,q t(, 1 u pial e· ~l'( l i n", of erec tJns sUI'1I nn IIll1nhl l ll " nl ' I', Til e ~ II Ih ,' nWlllIl " or l !luG han' n ln , 4Itructuro would be Rt II, m Ol'c 1mI n 'I W rnlllny, 100, be y Ur 1'[1,'11 d ash'c ns h onnr lng I b6 (j('(td li t A r - ()( lol~', ()lI e Schml'lli had hnd r.III'v(!d lington, And ' 1\'oull lI~(lS L o\lt ly " 1 ~)f1 hi s Ile{'C!I. f'cJ w lf!)' . tumb stonll eymbollze th e r eunlt ' Ll n fl tlon, AI" ~ t ml<) fl'lgl cl word s to t1l.1 ", lfOC I tllllt llngt o n ~ It elf WA S f orlll "Iy the hom . It ·, h~ l l el !t)r\ of lIn S!!I'Ujl lIl<l1I1! tr nl· ~f Gell. R ob rt' E,, he liIIlgbtly 1!l C' nt , \\'1 'l'elipoll li bel sull s fulluwCII, confedernle commandf'r, nn d In Its IIOtI r est not only t housand o r union dead bll t mnny who wnr t he grny nnd IWho aft rwonl sCH ed th II' cou ntry iwbcn th e call Cll11lC and was r es nond· pd , to without regard (0 S cl lon or Jlo· tl tJcal dllfer n ces. The Ar\lo ~ton me· ntorlo l should be erl!<!ted as soon 118 poaslble,
Pellalt les of Prollperl ty, After ali Is said It must be cp~nccded that the apparent disregard for human ,He In tbe Unlled States I s largel y a tribute to progres s and to lhe Indu s· s thot constllute prosperity. Even ,atilf' w ·l road accidents, tilO largest ';tom In -tbe - l1 s\.' cannot he wholly ,ellmlna t eq. thouglt ~hey can and ought .., be grea(Jy reduced In number. But, aaya the lii anapolls News. rallroad a cci dents are on" one Item In the Itst .of annual falallll es. Th ere a\'o fatal accidelils In mining, buildin g, mauufacturln g ' ,and p grlcullure, They all c:lalm th ei r "!ct!m s as a sQrt ot trlbuto to progress, though a 'Very costly one. Carefully compiled stat1stJcs sliow tbat In the n\'e g l'eat Industries or railroa d· ,ing, mlnlnr;, buildi ng, manufact'urlng IUld agri culture no IC31 ' thlUl 536; 165 J!erBon s are ::\nnuallY killed or 'lej ul eU In t he nllea Sln~ s. Tbls Is nl the ..ate of ovcr one 0. mlnut I and It In· eludes on ly a , few , o f the larg at in· "ustrles.
Am f.'rlcans
received ,
For the "23" PartY.j ond the wi dower II' n t to Jull ror ]oj day s, In ~I o n llll, the meun e, t mn n In Island s slol his moth r·ln-Iaw's tombstbn ' and Ilowlleq It. An actun l sa le or bllrh\l m emorlols WII S hpld la elll mb I'. In 01'1.'51au, A "ring" of lIud flak r s had heen form ed t o b Ill' price, Ullt n sileclllatl"e Ollt· Sider , In l ijU~1 on pl nylng bull , and the
11retlme l llau John H ay r eceived duro (Iulet the resllllnnt hard feeling. Just Love. 'ng h is, and noue has e ver been tho .ubject at a mar Inlerestlng or more On e .lover ll as abl ed hili pl'onosill Wlllsual honor aHer deuth ' lban lhat to N ew YIlI'11 rr III 0\1 n os Ayrtls, and .hlch ha s jusl b en paid 1.0 hill m emo anoLh er , over i n Londou, took adClTJ' Iii. Pblllltleillbl... In U10 presQnoe ,'u n lage of h is dentist's t,rod e to send In his h enrt,d ell proposl !lon neatly CIt Secretary Root. lIlr. Huy's BUC· ngrayed on th e Illate of a slo t raise CeBsor, I be congregation ot· !(ellesmll te th. ROLh won on t, Israel d clI ent d the n ow stalll'3d·glasB At Lyn chbu rg, i\ld" weI married a wtndo,,; In Its syn agogue, plncl)!} th ere COli pie who hnd found a tt ew lise ror In m einory o f Mr, Hay, No other In· old l oye I lIel's. Th o III !:h co ntrnct.! ng ,. lance I s 'known In wbl cb a Genlll e pal·tto ~ 1(lIcl t II pon whi te sliltn nillowa Jlaa been thus honored In :l. J ewi sh stul1'cd to crncl,ll ug with Ih\'''' nmatory • ynagoguc ; bu t Mr, Hoy's services on elll s ll e~ . Letters of another ~O l ' l h avc figured '1lchaJf at tb e J ews at HIsblnef, Rus, In UI II 'WR 01 the twc lv emonUl, jlJa, and hi s elforts to proven t Ills, EII ~ ha !-lawes, ot Stought.on, :\Iaw" crimlnaUon ag'lln st ':I ows 10 tbls co un· h IlS r eeel ved, In hl ~ nin ety-third year, try, end eare d Wm to tbe wl)ole race, otte w rille n to h i m during Ih o civil "rhe memorial Window Is aJ1 c xpreB' war by his bQy, th en a t the fl'ont; ilion ot thpl!' I ()"~ ond grati t ude. whll o another missi ve, m oil ed In Bos· t Oll In I 88, n ever r eached ILs object lIow deep 1/1 th o bow Is or the cnrth In Gram· tll e, N , Y ., UlJ la st September. mlU81 on (; go to avoid tl'p51'a5sl n o upoe Up III nltlderord, M e., an finolh tlr 's IU'OjlC'l'ty '! Thllt Is a. ·quos· far llt(~ r hn d !\ ,lream r (' mln t!lng him ' tlnn wh l cb an ono l'!!,cllc .Iel'seyman t bllt h e o wed a neigh bor a dollar, 'tIroposes II, sol ve, Thi s gen tl eman Bolh h ad tur ~otteri It . b'u t, having ng· IIW118 land near t he lel'Dl l nu s of onl' \Ired l h al t h e l oa n was of , 26 yea rs' stllU(t!n g, It Wll~ fonu ally closed up, of the t unnel s iJl'l ng COlI slI' lIctp.d lIll(!cr Law's Lighter Side.' ~e Hudso n river, and desp lle I h e dis· A L unnon ma glslr ato dl schar ge!l a e!almer of the t Unnel COIO IJBII Y sus' lIl 'u n n n d hl ~ wife chn rg d w ith can . pectS that tho bure pelletra t.)s his Si ll racy. 011 lhe grcllln'd lilltL they wor e grouLd. 'fa ~e ttl e t h e Dl Aller he In, l c!;nll y, one per son. anLl Que person ~nds to si n k art sl a'l \V lis on h i E co ul d 1IC11 co n ~p lr e , "rem ises, 1\ lIlay strl\,c wa.t I' or II A \,;h leago pit y Icl an wa s fOllnll ' ".lILY slrll,o th tunn el , In th e lalt I' g,,, l lty of rolther)' , In a~ mll c h :I " Ite bad calle he I h lnks It , will IHlI'O a case (Ii~ g nmj rd a Cor l ili n CA se In a way nd Ibe anl' I'WRrd I)f() vc d wrong, IIgal1l8t I h · tllll llel (~ () m pnny , 'I'll jury Is of the Olli n ion t hllL t h ' I" ar e rl', ard ell hl~ ree 11 " ' Ilt sl I IIctl y obtnlllec1 otber bo r es UH\n [ hnso cOllllecting 11IItier rubC'o l)ret C'n oes, ancl Ile had to g l\'e IHtck SIOO, New York n:ld !'ole'" ,l orsl'Y, A noth ' r ",lImpse of Ipf,(n l m et hod s - It I s JUSt 40 Y al'3 since Prince h as '0111 ' n ' ross f rom 0 rmnny, wherc 'Charles of H oh () llzollern aCl'c lIlcd th e 1h m ayor of a lown wa R CJlu ghl pick· CY'OWD of R oumallla, wh ich WUS e.on· In;:- tht' pocket's nf n IJrlsoner, and was .erted Into 11 ki ngly rIDe a fter tb e " sent liP" ror n month, \ \'Illllln );Lon prod uced Illp ch amnJon princi pali ty Bch le.ed Its Intlepe nelence ; st ory , Francis 8, Davl ~ , with J ~ and th e exhi bItion al I1u chal'Cst, 1:1 I f''ter ~ In h i s n aml'" W:l fitTestI'd by Pat r olman F' rn n clH G. Grel)1l /dilto)
the Weird, and the Culled from P,ass Civilized World-. Tale. Among the
IHnal' r.JQrrl. or 1.1\' rpool. who, nt 90 , W .:I wed, Iu IL wltl ll \\' of t\0 In :\fa l'ch : willi .. II mon t h -'[lI'lIer , n ea 'on ~'rent'h . I'f :>111 '1111:1, N . II" a t S, 11111 tI'l tl II gl'ln ~t"r of 7G, Thp " ~ O s " lIan) f','P I'I llI ore In i 11. III .1Ull lin 1')" Allll r ew l.ulI salr. of '\'0 I,'uo. iJ(,!;1I1l (' ulllu g III"lIh '1: ~f1t o f t ' '-'til ; In F hl'll ar}' II L ' ' III' ( ~III1I1 , J mal r(lll 1I"lnl ('d ltt'r 1' 11.111' \tollije ; In Orl<l~l~r. Prallk Boo!t will l p l'. rutllrnlnl; to h lH uuyllllod hOlll e t n AlIicll. Jn el .. aft('I' 6~ yeurs 'alt ~ ' n('e, Il nll th' doorHl ep lift ed ' \\tll t \to mlg11L nnd a (lilli e he hntl l Url t ,1 0 11'11 Ihp I 'r~ck os a boy of HVC. H rUllntl It. .0\ nd ae h of th' ' t' " (IS JUdI till'" cor ): ai's alld lell, Th e 1I0le uf 1.IIJlr 0 " , wh lell HO ()rtl'll . ollnd ~ wi h age , callH' frolll M IeldlntowlI, :-; , y " In A III'! I. , ~I atlh ' w S ill dos, II ).(~I I ,0, ('oul ll nu 10llgel' I' s l s~ lhl' cull of th!' n Ids, H~ wuk to I h e IIIUw' Ilgllln - llnu w as fuund Ilea d In the nrsl furro w h h at! clll - cll II In hal'lll' s~, u~ he h at.! wished tu ,lie! Au stralia IUny 101m 1l011l0thlng n ur th e recol'lI! At SOIll omnleul' t it atrl als Ileal' Vlcl orla. In January, two J)eopl e In Ihe slall , when v r the he· rOln WIIS It I sed. kissed eac h 'oth I' 101ll1 1)". Til e lllllll of thi s cOllpl e was hll shull il to the slage h Irolll'o, Ilnd Ihl s Willi IIIK way of reprovlOg hehu ,' lor ncr088 lh footllghlS to wlil 'h h wns di stinctly oupusetl.
Babes and D ivorc e•• Th e divorce 01111 s ems 10 ha " e 1'0, co rd 'el n II w " ~'8 r1h pst Korlll ," A calli e Jltdge sepol'IH ed n'n oven dOllO!n oU)Jl es In 75 ml nul i n , F ebnUl ry. one furm erly fond husband recel vlog the boon for which he prayed b cause 1119 wife has become a Sbllkeress, ned another b ca use hi to tt!'r hai r hod r lrclllntct\ n I' nor t hu t be was an anarchl ' t, :Mrs, Lurenz, on l h o (Jtber band, recelv d n divorce In Cincinnati on tI:le p l au slill g round thnt It wo s dlmcul to live JJ ac etully wllh a mOon who In·
"In J;rtltltlllli!' fat' hav1ftJP: I '~(,II ~o of t on il lPI' hllth1d I,>, tbell' wrIti ngs," , _\l phon~ 1' Slraus s. 071 of 1 nd oll's rnlllloll!lJre 111 'l'chnnl." dying la st i\l llr, cl1 s110R1'11 or (t n eslafe or $! A l ,tOn In Just 4 ~ words, n al'ly $36,000 n wont ; wltlle .J anuary bl'/)lI~h( ' SlId rl ett W fi lth III a poor F r c n 'll gh'l wh o oLtpllIl d Iii slI lo of Il grt'n t .l\ll1lt ·S ott cta to buy In ~ Olll(l trilling menw ntu <lr h () r, The ouly 1Iiddo' for a shabby Id book of dcvollon ~, shoo fou nt! \) tweeu , HR hlU " S 1\ \\' 111 bOHlowill!r IIllon h" r tllo II I In ' III·ol 'l.lriy, vahll'tl III $8(1,000, Life 's Little Ironi es, III ~ ll1wa ll ke (Pt'h r un,ry) all Harry, ~I nnen s , f\la)'l ng ghdsl 10 frl illsn SIlI IIS lI(:gl '·s, felt (I o,vn ~ laJrs III Iho dllrl\- bll" :, COl11C n ghost ! A f Iluw IIlllll'el Durenn , 1t\'IIIS r.ClIl' QIIC!\)ec, In t il u'll f th a t Ihe r ap Ill' whIch a slIlc lLlc ilaH hllllg hlm s('H ",III bring 0. loter oiYnpr Incl" sto le stich 11 ropt!, oll ly to fait to hi s d ath tho n x t 111111' ul e t h ~ o u gh lll!' rl.Ll en Hom'lu g oC tho belfry, \\I llS I~ not Il'onlcnl. too, that a m ere fragm en t of Ihe h andwriting of the English poel hottertoll sbould h\1\'o sold (Octoue r ) tor $1 65, nnd tbat III the IlIIre rluuat e versl fyer's nattv lown of Bristol, wh ere h e ho(1 di ed of starvn llon In hi s BtH'enteen t h yellr! In Foreign Part •• ElIro;1e hIlS hod mony an olhl l !lle to l ell during lh y ear , Antrim hilS Jlreduced a IUnn beside whom Poob·Bah wu~ a laborer of y ery 61 ng)0 aim. For Ihls hll sy Irishman Is l oud st wnrll, Il ler overseer , port lIay c lerk. gamekeDp r . mi ning superin tend nt, bogballff, Ullctloneer, r eal estato ngent, supe~v l sor of shipping, und' the m n nagel' of a pl'lvate bu siness Ilesldes. olored rain , In tbe shape ot m U· lion s ot'tlny r ed, grjlen lIud ye llow 10' sectS, fell at Angers, Franco, In Mnrch ; whllo In :>Iantes a you ng fel· l ow. GallU!!r' by name, ha9 m Ul'd r ed hi s st ep,falb er thtl! hIs m i litary servIce might be Ii y ear shorter through hi s b eing "lbe only son or 11 widow ." Alone o f London ' s W esl Eml club s a ma t ch gumo of billi ards wa s played by two m en. on c l ad h) fil II armor, save for bl s h and s, which were en· cns d In the h ea.\'l es t WOOlen gn unt· l et s. alHl l he oth er dressed II.S usUnI. but wearIng boxing glox \'e9. Wool mittens w on atter a har d fight. COincidence and Paradox. T wo other aU-b ut,unbellevahl e tran s· Allonllc toles tell of II. :>le w Zea l an d hOJ'lle I'ace, whi ch was Wall by n on e· eyed IlIAre, l'ldden by 11 011 'ey d jock e~', th e two w eighi ng-room cieri,S also hsvlng bllt two t;yes betwe en tlt elll ; nnd of a Pnrls lan Juna wedding wb en the I wi n br lhers harteon marr ied the tw in sisters Vol s~e, twin cousins (male and femnle) ucll ng us best man lind maid of honor. In N w YOI'k . during n F obruary lIIos1,lIli h ull, the r e W,Il8 a pan iC nnd many C:lslllllltes, nit because the Cal· ton SIIOW man of tbe grand mnreh h ad sudd ' nly cnught fire.
MOlt Artistic Home. Are Not ' Alw~y. the C08tltest. In the dOYB ' when mlll1onalros 'Were no:. quJt ' tI() III nlltlll us n(lW /I certuln mon who hlltl ' MC umulat d a lurga rorltine by lh wo k of hi~' h ands seot hi s oon 10 b e(tucated, Tbo boy did no t sh'lLre his rlltbor's views concern· In g tl,!! d ll~ lrablllty of n ,l s ellu cation, n ellile. hM he ubllttr, and hili tutor, hnvltig Illboreil long alld IIllIgenUy, to the "ar nt wll h' \ 110 1)leu that further l't'tOI't lYas liS l es8, sillce bla IHlPt1 lockod cal/ilclly, "Buy hlll1l>nll, th II ! " 'tllllllil ered the I role rullwl', " lIu y him (lee! 00,,'1 you uuder slanl\ thal I hav money enoll sh to b IY 111Y Clllldl'en lillY th i ng thl'Y n eed ?" A l as! h 'hllli nOl , ;\lonl'Y wtll ' bu y 11 gr at many thin g s In I)lls w orld, bul ahIIlL~' I" Dol ou e of them tllld_ Il ,!Lh I' Is las o. Mall)' a 1'0 til tI:ut might h a ve lIopn dlllrrning is rIl1J1 '~ d II;' an oVCI'plus at r!.ecornll oll 11 0<1 furnitu r e, Pi ctu res o so ro weled IIJlOII th o wnlls IJIIlt th e Indlvldnolltr of Clll Ch lu loat, nnd yo'll arc mel'('I)I cO\l.Scl uus of Il rnlegtl ng of f r ames ond a glal'.! of COIOI', Rrlcu.lIrac I s crommed UpOtl mnntc lJll eoe 01111 cabin la till th cy res IlIbl e not h, 111 10 so mll('h as tb B how C II~es l a sliops, hnlrs and 1n~)l() g Ilress IIgtllllSt ellch other ulIlIl croso tll g Uw 1'0plll Is 1\ perilous f Ilt. and t he ownol' ot this conglomel'tlU II J;a~ s upon i t , wllh ar. nil" of res l ~ natl on nnd ,,'and I'S wh!' h er rooms havo \lot th nil' of UIOU or (h e "'Oll1ao across Iho streot who duC's not spend OIlO·t nih os \llur.h 111 th e COl1rse ot n y ear unllll her house, A r IV hnll's II l l'clN! with &11 e e to comfort and arranged so Ihllt lhel r v I'y atlilud e I s an I1nspoken , InyJ!a· flon to come nntl r 08t ,n whll lire In fBi' b ttel' ta sle thon lunumarnble spind l e· leg and ove r corvo d atroh's which are nlwllYs avoided by lhe war y g u st. Pictures sel ecl d to gi ve pleaB' ur to the ,people who loolc at Ulem Dnd 1I0t because of the magnificence of Uleh' frumes , hung with r egard to t lleJr nO~8 1b11l1l s. ndd f,\r more to the beauty of a room tha.n the nttemp t at on im it ation of an art gall ery wh fcb some per sons seem to affect.
IN FOnTY~'[ICHT HOURS P[-HU-NA CURED HIM. Cold Affected Head and Throatttack was Severe.
h as, W, Bowman , Lteut. and Al\jL 4tb i\[. S, 111. Cay, Vola ., wrlt~ from L onbll lll, Mll.. as follows: "Thl,lu gh BomewMt av 1'8 to patent m dlcines, allil sti ll more aver s()o to becoming a protesslpnal affidavit mou, I t seems only a plain duly In the pros ilL Instance t o add my ex· por lene to the columns already wrIt· t en concerning the curative powersot Peruna.
"I hlll 'O b~"n ".rllcu/arly" n~III"d by 1(8 lise ' for colds In 'the hetld .nd' .hroll', I been IIbl" to fully euNtmyse" ~I " most ae"ere attaclr I" Inrty-ellhl/,ours by lis use accordl", to dlrr!ctlorls. I 'use It as. pre"entl"o wllt/ne-ve, thre.tened 'tII'lth . " IIttacle.
English Chene Straw._ Tnke two tnblespoonfu l s of slnle Ill' lid cr umbs aOd mix with four tabl&spoonruls of nou, Put this on a dish, make a well In l h o, Into whlcb drop t h e y olk of all egg lind a table: spoonful of water, Il. Quart r of II. t ea· spoontul of solt, tOllr t3blesnoonCuis of soft \trated cheeso, aud a' dash 01 (;bl~l) n e, Mix, lOraduIIHy workJng ' II th o hrend cr ullllls an d lIour. Knead as you would broad. :The mlxturo must he bard 'ond sUtr, Roll Int o a t hin >lheet; cut Inlo strips tbe ",Idlh of a straw an d about five Inches (ong, place on grease d paper, dl'y lu a &.loderate oven. and serve III l!ttl Dundles, Th ese bundles may be h elll togeUler with rings cut from ,the palltr), and baked. or tied with nurrow rI6boii:-:-
my family 0110 useWo lire recom· m ending It to OUr frlenda," , -<Jhas, Bowman_
lt f or like n1l ments.
Your Drulliat for Ff't:o Pt;run. Almanac lor 1901.
MEN STILL LIVE IN CAVES.' Troglodytlo VIIJaQ" ArB Found 1& Northern Afrlos, Grottoel!l
c=~s are 1dtJ'~~
or Iclr.! as eh ellers by primitIve PllQpl c~ and thU9 Inhabi ted caves are of cOUl'ae most freCUlent r~ Afli<:a. A canslderubl e number of nallvoo make tll elr borneo In caves alon g Ihe 80ut~· ern s bore of the Strait of Gibraltar and In somo of tbose cave's lire founel l the polish ed 810nes ond arr,09f h eads , of tbe sk-ne age, 'Trogl<ldytlll vlllngea are f req uent In tho Tobe ssa terrltoTy of Algerl n, one of Which, a Ojeurf; Z50 fee t above the gorgo of the "allL ' H alla.lI, Is reacbed by steps ,cut In tb.
Creamed Ch icken with Mushroonl" Cut I n small 1.leces tb e breiLst at a' ballet! chi cken. Add to this one can ot while bu ltoll mushrooms, sllcl'il, rock. , Put 'I n slllall sbllcupnn wllh !lull, jle l~ Th e Inhabitants of the Tunl sllUl per, a Uttie nutmeg and a pillt 01 c ream. Lot I t cook slowly for about l eland of Gallie BTO, dwelleI'll, t bel r babllnllons L'elng grottoes wblch • \.On mlnut s, th eu add a t eaS)IOOllfu l 01 ri ce flour to give il a nice I'rcumy con· lhey hn ,'f' dug oul of lhe I slstency, LoL It cook a minute l on ger an cleot b.Hlal caverns crlarge<l, The subterran ean \tnd then add I f desIred, 0, pony at 'Matmllta , nnd of, !tledennle, h ewn good old sb erry. 'l'Itrn Into a ('hMing of the roc It, are In soulljern Tunisia, dish and Berve 'h ot, either on ,toast A Chrls~lan' monastery built underor with toasted wafers on the Ride, &Tollod In t h e twolrth century stlll .,,Stuffed Onlonl. I st8 a t Ooba, Abyssi nia. The' enorPulpit and Platform. mOil s ('./Ivern dl scoverod several Yelira Button s sew lI au " ijllk gronnd ' Doll l at'ge Dermuda onlona unUl nenrl y sott , th en r emove the Insid e, ago w i thin two hours' walk ot the :JOrt Joined In the K Is.lng. form ed II. S roll work sold at a rcce nt l eaving a shell. ChOl1 the luslde with of Tanga. In German East Africa, c('ntalns rooms the roots ot wblcb ar.. \bree coo k ed sQusages, one hard from 120 to 250 f eet, above the floor. sistO<! on anpearlng III the parlor with cooked erg, two t 3bl espoons of brend Only a tew of (hese vaat chambe~ neither shoes qor stockings, cru,ubs, solt ' and pePJler to tllate, one have yet b een explored, tor the entire Des Moines produced, In :\1 ay. a ' lablespoon of butter, tour drOI)S of )Jahy 'wbo changed color three times a tabascb and some chopped parsley, cavern seems , to, be Inhablie~ by ml .., , n , Wb en IIW e Ell R ami awakes he I lIons of b ats. One of ,tbese, ~ 11t1!'cI r " .Fill tile Shell with tbls mixture, wlt.h a ,U ck , measured nearly teet Is a proller VinIc By noon he is a sprinkle ' cracker cr~mbB on top Ilnd acron Its extended wlnp. dnrk ginger In bll~ ond befOre bedtime place ov er each a suiall, tWn ~lIc .. of' =:::::::::::::::::::::::::~======~=~~ Is startlingly pal e, B il l theil , h e Is bacon. Hake one·half hour or until : , ' i, th e SOli of a Hilldoo fath er and au ' lIlInolij lTI oth el'. tender, -Good Housekeeping. In August th e " h oll o lady" on the Orange Frlttere. Of Rheumatllm Calls for Dr. WIlliamI' Hne hetween ~I eredllh nud Wolfboro. D eat the yolks at tour 'eggs with Pink Pills If Vou Would pe , N. II., n ea l'd t he \' olce of 11 lIvo·hourfour 'tabl espoonfuls sligar untH thick Eully Cured. old Hubscrlber . The lIe ws ot his ar· and creamy; add the julco ot haIr a Mr. Frank Little, .. w ell known clU· rival In th e world come tirs t. nnd th en I .. mon' and just enough nonr to t hl('k· tteD of PorLland, I~a. Co., Mlcb., wu h is In ran tile Indol's<lmen l trnn!leU en to a 80ft batler; wh i p the whites oured at a severe ease of rheumntlsm across L akll Whlulill seo!;ee, ettff and add, thel1 dip hi slices of orb), Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, IIi speakHard Liquor, ange, 'cut ralher thin, on e ,ot II.; Ing about. It recently, be sold: "M,. Ch icago a nd K ansas city give two coat tliorollghly with th e hatter , IIf~ body wall run down and In tit;! condiof th e hes~ of the r ear's h anl,lIQuor w l\.h a wire slioon and £1')' II. nice ya rnH , In orie ca~c thre-e saloon k e p_ !Jrown In h p! ' butter or o1\" e 011; tIon to wiLhstand disease and about' t eel rheu. el' wel'll Oned $;,;00, to be paid the C) prll1kle pulverize d Bugar on lop, Or. n~e yenrS a go 1 begnn matle pains In my arms ILIid acro.r. Clrph ons of [l mlln who h nd died o f ol.n~o fl'IUel's ore (lellclo u8 served with my 'back. My armS and ' legs gre" drink; and III Ihe olhl'r a ce rtain Scioroll ed ham for breakfast. numb and the ~ rheumati sm ' seemed to h)' .J p nes ,was se ntencet! t o ge t dr unk lOWe In every joint Sotb3t L coull! WaUl ~ed Wit"" Enamel . and sta), 'so: Poor ,IOIl e<!! was lal er ar'a rmlr +,-er. US,e enameled clo't ll on kitchen ani' hardly move, wblle rested In ' h l cago fo r SWil ling I n ol'der untbroom walls, It the wnll M are usel ess at times. • I was unable 1.0 10' rai se lhc wh ere w l tli to carry out t h Kun sos City sent en ce, ro'u gh-fhil shell It can , en!llly 'be pasted ' sl eep ',or r es t well and, my heart ,paln-,' (Joll!l on i s "')~ llO n ~ lh io ror this : The ", on them , Milke a posle the same' bll ed me so terribly 1 could htlTdry sta.ncl! , i I Put a thin l ayer on 'It. ' My ' ,stomnch became 'sour and. arUl~chah' of a confl rm cd tlpp lel", lI ~e d CIlUl'e I f!llr In Montl'c[ll , 'Cannda. L for wallpBper. t ' li t a "ps)'chom eLl'lc ieclllrt:!," 'n1:ld 'W AS he work of th e el orgy m an's w l(o back of clo,t h, lind pdt III plnce on bloat ed' ruter ' eating 1Vld thls ' grew R 'ib smooth. wit h a 'dl')' 80 ' bad that' I hild tnn~lumatlon ,of, at. 10: 13 " n ,l all llal'Y 13 , ULO call y,olng tlll SY every one wh o sat III I ~, Th e " whu t1il1~ con verled Into use rul cash the " w all, the slomach. , J Wlls ex~remely nervIII fr om box 13, A l 9 : 1;1 \1 0Xl day he sign s of ,drlnkln g c"ntl nued lipan fo ur Lhn h uttons contrlbnted t o her hus. clotli,t using II. g(lol/ !l eal ~f p res sure. w as [l l'l'nlgllml hcFol'e Eclwin Il. Coch· v b d' ous and coltld not bea~ the leut ' nUl (J:l 1(1 l l I'S n gnln) , and hIs 'nne subject s lilt the ohaIr was bu rned, I It s oICerl ory bll sl(l)ts. 'T o R'e move, Stain. on Tabte Glaa., nOise or cy.eltement. One whole 81de wlwu th y , at once sobered up: The HOIl , Hoke SmIth, speaking at Stains, like lime df.'piislt, can be, re.' of my body bl!Qame pal'al)'lZed. Ull tl COs tN tuta led l~xncU y $13 , Atlan ta III September, was ,entbuslall acli!. ,P ut a 1\111 01 M I~H 'Margul'cl Schldn. 0/ Clel'el uad, W,elrd Wills, a 'tlcall y hugged by P Oliceman 'I'. J , moved "As 1 sold berore, 'I ~bad been aulf~ on .A ugusl 2~, sent In\lt ultOIl ~ t o 23 Wil en Ihe l ate lIUch aol Wil lia ms, Tile latter was thlln hauled wator In th e pitcher an'd' ol her 1l1'1lelo erlng: !lboiit 't!ve year~ ~an\1 aeemed to be , cleaned, ~rllelital1y odd' about' frien ds to atteIIIJ' , bel' . Iwenty,thlrd Qll euthc!1 to ' all hi s frlends " I(lnd b rbr., hi s commlsslonors for ' "taking he able to "' get no !.~om m)" I \Vo tabl espoonftila of ' Bulphurlc acid. doe lora, 'when a friend 1!.~ .tD ' Pott~ bh-tlHl ar party, S"ptembel' 23, ot 23 th o)l glt t , 10 my eneml,os t he fulle st an In tercRt In pOlitic • ." 'E ast Tw onty-t hlrd 'street. An orches·, possible ~forgl v tme8s, lind to Irelnnd Th e Pl)lIadelphla W estmInster re- Sbnlr0 w ell and tA!.e glal!s will be Innd toJ(i me ho,, ' l)r. wmla,m~! ' a'iaJE, Strong vinegar w,lIl orieJI tra of 23 pi eces 'dlscours tl exactly 23 illY und yi ng prayer 'f or h.e r absolute. {Inrts t hut a New V(wk IIrm offers " to cl elUled. PIUa ~8d cured him of no ural sweet dunce s' from bellind 23 pa lms, frcedom," he did n ot leave t he II I ClUt IIny cbureh with small mirrOrs dlaaolY8 the , crust of lime, tbe foeo, even ' atter the p&6 hid The oth er h oodoo dlglls caDle un ~lI'an gest wl1\ at ~he twolvoDl on Lh 'S seL ,In 'the pewuaoks lo enable f4}mldrawn ,It to one Ilde. • I .•d'eelded to ' Fig Cream. tv,-( ce In Aprll. once wllen B Ba ltimore probate, n i ne w orshippers to' see It theIr hat. Cook one·tourth of a pound of, n;ra try the J)Jl1s , aM bap" to lIee aom. n egro was al'I'eated for slenllng 13 1111'S, Chris tin a !-locb , of Drooklyn" al'e Oll, Rtralght during prayer t lme_: Improver,nent sooli after 1Js!nlJ tbem. " In a, cupful of water until ,tender; Tbe Kansas cotton crop ' havllnr chicken s; aguln at St. ooulij, whel'e a willed the osbes at her bOtiy. when' Thll enoourllgtld me to, keep 011 UDlil cliop floe.. neat tbe ",h,lt!!s of 11VI: basoball "fan" fell dead o r heart dill- cremaled. as Jertlllzer ()r II. rose uush dllOWU a surplu8" , agricultural p!lpe1'8 1 was , entlre17 cured, ~ haye nl,er eue durlag the tlllrte\lolh Inn in g of on her son's grave; Mrs, l imbel Kream- of the shrte urred that · shirts be made eggs and n pinch of crfllU\1 ot tart&! had I return ot the rheumltJJtm or .. the St, ,,ouls-Pl ttsburg gallle, unUI dry~ theD add live 'evel teaspooo. , .. or. a t Westminster. Eng" left h OI' cork an Inc h longer---br law. Tbat. theT tull of, sultar and tbe :11.:1, b"tttng '\lOll tlae paralY811. ThCl .,1111 are for , Ale b)' all c!1'1II" -, The Old Folks, l eg to the parl8h poor wardon; and a say, would Increue the demaniS tor atantI.T. 8ake In a burdtJr ~old B~,)ut lilt. C1r I!ent, poItpald, 00 ~Ipt of ' I bl'ld,eg!QQlrl3 of lUI q .....lAUl¥- oL.Florence, ltaIy,,, bequea~ colton JUFt enouel! "to malee tblllP half'&!) houl: lIerTe W'tth stewed, ,rice.. 50 :ee,ute per boa, Illl bo... just that ot Lbcm were 13,600 to the staff ot a local newspapor ,come uut r 70n." 11.50, by the Df. William. Me4IClAe: .wlfld RIlt., lUI&! ~ DlatIl C1'I&I!I
A Cono eellcut Judge has ru led tns,t a t urtle Is not 'nn animal. A 'comprebeallive knowledge 'of natural hl ~tory o' the Bostpn Tl'a llscrlpt, Is eVident, " Dot r,equlred t or adm i ssion to tbe _r, at least In Con necticut:.
1'llere are no apples 10 Chlnll he, :t\llld tJle small Ilrab apples. The com, muneat nallve ff"ults ar.f! tbe w4ngO. lAchee and mango;teen.
Is not
1\'lIb the
~mplUlJ. ~.aectMb". N. ' Y.
UNDLE .OF ,.,rv DR. .. KNOX
Matrim'onial Mishap
':'nkc 311 I ron Ir:1)' nneJ "c t II o n lop ! r Oll I' !'!;!:R. al' but OIl(,- W('rO 1'\011: l r IOuI' g la~ ijCil wbi ' 1 b:l,'e h l' II willod ! ~ llIll t~· \H1 I'~ 1'1'011, \\'111 " 11 .' nu had pre !)arlecUy dry . : ,·IOIIBI)· " uekc'd Ih cU01lenl g. TIIf all( Cb arlle II ' ;'I[h eleotrlcl !y by rub.' Holld one )II U " houl e! hllvp .h ' cirt Hlalh bl II vi " I ' 1' wllh a shOCl ot ,1t'OflP 'c! on 11/1 lal' '''. 1(>l lllIg II lJl'e ~~ n~ go 0 , ~ ) ~o as to fO O l [1\1' ('011)1>1111), 1111 ' ) S liP ))"(~wn Ilf\pl"lr . . nogl n ~ tIm lh' other rU U I" :WO':C a tsc \: fJlI will PI' ~ elltly III'0rlu£'(' t!Jlark s ~o lld l'hgR • I t rong n"ugb to I ill' (ru lll I ll e t ray to The H ()wlt~ h 'II W s[e b IR a t r ir'k r01l 1' 11111;0 1'. ::.t lt hr!llg h )'O U \\'111 h ... l u no 611),11 lilt) Lus 1\ II!; cl coH Tim.'!;. 'lllll t proves jl u1G7.III1~ 10 lIIa ll Y pc"o ll r. 'l angl1\' of n Mho" !L Thi S Is call d the E nch' ntod Tray, 1l0rl'ol\' a II'Jtch I'rullI au y ull~: In LIlE
BY R. NORMAN SILVER Author of " Wondel's of
(C"~:rrl lihl,
t}\ 9
P .e ep."
I GOO. by J O"Cl'h B . r.o,,·le(l.)
"Dear' : Hnvlng Be n nnd liked l ooked r. ct RI) 1I~l y at E'1' al l. A nd Ur. ~ CC'I'Y of YOllr Jlll per. 'I'll(! Gohlt' n ·I r · Sl lib n OsbonI(', whn with Tbndde ult "Look hO~O, WollS,." I'RtipeLl (11(, man· !!I\P. Flnnlir. she slOI'S at 1.110 glove eret. r 1en{ C() to tn!~ lla S 8 a l ltllo Illlo gon e r,llJ lld aooUat'/' w rl Y Into lbe taglng edllo.r, wheeling abou t Itl h ie J~ ounLOI' uu' ~ LS down to luu k 'eul U\.(; II Y III' au ntlon. \ unl younr;, hldrl ' l1 t'ullbqUl'd, lh torlJ}c r_ _ • ~llS~ chulr nnd llllrveylug me ste rnly. <:I,I'a'I·. onl y 2:1- " mil-:h t spy 1111011 ~ I !su ,aruer all sbe •"your worl~ Is Getting rotten , allsolult· " I ~Iv es Mag h' wlnlt au' d n I Thndd cus Fl oill RI1l11 ' (I when he hoo SIlI ( d 1111011 111111. cil'c W a d ('OI) ly rotten. Whnt you n eed Is !I vnen· 61dlea In !lslde h er nnd 1.lunlt~ me ca III (! to lhe stotf'mcnt JUSl '1uot '£I. hrcu[h . a lld whl sp . l'cli to III matl'l' lion . TIII«~ It. Get oul ancl cioll ' l show h nd cuge down by hoI's. Say. but II ,> had no\' cr In th o wI/ ol e course ot 1llUIlIai IIg elll . " J "UII1'050 I can't do J:on r rnce around hel'(~ rol' two weolts. " sh ' l l'O\\, d 111 :I troBIY I·MO. anti ' It blH x111'1'1 en ' 0 ns n 11101 rlrulJul ll I UJ.: lit bc[ wr-sl le set'ms a de('I' nt oort." Thus It CRInO )lbou t that Ihe II xt wnH n il I coulll do lo keep frorn met a wuuld ·LJ b rl(l o who oIVn 1.110 " Qu ill' t il,' lud y. I n S ~lu'o ' you ..M . .(lay fo und m l olli ng cOUlfol'iahly on a IIIUghl ll', j ( I t ao guo d. m orro t h:ln 30 SlIllImers .· ! ila rdI), had 'Osh ) rile. " lIlllrmul'" .1 tll r. . yll y Thlld· settee. III a shndy (larl at Ihe I.ark . "Say s I 10 ~ h e pllll< C'.Q!I1pl ccted doll th ' smllu dawn d IIPOII h is 11 115 thlln d (, l1~ ill hl8 "1' : " a ny a m ounl uf ac· \y five yeur ' work au the IHl WSPOjl('1' 11 hili' th n {'OUllt 1', 'shuw 111 1' tiome lt l'anIRhed; 1110 I cl\c l' had bn'om 10' f' IlIl'11IIsh,\l ' nls- yolln;; , LllI(1 "' Iillio 'hod glvell ·me a wide llcflu nln lllnceRh ll' 50 cont nll lt~ pleu.sll · und . .1 Nl O~ shc t UI'f'sll ng . 1.11 II f ilion ,,), In III ha nk . " ' i ll you within t h city, on sequontl y. amollg wus tolnln' MuS' ho t bu ay IIllcl lrlltl " - " And hll"(, Inl\(' 1'1I ,I SOIllC lI10noy l' IlIl1' III' 10 111 .1' 1I0 llse l ·ul ··llt '! l'U the passel·s· by, thol'e wor IlIllny n t. rrom un aunl, wltb wholl1 I had III' rl ask " 1' 1' rtl llnd too." : 'w~ oso fncos w oro fallllllllr. " \\'ell say. my fn t f l'l n' she jl' ~ s ltll' C chllclhllO d, nn' l \\'110 hlls jus t " "0. Iholll;s." snl.1 Sl (' l'hnn ·,borne. , Pr0ge nU~' t wo fnmlllni' nl':\11' gll'o OllC licroec h a ll ' lUl'I1ccl ul'OlJn ' In flI ed. Thank s lo her. I ha vo IT (' n "ll'l 11 hr· 10·1II01'l'oW. 1' \' 0 sOLlletl.alu~ fairly woll·etiu('ut II. alld 1 Iwl i I' . 1 (:Isc' 011 I O · II I~lt t . " ht;;: ' nl:oun. ant nnlUl'u ll,v nell h pr stupi d nl)r nwk· " TO·II IHI'I·II I\'. I he' ll ," r ('pliNI Thad· 1. red 'mnny tim e til m3' . S [ll'ch (o r hor cas h box . l(ln,'tn ' m ille thero 111 wu n l. Yet) a m now nllo,w lh er nlonc. 'h ' II~ . " roll \\' 111 Illuk e the arfjualtit· 11 WI!. nam ed respectively " Mllg" und placo of Il. nu' w alked awn y. lIl u!,: wn ~ ond am v rr. ,:el'Y UnhuPl'l', If y ou [111,'" of Ih fulur' ~II'R . Osborno.:· ·Llz." stili a holllHlo' jln' fiO WII ~ (, I" "yhod)' (" 1111.1 R 0 1Ill', YOII wuuld know wh~': ..... ow. th I'fl wa s on · Ihlng 10 tho .Boln:; 11 tri ne familiar wl l h t.h elr elso as IHlllr liS r e01lll1 mnl; ouL. Poo, I am Just th o u!,:lI l'st w O\ll u n III th e wOl'lrI (o r whlrh hl'l sllnll ~' l l' lci lived espoolal hl'llnd of "grafl," I. d clded to pk WIl S a rUllnln ' ev'ry whi ch wny nn', wur ld. Y t 1 Ihlnk If 60 111 011 alld 11101'1'11 alli l h nd It I' !ir ing. and 'Wale II. und see wlLh wh nt succoss th oy In t b o l'umllUS, 1 j est Icop' 11 will ki n' an coult)\\' me a>i I aID. he " IOllld l ove Lhn tw as j e w('lI·y . I n h oI' bed room at hould 011 rnle It. 80 I lI L Illy pipe n walltlll ·. nlHl 1.I·etty soon ) w lll krd nil'. Can YOll hl'll' llIe? [ encl ose lhe II lllp lI pte wn hOlls!' sh o had a ;Qna wllited x Jlectantly. n I' did l huve out th e door with lIr r~. Va n 1?1It1~" $ ~r. . r Ulll sure IL woul d lI eve,' be small slr.:rn g saff' built Into th p wall, E lec tr ifie d Dish Mounted on Glasses . long to wnlt . ' bllk's gri ll In my Imnci 1111 ' DI Y old CUI" \\'01'111 H'UI' while ',0 nl! 'nd to my ollLl tho k ey or thaL saf u ve l' l eft ' Suddenly U1! 1'0 lime a \\'Ud shriek I) t sa~k uf brown Jluper a. 11t)'11I' bacl CLIBO at your 'lI'dlllnry rOles . I Hill so b I' pOSS sal oll . Ile r diamonds wore A sk ,III ~' our frl (' nd s I ~ v r~· . ,. ry tlSly. Delle \' me to b, nol Impol'l a l , sl.U they w 1'0 l'ahlLlbl e, nnrl Is 0 ni ce t hI ng to nOl use chll d l'en CO lli pan )" . oJln~ . II) n m(lm nl. peo~lo \\' 0 1'8 'r usblng the ro on Ill' counter bes i de' r . stnnr! arollnd I II II (:ll'c l . H o lll th c YOllr s very truly. p 11 m ell tolVarli th e 8POl- \\'h re a mo· " 'Gee,' I sni d lO my self. ·I.hls I s too wllh . SLelln Oarner.... and h arl . ll cn . mounl d to b er own in· H ero III :In oil! lri k . hul I) 1'l l:1IIS \\'!lI·h I C. o ne fll'rSon'H ell I' IIl1d sa)' A f I\' dn), s arler Th odd e ll~ Fi eld's strtl otl on s. and sh h od n ruby b rllcemont ago L hnd slghled ' t his gmed c!aSy. If thI s Iweps tlp I'll be a sw ell " I t I s golnl-:. I " I hat nol so? " lie \VII )'OU )'Ilullg er h ) ' s alld IrIs dn nul ~.alr. ' . . my!;olf soon" nn' 1 hllgr.od that fat r ecell.t of "Stella Garn er's" l olter h o l et for whi ch Ill ony a fairly bOll est sa y, '· Yt'll. Ihal's .HO. " r ecely d lin Important vi sit. The woma~ WQuid bav risked 11 0 1' 60uI. r smlletl sar donloally and 8a sll l1, valls ju st like It was a hab),. . ' knOlv It. Hold It to the n Xt Jll'rS0I1 '5 enr nnr t all footman opened the double d oors, \Vh I t I ,; lilp trl .-:k o f cooklug llcrn mbl ed li n oll llllrl11lllJ Y aroso for Ma· :for I had S CD the lillie piny IIIH\ il s " Well. l ' l"allled 1(lnd o' sl ow to lh' ROY , " ~n\\' Il I ~ nol goln o;. 1;;[1 '[ tha i a n:] bo wed In n hallliso me man o f dame (,hrl stlnn to don bel' glitte r i ng ggs III 11 hal. Jn Hable denouemen t ellactt~1 UInny como I'. but llfLor that yo o b el I weot II will sn r . " ,[,ha r s so, luI' I mlddlo ILge-a lIIlIn w ilh 1I1ue pyes. trcusul'CK sh e w~ s hIlPPY; when th ere You ask t he compall~' If 1)ley wfluld tio?" 'tImes. "1I1ag," .the sma ller one. hnd SOIl1. a 5we[l.\,ln· for JOY at el"rr step can'L h [\1' II. going." . crI sp. Iron·gray Iloir nnd b ear d. and were warn ell p rese nt to envy the m ,Just keol ed over III II rail' Imltatioll of Iln' a wonderln ' how many rlnnnys I'd like II dish of sc rambl d eS'gs. Tben 'So nil aroun d lh e c l l'cle, Orle jl!'- . drl7.zllng white le~lh . 1'lladdc lIs FI Id sh e b ocam e posltll'el )' I'adlllnt. fill pll pllc flt whllo b el' slslel' " Li z" get wid th' lloodle an' 81yell logs and yo ur break f Ollr eggs In a bal. drop In n pinch of !!lIll. plllc Iho hnl (or II son ' will lind II goi ng . Th e ext au! was Imp ressed. and roso graciousl y In ob dlCTlCC to l hl s rulillg [Iosslon, l ent IreI' nld by w"lngl ng h I' blinds odd or tlngs, shorl lillie OYI'lr the name of a canrll . will find It unt ~olllg. as PI 1'1". Ul e rootman . r ellr d. hr1s tlou- tireMslnJ; for tho ea rl y dIn· a nd p r ocllllmlng' ln h eartrendlug nco " W 'on I r enched do dlll1lfl where \\'e Tho LI'I ('I; Is d om' It)' m ea n ~ of f 1'110 n ~ wcom e r hcl<' Ollt hi" hand. n cr nt wbl cb St eph en Osborne wos to :Ita, "0, me sistoI'. Sh o's .dyln·. hangs ollt I !In ak ed UII sla lrs In t o th O and sborll r aftcl'\\'!irrt pour I nto a dlsu . loadstone ' which rou blld III 0110 hund " 1>1 1'. 'l'haddou5 FIeld?" h e Hlild. III 'ct ]I11 "s Sl lIa Garn or. and wblch room. buLloncd th' d oo r ti ght nn' dell. Ille scramb led gga, quite hot'. 'Sh ·s.• c\yln·... . How Is I t d o n e~ Wh y, tho scram· Wh on you wllnt t hd walch to s tO ll go "I nlll lIlr. Thad deu s FI · ld." an· W!lS to lie f ollo\\'ed b y a vlsll to the t coul'se the wholl,) exh i bition f B t t he re, n loukln·. 10'lIn' l!l<~ . . al ing tra nsff'r It to th o hund con tnlllln ! 9WP.1' d that gentleman , uSM ulllln:; his th enter- clu spell aboll t hoI' whlte ol) 'wo\lld not take over five mlnute~ IIncl. l h flt gl'l ll my UlOUUI jo~ t a water l ..•. hIed egg~ hay In r C!l III)' bo II 1'1'0,, 1· the l oadsto n . II'h ic:h will Il1lm(Jcllat cl) official dignity. o'usly PI' 11111'0,1. CO" r ed and plac rl In thront and dainty IIrm s some U...D·.--·· - .........3. ,. f· .~·~.........i. illl a Ihiu\o. 110m sympi\lh t10 bystnnd· My! bOlv tlckl M I was! s top tho mo,' emclI t at the works. Hie vIsitor bowed. tboll snild do llrlrs' wor Lh ot , I' w.puld IlasB around tho hat for the '1 was Jest geWn ' reudy lo bunt It the h at. BUl whell mllklllg YOUI' II.rop· Wh n YOli want It to go. talle IL 011' OI;llion to th e f'o rn pllny )'011 hold th e "I nm Steph en Osborn e." he ex· slo[l s. "ry w ell slle look ed • .ntJIloled ono. 1 ynwned , a s t he lillie open on' f"ast my yes. when ~llIg ha t too hi g h tor Lh<:111 to s e Ihe In· of t hat hand IIlld shake I t g nlly whll( plnln ed. "Slephen Monlgom ry did hrl slin n. \l'h D sbe took Irele disi n tegrated. lind wonrtered ClIn\o tlJl thO stairs, IIckCI)'·splll. Wl'll doIng so. Il will slal't to gOi liiS again borne. at your ser\'lc e:" r It. pl ace lit the head of the table I rhother I ought to rellQrt "Liz" Ilnd wo IInches an' lau gh s 1111' l ien crlea· sid "Pray b sealed," said Thnddeus. beam rI 011 tll ugly Mls8 GarnoI'. tbe 'lIer confrere 'LO tho police or give her an '. nnally, we goes afL I' th ' boo,lle, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - otrel'lng a, chnlr. admirin g St pbe n Osborne an d the .n. 'djme and nsk fOt n story, E'nle de· " I opened I t up very COlltiOUS. so dnt M IN IE DART. can handl It co mrortahly In tho hnnd 1111'. Osborne sat down •. llnd crosse d .complacenl Thndd eus. ~I ded the qu slion for mo, none of thO diamond s can r oll alit onto ~'Ol lhln ancl spr in gy. top r l n loWu" ( hIs legs. It WI.S a w ond rfu lly' m erry little 'Tbe ' crowd bad miraculou sly clisn[l' tho floor, an ' tiny. yo u can't guess wot Toy W hich the Handy Boy Can Milke th enil. 'ro IhE' smull e nd of thl , " In what way." r1 elllund .. d Thad· porty: ('ach seem ed to vi., wllb eacb 'fleared, bavlng eviden tly forgotten wn s III I t. l\Ioney? No, J ew' l ry? Nit. st ick fas t n Q [Ilcce of stout ' 811'Iu •' deus. " CUll I have th e r.l el1 sllre of In brillI ancy. If Chrlstl nn was gay, W i th His Jackkn i fe . " M n~" and h 4,lr troublel\, while the' Go,d, bond Y an' diamonds '! Not on :l1I0'u1 two f et long'. and llt t he othel s rv ln" yuu ? , ) 1'0010118 Ila'r wand ered slowly along your Illeture. Sily! there wosn' t noth. Th i s I. no)' thnt Is I)asllr mnd e end of Ihe sIrIn g tic n kno t. Stephen Osborn e l allghed out .In my dlreettin , : keel)lng a sh le ty eye In' In that I y,l n' deceitful 20 dollnr ca r· rrom lIIal;'rlnl wlthlll th e reacb ' of '1'0 shoot I h dar t. )(Illalns lhe ChI l! earUl~' . .(lilt meanwhile' for a lloss lble police· pel bit but n bi g bundle of tracks. ever)' b ~' . A. pin ~lIck two f 'et l ong cllgo Ncw" . b ol d It. w it h the I It hane " I wont n wHe." he answ ere d. IDI~ , ' . You k now whllt . tn.c:t~ Is-lbem and aD ·half Inch thlcll. two ltrll(l s. a II 81' tb(~ ~n ll or pnpor end. holdlnp "What kInd of a wire do yon w ant, l pulled rtly bat. llown o l'er my eyes 1hln"8 th' \..... C. T . U. and t h' Y. ~1. piece of jllltsc lloarci or ij lltt card "ve Ihe whip In I he r ight. Throw th( lIt r . Osbol'l1e1" Th adde us nskod, .an~ preten ded to sleep. Presently I C. , A, gll'es to UI poor heathens In· slrlnll: oV I' th dar.t and draw I I St phon Osborne seemed e ll1bnrras· twas rewarded b y a whlnlng voice. slead of a sandwich an' a cup o· co f· through tht> notch until It catches on led . . "'Pleaae, mister . h elp ~ poor girl t1la l 's ree. the knol. Then \\'lth a rapId lIl)Ward "To be flulte h onest. Mr.-Mr. .go~ Ms." "I pulled oul a buoch and l oo k s at motion s wi tch th e wh i p Into t.he all' Field." he replied. "Il I sn·t ao milch I sat U[l and pushed lIack Il,Ir hal. ·em. ." 'at kind o· n lite are yo u IIv. leLtin" go lpe durt at Ih flnm Lime. the kind of n wlte I want, as tho kind In' ' ao' 'Lyln'ls the ruot of all e"II,' an' The dnrl will I nye tbe string and of wlte I've goL to have." "Why, b ellol Llr;," I said clIsuall y. "at !the old game 1 8 e. Why don' t you more like tbat. ] band ed a rew over sonr hi gh In th e all'. "Ind eed ! " said Thndd eus . plI~zled. to Mag. In 8he . should fe I neg· If.ry somethlug new ?" The lighter th e dart Is mad e and th e "Yes." said his clll'nt, Irritably; "I m or lIPrlngy th whl[l th bl gh I' the haven' t a grellt d eal or time, You see. The girl. 4n·. wbose hard Md ' Cl\re· l ected, and went on. "Way down at th' bottom was two mlnle·dart will tty . Ue corr ect In. your wb en r was a bl l younge r I was fool ~woJn ~ace lbere was no t a trace of copl'er pennies au' a postage slam p aim and yon mn)' leaI'll to hi t the eno\,gh to tell m y papa, who had lUar· Mak i ng the Dartl. :t'!Br. atared at me defian.t1y. lhat h ad been u sed . • Tbal was all. I mark as w ell as di d lhe old·tlmc slin g· rl ed allnlu'7'l was the only child or "Wot If we 18 '" sbe sold 8ullenly. In ch es Ibn g and two Incbes wIde . nn el's. Hill hc corefu l not to break win· tho first mnrr lage-tb at ] would never ~'folk8 like us · bas got to Ii ve some see at ooce dnt Mrs. Van Astor had only been out sbOI)pln ' an' dat we had ash slIck three feet long and II Ill ece dows ai' "slIIasl, t hlllgs" In rour train ... marry If I could n'l gel som e ono a ~JY and the old gngs Is tbe best any· of II10ut string constitute all the 1II111e· Ing. . lItt l o b ettf'r looklllg than m y ne w 1Iow. 1 a now one las' w eek. alld lUade a mistake In pl ckln' h er oUl a8 1'101 necessary. stcp·ma.· So we Qtlarreled nnd I.nned. ' wall the b1101." H ere sh e an easy mark. She w as a wi se gazabe \\, h l lllo your pine sUclr perfectly Spoke a Dlfferent'Tongue, all right n'n ' we was the mnrk s. iIInd when the old boy di ed l ast win' tdildlooked nt m o slIsplclously. Wc hn\' ~ il n el g hb ~1' who lalks TOry ter-there w e re no more child ren . lind "Well, I lool;ed at Ma g an' Mag stralghl an d round, a IIttl "Irger In "00 . . LIE," said i good natured I)'. dlnlll",lc r iha.n a l ead Ilcncll . With \I rapl d l)'. Blep·ma . dled some y ear s ago- II0 left . " I'm not working th'l s week and I'll loolled I\t m e an ' nell her of us saId a smu l l so\\' cut 'In one end a sli t about Th e o[h",· (In), my lillie nlnce BIlk ed : m e hi s Illoney on co udliion that [ 1B\l'e my word ot bonor not to peach on word. T 'en 1 t ak es all dem valuables. flye Inchos dee p. Into t his sli t Inser t ·' A lln tle. I s ~lrs . S. an Amerl· married a girl u~lI e r tban Rle ll·ma, traclls, pennies nn' all. an ' I puts' 'om you. Bit down lind t ell m e about It." bllck ·In t hO valise. Arter t hut [ opens tbe " Ieee oC card. IIrat cutting It tbe cnn ?" and gnvo lI.e 12 mOllths to make up The hunted look l eft the glrl's face shown In the picture. Tack It " \Vbr. el'llIloly," I r OJlU c d. Il winder an' I heayos It alit all' I only sbaJl my mind. dldn' t expect eve r to nfMMI '4\nd 8he glanced at m e gratefully as " W ell." sh£' said. '" thou gh t she was the mon oy. and eo took I t li S ),. but hopes whoever faun' It gt)t mOI'e joy on wi th t wo or thr ee brads. cli nchi ng .be ·lat down. tbem on the other sid to In511 1'11 their "ome dlll'e n ' nl slll~cles . " -Los Angeles Borne or II'1 Y sp eculatio ns have d one out of It than r did. ··T'anks. Mr. W ells," she sold. "I dou ced ly bL\d . an d) LIIusl hllve som e It Wal a Wonderlully M.rry Llltl. "I- n ever como BO near b eln' rIch In firmn ess. Wben thIs I s do no (nnd not Time • . ;taut you wo.n't no pll<or. \\'ell, It 'W9S cash b efortt long or go bu st. 'I' bat's Party. my lire, nil right. but heart di sease botol'l~, balance' the dnl't on your knUe 31ke d18, Borne 0' de fl y COl18 got wise Her Kittles. hlade to .flnd tbe "cenlel' of gravity," why 1' 01 hC!l'e." rll1l8 In our fumlly so m e an' Mag went to our game nn' dey told \IS to Quit It "My (I'rs arc like those!" exclahn od Thaddeus Fi eld's eyes shone-Il Miss Garner wus brilliant: If Tba4· back to ,th· old game. It's Jess ex· and a t t b e point wh ere I t baJances cr get plnched-, 80 I\'e qui t un' kop' In cut a notch sian ling In t h o direction lillie LOIII He. while wulklng th rou g h was just th e klnll ot caso be lik ed. dous WIIS ovedlowlug wltb good hu,· cllin', but there's more In It." ide house ter a whl!\!. T ·lngli. to eu or the point IIW83' tram the cnrd en,l. tho stor!). "If you will call to·morr<lw nbollt mol', Steph n O!lborne prov ed ' a ,princ. .(Col'rrlght, .br Dal\), Story- Pub. 0 .) p t klnd£l' scarce aroun' thO ~olnt so: "W hy. " (')(clllhlll'd her mother, "you thIs tim e. M r. Osborne," lI e said, " [ of enler' aln ers. If you cut this notch In t h e center jOne .n lght, ] says to Mag 'J'm goLIi' to Suddenl)' lipan th e :nlrth or the palty. or ncar tbe , end the dart will [lot hll"c 110 r ur~ of lillY klnrl!" tblnk I shllll bave BoO\,thlllg lO say. !duek Ollt an' see wha t's doln" an' J " Yes, I hll l'e," proteHlCd til child , Good·day ." lh er e descend ed an IIsllJnlshlng Quiet. HIS FIRST LESSON. work. It must be JUl:lt whero · lt bal· . ·!took a hIke down to the Dow·ry . ances. Be BIUO rOil get Ih i R nro\.l,b " and Ihl')' nrc IIl1 e<1 wllh killens. too ." Wltb this comforting nH811rance h e Thaddeu s. strang e to sar. f ell asleep. hrl ntlna, nfter a. ' ''1 wuz sneakln' II10ng wheo . 1111 of a An Amu.lng Story of a Cadet'. Experl· right , for 00 It dop lid s tbe succcss - You th 's ClIlI\fInnl II . rnn g t ho be!l. and Mr. Os born e do· In hi s chnlr. anll ot gl1 l1 al1 L SLI'U!;J.;lo t o k eep tVNnke folof the' toy . ence at ' Weat Point. pu r t ed . Ijudden, I runs Into .'Mal'ble Mnry' just Vengeful Blow of Swoep, • Th o dnrt bein g nlll sh eci . tlto next That atternoon Mrs. C hri s tina lowed hi s exa m pl e. !out from a t ' r ee mimth o' trill t~ lb' At Schl ad£'rn . Gorm nnr . an arlll ed F ield l eft (or Boston . \-I cr. In 8lrllc'Th en 1>1 r . StCllh' n OBbo~ne a"dlM:la Mr. ·Farley. ilie autbor ot " W e~ t thIn g I; to cons trucl the Insh ' to throw '58lall', . )ltary 's he hook s Into m e -an', A piece of nsh 0 1' somo t r a mp demanded nn d rccell'(!·d lIlon cy tlo n s w 1'0 not to r eturn without Mias Ste llll Garn oI' !rId ulgcd In l a. vel', rew'en t t ells her m e bad luck. she IlUts Point In tho Ea.rly SI~U es." t ells holY It wltli . lI1al'kable p rnr:cedlng. They. rOM . me willo to a new lay that sbe says Is he r eceived his first lesson In militarY springy w ood Is belter ror thIs pu.l'· r~om II CIJ iIllIHl)' swe \1 . As the t rnm p "Slella Gorn 1'." On til e succeedin g m ornin g Chr is· from t hei r pla ce s nnd I'nlmly Itr.OO~ ,oa peach an' a winner. On de way home dI 8c lpl~n e . He 1lild been lhe butt of JY.lse, bill plu e or spruce will cio. Cut \VIIS wall;ll1J.; nWfI)' lite sw eep gUI' Q hllll 1 lays me plans to try It out OO?,' d fty, variou s jolles during tb e early part at tbls about threc f eet lon g and the a blow nil t h h elld wlib hl.s brush. . tlnn . accom panlc d by a clo~o l y ·y li ed . d .to strip Lh elr s l e~IlI llgo h o~te!l& or l auy. e nt ~1' d l he IIn t er oom. h rl3' 11er JI'W l i·y. Mls~ StclJalll li ght finNow dis .18 8 kind or 0. part,loular job h is· attendance. and was perhaps u lit· tl.l am etcr of a whip hand II'. 80 you w.hlch 1, lIIed hi m. hl'lijlinn' s nedlllle& Iln ll l ort her charge and w en t Into he r ge rs ul1 claulllng lie orr ' guliNl ' In matteI'S of m ere eU· 60 1 calls on all m e frleu's fer help. huslland's sanctu DI . Thn!ld 11 9 was anrl b I'll ele l s. IIml o·omuv.!ns h el" ''One l ends me a 'swell .lId she's quetl e and routine. standi ng on tb e hellrlh·rllg. che wing rI ngs. Sl ' \111('11 OsLJn rne :ho whlht Just ' after "call ·to quarters" In the .. wiped somewhere. another h ands me tl rtly uoncpaling I hl.J JP. WI' )S al)oo t bl. hl~ lI1u!<taches wHh Im pati en ce.. a !;Ires!I fei' Mag an' flnalb·. we're !>at' evening the senUnel t apped on ·our person. Wilen 'IIrloUl1'a:s sho uldllrtl. "Will sh e do?" he a skcd. door and cnlled Qut: . ":All rlg1Il?" fixed up like duchesse8 and ready fer wrist s aOd lin ger s ," ",:0 "ared " t th el,.. ChrisLlan grinned: The r eply not being satlsractory t o ]larade. "As ugly as Sin: ' .she sold; "but gll ttc r ln :; 10:111. tho pr\Jr tU'I'n<)d lhall' . '.'Ocn· ] · gets out 0. n ev.· slll.n1 ·band him, he opened the door ana In flulred ntt!'ntlDn to t b o "Iumbo!r. ~g Tbattam art. 1I do/~ QfJC'G' J770P6' •....' bag, dat 1 copped (r0!1! . somebody or Ir anyone ·h ad answered "All rl gbL " " That'!! all ri gh t" coo cludod Thad· <l IS. I' liov lng I, in. Lir IS dlamund! ., '11 did, sir... · ·otber, lind] ptlck.s It full 0' paper until Sllle! IlIIII rln ~. wortb t;lt;'ltheor a hun· d eus; "bring b el' In.'' U looked like th' property of Mrs. Van '" "Who Is room Qrderly?" Cb1'lstln a opened l he door and dred dollal's or. so. 'n1al!' trlOY I.all"e<l '·.Astor. ' .. " . "He Is, sir," ('.ail ed. Tho veiled Ind y rose and eD, lind . 10 0 ~lllg Itt ana another. laughed' dWqy "Why did ')le not an8wer!" "Wid dat ' In me mItt, me and Mag ~lIen Il Y. . lered . "Because I did. sIr," • bits de pike rer down town: We "Miss Gllrner. I uudersta nd ," so l d . "It's a fa:i'l" '''0\, (',' Ponll'.' · sRld tb. "Why d,ld 'YOll ,answer?" "iun't almln' rer: no .oheap" Joint, Thaddeus. rapidly ; "pleas d to m eet mnn who- lat!! ca lletli _Imselr " Stepbl!.. "[ don't know,. slr." Delthe'r, but tel' Wanaeooper'lI, tb' you . ~ilBs Garner. I want you to see O!lborn q. ~ "Why do YOll not It,now 7" .wellelt place In town. Course. w e d. !':entl ernap; If you call like him. [ Miss St~trB Gnrn07 nOtld"ll. "I forgot, sir." didn' t know w'ether we could get In think h e ca n like you. If YOII take Ii "Are ,.tl lI slI re !bo t sl lIrnl only or not,' but Ii. lauit 'beart aln:t produc· " Well; 'young man, don't ever rorget rancy to .hlm I shall bo happy to nsk m akp. t bem !lle ep?'" IIb o ask ed. Dll, tlve of anything to 'eat an' anYho'w we again.",' " . . iro u to me t him nl my hou80 somo 101lsly. . , ~onldn't do no .mor.e tban get· ·trowed . ·" Now." ' saId' t}le sentinel, "I Inqu)re, venlng 800n. I can't stop 10 eX lllal n . 1 " Certnln 8ure." " aiel th e ot b er. . ,out. . . ' . ., ls It al\ dgM In ' tbls ro~m 1" You must .l ust slel> In' there Wllh my yo.u l irln k I want to 5\\'lnJ;? . ''WolI, luck was wid U8, 'fer dey w.ns ," All rlght, ·· sir," ·r esponded the roem wlre. anti l eave YOU1' ~el f 'I n her han"8'III1 I1(' h. (,dm e 01'1 •. look .II IIIl I1Y, now. . a bIg 8al~ goln' alf tb' bub)Jles an' orderly. You'll be able to tee nil right; our til!!!. way out." Cl&trlaces was IIned ' ull fer hnlf a mile. "W.bat I. all rlsM?" mnn's IHm cst cille:" Anrl with · ,that 1111'. "St~[Ib en 0..U' .~ J?ln' 1n: an' Qut lIl~e b!lCB In "Everything. III all right, sir." No sooner h ad t h e twa 13dll's been bor ne," ~nss "Stella (larueI''' all II' a Jjl~' .n' M.g waited a bit ah' sarely dlsP')scd 'or Iha:l ~.1 1·. · 0 borne ahollt liv e t h ollsand d ollll l'\<' wortb (.t "18 everylhlU all rtghp"· tlteJl ,~ ·ln wld ~t;h' mob lind nobody "Yes, sir." , wall shown In, nncl was soon In deep I ">I wag" d lsnpl.ea red th r ollJ.:b tbe. ' . • Bald a WMIL . converse wIth Th ad ,I ells. , FI'f'nr h wl!\.!uw of, !\fr. Tl.aadck:QS "Is thot baaln all ligbt?" "No. str." Thonks. to the · lact.Or Mr. ~!JQdd e l1l1 PI.·lrI ·. c1 lniu" room. waDd'ere:d around a wb\le, keep· 1"1 Id. Mr . f) sborn e lallr:h ed nnd .....hat. Mr. Thaddeus Fi eld IlOver rn\tnd .. "is that plllo~ all rl&hU" fer atore COli, anCl "No, air." . tered Rnd Inn l;" J 80 merry nnd hnnd· Rl1m ·Irm 1I"ly jla r l ner. f or Mr. St... me meat-a ' big rat eome tbllt th 9 lady beblnd !h" ('llrVM IIll1'n . C1 i>horlle. In fact IIQ n ever . , . her' ' handa covered will "Do you 'know, you~ man,". tlle .en· ~'!ree n lost ller hp,art to him. and Mr! 0 borne 8 ~nln . Nor 'dld be II"" a Julc), looldn' grip 1'1) UJ1el Did, "that tho rulel ud arUclc.1 ""hem !\ft. F I"I'III esrorlr,,1 Mr. ()~hnrno sl't ('\'('9 on Mlsft S\clla Qarn. r, DOl' I Illiered ougbt to ~ <If war re!lulre that. you sbould be Oil!. tlnil tbe 11001' clOlllnJt b ehind them' l llnd lI' r some 01\0 to love. 1'1l., 11&4 S " IlOUII~" of hUDdred anywBY. trltlll . 117 cou'l1.-martlal and dllJlllued the Indios were It lIb ~r t... f.O como van it,hod Into the Il1Ilmown tbroup for lftftlnl willa a wandered a""lld from. rorth IIlIaln. Mlos ' ::I ella . Garnel' I blll F'rench wIndow, autt "1u·biiD. this DWUler! 111 and Mq OD de laulbod lIenalr. · and • cbatted, and ,!!tilt m011rns h('.f alamollll.. . ~.._ ••• bat _ a walUa' ·walr ,·u • •m~~c• . would be bun' wit' th' ...
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III \.,. IJt·,lhlll, u·e qui ·k l.v rl!li ved if I 1.... 1 1"001limll·d t,b r.QU1edy .
i t. "'II hl'nl'Cic' ill l o\lfl quio l. In'.rhl\t ra Itp iJl)l Il1 I' 1.I\(l1 e Ii' lie) dOUbt n,nd it
'in'~:he uhjoct f 111 'Il l! i" t t-ltncly :~":';I~ !!tf~::I~i~),:~.e ~~\. ~b~~\I,~~o~:,(\r ~__ _ _ _ ~__ lilt: hl:"hkr. lIr t lb. hi t l ) t'S t.f tit, ~'t' illUlI ~ ,·ociClt .r _ _~_ ~"'-=...."..._=_-= lac ki,IIIC\'S lhl;'"" .. I,,·. t ok the }len f \I ~llIdif' pl'lI rr bre"k do wlI (llld _ _ _, r · -.......-_-::.::.It ..:;~• \\',I ;;lc o\\,li)' cell loy ~d1. l ut eroj,lt In th pro(]uo tlnu of Mil beth Ilntl whlf)h it; YUl lllll,lu l),) th fl'll llJ tho !lI 'lIllI· ~l . will to wri 0 his s nJ)lIm c\rlltl1(1t io CI'PII btl g h' on /l.f, UI:\llch!r Irlluhk< "".1I 0 S1 al~\'n}s I C~UIt R(lll.Ool Hull by local t alent, Januur y ;10 Ilncl :U, continu es t.o ill 1'1"1\80 rind point (IE ,; 'curing Il .bett.{\r aI1",,,ul~ c lll e llllH Ihe kltlIlC'~ IIl1d tions. Only ir WIIIt r 8 ott '0\11\1 1\(rulu kuowl t 1 .1 ' 'm' is I.>l.;I lI e (\ ,/ulCkcst hy 1\ 'prI'l'cr pr S u pro • n,\I) ~Ir.vJlJ I, I!l, OHIO pp~ /I nrE' t in t crowI1 u h U os WIll b pre~out ellch ovenm{ huve written Wll verl:-o X I) \ ' Is. IrCII lIm'lll of tile k i, JI(; ;. t1gu or t'li rIlLl (IIIIlI(-ll~tl l prinoip les yS. J f };OU II rc f~cl· II t ~ will . b Oil n Ie n t J 1\ nney ' 1'1 <irug !It(lre IlS follows R!'~:UlAL "1 ll Hnrrlllt t Beeche r ' tow', ~('Uilk tUI: . h!ldly yO!! ('1U1 IIlnk' tto ltIl. flo : n \Vbi h 111(' Tlllig lOIJ i .. hll sll11. For the DISKASKI!o O f/' WOMEN la\:c by flrst, night ·s p erforullIu oe, Ii tone 0' I ck Friday afterno I n1.:ln~ i)r. Io:lllll er's S wamp . ~oot, on .fa nuo.r Ute. y 25th \1 . 1' 1 W al one could have dugu rJ'eolye d lJ gr,,"t 51l1l~ . hel , pful AlW in \I 1"I1l1I JiI (lI'llI',I' \\'ny. ,U (!I':N . " .' . ki c1 ue,·, li\',,(' uttd hI.1I1L1c, r~n,,!, ly. tOl 8 o(lud nIght perform a nce, . , ellt, Will be on lUll e. ntnnlu Y...},lIlunry 'rho III'l:!t lII ul"tin g of th u loca l ----== 80uthe rn 1)lontali on kitcl!en. witb Itcorr cct~ illn"il it)' to hul,l urille :lml 2nth .ut oue o·clonk =~== . oil' I . Wll~ held lit tb., ·Frt l'n I,. 1:]01110 its darklos nn d d og~, 'bllfo'd e \VII ," scnldill/: pllill 111 I'n ~~illJ.: it. 111111 mer· C Olll ~S I hilt Hllllic '''lit n '~" li il)' " f !JCII'): eune-tl ll Y we l1in ~ nnei pr,well of •James TbO;llpson' s '" 1rI1 p"lutin g (' IIIl>cllc,1 to g ofl 'n th N/ugh I!'I: <llly, Story of Play . LUnch Inter \. ~ lf'I' l i ll g>l WIll h in the 8ea!lOnS, IIr inlmitn lJlo . .But amlt gut ul> lIIan' Iilllel' CIIlI' III~ lhe h ill 1llU1,thl y. lind tht! lJ('xt "[lIbel' where is t.he 11ving poot, or o'l"en R nil{llt. "fhe mild lint! the extmonlillnry When tfte sons f Cnmlte were ruli ng in . En.r:rlaml, Dunmm ~fTcct of S\\'(l IIIp.Roo i ~ ~(l01\ rcnli Lcd. was In:; will .)oom· " t lllu leOIIl !) o)f.1 prose writer who will or oon give lt slll ut!s the highestl tor IG. it~ wonde rf ul king of cotland . On of his thanes, MacdonwaJd , h:l(\ !'cbell d against Oay to the w orld a p n pirtnre of t,lle CUrl" of the lJIost \li strc ~ illg cnse~ . .Tllltrlf'.\· him. and was recejv. l ng help from t he King of Norway :'i\\,nlllp. Th ' I' b Ilion Rool is plCn;;(llll to lake ,,\11118 mncl scene. t.lle !ltop I\nd plush of 80ld by nil No. 1 11 rll).(gi ~l ~· in fifty-ct: ut and WM crush d by Macbe th and Banquo , the for mer of wh om wus Duncan 's the wint r of l !lOG ';' In tbi lelight: 11IIC-llollllr >izl: I.>{)lllc~ .. \'011 ilia,· hal'e n cousin. While t'eturni ng from the wnr to r eport the ir s uc<1ess to' Duncan Distance No. 69 -3r , rilllll ple hoWl> uf ,hin wonderful ' Il c\\, dis· fnl olimn.te of onrs? CO"~ ry I1l1lt a book lhat l e ll s 11 11 nOO1I1 it . they III et thl' e witches on a heath , who salute Macb th b,· his own titi 'l'I AYNfSVILL~, OHIO hOlh scnt free lJy m ail. AUll rcss,·Ur. Kil· 0'( Thane of Glami ,nnll a lso as 'rhnn of awclot' . and t~il him that ne G.ranch BUice. Harvevsburg, 0, IIIcr & Co., lIin).(bnl)lioll , . ". \'. When .West ern Star Again \\'ritin~ mcntion rCll~ling lh ls gellcroll s da y- h will be h'in ",. To Banq uo they promi e that his de. ccnden ts shall b kings t hough he will not him Ii wear t h cl·own. No soonel' have III lbis p'Iper. n OU't Ch anges Hand s . ofTer nllY t he 11I 1~t I" C, IJUtrclltc tu hcrlh 'u" m\\Iakc e,Swallt p' witches vanish than t.he Thane of Ross me ' ls Ma 'beth, and in Duncan 's . Ro t, Dr. Kilmer's Swo mp.l{oO l, nlHI the nam I . gives him th title of Thane of Cawdor . This I'apid fu lfillll ent The followi ng It m 0 n erning nu(1rcss, Biugb mioll , '. Y., of 011 every the words th We tern Stur was wri tten Rnd bOltle. of the witches startles Macbet h, und he a t on e thinks of mal!· ing the rest come tru~! by murd Dum:an and siezing th e thl'one. plllcell in type for lust, we k, iSllue ~~!!I!!!!~~~~~~~~!!'!'!~ H ~~' sends to his wif an a(!coun t of what has happen ed, and sh to or the Gazette . o makes • up Conc ernin g her mind t hat he shall have the whole of what t he witches hav AI beth 1ll1rtie~ In t,he case assert. pt'omiseu Form er Resid ents him. Duncan come to spend the n ight at Macbet h 's castle, arid then and bnckaches, thnt ed tbat DO deal bad been made t ·the ·tired fc oliuJ{. nb,enc(: of Macbet h h itates to c:arry out his dark PUt"pose. At length. ,·tung item Wltll held (lver, since th n we by his appetite , an d e,'<ireme ,\r' ion of d~gcswife's tuunts, have re~iv e d a nnmoe r of reports h n el'VI~S him ' elf to the deed. amI mUl'Cler s his g UCl t. Mal - nervous ness that so Mr. Il'ld Mrs. Clifl' Pritcha rd, i.' ol1 tl'011 d by com and Donalb ain. the sons of Duncan , flee fl'om the plae '. regllrdi nf( t.he deal and US there op· (Miss Fa.noi ly affiict you . , and t h frequenl Wny) nod t.wo bright 11(,1'\'(' 8 ' lc;ndillg' to the meau th t you nrc report is spread that they had incited the king' guards to c(lmmi rs to be very httle donbt that it little chllure t the b ilious .. u, o.f Leaven worth, murder . tOil!, (·h. \ h('n they ~""'--~"'h~s· a ·""'"·one throng h or at any rnte it . B [ijousnes s is C:lused Kllnsall. will !\ojonrn tem porarily 1\ t w('al:: I 1(' .·jl}.1uR(·h i by a 'badly disordered or 1 Macbet h is n w crowne d king, but i ' uneasy because of t he will 0 thooug~, we are giving our ~nrker, promi e Arlzoni a, wher e Mr. Pritoh · prh' d f it ~ Cller!!. \' . lhe benefit of .it. I.\nllms be n !lent to do some work made by th e witches to Banquo . To rid him elf of t.his tl'ouble hearrun gCald~r~U's I S for Banquo and Fle.a nce, his on, to be murder lin ' no puW 1· ~o (10 its ed. The ra ther Tbe Welit.ttr.D StIlt of Lebano n, in his profe slOt] t bot of civil en· fall .. but (L n.t<a"_ the on escape . At a great banque t held the ame nigh!" Macbet " ·O l' k. It .Vtnt 'wau t p 1'the elcle t PIIPti n Warren county . glneerin g, The family i~ anticip at. that h lhink he th gh08t of Banq uo, and horrifie : lhe gues by' hi cries. Illmwllt J' lid, y01l lllU t has been dis sed of by Barold in R II cleJigb t ful Il on of camp life .I. Pauly and F. . Housew orth, who in tbe mil] 6lillJllte uf Ari7.ooll, n Th e next day he visits the wit hes, and in thei r ca, e m i warn d against acts instnnUyand effectively on tbellver ]'(' .j OI'C . th i II '1; rv. Dr. Macduf f, held the control ling interes t, to J. hope t.hllt il.! eohoed by the bell.rts comfor teda thane who wOllld no t giye his suppor t to the. usupel', bue is -reinl'i~\lmt"s and strengtl.'cns it 'And '\J it 's .:.~ en ill' tore~ by t he assUl'an c s that no <ine born of woman shall hllrm him, restores It to per!e~t condltl.on. of t beir mllny friends. M. Mulford. nct'\' 111. (,1I0 I'g .\' . null gives . .1 . h • d t'l l B' " r d and that he shall never be vanqUls e I remarkable " Irtue o( th,s wonderImum VI 00 .Im II com to fulThe Mr. Mulfor d Is well known in remedy 1he ,,' 1/',\11. ) wet· to pc:rllll/< been demonst rated In DUll iane Hill. He seizes the castle of Macd uff, and puta to d 'ath his Warren oounty, having '!,Jeen at one wife { ho\lsnndso fins~n nces , and It will work f lTl'I tl1 'il' ru ne· i '1§. and children Ma duff himself has fled to Englan d and 'with Malcolm wonders 1\11'8. ()hal'lty Ann Scrogg y, wid· in clcn,nsll1g aud settlug your . time 8uperin tendent of sohool ut ' . ' . . . j'Fur 'whole mn n~' "tIl ", " wntl t~ ncut syscem anght. . 0\\' of Georg B. or oggy , dletl ut Duncan 's eldest ' 011, ' ana Slwaru , Earl of NOl'thu mbna. IS planmn g the Allrl~f ·,·. 'r 'I"U1; 1 iU i r\ ull :-l In dlgt'tullm ; .nt Harvey sburg. Its goOd e[ects nre plmnnnent. , ttnlf I ~, ."i ~ u~'!"' pOll(] nt IIt~\ ~"'Nnf'd overthr ow of. ~facbet h. Of late year" he bn s been engage d her home, iu Fra nkfort., '1 " l'l' ,II n. I 1\'1,1(1 fll -klnuM or DR.CALDWELL 'S SYRCP PE PSIN r,,1f' mlll('dlt'toI The ~t rain of lhese IUltl \"1\l'h)u~ l )hystcinntt with tel'l'ible event has shatter ' lUldny ed , the m orning, Janua.r y (I, froUl strong mind of Lady can be~btnined in both d Hnt nnd balf· IItttl' In busines s at Columb ns, hiougo", I ~n I'r l h r. unO \I n n1.'fht ln~t Macbet h; she walks i'n 'her sleep, talkin~ of the g uilty SCCl'<!ts I 1"" n 'l ' I Ru ,," 1 I', J\t lh\j4' N (' rv lnOilJl9 the. infirmi ties of hidden nge, havinlt in do~~nr SIWS froUl ~llll db,'ugglrsls 'a d if It 1 h ·t, rt ("' \I1'ft lI~h' llr tl!'lptL 1. r(l~t1 h' ftl tt' !lnd later aWl at Dayton . He is lived ' r t, anel " Eng-Its h h . 1 be d l' hea . I 1;>efol'e h I ~Ul H"t • our th i )"", JO\I ~'('1 t"ln l . arm y as surrOUllu thell' cast e s e does notmoney \\'l~ic h I (lId In oredite d with being an nble writer m ore tlllln c.lnety Liree.y IIrB. benefit WI you. e ra Ull e t II Pl l:'l" t p~~ , \ l\ \iIIO b OUl e ot N ervln " (l UU n il ... " I' I f."i, ... t ·iJrf\. III a f f' \\' dnlttt ~lrH. 'craggy W II. 'tho daught er di . Macbet h "PI' pare to meet them, bu t is cowed when a report i and Ito newsP! lper mn,n of ability. I h"-'Jmll Ltl f 'fIo1 1",tuw. which nobur .. brough t to him that Birnam Woou is com ing to Dun iane Rill. nh' 41 IO C' ' 0 m ilc h Ih lll 1 c:ontlnu~ tho The Eng:.. It Is underst ood that Messrs . of .Joh n AntfBlll IlUd was lJorn near m,'f:II ,' lnc ,min I h Ull tn)H/Il T1101'U thnn !ish sold iers hay cut down bl'anche ' of t lie tl'ees. and al'e carryin g them 11 doz r." b "It,.. Pauly ond Housew orth . will OlOY? ~V illohester West , rirginia , but J n In "~rr mlluh 11Jlfi r \ ' (· ~f In (, \'n l' wnYi In h Q(ly. mind to conceal their numbe rs. The words of the wi tches are now 'lom ing tl'Ue ounty. Ohio, . to Oklaho ma and t.ake advant age of clime to Warren IUltl ~ph' lI o: l'l'l"', [ m llk l ' 8pQulnl in an unexpec ted \~ay, and Macduff. whp was not born of womaN, ell \t til l't "' ''~ I ''tHmd t h"'- mt 111 Inr ana the many opportu whidl thtl.t when y ry YOll ug and WlIS l'eillted end~ PEPSII~ SYRUP CO• . f,l p ) H :&' ;'1('" l'lt·n~hra Jl \ kno wing the tragedy uy s laying Macbet h in baWe. tha t 8 C' \ ',ll '1 1 Ilt\ l~f}nA 1 1I 1\t ~ h t"," n 1)e necotland is fr ed from the Montloo llo, IIl1nol. new coun$ry aifords.- The good t o tUany people who live in tili Ilnd fi w d ll l l""t.1 I~t, ' '''\. r OI 'ornmpnd ntlons." tyrant, and Malcolm is crowne d king. . \ . S. 1Jll~L'J'ON . A" It\' lIIe, N. C. Clinton For SuI by ,1; B. •Tnnney . countie s. Her marriag e . Wishes of their journnl istio breth. Dr. Mlle.' Nervlne I• •old by YOUI' took place in Barvey sbnrg, In.nultr y ren will follow them to their new druQ(, llt. who wi ll guar. ntee that the fi rs t b~ tt l" wIll benefit. If It falll, h. Cast of Chara cters. 21, 1 35. Ont of Il fnmily of seven . field. wil l refund your money. ohlld ren but two survIve their Dun can , I ing of Scotlan d, ., ... ,. . . . . . . . . .. FI·od B. herwood. m other Miss EIi<lilbe th 'oroggy , M.alcolm. ! on of Duncan Chamb erlain's . Cough Remed y it who. e 'home was with ber Adelbe rt M. M.cKay. MUM ·mother . Donalb atn \ ., . . . . . ... . ..... , i Raymon d Williamson . Bate Medioine for Childre n. (lncl Joseph , wbose resi dence iB in Macbelh (Genc ra ls of th King's Army In buying a. oough me4licine for Frnnkfo rt,lndla nll.. \ 'Jell cLewis . W, PO> tn",,,""b ". Banquo . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . i F. C. Sch wartz. obildre n, neVRr be Ilfraid to buy Althou gh II birthrig ht membol' Macduf f t bre )Jar .. nt, L) r nnnnOl Oil 1 so Oombed Brown Leghor n Chamb erlnin's Cough . Remed y. of the Sooi('lt.y of Friend . RUR.~el1 Parlett. lie unit. Lenox II vlllg I\coonn ts.· l'h' Noblem 1 1lI0ney en of roo cotland ters. '1'. U. ~AYLOR, Spring . ...... . . ... . . . ) Harold Howell. There is no danger frop} it, and r eo ed with the United Brethre n (:hurch Ross is suujeot to YQllr clLl\ lit IIn.v VlIlIey. Post I)ffloe addrese -R. F. O. ( Raymond Marlat t. lief is nlways sure to follow. It is I' n early life nnd wns a clev oted FI ane ' , 'Banquo's'on . .. -time, bot; mu t r emn ill wit.l.c us intende d especia lly for cQughs . .. .. . . . . •... . . . ... . .. . . Raymon d Davis. 4 Xenia, Ohio. tj28 oolds,o ronp ancl wboopi ' ng oough, ollristin n until the end, r etjlinln g S0lei ler six months or longer In ord r . J I Th . ..... ....... . .... . . .... .. .... . ... . .. . , . . . . . osep 1 ompson . und there is no better ~edicine in still IUllny of t.he instino ts to draw interflst . Begin sy teo and poll. Lady Macb th .. . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ..... .. . .. . ... the world for these dlsCIIses. It i s . . ... :Olive PaL'Shall. f hIt . I mutio BIL vlng . On d nnr wtll Lady Macduff . . .... ..... . ... . ... . .. . .... .. .. . . . . ... . .. .. . . Blanch Blld StoDluoh Trouble Cured. not ouly a certain cure for croup, C1es 0 er ear y rn.tO. ng. Zell. , HI start an Ilccoun t, (jail nnd eo ' but, when given as soon itS t~e BILving been slok for the two ~ e eQ- Stokes Sho ~osse sed \I remILrk !I~IY. Wi tches . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . us. Look ov r the Souven ir I.nd . . . .. . .. . , . . . . . .... , . . , . . . . Eona Zell. . oronpy cough appellrs , will preven t uright mind, ~be full use past yellrs with a bad 8tomao~ troG._ _ of wllloh . . Bume.C oming E(lition of tJle Blanch Zell. ' tlie attack. Whooping oough Is; not di d not forsltk e lier nntll ble, n. f~lend save me !I. do~ I)f Oht(: tile end. f\,pparati ons . . . . . . . . . . , ... .. ........ . . ...... , ....... '.' . .. . . mbQrltull's Stomao h Rod Liver. • b. 81ie Zell. M.mDlI Uaz~tte PII~e <Ill un~l se.e J lets. . en danger ous when remedy Is ~iv. I: I ~!'!!"!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!! SiwaL'd, Bal'l of NOl'thumberlan as dlreote They did me 80 muoh gQodth at d . ItUlis contain s no opIum d, Gen eral of E;nglish fO\'ces', Young SiWllO onr Dlreoto rs unfl Officers or other barmfn l' drngs, lind ml~y b I bought a 'oottle- of them' aDd b"ve warli liis son: Seyton, one of Macbet h's officers; Gentlew oman servant 11 e. Thaokl ng you · for pust mimi tWfllve boUles In all. TQday I of given as confide ntly to a baby liS .t o ~. " " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' 7 ' ' ~ Lady Macbet h: B y. Macduf f' s son: Doctor; POl'ter; fa vora we solioit your Jltltron. an ndult. for sllle 'by J . E J,lDney ' ~ IIDl wpl\ of 1\ had stomao h trouble. Lords; Gentlem en; . ~ Soldier .; Murder ers: ~tt!!ndantll; Messen gel's; lc. Mrs. J.ohn Lowe, Cooper, ' ag'~n'E CI'l'IZH:NB BA~ ~JNQ Uo. ' These tllblRt.s are tor sale by 14I,me. J. E. ~ W ' II 0 .r'LOney . .LUK ENS, Chnrmi ng Women . , Third Numb er of . . PHYSIOIAN ANO ' so nO I£ON, Nothin g londs more t,o J1~rson lll Utica Lectu re Cours e. OFFIOE charm thnn Il ulollr ro, y ~l(\n I\ml IN AMAN DJ.,() ~ ~ \:) !!!!S!'!!"!!!'!!"!!o!'!!"!!-!!!u!!!!'!!!!!!,!!!,v· !'!!"!!!!!@!!! . ___ _ _ _ __ !!! · !!!'!!!!!J'!!!J'!!!J·!!!·!!!r!!! ~ .! !! nothing is ~o sure to free the kin I . frorn moth 8J1ots, all () wne~ s ' flnd 'I'he bes t Oysters Mise Mllr.IO M..onfor t \vlll fllrlllsh .Cnre of Lmig Troubl o. tile effe til of' chronic oonst.ipation the elltertulnDlAnt on t,he Uttca Solid Mc'a ure, no wuter. L ee· liS the Dlliuty LlCxalwl~~ tonio 't llu- ture oourse Thursd "It is .now eleven " yenf!~ since 1 ny evening Jon. Oti sft t!ld. Me., "I Ilpply Bllokle n's Fres h CelerY -Cranb e rries ct.q , ;lIJ centll. J . E. ,Jnnl1ey . Arnico. i:;alve. lin va IIlso 1lsed it for had n. narrow escape from consull lp. uary :li. in the U. B; church . slLlt 'rheum with exoelle nt results ." tion," writes C . . O. Floyd, II lend · - - ---,S weet Potatoes . }\If~s Monfor t is ' II. well known Gun·ran teed ·t o cure feVer !<Ore!!, log busines s man o( Kersha w. S .. U.· in: . Cabbalr e Presi dent Child ren's realler, nnd an evening spent with dolent uloers, piles, burns, wOl1l:\de, "I had run down in weight t o 1;$/) ~ AppJc s--Oni ons pounds , and coughin g WAS constan t . frost bites and skin disea~es . 250 at.· 1:10me is Dead. her will not only be delight ful but F. C. Sohwar both by du.y lind by night. FinuUy I tz drug store . . profit<lule in the higbest degree; wect Floridn Orange s , " , , . , . began taking Dr. King's New DIS. . CaIn Nava l Orange s covery, and con tinned this: ,for n,· ~ llanana s .& Lemon s ,Tasper P . Johnsol l, Preside nt of bout six 'Illont-bs, when my. cough ~ ___ the Bourd of Trustee s of tile War. i } \ ., nnd lung trouble were entiroly gone ~ N. Y. Buckw heat flour reu cO. lln.ty tJhildre n 's H'oqle, a Iifej .ond I was restore d to my normltl weight ·170 ponnds ." Thousa nds of ' Lima ficans ' . long olti.zen of Le b Ilnon an d. we II persons are healed every . yellr , Red.Kidney Bea ns known throug.b out tlie county died GllJlrtLnteed lit F. C. Sohwnrt~'s Marrow fat Beans Wednes day evening from oonsum p· drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial . . Navy Beans. - tton. !' .". ;r-' •• .'~ . . ' ANO P&,\L-El t ollll bbttle tree. .' -·Mr. Johnso n wils for 111any Years Prunes -Peach es-Apr icots tL membe r of the Briard of 'trustee s ;~. • • AT:fl A W AY , hrLving i~ chn.r ge the Ubildre u's Paxing Teleph one in his house where : BOme and was for a It'ng time Its Wayne sville'. Leadin g Dentist e&n be called at nil bours, dn.y 0\ Preside nt . 'l'fttce in Keye Bldg Mllin St. night. (Jooobes and ohain !1upplfe'd.. for Eg'gs. The Right' Name . J,ltip'l'Ove Ilnd Beautif y ~be CJoIilplex. I at Bn,ve ' recentl y moved to rO(lm Mr. Au~st Sharpe , tbe POPUlar., .~ I I l ' ion'OOi t I ' D . next to Cr08S Bros . ,OTe rl.lee r of the l!?Oor. IlKtlj'i'or,t MNndi. J. .." pr no pa. lDgr en ·s n am· _.alA n~ !lTItIilIti~ .• • \V Al111!It18VIL.L'II' aOD, Ia., saYI!: ty. !Axllikola tonic r. ·. tablets are cos· ng 8 Life Pills are rightly . named ; they The pcrtoDat recomm~ndatioll ClfIrln and dnndeli on whioh is one of a 01 ,..,. , act more .a greeahl y, do more good pIe who have been cured of . .gha . . 'The Prl~ of Peace. latest comple xion bea.u tlfiers ~ . uad OF ('OUR!:;E &nd make one feel better tban any colds by Chamberlain'a .c;:oaaIl JrnaWD. Forty little chocola te coat~ The , terrible itc"lng and . oUler laxativ e." GUlU'aateed to lea d 'ulaxa tive tablets, ~Ii oen~. J. E. mdre than all else to KIA_It a mg, lnolden t to l,lertalnJlk1n dtlMias _ OUIDIl!II and oo·Dstlp ation. ve one Oil, ill almOl~ iDlltllntly allayed . by ~~~ 25c as F. O. Schwar tz dnllst ore' . ataplll article of ~e and commer ce . . Ilpplrtn 8 Chamb erlalQ'a , Salve • large lII'" of the civilized WIIIM. Prtoe,DG ~te. .. '. '. •
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Coun ty Court News .
Estllc[e of Mllry E. tl'v o n ~. Ih1 r lloords for OIerk ........ . 7 50 In' the matter of transfe rring f oDll ! . olluRed . Invento ry ami I1pprllltl ~m(\, fee lind oash book to the County Officers' Fee FuntlR lII Efnt fI N . • (or olork .... ... ......... . .. :n 00 In accorda noe with Sec. 7, O. L . Vol . J Em mil E. Lo>we,' Itdm l lli ~tl·/lt.l·ix.., 8 22 I) ~, dage 91. Mr. AnderRoP movod, . " "me, \1 \ \ SamullI A . Ellis VII Jnm~" ··A ) li n k !\ f or 0 1er k ...... of the e"tllte of Robeootl B . j,IIWl' 8eoonde d by Mr. Rog er s, tlllLt $nr.O . · Moor e. Aotloll for monev~, ;lmouDI FlI 'nI P, docllPt. and mdso for 211 75 be trrnsfe rred from th e JudioH1 1 oillimed $ 2273,74 wittL il·ttl.rell t: IInrJ dl'censll d. VI! UbllTles E . Lowl' t III Ol erk .......... ........... ... . Fund to the Sheriff s F ell Fund, 1600 foreuloslU b of mortgll t;e on 20i Wuivtw of 1I11llUOns filed . J , O. Weisen berger , dllm. from the Judicia l Fnlld to the Iu [,he m il ttel' uf the estute or uorEl8 in Warttln Ilnd Clinl,un coun .. ~tl!'l 'for failing thro' . lerk's Fee FUll., ~790 from tho _~_ II_ I _ I:H1 VO tl8!! , Brlmllol1 , Burr oml Ivi1l8 'nf BIIlIuah A. Brown , deoellsed. Pel'. WJ_.l..L.---LlJ"-.UW-y- 0 bri dgll ........... ........... .... . 25 00 Judloill l Fund t o th e Probate l mi ssion given to t:I ·11 fivD shores ({ a tto rll AY" for plllint.iff. V"lloy Telepho ne 0 . , reuts Judge's Fee Fund u totnl ,of %1.060 1 hUIl I[ ~t o ok Itt 1\\1,000. 1l1ag azin ' ~. 'I' BIlTall M. Thompson V 8 ,J . ' H nnd tolls .... ..... .......... .. 10 00 from the ,Judlcill I Funtl. Also th'lt, Estate of J O SOI)h S. Kibbey do. O'l!!tA in State 111 Rs em~r e t u1. For monflY flntl vs Runkle .. . 14 2·1 1910 be trnnsfe rred from t.lle Cou u. oousod . M,. r.v Kl bboy Is appoint ed I' <tHY .. t h~ forecloR~T e of mortga ge; lur,onnl A contrlLO t was entered Fund to the Audito r's Fee Fund into with Iidwinit ltratrix 11m3 l(iVeR 11,000 olaimed l\\7ai 75 'with interes t BruD Seth' Greely to furnish lumber 1 and $840 from th,e \Jounty Fund to daily ' pape rR, (~ om' and dOll. Bun lind l\' iLJS nre litto Tney ~ bond . Frnnk Presley , Ow e D~. Mig . fellt or under at '2.75 per 100, 18 the Treasu rer 's F'e e Fund, Il t ota l of gint! Ilnd Andrllw Shimp Ilre up. for plalutlf t·. feet or over at 11750 from the County F und. per 100. pointed npprllis ers . . I' YOII Mary Emllllt ~tllt.flmlln V8 .Jobn It WIlS ordered that Mary Hun. redu(~;. Adjour ned to meae Thur UIl Y, ~i1"s Dmko, IIdllllnl stra~or , vs tllr be gi ven a refunde r of $6.35 ,T. Stut~mall . Divorce ; oruelty IInu Januar y 17. on neglect . Brnnjon . Burr nnd lvlnp !:lImon Fox et ul. p" rtilll distribu . aoonun t of buildin g burned . t,lon of prooeeds of IIle r 'u l ell· are nttorne y fo r plaintif f. T. C. Pat,tersoD preseDt ed his Why 8uffer frolU Rheuml lti@m 1 tate lliade. Do you gnow t·hat rheuma tisD.I ~~~~--- ~~-----bond as Sheriff, signsd by himself -~~~~~~~~ --- ' OUR1' I'ROOI!:I!:DINGS. III the mntter of lrwtl Wiles, epl . and J. M . Hayner , Wm. V. Bone, pains oan be relle17ed ? If you doubt ' leptic, ~"id person is elltitl (1 • to E. K. Sneok, Joseph H . Ott VII William Lowe W . Ft Enzrot h and P. this just try one npplicu tlon of Emmit. S. Lowe. lUI adminil lt·rator, IIdwiss ion to the OhiO B os pit~ll for V . Bone a8 sureties . The commis · Chamb erlllir 's Patin Balm . It wil) make rest and sleep possible, anel II' made 'l mrty defenda nt with Jeavp Epih~ptios . sic,ners approv ed it. The amoun t of that certain ly meuns II great. deal to file pleadin g .1anutlr y 10. 11107. &lAR RIA O II: LIOEN8E !! . to any ODe !IfHiotod with rheuma,· bonu WIlS tl0,OOO. tlsm. For 8!lla by .1 . Ill. Janney . Olilford R., Ervin , of Dayton. and D .•r. Bol1enc amp VII The Morrow (~ eo. W. Carey present ed his Ale Brewin g Compa ny. Receive r, Lllura Oummi ngs, of Frankli n. b.o:"\d In sum of $5.000 Stllple un tl FR ney Grocori cc, Frnit ~ as Corono r, J . P. Fairohi ld llut,hori7.ed to reo Squire Oorwin of Frankli n. sigCIfJlt by himself , Albert Frenoh Vogetnb l os nml '!l unaLl Goods. ~AnaNl LEBANa~! oeive mail, make oolleoti ons ote. Uuy F . Dakin, or Waynes ville and J. M. Bayner all suretie s. It 'h?;tLr IIDU Tobll '0. t:itate of Ohio VB James Thuney . and Chllrio tte A . Riokard , of W IA" IIpprov ed. DefeudllDt pleads not guilty and Springb oro. Rev C. E . Bosoh of W . ~~. MaORI,. necelver. . The aoooun ts of the two deposl . Frnnkli n. . givell bond In sum ~f ' 500. taries 'l'he Lebano n ~atlonal Bank Phone 79 • C. M. BROWN,' Propr ietor. Sberlff T . C . Patters on appoint~ REAL 1t8TA.TIIl TRANSF EH TIME CARD lin" The Citizen s Nation al Bank, F. l'. Forgy and James Follen depu wero examin ed and found to be I::~·I'F.C·I' I\·E Al'.RJL 10 , lWU, Ruth ''1'. Scheno k to The rirst ty Sherlffl lltud these appoint ments Regula r Baptist church. of Frank. conect for the month of Decemb er , Statlou. NOH'l'B.U OUNO. No. I' No, U. No, r" are approv ed by t·he Court lin, lot in Frankli n, $700, Itl the matter of determ ining who A . M. /d . PM . Hiram G. Rtansel \ vs Clnra A: Boraoe Murrav to Amand a Lypch it! entitled to the reward for re emp. L.buDon J c. Ar .g 18 11 2r, /) Ander8 0n, et ,1. tllile approv ed and ",n ",- t.., • 1>.: " ture of Benry Wbite, who escaped Shaker Cr. • •e ....p ,j.o{·f w.· .. ~ 10 1:1 ~3 I, I S ,. •. .:.c..:.. . . copflrm ed nnd dlst,r lbntion of pro· onr llalf ~ore in CroBswiok, $10. from jail, the Board deolded to hear Hllo. lyn d iN J 1 I I I I f, Iii . la YI~ . Artbur ..? ... , D. cmpstea ThLlrnll !l1 to Alpheu s S 6~ . II 1:1 5 Oil oeeds !Dade. 01a\.m8~for the same at tbe ~eeting Centerville ~ 00 II Oli r. ou A. lind Alice Bite, (l'9.62 lIores in State of Ohio vs E. W. tlnetbe n . on Januar y 21 at 1 :30 p. m. at the Manor t 7 5~ " 10 58 I ~ 52 • .' ..•• : Washin gton townyh ip, 11600. . Commissiuner s offioe. The Andlto .. Lylle Defend ant pleads no~ gnilty, . and 747 i ' .~ ~ ';~ 10 6:1 • 47 Warren O. MoWhl nney IlDd Besse Is Instruo ted to notify all gives bond for hl8 appeara dce In persons Edgewool l U H ; 10 4U I .. • ,~ H • 1 \.;: B. MoWbi nney to John B. Dougn, who have filed 0Ia!m8. . ~':; ~ \ ... .. l ' is 111 II 'H ,.,\..r. the sum of , 200. ' • Venabl. ;; lO ;JI~ {5 U ~ o I....... K h.chncr • I. (18 ;w 4 ;1 }I U~ ,,, 1,)'. {' I f 1 loti! In Frlinkll n, $6500. ' L . Thll .. 8mith· Premel t. · r Type. m: i 1\" Benjam in EVlinll V8 y:; ua •. '4 th Dodd. ' ln03~ .. :IU If() 41 4 ~n Robert· B. • . , ~ D . .' Scott ..... .:.~li7lind oJ< ., Susie F. 4-: Scott ..0:--= to write Co. , typewr iter C" tln,' '-.\ ~ • . _ r ' ..,., .ct 6i\Hn u ' f or Bridges et a1. Cau8e dismiss ed . /. L.. Lel.and ,l t'; 211 HO a2 . 4 ell ':'I J qhn TeJ;llplin, 30 IUlres in Bllrllin ···.t· '+1;' F..\'i 7:'J~ '1 ..V ~ ~ r\ . .,'" . .. ~. for olerk's offioo .. .......... ... 107' GO Lebanou-Lv . ~ ~u 10 2. pH..... 1 I.... . !j:'t!,\, ('fe. bh ! a ~l cs State of Ollie> V8 Sadie Freema n towllsh lp, : IlIlS50. ~ ~U ':;:;;~ , ~'~. f.;!-.(' ~ (V .-.h. rlt;-.... ·" 11 :,,1 (·1 · I, '''''lil • liS . IllG~" 1.:,,1 un Dewey Bros. Co.,oem ent... 60 C Ii & D D x,· eli " )) Dl1fllnd u'lt. plelids not guilty and is . ,.' ~ . . ~ . ~. • . .. • . "' J ....... '" "._J' ' ':0 I 1.1'(1 (\ t.;!! ..; 'i.'(J:. .Tosbua Brinlng or, .by ~hcriff to RUigle8 Gale 00., mdse ' IJUt' JUU1 . . !P' U$ , ,•• :,' ILl. Dayton • • .. I ~ 9 40 senteocet:l to be impriso ned in t.he H 00 ~ "f t~l n f>5 :1 \';~l'In Ol;X1' ,. I .: D ' X T C. W. lind A. S. ·B rininge r, 100 . fllr Audito r,........ . ........ ~ II : .; ~.. .... 4 80 I:Jtate .penlten tiary for 8even years Il 00 II 00 acres In Frllnkli n town@hip, (.9GOO. W. F. Eltzrot h, defendi ng . ....M CAN . l1-' ~~if iT . OURSELF' at bard 'Jabor. S U THDO UNL>. , ... th .r ... lip': \ ., in I I,\I,, \l r l·U. Jl d Ifl'\ not r l'lp:irl' i1ll1 nl lu ~i1es Drake. admini strator of the g" " .. )). Renry White, Indigen t a ' 11111-d , :. 1 1 ~ t ILL ~, Hl t t ... tlay ft, r LI'O J Itll ph.!,J UII I'l,-:r II r. J"t tlteeph Luee vs 8. C. Thomp son . A . M . t' . M . P . M . \ h It J kl~ l, . 4)"0 00 L ea\'c etltl1te of John U. Fox, deoease d, to N o '2 - S"o 4 a N n IlQ u prlsone r . ... ......... ........... "8'" alnq .. .. . Econo y." Dayton : en · D Calle d.smlss ed. r,O. ' A. King, 116 tlores in Dellrt1eld L. K . Langdo n, .defend ing l'''.. . For Sale By SPEN CER & MONROE ~-_. Davton : D&X1'OUO S OO L. Eljssa Baker V8 Char It's Fit~ to n p, 19409.40. ~, Ol\ w 8ltl lfenry Wbite, indigen t '~':'~i __ 2::?:-- ~ , ~ OREGONIA, OHIO. Leban u J c . ~ ~o ~ au r. .4G gtllald et a I. Case disrr..is88d . - 'csg~. priHoner ........... .... .......... 250 00 bal,er roSslng ~:I:J ~ ·~a Robert Bridges and Mllry A [T IS THE Korl i B . Cllidwell 888lgnee In Bridges "KNO R. W J HOW . Shawha " n, IUIsistin ~2 :1': g Boxlyn ts a7 to Beojum in Evan8 and Hempstead 'trullt felr thA bt'nefit of t.he oredi· K~ I r, .1 0 j n the manu factur ing of Pal'oid that SHO o E. Young in prose· Mllry S. EV(IDS, lot in Barvey sburg makes it the Cen\cn'l Ile ;. fiO to~8 or JlIoob Fox lind ChArlel' Fox, C ll tinl{ Henry White ...... most 137(; 550 00 Manor econo mical a.nd sati factor " 0 y U~ roofin g or siding PA.r tnertl V8 Maggie TIlton . PIau' 'Ly tle o O~ a () ~ ~ 07 MILry A. Miltenb erger to. The 'rrll .• tees of Public Affairs, mater ial on the marke t. Both . tiff ordered to 81ve seourl ty for fire proof and weath er IG 54 E<lgtwoo d "3 1)6 '"11 Ott "'0 10 MethOiJillt Bome' for tbe Aged In . - Ii~ht for jail to Jan. 1.. ... proof.. You get full value received if ybu buy Venable oolts. 'p 011 ~:t 00 CU 14 Same, light. for Court Ro~se Cincinn ati , OhiO, 104 acres t:!80tlons 21 86 Klt.bner tlJ 11 1:1 )) .111 III Faroid. Henry S LlvlDgst-on V8 George B. 32 and 33 '1' 4. R Same, light for Court ........ . 21 56 Dodds ' to I~ '" R R ti, $1. :1 1:1 16 1U Thlrkte ld et al. CII8e dismiss ed Same, water·r 5 2G Leland ent ........... ..... . III ":1 .3 :!!! 16 2 Nettie V. 'Edwar ds to Kate C. \ROID ROOFING PAIN T. Lebanon Arrh'c fI 30 a 3 0 withou t record. " 40 Gitbeos / one· third .interes t. In 72 F. W. Thomp son, lamps and Mak:s old roofs new. Good on any kind of roof. Dally exnept. Su,rttlny. ;: lOp on ~ 1 ~ r"'1 supplie s for Sheriff 's re81· ·W: 'F. Eltzrot h et al VI! Wi11illm aores iu Clellaor eek townsh ip. $550. dl'noe ...... .......... ........... . .. ¥tlenkn lloht. Cue di8mI8~ed. 8 22 O 'l!' FloUl mill has been newly remodeled and the Sllme,. same for t ourt Houlle "'-"-_~':'w"'_ .. _ of Frankli n v~ J . J. Gal· ~ ~Oa, m . o4';" \,. In qualit y of our flour is better than ever. . Stl~kalt'a Pen 00.. mdse for o Ol a . m Soutbbound 7 oap. (';om imssi oners ' . . I . Audito r ...... :............ ....... .. Proce eding s Sa me, .supplie s for P. J .. .... . 0., . R. ~. Robins on V8 C. A. Crocket . Same, mdse for Survey or .... . Defend ant haK·lea ve to file answer 8a1l1e, tildee for iWoord er .... . Jilnuar y 7, 1907. 4 50 Insure Against Acci. fortb~lth . Sawe, · supplie s 'for Court T .,O. Patters 13 on, 00 jail fees ..... 1 Tlie North West Thre8h er CQ., VI! dents and III Healt h Stenog rapber ... .. ........... .. . 6 76 •. B. tUdes. Demur rer 88 to flnt .T . 0. Patters on, lJOllrding C. B. Mounts et al. oosts In pri80ne r8 ........... ..... ·· .. 91) 10 pound sustain ed. CIUies No. 104S1 and 10167 21 44 The Aetna Life Insuran ce Co. will W. H. Antram , 200 10 Keiser and Bo/1aberg vs Willtlim Geo. E . Young, prosecu ting issue you a polioy by whioh you will stllmde .. :........... .. .. .... . 2 00 B. Gregg. Cass dismiss ed'. nttorne y, ousts ' for Dereceive a stated sum per week in R. B. Smith" ooalfor lall.. 22 80 Marv E. Stutsm lln VII John J. Lebano n Gas U., glis oember ........... ........... .... . 5 57 Ca8e of aooiden t or sloknes s. For for Stutsm an. Servio!) by publioa tion Ii 3S Enterpr ise Printin g Co., particu lars see Fred B. ' Sh~rwood jlill ........... ........... . ..... . ordered , p\\blish ing notioe abont Locol AgeQt . W . H. Hoppin g, oontrac t . State of Ohio ex reI Fred Snider dog tIlX .. ..... : ........... ...... . •for fioor in Court Beuse 101 bO 1 00 VB Martfu" A. ,fameso n, ,lu1Itloe of .Mason Lumbe r Co., lumber 9 36 Brown & 110Ktl.Y, Bame ..... . 1 00 1 PeaCe in and for Turtleo reeit town· Xenia City 1 00 Residence and Busin ess Lel"lno ti Ptl.triot, ........... . .. . ELA(· K- Alw:. ys f:ood t~s te. a pprop ria te Oil all occas ions. Work aouse I ship. Peromp tory .vrit allowed , to , boarsUn g prisone rs .... .. becomi ng to everybody. 1\ 'Gl' W. H . Antram , 100 20 Prope rty for Sale. t.sue . Jas . 1l0uRh man, hauling .. .. . stAmps for P .•1 ... ... : ..... .. . 9 ~O 2 00 ~15' Bla,k S uits have not me l t plr equal In this cl(y. J . F. Riob, 0 ~al 'f or .Oourt William Griffith V8 Ide. Belle The Weat'orn 8tar( ptinting U ' 1/1 Chev lo t ~, T hloets. U nflllishe d W " rst ed. A very desirab le business IJ1nce in. for tlherUJ ........... ...... . 7, 00 Griffith . 'Dlvoro e: ~bsenoe. P8rti~s Rouse .......... .......... ... .... . 56 50 Lytle for sale. i . L . William son's were married ' Fellrna ry ·22, .1880, Same, 8~lltidnery for Re· Jall1es. Follen, ,Sr," aBound JEFFE RSON propert y and stock of glrocerills . H e , and 'h ave four ohlldre n: Plllintif f .' oorder ...... .... .. ..... :.: .. . . 2 00 quarter 's salary as Ltl.w offers hi8 propert Bame, printin g bllr dockettl 40 00 y and stook lit n • ~)1egel Uie derendu nt has been Llbrarl au ...•..... : .. .......... . 100 00 very reasona ble prioe. Calland see • wllfnlly" absent more than thrtls B. p, Rawl!)s, mdse for C. Jno. W . jone~, oiling floors ' for yoursel f at his place of busines s . ........ ........ ........ ........ y_r~. Willard J. Wright is attor : ........ , ...... ~. of • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i:l ......... :.. ;............... .. .17 05 nt Court HOllBe, ...... ~ ... :... 6 2& , t j 22 S. L. WILt41AMSON. Dey ,for ·plalnt.UJ. W. E. Johnso n, makipg - - , - ' - - - - ~-- . Jall~e8 O. 'Mltohe \l, serv\oe s . . plat In .White· Mila ...... G7 75 IlII lufirDlIli'y1Jlreotor .... :. 45 45 And.rew D: Shultz vs W"de 8 .. l..oebllnon Rousf'. meals for 8rown et al. AppejlJ bond fixed at JOhli Wolfe, rtlpain in M1l8. Guaran teed Remed y for Indiges tion lIie town8h ip ........... ... . jury In. Wh~te cass.,:...... 7 31 pOO. 22 85 Interes ting 8tatein ent by .1: E. Gao. ' Veldt, oon~raot No. Mrll. J. A. GrelltboUll8. Janney . .• PROBATIII OOURT. ~ . 123 ........... ........... .... : .. .al 10 same , .......... ......... ........... 13 00 When a mlln oomes into . Estate of . Martha P . Mlohen er,; repairs . in Barlan M. J.. udluw; eame ......... ... .. . 13 00 store and oalls for any partiou lar 12 50 indiges tion remedy , we always Kive towh8h ip .. ...... ..... :.... .. 19 -! Tb. Broadw ay, lI.ame ...... ' .. . ·deoeaae<l. In'vento ry anil Ii\,prais e. him what he fl8ks for, but in S. D. Henkle , fee. II.nd ex· Elm~r Rowell , bridge re· ment' ftled. pense., !lurlng Deoem . pe.ira, O1earoreek .town· . Ea&ate of Rebeooll ' R. ~we, " dt.. reoom· . IIbip ....... ." ............. ...... :... . 17 00 Bere i8 Il prepara tl.o n we have , . _ _, Proof. of. publiba tloD of. ,DO Olik:~;~i-;b:;~:·:&;:fi~~>. been,selling right over the counter Cen~al Union Teleptil5ne tioe of '~ppO~iitulont of admint.t1'l\· . os . for road . Ilroarid for yean, and from aotwll obllerva00., FOR reuts and tolls.... ..... 12 30 tion we know it mn8t do good and . t~ix flied. . bridge ... ; ........... ....... .. 2 00 , A oontrao t was entered into with really doee relieve and ' oure indiges· ,. In the matter ~f the will Of. John ·Jpo .... Irons, rep8irs in Jue Lelohty ' for proteot ion and *lon and dyspep sia or th.ere would ~; Van .a orne deoeasoo, .. Hetl.rl!11r of Tartleo reek · townsh ip 4 50 ohangln g ohllonnel at bridge ~ear be a lteRdy stream of people colnllllli .applica tion (1f,aclmln 1un o.f Will ' to Philip .Nickel, repairs ' baok for their money. alii every In residen ce of Rugh KelUng on Five .:probah I18t f.or Ba.turda y 21 at 10 a .. Frankli n townsb ip' ...... 12 75 Points road In Olearor eek ~wnllhl oeot ' box i. sold with tibe under· p 8tandin~ _bat you nlllBt be deolded · m. . .' Samuel ~, care of at the 'e~'iuiate of 112.20. ' Iy benefit ed or there 18 1I0tbing . In the matter of the elltl&te of pay. .. . .SEE vauUIl lt Oonrt RoU88 " On motion of ,Mr. Anders on; 180· 'i ieofp You limply try Pepelko la tal)lel~I . ~ Van 'Dorea. droea,aed. IIn!1 Jail ........... ......... . on \I'd by Mr. Rogel'll, it ' waa mond with the undent andlng l'a,1'plm ad "'11 Withdr awn. "aa. FOllen,"Sr•• fre~ht .... .. . tbe' tbe Iherift bd allowed ' pO per will llteady your TIle estate of Maroa' K8rul 4e- &y Cline, mdse for jail .... . mODth farnlsh ing and mainai Dln, your appetit e. relieve . . . . .tI. Nanoy Keros ' I. "pPOlDtec1 W. Bone se"lC8 u · InooateeS bUlnUl;1,I IUld hol'l8ll for. uae iD tbe 108, ::'~":~~I fmDeI. aftertongue, _tinll' II~~:-~. .:acJmtl lletratrl s . aDd glV81 11,000 '" _." .. ' ....... "' : l1li of btl du"_ II Sher a1'l7, aDd other .~ptonll of '1Ioa4. A. J. Kephart~--Gllltery aDd O. All 'he Oomml..lonen voted petIoD or J. E. Janne, HI ~~1_"" J'0IIMl' are apPOlDIecI ap· at time topa,. back """" ••nnttRV without the leU' UfrU1nl~t,
Gazc tt nllc1 ncws pnl l'ibin g· r
eo us. We will at cO ll sido rable"
Q'ct them fo tion s.
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Spencer & Monroe, Oregonia, Ohio.
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Of CANAAN D,. lhe "HIata...,. ..... 0,....,..........che'
utbo rlty~-Joshu
SERMONE '(TE. .~ "And they a£ ked not counsel at the mouth of thc Lord,"Thcsc words clCplaln why Israel + failed to keep hcrself free trom .. unholy alliances, lind it I. the .. .- elCpfanatlon of every misstep of • the, Christian to-<lay. • Tho world is able to bam· + boozlc the ctfildren God be · ~ cause they look on thc evi dence +t which the world s ubm its, rathcr than looking to God who gilleth wisdom to all men for thc ask· i,;g, .. To Israel the cale seemed 10 plain, I suppose, that It seemed ;: positively silly to ask God about It. Like the IIttlc boy who pr~ycd for the protection of ~ God only at nigh t, because dul'... ing thc day he could uke care ' +- of himself, 80 the Israelites thought that In thc present situ. +- atlon they needed naught but t their own Judgment In dtollding their course of action. t And It was just wh~n they ~ felt thc wlselt and most able to take care of thcm8elves that ... thc encmy turned the trick upon ... them. LIfe Ie full of mletakes and tragodln because everybody +- elae an~ eyer,ythlng elae II con· +- s uIted, rather than the souretl' ""'-l.all light and alf wl.dom, ' •. aqt how I. God to 1:<. conlult· cd alu1ut everythlng1 By .ubord ' 'Iatlon of the per· ' .onal Incllnatlul' and the con· lolou. recognition of a hlghcr ~ will and hlBher purpole than our town. By diligent ule of our God, given powera. while at the .ame time there II an appreciation of the, limitations 0,1 ht.!man wis· dom .nd Judgmen,~. By the exercl.e of patlcnce. Take time to decide a point at , -+' lsaue. A ' ml.,tep I. taken + through hute whloh prevents a elel\r reading of the .Ign.pott at the Interaectlon of the wayt. By the' .plrlt of prayer pel'· va~lng the life, , Pray without ceall"g Is the ScrIptural admo· nltlon, How? Surely not .tay, ing on ben'd ect-tmn In the Ie· cret chs.m ber .nd audible repe· ~ tltlCln of I ~ordt, and' "hraaca. 8ure,y not b~ going a&~ut with eloled eyc. and mind ab.orbcd In .plrltual contemplatlonl. SureIy not by any outward cloak of ' 8anctlmonlouene.. , No. What then? Prayer Is communion with God, . And that communion con· . II.t. rn the con.cloue and un· con.cloul domination of God In the life, It mark. the perpet, ual attitude of the soul, 10, that + l whether Immersed In bu.lnell + .1 for the tlme "belng, or what not, God'i .plrl,t I. opcrative In thc IIfc. Thl, I. prlyer without cu.lng.
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whIch the peopl. CII Jr:-ael heve dQn. rlghl before our oyee. Surely' the!1 God Ie a mlghtr God that ho could ' mnk a IlaLbw/I)' th rough the ,lo"doo nnd Ion\! his pooplp \lr)' !l bod r tght It our very mlcltit. \\' htl" GeC D tb~ aruok or Jerl(' ho and Alas cnilfo& Illto ,h en" II , lind we kn ow tllll' til at.ron· arml S o( tllos e oltles I)olll d not sta nd h ,foro J oshuo lind h is m Oil 'I' h n wh)' s hould w to be llI ore'succ ~ s rul th oll chey? And eve n t hou/:h th e II r UlI (>s 'It th p IIl l1 es ShOll ltl be \'tc:torIOllR, our COllotr)' wOlllcJ hE de,· a ~ llll e (1. for II Is her thut the bnl, tie wO lil d b ",ugcd, ioN us L:lak e Il'0guc, with Isrn I Gn d th UH HUVO OU I IIve~ and III' elty. "!Jut ," q ll~ck l r Int r)lo~ e (1 scvera. ,'oleos. " han;' yo u lIot heanl I hat Is rael will IlIllke no I lI(t llO ' wi' II ,illY 01 Ihe IlIhabltl\ll ~s or 11 IlIlId, 1\o ), lng tho, fh ell' Oud ha s fOl' lI l<lr1l u It ?" "T!'lI e," IISS nted th o 011,1 8;'1g0. un· Jlcrtll rh('tI b)' tho liIec mtn ' Il' l'l~ lIr· 1I,01ll1tublo di ffi uulty, " hill let UK dis gill s ourslll,' Ii a nd ClJI1le tu t hl' lr. .n! Crom n I'nr COlin I r)', \V !;hail put 01. 1 sackl upon ollr us~e~, and old shoos 1111 ,1 old gar ments u po n us, ~nd Wl' s hul\ tu ke old and rent wiD \) flot· lies a nd dry and \l101dy bl' ud, and we will comc to th em, a nd t 11 Ulefll th at we ha\'e h artl In t h for Cl'un· try th fam e of th il' God and how migbtlly hC' has W I' ught a nd w e bave co m to pa y bomag to him und t wo rtlhlp blm. P ra d ven t urc t.h )' 1'0'111 bea r U3 a nd will make Icague wl tb us." This pIon oL once met tbe appro\'a! of th e chl e t men ot /JIb on, and the next mornIng wbon tlley bad se nl tbe messe ngers at the kin gs awa y lhey al ant: bega n prepllratlons to carry 0111 the plan. ADd th y went to Joshlla IInto tbe CalDl) a t Gll gol , 'Th Ir nrrlval or lIted no little stir, and QlllCkly ,Josh ua and tho chlot men assembl ed, and the straage rs were admlttfld ,to their I rcs ence, and to the stat ment thnt tb ey had come from a far country, JOllhu8 nInde ans wer: "Our God ha!! command ed 118 !layin g that wo IIhould not mal(e leagu e witt. i-ny of th e Inhabltants of the land P, ' radventure ye dwell among us." , "Nay, bul from a fur country are tby se r\'ants com ," th y- repli d , "Becsuae of t be narue of tho Lord thy God ar .we come. Wo huvo heard the fame of him and all tbat ho did to EgYllt, and. ali tbat he did to the two kIn gs of lbe Alllorlles that were beyonll Jordan, to Slbou kIng 01 Hesbon, and Os king of Bashan, wblch was at Ashtnroth. Wh ere fore our elders and a li lbe Inbabltant! spnko to UB, sayIng: 'Take victuals wllh you for tho journey, und go to meet them, and liay unlO tbem : We aro yOllr servants, The rofore now make a leaglle with UI.'·' "Nny,'\ Interrupted Joshua. "\lut how do we know that yo have come from a far country7" Dramatically th ey turned, and urt· Ing lhe covers from their provlsloD baskets, tbey said: . "Behold the evidence of our long journey. See this our brend wt! took hot out of the ovens on the day we came fortp to come hltber, and behold now It , Is dry and moldy, See these bottles of wine! Wben they were filled as we started ther w~re new, and behold. now Lhey be rEln t. And behold ollr garments and our shoes, for tbey bave hecome old and ragged by renson of tbo " ery long journe~'," Such seemingly Indisputable evl· denee qulokly swppt ' awn)' all doubt (rom tile minds of tbe men who stliod with Joshua, and they persuaded blm that It would be " . 11 at once to make Icag uc wilh these people. Josbua therrore 1l18de peace wltb them, and mal .!) a !-:ague with tbem to let them live. And tbe lUen gsthered with hIm, the princes of the can grega' tlon, ratified the league. During all thIs time ttie people of Israel we re talking one wllh anot!1er concerning tbe comfn!! at these strangers, and,as they, saw th e m depart ' and learned that a hlague hUd lIeen made with the m, tbey selected some uf thclr number to [allow thesc men, n tblng whlcb had not occur'red to Joshua 01' to the prInces wIth blm to do: As a rcsnlt on lb p. third doy when th ese m() n returned th cy rellorted tbat th o str!lllgors bad dealt wIth lhem dec Ilfully uDd hl'd Dot comc , from 1\ f Ilr COtill l r~' , IIII t wcrc ' rell II y th e Ir nelghllors 1I~lns only a short distance from Gllgn!. A.1Cl they were wroth with ,los hun and the princes (or mak· In g til · I agile nlld were for going at once ugllins t th~ Glbeooltes, (or, said Ihey: "T here IR rich spall In their cities wblcb should be ours," Ullt .loshua and tho princes liecuu!le ot their oath wbloh had bee n given, would not I,c rml t the m 80 to do, but lund e th e Glbeo nites servants, that Ihey would work Co r them contfnuall~,
"Ihllty Sapped by Ydarl of Suffering' with KIdney Trouble.
LIKED HIS STYLE. "Mr. SI!udlflnS," 11 g an th c 'yollt h, han ging hi s b al on t h\! bac'k of th e Ch IliI', "I will QCClIl')' on l), n faw mo· ruents 'If YO lll' tim e, r hav com to llRk rq n fl)l' "0111' dalljtht r, 1- " " You ng man," said Iho (' Idor,y bonk· er, "do YOI\- " " Yes. s ir : 1 rea ll zo tull y thnt sh lin be n tllndcrly nUl'tnr cl. and Ihot nll c Is \·er.l' dea r to .1'011 : a ls thflt h .... ," hnm,'
h " n Stl l'I'oll nd t!d
by C "OT)' IU XUI·Y. Uu ah is wlll lll!; to I('a yo II." ' , a n you- " ,.:-\ , s ll' ; 1 I:all'l Quite lII uim lll ll h r III th e s tyl e to whi ch she lilts b /) n acouslolll e,l , I)ut I hav e II ,good sa lary, a nd I nlll I'!lady to c hnn ce n. 80 Is sh e." "Will you-" "rOB, s ir ; J will kt' !l m y 11r(' In · su~cd fol' II Slim slIntcl ('nl til JlI'ovid (or hel' It ! 5110 lIId bc tuk n aw3 '·... " \\'ollid yml- " . " 1'>0, s ir ; J would n t cxpcct to Il\'e \\'1til L1l e family. I a m IIbl'e to bu)' and rllrol dl1 a mod at home for bet·." " Young mnn," Mllld MI'- Slllldloug. 100klD g at his wot ch. " 1 mt her Ilk ~' our jltyle. You cun h ll vc her. Good-" " ~lornln g, s ir."
Ollpt. J . W. Rogun , form er postmlls' ter of I4ldlanola, now lI\'lng lit ,Allstln, 'I'm... wr:tes; "I wns ufllicted for A Good Conundrum. YenrK wtth 1'alns " I hnv . a cnlllllJdrlllll for YO ll a cross the lolus Wh ut k ind o f a '(\ g I ~ w e dog sUt r ?" !lod 1'tI the hi ps " 1 gi n } It li p ." and shoulders, I ",\ ky t hl'ricr, of oUTse."-Royal 11 a tI b'!adach o "I ngny.irll'. n n ral· My right EXPLAINED. ere, troUl pain, was of li ttle use to III tor yellrs. ' Tbe eonstant flow of II rlne I:ept my syslem del,leted. causlo g nerVOllS cbllis and !lIght swclltn. After trying se ven dltror nt climates ond using al1 kInds at medlcln I bud Ille gond fortune to h ear of Doan's I(Id11 y Pills. Tbls rem edy ho s cured m. I am as \Yell !o-day as I was twenty years ago, aud my eye sight Is perfect." SOld by all dealel's, 60 cen fS a box. 1i'oster·Mllbnrn Co., Uu!falo, No Y. A man's good judg ment sbows Ull the dsy artsr. Tak
.,-0 ClUtE A c:9LJ) IN ONE D&T . J... AXA 1" \' E UllUllO ~11 10l UO " ablet • • urn~.
e'A'avri.~II~~,~~.~~~: l~rOI:Lc~c·~ I~o~~ ~?
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Most people nnd fault with thel! neighbors In ord r to get even wlt,b ftelshbors who flnd fault with t.hem. To recover qu ickly [1'0111 h illo u ~ ft l tllub , 8i I;,hr.tulochc, indigl' tlon fIt' fo ld .. , tll ke GIlr/ll'1t1 Tea . the miid Illxa lh·~ . UUllrun· teed under I he 1'''fO ,Food I.n w.
eth el- I helir tbat .Jack kissed MI HS Col In th o dark last ni ght. 'Maucl-\VolI, If you cve r saw " er III th e ligh t r Oil would IIndel'stand It. -Ch icago Journal.
Alcohol From Sweet Rotatoe •. Swoet potatoe s are prlnolpally ueoc:'] In the Azore. ,to make , a.lcobol, the yie ld be Ing ten to 11 per cent. The present prIce Is about 13 cents (UnIt· ed States c urre ncy) per liter (1.0561 Too Rich to Spell. '" wish ," sol<I Mrs. Parvenu to her' quarts). d n u~lt r's t ocber , "that you would dru p spe lllllg trom tbe list of JnneVs Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain ~tercury, s tlldles." " Drop apelllng!" e lCclalmed ' the u mercurt .-Iit .lIrel1 dutro, tho leD'" of .men ::~e~::P,~t~l{ro~ib~.\eO t~uC:~~ll:Il~:= 8~:~ I acher. "Why?" artlc lu IbUUHI n e\'er ,be \lIed .scept uo "re.erlp. "1 Is so common," rCllllad l\Ir~, lI un. (rom rtl Pul.ble pblltc.IIlDI, at Ibe da.maae lbe, will do lA t Otl fold to lb, ,OOd you e"g Pnulbl , dePnrvenll. "Evel'ybod)' learos to 8pel1." rh' e from th.m. nan', atafrO Cure, snanutac","4 b, ~.J, Cbeoe," Co., 1:uledo. 0 ., COatalOI DO me,... "Out your daughter wi ll need tho CU". . Ind 'I lake .. 'oceroally. acUllK dlrecU, uPOD. knowledge:' protcsted thl! teacber. tbe blood &net mucoul lurt.UI of the .,,,em. I" 11all'. Ca'4nb Cu re b-o .ure you let tb. "She 'll need It for bel' correspondence, boylo, len"tne. h ,. t.kllo Intera_tt, &all made tn T"'Ulldu.e Ohio, b, F. J Cb.D., '" Co, T •• tlmOllt.l, t ... and-" ' 8014 h1 Orultc.l.u. Prle., iSO. per bottle. "Enough!" Interrupted Mrs. Pn,venu THO UoU', }lamll), ~IU', tor coottlpodOD. hausbtlly. "Evidently yoU cannot rls a French P .... ldent·. "Double." uiJove the common level. My dnugh· 14, Fallleres wus, unUi recen tly, beter wl11 me':'''' In the blghest circles of socIety, and wI. I he rlab e nough to Hued to be the only presIdent of the have a private secretllry to write any· French republic who had no double. thing that she does not wish to have but ble counterpart has been found, printed. 1 do .lot wish to havil her Tbe man who most resomlilel hIm tim e wusted. ,'-Royal ' Mogazlne. physically 18 • respectable merehant , of the Rue Saint Honore, who plays WAT£ ~ING TH,E FISH. his part with decorum and dignity. He wears exactly the same , kind of blue butterfly necktie with ' white dotll as the ' presIdent" the- -lIame kInd ot h.t , and exactly 80 oddlycut a beard. .bd on ble promenades be III always ac.companied by a frend who could en· Ily be taken for the president'l prl· vate secretary, Dignified and with measured steps, the enviable 'double walks through tbe Faubourg Saint Honore and feels overJo~ed at belns .aluted on all eldel.
Open Up Iminen •• A.... Hom.ltead Landa.
The railway, fOcUltlel of Wee , ( 'anndR have been taxed to the ,q ttonnost In reoent yeafa to tran.fill' the surp lus STain orop . t.o the eastera markets And Ihe BeaboartJ. 1'11!) 1&...... Influx at settlers aod the additional . area (lut under crop bavo added larp ly to tbo graIn product, anli nolwUh· stondln!; thc Increased railway faellIU03S tllat hnve been placed at the till· )losnl at tbe public, til&" qUI,IsUon 01 tran 9Portntion bas proved to be a S&rlou s ana. It wl11, thorerore. be gOQ!1 nowa to everyone IDter sted In W e!Jtorn Can· 'ada 10 t;:now that an aut~orl tBUve \ltatemont has been gl en out by C. M. IInYlI, llros ldent at the Grand Trunk Paclnc Uollwny. that lhat rail. way will do Its silare towards movlnlf the crop of 1907 from Alb rtn, Saskntohewan noll Manitoba to lflle Waler, and thus asalst . ln remov1ng a so'r lous obstacle whlcb hus fnced the settlers duriDg rece nt y nra. 1I1r. Hays, who hns just completcd 4 trip from Portage 111 Prnlrle to Edmonton In a pral· rle schooner. a dlstnnco ot 735 miles, which was covered In eighteen daYlI, Is ntbus lastlc about the couutry. Thi s will be gratifying to selllers In tb Can ad Inn West, even If Mr. Hay. declines to be bound to a tlme limit \\"!tb the exo Utude of a Btop·watch. The Ornnd Trunk Paclfie road will be In a posItion to take part In the traD. portatlon of the cro\>' of I(107, and that wf11 bo sallsfact~I'Y to thl) settlers In that country whel:. the ' harvest Is gar_ nered, The wheat crop of 1906 In Weste,.. Canada was about 90,000,000 bushel .. and, ~th the Increased a.ercnge wblch Is confldently- eX(leoted to be put UIl. der crop next rear, It Is "afely calcu· lated tbnt fully 125,000,000 bus.helB will be harvested In 190?, Tbo nel)tJssl~ tor Increased transportl.Uon lacl1lU. . ' are. there(ore. apparent, anel ,the stat. mant mado by 10ft-. Hay" will bring eu. couragemeD t to tte rarltlerB of tbe ~ CanadIan West, now and Old. TIl. opening up of additional U!ouaanda of (reo homesteads Is thus .~sund by the agent of the Canadian Oo"el1lment, whoso addresa appeal1l "el_ wbere. NOT DOOMED TO SECLU810N, Au.trlan Nun,. of Noble Blood L••• · • Pleannt Lives. •
The "Ilrst lady" In rhe garlan court Is now the abbess of tb. Tbereslan Convcnt of the Noble ..... dies 10 Prague. a p081Uon whleb t. Proprleto~Where Is tbe promlere elways he.ld by an arfh duchess. Th. dnnsuese ? Arcbduchess Marla AnDunolata. tbe Stage Manager-She seut word that present abbess. who II a niece of the sh!3 has a cold In her h ead aod can't emperor, hus Bucceeded to thl poelUoD dance. of Orst lady- through tbe wldowb'ood Proprletol'-And where Is the prima uf tbe Archducbess Marla JOIlef&, wit. 10n~a? of Ihe lalo Arohduke Otto: The 1J0ble Stnge Manager-O, she got cold nuns of Prague ·live-a' very~lftltrru ' feet.-Phllad e lpbla Press, Ufe from what I, the ulval concepUoa Brullcd Yrltb Idull. of convent Ufe, They playa le&4ll18 "Your husband Is not 100klDg well ' pari In the society of the' elt, tod .... to · nl~bt, Mra. Rhymer." not eve n compelled to live ID the . . "He 18n't, ond I'w not nt all surbey, where each 18 provided with t1l'o prlsed at IL" roomll and' lervlce. Handsome , car"No? Hus he been overworking riages with IITerled eervantl are hlwself latcly ?" , HEADS SHAPED TO ORDER. provided for theIr use, and thoy .. It Isn't that so milch; , It's his orlg· a box In the opora. Ea.eb Doble ~"""..-........ Inullty. Why, that man Is struck wIth Germ.n Doctor ElCpl.ln. Cauae. of III paId ,500 a year, while the .b~ so many ol'lglnol Id eas that his mind Varlou. Formatlonl. has a solary of UO,OOO, When they must be ono mnss or brullies,"-Royal attend court balls they munt wear Magazine, At IL recent convention of Gerinan black evening dren with a rlbboD 01, naturalists and doctors Dr. Walcher. lIf1bt bIUI). _ _ _ _ _ __ A Serlou. Matter. of Stuttgart, In an Instructive paper SCALY ERUPTION ON BODY. Young WUe-What? Do YOII Ulean put Corth a sen88.tlonal theory to ex· + •• tt+ .... +ttt+t+++t+~+••• to say YOllr brother and his wlf£> hs\'c plaIn tbe formatJon of the shape of ~HE STORY. Il'lve n up" hOllsekeeph'g and sone to Mlstress-Jnne. 1 want you rto give the bood of Intants. He ' maIntained Dactor• •nd Rem.dlu t'rultlu-aut. ' 10 Veer. - Completel, HERE lleemed no way but for the boardIng? th gold flsb some fresh ,Water. tbat the bead Of a child eoulcl be Cured b~ CutlcUl'lI, Glbeonltos to joint tore s wltb tbe Husband-Yes; but wbat difference Jane-Wby, ma'am, they ain't drunk molded artlllcially. He (ou~ d by ex· fed erated klnga In tbe l)rOposed ,,'ar does that make ? all tbat ye:., perlence that when a medlum·shaped ul>Qn ~oshua and th,' armies of Israe l. Young Wlre-Ob , oothln!~ ; only In ....;.______ head Is placed In a BO(t ousblon ,tbe "When I 1IIa8 about nine yean oJ4 Never before had the cnt!re country iuOUt II week or 80 tbey'll b e dropping home' Affair, ehlld tUrD!! on Hs 'back, or rests on the amall soresapJleared on each 1117 betwecn .Jordan and U.e great sea ;n every ,day to meals. -N. y, Wcekly. ,G unner-You look worried, old mali. ba.ek of Ite bead, In oNior to free lower limbs. 1 scratched thom wlBr. been so arou sed OR at tbe present Wbat's the trouble? mouth, nose and face. In tbl8 manner bra~s ))10 and shortly a!te~wnTda 'both timC'. 'ridlnga of lhe coming of th' TO B~ EXPECTED Guyer-Terrlblc gridiron nccldent. the head rests smootbly, and a short of, lhose limbs became so soro that h061s or Jsrae l ,had reacll ed Ule land Gllllner-You doo't say. Some at I head III develope(!, Blit If the medium· I could ' Bcarcel! w'a lk: When 1 had while yet th e I s ra elitel1- were In tho your friends killed wblle pla)'lng toot· ' Ihaped bead of a child Is, placed on ' a beel\ 8ull:orlng , fol' 'about a . inontla ball? 1;' liard under-rest, IIIte a hall' mattress the Bores began to heal, but small wlld cl'o esl;I fsr to the sonth aod west, bul Aln ce the miraculou s crossing of ' Gurer-Worse than that. lIry wife or rolled carpet. the child'. lIead BOal, eruptions appeared Where the t hc' ,lordlln nnd the destruction of J (' r. scorcbed', tbe st:enk to a c"lsp on the tUrDS aside: It cannot stand any 80rilS had been, From thet tlme OIl· g-rldlron nnd no,\\, I'll have to go 'Ylth· more on Its head t,han an egg, for the ward I was troubled by such leYel'e . Idlc'l and Al the vagllc fears which out my dlnne r.-Cblcago Dally ,News., musole of the , back Is weakened. \tcblng that, until ~ became acc • .lind filled. tile minds at the Inhabit . ant.s hM tuken defi nite (orm in lbe « Therefore, wltb continued resting on lOmed to It, 1 would soratch tho 80l1ll Wasted Effortt. tbe side a long head Is developed. '1'0 until the blood hegali to flow. Tha11<'611(' rato resolvc lo unite aDd give ba! lIe to ILrael. "One Is os foolish ::8 lhe allier,""" prove ~lls assertions tho lecturer pre· would atop tbe t"tchlng for a fe. markcd the 'alldlbl"u tlllnke' I:. That vc r), dil l' a deputation (rom een ted a c hlld w h 088 mo th er an d 8 Is· daY8 , but , sc ayl IPa"C(,II wall Id , ap~ (h t! kingl 'of tbe I Hltitcs. the A marnWhal arc jou tolklng about?" ter are short·headed. , The cblld at Its ag~n and the Itching would accom· Ire~. lhe Cauaaniles, th P(? rlzzitcs. Que ricd the party at the Interlocutor's birth had a Bhort head, now nfter 18 pany them, Arter I suffored about th o .! 'bl1sltes , anti olhel's of the less. lsart. months It Is long 'skulled. If tbe clll1d ten years' l mnde a renewed offort to e r tr ibes of the countrr It.'gell th e m "The womnn who Is mnrrled to. bad beeu placed on Its bacl(, aeool'dlng elre!lt, a cure. The eruptions by thta to mllke alliance In the common cause man to reform him and the I;llnn who to other experiences Ih head would time had appeared on every 'Part ot ugn h,!<t Is rael. murries II wninan, to Infornl her," ex· bave beim short-shaped. Dr. Walcber my body except my 'face and ' handa. ..It Is vlaln ," the mell6engors said, pl;alned he of the noisy thoughts."- did not deny that lb, shl1p,e of the Tbe best doctorli In my native (lOUD~tll~t Ihese Hourcws set!lc wor, They Chicago Dully ~ews. head was Inherited, but assertcd that ty advised me to uso arsonic In emall RITOj;atc unto ~lleruse lves great 1m- - - -It could be greatly ' lnfluenced/ bY the dOS08 4nd n ' solve, 1 thel! usod, to 11O'1'lu.ncc, and llllV~ opcnl)' dl\clarcd 'Twal Ever Th.... w.y the cblld rested,. b'atbe the sores tn a mixture whlcll oOllle mpt for otU' gods. They have "Tho girl I nm engaged to," re:..-- - g"aye almost lotolerable pain. , In ·addostroyed Jericho and AI wIth tbe In. MurIe l-Some men tbln'k mero of marked Slnglcton, "fa an eal'thly an~ COSTLY MESSURE. dltlon I used other ; remedJos, sqcJa haflltllllts thcrcnf, nnd ' tb ey would do tbe lr typewriters than of lbel!' wive!!. gel. I Imagine I can see a halo on ber, ae Iodine, sulpbur, zlne nlve. --'a so to us, And because of this.' ob, Ma\</\s Great Galnl, Goorge-Of cource, they 'IUln dictate head.'" ' , , I:feart ,and N'," "ee Fa:! on Coffee, Salve, - - Ointment,: and In fact J lIIen of GIl.eon, the kings o~ all thc Cheering news 'comes , to band of to theIr t.yplills. "Ob, of cOllrse," rejoined ·Wedderly. was continually gIving Borne J'emedJ (Ollll.try to tbe no.'lh and south and tho IH'tlgress In Japan'. Disholl Ha' r" "!,l ut shortly after marriage you wlll '" resident ot a ireat western state a (air trial, never using leIS thaD A Slam, flnil Ule halo transformed' 'Into an 'es· .."uta ,t},& re ga r dl IIg Utl muI two b oltes or bbtU el. A .. n1(,"g the c,)asL o~ the great sea Rre rl8, who hus chllrge ' ot the Amencl1n ,yu case an s t ono or AU ' rniKing a greu anDY to gl\'e battle to Me Lhndlst MIssions ,In ' Korea and Putr:'-\7!lo do YOII thInk was after pensIve '· I1Ofl.,Det.' - Chicago Dally wltli a, com~rebenelve bi-enty that 1'8 thl., was frl!lUe88., Finally JOy hail' I'd I t ' t ' me whOli you SIIW me ' !'wIIDlng down r':ews. ,dmlrable. ' He 8BY8: ' began to faIJ out 'an,d, I wali r,pldl, t; rac . nil IIIVC spn us to urgo hat Japan, tlUYS that during the recent the street yesterday',' • J I h 'I am 66 y.elu'II old and ha'·e had conbecoming b41d, l ' uBed --'a - -'. , ht l your h g ns lUcn 0 n t em In this war tbe churches made great gains 0'11 n C ' I h D 11 I I ,,8S ",ayenne- an t maglne OIl1n't T e Modcrn e n ton, liderable exJltlrieuc,e w:th r.Umulants. but It dtt;l, no goo,d: A few montM wal'." tn me mbers blp, "nd that they are 1'hl'f; 1l11OOC!1 of. the meijsensera waB ' now UUllsually a etlre In evangelistic "It', • rhey are all allke-a mor!gage on re- atter, bavlng used almost evel7thLq rei' i\'ed with evltlent '\lVOI' by Ihe efforts. As I'egards sudlences, minis. traIt Free Press. man wli~ IlUC(.'(IOdB on a larg'e scilIe." lerved energy at rulno'u s Interes~. As elso" I tbought , I, waula , try , CutiCt ra ('h if'f III cn of Gibeun 'who had been tcrs of ehurcbes, ' bU/ltlsms, and lbe tha whip ,stlm\llat-ea' but does not Ointment, having previously Dl/IiCt callc!cI logethor in council, and they c!rculatlon of tho Scrlptl'.Toa, tblng8 . Hed Chang'e Hie Tactic., Iti'engtblin the borse" ao do stimulants Cutlcura Soap, iLnd being 'D leu,e d .,~ wQuld lit OIJCE' have given assont lo 'bave not boen 1;1" bl'lgh~ for a long Collector-Tbls Is the lust ' time l' A JournllU.tlc Ph.nomenon. lct upon the buman, "aystem. Feeling It. After Ualn" thnie, bolle. 1 .... IhO. lllon, h'ad not olel Set;:ond-:t'bollgbl, time; anel t be gUBI:~1 III receiving a Ihall ' ask for the mount ,~t tlils bill. Huck Writer (on DalJy Blowhard)- , this way, I gave up eortee aDd al1 Completely 'cured. al'1 m,. hair .".. ~~ I\(' wns cBlled· -bt:t'u use of hIs I'n. beUer hCJrlng ' tbon 'at any pcrlod ' D"HnQuent-'ies? ' Please don't disturb me now, dear, 3tber 'eUmuianu and ,btgan the use ot restored, atter, ro~rteen y~ of .ur. varlnhle hahlt of uuylog : " Don't bn In 61nce Its Introduction o' generalion Collectol~.-Ye8. The ne,x l time I I've got a' column editorial to wrJte Pelturn Food coffee eomll 'lUonths ago. ferln& ' and an 'ellpen(Uture of atleaat ha~lI': Tblnlt It on'r! 1'bI'nk It over!" ago. Another "ory healthy featuro Ihall stand out In the street and yell on ''',l'bo Marvell)us Success of ' tbu l'be benellelal reBults have been apo 'iiil or 160 In . Y&ln]7 .ndeaTOr!q to -<:llllnt;oled dela)'1 , or J"I18neSe In'lstlnnlty r~ported by ~\)r IL-Royal Mag~lne. Dully Blowhard, tile Pb8ll0m'uon 01 "parent from the ftrst. Tho rheumatism ,ln 4 a cure. ' I abllll be g l1 4 to wrt~ " WI' will be better IIblo to give Ule necord of Christian Work, la tbe ----.,_ _ _ _.:. Modcrn Journalism:' that 1 nled to su1re~ kto~ ~ left me, u, one WhO rnl,. be Illterested ... I08\\'~'" In tho morninG, nft r we steady proJ;resH towarda Independ. Repart... Hla \\,Ife-I only wanted to uk YOU 'll Ileep launder. my nerves are .toa'ls. ID7 !tUN. B, HlrilD MI~nIt7. V~ wDIIlde,ed. W('II tbe mlltt-er,!!. he urged, E'nce -or foreign ald. In a ehort Ume "Pa~' IIald little Wtlll,e, "can't you ror a little money to ' buy bread &lid I8r lind my bralll clearer. An., I bear 1IlllUon, So Dak., Au.. 18. Uot." &Ild to thl. the relit had nnally reluct. tt II 'boped tbat tho J.pue.e ,pllre· 8DOU&ll money to bUll '-me a milk for lJle children. ' cefthDODY &110 to the food vaiDe of --,,"'- - - - anU)' "&reed, and later, 'Yo'ben tbe, -churcbel will be 8elf'lult&lIllQ. and '1'In7" H. W.-Very 8OlT)'. ,my dear, 1I~ llPuat~ethllll ~t la lacldq III h.d CCIII8 together w talk the matter ev... bllUJme mla.lonarl.,... ' MII41J11 "M, IOn, 1 am &olng )'ou, a ~havl!lJ't a cent.. The DatI)" Blow1llt4 ,.,er... N8IIle &I~ 117 PattllJD Co., otver, 014 Secoucl·Tbought said: out mrU..---tNdI... &e CIaJ_ .., ' D, wb811 , tan apare I tiOlr---tIDt I» h. .n'( paid ani aa1aritl lor til"" laW. Creek, III., TIl"..•• a I'IIQOII. "w~ all ':DOW the .1Ill'\1t)' WIllI K o r a f a...." Muulll.. . - woe~, Y. ::-':'!~=lato~8Il.aut. ~.
I .tt t
! I i
--- -- ---
~~~~ ~~\t::y~d:unev:;i.e;n;I~~~;:
::~~'w:~=~~,~ ~:~::~s;"tather,
8hou1ci Be Fed to 't he Layln" Hena In
BUlldln~' W~~;.-;~ Accommocbte Ono Hundred .nd Fifty Fowls. TIIIl !ll~e o~ tho blilltflng hf!ro rep. t"CseoteiJ t8 J 2 r et wltlu a nd gO r t loog, ell IdcII Into s ll< Mllparate lIlInr t. m~ nt8 (or lIouII rr, with a fla 8~ l\ gc· way In t ho roa r of tho separate allllrt. m e Dte. 'fh ls ~s called a connected a (la rtmen t b ouse, 'f1'om th e ruc t. th at f ro DI the h a ll way la t ho rlm r yuu 'Could enter eacb apartlfl .lIt, Wbon it Is desirable so to do: thoro Dep.() 1I0t b e an y ll(lr U UOII ~ . bu t the whole bulJcllng m ay be t brow n Into o n,c large roolu. • .The a dvan tages gaIned fr~m tbe sep· ora te apartme nt hOIl~ ure sl!vcral. . F irst o r all. ,hens .10 uet tlli' whol\ not t,o l l<ceell 25 or 30 nrc pe r. llll1 ecl to lI ye In each upl\rt mcnt. ThiS buil ding, a ll re pl'!!s<Juted her, would tl'lrnlsh s lx J'Oomll large e noll gh for 25 eo h at fowls t h s ize or PlymolJl h R I;a or Wyandottes. Thlrly Leghor ns mtght be kellt to gooll advnnluge In eac b apartme nt, The r006ts should a ll be c;on.8tructed all the Icv I from a -dropping board. Undornt!ll th t ho Ilro p· (lIng boa ,d Dluy be constructed t ho Iloat s, or ~ e I nests may be bllll t qalost the parti tion wh ile Ulat Ill· villes ' the &llllrLruenta. It 1'8 a lways best to , rl!IS9 th e ncste fr om the &round, a ni! to have the hens enter tlleD1, from lhe rear PI' behin d to lay. Thill hid es tho he n ond tho Pgg~ away from tbose on the n oo~, and does nol • ~ml)t them t.o fl y up mid eal tbe eggs. ~'fho , run 01' area way In fron t o f tho poultry bOURe can be large o r sma ll, accordin g to the ground s ilacc lbot ')'ou bove to devotc to the sa me. ' The more Iho b tt e r. Fo wls a.!waY8 do tire best t hat have a large space of ...:II_.M=<'o'm to roam tve r. ,. The gable rna)' be construoted ra sh· !foned ~or either on e or the e nd ele""Uons J)rese nte d. or: where It Is pre"!erred, the real' . wall may b built hi gh enougll so as to h'a vo a shed root from nar to front HIe ontl re width at ilia I»uJldlng. 1/\ ' the const rucLlon or • poultry bouse, great st ress should be laid on bavlug of dry Ooors a nd dry IDte~or. Pe rrec; Uy d~ Ooors uSlally
-r ITI.T 1l PI",. of t:foun,
88lUre a dry tuterlor . In selecttn, the loeatlon for a poultry buUdl ng, alwaYII plaee It 011 t<IH! hlsb «ronnd, where there I. an under a1Id 8urtace II rain· asa It thlll caJl not be, ~ Ig o'u t the cronnd, till ill Wi th broken s ton e, and JIIaJte a fl oor, at least a . root than wlU bo the ~~It!'IIL'Il~ber4!llpcm. This oomO»t 1I00taerve the d.oubl e purpose ot >iss ur· ,I q a dry iDterJor ond s hlliun g ou t TermlJl. Al .. aYII cover lbe cement tIo9r ' durtng the "II'lntor U\ont1l~ with all!, or eight tacllc8 ,of dry earth , lind throw therellJlOCl plen'l y IIf w'Y II t tef, .Itber s lraw. leaves, or li ght material that will do ror 8Cr:t.tdblng IIUrpOIlCll. ~re It III . tbought Ilractica.ble to ..aile !lie of what aa known &8 tile ' or 1I1vsllD curtain (ront to .. tbe willdows, It III only neces~al'J' 10 , remoWl .part or all of the sas~ aM aUbstt~te framee covered with uG' bleacbed mU811n. , Tbe use oC tbe mUI, • Jill clll't&ln Is t.bought to rna ke tlIe Ia· or more bealthful for th e poultry. -rbe cOntinual poss log of the air Urouib 'tho . tiurUlln bas a , tendency , to dty tbe atmospbere wltb ln the poultrY' house. Wblle sueh, bulldln«8, ... . .ya Country GeaUeman. are con sid· e~bly eoldj!r thaD LIght glas 8 froots. ". , the 'Interior ~s apt to be pc fe ctly dry. " and the booded roost may be made , . . iJt '11l cold localities Iteep tbe fowl I wann during tbe frost or' winter yel\tber. , As to a correct ration of (elld tor t ' the production ot eggs during tbe , WInter monthB, th a dry gra in ration, CIlIe-thlrd ' wbeat, the rest made up of a mIxture of all IIlnds ,or amall grain. , if a masb food Is fed·, alway s reed It at Doon. Jt' Is best wtien composed of I • •equal pints, by meas ure, of cornmeal, ' eround oalS, ' bran and middlings, nil with eltl1 er scaldln g· hOt milk or water, arid allowed to sel to Cool. SODle animal food of some IdJld. ..., IICrap or grollnd green bone-:. •abollld always be turnl'sh'e d the m In ", ~ .. Inte~. 10 'addition to ' t1us. plenty ' of . .Nen food . of some' klpd, water aDd . arlt IIhould always be Bt ba.nd. If fed .. tbll rattan, 'and to Ihls nnd propboused, hens should alwaYII fur: ' ·a filII eli .~p"I)' In wl!1te~.
te ..
Fall, and Winter,
I al wfays !\llve a grelll mlWlY scmplI ,vbI'm butcherin g ' In I h~ndeJl yeaI'II thl g wn s t he onl y IInl mlll food provll] od, T he rosult from tb ls Was 01ways t be sa I"~; more eggs In ./ " u U· ary tban In Jo"eh.;Jary, fOl' bY tile m id· Ille or Jan uary the. &n lmal lood bull ~I vc n ou t. Clr eu cut bone Is the best ~ ' Ibst l. lule for Ill s ecl~, lin d I[ Ced pro\lertr' Is II [IIII' r iva l. An ounce a d~ y to I, .1'lng row l3 19 a fai r all \lwance wh on fed wit h Ii 111'0\1er grili n (lnd vOlletabl" ra· tlo n. Cl l'een cut. bono Is the ch a pcst :tt'1I1 best pOllltry food \m ow o It rresh lI'om t he butc her fi nd tllll of ment arid t;rls ll p. ...: Uollcfl 01' bl p.;u:h d bOll ef! or those t rom o ld nnd di seased' nl,l mall shou ld nol he IIscd Tho cost or a m ill for gl'lnlllh"" the bones Is not llrcoat II O.rll) hail U8~ for II, :lnd t his 13 ~ nll y, lh ll o nly er ,)eIl80, :IS In ~n me locn lltles ,lJ1'(,c n bon"s clln be seoured fOl' IItllo or not h ing. III ' tbls ~1lr.lIo n . w ' gCI thom f Dr ono t;enl II pounll In nold weal hfJr a,ld for f. 'Ih· Ing In Sli mm er, Imt (n' s ll/,a ll counlry lown s t hey are us ua ll y h a n l to !!~ t. Ollt. 101 11 lal'SIl ono ll l; h for a ll presell t an.l possi b le. fulur o n flod ~, and onE! t hal r ll n~ b y IJOW 'I', It the farm Is so supplltl d. If nul, a ha nd CUll I' UO 9 nlccly. l\lnnulnctnrc l's 'are .lIn\\', muk· Ing hon c ullers Illat r un ollhel' b, hnn d or flOwer. The sav ing III gl'nln hy til e li se of gree n CI t bOil soon pays ror ~h ma· ch ille, s ars Orange J ll dd Form!!l'. Thu8 lherCl Is a saving of grain ailll un In· creaso In Lhe nu mber o r eggs la id, wh ich mea ns , n Ilonble profi t from the hens Instond or an ex pense duri ng cold weather. Bee t sc rap , bon me"al an d a ll t he otltet ground and dri ed nn· Imal rood tnl· sale 'are of great va lue a nd easy to feed, but are expensive and m ay n ot alwnys be llllre goods. They ma y bo co m pa.ret1 \\1th treall (Jil t bOlle as dried· beef 10 to tender, Juicy , b ~c r s ten l(, The ow n r or a nock of he ns woul d ncH be le og In lieclell ng wh ich he wo uld ch ooso for hl ~ wla, ler'!; Bllpply of meat. Thero I ~ no Single thln ~ o f slIeh nn aid to sec ul'e a s atisfactory egg yield In wluter as gl'r.en cut iJo ne , oud It I!I equa ll y val uable In .aldl ng hc ua tbrOIl(;h l fr mOi li ng sea son and stal Ling 'them la yi ng again . lt Is aloo a great a id In bringing tbe (luilets to m a t urll l' , A SIMPLE BROODER. Corre.pondent of Fum and Home Telle of. One She Made. J pu t m chloks In a hom~m1ld. broode r. This was a box 3x4xl lAo feot, with a ltd about one (oot wide to raise to put th e chi cks In. A No. 2 lau tern was place d I.n ,the ce nter In a crock of water (thi s to 1ree l) Ils all cool) and a rollnd t his I 'slipped th e rim of a CnD 21 Inches III di ameter Hnd about H Incbes Illgh. Wntimed sand w!!'s placed over , th,e iJollom o r box. and on th ll t' put the It tie !tIcks. ' con ven· lenoe III tak ing out an d putti ng In the lant ern. a b olo lOx lO Inches W illi mnde l'it t be m p of Lhe box over the IIlnte rtl nni! covered wl tb a board. 'I'hen over the wh ole I tin w a he a vy piece at car]>et. large enough tu CO \'et the top and sides, The ch ic k s seem comfortable and warm, und a nfflelen t ve ntil atio n ge ta In through tlbe crac ks In the bo;:; There's 'n othJn g 8\)'lIsh about thJs brooder, but II; answe rs t hc pur pose very we ll, as onl f four of my chick. have died und ILII the oth ers seem to be doin g fln e.. .
' ' Poultry Note.. AI the weather ' grows colder IDcrease the corn ration to the rowls. a 'round or powders d ch a rcoli l III about the bellt coliidlUon I)owder tbat can be Ced poultry. Don't start any more bUllUt fi gs unUI .prlng, as tbe f!'OtlC 1n the groulld wlll give damp qurte ra. ' Inaects oa well a. bacle rla O\'old a place wlui ~ there Is not all encourag, 'log Ilmollnt I of fllth, Do not' have the roosts ,q blgb that tbe fowls wll~ be Injured fl yin g down from lhem. -Farmer's ReV1cw , Healing the poultry hOllse III an unn ecessary . expen!e, except In reglans where th e cold Is excessive. A bouse that Is oli!ane d Ollt ouly once In a while, es peCIall y tr d amp, Iii ·a ' good place to look for cala rrhal. dis· easet!, Cooke d food for Cowls h as It9 chid merit In alTordln g ·varlety. It adds nothin g to th e food elC ce lll to Incl'easo Its bulk. aod sl10uld 1I0t be llsed ex· elusively. , " ' A re pu tati on for sendin g awny only I,a rge , rresh ' egg's Is worth 1Il0re to a 1I0ultrr in an than a $500 , ben house.Farm Joul'nll,j. '
Shelter the Grooder. When th e we ather In the spring bila b ecome mild enough ( 0 'nut the broeder oU't -ot doors , aome follow t ho plan of protectlog 1t 'with a. email ,portable brooder houee. The bad e.trects of cold winds and storms are tbus pre\·ente i!. Theso same brooder hOlllles may b e us~ d later all In the aeas on to protect the chic ks .tram t b" ~, ---beat of the sun, After tbe chicks beI Packlnll !fawll, come to'o large to ,tay In the brooder Wben fowls are packed In barrell they " 'Ill lise Ibis house ' for roo,Ups. or boxea for sblpment, all U:e animal ,Here ·.be;!' will be Ilrotl!ct(l(l fro:'1 lleat ahould be out of them. To Pick rains und rrom predatory rodents, tflem before that time fa ,to Increl.e, . opportunltlel! for tbe heat to de, Fa.tlnll Fowl.. • elo~D the Intel·lor of the ball ot bar· A commercial handler of po)lltrf nl a d tbe foteel of decompolltlon s,a ya tbat all fowla should be faBted _aln elr "brll:. It will be leen' that for trom 24 to '38 bour. before kllllnt';, , Alall .ht ea!lIy laid to beavy lo..el, . Wllere 'tIIe bird. are permitted to stull .. J . ..equent!, doea. them.elve8 WIth, food befure the kill, Ing time., the food decompo8es lu the crop .nd Intestlll" ' Pr9m tbll lb. 1Mb freIlIl8llUF . . . . . . WAteL
1".l. I' .. onl~' I" the mad to wenlth. l'UT. NAM ' ~'AD ~;L E~S DYE ill t ile road to ~D omy. 100 fJ~ r pnclwg<:.
Vn easy tl lea the bead tba t wcnra frowa.
"I n. Wln . lo ,..·. Rootbhll:' My r u p.
Of ,n' Il I
n l ~ 'htt'&:r~""~~~nl • •· ' ,"dU"':"" wu a"IUli _ Ua,' ""In. f'lIl Cta win(J c " I ~\! , :LH. WlLlflro. \: h l ld l
Lydia e. Pint~ hal~'s Vegetable ComP9und. the ' Oreat Woman's Remedy for Vvomali's lils.
Lotll ot the mone y that mell marr, It \'J)unletfell. , Clldre),! ; " lIh'H
thn ulootl "",I
't'nke it fur
l iu:&rufli t·~ J,lOd ••r t.h
C III II\tIltH1U .
PUJ'l! 1'\10U
...ttW .
The In! t percoll to forget a ki ndness ,IR th all ' who do. ~ it.
-- -
PIJ,F.. OV U E U I I'! 0 TO 1" D A T il.
PAi'.' > UI ~ T :\ I I!:N ' l ' I~ J,!IIU f :'l. I) I CN I hi nU ro 1111 1 CD.IB Gf I lt.' -.. II(l. 1\1111\1, I tt t.."\.II ull ur 1" utJ iIl1l1'111J. l U I ) 4 G:.i1 0 ur be)' rutuudoU . b'le.
Rl cba rd erOl( 1', - UIC Ol~ Tammnn, l clller, wllo Is IIlJOUt IC' I ' IlIrn lo :-I e lll ! York, 18 said to hllve had n n olT ,. .. I _1i10.000 Cor a n ""loblogmphy. H Int. for t hl! Pip. Lover. The Canadian ' Igar £tnd Tobo('co Jnurnal gll'es some It ln ts to t.hose who GUloke pipe'S. EvoI'yllod r Ihlnl(8 he knows how til smoke 11 pipe. but to , do IL pel'fe etl y Is lIul ca.y . "Tillie Is a ,: k yno lo of suC!cc~s rlll IIIIle 8 111 01;1 nl:'." I says tho J Ollrnal, "nnd anolhe r Is gen· tI 'ness. Talle cas)' . Don't c~owd I he H!lIe to the· top of he bowl. :\cve r I ge t a Ille bot. '<ee p cool. and keel\ your " III cool. You cu n r o4 1ghl a pille. , lind It )'.} \I urc all old s mok r yo u wil l I be all tho uetl I' ror It. When yOIl I hn ve fto lsbed do not r\! OIl a heate d pipe."
of ltre, In gtrls (at about 13).. . women (at about 45) . re~ the help of a pure. stre ngtheDing. tontc medicine, to carry thIIm · over the critical p ertod _ -atsure the Ir continued streu&th .s:n4
Has 'Secn' Much Lire, 10lln ." 'cry Mcllb enny, recentl y R civ il 8e r vtce com mls· , th oug h onl y 36 years old. h as ~ut t wo glrd l 9 round 'abou t tbe earlh, ~ a8 klll d big gllme In Arrlea and h:ls fou l.I'ht 10 a rel4l (tbougll s mall ) war. Boslde,. be ing a for me r rou gb rider. ~e 18 one of tbe richest meo III Loulsl· lnll. Als pepper fa rm on Avery Island, Ibc rla parls b, Is lamous, aod so la tbtl tactory In ' wbleh he ma kes pepper sau~e. Two years ago ttl'e :\Ic !l· bennys e ntertained .t he preside nt' .. Dlder dnughter, '.nowel-Irs. l..ongwort b, In t hei r Ne w Orleans home Rt carnl· ~... 8IId last yea r tile pre side nt bimaelf wu t belr cuest.
I ·LYDIA E. PINKHAM I spreadNo oa thndel'unmcLlicinu fo r Womoo's Ills i o the ",o r ltl b as rcccl rcd s uch " 'idequalltlcd ecdors'mcot. -
No other m edlcin'e h ll~ such a r('corLl o [ cureR o r remnlo il lnesses or ueb bost.~ o f g ra.\.cf ul fri e nds as h ru; Lydi a (;. l'iokll01l1'8" 'g ewb 'Componnd. ~'o r more> t hnn 3U yea rs it hl18 bec n ' lIt'ing ull fo rms of FcmDlc Complai nts. lnO llllllDation and U Ic r:nioo, sud cOllseq uclI t Spi nul Wcnl, n css. Du clmchc n nd LoelLl Wcnlmcbscs than a ny o th er I t has cured IIIOt·O cu.scs on e I' ' m 'dy. I t d issoh"~" lind c.~pels tumo rs In lin car ly slDga of developrul!nt. Ir rogu lar ities and p eriodicu l pllin!!, Wen l lll" h~ of the f>101I1Ilc h . ludige.s t iou.
1 ..
for_SO 'years, bu beea.~ ~ nccesaful medicine b paiD, IItrengtbenl.Dc the C\l'Cu. and rcgulatiuc ItIe . . , . tiona. Purely vegetable" ~ , tox1cat1nc. harmlcM IUd' ,ftT"'~; Try It.
Bl oatl og, :-Iervolls L'ro""t ratloll, Benducbe, Gl'ul'rul Ocbiiit.v quicldy yie ld to"; nlso dera nged o r ~8 n s . cau6 ing p ain . Ilrasging sensnUons a nd bnchscbe. Un der ttl l circ um ta.oce!! It acts In ha.rmony w ith t he female s.vs~m . I t . rcmov s tllOlt WCllTi c'F feeli n g. cxt reme Illssitll lle , " don 't ca re" anll " ",Ct.nlooe·' feehng. excita bility, irri tnbilil,y, n ervousncss, d lzzi u ' SS, fuloto ss, slecplcssn liS, Hu ll1 lellt'y. lOelllllcholy o r t he " blne", T hese ur ind l atlonK of I~ema l c \V Cllkne~s o~ somCl der a nge men t o f t lte organs, wh ich t his me di ine curcS li S we ll as Chruuic K illu ey Compillints uud Uaclm cl1c, of 'e ltheJ' SC!:. , Tho C) wome n W hO refu se to nee 'pt nnyth ln l!' else 'O re rew ard~d II huml red t hollsnnrl ti mes, for t hcy get wh a.t th ey wnu t.-a cure. Sold by Druggists c ver.\,wh crc. Rcfll bC nil ~ u lIsti_tutcs.
an DragglIda
wmTE ......... ~~
~dtrblnll~our~ ... A ..Il108 el>t.. ~I
• e .. baUallOC/CllO Always to Be Depended Upon. -----------~ W h n a person gets UI) In ! he morn. Many Peculiar Languages. ing with a dull bea'doc he and a ti red, Of '1IlSUliseS wblch 80 widely d llTe r stret,:!IY feei ln g, It's nn altiaost cer tain Ind ication \.ha t tbe Uvel\ or bo wels, nmonll' titl'Dlse lves as to be Incompre· h e nslb le without purtlcular study t be or both. nre ,decidedly out of orfler. In aJllt. .tagea. TOA• •LY"ORPA~ At s uch times Nat ure, the Wises t IlU II\ Uer .."ad lly exceeds 1.000. ~ r....IJT~:M~Il8.~ -;:.;.~.=: and hese o f doctors, lakcs this means <~'IlI<!I,1OOtIiea and heals · Rom.n Relic. F:.,unl! In Walu. ~~l~ Druc"etI··~~~~~I~"ICD-: to blve warn ing that she needs tbe 110 PATEIIT. 110 FEE FOR OUI SUM.' VI' drkl ngmlln engagell In cJ lve rtl nl U,e dl....ed membrane. be lp nnd gentle ass istance whi ch ca n " best be oblalne.l from that old fa m· , ity remedy, llraud re th's P ills. · wh ich has b en in uso for ove r, a e ntury. SUPERnUOUS HAIR ~~~Y:l.,lII~~ " n". noptHlO• . \.:D ntel 110 Ini l.a'iua. ~~ Tbey are tlle same f1n~ laxative .!kl n hnoot.b aDd ,. hi \.0. " "'om" " '• • 'O ',,, ~ ton ic pili your grandparents used ~;'iI'a~ lI~!:iTu~:I ":",D:'-~ =« . 'he n Iloctol's were te w , anel tar be· tw (' n. nnrl wben people h lld to have A . N. K.-E , ( 1907-3) ~ a remedy thu l could abs olutely be d e· pended upoo. Dralldrcth's Pills can be dependell an ll aT sold 10' every d rug a nd l'o8ltlvel~ cored by Illulu or sugnr·coatc d. tllC SIB lJiUlo Put ° Tiley IIlsO relleyo DbAmerican Idealism. trclS9 fromDrspcpsln. l n. 8ln c~ my fi rst ' arriva l In Am erica I InLE dlSeSttol1and Too Dcarty have lI eld that the rcal' spirI t la Idea lEatlDg. A perfect rem· IsUc and thnt th e &\'erage Indlvldu,"l edy lor DlzzlntsS, lia\~", American Is con t rolled by Iclenll st lc ol'Oriness. Bild Tns~ In tIlo !Ioulb, Con.tc4 Impulses. Those u'ho may contradict IN, Ttm1J' U<l, Pili n In tIlo Side. me nan not hav sounded the dopths , TORPID LtYEl~ ~ of t be ph llooophy of Ralph WDld o Emerson , or sl ud led ,the life and read regulllte tIIo BowelS. PurelY'Vogctablb. t hl\ speec hes of Abraham Lincoln, and SMAll PilL 'SMAll DOSE'. SMAll PRICE. (!O llsfde:-ed their fa r·reachlng e rrect on Gnuine Must Bear t he American people . In Llncoln'lI CARTERS f2ll:-Simile Signatul'1! gr n t character no thing c an be more 'st r iking Ih aJJ tb e way In whiCh be TTtE IVER ~ ~~ combined reality a nd th e lortiest Idea l, PILLS. ~ wi th II tb oro ul:hly pra tical capac ity to achie ve Ihat Ideal by practical = = = REFUSE S~JB_ST~~UT.!~~ me th(lds , .Thls fac ul ty seemed to give HICKS· blm a Ca r·slgbted , alm08t supe rbuman FOR vls lun, which enable d b l,tit t.o pleroe th e clouds obscuring tlit! s ight ot tb e' keenest st:lt!oe8Blen and thinkers of his IM"!DIATEtr (uIlS age-Uaron Speck von Bternburl, in Headaches and Forum.
Ely's Cream 8alm
WESTERN CANADA. Special Trams Leave Chicago, March. l~
CAPU DINE Iodldestlon
IrlalIIoIIJo II\: "I"'~ """
Manitoba, ·SaskatchewaD 'a nd Alberta ,I-Jomesteads. \ Can,adian GO\.'ernm e nt r e presentativ'e s. ...viII acco~pany
'chis train through to destination.
For certifiCate entitling cheap rate s, lite rature and all partic uhrs, apply to
H. M. WILLIAMS, Law Building, Tolecfo;. Ohio.
VIRGINllFIRISandHOIES Color PUTN'A 'M F AD,ELESS DYES d brl hI d fa ' VA. mor. 000,,"_ •.nto(...,lo, r.olorslhln .",nlher dr', Ono 10e alffibe,.. Th. , d,.ln coII •• I.,!Iett., 'Ihan "n, nthet .".. , Y.. - . . .;;::;;;____;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilAriiiillA.'m.Oft.'WWl.1i iU...Uliirillllil.IDililllllliirl'. Wrll.I~II... bookIOt-ttOW~~'.:.~~~d~~. ~~~" .:_ ."!'...ONROIr CHnIQ CoO.. unlO,"vn.~,~'~ E...
WJNCll£JTER REPEATING SHOTGUNS are strong ahpoter:J,.strongly made and 110 inezpensive that you won't be afraid to use one ~ any kind of weather.' They are ~ade ro, 12 and 1«; gauge.
' palNT .ICkaO.
There-'s more in paln't th~n the Dlwnl;' df ' colors, le:ld :md oil. llcst resul ts can be k!,d only from bl! ~ t ingn::\icnts, accurate h21arlL~ of tl)e ir proportions. and' the b est m ..~ 'l)f mbting or assimilation. But m ost iDl~ proce~,s. Upon ,tho fineness d epe nd in Jar:;e
of all is the gr ~ll cl i ng degree the ·smoothl1l!. s a nd coveriilg capacity oC 'a paint,
Buffalo A. L. 0., Paints ( AKD
are ground througb rowerful mills ot specilll construction; tbfly ~~ tain the pU!~st and most lasting pi~tsground in Aged L~OiJ in correct p ro portion i th ey ar'! ~oBCSIly made; cost no 1114X;(.:'If,,_ inferior paints. and POSif'SS -E ' all the essential C1:l:llitics at a At. JCIII,tIo~le,f.r Bull'al. A L , O. R.~-lIrw..tPtito:& U he OlD"", ItIPpir ,011 ....a __ eo.
P erl ect .P a ..... ......
Manulacturers/o· p"c.. . ndloltlo ... .....'n lni • • a.w.1aIwaatIoa ...d chan 0
SOD~ .......
Buffalo Oil Paint & Vamisb Co. :!.~.=:~-
f_ _
~~---_'~ "'!]5~_~_~......----~~-_ _..-~..._
L o 1}r, L·' It I'
AI · d (\d •
)'h)', !lint, ,111'11'
Ho " ,
th, ~ll)ll lt' " f MutiJ,] .. l 'mh'l'W'lI cI
dU.I' mN'II.Il· at I1I1UHb\III', 1I1"~
Music for Macb \\I·iIi ~e
i1l'Ma.11Y Years
~.. 1
---~ •
" ~e uhJ~ \'alley th,e ,.stnke" Orchr Ern of IIt.l~1J!IJ I!lr eel" .. ,,' been S(;cur'd for:Uo • It
.If Hllr\l ,,,,,til ... , _ ~ __ \ :llr,;. I <1\ "i~;: 1\', \ :'1 : 01I1, [I" t \I~I Il t .. ioc, tl' 1)I"'lHrl1~1 HIl1.el (' : ( 'I ' 1111111 il'. ' nn" l~1 • •I'na l·· 1)1' U (> 11,1 ",illl'lI- I uol\'n. ''', '1, d n tit ... Wl1t"l'~ uf th l' )11.1(' tl I II) ' \· l' r.v f1 r"lt I' o'>'I:I ' j [I "nIWl'lI1 ~II' '1I:t'~ 'will h~ ht hI Irol11 I HVI'I' I'''~,~ 10 n Iw1~L.t,r\ !11' 'i"I t ('1 ll r , ,,''d,'.! 1" ,1 1['" d , ~uitu hl'r hl (t' 1 II ':It 11 n' In"k ~\ln il I> " , ' \llilan ;'1, '~l fH i-Io lither n .obi ,1 111 1' It' " ,hl" [.·n ,. j: h'linll'i 1 11l (l 1' 11I 1l ~ n",i ,r IIIIJ. Whlt\l Bl,jcl;!'ll1l',>} 11 trQni IIl~d8!l~ i l' .loU rllt" HlO l: .1/',\ ,.. r.l' Ilu II lrd :il sl. I Ml!1' I ll ': /1 " ' II io ·11,1'110 ILI'IIIlJ.'t \', l eI<. • ,. . . . ' f'.' (rroh ."n· I, (If L .,!Jlln (lll. OtH'I ' .) u'( l..11: k t~: 1 Utly. : 'L ell ny, \,,~ itt' .1 ~l., I.,i t ~~Il .• 1hun l ,h( 1 10M I 1; 11<)\' 11 ' Dl n'';"i cn T~r gll~l\ . I . _ _ _ _- - - . )'1\'('1 h hl''Ill lIUt. . ,' It, I U\l<; l z,"'I/I '-~ I tl til Cr>llot',· hns b u . Sa 'ing's (. f tnor,' t>r !o,,!; tb; )1;(." O~uT,h~ Ilf " I 'Ill I J Illr Hlth lI il'hl' 1 "de! .
ung A
r.$!.ci.u~tl lll U~() 111 '\11 , r·
s j 11l'1I l'
'1,,,ISU plll.Y .
But 'f u r t4cl' !lon th IIn/l ,II'jo g til n t , l)llio l'lVf'1' !:I r o'lIt IhlQllIgO WU '; UOUI'. , '1'/10 toliQwi ug ~\nl1ll(l nt '. 'uro in hy un () l'('f.:Onlll !; ll h, r r ilJlll' ll,u d 1At in innlLti til rI 'e r l'ElII ClJ Od /
, " lll{l!l "a t~1 '0 o f ILlm(J~t 66 . r;oet nud th ~\l nrulllooll <LS gonl1l1l0 ~f\ , ' , IIJVAI'J}owing Will r . nlt,,'11 in bv two ll· t tl o fo {ks of t IIU.t tbnvlog .·.'s
" nJ1n go.
I , g r, ut
s\llrl l'hl~
r . B :, 'Ulmtlll' nnll 1llr, 'k,lu of ~'in'Y Ill's il l , wll~
Ilnt! Ilh.Jl'1ll0tls firl on
. ,
BIICI i:1tOlll ll CIJ Trouble t)relL 11/1\' t 111" 1"'I' ' ttn ~Iok 1 I ftol' tileh hV(l pn !< .y IIr~ WI I IL lUI ~ OlllllO trfl~\ '
hi!', II fr ll' IIll /-I n'VO IIlP 'l
d n~o of Qhu..
t h ong htfnll.v lLl:; to VI'o pe rl y, II ) h.'rI " i,,'~ " t ,1l1luoh lind 1., \ v r I,n b . " low ing rll ll ~l!h rI\K li t th n Zon o o t) ' '{he min !; wi IOh hull br" 11 fnllill~ le t s , 'I'ho,\' rtitll'1l0 !H,} Uluob g ood that n ft lll'u oo tl J ft \'1' WIl tell ill " thOlll I t ' t il ' f ' l ' I 1I hpul-\'ll t I . hott,le of th III II nd bfl ye · . " ' " n 1l1O!\ , (,oilS 'h II ) '" I I'm IH'I\ c Il ~{)d t I\' A h ' o' l" ,t,t le!\ in IIll.' Todtii'; I fo r SIIIDO IHU , 110 I I'nr (1 t o hI'; ~ tO)lPt·t1 i:i llllll ' IY. null Ihu >- it lllltl n n ' ll lll w,' II '"f" . hllll romah t"O\llllt' fllth ol' wll h 11o o~u S,,11I1Il1I wOl'd~, l~u "llll i Ill prov\ n ~;. I M rH. .t ,, 10 1\ k, )we, CoopE'r , Muino. "PUlllI. wh I t b tlH (h8m mul ('s got l " i '1'lw"A tnbliHs Ill'O for' sl\l . by .J 'E.., I' nbh(ll' bunlh PII tbrll fo) l' ~" l .rn mll'Y, [;l11ie , a t·ot \I( fulll' . r lilt' 11 hril E ' ZEi\IA a.n,tl I'ILI'; CURl!: l!:e-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IUIlt,1' ply t o .)11\1 111m' (· ltlOI'!l Ill,,: !tEE j" 1I(lw i U ~ \~h " t 11 WlI S L llt, l th o (11 11111'r tll lll[, 1,l wlllhe l' dILY . LIe I' f I' 1 wlll givIl FHEJ,;{)Jr I:IA I fatill ' r Ionlgl.i n t;h .' 11"lIllrkoli thll t l " 11 ,; unh '10111' p O'liti\'( c lI r e [I;r ~O'I '.: th ill'll we rlJ 110 11Iu~ · ' II 11 r ' !IO I l.e UltI. ",li t rh " llltl, ('rS RI l> It~, pllos fol ln ll "d hel·.Q clf 1\ " 0 1' (.'tll'llfu IJy. fl llll : "nu s kill cl i · I' IIHI·~. In hlllt relloE" tb l U Sl'ucrJ y ;'1 p liod. ,, [ d u n't,o l ll !l 't ~ ufre l' Io n!! 1', wri te F. W , li ll Y · " ,\' ll.[, A:.\1,·, ,lOO Mauhllttllu It\>OIl Uq ! I .\l l' \\' Yurk . i];n c it.Jse ~ tU llIJl . ! I ! \) 1 \l0, . 1, Dr. J , 1', r.;lh ~ hilS br o' ll tlO III lIlond, 1
T.i totJo UIII rcnr'o
Againist Spitting.
to 'ron 11 T XII". 011 :I C ount of rh e !'81'ioll!l illnes s (I f lil Q !ll~ t.1 1', lirE! ,
_ _ __ I\nl' on Onltll ·r s , A rer('nt lo tte r TIlr'l'i' llll~ h r OIJ 1I1uoll olllplaiut 1'(' 0, iv d frolllllt re h o wu vor , stutes u m , 'n' I'csiLl'lil(.. Il l .. n/.: ~llli r stre t . " 1 . tllllt "he i ~ n nw nllt, nf dn,n gt1 1' 1 ('(l Il I'L'!' I\l n~ 1"1 11 111111 bo '. whn " I PButo>\'.1I. prl;lIlliSCOllsl.1' till t.he "ide 8 1' uf :'.1 0 1'0 th llll 'I; i n l) Pt1)l, wtllkl< (I! cJ oft nn (lU Jlriv lltEl l1.l'OPl rty· ~~ VI'l' .\· OIlC ..' 11 'l ilt.. II lilloll f.-ontilll: til ~ tr .. t , A ll uj.(ib\tlon hplIlrh.r colr,r, Illi U Itl'll'lI!' , k ill f1'l' o j" nllW, Il to II l:Ik ooun ool to P 'If''; /tU I r um ~i ll o n:ull's~, >1 n;.o;bh Ii, 'or !lnll " I'd t \( O pl'Il hll!i I in~ I bl ~ Thll ('lnoOl e (,OllstIPlIt.lOlI ~llot1ln gilt n .1 , '1' '0 I ' llt t.o I [,Ilkl'n lll' II II, iA ptlOkllge of Il lU~y L"xllk()!n tonl O , ~Cl I !.; . ) .• ta hlat • DlI ttl!" ,; "'I'et 1' t;l tore r, .1 . br,th 1Il XCWlIlbl l(Del un~1' II I blTY 1 E . JI\nnu:\" · ('h um he( lfnll 's 'oll~h Rr m dy II S I ~ I fll Mell ki n'e fol' Chill I !'lUI A Steam Engine: OJ' .. a e. , d ' • I In hnyillg It onll r11 mo I In ',! ..11' Th e t-illzntl l} lltl8 for Sill /I two (' lll\tI I" I1 , n (lV r h fl nfrllid 0 btlr ' . . d (' Il tl lllbe rllli n '" ' Il u g ll R ,' m ely I 1:1 .rae I)() wel' steulll. nglU 1111 'I'lw!'u i!:i 110 ollng l' frolU it., II ml ~e . I \)Oller , . Ii r i:< Illwuys ~ lIr'1 tn f(,now It, \,, ! Tho o nlllt lin h flP tl 11. l cl in tho inl pud ed l'l'po<'iIt1I~' fo r c ug h 1<, \ Gllzf' H e o illee the IJIl~t tllr e yeu r.Sj' COhl t. rrol: p !lll[l wb oOpinll ? Ug. ~l' €lud i~ In J,:oo d OODul1io tl. 1111d th r 1>\ no I,ett('r . noed lctnfl rn ' " , tI ll' w (Hld fo r tb !; d ' ~Eln " e , It IR FItt ed np WIth 1)l pe~. cl)n llootlo US. n o t tlly /I oel·tuin cur for c roup, o le. 'rh e lillgillO is AOllitrnto frol11 hut. wh~ given ns snon 'IIS t,he th e boil r \ hiOb will}) 1'Illit it~' 11· Orll Op.' oough IlpJll'll1' , will {Iraven t.
.Puulin Hll r shburger . ,llloob Gnllm. ty; .- gativ -Artllllr BUDlilton, Miss .B spie 01 ert, E<1wm Boover. '.1'] )(\ judges, Me!'srs. nUl!sell IIUDl· mOll, R oy Jnnis IlDd Gyri l outh· a ru, ga .... e tbeir lied. i 'D in fav or of t.b ' o1llmutiv . CbOlUS, Prui '(l Y
Tile L OTtl
Cincinnati & luuisville .
TO ALL IMPORTANT ClIIts ~ South. -' o ..d
Had· been ailinl{ for some days but
Ifllllwe th e Il t tnck , Whoop~n<> coug h ~s ~ot \ rou wberl thl r OIllE'dy 1 g IV · tbe Ie n"~ dlreo ted . tt, ()o ntR i us n o ophilu
tug' /let. whe l'e ver desired .
end was unexpected.
. 10 orlic l' to got, t,b l., nut of
Southwes~ TI~KEl1 ~ $ALII.
fiRST ","0 TIttRD TUEl .."", 01'
EActl MONTlll O IU "~' 1'01. l1 ~.....lTlt.
For tG[onnallan
PAUL 1I11.0'..rN, · . P. AI
--.- --- •
I t>
SlIdden Death of Mrs. Sarah Thompson. '.
1"1 11
J ' . A. (.\l'Iclo""ll.
!. Ift..u.ollt'.
W. c;. , ltlNllAS/.SO • C. p. A. ' : !le w C 11 Aill~ W A uJlel' tbe or a th el' hllrl1'lfnl dnt ~s , IInll mllY b~ I , C::rel:w4..... O. . ~ ' u t ll'O o nt ftt. e n"ino, b o ilo l' IIlll 1111 / givf'O a. oonfidentl y to n bnby IHI to f r ~:l ;, . , tin IId ~llt , For !lILI by.1. E .TallDo,V - - •...,'11:. . _ ~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~~~~ WA y
, : Death oame very suddenly To es· day o~g to Mr8. !::illmb Thomp. 80n who lived three miles 'south 0 f Waynes ville' Q1~,be Lebnnon pike. , Thompso ma!le ber home with her sOD·i w nnd dllughter Mr. and Mrs. 0 , :'Missildine, She hlld been more , 01' less ind is· posed for severnl duy s lind wos uu, der the care of 1\ physicillu but neither she Dor the membAr!! ofber family reit1izeu the serion ne of her oonditloD. The f:lDorlll will tllke pln ee Edull Jllnu Thursda,y from Mle Leolnn rhorch - -- -- where the fUDlil y forlll orly re . Notice of Appointment.
~,._~ .
~, Ji
or ~Urnh
l'!:~t:\ tI
:)u. H.E. BATIIA'VAY , 'V fI.Y !les villa's Lauding Do,nti. t . ( 'ffice in K eys BIlI g
L :l"hJl'\' d r't'l'fI:-'f:'d
0 111'0
Muin , t.
1.~L!.. hh·).
Hl tl W JI
":. ! ;.
~es t
Oys t.or.·
Solid Meas ure, 110 wator,
Celery-Cra nberries
Sweet Potatoes
SwcctFloridaOranges ala Na vel Oranges
$ $ $
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f' j I.JA"' "Lt. Y
~I h\' l.tl1 . J' lr f , rnL'~
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\\'1I ..I... t..\ \1
1 i~~ PC-II r1 Me 'my, of nell'!' 'on '. ' t pn ' ill e. nnd Jllr Erne~t Vuldn. or tIll i:iPl:i nl' Brllne h n eigbborb ood. WOI'O ullitc(] ill illllrr inge lit Dnytml Fintul'ulIY, '
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1' 0l1t:\l t ld !'t ~ 'l t h l IllY
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Tll l·,lllltlersl': IH.'11 hh'" l it (' 11 u PlJOi nt (.',1 4t'n ~f tl U._dllh. d ;ll' .HhJ ~ It~ h'lu· :t.101" fir the ~"'(Utt OJ
Th J UU!! I'o upln rolurJl ed t o thi. \'i oi nit y tllllt Y f' llil) J.: IInu will m ll lw t llli r Io ( JI l l' 1!(lIr l1cre.
l\1cIT)" S
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N. Y. Buckwllca1 f1.our
~1.l.( /1~', JlIllunl~'
;?7 th . ' M olll: n g 111..\(1' 11 1 () H Itl 'n lit
llananas & Lemnns
Ill ,
'J1 ~ t, ~t.
.1tl1u r\' , :11:):
0 11'. r m cn 1111 n uu. IInu yo hl'(' (:n .
L ima Bean Red Kidney Bea ns !rJarro wfat . Na,'Beal,18 yn~a l1 s.,
' --
$ '$'
Prunes - Peaches -A pricot s
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a .... alA. a..... . ....... -
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t (} l' Hf~ R II(RI1I1)" glow ing rm P Ie ~i(.n lIillly L.AXAK LA 'TON . TA 1. K,]1-; ol )1i1 rllte nil e rtl)l. t'l O II!; f 11)(' , ld D. l ,y tlWiT mild. 'IJtlt fintivp ll'll lHl l[P r·n Ibe l.oWt'ls. Try til ,m lItlllY lind e. cell inCfU, For· '1,}' h Ihle t!', n c: .t. E , .llluDe,y .
Ire I
' nbjec t ,
liDgl i~h
.' unduS l"ch ' r.J II I \1 :Ct> II. 111. Ey T. Lnl,. i l1\' ilrd If! tl l[ H'
loe .
S Zllmmermgn'g $' OF COURtiE
tr rc d
" flu !'n l lu r(l'j ((1 ."oJ. d in Amr'Til'II , Cl I T i~' li n nity ,
By special-arrangement the Gazette can secure for '' 'a lI who desire, the leading magazines and ' newspapers at special low prices O'n e of'" our special offers is the Review of Re~tew~, Women~s Home CompaIiiob. and ,Succes,s Magazine' worth 5,,00., ft}!r 3. ,
' ~~
-.---~--------~~~--~--------~~------~~~~~~~~~--------~~-----------~~~--------~~--------~--------~-----~.-----.- . - --------~~~~~ FJ Il'T Y ~~ I~N'(' 1I T B;:\ H , ~.--~-~------
______________- - - - - -.. .__
Macbeth (III I ii , \, VI ' 01 Ih e JI .·,)(II1 ( t lllO of \\' h ",10 w111 lin g l l'(' 11 u t t!!c b ll!J1 I .. 111 111 ' " "" Jl1I1 ~ 1I11e! I.'JlII OI'· ruw , Thurs ulI Y " \'1'11 111;..'. IlHlt ml L l ll n ~ b o plllY wil I II IJ II " 0 1 I h o lli'tl l e v e r 'pr odu oed hy l oc HI IlIl l' nl. '1'h o " o who IInv e n o l \l l r ,"1,\' ,,0 c u,'()(l IIflllts roll V 01) 1 ~11\ SIIII III lit Jlllll1 e y '" drug !It.o ro o r lit til b ox o lli a
__. u__
LOCAL AN 0 PERSONAL MENTION ~'ll' . lI lI l'r v ' h r WQ(lI l illlllllking xl on d ,,!l visit lit h e l' fOl'lIl1\r h OllleiIl M ullnn ,I , Ol\io ,
'fll i!' Ylltl r Ih o !.n uto ll Hl'llSOn III, g ill H ~'l'h l· II U I · .V 1;1I.h , Palm ):;U II ,I"y . fll ll~ ' III MII I'C' h ;!·I th , E II ~ t o l' ' un(\uy Mlln:h :11 l\1 r~ , \\'11 11 1' 1' l\l C' I 'lnro 110111 "1 1''''. H. ~ . H o wl'l1 W fl l' C s h o p i' il1 ~ in lJlI .'I"t o n 111 ,.. 1, \VI 'lltll'S!iUY . MI' . 1111 01 ~I r!l . J 0 Cllrl "'ti~ 11 1
Oldes t Woman in Warren County dro l'e to L'.'illll\ oll1i1 onua ~T aJl(lwl'!nt
lIv or t o MlduJ. t OWIl "i ll tnwl1 l1 l1 I s Se riou s l y Ill. Mrs . A nn Engle '"I(] c nJ'oY l' lI s"o in o "Th " 'oil .. ,,!! " N c ur I) ca 'Lh' s D oar ,\V Il!<)\V" n t th l';(}rh ". " MI'~ . ..\ 1111 1~ lI g l o, n i nt.y ~ c v o n M r . RflJeccu ,J . o iu s lifte r e ll · ll lIl' ,.1' II!! ,. li n d t.h ,' olueH t lI e l' SII U Y i n ' \l lI rr"1I. - l , lJlll1t y ' ]~ 8tl ri o tl ~ ly III j Oy tn (7 Slllllm lh l:lcl lool IIIllI 'J'l' o ut 'll g oo<.l urm un s p uut Ih e Hf· Ill, h l1 rh " IIl, 'o nIrifth lll r>e t MI':< ~;" ~ 1 1l Willi Il lrll'l;rm wit h 1,6 r1l60 n h ll ppil . wit,lt lJ e r W UYIllI~ 11II I!1I1l1 " " 1.. ~1I1,ulllu y , H e r e xtr Ollltl VIll e clliltl l'e l1 . ' .' II I,W IlI lI k, ·,. h ' r r ,· ('o v £' r y un co rtnin , t. l r H ,J IIIIlCI! K e rr iok s p c n t l:l lln . UI IY III X (' ni ll wi th h e r Ris t e r , MI'l< .
Farmers' Institute February 25 and 26,
,J ohn Pri oc' llllll m olhor Mrs . Mll r y Be li c h , h n th o f ",b o lll nre in vE'r y p uorh e ll lUI.· ' Mr H l' n lll l'Y ' o rron , wh o h ll: \1 II fll" " llng f I,h e o fU (}e r ~ o f th o heO ll ~ llon u lll t:)" th(' wint I' ut L 'ill ' IU 'IlI f ll l'lu e r<l ' iU!ltitu t u w p rkors In~ r ,.ic Cnll H! d UlVlI l o n ll ny f o r 1I f w !;Il tunl lt r IIft urn on n. Mo nrll\ y I\nd lhl Y" \' is i t w\th \ Vllfne n 'o u llty 0./ T;:l l· ~tl " 1" , ~' L' brullr y 'J:. IlUd 26, Willi Hx ct! 111'\"'" " th o t,i un' o f llolding fr ie u IIs . 1\l r s . E . I::i Hllnby, o f Oll y !o n , ~'nrI1 1" 1' ''' ' }lI~tlt\ll A, n ud t h o Friend:;
_________ • __. . . . .. .Nm,__
School Notes.
' ob l \:! \\' ol11an
'1' 11 11 It1l.!ly!! IH llt It u~t F' r ll \u y w ' th R",V m li d \Vl ll illnl "ll n . ]i1' (J ~hl o !lt, 110,1 g Lhol S I,ok,.,., SC(' ro tllr.y 1lto fn llU\v i n g prog rulU Wll~ r.'ndl!l'Ioi: [ ' I )IJ t : I,\ c'"o I I' d t lIn t 11 I l Ou ,' -l!I U . I wor,,(' I r e ll I men til 11111 I I ~ r eceIVE" II IU /l og r u .
I '
,on\.:. . An hi ·hl11.m 's T ri p' I Throu g. h 1:, l lropt" ' 1 .1.,," , \\
l'h (' 11l1I'~ 1'I\1 ~I r l'1(' ,,- (,t ·11I .. IlIrlnel's of 1111' Vll 'It]i~r lire U() \\lIll1 g WI'1'I ' ht,t1 "' 11111 ..... , .hll. , ~II' u\ 1I1 \11'- .... " '·11 '11111 I" 1;" .It, d nl u ·.\' '!~, 1I 1 II , t'llil k 11, ,111 1'."1., I!... \\',. '1, I II- ' I ' " .' II '" I lulll iI,\' ,·nj"y . ',1 !-:" n rll ul' ,,111 1 '1111 '1:0' tl lu. ny htlV'-" 1I"flll ..\' i \l'lll~ f n t" 1'0 LlfJ I(· I·<l Il " l~ II I"" I'. ~l lIlldll .1 l11d'l '1 Ill'\l!nl"" 11 I, .,- " .".I ,II1 .\"Wllh:\ll· ","1 \fr_ .111 "'111 1.., 1'1 . " !' IIII I' I IItI ' r.. r II\lf(· h e rt ll~ . I 11, ·. ,1' (i ll l'l'oy II n r >! 11111 '.II:! ~ lI l' l t lt1 1"\ l l d III I ", . I ,~ t, f IJ 'I "' I UII WU'Jl, ' I' lie r('CI 'ut I II lilt! 'tlll.ecl 1:l111,, ~ . I k I'." rlt lfltl, ~I "l'llIt~ " ,, "... . \\'11 /' \\',1 , 11 1 11 1 II ) , · 1,,1 I 1 1111 r I J \11 ' 11 ('('''(1 I h I "'11 1 IV "\ "1,' ' II,, · I.. ''I'".,k til " \" ' 1' tl cw it, hnnka s 1'01'11 1. (J" "(' " !l 1 iJ U p h \'\'l'" I I1II1,' 1 " 111 111' I . \ \ ' lIyn- ,n-l lIl', I lid " :\ II\(, 1'1 -I l'lI ,~ , ' . I : r.l r . ~1 i1rl n " C• lurk 1I J11l11 ill-< 1'1' 1111'11 1I1I1l' _ l'IL I""I~ ~OOl In ~ or p r op r t y J\llirmlt l i \' () I n fle l' . 'eth Flll· III1'; . II"II!:II II III I'g" l'(JIl, 'II ""(' II I - ," 1111" 1',nr''1,e "'01 1\ 111 I. 'I."", "." ", , • ·.. 1 ffllll' t hl' ~I III"" \'II Il , '~' " "~ I'II " I Illd IlIlW h Ineo llvien ce N f,{lIti VO 1(,11(11'1' . L An I;;or n h" rl thi;"llI~ fl" (lII11s l!1l 111l ' 1', ',J t . , p>ll' tl" ' II' I ll .!. "" I" I-h ''''" II, I .' Iu" II' Tho ll g lt t it .. \\,"lI t h •." "'11 :\ '-\l'; " ' (111 '~ l''' l'l .v \If 1I\J" ut flf y me n II llll '\'1 IU JlI . ,u1 I!; O~ , L e ll l.l ~lIl i t.ll , I(u ), m ond I11'; 11'1 '''1'' '1' 1,.. 1' ,·IoI' II!1ry I.( . l ,tI ". ·1 . \1 , \1 "~" ," . " , 1\. ~1I1 ' ~ "11. "111,,,,,01 ly "1I1d li n III, t ~11111\'tI~y. h· h "l l ~(} I I'11' _ II UIIl t hlH 1)I " co vls1l 0(} 'WCI. II · Ll liw l;e lind E rn oHt Hllrl ~Oc k . d OClll lit .. ~l' r\'l "l'" h.\' tll lli;ll1L: 11 1" ',llI llrli l ",Jil l ,.. Ih ,' III ",,, .,, 11 ' "l Ih ,' L \' fI , I LlIl~ (llll nll l,rl I" 1'1\111;' !JEff ' I, lin tha i 111 '111 ~lI nt!IIY , I \'eiw th e h ig h wn t or . (·u i n fu\' o r 0 1 Ib o u (>gllt.i \' >. i'l'U~'I'I' , lin I' \\'hl t' h I", 1"'111 1 Ih .. 1." ' ·I.u r" I ""I ~I ' ' \- ""11 111 11 II ,· lill" t h lll l h o ,·.. 111 dl ' I" I'I·,·t! lll lll II" r I ()WI I1:': t o thu uol~y CI1lIS!"} by tl10 }{1'1I ~lill g . .1 0~leOgll'lt'I )\'e ', ' .""I1~'I·.I' 'l'h,It .. I1 !""1 t llt' \\' . I'. 1\1 11I I' I'llIr" " II " r \ " 1, .. 1.111 ,, 11- [" '1; , II i , - III ' ''"l1dll !~ ~ ", t hn . 11111111 11 1 "'''''''' r h''I,u l u W'' ' 11\',' ]! '" II I A 111\' H IIY I ( II II'Il ! '"' I( I'li I ll' ~f' 111 11 I 1",1, 1 111J Oll~ 1I ":llI' II Pt' ' " 111 1,·, " '1', 1,1" , I ' r Ol li ,' 111.'ur,'I . :h"ll l'.' I ,I' un I It '\·U." 1", 1. •, ' '\ \'". r ( ,' 11 ·l on . , , \' t)clI l ~ol o. H u lh H IlI l" r l I'('ry III'pH lprilll l'UIIII I ' I\)('IIIII~ .. , I'\'. 1i 1'''''I'\'I' d ,, · , 1- 111 .•,\ III , ,,11''' 111''0\ 1·,,1 I" II I! "I " 1" \\' . IlI1t \\111'11 I h"I' \. 1' r1111<1 tltllt. llrrtVI1t1 h " "I · .t,"1 I I 11\ I a gno, c n tl' t I PlI •. (' OUtltl''y f ' I)tl~. , I l ' l ' S H rill' L,\-. tlt, " I' .. , ,dli,'p ' 1" tl' l HIl ~ II 11 1'(\ "-11 '"11 1 / f, ,( l t il II\' IlI 'l ·t.\ I'l~lt .V rnun ," \ 1 'I IHII \ II ,V lU l l I II H llI .\~ \ \ ', t l' t" thu II" ~ I " I \\'n lt, ·,. i\ \' lIrh.'! •• 1I \' tu /t !.! l' r li t t L .· 11~, J)' H o I Ul Il';I !l lw~, EIl I!!I ::; Iulw., J\I . \\· IIYI1" ~'· II"' . ,\ . I{ :-;"1':';"111 , 11111 ,11 1' ,,'1 " I, I"" [",1 11. 1 11I " klll~ 11111 " I " ' Ilr l~ \ 0111110: tu r "I'I"V" ti ll' lll 'I 0 aVIs, \\' 111 1' 1' IlU l1 ~r, ' II I " .1' 1'.-.111I II !! 11,,· 1,11l11l11l·Y. '1, 01". LYlh·!t,,.I II lr t" 'Il I''' ' '1'1",-., 01,-11' ,,· IIt· lt il , '" " il '" II I 111 ' " 111\- 1111" ) 111 'I I U I f .l'I I IIUlI" !. \II~ " 11' 1' :\ I 11111 " h - ,f\lIfti 0 ('/1 H 0 01 ,"" " I'' UI III}'1 111 II r . J..lUll I'1.II rl1 I111r t 'lI 11I I""U ' y I I I"~ I,," .i· ,, "1 1' 1' hI' 1 I \\' U I'I ~ " L""lIf"l'l, 111 1,1' willt 'II II ~I r L' III ,I, 11- "1" "' 1" III': ." 1111' """ I lC ' g U .. "1 0 1 :\ I I ~" , '"rn ll Elli ll t III UllI I ' Vi lliuIUSOIl . MHI1 Y \' I~lt o r :4 II . 1\'"1)11 ''' '. , f ( '1.11'1,-1'111('.1111 1," . \",_, ' 1 , 1"- I" ' lrll' ",II nt1l~ I>lI u),l'd III~I S'lIllr'I IIYIIIIII~Il 'Hl".v, WOI'U pr osent , HO Il1 CO lllill l! I'lI ri ,l- t o n' .. o1 1111 "J1P" "IJIIIII,· rlllll'l"r 111111 a ug ha n F anll For Sa lt: . "1' h" II, " h" 1',' 111111 11 11.1 tlll'''~ 11 11, \111~IIII W l lltu llNlln \~ h lJ hll~ toll t d II I t ' tll .l r 1.I' { l t '! IIPulth " \\ " 1t .. h" " 11 ''' ' t h " - leI" lI:'1 t , I ~ ;'11'11'0 \' tI "i~ it I,b o Rel! '"11 he8Idt1~ lit u L i[, ' r' f " I1 'I\\'I''] hy I'" 1" I'lIH! I " Ih t' 1.1'"1111 II f Y 'l'h o L o w('lI ',; will 111(,,, 1 ~'p h f ill ro hlll "(' I, ·r IIf. t il!' d"I· l·II'I't!. 1111 ,1 'I' ll ., II" I'J 1" . all!!I" "1 flll'lll " ,1 11 . IlI n, ;\ 1,,:< Il lInlll1h ,1 (Lln"~ 01 DII' o ~ ill n :.nry!l nr'l "1 , H ' r p ... ' J..!,th.t \ IIn lt l , \\' 111 1'olt l ll J.{ f r1 I "Jl l ~ b l'ru h " I lit II t It II IIn' :,, " 11 I I1\'t' II l~\1n' I II I JI I 1 1~ h. .\t t h, _1'1 a l ,,',nI l '.. ~ 'HlI"': tH 111 til 1\11'_ J o hn Hl r ll w n r lll.l\l·n,' oI III Itl(' IInrl k""I ' II,, · 111·.11' 1 I I·! !.I 111101 1111 101 ' II n"I'",1 111 1' "tI,· ' "I . I It I' IH.""I~ ..., . d lll, ' I'I'1I 1 1'111" I h" " II .! il'"1 1 (IIII' I' ll" I'I'VI \'11 I IIlt'e t l n g llll t t h e \I I!: ~I· lt lln l ltl ~ t w ('ok II ftpr ll llfrl' r lllt.; ""'nl rl hI' I~ " I :'1111\"" '1\-. 1·.. ·II'lI .11 \. ~I ,It I :lCI ,,' , lilH!'h Ill''' ~LIll (: onlillUi l1 l{ I . . ' Ptll HI I',' I \ I ' r\' 11'\\ tlll.\:- . rt' 1'UI1U f I'OIlI II H ve r o ultll (· ko l l'h pU lI1 l1 t hlll . Bl' I .I""!'11 1 J. 1\\'1;t1l~ " I \\'II'I\"~ I ,·:,('" I( ~,, :, III! " I"'I'I\' ,,1'1'/11 ,'01 1111 I III ' .... i l I " I II \ • l 1' 1 I I t I II1f' "'r I ,\I I' ll ( 'l lIr k Pi ll e f\/ld Mrs , ll. .:~ It 1'.', I l ~ . ]\11' ,I . g . ,llInn e .v vi~itl'l l I h,· ",11 ,' . 1111'11 1.'.1 11111['11\" '1', "II" I' \\ lIrr' lr h I' ' ''"11e! \111 1"." 11 111 1 ( '""kni l l" ,. , 1111" 1l"1 ,. " 1""1' " - 1'/1,' " ,' 1,. .I 11 l1 lll", of Il,. y l" II, w (1r eth fl gu o ~ sdwu l n ll oll ftoln Of) l1ll1 stw l' k \\' 1' 11,' 1it 11, 1,,,,, ",- ,. ",·lnol,.,1 ' 1" ' - 1'1' \ ' pil,(' • \1 ,' 11111"-1"'" 11 \,01111,.",, 1, • III Jl I'I "j.... , 1 IH' I .c....'u ,' tIlt I I V 1"'1 ti ll !" I I'' I ltl\' t ' o f~l n" Frll llk Illlrr ltl IlIst 'l' o esrl" y h OI'll Otll r s WIll Ill k 11I1 1II t(j/'(·~ t 11"" 1'\- -i" ':~I) , ~ \ . ,.) " ,1 _ "1111" 11 1,.\' hll·,.JIIIIIIII'l" ,.d 1'1"'11 " 1."11., 11,;1' " III I h •• l' lt\' u ( IIlr . Plll Ol' I~" t:lih bllrd w l1st he flrli t flnt l I' is it n ~ . . fllI,] ~I" i ll~ ,h'l 1" 1 . "1' 11111 1, , III ', F.'I' 1111'(11, ' 1' I'll r l lt'III." , 11 ' '1"11..... 1 1)"I' I,lIl ' :\I",,"~ ' I" ". " \\'il" ' ;' I'r t f'''' llIo r I., Il t'!l\' e r h i!! t.o !Jtloo o c r o p Mi ~8 MH ~ !St l'lI wn l unglll III thl' 't W " 1l 1 ,,('" 1\'1 11, II" of ,'1' 11'1('" \\11.\ ,\ ~l f· :.\'·I I. I "1I 1t' 1'\· III". 1111 " . IH' I'(O : ~I, ·. \\" ~ I ;'''''1, 11 1. :'I l r~ 1111" s e""" 11 H u ul ll l' k e teu it III~ t ' F'1u rtll r ooll1 fr o m Ih ' IfI"t I' g ["'11 1 "" t : .. I/lI·' I ' . .. , I -I II' huol 11 '1 ., ,, 111(' 1'; 11 11' 1'1'11 ',.111 tl llu~h l !' 1' ~1i.:< ' 'l' i '' l r~ tlll.r .
I .\
0("::1 1"
WhIt t' Brl o k lIIptl ting h O ll~e tlJ e WllS in \\'~lIos vlll o II fl! W ,I ll Y: III~ I lu nt, I?rlll :l v W II. ' h e r e l1ur tou t litlt )11' . H HII - - - -pIll e, Corn Want ed, \ VI" I" th e 111111,1 l' o f ])I'\' grl1lJ1 wn R I Iy •1111 11 b f' l'n 'w k wi lit II s tlllll ll .11 111I -a'I ' 1':1111 1'111' wbit!, • l:I igbeH t - CII.-h-pr c llr r flll ll- Cll nYlI s <'t! , II c mlel n o t be 11 I ab lo I b It h I:! bu 'i u ~s f II I' II <1 ,)'('11 0 1\', co r n lit full y " " 1· ,,1... 1 11pll ll , hu t MI' ''!! )'!!. M c · \\' ,I\,;\,K~ \" II , I .E 1{I} I.I .E Il :\111 .1.'1 , Inl ire .,n,l 1l 0 rd o Q, WIll b l' \lro e n t li t Ih, i l",thUCl' of th :::illlle Bouru Ih-i Llg n elt r B,lI, Il f In -I1II\ I ''~' uu t.! gi v o ~ o\' e rn l l ec· t i m , m o v(\u Y'" Sncial Happenings turPM UI1 I II1I( Itll' 1\\' 0 dH Yij s e s si o n s , up P OS~ UIII H o n .
of the Week
tow l\rds Oil Yt on .
.t , mltl I ;,,' ,,11· 1 II" 1 ' 1I1~ I,,"' " 1'1'1 " 1'11',·01 1'1' 11", I' ' I 11111'1" " " 111 .. ,,,! , "1 " .' 11, ' ,\1 · 11111 1 ~t lal ll l 1 ,''''1''\ '. ,1 ,,1 111111 111 '111111' ,f ",II ,. '
Ca es~lr ~ ~rt::t:: k .
.~ I , -- \1 111111 11 101 I'. '111111' II III ;.!'" 1,'\1' ,h ., " In 11.1,1'1 1' "
HI"I "· "". :'I II" 1'1 ,, 1''' 1,"11'1" ," " I . " IlS ""I' 11I1I1l lind ~: II \'. ~ I I'''. H llnnll h 1, 1"1 " .."' 11' 111,.1 ;\1,_· I{ ·1I I' II I , I'WI~. '.., 11 ( · I~·I I(' t "I. " ,' l r .1.'' I .,IIII·,V "" "n,1
~It~- L' I\II - 11 1''' '111'1 '011, \\'It" h i, ; lll1f' 1,, 1\\11 I'~ IWI'I '1" 111 ' '\f'k 111 1' ,.' " ' I. ,t! wl'('k~. Ib O'\" 'n!JI H W", I{ b " I, II'u It,~t, \\ ll . f! y ' 1 .\ ,. I Ill' \ l",JtIl!' ,\'l I d n l' lIl ,.! ti ll' "' ''rill t'U,ttl\.· Wt 'uth" t.. IT1IP' !I lll;": lit 1 ll:-. \\l ll J ll~ ~11, ,l tW 'J'h l \tn,,~ 111111 I {q IIUlth(l l" , \ tll1i1 ~l" if. ,1 111 '1 1 \1. }.:, 1, 1::, tlntl 11.' 1'1'\' 1, 1 I, 'it" 111 II I,.,,' I,IY" It" I ~Ih I'HI " .t "IIII~ . In'rI' '11111' 11 .1' ~iI III P I'''{lU l !ll ... l'lt - F"t-' JJl d ulh '!;:, \\'1,,·1, WII" h t", II \hlll .' I I'~ l ' IJllrl ,', Illi g IInll til 110 Il l,: \\, 1\('11 rh, '." "o rr I ~I II ;- , u~('(l ~ 1:3 ~· I'.J .. ,1..'\" t · 1I ]Il rl nt IJ~ ( }g l", hl'I' 11 "11 1 ~1'1111 ;': \' ;tl l,' .v "1Ir111'''lh .;"q ,rt~ " t! Ity I I,, ' q(' I ()['c h I/ill
.1. .... ' I '"" 1) r i
I, ,'
1' 1\ .
of un f,)J'tu n : lte~ appears to I1l1ve bee n pruvided for ox cept. tho h e lp les!! 1\1 ti e o rippl e Ilnu d e f o rmed o hildr e n, of wh o m it is ~lIi(l Ilt th prel:!ent tilDo tb e ro nr A betwAo n tkroe 1I1111 fonr thousand in I h(> 8t~1 to A Im o~ t, evt' ry c ommunity, howeve r !'1Il " 11 . bns on e or m ore of th tls(\ IIt t l n "llifAt a r S Ihllt, c o ulrl be CIlr cl rill' !lll)('h b h y tho stlltfl thllll t1w~' 01111 b e ut h o m o. ' Mr ~rihbs I ~ lIl1l1 l t o buvo r ecog · OI ;"uli Ihl " n ee d and origillltte t1 a plnu t o r II h eom e f o r 1:1l1oh o hil uro n to bp built. IIntI lIIululnine,) by tlJe 8Ulte o f Ohi o .
Sund n), m o rn i ng ',; O b iu 'tnl f1 J ournal co ntili ll otlllll oxcell on t piu. t.u r e o f F r d 'liS k ey o f \Yn y n e,, \,ill e wlw is n a l 1111 ' nt, II t, th e O hi o' !:itn t l) nl\·o r !'lt y . MI' C ll s k oyi s win1Hn g m1lc ll OOllllll Clulllti o n n s n Illnnfl ~er o f Ilthe le t.1 c I'clll s of th e coll egl' N o ()11 OIlJ ys m e o llo g ber -, h II d 'Irs N B f n · e nu!' lI1 o r ~ lU I] OC'" II AlIth o ll ,V, btll , b "Ollll 'f\ o f I lh "~i II I .J illflrmiti (j~ , i .. n o t pl rll1 lll f1 c! to 101l\'e h e r h o m o o f te u IIml Jll o~ l. li t' I e h "P lnl\ es~ FlU I I I'l· V l'~ fl' (1111 lol 1(, I I I 1 n h." . · I IIl1n g II1 g WIt I I r m' ec ,,' I~ . 't I W h An II wy "1"1 . 1e r .In IlO r ll\\' n hOUle " 0 11 .nn ll co ut1 ,v , 'J'uo,"LI., y 'If v <' " ~ 0 '" Iitstw ckMrs . B lindll Hnt.;(> r s u u u . M n:l , I ~II ,. At t.h f' Inst, ~ !l ll~i () !l of the leg is!t\ · 0011~1I1 u e II It B II Yh n n pre · ture, II bill Illllh o r bd ll g t h e bUlhl pnre lI two hilS k e t l:! 0 f till b s tnn t illl .inl( o f "uch II Ii m e WltR p"ss e d , n nll tInmt y food .1Ild wlllk e d Ill. tn.k . "0\1 ,I \JIlI lllnl !!~i ou uPllo n t ed t o s e · IIl g b oth Mr. Ilnd M r s , Anth o n y '" Illfl k In ' g . Ieot II 1,1CIlliol1 f or tb e Institulion c omp I e t (\ Iy 08 11Ilu t·h o IIlf'Ul · Mr . glubhs is lulv o('.a t,ill g t,h nt t,b e th o wb olo a llY , IlS w e ll H o m e b ll built. llt Ft . An olent o n o r y of 'it" 1\ p o rfe ct d e li g h t , wlli e h the Inurl wllich is nlrendy u wn orl they g r e utl y npll r e oiILt.ed . th e r o by tb e s t,lltO • PUBLIC HORSE SALE. _
Last Number of Lecture Course
plltro uizod nnmberA of the entire oo urse , Ti o k e ts will go o n ao]e in tho buiJellDg ut on e 'o 'olock I::illturdllY afternoon .
.... arm for Sale. A fllrm (If 1:40 nore" I X lI\il f'~ Wf' <1 of Lytlp. on Upper Spri n g hoI'(' "ik ,' . nell I' Buo k "ya !'ohon\. t:lbert rO(1m f o r 12 tl c r as o f to\)acoo. Inquire of Wallnce Tlbbl\llI, Wnynesville, Uhi) ,'i'e lf'ph n nA 56-2X
Wanted, a Farm Hand. fllrnt hy the month, n r to rlli"A 5 or 6 n c r eR of tobROOO lind 110 dll Y work . A ~()(l(1 hO\l8e (or 8m lln fllmlly
A nll.n to work o n
prnvided, laquire of Wallaoe Tibball, one 01 Lytle, Addret!ll at
mde "Pl!t •
flelephoD8 "&,.2",
( ' ltllrl, ' ~ I:ln!t!uury In"ud . It .. rll ::iIl IlUIIY .
cu lle d
.\ 11', IIlIll 1I1!'!! . H lltb!l wllY sp~ nt "'un d llY wltb t hei r IIHug hte r , MrH.
t I' ,O il .
:\ [I~" ~I ,h,·l ' lt e l'\vo nd ,Ind Pro f . 1'1 .101 " \\ Il kor>lClII u lnlUel e d 'r du ch fl rs' l U-IIIII II1 li t M,l n ' utorell.\oY.
T", ' ~" lt· " I I,), ;" \ 1 1'1\- W" , 'I"It(' II I II 11" '1' r"II! Th l' ' ' ' 11 11 01 WII " ~11 :\11' 1I111'1'Y ' liu e WIl S i n Cindn\\'1 'll lIft " IIt!I'o! ,'!I'll I' II n ,l 11 1_lilll'l l lo llI llo ,,'y Will''' nl'tl 1'· l' ldllY . ' l' l I' " I,' I I" I) !t n l'" I h, II 111I11J1 I III U ~t 1m II·~ . En n H A l hm, \vh o blls bee!i IOI ut'- " "'pl l1 l1 . (J f ."" 1'1 1, ' 1. IIft":' lIi1 "b ' I' III ·,·.,1 1\\,,' 111 1' Yl1ltl'~ I~ , '"111 11 ',1,"-101 ' ' ' II n(\ II .s'·lIrcll \\'IIS bu I' I'.\' ill , i~ ~O ll\ eWh llt improved Ilt \·i,.,I\ II\1.;" III " (' ·11 - 10 il ·,'111'1 ' ("JlI1J1I11O f! 11I1 I h I' qn(o~1 ,'1\11, '11 11'y hi!:! h r lll:': .t l l1~ writl n .!. unt! o lh,'1' 1' :'10 111\',' 1 "111 111 11 ,," , n ~ ,../1 1111' 1'01 plltllt. No\\' ~l l's~I'~ . .I l) hn Bllrne tt lind J , K . '{,I ' '[" II' I'\I'"f k I'I';{ ' II r I U' IV" I' , '\'"n i;n ll'" 111" III,:,re II r · ltlll11 l'0 1l1 \'tl' r . Hp"IIl't' l' We r () in 'i n oinnlltl Thu r!l, r lln 11l ' l'rU T V flll1!o1lJl'fu l e II "t' l rlll d ll ,Y jll' ll ,I 1"llll" " " I\'~ 1\'11 I 1 11'11' , ' I' I \ , . . I II Il l ! 1'l~ 1' " itpfu r " fU I ~ li n d ~(> 1 1 1 f'11 · I ~l l~~ ;ll ttb<;1 ' 11 r wood s pont Bnt . f !'l C' IJl ",I' m ll lll I I-III . . 1\!llIth f' l' . !II •• t "\\' lIh th n f ro!:, f" r u r ll ",\' Ave nin" nnd Suod1l.y with ;\I Ollthl .r ~Io 'l' lIl1g \\'II~ 11 .. ld i1,rl' it] ~Olll " rt'-JlPC I ~ h ~" r\' ~ II . II I,"I' Mr" Wh i tll c r e at Morro w . ou 'rllllt' UIIY u l Ilt hl Wbll k . Ifllno t 1', li e ('rllwl~ dow n ill HO l1l 0 , ) 11. " IMll 1I ,,11 1 I1 g~ \\' II l'lh, h' lI u : .~(I('l lI d E'd ('r o dl'" upLl n th o UPIII'fl ll etl Spra-ng Branch. . ---I) " F u ul'l h 1I111l1flt 11 1h , I " ;;". ~hn ! ' 10. ' '. wl'nl " , " 11 1, ,11 1111 a ft'\\' W e lliS ""':", " I " lId "'c'ulllO r 11 11,1 f' r tl w l~ up J ",.t l . 'J' l\(\ n t.'urll]l(ll II ,CIt of Ll'lIt II'II" j l\'iI - III 11 I 1'11'11 ~ " ,l ul'rlll nil WII i II).! . II f WI'"II' 11 \ "1 .' 1"" " 0';. 1 1 1l~ lolt'r I n i1('fll rl'll s l ,ll' lll llltrl hl' rll l tl~ it ,; 'OIU . , " It ~ f orty dli Y;; rl f r e lu x ll tl .'n .II HI ~,. II " lf ~I , " ll \ ,,, I.,:: , (' n((' I' ('(' IIIlI .\', tl . I .. I I . , . MI' . l.u \, C h e n o w e th is s lowly I' ~1111' 1\' ~ ,. " ,,, J 1" 1'1' .11 \\'ll~ 1'I'lI l 11I i! in II p ll'rcllI" "1:1 ' c h lrt~ 1' 00CI'. , . ce ll ~io ll fr o m w Ol' ld l \' 1' 1"II~\1 I '''~ I !I '~ 1 111'1111,;.\' 1\'11 11111 . III w lt" "1 ,h I' \\"1" II ' I ' I"l h,' HlI lI l1 l1l 13 \' 1II (.ll" n u L11J~ .ll' e 10 Ill1prl} vlnl,; fr o llJ n lo'. n,g , .l1nd t!overu • 1111 1 iI .\ h 1n u n e cnuBo f " rnll ll.<tllol ''' ' I\ ' ' lI y 111 ,,-1 1 ' \' I"~ II I "I I IIII""I\\l h \ )\i n o \\. II l lhl" H ~fro m Ilppe n d lol t lS. 1111 11111 ('" ,,,1' 1\ '1111l fllllllly 1',,1' ('. in .;o('iul C1 rol e~ , 1I 11 c1 dl1l'ill!! lit· " !n ld l" '11 hh'-~f'l l Ih, ' 111111'" lmlonll' I . I \1 Mr. flud Mrs n e org o Prutt spent . 111 0 \'", III tI ll II' Ill'" 11 0 1111' II /I' fll ,If r 111111 ~ I I'.' L,'\' I ( ;Il'oIthuu SI · I 1 1 I 1-1 ' 1'""1t w o It whi ll' t lt l' I'L' h .II·L' ""1 '11 I" " " " ., 1" II I II 1111:" '1I11111h ~I _ ' . ' UII/IIlY with Mr. o oloroon Luc l1s . ... , )\ l'W BUI :1 1I~ 1 . 1I1 "'-t w.,,,:; I h I' "11 11'1'111111<'111111 l';!lI 'l n IIlY nwht IIl1d 11 0 Inrge g nth 1'1I1 !!'~ . I hl ' I'" It , \t' I IIt· '" I I,·, t " I.. 101 ' I \' llIIrt ·.) 11 11< lIfe , eo !lnu fnmily of u ellr Mt. B o lly . qUIto II 11111III,.>r . I' f l ' I'h11'I' \,/11'11 ,·1\ 1)\' I It"1\1 will h ,' IIC'- ~ ' \I n/lll" t11f1 (-'(, II'V m i lllstol' 11 R o v Ile an v , ue .It '"I1 ·I" , 111 '1 I I ""11 It . I"!IJ 1"11\' ]11"~ 1" 111' " u p h 'd 1,\ ~ " "",, :"1'" . .,. . . I' I tL U C d ' L' ~ " ,"1 fH 11I , 11 >1 11 " I Ll''' "I1 " " . r .. OIl U nn UJ.c ray an son oll-d parties, f l c. -lIr l' l \' III I: r llll d '·I II . Il " ll1'l'!' ll :-\ ,\l I'r· 1 . . . . Arthul' llf n onr 'c ntre vl'lle '''ere nIl . Ivofn i" ' Ii I \ \:Il ) '. " I' ~ I "I'I , ' ,: 1' 1111111 11 '. ~ l lll l ld , 1 .1 'I' ll(' \,. I' I ~.\' l'Il tl I L'j.r'y ,1"lIb \\' ll h tlt o p "rll t (of'(.lI i n od hy H . ' . Dakin !lnli .f 11111~ MI' . nn ll l\l r~ .1, ,\ Fnn k '·.I· ,. r,· 1·,,'1.. 1... ' ....'1 '111 '1 .1..... , l, lt ,I J) " \':.II : 11~, ,\1 ,.; -1 " '11 1 ,I \" 1'.\ d "x r~ " I' 11ft·. V('I t lllJ- fI I\ lt o '" ll I Y li n ~u11l11lY "l~t. ~~,. 11 0 "'1 lint! h o~ t, ,~ · 'I'lt llr:illlIl·" \" ',·II." I I" I' ,('III: ,," 11)0,1; 1'(. {,li llY III · It, lilllldllllg' I1 :t-it In I lt ll L 'VI II' WII'e ~ ., . ' -. I " ' I I" f (11 1il' .1 .\\' 1111' :' 1lI"II'",, , . 1. ,1 1'1' 11FtJ 1111''; Be r t. J\lurillttlLUd Mrs. Dill: . IJI. II I; \I ' C'l llc k 111 11 111'1', W'III "'1 \I , _ \II I, 11 1111 "1'.1I 11Il' h lldl'l 'll li n d ~I' X I ' lrll , 01 . 'I" ,- . II , " III Ill " " It' ll';,· af(: 1'llIlfr ' m l od \\' lI h II ,. ... o n \. hnrt '.' 1l o f Mt. H o ll v w fl r o ~() r ",_ in I' Xll tlI"it fl ~ t,·t. , II, I II I' "1', .", !.! I'Ul hl,·hlld ll'lI , 1I1 "1I 1'1I1 1h' l,,~. " I IIl'lb li n ' ,, \11 JltllI"lI IH'III),: l h, · tl " , 0 1 • \\,"H·lt 1'''\,['11,,1''1£1' , I IJ " ~ n ut KU" ~ I~ III II Ill 11 0 1110 (If Mr~ . . Hirllllt J ~ • • (. url'e~, 11 li u o tn ri; ,' y 111'111'" II,, · "I 1.1~ .1,. , I"" 1I1 .. llt l l· lI L1 tl !!rn nrl· III. III·III)!I·"t __ 1': \'11 1,',,1111,,1 I, II 11"111. Ih""IIIIJlll]l ll f l rll~I\ '''l!1 l1 n ~ I'" d '1 . .. , ) " ~ III IIIl fum l y ono du y lus t w ee k l'1lilfd e ll c 'lcyt,n tll c " "II 11[111' 1111 1, t m " llwr ,II' fl l:!r·-I"',, " I IIval' \" '11\'1'\'1 .1 .. 1II, ·X"'>I',lslhll .l ll\ lI lI l bllndlf' U 1111<1 1 111 ' '1'1 ' . , 1,lIbl "u • .i llf·" l, I I!\, 11111'_'. I II " 11'1... /,, 11 1,1 '1I'tl l ' l:. " IIIlII' n I::,' \\ til IlIk,' " ltt ' L " " 1111 11'11 111111 I lt o n ' f,IT ill tCllll uf ., " " Ill Lllc~ g ltve .t w oud I I I i IOUI IIIS 'll . " o \"or IlIlh " I'. ,11 '1"IrI ", 1 111 1-111, . " I' ..... I'. I I, I I· ,.lI rll(,..' ·, ,1 Ih , ·lt '~ 1l1( ,01 "" o l ph ill ~ I (II I1I1IIt' ·y l lll\rul)(JOIII"~ I II ;.\ 'I'u lOl' p ug liS I· , ' l u r~tlll'y nt wlll c h '-' w or() 111 11 1 ' 1,1r ' · I~lrll" ' II. ·' I 11I ,, " l h!i I "" \~. w" (I' h \\'a~ II ,,1" "11 1',,1 11 ,, 1 11 " [11' . , \\' 1111r lillU l lln ,." I\'() llit... III!' ". I!'i o ll. l>u.),<' I''' 11 11 \'1' n Hn ll rOn l' l ('Po II of IllS n elghb ... 111l(I Ih e g u Ii t S WI'Ttl : Hel' IIn ti M I'~ 1\, '", J1 r (~IJr II, lIud Ilh() ut 2:; eO I'd uf P h ilip 'fro n t , J.II' , 11 11 .1 ~1 1''' C T 1'"ro 'II I' l'lIl''''' 1,1 h i< Wlf,' \ ' ll t "'Ill " " \\' 1' , ," ,1,"I lit:. ' UI 111111', ' 1(1I~11 d ,,!t"' I'I \' '; IIn l l l I"ri , I ... ' \ . II 'I I \\, ,, .. 11 WII!' c u t . 'r h e lu(.he s pre~!' lIt I I U"\\'k o, .., 'lr. Ilu (1 l'·l·~ ' \ ' . LI . AII I'II , 1,,1i, ' 1'It11 1<'1I t il 1111' 1 11;.1~ (" ' 1,,,,(\ 111 '1', WI·1I 1Il :.! • Ilr. "L! \\"'1'11 MI'!; • U U I I,(. ,r ll ll ' Y. , II" I 01 t ",I' I \ \'I IIi '1111 C h e ll o w , Mr . nnd Mrs. ,J. W . " TIII' t O, .'11'. 1111el 1,,,ldlll>! 1" 'II \1 I ~l n ;! lIil' r,, 1'111 1" ' " 1" '''X \\',I ~ In ~ l :I ,., III I, ' \\'11 1'" Il II I I ~ I r ... HIl V "Io n o \\' u tb, Mr::l. F 1\1 . Mrs ll oo. 'V.· Huwl( fl, 1\11' Ulil l ;'\II' ~ I \\-11 Ii .tl lI llI " III ~l a l l'1l . I ~': ~ . ,.. 111' N ev.' l:1urlil1~ton. , 1 " 11~1' " I 1/' " 11I'~1 ",, ·.' 1; . ~l lI n \' II I " . II 1 I t il r,II'II I' III " '11'111 " u II >III ' "))( ;t!;, 1'". ,1;, Mr :< H. U. Oll kiu IIl1d Mr s . !:>. L t,\-. C!lrt wr igh t , MI' . 1I11l1 ~ll' ;; .1. 'I~ I "':'('I , I Il'r I" II III'l' ty III (" ' IIf ,' I' h ".., ~' I J) k ' ,\ II 1I," I""I1 I1' ·III1.. d I ii,' ~I, . ( .· ., lId 11111"[ 1·.\1'1,,]1111' ~ I 11' 11,,1,1 Ill' " . ~ II III O CIlrtwri g h t, Mr aUlI ~I( '~ '. 1\1 (·" ll llt .\·. I', 1111 - .1' 1\" " 11 " . " II l1 1\ 1111 Ill' " () I I :0-' ... ·1:1 1' ''1.01 I,d il'll"!!·.\' I III',' t'I'"'" ' 1'1',,1 1'('111'1'"11'11.'(1 t l) "1"'1' 1'~ 1111 11 :\11' :-;11 11 'CU ll i, /1ntl f luril y w e r r I .1 , r, " I, III :.! 111 R o blt zo r . Dr. umll\[rs A . T \Vl'I ght 11 1111 I' f''' ''' '' I ' . I ' I' I I Ill ' ',, 1111111011- I,,, w,·, ·I; p'III' II II,; "lIkl·. Ih ,' g(l(l~ I " " r Frn l1k Goo k !lnd film u r . ,I. \ V . Mill ur IInli l\l r :; ,I , ( . , 1 "· . n .. I~ 1 "" I'" "i " " I'\·" .\· ~h\1 rg . , I.' 'I ' I I II I '1 I' I I I . I ily II I t'u ll" j{1l HI li o u S UUlIIlY lu,t ' 1'1 \\. l\lill or . ll p t I t IIv '111 11' ,t! " " 1 rlontil Kh(' ttl I" " , · JrW n . Ill j OIlU' , .1 1':.t . \11 11 , I llflt-ll~ \"l~lt 1tl ~ w tt 1 . '.
(JIl I'! " ,
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I will o lte r a t public a ncti o u t\ t \\'11" II III' "oI,, 'r " I .\ l ld " d ~1 "1I1hl .\· Ill y r llsid oLloe y. Ill i lo ell. t Qf WILY, On o o f th o huP PY !.' n ll't lllllllll l' nl s l ~l ,· (· 1II<!. ,. ,,, 1 I,, ' " 11':1 ,, 10"1' "I' Y\\II)'~ n esv ille , on Wl1ynes vllle Ilnd WII. r oc ontly WIlS th e (i o'c lo L'k llill lW), l il "''' l it,· 1,,, ... 111 ' II III 1;;1 01 1' ,' DlID!;to n l)i k ~, on Th e IIt Rt numbo r of thf1 Wllynes· ville Ipc turn CO llr ~e f o r I,he sellson THUR80AY. FEBRU A RY H , 1907, S~ tu relllY evel1lu~, ~(JT\'''u hy 1I11' ! T it,· 1",- " 1', '111 ' 1' ,,"1 1'~ 1 ,ltl rr~h ~ (' I·. aud Mrs Uoo \V. H ll\v k,' lit Ilw ir , 11 11111111 11, " l'l l l h 1lIlI l1 t h. 1-::11 . II , of 1906 IIIHI 19 07 Will be g ive n at co mmenci n g Ilt n 0 'clook s hllr]> _ cbee ry s uburbun llO ll W A" 1",, 1 , 1II 1'1I 1iO Il" \\11" 11 -" \"' 11' 11' 11" lind Sohool Hllli , ' l'bnrAd n y evoning, 60 wlI.y~ . lh e ollse witb!'ttr '"111 ~ 1 1'~. : · h ('fn " I II'I " I I· - I I " fr"q lf'II I II·~ " "k" Head of Horses. Fobruar, i, hy Edwin Brul!b , t he 60 ooosistin>g of w o rk h orses, uri ver s Bllwke lUI h (l~t un ci b "o;l ('~ s . I h l' I' Il . " f 1)('1. li n d I h, ' 11 11·,'1111).,' tit 1(1\" '01 mngl oinn . c olt, tR I!:OOU chee r In IIbundlln co Hilt! II ! n n, ':. III 1l" lIl'un N othlllf( dill 111 '1 81!I(ht n f hllnu p o rfo rmnn oeR htl va nnd 81ldtll e rl! mores Ilud alwa ys llp on 110(1 "ll Will'S will h e yenrllugs, tw os. three ll, f ours Ilnu fe . llt fit ' for Ih e !{O.IH ~P I'(" ld b orll l'o lil li I' ll g q "oI ' l llII n h l' .. t uwi Il K Il 111\' '' 1' , t.h oir g u osl,!', wh,) , in ti ll ,! ell!!l', \\' I) I' U 1\1111 ~ II' III WII .'>s Ih.o\\gh l [J I I I,,' "' 0 111 popuhlr IIn,l the proslIeots lire t,hllt up to twe lve y eurs old. 'lliny o fth osehor se aa Ip' ur c llll"~_u " " M r . 11IIu ,1 ' " n .r '" L u v 'Ill' t WI'I ;{ h t , l'LilY . I fll rt. U ! !) 1 1I" I' '.lt~, f o ro l lul· ')\I· I' thi s will b o 00 0 of the ru O!;t, liber·
1.,·1 1I11I 1\ ""1'11 '1,
~ 1 1~s UI' l't l m 1~lhll" lind ';\[ 1'. Frl'd !'tIr>;. Murl; DII \,I !:! ~ ]le n t Fri(lrl Y 11 1111 11 1' \ " (1.1.\ · ... b:llJ.'11 I'n t or l,nin ed in fu rm HII .v II find S nlllrull,V in On ytton Y I ~iti ul{ 1" ' 1 ' 1 1 " I·I" ' II ' rU I " 11 1l " l h". ~I· I'h, lIl,d, . b ol' ~ i " l c r . ~ I r ~ . J , ' ;OWf 'om pto n II l1ll "mull r.o m pit n ,l' o f fr ill ll ll ~. " I' ll II\" . . 11111,1 I Ifl 11 ,,,II , L 111 1"1\1 ",,, I 1" '111 01 \" .01 fHmil ,V, wh ll III lI " IILl over to t he vCllI u g . 1\11" tllI ' II' I II I,III ,\' I" 1 ~" ld I!:ugl .. \ ',,1 ,Mr. t~lItllny Stubbs , o f ·II G5 Ap}Jl tl ('; e m ' i I.~' Il f 1\' mo nlh R n go fr o m Tho nf t 1' 11 0011 ('lInl t ' llIil 1111 '1 I,·,. \ ,' n t l' l' c l,uIII \,. 1 ~' IlIl,..vh" llI l", " tr""t, 'I" ci nnu ti, htls se ut the we ll Itu llt r ,1 Fl'1du,Y u ftl:ll'n nrm \\,l lh 11 1',.. . . 1. II . \\'1}1·t) ,.h,· WII:' II ' -' "II1t; gI rl X e n ill . 'I'll Y Il l' :-;1 11' GtlZ ti l' " 11 uxt ol1tie d UOIllILUI\IQn · tb (, 11 lin d ur o w e ll >! utl sficd . I 'UI ' lllllll , wbirh gill)': Wlfh u t ~" I' , 1·,,111 l'l1 l h l'l ,h i II Wllh,' I'-hljJ 111 th l1 tl nn it l ",lit h he ud VIJOnt(>S b'llldlng Mrs . I, A . Zlll\lne rmU n II L II. Lut l'! Home f ill' 'ripl1le l} lind 11I g lhllt lb ell lJ' l\lrW!l~ 0 1l t.: Oflltlhl I · · · · ' IYII I F'1·jl' l \l I ~,', h \( ·h sh .. hll·p,1 I()'l"d p loR~l11'p, 11 11 (1 f1~1tll' Irlllll Ihl' l "llIl WII~ ,,, ltllg>'1 . 1 III IPll,II'I'of III I' '\. Defu flll e ll c hildre n .llt F t Anc ie nt h ,jm G tro m M tl rl Op , Uh io, Uhi o bu" h Ollle1:l f o r ber d ouf , li pr eve n l n g wh or e s h (' hll ~ be ' n r Oel \' t ll\'er~io n of tb " 1I ,n,., l ilt' 11I 1'rn' 1II .! -.lI t l illi'" HPJI" III'l ng IlIlh " lIlln . "bo o t f o ul' ', llI vr r <'ut loll mod th , 110 11 1' gllll,' I ~ tr\· bUIllI II I" fo r t h o!:! e w h o II r o (If in g t,r e utw e nt. f u r )';h l' \\'11" L:r"11 11y Il tw e hl!d 1'1 t o s Wlfil y nwu y. L Igh t r of r o~ullll' llt' h,"r I"'np l,'" ,lind :t 1Il 0!'t, (J o" )I t:'u, wenk 111, for ~h e ollilepl ios and m o nth" c o mpl e toly r ~t o r e u wl'r e 111 '0 serv ed I " IIt'tli, ' nl ('11l1 ,1 til 1,,'1' IlIIrO llt ~ f or tllll insnn e In f,tot eve r y o l as ~ h e u ll h .
State Hospital May be Located at Ft , Ancient
~{H ll;! rvil k .
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~ I I· . II l1 tl Mr ~ Ernes t. Ollkin rl) . till 11 1,,1 IO t,h o fo r,ll\ ul" s h o melLfte l· ,t
t ,·\\·,IIl.l'S VI ~ lt\\,l thtllellltter'illplll· . t""~ ,\11' ,mu Mr s. D r . MeC r."y u t 111' 11' I 'e ot,e rvllJ o.
Pleasant Ridge,
I ·lt lll'l o~ 0 1' , y li n d fllmlly w u ro las t fl~lI; am ong 'll em nnd Mrt! . ,J F I :'l!lwIlJl' l(ll'r . Mr. 1'lt e ,I" I'Pllsl,,1 i~ t ll .. III~I ,oJ ,. f l1 1l1 AUII Il Hr,' ' \'," '. In g LI", !'I'ce ul· I; lWil tS o t Nll t lulll ,1 O IJ U ~ well mntched teams, Iu: d Mr~ Ii All e n 1\1 1 ~I I ll' (1 t SIX II I f1 lh l' r~ 11 11 ,1 ~I -I l'r" , 11 11 " f '\ I b~ U"l' l h " ,'lIll t h ' 11, m t M" " II"" 11. 11 1 flllll i l.v, .. . r nnl • r!l Wh OUl pl'I "l'd"(1 111' 1' U II III 11 il I t' II I \\' I!lll\ II' I :"'''I'I UII II li t! fUUlily .I ' n nd Rorrels . ~O Dl O nro ,J . A . Funkey , nnd AlU,l1luu \\ I·ig ht. : yours . h ll\'" 111 .,\','11 I" 1111 11' 11 I\' hlll ll ellS I n if:( h l \\, lI h ) l lll n ie 1I 11 1·1~()(· I{ . 11.111 1~on 'o ruflll 110(1 ul\ug h t.or broken ; WILDy hlL ve J \\' iJO\\' III Il/,: W II ~ " " 1 !J ill\' "I I.,w ,: f(:"I' 11I 11' .1"""' h",,(',l,,1, ,Iph n j It",· O,u ly ,1111 (0 . , 1"1 \' LI ll o'S HIIlI ,\I 1:4S . . ( '.(1 I II I t '"l k ' I Inn e r with JJl oo b C o r . beellhl~ndlet.1,8 0 Illeinhnruos!! . , All Net Cl b II Illvi ll t;. 11Il1u l!!t1nl 111 0 1111' 1', II l1 d ()gll'~ I" .• , I Bl' l'lltll :-;IUl t l!rlln Ull T\l ll~ l ' l \' "I·,ItI · 111,11 II lit! C, h llur e ll 'l'U tlSun y . nre hultur broken . eW en ury U. klll el ll(, I!!I .J ,"r , hll l s h o P IJ~'I'~"",I II " ill g WI t h .II)1)o h l:ion tt .\11 11 fll lU lly '" '1' I hn ll lll lll 1I1 1111!. 11 1\,1 /I I' I"(II UI'\' II I ~ II I h " I1 I1I' ( ,,1111""11 IJf No brll ~ . \ll·s. ~; r ue. t, Butt. rw e rl,1I t\ nu :lU ll On th e Ilfte ro r.') n o f ./ I Illl11'1 Two work mares bro k entosmge I J ~." . ' . JlJI ~. ,\l lcIl Ult e ll owll lh e ll l"Ir! ll llwtl U Un e. " T h e New C e utnr " f 111\) " I ,t ' "1 "'1 UO" " 1 Pll~,, ·. l Bull1l.{ II "I'Oll t kll I~ \- I ~ lll ll:; rL'llI l1\'I'~ he r u , H I! I,, : . u lll' ll at t c lIll nd on MI' ~ P tl l' r y WIl(l s .1 III 'j n , ' II I f,' 1' Ill l'ulrng \\' "oI m , till I', M ,. II 11\1 I I I I One fino Yearling Stud , siredThy lit the plellslmt h o n. IA of 1\11'''. ,1 111'1' Tl' u t!pr . ul III h llvt n ~ U " I III' '' illlll .• n n f 1\ ~1,)fI It I. ~i"" t,l llll l,J I 011 , II br otll (' l' of ~I .... ' .1 R 0 1 11 ,." t, ll rPOtlllt ,Y. tV tl I I .~ I (I ' I'~ _" I, Inll A lI !1 t m, vv 1\' Y., \1 Il I L' ,. an i lllpor,t ed Percheron horse owned E IFILU S. t w onty I ll dll'~ r O ~ fl o ntl t' t1 to k llol\'l !ltl g l', ~nth ll l' pr1 111I'Ul1 gh 11I' l' 1 It II I . 1I111111! . II III Jl.m Il ISH e l' t III ",1 ... 0 11 of Wl1vn e ~ . \I I I' H H '\', L i ll O", ,\11' ,nd M .. , .J " " ,b It I ' by tho U . 8 . Govllrnment, Tbis r o ll cn\l by g ll'lUg " 0 111 e \'u llt i'l 1 1)1 1 ~ liff\, 1111111(' h e r 11 O\(l~t lI1 t orr' :;t · " I ~"" " ~"P lIlI O " '· I' , · ~ guvu II ~ IX , . , \'1 t' WUS til gll :lt of Il e r fl'il' n ll I k I I '. f 1 ::-iol'll . MI' . ul1d 1'111'9 N [J \\'t " n ·. II1lt!I .! M '1' I' II \Y 1 oo lt, IU .. rloh' hrown oolor. s tar in the I'a i"" o f L OUlR XlII In g- .,.lOv er nl lll llu l\" t . ~ ho I\'I\~ 0 I' "'" 11 11 11 r. II II ,lImn u'l' o . 1 ' 1' I"~ r e na ,-, o rn e tll Llusduy " " "'." tlu tl ROil , Mr . HIIiI Mrs B k e r, f n rehe8 11, weight 900 lb . 'Th e hl ·tory Ipsaon for th A ,Ill Y g r fllltly inte r ~ I ell III th f' I('m pl' r . , y ur lt,; 1I1IIy f l'I£'I1<1:1 III h 11 0 1' 0 1 h e l' cl alll ,., L' hll l'l q:! It,Yo, b;.lw /t I',J ,\ 1or· ~ll' lind Mr!l. Albert (Jray Of One Purcell Colt, e i g ht suoking WIi " th e n IUK P'I np wi lh Mr~ C nd 1l 1l('U rl il\~e. Ill· jU g II 1l1l' Il1 IJ1'I' o f t h, ' , \!I rt hdlly. ,Jan n r y ~I , gU ll . M n ll iel'u llt u ,," AlI lllll d a I"\lIlitb I Doth ls w e r e the 'Sunday g uests of colts. \Val1 l"lorll~ II'IHI" r.ll ftll rwhioh ~Ir!l . \ V , ': T . e 11I 1' llIIll,)u IIr au nt l u I' Iht !lllir 1I1111 lI!1~ H .. b(ll'oll( ' rl\lIl llr ,Mr UhntlesUray .nndfam !Jy. 'Big Yearlings and Two Yeaar olds, ho[f)!lhor r on,l II ('Ill'~f!lll~' Jlr IIIII·,IU A ~ I h o ~:P'\I'" d ro pppd ,"l'll 11.\' li n r ill l.;u uf M I"" )l~\'11 P;""l1 d , ucl o ll lm i lis", i\lill"l tl Ullrt>i uo k ~ p ' 0 t \~uu I ~lr Burton E r\l'.oltllrt aud fa DIlly Many of the older wllres II.Te with pllpo r on "Rk h t' Ji fl u " III!d Mr,; Do I flll ~ hpl " I' 1'11 11I " llt (· I· . I h I' W IIVI' a I clll Ug hr UI' II f i\11' 11 1111 ~ 11'.4 A. V. n es dll y aft lJ rn o ull wilh Mr~ . F~ed \hll rll1!1 th~lr gtl !Its 8u ollllY Mr, Tun f 01l1 bv l!lrge P e roheron stlll1ton, vi&t relld "The So n g o f th o Hug!'n t h' o f "n:,' ('t 'I(1Il IIH w r' I'1I h ... ;: ulld 1t !' 1' 1'\ll nllcl: l u Fl u Yll Il 11>!"I~lw1'\, F e b . Bnrnllr,1. IlIl1h. WIfe !lu,1 b,by, Mis..ea P "ltq Nine Ponies, lome Ilre broken . ota . " Doring t,llI' f'nCill l h o ul' wltll'h · dllltlrt' n. thnt W II !:' IIhll lltl t III~ pllra r ll ll ry ' . nn'11sy Sm ith ,lOll Hnrry "ud R u)' TF.IIMS-A oredit of 3 months with fullowed 'thr I llrl it ~ Wl'rl' fll\'o1'l II I b le ]n 11> 0 " I" ,.1I1 g ~('.. n n f lh i" MI " " Ue rn tr" 111111 kill - " II ~ 1)'011 ;\It~ . J u hn Hnrtsoc \t II nt Fr l(lllY S · th J b C. 11 :::.-='='-;-;-=-:----"""",.-'l " IIft"rll.\:Oll With Mrs . L i Shbb8. 011 , , IlCO Jrne 08 eu on thtl &pprovtl,l !Oecurity . w llh Ulu!!io 1I'ld Mle It"t< t l'~S lI<1fl,' ,] ; Ion!; ,In ll IIsc ful lIfi> , ~h o \\' II ~ s ur, l ? tr" "I I1~ , w i tll It prll lllc(l 11111<11 '. , eW::I . . . fOlm e rtiundllY afternoon. J, B . CHAPMAN. toO the 111ellsnrll of th!! occasion IIy round II II", n " pry onrtltly oo mfo rt" );lI n lll l ::;~ I'u~gy was (J ut f s c h ool· . ~lr" I lll1r1 Ryu IInll MI~I! ~hD' 1 Mrs. P.,t C urre n il 'p8adln l C. T U'lwke l Avo'loneer8 lIorvlng daint~· rofre8hmlmt~, M "K, 1111,1 in thtl itlst of Hn rrowin g chillI., on III 'oonnt of Il ~llralDtld ollJUw 1 111 1) Hl1rt .. ock were shopping In Day Wm, IItllll I Rnbit:.cer. Mrl:! . Wright Rnd Mi H ren Rud tho cur-lain ,I Mr". l\lll~y COUll'\ OU, Mary Bt.!\lu ton tlaturday, Larriok of IIl;1Or J _ 0 , Cadwright CI.,b Cenol, were alMo gUMta of the ho,. clropped, a noble lIoul took itl\ Harner, HII~1 And Holen Sham· MIs. Margaret Baird la Improv. W. 111. O'Neall t t. . at tIllt Dlltetlag, OiiJht to world , baugh are 1L18Q OD the iok 1l.~, ing wlth ~e meaalll8, in tbe WONt Ilro sovu rlll . bhICkll, b .. yl.' th oroughl y
Me" 1
'~ver the Weath r Ma . . be, yo~ Need
~:---: ' ~'~~""T~~--'J+-.---+
GIBEOl',llatt ,
Of THE Of CANAAN 87 1M "H.....~ uod O,wtI!I'''
,, ~
Efr'E. ~.t.1r.l'P-..... l>
Ten_ny.~on ~ Lft.era:r' .
:~~~~t~e~"~9'~~~~:~::'::'H~neSViIL~:~ ~i
, ~."
AUtbOrltY : -!O~lt
Society Oive~ Elltertall1' I)U~Qt. . .' 'r
, •
• Respeeta'l)S'" .t " . ' NtiW«'l:iIlle ~f Pe 'nsl' "~nio, ~' ~b ' ,1J un~S{ n Lit 0 'Y... .~OC'I"I':I';'I -'-~ ' . ' ,j thd IInon, ,Bj gh ·S6hool gave ,.'l'b'i.1I 'at Otn<Mlnnti lll!' 'tf;ek '~l1eir 6PCot\ll pT grom I.~t, FJ'idtiy ~'" '!It !~P9. l'bie foX; ' trall\.s (In aile'r ooon . Tva p real 'nt. b~1ng ~b,' ~be Wtlt). '1(latQi ~Uvl,JII)n ,ct, the fientJ B 8IJ:r¥ 'lhuna ~\d (i, w Ih, PQD8yl~'P~ railroad to get. J~ tQ ,l'I~S IzoJ;.a Ohe etlIine a : Se retor,Y. tbe otty oyer tlheJr Qwn trllck, aJ1q. ~'he . following pro~l'ill ~IIS reno . u~_u'it!', s::ounclab out . triP I.\'!uS' I , neoeMary from (..'inolnnatl to Bllg- T Ink r8 boru .ennen .over ibe C . .(J, & N. then RfodiDg frem )llvnl1l~elllne ~ the 'Mtdd,Jetown road to lhe ~lTaDiI\ aguJn. . "EeBIIY n' 'm ea II ' ~esnlt of tbis wile that the _Ina wereoJl BOyerO I hoor.s lata. . Be ed1Ii" 'l:lle':DlfO'\1lD.t:DI!; SiJo"ulr ,'flIia.h1l led to a revival of t!le e'.]'()ttger.J~ ta)], 01 the long tnlke.1l f plan of ~e P8DDaylV81lla to buUd a bra.n ch from ' Oorwin aOrOl!8 tbe T\ver ~o~gh Waynesville over' the old Narruw gOllge ~oute, Cl'08B to ese .' shOuld Dot be e~olnded Dodds and then t.hrough LebAnoll our P.ublio 801100Ja.·- . , • o.ooneot;iog w'ith the 0, 11. & N. Affirma.tfVe'- Mltle Edna. ·'Snook. . ,vhioh ill a Pennsylvania proPllrty, 'Pawine B'II.r8hbarg~., J,a ob Galan. ~nWg. ln~o ClnO~no.tI, . ' 'tj; ;- ~egatlve--':Art-pur Ibmitton, 'tlohere would be two Miss BI!$8ie Oolbert, Ed~b,Boover. in t~u., 't1;l~ ~~n~s~JVQ.Ilia ,wOUI.d , Pe ,r. The judgell, Mel!llJ's'1u~llelJ"E~m. above. blgh wu~r so thf!.$ no fi,bo&, i1 OD, Roy Jnni!! aDd ~ril South. ooma interfere with it !lnd tney a'rd 1b:elN1eoisl n in fa.vor of wou1d alao ..bllve 'the . shortest ' lil,le the" minatl;ve. ' , ' ,bet,,~ Columbus aDd Clnuinnat1. Oh~rns, ,Prai!!"e Ye The Lord • .........TiwbJJllCl!DI 0' hiebranoh woUld , , Sohool. pi"~ 6<iI:Wi !m Jm'p ortant jano , , . ' tiOD poID& and bea gOpd thing for } . ' ,, . tbiaCCIIIUQUDilj' puera ly. However (iilenna Smith Brtterthe .1I~eot bfa ' befn dl80U88ed 80 tain for Winifred Davis. , ofteD that loaal people will plaoe i ... ; IlWe oaDfldpo&in the· rum~r anti! ~~,: , .l(,jf SmJth,:<888is~ed' by ~ tJ1- II' ~e mblitan,t lal .e il1eD.oe 'd/lugbtere, Glenna ond ~IDftJ enter., ~dr it I .. ' , . ' taine'd '" patty of :yonng ~lrJ8 Mpn· • , d.. '. 'Willifre'" D vi'8, who., 16 0 move Sudden of . tQday Dayt-on, "• ', 0_-":'';1. 'Th ." The prighf-, cbeery i' 8 were Mrs. ; ~n ~mp80n. given over entirelf to ilJe young P~PJ!I wbo took ad,!lIl?tllge 0 , th'e 'opporLUD ty . alwB 8 K ,ven at 'noap1 table bome for a gJ:alld , ~ood
ni~ht in ""pI,m'lof " ...
Mre ~ere ,g ames ond ~i~no " &tah (.l'1iOtnp,· g~8ma~hon~,~u iO, lind ,nerythmg mUM ~ontb of W:~ll done to promote happiness. , 1" _".... ~.: '~ A dell gl'ltf1l1 1wo conrEe 1tlDl?h uu."...on .,.-e. ber lWD}e ,was served. " daughtel' TJle foUo"'mg "uests enjoyed t·he occaelOJi :
, -
: md~.
!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!'!!!~~!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!~ I , : j R. R.E. BATHAWAY, i quaillicd f
• " Wfty ,u es,v1l1e}s Leading DeJ:ltlst
•: ( '1tice "
in Keys Bldgr ' .,'
E. tnte of Sarah r.n. lIley, d\.'<lCIUIecl -
as a(lmlll18tr3tor <Jf the ",,11110 or LtUlhley. Int of ' Worren county.
I Ohio, d \l<lca seil .
, 'Muin Rt. ! Vate, ~ 1 11107.
'l'be-)Indl!r8l!lned !l.IlS ,l)eon, IlPllOlnted an,l
J S,uBh
,,~ I tb c1ny 01 "!tan'U nry A , II •
. ~~ " ~"', ~',I ' BrO~'I; &,'::'W)lU'\f""llnr~~"S.1 • '' '~ . Married
, ..
SZiMMERMANS $:,.:!~;~, p:~ ;:~;;:;.= b~:i~;
· ..
Spc.lng Bronoh ' Deighb~rhobd, were uni ted in IDurrloge 'ot Doyton
j ' the
START RIGHT t Th e h ell t ~: 'U,rsers ,
Solid Measure no il'ater. ~. . Fresh roel.ery,~ranberrie8
"' j' $ '
S~eet'Fioriaa~l'8nges ,'
Cala 'Nanl Oranges, Bananas & Lemons
, N. Y. BuckwlteatfIour Lhna).Jea.ns
, R~ Kidney Beans
, Marrowfat Beans,
Navy Beans.
The young conplb returned to ! t,liis vioinity tlio.t evening lind ' will I mllke', thei1"hc-me nenr ber41, ~I '
, ~I
, Sweet ~Dtlito~ ' , . rGllbbawe ":Apples~niori8
r St. 'l\3a'ry.'s' ,ttunh. ' ,
Se'p::tullg("~'(nlll E,n}aO!,
'. . 27th ..
~ '.,1.t OTn in g .
PIll (J' .ono EeJ~OD at a. m. Tlxt" St,. John IV , 38:
Othel' men lubQre-d, und YEl a,re,en,
: texed into their lubors, .
$ $,;"::'.,>Y
" Throe hnl' ow;l , Jell) S .. f E·n glil:])!I; ,'Cbristiunlty .n' AmeriC~. " , , . . , , Sn,nd/ly I::Clloolllt 0 ::J0 8 . ~.
'n'''.' d
" 0
ih". '
~ ll". Cllo..rmWg . ' , ~' e"mgnJ.~ f U -d $- to PCEse's. a.It'sbealllty glowing ~~t/.I.:
tioUB~E •
"n. C bl.
pie :xion', Uainty. LA;x:A~()DA 'J'0;N". _ I'l,C TA13LETS oblitera,te oU .tio liS of tbe l'ldn, by tlieir :.mlJd. aotive illfiuellC'e on fh,e"'bowels. Try ' th m tcdllY II1Id be .con'Villced. Far. fy toblete,.2Go . •1, E, ~lI,lIl1ey.
Beaut¥" More t,hll.n Skiu Deep. ' Evory ooe who nnte I~ iood healthy oplor, al!ld 0. 01 llr SH in" free from bilio08D s •• Iuggil'h JI vel' and ohronio conRtlpation shoulci ~et 0. paokag,e Qt DI ' qty !,;il!xn !rolf\, wni ~b~etl:l. natore's sweet re totel;, .r.
J~nney .
hambet lo.lo 's Uougb Remedy 1\ Safe ,.Medioine . ~or Children , ,I"' • ~ " I ~n l;my,tDg, a. ooogb mediolne ~OF t ,. The . Gllzofi 8 lias for sale a; two QI,uldran , !IIev~ r ' b !\tJ;t\Id' boy , ' Chl\ll\~er.lainJ.s ~ G ogl} ~ ~edy , , power ~ etMll" engllj18 nnp 'I,l'here no (,I1l.D gel'from tt, apd ref ", lief is ol~iiy8 I!Dre tt\ f91l0\\': It, fll ,1)01\81'. . of 1 The out.f;lt has heen used in tbe , Intended 'eepechllly fOl' ooughs U I1zette 'ofl;toe t, I l e Pllsl1 three yeaTS'j' 001d~! Qr\?OP and wh~o~ing 60Dg~, and i" itl aood IlOnal tiOD: • , und tlll\l'e Is no better rued~oine in , " ... , '. ' . the world for theBo diseaBjlB. It j Fitted up WI.t!J Plpe.B, caD~eotloDs, Inot Q,111y ~. Oe~in OUl'O fo~ , croup, e at!). 'J.lbe · eD$ut Il;l lIePt'1'Il~ { onl .J.lDt. whel\ 3iven 809D ~he the boUer whioh -will Wrmit Its, be· oroupy oou8h oppe"'lls, will preven~ lng set \ vherever desired. . the attaok. Whooplng oough III Dot . qllDgerous when tllis remedy Is glv. In, order ,t o get thl oot ,of the. en !lS, directed" 1$ contains no opinm W&y for n new engine we,offel' the or.other himful drUJ1lr8o\1 lDaybe ' ontire qntfit, 'en,ginll, bol,Br un 'given as oonftd.ently t<o 11. ,b aby aB to •
' J?'
A Stearn, n 5 1ne f' or ' ~sa I e. 1'
for '35.
~, Misses La:urn Hainee ..Elllie· Zel1 . She had been more or 1es8 indjs· , Mill '- A a anJ poaed for several'days Ilnd WIIS un, . R,ut}l and !4,arje . er, nn .' dar ~. oare a. pllYSlqrau but ~I mnOlement,8, '~uo}le Cor-nell,Ecina lle"ber abe nor tbe member's of her Bobins,on, Winifr8ll !t\aoy, Marguer. fAYnll. realized th", sel'iOUSDJlBS of .ita ' ,~hompso~., Kat)uyn GjbbODS1~ .· ' . Gertrude ~ Hawes, Eva, Morford 1 hel'.OOD'dition " ' f!l1ie~i will take place' Edn~Jo.nn~y Ilnd I lttra Hllw~e.' Tblinday from the Leelan churoh 'II . 'Wb~ , the fftmliy formerly to.' Notice of Appoi~tment,
8111,1 enty Tues, Inrlla•• SDJI'8B
-. , Dr.' J. T, Ellis has bean summond.' cd to T rrl.)1,1 Texas, on tlOOO11nt of • the serious illness Qf lils Sister, ~. Aaron Sommers, A reoant letter l'eoeived fro~ tliere,'bowevor stlltes t.l)nt she js now out of danger.
UMBER 29111
~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~--~~~~~~~~ ~~------------~~~ .
- -_ - -
.. Mrs. Harry ~herwood is tnaking an extended visit at hoI' former hOiDe in Midland, Ohio. 'h' 'l IS y.ellr the Lenten 8eli80n be . F ebruury 13th, Pnlm Sunduy gins falls on Maroh 24th, Euster Suntlay March 31 Mrs . Wfllter Mo Iu,re "'Id \trl!, B, 13. How 11 were shopping In Day: ton la t!t Wednesday . Oldest Woman Mr. aud Mrs, J . . O. Curtwri gbt in Warren County drove to Lebanon Monday, and went over to Middletown via traotion lind enjoyed soelng "The College 'Is Serioullly Ill. Mrs. Ann Engle Widow" a t the Sorgo Near Death's Door (III 11 11 OVI' of ,.h e produotlon of M"t·h, ·II, wb l h w'm b giv~n at I!!cbllol' l1>1l1 ,hi. pVAnlJlg aud tomorrow, 'fbUl'lldllY "vl'nlll~, indiclltions are the play will b" 1) 11l~ of the besl, ever »todnced by 100111 til lent·, Those who have not Illrendy se cured lIeatil may obtain 8Ilm(l at JlUlney's drug store or H.t the box offioe
- ---- -
--- - --
' - " '==i
A Noble .W oman Gone! An Irishman '!!\ Trip rhe ~unerlll s ~;;o-ea-o-f ,llIn \V . ' TI,..ough Europe.
The Rlleys lllet Il1st Friday with WillialU OD, pre iden t. Ilnd Ethel Stokes, secremry. 'rho fe-llowing program, WI~S rendend : Debn~: te R d th a t th e I n d 'Ian esoIvo ba s r e oei ve d worse t ren t men t th UD the negro . Affirmative lender, SetlI Furnas. Negutive leuder, Lee Earnhart. The judges. Lel~hSmlth, Ituymond 8Awke and Ernest Hurtsook, decicl ed I n favor a t th e nega ti ve. Re Iidln g , J OSle . 0 g 1es bee "-t· A my B ay eo .... Ion R I 'II R U tl1 N 1 er V 008 I so I 0, Dialogue, entitled "Countl'Y Coos. " by B e Ien 8t0k e, E t hI ' k ea, a ~to I nll, Mary Davis, . Alma Wlltnrhouse, R n th Mill er, Le e"",rn "'~ h ar t an d D . L"\II'y mon d WI i 1iamson , Mony visitors ' w ere presen t , somo oom Ing enr I v t.o vlln besides the Lit. " t t h e so...,ol .. ~ ' r ury. 'l'be Lowell'lI will meet Fab·
Downing wet: hold Suudu.Yt Juu. uary lll, nt 11 'clo.~k fruUl tile IHlIU of her dll\l~htor, !\In iltlll J . Dd('l' . woo d ~ nell r Hllr"EIYRbur~, Ilud fit, :l 'I 00' k tit F riond, M 'eti ng .El OllA', 00 W,1ynesvillo, Obio. At t,b rllsi . donoe u itlrge oonc'ourso of y",pn. thizln~ frientls /.:ut,her cl to Il"Y thei r lost ro~p ots . A . K" I1 1'I(r1ilt Ol'l'lHlU tbe son 'icos by m ilking u hou utlful f prnyer "ter whioh h o reud the I It 'Tb I11ulOH ., . Of the W , . 0 ) ul1ry . 'r' . U . I Ilen took cba rge nnd b Id ' very flPl'l'Ilprlale and t ouchillg 8 rv. ic s • A t W nYIlI\s ,' ille, A, K 'a rs llt, lifter r ..."din g tIw obituurs , !!poke wor(I a f oooofol' l. ufter wbicb l:i . H . CVlllpt.ofl, (If Clfl rh ville, Jblu, . . rell d un "Jllltl))ll'lllt ChillI t'r, fllIIl r"llo\\' d oy rerll l't'iu' to tb bOUllt,i ful chut'llolflr of Ihl' deecu ed, uu<l Uv 1\ II pr" r~Rry 9, urI!'.. dIll· "S" Il t I'Ive !llltll'll Mr. John !:ltrn.wn returnetl t,o l life lind kehjl th A h l',lrt ri liht omlllll scbool last week "nor Butfering would bl~ 1""1\ frorJla severe littack of rbeumatisul . Beuj" I1lHl Huw ki ll" , of Wtl~' n~li' Mr J . E . Janney visiterl th ville, then h~.1 in IlrillY r, 11 [t r whiob sollooloneafternoonlutweek We B,· thill B'1l1'1I11 ~ C II'11'ltlil d th /lOrl' b.o pe .others \\'\11 bike nn intere t I ICtl~ h.v ~ IWllkclI l.( \\"I,' r tl~ \If ~.Y Ill)JlItlry Ilnd vIsltns. l und Buying Ih" 11" 1' il1titl1ot ne· Miss May !Struwn tuugl1t in the Cjlluln l . ncfl witl . Iht· 11I'pa rted WII . Ifourth F droom froll) t ho la a~ reoess a g reut ""t. l~f'I('fI /l ll. ' " I.j 111'\(' htld no alit ri ay . douht tho .. 0111 1,... 1 I"n '".. hee n Ilre· flU r(,11 I ,l r t hI' (, II" II .:" Corn Wanted. Inll-rlU nt \ ,. 111\ 11" "I tlL' b(l(I\l· • tlflll Miami (" '''1, '1,11'1 ', ela d in 11 Highest cash price paid for wh ite muntloof Wh l ",. alld yellow oorn ut. . 0 111 1'1' II Y WAYNESVlLLE ROLLI~R MILLS . ,Ill"" W. ' !I ,l" ·.I ·,,,,,1 1)0wlliu' WI.I- boJ fl l \ 11 Y " "ll , ., , \,1111' , P cnu!. yl Rl:f.ymond
~ellterville. 'L'be.ftlrmerll ·of thll! vuOi~i'y
- ~---
---lrIr. n,nd Mrs. tibElrUlnn Ovkp ond rOjoioeti t ..., 88H n ohnnce of w lJt1r W .. :1\1,11' ,,- .t"·J' ''' .11, I· "1\,, II . tu.rnll Y enjoyed t:;" lurdll Y /lnll ~1111 Ill! mu.ny htl.velmen wai~inK for .T he vel'S nn/JI ,· II' ~ j, " " "": " ." ., ; I ,It · day with MI', lind Mrs. Jn ca h Liley . OIIIJOrtul l" f,'r butoherlog. ~o nled , J'oviul Ill ". 10, .. 1 " "I' ,,' 11 bf D"yto '1'1le r ecent I',II...:: . ~ n. in::s~==~~~~-,~~ who woo l,l '0 1' IIIH V "" 1,' 1'1'11 v , "" A II Decorll " hearty wplc.'me t o crllt! k to ov r !low sey-erlll.
•m ough e,' I' t o 1~lk , ' 1\ 11''1 ' I hI''' '' ".'' EQrope \\. nlll n o d \l uhr " I'JO." 1,., \ · inil' lin Ir!. hll'"U ill I U l'"rry If,'bruary 1, ""h m 'l M MlIl4 uh,' willuo til IInl'lLCli .l1l ,10 \h' 1.. )' 1.11" Lec lurll Co ur"e ~"., " ull in n Hl~
WIIOS olmlling some 109ft or property .\I)(II11Uob inoonvience . A Iltirty of About fifty men und bll'y~ from t h is plll.oe vlaited CinolnIIIIti ~und"y to velw the high water ') . d ~ ' WillI/: to the elay oaused by tbe lh " wnror tl III tl'tllll ' WlL i Id~lIl1t 'Iv Ilours IIltU IlD' I it WILli 111,1,,,,, I" WOn r ,. nrr Ived b\)m ~ ubut L : . . v cron d tunt ~l. '\100118.1 linei "'1111y wert! thellll."t . " l t.~ to. rllm v ·t.htull IUUS b earl!! \\'lIlt Mr ~, Ann Engle, ninty ·seven Mrs. Rebeccli .J , Bides after en· MI s Laurllo BOllo18 of .Mmmishurg Yllars uf " ge und the oldest uerson joying Blibbnth Sohool nnd Rev. "I 8~ IIrrie Elilut . WII" tl III gnest 0 r 'u In WllrreD ("ouot~, 'is seriously i1J 'J'rout's good sermon SPODt ·the af· III~l :;lIturdl1Y n.nd SI1I'1I1I1Y, at her hUIIl H on Fifth IItreet. tern"on happil:9 witb her Wuynf!s. MIS MIlBon WIJlillm~on, who 1I1~s . Mrl!. EII J: le Willi stricken with ville children . b""1l U II thu ~iok list, I!llmqroved . ..... pUllum. ,ni" &turday, Ber extreme M.rR. Jumes Kerriek spent !:lun· MI'j( l:lnllDuli JutOes 01 Dayton Is I\ge Wilke.. her r ecov ery uncertain. "~ II· Iug f r i eD' Iiii h ere dllY in Xenia with her siater, Mrs . ;fohn Prioe And mother Mrs. Mary Tho revlvll r llleetfilge lit the \ I·E . Farmers' Institute Beuoh, botb of whom lue In very ,)burch ure @till continuing February :15 al,1d :16. poor bealth. Mrs . UIllrk Pine and Mrs. H. Jllmep, of D"ytou, were the' guestll Mr. H ondley Corron, who ha ~ \1, II u UlI'tiog of tbe omciers of tQe been s]londing the winter at Leip. of Mn Frllnk I:lauis last Tnesdn.y . 10C81 t" rmers' ii18titute w(lrkers last !lio came down Mondny for a few MI'. Pblnl!"A BibbBrd WIIS theflrHt &turdllv afternoon, Monday and ullyevlslt with Warnen C9unty rurlller tu u eliver bls tobaocoorop .it,J T..IlIlj\t;1U .~, Ii'ebruary 25 and 26, wai fTiends. I.blt! ~eal:!on . He Ulurketed i' III~t '. fixed lI"jkA. ~:~ , the' tim" 6f holding 'rl Mrs. E. S Hanby, of Dayton, NtJtt ie }I;merick 'In d dnughter MisK IUrs il n.y. Farm er~' IU8titule, lind the Fi-iendS was in Waynesville a few duys last Caes"'rs Creek . H11I1ICbC', Mrs '!t, rn LAW iH Rnd "nus - -- - - Whltu Br10k meatln" .h.ou8e the u 0 regonia. week. She reported that Mr. Hano el'nilln lind I£"'~', ~1r8, Honnllh plnco. by had bfolln sick with usthma ,and L WiN, Mr . aDrt l\1r~ . Ra lph Lewill, WllilA tlu! ml1tter of progrlim was . ' , "r '1 ,J . M ' t41ey lin d not B bIe to be at hi!! bUllinoss for 11' I IS M' Onllllljl Bnuuetl i ll pond J\{ r . ( 'Iy(I e (.JOll" '!mrloJl Brudbury oalJed on . ·OI1refnll,' C1inVl1sed, it could Dot be . f i e sevoral daY8. lng 1\ \V d .1:1 n Duyt"n . L ' t.itia I Illlri ek fri"ndB !lere ~unday, fully "c~irlt'd upon, but M.. 88rs. Mc· Mr. and Mrs . Charles Brelsford, Mi~~ LOlli"" U"lIIl'ton, whu hilS One eVllnl ng \Vl't- it hefore 1!l8 t, ~1'. ,Iud Mrll. Hathliway llpent· Intire lind Uordon, will be vresent wba have been living neur BellbetJl' q lli tn:;ick for ' vornl weeks is ~llndl1Y with ' their dnughter, Mrs. ut tbe it... tunCtl of the State BOl\rd . ~ , during· the wllrm rl11ny wwlth 1', Improvll1g 111· 1111~ writing . MI''' . ,l oe Ir botl1l1!l oml her mOI,b er, Nol'tou . of In _th.ul llfl, tfood give sever/lllec· brook for some time, m oved 'Yes Social Happenings \'(lnitl, '(J' Hltl n",nlh 1:{, 1 13, lind of the Week ell' H u.l'I'Y l,yle 'Hllt )Dt tt t e lv dtlys lllel MrR. Kate ,l oll.n~, wer. tilli tly sit.· Mubel t)be rwood !lnd Prof , turflll dl1rinli: tbe two days sestlions. terday to a. farm up Possum Run, pnr led Ih,s 1'(,· Fln;1 mouth 28, w ek with hi cuu . in IIlr , Uharl es I.iug. lind tllllliug when they were Clyde Wllker!lon u.t~ended 'reachers' townrds Dayton. Mrs. Mark Davis spent Friday MI s Bertha Elbon Ilnd Mr.· Frod 1\1(17 , 11ged 03 Y."I1'" , ,,!twen montb () glesbee neltr ,N)ll'lul£ VlIlIoy . url(lenl~' Hurpris 11 Ly t,b soreeoh LnMlitute ilt Mlison. Satnrd/lY. tlml flim' Iny", . State Hospital May be and t:iaturday in Dayton visiting EI bon entert.alned informally II Tb ~ sltle of Ly!, M ' Jrns ",,,8 qllite of Il. t,ree fro f.(. The ~nn n(\ wus tlO Mr . Horry Cline was In Cineln. . t «jr, M r8. J «l81ie Compton on d amliH compuny of friends , \c'riduy 'IInd H .r futh er HIldfldtn(ot)I I 1 ). ti I I . Frl d"y . . Locat~ at .F t·,. Ancient, h er SU! 8'lI1nllh Al'WOIlOI:.I ,ZeJlh r emf)ni~h oy il we II !ltt endc(1 0 enl' unf (I~ not t lilt t Illy were nl'tl fumily, who movod over to the evening. witb th ir run ily to StlldE!1g1 Vnl 'l'bo D111 C Il lptou, of Nl'brll:;kll , II to .be:llive th e Il tliUlfil U1ullt he Mrs. Enni'l Allen, ~Mr. Qulnoy ~tubb8, of 4165 Apple Gem City a fe.w months ago from The afternoon Curd Club Dlet ' ler . , n tel' omluty, ~nn ylva.Dlu , utte!' un II b~lin co "r t.wonty year!! Is on the ,ID Id ,' , lind n ·sonroh .Wfill ~e very ill, is somewhut im£1fl'o,,""'...At. I!tr('flt, IIlolnuatl ; has sent the Xenia, Tbey tue well sltuuted Fridl1Y u'fterno on witb Mr , J . H . \Vh~n Rh e \l'u " so un~ girl. She visiting hi~ cul1~in U ul'll~ 'ompton gUll . rh~ quel\t end d by hIS beIng .thl!' writln ;\'. GllZett.·, lin · extended OOIDn.unioa- tben Itnd fire wen slitisfied, Coleman, wbioh goes without. SIIY h lltl II Lirt,bri gbt 1Il16mh l'~hil.J in tho und other relr1ti\,\1~. fonnel nmong somo pot plunt, 'Now MAssrs. J ohn Burnett Itnd J, K, 'tion In whiob he advooates building Mrs. L. A, Zimmerman arrived lUg ' th 11 t th ell tf· . t yo f F r Ie ll d ",' whi ch sh loved T I10., "ta r IIDCk' b JJ~, U f DI)VCI' . ·vou know in II muour!n I burometer, SI'lonoer wero in 'Cinoinn~tl Thur a I\lr WIiS on o of unal . , uCle . a Stllte Home for 'Orippled aDd 'd I t I f d ' th "h I the mercury falls before Ii stnrm dyy , r , Ohio , Frt IIY oved plea!lure, Ilnd u ide from the uurl W!l S It iJlligeot. Elt,teuder of meet. spen n CO llI) 0 0 IlYS WI , o· e r . ' . ho tn e t r Am MaIon Defornled children at Ft. Ancien'. evening where sbe has been receiv · diversion of the gallles, t h e merr~' Itl gl', at time .• IIPi> !Iring in thn min. friend Hl1ymond Wilson u·n d risCl!l hefore fllu lind settl d ~illS Mablll !:iherwood spent Bat. Ohio blls bomee for her deaf, her ing trelltmeDt.... for ~bout fonr conversation made the bour gliC! l ·try. h e WIl,0 grPIttly Iltwohed to M thl '1 I welithor, Not so WIth the fro", f, lr urd llY evening and Hnndar with ' ftl on y" ,t ng \Vu be'ltl here in some r.oRpBct!l he serves 11S I~ bar Mrl< Whitaore at. Morrow: blind"" .rl tor those who ore (If montbd completely restored to SWl . Y away. Light refreshooent... ·11 r 11e0 p,III, .nd n most devoted. ~n Thur8dllY of 1u t -wee.k" ,~ ometer, bo orR wls down in some' weak miuds, for 'he eplJeptl08 and helilth . wflre fllso sorved. obedient child to hor parents. Miss Lou Hollingsworth, who t;eol uc1ed crevice upon the Il)lprouoh for the In8llne . In fliqt every ol88s 8undllY morniug's Ohio t3tate On FOlll'th month 11th, 1 :1' ' she wen~ to Ok l uholUII " few weeks ugo, of oold weutber, nnd orowlll up JUtlt' Spring Bra, nch • . of u~tortunj,teil app~rs to have Journtil ,ColJl.tIliILedLB.ltLe,xcellan:Ll¢o4-'lrbe n~1U' approllcb oLLent _witb wn murrled tt Ju, 011 Downing, of wrote u ve ry illt ur esting letter to before a storm lIud llertLliisTf.S com· . . been provided for eXOel)t tbe help Mr . Guy Ohenoweth 18 810wJ J... 10811 little cripple lIud d!lformed' tnre of Fred Ol~skey of Waynesville its forty dliYs of relllxati on und !II) . I:1tllf Monu Vullo,y , en'wi- county, the th.lIltlll .V , 'eb d h r ;i t wna rend in g In it pieroillg creeohlng voice, ' 'fhe UD1mlll . '. from a long and IIOvere ",un d uy evluoes no \leslre to Improving ' ohildren, of wbom it la said ~t tbe who is a student ut the Ohio Stute ~es!.don from worldly plen,mres !Jus P on y lvnnifl, to Wh LIUI b e wos Ii'" Univer8lty. Mr. Caskey is winning b8'1n one 08use for unusunl IlIlLi vit:9 mCl>-t I .ving lind fnHhful wife. " Ine \JIn p-s8 from appendieUis, . \OVilI!tLIJI 'ompLull 'Illil fumil y Je'lve. . pre86nt t-tme tbero are betwllen Mr " t,he I'hi lc1 rell bl ~se!l ,ht uni on, bu t only m oved to III ir nuw h om e n orth of Mr ulIll ,Mrs. Levi G rea thouse .," &nd Mrs . ur1eorge P rli tt spen t tltree an~ four thonsand in the muoh commendation as a mnnager i n 8001al cirole!!, and duriu" ofatheletioevent9 of the college . pa.'lt. week while there hilV lw n fh' !lvoc!toutlultug. BllnnnbM., ' '. t3UU'4 8 Y with Mr, Solomon Lucas st8tf1 "'a one enJ' "S meeting her no large gatherings, Ihe r b q ve " Ih A 1I1d l'st ~hilcl , U(\I'nrte(l this life ew Bl1rl ing t on Iii t week , '1'be utert,11fnec\ on Iitnr(ll~y mght nnd arid family of neur Ut Roll ~, J ' pine vncllt 'c1 by I'hl'U\ will be oc· 'undRY the Fel'l'Y minister, II- Rev. ~ ... , y .. Almo"t every oommunity, howIlr . Jonllthan MoCray and BOn eve~ 111111,11, baa one or more of theSe friends more Ihun does Mrs . N . B . bee: qu~~e II tnUmbor of dlllller,r' j'iD !fi fth month , 1 !1 ~ . 1('lIving fou r cupled hy }i'rn,,]; Qquirer,; uod ftlm Boll, of l ..obun nll. · ~\l rvi "In~ cll1 ldr on , Rebecca . Mer· Iy of U 1\ r · ('OY'wi.1I Arlhur of near Centreville were en · litthl IIlltrllrera that could be cared Anthony, but, because of physioa.1 oar. par les, (, 0. U h I .1 I . th I. Infirmities, is not permitted to . rit t. Mll rin 1 . Romine, Matilda ,J. .ayo . 0 ogy .. elL 8 WI t Ie pur" . tllrtaiDed by H . O. Dakin 8nd••~!.l1.,.,.';--::::"""~ for Dlu,'b better by the atate thBn lelive her home often und most of Mr: and M s . J . A . Funk,;,\' ';-r,;' ] t IIrl .I' \\,oadllnt! ,l o. p.pb ,r Down ing, The \ ~~. M . ~ l'elll II vCl ry d oxos of IIf . Yet tho~e who Me· ly on SundliY llist. thay ClJn be at ·bome. . O. t d h t II . I)·eosnnt "t'tllTlWOn 'Il t,llnluy · nt t b I1111111' . os uS '1'1lUrsdny "VOl Ill!! I IIl g t'la,"b in th 0 L".y tl. e WI\le M 1'8 BtU f ' t C' 11 e" to er JIItt lind Mrs Dlx· .. H' y llon '&)~t flf th o f'Hnily , wbo, II" Mr t=lt.lbbs Is salet to . have recog· the hRpplne88 sbe derives from uO~ an mln~ling with her loved ones is at a 6 o'olook dinner, wh i ," WJ\~ with nin g t'tll)(lchil.clr~m , unlI six " Ill e C) _'l Ull '" , I r mp o . h " \180 .11'0 confron ted WIth a p".ru · . . nized t,hlll need and orlginltted a when they visit her in her own In exq\llsite s t.yl t} in 1',,"1' grPllt grn mlohilc1l'cn, JU(lurn thilloss 'urds ure , out 11IlIIOlln ing \.II tl nx of ",biob p ychology does , n ot on Whartohn hot Mt,of Mrs Holly' HlrllDl were gu e .. ts IIot I il ollle . . . , plan for a home for su'o h children home Consequently, Tuesday of Il tine turkl'Y hein~ t III'! of thi~ el l' I'Ot d ml)t,h OI' nud grnnd· m Dn'lugo of .MIs~ ' Evn· Folnnd t.o h 'cll.t. 'I he nlJ10nnt of tm~b ooml ng lJ k ' d f U . . to be btlilt. and mutntliined by the ltU!t week Mrs. Belind/l ROgJ}IS and chief delteR oy un the well ,t m oth r . gle ho of n ellr 'entel'viJIe . in exceeds the amount h(lnllied and II ,In an UlD .v one day last week , 8~te of Ohio, ' ,1 11 0 1) 0 w!linl! , I,ho 1l11sIJaurl und '1', t! tnur rillge will tuke place on boled lind ther efore in tend of g"ln Ml'--1lhomlis Lacy glive " wood ooullin Mrs. IINI-bella Bliyhan pre. table. At the \tl8t !l8I!1!1on of the legisl/l' pared two ba.8 ket8 of substantial Covers were lain for iibt. Oil, 'I tlll.h r, li JlUr t,NI tb!!llIf on 'I xlh li'ebrnury 'j nt th bome of Adolph lu g room they bnve beeulosin~. '1'0 chopl'lng las~ Thursday ,at whloh 'ure, ~ bill au't horizlng the . b'Oi1(l Bnd dainty food and walked in, tak. and the guests wer e: R ev . lind MI'~ . . monl h 9, I (IJ, ",llIch wu n Tent. ll'ohl.Od n III' e.w BlIrliLlgtQrI . solve thi~ the vdriOl1s buyer~ hl1ve nbout tourteen of his neighbor" InK of IInoh a Home wlie ,pasBe~, ingooth ' Mr: and -Yors. Anthony nd Mrs. C T. baron veml' lIt to his WIfe. bllt Amo~ Wilson Is bet.te r nt Ibis no Illore trosh clelivtlr ies until W(\J'e present lind. u,bout 25 cord of. ' ] h kb ' '\ tlllY, "'ehrllllry tI. A VdllllY 'l'tllu \\" Ul c\ WIlS, cnt. 'l'h.e IlLdies ' pr.88ont ~d a commission IIppo:nted to se· h II completely unawares, and making H/lwke, Mr. 'and MrIl. W. H. Allen . t! (> ra a' l t·o t. e t,n8 efore h 1', wrltiu g . " loot a lqcation for tbe Inatitutlon. the whole day, ' as as the mem- Mr, and Mrs_ J , W . White, Mr. Ilud l,oWing IIl1n Il1nlUl j:;l ng the fnrm -' Ilhone hox W,IS instlllltld in the Will''' were MIS . Wilhflm Chenoweth, . N B house mee IR s~ wee lr, MUn'lIlI'e Mrs Roy OhenoV\'eth •. ¥rs. F. M. Mr, Slubbs i,8 IIodvoooting that the e_w ur_lington. in {.. vor of hu ving a H OIll" ho~ nlso (~O'~.k, M~I4,. 1;1, 0, Dl\kin and Mrs. Bome btl built at· Ft. Anolent on ory of it, a perfect dellgbt. which Mrs, Geo . W, Hawke, Mr. nnd Mrs, with uui h r l' . lu ~l llrch , 1 6 ,~ h(l !:l. Lev. Clirtwright., Mr. lind Mrs J . dil'po~orl "I' h PT property in '1'Il Ie r. . ,. D 'k tbe IlInd which is already ownerl tbey greatly appreoiate.d. . O. Cartwright, Mr. (~nrl Mes C, M ' oou nt,y, Pf'III1~y I VIIUi", 'illd ~.... ith hel' A, 1:I Hurl .. n Itt.! ud od tlle PtILU' lt~lId most OOl'tuinly It would be of E , 1. n. 10 . nd tbere by tbe.8tate. Robitzer, Dr. and Mrs'. A. T . W,r.ight fumil,)' CU III " I.. Ohi o . rO!li ding in lIs800ilitip n uf' InfirUlllry Oir CLOTH £;TBllt convenieuce ttl buyers Illl~l . Mr . Sim Uurt~s !l flin:ily wero PUBLIC HORSE SALE. Dr. J, W. Miller Ilnd Mra. J . C, the n eigh h"rh" " clll l Hllrveysbnrg, in 'olurnbu~ I""t '" ek . . \llltrons nlike. . the guests of Frunk Cook and flun I will offer at publlo auction lit Miller. up to the TiUlll III' h" r . he Tile W . F M, 8. I.l Iet 'It the bO~l e Mrs . ICo.te ,J ohn s is visiting with Ily uf Uol1ege Hill on Sunday lastl, Last Number of my resldenoe y. mile east of W&y. wn'l 11 m ll1ll>l'r nf i\linmi Monthly of Mrs. E~ther ()Olllptou on SUtlll' relutives nt this pln oethe preseot Mr 'l'homl~s Laoy lind sone W'l\rLecture Course nesville, on Waynesville and Wi!- One of the happy entertllinmentli Mroetin/Z,' ml fo,' n nl1lllh pr of yellrs clay. week . ren und Gbllrley were the SundllY The la8t. number of tho Warnes, mington pike, on recently was the 6 o'olook dinner. belrl thl' 11".itl,1D of Elder .. Mr . IInrl MrS. Ol!uuncy Bunu ell of Jnmt18 Ubenoweth anti .,me leot,nra '00nr8e for the ''''''•• THUru;JDA Y, FEBRUARY 14, 1907, S8,tur.d ay even in", served by Mr Ins:; M oldest tIn I'ecently I{llve II dinner ',0 u nnmber Middlerun fllll1i1y. , of 11108 Rnd 11107 ,vm be given. ",t and · Mrs. Usa. W. lit t.beir Hllnnnh, ill Fifth month, 1 04, II!; of [rieud .' Mr. Mrs. l!:rneet DH.kln re· School Bllll, Thur~day eveninir, oommencing at· II .o'olock sharp. oheery suburban home . . As i Itl nlentionl'c1, WI1~ tl severe. trill)' nnd Chlll'les t:;hu mlJll ugh , of Iowu, is . --, --Itnroed to tbe foz:mtlr's home after a February 7, by Edwin Brush, the 60 Head of HorSes. 60 ways tbe 08.8e witb Mr. ulld Mra, she frequ" ''' I,r' ~ho frequeotly ~poke muking lill oxtoI)ded Vi81t lit t he The meet~ ng closed Mra Wednell-/tl W ~flYS viSIt with the latter'a pllr· magloian. ' consisting of work horses, drivera H"wke as host and h ostess, t bere: of hel, lI.nd t.he m ee ting t;>f loved h oule of his pnrents Mr . liud MrR, .jay evo WIth 1\ good Dttllndnnoe e.nt8 Mr. anil Mra. Dr . MoC~ay Of. SlIMht of hand-performances have and saddlers mares and colt, is good oheer 'in abundance and' onll!! in I:lellven. Not,hing did her J o eph ::lhuUlbnulJh . 6I1cll even!ug, . . <Jenterville. alwaya been '~nd always he yearlings,' twos, three., foura and feast fit .for the god .. I'prelld hefore moro good t.llan hostowillg Ii. fuvor, Wlilte r Rllylu~s, the Bllok Run Mril. Mollie Collins of UO,lr DIl.Y· ' P - I- - ·---...·~R-.,.·-,. popnlar IlDd p !l8P6cts are tbat up to yeare old, their. guests, who,. In this cnse, wel'e ILDd s.he aJIV:11YS thought of tho OOUl teucher, WIlS morrie,l in Wilming- ton spent the week with ,\lice easa-:t:t r tbia' w\l1 be one of the most liber. Many of these I purohaslld Mr. lind S Lev · Clt:rfwright-, Rev. fort.!! of others before her own. tQu on Saturdll Y e\' enlng to Misb CheDOI'leth and nttended the "mlJllt Charles G.r .IY a.nd family wero ally pstronized nnm~rs of the in the west last fa.U; among 'hem and Mrs. J . dadwa.)Jader, Mr. The ~ecensed is tho Ill st of 1\ fllm AnnlL Breove r. ing , . I tbo re<;ent gues~ of Nathu.n .100e5 ' 'OT86. ara 98ver~1 well ma'tcbed telloDls, ard Mrs W B Allen Mr and Mrs lIy ot SIX brothers lind sisters, all of Miss Be rtha SmIth spe nt Monday I llnd family . . . .' ,. \l(hom )J~ oeded her Ii number of Wil1it~Ul (.;u 1l1 11ton und f/lmily entire 00 "0 on l1li ~-. l e in the blacka, ba.ys and aorrell. ~ome are J •A• Fnnkey,and 'munda Wight I:l I~rrlson CQrnell "nd dliughter .. u : r . years. ha ve 11l~\,ucl to thoi r, ne.w home el1st night with. Minnie Hurt!lock . ." . Tioketa will .bulldlng at; one ' o'olook &turday thoroughly broken; many have Jlino W . Downing WllS n ot. only uf tOWIl recell ll y )JurchIC sed of Jobn ' Rev . ~Ill?y, ~ev Llll1lS /lncl 1'1111\8 Uelia took dinner with Juoob CorafternooD, ' been bandIed, some IE/. harDe8l!, . All New Century Club. a . lovjng, Indulgent· ulother Bnd Ogle bee. . Berthr~ Smlt~ dll~ed Tn esd.l.y e'll:lD· n ell and ohlldr~n Tue8day. are' blilter broken. kIDd neil;;hbor, but IiIhe p ossesRed I~ . ing with Jaoob Soott and fnUliiy ; ' . -ork mar.... broken to swale On the afternoon of ,Iannnry 26, brilliunt· mind und a JU E)mory 01 . Mr, 'rhomBS CUlll pt.OIl !J f Nebrlis. . Mfs.ttErne!l~ Butterwerth II.nd IIlJQ I · Miss Altoe Uhenoweth enl,ort"lned B lied M P Two line. ' "'I'he New Centnry Club" met most uQ"urpa!lsed Being a greut kB 1'1 vlsltmg re utlves hllre, Hll 18 . . . . urne on on rI! . erry Wade 1--arm for Sale. . " fD ' . 'f uftor ooeetmg Wedne~day Mr. Ilnd t L tl tl One flne Yearlln'" Stud, siredtl.y at tha pleannt home Of Mrs . Joel reader IlDd h'u vlng II storo bOllse of n son 0 Sa ... on UOlD]ltOt;l, Il brotber a . , .Otl ' ly u y. . . I C Mrs. Nuthan Austin, Rav .y e reoeI\ . A farm I'f 80 acre~ 1y. odlps we~t, a.n hnported Peroberon horse o,",no'KJ. ., Evans,. twenty llldies responded to knowleelgll gnthered tbrough her . the lato .. ' . J mne h Rompton. Rev, L1I1es Mr. !\ond Mrs Jlloob, M1S8 'Bertha EJhon of Wayneaof, on t;1pper Springboro pi~.,. .by the U . 8. Government. Thie toll call by giving somo event ill long hfe, mude h er II moat interest· ,MII~;tk d~sep htlO ,eeveabgli vef!l.hllbC t3oott, Mr . ~nd Mrs . Newtc-n ~mith..l ~M\lll" WTrIUi tb~. ~a~8~ of her f ..ien~l lIetlr Bnolteye tlohool, oolt ie a' rloh brown oolor, star In tbe rei'g~of I.oul8 XlII. ing oonverslitionn).llIt. b e was a c..00 I dnuer er -'I s- .;,ena f ' 0·danum I h er 0 f hand 80n Mr. and Mrs Bilker Me!!-l , ","orneli Wedneaday, tlbed rPom fo112 aores of .tobacco. forehead, weight 900 lb. Tbe h\stol'Y le880n for the day gr6l1tly interested in tho tomper· y~ung Ii. y rlen ~ n onOr 0 er danlos Ohnrles R1 e, Edwllrd Mo~:' nil. ' and ~1'8, Albert 6ray Of Inqn\re of Wallace Tibbaclll, . One Purcell Colt, eigbt sucking was then taken up with Mrlj Cad ance enuee, beln!; a l~ember of the blrtbday, Jan~ary 21. t.gnn , Mollie Collins , Amlindn. Smith. I i)Ocld!l were tbe Sunda, 1\1..81. or WaynesvUle, ObI? . oolts, ' wallatler tU! 16l1der, lifter whloh Mrs. W , c, 'r. 1!!. .. Invitations lire out for the mllr · ' and Miss Rebeco,~ Cr/lmer. ' Mr , Uballes Grfl:.Y And famU, . . ,rrelf'pbnr,a liG-:lIX . 811t YQrUnp and Two Yenr olda. Ml}8her read a Ollreftllly prep As the YOl\r8 dl'o pped gently on riage.of Miss Elva. Folfmd, adoptoo : Miss Minliie Htiortsook sp nt \'O'ed. Mr, Burton Earnhart ~nd ' family Many of the older maree a.T8 witb paper.OJl .oRlohelien" n.nd MrA De· t,hll! bel ovod DlIlt.llor, they wove a d"ugltter of Mr nnd Mrs . .A. V. , nesdllY afternoon with ' Mrs, Fl'ed hltd ~ their Ruealta ~UDclllJ' ..... 'liPl v Wanted, a Farm H~nd. foal bv large Peroheron stallion. vUt read "The Bong of the Rugen tie. of Hffeotion btt\1ween her and her Foln.nd, to Floyd l:l , Oglu;cbee, Feb· . Da . d. . r n a rI3mith ...-;.. ,. . ' 'wife And b"b.. , -...-~ ....... . Nine Pont .. , eome are broken, ote." Dnring the social hour which children, t.blit Will! almost. itl8epara ruary 7, I aDl\ ley.amtUi IInll A DIan to work on a farm by Ule TUlItt-A creditor 31DODths with followed the l"dl6'4 were f.. vored ble. In the scene of this Misil Bernloe HIl~ klo~ has been Mrs. John Ba.rtsoo): sP,8nt F,r lday SmUh . ~11 ~lttjl 'ci. montb, nr to l'atllll 1\ or e aoree of approved S8C.l1Irisy, wIth musio ud the hoeteaa .added l Ions and useful t!he was !lur. sutfel'lng with a sprRined ankle. afterncon Wlth Mra , Lewi8 SUb\». former ~fl·_ _iii) iobaooo aDd cIo day work. J. B, CBAPJI.AN: tq the pleaanre of the occasion by rounded by ever, oomfort, Naomi Scroggy WR8, out of sobool' Mrs, Obara Rye aDd MJ.. , A ROOd ,houe for Imall 'famUy aening cla!.nty refreahmenu. 11 ,'8, 1 alld ~ &he midat ohUd. on aooonnt of a apralDed 81 bow nle HartfOCt 'Were ahoppbw i.D ~blhlr, Mra, .aDd IIi.. reD the curtalD Ml'II. Mary Uom~\on, Mary Belle $~~,
Sclhool Notes.
Mr. Marion Ulnrk upon hi return from the MiUl11i VIIII"y B OS llitul. 'rhough the wcuth tl r wus exoeedill ' Iy cold on Illst ::3Rturd"y, he had so long plannel} t o COUl e back on thllt day that tho coW detorred hIm Uo.t \Villl ~o lur 00 "All ll'i ~ ll!lJun' ' rl'il) S I. ' ' J.l!! "' 't IIe ~t·llim I 01" 0.1111 d III tu rough Eurolle." Vull ey " ro i.le,tI IroUl II fhooretReserveet " " It! IIlILY he "htainell irlll I'" ll1t ,)f violV but wbeD t·hey ,d, the Ly t,lo l'''~t u!l1ce ,r fr oUl 111... U re 0 b",i I h,d I n h.," II 'cassity muny Wul to r KonrH' I: , 1I111n'lg r (I t th e mill UI' ch.I,II I,. "1'11 f nnd I~ kiug Lytlu l oIn .. " conrso 'l'ho.~e clil. i1' wlliC! Ir h " " 1ll hI',' III na mny lllTonl ing muy order b"J llll ouo . l\.I~ 'lurk II'" .vl't. (e III Ii one the - - _. \\, \)J' ~11 j' , I' lilt< }'I' IUI' II, IIDd 1:; buuyod Vaughall Farm For Sale- 111' both It.l' hi~ rt! tUI'II Ul\d t,he 11:1 I\llrllnro Iltu \. II't/tlr htlldth ,\\\'ull,~ '1'h fl B nj .' !!' . Vuu!;lulII form , can- h i m At Ih ,' t.!rl'IIT WIlJ'\ 1 '~Fl11 r~ llC'!t1i1l •"~lnlUg " ' U "I' 0 f good Iiln<1, WIll lIe oil' red for );t1l e un til e prellli~eH, tlltl'preut itll'~ thl'oll!.:hou l uur 'u!nTuflY, Ii' brunry 9, lIt 1 :;)0 0' ,· " niltt';I' ... \'t 'r~' f tlw dll),:!, certlli n cl .. ck tI,d.1 p rn p I'ty il! I cnt.od un tln .l·s urI' (lI' I'ot,'r! I Ibe "", UM the ~pt'ing \'1111 .V 1111(1 'elltf'rvilll "llilin OIl;V," "KIln!"'~ fllI .v ." to [llk(', t"u mile" fr OUl l3allLJI'o.ok nnd '0 lost, ~n l urrltl.1' !;cem~ to have I well ilnpl'o v II. ' b " '''1 " Ly lle O" y" ill Ihe ol ty of Ful' lurthl 'I'l'lIrlicu lu ni Inquiroof 1)1l)·tQn . Amon~ Ih 'I~' will wert. A . A . ~I Ntlil., ' Ultlr\'ille, Ohio. w re : MI'. W H. Hl'IIlllItn , Mrs 1)
._ -----
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~'''. I
. ..
Last -eireu. Tour
OH(O, ""adlo T ..
to bo the 0111· <ilia' de.lp"Uon tor the 'll'lroleslI math· "'It:a410 telegraph," I.
'I'Id. haa
~n deelded by the Interna·
Uoaal C!oDt~renoe In Berlin, whlcb by tile way haa resllited Ill' aMUlf.> r Bub· ..tanUal testllllOlltnl to th Influence _ert~ by tilt! nlted Slat s. An qreemont b~ been reached by the -delegatee, wllo sIgned Saturday th o()OnYenUon wlllcb Is to rOl1ulat I he 'lUe ot th wlrele8s system, l)((tlcuJty ..nat-ed In tbe beginnIng be IlU~O at -eGntllcUng claIms ot rIval In"entors · 'Wbose devices sre In comlleUUon \vlth , one another. The repres ntath' 8 of nll ea Slales trom the b gt nnlng took the ]lOlIltlon th!!t communicatIons between abJ()s It s'a 8nd be tween whlJIII and sbore shOUld be en~jre l r freo _1\11 IndllPolldent ,of any rivalry among · In''elllol'8. Ther(\ was anlntlll d nnd ~ 8lrUscu8slon, but tbe outC(lmo Is aaceptanc:e ot lhe American vi e w by moat of tbo meTflbe rs ot the conter· >ence. though several gavc rnDl('ntll make 'reservations Intended to pro lect 'eilsUng a greements wltb ..' h·el~s9 tel· ecr..Pb · companIes. The confe r · nce lbalI to dMI wIth a novel Question, unce · wireless telegraphy Ims ne\'cr ' before been Ih e subject ot Interna· 'flonsl consIderation, but It would _10 an equItable d c1s l6n was Teachod, IUld one In harmony WIth (h o IIlCre8Sln& SI)lrlt or International good Tb~ \)erlod of ratification of the treaty em tilOdylns these agree me uts will IlDd Jllly 1. 1908.
Napolocn'. Hor.emana/llp, Nap,olean a good horse man? Frederic Masson, whose studIes or the emperor .IUIow no end, declares ,,!Jilt be was a poor rider. Ju thi s ppllb(OO be con1.rtldlcts many II. write r, a s well as 011 th hi storical palme rs. E"e n In the military acade my, It s ems, Na· poleon was th e despair ot his .rldlng teachers. Thougb fr Quently thrown f'mm bls horse, his head was always down on bls chest and his I gs wero bent by his too short stirrups. Henc6 ble back wn& alwnys crooked when he waS 10 the snddle, while his r eI ns werE! never properly In band , It Is on rec· ord that In attempting at Boulogne to pull hi. 'horse Budden Iy to one side to avoid a beedless child. Napoleon went clear over tbe animal's head and fell besfde the child. DelaJlle by namewbo became, bl' the war. the falher 01 the celebrated painter. Edouard DeI tallle. ]n Will·l\burg. Napoleon once had to pay 600 francs damages for riding dO'!lln a woman. The emperor aJlIO ' rode acrOls country wltb absolute IDdU~erence ti) bt. own antety, and was alwa,s master of bls mount, de. pile his DOOr seat. His taste In borsea . . . uoell~t.
Educatlo=n=.=I===&=p4!=:IlHI===I"'n'" Frencb statJattee sbow the expenllell «If lbe ?arioul European states tor Lhe ed.u<:atlon of their 8ubJects. In Ger. Dlany tbeTe III one IIChool to every 700 IDbabltanta, and on alt average 100 .!hlldren !lttend one acbool. The elt· pense amounts to 38,26 cents a bead of population. In France tbere Is a tM!b001 to ev.el')' 500 Inhabltanta, a IICbool Is attended by 66 children, and every Frencbman oontrlbutes 29.5 centa to lbe expendIture. In (, w,b ere there Is a sclmol to every 600 .u .... 'u""u.". a sohool Js vlslled by 66 cblldre.n and a. pupil coats 16,75 cents, In Spain tbere Is also a schoo.l to e very 600 Inh.abllantll anlf 6«i children consti, tute the average atte ndance. Every cblld. however. rEquires au annual expenditure ot 25 cents, In Englsnd, IIBY8 the New York Tribune, condl· tions are sImilar, but the COSl amounts to 27.25 cents tor each Child, Austria ba. a 8chool to every 104 pupils and every 1 ,300 Inhabitants, at a cost 01 19.1 cents, ,In RUSSia tbere Is a sch.ool ,tD . every ' 2,300 Inhabitants. and tho >llChool expeodl ture ot a Ru sslail ;&mounts to 5,6 cents.
Tbe staUstlcs (orelgO trade 0; :tbe United States s how that we are .Importing unusually large Quantities :and valuea of agrIcultural products. 'But there la ne occaHloo for alarm by our farme,rs, ,Sugar and t obacco do :IIot seriously compete with the native ,output, and cottee, silk and rubber .are ,not rivals for nnythlng ~rown at ihome, The AmerIcan produ ce r who B!1Pplleu a large part of th e world with breadatutts, cotton aod m eat Is stili ,tar ahead of the game, and may rest ea.y :In the assurance that there are _me ,mllllons at people abroad wbo : 1'epnl thlB country as the chief .80urce ,of luppl¥ for many or tbe nec· ·euarlee ,ot life, A Wllllbington woman Is aulng an. oGtber Cor t6,000 damages bllCause' a !poetal cal'd complaint of tile maaner j . wblch :8be ,~_tl!d her children " iC&UNd her to iDIIe 30 pouods In
EARLV DAV. OF "AJ..lROAD8• • Freak Invention. Called Forth .., the 8team Locomotlvo,
-The advl1nt of the steam iocomot1ve was Ibc signal tor a hoet ot IngenlouR and amusing Inve ntlonll, I/lya Ie: Man' treal H('fald, Oil Inven tor, who a p., Jl ared vatly on UIf' KC ne, WOK lIure that In win te r Ih £' !Ileum ngl.n would be complIl'utlvel)' II l1el 'IIR, becuus the thIn cantin" of rroRt that would ~t her In t h" mornh~1'! upon the fu lls would nIT ctual1y hind er the wheels from movIng along, Of cours , this objeclor had lL 1'I1medy to oITel'. His ralls w rll to be hollow In order tQ II110w hot water to circulate t hrough t he m, UIUN keopl n ' Ih e metul warm Ilud PI' " outing thA tormatlon of frost. Anoth ' r IngenlouK ~plrlt, rully (leI" , l1 UII('d Ihat no s mooth who" l d "ehl ol ('oul<l h' mud e to 1110"0. nlong ol'Clinlll'Y rOlld ~ , illt OI\ hi s 1,INiun rods not to wl1l' II;, I!UI to tl set of I !.gs lhnt 1\1 k d Into the rOlld be neath Ihe en· j(lnl', moving It 1I1ucll li S U Jlllnt I~ pol ed In th' ouly In thi s case the ro W 1'1' to he found ~ " <, ral I)oles In t lid o r one. D ecldt' (II~' mOre IntMestlng than an e ngin e thll t kl okod Itl' way along WIl S one Ihllt WIl S to nctualty \Yolk' on fOltT I g8. Thero we re seve ral \'a rl eUes of thoM slellm, wIl lk e l's, o no ' of whldl burllt on Its tl'lnl Irlp und kilt d te n pCl'6on H, It was not till l-Iedl y ex· (llod II atl these In ge nIous thoorles I!y ~ Imply trying how .l s lHooth wheel would realt y lIct on a HnJOCll h toad t hlll the wond e rfu l In venti ons oaed. 'rh Id II. ot danger waa UIWllj'S a very Ilrolnln nt one In th minds of these e arly 1I1\'('ulors, Ono was RO convln ce tl that "accid ents on rallro~ds
Old Style Carriage. and Few Trainmen -Employe. W'~rk Long Heu ... for Low ,Wagoa.-St.tI8t1C. aa to Mlle. Zo hud a new lo\"er. tbe with soft, Innocent blue eyes, like Fata lit Ioa,'Chorm(1 r noticed: but wbat or yours: he kls, old bl'r with tru uk tlp@, thal? Mile, Zo ,had a lover In every Ilk yom'K:. he ,' url>Med h r ' with OlrHallhlon eri rllllwor cllrrlages on lo,,:n Ihal the circ us renc:h d, It wn.s s trol, g hands , 11k ~' llUI' ~ , [It'll'll)' rs English lines, with dool'lI nIH?nlnj( on but natuI'llI t hn l' 111 11 "h tild run utter l1e\'or come, IlS rllll ring. lIous: III y tile HIdes, a s a I" 11 ' or thl' year ISa , lin Ie. Zoe. fOl' WaS1I'1 Rli e RCi rutllnlllly lire LlolscleKs l«' rt1C'nt ~ , A IJ ll'n~' r when ordIna ry coo 'h Ii ·w 1'0. s hy,ply benlltlfll1 thal she could IIblnc with· who wo'uld h In vu rhibly !:I'U CCC8sf ul, lVau,\t.!d au l'ulhnlY tl'uck s. ThC)lIgb out much lIol\ab of oHmc llcw r The shOU ld hu\' a bQV'l; fUl" on whlcb It Is recognlU!d '1 llat these urs tire ract of Mll e. ZoCl'S hurln g the lo\'pr crime run Irace 11 t ' lI·tul e JIn es: more tball hair la c(\lItur)' h hInd th e \VIlS no But'prls' to t h ~n ,k p.rhnrm· 1I(l ~ finn lIurl mAnl y, li S j( no raI seer, but th e rOCt or , her \' neIlIJI' ''~ll1b hO(l(1 I'ou ld (or u 11I11lu ont r ~ t upon times, th ey ar ! almos t n1ll\"orsl1l1y U8 d In i"II~lan(1: (IS llf' lally fflr 10l'al him. - Othpr III n Il!SS "118,'e l)ll hl" Ihan ih . m , Suc h u b.ltm y" r was the man troffle, whiM IR th e h Nlvl pst.. Ame rt· !lull'h 1 ntlN son 10 I Ih Ir he 'u rts tit I of 111 )" ijto l·r . Il l' le rt 'h E' little ~ rl sl .. ht r Mil , Zoe, ' I to the llJ ('r 'l 6 uf tb wQrld , hnr nllme ·cun COI'I'hlm' t rahl ~ 111'0 In 11 ~ 1' \'In 80m . "'ow l h c lr(' u ~ W ll~ a t ~l lI nl ):() nl('I')', g<>ne>, .how HI' hl tlB~ ' II. Tb l1 world of th e throu gh Hn l's t' III\lllll(,; long di s· but Ralph l>att erse11l, h(' l n ~ no la ~(; al'd I,olnt eel ChI' nn (>1' of ,s !)rl1 III bor and tonc e ~: blll varloll >! HI'III ~ b I'allroa\l ' In 10 \T(>, hnd (ollow" L1 ~I II (' , ·Z"e lhere. s hut I(Ij dours In hl'1 r faep., wblle he mana): m nls flll<l untlqllu Irlrl " sid,,· H e sat nuw In her dre s ~ ln ~ II Ila rt· 'h Id Ills head h l~h and ('u,'pel lor nh door cal'l'llIgus" \II', t ror Ih elr 1"1"1108' mpnt. hi s 1')' 1'8 on hrr l11nbll t' face. . Illnn, hI': B y (' 111111\' '. th III,t lc gi rl - which Is IImln ly l1conol1l )" In th sI' " You a s k 111 10 ma rry yo n," s he Aot a 0 1ll1! I'l1u cn tlun : It .10 ~ n ' milt: trl\ln~ th ere Is onl y oll e comlu lol', lin said. sw ping h('I' b Id 11 li01111,Qdollr to r how : ~ h e hc 111111 ' Ill'lIllnnt lind orra nge rn III whi c h a lso );11 \' tI 1")(frol11 he r whIle (orl'lll'ad , "1)0 you wo s Houg ht. :ll'te l' I'Im hy t hl' one pense. 11\ rllct. l' YQn In <'orrldor l1'alns. r all zo wh ut. tlmt l11 ellns7 'rh Is wh o hud HllOll ed hl'r li rt·. T he ·m oon· on ly on condu ctnr IN ......l1dr£'d . 'rh£'se conductors , 01' " j:ua rd s" Il l< th e y are IiUle " Irl u£' on IIIl' stnge, ti, e rc Is l e ~ s b'l1111 tllr1t e" Inlo a " nnb('01l1 ." In th circus. Inn cent £'y II cannot lie all 1111.l ecl to rf ~(' , iJUl a hand. enlt eel, wUl'k lon~ hUlll'S nl Ye n ' low nd Ill" ttl\' glarf' of th' rootllghts 11 8 sort nllo' whf l UK (\ s now!lnk e, PIlY, th IWorag' wllgc IJ 'Ing nOI' maI'o trom ~ e hlnd ; Inn OCll nt Iwaels call not tou ht' d hi s wrist, und I,e llt him to thlln nln dollllr s 1\ W ' II. Whil e :19 pass ng rs we r Id lt ptl In wha t a 1'00 d", 11 uudt? r t.h e elrl' us clln"as. And hit; s al. b only, bah! Soli n rlm' I)'s wings,' "1 WI18 Ihat IlItI£" girl. Halph Pat· port cu lls " t1'llIn a('c1d ents"-su h 118 and I (H'e r e r a (' rtl \\" to h l'r." t .. sun : y ou W ,'t" Ihnt 1111111 . Tako colliSions , derullm M s , .. Le.- 109 uddl· "Yo u IIr young to tall( that wllJ',~ edu cation, bl eol'h"11 hul r an.. tie" 11 t! all IIJ Il1l88 nl; rs w ~rll kilt ed ; !lllli he a,'g ued, l111ltl11'Ing ye uI's rmlll ~tll '. Zoe, nnd 1,972 Injurt:d 11y what the rl'(lort "YI'S, I nm Yl'l1ng." Tb TO WIU! a y ou 110\' little 1';ull11a IUl1 o, wlltnn e U(lhonlously term s " til lH(W m nl of troln s nnd l'ullwn y " ch lcl cs exclusl"e tOllch or \.lIn rness In her rich ,"ol ce, y 11 matl e All o ulcnst : ' "\Ju l despite my ~' aI'S, Ii man had HI hi ~ 10Ht It" looll of IIln o ence; of traIn ncclrJ nts." When th g ull, I as r('ad e r 8cau ~ the as well I11llrry 111Y pet tlg l'ess, Lady g uilt l1u8h d It CI'0111 orow 1.0 cb ln, /.lell • as l11e." " Your "oloc wus HH wlnnl~g then " You ('Bn I av t hl' Irells," as now_ 1 Khould 10\'1' Y OH , we re YOl1r "r htld Inte nd ed t o do RO before l1u ·t unkno wn to me. Yo u love me at s aw you , This Is my las t Renson RS last, but I do not wllnt s u h love 1I0n·ta me r; I Inton(\ to go on th e 118 )'ou rs , " J' here has \J ,n an Itl\' s lllge," Ibl e corrl hlndlng \1 S to ~e th el' nil these "Why not l ea" e bolh and ho my years, gnm th e "'Olinde« InsccL wife? I /\In not 1'1<'11. but I Cilil ofr r 11111)" IRm e ~y It !! HlIn g Ih o one who you a m!ln 's str ng loye, 1 wIll work has hurt It, \' 0 11 look t rum me all for you." t hat mad IIrI' w01'lh t h living ; ond "Is a man 's lo\' s trong? I doubt I'e \' 111; Is wI'lli n UlI 111Y heart wltb It." He r rlnrk yes wero Itl as she n I l ~ llf Iron, with th p (lolut of a ilia· l!:o oke rl Into hi" soft bll1 0 or bs. " Pe r· montl : ' hnps yon have snld 10 Ol he l' wome n h cast a g InnC'(' Ull 11 him, IIk ~ wbat you ure sllyln g to lU e," th glunco or a 1I 0 11 e1i~ th ut secs he l "lIlnrry me, and I ' t m e \lrov e my PI' y within re uch . lIe kppL hi s eye,: love: His hondsom c race luok d In· to th e ground. li e heard a cUI'taln nocont us a boy 's. Ilulled as ld ,aod heard some thin g "You IIlust walt for your answer," HPrlng n nr hl R feet. One lightning Sbe g lanced a t her wll~ch n nd nrose glanc showe(1 hl111 an allen COIlC, Mil e, as 11 sign or dlamlasal. "1 must per· Z e, whIr' In ll!llld, and 11 KI k tlgrcss gov nun cut r e v'ort, he mll~ t b ' IIl'e· wou ld \.le rrequ nt," thnt be 1)I'O\loeed torm," crOllchlng to spring. He wa~ vetrl' pared tor sohl g nU e 8uI' l.rls s: For to mlnlmtze th loss of life by nUlIl"h· "Is there In tbls world to-day a man ned, In hIs chah', The n the beast's lu stnnc , on th front pall' of tha In· lug tbe t1"ll111 to tbe eu glne py a 10:1£ , whom r could love-a man worthy of olnws ha<L rent hi s !leah. gcnlous work , It Is ft'RlIlcly stated : rop, so Ihel In th e c v nt of c I1Isl n Mile, Zo hM look!;!d forward to her "'I'he yeal' (1901;) was remarkable for on ly the e ngl nc m 'II would BUrr r. n woman's love?" Mile. Zoe moane,1 these 'words pit· r e yenge, but now II WIIS turned to Lhe number ot tatollUes to pass ngers Another odollted the exp clie nt "r eously Into the e~ ot her pet ti gress, ashes on her IIpa, A II lhe woman In 111 train accidents ; mora, Inde d, were n feather·1! d 1)laced b lwcem tb bu:'· Fierce Lady Belle QUllll ell before. the her was aroused to action; the ten. killed In tbls way than In any yelll' fers or the cu rs, so that "a sbock fierce tire In tbe eyes ot her mis· de1'!1e~1:I ot long IIgo cnrne tl) In her 31nce 1 89"; while on Ilnge 1. ,th In· could not be transmitted," and a thlrll tress. " bosom ; he r hardlles'" me lted, She terestlng oounter·slatement Is set and stili more In ge nious patentee, ill,()' "Mlle. Zoe mUllt be goIng to Intro· saw tha t Lady B Ite had Inflicted as forth: "The average numbers kill ed (lOBed fixing a pRlr ot ralls along Ihe dues a ne w 'n.c t," commented the yet only scrtltohes anti a ijllght ,wound, .md Injured In ' previous years were tOil of the train, ralllng at R g rndlent Inake-cbarmer. layIng sODle bleod on She las hed the bE-ullt fl'om Patterson's 106 kill ed In the 25 years endlog with fore and aft, ao that In the event or her cheeks with her own cunning shoulder8, tlcl'eamed to him to fly , He 1904. and 1,589 Injured In lhe nine another t.roln meeLl ng or oHlrtaklng • "J saw her teaching Lady Belle stnggered to th!! o\lenlng In the can. years , ending with 1904, A c\>mllarl· It, tbe two could 'pass over and under W tear a. stuffed figure to pieces-a vas, nod out Into the ail' lUId sunlight, Ion of these figures for 1905 shows In each other and both could go tbelr man's ftgure with a straw hat on the calling ror help. the latte r year a slight Increase In I way rejoIcing, head; It made DlJ' nesb creep all over. But Lady BeliE' had tasted bl~; the number of Iellled and a consldera· - - - - - --:-I don', see how any man can love a no fear could hold h I' In heck now, ole lncrease In the Dumber of Injured. HAD THEIR MINDS ON RACE • 1I0n·lamer."· Her tangs m e t In Mlle. Zoe's slender But. taking thl! numb'e r of journeys Neither of the Engineer. Heoded thl Tile circus had remained tbt-ee ~ya tbroat, her sharll. cruel claws reot lOt,o acqount, It ' will be tound In "Broke In Two" .Slgnal, at Montgomery; now It , was to leave. the bea\ltlful Bboulclers. ' , 906, one passenge r waa k!Jled In every The followIng story was told by ,r, Ralpb Patterson was again 'In lime. Mlle. Zoe's Circus tour 'II'as ended. L1,000,202 journeys : and one Injured Zoe's dressing apartment, pleading his (Copyright, tflOO, by Dully Stllry l'uu. Co,) 1,0 every 608,023 journeys; as com· D. McNamara, nsslstant seneral pas· senger ngent or the Wabosb railroad, Jove. and devouring her beauty With pared with ooe In 8,394,206 kl)led aod says th e Kansas OIty Times: bla liquid blue eyes, MADE THE DOG LAUGH. )ne In 704,657 IIljured, on the average, " You oomplaln that I keep you In :n tbe prev ious perIods ot 25 years- "From Clnrl< to Mexico, Mo" our suspense," she said, waving away bls Practical Joko Played Upon the In· ~bowlng that, In rllgard to the number line runs almost parallel with thnt '01 the Alton. Th e dIstance Is about 20 caress wltb tbe gestura at a queen. tolligent Toby. ~f journeys. iliere were rewer tatal miles, It 16 allen country and the "You shall have my answer dltectly. .and more non'lratal accidents ot thIs grtldes arl! bgh t. The 'going' Is "That dog of mloe," s aid a sentle1 ask more from my husband than I ~la8s In 1905 tban usual," good, and traIns rns:e with each other can give him , Ho must be a. man to mnn who II "08 on Ul e outskirts ot tho It w!ll thu s he seen that In one whom 1 can look up, a man wIthout a town, "Is a wise dog," He waB tallilng secllon o( the l'e port It Is polnlf;!d out as orten a s ' occllalon ottors. "One da y two lOllS [rolght trains, past I am young e nough to begin to anoth er man who hud ca lled Ullon U18t ]905 was a record year for PBS' lark all over again , It the right lUan he lpa him on a matte r or bl1~lne58 and senger slaugbter; wIllie, In another one on eac h road, I'eached thought It would be wise to gain hIs about toget he r. A race, or cotlrs!), was me. Do you meet my demand?" part, tho flgnres go to sbow that Il The 'Question was abrupt: but Pat· . good will Ily Inl el'eMt ln ~ ' him In tho was "DOt so bad utter nll." ThIs bears lil order, ' l'lIssln g Centmlla the 'Va· terson looked 88 Innoce nt. as bovlHh IlUI'. Tb b list wns a s I1l)'ly II. specl· out the saying Ihat stntlsllcB were In· bftsh e ng in eer t limed partly around 10 his cub uno n o"; ~l g thal the A1too as ever. although a l1Ian of 30. . I-Us ID e n of the canine (amlly as coul!1 be ventcd to provo cit hel' aide any was minus a Ilort lon of his traIn gave (ace Geemed an open book,- "consclous well scared UlJ. ques tion. "W'bat can h do ?" waij asked, a ' broke In two ' whts Ie signal ror the 01 no wrong doIng, no crime to pale " li e ca n t!llk, tt he \\'I~h el! to." said IDformatlon or hI s 1'1\'01. The Alton o t remem be red:' As to R'llIroad WhIstles, .• lIlan, hearing til e ~lgno l hlma If, turn· "Arter all, tho game mo y not be th e oWl1el', "but he tldu 't wan t to, He The r Is a IClt of agltntloll cone rn· worth tb e candle," we nt 011 Mile, Zou. Imow8 th valu e ur lif'e llln l,( hlH tongue, III!; "unnecessary whl $t1In g" on rail· tI In hi s seai and observi ng that t he In a dlsJlusslona,te tone, "You mllY hut now I'll s how ),"'1 nmel.hl1\I:," 110 rand lin s and ~b o rlll1rond commls· Wilbash truin \VIIS considerably aborl· he bad flnd, nalph, the ~old YO\1 I,rlze tUI'll said, and exp lolulul; Ull\t slon,r3 htl" exercis ed the . pow e r er thun when th e rnce begnn, hI' to leael, whe n tho IIlcrclless elnyllght names fol' mLCh on" of tbo t,hre IIl'PCS whlclt ' Ihe y lHLV8 to Ilbragate the law pulled Ibe tbrot'tle open a nOLCh or of married lite fo ils upon It. Will that he ,s mol,eo, suld 10 Ihe · dog : re'lUI"'l1): whi s t ling at cross lns!! In two 1Il0re !lnd s miled aB he look c tl for. "'l'oby, go an(\ fetch m il Zach, Tuylol'." you run th e ri s k 1" . warrl to wlnnlns the contest. As the Toby waglled all the tul! nntUl'e had many places wh e re complnlot has speed of the Wa bl\s b train contl:iued "¥es"-fl rcely, been 'made nntl whore. thflre Is a cross· "Oll hsared hIm ,and rUShed upstairs t.n Incr'ease t.he Alton man In 11 spirit "How YOll musl love me." ahe said, with cyclonic s (leed. He cnme buC;k Ins tcnti c (' , Th ere Is a chance, how· or bant er gav!:! wIth hla whIstle tbe coolly. with It box In wlilch was 111c1o~cd a e"er, (If the r efo rm gain!; toO' far, 'broke In two' s ig nal. As th ol'e was For nnswer b e 1)1' saed a 113Bslon· whaten'r may ha"o been Ih abuse. well·colored m et't' ~c h uum (11(10. no apparent clTurt made to Btop the ate kl&s upon hel' Sho received "Now," s nld hi!! mast I', "set Bls· Not eve ry c l'Os~lns Is s uffi cIently pro· It In a matte r·or·foct way til at wuuld s ignal was re lleated. tected. e"en ' with a crossing tend e r, mal'ck for me," Away Toby rns bsd, have chilled. anoth I' man, "Again lind again was the sIgnal nnd hi s OWnl'1' said to the \'Ialtor, "I Iln'\ th warn Ins wh Islle prlnr to th e "Some people belle". ' 'a Illn that's hn VEl tbat pi \l EO 111 m y (luc llo!." Toby IIp]lroa.c h of tho traIn Is desIrable not g iven by tlt e ,'acing englnemen. At length M xlco was reached, ·hoth hidden's half fOl'glvt:n,'" sbe said, was gone for some tim e, and . when he nn Iy f(11' th' person who Is ilt the ,,·lth negligent enso of manner: "bnt carne back he was a dtdectod l oo ldn~ crossIng nnel cnn he r ead il y storme d trains arriving there at the saDlO time. there are rew tblngs hidd e n In tbls ;lnlmal. HI s tall WBS b twe II hIs lelll!, by Ihc fla gman or the gate, but e lsa each e ng in ee r laughing at the ' Jok e wOI'ld; so many at onr dead aud bur· hIs ctUS drooped and he looked as It for tile ]I rson who Is flllpl'Oachlng the he would h ve on his competitor when lecl sins resurrect and sland to tee· he wanted , to cr'y, Th en biB master cross ing und Is IlOsslhly depr~ed at n the bren \ uld' be discovered. As tI ry against U8. What a. pity!" he s 'Iled at the Mexico sold : "It WDij all a mlstnlle, Tob)', ( clear \'IIlIY 01 t he g llnrd nnd cannel be soon Iton man , called No change In ' Pattenwn's face, He had It and 110 ,wonder yon conldn't lind so easily stopped. l\ot many e bglnoers water tank llie was thinkIng how milch of 'tha pas- It, Al'eu't yon glud 7" toot their whIstles ror t:&e fun of It or across the rlgbt of way: ' "'How fa r ) 'C lI goln' Without yonr slon.ste rose tbls nun·llke Illy had In "It you believe lilY honor," said Ibo because ' ther lIlte addilloual nolso" her nature. man who witnessed all that, "Toby amI railroad ' regulatlon8 are not tall lights?' The' Wabaah man, observing for the "/. must tell you a I5tory, Ralph , laughed all over his fOOl' und actually framed ' tor the purpose Q~ lIIt1klng a noisy advertlsE'ment of their ' lineR. first tlme hie own predicament, said: Seven yeara agu. in a coal Olloe town, got u'llon. his hind legs and danced," The whIstles are tor public lIaCety. "~osh! but J thought yoU was whlat. not tar from here, tbel'e lived a IItUe and lhls Is sUlI entltlod to as milch ' lin' tor )'our own hind end.' Wedded to HIs Ideal •. girl, pretty, with a moonbeam IlretU· Tt 80metlmes- ,happeno that an ft· . cllnslderatlon illS are the sel)sltlve neSB, She trusted everyone, becaUBe " 'Ditto, Bud!' exrlulm'ld tbe Chi. Bhe was good. She trusted once to pi oded theory doean't even wake up wrs ot those who were complaining caso & Alton, OM he .notlced regretfUl. because they · are disturbed by the Iy that about two·tblrd. of biB own' bel' sorrow-a ~lI, He wooed her tbe theorist. nolse.-Have rhlll .Gazette. train was absent."
Some women would welcome • poatal oa~d like ~t. Think of tbe , .ecler's bW It ~(J, to say nothing , Gr lbe Inconvenl~ lilt following a
0 4 ... All a rule. die _ ~o can make . . . . everythlD&' ilwnbers a 1I"lng .. oa. of lhe tbJup be can't make.
.. IIalloon haa ycenrW .hlgb enough .. .JlUII comJ]letel, over. Afont Blanc~ . - lamo . . peat In the Al,IS. and San· .... Dumooet bu been dying about .ii"":"';:";-;::"";'..,.,..ol.:If:':""-..JCI1Da III all aeroJllano of wblcluP'aat' 'Gap are GJlected. Vet t,here are , .,....0 . . 010 akepllcw as to doubt '''Bay. Willie. I wlsbt you'd snake oat 011 ClIn. blUt7 . , .t ..vlgaUnc the alr at lor Joan n. Ho(;keteller,"
Peo~le mlgbt Ull.e youse
The !Special Train. SI.eclsl trains are to be run out of 'Washlng ton to boom In the neighbor· Ing Houlh tile trade and Industrial 10' ter('sts ot thE! nallonal capItal.' (1\1. nols Central trains are to go out bear· Ing among lIoutboru farmers lecturers on the gospel of'dlverslned CrollS. P'or a long time tile west hlU! known the alleolol trains bearing aee!l-corn and e xpert de mon81trators, ot tlie barvest, Special trnln~ 'have boomed to wns and county (a!rs Illnumerable, bave swung presidents IIrOlllDd tbe circle and have carried lesser' politIcians swiftly tbrough fevel'lj3b campaigns, The field f the slleclal train cordially Invites write rs on the romance and tile myrl· ad inlaslolls ot the country's rallroads,
R,allroad to 8cale Mont Blanc. :\font Blanc 'hns fallen on unbnppy , time!!, or perhaps Qne sbould say un. happy times has fallen on this 'mon' arch at. tl1 s Alps, But It Is too evl. dent that grelltnes8 has met a Water.. 100 In the Ilre8ent day, PI8TnY man' with his get· there craze Is going to make a fool of the snow.crowued mountain . . He la 'hulldlng 'or I. to build at once sn electric rClllway w' Its Inaccessible S)lmmlt, thus doing w Mont Blano as he bas done ,to Pike's \leak nnd long ago t,o that pretty little ele"atlon Moun~ Wa8blngton, The en. terprlse ot engineering Moat BlanC! Int<;> ~he limit of a day', trolley ex. 'c urslon 'muRt be viewed with mixed feellngB. One may COnfess to a creep)" lIeosation .at the Idea ot scaling those . • Now RallNad. for BoUl/la. glacial walls, but . there will be tbou. Thlrty·llve 1"ll\Ion dollars Is to be sandI or tourlsta to "love It" and not expended :'y Stnndard 011 capitalists care a button how grotesque they and their (lilies in coverlns the r~ '!lake that ~tn\lendou,! natural beauq. pUblic of Bolivia wIth railroads during liy a trolley !lscent. tho neat 8fght months.
The til. Be
"Th' Capt'ln Wants Ye 1'1' to Ha·ave a BIt Iv a Chat."
f" 1" Iv. Terry Flynn 1M 11. W 11· 11\ 'I1nln b lad . him, ' Th' eapt'ln wnnlll y Like other boys , he get!! 11110 tl'Ol1ltl e ~hh'lI 1"'I:ounel to lh' station ('I' t~ oC l'll~l a ll al1y, bul wh e ll he I~ !!uorl ' hc is hl1~v n bit Iv a cbat,' 01" soru e thln~ rno~t il~Ci resSively good , H tl 11,,1 I1nly III! tllllt, un ' be tuJles It all In, 1111' 10illts out for hlH own e'Oll lh1('I , hll t he 'OeR wIth me, tht\t'~ dl1y· plomucy, \' 0Ins l s t~ upon gh' lng I h 111 0~t pa lll" tll k- ~ c c how It II!, (Iou't ye, T rry? '1' III Ing ottentlon to lhe tO II(I(1('1 I,r IlIh ~ 1' 8. Ih ' art Iv llIt"lo' ye·er own wu-ny wHll· !fls supreme setr-satl. fll ct lOll 1111(1 il hl - ,mt mnltln' thl'oubl e f'r ye·e rslle· trnry ID. thods on th eMt' occallll11" ore " Who was tIle IITl!lltest tHplo1l111l yOlO mos t I1l1norlng to tho~e of h l~ CClIU- t'ver I, 'Iud of?" InQull'ed ,T e n;'", p:\1110n8 wh o ure eI1 6 J1n ~ '\I lU g il 11 ~ I1'1tY , " l\I'UHll, well, 't Is h n· nrd to Hn·ny,'· but fo rlu1lutely hiM (I 'd od:; oJ' Int.' n ~o I'ct Urll!!tl Policeman Flyu n, "~(1l1le rlghtoouRlJ eHI! or or ~ hClI ' t elul'u tl n IImes.l think 't Is 1,,1 Hu ng Ch ung, 8\"lt. lind o ne u'r only at Inrreq uen t hlle\ 1'\'I I I ,~, It h du b a ChlnytOllll ; but t hore Wll" I r llliH W I' not so, h l$ 110 1111 1111'1' Y ll 11tilhc~ felly who c 'u 'd have heat wOllld nl1or, Ihltu nit, It ho\l Iv r gon Iii l"r til 11 ~ it wa ~ tlurln g Ull eXC01Hlot1 ully ~e · his (1111nt8 th' r-rlsbt W'l'Lly, He hntl " r Il tw ('k 0 1' \' Irtuc I hilt T ' eT ' lin · I h' Itl· Iv It, but 't wus o n y I\pOll l'~ dortook to I ad " YOll l hful rrlont1 11110 It n' lIut jllly with hJm.' · lh ~ s tmlg ht nnt! nar ro w (Ial b . I1 nll " wito Wll S It?" \l'h n ho e,'pcr l ne tI . 01111' rlinklll y In "A telly be th' n a-n m I" , BUl'On If'mllug, h go l behind :1ml 1)( 1,, 11 el. :\luol1l,how en ." The t'rl'ncl- T I111 I r lnne.v Io~' 11 11111 1>TOI'IT WllS rluIY,.MllTl1' Pti .tt', l1 illl ' \i.~ ;1. _ ...... bel r" yell u dos lre 10 pl lty h oo ky , II ' lime ho Nfl ,~ l tl:: t, w'l t ,' b l n ~ Jl l~ ltIu th11 '\' I: dill thlnlt mu ch uJ' Sl'lIO,.1. uny· ew's IIrOp'tI'lt tlo:!s rbr n reDsI oi' 1111 11W il Y , unci on this parth-nla l' dny lw helll 'a l'C!i. It In s r atOl' onte rnll\. thou 1' 1'1:'1'. 'So "Ye·e r fn.lhe r likes Ih lm ," s he s:1I,1 he \lc' ld cd Ih a t he wol nid nt' ~(!I1t bim · tiS ah nOled 1'11 ~ Illtcntloll , ~I' lt fo r Ih e day. l'()w. (h., j01's of "H Ij d o~s, " h 1'0 1111 d, fwd Ih n RIlIIpluylng honky wore till' fr0 111 heln,.; un- el enly b beRt.!necl blmse lf untl begun Im own to T e rry, but Jus t at Ih ln lillie i o help he r In val' lo \l!l lillie w n YA. he hUJ1ll ' necl to be on hi M ,.;oue l be· "I 'll give ye /tn exth1'3 wa n f'1' ~hat ,'· 1111 \'101', ' He AC'OI'n d Ihe 'Yl'ry tllolllgbi slle snld. of deceiving hI s teauh r, Ilucl gln); the "I' ll set thnt Rhnwl yo u l c ft ilt Mr~. thought less lind unprofltllble UIlIUM£,- Casey's atter dinner." s ugl;csled tb menl Ambition wus Ktlrrln g wl lhln boy, cnsuully. his Urenst: he nl1rpo ~ od 10 be n g rO,11 nnd good l11an, lmd co u ~ c l e ntloll H wt)l"k at sc hool with n firs t I" QulRlte, As usulII, he wa ntcel tn brln' e \'ery out) else up to his high slnnclart!, 100, 'Itt he not ouly r efused to joIn 'rIm, but s uggested that Tim ought to join him , " Naw," saI d Tim : " I alll't ' ol n ' to school to·day." " Aw , come on," urge,1 Terry. "Nnw." 8a ld Tim agnlu. "YOll better," Insisted Te rry . "S'm'other doy," Ilnswered Tim, "I'll bet you'll come to· day," SI)1'\o;d Terry. IU! be slammed hi!! but elowu on ground snd started atter the r~oItrant yout.h. It was all over In 0 very few minute,;. The principal, who bad been attracted b)' tho cries of the other seholars (for tbe disagree· ment occurred ,alma. In rront of the Bchoolr, tound Terry slttlulj it~trhle or Tim , unl! eurnostly ,Iemllndlnl\'. ':;110"" wllf you go to school'l" to whi ch Tim surllly r plied In the uffirmllt.1\'e. Of course the object thut Te rry hod In view Was worthy of all coru11lcncinlion, but tbe prIncipal r-llrefully xpla1ned to hlm, nrtcr hearIng I h Give Ve Two Exthrll Wan. f',.. whole story. thut hlR metleodH "'cro That," She Said. not lu accordance ,,'Ith moe!ern l'l e~~, "111m glad to Ree !hllt YOlt dt!,lrerl "I'll give ye two exthra wuns f 'r to 'bl'lng the wnyward boy to " hool," Ihlnlllll' h ' goln' t'r IV' saId MrR. said the princIpII I, "but you s holllll I F'1)'lltl. bl1\'e used dltllol11llcy rather than for ce, "Lu ll nt th· day ·plomacy Iv t h We Cll nllot permit fi gh ti ng." la-ltd." ommentp.d Poll emllU F lynn. Terry thou ght It 1111 o\'er liN be "01(1 ) ' ()U see t'iJ' ma n, alli n' Cor yon walked home , CillO he told hlm8 'Jr thllt lit Ihe co rner DB you ca me In'!" usked be would jllst llS soon 1t ~e rllplomu('y Terry, liB noy Olller missile, If h !! only 1m W "W ho wns be?" a sked P ollcellll1n wh:lt It wus. • HIs des ire wus to ml1ke J.'lyo n, the wor"l better. nnd h ron lly ,lie! nnt "Glvo It up." replied Terry. nre how ho elld It so long os lbe reo "Why ,1Idn·t ye to.ll me Iv It be(o()r7" aults we'r e clea rly dellu 'II ;1 n(1 1111111'" I\lately notl ceuble. onsl'l1u ellll y he d l11unded Polloeman F'1)"1l1J . " t henr-rel Cassidy W(Hulted f'r to ~ mO:' - wisely wenl to his talhl'r 10 se 'lI1'I' the "Maybe Il was CIlSH ltly." ret!1rneil desired In formation" "Ohol' oxclnlmed Poll eman Bllrnoji Ihe boy, :'ao' llIaybe he' waltln ' Ibetn
Flynn, when th e tlIlSC waij atilt II to hllli. "ye'd 1\1;e t'r to I e II IllIy-p lon mt Ie III·au. w'n'd yo? 'T Is a good thing, It 18 t bat.". "BlIt ' whnt 18 a diplomat?" Ln~lsted Terry, "M.m-m. well," replleel .Pollcenu n Flynn, thoughtfully, "yo migh t ~o ·ny 't Is a Chlnymall, nn' thin ye n-.lg!lt sa·nr 't la an lnju!! ma-nn, nn ' thin ye ml!;ht sA-ay 't Is both Iv thlm r-l'OlIe.1 Into wan an' alao 't Is neither I" Ihlm. They do be flne snmilies Iv I'.ruu ~h day-plomnuy, whloh Is wnn W/l'IIY ,,, 6syln' they're cheertul liar,,: but ye ah'n'd n't tOllY tblm, Terry ; ye Hh'u'd huve more pollah. Th' Chlnymnn In wlllln' t'r to be c/illed n liar a'fther be geta whnt he wo·onts; 't la nolhln' to blm that ye nild hIm ollL Th ' Injun ma·an '.1 talk fair to ye till he geta ye where he can \lclt ye, an' thlll be'll gIve ye I.b' laugh an,' s,,11 In. In wan wa-ay tbls thing ye're talkin' ubout la tb' art Iv keepln' tb' other felly Quiet wblle . yo're lettln' ,r-ready t'r th' Bcra·ap, but ' lb' la-ad that's up to all th' thrlcka '11 do beUber tban tbat, . He'll get whnt be lvII-ants !In' ulver even I'ave ye a chansl f'I' to ca ll him Ii ,liar or go 19 flghtln' about It. That's where tb' art ' Iv It all co Dies In, Tb' Injun ma-an'B day-plomaoT Is 110 close, to, strathegy 't Is ha-ard to teJ! tlUm apart, th' Chlnyman's Ie plaln Iylu'"an' tb' whJte mo,-aD'a h, 'lIo artistic ye clln't ' tel.I. whetber 't Is Iyln' or not. Some. limes It Is. an' sometimes 't 18 not. but fe niTer lint,! It out." "What's It IOOd for?" asked Ten')': "I t's good r'r lb' !tttle rna-lin tbst th' jo~ Iv m/ll\~n' th' bIg ma-an give In to Illm," answered Policeman Flynn, promptly, ., 'T Is tills wa-ay. T...rrr. 1 ba-ave a bl$ bulk Iv a mn-an to tnke to the slatlon, n.n· 1 call on wsn or two othe,rs le belp me. on' we 111m down un' dbrag him to 'lb' pathrol. , • Thal's tOOI'Cll an' v1'lon!l8, But mebbe I lIull me gun an' ordher blm t'r to wlth me Dr ('II 11 holD
yet ."
Pollcemiln Fl,ynn cnughl U[1 bls hilt IIn<l bolted out ot the d06r, He \Vu s ba'lt In about 20 mJnutes, l!l1d ly out of tC~lj)el'. , ,. 01 vII 1\ ~ou l was th ore,' he exC'ialmed, " a n' 60 I wlnl 011 w I{elly' s pln·ace to Meo It he WlIS Wnllln'. Whltl did ye Rce him there, Terry?:' "I dlt!n't ,see blm at all," 1I0llwered t he boy, 'I only osiled If ')"Ou !lItW hlhl." " Ye ~h'tl'dn't be playln' joke., on thO 01' mu·an, Terry." h e said . . "Whcrc'a th' cukes " " " I thQugllt., from tbe way you hurrIed ouL thBt maybe YOIl would n't be back," Torry calmly replied, as be dla\lOlled ot t he Illl!t pancake, ' . " "Ilk at tb' day-plomae,. lv ' tb' In'lld," commented ' Mrs, I!'IYn~ " prolldly. ' (CoPyrlght"l!1Ot! b,. Joseph B. 801\'108.) (Copyrlllht, b,. the Ccntur,y Co.)
. A N'ow American Indultry, The Infant Industry of raw .llk prodUctiOn g\.,el promise of ' develop· Ing Into sturdy aod vigorous manhood • even tbougb protecUve duties and the aId of 8late or national- bonnUeI be denied It, saya the .Techl\lcal Wllrld. 'rhe ~athel1 of' tbe preB.D~ 1DO.~t tu establish aerlculture 111 a perman(lnt and prolta.ble branob OL ADUlrlean Induatry' ia Lonla Borrle Macfd-; a German by birth, aft ItalIan bY ' descent.. and lUI' American b, choice . 4 adoption. ~t !f.alhllab Fait,,' Oa:, be o.WJIS 3,600 acres of land, on ybl.lle has planted ow)re than lIlIo,boa \DIllbert·y tree •• whl,dh are nq1!l from tbree to yea ... old, lind whloh are ,de' slRDed for the feedlnl\' of mUllons or silk worma. The IlUId will be au.bdI· vlded Into many lmaller farms, anti loaBed or.old w "lIl1nlr to engage In allk ' culture Mr. M.-4 baa IlrOvon that ..lit o~ be . as cheaply III -- ,•.. •,~c.
l61J1Ji6tBtM"oF ~\. ~~~ " · 1tisAion
'r bl ~ F (mSO U' " rashl".nE· cl C' mallll ; t; 1I'UtltC'\l co r ea~ C' of Ho:; t> dll liar,.y vel . ·sollll:l.l y 01 tht! ,,"0 .l :'~, wlln l vet hlllCl'erl to n nollit III 1',.0 Ill. al1tl - thr wuu ld bo !; lrl(~ t1y In Kty lQ, IIUIII Iy , u I filled high UI) LO tl l0 t hron! Ly 111 a UA I t!'ac tf ~u ll y lin II III 110(1 s ettt'fl ller, a ur u d Oll col:ar band, th e !luff d el· ~! "Il(1 I' II ure u nd It r{lll n ttl sUllo- lJo w ~ I oo \' es b lug of CI' I:JnI poillt Ilv I ~ 1·8 0Ul" I L Y. wllhou t whh'h t he d' '~ pi· 11. two Co rmer. pow ,.(u l fac tor>! thbtlllh With I' gnrd to th rt\-lIlod'lIln,:: o( t hE'Y souod, are pow e l' ! e ~s to adll V {J I IlU lutlool' f r ock Cor u!! I'll . ~ n weal' a <>1'goll • Nor Is I t III all suHlfolollt r oltC, and tightly HW ul; cuft!! to th that a wOllla n's prpportion s be RUm , 1I10W or. g uillur lined w i t h r.hlJ'[oll 11 I' Illcome bu l ky. Ilnd her Ind lv i llual , bl IlIlC. haH Il m arvellousl y rej uvlnall n g lIy markOt1, Ibo Itr scnl vog ue go II so eI'C oc l. 'fhe same al'plloa .to R lJelt ot fur ns t.o !'Knot t h at bel' clOlhe!; 6hol : Hil t.. Ral ln 01' v elvet In the sam q ahode uppenr 1() bORr t ho same rel ation ship all t h o cos tume. r lIeved w ith ti ny to her ns th petn l ; \0 n fl ower. Sh bo 9,'s and dlmluuth' e steel bu ckl 8 UlUl\t n o t pFl m ~rll y nttract lu t lltlOll III) both bock nnd front. Sbol1l ~ t h e un nccollnt of her d ross, lbe succoss· fron t of the tlklrt have becom o sh llbby, f ul Jb" et chnrml ng /lY ,'Irtlle o f Its In- a pauel mntchlng the bell . or el 8 one Umalo 88socl a tlon wltll Its wellrtlr of .slmllar Ince to t h at used f or tb e h om satisfied Imllglnatlon f alls to I yoke, mo.y be Introduced w i th tldvo.n. Illct,ure In nny o tb er st)' l e of gown . lag , while an effective not e of color -T here Is no d18 puUnK l bal, 10 Ilte Is siLuck by. a buncll ot '/ I olets, C:l;-n a· unfort unale woman blessed with the tlon s or r oll8S pinned Int o t h e cor sage. neoe~sary Quull flca oos, th e p re'lailTbe Tllclurellque dominat es both Ing modes ar e I'rl!-ewlnenLly becom· gowns ·shown In t ile lIIu8tration . 1'h e Ing ~ lIk skirt with a brqcaded COllt hilS _.. n ..t t mpted Inn o\'aUolI, and nnc facing!! of v.elvet. _and Ii v es~ of lace Ihat ha s ' not 110 far met wllb an en· and chlffnn on the under bodiCe. wblle thulIlllStiC reception Is to have j:Iodlce t he skir t Is decorat ed wllh crossed and 81eeves of dlffereDt ·t extures. 'For rows of thick guipure. The " ther o:rample Q dress worn on h el' " at costullle IIho....·1I a COlD blnaUon of ecru home" day by u ....·ell-kn own hosl es8. lace, r ellida gr een voll e and mUlberry boast ed II skirt of Cl'elllll-colored Ilolnt oolored velv el, and t he bodl c~ III 01 d' espri t t rlmm d down l u f r on l IUld n shap ",'hleh would be (' w l n entt, 811 0U1-, I-bo Coot w i th a narrow ruch ing suited 10 those who are lint acrollo tb, ot Rl\'se d u Barry velvet r Ibbon. Tbe cilest.
The Dressing of the Hair Slirely neve r .lllce l h e duys of ~' Ige wert' sllnh wonder Cu l co iffu re s seen 011. UlO S(> tldor n ug lhe head of the fli sh lonalJl e woman l hl s BcaSOll. Only 10 look al them gl VOJi on th ach e of l b IlRlnlrQsaElI" s h all'. 'r wo boura It blk H somctl m es-two wh ole, morta l bUIITs 10 huve tho hal l' hull t III to lb ,Iudttlatlng tem ples and tea 1I 0u ~c~ and bi r d C01!1l8, wh i ch now or· [( Iu nent l h hen ll of womo n . Th on, H Ihe coi ff u re h appens LO be 11' bus)' ~e u tl emu n , -It I s n CCKS[ll'Y o rt ell t o b .;<>tlecl f or tb e opera at e l"b ~ o'cla k In tbe morning. ul'ls Itr Illuch to lh e tOI·e. nnd a lIat Oft, 118 un y Ielding to l oo k at all country BUuKagcs, are call cd empire 01' "chlcbl curls." 'fhese are t ucked I n every' crevi ce, entirely ' shaping broad chignons o.t tbe back somll: oo metlm 88, or l y ing bes ld ~ cI0 891e bands 01' otber pulla at Ibe top of Ihe b ead. To accomplish tbe Indelible wave . eOn- for there III II 80rt tbat last8 I vear -the hair Is sometim es 'baked In ~0Id8. DressIn gs which' bave a rich metal glitter provide the , sbee'l.' and at c very s~t where nature sbows a vacuum Is applied a fal se bit Cab~l cated for this spot Bnd no ·other. '. At the Hides, tbe modish coiffu r e la oot Quite all wide ':'8 for",erly,. except, of course, with SOme . special genre. A narrow look I. belns pushed to tbe front, anel th!1 forehead ADglalse, all
l it I s ca ll ed , mllY ' also ahow .t tbe si des Wis ps of th e BllglIsh r rl n ge. W ltb sneb opera coiffures go ti ar as,
high comba, banda of j eweled start and wavIng alsrettes, for It III the more ·flatly and willely trea ted head wblcb Is .Ilower crowne<\
y. u
v Passed Over Both
___ 'the engine. 'wlth ~tll brakt) bard Ot and Woman Taken but Alive aDd wIth sparta tlylog 'from even' from Beneath Railroad C..... wheel on the train, passed over them ,T bere were Dot many palllfengers at. the pJ&!Joroi at ~he . mom eDt, but. Padd1agtmt It8doa. Londou, powerl~ to hell', they sbouted to 1.1Id .WIUI recently the scene C!f a te~ the , driver or the appl'"acblng train. rtble' and 8enlliittonal J'!lIlwsy tragedy. who maa.pd to brlos hla t raIn to a A 'i entieman jumped on to t he staodatlll • jut. the eecmld co.cb ala to .ave the Ufe of a lady triend WIllI . about to PUll oyer . t be · Who rallell before an · Ineo~ bodJee. 'there ' the tl'aln paused. &f tlalB, and when the train w .. ~ul1ed In deathlike Illence the raU",'ay men up ' tile)' were !loth ~xtrlC&ted from lIOugbt to extrIcate the bodlel . beIIeath the eoncbell-allve, but nllwal at once leen tbat the man's rl ~;ht OODaclous and with terrible InJurle• . arm bad been severed .b)' t he fronl The lady ~ In the ' "four-foot," bewl)eel at th!t ' online: lIut te enr,.· tween the tnetnl.. Without an 10- body'll joy tliey found that !loth thf "-nt·. beeltatlon, notwithstandIng ftgure. boneath the train the tact that the engille, WIth aroam aen.oless were IIVI~. A · tnil,. mi:-aculou. e. 1lI111nc tram Ita ..rety·valve, WII. al- cape from deathl ... " hl~. the resouer, ""JIb one ~ do1rn. There RII8 no
. M.n
(Itt tJ' e traclr; ~me
.. ----.
Ineldent That Converted Skeptic Into ,Ardent Bellevel' - "Wlrele"" Syatem an Old One In That Land of the Occult. " i\l an y plll'Bons del'hl the ltl oa of mellt nl tel grallby, but If t b )' wo uld or t\\ In ·I ndl ll.. liB I di d, and wO" k shouldor to sbould4'r w! t b til e edllcated EILst Indians t h ey would cell~e t heir scolll ng," Hili \! C. H. S I'ug. b am, ol'gun lzatlon IIlnna!;et fur ' t he l utel'uuUonul j'o llcy bold el'lI' cO lllmlt· t eo, and one of t b o most p" om luent eleell'l c l'allway W I) I n Oh io, III Ihe K e w YUl'k Pr ~Il . " I t I ~ wond !,ful to wha t · I! degr c of uerf eUon tllO,;c IIC opia ovor ther ha\'c dl'\·t'lojll'el th fuc· ully uf wlt'clc!;!; IJmlns. T hey wel'e usln,,> t he wlr 'lpss ll)'ij t 01 (\ \'0 1' Lhere (!OUlurl es uerore :\lllt'co ni and De' }o'o r· cst were borll. ."I~ t m e gi ve you 1111 Insllince In point. nlld I t Is on l )' unO of th e mOllY wbl h ebun ged /J ,e rrom II sk oJltlc to I! convert. S vCl'n l )'eur ,; ago. whon I wa s In ncU\' work UIS II civil c liglneer with I'll I 11'011(1 con all'll!'tlon as my sp 'c lnl l )" I wenl t o I ndlll 10 assi st In buildlll!: a IInc Illto th ' Inlerlur. W e collle 10 II heorllng \\' h ' I'(' I hc usc of rock dl'llls, of the t r lpOll sly l ' yuu B (, In U >lO her I n New Yu r k III muklUK CXcRvut!ons, wus absol utel)' 11 0' 's, snl')-. Thla hn d I.Jeon fores ell In lho stlrn'y" mud e In adv'Ul ce o f t1H' cu n· stru c Ll on w O"I" an ,j we hnd onll'l'od u bnltc l'Y of those steam d I'll Ill. Finally we work d l'l,::h up to llle pillc wh er o \\', n ceded Ih Dl. und \\' could 1I0t do I1l1lch mol' crrecLlvo wo r k unLl I. we sol thelll. " I \\' liS in t he om 'e on duy. fumlll g anll rl'ot Lln g about lhll s d" i ll s all d wond ol'lng wh cl hpl' the 61 amshlp UPOII willch tlley ~ho ul(\ hll\' al'l'l\' II 'UI ~ I Il\il IIU<1 wh etlH'r hut! I' 'lIchml th e dl'II18 \\' 1)1'0 In Iw r cIiI'!; . I aske d onfl or illY :j ss l st~l!ts If It had h ell l'd anything rroll1 eSI.-IlUll , whleh W IlS Illauy mill; s away . He 1'''1.11(1(1 In the II l;'ull\' '. \I h ad not '\· ·u r ecel¥ ' rl utJvJc s thal til". st almih'tl Iwd III" r l v'd. I W:l S Lurnlng away III d h; 'llll' I 'nt whe ll oue or th ' ~:nst Ind ian s w ho hull lJ4' II Il s ~I g'lI e ~ II~' the /IO\' · ('rnm ' nl to ass l Sl us. lO t '1l 11 d ror wu r d. He was oducaled h i ghl y and 6jloke Engi lsll Onellrly_ .. ' ExcnlSe me.' he ijl\ld ' wc r e rou askl'n ,:: If th · S eU lIlshl jl hnd u r rlved ?' .. ' Yes- we al' eXll ec,tlng sev I'u l steam cr l ll ~ On ber nnd cnn nOI do much more wor k lIulII we g"'L tbem ,' . I r e l illed. " 'She a rrived tbl s m ortling and t he dr ills bnv e b en un londed t rom her ,' so ld t he Enst I nllian. " They nrc OD the Iiler now. b nt somethin g seems t o be missi ng from l h em. Are they fUD n y·l ookln g th.l ngs tbat stan d on lIue l egs ?' " I told h im Ihey w er t' lind sh ow ed to hi m a plcl lII'e or one or Ihe drills. He look ed li t I t cura{ully n nd then reo pli ed : " 'Yell; t hey're WhUI nr e in t b ose long pac k ages on tile pl.,r. but that port 18 U\l.lIslng rrom ench oC Iheol_ ' -H e Ind i ca t ed an .essentI01 part In the hod y of tbe drllla liS l hat wl:l ch was mi ssing from each. A t first I was Inclln II 10 recal'd What ne Bnlll as a j oke, bllt ,his R rlousness Impressed m e. I InBtl'ucled Ihe oppm tor 10 w lt'e to Cal cutta nn d nscertalu whu t Ihe eondltlou W'18 . I n It little wh ile h e r eceived a l'epiy wh ich corrobor at ed c ver yt lli og th e Ellst Indlnn h all told m e, IlUd, wor sl Of a ll, t h at when t he cases w er!.' 0\1 'n d I t WI\8 discovered the part s wer e m lflslng. . T hat meant loug del ay, . bectluse the drills wel'e worl hless w l tlio ul tbe ml Asl ng parI s. In my dilemm a I culled the East Indi an to m Ilnd said : " . Ull YOIl t II m e wheth er those mt ~s lng part s w el'e shl pll d w ith Ibe drills l' " W i thout heSl tntion b e re lilled: "'YQS; UUl Iher ho\'e not been taken rrom t ho ~ hlll . · " 'They 01'0 a WRY down 10 t h hol,\, ben eath a lot ot h eavy bales w jl lch are goLng 10 b \Rh ~ n to annUler pnr t,' Ill' aald. w llll perfectly 811rlotl " face. "1. summollcd t h lelegl'lll1h OIJcrutor and Instruc t ed hlll1 tn w lt·o 'w our repr esen lallv In al cuttll w hs t t h e E RS\. In dln n h ad told me.. Wi th t.h at Infoml RlIo lI ' I gave Inst r llctlor,s that th e bnlcs I n Ihe hold ~ h O llld he r eo m oved 01\<1 t ho missing d rill pal'll! got rr om bc neal h t h em. Withi n th r ee bours I r ecelv <I n r atul'll II1(>SSR!;e tbo t my or,ler s hael bean carl'l d out and t hll t Ihe m issing lIort s had heen foun d eSllctl y wher e the E ast Indian sHld Oley we r e cO llceal ed. In 8 " f O'l"/ ' dnys t n e~nu ft e r tbe drills reaohed. us and ',4""! , Jlut a t. work cutllng Inlo Ihe rock III tile h en dln g. Afl or Ibut experien ce, unci ot her s lI!re It. do y ou wond er thnt I bellov e Ir. mental te legl'Bp~ y a:J It Is IIl'aeti ced In India by the educated E ast IndIans ?" No Old Age Among ' F I.h(el!. "00 fi shes g row old and wande around In ocoan, decr epi t In qld 8ge" as molu do on the land! Well, hurdly so. I fah cy." said Ihe old fi sh erlllan. "You ' see m en wh en t h ey grow old are cared for by their khi d. n ourIshed and protected f rom danger alld Ufe Is maLl e easy for them , but It Isn't RO amon g tbe tlshes, wher e each ooe mu~l look out for Itsel f . " Fishes are cannibals, and ev ery ft sh fl'om tbe tim e It f\l'lIt w av es a 1In III th e water Is In, danger or be· Ing eaten by aome larger fi sb . True, IIBhes or a kind go In BclwolB lind BO lind Borne protoctJon, but the able bluefish, for Instance, dashes Into a echool of menhaden and .bl tea and tear. and klllll and ea~. , and so it la of all larger tlllbes toward smaller ones, W ey eat them wben the!!' oan. " So the Hali III In this COIISlant _danger of bei ng eaten by some IIsh' larger t han Itselr, a tJanOter that It avoids by runnin g away 0 1' by hiding tl'Om i ts I,'nelllies when It can. Out as It grows older aud cornell t o wb nt you migh t calt' a ge, It grows II1MS vi gurou. and al ert ond I s IOl;8 able to look o UL for i tal'1f, and then wltb no Mlp from thO outllcle It I I In greater AIId It II IIlOre IIkel,.
Crop R~turn. V,n 1101.
'pint Over ,100 In • V.ln a,.rch for Hlalth.
MIss Gar dner. ot :169 JackThe 'manner In whloh tbe Canadian Ion boul evard, Chloago, 111., writes: W est has attraoted set.t1ers In recent "Gentlem en : I yeara has caused many' ot our journals I nd or se heartily and public men to "sit up and take noDoan's Kid n e y tice," to u se a current phrase. From Pilla, a s I have every Eu ropean cou n t r y and from &1f Ollnd Ill' personal most e very State In the U nion large experience ,t h at number of se ttlers b !lv e f1ocked' to tbe I bey' BrB an Idea l prlllrie provinces of Canad a, wh ere 1(l dney remed y. I free homesteads and w ide oppor t unsuffered wit h co m · lUes aro ' opeo 10 all who d es ir e to pllcallons ot Jddavail t h em se l ves of tn em_ ney complullll Cor Th e greatest t actor .. hi att r acting near!)- (h'e ~' ea l's . set tlers lies I n the Inb er en t r ich ness spent o\l er $100 o n ot soli and su i tab ili ty or cli m ate f or useless remedies. whil e !l \'e boxes of prod UCing w bat I s u n l versnlly con sid- DQUII'S I( ld ncy Pill s cu red m e In a f ew ered t o be the fl oest wh ent In t he sh urt w eeles. I am now enjoying t h e world-the "No.1 Hal'd" of Canadian I:est of b ea ltll, hllve a I1l1e ' anpel li • gro w t h-and other celrcnls t hllt r ank the best o f 4ligc stlOIl . nnd rostfu l 10 t he ,'ery first cl ass, 'i'h ls year the Sl eE'Il. nil dno to )'0111' ~lll c nd l d · I .IIl $. " bar\'est r et urn s were: W heat, 9,),Sold by 011 delllerR. 50 e llI S 11 box:. 000,000 bu sh el S; Ollt S, 7C,000,O OO bu sb· l"ostrr·M ll uul·n '0-. Duftllio. N. Y . •~ls; b aTley, 17,OOO.00() bu sh els; an d BROKE THE ' WILDCAT' S BACK. when I t I s con sidered tbat tbe ollllre popui lltlon o f tb e t h ree ' prov ince s-as evidenced by t he Quinquennial cens us · Ph iladelp hia Man V ictoriou s In Hand- . t o·H and Combat _ 'u st co m pl eted-Is ooly 810,00,), I t Is easily seen t b at the l ure ot t be Cana, nurmed nnel olone, 'fhomas Dyk l! d ian West Is III lltl agricul tu ra l potenw as 8uncked hy a wild cat ou Loc lI st U alltles. Anotber f eaturc w hich attracts the moulltaill . Boul h or Mount CarttJl'I . Pi'l, lIettler Is tb at rail way construction Is lie hnd bee a In Ash lILnd lind stll r ted p r oceedi ng with such r apl dl!.y t h at al - to dl'lve home. 1Iis horRe st epped on asy a oall and bo Pllt tb e ani mal In a sl um os t evcry di st r ict I s w i thi n r each o[ oul sido markets, an d t ba t b le. 1'!Jcn h e stu l'ted to walk hOll\e n nd good p l'lces f or nil IIncs o f f nrm products 1'1110 practically from til e co m- wus 011 th e mOllnwin w h 0 th e c l'ips m nce ment o f agricultu ral operation s. ur u wildcat alllrtnl'd h im. A t e w T bls I~ a f actor wh l h di d n ot pre vlIlI m i nutes lilt. I' b e ~o w t he !least t en wh r. n t h e ear lier st'tt1 emcn ts In t he feet III front of him. Th e ullitnal 'West werc made In Cllnada and In the filially sjll'ung. 11 0 Jumped ashl u alit! United Stales. nnd IUL~ given a grent DS lhe botl y oC I h e cnt str ll('k th e r oact I mpetus 'to 'anadlnn W estern settle- ho I tilled UjlOIl I t. For se vern I min u tps th e fighl b t w el'll t he willi I nl ment In r ecent years. T he Cree grant s)'st cm o f b ome- mal aull th4 m11n w(, ll t on. At l en s th fJl clIds wh ich p r o \':lll t~ In t h o prairie br a quir k s win g h e broke th o nn l· IIro \'lnees , by wh ich ve ry II Itler who ma l's back. i s allie and willin g to comilly w it h tbe A phy sici an IIr('s ,' 41 lIie RPl'crll1 con cUtlolls or octunl s ttll' lIICII (by no II p scrlltclw s on h l ~ C:lCo allli hands, means' on erou s) I s g!\' II 1GO acres bu t other wlso h e wus ulllnJured. f r e, ex cept $10 f or 1m ry, Is a J;Teut TORTURED WITH ECZ E MA. drawing card . opd III tho I "~t 11 cal g ath er " d i n over J 0,0 00 additi ona l to the w st er n population. oC Treme nd ous Ilc hi ng Ov er Wh ole Body -Sc r atc hed U ntI l Bl ed- W on der· wbleh &7,790 w ere f !.'Om tb e nltcd ful Cu re by Cutlc ur a. Stat s. ' Th e furl bcr f act, HS Is strongly " IJast yellr I i;iu fTcl'ed with 0 t re ll1 (, ubroll ght ab ou l by Ul0 asen l of the Cann'dlnn GO " ornmenl, w !lose add re~s dUllS It ' hlllg on illY bacle, whi ch gr 'w appears I s where, t llnt a spl mild ' worse and wor s • until It ~ pl'e ad o"cr com m on school , sy stem, pructlcally Ihe. w hol e body. find onl;' my r:l c :md f ree, p r evai l s thro1l 1;h oul t h o enUre hll ntl s w ere fr -e. Fol' rou r months or c oun try. and I s ea sy of access in ev en so I surrer d torments. and I had t o the most rem Ota di stricts, I s aoother S rateh, sCI·utcll . sera eh. unlll f hied . great Inducemen t to tbe s ttler who At n igh t wben I \V ' nt to hed U1IIIgS h as th e fu ture wclfOcre o C h is f am il y got warne, and I h ad Il.l tillles t o get In mind, nnd th i s, e!oup l cd w ith t be liP and sernteh my body nil o \'er, un til fact tbat ..... est ern Canad ian l aw and I was as sore as could b , and until I order are p rove r bi al , com pl eles a suffered excruci ating pain s. T hey tol d circle of good and !.n mc lent r easons 1110 t hat I 1I"a9 surrel'ln g from eczema. why tbe tide or Imm i gration h as set 'fhell I m lld e up my mind t h at 1 wo uld In so st ea dily Iow aI'd t h e country t o u e t he Cull ura Remedies. I used thew acco rdin g to In stl'ucllon s, an d the north of· our bou lD dary lin e. ve l'y soon Indeed 1 was greatly r eo lIe \'ed. I contloued uoll! w ell. and ' VISION SHOWED SON DEAD. now I am r ead y to r ec omm end t h e Cu. tlcura R emedies to any one. Mrs. Italian Mother'. Dream Followed by Mary ·l\fe tzger. Sw eetwater, Okla" Dlacovery c,f Bod)'_ JUDI! 28, 1900. "
Paints Stand Every Test or ' exterior and interior work A. L. 0 , Prolnt c. nUI., . Dly tl\'e1>ettlrla...n- -
NatIonal Pure Food and Drug s Act. ~t'riu l Nu, 3SJ* UEVl I((Hl.!'d Ily lIu.~ (Jo\',' rTl. ment , UJ~ \l {Juurauty t h!ll t,he ,Jrepnrll Linnq cO lltpl y
In p \ ' l' rv
n ':4pl!ct
a ll , Je leeltd _ ilh the ,reltelt cafe aDd thono-tS' cowbin ed in proper proportior..s with
II Lhe rl 'tlu i re.
Aged Unseed
mllll l . of Oil! j'lIrc f Ull" ,,",I ()ru~" A,·t "ppenr 0 " t' \"'I')' pl\ ckn~{' of tho (j,I\'licIJ
'l ea.
Cotn(,JaI1 Y'H IJrl.! f!flra lhHl i".
A scum-" You're Il lit rary man , ~ou say." Woudby -" Oh. yes, I do C1on~ld crabl e \ 'l'l t l ng f or th o P''I)01·9.'' Ascum-h'l n \'el' nol Iced ~" Hl r n nmc-" Wood by-"Oh , no, I hav., scvt'rn l pr-n. names t hat I USI' : us nnlly 'Constan t H -o deI" or ' Pro lloll o Publi co' 01' 'Ol d SlIu sr.rlbcr.' "
Aced i. our own t1t1~. uO tit de.r aM ptJI _ ambu. 'l'tll' I. but 'one (he tmporu.llI Cen CI in the mOlflu' acture 0' ou r ~in l " bu. h: llIu.tnllcl 1li(' a rc clart1x cl d~alo\l ' 10 d • (nakinJl; of the hiKhcll qutlUr! product. o f uu r "'o, k.s 1 and w blc b cost DO IDONI tII&o 1.0-
f. rl or palnta. A. L. O. Paint I. gr.und ," "' _
b .-au ty of tmb h,
huerll" r " lut dlt' ". l IAII ', l,;atarrb Cu re I. I».ken tuterri all v. "ld . I~ U di r t' ·t 11 on tbe LIOvd aDd UlurOU I Itlfh e elll. Uall', C:a latr h Cnrn II lHJ l a qua c k: uled lcloc. It .1t prOl§urlllclIJ IJ, ODe of l be !Jau pl.J),. tr ll na
A. L. O. P. lnl l. t he boot ""Int f.r .n I"'?oopo~. it l~ polilble 1,0 pr-oduCt! • . E'teJ'y dro,.. .. a d atum IS pure. It fa ,he mOi l economica. ~i nl n",de. Wl11 lut loagu,look beller :lod CU fanller Ihan auy o1he'r- pilJn t . A-k your de!) 1!! r for Ruffalo A . L . O. R~.d1. Mind PJoilill. Fulders conl:un nx valuable lnforrmtioD and chilrt 0'- 50 be2lulfful ahade" em "~QllC:C.t . " or-ule by H ardware and }fah. DeaJcf'$ cvcrywhcrt.
W~~I~~::~P~t:!d f~~ ~~:rr}:~td ::n,~~a~~~r:~~~~~~t~~u:~
wllh Ilid helt hl uud purrnnrll.actiD a dl ret.:uy on I,he InHCI,II{ 'hlrh c C! • • 1' ll 0 pe: r tu Dl cOinblD I.l!fln o f thO
t wO III .: rmll t: u Ul I.1\"h", produ c;et .ne ll wou(lertu l re... l ulU to curlOR catarth. t\end tOf Ie Ihubl1 lall . tree. Snld 1,,, nr~~~ itl~:~~~~:~\;:\~.CQ. , ProJI"j T oled o, O.
Toko/hU'. FewlI , I UII [Or·cOD. UpaUoD• .
htralo 011 Paillt'D Vandall Competent for Jury Servic e, lea 103.......... Y. Duri ng" t he Ice tru st trltil lu Phlln--------------~~-------------lIelllhla a nroslle t h 'e juror ' was' qul :!:zpcl abouL thc qualH l t y o f I ce h e used. ' " I use a II tlle occasionally," he sal(1. "now lIluch 7 E nouS'h to t emp r a highball ?" Wha l do yoU mean by a hlghl wlt'!" )'OUI·,'lI I he atlol'll y. "A n amal eur," 1I1111'1Illll'(',1 I h jllMr, ",'nn no t I'rl?S 1l1U to ullghtell an . XIIPI·I." 'Til l" mat) Is a competent JurOI'," 'hllll ~d the cou r t, ao~ Ihe trlul proceeit cd.
Deer T hrough Store W in dow . A Ih,·c(>·y"n,··olli In,,·1t Ct" alct! 11 Re nsaL\on In Blink SIf4·ct . Pt'O\'ldclII'e, H. L, th l! bll .· lps t th(lro lt ~hfllr c. by hOI'sin!; t h ruu,::h lhe Illate glllss C!'on t u f a je w4!I I'y HtOI''' , 110 11 nlHllng i t~(' lf co rn rE'd Ihe bucl( re I I' 'atl'41 L\ 11'ollgh Ihe win dow tl nd a Il\lnu I ~ latcl' wOlnt in~o a storo and knork cd down Ihe II ron r:ctp r , who Is a. h ea \'y wvllth l.. T he I>u 'k lOole to I ho ylre t , and ll~te r l eudillt; scores or m ' n anti \·oh1.;l (,>s t\ m r r y chase, esen lled by ·t1Jkl ng to Ihe gurdenl 10 on e or t hl' "esldcntlal s ctlo na_ A ftemarkolble L ighthoule, At toe cntrunce of Odessa b&rtJor Is a 'link " roc k w hich 11BS bee ~ l h e source oC dun gel' 10 navigat ors for ce~tllrlell JlU ~t. 1' he Ru ssians have d ecl de<l to erect 0/1 t bill l'ock a IIghtbouse whI ch will ri val In originality and Interest uny lig ht h ouse ot ullclent or mod-:~n times. 'I' bl. I~ to be a &1gantIc IIgure of Cbrl" t , holdIng aloft I n his l ef t hand a CroS8. 'fho light, one of exceptlon.'ll br illi ancy t I s to be pl aced In Ibe Clo , n l er of t be crolls. Wbat more IIt11ng emblem for a IIghtb.o\lse can ooe concej ve than thl. figu re or t be light oC tbe world CUldlng tbe. mari ner on life'. 11& to the port of latoty!
II Ely's Cream Baldi I. q~lcklr abi orbtd_ GI'I& Rellel alOn e..' It cl ean'eM, soothes, -t~~iiI:::~. bcnls nod protects •• tbe dilielUled membraoe. It Ctlletl Oatan. IIna dri\'1'I! aWIlY Ito Cold iii til., Bead qlll~kly_ R ealor c8 the S4'nse8 .ot TAste and SmelL Full 81u liDct!_ at Dl'\Jggieta or l:.:r mail .. billl tdze 10 CIa. hy mail. Ely Brot hers, 1i6 Warren Sbeet, . Ne~ yea.
~ Inflamed, ulcl:l'lLted jUld catarrbaJ~.~. dlti oM of Ihe mucoll8 membrane lIucII<M nualcatarrb, uterlaecatarrll c:aIiM' by femlalae 1II. .. mouth or Innamed ey.. by, ellllJllJ'· . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,. dosing the stomach. - - , But'Yoll-&u~ycaa , cure these etubbom, " affectioM by loc.a! treat"meut with
Paxtine Toilet AnOseptlC : which destroys the dls east~a,<;hecb·, dlschargu, stops palli, and beale the Inflammation-and loreness. Paxtine r epresents the . most luceeul.1 Io:al treatm ent lor feminine III. ~Vft produce d, Thousands of ""omen t es tify.10 tli is lact. 50 c c n~at di ugrlats.
Send for Free Tri8t BOx a. P~TON co... ......
The HIgh est Brldgll, W ork 15 uow I n pmgreAs 'on a IIUSpClII slol1 brid ge 0,"01' the famous " Ho yal gorge" oC the A rkansas river, lu Col oracto, Il ~ a poin t ",II r e th o chanr-~--"'T"-':--'" Positively care nel I. onl y fiO 'reet wi lle at. tho Ilo~torr, tbellO L1tt~1I PIII¥. lind 230 f eet wide at the t op. Thi s TheY' oJ5o rcUClII DISbr Idge w ill spa n Iho r lvcr 267 ree l abo ve tbe sur face or t he water , an d EnUn:r. A pertect rem· wil l be, th ereror e, by far Ib" h lgh eet c~y far Dizziness. Nausea. br i dge In th e worl d. Th e mt\te rl al DrowIllJless. lIad TlI8te w il l bl! o f fl ut steel an d stoel cables, In tho lIouth, Coo.le4 t b e c,lrved girder s I1ndlng sec ure nt· 'I'ilngue, PnIn In tho SIde, tachmen t In the sulld sl~ell of lhe cIln· ====:;;:".--:->TORPID UVER. 'l'II~ yon. Tbe fioor of t h e br idge will be reiUIAt<J tbo 1I0weJ8. Purol, VogelAbIu. oC pl nt e glass one and on e-halC Ineh ea thic k , to afrOI'd vi sit ors t.h e pleasu re · of lookin g do wn the chasm. On each . Genuine Must Bear si de will b e Mtrong, hig h steel rail, Fae-Simih» Signature TTLE ' Ings. Th e bridge Is I'art of aD Blr-· IVER trlc r aJ lway IIcheme_
The Evil. of Constipation. are Ulany; 10 fac t . almost every st\rlous IIIn eas bas Its origi n In constlpatloo , and &ome m edicines, Instead of IIre venLlng constipation, add ' to It. ,This Is true of moat catharti cs, Which , when ftrst used, have a heneftclal ef· feet , bu t the dose has to be conUnually Increased, and before long the r emedy cea ses to bave the slightest effect. Tber e Is one prepllraUon, bowever, that can be l'elied lipan to produce the same r esults ' with the same dose, even after ft t ty yel1l's' dally use, an,1 tbls 18 B randreth's Pills, wblch bas a r ecord of over 100 y enra as tho standal'd r elDedy for con llUpatlon Dnd_011 t roubles· arisIng f~om an impure state of the blootJ. Brandre th's PI1l ~ are tb e same line laxative' tonio pili your granllilarents used, and 'are for sole ev erywhere, eltbeI' plain or' sugar·coated. Will Ob.erve Ecllpie of
nul tnllt.
ct ' J'I( cbl con' lnictio n wh ich ensures pt'optr atlimilati on and k nitt ing lo~thr:r of IIU putt. clu l ,\nd l)roduceJ. paint unequaled In core,.. i nR JlO'WIo'tr,r d urabiHt)'. fine.ncaa of tulure a . .
wlt b LU " J\I . A I ·J:, r. I C ATIO S~. at. tb e r cao,Qor rcec.b Ol e leal or Ih c d l ~eJ1'Q. <;atnrrh I. n br ood o r tUb _l ll Ll,l uUMI t11'l'.,c . llud In (JrI.l ~ r 10 !,turo I t yuu
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
It III nunounccd from PariS that the
Pen fal' cII,turea R.te. A. the Hindu tUl Jllllatioll object to the · killing of ratll, au Innuentlal nntlve b anker prOpOR'!S to provide a "rat ruk shn." or 80r t o f lien In whlcb th o' captured rats may be conOned WI penI t erm of th eir sl oners for t be lives the male femal e animals being kepI. apart. To the
"HBll YOllr ..... ealth brough t YOU b~p. Illness?" Wl ked the philosopher. " Pel" haps \lot," answer ed M r . Dustin Stu; " but It 'hu s at l east stoo d belweeo me and a l ot of alluoyances."
SquIrrel, al Walt'F1It has ).&keD Flllk Goodyear of J;lurch t own, Pa., two y eara to train his pet aqulrrelR, but bls elrorta &ra now I'epa ld, and on Thanksglvlnl' be tl'Cated his fri en d s to a surpri se. Galherl og hai r 11 hundred or more gray squir rel s, M I'. Good year t augbt Ihem to go In t o th e woods and pIc k up n ulll. car ry ing tbem t o his home. On Thanksgivi ng n l gb t at a dlnper hlu guest s noticed a small board r unnin g from a wind ow to a nu t bowl. 'I'h e host gave one knock on the ta bl e Wi t h h is An l,f e. ... squirrel bopped 1I0wn l he p lank and IIropped a ch estnut into tb e bow l. ·f ".:1 raps b ro u ght a AQult're l wl t b a w al nu t, t h ree koocks a shellbark. l "l nnlly, a gra\08 old sflulr'rel took hl H plnce and crack ()d I.h/l n uts, wi n d· Ing u p t he Jlerfmmnnce by brusbln g orr the crumbs wltb h is t blck busby
The Sunny Soulh. Now 'When all outdoor ' fa~ m worlt bas ceased In th o n orlh, Ihe t 'rm "sllnny soulll " ~n d all that it m enn n. aJlr eal s wJl.h full rorce t o t he northern ta nner a s he r ealll: s Ihat ' wll h him It Is a case ot rem ulnl'ng Indoor R f or t h e nex t scv l'al 11I{Jn lhs con sum i n g e\,er ythlng t hn t llils b een pfo dunod durin g ' t he gro wi ng sea son. In thl! " Bllnny south" someth ing car. b e r alscd ey ry month In t h e y em ', an d llractlcall y ever y day call bc sp pn to u t doors. N o bll zza r d:l. No snnstr oltcs . Call1 e-r nlsin g 19 vcr'y Il l·ollt ll bl e. Large 111'001 8 are made w l tb IIt lle labor In growIng t l'Ufts, ,'eget a bles, etc., f o r nort hern m ar kets. Str awhc r l'l es nn 1 can tli loulles aro g r eu t r evelille ge tter s. Water unSlIrtlllssed. Worle p'lentlful. Lands ch ellp and pi~odll c tl ve. F or relIable ' lnformatlon , a.ddrll88 O. A . Pnrk, Gl.<nel'lll ,Immigration and Industrial Agent. LouIsvill e &: Nashville Railroad 'Company, Loulsvll!e', Ky.
AgedlJD.... OO
Anvone' nn tiyP wi th P T~" '{ F ADEI_ES~. j)YE' ·i 1\ ClCpc";enL'll' requi red; 6U!' 'CP~ gUlu'Il lltccll.
- - -- -
A strange cllse of tel epath y In can· ncotio n w ith a murder ill arou sing mu ch Interest in M il an. Hal)'. A ..... oman named Laz ofJ I awok e suddeoI y at three o'clock tbe o tb er mOl'nlag , and callin g b er Bon .J oh n, wbo lives In her houso, t ol d him Ihat b l s younger brother, L4WllOld, livin g 10 Lh e outsk irts oC the l own, was dead . Th e 1:110ther wa s deeply all'ected. hu t .John t r l cd to oom rort h er by ascribi ng h er t ears 10 II ba t! dream . At da wn. ho wev er, L'CoJ,ol d L azzRronl , a b and some and stro ll l~ young man , t be ow ner of 0 dolry . was (o un ll dead lit a s l ~ t /lo me dlstancA fro m his d wel ling. Aftor bavl n g mn,l e an exam i nation of the botly.· t114 d Cl ors Iloffi l'll.ed t hat L eupold h ad been mllr der erl, ae· tunlly ilL t b ree O'Clll Ck In tbe mornIng. The next day tbe culpri ts w r e ar· reslecl .. 'I'llo facls of th " 'mol hl?l"s v i sion, wh i ch h ave beell ,lil ly II l1 t hnnlloated, a re t ill! subject of (mdleNN d iscussion.
On_ Peril of Balloonlng_ OnA' of' the IItrllJllgo eXllerlence. of a balloonist I s tbat uf f ailing Into "& hole in tbe air," ....·bleh 1Itr. Rolker r&portll 118 followlI: "SO you continue sailing, enjoying t.he present with· lit lie thought of • 'the ItarUlng surprises that may be before you. Abead of you, unseen, may be wbat the ballonal ,; t call II a 'hole In the all',' req <;! ''1o!jng tbe vorte,x of & mael strom, Ind down thlB you may literally fall at a rate wblch la ten1rylng until, by sacrificing tw r three IIl1gtull of aand a t once, your pilot checks your downwar d flight. But t hese 'boles" are Gcarce, and. as & rule, tbe atmospbcro I s of unifor m carrylq power," -",morlelln Magazi ne.
SI,. a womall : "I care no t who doell the thInking HO long as I am permitted t o do the talkl n s,"
"Burel\u des Longitudes" hWl decided t.o sen d to Samnr akand a scientific mission to observe th e eclipse of the lun th at will be vis i bl e In c entral A sia on Jan uary 13, 1907. The mlsaloo 9,' 111 be unde~ tbe.dlrec tlon of tbe ast.r;)n mer. SLefnlk, or th e ollBervat ol'Y of M endon, wbo accom panied M. Jansson on bla njlfldltlon to Spain ror Ibo observation of t ile eollpsI! of Ausust 1905. Among the Inatruo m onta wlUl whtch the will be
5DOD addillon',,:!
....1. .
, of rai .way tlDl:l ,ear baye ope_II 1'tJt •
lor•• ly luo- . \ ,c:.n;.,l ory Ih. r,.,; ."~
~~~:~~~s ~d the~~=
l _..::::;_ _. - .
e rnlU tll lof ttie .DotajahUt . C'OlithlUf.1 . t o . iTO - - ON K ,, !!NIlP.KO A~D
SlXTY ACRES (0'& ); & 10
every ~l\l et.,
NO SUPEIl,OR C....I. w ood Rnd ..a,. r 10 .hao~ .ace : ch _ and tichuol l'l con T~ n it' lIt ! ru arJtct .. ~e. iy; of .~ t_ xc.& low : c1 iJu atc U,e bellt in taD , .orthe ~ ,.-r · pc: ra te IOU~. l,nw a nd orde r pft.'n.e~W.1Ien.. For arhl('t! ond information ' addft. . · O.. SU I')'(RI N·tIlN IJEN T 01' J!ltMIGRAT1O.N~ On awa. CR Il a.dn , o r aay .ut~ud. C.u.dia.J;a j
Guwt' Tn m e ll l A J:'(' llt•
U• • , WIWAMS, ~w ~T""'. CIlia.
frill ........., AI ........
READERS :'n:::~~.!~ . IbI",..s • ..uMd11> .-:--:'--~~ ~. cclum", Ihould In. .
upon baYlnl
. ~: ~~elm!~!~ --\I&Iaa au ~ .
Conc ernin g Form er Resid ents
Tho Westler n I:!tnr, Publlsh . Puhll c Sides. t ,lh,UJrn m,nvUlf. lIId1 IIIH It \ Ing clo~ ttlX notko :.•.. , ...... I on a l lw lell. . YEW ~111·..t. I'ttl\lt>, bill ht~l\dfl for Reooruo r ' 2 00 I will offer ILt publ!" 1\111\1 Ilt my MlIny of 0 111 olde r r " lIl'1)"~, "~Pl'f" t"lt.llt of O,blll ex r I Fred doider, [ ROle. on v(>\o pos for Probnte (r \\·.II, lher I~ s tnr tlJ ,\' coen ' ,s ell r esldono(l on the IV."III c ·1'lb\) .. I11 .VI n " 1.I,'c 1lI111.,r ,,1\' II .. Ililly tbose flbout F~r[\' 111111 l, i· r,lo. ",. M, A .1ItmelSo n . Ju ti c · uf r .)11<1:,;.. .... .. ... .• .... . •. •.. .•• •••••• 2 00 fArm, un th \\" lY" 8\'llle IlUIl Frtt.llk. rem ember w ell t.he Ilrlll •• " '''f'l I, . I hn p (' U 0 it) /lnd f r Tnrt I"oreok ::;""H', tux uotice$ ......... I.o " oh "tlillci ~"" ' lIrI1LI b.' r l\JIlrlltl What ever t~c Weath er Ma~ be, You Need ...... !! 00 lin Ilike Ilhout hlilf lL mil 1l1l~ 1 IIr W,·iltllr. on of the oldest ' a.nd 1II , ,~t I'r " 111 1 ttl\"u~biJl. Warrou co unty .I"ITN P~NNJlJWl1'r bio, -; . 1I. .'tn nuge , C ,recort l , I . . ' th . Dkyton ,Iuol Lohll'u un pltn, tJllI nent fnmi/i es IImong I. h,· H'Il I," '" I· n'"pond e nt . Action in mundnl llull . . A A . .•" " . T "II. A \liltIoutwr. Ilf ( es llnll o/lsll 1.1 ok for foil dwiu g p roperty ho/li unin!: lit 10 ' lars of the souther n 118 =t fir U ro·, 'lit! ..\ Ibfll" And fHOIl is IItto\"no y for . a . H'/WJ,IlI lI. ' ·\I'rk. ttll rill' ........ . ........ . ....... ... 29 00 o'ulOQk II . m • 0 11 oount)"'. -whose homest "\ n I,he [11 Idnt.lll· J ohu ou . 8: Watsou l gl()be , I!IL h~ of '"rm at Ferry now own pll null , ,,'C·Ll· p; t r ru u r v ~ Fr ·1Ii(ier . All uv I 'Jler f or A u dlt 0 ·.. ... .. . G \)0 TUl!: ' DA , FEB I{ A H.Y Ill, ) lIOi, furtll, >If'IO'K 11 11(1 ", 1'10 m,e n tl< o.t bill Jlled by Mr . (tod Mrs. C I t rl~,; l-'f·IIl"!t. 1 b I f ud t 1 }' \ ro Albor.t Andor- "ugg f'!; n il , o. bl UII k a f or f Ollr bo ...; H, on br .. wu II I/lf(' . ,111 ,',-"* ,,".",,u.-'h i l i t 11,\' t 1, .. I I J 1 Hero, v"m , ( Ilrman , son f i'h .1 ., ri ~. pHiln I" yt t1 r '1 · un .! N . 5 illg ig!Jt Y(" lr~ "hi ; goud I!en ",,1 f . ' l'ntl'lf . r ro) JIl (I. uc ge ... .. . .._... . ... ... ~L1 ~ II , ,0 Il f ,v II r 1'1 , II I. )N j ) t\ Y, r ~~ Bl< ALlY !:In, l\ll>7. . . ionl ettler , Jived until , It! I' g", " 1( (1 '['I 1) purl'o~o' Pu 1"0,,11 Oll lt, r wo- V('" rs ,,1,1 : t "". ' n I '\' !It 8nolEl, md a fOI" 'rreasu r r .... . 7 110 Ie lIy \ '11 ""\"lIIg II I ru. , here rulsell 1\ IlIrge till' I'.' , 1111 or I'oltllliln bay tl r ivi ng hOl"!ltl tou Ylla r~ " Id ; .P•• ",I feltl .. r;< \\'111 /I Pililllr ill .next .y \'~ ·Wu lt or L . " ' euUl , &1I 1l11. blll"tl k b7 oks , etc., f r ', bny r:,~nu hO 'I\(\, !l)lurlllll l" hOllv y; W f' lIk '8 Mltl ll d ' \:l /1 ~ '1,1" uu(l ulMo on wllom in time m arrIed nnd I\l\ttlt'll JUIl1 1;" R'I\" " '(''''''8.1 \ mitt !lr. \ Vi( . r\ Illl r ........... .... ... ...... ... v ,' ,0 alsu, olle good lIlnle. !toOlI wOrk"r 1.11""0 p ushjl"lil ' In distllnt parts of t.he U llII"d 1'1 ,Wei ; Hllu, R '~II'" n. 1m I ) Koehn .., . liS ~"IIlI1, lto 1111180 f ur f:lh r iff .. ... ... 2ti t hree. Pink, Melvin a !I II I l{nlh. u(1l1linll<tn.tor ot the c" l ll tl· IIf Mllg- .e ut ru I tJ · 'f I b ,. nnd perf otly ~e ll t l e; t .\'0 .1 e r~ py Ulon e V oue vo , .1 .ollb C.. rn tl ll will ~" II 1\11 of hi wer o th e lust to e m lgra" " IInll t,h," ', "if' W I!PI\I~ . dl' qpn ~ed . WIlIt ,,}" I... ::l Hi ' C WS, fr sh; 22 hogs . 7 o f ,,1\1011 IIro rAutll 110 d t 011 S. .. .......... ....... Tbe inaothd t.1 ~o ll uwln g the Holidl! y !I lion h u~ prulllpt ecl " I st,) k. IUlI,1 m ant-s. · ut e, at bis ubout thirt l y W" :rears I'III~ II~ /l:tulrllilln (,I' .T 'nll'~ RI'Y m t.! t.(J n I (' 0" fll e fl llW J ago WBllI. I t) 1thorou,.,'hbrad J e r~ll.r MhoM" tw \'!i {II /Xg II!S \~II anup an aUraot lve dis plllY, uf , '1.'l\blo And Orlll1l11(lutul nl~i <l ll nue on tb e luwer Wllyne s Wares nt !forllia," whe re they !mV!) ever ~in o .W ·tllll!l. II ·m i n or • •Ior-w llh:'lt Web b. f h ill' '" IIro .good lI h uts UTIli thrnu brllll11 opl'r o r 0'· ·...... .... .. ..... 11 "'u GREAT LY REDUC ED PRIES . Ii:. E. ::\1>111'),111111 Frailk '1' Whllll r r e . h ows·, '100 bu sb e l ~ of n,lm io urill; vi 'Iflllf"l ~1I 1:i n !.( b Iro pike, l:l miles 'oll t,rll ot WIIS OlltOl'Ou" Iflt,() WIt A fe''" <1..... "1(0 1'. J Browu, of uud tVillililil B Whi ttl ' ". •mill Bri.I"e 'u lIlpliny fOl' rf). 20 bushel good s ued ,"' t ~; "nll llllll" I'IIr\t tlf Hlli,rl' vii to II nu 3 miles wel:lt This Bale inolude8 the fol1 O Yi' ln~ ' flr"~ : GEttMA . p'lrtnOl.H ()I '''' '" CHI NA tb ,. ' JIIZ . tlf'. r'''Hlv (I from W P \I f W" ~' n l' ''~ lll . '~Dva pulling EN of fiv ,' pnnol"u S" 8~ Whltno pon C"'1 r Brt) t. h e r ~ . 'L' for e(' l o~1J ~ ARE W~. )))SCON GLlSH E"I I- .. ""...,."'J'IN 'I' " ,'L'" ' u IIroh , k troRS1 hRlf of tilllOtjlV hllv . II, j" l r. w" I>" n > 0;.. , Co. r lllllll . " l!1tter ul\ted frOtH Sa ntu . Httl 1 brid~e " II 0 noI{I:I STOCK T'IW1TED r tl PATTE rOIl( I.tlmost RNS· u. U. good 10101 "III 1I t'\Y fl i , I \lP ~. "'" ·I ·r~ . I""t ll~ , u '''''1 h" fll t' iVEDN I;;-;O)\ Y, F EBRUA RY 20, '07 Ul(lrtKIl ~e on 0 1 uorell III Hlllllilt,o u ifl Fr~nk.l in '1\)\\' lIahip tit irl}llte ! s pring \"fllgon, ~.I" -, h I. MU'\/l, I ' h. io whlo.., a 1'11111 '1 ue says . ' .1 town~bip und for equita ble reli Soap Pl_tt'II, t\8ucer8. (jl"", , 'I'i n \\"11 1'1' . fl: 1I 1rH'1o'1I \\'11' ..... 1(' hll~!!Y • EV \H.v r. h ill~ mu t Nell 118 Mr. CorI. o f $1 ~ . writ. r,' int orlll YOII of rhe Ileath or Braud n, BUrl" nod 1vlns, ' . .n I d d i l l I ' r I'fllillK t lInel Ken!(I, ' 1, ; 11.1 r)(~ 'ont.-nc t WIIS e uterM into wlt-h fIItm ulKSlt F rult Di !! h aI', ,-.• iI. Il t'li xpt'(lI" t " m ove on ucooun t of lUO IleF . s 0 un g rlwr ~I. II . illLer l1 11 th . who was burled he re nAd." ... Ob di II h f'II• a/ " ' /. I 11 0 1H I>. , Mongel" uIl(1 K nlledy IIro ,It· Ure~onill Bridgi',[Compa ny for rllil IllIple m ents, ou nsb t1l1!; tlr DtllJl'1 11g II i>l II 11 11 II P'"'f, lc l~hLrR i 0 next lasue • Ina ~uce lilr Innd " . b 'd todu.v , Ynn hRd probabl y Ioorn ed d ,If tile ! Ilg on Wi ll~S III, " Orru w I"1vor .rl ~o \ bln.d or, beon US tll.l. G.I:t." t uncL on lar~e po8 .• !JUI, w ,e .\'Illl r lin torn oY II f Ol" plui,~iff , III . ~ ~e ll~ towush lp nt the estullllt t hllt, ht' r IllIlHt WIIS giving way, and in good oonditoio n ; Mil ,,",\llkl'" mo w te ~8 . ()U RT PliO EICOlNI1!< . of $dj 3a . the truu bl\' whioh began to develop . el' olmost good us now i ~ hr"lIkin " The New York 'l'ru t Compa ny vs I ' Ithree IU nnth. ugo soon grew iutu a . ' Vlo ws. one 1\ S hor~e II lIcl ouo II \l DO YOU .G:ET UP ' . R. R. () 01 nr CURe of !<oftelli ng of t he brain. 'fhe D. L . e t Itt. 'i'h e orgun i ~JI II on Of u. Bu -in""tI !1 I\l1rso, lind bough r, Ill' '" hl"t y""".; M l'r j(ull~' Hh e .se.emel l to suffer Demur nir or Al fred J . Bpoht lind M n't; '\llb is hoill tJ ugitute d in o ur , disc oultiva tor. WITH A I,AMn BACK ? houj(ht. I"'W I"'f little Ilnd 'wils so gentle. kind and Buyrd L KlIg"o r, l\drnlul~.t ..nt or,; of ue ij:(hhurlng vill'lge n f . H nuv .",~. sprl .. g; 2.hol"se , hurl'\lw : 2 h '''I'e KJduey Trouble Mnkes You IUserable. smilo ng plMsed with everyth ing tho estllttl of Chllrle:l H Kll g" ur, bllrg S"dltL ( .Inb will nndou\)! OtI- l Irrau8 ooltlvu t.,t; f"II II ec'" I'I"!?III!!; • I 1\ lmosL everybody who rends the news• lik e II chilr1 ; roud pa}ler8 and letter!! deoellsed, to r eply of pl"l nti tl' t.(J IS he lp the til'" " in t! WI h opl'lit. 1I11l.\· , :I,·t of double w n rk h lt l·IIt'H ~ ,,"f, · ·f pn pcrs Is sure to k now of lhe wonderf ul • t n the lus t-reud aloud no ws 118 in Ilnswer tllld Oll"('~~ ou 'f s uid SOOIl h e o rgnIlized und pl'o~per long. huggy h!\.rna>l~, Illb co I !"LL·l t·O,", 'I cnreR mode by Dr. tldmini 8trntnr s ove rrnl !\11. • t oJligent ly a lO e ver-sa ng the old , Kilmer'S _ _ ~_ i t"haooo .~ dry "'pra." ,-r II It ,lit 10 n. SwanlpSf\.LOe Answ ... r uod oro~~pe t·itil) n Root. Lhe great kidhymn~ , r · melllboriog the words. • .ECZEM A nnd PILE .CURE : of PAris green, m"willg ~O." fl l '·' " "'" ney, liver and blad(If U or g R Young Dud Willill m FREE Kn owilli! • J wllllt it, was to tihe dleli 'Vedne sdflY mornin g, I;ulves , forks. h" .. ~. c\,)nl)I'I fr .·..... der remedy. H. Youo!o1.1 Ismlij .ed rJwi1l giv e F'REE()F . · HAnG~lo ,.\n gle ' tree,s, e lo .. .. It i~ the great med, lilt\} Ifl~t. . , nt, 5 o'olook . Fauen l n., hdfi n t, r .. r. Sam e iea! triumph of the Defe nd"nl.", Alfred J '. IIny uffiiote(\ u po,..i t h·" u ro fnr Eo· I ill 24110res grllwio ser vioelO were oobdll'c ted by tbe M. f! whe"t. ; l ~ 01 " 1.,..,, nineteen th century ; Becht lind Bll yn,r 1 L Kit rnl1r.lIS nd - Z d DlIJ !\tllt rh1' 1111\ , ,' r ""ll1pl", [ ·LA K- Alw )ls go:od (;ISle. applop" ;lIe ; 11 a I oc::a Ions ., pi le,.. I ohloken s. m o~t,ly PIYl1l u lI~h [{"uk E. mlui loter here, there being no discovered after years mlnist\"fttorll of Chll rles II Kil go ur, " " Ll skill u l!<,·u~,·~ . In!<tllnt r<"",,~........ of scientific research r e1i"f. becomi ng to ev<!ryoody. pa. tor B t presp.nt tor tllo 'bristlt4n All these t,hh l ~M IIllv!!r!.I.. " .1 Uft· . by Dr, Kilmer. the decellsell. file repl y, !l on '\ !lIIlI er 1 fI!{ t;'r , write F . \V n ellrly n ew anti In gUIld eh.uroh . " ~. eminent kidu!!y aud IlIlIlJi LIUI; Bla ~ Suits have nol m ~ ! lhf'Ot r equal In thIs city. EVIL 'ro va Wliliam r oss , Lli- \\" !I,LA)I , -lOO Mllulllltrun bill hler sllecinli st, lIud i~ ILvenue ' u~lIv .GEOROE . 01"1' Buoh are t h e partiou lars of the voroe til CI .elvlots, Thlbets. U 1IIIIIshed W" rsted. successf ul In p~~~ tllrfng lamc'biic:'k. grn nted tlnd oustody of ohild- N Il w Ynrk . F;l1~lo·E\ . r.nll1p ~. T. Hllwke , pAssing uway of a gifted and bril, ren grun ted to ul llllltiff I Au l,i' ;nO"f", uri c. 01:': .r :ort:lrrh Of. the. bladder and . , III \1l0 . B . Surflloe , \ I~~;grll s DIsl!I\se, wInch IS the worst lIant young wOlllan, idolized by ber Nilnoy .Willi s vs .'t)hn Wllihl . fOrln of kidney lronblc. . Wlllter K D1·ioK. cllll"k. JErrAENERD-TSOSTN. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-~oot lS not reeAnswer filed fnmUy and tldmire d in u largo M ' ARJ( ,UlIIlIICu cle of onlturo d society . She wascirIndc(1 for e\'erylhin~ huliE rou~ave The BOArd of 8d ura t.ion of I:l Illllkiduey. li ver or bladder trouble It Will be Ihe G3d yeur of her age at tbe time IItOll tow n h ip ,,~ 'rha I will offl r Ilt I'uhlll' ·,d e (I ll Ih e found B >llrd just of the remedy you need. It baa Ell . : •••••• ' .' ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • plnce knowll Us II", • 11111111"1 J IIII"~ been teAted ill 80 ulIIny ways, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • •• of ht'r death; wblch sad event uOll tion of 'outh Le hlltl n lIf,C De in hOlipillll took \'K"(~ -_'!' plnoe at the b ome of her widowe d furU! 1 nlile ~ont, h ..r I,·,·r ry . nil. I.. HI work lind in private practice, and baa fl'luultnt 11118 teo dllY!! furtber LiOlB prove!1 so suc~ssfu! in every case that a aister. Mrs Malvin a Morriso n, with to 'fiIe aus wer 0 1" otber Mlu, Eliza beth Larki n l. O. F ..· Officers Sl' ·cia! arrangemcnt 1 ~6 been made by pi Ilding . BALMJ !~ H Wllyne sv llle pik e. which nil renders of thiS pUper, who have whoUl she made ber bome TBURS JJAY. nJHRU A RY 2\. during Emma at Frh;n ds Chur ch. Little V i; 'i.'h e Int.erur bllll for 1907 Instal led. ANll lJ,.; ..\ L. !·:H (N lIot already tried it, 1l1!IY hnve a sample her lonl{ wldo\VhQod ; she wus tbe T raction ompAllly . DMe"d ,lOt f e IiHg innin g nt WI! 0',,111('\•• Ih" t. I bottle sent frec by lIl.lIl, also a book tell.....-'II be meetin g in the Or. Instlllli ng officer. Sllmoe1 tIm It b , widow of WllIlnm Rllmsey , to whom quired to file " nswar I\r demurr ' r i'1l! morc about SW'~III\,- Root, and how to 11 " vln propert,y : ... .... {j lin ont ir YOI1 have ktdlley ~r bladn~ tr0.9I was married several years be. within ton dll YlI. thoclalt ....lenda churoh 6very night hi8ta.lled the officera of W ~ . Three h end . of h ll' " tI, yom ng fore leaving Ohio. ,,,It, "f . 1 hie. When writinJf 11 U.illtton readmg tills h <l lll She left n o thiI ...11, conduo ted by Mrs. Eliz&· Lodgf!, 1 O. O. F., for t·be yeu 'r' I " . I W 1 ul te r g!!llcroll UOlllpto I s offer ill tius paper nndRnd your n n, t" I \'s Ii ny L . e f\ J>u on In H A 111 \1,.0 W IC I" • b r ow n gf'lIf\ rl\l I'" r l' ...' .... I II' '' oI y 1907, obildre n . Of the large famil y of ".,-" .- ' -1'<-'-. !It a race . nt meetin g of that lodge , Hllrne r at al RIll estnte o rr1 red c lln be cu ll U In 11 11 It 'I!rH. tlft y III lII ur o, n genora l r"Jl' I "'~" ""II~' h 'r~'", nildress to Dr. Kilmer ~ .. ~ Co., Dinghnm tOIl. Wm. Carman there re mt4ins n ow ~01c1 u't pnblio Iluotion by - .It. probab le also that the meet ~s follows : June Bug plloio~ h'"'~" i ·1 I; .·tlil or & niKht,. !)herifl' . , N. V. The regulllr siater, Mrs. Melvin a Morri . . ~;'OOD"DuedUnng nllxt week; I Noble Gfllnd r-n rl ollttJe, Ro. I .... r vi .. 3 n ...... s good VB Ed Mi\\J!1e Edward mil ch (" Pl' , 1", 01 ""A fifty-ccn t and oneElUW ll s WUI o. lJollob'e s lI11d hil i!"" ~ \lI)I)iled . L f NI h 1 son , auel three brother s, Rov. I. N. IVinS. Divorce g r ilU ted und ,l Qllnr si7.e hollies lire . ~ mvtted t-o thee serv Vice Grand ........ u e restor · c 0 Eon 81tvn r llt:en t'l y lII11ved toO to.-. n yeruliu g h eifer ; 4 hl'II ,,,1 "II "'" d u · " 101 11\1 nil good druggistR.n.. cc _ ....1_ Carman J ohn lind W . "Pink.' Mr. . R. S. of N. G .. ...Geo. Harhoo k ed to he r mlll!lEID n,\Ine of Mu ude n"xt to io fu rrow about tIHI-1I1lll,li'" " r Mllr"h nil\" l1;istnke, but r ' ,nellls.berDon't make Cnl-I! Brn". tbe name, Frank Carmlln is the only represe n- Emmu. Monfo rt. L. S. of N . G ... W . A. . Rob Inson 25 head of I!hOIlI ~, wf·lJ!h I 1 .I ~ !) nt nue S\\:amp-Rool, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, GWaDteecl B8meclY tor IDdlgea tion R S. of V. G ........Fnutk S 01 It h tative of. the early descend ents of Bessie C. Wurwio k\' s Wi\tiur IIIl!llhe address, Binghall lt on, N. Y., all \lUndre d pounds i II 2 10",',..· IVltgllll, I:l every bol~le. W ·. . . . . tlDl H&atemeD& .by J. E. .L. S. Z n the ' origina l (Jnrman settlers now Warwio k. Notioe by pnblicll " rubber of tIre M G bug tion ....... 7 ~' Itl .. gu" . :.. d .H! m 1)t· e W ; living in Greefle oounty . .1.....,.. . Record ing Seoy ...... J . C. Taylor The Wester n Stllr o rdareC\ . , n FI;llzer road car l,,, :", r\ "Ieigu. U WIiIiD & maD comOIl . Inw the The Carman Finl\,Dl' famIly ial 8eoy will be rem em . ........ Frank Farr Milwau keo wh ai. !lrll i ~ hnn!!t new ; . . . MId Orilla for any partlon lar PRODAT E OU R'.r . i.otPl"OIl rem~y. we always sive '1'rl>""urer... .. .... ...... F rlln k P rat~ bered by the older oitlz~ns of 6reene Estn t e~ f o r sattlem Almost ev- a. MoCorm iok oorn binn. r , n Ollerin\,: eflt Dlle RI0GF.VlLLK, OHIO B e r y other and Warren conntle s for their fin e 1dal wba' he ulla for, ,b ot 10 0&81 I will snll at 1111 tl nll 11& m y -410 !11 d W H rdl'n ........... .... 0_ ;IL;V,~ld~:tr-;-0;)w'ovn_PQQa.}...mman nndwo11Si'ca4hrtttlr,I1tH.l men; inim- Jlroof fil f,. l of pnhli I tiOll nf !lot-ice . he). _ h kI aa we uenaUy reoom Cull.luo t.. ~ ........ .... :-0 Ol8KAKms or WOJlllllf . JU an you ubout 1y' m. n \v or AA I'lI lly"bnrl ! ID8D4 Pepalkoia til bleta. Itable renderI ng of the IIBurial of of e t '. t,·s for ' t tlem ent sot fol' eh" ...... .. ...... M. (). L idd Y mce! Is af- WEDN ESDAY , F\!,\:iUARY 13 i!lu'i' 'NI) OHILDREN. 18 "& prepara tloD we have he 'lrlng .Jllntll.r y 21.1907 . fl ic'ed with dah' over the oot1nter Inllitl .. Guardl "n ..... Cha8 Shutts Sir John Mooro" oan never be for · The fn t,e rnrbl1lll R lul.wllY t I\is terrible tit ten, A . M . 2 b O,","'iI, ( 1 I,rl.(f' grll\, C" . vs Elmer Laoy gotten· by' anyone who Qnoe listen f.7ean . uul from actaal obeena · . di se nse iu Koldipg 12 yt'l1r!i (llel "nc\ l h., y J vbu M . ' nQ\\k um1 Cltlrtl .·noo k 8cl\UIl Ruppor tertl tioD we mo. It ll1aat do lood, anrl some stage horse) 2 1Jas. Johns ed to it from the lips of the famil y Petnlon fresh cow~. III Ii , 'If~·. Wll!,.;"t fo r ~ dOllll nJleve and cnre indiges . Ilpprop rlt,tion of ollr un t il it acOntslde Gnardtl ln .. llarlao · quartet , "John, Pink, Ruth aUlI 1501bs. 12 brood RII W!! . qu ires full tic.. aDd dJmpa la or the18 would tilin propert .y fiied . ::;UlllIllO IIS or · Vine. " . slrength and 1 MoCorm iok bind er. K'Io,1 II·S ne w, .....lIf!ldy sUeaIl1 of people comtn~ dered iRSUe<l for ' Ll efenr1 lln t.~ til It p. f s udden ly '" 1-*tiU 1e11"m oneJ", as every 25 Ch.mb etlain ·8 Vaugh ·R emedy a seizes them in I Hoosie r oorn Villilltilr . oheok r o ... · pellr Junoltr~' 2 1 _ , '1JcJz la eo1d w1U1 the under· Silfe Medloin e for Ohildre n. ,~-""". the mos t vIolent ILtta~hmen~ . 1 l,Iaerlnt ; Mr~ and Mrs. Frank Ill ll WM, I Emmit E Lowe, udlllini trut,rix nf ~ $hat you tIl1l8t be decided for m. Is yoor ape In buying a oough medioin e for Wrig ht Surpr ised. tbe estat·e of R. bl~uel L 8 . Lo wt', depetite. fickle ? Do triple and 1 aburro w, one revlllvill~ or there II nothing to oblldre n . neVflr be afrllid t,o boy you su lIer with Jre: hay rake 2 Imperitl.l braking pl .. wl4, ~ ~ oeased , vsChll'l E. l..owe et, Ill. . 'Em· queot headacb Ohamb erlaln's Oough y es atld 69-3r , and .1 Bamllt on' ou ltivat.or , 2 11tm hlo ~h "v Blmply try Pepslli:'ola tablets There 18 no danger from it, Remed H.IVillg III mimi tbatMr . and Mrs. ma E . Lowe. clefelld ur)t.; filet! WIlIV ." dimmed 'eyes? Do you diu.iness and re ·Iack ambition • the' mid,rat t.Dding that they lief i8 alwu.YI1 sure to follow WAYN~S VILLE, el FfIlnk A Wright., of near Ferry, of summo lls Ilod cousent plows, and Old energy Hic kory ? Do w . y04 l/ It j{on. toss is lind ~ ' ~ " fl tumblo .. !! to !llIlil will ~Y :r01ll' nerves .. improv e in~nded eapeoilllly for ooughs, wlluld night, unable to sl e~p ~ . , .as new, I\, top buggy, h llY l,ttld ... I· . " soon rellch another auniver . Estn,te of Ed gllr T Bu~ e lti n e. Ile ",1Il' relieve wind beloh ooids; oroup !lnd whoopi ng oough, These are all symllloms and forenm. I ain gle corn dr.ill . t: r u ~(ll IIPfI fi~ld Bary of their marriag e, Mr . Wright 'l! ceusel\' . Abbi e Ii: I:l u!\ei tine is lip lien of this disease. Act at once. ~ted &oDgne, /lOur stomao h, \lnd there is no better medloln e In sister, Commence the use of roller, 2 step lad<lflr, b Ib ~t.ut. hu~::.v anel' eatlnv, weaken ed en · tbe wnrld for these dlMfIIIse s. It Mrfl. Lizzie Yeazel, issued, poiut.ed ndminl !!t,rutrix nud g is iv =~ud other sympt qnlof mdi- not ouly a cert.ain Iflvltntl onil to 0 numbe r of their '2500 bnnd WiI\illm pole. a fan mill, 3 pllir>l work b ll>l' 'ure for croup, t:uok e Bd 01' J _ E ,"lanney II ready but. when ghen a8 BOlln uS the r tllll r.ivBs, neighbo rs and friends, Ill' Bowye r fl,1ll1 Will Brlinne ness, set double bUl!g.v ·h uq, e>lll. 2 .'!'D:r "me back yonrml 'ney croupy oough Ilpp'ellrs. r IInl up (L ....... lu ..) will preven t follows : sat IOingle buggy ·h'Hntl t<~ , 00\111r8 wtthoa ' $he reut argume nt. polnt,eu nJlpmi .. e r ~' I the a tt~,ok Whooping 00\18h il'l no t 18117 W. e. MOORE, Recelnr. lInd bridles to matoh , e:tt,ra lin e~, , 1907 Est'lte of ChLfIl _W . Sweney , de daugero us wben this rl'fIIPdy Is Iliv ni Te nth doubJet Annive ree8, rsary which slngJetrll6!1, I'h,wA Il!. wi11 inslan tly check the progresa oensed. Jrected . It oont/lin~llooplum Illvento ry lind OJlpr ~ i Be l'I~E CA~D . • fit. .Bi ATH AWA ~ i len.a!!d of the disease and ultim ntely .eradlcat e I!l?ades, ' or other hurmfu l ctrujlr', lind mllybe Mr. lind Mrs. FrlLDk A. Wrigbt m oot· flied ·f orks . hoes, hlnolctlmllh.';' EFFEOT aU IVE APIUr. 16. 19UO. traces of it from your La dl s)'stern ; Dentist Igiven 118 oonfide ntly to .. bllh.v 8S to . Surpris e . · 'I\~ ~ee.~., Estnte of .John W, Irwin , minor . DR.CA LDWEL L'S SYRUP PEPSIN tools, 2 sets of work t rlltlS l~. Iron a ng , i an adult . For Bill " bv .r E Junoey NO IVi 'H UO~ND. IS the greatest Jlreparation .o\'er Clifercd . )cett·le.l pg OhILin!!, Iron we·d~e." • ftlo,;ln KeYII' Bldg l'lufldIlY . Januar y 27, 1907 Main f;t. \ Fiftb It COOllllt liler1 ~ Slallon~ :No. t" No. U' 'No. D" for dyspepsia. . Meet ILt Geo .. Brown' s Gllte IlIrd press, ~ "u usilge ~rind~rR. n E~t.otn of ,J . .1. VilnRip el" deoe"s . A . itt. M. . P M . It acts instantly , restoring every A Steam PromJl tlyat 10 ::JO 11.. m .· for Sale. , BeAu,y 111 re than S k'In 0 eep, ed. Viato r VUIIRII)er is "IIPoiot ell aifl'cted part to natural life nnd vigor, : star siokle 'snd tool ~rILl!'l ll r. gri.url r.ebllnon Jc.Ar.ti 1" 11 25 Ii fn stone: I) ga.l . milk Otlll . DR.C:ALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN BI'ing Willi filled bllsket, . , S~:tlccrOr. ,"yUy. oncFwh o wAnts ' ~ good 8' 16 11 23 6. 18 ' apprll\~ l\r,. . The 6uzett.e bat! for can be obtained in both dollar and half. Househ old Good~ . 1 bed.r\lom se t Roslyn • I d J1. 1 111 5 15 h.lQi j oolor, alld a olear skID free horse power stellm ~ul.e a two· Lizzie 1:1 Yeazol. dollar sizes at all druggists. R.E AL Kt!TA'f1£ 'fltANSll'RII epglno and . Hompslea6 8 OH . ~, bUlOUBll888, sluggh. h Uver and boiler 11 .1 3 6 00 Your 5 bed . motley steads, will 2 A!! indioate d lin , the invitbtl ol!s, be single refunde hedated d If s, It I! lUllt Ceo tcrvlll. e M A 00 . . 1. II 05' 11 ,00 St~ln 8e ll b.l' Sheriff, to S:nl' does not benefit you. ~ ooDlltlp atton shonld ~et .a I The o'utfit bas heen u~etl in trtlsse!l.-3 sets spriu ~~, u 'wll!oh 8tILlId M:1~O~ th" thll gul.hari n!! WIIS iot.ende t 7 6:1 " 10 68 ;4 •.62 Your DostAl card reQlH! 5t ",111 brfna-by rem,. be vlly Gu~ tiu , 10 Dlore~. Cillflroreek llIan our new boo~I.I . ··O R. CALDWE LL'S t::r!t~:!:t!w~~,x~::~~re~~n.~o I U IlzeUe offioe the PIIst three yeur .. iu the Il ilture of a surpris e dtotoMr. 18 oha.i;H; :O parlor ehiar!!, 1 rock.o r, l.yUe 7 ~7 10 6~ • 47 townllb ip, '~!1i. . !lOOK OF "WONDE RS" "ml fr.c .ampfe to JD • .,JaDD8:r. ~ I>dj\owood thol e h ... e oe••r Irled this "'OD~arfJ . U ~I " ';10 .40 .,. H . Iand i.8 ill ~ood colldl'io ll. IIn,l Ml"~ Wright , and . so It proved 2 kitohen d oupbollr dt!. · n. oook stove, .,John Venable Brud ley to ~liullie Blllzhiz er, _edr. Do It DOw. r7 , 0 no 45 '. U 40 '. " ,. \ Fitted up with Ilip"~, cl.luneotlons. to ha ~Ir . Wright W88 in bis barn ·Iot ·ln MorNw 2 sUlan wood beaterfl , 2 e lCte n~lou RILcb"er 17 38 ; 1.043 . II! 60 U 'a8 .Ep-:-S":":IN-:--"S-y=R-U...... P CO. ., '. J.' • • • i e!o ' The engine is ~eparate froul yard whon he 8llW the advano tables, 2 six leg tllbles; 1 kitolleo Doda" e 7 ~o no ' 41 "30 ' Elmer 0 Sellrs to L . K La ngdon .Dotlo.l lo, II1\0ola ~~""~ the boiler which will permit its be· gnard coming , and though t he and Mary E LIlngdon, lot io LeOlt table, writing desk, 3 0100k8, a Leland " Fnr 8111e hy .T. E,_ Janney . t'I 20 i lO aB ,. ~8 I o;ank ohurn, 2 churns, 50 ytls . rng Lebanon-Lv. · .. 20 10!l5 · ~ ing 'Bet whp.rev er desired . would take refu~e in . the.bon se .lLnd nOll, ~ eo . . oa~pel 00 yds wool · oArlJet. ,GO I be uppr18e 1)is wife of what was' about . A. J. l3~ansell , by Sheriff, o. n "0 0" X TOR'" D LUK to ENS, EI. In • to get tblswe 0 . t outoffer of the 0 '0' the to happen , but when he. took 12 00 1\ 611 . way f order !lowed oarpat rl\~s. lone MiDger t;l r a pew en~lrie sew :11 on D " .x T tbe bert D. ILOd Mury r•. Rossell, lot ill I? &; X T . PHYSIOI AN AN D SURQEO N. log maohin e. 3 square' o( oi1el~tb, entlra outfit. engine, .boiler and aU second look. he SIlW people stream- Springb oro, '1000. 0 0'0 0 00 Oll'FICIt . ' IN ' AAiAN BLoo.K pioture disholl kitchen utensil ing in from &11 'direoti ons, and re o ouTH BOU ND. Emauu el Thomp so n to DilVid 'Er. den tools; a.nd ,m llny other artloles . , .: solNed to stann 'his ground and weI te), l.tO licre~ i!l Dee rfield A. M, p, N . P. I\[.. Ou re of Lung. 'rrou ble . townsh ip, I B~d StoUl!loh !i'roubl e Cured. M~8. CORA B~RRI8 ' come his gue9ts. LCllvc Np 2' No '.· No 0° "It is no w e leven year!! sinoe I , . I Having been siok tor the .t w 0 Day too : 0 B .k.b 5 · O~ 'I'he dinner sPfead at the noon 8o.~~. lIe~no water. George B. Tbirkle ld anil tlllllle B. hnd a nurrow esol\,lle from oonsum p· lunoh lIeved by Flo.t(or k ladles I\ld. DUY.lon : 0 & X T 0 00 8.'00 . . pIlst years with a blld stomao h trou· 6 Of) tion." writes W~LLiA O. O M . hour :MILLS Fl9yd, WIlS. superb, a.nd many of the Tblrkl eld to Hpnry 6 . Livings AU-CT. ALBIIlR-T .MIIIR·. · r.ella'non Jo. -, 830 , lao .Il. lead. ~ be .• hIe, a friend ga ve me ~. dOle of (Jh\l. 5 -"C; , tqn, ing busines s man of H;ershnw, S , ,-h ,C'.eler y-Cran rrlt~8 : O. RITT) OLERK. ' m berlain 'II Stomao h !lnd T...1 ver tab . villi tors brough t presont s 08 memen- lot in Frankli n, '. _Sbaker OrQ.. lng .8~33 2 aa . 542 "1 ho~' run , <lown in w~ight to 135 . : . . ---: • , , ~ lets . They did ine 80 muoh good that t f>es of the joyous occasio n. . • RoolfO 'f887 ." ,i7' "6 n I " AnDlt f~. H!ltln to ' Frunk poundl:l, a·nd coughin g was constan t; mower, Superio r . wheat Sweet 'Potatoes ..:. 1 bought Il bottle of them lind h!l.Y6 drill. two ~.lIlptltelld 8 U 2 41 ~ liD QUite a 'uumlie r who were invited Br.ndo ll, trustee, 4B nores both by dl~y and by night. Finally 1 Cab~ap corn planter s, oni a shoe Ilnd one ,~ , cco\.er,VIll~ in I;Iam . ... ulled twelve boUles In all .. Today I II 40 2.t1l 6 ' 60 began t,aking Dr. King's. New DIsApplea -OnloD II am 'wl'lI o"f a bsd stomao h- trouble were unable, for one reason or an- i1ton townsh ip, IIhovel; tbree .good breakln g np Nanor oovery. '8 nnd ii7 ",: .; ;. oontin. n ed . t his .for '. 1\.. . ' -:-Mrs. J 'o nn Lowe, Cooper, ~aioe. other, to be Jlfesent , but ,thcse who E:r~nk Brando ll, 'rr'us~e, to Heory bout six mont-hs, ,vhen ' my cOllgh plows" Ii: tongue Sweet Flonda Orange a ie~ d'01ible oorn ~~~:"OOd Theee tI1blllts are f or ·sal" by J : E . were , wAre: "8 0&, " 0l0 G . Buntem llll, 48 aCl:es in Hamilt on and lung trouble were entirely gone plow, Hamilt on make, . ' caIa Navel O~Dges Janney a Kr,n't! rid· Vonable . it9 Oil . '(300 .8 H Marion Hende rson nnd WIfe, Mrs. tOwnsh ip, @1. lind · " ,.~aLemo.. I was restore d to . my normal .InR oorn plo:,/\" a donble I " ,. . shovel plow; Kltoboer ' to' ll .311 ,IS 16 weight Naomi Wright , Geo. N . Brown and 170 pounds . " Thousa nds oJ Webste r Cllml)b ell Ib Edward S: . N. ~heat flo~. I Notic e of Appo intme nt. persons are healed every year-, ,a . diso ~lLrrow n. 60 tooth. harrow . ~I~~~ wife, Mrs. JlI.8per Berryh ill, Mrs. B~ rnett ~nd Ann!, E, ~~ :a~:9 Bllrnett , 117 Guarlln teed At F. C. Sohwar tz'lI hay rake, pair of bay ladderl , good LebaDoD Arrive 0 ao 880 Lydia A.uatill. Oh~rles Wat,k.i ns, aores, Wasbln gton Illld .!>Sl<al e Sarah Lwihl~y. d_cd' &lem t own. drug store. GOo nnd $1.00. Trial a8 neW. gravel bed, hay . fork, 'rupe Tbe underslrn ed hlUl ,been 8JlllOlnted . Dally. elloepl Su'lI'la,.. wife fl,nd daught er, WiUlam Phil· shlps,' 1. Sloop OD Ilpal bottle tree: .... Jq~ BeaDI and }JulleYII : carrIag e, tongue, foor qualltlct lUi allm181at rator of tb~ cotaw. nr lips and wifo: Jerry BtJIWAl THAI"•• ~oland und 11&1'1'0 Nat ·Be~~ sets work .S....h La:.ble1, 11I1~ of Wnrr~n' couoly. ha.rness , oollars riJ1d llri. Tral08 pau Lytle as fo11o",., wife, Lewis Stibbl and wife, Samuel ay}' ...:.DI, . Oblo, deooa8ed . Cham b!irlaln 's Cough Remed y Bene- dIes. 2 pairs of, ohook lines, a Bet of No~ tbbol1Dd Comi m ssion ers' T 1I~a. m. '11 f'l'p. m Haines lind wife, Edward Roland ., ........ ......=ta... -Ap Ii ta fits a Oit.y Counol lman at boggy. barnetlll, two 8ets w,ork nete, SOUlbbOUl\d Dated Ill'" Ulb d~y 01 January A. O g 01 •. m. jI , 08p. III • Proce eding s 1007 . . lLlngsto n, Jamaic a. . W J.LLI..UI H. L ..S1JLKY and fa.mlly, -E dward Brown, wife W, B."OOR & two 88tB drivlng oeta, a blaok~m ith'. GeJlera l~aaer Aaeat,LellallOD, O. and 80n, Norman , Brown and doughBrown '" liohIlWh~D.Allorn,ty •.: Mr, W. Q'Reill a Foparty . who Johann a Wocid, lodgin~ of a memhb r of the City Counol l at portabl e forge aDd ao,-tl, a Oham. ter, .lWlla Phillips , wife and daughjorot:s In Whtte oase., .. ., , 32 50 Kingsto~ Jamato a, W6!lt Indles, plon tobacoo sprayer , new, a dinoer ter, Charlea Hender son, Ida. Berry. It's Cbarm fnl Joe Lelohty , con No 1... 12 20 wrItes al tollows I "One bottle of bell, double iree., amgle tre8JI,]~ top0ue 8 .. healthy glo1rin l oom- hill, ~da and Anoll Balnes , Lulu Ohamberlain ~1 Congh Remed y had chato,o roea out F, W. B .. W, book ••• p1.~oo . U&lot;y LAXAKOLA TON. WrIght in : M.ary, BIther, Gertrud e effect on a OOUlh was forks ad .h,~...:I. 10 'l'.ABLl:T8 all tronble ,nd I aDd Allee B~Dte1', Ltzzie YBllzul • ..... .ofthe Wllbv BerryhUl, JohD
Co ld
Battnbaatt's 'Ua ttm ; '
e~mf~tttabl~ Sbo~s
Re d uc tio n ;Sa le
"tI. .
ud r
Ho lle nc a'm' p'S
, NDE R'f E'M
L M. W. .A.NG,M.D; C.M.
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U" E'RAl 0IRE CTOR, Teiephon8 Dar or Night, local No, 7 long- Dlshrica Mo, . OHI,O Sranch OnIC8. Harw8Ysburc. D.
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fl '
McCLU~ ~~
Dr. Cal dwe ll's Syr up Pep sin
AI cmmA\'J, I. I•. ,
, .
$1 !
'II ' '. MfRMANS
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MR S. AN N .EN GL E, LD E l'
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o.aIO, \\'];;0 , ESDAY . I1J1:BRUA RY
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BLA N KEl1 ~ .\ N D I OBE~ A r '081' 11OH ;~\) D .\ y ~ \ 'l' K E) .
F 'VAH RE HEb t REW~llD I ~~~~~----------~~~~ 1
I [-JOl)) I ~' IiJ \\'1'; ON fGl lHI'I' 11 P \ (.ll'~ MI111hl·l h. ~1,,"k ll~ IH'II I'e ' 1lI 0>, t fit( rully 01' \'\' 1"(1 h r!;I'H Wl lh ![ Inry !IltT1ll'lI plll\·. "" ~ ~ r, oe l '''' lldl \' 111'1) In Ihi .. port. fJl'r C(lIlCI'IlI 1-' IClr, ,)1 fh , I Marri agt:: of 1111C"'\'1 h~- " COrn l)II I) .'· "1 1,,,·.11 p"" plu ' pll.r t Wil li I! .Jd IoI·WII.''' Pleas et' With Texas , "nil In ~'''"f1 1 \ V"dll "h. y "'Hl ·I'h nl', dn." ,. I' , f tl ~' ~ )11111''''' It. \\,11" M I' s s R u ssl'e CI<>r' pX(''' plilltlll ll,l' lliw.- I " r • • Waync R\,iIl e Ma n Home from tht! of rl,,' Jlh- r lc 1-1.,/' " I. " 'ol1f'>' W " I'U 1·II ~ il .,' j .. ,,1.\\\,. ·,1 Greut Pa ll___ :\1 iSH fins,; I,' (,lark nllll :'Ilr [I ( 111" 1' Hundl 'It It< I . 1I:t· r 'oil 11,,, 10111 " ". n"d .· ,· 11.1 rl\(' /lU lU , ) 0 1' IIl1d _ e COIlntr y . , h n "rr'lw l" . t llklll J.! t" I'1\ (:1,1" 1'"11 ,1' .. I 1. 1lI ·,I.' IIr,< ~l1flilll lll\t ""tI "" il1t... I Bnn<l "'1','1' ." "rrl·11 b... r·v P 'II I'I' M,' \ . (; \\ ' illn lll""" h n~ ...·r n 1'1, rbl' Ii" " . I" I 'rr ont at thn III. I~ 1"11')1011111-(", 'V l! .1 r.d f, ,,II) '!·,.x". 11 ,,,1 IIJlllk .. t.o nlltl"I'I" k " 1I 11 ~ !'ih Ic' ·"' p.d ,dl ucl.1 . " t.I"""I"n·~t. ,bl! P',, " plll .v,lII'cl wl"m r,lw " " I w\i u'h ,,, I n SdllY IIfl"l'lI nnn , .JUUUIII' , :III. i ll 11 " " ,, 1.. ( '11 11'1'" (>l W ' :O;('II.\ II rl:.l ill tl)O' h '..-II\·II' I·, Ih ,rrh wl'R IPr" ge noml l" l/4l 'lIitl,,'r1 t" h .. 1.111- lIl(l~ t "I' R" 4)") ~ ll "w,,' h . till' Jlr ~~N\('f' f ll fp\\'llI'II !,I'('lli t \' ~ ~ 'I" 'xil" I> Ih \' Ii ~ ' r IIgriql1l tllrn\ illl~ " l f t l' 111 ' 1 tlitlioll lr."t'lIl1 111,, \'" Ii' IIl1d~'I' t(t11l' 1I p"." 'tI",·" \.1'11111<: 1 II I'll I'h e I JI' itlfl)~ n il" '" I' ~ II·~ . CU I'II I' . ()U lllllr~' III Ih l" ~ I II'I' _ II lit 111' 1I \)l lit,· It Itl ~ .. tlml ol','dl l"b lv (. rf'1l·d IJllt, It I> II J-IH "' '' ~ n n""f 11\" iIll'JI" U rr iR, "I' O£"II' 1lIl,·\,(· y"buI·t.:, nnd th l) ogh l b\' 1111 w )'llInt P" IS h ,. "~11 ii, 1I1J!1 I.. III l1 t tll.' ' '' Irerltl niH I prill,, ""r "l.liS of h~~ long Illtldfl hl' r }](IIIII' with h£',· filliog 11J1 h, .. t,lltl \JI,ly It nil 110 1),,11 .. 1' ",' 1,'\11111 11 It'r r,hll n lillY ql;h r' 1,lI n for tllo;;p '11 k",!; J) ,·t III 1111 ' ]J11I.r, ("l\lld 1'\11;' ht" 'n m il a 1IIllit : 111' iR II g'ru,lllritA of Utli of' thl' ;: lI \lI h W I'st MI' [ n 111(, Ill u r· \: ''\' I1I1I1I1, h nt fOl' lil e (' "til'I' 0I111111'lIlIil .v ~(': !-llllrg sc ll oll '('ho Io( r ooill i~ !'(JY" tl \t',\' rll i~1\ tl)f\oAU m e Cr OllR t.hISAr IIe ,1 I' " ,1' 11'1 hi .... ' t,l l ~g 1-1 Iillr!l(lIll u r l.\· III' 0 th r in I"", .) f 1\ l r~ ,Tnhll J 'l h . II~ h rtl Flft.f't'll PAr, D 10."·; lIurr. In 1.!I o , t he fl Ullll alHl ed . Mr : HI (lhil', 1I11t1 th o oli trl l1t., i" dl\\'lIl'l 'l. ill ph<;V which Wil l- ~h- 0 Ilt ~nboo l t.l1l ' lntt«r pur l <;Ir I,b of Ell t Wn.l 'Ofl t owl)~ hip , lin t! fo l' ckli J);llt.f n l lJ'llh "mu n Id ,, ~' ul~rt I... o k mnr 1111 11 wl nl er , tw o y{, llrl! hll ~ 1)(,f'1l {'",ploY I d ill (.l nn, llllll ch.. 111'(' gl' t,l hllll 11 011 ropt' ~(' nlllt iv o IIndl ne ~ I t Il l' pHr (If II :';oot ti b ing Ili or e Soa r Cfl (Irw InI' . Uti )' I n. ,.... hilll or hfl r(\o ); his bl'idu 11\' 'ry d ll.l'. 'rbe w e r e pr s n t crloh v f\n i \l ~ -],h l' \ 1I:[IIodul'J'. on Pun Bundle trer H I)f thA prill'ip nl inc1elll(. nt f'lllh e r 'J'burstI II)' evon· (~ JlUl'lI firS In \.lI O ovoni,," of tholr mllrl'lllg o, \1 d IIUOUt t ho " 11I ~t • ',.t10 11 \lI y Wll 8 llUlll chun ne" to seoure . r· whf'r e the b t w i, h ~ of 1I I'lr ge good lund wltbou t irriguti ing ~o r \'e d tL d ter IIlIHlr w I,I ll ot·ul,.... I P fI I' I 'I ,",ona t J;l(1 b y R US30 on at low . ,e, n o Oll n ci r I f 1\ 1J11nintnllco~ foll then\. 1lI'ice ILnd on e u~y term!!. ",i e wODld bllve b en prt'~l\ut . wb wH.n es II tbe Illny wOllld 11 ~. In thl' audi en ofls bolh IW nin gR hi." ~tlil)) ted Ib"t th Mr. Willillt1ls n xpeots to IlBslst l ' wn~ Mr _WAl'e rulln y pa r!'ou a who hull beNI PIIl'l ntte's first 1l})pOllm Mrs . Harri s E nterl in con ductm g nn exoursl on t.() thllt nCe 00 Ille Mrs . Ann Eo gle, JlII!l~ 97 yUU I' of , lind tt ud C' rly 0 1/' d tor by h er n oble I I . fIl m st li le long tud nt.~ of Hhl\k !l. I "tll~C in 1I0y proclnot tains Card ClUb. cOllntry , Feb , Hr. ioo B e h d ,l!gc, 'und the oldCllt p r 00 ~o \ ur. nU1'~p, ~li. ~ EI e len K elsey, of Inte P ill' 1I11l1 who h lLV wltnes~ed pr.o "~varnl et;peolfl lly ditlicul t pllrt.!. re ll County , di ed n t. h I' h om in ""SHit d by II di"tllnl r elntivA, Mi HS MI'!!. Editll H rri!' lind . MI' ~. • c1uotloo l! of his plll Y in til e InrI:( r Orand Fox Drive . Dunoun , Kin g of ' a t.Innd, WIlS Wnyn osvil lo IH 10 o 'olock Satu rdllY Mltl'y \\' l1orton cit.le und nil n n it d in . ummen ua represe ntell by ];~l'ed S I J~n \1l'tl ~ n~ h ol' e nte. rtllino~ Fri,.dRy l h r wood, wbo Mon of th l} iforts of tb o e TlRrtici- Ilmde 1\ lIl e. t re~ lll n thA Aftellloon ar d Illb Bll t tbe f w ki ll who Jiv ed within , nft moon nd beo evol nt night, IL very brlef . ill ll 5S dU tl ' , aturday . Februa ry 9. , "'Itlu" 1" 1 thiR . . " II tits In$ t m eeting h e foTO I be ('\0. uPl)Oari n g kin". e MI' . her\v ood orim llrily t.o the iolil'lJli ti . of Itl I' Ilch , 0!' 11 lull.v .... <> 'l'AR'r PROMP TLy AT 0, ~tll.ndlLrd ~1r8. N . B. An · of Iho SOOi'll SOli on bC'fclre Lpnt b Alm llFt \v i r-b out except iQD, nd nl' 1l11l. 0 t o ok tll o purt • of th e p rter, age . • , •• tlIO\IY, MI·~. ""1111101 , lc1 North Line Bellbro ok and Car. e~, MrR Bo~id the m embers of the Cluh spOke oloo rly It nd lli ~tiocth' , HIlUl p." whicb WII S tlle onl y pillcl! in t he e n , Til !un cl'I1t of Mr !l Ann !'log1!' "'mnk fl" ,,'('~ un:1 Mr!' rolton ..1. U Hawkp" tl1p. r w er presillt S v rill In\' ~ted ' t er. WilbIke .- aptain8 , F . R. Potthin g ·lIh_ol nit' l.v ~~C'llllni If the nu · '.Iro Tllny rbnt (C1I\'e opportl 1" Greist, Dot Whltao re, lnit.y for' t oo k plllce Mot;Jda y 11ft fII O n "to 2 wuuifpil t d W II I'III mitt! Illfectlo u for I, l1f'St~ 1111 o.f. wb dumo ill t o fol111w 1.\1 (1 pl'l1tlU t,iuo ft . hort cOlbedy to r elie ol1l ]lont. the. Wl.I1 Ttlte, John Flpyd .and Renry ve t.hl' olh . o 'clook from the \":hite . Dri.ok I t \t Ai l' vPllll1'll hlu uunt in vllriollS lick.. fr o.m ~ to :.t III !llwlglJtl y I1nrl 11.1 tel" 111 50 til rl 1\'/1~ !<llllioie nl uct·lon or iso h eotvy trll g dy W e lle r , . I II thll llltter m eel.i n!!' hou e , wll r e ~h hu rl 10"00 I f l ' d II f l ' I con.vl d with HIe wo,clH. t.o hrin g ant pnr t (l f tlI P)uy •. r . "'b \ .. 1 I csh ng f progres ive euchro. • 1 0· nu Jl (4~~1 U 0 W 110 1 were 1.' ~outh L in e Wa.yne 8ville nnd ., Arw /) u all to go Ilnd sh In silent w nr~ l l1p ul g l. II ~ , I ' . . 1b I 1 . "I . Lat III til II f t e rnooll 1\ "\l l ICI f,h e 1I1tlll,lIin " II f Ihe h DO~ wi th ou t: \J \JI'C d \I • 11 d G on ertll '0 f long . OB Lytle PP-A y (l' '''r eCI , HIt " t 1011 111111 u r 01\1 Captain s Warren ~ur ( iwar. rl !! beillth '" IIDU tre n~lh , p er . h . t t"t' l E' 1. " I' ,I I d • I ' I being .ov>nlv n f 1 b . ot II111 . 0lt WIIS S rv d nfter wIn o t fll ce U P Lewis Ch"rles Th u pllrti oiplll1t.~ Je ~ngI S ll1rll1y. I .e n W1.l 0 VII ue VIJr r 10 p 0 Burnet t · mltteu . h . ' .' I 1 ' , . . , In U1e pIllS hlld an exc ll ' n' t con h . . e.1O , f gUilt ', [ ~Cru ' \llL 'I mm som e Ro bort S'rouse , Leater Kenrio Land Burold EIpw 11 , in t e Ilorson 0 A ft r Il sh ort etLSo n o ~ .II ... no<, worel ' lit " nd f . " . look fr OIl1 . h er hfri end!', . . d t C jltloll o · t.h iden of the plllY und Lenox IInu., J:iCut tl S h IOTt1 ine C!ID<;lIes '" .. • an" n rc d clLrn o.' \1Wlllter K•enrick " II nd wbo eOJ lIye d ;:aelng ot. r on· box.of curlle ou ltev . Pblhp . f front, . pll sto r of tJle M' ! ' 1 . II . worl, ect t" I-!I, th I' a l< I,L hllrmon loll hi l)lIrt porfeot ly. !:lis f h' c h 81 hy tum li S (l U VUI.. Eust Line ' Waynes .ville Rnd Bellacting W(IS E. bUTCh led in prnver , ' uftor J~Y r'I':uPl'.I "c/'gCI: 0 Wid whol 'in brln~ing this o u t ~ d Th 11 0. tosRes wer Ilssist e(l hy tIt'ook P ike ~CII.PtainB esp,iciil ll y Chllr l1 0t riztld by tbe nc' wbich A B i Jamel! Brad h1lndler re~ d 1111 (~ blt . P'IY , IO 11l I'Dll es Wf1!1 · eprl vo. Ml's. Mildred T !lylor , of uinoinI latl, ford Fra~k b t . t t bi I ' d ] . 'l'wo tbi n gll h Ip ,d \'''H·.Y m .te~iI" Mo.rsha li Tom Dill· ,on '[' e p11 In 0 Ii I', tb e h"l pV,cn r fr e fllcl'ls of !I lIJ e!i lin liS lIlIr y. d 1 r U . ' Tf(il\lt. . I.h on , I mud \l lt . h OJ·t tl 1 Ed·th' 1 'J I ild' • , ill. 0 ·1), in hringlll g out, t,h e ,l'fft'ct ()f ,t be dh;tiuct pr~n:IIlCilLti n . l:1e Illso ' . . utO yn unc . 1 Robert McGrew . Jade Thoma . III eu 1 0 (I I ren were lIS s un · nu s and udd rO.!1, 10 whlob be spolle w orn l)enUls. uod ' n look vf r ecog nition .0~I o~ h er. . .' "IllY , On6 of t h p. tl wer . t.ll a hllnd took lob e pa rt of I' yton. , Oeorge Hartsoo k. of h lghe. t. eulo'~y of th e d ' pul'ted ' f ... h tl ., 1 0 R I M I tt i' som~ and 1ubornt e OO~ t, I1DJ s " ,hi ~l Wesr. LIne Dayton ' ilnd Lebano n llymQIlC . or U r OIn nppen ad .as ull of' wbicb we r. w 11 des r ved III u S • l ey pl\ S~ u I I' \V n . d ow w lltclting for them nl"''''Y8 . 1leu ,. b y "J ' =":V~;:-zirffi-iffiiiii~t--"--'-; . J . Decis ion W eek. war. f fArm!' Pike. Zwlrij l i [In.. 'I'han of R~ , ul 0 tn k m g the part Tb 0 w h b Ilptains b ' 0 ::Ir t e pr ClOOS re tht w [\ "'lo w of hal.piue tis over h r · tllL.,1 ..· ()~~'t um of YIl11Dg 'iward IInrl of a ffi Ul'd I' tbe w(ll l k~o wn 01 tlClD 8 Id T I Tom D ' I Oh 1 fi I nro . ay or, IlV s. UlIlIl1!'! to their . ua " al" es rosl mg p In£' e plo oil,1 fllce. 0n' I COUle! er, t h e oth e r Will' the ex·oalle nt ttl' Evof"b Among b el' fri nlJ ' ouy tn Broad r. T his . togethe r with h is work ill in ernet r.v. wer J ' way. Wm .• Wa.tldn e and Bar. ' . .J. Bnr wllo 9 n 1)loorl kin sbe vrtIuod ~itoc1 to 1'Ilng m nt, f !l l'l n r", ttl\. '",". liS ohlirge of the B nery the me ,tin gs io progreRs r y S t roup. f k opt htm n ett , A.' B J 11II ndler, ,J . E . Junn ." . 1 Ileal/Ill y ' n utlollble 10 tbe uOII!rlr oll rensona b l .v 'b u y u II e ~ in8peop e , wns tbe f'nOlI' 1y a f Rt the F r iends ohul'ch thlf! woek. Center on Mablon Rooke' farm. 2 v Dln!:_ J OMel1h 'fho01I') on took ~bo J)lI rt 'lmne l BuUerw o rt.h, Edwin Obund. I ." 1 D ' Service pvory vening nt.7 o·clock . mil es Routb-e ast of Centerv scen e wbe re tho witch s mnke HIe lli te 'id",!: l. .Lily o r. Ille St.. url ug IeI' alld C. A . BrowD, . h e r life . time Mr , Tuy lor IDunil'e s t, Preaoh ln g by EJl!zllbe. 11 L k' k nOwn to MI1C h 0 tl1 b Inll ., ' ~f •unre . an l·. Y- of u wn llnll ,dsnldi er \,'110 hrou "'ht .t ILr tn. tion.· '. F " lIowi n g .s t.11l'l· obihlllr y : 1 ad ll Wllrm fl O' otlo n f or h er {rit'lI c, '1'lli9 being " Decisio n W eek, "n6xt m ond Morlatt I entitled t o It hlrge th e fi rst n w of th ""n horns for Bale ' at Lytle and ,"io tor y or .LJ Aun Wburto n WIIS boru in B L10l! I nd this ull'eot.ion l!fl Oll) slmroo ( .tbe cr dlt f or Ille ~C~DlU DIlUCIlO'!\tLI1l1Y und U a lo!;ucy 'llbbuth will bo espeoill lly ob el' ved entervi lle S t.ll tionB, "I 0 RI>)le" re~l ! I n un flt.tenlll lnt t o MIlO·bfl.t,b. 0 E lll UEt"D ci ion Dny ." Pennsy lvonlfl. arrl1n g m en t s . ovem lor left LEB'l'llRKIIINRIOK her dlt. ught:er, Mr s r .; S, 2 , 1 09. Wh on one yell r 1111 !iha lIt1d to '1'b~I' nterv!ll s b:' twpen lI't.a w ere JAlIIliS BRADFORD ' Manage !s fl11l1ily RIl y m 6nd 1111 of ·ORvis, whom . pr sen tec1 II w r e fllitb !!!e!!,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + e '" ~ UlIlI\ e w\t,h h ' I' paren t::!, Sillls Whlll' fu l t t the onel nll.el tlBSlduO IlIlJi"en (i llY rn u io l?y 't\l ke~ Or ItI Oll t pltlusi n g l)ictl1re ll!! 10 nt. BANI\: liB Flen ncf', t on Ilnu wife , to Wu rrpn ten t.iorl . obe t l'll of LellllDo n . Th mu~io WI! Biln 1110'S son. mid plllyec1 hi s pllr t II s ltod ' dRI - t b t t 1\ . .\ . t 0 mity, Ohio. 'ril lr h orn,} fll rm ...rO 22 0, A Chur ch Socia l. Thollgh withou t nelll' 111 'Jod ,l;ln, uuu nall.v gooel lind th e !iudio.uc ea W • II , J' • 1 so a 0 n II wo'"' the n e n ow ow n ed "nd "('C Il · Iihow",1 itl! Il.[)p~eoi'ltion b" frl>"u Ilt, f,Emdtlnt in tbe pnlllce . . (' '" II 1h ' 1 ' J ~~lfI iJ1 b '\'ll!! Ilot withou lovin .. IIttOO. I lib RIIYllIotid WI II\"1tJ on cll"rri ed a lit pi r1 b.v EJltrri ~o n Jotn". noo r <.>" MI' B. ~ Huwl'll!, of 'I:Wil Y, e re w ,m e 1lI 1 " tlO. ,h ~' WIIS to tvery e a soo a ~ ven y m Ln, WO ' 1 Ihe Wonlllo 'f! Foreign Mission ary tile p.Ll·t pf 001l1liblol1l, 8011 llf Dnn- Rm1 I .I111 If en t. of T,.'"t ID I'll I'~ 1jf" ~. ,~r I HlIlII II lid oh llrllo \Vuy n e~viJl o kllow.n I neeville. 1If\~iBt e(l ' t1H~ uTt'be. t " ll . t yo f th U E. '0 b urc h t th ,(rHW ll1tO W 11111 nb noc1.lIn(1 111 1. 3 t II "-\{lnt 0010 · e..... CI\ n, in n U10 ~t exce\l nt DIn nil At' ,a 0 Ann," lInd wn D b eJd In --Ol!~ WithOlljt. CldJII~ge, '1loourtPI\Y KIl'en.I IY I:\e al t'o t' nrle red valllabl • -h om ~ e of Mr. a.nd Mrlj. Charles T, e nid i~ !' bee:\me tha wife , of R()b(~l't I ~ll1gll', 1 u II1~h "t respeot I\utl tCllltler 1'0gul'd appreo . adte t ·IIY il l conu\lcl ( w I' l 'l'I:IE ,YAYN E 'VILLE h ' flllwke on . . !i . 'L~~~L..:~!:!!.!~--.:..--:-~-:-::-t" mnnn ging nlltl I'e of Burlio" til OUl'tlllD A n o t A 0 11 v\ li S b b' t b i ' I t " t n ,' un t,"'. . • IV t e pro uc Ion . _ . Y Ir r g 1 II. , T.l' Ade) bert MoKu _ took ~\H+ItI+ IIf J e rSBV l , fl l'Y . A l>Togram w. be rendere d .l~ For II DDm \Jel' III .11" I" FI'I 1111 of the '0111 SChOlll, be lioved ID . Mnobet h WIlS Itl veil ulld er til.' , , . nud r efresllU1Em ts served, An In VlJ " I f ''''d uft r mtlrrlu ge I,h oy OC(lt ]lI ed th o I tl ' d R "1' k 0 Muloolm .. I d d IlUSP .o es (1 (0. OlUn t ncr ' 11 e l·ll. I ' tl () 't t. • i til tion is ektende d to all who desIre Itlllp 11' prmCl)\ os n.n Tb , t , f M b ma e t tleUl tb."'" A I I h oll1e flll' lI1 I n l ·r. t.h AY bO ll~ht. I I 11'wof \V1I~'10 " I III 1 t1 ., OL' h I' life. ' He r m en till fn ul- ' SODS of Vet()rdDS lind ;' ,~"o~t ~:lO f . ' de. 0' y °h t~Cdot t o IlUend . I I'h Hit g f Ilud m oved int • tbe t h ili Hl 0 11 Fifth OUll eta On t, e \\' I r prop c es 0 t . ! I ins 1 d WOI' t th re t~Lille<l to 0 r e mll r kable \ 1 Ohio. at ti.l e to a of bll.!iIlO~S , was n rn , D ,O · CIl lllP ,ren nry tb ,. , t ·l !I. u tb I 2 1 8tl'el~ t, \\ aYOIJ,,,, l lI .wbr ·rfllh e hu~· 11t'JIr 0 11U lilJ\1>0u tlloyea r .lgo when '~ft(lr .uJl . cxpense s !JUU. beaD puid . , " e WI\O Ie tlLllt ' Me. ~ IlIIr hB'l w rle II ANUA R Y (l.1907 . Busin ess Men' s bUild died ·\'l pt.e lll h\'r 2, J 'u\\, IIlld l th e r o \\' 0 U Illarked The receIpt!; , {roul I\lIle 'of tickets ' Bry mpoJ'! ln. I fallur of mem. ' :BE OUR E . Isse. IllIO . , , ' ZIl1\ E d nn Z'!II and' B elou tit. ,k.,s !tnu h ert' the Wl( .:m rpmUIIH l nlltl ot'Y ,,1'1(1 t1 11der~t~l omoun ted 10 $110.46, t h e x)leoses Club Organ ized. Udin g: Dut there I,oans .ml m ~"oon\~ I ber deuth Fe brt1u r y 2 1907 . S l l!!', . ~t'~ ,1' 1 , h y took tb e ]lllrt of th e t.brco Wit'O I!IJ ~'\ . . O\,cr.!r:t ft . , SC ured v '. - - - -,~ ' . ~er~ vert .h en.v. ,· . ~\Vever, (lmount - ,uud their \V aiId tones 110(\ il1 0u n tIL W IIS a rllIHn r knbl" p r o orvutl ou of " ,lIlU II"" 'U "C(l; 1 . iI ~·t'. I" Progres sivll Citizen s ')f HarveY 8H r ntirs. lif WILS one of ono!! '1 physi!lll l 'lwllltb, ulIld I'Ilg 1D oj til I,Lbnut $. . , u.lm nst, if n ot. y \i .I 1101111. , 0 .ccu r" clrcula:tloll :O"I) "~:"~ ' ' f I 1 1'1' t ' '~;Ii hurg Join in' Moyem cnt for I tions kept the lIudiello e th oni n ohl y t e o t il.t.1011~ , . . 11 011' '. bceu ,·ltTe •. usa e l C. \l n e s snc tLuUC lOn I . .1 . I . I ntll'(' In: mpt,lon from IllIWy' 1Il!l I Il[lllklni: Those. who took part. . IIDII"". I I'nt r sted TIlftlr "') rl u '''ern ","ell I lit e ser vice t o ot,b ers 1).;'0 \1 o~ good of the town. . . No ohililr~ 1\ I nnd (lls,,"m f rts thltt oOjUe with ' .Due (r~rn ~I ~ It n u , • 'fne ~lrill ci))0 1 pllrt In the plA Y, ! t k " I'pro"cII r~8"l n'o a~!. ~a'~I'~ \~~ . . t 1J 'tl . . . ' Che cks nlHl o t he r cab 11 I h were born to her, lIut t a r r a l'a fllml llllvllnc cd Itge. ~I that of Mll ob etb, \VtlR 1·/1 ke n by .1 .~~o :· ::1 en IL II. d m es '" 1tlt t h o hu (l li ved a ;0.1(1 108 of othe r ~aI! Olla'lh I\lcm~ 1 allk . :J H. "U A Dumber of progres sive citizens b J Y ))1'0 1\ ' o f 1II/lot.()rn nIIlJJeot.i OI1 w'u s oVldellc d t rillt1 y " .Y nppelLre ·'.~ imphi fiff', fit " t ..e r (\oDd b or , r e 1"I'aC II ,,,.OI,y :,pe r currency : nicke ls ~." "II of H[~r ' est In t 1(3 , U\wls. Mr (.E\Wi8b 'llflILP]) lI r(\QtntL f . . oy~ bllrg hnve organiz ed the I ' . h . ' b 1 f j nt.h e m otherl y IUte ce nt H " r tllb( m lllll r AWlt rel' \\,;t" upillo " ou ct I net IN en With , ' . lassold n gCl. B I' l 'A\\"n.1nu . ;' t e nil o numb rof 1.'0111 proclllotl "n~tlllC1 . M .)~"YIlp. B'<I !\· I: INIlASK.\' ''.-:' " " 1·' B.l lr" ys B . . bl\s " burg Bu81Oe8s MenaO lub . _ I : , , ff t b . I 'k fe8ted Sl1o <, ch I ' 1 .111111 , \J I·phIlO 11.<17:': . 70 ll clrClII , . cl'm I' ' oe)l I I!pecllI RO,IDI,O e ee ·a t e r WOI ~,,-,'e . t gen l,lr, SP" ·lt., . h E'r unques t.ion <l nbillty. Bal puri ty uf L C&:tJ.Lcl l,l'r nol (: ij ;! .OOO 00 . b . 'd h tho {)bJect of the Club betng to wor k I I ' r oof , f rUlll 11111 . ' 0 to tll1l 0, !IS . 1CI . , (lw e lip es p ec iII I'l y welL th(1 I1 "hr, h ' 1' lI otn'CI l". ,'""., ' 0 10liOl' OY (h. stin -· I tloo 'of hiS 1Inel1 wa H gQod ~hrOllgb II M' ' . . ~, f r t I.1e goo d 0. f t h e t own. ' . . Z' II' '. r . .. lon (unll wI t h, U. S. trCa, , ' , IS,", BI e tta Ltudy Mil O t er ed ov r two @oore whom den t.h f( \lI ~h f'l1 h.,1' to t he last. ' He l' death It(:,lcnllll out and hi ' ent1.1lolfttlou. urcr ( ~, I'. c. 0 1 wus olAllr , d ... . I ' d nch circulati on) '!, ~,"O . 00 ' Ih An eutbusl astl c meeting WlLS . _ . bud I"obl)ed of t ll.oir' nat.or • .. l ' ~lnl' ent ~ . Wil l' II . pll lUlC'.!! 110 bud boon her. life . . . Uu P IlY' . e pa rt exceptl .,nlllly I\nc1 , ~u'tlllo t Bls WOI,' Io thiN 'E - - - Ibeld Monday evonlllg play well liS 'di d Mi!'8 und tqe fol. Edna .Zell i n Ih'e . "lr~. ng le out,I'I ~I)(.1 I\(1 1' I-(cn r tl • hu pa ·sl·,l qu,. etly nnd lllldlstn '1" a '4 0"0' ::u . tIl was II pret ty good t , t of dramllti c! ltd ' rbe~ , .. r_ " , t' fG . ," . I \ lOWlllg 0 cers we,re e Uon, eo ·e : ' und In E b e l' deoltl.1ln l? yonrs hntl tliro u"'b tho " Olll' k VII.lley lin d ' hud. . , pu.r . 0 (lilt ewomn n , . tA.leQt and b ~ 1ll0rA t \l/l.n I,tIABIL lTIE , Sl1"t~llu.ed ' I/l tlve .fonotha o MorriS, Preside nt; • ' t . Little Mi~8 . . t t Elsio Z ' lIu CILr b I f e D I " IS not I I lI:r: ' . t .0 .. Inl DI ll e r !) a r () . f'o t I . ti S tbe rel?uto.tlQn h El bRd ~ly [, . t Ch I . · .Il , r.O.O(lO 110 B . 0 n k'10, VICe Pr es Id en; pp ed ,1 oQmfor t ex("ept lit, long inte r vul In pres(~nco II f horwe )0 le ve, Into, lie . ':\I>llal block lIald III made ' Ml' L,' wls eX}leOf,8 prl'vlou It.l" es lllftnlni lin otppllNl tlon 'durlng ·the (~o(\, "B1eMe d a re .caldrun Surplu~ (I\II~' . ' '. k I d ' . 50,00( 1)0 IMILddo t! Secr e,tar y lind ClYde , Lev. I ' · f ' e ~, . ~ ,- , e fl to 1lT~ 6 It I f;!, .., ,,'o OlIL 11 llulvlde.1 VISits from m ecoa. But. for Htp.f'u the' IlIlr ' 111 pr(Ofl to 10<1" expo n.CM . " h oart, fOI thev ' 1 1 s " bn ll see an\1 l·" Cij Iia lol l on an .. ,1I i! n "Y\1(1RVI a JJfrolfes~ ' 1 c n e.' ' II ~n l I~ ICY, 'l'rolls nrel'. l' 1~ t1fIS , MIl8srs ,1t'L:\Tmoll 'I ' ConlTor RIl Y 'yatll'l'Ill be 'hu H boen ·m C). t f,!itbfnl l \' Guc1" ONE WHO KN"£W 111m Nntlunal B;;'k n O\OH outslanoll ng ':iO:O,IQ III' I Th e Clu!> nlready hilI! ' hope !Lnd exp El<lt to Hee him ~OlDa . .' . in view the .n d ' B . Llh'hl c~\'I' uupn'll kG " lIO uo . ; . k da:y high in t h ,!.t· profess ion ' .flU(·lo oll\e1' NtUlollu l , Ilool nw -e, oorge Orl!;lI D1 :.1I~t\On of IL bauk, Will rna e , Z ell and Warr · · 01 ' ' .... ell' C()un t, y b M 11 t Ak til Sons t ' .0 III of Lru Veter wu took ans the Officl p f) r t • of .,t8 sol I\A':'II'~ lV II r".r~ I I 1 '1 hi' 0" · I4 ,UOO OO )} p,"t .,. IIIll. , effort. to bring the proPose d • '"' In,, " . u-a ("fl~"~ of Luel,v, M'IQbl't,h ~lr"'!1 PI~r.~h·1\ tit 1'8 I' • III cb~vk . l \I. ~~(' n~ r dp'r in ~ neld-Wl.IDlington Will Join Fair Cfrc.u it Edmun d R e tnlltc.k emil)) Son of, ."hjoct ~raotion Llelllana c onW ell l.. . ' I' • . Ilino t o B nr\'lIysb urg and e.lways be ' . )- • , of ( l l; l~ob ' t . 1 ) IS:!!). P: 2'(1 J 8.. ~ :lf.! rlurfnoe O lh 8t; , ~r ' l'l!lidellt . . ilnd V e tf)rllu !t 1111 ve io t.lIlJe·d officer s for ~ Mone y in Butte r I, Fnen ds Quar terly - - - - fready to llnderti tko anythin . ~orge W. Cn.r ey, t:leorot,ur,y of the the e n!l llillg g for year nB .f ol ows : 'fo'r... ", . :)8~.O~0 . Butt.e r and Eggs :10 ' thfllldvl I.ncelJio nt of the commu uity • Meet ing. WarreD FiliI' C. E . Cornuu mder; F , O. S TA1' g p l' UI<J ' ,,9 UN"v :t...._ . W"'''"BN , QUllrte rly Meeting wiJ}' be held in at-teuue d IL l)Jeetm g of t·h Bony Mnrrtll ' wlw e l\l"drl ve.r • cb wnrt1-, !:IeUior Viae Comllll lnder ; I. J _ O. bu vll up PMU wItIGrt'lI ' l'.'a"1IICr of ~hll Sund ay Servlce~ ,. ' " " . J i t.he , White Bflo¥ meel(n g . hOIl~e Fair Vlrouit h Tb J V nbtlyt: l\:1nll"l \):1n k. \I() 60 umn1y . '" 'ur. t la l 'l .. Itt DR~ytou Monthty . • 0116)1 . o&uutry )J.toduce /lilt! tuk e15 .It to I::!<lveuth .dllY Jlnd f,'ret ompson , unior ioe \ th" a\)/)\'c ot'ltemen l 'lo true to tn" U '8 1 of rtay . WUl'ren Uonnt.y hilS heell IIcti ng , OIDllllln tler ; Otho Ilender t M E • Ch .. tn k h · h II b !I .. guo" h . ., • son Sec. my \<Ilo\\-Icdgc and h ,1~ er. . D ayton wOre . i I, d tl , f tl ' . I . h ILl' , A lurgu 1I.t;'end _ a ance •• ' 1 earllest urc. ly nc,ep(,n on " y . 0 ".. a ler J . O. CA ltIWrUOFJ 1 . O'L<\)lcr. 111 r!:! h f e r retan" f " [ ' Joho 1 b·· ... SquirflS t TrellSl1 •. I re r ' f C I tofore e. or It, P'lIu ont tot t' urrn~rs IJ , W tI "'" ()r~ Ul! ul1S Dell!l Sunday .... ohool at 0 :30. - , , ' .. ~u\)"c rl ~c I I alii! awOtn 10 berol'e mc . t blH "7' f b ' it W,I l . f l. ISh e rwood 'Qllllpln d 0 mpor· '" At M'd in"• Charles :JO\J] ,Ill}, o( on a,y. "II m a t 109 this oommul l'l I,y, .,~.O'l.. .J Itr IlLt r : tllDe e is to be ·t ransact Jltuunrl-. S ( \l ' 1007. , Senn"'n at 10 '.30. Subjeot , "A •. ' termine d to nnlte wltll the Clrollit Ji). W I'Dt"" I:!e rgeantl " of _and eggs during tbH YBkr, 111(1(1 ' the Guard; I. I!: . ra~n;, !>IO'rMI" PU II,.I , : Corn Want ed. Short l:Ier~on to· tho .Young ." ~. and thus bllve t,be IIdvllntllf{e of an \ Go r@ o Gllltllln d, Clor1l0t, '1:0 Mu. Jonut.hl lu 'Smlth tHlri r . ,1 01 the W l\rron COU Oly, Ohl/), _. Epwort h League at 8 :80 p . IQ. oplln date. , Ounrd ' II1l1P Gl1JLl'd Walter Biggs [; 1I111!(;o'- AUCH t : College BUI Bohaoi howse, bo p,l\d till!b&l t ~I!h prloo paid tor white , Iu pre\10n s YI!UI'I!I sermon at ,7:00. "Four t8311 .or bu~ser 1I.10ne, during the I' I&lad yellow oorD atOllr Fair b~ ' Ploket' GUllrd W I ' Bi : C 1 ' W· 11. AM,K_ . 11IIu"ll , oon1liot etl wlt-ll th"t Hot Troy, I . , " t WI'Ua us I UIrt\~lors. why 1 I!hould be a ohristl an." am. time, Y ggs, U or <!: r~:"ci':'I~' ''UH 111' WAYI{DVlJ.!dl ~LLI1R!lu.uI, , DOW tt will follow Troy. ~lIlgean ",: 1 III Lippinc ott. Every~ madewe1oome•
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LOS ANGELES MAN ·CLAIMS, RIGHT TO THRONE OF POLAND Col. .Iohn Sobieski, Once Soi~ dier of Fortune, Direc~ Descendan't of Thaddeus of Warsaw. ,
SAYS INFANT GRANDSON IS ROYAL HEIR fRterestinS" Predicament of 'a California Young"., and the Romantic Life Story of His Grandlather-:Driven from Austria by Maximilian, He Lived to Com-, ,mand Firing Partv . That Ended the Career 0/, Hu Cn:!- Time Per.ecutor. l.os AUl;cles, M,-Su king his bare lies there' tllan 0\'01' to a1\ow hlt:n to pInk ' tOCIl and calling aloud for Ule I\8cond any throne, Y s , my memortes royal nursing bOlUe, the rightful fu, of monarch y nre as bltler as that," Ills memurl s or monarch y cannot, tu,ro kIng or l'>oland lIeB In hlB cradIc In:a cottsge In the West Adams stroet hId d, be vjlry halmy, This geutl e <I.strlct 8oronely unconscious ot the old nobielI1an who !I\'es BO clule tly In tact thal a battlo or documents and Los' Angeles suw bl 8 futher Illd awn\' ~lIy 1I'CC, 18 raging over bIll crOl"n to be slaughtered by Ru ssian soldler~ tind estiltes. " after long confinement In a prillon so Little c10ca be care that a rUde Chi· vile a !log could not have llved In It; cago editor bas denled ' lhe claim that Sll\l' hts mother' driven away trom b~ Is the dlroct, desco'n dant of Thad· home almost Il pauper; saw her drIven C!eel, ot Warsa" and ,'belr to a vast like an oulcast trom cOl\nl~y to . coun, oonll8cated estate-not to mention the try unUI IIhe dlilll \Lall utiha(1llY exile, . No wondl'lr his eyes flasb. ·.hattered PoUah thl'One, HI. lond 'lither 10 L , 8, Gl1bJi.usen , a The Intricate Questlono( bJs rlgbt c\OI'It In the Ft~t National bank, His to that noble ancestry will be oonsld, grandfather 18 Oolonel John Sobieski, ered below, Tbe man'a own life Is 80 ~ well·known temperanCe leoturer- Interesting, 80 thrltlhtg and ,romantic tbe last j,t tbe lIIu8trlol18 Une 'o t John thM it rl8tlUy, takes l)recedenco over Itt•. wbo reseued . El1rope from 'the family trees, , , Even hl8 'n earest neighbors In the 'l'urlta, From a life ,qf Quiet retirement, tblll pleasant nelghborbood of West Adams tp'llndfather -and sraD!lohild bave burst street little dream thBt lhls sunny old .uddenl, Into DIlUonal fame. gentleman hlB lI\1ed the wild life of Ri!OCDt1y a PoII.h editor named a , soldIer of fortune, 8l,e m1radskl came Into print In the He commanded the re/lerve firing C~lcagO Record·Herald' denouncIng party that executed the lIl·fate d Ern· ~Ionel IiIobl6Bkl..811 an Impostor, or peror MaJilmlllan In Me.xlco, It was bls oro.oUcally that. He deules Colonel revolver that sent u shot crashing Into 8obl08kl'. claim to direct dC8ccnt by the ear of the emperor afler be had tba el4est·lOn-ot·lbH1deat-aon , route ,: ~allerJ wounded at the tl~st uns\l:lIIed , ' tron&Ktng 'John IU" the adored na' volley, tional 1I0ro of ,Poland-agaIn nor to ,He was an eyewllness t6 the famolls ntIoD the throne aoil The great es,' battle of th\! Monitor and ltferrlmac; (ate.. . led a dt8t1ngulsbed and Bensatlonal TbJa editor with a. Dame \Ike a career In the regulo.r army; took part aneeze clalmll that tbe last genuIne I~ tbe famous expedition aglJo'Wlt the 80blealtl died over ' 8 century and a Mormons;, was nader nre 426 times half ago, lie cal18 'upon Sobies ki of ,dul'lqg the ch'U \\'ar-our own clvll . LQa Angeles, to bring (orward Ills war, not Polllnd's, L!~ljll~', he became a soldIer of torlune ' ln Mexico-In the ~re:dclln war for Independ ence. His Remarkable Life, It was there thnt rate choso bLm as one'of the m'jng party, wbere 11 wine d ' out an old Hcuro IIgalns t an emperor, avengIng the crllell~' of his mother's \,anis1iment: ' Follows Ule IJriofes t possible glance at hlR I'eqlnrkllble \If : Ho was boru III 1 \2 In Warsaw, be· IlIg tbe s lxlh In IIlIe ot deac<:nt from the great wnrrlor moual'cb of POl and, Jobu lll. Hi s (atlltH' wall John Sobl· eskl, who lost hIs nre in 184 In the groat PoIIs11 rebellion, He says one of hI!! earliest recol. l!JOltons ot chllelhOlld' 'III or. a sl tJlgh· rIde aud the gay tl'npplnga of a COM' sack 'soldier who convoyed his mother unll htmself 10 ssy goodbye io his tnther-about to bo execu ted, His [ather hnd been captured by' the ]tulIslan army and had been conti ned In a vile RussIan prison, crawling with vermin, for 13 monlbs, ' Gelore Uley we I'd allowod to see lhe dpomed husband nlld father, the young mothor WIlS talw n bo[ore the Russlnn \·iceroy. who ol'tered' to allow her to retain her estates and bQnol's It sbe would give UII h er son-the lasl SobIeSki- to be sent io tb e Jl.u8slan oap· Ital und tI.lere brought UIJ as a loyal scbject ot the Czar. ol'Oofs' of des ce nt. ne sug-ge8ts tbal ·lIt8 documenlll and' .proofs be submit· ted to tho rm,lerlal !\:cadcmy of ScI· aLICe ul Cracow.. ' He mlly be 1I0Jllewba't chagrtned to learn {hut tile VIlPQr eontatntu,g his defy hllK come loto the hands of 01· on I SobIeski; who bas prompLI~' ac· co pted th~ challenge, l:l e IlIu; wrill'en a tbe Clllca~o neoon1.fterald lutd to '1 dltor Sleritirodski Ihat hc ,will be III a~eil to ICl\l'll 'Ule (lucsUon to tbe In, lltitliliolt of Ic al'llhl!:; lliuneb tn ' till} '1Ie r}, If It can be 'llhowo t\tat It Is a' ""Iverslty or J1/1 lioJ101 tmllorLance, lind , '.lo.nl1lng 10 Polll,IC)}. ~Ionel 80,bie skl IItl Bilcli Lhu.t he', 1\1\ ::.evel· ,heard I it , ·It ,is on I, for my hOllu~ thut. [am propnrlllg ti1U9 () docllmenl",," Bai" Col. ouel Sohtcskl to thc, wl'ltor,
, ., "Tllal1:! 18 110 Ulrobe in Pulll.rrd , If t/I re 'I\'el'c on ll alld It wer~ oll't'I' ~'d ' ,to mA , J gh'c 1'01l Ill)' ,,·o..d I !lhiJUld re , ( \1tIe
, 'rhc
.... 1 Ih~ uld 1I0bieultln !lasll II
Banished by MalClmllfan. She proudly reru,sed, and cbose tian· Ishment. ' poverty and mtsery. 'She bad~· hor huslland good·by, and he \\'OS shot down ' lhe ,next day. 'At tbe same tlmo ber fllthol' and 'brother' wore' l<ll,led . , '. Everywhere went the exliell. orde,red out by tbe authorllle,s ; driven out of ,Altstrln, PrUsslu . ,and Italy, Ther '" ,re drl)'en from ' Italy by lhe ,~ ' " I" lit;1 ',lecroy" lIIald~l\Iun -aCte r· ,, ', "j : Ii', " :lIIl1e,ror of 'M(>xlco. Tho)' to, fe "¢J U'>O In England a. la!lt: The ructh rr, fl ied !!ud the SOil was a.dC?pted luto the tamlly of a POUsh p:ofe~tio r, ~ho, had bl'ell '1m Inst ructOr at tho lII~d Stutes naval acudemy at An· nupolis, When thl) r,lill;d Slllles ~hlps of wa n vl"lte.l IA ~l'rpool the ca· dets uscli to vi~lt their old prorc880r, One . or them, IlorsulJded Sobieski to 810\\0 , awa~' In the old (.r tgatc Constel· lutlon and come to AlDer-lcn, Ho wall t,hon only a little (ell ow '12 rears aliI, but managed to enlJ,t In lhe II II cd ~tntcs llcrmy as a bugler, '110 .. nh~tod , in 18~, and two years nf e rwlml wu:\ ordered out wltb the ~I'INIIS IIl1u went: Ihe deeperate Jour· III/Y BonillS tb!.' vlal~1 to lIallt tho Mar·
omdl\' as he .i10lUi.
~l any of 1111' ,\ 1"1 11 , ofli (· .... I'n uUlI,'r \\,;Ionl h (1 "J'I,." t JI\ Ihnl I' XIII'ct lllou lit 4:'I' WII III h, '('[l 1I)1,' rUlllnll~ In II,.. ""'11 Wll r-(;"" ,\II\L' 1'I ,'''1111'> J !lIHl~I I)JI, I he II 11 {-olon. I; ('It\>I, H tlllCfJcl" "rl,"'· \\(111,1 th> norilwrtl 1\. '11 I'al ; ('"I. AI · (\X~!ldl'l ', whu IIu.CIIUlo 1,(>(, l'll illf or "lure Flti Jrrhll T'1~i, tl'l', ~llIj UN~'II\" />111'<1 , ( ',llll, J . 13, , III I'llller, nflCI'W!lI',1 'II tlou(b'I'o J; I\l'rul, "'tll; col1llllllUlIN ot ~'ouns ~(J lJl() ijlt l ':; lJa lll: I').
~ l tnes5e d
Stirring S cenes,
" l HlIl Ihtl w/Ir Winl! g>tUng rend)' tn, break. youn g So 111.'8111'1\ l)unel'Y .I"as urll e!'!:''' r rUlted 1.0 I'tS rull &ll'l'lIg l h lind III ruunJ.; Pol w us 01'11£'1'1'(1 lu 1'\ w YOl'l, a nd WU!lhlllStl)lI on I' 'crull , lu g' dutr, wltne s iu g Ih IlIlI ngnl'uUolI ot Llncul n, the clo!!llI g rl hill '" (n III senUl o nntl III fUl r othe l' ti llr!' llI!: scon es, He w nt ull (\11" ugb the chi! war and. wns t"rt' lbly wounded the nrSt dllY at t ho bultle or Ge tt ysburg. It was his prh'\1 eg to be all )'cwltl1 ss to the nlost d~amuillc lllll lle III nil \' 11.1 hl&tol')" th e nl'st 1\11:1It o r t he 1,'ol1 clnds, lhe fi g ht b tw oe n th !l[el'l' lnHlC unU th Montlor, Afte r th \\'01' 11 (3 WOllt lalo Moxi 'o Imel hegon ullothe r itg llt fo r a pro ll l '8 freedom , lie li ved t ho II tlf1lcll life of a gnenilla wa r rIor, eati ng 1'U1tI es nal(eH Rlld living n J1reca rlous lifo oft the COUll I 1')., He WilS c:01111111 8SI01l ' d a 01· 01)01. Ho se III lld to ,hn \'lJ Ii chllrm er! tlfe. lie ca1l1~ thro u ' h Il hUllure() lhrl11ing c5cupa I'S unlru rt-o nl" lIt!, ing the onl y IIIIlIl ot an eull r om, mnnd to s un' lve. After tho Imprj~I>nm e u t oC Etnpe ro~ Muximllla n; Col. Sobloskl hectl lllo f thnt Austrian one of the Jail 1 $ pOI ntat e who hnll drll'clI th two pit· iful refu!;ees-Sol,leslcl nnd his wid· owcd yO))ng lI,1o lhl" r-frOIU Hal y. ~Je recll tfc d that Incld('nt to 01 ; DIP ror'tJ mind one dill' III pl'i son , "Well, tim round s up all things,". sold the unllappy jll'isonor,
Maximilian's Execution. The old Polis h Ilolllelll:ln tells at th • tragic tllc of hl sto~Y-l h e oxeeu, IUon of the emperor-In ~Impl e sol· dler fasblon, In ",rtllng on account oJ it for his biography he san: "The last three 01' four days of Max· imllian's h'fe were spent almost whol· ll' with the priest.. 'On the mornIng of, the execution. June H, 1867-11 brlJ;;bt, beautiful mornIng- he was taken out of the old convent where h e \\'as captured and '\'l'here he bad 11 ved during tho time he was In our ' cus' tody; alld placed in an ambulance and drive n outslda of the ,,'ails of the city nea",an old tortt·ess. wh ere the execu~ tlon took place, "Arn'vlng on t he grounds, the troop. were for'm ed In line, the doomed men were place!! In Plllsitlon, Maxlmllfan
olle of tho nl'lhlj i lart)", dlr Cline tbeUl Iu t :tl II goo d nllll , "Tbe 1I1'11I1l jllll'ty WA " "\\' OI'I.IU'Ol\ 10 ad \'llIl(; ', IUUkd rcud~ , 111m , II",,!. 'Irlln~ 1I 11 Il ulI,y s",'m" ~ I ux hll lll:t u fell mo rt ll ll y \\'(111 0\1 ('11 , onl)" '·c lul lll· 1111; n ~ h . fl.' lI : 'Oh, my GI,11I 1\1)' God !' , I. 0111 1" th u 'ullllllunde~ or tho I"'s"r\' . IIl'illl: l1arty I Subl e~h l hhll ~ l'tr) urd' I'L!U IJliu t til ' 1I1Pt\ (1'1\1'11 hili OWII I1l1rl) 10 1I1\lIIIICl" alll! , Umwl ll g h(ij UW II n 'volvc,'. (Jl'llc rcll lil t' sold I",' 10 . ...,. PI! II to I b o !II' ot the a rch dll ldl ulIll ~I 111' " I I (! dill ijf), :\11 1 Ihe cu ro I' of the I1rch,Jll lo \\'!I!! ('1111 d ," ' 01. So ll ('s le \'~ lonr; 8ub6Cqlleilt Clll'ec r a s I lwye l' all li 1t)III\lorull cc loc;· 1111'1.'1' hi \\'1.'11 1. 110\\,11. 110 hall 0110 80n IMPORTANT THAT THEY SHOULD tl\o l'o ug h \\'nah,out I,. to Ull a regull1· wh u woul,l Iu, \' (l .I'p lua tco the " li me tl<)I\ til' " lass tblll I\ts tl ghtll o\'el' tile BE WAS'H ED DAILY, II d ~ u.1I1 Illllkcs pOIl!!1 lIlo a cOUlplcte but he died whllo a young chllU, l-tia bath ulle ,Iaugllll' r 1I1lll'f'Icd II', Qllhausen, "1~u l' (h .... e who lI ayc hud no "ocrl· , ur Los Anl; ,III!!. To thom D 1I1l10 eon Much Discomfort and Even Olinger of , Ctl C wi th U' e lise o [ all ey glaas 1 hu ~ JUtcly \)C~II boru, LoIS or Impairment of Sighl May wanl to su~' (llal It s lloul\l lie ahout Be AvoIded by Pre· lhree·qllarlers ~1I11 be fore It Is placed Sees End of All ThrOnes , caution., dlr clly (rvcr th eye with Iho lids S u tho la~ t uf tile Subl '~kl. Is a 0 It, cloeell The he:'11 'Ihust be tllrown housen. ".Don' t be cUI'cless (If the cyes dur, lInck wll 1\ lhe glusa is turnod down After thl$ Ia nI;' and oxcltiug caree r o[ IldvOl1 lU re, 01. SoblE's l;1 is a cohn, ing cold weatbel', lllllhfl . them fro- and ul on the lids , oponeil and the 13).J· , Protect tbem fro Ul both bull ,'ol1ed aroulld, 1'h18 operatlo.:. hu n<ls oml', gcntle 0 1<1 mall- th e BOll1 quentl:-, of cOlll·tesy, AsIde from bl s bIller, winel und dust, pa r ticularly tile lat· s hould loa t but a t tl W 8, tOllds nnd will /l ess Dsa lnst monarc hlcs wbuse tyran' le r, which I be n 've cuus s most or ol'llInnl'lIy llrlug 'hom <1I\\le I'ellet, " Whe lhe l' or not there .lTO partlcle.s nies hllvo brougbt hllll suc h rul sl'T)·, th Influmed eye bans II lid' 8wollen b hUB utlt 'I' roasons tor uot ca ring lids lbl\t aI" now so prevalent," 8nY6 or dtrl. etc" 011 the e)'ellalbi that ~a uslt Dr, Georg JlOtistOfl UolI, prominent (.lOlli , T thlnl( It advis abl e te; wasb out lilly t hin g shullt lh' I'lglll lO th e e rupl}' lh' eyes, cSlleclnl1y 0(1 .... Inll)' <Ioys, oCil1i~t. throno La 1'olnad, "If Ih e s lmlille prev ntlons thllt otlol' oomlng Illto Ii hOURI! 01' olft(!P, tor "Be Core yO)) IIro a mld<llc·ng()(( mllll," mploy d to guu l'd the oyes theo th gritty ~I'Cek8 ~111 be clea ned h o snld to th e wrIteI', "o\'erv throlle III may b F. u rope 1'0'·111 II' S\\'Oll awu;' lu a vas t us nl li st SOl' ness wore und erslood 1 awuy. the eyes I ft frcsh allli bl'ght· teel c rtnlll tha t e veryone would looking, and lh ~ rc can b lIO dang r bloodl ess I·evolutlon." Thut Is the s Ull'llin!; theory oC lhe udo\il them, eS I) '!llIlIy womeo who or Infection trom • rm" contained In will stoll at 1I01lHug to cure Intlammo, tli!! dust, Use a solution ot borIc Bctd la st Soble!;111. Hc Is nllllll lll; II vlgOl'U IIS rPlorl to lIoo nlld r lIlie S!! of iho e ye balls timt fo r lhese was htn gs, and If convenient lUI eyeglass. .. F. rlitor Sle mlrads ll mere ly to c1de l1d Is so dIs figurlug willi It IU8tll, " I wi sh I could mak e wt'.Q:e n Rnd hl ~ hono r, , "Ta wom on wbo al'o lIot CaDI, lIIen, laO, Ulld I'Sland that It ,. qui It Sle mlruds ll l clnlfll s th llt th ere l!l not Ilell ed to go alit of doors dally ;;05 a men lion III hl8 tOI'), Of a n), Sobl 'l! kl would SUg-g08t Ihut tb o cos lost way as IlBKcll tlll1 til , wush out the In recent times, 110 wa nts to know for them (0 avoId all l' InJur~ tronl wh II Ihcy are hill ot dirt n.a It fa to th hnnds when they a.; wh y no Sollieski Cllllle forward as a dust would bo to stay 111 UI house cl ell n ~ cnud ldlilo COl' kllll; at lh el tr on of uout whh'lwll1d s at nile dll'l do not soli d , (.or II 1 Cou ld 1 kn Qw much or' , Kin g Stall Isla us Augusl))s Ponta· fill th e nIl' A shopping trIp, It eall the trQllbl ,thut orton beooll\es cbrunlc x' or ey II thealer engage ment bad bet, Ilnd reK ultN In til lise of glasses would tow skl In 1764 It the falllil y s till I~tod . He denIes th o exec ut(oo et ter be postponed unless a carrIage ba avoid el aud nn ' yel;lllBI\ and a .sublesld's tather, sarlng lbnl hIstOry cup btl called to one's door 01' 11 cab huttle of borIc .lIcld would be consld· • I' d Oil \IsenUal to pbys lcal clean· haa no Ulentlon of It, and polnls out stopped In front at on 's home, ' " Don't keop thn eyes OIIC(I wh en IIness aN 18 80ap. that It would hnve marie the nation paSSing Ulrough a clOUd of du st. If It "Everyone, for h.Yl\~ nlc reallon~, thrill. He makes a great point. or tho fact ' Ls 1I0t 110llslble ' to Jihut the lid s, lhEln "lIould ' wflHb out th e eyes wJth a five thllt th e Almanaoh de GUlha makes no tllrn the back or s ide at tl10 head 80 per C6Ilt solutloll at horlo acid' elU!h. mentlol\ of nny Ill'llIl; d escendallt s ot tbllt 'the particles witt not II)' direct, mprnlog, und eVllry night b tore nUrIy lalo lh eyes, or If In a crowd, IlIg [or this bath nol only clelllllletl John Ill. wher there would bo danger it C105' them, but sOQtbes and allaY8 slight Irtg the eyell. place tbe hand, a paper, Intlammatlon caused trom cold, or ~o Sobieski Dyn •• ty , In reply. 'oJ. Sulll ski, points out or some gUllrd a tew luches from lhe rrom strong wIndS and IncIdentally many places wherein the Polish editor opUcs to shie ld them aud to keep 8tr6llg-thens tbe yeba\II.'! . , contradicts hrmsett ; be then procet!ds. out the dirt.. "Don't rub the eyes oCt r goIng • BIII-BlouIOi and Glove.. "He (the editor) declares tbat the Clever hlb-blouses dellicned with Almanach de Gotha hilS not got me on throu gh II cloud 'o~ dust, 101' thIs ac' tbe list, I could not presume under any tlon blls 1\ telldener to Irrltale the eye- prillcess fiklrtll . and bave . 8tole ends c.ltcumstances to thInk thllt' my name ball by worktng Ulle pieces of metal, composed chlelly of tnterlaced bands If por, of Hatln over laco, SIQeves upon evewould appesr In tbat dtstiriguished al· dlrt. etc, Into the corner. mannc, as It Is a register exclusl vely tloles In ' lhe oye cause dlBcol1l(ort or nlllg goWU8 are most varied, but tbe · devoted to dynasUes, I do not olalm pain, 1080 t,b e tid lind let lb e . water elbOw UlDgl b and its half .lIze r 19o, lhot constantly balh.c s the eyel:Jnlls In lIIany IDS~dnI)Q8 thOy are made of to be of an y SobleG~1 dynast)", "In the first plnce there WIlS no have a ohauce to wash out th e tor· Inca en Urllly dIfferent tro~~ny trImelgn' mlllter. ming Introduced upoo tho gown, or "If artel' sov rill minutes the au\). til y Olay b of span gled net comblnf)l1 ston'oe Is not dis lodged, have a drug· most with velvet or g tst take out the dirt with a fine bnnds of fur camel's huh' brus b, or wash out · lhe l~ all Instances ' tbey 81'0 m.el b~ IWe m :a::::saturate solution of boric eleganl evening gloves, wblob In )Qoat acid; whtch Is a ~(1othlng antiseptIc Instanccs are wblte; but. We abops lhut wIll h elll to olear away any red, :Ire showIng Iollg ,.sloVe!l qf pale ~Ink. ,ness o.t the eyebll ll that us u811y fol, and pnle bluo kid, to bo orn wltb ,l ows the Irritation M used when di rt toile tte" (n corresponding huell, Tbe sticHs ' to . the com n, If borlo acid Ilnle pInk model, merging almosl Into Is not to lie' hud , use salt wl\ter, nesh color, Is quIte charmln!t on thO' , "EIther the acId ' or wnt r mny be arm . Palo detlcate dove alld 'lrll\{: dropped In to the ye from u slIMn', shndes, aprIcot ond sauterne are aJlIO but th b est Illan to give the yebal\ n extremely 11ocomlng,
Proper Care of the Eyes *'"'
Will Be AppreelOlted by Any Uler. or part of lho brocke,t on (be lett,han.C! • Tobacco. side capahle o[ holding n gl0811 In tho mann er shown , Bud Il glass ,'held In. An ordlnury bang ing bmcket Is thll! Way Cllnuot b o,'orturned , Some witlull the powe r of allY nmateur to s lllall r hol es eBn be made Into which milko, and the smokel"lj brllqkei. dr whIch we give lin lIus lI'aLion ts o( precIsely the same natur , but 'uLn' ized III rlllher II novel woy. It will be (ound xtl'emely usoful for banging on t.ho \Vnll by the sIde o( tho arter,dl\ln ef af'lll'chalr, nlld on It clln tllld a plnce (01" a !fluss, matches , aBh·tray, pipes, tobacco. etc, H Is I:!u~ ll ondcd from the wall by means of t wo holes cul tn the uppor pipes cnn be 8111l~eil, and a Illoco 'ot portion of Ule wood, through whIch sand·pallor Is , glued at the top Oil nails are driven, and It Can eas ily be which Walt matchell nlBY 'b o 'Biruoll. lifted orr nnd til ken down when noi reo The whol e bl'aoket can be Plllnted, or gulre(\. stain d or decorated In any other woy A c1rcull\r hole Is cut III the shelf we fancy, ,
SImple and Useful Little Article Quite
' , ' pIece for ' tbe baok: the siZe ot tho dl· , Easy to Milk!', n'lenslons g iven, ,One III ce not. quite , I'ht s s imple nnd userul IItt.le artlole 80 wtde tor. the ('ront, nnd two wedgeIii In lend ed ell her for hanging on tb e sllapctl pleCi!)!! (01' either Iilde, ' ,
standtng on the ' right of the firing ' 'Party. The firing :party ' ~onststed of 36 men. formed ~nto ~w6 companies, six 'to each of to'e doomed men. (Two tl'attorous generals were executed at lhe 's ame Ume.) . "One In each nT'l'llg P8rty at six hal! a blarll( cartrldf:e,· ,1;hel'o had lt t~ on u shal'p rivalry for lbo honor of belong, Ing to Ule firIng pa'rt.)'. I was sele.;ted to command the res~rve flrtn'g part )', "'hen aven·thing ' W1\9 , ready each of the me!! Wl/S asked' If he had !lny· thIng tq say, ' , Fate Glvos' Deferred Revenge. "Maximilian , sl1!laking In Spanish, !!AId In 8ubstanr.e thllt be loved Me,x, Ico nnd deftlretl Its welfar('; and If shedd'lng hIs bloO(I ,:",!>uld be the meanl of brinGing Illlace and hOllPlnesR to lhe i1tlltrllctQd country he was wll1iog to dll', He askc!!' thllt the cQmmander of the firing pllrty ad"Rnce to hIm, and he doltvered to tbnt omcer six '{Iler:ea of gold 'Which hi eqillvalent. 10 sbollt ten dollar8 of mo~ HI! ordored a IIhce of aold rJ.:livore4 tu each
Cheeks ,;)nd Hair StrIp .., I, .w all br th e silio of a wl'\t1 n"\,, lIlble or In Ule hall , It cal) be Illude ,of thin ' .The tnlte , (llo~b8, ' especIally' .llie' S(lbles kl dynasty, Tbe definition of wood or 'ul'rlboard .. and hauS'1I (I'om cheq kll anti hair lltr\p()s in mOllolo~e dy:!'all1:y js a famil y bf klllg~ .' P'olaud tile. waJI by hl e,\D~ Of two nails driven nud two-ton E!' colo,rlng, are sUre tl) be In the duya of .Tohn ill. '11'118 an art stc- throllgh- th e 1101es ' cut in ' Ule ·,upper consplcuom: ampng IIprlllg" ~ahrlcH. A orallc l~tlll1lblle ,n nd ' c lehttve monarl:by: , part. " , . . . , ' c,·, cblo .,yulklng ',coRtunlc of adv8notid, Thore 18.1\ tradItIon thll,t conies down, A .uRq(ul sl7.e ti> make It In 18 abon, type III fit hl(mefl , of OOPIlOI'-culored howQver" that when the electlv.e SYR' 12 Inches , loll;,: hy nIne luch!lS d~p, ' clot11, tbe Ij)dl't beln~ . cut, Jl4II'~ , lem wus' abolished b~' tbe D!!Vo', can all, , . and It may ,he covered .w llh sill, or, any feq't ly {lIn In. ~o fa\l in sweeping folds tUllon In li91,t W~l\ . the g~lIeral other ml~t rial we fancy, T/J~ word below a Clo8f;.fltUn;: hlp · \lne, ~Jle IIndel'RtBUdlng that 'to ' Sobtesld fam· bpdlce fll s If·trlmmed In narrow Ill' was \.0 be th~ rnyal famtly, The 'corded lln,nllu; \\'hne lho chomlsettll constftutlou W8S' only preveit tetd from and underlileove ll, are , of twin\! color, gnlllg tJll(,l forc e ,by the 'c onquest ' of embl'oldet'E!d lin n, " , POland," '. , . ,', 01. Sol)tesl!1 deni O',\! t~at ~he So- ' When VjlU 'AM! ' TI"d, blesldH ljhlllppe'arqd fl'olD Potlsh hrsYou are alit to IIhrihk from' the ex· tory; h e ~ays they wore In e~ery tlgbt erclse ypu need, A. warm l)atlJ{ will fol' Poilsh liberty. . , , do mucl\ to restOre 'wes!'le(f m~8Cl... ' ''Regarding lIl!) Chllrgp ' that tbe ex· A tired gtr,l III not a tired ollt "Iri, ·Ji' eCll110:l ef a Sobieski Ihls ·tather) , , ,wul not hurt YOIl to get tired, but 40 ~ollid lIa"e made ·a th'rUl had It realty "letters for the mall" may be , work,ed not tl'eallUS8 (Urtb~r on ¥our vtt,aU\l'. occurred," be says: ".Nicholas I. hed In o~namentol, ' letters on' tbe , lo\\er " '7 ' a wo'n d.rfulty (llfec)li\'e method 'o f portion of the tront. Cretonne Frame I. Pretty. , qut\lllnc thrills, or nt least tbe mll.'l.!: tf construoted In wood It wll\ look Creton'l1'1 Is used In new ,waya in the fcstalton ot them," 'well cOvorQd ,wltlt whIte enamel, and .furnlshln!! ot bedrool'll\J, Boveled mlr Col. sobtelkl baa' , Inlltructed hi. " 1 tters for tho mall" can then be rors to I5It.nd cm th~ clrcaalng table are Ohlcl\8o attorney to Clonfflr whh the Ilalnted on It In Borde \llenslng coloi'll. framed In the flowered 'fabric!, ~r Politi\) ~ltol' rea-I'din" the aubm\11l1l1l FOUl' plooea of !ll'00Cl or oardOOa", til. dre..lna table are we~n&cO"" of the cue to CraeoW' UIal",,'IJt,: ' ue requIred lur It. C:ODltruOltt~. 0.. e4 taloUlU , bo~c.. 1»011114 laa '>IlI~ 1Rallli.'
" .... r VI. ATTACKS OF PAIN. 'I T'T T~:'){ !"AT:mT.ES~ DY1-:~, nre faot ___ to IIghl' Il lUl "'n.~hiRf( "nd ~ ol.,r lDO-re gooa. t.asler to Launder and Hu Men A Moat Dreadful COl, e of Kidney t1lll11 o\hel'l<. Hl.: lIer, P"":Q~ '. Are Restored by Or. Villijams' Plil'" Graceful Effect. Trollblo and How It Was Cured. Fat!' Is a f n~~~h~~'1 m en the PllllI in Cases of Debllitl( a!ld Despondoncy. laugh for bellovlng b e r. The round tabl ecloth whl~ WIlS In· Thomas N. McClI llougb. 321 SOutb' -'---,.Gcncrll l debility I e enUR ed by rue ---,.--troll ucell aliout ] 3 yea1's ugo and at· Web r st.• Colol'ndo . pring!!, Colo.. RF..D IN 0 '1'0 U .,....T •• tal or physical oVCrWork wllb Impe,' \ t ~n p.d great populol'lly, Is Dot 116l\rly aays: "~o r twelve ~trr~,,~!~II~'I~I~~ll,l~~~~i'ti:~~~~~rt':dt~ ."r.r~ l eot o s~l lDf1allon at nourlshmollt, JH so much Rought 1'01' lblH yenr, EOURe· or tHteen yeaT& I , U to 11 au, ur wou., r.luud.~. 6:10. • by so me 'Ilcute dIsease from 1'I1\l~ ~Y MA\JRI~E. SMILEY keelll rs bave dls coYel'ti tbat It ,'s WllS !;u lferlng fre·1 'lie vltn l forccs lin:ve becn 1l1'OBtraie !juent attacks of' Your fri ends t blnk tbat you ani Imtl Ule p,nUre 0'l;a\1IRm ~enkcn Ii 1'0 muell rtlol'e d(tilault to In,mder smooH, p uln In tbe baok rlgilt and your en ml s ,lhlnk lhat you thnn a square tabledotb. ,b at' Iy 6B n et to ellslly ra lly. To r .slora ( 'Wyrlghl, l!!!li, I\y n ... f1), Siory Pub. C;o:} an d kldn l'S lhat a re wrong, but you have to show tbe Jlea.ltJl ~t Is necesllary that tllC b loo'iJ lrooping orn f S even on a round llth~ 1 Am On ly n n lillcln o. III1 L 1 havool· (u'lflllllIg bls part In thn w<)rld mo la slt!d for thre res I at the cold , unsympa:heUa crowd. llhould be pul'l J1 d :md made nOlI'. III ve a more gl'l\cefnl errect to th e table waY8 hull a IJreclllccUoD rQ~ expe rl· · ~ ~ty a nd f{c Uvely, Ifl'C~n bIng wllh Tb ruso of 1.l rs. E . M. S)Jears, eX tban does a circular cloth. 1t Is not w e Its at a lime. J I Cnrfitld Tea Nun r'~n~~cd undor tbe 92 Mt. Pleasant Klreet, Alll ol, Mo ......, lIJclIl~ which my fl'I~1DIl S c~ lIea f"n· 0 11 1 relir or flwo r. n tb el'-fllwn1ng UllCl!; gene rally 'mown tbnt tlle bi gll·!'TMe w\>uld be lin a ble to Pllre 1'<lud aed D rug Luw) r(l~u llltc~ a Ie a COlD'lDO U ono nud Is g h' en hero ill LD.s tlo. a I put thO finishing pol· Lbo 1'1 h nor gll ln!,: III'O I11:lI wltb a (lhl~ claths were orIgi nally Imported squal'e, turn In bed Til e . III~gi~h Ii "or, O " P I'COlll~' ':Q".til'atioll, pu· Isb (In a l)al'U ulnrl y t1ellcaL JOIl. I nm U)lOn hI s s uoulde r. but wore ;lflerwnrd Cllt around to of· urine was In a !,itiCil t he Illf"ll "nd ~rndi ca~cB di8e4llC. 1t ol'der that othor s Dlny bo henetllell '/!!Y her expcl"l> nce, She says: "J hall bern uqt a~hll lO a1 10 , ijUY Ihnt 1 vombl Il .And bleas hIs ~ II)IJl lfl, kln\l ly Ho,lI der. Ule l,ntlel'ns, usuall y nlIowlns t his. terrible condition. 18 Wilde o{ T e1'b~. ' elelt Cor a yanr rrom indigestion lIoa as I IlUI on lIl o verj;O or failur e 01' IIl1e· tllIlt Is Just whnL t h'l glass..,,; 1 venleJ WWle floral ' dtlslgns al:e always )l011U' at times a com· Get Brltlsh Contract. f;Oll e ra.l dt~l'llllybroll gl1t on by (lVC1" ~ 81l- ~ I\new not whlcil It woul,1 bo. him to be, .'llll y llle sO IlI·mon thaI lar, t h e most ' expensive weavEl9 now plete stoppage ocA Jopaneso shO'l mnnufacturlns work "nd ~rry. I ila.d tr lerl l'OallY IC Ill)' sll irt anu patlellce were ,to be stood out befClro ute wus shn\!1Ol'" (lUG como 10 the m)llre, Louis XlV. Louis curring. I began with Doan's Kidney c onnor n lia s seoured Il. ~ontra ct for reme o,~«. but ttllnd no r eller. 1 II l1 r~ :ewal'd d 'Itil RIICCeS8,, '1 s hould lIR,V\l klndll I' than t heIr mat~ rlol eX IJI''''. , 10'1 XV. Illld .Lpul s XVr., wltb conveutlonal PIII~, and soon fe lt be ltor. ICecplng fa r ed t ro,n swellin g of, Co limbs, lo:nt llUilltered onc or th lriust IUlQI'I.'SUus who lived and lirov ed amon!> It S ",vol') and geometrical designs. Plain «a Uo on . I foun d compl le fr eedom from shoes tOI' Hie Hl'Illsh a.rmy In IndIa. or OJ)P lIle and dizzy spells. wb1C:1I be)It Is one ot t ho l~r&,l! ~t shoo contracts ~cml'et8 In thll wO I' ld nnd Iuves t, d my· diU' . daroas)[ wllho1t ~ auy patt ern Is al so In kllln (lY troubl . Tho cure has been e"er plnced. came so sev re lOYla~1l n lgbt. thnt 'II. ' Sll}t with ~ )lower. whl cl\ ,vould be of 1 \\'IIS cU \'lolls to 8ee ,wha t 8 0 1'1 I)r .. great demand for dinner lind IU'lrb sometim 'OJ tainted awny. I WIlr< btl. p.crman eot, lowe mr good bealth to tramGndOl18 vnhie to IlIO. lYlan Ihe 110stUlulile l' ren lly " ' II R. lie nloUls, but Is docql'ated with Illce and Doan's Kidne y Pills." lous ' a nd my hand s alld arm s wouliil Revolt Ag;ll nst Trad ing Stamps, It, on Ule t h..,r Ilnnd, all my l oll WIIS II. (Y lllcnl IJolI Llclfl ll n ud IlI l. artl n t II rnwn·work dQslgns dOlle by hll.nd. JD !'lultl by nil d eale,rs. 50 cent s n boi "No more tradi ng Htan}pS," Is tb c go to Rle!'p t OI' an 'boli&" ?T two ~t ' nd science W O)' to CO ror oaught, 11n1' USRII..1 k ne w t-hat 1lI11u h 'ulrcluly la es us d wlLh dlnn r cloUl s or in t n Fosler·Mllburn Co .. Buffulo, N. Y. logan at a campaign which English lim e. I was so s leepy tl.1l tho tim'. at r cOIIIJ hardly \;eep awnke. "I th(, dl sUJl!1olnWncllt would a ssu me t he I I)ut it lire s lasses wltt'n I w ,m t ,1 trays of ita lian fll et Is Dt [lresenl the groc I'yman aro ca rrying on. One at th bnd 1rol'J" cnt cramp~ In my lIm'l'l.l aJt~ , '1l1'Oportlonli of 1\ 'f1olamlty. Ih e post office l ira uexl. mor ning. .~1 most popular, tholl gh ByzanlillB. PETS FOR LITTLE PARISIANS. lhem, whose shop Is In East London , SCV(1' ' ))nIl1 3 at iJlo base of my b Nl" Wltlell wOllld It he ? tlr's t 1 'o uldu 't {ICC an ythin g at all and Durano onel cre pon are al80 In high sa ys; "There Is nol a Ilmall gro cer Ie ontl in my bnClt. My blood wos lmJ p uJ ~ed In' my Illi llll ' the; g la5s~s I begu n to wond ol' II' It was l'I"ally lrll o favor. The Chinese bond-e mbrold red Kinds lJt' Anlm ~ l. aa Playmates for En!\,lanr.l who earnll 15 ' por cent on bls po\' crl!lhcil. I 'wn o afraid to g lvc up whIch 1 hod just )lut Into an O,I'dllllll'Y that ' poll Uclall R 11Idn't htlv!! all Y S 'HI , IlTDSS linen ce~ternleea8 nnd dolll s the Children. capltnl. T 11 IIC r cont Is average pl'olll' nnd go. to bed t carlng tbn~ [ wou]~ , OODtmerclul (riHuc. ' Th, y we re oo ~, Hut fln lllly I. 'sn w, away down b(fll ,;,\11 la under behlllltull y and are most servo and thli cost ot trad ug stamJ)l lelloves never r; t well . Lo )out ward ll))pearaDccB, 'dl lter li t tltel:\\II'f.\oo, a lillY n!ollnlkJn gaz h ..; 111 Iceable. Tbe em broidery on these Is Child rllO plar n grent role In Frencb f1Jm onl)' abou~ G~ Ill'r c nt. ".About \lIls time Dr. WllIlnma' rrom Ule , hlsll • l;J'o dc oolleni lenses nw nt UIC unu s ual " II etaclo I1i \VIm I very lustroll s and 1'1 h lookill g. Thl'Y 8~ i ely , as al l thoso who have read Pinlc P Ili K we re rbcomme nded IrO :n:t lDado tor 811e<:hl l ';OS08 But lbo)' nflpcure d to be a globe u r f1 1'c ' Op[ll::ar. com e in the dc lfl bllles -and white. In Gyp'S lnlmllnble "P'llt nap" w ill read· by a f rIend 10 Sout h V ernon , V,t , . Deafness Cnnnlit B~ Cured bId. or th y !lId nol hold, ~ , powcr ror In:;, revoh'ln g nnel dl lltlPPcllrln g aT/lonel fl oml designs and I'n the dragon de- ily OdlDl~, and u(IW Ufe small Par- by 1\)Q&1 .Ppllca, louli • • • \be:;: ~ ..nUllt r !l:LCh t ho d l'J. f elt IIcUc!' Roan after bCglnn lnr, thg e au:d porl loQ of t.h o ea r. 1'b~ro t_ oOly "no way W . Which tho ' human rae I (m ~ d from Il lloth I' h\l llla n II glll'c. 'I' hen Ll 'daw ne!l sign. . Islenne Insists all. recel vln,; on her CitrO dl! rneu,&od tluu. It. by con t' t Ul101:1I11 retn~dh~ l. 1rentmlmt ond continued II ntil 1 'WlI I conslJer Dr. WI)U fll UI ' 1 ca uIP,d by &0 t lllt~tnetJ eondhluQ ot Lbo entirely ourod. ,Ulno ,IIlIDl IllOrlo l~not, as 110\l\lle ulio n me (hnt t.he ph r' l} omenon was t ho teie clay a nd nt Lh e New Year a '!lve nU1UCQUlltD1uIj[ of tbe ";ul t&C;Ultln Tun". \vbftn thl' ~ Uuroll lIAng: "1'0 !lOC thOll1 s('l;vl'~ (\!I ~ un tlslu!; and salli ng nrouoc] th e P I'O& TO PVT A CAt<E: TOGETHER. pet, at a cos! Iy doll or a me· l ube II t o l1aruc 4 r ul.l hue & rumbllog: .auud or tm. Jlams' P ln lt 1:'11111 a. 'grllntl m odlclf\ per(ccL hear! o ;:. lU'Id .. bell i&. tJw luutr 11 clu d DrAr. for wflnk women." othe rs ' slte Lhe m," .but to sce oth 1'8 as hi nt, cbanlcal toy. 'I'b e dllm nnd has . he 0. 11~ .1l the r l ui" ,noel uDle~ ... h e tnt!4 U1maU VD1:...u bo Dr. WIlliams' Plnl1 Pills aro Hpltl they rall y OI'C, xt Lo a DI' achel' and p<.olillcl an. I Method ~ti~t Is Said to AvoId Possl· c reati ng : a supply, and a. lively t rade ~a1um out Lhl. t ubo rel Lorel1 :." ttl norm al CODul. ..10 0 . btarlug- ",111 be d~ IJ'01" .~ l ore .. er · n lae e.•• el by all drllgglsts, or !lent, Ilostpnl tl, ~ Think (,f lrpln!; oble to khow ,ror lllOlIght lhl) glo~l<os w/wld wo r k "IOU bliity bf Failure. Is binS' (lono. not ,a nly in puppIes :lnd OUlo' CdO are C&uNJd. by Ca,-urb. whta b t. n OLb lnl recel11t (I f ,llrlne ~,O cents IIcr '!lOll. sr.. . tne am d cW Dd lllan of , b e mU C\i u'lurtacUo sure, lhrough Ule r1gen~y or s"ome Ill' wi th n IOWnl r. I t rte.j I,IIem nn , t he - 'ki tte ns, In ti nY m01l11 YG and In lamhs, butWu&t1"1:1 11\' 0 One Uuu cS red D Hau r ilr au)' +.laID of boxes 12 .1iO, by llle Dr, Willi ams Mlldt· The {Olio, Ing way of IlUtting a cake but also In tigers aud leo pn.rds. UI) to Ona.(oa.. {cao_eel b, Clurrh, that oa.n a oc be chuo4 cine Comp:liI\y, Schenectady, N. Y. .. er ,,1111011, t.hat !IIlW bcnelllh tilt! ou t· llro$Cutltlllg Il,ttol'ney who "'liS ,l11s1 011J.11', Catarrh CU~ . Aend for fll rcul&n froo toge~er never faIl8: - Work tho bulte r a certa lil age, t he lie small felI nes arEl 1)1' Abell, th o 1'<\111 . anct. Innol' Ilort of ' Ihen e lll\'aged In making a light on 1I1d ~old by n'.uggl'Iot:{;~; CUE. E Y It CO., t . ledo, 0. ,b Ings our t e)!ow men are, Whot tJ. ralll'tmds In Ule nlapor of gl'aelo croSi;' alld suga r ' to a CI' am, b a t the wILl t 8 q uite h:lrrnl ~s, a Dd. of course, ,'\8 soon 'flll.o Ha\l', F ... Ull'Ur. tor CIIDatlpatJoD. lot ot mis ta kes Jt WOI\ld kc p us front ,lllllll ond bllc\(, taxes, '1 'he He n. Gebr;;e and yolks or eggs Il p:u'Utely (tbe as they begin, so to sl)C3k, to sbow The milo. who Is all. pleasure bent 'ls rDakirl g! It would be money In 0111' \y. Mortln was n mlxlure or bolh lhe whit es to ~ 1!ti1J froth, the yolktl tt' a t h e ir t et h anel s harp!'n -theI r ela" •• ' ~ket8 a nd peaae In our he':u'lll v ry prc aeh rand /.Jlc I)ollllalrlll. As a or am). ilian (uld yoUtS to Ule creamod they are sent ott to one of tbe i.o apt to find b lmselt broke In due time. OS) ' Of OUI'. Uvcs. ,PI' a ha l', he d c lnim t! loudly agaInst bUlt l' and s ugar; Il.tterward add Ihe magn ltleent " ZOOB" With wh1cJt. tho ., Wl th ol lt IUlt ring ilIto sclellllfic {Ie. Ul nvnl'lc wlll ~ h sacr ifice d bu~nn milk, then lhe .flavorlng. next HIe 00.)' Clly Is provided. !Ails or op lleo.L toohnlcalltl ~, I \lIay lIyr.s to tfl ,:(.1' d for gold and com· whites ot th e eggs alld losUy the !lollr TWO SISTERS HAD ECZEMA, bl'lplly ('xplaln t hat I hat! b 0 tor ' P .lIed th c laborlLlg 1111111 to (lay twlCB by.!degree8. If fTlllt ,lB added , drellge flour O,'er )'~I'8 working to produce a. I ns OR milch In prol)orlion 011 hl B li ttle wblch, along ~trfet sclentlfie bome as tbo big corporatlons dlt! on It, stirring It In s lowly fmd thoroughly Cutlcura Cured Sicalp Troublea of' Two illinois Gir ls-Aoothe r S iB' 1>rloolpl il, would link psychIcs aDd op· UI Ir hold,lu gs, wbl oh hll.lI been origin' bC(ore t.he flour. ter Took CI~tloura Pill., Wber the recipe calls tor bakJug tias ' togelher, de, 'elopl ng the s(}ocalled nlly given to them hy th o Peollio. The llixtb SCIlBe !:brollgl\ the fo rd Ii 'Whlell IRWY, r IlIs lde'1.he lawye r was aonsld· powdC?r and you are oat of it, use sqdn ' 6 more potent re m dy In the TOOtl! "I must give m uch pralso to el l ' LIeu lit the baae oC~h o yarlous \lh eoom. cl'llIg nil off r to b com", tho locnl nnd e ream of tartar lu a lenl!lloQoful and herbs ot tllc fieJ(l than wo.s OY l' eno. ass60laled witb what Is vulgarly cOun l;l I f ot tb COr)lOl'Rtjons h had or bolllnG wa(ar, adding It to t he cake tbe Cutlpura R medi as. I nsed but prodn ced from drugs. known n,s "crystal.gazlng." But tlie been lightin g s<) hal'd. Through Ul t) before a dd ing the whHes ot the e l':llIl. one calte ot Catl < Soap and ooe In thc old ·fusllionod dn.y s 01 box or utlcu l'a. Ointmcnt, as that onr g~a.udmothers 1,'w druJJl' ","ero ILppllcaUon pC opUcs dlv or-ted Uloal!' I rIllS!! 8 1 Il!lw 111m f\1II11 lind plg(tOll ' W-hen sOllr mll'k Is used al wnYB uso \18I!tl III lu dioines 8ud Lydia. E. was all tllat was rC\lul red to cllre boped to produce of the fantas tio ohar· hole t be Ijt'llde (' ro~slng and UtX !lults. soda, not bald,ng powder. Pinl(ha.m{ pf L r nn. Ma.'UI., In h ~ my dl seose. I ",lila vel)' much t;ou. e tc. of t he rYlilal phenomena. In a I trl d, Lh glasJ!es all n tram p r ran stady" of ' roots aud herbli and their blcd WlLh eczema oO f the bead, and a Beef Cherlpa. word, m~ lens, If a s uccess. woul,1 lid· , ~,1'01\8 and tho effect ,"'Oll s (lll'tUng-. pow r over di seuse dis<!ovcred and t rlend of mIne told mo to u se tbe one pound of l{1o(lel >'Ound Cho)) dreas Itself to lho Inner ego·vls lon and I be blcared. hlonted , <lIrly rMlllI'eR gave to tbe ' womqn qf the world 0. CutlCUI'(\ R ellledies. which I dId, and ·tll,e wear r of these IIlDoccn t lookln!; fe ll away ns r )ook\ld And a l ,ew man, steal;, " ery flne. and add ono·hnH r medy 101' theIr p tlullar Ills more am g lad to say that tlley, cured my JI Il$~s wou ld Ij e Lbe meh nud worn· n wretChed, IInfol,tu nate mUll. lay [lOlInd of ohoppetl saltr pork. Acld onepotent and efflea.clons , than Dny E, combination of drll gS, a abuul him, no as tbey 'al>l)earcti 0 Itrosi rut" unde l' n h a," Y 10,,11 Oillt WI~ uolt t 1\8,,00nflll of pep per nnd one- eC2:ema nUrcly. Since tll en we have oUl ra: ' not PCJllslbly 611 Uley AI)\lOlu'ed holtlln g hlp'1 clown , whil e " .thO u8Ulhl roul-th teaspooDfl11 o[ mu stard. 'h~alle always k cpt tire soap 011 haod at all to th ru8 IveB, but 48 they I' lIy we re. f t wer kI ck ing hi m :1,; h lil Y n nd a about two and one-half cups of hl'scult tImcs . . l\1y \l ISler was also cured of NotJjl~$ oollid be ' hldden 'fro'll the all· tholUlllntl .hl\lIl1s wer IIhovln)1; 111m fa r· douCh. Roll lhe dOIlGh oljl unt il It 1s eczema ot tbe h ead ,by us lns t)Je <fu. la.on \Lon,e st. trl d nnd 1.rU6 Tamedy of lIuqncstlonnblQ tJlcrap ntlo vah, q. Cut the tlc ijra Ramedlcs. Another sister ha s pen !.fating ~ 4.lreeted tbrough lher a nrt f" rtll r into the mire. 'l' he about on ·bolt !nch thick, 'During Ita record of mol'o tltULn tMrty yoar.. . its long list of D.Ct1l31' tlfcse 1 '1.1 II. " mire WAil udv '!llty an d t h band :llld ,dougb In~o t oqnds about tOllr Inches uswt Cutlcul'a ' REtSolvent and PllIs CUTes of tbORO serious IUs pcculill'r1.o'IVomcn , entitles J_ydin E. Plukbam'. OG you wOIlIle; that I was neT Qua fe t belonJ;oo 10 til world , whlcb Ill. OCroS8, With l\'to chopped meat, and anCl thInks t bey ar' , a splendid tonic. • Vegetable Compound to the rcspcet and confidence of every Jnlr minde.l persoll and every t.hinldng.'lVpman. • . .,. . '_. a. I lint tbere In my library, eagQr and IndJ vldua lly, J) )1<l. col1ealiveh'-- the round s of dongh. Dlake smnll 1 C\l Allot say how loog' I But. I When women lU'b troubl d WIth In-egul D.r or polntnl fnnet1ons, dumplings, plnehlog tile ~l ollgh to- terM, but r Hllnl, about !llx mopths. yet atra ld to put t he gl'eit lIocr ' to Fat I ;' wenlrnC88, displacemcnt" , ulCP'l'atinn or inJlammatipu; 1)1\ olmo be , 'th ' tesl? My ,fliotlc1s had 'c hait' d me Just for 1'1 08141 l looked 1\ the gelh r I.1:J Ii !Jnll shap Lhe meat b ing MIll' Edith Hamme r, It. F. D: No.6, llo.tu leney, gonern.l d bl1iby. ludlgcsti<)n Ot' nervous proot~tlon, tlli!y " ror a dreame r; evon my wlte regarded tUiI 00 bel' Dnd h Ic '01On W)I n, til '~. Inside. Put the ba llA 01' "chel'l ps" In a ' M~rrlaon, III ., Oa~ 3, '190G." ohoul ~ reu:cmber there Is one tried and true -remedy, Lyai~ E. Pinktile wbOl e IllllttC1 r as I'uhblsh. WIult hUIlP ned to I,J1cct at my 110U5 -- OI ls· balling pnn thn.t has ~ti huHered. ham's Vcgtltablo o mpound. " Il trlumllb 1 s hould bave ovpr Ul m all r~'tunl'S D ver (,'(l~ Singh', y <1tl know. Balte abo ut a half llouf In \I. mollorate Changea In Dlamal Swamp. ' No other remedy in the ' ex)\ln t ry hOJ;l p.l1ch a record of eures of I( I bad 801ved the ·SOCrt!4.! It I 'lIad "1 could 1\ OD ))' fl hadow)' shapp.lI: wl tll oven. When done. put 00 a hot \Ilat· toves'llglttlon B of' the sclenUs(.A at female Ills. Ilnd tb ousand s of women TCslpjng in e very part of tho Unitei:l States beo.r "\'iHing testim.ony to thtr wondertul virtue' of Hydia E. 'Pu\kfatled, no . onoslJCluJd eVer ~ tbe IIl/ l Hlng r~ Is :It til e sId and eav· ter an4 garnish WltJl Bllrlgs of 'paral y. Washin gton ho.vl) !:cccntly develope\! the fac t that at preaeDt the area 'or ham's Vc)rctn.ble oo.mpound nnd :who.'t it IIns dono for th rtl . vvS'"lr. ". ' '. m'nQII" griris wh rll! the IH!Ilds s hOuld the. Dlsma.l ,s wamp ' IB Blowly Illnll1n!\'j Mrs. l"inlchllm invites,all sick ,,'om en to write her for IldVice. Sbd b_ • Witb a ' s dde n crossIng of til 111 n. bllv be n. The milkman wns what he Bedroom Fumltlire. Lakft Drummollld, In fts ae ntClr, II " IJ1lId,ed tbour.ull d s to heulth. ,F or twenty·flve Yflll'l:l! "hI) bus been odvl,$Il!Jl , tal' Rubl 0: ,1 I:I:llPl)ed tb~ g asscs upon alllleartld, to be-a harm )ellS • . well Whi te e namel, It the modl!l1l !We slm· and growing larger. Similar cbangell have slel. women {rc~ of cbllrge She is ';lio daugbter-In-Iaw of Lydfo. D. Plu'kIDl' nollC. A 'Cur~oul\ e~lw,tlon &t,ole m~nlng ellUP, bllt b had a big bunl'b pIe alld well mado, Is vellY an Us roctul'7 h am and 88 her IIf1Sistant for yellJ'~ before llllr 'dcCC!L8(loov1sed underhcl' Immedlate a t!'Cction. Addl'ess, I.y nll. Mas,!. uv r me ~ stAroo out ot' Lhe will. or \Vo t I' on III brll ill. , ' tor light and ' ,dainty 00101' Bch emEl9, ~~urre~ ill the pallt, pl;lrlods of elevaaow. This senlll1t1on "AI s ucceeded INnuJly I d dd d to Pllt tb glas8P.!1 and lhe prices are V(>ry l' (lsonable. ,tlon lied s ubsidence . gradually SUI)- ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eadlllg'above one lIJIother. TbeIs average el~ •- _ _ _ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ ~ ,_. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..... by ~e of 'llrow~lneas and lb!!Q , r to thQ fllll.\1 lind C1'uolal I at. I would Bird's-eye mnpi com,eII next In prlr:re cvatloD eo'a !e...el sllgbt MO~tid tabu drlnk.lng oceanB of ohIo;" look at ,lnY , ' Ite t1irllugh 1:h m ! It Wil li and Is v ry a~tractlve with oortAlo ufoI'm 'alUl ,IQhaUng, whole IItnaosPl!eres i" little IIndCl'hnnded to tnke s ucb an colora, s ucb 'n.s old rose, suede green that 'natural dralnlll':e III InsU1nc1ent , 01 etber iliat ~1t.eJy exhllar.ate4 .m Odw&Iltag ot h r )mt t 11 0. a mall ough~ /lnd light bloo. Oue can, freqlleully .. ",wove tbe ralnf'a ll. and UICll lu\llW me to the ' most ~I. to undevstand hi Owl1 wlf , If slIcb flnll tho s ame ruodels In It as la ilie Clover' & Grass 8e~d.. bear in mi.nd tbe r~ct tht.t it C05ta yo. all milch Ii )lot more' to paint ,yoar 'lnIlldlftj\4 ' cloUt' lang Uor: II. Wing ~llB ,potll!llllc. 'He ollght to mnhogany. IO"eR lots lind lots of Clover ~Ih inr.ri~r P~I)IS tban it waUld 10 " tie pllllllS. of good quality. More h:.nn nnd r ,ll.woke r.eellng as th'o\tgh . J had know, t!1 r hel' , ~ke as milch a8 hi s It Is n ces~aTY to ooll~lder the Wood GraHverybody KScs for 110gs. cows, sheep nnd .wine. rus.atW.cI1Qn IS t:aWled hy the WI" of poor paull ri tbah almost an; other arua.. reflOOd' (or a' week. 1 lonsed to try tbe 0'10'11, whelhe l' lihe I!I I' nlly tho fllllfy, and lbe c\>lC)tlng very ca re fully In , 8& ' ueO lor preurving pr \M:alltifyiAlI prO~r1y. ' &lauOl; on a 8ubj ct, bu~ there was no daln ty "aw()e1t little th,llI~ s b appears, It!cUn g fU1'Dltu re. bnt It 10 eyen more lOGe In the MWI fluve lhe maid. MY or wh ether ~le <100811 t do her soul 1I11 Iml)Ortant to sclect 81ml11e graceful )Wile hlld gOlle to cllllreb and 1 re- In clI~1 VIlP",I'S whe'1.. 1111 III, olone aDd mode ls, Bnd to see that !.bey an) well IIDh'ed to put tho minister IP ilie ftl'llt ~e~n t sometimes ..~ IW qld Inlel. m&de.-Barper's Bual',· arll 1< nil" n !\8 kb~ I nrge~t grow I'll of t~t.. .1 w4n«!d t~) gl"e "the glAsses a ' uaJ wraplJer. Gr;"I\C~, Clove ..... Oab. Barley. Cunl: Po· ..... ...... OG · , " tnUlcS IUlII Fum Sce.b ~n .America. Operfair b.clah , a:gill~g thAt chllY WGIII? be To aDlazew nt. I could s e abB,t> Macaroni Italian Style. floe the highest grnd~ Pillnt. m:de. , They onlnin cl,t pure;,t ,gnd most lurlnll'plg. sa,bJe.Jte<l to 14158 atiilln It I weled at Jut,!'l)" ,MtPlng when 1 looked at hel'. P ut t hreO'lourtbs of a pollDd nl !lte over 5.000 ncre~, ml:llt. ground In Aged Linseed Oil in'corteel proport ion. lire ho".51Iy made, cut FltlBlJ , a J)'RulC,'be l', tor It .lI.YbOd~ ougbt'tp ~p. Tbere WBH 1111 I\t,ter blnnk,. 'fhe gla~aen 'M aoaronl wl'lhout breakjn" lhto boll. f 110 more th"" inferior v aillt~ and stalld every 1 ~51 100 exlerior anti Inll\'!';'" work. Our nmmmoth 148·pligc eo.tulor: ui mailed pear: !uet ",'hOot Jle reaUy Is ~( Is a gc.D. had ',reu.cbed tbelr ne plus ul ~ra. ' T il YI Ing salted 'Water Bnd cook 20 minutes, fice '!lerore Y<1u decide on tbe kind of p"infro ;'se. it ,will be 10 yonr intererl,l 10 ' sond fa 1111 intendillg bUYCI'8; 01: '!;(lnd ' ~lnilu DL th!! ~Joth, ' p ut l; was (.rom , rerlLo;cd e~1l to conslll.e, me t&ek I or until done. Omln nnd ,)Iut In't o for ollr l 907 color chart of I he latest .hade~ for modern \Illes, :lIso v:l!1lable infom., ," 80 IN 8'1'.011'8 '~ lU: . , had II4It tliem. SI\"CCl pan ' wilb one gill each tomato ' \Ilion and plllnt { ,U'IS lhat you ollght: to know, .. "., . , ' J ftml r'CC',ei\'o smn ple of ''perrcict lllllrmce ra. , We walll e>!er)i o,//IIe,' oj (I IJuilditl,t; ill l!lis locality who ~lItjs lIS ";311011"1 "'I' I :Wl\Il' la.te co~ tII6< aervlee; but , 11;> , Tbet/. 10i' '100\ first ~ [ Jooke d at au.. Ml1ileira snue Rand ' qUllrter tion 8'~rI\I seed/, ,tolgllthcr wltli Fodder at,d add,.,.ss fo IUlI't! O /Ii! 0/ om" beauJi / ,,1 nl/.ffalo.~eo(/ SOIl11I!1J;Y si/t/Wea slid , ' Plants. 'Iover, etc., ci~ ., and big I'loot 0Jl~ n tlc~ 11'1¥ ,_nobt uilve entrance. ,the Whole mquol' In ~ D CW light. Wbal pound "rated Parmcllll.D, Cb IISC. #tJ.S. Tbe pin is ne,at and "niqlle in appearance WId wUI bo sent witb01l1 dwlrlrtl'. " Seed 1~3W log r,'t!e: I tllok 4 Beat II to ~he ' ,rear lind. bad anpeared';'to me Ill! 1\ (\('.sldp.l'IlLum son with nUlmeg and pCPller to ta,e le ILnd .John A. ~l%e .. SomI 0., BIll: W, La if n~me is r~ived before A:>ril lit. Joe) ,lK1 at \ohO IliI.ulaUlr though 111)' un: ' ot the first ,WII/-011 bOClllllo , luvu lvGd ln, and epgk s lowly for ,ten mlnlltcll, toss. ' Crosse, Wis. BUFFALO OIL .AlNT D VARNISH CO., BUFFALO. Jr. I.; , CIOCltiO. ILL atjl~,4 ycs ~ be : stelld there at .th ~ dlf!lltuJtlca, What I thought 'I't'Ould Ing tl·equently. Arrange on II bot dish , pol I~~ fille. ~Y. ,courageous, hi. ' bring clelU'(!l' Insll{ht, and wllb i~ WIB' and s.erve wJtb grated oheuse' sepi!.Sweet Arnenltle8. . ~eoen\lent 60rt of fa)lo)V. be ,apPf'!8red . .dom,"I'&ted tnltl a buge- provoca· , ratel)'. " "I hope you :won·t lie 41:ln Ppoluted, ,Wlien he aUIlQull\=ed lila ~lrt r ·tlaQqgtlt tiol' to, dis~r~t ' alld e!n/;U8e In (lst d'3ar, f\lr f :mow j3\''lrybody thought be muat bltQoil, {o give some body IlOmo ng~t.". I came to t he conelU8lon lhat 'Milk BiscUIt. I Goorgo was paying atlelltlon to you:, hard knock II. " .' It. would be,mere tRlllqUfI Colly ~o il\t;ro;' Put Into ,Il sau cepan one,halt CliP Bllt as Il matter, o[ tact, be 'a sked ID4I I Tboo 'l ,sllll·re4"!.be 'sJaaaea upon ~y .dllce 'nn,y. ~C!h oCOntrlvllnce In!oO ' I'b e r.tll~ 1111<1 a Utlllesl1cpnfllI !lutter, 'And last nlgltt to marry' him ." , ~om mlll1llY. The wl10le towo ~ould 00 set on t;he ' stove, 1.0 warm. ' Sift. t(}o ·' H., bas t hen carrIed out hie tbreat, " . 0r~r ~,OOO American f.rmt' r8 who lu."e tltl .. by: ~\Ie cat'e In' lI. day .. 'Our Yhnple• . g~ther b~lf 0. pollnd of'ftOUr'nll!1 a tea.· pOOr fellow!" • • 'I.( \led JII Can"d. duriuJ ,. • J tall'\Y, decent U1Ue life wottJd beOOlll &)XJOnlul bilking l)Ow;!er. and llour Into : 'What U1reat 1" . .. lie p&."i l few Yf .r~ ttsu· Sttfrering f~ en~ureol;· bJ ~ma11.Y ''1 ~tJ til 'nc;t t'hot 0." ... ~ Ji)J8sian riot, a fire ,at FI", It the hot lIlfl\(, Alh: Into a smooth, , " Ue declared to, IDe tlte last 't ime 1 erA Ita. Myond f\uest loll. PoInts; a Jap8nelle, tl'OOt.y demoD8ti'tl' stitt llo.ste, th 11 'with ." ftourcd rOiling r"fuaed 111m that he ... ould toke ' oom. modest women, :,,~o obJect lo. ramll"'e taud III th e. wor.Hr. Uon, a Kilkenny ent fi Gbt IIhd 11 Don. 111 0., roU · lnto as thin a street ~B pos~ll· dotl~rale atep." ~lkiiJg 'abotft -all thefr ,spptOTI'UI IIl!ybroo"k fall' I'OII~d Jilto on treman. ble. Cut In\o' smoll rounds lind bake - - - - -.....wHh ~ doctorj'" To ~c'~ wom(~.o. dOIlIl; ,s eething••1l,lU'ill)g rough ' b,otIse. a1lotU.." 2~ mlnuteB In a .,ery· 'bot ov~n. . Invigorate .\hft' Digeation. a pure mediCine, ~th , sDel(:i(IIC , My 1\0()1'Cj~ llhould paSl\. nwn~i , nnll I ' ' ., WI . Jell ', " To Invigorate th(f' dIgestion and. balt or Y· I t1 ' , etimulate the torpid liver and bowe la ' WOlild try to , forget It. .r would 'lire. ~ So it power over,. woman s ' d11!~;~ tierv~ , what wai.'. Ie1t, or lil y own Utt le ' a ol}Q," , gO a n~ In on!!! , tbere Is naUllng so good a8 tbat qld like ' l\tuilon's aIid Ii'"ve ' CO~lpas8100 : \lpon =~t 0~fco~tI7na:-~!:r. ~O::fli.b "'da o~, ~ ' family .rem~d:V:Drandretb Pills, wblch tli~ 'f0rld, ~1I:h , . "sudden gest~I'e 1 , ' u ' , rce,ql,1al , Il\ns ~n 111.' 1190 for pver 1\ ecmtl>ry. tbe bllrled O)e glallselS to tbe @.Qpr, tUul . . ~~t!:o~,f Tt=~~~~'~: ';:beY:_fleo.n;J.,"t~'ulOII>d oDd'lmllAl't ' ; ~·".".ft8 be,it ·,a .,grll)' 6r 'even ftiltio~ ' my foot upon them: .:'. l ' : " _ : ' ..t " an':" 8,' J lnegIRss"'1 t ,- . ' " . . .. to ttii 1,o,U. Qn 'Of twb ' everi ......... r' , " , "' .emoo u • 'III ". (\ POI'. or· ~ ' r ,'," k " iU " I uneasilY, h-e ,Qualified, . blil :d!ln~a a' • '\,', ~ _ - ' .. ,ah orty;" Strnll1 and pour IntO" moleL ' o~ (I wee 11' u n~1 y be ' all tIone at ' tile pura~rroud ~od ~bar~.. . My wUs returne!l borne (t'Om' ctiurcb ' _ , ...::..- __. __ tllqt III required. Fur . Const!patlon Of ble,; Hp <!!-YI! tbem JU8t A'bollt ~ 'Ill,u elj tbat ' DlOI!i8ll t "'l,Id pyo" ' me ·tha Oatmeal ,Gell'\s. ~yapepsla., ono · or two ta,ken every IiJi qi~:r ",o~d ecand, IU\d , wllenth~' laugh for (alUl!g .lleep over 'my atullld t'ut two cups' rolled oats In dlsb, n1ght wU1 atrord gl1!at rellet, wouldnlt 8~,14 any mci're ' he ,,8bJ1'tt!C\' 'experhnell~. Dnd breaking 'my &Iasae~. ,tldd QIIIl , aud one-halt cupa' &Qur mUir. : Brand,r oth's PlUs IIIre tb~ sam? ,Ilne ' ~ 9ft, to'tt1re ~b'lttl~lleae an4 ' I~. 1 ~IJed sbIl4lJlI~hl", I ,knJw t .jq at. let \loak' over ull'bt. , In the moml~. ,1I\xaUvo tonlo pili ~' our grnndpnrentB t.eDltsetancq, or tbe (lOOf, wJUab "'~I1' temptlng tlto Impoae.!blei 1 IUle'i r'fuu'at add ~maU -.pI. ~ or butter. onll'tblrc uled a'nd being pureiy \'egeta ble ....f1On lllble tor II(! mllcb ot \ theIr 1Il1.. I wfllt np alJolnst It In leeklnj tl» ' de- ClI1' 8D~llr~' 0 .1t' beaton egg, one tea a'l\ap! ed to .eve~y sYlatem. l e,f7. rather than the' bard.hear~_ v/se .lJ n " hUlI\a~ecba~lln1 that .l»U14 ,p(>bn!u1 BOd.., IItUe salt, one cup Sold In every drug arid me'dlcinfl Of the ,rle~. 1 aaw ltb~ ~I w~' ~o reveal a ,woDlal!, ... Blae re~IT w". 1l01Jr; bILk~ In',I~m pan; ':ore. elutor plaiD; o'r ~lIgal·.e,oatcd. tmu,ked In dIlt olotb anlll wondered ' lt ruI what' other peql/Je IDIUler I It tak I ~ Jlreaehe~s were Ulre ~ ~ rild ~t ,aniwa,.t ' ' ' : Feather ~L . , ell a (\ weI' UIU to piela up taD , &iJJ~!lve Ihe, .were. , ;; " - L ", Ne",,\, plaCe Ml~r 'beds' or ~lIb... ', uml;l'f;!lIa aDd watk .Cltr witb It 'J.ilt . . " I ;detp~ln'ecJ: to tr;: .the 'cJ&.netI on' The' "a\e" OJ the ...... ' la ;tIaeIsun; rtl!' ,U,e 8UD,octlnC on '1lIe If It Gel0ngtld to, bln:t. ~b" ~~"r milliliter In ~he to*~ that "It )'oa Jt.epa ~lIIn" YOh tl.'Oubllnlt uU III the"feaJhen. III Apt to glYe them ...0 .. .,AII: Cl':'L~. ;;-olll'lr: .....,. , AiCht. , Hew" uot eVIIII outWArilb' .... said 'UDcle 1t~nl "YOU's ' -ater a ranCId l1I1ell. 'i'lIe rlpt \;110 'I to r&ll.,.rrU ..'l'I .. ".IlUMUC)"I~I'"''J'aIlI .' .. £'' ''''. """ -"'[, "'"r the beA. ud -uJlow d m '• ....rtltt41 ..,.... if " rIft'" ,,, "Ille. . ~ YI 4Io,IIlP~1 anll iMI"If. I1DDqrtaat :. . ,the 'mql-,e' ~DlaUiu~ dat TOll'S' III till' 1U , .. on a fT, Itac. , "a1f.,-" • • 11..... ~ "J"~:Il1O. ~. ' r~l1Dder. He alIpeared to' bt IFlDJllth' " . . . U ala' "ldI!n' bat IJbi trtallt W. III Ii IllaltJl "lace oue, 01 , , & , 111111180 wboIHotJletl , 1l,We l'eIlow.· JlteD........ , ' ', ' iontlt ' !C'I, Jnlt al e.., 10 lie pl,..ut .. ~""""UId It pa7. lletcu. '
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.Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cpmpoutid
I rOO' P8ittt, ThIs SpriDg'
BoOa~o j~~\l"P~fs
Canadian Go,rernmenl' Free Farms
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W e give In !,hls ' oolullln n, Ii~t of WE ONE ' DAY F1CBROARY :lO , '07 l BUll..DING . Imporlllnt, pnhho ",ul " whioh wtll beginning nt 9 n. 'IU . s barl), nil my En'~ O"r!: ~.RLL . . Jl ~O. 6i- take p ltHII during the e~. t fe,'" p raonlll on!\ls~ing of J' . , , prOl) ' rt.''''r '" week- B' 11 f II f b sto k, l>rllin ,'imIl10m Bntso nd h0118e. 1-l1))I ,; ,I)A " , F"WI!~' " II I ' 0 , . . . 19117 r. I ~ or u 0 t eSo sl1le hold goPod. bllve been print ed lit the Unzette 10 head "f horses f I .·~ " '"
--_.. - -
• •~'11.\ ' I\: "
Mi1wnukeewhelltd~l1Il\lll.loetDo\v;l~s;N~~l-b-;;-;'M Cormick !lorn binder, " Deerln"
- -,---
dV3D coe
1N A 1,I~mN
If FIll fl Xpect, tn htlve u. sale
I r O""be 1 1",lolyI will ber Ash h tu " g nDing 0 t e \.mnh'" "elltl"ll 01 f''' 'I, days of fast . I ng IlU d prl1yer, 0 bserved by variuus . hri~tlau ohuroh8llin oom. nlemorll.~i on of our Savlor 's fa.ling In wilderlle!!~ It Is called Lent beMU>le it falls io tlprlng time nnd the word lellt 18 I.he Anglo Saxon for ~prin"" It I'S not a ,time for gloomy. "uilt.ere reltgloUB Ufe, but a &1 h h h h II me W tin I t ~ , o urc oa a a ~alt upon world y In the pnrlult of worldly gltln or pleaaurea, A time for retirement, for reflec. tlon, self examlna"on, penitence and prayer; a. time · of IHItr dflnial thut we may aoqul,e atrllogf.b to keep in subjeotlon 181. flah aDd by oloaer devo, t'on In Uod'H service g&tber apirlt ultllltrengtb for th" stern duties of W A<.l 'oI",,,,li 1 II " ..
~f .. ~. ,
dra rt borse 11 't l yel1rtl ' • old, 1\ good one" 1 blllOk mn re 1 good brood Illnre . 1
I .
will .'" Y Y' \1 to ,"lUe to the Gllz~tte offioe t o bn\'6 your bill printed, ~n ~ye prin t n number uf differl'nt aizes of I1ttl'nc:tive bills lind oan sut. Isfy YOII both as to (}ua1lty /lrd p rlOIlll. , ncr . the Go.. .. e 11(1vel' ti, se f ree 10 zette nil tiles for whloh we print
3 yonrs old, hns b<,en 'used tnr ' '" fUD) . ily lI1ar", for 3 ; 2 -I.-y enr old mares general pnrpo e, butb bred ', 1 8-yellr old mare broke to work " 1 blLy Dlflre oonlin'" :.I yenr 01-1, g n: '''' ernl pnrpose ; 1 y~rling: 2 drl1f' colts, will be yearlings in the spriti g •.
mower, "npertor
wheat drill
oorllplubt rs,one .o.
--, - PUBLICHORSE SALE. -- - ~
L'ecture Course TbelIl8t;;\lIn~'f thl> WII'·n .....
shoeund~1l I~
I will
r~~l cll\u(lo·
td fJIIII , 111 ,,110t,lon aI '
• holl",·,,,.t, 41r WlI.y .
S1h ewe; l'';~lI'l.'''. ,. \ . " .. """ ILbtI '1/ • I. I t hree I good breakl K up vlllo leotllre oOl t r~e f,'r th 1l0WS, 11 tongueless dOuble oorn of 1!lollund 1007 will hi' /t" '!'." II I 1111 ' lit \,,, 11 1,1" ,·, "" plow, BCII'oiUon ~tl/lJ( ,tI Kraus rid. ohool Hull, ~l'h IlI"I'du Y ,'V,'1I1 n~. l l'ti U H.., I,,\ 'i. ~) l); I U ARY 14, 1'1107, . Ine oorn plOW , a Iloubl sbovel plo\v, .F,elJruury 7, by Elhvin I3ru~ h , th e I )I ' I\ IIII""lll'J.l)!; " \I , ul,)Ok Illlllrp
dlso bnrro,w (I, (}O. tooth harrow, I'll k e, pUll' of hu-y lnddera, good os nElW, g r.Lvol hed, bo.y fork r<.lpe and )lully!!. carriage tongll , four se t 1:1 wor k h llrness, oollara nnll br .l· dleSt 2 pnlrs ' of ch eck ' . 9, lL set of hn • bu "'y hnrn S6 two Sflt.a work nets,' two Iletsuriviuguets,tl blaoksmltb 's • porta-ble forge Ilnll Rnvil, 0. Qhnm, . . ' pl OU tobnooo sprnyer, new, 0 dinner oell , double trees single t rees log oll ' ln 0 ' t' b k' II rOBS OU SIl 0 S w, Il . u\Y. fo r ks lind shovels i housobold goods. con'aistlDg . t f 1" t ~ ID pnr 0 Ii '" [00 ex· tention ·~bl b " .... e, t\ ellp OElru, (I, crClutl ' eporlltor ILSoline stove. (l, ij·gllllon gssoli e ~ I l' . 00' d Ul, 0 lnrn, 0 \furs, 1 Y s, tobu. n0 OElnva!l nnel Oluny other artiole s . ' 'I' f .b . to I weR,' er IS S rmy onD sel everyihing under sbelter. LUI\oh stand seoured by Charlie Wright. ,lolIN PICNNEWITr. A\ A. MoN:cnU, Auot,loneer. A, R. Howlt~D<l Olerk. II
h oy
mng,l, 11\0 , , ' of bnnd IjorfnTl1l1lJ1 Ctl 1\11 V(1 alway beon t~nd . I1lwHY• \vIH ,.t' l>opultlr IlUd the PfOSl1 &~ ure t.lllO t ' Will . be ono of UIA In.,Ht. lIbe r · thIS . t~l1y• LllltrOO1:God IluUll'erA of the entire oonrse, Tlokets ' will go im lilA in t.hA bnlldlng at one 'olook ·"t.urdILv . n.fternoon. ~ - - - --Cbamb , erl.1io'a 'ull"h,R u 11lI'uy " ... .. tl F.lvllritf<. ""ye prefer rJhllmll1wll1ln'~ 'oullh Remedy to /lny o~h er ( " r our 1.11 1 dren. I I s'Lya Mr. L .J. , ,,"il l. ur,\' III' Twinin'g, Mioh . "It h,'~ "J." d'II' S the work for 118 io hllrcl ., i'j!j IIn.l croup, · !l'ld we takA l>h"Il"nr 41 ln fl'O 0Jmmendlng it.. " For ",d e b~' J E . anney .
Hea'd of Horses.
Olln~ i II ti 11 ' 1I r'
work horse~. ,lIrl ver.. ~1I d , 111'I 111,' ,·,. . murtlS ~lId 0011, I " th t d ' yell •)' Ill!!", ..e II ,~urll an t ' I two". ' ld' lil)·o yoor .. U . ' L1111 Ywe0 f ve .... ., t b".,:\.. 1lUrtieti I puro ba ..... I til ' ~ I t filth n . ' w " '\ &.It! 111L : tamhed°ng em 1I!'t' SeVAl'11 \YO< mil ;0 teamil b lilt:' k.~. IIllyS '~u d sorre I II " ",lime are' I II b k ' h t lorllng 1 y 1'0 00: Dlllny 11 V" belll1 bl1u(llell.tlullltlluharnl!"i!, AU ure hlillOlr broken . k b k Two wor mares ro en to 11I~1" il
Y 11 St d i d. b ne me ear ng . u ,8 re .v 11.11 i l1ll) rl"11 p .•roheron horaeown~(t by i,be U ~ lJov:ernment. Tblll ool~ . Is It fl It III own .oolor, ~t..r lu forehunu. wPIf,:'b t 1I00lb . C' 01 ne Purcell olt, eight co . D Y I d Tw Y Id 'DIg ear mga an 0 ear 0 a. MllnytO[ "re whb fo .bV 41rge ero eron .tallloo. Nine Poniel, lIome are broken.· TI!.BMs-A oredlt of amonths wlt.h II.pproved seourlty , J , B. CHAPMAN . O. T , al\wke { Al'~t10nOOrs Wm ' Mills , J . O. CartWright i CI ' W. E. O'Neall. '. \ ' Ilr&p nH 0
15 c8ctie G thoroughbred Aberdeon Angn-', ~ i~t auotion tit my 'holne 1 cow VlI.lentino Z ,N o Q 251 ,4 J:6t1rS old M(l, R 4429' (1 Id about l X Dl . n .w, of Bnrveysbnrg b II; F ry t 'M~l n'" syenrs 0 ; 1 WEl)NE OAY, FEBUARY 13 1907 u ores . I .... 6 . 4M, 2 yearl! at ten A M horses (1 1 ' . old: 1 yearling . slrell by Bnt· Farmers' Instit",te ,Ilrge grav tl • N 3 0 ". . . Febr ' d 6 , . '" golding 12 years old and 1 bay eax 0 21l 6, ua,m VulentlDe ,Z uary 25 an . 2 . horse) 2 fTeab OOWS, 15 hogs. wei ht Il. 2Gl; 1 seven old beifer 1601bs 12 brood so s g Sired by Bert of Woodluwn No . At a meeting of the offiOl:!rA oltha .w . 69VS2, darn Mary R 44295, all good looal fa.rmers' institute wllrkerslu st 1 McO>rmiok biDder. good o.s new, ones ;.2 gcodmtlk IlOWS; 1.3yen.r old I will sell at publio sllle at my &turday afternoon . Mnncia;, nnd 1 oorn plllnter. obeok ro\'\' heifer; 1-2 year old steer: 2 yel\.r. resldenoe In Lytle, Ohio, on Tnesdl1Y, Eubrnury 25 ,lind "'OS a 0 ments . 1 Deering Dlower, 1 lings ; 2 fall cl\l",ell, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 11)07, fixed upon 119 tbo tim", of bolding ~riple and 1 a htlfrOw,brak'-g one re'Yolving 41 bogs • 10 . , 1 FarmerEl' Instlt,ute, tmd tll!), FrleD.ds hay rake. 2 Imperial plo'~" llo0 0 ook 0., m., tbe followiDgI'. White JJrlQk moetlD'" bouse the <. QUI" . . 14 b od llf . 1 HamlhonOUltiVator,2doubleshov~ ro SOWI!. 1 thOl'Ollgh bred property, towit: . place. ... our ~lIvinr'a fllBt of lorty days el plow!!, Old Blokory . wagon good Ch~Bter White, 13 grades; 2 thor· 9 bOlld horses, of wblch one is 0. , . t h i 1 _ .. _ ' ongh b d Ch t Who b b While the matter ofnrogram was retlu ' •. " In ~reh p ys oa e !WI new, II. t.op buggy, bay 18(1der, a re es flr 1M oars; 25 . ,a.y wor~ horse 18 ye!lrs <.lId, a. good CI" tiM II.Dd hnnge~, a oondiUon of alngle corn drt1' .. ravel bed, field fall plgi!. IIDe horse: one bleak brood Ulare .7 carefully canvased, it oo.uld tlOt be wh h Sat • k d ta t ... ~ Sh 60" ad II b d -t fu\1y deoidecl opon, but M(\88rs, Mo· IC ,ao "90 a van ge 0 roller,:I step ladder, bob· sled, buggy ecp- .,0 ewtIS·8, re. yellrs 01.. , In foal by 0 .· B. Puroell; InUre and (Jorlion, will be prescnt n tempt Him t~at he might ~In a pole. a f.a n mill, S pairs work bar. Gbra.i i . . Ol)~ sorrel mare "yol1rs old, 11 fioe at the tD8tance of t'be' St~te Bo~r'd victory over him "nd thua fruatrate neaa aet double bog h ' 2 A out 400 boshel 01. good oorn; 400 driver ; one bay mare 7 years old God's plan for the redemption o f ' gy arness, buahel oats' (i ton cil over ha.y t w . h 1200 ' bl k l' of ~n8titutel!, and give ~everal Jeelet alngle buggy haTnesa, Oollars " . : 03 Olg ,t Ib ; one no lu,~re 0 tores durinll: the two d'a ys aes810ns. the world. B~t Ohrla~ resisted ~e and brldlea to matoh extra \ines straw in barn; undivided hulf of "years old; one bll)' horse c/)I~ oom, sempter and angelsi were aeDt W doubi.e trees, 8Ingl~tr~, ehovels: 40 110rea of wbeat ; 19 aores rye. Ing two yeura 9 111 by O. B . Puroell ; A Valuable LQsson . oomfort him, and ll~ came out of. • pedes, ' forks boee, blaoka~ith 'It Implements one bay hose ooming 3 years old by , "8Ix' Y8(lrs ago I ·lel\rned 11 val nil.' If th d 1 .. 'he' aeuon of self denial aDd OOD. Woli. 2 seta Qf work trollBels. Iron Two farm wagons.; 1 spring wagon: C. H. P.ut'oell, fr om Pblllips ' mlLrll, ble lesson," writas John PleAsant, ree goo p lVS1ClaDS Ind. "I then baltan should pronoll ne . your · il1o', with "the world, the l1eah and' kettle log chaina . Iron wedge ' a 1 oarriage; 1 buggy 1 binder tn of W "ynesville, Oh io; bay oolt oom. of 'he devil, '. to enter upon his ml8- lard 2 grinder:: 'a good repair: 1 eorn hurvester; 1 . ing. :J yenrs 'lid, slreel by Honest ta.king Dr. KiDj('8 New Life PiUs, case hopele . . If they .ton for the redemption ?f the .tar lick.le and tool Rt'lnder, grind two wheat drm; J-one horse A lot· of farming tools, shonld ,d,'cido ·that you world. awne, 6 gal. .mllk ~aD. wheat drill ; 1, ~teeltoo~h hay rake; oonsl~ting In Plut of tbe following: body. Guaranteed n Fred C. t:!oh. .could not Ih-~ lO~lg r. than Seldom, If ,ever, linoe the dawn of Houaehold Gooda, 1 bedroom set 1 hay tedder, new; 1 mowing ma- ~ne Plano Bind.e r in use three yellr!', wartz, druggisL 200. six .we . ks: ,'.. if you U1e Ohrta....n era, baa 'here been a '5 bed st-eads, 2Bingle bedsteds, 2 mat o~ne: 1 olover bun(lher .; 1 hlLY fork lD good condition; Deefing mower, sp.ould get" (111, after ustime when the oonditlon of 'he 'reaael!. S seta sprlnga, 'a wuh stand rqpe and pulJeys ; 1 wind mlll, new; ~uokeye whMt drl11, 10 hoe:. Moline Insure Ag:ainst Aee~( ing only $12 .' )( ·w orth of ....orld lfiemed to call for inore ear- 18 obalrs" 6 parlor ohiars 1 'rooker 1 oorn pianter; 1 dwc harrow; 1 rol- oorll pllLnter, Krau ooro plow , Iron d~nts and III Health M~le.s' t' .\ iot ClU'e and . nel'ohrlltlas;' work tban now. Here :I tlt{lhen' OUpbOlLrd!!, a 'OOOk stovo: ler; .~ fifty ·tooth hl\.~r?W9; 1 ('.ase· Age corn plOW, Imperial breaking N ' L .. f d I d ori i II day ri"'ng plu 2 tl b "I ' plow 0'1 ve t I t-. ki I Tbe Aetna Life Oo.. will ervme, w bat won1 ~ you an . m.e a :" IVDI' wQod heatera, 2 extension 1 ....2 . wi goo rea", ng . 60,~r ",ro/\ ng pow, iasu, e you a poltoy by ' illce conto our ow.. av<!re . t b ' whl' oh yon w'll a d' VIse a ;f' ftCn .l ill rupning ramparat, Mammon la mI. tables, 2 six leg tables, 1 kitchen p owe: ou~tlvatota, one of which 0. ;oot wood harrow, I ' tog the worl.d ; murders are of daily table, writing desk, S Oioclt8, a. la a new Krous and 1 Age i 1 spring tooth barrow, di c he.rrow, · reoeiye a' ljtated SUUL per week In dillon to dO '1 . OOO1Ireooe j the mllrd~rer in raga ia -olank..ohuTn, 2 ohurna, '60 yds, rl\g ,pair double oar shar'~ plow .; 1 single 2 horse IIpring wagon, Brown wagon caae of aooident or siok!le~ For '''r hn:vo thlll'\< ' )'nll tor eavl3 avaply mobbed. regardleaa of law, carpet. 60 yds wool carpe'. 50 )bB bI;Lr share; 1 dooble shovol ; 1 t-obno goo,d ~ ne'iV, gTli vel bed, roller, huy partioulars see ~red B Sherwo()() . :~tr~~~ l~rt~W~v··,;r.Q;;W· u~r I~. whUe the mlUionaire ..In i8 aewed carp,t mgs. lone 8inger Bew 00 plow; a tobacoo j rake, riding brea.king "plO\v, '. one '. by a law." and the ,Ing maohine 3 sqnare of oilcloth. 1 set of 16 ft , laddersl; 6 sets of work ourt. hlliY lIid· For thllferera. de".1 of 'he legal furnleh pioture dlahes kitchen utenall gar. harness; 1 double $et of light ~fl.r. der!', tobl\coo pres, Ipt of double Th I k II f ' ." ~:(~!~~i i'~!~hm~:" t~ro~'I~;·t oolum~ of aensatio.illd newspaper den toola ,. ILnd 'man'y other artioles . nees ; 2 sets 8In."p 'le harne. S8; ooUnr; tree.s and singletree~. two setR work ed ' bye applying qu 0 re Chambedaln'B e from pllo\n Ililord· home.MIIM,' Dna H~nr\ th en I CIP.. ought Pilln Dr. ~ and probct.lII)' ~ervln. J't!&ding for the gratification of mor. MRS. COR II. &:LAn r:r. "'RlB brl4les; linea;; double harness, set single .1 h'P tot-r. N80n '(' I Itnt \)IItUe of , h!l.rness, old iron, 0 U<OJm ma k es it "II, favorUe wlt·h Buff· JI'IIsht eacb and IIOme (. 1\01 aL1\'e~ Pm. bid miDds and the demo~llzat1ciD .uDoh lev~d by, Flo.tfork ladlea aid, trees lslngle trees; lo~ abalns.; hoes :. 35 dozen · % busnel peuch btlsket.a; tlr,e rs from '. rh UDitlti8rb, soiatlCa, ftnd 4!OIIlm,," cd to ,, ' \'1' " hem to ber. of 'he yOQUI( who ahould 00 pore In' WILLI!.M MILLS AUOT. :ALluMT Mmn. forks; shove!a: 1 cross 'lut also,n. few housebolq 'goods. ' lam,e ' back, Inmbago, . and deep It? mind and 80 uDaoquainted wl~~ aITT; CIlJililK . ., Sl\w ·; 0. few oarpentelr tools; 1 lorge lf weatlier Is storUlY SRle will be abeated EanJd mn~onlnr pu.llIs: For·sale t::,1tf~ , ,~edt!I't'n~r ~~., ~~~I~~~~e~ J orime ... to 00 ilhooked luatead of bogs head ;. 0. IEit of vinegar barreJs', held under sbe1>er. . y . . anney. takesneed. 1< OCCAJIlonslly .now It leela " \y the I run In 11' 0 rnlbla1ry aDd ' eote~alDed by' the' dally preas re: I wlll oifer at .publlo sale at m~ ], large Iron ke ttle ; large lot of old , ALBI!lIlT STA V . . hava been tor ~4 Y""I'1I.'1 ' ........ _.... ' d. I 1 d fa bell A A " .r N II I augban Farm .For Sal~. REV, ·P . lnLLlQ,\N, ~""''\n .0 ...lDe ~ deblluohery. . . ·retlldenoe on the Wa.llaoe 'l~ibbala ron; ~oo J'm L " ......0 e , Anctloneers Oentll' S(lrlnp, lcau. , Dr: MII.Ia, Heak I. .old ~ lI'hen let thia Lenfien l18. .on 00 farm, I,ln.the WayneSVille and'Frank, Ponltry-Four· t.ur·key heDs, ~JDe. C. B . Surflloe \ 'rh~ ~nj. F. Vaughan farm,oon. yOui- druglllat, who wIllcu;. guarantee that o~e of prayer, 11811 examlna.t!on and ltn ·pik.e , II,bout· half ,a mile eaa~ of gobbler and Ilbout fifty ohlokens, . W8.rte~ Kenrlok, clerk , tll-ining 69 acres of. ~ood 1an(1, will the fttlt bottle will benefit. I' It 'ana N '. be offered for s~le on tbe premiBes, h. will . Nfun~ your money. ae)f rill'rtJot that ohr~tlaDtI may " he ~ayto~ . and Lebanon pike, the .. BOllsebolq Goods-·Bedroom suite, eome ,out of it' atrengthened for a foll4,)wing property beainnlng at 10150 yards of wool carpet; 75 yarde of ; e~ghbor8 &ot Fooled. . I:ln.turday, Febrnllry . 9, at 1 :30 0' , Miles Medical Co•• Elkbait. IDes' more determined, fight against tpe o'clock a. m • on rag carpet, rags, an organ all $ood "I WI1S 1Ileru.lly coughinl,! myself olook. Baid property iB located on evila ot the times. Let cbrtatlans ~I!lSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1907, as new, G stoves, oonslsting of one to del\th, antl hu.d become too weak the Spring' Valley and Cente viii ~~!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!!!!'!'!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!! I . h to leave my bed; and nelghborA r e nill8 their ltaiadard8 w ihat giveD our oraes, one brown maro oom· malleable steel ro.n~,e for wood or predloted thRt L would never leave pike. two miles from Bellbrook, nnd _ . • ' by 'he &reat Bead of the ohuroh, ing eight yean old j ROod general ooal, 2 Oak heaters, COllI or WOOd, It "Ii ve ; . but they got fooleil l for la well Improved. . ou~~nIE "Be ye' alao perfect even aa your purpose Puroell oolt two veara old; .thelle three are as good aK new; one thanks be to UDd. I wns induced t.o · For farther pal·tloulars Inquire of . !'.'her io H~aven Is perfect." bay driving horse ten years old; oook stove, one \;lox stove; 2 sewing try Dr' Kmg'A New Disoovery . It A. A. MoNIlU Centervilll' Ohio. ' ba ' f h tol bl h' d b took Jnst four one 1l0Unr bottles to ' " . t. ). ' . Thla ekDdard la not unaintainable y . tum orae, . era y heavy; mao IDes, one a .tOp ead; foleling. oompletely oure the oough' .and r e . ' ' , r> . !;· for I' d~ not ~1i f~r Divine per~ alao, one go d mule, KOod worker lounge. bookoase and ~~Itlnl!: ~e':lk store. me to good sound helLlth, '" Neglected.Qolds Thrila~n Ljfe. · f80&loo, but for human perfection .~nd perfeotly gentle; t~o Jersey oomblned, dining room oupboard, 1\. ' Mr;1. EVil> Unoupher, ·. ot. "Don't trl.fle with a cold, ....i'v··-gOOd _in life, a life that'ts gulde'd a~d gov. oowB, .freeh; 2.2 hog!\, 7 of ~hlob ILre' oorner oupboard, e:~ten2icn ·t..~b!c, GrQ.v ertown; Btl1rk 00, 'I nd, This advice 101' prudent ~en 'iLnd women. erned by l>ivln" precept. abd ACtU. th~roug1-tbred Jersey shoa,ts, twelve 6 rockers, 'reolinLpg rocker,2 dozen King of oough and' cold oures, lind Lt JplLy be vl~al iu the call6 'of a a~ b i/w love'",for God and our fel . are good shoats and three ~rood etrn.ight baok ohalrs, old fashioned healer of thTcut tlend Iqngs, Is guar child. Pro~r food, good ventlla-· I\ntee~ by Fred C. S01twlLrtz Drug· tloL', and dry wurm clothing are low oreaturea MRS. T. J. B. !lOWS; 400 bushels of oor~ tn orlb I bureaus, S s~"nds, 3 !Iets bedsteu-dEl, gist, 600 I\.nd 11 ,00 Trllll bottl6' -the prdpor 811.f~gu.udl 'againstoold'\, If they are mulntained througb .the . 20 bushel good seed oats; one lind II. iron bedstead, .large mirror,oloOk, tree: V,,.ery Un, usua.I was~a.lf of timothv' bay, 'a jolt wagon fcather bed, IJlqa ourtains, Window I()h~geable weather of aut!irnn, win . almost II,S good as now, a ono horse bUnds, washing mBohilne, wash tub, , ter ILnd spring, the ohiHloes vI a ~ainfall January. aprlng wagon, a plano box bnggy, churn, oream separator, S oreamery' A 8urprjse oolda light ~1Jl f ...,.,. ... • 1,le shght.from But .lrdlnary. t4e .ordinary . : . . II,rm sltld and gravel bed; farming oans, on" a ton gu.llon and two are cold will become ~evere if neglect. < Charlel E: Miohener, local 'ob, implements, consISting . of Deering 5 gallon.; lot , of Jtone ja:rs, milk ed, and a: well estl1bllshqd ripe Cold server for the United 8'ate Wea.t h- binder, been used but ODe Y6I!>r and orooks, flour bln,lot ot caJln~ fruit, is ~o the getms of diphtheria whllt. . ... . er Bureau, hae. submitted the fol· in goodoondlMon: Milwaukee mow. large lot of. cooking utensils " lot of . , honey 18 to!thil bee. The .. greaieet lowing re~rt OJ;l tbe weat~er , oon., er, almpat g,ood' as new ; 2. breaking £1ishea; 5 gallon coal oil can, lot of . AND UEALER '11'I . ,menace '0 c~ld',lite' at this .Se8110n ", . ..., ' . ' , diti d i J of the year IS tho negleoted oold, ," , ona ur ng . a~uary.. .plows, one a. a .borse and one a 2- la.Olps, Ilnd ~lLny othls r things. J' ._ . Whethedt4a a cbild or ' adu!~ •. 'the <. rr'he mon~h ot January has been. horse, nnd bought new laat year j Come early, as sale begins 9. cold sllg~t or .severl', the 'very oost ~ . ".' . :..... ' v'~ry oloudy.there bein~ 28 oloudy dla" oultlvator, bougbt new last· . ,JACOB CORNELL. . 11: .n.. NDS~ treatment ·tliat ~a~ beaaopt-e4IB .· to 4lrYs, , "lear and 4 ·~rt . cloudy . . • prt "g: 2.borse harrow: 2.hdrse C. T. BILwke Telephone in his 'hoUse whe~e J' five Chambt-rl!llD a Oougb· ~me4Y: ' ," :' '.' . '" ,". ",' C. B ., Burfao, Auotloneers _\ b 0 . cn..II ed at' Ii11' ·h· o~r~, r . la s~fe .andhnmenae. sure: Thtl~re&t· ~ r "'*'; ... • The rainfall had alao been .far above .' ' K .raUB. ·on It' i vawr; tob aooo rigging" : c~ day. Q1 ~t larlty .. and sale _ ofpapa· this · ' A:Ur...-,.ll!· 'peaverage tbere being 7.36inobea,' aet of double work harnesa sst of J . O . Ollrtvrrlp;ht I Clerks , Dlght. . preparation has been , att~lned by _ ,', . . : l- .. .. ' . I , Nearly all of this fell in the first 20 'boggy hll.TneBB, toblloOO ' vi pl . E. a Neall \ . Couches and'.ohairs supplied. , Iita , oarea 9o.n : . I • d~s ot.the mo~th, exceptfor a few tobaooo ,.d.r y apray~~, about 10 Jb . ' . : HI,\.'Vel~ .recentlj: , moved: to room men~, ~ ,cold nflvet1 resqltaln pne~; . I. ,I . daya the rather of Paris green, mowing scythe, corn "1 ' will ofl'er a.t, publio sale on t~ - '. ' ,,:.b en ,it Is 8 ven. 'FQr : " , • ,.".' m~nth haa beeu te . , 'n~x' (~0 ros.a.on ..,.ro!r.,.. ~: .,. .' , . .mo$ J. E, Janney , , sale,.'by ,. . . II ' WlJrm ... &.\e maxl~um mperat~re knives, 'f orks, hOes, double trees, plli{le )too'iVn as tbe I:!am~el Jon!!s lIAlN ' I:!'rBEI!l1·. · '. 'WAY~I!'BVJLLiI' . ' , " '. . . , ", ,· '1 ," . "" ,
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W8I68°Qntbe19.the .ininlmum '., single ,trees, eto.,one·. l)alfQiterest fnrm1milE! south of Ferry ontne on 'he 26. hiUa9reagrowingwheatj 12dozen Waynesviile.l>ike. , '. ,
Blling Irom ,he Grave.t f t W
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ohiokel18; mo.tly. Plymouth Rliok .' THUBSVA y, l!'EHltt.U ARY, 21, Cure. \ RIDGEvlLLJC OHIO ' · '., ' All .these thlngll . advertltled are beginning at 'ten o'clock, the fol. I wlI.nt ·y ou , to know how mnoh BpEOUurlE8 . D ' .' . .• •. . . ' . , '"' A. ne.... and in good Condition. lowing property: ' Chamberlllin's Salve dcme lor _ .. I8l!l11.alC8QB' WOMlCll • · a moe' remarkaple experience. &ICOBGIl SCOTT, head 01 horaell, ono' of ·t}tem. m , e. .It haa cored my face of a AND '. ' . ) ar.t eaya: "Atter taking leaa tbali. '0, T. Hawlre, a brown ·general pnrpose family disease .of Rlmost twenty years 6"'_ bo.tlea of El ' trt DI6"_ I C lOw 8 f Auctioneers . '. ' .. standing· I bay\! been treatedibY 8e~- . . Hunting lor·' .....o "I . ~. eo 0 .........a, ,D. Ul' aoe, . ' m ! , r e , a genera) pUl'po's e gray horBe, eral aa smart phyaloja'llalls . ~ have' .. It ; ' ..... . . nu e. . . ~lllke one rtllnl' from .the grave, Willter Kenl"lo.E. olerk. June Bug paolng ~orlle; " head of in thia oouDtry a~d th!'lY did ~e ,no I ve liv~d In ("~lilori11a 2,0 yean, g d . &rouble Ie Brlgh"a Dlaeaae, 'In . cattle, 3 good .mllch cows,an'd , one. 1J0od, but two boxee of thl8 8&lve J'thne am etillf hb,unttn f~ trouQleln &lie Diabetes atager I fally believe i wUl aell at Pnblio. Bale. my . has "nred M F I .~ 1wa.r 0 urn. scr....· wounib, lllleo&rlo Blstere will oure me' per. i . 1/ yearltqg heifer j , brood aQ:Wa due u me. re. ~n~ e \JOr ~e~, lJoUa, on., .pratn~, of c r l/nII ~JIIiIOIDte4 ~ n _nutly, for i~ hualreadf dence ,3/. mllee'weat of Waypea- to filrrow about the milddle of Karoh ~ff~ i9 ~~"'=::b" J ~ piles tha.b BuOkhln'. A,rllloa !:IalTe !~~~'::.ladmhll~nto( of·.tb• ...., !II tlie liver a,!d b~dder oomp1icatto•• vtlle, '~nd 2 .?Diles eaat of lUdgevllle, 26 h d of ahoate' , " .. i/" won" qulQkly (lnre " wrttea OIuIr · ........ ~ er, .... Cif WamJD ,CII1IIICJ! wbiob baft troubled me for years." OD ~he-Iower BlIringboro road near ea . , • - • - . 1 W I 01' ' , . • olilo, cIeoeUe4 . tee4 at i'red C. on the ' D, L, & C. hundred pounds; a m .n!W8-j l11li ot t, PJice OD1r 600. . . 'K. K. on ' ,. " roboot tire . pape~ Nlrongh Wle . UII.e.... 011108. it Ouree e,e~ cue Qaarua 11'~I' :WboU.UI ii. _ . .. Ftueuead cart. a We wiD saft 1011 !DOIle7, .I'red U, SOh~. dn.i' ._ • . . a~owa,....wJiaIif~rHYJ. . "
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BobwU't~ Veoable~l,,"rol!al.g
Coun ty Court New•. ' ,
Firiit pco/lOnt 8 PIJro'Vpd and oorl · ... ; llfEl whippe d by their CI\1ploy erR firmed. lfllW lIurte. !ind are defraud ed of tbeir enrOlo gl< E~ t"t3 . of &m1lAI . Wilkins , de· In difi"or en,t whys. I t hink 11 h,rgo B~~lIitl C, Warwlo k VI WUson H oealled. · First Rnd fiol\l aoooun t up· Wtlrwio k:. part of them are Utt·le better off Divorce i c.nelty and proved I\od oonfirm ed. tUN ERA l 0f RECT J negltlot. Purtlell, were ' m'lr~led at tunn when In slavery . We hllve Eatute of Cllrollne 'V. Boteldo et, T f • found the soutber.!!., people yer y (JrE:I(OUlli on Oeoom~er ~4, 190a. Ill, ben.. /ld}ary. Elfi venth e ephona Day or Night. IIcco~nt PJuin~lft 1II1l1lg68 , defen'd ant !la8 ap pro'Vpd I~nd confirm ed. ', hospita ble' and kind with no prf'ju. i truok 'hllr tlud thieate n8d her with' Estate of Florenc e P. Oleme' dice Against II Yilnkee l will olo~e l O· N n t, this ul reudy t90 let,lgtby let ter . Il revolver. Be also drove hertrom dooellljed , 'Sudh aCOQUQt aPllrov ong IS anCB D. 69 -3r ed Ver y slnoerel y yours. home, aue alleges . They h,ave ODe and confirm ed. B. F ,TAMES . ohild , Brcmdon, Burr & Ivins ~Te 8ranch Office. HarYB.ysbur~, n. BILOXI, MI8SISSI Ppi, JANUARY 26, '0.1. Beo b here from BaltIm ore RIslA L ESTATE'l'RANSB'ERS. durin g ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ' ~I~ Iltt·IlI·hl y,. lor philnttiJ . MR. J. B . MARSHALL, . R obert HarriRo n et a~ to Robert the sell80 n. ;;; . , . ~ 1.\' BA.T RA W \ ~. , BHlth' liut<kiu'oj vs .ttlohard 6 liS. Wileon . Qul~ ,olaim to lot W AYNESVILLIII, Omo. in Bnr· Biloxi Is al m ost s urround ed uy DJ: ~R BROTBl ~" ktnti I:il: ' lJI vorCt~ ; orlielty and neglect. veysbur ,gl 11. WAter Bnd tho pa.rt iyio g. t o the . . I ' ' . ,es vil1e '~ Lelld}Iig lJfl llll 1 Incomp liance with 'your 'r equest eRllhUd 'nerth is called Back . ·Partles \V(jre""Ulllrrl"tld 1n ClnclDn att • Rubert Wilson t o Mary E. Stump, bu y , " . Almost ev11o,· ._ · lI KeY!l.. ~ld.!L ~I .. l~_''': • I will eXld,eav vr to !;Ive you a more Thill Is Bpanneil by tho great !)n Novem ber 17, 189~ I$he alleg~ Lot in ' l:inrv~ysburg, '1 L .. (~ e r y a t her detailed n('ooun t of our trip In the N: R. R. bridge almost tbat "lIlloon aftllr marrIag e defend· .Uurlah 6. Roes and J . t wo mile!! R. Ross to man 'on d wo- DO YOU G~T UP sunny Bouth land, and Indeed it iB long. Iu the nJiddle IB a, ant begap beating and abue!,ng her Benjtlm ln 4>n ~ , 37. 43 aores drl\\V t o In Blir. m a .c ~~ that, for in the five weeks we huve let tho bouts palSS 'tmd the and u81ng profane und Inl\ultln g Ian t.ownsb ip, $1122.90, WITH A LAD BACK ? depth of with been here there buve been but two the obllnne l m'll! kes It a good languBge. She 6tiY8 hft at one time ,John ,8ncket t II.nd Llda fi shing Haoket t Is terrible Kidney Trouble Makes You MlserallJe. lit'r ook her with 0. bootjcl(~k and butt Mtiotll f1 1l 1$. Achterm an, Lo't in r,"ny days. Ever Minoe we arrived plaoe. Mr. Berryhi ll , Mr. Deur of d I se a se In Al1l1 ost every body who rcads the news. In Biloxi we . have hud summe r Mlnn·6I! 0ta. /lnd Mr. t-I w\t.;IIcr of I OWA of Il buggy whip a'nd threw Il lamp South l.ebllno n, *1. ' ~oon~i\ ~~ aa~~ p"pcrs is sure Lo kuow of the wonderful th til I t S d I ht Ilt her. At one time he struok ber IlI$ un ay n g B .. B. Groth t o George L. Zelg' WIn\ er un and I went thore Il fe w d!l-Ys ngo q uires full I' 11 ~ cures maqe by .Dr. strength t\ ud when we had Kilmer's · with lIlt! fist knoolf.iqg out her teeth. 1er. 3'48. aores in Hamilto SwaIllP' ilfter whloh and ollOgb t thi ll'ty 11 ne fish . On our n town, th ' I d hltta' dshower 6 u d d en I y t tb R oot, the great IisidIh ' d . .e w n a, e 0 Ybe then len, him and ,has linoe slllp, Sl. 13 nor au last out there sel'zes we oun.ture rl EO them In . er and bhul· -. , . dney, ~"_., JIved upar,t. ,Albert ' Andsrs on III y droppe d to 32' but young Ii III iU tOll'. Mr , Berryb the most violent Phoobe Gaior t9 Mary A. Bridges. the merour cr remcuy. m ut . f ] h t It is.thegr eatmedattorne y for plu\p~Uf . 00I;' Inued bright Bnd S"!lllny. 'I ' Is ~rlloted bls Ilttentio n while orm.· s your ap' Lot In Barvey sb.o rg, SOO. ielll triumpb of thc I ISlipped petite fi ckle? 00 ' 1 \ · ,'It ·111 ' .warme r 8gBI n W Ing fll'lleteen morn lb century ,' Ed t:l. ClOnklln 'va The'Un ited Pub· . e np lind cungbt you suffer him. I hope t o be WUllnm J . Skidmo re to BherJDaD ar'l ed t D oatur' Alab m \ h d I ' d d ' ! WI' tb frec1 discoveredllfteryears ' ~ • v a fl U.blul( ~ o. For cD. aooouutlUlJ, 'ap. GOodwID, 21 aores in flueot ,~ II a,l\ bout dole to bring en IlC les a n IX:/; ness, bim on home I, a li ve. of SCt'elltlfic researcll dimm ed eyes ? Do you lack ambition I ' Hamilt on dayUgh t the morntn" wll ,leh puintllleu& of a re081vElr Clnd equlti. ' townllh lp : S1,800. energy? Doyoul osg acdtum bleat on . fi A little fllrthllr on we saw u. lorge and by Dr. Kilmer, tbe D1gbt, ,uca ble to sleep? .home. -.e expeote d .to nd this a welter .,Mill whioh we ---.. ble, fo:h"t H~mllt~n . and Brown eminent kidney .and 'lIARRIAOIl.L1dItN81t8. rioh farming oountry well improv . cap' ture but f.dled it mukl' tried to .. These arc all symptoms ond (oreroll- hlllr1<\er specialisL, Bnd is wonderhtlly Ilr6 ~tturn tiYIl. for plalntH r. n" ~ good Itera at tblG disease. Act at occe. George Bomor Bond, of Da.y,ton , ed eto, bot were dielipp' olnted Re the I successful in promptl y curing (ame hack, Q ... Com~men cc tbe usa of mie ueill catarrb ' of tbe bladder and LIi.~reuoe K , wngdo n va the Oom' aDd .Rnsate Oillrk', of , Harvey sburg. i ts el\08(lfl 10. t ' ,~~ wuter. ' fields proved to be bot·lttt le plI.tobes , I nright's Disease, wbich is tbe worst mlilltl uu'lJr~ of Wllrren {Jounty , OlJio. Nowhe re did we see , whllt we form of kidney trouble. . On IIcoount of lallinds lying t o · I Dr. 'Kilmer'S · Ap~~l trllm tbe deolaion ': ot t~e Comm ission ers' Swamp -Root is not rI,'Cthe south t,here are no breaker s on . (L ..""aflll.> . Ollllllell d~d woul~ for everytbl call a . we}! llg butif )'ou, ~ave ttld farm b~ach ber e ' A few days a"o a party Board whloh 091;Y,allowedS2liO oom , . Proce eding s l'b e soener y"'h rougoultivl1 1 tl k idllll~, hver.or· bladder trouble It WIll be ou t lin u " 1 Ie m PIID"~~lVU for Ilervl(l(l8 ' of plalntU f n I 'f 1,1.1' rt." ,wo . fO llnd out just .. the " . i remedy 8~anoe of you fir need. It has cd . • h whl~h wili Instn ctIy ch~ck .th e pr0rt:.ei8 was fin~.. Wben we reaohed ~r teenp mil., es t n Elorn l uluo" 'tat heel! test III so many ways, III in durtluuil1g Heiir~ Wlilte. ind1Q~ Th08. HarmoD , brldger eptdr8 to gll OIpl t h'er f d' destina tion, .Baldwi n Co., Allib ..nJK, ch "llo und I.l .. re we "'saw'" work and in ' private practice, and hils the "rent 0 the lseasc and ul timately erad cat. for firll~ ,1"gree murde.r. al\houg h, a ' , Tu·r t.lecreela: townsh ip pro\'ed so successful iu e,'ery CIUIe that a ~.. w.. ..... &17 we found fi!le looking level "Ilun w all 'traces of it froni you r ~stem. . bill lor' f'iT5 .hud been approv ed bJ Will ~, ·Lewls, Trea'Jo rer, DR . CALDW ELL'S SY UP PEPSIN "p'ecial I'rrall~enient has. .been made by . v Ilrl1ltkf1 d ,, ~"i n g the . surf oot on . try covered with betutlf ul forebts ,Ila hll 11rH whi ch all rea ers Qftlt.s,poper, whobav e-_ _ (1.\' ""·'Iloh . It w-s snoll 8 I!I the greatest preparation ever llie Ho.u. MUton,OJarJl:, .ru~ge of 'hEl . ,Januar y Dow'Ta x 8ett le. offered I not already tried it, may have a Mmpte " " .. ia. of Illne except in the ' traok vf the. /Cr~" 110 · " boltle seilt free by mllil, also ~ book 4Jommon Pleull Coun t!8rvloe i ex sl ~h' I t:bough t t.o try and 'forItdyspeps tell- ment .... ........... ... ......... 50 4? &errible storm ' of acts iostaotIy , restoring , every illg I"lore about Swamp-Root. a1l(i how lallt Sept-em ber ~ teuded Irum Novem ber., 8. U~3, to 8 . A,. 8tUwel l,Janua ry, Dow dE-oted port to naturnl life nod vigor, findotltif youbB ve kidueyorbla.da I(t'f· HI ! ", ' ViCI UrEla of It. Whil e go ert~. DR.CA LDw E:LL'S SY-RUl' PEPSIN It tl,lis hIe. part Wb"n Januar y Ii, :1907. .P'ain~ prays of the coontry hud ,:r,,. hll c k to th .. bOl1t writing mentiPD audlog hi' Tax Yettleiu ent... ....... .... G2 97 suoh the 1£0 ean be obta.i ced in both clollar nnd Iialf· generon 50fferin soil as 'the Mlumi Volley ' there du o M..... '.r III .~ and ton get tbls JlIi~t audeead.your for u juuK"m ent In. the I~ of·S3.76 T. '-Iend !,frs ' dollar sizes o~ all dru gS-ists, ~ Patterll on, oar fltre for , . ~ .... IV9ur . mocey will be oould refunded ·beno If finer It IIddre!;S to Ur. Kilmer jJltlDe to ·live. whloh Ite Illlege» to: be a reaaona ble DSnl' tQo k nu,w " qtag'e o( IIIY I\.b~enoe does opt benefit you·. jory in White oase........... 5 25 , & eo" ~il~g~I\li!Mln, . Nothin g can be produo ed here in til IIu.V8 HU,lUe rim by ,n"d1"ng, q:,mptlu;j8,tlon for l16.r vloea rendere d • . W. H. Btan,g e & Co .• bllt.nka In' .he . Your 1I051a l card "'i!ue" will bTlnll b~ "'tun. N. Y. j • mall our D O... booklet. -ylng quantit ielt w. lthout fertiliz · ~url . Tbey " 0 1 1.1 go' Ad• ':''''''.oe Cj\ LOWELL'S I iiftr,.cent ,. aud oneWllhlln l i\ Eltzrot h 'vlI '!'he 0010· und a BOOK OF WONDERS""·OR. tor. Clerk... ...... .. .. ........ 5 55 ,In~. ~ a nd 'reo sa mple to ' d I . bolt! thole who ha vo Dever ITled Ih'. ,",oaderflll 0 nr SIze ell are _ ..,.._ ....... 8 o •ld w etfing Uli AD extra largb wu VB mt..lout--r.s of Wit.rreu Count,. . Thl. Frankl in, SIIWS, pob\ish Do ,. DOW. . sold by all good druggists. Don't make One of the trips we enJ oyed vel'Y Illn"hl.d out no rl almost took them (kUHI ill iu every r8llpect lrimllar to iog tex: notlce.. .... .. ....... PEPSI N SYRUP CO. 1 00 muob w,", .a .51rive aoros!! ~I.%'S:;:'!'~', 8~\G~:~;S~"'::p-'R:~ the coon oft' tbl,ir feet. 'rhp ~ wrung tbe wn. tb~ )lr~o.1C~1C exoepti thllt it iabro't W, H, SiegfrIe ' . • ontlaello; IlIlnola d,' spikes, etc.. 8 21 Bnd tb.e l1ddresa, BiDghamt9n. N. Y., on ,try. ~hlrty, miles t? tht.'lll.o~e of Mr, 'r~r 'out of ·thfli lt' gamp~n by Mr., .IIl1t15i'oth wbu .w.. Mr. Lang· Frankl ni Chronlo l", vouohe r Y!'.!.1~.~E~~,J,!!!"n!!!!ey D~!!!!.!!!!!!!!~e~ve!'.!ry~~bo!!!':!tt!!le!!.~.!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!.!"!'!!! and Mrs: Saurez on t~e bluff seven. ' "I,h ey " ould nod by the t8 us bl8~ ",!!!!!!!F~o~r!!!!!:R~.. ~I!l~.~h~ · 'dou '.. u ..lltlIIg)le In &he While Cl!'Ie, time they 'for Sherif!'.. .... ........... ... . . OllUIiT PRoo'J:i:DIlfGII, Bamli, voncber B for Reoord er 3 50 ty BV,e yards (rom the of reltoblld the .' bOIi,t ibei' were about 04 'J:uI1l1day, Januar y 22"a ma~· Same, Bame for OIerk ....... .. 350 ferdl~o bay. ,Tbls fumlly i ll. of t:lplln drv , Ill! the ~on 'g'eamed burning hot: .. . . ' " 3 50 i~h desce~t . and types ?f tbe true. li S we WAlK ed over the sapd They da"" Wli receive d from the <'''Iroult ti\me. same 'P rohute Judge .. . 3 50 souther ner, '-r,h.ey q1epluytld the t' XI1 rienabd rio m eft'eots exoept to lUI fulIuwl1: No. 2I1a,.Tbe" Adam8~. Same, same tor '1're&8u rer ... 3 50 gennin eh08pi tallty 'for whioh the th tlir fnc,,~ whloh! f preilll Uuw~y 'fa Ba~17 Spurlin g Same, &ame for werll 's o s1lnbor ned Audito r ........ 3 50 lIouth ' 18 n·o ied. ?-'heir ' tll.ble Will:!, that • oontlide rable dootorl ng WIlS es 1\1. JDdgm ent of Oummo n Piau R. Barshb arger, aalpry for loaded with all tbe good' Court Illlirme d. Januar y ...... ........... .... ::- 40 00 oountry aftorde d inohldlthings the necessa ry ,n order'to Rave the ootl. ng mliDY ale . ' .. liCIt"' of Ubio . VII E . W. SoetUD . J.amea Folle~, aa1c\ry for ~n J!'n. thhlgew e had not .seen beto~e; 88 An mteree Dvfeud aut pl~ada not gniUy. tlog tlip was to Beau nuy ...... ... ......... ....... .. 60 00 the sausage and 'roast ham from the voir whioh Wll8 the home of Jefier •. tlame. Verdio t of noi gu~lty Te· native rllzor baok wa.t tled hog, most son DlI.vls, This reliden ce' was Wh",t to do when Bilious. 'urued, The right t-blng to do when yon dellolou a prel'erv es from nuti ve figlt· bought and pres~3Dted to the st&te fOl' I$taC8 of Ohio vttJam~ Thune" ,. teel , blhous is t9 take Ito dose of the native grape olilled the of Mis~ouri lIod h9re Ie located the The jur;y, under Inlltruo tion of 'he Olutinb erlaln 's Stomac h · and Liver Souppe rnon.g! Tbe~ litra.pes do 11 1l.t. stute hlllne for Q()nfederate sold/ers . Uonrt, rtlturne d II. verdib' ·of no' Tablets . . They . will oleanse us~ the grow In 0lu8ters hut . solltury 8 S . ' iullty, atomao h and regqlat e the liver and plums. . 'there are lDany plaoes of Inter· ' Thu New York Tr1lllt t,;Qmpany VI b9welll ' Try it Prloe. 25 A wine equal to Obamp algn Is est betwee~ here, and New oen~ con8idorabl~ Orleans , ge~ , '1 t ·:..\.: .... _ Sample s free at J . . E, Janney 8, malie . Th e .,ayton , UDUllnon an d'" fro~ ·them , L8S1 . but not I\mong whlob IstGolf Por~~the conn· drug lltore, ' .. least'aa me the famous black ouffee ty s6l\t of this (Ha.rrls on) Dati R. It. Co, et al.· Aatbori &y t. !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! county !!!!!!!!!!! lranted the reoei.~ wl' ioh'to UII was a terrible dose but' whloh 18 c?mpli'r lltivel:r a borrow D9t ne~ pluoe' '!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!'!!!~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!'!I!I!!!!!!!'!! ("So ex~ ,rs,OOil ~d iuue re;celv8ll' !!!!!!!!!"'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!I whloh all Scuth~rnera drinK . This with ~nb!!tantlal s~ne and bric" otlrlillo,. 008 &here for . home III & very-,8eolud~d spot ' b6ing b~i1dinss '. ' on4 Beaoh h~~1 ~eDora L. Dllboia eta ' VI A. T , surroun ded on three sid,es 'by vcry o.oe of the lar~~8It this !llde Ohloago , tlabin. '. ChiUl, L. tipenoe r " .made a thioJt wOods of Phi~ and, live ll,1k The wharf is a nllle.lo ng. There we . W. .E. 'MoORE. Recelv'e r. , , pan; heleto, aDd Wee luppJel;uentAl &ndma nyo'he rklnds :of tr86I! ' bqt a"wm.I\oDY very. ~rge vessels loadpe~I'lon. has a ' beautif ul view from th\' '.,'n \ Ing WIth lumber . The paptaln of TIME CARD porch (or gal1~;y as it. I,s' Cltlled ill ('ne ' said they had been In the maf,ter of b'1UI&ee of Orloading :&FFE01 'fVE APalL Iii. H06. , the 1I0uth) aoross he bay intu Flur. since Ootobe r apd w)len pblu)lI ' A.,lum and OhUclr ep Bome. NOR'l·BUOUKp. finlshe.d SMple and Fancy Groceri ee, Fruits WIlliam MoCacln .. appotO ted &11l8-' S,ailon8. No. 1° No. 8" No. Ida. We returne d by anothe r .route- would hit ve a cargo of 4,500,00 a' 0 f~et. f.tIe fur we unexpir ed ~rm pf J. B. to the Vogeta bles and ' ;Cann~JtGoods. home of MI' , Somme r!! und 10 'rbl!! will give y~lu an Idea of tbe A. M. ~. P M. I • Lebanon ,Jc.Ar.8 1.8 11 25 ·6 ~ s tblll wa, M ·W Ii.' conlliderll.ole ,purtlon rlH.6!im bj3r ~s lea,vlng 'this .lohDllon. deoeale d, said term ex~lr. Sltaker conntry or'. 8 16 11 28 ft 18' of .the oQonty . ... . tD, AUtJUlt 3, 1~98.. \, . ' . .', . itS ~hoy Bre ne~rl:, nil f.Oi'~lgn ve~ . ., ROIIlyn . • S 11 ·' 1 11 15 15 13 I. Deeirhi g to loou'e" farthur @uutb .sels. Tllere' are · two other Elizabe th H!"U Barve t ~J. BemPetea~ · lI eOS . 11" ia. 609 pIBOl'S ReiltralD~ng o,a~r modLfled. ,." ,. wJ. villited Mol)Ue expeotl ng ~o ~ve~t of here .that !1re well Centerville, . 8 00 '" 1 r 05 (; OQ plItron· . Phone 79, C. M. BROWN, Proprietor~ , i;. D. oa...on f, v. , Wm, ., PhUt''';' Manor II bo~t to 'tampa., ' Florld~. · On nc- Iz~o t 'l & a "10 '68 U 6'l by N:ort~ern peopl.e but we ". , .. roo L'I. '·.tle ' ". .' .7· 47 JO .• 63 ~7 " oount 08 . fend.n t III .oilven leave to·. pl..d of aD aoolden t Ule boat liud think Biloxi tlle ple~santest plnoe D ~W004 , *1 H *10, !'0 ' 4 " ,. the 'un08~tainty ·ti8' to ·the time. of to 11 ve in tlin daye. , ' ,, , \ '., ..' \;eoable ~ ;7 ~O UO.5 \. li '0 ea.llIn·1{ w6 ga~e. ~p ~he trip for We . Chrhlto pher Fry·vI ', 'amea Burton. KUchDer ' Oor I"s, t slgbt seeing 17 US *'0 '3 trip was to i4 UK preeent " and dooid8d to vlait , .the .New Orl elJns . Wt~ found OIUle oom»romlBed dd dlm1iaaed. Dodds 7:1t1 110 4 J It Ii very. . ' DB. , , Leland C(aa . tha Han .1 t7 .26 .SlO aB ,.. 2" Gulf 'towns on ,our way to New fine lind bellutlf ul olty, we saw the ' Leb.n~o~t.v, • 20 .. 10 25 ... 'eo Oriea.ns. ArrivlD g here we oonolud F~en!lh m ..rlret . 'whlah was a Bur· . Olta, ~D 'OA 'X, T o iu 0 ed to ma"e ' this our 'ho~e ~luring .prlslng sight to Ol!. , I - '- _'-:': ·'i U' 40 , 111 00 ;; r,c; our stay In ibe . Sou~h, . ..Just off J.aokson B<l>~~e arl!l ~~ D&XT ' D&XT Thl8 Js ' a mOdern up to dolte town C at,b edral lind th,e Deb\ldo an old 9 00 800 with ., eight' " t.housa nd . populat ion 1:!p,!Jnlsh f rillOD . 1:0 on8 cell" '. ~OUTB .nOU~D . we saw ; 13 I ,'oom~~tiol o. 1 hy ' KODlC. ~. lha A.M . . P, JoL P. M. aJl((~eOidedly ~he ni08l!t place we tbe ins ~nlluent 01 ~r~u~e, the I~ r;. ::t p m' ~ ' ry mcll fiS tbo , ntO.~ No " have·.se en·. It ~a8 all ' modern oon. stook~ .' lD , ~hloh tl1e : legs No 6' of the 5 :0 5 ('1"<1 ;1<1, 111 '.11 rooGog 1I111l 'sid!n!" f<lr ~eq,ences suill;l .1lI! .. paveO lltreet!', prisone rs ~vere fute~ed. The build· 300 • G 00 . ~ , :: c y' hOlls~5, Illu)<ls, ctc. Slt~I: '· : . ~ . , Ini i a~ no W U sed f)r nnlioe station coment walks, trolley .ollrs, in~r 180: ' .. a •. ,.. nll'l '010.. pbourcls cost ' more U:. : ,; ,) . .' urb&n trama, eleotrio Uliht~, ~E:lH. I We . vl~lted cemete ry where tbe 283 ~nt l:oep tllO bulldjngs us .dr,' ' ... . phones. gas for heating lind cook- IJeople, /Ire 1111 buried above tlI 87 ground ·'·!I n l1. a ·11 . an abunda noe of exoelle nt wuter io vaults 1111 wbl,tl! 'aDd mostly mar 840. :UO . CAN Alt-ttl..l1 &T YOUR SELF<. brough t Irom urteilian 'weils .nlne ble., In the.' pa!lI18 are . many , '8 61 ' .J &7 · fine , wi,hr"(l';IIt;k Ll lIUllchr" lI. LL d''''!;, ''';treqll ifl)painl,lu,;wltr n '' ·t tQ twelve hundre d feet .deep ' There n~onumentll 'ereoted to . 001 tlle. memor y \loa ' appllud,.u .,1 H ~ tl:.lL. h, .., 1 ' ".,by I Ir ( I PC l:1wplus 1111,1',:ur blo, Is'a, nice ,ever ' flowing ·.fountli lp In of , dI8tl~gl\iShe~ ;:men,. Th~ ,00li , " 3 o~ 1410 . monn · "0:01/ '1' ''''' "',,'"~ ... y." I' • U 'oo '3 au 18 '' '. fioni of the City hslL • ." . I to Gener,til Id61 of. the, ~ 10 11 . • s· 11 10 10" . APl9~g &]i.e bt1~ldloK~Ulll.t. are .be· 8,outlll s I·he . til!~t ~ eyer 8!lw. In 19' 14" ~ l~ . , t& ')9 ' Ing ereotie4 two haveat traoted pur.tb e U, 8 ... Mint wa 8~~ the silver I'.F ,}; THE "KNOW HOW"·, '" ))3 18 22 16 28 . IAhanoli Arrive 0 80 · 8 SO . 6 ~O tloul"ar atten'lo n O!l~ a prlvater e@- pup- ~hrough the !lift'ere nt ·pr~ss. . .Hl manufacturing pf P~oid that makes it, t~e ·' un.", SUI'!lay. i S"'P 00 ."nal 1!I~Dce being boUt ot'ceiil~nt blooks e s from the bl'lokn to ' the' fiD.iahed . IUSIJ,U TIUoIIII. . most ecO"'O'mical and satisfactory roofing or siding J ' 'and the other a oUII~m ' house of ,coin r8\1dy for olroula tion. On the u • T';-alllll pau 'Lrtle u .iOllo~ ; . w.pitem arble, The great.,a ttr.actlo n wharf weret.-re,,~ (l~antitiee of the N6rlltbouml '. "!lIL' m. mater I ial m on the market, Both :fire proof and weatQer" 18 the Galf and tbe beautlfu 1. beaoh sO,uthbr tl lltaplea, cot.tOD &r't\JboD n4 . ' , ' 0 ota. DO . ., 7 08p. DO and oana }.)roof. · '.y OU ' get ' full ·value. received " if you • . W: ' 1I.11I00~ buy alOJJI whiob the housel extend · for sY~op. ", ' .Paroid. ' .. o .... ralPUM D,er A . . .t,Lebanon, O. mJlee smODg' wbloll are many palla The oondltloD oUbe oolored peo· ::.' , . ' In the,yar dll found pIe of the BOuth hall been & lurpris e . I \flOID ROOF ING PAINT, ,be 1• • live oat treeS whOll8 to 1lII. 'On aoooan~ of certain reo Mak. :s.old roofs' new. Good oR 's ny IqIld of roof, braDo h. reaoh out. a dlll-.DOO I of . qulr~~ent. ~hey _re vlTtuaU y dill•. 8ft1 fee', in 1111 .directiDn.. ThB l franP,bi led ~B olld Idea I"ill pre- {l " f FloUl' mill has been ' newly remod eled and ohiQI induet " bere III tbe ' ,'yattpl' ",U8 th.t ool9l , ~p1e have DO quality 'of. our fto~ than ad flIh bUlliu. ., There ·.. re 8ge I rllhtAl~d In ftVel'. plaeee treated '. . ._ .Du_i ll emp1o),IDI- two u bealtl of., , 1 ba~e. been ~UDCer lUt....~.... mO(lutBoheli1~DI ~Jd cba$ in iDitano ee they , •
~ - - --
local No. 1
. --
Dr Cal dwe ll's
Sy ' ru'p ' Pep sm-
u U U
" '. .
The Gaze.tte can' you mon ey new&papers. arid mag azin es. If you inien fl 8ubs cribi ng any of the ' mag azin es \ or daily pape rs" come and see We will them for you at reduc-, tions.
GR OC ERY ..... ..... ..... .
.' War m.
~ " PA 'ROI[)
~ee ~he
~or 'S~ih~Jo~~N,.C~IIt~~~ \~~
is' better
;..I.. Moo r'o.e" .
The Miami Gazette BROWN 4 McKAY. PubliSher ••
o}no: Incompetent Wive •• Thel" III n ~ I'('l\t r InJ1II!lIee that ean b .lntll t d upon a gir) ilJlln fol' a Qlother t\l alitlw a ia I)( btol' to enter Cl'tllllllU hood or wlf/ hned wllhon t a practl nl koo,,' I<,!dge ut a bo usol\old and ItS I' qUi ram utL It ·matt<!rs na t bow jlilY her nre DillY be IlII1d.e (or 11or, l\nw ver3't.blns. nlay bfl prO\id d lor her b y souorous parents wb · n she begIns hor now COI'cer, nor how runny I4in"nn lS \lbe m~)' ba ve at her "ca U, a ' W'oman Is cru lIy hnndl cn\l~d who .oomes to, b rown bOIDo wlUlout aD tnt.elllg.tnt cone pllon of Its manng . ment. It Is a (loJllIlar th Ing In ce rtain Usmart sets" to scort nt tb e' ut.lllty of bousek' ping, but nol\Jlng more s U\'Oo Iy stamps the lntellectllnl collI> r ot a 1Iirl Ulnn IUl Indulgence In slIch fenth, , . er-bralned cOOlDlonplac B. TJle girl - - who beiie;~ she becom s fashlona!)l!! lIy beIng untrue to the best Instincts .ot ber selt , ts tile girl wbo some doy watt s. UI to wonder why other wo· men are so bappll y marrl II, und she &till relains bel' slugl 1)1 ss · dn s . Wealth dOE!!! not lessen the 11 8 sslly of a knowledge of home-mo.king nnd home- I!Jllns on tile paJ't of tbe girl, 'saYS New Yor~ Wee1!ly. Tbe largest tetlnuo ot servants 'r quires a hcnd, and an Intelligent one, just BB tile largest busln 8S' re().ulres n mnster; and servaol , wllether In a home or 1.0 an oruee, Quick tp dLscov r Inca· pac.lty nnd take advantage or' It. Tile 'Woman wbo' comes closest ·to tile sol\!· I tlOD of the servant.glrl problem ts the ' won1nn whom her eo~vants know .l s as ca\1ablo ot doing til Ir work as theY ve UlemseJ\'es. l3e rvnnta of aroy kind I work best and ollly undor. Inrectlon, and proper direction l'I!quLros knowl· edge. No stud! 18 more vItal to a «Jrl tba.n this. Man y ~ girl atter mar· riage bllll wLsbea \.hat sbe knOW more about COOKing. The strongest love or a hnsband for a wiIe la not Il surecaud tor the dlscimtcnt which Is s'lre to enter a home where the wlto be. trays, t;onstsnt domesUe Incapacity. If tbe Ilusban!\ be tbe mnster oC lItll · tnlalne48, be ~pectB bls wife to be tIle mlstres. of her homo. Writers and p,ubllo speakers hii~e dono m~cli barm In rcterc-Ing to cook4ng aB 11 .homelY art; 'o n the contrary. 110 prall-tical art e~sts wblch 'Is l1Iore g~ac o · :raJ. A ~ omanl wbo fllls her homo Iii every sense or ~lle word elicits mClro trUe nr:l1laUlie, wOft)l·y at 0.11 o'C tbe · ba'f1n.g, · thllD the woman cutlowetl tb any other qu~ity. .
tq Teal Or"UullPosea' ,of ·col· lege youtbs, stili more :yOuthf~r BtU' . , 1!ents i 11 high schools and preparatoo-' achools hll."o, PdQpte~ !I~raT\ c;e head· parll. . {nstelld o,t' tlle mpd st' boylsh cap and tho neat sort or sua f It bat hlt " drll ~B up," sottle fantastiQ bpys 'b!Lyo tOlllled 'tbemselves ,w ith slouch· lJats, V'~l'lous1'y dlstortl!d In lhe sbapo . \ or th~ hrlfUs, 'and ·even. decorated' wltb ,' , mal'klngs 'ana' devie II, The prl.nclllll.l ot one blgh 'school has asked the boys to cast off t he raz}' hea,d·coverings. The 'molter all de<leocy and slmpllelty or:dress Is really lJDportnnt,: 'I'he. boy "'h9 ' .dejI1,l( .weal's 80m~tbln~ ~hat il~a~~' HenUon \'0 \. hlms'e lf ' mlll1 lie. pardoll d hy oneene with humor, eDollgb to ' IIndl!rstand' bovlsh . folly. · Nevel'i.h~less. the hal)it o~ unobtrus' .ve IIrcJs Is a gpoll aDO to ulUvate ¥fly. ltenelll""l~aii of - ~.;ti-lkl!1g ap· JIOIll·once. Capt. ~owel) Illotton of tile . army fotlnd hint s'. 00 ' llrJUsh .' . . . Clp!Jblonfl (lU ' u ' dala, ~urrounded. by' ~bout ~o atten"auts, an " he th lls ·, des· -
crJbes qim: " IDs 19 ' a very davk, , hilt. 1iot' blnek- :,rdce, . matlrtid ' by smallpox, nther e\-e n bu.t nOl veny whlt.e teeth, • ahor t, : grayish bearil alid whlek/.ll·s, • ,(aeo ~bnt t9 f).lll' 'ot strength and shrewdness, quick ' In altel'lng oll pres· .alon. and 'l\ nl oSjlnt smile and hcal'ly 18.ugh. Uls bend ~'as covered .wlth It. . I d tl ht u ' wll emus IIi. rswn g , on Ie skull. A line'· roae-cut dlnnlon\! III 't he , loft ear, .1l plain gyp~y ring on the . ""t'lght Ii lin d, white tTouaerA, a, cant I1f nntI yellow striped silk, a black _tin cloa~ wIth gold b~l(fd nod lined -wtth pink" .w Js Ills costume ... · '.
" . ~Ol' ma;IY years ~h!1 earl of Trmkel" ",lUe has vrepched Ohl'lstlaqlty, and · DOW ho has given IIracllcaJ llroof 01 !the 81~,ce~lty. ot 11'B cO!lvIcUons . . For the plIl'lll>se ot 1OItlgaljn.s: local dl.· :!tress, his lordshl'" hos rcopened thE' 1__ .. m ' 11'les 00 his " estate' at Sallbeacb, ....... Shropehlre, . and has ol'l'el'ed the meD .11 the [I"'olits, "t bJle /1,0 ~nlentB him· serf :wIth taking the " royalty nnd ill ~matJ perc:,Jntnge . o.11 thl! putllQ'· . on jlDAChln'ery. \
~gbanlstanT~~e~r. \\fas more married" .,h1le ' he ~UII a, lIltle .than £.
loapi t,hlt A,'" Guarlnt.ed. WINTER FEt:DING ~" ~OQI, e%,ruatmed, ....'hlle yet m) Ylgor Is un So mucb akill trouble rep\llta fro. abated nnd my cotirBge 81.\11 l'trpus?" How. Mluourl ' F.rmer ' Man.gel till the' use of Impure 'adullerll.l(!d 'toilet. aoil be ilDd stretch d hith o l~ to hJa loapa, that the proprietors oe H II 4o'A\re Farm. f ilII hoigllt, ,ond bOd drawn hE:r up Ducban's Toilet Boal'S bnve filed &. In . Ills powerrlll armla, an ll hQld her with tbe U ·'S. OO'lernment laughIngly bero ~ e hIm wUllle be de- ' llll -lO·nere farm Is sbown In tlll'l. aen. 5I,r,.1 a I ... aDiIl" .rl". DlBnded answer. complln)'lng dlngram, writ ~ !,wmer «uaranteelng tho O"bsoJuto purity or' And she had loolcnd Into ' his eyel .M )'el'lI, III ];111'1'111 and Romo. '1'he their ~oaps, and they aloC! tile onll AN IIICIDEIIT IN tat CONQUEsr or and lind aUl:llt tbe spirit of his cour. ~~~~~~~ blU1n Jilt. Is Iqrgely a steep, 0011' 0(\0'-' ooes ' lIo sllursntecd. Tllc~e are three CAlf""!! I f TUIt BnlEW PEOPLIt. :lgo and fnitb. · From ' tbllt 'moment o...d, SOUQI slope. To IUlllI'OV :11\8 brandll: Antiseptic Soap, ' Tar Sonp•. 8, th. "Hlahw., ...d B7wa," Pr.~.r TI'iE I'iOGS' . BATH TUB. sbe entorod In to b iB \1lnl's tor lhe ex· nubiral s lmlto!' the bl\oJ$, bal'lI .lnd aDd Sulphur 800p; not onlt cJeal1Be~ ..-:::~~~~~:':':~~~~~~.. pedltlon n ~olnst Hebron. and bM "'lIndy Davice Which Mal<es th., DI- ~o 'hog shod wero locJlted . a . 11I.e, but lIoothes and p' lecta tbe skill' . boon. as we b l\'I'o' sald. tt a last ono . ~ .. west sldo. it haR been (Ileal' d c:c· agalDst dl~e~80. U your dealer d0l:s', to SBY good· by, and she '\las keeping ping Proee .. Easy. copt S~nt10rlng trees "over most or not keep Ulem send 18 cOllts wltb his ber vigil th ere ilL bor 1001cllut post Qft namo nnd add ross to' BlI~bnn's BoavDfplllll IJOga is at best nas ty work. th barn lot, with a tblck I' {rlnge. OorpOI'lltloD, New YJrk, and they wflt. s bo called It, tllat ehe ml gbt be tbe the lind rbrush. leCt nlong InclUding saud you· a,' rUll·slzo cake, ~KH~()QOCIO(»O()«)()<I)O<X:f(lOOOO Orat to bid him wolqome b(lme ADd ~ll J by Ilrovldlng Q propel'iy couslrn t· tb tOll of lho slopll. ad baUI ub muc~" It lIot nil, r lbl8 r('jolce ov r 1115 vi etory. 'J'!le bog sllcd is 9G. f ot 1Q.ll&, _con· SERMONETTE. DI.elle and InJultlce, "J am glad Othnlcl w nt ,wllh blm," 1Y0rl, mny b avoid d. Thl. atory of Othnlel and 'tlie sin whlcb Is termed dlshonls"".. Oons tru t a tnnk of nny width Md tnlo lng n douhle row or ))Ons 12x8 sbe sali! to hllN!lll,r, aud at the llI'm· Achsah la one of the many tlon of lhe name tbe color stole Into I(!nglh rou III ns , just so I Is Inrg teet In size and 8 (lllrat d "by nn «1!lle I. tbo sn me evil. all that wbleh ,. , beautiful romances found In her Coco: "tor Ulero Is no one father !nollgh, bllt !)e Qal'l)rul not to get ,It 4 teet wld~. Elich pen hns n t1o(\r. a called dlsc~ ae 10 IIvln« bodles 01' . God's Word. ' True marriages, cleponds mo re lipan In dllllculty ond more IhUll 1 G Inches deell, directs the . trqUlOh l\lId a .I1ay r\lek. Tbe· sh 0 111 blight In the' seMons; and In 'clUcs it haa been nld, ar. made In dung r ~hlln be. Yes," e:he added, Prairie Farm 'J'. A good slzu i.e otuko Ugllt and wnTm with windOWS. to otJ· Ind goverDments hOB another nam':. he:aven, and certalny' tile Bible after n fe w moment's pausl!, "hnd It Is five r at wide by ten reet long .a nd mit sunshlno and fresb Ir. AI,I1:lg wblch II InJusUce.- Plato. gives evidence In Its record of nOt boen tor his cntllusllllIm and h.lp, l 5 Inohes deep, usIng lumbe r two with sucb l'epolOl as this' bl.llll,1I1& M... Wln.lo". !!G .. thlD" ·8Y1'11P. the hum,1n 'r;Jce of God'. Interror tl eds In Ihe fall.prepnrntol'Y to wLn· For mhUdrCD leet,bln •• .arLena lb, .um•• reduoe. r.. fn ~h e r would Jlot hllve bnd enoogh luches thiok and 15 Incholl wid est and share In the closellt tie men to carry out the exp ditlon. 011, the "Iell and ends, nnd fioorlng of t r l1S0 the pena aro t/IOI'Qllgh 11 lamm,atJOA, alJI&,. v"latelY",_ "tad c"Uu. ~ Ilbc.l'~e.. which can draw two hearts and whit wnsbed. A little bedd ing III he I so strons, nnd noble, nnd brb \·e." ~I\'aul~ed Iron for lbe bottom. Larl:1I fortunes (rOIll Il1Iall a:rart;. lives together - that of mar· us d nnd very for noon the fioors ond s he gnve herGelC up to bnppy ro v· lOOn croW'. rlage. are clenn d. They nre also occnnl· orlo f rom which sho was s udtlenly' It I. evident from God's onally scrubbed. Tho 1\OgS t h m· tJ roused by thp note ot a horn. 'lnd spoken word when h. created 8 h'~s a\'e reguinl'ly dipped, III d t il Y looking . up qnlekly she 81\W corllins . man ' and wpman he gave them bave no nCCBSS to mnnul'o o,"cept. 1st MA YOR OF SUNBURY nCTnss t ho volley below Iler falber to each ·other that he Intended ~QYS Pe· ru· DB Is a .Goo". Ibey Ilnd It s pread on. tho fieJd ll. nnd hls .\VaITIQI'8, them to be one In thought ilnd Medicine. The lWO soulh p ns In th"" Il. '~ Sprlngi na to her reet, IIbe sped p'urpose and aim, that to 10 sh ed IInvo herototoro 'been usell onry down th pathway and was soon HOD, C. O. Brooks, Mayo~ of Sun··' bea~ · lIfe'. burdens together, 18 for hny, Of tho otll r ' H 1\ o s cla'Spctl In Ills arms, who h(lstoned for· 'bury, Oblo, also Attorney Cor Fann. and. . mOllt and beat of all, eltabr sorved tor the banI', threo 111'0 OC'· 4!N!' Baok and Sunbury Bulldlnc ' and ward to me · t ber. wh110 his men IIlh the home and raise a fam· pupled \,Iy the hrood SOW8 nud tbO Loan Co.• writes: stood ,nJ,tc:hing ttl h OPIlY rC\lDlon. Ily about them. , remaining space Is given over to the. "J;\. ntJ you took Ibe Cit)', in 11 I' ?" "1 bave tJIO " utmost <:onftdoDco In. But too many men and wom. Aclt sllh D!\ked, eagerly. ' YOllng l' ,.tock" t,llvlded Into bllnchQB th~ virtue of J;'eruDa, It Is a greu t en of tD-day have drifted far of 10 to. J 2. Care Is taken to put to- medici no. ~ve used It and I hnve ''Yes. tlQughter, anll I 'Wonld have Plun for ·the Bllth Tub. from the Divine tho.ught and gone nlmlnst Kll'jath'sophc,r, n.lso, had ge.l h I' thos ot llbollt the DRm os.. known mnny of my rrlends who hov&plan for the wedded life. The 1 not known Ulat you would he aDlt. Set this In the ~l'oun d u~lI.,.r 0. shOll nud size. This Winter the Inraor ol)tnlned beneficlnl , resul\8 tro~ Its unhappy homes and the recorda U8e. I ~lIaOl prtI/ao "'IV". toolOllS about my return." 3ear whel'o tbe bogs are red lind fill to number or awLne mnde It necessary b1Ibly." of divorce courts hear their sad And nleb went 01) to · teH lIer (lr , dellih of about ten Inches wltb wn· to press Into use Ihe two south pena wltneall to the havoc which leI• . tllls !lOcO it stronghold ,()~ the enemy, tel' a,nd Oil, ~11 of lhl s ]llnco hal t nn OD BQon 118 the' bny WOil 'Ollt of th m. f1I\1nell and ,In have wrought. onll bQ\v Its captllro \V:lI! neCel;SllI'Y tn¢h of rudo oil . . 1i:vel'Y ani mill In the drovo Is 1\ pet. No longer does there prev;!11 the hoforo lb y co'uld enjoy the rruits of During aumm rand Inll, nnd ov 'n a.nd oach one knows Ita .,lace HI) well aame sacredneae to ' ·th. mal" tlu!1-: , victory over Hobroll. )n r nl warm rays In wlntor,lIlgs will ~hat the s ame IndlvldllQ,11 are h4:dtel' rlage vow. Engagement.. are a Achsnh pllrsed up bel' J:lretty 11p8. gladly \lse thIs to wnllow In 'It abut lows ni ght after night. thoughtleu diversion, am,,· nnd Q fro\vn sottled upon bel' brow. awuy Crom mud~oles, nlld It Is sUI'e In tho lower southwest ~ornor of mentary fancy to be entered "Could nqt I have wlil l ~d? Old lenth to lice and skin cllsonses. the barn Is a room called tho o'ince. Into lightly 'and to be cast aside not. 1 know that Goa "'·a ll with you? The odvantage or thIs tub over JIOur·, It contains a cook stove nnd a tan. and' ,broken · ruthl~.lIly It' ii/him Cnnno~ 1 be bravo at home whll 'you Ing U16 crude 1111 Into mUdho!es 1111 811Ch as Iff used · for beaUng \vn r 10 0 '1' caprice prompt. Marrlage~ are bra\'oly fighting the e·nemy?" Bhe bas be n . gg41sled, Is Umt it Is more the kitchen at the hOllse. From tbls are ha~lIy contracted, 01' with ask ed, I'\lSCntmen' ond dlsappol ~onomJcnJ and Is cleaner, I)esldea b\')· tlllik a lll'p e extenils ln~o the hog shc.d that ehallowne.. of purpose ment soundlng In .ber vol'ce. and do n tbe aisle, wltll n faucet {or Ing !:noro :etrecUve. which never eo much III enter· " W II s poken, my bta've little strl," taln. the falnteat IntentiOn of exclnlmed the father. "I am home making and llie rearing tempted to gO linck even IIIOW and lay GIVE VIE lIHEEP A OHANCE. of ' a family. siege to the city. Wllilt aay YOll, And when the very thought milD ?, be n 'ked, turnIng to 1Iis men. Protect the Little Fellows From Para· and purpoll of God la thua ruth· A look ot dlsappotn,tm ent missed sites and Germ Diseasea, leesly and sinfully callt aside, over their facos at theSE' words, for and man and womlln enter Into lllef were . al~ eager to get bome Thl) laUIIIG C9m Into tbo world por· relation. which ' are not aanc· ogalo aCter · their fatigue .nnd danger rectly free from varnsll s nnd geneI" ' tifled with holy purposel and oC th e pnst tew d1lY9. Caleb noted l ily [rom germ dlsenses. It Js prolldCllre. what can be expected of the look and then glan!l'ng at his lblo that mos t of th mare frBC from the ultimate outcome? dnught er's :1nlmnled Iacll, a !!IIdden Intornnl \larasltes.· The fiock owner ' It 'has been said, and well Inspiration came to blm, and turning ~bould realize this nnd endeavor to ' aald, tha~ the greatest danger ~o hIs meo, he saId: protect lhe IItl1e Uilngs ' from all that A whloh thli country facea tooday "Tie thnl. IImlth eth KJJ'jatb'sopher, 1V01lld mnko them less lbrltty than I, the destruction ' of the home Ilnd tnl,eth It, to him will I giye "",cb. Lbey nre w en th y nre born, says . , iffe of . the nation. What can \ Sarmers' Rovlew. Some of tho most snll, my daug bter, to ~ Ife. " be the stamina of the 'comlng JnetanUy a ba'lf dozen men sprang Jueces!lful ftocks or IIhoep In t ho cpungeneration 9f tnen and women, !orwl\rd, nnd ae Achsnb stole n s by :ty hlwe be<ln mndo so hecollse of If they are not to have the nurglance ov r ller tathel"S a,boulder, she tile core b stowed upon them. In I. rrmmlll mre a bost of petty at1ments ture and training of the pure saw tbat Ot hlllal was among tbe the, very lI.rst place · tbey lIave 'Ieen eaoh trouSh. li;i ry . Dlorllln~ eoon 1. whlell ar~ the ',lire!)t result of to& home atmo.phere? How the nllmbet. r prolected ol;lall)st nil klnlls ot parn· 'arter aa.yllght tho 1I.ol;s nre wl\\ered. . wenther. .. . moral etandarda of the coming During the <layS whIch fOllowed ~It I!S, nnd hnve \Jeen given quurtc,N! In :c t he w lither Is mrld- lhey set wnter ThIs Is more tru ot tlie eJlcellql"$ men and women muat be low· 4c!ls~b'6 h,cart was torn by Its Con· which dlseas\'! germs COLlld not tbrlv . at th e l~ tllpernt\lre ' of the clefcrn: boat of s limmer"' null tho Intense cohl ered if they are reared In the , .Thelr owners have realized the t It It Is Cold tlleJr urlnk Is wlll'mod of , winter, but ts partiy' tiu of all IIIct of Mpes and feal'fl. What " fetid atmosphere of all ~I nds of Othnlel dll not tak th cit d tI lbat about all thnt shoep need 18 a VllaSODB or the yeRr. . y, nn I , 'I'll y aro nex t given s oma :;=nin Whether It be n 'cold or a cough. ,\ e, e ,oeja' exce and frlv01ltl .., ple(lgo of her rathel' sno'uld give her :bance to be thrifty. It 15 well known Ulan corn, ordInarily oats nnd Ill'aJIII and afe oursed with the decreell t o an otller.? . Ob , ' It· co uld . not · be, tb n.• th ey h ave In ' th ms Ives an un· bay, suppl'ylolf ' , "'!lUan'n of thl!,heail or bowl complnl.ot , alto~eth(\r " 'Ith about tho liver be alYected dr th~ of the divorce courts. But It Ie fo r tber\'! witS no more daring and usual P9 wer. of reslsUng: 'l1Isense and baIt If teed. " kidney", tho cause I, verY liable to not 110 INhere God hal a ahare brave a. Ogbter . than h e. . 'And abe af rising above av Tse conditions. The 'Excellt In the. severellt we\ltller the bQ the snme:. " In the romance, Ind Join. two ~he wentbill' sll(;h,tly derange" ~4 prnyed . t.hllt fortune mlg:ht (avor hIs 31100essfuJ "alalng 9f slle<lp does not bogs have' the ,f"eodom or thi! barn heart. In loving helpful union. ellorts.. . require 'ol:trllordlnnl,"Y meallures so mUCOus memh.rnnr t of the orgalill \lnd And In the mean 0 we, Ol hnlol, muoh as ord[\)::I1'y measure•. ' The tot alld 1\ 1.0.·l\cre fl\lld . Every wloter tbe re.ul~'la som~ fnnctlbqftl dlsl!nso. OOOOOOOOOOO<lOOOOOOOOO<>O ':lervElII by tl)O memory ot thnt sby, iteps to 'I,e taken ne",d to be those Onds two of t be lIelds tn rY,e and tbe Perun. ba. lJucOmo r• • tandby fa : beautiful fuce, IlUshe'd f(lrWnl'd rest. ~r protectlng the sheep lIgalnst e n. third In meadow; \ uBually .5 nares of tbou.."ds 01 hom,ea I';" ,inlnor.lI~ ,ng n Hiler dllY nor night ~II he ~mles ot various kinds ralHer tban to clo.\'e1' and Ii ocres of alfalfa. . ~n cose ment.· ollhl. aort, .,. . . . fl.rat qne t~ greet Caleb as be k d . " tll'e gl'QlInd I~ too 10ft the hogll are As&- Yo",. Dru"/lIt ""' -I'ne , Peruna ret urn ed with his men vLctorlous war e ollt Ills b,old plot for the go[n· ievise new methodo generolly. . 'conftned to the bam I<,t, ond In that AI" Jn g of the Inner walls of the . city. It -will lle found that tite successftil i . .... ,. . ",."",." ,'f' {ro o in- the IUlsault uJ)On H.ebron was 1I1,s Tbls be sllcceo'ed In' dol".1 , and wheD . . , In . all 'rlllle~ , men ,t Ilat event they" receIve n moro liberal '.1-ai, . u " 3h,el.lberda are . young nod beallU(·UJ dll.Uglit r Achsah. Ile' had thromn opnn tile "Q ...alen o·f the look cnretully Ilfter the 1Il1114~udo . we n ~ of lowapce. of feed. Before, dark ~ Sbe ha(! been the laat one to bid him ,clly, ho found b.l s b reUmm rendY to IIllJo things, 'lVhlol1 gQ ~Q mnke. up the h9gs are ligaln adqlltted to lhe aliI!<] God·speed 01 he lIad d pnrted on the aill hlDi ib " he conquest of tbe clly. grand tolnl 'Of ,things makillg (or th.e Allho It h tlley lIave free a~e('e8B t< expedition against ' the streng·walled And so it was that' while Achsah kept \Velrar ot the flock. Tn glvo lhe watel' during t1ie day th~y III)W get clly ot the aons of Anak, anti bel" her vl~1J a gain at the lookout post, }heo p a goud flghtln g ~banco Is 1111 warnl water It It Is cold. The:.' 'nr. words of rn.l th nnd assllrance that OOmlel overthrew the c.~y /lnd turned tbot Is necessary to Insure 1l1lCC'lSS. tben $lvon all lhe shelled co~n th,,) God wOllld gIve him tbo victory hnd his (nco homeward. . will eat. cheered lind strengthened bim In all .A.cl18ob saw ' him coming Ilt the 00 lIays of· cblllla$' rain, (Jeep 8nOll! the contuet tile IIrst SEPARA'T'OR MILK FOR p,IGS. 01' extreme CQld, tbe hogs arc ker,I b '" !lerce ( II d " of hll tileI days 'd bthat bClld o(. Itrs Ilien - ' and. a'ter , _. , een ' s.wlft· glan(;o of , joy. she lIed' ln Dlnld: shu~ ul). At elleh tl~esi 110~ov\lr au 0 owe , an .. ,w e ll:! l1a war;'lng on' the cIty, Aeheah . h~d ·kent I d. t It Should' Prcive ·the· Beat Kind of Fee!f thl'lY ore' tu.rned ou.: wbUe , tbo. "iiI!, n;, t h f hi t t f' eu y mo asly ·: owards hmne" h\1 t not W' ~ , wa Ii . or 8 re urn, aUlI hat morn· beCo r.e Othnlel'S quick eye hod cnilgllt . When arm., .. . .', arQ' l!elll/il 'C11l~ell , and ,then" ~l'Cl.cI lug hod gene lll\t" along , the pathway .th e flutter o( hill'. robo In ' lb.!! ' bl~lgh~ . Th.ere II! on Impression omon, 80me back ... Cor ' n'ddIUona\ breakfast.'· AI ' I'I'IIlrIIl~ which lea fl'om bel" home " to . the su nlight, ' and, I'unnlng fl wlttly "by ' a ~drillerll that Ule feedhig of '8klm milk noon ' I,bllY '~l'e aIBo.: ,PTC?\'r'aeci'" WIIW', il'al.aJLI.:'II'IUL.. blgb knoll whleli looked out over the ·shOI·t cut, ho l'eDched PoInt In ber wnrm· from the SElJIarnl,Or lal njurlous ' more Ceed .ot some , kind . . Thls ~~!!~5t:~~=~f;;::~=F~ v~lIey . through ,Which· lIer father pnthwny before lIeI'. \0 piGS: Pret. WIUlnm Oelll'lch, or the b:!ually In the form 'of a cbo,iir.e, r. would pass. It hnd . been five days "Ah,! love, YOll cannot, ; mo! " lI,'lnblll , ox perhne.U:tal stollon, wdtJ,ng as ~m.nll ¢ooked pO~l1toe8' now sln('.o Ills departure, ~nd she felt be e<tclnhri~d, ' ~s 'bl! s p'riLDg [rom htB )11 'thl~ Illll,tt~r, snys· th~t 'tb~l'e- ." no vegetables ·~ thnt'::nre noi m~t,rJ~"~tal)Je be rollst return lbnt day, for he lIad hiding [Jlneo .and folded her In bl8 rc~>on why It · ~hlll1ld ' caus& tt:Ouble The bogs nre also let out Ii min . said IlS he waved her a lost gOOd·by ' artus. ilnce worm milk Is lhe natural ,tood ules nnd , tile pens clearied ar.a.ln bo thnt I)e would be back slII,eli.1n (du~ . ' r ITt ' (lbat th' . I ., '. . . ' '''011, ' hnw YOIl r~lghtened mel,, ' l!be 0 p g/!. , may I " , 8 'Sl;9l11; ng Corl:! , supper. -,! . . " ., I .i;.: ....-..;~...:.._.....;,..;...,:!.~...l.z.....;•..;.~"__ dnys, and 'here the firth day was neal" cried. "' .thought YOII y.oere baok wll.h lila running do:wn tn !lesh .,tbat Is AnotHer pnrt- ' of their, regular I\let I, Iy balf gone. ,:rOllr men." . . 30mot1meS observe,d 18 ca,used hY' 8ud· Includos coal, . SlIli.. charcOal " "nel "Can ·Jt be that dIsaster has come "Bllt hI] . who taketh the quarry. :len changes In '~eed: . 8~ICh as, tor, Ill' nahes. ·At Q' ce'rtalri BWt In' tQ him 1" she nRkol1 berselt, as . she doth It by RtCllltll ," be rejolnod: wltb ' 3tance, chango 'fl'om colt!' sour skIDl;' lot III leept a c8uDllly at snIt, 10Q.!ted out acrose the volley ' and a laugh. "'Twas thus r calitured Klr. milk to wnl'm , fresh sk(m·mUk. Tbe 'anotber Ii' n jllle of Ilof~ oonl. sought t o penetrate tho rugged phth. jatb'!l pltel·. (lnd, 'tis', thus I·· 3klm·mllk either rol'm '.!s ~oo~ C~e(l. ~1'9 re.lls~ed by tl).e h'!gs. way Wilt. led up Into l'IiO " taken l he ." . ' . . but It will not .do to cllang!! trom c,me: ,lumps 'Jl ro being' l,Iurned, to, "el~hL!l where H 'bron ~as sl t Ulltetl. to the other very sudctenly. An!,tj:ler. ebap:;oal, Tbe' jnornhig gl'llfn 'No," shl,! exclaImed, . I)alf gnlltlly,' be· Believe• . In Army y. M. C. A, cliuse o( lh~ trouble msY' b I,bat PIO. ground '''(or ilie young stock cause ,th,e dnuiJt t hnt had crept 'Into I.orit Hobel.t8 IHIS Intll re~ ted ' him. p,lg" are b~lng 'Ced too much. , . $0,.0- . to them. 'ltl' tbe.' torni 'of ."Iop. ber hem:l. "No, Oint cBunot be, ' tor 's elt In the el/ [ens ion ot 'th e army tlmos' ll,ltoplo think t.ho.t when ~he attention' Is gIven to the vnllnl!'''' did not Goil promise hIm th is ell" as y'.l\f.~ . .A.:iI In Cllnoda. wblcli hn . are~m' Is '. we.n Oll~ 0 .. th~ mUk there' teN! ' by aUpl)lyiJ1~ , tlle!~ .wl,~ 1111 ,. lin Inhel'llancll? He tarrl s that. lie , .lust 'udol's din· theee' weIrds : "I COIl' Is not .rUlicb l~ft that Is of anr villue !lpare skl!:n . milk ' nnd .ethill'wlse ~~:1' 2~~~~i~~~ rna}' wll) a yet gl'eater l'lctill'y. Bllt Hldol: t l)nllhese .ossoclati!OnB are ' dolng ' ~ youug ,anlma~s arc .tod vory llber- vorlng, tlleln ' 'so that' '.bY"SPl·till' " A.rpm.~''''PclDta''l~i'-'.' be :). 0;"1,A~t ·' drove ' ot 'yoiing If£ook "'Ill . & d wlll BIII'oly h tt'leome d h to·day," If t she th' aeld· t "u sOI'v.lce ' to '<he ' ~nTmy ', th' ot ' slly nnd often. overfCld, and . thls . be-' u'hole " " e , 'os 8 e se . e crse a 0 oot lhelr lnelhods o I'e. , thomnl!'hly' nra<:- comes ~ vE,l ry ,tler/ I~attc~. 'lThe a8' even 1lB ]lOSIL~Ie: . :;.,' of ,o. and ga\'O' her· tical and fullr serve tbo. .".. " """""In " ' rocll comrortably . PllrfJ'1!1e5. 5kim ,. ·mIlk ha~ .... . 'C,latt~lv ! ~ ' more . . "'1" ..,.,. , ~h,e;. ';l!8ell' ' b,ogll. are J1 • ."er';i~IQ're~i:'Y~~~~~~~~~~~~t~~ solf lip to JOYOUS aatlclpatlon. ' which tllOY are. devls~I , .. n~e •.r. "" wJlI~le~!DII~)n. ~ .C:O~~!Y" _ fl.le . ~, ~fAt . ftIIIt' When tho division ot lbe land had an-ol'd the men IlD opportunIty to. 000 3ullltl ~ceJl8 qf protein .fn· the BYIl~,!m; '(ldf , t..dan8*.r II~" lit";;been mado ullder the dIrection of cIIPY theIr spnre time reru;onably anil will very- Ilkcl1 hl'lng ~bollt ~lgesUvo~ too' fat:. EllI'ly 'In the. .1osl1us, slle: ~nd ,feU so~mwllnt rebel.' to their owp advsntagl! ,; ' . . lroubles. "; . " as " the' ~ows ./11'0 'III good 1I0u. that BIICh dIfficult' portion ' should . . , . • corn ot ,thell', nlgllt .feOO fs
. lIer "Wby,:: 'lJa,c! asked,to. pp.tulantly, did tl\ey . 'abe not give you In1ierltanee In the (fullfbl II (th ' • boy, to seven Wives, each the daullb· .. ' e f (I va ey ohard · eandJordan? You Inho.vfl ...r o f · a (lOW U C bl e t He no 'II' bu-~ (onght aerv!!d long be. four. wl,ves, Ule eldest w.hO,l!l II 0 ha.1f of," Arael, Is It not time that an IIhrew, ' wboso fierce olltbreakll hIs ~asy porllon were' given you'" And IllshnCIIs 1& Bald to bear wlth .almo!!t . ber (etber hall drown her closo to Ill. Cbrlatlan fortltud:l, Iide .nd ' I\-d fetal!! to her 1\11 the I . lhl',lIlng early hIstory or Ilrael. now ! A 14lnhlgall woman ,.,lqIts· a dJvorf'.e as 011& -of tbe spies be had declared' bel' busband wouldn't -a1luw tbat tbey able to overcome the ..... to talk. Bbe··ought to be able to Ib'ODlr citY of Anaklm. a!l" ·tbat Ood -... It th dol ' t bac! promIsE''' that city snd the COUD' .. 011 0 croon (IE roll,r tIT round II. bl. IDIHI':llanc.. "And ,, _ _IU". 40 J uee4 U ...r portion!' lie IIad Willi
. lIocause
Offle~holder'. Gratltu~I" ln 1<0,...
Give Boar Plllnty of ' Inlll~ake ot, .. Mal)y breedeN! inake the the . herd bCiar In a, 8mall, "~Irty · pen und provide no yar"u for hIm ~ olCcrcllle I~. He abou~d have ' . pen ' a~d . a YOI'd of abOut all. acre away from 'he 1'Olit 01 the herd, '. . Nation a.lng Ed·~l cated,. 'h~p , Gro,flnll' N'lnety:~~o ""' 4;ent of: the el1l1dreD . 'l'here Is a great tendency' amon«
dle[1l~ced ,
The "oa~" 11Iby.... less veh afat!?nlng "'"'ne and m'akl"ng 'r'..ntl:n' a'll thllUe year > v H I's BlleoIa I' I'un·way I8 tb e lane tmm tlle barn to' tho chloken b.ouse~ At the ' MOllth eDd o( 'tJi:e I~EI ' I. ~ ..n .. · 1.~''' ' If.i'I.I''''I''':; In whleh"he dally ftnds somu II1~JiIOD'1 ~Io,). adding sreater varl"~ to foQf). ~wJne 'tbns, c"'e.d. for liJl!JDcI tll.e wlDter In comfort. , 'l'tietr- ~WUI Ie :: :~a:ui::' IDbe:~b:::. tlI~":~::n: :~v~rs ';;v~~~~clT~: 8::~~I1S~=i ~/!=e~d ~::~:e '1• 8 and 14. ' 'l'Jatee :a .... ..;.:. .... W ~'Ow fill Ita "(JIlI, el»Oi't a lot; anci every m.6rlllillir IIUD"" ' OIlIlDII1 . M.... __ In' ...I1 ......- usl, a ., __.. ' _ ... taogbt. JII=,IIDell~. ,,·...u:t. and muttoh ought to \10 wlUa1la tile rea.a!l ... ~ ~ ... eJU _'Ii>' _ . J1~, tl"t'J man'. tab", the Uf, A KoreRn who late "fas ~fldlstfjr .8lppolntedof tax collector by the YI .l\C"mtak hns determlnetl out ot grall. tilde ror this great fAvor to I'epa)r tbe minister's summor hOUSEI at consider. a\,lle eIpense:-Korea ~Iy Ne...
,, '/
_ ,.
Recently There Hal Belin Distinct Change in Stylel,
'r~18 fayorlte Breakfast t)ish Jr Many
While a fow ola·fasblon a folk ~1I t1K to the cJaUllU!k towel, tho great majol' lL)' d moud Ule hU k, blea~hed by oat· ural proceS8C~ ont of uours. 1any or thes\! como III damQsk figures and ralloy waves, s uch as the \le ur·de· lIs or QbrY~Ullth mum woyeu In. }'rlnged towels are a , thing or the (last. Tho hemstitched borders a ve a ttractive, but not d IIl'able for ev 'ryday usage, liem lIud body bolng too apt to pllrt company III tbe h\underlng proc08s, 'I'here Is a dmnand tor bUild emlll'old· ery In towels. \. n for everyday ulle, but the pla in 11 III answerll for most people. The mnrklng for towelS shouH he cleur and dl~t1nct.. It a eln gle let· t~r Is used It should be about two Inches In size. Whlki family Illeces an- beUer embroidered In white, In· dlvlrlual towels tor dlfferc nt members ot Lhe family ard more qulOkly assorted after tb\! wash It each Indlvld· ual has his owo color. The mother of two boys who are orttm oft on campIng and yachUng t rlplol, where they carry tbelr own towels, bas one set of towels marked In 1.011\0 und the other In red, so that It takes lJllt a moment to SelJal'ate lhem. For ·tbose who do not like hucka· baek for fa ce towe lfi, smull lengths of diaper linen bultonhole d on the ends makes a good face cloth .
Cl'!f' . len,1 nS' oul tho tw:>. noat them I!glt~ a nd . DrtOl· stl'lli nlns lheni tbrOugh a sieve f1oppel' and suit to · lI'Ist , and tben (li· vld!,,!,; 111'0 auueCK o( tros Ll bull r bl\.o small aIr aeld tbem to the eggs. Mean whll "repare 11 quarter ot I pound of'lJ uH r III a Cry ing \ll1n. place It on'l' th 111'0 [lud whe n lhe butle r boll !l Pllt Into It tbe beat(m egg. J!oClt It fry genUy uml l tho undor !lIdo I.I1I' OS a light \))'(IWII. Do not tllrn It · wltU ... cooking. Wheh done 11ft It out with a tint cako lifter, double It on a dish th e frothy F,lde wlUlln, aod spreu ll u IIW parsoler ov I' .tbe nlcel1 br'o\vnetl top. An on. le t IIko lhls may b f1nvored by nddlng to the heaten egg before cooking, Bome parsley mince d fin e 0 1' Home choppod celery or ODious, allowing ot the otber two ordinary sized onlou8 to an omelet of six OggR. Von l kidney or sweetbread fin ely mlnccd. s hrcdo ci\ cold ham, or oysters mlnc d (wll.h lhe hurd enters omit· ted) Uj'C all good In omelet. - - - - - 4' FOR THOSE · FOND OF HONEY.
Var IcU el. Sclt!ot
S 01'
(Copyrtghl. l!lO6. by J080ph .n. 13owlce.) 'The SPllr mountnlns belon!ied to So ho led bor to the gatoway In the MBedonalds, and the Lonnon silence, and beld' ber Coot wbeu sbe mountains to tbe 1\1c"UlsLers. 'i' he mounted. ',alley 'between them wa~ no ma'O's "Friend or toe'" he asked tinder 1119 land, for I hoy wore too husy flgbt,. bl·eath. Sbe lookod down a,t him wltb Ing ovor 'it to keep out the thieves her gt'elLt blue eyes. .tram the hills. "}'oe," sbe whIs pered hoarsely, " but N IUlor boasted 'Iong of ad" lInlBge, -1 hOQor )'OU gl·eally." till tho days when Robert McAIIlstor, Then she rode awny In to lhe mist lovenlh of ·the nil me grow old. Then that bung ov r the valloy below. and ~n III time bal)pened' to the clan. HIli bo gazed after hor. till she wall lost to lion Slipped over ii. crllg and was view. , kll\e>4. Since Robert McAllister was • "There was nev er her lI ko In nil '100 old 'lor arms tbe nam of the Scotland," he vowed. "Sbe woulcl have ell'n grew small, 'and Lho more dar- drunk Iter deatb." "Aye," lIald a sogo. who was srond,ns ot tlie trlbesmon took e rvlce un· ier th\l Illng of Franco. for Ma~y Me- 1':1: near him. "She would have taken AIlls wl bad the spirit ot a man, but It; and..-percltance IIhe has moro ot oilly tba oody of a mnld. . · t~e polson at home! " Alan, the young chlet or the Mac· The young chlet Iltared at hIm for. A TRIFLING REQUEST. A MERE MATTER OF MONEY. donalds bad won great renown In moment, tben gllve a great sholl t. arms, a~tl he had the wa)' ot lending ,"MY horse! Dring my borse!'" "Do yOU I(/\"o me, J£rne9t?" I "Two huudred dollars, plense." meo,; ana tholle wbo are born tor lead. He ran to meet them Il.8 thc~' came. "Durllng!" The strong arms of tbl!' Tho l\' c'w Yorl. draw lng·room waN Ing never lack men to lead. He Recipea for Three Dishel That Will c rowdod wltil Il flUihlonnl)l throng, YO llng man pr" s5 d til con ndlog form ~ro v e tbe MCAlLIsters from the valley, on the ve of d Ilarture. The hOSlI' SS, to his bosom, anel, wi th !L look or lovo . e, Found Delicious. and bufll. little fortresses there to !Itlludtng lumr the (Ioorwa)' , a{ldress'd In his eyes lbal lold far Ulore than bold It. aud when h hlld held it lor a h r remark to a qui t, In nucenL·look· words could express, be said : "Wc re Sna1ls-0ne pint ot honey. Honey full year he "!lent a message to Robert Ing larl y who was about to [lUS~ Iho wealth of the w~lole worla mine ' ~bree·tourUI8 pound ' b ult r. two table· .McAlJIster, saying: lit rongh , and who !IOW viewed her to give. Il WOllld ,,1.111 be tQO small to sl)oonrul~ g lngel'; boll togeth er a few TRIO OF POTATO DISHES. "From Alan Macdonald to Robert show the un ultemble love that Is 11) wi th us tonl ~ hm enl. ,mlnule~, and wllon n arly culd put In .McAUlster, .most cour~eolls greetings. "T\\'o hllllJired dollars! " she ex· my heart for YOIl. ·But wby tbis qn~ 'Dlrectiont for PreparIng Rissole .. flour unll! It Is sLIlT. Roll out Lhln and claimed. " What for?" "The tort4ne ot war haa glvon u~ tlon. ' AlIco? Hovo YOll sUIl a doubt bnke Quickly. Conca· and Canape •• ,advantage which you ' eaeDot resist. "Thnt Is 'yOur IOS8 at brid ge for thc at illY sincerity? 0,· Is there anything HOlley Cake-ope cn l~ honey , oneWhen strite Is useless, strite sbOlild Iso Lhat I can do to mako h!Llll)ler lbe \'onlng," said 1.11' hostess . . Potato Rls80 les-Mash and ·season haH cup !lour' cream, lWO eggs, onecllase. It you will own that the val· "HUt," xclulmed her guest., " I had one f( r wh()m I would cbeerfully glwo tbe poulloes nlc I)' , n iell wbe n 'cold liult cup hut ter, two CUT' S flour , scant no hl ' (i. Ihat we wel'e . pillyhig ror my lire lo 1'1'0 " 0 my love?" ley Is mine I sball be honored by enough to ba ndle, sbnpe tIIem Into one-hal f leas poontul 80da, ono tea- mou y. Why, [ wouldn·t do s uch a your using It. It Is said that good The hil!JI1Y face turned once more small ball!!; Itl [1 In beaten 'e gg, dredge sponrul ,croaOI ot tartar. Bake 30 min' t hlllg. WhaL can you menn r' foel make good frie nd s. alld 1 am to him, ani! Lho bright eyes, In which utes In u moderute oven. bread ar cracker crumbs and Cry ""Itb wIshful to try. rot there III nono who "Yoll dnn 't 8UllJlOMe COl' an InMlllul," tlo' lend er lo ~ -lIght was beaming. Honey Fmlt Cok~'I'ake one an'd Raid the hostess haughtil y. "tha t wo lookod tond ly Into Ii ls !LS sho said In ~ the m in deop hot tat. Drain In a . honor your name more than 1." colall'd er and serve with a garnlsb ot one·halt CUIl(uls or hone y, two·thlrds worll ,,1t\Ylil(~ tor OUI' hcaJUI, do you ? voice full of teudern SR and , pat bos : Robert McAlIlster, being a wise old cup of butter, one·half cup at sweot It Is tlt e \Isual thing," parsley. • man, was minded to consl\nt. "I do nOl ask you lo give ' me your life. Potato COlles-Prepare and season milk, three eggs well beaten, three " It Is a generous ofter from a gal· "Bu t ] hllven't got lhe money' wllb Ernest, or lbe world Ilnd all Its wealth . mashed potatoes tbat have been heat· cuptu'ls of flour, two ~easpoonruls of -Ole," Jan t enemy," he saId. . What I am going to ask will be a e n very \l gh L When cold enough. baking powder. two cClpruls raisins, But bls daughter pleaded with him "'fll n you can send me a eheck- s mall thing fo r you to do, but & an b4)r elead brother's name and preljlta pe In l:Q small con~; brus b over one teospoonfgul each of cloves and at once." ,lI'lceless boon to me. It Is this. For ' with heDicn egg yo lk, arrange on' a clnnllUloD. "ailed . So he' made BIl$M~r thus': . The guest, ber sen8 0 of jus lice fully almost ten minutes your root lias .beell ' "Robert McAlllBler lends all courflat pan and brown In a Qulqk oven. nroused by tbe ' Imposition praellced, right on nlY tender loe. . Would tt l)eo ., Salad Drnelng. tCOUII greeUnga to ' Alan MlIoCdonald. Potato Cana.lle~ -Shape cold, masb· too severe a tost of the love alld deto· Ul,on b er" dre w herself t;p proudly. Pul In the dl.s h l 'OU a,r e, to cook In, 'l'he fortune. of the moment chlinsOll. ed potatoes Into round cakes about "1 am. aM you know, not long a reI!- tion you ass rt to ask you to take It .I"'or those wbo como after, I hold to one-follrtb ot an Inoh thick. Brusb one !leaping tablespoon.ful. of butter, !dont htlre." sbe oilserved. "tt seems oft?" what I have beld, and my forefathers eaoh with beaten yolk of egg and same oC while sugar, n~o level table- to me 1l0lh.lng short o[ robbe ry. S up"I Love You." botore me. U our numbers are lell' spread tbe top ""Ith minced clJlcken spoonfuls dry mustard, tlbout balf tea· pose I refuse to pay this money?" fOR HI!-1 THOUGH. or vea.l; sprinkle IIglltly wlth' salt nnd spoon salt. Smooth these to a paste, The h ostess shrugged ber shoulders ~ned our courage r. not." leapet'l on his great black cbarger an4 add one uubeaten eg~. Beat all up Then came another message from rode down Into the mlat liS If his peppe r, dot ""1 th bulter and brown meanlngl~". , In a rather Quick oven. . Arrange .on well, then another egg, beat more ; "if )'ou do," sbe replied with B fine. Alan Macdonald. ' sonses wet'e not In him. then anothe~, lhree In a ll. Beat unUl "It you rely on, let one ot From the ,oot ,ot the mountain to Ilmtll1. bot plates, for Indi vidual aerv· culling contemllt, "there Is no hope .your tribe moot me 'In s ingle com· tbe castle hlgb abol"e. the bridle path Ing. and garnish with parsley. Tbls all Is smooth, tben add IImall cup of for )'ou. From tbla tIme forward y.ou bat, the ,-alley to belong to the vic· runs a Ions way round ; ' and between makes a pllrUcularly acceptable lunch. villegar, beat again, aDld: lastly, one will cease to be an hOllored Ilnd refull, cup ot rich milk. Ot course If B/lect~d m ett! ber of our I'Ilcred Circle." tor's elan. Alan · Macdonald." bend alld bend lies a great ravine tbat eo n dish. you have cl'eam It III lolcer. Put In -Judge. ' 'Many ot the . Mc,Alllsters volun· neltb,or man nor be1\st hnd crossed. ,40 double b()lIer lUId cook \lntll ,It thick· teered tor the llght, but there was no feet at tbe narrowest from III de to Germa" Apple Shortcake. ' Quallflcatlo"ne. creat man ot arms &rileng th.em, and side. Tbo edges overhang so that tbe 'fhls Is another' form ot shortcake ens like sort custard , uSluaJly about 16 "I s she In any way talentedr' the ,elder. W9 uld not oonsent. bottOm Is not seen; and when a stone we give tor variety sake. Take a minutes. SUr It every te w minute.. "Not In the lellJ!L" were giving Macdonald the falls one grows Ured or listening for pound ' of fresh unsalted or ,,'ell· Now when It Is cookin(:, you can add "Can 't si ng?" land," thoy declared. "There Ie no the distant cr\lsh below. Aw.u lilac- washed butter and work It very Well, more sugar If YOU \I1~e It swooter, or "Not a lick;" :man In Scotland who can Blan.d be- denald rodl\ strolgbl tor the ravine. Mth the bands, In to a pound at sift. more slllt, and anot,h er ti me more or' .'" "Dance?" fore hln" Wben be came to the edge he looked 'e d flour. Add half a c up of s ugar, a less mus tard, according to your taste. "Nothltig doing." So the)' Bent no answer. at all, and till he found a plot of level grass , and IltUe ground cinnamon and nutilleg IL mllkes a dellcate palo yellow dress· "N ver studied elocution 1" Mary McAJIIBt r locked berself In her there be restod his horse tor· a mo' and tbe ' benten yolks of two e&gll. Ingl which both appeall to the taste "Wouldo:t recognize tho word ." room ~or two days, and brooded over ment. and IlULled hIs neck Ilnd whls- Kn ead wel!, then cut Lhe paste In two. "n~ the eye. the 'dlahonor of he r c lan. Presently pered In his eal·. :. - -- - - '''fben what are her Qualltlcallnnll Line tile bottom of 'a round cake tin Embroidering l'able Linen. for ' going C/o Ihe stage?" . abe made a de p pln.n, as women Will. ', "Now, ;boy, now," he cried. :rb\l wi th one half. Stew some npplell, All hou sehOld linen I'n' homes ot ." Three divorces, ' two 8C1\,idals and and rode out In the Sray dawD to tbe horse sprang forward o vo r the e,'en s\\·eetened to tosle, and When tbo Ill>" castle on tho Spur m'o untalns; and grounel, gat h rod. hlll!self tog ther on li1e~ are cold put L/tem over the cake; "" ealth , or the bl3us ewlfe Is ex- $10.000 worth, of dlaUlon·d s.~ '-Mllwa!l' . , when Milcdonald's outposts chal· thq ed.g e of t!le abyss and lIew Into Roll out the othe r b~lr .of dough and pert wi th the neeelle, I I~ marked' with' , kee Sentille l. . embroidered mon osrams or Initials, , ' lenged hor In tlie valley, she .an·' the alr. j,lace o\'er tbe appll1s. Bake for 30'. A" lmated Poem. aW(lred: " "Live together or dIe together," sald minute", then let st.a.n d until cold; prererence belllg given to 't he Engllah "~doll';' see the editor," said "I am Mllry "McAllIster, 'nnd 1 lIave Alan Macdona1!l und er his breath. then turn out the pan. aoll cover open-work embroidery ,or 'Lto French come to answel' the chall ng ot your Then hI! saw bls hOrse falling eiiort wi th a s'o ft Icing. or merlogue, or aeeded. At present · t.ablocloths are call l' to Lhe Cdltorlal roomll. "No," grInned tbo copy boy. chief," Then th~ sent a guIde to at the blaek rock-telt him p,trlke whipped cream. It may nl~o be marked with two ' mOllog rsm8, one at nudolt}h-May I bave either en d. or dlagona'lly, at opposite t.ook II poelll yesterday auil hasn't oondUct h r th easiest WilY to tiie agaIns t U.:o...was burled '. fo rward wltb sen"ed bot wi lh plain sweet cream.' waltz? cornel'll. 'W here' Ule n[lpkln!; sball be sho w d up sIne ." . .sUe, and wh en the , chlef,,·a~ der Il crash--,-clutcb d ot. somotblng hang. JlUlllcent-C rtalnly, I don't want It.. "That's strange. Was It Aloes: ninrl<ed is a matter ot :Indlvldual pret· came to th\! gato Ilnd asked her pieRS· log from above and lield dazed ly ' to It ~cotoh Haggle, erence. dependent , U\10U the way In poem ?" ure, $11 made .!tlm ~he same an'lIwer ~aug'lt' tbe Bound of B w()mnn's cry 'In 8' (J'lRrt of wilter boll one pound which the napld n Is to !be folded. ,Tbe. "Qh, about fl ve fo et fOllr. .Maybe ' All II Vanity• . ,', 88 before. -clung mechanically to somelhillg, lie "r bring to YO\l, an equal challell!:'e/' knew', not what-heai'd a o.Iull thud. of cal['s liver ulIltl tllorougilly done; most common way Is to marlt them )"ou',·o soen h er wrillu g th ""oman' s "'''0 ha\"o the hort\ lo!5!i (·1;\rrlll.e. 'l' IH!. wll" 10KS nlHl all that: . tbJrtl deRk. Th'e y've She looked blm·nlght Itl' the eye.. Wheil -b e fOllnd the ~"orld 'agaln he .c hop It uv , flneh wlLh one pound 01 dlagonolly In the center of ' tho la st coluntn at WI A 1!oJ" t ho 1()\"Ql('lKt' mnl·.. ln g£,. suet, fi' eQ of ilkln and fib ers, ono s quo !,'e )vlJ cn tlte n~pkirt Is , told~d. Fot ,llQne 'on th .11' hOllc"moo ll, 1 gues.s."" fr' your challenge Is !'uch a 'mll D was l yhig- In some . ' long ' gra8£>, Ije beet But nOl t h e birdloA9 lUll. lloun'd of 'Iean beer from the rum p; one . . ' mny nccept," he ans wered st.aadl! , "r thought, and thl!ro was something yet pound of onions; add lin ounce of sali, . uopilin s Lho size of lhe letters Is uSllal· Homll Magazine., ' - L' lIck. Iy one or one and a quarte r ot IlD - ----accept It. un)leBrd." " softQl" under his it ad. 'I'hen a wom· Between Neighbors. Had to Keep the Cook. She put ber band In hor b081lm Ilnd 'an's £nce hUllg O,vel' !'11m, framed In an ounce of pepper, one pound of oat· IIlch. For tablecloth s they are .trom and the wllter thp li ver 'was tbree to eight luches tin diameter. d rew out two quain t phials ot colored the mist-the taco of Mary MacAlUs· nieal Yea8t-~\ hy docs 10 0 eat evel')' day "Th ose trains do mnke un awful balled In. With this preparallon fill a _ _ _ _ _ __ uol!; , when th y go tbundol'lng by. Killin!, with stOPPOI'S o~ dull wrougbt ter. · ot the cl ub ? well·cleaned sh eoi"s paunch, sew It UI) A Recipe for Triple. KOIeI, ' "You must nllt move," said a very '1'III1ij(Jllbeak- On a ccount of h Ilon't Ow)' 1" Six niaoal'QOns, six ImiY ' tingers, one cook he hilS at home. "Will yoU drink a toast with mer' ~n Ue ~olce. ,1,yO!, are badl;)" hurt, Willi strong thread , and ""r.ap It In a " YCJa, It's awCIII. Isn't Il 1" blltter u cloth, Iliunge It I"to bo'lJIng Illnt rl r.:h , sott· cUMlal'd, mirraut jelly, , "-Out I[ he does n't like b r, why Ihe asked. " very badly; I fear." "\\'c li, It lIS d t'J s",e111 so, but [ I · " :Sure ly," he an,.s",' red ,. "It It Is . ") do ',.ot fear., for myself," be an· wllter aud cooll' rrently tor ,,four hours; sherry wine (may be omitted). half don 't he change'/" rnt h 'r Jlke th nolso now : we can't, lucb as a man may." But b e ' ~ooked at s~e re d, "only-are you Mary Mc~. prIck It several times' wblle coole lng, pint of whippe d I)ream. hear yo ur llhononr'lllllt wheo th train. " ' Ve can 't." , ,,;th a ~russlng needl '. drain. unwrap Sooll IUdY 'fin gel's In sherry wine; tbe strange ves.a els 'and ·Uked' them. IIster Z" ' an't cha ngu hlR cClo k Z" :'Whll,t! III'e lIasslng,"-Yonkcrs Stales:Dan. momeuts late r, and turn on to a ., Pllt a layer of macaroons In a di sh; a few not. . . : ' "Ycs: ' He t,rled to IOCJ1l: rorlnd at "No; ,vou sce. his \"I (e'~ the cook!" ' . ' put a ·teaslloon of Clu'rllllt jelly on top -Yon llqrs Stutesman. · "It. II! on Innocent tonst enough, and ber.. .~'Onl)' . be , sUIl," sbo entr!lalcd. bot dlsb. , Cause . ·nd Effect. ,of' each callc, then a l/lyel' ot lady barmless'-:'If Y9U drink the ono.'" , '" Itave sent for nien to carry you. Oyer-My tYll owdt!'H' Is . s\l lTerln~ BeefateOik Pie. finge rs; repeut cUlTlnt't jelly on lady , " "ud It 1 drink the other?'! Tile y. 'will come soo'n." Slightly Carnlvorou •. from n 80\,.,re culd due to Ole otJectllo One Quart. ,o f cold cooked meat, ~wo finge rs. Pour c u1!turd .~ver all. CQver "It 18 only death ," . ,,' , "H ow~id It-happen?" " y H,I' said lit thin mun , lIIunch· of hYPllotic Hugg ' SWill. "Tbere are' wol'so things." he, to,~it "You ' w e~e ' honglng by adeM sli ces of brellkrllst I,JII"on, one tabl",· wJtb whipped ell'eam. lali! on In table· 'Ittg hi s ' ol'llle, ." 1'111 . a stri ct vegeta r· Jll yer'-f! tlw's thal? , 'spoonful of butter, half filozen potlltoes. spoonfuls.. Add a bit ot, jelly on tbe ian ." : lieI', Sha 'pushed' the . .,blalS Bmlllngly briUich, I - I lifted you here." ' • Gyer-T he janitor \\'nMh ed her wl.n.' tbyple, hay·lellf lind parsley. ~alt, pdp· I'I'ea~ 'to flUl'sh th e tall prettily. "lowe my life to you." . H.e smiled to'j!'ardt! hIm. . " . " "You mean )' 011 tbl llk YOll a re," re- rlo\\' ·~·(lI;te rdny. and very ' time tihet . . "Choose. I drain tbe otber... ·' ae If the tbo,u ght jlleascd him, "M." \l 'I' aud .ca):oune to tallle. I)lIed the observant mall. looked at It !lho thonght It was opell>.' Make a nice pie crusl ·.Llne a bak· To Droll Legs a Turkey. "And then?" toe!" "What do 1'0\1 mea n by (huL?" -Chicago Dl\II~' Nows. Cut the I g8' Crom a. eold roast . "I mean Lhat I noUced 1\ worm In "One of lts ·wlll gnJn the .valleY,. and "I do , not thInk," site whlapered, Ing pan with. ' thlB IInu ba1;e In t)1e ut tbe meut very flne Into dl.ce t nrlley. make some hlclslons acros~ that bit of apple you Just swallowed," tile oUler will reel no loss." . . • "we are foes any more. You must not oven. Nothing' Doln'. and s nson well, rubbing with th'3 IIt m with a shan> Imlte, season with -Homo Magazine. .lIe ,took up the 'pblals and held them move," ll~ WIIS n s Und y·hah·od !lnd badl .. minced thym(', ua~s l ey, -buy·leaf anfl <I little pep pel', salt ilnd a plncb ot In the sunlight that streamlld through ' "You lIa\'ed ,my 1If~." fl'ocklcd youth, bn he bad n([ttrlllJOol salt aud !lepper. the Uleal'steam' ln :ayenne . an 'o pen caseml)nt on to the .ftoor. ' . "Yo,», bad saved' mine.:' RECOLLECTIONS. nlnl ns pl rnllons j \l ~t·. the same 50 h'; . . It ,,'aB awellome; be . tbought,. 'that "You were not going to talle., the a sallcermn [or a tell' minutes, thell . Squeeze over tI , small (Juantlty of 11I'o llllsed to the m j~ld or his choice. , place , lite pie pan wltll ~e t'o~toes, 'lemon juice and pl,ace them on a grid· death should .,c ome 'In Iluelt a .. gulae; polson 'at hQme?" ' . ,"No, .J oll.n, tller ?'s nothing dolll.','· . Which, In the meantime, .. hnve been ' Irou ~Whlch hus' been w e l~ butte red). anl\ lie was angr.y ·wltll hImself, be- . "Yes;\' slte ..s\dd, "I wa!!." . she r('·plle d." l' III wllllu g to mur ry, al)· ' cause he feared that tie tea\'ed. ,', "You will not now?-·tor tbe love ot Ileeled lind boiled , Plnce ~.ver all the (lu t It over a clenr fire. rlghl, hut I want a man that's aU , on. When don e brown ,p lace them on a "Dllre you , not?" she asked, taunt." }leaven; dear lady?" : ' s lices 6f bacton and la'~ the pIe crust colo r. ",- GIlIClIgo Dnlly New!. ' . 'on ,lOp. Bake to II dice b.tOwil. '. '. bot dish with it. \llece bulter on , tho Ing ly. , , . . '. ' (.' ; , " ,. '. "Why ·dld.i'QU take 'the ' lea~?" .~ toll or ericl? ·and serve ho~. ' ,. , ..· 'A)'~:' tie eald . . '~I da~ ·OIYe me He slI)Ued talntly. "For you ." ,. ~ Roots anC! ' Routca. which you She lob ked right Tilte; bls··eYe8. . ,HoiN to Clean ' Clot" Coat. , Vlllilge Shoemaker- Whllit did yow'\j"sltoUld gl\',o 'yuu death,'" atie' anr .,."Wh¥ do you care 1,10 much for my A 18\\'n oloth \lOa&. or waistcoat cnll Avoid S~~lnkage .. old tathel' siry when YOIl told hIm th'; .." o red: ~'F'Or I know... Alan Mao • .lIte?" · · , be cleaned satisfactorily at hoine by In wasblng woolen artlclos 'dlssoh'e ronte rrnnl r<lng's Cross was mostl:J' donald looked' liard at her, an.d' IIIlW Dec3use he was dazed, tbo fine rubbing ··the garm\lnt o~er ~Ith pnl" "SlIll\clent q,tanllty of ,soap in wann underground? ' 1bat .truly she was Ilassing fall'. speeches tbat 'he bad tri ed to fa shion veri zed 'Culler'S earth, using a sm'a ll, water, adtllng a lillie sUnmonla to sott[{odge . (j us t ret\lrned tl'om rillit tilt "Give .me 'death; If yoU' wlll." ' wl>qld not sbape themselveS to an dry sl.on~o or J;lIbber skin' br.ush for en Il, Wash and tbolll rinse. 'In 'clean, Londoll) - He said "roots" most.lJf ' :1 take ,no odds;" ~)I~ said. "'NeIther end, So be sold , simply, "I , lo\'s tlie p!lrPQse. . Wben every Inch, ha.& ",ann walElr;uslng JlO cold or very hot was! would J haye th~ d~ath ,or so generOus :you," , . ' , , been 'gone over carefully tbe gBl'!!1el1 , waler; after Which IIhake wert and • . fpe on m" ,aoul.' For, YO\lr hon~r • "TbeD~" sbe said. "slncB you won' shoUid be put rlW8Y fn a tox. taking , (ry Qulellly . Do not r.ub on' lIoap, and , Rever .....:], Alan Macdonald .:"ch~~e.~ ', . ,,/ .• , ~ my, life, ~eop It. and do l\'jlili. ' I~ ~s yoI' ¢aro . to lea \'e ~he Ilowder \n It, and '.' void all pl\tont , waaMng powde rs OJ' l"I1'5t'l'hilt,' molasses, , mull He bowed &D'd looked at tbe phlall' ,wI\I;" "and he turned to. look up at her · .ilhould be lolt unto\l ~hed f?r tbt_ee or 1J(]llds. II YO\' (oll'ow, the above In· hav e hau v,lcohol In ' It. once nlore One , wae grel!ln o n8 w~tho'\lt a moan; at th& pafn. (our. day". At th~ end of tbat time. ;tru~tlons your woolfaD' a~Ucle~ wUl Sec:Qlld Fly-Wby! was pink, and eIther flashed in the " And beeauuo be 'Yall. 80 ~ej,llless and · It ·, shollid !lit t~)<en <a1t and well ~~ver sltrink wben be:lng washed. 'Wt,U, ' abollt all zlsh CO\llD~ cloett eun. . And before" any cbuld stay ,liliD hllerea' pleaded Witb her 80, sh.e bent hrullho~ anti beaten. - -- - - - - Ish t' fall down CiO rue all the Um",'be had , d~ltlnOd the green pblal . .:','YO\lf Itown her bead ,and' let. him kl81 ber ,How Treat Plante. , Life. bealth,' madam!" , , . ' -red hila. ' : '," , To 'Re!1ew Mlrrol'L Open the doors occa,slonally In the Mary t~Cl'AlIIster rolle · steadily abtl "1'0 1JY\l togethe~ 01' dle toaether," W~en old looklIiU glas!je8 need roo ~llItcr time and let ille planta ba!,_ The Mitn Ind th. Worker, S:va-Ho'w desolate' tht· old tree , , newlng palnt 't hem on lhe back with .ollle C"'Jtdoor air. O\lt ollt her ·hand to~ , tbO' I\ll!lk ves..I; · IIh., vowed. . ' . "Tbere's a eq,\.oro(1 man and 1111 wlr. ''Your lIealtlL ·ilil'." "h'e , pled;ed!blm; :And wilen Alan Macdonald was 1'& l1e following mIxture! ' Halt an onliee Don', ')r~t to turn jour window looks In . lts Ice mantie! Isn't thIs , ' co.ered, tbe ' (Ianll went .dOWD from of-lin. balf an ounce or lead and throe ' Jlllln~~ "around at I'ea.e;t twice · .: week whero we 'used t.o string the \lId ham· at the door, lookhig for ' work," "'You ba~ .01." "BlIt 1 onIT advortlaed tor a lalllP ~y'O\l are a VCI'1 brave ~;' . .AJa~ tbe' ''lDounj:&!n1l, ,wlth w1l1l·4' favore In OIll1,~eB of blem'q th .m.elted, topther 10 thllt all ,Ioles ,V(IJI I th" snnllght. mock? '. Jack (.1'I!mlnl',c ent\f)-Yee, and th,.ls <Ir\l8s?" Jlaedonald," the told )aIm, ' t'n a II,o w, 'Uielr 'bonn(\ta, tUllI marrl.~ tIl~ .. ' WheJi ' eU,hUy eool, ollnqCl Tho wlnll (uther . Iciconlllak... "Vee, tl1ey are hor."-llll me ~ .....ofd. \'o'~ "Salrermu·Do"toP." tM, YlJJI!1 ht...... of -mr'1:urr &lid apjljr.wlth a Iuod bruh .wltl. """til w,a. Is where you nsfld to Ilrlng Dl8.-Chl· &Ioe. CAIt' Dclly New.. . Coot. "." pJi.At.. .
will:" ..
" ,.LhrOe. ·lIan',
------- ·l
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'r -,- ---
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01 n
l.1I~t 'Pn sti(lY the n ilthborhoocl l Mr. WIIII"ll1 0\1110 1111 ht~(lu lulll llayill~ I,f blood uJl rtlnbt I'{ th tlllle durin ' 111 \ ... r ·)111I11111... , l' IlOllilln !ingl~ti \ln , it WIUI, I> .t, \ Ht!k froJ'u t,h 1\\: t orlll/\ lllO &:. F ,I1IH1 thllt . •11\.1 r ~\W ~Jntl ",O UO ttl I,JIlok. H I,) 1 ~ in1prov iQg nnw h""" Wh~tever the Weat her May be, You Need rh e fllrm Il1 lll!! of ~ rtl . . • rtl lin vElr 'llid hop'oll 1,0 .,; t~ llo 1'\)OU~ ns ov.or 1O~ 111.· ",,, 11 ()rt'"~ nlHl b"tl Ul1 t1U:~l e(1 iJ~ " row rIllY ~ II.h . nt th"'IIt1· l tlllr "iI~tJ!-\ of tobl! (ln, W. " illnio Duk.e 1~1I(1 MI,.." (1)1\11 ... , ... 7 . bl'"kL' lI \\lud, WTII"'I' ~ unf! U II Uf' COil· IV t' In LpbtttJ OIi 0 1) ' III. t lsi \c'r .. bln dttmtlgt l. 'l 'b .. lIogs pDr. IItlll'\luy tl~l\llIg . tlle t Ich r 'tt I':'C' lit-) '(! \s1 b\1 ><1111(1 11., t·nIC 1(" Jf _ th" t:(mlt' purL.I' ami nti ,m. "'" ""'... .... ""'.... '" Illt V L & U. H. R, !tnl.1 lh re Mr:l l"lt t .Tohn " nj Cl 'crl 8nllllu j' oJ1,\ \ ~ it. t It J...J,...~..J,.....J..J,...,..."-<,...,....,... ,...L._,...,.J, with hrr" n 1'>11' . '. E . J ohutl lind ...,...,...".....J' .,\, lIlr nllt l ;\11' . EI'u ·t. Hlll'rl,; vi IT -"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!! - - -!!!~~~~~~ - - - -~~_~~~~!!" -~~~~ - - - -~ I'll t.l1 irfllt hAl'and IIl0thor , , Ir . lloll 1"11111.1" LOCA L AN .+ 'fllo . lol'turo .d !'livI·n lll--on l!lt M:iddler Mrs F . L. i-llll'ri!\, ln ~ t ' lIlHlny. )I'lm l.: o .. ' l'i tlllY fly Ding l;y liu 1)1'1 I MlIl:uir PERS ONAL MENT ION Mrs .fum!! Il1n\lo!l .. Clul to· llI . Mr, Cliffl)rll M,l, ' wl'lI And fUlHi \\'11 111\l e d 1111 InteroA ting nn I tl yo nI' Iy w ril 8uodllY m llers on Mr , ,to 111 , ' [i'n\.nlt\\~i~.OUUtl d(ltl,\1ghter~' I \1E' hilly e nli ghl enl ng Ol)e ,For n 1-IlQ ThollJus Bel'q'b iil nnc1 fRl).l il y . of Erlll1k hn, vlsltod ItoI' pilI' tit s, WilY uf thn 1l'.\ tIVCl~ 011 tho ·' uira t)f Mrl', I£UllicA 'hute. ~1 Crl,n Mr. nnd ' Mr.. . Am OH '£lh1>1I1s , lust, 'ollliIl Ctlt.. " Yet wo Ill'" 0011 Dl\J'·k MI~s II P ILr l nnel 1 libel trll\o, mlt ll urnn k. Mr.s . Laste,' Surfnoe mllde II bu j. n I SVElll t Iluduy llftprn ,Jon ,... Ith th ir e<l to SIlY t ba we bali ve w(I, t}U 110\ ' " lli n ~ n lIS trip t o OilYt Oll MOIJ ,h,y uu I Mr , Frunk 'mitll IIntl fllmll y '\Ylllher 1 1m tint.! fllmily WI:' I" IllHllenO(\ '"onlc1 hllve bt'c n h lI ef\t. D~ Annn Mered\' tb vlultec' Leb Mi ~ M .to $ ~O.OO ]?Pl'- aCl'e . ," n ,1 0<1 'mol' if M r. ~lng\lir hQd · n.nt I' , Lewis 8Ubh. a p ~ nt. 80nday 011"", ton vi to]' W ednesdtlY. anon friends from Friday uutil nft rno n with Mrs. Lvdla Austin . hUI:Ti!l<1 tllrough uut.! · 01' ,bIlbly loft ~Ilnday livening : . " Ne B t . ut n littlo In nrc! l' to cu t h 0 t.rtlill MI ~s Mllr~ ar t Baird WAS nbl to ,. w ur lng on. lit 'orwln Mrs. Ulifford A. Ridge llnd littl be ut ohool Monda,y aCter . lin ab · -..,.--c!al'ght er ,\gues, of Cinoinn at,i, S l Oll of Ii. weok t w\t.1t the m ellsIe!! ' "rhe Misseiol ent ertoiu eu on 'I' ll n \V nrrll u 'emant for mi uis ~ere gnests of Mrs . ·E. V. Barnha rt Miss Et,b I Pennew itt pent Sun . Sat,nTdny IIfternOOll r I' Mi~s ml ,' ('0 ' E'-ll tOI'!! nt Lytl e Bcem s reld ly to hn\' severlll da;l'B last weak. dllY with Mis Mi nnie R/I~t ook. Folli nd. he n a. good t1lin~. 1t bt\" hllon tilt' . , Mill1l8S ElVa and MAry ~mith , of mBllD of r1rtl.will g ,. tl!:r N{1\ Mr , Ed Mor gA n and. fuml1y enter, MI,s MAry I\r r . pent undll)' ti Oll 8 I.h an befor Inl'frer III1lI blls Ihu!! Xenia . Ilpent Saturda y an[\ undllY ttllned I:)unday t,hlli r n epn ow nnd with h pl' mother wbo I.v> Jl liT U111U It mor e ' ll~ n ufl inl 'Cur f,Ut) e Vall~y Phone No. 4. ~ith t·heir oouslns, Misses G lenn[l, daught er, Mr. ' a ud Mrs bnrl b pring Vulley, and Nina ~mit1l , whtlnt!,E\nclllud tl ls\) fcu' tit U1ll1i~ R;ye, Mr. B • ., . ~rR . Newton mitb \l1ld son. OW/lrru L\'lImm g WI1S <.. l acon t · te l's. On ltlSt 'llllCfuy It wo k IIg o Mr. and lIrs. T Jeff Sm h at ·, ~. and-Ms s, ,fA co\: Scott And son , ly tbe guo. t of pis pllrl>ut s, Mr. and t h(l Ilt.t.eoulln e "''' , fur abuvt') t-lltl tended the fnnernl of their nunt Mr. and Mrs ,Jonath an with , Mrs. J , S. LflRming. lIvornge lIud t,hl) colleotion \VU8 one Mrs, Sophia Byrd in Bprin~ Valley Mi sea Alioe henowe tb, Ber~ha Miumi onrt erl y M eting of clollar. Bunday . l:lmith. F rlencls will be h old Dt prinp: \,tl· Afi,en tion ',,11 ~ Don't f6rg t the Mr _C"rter CIllgett., of Wasl\in g, 'l'h inoo fivif .v ~l111 "Wiu g th Bnli'tl,. "PltHC/n hll Jl\'(1lllpt II II I Mr. Bertie Norris s pent 81lnd.1Y ley next· Fridny aturdn.y und to ung rAnd ' fox dl'i ve On n{'x.t at,l1rdny. IInllng nn . "tt,rurt.i va fl.! . Vlt,;\' ton O. C., Is spendin g IL few weeks w,lth Roy Ilnd Rhymo nd of 'elL hla on.1 Or[\Il~\lmtJ~1 War!'~ fit Hortsook. dny . The 0 nter on t he Mohl u HoOkl! ' GREJl.l'LY REDUC ED wit.b hi .. brother , Dr. P , D. ·C1agett, PRI ES. Mr. WillIllDl Bnrt ook wos h om" Mr$ . hl'ry 'om pton ill ver y "lick fllrm, l3 m ilcs south eQl\t, of 'Ollt r· of tb,, 'Bltney shurg pike, TlIi 81\1 in('ln{\f'P ' th followillg "',Ir ,'," : GERM AN CHINA from Dayton I:)undlly , with pneuOloniu.llt the h Ot)l E' of her villI', Mlt,ion For t he te rri t ry iu WARES, ENGLI SH El\U.PORCJ.;LAIN TABLE WARE Mrll MlIl"IIhllll Stout and daugh, Mrs. Obarles 'Austin 's fr iends dn ught er ; Mr . Uh I , Bltr S, DlSCO~. r. oluded.~e n of t.h o bills ",bioL 111'0 TINUE D Sl' CK PATTE ter, Misil Edno, of Harvey,sburg, were grieved to learu of RNS Of oMt . N of Cop:, Kn 0 r~, PIAl ~, her deBt,h Prof. VanWi lllrla aod h1i !\ EII ZlI· ROllttere<l tlbOllt t.h r.o\l ~b ,t.bQ Ot;lutl'Y WIlNllluests of WoyneltvillA friends So,turd ay mght. Tbe friend!1 Phl l _, /lUCUI'!!, GI,\s~ 'l'inIV'lf tl, RnAUlel fltl , lIre, I'l t . have bet,ll R eeves nt te nd ed 'renohe rs' Anotpe r CII I~' load of buted . tl'll.;h Tbursd ay. G III~!! Fruit Di.lto!ol, 7X iuo1\e , the sym~:18thy of the violnity . iOe k'illd 50 As oolMion nt, prin g Vall( y FridAY t06sooo Will:' 'h,ipped 00 ltl!!~ Miami Qua.rte rly · Meetln e of Or· Mon. Cbintl titluqe di b ! fiX in ch ~ IP kina 50 a,f ternoon . . day, yet s till the baler . hllV(la lilT" Utodox Friends will be "held ' at Mr. Ilnd Mra. W utt Hn'lno , Mr, -job beft)r tham . 8 prl Sprin g Branc h. ng V a 11ey ne xt Satu rd ay and ' the Mr Henry ides JIIIS Mr. and Mr . 'ul l\IorrIB. were sabbat h·at 10 :30 a . m. beeu io tho b ' M I.l Mrs. Ohn.rles Jone spont' l\, oouple guests 0 f tell' • . aqnt, . r~. oUSle house 8inO'o.111 t :l'JlUr cllLY on 11 0 Miu Eva [)a.vis l primar y teaoher of days last week with relative s in Haydoc k SondRy-. in the New BurllDg ton sohools, Mrs. Sophl'a Byr'd Dayton . 'I'b re wn. no school I'n tile )rl' DlII count of Il hen vJ old N " h eame beme Thursd ay evening to 1\1 1' . Mllri n Unke ",,'us tilkE\tI S f)· otes t rclm t e Mr. Wnlter Ress of near Xenia ry obool Thursd ny .lInd Fridn,y, • th ve relr whil e ol1t in tll corn crIll wltnesa 'be produo tion of Maobet h Dies at Sprin g V~lley., l'lnAnt one ¢la.y last week with Ws teaober ,' ALi s DUV1~. hovlng Leban on High Schoo l. by llome talent. ~e n on lust Thul' '(lay eT uin' with !t :>,v , nulled to her homo In WRYD s VIlle paren,ts In onr vioinity . .... Mr AOI)hil~ J3 v'rd 11110t of \~ r. '1',. t i\li ~!:4' H. 1\ M.el'I.ln, I,) ", I terrlbl tJai n In lli$ book " Ba , bn s ,111111 Anna Thomso n, who hIlS an m 'lellt U of our fnrmer s '''III, I del l'ver The siok t his week , so. for us w.e b eu 'oonfined to the A fe lion e ev er .leff mi th bllrl !fUIn !I SmHll , of t LI~ tc .ch ~xceU6n' positio n as book ,keeper ~ Y., .k f r, i l \\:0 M uu ltbl J h ttl WI lJinc· . trnsh at Lytle the latter part -noW IS os .0 ow : rs. W" y ne viti , wu~ Qur( d ill Spring cbl1 r!5tl vf bftr rl'!;ulIiT work t41ko in Dayton , spent Sunday at her their u ~ I· lt18t. f this 'k ' " 1111 'y unduy . Ii. . f lli:\eru.l WtUl WIl(llilled" y, M\1l .P.r f . 1' . L so n, nellrlllg la of the ~om lloh ; Flo Me duma home OD Ute Lebano n pike, below o . Puuly 1'/1 ' ,l o):ID!I, Kl\te 1 , wee . Prl ' ce" grip", Sa.rah Bilines nnd A,1 . ver' lArge attentil lnded un~ tho fol ' tOll ch~ ill her Jllnc I WaYD8IIville. Johns lind Nettio Em d k cu F. M. Daklu Ilnd family spent bart Wi! on ton ilitla; MI~s.~ on • Zinlri Mr . \ ' UIiIl'Dl Uormon y 'Oli , Flled ridu.y, lowi o' Obitun.r y Wtl" read : at. 'MarY's Guild' will meet II.t the Sundtly with Frank Cook Ilnd t[l,m, Hllines and Mi~ L ul Mi"" l\l.lrjOCl o ·Bluckbul'Il, It II Compto n ulsn M,isse Bln,och Cornell ond Mrs. oPi1iQ. Byrd 'wo b·)ru n u.r 101', l1eli v"reci ~D or ..tlon 01; thO reofiooJry" tomorro w, Thursd ay after- ily II>t the 'new h ome we t of town ore \·IDI'tovl n"'. Belen J on s, Mn . t el'S t-Ilrl ll.od Dov r, K ent, oOlmlY. D ltLwllr(" "~Ien for ~h Imulj,~\'ant," Iltet ~'rl . nOOD at 8 o'olook. A full atten" on the Chllrles Lewis farm where ... I> Ralph J ohus ond Everett IlIrk n ,)'lount'Y ;11, 11). 07, II gull '3 '~or (lnd dd." m 1'010 " , dance .. ~88Ired, in order to plan , b ey reoen tl y moved . ;J " L(j clavs, " Bot Ulllill el'l nume Wit!:, ""sars Creek .' 'Mr. 'rJloma s, Hess butche red o n " J' "eu the .lLftern oo ll at the . IUlle for epeoIal work durln~ the Lenten ~ ra"alll 1JI18 be n u"~ nt Need I , . i~ lleD.b\1t 13 y\)llrt! pf uge, ""'ulpb 'l'hursd a of In eek . 81!MU1On ." ~ . lJ ~' ____ "" lllu~, witoh h er fa t'her alld~0 1,h6r, thr from Mrs eh .}ol for tlle ),lu st r \~ aaytl. . Warren Dakin a~d dn.tlgh'. HO~lLrd Leamln g, of Colamb ..1M Helen Kels~y ha.8 bee~ very ter Maroltl us, Mr , l~n(L Mr Lester Ken.riok llMl broMlel'@, J hu, W'iIlilLQI (lnd y llolJdllY I\)orllirl~ the Juniorl l wilt of n , al' Harvey sburg 00 . is vlSltlDg bl s parents llt-re. ill wtUi: DerVOtlll prostra tion and '"s th ir gues t at ' unduy (Iin oer Mr. Honcl he r 's i t r AU11lr joufn~Avcr ' (\ to tI oompan l' up th\! slndy of ~otll'hy, 10 hhe led by her !' I ,la w, Mrs. Emelin e DeHa ven. who hu .,beumo Dta for a week, and is not htl.rles Kenrio k of entrevl lls. Ohio. 'rh y trav leel. ,In II Wtts on phwe of Ohemls try, \lUll the tloph yet out of danger , Her "1IIs't er, Mrs. Mrs. Lau rl~ Col iier of near Lebano n beeu ver y siok, is better. Mr. lind Mr Borry MoGinn is ove r , th NRtioua l R oud to t:!outh mor lls win Au bstJtbttl Geome try (or Adelta Simmo ns, 'haa alau been un. were enterta ined on Tuesdu y ItlSt Mr . Ed Steddom , 'who ·h 'lS . pellt Ilud daoght er. Leonu PIlS ed unday f harlOlilton ,lind th 0 . outh t Q Bt'l1 . AI!!ehru . der tbe dOotor ~a oare from an 'lIot&ack by Mrs. H . U. Dakin ond fllmilY. the wLu ter in Oregon . is vi IUtlg his plens,m t[y with reIa-f.!v !; in BE'lI brook. They later m pvod onto thb '.I)he 'I'nlo lIod Jgpiurs huve llJl Mrs. Nath~n Anstln is 011 tile sister, J . O. Compto n. of asthma and a 118 vere oold.' . . 1,> r ook. Arobibn ld Berryhi ll ftlr1ll. four mile d llrtuken the tatlk vJ '!J,o re slok list at t~e tlm~ of this writing . Ihtltltto Adolph us Folll.od has tbe grip" {lister tllnle.v Lllmb boarded \Va t of 8prlng Volley . u t hiS /I ll ' deCofll ttng' tho ~enth alsl) ro..,m, Mrs, J ohn Wilson '. News a scarce ~rtiole tbls weele. the ~ra in for . D'Lytoll OU 11 ur<ln.y funll the [ otb r al d. C9rwin Avenue. 10 1 42 , 'u1)d II !l resuH o)f' tbeir 111001" thll • _ • Mrs MR,I'y ObUlVton ',vhet is s nf. m rn!n g (\nd OKmf;! bae k ,ou j;;:..> ' ,..1 to ' ' .,.,un .... Y Jllnnn.ry 12, sb e \'1Ilt! m l~rrlau ':;tllid wulls ,~re adorned by two • rltb ' very. t~ fino: ~hDe, , Cor~ln Aven)le wat! up for db .. Conc ernin g ferl. ng'~ . Ptl6UlXl.on:o ;rohn . Smith. A fe lv 'Wile\(. luter Olltoby post,erl! repreilQPting " t '"... ' some evening . I,blt two Resid ents better at ibis writin,g . 011811011 at the mee.b ng of Connoil · lit Cly de Cox WlloS visiting :M r, h er sister Am!~r· w · m'Lrrl , .Form er t olu.sllea. . . ' J ordon Bu~~~s Bncl willi, Jf Mt, Perry Whe~ton 11;1 Mill.mi Monday evenlD g and thE! matter of County, Dnniei Dill I 1I1so of Kent OO~~Lty , ' . Frltnk Pauly v isited th~ School . Sterlio g Ohio ' spen t II few dllYs lust·w ek and was , thotoug thrOwi ng;thl.s trouble some propert y , Hll.rry Foy ]Jly cn· Delt~war~, ' To Mr, ' \IU<1 Mrs, DUI Erlt.!, .ui dftld at his home .lD . , " , . ' ' . . b ' I ' kl I ou, of the oorpora bon -.vas disouss . OInolat lati ' 1 . ' t t hir teen recentl ohildrQ y wHh ~ were . their duught tlr, MTtI . JO)'lDg !nl e f til ng III 0 born; of u.y orpmg F~ldny mornm g , from l/.t J.!I . 'I'lle until Re9 Wpdne lll IV Cia ~ hll~ no w ttt.ken ed at .leng",. sday When he b eglln to whom six: ILre !ir ing , '" t " . th e e ... . d Quincy Kmg, eo S 0f InJulIle t s h e receIve . . ttake oold nnd .All long lUI the A venue remain s II. in a fall dO wn an enbllnk felt some SymptO UlS Mrs Dtli Illed in 1 0, no d h er up th\ ~stut;ly of Arltluu etto. ment n· ~ Mrs, Tholllft /! McKee rl t n, rn d " f ' n th • lJIlri of Wayn8llville tbere Is ' little tew clays before otT · • b 0 grI p , Jae . oug ht'I t WIIS.'1 Ine •lOr hu I.)(\nll in 190.2. J'ohn h er l),rother At the pre ent time the Junior Mr' Foy is sister SlltUl'dllY frolll l'or.t ~,llhonl ., w eTe ' t it h' It I did WIIS t\ soldi r io thMex1cIlu War, Uln!lb is roading hope ,hat tt will be Improv ed. of John '1''n.vlor' undo Mrs B W she hos been I!p~n"in g u. co.uplE! Of !IJll~ . \1(\ it!! Englisb ",ork, . 1; \ oome ome , w . l Q · l~ . " . Bls Judg ~m en~ pl'lI'Ved oorr.eot for .md died ill VerI> .Cruz . '1' Wan~n oounty Is well ,able to Printz and dnugbt 1 "l.h.n~ f U /(1 .. , ~ Bis , on ~n.nYilO u ~ )AnK; _ . er of lIrs: MOl" weeki! ' roel'1 1Ilh'" I t ho '" b With her st t'e,r, Mrs, ~It!den Il(l.. h ILL1 soa . talte,ca re of, ~t , and should do so. .. e( [l, . , bu.t1. a,. is ~b,. e iqlttr~.oto~ in ',' me W'llIiom is "o;v" ·l.ivlng in. Sprin <'v Mi. s Black gan Tay l~r, nnd s pen ~ her. ,young ntf'll ens" , when the g rip seized bim o.nCl . fro~ fl eW . Ohi" Her brother . William ' this lIno. gl.rlhoo d ID WayneS Ville. l:;he 'hus ,'f . which be 111\s becn. suffetin g ov£or died \i:t ai~olnnlltl , In ' l ' . Ouo' . T.h e St~l\tfo rd " Lit m~y So~let1_ twioe.b een bel'enved of It compa n Orego nia. in ee, . " , . ",, " ..'...... ... -' on" Willinm F: 'Ne,:, )es, and OM presellted .~ most. ,Ir:\teresfing, ion, he r first husbnll d being Mr. and,;, Fl ' 0', t"e duugbt er , Mrs. l.lIlitl Murphy, filur, ' iustruo tive l1rogrn But()he ,og esong. m 1&lItia:ld~y af . . rtng fs the ..,rder Mr, nnd 'Mrs, '.:0 vin H'lllliltQ n day thro ughout tlia (lOllutry. " ", b I> h ' '.. , MtlD:! v\vf;! binr. H~r young,e st r t, ,e r, ternoo~ , .trhll Tbe Gazett·e I'S in receipt of ' u spent , Buuclny with Edwlll ·moetrn g Wll8 copdlic t· !:lher. Avo.ry. it! • nOW . '. !t1illng InDenv " er, COlolml ed p'Ltob by .Cyril lis of s1poke rl ' in ~ ~ ell~, , card from Mr . and Mrs . Frllnk U . wood a nd fon1l1y . ,t;Qutba rd ' a'lid MillS J ~ 1:1' d t_. . Pl "" 1\_ . di:v ,rs ftl,rm 'h ousei! herll idod tb e l'll di) , ' IS [l,U ',,:.elJ~, . u;" _;r.r- Ro\i(!rtu MI~~oh , 1:he- folJf1wj L ong, of J 0h nt!town, Pennt\ylvl~.~[l,, ' Mr. F I ng. pro· II runk Uleaver cn, .ed on fact thll t butohel'ing WIlS io ful t tie, AunllllnCt Gllllc;lIL,. (\re h ying In · grnrJ~ Wit re,Ddure Jl: .' " reading .IS' fOllow's : , fri'Bnds h ere Sund,.y . . blll st last we k. . ' tbllt state IIIlso. " • W h . W 1.. ' . t ' Song I.t h Amerjo ll " !:)chool' 0 are ere lD Il. umg on '\V ', Mr. U . M. Greene oulled 0 111 P r f . . Lytl" " J ohn ~ni hh, the flrst hu,s billiil ~ to lIu ve' t.IJ\! benefit of anEs!!~'" A MontK of,Bi .. thdtlCys .. The best Oysters friends At tbe.Coc hrnn Hotel. The L. C, Wilkertlon Sunday B dl d j I Sh ~ " Solld· Measur e, no water. . nftElr . nooD. obhe1,' new fnmily witili Be n hel' f 1inlit . s. Mrs: yr~, e I n 1 ' e "'tiS .' " ' Mist! MlI.ry·,,RoII. nator rom eur stllte got us P IlSS ', M;rs·. Fred Sher\'lood' .lInd! uniteu ill .tl1l1.l' rHlge with. Ez()kl e~ Lincohl 's .Qettysb lll!g Mra. Mr . and Mrs Ge.o rge 'cot·t purpose · 'F ox, \yho died it,' 1862. Addres s • Fl:esh C'.elery -Cranb errie8-. 6S for tbe Wblte Bouse recepti on J hmes SchAnok wer e in In 1 G7, SI.16 '. Eidwo'!.d Blihrl L ebllnon movi u" Into Mr . Murlon Clark 's ig h t, 1t was very Dioe . d " Ab ~I U '" d bo dl • I18t n F . " ~nd we one dllY htst week. . Inl~rrle .,. 1,'lIm uy.r. , \V Sweet Potatoe s hoose ,..witb w . , ~ o.ppreo I t tb h . bom Mr. ClIlrk expeots Vooul S 10., Th ' e e'noh ··bloOk ' •. ,. \. Id b eCl 10 t a. e e c ance, ! M Cabbag e E ' P K ' 1 h 76. ... · 'l',Pe '1 0, itt 1 ;111 · cui to bOlLrd re!t . at orn lellst 0, , ' the m'bst of ' his rs, . . ' rleg Ou IS v S ug . !- Mr:", D, B . C'lela-" . • . " . .her were by h er Jir8~ ho,s b and, one 'Els~IlY , ..... Apples --Onio Rs 'Ibomntl~dison in OlnoinDILtl ~ t.imo" . da.uglit er \ ~Il, ~ oy E",.~lna. two Sweet SO~8. ,,', QUy,"ho~Ps~n. ' Lytle will .. AJbert Wilkers on call eu Teln' Cala NavCI} Orange s .. ';' ,' . . ',' - a .New ,Hall~ IJiv~ h ere.' ui1dl\yY~ '. '. -. , 1y"cn ot, Llnooln " . y e;.~y..:oti~ I" a ' :' 8. 1 , en.!.!'\, one ~on, O!! ~ ' ., B&"nanas' &-umo Ds ...': .~l:7;t ,,\, e" . -, - .•. :.. "."' MI8.~ Ruth RosS • 'Mr, Robert 8hnttt! spent la;t t~ prUlte;:t .'ri n. uytre 'owu,echbY ·Mr .. IJr&ndObll~rttl'a, , ·.A,):rangemen·t s 'IIre ' now ' '~Dder week with his brnther val Dilt;t ,· MQ~~iK ill .;t " .~ !.... · i.' a' . ,' Jpseph ~l,lI\t.h ,J" ,sf Duyton . The ·A. ,Si~S, William 1I. ~mith, -:; . N. Y. <Buckw lleat flour way whloh' mn·kes it prnot,cmlly oer.. Bruoe I\Y l.owe~l . _~Iss R9.~~ . ~rt. ' . . . , price paid WIlS *JilO . · 8mfUl and Clara ~ Smith; t our IlinD Duet The, Mi wS , It.~lter ne taln thllt our neighb oring TU)uge ,of Lima Beans Mrs'. L. H, B olzhnJ of .Kiogs " 'R J " , Mill!! t ' d hUd K tl' L ellrl Red Kidney Beans . Wi ll ·ahd MUr~berite Monfor t, Lytle will soon bave nn up to · dlltEt week . ell Hed. on frieuds here 1 \s t ' Mr. R. .,St: ohtt cume home on grc/\ gran 0 ren, ' '0 ' iit " I ' Ifrj'4 ny thli,i; he might ntt enl\ th.e WIlfred an(1 Lnur~nceIL·. ~ims,.,Ill} " j . Marrow fat Bean8 of S botton trOt}) "The ~. )l1ns aq t • and cODlmodlous blllt, . . • . leoture but WAS sud(le~ ly called' §pring V:d \ey, Obio. , . Navy Beans. .,Aooot:dlng to present .plans mell'. . Dllrlllg thQ p~"t w ee~ Il moufro ., ~f18 Mal garet ~\1 •• m bnok. t,o t he Ge,m ' uiiy on Sti.tnr<;lay" H~t:sl WIIS I~ 'betlutH -: bers of' Lytle Ullstle, Knig-ht.s of Day ton has been exomlDtn~ ul obris~i~n Oo~net Solo , ~. tIlvap EfJlot:o,f t., the ~~' " , . .Prunes~ APrlco ts .. liftl always mindftl l 01 'others 10 ·The Legenr! Be,·utif ul the Golden &Agie, will su~cri~ olle ~i6n-.between her.e an~ . spTln~~ , . EbU, , ,fInrjthl g for 'I)roubl". . : pt'ef~rence to' betseU . ?"or t\.bout . • '; " fi.ftb of tbe amoun t neoo8sIJry fc'r to see whl\t the peospec MtllS Alta Nix{on. ts for oil . I'l've lived in Ualifo!,nill:, 20 iYea~s, thre~ years she WllS OI:lOflnlld ~o lIer T l'\e ' Soene , EVBn~e the bullllln g, and a~ opport unity .1:D i ght be A, yet, nothing hne !lpeoi",l Ilnd ,anl sti11 :~uting for trouble in rOOm, but she bqre her sotterin g . will be JbBII ~nda. Mulfor the publJc d. to. subsori be has been d ne. shares. the- WilY of burns, wounds . obristoi!Ul J\l1d pa, Essay hoil~, outs) sp)'atn 8t, Valeli.,lDe Oll:r A Illrg~ buildin g 'Will be erectect 'or ' It. ca~e of ~ . ' . . ~ piles that Bnok1en 1s Arnioa. I:IIllve tlenoe, n:lwnye careful tba.~ B ' Coo oh tbe Jut be)ongi ng to UharJes sbe . It'.IIS e~el) . per, ' ~. WO.D'~ quipkly oure," ~r,ltes Char. wonltl not b~ a borden to OF OOURI?E E. Johns eallt of his beme 'and the. otl1ers, B,olQorous..ReoU;ation · UKE N " · . lea WIIJterl't of AII!lKbany, Blerr... Har Sllft'erlDgs Ilr~ noW ,?ver, t1nq . ~ intentio n is to make store room1 '" I ' , Ralph Roa"h. PHYSIOI AN AliD ' . SDRGlI:O l'ii, 00. No use huntlDg below and 11 large ball above, , )tir. Wanera t her last prayer bas b~D uttder~; Song B,ed White and.J),1u8 BOh(,ol '. it oures every o&se, Guaran teed sbe r~ts from her !abor8 ' ~~ The estimat ed 008' is about '2500, r °Fl!'lom an upr ' . IN AllAN BLOOK Fred (,). Sohwa).'tz, ,#u'U& store 260, .\ work Will follow her. , Muto by the B;tih SOhoollJ&D~: I •
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tew dnY II tbls 'oc lt "il.I.! ·I1 .1' sist,flr, l ~h~, Milton MiJ lf\/ ot 'r8.TIlllb M.\T M fa . M.ury BI'owlI in , Dn;1' tall. cer d.) , Ohil1, itls[)oudiog aVlh" Mr. s tor K" Ul iok n ntl wite dny \V1~b l1 e r ~rJll in lo.w J tl oh . tilleut !51111duy 111 II.slItlll y with Mr. ( 'OTtI H lwn finnil ~- .. .
Fire which broke ont tn tbe ~ell\' 1 The ~tooi)s lJui1ding north pf tIle unll Ml' . Alli e Hole. lit)';! P u.t"·,,y CtJrnm spel1t .lItU):' hl1 ()i ty B/lkory nt no ell,'lybour ' bu1;; ery was seve rDI times Oil firo Mr . antl fra . Imrlll, E .10\1 duy with 11 I.' bl'Oth(l1' (:leorge Lu '.lbill GClorg.m Frtlmo ' (ltllnO O\ 'Ct r tbiR rno~ning r ult d iu I~ l oss of bu.t noverscH'ionsly tbl'ell.t ened 'l' lIe outt'rtllin erl ou SuU(ll'.Y, ~lr. 1111(1 ' "iok \\-bo 11ns hi eye operll~ed On f1'.)m DtlJ1 ton i'hursd:LY 'to lu t~nrl sevArnl th ousnn'd d nors . Post. Office is next to Ihe bilk ry l'lhs, '. 'l'lL B ough tln(1 t>on KOlluoth ' TneEiduy. Fl'iencl QU'lxtol'ly Meeting. MI', ~d liMh .t til<' wa tho fir t, liud 011 111,,-0 \V~i!l rcllll)Ved. to q 111l1.O0 lIlrs. W lllngton {)orul' lI11url ~ I·!! . I J u,/)ou G ~nol1 IJ/l family enter ntl,ludent U. E . Brllt t n r:" llor sou' to ! eaoh fjth? btl~~ry nbou t /I' or "n eat$' , U.. J.t J'ohus wOto Da9ton vi !tor R lin d til t ollowing peopJe Sunday a . vi It one day lnt!t we"1 fjUl\rter ' bufol'e j Vf' 'IUd fQ unll toile 'Tho persons 'ond firms dn~ll/(ed' MourlJ1Y· ' MI'. Anclertloll Ellis, ,,;ife lind SOli ' of 0I"'r"' 00' 'OU].1; r')OIll tull o. f ~Ulol unal fl r ", ' . ' j B k " Bernic'" nuythu · 1 p In ' Ci u futl'er . , . ",... ~ 1Lr6 "Ie '~y 0 ry, IlInnngo\, by Mrs . Purl ('ox btl .. been enjoy in g 1 1of" " " " , M 1" . WU ht . By Lil e tllll ~ ·S.. lwrlll li lliI'm h a<1 B,"Y BttfhllWI1Y, A Mllffitt, undor. s· !1\! \' Ct'lll wotlk;'s vI. it. with her PI,r' l nOd wUe i Mr. Will GnmeP. wife ILnd dU.~lgh~or lnR, AU nor th ot Ly alliry Gray p ent Silturduy suund d £hl) bloza JDI\ke<l \' ry fok or ,)bel fumit·ure denIer, (koss ntll. \tIr. urid ~l'i! . Frllllk ' 'ural', \lDd 811ndl11 In , Xenl~ with h I' t.llrell tentng. Til\) bll or.v Ur h ow. B '0" . ' .hnrclwure nnd implemen ts, ,J b1. '~lLcy tronsu t ed bil in~_ in ll(\, Mr8 Reuj tuuin MI1l8 ODd dll.ngh • fdends..M~elh~ Bnd Adll Do wn. ""er wns lioon (,)~t , t'nto. til 1)111:'.0' Ilud MIS. An n Philli ps, who OWD'S Dllytf'n MOD(lny. M r , ~'rllDl: I lilt .tar '/In 'l!3 of..neu.lLNew HU.r-lllllg·IOODI.,.-.........:.;-.....,......:.-..::::::Ing. ptetul fa t~a Pl1l11Pil ~UlI (l!nt< (loon · ~b huil(lIn~ , vi.dted '1he ' ounty soot. the IIllmc 'rhe Literary will be h eld at tb~ 1l1ed by (Jro!18 8rt).,'I, Illlpl omelll, dllY , bome or Mr. nnci Mr(l. PatsBY Our Mr. II.Dd.Mrs. Chnrles V Dllble, est' filtoro on d MIttIl Lt' 'l'll bUI I i'". lOgS ~ ~ "<d Il"odart\lking hero 11 11 f rllmou.... . ron Sntmdl1Y night ll'ebrnll.ry 23 Spring VillI Y, mude 1\ b art visit t o tJ t llbH hUlt'nt. 'rile l;Juze WIIS lai.. t. hn vo lo,lg bMtI cpnsldered c1tLOger)1r. B'rQnl.lIn 'l'ho,ppta el'lj y od 1001. Com e one and alL ' W: yneaville frtemls11l t weelt. · brnellth -tb e roof Iin4 provei.l von Otl Rbuul u firaurenl> out. dinner with hi ~'1n· in luw t Id · Y ' c d ' , ".. ,., . ... I . d bt M Q UI' orrespon ont will now lay .w.r. ul'OVN' Aiereditb t1uV l,.Dg 14Lllbborn Lo ligh t,lltId it "' ti ll " fL.'r ' All t il\! pllr tles in r ested are pro ' (~llg 0T, r, ut)d Mrs. J lltllOl! down h e"l ft t f tb "el r"'l' n r f tb • I.... . I k b . ' " 1 . . . . JolIn '01' 'll ndn roo .,. I" tl IV\) 0 e .~m(\r CU... evall 0 0 ac' 1'. r tl it. WIIS fillllll,t' lecf,?h l Y I II urn nee, with thf.'l possl ' y. yeurs. ' 1 n a er 0. erm 0 T\ b COO 00., pent &turday und con q u'1l:ef' . ble r.xu~ptltl n 'of the bllll\iings. Mr. S . t,.. 'Wplitlmson \" (1(\ qlli te 8n'Dd~j ut 'bis hom a her f), . ill f roUl ttl effel't~ Of Il h eav.v 0 1(] SlI1nr~y IIntl S'Unclt~y .
MIlry·. Guild "ill }\old
::utl;tDt~t' ~:~r:~/°u.~n /~;CI~:;' t
r . I" rogram 0 ·armt~rs nstItute.,bO~~:dnn~
Off' • I P
purt of J..
s~ week
Bo 1. able to
l.'ydi~Au8tiD ~p~nt
. h e. Allen Em ori o Mrs . Sunday Bluncbe 'orn 1\ Wl:r \lod y wi th Frnnk Sml~h lind family . To be held in Friends White Brick 'Church, Waynes- 110 t il t Mr. ~ud ra. Alb rt . Or· Mr, Meeks or Day too Is apendlng ill n,1I,1nd. dnugl\ torij . II few day' ,witb his cousin Lewis V·. e, 'Ohio, l\Jonday and Tuesday, F.ebeuarY ,2 5 and 26. \: r . unel. Mrli . Jr . " Burn t n d and famIly. ,1... --.- i dl\\lghter, MiSI\ Lultill. M)J nt ,'1tllr. The wedding bells are ·rLngwg. MONDAY, 9:30 p. In. !IllS nnloyobly wilh Mr. a nd M 8 . Mr . nnd Urs. Ed floneh enterMusic. E~rl Burnett nen" La.RuDon. tamed u fow of their relllt~ve~ Son. r Wllliu,m GrabltOl ba s BOOC eded •, pring 011 y witb lle.r ol\U!~ln onvoclltjon ... - .... ....... , ... . ........... , ... .. .... .. Rev. Philip TfQut thrquBh sfu:onlloW! effort in fl.lli g Mr. (lnd Mrs. F. 0 , Thomaa and Mrll . Sn Ie ·Doullitl.s and '~tr . Fny~ ~~:~g ~nlt: ·· 'S P1' ident bIB il' bOuse. TbOu$h the loe wos faintly enterta.l ned SllDday C k S t.b • 'f . g Ie !flU ell .. , ..,.... , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... .... ecrotal'Y of good quality aud thiokne 9 he Mr. 0. tnl , Legumes ................. . .... • . '. . . . . . .. . . .. . ..• .. . , ... .. J. F, Gordon Wl\S gr Iltly haml> r d b I\. lack of nnd ~r8. Je~se Baker, ~. and MrII. 1 'ft) lud"!:!trinl I:tooietv• of thn Discussion • . . . . Y , Cn,tVlD WilJmmson, eon ~nd dangh. P • 't' b Jp , Frie nds . 'horoh w :ll furuis !l h t.1t MU$ic. . , .. ' ,' ter, Mr. /lnd Mrs. Tim Smith ..nd tn l,lllltl (luring the 'armers 'Ina ti t'.:lte Alfalfa ........... . .. ; ... . " . .. .... .. . . . , . . •.... '. ' . .. . . . M, Steddom _ h\1 Epworth L a) ~t1e Somal Vihioh BOD.. MdnctlY lIu d 'l'ue dllY, th e 2'5th nurl D iscll ssion . WO. ~ Iln~ been h Id III t Frida y Mr, Jaoob Soott . spen' , Sunday 26tb" Improving the SOil . ... .. ... ... . .... .... ... . . ..... ........ Chas. McIntire c ev,!ln g will o~.u~ lit the .honre of the guest of Mr. !lnd Mra. Frank Discussion. .' . . . .ili. J oh os, FtldJ)'Y . evemng, F b· Weffitt. . to. M~ry' Guild wilt 'bold tbpl.r l a. ~ 11~ m b ~ l'S 0 r ·t I18 · E pt\·or.' h Mi El i Music. m~r" t!l. during Lout OD tlje follow. League pltlllSO be~r this iU .. ruiu_d;~,"=~!!ru~slse!.!:8!!!Q!!9:t.e~a!l.n~d:!l'~~m.!~..liJIWIL-~,¥-~~~ fllg: IIturd~r : l!'ebrua.ry ' Ul, Mllroh .. :1. p. m. LADIES' SE·SSION. Mr. and -Mrs • 'ClltrR 'Tb. .I~.~(~t~~ ••l"fI. .i:lcni'Wifl!In"''m:J1tt·2 n[lIflfllr"Qlllll.. . Music. taiued on Snnday,.Mr. M,jri911 lti'C,k M1 N' 8 lrll, Sot.h CoOK att.euded .Mltl lI I · . 1\1r". Mnr Kl'(l t EVlll'b.1l.l't'· /I'ud :M.islil .ss Ina. oo~ spent ~tl~.d4X-;.1JL Q\1f\ ~terl:v ~octlog a't .;priug Vnl'. oy Invocation , .. ........ : .. ... !. : .. :· ......... .. ... ... ... Mrs. Benj. Hawkins UI)J sy WlllJtiOEl, of Rea FIeld, M1S' ~pring Valley .t he Ruest of her ~UI. I ito~ Frl(l.~Y1\!la Ml'cand .Mr .1 ~lll ~ ~~p~~.: . .. ... . .. .. ./ .. : .. . . .. , : . . . .. ... .. .' .. '.:. , ... .. Mr/>. C. .T. Hawke MOtlr!. Mr, Olurlds very glod to be IDS Ot4e Moore and family . K ""iok were th 1'e on Sn~l,mltlY eel bon . , ... .. . .'. , .. ,. J , . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • : •• • •• ••• Kathryn Fl'a;me nble. to thUB got ont O'QCO tn: n. while Mre, .Freem~n . t4m.1th and daugh. · Ei 1 17 1 t· Solo' . ... , ... .. :... , . . .... •.. . ::,.; ,. . .•.. . .:.... . , ..... . . , . . ; .. ',Eldith Shute 1".'(1' I: [tn'nly 'hiD ' fl.i.ends nre gl d te r spent 'l'Jju.rsd.o.y afta , rnoon with , M18S e tin fL6~~By' con 111 Ile" , V/lry A. T lk' to th L d" . > a, ' III with nervoUS l1 stratlon tI"nd ' a e ales .. .... ~ . .... ....................... .. ..... J . .1" . QOl'doll 11.180 to see blm dO' lIo. ' Mra. f'e wla Stibb/J. • I. • l'"': ... th 1 Pape)', . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . ..... ... . . .... . .. J . . . . . . . . Mrs. Eunice Shute . M L ' i Btlbb }, d ....,-- ...,pn<l ... m l~ln-, It _oug.. ' 1'1~ 111.1.' M . The rellding of George ' BIll'r Mo. rs . ew s " ..n ·....lOB .......: USIC. · . . B t k t F... .... d ay . a f-· " . b some i mprovemen t lD .... ~ . !l I MfI Pa el' , . .. . ...... . C' 'LT I" '"h o.l1tobeon '8 work. Ii 1& now th.e rll"'e ar :BOO spen ""i''-' Itllt f d P . .. .. ... .,.. , ......... , ............ . .... .. ..... lYu'l\. • -I-~O lniS\VOlo • .. with Mrs. Jaoob Boo.t and w n n. ew ay~ . .' I ' ,Recitation . ... . . ... . . . : ........ ! .. •. : . .. . : . , . ..... .. Minnie' Hal.tsoc:k lU om' village. Almo ~ everyon e ~inu.. ' . ' Mt,. ~'t .!1 Ca Jt~~, & tndeut In t ~\f:iI" . Mu iQ. ' who Ulak ' s a praQtice ' of r8l1dlbg l tl,w d~pl\rtmtlqt . of the 0 111 9 . stJ,Lh~l i t gMd l1ov eh; ~a n ad Grn~!ittLrk und Mrs . .Freeman Splith and ·daulh. UJ)iV'eU.Blt1: tlp,Bn;t \L oouple,of qlL ·S; ' . . MQNDAY, 7. p. m .' . ',. ·ita 13 q~el ~~~erl,v' ?f Gr~ustU'rk, u.lao .t ar andMIBS J4inni~ H;art.aook Ip.m~ tbo.ll\tt~r .• plI-rt of , 11l t wp.ek 'Vi lb . .': ·Musil:. ' " another. (ltlSt10 (Jro.n eyorow, . nod $unday Ilfta~noon. with ·Ml'II. Adam hi P!\l'/311t i Mr, ond Mrs. J. J:I. uaf\. \ Our College of Agriculture • .and W11B it Offers tt.1 Young Men .. ~. . . . well they mtly be l'asel, f.OI' they cnn· PennewUt lind da'1lghtere., lI'~y. . . . ......... •. . ... . ... , • . ....... . . ,. r ' • . , • • . • : • • • • • . Chlllj. M~llltire n10t fl~tl to interest BS ' well liS u.plift l:iervlces Ilt the BaP'18t ohm:Clh D's ss' P f C E B t tIEl uC(\]s of 'l111 who ·peru811 thoir I "'<'.u.~uu.y Sunday '10.80.........-Mra I oy, of Norwood, (,lime t eu Ion ............. , .. ...... " .. ... .. . , ..... ro . . '. ra ten l. CI Ed" :h Sh t D' t I (!!l~cs. oondllOted by up M 00 d II~' l'O see bpr sick si~ter in lOTUS . . ". , .. , . .. . . . . . . . . . , .... . . . . , . .. , .... ' I'; U e, lreC or \ . . 1nw M 8S E(e1ed Kelsey Imd Mf .' DenYalids of the 20th Centt(l'Y . . .... . . , . . . . . . . . .. . .......... J. F. Gordon ' A hug~ oa.rloorl of Mled trasp. and AaQ).I~ . ~\mDlons, lUlc1 ret.ur.DA~, Discu!S\on. ono 001' . l()nd of gOOel. tobaoo? \~ero hOnie in the evening.. d . " ~usic. lended n.t ~.bQ ~y.tle wll~ehouae ' hlst New Burlington, Prof 0 't; ' ltd ,. . , week. On Friday about 80,00011J . . ' ." OUIl ... sURer~o n '. 1'UESIJA,Y,. 9.30 'l1li. of tiush w(\ro a""uln l'eoAived' lll)" th'o ' Mills school Ill] nt· . . . " . ,.. , ,.. .. '. dE 'd' . h · Mu~ie. . U10 buy rll ltpeotM t;1 ot' morl! ReVIV(~l services still oontwp.e at , .. M lin . ",rl. fly WJt i " . . ' ". . .." Ha,vkl'ns t~n or t'w Lve tht.111Rnn'tl . '. The Bt'nra· t-h,e At . E. Ohurcb. ' th~. t.l..,,.·, ... rs. tll'y X\'UUt!, I\nd nvoc?-tloll',...... ...... . .. .. ...... .. . . ... : ..... ..... .' ... Rev. . ' . T I k ' . I ' rb . d II.nd \~tth h er enjoyed ' the 'on l' r Pr~(1taple ~a.'i.'1Cs <;>f Horses , .. , .... : . , . .......... : .... ', '.... b~. ¥clntil·e.· It-y o.f ." o\lU wlls b.fokell MOr,ldl~Y he SO 111 o~\" ne ghbc 90 are Your nage SOlicited. .J . lJ. ~b}'ehRn lind futnil.1" b llVA fi ll o'Jlled to C ntrevlll ae v I'nl tjm s rflc lltly on ' IICCOn.nt of t be 1IE\l10US \lin ss with pn umonlll of his mothe r , Mrs, Snl:!tln, heeh!lt1 . l\1I1'~ WinOlG SlIlMde, of looin mitt, epen~ Ilturda.y 1l.1ld 8nod,~;v in
. -f
t" ..........: ., .. _.... : ",'" :... ... , ........
y '
fi....e were se,~ ill for wllre l,m'pfovlng. '. Tbree of t.hem h"ve Ou"' te~oh ers .nttend' e d Greene ,~oW "'(It~ . 'l'ltlll'!ldny ' I!" nln" , •••• • ••• , • • • • • • • • • • . . , ", "" . , " L.. . 'l'he:Khlg . AltUs 8ohoolfl "{Ofll' blOB ? l .' . Di!;Cussion . • alreatly b~ r.I lOil(led with tpb~ooo. CountY'f:r6~cbe1'8 ABsooia~l.oD on Pllvt, ' , lust we k on.!t. oount . } Ca1;~?~ .Fal·in Implements . J. F. Gordon Tho forepart of II~Bt week t h, fe Brtt.nrdIiY. " .• ','. j>f ' a ~ t.hi'eMene<l .-o~tbrenk of' 1 Tl' the Colt , . . ...•. , ....... .. . . . , ". . . . o~D"le t,o this place quite a large 0.00Mrs .. B. B. Gbodrlob ot New York dy'ptlier:itk " , '. " " , " . .: ' . . DiscuSsion; sJgnruent of tin, ht.1rns.,tope used in oity Is visiting relil~Lyes here. .' d . . .. App'olUtmg tbe iarO:l)d tox drive' on atuI·day . . Mr, on ' Mrs: oJ. Clint ~pahr. () f. Music. '" . . . . '., . .Seve~lll f~om here ., attended . 'X~ ' 0. B" t· S d ' . iJ .~ W ' . . .From ~lte' tl'l Om But they weto reo F~iend8' Qoarterly MeEltlni at J. n.l,..; If" ' ~. .. l\~.r\.oY~ 1\ h~ongf Il . U S oei vdd llntll the'y' wer gone the cle. ,. .. n"Sv'l~e. l;)ell",8 .•ur ...... iJl\. 1' . ormS1 T ~ 1.00 m. ". ~pring 'V:ul1ey, Saturday apd !:Iau· Iy, fbnnagllU:'on ~f the ' l'ntn • le va. ' . .. . IDlmd \vIlS Ilt~l\.d1 l\n~ ol~mol'ous. <lilY. ," . '" S , . •. _ ., MUSIC; . . B oy!! of l~llll gll8, -SOIO O \6, yet prot>, .. tlJ8. I.~h,;orw Illl.n\i ,W!l 01'.9 o~ bll ~~~i~~ Conqi.tio~~ 'a nd o.P.I?OJ;t.~\IlitiO$ on the Farm .'" .. . .' . . ... Drd:;:laYbon n1))y more f 't h J.ll: Ii -l:;y.cnl." f Qu acoount of. Elio~ne88 in ,the lIr~,uori'''I," llnPll 'pOpulI\,}' busine g me n eIVor ill Cp.n the Farmers o~ Ohio A/fclrll to Pt duo B t!f? Gh M If. ~ bd'" dl . t t fam[ly A. V. Foland, the O~le8. th cOWlnuntty, Mr, dl}h'bl'iS nt.1.w t. " . 'Must e . e ., .. . . .. ':. . as .. . ~ II. u ~ ~b~' t,:~r~ t ....... pr~u. Yb UP 0. , . bee-Folund wedding .has' been in.' d ngaged..tu tlle 'J grain 'b~ ihe~* .at.- ' 1"c\"e'ill ' 'n'" ......oln ·Table .'a nd S't all . c. '.. . . . ~~h)O ' ,' " etnbollrt \li. III llnt · tOh~ehtl · poStp9ned . , · . . ... . "'v. . ; .. . .. .. OJ .. J.I ,.. • • J F I"'d 0. Orp au" 0 mannEl!' n 'tY 10 . , ... . A:.~Q,J.jI; nt ~x~eots to move to... Mir· 11.1 .Whati;ElXte~t lIhall. ~he Farmel.1 ~ise Smnll Fil'U~t? . . ' .".01 on . th:~y til;\~ileled. nntl tootod d6 \\'~ the John Fleming apd filmUy . IQ~1I)i_-ttJ)lI-.!! . PrlDg wher he. Will en· Renorb ·of Committees ' ' . " Ik I \"1' 11't . . f illoved from OukJand' to the farm '1 'L ' . . .. ~'. " w.... e 1 . WIl I:lOtl:letltl:l SO ! • . ,. . . ~~,i qlf'i;l!! 1.\)18,I/lO 8 wu.~ !\lri' . Electtof\:off Officers. , sumole;t. volum~ rll>ifle y'our !lnt owned by Benjamin ~a~kliil and ' r's b.:btbar . umUll)Q . ... . ' . Bmt'h . . " .' . "' : .. '. . , a.or.nplete1y off. your h OMl. ISo -when' recen tI y v~ 011'-" ."'\.by' .Wilb'-r ,u . ~ . •, .,...,..,."....... _ ... ~. H~~~~ ~nd two ,yOUTl/:l ,,,\ Ben~d lctlo.n ., .. : ., . " ... '. . . - .. :' . ,.... " . ..... ..' . . ... Rev. J.F. a(hv~lIadet ~atl1rday cotPe t~era wnaplenty of Mif!~ <::orll Ba.rDer who haa beaD ure .vl Iting .t har1' t-(rBl'Id M.muc b..v Stok.e s O.rch~.tra , no! '" · ~ntll ., foxes tp reWlLrd tM. 8pendmg a few \veek8 at ~e, . h~me .uO(,Ufir. Mr:s: l;!~ >1)1 'Eberly; bb l!, . pml\e'r e1'\led ~t ert}loijox Oh,nr ch. .' IIDXious o+,owd. ' . of her brotlier <?ha.t:}.ey., Barn8r ~ II mi. , JUr o4i1d~"Q anl~ from ! ~ _ _ retnrned to h&1: home in XllD'-~. ., ,U ' Dunner, M~ntlml~, ; Annlvea;s~ry of . '. The ~igb ";;001 p/la o.pproprillte' Pleas~tit Ridge. Mr. Ilnd R, L, J.~ckey went lig~ 11~4 ~pI)n~ 1 '. Linc()ln's Rirthday Li ncoln exer llIes Tue duy morn~ng. . . .. . . to 'Columbus, Ohio last .week for , , T , Superiut qdelut Brlltfen qHl4~ an 'lilt ElL~uhur~ ",Ue 1\11<1 dllugh. median! advice Ot.1ncerDing Mr, !:tme ",rt)l ber 81st:6J;'. ; . ,'~n . In'~.!l~ \Tll-I ~ ',rnesdn.y. F,t!.~ 12/ 'IlS . the 11. nl.' exe ll\lnt ttll o~ LinQolu and .t)le ter nl)I,l'tdisd Mattio FI'Y6 of X~QII\ :Lao~e!'8 cancer~ ~e 1~11.t8. ' '~llE.'i:_&"·~fie .oll:l'tlr obllt\a;eD l' II ." I .v.~rSt~r~· ot. the birth of Abra hIlru j1e S01l8 t;hat .CDn be .drawn ftc ru hJs. spen t · FtldR'Y evening ',Vlth Jaoob. were not able to give them ~)'.. en· Alr~ ~ltb ~)le that ,Mr, .. L neoID. . I lite: SmaH 1~IQoo1p 1htgl\ ""e1'11 di,8: Lornen IlDpf\1mily. . cOllrogement. ' wrllof.8 b~l' tliltt. ~ere b aft! . It.{~ to be i:egrllttel;l thnt tJhe 01.t1: trl.btlted to ebeh p~pn. · " ~urton ERrnhurn twd family M1sl. Mar'~a Bater II makibl .: .. 111U1.• aa_, amollnt. Of. SO oW I' ~II& of wa.ynellViJle, were n Qt able spent S unday witb Mrs ' :Earnhltr1.'s bWO weeks vilit aBbe home. Of bel' their O~lU,Qt.r.f. IIlld tb~ ttl a r ..angefor " "enei'a.l Obllerv lU1(jO 'i ~ ' . ' . " 'to' 0bf of LUKENS' mouthe.. MoTl. of 'D,-It ." IJer Ililm ot au - ....... oosy ... _ tbe matt..!' up, ., , Ill'ry orne. 8b woo. n· ...... Ja ....,... ..enon -' . I' .. '. b'!t llDforgeeD. clro1l1Jl»~~oea- ~e, ~D atJBOSOlf, er with Jacob Cornell and family lr.ud. OJlIo. .,., -of , ~ . ' . ' IX .lIWI IMOxi'rlday. GeOrp JloPbeac)lud
t-alnrnl!t1t {!h'e': by Prof.'
"" 9
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8r~Mb in
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Roo'" 't>melll: ~ ." lmp"ov L '" •••••••••• •
DIscussion ..
S• A , S"1 . "I we11 hon
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-~,~~;tAt"~ld""Q. llllli';f"".'i"llI1damagQ
:lt~~..:.. t~~~D. Ve~rnp8
L 'C
Mlolrlatd~ofifMtot. ~bdllJ1." ai8~:~ inOonlno~_~ ~'
The Miallli Gazette
BROWN 4 ' ~oKAY, Publl.hel'1l~
OHIO. W~ \':NESVILLE.' • ez:::::::::: _ ImpDl"hnoe of tli4l Child. BY VEN ITA SEIBERT Prof Felix Adler, In ' his address II.fore tbe NI\lonal Ohlld Labor Con. ~aQC:II:II:iDQaCl,aaCiaClaaa~'IQCCCClClClClCl. venUon Ilt Clnclnoatl on 'The AW: (Copn lgll t, 1Il\10, b y .TOoleI'll B, Bow l...) tude ot SOOcty Towards the Child 81 , &11 Illdoz or ClvllIzallon," pointed oui J'raulelo P a uline Von Engolruhe "Oh, I lIeg yilur pD~rdon! ' Let me tbilt, blstorlcally. thoro have beon tlltted about her d Oolnty room, hum· bave your bundlo! F'orgh'e me t b :1t three viewl of the oblld 10 IIOclety. tIling a snatch ot songi now ,s he lIalls· r did not think ot It loonor! ' YOII ed to arrango a dish ot violets, now to must be very UN<!! " There 1& the prtmltive vieW' whl<lh give ber. hair a coquettish IIlUe twist. ~~s, t am ¥_ Uroll." ~ Fraulein J'eg11rded the cbJlcS . . tbe enwtilll- DOW to chlrp ' flotUy to- her bird. P~ullne ' glanced down at the bundle, Fraulehi Paullne's sewing girl bent a~d sighed deeply. " They are vests factor In the sy.tem of ancestQ~ worehlp: the later "lew, .vb lob made blm ber head ove r' th e skirt s.h e wall alter-· that I am taking to t he tnllor shop. the Inberttor ' aDd cOl.ltluuat6r of tbe lng, but not one at these caTeless It 19 a long w'a y from ",hero 1 live, and '1UII1I1 bunors and pNlrogaUvell; and grll~etul movements escaped ber/ and the Bholl Is on Thirtieth street." t tbe moll en view, wblch looks UPOIl ber whole soul was filled with lonjflng H err Wes tcott 8tarted·. He noted the cblld U 80 mucb living mnterlal and discontent. Tile (rauleln wae a tor ' the first tim e the content s at the tor the aoclet7 at tbe mture. , Th~. young Oerman lady visiting lIome bundle, the' pillin blac'k hat, the shn· da III, atl b I r th American relati ves ; she was rlcb, sho pIe gown. A light brol~e In upon him. 88 , c on 8erves lUI a aa II or e was loved and admired and mllde be stopped, 'stared lb,edly at the doprotest, llgalns t tbe wastage of child mucb of, .be could tilt In ber dalnty mme face ond iloV(ncalit eyes. then he )tIe under the preaellt 8ystem of "ro- clotbes and talk to he r bird, The 8ew· lifted the il\~ndle, and looked at It in ~nc~on , RssentiallT, bowever, th' .Ing girl 8t1tched away tI,e reely. dIsmay. ' " tbree blstorlcal vle..1 aro Identical, III By and by Fraulein Pauline{ took up ";'You t~ carry suob a long wayl' Ia that ' th~y agree tn lOokIng upon the a book, but her 10vOly eyes wande,ed. It p08slble, ~bat all your wealth la ClhUd 81 bcarlng wltblli bimself tbl They atudled th.e dar k face ot the girl gone, and tbat you are sewing vuts. .eed ot the Ideal tuturo, wbether tbat ben~ over her work, noted the sallow for a Ilvlng?'" ideal be to live 1ft eX'rn_6-estrtal skl,n, the Ured droop of tbe ahoulde~s, "It does not pay weU, but It tl hon· , -..,., th 0 b eaY)' f rown. . P resen tl Y a so ft ea l war k" bUsa aad 'In the ' "'emoof ' a ,sa Id F rauIe I"tI l ' au II no, PI" In·' .... 0# In 0, or band Will latd on the n ervous fingers tlvely. "Great beavens! It II monstrous! Ule feudal Ideal ~f famUl'. or the that beld tbe needlo, and a genUe 4lOntemporary altruistic Ideal at tbe voice sald: "My denr, tell me' wbat It I could oot have believed 1\ posslNe! perrect slate. And It fa by no meanl Is that tro.ublel S'olll" Was there 11,0 one to look after 10u1 eertalo that tbe lut Ideal I. not tbe Tbo girl looked up wUb IltarUe!! Forglve. m.e...for.."speaklng so, _hllt- J »rdost on tbe child. It II' not only eyes, then lIuddenly 'sbe burst Into bave always been IntElrested In your OIat some ot, ua, I.n the name ot prol{' tears. "Ob, fraulein, [ bate to be poorl 1'feltare, and surely ybu will ])a11l0n ress. are content to lIend ,the chUd I hate It IIOt It Is always 'lll:'0r~ and a frIend fot his frnnkI\e8s." Into that Industrlal elavery agalnat work and work, and I have no "True lIympathy Ie never out of wblch Prof. Adl 1 ad - 11'1 . dref!8es and no pl~ulel I am ugl,. place, Herr Westcott. Acb, etnmge . er p e l . I . cue, od poor-and 1 hate. everything!" thtUS8 are p08s'blo. , liJut l'ou must ~a the New York PO~l; but that , "Poor cblld, poor cbqdl" said Frau. know that my woalth was never tho mOlt of Ul, fn recognlr.lng the blgb leto Pa\lllne, thoughfuUy. "You are greatest thtng to me. , Not that It 'I II1tl8loo. ot tha ,young; persist III plao- young,' an4 baye nothing; and you are very pleasant to be pClOr.'; tn, on their tender ebouldere ' a beaYl' thinking ihat I, too, am young and "Of tba.t I am well aware, theretore "urden of 'respenatbllltT. If we were have eve~ng, am pretty · and' rich, ancestor-worablppera or 'medfaeval and admired-Is It uOt so?" jIiarons, we should be quite content to "Illy chllC\, do YOI1 think rlcb peopJe leave ollr cblldreD In, undllltur6ed 'eo; bave 'everything they wlsb .for?" ib,e Jo,.meilt of theIr rlcht to Ubert7 and lAlit, IOttly. "I' will tOll you' a IItUe the' ursult f h i . I I a:ory. Far away lu a Gorman ctty, at .p 0 . app neu, I ~ce a one of the great,muplc coocerts,,lUl ar1Ilerely ,beln.' they would ful611 their tilt apd a young girl were lutroduced lIurpose., But the modern cbUd mUI' to .each other. These 't wo met many lIot be left alone, becanse there III no Umes ' thereafter/, a~d lite was vel'7 • ncb thIng lUI a cblld In the ' ame beautiful to them. Then came ,a ~se that tbere II a ca~ or a pony change. Tbe man'a eyes could no Clr plctllre-boolL He rl a "potential. longer hide the love that lay behllld It.J;'' . and there are pedagogIcal ' priG> them, but be did not IIpeak. The girl dple.. " WI8 an heh:es~, and be feared to be • called a fortune hunter. ,' She was 'also f A creat=PO:':':=p=ut7a=r"":'de""m=on=s*"t";ratlon tho~ well·bon, ahd be ~u but a poor ~laae ~ent»' In Belglnm. Over 60,. Am41rlcan; bel' wealthy relatives ,look· 000 persOne marched throuch the ed ukance at him. 1!e knew that"be etreeta of BrltAels to ~e city b.a ll to was -not a fttttng match tor her. The , 111'1 dtd oot want ,a tltthig match; , she uk ,for obllgatol'7; e4ucaUOD. The peo wanted a mate. But, oc,,1 she could tI~OD .Pretleoted to the· mayof'· not I~ ahe could only watt. , ~cned ,by 1100,000 illlmea. Nearly on.. The seWtng girl ventured 'to .lay fo~rth of tbe Population of BelgiUm II 'tenderly on tho bowed head ; , Illiterate, altbough the law olfers free her eyes Wllre filled wHb gentle teai'J!. , educaUou to those wbo' C&llDO' p~ f6r "Did you novel' lIee blm again?" IIhe It. 'Olere II sllPposed to be a primary uked softly. ' , .acbool tor e1hy ' other glt:l lUted . 11er tace. _ lIut 001,. a m~er grant II again," sbe sa.ld, quietly. "It and tbe teacbln'. '11 often of ."0 poo_ III neaTly two years ago now. I am too , ' .. . .tbe . . y0 ung no t . to tln d Joy In my trJ en d II ", Ioh lIebe 'dlchl", 8he 8ald, 81-ply. --i. T':'- -~hoola are mana"ed ' . .'b'y ., . -.. lID __ my ftowers and' my birds, my booka 1 deplore It for rour lI~te; but tor m, eommu.De and no~ by the ~o;vernmeot, and 'trav4\lIng"but the belt .thlng in own aske-" . ' ad any private placl ot Inatl'1lctloa I ba-.:e mtlled, ' bec~use , I am rich! "H~re we are at the tailor 8bopt" ID&1 be, . .looted .. ~ the communal And now l want you to bave a holt· Interrllpted Frauleln, 1n a lIudden tluf, .cl1ooL Edllcatlou pracUcally cean. dU this l1ternoon. , It le , a beautUul tel', "You walt wltbout wblle 1 IIt'the are of 11: wha~ wu lemed fa ,dILl', and you' ne\l4 1I0mo freab deliver .tbe veats. I Iball appear again aGqn ro,.otten, and 1JIe relapse Juto I want YO\l to Walk In tbe park. dJrec!1t." .t Ildl.erence and ' -.norence 'I InBYI- The skirt 'can walt unlU to-morrow." ID a very few ~om8J~ts the, 'were . table. . Tbe echooll are In.pected once Tbe Ilrl ' glanced aublously at a proceeding on their WILY, 'lIllnus 'tbe . , bundle ' that· abo bad brought vests. . FraulelD Paulin" held 10 her • year. A.1tholllb the techDlcal Icbooll wIth ber. "'1'bolle are vests," sbe said. ~~nd a lI.v,e.dollar blll. "A week's sal. .,. Ballium 'are tllle. ,the prJmary ay. " K)' 'allter JewlI.' tbem, anel I must de:. ary!" sbe said, vlewlnc lit medltatlvel,. tem of ,UIJa mOlt crowded Couuu;. lu Uyer them at the \allof' ahoP' tbll Sudetenly a hand closed over the blll lhrope II, wbolly bad. ' ,afternoon. It I. away up OD Eut and the lingers that heidi It. ~'Paullne, , Tftllrm"'ft street;", ' last I may speak I 1 blad. no right to The name ot brJdae probabl,. grew ''1 wlll deliver them mYllelf," IIald herore, but DOW you al~ poor, poor, ent of the Rualan word "birltc~" Fraulein Pauline, bel' natural gaiety and I cannot feel 80rry, because I am which called out wben tbo player breaking torth In delicious BlIltlell. 10 II;lad. Pauline, dear ODe, do you declarea no trump., lAya 8crJb~er'.. "Ob. no, not you YOllrself. They are guess how I have Io\'ed yon alwaTI T,be appearance In E"gJ~d ~weeu very heavy, and they make an ugly ftom the very ,flrst? Sometimes I haft , 1J83 and 1886 of a pamphlet on "bl,. bundle. Perhaps you could lend lOme thought ·that yOU cared. I dared not Itcb," or RUIISI&ll whllt, tailed to at- one?" let myself dwell on t11at thouglJ t ,
SOlne Oeneral Ruin W hk.ll €OtDul Be Obsc r'/ ed on the Far.". ,
for The cr (lm II pal'ntor Hhoulcl be ,hondled as !ollows ; Read lhe bliok 01 C&tarrl;l, InHtl'uction se nt out by the separato, ftrm. lnalst on,. the separatQr aud aU Coughs, utetls ils ' thll~ conle In contl¥lt wltb Q)1ds, tho milk betns oleaned every'. Ume PLAN OF COW STALL. th Y are used. One or, tho rcaaonl Grip. One Which an Exp'",lenced Farmer why 10' much Iloor arcam 18 deUvered Is because t he tanner hu not a Iult. Ha.• Found 8uc:ceaafut. Ool))e placo to keep It. The follow Ins plM has worked eat. Atter Inlloh xpcl·1 uce, the writer Is fnc;.torlly. It requires an 011 barrel COlhlf dtlrl! tho plan tor a.. cow stall, burned out, placed In-"'t lle milk honae shown_hi the cut, Ils one ot Ule best or between the pllmp and' the ltock lhllt cau be 11 sed, 8aYII a corrcspond· wnterlng tnn\f.. Between the 1I.I'It ent of Farm Jt.)I\I'nnl. The 'cow stands and second"hoop driU six or elgbt oneon plaoks 1Iiot ai' matched Inch holcs at equal distance.. .rut below the socond hoop' drJll one '1~. \j Inch' hole" 'fbo :WlLter pipe 'from the i well to eotel' at Iblll point. , On the ,I Inside ot tbe barrel place a wooden trough to, carry the water to the bot. ~om of the lJ!urcl. fn the sIde of the tow "rALL harrel, QCtx to tho water tank, and aboye tbe tblrd hoop. drJII a ·' two-fllch hole and COnl~ect thle with a . pIpe. to Plan of CoW Stall. carry tho water to, tbe) tant. AUght ,. box can be. \,isM in place Of tbo bartherororo water-tight. Tbe back r eI. An arl'angemeut ot tbe above deprojects two Incllo8, Tbe gut ter Is BCripttOP wllI bold. all tbe c~ 'J).J'Oo JS (hobo. 8 wide aud Is formed' by ~a~~ . d uce d upon au average rarm' and thl "ylng A course of cemeut 'down rrom Cl·cam will be' ln a falTly iQOd 4l0ndl. th pln~form, across tbo· bottom :of tlon tor n rOIl.·day pel' week· dellyeuo tho ~tter, an(\' '''P lit th e back. Ir th - providIng- tl1at all the wawr neecled gutter Is ~"l 411100tll, sbovel will ror the stock bas been pasted throqh sUp ov.~ It betl r Lhan over a bOIU"d this barrol. " 1 floor. We often underestimate the 1m· portance of Irequ~nt dellverJes. Tbe CARE IN MILKING. avorage producer of rp.ltk b81 not the tacJIIUes to keep th e cream more thaQ Some WaYI In Which Germe Get Into three dan nn.d even then In a 'natnblr Milk. of cases the cream la not ID a tit dltlon to be made Into butter of The ,mUk witbln the cow's urlder Is quality. true tbat the 00.& pracUcally, thous h not absolutely, getting tbe cream to " the cream,,, (rom bacteria. Milk drawn from a must be considered, but It lbowd ~ 'dirty cow, In a dirtY" dusty stable, by be. done at the eltpeqse.o( quauCF,: a dll'ly mno with dirty bands and .As a fUle the best relult. .... 0," clothes Is s ure to be unclean. lalned when the cream Is deUvered b, p".". iI • ,1unis.f4 the cow the re Calls ' a shower of tbe p\"oducer 01' wilen. several patrou IAd_ • Mil/i". Ullld. epidermis scales' and other duat, hits In one community talte turD .~ut to of cbntr and straw, and Illlrtlcles ; If del1ve~ the cream. W.hen WI m~thOc1 ItUIII6er is i",rldJi", nJt#7 not Il\rger pieces or cow filth: The be follow,ed and the oream 0IlD Pe""Il~ Iuu ~el'''tU d milker of nncleanly heb!ts , may not be shipped by rail. do ·the next tAl B¥ul s".#lIIiItl"tlilru lrl~ute a coHec,Uon . of dtsease gemls best , t1!lng, that of collecting the ., '1"'. sUII 'IJlore potent tor ' evil. '!lli.e fil th ream ~y -means of the"regular arum II ~ .- (IIi! ".ieil "'''';iI~, .11 e': . contont of milk prodllcod under s uch ha"lers. The man 10 cbarp III the d4~t' (1./11" Jual, ,""",. conditi ons may be' Imagined. wagon sbould know.tho grail 0' /II"", st"._fA, ",ilMySt IldI(/Ir.,... it hall been found tbat on an aver- cream desired. . He, shou.ld be a man age a loose ' h alr, (alUng InCo the milk that would t reat all farmeri a1lkeand /1••le orlflllS• . ,from the clenn or paris of the cow, car- Jf be !ound a J ew."r the larmen AU Yo., ~t'" Pre, ~ . rles with It- tJ"Om, ~oo to '1 QQ bacter a.' no't tllkln g proper care at the cream I !!!~~~!!!Al~.!!!!!!.!!!""'~!!!Ia~r!!!ItIII.~~.!!!!:!~!!!!!!~ Particles ot ma nure, ' or _ hllir from he shOUld be able to give them a Utuelo p~tcbes at. manur ial rl\!hness, con· frlend,y aU ylce. '0 , tribute a mucb more bountiful seeding The moat enUsfac to17 met'h04 bt of the milk; at the rllte ot 8ev~ ral handll~1f the cream o~ the wlllOu II mIllions fO,r "oach ' gram , 'or 111~lt tea- to UAG tho 3o.gaJlon jacketed cai!~, spoonful o ~ the- dirt. Of sucb is tbe IlUe.d Ull V(lth ftoahl: 'l:be ',.-acoD composition ,of t hli dark s edl'ment should be covcred an.d tlded ""-th COllnd . at the bottom of. the \ graSS of sprlngil. Tbe driver IIhould be fU!' milk produced nnd delivered fly care· ulshe6 With Ii IIcale, a pall wl~ a reless d.a lrymon.-Dr. ~. O. Young, Soc. movable covel'. a a ~lrrer, the ~ ~ 'lfe, Bpl\rd of Healt!:\.. tng ot 'heavy rubber, to be uaed to s crap~ the' creatn from the can. ~ _+......:JLlll~Jr-II<lll1ler SboUld Ilot rllIIe , Not all, cow ~Ie (""m,'·''' ,cansw tb water.' ti tle dairyman, . bave one small dipper and "- -,:0-"'-".:. case to hold eft ugh ' "-ttle T k' ,.0 tAl I Lw he mil Ing Sllol·tborn wQs not him to leavo ooe"fd'r elwb J)IItron. He much In evldf1uc41 'at the large fnlrll sbould also a lioolt , contalDlq thle r~lI, l/1e patro\lS' oam'e . an~ numbers. The After th~ mllk" s once 'COntnmlnlUed bottl.e s snould be the h4l&vy onee With no aniount of "doctonng" will restore the;, t\ve-Incb . ..,bee f&ther ~ the""-"'-It to Its pristine pl,Irity. .' 0"e8 Witb tbe nln""lncli tubd. 'l'bll In Otlba tho cow's are driven [rom hold .more ~d are euler tID lUI and to house and the d,slred quanU· empty,. of milk la' drawn In tlie presence of ' Make relular trlpl. Calf'oil aU the purlllluer. . patrona, oxj)ept wben they .bYe tol4 P1Ire, wboleaome milk la a rood rel· yliu they 'Would churn. tall to I ~~~~,.~!!~! Isbod all\l8 by Inr~nts; Invalids, and c~lI tbo/cream bec8ule 'ute patroq I', The Impurity ot the bu a Im~I' amouDt and thlnb be'OIlD llr!ld'uct III wbat mon most obJect , to. bold It until the ,ext ttiDe. t ODe .... " r.rany tarmerl'l living close to c~t1es, ' Ion of of(·f1avored 'trW ipoU ... targe ' o~ small. could dlwelop a protit·. er~ gatloDS. , able bu,ID\!sS tn 8uPlllyln, fresh' 'mllk Weigh all ,of the patroD'. oream III to the towns people. Try It and be your own pall. oonvlnced. . Do not take out tho sample fo~ teQ A co-ope~atlve cl'eamerY run on a Ing unUl ;roll"baye .wel.bed ad thO.large Bcale ia n money maker for ' Ita ougbly mixed the creak. JI'1~ .sample . IIb.ould pey
~t~~~~onat~~~ , ~;I~~_ '~I~~~0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~::::~=rtt~=~~1 bnt durJtig the enl1Jlng,_ten ye&r/l tbe maker taking bome my week's work. Sbo 10ng' lasbea and 'let tlOD.
. , , llreleDt natural olr~hoot of the ' ;a~ ~ 'form / of' plv-one "anety' of wblch is called leralasch, teralacb" , ... 7elarub., by 81r Horace Rumboid-, tlecame everywhere quite a favorite Jl&lltlme. The' game II IlliJd bl lome to bave otlgtnated at Athens, although U Is 1m , own to bav~ 'been ula.y.... f ..... practJcaUy . 'D. Ita ' present . . .tor'" . Ulroqh~ut Turkey, Greece; EaYPt ,and , along the Maritime AlpI tor .' . actually JIIOre than 30 yeara under the name ot . Ive. .... ed ....
ne dean ot Canterbury relat.,. this , eaecclote ot his own .echool \Iaya: :, III , the IOhOolhoilBe at ~ugby, 'w hen ' be ,was tbere: new bo)'sla iIle' tlrat : wlu~ . ter term had t~ stand on i i. table and . ,aIDe the ' "Bre,ve' O,d Oak"· befote all qie bOYI ~t tbe 'bonae. If they · aanl ~ tlle eatilfacUpn of the b.oulle . thOY talte~ Into Its good.fellowshlp. 'Otberwise, they' ~ail to drink half ' a ', sla•• of JIa1t and flter~ made .0 tblck· , that ~e, col1ld .wui ,.ruIClr uP.ln IL Xe ,""u very, lorrY to make the .' Call' felalon that he hlld to dript the' aalt and water. . The.Ohlnes8 on the Rand were al. lowed 10 ' mucb oplum, the maxImum a mODth'., belne two pounds. '.. Tble would lIuft1ce tD ..·.took ... ordllllll'1 . c:1i.eD:JIIlt°. sli'op (ot'. rear. • T,wo poundl of oplu~ represent. i7 981 ."eraa- ' medIcinal dOlea. '
Oe~aBY bar. ord~d a redllcUoD of frelghta on live ltoclr to tIT and coat down tbe price. of meati, ' wblcb ale aWQ lIUt of reach. Thle leem. • IIood deal' like the Oltrlda willi "" . . .. .. the 1A114.
I wish to Bee how I'. feels. It will bo him S08 what larg~ tun.:' .· · no coqqetry 'In
' Fraulein Paullne <lId not take a car. She wae a good ' walker, and T blrtleth . .. street did not seem ifr off; neverthele88 the vest.. were lio-ben"" that before .lIbe' reached her destlna. tlon ahe grew very tired. . She ,lanced weanly up the street. and , ' lIuddenll' he.r qbeeks &1'ew wlilte; tben pink. ' A man. was coJDlng directly to., ward ber--a tall, 'brown-ayed m ' 'an with .... dark hair curllll'g up ' ward under b'"
.. itraw bat: He bent upon ber an eager face. . · " , "Paul-Fraulein PauUne! , Am i dleamlng t\u!.t I see you here?" he ex.. '.' claimed: . . T/1e frauleln Itnitched out to her lef~' hand. "No, Herr Westcott, It Is only !J!e, an}! \lot a droam at' all, Acb •. It I" ~~ . to aee , yOU agatn. I WOUld.. give 1,0u .b'oth bands, Jlu~ 10U tlie. o.ther III occupied." :.. , ' He~ .'WeBtcott drop~d tb~ ,., band be waa boldlng. Cerlatnly gr4Ie~ng bad been too Impulsive hlB eyes saddeoed: ' '. ' ,. . '. May r ",alk wlUl fOu?" he asked, c?urteously. . ' I, , ' '1 ahal}' be glad.. I !!hould to ,talk 'of bOJD~; I~ .soomll so JonI' I left. lcli habe helmweb. · ·;You ' not forgotten tile. dear old clty'au'd plenant. llttle garde/l of !I'M Llonl?" "Forgottenl" " Fra)Jleln Pauline WI/oII q'uJte satisfied with the tone. ' ''T bose 1!'0re· hippy d_va," .Ibe · COil' t1nl\Oot. . .. "1 wal obll«ec! to le81'e ~U1TledI1, trauletn, and' lurely )'OU must know that "those were ' bapP1 d&)'e, ,tp me, alll9. ' . . , , Prauletu Pauline sblfted tire buudJe on bill' ann. and H~ WestCott w8l' ,,'Verwltelmed with !!O.Iltritloa. 119 ~ tol"gotilli hili manners. '
benelll.t b, . -There wal cheese factortee ,al'O uXCllllent tbose ', cle~r dePtb1!. Uon& or ',tho 'supedQr jutel)lgonco 'of the communities in , wbtcb they oro now. f d "leh , lle"e dlcb!" ,,~, said, Simpl, oun. 1 · . ' that In an Y I&lIIN~e. nee d no We s~e gl&d 'w'" - w"rds '\ ,. clo not In a ctty translaUon. and be compelled to take cbalJt 'and . ~ft'e\" a Ip~g, lon'g tim,,; wh,en tbe) woter as .. substltuto" tor real. milk;' hid once .m ore become conscious ot On the we ' can have the real tbe l1avements aDd tbe "hops and the ~~t1cle In any destred degTee -of.. rlcb. earth ,'Fraulel'" Pa II Id "E neilS, . One ,reaSOll ',more milk la ' . care . . ..shallu ....neto,sa,te rnest, ' , ed 10 . hl.rge ·- nIUes 'Is b(!oauBe ' my ,first I ' conBum . "" ex rm nate T the o~e rl,.Ult wblch. 1 tltnd 'In tbee. ~oJlle c~not get lho lIn~dultorateil' T" • left lonely artI c Ie. , . ..QlJ ar t ,t 00 p.r;oud. I lI'all ,j a nd un h i ' . appy , s mply .becauso ·V · had mllre mo!!ey than. thou " 'adst, and thy . Mud F~ver, , ..... prlde ' could not be,." the tbough.t.· Mud rever In cOlts li'. cauled··from Coulds~ .!:bou nat have .Ioved me 10 .Iiowtng them"to l~UU in lots not prop. well tlta,t ., we~ltIl' would have meant e.rly drained. The, best maalle off prenot)llng to thee?" \ , , ' ,yentlng U~18, say's Oriuiifei Judd ~aT.ln . . "It wu tor your sake--" er, 11[1 ~o pl'ovlde a ' dry ·Jot. Clip "For my Bake I Then thoa dldst not ,t he hair 1rol1\ ,,,round the · p&lltern•. give 'me' cr'!dlt tor equal dePth wasb olt .tbe mud at least orice '8 day Wlt~ thys'll!. ~cb 'I " ,"" . a1)d Cluefully .dry 'the skin. 'he wash. "Paullne, treues he~z, ' forgl:Ve mel Ing ' ahoUld be done , with cold water Iltl~~~'£,~~~:~rt;jftAl~,';~H~~ii I see my mlstaie." . ., . !In\J the' ariliu~i8 ab,ollW be ~ept In:'a I: "It Is ' well, ' for I bave a ' conf~8slon watm - ahed I1nfn thoroughly dry. to make .~o· th~ . .~ bave done m» ,belt, Rubbing' oc08ll1'00,a,lI), v;ltlt a IInltIlep.e to Dleaee tb~ b~ ' belng poo..... ' but alae! consisting of,acetate of lead one ounce, I. alii stili ' rich.. Acb, 'I t Is a dreadful !lUve,.oll one. vlnt .and ~ater one .plnt, cbange' 01' proellccte, .t am sure, but J do mllcb to prevent crackIng of trult to thy honor I I a gentleman heel. ' ,'<,. ' not tp des-ert m~ uollel'. l,h e sad .: cl~ cumstances," Her eyes S:IOU... at blm 'mls.c~levo.usly.' ':Xt Wal! only ' wllat YOll An)C!lrJcsns Woqld can a btra." ' "A bird,? 9h;- I lIee; A 'Iark! Yo·u wete ~arrYln, tbe vesta j~or Bom4lbOdl, else. . 'BIlt jUlJa plain go"n?" , " Fraulein P~ul1no latll!:~le~,,' merrU, ThOll art. allO a .blrd t" she Nld. ":rhou art ~ sPosel It II, a Pari. Dost Uruu, think that .v 8110 'for Corn 'P~ild.r. wear BU(lb a lit. But, 'Erne.t, ,",e IUO Is undc,>ubtedly the mOlt not laid tbat I am .conoml~ ""a., ot handling' com "fodbellig rIch." \ ler. ltorillC mUCb In a s1fial1 lpace, Horr W.,.tcott drew ,nd 1I:,8II.pID* It In tho beet conlllUOIl to empty entr1, and 'eed, thereby IIICfenllq daitT U~lt:,"" laid. ',lId ,ODlTfII/OJIdlDaI, ftrlObl ... ,. lIlT . . . .1..
E~ B. flhRIlAN'S
• , bor lion, Eolw:u"d n e nry. It . wa:) jlanllO ~8 In Brookl)'T l /lenlllla III real IV t.:Lt. .... fIo c,;UJVE S PROPel 'lL"', r.~-"""l"""=-~--:-------"' llIlJolH on "/Iough to 11ft the burd en trom bul' oNlilte. l:lo,ls I,Itlll thero. LlHl)H1n.' We hnpll l:ld over the husballd 's ~hOllhJ ' rs and to bUY a --- -~ ' 1)011 s undo wll nt mOilt the i,tI 11'8" J n lJy thlll i lnle Lhe little man In n Care ana a Litlle' Juigme nt 1\11 That home at Illtg bUI nnd ~rlt} I!tr ~1t S, In I deacon' l 40 llar and to a poar Wid ow, Whoso busband (1/11. 15 Ne ': ;~O\ ry. J orsey Olty, where the famil y Ih·eij lund wbo ~1l t rilusol :; hard black tie, Il gh L1l1g fpl' the confod raoy, ant wo r~ 11I'\,OY9 cOqlfortubly- tor Ulan'y ·:Ien rtl. It was bag~ed at th e kn eg, whose SOli w;t s also In th !) army. I had gOt his Wh It nnd ti.-lI oaLt'ly tlnfcd It,ld enough. , too, 10 save the mill hi t r f"om "s",ell" at rall roadl fed th 1'01ls l ell Idu til lilY horse, nnt ug. lie , htl<l ~I ov S lUll, he cleallcd Ity auyone ~ylto )Ie ate It In donulH·qulcll ti m . .e81rle~ wille ' I d LPVOd Pleroon t. ~1ol'San In that w lJl prOf) ed cal'ol'ully and wi ~h 1I0Dll1 ev. IIfr. Hnrrlma n gllvo till i?L, John's banke l"s (litem. fo\' lh "ThIH r mind s me of a faVorite stol'] reorganlzil' d Ilrce or Jultgmell t. puJpl~ Ih Weal .I'l.obollen lu 1~6G, ~ tlon of Gen. Dan kh elHt Magrude r us d to tel: the EI'I \l railroad . Morgan Llgh t gloves IIhoultl be wor n as ot, about a ,dinn er he had .whlJ be WIlt which was RhorU,. after til e legacy bad dralvn lerm k rOl' tbe stockho lderll. ten liS lJOps l ble b fOTO the fil':tt clean· servIng III l ht! ,army of nort)lem VII' Raitr &ui Czar Wal Aided at feU to bl8 wife. Harrilnf in drllw ollnter terms and Ing·, tf llHed carefull y nu t! the badlY R~LI,SHED A WAR MEAL. g tnla, 'I'hat lIrm y wa,s not muoh morf Henry 'a this Ume Is des rll)ed by milch better terJ,lI B for d· lIollec2 places rubbed hillitly with the Start fy Stuy; men and wOlDeu Who kn ew him 811 a el's-and hltnselr. He UIbeutB~Qokhol than 20,000 1 ruckon, and It ha d ' Morgau soll'Jd bl' ad rumba ellch Utile after 80me of the Straits to WhIch tho Con· to dO ' S0010 strong, rl S'ht 811a1'11 I\lork to stand boy ot pleasan t ' nature, wbo liked to then and he bU8 lIeut ()1I him Blue. ".,an t F..h, Whom Later du mORl of w urlnc 'the first cleaning can be profederate Officers Were Reduced . olf tllree w n·r d, well-equlpped ted, the things other boys d.ld. It bnly a tew years luter-In longod quito a whll , but nIle r li ght nepc .JJ •from Hi.h but with a vlel" ot life lbat wal! much l8S3- was eral armlc8, eacb of thcm nearl~ twlc~ thut he went Into th e nllnol!! glOl'lls have once been cleaned they The veteran, by· force of contras t Is liS' larg . Well, one dny J\{1I!;ruticl broader Ilnd deeper tha n most of bl8 Contral. Slu~' v sant Fish "rion. belped him Holl read ily ond shourd not be allowed often ren;lcde d of the many times was ou~ reconno ite ring with a811\1clafeS ot 1111) Bge. He reaJlzed thllt the.t e, bul thol 11Idn '\ his stan matter to Hal" to become 100 sol1l!<1 before submitt ing d'.rrlng tbe civil WDr when tbe plainest In lhe Sh ennndol.\ll · valley, and be his will' In tbe worlll depended upon rlman dill'lng til lost tood bad for blm a zest tbat no pres· stumble d across a' hlcely six months· ot the m to another tTcalme nt. himself, and . whether by chance .or 1006. Fis h hocl h\lcked looking plan. 4 GRAPHIC PEN PICTURE him, or TRWe! A vc ry SQO d p ~,apara tlon for clean· ent holiday can Impart. One of these taUon, through ' 1I0mebodr'e . aid, h e chose his all y, th "Sttll\dol'll OJ!, hl the roor !ng gloves's made by mixing together veteraas , a TellDeH~ee. colonel, who OF FINANCIAL kiNG aU ~treet us a beglnol ng. He RI?' IlRo lzotioll oT the Mutual Life Insu!'> equa! quantlU ell ,of fin ely powd red BerYed with, Forrest s cuvall'Y became to "He sen t his orderly oro on the Jump prese nt his c\ mplhn'en ts to the mla. peared' In "the IIt.reet" not iong aflel' ance comoailY . Fish trl r~mlnl sce,n t the other day, SUY_B ~ tbe tress ot tile OI·lI.1 d to 'gel wllRt nlum and pl)le clay or tu\ler'l:! earth . _ slon an.d tell her bill 1amUy mov d trom West .Eloboken. tho public bellev d wo uld be lin hon· . Dip a pi ece of flannel In the mixture N ~;-V York po~t. :iSaln.hne.. ,. t"a Trait That Seema, to to Jereey elfy. · He wall . 'that h e and tile omcers a cle rk In a es~ ad mln lslration . Harrltnun de· ar.cI rub \ ho Ilolled ,parts with It, li ght· A. good dinne r was as s trango t~ hungry. Would ab bewere powerfu l - 't.nd Out Boldest tn the Man- small brlikero gc kind enough office an'd h e was a manded lhlll th e JI" eHElol eonlroll lng Iy at first so as' to looson lbe ao ll aOiI our camp as a nva-doll ar gold piece,' to. give them some dinner? or oourse FOfI Harrima n Firat ;lind All the gopd one. He used 0 go r unning O\ltflt ralulliu In office. I l Is stU t notl'ub It In. he remarke d, as he stroked bls gray sbe sent bacle word s he'd do ber 11me-O lle Ch.rlty 1'hat ~. around down town In t\tolle days just' th ere. lind l~1 8h Is Ollt. or III presl· ReJlcat the ruhblng s lI.nUI tho glol' 8 beard, "and I re member weU hOlv Along comes a ye llow.bal red beat. 'lid to. Be' Near Hr. Heart. youug as the army of youngst ers, with wal· dency of tit illin oIs' Clllral. whl oh are nult';)' cl an , then wipe the m wllh eager we were for persimm on tl'm e. soldier right after that, and he ._ I ts In bllDa, nre l'uDnlng around /Iown sbows tlmL Harrima n wilt light and a piece of clea n nannel. Bran ,. bou "! Tben. It often baPpellud tbat we got a her the same t.hlng, Jt seems 'he tells Nell' Yorlr,.-E 1tty·nln e yeal"ll~, ago tbere now fl'om tbe Ume' was the !lanks sllure not even his b Rt ;r1end,- un. ,then be rubbed all over t he thI. Hme at. George" glove \Viti good fat Il~ss um out of o,n o of those .on his way to join bIll rcgilncn t, an!l church WIIS Olll)n and tho tleker·la pe I)eglns to le8s ho bna to spare trees. hllllseif. We Fr d nch skin chalk 111m and and leave him wall covered wltb du st and looking wiped off wllb D ~lookl,pg out on H I\.IIIJ)stea d noli thll I ruu \lUIl1 1:bO market' closes for tbe Edwnrd He nry Harrlmu n II! an aort, clean clolb. bung up ovcr night for the f~ost to Ured to death . . !J'OIlI1IC acre. 0' Long leland for mlles j ll8 y. . " economi st. ~1 always doeK what Is him just once. Next day OIoves 'sbould 'al ways be laid awa)' ;aro~d, •• it bjld been doIng 8ln~e a "'l\(y youag Crlend, I'm doing DIY Il was while be was qn l.h lIoor best Jor Hal'rlma n. Blld for tbose wbo In Uss ue paper, fo r It In proserv we d !'Ollst him In tbe ashell with best to get Ull a good dinner tor l4Iar ~rJ,. a century ' and a ho.lf be,. doIng this kind ot Gen. work that lie met help blm help Hanlma n. Rallrea!~s, Ing tbe e lasticity o r pl enty of yellow yams so sugllry that Magrud er 'lind bis staff. tbe. kid fore w.lIen the II.rat Eplsoop al servloel stuyves ant Fish, then Gct down lind a '"ounc man when one Is dey.olollln!; th eir p09sl· tho gloves In a. good ·condltloand lIe<')I' tbe sirup would ooze out ot th em like como In, and If ihere Is anyUlln g left were beld there and lIupp\lcation '11'88 IIlto Harrim an , w!tb hi" n. ,way to make bI1lUes,Ha~rlm'.ln devwol1s ; be doesn't re~,ln out or a pitch pine tree. -made to God. to preserve ' and sllCcor , In the world . 'Fillh after they get throngb you . shall have THE USEFU L LAMP STOVE. had' wealth and the open up ,u new cl,lllntry' lie Ins't a . Talk . abouL terrapin and csnvas, It,' 'said tbe hospl'tab le , lad1':. . .. kinlor England anll "Hya Gouvell or Jnluenc e of a high social _ position be- pioneer. 1.lfe Ins uranc~ compan ies ~~Ck ! Why, man alive" poss um ood ef UIp Colony," It atood with that hind him. Hllirlma n "The was "going It lire wonder! u" "fe ders" In ready Economl~al and Greatly Slmpllfl el taters Is th e thin gs that makes yO~ his te young chal' WIIS 'hardly out of ens, lind It happene d that bo "Ia~" of Qua1ntne&a amid Its aur- a lone," but ther!\. was somethi ng In mouey. Harrlml ln hod the Equitab le Kltchenl Work. truly thank .God for tbe space tberu I S <lllme from one of the rolaildln l ~t It weara to-day, and ~Is make·up that Flslr Ilnest families liked. and the Lire , He lost It whe n young Hy!\e wi thin you. Su~h sweet m and In Vlrlt!nlR. He dlsDlount d and 'II' ot abold Ie. pld reclory was an of two became great friend.: A blue flam 011 stove for cooltlng so fat and "julcyl And wben eat ,According sold out. Now he Is fighting for t he the last Into the DIt!QII 1I!'htcla bo~ed well for those It to the stories 'told In Wall street to- Mutu,lI LICe. He Is pretty sure that slmplllle s kitch en work especial ly for morsel had gone dO,wn , how calm and kn ew how hOllse. Just nat Urally .be affairs were condllct,ed to aelt.ere 4. . day, and Wilich bave been turned over he Is going to got family o( two. A content stove ed with )'ou a res· fecI, how much at the old )llantall on h ItI H knows BIIt' 1Il tIab. month of JanuarY . :1848, ,and over again of lalte on h Id a d peace with aU mankind . ervolr holding accouut a gallon of Thomlls F. Ryan lias tIl '. Equitab le . wlll burn con ou!'e a s. n , tbere wu one wlUlln the abelter of Harrima n's ouatlng tlnuousl y for six hours. By rellltlat, , "I reckon tbe best dlnn,er we' bad In When ?ragrudel· and hili sLaIr arrIved ot tiah from the and he doesn 't like ltY8n. 8t: Gabr. .'e ~toJ7'~wlioae peace !IB ,' tlltitole Central, It was Flab our c,,~p was one tllll day lu '64, be did some ~r!tty tall lcontlng who gave lJarrlnJa n Is called direct In bl8 Ing one's work so as to utilize every aoreb' troubl_ !le' wu St. ~eorse'l/ Harrima n qrost bls commis sions in methOds by tholle wbp do not know bit of the lIame, excellen t results mn~ when we were hanging onto the flank around . tbe dln,n .. ,room. As ..oon as of mlDllter. the Rev. Orl.ado a&rrlma u, th.o.e' day I Qtcommle Sherma n's army ae it marcbed dinne r WIIS an~ouDced be .mar~hed In llons whlcb him wel1. He 18 direct; In bls speech, be obtained . For [nslanco , wben tbl through Georgia . One of our foraging at the bead of the processi .Jr. J'or ae.en ),eara be ,bad I!tIcn but· broUCht him In touch with mea that when It serves ' bls purpose to be di· , mate/! Is applied to tbe wick and thd on an,t t001c (.ted &rOwl4 partles brought a cow Into one e1larae to a~· be 'Would· protiably ueyer have ' met reet. He 18 'pleasan t In hla address tlame Is creeping up, have a vessol the head fell to my 8hare. camp, and a seat ne~t to Magru'der. Tb~ glloera) other, with • Wife and a /rro,nnc fam· I llad my looked at him llre~ty savage for a min· Anyway , when the8e mo- when ' It' serves him to be pleasant rendy to place over 'the ' lIame hrun8. 1" o..a Ia14 handa. Unnll bad been a lui. of finance who belonge ute-, and said: d1ately In order man 'Wash to d to Utilize Flub'. and every clean But .'blt Edward It; then Henry I Bet Harrima '~'Slr. do YOU lID ow wltb wbom YOQ n makes aerto. problem . , Among tbose to Il1'Owd 'won In the. market Harrima of beat. When tb,e lIame n Is th6 turned newspap er vender In the cerrldor 'WlaolD lae lIa4 IIreadle 4 tbe. ,QQlIpel th.e allO InVAriab ly added are dining?' to tile Blze of of tbe Equitab le building, where be out and begins to suhslde. If one 1boqla t aaver _med to have ot), .hla. bank account . " 'No., sIr; J don' t. Before) Joined ' sUII keeps hll ,orllccs and tbe offices plans to bave 80me dish that needs U1a4ad IlIeU that nitnllter a muat eat the army I Will! ml gbty care.ful whom \0 to· be kept warm while dinner III be. \ 1U14 " " . cIutII_ to w~r ju.t aa olhet RECEN T PHOTO I ate' a meal of victuals wltb, but now GRAPH OF EDWAR D H. H~RRIMAN, CZAR OF AMER·. Ing served, very satisfac tory . ramort.aIa. I ma~e no ' 61sUnol.1on whateve r.' . ICAN RAt LROAD8. sul:.s may be obta!nEl d and every bit "Tbat s ettled It. ' Magrud er looked After ~1Ir lit Hemp.t ud. of the flame utilized trolll the ' time nettled' . Naw lie 1'004 himself lMIIIet by tile for a minute, and then burst tbe matcb Is appllOd to the last ex· out loughlng. So (lid the otbers, and 'MqI8.p .ovetV..trleken conditio n that plrlng llIeker. the dinner went on wlth evol'yl~;tdy In be had iIDown In aU hi. former rector' b1gh .good humor." ..... Ue ba4 uJKIClted better Water Hangl"g p,lant•• at. Otorp ', blit in thll ]DOath Be ,sure that plan,ts hanging In loOt. ..:....-~---aud b8.::\kets I get all the water they ..(. ....., h. awoke 1Q tlnd that bla 1&1·' BY. WAY OF, THANKS. need. Because tbey are near the ;&IT ~ tar In ~r• •nd also to the 1II1I!nW'k.ble fact ,tba{ In • fe.., weeb eelllLg, where .the tempera turo 18 'What Monroe Once DId for Genera' 1IItn.f ta14 be 011. mo~ member of much higher than nt tile wlnclow sill, Lafayet t". 1Iae.IamIIT tIP fae4 &nil- clOthe and at· they dry ou t nllUoh more rapidly ...,. ~ Into eoulider atloD. thnn ordinary plants, says tho Home Tllnt Lafayet te'll . servtces to this . TIle 8ey. orlan40 IIarrlma n bad not. Magazin . They IU'O also exposed on country are sUII' held In cherishe d 'joq .. walt tor tb, addltlon to )Is memory Is sbown by the great valuo IIU sides, and this accelera tes eva)), placed on relics oC the generou s or!ltlon. J have a methoc\ ot k eeping faqIUJ, OIl J'ab~ .o~ 'W" Frenchm an. The UlarQuls'B chals/!, Ill, , these ulants well watere'd whlob. ~ lip him .. 4, ' " lWIIad hlm Ed· -:arclll ellr)' Harrll\Wl. goOd . preserva tion, has just been works well : I. take n emaJl can 01 , Dl-.rd Bur, 'Barrlm p conld not ,placed In t h Memoria l Hall at Cln- , cup and, punch holes in the . bott am ~.,. eat.ere4 the worlc! .t • more In" Clf It. Make these small at first, un· I clnnatl. '. But Amel:lca on,ce'-lnrtt-an o p;---; ,oPiMld'" t1. III hie f.ther·. a'ffa1.... UI you ·know jnst bow much water I portun]t y to eXllress her tbanks In a Im~. Iae ba4 been born ,earlle{ or Ulore practica l Ilrtd satisfac tory form III needed. FUI these vesselB B.Dd Dlt,er, . . tile re.oonSa wol114 Llnlltee....~ ,1\.- -I-;-t.hIRn' by giving ovation!! or co eo nl; place them on the Burface of the soil. lie woGi DOt ha.e JO\lOd the f.DIlI, Vines can be so trained ' as to ' hIde ', souveni rs, Mr: Mm·aj.' Halstead , In an ..., IIeUar ot III the tiatos. of the them. article In the Cosmop olitan: glves 'au Observe th'3 ' elreet carefull y. If not enough watElr paues through after Edw.nI Helll!)"l aocount of how James Monroe ,dId the .1IIrUl . . ~. Orl&o40 H.rrJma o Jr., to keep tbe so(1 mofist, you '11'111 know , good ' turn whloh the marquis 's SOl'• . . . . . tD ...lEe the. ".atry of 8t. that larger .boles arEi necessa ry. ThIll vlce~ deserved . .- , , matter can be regUlate d to a nlooty, 1M ,abaolut e pectllill tt of Lafayet te, ravol'lte at court, a gay . . . . . ~r lab aaWr. tnrned wIth a little exver\rn enUng. ' Fill lhe Th. Cow'. H..d W •• Served on • Hot young soldIer marrl~d. at th e age of Oak Plank: I ldI lIMIt .POIl Hempa t_ forever. cup each mornl!!!>, A treatme nt of 16. wall .a n officer at the garrIson ot tbls kln4 'will e nable! anyone to tirow him to digging a pit in tHe clay soli !\fetz w~sn the Impulle ''l'be ,...' an.,.. that 10llnll blm qame on him about. yard square. In It he built" ~ to seek Rdventure I~ . . ""1I l ,OUUetoa., BtatllD Talaud. h!lngiDg' plants.. AmerlC4. ije '. lie ...... die anlataD t ,.ator of \8t. Ire and heaped It 'way ut), eo. that, .me wlihou!;, leave, without the con·, ' Apple Pie. with ·Ral.lri. . ...... iJm8 aIId • ~elvemontb. after It bad burned for an hour and Rent or, tbe counten ance of the Frllncb Apple pies WIth ralslp8 ' are far been cieaned out, that trom novel, except. 'a,s they have boon near '88 hot as Tophet. pit 1fas pretty governm ent. ,.He · was ' an !"nthu91~st , A,"e"t , Woman. " Then It for l;lIImanlty and Uberty. What he . forgotte n In the sE'arch for furtber read7 Cor oo'llnesll, W put HaJrrblllUl, , , , a woman the bead. did for America every ' B~hOQlbOY Cetchlng dessert-l!. Out up Bour apples akin . lind all, on. the tile 1I1'14e bottom, with knOWI, . . , and turn them wltb a goodly IifOpor. plenty of tholll sugary yama atongsld e: Later. when the 'War was ' over, the tion ot Beeded raisins Into all under- Over the top we put Bome oak planks marqul.s alld his CamUy wen) b~c!d..AJA._-r.'''''' crust IInlQg a pie I.ln. Put on tile we borrowe'd from a cover, hilt do pot pinch It against t)'·e farlDhouse and coyered neIghbo ring France. James Monroe, America n them over' mlnlster , arrived In. PariS just after the Union Paoltle Roll road colt!· lower crust, and bllke. Whea tll~ with ea~th: You ea'll Imagloe how per. , tatf of ' RobesplllJ're. ,The news feel thAt , e~ery tIme he opens are tender r.el:rlove the upper fectl)" II verythl'ng was cooked In that brought ,to him tha~ Madall!e J.a. that E. Ii. liarrlma n II , breakl ng It, /leRSOn tlL3 ready·m ade o,en. "lr"re.,tra~it. but~~.4l(IIieJ:1)::J.trl,~j!'D--&~~~e:.:,,-"'I' Ori~Jriet khoul ' $16Q,OOO ,OOO, with sugar mIxed . wIth Un~ , ."Maant line, I sent out Invi tations to ,rot her .role'a se bad fall?d, , . ' tlila .: railroad tinDncler ' haB his or bQ t ter lin d ' wlth~ln.~arnoD, Gen. r~t Cleburn e; 'of Arkansa s; ' Gen. chllrltle s. Tb'e l-e'a a ' bouse o\'ef Monroo ",lIS pla~ In a dll~ICBte po-.~, sU~rlnlt It In,to the I'I'ult carefully ,'and ' Brown, of Tenness ee, my own sLatEi slUon, bet-,veen clal sulUon and :' "east ' lillie called · the BCI)'s' olub, thell' put 9n th~ . top crust. The pie (he ' was ,afterWa rds governo r); 001. bls se llse or ' hlB olTl wjllcll It IR" B~~~ , lie ·pullt '.a~ Ii cost' 'of Is detlclou s, hot or ·cold. 1IIs ' cou'd try'8 obllgaUon. ' , . ~ ' Mosea Wickes. and other arn\Y mIlD In b~B repOrt ,260,000,. and . ,which It Is a,lso snld be' the [Ilralr be'.~eclare8 'r , statione d neat". us. There's no need that be.ttj pre1?ar~d U! kellptl lJp', with nn annual mainten ance l·~o -berond the .,' Lel1'on Banbury. Cakes. to say all responrt cd, tor, let me teil line ot offi chll reserve" check, It 18 .s ald also o r blm (bat be to. save the rr}lo filling- Is made from one cu t) of h f d e~a I8 had ' lady. 1 ' JOU. t e e Behind tllose, gives , Ghr'j8tmD~ ' trecla away . \lycry , sugar on d ono , egg dull lines o.f .... the coun. . beatcn ·well to- try almost bare, and swept ' c" . It had been port, th~ re Is a ,·story tull of IlIle.TilBt. .f1"r to the count~y 8llhollt' chll(\~en gether,, and to ·thls ·ls added one whole ' Ii . IIl0nro 'e U' IIS not a mall to weIgh s' wit Bragg's amlY f!lr A\rden. HIli . esta..te there cnm· f~eeh · lemon and' n cu:p of' raIsins. bQth "short' common " I k 0 coosequ ences when be bore In ' mind 30.000 'l1,crce. I,m d. a /Sfeat many chopped ·tlne: , This Is often made sovera w.e e 8. ur table was made . ed to L f !or .;pletilc8;, and Is to,. be pnt In allY of p!ree ,oak planks little 1IohpOI . tolks belong to good held. up by bp" much h!s natl!)n OW ", a ay- , paatry In tumove r tashlon ' or crotched tree ,branch!l 8; our dining· ette. An ex,treml ty was threatjln ln, eIIIDI'[)~' I!1I of hili domnln. , , room was the scrub oak grove where and be "croBsed the lllie."· . t\VO ' 'lIlbnthll ago tbat folded like an envelop e or 'pocketb ook. . _" II. with , Learnl"' . we, had pitched g' lhl!t' M~dame' LaPayet··-.' ""ill 1,,"larr.ID~Il'l <-1~all "cor~ered" In ' 0lil~alfo The English ,cakes the u ~ • al'8 made In a clr· wild birds IIlngingOllr l1nd chirping , In the was soon to be led ,t o the gullloll.nUP nll!01II811Boer c DIan. It ~ust .b e cle or square. which is thel\ folded ' e, ,ves: . the ! lea the fresh, ameli of over ',at earth he sent' Ills wife'" to La Force 'prison . tbe slde's lO form an oval, " th"t ,Harrlmo ll . . c&rrfage of .t,h e legaUQO: ' "",,,'nR;,."I ~" to talk tor pub· o.r elBe two, plec~s' baked with the ,'was In Ute aIr. and what more did we In t'he ,o"'cllli ,.. IlIIng between like ntfnlatu re. pies. ."antT ·· 18 what be safd: , Tbe trapping s ~nnounced to every qne, "Amilltl;on'· to becolDe a IIlillnclal IOV· For'. these the 'edges' mustl .be wet to "The cow's bead served on a ,hot th~ dlltDltY, .ot ~he ~merlca1,l mr~iiliir, make thjlm adher'e ' and not \ le~ any oak plank' for a Wa8 frenoheT, with ' tbe tht!n the only Te'Pr~scntaUve In' Parls ,' give "It "ai ' Oil ' to:~lor,")w juice esgape In ·baklnlg. ' JII!lB ,c,uddled alongsl,de. Our Jll.,'uger of any of the nations of the ~arth. , ' , . WIS our .sauce, our condime nts were Mra . . Monroe played ber, p..-t, with Olell;lllllll .Kltch en WIll.. . '. :plalll' aatt apd ' pepper, .:. 'But how 'tt oharmln g audacity . Sb~' did not go a. , < Tq c~ean ilie, kltc:lien ~~II~, .' 'flrlt 'made you smack your' lips! Our a' luppllan l, but lil atate, Clem,a udloi .p<)ur aome 1lero!,ene In 0. basin, tll,en mouthll were "aterln g . '. , 'talte a eoft oloth ' .nd dip' It; In 'tho W'ere IIklnning , that all tho time' we' admitta nce. -: ' 'savory, smoking ,Madame Lafayette:, ex~~ng ' every, ke~lIene ,'and ",asb a part ·Of t¥wall h~plece wIth our 'CrogaUC ker8.' moment ' p, summon s to the llcaffold. ·' wltJl' It, tben' wrb:ig 'another clOlh :out Each ma'n' ste'pped ·up to t.he table . was ,t old 'tbat 'the ""I~e o~ th",. J\i:ilel!.... of' nice hot' ~ater 'and go over tbe ' sP.Ot ':and' cut ort &." sllce "lth the I8me can mlnlsfer 'wl"hed ,to "see, her." Ji7"-I· " JU8t 'cleaned ', wllh,'ke rllsene and lastiy bandy .weaPOn'. pared ~ the' hard' j :wttJ6 wIth dry':'clot'h. You,. w". baked mit of a yam, and Bat do-n 00 Ing the h,oDe of' re',cU!8, th~ poor, . ",,0- : man fell "sobblng , ';t ' M~. " Monroe '. . .u:rpr~se" at the resolt!!. ; 11, Is ,t he .,ea...~y.Iog 'to che" and cl)at. ~ f~t. The "Ife.,of Ui8" ml lll.tar'! raised most 6M!lfao toty war 9t. , , "We would our 'h:eads at each cl:;~r. 'rben,. !\IIe.aI'D0~ce4 I,n a tone > palnteil k,llche!-l ~r ba.thrD?w o~er and Imlle In a lu!0wlng ' wbioa' l whlcll was' hElard Ily tlie .~l!Ielals tha~ . ' , and then ·,bake onl! beads and smile, she would call the. neICt dIY. , When . aiaJll, IIke ' sehoolboys 'out ,for a trolle. ,tbat· tl~e ca1De. bowev, e r. It "'88 l;Iot ' Take ,1t'a1tog etherl ..,e .te, yel, 11r', ~eCCS8ar,Y. t~ ~eeil.l)er ....e ~lIY ate .wJt~' a ~lIsh and guato , ,LD.fayette, bU.Jl~ , pr;o.mlae. Mdn Hllellsed. .' Delmonlqo!. or (ij~amberlaln's ne"er She bas~eo:ed ,l ro m.e4i!'rtflW to the , . I&W- Everybo dy alt'eed that' tb,e melt. tiou~e of the MonrOllS to eltpres~ ~ tonrue of tbat COW . ..,18 ,tbe 1I191t graUtud e for their t1~el) , ~d,. · , ,relponl lble eating they bad ever I ." , ~Ofed. 'All' that Is needed to make A Serlou. :D'aw~olc. : till• •UI(liclou8 baIlQnet complet e.'. re"No," ,Sid MI. 'LJaaom, "J ' ch't ~arked OeD. Brown, .. he cut out • 'blinl to beUeve tb.t ., ~ul. bel ••~,\ 1IcoD4 leetion or temPe, "ll. a sood be well'm)'lel~ to ba,ve trIa1 m.,.,.. ... Sow,.. ":=.~~"!:=~~~~=~'~ ' weU.-.4 _ aliter 01 o.kI Kentock y bourboll. - collld we U1iller U ,Ba&,' ala. . . . All buw, tbere ,ani ~ about ...._ lucia . . .QIt In","'",Ul~ . • . ~.
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LI T F IMPOR'l\~NT ., L'E 'r, BE. HEL D /TUB NEX ',r -FE\ V '\VEEKS
"a It! \1I 11<IYanOf
M:i1wauk!'e wltetlt ch·l1lll.lmo!!t new; '\ roUorJu iok uorn blllller, ~ DOt'rin g mower, Sup rior wbM t uelll, t ,,'o orn plan tors, oti/3ft sh Ot'l ltnd Qne II ~hl)V I i !.llr e good breukln g Ill? plows. II toogue,le s double ooro plow . Hamllt ou tUnke, IL Kruns ritl· 1n8 Oorn plow, a.cloubl esbove lpTow. n disc luu'rl'lwlI> ~O. tooth hllrrow . boy rll)co. t) llh" f llfl.y .J(1I1dors, good Ila new, g ravel bad, b flY f ork ropa an 1 pllll\ly • oorrJlIgo tongu ,fOUf set ~ 'u rk borness , (joUli rs ml brio " I ' ., p" I'rs of Ilriok Una u ., "at of U ," ~ . " , ~. bng .. y hnru -tw~ ta work n ~ t,...• sel drivIng not" 11 blnoksmi,t h ' portllbl ef rlla lIud 1m V, iI, 1\ Chllrn. " pion t"bilCoo spr/lY r, now, I\> dlouor la 11, donbl e tr S, In -Ie trees, log Ohllio. oro s , cut suw, bnok S I\W. for,J..-s I\n~l Rh ove18 i bon chold goods, COlll:Il stlbg in jll1rt 9f u 12 toot ex t u ion Mble, t>. upbonrd , II oreuUl ~ep o rllfl)r, g l1soline tove : " G.go 11 11
~~~~~~~~~~~!-~~~~~ Over JBLlC.HOR SE .sALP - - --- - ' , From L,ectu re Course 1, ill ,)ITor " t !)ulllio 11\10 iun .. t
~;';ey ~et't
'l'his Ycal"s Cours\! an \ll Anund Su\lcc,Ss. Br.1i b , tllc nmgl \lln luy stltleu ou of tho l'lfgest lIudienoe ' hut hilS evor \I t\ l bled' n 1001 Inst '.L'hnrsduy ovenlng: 'Chis utol·t.lin ment the L~'tltnro uourso ·for 1101
lilY ' r et'idenc ' ~{ mill! \lll~b \IC Wit:y . 1\!l!;VIllIl: Oil ' I~yp",>!\'t\l 1Io1le}. WII· ,:ui ugwJ)J,llke,IIIl ' 1: l'UURS OA ¥ , EJi; lHtU A RY 14'1)90 , oor.n lue'lci n~ Ill. 00 '01,001; IIhlil'I1
\vEDN}~ D AY ' Ii'EBRU,ARY 20, '01 60 ,Head of Horses. bagiulli ,l." ILt \) n. 00 . harp, all my con l~tll)1\' o,f wurlc Mr tiOi, ')rlv~rJ' 111l 1'~onIl1 propClrt y cOI1~isl: lng of "nd" slll'l tilor!l tlJllI'ea 0.1,,,! olt, ~ t uok, gl'ldn, Im lll ment · lind h ou yeurJjn 'll(J ld ~ . t ,IVUi:I . t.h~'e~, i \lurs lIud ~o U. . t I t tl " .. tl b" ILV b ton }Jl'ln . 0 1 fi 10 ", uZ Broth er of Willia~ ~ 10 hen d oC horse ! . oJno . " Ulj to twa I YO yeurll,01"... 000 " ery HowellsDnutllill l feut,ul'O )lany of III 6 hor~or; 1 pUI\llluS¥d ' , . . 1 /;oml brood U1l11' i 111t'11f~ hors 11 - - ---- ..' - ·ean ye~r -;';;-l:! th!Lt- -tlle'L 'tura Oanrs , In tl\e wallt lll~t filII; m ollg them " if YO Ll ' eX(1 t t,n howe II slIle It! yel~r 0111 , II gootl nno i 101 ()k ware a liUlllioi ••l s nocess" null there It! a IIr~ ljo\,ol'l11 w II m,Ltohe Noted Author and . Statesm an WI' 11 ;'IlY yo n t 0 coma t 0 tb d teaIDfI, . a GIIZ3tt., ~ yoors <lId, hIlS bOl)n. u!cIed f t tllm. Writes of Souven ir Numbe r bILlnnoa on hllnu with wb I011 to ,.""~a lilll oktl. ·bltYs Mltl sorrels ontoa t o have yonr bills prin ted. iJy m ill' {or :3 YOlllrA; 2 ·J-yellr t:lO llle liTe oW gin:' tlle Qoming yel\r. of Gazette . . phor Qughly lirpken ; UlIIUY hllve We print II number of diff'r nt lllllr08 gt'nernl pu rpose, bvtb 1 )redj As Il llsnlll thing the Id I, •._ Ii QU hilndlell, li!O nle. 10 1iu~n Sf:I. ~Il sIzes of attrn otive bill unu cun Slit. 13• yen r 0 mare 01'0,,0 "" work i Boo. J. A. How 11£1, Unitlld 8tst08 pourse hirB' r ISlllted in finl\noltll ureJull t r broken. 1 buy Ollire oomiog a :ven t old, g n Consul to 'l'urks Jfl'llluds . West lery yon botb rill to quu]it·y (1\11\11'e and Peot, Bmtten whq 110£\ Two wo'rk ard eral I>UI' po.ue ... 1 ~.' "orlin .... 2 dr'lIfl .I. m res bru\tln toslDld e ,Indies, a broI,h er of tbo note d )lr,ioos. Wo n.d ,'ertla free ~ , .. in t,be Gil.. ooltB will be" IIrlin"9 bam th 1lruu t of tbls yelLr 's ~IIU Ii ne. aothor, William Dean HowellA ana . io thespl'in lr J '" to for mlWY years edit.or of the Ashtu· zette 1111 nles for wluoh did b Ilgewen t deserve s muoh c.r ctlit fbI' ,0 ne flno YearI'mg Stu, we print II re Y' bola 8entiDa l , h&8 .wrltten the the results, ' I'D u.upurtlld Pl:!rchsl'oo'horlltl OWD d 15 ead'le gasolin e can, churo, hnirs, 100 yds . • 'l'he bulent we hRVO b'M Ga -"atte the fo·~1lowlng u,ery Interes t· bills. ' on " thoroug hbred A oerd eeu ,A ngus ; toba 00 Ol1nVD S, and IUn11Y our by the U . :5 1J0vern nient. Thi8 otber Ing and oampll mentar y,.letter: ' 1 will soli at not.ion ". t D1" h"ma t cow 'ul ntine Z., No G 201 1. ,4 -' • I.eotar e ourse ' W. I thl8 yellr h1l8. YllurS I 7 been nrtioles oolt 18 Il l'lob, . brown oulor; star In Turks Island, ~ v ., JOD. 15, 100 ; about }lr,. m . n .w. of Hnrvey sbllrg old i ~l l.r y ., . R. 44295, the slIwe (\ years that old hitS i I~"P 1 , Ill' If d \,'aut in hor libo forehllil(l, wllfJ;ht 000 Iii. is !!,tormy cun ell EditOrBW~y·nnme8tv1Gllnel!,·ot0tbe'I' O, r .. WEDNESDA'Y, FEBUA RY 13 1907 bnll Forest Ben 6 46·!, , . , ' 2 yenn' v~rY thiu t;t uuder s~tlltor . . lurger oitio of the country Gentle men:. One Purcell Colt, Ilt ten. A M . 2'borse s, (lll1rgo gray ld; 1 yellrlin g bull, sir ed q\gbt suoking A1J1)ut tbe ouly tb.l~ by t>_ Dut Lunoh tnnll saoured by· ell"r Iie ,. , ,My brother W . D. Howell s has goldlog 12 years old ILnd ~ 0 d am '\', 1 I ,. W . h 1 bay t.Ieux N 0 3:'U ' P G.. year IlllS ., b II ent en the ue ~J uiiUoul ty of re, rig t . .,mlN' IeNNI!)WI 1'T. Oig Yearlin -s and Two Year olda. 8ent me 8. copy of the Souven ir horse) 2 fresb cows. 15 hog 'FL " oN I t . weight U 2lil; 1 ROV U nl\ln tbs old 11 if er ervod .sent:, l:)o '"'oot lla",' boen A. A ...... Oft I, Auo lonoor , ¥uny of Ihu'olUef mar \j IIrl! wl~h edttlon ,of tbe lJazst.te . . d B t ,.,. 150 Ibs . 12 brood sows. • 1 Ie r k sire ' er 0 f W OO(llllwu N Q A, R . B OWlIIU(, the tllllllllUd fnr e.l.ttI thn.t lllLtrqns (001 bv hlfg Paroher un tltalliuD . I was very alad to get It,os it con' 1 MoCt>rmlok binder, "'ood . . " as ne~ 091 2, dam' of tbo oou so were ott en .. Mary n. 44296, ull good Ni e Ponie , 80me I1r I.Irokon, ... tail!! mn..Q.1l. , ..walier of interes !t es' 1 Hoosle r oorn planter , obeok ro,,' olles; , . .I. " 2 geod ruilk Cl C,HV S; 1 3yellf lei I will sell /;It publlo stlie lit my to stllnd In liuo 'hl1lf lin. hour ore~t ot "Jllon~h whh peeI11 II y th e l'lddr·........a 'of Prof Ven h 'fer : I-oil~ yo(\r 1'1 able. -: 1 enol08e a letter to bim.. and' H.ttllobments. 1 Deering mower , I .e. a Q steer; .2 yell r· resid Doa in Lytle, Ollio, on ·m orc If tho.'" wore to "ot II. good upprovO ii lIeomHy. I .J" 2 fill • At yO" to comple te the nddpesa "not ~rinle and 1 a bnrrow , one .... revolvi ng l,Dgs; w 11 01\ -~s. • " ~ J , B. CHA;E'M.A:N . MON DA Y. FEBRUAR:Y 25,' 1907, s M.. Ono WIly in wnioh this tl'ou, knowin g it myself. . bay rake, 2 Imperi al braking plow, 41 hogs ble might b OV . rcomo would bo t.o 0, 'l', H'1wku A ctiouee rs Ilf, 100'010 k fl . tu" the followin g 1\\lOW pn.trons .wbo d l! i.. to PlIy ,2 Corioul lly enodih I often think of 1 Hamilt on oultiva tor doubles 0 WIU . M\1ls' .' , u. . hov· 1:1 brood sows. 1 tboro~h hr d propert y, t.owit: , your town lWei ptlper. 'l'he latter el, Old Hlokor y 2WllgOD, or ~O oo~tt\ e~trll . for tlu~ privileg e J gaud Choste r White, 1,3 gr llues; 2 tbor 0 Cllrtwr lgbt t Qll;ll'Kli . 9 heo(l horRell, of' wbioh on 'is I' wlls (loe of t·he pioneer popers t.o ap' 8S now, a top buggy, bay I. b d W f W. E . O'Nroll ~ lander, • oog... re he!\ter bite 1lOllr~: '>.0 bll.Y w ork 110r e 1 y !\ors old, a 'good of'r serving a sont or t 110 pear In \I. town not It. connty SE!Ilt· single oorn drUJ, gravel ~~~!!!!!~!i!!~=!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~=~~!~ ~ bed, field flill pig". Im o horse; ono bl ok bl'ood mare 7 conr e. !t1-'Y father .o wned nnd edited tho roller, 2 etep ladder bob,sle d, buggy SJteep~60 gpod O'V( ~11 br ed. J y.eiirll 0111, in f01l1 by ' . a , PurOell i ~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!! Hamilt on lntelllil enoe, from 1840 pole· a fan mill, S p8irB !=~~ work ' olle orr I Ulll rOJ , 4 y enTs old, u fine ·to 1849, and at th8.t tlme there were nel!8, set double buggy burnesshar· GraIn , 2 About 400 lJuf1h 1 oW ~oQd 0 rll; 400 driv~r; 0 11 bllY mUTe 7 ottl, but two papers In the 00llnty . There bar ness, oQllnrl! bu hel o!lts; Ii ton (Iov r bay '; oot w i ... ht wal a paper in German town, estab- set 81ngle buggy l200 Jb i ona block IUtLrO 10 . . lI.shed about 18« by __ Gu~okle, and bridles to tr . b '" matoh, extra lines, ~ aw lU arn ; Utlt tll VI' d ed b (\ If. 0 f .years Id; on blL)' b or BO oolt OOIll' and it WIIo8. the only paper outside doublet rees, singletr oes shovels , -10 Hor08 of wheot i 19 lIore r ye . 1 log two Yl:llrs 01\1 b.I" C. B . Pnro ]I i of Dayton in the Countl . '. spades ' forks hoes, blaoksm ltb' Implem ents one buy h nse onDling 3 yeltrs 01tl by When the Gazette ,-WIUI it the t0018, 2 Bet8 0 work trulllloJs . Iron Two furm wagons ; 1 sprlog wngou : • H . PurQl:!li, frll"; ('billips ' mure, 'V.inter T~uri!lt Fare8 Gazett e?-wu s*"rted , It . WaS look' kettle, log .o hains, Iron If tlu'oo g od phy ielans wedge:' , 0. 1 oar~illge; 1 buggy; 1 bioder i~ of W ·~yne vl1le hio , My colt comed upon &8 a dangero u8 axperlm ont· lard pr688, ~ sausage grinder to should pro!loun e y \l1' s, a good repair ; 1 COl~n bllrvest er i ling 3 YI1ILr~ .lld, ired 'by The Weeter n star was the Blb1e for aOJlest i kl the,Wh igs of Warren . I ha-ve ofteu star 80 e an d to01 grinder , grind two hor e whent drill i l-ono hors case Califo hOllol rnia S8. If tlJiby J obn . A fill I'lt of farming to 18, th011lhS of your paper for at Its stone, 5 gil\' milk olln. should whellt drill; lsteel toorb hl1Y mite; 001l isting in part of tlle fonowi U c'icte ·that you · Mexi co· ng: s&art " waa peculia r In 80me reo Househ old Goods. 1 bedroom set ·1 hay tedder, new; 1 mowiog could II 't li I011gcr than mao on e rlnun Binder i~ lise bhr~ yellr!.' epeete, 5 bed st-ea4s, 2 singie bed8tod~, 2 mnt ohiue: 1 ol o~er buooha r ; 1 Florid a and South hllY fork ~~ we I-s, And if you in Sood cont\iti on: DMring mower , I' w.>rked on the A8thJb ula treeaes, 8 sete springs , a Wl16b stllnd rope and pulley ; 1 wind mill, ne~' Bockey e whant drill, Color ado and shu,uld get weU; after us10 boe; M.oline 8enttDa l, Jetre~sOn, OhiO, since June 18 ohairs, 6 pa.rlor obiars, 1 rooker, 'ing on} \ r .... L.OO worth . Df SO! 1852, &8 foremb , proprie tor !,nd 2 kltohen oupbou rde, a oook stove, i .oorn pilmoor i ! clillo hn.rrow ;'1 rol. 0 ru plllnt r i Krao, oorn plow, hou , South west let i ! fifty tooth hti rrows; 1 ('a8e Age cOI:n plow, Imper iJ\l edl~'r, ~11. mililliQg a week 2 small wood heaters , brenklri g Dr. In'art lU·C lind 2 extensi on dny riding plow i 2, good breukiu g plow, Oli ver ' steel breakin g plQw, until Nov. 1?05,-woen oame here ta.bles, 2 six leg tables, 1 kitohen plows' , i/ 'oultl"a iNe, r vill! , w uld you aud bave oonhib uted 1\I letter ,torl!, one of 'w hiob II> 60 tooth wood ' frllme hllrrow , Homesc ek'V8' EX(luraiOhs week .BlDoe ooming . No' man, eaoh baa ta.ble, writing desk, S bJookS, Il is'a De'v .Kro~8 and ad\riso a frleud . in ~e con, ~ 1 Iron Age; 1 s-pring ' t ooth 'bu-rro'~~, diso bOl'roW, been on the eamepa per for 80 many ornnk ohurn, 20hurn s, 50 dition to do1 , yds. rlllI: paJr double b rshal'e pl O,w , 18~n~le 2 horse I:!pring wlIgo~! . West North weSt .Brown wllgon yean, ID OhiO, a.s J have. 1 cJarpet. 00 yds wool carpet. 50 llis bur share; i .double shovnl; 1 lobno good III new ~ll vel "I tllW'" to (hnn ( yOH tor III\TlrIc bed, roller, 1I:11.y worked bl a printin g office, as a boy e6wed oarp'lt raJs . 1 one JIll' lI'tte:s 'l\tIJ two YIJIU'N IIgo. We ball South South west siDger 8ew 00 vlow; It BeeOlis tobacco setter '; rl1ko, riding couUnlle d wIth lhe ~ ~ 'Ir unlll tile bnlaliln g pl ow, ono aud man 64 yea1'8. I should like to ing maohin e . S square tbln) doe, or. lllCo ;.I.hc ~II'O brtvlou. 01 ollolotb. 1 set of 16 rt. ludder ; 6 a'etR of work long sbovel bres For details. Qon ott On .. ~d that n olbJ.n,g C<iu~ be do ... ki ng ourt., hn.y Ind · see. Gazette. The Sonven ir edition pictui:e dishes kitohen utep tot h~r ; Ih lll ~ho hl,.t ~ltu bfI t keD il; gar hll.rnes8 i t doobll,1set of 1i~ht . b in der, tob,lcoo prl)SS, P~nU8Yl vruiiittoeB 'rtcket Agont borne, from til .. h<l"pltol In qUI Uy . .It; lob of douole· 18 a credU to your offioo. I • . den tools; lind ma.ny dther artloles . ness.; 2 sets single hllme!!! bO!l' tlme ,.hlbJI·· would ..nllt be ovlr • !; colll1.r ; t-rees Itn~ ljingle~raell. ~\'i' o eets work , R . Jil. Baol'n at ~aynesville, (Y. W"~ n l Yours Very Trnly,J , A, HO~LLS. mo.t. 1 britu..,t '"'" ~. OORA H&RRIS bOIl1.... ..1'nd til n.1 th<l\lllh~ pl'!)lIabl1 bridles ; i pltol!l8~ra.lls; double ha~ness, etaing J'e hllrneps , old iron, . .__ • . Dr. ' '''II ~''' B e:rrt ur and NC!~' lanoll 8e'i'ed by FlaVor k ladies aid . trees ; single trees; I.o! • mig ht brlp her. "I> 1 got l ;.boe : 8S c;iozan .X bushel ' pO ll h bu!,ket ; botU• • eacb' all4 ....1'\1 Nell"Q anll ",. Wl,Ll;lA ll lllLLS Aoo . ALUIliRT M~ . forks; <lhovels <LIver ; ra~ee; 1 oross out, ItlsO, 1\ few 1I00s h p1d goods. Once Again the Ques arilt OCIIll!\l@nci,eCl to IIVO litem to , b~..1 WI> lOOn 11<'111 .,.11 Improvtnlllnt. _ RITT, OLlfRlI' s~w; a few ol1rpentElr tool,,; 1 Inrge I!nco~ ' 1.ty th18 11', eantlnll.... 11\1If w nther is stormy sale will be '~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!! tion of a New HaU I will Qfi'er at public Ba)e at my , Ilogs !~!!!!!~ I/lKtho 1)'I~I ~lM. W\llPwe Mr elnee Ueu\1 ;,1\: lvt o,f 'vinega.r bn'rrels i helel under f.\helter. boUI " ill all of tlte medlcln. . . . \ Ne~leoted 'C01ds 'l'hrellte n Life . . residen oe on tbe Wallaoe 'l'ibbals llurge .i roo ke ttle'; .hLrge tl\lta. It ~IOJIAIIY no.. Ir abe ,-. ' lot of old tho need. ALIJEaT STAOY. Must be -ronl'idereci by the Peop1e farm, mlthe '~ayne8-rllle andFrll B.rillin til e mliIlalry , ~ "Ddn't trllle with a told," it good hAVe becm Clr. ,.earL" n~. Iron i 1 good . farm bEJl1· A A, 'MoNeil I ' of Wayne '"'o-s"' ' advice 16r,pl'u dent nleu and .w omen. .l "n n.·p• ~. P. lULLlGAN, Itn pike, about half mile eust of p til I C R" f \ Auction F oers k 1 t be VI · ·U' • onr i lire the ~ cas" of" 0 try- OUr tu.r ey lena, one 0;114& 8p.hIp, ~ --I .m nyP , .,. ... dn , Dayton ahd Lebano n pike, .. the Renew ed attentio hlld , f n was called to t"e 1 ttl .,.. WI~lter Keiuiok, clerk. C . , roper 00, Spoc gobbler lind ab6Dt fifty olliokens. Dr. Mil"" : H.. ~ Cure •• IOtd 111 ven .. th Ity f ' hall f . follo~l~g propert y beginni ng at 10 Hooseh tioll, /lind drYI wllrui"' olu£hlllK ~r druagld', whQ will Gu......... old-'G ood ':'-Bedro om slllte' .. , ~ W:y :=e .:d :a~~: tQWDBli~; ~'olook a. m :, on ' ~e proper 811.fegUflru ,agains t tlret bottl. will btneftt. , If " '. . 150 yards 'Of wool cal'pet', 75 yarde, of , 1 wn) sell lit Jl~i:lliO 'sale o.n tbe' 1rtber aremsl ota)ned tllroug b the II. will Nf\.\,tll your lIIOiIe)I. .. 'throng whioh filled 'lOhooI TUJ!lSDAY, ll'~BRU'AP.Y 1.II, b ..v'h . 1 1107, rag. carpet. rugs, • .. Illl orglln ItS good fnrll) known 'IlS tbe lut £I~l'ru of W. ohIlQjlea.ble' wenthe rQf Ilntumti ',.win M~M¢tca1.eo.. hall, ThUrsd ay evening to the last' f OUl: b orses, oue brown ' ~lD4 ' . . mar~ com · n8 new, ' 6 sto,cs, consis ting of one P: . undrla and spi'ing, t~e of 8 nd, one Ollio Dortho f ,ter ' ber f tb Leot snrprislI f,om (IrdulliroJ;1anosa , ing eigbt y :Vllars colds old; good 1~~!!!!!! genen8. !!!!!!!!' l malleab num !!!!!!!~= I!!!!!!!i le 0 steel e !!~!!!!r!!!i ~an.'e me ' fo r WOod or Gente~"l11p, po the Dl1yton & Le~a" be Sll~t. B.ut the course. . II' 1 ,. :Anyone who was In d ordiljlu y . the hall purpose 'P moe 00 t , two ,,,(enr8 0I , ; coal,\ 2 Oo,a: " heBtarl~ , 00111 or WOOd, n9D pike, on Th nda cold w I beQ'ollle ' evera U Ilea 'I I te bay driving horse. ton year8 old; these tbree are as gpod nil nllw; one T EBDA Y MARC e ~, 1007. ad, and 0 wet) e8tublit!h~od ripe W~f; t1a~ eve~~~tt:n m~p::e;:ve bay fllrm horse" to~er8blY beavy; oook stove, one pox tov.e i 2 sewing b ginning ut 10 o'olock , .the follow pou g one· good mule goO(l worker ~o~eyb~s 1:J:;~t:f~!~I~~:riB ensued h~ !' ory of fire startled a180 and' pe~teotly gentl~' two JlltSey m.ooh'In esb' onke IL .d rO~dblln,d' f Iell g • l ' g.n,a.~iIBl<l It'lL. 0 d· n She audienc e Into II punio. ing P'fOp rty, tpwt t i [) hel\d of bors I~et%t('e l ~.~ 0 ilUdhhf~ at t:~ . , ' , ,. 14" _ .. ,.._ ounge, . 00 0ll'le a.~ wr DR &.;tk;. e • of \vhioh. 3 a!8 hf:! DVY drBft, oows, 1. l & .fr~b,. 0 e.,Yenr , 22hogs, A pu bII0 hall Is now an absolut e . ' . s t .8 . ~eg eo . 70f\vhl u;e· 00mbIDed dlnln"'i 'o,omcu t,board ' n !)o ". • ., . . , .oli" I -" ' . " ' n ' b . , , . d n ·· . ·t.... , Whetb . ~ llr.itla ' genera llUrJ'0 II orlle,' \l'n l one 11 ' }d ' li h ~horo~ghbred J,erlloy 8h~ts, t'Y~lvo corueI: oapb9a~dl ~,:uenBt . 8ch . . ,llf,1. , or odult. . " the oti ta.b~e, " . "3' " . ....t , .-..,.-, \ , 00 s g . t 01).8e, are good shoats .and tliree brood 6 Vere, .~~e . Ve l!1 best k .r . ,. k d ' o>,. yel1r o)d druft }K!l , ,i1 head .. of t~el!.~lU~nt: t:pat' ~n b6}ldPpt~ 18 to . roo ers, rec ;roo er, .. . Qzen. mHo'll OOw". farming iruplem .' ' .. entf:l give Obnmb l'rlain's Cough ltemed y. 80W~. ! 4,00 busbels of corn in .orib; B~J:n.ight l:lnoll:'mlng obairs, old fl18bionad . ~ " All Qui~~ Free. , . . ' It is bfe /lud su.r~. Irbegl:~t. POPo, 20. tiu(Jbel goo(lseeel oats; one and i\. ,bu'r aus, '8 silmela, B sets ' bedstea d " co~si.atlOg of Deerlog wb\>l1~ ~i~t;l?r, lnrt~y, lind I~PleD~ , • " J • ,. balf ' of a sale ' ot' thl ttmo~b v hay ' a J 'olt w .. gtln I " b d·' .~ d I " - ~"," G' . I Dee~lDg ,oorn llIl.rvQ~ t.or, i?eGrtng prepo.l'R'tion has , been 'attalne A L1·ttI~ ,Good Adyaee... " , . , " rOn e s""a " o.rgEI mirror, lve 't he almost d<»", a oOlt '1l9 j good IlS new M'l ' . k one '.'te~ horse h . . tb k ' b i d I 'Oft I ' .. d Gellera l Publi~. mo~e!7, . ,1 w~~u e~ .. ~ . .,j oy ru e, ts r~QjBr... i\b.lo cures, of thl\l "" aU,~ . ' .' ,r·II,. e~ . ~ " 1I0e onr",. ns. WI/:I ow Superio r dlso " h,,-rro~, ' wheut.· drill rpO)1t. a oold nflver resnlts ln '" . spriDe ~agon" a PIIUlO ~x ~uggy, blinds, wl\sWug mllQhiDe, po " ,. farm sled anll gravel bed, farm\ng olluro ore/tm separat or Sw:a~h t~b, . (fertiliz er) ' two . r~dllig. Bornilt on mOnlil> w,hflI\ It gl:ven . (.For !lAte The followi ng item from Ore(lme ~y the . . NeI " " 1 ~ t . i I t'. " Jo.nney .' ........ En.ftrp' -':'e i8 going the roun . r . ' . plows two OUver steel nnd .one ~"'E:..• · "- mp emen .s, oOf,1s S I-Ug a f 'D eerlDg 011Jl~, OntH1. ' ten gallon , ' ' tind two are 01" ,---- "'" n" ('h ·II ·... '. ki l ' . UIS ,binder , bee.n used but ODe year . ' _. and G gallon ' Jot of of .the newspaper~ Bnd while the i ,atlllXe juts ' mUk ', Iver . ,~, .. ' "rep,. .Ilg od >p OVi~, o~ . Ins'u re Aga1.'ft",'t " . " ....-zette d~. ~o~ a.a' _ r'ule pu'blln" n go con'd.\ t'iqn: Mil wlln k ... '. . fiar ebllre ' one , shp';lel one ee mo.w, oroQks, tl qUl' blp, lo~ ot ~ ..o ua vvo ounned f.-ult, H 11..... .. lki singlo ....... .... er almost good AS new' 2 brenkin ,. .. hI g . I 4-", I . t f ' .., ' am. ~un . wa . .ng. corn t' ow, 'to·wo" T . • d"enLP urge 0 0 coo ki'ng nten~ II II,' ·'Lot of" pangra ph!l of ~bls sort, tber~ iii so plows·. o~e . a ' I . ' . And one, a 2, 'dl h . 5 , .... ' 11' ...... th" 1 " It 1 ·· th ' · ' . f . 50, ~otbmg Jlarr,owa, one A,· . muuu uu ..)1 a.t we oabno t horse ' Ilnd... bougbt tiew... last ", ear' I .8 OS, "dg ,1.1 00 c.oa... 01 b'oan, . lot . . . a .h o.rr,ow, one ft e' ld ro'11 IIr, s i ngIe t ro!,s, , '. . . .. " " forbear to keep" a iOod tblng gOlttg: . ampsl l1u mnny otlJler f; ing9. dlso" d oUltl' bl "at· ." ' d " . .. I ' . . . ' • " or ' . bought all _e tl ees", !tJ.h , , ne'~ " 'Ias't . ,,,orne e\lr y, .us &1\ I£1 ,beglDs , N'ews(J6~~ ~en .. hk!!Qth er peop~e, .sprl .g; 2,horse q-t 9. ". . .~or " , ..e,'" two -: rOil . " wag, , 'harrow ; ?horse " .JA CQB OORNE LG. OOS,. ~y ladd~r, 161..t:, 8,rll.vol bed, Bre huma.n , and are gover~oo by Kraut oultlva tor' tobaooo rigging ' , C T·· B k f . t1 ~' ' d I '" fOllr sets qf wor.k".harpe ss, s~t of '. " .. '. . .. I~W e t b e same generaI mo tl 1 ' ti F d ' TI ' ves a~ m· set of do~ble w~rk . I d' I h bILrn6s8, 8e~ of ' 0- 'of par ou urs . see C. B. Sorfllo , , A,}l~ ro . D. ~h ... _h"""r. : ,~, oOIl!lr$ sln~ e. rl~ .~g II;rpq~s, . five .~e"" pn1s~ that move b.t herey if y,?U do bnggy hurness : tOI)JJe<lO . L~al ~eQt, ' ' ~ ...·..n_-y .cunvas s;' . J. O. C\!.r~wrlg4~ I . ' . I fly n~tsl two set! , Qfgp~ ~o:u~le," . nothJD i;·tor . ~~~m, y~~ Sb~~lel ~ot toba·coo . d,ry . sprayer , about . ?--O,1ti , Woo, ~: O·NetlE:i.~le~ka . 1I.nes, t~~ sete good lea~ ,?ood I expect them to do tor you '. ~ lf you of Paris green mowing eoythe .... .~. . ,. . ~ , oorn , 'J\ ouer8 ~ . t'"' pU"' I' '.1 " I . ' hoe," b,IlY In~ow! . 2DQ, bUSbElIS " • , '" WI u IC e&eon tbe slDgla LAN , do not patroni ze: t~em t~ey ~os.t ~ives, forks. hoe.e,.,. double G dc 1'\ ' " " ~ b ' ~ ." . • t,r ees. ~lri'oe kno.Wn os the' '~;i milel ,,,,.~ goo , o~n~ , one , ul;fg~ , one ' sorry; • auured ly won?t , go t'/Vo or tpree sll\g)e treea,. etC. ) ODe half.ln ': Rind lviL'L Q' " , . ~ terest f.nm 1 qlile BQ~tb pf. 'F . rry on tforkS" ,. ~hove18, hoesl ~~y; t01;'~ ~nd . ' l' '. blOOk8 out of , ,their way and pass in 24001'88 gro'win g Whed; . ~ 1\ B.I.O I 12 do~en Wayne ville' pike. . • \ . pe '!ope, . t?~.II~OO ,-pr~rer (Gh.~~~plon)'.L. , SP~IA,'L'q£S: .. :. otllerm enwho .do ~I., t.h e!r' 1;Io·sl. ohlokens,. il:lostl~ .. PI~l'nod l>J8.~1I l 01' ;~nlllJlIa'l .1 th Rook' " l'EllJ RSIJA !,: J!'EHRU.AR1. ~i, orossoa t saw, c?ok sto~e •. orolltnIANDOH1LDRE!I~ ~8118, j~t to ·pat'rd~ize y?U, You . all · tbese things advertilled are treat 'thE\ editor, ki~dly ' IU\d , help nearly new aud In good condl tioD ' Ibeglnl'lfng at ten o'olock~ .tbe·fol · ~epM'ato.r, ~burn .. ~lIk OM8:. gI:ind ~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!i~!!!!!!!! • I ' ' ' .. . . .. . ",t one, 6~O. . Jo~ Mo. n,AY. . . him,in his basine8S and , ow og ptOller t Y .. ' he ma", be. '.. . < . .. A A M. :r.. '1. Ali GEORGE &lOTT t' Tb .:._ ' h d f"h , . ' , ' . . . " . ". " 81, 0 . . . . ". l;Ele ell· 0 ... ~~l1ela, .ono of them ........... ded on to do the. square and ~. T, Ha:wke, ,J, E . lflmes, Clerk. ,oneer . I AnQtloneers, . .a Drown. gener~l plllrDo~II' f.a.n\I\~ ., ' renaro~ thing Wlth .you.B ut he .C,H' ,Sorfac e, . S " . mnro Iligene ralpurp J88gfl\ iyh . '!'..~~=-~ ~~==~!!!!,,:!~~~ 1m't going to pl.a y in any ~ne-sid,ed, Walter Kenrlcili. olerk . June' Bug.poolng hO~I!I); . ~ ~eao;8:; '. What to do Wben Blltoa·8. 8ame, YOQ may be sur~, any D\ore oattte; a. good mUo}t oows alld one The riRbt t:hlng . ~ do when . .n you wlll. But, he , is . appreol~ . I will sel! lot Publio 8a~e, " ,."n at my .yearlhi g heifer.; .. bl bod aowil. 'dlle feel . l?Il~ous ~s to' take l' dose of tt~e. of ~ ..f~endsJa.nd , may be reslden oe BYo. ml.~ee west W~yna.8' fl1rrow a.bouU he "ddle at M$rob OhAm 1)erlaln s · 6tomllc b and 0QQIl~ on to·oham pion . the inter. ville, and ~ mUe$ east of Liver L Rldge;vllle, 25 headlof sboate l.';'ej ht L ' .. --"- of ... Ta.bleCs~ Tdbey w nf Ol8Q~1I8 t~ ' y th ed ' 4h 1.1. s' in bo ' · . d . - . . . .... pilVQD8. , ... , g ... ou. one st.omaoh an regntate tbe liver apd 'ee, . e t: o~ . w ~ u~er . PI' g ~ ~ near huD'dred ppunde f ~1 2Jhorll'e wl{IJQ2l, "Oiv8111. Tq '1_" .. Prioe. 'oente; tol' ~.J' ::'.~ : .. '~~;:,! in~'rOl8.llg Qll tbe ~. L. & O. "robb e, .tire· ~ug87 good new: ~~18' free ~. J." E:. JiaDD87 BOlDa ,.-, am . .' ' ~==~~~~5~~i,~~~i ' a. Frazer road Wort, a. . sleigh, a ...... s t o r e .'S; W gi.e in till!! oolnl11o n li ..t of ,'~'F; 'E I, ALLEN BUI LDING , imp r' lI ~t. pu bllo !lllle~ whlob will r r. ~ .e::P~OriE ~JiliL - . liC. 6~· title pll1 !l during tho 11 I':\:t, rtl w WtilDNi 1907 w ks. Bill r lr 0111 of t.lles "to:<
/ . Ii
:bnrcs' "'Qa.t
0 Y
li:e haa
a, \
tla., 'a'"
• ,County Court l."s:.!'
111 t,\J u 11I11t.!:l<r, or 1\", IIl MI, will Iwd Ta.tIllnHht, ,)r .\u)\<,II .. LJ. Blru ' d ()Il1l1l"O,IIQLi ' lQ to ·' t<ll HI ' ~l prnl)Hht Al.,x U.lxw<'ll. PI'ob,ltu ' .IuII" ,,; but. ~I\ be 11:1 d I"., II I' 1l1J crlblllg whua to th~ wtll , it WIi>! IIrd. rl,tU tillit tau IIf Ih.o )MUli r!C 1'lI'"uld btl , tift n wltb , thll '1\1rk or tlie ommuu' Plea" Cl)urt, J uc]gtl UI"rlt of thnt. Oourt t.>ok thll ttl>l\lnlOlIY uod thll w{n. Willi ullwltto4 to Jfroblltfl. l'LIlfA~ OO R·~. Wb8ai u n\ ·l' rl"I~Urel,· ,v"
O. P. • Mllr~u A, ,Jlltnt<lion. IIdmIDhM~&OT; Win . R , Le 1', pretleot 'trelll!urer Willi mIllie 1!il,l ntifl:: tlllOltllon w6li't, ag~I'9I1' der~n~\ltlh whp, liS ndmml!! tratur, oWel\ljfl125 on IiCCOunt of un plud t.x~lI , . ijl&ra'" ..
n VII,. oe l3utton; lea~ wal! Kiven Oavld Morris et al 'i'rQlteel! to fill' answer lUI d~fend +' "'. ...
• nu. . • Elmer ~ibbey vs John F. et til i 0 . 'W, B.uPll)hreys, SQle l:Iur .. vlvloR admtlltatratur debOnlS b . , no , with wlll~ at John F . Ktbbey, Was made d61endan.t • • , : W. T. \;oO,~ &nd Co, V8 The Arner 111. Co 1oao -tPreatl ; settled, d Ismllllled, 001.. tIlzed and paid. n.l.)'ton 8ay.1D11I and TrlU!t 00" :V8 WlI.lcer L. Weems et al FredeI' P. , VorhMt, 30hn W. Det.ltOQ-4Dd ()brls, topb.r , fj'or~ney;, 1lJIdertaker8 of ..... it ua.yton, were Ula ,8 PlII'ties defend lUIS. Y I LlDle Gilpin vs J. D. Ml1Ier;'-aq _....•• n ..- lr.eor; derendant given 20 d.y..... ruello.werandp·h!ad
t.LnU filial 8coc,unt by Nino. Miller , gUtoJ'C \Ill n. Jun~ A., YouPS Wilt! appointed ud 1III1I1strl1trix uf the estatp of Bun t'J!'11 Yopng, dced ., bond 11000 111~11 lrenti W r,' g hb WIlS Ilppointed dIlIJtII.V olllrk of the PrObate Court. . ·in.. 0I1!'1) f llie Interurban and Termiuul Company VI:I Johu M. 8u60k IlrlCl Olnra I:)nook W88 ' dl.... tn! '!lell au appli~tion , of :plaintiff, who 11\1U costs , . The will of JEr'ines 'Dwire, deod. . Jtl..t.iwlf 'l'urtl eoreek tdwnabip, wlla !ldmitti!d to, probate. Anna, Dwir~ wlt'\,IDllde exeoutri,x" . 'l'be wl11 of John S, . VanHorne, ' late of Frllnklln townshlJl was lid. initted to )robate. SUMD R . . Van Born was made Ildmtuls'rILtrlx. • The "';;11 or' J' nape" u , 3 ~bnso. n , -
~ ......
deod ., was. admitted to probate. &rltb E. 'Michener was '. appolnted gU&rdian of Uharles E. Miohener,,' . , et al minors. ' r • . I n t h II eatu.te of lsaao Birshwitz deod . 1B~1l04 , 32 was reoelved from tbe lI!tle of bonds by Solomon Fred and Willium H, Williamson admin. l~tru.tor!l and the adle wu~ ,approved a g~ by the, oourt. Tbe administrators filed ttppllolitloD to be authorized to ...,
, E(jZEMA and PII..E OURE I< HE£: Knowing whll t it was to suf. f ~r I will give FREEl OF OHARG E to anv II;IDiQted It pOljltive cure for Eo. zema , Bait rheum, erysipelns, 1)1\68 aDd skin diseASes. Insttlnt reUef. Don '. 8~tIer lon ger , writ.e F. 'w WILLIA~S, 400 Mu.nhn.ttl,lll n.~enuo New York. Enolo e $Ulmp . 8 10 100
Lent whicb begins today, ~be ael\son of forty day8 of relaxation frow .the usuu.l l>lellsures und oares of the world, proJ;D'ises to be m.o~e generally ob srved in WaYIlG8.. .v111e this year tban ever before. Servioes for Lent bave . been arranged at l::lt. Mary's Ohurob as folloW B, In thill . oon. neotion it should be said that the genElrll,l publlo is espe~ny Invited to all of these ser.vioes, J LENT A. D. 1907: ASH WEDNESDAY Litany, Penitential office and ' lioly Communion 10.00 a. 'm. SUNDA YS 'Mol'Jling Prayer and Sermon 10 30 , a. m. Evening Prayer and Address 7.00 p, m. ~unday School 9.30 a. m. Holy Communion, the 3rd. and 5th' Sundays in Lent,. WE.DNESDA YS Beginning.·w ith th(! Second Wed nesd ayan d 'Wed nes d ays following, Sel"\ice and Address I HOLY WEEK Ser,V\'ce daily except Easter p"'ve.n
FUN ERA l ,nIRE CTOR, Telephone Oaf--6r:-N!ght • . Local No, 7 long Distance No, 69-3r
Branch Office. Harveysburg, O. ;, i\. H.E. HA'l'BA 'WA Y ,
\~ R.Y ~esvi11e's
Leu.ding Denti8t Mill" fit.
, 111i'~ \ 0 K ey!! Bldg
Almost ev·
~~~ ~~~,!: DO YOU ' G~T UP man you
m~~!d Is w~h I
tb is terrible d ise afie In som? ~tllge un~Il1t ac· qUI re s fu II 61rccgth and sud den I y .selzes lbem in the most violent for,? fickle? ~5YOurjlP' pehle '00 . you 6uITer with frefJ'!:edhe:,~asc>hesDOaDd c'l112.Zklcess'bltlllnd J r . y o ~ IIC .lIm 011 energy? Do you toss and tumplc at 111gb!, u nable to sleep ? These are all 'syml' t oms liD d f ororuta· .era of tb is disease. Act at once. Commence the use of
Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. AIllIost e"etyUouy who rellds Ule DI:W;" I papers is sure ~o know of Ul.e wouderful (I Ii' cures IlUIde by Dr. ' ~ KilII1 cr's SwampRoot' the great kidney 'liver lIud blad. der 'remedy. It is the great m,ed• \ ij~ ' h;1I1 triumphcentury: of the" nineteenth \ discoveredafterYelLrs of sweutific research . ' _ - _ ' b)' Dr. Kilmer, the _ .__ .. eminent kidney IIlld ., d • d r II bladderfl' !\p eelnh ~t, an IS woo er u y ll' " . I ba k I SU~ ess ,n. 111 prolllp ) curltl~ lID1e c d I IITIC aCI(I, catarrh of the bladder an nrigbL's Disease, which is the · worst forDllrt.o,~ kl'loid,enr~Ys ~wo\.llm'Ie,;..Root I's' not rec"" '" ,,(La ... atl" .. > oUllllcndC!c\ {or everything bl.\tif yon have k iduey, liver or b1adtler trouble It will be epSID . round just t~e rcmedy you De~. It'ba8 been testetl l1l so Ulllily wnys, In hospital which will instantly check tbe pro~ work and in private practice, and has of tbe disease llI\d ultimatelyerlldlcate pro,'ed 50 suoo\!Ssfui in every cBse that a all traces of it from 1.0ur systell). special arrllngement has been made by . DR.CALDWELL S SYRUJ>PEPSIN wliich all readers oftl.ispaper, wbobave IS the grelltest prepllra~lon ever offe"d ltot alrendy tTied it, tuay hav.c II sample for dyspepsill. ballie llent £ree by mail, Blsoa book tell· l.t acts insfaptly, restoring ev~ry iu g 110re about Swawp.Rool. llud ho"jV to aift'oted 'pa.rt to natural life and vigor. 'r Ii nd ou l 'LrY<l" h nve""Id neyor bl Iid"erl DR. CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN UJ ...... ,_.,.b b I di /ble. Wucnwrli.iugmenticnrC!!lciingthia can eo ta ue n botb dollarnnd ht1lf. gcnerousofJ'erjplllispuperlUldaendyOlU' . dO~~~:tz:.80~~:I~..flfgrs::funddd 'if It ,nddress toDr:Kihller !l1)t /Jeq,efit you . . I~ Co., ~in$hnl1ll:oll, Your postol nard requ . .. .. 01 brlDIl' by rel1ll'll IN. Y. The regulllr ..,all oar n ew b~k!et, "DR . . ALJ.)\V,KLL'II Ill£ty-ceilt aud on ~. :.~:- ~~ ~~~~ O:~"I~~~ I(~I~ ~:s:~ Idolt: size bottles ate . .
7.00 p. m , 7 . 00 I) .
D r. Caldwell's ' I Syrup p .
EASTEn EVEN Saturday, Easter Even
'fIle fOl the ben(!ll t of the ,heirs, de 00 vloes I\ni1 oreditors of deceased, the Evening Prayer 4. p. m. ~ 0 Y olalms whlob they hold among the EASTER A ~ a.uets of the e./ltate; sM tor Holy Communion 7.00 a. m. hoorlng February 23. Morning 'Prayer, Sermon In ;the. estate of Auzella ' Blr.d, . ilnd Holy Communion .10.30 a. m. deed . application was made to Ild' ____ ~it t~e w1l1 to probate. Alex Box k f A dl ...: - -Utica Lecture Course . . . bl8D s or u to....... 10 00 well, being Prob&te Judge and ' u.lso W . B. Antr~m, postq188wr. "00 t WO ~D t a·-mps for a wi tnB88 ,to th e will , Otd ere,d.. pto u nW • The fourth nbtliber of the .Utioo bf\ttngoertlfl.edto theolerk of the George E , Yonng, ex "y _ • ponaes ·. for January ' liS Geoture CoufHe witl be given 8t the prosecuting ntt-,ruey 4 50 U. B, Cburoh in. thl~~ vtJI go the ev . ,{,hom •• $olltt V8 VHlIIK~ of MU8an Common.Plells Court. WIJlI"m .<.i; Thompson Was ' ap· Sam 0 , Benklll, eXI)8~Se!lll:nd enin~ of E'ebrno.ry ~~2 • plainuff Wall ordered ·tn rqake blP ... ·'..100 more deflftite • ' t ra. t Or 0f tb e est a te f eett!J1' f J anunry ......... .. 9'... uroO ' . llromlse to be . of ..... • T • po i U ted Q dm i DIll • The program ~I'P .gle. e$ al va Ch~rltltl of .sarah A:, Tbomp8~n.; bond 11500. Ruggle. Gill!, Co, 'bltlnks more thlln ordlullry lnter~st,. oon'Wir",i 0001'& round 'error ttpptl,tlut, 10. the matter of the apPointmen.tLe;~~:r~~tc~~d~~~" 'f~~ 2· 75 slsting ot' sel~ti\)Ds ' from "The to prejodlO8 of pJalotiffa tn errOr, of a, guu.rdiau for ),i,al'Y R. Grandin, ; ..1l .. ... ~ . .. ..... . . 5 2" Princes!!," by 'l'ennyson, ditllpgue8, ............ f ."'., J P • . ' . . lD 1'.-........ 1( 0 ~ co~F. 0 " an alleged Imbec~e, the oourt waR T. O. tPatler son , ·sheriff........ 2 65 remtatlons nnCl 8010g8 by the ohllTowall8Rd : .Jua"o8 ,f tbe Pelllle io not oon vlDced that there WIIS BUm. 'J. M.. Keever,- Cc;mrnisslpner 1 00 dren of tbe Utica 9~ boot. ,. BamllcoD tp. i judlemeJlt of lower aient retlSOn for suoh aotion. . ~, Iii M.ounts, Olerk·... ... ... . ,. 1 1$0 ....-- OOnr& wo reverHd. Allen. Hulfman .'WIl8 . IIppOint-ed <.ieorge .W. CareY,Ooronol'. .. i tiQ Skin DisellsB of Twenty Years' Ambrblltl G Dear&h va MaMIu. .A of the eei&te ot Siu:n': Alex Boxwell, PrebRteJudge 1 aO. Stlindillg Cure . . , I' ' NQIl, ec: 81; 10 clefaol' of .ollwer uel Hutfm-;n, deod., bond $13000. GeorgeE You'Og, Pros, Atty, 1 00 I wa.nt YOI;1 to klilOw how-moch · alll9ncled ped~OD deoislon waB m",de ' REAL &sTATE 'l'B ANSI' lCBs. E B Rogers, ' Commissioner 1 00 Ohamberlain'lI &J"'e ,for ... "'I me: It hilS uured n1r nas faoe done of II. skin iu f&~OI' 01 'he plaintUr tn all illaueir ,Mary 1. ~nrman, willow, ot MilS· S. 'A, ,~tilwel1, auditor ... : .. ,,,, 2 50 'disease ~;f ' nlmost' t}Venty YBars' ",lrdered Ill' on w OJllrenoe D. Furman, 89,19 W . R . Lewl~, Treasurer.... .. 1 50 8tanding'''! bawbeEjQ ,·sev· c11"t.lloo of ,pra1ed fe>r by platnWf. I ",or68 in Deerfield tp:1 "2660. 1 Philip ~penoo, Reoorder, ...... 1 50 oral' 89 sma.rt physiCians as we ba ve In this oountry and they did ·me 110 8&ate of Ohio va, MArioo Fox et a Mtlud Shanor. 8tngle,' of Clinton .l'he account of t\'e t·wo d.e positor. good, but two boxes of tbl" sa.lve r.~iioo, .q odi lea, the Lebanon Ntitionfl,1 BIlllk ba,s oored me.- Mrs. Fllnnle . bidlOllDeAt aollttM\l ' aod dlIcibarj&ed., . vld~ hlllf o~ 110 acres in Mllttary and tbe Citizen!! Nl\tlonl\l, ~nk,. Tr 'y\ ' All!bol:\la . . Ohamberhun state uf Ohlo VI ' .JQ8Dua Fox to i'ti,iiu'Bv.a"S'100 Bond sl!04, Warren and were eXamined II.nd fou~d" to ' be ~alve Is f?r 8ale by J ..E. ~& dlo'.~ mollied aDd ,defendant Olermont CountI8l!', . 1!12000. oorrect for tbe', month .of J8,nuury ~ Order y oull magaZines an'n news· w.oh_aied. Albe~t Bolmes, ~f ~Ie tp.. to 'Eh~ finllpplal I!tlltemente.· of the Qlipers through the Gazette offioe. tl&ate 01 OhlQ' va K",;'tln Fox.' lohn J()rdan. of M88sle, tp. 42y', Auditor an'd .' l'reasurer showing the We will ,s ave you mOlle y \ . l&MDe .. abo". _orea in flame townsblp, '1!I1.~. balanoe in eaoh fund ~ud accouut ' , !. t e of 9hlo Joabull F('z. ,M"'l'ga.retta' lUId J. ' Deslie 'l Barsh. aBbe beglnnin'g ot the month were b~',tR8r to Oacar 'K~ever, jot io Leb prellented an,~ ordered .plaoed on Hame . . .be.".. tl. ,-,kUa Va Uot&04 'Pobiilh aoon ,1.· , . fiole . , '. IDI CO I 'P, 'C, A'terioD appoloted A. 1'1 . qouaen 'Ilt al of Morrovy As tbe tax duplioate IIhows 0; val 'noel •• IW det~Dt; bood, tI~. Ad\lm B. Day, 47U \lores III Wilsn uatlon of .16,260,7'(7 and t~e law '.. 'Jbaep iliad bJ. de~eDd.nt. Re. ington ·tp. 'a U800, t!le (Jommlssloners ~ol~ ~y I a1 AND lJEAL,ER W uaiVer .'o~ to publioib Qarreo' Jaohb Rldt~ger t~ Eli~ J. DII . 1750 O'll ~~e fi,st 'G,OO,O~OO,O an~ aambel' oUlle IAbeDq~ ~rel8, or. LOyel"nd, 3 a0l'8S .'i n seetlon' 21. ,3.()0 on ~ob ' ful ' ,IlHOO,QOO th~r~af, FUR~l~~]~E ers1 oBhe~Uof~ PUW_btni C", ,1. . " ~,r, the Andlt?r was c}tre.oted to . .' . ' . . drlltw his \Varrant payable , to eaoh Tel~pho:qe in ' h.iB hoWle wbt!~~ I :¥alAI.,. Wal&er 0 Gham Franft Young to elar. J. Young, CommissIoner monthly for .00.50; can be oa.lled at an hours, day 01 ~.~=~~:::~~~~~:~trraD&e4 aore 'lD Lebanon, II. ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ night. ~we,. Coaches .md ohatn suppUed, recently' moved to rOClm nftI-t Ct08S Bros, , MAtii BTREBl'r, .f WA.YNESVILL1t V', 1!l. M;OOal!:, Uc ~'elvdr. ' , A6
_e4,.. Do It
:~ ~iist~\[~u~~~:!:'ber~~t.=~
'EPSIN SYRUP CO. .oatloello, Illlnola For Slile by J . E. Ja nne.r .'
Swoi'~p-)toot, Dr. 19lmer:s SwiuuR'Root, alld tbe MdrCIIS, Bmgl1amton, N. Y •• OD every bottle. . . I
.' Th,e, Gazette can. save you ~money on newspap~rs and ·magazines. I~ . yo,u ' intend SUbScl·i~ing· for any "~( the ' magazInes,' '0 " , ' . ' . . daily pap~rs,. come 'and see u's. We will get them for you at considerable r~duc~ ' tions. I '.' ,
i\. MA.F'EIT.
TH,E 0'0. R N E'R
.... ........
Staple and FaDCy Gr.ooerle6, Frai~ Vegetabl~8
, Phone 79.:
Nelgp.bo1'll, ~;tf'Fool~d. .. . ." ',~I WIlS ~lUghlng, ~'iself to death, and hall become too ' weak
to leave Ply bed; and ., neiglibo.rll predioted tPllt 1 wotlh\ ·never leave It .alive ;' but they got fooled, ·,for thanks be to God, I 'wa. induced ' to try Dr' King's Ne"7 Disoovery. ,It . ,took 'jWlt fOilr one,dollar bottles, to Qompletely. cure the O<lugb , aDd ,e~ store .me·" to.' goOd ' SIOolld ' he·alth, .. '., wrl~s - ~1'11. Eva . Unoapher,,", !>f Grov'ertow,n, S~a'Ht . 00., Ind: Thl8 .J{.ing of oo~gh and (lold' Q~ef!, ' a,!d healer of tbr(at~nd IWlgs, ,Is goar: anteed .by ·Fred O. Sohwat:tz Dru~. 'giSt, ·'f 500 \,and '1.00, [,rial h ttle. frlis. . . il . 'I
" .
Olgars and Tobacco,
.r , ."
is; . 'r '" tt"'1Y1!tl, ' r, ll!!
: 1n"'''' •.J I H~ "'~mr'l nft t !lO nlos~ tic! ~ ,_ ' I, (II ~ nnclsiiJ.llIg for I'l" It:y lJ!J,t~I'.. · ~L ls, 'ute. $10 IIgl",, '
nll ll cl3j1b'l:lrlls co!lt IlIQTC lIili l' dol 'lot keep tll bl:i1il1ngs n,q .lry ,:hJ w~rm..
Y,I'[..YOURSELF ' . ~,
1.IPt rcipllrc lh.illl ing whl'n . , I:c\I HU'l1})lh'.~. IIJl I P'!~ ' ..
tlon lor the ftnal Illlllt wben da"lm_ has come," 'were the Instrurt\ouL In the meantime Joshua was wl4t¢ll· Ing the progre~s the ,battle trom a hIgh point overlooklns the bat· t1efleld, Ito saw the struggling UneJl of mlln. and thut "lowly but ' surely hi' furces were ,alh 'anolng, but 8S he I A STORY O. THE CONQUEST lifted his eyes to the sun and mllas· Of CANAAN ured Its distance tram the borlion, he IF .... "H1Ita-r ..... B".'P" .......... muttered' ' "Dnrkn~ss mil be upon ' u. b otore ( CopJ1'iCb&..l'107. bJ: lb. Autbur, W.& ,Uaon.) our vlotory Is campI lo. and then our ~ctlpture Authorlt1:-Joehua 10,: onemleJl will oscape us," 1 OJ "" "Ob, God," he conUnuoil, atter a pause, "dldst not thou tell us that thQU hadst d!!llvered them Into our bands.
Joshua Commands . the Sun
""olhiDIf ,, ,,nih
~~!tJ:~.~J~rt.h::r~. 'u~t:::~:::cl!H::·' ~=
The Plight of aPlaywrighf By Mr•. Couhon Kernahan
N~turRIlY II lD1n "Would 'ralher part his hair thnn l)lIrt '1\' lb' It. ",41 enmE A COLD III UJli~ nA.T ..... _. I.AXA'rl "K IlItullLJ ~llhll.'·I,.. n'l',I'. Jl •••• b·~"NIU~~ c:~~~:: I JtulIl~ua~~f~~~ ~~. .. \
toe. " , "
~~~~~~=;~==t;:F ~~t".,j~.~~!Mi.,. :.'I/a lIl__'~oClti""""
jack tile .f" ' h~ '·r~,~t '1f.tUa ,Ilea ' _4 , • ..., a1aall ~
~ --- -, -
Youthful A.tronomer. Roher~ H. IJoker. ronr1orljl of the' (CQp:rrlgtol!, 1.0.. by .Joseph B, Bo",108.) Amherst faculty. Is usslstont IllItrOll,()o , As farcus Gilr.oy ran down the Mr. Tom Wesgate, the aotor, '11'&11 at ~er of I he Alloghen observatol'7 at slail'c8se he trod o.n a woman's gown. breakfast ' In 'dressing gown a.nd slip' ' lhe aile of 23. ' Obtalnlng 'no answer to hIs profuse ex· pers when his COUSin Sophie Doland presslons of apology he struok a W8ll announced. Tnorougnly Reliable. match and lound that he was alone. SophIe,' how goes the experl. It over lhero WIlS C1 r.Olllllllo.and ufo 8ERMONET~T~Ej'(·;i'ime:=;;-"H"ta~n;;drn:;tb;ta~tmt;th=te;e11el~8:eh:.:;0;;;Ui1ld;:-;n~0~t.lta::-h"m;;-ianUn°;,f+Cn~R5e~~~Iei~i~~~~~ro~de'i~n;;~~~;t;:::YQU (umlgated yourself rom dy if Iii that oltl ulId, lamona por· ous plosTer-Allcock's, h bas been In F~mil'u nen to -a - I two are about to eljcnpe, for the nlgl\t , landlngs, dimly lit by r,ubbltlb. Tom! I have use for sixty years, and Is nil ,pOpular There la no more Itrlkillg lIIulI: soon cometb," AlIa almost a sob... sickly wall,lamPS, and passed out Into got a ·find.''' tratlon In the Bible, we think, to-doy as ev 'I", nod we doubt If ther~ of tile faithful fuifillment of a capcd hom th'e greut, strong man, U the November fog. "A geqlus among the waif.,,, he In. III !l ch' lIi 7.ed cunnDunlty on thQ he lifted, his eyes to heaven. He 'was glnd It was foggy, tOI' under Qull'ed bnnterl\lsly. . '" or tho ~lob o whorl! this wonde"~uL pain pledgll given than thl. Incident of Joshua goIng up to tho aid of Were Lhey to fllll short at 8. com· Its kludly ahelter' be could better dis"No, but n genIus all the samel ,r ellOvQf caunot be found In tba selec· Gibeo". Hero' Wal a peoplo plcte victory? Had they not ,been tol4 pose of 'n pnrcel unobao'rved. Its des· quite a YOllng tollow-a, college man. tlon or tho ntll and In theirdoubly de.pleed In the eyea of to destroy utterly tholle who bid deft· ttnnUou W8lI tbe pawnshop. ' The He 'lost n!i \III! money at a stroke, ex. manufacture tho Ifrentest care-Iii taken nn.ce to Ood 'and Ood's " oople, an4 pawnshop In question neatled atrec· cept a hundred dollnrs, wh.lcb he pro- to keep ench {Iluster UII to tile hlgbcst \ Joahua and tne people of I,rael, were they now to be hlndert.d by ,the' tlonalely up to a Oaring saloon. ceede!! to dillilipato at tbe Grand." fir.t, lioe.ule tl1ey were a heath· stnnduft. t\( exCellenCI/, and so pu~ Gilroy ' untied his parcel and dIs· "Ohl lIIsslpated. ,Is lie '! true hlill. and slmpla ara the logrodJcnlli tliat en peopie, and aecond" because shortness of lbe day? ' , thoy had tricked Ilrael Into • "Yea, wilt they not BiI), that It W8S closed II. dreS8Itlg-case. The pawn· mark of genlns." even n blld con use them. ' dl.t..teful alliance, And yot, their SOd, tbo sun ' god, wbich bas broker took ant the articles one by "Nothlng of ' the sort, Tom. He waa Allcook's IIro tho orlglnlll lind gen'whon the cry for help came helped them 1" he crIed. 'WIII theJ one an" examined the bllll·mar.ks. brought u., rIch, and I slIppose ' lt nev. uine porous plnillers lind aro sold by .Jo.hua and the people with hIm not claim that ' be lias hlbltoncd bls "What do YOU want for It,?" he In· er ocourred to him that he sbouldn·t Druggists illl over Ole wiJ r'hl~ hultated not but made haete to journey ncross tbe heavens so 118 to qulred, wIth no Ilbow of Interest. ' go' to an expensive botel. Now he baa go up to the defenao of 'the Gi\)' Quickly brIng the dnrknesl! to theIr "Twenty·llve dollars," answered Gil· drifted InlO the Square; his Toom Is Rich Men Work for Ple.aure. eonlte.. Uncier a .trict Intel' r lIet?'" roy promptly. next to mine. He gave me his (llny to Theodore 0111, the worlll'lI grelH~t protatlon of the agreement But does /lot the Bun move at the 'l'be pawnbl'QkElf burst Into n harsh t..ype," . aulborlty • on , llsbe8, works ~or ~be m~de. Jo.hua vva. under no ob, dlctates at God's will? the thought Inu~b. " I will glVt3 you ten dollars," he "Then 1 suppose YOli want me to United St\lles gOvernmen't, recelvlnl ligation. to fight Glbe'o,," bat· sUddllDly came to him, nl)d ,,,land he snld. lOOk at It?" ' one 'doUnr a Month for his services. He askcd: "Ollnnbt the God who rolled Olll'oy took tb,e ten doUal'S, Tom Wesgate' smiled Indulgently. Is a rloh I1Illn on wbQID many unlver. ties, and what more natural feeilng for J08hua and the peo· nsl,de the waters of the Red sea' and , A millty rain was. falling when he "Well. teU him to send' It along: I'll slUes bave '-conrerred titles al\d d.. pIe ,of , l.r..I, who bllt • • hort then the Jordan, also make the sun, found himself on(!e m6re In. the streel look.' at it, fOf the eake at my , pretty. grees, Dr, Hnrrisoo 0, DyoJ;. another moon and, stars to, "bey him?" He turned up his coat-collar. bUl'ied eccElUtrlo little ()OU8~n, ,What n brute wealthS- man, who knows more .boll.t tlmo before had wlnted to de.troy the Glbeonlta. notwlth, With the expressIon. of the tbought bts hands In hie pocketll, lind , strode I am! Do have some coUee. No' mosquitoes than any olller 1Ivl1ll' per~ndlng the o.t\l of Jolhu. and came the Inner pe84e and assu rance angf\ly along thl~ sllpper.y pavement, WelJ. don' t Clirry yoW' experiment to son. devotes much ot bls time to co'" the prine.. of I"aol, tl1.n for that he could, and lie w(;)11Id, and de- past the .flaring slilops, pnat a thlrd·rate ,tarvaUon point," ernment, r celvln! S2ti a month. GIf· th.m to w.lcoma th. peril which seen ding quIckly Into the midst of music hall~then Into a dismal street ''1 8han'~ do thllt. Tom, but mJ ex· ford Plnchort, a mqllonalre, I, head threat.n.d Glbeo" as , an ea.i the hQsts of Israel. lie shollted: . and throng)!. a c~lvered p ssage Into a perienoes In. that awful 111llco have the UnJted Sta lea fore ah,. servIce, but and fortunate from a " 'Siaclt not tby hand., The Lord 8tlll more dlsmal square which was taugfit me .what I wanted to know. Do .he Is , cQml;lurntlvoly well paid, 'bIll ..I· ' molt dlsta.teflll alliance. But will give thee ' cOll;lplete 'ftcwry over tbe YOUu man', pre8ent abode. YOU knqw, Mllrcue Gilroy was In ' a ary beln~ US per anul\m 8C!Y8...1 theae thy enemies." Gilroy mounted tbe endless atalra paw,nshop ' a few nights ago, I v.:ae other rich men are on the coyemment no. The .plrlt of the aa""lm.nt w. . ttlat Glbeoft .hould dwell "But We night cometb/, ",as shcut.- two at a tilDe, not stopplug tUi he tbere, QS part of my e~perlment: yet, pay rol\ al nominal "gures, wOt:Jdni wltIt t~em In 1h. landi .ho had ed back. "And In the dnrkne8s we pIned hIs own ,door. Once Inside. , he thInking me poor, Jle gave me tbe play ro~ tbe pleasure of "doln! thin,s," '&I dare not ftght, leat we smite fflend tor 'lit hla lamp andl 'turned eyel ,01 clli' to type and'" would pay 10 advance. ~resldent Roosevelt putl It. Identlfted h .....1f wIth I.rael, . alld 'had aoknowledgad tho.ufoel' . " -." " p.t ell bla wrst,ebed, apartmenl 'Hla Think of that!'; th t ..... God' th.... :'Yea, }llit God '117111 lengthen bla be4, all unmade, 'at""" tn one comer ' ' ....::.:....: " AWFUL EriFECT O~ ~CZlMA. P- - -.. ._-, . ..,. - ' d.8·~," J08hua shouted 'b ack. ' .And Wsn, UDder a window. AD;;ll·~tove standing Marclls Gilroy was lIi , ,Ie, room. Be • I ' fofe ......11 would tight 'for het, ¥ ' In thA Ilreplace : was stlll ornamefttad' wa,s med,lt&t',·'-' whether h, e sh,'ould call ---'a.. of the promlee, "....'o.hua - lItUnl hla hauda , +nward the he8velis, Of ~..... , COllared wlttt Vellow 'or.~ •,.... -lth a trvin"pan, In whl' ch' h- h lUI t • pre- Olf" thE! typewriter gIrl with tile ex· ",. men woUld faco peril he c..rled: "j3u,n; atand thou 'stlll " # f WOrlc-Puenta ' QI.cou~,\Je~. ,.and lIard.hlp. Glbeon'. pl.a for Glbeon; and' thou, mooD, In: tbe pared hlB breakfast. The remalnl of cUle 'o leelng'it hIa play were r~d.1tleura Drov. 80.~. II.wa,; "'" Ihould not go unheod.d. ot Nalon!" I m.eal uttar.d a table. , but really out ,?f an overpowel'lu~ d .. --'"'ble d I I ft That was ill that. waa aa1d .. , Jo.liu. , A eb,urob oloa'!lt struck the bour of sire to, be iii, her , s'Wee~ prelene&"W _t a ft.O evot on, to 0 Y nIne. Gilroy cOlIlpared bls watch, 8.nd when th , IIre 'came a kntck at hI, dOO1', Idea'" ' return~ to hili obsenat!on pOhit an4 THay I. not th. ' the soldlel1l who had been about blm then liurrledly cleared bIs table of ro,s e and glanced despalclnlly tin, _ceptlons, the .. me faIth. , t~rned and parried the news evel')" crackel')' and eatables-then he o,Pened round hIs untidy apartment and fUllIfte In tho fultlllmollt qf a where through the ranka or Israel a , bag of M'MS: IlDU emptied It 'on to prpml••. ' Th. , mode"" Jo.hua that dayllgbt would not f&U them, for the table, cot hili Ink, pens, lind blot· looks , bollnl IItl th' ill JQshua bad commanded the sun to ter trom the dre,s slng table, and .at or 1"": , ea .s, e eg ' 1__ ", • r .0'to' '-Ite,' Ine'cb' anlcally' 1l11lng a , I ,'!f!I hI.. sUUld aUII: WIth new vlg6r and" earn·, " "M " '' d 80. u hnd . c w'III let hI m . II, p '' , pl .... \.- he.dl 8c,,"';el" put , GOP..o. e 'f th" . Itlll t f eatue, s a " they ' foflght. , One b, o ur-two ..... .... --~ , ,.,. 4 , . vm 0 ,u men ' 0 "an, pen to paper" -h,e... n a cunolls ' raa."'lng hourI -ent by. and ItciJ the hosts of ... .. obll•"atlo'n• ' He kHp. 'the ag-.. ,. .. ,.. .,. WI lound fell PIl ' hIs' ear. ,It leemed to ",-.nt that h. CliMot eeeape. b~ ' the enemy stubbornly .trove' to ,hold , d I " If lstael III, oheck. , " " 'come trom tlie n Bi:~ ,ro~m. 'r It kept . . Dr ' ,0 na l, more, ftot e. .; , 110 Ion'" ' that ' It I,r rlta, t ..iI....hlm. alld th. Glbeon" who I. In ,tfQulJlo Ho~tuU,. I't .ft.rst dill , ~ey their .. can ahow undl.puted claJm upon e"es toward" the sun~ 'Tben as tbe rose and opened door and plj?ped ~ I .. out; , 'bIB , " ", hI. ~me _n'd ....ourc ••• th.n ti'e mom~nts- giew Jllto the Il1st hour and A iltream 0,r lIghtsho~ acrOa " "0 up to hi. h. ' Ip but If tben the' second, 'alld . lull' the sun passage, an,d on the opposite ' wall was will '. , thoro I. convenIent .e.cape from held Ita place In the heaven,; they the ahadoy, or a ' IUm girl doing lomethe proml.. gIven. then he will looked In anxiety and growing terror ' I ' d " let' Glbeon .hlft for hlm.elf. ' at the Sight. Adonl,z,edeo and the thing ,to a door. ' 1. ,sUd enl,. him It might be tlie on , But ",o.hua of old ha the dl.. kIngs with Wm and fro. I vIne ,conception of: tile lni.,o,," Wbat strange' Il ' lIe wall ,lmpu'ts~ve t~n" and ,Inviolability 0' an " the sun In. leagUe wIth their encll!ll,es. 10 be stepped (lut ' IntQ ' the ~-p8\sill~e oat"" and h. did, all .nd more that 'he shOUld tarry thus In. L~e and looked' full _~ 'the ' sballow'. su~ th.n thllt oath d.m.nded. And ensT In ' the agQDY of, desperaUou .It wall".1. red.~bl1ilred 'girl III 'a God honored ."ch aplrlt of 801f. they, cried., to their gO~S , to' h,onr tbem close-1Ittlnl( gown, and sbe wa'i IIacrlflclng' devotion by givIng ' and Bend tb~,·darkness. but their crt.. tl'3'lng' to 'do ',<imething to the lock were .rownd 'In .tbe dln ·of ·~at· WIth a Bcrewdrli,er. ' On, another lID.' JOlhua powlr ·ov., th, foreH of "'a tll"" and Ilngt~enlng tha day tie, wblch thlokenjild 'abOut tbem. pulse be addre,8~I~d h~r_ . , 0 th~t the ta.k ' undertaken FaBter and 'faster 'liow become the ~ "Is YOll lock wron~?" he InQuIred. ~I ght be fully donI. . treat, untU rt was clear that It would "Let iDe belp yoo." loon· 'develop l\1to paJ;1IC'ltrlckell The IIr~ dar\e4 a frightened' IIlght. Tbe five ldngs as tbey watch~ It him; ijlen, lieemlng latJ81l.ed.-t.or ed, ,the prol1:ellli of the battl~ real· Marcus . 'GUroy had '(a 'bayl,b.Mr. THE 8TORY. , tzed that xal was loat, ali't(wlijle 7~t ' aalcL ' TJ1an:k th IERCIIlLY the ,battle npcl "ey had the 0: pportu,n'I ty a'n d ' ,their lomethlqlwronl:-lt ~ac~lie, ' " . : .won't you;ere crad~y tbe army Q! .rerael Wail' t II eatcb!" A moment mote and "the yoqnl' man dri"lng the great hoata at th.e enemy men were bravely strh1ng -to hofd In, b&clt~, All 'day long the' stlliggle 'c heck ' tbe on"'/lrd rusli of the 114 was beeUnl" at the ' door, examlnln, raellteej 'be~ sought-satety In 1Ilght. tbe.loclt, W)Ue 't,h e glil' held '~he canIla4 ' cODtlnueCi 'lind now the' s\Jn alld' came at last' to the cave at 'Muol, dle. ' , , " . n'earIDg the western borlzon an4 kedab. . "Whit" pleannt room you havel" bOllra more :would 888 It But of wbaJ aYBIl their flIght? The GIlI'01 8&1d. wb,Cln he ha4 fixed the ilelow the mountaIn'. cresl Defeat ' BOW seemed certain to AdonJ4edec sun lUll shone In the beavens. and fol· look. kine or Jerusalem and to Utii' other lowed them 88 though to reveal their tour idn.. who had ·federated '" them· /lIght, as Indeed It dl!!; for some of the the , lelYea WIth bim In the aaB8ult UPOD men of Iarael ft'g htlng " , :he .trungbold . of 'Olbeon, and th.!3 edge, of the battle Une, ':lI\ly gleam of hope for tbelr ilbB,tter- movement,. and haetenedto !d aJ'1!!l~ as the,. ~dually ' feU b'ack .!,nd c~me up 'with them Jnst 'a s the~ . dlsapllOared Into ' the dark depths of , before ' Ute men of Israel ' wu ;I\rknllllll WOUld, ere'. loog be ~)l the great ~ave. . AJ;ld wben oue ' \hem ed they would thed be able to'es· their , number' lia'd rettii~ed ' &I1!1 ' !a~ UDder Its ' frte~dly Cover. ,Ai\d JdBhlia" tha,t the 'five !dngS' w.ere Nbllt ,thobg1J.,: the Olbeo/llt8jl had ,e.' den In tbe cave at Mlkkedah,' he ,sent eWd them ' thl8 time through ,the word tbat thei should. 's eal tbe mouth helP of Israel, they would recoup ,t heir of the cave arid set. at' watch, "there. , sbattered armle. and some day Iliter wbtle the torces of Israel' Continued ~e upOa them unawares and punlsb the punult of the now :'soot4lred alld 'fteelng " enemy. , • Lbem' ior the treaty of peace And there, waa 'no 4ay Uke that bethey, ,bad , made wl~ ,lIrael. , It bad ~me almost U a eomplete t!)re It .or after. It, . tbat the Lord "hark· sIJrtlrlae lD Ilnd that the army of ened unto tile voice 6r ,a Dl:an i for the Lord fought , for Israel , And the' ,Israel ', had ~om:e up to th,e help ' or , !~" stooa IItlll and the 'moon stay'ad unU people or Glbean, and ' they had learn· had ' aveilgea~ tbemselvel , ~d durlng the,duy wblll1 t.he battle wall ~lie people " 'r' , " ',. ;lD ' that Joshua by forced; march duro ,upon tbelr ene'Ple~, " c, " lng tbe daj,k,n6l\B ortJ(e nlg~t berore 1ad. butened from ,Gl18a1 to 'Otbean ,and had hi. dJ"lalonl drawn lip in ,bat· ' :Ie otljer wl\eD ttie great I!rmte'8 ',Qf the , Ilve' ldnga ad appeared. It' .. , Uttle Rondat" 'therefore 'that at the very be,lllnlng Bey. ihouI4" have b.e8n dJi· ~ ncerted. ,and before the day " ;vaa 'lIil1r.:, oyer It beeameevldent ' that , loehua ,..,Wd "Iil the \'19tory, ' an,d, U ' we bave Hid. Adoal·~eC ,aDd ' (be " ~()Ur kIJl~.., ~'th : l)!ip, ~ ~h"y , ~ ounptl together. ' 'Watched the lC"ending 1I1i1l: and th/Uiked' , tbAt" 159on ' darknnB, woilld' :he 'WllQftl1JlltJ: bf ' , ' ,_--- .. -"'-•." .. 'HcaPe, If ,I t' dJd no~ give ~e ,cl)ance' to.. ltrlll:e, 'be~ aDd \gIllll8t their ~werhtJ ,Filled thua with the pUrpOlIt!I to 8aye lie re~n.n\a o~ theIr a'rmlea. ',w ont waS: IIt!Int tbrough the ranks that "u lOOP 88 darlnea8' h,ail oome tbey ' were :0 scatter IUel oome together &gun at' j(akkedab. ,1', ' IILe~ the ~~, It~ng a: ltDe .. ~Ie,
, The Pro" ed RemedY fOr. Over I,5Q Ye/lN. , , , Prlea ~ anCS :IOc
EII,y to AvoId Common Mlatakea
• II)
In Bid 'nt.n •• Palnflll Kidney Trouble. '
enormou ~ yie(dR. Now ,..'e \\~8"
J> TN,U,{ FADELESS DYES entor Ill. most twiCll IL8 UlUll" nA Dny othllf dye aDd you tile Rilln c. JOe jltCr pnclwge.
~.,. L
1-''''J' - IJ-.T. -.• -= ~., -=1 =J:: r = D-'JN-.1;-;-" DAY••
l pl;g. Cilllrdcn IFY Beet .............. 100 P Z!,I CD/'1' l l ItS 'I" ' ", I wa. ,so ' ~Il' l ' " E\lrliel<t R'IlO Cubbnllu,. . ....... 100 of.;.hln•. III1,i ,. Jtf.~~t~nu':'l'rot.·~~I~.&.i!ft.:;.'t: ened and goner· t II En~liest Eu,eruld , ucumllu r. , . . 100 '\U I' 4",. ur u1000, r.'unded. 6~. ally run down 1 : La 0" ¥ n ~l,eb' .u:lt uco..... 150 wIth Iddney dIs. 1 , If 13 Day RlJdu:h.. ....... .......... lOu Peoplo 'wbo are rond or mueJc· usu· , 1 Dlue :aloud rOIlI ~f.O... .. ....... 150 ally draw. tbe 'IIDO' at amaleu con· ease that tor a 1 .. .Tuiov !furnip .... .... , .. ... .... lOcO cerIa. '. 10!lC time I could, 1000 kernels' bcallliful {low' . not do my work er lecda ...... .. _ ............ ..... 15e 'W ' k
"11_, tIaaD ~If the 111" ~bat at· FITS. S f<. Vlf.u8 DRnce and all "Nervoul teud Uill IIl,\dcll 1Ul! !:tte. part of urI' and was five Total .. ...... .. , ... .... .. ... . .. .. .. 1.00 Dili<J'''' 8 permanently c\trE,d Ill' Dr, KIln '8 are d\ie more to errQn60ulI habIts f\)~ 'weeks In · bed.' All lor 1!!c p05tp •. d in ord~r ' to i ntra· Great . er\'c Reswrcl" dod for J;'rc~ $2.00 diet tbaa,' w the Ute of 'alcohol, ;reat ' 'rhel'e was con. duce our wnrrunted l!eed8, and if you It'ln! bot.lie nlld t reali"". Dr. R , ll , Kline, . . I boW the ,&t;er 4\1/11 to bfl,"tlnual beating wl\1 AIilld lOe we will add one. ~a()"'1Igc of Ld., 931 ~ch t., l'hiladdphia, Pa, F.arlicst OIuU/lower, toget uer au BeDry TIIomplOo. ' down ' paIn, ter· ·Bul·Hner \\'iib our ,nGtnmotb ,plant. ntll'jlcry $took, A poor man's c.bsnc 8 tor reacbins Alter Pie lint potato, lenon, rlble , )lackacbes, v../!eioble Bnd f.rm seed ond tool' cntnlog. :rhl. catalog i. mniler! free to all in· the age ot tbree·score Aod ten are tar ~ WUlillm", 'lal'truc~Q" headaches and purchnsel'Jl. Wrlle t.a·\by, better tban a rich mau' s, becauso tho JDNUC IIClsDoe. the girlJl have ' a~ tbn811 ~IU)' IIl)e\ls when everything 'tt'llwnj! John A, Sillzo:r Seed Co., Box W. 1.& doctorl waste Ie.. on him. w~ llillltatee are co~mon'y' malle In waa. blUr before me. ,The passages Cro c. Wis. th. 'cook~ of thl. vege~le and how of 'the kidney secretions were Irregu· Gnrfield Tea (the Hflrb "cmedy which I. to a,~ .,ch Jillitakl!s. ' T"s)". ,will and painful, and there was con· Lire WIthout MInd. uarnnltoed under the P'u"e ~'ouit lind IIOt " _ pota~8 that · al\! IOlg)". .• Iderable sediment and odor. I , don't The P0881blllty of me wllhout mind. Dru~. I~,w) "hOlJld he tn ken to rcltulAte IUld wav Instead of ',mealy. . Tbey ,know what I would have done but ·whlle ndt subject lo positive proof. II the I. iver , Kidl1.y~ . • (ommel. and bowel., Ibow tlJat IlCitatgea aboQld be lett un· 'tOr DOaU'8. Kidney Pills. I cOQld BOO a tbect y that blls gained cbnslderable and 10 11uri{y lite blood. _ ClOvered ~ allow the ateam .to escapC), an' ltp,prQvement from the first box. strength recently 'through ita IIdvocacy Priscilla'. Rel/,enge. JQtead f,1I.- ,-eoondenllng a»,d IIOUlng and liye boxes brought a final cure: ~ IIbrarlab of tho It'll''' In thO' days of old ~ben 'by Dr. L. I..aloy, JDto th. atarcb. '" , Sol4 by all dealers, (;0 centQ a box, Acad~my of Sciences. PaTls. He be- knIghts were bold and dressed In The practlcal work' In ,the BE(>ond Foet.~MU~urll, Co.• Butralo, N. Y. • lIeves that mnuy of the smaller living armor. I_II. p. potatoell lia. to do with' a· organIsms. imcb as Insects, are mere "Oeorge, dear," sahl Priscilla. O\'er of &erving thla vegetable. Iorvpulou. lenator, . movlug macblnos. having no' more 111· hoI' dlllly task, ."wllt thou not hel p POt.atOee appeaf on the table ao 'o~ten 8enatol' Spooner or WlsconslD sur- telllge nce lban may be ascrIbed to me wltb my skolus?" UJat · ~ \'atIe~ " tn. •. lervlng lB molt ~t'tsed solfle me\Dbera of congreilB wIth plants, He reters lo tbe well known "By tho lowor of London-no! "i.n,qrtaat, /l'he gil" le~ tIIat. wUh w.h om he '11'&8 chattfng tho otbe r day tnct tbat Insej:ls Ilre attracted fly 11gb", roared George. as be IIbarpened bls ll&Ue ·trouIIle ail expenljl the,. . can b, aunouncU&g tbat he baa never taken orten lo tbelr own destruction, and a. lonce. "You bavll n·t a ijl)l nnluc ....pare ereamed po~toea" 4!Qu.q to part ID" a conFressl.onai junket of any crlbes it lo the same cause tbat In, wheel ' for a husband." tboIe .eriell III U.e ftIlea~ )lotelll- The 1r1D4, I nel'er Ihall u]1dertake such a , Clines the plant t.Q crow COwar4 Ule 'I.'wo bours later George returned we of etareIl III tblckelllq IIquldB ror Joul1le, at 10l'ernmen,t expenBe." he Il;ht. " from the tray with bls armor bat· ,... tered and torn . . . . . aIi4 sra'f1e8 18 ejtplalned when iaJd. "TllClre 11 80IIietbing very obJe/!. ' .ail.. w,laUe sauce tqr the cteamed Uonable to me In members of congren How's Thill? "Dearest Priscilla." he saId. soft. ..n&toIa: be- Impoftant ~olnt til colns 011 aucb le:lpedltl~n8." For tbe ":I,:rA'tr.~rt 1~g:~~:'f~~I~ Iy, "wilt tbou not put 1& fev.; patcbes '1tUa II to keep the atareh ttom IUJllP' ea. me reuo~. ~al liIaj~e..hltm Ss'destt~1;' C.tanh t;ure. Y. J. cRElrxr .. co., Toledo. o. on m)' dress eu~~ 1" .' Iq ..,luIa It ~ 1IHd . . a ,thlckentlllJ coll'rca..on unae ena or '11'•• lh' oD4.rtlloe4 li... Itoo..." l". J. c~..., "No. George. repliled PrIscilla, 'orl!>'."~II'.I".&D4 11.1I ..0~hl1 &04 p.rl.cU, bco· aweetlv materlaJ. 'l'I1ere ~ree ' way, br Spooner aald lae bad nel'er been ~rab:. ID an bU'la"' tranlAcUan. ~D.a cl&lU' " • "You haven't a blacksmith for a wIfe." wblch tile lamplng III&)' be -1Il'oldjld. • bal'ed tn the ,&enate . barber shop• •bl.",oarrIQu,an , "bll~.Llo.. mlClo b1b111lna. "1'It,.tir IatsIq ,the atarch ,,~th a lit> whl~ II m~ntallled at Uncle Sam'. w.u.W~.:li~:¥'~:I!,..::a·gr"40.0. And the bold knIght was 10 lou· ~ GOld watAIr '*,»re adding It to th. ,U lIelll dJ!.!.~~;; ~.~~. ~~~ ~4t:~:o~:':u';',~~ :~~: mtlJated be went ove r lo Ye Frozen "J"om. ~"moDI'11 loot me. 1'r••o 7a ••aU per Heart tavern Iln~ stood tbe tavern· Iaot /'qds~i II8IlOJId, ,by rubblnlJ tbe Slightly MIxed; atUda '-.,ldl the bU~t or other ' tat keeper oft for a tank.arttl. A traveling salelman died suddenl,.·,:M~r~~1!·t~r"'D.tlP.UOll. ::t~:~it,.mt!l14; tJpnt, b,. III. Plttlliurs, Pa.: and Bome of ble Iqar to,ether. Judg .. on TheIr DIgnIty. frfendl telerrapbe(l tbe undertaker an The ceremony of the UnIted Statee Befo,re "Y1q thlt au~J~t ' of pota' order tq .make , a large wreath. '' toes ; ~ WUI pro.,.bly 1J:e ot lUue to InvesUpt10n Ibo"ed tbat tbe ' tele. lupreme court jUd,ges marcblng {rom bct1llJ8lr,eepera (;who. dearly Jove reel· &ram orderinc the "J;Clatb read .1 theIr roblog roo~ across the · corridor pelt) .., ...~ lOme ' potato recIpes rol.owa: I to take t.!lelr Beats on tbe bencb, ,,-blah are uMcl In pnbllc achOoI '''RetI~' la peace,' on 'bOtb eldes of whlcb occurs at hlgb, noon every week ~. ' tile rfbbon,; If t.b ere should ., be room : day while the court I~ bol<!lng ·sessloD. ~ Potatoea.~t .tl'4lllhly botl· 'we llial) meet In beaven," . [ IS always a matter ,o f Interest .lo tlte ed or coW boU8Il potatoe. Intq o~e Tbe nDdertaker was out of lowlI' averor;c visItor at tbe .:apllol. );lvery ,.I~. cllllel. paUh.iii tnto .. ~Uc8' ud tbe Dew aSSistant bandI ed tb~ day there Is a small crowd waltlng to JI!II. nearJ,~. them. with ,mille, and, fob. It "a8 a ~art\lng doral pIece see the stately procession. The othcl' cook IeDtJar uUl nearly all the ~I.~ w~lch turned up at thEt funeral. The da,. JusUce Mood,y; WI tile young at II abIIorbed. Add white sauoo. IIUr r1b1!oD al extra wide, and It bore member ot tbe august body, . brougbt fIor ODe 'bst\aa~, ap!1nJcIe wl\h IInel>,:' the ' lnacrlpUon: .. up the rCilr. A ,lIIcker of a smJle al>eel Par.leJ. IUld lei'Ve. • I·~t In ' pe a ll8 on botb aides. nDd If peared on bls tace as be noted tbo <White (Col' Vel'Ot1Iblee.)-'But- tbere I. IVOm we shall meet III black.ty bed tI~res ahead of him. but 1er. two ~elpoonlul.) nlt, on8-1)"lf lieaven." ' . ' _t pa~8ed away instantly and be b e....poonIat; aoWl, two .tablelpoon· aa 801em~ and crave .u tho olbera. • .~ID WOMEN MARRIED HIM. ,ala; 1l8P.-. OIl_I,hlh , ~poonfu.1 i ' mille, 0.. cupful. • Rub the but. tIoar toKether " fth a ~ "om.rkablo Excu.. Pu~ -Forward by French Blglml.t. .. a amall _uce~ Add the milk \ aluf tt1r .~, over !I. moderate heat At Versamell, France, recently • an," tJ;e auoe 1I01I~ Add aalt and Maoy women BuBer in alUenco.and . drilt along from bad to wmrse, knowfelIper. I'or rlcber white ..~ nee baker ...... tried on a cbarr:e or polyclot well thnt ' thOy, ought to b~l'e fIU'l creDL Cream"\ICE' ( Ia white amy. bvlns mar~led five wome n, 1minediat.e a ssistanco . ...,. aaacte wttb IlII c~ Inateadof "be are 11v1nl and undlvorced. 'I'h..-t- ,Ift' Ho,v ,mBny women do '~ou kilo,!" aD~ Ule ou and ou.halt tea,apoon: peittapmln·. defense was tbat wbo are perfectly well on21 strODg? ,fIIla ' ~f . . , to one cIJpM '~ cream. liM DDt marrfed th~ women;' -~I~~t-1t Thecaull6lIlllY be easi Iy' traced to married m. iVben they D ~ PotUoea.-Mub lOme f('~lnc derangcm(lDt which Ia. : laad net til. coural8' to say no. mao lfests h.scl1 in deprocS!;ion 01 .. the .....'8II8paI:l '.. ",WC/b the, were spirits, r eluctance to go lanywhere aookecJ, UIbIs a fork or a wire pota· NelUier mOiler DDr loye, he IIIlId. bad , or ooy,thlng, lilic\(aclle, draggl o'~ , to 1IIIIIIWr. 'Wh. ~ from lumpI, Jlrpmpted hla nuptial.; he waa the 8eosa.tlons. ilatolenoy,, ad. ' ~ cupfbl of' acaldtid milk v1ctfm of the stroDger wmi of his anU 8Ice~lelilllleSll. , \ ~ been hea1eci Obe tabl. ,.nlcCjIllI•• ,poul8a, ot the live Wlve. 'These symptoms are but wamings appeared .. ~t.nes.el, but 'did butter, one-balf teathat there lB danger ahead, aod nn· • IIpIIOIIfIII crI aJt. IUld onHl~th tea- aot proaeCul~ 8I11nl that their' com· le~t; heeded, a lifo of 8uft'el!iQK or a ~ .. 'WIIle pep)ler., Qeat aU mon h "u a toper of whom serions operation I.a the ine.vitable Willlt.. , The best remedy for all t.oIIIther bm ,Ul!bt IUld creamy. tile': were clad to eet "d. He was . theae /lYUlPtoms Is , " . III . . . . . wtthout a~oolblq. acqultted......oD ~hat CTOund ·doea not years In which . . top. .. It mq lie put ~htD • appear. . All all 1Iia1dJia 416. the top ~becJ , .,lth til. mUltiplex busband : Wok ..,lvea 'Wet'8 leap rears. 'except 188~, 1.0 which made from !lath'e root. and·berbli. No other medicine in the country bas .,a ... '.rownld In a bot Men. It WOuld· Nem that ' In four ' out 'of reoeived Bum wldllJlpre!ld and unqualified endonement. No other medi. ' 1Uc!cIit Patato.=Preu .¥boIled' clDe baa such a record of cures of female 1Ils. ', .' , __ ~ a ~rillner.or .".,-b1e· til, .\,e cUea the women bad the IUu J. l!'. Walsh, of 32tl ,W. 86th St., NewYorlt City. writes:-'\~ydla . . . .. IMO ,. Ilo& 4\ab. , Be"O pota. r1cbt to propo... But the man E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compouod has been of inestima.ble. value In til. r1cbt. ' neb 111. the IfJ4p years, to restoring my hell>lth. I BUtTered from female illness whlc:b caused 41C1Iae, anlt It wal up to blm at I~ .. b --.-,;::'--~~ dreadful headaches. di:&tlbes&, aDd dull palos In my back; but ;Y0llr ,. uptain to hi. faI~ aultors tbat he medicine IIOOn brought about a change in my gcneral conditlion. buJlt "wp 'en~. . T~ eatabUah ''the prln. me made ine perfectly well.'" " ' , clple tlJat .a man la not relpOnslble Vegt'table CompouDcl eUJ;eR Female Co:mpla.lntB, Ulr&I'lL' fo~ lbe. I1,UDl~1' of hla ..,Ivel ' " l~~~!J~;~~:~~,nud UisploceJUenta. Inflammatlon', lIud Ulcenv ~ It I.a invnlunble i" preparing 10r chlld.b1teh Ia~ blmaelf ~oe. the:' "COil rUng. , of .Llf~. ltcures ~en~u8 l'r.ostratlon, IIlpadache, plalUl, apln.• t pubUc · ~IIC1. . If In_vl~rateB the ",bole' 8ystem. . , I. WJllln','! that at once puts
Virtue Is ItB 0'll'1l rewnrd-or Its own punIshment. (18 tbe cas,~ may ,be,
to lIuin ZOO,()I)l) flCW cu.
M:r•. Mary Wagnllr, of 11'57 ~ossuth tonle"". this year ',wd hUllee tllTer (pr , i2ll &yenu, BJ'dIeport, Oo'nn" say's-. ~.t. -poatpaul .
PJ'eII....t\on ...:.. Three Recl pea "'~t Are U.,d In 'Pilbllo
School CI .....;
A., Blg BargaIn for 12 Cent. POltpllld. Tlu~ ye,,~ o( 1!N)a ' ',.,a1l one of pr 1I11\ll1 pleflly OD our .("~,, {arms, ~ ~ver beforo did vcielnQle Rnd (""U1 ~ceds return Buell
For Infants and Children. '
The 'Kind You Hava, Always Bought Bears the
1l\1 .\'I!" .'· f HII.I>KI.N
Prom'Oles Digestlon,CheerMness and Rest-Conlains neither ()pium.Morphine nor}filleral.
Apetf'ecl Remedy for~onsU~
fion, Sour Slomach.Dlari1lOta
Worms,Convu\sions.feverisJ\. ness and LOBS OF SLEEP.
..'41: simiie S:gnlliure or ~~
O J . ' .
. .• .r
.. lUI"
Manitoba, .Sas~atchewan .and,,Alberta' H.omesteads. ..
iIPeoni!d ...,
, ~pon.'blUt,.
,E. Pinkham's Vege~able'CQ~J~ound:
m~qe4 ' the ' prell~.
Canadian " Government representatives accompany this train through to destinatio~ • . For certificate entitling cheap rates, tere a,.nd al.l pa~ticulars~ apply to
. Stanc;llng 1~!ltation t~ "'omen
"Women su1fcl'lng- from any form of female wenkne~ are !invited to write Mrs.. Plnkham. .at .Lynn, MIUlB., He~ advice II f~.
bear in mind th .. fact that'lt co1taI\Yoll as much If·not more to paint YOllr blliJdiDp with Inferior painta Ihan It "ou1d 10 ule painta of lood quality. fllore hQim anel
dltaalisfticlion is cailAed' bylbe use '9f' poor 'pa1nta than almoSt any otl~u '&rIlcIc u8ed fer preserving or beaatlfyinll property. ' .
, 'BUUaI():,~ Pabtfs " '..
011 • •
... the highest pile paill" ~ 'l'hex co'nlaln the J"U-t and moet luWtl pi,. lIlenta ~o\lhd In Aged LI_d Oil 'ln COrTect proponion. are boneally made, COlt J~ mo!~ tl)an'lnrerior P~ll ~d ItfUl!i ~v,ry 'tC1't f~r 61crior IUI~ mte.iOr .~. ' ~ Before 1,oU ~de o~ I,be,kind Of ~Dt to ue. It will be 10 your IntereSt to IlencS ' lfW our· 1907 color dI~ elf Ihe Iat~ aha• .ror modem '*:" abo v8.luable lD1qrm. alloa I.lld palpl facta thaLlOIl o'!lht, to.kbo. ". ", W~ u.",;it Jve;j ofVfli1' II) ,l tntiI;;'!r ifl·" "isl«lJHl, ~ ~ds !JIs AU rfIIf!'6 "liP f!ddr6fs 'lo Jt.afJe ~ 0/ DfI" !Jtq.Jif.J BII.ff4/o-M#d "-_~I" sjj~~tt.",~ f JJtrU. ;,l'.be pln·\s.!M*1 &Ad ualqu Ia '~ &Del wlll be' _t witbollt cbar~ 11 ~'la ~..chefofli AprIl.a!. ,'. " ' , , 011: ylaJWill . .. Y. Cmc"UIO. U....
.',iVIt.u.o .r.. I
'AIJft •
' . ' "
, A suilJtltllto for lod'superlor to muatard or In:! Oilier pluler. '-and ..m aot" bUller the ~PS1 , ~ehcahi skIn. ,Tho'paln-allsylnJ,an<i. 'curative quallt1e8 01 • the artlolo aro wonderful. II will atop 'tho .toolhaoho at once. and reUo", Hoadache an'd ScIatica: ' ·w it recommend It u Ihe besl and aaf~i extamal , c:ounlet,.trrlta'n, kpown. 11.0 as an' ex/ernal ,remedy lor palnaln tlte dlUl and atOmacli and all Rheumatic. Neuraicic and GOllty complaln.... A ttlal' will "rove'what 'lie claim fat h; and.1t ,.,111 be found to be Invaluable llilbe household and for chl)dren. Once used no famlly ...1II be 'IIllhoullt. 'Many people lay "Ills Ihe best of all your preparations... 'AccePI no preparatlon of vU!lllne un Ius the'sam" clrrlos our labe! .•s othe""i.e,l, Is nOI" .. nulllll., SEND YOUR· ADDIU!SS AND WE WILL MAIL ' OUR VASE· LINE PAMPHI;ET WHICH WILL INTEREST· YOU.
,B efore You, ,P aint. TIds SPlmtg
. :
• ,
front, or SIde, are nearly sU,re proof of female ..;;.,,"11... Some. other signs are preSsing pown pains, irregular functions" ' . ness. cold limbs. nervousness, ~tc. 'these pains may ~ allayed, the system braced ~md th,e \vomaraly' ~qction~ r~l~t~ by the use of . '
. WinC. .'er :CWdui
, Mrs. Annie' Hamitton~ of Stetsonville, Wis., writes: ';ICardu'i- ,saved me from the 'grave affer·three (3) doctor~ had"failed to 'help me. It is a ~ m~lcine and I ·recommend it to all sufferiniW~)Jl~en.t' for sale at all d~ggists, in'l bottles.
- ... --+--~ .....
It .. ,
W,-. hUlldle , bo . lind Iltlthin'"
of III
terv.llI.!p I
1'1'0· ()llR
wlly ypu ' <'!til Gat·
fUlhVl'lil' f tl l' 'le~s
J;une lTurl Wlln t d [Olf Crimo Com. mitted in Ocl.obll~ Il..tmded at Wibl1lng tull. )0 et,,\) r H.t, t, Worten DI~1tll1. "ho .Ii' II ou Mllblou Uidgo's furm, in F,n!'t WrlYlIo towns/lip, WIIS l)retty badly UIIU "tjd up in Itm neountar ,vith Jtunll ' Dill-I, a ~'l)'ving hOI: Il
tw t
IlIter til\) tiglit ,u~d Uael !It qoc giveu lllis ~'h, iilil, II ... hIll ---~..-.q. l-h·.... t·IT -'.' . --'--"'-" Ilnl'l
C11IW(l ,
: LOCAL AND :M.issionary Social , PERSO . AL MENTION ' Profitablear1d E'njoyable.
~-:. I~I\ BIIIQe~
, h Othf:
I;' ~ 'ot
WI11lttlU Dlnwlddle Mdlly. 0r I ,
T~6 Jum;; of c~~ td . ,lJ
ell OI'l:HlI)1~n~ 1UT , II' . ... "'. f t,, '
ha.vo b
Foreign . . . tin' Ie ;It the"') lSSIQullr.\' ..,vOle y vr ,.oUla tt, mo, Corp ! Me tinge coni l . d : -nod h" V(l been nolle in . h with norense: In .. ' " • F r i en d8 churo tho walfnTe. '10<1 !\d vlI.n eql Btl t (If -t~re8t and a~tendtlDce every evan· 'every~bing (lortnllling III I iOD!! i_~g at 7 1)',Clock. OOOIf~ ! : . ,
Apple BUHCt
Lippincott' in ~I lb. ~ stone jllrs Clln't be beat. I)nly 21; cents.
" \-V1lite Fish and B,errinlT
Ne • goods in 6 lb. kits only 45 Ci\ntJ!.
Rose of Sharon Sy~up. light colo.r-exq:;n fine
Corwin . , ~Ver\l.l from ho!e attended l'the
Gallon paUs35 cent:s X 'gallon' 20 cefllts q~art 10 cents,.
}[nple SYJ;uP , Ve:rmon~ 25 eta:' ~~ttle.
;nuckwheat The JJure gloda only 4 cents a ~und .
-, -' -
something fine pnly 7 cents qilart., ~
Lard Cuns AU ilizcs-Prices right .
• I '!
COrn Wanted. ,
. IJ1Bhee$ ~ pnoe ~t~ .for .~)lite
aDdJe1lo" CIOI'D 'at ;:
". ' •
WAYJI.nLLi: RoLlJEIi.l,btlAi. . 'I
' .
same eon8ider~ti()n as the cnpi ,lal'ge accou.nt."
Cr A. Binllth Natha" Jones 'Le • S. Lukens J. N. Lemmon
W. A. Meriitl S. F. El)"oo • Charle,. 'Comell
.W. T Frame.
a mVJ.!lN,'l'H
Farm "rs Instit ute "
Will be Best
Ever: '. ". '
Wedd ing
Nehe miah McKinsey .\ Appointied Asses sor.
Lytle .
~Iebrated by ·Mr. and Mrl. Barry : rho F.. t'Jna~14 Inlittt.ut ·Il Ot"IiIlDUIII ~ Meilsrs. James Woolle yalld Stokea. A Moat Delish tful gettlnlt f,o!tt\t,b E!r ..081110DII ore always 11am Bonneville spent SundayWil. " Tb E h r ..... n d Dr. E. p, Krieghoft' Willi tn, Qln. tn Occallo n. .N~hemtah lloKlne el hall been ape pOpUItUI. \n . W .. ynf'~ville. bnt tAI II D t e pwort ~ue Sooial hel oinnatl Frid~r . ' ' .' .. I t( pol~ted ax alSeMOr for Wa'1De at the home of Mrs. Margar etJohn i ' aY on s . Reporlod tor the Gazelle , Y8llr II nil f,nt-tl proUl '!8 to . 8~rpIl8a l Mt " N townsh ip by the' ~w oi~'townBhlp taa& Frtday evening wal R fH b a pro . Fred Sherwood llpent Saturda y. In allY InalUn te eVlir " ht'ld in Wl\'y nes., tr t ' ~ ola ~te8, 0 arveys . nrg, . nO Februa ry 17, 1.107, wu the ' twen. ,us eel . A 'h rt b • Blanoh eeter. . ville, ' ind l'eIlders of the Gazette ' WIiB a. gueet of ,MZ:f!. H. E, ., . .....,.,.. IIUOOOllS. II 0 , u. . Hatha.· tidh ,an~lverllary,Qf ,he weddin , of '!'hIIl·olll.oe·waa held for a nqmbe r unique aDd In&ere.ttnr ltwrary pro know t-htll. II' Il pretty broad itate way 110 day' or two last week. Oharlle Taylor, ' of Columb us, Harry Stoll:811 and Karl r.e"e. o.f yelU'1I by 1!:1Ij&h, Compto a and gram was rendere d, r,ollowed by spent BundlLY with home· men.. \ . Mias iUry Elsie Wright of Blue ReiailV8I! and' frteada de&erm follul. : tned hill remova l to HamlU on left ~e deUshU ul refrellh mente T~e comple te prQIIJam for the ISal!, s~nt Satprda y and l3unday that approp ri Mrs. E. P Krleghoff bas ret~r.,ed tl;1e day Ihouldb ,e approp riate. ofDoe "aOant. ataly served, after w~loh an enj oy, from a lengtby vil!llt in Olnolnn IDltltulfl .,a8 pubttsh ed In the 6&' IWi$11- her.oonlln, MrtI. Ava Ebri, atl. g ht. 11 honore d and Darry and Moille . " , ab~e !lcow hour qutoll:ly Palled. zett-e I..t week. MTII . Shackelford, Mra. !)ue Sber A . .W. Rllines and childre n be given II "lurprl 8e" and Saturd ay, Cente rville. ~ny, The ! n8Uiute .will be beld In fohe Xenia were gueate of hiS ~raJldp tholllan 41 through . wood and ~aughter, ,Mill8 Hary, ar. ,t he lGth, wu cho~ &I themo llt ' .. ..arlO DieetlnlJ bonae·of the Blokalte lenUl, J4~. and M1'II. Allen oul the eotlre United 8tates are called on Mrs J K. Spenoer 1)1. Bames, Buitable day for the "do!ng l." &Ire: lllaao Hanna1l1ll is tU. J'rlends , Ho~day and Tueeday, ~eb. 'SnDday. , deeply Inkrell ted in the "Tbaw day afterno on . . ,', Satnrda Y morn,ing Harry .,al ar· Grip 18 lagtni tm,oUi h 'hil vlcln· " rial" II.nd ita master ful defenlle 'IS and IGth. \ "'i .., h by Mra. Olyde Bowker, who hu' bien 'oF for Dayton on bust· ity. .... uAat .ryn rame I8 a~ dtnr ranging to start ,be DOted Oaltfot nla orlmina llaw· quite 11I for tlie past w~k, ' II. fortniK ht In Cinoinn ati with her Dee8 so 'I I sOlPe· hlll daught er IItbelln formed Mr. Byron WmSll hu been con· yer, HOD, Delphin Delmu , &II Build weli 'Vl'bat improv. ed at tbll wtitinS . , f d MM ' 'b ,I FI. -~... Dama"'ed him It W&l not eo a proper ,day a~ all fined to his ' - red . nen I (' rl. ' e.oyw i IIIo..,coD vae8' to be away from bome an d en'1lit,ed with grip. bome for a few dayl! 11.1 the. determ ined efforte of the Mrl. Ol'ie Breen w,, 'qnletll mar· Init' W III be Re~1 tor, HOD. Wm. Travera rl.!'d to_Mr~ _wrenz Bahr, of Le~n . c ng ~om ~ le,r o~ ness. . ~Im to help keep mama In the dark. ' ~. ·aDd IIrs. lsaao B~oaha oele. prolllou Jerome ; , on lBit Tuesda y, IIr, Olark MCAay <lame _ Mollie waa Ilttmg lIewlDg ' ~tth brated theIr G"h aDDlveraa , •• 8he~ Bseve PhUllpll, of from Xenia Bnnday to .penddown taa' the her bacll: . \0 the window s, telling 'WedneB da , WaablnR$oo 0 , H., who hal ohitorge day witb hill unole, JI'l'ank ry The sermon deUver ed "y Re~. A. Ilr. and )UI. Charle t Spence r Olark hel daught ers the lltory ot a lIur. .y. D. Maddox a~th" Lytle M. E.ohur ch oalle4 on frle~dll ..nd relativ81 of' ~~e bualn., .. of the PhUllpil Slltate who haa been lin invalid tor a loilg prise 1 bere on a oousln. when Louisa The ladl811 of 'be ~. E. Church Bunday af~rnoo. ~lIinone rtl8peot wlt'i 1D WaYDeavUJe 1.allt wee,lt look time. Snnday . . .', turned her al'ouDel So Ihow her the held a Kill8ionary To. at tbe. home slmtl~,ln 'b!'t It was a- mlUIterf,u l The C. E. ~ety in• . over th. ~Ia~se cau~ed' by ' wltl hol4 ,lfiI in yard full of. vebioles aDd people. of Kre. JIl1''' Campb ell TJlursd ay defenae of a Biblical characs er, buslD8II11 m8ll&lD Wedneecl'ay'a fire. ., &vera..l ~r80na repohlr & hav IdR The blood left;. Mollie' . fa~ g at th~ h.01Ile . of for a evenlDg . . . namely , Lot. Eviden tly, from the IIr, and Brll. J ..X. 8penoer, Bunda, w oh is sa W. DD4"re~d the blltldtn p heard to be robiDs th " ~ III " . tba' 'momen t, but Ibe lloon regaine d ber Centrev . • d • th .. '. ille Wftl the IOOne of four wUl' be repaire d 8. rapidly a8 ,OIl.' . o. e , sermOD" a~o er 8ur , go. th• Douila as ~bllinpworth has par· 'OOmpo8\lr~ Harry was jubllan ' fnneralll dariDs ' the pas' week .z:en ," 8pring will looD be h ere.. go beet, sible. while Abraha m got .. ~b. wora' . obAlIed the &muet . HaffllW l' farm'. . , that he had forced the diaolOlnre a Tba' of llre Aldermi ' d · " Tb • · &n, the yonD, .en o. ,D. ' Tbe adjUllters lor ~e Inlur&nDe Mre. Abl HatnOll, of Dayton , e WOTII. fsa.ure was . , , ts Ilt&le ahead of time. . 80n of ilr. and Mn. Wooda rd, Mr. ~hai no one "'811 present to' qompa~ io whiGh ,.he s&ook" of vialting her frtend MI.II dllfe~d ----Lizzi!, Af5er·t be people 'were out of the Nalsb,. and Jamee ' lEilllan, ali ~ were ID8ured. are expecte d to Mpore this week and old Abr&ham. , cirou)a tlu8 .ehloltlll th"re was muoh 'unload iug r88lden ' of thill plaoe. Pleas ant Rldp . IidjD8t the 10lIMII Ihor,ly and. ~~&t8 Ilmong other of her former MrII. J. B. Jonee hall been qutie neigh. be dODe; the bubte were car. The Llbrary Club me' at the home 11l from grip for a week paBt, but adjolU nente lire an'lolp ated borll. ., , ried In anll 'he ooD&enw-~he reader of ilrs. ,Dr . . Keever 'TDesda y even . .111 now better. iO .lill 0118111. Mr. and Mrs. Charle l Gra7 aDd S\-; ' lIur(1I Guild ,w ill meet to· may nse hi . ..m.aina tloo. ' . jn. The I'heme ';'u Abraha m HarrY.MOGlanis was I~ Dayton danrhte ra wereeh oppinr afi 'Da)'toD - •• morrowat~~ooDa& the home of Tothe ll'latlv .j"80 ,aoaUe red'hat LtnooID. AgooIB lm,. waerep oried. Friday tranaao ting aome buetn881 · "In · Appre clatlo n 1 Satni-day.. •• " J . B. Cl&8l1:ey W~D work wUl 'hey do not often I(d toseth. ' r, it ·lIr. Howard Millell and fr.mUy whioh Ibould be of Interell begtD on • box of clothin g for the Wall a reunion . The people ~ to all Mr. and lin. r.e.ter 8urfaoe p'ber· were agreeab ly t IUJ'priled Tueeda y farmere . Ho bougM We willh to aPr•• ollr J1'amud 6 OhUdren 'e.Hoepltal -, lit. Auburn IIOme "Aughe 8pl'nt last 8GDday .w lth the , ~ ID groups and . ohatted i 'he ohil· evenio.. whe", aboD' fony of 'beir Plows, " , whloh, aI ' you know, are pareots . aDd thank. to the memoo ,, 'of tbe Clnoin~tt. . dren played on the lawD a"d In the fdenda and_nel~bbor.e 1Iftt ~ their. man.o facture d by the Parrot Manu· ,Mia Treaa Coro~ has Wa:yn••Ule "Ir~ Com~nv . ,t9r Mr. Georae S. a.tly, like .the bee. '-'" barnll; thOllS in&erested tnBlM'O&ed home tn hODor. of IIr. \I4Uler' lbln~.\ fao'1l"log CO,,'' !:!' Dayfiotl . .Tbey, or II10k f1" the Jut few da7l' their exoelle n' wod: in ~9q~eriDg iful 19n that' he ill, brough t dut: htl the dairy buildin g, the pro08ll~ of ~ay:, .Thoe, PJ''!Ii'D' 'IVere M;. .and a' le.u~ a PlItt of them, are the la': Wal&er JQiI'd&ia and f..." , .the are In cur ,.tor. em the morniDg, family 'up to lpend fihe beautif ul butt:er mant1~~cture. ~~e IItable ·and lin. Wal&er lJ1m ly apen' aDI~ famliy, Mr, 8IIf IIteel , beum tnatead of the old laat Buday ·with'M of reb.•Stb &I1d to all tlie frlenda Sabbatl i day with his mot)ler r, Uhar1ee CJn,. , Mre. OOWII. "Pat wuaro~nd, all 1110· olam8l.fi1eth and faml~y, Mr. Frank wooden beam: AI Barry: will ~ttll~ l\11d wife, . f .114 oel8h~ ",ho ~8ted aod IlaJ'YB aity j where he til ev,er more oeufnl tn making merr,y ~ he I. Younge rman aDd fallllll~, hel~ IIIne our 109d1. AUI~'1JII out doub~ do the right thing by y~u tli e1 IIr. Brioe Bmlth ,aDCI Wire ~, 1n lIelUnl b!1&ter forS~lI:ell" BroWD. Schmid , and faml17, lib • .and an w OOlPe. All lin. 'hOll8 Deedl" " a Dew ·plow WI.. ... d' h .. ~ Ie ll.~ ;B808. 'ft . . ~ ..h h .... ' ,_ . c1 . or U'_ . _ ... 1l...L .,. ' evening rew . on ..uo~y .-' • peop ,rbloeu Bibbar ..... aau d, ....... \ an . ........ epriDg will do ' well to 0&11 arouud HrII B a. • e ome ,• Mr. 'and Hra. Je1! Thomp son departe d, declarl og more e1!ecttv eIIt Ba'fi8r "Orib ' , ely Chari. Bailey, .... iuul lira. Ed and aee him. bav~ moved loto · Wa'1D 88vUle and by beamin g faoea ,'han by words Pine, Mr. and ..... _. rn .' . • MlII. KUler. Mr. aDd West ward to Oklah oma oooullY'a pillt of Mre. Mary Upp'lI how enj9yable th, ' Mr. Jacob COrnell will ~~ dily bad been; 1Ilrs,. ~"" lIWer, lit. aDd Mra. Mr. aDd lira. Wm. B. Ca~moD1 Well' for Dill hII!~th. w.~ hODll8 ,. on MaiD atrtMt.'- Mr. and and IlIILvlnlJ . ~utlful ..;preaen hope the ts .o,f ,Ef~nry ~rpeDkr &Del fat;nlly, .Jeeee en~nalned 00 HUllday,1Ir. and .Mre. oll~&e Herber t Oorroo..;,wh '"" . . .' wIl1 beD8ti him. . vI;' Uavele d es olJ'na~re to CKlinJn~moraw -the Hibbard , Jabjlr~ Plno,' Della Pine, ~arre'~ ClevengeraDel 111:. and ~rl. " ... ltiIiIt old friendl 1D ~.arren ten8ive1y, and have found Qnl&e a Dumber of the MlIbbG N no plalll:' oodasioo. . Mr. and Hrll. Soward Miller, and L'lareooe Or08lIleT, o~ ~p~bo Oonli~ .lhe pu' ooapte qf ~onth8 l1iI:e' Wa neaVtUe-tD wbloh to kttle. ro. went to the home of lII'. aDd lin. ThOle prelen t were·: 1lr.:'E. J: family. ' •. 1I&VIed . tor hill home In LQokebll, The U~Z8tte hall been ' requelt I$I. .aidU. t C~iaDa1ook wi$b Ern8llt lSu'lerw cirth tas' 'l'Ii ~ lA11re, Mrli. 0111e ~encleDhall and . ,, . ooD&eml1" UPOD 'lie .'ilormo Ul evening to Otl'h01ll~ M~o4&, eveniDg, IIr k)M,nno uDceam eeiln8 of" 'TheLied'. son thelD ,bat ~ OlartmOe. , IIrL , N~Dol_ S~k", New Burlll llgton Oonoo . . amoun ' of· ..~aft"' wh1oh"~oIl1& , had.paned:j~eeftD1-n, orlDU. to Oklabo ma abOot . . .. P I :year alJll ana, IIW the. ooun'ry 10 ,el!ll.r'th at &helhOmet~f .. ~tr 0 k 0 . .,.l8IILota Stoltea, M,... ~nllllra, Joel, . on in ~! Stoke~ and IIOU Paul, II.... EI. Pugh ' MilsI'IO Price .8 ou the siolt lilll. soU ofthe UolW &$atM. ~ the ried, Ufe. 'l'I!e plan ~ . ~ 11 h has deoiAed to e even the United Iita&e8 seemI w.. 'well done and all ~ .,' .. ' DR 0 ... e..,ruary . ..... "_ e : ~... f' ma' k ~ . It bi8 reD ' , ' Tbe Literar y ill a eoolal organiz a. and ~blld~n, ~rt&UA and Ohes&e r, 1Ir. and ' WalitoD O~mpto~ 'PlIOullar!y adapted to. ••ti1 Il'owth , l~te · perma n,u' home. , , 'Ion the ~emberahlp for the Ul08~ Mr. and Mre. , KaWie w -~rnhar henr, "after a Tel')' a.a~i h1 t' 8~' 'rra,eaday of laat 1feek to: Qay- wby. would not U ,~ AUt Id Mntoo ~lq of Har~lIbnrg, . : be .. for the ,~m8. ' 'l'h0ll8. pre88D,. weN: · 1Ir. eetdente of tbe Mr. -and Mrs. BurtOn FAtnha rt, toD. , .'.1 varioua Congreasmlm' ,t o enolo88 and ·Hre. lW.ward BarlaGe aDel IIOGOniP,loted Mr. Oofen to Okla: :dle~~~a~?lh:Orhocicl. IOU Milia. dalugh'ter, ~'1lo.r " and IIO~I Emer Mre. Joe KaDu'a nd ,Mrs. GtJ,r~ some "gfaf~ Ieed'" alon, with Ii~ ' ~" ~J . '''0 ~~"l(renaOOrnelltalJ8eoretary the EmeraoD, ~Bowar4 aDd '1Al~; 8On, " A!viu, llfi!Ulo o; Enlll8t " aDd. ~g have u ; ,$h. ,neet . their baao tD4 0&11, ~ !,8'ld.D~" 01 thiB . .'.. ', r. " wI,fe aD4 Barold i ~r .. : \'Dd 1Irs. Lee Gage;' bro'~ a Mr. Bmuaetl of' JDdI&n re~lnderof",elr,ga~eDaDdllo:w. Mr. Barry Stot. ' . iI ' • • w .t&MI an~ , he will apeD!'! mOl' a. v seed w~oh they '88nd oot aDnu· ,daught ers "'el, ~ ~d , ~, IlJ:'d Mrs,~ .~. II. Chenowe~b ml~ M~ud ~via aD~ . Llo,fd ~; .lira IHa the of the lu~mee:witti the'l" t f aUf to th~'r' indlvld~ luppon ere. W~rreD X~YI, JllrDest B~}r . " ~ave ~?V~ ~r01ll Weat J~~re~n to .6Irs. tMrah ''',cb,·!! , ~eanr ; , ' . 0 ••- 1f.. .. O:':'88 ..~ There il lome pretty ~,~ ~and' OharI8l 'Gray'a nd . , . _ •• . Cor\lrir1, and 'fill locate tIlere. They 'A udrey Oleave r,Mn. ADna'S famll7, ~. ~ urface, ~v ~Dts I~ Day&(m , 1 ar01Uld Lytle and quite 11Ilel1 luoh Mre. Hamual Jlut~ iii. . . . Odd IIf'FelioWa . . oame ,to,'Y" lneilvtlle last (au Oil a, Mr .• ucUI1'8.' Ohllr18l1t.. Br01'D aDd ~t. . eeed would l(TOw and floarilh . , ~ vilU, and 1fere ~e&alned ' here for Il00, !lyler; Mr. and lira. Mre. Chari . ~ gc1 two eou aJaJDu!'1 .• Revi'l\ l aervtoea wblob han been ADnl~enary ~b-:atlo~ IIOme tilDe On ~Uq' of illn8llll, Butterw At JaIIt all the u.ah tn the Lytle ~Ienn alfd~t 'l'Ia1iilD· ortb, ICrneet Butterw orth, tD progres a Aurla, 'llae pu'- four wareho uae is.U baled and IlUpped BI aDA t~""1, JIr. ~ .....bIn~ '11,10081 t04$' of Odd ..nd 1lnally ~ec)1decl . to remain ,lIarD. a wife and , Ion Burnet , Mr. aDd ,ween at, tbe II. . . Ohurch . 0101l8d· 'o ut; this is the' fint tim!, it llu all hart, wife Uci ohlldreD Nlq. . aDI\ ,,,r f~Utslare '1001:. mong the~ o~d fdendl!. and ".1Ilsa . llre ~ , CareJ . mYl~r; )4illl Ada ~D ThUl'llday eftoing . . been ou, for IIx weeks. ,,'for~ Willi .api .....ure to '" Mr. an~ alrll. Wl:l"~lli!ll~I.' of myler;' Rnsael E1 a KeYI. I ~.r}et~ ,aDd II*~J ~vlV~! ,. II8r~ be,au a' ~he Mr.' 'a od ....un11ll1 . .DI"erea~!\~ ngllpd, I~Dor, hh~ moved tp i ~~rev ~earl <:lornen had ll~lIi 1Ia~, !. ~aao Stou~,': Wal~r 'Bo~~ i'rtendlllhoroh,~OD ,8U1Dda~. 1heY· lUI Sunda Iii t lodp Hioh -*m and thelr; '1100" IIt ·j ROlla p~nllpa Mr: ana ueate,. and IIrt1: AI. &11'8•• harlee Zell "bd lIOn, wilt beoond ucMd by. Un. Ada Lee" ":~~._0rt."'" e; , t ; r.reb 26th. ilud , Wlfe:; y g tit ~til' BI h oootin u ,"' t c) ooonpy .. ~, . .·aI1'd , atr . . ~d .• re . . PabJctt ,~~ b~~OleoUrtooof Cuba, leD _ _ .~ e~en na 0 .' ' , :1 , ,~... ElD8r1 oka!". dilU'_.~ u~o ed' , . ,..; C ' ,. " . ~adle · TIt. mflittln.... al'! . OIIar~- •.be~ \ run Ohio lIr. ana .. 1Ir~ P~pII is SURln.. - nrren. Mn. neb 8qua"" , ....... au . . . ' ,\ '. : "', Wlsi4 bJ, '. ~~rpal ' lpirit aDd or of ~1l ; the 'r~ ID, Wuhl 1Ii'i. Veme ' Rougb and ' Cba"les ~D ~ .'..., ~.' e . '. . . \ ' Our oom~uDt '7..· W:~ , Ihoote d Cornell. ~... ,~ fello_h lp 1e14dm 4oWDShlP, Mont,o me'1 oouDty•.aDd Ed '.. .,', "', . ' "Ja ne ,Ente rt.lli's ThttredaYIDOTDtDg ~ IlearDiolr ,hat '-. ual~. 7." il"re. aid lblll yeare his_~oie'i8l0. full1 , eopOll8 _. lin. J'nd'Bunard aDcll'i ss MID, ild with . na, " ,n ~ . " \. WaHer BaylllCM! ,Ule &e~er . ·,I.:'blll o OD ,wi~l, It. lllob., thtn''be! the .d!1'I~Q'.th.C?!!l~~ · ~J 'lie IIr: and 'Mrs. ~ry MOGinn!" nie Hart.Nik~t 'lu'.'~J'''• ~ it ~a. ~J.. , for , ~t. Y.~le~tlne. B~OlRUDlObool.who<W&ll~t]y eD&ena in~ OD 8uDd,.ythe. la~MrI ~rnbon \wlth· 'C,' Ba~• . , ~Iblll ~' ,IUrpale ' tJi." of'..P'¥:riODl De~~ tQ reIm~~h farm Oa'fee. '~ . ' , , " ' . ' . , , mUrted , . had dtaI!~ .. ~ . l~ la brother ~. I , Mr. Ha~, ~atllOo. ' I. "'. , ,¥!I; Freema n oalie<l ~n . ~" , 0,. 'oTo~ Rla"" who haa eakab. .. lIill8 . Jj»lla Janne7 and Ilat8f!l, IU,PpOsec1 ,'1;1a' he ~ lO,e, to jolll .. ~: . ' Will J:"epce wu TilililDg 'W1~ J'raok:amt$h'' deada1 afte~OOIl . . 1\ , ' > Uihe'dlJ1tniee1f it.' Vetarln i.r" SU~', Louel~t F",n~ and -l_ue&& e, 'Ile bl~ ~~~r. No~ ~ ~1Jt&. , Mr. and ': " Walser KeDrlok from Kr. ·and ian. '.'~'.' <' 0;'.' : ' . .'Pbi{lnttilll. o"liborhood," hlI8' de, .·inte..e.~irilf daughte rS" of ·Mr. ud 8liODlo~'.~lf tblI 1h~ .~t~~~7. ODB~. aOtidmed8and Jerrt Bolu4' ad e Cfu,l j,r P.ur- ". Oid~'P; ~oye fro~ Cla.~k8VUle ' to. Mra. ,. """ E '- June" en$erutlle<l' a . .JTlieM aywnli " M~ !'ydle j~,eil~ ~~.~uet , a~. th~r ~ma , day 141'; !,Del ¥.ft. s.:eDri~~ ~Dte.~ l1J11iin! 'J ¢tiue d ~ the Town.b'p~ ,Wia.:rneari1}e :and, wtll oocu~~ tbe p'uty .~r j' ,. : IIlx~n ,itrle > Th.una ~y taa' Ttuiiday ..~oins.· Ther~, wa~ ,taiDed, ~~e. ta*Wr'e . parenb "nd ,_, ,~-. ~ . , . ~~~, ~sa1~~ l\9Q18. 0,8. Th1rd,, ~tr~t 4!veni~R, ",whe~ "they .,njoy;ed ,' ~ ; : aDd .Ilrt!.. Jo)tn Bar~k " · Uie .w~k ·~D'h e8~~ . aDcul;\e . ~. brq~er~ .' i; ~d, . ~" ~ue~ , were"il«;ltbD8.ofa , oom~lprprl8e .ft II.D' R~ ~tt j,~~oh.• ~ ~D.. ~Ul~ "nd!~m . time l ': ,cl~~wtng,' oompu lng. l'bd ~•.W; B,H~iDlI~Of W~ln:i' ~l8ancl~aD . , ," ~... ,~ ... . \' nt ,:v~~: .wh~ ~~y ~o'fed iM, B&iD... of~ptmS~ '!ednll lday. e"e; A lain ~ber into admlrln g ~al~.lo,8l, aDd' parttclp at. &aD, q. ,~ ..... p~t . . ~t~ ,boro., .'. • •• ' ..... '.,1 ,,:'. " , . w~re piel8D~ ~ _tielr ' ~W!.l ~r,o~l''1 ~1l',I~ pur· ,!DIl:n 0'her;~m8lW -:oDllio.', , \. ,wen! _ "'~ PJ,'8IIeD;t fro~: WlJ~~ '"lir. and lira. Perry Wade. ~ a~ 'laP!,'. . " ~d all repor" a ' .~\t . ~, ~u~~ , ?f Wayoe'lO;w.DBh'p c,!lulll;lfrom' ~. ~"~~,, , ' . ' ,: APpro~a~ .!lD~deU#o~ rerre8h •. B:an'J.8bUqaq4~ • ~,.1 ' . , '$heir' .-UO r . ,,~l .,dI,. :~iIs.· Kr; John 800" ~Dd 818_ I' , fi!~~~~L" .• ' ~t ,taI.{....?D:u~e~ .::~!Qed , 1Ir ,and 'Kft'"W ; D. :Ghand ler, an~ (~ente we~ ae~vect, • ~' " .' :., , . ~ 'Ne1l1~ 'f!IrD8r 'be ~ Q..lui: Wills,. of Ufi~ .'-&1l4 a ·1~,. N~na .' en~rlalii8d ' _li1t..,~ ,to~~~~ ~l\e' II.....,~ \ OlWlo"e ' ':!J1epn .~me ' Hft!&:l 1~• .' ' .. . ,,' " ,. " of. ~ft~~~,~ .. ~r~1III W~,~r, . trlPd,o tDa)'tO n, ·. ~hlP I, .."" ,l,,"ng ana ~l~q!. 4!Jwn , f~ ~un~y . IlIld. C.han '""". ;olklto ¥ .. Va.leDt ~. ~1 TJi~ g,- In " '.. " .. 1_(i?:iIdI' , . "; ",. '. aDd K~ Jame. ,Jo~ had )'.,' cUnecl "lth - lit 'Cba~dler'i father, . ( day e"en1nl·\' · '., ; . . " . .. . . . ; F 'p ~rt '· . ' ,' . " ,~ , '. , .Ra h I Th . d da..,b. · O r ... . WlU ....~.e • e y. \ .," aliilt ... Uta a ! . In. H me, and . n ' ,.the .. aI. 1. r • , " ". ) . . ~'p 0tt:.;,~lidlltl~~ ~' at te~hbn , "!i'if', tb~r·".re1tr&l~,., ··Mr. .,A. B. , IvlDa, of DeU ... . :, _ ... ' .. .,. , . O~ ~ ~d..~ll', . Be~. ~~l,qf ~,~oIi~~ • ilqMDN &baO ~iJaer ,Qqr, preaent 'l'liomu zeit' and .' l~\ly: ,·;. Mlla aiici' lI,i •• rr~~ B~rn'~" e~. I~Dt 8~:~:r=~ ., Iula b(nl~hcUbe "r~ 10B'0w a' LebUO D!'l WlU. bolAJr,;a 1I?D'~ • ~ .. ~ v" .rtlW1ed~" ,SUD~y.• ue.ts J4r .ud ~ ~u.: • I, ,, " , f . . \ 8lanoh. 1Ali~ "'\un8cl bOm8>:.w1th LaWreD~. Bopn" below ,the'~~ ' _., " "t.tJ..., 01).",,<1., , " ioJs.ta lday e~ i :. .~ IS, Kq, 8lep,hen Bupet " ,aDd fa~IY• .' ,.IID': aD~ lin · .......BarDa ,~. , :~ .. , tllemlo the evtriitn"f61' at Ge 1 bu ~ ~ tD,ti.he·~Iiii&?, chUoh . L'I baBt leK:'G II: I. • lnt; oL JI.&roh. \Ilr; anA lin. Boil" itna_ _ _ _ ' tile ,0Uo"inI .t..Il 'I It':' hi Ued a ltone, qr:ueher ... __ ..;", t "'......_ from '.". _ . en .1~ , '. . . ' D' CAltl. pd ,fauill,. . > :': .' ..' .}D -:-r..., VI will mate Uletl' bOlllil ~'b daelr· '.a.'. m---... .. 6114 'eftDIq . I,All •' , , ~o ~ . WI ........~ are 'PI, a , ~D~~ , !_i~ ~n, ' .;.......:.:... . ·lIr. and ..1In, Oarl ~ ~ " '-~ "-"~ ',~.. u.J. ~_ A ....... __ , • -";;"'..t" IIalI _ 100 'he u..-1 ......... • CoUll'" · , "',"11&'''' ' , '! ('''o1luDllll~" B. ,s. 1ICII'4laD1. bl'fttld . t 'j"" ' . 1 ;V"!""'!'l 811"f-- :O ....- ,,---: ~-.... ' ... - - a-.'- , '. v..-..o n...t .... ,. "'~ir' iDUDe' 'apenl ' Sund a,. ......... " , . "'.-.' ...i ~.~ • , . ..... .. - v ".. ~ " " - .' h l'1l&r1.1, ..~hIf' With '. ~le of ODe, ~t ~taD;'p81D ~~ o~ - -,- ,·l'of ~ . IiDd wtre .• ~ \. , ,. ' ' . ' .. ,r. ~ ~ or. ~ ~ "'t~ cUate' r.mtU8II'. :All the ,'DUImben SUp* " u each. " .' wlJIlll ll to&: . lI . ' .. ·0 . . . . . . . . . tIaM' ".0 hol4 a 8oc1 lal."7 . oOne!4"r Vaem .I". ,bat "I), .,. oenta WUl 11!11 be IoJ4 bIj epIeDdJd .. ," ..., ......... a\ tiel ,.bel teooe·..,·perIQU wbo aDc11l DIIOIIo . : A. . . .,'. , TIle .... . ,.Iu .le IIel11IIOok ~ 0cIneD. "11=~r:~~. 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Cau... Ruined' Dlg"tlon .nd SIMIIt A P.-rtloul.. l,. ...1..,,,1 1'0,", .,. .ThIe ne •• of Breath. DI ..... Yilid. to Of, WIllI...." . . . , Pink PUI .. In tile old Outter house, on the Lex· There IR Quite a \'Arlety of ways of • or the many forml""h1oJJ ..l!lUllla. Ingtoa road, jill Arllngtoll, il. receut "crlbblns ," and man y degreell. 801;110 take8, tbnt whl04 i8 popnlar},"bOWD .. hOrBC8 only pre88 tho Inc\llor teetb 0/ ~earch has brought to 1I ~\lt mone1. hll ~t10 rheamatlam probably torturaa Ilote. · and certificates amounting In tbo upper jaw upon tho .. bject. w II ylotbD more thau .auT oebv. TliU DI\. , 8POONER'S CONCEIT. Th. Cu.tom .... read., ' value to $15.1100 and upward. archIng the ne ck and uslag t he mUll' Williaml' Pmk Plnl hay. oured th1a matohes I IIId Purchaaer-Thollo !"Do . yOU reall7-mean It, Mr. S popn· yesterday w ore not good. FARM HOG KILLING r,UTFIT. blel connected wllb degluUUon . OUI' The tr~asure belong. to Nebeml!Lh " ItubborD .. well .. paiuful ~uble·t. II .t. when you l ay t . am the best I1rl Proprletor dt Shop-I'm ver"! sorry. Cutter, who lived In the house With Dlvlc~ by, Which th. Butchering I. era employ 'both top an~ bottom t.eeth faQ& proYIID. b1 the followiD, itate..... bis alIter, LU(lY Outter. unUI he wa. III III 'III"Orld!" asked . Miss FIYlIP, sir, but you never buy any'thlns ellO rr there (8 no manger to lay bold ot, an~ UO l"lfel'8l' ",ho' I1IAda t!iil (*11 at. E..y. < takell away to i. hoapltal a tew daya ' alto.. tile young man ' bad IIUKgest d of me. Bome other object will tKi found by ford to 1.' prejOdI", ltau4 ba ~ WItiJ II »IS8 Cutter , knew that , ber that . she .sl)(lUld become M I'II. Spoon Purcbaser-Well, 1 sban't ' deal bere ~. tile confirmed vl cUm : of WI haWl b'yiD,lhlll8 blood_lIdu, pilla. ... . Aa 0.1\ farmen who IQII their own brother had lJIoney lecreted ID h.II any more. «. auch as the bara , at tbe hay rack, Rbellmatilm 11 DOw. Pllerall7 reo hOgB know. the old Wll)' of but.qherlng "Indeed I do, MI88 Flypp;' · aB8erProprIetOr ot Shop (to hili errand ~ , but nelther Ihe nor auybo!lJ lbe h.lter chain, or atrap, the pole 01 eornile4 ... dt. . . of the blood. ' Dr. ..atoo the roung man. " I say It a gaLo OOy)- BIII. go 'and ahut up the Illap el88 luapected that there waa more 18 very Inconven!ent , and Ureaome, the CIlrrlage when harnessed, fill' any· Wmlaml~ ,PInk PIlla makl IIO~ than a bundr4~ dollars or so, lIllY. say. a writer In the Queenslander. tWng that will alford them a .1J ght .mak_Pl1re blood. Wlalll lha bJIIod Sa - you lire the beat girl 10 tbe world." at once. The . tolowlng lIIuatratecl al'angement the J Joaton T nanscrlpt. '' tile 10Yelleat. I think you bold. onllrmed crlb·blte rs have been pure there ~u". ~ol'helllll&tilm: .... . TOOK IT AS A PROPOSAL. Alter ilie brother'a ' removal• .Mlal .-141" known to uae' tbelr owu kIJee4 and '.1:hom·" 8remehlD. of'" lUll ..... Cutter waa In Deed of money. She I .'''Tho love'l lest wIthou t doubt." 'feet for ·tbe purpose. Then ther" are W"tertown; N. Y., "1': . . called In . tbe family ' soUcltor, B. B. ."1 t hint ),OU 8ald ~m etblng about aJr·anap~ra wbo have BO _cultivated "K1 koubl. bePII "Uh alrtlrilooM Jphnson, of Wnlthrun. wbo Is also a . ~ accompllsbments, ~oo?" the art tbat lbey a re able to do with· wJi10h I . toQk aboil' a week befor. , "I did. I said the,. excelled thOle somewhat dlsulnt relative of Mr. Cut· o~t aliy object o.n which to lIet their Obrlltm~ ID tOOL I beIlIU' t/)' 'ha. . any other girl" ter, and togetber they searched the teeth. Tbey . s tand back with arched rheumatlo ~D' iu mT b.ilk and Jimbe "I believe you CD.lled me sweeU" brotbers' apartments. Tbey f0911d lI.eck, 'the muzzle approacbln&. the and atter a tlm., t ·oouldD·' I~~ ; " A s weeter woman ne'er drew that Insteact 01' a .few hundred dollar,e . breilsf• . · make some poildlng.. ~oveJ lu4ered tb. mo.t awful paID fw there was nenrl., $15,OOO.ln actual qnoted the ardent lover. menw wltb the head and a smiICkJ monthl and much of the ~inti ~'1ID. t "You U8ed ,the word 'pe rtec~' too, casb. belildea stocks · and bonds, Device for lianiling Hog. of the II1)S, with a final JerkJng InO". .ble to lean the bonae and'Ihad to taD whIch, with the inlerest couponl, 70U notT' me nt upward . . at the moment of ae> hold _ ~ A ohair In order to walk ana " dld. I alia pronounced you the whJch had not been cashed for yeara, Makea the labor comparatively eosy. compllsblng tbelr object. Crlb-bitera IOm\lti mllll I could Dot ltand up.* alL ~ ,of perfection. propriety and mod· will J)08s1bly do uble tbe amoun t Th~ Tbe top pIece ls ~x5 -Inches, and 13 of tbe 01'flt and second clll8s~8 may "The dleeaae wu proUOIlDOed lIOlaiIo mon!)y has been placed In the WaI· feet tong. 'rh~ ' morUces tor the 8Up' only Indulge the. habit ootaalo.llally, rheulD1'tiam aud, altbough 1 ball a RI!I4 • 1!-tJ". the ~pres s of my beart, tho J&BI'les& one amC?ng tho beauteous tbrun National bank, deposited by 1I4r. ports to lit In lire made five Inohes or tor a sJ)\lIl, but .alr'8nnpPQrll beoome phJal.olan and tOok hll ~IMlJoiiJe fAl'h. ~turBl of ,"our 8ex, a malden actorJohnsoll as , gllal'dllUl for Cutter. rroin the end a o( piece, and one- so obses8od that they take little Inter. fully,l did not t . any better, AttO .r;le. encllantlng, aDd ' worthy of the The Cutter property, whlcb Ie OIl haH Inch deep, 21Aa Incbea wide at bo~ est In~ anytlilng elBe' when not esHng, 1 .;IO:r.~mf!e~~al.!~x,!"r~i~d l~~ \.r~Wl:r:;'ai,= or the best man 011 earltJ. Say the main road to LexIngton and Coo· tom. by I lJ4 Inches at toP. thU8 only and lIome will Interrupt themselvea J thall. t be medlctue that 01ll'l!Cl . woMl that will make me the hapcord, WnB deeded to the family lu one bolt Is needed \.0 bold them to· d.urlng a meal to hrdulge In t b e ..ra,c,a lew boxBI Ch. ~ID Oft man on earth. my own Dora." 1746, and froln . that. day unUI tb~ gether at top. The uprigbt 8uppbrts tloe. SoQner or later wlnd'l!ucllJng IlIIIIintenlJe and I oould lee ife01ded ""Before I gl"e ;'011 an answer, ·Mr. present some member of the famll1 are 2lt3'i, and 'Beven feet long: Cr08S' enda In rulued dlg.,.Uoo-, dlatellded-ab- , pro".emllnt. I contluued to ,take ·the jIlIJa ~Iler, 1 ahould IIko to ~sk yoo bas resIded 011 tbe , spo~ NebemJab piece, 1~x2 ~ a nd at 0110 ond tW8 domen and 10'aa of muscular energy, UIItU I ,vu entirely cured.and J .... ' .llueeUoll." \ Cutter. great'g1randtatber ot the pre.. Ibould be bolted" on uprlgbt pieces, and 8hortne88 of breath. They are , i1&yer had any retnrn of. thelroDbl8.·' . AU druggist. ..U ~. WiWaml' Plair "I doze.. It ,on like." ent Nebemlah. was the fi rst owner, down low enougb. se that bench wll\" wasteful and undeillrable nnlmall, PIllis. remedy will be mailed pea. f "On.e will be enougb. . Don't . you He (yery tODd of doga)-MJ8I and from . him the llroperty paased to let over It The lever f. 3~ x2 at ata· i\rOPl,llng muoh .food an!! making but paid. or.the 00 reoeip' 01 prloe.·1110 OODta_peI' thIrlk that )'00 baYe a great deal or White. don't you think you eught to the- banda ot h;!1 Ion. Nebemlah, who pIe, and shaved down to IlJ4 at end. III uae of that they conlume. T!l.ey bos. liE bosea for • .110, b1 &h. Dr. Wfi. .-unDce to eXJ>ec:t , a woman wiLli have an lntelllgent animal about the In turn wtlled It to hIs son EUjah, IDd Staples made at Ovo;slxteel1tha Incb are bad nelghbora and ' ofte~" . plrer llama Ked10uui 00.. 8oheneotad7. B. T •. ..1 ttioee' eircelltliit quailUea to marlT bouae that would protect you. and-' 10 It .reacbed Ithe' handl of the ' pr_ rod Iron, .and long enougbt .1-O cUncb. trom lIaLulent colic. . . , I. . I ~ lUI or41nU)' man III JOg?" . , Bb""'Oh. Mr. lIumna. thJI la so i1l4· ent Nebemlah. OIenl whez:8 cbaln II ,taatened Is made . The Symptoma Iii' cattl~ dIffer COo> .. IMARKAILI L"I '0'" ,., ..... denl " .'~be • • ,lIr. 8po01ler ' went home. ..Altho~h IlP celle.... aeareb lIu of lhree-el'hthl 'Inch Iron. T.he end ot 'slderably: tbe moutb II l'tMlned. been made In other parta of the lever II Iron. 6x2 1·8 tient, U Ihown 'bead ralaed. the tongue .extended alld Ift,Ulhman ' Hu"'." PenI)I_ W HEft MO.TOR TONGUE, Dlfr.... nt Mendl.,.,. bouee, It II nClt thoUlhl that Cuttllt' ....rtun.' to Q,,"""Yea. ROunder wBli addlcted to haa any mone,' hladen el.ewhere, for for pmbrel atlck to reat o.n. while Iwung from II de to Ildel b., wblc:h : ...... poker and cocktalll before, the m.... he guarded hI'l own room With · luch Ufting pIg to the pole hookll, "llIch 'means the aa1hra II lalhed' Into fo.m rlage. She told him It 'ne,er too care that It WIIW quite apparellt that are made I.r,e enough to sUp back and collectl at tbo anll" of th~ mootb '. ,Job Cam4.D N~lI •• W1IOI. DIQId" and forth eull; on upper pleoe.· lWeIl and arolUid It. \ Thll II follo,;ed by MIlt _u••t to QUlell Vletorta .up' late to mend' and he retormed." there w.. the I.oUrce of ~a . one-bait Ineb, bent t~, hold ,a1ilbre~ peculiar oluClldill nolte,' which Qe> pBed ua. faDde O1It of . wlllall til. "That was llDe." Nelghhora 'oj! ~he Outtera we"! "Yel, bilt II.OW he 1& telllq her it greatly IUrprlled when the,. learntd lUck. A book DQt 'ahowD In cut made cur. at t.l!e ~oment of Iw'a Uowlnl air. prillea, C01llOrt bldlt tlle PNMII& lIaJ. of one-balr. Illoh Iron, atta"Chel to B The vice or tOck ma)' orten be com· metal cuU., de.erntJ • piaea . . . . . la 'ne"er too lIte to mell.d.''' of the amount. :of mOlley which .had and pro"ld" • ~*.rum tor tbe levell, pletely cured at the commencement tile peat IIlfIera and .... II:a remJar~ .• "Iu wh.t w1U'1" l!een found In I!.he bonae. The famUy A for dIpping hog ' In . the barrel and by remo't lns the animal from ,famll· 1It1. a man U fD7 of U ..... •~, he keePi h·e r . up until 10DI bal ,Ilever mad:e 'a n1' pretenllona, the after midllJght meDdlng hll .blrta· and old mID goIng aboot With threadbare raising carenl. to the gambref hoob. lar' blUng placae; b)' putUng hIm lIducate4 at Etoll lIul 'l'rtartr ~ Beocb, 19~1~ IIl.chell; 20 inchea hlgb; a Inl.tead o~ a ltall ; by feed- Cambrlqe, IDd _ a 1Ia~ . . stoc1rlnp."-CWcqo Dallr Newa. clothea, while the house fteeif. With 8 feet -long. Barrel fo be set. In the lng In a trough eD the ~DDd. 01' on UJacoln'. Ian. At the ... of .. Ide aU Ita COllectiOD of outlylllg Ihedl, ground one-quarter 1\8 ' length. '. the g'round Itself. In a brick or stone rather'1 duth placed. h1m ID ...... w.. mu~ In D.eecl of repair. bul\ ~ box, with Dothlll, to I&l' .bold oni o• • fortl1l1.' of £150,• • ' ' ' ' Min a. publlo Mln'or G....... FEED TROUGH8 IN PAITURE" by a run at grall, or !eedlnl'only with from that mom.nt h. becaae a . . . PlIfIJOnl' who dIg cbewlng InIm alld Mak. the T .. k of 'Feeding E••'....:..., long atuff. whlcli oc:allplew , much time hell millr. , . C&D~1 fro.m Ilol ~nea. banng com. , . ..~ and gives the t\llleit tunctlonal aotly· Nell4 Ibed at II CheTo. walk, 011... ' plained all IWDmer bec;aulO the mao • How to Manage. :WIth ',L.mbe. " Ity to the ' aai'ury glanda 'and some lea.- Hli bl« hOllse wei 10 ..~ chll1~ were D:Ot cooled :"-Ith 'Ice amount of faUgue to the mUlclel 'of lunallhecl that It dld lI.ot eyeD 1MIU$ elec~c fanl to preYeDt the melting . A very IIlm})le and balldy troulb' to dogluUtlon. . Pullllhment only ' an· of a ' tNtd. Two old womn. wllo CAME EASY. or the content., have" aDother growL be nsiJd In the pastures ·Qr fields can Iwera while a perlOn II preaent, .and h1. lito..., and • btaek' cat , "<llara'i col" tongue like a motor.L be made of fen ce boarda nailed to- It J8 obser"ed th.t manv b.o raes onl,. l'III.t."oomlllllllona. Whea lie "lIted lila At th e B roo ..'"I yu b'rId ge atat I08 0 f iwe "lAke a: motor. How'. thaU" gatheI' V Ihaped and Btted with ends ' • lubway reeently • prl ~ a IIhort . do It when th87 .Wnk they are Dot ob- lute eau.t.. III tH lI.dlu"" whloll . ~-::~'. al,,~a twmtnc people. rupl)erry ' plnll~ . Iult, ' aeyerel,.. plaID. and lega long enough,.to raise the top aerved. Increased labor and lea. time b. aid frequlIlt17, he PD.r.n,. ~ (though .he ""n·t), .aDd a bat at ot (rougb" about 20 Inchea from the tor amuaement offe... a cure III lome eel, unleaa he aould let a lHt tor J .. ? luch, an angle It looltejl u If It were .(round. The legs Sht°U,ld b" ,milled on casell.1 Otlier remedl811 tried .are mllv, lQ. aii4 lie wu lI.ot IY•• aboTe ~ ! HI.v . '(ou' Noticed? pInned to the right ear, complalned to the ,boards Oat ad, hey wll1 ~ som., a61e maugera. ul8d on11 wben fee4<t I. . . II'&tl1l"ul Hat 011. a dllll& carL ~ think" .DIllk . and Katha",ne will tliree olher YOlmg women' that It:-o.. clenUy wide apart at bottom to Insure Ing. cloae-llttlDg munles. throawtra~ Som.tlJoeJ b. w.. compelled '" ~ ' be married." . 'almost ImpoIst:ble. to get near the 1I0t the !ltablllty of t he' trough 80 It ~1;I1ay t-\ta.rlona dealgn.. but all acting OD weatll.r ·to take • aeat 08 IJI.. ~ , "\vh1, dearT'" . , ". machlnea, the,.~ were alwayB ~ llJanT ,not b.e easily overlurned.- iay. an OJ:~ ·the ' prliiClp}e Df producJiIg prealnre And there he woulcl lit .... = .,..--..,:,>. "Well, l ' pailed by the 014, porcb men looking ha the gla.. and IWng change. Tbree seta ot lega shOuld' '"' upon the musclel ch1elly .concerned ID II... thlYerlq and clrtppiD&'--fW ... ~ nfgbt aud.! ,Ma'rd her f ailIng hJm their neckties ,and, coilara. "Why, be- put on a IS·foot trougb. In caBe some wlnd'lIueldn&,. Th.t, tbe l\raR ~ the lie.., wo,. aqreatcoat-aa 'ollJeat .. " " Dulls." ',. .. ,l . . •. tore tboae Ilot .m&Chlnes Wltb ,min'ora or the 8b~ep ~unip ove,. the troug~ mOlt emc\ent remedy probably mOflt commlleraUoa to ~ feUow ~ . , ~~lou.1 '. ABd, wal she ciLllllls were pnt in t lle ' IUbwlU'." laid ahe; ' thU.' ge"t;.tlng· d\rt in~ , the reed a . Dat" wUl agrge, and that any objecUol\8 ...... 'ducley' aad "dearolt' and 'ugel· "lome men told na ""omen were 10 roW'. atnp should ,be supported over Ita emplOym~nt are, ontwellhte.d . . .' the top of the trough by nailing brae" ba I I ' II L..vee LlteratiiN for 'nventl"" , 'aay valn .they wo"ld Il~t to get a peep .1Il, 'en the ends, Thla kind of trough wUl the reaolta. ta btu. uae te a It I. Aid tlIat aabrlele "'AIlaaDIIe ~g- ~hilil " dlulce: 'gOOI8" and the .gla~. Well, look at the thonlllln~ Iallt -for live or .Is years and stay Qut o",n tale to L)urc1iuera, who ma)' see baa' ".rllId of Bterature aad ..".. ... bld.· ..· , ,. . ".' r.u8~g down . bere even: da., &114 In ali weatl)en: A lot or them' lum.· the mark ali the tbroat. In buyln. plree to become a IfIIt IlI.yhtDr. .... "'fou dOll~t mllau IU" . ..' . you 11 ftnd ~ tr!!mendoua majont)" Clf clent, '" 'eed a bIg !look can "._ read. Ilonea one .bould · look for' teetti "h h ,"[ 40, ~Dd thl\t', III, alwaYI • lure bet th e "'fr",!ra ft.' o.u ~ 10 rI"blUn I. U -weill." ap. to ·..te.·.... a ...". . ; . ~ o~e w 0 palllie • are 1Iy. 'moved wIth a "Igon or "'" mai b. roon de d '~y ,' q or - tor" .cUaoo.urI., tem for ' blc~ 'whlob ~ aw_ . ...... ~r~ J. 'l!l Love with a man.;·are DOt. of th.e vaJner .ea. readl.., car,rled short illstance.: Maily ~l!J'ka ot the Itr,p. wIth tlle ntllbe.. 'U", ud • lUre CI1lN ~eago 'DaI" N~WL Enjoyment 'IIt the Dlnlng :T .. ble, .: a !lock of aheep would ·.get better· care . ' , for bela... 'i'IIa cUICIoy.,.... fa eUD " Tl\ere Isn't D1Uch queatlon ~t mt'llt If ' more conveniences were at hand. ~~. ECONOMICAL HOG HOUII. ,~ ..... of 1.111 woul.d get along better-If a .Uttle On_ 'lluch ttoulb 11 sumclent for " 20 . . ~=~~~~~~~~~~~=;!! , , You m,!re;'attentJon, were ' given to, .QI,asth o~ "'~o.l'!l a~eep 'AJ;ld In feed ing tbe 'J1h1l . plani ' ~l)lblt a ~d :' bot ougM to b~ aibamed of Youraelf:'.~ J , j:atlj)D" If we ate . Iesl meat, "odee4, .lambs seplr ately tbey cliu .be' enclb.sed houtle. Twenty feet I. a convenlellt., . , ,.wldth tor such a 1!ulJdlng, and It "Oh, I doo't mow! U 1'ou were In 1e88 of everytblng: bilt. ther~ are BO in creeps. my place you'd probably be III. debt, man., other 'otrenlOl agaln'lt g004 To complete the ontftt and make lhe Ihould be alx feet hlgb at the eay" too." pbYllololD' more lerloua In theIr reo feedlDg of graIn to the lamb. wbUe tor i:enyenl.enoo In cleanlng. Thll "What place?'; aulta and alulolit eQuall), prevaleut at paature an easy chore, a cbest .or wJII pronde tor two rowa o~ .. Able to get oredlt." that the laymllD /lIay be eacoSecl (or teed box 8hould alse be proVldel!. . IIkepticlam as to tbe nOCOllllt,f: for Tbfla bOil abould have a weather proof Waning Afrlctlonl. poUUcal economillta deserting theIr ,cqyer ~nd .. lock '.and key, tbe key to Angellna-I don't' bellev~ )'ou loye Beld' to pnab the Cause Of \he be 'lln .tbo Pocket 0(. the feed!'r. , All h~ mil al much al you did. ~wln. " chewirl. A ' who , cclUllatelltlY ' goes trom 1York a~ tlvenlng time be Edwin-Pooh I nonaeDI\O! " What 'chewl each .mouthful of 'cuatard .7 c~n call u~. tbe lambsllDd gIve ~be~ mnke8 you think that? .. . . times througb lite iDay ha,{e 'a' cllance tlielr grain ratioll, a"YII ColemaIn ·Angellna~Well,· It'a '88"en1,' daYI ot 'lIvin!; to he a 100 a fracUon. of, . Rural World. ·Tbe box may be o!, run· now s'/nce YOU' called me a vatn .nd : poInt better ·t.liIan tho man who holt. ners or a flat aled 80 aa to be. readIly heartless little' flIrt. ·and · I" know I butte~ cakes whole. but the latter d.ur- .moved trqm place ,to place b)' a ' h()l'IIe. , haven't:· chllnged.~aI8elJ'l Jou!'llal: ,iDg bl, shorte:':" earthJY aoJourn. hllV' and t4e contents of tbe bOil mar be _ L"brJcat.d. . .' lug 1Ils"attenflpn le.a'. c101lel), bed·oll" replerilB.hed at ,o dd time. when 'we ,are iUIs Sparkle-.::II FerdY'''automoblie hll ltomacb, ' may actuaJ,ii · do' more DOt' 410 ·busy. It you want to make '. a~ easy runner? \ . ' gOod I~ the 'World than thll : h~, the best of tbw s~eep b¥,slness. a little \ Klatreu-What do )'ou mean. Mlma. " ,Cbony 0Ilnn-8ure. W. dad PlYI ths laUhlug m~chlne.--New York 010b'.. \ e~ra care. will bring large teturn •. "y .pattlng Oil' newest IbOOtB, ' whloh bllll:-=N. Y. Herald. ' " , ' • ' -:c:o.... t.ncy. : _. ,..OTE80N .3HEEP. . ..,,"8 only wnrn once my.elff . " , A atorT fl told o~ Gen. Sir Alfred -) HOllaelJll.ld~B·ut, ' ma·am. It· ,.ou·d Horaford. wbo 'believed· In a ceUbal.e ~111. the bOots many tlmea theY'd be ' I . army. I A Boldiler,,'o nce ' sougbt hli per. ~ucb 'too large for me!~FU~gende 'mlsslon- to mall"Ioy, ~Ylng be .b ad tJ'o' ~1aetter. ., ~_ _ _ _-,-:.... ' good cOl\duct badges ' and '2~ In , the I to :rk t ,. NOt LIkely to 'ae. Around. .I&nnga bank. "W:ell, go aWay .... Bald ~, m~ e. '. b to, the foot· from the baok,.alde . ... -.: ~ . teU~.~re ', you noL. gOI'ng' .. S{r 4lfred; .4~nd. if 10~ c~on:te ~ack thll . . ~entllaUOD 1}~9Ul~d' be : ~tOVldOd, : Q.t brOUJ, shadow nttel'l '- jUit ..;r· ......... - ' . '" ' In '100' I&me ' mInd vou .hall l dlTect drafta avol. de. , -h' .L • t 'Oter }aft On Ute 'bride? ',: "Aa.Jv -vear .'"" ,. . # ," I I ·... h ' .. .. we ro~. h, .' ' ~' . .hlI ' gu. '. lin. SocJetle-1 would be p~ftectl,. · ·marry. 'I'll. 'kllep tlie v~Canpi.'! OD Mel! um 8 zen \ 8 eep J U~Ua!I~ . l~ve lbward: tb~" end cir" the :liouae._'UI~th••• t! . .utJDg to cail ··ou· her. IIut t don't tlie' annJve~ary the' SOI.dier .reJ)8&ted · tl!e .l!e8t and ' be~vlest ~~ce~, ., , troin . the'.feeci:room.' " ,,~ . .' ::' t b ' h' ba .. hi. reQueat. "Bot do you rea!ly! ~r T!Je remal!llngpartof . \he. ~roP. c~ .COntr:ucta .tniCk to rUn "0 t to' waD mee er ' us nd. :. . , a year. ~ant to .marry?" '''Yea, sir. l1e' pulled before lro,t .and sto"!d .for 0" :..,a . ... : the oome'llt . II p '"Ob, , 'blrb guell!i thete's no dange'r of . , muc. . . b'". , usa. rg~n t m.... _, o~. tak e' .-Inte feed • .' , , I ' OD ," "I"thll e~ <.the vJl litter, can S\I,-aaaill'e'~'>lr J~F.SS;55r~;:i:;;~~~5 n . : ' _ootiUg . . TheY'v.e been ·m·a rrled ' very '.' . . " .• ), ~ k '" N Y W kl . : bI8ba.m"do~n. Yell, ·You !Dat marry. give,. 'best r~SU!ta' inot '. o,er ~ :liO . m "ei1.t;, . '. on t , Q.evl;'r \heU~vllld. ·~ere Wlis, 10 ' mucb: .m~lnbera of mutton, .,heep IIhould".1!e ' orQth8 ' bUl1dit~.. .j. .lie:P4~'jatA!' T~~di;~~ 'I~H.~= wee '. - '. . , ee ,. . .:' Befor. T~kl;'g. , . . conlltancy III tnall. or ,voman. Right· I!8nned tpgether. ,. .' _, ~:t ' truok may \ alia be' 11 ' cUst.omer':"':See berei you sa), thla ' face;" qol,ckmarr~I': .Aa. the ~ left : .All !lOC.kS shoold be graded' ~rd- .a feed.l'oom -iO',by ~O medicine' will cure conilUmpUoD. Jou' · .~he room fu~ng.lill h~d, .he laid; Ing',to ~ge, slz.e aDd; concUU~Il. 1'I ' t., ,ample ltorap room, an,..d ..... w .....1n 4IOnlt look as .~f it would. , ? ' :' \ .• Thank" .,01.1,' Illr ~ It, Ilu.t.: the I&m. ,al 1,1 practlcab~e. ,· ,. '., . . I • kettle. BeddlDI'. may be .fpl;1ld, In Mr.'~ .' be&~ 1'ou JlJ '\I{~m~. :. : _I ' • llough bll1sldea" if thre)' are coyerej!..10ft .o yer the penil.. ,Tlie 'Jiu~fdfug m~ ConsllmllUve ' Drug Clerk - r - t ·ba~en). . besUn "king It .yet....:.N. i trlokl. ". . .. ' . , ' , G' I t It. . wlt)l. rlcbgralllel. ma~e .t:/le 'very b~t be added •.:. '&$ 4e"lred. ' .E8clI 'Will _.,.,..1,.. , The Glraffe-Yel, .. "I.neglectell M'r~ J~;l~~~~~~~~lti~jr;r=~ --'~- ' '. . . . monke,. tdcltal . . , ue'l ,ton"a!lk ·11 ' that. IUt Ja' pal! t u~ ·1an.., · ..·' ..f or. ,ah e~P( , • .. .. . ., ';Ii " a~c:ommoda~ . . ~. _ 1L. '.1)1IOOd"..low., ,~~~~:~j: .: . " Uent . w'bat bll ,000upaUoD Jl," eatd the Turnlp8 ·.JIlAY be,! UBe. O~: .I a JItter, ~r ,4 rom . It x to ', ten " All of It. .' Ilew attendan'" at 'the hoia(iltal• ."Sha1J rail f~ . . Torn the aoo~ Intoh~e lleleS plg ••. ~rdl"J to Ilze. i!ue Fufth,r Partlcula ...; . "r alii thlnklng er buj1ng ,. me an I leave that · r'.ecord blank'" , and let. them C:~j1 the tuiul)ll;" , tween . ea~li", ~!l' and lro~ p!!''l'be monke)', ha,d 1.\aed the ' cat'l '''WblLt ..v.. tbe matter with him!" . one gpod .heep lflll u.nal!,. brllll· ~ the paaaa!e, n d~,..bmtYi ,I. I!)uglit paw for pulling hla ch~~uta out of auto; bow mucb will It cost me - to · .dao hot osh.ea. . . keep It in 'trlm af~r I get itT " Mked '~e: re~t:dent' phYl!lclan. 10' ·more llrol\t. tha~ two 'PO!!r; onel. · .,atter, th~ ¥trJ :,CUlit1emap.~~a~ta "1 «!on't 'kno~i I have DOt" the leut "Iujur8cl at tbe back (If the ,.,111..-" Uluallt ~e pOOr ~~OI ,~r, ke~t at · a ~!lt, the .ldS· walla ~n~ ,~tJo~l!, iDaJ "£!er:ve8 'me ': right:: aald tJte .'· cat, "Put bim " dowD . . . . booK ..ent." lou; ' , "'-:. atao 1M!.'01 · cement for \lni .to three ...... beIng In b,ad company" 1 ~(t Idea .wha\ your ·I.ncome 1....-HoUllqll Poet . , The beat ileace 1fJII eYer be the feet. !f the- .serci.. )'I2\ta are larp ildA" . ! RI!tort mark Of that the belt Iheep, proYlded. 'Of p~ weli drailled, "':a.I,=.:I~#..:;:~ i~~a~~;~~i , .lI'lndlng. h9w~"er.· that abe could T.klnll thl W.lter Down.'·J ''Tb.' Th. 0410118 14n. Pemlnln.. B .....e)' oyer ··COUrH. It b.. a IOOd ~rIftJ ~8Il~ . ~ 1lMII· . . .. iIWI, ,Ih. p~eeded at once Dlner-.what ba"e )'ou aotT _. thl. . ., to borre" m" beat form. \ . "io make lIev~ral I~ng ln~lllqnl In ' the Walte~J've ' cot calvel' lIur. · paraaoi. her P~41~" 'l'1Ia IIIOIt 1I1I1a"~ble condItione . monkey's countenance-" featllre of 8beep'. .brains,' pip" feet:- ' . quite · It;lwn. '" .' " 1I1I"er wbleh Ibeep eu be rrowa Ie to . 2ae IncJdent which elca6fd the 'blltO' .. D,Ir}er::-I d~:t , '!&D~',. lI.t or l.cmr. _..!'Whal COIlatalltIJ lubject \b.m to ~ OIl -'-ftC. 01 'tbt pel'lod.-cJllIc-..o TnJt. phy.lcal p8j:ullarltJ.l: ail I wut tD nWD" lint. ataT'lJa,7. . ., . . . kIlow .. wJall ,ena'. . . . to eat.: ~ N.h.mlill . Cut-ter. of Arllnllton, Had 8taw.~ Awar. ,15,000.
*_ ...
~~;~. ~ IhO~ld
to .....
~~8 ~ai.
,.~ttE~YE11~n ~iD =~ beautiful.
..........III ~RUJlia's .Progress as 'a Wheat
No trouble to
To kee.? ~ bou.. warm 1111 winte!' ha.. the eellllr coaled.
Condltiona Which Hind.r ~er Becomlq • D....ruua Competltor for World'i MadIMIo
Tlie vust wheat bolt or Russia baa liven rlall to startling S\illculuUon O:s to the (10881bllllieB of the country producing tho ",orld's SUpply' of wheat and putting th e American tarmer' practically out,· of the buslneslj of f;rowlng that coreal, and It Is eallY t,p !\gure out ,tlult with her 49,070,00,0 &lcres of -whent land, ·excluslve ot va t acreage In ,Asiatic RUBsla, ahe co.uld and should protluc6' neurly .a !;lUlion and a hair bus))elB ot , wheat ' each y ar. And then let the Indus· tl'JOU8 !ltntlstlclan figure ou t that WIth the preselll rate Of Increase or tbe ,whllal ILCl'eage Jt wilt not , be JTlany years before sbe will have a~llbllld the :acl·Dnge. devoted' to tills crop, !lnd Rusilia as a cOI\lpetitor ,In ,the ,,;bllat Juarkct "or the 'world looms up Irre' . slstable. j, • nussla Is IbCfenslng eacb year her wheat urea at tbe )(11008 of the ry .. Iu th e t~ n , years from 1894 to 19e)4 It \VII~ Ibcreal/ed 42,27 per cent., to only 6.83 jler cent. toJ' , rye. Tills remUtkable i row th of the wbeat area Is llsrlly explained by the growlh of ll\8 new ASin~l(J wheat region, Yet even 10 ' 'European RUBsla tile same )lrcCC88 of' gl1lliual en,crollchment ' at wheat uJ,lOn tile rye area Is 'noticed. But , no~wlt.h s tandlng hel' Imme nse -.vII at. acreage, which Is nearly onebailor tl)e 'totQl [or aU Europe, RlIs, tlla prod.ices 'onlr ' 28,3 pe r cent: or tho tOtl!-l I od\1ct16n o,r Europe. "l' bat ' 111 ot the IIverage· I1ro~uctloo lo\, the yeurs 1899-19Q3 of l,G2G,OOO,OOO bUBh-cIs, ,Ruttalll could cJIl/m only 460,000,000 , bushels. But were the prOltuotlvIty , of the :wheat Bolds or RUS8111 as 'g reut as that ot the rest or' Europe, on the averago the total produotlon of wbeat In lUlIrop an RussIa would 'b~tieill. b&ve been, about 850,000,000 ,
landi, · and a ~lrengtJ!enlng ot private ownership In land by these richer peasants. Tbus a gradual growtb ,of two distinct classes aro noticed In tho Russian village's, that ot stwng farmers, wbo need nddltlonal hIred labor on one hand, alid tbat of a (IIrger 'class, WhOBO land boldlngs are Inllllffillient , for Independent farming. OWing, Uierefore, to thIs 'sy~tem ' ot land. own e~shlp /lnd the antiQUIltect methods of agriculture, f,lue tD the povorly and 'Ignorance of the people, nlld the fe w symptoms of Improvement by the Introduction of better iu!lcblnery, rotation of crops and tbe Bowing ot grasses, It Is allparent tbe.t tbe yield of Russian wheat must 'necessarily, continue to be I\lW, und , lienee ' cannot be a cheap wheat, ,notwithstanding the ' extreme cheapness ot lablJr and 'tbe low ~t.I1nallrd of life. In ' comparIng tho Russian wbeat yield with that at ~he United I!lates, !t Is Inte resting to note that unlik e tbe United Stal~s, Russia produO(,ls 0. great 'deal more spring tban win: tel' wli at, the proporllon ot' acreago .for tbe U)l lted States"ln 1904 belog Ililproxtmalely ' 61 per cen~ Winter and 39 pel' ce nt. spring Wheat, while tor 'the RUssian empire the propol" tlon In"1904 'was 25 per cent. of ,· winter whent Ilnd 15 per' cent. at spring wheat. Moreover, lhe preponderance . ot spring )Vheat ,Ill ,Increas Ing, bt:;, cnyse or the &xtenGlon of wheat e1i1· ture Into dIstricts which do not admIt of winter crops. In 1894 s pring wheat constituted only .6$ pel' cent In tbe United Stutes the line or division .betw0611 winter and spri ng wheat areas run almost directly eallt. and ~est, and the wInters -.It some nortbern Btates being, too severe to perml~ ot gr,owlng wloter , wheat. In '
Blrd'a Unllroken FIIIIlt.
III oue unbtokeli nocturnal flJlht
FROM ' GIR[HOOD, TO "WOM'ANHOOD lathers Should Wlatch the Deyelapment of Their OIUlhltrs1D1~r8StilB Elperiences o~ Mis~8I 8Dr~aa and liUs.
martied women are art:1ongst the worst sufferers from female dise a 5 e s. Thousands write: "I have not · known a,well day since I was m,arried.' .U naccustomed as tney
I!laropean bIrd uo'!"u u the DOrthera' blue tllroat hu been , proUd to ira.,.1 trom central, Africa to the ael' man oceanj a 41.tance of 1,690 mUn. makJOC the Joume)' In Dine houn.
, Deafnes. Cannot Do Cured
b, local appUciatlou, .. sIIe, 0_.' reaclt sill _
eue4 ~OD of
At.I'. Th,,.. f. oal, 0.' ••,
~"'r:r::::'l:':a~:J b": :'bl:.=:"~~:J:ID"f~:' IUIl.c oul/lat". or Lb. $ultacbl.D 'tob.. ctUI
are to the 'cares ;of 'married life, thes~ weak
ual)e I. nS,mllti 'Joo ba•• a ruIDbUD. lOund OJ' tm-
pert'ol bearl .. , ",,4 .builla lollrel, 01_4, D••t·
UOD, lI1&rLDa will bl ••• tNI~ 10""'1 alDI
Young women all ,need ,-
;~~ ~ t:i.~~dC:::~~ ~&~~:a'Q~~b.J:r:,,!ID~ WtII WlU
,t,. One Bunl1red DoUuw fOr
~:Y:r.~: ~~:::: ~::LlZl)bJ :::~I~~~.~fe~~nl4
F7'., .J . CUNEY .. CO., Tole"", 0,
1!O14 by DrcHII"'. Tako nall'l YlmUy 1'1111 to. eolllt1jt&1I0D. ~ <.'"
Plenty Morel RU!sell Sage was ipuch ~P])08ed tq drinklog. He would often rail ",I~h' homely and humorous wisdom against drln". 'IMen drink: he said one day to a brolter, "becauso they are happy, because they &re sad, because they arc t~o warm, because they &re too· cold. Ia tllere aoy 10llc In, th&t f ''Wh'e o I see men drlnldll& 1 thiDk of ' a little boy at the jle&sbore. "Thl8 . lltue boy, at play' wltb bIB bucket and s hovel tn tbe sand, s.uddeuIT ran to the edge at' an advancln& :wave, and. scoopIng up " h ..ndful of nit w&tet and 'foam, draak It Ireed01'. , .. 'Oh, don't drln'k that,' al14 hI. Durae. ']t will make you tWrsty.' .. 'What If It dODII!' I&1d he. 'There'. plenty more.'" " The Ideal Family LaxatIve. I' Is one ~at can be used by the entire famil y, young and 0111, weak and strong, without any danger bt harmful elrects. J~ should have ' propertleri which 10sure the Bame dosl!' always liavlng the same e1l'ect, otherwise i.he Quantity w1l1 ,havo to lie Jucreased and tlnally loso 'lts ·effect a1tolJ:etber. TheBe properties can be found " in that old family remedy, Brandreth's Pills, because Its ingredIents, /ll'e of the purest herbal extracts, and every pill \s kept tor three years befor& beIng sold, which allows, tb,em to meUow. 'we do not bllUeve thera Is a laxative on the market that IB ao carefully made, Brandreth's Filla are the same"tlne laxative tonic pillS your graudp,uents used. They have been In uae for over a centnry and are tor sale everywhere. tilthet plain or sugar·coated. ~ ,
Every mother poll!le811eS information: &Cbl! and iii I ~dve hew tbat YOII CIID glva whIch is of viLalllll.erellt to her young hell 1,,1 advice to "lrIA In my condition, r BID daujrhter "'~tlng you., "-)tyrtle MiUJi, OqUAWk"ll, III .~ . is _ . d • DCIll'Mn, Plokbnm:(Second Letter.) Too 01 ..,n this ncyer Imparts 9r 1S "It III with the fllCllng of utmost grBtltude wlt'hbeld untU scrlous h arm has r~\lIt-' !.bat I write to you to tell you wbBt yOur cd to I.he gro"i[ng g:llrl through b c r vwuablo'mcd1cioe bas done lor mo. Wb en I rgooranco ot nature's myste.rious and "'row you In l'Cgard t.o my condition 1 had wonder!ullaw8 and penllities. C9nsultoo I18ver.u dootors t but tbey flli10d te . . I ' d -~ ty IIIldorstaud my cue alia 1 did oot """"Ivo Girls ovel':se ns~t venc~ a~ muues lIny hnneflttrom th'llr treatment. H oUo","" often puzzle the n' motuQra Bnd bllftle y_our ..dvlce, and took Lydia E. PiukblW\'. phyalolans , all they 110 o1\4lJ1 wlthllold Vegetable CoIDJXlWld &n.1 run now heBlthy toelr confidence from . thei r . ,m oth rs Bnd W~U, and till lib .. distressing tl)'IDllWms Bod copccal tbe SYVll?tolIDS which ought ",·bleb I bad AUlJ,attlmohnvo<lllwAppelU'lld.':to be told to their pbyslcian at tbls Myrtle MilliI, Oquawka, DL . critICal period, Matilda. B 'o r,allw .rlta Mrs, Wben a. gli'l's'tbougblt.s becomelilug- PlIlkhall! as follows: glsb, with bCl!odo.ebe, dizziDess', or to qls- D~ M1'1I' ,Plo"Mm:- , , 08ltion to sleep painsl.n bl\Ck or lower Before taklug Lydia E , l'~okham . V~... . ' d· I.. f lit d . table Compound my ~S0d8 ..ere ~ hnbs, eYcs dim, es .. e 01'1 so u e , lar and oWnful and I alwaYI IIIId well whcn sbe Is a. mystery to her~1l aDd dreedfullll...daub.... . \ fr Iends, her mQtho~ should come to ber , I But linca,taldng th Compound my bead" ald, &.nd relllcmbertliat, Lydia E. Pink- aches have entlJvly left me, rnypcrlod.&1'8 ham's Vegetable Com,pound will at regula., and I am "ettlJlg strong anll ';'ell. . 1 this time prepat'e the system for the am teUlnf. all my girl friends what Lydia E. coming cbange, nnd start this trying· Pbtf.~alh 8 Veil tal:lI8 vODlpound ~ done tor perlpd In a yOUDg girl's Ufe without me. -MatUd& Borman, FArmIngton, loW&. paln'or JrreguJllrlLies. . U you Im,o w of any youDg ~rl who . Is slc1l: and needs motherly adVice, uk Bundredsof lette1'll fl'om Y,oung g1r18 her to ilddl'ClA Mrs, Pink bam at Lynn, and from mothers, ex:presslng tJl~ Mu.8s" IUld tell her every d~taU of her gratitudo for wbat Lydia E. Plnkbam s symptom,s,.,md to It;eep nothing back. ~egets.ble ComMuod baa &CCQmpllshed She will reeolve advlco absolutely free, tor them, hBva been r eeeived by the from a source tbll~ hu no riYo.l I~ the Lydia E, Piokham M,E~d1CinO Co., a.t experienceotwomoD'8\11s aodltwlll If Lynn, Mnss. ' followed, put ber on th'e right road ~ a Miss Mills bas ",rltts,a th~ two fol- strong, hea1i.hy aDd happy womanhood. lowing'8 to M.ns. f.inkham, which ~ydla. E. !>inkbnm.'$ Vegetal/le·,Com',will be rend with interest: " . pouDd bolas the rec\lrd 'for the greatest Pln1<ba~:~ J;,ettet.) number ,o t cures of· fem.iLle ilill ~f any "Iambubrutooh('1t'lrI~'ofl~, litnde.,rei!Sed, meill!lllle' ,that the world hIlS eyer ~8 4J.uiy lpalls; , bllliilabhe and back- kD~WI\. Why dOD 't yOQ try It ?
Uncanny Chlne.e Legend. There are tbe two celehrated ' to,,ers of the Imperial city, the Bell tow' e!' and the Drum to",er. As, to the. cuttnl of tb.. bell in tbe former there " this hiceud: Tbere had been two upluccesBful attempt~ aDd the Ufe of the founder ,W&S threatened In cue of a thIrd tallure. · His . daulbter dl.'co,!,' ered by ,occult meanil tha~ nothlnl but lbe blood 01 • .sr~n mlnlled with the molten meta} '-.vould Insure BUece... So at tbe ne.x t casUnl ~tfe sac· rlllced her ute ,by throwl",&. hersell 'Into tbe molten . metal, leayine one ab,o e behln4. Tbe r;:astl,ng was. perfect. But wben the bell waa Brat .t~l,Ic1t i'&1l, were borror:atricken 'all, after the heuy boom ot ' tlie bell, came' a ~,.r ~~I, ail of a ClrUn ai" ' I!ny, dlstllJ,otly saYIDg the ,word 'belsh,' .boe. And to fhIs' day ' people ;wheD ' lbi!), hear .it, aay, :"The~" poor Ko·al'. "olee cl1UnI 'out tor her ahoe.'''~ BballchJd Tlmn. Walto". Modolt RellulI~ Melba admIre. the Independence of ker ' lell01l' Au*tra{lans. but on one' 0ccasion ,he had ratber a lITOIIOUneed experIence "'YUh wbat she callll t,be~ ' ~'4eUI\lUul Impudence." She had 1I'a1te4 's 10Dg Ume " or dinner at he~ , hptel '
" I~e
made complaInt the",.ban,. ~alter. In a a .harp 'mlnlDJ towntoand "Well, ma'am," iULld he, cooll)'" ,;';ou mflht 'Inl us a aong to pau the I Ume,'" Thl. to a ,v ocall,t wbo one el'eDlDl, recelved '5,0'00 , from William WaldQrt' Aator :for slnllD'l roUl' IUD" Ia ,Jl11 Loudon mausloJil. , ... ~",
HARD TO ,8EE, . ~
E-ven Whlln tho F.ata About , , ' " Are , Plein: '" J
. <It, II' curious b.';;-;.'c.PI~' ;,Jll refuse to ',ll'll/ev,e wbat ' one can ci'earl), ' *ee.
n-: lrn.
lydia E. r'Dkba,m's' Vegct~blcCompoan'd M~k.esSJck, Women W~.I"
. ', CAPISICU'M V.A5'E-L'l N: , E" Op 'niE CAYENNE ,rEPrlHt . EXTRAet:
A substltuto for and iuperlor.lo plaster, and will no.l . blister tho moat dellpatil skin. .and' cuullv/) qualities 01 I , the article are wonderful. It w.1I1 ' ,~. ,at once, and rolleve Headache and Sciatica. 'We recommend It as bealaod' eafest externll counter-Irritant knol"b, ,a l.o .. an eltternal remedy 'for pains Ih the cbest anii stomllch and aU' Rheumallc, lieur..llclc.and Couly oomplllnb, A trial will p,r,ove what -i(e c;lalm foe ,II, and It wllJ"b:e foun'c! t\l ,be Invlluable ,J.D't~o bousehold and fOf chlldreh. Oncil ua,4 no family will bb wlthouill. Mloy , peopl ~ aa.y "lUi \/10 beat 01111 Y,IIlIr proI,lSr.llonl' '' ' Accepl ,no preparation , 'of '1.~lJno unleps th,e IRme carries our.!lbol, .. otherwise It II no'\ renilllJe. : SEN.D YOUR tDDRBSS AND "WI! WILL MAU- , OUR VASE·
,.'I,N.ErA~~~~;~~d~~~N~;d.l~~: ,
". ,~lr STATE, 8TRe.ltT. NEW Y~It, crJ.'Y
to givo them strength to d~ their work. , Says Mr.a. J. Bel)nett. of El Paeo. Tex.: "1 lulfered from pain fill periocS., b-ackache, d~ Des,1 and Dervoul prQJtration. Cardul gave mo imme4late ' re- . lie!." .Try it.:
At all DrulJllllta waITE I ... I'I'cc ACvlec. ItI~ Ina lie and d'~ibin. JOu.r ' i ' p.. tom., to Lad ell Ad"taon pt,.
Obatlanoon edio.\no 00.. 01 attlnopn. Tenn. 0 Z
•~~ :E nS "t G te At) . a.z s . S.
PU - '--B ' ~L-~±.-·C -· -- -SAL'ES , ..
•. - !!241!2 Deering corn hllrveeter, Deering Mrs. COra Harrts will '. mower. Milwtl.ukee eteel hll:r rake. ~love 'to California. Superior dlso harrow, wheat drlll ~u .... ~h.·.! .... ~.£,: u W yu •• ,.lIle . Obi ... . (fflrtillzer). two 'riding Bamilton Mrl. ' Uora Htlrrls' publio solo .of ,. ~ .' " 'KUW~~' , l dltor~lIndMu:ljler ..." plow8, two Oliver stool and, one perlonal prope~ty, whloh took p\l\oe ' 1.IIKIl't'\l . WUW" I, .., " A88lJ UIAT a EO l TUIt. " . Oliver {'hill breaking . one last WednesdAy, WIIS one of the .. .ft.Il" t', J . IJII ~ , , !!hare, one single shovel, one mOllt ~rgely ' II;ttendec1 publio tl.uc.: ". , , Bomilton walli:lIig corn plow, 't.wo tiona tbat hilS Qeeu In this nelgbbot' . If UU'ee go ' cl physicians Wive in thl!l oolumn 'a 'i l!lt . of dishetl. Ii gal,lon 001\\ oil can, lot of 60~tooth 8moothing hurrows. one A· hood for a long tlm~, there bolu~ a shoul(l . pr 11oUllce. your · .~lE IN ALLEN BUILl>JNG. . , g . • loh will )I'I-mpll, 1I~.a mllny otl), el1 tblogs. , blurow. une field, single throng of eager..buyers present from Cmus early, as stlle ,l> Rot 0t (loublll tlOOS,; two road wag. atart'to finish . whioh mllde the bid. case ~opole s. · If' t hey . '1' ~ .... aptlo)'lE eJlLL • • riO. 6i- nD·f orttlDt publio anle!! v;b , talie plllce ,during the ' ~ext f(HV .J ACOB ICORN I\lLL, ODS, hay ladder, 10ft,. gravetbed, ding Uvelr a.n.d tbe prices brought should d 'cillo t,hat y ll . weElks. BlllB for all of t hese . 8111e!!. O. T . BI~wke four ets of work hllr~eB8, set of satlsfaotory in IIolmOllt every In. could llot !,ive longer than tllugle driving harne 8, tlve sets o,t. stanoe. huve been printed at t·be Gazette e . H. SurfllO SIX: weeks. nd ' if you ~lte Commended. ~ , J. O. <';I(rt~r~~ht I Oler~{i . fly '~ets! .two eetS of ~Ood do~ble Besides the ~eople ~lio ttelid~dl should '.get well, atter 'ustwo sets good lead reins. good the 1I&1e for builine!!s purposes, there ing · only $12.00 W9.1·th, of .J.r you , expeot to b t\,ve .(1, 81\Ie it . W tn ., E . 0 Neull ( . , . 'For its 'Oood' Worl< ollloe. . . , i- wi ll olfer-;t pllbllo '\tile on t he sl ngie tlne, .hay io mow, 260 ~usbals were many frlellds present who Dr. :Mil > ~ H Rl'.t IU~'e and ~I\I ;'6y ypu to COtile to t be G~z~tte pluoe k' ~Qwn as I,b e ':SIIUluel Jone~ go d ~tn\ ' one buggy, (lne surry. catha to.'see Mrs. Bar~ls in her own 'what you the News p 'r omptly tltHee to . hove rqur bl.lI~ P.l'lD,tlj(1 fKrtn r inlle eo uth .o f Fu[ry. on .th~ jorks;' sbovels, boes, bay. tork and home o'noe mor e before sbe lea.ves, aCl''lse a fl'iClld in like conWe print '110 number 'Of dUferent, Wilynesville pike, .' z:o}ie. tobacco sp~y?r (O~lUJlpion), within a fe\y .days, for ·tlle ~acUi!l Accurately. sizes of attraotlve bills IlDd OIlD 88.t · TBURSuA Y. l!'EHIi~U ARY , 21. . orossout saw, .cook atove; oream lJoaet:, 'Long Beaoh being her firat dition toQ" do'. .The Gasette has ' never Qelieved "I h,,,,a 10 thnnk you tor ~vlnlf "' , lC~'" IItl) two YI'I\r~ "go. W e. ha.. .. In' ,....4i~1 Its vlr'ue& befo~e th~ Isfy YOu botb lUI to 'lnallty , a.NI be~lnning at tep 0 '010010:" t.he fol 8ep~rator. churn, mllk <16ps! ~nd objective ,point,. a.lthougb: .s he ~11~ 1'\1)' !:onUnu~ . wllh ' lh Ito t nr \"~lll the ' . .. 0 lowing property" .' . tltone. etc. JOB MoUnAY. spend o.n tndefiJ1lte time reI '1.hlnl ' doclor, Ilk.. thO two preylou. pnblio, rather we b*,'ve bee~ oontent prices. We Ildverttse free in the a' '.. Three hel(d of h orsesl one of tbepl A.·A. Mo~el1, Auotloneer. ntives frlende in dUf~rent olties on~. ·.ala thlLl. nothl nll .cou ld be done $o,les the p,&per spaak tor itself and zette all sliles for vylnoh we print a brown general Pu~:poBe (amily .,T, E. 'Himes, qerk. tor tier ' thn t ~ h hud beller bo' taken along the ooast. . . hom\> fiom l h~ l"" ~Jl ltBI ·to quietly 'l'alt UI readers be .he judg& of Its merits , h er time whi ch .w<) uld hot be ·over , • blUs.. . , millie, ~ generfil pnrpo!!e ,ray hor@ 8, . . Mrs. Barris wl1l' be accompanied 'WeekS 'at tI;o 1I\~~t. t brDulfht hllr '. , However, as Jpllny of the .~der8 home' 111\\1 U1fll 1 t\lGucht probabl,. Junl;l Bug }lIuitllg ·horM, e .: 4' " helld of . ' '. • . in her journey by Mr. and !hs. PI: !.IJI"" J" ~!l ,'t CUrti ,ond. Nonin. of Ule paper hAve .been Itlnd eoough m1cht help b r • • 0 J got., aLlbqttlPte,If! '1 will sllll at Publio ·8&le, ,. 08.ttle. 3 gond mllob cows Rnd one Meeting of Mad RiverJobn Upp aod Intereetlng Jtt'le each ' o nd 80m No....' lI;nu vIr ... • ·to oommend the progrlllllive spirit comme n (od to !ltV t1)em to her. , I' . • daughter. Mr . Frank Fisber, mother ..,.d ,We Boon ~ccn Q n unprovemen.t. an. ,,' shown by 'he Gazette I~ reporting l'eiIldenoe 3% miles west ,of W·aynIS8. yearliug h.elfer; 4 brood '80W due ' . \ly lhle .Wo conttnll .... ~v., I ville; and .2 mileaeaet.of Ridge,vill , toftlrrow~bou.tthe~iddlt) of Mur~h M~aml Valley Fair CirCUit and elster, and poselllly oibers wbo encpunlgCd Ing tilt. , meal<'lno. " '0 pya h er e1 I!BY~1l • • Iallt. Wednesday'l iqoe, we feeJ oonbOttl es In nil of tho medlolne. ... will Jooa~ in. thllt part of the west. .,rained to say .jnat a word abOu' oil tbe lower Springboro rood ,near 2/;~ea.d o'f @hotitt!, ,w li~ht ..t.out one . takeR It ocr.aolonolly now It 8he teelll. the need. 1 om In th e. mlnl, try, ,All . • _ • ·t)te new'l»per'a aide of tbe work as Venable Cro'slllg 01;1 the D. L. & c, 4undred POllDds i . 11 2 bortle WllgOD. The annua l meet~ng of the Mild bt1n ~n, tor ~( . yep. ..... , R' R'on . ' . , /I, · r ubber tlre .. buggy Rood IlS new j River IUld Miami Vall~ FtUI Cir~ Annual Banquet st ,; REV. P .. MllJLIOAN. aliOWin, Ule 4i1lloult,ee under whlob . G,endo. Bprlrtp. x..n.. WEDl'lESDA Y. 'EJ3RU AR~ 20,,'07 ~ Frtlzer1'oa~ Cl\rt./ Ii I!I:JOO slelg~, a oll;lt,' of 01110. ' met in ' t he Phillips Lytle Tomorrow Evening Ule neWl w...eooree! tor the publlo. D~. Mil ••' Heart o,u"" I. .old ..,. _ _-.1.:___ The fire ' oOoorred onlY'.& ~ort beginning at 9 a. m ; ah8l'p•.aU my Milwaukee whetlt d.rlll tllUloet new; Houae, Dayton. Oblo, on Monday, )/Our drug;l.t. who· wUI ·ou •••ntM that pers.ona~ pro~rty ,oonlls«ng of!lo MoCormlok,oorn ~Ioder, "' Deering Febl'ullry 4, ~07" and organized The annaal banquet of Lytle th. tiNt bottle will b."eflt. If It , .... tune befO~ Ule Gazette was dne to 8~k, Iraln. implements·and house- mo\yer, Superior: ~hel\t drill, two tbe !3n aulDg ..year by' electing C. B . Qiatle;Knlgbts of the Golden Eagle, he ,will ",'und YOur mo".". II? preu, every bo4I;y connected hold goods.,:" , corn. p1llntElrS; one 1\ , stille u~d one a Gaiulon, of, p~esldlint; 'YJ. whl~h takee place at Lytle tomor. Miles Medical Co:. , .'Elkhart. ~d : ~th, the d8!ltroy~ property, w~ of . " 10 head of. horses shovel; three . good brell king . u~ I, TeDD,.. of Troy, vice president j row evening. gives promise of being I' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!''!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!! ooal'll8 vel'1 mnoh excited ana .it 1 good bf9Qd miLre~ 1 draft horse 11 plows, ~ ~onguale s .Ilouble oorn W.. J . Fergus.on', treasur.e r; and tbe an ocoalion of m~re than ordinary :. , w... . lma.t Impoaelble to obt,!,ID . , old ' a ood ,one' 1 blliolt mara ploW. BitUlIJt?D ma ke, tl Kran8,rili- exeCutive oommlttee was eJected as Interest and pleasure. , trom them !'1:'1'l1iDI. regardlnl their :id 'Uled ·fer fam .I,DB coru plow. a shovel:p)ow, a& followa: L. Kilgore, ot Lon. Grand ,Ohief, EakenB,llelld t_es. the OI'IaiD' of tile tiN. e~. . , • • 'old a. dlso harrow /I, OO.tooth harrow, don . , . 11..... I i11~ Y mare for' 3 year8.; '"D _ye~ ' . d " Dan'lel L" Ulricb • of. Ingemar; of the order io OhIO. with . hil wife ill ' Ye' ~eQ.zette eeoared a ....ema II, I b th b ad ha.y rake, pllir of bAY laddere. goo ana R R Grieves .of Xenia will be present and Mr, EU.II w / . taota~, thto tiM, and wbiJe Ule fire- ;~es !Jenl~ra P~~k Pte " r k i as new . graveHed. b8~y forJr:~ r,ope '.l?he· p~e8ident 'tb'ln ap~lnted a an addreas. There w,U ' , ' DleD we;e 8till poUnDS wa&e.r ou the i b' rear 0 'i8~~ g: ~o e , olt~:n; and l;u))eyS, oorruige t.angae. tour oommittee of ' five IU'l'Ilngedatee probably be other addressee iloilo. . . · bu'i'IltD,rolna had Uie 'l »pers on the . a\y 0.m1 n · r-Yltea. and for meetings of members dnrln8 the The meetlng will be open ,' to memo · gr. 2 'd-'" sets work ba!neS8, D M'- h i . . . . . ()f era purpose • yea . •.. , h k 1i' .t f . ' . III d nreet: •••~S t e oomp eOQ ~e1fe colta, wlll beyea.rllnge i~ the spring. dIes, .2 pnir8 of 0 flO n6ll. a se o . year. which arranged and , rePO~<1 bel'8 of ~e or~r, their . flUD 81 an .. ,e . . , ,'. two s.,ts work to tpe meetjpg' the a(ternoon see. epeclally invited Kuee". WO.iM' ...... r, J 'l'Iue:w.. eq1J&1 to the w(>rk of the. 15 cattle r. two seta driVing nets. It. blacksmith 8 elon and wliiobwae adopted by Iaod pl'OInIIIlvemekopoUtAn news I) thoroughbred Aberdeen . Angus; portable forge lind aD:vIl. a Cha~. unanlmoUe vote. viz : ADd req1ll,recl a tremeod0118 1 ccw Valentine Z, N'o 6821H ,4 ye~rs pion tobacoo spraYllr, new, a din~er Xenia. Greene oonnty. Auguat 6, In Appreciation amcnm' of ti.e and bud wort. old I ~ary. B. 442~5, 6 ,ears .ol~; 1 bell, dooble .t~ee8, 8In.!Jle ~~,log 7\ s.ati\1ll; R. B,' Grieve,: secretary. . Aa Ute. ecJlto~, or the ral' ta,ll1ed boll Forest AlII Ben 68464. 2, yellrtL allain, pross ont '"81l"l'. buok saw:, ' U b ' Oba ' I ooanty Aug. The .recent produotio '. of JIll~Lal)"UII,'1 ,~ EIoket' ' would put it, "If ~ld" i yearling bnn ' 'Ilred . by sat, forks snd IIhov'e)s ; boa~ho1d goods , t ~s a;:, 15 ~,,:rlr. J W <-'rowl netted the Son a .of Vtl.taralls. uJb.Ou\da'"'' WaYJIee- tl~ No 32606 . wim ' v, Z oonslsttng in part of: a 12.!oohx. ~ .~. , , .. • , ,vholle anspi~es It was given., liboqt la'to be OODII'&'ula&ed on h;av, 68251 ; i "Ven •inonthl old. 'heifer tQnti,on talll~. '" oup~ard. a QreaJD s ~ r;y. 'Bam It<ln . unt Au sao. , tq II!) prop_Te anll ' up to elate a aited by :o&rt of ' Woodlawn . :No 8epol'ato~,' gasolhle e~o',e, a 5·gallon ~.~~t~ge!'l!) " Id 10 :o~ LYBa' ~ 'l'be members of .lieorder .hue , ' . . .,..,.pel" .u the UtlUQi Gazette. A9782 claui itary Ii 4-4295 all good gasoline can. oburn. ·op'l\il's. 100y(18. U8 · , ", . an ..' . ' . m . requested tl!e Gazette · to mak~ • ,,' v" d . • th son, s9Uretary. . bU " . of tbeir appreoi /. 1,1,1 a to many. o orSPrin8,filiI)d.CJllTkcoun,ty,AugU8' ,p,u oexprelll!lon .',. . -iT D • • boTetbe&.,......,of ,~pel'81D·(lOm, ~eifer:1-2_yeall.oid aWler ,; 2 . yea.t. artioles. . ' . .' 20 21 ~2 and' 23; S:' :V&nBlrd, ' ationofth~workofthl)l6who .L ,ttA 0 m1lDlU.. of WaIi.z8. , UDge. 2 fall calves. .. , If \Yeatber 18 storl!DY ~D eell part in 'he play. . . . r . , . . ' , . . ' everytbing ander 8hll'lt:er. re ~r~ . . __ J ,i _ • .u hop Lanoh ·stand securelii by Charlie Bellefontlllne, .LpJot!l.n '!lOunty i Va,IUe.;of Works. 14 bro¢ eow.. 1" WTlght.' . ' i ugust 21, :22 23 i E.P. U 2 . >~eater .W)llte,l3 ,'~ad~&, , t~01'6 . ; A'. A. 'MoNeall, Auo.t'lone,er. Cbamber, l a~. secretll~Y'. ' " _', . '- . . Oh LUt fire ' put W.YDH- ough}>red . 6l!ter Whif,e boars •. 2 . A. A. Bo~land. Clerll. I . , Coney Island Co, ~ 'B llmllton (lOan· ' ~'. lIPleadid .,.tem , of wa1er fall ·plp. . ,' .... .ty, Augpst 22, 28 and ~4'j ,II. 'W \ : ' . to a Mver. _t and proved Sheep-60, g~ 'ewes an b~. ." . , . : .. l ' . ' M,oIntlre, Superh'ltendept. Clnoin.. " .11ft... •. . . .' G--''' I i. will sell' e ~.' ~y natl, ; . " , . ' . < ....e Of &lie the •.,..•. , , ' ' . . . atI. pnb1l1~ Olii 81L In ' ~. , The Oli;r eDglD~, J~e Button,' Ab~ut 400 "tI8h~l of ',o~ oom; 400 re8 denoel~ Lyt e,. 0, 0 LOndon" M!idlson COllDty, Augut _ _tee 80,000 lIuabeloat.. ·G i. oat 27•. 29anil 30 ; A. T, ,. Evans, O' , , . ' p11~ ,Of water were , U;miwp '0Jl' straw iD ,barn', andlvi!le4 ,balf of I\~' 10 9~oWok" a. m ..' .' tlb e .fol)ow:ing ratary . Us. blulDi . b~tJcl1op'. ,by tbe BTe 40 aortI8.of wheat; 1hore!! rye. pro~ty, ~o"it,: . . . ' .. Colnin~us State Fa ir, Bep~mbet .! ' I . '~ Of hoie uaed lJ) extiD~1 Imple)llent. · 9 b6&!i ho,rIl6ll, of· wlilioh on~ 18. a 2,3 '.'5 and 6; T . I.. Calvert, ;' , . '. the lam.. , ','. Two farm y.gODS ; :teprlog wago~;, bay wp rk ~o~s.e \~ yea.I'B old, a good retary.. " ' . "," . '.. . " , . . Without t¥ w~~r works there" 1 .camage, 1 .bugg;y 1,11' ~~~der in .Hne' borej 'Qne blll9~ . 1brood ~a~'; Q&:r~on, i' 14ontp;omer~ ooqnty , 1J~ q1lelOOD 1J~t Ua.:e~tire block IOod repair; 1 Ol)rn hu:veeterj i yearl 1~1", in f~l by CI H. P~oel;. September 2, 3, 4, I) and 6; W. J . ." . Oroi!8' ~m~1' to the .F~ & 'wo bor,ae wl:!.~~ drJU; l-one .horse Clrl"er'; O~I', l!ay mar~.. 7 year", old~. FergusoD, ~eore~ry.; , .. ,. ~ l.. woUld 'have, hay rite i :weight, L20Q Ib;; one.: ·. bl/lok· 10 " Bomeseeken' EKeuni,na . ~ ~e4. , . ; , ' ' l.bay &edder, bew j' 1 mowing ma- ,ea~ 9td; one bay hO'\lie oolt 'oom.· 9, .10, '11, 12 and 13 ; L. 0. &,noI118, J'or • ,ui1mtolpaUty , the alze '!If Obtue :'1 olover buncher ; 1 bay fork lng two yean old by c., B. ParctoU; seoretary . " , West Northwest w.~ to bulld ad mainWo 'I'ope and pulleya; 1 wind mill; new; one bay h9Be OOJDiDg S' yearS otd by:: Ma.rysv:lJh, Union County, Sep. nob. ~ eJeq&rio lIght and water 1 corn plan~ ; 14L1o lJarrow; 1 rol. C~ B. Puroel1,.,fro.n p~lmips' ~Ilrei tember 10. ,} 1. 1~ a~d ~3; W. F. , 'South Soutbwest we bave, n8Oe8M· ler.! fir", tooth liarlOWS j '1 ('6J6' of. W,.yne.svllle. Ohio; :bay colt oom. BrOOriok. seoretary.: ' '. ~or detai.18, OODSUl* ...... lIOIDethbl, of a burden day ",ding pluw.; 2 ' good ,breaking, log S leafS old" sired Honest Erllngex:. KeD. Pennaylvanla Liilea.'l'loltet Ailen'lll Ia 01 pro. plows; ,2 one 0' whioh Jc;>!in. ,A:. flne lot , pt 'fElrming 'tuoky,. 12, 1S o.nd B , 'lq. ,Wayne8vllle. ~way tf.CF. fire ~1~e·~9rded ~ ,Is a D~W Kr~ ,and , L~r~.,n. .Ag\l; .,1 oo~8~Btlng In .part?' ~llle .fO!IOwlng.~' ~'r'\V.• ~~a~8i 'SeOre~1'Y";" , "/" ' . " . '): : " ~ ..tat '!9l'k. Obm~DI&~,. for Pair dou.b1e bars~r~'plo1f i,1.~~bgle one Ji! BI~!1lr i,n t1!IEI:throo ;vean•. tc? a.ppz:o~1)1. of ~rllnger Fair . ) 1I,~=~::::d .' the IPODpY ~p8D~ even if "',e do. 1Mi..'mare;'1 d01ib\e,8~~yol' ~1 t~~C . iil good con~itlon; DII41rlng mower, Ttoy, MiamI .9~DDty, ~t.ember L-!. . . . -:--_....J:.~-"'--'-_~-..!._--:,..JII .PlrlOl~61J1l:t' . the oon.enienOB ,ali 00 plow; I!o aefter; 10 ,h oe,; 17, 18, 19 W: I. ~eiI~Ol'Uft()~ed bl1~ht,aDd. 1 set of16ft. ladd~. j 6set.. ~f .~or~ ·oorn·plantBr.IKraUli OOE'D ploWI Iron seol',etary'. \. . '. ".' I: . ~ Ii Die hom~1 and busln8811 harneaa r .l donble set o~ ) UCbi har- '~~e 'oOrn'p,1ow, ImpeE'ial brQllolting : ,RloliwoO"f 9bio (Trl Co?nty, Cor~ Wante~.w ~~.,. '. '.' '! De8Il; 2 eetl single. htu'n6811 ; collar; piowj Oliver ' ~teel. b~akl~g plow. ·September .1?" a.a,,'19 Iln,d .20 ,: AI . C, , . . . . ~ .' >, N~ ~I! :' ,~owa when . tire ~y bridJ,e8 ; Ilnee, 1llt0h8~ape don~le .11..- 60:t.ooth ~6od ~J8~De' bll.!'row .. EJgert, seoretll.~Y, l~: ' . . ' i1D~I~!~:::,lir:~~ pa~Il..1 ~_k htI ,o,wn p~pen.Y, 8OJ'1!!t UI 'mea;8iDglet~,i. 1og,obaiIlJJ ~~S ; sprt~g too~ ' hllo~row, _~ili,so harrow/ wa~~on~ts: Auglalz,~. o,~~u?" . WAY1Ui8VJLl:'&J.o'x.1lIIII'~: liIi knp",l8dge fprlle; eliov81a; 1, OEoea out :r,borse 6prlpg wagon"Jl!rown 24,2,5. 26 .27; A. E. ' to,ht eaw ... 1, ... roller. bay Schaffer, . LUITENS ' j. • .one , "', J . :• • " ) ' • .' , ' . 1'I'rge '. ron Jt!'~l~,;large 101i .o~ I.o.ld ,lo~g sIlbV~~bf~~~g oart, ba1lad. be~ 134, .25, 2tt.'lI.n.d ,27; ~eo,ge ' W. PBY8~.u.,. A~~ ,~~IIO~ . .iroJ,l • 1 go~ rarm ~1l. , . clerB, ' Plte81. "Io~ ' of doabl!, Carey, secr~tary •. " . . " ~ .. . . ,'!' ~.u ., ~~,. • ... ",1 " -FoUr itirk hena, one, tree&'a~d !lln,letreea; t''i'O .BB~ 'York .Baml1~on •.:Butler o~u~ty, 9otobe~ ~ .', \ " . , . \. i "t. ...t . ' .' , · f · (J b • rut . ., •. L. M. Tbreaten Life. " '. ' " '}" s g ciozen' % bUa'heCiiell9b"ollSkets; .· :Auglo.ise< and' Warren 'cOulitt.1iB gO'pd liD : : : Wool 0; ;were, .ad.mitt4:d . to ,1n meD $ \rr.' .. "':;'tt,uae', the' ~y carpe . ' t ," rnp,,,~" 0r• .,... u.. 'good. U ; weatiaer le ,·.tormr.· meetlJ;lg. l""::" ·, .lUI '-.~" "'! , ' . ' sale , th' PI 'riit o thl!, · &Ii f :G........:'tohar ; fdenlb ad b81I~' ' I) stOne ooualstIYlIf, beld ~~er:sb,~I~r.. .' " 'L • e ... ro . , 0mp08 . 0 ',el~rnli;!~~. o.,1J.ti,[mt. ,.-. rl'l!'hI; '1' 0 . b·der ' l y, m . i ~'tltenlcl So malleable All neW, . ,,.ran",e ' '';';' . f"Q1' w , . or. . :1, . • ,!"t' :fl14ir~~'\~!'i, ~ • bO~ ateel M. 1';-'' (;11"' (,'lLBi'RT ., e' STAOY. the I'The"'m~t!D ", bad ihe"1argclt ai. ~ ~fott of her !-,1~ved ~ge•. ooal, 2 OU ' b~ters, 001101 or w0<K!' ' ~'~' ' ~i1~';!! ~uetloneers '.'g "blatorf J'eblaui!iea:»le ....."."",jf,.' AWi&: ~:~Il~ dUrlDR Ul~ dafe theae three ate a&1oOd ~,ne,'Y; o~e . ' . " , , , ~ ',. . . ,~rlnllr, "IS Uad' qlabse ~ ·.her ,. fatil! il1.a~; ' ~~'8tove onebox·s.ove;~:.ilewing Walt:er ,~~~~o~i ole~t. ~. 1:~~::J~~11 ' '.,i,'hl ~,~e :wJieb 'berm'aohtDea drop 'beRd; fo~dlDg . . I .,..',;,, '_";'> 0;.:. ' -=--"--. ~C btOk~iJ .heatt,h'·"madt! it .Im; loun,ii,. ~kOUe aDd.. Wl!i~r d8lk' neiUecl., ~.l",~or bet ~~ ~d .v9~ to oqmbtDed, dioiD, roo~ onp'boiud, ,I!' '~~ h,-r' '''!lheD,~ , the, end, as oOrne~ oup~rd, \ ~tenelo~jit;ab~e" '1W1.'~ie:rwtah .aDd tateo~. 6'rooken; reclinlng ,repkGr, 2 do~n
What .,· Would·
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Beeml&~ tobaooo
~tQn~ P,r~ble c~an~y, ~ptember
~enton co,n~y,.
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~~ee, '!ew·ca~~too18; ~r~ · go~, new,~vel b6~,
waJ~ BepteJD~er a~~ 8aore~~y . ~;.
l:\Qprb~; .1~to~ vin~glU' ~f!e.~s r~,k~t ~~D~ :'break\~~"'plow POul~ry,'d'
!9baOqo .
l@rnes8,eetsl,~g18'ha'rn,e,~;, 0IdiroIi ~,. ~ 3.~nd:4 i:
~~'l;I ' , 'O~bl~r;i:ld6~i:dt'oom~1Ilte ":';;:_ 'BelllD' ~Y ~w~"~·· ex. o~ ~et 75'yia~dii a180~ a,fe~ h9ia~~ofd good~: .
at' • time .
JJn~ua,. Ita~d~, ~
~; eQreaiDg
~~" ~
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.-~. ~ne'.
kiii . pl\OD,~d .:w~ are ~ . . . . .s1D_ aDd Dew.. 6 pllo~;'Iot of·; .....qDe . JaN. mOt .' •
Co '
t;.~r.~h,;, ~eOi'~t,ary~e~l~~I~~ ' ''DoD'~ttlctlewith, mem~;i'&htP advIOB ·fo~ ~lkJ.iD111~~;;I:d~;"Il!P~~~· .-~'''''-' -~~r~'rrar:~~~
tlle;(Jlroui~ .a~
besG· f"ire~in· Ohlo.,· I'~
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~ ' Ooo"
~bano~, 'War~en c~u~ty, I:!,
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O!.~ ~ ~~ ft~1lI' ~1Ot~otC!b~eclfra",. wm ~ft ~~ .".,'.. ..' ~ 101 or oooJltlqr-ut8Dtl1l. lot <»1 III• • •·
... I'" ' . '. " Jl.o..,-p &6,!>n . " ,,- 'TUESDAY/ MARC ", 5, '01907. beglooing' at 10 It, ,foUo'; , .. 1\ ~ead 'of'h . ing .. '4te.'H°1N , 81, of: . ," . , &*,::se, a
O'~lOO, the~
=. ~eial .
(''1~rk coon"'; <'and .0. ;lI. .Qllnaon, \V1~~t1he! '. 'oJ' l- , . ' Iii 11 ht wlio.\r at 'the o~pn~Z!a~oq ';'. ~l~. f :..~:n" .':rilt ~o~~~~~n!:~~ ed,!reatdl~':" " d' ·b·. th '" 1-:; " !l1:ve C!ha'mbttlain, 1. 0 ..,..lac •..,..... no .. on .t, II 8 a~g. lUI late,and l11li'8. '&'~IIIKI_1 eat IUld'I!eeUl\irol~t QrPilllfttl~ larlty "aDd •im~ t"
" f:~rl'&l0J;I: .~:abl8d m8et~q ~ti~1ie ;:ell~m.:=:1:6:::-
in' Oino .. ". ,: .' .',' ". ' .' W . becm' aeSt aimual at Xenia, OhiO, M;qnda;Y,lI'e". mooia ~_ ,IU. 8, ~eos.;:-~r~ 'lTrUnme, J. B. ~e;r, ,.
' ~e
CouJ1ty CourJ NeW•.
tiDal ; eltale . of E. :Dfllt.... Tutt. dl'ceaied, eecoad lad flnal "
lOOOU t.
Anot her ~eason tor
G,eorle ~'. 1:euiok , .d~illl'I,ntG! ' WnUam 'G. ThomPlOD, adminl l. ',rator- :of 'he eata&e of 8arah A. ed, .,. JuhD II: prak!" aad B8IIHlr Drake; tor tllODeY :8nd fQr II1II1. of mort"Ia ,e. PlltltioD aUIIIl- that
EveJ'.fbody who attelide d &he ea·
AND OHIi-DR EN. , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,
; . ,$'
Wome~ II Welt as MeD Are lade 1Ifsera.le bJ Midney , Bladder Trolbl8. .
'and '
$. ~::n ~ki%.s:~r:~ $,' beco~~ $
• ~idl1ey 't~o\lb,e preYI~ uP;9~ the mind. dlacoltragesand lessel1sllmbibon j beauty, vigc)r and cheerful .
out of order or diaCIUH!d.
Kidney trouble baa
,~ ~
$ . CONSERVATISM $ and RESPONSIBILITY. . Where the saVings depositor is acc.ol'ded the $ sante consid ~.
prevalen 'lJN1'e~ tbal. 11 ,18sono~ uneom·t ., , '. ' mon for a child to be . cqmrr PBooa& DDl08. . ... • . born affiieted 'with eratio n as the capitalIst wIth the .. W A. B~n81 n 0 .- J. , E4~arcIa weak kidneys ...If the child urinates tooo'fteo. Utbe urine scalds. I' clemarnl' SO pe'UtQllI.~ ~Iarge a~coun tbe t. flesh, or if. when t1u,chjld rea.c hesan . ., age wlien it should be albic to control the ~turllI8I uoepU ou. ' " passage, it i5 yet affiicted with bed·wet· '111. wtll ! ,( ADI..ll. Bird Wall 84. " " I' liog depend upon it. thecaui e ofthedif fi· ill MI- eUlty is lcidncy tro.ubll~ and the first miu«l ,., l'r"bnte by order 01, th~ . W. E. MOORE. Receiver. , step should be toward. tlie treabJIet(t of O,,..~t'i pa.,.,r" were , ordered to ~ R •. F. Moaher these importa ntorgan e, This unpleasa nt deIiY""'" ,til 'he Prubllte Couri trouble is. due to a dise&!ied coo4itioll 01 TIME OAltD . C. A. Hinsch W. A.' Merritt the kidneys ~bd bladdclr an.d not to a .: ~kr ~ruber ,.1 )'rlle! t!JSid~r EFFEcT 1VEAPI UL 1&; 19U6. S F EJbo' habit as most people suppose. . ' Na~han Jones ' ThW'CIl'ihMI wu IppealtlCl frum ~bl! • • n NOR'l'BHOUND. ' Women well 09and roeh are made miserable Levi S, Lukens with lIS kidney . bladder ' ~ouble. 'S~atlolt. ,No. l' No. jJ. No. ft· deob.luu uf 1Iarata A . .J.iwIIIoD, ",•. Charle t Comeli ~ , me and bqth need the !lU . g;eat remedy. A . M . , 11.. P M. or &hit PMoe. wbo oyerrultMI J. N. Lemmo n W. T. Frame. The mild aud the lIumedlilte effect of ~ Lebanon JerAr 8 18 11 2b 6 211 . ,swam., .Root is soon realized. It is sold ~ Sba""r qr. . 1\ 10 11 28, 6 l8 by dnlggist , s , in ~ty. ..... . . Jtool,n ....... ....... I ~ 11•• \l 16 Ib 13 ....... ... cent Bnd one-dollar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . size bottles. Rempete ad You may 8 08 11 .1S · 1\ 09 . . ' . " have a samJ>le bottle OeDtenl lle .< 8 00 11 06 , 1\ 00 by nloil free. also a 0 ' _ " " ' 1 1' 1 _ _ lIal10r t 1 I\;:! "10 68 ;', 5~ pamphle t tc;lling all abo~lt Swamp-R90~, Ljt1e 7 41 10 63 .·n \Deluding many, of the tb 'USI41ds of tesb. £d~e"oocI ;r uno' (9 . , . .... monial letters received from 6ufferer!! V.enable *7 '0 ;IU '5 cured. In writing Dr. ·I.<ilmer & Co., ~. 40 KU.obDer 17 88 ilo 4a 'U 88 Bingham ton, N. Y.) be SUire ami mention this ~. . · P'lpe.r. .. Don' t ma"'e, any mistake , 1 30 110 H 4 B.6 . but rememb er the name ...SwamP71toot, Letau4 +1 !II , no as ,.4 2G Dr. Kilmer' s Swamp-Root, and the ad· Lebanon -Lv. 7 !O . 10 .25 4 !O .' dOD • • . OHAD D&XT 08&D Bingham ton, N. Y., 01;' eve.ry ~ ·Jlreldilae. I~, rarmer, ~er. Dayton . t 40 11 00 1\ M DAXT maotowo JDIl _11 Inlbam , 16, DAXT
:,a..a ....................'....... .
,Nil .. ~
.. BnhlD 8. n, farmer, · Blue .l~ ,ud~... ~. Murph1, 22, J'rUd a• .
II 00
P. It.
The Ga~'ette l can save you m.oney on , ECZEMA and 'PILE CURE news pa.p ers and,. magazil}es . . If :yO~l ii1ten~ , • flEE "Know iagwha titwas W suf.. '. . . £ _ . f Jr {wiil glveI'R EEOI"O BARG'Eto subs crIbI ng Qr any_ f th 0 e m@g aZlne s or aD,. affit9te d a poiitive oure for Eo• '. '. d " . W' '. -II zema, lalt rheum, eryalpelaa, piles dally pap~rs, cOllle a~ , _see .us. e ,WI, and akin d,aea.see. ~JI.taDt. relief. . et. theYn ~or 'you , at Oo~" Ide" 7<}oDgel', wrlt,e F. W. g cons idel' able . redu c~ . .. WI~AM~, 400 Manha ttan "neDUe tions . . . N ew Yor~, .EaolOlle Il:amp. I '
S19190 8
SkiD' Dieeaae of, T9Ilenty Yearl '.
StandiD g. Onre. . 'how, mDoh , Chamb erlain's Salve ~.. !Jone 'for . me. '1$ huuilre d m7 'f(¥)e ot'a 'skln diaeiaB8 of IIlnlOit twenty yean' _Ddln g' I have bee. tl'<B8~ by &eV· eral .. IIDIori phyaloi~DJI88 we have .,
. J•.
. 'I wiLDt you' to
Staple and BaDDy Grooeriee, Fruita Vegetablea and Canned Gooaa :-
0i~1'8 aDd TQbaooO. ~
~'. I.',
:i 54:. H.·E. B:A:THLA.WAY.; , ,\. a1
n. M. BROwN, PrOpr,ietor. .
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11 ~~\1 (~.ql:Jo:lf"ls (~' IJ t 1;~(J rt.· 111.,1 tto , :' I-~t ~·e til tuu 1Ju li ~hlf; !1 U;4' (1:')- J ).J
The Miami Gazette aROWN & McKAY. Publl.he .... ...
"nclltra' Illy.,• . Alnonl people of oOnaerYatlYe hat.tts-and III this ctasl mu.t be placed tl\,e old famllies both- of New Enrland ad of .the lOuth-the' wedding sliver fa ltill regarded at tbe most Imp'ol'tant of weddlnl presella. 'Tbe choice • of It usually faUa to the paNntl of the bride or. of the groom. or to lome other ocar relatlve. and Is rlgbtly NprdecS as a deUcate task. For year~ ,.1Iver .bullion- the raw mater.lal ot.1.he famll:r . sllve.....,.bas .been 'yery cheap. Three years agO manufacturers were able to buy It for 1,0 1111 than 60 centll a ounce. Since then there hae been Ii alow but &tBady advance. and the recent resumption of. the j:lUrch\lge of .lIver bullion ' by the United Statel covernment bas been fol\owed by ·t he ni.lslng of the price tQ 67 conts. The c~eral bellet Is that It w111 go stilI birher. The Immediate r esult of this • adYO~ce Ie an Increasing tendency to ...vert to tbe old Clus tom of milking 1IIlvcr the principal weddlllg glft, a -custom 'Whlob' bas lu«ered lomewhat • ot late ! yearl from the l;rowlOg competition of aU racUon In other Oelds. It Is a rule ot human oature that II cheajl II! nerQ.r,I'l31.iI! d at lta_ worth;" sDd cut class;' furniture. piC' tines and, r ugs havo won a large share of the bODor tnat once belonged to alher alone. The roverslon .to tho · older fashion Is oot unpJea.alng. SII, _r Is beantlrJlI In Itself. and . It Is, durablo. Neither time Ilor uae' have any deleterlouB effect uPon .·It. LIke 8TetY other hum.n thin&" It show. the effect of wear; bnt If It was. well d& alped Rnd has been put to no Ignoble _e, age aeryes oDly to 'gt"e It an add· ed chaqn., The, ~ 91d fnmlly Ill. · -nr, I1ke those who 0" Qed It, takes on uew grace and dignity vlth the pas,' in, years. ' And yet. uys the ~outli'a OompaDloll, . there \8. tamll,. InYer whlcb makea the owner wI.b that the UDQII had cboaen ,Iasl or chloa 10· for- tbat IIllgbt bave got lIrollell. Th\np obe.p aOd tawdry In -4e.lp_nceslloos to BOme paBslog taildon--become burdens because of their ftl")' durablllt,.. Those who ehoose what II to become 'famlly ell· ~ 'for 'othera ahould remembe.r NaPlI~n" remark: uAnceilton' 1 ba~e 210-. but I JDJ1I8lf am an Iulcetltor."
The Vogue of tbe Veil in ~iWnery 'l'be possession of at least one bat o~ toque bearlng \he taBbloll1Lble bur· deD of a Itraoefully d'lpe(I ' veil will be an absOlute DecessltY tor every. woman wbo wants to be In fashlon. this Beasoo. Tbe ~ogue of the veil 18. lOU will see. to be noted 10 the case C!f the smartly simple hall! deBUnlld .as companions for morning and travel· Int tallor' mlldes. !lIS. well as In the mOre picturesque aod elaborate va· rlety of headgear. There Is. for ex· ample. that ve ry- 'pIquant and dllnlnu· five allnlr ot brow.o felt. where a veil of 8011 greeo crepe de chine Is dra~ rOllnd the crown and detuy draped over tho closely upturoed brim at the
blue nnd black and wh.tte. A couple of long blue Quill. thrust carelessly through the IItltt folds 10 frout complete the very e (fEieUve Bcheme of lrlmmhlg. . As ("0 tbot r molnlng vell·adorned bat. · I\; Is at the ploluresq ue variety, (ts ' whi t re lt 18 trimmed with a clus· ter or shaded )llnk roses and two ·bunches of delicate Pllrpllshand greeo grapes. wbllo · the veil. which Is 10 gracefully draped . over tho crown to roll far down th e hack. 18 or white Bilk net. wlt.b- a sot Iny borde r.' So rouch fo r the velt as attractive t rimming' ror tbe hat. 11 also , has all !-tOME IS BRIGHTER WHERE GIFTS ARE LIVED UP TO, Im portan t mission to perform as daUllty abd bewi tching 'coverlng tor
Good in Wedding ·Presents.
Thou,llLDeS. ot ,.. 0 men "del" . d a II y '"baekache. 1 hejlda\lhe. dl..y ' • p e II.. languor. nervousnesl and a dOien otbel" .ylIJptomll of kId 'ney; . trouble. bu~.' lay it ~ Q,Uler causel. Make 00mistake. , l{ e e ~ the kidneys weI", and these "Gchu aod troublell wm dI8I1ppea·r. . . . t , ,hirs. . AnthoJJY Cadrette; '17 Mechaulo street. Leo,mlo· der. Mals., saya: "My sIght falle\!. I had , sh8rp pl1ln 10 my back anet bearlog·down palos through the hips. to was nervous. fretful anef miserable_ Tbe urhie was greatly dl~ordl1red anct 1 begao tIS have tbe SWellings of dropsy. 1 ·was ruonlng dow,n fast. wben I slArted usIng poaJl's KIdney PllIs." 'A wonderful change came . anct after using them falthfuJ1y tor a. short tlmo' I wa.a well." , Bold by all d~ajers. , ~O cents a POL, Fostel'-Mllburn Co.• Burta o. N. Y. '
*~----------------------homo was In a tenement. She bad grolvn weary and·lllscO\lraged. IUId sho fanCi ed that her huaband · bad ' ceaa~d to love ber. and WIIS pouring out lila Making Everyday Use of Them II devotion a t the fcot ' of a bright girl. hIs wslUng cousin. The Far. Better Thll" Storing Them gr W I)alo lind s1l1101". her balr , Away-Importllnce of LookIn s traggling lOCKS or. was knott'ld \1Il' Ing Ono', Beft. becomingly at tho bl\ck of tier heaa.' BY MARGARET E. SANGSTER. and het dresses wero Bolled' snd torn.' I remember'. a young couple IV h0 One day, wlle.n she was peculiarly de. Re nt Ollt a n .,normo, u. ·n,.mhor of In. pressed. sbe .mode a brave ellort, vi(aUons .lo. their church weddlbg. In. arranged her liulr )n' the old, chaJ'mln~ fashion . and put on a clean frQclr. ani! cl"dlng every tamlly ot WPOlll ,Hher 0. brlgllt, ribbon. From that momont h!ld. tho sligbtellt knowl!idge; and , In· .t ho, Ude ,tlll'ned. , Her husband had. ,. deed. presuming 'hi so\ll.o Instances . 0'0 what wail met Iy collateral and been loyal. but he had missed Bomo·, rlltl\er DketohyBc\ll\alntnnce. On b~ Iblpg; when 'JIB wife agJIln lookedl ber best his lormont pride In her WHERE THE TROU!!ILE LAV. Ing asked V>'hy they scatterell their In· ' camo qui kly IJ \.he surface. . What-' vltaUons broadcaat Like' seed ,throV>'n In the furrow. they explalned that eve'r clrcUJU8tfloces. may be. V>'O ;worn· . DllIlppolnt.d Mln'l Explanation for en at , home oannot let Our811lvoll, , , HI. L.ten .... they hOllel\ for a great manY ' weddlng nor ClR.n we o.lIor.d to f.lll\ bel OW our lIresentn, " We have oot 'enough money .., Id .. d standards. Weddlnl' J,lt:es nlB ate valThe other IIfternoon a 'mnn rUBbed' to furnish O)lr hOl\se,' they 8a • an ulI.l>le. lirst. becauBe they t.estlfY In a Into the Readlnc termloal galloped l we expect that almoBt everyone who receives an lnvltoUon w{ll send us l~ngtble way that wo oro worth some· up "tho 8'talrs and dasbod for tho train, thlug ' '10 our' triends, lind next be- Ihed Jost '&8 ' the co.tell , were oloaed something:" T.hey· quite Ignpred the cause they .furnlsh an Ideal tIlward acalnlt 'hlm, lay,, ' the ~hlhldelphla. possibility thnt heaps .ot wedding PCIl8' whlcli we may reach Ollt ,In. ou~ en- Telecrapb, . entl! may prove burdensome. and that ' deavor to ' make home. lifo beautiful. He looked as if be waoted to Iwear obllgatloos mlgbt be' nn esnbar· chqs te and delightful. ' . mOl!t vOclrerouBIY. bu~ he wall out of rassmllDI. when. 10 tur.,. their 'unmar· From the moment 'tbat we lltop cnr- wlDc1 ••nd aU that h,e could do ,was .tQ. rled fri ends should mate. All they .Ing how 'thlngs look. fl1tm ~e_:· mo. lean agalnst the. 'ence and lIOu!fully wlUlted. as they frankly said. was to ment that It silems of no consequence alP. tt '11'111 then that the rrlntul IdI ' cure ·a quanUty of nlco thlngB to- whether we aNI clean or dirty. com. Iot. who Iii always 00 haoct paoed oyer ward theIr own housekeepl!tg. rorlalJle or th ,,,,verse. whether things aud, butted In. • ' • . • • \ . a'bout us are kett up· or ~eg]ec~ea. the ."Dld you mt.. your traln, old boy'" .....Weddlng presents 'extend oVl\r , an Quallty of .. our l\ome mall.lng Is 'de- he queried. with a ImlLlng rlance at' Inllnlle range. IJ'hey may be expen· · clded. 1t we Would have our homes &lie pauU~ , ooe. ..' . siva or cbeap. useful or decorat.lve. radiant backgrounds to which we tum '· 'No...· ~as the rroucbr. reJol1\4er. "r Sometimes ' they On) pledge 8 of tho 10nIPng eye" ~n absence I\lId which are obase mYlelf up here that way enl")' deepeat love; agBin. they are tokens .full of cheer and warmth 10 our pres· ftve minute. to _ l.hem ahut tb. ot the spirit of bargalolog that ·Ie roo ·eace. we must have an eye to , small . . . . , ' tal when It enters the realm aod the details lUI well as tIl the general ... ·'Wh~t. 1qde you se late'" queried" falryland oi glfls, l Bults. ,In ' a word, we must uy . to ·the other. oot ~t aU abuhed. "1. your ieff side, Its tong loopeei ends beIng MI Lady'!! face. In fact. tbeyell can S\lver, china and , take the live up to the weddIng preseots., We .'Watch out or order'" fi.nlshed 011 with a hemsUlehed bor- be said to 'bo the flnlshlng tOUch to. most prominent rank In the list of ar- would 'be tter add a IIUle to our dally "No. my watch II all to. the der. A varillty of ertectlve color con· perfect tolleite apd one of t.he most UCles desirable tor bestowment 00 a care IUId keep our .!?e'auU1ul brle·a·brae repltecl the man who mlued tlIe lraiD. traats are .a valla,ble, If. on the ,o ther becoming accessories of dreas. If prop: bride. ,Her people IUId tbe groom's and our" cosUy sliver' In sIght.. ,tl)&n "but I thlnll that my feet are abOut hand. you prefe a ratherlargershap~. eHy put.on. The tbl ek veil I. suitable p.eople usually, If,thelr mean~ permit. pact It all away, Ilie In a IOram~llng two mlnute'llow." .: ' tljere Is that bat wholle brim' Is a com· for outdoor lind morl~log wear. Sillne proCure al milch tabl ,silver ,tor ~he (aahlon and lQaye' our ,posllesslons , lUI promIse ' between the Frenoh sailor wOIll~,II ,make tbe m'eat mistake of bridal pair as tbey can use In' lite- helrlqoms and cur~o.a tor ~ur descend· " ~IN .ER~rrION8 36 YEARS nnd tbe milghroom, and Wh08~ trlm- wearing a ' toO thlelic: veil Wltb thin time. It Is always tho proper thlOg ants . . r ) mlog conslBte of o · veil of 10ft satlo drelis and straw hilt. or vice versa, a to send spoons and fo rk's, creom JVgs. . (C'ol>yr1abt; 1906. by JOlepll B, Bowie.,) striped ohllton In· the faShlonllbie tulle veil with a ,heovy. dQrk cloth sBit cellars. ' teapots, salvers. bonoon ' ~\ , ,'. The 'Weake" 8elL" -tunla Bhade, , natterned with whIte dress. ' dlsheB. and overytblng else that a STYLES IN 8CHOOL WRAP8. 014 Women ILDd Il~W woiDan. It spo·.,, the loops .'of velvet on the ban· In p,utllng 'on the vell se.e that the modern table requlrell. lUI a weddl og , · aallel Iio ,"'ffereuC8. Thll cry about 4eau -, repeating the shade of the cihlt· mld!1le Of. you~ veil Is 1'0 tbe mIddle gift. Striped Tweedl Will Worn . "For' oyer tblrl7,tlve .rears , "'" ," 'w Be L.l'1lelv ~. I 'Wall • tile femtlltne ' lacll or courage , and ton. and both together maklng 'a most 0' the front of your hat. then decide . Such presents ilhol,lld not be eo- ;. ' Thl. , I"ter. l '. I 'e.elle sufferer trom .ecaemiL The .tN1ICtb II out of 4ate: A few mootbl tiffecUye cont~t with the ' white 'f elt how ' much (uUness you want at top graved, 08 when are 'dupllcatel ,- eniptlon .110t ~llIped WaD,. olle qu' EYel)'ll W.1ab, daughter of the of the hat: In blue and white and 'and bottom. and ' dl'llw It stralgbtly tbe bride may exercille .her prIvilege Striped tweed" bid ralr to ~e .,ery It wu .u Oyer m~ IXldY. 1ImJJt. I: 1~--;~-i~~--:-"-~:::~hm~ul~tl~~m~Il~II~O~ha~l~re:'~';wa~S~al~m~08;tH,:b:~lac~kia1an~d~!1!!~. ~t II 'eq trom the. hat to the of sending them blUlk to the manufaa-. 1J0p~lar tore knookabouL or ' IOhool on ID7 hea.~ I .am .liV ohln. ·and secure It at tlle top; but do turer 'and el[ecting an exobange agree:- -wriij}s-of-ttl uliUl,r variety for ' hlgb an old-80\c!,Ier. ';Dd ~'fe rll same category of "smart 11m· not attempt to atr8lllge It there, as able tIl berself. 'se,hool Tgib and college · Iitiuldenta' b,. the ~nuneDt .una: by a thread tor weets . th' at other bat of dark "y~t. Nqw '. . • • • ' • ,wear. are espec a y ,th uae, '. _ "'4 ... _ ,.... ~eD " to ber 0111' home 10 "O,JO""'"l e.~~·~·~' give all ,' lour attentlon tQ. -• f I ' thl ese tl coats f h ' ~'!i"" 1 ,... ( . ---if . . felt. ,"t'h'OS8' SOrtly U;n. the lowor edge of tb.e veil, 'and bring T·wo methpds are In vogue !n the u :;~ s me 10 •.yea~·1 w t en :~a ~r no for me: I bay. , ado:.. -. last reeorL 'There the' brae. c , 0 the brim will IIlake • . very be-It around to the blle!k, 80 that there liome maklng l hat tOllows the ~eddlng '~o.n ooa ~u r~'a ~ n alt jdailll;:pt m~oe and h.;'. Ill, air ·cured her. alld on~. 'day lut rramework for the face: while .are no wrinkles or folds IlCrOSIl the. presents. One bride In terror lest ouse, yet eman • .. roteo on OD' .. • .lArS'. a ., of moiiey fat•. cloc• ireek abe .t4lpped ~to her' motIlr car at the back It dlpl ciosely down over vell anywbere, Gatber the two end'l burglars. s\i&1l Inva~e ' ber doin,aln, ;street. . , ~', it\· tora. wlthout ..~¢ A Ibort time 1&0 _d reeled oJ 15 miles III 20 mloutee, the balr.. Here a veil at d.a rlt blue ftrmly and tie them. ' tilcklng them packs away her eoUre outftt of ~ne , . Exceedingly Imart . Is aD Imported. I ~eclJled to trr tile ClItlollra Reme!fo ~eIq there. ·.AIld .. for Itreocth. chlffon " ls 'cieYerty combloed with a IlW,a y 'neatiy. Let the 'chlet straln' be ohlno. and soUd silver aud len41 It coat deSigned for : a 'kid <!~ 16. · 10 ' and atter uala.c two ea"~,\ Mary, Wbaatlan4. aged ,72•• II gtYlnr acarf ot sllti: to match. whose plald abOut the lo)"er edge.. but.neveraeron ' to a safe deposit ~au1t, where It sees 1~~lpes o~ ~lll",l tonell Qut 10 ItlarDlg~~~~~tsoa'j . two boxea of Ontloilra d ' " '" h III I the, light lIeldom, .emerglnlli ,oocuIOJ;l' bo.x lines an,cS tull I.o~_ The bacll aod, two bo.m.. of ' Ou... ezlilbltl0111 III JDnrlit.nd of taqoy mm, bord b I t ·· tb ~r r ?!!"II age er r'e .00", .. reeD •. ·t ,e Tn .d e at the veU, ally V>'hen there II sl)eclal company or Is pel'f~tly , plaln. bu~ In ·the f!'Oot betwo tre&tmeDta III , miDi' aJia dlYin'ln the sea. Sbe bas • • ' lome reason tor .. dl~pla". There.are gin II a stble eff~t ~t the nec\; wb.Ioh am' 110W well uel. completely C!1lred; 1Ieeo an ezpert 'lwtmmer tor '67 yeara. iii ' families whose stook of sliver baa r& grM.ually wld~S, .lOulldlna: olE JUll betlaOUlUld tlaanb to' Cuttcuta.. 1 But" .wli1' aO 10 , tar aOeldf CoDlil4ilr I...;. POlact In 'a blink In. this way for man,- tow. ~I\ Wal.t 1I0e uo~l {t reach. ill. ClJDllot, lpeak too hIa , hi)' at·the 0utJ., "the .yefllre woman '110'" 'Ihe ehoJl!l . . , . luccesslve years. . 10 ·these. lnstancel un~et: arm seam. where . ~e ' edlles .l"re > T Boacli RIcJi. ad the dpclety ·womao how , Ihe . "Word C9mea trom :Parls' that ·thls _1 1 ralrly. close flttt'ng.' b~t put In rather. 'plated wine II allowed to do duty tor. ~ken 10 ~Ith the ~k Tallo., sutch· :f:,~:O: C':I~QhlO, ,1'1, ~nCea. ; ~od. wbat . daring of mere m be " "velvet" wint.eF•.:flhlch Iii' gpod ful~ and square at tlile 'shoulder. and the genuine. arUcle.· aod '\hi rem'a lnae" ·Ing' t1l.4! ed,I~'1,-,f , this It.ol~ r.l'O~.t., .', liiail. demands the Cleveland Leader, !lewl to' aU. lovers of beautlfiil' elrect•• were ' f1nhlhed ' wJth ."cleep tllrnod,.'b"&cll 3f the 'tatl,t"i equipage 11 Iii barmony and at a conv8nIent pQlnt . ~k.ta are ..,.::;.,."--_ _.....,.._ · .. with that. There can, be no oliJectlon seWD 10. t~ough I. oot the ~Ugbt.'ZulU War -matchiltl· the banUhood of woman 10 fo, Dever does a pretty woman look cuffl. to tl1..e use of g004 plated ' BUYer 8IIt oyldenco, of . these. the hand jn.t 'l'II. Zuln war CI'J', ~d when_ 4efJIog the weather lest Ihe bu Jalse 10 'well as when robed '10 ' rich dark ' AMERICAN NOT A ·RE:4&.IST. dllhes, but telUlpooos and tablupoOn. s1ljjplog throlllti th~ IUta, The lite".. ~., take tile leld~b, tile 'South MrSto fasbloo' AI ror .tbe touch ~d ",yet In winter. which tllrow up ~e Ibould be real sliver unlesll there II a medluOl ~ndo\lll i .jJapej with eu football.ra now III. lltamp of the age, wheo dld womao Rather ' en Jd.allilt, According to .. " ~d rea80n'.to th~ ' con,trary. 'Ptie downethe .,.el' retu's~ rllkl ', what ahe rreat;.. ..rC!l n . Von . 8~ernbllrg. . pliltlld IlpooD pever 1080S US chllraet4!l' ~'Y~ : llt~lppl,lilt\l, Iy , TIes her . ---,.,,-. . of a SUbltlt\lte. .. . .' ","'" - It haB tr~uenUy struck :meJo lis~n- . The bride who ' deterIllln_s·· to tde ,old stbry~ old . aj her log 'to l~pre8slon, T,eceJyed 111. Atqel'- wh&V precautroos ahe' ~,., )lut ' ~ho . .. B . . .be· oot' been coinpelled to make .Iea liy foreign, travelers, t~at th~ Amer~·. ~a tl!!r '·g~,l.hlnll!' etel'J'·daY'i~~n.1 ,th~ •.sl:l!v..'l~en ~d the ".,t and most · ~f man, the mOli~ ,Ican In lils deepest na'ture IB "reaUit 'her r housekeeplni ' 10 de(erence to a t,h e g6O'ds. complefel w~o Jlttlyes tOT power' aDd '/Vealth' and iilllb.e f'· ldeafof , ~eauty :ail4' WIU : be . I.l~a~ ~t, 'Whlc.b, ,,!,~~ .for. · ~~tr.u~tl~,~ ~d , dB:ii& . o~. . ~: . oute~ comfor.t; 'that ;the 'object df IiII lI~e,IY:, to ~u'u~loql\l1 ,Ill 1I!~!lt.~~;~ep~rt•. I~g: ~If ~tipolut,el" , uotrlmmed: ',' l1l&I1' :... , '. ' ,. I~fe' .Is ~o pIle up pie inl~hty ' dollarl 'ments a ·lrl'eatet-.f meUu~, . of em. '/'/ • ", "'\. , ,PClQple who ,' apeak' tllius ' seem. to me .cleoc,.. · , . . . . ;:';..: • ! ' TU~B~N'\ IN ftI!A.NV STYLEe. ' ; ne ·.f~iJowlnr a ' copy ot the epl. ~lInd to, everything 'which lies 'below Llnng llP,tO· the a8lltbeUe Quant, o~ J • . " ' . , '''' . taph" of' ';" wataobmaker. wrl~ten ' l:Jy. the sur~ace, Thei seem to, ti\lye ber W~~lns sllYer an:d ,b,e r Wedding or",. or , MIIII" .....}' Jullt Now ,HII" himse'lt. In .whloh-'he III 'compared to studied tbe ' mllll and! factories of 'the ohina. Ihe ~1l not . tall Into , 01.' · . -~ Populll" 'a"or. . !l . wat.cb, that b~ .run do~n: , 'Here ' -' / ', '.. ': . . Indllstrlal celltc.~ alld;· to '. have ;' neg., w~tc~~ ~a~lt .~t , wea.,'!.'}" 'a ~rap- .' II ',i.. " .-, ~n horilOn.t al · pOBltlo!l. 'the put!ected to ,re~d o~ . und?~lJtand ' the ' per, or, a . Ii,imonC! outlllde: her. 'cbam- ,';.. l!ere 18 a etYII!' of' tarJlan ~U\':D.ed 1111 -,d • . Qale of .000rSI1 ' ~tter. ' W~OBI! or the , A);qerlcaa ' man ·or . bel' door, Wlleo 'lhtS meets' people 10 _well ,on . the left Ilder "Where a' ,plWQ' ..&bld)O·, · place 10 that .lIne wal U boo. .womll:lI. . ." '. '" : ~. ' . .' th~ .m!lrnln,g••~e will "' .awred ,",m, or~ Jarir~wIJii. I'lliJ!~o \low or wbflGl C)r 'to his prof.I.lon.lotegrtty Will Sinco mr tint arrl'val 10 Amedea 'l top , to, toe In a dre.'· I'll . which . • b. rolette I. the '\lijU&\ 'flnllh: lflO7 . bli malollprlog. and prudence the. re,· have .he)ci that the ~al spirit Ii l~eaJ. may wa1~ t~ · the '~raln the . omce . ... . Istlc a.nd th!lt the. ," IndlYidual 'wIth her bwsband. go to Jmarliet. do ::;.o"!""ll:!'loo":' UlatOr ot all the' aotlo'nll of .bla life. A~e~caq . Is ~ ~~lDfroUed :b.y 'ldeallBtI~ ' ber '~hOpIPOi,; .an!! . dlUP, .(11':00 ,Ii rela, Humane. generoua. ud Uberal. h1a Impulse•. , 'llh~so W~() 'may co~trad,lot U.e, ~f. '~ 'J~le~~. · Her' s~~ ·an~ hilr · bIld never itIlpped un lie had . ..... me caooot have ,souneled the deptha of belt will matcli .lnr.freshDel. the pol• .• lie~ed . dlltre.l. '. He ' .neter' w~ni ~e phllosophy: of Ralph Waldo' Emer-: 'lib . or ber '1iIlTer:" She who I'careful ,WIOD,. ezcept when . let :agcjlna: b~ IOn' or' 'studied the·· llte and' !',ad 'the til III111nlAln t,hll, bllal1b of hel',.:home people who dId not know hli key. speeches or Abraham Llocol~ and coo· by attenUon .tQ It. 'amaneet detail ••h.· ~1 JllveD th;o lie WAIl' eMil, lOt rlih~ sldered , tbelr far·rellChhig effec't ,00 wJibae." weddloc preaenta ' are oot agjI;" He had the' art at dllpenaln. the', Amerlcao p~oplle.-'-Baron S~1l packed . awayr but a~ , kep.t , I~ slrlit.: Gf hl. t,lm~ " IO '· well that . ·W. bO.u.ra, Von Sterr;lburg. ,In. till! ~rilm: .. establ,.h ~~' ,~ef re~ltne , ,,, ~e~ eUded by ' 10., cine CoDtlnuairoUnd ot < .t _ , of rood order and. ' pleasant; .thooih , KO"ll!ra·. Title . of ·Dlgnlty• .' '. elasUo syatet» that will ..e1\1lt Sn Up; plea.aure and ·dellrht,·. till &11 unlucky Baron Komura,.,Japao'l Dew amhU- Iiliaea. ·to· all.coocerned. ~.. ", . · minute 'put an' eod ' to bla exlltence. , Louli XIV. Dre~ In VelRt. odor ··to Orjat Brl~ln, I.. k~own In' -Dqubtle88 th~re ~re men who, would B1a cue ' rest. and mulder • .aod d" Pekin. whero be lerv:ed' BOme time.. teel tbemllel.,ea .aar\eved If ·thelr 1!II1'1' the ' turf, but hi • . • ood beaut, of ,het sldo as no other mate. specll1l envoy. ' as thE,' "rat all'D later" wives. abouid ID.tlmate that they . ~. w,o,r.~ w,1U n!lnr dle~'" rfa1 can d? To Illustrate thJI ."plece ' a~ .iluBlon to' the rlaPldlty, and .'III~ ... lpeclal ertort .~ dre.. !.or d\oner,' Some of the people of Enlland are' ot Dews I . am givlog a aketch 0'''. Uety of. hlB mgYem81!ta. both . pbYtlc: yet a man feel. the , ",ett~ and rl18ta cmtlel.ill r 'the London' TiiDee tor .w. ~r8lls worn at ooe of tbe rejlent tUlle- ,ally aod Intellect!,all,·, Al\d' cO'n.I~er. . none tb,e lell for' 6SCban8l~1 ttie." coat. ·tlona. The material of .the dresl WU Ing the woll koown popularity of rata Ii, bas worn all ' d!iY for another. aod IDC "too American" In Ita make-us.: In· deep "prune de MODsleur'" velvet; as AD artIcle ot diet In China the tlUe tor, comIng Co the table :wIUa iancSl We feel" It our duty . ~ AY tor the the skirt ut Q~lte plalnexc.ept tor mUlt regarded .. ooe Ot b.Iah aIId face and' hair' (iMbeo'e d llP a .,blt IleneOt of ·tho" who do not cet .the the L10e of old Inver buttons down the ~steem. " ' ..., 10. the bathroo~.. .Tbe wife ,!bo 'G' Ttmei replarl,. 't hat It bal not ~ Tet trOot 8ea~ for a third of It I Ingtla, Jl8CJI tbls 'little ~iloetIJloD to ClPIl"n. 1IePn to ale re4 10k In Ita beadUn.., and a' trlmmlng ot tW9 bauds of plum. Vlrl!n,anc Honor COleNel' M,.". lion and thlll' attl!1lUoo:to ' heraelt will colored ' braid round the hem. ·Iepa. . J.~es HumbleR •.' ol~e !It' the . beet not torget that' ber own I"eetqe~ ,II enhanCed by a ·chance of ilreu at Ute French dealera putllog Amerl~ rated by cross·bar plec811 or the saine . known colored OleO bralcS. Th~ charmlnr little ~t wu In. Lexlogtoo lut' ad of tho ~. " ,. _0 lallela on their·. sboes to lnanni 6SQullltely ftttlnr. and was cut w"tth was born"of free .. • . . • : . . e' their 1<iJ" · They are repayloc UI tor aquare labl' edred .wlth IIlver braid the , co~i'ed.rat•• ' N~ lo~ 11&'0. wlii a storr I~ ....~.. ud ·.cottolene with a uttl. an4 buttonIJ. '1lmllar to thoae , OD Ute and alwaYI Demt'-_~' ... of tile _ ....... , ...Il" tbat,.•. "--..... d~ at tlae COrnera- The .l'IIYel'l were ' tlckeL. HII t=~~~~~,..~ ~a;~~f.~~;~'""""-l~~~:: 'of brandlnc WiD... U1rt r:1 1let000_-raIilq ~til. our i~ IIJ wbft.~ Atlll, belO'fr tiltH wUb lmall .ver INa IJa &tte~ ~tI, tD, ~ "Oll:l&llit : 1I""~ ~lyer b"t,t!,o.1 'I.'.b. . ~etIY" b.1 II:1&II1 wide. .- I\t.on ihm ".. ....
or aii.,
d P' I
f V·elvet . .' Costumes.
Wcrease . OPU anty 0
Jni,., '.
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Give Eloquent Teatlmony te Thrift of Nation.
At! Sun ~y I- HOOllar fr:cm ,...lIru'ial;
'- -
arck. a French -\atls· '(8ec:ond Letter.) ~ HtI-Cl"atl7'·trli1n' mllde a compufa· Generally .puking. the .oU of F.JOri_ tlon ot the 811vlngs and inveatmentll By ELIZABETH POLLARD alld tllrouabout tb. .lUll state.• .III 'Yell of the poople ot France, wlUl ' the 1'Il- , '.. ,alolla tbe AUan\jo cout' , from N_ .Je.tIMly down. 18, IIi:od 01' a .and1 Jo.:.... , llIlt ·tbat be calcullltes that trom 1886': Mucli of tllis I. IdcllI Land for truck ~ to 1906 the deposits In the . great IDa IlDd fruit lrowin.; And la belDl 1I1'11eJr. ' "Nor" ellld Jes~l!I G~aham, al Ibe married. Tbat laBtcd me until yester- bailks of tbe country Increased from utllised fOJ! thele purpoeea, None -of' oClurled 'h et Dllir In tr~nt or ihe kitchen day. Then It was gone, Ilnd 'l pad U8e.400,OOO to '679,400,000. In the "Qul, be called rioh land'in Ohio, yet.(be,. mirror. "we are, nOl exaotly engaged, nothing to eat. Tbe landlady told me aame perIod the deposita In tbe Bauk aQ lIeleLa of bammock Iud that ban Mea . PRE~~CHING but be haa given. me to IlIlderctand 1 muet either payor ' give up my room. of France Increased trom '71,600.000 plentacl ~ com 1~ ten to t1l'entJ 1lM. -'ve yean without" aDII (liat be wants to marry him." I was tbere was nothIng to ~o , but to U64,GOO,000, The vaiue of bonds Policeman Barney Flynn hnd luat caned out: "You're wantell, Flynn!':' ,.t. yill1d fair «op., . "Has be told y:ou wbat prospect. be give up m, bab, aDd go to work, or depoSited In the banks Increased trom ·settled hlmsolf tor a qUiet and Policeman Flynn has\1ly caugbt up " Tl'llok Grow~ng. " l1aa at making a horne?" asked ber corne horne. So I pawn.ed mJ engLge- '622.600.000 to U,386,000,OOO. The Ilx thoughtful smoke when. his wife in· bla belmet -and ' departed. . Tha pwin, of ..rlT veaetabl. . . mother, 118 sbe bent over tbe' skIrt ment ring and came. Ob, YOU don't rreat rallr~ada aold '1.8911,493 of t errupted his m~dlt",Uons. , As they hurried along It wa~ ex. Dortham market. " a 'bll.linea that Ie Ihe was cutting out on the kitchen know, how J dread to face th. neigh· bon4. out of a capital of ,S03.200.MO, , "BarneY'." she 811ld" and there was plalned' to tbe policeman that thlngl bejDl rapidly dev.toped. aDd prollliM table. ' ' t9 rival or..... pwioa .. ,a leaelbors aild my tolka." and canceled on their old and new re prollcb In her tone, "have n't ye were In a had way at Fll\lIerty·s . . The aooa Ina iIIdult!"J". " , , "Oh. he gets $16 a we\)k, aDei I Dl1rlng this recital Jessie loolt.:l ua· loans ,432,801,),000. ' t 'rgot tometblng~" ' oldos1 lioy bad bUrt hlmself. and 'tbe, FIlma .. ' much . . . aD4 , Veaetable coilld 'make tbat go' a long way." easy and 'at \la close ' Mrs. Grnbam From 1880 to 1906 the depositor. In ··Ha·Qve 17" h,~ asl(ed, with an as- neighborhood doctor who had hElen Inore. pro6tebie ' under 'impUon. ... ' 'Tve henrd." ,aid Mrs: Grabam. saId: "Tbe neighbors doo't ueQd the eav,l ngs bank a bave lubscrjbed 's umptlon of Ignlorance, for he well cRlled 'in wanted him sent to tb. hos, for tbli tbere .n abllod.nt O('~Doitl_ " A auollne . enalne aDd centrl. I PUJllP', ~'tbat most YOung cpullles In the olqr to know It yet, You go up to the and' paid ' for 1840,000.000 of govern. kne w to what sbte r eforred. pita\. it was clearly the. prQper thing Is abollt all that iI . reqoired. ortb_ board, and I t.1llnk thllt I~ a dreadful spare room Ubd stay with ' us to-lIlgh!. ment bonds. The limit that eacb per- . "lv coorse ye have, ye aggravatln' to do, but Mrs. ,Flllberty wO\lld not Is an abllJidl\nct of wa~r oftell requlriq .shiftless way ot living." ' , a lift of leu tbaD twenty , feet · to ~v_ 1 ;WIll go to see you~ motber." son can deposit In the Bllvlngs banks ,ma·an," she " answered with asperity. ot It. She was gollig to have larp ueatJ 'of hiunmock. ',," I , ':Pere,Y thlnks ·il YQung couple Ibould "So Kitty arid her bllby .wera, soon 1(1 ,aoo. The Interest on tbls sum, If ' ''M·m·m, now, whllt can It be ?" ber boy with her at all hlUlardl, Fl'ult Growing. 'atart houlIl}lteeplng as 1I00n as they ,reSting ,In · the s\)aro room wlil1~ Mr&. not drawn, Is Invested by the bank muttered PolicellDan Flynn, thought· "Wben Bill sees how tblnks are ' StnWberri9 Ilre one .t the mrnt cropt are married, and he told me ' tile 'last Grablltn betopk herself to the. ]"nes' In government bonds. From 1891 to fully' knitting blEl , brow. ' now," she said patbetjclllly In anawer II'Own here, 'Plante Nt .In '()c;tober will Ume be w'a s here' that he was saving farm . . As gently as possible sht. t()ld 1903 , the same class of people sub"Oldo't ye dh ~aw ' ye-er sal'ry to- to Pollcemaa Flynn's arguments, "1 beve ripe fruit 'in lanual71-anil will co... -eVery doliar be ' could." ' , Mm. Jones of Kltty's snd plight. scrJbed lor and hold $104.000.000' of day?" demandcd Mrs. Flynn. It may know ho'l\ be good to us. ' He used to tiDue ill beari!!1 until J~e. · "He Is. Js he?" s&ld the mother, Peach II'Owing on • comll),ercial _Ie. . "O~; my poor ch~ld." walled WI! bonds ' Isued by the French colonl'e l be 811ld here by way of explanlltlon be a good mall bofore-,before-" Ie a new . busine.. in flo~da. The .ari· 121'71,; "He gets $16 a week: pays .motber. 'land to Ihln.k that sbe nMOI lind protectorates, $189,000,000 of elty that IIlrs. Flynn Ls the cashier ot the ."1 4now.",. brok!)c In Policeman etiee' of IICl\ches that are IJIO'II'n e...~ !IO lIve dollars tor hls ' board; sends you ~l'ote a word 'of It to me." of Paris bonds, and 1186,000,000 of family, and always has pay·day FlYnn. "He'll be good-maybe." and Dear .. in GeO:rsjla l will do no Iood , a~ au .& "bo-x of flower. every week I cornel , ' ''Now,'' said practical Mm. Grabow, local communal bondk and those of marl('e d on the calcndar with rell ink. then be add ed under his breatb • in central o~ ' louth Florida. TJie onl,. peacbee that formerl:\, 8UCCeed.rd hent out here twtce a month, llringing. you "the way is to leave her with us \(" mortgage and loan companIes. "Obol 't Is t b' mone y y,e'ra altberl" "wbln he's In h.!s gr·raya or til· pO·lts were the peen·Lo and boney Itrains, aDd I soine useless. expenalve present; and J1.Ight. and I will tell anyone 1 s!!" From 1886 to 1905 the deposits In ' exclaIm!)d PoLlcmnan Flynn. " Ye' ro stallon.' 1 know him." tbeM were unsuited . for ' abi,,~in!f' Du~ alwaYII h'a8 a pocketful of cigars. tllat yoU are expeCting ber to·morro'" the ·people·s sRvlngs \ banks Increased like. 1111 th' r·rqut Iv tho wotn ~ n. · If But tbe woman won her point. frOID th_. new ,afieti. baye apronll tha' Jast I1 me he came. becauae there was 'to' make a \1slt wltb ber baby, Tboll frOID $U2 ,200.0~O to 16'2.OO0,OI}0. ye-er good ma·anl' do be ha·avln' a bit Even reaSOD Dn(J sense must glvo way aliip , \Yell. and now the buameu ill , oping at & rapid rate~ ' ' no O!I'e to meet him, i\e p~d 11 doll~r YOII can teU her ,f ather to·nlght. an.,.. wblle the number o·• depol!l'W'' rs In. Iv th' ooLn , Inr blil clo'es .ye're worried before the:assaults of II. ,m other jllead.· , Orange growinl ie' tbe leading indueb7 , lor ~ cab to save walk.lng leB6 than ddve over for her to·morro~, and. W<'J c'r eased from ..',900,000 ,~ 7,000.000 . thr Y6 ha·ave ye·llr bll·nnds on ,it. ~ e Ing tor hllr chJld. and the ' doctor of tho .!.ate. and tliOlllb it . requ1rea "'t IoU ., • " a mUe. That may be bill Idea ' of can trutbfully Bay site carne befor. and tlje poises lions of the m\1tu' al r~ wa·ant to tie sbpendln' iV' It all yeo eased his conllclence with the thought eral yeal'll to grow the 'trees to a pIOn... v" able bCarinll age. eve?' one .hould pllnl I 'lIavlng money; but It aln'~ mine." sbe was eXIlected. and stopped at our lief socIeties from '11,200,000 to '32,- ersllf. Ye'te like · th' conftdebc~ that It was not a very serious cue; a enuill grove, aDd WIth aooil care. "~other: ' laid the gtrl, airily, I,you place." 000,000. , ma·an. ye are tbat. 10lve me ye-er ,and the' boy probably would corne out frult may be had in two or three ~eara. ousht to know tha ~ when a man Onds Thls' was decIded on. and Mrl. Ora. Mr. Neymarck elUmatel the' aggre- callh; says you· to me, 'an' I'll give aU right any,,:ay. He kn.e w that lb. and thu. tbo foundation will be Ilud for , the one gIrl for hIm. that the beet bam returned with the cheering newl gate value of stock!; bonds and otherl ye something tbat·s ~orth more: "r wall u~wlse. but love and wisdom do onll of tbe most illten!tltinl, aDd proll~ ablo OroPI tbat can lie 11'0'1'11. :S. 1I0ne too good for hero" and managed to bave a little talk' wltb securIties In ' the hands of Frencli all' the wor'~ld llke th' ma·an that·s not otten go band In hand. . 8ooli.. Conditio" •• "No doubt,'" retur~ed the mother. Kltt, before Je881~ came · UP . to ' the CllpltaUlts, ,14,80\1:000,000 In 1890. at' eei\l~' ,tb' gold br·rlclL 1 give It to "But Ihe unlet' have a8.letance." he any lIew or DnclA.....lopad OOUDtr7. "but t often tbInk .lt wOllld be better room. All lhe three were busy'· gflt. '17,400,ooq,Ooo In 1900. and ,IS.600.- ·ye. beln' i~noc.nt an' un8uspecUn\ .lld. "There II praeUcall, not.h1Dg ..A."ID ttlel'll in ,thil coulltry away from. tM It he IIIIve(1 lome of the beat for \fer tlng the baby lIettled tor tbe, nigHt., 000.000 at· the end of the year 19,0,1i,' an' wbat do I (ret f'r It! I ask ,e I!I the bouae, Ind ahe haa no money.. Yipapa or towna are OCteD 8OmeWhat';t- , till after marriage," . Mrs. Oraham remarked tblt, Mary-whe,t .'dO ,} ' get I'r It? I'll ' ,r eport the cue to the reUef Ul~ latea, ,nd'.it ill nicer for HVeral famillee j " Jes~' J to come, toaether IUId lOttie', Deal' aack "Don't be doleful, motber. 'You \mow thlnka It muat be awful nice In -be erom.h and Jerome;I'''· t Wh" halh fr breakfaat." thorlUel at once.'" Th t t I . , , h ' __ ... ' etber. wbeD po-.lble. But DO 'ODe II_ tbat waa ' tbe way ,K itty JonBl' 'hul' city:' . t a a prop e I not w ~Il aI Thl. Impressed '. P61fcem/l.n Flynn ' Others wbo had pt ered expre...... feu bat ho will ~i" a beut7 1f8I~ band apent money on her before . they . of " money," certain -degree of honor and ~ecOgul·i as ", being ' 80 good a J'oke ,', that be approval of thl. 'deClalon, anei ' dien aDd e'lVy aoclaJ, a'tellti,Oll.. boID" W., "So It I •. It vou have, Jota . , ~.rit married, ~nd '70U relliamber the save dIn hi. OW11 t col,lntry, bait la"~bed over It ·Iblmaelf. but hi. wife l!lft, ' feell,n g that the tact tha~ , tlie ·8OUtbenl · Di!ialibOnI. The fact III that ' _ , "She thlnkl, It would be 80 nice not tlDn. be b . , IDIiIl)' people have IIOme b_ from all Jet~1'II 1 used to eet from ber. ' Wb,. en prove Dgain at he handl or. reftlled. 'rftlber 1f.armly, that If be did matter ,wa. to . e put In the han,d. ot over tli8 nortb .. ..nil .. from tlia ' ~ . ' young Lo uI'IVIII.• pel'BOD... . . .give . . .It to 'luer to Care' for they t b e proper ' Ibe ,living a pertect dream of • ,to ' bave' to milk CO,WI ' or feed pi".' • not 0 mcera ~e II ev ed th em 0 r .,utbeni atate.l~ .!bat I'1orida ~F Ie · UCe.'· and calyes." . Tbe young man In quesUon ~I; wonld be beggtllg tor 'thlngl ~ .Ieat responslbillt.y. But PollcllmlJi. FJ~n 'mere' ~II~ IUId 1IION ' .-w, ~ "Wen. t bope Kltty'l dream. or "Many a time I would blve beeD things and talka abOut them .wlth '. wIthin a 'week after' pay.daYL and ,Po. WU 'Dot utilled . . His w" .. prac. eepta tho ' 1th,IIPI" Uc! Ii,... Iai:..:l~ ~. t.q liII . cI..ti tlIaa , aIt7 he wanted to do some- .ther ,.oure. either. woa·t tum Into a night· glad to have hid a cow to milk, or carelesl' aband.oll. that, frequently \Iceman Flyn,n ' knew' that tbls reOee., tical ,mind, ltat.; , anything to feed." ' blinp lOme ltartJJng lntormatlo to thing. The ~ .. _ ., mach III eridenoe "And she delplles picking berrles.- IIgbt. • "I' ll ,e-er ma",n In f'r ,.e. 10'. In Florid.: u ill the __ uclDlive17 _ "Kitty smiled. "I used to just RecenU, he 1IFa8 enollIng to I to keep him out Iv th· wa-I.,," he aug. IUId cotto. Il'Dwina .tate.. Bere a MP* ia aeldo'm 8eUI 1I'orklq OD a dream of the bUBbes red with berries f"Jend the virtues .of Mr. Jerome. of " gested In the goodness of hll heart. IT all of tba~ eWe af li~p ~ empl07ad wben J paid 16 cents box for them, New York, The friend did not lullr ' . "If you dO;: , sbe ·re~rned. "I'll ill l~mJje.. t\IrJMI!ltlM ~ w~ .tb., can 1! .~tber. ~ With bad ones on the bottom." agree al to the IIxtent , of Mr. Je-' . . I ' sCratch , y!>ur eyes out.;'.' "f'.; " Is ..,~b_ , a Ql ~l&bor, ' ~ "And she thinks it muit be so 'h~d, rome's i>owel'll~ but lInally laughed a;nd "Luk at that; n.o wl" he colDDl8nted f t . . :'aN '08 ~h,acarcit, liP' ll)lde. ~ to ~ash there," aald. familiarly: to 'hlmsel(t al lie " final 1', started · banda ,pb> '1.28 to '1:&0 ,per dat. oarpea-. 'fIt may be, If you have" bouae "Well. }, gueall 'WUUain Travers Is home., "She clQ ,be 'aD ,0ntlllllnll:IJl' ·tara "'.00 to ".qQ, IUId iDaIio. ·...00 ,to: · ~.OO 101' ~D ,houn' work. your own, b'u t If you have to ,all right, at that." I ' , woman, ,an' wan . wltbout' slnse.: " , .o.. o..~ " a few tblngs secretly In the bathroom. "Who's rlgbU" asked the young lih'u'd ' be ma·ade to l'ave that' goOd. , The publil1" acbooia . are _bere ,.. . and dry them' In your bangin'g closet, cbap. wltb elevated brows. f·r·nothln' ,ma-a.n an' "alnd ' tb' liye ~ ~red' }I'i~b more ~lOua care ttiu _ It nll~kee a dllfere.nce.'· "Wby, William Travers Jerome ...·,re; ~' hO,splttle, Ihe sh'u'd that, Til', 'A tew daya ' after thll a ,ce rtain pled hJa. triend "That'l bla name. onl,. wa'ay with tblmklud Lv .people ~~""~:~~~~~Jn~!T ! ~acatea teachen. ' ObUdftn from the . 'Is tft , : but,f" spruce young clerk wbo waa spending lan't Itl" • , .,1. ..,. , be Orm JUI' ha·ard hls money In cIgars and 80da water The young champion of ar. Jerome added. wlth 'a si1ake of hI's head, "how COIlll~ are proncied with ,tnuporiatiOa to the vll\aP' hill! .aboo". ., that '_ ' '-e1" and cos&ly presents, al a means o( pay· laugbed ' loud and long. 7 8M n~ ~ Uw acbool pririMnL · "Wen. of all the durn fools," be He, wa. still soliloquizing, In thll Oburcbea 01 :the varlc!lla ~~~. . .' Ing the wa:r for . marriage, recelTed ' a crIed. , "Don't you know hJs name II tltraln wheD he mched home anc\ wu are' ,vJl'7Wbere, fowul. , tb. Soutb,", ~ poUte note signed "Jessie Graham,' Jerome K . • Jerome'" _ LoulM1lle ,c alled- lipan tft ten ' h !!! wife, all that pie beina lfteralJ,. more 4evoted s!Q'lI\g sbe would not be at home ' "y li&foue ,ob_ncel 'thaD, an lbeir ~ U~e day,of 'bla Intended v{slt. ',' l'Im~ had' bappened. ,When h,e had flnlahed )~1I of tb, NO.r t.. '1" • , "¥lllu_ "'"'sbe aud\fenly asked: "Wbere's ye-er , " '·l;:;;;~' ~:;~~tm!Ii(;-h;?-~l,",ec]~~-';;of;'D=m.~nFO'rYcO~cinri.II, b , .sallO', )3arnoy1" ,' -'SurelY ,lbe doeSD·t mean to turn llie There are a cOOc\ many Interestinf; He passed ber sOme moner. which down. Welt perhaps, after all; It ttl ltorles \.Old of the famous ': Daniel abe carefuLly counted. jUllt as well. I'm afrnld tbat her fl· O·cOnnell. Once he' ·waa defend Lng a th I tI Id d If d If prl·. oner in41c..... ' for, murdar. " T'h e . "nl . Tin DolJllU'IIl' IDAat'ed "Tbey" tin dol~ars mlslln'," IIbe ~ ,r s a s nip" 0 u er. ~11: """ ,. " tlynD." announced, but 'P ollceman Fl7D1l ;VU per am. be should Dot corne down with ,some- principal wltne.a against the defend· , apparently deep In a reverie. COrdiDf. to thing ' ban'd80me. I would be In a bad apt swore ' tha~th. prfsoner's hat bad tlon on bls 'flnB;lldal management wae . "Tbat fool 'Iva woman," he mut- mock nda len per a~ bolt. \ " been found Ilear tile place th,e mur- Justlfled. ' Howeller. he was In a tered half to .hlmaelf. ~n dollan' up. The next week Jesele WIlS aoon rid· dcoeur·. ", Tanbed thhaet WWlatSneth8Ieln_oPr~.dpUocedSltlV~ facetious mOOd, IIIDd did not lilten~ to · "I'm riot ta-alkJn' jy th·. 'll'oman, but · lJr 'CO'nclnNon Jet !DO _ ~t I . . rt jng ·beslde~ . handsome YOllng farmer .." ~ surrllnder his teDlpora!'Y ndvantage at tho Un dllliars." said ~1'11. Flynn. lamiliar wiOl C01\dltlolII . tliroulboat . ' "'T la all th· sa-all),e." returned Po- Weill and after llearli fOolll" , yeiara . . . ' a new top , b,uggy. His 'face was Iy th1at It ",as the same one that ",U once. ' Elorida I blilie,e th. ·ebanoet fOr • radiant with b'applness. That summer round. and that It Ilelonged to the' prla"An' what'll t e do , with ft If ye lay Ilcemiln FlyDll'! "Shl! do be' a tool Iv in young maD to maa, " ,.uccetlful atad _ , 1d .n,,,u~·"· sbe ploked 'palla of berries arid ' 4 IB~ '''rt'\l.e of .....ur oath, are -o·u , ye-er ,ba'ands on It?" ,lie aekei:!'. · "Ye a Ma~y;-1'11 not go llack life . are ~t, leaat' u ' ~ In lI!)ori~ ; " Ia lip .epara~eIY from those ', pre#, .. ... .. , ... ~elJ me l'm no f'r' to b.e hand. 'Uiat, ' not wan ' bit; but"-agalp ~ny Wettem aLate; wMo the ou.te ':. _ served by her.'D.l0ther. , . posiUv,e Wat 'till!! .•• the .arne ha,t?u lin' Iv 'money, 'but· what'lI je bll .il.ttber ·thoughUul1,.....·::w e ,Uke'" 'tbim that ~ mf,i opinioll','infinit«i\1 ~ter. ' , "" A. ' ROBERTS. \\ ' COOii'!!. by nail, Story Put. co.) .' I'Yel." " doln! with It ye.e'' 'sllt? ' Oho! I know ' an' ray·lI~r Q~cera. 'Is ' ablo:!\'. , Dade 'City. FlOrida, . "DId ,y ou examine It carefully 'before ye. "11 Is like as not ye'l\ be sbpend. Ye've no Idee. Mary. bow sh1.ow thlm 'P . S ......Inqulrl_ directed to the &0. 01. '. you .wore that It was 'the priaon. e r'lr· In' It on Mrs. Fi'IA"erlv over "" " th' rem , e. a --" >M)lIlVel!illlll:e'I,1 BIR.D OF FREEDOM A BIG HAWK. ......... 'fQ beaTd of tnde Dade Ci!;y wiD b~ " ~ "Yea ,. m11\." "Th' tin doll are," Inllsted Kn elrculanl aDd information of a te1lable ",No";'. let me aee." salcl' O'Connell: . eharacter iD reprd to tbia ~ the "She's a desel··rvln' WOman!" as· Flynn. . r How , the of tho Bald Ealil l,. a3 he too'k UD the hat and began care- serted Mrs, Flynn With an emphalils "111ft, it wltb thO tool Iv a ,.,Qmall." .tate. GrOWe from Year to Year. fu11y to examine the Inllde ,It. He that showed ber charity hi th.t IIIIld' PoUoeman Flinn, In delperatioD. -'-paused with a curious expression OD r ecUon bad ,been tbe object 01. crill.. 'iG'Wah, .now,-au' dO'D't be ~·~1Itlll' to, Eagle. are popullrly ·· , IUId then spelled loud, olsm 'before. ' me." , •. ,'", ,• ~ qul1-e' dJlfe~nt 'trc:im liawkS. but. "J-Q·m-c-s. NoW, do yo.u mean to Bay . .. 'T Ie 80... · ladmlttod ,Policeman ,(CC)p~I'hl 19Oe" bJ' Soaapll D. Dow1M.) tliat' that name "'~s in ,the bst wh~~ F'1ynn "but' . ye can't bll BUlI.pOrtln' ,. (C4.lPyrllfht. I~)' Ih.e fen tul'l: 1::0 .) , found, IU" he a,sked,;' tur~nl to I,v ery 'tool I~ a ' !lIeser.rv,ln' wqmlll:i 'ye, ' .T~ .?:llA:!tff!$ .8~L~Q~. \be witnesa." " ' come aorost. )',B'd .Jo . br.roke ' an . '.,' .' , '. ''I' clo." "· " shtarve. ye w'~'ci tblit. 'Y e' llee. 'Mary, 't Is thia "'a.ili: ,."mllrrl·ge la I lot~b'ry, . '''D,ld you lee It therer ','1 dJd." · ~ . an'_u " I '~" ," And thil 'l. \be lam~ batr "('~e ,'hear.rd ye. sa".ay' tbat betoor," "Yes." I , Interrupted !'tirs. FJ.ynn. . "Now. my lord.'" said .. tbe · lawYer. "a ,rlgh't ;: ' said Po)ll)omtin Flynn. .J • ..l . ' " . turning 1:0 the jl1dge, ,"\.bere's an end "but't t8 th' lhrnlh. llnd tho thru tb ,H abit ef 'N~ltn'u ERtablllh.d to thlJ ca~e, '' 'l1bere I~ no D!'-IIle wha.t- nlver ,I grows old . . SD I t:ell YO wanst , tlon.llty, to -,a l/urvlnt ~,. ever ·1vIt.h.!n, thll bat.", " . more marrl'ge Is ' a 10It h"ry, al!' ye The prisoner , wf.8 ' Instantly ac· can't·, do much t;r "th' gamblor that «lultted.-'-Tbe, Sunday Ma~ln~. loses Iverytbing an' shUll won·t , dbraw I 'o ut, IV. ', tb'. :'ga.amc." .Mrs. . 'LIt HI." Right " ~n. ' , dd" I e'etln" Flalle~ ' sbtlcks to' her ma·an." " .' . A mln!s r, 'a re81 ng a 1)1 . .. "He's 'a tirutert'" Ii ma,an:' adened of tbe \ ~ndoD D I:>le Bochlt)', ~f 'I'hl()b , " " " the ' mar~uI8 ' of 'Anglesey " w!la' preol., M~.S: , ~Iyn~ ;; ', , ' ....; ",: "." dant. uld tha.t · 8~ P~tf,r'( te,rused . to , T Is~, ~8ae~t!)d the )l~t1'9l~an, ,''but while' shesbtfcks to ' hhi! , ·t 18 d Il tlje ma~Cl~. ' as ,. ~ '~ef3r, o.r lIke .tbrowln, '_watlier, hito a ' sleve ' rr 'aif WeJllngtob'B Old. ',ol'lloel'I, or. lord to -'ve to ' , heir." He's :· th· .Ia'ad tbnt ' lieutenant of, Ireland. o~ ' the. leader 6' . 'of 'the horae guardl' .t WaterlOO; bl1t gets Itb' most .11' . It.': Ye omUlt put up , .let' ~m . right 'In ftlI ' lI00n~ali lI.o k.nel't . wltb m~n~ , ~~Ihgs · In mar.rl'd ' II.(o. " Id • r til Bible 10- but there do be ~ limit. BJ!' 't IB no that 'h e nwas pre. ell~. 0 .e .. "ixc!\l8e {"f." .kap'lii l · comp·n., · tha,t 'that ye're mIlTl'led;'to ,·th·" " . ,a sinner' waR kept Iii hades o~ly long , "Accord In' ' to ;that," , said Mre. th '. b.ti~,~~ sareslm, · "I Ib'u'd • yn~, . 'W'D enoUgb to. rel\6i11o tile clergymln re- Fl ;'Well. (f, 7QU'd raWer . ~ to 1 a.~e ~e.1 arney. : '" " ." 1 \', '\ 'h'eav,iMl"', by : wa, 9f .. ' bades" there·I .\ .. Th .' !JIa:an ',Bh,.~ II ' be ov~t. ,o~ · tM , 'Ilt- doel/n't learn make ,..Dy. dlr. 1'.n(!t~lI· 1~I'l , to blMer ' ,O~' .tryl~g." ' . , lllland'. " sal~ ~;~. ,p~trol~aJ.l. i ,ilfOof; (etenee : 1- do~ .there'll a[wa~ . a ' . Greenland tl!'e mtatloD&r.Iel .b~ . Ing thll thl1lBt ,.. ' 1 • ~i." of the criminal eod!! (ol'bld· .•, " .,. ,. , to' deacrlbe h~ven u " i hot' ):Iace. to . , "Ye'll\ ~ot 1:"1'~ me do a'!~yth1n, sectIon " . . cakes .~r Ice ,I. l'iy,er~. make I attraotlve ' to' ~e."E.~m~; but ' ~'r:,her'" sal~, Mr., F1y,Un"lnqultln~IY. dlq Itl" loold~g tor ·1lI~. " t " . when •• Welt :A:fr\ean . ba4 't lce cle . i l wlll not;, ' . ' , Cad... Abando';' Bridge. Tbil lpeclea breQdi ~~Ul1!Oq~ 1,t. acribeci-,to blm, h. thoqbt t~lt .the : '.Ye·l'6" ~ " b"ltrd·b~s:.rte~ . ~!IP•.~bere,er '8I1IU1!I~ D11ulon.ry W. .' 17ID. or that It , w.. Ba~~,.1 . " The neaL· Ill, \oj:at.ed D.I, to ~ ,aeeU d1lJ7 iii' laea:ma,-The BiIIl. , 1:, Ii,:"'''', ~IiiRe.," retort~d~ Policeth~ Ylollltt)' , of &0 It~ _01'. W ', ~lile. 1 " !Dan 11171In. .,,' " , . aela- I. , • , ,,~... 'Ale taYorite il•• Jj the " Now. . . ,hU bClen d!lmOn8trated J). 'd4jmlo' "lUlationa. A new ' edition ot 1II0it trequeDtJ,. Tb.· I!qUI~ ~ :th. o~ a ~ tr~ . " . , ' j , . ;. 'AII · C~"IiI.d. ·' fore. Mre. FlYnD has , a mind of be, these Ia In preparaUon' b, a .board 1f~t of all. IAl.,. _ '. ~ .~ The aame .a ..t ' .. ,', OCCIIl~td , Feiu "'J)aa't be iO lIa!oPP1,·'. Ml4 ' Wro,~4-, 01f1l, aD4 IIbe Ia not a woman 1rlth They w\1l Include tbe new law .Hlatina ' 0Dee a wo,lI. . . . . wba, otMrw.t. . at~r',... a4 .1lauan, ~r" 01 . : _ "'!l'II.~' wu' .. timlll w~eG)'o. Wbom It be dlotatorlll, , ' to hUIDI. '. ; " .' ~ ...ell tIleir Iboea' .qmesp.W unto I,t ·Noom.. .. lqa: ue¢ to ... .life tile UIIIU O! .,OUf JUI' oil tho ' , , ollt ,,',, A, . of In. , Ihtftin,. the BUr.. • •~ ItnoW, lYe, all: 0,, ' '. ,.. ~.... to alpt 100000biab aU' .. mUCIa< III .. rlrpUed '~i' 1fShI. ~ remaHIS "'If 1011 ,,,ru rift m. J!IJIlr c1a~ter• ...... _tallllU fuUr • CIUUoa4 . wu .belen fOIl ......., . 011& ..-0 • lie!pbOr' IUci· IIr.we"m .1".,.. 11ft ..til JOG," . . ,1IIIiPil ...:... . fO.. ......... , '. aid&,- . ' ID tile ~. aD4 "No~;' JoIlIDllTrr~'" aDd 1 wJ)i ...
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"Conc.e rnfng Form er Resid ents
Much Sick ness 'Thro ugh' the Cou,n try
t I will ·8011 at publio 8ale at my , Did you ever Mt an egg withou 'l'b,pre hoi bgeil I'n ub~uIII ' prev, of effeot the kn~w you 8I11~? If 110, friends ' of Prof. Harvey A. realdlinoe o~ the !:lamael Blaino Pioturo s wlthon t elonee of. eiokD888 ~hrous~ou~ this .. reader8 wllJ farrn em tbe Harvey 8burg fUld Ore· a s~rlee of .M0vius GlJ,zette among Surfaoe ,'most ofthe of FI8.t the pl:oper nois etJeot, The spec· 'vjoinit.y . the PAst weele,the forlJ1 of \Ve' {II e .. 11 ou: \ time Ilnd a U ntion to tho b in~reBted in the following arti· Gonia pike, one mU~ sontb ln OOlnl(" ties disllblli ' wrong, is wha~ , know not ,may r tato' ' ole whloh w\lS sent, to the Phtladel. Fork sohool house, on of grip. lIb.oe trode'. , Sh008 ar not n side line whh 27 'but w110n bo ' l\ee~. trains l'qtlhing , oola" und attlloks ARY FilBRU Y ESDA W.f;ON " PI~ g, ur Harrisb its by :&eoord phia Thnt else, nQtbiiag U,d 1 , \ 'III. We hand,le shoes beln'g , Mrjl. Bethill. .(4'ul'nIt.8 hilS been beginning at 10'o'ol00k 0.'. m" ~~e along, horses , ~~ing', gun8 , . : ondent oorrosp , " . I get oan you bet Is one of the ree~ons wby and ' mU,n ~r other things ~Ith quite III from the elJe6ts at fl s"ve~e nfiory, untame d Cyprhm followi ng ohatte ls : 2 hOrl!68 both flredany sound" ~e boglns to wonder ollld, ~hioh b?rpererl olosoly 11 \tight,eo ' r , , ' . ~ut \ mares, "beE' from the soutb' of Italy jabbedl tUB good genorul p\1rp08~ ~ ow gettl~~ ter vlllues 10 foot\V~ r for Ie 8 money tHUD and Jf he hns lost bIB hoorlng . ntlrelr -p:nJmmo,nlu , but 8h,0 , i~ n' double and sinlle brok good of arID rIght the iuto tllot.o s their 1 .' ' at d, on:vinoo ,be tLDd nettor. Try, " 19 11 ~n el ewh ere, hvo :gl>Od The Motion PIOtUTO Co., of WBsh ll' 0(' " lt6(ll'e~ker 1, YO'Ulg, of Middletown. '0 Slnglo' liM'''' oattle ' dllught' , CIlrnel' ,Trona 111ss 'Its beside!! . oorrles D.O., ' , I ' ,. • f ros1I;j ono poII ' ' Ington, ,. fIl , sekee,p , .rersoy cows, one .I at II, meetln g,.of the State. B Pleasan t . of, the 1~ lloob Oornell " D. , '. , II', iJl1Dlen ~e steck 0""f ' ms, ,1!6Vera '~., '.',_.., £ " ' h " f if b ., I h . D , . t,onlght here 1tlon AssQOIt ' 11\ Apr or r res ID~ er, 0 "6QOv~r ~8 am un ~ood. , 1 elg~bor ' ~ldg.f! .,or ,', " . .' fi five bnnd~,ed poundS "o mattlrla " Mr. Young sutfers from rheuma . t~ree yeill1li u 2 8 , one fallool appen~ of "., attaok ned ,.. threate a .." from B,! .~. ,eXb1lllt the ~,. loring { ' ~~~ . ...,~~ . Iowa' about 100 bushels oorn noise elIeots. tlsm lI.1,d Is on tho way to' a onrla . ' , . ,. , ~of oats fifty shoQks of all nol8ea wbiob if Is .,o~lble to deoitis, l/Ushel 100 ill noo l oonta. ill antl·tox the been, throuj(h wbo hes Churc izzie the L , of MillS News NO are produoed true to life. PERSON of seed oorn, fodder, 6 or 7 , II. bee, sting . h~althj , seve~l . ,~eeks hI f h~fs, the roar IUld In frail , lmpr6v A A. p~tter,o Th!, road two i h~y of ons t two ed at ~lie' tiOle of!1ote Economlo Zoologist Surfll~'e about alightly of olang t,be trams, the of 8hrlek " ,: L~CJ\L "ITEMS Seoond SundRy In Lent, Feb, 24: oOllduo . . , ' .' ;, writing ted tbe,olinlo. Prof. Surface this bl~ds the of ' s song' ~ the gong, the a j, buggl6j ~vo , tpe ~ees with. tweezer s 8.lS ~ag9ns, grav el ~d up ploked at se~mon " ~nd . " ' prayer g " of Mornin 'P!'ry y,ialtlng fo~m Is (I.nd lira . .'S.' A. LT088 nearly eto" Boc0!ll}ll\ny, and Mr. Young bnrod his IU'm a,n d plaoed sleigh, a Dee.~1De bIDder, aud Iister,!ilra, Kel!llty· praye~ g elen EvenlD MllI8-B . ' a, :80 1~ r . ion , exhibit . like ~ati the'life t.'jnotlll in for~ e~cla i fr, the l)ale new, bay rake, new bay tedder, bee the of end fiery street, '.~e the · Fifth ad of ~t of. 8imu)ob subject " ella m d A. p. 1 '7 at March addr888 I ' 11 s at' Sob~ol ' h et . , W,heat drill wi~h Exhibit I' 18 i ' ' ft ' I ' i.. "',' . · fiesh ' Then he: 'p ushed the'; bee:'S ro'p e and , pulleys " ' h ser OUIl "The Vin~ 1Illd, €he Branoh very, h er IL ng .!:Dl'rov ' n?w Mat 'L WarnN V! e "!W toBrs. dreal: oeil~s. 25 Am~n~ Dnd " 15 ' Prloe 2. Ilud am orse 'SO , 9 t one 1 ' a i h 'S ment -'~~tao " . " .f were· . bee did the 0Il86!1 of Ulneee. ID CinOInDAuTu8I wheat drill. fert1ll~r, oorn planter , inee 10 and 20 cents. ' , i'- Dr d IdayB 'E ' B ' b ' , 88. .,un....y 0 00 , a . , 'bnslne8B' end nnd the . 'l2rlp IIop~ars to be 'ILt*kt~,~ \ . ~ ..D, . ' an , H1'8. • . at a , Litany, Penitentl!ll Offioe and rest. Yonng said iJ, didn't hUI.t Cassaa y, plow, two br6!'}tlbg pl~WI, M cbfldre n In l1nWlual1y lar'lenu mbera ' Addreas every Wedne sday at 7 p.m. .Corn Want ed: ~a,. and Mra: Joel Evans. one horse busbar e plow, ,two bar· h, nC ver;'m ser· thele to invited, ody Everyb this winter. i 'great manV' of~ the a hite d 'f h , . Lee K~ ~ (3inolnn~li wall rows, one 0. new dlso harrow i roU· of the prlmarJ- ..... ohlldre nof vices. orw Kfll.. ,Helen Bl~epal Ml~ a. oaooSr~r , otw ,.. .' , ~..''Of hJ.aa~t -tors,tw o 11 DHdlgybeeell g oliltiva , ' er, :twogoI'odridin ' . t h t' ' h '" b t Mh . Adalia Simmonll, 8enloE\ oftheY \'.ynell vllle80 h90lba vebe8n Mr, and Mrs Heo. W. Ebrigll t, ()f ,M Y ' and ' WATI'lE8VILLlIl,RoLLERM.1LUl. 8 at t e ,~ , 0 uro ne~ " . , POWII, 0 Ilcoo . se ""r, oorn ., ' t ,To_a y slightly :l1feoted . '\ . ib • _ • X· 1 haoling . for ~ bog8heB , large sheller, tUIl" & 0 ms, .. ,,' , VIOu d e , ~er;h ~luaJ , . be wU ohuroh J!l M. the IItt _ dpuble A. numbe r of the membe rs of the Bunday pr 88 par Y ';Irs , lI.y evenlOg, g vein water . one.hor se corn drill. , fro m 'Leba non, Notes l, huneel ~ uNtIe of KnIBhte of Pytb~all as follows : . worlt ,8ets 4 plow, ' shovei ,& son Hutohl o~ ' by the ~roprle~ors Hi~h School" ~""~,~ wat &0 centrev ille FrIday evening Snnday 8Ohool at 9 :30. ' y utore, ln which Mr. EbrliM double set 11' lit oorria e harness . 61bo,e · ··Watoh t, Tex :30, 10 at t:!e~mqn d ,.bri~ " wben Ove O&Ddtdates were Initiate , blls been t\ vulued salesm an for set of sineleg harness, ~Ol1llri ?" night the of , wliat man: second , ' 'he of es . m18~rl the 'h~ lnw 6 :~.O. ''l'°dPeICr' mRn~ yea-rs .' , dIes; 1ine~. ~&lter8, Slit 'fly neta, sl,n . ,Th,e SoppUloree have obOllpn 1 at League h Epwort '.' . , ' 'Z . dCllrr&(', .. ,reol!, log , chains,t pink ant nation for theIr cla811 'flow l, kdoublet to oele· sletreelto mainly n , WIlS oCoasio 'rheMr. Lea . ) brll.te hIt the wor d . EOlnBg ~convCln ,Ebright's wed, h Lester Mrs. Rnd , Brown aJld ~r . ' ." MMSfI· ratten. . . rl. ..... ' ' 'h r S.' B ovell. hWO or0880u er, ll~ ........... t ' , , ' gsermo nat7:S0 . Bobjeo t dlug annive rsary,' and rtloi. SlI.w.s, one ne,w, hato et!!" chisels, The TennYlon Sooiety WIll gLve ",..-.-1', wo 1ounl , m~n w 0 we~ "CEvenin ' IOf 'pated 10 by about tbirty. fIve ! th ' ld" . I . t fr l.Y Thursdl nt lnPle enterta next heir t for,D;lerly tD buain88alD WayneevUle hand saws, three good "iroq kettles friends. theIr to . ~il . ~o~n~l A o:rdl~ is ' n:~~o ~~ I , were o"ve-; tr~m Wilmin gton sUn. ~nd. stands, ' farm bell, OUpbOB~d8~ afterno on. . ,Y ' , have we !rvioea k these ~Iwee hom~ ' the a~ E~ng~ da~ he of ·.pent.t day anc;1 , Prof. 'C. ,H. Young. , Mr. B , S. Matthew~anJ of Day. ttih~e9, buretl\ls, ,bedstea ds, .~ands MIllII vilite'd the 8OhooJ Wedne sday , ; Putor. 011~ 'rol1t, ftelh Phillpl " . is 8pah~ IIr. ' ~, Olemen jar8, B. oarpe,~' ,of '9, > tou, .(lame orer Thursdl\Y to attell~ chlllrs,..rockers ; ~ lot ot " " ; ~lid ~wure-No Water : , " .' ' . __ ow oondl1otiQg a IUOO8I8~l busl. sllloked meat, pota. afterno on: ohaiTs, oh~.rn!\, talke ~o ~Ie, horse an's Ubapm B. , gs meetin r~vival of series ' CraDbe"""' ThE! , F' aney ~ Olln~n fn Senio'ra he t ' aph1 of' ber p,-0~ ' ' in ' , D... · ,., a" lob of bar. QuIt e ', a num ~ ' of toes, apples,' vinegar unlty.' to meet mallY • ' . In progl'888 at the 't,he I oPI>ort been have Jaaabo Celeq , Brown' la 1!"hloli oon. ib. the ' eptered b~ve Conn",' oapiaal"alid' Juniol'8 'and els Qoal, • or wood ' , stone" h,ea.tiog , ' . r rs, neighbo and frleudA lormer lill ' t ; pa m 'he Crack Beet ohuroh s The Friend ox, , test for the 'p rize offered by Prof, OODDe0&e4 witb ~e ·Farqua r i'm. Orthod sinoe an~ many ot~er thinlt8, " -.'wo weeks. oloaed Konda yevenl ng .. It bas bl!~n a numbe.r of years Ott, for 'the bellt review of his leo aaoe Co, o.f &bat city. ~dles by served be wl~1 Lunoh Mr. ,Mau.b ewmao visited ,waynlll:l· Who ngelist .. ev ::u the ..~:: s, Larkin J:l1: Lucy 8~1~F ,~e . t ' .. d " d!'livere s wac . : ' t ure whloh hi thet ., ti~e~as taken.,o n l\.id,¥oolet,y of Fla~for~ohuroh . . Ma~." Grapes BUJ:~rworth and bad , ohUge ., of tJla 8er,Joe. ·is a ville~ a~d Ope,,:a. Bouse Tlieeday eveDing: DAvIS. OBN J , " ':. ' , wli~~~ oll$. v~n-dup a . oon",lde ~able ~f " Appl..-Lemo na . jlj M '" ' w" . t """d wife's Anniversary~ ,p~aohe~, lIond. tea~her of D)uoh pow· ~rs Auotto~ : I Baw"e r C,' T hilS ohange d ~IS appearanQe oQnsid· ~e~ onroe, doub~ II n~ or w1l\ ~g~ work her morn y .. and r, e ..,.., ' ' t ' ' 5 ;, ' 0. B. Snrface ) erable, but they 1\11 extend~ tohtm New- White Flab,-U erriq " ': fruit. " a Senior, d~lh:ere~ hi8 ora"on , " 1 'I " ' ,,'A'm os Si!les ,' allHt i; . ' ' , handll ,hand. lad Codfia ," the" ' of , ' xatlon heAnne _ ' galn8H Ple~A: .1~' But·, Wlille ~. and lIrll. Emea& ' Lev " ,Cdrt,wn~ht TUerk s , ' ,', '. ' , ,J ! , .Pickled,: Jt; f,eet and~" Cuba.' ! 1erwC?l1h ,rare quietly pedorm ing Bo~.epCasparNllhtgillll,ayouDg ' 'Week last ~d p1ibli8b ' Gazette The ip tudent s , t.a pre8en t,. a . an, Armepl ho~e ' . lIa~1 and , re.ltf..~. c;:on at Bigla dlltl." .the old IIOIIU! 1l0Ql8h Prof. Ott. 'favore a ' ' . \. ' of "the .death ot Henley B. . noti~ lity Unher Nor~al l N.~ttona ,the In 4" 1 .l ry ,.d,dten · ~~bi.Ua , , sbol't a evening :Th1lrl\da, 5011<191 pupils with .. t. Mercer, of Indlan·!lpolls. but WIIS ,tlln ' . A. ,~as-- IIblcUer'• .L..... tn\erel! an _ fvered y l •• Qe, E , uTbe Le~noD on. a' aftern? nelgb, 8day ~~Ir C!f Wedn!l O"e .. Untt.4 ttnrn", !J'enlh' abOu' mUQh inform~tioD ' Ueut; O. 8. ,Turner; ;)btaln to able Chu~ch . E ' M. Com . ":' . ,tbe ~t Canned ' alidre8l! , tng argu. a~d bit ~ In \ ' weD~ lion ~d DeaJ I'8la~v.. nl'!d .ome Lite VII a ,Bard One: 8ubJeot oonoetn ing hi !!l , but hIlS sinoe Ire· St&~ !,IlrantrT. who accolIlpa reeGD- ment for this lite, he cited 1n8tan.~' the Low prices on " , on g S"'&l mornin Buday the tor houae $he ot lon PlIIII_l l;,ok In a three day.' Doaen Sugar Com by..the Miss iLtz:&le ·Japabe...'.uoopa ' from., letter a ved >~el · Christl .,..: verSU8 AID Pekiq; at t . mellauJ . and, "Mobam outh , , 'OrCa ' 1I01uaD~ .. aD.~ remiild 8d'. em tba' , . Ume ..!le(ft O of y'o~ ~en' who at-home , at pl~y, PtI'IIOIllO 'hit OD . carrled, 8011IIvr "lI&t:h , Indiana dria, './,7"' , ',Barger,. ,of ~A.le~an ' .' ,, : eaay , 'an.' anJty,',' , ~.., ~ OOme'&o 1381ebra1e rOliDdI ot arDlIlllnlUon, aD ov.~t ,(or 'o'r at sCbool; had "ah~n ' 't be er a D,l1mber w 0 we rom agll spsa w ' n , ,g I a Seed. ', t. '~rde. whfoh .',~ew ge ' li1Mrla IIviDe still their ,D {......, . Of ~~ lIi~e. Be M\d 't bey, wtlre facts regardi ng hIS lifEl il? Waynes. ~-=~!. ~~~:C)(.r::;:~I~!~ Chl1rc~ E. M. at',tbf' ' '. ,. e~~nin~ ';1a. ~day n"l. Jast~ , "B Vale~tl ' St $ on pth" plaOe llacJ .&ueD wtls,!lIl .' .onthe ,edot.rt~&nddrled.IUJI. ThelOldierw. eBay,l lndtbat r ville. ,.ap her YOllr and II~ . . "rkey , 'l'1l of Qal lo .oui~I o ' the,~p ed on (tee~rib , '~'.' he " ' ,hand, er an.a~; con, .. ~. ·..veD:re " .ta hownef ~' depended mainlr 'oii the . In the Bulk , ~opl~. m\l~ who had ,Ch,08' ~ Sweet,P,. Seed I' ~. ,ven~ w~ 8p8Il~ "iD jovial for t~elr .lIb.laieoce, ; I alii Of the .f tbese young tl7 __• ' wete roh Who 'Ch and M ' way St t er ' vi ' ~beb~d en ~h thertl wh~re genera) . ' couDtry < OClIlveraaUon and baViDg , U ' I~m , MII~rltt, father' of Mis8 Klzzle 'oplnloo that. hi a , ary II Rlchel t PrieM Paid " e ,aer: ce ~ i thelr..i tli , 1oOd ", I Do:forq ln; '1\t mount' of food ~ ~ow epjoyl,ng: the' fruit .. oftlIlllnlll ... t. 8t rt,w,righ .. C Lev la S Mrs" FelL a~d nd t ,Mtlrrtt B,,~u tor mcor~ ~f lt":-; was l ,"h~ ' ."ere. ' ~eIen' we,e tb. ,Sunday .eve.nin be Intumelent, IBefore labors'. Itt hll l'ovla) yet j v. ad He was engagM "to be married t.o rtecl would· ~ rn1 ng-\he food fOf clln See as before YOII 8am1ael ~h' aDd, wife , aD, ~loary i,~te!est. p,each.ll lDic:am , " ' al ~IBII Lizzie LeetherD..!an, annt of , ~er 1:1 prepal'M lo on ' 'Persoll '~d packed In a 'ratioD way he said' tbilt he ,ooulll ''Wish u. er's ' addreU , 'wallad 'Buyor 8e1l , , , Tb '/ fin .., ' . t I fe. ~hardJl ertb8.n i )et' l , noihl~g mUarlu CJharI811l'r1~ and faml17. M1u Ella' R 11 ' wood,8I · ed .~&C!1uer ' . eever ',boxmedeof " Rod npon· ~h _' __ • &r~e~, Mt8l! ' amns • , 8\ y d •• ~,:"ver , .Jl~n "'. { e t rD' . . ,EIl ~aDd BUrton 8.11, ~ , ~Wa""D~". e tbe yoang lady dled. .h.~ to ou~ m...t r~t~on marriag their mos W&$ lervioe the o~ pa~t . ' t.oal, " ~d _ r bl B~fao,e £ 1 ~ 1" . hAri ~d tamil:r" &cl of r'.ce, d~led ~h ~d lOowtUD,-" left' Wayn,6i! '.~1ItAp ' A v,1lI 1l~ !" ,..,.,..\\on. , ! Emley and He·. soon afterwa rds " ,M~ LtJoy d f ' . ~pproprrata: . emaU pl_ ot mution 1Ir bt"." f--'1 f'rmlt ,Il 'I'h duet a ng s wood .!'gollea.11le4 .. · vahia . ' . Sb 'yearB Fred r .····Sllt am;M . a,an ;;;,oJDl!. :." , .' ,', : ,: , ~ 'f. " I~ U " ', vlllen,e ver ~oret~rn, ..nd w8s, lost , ,a . er write8 10hn fle~nt; I' J~D, ~le :, TIlI.t., Dc;Ig .. ,.~ev : 07" 'BarrY H&Okea' and t~ly., .. ' . W~8 very. ; af~;er . years any, m , until , of ' ,, 81~ht '; l. " be~utttu ~an ,then which, I (''ba!l~:Gn:ra~ famDy · and ·Ern. It wu IOund the other dar .. x- o~, MiignoU,., Ind. , warda frlenos loCitted him In Iodl. OF OOURI:ijt. \ Pilla, Life ~e.W' , ' ' IQhM"a ' ' Dr. ' taking , to M114 , k whJeh tid Bart.oo doD; that a Moi. d,?&, ~ , '. ' s . an'apoll ~ bet· the 's tbem rwood 'take , 'Unde longer ~he Elihu alld , lrlUa doaed . . , fdentlt, Ita owner, had been ," . d tbem. "They plMlo,n ery. ., ,also wrlte. of the anl8eed. by th e thief. Aniseed deatroJ' terll1n ...... . ........ : ..... . . W • C• T • U. "" ~h 9' Child ren Surpr ise Him. Mi~s Bilrg"rderives FTed ,n teed Guaran Mem orial txMIy. from reading the aeo.. oflmel1 tempot'arjlr. The4~ wartz"d1'1lsgist. 260" '~ .,..,. .,..,. pleasur e she _.. 'to Pranc es E. Willa rd' , .the colomn 1n the Gazette devoted 4411Gt _ver for two or Uaree ' / ' to for.mer residen ts Ilf 'WaynellvUle !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hUdren !!'!'!"!!!!!~ grand·o !!!'!'!"!!!I! and, n '"'!'!!!'!'!" ohildre !!!!! The 11: !!!!~!!! ' !!!!!!7~ W • !!!!!!~! i ' !!!!!!!! I ' U l' "!!!'!'!"!~~~~~~ ·..... -1· f h , .!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'! , ' !!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~ " n<~ ' ' 1I0me~bi . rns, .. le tly, fr~uen nd , . w!fe"a , hl,ll '' of, 1' and ood " b ' W E f . ha'"U 8 0 11 11 Under, .' , ooa, ......:...n on ~. 0 , •U e I omlln ~ ..... " .....:.I.. .,.,1. ty I t be ' f t ' ' vuu........ & ..auperanoe n on ," t a , . th • 'I r ' ,0" ; , ' , , " '. 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y. '," . ' , \ .. ~ ~ ~mJD~n& place ~n the 1:0am. reaohiD,R bis.. 68~h blr&bda tely oomple "as ood Unjlerw . 1I1~ f- .TODN ~a~ a.ppropri. Mr. his ed ioo.s!'ln IIOOJl b~t llfi, eUI'J,lrjs : , ~te ~trt1l1"8 ,leuon, ,, ' y 'heart,l entered and el8ioQ ~lfp088 ,yefY a ' ~~ r , en, & t, ~ .Br, JIl., : O~ ., " ~ra."
in~ ~e pleaia~, of the day', ., At noon a. - dinner" was " served :,!, , : "" , 1IJM~W~rd.,,' waS ~. bounteo~b&nqtiet, whioh' D!' MiBIIAD ~n~ 8hu~: ' JC1inloe " 'lin, . ,. e membe rs, of 'the oO,m . ~uvenn . :KeUi" read., .,x~o~' ,.from ' ~~ fpr them . .&.n~ Go~.o~'~ lire of H~ Wi1l.. ~., .,any )laVing a table 8pread ' r' elders, their for r anothe and II sang . W~ght ' T. .t. ~, · .Mr.; , .' ~ C~S., 1I~ pres I ~ble l va, of ';!l~ber .b8a.~'If~, 1010. 'w,tth l~ ~ora Jbl1~S , ~ie ." t' ' t " ' naofre aatol(e t ,brough were 'ente ..J0ID/Jl~in ;~b.eo~9l'1i1· ,', ' ; , o~ :0. . e~ , P . njoyO(f e , ' ~o ': ,~tber lpeake.... were~'9:" Phil~p '~embra~oe :by tho~e: :w bUlsi. ~eUghtful"~IJOD. " , ~on" d~v. ~nk,Baw)lns, ·Mla, .' " . ,aot the WII8 featnre nl M,f!1" " Re~a , I;Iawti ~~ 'Friend . '. .able ,pape" on 'I ~e
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Rural Carriers Repu bii cans Will A New-':-ownship - - Building-Seems- Certain Receh' e locrease. in Warren County.
farmers of Waynesville and Vicinity' hold . .the Annual'lnstitute.
Agita.ti?n by ~he Qaz~tte l(lads to Cong.l'cs/tPasscs Hili Incrcasitl g Lebnnon
wilihe ~l~ing Plnc,e
of Repllblit;all League of Ohio. ' D finite Achon lookmg ~owuTd Pay pC (lural Carriers 'Crom ., the .BuHdingof )\luch Need· ' 120 to $900 a Year. ' 11. V. Speelman Elected Presid ont. ed Improvement. , ~A Successful Event Largely attended. Able 'Papers and , ' -'lho Pl)sti.~. appropriation loll I I t "ti' D' ' . " . ' The AgltatIJ u on ' 1ihe purt- of \,h e whioh wna a Ul7 ' ngrel s illun, M P' k' f- L ----' - -- ," 1\ eres ng J8CUSSJOnS Features Qf the ' Gail6t.te, il tl ot'rt day pl'o\,illed for uo inoreAse ot PILY Tho I\UI:nl\l) mel'tin ,.t 111" III d ac le , ermg 0 }otle shoots wife. She will recm cr. Pecul'iar circumstances i,n case. ' town hlP \mlleling 10 W,;y no towu tortherurll. l mllil ollrrie.rl! , At-pre s, nellnll[ioan IO\1~11I'1\ Df Oilio vb l h Ilh~ wbio~ would lUI [ldequllt to eut ', tho Jll n l"C'oei 90 onl y * 720 Il IVllS li vid Ill. CUH'l1l tl nt.1 'l'b(1\'I!("~Y , Zillni W ,rlny, Qf ' lleo'r Mor.ruw; n,leet tho need of th : 0 mrnuni Y. r ent, ufltlel' the ne' ~ law they \l'lll WIIH (If mur9 tllnn OI'llillH l'y ,i U~Cleat Ml! 1011o.n'l Pi k I' j • Iivin ,t Oil " Dr, ,; . W. Wal'd, of' Lytle. III di oUBsillg the strbJ~ct. Ijllid tblit blls l:osuJt.ed ill ' lI !!lini te Ilhllli:l for r oo~vo lis900 . to W"rron COLlI,y 11" ",,111,' us robs the DI·. Hun t fa rm near r~yL1e, sh t e lied. ,a nd later Dt'. J. D. Bower, he,.IJ'!l(l it Ill'llie ,to ' ~ow ul a v r b • this mnoh ' n~ ~elll~lprOvetllont lInd A!i eooh olll';le1' m il. t, }t~()P two ' IUV~T1t.i( t1 u l.loiil ,'\ ~ I hr~1 1 ill! u 'xt, and seriously \YoundeJ his wife of ~ayton\. The ,~JUlret t.lle pro!!pcots lire thnt ntdntlt e 'h ll r e , bellitles pJ()viding his ~Wll m o t;t1g nt, L(, hllurJ!) II lII! 11m WI1I', whil~ crazed witl1 drink about fiv e m~ved and it is thp~g}jt the'1VQm·lab',,"!. ,1 ' Will rceovel' ,,1'0 to hll,ve II ol'odiLu'bl bl1i1t) i n~, WORoll. reoll, to, thu iOOreM!O will ren Couut,y <It-Jll!bntl'~ t rll,k II 1'r , ))1. 'rha clrCUmSloUnCel! ' "', >o cock Wednesday \light, The IInv p rovide that tl1!l t.rU!1te s ' bo VOl,:\, gUDllrully ,u\lpr Cilltlld , ' In~~lt JlUI'~ It1 th I ' h nmtlOn, ~ far .as can b J,eamed. the fol . ; the case are most peeuU.r. The " f u towIJsh1p WilY Ill! uo lJQuLl~ t u Th,em ore ruml, rontoll in this , I hr Ob ·o L ellglw of HI'\ll11.lllllt'l} i people of Lytle are verY much avena III, nm ou nt 1111 t.p exceed. oi1G p e l' vi linity from , IVI1sue \'i lle, 8]1l'inl:: " lui) \Il['ln~t'~ IlIU1'\~t 1:"N1 , prow ~ow~ng a~'e the fac ts In the case: :)Ck~I'I~g entered t,he house. t ook' j to discussing ,t he m~t~~r, and Pll1JWi cent of tllll ,!ulu , (If tll' tuxfI,ul Y!lI1 ,y, 1l01'Ver !lnrg, rtl~oni~, L dJ I ~~unt Jlllrt~ O\'I!I\I~IZ I~ltal lU tlio a I C~O I~?1 from a drawer and fil'eu sentimelJt seems to sY1:pp,~tblhlel.wiltJ1 propiJrt ... , l'l)r tIJo purpose of build, noon, M' 1'1'(' ''', Frzlnkllo and Nl' \\' I .,t un.l t h v M ' 1ll1! 'In u:l o\'er be lug u. t.own l'ilip bu\hllng, • BUI'J\ngtOll, lIud vlltrons of th e", thE! stute WE'I'U ",.'11 rcprt llen ted fit Rt hl ~ wlee. The bullet en tered the.1Pickering. He',is'said 'rl d '" " Tltursd -'s nl<'l'tin" Til. il • left Side ~f th,e b~dy nellr he lung. , cellent .. man ' when ' 8Obe~, and l G tllX IIp\! 'lite ill Wltyu tOWII, r pIes Wlll lHt plellserl to kll ow Ih Il L' " II t~~ t! jlro· ~hip contlti!l , uIJU I1t two IIOU u. 'b tdf tb "lnni! lHIY ., ",I rllcchillJ.t ~ornu. q~l'I:tJ) CIII~Ch1{l(Jd. '~ith I( 1llllltl,t tet at ,Mrs. Plo[,el'mg S brother and theil' ! long pel1iods be will lured man wel'e at the ' burn and I them he ,goes off on a tA'.rrihl. milliou ~lolll.u'!!, , ' thhlg 1 C II fIlII' e"1l11H)Uslltion fur : Ih:rlB tIV1\n ,Ii trol 111 t1\ ,'vllnlDg. '; ~\I ie, generaUy known, these t Ii In 'order to l)btll u tbt '''Illltilllflllt, tJI\lir st"'~lIUnll,'1 lire I 1 fl!ut!on of ' Hlln . 1'1. V . p1l01· w~ n they ntered the hou~e Pick- I Pickering catne to the ", VjI,"~'I'" 8t.itnt!'8 are he~d under the aul!~ Of the pcpple, potlti. U" \ twO ell'on , IIlUII' ''~ 'i n ll\IlIitl, O ~ 1'l'e,'illllnl, of ?rm~ was sla.ndi,n g with Lhe sm pk- Lytle from Brown ' county of the Bmte Boit.~d 'of Agrioultur:e~ I ted at the Jj'l\rJllflr~' In. tittite ' Moll' t hu l, gu will b of II 1111 !Oter. m~ r~volver, III hill hand. hi8 wi£- years ago. Odd ' Fellows He not yet been ar~.!ea. illlY Rnd l 'ue!ldaY, l'ellrlil!ll'\l1;\ fl)1I0N!\: , ~14 t .I 0 W 1l ;V~f'8vlllll ll'opl Ur. lymg 10 a chair. "Tile n.oll r IgnC)d cl otpU\ u f , Anl1lual Banqu e t p llf'lnltlll u h"(lJ' (ld till M morill1 Wayne towushir • Warrl!U ' lounty, .~--- -: Itl(1111' .~1I 11 W'lyn, \,111 .. the ~Oth ,of l Will go to New ,M l dli New C~ntu,ry Club. Obio, rtlspe tfnlly f)!ltiblon tha. h un The member of Wyoming' LodS'e; l lilst bhy uud , Will lJ TlIlIHlmhllrer:i braul, trustel' or' aulO town!'bi p ' t \) r.. o. F .. ,their famili und I hy 11\ ny I'Mt1erB of th e Gaz I t II uh mft to the vote~s of tl1/.l' t WII' f1:len~s ,:enjoY£)d th' ir anniversar~ , . Olher omc rlll~ctll(] weI' ': 'on .n th o o f t Sl'1l00D (:I f h'ebrU/l r y 22 811lpllfo~e8l1idllt Ii legul ' \lleotion. n ~elel)Jatl0n and ban<luet last , even- IItL,d. 1~1I te ro , or, Da.ytOD. Jiir t tb ., ewCnntllrY (;lu u" m et, with vrolloflition to if! ne bondlil for til 1n~. more than a hundred perSOIl" V ICO E relll(lcllt,; ,yo Z' \1\1, LeUI'll Mr li'unkey, t,h~ hO,oll WO, tllRta, purohnsa of lo't bemg,Pre,ent, " I fil l, "oond , YiCIl Pre!); Joh n H (ully clo ' ,o rut!\d with ('lugs ', md a tbo SlllDe Of a A t>rogl'Arr\ 'of nlusi<!, recita tion,Pdol'\, of ' le\'ellllHl, 'rbiru ' Vice i,ictt1T , (If George Wil bington bllllg and addl'e 'es occupied th e eal'ly Pr\lsldout: eorgo W BI1Ys, fit c;ln ' in I~ oOllsplouous l)illce, bmld.-iig , , Publio ' !!aJltim.}n '~ , 's ' elll!! t ,1 part ~f ~be evening. cinnlt t.i, Fuur~1l Vioe J:>rosiclQn t: 'lie· At roll 'nll ninot~en members re, prltOt!oLllly- unanlmoul! in fl\vor As 18 cU8toma~y , e~ch memb er of ~ tllry, Guiuo ~Ot' S, . ,11101011 tl; spond ad by ~iv l ug sum l?oint of in · stores of , plaut 'fOt1d the prop<> ad Im pr ·veme ttt. .. the <?~qer contrlbut~d <\ part of lhe rr II Urln, E. W , HHI, of E t 1.l v· tar ost in Brittnsy, nrged t j:) k ep if tbe w:ork.,is D. it supper p'laceu rI>,onl. . ' , ,' Tbe IlldiclI then enjoyed n, sOD?etbin<> growlog on the SOil. 11 MM, Ii f on" table: In .un,satlsfacto r y 'lbo" " " il lIDg ,!It bunOD "n xt 010 by MI s ,iMlth 8hut!1, .. advi cd tbe j\ldIClOU! UM of 0 'll 'CIM7,IIM ' ' lIppIlinted t.o w6t'k in ~ourse • but fri, tpa genl1lne 91d f~sh- Cllr WIlt ,)e of mor,s thflll . ordnl llry 'Dha lesson for thu day was then III ro III fertil Uf, ' 6 on tioo with" the trust os , Ono lon~d w.ay. With all abundanc of Itlt ~es oomlnf.; ItS It doe , In a..PI'ru!i ; tu.k6n up with Mr , Jllnnoy [18 lend· "ple Ptesillont then niJp illt'etl sugge tiOll is thltt 011 m ember of every tbmg good t(I (lat, denttnl 1 cliop yelL!:, Illld tb(l Gl \' ar, after wh.ioh Mrs. Ward ,relld a oODlm.i~tee. r of {our, 'C6n.S1dtiug ~~ the oOtn!1li~te~ b ,from LY~IO, ,'one A pleasant so<:ial sessi n foll ow d zen of Wfl~ren .' \lIlt,y, irIO peotlve most lntm:estlng plLper 'on Irpoll\lolLl hnde!! A. Bto\Vn,' J:'> , 0 , CllIgf'th (rlltll : Wnype. vfile .tltlf~ '' from the8uPl"er. , of I~l\rty- 011llla l'lons, w111 do theh: Fra~e," lind Miss Ma.y Wright Mr!!. J , W, ,W lltd . and 'M1'i Dilro Ell t Wu.yn ll, tbi wl\y nil parts ' " '--, be to tb nt Leb· read the "French Duel" by Mlll'k IDl1i:!. prepare, 1\ 'conl\ titotiop. lIud \voshlJl wil! 4. ' Protective Association tlnon the mo t suco (uI,n tlle,bis 11'waln, Mi Sliut.e , then by,II1~8. , " , ,;'ba to~n hip , kll te~ held th liir .!Vleet M I' h tory of the League , tho ' ladles with 'anotber - 8010, and ",l:tter 10 by : Btokrli Oroh' reg lll Alood£lY evening, s a c 9· responded,to Rlhen'rt;y enoot' , her t ,b e Ildjournod for owtns ,to limited ,truDlaot, "Tl:!a W,ttyne apdl ,M1l Town hip Enjoying 'Life , .acoor.qpallil1lonts ' wera played by n (In r ceS8. ' , d. OI;1.Y' , s: " Proteoblve and ,Deteot-I'v e Assooill ' ,i n the Sunny South. Mi s Cllrolyn Mosher . .Adjoul'ment LADlE • nett meeti,ng Will Qe 11,eld" Mllrch, will b old its reguhlr "quader)y ',' , ' was thon In ord r" and" dur-\ng the . ooonpies sMli nn imp f tnwnsbip butld. Ul.eetlng '\t) trou.o Ill ' L tter Irpm W . W, Tihb>. l nd which follow, d, we tuut , placo on the .farlD aDd her wlll nald red at tWlt WfJ.Y esvil1e Sll:tnrd"y afhernoon, . dAug,b ter , ,Mary who bave by ,her Mrs, Mil, work il4 generuUy r :nguiz"( d II.q tll~U ell ~t.el" Wittaml1.O, ot ~p~lnghoro. bet'n pondi ng t.he winter in "F-loridR; lar 'l8~d t11e la?~os were og!l-I~, ro , ', I , Ohllrles .Gollier, of Hurvoy Ourg. ludiOl\ t, t,hat both lire pldning heLllth 'min dod of dtty by thll b 109 ao '0 sentill l , to the tmccess on tbo r tm" , thllt 1,t bas 1\1 w~y b~n Spri ng Valley's' and 'Oharlus Joy, uf W1\-y~e$vl11e, ' IlDd 8t[~n!;t'h 'nel~th tho olear skiesbil.tohot alloh re,colv!,d II.S a Y,OIl venir cueto-mary fO.r the l!idies o'r tl"s School Hous'e-. were IldmitreCl' inl;o Dlomh tahip, anllm the \ \'h;:oratlng atmosphere o,f this pleMlllft 0001l.8ion, o6mmunity to tdke rJT min :qt p"rt, 'I'll ., e oitizens ,ot Vnllay 111' Tbe ASiooliLlion udjourned to l;lf tbe! Sunoy o"th , , Mrs, Mtrler Mrs'. Bratten ' n'f,he programs'of t.h .' . m at , in ' al} oilll turdn' y. are lit preilent tltoPlI ill .L a. t Con nard', Oarroll, '",lI'SII-'-.tUurCl-1 '" of theiy ha,ndsom D6MII.rob W" , During the l\,st few yel~rtl it ,bas juI tlyJ proud b 9, w , ,h en, ,tile nnolla! elec,tion £it: Peter burg, Floridu iQ the Kouth· 'and UIS8 Mame Brown were DU,e.fa 8 t!Us, Gl;l"oted upon tho site of offioers will take plaoo, ~II ern Ilnrt of th~' 't"l'~e a.Dillll'O oonr ot tbe hostes8 d this meettng..., of• the old building ';rho ne'w ettnotu're has ' been in m~rnb r oro re'luesteCl to attend en ough the OCORn to en j oy Dot only SeOreta.ry, our!lO of CQnstrnotilm ,fOl' Llbout tl this meeting, It beolth gi\' breezes, bnt tb" tullny l?l(!llsul'oS ",liioh , it off r 'in '
reg~lrdilJg '~llU
fnr~e~s Llh",~,V 8
,~u ~ll!jtitnt-e
. ~~hleh W~~I'
~ re~rosent
'~ rll ~ Illaetlt'~ f,be' ~ut ~iltle TOI~tine 'bu~iue e1?v~Lh,;t.,nd !~g ~e 'f\llly ' l'4e~
h~t' QOun~I£LII
~ lDak~
~IJ horln~
' ~iOil
~OO .
yen r. buf..i nil"" tlD1!:!1l! (1 , i~l1(1 I n , Qr~dit to ~l1 Y lOWl) I'lvQral tllJ,lQ be Ijl~ of !)l9 Vu.\l r ' 'It W,t!! op~n !ltl fIJ~ use Mnhday' of 1ft t ' wef!k' lind the evell\;; WIl8, the 00 , o'f op" prOlmllt~ fle4ic1tory ~xorcIR88 ' lll~r ' ti iJltttad tn ' by pupils auf! other nmollg whom was~, L. ' idCl , wll~ ~'" Clet k of the ach 01 b aftNl I\l1d ~'o IllteJ'~t ea work r for the nc,w bull ~ng uutil hil$ !leri.ol1 ilIot! II Inst fan ILnd tbill wtnt T ",hell he ""L\I bJiged, f.o give till,all Bot.J.vitlas but \v';~llbl!l to g,ive 'lLo faw ; reluilr~ 00: tilt> dily. of the' opening fOr ,s ' h l,lol
tbo ' tQ~vpship
~e~Rion, S
Notes Gathelred ' ,~bOU,It, Jhe
~s8,aslli8ted ~~e
the wlI y of \iolltiug, oathl,n ...., ,!lto, __ , ., Way'nesv' ilJe' H.·gh
• Mnrket ne-'(t 8'lturtl~y nt ' Oole· , The Sonil of ete l'fJ us, ,ubar School Notes. mans store.' ' Mi ,Te si .' ~itl.r1oJt ' viaitt'd tllo Mrll. Wlllill.m .O~ef@hton and llttle of (J .. A, R . anil n fo,v of ,tlul ir nephe,,,: Rudd Sl~ylor, of Lytle, were frl e,nd E)njuyed /1' very p10a unt av· 80l,tool ree Iltly, ' nt tile Camp"s ' b ldquiutera , Liucoln'e ' birthdny w8.sultnlJly Wllcln sdny eveni,n g . After rI)OO r;lli zl,d by the 81gh ro m , It Snturda;r" the l'venlnl{ bn i'ne 10uohoon WI'S f w gave r uitnti ooll and 1111', Britt ~r. o.n<1 .Mrs. Il, V, with, of Uu. 8 rv d lind hort talks were muu o ten gave n. short tl1lk ion PllI.Qe fttr~, hl~ppy over tllO by lIeverAl of till'S, Ul robers of t.llo ThnrsdllY n.ftlll'lioOIl, MI', Qlltey nrrivAl of' 1I son llltc? the~r horne, g( v~ t.I vary Inter esting tulk , pn ' oow milking Rn inter o!!tiPIl ttUDlly G , A It And SOOI8, , ' "Why ' W~ should caleUrate '/t b · oft~~o BOny and t~o (lnugbtere" - +"'':;';::';:' ' Crowll Loc1ge " t on ' S I'i ' t:lll~ , J olleph " . nlwton ' . '" ' ' E~nigbk of l'yth ' .'ll\s. IDg ) !' nb'"\OilY,' " A'.f J,"e r t' Jl,IS Printz Of ' spent \Vor~ , ' . ',' " , I.PO hugely ' , Wh'ttl , I e t' s ~ .,0)d .11, PI' t rlOt!v " ',, m ' eeting, " Sllndov , at his' . llUrents bome he're I Il very aOJoyltulo h eu " " Ittteudt:ld Ineo1i1ug ~ do ~dt1y veo Tll ~I f d bn t e \Yus. ' '.Re this being ' • " , reatest lYloving Picture ' lng E l l W ' j k ' . 13 i qoe 011 or bis flr!:it, visit stncs Chllis't:. G Sh E " ', ~ . ' yc O . I er on" U~t:lI' n !lolvod 'l'hll.t"t.l1~ printin g press 'bas ' mos , ', ' . ow ve~ in Wa~.,esvl.lle te):\deut o~ tbe s,oll nol~ at Or('gonill. d ono mllre for the world th'1.l ll th ' '
Thtll'Waf;\Ih:Lgton ~o'ving 'Pioture bow will ·tie here Frldny MII~\lh 1 aud Satnrdt\y p,
WAS pres nt 1I0d o88i ted iu lni . of I,ho
~hlrd d,e~r 0,
HarVeysb.u rl?: 'Gi.;1
In, t: l~er<.lry
J eill'\ie Cook " Work.
In Citizen~r/lip.
ot· the un ique features 'of tile ' all manllor or wei rd talos lind d iu,
.... ~ Jam stolYn
'poslUon wil l b sloos. For y Drs the l ' i,"1on was t:om· Great "DIsmal Swamp ruonly loak d ullon liS IJ. plac or dr ad W .hdtoli!. Th Il1l1nllgrun nt Qf til anc,l malignity, an unfC!rllle, ulltJ ell llbl' ~tfOll Is planning Cor a ViRt r s rv· llnd Ilnnrofltabl « 'lion of til mRp. ra. ..blCh 'wHl enable those who wlsll Of ot.ItI)I' vfllli , (11'1I11\leal or 'n est hotlcal, to do 80 to penetrate the l,OOt) quare or bOLb, to men ,of pasl goneI'll! { .e . .U. of· wild ~cenery comprised ~vl th. the Olsmal Swamp blld IUt! or nolb. tJaIa Il1most wor(bles8 section of Ing nt all. VlJwI"'" and ",North Carolina. And In Howev r, tb a t (al"~ alll g llorRo nollo. I'I'II!IiIII1nc. for ' thIs teii.l.uT of the oxp"· George 'Yaahlngton. venlur d to lHl ve ..... the, m~nagement decla res tbat sam reaP ct for 'UIO$', 1,000 square WOM dls ~al Is a misnomer. miles ' of tbe lIew (lOUlltr-y. Ae al'ly . Ih'er7body. of course, at one time or as ~'i6S, Wasllinstop 8urve~' ed OUl ~ has ' beard of th o Qismal ILwamp, 8ubs quently h formed the SW'UaJ). Over 100 years ago Tbo~us fi rst IOlLn cOnllmn,' on tbl. h emiSPhere, ~ the lrlab pOOt. made a wondel~ ' the DIsmal . ",nlDp Land omlllln:;, fill -...uad. allOut H, immortalizing a The sloel, wall s ubs 1'1 cl for wllh 1ad7 .... white Ilnoe, the opagucnes:; some 'bt'slliltion. but It I'O ld ~1111l11 dlv· of U. ID,Fstllry or Ule swa'ID]), 41o .uo · Ide ntls, a nd remnlnt'd wl r hln Vlit lnlo endlDa . .roh tbere of an unlla'Pl1Y fllDll1J , And c\'cn lOS lot us the Ioter. ,l{wre·. poeni was full of weird llresonl yeal' the DI Rmlli Swnnlp I.alld ....1IIt); perhaps to i t Ill'e traceab le comllnny UI dn tho I'e Qrd~ . nnd I h '1''' m.., of the customary 1m III' IIslons of 1$ ,\ Ilrofi t llaltln 0 fill ' all 1I0id 1'5 III "tIae Moore sang: Its tock. . Wns blngton on ('1I·ed tbe Iden 01 Dlmll ...1 StY m p b0 ~ p .~'J ~: dlgglo;; Il cnnal lI'om Elizab Ih 'Ity. rug~ and 8q .·~. mgled j unlll r. bed. ot · N. C.• to ~orroll'. Vii" and onrl(lctillg Albem3rlc; soun d 'willI ltOSliP allli hay. nd r Ills SIlJl rvls lon tb' e rr61·t wus U!\lle rtaken. ~ I' twO t ber dUI'lng t he progross .of the wOl'le, ~mll en rrn·· ests were ncounte l'e!j, Til lool~ t til excuva tors ' W rl hl~hly Inefficient for thes dl1lh.-ul lles so tho s un ken fore~ts were ' BuUl'm 1:-- dlf wari)ed uml ante·bellum day s . tbe hillk¥ aftor tbe rasblon of the leve«ls
*'"' dl8play or f.h
either s ide to r sevllru l )uiloB • ' Toolft, ~p{llh!s lUld wbeelbarrows, l)lus ener!;cLlc mOil. did t he labor on the oanal, ,bu t t"bll Hew b y on wings. t n comllor lson wllll 'Ih ls ven tu re t ho Pnnnma canol of to-da)' Is no mbre !ll·odiglous. ThO tevo hl ~l on ·came I\nd wont. "VasbrnglOn became command· Ing sene ral or tbe on Incntnl IIrmle:!. lhen presld nl, lind paijsecl away, hilI the s occcssive bllllllers or . Lbe cuoill did oat fini s h tll ~ lr work utim thc nlneteenllr cc:t 11I 1')' , WIlS 'In Infancy. Wa hln gLo n ditch Is sUli \'Is lble, a nd J erlcb'O caoal IS UH!I'c-:tbe caual wblcn wall dll g ror Ihe pllrpose or ' flillltln ~ ,lfmlJe r ,Oll~ of 1J)e 'SwIlD;lII, ' To t bo west,,,:n rd ot. t h!3 lowl and s the 8.11· .clent ' shore , of 'Lbe ocean Is , l)lcnrly Ilnll 6harpl y Ilefln cd. The geol ~glst 6 b!!llr \'f! thal at one period of reTIIOlC'l;Imc;, tlte OCP..311 roll ea over the sWllm p an d ovor thol\f<auds of
WHY BOYS SHOULD BE INTER· It YOII Il1tl'nd 10 'h e a politiCian 01 ESTEO IN WORLD AFFAIRS. Ih rl~hl I{(nd, )'OU musl b .:1 11 to pr,,· pure ronrs If nbw b)' , '('adlng t he n "'SIIOI' rs. 1\0 Culurc IlI~ltl'n will Worf. "lid <> .. mes of Vouthful Hour. (>VI/I' Olll OIUl t ,to IlIltotlh who pUre!; OVl'r dim no\' 'l~ Bn a Q lIsationa l atOl'l !I. All 1/ Preparation for Life'" Stern. 1I11c1 If'! nr)WllIIRI1CI'>I 11:16S him by. er Dut1es-Sfudy the Gre::t 'rlle tlally I)ress Jdv Il ull lhl' 1<fo l'Y Of Game of Pollt lc:c Now: til " 6"1' nt W Irld 10 wlll 'h W ' live. BY MA +!GARET E. SANGSTER. goud 11('\ 911allel' ' 1;1 worlh Il ~ m ll 'b In Yr.,1 Ill'!! \'c ry .HIS)· to·day . YUlll11l Ihl' etl u 1\t\OIl yon 111'0 :;el llll !; P S your mill1- VOII have plcnly' "I \V0l'1 In the It Xh-Oll, your al :~ll l1 .....1 m' ),\)111' Lnlln 6I'hol)l l'II"U1 lLlld Iln~' nUlllbll1' at · Illd bOOk , 1.'h.., world IS closely knit III ::: "\l I~;I~,"UO~b: I1n I,h" Iila.v ~l"l1 l1nd . wgCllh I'. aud tho (1.01111 ~ lind 11 1111111.:(1 III worl, anu JJlo gll l1l [S ~' "u aro hllvl llg ut no IlI\I't f II", glo ~e trnl'r I\, gr at a very gootl t1nl lJ, hut I'he IIS<' 01 It all (I t'li I to do \VII h Wh (lt lllll~' bo i ollllt tin IR tt; IlI'clln re YOH for , .. lure <l1t11- n, \hollsl1n" ~ or milt's UWIlY III nuothe r hr\>. lhw (If t.hCijL days: It n1ay 'be. Ilarl ul t.1l glob". .• • • • • Lba you ~hal1 hi! a judge. n governor. 1I Ollltlllinllol',ln hler or tbe Ilr"5ld ilL nl esH "Oil are COIlIf'ult;''' to be fl" Ilf the rntted Stnt"R. C rLaln l)' a til' no ran IIl1d lIu rCl~W ;\11(1 111' j lldlced, you t ur prp.s lll nt, n flllllrc Judge of tho wil l 1181('11 to th l! lulk thut goe~ (III KUJlr na court. 11 rulltre ollllllandel" ahout )"011 . lind you will SOUl t lllll·. Ill) In -<'.hf r. a futur admira l of Ule navy wllh your ruthe r I' 1I11(' lc to J.l Iioli t· Is to ~I l:iI' n lo·dny I/O t he camllllS or Ical III ' li nt:. In the CI IL5:11'oorn . lind be 10 gelllng 1'lm future oiliu n shnllid . .on t h" I' I\d y tO l' h l~ wClI'k whol e, b II PIlI'l)' mlln. t OI' th o rcnson Wh elhe r or not. )'OU III'e the boy oil Lhllt ).'lIrll s 5lllnd Cor l)rlncitllcH. lu a whOm great honors an.1 l'e!l()llIls lbll· CtlUli try Ilk (lUl'd. t hCI' UI'I Ubl'll),a IUcs 01 !lomo prolla ilosilio n will "en ' two SI' 'ut pall'lotl {ulrll!)'l with gOI ,\ In Otl.I' country. m n on 1I0lh sldl)s. nno ~LllIIctlrn H 011 tel'. who Clln 1 . 1I'! howe v('l', th . mlln who VOI\lS Is nM 1m· h old~ th balanqe (lC po wer :lnd somo portant os th milo wtio IH lecte d. tim es lI\e ollIe,·. aod If th('r Will' no good ml?n llnd Do os It not Y('em a Illty lhtlt Ameri · t rue to d.rop UI C wh lto bullots Int.e) can b(IY R who ha ~'o so mnny ad\,nn· the boxes 00 lecllon dllYS, wbo ,tug s und who loolk ' Ifl '1\'1 h 80 milch knows what would I,) ' come ot1.he state a dmiration at ollr glorloll9 nUS \Vh ' :I and the nation? glwh ha~ a po!;llIYe It noatH (TOIlI tbe roof 01 tit hul'Cl! duly to all tht) 1" t. alld II a si ngle or tho schoolhou se. IIhould gro w II I) one Is untrustworthy. he waakens tho tl) lake very III,tlo II/e rsonal Interest In t or th e whol e. an d he lps to pull th o go \'ernmolll or ~b\Ch Lhat fillg Is down the country nnd the flag that the sym bol. Study yo ur United Statns history. h loves. · r slIoalt to yo u a s a future citizen, Study II. with aro, S u how It s trikes ( heme you will bn a n al·tl enl. IlOlltl· .deep rollls Into Ib ,8011. Loo il how It a lnTl. No gam tblOt you /~ay \'O-dllY r eaches bn k In to tbe hlslor. of nu· III on hnlr ~o Interesting liS tbo stent tiona I hilt bn ve gone berore It. !:l saruo IIf 110Ilt Ics The word ll~e U as tlays to com . lh re are IlIBllY Ilrob· yqu fe llows In tile Lntln c lllsa know, In ms ~bllt this la ml I)r oUI'S will have to In doi-Ivell fl'Onl lhe word city. nnd It 1& fu(!e. 'f her 1l1'0 dlific lli tl s III rl' nt 01 tbe . lI y with If !! \'IWt mlnsll cR of In' , u s that wil l call (<II' fh o gr('utc~t wis· l()rest~ lInd Its rowdl ng P01~lIllltI0:1 nom. You hoys IIIrc [l1'Cpnl'lug YOI!I" thllt fo uselJ Ih Ilro of Ibe naIl on ut s Ives now ror t ho coa lests t hH will strntcglc l,o!nls. ' be curri ed on to ~ successful .lsSUE', Tbe pOlitician docs not h ave tl) li ve Dud 'will be s311 h~d . no t by your fa· In the city to glv bls thougbl IInd l ther!; and (!;I'UIlMnthel's, but by yourcore to tu common sond of hie natlvo s lve!!, , Illllll. In evo ry cou nlry lOW II. In every l~\" r~' bp-- s hould have, his Ideal vall cy ~\'here . (armhouses s cud Ihe .. h~ro. wb om b e sbould Im itate BllIl. fol ' blue smoko cu rling up to t be sky, low . R en.ember that t he tJ ro arc bqnorablo poli tiC ian s mal' If\' and ito I not rul el ()a~. A good ma ny 'M th m tb h ' work tor the wellllre or our I arc ali ve. rhey nl'e In' Lbe VIln fl p:ht· l;,fea t people. 1I1ark . I'he fact. tbat l ing rOI' Ireedom 118 $trongly and In· whllo there a re l&rloble and dIs honor· teoacly as 1I1ose dI d wbo a re [Ic" oe· able Ilolltll)lans. t hey arc In th e mi· full y !ylng III hallowed graves to·duy. norlly. and t here al ways COnl es a Urn Htt \"e your heroell. Shout fol' Ibem Wear their when they are' dereated and thCllr b est wh en the Ume com s. laid lllans nre held UP to con tempt ,names on badges and. t re as!!r t hem In wblle the callBO of right- trlumpbs. Iii your Iiellrts. No boy will be wortb tho gume of pollUcs, we n eed to rc- mueh to his ountn' wbo Is not a bero mllmber this stallza: worshIper. , who <!oes ,. not vallie f~~e, dam and who Is ,not loot..-lng forward ''For right Is right. s ince Ood Is God. with eager antlcl patlon to tbe day And rlgbt the day must wll); when Ite, too. wl1Lb btbe r men. 8h;o;1 To doullt would bo disloyalty, have a vote. . To ,falter would be sin," 1 (Collyrll/ht. 1900. , b y JOBcph B. Bo.I....)
Ol the "Ml s:Jlg~ IV\)1 , woro i.illl1t up ou
Thlnga On, Can Do to Make . Othe,.. Glad.
t In Black and White. , 81ocl; o,'er "I'hU,e s a French . touch tbn i: . ts Uklngbn 'tol s side or ~he waler, A bandloD;le blac,k gov.-n tnmined wIth black lace wbleb haa tbe black cut away from under Its most s trikIng patt.erns, · letting a wbite lining sbow tbrougb, gives somethlng tbe appearance at medallions aeL on. but Ie mach newer. \ .
There 18 something radically wron's not only wll h an ' Individual. but III t he spirIt of tb e tlm Q8 wben ,the as: 'Sortlon hi made : "I don't ca re about T!>e. N,e w Color. Chrl8tmas and I wls b tho russ wall Re d rll ss6t brown Is to bo the color It alwaYll burts me to he ar s ueb a s ta te n~en t alld I wish I of tn e wlnt ar. botb In London and had ' 't he power to restore tbe true Paris: ShatleS at deep claret are also meaning of Lbls blessed festival. If used. we oould or would only geL away from tbe "glve and l ake" th eory ' wIth which DESIGN FOR BAay,sACK. nearly eve ry o a c seoms Imbued and l'emOOlbe l' t hat Luthe r. said oven 10 his romoto day that "tbo beart, of t ho giver makes t hc girt dea r aM III'eclous," H we could on Iy learn to be slltisfietl wllh doing , wi ililn our means, so that tho joys of Christmas would 110t. , be clo ude d by th dread of lilose rust apJ.lroscl\lo g " January bUla." Tbe Christ mas post card ·bas becoure a moat helpfu l factor 1.0 spread· Ing " the glad tidings of greal ' joy," nnd this seu~on's prodllctJons oro a . deilsbl. The olles 9p~clally tor cbU· dren with "Santa CI!lulI·'· desce ndIng the cblmney and speedin g o.yer anow· clad bfJJs with his e ight tiny . rein· ,!.leer nre rCaily ttlscl natl,ng. A young woman who bas a desire to ,do (ar more than he r /lurSe Jlermit confided 10 me thfs scheme lor I'Omelllberlllg a , large nu m ber or Indl· vlduals who are "obllged to live In " Hom es" Bni!' ot her Institutions. She aald she (llOugbt It must be most dis· bearlenlog to ha ve we poatman pas8 by w'lth no mall for them on Christ· mas lin), 80 sh c basobtalaed We , name,; of the very frl e ntlless ones' and addressed a aouvenlr card to be de· Ify rcd on th e 25tb. This III s ure· Iy a delightful th Ing to do, and I hope msny who read thl ll will ,avail 'tbem· Embroidery Ilesl~n for a babl' se lves of the lIuggestion. saequo to be mllde In tlnen pique or Let ua en'd eavor to mak e lbla holl· flllnne l. It will be noticed tllat tbe Clay 8elson '. more ·or a real pleasure . lJarnuint Is c ut In u pu,rtlcularly larv,e and Je ss o( 'what HopkInson Smltb and loose pattern to lie away from SIlYS It haG become. " II social: clear, and not' crusb lbe dress. .Koots and Ing houae for the awapphig of glrta." disks are' use d to :lit In between the 'MAD .~ME MlilRRI . branches of the embroidery pattern.
a Woma:~ Saves
" 'If..... . " 'If.; .M "'II'brolde~)'. The c nds of the scarf wero
fringed and the e ll'ect was very p~tly Thay Can Be· Mlde by Anybody Skill· apd IInllsual. ful With t'he Needle, - '~hantllly Bob, Up Again. r.t Is becom!ng m~r'~ lind more cu. Black, Chantllly ' laces aro making an tomar? for ,the ,woman who II< goIng especial niche I~ol', the mselves In the JUl In tbe even lug- to discard bor bat later moOes. All wuy from a. .tourind wQat bl it. .place a light. scarf uf l¥ch grill to a 46·incll flOllllce. , the ;;01JJe lIort. Many ot ~""" acarfa are eleyer dr.l! Who lteeps abreast made of 'the tallhlonable pompadour of all the. novelties of {ash Ion ·Is em. Jlrepe de chine. III wbleb 'calle the ,do- ploylng- black Cibantillys for gOWDS of . nor h85 only to b~mstltch the encre of dresay purpose,. · a piece or crepe 4e chine C!f tl1,e, reTo one accul.'tome~ to value real !Iulred 'length. lace" tor ~helr o"a IntrInsic beauty It Olle girl wbo wa. not aatisOed 'IfItb aeems some.what Iltartllng to Ond the thl8 method hit upon an orIginal and exquisite Cbant.ilb'a . .d Spanilb lace. Ilxtremely ,artlltlc way or making the ruthlesaly turned over to tl.1I dyer !A) deBlrud sCArfli. ahe bought crope de bo tinted after !,o me one or another of - ·Inferred. ~o hfna or chltton In plain eolOTll llnd uf the 'modhlh tlnus of .the mamant. Bill M~, T..o"·1!-1 do ~ · Io:lh I "ould get I tbe, D\?COSsary wldtb-about (went)' such ia their fate wben tbpy are goO¢ bOU8ell1aJ(\. , Incbtl~ la good-and laid III a allpp17 cholen tor wear b), the 101lD~ ~ 'lin. UPII-You ml gh' Intemew Df shUTt It!or;lhA of cretonne tlf a Iood lion of IOClelY. Not that they do not mille. J fhlnk Iho'd be delighted to quality and IIJ ftUllU 4ealgna. .how up well In aucll treatmCIDt, fot' to to you. '40. ' Next shu .cut the !lowers IUId leaora. the, Dloat "QUt wli)' . .d 1'lald rI.blliC,J1!41
IIBpcr aM I ll iillPiY can'l alford to pa, an exlra , rare." Fln_nelerlng 8een She ' goV'l" hi m 1\ c('nt and In le88 .mlll· Ineldent. th a n II minut e be was boc k wllh a pa· "- foot of Il r. subway "Oh, tbank YOII," Ijhe said. sWeetly. ThE!U she opl'ned her pllrs('. took ont a coin and I1rollped 'It Into tbe em· fllo,- r.'s ha m\. "to'OI' goodn c8 sake ." I58id a WOIDOlU wlJ() atood "·neQ.!: by. "Dld you tip 8ta· him ?" :'CertalnIY." salrl tbe heroin . "J gll\' C him a dlm t'. I· couldn't let blm wa ll 011 lIle ' (11' nothing. r.ould T7"N, Y. Sun. . In .. •
IIELP8 TO luce. . . IN LlI'&
DIQIITION 01' 1'00oa.
Exlr.ordinarlly Uaeful Boole Wrlttan by Nath'l C, Fowler, Jr.
A Plajn. Practical T,lk on th6 lor... ~ of Fa'dlng,
" ;\/1 R boy or young man "tarts, BO Is be II kc ly to go." Is tin IllClomuU c ml1:l' Inl . Hllw to slurt In trad , busln c8R or , \Iror~' sl!lo n la It II lUl,/lOrl,a lll. ror s lle· ce~ ~ IIt' IlP nll8 1ul'S ly upon our bll/ri n' ulngs, Thil l Ih . bo)' or young lIIan lIIa~' ~tI Ill\slstc:d nl tllC sf,a rt anlt all IllolIg Iho lIno ot ,b ls UI' I'. Mr. Nach'l C, I~"w i \', J'r" or ~\o !lto n, lias "' I'llte n II book mlthl d. "Startln g )11 , Lit ." jill" Il ublillhed hy Lltua; J1rOW I\ &; 0 .• or H.)~tO I1 , 'rIle book Is Int("nsely prac· llca l : iL Is unLln8ed lind utl w ly remu\' II rl'OlO Lbe IIroJudlce ll.r pel'sollill oplnloll. n tolla tilt' trulh ahou t 'tho I udlng In\d ~. b ualn(}~scG and profcs· (II ill S. lhnl UI boy l I' ydulI l;: \llan. and bill 11;11'0111 an,1 tench. r; muy obtnln art " lIl1e ' Irlfo l'\l)a lluo ho n cl'nlng tho hll PI ~tnnt caliings-wllut 'a h hal< 0 on·t.' I'. 11" Ilcl"antagt~~ ' ulIll t1hml'l "_lUt· a8e~. !\fr. I~ow l cr g(Jos fu rther-bo not on l' gllOwS the boy wlllli aeh IIOCtl· ; Ion mil or may not bll worllJ to him , b \1~ hn tello bl III hli w W prop I'ly PI'&I'al'l1 hlm Ro lf t "lOr til cu lli ng. 81HI h a$l<!" l~ him In ll et~lI· ml nlllg. ily l;clr. "J(aolinllllon. as to whcther or lIot b e will ~ lIcl'u.'d bette III 0110 df rection Ihan III uno Uwr. Ho lite rall y tells tbe boy wh at kind of \I boy ho !Should b to succeod In Ilny d.lrec Uou, In· , forms him holV to Ill' 111ne for e nle l'. Ilig t he lIl11n!; chosen, and gi ves Jllm mos t . positive InformaLion ra ,;o l'dlng a ll or the occupations be Is li kely 'to ·cons lde r. At Iho closil ot e a oh chap· tor. two or more mOil. who buve mude a 811ce ss or' the vllcutlon discuss d. tell why, I1nll why nOlo they would Ild· vise II )'oung Ullln to ('TIter t he l I' occu· 1m II 011, Among thnBO who h..lve co· operaled wlih the outhor, and who bnv'; <;ontrlbllted 10 the book. are mll llY university. , bnnll; and co rlloru· tlon preslden llI, proprletor8 ot groat dl'pllI-lllle nt stores, , . II known whole· anle rH and manulact urers. law y I·S. archil I'ts. mlls lclau •. s en ral8. lldlDlI~ al s. clergy mOil, phy Icfulls. schuol s ,,-. 11 I'llit nd onls. mllrolul omolals, art· Ists. Iny nlol's, ijal smoll . ski lled eh01llcs . editors. publishers, 11I'llhol's . ami In Cllot two or m bre of t be most cmlnent r('lweS ulallv 8 of ach of tho lealling ,'oclltlon~. The book Is' hund · sO Il1('ly Illu8t1'!Hed by Mr. Cbarl es Copeland.
Aim Should Be Keep the Anlllla l,a a. Clean liB Possibl:. Wh 1'0. hllllB arO Itlolnl.uln d anll rod .:mt of dIlOI'S all S{'li~(l11!1 ot tile Y('IlI" I ~ IS II()\ only utlvan lllS Oll~ l1ut V I'Y es· fOl' thl] 1\l'OWOI Ion or UP.8t sanl· ( try conll)tlon, lJ1M SOUl urrang emont [) cO.lIll11 led ,i'her llY the toodl ng \lillY Ii(>' c udUCI rl upou eleno. whQl e· sonll' II I!lIII. The [Ul'lIIel' ",bu r ous hlo h pS~' nnywhero th!lro Is R "ry 1)11100 uuout th e hog ::ml. I" akely SOOIl r or later to noUc£! an lIulhrlfty I1l1puarllllce amllu g sOllie IIlCllllb('rs of his Qn11l11118. !lOg!! wl\ell llIulntnl ned In lIen oui ul doors will not do Lllolr bost· II!II"MH t h ')' have SOIDe "erma' lIont unti HU lll tlu'y feedl n/; place whOl'e b)· Lil lIY eu n I' cel v lIwlr menls 1'01;11 III l'Iy , and III nn II cOj)talll(' COil' dl tlon, . We handl e n il ou r hogs hi )'ards duro In g Ule enlll'e yenl' II l1d lInd with !)roper arrnn gements we ar able to keell our IIn lllla l9 c lea n!)1' IUld h ealth· IeI' lball uniler nny other system ot mBhag me nt, says" cOI' rC!lLlOndent of Pml rl Fal'lner. W flud lIIat It)' pro'\' Idl ng ' IIrol r convenl encfll;l for feed· lug wo call maJ ll taJ n a Inr!;er numb I' of bogs llpon our farm wltbo ut 10HS 01' dis ase. The dln·gram h erewith shows .one or Gur fe din!; platrorws. Th is platform
haa bee n In· uso, ror over nve yenrlj and b ns repaid fur IIse·1t mll!i y tlmel/. Tbe platl'orm was mad by Inylng do\vn oak. 4:o< ,, 's ' and 111I1I1 ~Il\S ov er wi th (lIne two· lncb at uff of fair qusl. Ity. The trollgb 18 V·slmp mn~e of 2x8·lncb stull'. T he vtlltfol'm t ron ts up to a ren~e whareb) a slanti ng board was tllt ed so that all the teed· Ing Is done wltbout Intertel'ing wllb tbo hogs whil e caU ng. Slats fO llr Incbes wIde aro firmly naUed nine Inebes apart to prevont th o hogs from gettfng Into tbe troU!;h. The trough 18 80 Il r rllUred tbat with a broom it ~sa be thoro)tgbly cleaned eacb feed ing.
Webste r'. Oration to ill Flah. Thoug\1 til l!! should be e nough to suoporl conc lusively the contention Ihat Incld ~ n ts o f MI'. Wo batel"!! !;I'eat llC;hl evements prove t he close relll; tlon ab lll between flsbln g and the loft· lost attainments of lo anklnd . this brunch of 0'11' subject ought nol to lie dl sullssed wl tiloul Te fe ronce to a co n versallon I once had wltb old John Attaquln. then a patrIarch amon g the fe w s urvivors or the Mas h· pee lndlnns. , lI e hat!· orte n bee n · Mr. W e bstel' s guide and companion on bls fishing trip)! ·and reme mbered clearly many o~ their happenin gs. It was wltb a HARVESTING CORN WITH tWINE. glow or love and admlratloo amount· Ing oJmost to worsblp t hllt be relnted It f. Ec:onomlc;al and Wiae Under C,... how tbls great fts herman, after lantl· taln Condltlona. log a Ill.l'ge trout on tbe bank oC the sll'cam, "talked mIghty strong and In these days 0' Sllarce and expen. fill e to lhat fis h and told hIm what alvc labor, wbete t)le haryestlng 'of a mistake he had made and ,wbat B crops enn be done by ·anlmaI8. tllla fool be was to -talte-tliat- H )':-,ail'd-I'bll~1Tl1Jtbmt-crHJatldIJln..: tbem sbonl(l , be ' The practice ' of he would bave beell 011 right If be given due hogging down corn. liB It Is called. 'II hael let It alone." Who enn doubt Il)at , patfent scarch growlns In favor. But the .,Jlre~ent would di sclose. somewhe re In All'. prao1Jcl;! can ' poRslbly. be Improved We bster's IIpeeeboe and wrlUngs ,' the upon, It some s hortyarlety qf corn elaboration, wIth high Intent. ot that were 81'OWn w~l ch produ~s' ear~ " mlgb ty s trong and fllle" talk ad · aliulldanlly. and l! a erop of l1Umpl<lns dresBel1 to t he fish. a,t Masllpee!were growb at t he . s ame time In the Ft'om MI'. Olevelandrs New , nook. corn', ,tbe, com~lna!l(ln should be a goocl one . Tbe corn bel!lg lo,,' .of ltat, ure WOII leI not. hluder the growth of Telephone Hea,.. Whlapera Best. ,'1'he secrepbone Is, tho wblsllerln g the pumpklps as ' tall (!Orn WOUld . . Tbcre Is tI decided advantage ,tn tc l&phOll e. A message Cll n be . whls· pered Into It so lhat II IlOI'SOn Iltapihng grazin g or roetting olr thellO twc. tobut a )'ard a way canno t b enr what Is gether. says , Orange J'bdd Furntet: being said, while e very' word Is co~· One f.dva,nta~e IB:' (hat th~ ' pumpklnll reelly t rans mitted to the rec Iver at feed· well' (lIang " ~Ith Lbe, ,.cr;rn for Ille other e nd 01 tbe line a mil e away pigs 1Iiat arll beI ng !attenedl ann esp&or more. For thIs to be done ihe meij' clallY aions With ne W ~fO. 'rhey ell· Hllgo must lie actually whispe red. It erclae a healthful Influence on the sllokcn mare loudl)' , ot cours\!, tbe dlgel\ t1on. A secon<1 benefit Is the in· speaker can be b eard more tltnn a creased nutriment obtained from ala y~rd II way II'om the , trlln8mlt~lng In· acre by thus growing the two crops stTlunent. Properl), used, bowever, a toget)ler, and a third benefit res\o\IUn'g message can be sellt In privacy even Is the ,harvellt1 ng of tbe pumpkIns a. well as t he corn, ';"Ithout l!lbor. ' with Jleo(lle quite ciose., pay As prescnt , expericnco go.e s ' It r e- , Wbon growing 't hIs, 'c rop-It quires so me little practice to pIlch the well , to hav e t he land well enr.lched, voice correc ti y so us to get the best 're- Pumpldn B. If tMy are to· gTo~ , we!1; s lllls wlUI t he faintes t wblsper. eUf IU,nst ba ve, n rlcb soli.. ' 'I:bo yields "ar, tbe lessoo Is not dIffi cult .to learn, uSllally PI'CPllr tlOnD:te tei tbe hIgh coI\' In, tbe ·land. . .l , Peo)lle' \YJth hlgh·pilched vo'ces .\~ 1I 1 dltlon or fer.l!1lty undoubtedl y make · j tbemselves hen ro , 'RLlmlnatlona., moro di stinctly at tbe other e nd of the It ~ma that 'too mdeh mulcb Une wIth less noise at the trapsml't make the 81,11 8OUI'! ' •. tI* g end tban Is pos'slb,e' ror tboae ',vltb The stable la . thankful for 'a good lowe r·pltched volees. The InstrlUllent coat cit willlewasb. In that way It 'I~ Is claimed to ' be' practically Imne rlsb·' lJkll n polltfclan .. " ., . Ilbl , and caimot get out of !>rtl~r wltb MulchIng rose bushes noll" w!th. ordinary use . 1tllble manure al/d".Jeaves I. "good way lo Inllure a large crop TOB8I Doctor Underatoo~ ·HI. ·C . .e. , Ilext summer. , , '. Uncl'o Georgo cU81J1l/g 1.8 a well· Place II S (lIIUJ sIZed eweet potato. In kn~\Yn character r;Jown around ~ansoll. a glas8 ·jar filled with wate.r ; add a Mass. wllere b e lives. Althougb over pll,?ce of charcoal. 'and place ,In ,tbe 75. U'Jcle George Is ' stili \11'gorous, window. 'Ihe Ivy·lIJte growtb ' make • IU!6ps bl8 bh'd dog and loves to a:oam II rapid and more delicate 'f oliage than the woo<1s In hllntlng seB.llon, and ' 18 when planf'ed ,0ut-ot·i!90rll, anet . furn· rond of taltlng along iVl~h bim all the labes " ve ry 'pretty .Wlnd~w- de,cora· essentials . . On .nieBe bunting trlJl3 lion. . '. ; Uncle Geor!;e entered a Whitman drug Get, the slede read)' before the cino" store :and caller;! (or a ' ·half·plnt of I 110 that ·wheli"lt doet! come, ytiu whisky. The clerk was Ii ne w man.. wUl be fixl,d for It. .. and ' re fused ' t.o let Mr. Cusblng hava, It Is -not safe 'to walt too long to get It without a Ill'eBerlptron. 1.11 vain the' ,Ice crop. We may ,tIliSII our (jeorge plealled, but tbe clerk waa, ob· chance. Dest> , to do It the first Ume durate. " . tlie Ice Is thick eIiOligh. · Uocle George On ally beLbought blm' . 'How III your ' outside cellar d\>Or' self of his friend, 'the doctor. amI, Ita~ tenlng' to t he bouse, related mattera. Sound' and tlgbt,' or are there ble 'l'be , doctor laugbed. wrote air some- cracks In It? . If It Is ' broken: better mjike ''a new .o ne.' If you ·do not the Uilng which Oeorge t~k und, without wl1l;work ill u4 make' troubl.." !'\ladIng. burrled to t~e .tor~ t'P!n. " Farm Journal. '. Thlil BusptcloU8 clerk real! tll,e 'Pre. ' , _ _.' ::'_._ ...._ _ ecrlptlon and Ir~lta~ly ~ked, "How I. W""';lnl' .... CookI".1 'F . . . . tltl a• you wantwl a half.plnt C!f whl.~: Ia eo.14 weatber ~e !Talae ,of "WaMD and this Ilrellc, lptlQD calli for ~ Ill~~ 1 food Ie OUlly noticed, but the CdIIt Ie "Waal." drawled Uncle George, ye, mON than the increased ,alue ",hell ace I 8nppose the doctor " compared with the Incr~Ue 'of the my ca.e better thlUll did my,l~f. 1I0w ot mllJt. ' SII,a l.e m&f ~ led WIthout much alIdltlonal expenle. Still In a Bitter Mood.. P!'O" valuable. Cooklnc feed tor "Well/ .;lid he. anxloua to patob up wa. atron,l, reco.mnendecl 40 their qnanel of, yesterday. "areo't years alO. uyS Farm and ' Hom •• 'bat ourlous to 'knotJ what'. In ·thI. recellt. ellperlmenu· bale ptoY'llil the /liar' belU"I~ltallac)' tbl. doc~.. Co",. haft "Not Rever ' beeIl bred up. .to ent WIfe I~~r.:=~iai' "WIt)!. I
" tt I. not ",hat, 18 eaten, but whnt Is dlgosted, tha t nourrsbe8," I. , an ale' 'Iom of tbo medical doctor, aDd tblll Illlpllea w!tll e qual force to tb aoimals at tbe fut-IIl , altbough many !>reel\ora a nd reurel'S of slock dl8111ay 0 mucb ",renter In teres t In "what to reed'~ tbBn In tbe qll sUon of " how to red ." One autbori\,y saya t bat "It Is not sulft· cient to know tbnt (.'Ortaln Hllbs tllt*ls pos8ess great nutrim ent, and that 'Dth· _ Il ce 111'0 Ilractlc.lll y useless, but II ulua!: be known who l toods a re most sui ted 1.0 the v!iryln/.! cll,lI dltlon8 of the or· ganlslll. In whnt: rorm the90 3ltu ultl b IIdmlllla tt'red, and to lise rtl\ln h ow I he b al f odlng nn he obta.lncll In tbe IUns t COuoml cRJ rnnDlle l·." Tho arrange.rllellt of i he diges tive I\PllarnluJ' of onlmuls hus all Imporlant bOIU'I IIl: on 't holr uysleol or ((>(J dln , nnd whut Is rlg hl libel prt\pel' ror ono Is qliH.e ·~IU$ulfed to til other. , The Hmnll and Single stomacll 01 the horao. Its caJ1acloll ~ bowellS, IlDd Ule abs lice Qr the gn ll bllldder. are In mlll'lled di sti nction to tbo-, e nor:wous stoJ\lflcb or Ibe ox. til s m\l)1 InleR.tin cil nnd tb 11I'080IlCe' of (I ga il b lad· del'. nn d thus the foedlng of emtle and s h aep tI,lT I'S mitCh' trom tho foodlnc of pigs from eithe r. The object or food Is to bulht liP and r 1~lIlr Ihe tissues /lnll mb.lnl.m n a rC'!jAI'VO ror the bod y reqllirements. so,)'a the MOI1 t real H raid. bu t rood as r~ cel ved Is qul le u ~el cBB tor t ho pUrp06t1 of t ile body • .and berore ,t CU)l 00 'IlU· Ibed It lIillst torm (Ia rt or and oarcol tlf t he nnlnlal, elthil l' In til solid or liquId tissues, The dlgesUilllIly 'or a food Is Its power of undergoin g obsorl,lUon In to tb e bo:!y ror Lb() purpo se of nutrition. 'ond In every foad given to a nlmnlll thorll [s a d.llltinct .dlges· t.ion or tho III'O\llld. rat and carbohY' drate In It, TI)e amouat qt tbcso Which lire llbsorbod under favorable c;oJldllions Is tnll'ly de!1nlle. bu t under unflll'orable condltloas, stich all tile (ood. belllg "badly clll'ed," (II' th re l)elug lOO mucb CBI'bobydrat pr I\en t. Of too m 110 )1 or too liltl lIrot Id In the d l t, th amount absorbed de parts {rom tbe normal. and le81! I 'e. trnc,ed or lOllS storecl up Lblm wo uld have been t he case had 1!0udlUo.os be II fnvora· ble.
' COOR 'FC?R HOG HOUSE. That the Hoga Can Open Them. aelvet Ind ""III Keep ~ut DraLlghta. Here Is
0, '
'plan for a bog door (hat
Ma beon lound very !laUsfactorY. Tile
door )s mad of three ordInary boa rds with battens on tbe Inside, the Wider one at Lbe bottom. Tbe door Is . 80 as to bave 0, quarter·lnob apace all ~round between It and tbe (rnme. A
"- -
Hog Houae ,&)001'. halt·lnch Iron rod Is futen <\ acro.. tlfo ,', uRper:'batteli with eye, bOlt.: !fbla ' gives ' th e dOOr fre. play ' to ,.wlng Iii , anet ·out. The enda of the 'Pods run . Into tbo door· frame on eaeh aide, and to' Ilrevellt the door , from bInding an Iroil COllll allllpOed ' of) ih~ rod · e!lch illde 'of lhe d.oor,. . It· sorve. ~e p·rob-·, ,I em . ot cold or drari¥' IIleev.U$ Quu,r" ters; ~a?ti ttionlreal H e ra14: HOgl can ~o In or out 'at will and ,the d~r Ja al· way~ IIhut' atter them. , It Iota , of air Is' wanted the door i. ea.Uy propPed ,., oPlln.
LlT'n :£ HINTS. The bull · can be kfilPt at il distance With a ' ala!!, Bnd ,tba~ I,. t~e~ Qre the 'IVa)" to lead ,blm. ' ,,
V!ST Ww.m OUltS I . .
'E J,lItY'Be"ln Vlar. Old, But , H.. • , Sound Back.
t h. II colore are
The ImmIgration Durlnll 1901 Wal 218,000.
Graft often coea aJout dlllcuJled &I a. buslnoss opportunity.
DYES color
m· oro good!!, per "adknge. tlmn othcN, I.od
Robert Scollan, 87 yeai'll oid, of 55 Garden St;. SeDeca Falla. N. Y., a line. Bturdy old gentleI • Outatrlpplng AnythIng That Evo,. H", man, 'who workR ,8een Known In , Hlltory II the in hlaown ga ... MOillure of Uncle Sam'. don. glvea thanks to Doan's 1{jdney AffIUCIlc:e. Pills tor his sound bll(lk and kidneys. t"be :Unlte~ States 'In thll 'wOalthiest ?of ra. Ooetchlou8. IJ!)Ulltry In, .llto world. In tit brle! hi. daugbt e r. 8pan o!: ,It,s ,yoUI\g lifo tbis Infant na· S 11 Y 8: ' "Fatber tlon 0"1 ours bas brok en· 1111 rocord s rebad a severe at;. laUng to the' a<;:eumulatJOn o[ riches, .and wo are beginning to think of ~n· tnck ot !t ldney trouble and lumbOl&o, ',llon8 Insl.el!d 01 ml11lon8. 1'alle Il nuy which' caused him much lIutfe rlng, He way you like, !\nd lbtl ml!lls ur of onr bego.n taldng Doan's Kidney Pills and We always ' keep affluence outstrips anylblng tllnt has ""as lloon cured. ever 'lic n kno,,'o before, snys the NIIW them on hnud. I\fy husband wa~ cured of bad pnlos In lhe back by taking Vor)c Sun. , Our country ho.s mote actual mn "" , only part of a box." Sold hyll11 dealers. 60 cents a box. mQfe gqld, a larger volum of eX llOrts. l(I'Cater banking faciliti es, richer Fo ster'Ml1bu~ Co .• Buftalo, N. Y. farms; mllre productive mhies. mOI'e Expen"ve City to Live In. "Jttl)lIonalnl8. more well·to,do trades· High prIces contInue to rule In Da,,· iDcl)"' mo~o l)!dopend ent farm ers. more highly paid la.bor .r s and Ii grenLer dis, lien City. which Is probably the molt trlbutlon 0'[ the luxuries wblch riches eJ[pens lve town ' In tbe world. It Is a bring lho.n o.ny' otlter nllllon has ever thrlvlnr; pllice "flth 11 pqpulatlon of over 8,000. with warehouses. churcbee, enjoyed ' Blnee time heglUl. Qne ' day. last' October ,U ncle Sam banks. elec tric lights. wholes ale and had gathered Into his monoy s toJ'Oo retail stores and two np·to-date new.· bOUile In Washington the greatest papers. The newspspers themselvee 'amount ot gold ever collected at one arc worthy of con~lderation In tbe IIgbt o~ expense, for tbey cost 25 cents Illl\ce In the history ef tho worldgold rellre~cntLng $871.803,899 . . This a copy. At this time of Lhe year t.hre.e "'o.s fndee.d a hlgh·wale~ mark. . We eggs ordered In /I, restnurant cost '1.50. whllo Q, co.rlbou steak cosLjI ' !,lne bad ~ere In one UUle room 'IDOl' gold dollar. Deer Is worth olle dollnr a bot\han Willi In. c!t'culutlon In O'r eat Brl· tle and chamllsgne ' UO.IiO a quart.
~rillhter 1.0-1
MHo "'.......,.... loot",... syrap. While It 18 well to beed every "or ebU4J'f111 &letll1aa •• otklD. lbe wvral 1'fIdutu toword of caution from tbe leaders In . . .1Jla.IJ9II.1Il1.7.pafD.C ........ lJulcolk1. lZc abOtc... commerce and Itnance and to avoid Sometimes Il Wllman'B ra.ce o,'e rd~. aU speculative ventures thnt lack a 1I01ld \Jus lness foundation. It Is clearly It In the mattl:r of te\1lng' her ace. evident that there Is no consplcuou8 weak spot In Canada'/i present era of prosperity. Tlie To ronto Globe RIlYS: "The Dominion has In a commercial sense plenty ot money, and our lead· Be caretul not to a s k for t ..vora to Ing ftnaDclal Insl1 tutlons ' are In a po· wblch you a re n,ot enllUed. "Itton to lend treely In the United For a time, talte n l.ure'~ m licil1e Statos. The chle! productiVe enter· 'fca; It ch:anac8 the snlcm. 1";1': prlses of Cannda are not bueyed up 9~rneld Illes I.he blood Rnd mRUI'eR a normal (I lion WI, ile Lead :,",1 hy an er4 or dangerous spec ulatl on. · oC liver: kidnoys, ~tol1lu ch a nd bl)wcl ~. Lin~.ed Oil "e~d ' but are (ollowlng substantial busl· Made or Herb. . no argument, no ness methods and finding sate and advertising 10 PrClent. from PrInce .. , Get maiulain them. continuou8 mllrkets 'for \helr goods. Two pink woolen petticoats of beau· selve. as Ihe be.t We are not bolsterIng \IP any Indus· tlful orochet work. maC\e by the and mosl e'conCiOlic. tries by extensive export bonuses al pai nl yetlmpwn to th'!ot muat Impovcrl sh the people a" princess of Wales tor the Essex man. Th~d l fficully ha. a whole, and ultimately lead to col· Nee dletlork guild, have been glvcn as been for Ihe buycr 10 l ie prosentR to two lItUo &lrll at Havel'< lapse through tho fallllre at the nrU·, Illway. sure or Ihe p'ulty Essex. IDg-atte-Bower, flclal ·n.ld. Tbere Is no extreme pro· of tile while lead and oil. We have registered tl.e t.ection In Cannda lI ucb a8 would cre tmde mark of the Dulch Boy painl" ate grllat fortunes for a rew at the A Big Bargain for 12 Centl Postpaid. The ycar of l OOG w a s onc or pN, di~1l1 10 be lite final p roof of qual,,)'. gen. expense at tbe general pub)lc and plenlY on n ur IlCCd farms. Ne\'er before u inen~ss and purily 10 point buy.. .., lead to !lls l'uptlon alid catastrophe. a id ~cgetablc nnd farm seeds return ollch everywl«re. \\'h en this .rade mark Tbe J)roBllerity ot Cana da has no ar· enorUlOUH yields. . appears on the I<eg, you can be sure Now lOo wi. h to gain 200.000 n w CURtlflclal foundation being bas d on Ol Ihat Ibe conlent. is Pure Whito tomcl'fl this year and hence offer for l'Zc h ealthy nnll substantial expansion of pORtpnid Lead made by the Old Dutth Process. t rade and Indus try. wllh a proportion· 1 pl<,. GBrd ~n ily Beet . . .... ... ... . . 100 , SEND FOR BOOK ate exte'nslon of productive Bettlement 1 .. Earliest Ripl! Cabbage... . .. . . .. 10c I thB 1 .. Earli(' t E u, mltl Oucumb er .. . , I So , It. Talk no Palot. ;' .t.e• .,.In.tlle tntnt'ID .. to new areas. tJ~n on tho poln\allb) iCl . I! no upoa .roquoe\. I ,. 1..11 CrQsse Murk L ]-AlltuCC. . . , . 150 eczemas, rashes, It la true that wI;) are borrowing 1 " 13 Dav ltJldi,;h .. ......... .. , .... tOo extensive ly for ralhyay conslructlon. 1 .. Hlue Blood TODllllo ....... .. . .. lfic NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY bites, chapplngs t ' 8 ror- ' ,,, "'1aIr. ... t-etr qf ',../011.0 .... but e vel'y line will brlllg new t erri' 1 ., Juicy 1'u r1\iJ:~ . . ... •. . . , . . .. I' · IOc itching and' rough1000 II. rncla gloriousl)' belLut rill Dow· \ ' ''''' .il/,. t. n ....... _ , man. tory within lbe limi ts of prOfitable , talll. ' , .w he er IICcdJI . .... ... ......,...... .. ...... ~ r:1:.;~:~k ~1Z:,jo. 1l\"~~~'I!;l'1!~~ neSs, occ upa tion. and wl!1 create prosper. .'llhe Jarg st receipt vel' given, th.. MtX THIS AT HOME. Total .......... , .... . .. : .. ...... .. $ 1,00 I :~.s.'i~~~~:.;r~.:: ~hDa:1 00. Ph.. OUB settlements to hear th e burdens hands, Inmene~s 'ancl grcliwst money trust ev I' 1II1d rlaken All for J2c lIostlloili in ol' to ill 1'0' I ~~~~~~~~~~~::!~~~~L In history. was wilen tile Tlr R nt treas· V"!luable Prelcrlptlon Whleh Anyone and repay the ouUoy. We are not 4nco our warmn t,ed Melh?, an d If you ellhaustlng minerai resources, for It will Rcnd 16<: 'we will adrl onc I'ackng(' of uter ,of tbe United $tAtes.· harlllB H, Can Elilly Prepare. sports', sanative, ~ntisep fs quite reasonable. to assume that, l~crlincr l;; C,\lIIiI)ower. loge, her 1'reat, wllnt Into office. He reeelpll! to although min 1'0.1 wealth Is never wilb ollr manullot h plnnt, nursery stock, ti<; l>~byrashes differ;11:11111 H: ' Rob~ts, the reUrlng trllB~' CURE FOR The followIng 8imple home·mall.e permanunt, ours will ' during tbe vetlctablc and fBl'm ·.red ul1Il tool entalog. 111 01)~ ....rl"'l""" for aU the money and securities it<,:hings, ~ ~hafi?gs,. 'fhin catalog id mAiled f:ce to nil in· .tbe :vaultll ot tho treasury. It totAl mixture Is Bald to readily reUeve and mcasurable fu ture develop Il tar tending purchnserll, Writo to-tiny. th~ J ohn A. Salzer Se.d Co" Bolt W, LA l1Ius· · Clf >'1.:l69.698.27S,lil!. It' r Qulred (rom overcome any' form of RheuJlla\.lsm by greater productive cal1!1c1 U' than at forcing the Kidneys to filter 'f rom tbe preicnt. Our timber wealth can be Crosse. Wi ... nUfsery.,Cutiseon,.. July , l to SOPlemb r 6 to I\OllOt the and system all tho urIc acid and made ontlnuouB by 0.. judIcious pol. hlood ' me u mone'V; and at thp aomplellda. ot Ule 'assisted ~u.ti:, Many Americana Go to Canada. I. qulc klr obsorbed. poisonous wnste ulatter. rCllevlng at Icy. And n~rlculture, tbe real foun· t suell ' taek !Jit8>.accounts ,balanCed to 3 rae- · Ointment, priceless':' Consul Barry .A. ConlUlt write. n'om GI; .. Ir.UeI al On ... 'once, such symptomB as bnckache. dation of our nrosperlty, Is expanding 1lmlllL r tton.l ! '''' • .GUnra.n lttd absQlutely :~d m9 weak kidneys and blad*r and blood with every' new expenditure On rail· Windsor tbat the totsl Immlgratioa It ~1 ~lIn8ea" BootbCfl\ ·foung · ThO costliest II:Overnmonlal e Btatio be ~sed from the holIr of b l , I way construct)c,n. We nre not In from the United Stnte s Into Oanadll benls. nud prUl~cta i aDd' ' ~1iment In', tile ''W,;ol'ld Is tb,e '!;trIUsb dlsea~oll' . ~ DtIoD,n Try It, all It doesn·t co"t much to the- ftush of '3 railway mania thnt for tbe four mOI!ths ot tile ~S(!BI 'lear Ilul dl~lW\d ruelDbrl1n ~. It curell Catarrb . Then . .: "'"", ,6~R"''' I'II!JIl A",~ ~'YY, 'upon "l; a billion and II balf, -July August September and Octo, ~nd dr'VeoJRWIlY IlCoid III tIJIlHca~quickly.. 1':1.'"""i..qtUMo " a:. Q<!!t&r; 1 _ . o. x: hut, . , ~ CaD. ' . ' ' . ,~C8torCB the Seu&e8 of T .... te IUId SmelL 0 _,'1<oflII nruc. flO" J'PlII. lIall been elipeDded wltlilJl tho Inst ton' mnke. anll Is IIllld to be absolutely 'co'uld bring Its punishment through ...." "..•..... i ...ruIO: R ..... F ...... I...' ...__ the uBeless dupilcatlon of lines, The be~was 17.907. as ""Ith 12" ·F.t II size 50 eta. Ilt Drttggi.Bi.s or by maiJ. ,orrJ<a, l"l!8n Lenlltlt>..~.., . ,~,," D. tLe. : U. 8 . A .. )teanl. Yet throe ' 'IndlvlduM Amerl· harmless to the atomacb. )IOt1et 1)1\11(. ... a.etD. ., . ~ PI'Ope., ~ as4 fer tbe lIaDl.e period the . ,ear b&- TrlIll sizo 10 ct8. by mail: ' G~t; tbe followIng bn'rmless ingredl· gtgantio railway enterPrises that . . Poot.rrot. CUUc1lla .. 411 pqmo aUt_)lRckcf~lIer. Carh gle and Olatk fOTe. ~J BroUlers, liG WaiTen atn.t, wYork. ents from any good pllarmacy: FluId now stimulate every Une of buslDess ~rrl~ • • I ~uld have paId the whole bill and lilJ[tnlct DandeJlqn, onQ-hal! . ounce; In canada will create a Dew DomIn· IItlll bavo' lOme poc1(et mOney left. '!'be United, Stat(lR Is now spending Compound Kargon. one ounce; Com·, Ion. and thuB render easy the heaVy • 'bout a; hundred mllll,o ne a year on' ItA pound BYTllP of Sarsaparilla, three. burdens of debt now freely 8.88umed . Mix by shaking well In a bot· Canada's era of prosperity · bas been "li:y,.. and ·we "are n w at this kind of ounces. Ue~ and take .Il . teas poonful .after. eaeh ,unprecedented.,., but th ere Is no sign upend"ltUre. ''tblit, we ar not Invest·" meal and again at bedtime. . of weakness and no cause for lack • ~ more thaD we ~an. ~ord I~ 8.b9~{ , This sImple mixture, Is said to p;~v(l of confidence. While ;our growth Is 'b); the faot · that lour dhiplay·lovlnli prompt' rellerl Ilnd tbere are very' 'few, norm'al and henllhy, we need bave no l:s not hOl1}e "'t~~IIilIlU~ ~bI~ "Women ~pent . '10!l.00!).000 . for ' dla· CIIRes, , of , Rheumatism ' and Kidney alarm . at Its raphUty." TWs arUcle In· fore.tgn I:lnds duro trou~le~ 1~ will tall to ' cure, pei1na- might bave g\lne on to relate the but m4i1y,,~ ~Ick. mlserabla ·IDe tb~ · Inst twp ye*rB, In ' fact. "e . MDtly. . great growth tbat Is taking place In ate 10 rich that the sales of produce , Theso are all bnrmlfi!u, ev!!rj;(}l1y CeO\traJ Cl).nad,?:, where thousandS. or women. see.m unahla 10 bava aud manlllactored that we are drup, and your druggist sbould ke!3p Americans , hnve made tbelr bomes orie: · where .iJils4S·~O to '/lOme . 8eIldlnl ,abf\lsd eac~ year., Is ecillal to'· a 8um sufficient to lIul.'port all UII~ them In tbe prescription department; during the past few years. The psst chronic dlsealla o. ~e..,omap), . If not, hnve blm order the.1Il trom the ca;endar l'ear bas gh'en to Canada by ,JIpiM ,In ·tbe ·world. wholllBale drpg hOll8ell for 'you. rather Impottation an addition of 216.000 to , When·1t cbm 8 In 'Indlvldual w(',ultb thM fatl to use this, If you ate at, JtB population. ,or tills the United 'We b'!>vo' a dozen Clllien.s who 'are fllcted. States coutrlbnted 63.781. The agents WOrth, mom than .a1\ the' ' !dngs ana , WHt;N HIS BABV WAS Dyl~Q, ot the Oanadlan go.vernment, wbose , raJa", tIle world. take~ collectively advertisement jlppcars elsewhe re, say u :. . ' , ,~ or :aevera1ly. , Tbe CZIIJ' of RU ~8Ia I" that tbls number wltJ be largely In· •• ~ted i to b(love a ,greater Income wan , The Mllkman ·Wa. Late That Day, but cr. e ased during 1907. . " " None Complained. ADY other, lIv1ns man; bllt his Il'dvate" ' fortune IB so mixed ;up with tbe: gov,· ONE DAV BEHIND SCHEO(JLE. ernmeiltal ,revenllca tha~' It III; ImPosBl' , A few days people on 1..Inwood ble to tllem. i(, O: distinction ' boulevard who , Il certain Bolton BUlin ... , Man Wanted to Take ;RElJt:J:, • (!Quid be,' made :'ohn D, RdckefeJl r ' mJlkman missed his familiar berore,... 4lOuid 'undoubtedly nlake a compl1rlson. break(aat rln.g, lIays the Kansns Clty to Catch Up. '. II the 'beat' medlc:lno' toi' Jou to ~lh the weak:spJned Nlcbolas. a.n d SUll'. It "as late III tl)e mor,ning wh~n MRS. ELVA MRS, GeORGE WALTERS ttlke. 81nc:o It regUli.tea tho 'runo.. , '~1\' tbe biggest pile. The RUSSian' he. Itn"ny made the rou~ds. And the ' S~veral years ago, when the Unlver· .. tiono, bllilda tho _1II ,orraMo' , 1II0aar.dl , '8 wealth I. tbe accumillatlojl women BOOlded. slty beldR Its decennial There' are st~esmnrl' In.. asboaltby8cWld borollndanywhere. J I D I -O·ft~ft'B 1,'fe three \vbiehcrltlual Jn~ve tile LydlCl E. Plnlduun'scan Vegotablo ~.flloound .tr~l:tbcnll tho CODatltUt!OD. and I , I b ottI Cblcngo ,eas7.· "IIae boJped . ' ' '1'11 .have t'o take milk from som~, 'ee e ra on, 0 tn ' . ockete 141r was ~ ber - -career. The first.v_ot thCJ;O stages w, • • a •. ,....... ng to all IlS """'--t , . ..... an emp'lne' , centurl:"" = 'old In"the mnk. ~ in "!' u ....... .."",--. I00'" ...en. II '. lIlakes Cblldblrth Mrs, Elva.' parbOr Ed\Vua of tholllll!Jlilil Try it. .. •. 'JDg, wbile the 'Ohio on ~agnate' can" bOd~ el'~I" one Irate hon!lewl(e 'snlip' ' Its guest tor se\'eral days. A bewlld· \s womanhOOd. or the trom a. 'ni'member' w'b en lle .11l\d· .l\o,t hlng. . ~d; , • .', .' '. erlng Bucccssion ot Illucllons followed . care free girl U:!l budding' womanhood. CaUllamet, W0.8b •• ' writes: · " '. '.WJ;'o BaY. lilat' the totay 'v aluation ot ' .. .. AU .rlght, madam," be sald. sottly. · one another 11\ such qUick . suooesslou The second Is motherhood, IWd'the ~ear ldrs...:t.'lllkho.m;. At all O~ the ' :Wealilt cif ' the. United Stiltes .hI Somotl\/ng In ' bh; .. oleo made her thllt eacb ' affnlr was from one to folll t.ilird Is CI:t:Lng~1 of Life. " " .llw" ~U 'j.ov- boW ,Lydia E,. PIJlk" . .- _ _ _....;_ _.,..j_ _..._ _.;. ~O'1,,-()OO;OO~.OOO:IS 'not uDderst . andabie. 1'11& , "'~. ; , . ' '. hours late. ' Perils 'surrl)uI~d each 01 th~ sti!.geil. ham's Vogetnblo Oc\mp(IlID(1 wried ,mtl. . I .. . ", At the great ij' nn"llet o· nth. Alosln- -ftd DI~t .of I'the mis'·rytllu.t ~I'n"8 tbl'Qllgb tho (!rlIJOIIl porlod ot tho CblWg~ ot· I ..wa- 4tr; -~e -~ ..- ,. --a>ln', 1 A bundre.d billion dollars III sueh, .. ~., bll,t lIIade you late?" she dem",nd. .." .. U; ~ th 'I h ' II d ~ Uto mt:bl>ut IUIY· troublo whatevor also \ t=rnd'~fipinUOu;"y;nP!6' " -'1e (It !Doney that I:he simple. IPln.!1 ed, lulll angry. . day, 1I1r. Rockere ller, In h ls after· w!>mull rll)ug \ ea t 1 atea cured'meot 8 very lO"ero forualo"voaltn~, .\ *ll!l'\ AMillor" '})(tpl. ~n·.tln~;o'an .... . dll1ner sp~h told tbe foil log frOID one or Illnother 01 the80 lm- I"·nnot··y nougb III pral·aof "'..... t yo'" I·QlII.. eo.• O..... t· .. 'CD.O ' eannat . gtB8p Its lDCftnlng on tbQ In. A tear wavered Qn the milkman's ' ~~V, 011' portant eri~ell. m;;'ili<:fue ba.s,done tor mo, ll.... , UK ~-. A 1iItaat. It Is more tbon tWice the to~l 8)7e and .trlekled· Blowly down his storyl:h • Women should rllmcmber thatl:.ydla What LydlaE. Plnkham'sVegetabl.amount ot lhe' wealth of tJte United ,chee.k . " ave felt for the .2"4 bllurs B. Pinkham'. Vecetahle Compouad Compouud .did for loll'S. Walters 8lld Kln'g dom, orli'riln~. or o'f Oermany; • "When-wMD I left home." M be- like the noston b)lslncsa man who mnde from nativo roots and herbs l\as 1I1;rs. Edwards it wilt do for oiher "'0and '(lver tb'ree ' tlm~s tbl1t o.t Russia ,gan. :.' lived In the 61l~urbB aod came In t.o ,carried thonslulds of youn" girls over men In tbclr eondltlbn . Every Buf· .. ...or <If Alistr la:H, Il.Jlgar r . .,PrO)la .. blY the ' He~U8ed aDd 8OlDetblI\g. bls office every day. 'Oue winter after- the critical period of pnlx\rty, hul'! , ferlng woman ' 'the StIlWS . ~ Clll~ tol ~~~~~~~~~r.~~~fu_~~~~~bU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~±~~~-~~¥~-~~~~+~~~~ • __ , ~ay · o UII nJ e: ao I\: , ~. 11 , 8 ,t 1'OIl," ~., . '. " but a tcrl'.lllc snowstorm was raghlg. n latA!r year.~ carried them Bafely vltn.tlon. -It Is will bring you ' tent of, n, .tale, "Whe!, +b-U~h the c'hnnge of life more ·u n~- health and , ~ y ,n<!h~. Sam's rIChes I. ,to S ,~ I, Jeft," lie, aid, : 'aiy babY:- 1" .1 about half -ny to hi b b...· ·Y . may save your life. ,.' .: dlat If b e. c.luld. con \1 ~ n11 hll! o.seet.· ~U dying. I ktte,, "someQne-would • 't , . ~ S su ur ....e cc8llfu ty than .any other remedy in . .. · lllll' '""eney' he wou~d 'h,a ve lI~arlf fq)lr' ~n'gryr-wtth ,me It}1 ~ldI\'t~me u ·:. :o was sno~ ed In. All nlgbt lfle the world. Thml~nds of testimonials ~Irs. PInkham's .Io'itatiolf to WOI!IC14' 1i1netI as , m.ucb us ''I!'9iild be requl~d . 1Iq. "':''' ',; pasiJenge!')l wer .. Imprisoned. bllt early . from gl"lloteful person II• . two of ·wblr.b Women aq ffcrlng from any form' 01 to. paJ: 0(1 ;t1i~ ellUre , 1I1ltJo . nal ,d,ubt. of ..;, H~ .,~Uld ' say nOUttllC . T~ III the' thol·nhll. they managed to reach are here pli bJl!lhed,. 1'111 hstautiaw thlB female , '''',eakuclllI ure lliv\ ted to ,,_, ta eo. ...... I- I 1-' II mC)~, h. near·tjy telegrnpb ' stallon, and the fact beyop,d CA:lDtrndleU'!n. , ~r.omptIY · COWIDup!cnte wit)!. Mrs. ' ........ '. wpr .. , D· · ' BoB ' ton mAn' 'I • , an (1.1.., ~vernme", I ' " .." .,{, · sa u, ",goo y: ' ~ scnt th~ folio' "Ing dl.. • "' rs. Gcorge' W-", .... ""'nII 0 f W00dlawn, \D kh alii. at L Y'n n, Mass. ' 1'rom the . ,d u«lIlS h a OW)!. ':. " ' ~ , \lat~b . nl . wrl'ftft' . " trou bl e may be 101 1lI"so~. d th, Ilk ~ to his officc·. ""'" • symptoIDS g Iveu,."e . . . ell~ IIY .' e m man "fal1 00 ,to &J)o . " 'Wltl l be I th 111 '-d Doar M.... Plnkhllm:. loctAted ana .q·u ickcst an.H 8ur "t.' .\ CC)at $1,4GO 'tO C;eliect $11 ' Ilt!llr. The MOODcI clay be was"around no n e 0 ce , UI' 11'1. "I feel It my duty to ten yon of the good way of recovery nd\riscd. Out ofl;~ . The most' .8Xl!enslv!'l mel;Db.'r of ,U n. ~rJ' f,!U~": Hnve . not got home )'esteroay yet."'- I,ydl& E. Pinkbnm'. Vel.'" tAble OOr.tpouu'd nst v<>lume of experlllnce In trao.tinl!' 41 , Ie r-1IIl...•• · .. Bei'vfce., leo tbe col ••,' "We hUrle4 ller .......,. .....:_... _ . hil ' 101000tn!al ,l-Ierald. • hBs li(ll"l 1118 In .wd p~r1ng tor cblldren "hlldblrth. Of .. -,......... -Afterlnltrering losing my n female lIls lI1rs. l>,ink1l1Llli trObo.bly ' l~ctOI: ,of.. ll!e port Qf ~(\ ,Little Iilgg explaua\,jeD, . ' . ,' $100 Reward, $lllo. fri end iadvlsed ill?! to try your yBlWibio me- has the vcry . Icnowled(,'o t lat \vU! · barbcn' (P~) dlstrlet. No ,0. ne ehJll~ blm. TIIe.r wadern-v.___ _Aft .. of ,bl. pape, .. ,II bft ple.. od to' le'd!oIDB:l1nd tbe ~Itaquick Will that I bad. very yonr c8se. 'Ber advice fa freo . , Coal ,.0011 .~ .... tt .. In ',bundon<t>; cbureh.. • ..• tIt I ,not 1"':'1 his . 'ftn"" _w lltotlolnoouvenleu.ce, recovory and hclp 8lld helpful. , ,. faul~ lI~ever. tho •• bc ..,I._II•••,"o" dr..~ud al ...." th'II. 'eA... D" 1 d f th ,. lad ""\' 001. c?l! .. ul~u'; m .... I. u s)' of ar~.... H e s ,1111 .... V ~ ant . I ........ . nil bab1 W&I ~ . '. "'as:ble~II~\Vks of the ,1t"';,pOrt 'o~ ~e"1\' \ .. ; t'!"..':~:~ ~~~~l'~" C:I:;;r~ 8~',!,~ .·~e"o:I~d '~~~I~: unng Its ong recot: 0 more an ~hirty ,years its long . list of . I.... 10" : ellt" ... 111.1>«' !n .be.1I0IlhUD l.atI ,. yort. "wl1ere It QOl!ta aboat' tbreo' or ' ... ' GUIDES CHI",DREN. ou"' .". knuw n 10 ,b •• nedl~lll froLOrnll,. t:.,m " actual , C u~, enti.tles Lydia. E. ·Pinkha.m·s Vegetable Compound ,to p<ral • .aD~. l,a.. aall"ulcr ..n: ..ui....tty .. bCr... . ;' l ' ~_ ~ J bet,u, a CUUlliLIiLlun al d toieMtS. r~I~' a (lll LU lltu · b d fld ' f 'f" d . . )lor "a"'i~ .ml lu"onn:a.tion ' A'h1r~A8 U,. . " .. " our CIlnUi to-., cqllect OBC dollar ,ot cos. . . . . , ttoD.1 ""'lIltU ' . Ih.l'. C.",,,b Cu'" h ",k e" ID' t e.respect a:o con en~ 0 every air mIn ed person. . SU I'I!R' NTI\J'l DU;'IT , ,Olf . ';~(~jGKA'1'IOllia '. : tolD&s !?utl\lble 'g'rjodA , t!e1do1D ,co,me , EJlperl~~ and • "'~tlMi!". Love Make !~~~~~;~i'0,~:I~~~~lrn~P~'~~:'~'~~O~I'::~~~: lydia E. PiOlkball'l's'Vegetable CO'mpoand Makes Sll:k Women Well. . g~;'~~; ..~~;'~":JII~~ any , ~UltlO~I.~tI, C.~'d~. '.SntO" tu'c\erton" and . ",hen '-40 ' cellts ·, ." ~vlee ,valuable. _" f"uu~ . If(Ja ~f tho dl ....... and ."ID, .b. p.LleD' . ' . . t
For w·inter irritations of sl<in, frost chafings, ,redness especially of face anit for soreness inCidental to winter for cJeansing,for .. and and for all the·fpurposes. of" toiJet,bath,and cura Soap. b:y cura is
A Positive
Ely's Cream Balm
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.,;,P7 .·1Ift D ~'T'lDU' --o '
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D , .r ' u d I I l s t a
1M h'
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p,81]-'n'l Your ' ... .,"Fl.'0' or'.s'
E~lw\RWJANMS, t~,i'EW'·G~'R·'"ole4APo",'H·o.~ ,~"~'. tret.urDlld ·-ShaW: . o.s " . An' i " " " L"" .., lLa ,E". ,, ' '-th ' .J.,'" eustom' .~Sc:creta..,)I ' "",";"pta 'or this ti.ta. mQther wrltel about fceding' 10 1.ILh In Its ......llr...po ..... Ibat th ey olfor , ct. I/ID ,.,..,.." " chlld' " . On.,q ~ob lIuncl.... d 0 0110", for '''y ......Lb.' It faUI 10 " .ti.triat COlleotor Frank Wlllln ..\ch' . ren: . , · · ; ' . '. our.: S.lIdrorUSlof"'I!lIIOQI.I •. .4rdn'~ eend. '" "lth. It Jl, letter .,, of allQlogy. " . '" · ."tf mot1lere w Id G ' •."'. >. A~~r~ ".J. OURNEY &CO. Tuledo 0 , , . ' OU " u!e rape.~,u.... Sold U.l' "! DruR~uL'" c, : ' . Ii "':I" ",¥e 'jUJit kD~'" t,hllt Ile ;~uldil't,'belp tt more . fo~ ,thelr ,little on~8, there woulcl Tol<I ,O alhF' lIll lT 1'111. ror con.llpatloQ. .' . ' , . , . .1 I: '1 t:>: " " , It 'I\ad' C!)st" '(foQto 'Sam, al< the be I!!ss need fOr medlclnl!ll A 93fety Clutch. more refincmendt home aleely . ,t ·""" to . II 't ' d ' ) doctor blllL .,.... . • OT your par or, "u1lg~ruom an Ut: ·rooms a p:unted 'border .1~1II.1Id. 'Vu ""'·""' ·11:01>U{"'t O. tor ' obr ....... tliat... '0 t about .uv a rear 00 ec a o· , ' . A fath,l1r nent his soa to a drug store surro nding 1\ rug gives yon floor perfection. sani1:lTy conditions nnd all around . h".~.•nl.... n "nLe~"n' <ih... . •. Jar. '. '. . ' , " ' : "!~ 'these Buttering .frolil . ftldl'gestton tl!e other day to buy lome . antiseptic sathtf ' lion. The palnled bqrder sels off the rui and gives iHo rodm that 6nl..bed MA'~~l~:~~~a:t.l;'~~!~::\'l~ I.~:C,!!:)(~~ d Mr. Leacll was formerly "Iecretiu'y 8lld troubles' 191)1I1 lh'e 'on tablet•• , He wl'ote as follows: " 'A a ' .iUlCe. The'rog can be ea'IUy t:u<en up for airing lI.ndcleaning. ,'. Ina , lIOlllfU HOH OOIo or "'I.IPII~~BTj .,,'~ .Sentltor Qua,.. , His .appolitmcnt to ~raJ)8'~!'tts, toaet an!! ,~od milk for a small bottle of nntlsep' tic tabletB.' no .' .011.1 ..4 a•• \ 1J4,~ oU\orBIUIU, oa,o, . . 1 . " • 10":' eoi!!CtOrahfp two years . qgo ·at' a Bhort porl(ld ther 'Would expe.rlence b II " . . '.J . ... &O ' " Ii l ' .' "more tban, lh~y other"I., WOUld ~ "" cal' ,a cId. no Iodoform! p08slbly lilli , .~,ar1', Or , J'bOut \ . 6 . a,.08. 1Y w~ a U~ve. ·. , f , ' t • ,.,.ljAf1.De' .~tgcons use When perrorm· , tbat ". ' "Our cblh,ren ha"e all learned to.: IDg , an to purify 'a bowl ' of \a epee.lall)' made for palntln.g /; Is madeoI (hll lin. d of that, Gtand , Gltt,P.IilltaUan, \ . . ,lie . Idate. He s , ,and wlling . th'iI' ' .... 'Rt ii G " N, uta " as a,1I.", water:' back' '- h long after J"I nR •.AT ~.rll-*!C08T '. .. Ir...l..a ..tbe11 c!$d place" however ' oven t,"now ...,ne" 0.,· t:ape"Ca '. t ' The )1 . h ' . wrote .' . .' .crllbbIDg,.It h SOllP,tjln d, ,..aler; Ul rna dc tl) walk on;.n tl holds ita £lO ... I;,O~ 17 Y~'. :::7:;' O·'.:ht 't Ill' hI 't ... • t t . . APpej.U!IlQ" ' lItrengthen!ug foOd. It I.' . !lDO lie, W at YOIl to a Dlln· other so:ca!le,d f100t painta hllve been worn off. J.'alTalo l~loOr Paints aro mo.dt '.~nd,l:r~f W'' ....I.Ltil~O.1! ...o.l....!'.!.....~I'.:: : _ I I a , ,, .0 r~ ~ ~ s "IC . rom. " ., I ' Ith. . or, tbe adult mullt call' ID perlOlllUlci Iii different IS.hade!!. ~dare*!lyand quiddy~Pl ' aJ~d. . " "~ :.e!" '9.,,_ \ - .. w ,.e" varlatlonll, . II- tile po ' r: hal"g el;loll.lied, ." \t ;ls likely tq ' '''' ,ov.e':1l'1y.en, !1g • . " lIOn [e"'~'-r" ' t~<;!I~!~~l~.::',::'U'.·'!!! .. la. . ~ r IIk~ tl!l'l' p,J~mma let II baTe tout alld . ..-... . To evtf} lady who hM a /loor I ' finish and ,..hp ftend.. UR tho ~. ~~ _ . _ ,t· ~IO"g wfw. number of. otbe,,, "ere . . . • , ,;,.- , ' .,' ,. nllmeot bcr denler .... e,,01 send our booklet ofvalual.tlelnfonn.· ' f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ~'~~t tllA ·COIIi. of ' colleeUon ' fa eaOtmOl1l1ly G~ ~uta for. breakfu,at; Ol!, let'lIlta "8, • '. It Ou,... While You Walk, &lioD on.fi90r finishing, ~blch wUl urel¥ Inletcsl yo... and ,<'Ill ' beaulUiii silvered ot jJJWO"'Jon to tile recelllta. ' ,es" ~d Grape-Nuta-aeTer forcet. , Allen', Foot·KaIie ·I.a certain ollre fo.r Souvenir BIiJtalo-~ Hat, Pia Free. , . .' - - -- . •• ", , !?t1 .' \ . ' . . . Ung .the latter. .. ' , hot, 'and Aehin.1l --. i • 'OM .o f our, bo" ' ln • . and' 11 ·feet: Sold,\ll!&ll-d "P;iee2liQ,O"n'l' ........ N.w Y_k' . ti~ ~"nI~~!~!:ft.'l~~"" , I...n · ...earl ,of .age repeated I, me ...JJ:IIAo\aI!eFREF-. QIIIi ........ " (lII~y)-MOIt , )Aell' UM ~Ind t~ 80 mueh brllht"r after ha~nc'l ' l" , . '. WMICV. I.e R~y ~. Y ., , --. ' --~ ,,.IIOtt ..tIlO" "of a . womU'. mind." Grape-Nub a. '" part lIot. all. hll , We . ..-ke ...... I A. N. K.-E ,.' • . ( " "2\6&,: ( ' , , She. (O'i'~*):~..y .., . . . . ., ~ \;brea .. -- III . . . . ~ ~y ....... D -~~-~.,. -~~--~ theY 1I1ied elle', 0'" " by PosWm , dflCioTer' wb);t :alri.'d1 ' flip,., .! , ti to btl)l1,,: We. ,up. ' 'OQ:, BaUle Cre.ek,'Mlcb. \ Read theUt. bllt whleh "lhOQt,lv ...lltan,e, lo Oe .boo1rt ',ho Road to WeUvJlle.". ~, rekaM I*r~ ',h.m tlI.P."I' ~=:r;=~.=~:r-1I11~~'=;~='
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It.OO a ,.ear • . . • . . . 10 advanoe 11.::6. "!lar I ~ no. 'paId 10 atlvanee
Qa. ot 'llle unIque f Jamcsto' n ()$II
More Teach.... in Wayne Townahip EllI'apd ia the W')1'I, than in Any Other Townlhip in
the County.
~ di!P[ny
at tb gr Il t Tile mana e&JIO!Iltlon I, Ilianillllg " . . whleh will enable t to Clo 80 to penelrnte tI mbe. of WJld scenery c III t.hIa almost worlh), VI:rstDl& ~Ild Nortb Cill PI"IIIPU'lIllJ for this teatu ..dO.; 'the managemeul :to
~tors .
. 06\ wold dismal Is a m
• ~r'1bodY. ot course, i:.aI;':-:-:':"'-"""-'-"" ~,.notJMT 'hall ,heard 0 Jilw. .P- Over lOO yea)
.Moor;e, the [rlsh poet,
-tu! r.JJad about It. II 1adJ' ID . ' white cano . of tbe QlJ'stery of the , endJuc aearch til re c
lOver. Moore's poem WI beauty: perhaJls to It iDlIA7 or the
00II1Il tty l
Prof. m. Clyde Wiltereon, Super· inteDUD' of Ute Orelon,. Iohooll and h ..d of the ReadiDi (''1rcle De· Pl'rtmlDt of tb, Warren Oounty ~n I_"'u.. work, atat81 that Wa,..a towuhlp. leaCl. In Ute num . bel' of &eaoll'~ taklns reading Gir' ole work, There an 'wenay teachers in. thi• AoWD.blp 04 ,flfa.n of 'bem are lakiq the work. IrUalllla Keyl t. 'ownahlp I8Otetary. .....i. townlblp baa 'he proportloD of teaohen In·the work, oa' of u belng earolled. Klsa ...· ble 8laerwoo4 fa MOreary ot 1Ia.le to.WDlhlp; In UtI! entire OOlUltJ 01. 'he 'teaohlll'8 are ak;lDI readlD.1 oirol. work,88% of the 178 &aacben in tbe tow.s~tp beln, &Drolled. • 1Ir•.Wllkereou I. anxlou. &0 have a. lea.t · 1~ t.&oh.... ,lallin, . tbe work by tbe time ' Ute Den lntl&1Jte II held. . . . ' . . I'oilowt... WI . . ve. lilt by town. 'Ilal.. of the D1UIlbir of &er.ohen ftu. ,&pit lD o.a Beadln, (''lrt?le : J'n.DkllD, 11 i UUfOD. '; Har~, e; ~eore.ek, 12; Deerfield, 7 j ,~. e; Salem, IS; Hamilton, e j ' ~'1"ionak. 11 '1 WaJU; 16; Wa,ah. l~I. , ., ' '
ot the Illte Mi8s Isabella Brown ' on tor {flny borlllielf OUI' oltlzou:S wl)l doubltly,,1 Third street
mlloh cows; farmlDg Implementll, oonsis'log of Deering wheat binder,
' . '
\ . . rememll r Brnj lU)lin Butterw.orth \, ' , Stephen BurneU, who hilS been wheo 11 youth , \Vb .WIlS Yent.,y his living on the Wilhelmlnla }{elsey r h t W '11 t b t tau VI~WS farm OU tbe Dayton and LcllRnon at e r 0 nynllllvi e a e , rea , pik e will about the first or seoond bY. the hlte . Dr. , whose hon 0 he b urdeil, as did a lso . week in Maroh, move to the Mat· \ h his ' , thew Berryhill farm, at BerrYbtll ! un elder brot her w a was nurse ed b ... F and constant, attendant. The do oorner, now own y ...r. orgar · 11 b i ht d I ' ty who wlllmuve bElok to Payton. ' ~:::::n~·I\\~~n~a: n~~OOdan WI:~ Oharles M. Austin, Snperlnten. 1B inal t'roublo which so parulyzecl dent. of echo,ols nt West Oarlton, ~Illo~ver limlls thllt ho Watt unable enjoypd a brief 7aoo1'lon at home to walk, Be L'6ver re('(}vi;Jred from ovor ":'RBblngton s birthd~y . his physi llll disabilities, but Intel. Mrs . Nathan Aust,ln has been ; Jeotually WBS fu lly up 'to the'highOBt, su~ering Intolerably for a montil staDdord of the Butterworth family, past with a severe nerVOU8 trouble land at the time of hl@ death filled ~O know~ as 8hingle!!, but, happily, is lun odioial position under govern • now. oonvalesclng. ' ment at WllshingtoD. Be wn!! eO. lU88 , lieorgta Hadden Rrrlved 'I ond (1011 l;ln to Ptll11iM Butt.erwortli h Tb d ft f b f W ome . nrs ay ' R ernoon a .ter ,a. ,a nd II Ulllel Bntterwort ,0 ay· visit of al~08t five months with het nesville. lilter, Mrll. Elias Barley. and faml. Iy ' at Macomb, '11I1nol8, Rnd alia For Rhenmnt,io I:)olf rers.· with relatlvll8 at Uolumbus, IDdianli . Tbe qui k relief from pldu n,ft'ord , M . B H MUI f (J I ad by applying ,Cllfunbe,l Jnin 's Pain re. . .' s, a orw D, was Balm Ul/lkes It II fl ~v(lrite w\t.1J s llft' . sbopping in XeniR, 'I.·horllday, erers from I'hmlUUI ti III sCiatioll M",. George H , Dakin aDd Mrs. larue back, hlmbogo .. a nd deel; seated lind m\l~onlllr PtlllI!I . For sale 6eorge Dakin jr. spent several days b J . E . J IiDn y. "'!'!!!:!!!!:!!~!!:!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!:!!!!:!!!!:!!!!:!!~ last week with trlends In Day.ton . 1.. . ;;; .~ Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hawke served I a delicious dinDer at 6 , o·olook . MI.&P.... U~ Thursday evenlDg to Ii number of \ . , . U . ''';i
--~ -
sonv·ent·'It. '.
P . Sunderland, one mile north of harnellll, I\8t of buggy harnellll, col· Oentenllle, on 'he Dayto~ & Leba. lars. bridlell; linell, tty ne~s, balterll, Don pike. on pads, 8Ingh~trees. donbletrnell. neak yoke8, 8bo"eI8, forks. good llooles, :rUEilDA Y, MARCS 6, UI07. orosscut sa.w tobaooo canVRS gravel bed ' d Oto' II ti I 'be Id beglnnlnl ~t 100'o1ook, the follow f" an h erhsma ar , 0 es, Sb es Ing property, towit: 6 bMd of hors a .w onlse olU arUoles. A ont 1pO busbels of corn, about , SO bush· es, of whioh S are heavy draft, 1 a euo ._ 0 t go'od Beed oa... .~ general purpose hone, and one a ' , WALTER FOBTI!:R. a·year old draft ooltj a head of 0: T. Ha wke, a uctioneer.
MENTI~N BeDjBi~i~:~~!~~~~~O~~q:,:
Marion 6ordon Bnd fllmlly will of the late Representl,ti ve Bon ~nt. . soon ,leave the farn, nOllr HlLrveys. terworth, died 10 Wllflblngtou, D, 0 b'u rg and wili move int~ the house The body \vIlS brougJlt to Maineville
I will oft'~ r At publio sllle Ilt my residence o,ne nlile north of Lytle and one,h6\,lf tulle south . west of Forry on I~he fum known as the Tam ":'eU furm "w, MONDAY MAROH ~ 1907 ' ". beginuing at 10 o'olook\ the follow. If YOIl expect to· have 0. Mle It, ing ohat&el~: 2 hor es, one a general willl'.Y you to oome to the Gaz~tte purpose horse five years old, !!ound office to have your b1l18 printed. and weighs 1250 Ib, and one a gener We print a Dumber of different 81 purpose-110rae teu years old, good , fanlHy i tWe) good mlloh cows, one l!Iizes of attraotive bll\s and can sat· IImall pig i trarm Implements, Inolud. isfy you both 118 to quality and Ing one gocld two horee wagon, low prlooe. We advertise free in the Ga wheel' Wl1g.)n, breaking plow, fif'y. zette all olea 'f or winoh we . print tootb harrow good as new, John bllls. Deere oom' planter with oheck row , oomplete, eighty rods of good wire, Buokeye pivot axle oorn plow, one 1 "m lIe11 at publio sale on the wbacco plow, buggy, hay rigging farm known as the late farm of W. Wlth look, t~o set- of good work
Wayne Township Leads In 'R eading Circle Work
\.Ben j . Butterworth Died
We give In this colnmn 1\ lIfit of t ...·F lOE IN ~LLEN BUILDING. hn. p~rtant· publ,lo sales whloh wll\ r r ..JflPJ'lO~E: (?;JlIdi • • ~O, 6J' tak I d I tb t f e p aoo ur ng e nell: ew WI!:DNBSOAY FEIlRUARY!7, . " 1007 weeks. BIIlIi for all of these 8alea b be I" b 6 ' tt ave en pr nte... Ilt t e aze e office.
Penns'ylvan.-u· Haa LINES
their friends Inoludiug Mr , RJld Mrs· l ' !It----' . DOi~ Smugglers 8· Lev Oll rtw rlgh~, Yr . Rnd Mrs , ,1' 1 " . Deering ... rs . J . TEll' , IS. 1 , , .oom barves~r, Deering . E . J Bnnoy. Dr .an d.... Winter Tourist J[a reB mower, Milwaukee a~el hay ute Thou In. Bellroh of, a new, sensa· Mr. aDd Mrs. Willinm Boblett, Mr. , to \1 Superior'" dlao b,a rrow, whl!&f; drUl tlon should 'visit the -exhibits to be . and ~~s. Harry Murl'6Y: California Vou know what ·lt iJI Cfedl}ber), two riding , HamlUon given by the MoUo.n Ploture 00., of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Day, I)f Le~. ~few pepple are explows, two Oilver steel and one Washingt?ll, D. IJ.. and S88 their anon pike, are rejoioing over the ar , l Mexico empt from (1'equent late picture calJed "DogSmutrglera." rival of an eight pound d&ngh~r , ' "spells" of (hi!. dis· Florida and Sooth Oliver ('hlll breaking plows. one The lcenes IlTe hlld in the Pyrenese Wedoeeday, February 20. m sslng complofnt. Tbe lippellte ~. bar abare, one !liDgle shovel, one Mounta,ln8 rand portray the wild life .. IlO d _rB, U' Le e <J H aw ... IIIr. <>. ..e h ave Colorado and comes imp Lired, while a seveI'!! KPowlng or Hammon walking oorn plow, t.wo ~~ the ~rder8 of Franoo and Spalll, mov~d from Dayton t~ Waynesville i Southwel!lt I bumlng~eD s.'\tlonlse:rt· 50·too'h smoothing harrows, ODe A· the plc.t nre sh ows tbe sn00888ful and occupy a part of t he old Ed gar periencetl in t he upper harr~w, ODe field roUer, mgle treeiI. ~florts of tlile mountaineers to q~n. Zeu proper ty on Third street. Mr. part o( thl! nbdo,ruen. , Heartburn Is oneo! 1:1 t 3 h ' d '967 fino B)panlsh laces into FrancQ. Hawke will be employed in' Mr Hi) Homeseekers' Excursionlf d OUu e reel, . one, two roa wag· d tb lb ' . . . tbem:lIIywrr.ysill which , .. ~ e o ,flver sc em to use 8: bltz~r'8 fidur;lng mUl thill , sur,ti.mel'. tbo digestive orga'nIRa;D 008, hay ladder. 11ft.• gra"el bed, group of tr~Llned dOgB to ' carry the ' . . " West Nodhwesi expl'!! 'es d L~lIppr'dval . Mr, and Mrs. Frank Zell, who reo of III.l f entment_ f onr I18ts of work harD8I8, .set of oontraband gocds VourBoyand ' . ' . The laoe8., paok. centI y soId t b eIr f arm n ll4l-r Bell South Southwest • ,Oood Manners,. sllllle driving hunese, five sets of ed In 11m all Mddle bags, ar.e st,rapped brook, have incved their <POodil to >-"h d 'b'" d 'b .. Eor details,. oon8nlt lly nete, two 118~ of . Rood douhle U\J • e . 0115 aO&8 'an away. ey w.ayne8ville IADd Will make tbeir llotJi.ri make a mIMke If tbey linell, 'wo ~18 good lead reins, good RO, A Jealotlll , suitor of the pretty bome with Mrs, z611's parente, Mr. Penn!!ylvanla Lfnes'£ioket Agent l.t.~pf/ do aot lull' on ,ood maDDeri III lingle line, hay In mow, 21i0 bushel!! laoe. ma~er betra~1I ,the plan to ·th.e ,nd lira NlLthan JOI}~, to oheer ~. E . BoQ1'R at WaynllSville, 0 . ' the flYlllllr. Thfte II no ieuob w~r ,ood OOtD, oae bUllY, one suby government and t.o e dogs Ilre p~. them in their lonelineea ~nd age, tm3l f.VeII Instant relfef In all c:&HtI of hearta 007 lhoul4 be bobrilll when hiI forks, !lho'96l1J, hoes"hay tork and saed. At the orltlcal. moment Mr. and Mrs. S. ~. ~lDdl8 o'ele. them.~~.!b ~:~nt:::Ia~~~::n! , . " ".toUIe, ,hat a boy Ibould be rope, iobaooo sprayer (Champion), when ca~tulre s!l9ms ineVItable, thlt brated tho tJlIrtieth anniversary Qf I"'!"-';"--~---";'",!!",---I retUrn of the tfollble. \, , _..;. -_.. .. rd Ill ' " . oroucui saw, coot stove, cream dogs with almost human IntelJl. th i " i F i" F 'b . 2" • .- • DI:t.M~~L!SSYR~PEP81N .~-PY - - a.wawa, a. . . . ch I'" d h 'd I t h 1 . 11 er marr age r "ay, . e ruary .. lUsing from the Grav!!, Ie an Invaluable I'!!medy (or all trouble ' Worel~ od DDaOQ,1I&Inted separator, urn, m I .. ClaIlI, grio gence ..1 e ~ e ong g~ an and had as their only guest D. It . A prom\neut mg.ni1fac~urer, Wm arisln~ from the, stor,nach, bolfela, n_ ",nth tall...tq......- wh....... - Illb .. at-one, ,to. ' . JOB MOURAY. evade the soldiers, After a mad Anderson 4. Fert.well, Qf Lucama. N. (J., 're ,alld k dne'ys. and beCallle of It I p= .' ' ..... _ .... • -I IUII .:: ell , Auo,toDeer. run the doglt reach hOD\e In aafety. . . . IAtM a most remarkllr'lb experience. can be used with Im.pualty for ...e . y10r·&a re 0 f • ...,... A,. ,A. Mole" , 'h : .. ., children and grown follca. "--'1__ W ..:.".1__ boU' .T. K. Hlmee, Clert. At al~ost t e la8' mome~t one - - -..........- - He aays : 'lAtter taking le8s than ' DR.CALDWELVS SYRUPP£PSIN . -_. e an _ _ a plokage of the, lace W&8 shaken th1't'6 bottles of Electrio Bitters, 1 enn beol;ltl\ln"d In both dollar &lid hal!o the ~wtq bor. While he II un· lOO!Ie and Iflft In the road, but the What to do when ,Bmous. fenl like One nltiDg from the grave., dollar sl&es frolp nil ~rugi1s(, • .. dew ou dally can, &each him &0 1 1t'\11 I8U at ftublio ...le at my , ) The rl~bt thing to do when yon My 'rouble III Brigbt's Disense in Your mooey will be reluDdc4 if It . . id r , nexi dog; 8eemlnlr to rea ill6 , the teel biltons is to take a dOBe 'of the DIabetes stage. I fully believe does not benelit you. ' ., aue off btl ha' wblD he mlNlU you ~ enoe on the Samuel Blaine situation, pioks it up and carries it <""hRmberlaln 's ' Stomach and Liver Eleotrlo.Blttf'r.s will OUf~ me pet. mrl~"~.r.''o:~c'l.~..~~ •.~;)IRI~I~tL~'~l''; OD the I'net, to riM when you _. 'arm on 'he aa"eysbu, and Ore· home In hlEI mouth. Tbe magni.fl Tablets: They will oloonse the manontly. for It basslreddy 8tOPped HOOK::l.P WO~L>RRl)" and 'ter th'e roOm, &0 plaoe a fo,o18&OO1 ,onll pike, one mile lOuth of Flat oent color effeot!! were, prepared ex. IItqmach aod regulate the liver and the liver and bladder complicatioDS =.:s~ 'b.!'r.v:o:~\'er Irlee! ' till' - ...... for blIpaDIIlDother, ~4 to I'ork aohool h0118e on " ' . bowels, Try It , ,Prlol!, 26 cent s whloh have troubled. me for years." PEPSIN 00. .. ' , pressly for tbis compan~ In Parls, sample!! ' free at J. ' E . Jaqney's guaran~,e9 .~ Fred O. Sohwar,t2 ...t1...... III..... -:r lnID41e or parcel DO' ~ heavy WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, Franoe. ' drug ",tore. d~lIggist, Price o~ly 1i00. , , ' , For Sale by J .. i:" "aliner. : 101' . . . . halide. A mtle fello~ ' betrlDDiDg a' 10 0'010011: a. m .• . tbe At Sllhool Hall, Waynes'ville, wbo II PIftDi&&ed to wear hid hat In lollowlD, ohattel.: 2 hones, bo,th M!Lroh 1 an~1 2. Pricea 16 and ' 26,. ~ houe ..hen oDly hlI moUter are ,oed pneral pnrpoee maree, . aad _ . . are presen' caDDOt be IfOOd broke, !liDcle and double and Sugar Makers Notice. ezpe0&e4 to lake it off beaa1lll8 viii, to Iingl. line; 7 ca~le, two good ban arrived, .renay 00", one fresh i one poll The law requires that ~n ,,11 cans "1'red4l. whr do 10U ltend 'lwre Dunham h If f h I An· . wtth you bat on " uks the motSer tb l~ er, l'8II i 11~f .p~ 'of maple S1 r UP sold, a printed label .MYenly ..heD Fr.ectdie thlll trw. a~~u~~~ :ahelll 'oor~e a~'pear oer~lfylng 'hat the produot, .,.... ........rie'y an4 Ute mh'lI b h ' .. h ' "I.pure 8y m lP· ' , r--..-. ~. . 100 III ell of oatl, ..tty. oots of The Gllzet;te office has thelle labels ,_. wife or the lad, from Balli· fodder 6 or . 7 b118b.ll of seed oorn ' ... · , . ' for Bale . . . 01' the aunt f rom P hllade1p~la aboat two tons of hay; two road '"'!!!!:!!!!:!!'!!!'!!!"!~!'!!!"!!!:!!!!:!!!!:!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!'! II In the room.. If Freddie '~ wagons, rr...,el bed, two bURiies, a = been -lIIb,' alway. to ltaDd bUe- sIe~lh, a Deerin, binder, Dea1'ly , " bla4e4 la ~e h011l8, if It were b~ new, hay rake, new hay tedder, forll oaatom to paD .olI hll hat whenner rope aDd pulley., wheat drill witb bl me' a ~ or 0 older penon of fertlllzer attaohment· a one horse Il1I ~W1l lIZ ou, of 400n, the ,iaot wheat drill, fertiliser: oom p1aD~r, would be autom"tto,-Woman'a Cuaady plow, two b~ng plowa, Home ComP!'nion. one.bone b~e plow, two . ~r. ,, row., ODe , a new d1so harrow; roll· er, two SUod ridinl 01I1,t ivatorl, two NqllOted Col.. ~&eD Life; &obacloo plowa, tobaooo Ht~r, corn "Don" WI1le wttb Ii oold,"~ ja 80¢ .heller, large ~ophead for haul~K ahtoe for prnIIellt,men a . w~~. water, oae-hone oorn drill, doubJe ' " ..:r be ,vllal fD the . . of' " Dovel plow 41ste work harnaea =~'.~~,f::r'm~oW~~donbi8 I8t liBht ,oarrtage. harn.. spe~i.a~ wi~h ft , , .the ..properlafqaa~ aplJ1l'oollla" '" of llinll• ...barn... ·collarl,'bri. . . . . ' -'-.,. , . , ': ... "' If they are maintained &Uoqbl~ dies; lines, halters. se& fly neta, lID· ~Gazett'e ' c~n tihaIJpa.. db~!!UtethrOf a:=,~ . ..,.uf ' . Il.&r888" donble\reee, tdg ohald s, Th ... ' "~t' ofr 0 ........ , eo ;a , h f"" h' •..: t' . • e ~nlD recommen.... lonl ..--luprile from cdtnary ooldl wtn 018, ora"l love.... wo orou on. pJe who 'kaye, been cured of _gila u.4 '- Illpt. But the ordlnaQ:' Jllht "'WII, one new, hakmete, ohtl8le" coJds by Chamberlain';". coaP ·ReaiId.J P~P'~~'S 0014 wtll.lIeoome ,Mlvere If n8lteM. ~d .Wfl, three tood Iron ke'tles' 'u n done m<Ire than all 'else to laallrl It.• ~. a.D4 • well eetahlllhe4 rI~ ~d. and Iundl, farm hell" oapboarda, _plc article tTadeand ~ . . , II to tb~~, of diphUt.rIA _wl.aa' 'A. hl- bnrea1lll ' bedsteads aiaDdII a i._ ...... , of 'the civlliUct w",JA " COlQ,e , in , ' IlOD~ 1(., 19 the bee. The ~~. ..... , , ' • -6~r' , ,l Deod'lC) obUd life .'at tblI Muon i ~haln, rooker., a lot of carpet, ~ar!l , '"'!!~~~~~~!!!'!!~~~~~~ of the ,.... II the _gleoted ohurn., oliatrs, Imoked m_~. pota = ~1.lI..a child or adult. ·$htl 'toes, "pplel, "(Inepr, "tot'of ba.r : . . .~~. (» r·expen~e . seri<li~g. _btal~' or Hftre, the WII'y" '1M!Ji' rell heatln.. a&oae' wood or cOal ' L' 0r.Il be ~ II ,10' , , D . ' • fUN , ERA L 0IRE C'. I ...,. OlIam_laln'l CoqhB.meclr. aDdmanyother'hI~RI. n .II...,., ....cllul'8. The~t popa. ' ,Lunch wlll btt eerved by Ladlet ~ ~ss COll , y~ursclf" larItJ aa4 ImlD.....~ of WI Aid &ct.y of Flatfork oharoh. 1011 .
~~D~:U C~d;~Uts S ••) yrup ·epsin .
'I'ft ......
Hot. Flnanclerln .8mall Incle
"",. By FRIEND TO 'FRI'END., ag Oency",'. the
arrangement .seCUl'e
an d ma:gazines at reduced ' ·pr,ices..
~o:.~o= :r'*:::" :.r. _ ..... ool4 lUI.,......1I1.. 1ia plan.
meDia wlaa lUI given, ror _Ie b7
O. T. Sawke I O. B. Bnrfaoe ~
, t:~C:J:"gb'
arid leave you,r ' ' o·r(ie~ .' with " us~ ' to you In Besides
-troub I' or,' maga i tor I . ' th . nes , '. money an you
TOR ·Id 'TlllpbOnlOa, ar-Nllbt. Lacll' ,1 Lanl 110. 69-3r . If 'YQU can"t write or telep'hone ~.or prl"ces-. on the · .. OHIO ' ' • 8l1D_ :H.~(.bir&. O. perio,~icals you want. '-';~E MIAMI GA.;ZETTE.' I
.County Court N.:ws.
Bunting for Trouble. A. L . lind Ida L. Haodriok to 'We D. Moore'. Daughter Farmers' Institute .r.mR I bun Morrl., of Barveysbarl, VI It W Ille "I've lived in CaliforDilL 20 year!!, • at Centerville. - ,. - ' 23 Ii -1 80r... 10 MIUI.le Townlhlp an4 . S 8 , aynesv • and am still hunting for trouble in _ II'IIW IUITII. lut In BllrveY8burg, t2100. The eleveath annual Beulon of the way of barn8, sore8~ _w_Q..ondll. . ' · 1'IIII,lthy W. Prlt·.. VII ' Luolnda Melarllla , W. Boss, of Mason w ·Hr•. Nannle 1I0n"omerY, with the Cenkrville Farmeu' lnatituta boila, ouu, 8prain", or 11 case of piles \hat Buoklen '8 Arnica !:Inl ve . J ,. Price i rur dlvurult 'l'h" t,w.. wtlre TbomK!l J ..Oliborn, of Maaoh, lot In ber daugb.ter. Ill. NaDDla , Mon~ will be held W64ilneeda.y a.nd Thur8. won't quickly ou~e," writes Ohar., , ANIl l'lMr.. ~U IN ' h1l1frit-d III WtlllllllJ(t.Oll In Ftlbru Wik(,ft' KddltloD to Muon, ,1. gom",y, of XeDia, vialted ber daugh· day, February ~7 alid 28'. le8 Watters, .o~ .Alleghany, Sierrli Kf)' 180... ·l'hfl.v hllYe ~o cbild",a. ter, lin. .lohD ~rimm. of Third Beeld81 J . F, Gordo~, of Jame&- 00. No use huntmg, Mr. Walters I 'TINI)~ Th(l~lef"ndl!.nt. It" thtl . pl"lut.llf.1 \ ~ommissioner8' street, I'rida,. and Ba~orday, aDd 'town, and Charle8 llclntlr.,Ohan. it cares every 0088, (Juaraiiteed Fred U. Sohwartz, dru, .store 250. l\:. I.. lt1g llil llRK l1eeD wlltully tlb~ent trom Pro.c eedlngs clned on her girlhood frleDd., Mr. c1leraviJIe, wbo will rive 8everal Chamberlain 'a (Jough Remedy Telephone in bill hon~fl "'1,0-, e him for three ,yaa.rB, and II.... '1'. oJ: BrOWD. Mn. "PD~ leolQrea during the two d.ys' leI. can be called n·t all hours. !lay " 1 ,omery Ie tha IeOODd <laugb.ter of .10ns, quite a number of persons of !!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hal·till D. H,IDkinllon VII James C. night. RUBBeIl , FlulllY D ROl<8ell, Eli A. OD mo\!uD of Jelmae Keever con· Elder W. D. Moore, wbo at ooe llterary ~nd musical talent!! of Cen. . l I d tract was entered with Boward Mo· Coaohes IUld oba.lrs · Impplted, BUlIsell, 1£ hert D. RUtt .. el, I'll Ume, lived nHr Ferry, then Olio, lervHle aDd vlohlity are on the pra<.J •. ''-ne to furnllh lnmbar 8lxteen Havo recently m oved to 'ror.1l .lames H . Miller i '(Ir parthlun an d. "'.. and . WII.8 paawr of the Dllolplee gram for papers, addres8el!l aDd reo BIDOEVILLII:,OIlIO eqnltable reliat . ds. feet 'or leI!! iD length for t2,50 per ohurch at &hat pla08, 1ln.1l0Dt- mara, aDd alao for mualoai num. next to ·Cross Bros. 'ndred feet and alx&een feat 'or IIIAIl!I BT1lII:1I:1 . WA Yl'IJ:8VI"LI.a: Bp1!lOJALTIES: DIIIEASE8 011' WO~I II:N 'andaate in thl .. OI"le are 'he blir.. bu gosnery repurle her fa'her as f841\le bere. ~f Barriet 8 RUllllell and inbe,lted more iD length for t2.110 per han· In bod,. and f&lled In mind, ~o Phlllp Surfaoe, a praotioal and A.ND ORlLDREN. 1.68 acrM o{ Illua . Th.., 'plllintiff dred feet and elghteeD feet or more tonger able to bear up UDder. the aUOO8slfu) farmer near Wayne8ville: wanta the estat.e tu be divided or In ,length for. ,2,.75 per hundred welah' ot ov.r' t01U'lOOre yea... of. wlll read a paper on Tobll 0 and to be lold and the llrooo~ to be feet. earnea' and arduou. mlni.terial Its Oulture Thur'Bday morning. divided Dnia allowed. work. S.baa heen a man of .'roDg FraDklln L'hron~ole, prlnt~ Intelleotual ~billty. endowed with OflURT PIlOOIIII:DlBGIt. tog ......... .... .••.. ......•.. ...• 'O~ tnarked legal ~ndenole. whiob' be .Blrrelrla Bllrrett VB Bbwetrd D. Blitemlln; the II8U8I tn tbe oaee FrankllD Ubrooiole( 600 mar· devotel1 to 'be 0&0'18 of chrl.&iauity. dage l108nll8l ............... . 10 00 Be WU Dot only emlneDt for his Bow To "4>4 Oat. were fonnd in fll vor of the defend· FrankllD OhrODiolll, blanll8 chrilltian. ohanoter but also for hili I Fill a bottle or co,mmon glass with YODI ant: for Olerk......... ...... ... ... 16 00 10giCa.! MrlDoni.l~g , Be was true water and let it stand twenty.four hOllr~; Rlohard Buffman va Nannle Buff. asediulentorset· i'raakJln Ohronlole, DO"ce8 to bia ooDvlotiona .nd snoDglD ex Uingindicatesan THE BANK OF inan; defendan' filed "Dswer aDd for Tr811.aurer...... ......... 3 00 preillinB them. Hra. Montgomerr . ' unhealthy can. or()llll a;etJUon. Ru a ,· le.·Gale Company. bear .• a atrtklna reMmblan08 W ber ditioll of the kid· • COURTESY ,~ D .. l1eys; if it stains . Roberl, Merobantve O. W . ~mllr suppllel for Clerk ..... :... \I 21i father both iD pereoDal appearu08 your tinen it i~ 'compromlsed and dlsDlll8ed,' with CONSERV;ATISM ~ Mme, rabber baDda for &ndJitronl mentalt"ty. evidence of kid out reoerd. 75 ney trouble; to< . Trealurer ....... .... .. ......... frCl}ueut d\:3il"' and RESPONSIBILITY PBOB.TJe OOtlBT. ~me, suppUae for Auditor _ _ _ ~o pass it or pui.n T. "h ' f J D i d W B ... ... an4 Com 0 d I " new. . . . In the b~ck IS ..... • e ealate 0 aml1. w re e . . .,_na.. _ . r er your mlllltz neIIlO" . alllO con\'lnclUg proof that the kldJlP,yt ~ here the savings depositor is accorded the • oe&eed, Inventory and appraleement p"n,., Batea 8tatuea for n.pere through the GUlltte oftlce and bladJer are out of order. Wh•• in Tothe Do.knowledJr! tit. T re&IIUJ er ...... ...... .... ... . 13 O<i W e w II] eaTe you mone.,. were fil ed. There i.' comfort same consideratio~ as the capitalist 'With the ~ In ~be eat.te of Hannah A. Brown tlame, calandar ~ for !!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!"!!~~!!!!!!! often ul'ressed, that Dr. Ki1m~r't. olerk .............,.. ........... 110 Swamp.Ra<.t, the ~reat kidney remedy, the 161" of 'pereonal proper.' " waf large account. " v .. Lehl fu16118 every wish an curing rheumatism Morrow TrlbuDe, publ ill ~I ' IJl.Ilin in the bade, kidneys. liver, bladdel approved hy ~ho oood. W. J ., Wrl ..h' W88 ,. appointed .taE no"08.......... ..... ··.. 2 00, and every part t:f the urinary passage. ~ DlRECTORS D . WarreD Coanty Appeal., dOl ,1ft tI I It eorrecU inabi:lity to hold water fUlrdlan of Anna 'S eeler, ml~or; 00 All., WlWilI,.UII /ill- and scalding pain :ill -'fi~jllg it, ~r bad R. F. M08her ....nd '·"0, GnardlaD wae ..tven au.. taE notice.......... ......... 1 W. E. MOORE Recelnr, elJecta followlDg Ub: quor. wine or uv ... s· It. YOUDJf, oolleoUnl _ ' . beer. and overcoml:b tnplel1Sl1nt;]~ thortty: to set-tie a olaim allalnlt ' de1lnqueDt tuee.. ......... 21i8 28 cesaity of being COD1l'~.,eu to go of .'\ , . c. A. Hinsch . W. A. Merritt . , Buoke!",e Powder CompaDY. TIilE OARD during the day. a.nd to get lip 01 '\:' Nathan Jones S. F. ElbOn CltDwn W. Stan toD , Clon· times durin/{ the tlight. The mild &.:.1 • In the nate of Peter B 8I&Dfa, 1\ ' EFFECTIVE APRIL 15, UU6. the extraordlnaryefiect of .swamp-R?o, , Levi S. Lukens Charley Comell . tract Dumber t 001'......... 12 00 ORTRUOUND . dla'ributlTe Ilocoan' wu GIIO. 1'1 u . is lOOn realized.. It .tands the hlghcst ~ J. N. Lemmon W. T. Frame: Bert Reed, bridl8 repatR In Statl0l11 41'10. l' No. a' No. G' ita wonderful cures of the most. die Odie BrowD WIl. appointed IURr Deerfield Townshtp...... it 21i A. M. ". P ". treuing cases. If you need a medicine dian of "'-n Bro- minor ' boad "'reel B t iII.. 'all is 110 r _~.Oll .~. Ar 8 18 11 26 6 2j you should have the best. Sold brdrup;> , ., v, , ", " a ter,....u·a.... ni ... ••• '3 50 8~:;:r o;.~ . 8 UI ' 11 21 6 18 giatsin fifty.cent and one-dollar SIZes. tlooo. Joha 8mltb, suardlDK jan .. . .. III 10 15 13 You may have a sample bottle auu e " Ceo"l'II · 1 UDloD Telephone ROIII,II I 8 11 book that tells :all I.'ne will o( Sarah J. I'reese, de: • 11 III II 011 1 00 .Hempluad a 08 aboutit, botbaentfree ~aed, .as·adm"ted, to probate. Company. 'rent.......... .... . CCllte"llle 8 00 11 05 Ii i10 . ~y-tl\ail. A,ddresd)r. . la ,the. 'IDIltter of tbo eatate "of Lebanon Ice and Coal Com· NallQf t 7 62 "10 61 U 112 Kilmer & Co., Billig• t1 10 L,tle 7 ,&7 1.0 53 ,"'7. , hamtoD, N. Y. When 8 .... or . •'ame. Dwire', d ....e~':..-~, ,.tb· a -.":"0 ' nail." ooal for " vu ....... ~oAUU"'08 85 Ec1(1te ..ood tT U $10.\1 '4'. writing me.nlion this paper and don't trix UD .. Dwlrew~a Iluthorized w 8 1E .. Grealy,lombe............. 1 . ;7 (0 tlO'1i .~ 40 make any mistake, but remember tht ab1e J""""nh COrtiD ...... Ve,'l•• 38 Kilmer's Swaulp-Root, and 'ranafer '1800 worth · of lltooit In"-'~ s~D, lumber.. .6 Iii KUc:baer 17 88 no 43 th B' hi l NY ' the QihciIDDKSIS~ree, ·R&Uwa,. Com '11. A. Jam., Jutice of Dodds '1 38 110 U '86 e~. eu, lUg 1m on, . • I • the Peaoe, fees 1iI oue of Lelud t'{ 25 $10. 31 ".JIt! pany. State ...a Charlae White.. l.eba;aoll-L,." 7 20_ 10 21 4 !O ECUMA and PILE CURE on. The will of JobD OOrllll, deoee-t, 8 811 C R ~ D ~~ X T C R ~ D .. KEE Knowing what it was lo 8uf· "'U admitted &0 probaCe. neok ............ ·...... Da,toll " 40 11 00 II" f .·,r I wttl give FR:EE OFOBARGE to Freet Batzel', OODa...e, Ohar)1III Wh1&enaok w.. adm~'.tad 0 S x T O .. X T aDV affitoted a positive oure for EO. I . . same .............. , ...... ...... 2 60 g 00 t! 00 w ball In 'be ,um of 12oo0, oondl. Th~ Board of Oommtaalonen de· 8OtI~BBOUND. " zema, 8alt rheutlo, eryalpelaa, pUee tioned . f~r ~ ap~ranoe before Otded that .it oooid not adjult tha A. M. P, M . P . M, BDd skin dlselUlle8. In8taDt relief. Common Plect. , rAlurt OD the Grat ~n1liotIDg OlailDll of '11.e .partlee I.e.e . Nil,!!" ,No" Noe' llOD', Buffer longer, writ·e F. W ·"arm' . rd 0&7b111 : 0 R AI h .. ' 'II · oa da"" of no... WILLIAMS, 400 lManbattan a ve~ue ..... • who 'blDk theT cJ_ve tbe re,ra . , Da,}Oa; 0 AlX T 800 .00 Ii Oil N 'e w York. Eno,)oae 8tamp. · The will of . William ~ermer fqr . the oaptore of Benry White,· IAbpoa Ie. II 30 .au uc,·.. at · s19 '1908 wa, allinli&ecl to probllte. ,Ince tbe ,....on A. It. ' &laWn who' 811aker croaalalll:'1 181 1i.4!! iD 'he eeia~ of IlIU'CDI Kf'rDl, .,am. by &be .....dID08to have made ~D ' t8 87 Si n "6 'i , . . d a_....a4 8U '.1 6110 deoeued, and bal AOeOun' wu ~e oapture Is • po]foe o+&,oer'. aD 0...."111. a t t9 Ii 5. BkiD Disease of Twenty Yean' ~!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!~!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!~!!!!"!!!!!!!'!!!!"!!~!!!!"!!~!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Standing Core. Gled . . ~ . , oanDOt )... f ..ll,. olalm the money. MUM '867., 67 nil 01 , I WAnt you to know bow much The wtU of Conrad Bullnaer L",. g 01 • at II 07 Chamberlain'. Salve has done for admitted to probate, El1Mbe.h . BeSjlewGOd 19 Oli "106 " 10 me. It has uurtlll my face of a skin COR~E· R d1seaBe of ' almo8t twenty yean' ., 8tandlDg' I bav~ bee. tnjat.ed ·bysev. ,the ::::r ::: eral,a8 amart pb]ralQlaD8 as we have lI"'Ul"'OI: ~ou.a . ' . LelU1d It ll3 18 22 IS lIl! ~ In tbis couD~ry ~Ild tbey did me DO Dorena ~r. Ii~, ,bo&Ober, ," Leban. .' . '. rAbaaOD,Art In Uao I aD ; 6· ~O good, but two b()xee of thra salve f 00&U7 u".p, SlIMay· , ssop 011 il,lI.1 on JIld Mn. Ollie BreeD. 41, armer, .U-Dn TaA ••• , haa oared me. 1111'1. Fllnnle GrtffeD, staple 'and Fanoy Grocerlee, Frulte Tr y, :Alabam.~. OHamberlaln's OrellOdla. 'l'raI1Ia »_ Lytle .. f01l1) •• ; Vegetables aDd Canned Goods, Salve Ie for 8&le by J. Ill. Ja.nney. Clark Wolf, 22, farmer, Eden Nor\.l»boll1l4 ~ OIL m. II 47p. III Cigars and 'l'obaooo. . '80~\lIboU4 • Ot •. m. 7 08p. m - - • ]a Lue. BroWD, 18• . B n· Ge ... O. : ) .,. flA.TUA. W AY,
r ml)ntma Is alw.y. you do lb aU" and o litis?" Bnd " Why au (orget so·and· ' Iwtnll y .sLrlct sbe ' Ilwfully bad time
• I , It Isn't
to me abe
to pa.. ,TED HIM MOST.
~"""""'"'~"'~~" ~
UDISIDds Hno KidDer Irolble aId Naur Suspect it,
$ $
"""""'I" L
!llier made 1118 torII 11 young" man. I to know bow he '-no. but I'd. Ilke
. sWI got It. !ference, .. what Is the dUrer3sslmlst aud an opo
e Bee Jt. J can mus· . T am orten' dlscour-
Jon't look to me'·u Igbt. . Well, at lIueh d to be p~sslml'L "leo I 'was a YOllDg ' 'looked' brlgbt _od .. Nays bOIl.etul: ~helr Now. my lion. cao a difference be~"WeeD I, ' optimist? . YIlS; one III' married :.-N . .Y. Weekly:
Felt Sorry. ,aslbly . Borry. Mr~ Ilf. "to ISllrD lbllt Jle otb e~ day 'Tlaet' - , \
The Gazette can save you money newspapers an<J, magazines.. If you intend subscribin for any of the magazines .or daily papers, cO,me and see us. We will get· them for you considerable reductions.
, d~enf F '"r"'e
::.F·-?·:: ·
........... ....
~r~~,. Ji. WaahiUltQD, SS • . tele. · pbODe foremau, Sabin. !l0d ' ltath· · 'ertne 1Il IIlIler, '2 ',' FrankllD, ' " . 1".... f armer, ' .. Verner' 8. Pt,bmuaD, ~tetown; and ~naK . .~"M",
, .
'N ' .
I3I11ebaDOD. . . . ' · Walter I'( Ooli, 21, molder, Da1' ::.o.aDD.II Lucretia A, VeDard, 1,8: ,
r _ W ..• YODOg .and .. N.noy .U<JU . -
yo';Dlof, J.ebanon, ,nil : lIariJ~ret , Belh of ' Da,wn, balr. ,' of . JalD8l ~~UDI, deoealled. to ' >Aa'Dea Bern·
b~~. Io~ ill ~ban<rD 1. \, ,Rboda Drak~~.() IIntGn, Drake
5;ck .
• I
.n _
I win. sell out all ' ~aIPuIeNe!\:~=~:~Oil, ~Y stock of furniture il at' - 'g reatly·· , ' ."l'.educe.d . . d' 1 prices, imme late y. ' eMU':e , .. Intend, to go 0.0 , t of · '. ,..,,' . the" '"urnitur.,e busi:a , t· , I' . d ness en ne y p,n If · weak, worn-out, g~o'!Ve' all of my t.·me nervous, cannot sleep; d . : .. . . .', have indig~~tion,· hea the ' un,derb.i,king. '. acbe, , neuralgia, or peri-
Odic pa'ins,
IOne'bS "". .
, Will fit up .a new
lot. ill .l:IOut)l ~baDOD. t1. . .. _. . _ Aioalda. Glll~ ot lI.nhall, .Ohl~, . to ,Boll8ll!-.80hQODoTeror.Franklla, lot. . ",,' ;., 'h&~~ COrrin,k>n ,· ~ AUell . o · . Qa',ef . ..~nJ toar 10'" tn 11&1011, lDeSS.
~nd ![lUtoD ~aOIr, ..'
belra of ,IAOtIb)l.l" .. 4~: ~o lI,r,. It. Rtie \ -111100 IICJwire 'feat . of, .•land In '~ " -;<;.: . . " . ,
n~rveB are ' weak. It·· th~ lack of nerve force
four 18
.~t makes ' the stomach, ,~~, lungs, ,etc., w?rk
"" . '..
the ', sick when it restore8 ,:!H'rve 8~ngth, and 'puts
~ ine .PQwcr 'bebiqp-' the orpns "to 'do their work. ' Almon tllI~. :;"'1'11 I w~eNd from
,. '.
. •• ..
- '~eld ~wa.'~l~ f1. . " . ,., ) bl r __~ . _ aDd IIUwD aaok, helr8 (If, . A V. ua e ~~. BUel~ to liar,. A. 1'81E yea... 810,1 l'.J~~ pal:.:... ~· • , !!""V, • ' ble 11lll8OD, ,. ""'_ Ouu' n., Blle. ,ten aort!8 t. &o~IOD t, 10WD~ . , . ......011. Inel. "I theD.......
l)fJice,' especially lor . k' '. 'b - lO1perfectly-:become SIck. the unde~.ta lng . us• . l)r. Miles' , Nervine ~ures
l~~auD":~W: <!.
· , iIlIDD18
it is
c1adeued; .
:r:.~ ~)'u:rt ~ ':01 :::
Mach bope 01 &Il)', 01 tIIa!!ll 4.cIlq IDe ,.~' Dr• •n~ Hemlle -
ante srap, bot· tD ,eame
.taD,'tt. ,
WUltUD B, lIoBurD.Y, ~f ·South UbaaOb, ~ Vip&br .Yau at"r.·,.1';' DloD .18,. ....... ta "V 'l'o. . . .p·uoepa·
'ute lD r.....•DOD, 11. \., .... • ,,~bIooI. DDDhaaa 10 ,J.. A. UMt . . ._i __
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v":t:»= ·wI" . tr..'II: A ....
If '......... N[fIjIMl ,..,• .....:. .
Medical ~ '"~ Ia4
c. M. BROWN, Proprie~r.
\'r By nee vllle', Leading DeDtllt. ~D Keys Bldg MaiD !:it.
I . 'Ifl~~
He hu . . ' ot the mIlUoaB.-
deed. ' I
,r .
Is yciur , object ~ Ie Chinese qual'ter! :lm anxlol1s ,to _. ' handles ',' blll chop' ,
Neigbborsl Got Fooled. "I was l\kiralIJ' oonghinl myself to death, and Iladl b900me too weak to leave my . be~i; and Delgbbors p"r-dloted that 1 would Dever leave u "alive,; .but they lot foole!1, for thanb be to God, I W88 induoed to bY Dr' ~g's .New Dlaoovery. It kI.QJt j1l8t tour ODe dollar. boUle8 to oompletely oure the. oough and ra-: at""e me to good !IOuud healtb," .writes Mra. Eva UnClA~her, of Gl'OvertowD, 8tark Co" JDd. Thia Klq of ooulih and cold out:ll8, aud bMler pf thrcatiLnd lanlR, ie goar. aDleed by Fred C. Schwartz Drug1100; and '1.00. Tri~\ bottle tue•. -. ...........-IlI81l1'e Against Accidents and Ill . Health The AesDa Life r~.)1raDce Co. wlll 118.u e ,.qua pO)to,.by whloh you wlll
(s. tl& Job.
) 'you . ave out
I ,"t: t: O
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\ wot I sed. p" long · have 1 $ fl. ,: l .. i\ \
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with rnofln.t; k 'L!p' cuclt n~' L It tl,l<'.'1 twt. r('(llIirc l'uiotil1w'whrn fr~~ ., . appliutl, Ilw l II. 5 Uut.. tSl:u,l to,.,IIIY f or f :'()(l ti1l1l1111"s u\111 our ,lloukU.",. {j .
"CulldlnQ, Eoo""""."
' . $,1
By SPENCER & MONROE ,:.•»"/l . ~~~~;. . QREGONL\., omo. .~ r~lve a 8tated su!» .per week .In l'l (ill THE "KNOW HOW" .. . cue ot .oolden$ or 8lcknel8. ~or j the manufacturing of . Patoid that . mak~ . it . ,~~ , .,...oulara lee Irred B. Sherw!)OCJ . Loqa] AgeQi. ;· . most economical ' and satisfactory roofing, or.: siding . _______,~'__- material on the market. , Both fire proof and weather a Fa,torite., . proof. Yo~ get full value received if you buy ' ;We prefer ~lamberlaln 's Oougb ~edy to .ay oUler for onr obU· . Paroid. clOD," nysllr. L. J. Woodbury of '!'lola..... _ ..... b.. ,aiM •••• \ROIDROOFING PAJNT. . ~ work for tullo hard ooids and Mak, ~ old· roofs new. Good on any kind of roof • ~~p; ...4 we take pl~re tD reo. oaUuendtDli•. '~ :ror nle by J. E. :,J~aIm~f11~'~:e!!'!!I!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ (;)'.11.' ElOUl mill hq been newly l!emodeled and the • C. . quality of' our floUr is better that:l ever.
= .,
iou.n_. IndJ~on. ,nd. II of the beart. J. CIOUI4 aot: _ or 'wl ou,:I~~~ ff~~r" ' til a t.d ooadItIon. II,. 40ctcw 414 not
::..... "" Ki.. ~ 'N_ , ...... PI.", . ~.::..'~ H':l.'::';l "' a d cllTi· ... '"he iODP' I &ake them &he bet. . elt lI1l.~ ~ ::..:: ,... t .·1 ti4 'bem~Tb87~-o·"!!l: I.< ID~~3:ft.ft
. oitt... ""'P. . '.. ... 87 - - .. ," "
baughcy yo tina mu r mllllonaires?
For ~Ie
Spelter &Monroe; Oregooia,liio•
slniie me work· ,d.-ChIcago nall~ ',
Miami Gaz~tte' _ _00-
Do " . - ..- . .. . . . ._
0.. o~ the unlQ\I
.Jwncstow n
tJIe ~18])lay 01 the gl'l flO ~tol'lI. · The n\ ....,..Uon Is plllllnin
. . ~Ioh 'wLiI ellabl eo do eo to \,onolrat all• .of wild 8ce ner
a.lm ollt IVOI
~ ~ and Nori.b . v.....rtllc for this f
....... Ule managen
. . . .. ~rd dlemal' Js
ICftl'J'body, of COUI hlUi haarll ' Over 100 ~ ~ the Itlsh \Joe ... IIIII1ad about it, lid)' Ill. whJte eane of .tile lIl18tJ1ry oC U iIiullllB eearcb tb e lJ!,yer. Moore'l l Doetil .....~; ptll'haps to ~ l# the custqnll the M.oore'
8....... ~
The Blue Blood of England. Tbe blue bl ood of . Ens land, like SI&lry Gamp'l gin anll ~n tor. I. a IItUe mixed. More than one woma n baa 't~pl'ed from tho stage to lordly 11&118. Harrlet M lien , t:'le a.ct ress. " bo was be sec/ind wife u f T homas Coutts, t he ba nker, bt.'Camo nrler bls ~ei.tb the d uchess ot St. A· I.III.ns; and 'hav ing no chllare" left.a ll h r wealth to her granddaughter, who becam Ibe Jloted phIlanth ropIst, and died the oUle r .day as Darouess Dil~dott Coutts. Some at tll o Roynl Prog ny·o r ,hn rlr s n ., the "Merry Monar h.". w r th~ clllldren or Nell GWynD. tb e [l1;iyer li nd fann er orango gi rl . an" ~1 r1!. Jar· daD. t be comedleono cQlebratod by hnrles Lamb. bad 'SODS who owncd WI lliam IV. as their Clltll r . . The duche: s of larcurty. wb o di ed thll oUler day, was Bello Bll toD. an old· Ume muslo hal l perfo rm r, and her offsp rlue are, ot course. nobl , In the a M SO of havhig a tlll d father. Many more women who ha\'e Caco;] th Coot· Ughts· prot sian ally, sa~s Doaton Bud· g et, might be mentioned wbo bBva become arlstocratlc daruea I,bro ugb marrlago, thus showl og Uln.t the nobUity ot Engla.nd bave dClDo more uan rub ~ 1lK>w A v,'lth the common )IeOple: Actol·i. llow~v r, haye not 'l:!een so rortun._te ns t he feml Dlne players, aDd have seldom. or never, been w dded to wome n o ~ high d&
The .Home-Coming of Kitty
By F. H. Meloon
HONEY." ~aaanaaaaao
calle.d Edga r Williams In II lnC(' d on ber fi ngor but ,\ ro{lulgbt i< " olce ~ba t ' bespoke 11 0 IItLle lung b lo re. powe r as Il cam lo the •.'a r8 (I r th e " As (or thn t;' ho said, cUllceallng obedl('u( horses above the deaton· Il ls fo lIU gB. " th Qse tllentl'lcal people Ing lick t the lIIowlng macblno hnv many IIIIIU"". I w l ~ h 10 I' tllrn knl vtJS, whI Ch hnd bl)en sawi ng Inr. s· IIHi YOllnl! lady VI lost urtlclv wblc b I ~ atllly nllli r Si s ti slily at th tu ll (otlUlI wlt b h er ,:ard fluc loSlld." h" l'd·s·gru as nil • h ' hal rOTl~ ut)O n.. " I will lell her.: ' uns wel'ed I LIf;: land. It was uo t fOl' 1\ cooli ng dTU'lI gbt lady. d osloi,; th e dO<l r Dud dlsupp ·ar· Long 1)II:III'rll'I1co batl taught h r I hnt Wlllf um6 had NtO JlP d his worl< . Ing. Ite hacI Ilu ~ h l n -Ifm pat) of his a l.n ' to IlIk. 110 clulIIl:CIl with !lt l'an~ '11. PI UuNl fl driv Ing' lit I~ s clll te "'.llk flV 11 If 111 Y II' I" goo!! l ooltlu ~ .onra. ' JI lit; lbe road that bounded one sIde Prfl rlll ly Lb e UUOI' wns reOllou\ld uC lhl! mowing. Tho yo ung mnll and I hnhlly a nd [ber'll !Hood lhe objp.ct tit 11 1~ Dunt W I'e nearly of 1111 il IOn• • he h,/s 8 urc h. Sbe gal' a ltttlo cry vt Jal tor IInlr. g but t wo years t he Ne nlor ,1'U'\1rhs . or he r hig. m l1~c ular ne phow. 1I0 W a t " YOll. F.d ~ ar! " sbe (1xclulrll(·d. " Y S, It'K r. Kilt y," h e nl1 ...... 0: hom for I ho <;" lI ol;e vscatlon a ud ON Sl,250 A yt::AR. wnrkl ngn!loli ly t he count ry II ro" kn ow Sl'lmly. "und I WA nt to hu\, ' a t.~lk hClw til wor k. 'fltn uat urnl 11.1f lion with you nlon ll." Ill s sn"nry ,vns $1 .250 a ):ea r. and bl't w'a n lil t' two '\\, :1 .. l; rc nl l), Mlren,::lh· He fou nd hl tllE< It wondc rlnl.r. IHI l ·f! h bu d jn s t propos II to MIss Clare II [I by I h(' II' !;l lllll ality In 31:1!S. whiCh follo wed h r li p . the. slalrs. ho w Ilua. Llghthcllu a ud heeD n('ceptcd a nil thoy hllli 8ubJc<!l 'lI th cm to m uch good dell 'IltC plnYln Mo of hl !t Yll1lt h hne l W' r both XQIIlsit I)' lIappy un ti l I\bo notlll'r'! d ra lllcl'y Ilnhmg th o me mbcl's b'I)1I' mls l ,I by th IIHnvol' 'd , rallrul· !lllld: of Ihn t, ro il y. Iy.looklng mall whom he ha d IIc(,!n "And you don· t know bow lovely As 1'1'lldenre rAnched t h gu,p 10 the aomc from lho ho use aM h e liP- ou r hOUle will he. George. n sllall wall Rhe tlJrn NJ hel' hOl's(,':1 hp-ad pr<rach II, unci who fiued tb ri P.S N II' be a home Ind d for YO ll ; a plnce at sharpl ' II) lIl e rl/:ht. nntl Ilrl'/ vO in. lion glvl!D by the) Se nlinQI report r to real li nd Joy a Dd comfort ! I'll rl ug ~ lopp ll1g IJII'cl IW Ihe shllde-sl\'lng n T . tlle housekee pe r lip o\'ery morning, But. lit' rcflect iI . women In I"ve an d-" Iimb~ oC a n nppl' t re~. I n n minute Ihll long strlcIfls or he r n ephnw hncI pick out th Ir lown-'I! olle I;Qo,1 qunllty "Tho ho uS13keepor1" li nd s t It nga ill s t th o thou3.111d bu cI hrollght him to he r side. "Y s. Yl!S, dellr. No,,", dOD' t Inler· " W II. nlllll," he ~ Bid. 100ltlllIO illl on II he may llll \' . rU \lt. YQU ua uJ;h l)' boy. I'll tell lb. "How arC) r:.JI !hol- li nd mother. Ed· lw use koc Ilcr to lell the cook t~" Jnto tho r:nV<1r (I earrloJ!;p, wllh n. QuIzgar?" ah a skQ rl . whl'.n tbr.)' wnre SPlit· zlcol !'xpr s ~lon. " what's worrying "The cook ?" Yo') l! now? More lov I\"a l r~, I SliP- ed, a IItUIl ~ h Y I Y . Yil t IIIll uh moro at " at ourso; nnd r do bope we can pose. For illY pRrl, ~ "lIould ' thlDk ense t ban hl' hud bellevoJ ll'lss lblo uu· grt a Fre nch cook. J love FreD011 The Public alld the D irector• Fred , s nd Dick n'nd the rtlSt at the m d r tho s ham efu l ctrC!lInlRL:lI1C s . cook ing. And I'd li ke the plll'lormaid h Ph ~l slcally, ltl y a re W()Il." 11« r,elIfore Important thaD statu torr re- . w.'re (.Iolng en.,o ugh wOl'T yi llg wlth01Jt to--" plied. s lm pl), one-I sf'll/crely. " but their form for tho Cllture of lI,r IDs uraDce your chl plll n!: ID I" "T hc Il:lrlormnl(l? " Ilullltnf surrerlp,; Is 01 0 1'0 lh'l ll you C lln :\J1 ~8 Prlld tlnca'~ r.he k lurned Ted (s the reform of renso n aDd moral sen· "Yes. YCll; I'd like ' a brisk, tidy. Imagine." rosy·eh elle d girl. '1 don·t care so .tIme.n t. We must come to can sid r b h nth It s heaILhy coat of lan . 'r·lle· girl gave l\ li ttle cry at aD' muoh aboll t th . housemaid: ' mlllald olllcers who give theIr time to a nd s he raised a lial uty, 811monls blng g uls h. fall'. "Why, my da rling. I'm ntl'ald- '" l1ullllc alfal rs ns Ilcrsons maki l!C a "r a m so Borry ~ " abe oxclrdl1l od In a " Ooll't fo},lgar: for once I am aeri· "Now, now. yO 11 bnd old boy; yo u eharttablo contrlblJtlon to' th o wol. broken .t.olle. OUII and In eu rn ·st. J want you, II ntu ~t let you r little girl bavo 1101' OWD "I wn nt to take you bnek with mo .faro of t be ommunlty. T he corpo- yo u will, ~o do me a favor." way whell It comos l ? the hOU8 ~ er rate members ~o U the dl~ c tora of an "A lwnys at. your cOlUmn-Dd. ullntle to tII em." h cOlntl nued. " 1-'1'00'1 that van ts. You can e ngage tbe butler, It 1II~ 1l ! " he ndded with d p rep roach. tnauJ:llJlce company, like the corpo- dear ...• respondP.c! tbe obedien t you like. nnd ot .courso you'll g ~ lhe rato members and dlrcctora of a eav- nephe w. h'l8 eyes tw.lnkllng. " ricn' t IlUt. all missed th e last 'Vords. oachmnD : but wheD It comes tcl 'l~b e . "We wl'r comhi,; tog .ther In Ii day Jilg8 bank • oon rJ der tbemselvell, t.8x me too heavily, thou gh. It's ' ~_ hot ' Iauud l' S9 and seams tl'ess ' nn"- why 01' two." s b laug bed lightly. "I ba" e Georee. ·w ba t n dreaUtuJl y long face and mus t be conslderell by otbers, to rillY. you kDOW,"-wlpIDg the · P il I' a~K d my Calks' forgiveness." you have ! J don't like IU " . be engaged In a ."ork or publlc ohar· epl ratlon from his brow-uand I've "Their ro rglvemess? Alld yr.t you it';. A lavlng8 bank, Indeed, 18 BUP-' . Lhls mowing to flDlah, aDd the chores stay be re ? Do )'ou mean you' re mar· It Jooked IOllge r I1S tie sat In his to dO." ·10 l( 12 rOllm all bour later tl'ylng w posed 'to be receptaole 'for ~e sav· rled ?" "figure ou t.. bow tbe wages of the '')''ou'll llaye time ror .both . .Ed· Certa lnl y,~; was the a nswer, glvou ings or the poor, thougli .. t ho s upposl· cook nnd hou8ekeeper a nd butler and gur. and to cateb lIle Ii: 15 t raln for wl tb' some aSpetity. tIon II not alWayl tr ue; wbUe 'a life Keene to·nlght/ ' . At t be mome nt tbe door opened and all tlle rost of thoIn we re to be Imld company 18 a receptacle for .' Tho youn g man's I;)lg b'!'zel . eye~ a fall. good-looking YOllng man came on $25 per wee k. ,He hasn't calculat· ed It yeL . tho savings ot aome well·to-do or opeDed In wonder. Into the room. He s tarted back whe n eyeD rlc;b. Cbarlta\llo or publlo serv· , "Yes," she told blip, "1 w~ n t yon pe saw WjlJl ~L ms , but tbe latte r ONATURALLV. ~ce,, Ijeclarce -FranCis C" to go to the cIty· to·nlg!lt, and 'see turn d.. A c lanc'o ot reco~ltI on wos Lowell. In Atlantici may .be rendered. It you can find little KItty ~weD 6 0n. exchanged, .and the two clasped even where some 'helle tlcla:rles ···are . YOll know Klt~y lett hOlDe IlW\t week. 'hands. Fall iell;[llaDatlOnl follow ed. able to pay ror tbe servlccs. Where' ond her tolks ate 'almos t fl:llnUc. ] .. " I thought it 'W as • fellow na med 'the . well beIng . at the eommunlty, or bnve jU8t come from 'llOst olllce Amoly wbo roomed he re; I had no IIf many of Ita membe rs, requlrel wi th n letter [rom Kitty, In which she hle.n. It was my trlend and clnssmate, says l mus tn't tell ber folks that she great servIce rendered al ike to rIch Is wi th Il. theall'leal man. rt ~e rna Ralph Howes," said Williams. " . and poor, t)lose fitted to render It ·there ·ls a dramatic company.' In . ·'No. Amely Is my pr<!perty man." re turn ed th e (ltlter. "t'm learnIng , may be asked to gt\"e their labor .,,'!tb· Keene f01. Ii couple ot weeks,' and sbe business. you SOO, and Ilel ll n ~ mnr· Clut pay, It, for ,nny reason, that III .e vldently luterids to go with tllut com· . lied lit the sa me timc. I'm Harry ' It more cODveDlent. This Is the rule pany. She Is kll!lplDg out' oC '. Ig bt was n cessa ry. but )'OU sec KIl.t y·s 'With colleges .. and Ubrartes, art ml. fOl' the lime belDg. snu waDis me. to folk s t/loue ht' he l' too youn l; to ma rry; leave Ii sct;Ond lel;ter she 19-~ losed at so we dec ided to ge t lIJarrle:d wlthuut aeqmlJ ~ nd bosllilals: her folks' door some 'tlme after nIg ht· th eir cousent." fall. Tbnt 'nvolds tbo 'dllnger o~ ~helr COlt of Discovlilring America •• ';Well," IRughe3d Willia ms, breathing bas discover· Undlns- he t' tbrough the telltale poat. euslly (or tbe fi nt tiDie slDce his talk A Chlcag'o wi th MI ss P rtid<!Dce. "all's well tbat ed that Oolumbu8 received a !lallll·y or mar k. of course ." • "And you want me to go to Keeiu.', ends \\'011, so ll aok to hOlD\! nod for.320. He estimates that the wbole coat or the axpedlUoD that found !Ind h I', and pel's uade her. If I can; glve YOll two go' with nre .toto com bom e ?" IllghU " . _~wo rlca was about $.7,000. John "Just that, Edgar: ' 'rho tr ill WIIS made over tbe road In 1KD0x r~elved e: salary of $Z20, and 0 "Thn t's a wbole lot., Aunt l'l'udence. Hal llh JlOWttS' 40'ho,r5e power tourln« l eading lawyer In the li me of Edward I' m a rml d lh nt only expe ri ence cn n C3r. .lV. wall con teDt wltb a fee w.btch pOl's uade her lo I'r.tllrn nn w thlit sha . 'WuQullted to ono dollar In ~ur money. has tu k n tbo cr llclal ~teJ\"" " 'HUNTING FOFI CURIOUS THINGS. SusY- 1 say. Jennie . what's a natur· A sumpt uoll s Christmas dinner .could · '1) UI. yo u can nt IAllst see that she ..,.' . . . . allsl ? 110 bought tben for 17 ceuts. A dol- Is w II cill'nel tor. nnd do what YQU 'some Instancn or Finds Dr Much J enllle-J!l1l not sllre. A man wbo Value In UnelCpec.ted Place.. ·lar weut a loug way In thosll days. can to 1'1I': hl msttprs." j,leaded Min cateM gnals , is n't 1t.:....Judy. . but the sala ri es at I/ rotesslont1.l men Prml ncC. Some yea rs ago In Yorkshire. Il man nt. a ny rate. I'll try." wnll the' " Ye£l, MIGHT Ho,\lE' BErN WORSE, and tbe .,,'!\Zes IIf labo rern seem abwent t.o a famt' for a day's shoaLing 8urdly [:lenge r wh n compared wltb promls . "Poor Nlllsle y! It was a terrible wi th tho farm er. In lhe mornlDg. a s Tho 8: lG traIl' {or the olt y found blo~v 'to hIm." 'the best·pald ablllLy and skill In tbese \0\ IIIlu mR trun:;tormerl fl'om a ral'm t1\~. wel'l! IlbO'llt to stort, a polu ter mode rn daYI!. Tile gpod old times, hnn(1 10 u t:o l1e;'e l'ou th dres~ed ID dog wn ~ unh e nn li ed to aocompnny . "NlpSI y? I bave n't heard about It. . says tbe Phllsdelphla Led'ger, \.ould Lbe · llEllght of rus hlon. a pussen!{e r. rh em. Tbe s portlug frleDd noticed that What's the matter'?" " It WIl S 'very s udden. I'le's all bro':present' no attrao tioDs to thoso who A <Ill 's Uem PUl 10 a re porter of the attn.llhed to Lb.~ dog's collar was a p. l.mligjn e tllere wns Ii tjme when labor [Jally RtlnUn·e l. wbom WIlliams kDe w parently a brass ring, wbleh · the k;e n UII. ( saw"hlm yes te rday.' and lio lold me he illcJn'l kQow. bow he C01IIII WluI much better ~ewarded than It Is wI' l1. "/l ~ I1I1M In hla ga ~h('rln g Ibe In. ra rplCr' eX[lla lll e~ his se rv.nnt had get alon g wltfhout her. . To tell YOIl ploughell up the day beCol'o and tred formation I~Q d('slred. The ''Wayward t.o-(1ay. Des pite the monop'ollel anli the tr" lb. r wOllltln' t - hiIve b ' \leved tbe trusts, a .. moderatO fo\-tune can Waif" com psllY eonslRt ed of only to t Lfe , collar. Whell the ring 'was re- be foro Il lll1PlloOl:d tha~ he'd have lIlk, eight m. ' einbCl·s ; 'o( IIhlse live were (0- moved the rrlcnd pron"unced It to be be acquired now ',nol'o readily tban It tonl e !lncI Lh ree lDal \,. · A description gold. nnd he offered to take It Into en It so ha rd. He .1lRsD't been' aple 't o -could In form er hnes. In ' 1820 8 of the lalle r ','resultlld ID the young to",;n nnd get It valued. Tbe tarmer !lUelld to oltslness o r 't~" '. "Sny . for heaven's snke ! ' why don't. IDan who bad $20,OqO was accouDted man's lIlaklng bls .... ay to II residence assented, hut hI'e saId he. :II\'ollld rath er -neb, and sueb lUen wer e vel'Y Bcarce. at Ihe 1ll'IJI!r end or Ellm s treet. He ha\, som e all V'er ll1100ns thllll money. YOll te ll a rell.ow about' · It? Wba t·s plls he" tbe button a t tb e door. and Tbe~e' the jeweler readily agreed' to the old boy's troubl e?" "l;Ils wlre's dead." A real mastodoD which hilS been '0 hearti t he tinkling ·.c1nmor ot a gpng 1give, an" he aftcr,,:nl'd Sold the rln~ .;oJd storage for many ce ntur!'I:1! wl.'J Inlii1e. Almost hnmedta tc ly the door for $20. The· ue xt tlme the rlrig . "Oh , Lord! l thougbt rrom the way . ~ one the e xhibi ts lit the Alaska.. ollened. and 11 wODlan. s \lort a'ud very changed Italllls It fetched $860. an'! It you siloke tbat 80 m ~body mus t hnve come lIiong and hlre'd lils lyt)ewrlter Yukon·Pa.clftc ·exposlt.(on tD Seattle In . Desh y. looked out at blm SUSlllclously:' Is now ·In the Orltl s'" muse um, "Wha t's wanted?". she Querl e , I ~ Inny be SI1.1d lhat. thl::: Is qlll !e an gIrl away from hhnl"~Jlldge.. :1909. It Is on~ at tho slganllc animals .blch Co'r merl y roamed the Yulton val: kpl! plrig on kDllo agalils t tbe Inn • exc ell.t101~1lI ca·s e. ~DY S tho wl'lter ID " f)(\ge of tile 'door In caso he r visitor Chamber!; ,IOUMInI aD curlosll y huntae1 and nOl·thern Siberia. TblB 'ono I'hould be 11 book agellt or Ileddlel' and lng, nn,1 a Dlall mi ght live a ' hundred I"IUI ,dl!!coyered on Clea..y creek. above lry II) pllsh hili wr.y Into th house years and ne VC1' ~et sucb a l cbartce ; Nome.. by W . lit Thomas, and taB been Ull ]1lo"ell. but. how mnny peoille ever mllite the .0 well preserved ,tbat whf,ln the Ice " Is M ~K l<ltty SweDson I!topplnr ntt~mpt? .. , '.' It 18 c» rtlllnly easier ' to frequent J!ielted aod exposed. a part of Its back . hern?" he nslied. ~e time ago It was attacked by dogs . "Not ·that I know of; all my lodgers curl.oslty s bopI< In .tpwn : bur yoU ·must _Ild partiy, eaten. Th~ hole In Its back at nresunt a ra a couple ' of theatrical know · some thin g ab O'll Qvel'rlhlng • tile only breall In tllo ·sk!n. however, gent·l . lIIell , hlld a laay who joilleif' the worlb buying. 1 re member ODce b~I~IC eOmllllny he l·e." '.' In 'n well krr o'wll jewe hlr's .sbol'. Rod "JS Youth's Companion, and the pelt "The "Wn),wal'd WaIf people 1 pre. wlllle I was looking .at some ola rlnge tWtll be Ibitred and mounted on the s ump.?'" '. , . , Ilntl t rinkets !PY. oye, ea~ght si ght of R ~p ske!etoD. "Y~8 ." ring wh.l.cb had'in It a stclne wl~h a ~~~~ ;' 18 th e Indy alx)ut 20. black.halred 1I0u cut aD It, aDd above the lion a , 'I:~e UQltlld Stat:es. ~ave at la-to41.· aDd black.eyed, and 'of slDgle star. I kn ew It as n ROlllan ve ry lively gem. and It wns tlle constella tloD Leo. C)Q...ered bow .~ sliccessfully co!llpete 1I!"lrltf\?" ,.nth England ' II!. the effort to win "r don't know'l I've noUced he r ~. When I asked t he price the deal ci' eM· Ole trade at South America. The 1~1f or ve ry lively IPh'lts : Sile' answers Itated i and, Ic)okln~ h~rd at me •. h( Ia-.d at the leading depar:tment ltore the rest ot the descJllntion. Shu asked mll ·lf It, wns a Roman gem. I • t RJo . de Janeiro eays that It wu dOl'sn't give her name as Kitty Swen. replred tllat ~vas what I wanted t(, • . know 'from hrm. He 'Utled all way., _ , after lever!ll years of . persua· 80n tnollgb; Ihe callI ·hereell tbe Wlr. to get m'e to coofess 1 kDew alrou', ' onl' Qf geDtiemen." . . 'Of .ton that his .tore Bucc\!eded In getA pang at tear IIhot throu<>h the auch tlllnc.a. alld wben I presontly P1.i t .. .... an American sboe manu(acturer . .. down the ring end -wu 1I0!n~ . out IJf , roong man's b~ea8t. Tbe suspJct..II', told me he wanted 30 Ihllll.n p ror 11' Young .. _ . :were .;you lO'awJt~ CO malJe .boes In tlIe way the Bra IIIUanl wanted them. Now ,tlIe 8kre then, was true. He hali not thqusht ~ It wal, b"t If It wu a Roman ge~ .~rd -BDd embal'rUJEld w~en .) 'ou prothll, thlng of little KItty S.w~nson; OD8 he wanted mOl:e. .I took.,advantage 01 tjIOaed to me? . . 1I8111nc hundl'eI!s of th~naanda of of hie boyhood'i dearest IIlaymatea. hI. orre~ and b;ought the ring. '_. ~o()lUIg :I!Q~bU.b-Qh1 I. onl,. tIT. -...,. .." the.. Ihoes. lormer.., ,and, tbo~Bb that . ~u notlilng to do . IDe .IIot. to .tI~t· ao cocqur. ot betq . .,0 GAlJ BrWlb IbOB WStll the Itory, 'the liater of tile IIrl PabUc BeDel:oalt, CI&IUlO& wipe 0lIl ' aeoeI)tc~ u ' l felt. '. . . . ."ore ~ cOIICelll8Dl riDS he IIad Drtvate )treed. • _'roplcll Cllmlte; Vllt Vi.l" ·Cit· VegetablOi an~ Fruit.
" \\'l", a ~ "
Corpus· Ohr ls tl, Tex., Feb. 12,-The lower Rio Qrande Valle), 1111 sometimes erton oU81y reCerred to as SouthwQst Tet lls, and so Is EIPaso, but THEY AR m E IOHT ~UNDJl.ElD · MILES APART. It Is Wln ler In Nortllern Texas 1\·hll6>. the Gul! Cons t country III eDjoy lng: . euns hhl 11k that of May. In fneL Ule Qulf Coast 'kDOW8 no· Wlnter-Cv ry 'lUopth '" a. groWIDtr; month. Texas prod uces wheat like ~linn Cl IOta, corD inie 1I111l0ls, alld more cot> ton tItIIn any othor two Southerl1 States combined. ADd no Illlrt of thl" great state ~ urp ns s es In opportunl ~y' and 'poli8llJllltles the Gull Cons t COIIUtry a Dd the region down by the RIo Grande. Artesian wBter was discovered fi ve or sl1 yoa n ago on the great KIng RaDch, near Cor pus Cbrlstl. As time weDt on the Artesian Delt was oxtond· ed unU! It now cove'fs tho terl'ltory from Robstown, s ixteen miles west of CorplIs Chris ti, to Raymondville, 'lnJ 1& being ext nded mootblY w1tl1 evory h h dlcntlon Uuit a sllUsCuclory 1I0w will be obt.alned tn a\l t rrltory not covered by the Byet IUS ot Irrigation on th e Rio Grand . One at the most suec.e ssful planters . on the Rio Crande III Mr. Johu C1os ner, who owns six tbousand aCTea near HI· dnl go, on th e S. L .. B. .Ii: M. Ry. From tbJr ty·tbr e acres of Bermuda onlonlt. Mr_ ClosDe r last year (190G) shipped tllirty.ftve Ollrloads or as Ilne oo1ons as we~ ev r grown. Thla crop alone ne tted h.lm ,IIi,ODO. Two crops ot corn can bo grown aD. the same land each year along the Rio Graode.. . Ri ce, cotLon ancI uume ... OU Il oth er CTOpS, 81 well u Ii gr lit vari e ty of fruit can ,be grown juat as 8uccessfully. .A t ' a dinner teeently riven SOlDe vlaltors, a GUlf Coast agrl· culturlst aet Ilft en (1S) 'dltrerent VII>· rtetieB ot vege tables beCore hla guosts. . A comprebenslve boOk at el ~bt, paJ!;ell, profosely Illustrated and full)," deBerlptl\'e or tho Toxall Gulf COMt. may be obta1ned by addree.lng Jab SebasUan, Passenger Tramo ~anager. Room I, La Salle ·S t · Sla., Ohlcaa;o, 01" Room 1, li'rlst;O "Bldg., St lx!ull...
They Old. \l ogan- DlcI fh' b'ys ItlJ)'o i\l01'1W'1 (y's sllllche? . Gl'ogan- Dld I h ~? Well. y 8bould hoy ulll th ere. 'r1w)' oh~'tlred so 10Ul ye couldu't hear a wu r· .." be slLld,'" J udge. CHIMNEV SWALLqWS.
"Here. glmme that. I !!&en It .11rat. Hcre. clerk. tll18 'Woman- " ,"Didn't, ' neither. I bod IPY hand 0:1 them betore she got the re. YOIl al.n·t no lady; 01-" "Neltb er are you. You ·can·t come none of Ibem trIcks on me.. I want you to. ~mll el'B tnDd that I saw th!l8e stOCkings IIrst; aod-" "Well, toke 'e m. They 'ro bl!; enough. [or 'a n olephant.. anyway. I'm too lady- to Q.uarrel OVAf IIUcb tblDg •." . ''Do' you mt;lan to Inalnuate Oi'lt rm no lad y ? I'll tell my husband about you. that·s whnt I'll .do. Your face would cook ca"tee. :· "Yes. aDd you' re a hUBBY. You n1.I1't got. no more man.ners t.haD-" . "I,.adlc!l:· said the dlgnlft~11 'Il~r walker, "the' gymnasium and .llpnrrlng ring Is aD the fitlh . 1I00r:' A sen()o-· mnnly a ttendant will assis t wIth tbe glpves U you wlsh ."-Mllwaukee SenUn/ \. \ . W~EN f,IRBHIPS A~E IN.., VOGUE.
. Wend.r ef P.lant Memory. Plant memo!"1 Ie '" problem tal' th. rDqqlslt1ve botanl.t, ' Ia,. the Dund_ AdverUeer. ' In 1901 . a plant' auled to the sQuAlb and pumpkin WAI taken to Ntl w Yo~k trom ~OIIe'r:t of Sonnra. In Me:l:lco, and 81Dce then It haa boon kept- wlthout waterins-In a .tranlle climate 8,600 mile. from home: nUrInll the Ilx wetlka of raiD In the dOlIert the pl'!ollt groWl Itll leayea anti ftower." aDd perfee" ttl ee~. Tben, It drlea up and leavea ani, a waterI.lIed gourd, W~IOh a tblck, bard .belt , lual. agalnst'anlmlU. ~nd-eyaporaUOD. , The - tranaplantOld lun I'e' member. the' l'alny Beuen of als weeks, · It wake.8, senda out rootlets, .tems and leaves. anj) then dr1e. up' ic&lll until the to"owinc ffat. : I Of Int., to Womt.n. - EYerr wOlllan naturally Ihould be :healthy alid strong, but 'a cr~t. mlUlY , ~omen, unCortunilJ,ety, are DQt, ' ow~~ . to the unnatural condltlon or the ' Uvea we lead. Headaeb~, ,bacK.~ehO· and' a. genemi tlrerl cODdl~on are IlreVl!Jellt amongat ·the women of to-day, ' and tl) relieve tbe!l8 ' 'o ondttlons . women ru J~ to the drugglsta for .• bottle of 8Omo preparation suppose d to be particularly for them, and cODtalDlng-nobody ,- knQwa what. Jf j:he.~. would Jnst get A bOx of Brandreth'. Pills, and take them regularly every nlebt for a time• . 'all their trouble would dlsaJipear, as tbese pille regulato ~e...Jl.tP!!!.gr the feminine . system• . The same dOlO' all,yoYI"!ial the eamo effeot, no maUer " 'how long the;" lire used. : .. .' , BraDdreth'lI pills have tieen In use: for over a centurY, and 'are tor pIG everywhere! plaln or 8ultar'CO'lUjd.
. 4;. .
...... .
C ' ~ .
HardllllPlo (dllmbrounded)~ For lands sakes! -What doe!, ~ : mellD ? City ·Nlece-Nothlng IInusilDl. alln· tle, dear. You ' know yolt Illvlted George aoll me to drop ln !lOm,o ' time. ~hlcago Dn.1.1y 'N ew•. litre.
. Internal Application. He found bls ' hal.r ·was hinvtng t~e top of· hla head. ,and took hll barber to ttlsk !lbollt ' It. ' . ..' "You $old 'm e two ,bottles ot atulY to make this haIr grow." "l~ Is v,e ry strange It won·t grow again," Intel'rllPtecI l . tho barber. •·..1 can't t1nderBtanif It." ·.. ·w~n, I~ok here," ~Rld the ,man, "I . don't . mlna drlDldng nnot\;\er b:Dttle, but U)ls must .be the Iut." '( A Kind Father.
Patr'ptlo .ColoN. t .' "Ho~ 18 the baby, Mra; .A:.'.... "Ob, 1 am drendru111 worried about him: ..:You that cilreles8 nur'.- . Jeu blm too near ihe SLeam radiatol'ajld hljl. actually tUl'Ued ,fud. ~' . ,", '. . "Graclou.l" . . ;.; . " .. ·'Then we rushed hIm 'o ut the cool atr and he turned whlte." . ·"You .don 't ml!an IU'; • "Yes; and wben we ga... him bath be tlll'nEid blue." ~·. . . "Oh, I wouldn't worry ov9r him. H.· II a·· ~enuIDe American' b~by: l{ur rah .tor lhe ')ted, Wblte and 'Blue!" .:........t. _~'. ; NO RELIEF FROM ·ECZEMA • , _
~ .:.~
For Over Two Veare-P.tetit M'dl.~ chI .., <.uack CUTe.; "n'd Doator. ' FaU-Cutlour. 8ucce,da:
' -' -
"I wal' ...err 1iadly amlcted 'WIth .,. tema for- lIIore .than ·.twck yearli: , TIl. ' parts atr"o~ocl were lImba below the kneel, I ttled ..a1t ilie pby.I4110)118' In, thlt tori and lom.e In the 8ur.rpund. · IDg towna. I ' al80 tried all thl! ,pat· eD,t remedl . that I heard . ot,"'betiI4ea. all the , ourea advlaed bJ oJd WOIli. .. Doting FatherLPbat's the mather, and quack8, and found DO rellet whatMickey? ' " .... .Llttle 'Mik<!-The ' teacher IfI!V John •.. eTer untJl I com~nc~~ . uIIJlC ~be uu' tlCUrIl , SoaP. Cutbura OI1itment, and ·DJ·. 8~art ,11 I'&w"td'av·merlt. "J)lctur' CUticura R6Iolve:tt. In the' Cutlcura , tUI!; knowln' hl8 lea80nl. and ql ·Relliedl ... I fO!lnd ,Immediate reller.. d(dJi't get non8;"-boq-hOo I t" .. . ... DoUng Father-:-Nh'er · molnd, Mlo'. a ...... 800n 'BOUDd and well. O. y. ' 01.. Come wid me to the ethoro WIn. Belts, Ti~~~ 1,11111.. ~o.... 16, 'O~·· · 4iett an' ', how Die' pbat IrpIDd' .... a card . -' ' 01'1 No, AJpIaoUD, ' " ' ,eut"t. al..,. .tfQ It an I buy ),e a Dolcer wan.- IlCIW.lllucJ1. clrl waute 1.00 to ktJa Jial' If; Y. Weekly. .., til. BJH_ .. . , ...'
The Story That Was Never Printed
t.lllt'~ hl ll~ the fr I:.' to th " Ill' df'.ml. nallng sllllllc fo l he IIIcLur wil l ul. WO)'S l·l.'SlIlt In an attractl v" comulua. lion, pl'ovltl('d th e colol' of tbo frAme Is nUl IUO YII'IrI. tOI' tbl! loltol' tnUKt novElr be 111('" III'omlrl III thall the su bject, :lnd thlll II1IHtllk is fl·t'lIl1\lnt. I f mad\! when se lectIng u bl·l~ltt. tune 1'1 oll oud mnlch ll1 g \I In w\lod. It wlcho11t llO!!slbl0, gll t II cu ntmgl ul'lng lllg tlll~ r..amlu !; IOI! Jnuch In 01'1. lI ellce. In fmntln ;;; Ptchinl'lll a sImple n~o ld. In g III ouk or I(Iil IfI conRltl n 'd or. r ct. If I hll IUlter I ~ usecl It 111'11'1 b(l In Ill n DlltI(lll!" I1nl llh so fUHhl uall le tchlng the IhI s He:lSon.· J"OI' nil plaine I' th" fl~ me IR Ihe (loLt r. and ~hos wl\ hOllt UIlY can'lol: (/I' arlin. m II tation excl'l'~ tOI' a metul J'lng lba t UUITouodH th e opening anrl u nanow moldlu" (It th e alit I' '1IgI' al'e In I;'reat
l~. b, Joseph 1:1.
SOlJ)Owhero bl!()k In' his ul tl'll·chlld· I h ~)'II, Y(lllIlg 'Rnoll hlld foun\! a CClll), or " fOl'to ll'Ar tllllr" hi bill fa· Iher' library: and irurn It I\a reated a wOl'icl or romil n'e or hIs vory own. hUl'chman Hill IlOClo, all ILI'dent h lld has 11 to foq,tC!.t youn~ Oarroll'~ exlSI UI! w hon tbe Illller ohoB n ews· Ilapel ' worl, In III' 'fcr nce lo a high stool In tho uvo ll cula l' bllllk. Othe r flllll [ollowed tbls reluLlvo'S exam lll , YO UUI,; arl' 1\ reall zeu Ihat h had glY n ·up I\. !:l'cal ruD UY tblnr,s wurtb whllo fOI' 1\ b !;garly plUmlce nnll 12 hOlll's labor PMh dny, not to m II tioD th lIu sllcalol hl e Klunk. ' Klunlt was tbO city of1llor. He waa 1\ SITJIlII;- 1.001\11 man wlt.h ferrot eyes hehlorl at ol·rlmruod ell cla61es. His .Kta l ure \vIlS Inlnlature and so was hill mInd ; !Jilt he bad s\lrved on the Morn· Ing Tl'nnscdpt In every capllclty rrom opy·boy 10 his prese nl pOHIUon. NO • ow Yorl! oews pape r was this Morning Trllllsl)rlpt; uut one of the leading dafU es III a cIty no t 200 miles >Joutb of Mason and Dlxon'R 1111 . . T he clly . ililor had I rc aled Carroll rat b I' dece ntly Ilt IIrsl IInd (1l' lhe Olls· appre hC?nslon t hat tho YOlli b waa do· Ing th!S' wo rle mbre a s a trenl; thal\ Ilnyth Inl; else. Wben Klunk roallzed I hat Cartoll wall wJthout mORns 0 1 ,8UbJllslQuc:e except Lbe wl'etcbed 8al· al'y t hal lbe !rJ'anscrlvt paid !tIm, hili lta Lrell (or tho mlln who was what Ite " '118 not brOke out, and ho chose to make arroll ·tlle otnc:e scapegoa l Illld butt.
suld , "You mnstn't te ll me-don't -you kllow lbllt l'lD on a neW8pal)or?" She lnughod 11 UWo. " n llt I'IlJ not la lklng to a newspaper Ulall Ilo . I'm tall;ln~ tn you. Churlle. and I want' YOIII' udvlr.e. 01 course. 1 know' pel' ~QI'tIY 'I' 11 t\ml YOU w n't ;/l.It :\ , line of It In t hQ paper." H e ' ot \Jack to l.he oOl ce IlIJnut an hOllr Ill ler; uud besltated at OlO cIty ed lwl"a dOIll·. '.'.\Vell, II' II," culled ){lllnk f rom wllhln, "lIav YOU wl'ltten ' tlte StOIl!? Qulclt!" , Th . Ily edItor was a lone. . Carroll took a CII:IU' tto rrlm h Is ' case, an4 I'lIllecJ it betweon Itls flnger s. :'No '. ~Ir: ' h o said . The J igarolte tl·olll ul qd. .. "fl'. K lunk." suld CarrOll. In a low ~UII(\. "1'h086 penplo aro personal rl'l "dft or 11) lne. , 1 can't write ' lha t Htor)'. Mar than tbat, I can't I l It go ' In th e pllper at , all. r went Ulere a nd t h ey , chose to torget f was a llewfJl) ll(l I' mllll. I .was asked tor adv lt wIth · tlte und ers tandin g tbat l ho 8\Ory would not apPM r 'In tbe puper. 1 pl'olDIsed t hat It s houl d not, lind It s ball not." 'Ill'roll we nt ou~ .... Ithout anll ther word. and r~turlled to hl B de~k. '. Prescntl y he took, a packet or pft.. J) I'S from hIs pocke t. H hesltnte d. He ha d promIsed' tllel'e' was to be 11 0
• Inborn.
The chIvalry .that was a ,).Inl't ot tb man, would not permit ar· 1'011 to dl s rcganl lhe mute appeal or 1h(l woman ',:ho had tOt)pled an d fallen' In ' Il heal) bcfQre th 'bouso wit l' h had hIs oh all i'ooms. In tbe IIgbl 'Of the gUs·1nUlII. he saw t ha t ah was dirty and frow sy. He spent somo tlmo tryIng to rousn bel', btlt rOuod It un· IlVllltlng, . T here WIIS no pollcoman In sIgh t. WILb II. slgb of dlsgllst. he plolted up thA limp bu ndle and cllrrled the wom au Into IIle , house a.'ld up th e t hro flIghts of staIrs ; t hen he rOllsed hlB hqllsek'eoper and told bel' about It. ThlS ,busy wom~n bad a vast amount of ,respect for younS' Cnrroll. Wh lie she wElnt upsb\lrs to look aitor Ole ,,,"mun, Carroll went tor tho doqtor. whO haYlni,; now ar.r lv d, Ilronouoced 1~ I lear CllSe of aloohollc exhaustion and said that to move the woman mlgbt . prove [atal. So' Carroll gave OWl' hlB room to her and Wok anotber "For God'. 8ak~I-Don't.· GIve " • on '. < Away." . Next day I}e found her cryIng Boftly. the Transcript. No!' " Why; are YUII 80 good ' to mo," she nl;lthlJlS In ",obbed: He w\l ~ vaguely embarrassed. oollhl he afford , to be discharged. "9hl ·r say now." · he Plates ted. He In ' thll )lacket were seve ral docll. looked Ilt her with m~re carll, and m ent,6 and some letters. He read noteri t hat 8he had been pretty once. them-he, Garroll. read them! . He Sbe told blm ~er atol'y-of havlug l!Dew be sho"ld not do lhls. bcen marrl e,d to a man, who bad growh 'Later on, ,he puUod a sheaf ~t copy· tired of bel', and wbo' abused and beat paller toward him and , took out his b el'. DIscouraged and weal enot!. .be lead penoll. became dl8slpated. Her husband "Oarroll-deskr" ,came III stentorforced. bel' ,from her 'home, and, threat· "Ian tODe/J from Klunk's dlrectioD. ened ber agalnat .the use of his name. You~ Garroll gathElred up hls sheet. ]frl,htened, she promIsed' to obey. bls and \\' e n ~ Into the clty...edltor:s room. -w1.hes; aCLer that she never SI1W him ~lllnk's terret·llke eyes lighted up In agaIn., She had ,one ' dow4-down-" trlumpb. unWT "A h! ~ ' a 10llg-drawn sigh. "I t bought "Oh!' I ,\V~nt 'to JiVe;" sbe Bald. )'ou'd sell your 'II'ay «lear to doing "Just to ' do tbtngs for yoU" Mr. Ga:-· wbl1t you were told. , Give me tht r '1l1. ' I Wlmt' to do .ome~hlng for you story." to s hoW you bow gratetul t am." " It'll not that story, Mr. Klunk," he dId not koow t hen tbat she pll r red Carroll softly. ··It's · anOlber would . nt,lver recover, but Ilhall y sbe story, 'Il bEltier one trolD Ii news Slnnd· learned It. ' Rea ll~ll\g that sbe 'was point. !t's 'a beat, too, I was think. .bout to die, sbo wanted to speak to Ing of glvJng t 10 the Sun:' arroll; and In doing 80 she IlIlt 'a li t· . Cnl'1'oll laid the shear ot paper he. tie pacltoge lI!to hIs liaDd. '.. .. forll Klunk, wbo Was lOOkIng myatt. " Hlm-h!!'s got money no",. He'll lied. Growling. he turno\! to thc story , . «I v~ you .money It you glve him those. ' nnd beg;8n to read. Presl'ntly his eyes 'Be min pay.,...make him pa,y, the got big wIth horror aud his tace we nt bnlte! ' He beat me-be don', t want a 8Icl<l)' 'i!· He groaned 1)eopie to know-that I beloDg to lIt;:e 11 cur 'log With an IDjury, blm-'" " "For Ood's laJtel.-don't give It She ohoked spumodlcally. awa)'," Klunk almost grovelled, ''It "HIs name ' " . would 1'11111 me. .Tblnk of cbllrch, Carroll bent over her and hea'rd the I'm a deaoon there" 'A nd, you' know, .whisp!l,red ~Yllable. When he realized' j'm eugugjld. Wliat' do YOU WlUlt.= Ill' ""hat ene ba4 .1j,1l1l!, the papel's , droPlled' how much roo . :. trom bls bl1~d and he clutched the , CarriiUOil 'toeth came together with bed, ,'He 'lookEld at the 'woman', a'n d ,a soap, HIs hands clenched: "Take aaw tha.t ahe had died, quIte lIeaoe.. tllat back!':' he, breatiied . "What am fully. ' I? a thillr, .. blaoklhl1l1er? I'd have .. Carroll loft the house and returp.ed gIven )'ou YOUr papers. Do yell think • Ito the olllco. J would b\lve t!one this-for myself!" . '~~Illll" IDarfed klunk. "Why didn 't Klunll looked , ,,bJect. ' ')'00 , set I!ere ,before! . There's a bIg " Arter. all," Garroll continued '" •story, [bat you've got to get-sOO.? 111111)10se ' l lve laid myselt opeD to ihat. One , of your fine frtends has rna'd e , ri'e ",ob a llrlpe, yos. I dOIl 't wan L a fool pllt .'!f ,hlmllelf-marrled 11 a line in the 'paper about the IIl1ddlll .r · aecrlltJy aDd tbo thing'" ton aUalr, VOIl I1romlll6 there woo't j"lt got out.., :I'!ll!yve been marrIed ,he-" ~retly tor nearl, a year: HI8 name's "Yes-ye.; not a line. Dot a line!" 'Lest~r MIddleton-you know him well a!lSerted Klunk fevetl.hly~ e!lou~:' ., . "l'lI take your. word." A thud fol. CII1T01i ~,new hIm enth:ely too well. lo",ed the relDark.. Catroll had tossed ; All a matter or fact, Elsie MIddleton the packet of papers' on tbe desl(. .,Lester'iJ s lilter, wu mucb more to hl~ 1(1110k olawed ·them open. 'tban 'be liked to" believe. '''If tblngs "Ve.,. yea!·.. · he breat.hed...~ ~houlb~ bad been, different." hl' bad ofleD, ~he 'i1l8 dead .before . . She's no~' tboulht. . "" I had aDytblng-" :.....nnd It's aU rig lit... . .: Ai for Ellie. Bbe loo)[~d on Carroll "YOIt cad!" said young. Carroll, aUd . , , the beRt of all ·meD, the qulnte.. be went out ~f the oll!ce aDd clf)ued Hnce of manllnell, . the door behind him. .. ,/". don1t w.ant the a.irl'Dme~t,,' .&t~ , ,.Carroll. " : ~'tur.·. Great Sec:ret. . Perhaps' the sreatest secret Datura . " 'You'lI' take It. or you'll haDd 10 . )'our rel18l\atroD," snapped lGunk. . balds 18 the mystery o[ Uf& ailll death, carroll looke4 at him, hll hnd. :Apparently ~bere 18 .no reallOn wby a clenohed. He had no greilt.oPlnlon· or who IIvils a well·re&lllaled life . .bimself, tbll -YOUD'g Garroll: , but to lie should ' Dot conUnue to itve -hidellnlte· . • t tlie beck arid call of' luCh . a little Iy, bllt the stern fact Is that bill time toail ' ~ Klunk eal1ec1 up' all the loatb. 18 cert",lnly allotted. MeD have aousht . , tDIJ bl. ' .nature. ..•. In valq to 101ve t.hls problem. But Dot .: • ·~II•. .~: 'Out ' of the O~jlI8 ip( Cook one, ~r . __ INMm added to ~e 'I¥D .. carl Q Ctla:rles etNet. Heaot tbtat« 1laDU,:!tHe by aD Jbe l reat- <':h_ a.od •walked a hlOcIf" ~. . of "tie ' ioteo...... POlIce de , . aDd rauc the bell of a great b01lH ~ ~t to ~"' .,tbe, J'oataln . .teiheUu.. . archlfecture, " Eternal Yout~ and Bron.a.quUd'l ae ..ked' fOr as lie pve hi. elixir that · was ·to a1'l'8lt the fttaP e _rei 'to tile focttulU. aDd was . Ibo,", of dec:a,y, proved ~ 1illatalUDI u de uplltatri .... Into the library, where Leola" . .reb for the fO~~ .. • 111m. I!JeaMlyed IIrl al'OH alld pve IlllD ber..llande ImpuJllveb", · · .. Splrltu.1 011. . "011: Charlie, Oharlle, t waDted to The wile. are thou who ha. . oD 'a ... JOG. ·r .. bfle~ Wllhlq to _,OD, ' tltelr veaael., tb~ ' ....08 or the HoI, I lelephODe4 Spirit III the heart CODUnD,all,. A. tor 16........ the IOOd holll8wlte ftlll 1ler IIUDJII
~~~l1e~~;~~~I~'~~, ~
monliq 10 Ute, will )Ie In .
: : : at ·tJae
Rule by Which One II CertaIn to Get Attractive ComblnatJon.
UUllltlUcJ. 1"01' EnglhllJ
'1'ill' ~It:autlc pulaco tor th e mil· l'",'mlts will II I 'Hllcd W a V" , 'If I\OOR ur bool'8 of ~ w Yorlc c:lty;s \Iub· !lDdte' 1I11n1 OJ' of s hl.)la J'l:. III 11 wi,') l!c lIurury l~ slowly reacblng 't ho hulf al' we ll IWI/",'U 10 LIlli dlJr'l!CIUI' a ~ II" t'IIIllVlol!d SUt;; , tha L I ~, Ih onsll'lIc, Ing \1 volt' d to elallomte ,·e*'an·hc ~ . lion of th s\(!e) rram and t he lIIas· so thul t hey may Qlller lhe ~tllck sl (! s.lx fOU L wall s and tbe utarllle rOom a lld wander us thoy will among sll~\) faclllg Is iteurly IInJs bed and the IUlle~ ot she lves. 'I'here wIll bo r 311y for tb e contractors to bug lu nol mOI'o thun G(I who wIll be pll rmlt· the wor); of IntllJ'IOJ' conRlrucllon, But ted w .thls special privilege. . 'ear S() lCle nalvll Is 111 buildIng. covol'lng lhe wlnduws on e v ry fl oor Ill' 51011 11 a grou!ld R[laCe of 10u.000 squa re teel alcoves. wbere Utere will be 1I1lJll)s, -fol' Il O\:c uJlle~ nil entlro square. ue· where l he In vesllglltol:S ' IIlflY leuve Ing 394 f at long and 274 fe et In Ihe vo lumes th")' nre USi ng oYllrnlgllt de plh, wllh a he ight of 13fl f t-that aud retllrn lo Ihol!' work to 111111 l hew It III expeoted thal Ir will. LJe Ihr e IIndlsltll·l\od. yeBI'!! be ron.' Iht. bul\(1I1I:; w\ll be 'rhe prlncipul I'''"dlllg room. where mu d, lo reeelv" the 2.700.0011 vulumes bunth c\a ot 1 I"rsQlls rn,, ~' ·If. I. on whIc h qlll l)l'ls lbo vsst 'uggregalloll lIw lOp !loo r 01' tb hulltllng alld h~ or boolH; al prc c nl catalogued, and windows Ul l1)' bo seen ahol'e tb e 811:5 thc r \VHI be 1'110111 Itl lh 5 veu' III th whl! walls whl<:h !nlll'\; Ihe slol'led Sl I !Ita k room rol' 800.000 10cilllon o[ tho stncr.s. It h., s wIn· '1)101'0 voluinQa wltboUl crowdlllg tl bit. dows, lOo, I okl ng ,toward I"lfth Ilve, 'I'h exterior nrlJlenran 0 or th nile, IIllhough Ihey are Ilcllrcel y vl nl. bulhlln!; conveys ' BOnll)thlllg or til e hI e frOIll that lhoroughfare. H I' m nJ\1l1O puc' whl th COI\II)1 .tc d t here I ~ su mcl e nt IIgbt by Ilay to ~ll'uctul'e will JlO~8eSS, tlnd It I ~ dOllbl' mnlc e reading a dellgh't, [01' 0111;0 wh n fill wbethel" the wOI'ld hus evnr betol'e the skIes [Ire 0 1' rcast and ' lito 611 n sec II so "nat a library bulliling. or on Is ousc llred by fog ond CIOlld \\10111 Ih o COm\llet In a ll 1t8 ap)loltllmellts as lise at e lect rIcity he necessa l·Y· wheu flnlshed . One of the l·atures of th oslruc· this bllllcllng wIll b I'Impared wl lh It th E' li brary of Alex. Uon of th e bulitllng Is tb~1 (act tbat all aDdrla was only a begI nnIng'. and the tbe lIgbllng b)' day w1l1 cOllie frOID re\losltorles for books whlcb have the dIrect sola r HOllrces. This maIn be n cole ul'alell ' In t he 101' 'o r t he readIng room will be pn B of the show blbllollhll09 were 1I\;e Ca r negie mon o pllices of :\'ew York cIty wb en It Is umen!s. furnl s bed. ' lis dlJu ellslons xcept '1'be treasures of scores 0: ordinary he Ight are praotlcally th e sllme as lIbrarIes conld be placed on lbe IIrs t those ot the s!acltroom beneath It. Next to th e prlDclpal rcadlu roo m flool' alone. Allartmeuts wblch ' arEl Intended ani)' for s pecial cOllecUons t he most sl rlklllg roature of t hl' In· of books are large enouglt to houae terlol' Is lhe catalogue room, wb ere many tbousand ~ or volumes wltbout the bllnl;s of carll IndIces' wIll be kept appearin g cl'01Vded. Among the spe- fo r reference b)' tb e Ilubllc. The cllll room. whIch In themselves are dra'll'ers will bEl dlspolled agaInst lite like commol!lpus reception halls. are wall s, a,:ld the center of \ohe I'oom 19 Ihe newspaper room, Lbe pe riodical to li e occupied by tables t? whIch . the room. fhe library for the blind, the , drawers coutalnlng the ClaNs lIlay be office of t he superintendents and taken fl'll' reference. numerous othel' smallel' Ulln.rtments All , that which h8s hnen descrIbed connooted wltlt the admlnl8tratlon of so fa r l'e preseots only IIODle or Lhe tbe In/iStllution. featul'es ""l!lob 'stand fot t he gIgantIc In Lbe rcar or tlte buildIng Is the scale on wblch tbe libra r y has been staok room whlob Is lhe feature of planned. To lell all UDoul It would th e s truclUl:e, !lnd Is Ihe oDly .arr/lnge. fill a book. The t .... o courtyards, ruent 01 (he kind Imown. Those who wblch p Ierce t he solid lIllasonry . pile, 100)< al the bulldlDC from the rear will are SO feet squa re, alld they ore en· obsene Lbe long slltllke windows 60 tlrel), bidden from lhe view o[ those feel In bIght, ""hlcb Illerce the ~a1J who ca on ly see th e library rrom the .HO closely togelher that .llte ettw:t lB', a venue. In one of tho ~:ourt8 will uc t hat of 8. ~e l'l en of pla!n pnas~ers. a. fount a lu, while the olber, wl1lcb Is These slits Ii \'I'e for tbEl ventilatiOn to be I'oored ovor to a IIwol of the of th e 1a.l'ge!;t bookcase In tbE) ' "'orld. tlrst nODI'. hi to be " Hod Its a dlslrlllUt· The stack room Is flIled now , wIlli lng aud s hlt)[llng sUlllo'!, a structure or sleel beams jOined to Tbe baecmeJl t conta ins parcel fill i1 s puce 297 fElI't long. 78 reet wIde, all aparlmcnt fo,,' t he e)(hlbl· and 69 't eet ID heIght , It is III reallly tlou. or yntcuts, aSllecla l III1I'nry ot n blltldlng of seven atorles each chlldrell s books, with· on ' ad join Ing Seven R'ld a hillt teet In hel~hl, In rendIng room for thc use ' of jtJvonlle Its cOllstruotlou we re required .,500 1, vI81~rs, a lunoheou room. a book· 000 l!Ounds of Iron and steel, The fab. bindery, Quarters nnll l()ocl~ers fOJ' e m· ric> Is to sustll lo the weight or tbe 63 ploye und all oaJce or lbe clrc~ 13 11ng mUes o f she lves. whl01l ar to ra- dlvl slnn of Ihe lIbrar), . . The furnace ce lve 2,700,000 vohime!l,. Th we ight rpom~. boll r rooms 8nm thE! hantl ng or tho t h6usands ot lon8 ot books and ' Cll tlhlli ng 1I1unts a lr e In the ~el. which tbe caso lij designed to bold Is lar. The nrs~ !loor, besides Ule special to b~ s ustalnetl bl' tjle 704 cast Iron columns whlcb are \>olted at their lIb~a..y roollls all'endy m cntlonell, has bases to the solid ::ock. u large elilll blUOIl r oom. O." tbe sec· " . ond 11001' nro 811001111 Ire~l!rence II· The cos t ot , tlle bookoase-tor tbe brarljls on s uch ~ ubj ect!! a!loconoinlc8 lltadks aro, I\ftel' all , one , ~truoture applied ~c1euce nnd rooms where th~ mad e of parts riveted together-will cataloguing or books ma), be con· be 1916,1)00. Tbe cage of metal sup· ducted. 1'b'e seconci fI'~ol' will also ports the flool' of the large ~eadlng ha l'e n mu sIl, room. ~ 0 th e tblrd room .!Ibo\'e It, thus evolvIng ·11 prln· /loor, .b e~l(.es t ho prhlClflal re lldlug clple unIque lu library· construction. rooll1 anti t he card Index qunrte rs . a re HItherto It lias been considered best sovel'al art gall orle~ li ghted Ollly by tQ olther have tho r~iL!ll?g rOODIS sur· skylig hts. wblch can~ot be seen frOlD round , the stacks 01' on one side. , tlte &tl'cet. . - -----,T he idea wblch the archi tects bave Oldest Chrlstlaa Structure. worked out Is ' that Dr 01'. Jobn S. 'rhO oldest Chrlstlun . struclure 10 Billings, head or lhe ~ow York public 'lIbrary, The relldel' gives hIs ~rder Ireland Is a remarlt nb1e building. evl· to tbe person In charge of whatever dontly vc ry anolent, · Ulll wonde rfully reading room he 'Is vIsIting. The 'de- ",'ell proserved. at Dingle, In Oounly liver>: to the prlnclp.a l reading ruom Ke rry. It I~ known as ' .. the Or~tory OD tol) DC the St!t.C\IS Is vertical. ' TM or Galle rl!s," and ha s stoat! practically books are 'brougbt ,';')1 by small e le· lIoln.Ju ~ed for, mOl'e th ~" a tbousand vatorl! lUI they are desired, .. all,d are yenrs . dellvcrM ' by the attendo.nts to the desks wbere ar.e ' seated lhe persous Heat IndIcatIon., who . ltave made application for tbem. "It tlte Ilart of a dog that l'cachE's Special . readIng . robmll flank the you .flrsl Is hot he Is ver'y likely to be stacks on all Lbe floorA, wbloh make mad," remarked tile oliserver or It poSSible tor tbe I'eposltory to be"en' events and lhlng8. "Tbe sam!! may be tered ,from lhe 8ldes. . said o( a hornet ."
Souncis Depth of Infamy gah!" the old preaoher e ntreated. "It Preacher Find. a CrIme WhIch ye' \Ised a ra7.or1" "WU8 dan dnt." Ha C.nnot Foralvf', "Is yo ·~yo' on·t doue killed nobody ?" An old negro 'preacher ot sOuthem ' '''Wus ' dftn dati" OeorSfa had boon glyell a tlne, fat "D!ln ,hyah's whar we, tanglll!" tho ~ by IIOme of h 18 adll1lrer~, and old ' man sbollted. throwing as ide !tIs was' beplug It III a barrel, feedlna It " De La....d kin rorglbe yo' ef be beavily to fncreaee Its ;Velght. He wanta tel', but Ahls "gwlne IJkiD :'-0' bad decided to bave It killed the Dext d...... when to , his' rap, It wae .tola alive! Yo's de varmint dat stole mah # possum!" . I~ the night. Shortly aflA!r.ward a revival meet· Otllc.r'. Badge crt' Hanor. 10, waa beIng held and among tbose Brig. Gen. Stellhen P . Jocelyn" the who ' went· up to tlae mourno ...• bench new commandant of tbie departmeDt '11''' a certain very black Jim. aDd of 'Columbia, Is the oDly' oWeer or tbe hi. srlef Hemed UDoonllOlable. aeUve lilt of the ar~y who received "Dat'. all, mah bl'lldderl" the a brevet for "consplcuoJs gallantry" In old IDIUl Ihouted. "DQ!l! IUtter action. Th.t brevel ' with It ''a' dODe. de Kood La.d pine the rank of major conferred :rou1" . Upell blm 10 wbtle be'O
-n ut
AlI'It lIMn
.is •
=+!, .{tl•.~r4j.J'.:
am] " qlll" In'lnls t he pIal II r{lso wn d. muhogu n;,' and wnlnut f ralll'N aTe \}t'Sl Illlal,t ed. Some or t h se UI'O brightened I))' II slmp l gi lt lin tI\)OIlI Oil ·cll1artol· of an Inch In wldlh . 01110011 nlJoul lbo ' op(,lIlng. are " hoilid b l> ta ken lO !ihow t.h o l'lglIIUI c'tn)'gi n au t hl1se lei prln!ij. ror t he . mgg 'II uutlille ~lflmps t hem a s gCIlII. Inely "anl.lnue ." POI'u'alta aUr:! IlhologrRp hs (LI'e lIsed with 01' wIthout mll tll, 10 plain wood 01' brnss frames. . 011 Ilulnllngs to );I\'e hrlghtlless are l1suully frumec1 In gold ." ThI s Rutllmn the style of !,wl I Insteo d of he lug brIght Is tho dllll nnUctu IInlsh. lluml'(!(II'I'ed fl'anws are oleo much li Ned , both In Ih nutul'lL) wood nod In th(J an tiquo gold. fOI' oils, JELLY ALWA YS A FAVORITE,·
P roceSG Th at . W ilt Get Bes t Result. fr om Ever POllul",r Crabapple. , nsb til Il Jlllles . I'e m v I b ulos, nu all rl cut 11\ sllJa ll plee s. Do 1I0t Ill'!!1 UI' 1'01'11. for $kll\s ulld seed8 Imlll'O\'e the eolol' nnd qu ull iv o[ Ute Jelly. over with c'ot<l wa rt'r ~nd cook "o u\I~' IInlll 0~1. KI!!! p 'Iosely (lovered so th\!.\· will Ht am , \Jil t do not s ti r or llIa"h 11101'e thu n IlCtlt'ssaI'Y. It you wIsh your j('lI), lear. Wll e n very soft and lh e II QII It I I' 'd. turn Into th jelly bag and I t IIltug to r:!l'aln ol'er ni ght. In lhe Illomlng measure th liquid. oak 1011 minute. skim, t he n boIL flrte en '!Iinules longer. Add ' >lugar. t h ree-q uar' ters uf a (lo un d to Bcb 1)lnt of juIce. ook flv mInutes 10llgel', or until a II tlle poured Into a told sn ucer, jellies arou nd tbe edge. tben skim Rod t u ~n Io ta glasses that have bee n rolled In hal water to 11\'old breakages. Tbe s ugal' should be hot when adde d to tbe Bl'l'UP. Tb e best way Is atte r measur· In g the amount requIred to 81.l reod It on shallow tins like pIe tins and set In lhe oven, ler.'I'lng the door OllGn so that It 11'111 nol get too hot. It must not pe sJlowed to t urn yollow, a s It will do Ir overbeated , I t should be just hot enough t o blss whon dropped luto lhe hot sy rup. Wben Ule jelly Is Quit 0 cold co \IeI' wlt,b melted para.llln or rOltnds of ]ll1per wet with wbl ~o of o~· brandy. Th.,en put on the screw top or Ilaste Impel' over tbe top. Lltbel your various .jellles and pre· ~erves legibly, 90 that YOll can tell at once what YOll aro get ling. rr )'Ou ilke yo ur cl'abalJple l!avored" add a little lemon juIce or plneapplo juice whUe coolin g. Rose geranium IS nlco also. Put Il leaf In lile bottom of oach glasl, Rnd Its fll1vor wltl pervade Ule whole.
"Yol1ng WOIlli'D uro tl'nnge erca· t url ~." sti ld It te l g l~pb olerk. "Onr afternooll nd t lon g a go a very hllnll sO llle ~ol\ng WI Uliln CIIDlO to my otOe D lu\d nul; ' d for n 1,IOgl'l\ph rOI'llI. She 11'01' (I bl'ow n veil, bill. T could 30u 1\11 tbe slime tha t her eyes we ro ," d. a~ If she h ud bee n crylns. I 1and cd her lilt) fOl'm wltIl Il 8y mpll ' 'helle lOOk. Ilnd she wrote this m 88· Ige: .. ' ~;ever let ' rue b enr from yo u again.. . "Sh paid for ti,e mossage. a nd then s h asklld In n t remu lOllS voice , how
Little Jeaole-My m\lmma II always s8)'ln g "Why did you do Uw.t?" anlS " Why didn' t you do lhls7" an d. " Wby In th wo,rld dId you forget so-and"
80l) n
II \V01l1t1' g .
so ?"
Hot Plat!!., In cold wenthel' the vIands on the ta'bla cool quIckly that the ramlly Is . otte n forced to flat lulcewurm vegetables wb lch are Itnl)alatable at aDY tim e ~nd t)artlculnrly BO on cold dilys. , In order that tboy may 10le theIr heat IlS littl e n 'g possIble litter being taken trom t1I(l hot covered dIshes the piatEls should be warnled before beln'g ' liut at each place. They sltollid \lot be warmod In the ove r '01' they will orack. hut If put on the mantel above the range (or a wlllio wh en the menl Is bolng pre· l)ared they wll\ warm sumclently ,for Lbe purpose.
.. 'In lIul f an hour, ma'am,' I replied, "flh, 11' 1'11 1 U\\'oY. but III te n minut es sb waH hn ck agulll . " 'Huv , YOll seUL thaI. message of lOin ~. ~ h o Balli . .. 'No, 1I13'UI11 , not yet : .. 'Very well. GIve It !Jllck to mo. 1 want to chan ge Il U lillie; sllid t b e yo ung woman . ';1 rolllrn (\ It, l holl ,;h tbat wns agains t tlt e rul , nnd s he alte red tt so thut Itrend : " 'No on e expects hac II.' "Th n sbe went nway Ilgaln, tltls tJme ahu WIlS hardl y gone 1111 illites, . ,. 'Thll t message of mI ne-It bOl\n' t beell se nt yet, h UB It 7' she asked. .. 'No; not yet.' "I ba nd d her th m DSRge, nod the IIt"ouge c r 0.1 111' tore It up alld wrote Full' Glrl~My Iulher_ mude.:..wsJo thla In I\ ~ place : .. 'Dearest, come bome. AII.18 ror· tuno wltlle h wus a yo uDg map. Wou ldu't you like to know how be glvcu: " did It? Yo ur.b - Wc\l-cr- no. but l id Uke 1'IOT FORTHCOMING. to know If hI) has sUII got It. The Dlfferene'e. Small Boy - Pa, wltat Is the dIllerence lIet ween a pessimist aud aD optim Ist? Pa-\V 11. let me sce If 1 can IIIU8t~tlle. You knu)\' r am ottep dIscouraged. and th ings don't look to . me as If they 'd ever go rlgbt. Well, at sUcb time!! 1 can be sold to be a pessImIst. Out years ago, when I was a youJlg man , everything looked bright aDd rosy, and [ was always hopeful. Tbell I was au opttmlst. Now. my 80n, c'u you und erstand lhe dlffereDce between n pessImist and an optimist? Small Boy-Oh, yes: one 18 married and the o.ther Isn't.-N. Y. Weekly.
Cher.ry Turnover •. Drain can nod or prcservea cherries 1,1tO' n pound or flour. nnd rub II. C liP or \luttel', Wben like 11 coa r8e pow· dOl', moisten wllb Il teacupful, or less ot loed water, :md work to a paste, handlin g as little all possible. Roll alit upon ·n. noul' board. (old' 111\ and roll out ngaln. nnd yet once more. rr very cold, sUi!' use at once, Lt not, set. lu lbe Ice chest until chliled. Choll the cberi'les (from wblch the Dits must hll.,·e lleen ' removed, \lnIOS6 thIs WIIS done ueforo canning them ). ' add two bealen ess!! an(1 the juIce o~ one lemon. Roll alit the paste, Ilnd c nt Into rOllnd>! th e size or a Inrl)'e bisoult. Put a taQleSI)Oonflll of tlte mixt urE' 00 one·bnlf of t he · round, and tlll'D the other bnlf ' over ul!0u tbe fruit and Itself, plooblug the edges to~'!.lllel'. Loy lh ese \.laU circles .In a flour etl bilk· Ing Ilan and bolle to a golden brown . The.s e lire good ; hot or cold. S'l ft pow. det!lil. s lIgltr OVOI' Ibom before se r vIng.
Why She Felt Sorry. am Inexpressibly sorry, Mr. Smithers," she saId, "to learn that when you called ilie otber day TIPI' bll you:' " Oh, tllat's all right," .be' said with a forced effort to he cbeerrul. "Lend U8 a bob, Sam ." " No, It ISD't," she Bobbed: "tb~ poor " 'Ow do I I 8hall glt · It ballk 7" . little fellow haB . boo.D III ever aIDce."l promise It yel' on the word or a gent." PAATIALL Y EQUIPPED, · "Woll, hrlnG the gent down 'ere to me, lind yer s hall 'ave It. "-Jester. "I
. Pro~re ••.
He bough, h r cand y "vory nigh t In fiv e pound boxes, ntn)'be;
Time p UReti
find now
hi s
lI.ond8 In penny ""ok. for baby. -N. Y. SUII. .
'A. Young FInancIer. Little ls u'lc. who wa s barely six yeal1l old . was paId I\y his mother a penny per dozen ' fo r 1,ID8 plclted up trom tlte carpet, to ke~ tbe baby fro m g tLing tltent. "Nurse: ' said little Isaao. as his slock or pennies 'increased, "do yoll know what I am gOIDg to do when 1 have sIXi)Cnce?" "No," Illlswered the nurse. "I am' go ing to buy a llacket ot plils auil scatte r them all over the floor. and tben 1)lck Lberu u\>," replied the Stl'anger-T hat haugh cy YOUnK mAIl young finanoler. mu st. be one of our millionaires? HOlltess-NQ. Indeed. He haa all THE MELANCHOLY DAYS. the 1111'8. b lit none at lhe m"il,.l... ll"o... n~ s';:::: ::::""-'-"';':"-''':--4 ClnclnnaU E nquIrer. . - +
Seat of L.arnlng, Newrl cb-What Is your object b) """''''. H" to flslt tllB ChInese,! Mrs. Newrlch-l'm anxious to Bee bow a Cblnaman handles his obop. sticks. Newrlch-Do yoU think It would at ford you an)' amusement? Mrs. Newrlch-Qh, no: but I want to (earn to eaf soup ' with a forll.Chlcugo Dally N\lw}l.
- - - - -.,-
Cleaning .Gilt F.ramcI, Water should never be pill on gilt f!'DID as. They should he wIped with dry clot n or chamois. ThIs applies to all melnls and lacquered goods, Arter 11 lacquared bed· hU B once been wet aDd polished It mll$t be continually pol· Ishcd, so the best plan Is to keep It dryas long' ns possible. Roaches are' deadly 'en emIes of ml~ror back.l, nutl yearly ruin many thousands. For reason the old ,slfyei'·back' mIrror Is passing away, ~Dd the' new oneil are COAted wIth a composlUon that Is proof against InBecll, but that d008 not glv, al fine relhictinn DS tho otber sort.
Lo.t HI. Job, "he Farmer-So you are out .' oa work, eb? 'rhe Hobo":"Dat's ""at [ sed, Tbe Farmer-How long have JOlt ueen out? The ' Hobo- Ever slDce IDe work· houBo term explred'. -Ghlcago Da~" News. ' . "Why do tbey call these melon· choly days?" "Because they are the days wh'e n, just us you ha \'0 finished payIng Ul) YO,u r debts tor your summer vBloat.loll,.1 you reruem ber thal )'011 have to be. g'..~ savIng up for the holtdays."CinclnDatl Enquirer.
Why He Ran the Mower. "What a· beauUrul lawn YOU have!" remarked lh·o. vIsItor. ' "Yes," ~n8lVered lhe. bostess; "my h'ushand keeps It that way." "He must be very lndustrlous, ] , Ihould think," "Yes. l'Ie I\ever misses a day with hIs lawn'lIlower, although I , could scarcely get h1m to touch It unUl the neighbors llegan to complain nbo'u t the noise It made."
Cau.. Enoullh, Askllt-Have y.ou noticed what a miserable haDg'IIOC look Brown bas of Chocol.te ChIP" lateT Make first ' a candy of molasaell Noltt-Yea. for the lUling. A good rule calle Askltt-Have YOU any Idea what the for Qne cup of New Orleans'. 1110- trouble, Is? . II.see, two-thlrdll of a eup of supr, Noltt-Yes; be Ilu tbree clUidreD aDd butt,er a bEla pIng tablespoon. of the lohool lap, and tbey ha-ve beboiled together unUI a little dropped ~UD to aak him to belp them ,with In .cold water la erlap. Flavor with a thelr ICllon..-'-Chicago Dally Newa. little vanilla, 1J<)ur 00 to the buttered 10- . tlDa ~ when 'cool .DOUlh to handle tiliD aDd cot 10 .mall
Tomm y- How awfully strIct sbo ' 1O\l8t be~ What an uwtull y bad time 1'011 IW'SI hl\ ve! I. IHI .leanl e-O b, It IBn·t to me .he says nil lhal: IL'e lo pn,
. Maym..".Do tblok ' be change , hUi mind about pttln' rled? Jildyth-.I·m a.rtuJl, afraid. . a."a ~eadln' nothlD' jue d". ...... aboUt dele rtch people's .~ acaodal..-Cblcaao ~ !'!I.... ' ,
Lytle. ._--011 St\tnrda~ mOrU1l1g tbe t ollow,
New Uurlington.
Ca 1- Thy Bread . Upon tht: Waters.,
B'r el and ' 11'1 10KIDnoy /U'e '11 Il,Ig J)ort:lon bonr lilu t ho morblng trJrtnining f d. nell! t rom ,E:l1ghlll>ud Two kind 0 nd \ h ouij hthd young M.,. IIl1] Mr • . I"r ,1 8hilr ' (loU will 11lt"lIl'ugor tmio 11 rQute fllr Du y. 'lltlllty. It.dles tlla ML S Iii EllUl' Rubln~on We I~ve 1111 our tlme anu IIlLent,ion t ton. Mr. WilllllUI S, GI'&lillltl alln 1Il""t to ~ 'llyne!!vlll Thllr dllY , "huTle.~ lc-eohower , who htl been nnll Glnn na' ";ru l1b hlll)}J 11 (1(1 to shoe trade, Shoell ~r n ot a sille line with /Ion Morria, Mr. R~llJ h L ~\'Is and . uff rill~ frpm llerV\.lIlS llrolltrlltlOO, Invl\v thut hll ~ J~llJbl e DIIVIIl ~tr, H rlloh!\l I:;tudr1~m, of Turtlo '",. We handle bo and noth\ug Is . 'l'bu t I~oul , l b ,IVO II bi ri <,(\IIY F.,!.inlliry crt' k, WIIS \0 own 'rhll t'l:Idl~Y ulgl1 t Mr, Matlon Duke ~n d tl lll1l,;h l·Ar MI S Iii itclllL'ovlng. 'dinDle. . Tile W , F, . , . Ill ' tiLt; til hume 'j:lth IIU\1 t·bb y O'VUUIl nCl'tl 10 ou 1} la ,one of tho r asons why yllu can >ot ~ t · St'll ,J lith y is u. w \Vorkln foJ' R . .1:1 . tit. ,Johu h it been con· Mr, of Mrs. _ Iioe ~NtllTon ou SIL turdny I1IIUt\ hi r m;my t r l ud 1\1111 t1() . !J U , hot'\'·o (t SON A AND tel' 'failles In footwear for IElflS tIlon y thnD ln,d n tlme,,; t (1 get. up I~ lit tie !.\ • flnod for a W (lit lXI t on aCOollu~ of afternoon. , \I " 'ugln will h ,) rd lit Mr . LO~AL l)rEMS yen can elljewber . Try IInu .be onvin ed, Ilt pt'l ~e t,w LlolJi b ei ng ill Il::nOI'IIII06 gdV. Be tuolc very 8u\ldenly lI·ft r ~.l 111' 1\ ~ 'Il III til ' t'lH Ilro . Am WUijO I I still I ry il l o~ If til sI11'pri >th bi(ia liortie1 to -• 'L rril>;n~ hl/llltl on M nc1ay evonlng A I " ~ , I I u' \ '1 11.. r. "n b:ld 10 h "f UDII . ht l' Mr~. _,\I ·"t ,(.111111. ' . fill ~ Otitn'tI, I1f Thfl M Itlqt'~ \1u bll l Iln(I· .1nlill IJl)r of I.t!,t. weelt lIu ll wn quite siok un" ~be oo nntry f<lr It. fl' W dll. "', but ~tio w ,"i Hr{l \"i'llt in G[ thAir ;lhl t r In I 'Ir 1' 1' <" llJr" youug IUll11111 t;llOUgbt It ,bett.or late l il the tlrllt of tbi w k , fie /1 ~1 t1elll' till' li n u. . . 'J.'b f e I' n gl'en,t t1 i,1 of gripl>e Iu IhJln UflVel' Jlu ~ll wnited \\lltb 1111 I'll; \''',''h ' ' ' ''lltt' 1'1 bltl' ",;,ho"l. III)W hpI VOl' ha ll!' ,.Ing rllpldly . , 'l"l' OJII (IU '1'1I. ,.t\ ! ,... i I \.rl1ll'/1 (I :' 1" IIl1d .\Jr:l ". ' Wilko'TROD Ih nlllgllu()rb od fr It) whiob oven th 11' goul thi ogtl until r.lbbio eame . 1 v, It,· (l1IUlln 1111 'illpodnulry til II'"I'P ill r..,II'\II OII ·I'htll' ~\lllv . AIl,,!! !l IrlUn uJlll Blanoh Gor null Iho Jlby!< Ilr Hot 1U,'O lllpt. hmo ,' t h'lu !11Udl:l tI (\1\1\ oil lie. wj ~h Ireotor. Farmers: lnstitute <! t " II I III,' 11"1'11\\ rt' 111:11 iM\t(' . " ~ . ~d I lJe plensnr of d t lenlli ng MIll MIl:!. Flort Ut'lllrl, of MltI'lli~bllr g, th il' elo Dlttloo, 'ho \'"~ kiudly ull who took. purt IIDd to Mi h~ r,rlQ" Ele101u onll Ellll!1.betb t1 '01 ok birth rltl y dioner 8 rved on Wllsou ~;tlw 11'(\ ,of DflytOll ~11t'1l1 p ot til WII '!; '" nd I~t the homo f)f I'elllo~n t ' d 'by Illllny IIl1d for. the • ',CcmUDued from firat page) wbo w"rk a:. .1"'1·,'11 I' ll\"' u~lll. {n· .'uIIIIH,I' ' i~ h h i p!Il'l"ntR h Mf'. Il spc nt ~ ttlrclfl Y RIIIl nndllY I J t '1 d t:t l 1 f ... , , OR Jl Ill) "'Y Il 1 lome 0 ""r. • • the naok before hint and tho! to nr'1) 001' JlIMO hOI' " liT· .11" 1."... Bf:'r~"n f the !ill me oi tv WI It friennd n 'l whItt vos bero. una Mrs , ,r OU~!; io bottor of tho ller I)lL1' n tll, I ll'. und 11 11'01 . A . B . ~R IIIO J k tlO W ~h6 WIU:! t h.Ulkful ROll spent, tltH tin;\' witb his IIJlll111otb~' np pt'!lo!tlt'Qll t llllir lnndn ef:l!l RJl\l ma.lne whioh. he is ~ork~ng, whll l' ied lllu,.il!1l1 ttbil it ' , Mi. s lil!ln "tont . tOIL her In 011r bil,thday U.lUll\,· rllllritl@ of b t tl Mi~s Hll r lun , M.liI~ Ethel 1c'vy, If \, ilmlng. tbl\~ vf IWt' IrllJDdil 1I10 r t) t·bUI1 · fJ,I lI'oO'Dd hiro ' nature Aprends Its J . It' Gordon d \I'cus~611 I It ,. Do l\lrs Mur' Ann Wi ~n. ~oh )1, ill 'now btlll rdlug ' with Mr ,fn nl(l J n(l .. url Mi Irm n oruell, }l~l11\r ll Wbitt' Qlu'rilw ( n r n r{l.1 ond MI'/!. Wil kllrso n tOll, h s bol- o employeel to fiji ~lie wur ds e,'n <,xpres. Bot who more beao&y, D1nntls of thtl 'l'wellt.ieth ' IItury . " confined to hi h om (Jlmrl y h\rk lIlIs been troubled vuMnoy !It the Bu k Run l:Icbool. de Ilrvl~ (!', h.rt witbou~ II. h ili ping ... appuea the same lellSon to the Ml', Gord on ' till I; wn unique . Jt, tLlre<J hUH I;flfm ~r AI'mitugl'l ivo ry ill ut tho tdtn k of I{dp (lull ,To oonsiderllbly for more tbu ll IL w ok fum.'. wife whose work at b • WIIS "oully II higb oln s Bel lllOn anl byephtL sr'vere Th fl'iellds ot !\1r!l H . O . W hit-R' hRml in h l\r llJitlt'ort,nq s und aftllc. J\'lar!ihllll h il t! been snppl;l' ing 1).01'l1f1 of h OT II n. ~1rr . Edwi n Armit 1)llst with gl'l)til; I)(\in In hill Ofirs IlDd ket' 'Sllve t~ p i USfl.nt ur pl'llje on MOlls . Brotho r~ tlhe has, bub 'n o exten' mODotolloUS aud e..~. wh~t lIe's"ld wl)uld hn va boon Bri· the pe plo III L\g thllt rOlllf'l with ng" •. '~pl1uitllly the rIght one. It !;leems Tlla ii, aQtlQIr. . 8trive to ove roo m ~ the proprillte 10 IIny cbur b In the ],LUrl, Mr. IInrl Mr;!. H l1, EU1U1UUR Oil · t() b u 1\ nrlligill pu in uull but little Til cllY veni ng, the vooaslon be- kino UlotbClt' or slt!ter t o see ufwr We uuu ' rstund thllt Mr teDt'Iaoy toward a narrow bq Izon Be plolld f r VIl'(e mBnh od and ing the nnDi er sil ry of h oI' blrt,h · hel', u~ long u.;j 'sb bas her h eu.lth I'tllioor1 1\ f '" of their (denrls u~ Ollll hn don tn oa~o It. 8e is !llill regoni a , bas b 'on boiIIaim by be~utifY1ng th~ work a womnnhood . Ho nrg d Ih !;Ocrnd Shor\V.oo 1, of lillY. apu tb nee sitlllll.of \lte 811e feels engaged 10. tuko bnrge of Frp.uob n duncll 8lt.tLl \'du~' \' ning. IHl1l'ol'ing gralltl.? rl'UIII it, lday IIv.. aa best:we call by broad· gUllrd\ng of the welfure of tile Bros. Ur amery. lit WayneS Vill e, RlIlph Sill of Uudu[vmo s pon t IIh 011;'1 se "fte r h r elf, 1.)I\t u.Il ' Mr . Chllrlo ~ 13 ", ,,llIury Wllil In l4 1·O\. Villi/I bUlw ill "nfl' ri ng hom 'lLturauy .uJld SllndllY at the bome bow I nely. hur bllud pension be them with beantifnl .piot nres h ome, Hi tlllk WLl brl~ht , nter. IIlld h lind hi fnrutly will m ove town nnc1uy . /I rutber !!cvt'ro Iltt llolc IIf 1111 Otll un. ~d Ulom1D1 tbem with good books, falning and h elpful lind ' dlffet out bero IIIi w ,k . \1 1' hls uuole Julin lU. BIH , ing tuk n from It r IOllves her ,,' itb. Mr. une} Mn.. !'('e ~lh~ltt.!l , who ill.. _ ~.. _ _ ont any income. It seemS to lue lAde of life, the beouti. fr om th ordinary In ti tll te lecture, ~rh o worlu llhl ll'lt ollio to on eud \VitJl h e \' IIIDi I·ious Grid being Wl tll'l1fe, and iUe will be tbe bet M.u"l~ by ' tokes Orobestra an,d Prosecutor vs Persecutor? moved to O" " tOIl It b,lut II. ;t"(ltIr II>!;O, Caesars Creek. 11"vo 1'01 ll rlierl t It( homo of thol r \lllr nQ tb tl~ ouduo or unn uul 00 . . tor it. the b n('diction by Re~ 'frout closed urphnn ,o f one wh o gIn-I:!. his lite for ...... Q. Jiolllngsworth, of near th,e EWl'ning'sexereiscs. Jo~oph B , 'hoMo, the famous pIU' u~~ ~Ir . HI (I Mrll . HenTY, 'huttl, curr' noe tolbwoo f\!\ SClIllS W ro I d bi .. oountry thflt something should MI~l!I eroi e 'Hawkins is suffer· II doue for her, lind C) uld bo done Lebaaop; kept her audience In a TUE DAY M RNfNG ESSION. u~wye~ !lnd .diplolUat., !lid at II. IIlW, toh" i&y n nt 0"1' 1) ing- witll Mr. 10 tbinll ,llun AlInn E w eriok ·It.uttK' 11 1I1t1t . I:ItuPlI\!d ,ubout"! the trtl io ot n oon on \" Ith t it qniu y. If Ibe l'fO}lln oue would Illke it In ' tQOd' hamor during her discus ion With an ati:enrlance exceeding tll'dinner. ~ r. PI.lI l 1< , of DII Ion.·!I. 'rbllfSc1I1' !Jonnd fOr. ht' lby 'ounty , of "S,a&ematized BOJl8ewor~ . " B r f our hundred Tuesday morning .. We .lll wyers ~'11dn 't; do b t t"£1T J ohn 'rito t~U\l Ilnu gllt l' Elltth bA Ud tmd slle ..ltor Itj Illost or . you _per ~. 11»01' and Ilt the!llm session of the Farmers1n titute 0P- thlln resolve to he g ntler In ' ottr 'I loll b l1!'\ini'~li wIth , p nool' ,,," Mon· Fl' U) TblJri:!cltl~ 1111 t.l 1 und ~\y h " p ~ nt 'nnull,y witb Z F . .l:Illlne . wIlo r Id ~bl!! know bel' OlrOUD) · ,,' I " 1 ened promptly at 9.30. I t' ., d I rnt'1 F ri.l". t ho[ough ly nj .red a visit wit·h ~ ccmtained many lJroo. 0 Atter music by the orchestra and oro s · nR Ions. ",\1 enes n 'nle a:,; d org Mills Is qolte 1it.ICODt! n ull her liurrouLldings f/l.UlI · Mr. r,,,vi Luk('I1~ ,,,It! Dr ' Itl Mlltt. tl'l" Uve: in I·he nt' lg!lhothood of ,.iok , $boqhhl for evtlry mem ber of the prayer by R v. Hawkins, harles erOS8 exalllinationnever, nevel'l> .r~ · Iy lInd 1 SI1Y ug lill, wbo more d e· I Ib towu of DIlWSVD iu ~helbycoun h.... McIntire di cuSs d "PI'ofitahle Thi s is 1\ t rntll 'llnt I onoe tlW l>r \' IV" r III tOI n Sntul· .l.~y , Sl'rving of II hillin g bnud tblln poor V i1bnr Wil ~ou t ml fuunly hove Iy . \\1'. A lll tlS !lUgll nUenll d to ... re.ou.UOD by MiSfl katbryn Classes of Horses." H e said the e~ In u damuge s uit. I n 'bis !lUit. IJ Lihblo to holp lig!!.~U. bel' life ~ I'ftme III hel' u/lnl\l ablo mAnner, foundat.ion of s uccess y.oith hor ses oro s exnUli~l ng IRwyer' ~houtell t o !:IeuT.v Zco l, 1', h.t Monro spont tllu II tll v Ol' wl)rk lit 11Ilme in hi m uved OLI Erl ORt l1url y't! p11100. little Ivhloll llliS \reen nothing but 1,1 t wonk < I'itb F.ll '!1erIVooll nnll , w asfi l'st to be a good Judge, then 'Yult r MoKnigbt oxpeots to movu clllrkll ~ 81n1]6 ah "b"" nco irs K ,ltu ·J ohns W.le us sovtln years l1li4 ' aDulo by Stokes Orobestrtl to be honest in conducting a horse 1\ 'll'itne sin overnlls; wlf [l'Olll tboLiull , Compton form \\lbC)r e t ber o m (lSI oi tbo ti m Rlsl). QIoeI4 $be ugolllr prORram. deal. The speaker made the some'You, tbe r e,l,n t.he ov r/\.ll ! How ul(l innoe ~,h deut h 0( her dellr Tbe hoar Dot yet being late, Mr. what startling s~tem~nt 75~ muoh 11ft! you pllld for telling Il n Mr 11[111 Mr~ (I .vt'\e Willc r 1)11 Ir. lind !\II' , 'burl(1s l:l,ollgh wer e he h'l liv d evuJ'81 yell I'!! to he m otlier wbo Wtlll bel' oonstl~nt oom ·, CbaI'.... A,. BrOWlJ Ex. /:;uperintend of the horses . raised III OhIO were trutbs ?" tllld t·lI r!'!· ch.i1dr II flpeut nnd,.y in prl',l'lIt.o n 'c ollay thus 0 lJl pl tltln~ flll'm neur Spl'ingll Itl ~11lr h , pllulo n sile Iltl IlpplI.r~ntly been 1 not a profitable class. . , i I\IQrruw. A mOl! \VB 0 11 18 itnpr9"iug lIori'Le alone, 1i ~tl do 3ny of us know tbe Ihe fllm I1.\, it' I . thut i~, nil o[ the at or tile Wayne ,town!! hi , P IIChoo s, He placed the draft horse as t he "L as tllun you nro, ' thew t)'l s!' (lhllr1r \I "'hn tIl' · no.1V numbered ti.t tbis writin"', IIPOb _ tile liDe of a paren·t 'e duty mOl:!t profitable for the farmer to r etorted, "or you'iI bo .in over'I "", ro nny t;lud IItJd lonely moments I!be , isuon 'I pb en und ohll hll ' pll!!8ed, no t. perlUltGtld 11ft .,h& to the obDd.... Be urged that the raise . He did not think there was too, "-l~dlllnIl IlQlIs I:)tar, . Cente rville . nU\ OI1~ tho \i\,I.g Ilrnu f .i;'or l William ure i:lpeo(llng Il ill o t f u~ ure to see (jod's ble8Boo ahUcl'8 ftII4lD8 be carefnlly looked much profi.t in speed horses as .nly Would not this bo an appropri t 'l'bo lIou eh Itl ,,1' Horoue Luokey Mr. nnd MI''' III rI IUl' k w l' tb be r sistQ~ Mrs. • ...-.. •• : ...*&1leaelectioD of theUt about one In ten thousand can make tim!,! to oall the Ilbove to lobe atten hlne but 1'1 tis uay l~ttel' dlly, t(, tl1 lutt r' fe w dltys -' d Id h good. D was a tir wltl E1 1' i lemell t Fri ho"t .. on 111\ (1 lIifth t afte.· ulg bt u I\IIN wifb btlr en&Dre"'~herea a wou ave The carriage hOl'Be. the family tion of 1st!! t ,Pro oontlng Attor· duy eve whel,l !lbont. fllr ly fivC! hrol,lvn,- !lnel wifa , 11', 1\ cd Mrtl Leo 'L'hUl IL ~ K ery lId tl,lo~g Ut . lObe bas IUot uy frll!nd, 'I'be 1l'Qrei g\1 ... ImpOriIDl on bis Ilfe, horse and the saddTe horse were all Dey .Je romE', of N w YorK, who hus g uests wel'e present t wl~n ss ttl lOt r tl nl:tJll tlll~ tit Ihe b OUle of to 0011 , )dnd alld ~o~d Ollllt!. hnt and that it 18 the duty of parenta to discussed. . so oruelly per ectlted tbe helpless marriugo of th flit, do u~h ter Lacy to All whn IV ro pr p (!nt ole Jllre pI'Op8I'~ IOIde their obildren in Dr, Clayton s uggested that t~e u.nd defen eles. wife of the defend Letbel' Allen, Mrs, Alice altl,)D. 1'he f"llowin~ n ue .m till tllnt tl Cll n~ }Jlace in thn t tbf' K. i E. 1l1!ol1llo t on 11.\ t mule. should f!ot be. over~o.aaed; sald. a nt in the Thll w trial? Be sel'm l! ma... PO, , , there was money In l'al$mg t hem, , . , A few mlnu ~os b fqre soyen tbe 'ruul'sd y 6\lolliug WU8 II Mrll lld euo· lIrogrtl.'D W U gi ven; it oitation htlr h Ullrl, but with It ..11, (' be bt!ara It ",it·b {)ltti oe II; d cheerfulnel!9 1Ir. Blown al80 apoke of tbe ed~. George Riley, Edwi~ Chandl~r and to be t.lutIDM 1/\ mall iou8 pleu ar!') III n()tt' of the w d~Ling murob. pl tlyed c S . One bn lld r ed Ilnu twenty by E Il II)lurtl " 11'1l)n Song by libl,la gids tllJd 11(11)(>11 i~ wilt be '110 W9rll6, Cll,Uoa·. boy OD 'the farm obtalnaln Mr. GQrdon participated in the dis· wresting from tllIj rui "nided W by Mrs. L \.e r hinE' was sou ad d f1Vtl wer tlr nt lind ~ere eate r· Paplll' Mi Maui B ill fluw 1 wi h 8 me of. ou'r gflod G . A. Utl811 by "rowing up cuss ion. .. . . mn.\! I~ full di olosure of uer uurer. G..n d tho br\dul pllit occompanied by tain d by til U 10 [ut'Uillb 0 by 010 by 'I Urton R. Ifl on ( I know tharollf'e !IO~e) I wi*h tile wriOUl farm maohlnery fo~~~r/S~~:i~te~d~~~~~1 ;h~ tunnte lifo, Tb~ 'priso er at the l\1r . Allsn Wat.kln !lu(\ .1nliu. D'o Me :lr.... Fmn'\t OurUlan and Joshtl L tt l' fr om Cll.bll witten by M-is would toke " personn.l Int r 6st in and a1&6 urged Rar~nt8 Waynesville sehools, \V~nextsp nk- bllr, oho.rg~d , "ltli the kliU ng of I 1;tt;l,V, III r hou dOW \1 th tfLirs and t..:benow th ..\n~11 ~ile IIUp? r go ng b r bebillf aM ee- if tbilY ~Illd 10 Ii,. tile bQ7 hammer, Dailil, er and . received a hearty greeting S~llnfo!,d White, htl 'been ao ob our· iuto tbo pnrlor wb re they stood \VII HO und ' 1 \ heo they III I r eUr c1 EV'L Terrell , Itcuding by :\lrs. Lucy Compton. no~ do sOlUtl thing for her 10 tbe tpola and ~et him de· from,his au.diellc~. ·. cd by tlll v il of sound1~l t.bllt be i und ur tl cnnopy ma d of ~ ree n /I.od down st-nir s t\nd pnrto.o k of the K90d ...~ alen' he may have for • Mr · J Stilwell s ts ~~~)ect 'dw: , out of sight, while tJ,xo wltulls!> Ii ' wbile d1'llpt'ry . JUl'. 1j'nlU k Fish r, of ' lumbllil, )VlIoy of a pension , fo r I know the~e hings to eut of which t-Uote \\,11-8 !l.n . . • Roa d mprovemen · . H e sal e t t d' . f h t ; ...) for 'td . , ID80haDIaL . had a histor;y of ~ll t he county roads reu .e us 1 Ii .e were Oil ,r ,,!_ , c The cert) rnollY wU!O Jl rformed b,V IIl) u uUl\nOll, Altaj o oking ~ho up trnn(;ll led busin sin thia vioinlt.y al' tlom e'J\o mol' w'o rtlly 'thaD 1!1\6 who B):Q r ecelvinf;tp6u 10011, I h.Vjl I MONDAY BVENlNG'ij 8~SlONt in his <>ffice put they were not in as t o ,Sit trembl1ng bo fore t?O ~vQrld, t e v. Hall If Leolllloll . tJllIp . J;t\lltS 1111 weTe entertlliued by moons III t Wf! k . refe r noe t o Il ,peosion for DependThe ~ l18111ion of the Instt · good shape as he hoped ~ have t or tur d II,!I if under til Iron ~<tu d tU OUfI DI'II I' Will! t,h ell lIerved . of II tl\lk d Iiv rod by l\Jr,, : A lexon· en t, oblldr n, f()r who . could be tine opeil.t "Uh an att-eDdalloe of ~~:ds' just as the streets in a town , '. ' , . . './;'he bri ' Wltil 'I,J voly in 'L 9resl:l of dfl r, tund 'fe mp!tlr of Ohio, ,l nd Notes fiibmcLebanon Tn 1'.~ d ve ndeot . ·tliLln ' " P~lI fI'om four to 8ve hUJ1dred people. are named . He said that I'oad im. Is 'lhoro no law f01' the prote.otion wuite silk aDd bor dninty IIltlo ,t1 ~o b y u spe:eob from, W. S . EIlI in I1lgh S'cho ot oftllcted blind girl, with no' h IIUb Pnd4ea' .RileY' being abileJlt the provements were not keeping pac~ of witnesEes iu New ,York COUl't? bridesLn ll hl WIIS tlttirpd il) 1\ bP-lIllt i, Gmud 'hief of 4io. Both' w ere __ .. '.....:......_. "', Lev """ ' ... r~w.· lg·ht Wl'th other imp rovements, . Is tho dl,folJdut.'J 'Sllttoru y indlt'f r. ful whir drp~ f Poris mou~ ~ Iin , even If sb'~ oould iiife rk and Y-WOr ....~ .. 0 .. IV Iln,pprooiHted und (,OIlld nu t fu.i l 1 _ _..... _ _ of t"'· ev-'-g eyer. The new road law was dlseuS!!ed ent t Q the torhire to whiCh th e M d t be of int l'~t;. us well as permit.· Tbo J UUl l'd lJeld !\, oll1l\s meeting a lIvJI\K fOl h erselt. 1';" her ..., ,,~IU '" h 'Th --"-'1 k 'l'b u e pr OsfllI t were; . r. liD WM ... _ . " at tengt , e s uccel:llU u . wor mg cllon t's o;yitnesses UTe subjeoted? ' 0IIII. ' , of the law d epends on the road supMr . Borace Lllolitly, Mr, n.nd M,rs. ne n t. ~() a.11 who lteti.rd tbom, 11l8t Mondai n igh t, . . nd lifter a weI) wi Qer 'lt ullOn - myself to ~ prOK1'lhD' 'tJepn with mnsio erintenden t who should conscien- We Un\lbt 1 ~ A~torney J erome him, hins, Mr. Rnd Mrs. 'hurlos Mont All' , Eltltliu wife of I~ l\ fll nd Chief lengthY .d!sotulsion ohose the white tluulk y.o n ODe Ruq ail who . have by Htoke8 0fcheIir•. , tiously p el-forpi his duties. . sel,t oould give Oorreot te ~,im?ny gOl1ler.f , Mr. ~nd. M'r . J erry All en , Wllil pre n t I! I O. '.cbis bu.nq uet' rose a their cllls!! .flower, llOd "'l'hll Il8si"ted b er, tl.nd r know,. "he Ie I 0IIar1. Mcintire talked on the The road tax worked out In War- under sllob lllercHess Q1'OSS (jllelltlOo, Mr . ,wd Mra. Roger s, Mr . Ilnd Mrs . differ ed from other baoquot.s in Fltithf\ll A re Certuin' of tlielr 1;e tbankful '"u1IJjeBt. "Our College of Agrioul ren County las~ yea~ .amo$un tgegd2 004 inr , Do08 'be fOJ:get thatt his ha p· Will Sulit.b, of Duyton. Mr . fl.nrl tbut t,be lUe!u b r • wiv ~ .we r not wurd " us their motto, .' , $17'032 7~ and In additIOn 16, ,1 1 I t· " f tb'l . I ' w~t " offel'S' to Young w~ a'pprppriated for road improve- ~ss v 0 1m ~V!\I! u 1\ el . "B8 ~lr Mra . Les l' Ivi nt!, ~1r . Il.nd Mra , tl'lked t.o bring I) bllsket fiUed ,vith Il ']'be SOI>hmoras toll wed "the ex. . ments, , SlV n over bya weak mo~bel' to tbe P . y M)ntgorn l:l~y Mr . and Mrs. li ttle of lWl.lrything· bllt· each one amplo'of the Reninrs und J, • '. A,: t.-t.. ' l' f th A ditQl'S con l.rol of Ii wloked mlln ? DOtls b e ' . ) I , ~: llIc1m'1reeltpresaed it as his d4d IdleconcUSlon ,o e 'r u \ ~ed forget · tbat nlbhou gh t4 legll. lIz d homoS Davis. Mr . •.\Dd ~lr8. l!iu.l'l Wit us;.igt:\etl u f,>w oorta-in artlolllB have ' given theIr bunner ' to tbe . to f Obi d 'a ress.many quest Ions we e asK ' . ' • J II ll1':!-'~~. ~~~lt the ata 0 0 an showing gr eat ihter est in the sub- pro ~llt lD g: IlHOl'ne:y h e .II! not" ~ltl1er , Mr. nnd ~1rtl . Qbn A eu. to p r p t o. The plon worked nd · world. It oonsi!!ts of satin bt\ok. ~~~~tbe,,~UciD at larle, waa doing more " eet, sam ¥eredith spo.k e of the legullzed l>al's~ utor ? Till a b~s Mi so~ Lllul'lI O.lfvl , Ma,yme MIller, Dlh·t~bl.V lind \vII Illore than 8!1.tis. g round Of Ol(l rose, wlt,h n. striP. of eclacatl'o;n of the aRrlonltn. ~eavy' hauling which injured the of I gal 8uthol'lty ~uggosts thRt full Rlll!n R.g r!!, LI!\ia Allon , Alice Ai . fan tory tu the muj orHy of tUe Ind· gr en running diago11l,llly uerolts it; tb I ' d length · overnl! wonld bo more be. 0· · ' · J" L k , , On t h is m broidtlred lU old rose are ' :~'i.l"hl'" ......,. 'han for any 0 er c ass Ton S. G Ik . riC f coming tll,ln "briof"" t6 suoh pros. l lll, olit 'I"'alt , ~psle PO (\y , les, Mr. ordon's ta on are 0 . . , . ( P' M GI pIOple lD \be oountry. F I J ta" and "Training oOlltors. . Jul!tl 0 \tIn y, )('111\ IDe, as ra , On last i\'toDtb y morn In g (\ week the letters L . g. S. !lnd tbe year • ooa_';Ied t.hat eaoh " rura.l th:C,olt~ w~:~t short by the time urely tbis is a. time t·O·"O/l.UIlPOII Ill/\\,fl l'd Mo lure, Wilbur Nutt, rJtlStel' Kenriok went lnto tbe Dl '09. ooaatJ'lhoold bnUrt and equip a limit but what h~ did say was inter· t.he )ndgl'fI to inlorpose the ~urlt,y 01 Iilllia 1 v,ins, Will Ivens, ByrC'n plOY of Mr, Albert Btncy Ilnd con· Thu'l:ir;la.y afterDoQD' the 'fenny. 001ID"''&Iri~1I1~tJra,J schoo}, Il8 ~ftllY esting and practIcal. . . t~l:~tl~~~~ne t o sU"M:. ~l,~~~~Oh Binll'~, Allen, Evorett tiuueel tber{Jin Ilutil the next Mop. son Sooiety render~d the following e Pre~!ld~~t apPoll'\ted t,T1e • .fol- p __w. ......plit, beoIlose of' variou/! L!\cIUly Iven LllOlcov Willie Delan · dlLY : He '''us bll lIy 110 P!lged dur· progr\l\n. - . . . . . &"'Y . , . lowmg commlttees:,'·.on nommatlon, ' .• . . , Ing tqllt. t.ime \D brushing, rulJQlng 'I::!uug, Stm; ~pIlns1ed . ~~ find it iqlp~lble to Ed Chandler, Morri Co~ell , Robert ESTABLISH. bey. *heatll.te aohool. Andrews Frank BraddOCK and Mrs. . Mlll dri ving MT . St.ILoy'6 colts ~tha.t S.o hool Corwin. , Be ..ld \bat I'P agrloultural edd•. Anna Enls, . . . . . ' they miglJt b e in bllt~er condition O ration, Plen ., for ' tIle (Xo:vern Mr . . Wlliter Kllbon '~I1S in Cin· fo r th e s.lle on MoodilY . l.p-s.t er aMlait. would enable a yOUJlg· ma·n On resolutioTlS, MorJ::ls !;lteddom, . Uwnerilhlp pt Ruilroau,s, Ellorl . ;- " 11 J F , Clld\Vallader, Elmer Keever, ul onn t i 0 11 bnsltl ss Fridu y . ur Iy uude rst UM t)le 0 re pf I~ Pill , '.' .... . to a 'falt,amount ~f ~ood as we c, T .' Hawke and ~iSs Dora .. pt. ~ In a poslt,loD tQ mllKe Ellis. . Miss J u. ie Og l,esbee spent I!e vafnl bore /lnd is uover more ot homo . O ru~ ~oo~ ReView, ' <\. ~tW With • Ilrl:S I'lst weol, wl tb· b or friend tba.n ,v hen working with oue: obt .n. (Jount-l'y, Wi1l1nin Qolletto '. 1D06ej. , ' . TUESDAY AFTERNOON, -' - 'AI l i ' ~lItel'honsQ, Mr . Ilnd Mt l!. Perry Wuue cuBed Read ing, Lo.ckeley · Hall, Annu' ~ slat!!' Agrloul,t u.r al . College, Dr. B. F. Olayton of Yellow NEWSpap'~i, Mr. J ames Ult~rk h ilS been seri· on bo~,h tba form ers nnd the Itltters Ohesoldine \ ,,~ la au Important department Springs spolce on qSoc:ial' Condiof this State' Unive~8ity ,o f Colt;'m' \bODS ,~nd Opportunities on ' th l! A...'<l> ~",TTEJ)t.y rn); .)o~l;y ill tho Pfl '~ t we k . par nts ltl st Snnddy . ReudiD~ Our Flag, June bql! 'Waa deaoilibedin detail, At· Farm. ' k Lcualng Agricultural Journal of tne World. 1111' , F t'lu k 'tmkos tllld Ii l,tle dllugb . .(\ t,tention 1I11! Prot.ractod meet. wold. !ll.lls trqt-cd py Lewltl ,' :...:...lled to the faot thnt He advocat ed rna ing the. farm so Ji...ory d~~";"ment""'I~oU·b)'~ptJ('tnlhllJl. lhU tl'rs Hel \l uncl Mu t el w re go at Ing lI,t LytIc M, ·m. Ob,trcll will be. m erql!lD .." ' . ,. ~"""' ",.., ca pleasant that the boy and girl would hla .~ I·~·n r l\1r.~. . a' E. "'oo·:Jl duro ,Ren dl'ng .....- nnord "ymn Walter ~ QO~'y Is entlt.led to I~ ·80ho.l not wan~ to leave it. 'Give the\Tl the hlghllS~nulboritJllStlllhelrl'Cl!~lltollnes. No olh~Ji4per prewndl! ttl ~'Omparo Jtb II ,,"C.., D . gin ne~d I:!unda,y eVl'm mg ,u ntler th~. .. , \.JU... .~ , ~1'8hlp ill the University eaob year advantage of good ~ooks and mag'a· tn qunUllcaUou8 of cdll<lrlnl .t;.1a: ing tllli F .. rID er!! Insti l,ute. dfr .ct '\\lSpiOe!l (If Rev. Moddox, I\S . Detnth ~ , ; ". . alld aD)' bright boy might '8'1>ply zines, occ~ional trips , ~te. , GIves tho. ~rlculturnll\F;\I'S wlU, 0. drfF -" Mr Silrah I:1 t)l1llnd visited Mrs [<isted however b y n:.v , 'f,rout of Rea~litig, : ,Utles of (.ir~t .Me"f ~ f ',1$ ~rori"h his~ te8oher or memo ' T~ad Z~mmerman dIscussed the or colDple!.e?- DQt(j.~lI ~tlA:Iuptl:d by OLl,e,.,., Mloe McKill~e!~ Frid.LY. W~y n el\vi II) , There will bo no Annu. ,E llis . , ' .., . !Jr 8 ti subJect brIefly, INDISI' ;BNSAULE TO Miss !jt orgitL Fra me, Of O,LYton, cb n r 11 on next Sundo.y nflernoon, Seleotion, Bruss ' Qull.r~t; bar 'of ~rd of eduoa 00. The ' com!1littee on nominations &peke of the work of the ex , suggested 'the following to serve as Al.L 0.OUNTRY. RESIDErNTS il! hur '!>l'otliOl·. Mrs . Wlllhlm tb~tI sorvioe b Ai ng ~e!ler~ed fOl' the Monroe, :w l.llil\.w .C(JUette, D~uiel ~nt' stations and of the De. officerS for the ,ensuing yellr" and on W'UOWISH'!: Fro Dle . . '. ev ning. I,:ome oue, conie ftll' IUld Opllett~, Wolter c.)uu:nirR~m , '., ..... .;&..ent of .AgrlonltuTe and m otion t he rules were suspenaed KnEr 1Jr WITH TOE TIl'lES: i\I~. ID~I Edw,ud!'l lind fumi1y v is·. . tlnoausiug 'thIs' to be B, well , Reading, vvp at ConstItutes B. -....,. r: ' . t and they were declared elected: ~l6 0I "1 N . MCK'\Oseyone htt US818nded - "ad succassfnl1 . · L etl~er ' .B 0 11'\U8"\~0 &....; . til I • b t(rI p•..•OIl, Iall' beDell" of the work tba was P re~l . h'd en, t S . 'Lev Cartwright,, , iter1 ,~....."r on. d "rs ev!.vo-l: · ·St ate, Tn o Snbl!c"pllpuH, $! . I ... ~ '" v. ~. " . Vice President, Warren H, Keys; . )'ho Subl!!\rlpllon., 1~~ . J4l. , dny. Touent 'l'be greo,t 8oa~city of 'oars IS m~t • 'E ij8l\>y, ....ount ,ernQn, Secl'etal'Y, Morris'' Comell; Treas~ rer srEClUL IND~HNTS to RAI. " ' C. B. B~titeJl, Superintendent Mr . Idd Cl:uk '11"1 8 In OinoLn,nati ut!s ureiHy grow\n~ to be "" i'jnistlnoe. Bli.l'.t . . \be' Pn.hllCl 8cboo.l11, followed Mr, p, D. ClajretL. ., Ens OF L~nG"'R OLlJU. • uo l)\l~il)eS:l OUIil dllY last wee It, In t~e ' Ly~l~ ' Wto.Teh:ouse ther~ .Jllssay, 1'hJ~g8 Wa l!binK ton ~over . u ~~ m'. dieotlsslon of tho tlub· ExecutIve cOQ'lmlttee: · James P. ~o. , '. , . Zen Ed Luken$, Frank Hartsock. FOlu' Montl.s' P,.lul 1)I'/J) ' J;() (', :nl." )(lS of tr(\.~.b . beJQrH~ lug. tq 01'088 ~w, ~" 'l'ig~l'" . , ., "hi~. he had 8po~en. ' Frahk Elbon, 'Dora E;lJis and Mary SPEOIMEN 'COPIES Middle~~ &, 185 COllea of tobooco whlo1i~adlng1 Dlltte~ o~ an Amet~oatij ; Mr. BmtteD called lIo&tent~l>n. to 'Fibbals. . .. ltIb" mnil"drrooo~rcll\1est. lt wlll\lllyMY' . - ' - - - ..~ Vundevere reoeived on last Weii'· Dalliel (Jollette. ' (, . . 'the teDdeDot &award ·indnatrlal ed· -The committee on resolu t ioM r e- bully Interested 1)1 bny 1I'll;.f III c ouulry \Ire 10 !dr. and ' Mrs , LeWIS StJbbl'l 8!'ter' ueRd!Ly Rud 'Ulore tban" 2.00 oRses . ;Book Re view, (J6~I~tou" ArbeUa aoa&1qo ' pi! ~de a Iitr.!>Dg IU'gu· ported as follows: ,,·ndtor tbc11I. A ,l!l",.",(hspubllsbcra: tamed a large number , of fnend e '. . . . . White ' "" .. Saturday evening to. a kitchen and ' w. hloh Allen &\Wlleeler r eoelved on .. I • . • IDen' bl"faYOf of etIooatio;n by giv. Resolved-'-That of aU ~he LUT HER • . '~~!,!~i:;. y . linen shower given in honor of ~:':,. TburadllY, . The boO! e is ntirely Son~, ~!loes8\onal, tDa ...... showing the earning Institutes held at WayneSVIlle, Ohris Sellman and bride. ' Mr. Sell- fun in filet Allen & Wheeler were BonK, Amerioq., Bebool .... n,n' ..ITUI......;t . _ _ nih'" &be eduoatel ' "Del uned. been one of the very best, and ........... w# v~ . we hereby tender OUi' thanl«! to the man is a higihly r ,e spected ' .young forded to 'put ,1'. wago!! l~t,ls: in , J. tat" , . . , , , _ _ _ ..... Be figured that . state spea:ke.rS, officers, musiciarys. gentleman, of Ferry, J)U~ now ,of t.f btl , ' b "n A t-h'ere ara no A sh ort reoell8 folloWtlU the loal! Mldd lerun, a nd hIS brld~ was M1SS . l OJ ar . , f 11 d th M ' Nabl' ........ QD~cated man call pro local press arid all who have contl'lb· na Lannon, w<bo is l\ stranger OltrB to ~u' )ve it 1!\\Y~~B al'b unable o . .. t .e Ilrogrl\lD ~n ~ll 1:, . ~ hI8 "bo~ during an aver , uted to this s uccess. , . amo ng us, but is well liked by. all t.e r po' ive Bod dIAS.~~il\flwtlon Is get- gl"~', f:be ArnieuillD f.~ol'ed the an· . ,.. ~orImat..lly 118,000, ~\ved-That·to the Society qf that have. met ,her. The ev~ing tlng: idesprekd, ' Th o qntlStlon is dienoe with" lIl&ort addreaa OD Tar, :vtll:.'ii:·;"-'~:~.... ~...e, ...... ..,... Friends we owe and the same IS lbe e411C1&M mlln 'earDa duro hereby acknowledged, a debt of ~\'a6 spe~t m s<).clal chats.. and ~l)Joy. here are the' OIU'S anll why oan't key, _ ...... Ur., aboo& '*0,000, a gratitude the use of this cOlT'\.1l< musIc furJ1llshed by Frank Car. w . !!!!!!!! . !!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rllen, Mrs. John Pennewitt, t,bey be gotten !.rIlere .Haem to be ......" '.. . . ."1"" III IIlY.,!r of ~ modioull whioh , add~ Jim -8ellrnan, 2 "11I:8UI~ 'Ae~~ much tj.'c h, WIII'U in [Jeb non MQodILY.
.. to,m.
fa."'1IIe._ '
The ONLY Agricultural
dents and III Heaath
BeautifUl Arch Placed' over Entrance
waOLE NUMBER 21120
To Miall,Ji Cemetery. Adds .Much to Appearanee of the "City of OUt Loved Ones."
A long felt waD·t hll8 been filled at Miami Cemetery by the plaolng of a. handllome steel arohway over the maiD entrance to the cemetery, bearing the words "Miami b eme. I . Dear tery. I i The, aroh is buUt. between aDd aunt a.bove tho two tower. whloh gnard the wflllt entraDce to the cemetery . The letterB In the wordl ' Miami Cemetey" are more than a foot i,n length and show 'qqtte .plainly a long dllt~Doe. Passengers on the trains gQJng throngh Corwin ",n soo the name without muoh dlffionlty lind It ca~ be easily read trom the lal1ro~d 8tatlon. In oonnectiOD with the aroh, it has been lIuggOllt-ed that .i euitable iron railing or ornamentation of IOmeJ rind in 'keeping with the arch be placed 'over the two towers at the entr&nce. If tbis III dOD~ the entrance will pOl!leee a finished liP pearanoe Wbioh will make &. most favorable Impression to all who nslt it. ' The dlrect",rs of the Cemetery are alao arranglDg fOT fohe constrnothm of 8. . lImall· take nBar the Corwin entrance, setting ont a number of rare ' trees and oonstantly IItrlvlng to mllke Miami oemetery rqore q.n!l more beautiful.
Mr. and Mrl!. Edward Wiebking have returned to ' iheir home here, Prof.·C. L. omlth was In Lebanon after an extended visit with rela. tiv6s lu Cincinnutl. on last I::!aturday. Were you aware that the wed· MI!s Mab~1 Dherwood was in Leb . ding bells have been merrily ring. anon Saturday. . ing and t hat Lytle Is to be the h O,!De 8 0 r V . ..r y arner moved into the of the newly o!?uple? h ouse owned by Mi88 Hatha.wll.Y, Mr. Cha8. Ulark still remains a this week. pretty siok man. Though the doo· Mr . J a mes 8chenck has been tor t-ells; him that he is OD the mend, quite ill during the past few days. Chllrle,s is very anxIous to be up Mrs. Gleason died at her home aud stirring around again. But his. Saturday morning of oonsum tion . gatherelri ear prohibita any expos· Th ' d ' P ure. . e Sun ay School has again . been opened, after being closed for On lilst &turd~y a ('la88 of 63 a month 'on account of the dlpther t ook tine teachers exumination at 'a. The Christian Endeavors Lebanon . Five from that number I • • II> so begnn their work. Muoh ill took the high school while t.lie . . . ' bemg prepared, IlB thali iheBe. future remainder were trYlDg for elemen· meetings may be "s intere.Un and tary oertiflcates. b fl I I Ibl E g ene c a all pOBS e. very ODe Mr. alild Mrs, AJlen ilmeriok and is invited to oome. Mr. L . H. Holzlln, of KingS Mills , daug\1tElr Blanche enjoyed a Sunday visit wi ·t h Mr. and Mrs . Joe 'l'homoB oalled on friends here ~unday . and son Earl, of Manon. '
'!he box soolol , h eld a t the h ome of Mr. fIInd Mrs. A!bert CO.rneH near Fer.r y .l.ast Friday evening Wilt' ~ declded sucoess. Somewhetl,'e n~ar seventy' persons were presen , _u· 't f I f all exceII en t qua l I y was ar· BOO nish~d by Mr. Frank Oarman . on the org'a n and Mr. Cliff Selma on the ,guitar. The boxes, lIome 36 in A Record nambel'., sold well ond everyone on ·One Farm tboro~hly epjoyed" themselves, ___• • two lovely biddlnKB reluot-ant .. dieu to tfleir _ , ,, of Thomas Crew, who moved from host anil hoste88 at a late hour. n...vld ~ f ' 1U " ·lIpeD4t Dg tb e UD mILlIOn arm near jUt. Mr. and Mrs .•Jamee Jehns enter. .....0. Mr. Bolly last wellk, p08Bessed an anu- talned on- Snnday' Hr. 8.tid )Irs. na1 record, having oontlnuou8ly. Allie Bole and little daughter and d famll . rented that farm for the past twen Hr. and,·Mrs. Lester Kenrick. ' U-b. hO:~ liy· two year.s. . . dd h. , In tbese day. en there is an . &rry MoGlnnls, wife an aug ~d Krs. aJmOlJ~ . oontlDuou . ohinge. among ter Leolllll p~d Sunday pleasantly many people 1'e1\ting farms, suoh a in Bel1blroolt, ~rd ls anusQlllaDd It tel.Is better MI'. flarty Laokey hilt! b.e en the than anything elae oauld, of Mr recent 'pur~b8ser 'of a fine work Crew'sOllPRbUity and thoroughness team.. lae procured them In Cin· About a year ago he bought the ctnnBti. Frank Duke has 8.1so bllen Wllllon farm on ·t.he road leading buying ,8 horBe whioh he intends, from tbe Spring Valle'y pike to tbe however, ~ol'e fa" driving and ijtate Road, and he and his family light ba,uling purpotles, Hla horae will now ocoup, that. . . came from. Brown county. MI'. !Jert Grllham retnrned ' to Lytle ·. t!o . spend 8und~y at ~ome . ' . ,. '. ,aft~r baving been i1;1 the employ of J. A. Kilpatriok, of LebanCln, f.or one week. Bert " likea his job," , OF'DHE whlob ifllearning to repair and run autos, lind retarned t .> hla duties on ~uncJ.jJy evenJllg. Mr. R. 8. St. John is around Ai · Wayn8!'vllle,.>in · t~e ·. State of again after baving a round of the Phlo, at ·the ¢ommenolug o( grtp~ . . 1 ' The' ~iOllOWi~g ladies from thi8 'bulline8B on the ,26t.b day' of . . . F.ebrilary, .i907. · vill&~e 8Lttended. the .E~rmerB Inst,t. '; RESOURCES. . . I tute at Oentervllle last Thursday: . , "'. . 'll'~. ao 00 Mrs, Barry McGinniS, Mrs. Walt~r Allo ~lIrearfloaD' •.D~. d18C~untB . 44 .GoSo~ ' "8~ Kenrick, Mrs. C . .Ill, Johns: 'M rs, ge", .., , . • .' , . . , pr.lIlllll1lo n.,,1O.thilr atoo:.b . ,bon4.aD~ m~rt.allea:10,OOO 00 .Wellington Cornell and Mrs. Allen Due r~ ,O\ber banD alld ball~e,ra. 11.887 ~7 , Emerick. . . Dr(ID.:rt"'"IP"~~'lllre aDd futturea ' . ' . ~, 'lG8 37 1 Protracted meeting wbloh com. OUb1~1D8 ' . . . 1I!5 00' .. ~enoed , at thlB plaoe . on Sunday ~\lo 31 . K progreslling very ~tis .';'. Ifaot<lrtllY UDder tbeausploeti,of Rev. 1465 ·00 Maddox and Mr ' .Trout'alternatelv. 1"32 00 . • . , . 2~97 A·I~e!Uiy. InQO!l88 hall &tt~nded 'heir To'l\l\t., ' . • 81) ;", . . . . LIABILITIES .. ' " . 'T he' ~ewburgh . Co. held ·a' de.i~. . 2~.OOO 00 ery Qf . tqbacooat tbls plaoe Monday , ,. " 8QO . ~o whid)l ~a. a 1ltttte ou~ ,o f. ordlq 1._ e~Dae8 ud ' . ' ' a~ In ·one. te,,~t . • ~hough , tb~re " . "-"~~'" three . o~ foul' del~ two ),et.rS.wbloh ~
' -'95.;'~2' ~tf~rte ·:
1e4,tbtIfOI1. ~.t4 o~~, nulllllbl,r of oueI
The ~ged J 08eph CotDp~on ' IJ;U;-been ve ry sick thls laat' wll6k. Mltot! Marl ena Compton . spent ~a~urdItY a nd ~un (i"y with her coul tn Ad~ Compton near Burlington Mrs. RIRdl1n Stephens of ' P Ir' William h as bean q llite slok at the h ome or Thomas \teKee 's where she hils been viBiting. Joe Disbro RDd wife spent. last Thur8day with Marlon 'tiordon and family be lo~ 8tl.rveysburg. Most of the Rlok are improving. MrB . Zlmrt Haines ' and EmUy 8alnes IIpent l!l8t Tnesday with Mrs. Samuel 8alnes near Lumber. ~on who was very slok and who . died on &turday. Yorris Oglesbee Ilnd - family of Lumberton spent Tuesday of las' week at Isaao Lytle'll.
Pleasant Ridge.
• Frank 1bomas and family d itb M d ~ 8~n un ay w r . an Philip &:surface . MIlia Trena lornell spent .. few daYII 18st week with Mr d lin Erne lit Butterworth. . an . . Mr·dand Mrs. ~alter Bot'" have move on the fa~ of Miaa ,Anna Edwards. Mr. BOtts Is employed New Burlington. . by the St9k811 Brown dairy. Mrs. Ernflllt Butterwortll baa beeD Rev. Jesse Hawkins tliled the pul· very m for tbe ]all' few clay•• pit ill ..tbe Orthodox Friends CharchMr. and Mrs. Bunon JIIarDl&rt iD Waynesville on Sunllay· .- tal ad ......_ . , , . en:..,r n 11 num....... of YOtul, James Powell and famn~ moved folks Jast Tharsday to a kfl'y pall. to their Dew home north of . Xenia tng. ' on Tuesday " . '. from th1e vtctDlty attend. , W :. L. l:lmltb '~f Dayton, Ohio wal ed the ~ltltU&e laat w~k. ' shaklDi hand. ''f9I~h friend. here aD Mr. and Mn. WiUlam Loy are Friday. now oootipyinlJ 'he farm noenUy .'· Master Ro.b ert · Reeves, ofRloh· vacated by II•. Jaoob Conen. mond, ludlana. IS the guOl. of . hla .... d ... 'p B 8 . . , _1'. aD ..rB. . ' • wutaoe at· Mr. and MrB ..... W. Reevel. tended the Centervtlle InaUtote . Mil8 Cleo..v....oA.who baa been lUI · one day last week. . ai."n~ iD the · reviv,,:l . se.-.lOOI at • - • ~pe Frienda Churoh, returned to centervll1e': her home Dear Ogden on Saturday. .Mr. apd Mrs. Carl Baugham for. . The CeD~rvilla ~tUQ'" me~ly of this.' place, now of Wll· vlsUors fio, ijle li~tle .111&,8 1.-0..... mlngton, are .happy over th~ arri· maDY of the sorroundinlJ pi. .. val of a d8.ughter in their hO!lle, ' The . atteneJanOe". waa evo Mr. and Mrs. ·B. B. Goodrloh have than last y~r and · Ute been making '" farewell vlsl. a. farDlIIhed by the .tate lIoInuft aDd mong relatives boforo leaving for Gordon. were fIepeotally enJOyed. their new home .in 'New York t-'ity. Mi88 Mary .Parka, Mn. c..'1ark 8priBI SOIDe of ' our oitizens were wit. Mils Ruth Wiftenbauoh and Ser. ~818es before the mayor's oourt in mati ~ood deliYerad 8ltoellen' reol., Xenia, last Friday i,n a oa$e againat .tattonll.. Th~ , ainlinK .o f Mia fDa three yoapg .m.en that p~, Manae~ E~a. aDd Nellie · lI~lIY . oharged with .over driving a livery was :flne. KathariDe . ProiJh, Ruth· ~orle. WillOn and Charley ~nl ,av. • plano 8910lJ. , Corwin. Mrl'. Sallie Mook, of GermantowD ' ~isl&ed her parenti Mr. and IIrs. The entrance to Miami Cemetery huo BaDnahs and other re)aU~. bas been ~relltly imprQ~ed by aD this week . aroh boing put over It. The work .T~e Infant SOD of .Mr; aDd AI... was done by the OrllgpDla. Bridge Lewll Pine has been stok. Company. ' • . . Tbe ex·graduatei .of the To IVn: Mrs. Ett~ Rader and D~.phew ship high sohoo) inet list week and K;ennet~ Kllbol1, MISses Henrietta ~e. organized their Ahllon'l Aalooi.. MeKin,s er and Apph,ia M.il1~r 'were tlon. . guests of Mr. and Mrs . Ed Retallick at Oregonia Sunda y .' . ' " . Dr. Jrih.n · By'att;... . Mr. Barton' Kelly, of Cinoinnati .. . spent Monday with relatives here. , Veterinary Surgeon and Dentiatr ' . I . The Corwin Bohool Will give ' a I . ••.. . Spelling Match a, th.e sch,ooi ~onlie I Telephone No. 121 next Friday evening. . ! 'Misses Alice and, Kate Clark At Home on S.tUfd8Y · Afternoon. . . . I · .' .". SpeDt Saturday and ~Ilnd"y .. In W· 'h ' Xen111. ·wi,th .' .1 .e, 0, .., Mrs. A , Sellers of Davton Visited' !!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!! daughter 'Mra. C, M. ReYDOldS 1 Veal last week. . ' .' 1 . I ~ies Kate Smith of Winohes~r t By Ilslng - Bla~hf~'s '~~ Ileal. , III yisitlng Mrli. Claude Smith. ODe pound ,of , oalf' meal lDak~ . ou Mas&er Van Be_liok ,B ator. of pql ~4' t,akel the . ,place ..wa: bja ED. ooe~ frOm ,8~ to 4m"" :f, . < ~;; . io.' • •_10D. Mr.
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and by Sl o k .." O rr' l w~l rll l lt> 'I II!lU I-- ,:1 .)\''' 1,1 1. - . closedtheregnlur progrll nl I .kal ·l h('~ JI ,', k ·I·t1,:\d' lb,' ~1>1I11 '1 'Y '\I,III r,'I:llh "I\\'\lIIJI - ! 11 " The houT not y t l)l' IIl !: Inl . )Ir , "hal :ll tll lIg' ~lll t ' Illi'll l Ih.\ -:.-, , 1l1\1,,\t "1" \ I' ;lllcI 1,1 "'ll"~ 11 Charles A . Br own . Ex ::-;n porin t Plhl I "f tl ... h"~'-'" 1':li .• "tl 111 Uhit, \'., I"~ \I\I\\t~ 1 11 t a 1>1' "I Illhl " d'b'; , ent of tb e Wa! lIo to w ll ~h ll1 ~l' Jr '''' I'' ; " \1 \. 1'1;:\:,,111"4> 111~:-tfl h"I'''' as lIll'\ 'I., '. III \i .\1 •••• ' Ilt l' y: l t spoke on th e hne of II I'llrr'lIt ,; d ut y 111, ,,1 pn,lilah lt' flll tl1l' (annl' l ttl \', 't ll l ,>1 . . ' I \ \I'd 10, ' oI ' I "' I 1-.' to t,be obildren . B urg f1(1 Ih 'l t t11l' i l':J io'l' Il l' d ill nul Ihml, th ' '" \I':t ~ .,11 -llldl.l1 '}I <".' ohild '8 r oodlOg Ito CIlI'pfnlly Iv.1 k t'\1 I mlll'h plofil 111 s p ('('d h"I'';' '1;< ;}" " 1I1~ I \\' "' lit! 11,' I!J '. h,' Ilt l :\ 1'1' 1" 111 1 . : " after ' thatt,lles 10 I,iot) d Ihe l l l l alt('lIt " l1l'tn~enlhllll ~alld Cilll l il a\" , t"lll'1 1"" 111 II" 'I}I \ 1' I I 1111' IIttt'rt
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1 borizl}nbyberL\.ltlt~' lllg t h ,' \\ \1 1"1\ d \\tl l}'11I1I,. !ll ' .d~"lll "\'11 "'11·)" I " 4 "" n 'll~~ 'lit l lt·/'1I davll ve~ t\ beloit \\ 1:' CUll hy hn,(l ·l ~!llltllll_ 11/ ". \\ ,·'I.IJt\.d IJ4\ 1" 1' "• I", j"\, ,! \\ e uing tb6lu wit h hC'ulll l l u l )' Irl 111 " ' , h , 'I ii II I' III k \' I ' .>11'1.:. '":"" . ,I('d' I , 10,' \. 11 k I I • 1 anti iJnmin g t IH?n\\\' l t l f,!UfX )1)\1· .... t 'l lh!,' lit". l' \~id\. ll11 , 1illI"U' l t t l - · ' · ... • 1, I
Beethebes l, 1I1 00f llf l" l h 1)('111111 fu1 in hf , ulld lI fe will hI' Ihl' I'\'I , te r f or I •v. Mrs. H oll i ng" w o rl h ."t 11 (,Il'
j 11
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Sht:lupphell t b e slllll(1 1.-, ,' 111 t ll I h,' ~ li. I , 'III fl\rmer 's wlfo wh o~I' w, r l: lit 10" ,1 ",1_ ,'II'" , I. : , is to an ex tcmt tIl OlI (J l<)lI O I1 ~ rllltl ,'''; ' ,,!. 11 I ,", 1" '!'. aoting, ~triye 1,0 ,1\·,' \{' ,H1I.' I lw i l'l'''P'I ' ' ,', .,'"
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lCon\lnued fr om l:ir:\ t J1~!,() but the t,r nck lI, It n ' 1)1 111 II lit! t1 • maoblno whI ch h e I" w orkln :: \\ hl l all IIround bu n \111 1 nr, ' ~ 1'1 " ' lI l < It laVish bea.nty .
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(lut'd \ "'Il l lit ,. 1.: t'1, f\!' ,lit .... 1I 1h tlll·n~ \l Jl hu t' lu til ~I I ' 1.1\, I' '1 "" l' t \I b n 1 "'"hll-' "1 11 rllJ'l , I, III tll il t... III III,' 'If .~l'\'I· fl 11\! .. Ir 1".ltlk 1·' 1"" I ' • I (" ,It Wll ll - , " . y .,t II P " II , h' " 1" 1 I l: n,I1 " I hl' l'I ' , , 1'1' " 1 II!'" l l )l.d ttt "\j,, I} It ,'l l \\d'" "1 I, 'l"" ,. " 1 1 !'Iltl ll t 1I 1I 1!1I 11 ', ' \ \,) 1 , h \' t hH l l r-lH' t r . ll) \('L~' d 11 ... \lll ...... In Ihl"'i ":ll'l t ll t y t l,l l : 1 r, ,'I', .\ l1tl I' ,,1 L! f 1" '11 1 I II . .. , I II " \. \ ' ,- p \' 11 1'IIII', l b,' w h" Itltl 1 ' ''' t' I\'III ~ I Jl'II ,'''1 0 n:-o , h,,\' 111,1 "1 1' I, , I '" 1 :,1 I ., '1 ' >1' .\ -11I 1j1 "t f,' II' tH'" tie l., I W U :ohl!\ f tl )' I h' l H.' IIU , II " ,,,_. ", ,It' I " , [II' 11 ~'I \"." " " , tlk ,I " "'\ I ! It . \\ I ' .\1 ,\ I L •. ,t! ,1. ... 11'.11. 1"1' \,'ill) l'o n l<1 IIlI d :, I : '·lI n, L ~J otcs - h'" n L ~ba n()11 Th. " ,- "'1,- 11 "II '" .. I u In )1 ' ll l ' ~ll IlIhHtt t lJ ll n l hln r : . I""!'J from four to five hnt)(lr d 11 0(11 £.1 aI" na·lI wd . II.' aId I!llll I " ad 11 1,] '.1.,10' ,! . ,,', '. I' .!,Ill " Itl tl,' " 'I " Ii I r, ".\ t-I i~h Sch o 01. 1111111'11 ,,1 II,,\(1 ;':111 . Wi' lI 11 LI h ,·,!\I.h B •. \ \\ I"' . , It! I .,i 1' 1 " .President Hiley b Ing I\h~cllt !l ll1 I Jl ':''''vlllln l ~ w '1'1' I '" ld."'II1Ig' p :1I . r .1 -11 \;1:,' '. ' 1I 111rtcl 1'1" "01'111 "t~ 11' :-o hl' \" 11 h ,('\ ' t r- \V tirk !tlUl \11 1 '~1\l11 Tl It ftdl Vloe Presiden t . 8 L av Unrt\Ir1 g lI' II) I I'lhel' II1l I'J'lJl t'I1I 'lIt' . I',l ,,1t1', .11'''- II, I'III ~ 1II'\lh' It. 1 1Ii1 !t(' r Th ·· ,I ,1\ '1" \It 1. \ /l ['III" 1IIl'I· tlll ~ 11I ' IIc,) :l Ii \ 11Il! I LlC I'l' l ~1' J1 I "; Jit r Ol'\ . h f th e ovelllllg e x c l' 'lI ll' IIl'W I ))·td Ia\\ \'"H tl boll~-pd I 'll I I '.. ' r I I,' I ' " l '11 11 " I it _ ""1 ," \ 1 111>1 waS lnc argeo ,11<llgth r h' Ue'l,·rlr] I [llhll1"" ' II 'll _ \'1 11 il'.' I":"" Ir" ' Il! .' lit I )\ )l1dd,' 11 1 ! Id. IIlId a Ulli II 1,,\1 W11h, 1' 1 d ; "lI IIP" t) 1II ,\' ~l' lt t o oiBes. (, r tl!el :\II'!!\'I"lld, lI ll lhl'l ":I1 I "Ull- j '. " ",- II '1 1l,' 1 ,II' :. , . 11 dill \11::> t\ n !p, , ~ l lt .\ ': 1 'l ri .... lIH\ ,"1I,"4t I l h ' \ \'hll l' t il 111 1; .1' [1 n ,' IH' lin d JIll wh 'l hilI' Tile program bCglID WIth music' I'l'inll ' ll1l'lI t \l hn "hou!d (· "It <~ ll!l- 1\ ( - I lit 't: t , I II' ,1(·\ 'I.!,- II'll I , I , !I ,,', I ,\11 - , '" 11 1,' , :,1 ';" , \: . ... •; ,1 ... , \ ',. ,. " t I i I • , ~ . \ l l ' it' .(' f :" "1 -1(' t h ~ 1' 1(1\ ,1 1 k il n\\" ~ ho I ~ 1 1)-(' :\:- 11. , II' ('IIt' :<' J1 'I ' 1', H II, 1 ' 1111 by I::)tokes Orcb estru . tir'lI.I~· pl·l·rn l'll. Itl" d llti\ ·~.. _ .,,11 (" I'. , , ' I ' I r', I I ·11', 'i,.1 '" 11'1 ' . l r I II 1 :\\r~ .I,'r·y A ll '11, \\ I Ill" ''' ' II! .h" I'l l,. 11'1111 111 ' I l it III k l II I 1I,' llhll '. , \ 10 ' ( "' 1111111 .. r 111 ,' 11' 1: ,' 1 fI' I "d 11'111 11 1111h. t If 1Itq · l t1 t ... 1 1\ Charles Mclotlre tlllk'u 011 t h e '!'hl?fllilol l n ;>;lI" rk\'dplI1 I I \\.11'- 1I1t11 ·1-1Il'1t1ll'1. I, ~ "I'" '1,," 111 "- ' II' li lt! )1 1" I{ '!:'·I -. \1 1' ,lttl 11'O Il' F, \\' I" ' I / I\' '' ~ ti E l! I'l'n I fllll1 \ 1:I" l Il:ar . IIIIPUltql II> 111 I" I h .. .;': I ill. I II~ It j1 II, , t It.. 1\11 t ll1 • f .. ' \" 1 \ II.. .\ .. ,10 ",t \\ lll "~" l\ !'i Jh ir tl . "tlfJ lubje.c t: "Our Collc~o of A J!_rlCU \ .: 17.()!\2.i 2· ,lilt! in ',uldl l illl1 .·II, .!I' ': I i ~ ' " \\ 11\ ~ ,,, lit 01 Ii I 111 11 . ~ I I' /I III ,·It, :-' nl'l ' lI 11 ' 1':, t ll l l".Il' \ th o r x l .. 1, 1 t I bit t I"': tI '1, .... 1 ( • • 1\ , l \\ i' 11 1 ~nre and wht.t It ol1er. t o ) o UI1R W,1I1 ,lpp rc' !lri aLI'd fill l'I,n 1 iml'r,,\,''."1111 \\ . ' H I l\tl.lIt l ·~' :':111 1 \ 11'" I,i " ,\' In, \11' ull t! )Ir~ ~l'nlUI'~ l l lll ,)nlll l)1"' , .... s..... " 11I"nl...: . ( 1\ ~ II \,1), 11 ', l\ \\ I J 1{ l Ull ' Jf l' til t t: \ . .m. ~ (,.qlllui. I "",,,,f l IfJl):l-: I ' l r" ' . 1\' .1.n~l!'l!H' 1' ~. ;\11 Htd .'1".;"! 1\ 1 I I, 1\ I I hl'II' IlIl n n l'l t .) Ih ,' ~ l \ l'lI :--...._ -_ - ..1ir~ Molnt1r xpres!l'd I itS Itl" A th" {','m'lt, i" Il :'!' tltt, ,\ ll,it . >i'~ I I 'Pt ,)", lit '1\\.:-11 I "' I ,,1 ' 1'1\" 1/1 " I~I\\·'· ~I I' 11 11,1 ~ II- Fil l ) . 1 adtlrl -- 111 a ll\ljlll,1l .. 11.-\" , l't :l.·I.,·t! tl _,\I~ I I , " "I -h (I f ".11 111 u ac l; opinion t.bllt tho stnto uf 0110 1\1) [ l~h .. \I' II1' g' n:1 11.1"1/ "; III lill' -'tI,-, I') " "('\l'I\I:~ :. I , 111t '\' hi' 1' 11,,1 I \I 1·1' ,I:. ,11101 ' I ", ' ,' " hll ,\ 111'11 . r I P\I'I ' , I" ~ r l) \ l lltl \I ( p , d 1' 0" 1' , \'0' 11 11 1\ ~t l IP n t 1!) tI'!' '' ' r .-1' 11 \ '. I '" Itl ' II ' t h 111 :, \ : .... then&tionn t l urll.c.wll s{ l o lt)~\lI O r JCI' l . ~:\111 :'It 'I .,dill. ~I',h l ' , ,,t TIl" l · !!,II' ri " """I!' " 'JI,I- nlt'I~: \I , -~ ('I' U' . ' , , [ ... ~I , tj"IJI: ;\ll lh'l', 1.( 1 -1 ~l r ' l nl1lJ \ ~ dl .tg ' l1w ll y tH' r"~l'\ tt 1111" ' I I' I,' I h" 111 '.1 " H.' ,I ti ll' 1,,1 for the ed ucati on o f th e It ~ Ticnlln . h,'a\'\ I\l!uli ll ~ I', injtll'l,.l II. "I It..! tI Iln l\ , \1' "I''''' '- h l h'l t t'" '!.'. , . . . " \11. ' 11 .\11'.' ,\I I. ',·"11 ..... , I.]' "( !tlll I,,' 11 Ilt.' 1,1'. C) u L l h l l l! hi \l1d " )'l'd 1,':,\ I -1 01a8ses titan f or Ilny 0 th or c In"~ \''',11 ~ ' ., 1 I, I ' · · !-I \.\ 1"•• ' 1' . ). ~'I' 1",,,1; • .1' . .~ ) C I) \'til 1fl t \11\ (J1l' "t':H\' (Jf " t l \ l I ' 1'1 (11 • H' II", f I "'\1' I 11lll" tit. 1' 11. 1'- L II. " ()·llu .... \~ ll llrll )J tnllh~lI \\I\t-l, ofpeoplaintllecotlotry. F:lr;'~ 1 1I1,11'IIHnt~" " '[I ,\1nlll:~ 1"1" .1,'. 110 "" " " . 1', 11 1'111 " ;)1" "1 ·utl. He oonton(l U I1ll1l ench lund til . (·"It" \la~ .lI -l. .. rt hI" thl' tlli l" ... ,.. t' 1- ,- I t',. I., ' !'III "I" I I , ,I '.1 "" 1\[(' . \ \ 1I1Jt11 .-1111. L1' ... t " 1 l"t'Il l l ('k wr'tl IUt I t il l f ttl I "I \ ,- I 1.1' I I [ tt'II""" I It" ' 1\ :nIlY oountryshculd bnll'l £In<1 (" In l }l J\ Irm ' t l ,UllI'ha 11l'0I.t! . ,I::\\ ;b in '1- th.' I ,L' - 1" 1'1 •• 1' , .... ('1 lWI"["'\, "" 1\,·" WI\! h' \' I\ ' , Un, ," ,110' II I ,\1 1' . \ !II ' I r ~I [ ulll1 ('11 11 · 11 III ' I L U\ ' ~I' t ,l .... t\t .. n IlII,n"" "I ' \" I" I' tt ""1)1) ~ Jt It t .l~ It!11dl' I'1 \1 1l11' t ull u 1I1~ ' 1I~ ~ ' d 1h~ '. 111 Hil I 111 h' HI x-t ~ 'tlU connty a grtcnJtut'111 ,,!'IIOO, I ' "I \1 , 1 1l • II ';111-. ',\" ' 1'" I IIl:1l11l1ny '~tl.llg- all! I jl m t' t l e a I bri bt people, , b CU UllO of \, Ilr iou s 'I Ill' l' n'~It!"l , l :1l'11"1I1tl'" ~lll' I" I' II . ',: 1, ' I . 15 1\'1' 11 r .. ,I'1 I, '.\·. \\' 111 I' Il,·b n !i •. \\'I\ ~ 1i1l~l iI' '11 ~ J1': ' ,1 .1111' g I· 1\\ l llJ.,; uHlll111t (·ll ... { Jh tlv'llUl:111111. .......... ~ ..... ...,.. • .-[ oiroumstanccs find It 1111Jl ~~ Ihl e t o Ed l'handlr:r . ) 1('1'1' 1' ('01'\I<-\\' It'lh" n I:~1' f,Bi.lS'" I, , " , attend thestt,te 8ch o I. .\ 11011 l "'" , F I .lltl, H,. ,dd,,[, I, :Ind til l' ·in . He saId th nt. Illl ll"n cultnntl ,· dU· 1 \ 111 101 I:lII". ~ 11 \ 'lIl',', h di,l tI \~,\ .., 1:1 I I II cation would e nuh ll' 1\ y OUDg ntan \ Ull J'('. ,,1 \ttiun~ , .\I,,! I i. ~1I'dLl " tn, I J I,' C'td \\ nlhd , I' loln", 1' 1\ (' ·v.'1' t 11jJ) dtl 'In ), . " '.j .... . Fl, l l',' to do Ii VllstAltl OUUt of 1;00(1 11:1 \\ nll l':o.i ls · (,' '1' Il :I\\!,,' a;I,1 :-'T I~ '" \ I() \',; , as pnt him 10 It P OblllO!I t il \li ll k l' l l :\ll~ 1"..!11
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The Stilts Agl' ll: nltllrnl Loll !{C, which HI an Illlflll rl ll n t 11\'(llll' t ll1 c nt of the Stalo 10\\' J'::!i l .v o [ Ul)\nll' bus, w ns t! CM c r iu"ll in d,· t Jl I l. At . 11 I I II n flirt lhlll tentl oo wu !:! en l', ,) I , • ellcll county I ~ l' ntlt 1t' ll t.1l II ~L' h t) 1 Ilorshlp 10 th o l ' nin'I SHy ,t,['h )' lJIII and unv b \'l ght I .. ,)" Il1 H~ ht, IIPplv for it thr ollDh hl ~ t pll chn )' UI lilt 111
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, \, \.", 1'1" .ltknl \\ 1:'1'('11 II I' . \', E . BruttC'n, , n p rint un ll pot Of '!:'l" ,l'\ : n·. :0.1 ,, 1' ,';' \ '''l'lll,:I , Tr, : ,I' tho Publ ic 8 ' h 'Ioh ful l" " ·(l. ='fl' ., P II l 'lt'Ir(' , M intire lUll tll~ O U ~~ l lIL1 fl f I b e " 0 1) , I.:..,.,.ut lll' '"1111111 .1«"',. ,I: tnl'~ J ' . chI k 11 Z' Ii. bl 1.,,\., .. 1" . I 1':, ,[ 1>. I lart "wL 1 ct on whicll h UI ~ \Jo. 1:I"n.l, 1..\1" ,1 1. ~ ) ,I'.! I lIi- ,Ill d :'I1.lI .' Mr . Bral ten 1,)1\1I t'(\ Iltt o LlII (Hl to TI \1 l1 al •. tho tu w1\H1 lIldu"t rllll ('ll \ TIll' (""l1lltll l ,,(' ,II I. -'II,, 'i, , " ~ 1"n catlon Ilnd 111J1 li(' u ~ Ir l,) n !;! u r g l1 11" 1'["<1,1- 1, ,1."\1 mont, 10 favor 01 u \ U('111U1l by gi l' 1 :,:~"h' Ld l T! IH' , I ,.lI ,I ,' )[""t! ing statistICS sbo w l u K t hl' Ill'J11ll g It,l-lltlil"- h"hl ; ,1 \\ 'll III' . d lt, IIt:ll " of Ill,} ('Chll'lIt e> 1\1111 ou,·,1 l\a~II'''l'lll ,.\, '"f I\''' i"I:" I,,"t . .II ,j CI~~
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f' Ur~ ERA l 0IRE CT0 H, relepnon~ Day or Night. local No. 7 Long Distance No. 69-3r
AND WAYNESVlL,LE NEWS. \\' A Y NE \ I "I.E. D B In . W P: U:-l E: . DA Y. MA IH .'1:i Ii. 1!If):' .
'j ~
W. E. O'NeaUts.
Blg · S~le
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y. CillClunnl i,j Tu Miami Cemetery. Adds :'Iluch tu Appearun ce of the " ('it y ~ visitor Monll .. ~ , ! C)f Our LiI\'cd Oneil."
O'!fiWll. ~Dialll ' ~I~ Of Ml', LoaU Vincent. of Day lo!] . lipnel, clltlle, .h~ep, it 8~ klipljt- ml'de a baalD . trip t o Wuyn r ·· A Ion!; fel t wunt hU B b I'll /ill II ut m'" ote, lite, . will fake TfJura. } lItIt ~rld&7' I ' Miallll Cemeter y by the plnci n!,l of
\\· l!()L~.'\
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-,-n_ _ _,.--
. Will QCC;..t,,llarPs 14. , Hil;"'~"" . stock .wID be SQld. ' ~as a WliyDQjJ W.
Tho tt~c,,1 ,J rl<lllph CI, nl l' tOIl lin .. Il " i,,,,, ~ )(' k 11 11~ I H~t we"k ~!/t 1'1'11111 ( ''' 'JlII OII Spt'll t loIut uJ'(III .\' II I III ~ l1l\d l\.\' wilh hoI' cn u ~11I Adtl l ' uml'l rl ll Ilell l' Hllr lll1 1,( IIJ It Hll1"I'" :-;1 PJl h l'll1j 01 P Irt \\ i 11 111 III htt ~ Ii .'Il q\lil H oli'k III· th e IWIIlfI pf Tb' l m/t~ " c1{ II '/i wh ' r ~ho hn~ 1)('1'11 \01"itiJl\: . II
111'. ILnil Mr . . I';,[\\,urll Wi o h k lll~ ha \ '(l l'otll l'n,H I to th En r hOUlCl IlII r . .101: rJ i ~"1'Il '~lJ ll \\'ifl~ IIpe ut· ItI ~t I'ro f. (. L . clllitll i ll LL·l,nl10 ll uftf'r 1111 ("xt.., nli f'(1 \' I ~1t with , .. I" Thlll'slln y WIth ~1nri o n li " rll " n fl n ll I , U ll in t :-::)!l l uI'IIIl· . li \' .. ~ IU ( 'inc-j 1ln llli. fUlil ily il" l",v H ll rv ey burg . W e n l Ollllwar Ihut th wild · I ~lI~!iMII"ul n hr'r\\'ood wll~1ULb ~l o " t. I f til Hick nro Illlp rovin~ . • lally, aDd buye" come , ~ ' . Dayton • •w .. the ,'Pest of h er lI11nt The IIr cb iM 'lU ilt II t \\' e n IInJ 11i01; bl'lls hll \'0 U [ lIl err lly rIng · U1I fJll i::IfLtllr llu v . . Mr ~ . :lllllrl E:ininos uud Emily II.'lelld the .lell from. ooQJt<let.· Mr., S , apr'..: ·IIun'iiy M . ondllY . Iluove tbfl two tow r whicil 'guurd \nl' "nil thllt L"tl u 1~ to bl' t ho it rt lll tl • . ' • 'J'. .., J Iiurr y , 'u l'n(' !' 11 ,w od into the. 1l11l Jl l"s ~p III III t 1'llesd llY wI th '<ble 4t"00e, . Mr: aoet ifhl, Jaml!fl Kerr io k e:ot th \\,est ontranc t o th e 0I!1Il Il'I'Y Il t the 11 wly oupl '! I hl \lI~l! (J WIH'I I 1>.\' ~Il ~ I-liithn WI1 .v . Mrs Sll llllwl Hldn 8 near Luniber . T IL letter l'! in the word "~11IlUl i . Tbll .w.r'.IJale pl:omieee. · to',I ..r. " nAn' to t t ...... days t ilis wee k l' l l r. Chit'; t'lttrk s till 1'1l1t11l il1:! It th ll< woek . t Oil wil \) WII vt'ry !'lck IInll who ........ , ... , of aD' ...... v:10111J y~ r-.-" ..,..,"'.,.. •.- .., '. 'e Ul otW'y'" ure m ore thun u fOllt in ,,-Tbeee ,- _leaadve~'tae ..... ' . 10 DlI.yton : . ' pr 11.1' ~I k mon. 'I'll ugh th o doc ~ll' . ,1111111'. :-;cllonrk hn-l 1" "1\ ou 8uturnllY . diel) fl1le I ugth lind ilow quit o plu1Ill y lIt Il -erv e· t&D-Ivel·y, •• Mr:O N..... 'l. Idl! Mia. ~Dte n. Brown, who Ie I' d ttJ r h~ lb IJlfIl t,hll t h ' ill on th o tlll' lJd . 1q uill] i ll 111Ir111g til JlIIl"t f(Ow d a y N O l'Ti~ Ol;losb e IItHI r,uully of ~ ~ . ~. a u/{ Isll111 UO. ('I I . . t i L b 'r ·1 fl' • " • Ubehl UIOI' Uf prl,._"! 10 ,.n tetob1DJa'Be' , Kentuck YI 11111fle PIl!!sen'g ers on th o trH ins Hmo!:: . UHO" ~ ~ WT\' IIn)(I n L~M n JO up , ~It·s . (~ I 'I1~on .lll'd lit, h e r iloni4' 11111 rt nn 8)l€'nt ,uesua lih y 0 iO,.-q 1. In th1. ,w ' ~ro1l8bt a b~ler viat, ,,' home from Fru1n y th r ongb 'Of\V ill Clln ~fe th lI:1rn ll II urI s l1 rrtnl( ItrolllHl. ogl\lu . Bll t Ius :-:iltl1nlny 11I 0rolog flf ('.m~uIllJltl ' lIl ."'I'ok £It J ~un c Lytle s . until MOllda:, "8nlng, without muoh (lifnou lly nnu it cou gu th e l'l:'ll 'flr pr ohlllt Itny oxpo 1 'l'ho .'\1nlIIlY '1'11001 hn ' n);lIill • intq wide promlpeljoe. " . bo ensily r elld fr oll\ tll IIlilrt)lld l ure . . .. lleull ,. tlDIIUll , nftl'!' hl' ing cl en for Pleasant ·Ridge. SI.Rtion . I ()n Sn t nnl • .v II 'Iu!<s o f .).l , n m Ollth on nrCfJ nnt of lito tlipther plilCI ~r ~O~"O. In connecti on with tlll~ IIrch, It, t l;,)k III t ptl ch rs' f\XtlllJln lllt ll n tit 'II. Tho (:hri~tliln H:nd nvo rs hlt\'!' ~tr. Fmnk ThOlnti s li nd family .. , v hn s beeu lIu~gest ell th llt u Imitllblo Lt.;llIlI1Un . FI \'[' fr ulII lh llt numb ' r l nl~" iJrguu t heI r w ork . MlWh is ~p nt ' uudll ,Y with Mr . lind Mrs. ir on rn ilillg or u rn ulllen tllt io n of tnuk th, ' h l ~h "rh oul wl·1110 the l Ulllnl{ (l ro l'lI r .;'ll , IIlI Lhn t these fut urn Philip 'urfn c . 80m e kind in k oeping wllh Ih! Ilrcli l' IJlnwdl' I' wor e tr pn for i 1l1!l1l. I IIH'oLings Il lILy I). n in ler o t ing lind Al L TreDil I om ell Rpont Il rew be p lacQd over th o tw o l ower. tit till'S osr t i fl cltl cO\ . ' h n ' li lit I II H pll;\~lbl . Ev ry on \ lIlLY. l'l::!t w 'ek with Mr . nn d Mrs. the c ut·rtlO O . If Wi s IR tion Ihll 11'. Rnd l\l r~ . All pJl B:nwrick 1I1l1l L~ 111\' lteu \ 0 CO I11C' . Em 51 Butter wo rth . Mr. ·L. 1:1 . lio)zl m , of KID gs Mills , Mr. Ilnd Mrs . Walter BOt,t8 bave e utrunee will P()~8!lS!\ Il filli~hl~d lip litlu"h t I' H1l1n'cIt IH' llj nY I'll u ,' 1111(111), pel4r11uco v:hi ch will IJ1l1k o .. nJ l)st I \' i~i t w l lh ~1r . 1t1Id ~lr . . Joo 'l'1t C1 l1lrl~ cl1l1(ou Oil fn 'lHl~ horo ::lunuIIY 1110"1'£1 on the farm of MIRS Anna fuv llrllble Imllr ~~iull l u nil \\,1111 1 110 I so n 1<:lI rl . of MJln oll . Etl warllil . Mr. Botts is em ployed vi ~i t, It. . . -' I N t!\V l.> I' t 'fltr hll x ~ OI'1JI1 11t'1" Itt Iho H) I1W uur lng on. by the t okOR Rnd Brown lIulry. Tbe Ihr c t vr s of' I b .tJlIle t ery IUP . of :\11' . 1'1 11(1 ~lr H . ,\I iiI' l'l 'orn pll u Pllr MrS . E rnost Butterworth has been also Ilrra gIn'" f r th ' '(l1lSII'1l(, \1 011 .' ' W1J1 Ff'I' I'Y It v. J so Hawkins nil d he pul · " ry 1II for toe last fow days, o f 11 81111\ II I"II k neLLr t h II ( ,Or ' 111 t Fl'l rl u -v , ['v D1ug \'ill . II . )l1t In l he )rtboilox F r iends Ch urch Mr . Ilud Mrs. Burton Earnl\arS eu trllIl OO. sel tmg on t 11 Jll1lU IJe r 0 f ol.·l'i u ed ~u , l'O. ~ . :-;0111('wh re n01l1' 1 H \'(' lIt n· In Wn y n (J, ~lllo. on Sundny. · Oil e rtained Il number of yoong r ur t r es lind CllOstunt Iy tr i \'Ing . .\' )If' TsonS \\"'1'(1 pl'.C~ 111 Hi of 11 n ('x ccllro t ((llll l1 y Wll~ fllr. .JUIll ~ Puw Ilund fUIDlly m ored l folk Inst 'l'hursciaytoa. taffy pull. t o milk Mltll111 cem l er y m o re IItHI . F k /' l1i~h '11' 11\' lIl r . . 1·Rt] · ,-ILrIl1IlLl 01, . . III t llOir new hams no rth o f Xenia ing. . UJ ure bl'lllItlfu l. . • ," . tll f! l,rglill Iwll AIr . lIfT !;~hLlIl 011 on 1'UI'~lIllY · 'e va rlll from tbls ' vicinity attend . I' . th e gui 'l,a r Tho 1)lIx ~. ~ U II1U ar, in 11111h o f OILY ton , hio WAS ad the In stitnte last week, W . L ,' ~.pu~.. nn'II .. ,. . , .r.n1........ .:.-!1:J..riII·~~ WiIl.4ake up fnr m A Long Record. ll u muo!' 1 s nIt! well nUll l'V ry O ll C sllllkin/: hltn lls ellds b er e Oil ·Mr . nn (l Mrs. William Loy Are of B prin ~. on One Farm th l rou~(hl:v P lI j y tl lh lILi'll l \. ~. ~ n dllY · n ow ocoupylng the farm recently lJiJding fI r oIUC"lI11t nliw lI ' t tl t!I ('il' ~1"'· rJ·ell and tw o lovely M Il~ t I' Ro be rt He evos, of Ri oh. vtl clltl'd by Mr . Jacob Cornell. 11 0!'t II n rl h o!!1 ' ~II t /I lat e h onr. T holllu r ow, wh o 1Il0 \' II from father·in III. W . of rn ntl , LDil la u n. III th gnest of his Mr. IIml Mrs. P . B, Surface at. »eb~ ;;IJ)I\1',e 'been lip nuiog th e ORrin Mu so n fnrm u cltr Mt , Mr. nn lllltl' ~ .. Jtlme Jwl1ll ntl I' Mr. nnd Mr . ta. W . Heeves. nded the C nterville Institute her pare ntil Mr . H"liy lu ~ t week. p oss s~oll ou unn ~ tHi n d on :-;Ilndny Mr . und Mrs . Mi a 'leo UrtoQ. wh o hus lloen us one day las t week. n lll r ecord . hu vl ng oo utinu ll ll),\' Alli e H oi lind littlo (1IIIlHht(' r. ami Hawkins . MI8ti ng i u t ho r e vivnl scrvicc!! nt r e ntod thut fu nll r,)r. t he Pll~t tw n II'. RIl(l Mr . Le t r J{ 1l1'irk . Lbo Fr iend ' borch. r eturned to Centerville. ty· two ·ye llrs . Hllrry Mc(li nni s, wif oud 111l0gh. b el' home netlr Ugrl n on Sat urrlllY. In th se dllYS Mr. lind Mr s . Cnrl Bllug llaOl [or . The Cente uille..Inatituto brooih& ulmost con ti nuous cb Jl,n ge n,n oog t Ar Leollll passed Sunday pI II liut ly merl y of Luis pluco, n ow of WI). vidlto r s to \he little village from wllny people rent ing farm " s ocb tL in Bello'r ook . r ec'oru I llnus ulli Ilnd it t II~ b ett I'MI' . IClu rry Ln rkny hu hoo n tlt e m in gtoll , lIr III1.I'P Y o\' r t ile IIni · IllUIlY of tbe surroundlog plaoel, 1' b · uttcndanco was even larger th ull IIn.\' th lO g else o.:Jl1ld . o f . [I' ' nt purcJlIlR('r of 11 fillo work VIII of a duu g bter In tbeir bomo, Thompson !In· Cre w'~ Ilpll uili t,y onrl tb or ollghn ~ t ':till H e prnCllrN\ Ih ' m in Cin. !II'. lint! Mrfl. B B. Goollrlch lIu V6 thnn Illst year and .the speakerll tAltltabl.iD; a ~.utill)8r of her 1;1r1 Al O\lt II SPllr n~n 11 bought, ti ll cinn 'Lti. Frank Duke hll ILI 'o lir. 11 heen tntlkiug !I fllr6well vis\, 1\. furms h od by the state McIntire aDd frllen~\J.'I:eiB'I!!II.Y I'vlJDlOg f,b oc· Wil;lon furm on Ih e mild )f\tLd iug b o l ug u h orse wh ioh h iulcJllI ~ . 1Il0ng r elutl\'e ]Jc for e lellvi ng for Gordon . were espooially enjoyed. ~~n~p1i' pleasaot,. Mil Ie frelm the Spr ing Vull cy pik t o t il I h WI \'er. lt1 0 t ·[) fu r drh'ing: IIml t llei r n ow h om e 111 N w Yo rk 'i y . Miss Mllry Parks. Mra . U)ark Bpr,lDIt nl1tlQllc.i!!JriI&ll ulllde tile \' c n· ' t.nte Honcl . IIl1d h lind hi fllll1ily i 1i!{ ht bUll ling pllI']lORes. Hla h ur se o Olll e of o nr cit i1.Ons we r e wit · Mi ss Ruth Wift'enbauob Gnd Her· I ('11 m fr om Uruwu coun f y . R efro b ' will 11 '\\\' n(,(, uJl~' t.h nt . n II'; S 11tlfor n t !J JU (\~'o r 'i! cou rt in mnu W ooll de livered excellent reol · l .x n in , 1.1 'l If rl(\II Y In II ClL ~ Ilgflinst til ti DS. T he ~inging of Mias Ina 1 Mr " 8 0rt l~rl1htllll r otn.l'l1 l'u 10 Llpplllcoti. Ul ree y ou llg m Oil froUl that pln ue, l'lItillue l, EVIL and Nollie Murpby M()rllsnttovm,ln,lilllltl Lyt lo 1'0 s pe1l[l . ~1l11Llny I\t h II IIi ohnrg d w it h 0\' 01' dr.l viul{ II livo ry wa tiu. KIHharine P rugb. Ruth I'ft of hor m ot IleI', . ' • llr h\l.vinJ.: 11 ell'1ll th o oUlpl oyof Wileon !lnrl ~hnrl ey Long aave hori>t . pillll O 8010 s . w h 0 f ormer 1y . \.) 1.I . A. K ilpn tric k , fI' Lebll1n"ll n . Ifor.. 'M i on fl wE'ok BpI' t. .. lkp!l . 11~.1I q ,. bl_Mllftlle:v· IClh here 00l uy t 0 '" 'I' HE' ' Mrs . ~ lll1i e Mook, of Germantown Corwin, 0 whirh i ~ Il'l1 rn in g Lo r pU ll' till( r un II b ~J1.~ "~f)tf}~ ... 1 DlIsJI'DUi«i'1*ifnr,tt fears t ey \YO U ( . vis iter! oer pllr ents Mr. and Mrs, 1 she is calle d . tlnJ r r turu e I t I hi on r UIIO I:lILUunb:l anu other rclllUvel 'I'he n lrfl n c 0 Mllu n i 'etn ctory . ·llndJl.Y t) V nlog .
'~... Gran~ ~~i.~ ~ho ,I" employod 10 11\ hu ndsomo s t eel IIroh wil y ovor th~ . . : Mr, O 'Neall's8alel! bav'ecptil, 100 OI~ytop.,peO~QDdaYwith h is fli Ul i llluin ant.rRn co 1,0 th o C III t ery . ' be 'look~ forward :io ~oJ'i. "~.'!. by here. b nriug t b e w o rd~ " r.l ill lll i Ce UlB. , 'ti01en pf hllJh. liltrade8\Ook\~ Mra. Oh~'dQli"trfelsrord, o f n cur· lory ." da, , ·lIb.rob
Immense 8 ' ml Being' ,
, ..
, Ilnt('~'
rlO tlo~
Mr . R. H. t5t. ,J oh n is nr onn I b lls uecn ~ l' eu tl y iJl1pr o, od I l ' I f tit arch b i lll( p u over th o ::5tn l ll ' of I agnin n.ft er III \'l u g n r ounl () t' L(l\vil P in bl\s been sick. \\'[1;\ done I)), Ih o ) l'ogoni ll Oh io, lit th o comm oncing of g ri p . \)1J1I'll UY. 'rh e x I3rlldUllteli of the Town. h ll~ilJ ml~ on tlll ' ~Iith lIll Y o f 'l'lle .fot] owing Illd lo!'! fl'oltl thl' .. I I k d ~ . ' .' Mr H. I~ i til HIlllo l' n no ~hl p hIgh Rc hoo met, RSt woe nn O k' brullry . IV. . VllhLgO o tl ('ILCl o(\ the Fnrlller~ ]11:'11 ' 1K tl 1- II D MiH'L'~ 11 nl'i t' ltn l' o rg ll ll izod tbei r AluUlnl Assoola . .RE 'or H.CE:';. tntll ti t U•. nton ill In ~ t, 'l' h ll l'~ lltL\' : l'1lllU 1 " 1 II I , ' : . t ion . •...•"- '. "'' 11 IIII 11' ~ 11 {1~rl'\~ ~J C\.' " l. ntl l~ . 1\'Lr ~ . \\' It It -:'li' T I Mc Kill so~ L ,l:tn !; ,In rl'l\ I c ~ lI\l e, . lIlltl r\ pp lll il Mll l: r \\'111'0 _ 322 All oliler lo.,n. IIn,1 ~1"'lI lJ " ' " " ,1•• , ~" • . • , I~ " J I ' ~ I . . ~ tl s t.~ II I ~l r . 1111\1 MI'!' ELI It ot.nlh ck Kenr ick jI,-1r ~. . ', . , 0 1I1 ~. ''' ~ ' I' , () \'Cnh·afl.,. u,; ,\! , ' II nt Or og')1.Ill1 un ltill' . \\'ellill"tofl Co rn oll IIIHI MrH. ,\ .' 11 . Dr. John Hyatt; l)L\I,·r sl')I'kH. \)ulHlsa",lm"rl g"/i" . 1I1.lIon IJU , . "'I . J\(1' . Hart \11 K,'l ly, Il f l'inciOllllLi \'VIIYU 8\'111 . io
Puc f r ,qrn ol h~r lJJ. nk~ nnd 1)uJllw r ",. II :111 7 0 7
1,',II' I, llurc',.. 'J,l.I"" l'e. '" sl, IlrlllS uold coIn. :11\,I'r I;oln.
ric to
~. ~:. :I~
' II (;lH I ' (I 'nt. MClllua)' with relntlv e!; Iw rl'. , te rinar)" S urgeo n and Dentistr Pro tTllctml m oetlng '" I111' JUon ce(\ lit th i~ pill e ti ll ~uOllllY T h e 'OI' WII1 i'l'li ol,1 WIll b'1\'(\ Jl ,\~:, 110 . . 0 r u w o ln'~ Y 1')' ~n t ill , Spulling Mlltr h til t hu ~ch oo l h ll n~ o Telephone No. 121 1111, " L ove nl ug lS PI' f( U~ ~... 1.11 :, :11 ffl ct or i ly unl!l, rt h nn ~ l'i Ollnf Huv ' l n cx t I·riduy , \' O1 l1 g . At Jlom(, Cln Saturday Afternoon . HfI ;. Oil Mlid Llox 11I1 ~1 Mr 'I'r out nlt r. rntlhllV . ;'oIl SOH Al i('" tl rlll Kill e ('Iurl, ~tl\.:oe~s h ll ~ utt rJlLloLl th oir ~ p (l ut ~n t ll r ll llY Jlud t'untlny in '.!ti"il '; 1I0 A1I'olld" J Waynesville, Ohio. s ll'orts . Xenl tl with tllL'i r 18tl'f~. ' l'( ITAI " 1· rl . :I ~ I;: tJH S II f 1) I l I ew hnl'"h l'lI r~. A . , ~ r ~ 0 ,L IIV On ~.,I SI ('~.• LIA BILl'l'IE: : ; '1'1.le . N. . Uo . held II d£11 V" ~:, .' I\IUII(I e r y of to lme ' llilt thi s "lace til ndllY 1her L1nnghl ' I' Mr s , . M R :l' oollL Vt!al Your Calves C" piLal "'hHJ.k palll il1 . (IOu OU whi C; )1 WI\ Jj II little (I t) o f the 1I1'I11n hLHt· woolc Surplu o ruml. Undl" ld (1 pronu. less CX ll/~ I1 MCh i\ IHl I t ar B"J u~iJ1 g Blntchford 'lI Cillf ),(eal. nry in on e r "~ p t . 'I'I lO ti ' II t 1Il,r o I ~J 1. Kllte , 'mill! 0 f '"v1l1C1O" "uxes . .1!14 ~4 llave l.i ell thrOe ' or fOllr di!live ri ea l Ohi b \'isiting Mr~. l; luu do S mith . O no pound o f calf meal mll.kc!! one !•IJ.,Ii' 40 in the pust ~w o' .whlc . h exo~ d • Mustor Vltn ' Retnll ok s pent ::sutur· -, gn. lion of gruelaud take. I tbe pillce yetlTS ~O. OO~ ed tbe one held on Monday, y e t fo.l day' with his friend Kenneth Kil. lof mIlk aod oosts !rOm 3~ ~~ts, !l5 . ~ :J~ "" tbe nllUlbe r of casel r ecei ved there b ' . Hun.rantued to gIVe sa s IIC on. artlAOl11I, QII.shier of "'fhe hns never been a !lugor !lmonn t Mr . Idd C!fl.rk wall in on, Sold by WII.ynesv!lle Mille. solemly "well r checked out . tbe glll.nd totEd I.·eaob · Monday on busineSB. PILE CURE ~~~~~~~~l:~!JtJ~ 'i'hl:IVD llli'",,,m.'t lnt is ·true, to in~ $12.,399 25. . Miss Dllvle. was a '~a~ to luf.
~11;;;~!~;~~~~~~Jt~1 ..
bJr~~OrC~GEto ...t!~. .·\OtIIre lor ICc·
11," 0 !V • .t..
B1'1 Simpson's
IJ.'· CH ANT ~
'. ..,
Th at
t he He,ad lof the Th ings Are Ocool lor thl . Town and Your. self.
! ru m 1}\ ~ ,~tt,, 1 ~Ier or m !\nu farturl\' onll II. will ' I ' !<t>nt to t.h J1l1rcbn~e' In ~ ~ (!\Jod (,()II[lI rlnn 1\:ld sho r~ tim! as If It h ar! hoon onl crctl trom a CIILII' In;;uc h OLl~. The home mQT h nL'~ bu ~l n t' s >l must be I,c pt up 'nn d lu Ilri,lc. to (10 Ihla It Is a bJp lu t Iy 11 (' 9S"tIr~' th3t th e "~Oll ll.l a.~ 110m e pa tl'onlze him an ll h<"111 him \(cell '!P wi th the Um . • or t;'1 • he will SIlO II be out o~ the 5! r.nggle fo r cxlS\(I llce aniong tbe country peoille. . The home mercha nt phould not ~ ~ expected tl) pay tho l),It;hest I.dee for prod uce and farm prod ucts lIod th n b~ lumed do wn by th ~ seller of tlies a rllc leu wh en he wlln t ~ lI[1 yU.lng tn the III rehull t's line. H sbolli ll be.lbe firs t on o i.o be co ns ultL>d wh en the Ca rmer Intcilds buying. He sho uld be seen and a rl'aoge menLs IlIade t'> J' th a purchas e of tbe artic le. If he d oes not. c;urry It III s tode The hom e mcrchant advertise. or should adv orti!n. In Lho home pll.:er. Th is keepR the bomc rOJ1er In the fi~ld nnd hei lls tb e commuulty al IIg. 'l'h6 people taks ·th hom e pa pur bec8\:se tt gives a ll.1I1 loca l n e w ~ t hat tjtc)' call no t get any other war :lud Ul l1S the a o.l" ertist'ments of tho mercha n ts nre read by th til. Jr. LilCl )1 ('0:110 do DOt 1111t roll iza t ile ~ on ' (\ nterChnll l h o cs n· not alTOI'd to a d r o r tlso. wllho tll a d'·CI·t lul n/: II pnlle r will soon pr, n ' Q fu II II 1". S(Jpn the h Ol11 o pnpor Is Ilt) IIl to the wall ror Ihe . wav t of SUP[lQ t t from tho 111 "e lmll ts: 11..1l 0y h :lYp. 1'1 I;trg cl.rct.lIa.!.I(J n, !J ilt whh o nt tIll' m ~ r' chnnt' s h'elp I ~ will soon he lost to IghL Th n LI E' III I'chan t !s nvxt to roe t· out of bu nln S~ lor t ho wnn t ot s upport. and be to wn Will d 'rease III papil la! Il'n. auU th IleQJl I will W(II I , del' what th e t ro ll bh' Is wh en [bb erl ll ol' \lu d the me l'cha nt loave towtJ
HARDSHIPS OF' ARMY LIFa, Left Thoulandl of Veteran. with Kid· ",,, Troub,e.,
Tho elt,erlence ot ld '-V. Marti!!, a retire!! merQhant or BOIlVl\f, Mo., Is Just like thousau ds ot others. Mr. 1\~1\rtln says : '" th ink I have blld kidney ' dis· e nse ever sineS' ilhe wat. Dudng an engnge mell t my hor se . tell on me, strain Illg' my back and In jurl J have been told 1 had a ftollt lnr; )t!hll!Y. J hlld Intense pain' In the ba~, heada'c hes and' dizzy spelis and tbe aetlel1 or the bladder was Yery Irre~lar. About three yoars ap;o I tried Dean's KIdney Pt1ls, nnd found lIuob great 'rellef that I continued, and InsHle a cOllllparaUvely IIhort time was entlr.e.iy rid of lUdney trouble." Sold by 1111 dealers. 60 cents 0. box. Fos te r·Mllbum Co .. Duffalo. r:;. Y.
Numerous compoupd8 are beinlt offered to take the plaqe of white lead g ' a palnt,:bulno realsubltltull! for It bas ,et been found. Pure Wldte Lead has
;\Ii ss I ia t'u l 'l~ lire " ~. 'ru('i r UII IHIIl"bll ly. " :-in ntr(·ns l·... he 110 ' 1I1y 6n 10.l . " On)y 1,'1 fli t' . "nl;" "51 lhal dlntllulHls :11'" pet;ulia~ ( Ol'yrl!;hl. by AH_r r d C. C'lItrk .) Quit o lh tl JlI'O\lpr th ing to ,,' 111'. out pr0r.erty QI 1'he nl.)()Ve h ea d Is a s ubject tha t hMe In Ihe IIluu n tul nB . . I WaD! yo u to .1Ui .._flng· ean well b treatel! as o p n for d is· hI' ("OU 1l!l 1l (:(\. Mlsij lI uld lll g, wl tb the with the wlJO(l upan wlalth It Is uaed-..s~ to CIIt, ",'10.1 ' !lct) of YOllr O\"n eres. I wan l cuss lou and cons id era tion Rt. any and all times. It Is also a slIhject that it has 'an el&ttlclty 1I'1ri~ .mnJtI tlte ),0 11 ' (1 lJCo lIIlse u' e III wea r yo ur din shou ld Inte rest 011 persofl s who h ave palnt to ftltIu!r ~~ Mro..-t _panllon mon d" \"h e n YUH Slllrt; th j.: ll wil e:: and contrsc:ticin ,q f lJIa..... Pure YO II get lu to I he 10I\el.,· cou ntry I Wlln l at bear t the welfare 01 tho co mmun ity In which he It ves nnd who wishes to Wblt. Lad r-ftb fta ~ yuu to ~ I ' t IlfruJd. tu ke !h em ult nntl naclty and elastlctY, Wl"~ by see It grow and prOS ller. carefull y ~cc l ·e t. th Ill, giv in g to Mr adullerllnh), alone lalllll a1I tile reo No p,ersoll "nil alfordl t.o do What he J"nklo s t1 11Il('keL pu rponlng to ('on quirements of the Id.l,.unt. EYer, kllOws will work a n Injury to tit .. co m· .oln YUll r j,' wuls . Will you rio thl& keg wblch bean the N¢b ~ trade allri Tl' ly uplln illY rlss llrau ,:c ' thai I mun lt)' In ",'hlch h lIn·s. In Jus l.lcf;l mark fa positlftlJ gu&J'lnteed tc.~ abo hlm 5('1; b e cau not r l1 f\l Se Il ls s up· 801ute1y fu~e ~r;~Ol;:I~ ~~~:: 1~:I'~'!I~I~e:~:~III~I\~( ~~~~ hO\' t' t h' bUSl o f reo .ons fOI' as k.l ng to nort to lhe hOll1e Indu g rles that. a re Wtllto Lea4 NEED OF STANDARD WEIGHTS. up tilt' wlno 5 UII II I'S 1111,1 Ltc 'whlrl o r 1 ?" ~tl'lvllIg f r xls t oncc llnd the wel tn r made hy the ore! 1;111'1 ,'1\. ,'nll I hc' O'lI tClIllO hll (' all \1 r ome L O Il ~ hufur Oiek hnd c osed sllca\l. Dutdl Process. of th o 10" 'n In which lJ,o goes to do bls Wheat Sold by 20 Different Me •• ur.. WlI.I· • "lit h"n' Iuw l 'o lurado aUll iog ;\Iiss II nnlln g hud ('eased to b · tr:ldlllg'. . In Great !!rltaln. "lIT: u s m nch lWlld lur $411 a ha ugh •.)·. ' II!' ne"l'r rll lly trn ~led .J<; II In ,'onsldf'fln g till:! qllcs tion I U 1):1 111 an d fciund. kl ns. ancl hll,1 1;"11 ' Olll wlih , hilt , I !'H;.;~ly rll r ! lit' I'('(\~on 1I al I h ~ I'I' w(' r. shoull! b e born e In mlali ~h llt t he COUll ' The ndvocates o( th m otrlc system mcrlen n I kIl O \\'. wIlY Iw ,"t! II . "lit I lI.t ,l 11 11 .; I ll1PII \J f h'" OWu >;tu Uuu 3.1 Ih. try Ilcoplc>. Ill, all ()tbe'\' wilnt no bett e r j ustlOcnllo ll than M 1I 11\'nr to ~1'I Il!n. fUl1 1t"1 Ill:", to 1I111'k lo (l c ' 1I ~ h¢r scorl. Sh e Sll" ciUl, . US, :Ire a lwuY R on til· loot<ollt for tabl os JU Gt llrepared (or tll o year book Ra~' rhat .1" , ) "''';'; I,,"n w had , lhe I lhlll D ick hud 0 1lH! II lt(orl ol; I' USO'. a plRr t' 10 I n\'e~t Uwl l' mon ey lha t oC th e 8rltlsIl4uol\onee rs' lustltute. \VIII brtng them lh h' ~!;t's t r"t.ll rIlH rlg lll s' I; I oi st" rill til nl . 'l'hn I '~ ,,:h,. I for It! s >;! I'll ng,' r"lI llC'st a nll she hall l~ Is l ea rned ~rom th is thet the price 1 h<! hlltl .t·,':nt1 rl ,;l lIu ll y. li e Slo)'d fuith . nOIl!;lr lu him til. bt' ll .\' !' t h,, ; fo r th len~ t eXIHm.lit1l r': lu t h l~ I lt l'Y of wb ea t 16 roMe and the cereal Is NA.TIONAL LEAD ~OMPANY are I'i;;hr. '"HI nre justUtml In so dolll !;, --/Tr:- lhl s r"a.·o ll IIlI cl OIl<' 01 11,, 1', , Mah ~1 hl>1 l'ea Snll \I' ll ' a ll hon orulJl... lit'. sold In 20 dllterent waY8 In Engla.nd, .. ... t ........ Of ,,.. ' ''''_ , !lal'dlll!; \\'a.' an t' lullll.l ; th e' ~ tLmm I' at TWII Iw r ' s w (oro I IHu r' Iy walk iul\ Ullt . a l th o s o.:l1l1 tim tb y shoul.1 r· S cotJa ncl and Wa les. ftIO 41-(It . . t• ...41,...., rot" m~mb .. r thnt th!'y a rt~ d 'po n,1 n t on ESI~. I'rtr k. llllol I':ijl"!; Par']; WII S Imly 111151 tht! ' b 1It1 .l ful Iltlle fall s t li n l rt Is meas ured varlou81y by the !I"" Yorl<. 11",10... Duflal~. OJ_I.e. he hom mf'ruhe.nt for lhe mOlloy that OInci hD.ll. o,w....., S I. Leul.. PbIJ.. a mil l' trulil lIa' runeu , and he had nlghl \\'11/111 II IlII1;lkoli fI~ll r() s tidd nil' Quarter. comb, l.o ~tI. boll, bushel. bllr. th ey S ll llcl III for Ign I1Il1 r1« 'ts. dolpbl. IJohn lX, IAwt • • Broo. 00.1, J'l"'"' lJIUu " himse lf us e ful on on" or two oc· s pra ng Ollt Ill~O th road . r eI. blllldredw Ig ht. centul. windle ....." UlaUGui 1.M4 • o,U Oa.) If tht')· sho1lld S 0)1 lU thlnl, ho w to~ethQ;r. ItIN~O Il~. " lI a lt!" Ii xcl uJl1led. In a tllr a tel. nnd hobbet. Furt he r contusion 18 tht's ea tnlo!;ue hOll sos 31'e opcrul c [l. The home men'hall t contrlbutcs t~ Hil I I fe,f';0 t t be o t he,' Iwo II r ons lI;g vi et'. nnd t ho h or~ ~ wt' I'e rc ln O.1 caused, by vary ing ",~ghtlil of a busbel nnd look InlO, and kn ow, th Cl Irue co n· the s lIppo rt of th e chul' h , he pays whC? II' IIl d hav e Reltld d lf[ ' r ntly If ap Oll th ~ lu Stanl Then. \\' Ith lh ~ In dirt rent oa rts ot. t he country. dltlon 01 nlYnlrs. problli hly the)' WOi' lrI his tUX l>S 10 k'!t'1J th e ~ c h o ol s ul?, he Ihey Ita II k lll) WlI wlw 0 111 Simpson's ' lU lng fur y of a m:l.flll1 an tho hi II A boll Is three bush els tn seime rC('(lns ld r th e sland t lley had ta kpn contrib ute s to Ih e h or ~e sho w. th ' fall hlrctl nll~n was, way man sp rallg lit .Mlss HardIn g allll to ward th em. i n many ..C' n~ ea the peo· fes tival. and Ule hun drod I\nd 011 <' .,la08s and tour allll , six III ot/l rs. Mi9~ lI nt'dl ng hl'rs"lf WOu ld 1I0t IlPPllrentl y s trut'k her 1\ s tunnt us. pie are 1(;lIoran't of lho tru surround· thlnss Ihat h e Is 811 11lJOKO rJ to help 0111 There are slmmil" absurd varlatloll8 11a\'''' Ir ntad blm Quite sn cavall r ly. blow with h is rtl vo lve r. Ings aDd Inside opemt\olls of these an,1 glvo hI s support to. He Is ILl th e In oi her weights and measures. For In stao.Cll. a stone ..o,t meat Is «I r all ~ h e was good na ture and COli' " Prel nd 10 rllll lo lhe g rouud In· concerns and thi nk ttliey a re doi ng head of t'he list ror " erythl ng that I ~ lIlue'lul ou herse lf Pt'rhup>l she would se nsi ble," whI SI''l I' d Dick, hur rl ell)', r igh t In send ing th em th ei r mon ()y. for the good of lhe comm uni t y and be .elght "Qunds, a 8tolle ot lro~ H IlO t hl\ \,(' ex.)) rlence u so many dis· auo.l MISij Hard in g sunk ICl t he ground Th ev are led to b lI eve, that what th y d se rves the hon st lind beart.,. co pounds, a s tooe of' cheellQ 16 pounds QII\ l! lint( Qualms as s he potHlerecl the UK ,Jc.nklns, wllh Ii tl' mendous s ho\\' get ' fl'OO1 the catalogule house Is the o peration of all t he peo ple, all the and a stone of bemp 32' pOunds . Thore are seven dllferent areas of lII y~te'r ~' o r the man's aHractl ven ess. or bravery, s llran g 1.0 th e ." reso ue." same articl e' that tbe home merchaut lIlIIO, t ha t are In te re3 te.1 In th e wei· " WhaL did you do t hat for. yl1 l1 sells, only at a mil ch lower price. The faro of IhCl co mmunlty ' lll which they ~b e stunC\ard 'nQre In Great Britain. Sh o kn ew el1o~ lgh or Ihe west to kn ow tl1at eve ry fe llow wbo wears f<lo l ?" he c rl d angrily. whe n he saw majority ot. the people do not know live. The merchanl helps to elect the The vagaries ot Uquld ,measurea schu pp!; and !l sombrero Is not an Ull' lhe girl on the j,"round. "Don' t you that they are hurlnl~ the cheapest m!ln that are to rellresent them III the equall7 bl"UderlnJ. cou th lout or 0. des ile rado. Bul th e know sll mlgh l be budl~: hurt ? He rl' arU cle tbal can be m~muCllc~ured and city. coun ty, state and natlona.1 at· THIS IS WORTH 8AVING. Ulought of becoming Interesled-or al'e t he diamonds sbe ita "e m · to ra ther o ( conl lu ulng Int c rested--'In a keep tor bor. ,,"ow YOIl OIak yoursel f Valuable Advice and Rec ipe by Well· common cowpun cher was n little too sea l'ce whil e 1 sc ru w h ' m,'sel J' liP n Known A"thorlty, IIlmpl fur e vetl 80 ordent n theoret!· bit a ud III' tCl1d to hal' engoJ u In Q .!'al () '''olee o[ tile si lllplc' lIle aa Mnbel' te n'lbl e battl e ,vll h YOII . I'll lleo you The following simple .home·made Hartling. Simplicity waa all ri g ht; III De n ve r on So. urdu>'. 'Y ou know mixture 'Is said t.o raHeve any form of but tha t WIIS a bit too Arcndlan. ,whe re." " Rheumatism or bachache; also c\eanae An tl finally , Wilbur J enkins would Wilbur .J nk ln8 met with . tb 8ur· and strengthen the KIdneys and Blad· of nlrth'r ce have purs ued a racllcally 11I' or hi s liCe at t hat I~ome nl. der. overcollliog all urinary disorders, I!lffer I1t course. If be had known thllt You miserable ad . exclalllled it taken before the atage of Brlgh~1 Dic k Wright wns th e Rlcbard Wl'lgh t, DIck, a s he gav ' hlIh .~lt ~ full Co rce of disease: FI~d , Extract. DAndeUon, the some tim e "Ice president of the hls good ri g ht arm. T hal will COil· one·halt !lunee; Compound Kamon, Calume t Club trom which. \Vllbur bad "Inco anybody that yo u ha ve been one ounce; .ColJlpound S),rqp Sarsahcen e xpelled tor' certain good fig htl llg a bobcat at th e very least. , t parilla, three ·OUDGelli. Mix by Ih_kIDg' lIu m lent reasons, he wo uld have tllOUght If I '[lve yo u enough rop.e well In a botUe an". take ,In teasJlOOIl' elUle r "vamoollcd tb e ranch ." In west. yo u would ban g yourse lf bU l I dldn t lhlnk you we re Quite such a c ur. (ul dOBe8 after meals and at bedtime. 1·..._ ..... " erll parlnnce, QJ' he ":?a~~yb-=etr:::: Now you m a ke yourself sca rce and If A well· nowo authority , statea ·that these Ingrellreiiti'" are malnlt ' of vereslderntlon. Of co ur se. 01 k wa s too you eve r s how y ours~ J(. In lhl s part table .e xtractlon. and tiarmleaa to Ulle, rnr ,. ot ut)n eatl I' W m• t 0 b'~ J nl ~ 0 11 B of .him' " t the , .. couillry again III brcalt you In and · c~n be ob\aIOed "at) Imall coat b ut It Isu't quite the pa rt o! dl sQre· w'?\~'hO tho devil nrc you, allyway ?" tram any -good prescription .pbarmacy. tlolI ,./wbe n ou are a com mon black· s narl ' II t he fellow . . ' Those 11'1)0 thin\( they baTe kidney G uar~. to ""eat ti ny man !llte r (Julte so' " Oh only 0 111 Simpso n's hlrod man," trouble .or sulrer with lame "back or ('addl!;h u ras blon as Wilbur treated II d' 01 k II • weak bladder or RlieuJDatlam. ah.o,ul4 tI SI mpson ranc b" e t' th ec girl . coo 'II Ie '" fe IIow f rOtn1e , r ell" Bu ?" J . give thll j)reicrlptlon a trllll, all no wh o had dODe the hunors of -,he estab· "The girl Is quite abl tn tako care barm .can possibly ·foll.ow ·lts use"alld lIatimefll o n se verul occasloll!! wheo of .hol·self, MJ·. ,Je nkins." said Mabel , It 18 IUIld t~ do wondera tor lome poo)la r ti es (.:om lhe l·o.l,k hud stollped 00 Cju letly, ri si ng to he r f et. IIle, th eir l,ours or t il nelghborhQod. " Where Is Tony? " ask ed Jenkins, It'l a Shell Ga",_V4)U Pay Your Money Without Knowing What· You Are Going to Get. Qlck ' wll5 s lniling to h lmselt, as he s ullenly. l One' of the YOu.ngOBt assistants r anI roll tOIVDrd th e Ilark tbl s purtlc· " Oil, h e'~ la rlat ' d ou t th re In. the Good New Woman, il iaI' mornln ~, to t htnk bow surprised sC I' ub oaks," answ ' red Dic k careleSs. that they are In reall~y paying more Calrs. and he Is ever on tbe /fo looklog appointed \ly Vaasar college I. ~U.a Cor an Inferior srade of goo d ~ than to the In te rests oC tho people. Corllsa Babson, who also hOIl the" dis,' Yc rybod)" cqn cerne u would be to Iy. "You Stll'. -J go t be re a IIrtle wbll e those sold by the home mer chant. T he people like to be entertalnecl tinctlQn ot.l)elog' the cha'm plon woman kll<l W Ule tr llLb ot his Ide nlily. One lJ ero ro be did." whic h probably cost lbem a few ceuts . and th ey will come many miles to high Ju~per, . .MIss Dab~on 'wal wo rd from him would, sq ueeze nlll "The ll evll ake the· lot of you ! ,. ex. . some amusement s ll'en by the mer· cenUy appointed IlSsIstaot 't o Preal. au.... FOR .. Sim pso n Into lu!nkru )J t )'. Que wo rd (:Inl nleti .Jenkiu, flS h~} mounted his' more. Since the catalogue house bas chan ts of the town where they are dllnt Taylor, A graduate ' of- tha clan from blltl wou ld bow Wilbur J enkins borse Il llcl !lllUne d awa~'. sprung Inlo the oommelrclal world and el'or ready to go to sell ,their farm ot 1905. 141111 Babson made Iier won4. (() Miss Harding In his true colors. 1' lilll l etl onl y t wo-on ly two poople' begun ope ratlons In thl~ Uni ted States. prt'ducts. The merchsOlt cannot give ertul JumpluK record In the clan and olle word from hlp1 wOllld cause who loved each other ; two plI!oplc all kinds· of schemes 1~I\Ve been tried theae entertainments unless he hos gamn of UO., :.rhen IIhe cleared MIss liardlng he rlle lf el Lhe r the great· oul among til e verlasting hills . under and worked to get the JDoney froJD the Rupport of the people and It Is not ·bar at four teet t"o and one·half I' Yt happ iness or the greatest distresli th e wbito' stars; t wo people who ~. ' tho people lhat are allll/oys ~klng for fair to expect lbls of 'the mon that are 4\1~ ..... at o.c.: . of h" .I· lIfu. The thousht tl,f speaking h euru the my s lc' of tho w'u ters only . bargains. No expense has been spared striving for a livelihood. when the peo- ·lollles. a 'full Incb aboye the bellt prethaI. wonl ao far a3 Bill was ·con· as an echo of th e _ !lJ.g}Qgy thul rang In their struggle for tbe almighty dol· pie send tholr money to a eoncern In YiO!s record by a woman. ' ~ m ed waR out thrpllgh thell' o wn hearts; two peo\lle lar of the country peiOple, and they somo far away city' that wlh neither in at~le~cs; , IIbe lecurl!d tim8 Imd no l yet come to speak it all whose story of hUllpln ess began ' when have been ' 110 far suc:'c esstul. at the oontrlbute to any ot these enterpriser IOn'lI ooly f.orte, to " ' II bll r. oDd wbe ther ·It was e " e r Mabel Hanlin. becam e the wire of great expense of the home town IIf the 01' take an Interest In the surround· ' prize ' for the ,bellt.· C'Jan 'poem ,ean in IUcceuIon. 1I11oit(m til Mi ss Hardlll!; de pend d 1:1111 Simpson's ' b~re d . man . people that lent their money to these Ings 'thereoC. , \IP <Hl whethe r Hhl' really lov'd him. Hpme trading makc~" home Indum· 8tlmul.te the Blood, . . or o ne thlug h." was determined. a nd CARE OF MILITARY PRISONERS. concerns. Magazines hnve beEm started Cor tries, brings more to . tile town and Brandreth's ~lIIs are the gioeat. blood Ihllt was Ih, 'she s lHJuld never marry the sole beneftt of the .:ataloguc house, l<ce p8 them there. and It help~ to blllld !lUrlner,. The), are a laxative and\ IlIood Wli bur .Je nki ns. a common card What to Do to Keep Them Busy I. a and these circulated' among tbe coun· up the place .. But thc town will be at· to Ic, ' they- act ' equally On tho bOw· :, l!a· ll. Serious Problem. try: people at ten or 15 ceJlts a YElal'. a· stand·stlll 110 long as the people per· elll, Iddnefl! and IIkln, thue Ol~i&OBlna ! "h l! sha rp r ing of borBes' hoofs In They build up .a circuilition 011 th'la slet In this way of robbing the home ·tha 'llystem by < the nl'tura) (ron t ('ausod hll)l to r,ause. onrt u!! he Il hus alwll Ys been a problem . more low price of ,hundred sl of thousands; merchants of thil right to live and ~o the body. They ' stlmuJMe the , nal" J enklu s un d an unknown am· 01' less ac ute [In /1 at lim es pe rplex ing, this clrc:ulntlon brlngll to them 0111· busloess among them. panlo n of ratber s inls t 'r a l)peara nce what l o do with the m llllary prlsOIi. lions of dollars In advOlrtlslng Crom the If the people will keep their mone,. morbid llumol'fJ and ' CUN "all tn:.lIhl~ h " (Juietly drew asido to avoid meet· e r, says t he Army and l\iavy Regis. catalogue houses and this money ex· at I)ome the'r e will be no need for ' arl.eIDg trOJD ,an , IJDpure Btate 10 to enable' nature to t.brQw . te l'. I t Is 'necessary, of COUl'se, to pended for' advertlslnl! Is morc . tban complaint. The place will allsume. ~ b)OO.d . One fir t~o takeu 'evel'1 lug th em. As ,J c: nl<ins a n d tfl e strang er passed kee p him ernploJ'ed, ilnd n.JW, tha't doubled trom the sales ot these con· lively all', It will take 011 a metropoll· will prove an In"aluable remedy. Ih e s pot wh c re Wright wu ~ hidden by t ite ge neral prIsoners of th o a r my are cerns to the country people who are tan loo~. and the people will say to . Eaoh 'Plllcantalos olle grain, of /lOUd ' their neighbor that ,busYleslI II good, extrllct· of 8,ar!lIlParllJa, Whlcb, Iwith !be I!Cl'u Lt oa ks J enkins WU S s aying: being !!ent ·to the IntltH ution at .Fori . losers b,. the transactl.oq.. . t • t III tb and It will be. as long as the people . " Ir YOll do th e job well 'th e re's a Leavenworth, as a reli ef or the' over Catalogues are se n ou. e ng . e conUnue to trade In th e home mar. .other. . ,lal.i\able ' Y~'4¥a~le ' P~tletl, Jll lllclred lu It for Y9U. 'This Hardlug crowded guardb'OIJScs, ' the question people that tbe bouse t'r om which tbey make It jIo 'blood .purlfter unexcelled. ~ir l Is a r (IUlllnllc dllnce, but I need of the ir occupation become s more came III the cheapest place In the kets. The least that a person can do Brandreth·. . , .'pme b,ave been •.1 Die count~y to buy, Bnd It Is, It the. person toward the betterment of t~e.: com· her tn UlV busincss. I've got to ,hllve than ever pel'tluc nt and vital. Thore for over a _co,n tury. ,and are f0l",( her 1.(1 k~f' l' off l!IY uppe rs. . Now sh'J Is no work, now being donc by the receiving this catalogu,~ l'!'Qnts a cheap munlty and hie own Interests, Is to 0re~Yt'here, plaIn or lu~r,co~~. ' aUfI 1 wt ll be riding by the falls about military prisoners of il. sort which Is article. not only In price, but also III keep Ihe money at home and 'see to,·1\ • .' i . ,.' nine ' o'cluck to'nlght and you nre to In anr aell8e In , colllpetitlon witt. out. ' mllke and matllrlal. 'T he farmer reo that It Is ·,put Where It Is mOlt n.eded . It: IIIt't likely th~t Homer kII.~ celves t his catalogue, looks It . over, and wanted. ' , play Ihc loue bl g bl\'aymall act. I side labor. Jt w.a s 'hopei!' that they between heroic al &li?~~=~t.:I{1 This should be a Tltal qUetlUOll tc 4Ufer:ence and , IIbull I.I:y lo pcrs llacle her t.o wear her mlgbt be used at lellRt lu ' lhe con. and after readfng ' tbe ,well composed In ~he ' welfare of bla , ~Iamonfla . If. flll's doeR yo u ca!1 make strllctlon 'of roads, wallts. grlldlng alld !Juarllntee 'or assuranc() that the goods all concerned your ~e l·a\\'a y will! th e m' III s pite of kin dred work 011 the Leavenworth res. . 4esc r lbed ' In It are thE' very bost that community lind. It should b.e· an elltnb-' m y besl e rro rls ' lo prevent YOI!. If lr vatlo ll . This would keov them busy can be foulld anywher-e. se,nds In an IIBhed ,rula that one sbould: nqt Bet'k' sh e d o,~s ll ' l Wear. th e lll we will Simply with retlnlts wb;ch would ·be, benell. order. The house recei ves the order for tbhigs tn otber. parts .that b,e call', .dC'Ut,tJ411. WI,dll,l1t~l\.dJEIli ha ve a l e rrlti'c lJatUe fn h\!r dateMe, ,nla! to the surroundings. [t now ap' and Immediately IIbl!11 the article. ,et at home. ' FENTON .J . LAWLER. -~_ _l . -___~;-''IInd you call vanISh, 1ejlol'ing me the Ileari!~ however. thilt tile trade '\mlons, ",anted. Tlle farmer drlve~ . IrianY , .,' < . , ht'r o or a romanti c .rescue. I'ro~. a 'or at least 80)ol e ,of the represonta' miles 'to let them' alld ·"I\.en tlle ' box III ( Origin of "Helpmeet." ne rct~ baou.a . She wlint8 ' the simple Uves of 'Io,.bol'\ !;.ave been fi~! llg a . p.ri>, opened It , II f(l)1~d to· '.'Iop taln · some"Helpmeet" hal! had a curiOUI hhtlifo and r· Intentir, to try ··to,· gIve' her ·a test apJnl!t the eruploym ent' of t he tblng' much below. hl~ exP!lc.t ations; tory w\llch began wlt:t1' tl;lI~ >bl.b lleal toueh,o( Ih Why, lj' iie'lfo've' ehe'8' 1iaI1 milltat.y , 1li'IIIOnOtS to ,tb~', pchlt$! I~: but ,ttii. does ~ot 'saUllfy bls mind ~Ii account · of'· the cr.eatlon. .when "t}le ' t aa C.Cl that. he' has been duped. anll In ,Iovft w{th-" ~. .' .' ': ~ p'r ove.meJ)ta of Fort' t:,!avenw~rth. It, Lord Ood lIald. , It 'not .good . tbat 'Olc;k ; h'e ard no mor~ all ~he ", mlln' .18 ~co.ilslilered that they Intf;l rtere to \ that.11.e Is not ' gettl~g. his full money th~ 'm an should 'he ,aloDe; '(wui lJ)ako ., .~u r re(l \11) th QJr horsell Ilnd . dlap. !lome . exfoellt with lhe ohllnce~ ~r .ef!l'" ,aluo, In,1.' seoond ol'd~r ,ba mil)' be him an help moet "fo), blm." , Thai.!1 (ltNlr'ed ' o ver U(e hilL ' p\oyment' o! IU bor which 1,8 not of treated tbe. saine as tble Orst Olle, .but to '~y. a fit aSSistant. But ili~ ' two ~ow We'r e IR no the ., sllghlest con· t he cOJlvlo~ variety. Th!s RILuattoll stili he roay lihlnk theL~ he has. saved 'word! hove become OliTlousl,. , combln. mon ey ,by burlnr I~ li~i\l.ere .. he. ~uld IWctlo~ Ilr lwt: e u nn Ove.(~uefrot'ght appea r.s tel RurrOl/ild a \'e :,ut!() U S (JUC!; . ' fram nnd Ul l( hungalow of Il~ heiress . ~Ion .~vlth addltt o.lI ~1 dlfficultlc!l In t.he let It cheap. At ~Ii samo tlmfl .t :be 'mel'Qh,nt' at ed eon8u,ntly &II qne,· ,. . , ....:--~ - '- " ' . lato,,' a ,:UHd "lietpmeet," a'n d )foreOyel', are lian·'a4 til. mel'9hant III \\'bonr a , eoru ut-;>n , C\l~'IIlUIcher har;.. WII)' ot Its settl. ment. ' . oirJ.~ _ . ''WII!O.O Q~" ~ ' llome has: \ha goods the Ihelt In the confu~oD II IDorealied 11.)' thll cor- ' pen" to bp' Intol·ested. Rllt Dick 'hl* ·. fore wal~lD' lor to be takeD 'of. the word. loto ..lielp.maJ.... ' . =~ita.tldir.:~':.~~:~s. br&7.~uIY made hla way to ~13 S Halld· 'J'onl' of · Cigarette Paper. ..way 10 that e"l1 thlm"wltll ' 1.Il~ J(aoaul~ wlttell Dr: the .'.. !!!!~~!..C~:IIwJ:_;;:-a~,,- K4 CQtta ~e. ,. Over aoo,oOtt' pc)\ind.'. 'welllllt . c:-.. , ~ "1I'.r~. ; ...JlIa. . 1I'OtIlh ' wltO WU ~."'II" ....,~ goln,g rldtng-"Wlt!1 r,fr. Jen~ paper Is used- In, thlll -cOunt.ry It«M!k tre'ha~ .. ~ ... iDoIt ;a!dIal!Je ~ .~"'.I : ....i!ll.i.~.__ u ~ ?',' .be a sked .bru[ltl" for the 1ll'.Il"lraa.l~t....o1Wl1[1J1.1'ette8. If Ih r,· dl lTprellt l' ·)r.h' hlld (lnly knilli'll tlll1 qlllo Ih lng, Ih.,sC' . bn,,' dltrC'r<' nl ,,<'0 III L' "'flu id 11f\\'o pllrsued lhr;'" """u rut<~r ~Inlih\l' - 'ou r,,~ or ·11,·!I\U1. . Jr 11111 ·Sl mp80n . for ins! illlce, hud known tli 31 Dlc ll W rlg hl \\ as Ih o ' ~ou a nd 1,,' 11' rtr Ih ~ bl • 'Junk er in t be ci ty who h ld HilI's fillall!'in l lifo It, lhe ho ll.1\' of his IIIUt(IR. h'E' \\'oultl not 1I (l\'e lila 10 "ultf' ~" nllwh flln of the ... tE' ud el·(oot" who but! ';;QI a job 11 11 tbe rant'h. Bill wn. nol 1\ IISye t. un ,1 he cO lll d lIu t ha v<' ullprecl· nled th e mot!" ' 8 Wll ic h \\,OU d lead
, lIIII.a-" . .' I
Ty~. of'
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re: A'Poeitlv8
.DATARRH·&.¥~ EIY'aorn••• , I. ,,'lel"
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marfa.. ...81 IIf'
Drl'P5eft, Cloaltft, RihbnnA, !!lui., ete .• \n Illok h I,,· ucw Wl l h PuT· 1ol .\~1 l~A.iJB I." L:I'S DY t;::s. " U1Uhil .
Some men mak e a IIpeclalt)' af po. IDC u horrIble enOlpllls.
The, Gulf Cout of Texae la a World· Beaterl
Fixod Up HI. Little Surprl.e Party,
Rnymondvllle, Tex" F eb. 19. - This lown ill in , t he centrlLII part of Oa Dleron C"unt y, 'f ellu8, which coun lY !Jes nlong the Gulf Canst nnd is bordered by the Rio Grande R h'er on the s ou th. Thll S t. LOUiS, Bro wn sville 6l: 1I1exico 'R nllwa y tra verses th e cou.u ty tram 'n ol't4 '.0, so ulh . .A t Raymondville last sprIng a fl eld ot corn at~lned a h eight of e lgllt reel 'wIth out r a Lll or IrrIgation, s imply from tb o mol ilture that W itS stored In the soli, After that It r equired Irrlgl\Ung. In Cllmeron Coun ty, T exas, lhe ears a ro setting 00. tho stallts w heu tb e Iowa fa rmer Is 111anti ng his crop. ,"Roas tin g ears" al'e In the m t rJlct In tha t region In th e earl y spring. a s well as In the late Iati, and a t Chl'ls tmas, tide. Take alfalfa. also: The Nor Ulern farmer who 'Is satis fi ed with tbree or four- outtin gs a year from his Rlralfa 'fl eld will bardly bell ove even tbo con· Bervatlve fa els a bou t alfalfa In Carner·
Old Tfm. -CUrl .tt~t ... i Few 0« the preeent aeneratlon 01 re ' eVt'lI' . " " pair of old·lalla.: d "ourf lIP" .Utes or Imbw '\Vh.BY Jll'O, bat If U.81 are naUve borD etl' . P !'tints or ",abiY t.f1 theDi au IDa IlPlIliaDcea for Bkhrimlnc 'over the " T)le DoYi &lid girls o~ to,day bavs <jCl~lek ,f&isten~«, '1IIhtand, ha-ndsome ,'l.katea. asi4,. 1Jl 1II11;DX, C&808" keep them 'jattaebed to .h~· that are Ulell only lror '~~8'u,ng a~!i put on at the Dd side. ',; ~ the ~elda1l, ,at,..,:" fOr the ··' curl '11\0 .'lVere lP.lkJIOWD, Itath'Or
E 5
' =
~O\lt 1Itr~~.u.I· ueed Wlj.ll a
rib ames,," to. k«jep th", t. 'Tbe term ucur~ , . tb~ minDei In. wb10h the,' fG'rW1ard the.k&le Ir,ou · ""'i'I"'~ "~i~"t"ih~. 'ovet . the -loti
'. s·
, , len r
One or tlJe limes tel cet b usy III wb en you are dlsco uragc d an d lhlalt lhere ~ . no w;e tryhll: ILny more. It Cures Whll8 You Walk. a c~rtni n ru rr :-)or nntl .wollen. nr h anll feol. i4ol<llJ\' 1111 rl rugp l.t., P d('c ~jr . O,",' t ~c r'~" I :ln r ol;h-ti ll(p, 'r r!, I P~ C~ II~~ F ~ r:: r~, .Audrc"9:\ IIcn ~ , Olr .,lNl, I.e n o)" !\ , ~ , 1I1l rn'~ Fnnl ·B~ .~ i, lUlL. 8w~"li n ~. ca llou"
, Re cei ves Carnegie 'enslon, Judge C, C. ole , ot Dea 1IolneB. r.... for many yeRrs deall ot the Drake Unlverslly la w Bcbool tbere bas received a Ca rtle~le pension ot $1,280 • year. H e was ~radu a t.e d . trom llIe Har vard III W Hcbool.
Deafne.5s CannC)t Be Cured
:r.!':f::'r~r."~I~~II~~:e:;.lb';~o~:n,~o!Or;':!'.~ ,::,di~
: I
the femlnJne vIe wpoint an en· pcemcnt, rlne i8 '6 dcsirllble thlDC to baYe I'OIIIlCl, ,' '
Man Not too.Old to Accept • Food Pointer, '.
.t th. ' ~', O~ · b~Plng
K~lno. ! J~·I I~ 'be &I ..... CrlD'lO.Db~ uncl..,..t1UI4 th. ' poor mq~ who,bu : beell Uu1fed' ~tatU -cen'lIII l'\t(JQrta tAi 1iled ~ wttb dy. pjipala u 1 by.• ~, J I ,,,'iltmlari ~ waddnr" .. ' 1rIIeel . rt-,h~ .111 wl1n~ tcum.." ...~letf1r_"lb.
troll- I
E . J>inkl1!lIn·. \ get"hlA 'ompolillfl WA. reco· .. Ulondcll, It CUI'Ild my ",calmoss and m ndu m o ",.Ul\nu strOll g."
Mi&" Grace E. Mille r , ot 1213 , li eh l. gan St.. ll uffa lo, N. Y. w ri tes : Dear Mn. Pinkhnm ;'" "' liS In '" vory bud collllition of bealLb wn~mlly ; ir rit.nble, c roStl , hal'\'I1 cbo nml sufferod f rom 1\ f.minlno wenk nCS!l, Lydlu E. Pinkbam's Veg~ Ulhl ompoun l. curod m~ &ill otber mooiclnl!9 ba,1 raUed ." Wh at Lydi a. E . P inkham 's VeJf/.· t'Lble Compound 'd id Cor r.hs. Ford a nd Miss Millc r it will d o for o t her wOllle n In li ke condItion. Every 6~I fl'cr l nl!' wom an i n tho Illw cl States is eu to uccept t he follow ing im'itaLl on . H Is rree . will bring you b ealth an d roay 6avo jour life.
. , Name
Oreek. "Ie~
~~ .~~
POmna ·U"
~ ••Q~~.
and alwB.Ys helpful.
LoDCI.a 21 Cbart<!rltouoe Sq,; !'ftrf, . 5
R ue dl" la P..d ~ : po t tbt D nlt &: Oem. Olrp .• nt\.~t a. ~ A.. I:kJI. Frope. .... rUl""tr.:•. CuUow.
PAl ECON MY It i. poor economy (0 use poor paints on you.r build ing, nnd you can't ~ord to do il.especially when you consider Ihat the labor IS tbe most c ~tl y !a rt of palntrng. If y OU pai nt. Ibis spring. Ilse, Buffalo A. L, O, and feel satls6" that you bave tl.e Belt. Buffalo Painb look b~t . prQIe.c t and preserve ),Ollr prO('l e r ty t ODI:e!t. b ecaule tboT contai n ~f~t and I •• ,ino pi, menlo OlttOR 01' Z I NC and WI-IITE L EA D. r round in Aced L lnd o•• d 011 In correc t propur tion. m a kUlIf a Perf.ct Paint. Bcfor e you dec ide all the ki nd or ~"Alnt to ufte. yo u ourbl to kll OW aoena BuIf.Jo P 'a iQb. Send t or ou r 1907 Color Cb a n i lled "a Ju nb le Pa ID I Iflr orm a lion .
BAD pains every month, indIcate EerlOWl
fem:lIe dIsease, likely to b~
come dangerous, If not promptly , treated.
A medicine Is needed
which sets directly OD tho
manly organs, such 113
T he IInlnrr of t he Int",II• • • I. oom paoed o f ,ulll iG ... 01 little l ucll ol> COllI , .. hleb l uck Ia IIIe nutr ltiun f rom"th c= fW lt\ 14 8 it PUi!<ou lhra \ llt h BL'ACItSUnN:f'
Ihe oowcl•.
If th. fool! d "". 11, )1 Va • • f., t ~ "O' u gh . h dec:ay s.- for m s IJ()l~O"S Aud J'a~fI
tor 5 ~
- then t hr ove n fl uction t'e' 111 Absorb f, 0I.<O"1 lnl'l-t"n.d o f nu ,rhlo n . THE .~ . Ill. ~ c1 i u¥ . wca"-n u", 5\ek ll ~tcg a n d doctor,,' Li lli. To .vold--exercl .' c t he bow~lt' by t ol:'n g Blo ,-,-kbur n 'G v ' cco ry Cn1l1 or ·Oi l~Pi1 l1i .
~81~~:=:J ...-.I.V
O.".ft, 0.
~~~)fdb~~I:'c::~~u:"~~Jcb:;l~~· ~~n1!~::"!:.t~~~t:r ~~4:~
::;t:. ~':.':u:':'~·.7ior1~:." ...
O""'I' r Ie ••1
.. " ......
as '"
We are Ih wlMHanlltacnren ID Ille World.
~~..r':.. ~h:.;,:''!.':'i" ,,,~~'~Ib;~ ,:..""'."'_••!.. ...,~~~~~&lJi{\>Y ElkJIut Carrlaae '& IIl1'1'a_ M'II, Co.
eases. A sll re . prC!.vent.1.tive to eXfIO'\cd hon;cs. if adrn inistered In 8mal1 UOSll5. The best known remedy for pDeumonia (Iun~ fever). $1 , 00 pcr bottle,
No. 3:""VERMICJDE PQWDER A ·i.pecI6 c for the eradication of. T'npe and 'Round \Vonns. I!,S well lI.'l{the 'l'hread W,)rm, that cause (aH rubbing. J:liCllly re<;.ommond ~d as '" condiliQn powder ,soc .
'No, 4"':"ANTISEMC tlEALING POWDER Dest.roys IlII . fn the _nd, pruvects fenne1llatioD. and sets up bealthy nu!r.ition, An JNVALU~BLE remedy for Barb Wire Cuts. Cracked Hce l~. SCTalchOl!. Saddls ' Galle- IUld , 'Puctured Wounda. ~.
HE above rem edies are, pre pared under th~ imm ediate directio n of a veterin a ria n of re~ nown. with 25 years' practice in Chicago as Chief Veterinary Surgeon of the Chicago City Hailvvay Company, with from 4 , 000 to 51 000 horses cQnstantly on hand, hav in g as nigh as 50 horse s in day a ffected with spasm odi c; colic, without losin g a case. H e was Chi ef Veterinari a n of the \ Norld's Columbi an Exposition at Chicago i wa s C hief Veterin ary Inspector o~ live stock for ' the United States 'Government at Chicago, and .has held various ether posjtic ns of importa n c e~ Owing to his wide acq uaintance, he is continuaay im portuned from ditTerent 10caliti,es to give remedies :for various ailments and l1~s deoideii'tc,· offer the,tn to the public in this form.. . . If /VOur borses qre alIlicted with ~y unusutll aliment that your local vIllerinary does not undersJluid. wrife us . givin g the b Istllry ,and I)'lIlpt.cAIIlS, and'w e. will advi~ YOll wil,ltout cost. Senti (or {r ~e 'b.ooldet.
eHICAGO. VETERINARY MEoI<;AL"co~ (N~t. Inc.) '.'.
20j4 Wa~' A.... CHiCA~O,
womn n th a t P AS -
tlDG An t h m ptfc w lU
lm)Jrovo her hoa/ liI a na do all ...& C\ulm (or It. W a wIll l end Iler Ibsolutel, lree a Inrgo trl..1 box 01 Pullne with bo ok 01 In.ttu .... tlons and genuQlo t o.tlmanl nl. . Se ll tI
lU Eo PAXTI.1 ~~:trilJf; namo autl a.Jaresl on a )lol lal
feottoDs, sucb a. nMnl catarrh" pr lvlo ~ULrl'h IIId IDflamm"UoDcauscd Uy-IellllntDo 111..; sore eyes IIlI re throat nnd moutb, by direct locallrcatmrnt Its ClOr· 1I11v\!: power Q'yer lbc~ trouble. Is ex l",aordinary and Kiva. Ir.lmedlnte rell:![, Tbousunds of women nre ustng Bnd rooommcndlnl! It· every: a ll Y. /j() cents at druJ!lIl . t.orbymt.n. r..em mbCl,b ow.v~r ,
JTClOSTS YOt! NOTnUW TOTII\' 1'1', TUJII B. l'AX'IQX CO., BoIto... l!Iau.
'1'1) oODvlnoe flit1
l e an5ca
A po!Iilive cure for spasmodic colic in 2S millutes. leavi ng the horse in condition to go to work at ·on ce', Money re(und ..<l . io case of failure. if administcred as directed . .".00 pe r bolllc.
WRITE lor I'ree Advlee. .tatlnll ,cd dellGril!lnll. JOur lIrulJtom•. 10 , (lies Ad "'IOU De pt ,. Ohll.!,lanool' odicill8 Co" Obat~ooll, '1'euD,
It :lever fail s to cure d istempe r. CalalT· hal Fever. Influec za and kinumil d is·
A ec:Ientitle mf!dlc~e. consIstInc of pure, ve&,ctable Ingredients, wbich, accordinc to tbe testimony of thousands who bave \\lied it, will relieve your pains, regulate ),our functions, build up your 8b'ength, and cure thc disease wbicb is ca.. ~, u~ your vitality, Try It.
At all Dras81sts
Druggisls, lOc, 25c and SU IO.
P or F ree S;tm ple. ado re . .. K. F. OeDL. The Victory R.",. 4, Ce"
....... J=::~~\~r.
For Baby's First Bath and Subsequent Baths"
Because of Its delicate, emollient, sanative, anti-: septic properties ,derived from Cuticura, united with' the purest of saponaceous' Ingredients and most re~ 1 freshing of flower odours,( Mrs, Pinkham', lovUatloo tl) Wome1l. is all that the Cuticura Soap Women s ufferin g f rom \l.n y fo rm ot fond est of fond mothers defema le weakness are Invited ' to prolDp Uy com lu unlen.le w ith Mrs, siresforc1eansi ng,preserving Pinkham. a t Lyn n. lII ass , P rom th o and purifying the skin, scalp, symp toms give n, l he Irou hl e may be located ILnd the qulckc t n nd surest hair and hands of infantsand way o f recovery ad vised . Ou t o f bel' children~ Guaranteed absova.o;t volume ot CJl:P ' rit' nce In tre a ti ng fe malo ills Mrs, Plnlrhnm probnbly lutely pure and may be used h ILS the ver y knowledg e t hat \\'111 from the hour of birth, h el p ~'ou r ense. Her ad\-ice Is tree
~~~b1ib~~,fur~wo~dn~~ II ~m~jn~I~I~~~a~u~o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~L~~~.~..~a~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~
laId on. He never sent a ' telegram In hIs ' lite, nevel' used the telephone, and bardly e vei-' ro,de 'In fra ln. trave llUI b), bUI, carrlace. cab or boat. '
I=A"'. ",
_.......... .
oxtre me ncn (lu., n e~'i. 1 btlll give n up nil boPO or ~ve .. 1Jto1r!$ w(·11 OGuin "hen Lyllil1
Iaa'ft I'M or e lectricIty
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M rs. 'IV, S. FQrd o r 1935 LanadoWll'B St .• lIaltimura, Md. ,vr iLcs ; Door ~l l'li . Plnkhnm ;" Yo r totlr y III'. m y IIro " lIS n rnlMlry t el rne. · 1 wtlll',I' ....1 t l'OIll Irregul arltiOl!. BUp· p rCloSlon, le r l' blo dl'A!;!;iJ1!: ." IISL\ tiOIlS an ot
• ':For tbe laat " 2l)" years," wrltee II o~lf fo ....,the. toot Alalni, maD, !!J've boen troullied with Q' etrlp..of an Ice aurface. DY8J1eJlllil and liver com pI runt, and . v,e trl~ about e very kDOWU remedy " ' heie we~:' ''c _pl'· lnd~. ,', , . . , . ," ¥, • '~, " ~lthout much In ' tbe way of reanlts , '1 Ito' No. A~u.l"g Il:Id'gnatll!n, ,.. ;, unt U 1 took;up the food Quelltlon. , "'I ",Ftold you,:' (~cl\,Ule mllt:ch!'Dt" :'tc; ,"'A. frIend ' rc,commended Grape-Nuts lmarlt 't hillbos '~aadIG,) wllJi ear e,l 'food. after I had · taken all Borts ot j,Wba"'" thJ~ nonMDs .. ' t ou've pain ed. ' D}edJclirell with ' only "occllllional, tem· i berer ,.,." .' ,~ :"'; .. " '" .• ' ,pO",:17 r911 ~f. .,.. , ' 'I' "''rh~:' s!).fd, the , ooJl!lSe :~adut~, ""nifB, " ,11:11 .about nlve months, ago, l ~ Hie Llllbl ro" ~',haaaI8 'wttl1 Jind ir began tHe' Grape-Nuts fot' break,/ .. " R.Q)9' "do ,'bU' 'exi,Miet tlie bag~g. (ast 'Y!th. crClnm . and a 'little sugar. to .up deretUl,d ,that?" I ' . , SInce tben .1 ~a:ve bad the foOd for at I ~'~e welli' t. !!tnel; theretor.e; bl!. 'WOn't le~t 'one meat a " da)'. : uI\1a11y tor, I_,t mad and JlfllD.llb thli. box." .':: .br e!lkfa'St. , : .,. ' .' J', '. ." " ,!''Yordl fall to expre•• .t1!e beneBt , I . ~ " In It. U.ual ilfor,m·; . " recelved from the Use of .Grape·Nuts. "Or eat SCott! ' Wbat ! ~I' ' JOllt "" Itomach .ls .al'most .entIrely fro!, . atenolJrapber's IIpenl!1¥.f" I ' '~ • ~m paIn alliS my'. lIv..e~~ comp1'l-lnt, is "'AJLS ItT 1ifotl1iq. ' IJl '!.ft. no, «jured, II have gained !lesh. II eel' mat. COIl~Jt1cm,:' Sho'. ,..: little . In, .~ c~~ . -.t ' neArly' an, kln~ of 'food t.-nee ot, the other. apetllug refo mer.; exCO))t l1{euy, IItarchy, th1'Ap ,nd am Itlilt'. all," ,., .• '; atroDS ~4 h~tW tlI..8 · . . . ··oh70
"I am n ot fceli ll1 ~ ve ry well." "t a m so nll r~O ll S it Seems a" t hou gh 1 6holll d fl y." "My h ack o.cbcsas t houllh it would breulc. " Hmv of len d o IOU h e rir th ese slgnl· 'fi cn nt eltp resslo Cis from w om 0 n f ric"dll. 1Il0re th ~11l 1iI,,: ly y ou speak the same w ords yo urself, a nti t hero is II. cause. . More t han th irt,y yeare a go Lydi a E P inkham of Ly nn . Mass. d iscovered t he source of n ear ly all t h e bU ll' ' ri ng end ured by her Bell , "Womao 's Ills." tbese two words are f ull of mort! misery to w ome n th an a ny other t wo words th at CIJ.n bc fOlllld In t he E nglish la nguago . Sudden fainting , depreSSion o f spirits. reluc tan ce t o go !lDywhere, b a<:kuehes, headaches, nervousness, eS8n Cs.~ . b e!l.l'l ng · dow n 6ensa.t io ns , displacetncn ts and ir rc<Y ularities are t be ba ne of womau's existence. TIle sa mo woma n wbo discovered the en usc of all. t b is m isc ry also discovered & r em'ldy. Lydia e, pinkham's \'ege1.ablj~ Compound m uile from n a ti ve roots and h erbs h olds the recol'd for a g reate r nu n1bcr of abeolu t.t> .!urcs o f fe male ills t ha n any Other oae re medy t h e world has e ve r knowll nnd It is t h c greatest. blellSlng w b !ch ever crune In to t be lives of 8ufIuring women. . Doo't try to endll rc. b ut cure th e caU88 of \' 011 1" Bu ffering . [.yula Eo Pi.n kb.a m's Veg e tnhlo Compound at once re movcs s ucb t roubles. T he follow ing letters prove this ;
' ~~I
Invention, The poin t of a -;;;;;dl e Is a very 1m· ~~ . ' llortanl part of tbat uHeruJ Iltlle In· F II EI! IItrument and thc re are ma n), pOin ts Our m~ rn mol,h 148·pnIlC Srrd ~nd T!,o\ , , nwlog 18 Inlilled fl'ell to all ,'" te n d~ng about needles calcul Med to Interest buyers or " 'fHl 6c in sta mps anti rece ive the r;e neral public, T be dnlly con· free pn'm!,l of new 1'wo ]'oot Long Oats lIumplion of n eedles all over tb e wor ld unci ot hcr ",'rclil. lind hiS calalol! free . Is someth ing li ke 3 000000 wb lle ' .rohn. "", lSnlzcr Seed Co .• Box W, La . . , CroS5C every year lhe women of the U nIted ' States ,brea k. lose and use some S()O.· The Motor Volee, O()(),OOO of those tin y tOOls , Few paoThe t ennla el bow, tbe bloyole toot, pIe wblle threading a needle tb e clergyDlIUl's so re tb'r.:lat and a ll eVer ,.Iven II thou!;bt to the vru10us m a nner ot disabilities th at como from ,JIrot:ellse,a t hroua:h the wire mod e rn conveniences a m familiar to mUlt IlBSa befQro It come s out 6 us, The motor'oDln lbus voice was dIs. Di!edlfl. Ye t !.bo manu racture ot covered by a young womau wbv was Ileed,es luclude. Bome . 21 d llforeut r idIng ou tsi de a motor-omn ibus, and pt:OCeslies from cut lin,.; the wIre and try in g (as 18 ber bablt ) to talk . And threadIn g t,he doubl e needles by tb e tb e borrl ble trut b ' Buudenly nasbed on eyel to 8e pnraUn~ the tW&;I needles on he r mInd . and from be r lips. . , . the one length of wire, 1\oadlng. har d· "l C~-can't keep-plp-plp m1 yolco auto enlnr; In oil, cleaning out tbe sides of . tut,tUL"-Tbe Reader • the e),e, ' polqt'settlng, and final pol· , _ _ __ pIe paper III, $33.00 Personally Conducted Excu,.. l ahlna. Fol' "rllppl ng used, .Inee It prevents s li ng. Tbere slona, are mllDY IIOrts of n eedl es, for lIur· Colonlsls' one-way tick ets Ch icago «eons', cooks', ~I ovem ako rs·. weave rs', I t o tllIl PacIfic coast. via lbo ChIcago, aal1m~era', .l!rq ommakers·. ml11ln ers' nloll PaclOc nn d Nor thwestern line, ,and dJ:C6sma kers' use. The needle III nrc on au Ie daily durIn g March a nd the evolved produot ot cen turies ot, A prll at the rale at $33.00. Cofre, In Its primitive form It spondl ngly low rates from a ll pOi nts . waa made of bone. Ivory. 01' wooel. Dou ble b rl ll In tour ist sleeping car POint by point ItB man ufacl~ re hal only $7,00, t h rough wllbout cha nge to Improved, until lhls IIttl ~ but not Inan Fra ncisco, Los An geles an d P ort. s lgnlflcant Ins trnment Is now one of land. 1'\0 ext ra charge on our person · tbe hlghly·flnlsb d p roducts of men· all y conducted t ours. Write for Itln. t1eth ceut ury macblnery and ek\ll.erary an d full ' parti cul ars lo B. A110D'. 'Herald. ' Hutchinson. Manager T ourI st Department. 212 Olark Street. Cblcago, Ill. efung to Old Fa.hlon.. AquetU8 Squire. for 65 ),oare a Col. SIIQ W. Burt, who)'fQ,. melD ber, of ~be · Cullers ' oomllany, ·Lon. cently elected preside nt ot the CIvil Ilo n" .whole death.. In his nlnnty·tbJrd Servi ce Reform assoclallDn was y~; Ia ~Ilollnced always burnt can· . 'n aval omeer under the drat G~t ad.
' I·
h a rvests s oven or elgbt cuttings In the mu. o.lllnlol!' Ollbo J::u" acblao Tubo, Wb e. Ibl• . lube 1. t na alu e!l , au ban .. r urobl1.D, IODad ur t m11 rat . year. partec t bearJnk. an(1 _be n IL II e nUrel, ~lulc d . Dear. Sugar cane, as is generally kn own, r:~:~·o~bc.°:D~Ull~I:~~bUD:'::~~~CDdl~ ~~~::::I~~~:I~ I Is grown hy llla nting the stalks t b em· 1100. b. arlo, w ill be Joal roy~' . r, 0 1•• ea ... t 01 , • • are aou.ed 0, C;ou rr h. wb lob I. netbJDI I e I yeS In f urrOW8, b l!'f thl 8 d oce no t I OU bilL tw In lb LP o d c.fJ Dd l ll u ll vI tbe 1)1 UClo tJ . lurt.cCI . b nvo to be dono every yonr. In tbe D'::~u:~!I I~!~I~~t~,JIi'.n.'!~g ~~I!~r::;~ .?loe~u~:: Rio Grande Valley ot Texas a IIln gle bI Uall·. rrb Cu re , 6'.~ ' or clrcul a... tr••, planting wlll last for eight or t e n 1'..1, cUlna.:y & co,. Tolo40. o. Ye reo Anotl\er point: , Rio Grande ~~I~obfi!I~~¥i~I';'~ill for conn lpatloll. cane contains about t hirty per cenL P.etell Highly Honored, more sugar tban lhat of other locall· Mlle. And re Corthl8, w bose poem. III Ues. It was thIs f act th at won the gold me dnl a t tbe St. LouJ s Exposl· tb e yolume ent Itled "(Jemmes et lion for cane from the Closner plan· Mol res " bave won hl,;b prai se. has tatlon, n ear Hidalgo , Texa s, which Is been cbosen poe t lau re a le ot France ror the )'car pas t. Th e honor Is one Afty miles above BrownsvlUe. .A comprehensIve book of elgbty con ferre d a nnua lly by • vole of eml, pages. profllsely Illus trate d and fully nen t li tera ry people on the most di s, desc riptive of the Tcxas Gulf Const tln gulsbed po c~ ' of tbe year.' Mlle. ' may be ob tained by a ddressing J olin Cor tlJls Is s ti ll a yo u n~ 'Woman.. Se blllltia n, P assenter Trame ' ~l ana ge r , Oata-Hu ds 2 Foot Lon". Room 1, La Sa.1 le Elt. Sla., Cblcago, or The J uhn A. Snlur 'ced Co" Ln 'rosse, ~~om 1. Frisco Bldg" St. LouIs. W is" ol'e bri n ~i ll g out a new onlo th is r ~ar willa heutls 2 foot long! T hat's ",' .oM.. POINTS ABOUT NEEDLES, won<ler, Th eia' ro tulog tella! ·pet:o.- t he grcntcHt cereal ha1 food Th. Evolvod Product of ContI/ric. " America ever row ! Catalog lelhll
~e ner alB
on County, Texns. Here the farm er D~~:::.ft:: ·:.::dQlb"; !~brn~~~~~~i~~~~;,~~U~tl1~t'e
There a re 25 brigadI er the UnIted Slales army.
How Many Perfectly Well Women Do You Know?
~n'nlal. Spoute\! From the "Volcaner" In Droves Aftar Uncle 81m Ha'd
O(IDS tiothe rO'd th e tar mdrs 11 vlllg a t tile foo t or J ookey OUI' mo un taIn 180 lbltl ta ll t b a ~ tho resldoDLa fi nally se nt a eom m1 ltee ov r to Chittenden ,t o be ' 110le SImeon PI t t to 8110nii a w e; k loarlng them ou t, saya Ule I ~ ol'th am. Vt.. corr Bl1 onden ~ of the Ne.IV Yor k W'orld. 'riley fig ure d that U.n Ie Siln could get 'oin If any e nD 'e ouid, fo r' he bas tJI O reputa tion ,of bO'lng a gorl oJ ruoqern DavId Orockett. tr this rnlled. tbcy said Ih,ey wo uld be' r eMy to throw ' up th eIr bunds. While It seeDled aB though 111) tbe Cflons In t be country had cong1'ega ted o n J ockoy Ca\! just Lo make the li ves o f the tarm l'S mis erable . w ey rea ll y b ellevetl t here were onl y a fe w. lor evory time II. dog was "8Ieked " on to .on of the manmd ers h e lantletl a t t be ellet of a mammo tb ,bello w IOli. the ()lh r nd of wllleh atllck rlUlt to the ba so of a hl gb 011 It.. 'rheY l)ad prodded Ithl s bollow 109, forced amoke Into It, eet tra ps li t 11,8 .mou th and ulle d eve rl ,otber mellDs to get at tho coons. but ·tt W&8 no UB • and 80 lhe folk decided &0 Qolld for u cle Sim. . Tb fatno us cdon' hun ter Is gelUnl .Ipng In years, but he rOll ponded vlgo .... o Ulily to t h e call of IIII Btress, .a nd the o ther dny h e sbow&4 up wllh bls \ru s ty I'Ifla. Tbe circums tance of the 'bnllow log was xplalned to him be· f ore he ha d been In the vlllage ten 'm inutes, and, beln« the <1xe m pllflca, (tIon or IJrom ptnesl, tbe hunte r hUlt.teuet1 thit her, " " Yo fillY very blessed ,cOOll'S biked lrigb t In to tb ls 'e~ holler hole an' jgot aWay?"· be asked a(ter he . bad Im atl lI'n InQpaclJon.' "Thn,t·s Jest It, \Inele," roplled H osea park, answ rIng for th e cpmmltlee. "Everyone hus gone rlgb t In t h ere." U ncle SIIll cll mbcll to ' tIle top ,of "the aurr, smiled , Wit h satlafacUon and {tbun asked for 20 me n 'With guns. F orty·two r esllOnde d and these llncle lPln cd ab out a hole 3() rods bacll trom the cll ff 's face. " , ow, chop that 'ere 10« I1gbt orr 1~:Js t to the rock," h comm ahded, ~ ;'a.Il~ you 11 ftnd ' lha t tb e holo conUn· Iu 1\ rl ,;ht In to a cave," The sur prised farmer.s did as J'9' .!qU st cJ a nd were lUltonlsb ed lO dis· cove r a pnssa gewa;y leading Into the ~lII\luntal n, ThAt (txplni nod t he m y &j tery, but It didn't capture tbe coona. They 'Were wonderlnc bow Uncle 81m !W BS going t o accom~ll lIb ~~. foat 11'Ilen b e ordereil 0. big bon6re of wet ,1.wlga b uilt at the IDOlllh ot We pu, age • . ,: i·_ ~.. . f "There'll pr oUA\1 y • m.en· ot 'em n • the tllll'," b e lIald, "an' we'll 'ust j8moke 'e m rtght up through th ho) e Uu the top un they come ouf of t be iehlmn ' 'y 1IIIe s t una out of a voleane r . i , Two DIlnute a alte r " tbG Ilte was tcta rted sound, of IInarllug and claw, ltng came .from wlthln and ImmedltU.ely •coons Just ' ISpQutiid out of ·the " v01· . leaner!'. At. tbe . lINt IIlg)l8 of eruption the PIIs began to pop fJld tho fu s illade ~tiDUGtl It aOun.d ed u tIaougb • grea~ battle wu IJeIIl8 ~ !!ou gl1 1'he all' wall [ull of ballets, •'llclWllGt, fur eel excl!IJllaUons . . lid whell the volcllno' )lad exha Ulited .itself , 'cool'l8 were plied U.r-"e ' teet - dee p all around 'tbe ~ouOl of lIle <lr"ter. ~ow m any were , 1I111811 1\0' one kDow~, but '. ;1.hero wIll be enough sklul!. o,ccordini 1D 'r:e.POt1», to -pet the church.
f ilII .. ~ rnlld~
8. 8. Agency Work and Type-writing ..:,~:~::J ~;·:'~~4~1,q:r:r\~ .~~~~~I(~ ::, at\~~e\I:" Ii1 ~~,~~~ ~~i C.~' :D:.e~ ~~e, fl~~t.IO D. for . ~"lHUl t ,our
"'T;. .
'''rite r t) r t,...IJl uet,..t4ki .....,t A.10 ll ne . ~ r U\ ~. nil!" MORn IOBOOL 0. U U " " URI' o o ~r .ur1' 10 Vah'" Iu~ .1•••• otutlIlU(A.TI. OBI O.
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,%1ts Ga"zsees.
Bulletin from State
Al\oftbislot!s oould have beon LOCAL
~\i~,£~;~t-~-~~-I:-:Y-v ;~':~':::':.::::, th~~,O:a:~:I~:::::: ~';~~,:'E::1: i~r:::~ u~~' :'::::~p~,,7.:::~~: en~~lE!aDla
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Waynesville, ,one of the speakers missioners tbnt \v\ll test dlliry ,dwelt on the 8l!slstt\nce offered the berds a.t the ex'pan8e clf the stllte, • 1.00 A y ellr ' . • • • . . Il1l\l1v .. nee t . thus enl\uling the own,sr to detect 'I.~~ " ye .. r· I[ DOl p. III 111 u.dvan~ 1 farmer by tl,Je State of Ohio. - - - - - - - - - - - -- -,' 1'b1\ following bulletin tBsned by :!:r~i~:;:t~ ~:8:~:i~it~~~ s~:~:: • IFF1CE IN ALLEN BUILDING , the State Boord of Agrioulture Ilnd the bel\lthy portion of the herel, "'r "ElP'flO~E ~JlLL' ]'iO. 6i' giving the experieoce of one dairy. man illustrates f.he value of this nnd wltb stRt ltlWS t;hll t provide '1'. J . UlUJWR .
A880CIAT" En'Tu".
an extensive villit with' her urother at W bi t (J a ' ' W · t T ri t F a8 og on . " . 1ft er ou a ares MI A . Ed d h itb h to m:t~e::n:rll, W~~e~;;llt ;dWlU'd..:~ C.~lifornia· I bas been speuding tbe wmter With Mexico her sisters in New stie snd Fair-
.' I:,..
. '
~,rn~~~:nl~ :~~::l~:~o~~/~~!h:ol~:: :e:u:~~~:~!~~I~:::~t
Iwork very forolbly, Ilnd
PI· . .
we believe II few duys at FloCroi,doilraadnodaSnoduth of mu h interest to farmers Tid of Live Stock .Commissiloners who,t he U1any I r en l< of A. L. Sides Road Improvement. and dairymen : i oome him nnd S outhwest t'xcu e hilS t.he intolligel)tdairy.mnn \V II I b e plensed to we Some time aio the Board of Live for per-mittlng disease to cut. ioto his family buok to thl" community Now that Wayne township ball I::Itock Oommissioners . recei ved " . more M r . S'd his profits lind t.o conta.minnt.e nnd bnoe I es mov ed from t allen a forward step and poroha8ed requefit from a dairyman to test make dllngerous the milk supply of here to S~ring IIlIey about . two Ho.meseel(ers' Ellcursions . a stone orn.her, It Is being general. two or three oows of his herd com· towos and oiUes? yellrs ago. Ae hns moved baok W N h Iy recognized tbllt to oomplete posed of twenty three animals Be _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ . est ort west the good work on Qur reads, It wlJl stat"" that theBe animals cou' ahed - - - now to mke ohnrg of his fatbors \ " , farm 011 the Dayton pike . SO'U ' th Southwest be neoeaaary to aecure a road rol I er. and "" were not dOing well. Found at Lut. II , . We undentand t.h e County oon. An omoer of the Board visited this J. A . Harmon. of l.lzElmore, Weet Tbe Ladies Guild ' of St. Mary's For d (ltall~, oon \lit 11 VII., says: "At lut 1 have found Ohurcb wi11 Jlleet wit,h Mrs. L. A. \' . sld erInl t h e purohaslng 0 f a ro or farm, made an \n8pootlon of tbe the' perfeot pil\ that never dlaap. Ponnsyl vII-nlll Llil s 'Clcket Agent '" .{\, . for .the use of the enti~e oounty. 1'he herd aud learned the following bis- pointe me ; and for the 'bl>nefit .of Zimmerman 1'bur '<lay afternoon. . H, E. BOOTH at Waynesville; O. roller , would be loaDed to ~e tory : . others ' lIlIlioted with torpid liver During the Lenten season the Guild Tsrtous townahlps as they need 1'- ' The owner \'fIlS an old man and aud ohronlo oonsii'patlo:n. will SIIY: Is sewing for tbe Cplldren's Bostm31 ~fm another propoeltion ill to diy- had kept oows on his farm for about ::!':ra~~~e:in~~~ill~aeO~or~ife2:;)11\~'~ pi~l, n. moat. wor~hy institution nt Illed the oounty Into three ~illtricta forty years, never adding new nni. Fred C. Sohwartz Drogglat. Mf. Auburn Uincinnntl, andwhioh L.;;._ _~_ _ _ _";"_ _ _ _J snd have a roller. for each 0I8triot, mala to hla herd except its own .. _ • is 8upported by t ho EplsOOlllll . , , Ch uroh . ESTABLISHED If lltone la oraBhed and elmply progeny and oo08l1lonallyanewbuIJ. Insure Against Accithrown on. pike people will drive DUring all those years, until Marob, Joseph Bisey. a well known resi· around la 'oni as t,hey can; bu 1902, he hod had no serious illness dents and III Health dent, of Eost ·· Wayne township baa when t.he bro ken stone II rolled b'T ,among hlB cows. Oocaaionally The Aema Life Insurlmce Co. will been confineti to hi!:! borue ·the past a roller andcoTered with· out stone deaths occurred, but they were al- Issue you a polioy by wbloh you will week by nn extrE'mely Ilggrnvated dOlt, and the road built to let the ways from evident oaulell, lIuoh as reoelve a stated sum liler week in OlI!!e of grip. 6__ • raI Doom ff fr th e oen"",r, 6- 110 milk fever. bloat, accidents, etc. case of aCCident or si<:kness. w...... Mrs . .J, H. eoleman ho been ., _ _ ' _. '"""" 1"'ed partioulars see Fred B. Sherwood spending severn I days reoently with Ih 9 ONLYAg.ricultural NEWSp~p eri II""" P ..e .. "ecur . In Maroh, 11102, he bonght two Thll il Uae method Ulled about oows at a sale. On~ of these ani- Local Agllut. ber Bister. Mrs. Lester OruDe a t Ur '. .oUID .lDIfJTrllO~Y 'J'Il1I Cenhnille, of whloh ,he Gazeth ~18 was rather poor, but her conRli eumatio Pains Relieved . . baDlI, U8sistlnglin moving from that Leading Airlcnltnral Jonrnalof tile Worll haa frequently spoken anel whlola dltion waa attributed to poor.leed B. F. Crooker, Esq., now S' yenra olty to Springfield. Mr. Crone who ~. • .. .. ·E'rcry. dcpartmco~ written by .pec\IIIlata, Lbo ,baa ,hen and II givlnl IIplendld anel Olrf!. The other animal eeemed of age, Rnd fOr twenty years JOB· bas been en.lproye(l lit [Jrbullll for "lllht..tAULllo,IU,hln tooJrffitj,e..otl.eUn... . atiarlotlon, to be In good health. tice o( Peace at Martinsburg. 10'11'11, more tbon IL 'year iM . now ngagtld No otl~rpaper _ d o to ~'OmJlU'8..nth It YQU ~~ AUer about three months oow No. saye : "18m terribly aflltoted with \v'itll II prnml nen. t St)ringfleld pll.b . 10 qualJOootiolll of edltorlelotaJr. ~ mon 0t 1_ , 8oiatio rheumatism In mly left UtlU I GlVL'9 tbo> ngrt !l\tUrul NEWS wUha degree u..blewitla 1 died: The ' exact caule of her and r!lr ht hlp I have used three Hslling bouso. Durin g rile moving otcol1lpletlllteealloh" nnl,1 mptodbyou..,n,. yoar Ito... The Ohio Magazine. death was not ucertllned. About bottles of Chamberlain'!! Puin Balm perIod M, s ter Enl.hnn , ' rune 19 vis· I NDIIU.tENtJ,llIlJE ....0 · • aell, Jour The Gazette hili received a num. six monthl later cow' No. 2 died; and It did me lots of good For sule iting lit Wllynesville with his grand· ALL COU TRY RESIDENTS be_II aDa 6 rtal ed by J E Janney . h M L ' ~v I ' " , 01 copt- of "The Ohio 1Iap.. oause no. aaoe n. ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ mot er rs. oUl ~a , no ley lind e,e",bodJ'. his unde J . B. Colemnll, ,j ITO TUB "'11II"Ba. ~ zlDe," publlahed I' Cohlmbai. The Durin, thl~ time several new malulne; aa It. name indica., II a oows were added to the dairy by 1LOUDS EIOHT MILES HIOH . til."I.IIa~rlptloti, t u o, delIcati u.s 1DAIrazine for Oblo people, and after purcha8e, the owner desiring l.? .\Iany PecullartUiiII Att4mdtng alld Two ......puo... t!.~1 ... n,-41 .. -e~refullw e.-minln .. the copi.. build up a larger dairy herd. . hiller." ..... ordeNcl or• -J it .. Preceding T hun deratol'Dlll K&7, ' -DB "-nA -e not h".16 _6- 6- - - : . About BIll: mon~ha after the .PECI"L nr»voalll.NTS,1o 8AII.16 .... ... .. .,.. - - ..... """"... B. Noted by OhlU'RUt. E Dit 0" L_ABGBa OLva.. Gatofo , mend " to any ot&lzeUi of Ohio or of oow No. 2 a cow beloDging to the the, IN 1M orl'"'nal herd' oeued to do well be A areat eQlllulQus thunderhead elollll, FoUl' lIrontA.... TrIaI '.I'rlp 1$0 (IIln". . wont ~ 10 fact to an,. peraon anywhere. e' , - 'to'WerIDS up on tbe b!>rlzon IIke a hlICe .....,--ba ,the,world to yoa. '.. If -u ' too'" .' h d died ,• It .. a&iiotly high 01118 and com· P.P t 0 ~ul an • . tlambo)'ant Iceberg. Is otteo hIgher than ' SPECIMEN COPIES " rlcht kind of care of them, you woul4a\ bin.. tnatruotion and entertainment Within the n8ltt two year8, at Ir- the hlghe"t Alpa would he If lhe)' were ...111 bp mailed t"", OIl req1ICIL I h lll .,..7l1li1" IIlfr.,. bilt 1.0U dOD't. .... 1 . I>.Xly ' 11I1<'~I Il&ll7_y IAC l>t1lIU11Ife "' . Theonlyw\lyyoacaDCOI'NCt~."'" In t ena1s, fi ve addi a1 In a pleaalnl ~a'T. · re~,ar , ••ona plied on top ot the Him alayas. .It i.s · ..,u~ C()rti,em. Addmlatbe publlaliera: 1»1. you do ha" aDd prenot tbelie"'" No matter how many magazin81 anImals began to faU; they ran DOt uDu.sual for these cloud a 10 lIIauure LUTHIR TUOKER a. 'ON. ·' &om phiDI' out of 0, rdllr II to 11M _ . d In d i d died Ove, eili. and' eveD elgbt miles trom • t. family '-kes, the Ohio Magazine own con it on a n . their Cat. dark base, boverlng a mile or _ .L.baDY. CaId~en shonld be added. : The o,~er stated thaS all of these two above the world. to tbelr rounded , YY" .. 'DlroUlh an arraD,em,en' with anlma18 showed the _me aymptoma IlisteDlns summit, splendldl In the aunOrder yo ur magazinel and newl (z.-....) , the publlahera the GI.U11 can offer 4Ild that he believed ~hey all died \Icht. And tn tbese elgbt. 1\11I8S lhe I)apers throuKh .the GB.zotte oruoe . f th dI Wh 'he I t chanCel! or tempor:.ture are I\!! creal af We wllJ save you money, .,. The Ohio Jlapzlne and OUl' own 8 e eame 181188. en Il8 :hoae over man), thousand 1011109 of the Enrybody1uao"'tbtPBPSIN"~ , paper for tl.50. animal died a veterinary WIl8 called eartb'l surface. Tbese cloluds contain --.1w,1i8ltomaeh, bDHn comblaatloD.tIl Tbe . replar price of The Ohio and ~uelted &0 ma~e a poll' mor- strata of temperature. Darrow belts ,:~f,..,iffirr.''''' _ ,....r-,-:::---1!.ved Rer Son's Life llant dl'llll by 'DR. CAId). u_..... · _._ ... II .~too a "'ear, and the tem examlnlttion. He prc)no,un'OOa freezIng cold alternating wUh la~p d18The h8ppjes~ mother In the lltSle . LL' " fO~ul&, Ita ...biral " ftlJIe _ _ ....... v J . taJleea of rain, mlat and I!rozen anow . ~ow n o.f AVB,llf?,la Mra. SRuPP.8e IIDblrhllIDc:ieuea., . . Oar.ette tLOO. Begulu' price fOl' the dleeaae tuoerouloaia, Three and Ice parUclel, Hailstones. whlcb are The peBOnal recottuucndnhona ot ~ She writ.ea: "ODe year·ago, my IIOD ...tb~·~~~Ifa ~~~p~ both, a aning of ,half a dollar. ~er- animal.s of the herd were It~ that (ormed (rom a 8110W particle lb/it fall s pIe who have been cured of CGl'gha Allel was down witb /luoh lIe"rloua IODg ' rectll}l' ud 1:1I2r aU fonu CIt. . . . . .oDiiaiready luliiOribera oc,lie"G'-: time In an unthrtfty oondltlon (rom the upper Itrata and 11 frOzen bard colds by Chamberlain's Cough RemCiCly ,trouble that ou~ Ph .YIIlolan WII UDl .~ . abl~tI'U 1&.7 ~. WIlIl1l_.J'Ou try It. sette can tate . advan'-p of ~thl. the veterlDllorian adviled a tuberou· In' the freezIng belt and ICoated wltl! Ioave done more than 011 else to IInb It II abl~. t.o ~elp blm; when" by OtlJ; DR. CALDWELL SSYJlOPPBPBm ....r at .be lpeolal t1' . 60 rate. ltn teat on these animals, added lee on tbo wot belt. are oHen feund ltaple.article of trade au<). cOrnJllerCIi _ urugglst I! ad I began .. 8i .,IDS call be ob~DII4,lID bOtli dOllafud 1aaIfO OJJv • IVl tb a series of 13yor6 In thei r torma.. . . him Dr. Klng'l\ ew DIlloove", and dollar - - at all ctruft\ltl ut ,..r . In this conDection we desire te The State Board of Live Stock tlon. shOwlllg tbat uie, h:ave passed a large par'l of the clvlll:teq.wor'" I,9con notloed Improvement I'k~t 1D0liey wUl be nfuudlif Uoil, _ .. oaU."ention of the publlo to the CommlBllonerll waa appealed to to lbrougb lbt!! succession of c:loud stral\1 this treatmen t. np lor a "few weeki ~:ofItyoa. . , •.' " faot ~a' almost any PlagaziDe or make the teat. , more than one8 on tbolr ",ny. f10~ thl Tetter, ul ~ Rb nm aud EozeDl!l. wheu ' bl\, wall perfectly well. Be ';'al~~ca"" ~;,m~ new.........r can be ordered throu,h Alter learning thil! hutory the IIpper alr to the earth., . ' a ' 'J'bese are dislIRses for whioh hJl8 worked sfead.lly !llnoo at oar- BOOIt OP wo~" ~ ~ ... -..-yv died t h hi . Ohl\ll1berluin's I;lIlv~ .Id espeoially penter- work Or. iDnl,'S New Dis· =~"L~a;:";-po ,,~,-1IiIa " ... ~ the Glzette a' special pri068. We owner was a v I 0 ,ave s en· ~OW WEAR RINGS A"r NIOHT valuo bl8 It qnlokly al1llYIi tlleitch . . covery saved blalife," Guaranteed . .,.. - ' . . .e ordera for aDY periodical you &ire herd telted, to whioh.he agreed. Ing and IImArting R.nd soon effeots a best 'oough anll oold oore by 11'e4 C. • ' \ P~P.lIN IY.UP -GO. '; may want. Not only can we get ,'l'he rellult 01 the teat may be tc,ld 'raEe tor Wenrln<; Them a~1 AU·1'1m1l!l onre Prl c9 25 cents For sale by Boh~art?l ,Draggist 600 ana " 1.00 ' 'J .,"~"'III"'" them for you at. I88Ito08' 'han you in a few words. Of the twentylha,.MDDIGplacedbyNoc:tut. ' . J E Janney Trial bottle free. For ~~e. bJ' qould. ,b ut you ha.,e no bo'her-nor three anlmal.s then oomprislng. the " 'I!al B%htbttl~.. . ',' up6ll18 sending them. herd, twenty· two reaoted to the tellt ''Womlu are not weamS' rlap. as We shIll be gJad to anawer In . and pronounced tuber01aiar. Upon :ho7 did ~cveral yearll ago," laid II weU, qulrtea ..,s &0 prloea on wha', 'T0u being qUestlODed the owner stated kDown Cblcago gem expllrt, to lUI th t the t enty third animal the Inter Ocean reporter, WhQD asked d_lre at any time. . If you want a w· ' I f rings are no loDger atylfsh. ' ''The, one magazine or leveral we want to one that did not reao', bad been lU, morc rlllgs than ever botore, but the)' IMIne 'Tau. . t.dded to the herd jus' a few weeki 018 them only for f ull dreg. ' belore. "Wby, a" recently &II Dve' ,eara'l(o Wbere did the dlaealle originate ? . ~hB sell had a cpze tor ma,ldng. pawll. . . Ihop dIsplays on tbeir baDan. and wore February Weather. There eeems oDly one poealble oon· rlnaa mornIng, noon and nlgbt, aDl'- - - - :•.-.- olusioD; it wal! Introduoed witl;l 'he "bare and ever)lwbcre. Evo~ wom~n 10 Charlel E. Miohener repores the purohase 01 the t.wo cows iD March, :he deepest mouroluc did ,lot dt£card ' A. ' . un t'l th e their rll!gs. . weImer oOn el ItIona durIDg r eb ru- 1902. SI'"rom ~h a. t time I "But It Is not 10 now. Tb matrollla ary lUI followl: The mouth of Feb. teat w~ made, In the faU of 1905,8 !Ontellt wltb wearing her wed dlDg rIng, r.r:r hal averaged 8everal derreea Period of a little more tha11 three "en puttiDC aside ber engagmnenl ring. oolder than Januar'T, althoqh years, a 'herd that averaged le89 ntlabereingleslster.lf l be ,weuaevcn there haa been llttle eztrlmelw thau twenty·foar animala during DIl.,l.nK, UluaJl,.adoptsalllaln dull gold it leal ring adorned ~Ilh hor CCl,al"o[-anna cold wer.Uler\ The m~xlmum Wal that time suffered a 1'>8a of eight Dr lomebod, cl£e·s. 61· ' on the l3tl1 and 18th. '!1te oowa through death, three anlm,ls " RIngs are brought out with thaeta1'8. minimum WI8 S· below zero On the evidently slok; aDd mOlt of eight but tt 18 lOW coulc!ered'qulte yulgar·lt G6h OOWII through d~th· three animal. burdell the buds wltb ll\em ~ th. da)' • The • rainfall b~ been very U,b , evidently siok, and' most , of. the ~_. l1C.h""' . _iiiii..iii;__)"...... amo1UltlDg &0 .70 inohes or about other animals more or I8Iit visibly ne tenth 'of th.l t of January. affected with the disease, . 11100;
~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ wi1~ be
.TH~ GAZmE '-
2'fOC3cts !C
Dr. S
"r.o, p Pepsin
",i fi'
Association Meets March
The AIIOOIat.ioD adjourned to m ..' In lpeoI&l II8IIIon, 8I.turday, lIaroli t, when the lnOW.laotion of ofllo8n will tate p1aoe. All . memben are requea&ed &0 a"end thia meettDl· of Stomach Tronble. When a ' man· hal bonbl. with , etomaoh Jon ~'y know that he 14 _tin, mon ,haD be ' aho1l1d or of eoma article of food or drink not , nite4 to biI ... . or oooopatioa. or tIIat bill bo",.1J .... habitually GCmIUpatell. . Tab Ohamberlala·. atoaaaoh tuI4 Lb.r ~b~.t. &0 niu.... &be bo".l1 aDd ·bnproft 'h. caUIe
After the teat all of the reaotlng were delltroy~ i autopilies w.ere held on the oarcasSes proved the oorreatness of the diagnosis. ' All of tbe· condemned animals were appriuBed, avoragiDg In value thirty two 'd ollars and twenty seven cents (t32.27). We figure out without muoh trouble what It 008~ '&0 have' tU'beroul08~ ID .hle herd for a pertod of three yeRra. Aaumtnl the value of t)le anliDala ,t)lat died to be the. same:... the av enp of the ~er4. eight hmea t:hlr ty two dellaftl Ind twenty .. ven centes Ihes us two 'h undred and . . fifty etsht dQ1lan and au&eeD oentl C8268.1G), I~ addition to the 1911 of ihree aDtlilala 'n anad.uoed ltap of 'he dtaeUe, and the · ba1anoe or the herd With the -'on of a OOWI
AU free..... liD31e !~~ira:Dd~"lfthe~n~~ for ..
By. special
Cards., Cards of quality . , .
In beauty, style ~ndflnl~h. no
others compare with them. Found wherever socllety plays cards. Cold edges.
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, .0. !toIo8
3. :8. JA1DrlIY.
trottbl(l OJ' ex:pens~' ~o . ,ybU' . '
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If ypu ' can 1t ' c~J
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UlbnaJ. lnfeo&ed wUb $uller. , u __
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telephon~' ". tor
C;OUl ltv CHurt .
'U('lI rgtl Ill. YOllng t,) ,Jennlo Herne Insur ance Matte rs Rams ey Decla red lot, In "'~h"noo. "Not GUI·lty." Settle d Up. NIIIWI!UI T8. Mu.I·Y E. Woqd to VVnlt\lT " od -• KI ' lIIllHr .~I~' II", lllt,lnt lft VII Mllr.v Ill. Flt.te. lot In Springb orn, John P. Rnmsey , of Bellbro ok, 'flln di ffereDt IDilurun ce poliOle ,hilt... K"(lv,'r, ~,. l:I J{" llf" ' " UTlel '775. Drllli I I.. KIlIl,"n d wife of M11,1 )· were involve d in the reoent fire in wn dcoillre(l not guilty of man. Bo"'ard . Alltlf'r~(III; Intll \· I(hl",JJ~· /I,fl r1 sluugllt er bY .tt jury Ilt Xenia Thurs. aM oon~I.itllli 1111 tit .. I:sI ~H'1 IIf CtIl1'lltv s on ,' unt.v, to Pi erce MUl'koy, of tho Philips Block. severul of tho dllY nftorn oon, whicb hlld lis t ened los rs by Miohiga the fire n, being insured in 20 2 3 aor eR in Harlttl! . CII,DI1lII\Klun J't' 01 Wllrl'''U t:o l1nty, t o tlte evlclenc e in tho ca se tllmost two townloh or more ip. $5000. oompan ies. , dflftlndl intH Pln\l1tll f "1Ip-glis "hat A 11 of t·he policies were In the t,\\'o w eoks . Wlllltlm H. Klrkmn n, of Ft. An. ·b .. fOlln,l I hHt IL rewlinl nt *500 WIl!! Ronrlor o f tLw Gaze t~o \lft'~rlld for Ill.. O/l p~Urt\ Of Henry 01 nt, to Emll'ler ree J. Monce, of barulR of Leroy IroTls 100,1 Rgent mOlO or Jess fnlU ilinr with this lise. Whil'~ "uFt t " c,hlilll1 the 911rua h I' O8>Ir i\lorrl)w. 'llndlvl d dono fOIll·tll and settiem ent.s were oon c luded the Ramsey und Miohne l Settl 1', buth PlIst wee k . eft'OOI .1 t Iii' vllllturp . pillolug Ibe or 'DO ocr e *25. r esid ents of Bel1blrook h ou till Illt r· , ttlemen M,~rt.hll ts were . Blllley to ~Ilrry Youn" Olade by the prh.., " tin Ihr Ol1"t... ely ,If t·ll\' ISbllr. CIlUOO ove l tL riUin g mllt ter ·11f. BA C flll\l\nrl ~ 1500 and the in 8 aoro!! ill 'I'urUco reek townsh ip II . InsnrRn ce ccmpRn ies 'w ith the 1'01 Rnm oy h ot ettler . Herber t W . Smith lind wife til l owin{l pllr tle~ : Cross Brus., Roy ~bc\t'au 0 "t "i x Jlllr Ol'n t rrom Thlij h "ppen od tdmo t n yea r lln d I:ln J tlliwmy oh" 'll . BIlker, lot In A vnloll .•Tnmes I:itOO]lB, Masoni o Decemb er7,11106 ,1 .,UIlS and JIlIDC8. llo hulf ngo, but t he tr ini WU B d . [;odf,le and A . Maffit~. lind WilItt!'c! Wrlltht , uttorn,e vs ror Beight. !. 1200, III YOO fr ot;1l time to time to r o n e Barry Brown to B ortlco M. Clllrk pltainm l' cnll ~ Ilbu un tb el' . nndl vided oue fifth of one nOTt! u.nd OC)l1IlT ·I'HOOIIIIIID1IW8. In t be trlnl ev i.cle nc.e WII S i.utro· flvt! poles, ,(l0. :) i~. 'HAT IIAW A Y, ducell t o 8hu IV tbu t ~e t t l e r bud MIITY A. BowlLrd VB i'rllnkl tn .P . Onthu.r ine Desoh to Louise Folk I ' ~ .\ 'J esvi lle'a Leudln g Dontist throw ll sfonos nt R au.l ey whoso lit Cnnhlnj rhll.m; CIlIIA dll!mi sed ' with. Parclee. 41 nores In FrlLnkli ~ I·own · Office iu Keys Bldl-l: Muln St . torn .y s cl!l i m ed t1l11 t h e not ed in ont'reoord . ship. f2600. S If d ufon se in s b oo tin ~ , ettler . Tile (Jayton . S~vl~~8 and Trnll', Adeline Tlin,Eiy, John 0 Stroop , Do n ot Uro "' d th ~/lt! o n . Com'pany VI Wlilter . L , Weome et and WIIJIu.m Stroop to Harry E . 'rile first warm dny~ of sprin g West ward towar d al, leliv!) was granted the defilD . 'S troop, 176 flores In ()Jeurcr eok bring with I.h em /1 d es i re to ~ et on t dante to 6Ie' anll~er Ilnd or088 pe~l. townsh ip" '12,844-,35 . Ilnll enjoy the exhiJiu rtlng IIiI' nnd the SUlls et. Upon mot.lon of the plaintif f Marie Sansller, of Phoeni x, Arl· ano Ahllle (.JlIi ldrPIl t hnt. have bAlln housod up ijJl win er lire M., Q. Dr~lte W.I .ppolnte~ guard I zona, t o Annle ·E. Mulfor d WIlHe n oounty lost Bovem l good of War · Ollt nnd you wond r wher brough t e they 1\11 an act IIlem of the minor deren · ren Connty , lot In Leban on 1S1. lime from 'file b (; 11 vy wint er cloth cil lr.l1[H! thi s w oelt when Mr . Coru dant, , Jamel Roy Weems, Conrt. EmmeU e MoAdams to Louis M. ing is th r own llside aud mllny tlhod H"rJi ~ , Mr .Ernnk ~' I s h er , hi s moth. fOUD.d that. the allegatl onl! of the t:!l;leelm au 24 311 aores in Hamilt on tb \lir fltmnelfl Th n 1\ cold WII ve er Ilnu si s ter, of Deur Hnrv y s burA', oomes Bud pI'ople ~n y tll8 t Ilrl p ill s tarteu fo r Oulifcorni u , wbe r o plaintif f lire trve aDd tba,t Ira O. townSh ip they ellluelll io Uold!' tit thi H sell ~on wro o Ollt e Koebne , admlni ltra'oro f lLl,gg!e 'L lllplu te . IIIIl k :in g their future J . Warren Wood, Trustee of the eve n ' more dangero u s t·ban in mid. Weema and WIlItt,r' L Weeml , OWN UniverS ity Realty .Compa :\lr . Fi hor's brot.heT · in · ny, to winter as there il! llluoh Ulore dun h om es The 'Da)ton 'MavIDI I and Trost Emma Dailey &ker, lot In \lHv !lnu !lis t r , Mr. Ilnd Mrs. J ohn )1 r of pnellrtlODitl '1'1l ke 'humbo r. Unlve r . IRID ' S Congh R O1 P (lV , bowave l'. TIpp, of Me!lwu y, 011.10, -Com.,. n" on' 'wo no_ lind mort Ilty Height" , fo rme rly of !lnd vou will hllva n Lhin~ to fetlr this cnunty, 111 '0 j ~e. and on olaim for ID8uran oe oinod t.he party. R . M . (ial\&h er et al to J. J. Gal rt Ill'ways our es unt! \va huve n evel' Mrs . BurriS will fir t stop llt' LODg ,a3327 ., 1:he oonr& furfher or· Jahe~, 1611 aorea In FranKl in town· kn own a oold t~ result, ill pnAlllll on itared tba' nnle.. tbe colta Ind the ShIP, eout.h wost quarte r of seotion ill when it was used It Iii Jlh't1 Rllnt B ench noll Lhe othe r at RilLito, and lind safe to tuire Childrll l1 Itke it. fr ' lIl there ~hey will inye t iguttl the amoun "namsd be I*ld within ten 21, $1. For sale by J. E . . Iu.nney. resouro es of tlle (jolden Stnte, - ~ .be prf!mil8l of the defend ant R. M. G ..lIaber at al to J . J. Unl 'rhe g uoll wi hes of t'bei T Iriend s Ihonld lIe ,I"ld to 88ttle them . laber, et ai, and half Interest . in 166 w ill follow th olll to thllir new hom e.' Aomt! Food Compa ny '•• B A iLcres; sonthea at quarte r of seetion (Jayne; motlQn of defenltl in,' to rfI· \ll, Frankli n townsh ip, s. qQlte pl.lntll ! ~ li.e "ddltio nal ' J . J. Gallahe r et al to u", .h .mlb13 r ll!in 's COllgli R . m dy I~ R. Y . Gal ~",a I ~o Botil Agreen ble lind Ell ctlVO, HOQrJty for 001&8 wa. overrnl ed. · laber, 200 &orea in Tartleo W. E. ~roOH E . nl:ed ,·er. reek lihuUlb r1llin 's CougQ R emely Th. Rudolp b WarUt..r Qompan';T """nsh lp, II. hil S no superio r for oougb~, ooldll n Thom l Zell'; repl)' la flied b)' ,md ar oup, t1.lJd the fuct tha. tit i~ -----TIME CARD pleusnn t to tllke lind contuln s n uth . tbe plaintif f . (;ommiSsi6ners' ~: ~- FEC'l' 1 E AP1UL Ir" lI'o u. ing iu IIny wily illj u riou bas mllde John Doe aU.. Carl Gnthrle , VB NORTFlU O NO. Proceedings i t H flLvo Tt te wit.h n~ other8 Mr . W. "lale of Ohl~', jud.OIe nt of the Stallon • • No. J O No. O' NI" ". .. . P Ibom , U merohu nt 'of Kirks, . A. M. ttl. . P ~I . mayor . of: Fraukl ln waa revene d VIII", lOWll, u.y e : . For more tbon On' mottOD of Jamea Keever tho Lebanon J c. Ar i 11 2r, r. 2~ • u4 he wa. Kinn In ..&rno'iona to followi ng oon~raote were lW nt.y y caTs (.JhtLDlb rlllin 's (.Joul(h made: haIler r . 10 1·1 ~a . r, 18 R e medy b u. been my 100lding ,rem. (UlOha rle th'e defenll ant or II"e. Contrao t wall entered info with Ho.lyn I 11 ' J I J ,j IG 1:) edy for 0.11 throll ~Ir o ubles It IS es· him a new 'rial: Ohalle eHayw ood for .' relBylnl { Hemp. lead ij 0 peoi/tlly nccessf nl i n cu ~ e of c roop 11 I:) :, Oil Centerville Jehu Cole au.a W. F. , Mob)e, "a bridge wBI18 neBr residen ce a 0 0 11 05 U ou 'hildr n Ii ke it nnoi Illy oustom ers of MaDo r t T /j 'l " 10 r, t l :,' l &fle lilllte of Ohio i joclgm ent of the Schnel l'. 00 Ma.ipev who hU\1e u!>ed it will n ot tuke uu y \1le a.nd' DlIolllls Ly llo ';' ~ 7 to r,n 4 ~ 7 ot,hel·. ,. F ur lil a b J E JlIl1ne:v ma10r of, J'rankl in w.. reverte d tiurg road In Hamilt on townsh ip at EdKCWood ; i ~l ;rI O ~I' 4 4. ~ and the ·pl.lntU r in error was or· tbe eel.te of $15. ' Vcnabl< t7 ( 0 ; 10 H, ~{~ O ({ILehner Vaug han F.!lr~ Sold, 11 3ij ; 1043 ;.t a~ dared rutored to aU 'hlngB whioh Oo old. 7
- - ,-
--- -
" &. 1
_ 2
MAF'F 1'1
H o wto'R nmiuY ollng . 'fo oOlltiDu e young in herdth and • . • strsDgL h, 110 liS MTS. N . F . Ro VIm, MoDon ough, Gil . fl id . h ~ S~yM "'l'hree bottles or E leo trio Bi IIfa: D our ed m e of ohronio liver Rnd s horil . . noIt trouble, com pli oll ted with tlncb lin· unhea ltby oonditlo n ortho blo d that my "kin I,oru ed r eel as flu. nel. 1 am n o w prnotlcn ll y 20yeurs yonn ti' r than b efor T took Eleotrl o B it.. tet B. l outl now do fill my wlIrk with 0J1 e Had II s,i t in my h m!' bnnu' s tore, " GUI~rantoe ( 1 a.t Pro d ' . fl <:hw !ul z Drn g' I::it ore. price Ii c Teleph one In hill hon"n · w lo, ·'·... j ca.n be OI111ed IH ,,1\ h"I1I''', ,IllY ft1 ~J\~. fr TIT ''l[ night. H. AN G (Joo ch B WId ohlLi r s Rupplle d RID Q F. \' ILI_H;, QMrO Rave r ecently TUO\'OO to ro o ,0 l' li: IAI,Tn:s : 1)1 ~A 81!8 011' w 'o m t N nl'xt to Cr !'IS BroR.
.F U l{NI 'fU RE .
,1".D ;U.M.\
AN 0 oRIL~n It N .
M A IN STIlE.1!1 .
\V A Y~l!)jVILLll'
Joi n tb~ Excuttsion to T~xas Pan-Handl~ L.ands notttbw~st~ttn C¢xas ma ttc h 19, ·1907..
Go with u antI ee the best land on earth fOl'the mon ey. The land of whe at Corn , Alfalfa, Frui t and Stoc k, the land of oppo rtun ity , of grea t prom ise ' and of sure fulfiiJmcnt. Its your oppo rtun ity to secu re a barg ain. Land that you can ' cultivat e ever y foo.t of, now selli ng from $15, 00 t~ $20. 00 per acre .
Only $25 for the Round Trip Ifor furth er infor mati on see
C. 0. ·W ILL llIm SO n
Vall ey Phon e No. 4.
110 41
nu a~
Lcln nd +7 211 Leb nll l1-L\·. ~ 20
ai_he ,h a ..UnRe" w •• appQlnt· ed executrl,x of t!la wUI of ConrAd a ..lInger, deoeaaed. Cotowin Drake, ... apwlnt ed ex eonk.. of tbe will of John Cor\l~
0 11
OO " X'I'
o .. 0
Ony l () 11
OllX T U 00 u 00 ' 0 '1'IUIO :>10. A. M. P. M P . At Lell\'c No ~ o N o 4. 0 No 8I Oa YI"n , 0 U , D r, Oil Dn,' ton : 0 . X '1' l)O 2: 00 lJ OIl Lebano n .I e. H :\0 !J a u f, 4 U
~8ed ;. botld of .'1800. Alice To 001'1l1li, wife of deoede n'. agreed too &be Will. fte will of WlIllaql T. WbltaO N, 4eoeaaed; wu adailtte d too probate . Walter L( aDd J1ebeooa Wbltaol'ft ware made executo ra withou t bond, A"har BrJaat ,rae made truatee
!lb. ker
t ossin g S a:1
Ros ly n
Bc;"p.""" d
40 00 Cel;Ler
Mauor Lylle EdgC\fOO d
tla t~ 31 ; 2 37 8~I ~ H N ~11 ' ~ 40
"r, -t i
U 07
' 'til O. II 00 tlJ II
' 010 au lot
J'l por Berryb lll, of Ferry, hu put·chused . the fUfm o~ned by tbe heirs of :Benju min Vaugha n Ilnd nnd kn own al! the Vaugha n farm, oouple Of miles s u h of Oorwln l Th e pitlce oontain s U9 ncres ana sold for '~100 . IL
thousands Haye Kidney TrDubl~ and Neyer Suspect it, J!:ow
'1:0 Fin/! Out. Fill a bottle ot COIIIIII OII glass with)' U1 water and let it stanrl twenty-fo'ur hours : a sed I tue nt or se l· lIiug iud icateslllI
unhea lthy con· ~~~fA~'l' dition of the l;itt KIt huer 1:1 II ~o l() ne )'s ; if it staillH Oe,Jcl. IJ 1:1 ( 0 10 you , lineu il if. !Aland III ~ a . e"itlcuce of ki lie ), trouble; l :l . Lolian ';n Ar. h 'D II 30 a :10 frequent d(;oi\'1 LOp u n 81~lInl lo pass iL or pain ''UN!)A \ 1'ICA1NS. ill th e back. is '1' ralns PIISR Ll'llc aM folIo ,," : 2 50 also c:olI\' incin g proof thnt tile kldllty, ~o rtbbo und 7 50". III. Co ~7p. Dl anu blad, ler are out of ,o r ler. 1 00 SouLblJOu nU Whll\ To Do. 0 O~u , m . 7 oa p. m l'herc i.' comforl in.. the knowleu g .. :!I' W . H . lIfOll1tF~ . often 'e"l'rcssc rl , th ~.l Dr. K i IUl er '~ 10 no O" "era IPlls s ~ngur A ll enL. r_ c ~lInon ,. O. SWlllt1 l'. l{ovt. the ).(rc~\t · kidl\c); remed r , fulfill s e ve ry wi sh in curiuK rheumal ism paiu ill th . blick, kid ne ys, li ver, bla dllel and every p 'U'l ,:f the urinary ·passag e. It · cotrects inahi !'l,·. t b old "'(lter aud sC(l ldin g pa in j;, ' ",~ ill ~ it, ~r had effects fo110\\,1IIg u. : ' I';or, ",me or Vu"able
, a on
I will 'selL out all my stoci{ offu rnitu , re ,
Wear Ou t Dr.
:beer. and o verCOlllf:b "' pleasout \11',.. cessity of ueiug COlli ! ', ,'jell to go of I during the dsy, <lUll to get up' Ulfl :l limes during the ttight. The nllirl "1.
t he extraon.1 illary·cff ec l of SW8mp~R') .. is SocII realized. It stulllls the '"gh I'6l for its wonderf nl cnres of the most ,; i:tressil1g cti's es. .If you :need (I lIIedicill e PiUs reliey c pain'-'--11ot )·ou have the best. Solll b,y drul'!' only .one·e, blLt as many gistsshould in fifty . Clit 11\ld oll c·tlo llor Sl ze.S , YOl1l1to y ave a S!llllple bottlc' au t! a times as it is neccs. Ul'y to book that htells all take them... Many person s nbouti.t, bothsen tfrce 4!.., . '1 . . ·by 1IuuI. Addres~ Dr. Wh 0 SU£i . "'1" .l.l'Om C frome Ki1n~er,' lling. ailme nts find' in them a ' hl\l11ton, N . Co., Y. When lIomoot Swamp-Roo<. ' wTifing mention this ' j)aper (l ild don ' I .sourc e of· gl'ea l:el'H lf :f rOID make auy , but, rememb er the . the' Buffcring which they name . Dr. mistake K~IUler's SWUlljp-"ROOt., and .. b . WO uld . 0 tb , erWISC e com- tbe address, Bwgbaw toll, N. Y.
t '
. pelled to endure. .'l'hcir . soothing iJifluence .. upon .:the nerv·es . streng then rathe r than weake n them.· Foi' this reason.. they se1~om lose their· 'effective-
Telephone Oar O( 'IWight, · -local ·No.7 ' Long Distance No. 69-3r . WAYNESVRLE, OHIO 8£ancb Office. Har1feysburg, O. I
Worked 'Like a Cba,m . Mr. D . N : Wanter , editor ·of· tha~ . aploy jonrna.l , theEntE rp,rlse, Loul.. Vs., lIBya: "I ran a naUln my foo' Jut week aud at ~Oe appl1ecl auok.
le~'e followe8&l"a. ' tlon d; ~~il~~~ii~~~~~r~~=~~~~.. : bealed the woond. " Arnica
No lmpl InfiamJ:r Da. .~ea
UU1.'k ~iJ~:~~ .~ 0. tDI~=: B
'l'he Gaze tte cUll-_save you mon ey on news~a'pers and mag azin es. If you inten d subs cribi ng for any of the mag azin es or daily pape rs, com e and see us . . We will get :them for you at , cons idel· able redu ctions .
Stople a.n d Fanoy Groceri ee, Frnlts V getl\bl es and Canned Goods.
Igars ancl Tobacco,
Phone 79.
C. M. BROWN,Proprietor. .,
'E_~.~ ...... __
- --.----.- -
The Miami Gazette I t........~----~
r · L P.- I N O THt. HO I-HIe.. tlr,n r!llJtae88CB anal bad s 'alt nr J In!! -~ ........ filII ow 1'1\ be sll~d tor p~(lCtl. nnd. bav· Why It Is DOl'e ,lild h OW \ 1119 Hor!J' 1111( III "an'mly IH'C' :lltell lito YIIH p aocl ShOUld Be Prp te o ~ed Aflel'wardr.. rul" uf Ki ll!; I')glo n. Ehud ",us r·e· BROWN '" .PUbIiShers. · \ D~5Cflb~s the Principe. Ingl'edlellle <hlrp(1 to bls flu li l ' a;;,lI n. (~I\MlnCd in Pe-ru·ne. , , A'I'aln til niallC'!' of lil ll1lng Ol'SO" Thi S hac! Itl'.ch .1') dll with " .. 10 ulne W.AY~ ES"ILLEI. OH IO. .ATe we claiming too mueh for Peruna ii urull ~ lt I~I ' !• . 1119011 ~I o n lir III' . ol lll'r 1·l'llplllf.,IIS spiri ts. fol' 't h,'y r II · · ei======~~~=-10 '~l r£-nd"1" whu wUlits to 1.\1 IV H wben w.e c1Al m it ' to be .n deeti •• Divorce 3$ ,,' Means' of Gr'ce. '''111' \1 Ihat IC I~ hlld. tl1l' I11I;;hl)' n r n· u • STOlt or TSt PUIOD or Ttl.!. JuaGU . I ipl'I' Is ullY bl':) fit [0 h~ d<'l'h' d l'llIU remedy for cht onle catarrb? Bav.e..wI ThtH Cl'rOlfln pb llOI\Ill'hr'r wbt> con rR ISlAn lanll l . '.\'3.' golug l(l ~ It'hl I" 11)1' ~L ItlJ lt ~h Ie it I1':, It wen' fl.lly Cur tht-lll clipping IlIl'~';s , allo l If 6 tIL what sea .bundant proof that Peron. t. in real· WINTER QUARTERS FOR SHEEP. son the), shl)ulll lie III'P ,d, 6ttyS tit rlud s bts l' At nHl la [Anl<'rll'llll wt;)· BrtM '"H1.b.....,ud B, w ,.,... dow In '1' III,>ltn nu hilll IIud IMusl' 10 PII~ ity such II catnrh' remedy? Let UI 8H ruen WIUI Ihe b$ 'n' tltlu u Ihal tIJ,'y Il'lbuIO. Ill' cd I'll' '.:az,' ttl'. He nlt!o dctlll'CB t wbat the UJlited . ~totes Dlapen,.t.Qr; A !ioggecllon for Buildings Which Can ' ar Il llrc' r ltl II l,urOlle 'Oj WOUll'll lie... ......, .. I .\ ~ till' )"("111'8 p:lll,;Cd ('hI! o,.'!\1· ss!u n Ie I'U II'Il Cl\.wr hoI'S buy rs ollJv<:t l(, says of ,the p rinclpAl iDgredient. ,at Be Used Next Year, c:aus<.l of "llr '". 111,,1' f r('cuolll ,) [ Ill· 111' 'U<l, ... "'nr£' bllll'" ullt ll at hl"l I\(' ,It'n lt hor~l!lI CrOJll whloh tho tor LOp. \'4,lr Utl,'I'!! 1,l n . :t ~Sl'l; \\111 Ihnt will 1~~~~~[Jll1r(\ Authud ty : - 'JuUG'8S 3.: [,,'01'1.- 11(').(1111 til cry IInl el (t'!'i r Ood ha. ve honn " ·It. ~ hUB ueen ~el.lcUled. Perona.. • 'Il( ell should hal'l th· QI)I\Ortlllllly Tak~. for. instance, the ingredlent Iy nlflnllell 111 th '!lO al lium!; . whetl10r !Jophll '~.' 'n lloc It nI: IlS 1I\lml~ . Ili l'ort'l) \ t'1" help, 11I1'(>tillg III lh i' - GIII'I'S Im ll ls r~:;! t1 by ,\ III 'r ll"'::l tl . tJ,1 ' nl J In II I ':':":":"!-;-:":":":.':.o!•.:--:••:-:..:-:•.:. {..:•.:...:..:,. .:. 1110 m Ollntnj II rfl~ll\lt"SH(·'s. and 8vet uti llll to rlln ()1l1 In a lot tlr alUnlJ PQSI UrI) on it h Ul'se ' l1ullld or' sholll ll · net b e bydras~1I . tanaden sili, 01' golden .eel, 1' 1' 1')' urh; hl. days If tile s nuw I,. nol c-IlllPtld. 111111 wh " ll (1 '11 'I\dll. (allrol), The United B.tatea Dispensatory say. as lin \'11, wbl<'h It 1111110\11)1 ' Illy In .f. .!, l'I'II~'III~ In th e ·(OI'C's ts·. wh, n' :tI·rl· 100 d ('II. I·;,·,'ll I hO Uf; h tl! Qre II)' e coltl '.' n lh~ usc t.tI \ hluh he Is, to bo !Jut. of this berbal remedy, that It ia IlllJe1i Iis pC'{·ts iE. \\'lIat dO'ij Ur. Full in I "Th" Eg. Ule t wludG, Ir t b MIi t'!!I) 1I1'C k pt dry lind ~ntllr Ililmlles lila lo[)g Quln 1~ 11l employed in the treatment af deprlrTe6< III :In by I!CCouotlul~ dl l'urce a IU t' al ." ton the kin g of Moab aaai nst Is- .z, And hil t ' "I y did th (>y rc p nt ot '111 0\\'(' <1 to 1';0 un<1 COlli Cl'om a ' wind t .. coai as 11 jlrot ctl on ngulull t . colli ng~llt? W at he m nils is Ihal HI .:. rael." "T he Lord rais-ed t hem ,;, t h Ir fllily alii I ~Iu whi ch n , ~'lo br ak at will, th ey will oot get We) Tho t' Is t.ho solo reason [ l' It. It Cui mucoua membranes, chronic rhiniti .. (nasal , catarrh), atonlc , dyspepsia lca·· 'Europ a n · oUhtrles a fnl~l \ 111110 J~ up as <1 delivere r," : I i1 l' nt ti l'1'l I hl! rrl"nds nlltl h RSOeJll li:S Jows Ulau thlLt It lho horso III II SO(l 1111· w f b ot tlie' sbomaeh), clironic (n(eatl, (lu t IIpon uff/ rccd nlHI :u'bilnlr)' ~o n . ~ J udgmen t and me rcy. ,) f thc ~l l\alJlt(·s. :111 .1 11,,' n thrll' s ll ve II r condlliolis wld 'h do Mt Jrro· n~ catarr/l, catarrbal ' jaUD,~ce.. (ca· However un consc ious man \\' hat ""l'P hlllllllln Io n It l\'I1S fot Unllallon f lh ntarr l n~t' 61:1( .... ~ hf'n t Hilond w) th the c)llj ct oe nature th lilt' ntn ,ria'o VOl\' ha s be n I rokL'l1. may be of the div ine Interven· 1)11'111 .. IlIld how li S . til" ~'f'I\r ~ 111'31':1;1'<1 coat shlluld be l'OillO\' II. For ills tullCe., tarrh of the liver> and 10 diseased ' ' \'h on /.'oUII! .5 :11" k(' lll tt,l;t .t hp,' as ,~ . l ion In the affairs of men', t his . " :LIl,1 lb(' hca" y t rl 1111 l,) \\'I! ' ('( IIl'l:t It a hOI'sl' has wOlk to do thllt ci~1lI1l J8 I;IlUCOUI membra.n es ·of the pelvic orgflll" Ult~ ;lllll'lborou!;lls arc now. fOI' sl\~inl fact Scripture emphasi over " li, t he 11"0\>1(' rellmed I\ \!' d 'lI"er hl~ s I\' cn tlnl; CI' I~', It Is 1\ hlll'd UlllI ~ It is a1~0 rec.ommended for th~ treat.:' and over aga in that God ma keth :tnl'(, nnd a reslOration to Ll\(Jlr ,li I· l El r 10 gt)t hla I ng Wllll a r 1J0~ <lr ln s ment of varlPlla forma ' of dI.ease. p~Ilr poll tI c,,1 I'\' ILSOII. wlJl' 1l nil 11' 11(' ~ th" wrath of man to praise him. l{ III,' pLlW I' r Ilnd Inllu ncE' Sin IH R drl d ou.t wlthlu ouy l'eI1 BO ~Ub"l I':!ngth cullaT to women. . Illan'fllg I'CIUll olis ha ,, ' hl'('" lit orr + -Psalm 76 : 10. hurd ta !; kl1ln~I'r. nud h ('. arts fn!! VentU ated ~ Lt eep Shed. or lim a and tbe POOl' I)oa st. lllUl to ~tanll lngredicnt of Perona, cory· lind tile 1101110 is rul nl'd, th:lI. dl'1'9 ~ Here In th is story of the pu'nIllL'USUI'O oC )lPllalty tor OVl'l'y illll el· ('!d. IlUL lhl'Y mli Sl b le olll, o ut or rain (or 1I0Ilr~ , milch In Ihe p osition 'II tbe· dalill formosa, f. classed In the United ~t IIrot ct the sUIH' tily 01 th e Ii nme Ishment of Israel at t he hands.of ;:;e ncl' grantoll . And so It wns wlLtl anti W ' 1. SilO\\' :Iut'ms, .. mnn Who gets drenehed til th I'I liln In Statell Dispensatory as a tonio• . SO ~IO All AI1I rlca u nl1t l-d l'O I'CO sl'nllnll'n t ~ Eglon, ilnd t he deliverance Ih (' blldr ' n of I t'a I. For i lon~ I II SO II shed su 'h as is ~howo In the tl ra instorm, nnd bas uo t:I re ot whl ·h lle!' ke to prot ~t It. Thl' r~,won wh)' ~ t hrough Ehutl we have an Inyoa rs th helwy han d ot Klnl: 1,;;11'111 8~ l'l!' h Ilnd Oml II to be jtl~' t tho thing. to dry hlm aelf. On Iho OtIl r hau.d, 1/ la cubeba classed .. a afomachic and •• • tonlc for the mucous membranell. 11111'01' cd f1e rl;OIlS 111'0 und r a ban 111 s ight Into the divine purpose for \\' :19 full \\' : II.'s a (,OI'H'spoud ent Qf Fnrm alld sucb a horse Is cJlpped aud swe/lla Cedron lIeedal. another ingre!11ent ot ~ e r ni t d Inl s Is not so mu ch Ii" ,'. man nnd the d ivine metho d of During th e Inttpr h alt of tb l. 1'["0 H IIIIIC . 'l'hls 11 d all rJS to the soul h frcely he can bo liI'lod Ii a IIlW mo<:ause they nre tll" on' tI as It Is b '. operation to brin g h lo will to rln ll I::hut! by his 'llPIIllrent lo yally to nr.d IlIIS lin upenlng near th ~ roof nn menta und unde r a wurm hlo.nk (lL~ Is Pel1Ulaf an ~ceIlent drug th.t hit + pass. King J~ g lon . wou the latt l'I"s r.H·Ot Thl~ Just IIlte the Dlun wbo , It ts ,,,.It been very lilfiely OVerlooked by tht rau ~e o f tha prc l'lolJ. mIHl, f' hnl'lor o [:!: The one purpose of God In ,ulCl conlldlluce and IV IIS Clilr us tod nllt Ill' u()r lil sldo rol' velullaUo o.. tl ttl'd Wllh a s wln glllg doo r so thllt lh l'ough, gOlls qulo]tly to .~ "'''I'm room. medical profession for ' th'll put fifty Is ~bl c h th(> (lil'or ' 0 IS ru rely lho r('sult t he world Is to bring man In to only with the task 01 rocel\'lng till! yeare. Tb" .eeda , are to be found lD.; snd tho sl~'11. \\'h n th Cath ollc:i: harmony wit h hla will and his lax money from the peopl e, but Wltli It lIl UY be clo (>11 froUl tho Insi de ID r mov es his qolhlllS and dons fresh ~ I'orl) "'(,lllh l' l·. In on,llnal'y w nt her ral!llcn l If 0. horse bas to wovk o.nlr very few drug ', torel, _The ·Unlt.,. church works against di vo rc e It enr:.t- .J. charallter. cIIl'rylllg the sam ~ to th klll ~ nt \11(, ",!ton tho S tili shin ' 9 un der the sh d n litt le or nt such la har Ulo.t he do ~ St.tea Dlspeosatory '.ya of the 'CtlOB oestly tries to r 'colicHe Ih hus hand of. • And> every force In the world, royal city . \ Vhcn tbere ll ad bo rl In· Ih' s 1'{\ullalQI' ma)' be leCt open anll lltlt s weat gre:;t~IY cllpplng Ie genefllllY · Illld wire, . to Induco the mall to sta ll co nac lously or unconsc iously, Is 101 III r I'olls agai nst th( 1\11),111 c>1 Ih Uhl'l' P wfll be wurlll ' enough, If IInnec ssar)'. A ~aln t he long hai r har· of cedron tbat it ,1a used .a • bitter drlnk lns or tho wornltll to b n t rue ••' wo rking to bring th is to pass. t hl' t:l,X hl' IJ dvlsl'd submls~lll u . Po nt· ule sh pe p hll" I\C('e8~ ' to a eh Iter bors Lbe ,E)x.follullons ilr t h'e skIn snll tonic and in the treatment of dysentery, and in iJitei;nlttent lIlaeaeea .a a aub(Wonllln. nnd to Stly lh IUlfIll!. 'fhe re:~ The good forces are the pos l. lug ul lhat It wero ou ly to Invite gatb rll dirt of oCber aorts. A lipped ; 18 IItU ' If nny lIlol'Ul Clualll)' In o:n. t t lve element., ;and t h e evil 1::1 Ilt 'l' hnl'll ahlp' Iln d n he vic,r lux b,ol'se mlly be cloan d in jig time nnd' ltitute for quinine. t force. arc the negative, l!ut even Lil I' h I. !\ nd wh en lhls led th e 0i,1 of copat~, another ln~ent ot a warm blanket does \Iul te as well ns ... e iling. aD outrllgcll wife to cUlllhlle t th e latte r are overruled and conIleopl to dl s u'uSt h im. som openly lh e hall' In k !l lug up tho bodily hwL Perona, (~ tlll.sed by the Uplted Statea ~ li ve with a libertine hl'callse It ~ h ; trolled to the ultimate triumph charging him with dl s loyall)' 10 his at cou rso It la nothlrUt short of bal' Dispen'aato(}t ., • mild .timulmt and rhOS rntoRblhllCtr rlS\bts It Willi SCr(lmlallll.e :;: OfTGhl~~'OBnIWyllcl'an bo appreciated OWII\ IJ 'olil ll bnnd hi s (lod, h III t t\ 11 no bIU'O IlS to clill a bors and than let him dluretlc. ,It aetl 00 ' th~ IJtomach and ,. y. i dl vorce s 0 tCO l le ... v rep y, I\' 1 wa R ta ken hy I.h o. PI!OIlII! re run!n hnbiluIIlJy eXllose~1 to lbe cold: ~teetinal tract. It act .. as Q IItlmUpull' wa), In which a rich proRlgat and understood as one gets n~!l1I Iltlmlssloll of gUilt. DI Rnl, t8 aro heup .. 11 Is b II v d thnt laot on the genlte-urlnary'membranell. lean ue mad to I' np t h dlle harv s t :~ Gc.d's vie wpoint and Bees as he l'\o\\' Ebud had Il ll' dged himself ·In h orses clIPII C!d In spl'lng do b ~tc r than Useful iQ chronlc cyatitis, chronic dy.· of his slos or s I.oos womat:/ ca n' ba ~ sees. t hl' ~(' recy of hi s own heart 10 th those lhllt nre II 110 IV d to s hed til h' entery and d.larrhea, and lome chronk lill .. mall1.lld In society 115 Mhe de- '" In this ·.tory before us we bel!ls k or h('llIi ng Ism I to d l'lI l'ornn hal l' Ion. DIlY 1'0 of dra ft ' hors pre. dieeasea of the livc:r an t! ' h r (Il1zed t. hat he could not IddDeya. .." hold two forcel at work, those f r th Dt. Lhe mnlle, ta ll nnd for top 'IIerv 8. r marks tbe lndlanapolls Sta r. :t Seud .to Ull for a .f ree hOok o.r te8ttmo\Vhat Dr: Fulda was lhlnklns or was ': of ' good and evil, and yet both I'U st hinla It to the co un sels or his left lutacl. , '" operating to tho accomplishpeople, lost t he king s hould be I d nWe .wbat ~e Pi!ople think of P&lila 10086 mo rals of Eurol,ell u circles ; ment of God' . will , to sits )llclnn him. Tn filCl , he k new Sheep Gr<1 ln Tro ugh. H,~Q FEEDING TROU~H . ~. ... • cata.rrl1. remedy. The belt rwhero h usbnr.d or wifE', Or IJoth, rare·... Is rael alnl grievously. God that tb very hO!;UUt.y (llld res nt· evidence I. the t e,t1mony Gf thoN who 1;0)11;; divorce after Infidelity. COD' ,mus t punish, How? Since the III II I r hiS peQllle a gainst him wonld rrom st nns, ~he)' wflr nearly alwaY9 'One W hich Will Prevel\t Crowding (In.! have tried It. ' ' I inuo to cODdoue or eveD couut~ beg inn ing of t lmo God hae opstr Il!:lhuo the kl ng's Cal th In him. go to II when thl'ro Is a rnln. F ighting 'ilt Feed ing T ime. 0\. form of gl'aln ll'o u ~h ror s beep lIa nce nOlo~lous Irr ;;ular connocllo n erated through the natural Rnd perhaps si"e ' hlm the °Pllortuolty DI ..... · Punl •• Docto.... whIch I hal'c liS II wi h gr at s aLl s Cucfor ces of the world, and ao In ho sougbt 01 's lrlklng . nn . elIe-;t1ve -on lhe IInrt of Ule otb r. Tbls doo!! A IIkeLCh ot I,In IlIdlv ldual ~rougb for A mY,s terlou8 disease la troubllnlr tion Is sIJO\l'1l In tI 0 s lwt h. 'rh ls It! feerllng hogs Is sllo", n In onr 11 1118 ra· the story before us , God blow fo r IntiependenC!e. 2l0t rnnke for purl l~' In man or woman. lbo DuteQ medical. profession. It baa strengthens. a neighbo ri ng Thlls as time wen t on tbe brench lI!;ht nn d "nslly lDo\'cd, unel tlot o\'er- LlOII, taken fr III Prairie It' arm r. . 1 t Is worse t hnn a di vo rce Byst m against Israel and maket him lJelwe n Ehud and his b reLh r Q sr w tur ned by th o he P. Th tl'pu,;h Is Tbe gen ra l ' )llnn Is so clourl),. br<:'ken . out In the district ot Otiddorp. 'Would be \\'hero divo rce was s:mnted the Instrument of ' hIs judgment, . wldel' anti \I'lde r. Ilild ut Inst Lhe lal mucic of lWO slx·lnch boa rds tigh tly brought alit thnl ver~ little RddlUoURI not tar , tram ULreclit.. '~d Prot: (In ecrljltural grouu(ls a lona. And why docs. he punlell? I r nt ered Into a co ns pll'acy ugninsl nnl l d togptb r wllh a Crnm 01 Btrll B descri ption Js 'ftee ary. Tho., orlll· Spl'l>nck ' of Utrecht) . ~fter an the beat square. In pl OUHO llt nary Y'Sh'RP d trough 'Is used, with s effo~t8 lll~ ,can '(I vise. bas had to ~coo' . Many an earthly parent pu~ him . The Ume hat! arriv ed for Lhe 111'0 luch s The ' Stage We aterncr a Type. Ist,e~ his c hil d becaule of anger, tA king of th annnal pres nt to lhl' w ~t1l!.'r, lh t's nrc put out Into the plulforll) bClhlnd Ilnc! stout 12 'or 10. feS8 Wmself porplexed. Tbe' :dlaeue la ' a con tagious affec Uon of the beart n· l~el) ~' I.l\nks In' fron t. Plays fit weslero Ufe b ave bee n In chagrin, d isappoi ntment, w l ~h kin g, und Ehud wa.s busy gl~ h cr ln ~ ) Iln lOj whe re 'th sllQc\I mny be ' and tIUI puUen~ In"arlabl, deVe~ 1a51,1(,0 1u _ w York duri ng tbe 10llt little thought of making the pun . .th o t rensurl;', all ' unconscious of the I:o uragcd to stay III the s lIn. In bllil . Plall k.!I ~lx . Jeot Ion' 'arc ha.lvod ' dl, ,a~-aQ admirable ras h ion, PI' misishment iI means of grac io us d is. p lan to li e lu \I·IIIt. (or h im liB he d . \\'c:lt.hel'. I place t1l ' m uurl er the sheds a gonally a nd us d for pal'tlllons finll bl,h , ferer. Tbere bave J/eell 1II0re ng milch 'for We AmerIcan drama. cJp::ne. ' purLed tOl' the royal city, to kill h im 011,1 lilld . It a gre1lt conv nlenee ttl bottom . Eneh or these planka.. la ut than '100 e.9811, Prof, Bpronc~ b . . !Jave tltem easily mOl'abl 10 L1lls way. as sh':l "'n In tbe fllulltrlltiOll, so IbM mllde a ca,reCul anlY81s of blood lakeD for It Is out of that vast, In ..e llnlt e But not so God. His puni.h. and se l7.e the trea~ ure. from ' Jlallente. buf has utterly failed ·'west" tbat the big story Is likel y to mont always fits tho crime, and Tidings 01 this thin g In soo:oI) way AS TO APPEARANCES, to Ood a cause or ~ orl;-lIa lor &Ia. ~oa.~, Tbe spirit of life there I. administered with the one r ach('d the ears of the kin g. on,1 h ' 8~ld BmJC: ' bl'On(] I' freer t he lOll ing purpose ~f 3ent his se rvanls t.e wain Eh llil. whe !t 15 the HorGe That Locks Well That t-;+:;-:-...:....-;--:--~;::Tri~~;;;;-ii~;;;Sr;::~T~~~~.}-d..u.;W.,(."' ,;uuo,.j~c..YQQJcI-~4.!0~R~S~OQO~Jl..3,:ts h e uod ers t ood tbo temper VERY ~AD FOR'M OF ECZEMA. So lis at a Profit.. . &:3 And the power and opprci. !leap I , re:tllzed UlQt the time 61il\), !Ind', not I Ilnc! come for bl' lll to a ct . s on of ev il forces is only th~ tuffered Th::Ce V~.r.:..:PhY.lcl.n. Did "That borse hrollght a 'fln o price," " b elr 'vlrtu es; th ey ha...·o a k eeaer result 6f sin vitIating and weak, Now up to this Ume tltere was not No Good-;-~erfectly ~W.-!, Aft." 'l\ld It !<:enlleman In h e PI' .sellce uf n ~om prene n £iIQ!l or, the l:eal things In enlng the forces of righteous. a wenllon In all Illr!iel, save such as , ,U.lnll.' Cutlcutlj R,me~lo.. I bllod lliao, or a ce rt ai n a nll11111 Just Jtbla !;endlons nlltlonnl de v lopmenlor ness! Righteousness would th soldiers of the itlng carrl d, 'n~lth· SOld. ~Unt . . T h 'II" fc t I' st more firnUy on sweep the earth If all of God '. el' was It !losslble to oblr.l lu Lhe metal "1. take gr~~~ lllcn:8ur~in InlOl'mhl, "Yns--he was fat,'" observed I be '(he bonflst !loll; thc lr b ead!! ar children were putting away sin o uL or whi ch to make them. How, blind man. He Iwcw. 10\1 ~at. 1'Y-'B8 11 suffe.r er nt 'eczema III 'Cearer tho :Jtars. There hllvo and standing together for tightPoyer. Ehud. In the prese nt e xtremity, a '1ery baa rorm for the tb.rllf "Thlnss (ha.t look W~II , sell we ll ," !bad western .drnmns. painfully eousness and truth. succc 'tl d In ob~a3 nlng a rragm nt Is an lilt! s:lyjng. 11 a man with a yeaI'll. T CO!1!'ulted an,d treated wltla But though we do sin and 'sln from th sIde of on e of the klng's • , number .of physlolan! In Chi• • cl un. thrift y lot oC cows ud ve rtis s to !but eveu tbe wo rst bnve i n thorn bronze Ilh arlots wh ic h h ad bncn brings Its punIshment; though ,. but' to no avail. 1 commenced ullfh, Bomet.hlng free and good. declar s we do yield OUl'Gelves to' the broken. nnll 0.11 that n ight he labor !I soli IllN.I . ho ma y e~l)ecl bids. Jt ~hey the Cutleura Remedies. conB1sUn~ of ar dirty and pr . nt au unthr ifty up. Evcrybl)dy's. It Is lruc that lhe typl. . evil Influences about UB, and In rash!onlng It Into a lon g daggor, Cutlenrll Soap, Ointment and PiU .. ~I atn ;;o westcrner. wh om we kuow th at evil turna at last and pulling u keen ed,;e. a ll both sides 01 I' nt'nnce. he n e d hlll'llly expec t blda, three montlis . aID, aq~. bday 1 am If th y al'e orrel'cll, !lley wlll b" . 8 we I! ns wo I,nol" our pock ets, ren ds us, there .Is mercy with lhe IJlado. This he gird d lI]1on his or. prefcctly .cHt, the diseaae hannB left dl s l!' 5s ln!;ly low. -whether lIiey are In tro users or liand. the Lord. He hears the cry of I'lght side. for b e was n.s cle ver In Lbe ,me entirely. '. 1 eann.ot rec:ommen4 ?>Ialctug or allowi ng things to look ,bllG'. nevll r exlst('ll in the f1(:~ h. But the repentant tieart and send. IIS0 ot hla left band as his right. t1ie' 'Ctl~l~u.ra . Remedies too blebly to III can not b IIl'otttaple from any 'then 1 don' t believe that nn)'Ol;e ever delivel·ance. and t he next mor:alng took 1111 ' his sla n(].lloit\ t. Gatlie cnn nol h vlf;or'I any one s"lferlng with tbe dlsaU• Ehud broke the power of Eg' journey wllb thoOS E' Who hfill been al)' th.ILt I bavehllcl. , ~ ,Mra. Florence m,. Apar tmen't Hog T~ough, .saw a ballot IlOx thnt looks Ifko it n rlolnLed to g' o with him. Bllt Ins L" acl ' ous It cal'ed fu r In a SUIl·shull llInll. " I Ion and restored Isr<\ el to the ' or golug by the. uSlIa II'P'I!.e he mad "v n JlN. 'rhe dah'y mull with ru sty snd It will set dowe ove;' lhe ",shaped A.twoo(!, 1.8 Crill' Place,' Oblea&o. Dl. .uour g ass cut lu Lwo, Dor u workiog pure wors hip and service of WIUl..a; 1.. I. 'lDan w srl ng II squnro pape r cap; God, but Je8US hath wrought 11 tour nn d tllull su!ely ar rived hbfore mllli.· b~spatle r d eaus , and a Jludd le of trough alHl Is t hdn 0 lie d to lh8 Illat;. 2/ 190~, Berger." ltbes aro more syml!ols just ns Is the more mightily for us for he hath Ihe kin g and having presen Wd lIle or· milk 011 Ihe floo,' or his wagon Oraw· (arm in lhe rear. 41t:nG'e. weslernl'l:. or r('al '1hln~B tbat broken the power of Satan and re rlng, Ite d epa'rted wltll those wllh lug s wal'IDS 01 III s . ought to I(cep we ll A swlll chute Is built I~ Uie mlMle r Th~ man who !mow. n,Othlnc olllUlcle ollt of the of his \ll\tro ns If thoy '110 one dreams or qu 'slioning. restores one eternally to the fel, him. opening, as IllUstrated. '1'hO';,811(1II "b18 own ~u8lnelll may ha,V8 a 100It lowlthtp-of-God. _ _ _ _ __ _ Now he had scarcely gotton beyo nd hu \'e !l ily regarll Cor lldln ess, lncom.e, but he 'ra mtchtl waJDterM~ Disord er ass uredly gleans waste. flows lulo th e middle trough at.d thf)D Inc. CO ll rt of the ii'aven Imllges wbl ch . The reslIl\s r ached by a commit· ench or the slalls aa hi any' flows to su rro unded the p.tlace of th e k in" It costs m ilch to ko Il tb lngs In "apple. orr1ln ary ho g ' trough. . . . that bas long bee n a.t wOI'k prewben h e s uddcnly turn d hllllsel! [llo 1'IIel' ?" So It docs- but not so T ills Ilion Is a 8!ltisfact)ry :one for ,paring n n ew cbarte r Co r tbo. city 01 THE STORY. ha,c k; an d ag~rn sought the presen ce III tlC!l as Icttlng tb em go tho otb er nny Carmer who wlah es O:i 'bar o~' hi. lBulIalo, N. Y., a re 11'01'111 r~cordl n g. wny. SI1AEL did not realize bow com· or l he k.J llg. · hog tl'OUgh so thnt eaCh ani ma.l· ·lias -cenll'allzotlQIl of . powe r ·Is . the rire)l1(' IPly lIle ), were und er the In,.u· 'I'he latter bnd withdrawn himself a~ e qual ch'lnce wit h. every ot~er · ~no. SHEEP. HOGS AND lh I)eoplo of MoaU un til one or to Ws SU1IUller hOllse In tbe midst 0(~alllng c4nl'ac t rl sUe of t he oe ./ Condlm~nt" fo~ Ho~•• .." . . r WlIlIaml', Pink Pili.. l icllal'ter. , A s ing le legls laU ve bod)' 15 Lhe . kin g or ,t.hat nc l!;h bo rln g klngdOl!l the gar!len, where h e went each dn '1'nl' pall"r will go 0 long way toward conc'iiDlen~B" mllst be' proVIded fo~, Do., not seek 'r~ilsf 'frQm ' IU'Ill'IO; ilrovlded {or, lind uC!ll d('s ' t he nld er. dema nLled Bn offeri ng' from the m. Up ror rest., but \I·h en.' h e understood who' to I his 1I me th ey h ad mingled Iree ly It was wbo desired to see him Ite o r· mnlda/; t.he pig Ilons more h nbltable. the hogs nil limes . . Thele ' are not ,.Imply.' "u~. n ee yoar system trom the men fr om th e vari ous wards th eTe Tills 1M n good lime to lIut the ren' costly. They con'3ls t of 'wood osh 5 : \!lscBBo' ",blcli 18 tile 'cause of your wi th th em wllhont anllure nlly compru· rl erod tllRt h e be' lldlllitteil, BUp nOS' !Will be Oilly threo ~ I 'cLI" offices. l be ml sln~ th e Inlegrlty of tbelr own na· ln g thal he hnd sClme ~ecret me6sage ,10 I'!. III) IlrrJ lllld tbe fll l'I'olvlng ·pen. soft coal brolten 'Into small bits mot. ·~~(jrlng. That is the mes~alto wblcA , mayor, conlrolle r; ;lUd tho pr sldcnt tlon . ror the s trength and preallgo concerning tbe plot which the eh:!. Bri ght oat straw makes n ' l>ood bed, ta r, rOHe u ,vqod ' 0.1' .Ull)'t hlilg Q.f that f xormer, vIc ti m ~r neuralgIa selllla to. . jOf the bOll rd or aldermen. These wh l 'h Othnl I hud brought to Lb,~ dren at Israel had mait e agnJost h im. but !t nceds to bo changed ju s t a s eba racter, H ogs ea t theae r!ladlly those 1'{ho. ore stili, !n ,lta cras, Hot'" !three will onstllutu a board ot ap' natlou contlnned fo r seve l'nl years NoW, Ki ng F'-lIlon wa s exce dlD gly. OClell. as Rn)' othe r I\lnd. a nd th~y are Ireat .aJds . In ,keephig , ::~~,:,t::. ~wder~~at d;aden e , rat., and po lUI Ehud dre w n ear and 01 11 you kn ow t hll[ musty straw Lhem In health ~nd ' cO~8eq!lentJY •.i n l1eArt .etlon ~1I~r~ .a ' t ~e uco t .. tP.OlnLm ent and e lect all the h eads of art ci' Ills death. But as tb e people bega n to ylei<1 bent ol'er to wlll s pe r In his ear the thrown 1:1 on lOI) of rou l bedding Is u'p t growlug I'npldly and flltt~nlng QUIckly,' li!lr1l1i~\.the pain 18 IIU~ t:~t~1')'~:' ·-4epal'tlll elllS. stll'e thoso specially a p' ..olnte d by the mayor. Th e Imlyor Is to the evil enticemenLs of the Monb· J lug co uld not cI:Jseern tbat Ebud's to PI' mote mange or other skiD dis· says Oral!'g e J lIllt\. .Ji'llr~er; 'P.~e ani· ' pep,ter · Intonslty. . .' «tven grea te r 1\ uthorlty. :L1l(1 uy so ILl'S. and share lu their ' Idolatrous lert band had g r2IBped the dagger eases '~ mals must have some sa}t,. tb.e . srune :!fJ'1l. ~v<:lyn Creusere, ' :"bo ·Ia,• • &' which Illy concealed beneath tho tuld~ PI ;;tI enjoy sweet and whol eso me teasLS. they \'! 1'0 grndually weaned 119 other, live ,Btoc~ ali ·the -farm •.( .(\: )lel1)1U(ui tiome , I\t, SUN Boulil~iS ' Cluch Is his I' SIJOnslh lllly lucreascd. awn y rrom the wors blp of th eir own of his ·r!Jbe. An III at; he waited ror :nod more than s:Jur slutr, . notwllh· .co urse, overy bit or swlll,., retusIjt, veg, ' p.res~, J)etrtllt; MI~.• ' ,uttere.d .. for Gou. A nd this was nol ·a ll. for th ey I';hull to Klloale. t.he laller drov e t.he I I tll n ding the fact th a t most peopl e etaIJles used lu ' the . kl1A(b en ·:eui." ~1C!arB 'wIth .,1lI}uifllJ&lal u'ntll :'alie ,£,(e4'. Il eh a n ~ in, I" nl; of D:thnmey. has marr ied th e ,dllu gh tors of t be Mo~b· leeen edge of hie weavon Into his '!~! n k 10 t he con W'a l·Y. sh ould lie te d to the hogs. ' .. . tonio . (reI1trnent. h Sbe sJ!.'ys· !preBented bl s s \\,fII'd to the Fronc h it ('s DIlr! In turn gave . them tllelr heart. tlO lhat be g ave not so m~ ch liS Kcep the sheep ya rds we ll littered. . . . '.;' .','" ,'My trouble"l!egllnl ribout-" tz IJIIInlster for Iho eu lonle!!. Th C' weo llOn dUlJ;(hters to wi fe. . a gl·onn. so swift.!)' was the bNlw 11 ~lso shcep, n e~c l' mind wlillt tb.e Pig ~quc;~I., , . ' ,illO a~d 1 C\ld ' iiot , relit ~"8 '1 .houl4.· \was purchused years a go ilt a Ih eatrl· Pigs Squ \la.lIng? W\ilI! 1 gue ss -yoU have, but kept up ~ &bout my' mU1 Thus It was wbe n King Eglon struck. And Elhud ClI~allerl. even ns Jlhc l' Cello w Is doillg. cal CosLlIl11e r's by nn xllloro r; who nla ccd l srael unde r trJb ute lha t th ey ~ h e Sorl pture stalll!!, and bavlll!? ('11.11· T bis Is th e Hen son when every ahee)) would squeal It YOll had ··to go to b~~ ilut.lell, :After a time ~ became .~ .. .!afterward a l'e It to Deh atlzln . . Tb o had not t he s tre ngth or courage to cd [uael t!,gellier. he led them to vl(lo ulaa "Ishcs he owned his own rDo~ on .s, pil e of fro7.en n Ilnure willt nlith~ "ellle l / couid pot do I.nY';'wQrk' a VaU.': ~lItt( · r. . ing to kecp you ,,,nrm! What's tb'e ' I had sl!~'ere baokaehea . an.t' , $ I!lob. " 'ldng ordel' d th e!Ollrt arillor r to r s ·st. Tl'ue It Is thot so me of the lory .agalnst the Moablle 8. :. ',,' , EWe,l that are In,lomb should net bo use of that stl1lW pile out th8re It the ' .dre.adtul 'holldllches. in We! baCJk Jlart . mal( e a sheat h for It Olt l or emply sar. mor'e COUl'a "eous wbo had not ai- . .M top of ' my hen'd / 'MY ,Oye. r;owd ed for room; with fuod or any 111gB CIln't have•.Bome of It those. cold ' Ieasily Temperllflc.e In .the Brltl.h Army. tired ' alld at,~melft 'law bJac~ , Idlno tin s, aod wore It unLiI Quite' \"& lo;:clh r fOl'goUen their God anti Itt. Hun. R. B. ' Hnldane, sccreta r~' ,lhor way. tllrn lld [rom him Wltll Slood tbe humil,cenlly: . ' '.' ,' potll be~ore .them\ , r QOnlult8\1 ,~v' " n ig hts? - ......- - . : - - Ia ti ng' dUlI1andK and roCused to make of stalo for .wn~, has Issued Ill s l ruc· . " eral ' (factors.' but ,wi~ou~ the aUrh.teat . Bree~j lip your FloQk. . benellt. 'r.h·e . ,,!llns ~w~re 'i~u. . Flft.• • n C.o~, q , The mnll wllo \\'I 511 e3 - W live out bls I nym ont. but whe n the king 8ent bls tlonlj tl1at iii a ll the Qrl~IY de pot/! to Glle '\litod 1{lnG'dom. where no 1'00111 H your. floolt ,Is of the lcl.ncl : known army Lhr~') lI g h th e country and hnd It la estlJIlllted that an I¥ltl\'e : utnn ·, t II.t my hli!r lu,rnea 'wblt'e', , ' 'allotted Slllle of life. with teu or twen. crushed all ollposltlon be inc reased Is set apar t fol' th() Royal Army ' TE)Ill' i\~ cross·bl' d, 01' mongrels i wHy. -Qat nnp an actlv!i ,boy ct¢ ' attend t o 15· f' :'1 ,Jo~t- ' QOn!llJ.uillI7,",D· "~lgh.t', an'" . yel\rs to slI nre, sho uld uevc r reU 1'8 Itrencth .and wa~ . MmOlt' .tn . t1e~D'IJ\ ~ e amoun t ot the tribute 1!10ncy an" Ilerance QssoclatJoII. such accomlDoda. .oleo t. the be,st of tb e tcma.lcs and· IH, r· cows. " "'l1e8~' on 50 acrell' ohand O,!llJ m business'. That Is the opinion lUade th e burd(;!ns or the people grlev· Uou shall bo pl·\> vlded. . The good chus e II. s trollg, I'lgol'olUl, (lure-bred Il ~ood town ought to mue him a &Oil\!> "hen a , trlenit.rec,o~m.nie4 Dr. Vlll- ', ",t Dr:. Scofield, all ~inln ent physician ous. of the ossoolutlon Is we ll known male to mate wi th them. It ' 1 1' 1 11 Inwo.rk IIvln". Plllk Pills, I ;(; tl1leil::, them ao.A.nd to prevent any urmod relOt Londoo. He suys there Is a l0'eal sistance he removed all Ilnlllemcuts or 10 the aut.horltles. and haa been fre cl'eaJC ·the mq.rk~t value of next year'. " "UI" LI-b. AI~on-Ii' ". ,cord nlr ·tQ iJlrectJoQl ,ud ' BOOn . bppia. tlo"l1 2<; ner cent. .1' J' '" to fellirellet 1<1. lb. flu,l of Ui.reJt, clanger In. any sudll n chllnge ot en' melnl Ollt or which wea pons of- WRr quently commcnded. . PUllh the ram · lambs 810.01, them montba I had 8Aloo~ ~il ~und. In. might b made. \~nvlng t.he · people I"~ome!lt after a ee~tal tl age. • A Fdrm Combln.tlo~. will be B big ,demand f'Jt yeUlfnga "I'elght fond had no more tro.~ble '\lith only ' such simple tools as th ey needAUstralia Ag,a lnat Opium. C(lIubloallo!l Is lhe thing for l'arm. Altbough It meaDS a hoovy 1088 In ers IIQwllda X!I am! thl! boat combln. iJext (all and It wlU pay to "et al~ th" my lIe"III. " I haTe been III perfed R\lbber tu · CaD'¥Ia Is 6elilng at , ~ [or the cultll'atlon or the 11011. . belltla eut slnee .~d un lIearUl7' Nnw there was a mighty l1)an. II , revenue, all ' tha . Allstrnllan st.ntP.>- Uon (jf wbl h WI! know, 8aya Farm allG cna tbem you c ..~. commend Dl!. Wllllallia', PlD~ PtUa .. .iIIlBher price !.,bau It baa 1I0iel CUt tbE Oonjll.llllte named Jill~ud who wa'8' have llrohlblted sale' anll sro IV II' Joul'nll l, 101 ouo that takes In the· tarm- , RIIo~ .for Ih••1!. , Dr. WlntalDl' Pln~ ·r.Ill.' ar. ,8014 , ~ut fl! yea rs. Better lli an t .. few aOloll;; thn se wllo otrel'ed bold res ist, or opillm' in CO!)'lIll. ""'oaltl1 er und Ills 1\'1(0 and tbe, " bon ad ~ ara e,poQI~I" ·enjo~~ II' draplBts; 01' Bent' PoJtJj.\II~ll leo Jrllbber ball ':" In your gllrt!O'a IlPyf Qn~ rn k ln% Eglon, but when t.'1 e Iul- QU')I)n~lulld alol)e 011 &11 lilCOru(· &'lrl~; thIs makes Il trw 1I'hich 11 hard shee)), and they pl'O'tlde n . But"OUieal . cetpt of pill''&' ,110 e~llta pe~ box . itz ( rl 1lI:f.___ _. lint! ' rl rh'An "1m I/ICn ,hA_ mn'~t)_ o~ Ulo.oob )'C~'1Y. ' 1.0 b !l~ ' . that i, In • "',.-; .. . ::.:
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aDd Ora.ndpn Dubba!n Vo.we~ It fn,'· Dlnd 11 8 13111 wns 8n~ s, .,•• 110 I\'oulll, ored th e Dunbams, but a lmost every· Il'l killS illI~' hmly' u 6 '1111, \\' (\I,:;. colJok)' 1{11), 11I ~ llmt wh en bod y ~;tld ' lt rosBmbl d bOlh. lls IJ s brat. 'Ph Ideo were \Jlue li ke Its fatber's nnd th M'a~"nreL nevp r hUrl I ~ollc 1m once Upper part of Ill! ra ce waa bl ll~Q and thlll wn s whon LI ;:zl ;'vIunLZ gu ve could 8ee Ibat by pulling a bund ov r he r a IUII'I I1 of sligar , the ml,uth. Rut Its nOlle and moulh Alii o.'IId Ollie came near fighLlo g wore Just like Its mothor's , only llT·ef,·+"",-,ot-'"'enld have fou ghl Ir :\lr. Wick. Uer, aho said. although, oX course. ersh n", ~Iadn't told t.h e m I(l dry up or Dill den I d t hat. else go ollt III Ihe slr' lund flghl ' ll Anyhow; It wal the ,llr W est baby oot. ~hat over came t" Cynlblnna, Ev ry · T he lrouhl e gre w '('rIOUR a L OOCIl . body COil cede d , that, !Jut no one ~Uti· Hal[ tho 11 pic III tnwn doclared tho t , peoled that It WS8 going to calise Ollie OUgtl t t.o be ta rrocl and foa th . 80 much troubl . . ered. A [e w said Iho ! ' Lho OUllhams The Flr.t Great Event, oughtn't 10 II eo tOlu!hy . T he I'esl Whea il-or she rath ~r (ber mo the :, just ka l)t (lui L lIeta mild whe n any body calls her A rew dllYs laler Rill came out as II "'t" )-WIIS jus t 000 month old they candlt1ate for tuwnshll) tru BI e on ~M took her to lhe Oampbolllte cllurcb Rellubll can Ite kot , jusl lo b at 01110, and cbrlstened ber Murgsrot, after lIer wllo wall n D Dlocru L. H 'o nly bael mother and b e r rtlo~her'8 Aunt Mag, three weeks t o nmplllgn In. but he who sent Ihe little turquoise ring and .-wept the tuw ns hlp Alld It wem He , tbe knit jackot tor tbe baby. publican for lb" firsl time In )'ellr6. By lha l time almost e verybody In M_de Ollie Spend Money, town bad., kl s,s ed J\fargare t (he r moth. DlIl , did n't boast I11I1 Ch , H e si mply er won 't let h e r be callod Ma g or repented his atlsertlon tbat Olli e woul(1 Madge), and on the ClII)' tbo c h rl6' heg to kllffl lit> bab y be1oro he got tEIDlng a.l!nost· eVBryb~dy e lse klss od tlll'o ugh willI !til" , Then h we Dt up her, to OalniJrldg on hus illess lind caught . . 'l' hey don't Iiave th ~e new [angled tJ:ta lraln for Wavedr. nud wh a t dill Id Olls abollt It helog ullh aHhy to kiss he do bul lill Y 1\ tax ('I a lm on a piN: babies down 10 Cyothlana . nud wbell ot Illlld Iha l belong (! lO Klhlel'. OllIe )Jave Downing Idss~d IIfargarcl an ti hall n egl" cted t o pay the UIX ~ lIlld It sald be ,,'as goltlg LO stay s illgle and \\'as odverlls d a 1110 II /! tho lI e lln. marry her wh e n s ho grew up Mrs. qu c nt.&, 51> Bill bought It. j URt 10 spite DUDhnm WIIS jusl liS proud as IllIY 0111 01111 male h lll l s pon d money. oue oould be, P opla be,,;an to sa)' lhat JIll I Dllnham T be real trouble didn 't illal'L until could b ju st as LJad 1111 ell my 01." he Margarot wa s over lWO monLh s old , was a good fl'lentl, but 111(' y didn ' IJer . [101 mB had bor oU l riding In ber know !LIm lIlllil h e had tWO uf IlI o's
TO KISS BABY Whole Section in Trouble Because of Unappreciative Man with Gi'ouch. ' 'COMMUN'ITY TAKES SIDES , , , (8111 Dunham Open In HI, Declaratlo\'l That Ollie Kel:ller Shall Vet Beg for . Prh,!lege He .Sco!!!.fuily Refuled~K"bler Had Loved Pretty Llttl. One's Mother, 3nd There I. the Root' ,of the Whole Trouble-Fight 80 Far .Ha. 8een Interesting, with Further ,Dev~lopment. Expected. C)'IitblaDB, O,-Four hundred a nd ..lxt.'~Ulr~ persons have 'kisse d lillie Miss iurGaret DUnham, nge d ro ur months und three days. Tho lully tn, cludcR Davo Downin ~, :who trave ls for McKe ban, liels lllnd & omvnny's g rocery. a Dd ~h e Ii v cnndidales . for o(Iille! In Pike couo ly, Ohio, who vIs· 'Ite d durIng the r ee 'n t cnmpnlgn, wJll c b are about all the 'VISltorB lhe tIlll bll lUlet, !let <lowo lu ' tho ben\\lI· CuI Brus b creek bills, 11M hlld rGceq t· Jy. or ul I aat as rectnll y a!l Olo ,' com· Ipl( or l\llSs DUnbllm Into lho world :t hll.t btls ivelcQtned he r with kl l;ses. nut desl)lle th e tact t ha l he has been klllsed by more 'persons tlmn unr girl lu I!lk co ullty (ond mos t ot th more k.Il1sabl\l). lho .fllc t thot 0111 0 K:Jblel" hns not ki ssed her hus startod t ro uble. ,d lv!d d the town In lo two fuctlons and ,lIlmost caused 'a fe ud be tW6jlD' the Dunbams and the Klilier ramlly, EvorYbody tn Cyn(hluulI, OVOT" the :8 1;0 of Ove months eXCQllli n(; Kibler, l\(I!\ ki ssed Mias Dunham ; Kl bier alone 11 a refu sed to tall In lo"e With he r, J10w Kibl e r can refUBe 1.0 kiss h \lr no 'one ollie In town cgn und'e rstand. for <11110 II tho llre ttlel$t, vlumpeBt, sweet/Cllt baby ever born, :fhnt Is wl1at her mother ssys, and be8ld~ that,463 per· I.aDl, Including Da"~ I,)owIDng, Who o(Iucht to be unprejudiced. belns A bac~elor, have Wd tho 8ame t~ng, ,She III ao ' lOft and satiny, and 10 pink aD.d white. aDd her blue eyes open with .ucb '1ma~ed ' and ' dellghted .tares, and 'bfir dlmble. evolve such unexpected and wondorfui llaille.. and lUll' 10rt, little rol!c bud banda fiul' 'tor so conftdlllltly Into e" n , th"e horny, Ilands of t/le loggers. t1)at Ilny.. per•• 00;' It.ll!eems, who ·haa any buman blqdd In hi. veins want. to grab ber TlSht lDto · hl8 arm and just squeeze her and !dIS lu!r-and then look, ,.lIIamed and . .y P j alway. liked ba· bles," ,a nd Ine~ away and whill ho bad oue. Jut like It:
T ltp Clo g
ll OSSl.
That II tlie waY little Mlsl Dunb'am
11M ~cr~ everybody-exceitt Ollie
"'W 'III."
• • If,
'a.... ,
Wheels of P rogreu.
T il L' 'Tllcl \\' IIS
(lln ~' lllg
Eolslest Way. T I1I' R ('aIJln" C'QDlI'any a 011 ··nlghL ij tattd III "
Hlllall II)wlI. "Th£' ICl'!" rl(' d EllzlI, ntlln<ll ll j; 011 Ih" hrln k uf th e VllRlehllllnl r l\·C' r. " llu\\' s hull I \'I'r crO~ti thf' Ire?" ,\lId oh \ ' f' l it dl'f'(l hll ylll l; or th e hOll n<lx calli , a shrill \'Olco frum till' gallery ! " ,\W , !;It a Ilalr uf len skaL's!"-Chl· c'aso Dllll y :\"('W H. RIGHT IN HIS LINE .
GETT iN G E \ EN , ,' h I) hnlt I'du ... d h ln" ,nd he stood twlrliug' hl ~ Ul'I ~ lII"h ' Ond loo lelng qlllzzi cill IUtIll uho WIIS I" u tellrl ng t ' lUp(' r, " \\' l1 ul 01" > )'0 11 RIllnri!'11t ~IH) re for ?" IIh(' II Dl II/HI"d, ~ tl\UlllIlIg her" ot. ""'ell, I 1I{11 W IIth' rln g: ' Ii" sahl, sfowl y. " wh olll ~' Oll :!rc golt1,i: to mur ry. ~ In"' l' you won't rnal'ry me." '·lI's non of ro ur bus hl '88' abe !111m .1. au ~r lly . "O h, yeB, Il I ~ : ' ho drawled. " At IIOY rBtc, I'm inter ~ l c d . 1 s ho uldn 't ,. 111(0 you tl) ma l'ry 11 r tlow I dld n' t think w p ll or, yon Iw ow, s llle · I caa a nellr mlllT yhll{ yo u ru ys' If." I ~ S CIII (' d I', 11"1' lhat ~ h s holiltl rrllill wllh JrHll gnn.tlou. " You !l ev'r CU IlU' nf'o r mUIT),ln!; 1111' ," ij h(' u l I nf; lh mllllnl;"11 til gliSIl • " 1 IlIdll'\ thlllie '\'l' lI of murrylll!; YO l., tlJul
to whulll I
tIll m:fI' l\ \' .
you ha V(f
1I1)lhlll g' tn lin wll h I I s hllil ma rr)/, nll~' b(lIly I IIlca Ht' ~ " "Tha l's Jllstll," h r01\11'II 'd , tlHlIlghtfully ; "$uPIPose yO/t clllll'l I I I," \ ~" nny- . h,"l y '! " 1'II,'n tltl' I'(' \l'a:; Illllhinf; I ,rc ", 11,, 1' UIII ra\'IIlH 1I, ~ t 'I'le s. F,xlng a Bas is , " Y,1l 1 hll \'o had 1\ g rea L tica l to saY' a h oll~ Ilt P. IlItom" fiX," " Y t'~ ," nnswN '/' ·1h ('u ndid a ltlzo n, " I (a \,ol' iL ; UIU !'1lI lik e e veryhody -' ··:roll1pklnH I ~ nlwny ~ ton 1I1 go, Ixc In h ' " "v lil~ ll1nt It (,ligh t lo> sl nrt "'Ith \h f' nex t tlwu!lfm d dollars 1II" s Lulling up LJllllllrlll l n ~ now," " YI 'R, ond It 1I1\\'U)'1i \\ 1\:< 1;,11i thul nhl)vC' Ill Y own II WUlU t!.'·- \\' ~~ht u gtoQ. S tilI .. l,cllt him gtllll~, " Goo d Gra ft . hn \'0 II \" 'II WA y ollt \rl Ihe s u blll' bs , \ . I' elm' I har e kuown
Me re Detail, She nl lh recltal)- H e's b een dl· \'ol'{'cil thr Ilml' . . wellrs s ilk under. yo u," lolhlng wln l t olld s umlll er, won't " \' ('ij . .. lrl m hlK flu gor·null s 00 Friday, uDd" Is n't It IncOII\'e ul f>nl '!" He r F rlcu d~ Whu t ' " b playlllg ~OW, " Qull the Opposlle; YOU hDI'O no Sh - You must lhln k I know e l' e ry1<1 '1\ ho w mau), o xellHes a s uhll l'II a nlte thlu g~ II re's lh o p l'og l'llll1lnc.-PlI ck. cun nnd for g lUllg home laLO: ' -HolI s, The World ', Way, . lon Pos t. . "You
Correct Wine Temperatures. The fllle art or s erv ing wiD e IInl l lbe num "rOIl~ Ilol n ts 10 bea r In mind 10 ordtlr Ih ut lh e full onj oym'tII of holee \' lnllJS ~'; llIay nol b dlmlol ijhed, was lhe s ubj ect or II. lecLu re recentl)' de· IIv reu before Lh o Walte t's' club ot ' I onll by An on Sirowy, a profes· slolls l xp rt In WIIl CS, 1\11 \\'ln ll8 , he slIld , possess dltrore llt t IlI pemm ' lllS alld bnve to be hu· mored. . 1'hc fu ll bodie d Au slrlan winos coul d not be lreated like lb e al cohOlic B lin· gllrlan . th a rpmatic R h nlsh or tho smooth, ku'ong F rench producls, Ot Il rst I.ID porLance WIIS the t ern per· alllre. Wille se rved too ha l or too cold lost ILa bouquel ,a n d ILS flavor. Rblne a nd Mosei wln ea w r "at ut a tomperature o[ abollt 4<1 to 50 degr eel. Burgundy Is at Its best at 57 d egr es, All hea\'1 'r wines should be at a tern· perature of 64 to. 65 de,g roes. TIll! lecturer dwelt cln tllo de llcllte haDdling ,Iuo to win es tbst dEljJOs lt a sedime nt. Thi s charac!le rl sLlc of the Rhine and 'Mosel crapE~ , h e said. was ~o cause or the traditional use ot tinted glassel! with these wines, a8 SOY s light c lo udilless that might occur desl.lte tbo walle r 'lI cara was lhus concealed.
Where Ollie Klbl!lr Lo.t Out. ,
t;~ c
I r til Tt' Is II. r f' 1,lllsS /;on l wh o Is not 0111y III vllt n,,; cI('wl r llclinn. bll~ I ~ rall' l y t' lal!lm' llI~ r r It , thaI solll IlI hn lJJts 1IH' body of Ih o etUlor or till! ..-;orlll ALII '1'1· cao Ill' ~ h·w. ;\'ollllnl; ago hI' {'ul (' Ii t h " "m"l·t~'Ul Sl rl a Iluro. He stili II vc li, but h us not liJar n U " I\uliun. His IIIlf' KL is a pm· l,oHal LO tax ~ ltlll sLe r. , He 1I clar s thaL t h )' gel [Uo st. of l ile bell olll !! or oh ' llIz:lllo i, wlt llout ma.!dug IIU Y l4de· quate r et uru, li e I\dru lls that Lholr r al prn per ty Is Corced to yiel d It 81i5bt co nlrlbutlon , lIut h t hlok s l haL Lhelr I.c rsonal pro!, erty goes SCOI fr e, a D/! ho Is Bll re Uln! they tlo 1101 c nrlch tile ( ' !lS (OII !! r eve· n ul' . ~o th llY borne " lbWUKb ah or ubsllU;toy" clogs upon lbo wil e I~ or , • l·rogl·t>Sij. 'J'ha t Is all thut will s nvll lho co ionpi t ro m Ih wra th of Ihe HPlns l'r of t\'o l"tb Aln ll rl c!I, 1L Is so novel n 1I0sl· t lo n for I hom 10 be put In. lIll ~ o f d og· gpuly tie IIl1 ll1g the jOYR uf IIllltl'llIJooy . Bu~ tht' ~ol o l\ ' I In s lHt ij . • "'TIl n wa N ne v r ,.N a woman : ' he s a)'!I , "who coulll not marry, liS . he shoul'll . If tih wo uld . I t Is only ul!I':cs, s ury to b,' a WO UHIII lO Wi D a IIIIlLlsun nl~11. .. '1 ,ln s l",rllliOti I ~ a p\l r('I ~' wllun ta ry condl lou, dl! 10 rellr hf.' lIsllllo nil' trarlll ~ S , a ij is cl('.lrly r ll' U\'l'1I b~' the lI Un ·OXISlf: I\ C oC II 51ng lll !lIll11 nlic C'laID. 10 PH'n1pll(1fI b ('all se or laCK of OPlI nrll!IIIl.r." 'r"u , t h .~ r c Is a sor t or ch uckl e boo h ind Ihl s 11ISI I' til ark, but i~ IIl\1 y 11a s~, '''l'h " n"al (ll)iut aL Iss lI Is' whClhor the old milid or lh IIl'esent dar re n' d'rs !L fa ir r(lIil'alcnL , r ve n lrl"8 lo do so . .111 OUIl \\'IIY or twotll 1', CDI' wh ot s he l'\'ccll'Ps: nnd to that ')ur answ r Is df'cJsln'ly n gallv£'. It Is a !lad stat of arralrs to wh ic h we 1I1l\'0 give n milch UIlO rulilng thoughl . As a las t I' ' S Ort In SI'H.l'c h o r a method of refor. In II If tin , th ublquhary r medy or lalC' utlon tiC ' UI'K lO 0111' mi nd us t he only one ho lding (orth hope of el'[ecllv.
!,lew gcHl.t.Tt (the one wllP Ihe. frollt tbat leta down: and' tbe blu silk l)ilTlI' .al. wfth a robe to matCh. all covered with ~Iue ribbon) wben, right In front I)f Wlcket8.bam'lI ator , th ey met Ollie KIbler. '. He waa IItandlllg thero talk· Ing to '. ~ato 'Giddings, from at ". ~yi.b. · " , • At any rate. 01lle: cealed to ' be the 'Pa\n~, ., . 'Deau ~Brllmt4el of C¥ntblana . and let, klblcr Re'ulCd Prec:(oul 800n, tied down t9 bullnel.· aDd ~a8 a .. bard . ..,u flint, lind, ' as" UlICle ,;J3H1), New~1I Nate :oever had s~ .tbe .b: br, ao, of course. be , spoke to It, and began yowed, "" a8 .!llo..' B,I. lill "U shoemakers', couldn't> , b",ve 'g ot / a playing 1fIJh· lt. and when It cooed brl~~le between, h'- ..Anle",1 auel II dol· -lid IBUghe4 and """rlnkled UI) Itir dim. pied : l'tU~ face be didn't do a tht'ng , lar, " .~, but ,toop down klsB her, Nate . 8tory Abc/ut, ~". ~~by. 18 8 'faintly man blmllelf alid h.s three I"., ·f ' .' or rour · kidl! at homo · and AU, ' tb'08e ~, thlap,i 'liapJlCned · · · H IIket5 th'e m. d 011' e...neY~r !D~ved. . , " ~Ibly 18n;,; Bill ' ~baUl got B IJt ., () jUlit stoo ..a10.1I1 pret~7. well '-'I! the Jum ber bUlli there and looked 'dl.gullted nnd Nat!! ne... r.un~lnl '.. :.. w~II' ,0YEIr N~ell l!1 d l41'8: Duiiham' talked' baby and ,She · 'MUll w." 'ud haUllal ' to>Balnbl'ldge, '. .ke(Lbow, MI'II" GlddlngS was: . Then and· ,lill wl(e Will j"lt , III pratty, ' al Nate, meanlllg to make any troll' : when lhe. ; wa.·' . 'jJlrll alUi01,lg1) In a " :~ald, "Ollle:- come ane( 1.:.IJre,.t ·* ,h o~· wa)'. The,: )Jere bap,Y.e ain 't afraid. are w; ·but llilUI ' afew ' mo liUlII &to ' t.helr 8Omef hl ntr. abo.ut ,n ot ' a fool ' of himself over ,any ba"Ptn... : "a~ Jilc.op:1pl,rte., ' . ~am'l frlellds laid he IUldo't a1c)bller:r bl'llt and ,walked away, ~~ard. he Will 10 mad , 'ell enW . qtt e~ttJit He ;"',~ , one 0' kicked O\lIe. ·, and Mr.. . ~e ~~~) ~I!~J", Dle. ,In, P1k~ , . }~ud . ~,JoH)" ~e, Republi,.n. up '~~::!~tl~':ta~:&~ orl~ . <'Cr,bthiali.a ,wantM ..B.IJI. .t o ro.D tOr;.'o ou". S IUOI18r '1:7 .upetvlaot and tll)"to .W~8t ilie con. was h~t: ~I :of oldPilte .COl1D.lY. froUl tbe Den'l. oour.o. he dldn.t wbeth&r OU'e .Kl~ler eyer ,kissed >9O¥AtB, but . 9tu wd b,e ' dldo.1t care I fOr polltl~ ~Dd ,.,fuled , ~o run, al. bll li":b~ or ,not, In tact. hefd ~ather. ~ou,h he let ~"m make . blm. an al· be 1fol\ldu'~, but that ,didn't mak.e It t.el'llate tije. ,l tatO\couye!' Io.a, ~hlCb ally Jietter. .,.... qlilte an honor, ,He toQ~ bl. wlte • WO~ ~!b'lr ."ould .e 10 , r';, 'WIth him to OolurubUI _Del tl!o.y vllll1.T . Aud' then' '~d'1Iii!re lm_ '~l\'ore that til penltentfary und thl! bl.lnd "y. ull-bat tba,t II .otber .l~fy, Ollie "'~lIld '1l11!tr: baby or ~ .bITy ltory ,til' allCJut thQ., lIaby• . tO~' lt, If. ' went to' the It(Jre the ball, arrived evclrYlWlv anll t,olcl onll/ wo~d M . ' ~I"J~~ID~ all " . . bl8 ~ 'fi.;Glot_.
On the Gro und T hOl t (ro m O b$ti n~cy
,xlbl.r, He baa not 1iJ8/ted her lind 'Will not kJ .. J1er.' 'l'bereto re, ttlllre I. trouble. . It apgeafe. (rom the ract. that , are ....certalnable. tbat , IIUII, Margaret ShaD non, who W8I1 , be~te~ knO"'ll aa '"!Madge. ~ the lIeile of the enUre dill· -trtet ar6und Cynth lana by the tlme ,.be . u U ' ,eare old. Not Olily that. but the young iDen trom Balnbrlclge -drove down to call on her. Ilnd It was rumored thatr ahe wal en,gal(en tA;, II wealtlly 'yOUnl miln' ,uIl at Wav· , rly, the co~nlY lUlat, Everybody bew fl\llf Ii'red Cravtlns, trom SInk, ..tng Sprlnge, wWl. ~ wild!):' In love with 'ller. Almoet all .the to'ltn I!<>YI were .and elJ.>l!wallr Ollie Kibler, wbo OWOI .II bll farm over Oameron's mountain, _Idel bli houl8 In C)'tlthiaaa. Tbeu BlU DqaII.,q. big, llea.rty, 800d 1I.tur~ and .tth II l~qb thllt" ll!Od~lI~ be beard o"er halt the "T\ctJm tQ ·~ the pretUntl88 of 1af11';et: SllanDon--anci that ,sot.t1ed It, Tbet _~ m!lrrl~ ·and. O!lIe lObler; ~mo a 'iort of "'omali ·hater. , People with ~1Ie&e ,flIiucationl :,wOUld~ have called 111m ml!l&nthr6plc; bUt CYl'Hb18na , .p'I~" referred to I~ a8, grou~b. :,ex~p~ Unale Billy Newell, . wbo aid Ollie '
- ...-
"Srnll o," (hoy' tolll h lr'n ; ' w par n ,.mlJerr tlt) wl')rliJ df\ splHefi fII n who l'fOWU.
1 \l l otT y ur s"at1 uull ~",bc r look Congen ial Surround ings. .And th en no .I IOWe r nlOY keep YOI.l " UIl)lOSe l hey dlscO\' I' th o Dort h tJowu ," ;,Olo'?" au ld lIIe s l<cptlc. "O f wbllt ua l Ie ",lap l), tOfJk th~m lit Ih~lr ,,'ort!. wi ll It lip?" B 'cu UISt: h hail ttl\' WiKh to win . smllw . Ilnd pro onlly llle), loUted " W II :' a UN"'ercd th l)u hUc·splrlt d HeA h()IIL hlH .. tdtoU c grtll." cI tizen, " It wil l h a good iJlllC Lo col· -Judge. o nlzo 1100pi who Insltit on n ot c l all' PROMOTION, INDEED, ing Ihe Rno \\' on: lhe lr 81d wnlll s,"\\'a hlnglon Stn r,
SUiting the Action to the Word , " Wus pa allgry wh n YOIl lold him ),o n won ted to mllrry nlC, dea rest?" " "'ul'lous ly aug ry , dnrl:n g," "Whq.t did he sa)' 10 you 1" " Ho. lold me to go to t hund e r." " And whaL did )/ou do tb n ?" " I went at IIgbtnlng spccd."-tr1llU' more Ame rlcnn. Truth Cornu Out, ' Anxi ous Mot her- T ell me tho truth, now. dldn ' l Mr. H.uggjn8 dl'lve wlUI o n hllnd atter yOU goL oul ot my sIgh t? Pretty Da nghle r-:-0t course not, mamma. He d rove wllll-or- the olhe r hand.-Chtcago Dally NewH.
For the Future to Determine. Youth ( bursUng In excl.tedly)-f'OII' " Yes." slIld th s entimental youth, "lh r Is n o doubt of he r I de voUo.lI , mnUon , dad, permolfo n! F a lher- How's that? Turtle. Like Tomatoes and Fruit, ' Sh trells urOR nil my le ll I'S.' , Youth-\\ ell, you know 1 was cast "That," said lItl~s Ca yc nn , " may be During th e !last season I bll va hee n lo take the Ilnrl or the hind legs of the soru e wha~ d is illusioned as to lh f eu· dc \'oUon. Dnd th e D aguln II may be dOll k y ot t he lJa n to mh.ll c . In g habi b; of the bo x 'turtl e, says a fOI'E!s lg bt. "-\\' l\s hln gton star, P a th r- Ye s. wrll e r III COllnu'y Life In Am rica, Youl h- Well, n uw I takes the front With the advellt of tbe towato seaeon Eccentric, legs. Il was nOllccd e\'EU'Y mornll!g tbllt rour " Qn('cr nboul TompklnB," or fh'o of t.he largest and rilles t toma· "Proo 'ed ." Very Strong Ther-e • lo es wcr · flarU y or lotally devoured. " Bo p rs lats In tHin g the t ruLb " Wbat did young Rlllffer go to tbe. 'fhe pcc ultllrly shape d biles were a wh ere a lie \Vould do just o.s well," hospital for~ " I)Uzz le. It could not be the work of Milwauk ee Senllnel. " J b e ll <! n~ to 1>o\'e so DIe kind "f II tile n Ighbor's chicken s or ·du el( s . No HUMOROUS-2167. ne rv e oporal!on-" fa miliar Insects could co.u ~e ~uch In' " Hold on! 1'bero's a ml sluk e ' some"WOMAN EX~ECTS THAT EVERV whero. Th erc's nothin g th e OIa.1'Itt.«e!l:e'--_ _ _ _-;--: jurlos. MAN," At lnst a large BP cleue o of box tur· with h Is norve! "- UaltJwore AmerIcan. stray . cows thot were feeding II10ng Ue WIIS' caught III the act oi devouring th!) roadsid e tllk(!n lo the pound. II tomato. 'i'he most sllrprl~lng tacl In She Had an Impreulon, Wbe n Ollie had lo paY.Q ne dollnr e llch thl$ ("ocuecLlon ie the he ight Lo wblcb "l rega rd Heur y J UlUes ItS olle of the .. !tne he was so lUad he threalened to tbeso clumsy oreatUI',es cnn r each, s tronses l wri ter!! of th e (le rlod ," salel TOOlIILoes are not safe from th e m un· lIok Bill. th e 10cl,lIl'el'. . . That's the way lh o fe lid stands now. les'; til y hong s ix W, e lgbt Inches "My 'goud ness," re marked a Intly wbo nlll stili VOWB 'that Ollie' must klslI a bove tho ground. oocupl ed a fl'oll t seat, "I thuught bu Tbtl app e ti te of the box lurtle ne ve r his baby and \15 k his wIfe's permlsslon lI ever wrOlO (I rlods at all: '-<::blcago fslls . A s mall turtle will cos ily con· to do It. Dut OllJe 8WCart!l he'U law Record,Heralll. FUll out or Pike county betore he'll s umc a tom litO twic e hi s OWII size, AllY PCllrs or: OPIII s wblch may be do It. blow n (1'0111 th trees III' also greedily Never a Surplul. As ror lItLlo MI8s Dunham , sho 18 devoured by the lll. · T wo llclg hbors "Wha t are. YOII j:olng to do with growing pre Ltler , each day and from had til e sarno e xper! nco as m yself. )'our Sllr plus woalth?" pr.e!l~nt sIgns about tho tim e shE) getll tind 1 lhe rGfol'e 8uelle~t that tlils habit " My fri e nd ," lIlls wored Mr. DUIIUa to ):le 17 '011le or any other humnn of box turoles mq ~.rove to be qulle StIlX . "s urplu s wealth Is a myth: a being will beg for the cha,nce. general. ' . !! upe rs tiLf o n. There Is no such lbJng" Cheer Upl In th e pcrsoj1ul e xp rlence of any InDI'lertatlon 'on' tthe KI ••, dlvldual : '-Wns hl nglon Star, Here 15 some SO?d advice fro.m the Ottaw.a · News : Everyon e knows (he 'wonderful tonlo Change Mlght ' Do Him Good• . "Cbeer up ! elrect ~r "kissing: Ii c:ommon smack PutlenL-E vory • lim e I attemllt to "What right have you to carry a til' iuakes ono'lI eyes Ilash and on~'s h~rt neral in your 'tllce? Tbo world hM beot fasler.. A lons, IIngerlllg, satisfy· " My wIre Is a lecture r , aad I. am an eM n beefsLOllk I hllve an attack. of n onral gln In lilY jllws. troubles ,of Ite own, log kiss hns au e lfecl: Len tim8ll 88 I!ntertaln e r ." Doctol':...Wby dou·t you tl')' a01DQ "Cbeer up and change your pelot I)()Werful. It 'IncrellSes tbe pul~e. "I lI evo r kn ow you IlPpeared In pub· other boa l'd lng house?-C hlcjlgo DallJ' ot view.' Your IUs 'a re mostly 1mag. raises the temperntul,'e and makes :Ic. " "I dotl't. I s tup s l bome and enter· News. Innry, Why. man' aIJve! ' In Ilve ' min. the blood flow through tbe system utes' walk .you clln Hnd Bcores ot peo- 'In rich, red ·slreams. Kissing Is Ihe' tuln th e Il ld s ! " Their Own Fault, pie woree ,off ,tban )loll. And here you' one sUI'e Rnd lofnllIble 'l)rOllhyIactic, Texts and Textile,; "Poetll IIsually have sad lives," aal4 are !\oIUit. througb the wO.rld feeling A DIan \Vho 'h as 'been 'recently klssell 'he scntlmenhillsl. SOl'1'1 for YO\lraelf-tbe mllane,t 8Ort , Is Pl'oor. net onl )' against germa, but rhe . RevfOr~nd Dullov Il ~ H ead · .Un" ) .. Ialr lUrncd ta!t,,~, 'till 861d, I' W,ell'," Rt:\swi!red MI'. Clullrox, "w~lt- " ' ot ])ity In the world., YQu, are nurs· , ' also ngalnst nil the big and little mon' N o t ex t s" h (lo N .lnlPIi OK Ing tho klhd of things the y do, r don" Ing ,I\n logrqwn l11ullon. · Rid )'9,ur· elel'ii of t he ae/l, Ule land ~I)d· the air. But he IITt~I:~I~~ ~\~O~';,a'~~I:~~ll~:lead, Bee how th ey could axp ct ,to Qe Yer, Bait of "the IiQglo mao and' . Kissl ng tQake~ n man valiant, brave ~Judli . e.bee rful."-'" ashlllglOll , Slar, . " Cheel' up!"-Los Angelos Tlmel: nnd bull \ltproor.-ExcbtlDge. . . , , His Reason. ' 1110 Compariaqr.. "Why are you putting your watch In ,Long and Short 0' It, ' P.ald 8acl~. "KJ t.l.lf , w!ilch do you like the bet_our shce'!'\ J11mOr l'artoer-!lld you see that "Oh, Ceorg ," she wblspered, when "Thill Is a dangerous neighborhood ter, me or 'canCy 'I" short man wbo WS8 Inquiring for )'Oll,? . be slipped the enga!lom e n~ rtng on ber ':1 .IIlre yo~ aw.fully well, . Uncla ' . I am dnlng It ' 'to lave tlIn&,"S~nlor Partner-No, What kind ot . !lngol', " how sweet ot ,ou' lc remem' l.nd George, b,ut I JU81: love candy! "-<::Jd. .~ou8ton Pos t, .. )coklng chall ,was he? ber my {av~'rlte etone" None ot ·the cago' Tl:lbune. Junior Partner-Ob,- he waa rather. ';,~bors "'ere &() thoughtrlll." . Jacl< _nd tlte I< It~y, tall, and:HI. Balanc:e at the Blink. Geo~~ we. for but a Mrll. Knioker:-Kltidnesl hall a WQIl' Senior Partner-B~t ,ola just ·.••Id moment. Then be with ! ."He !~Bt- bI8 balance out at t;he ~ . durful elrect on anlm&l., he "all ·.bort. ttaok to-day." ' "Not ot all. dear; oYerrate me. Mrs, . Bo~ker-l suppoee that II why Jurilor Pa:rtn'~-W'ell. • cueaa ,}le 'I'ht. I. tile 01\8 rye u.ed." ! "Old he rail down 1" At me' to .Lake Sbe wu ' --uP to . , l!lClit II al"a,.11 tqlug to 1"..teD Uae "No. the hone ho . . . ~lttJ.--.J~ fell. dO"DI"~Bo'lQn Post. ...." ... ~• • ,rena. . UclIIl II. o
""'''''''''''''''~'''''''''''''''~~'''''''''''''~'''''L "Camp M.eeting John" ~"""""" , ~ Vasses Away . .~ ~
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"::~'bJ~:,!::::":',!:iC:'::n;h" ZIMMERMANS l~;~t)b, A Y--$
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Mr. of Colum ' bu ) hflS!l ot t ile Gu ~etto a ollpping Thi s week we have , fr om the ' lun',\JUli Displl.tob, t«)lliug Frc It Oysters t er Vlllu Rill (oolw en l' for l e~" money tl\1.t'1 1 , I' d 1ca IIrc--N 0 \V t ~ of I bo d lIb of a ·ev. J ohn F , Naugle, 0 I ',ll ar you Olm Isewh ere Tr.I' uud be nvi un d, 'l t ., lIt PUrt,lund , regon , recently , ~ L' C - b-: " .. aucy flUI crracs n v. Ntlu glll pr noh ed se.veral ,Jumbo Celery times lit. the Mll thodl t chur oh 1n The Bes~ Crackers ... ., WI1,'I'uesv illfl .mci he IllilO utttluc1ell -, - .... ~~~'""""'"",.,,.,..,""'"",..,,.,,.,,.,~,..,,.,,.,,., t,he Nu tloll111 NOI:llIlll University at wc('t Florida Oranges 1.3 CaIn eedless Ornnge Lcbnn }u II Ilumber of yeur IIgO , fiO Malaga Grapcs HORSES , !,' LD IN SHORT Miss Edith Sherwood 110 \·... 111 donbtlEltl be rOOl\Ued hy Appll.'s-I.. cmons . mUIlY rCll dertl of tbl!! nrtioieH, -PARAGRAPHS to be Married. W Ilppend aoc>uple of pl~ru grll ph~ New While f ish, Herril!g , ---- - - -from the III'tlol e published lJy th e Co~ hsh and Hah~ut In"i tntlons bll ve beo n Issued fo r . Pickled l'lgs feet and Tripe For Rent-No , 1 Tobacoo g round , ihe marringl! of MiR Edltb Sber- Dispatch: Hams and Breakfast Bacon ... 'rolD B to 10 aore~, Apply t·o (), L, wood , dllughter af Mr. nnd Mrs, Rev Jobn F. Naugle, once 11 re!!i- -, .... ,One Welch Pony. Mar~. l1icb, C. B: I::!berwo:xl, of Third t!treeh dent of 11l1rrlsblUg, FrtlUklin oounty Cubbal!e- Potatocs-Onion , Mrs, Ann Wakeley ~ho ball been to Mr, Cbarles Edwards, son of Ilud kno \V1l to ~~etbodists tb,r ough, Canned Corn llpendlng thl winter near Lebanon Mr, lind Mrs, 'Ed Edwards, well out the U nited Stlltes as "Camp' Special Low prices 011 ... now at bor home in Waynesville known re Idents of East Wayne M eling ' Jnhn," und wbo preached Sugar Corn by the Dozen 48 CATTLE. township, a series of sOl'mbnt! lIt Washington, or Case \ ' St. Mary"s Church. The marriage will tai:e place lit D, " during the ndlll.inistrution of New Ga~dtm ecds One· ~ Jer~ey Cow to 00" fresh 8OOn. the home of lohe brid!: 'e "A rents in Pr sldeI!t Grant, whloh wore at, JUilt R i!('eived The fou rth Sunday in Lent- Waynesville, Wednes(lny,.... ' I1 t by th fl prall I' , February ten d ed overy mg . nuy your s upply Early dout, Q10mllers of con gr B ' llnd -' - ~ -llarob 10,-Mornlng P~yer and 20th, sermon , a$ 10 :30 11. , m . Eveniug wany otbers, d..\ed at his h omo in ... Sweet Pea Seed in the Bulk Prayer Bnd address ot 7 p, m., Bub School Notes. ' University Pull, Pu"tlun~, Oregon, ~ ,I:Iig hc t }'ricI'S Paid Spring and Summer. jeo.' of addrellll-Se!f·oxaminatlon,; , la t unda y night t1t \l o 'olook, ... for BuUer a nd Eggs, I J1 lilamuel xII :7, And Natha.n said Mr. oJ, E, JannllY visited· Be WBf' born November 15.1 57. Thirty-Six Stock ,Cattle. :to David" tbou art the man, Bun- school IlUIt Thnrsday afternoon , at Baltimore, 1Illlr -lund; his early Seo us before SeU .tay' Sohool at \I :30 a , m. Litany, The J.lterllry of tbe oornhuskers' li fe ueing spent on 0 form in Ohio, ___ uy or • Penlt.enti.l Offioe and addreas every haB been postponed until Mt1roh 22 At al1:risb~lrg, 3~ yeILrs IIgO, he 35 BROOD SOWS Wednet!day at 7 p. m . during Lent, School Wilt! dismissed last Tue _ joi~ed t,h e ~ ethortist cb urch !lod the ~ yo~ are a.ked tq attend these (IIIme evenmg preaohed II. power ful Due to farrow in tl8rvioeB. day afternoon so the pupils oould se rmon . 'oon uft r this he enter' , • - • hear the leoture given by nr, Clay· ed tbe Methodist ministry in evan, , OF 01 8 'E • Business ,Men's ton at the Institute. gelistie work H,nd through bis sno, ~ , ~ 180 GOOD BREEDING ' EWES" , League to Meet Friday Severru from the different gradell oess au the plut'form llt CUUlp moat attended a taffy , pulling at Burton Ing he eurnell the uioknTlme by , ~"""~ Bred to Pure Shropshire dlle'_ t. . ' '.All Members .urgecl to Attend Earnhart'e one nigbt last week, Ivhil'h he wal! Known , in a~d · May. :Meetin~ at Canning Co's. Office. M.iss Sybil Hn.wke bas not baen .' able to attend sohool for the Pll t Way,nesville to be The Bnaineaa Men's League will week , Released fr~m Burden meet at $hs o.ffioe of the Waynes. The "D" and "C" Grade are now 000 "rine Canning Co, in tbe B,t oops having their 8bAre of t,rouble in 01 How To I"lna Out. ' .Fill a bottie or COlI llUOI I glI1 S with yow Of Corwin Avenue if Present Plall :HnUding ,Friday evening and all gebralo faotorlng . 3 water lI od let it sl:llId twenty-four bours ; go Through. Council Orders :members are earnestly requested to a edi mentor~el Supplies for Fire Company. mug iodicate5'on' "lIIlhealthy c OIIbe baa Dot held !l meet' J,...ytle may Incorporated dltlon Slflbe kid- A Var'iety Corwin A venue WfiR un for con , oe)'s : Ir it st.abs. inR for a nUliJ'ber of months and it Citizens of Lytle are talking of slderatiqn agaitl at'the meetiQ g ot your li licn it j ~ . U ffln now tbat muoh ()8Jl be llooom- having that thriving village' incor, e\1tlence of kir' CO':1noil ' Monday evening and the ll8hecl by getting ' together and P 11 CV troublll : to. ",orated, Mayor appointed a commluee con freqllc nt qt.:Jh'r -ivorJdDI tor tbe var~ous need8 of An incorporated vlllage blls many slsting of U, J. Burnett and J , C. _ to prulsjt Or pain ~e town , advantages over an uninoorporated B k t . tat t b All sums of $10, and under, cash: On aJlsulllS tt r up Iud - '.- - in the !;lacle. Is . aw e .,o e ". e ~(I, e " " also cou;incing proof U1(ll the kldll!)Y! a cr~it Qf 9 'mol! th will be given for' ban~le note. or • dflcg~i. All oitiZ!l~ wbo ar" not membBl'81 town . Ono of tbe pnnoipaJ advan. If possible thro~~ it tllCo the Jurls- a ll~ ultul..ler arc out 9£ order, but have the coed of the OQm~un· tagee'is that,i' would give the town , There '" cOIl~::tt i~°tl?tknowlelllf"! SI' all6wed for cash. i 1$1 at beart are oOJ:diaUy fbvited. the privilege of a voting' precinct i diohon of the CC)unty: Warren County recently obtalDeu often that Dr, Kilmer" ,. -'~eet at 7 :80 0 'olook. I at present Lytle people a':6 obUged several tbousand dollars from th t~e ~ al .kidney rcm~dr, Small Bills for . . every ,,~s h tllJCnn ng' rheuutnhsUl '. to oome to Waynesville to voto, lltate fer road Impr()v,e ments and pain'iil the oo('k, 1,.';du eys. liver, bladder , u ,ifthn ranuest. ' ( ' . Another advantage would 'be thllt pllrt of this mOlley can be used In :'I ud e,:ery pa~t ..!, ~',e urinury l"ssnge. HI,.. W.ter Mark ¥" "'I tbe ,citizens would baye tbe mun~ci repl1irin~ the A venue, if itjs plaoed It COITCC,ts IIl ;tl1l! ty 10, b~1 waler of Bank Deposits pal , scaldlllg p,mt lD • 1,1Il~ It, br bail gover~lpent in their o~ hands , UDder the juri'liiliotion of the Coun- effecls followlIIg U~" \110r" wine or U is said 'tbat under tbe present ty os soon liS pOI!sible, Tobacco is Bringing Enormous becr, aild ovcrcOJiu:b :I,pleasaht ; J'" ·LTT· N'CH ST'~lJB t .,yy", RESE'D'VDD. ' cessity of being eom)J ~ .. c to go of ' .. ,Il), 'I D law a comm unity OllU, be inoorpor Corwin Avenue blul long ,been it during the dny, "and to ,",ct , lip lJ\"'~: ' S"ms. 1I.tei1 withou~ an election providl'n g great 1I0\lroe of llnnoyunce u.s well limes during tbe Il,i gl~l. Th~ u·l il~ ,'?~~ The blgh water mark of local Il oertain per oent of 'the votes in us uu eyesore tCl'tbe people of tbi ' ~he ex;lmor~inl1ry effect of 5", amP ~ ), ' I ~ soon realn.ed . It St:lI11\S ' thll high >\1 bank depol!lts , was reaohed by the tbe ~errltory ,to be inoorporated, violnlty. 'l'he .Avopue oonneo!!! for its'wonderful cures of the most ',"I ~ Wayn8lvU!e National Bank last 8ign a petition to be, presented to towns of Waynes,ville and Corwin ~ress ing' cases. If you need '.n lIIedicilie , ten' I ' t led you should have tbe best. Sold by dru'~ evenhir, Wb\!D the deposita exceed- the <-nunty Com1Jll~sioners. alld 'ls ex SI va y rave . ' gist!! iu fifty-cellt alit] ollc.dol1;tr sizc~ , ad 1802,000, thiB 11elng 120,000 mor~ , --"-,______ Lyiu~ as it d~les in tbe I.ow lan9B You OIay bave a sample bott null p ~han the, biihest ,point reaobed by , . '., betITeen 'the 'river 'lI.nd the-mill ru.ce book )~Iat tells, all " ahOUl1ti botbscutfr\!c the depoaltl preViously. .', Chicken Roast at the rOlld IS subJeot to oonstunt u\- mail, AtldrClls,Dr. The money oomes almost entirely Earnhart's Sugar Camp washings whenevar t~e river lellves "K,iltncr & Co., Rinllfrom the aale of tobaooo, Il la said it b k as It doe8 two 'or thne IJamton, N. y, \Vhell 8 an s writing' mention this poper a ntl dou't ~ha~ one grower alone will receive A large party of yonug people times euoh yeu.r und frequently the lIIa~e any lI1islrlkc, bill remember tht more thaD t6,OOO.for his crop and a from WaynesvJlle Bnd v.lclnity en- water spread!! over the ' AveDoe to a naltle~ Dr. K~I01er's ",lImp-Root,.1Id the address, Bmghamton , N. Y. nnmber of portion. are receiving joye4 the ,novelt,ie$ ~f a "ohicken d ept h 0 f silvera I f ee, t - " teaat" and "stirring •off" 'at Burton ' As' ~be OOrl'orlltion ,of Waynes, ,arooDd t2,OOq ,Earnliart'8 sug~r O!Lmp, south of ville extends to the river the Av , Oeorge Mllis town Thursday 'night~ eo~e has ' always been oonsidered Injured by tleavy 1..0g. Five larle-,at hen8 were 800rifio¢ pllrt ~f ' the toVi n, uit-hough it is I1S the 'chlef artiole ;00 the menu, really used m,lJre by resident~ of While working in tbe woods OD and tbe _ay those fo';'el~disappear tb e country than by towlJpeople, bis farm near Cmsar~ .C reek Meet· ed after tbey had besn bated in the Of late' yea·rs the repairs requited iril , Honae a couple ' of weeks ago, hot, cqals gave evidence :of , tbe air lll on tbe avenue huvo become more GeOrre Milla was setiously injured, 01 the ooo)te a8 well,a8 of , the keen Il,nd more of a 'bUrden and tbe 'town .Mr, Mills, with two assl atants, was ~PlJ6tltes BOquired in \ tbe nlgbt air. bas been unable to oare (o~ it, Pri , tI11laged in trlmmtng ~a large , log , It ' 18 not 'stated p08iti~ely, .bo~ , vate cltlZ60S have und,ertake'n tq and Mr. MUIB was st.\I,nding over ever, ,what 0&1I8ed, ., tb~ ,' de~IlY In make repairs sEI.eral times but have the 'l ol whh a foot 011 eaoh Bide of re~ching, 'hom!,!, 'but ,DiOat c;>f them b'ecom.e di800ura~ed by reaadti of 1t wben the big piece of ' timber arrived bome befor!'! the curfew-:- .th~ o~n8tl1nt weaflng on tbe road. 8~l'ted to roll down tbe hill and tbe next day. . " In' w.o t wea.tAe~ the . Av~~ue , is ' 11 Hr. MUla' rigbt leg ~all caught be'. masll of. mud'; in dry wea.ther 'it , I S twesn tbelog lind a tree. N~w 'Supplies 'f~r'· . . "!, coverM with ,t hiok do~t, at, a.ll' n wal lome time before men '. '-" fih! Co~pan~ It Isa.plllce' -t I be avoide~ ,If pos&i '!'!!!~!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!"'!*!!!!~~\!!!~l were ab~e to retease ~. )rl~ aJid , bl~, ::" , -w~um they did the;r .fouad ~t-bls ," e,ouil<ln ' bas' au'tb 9rl <\od t~e pal"', ,,'P,rC! t~8 q~~y .wa~. 0, pe,r~tl; left foot was badly malhed. cw ' e by the' fire ohlef of . new· nent'l'oad oan 'be built , theu .IS to d . ' t' h xhi'I ' " t' " • , - - i l' , ti't '''I . , ' ' ' . ' " h b . ' d un enloy e e lll,r lng , ~r. f!I111B wand,?""u oons l!". on dera and other supplies for the fire raise It a~ov~ Ig . w~ter an fU ' sansh)lle hal enabled him to ~ome ~rouBh illW4rt~e~t: ':,. ,'., :' . ra~'ge ,for ?,:,sY;~lte~ ~f., d.rl\in~g~ , of housed ~i» th,e aoolie,nt witb"llnl~ .e1tect.~d _ Oiieol'der'is' ,for .iSiameae" ·,cio~p. , tbe water wWoh taliS, ~u I~, tb'to: ~h~ ~e is DOW reUlng ,a1~nl' nioel" ~d, 'JlnlS.' TheBe ...are, "'1''' shaped ar;~ r1~er,at presenlt su~b. . w~o , s~nd!! able to be about. ' l'aogemeJita to WhlOh .. tbre~, li~e8 qf lD ,P90Is . . " , '(', ':' • ' .. :. ' , . ' I .. . - : . ,, ' • '" ~OIIe can be att&;ob,e4, ~Dd 'lf , fo~: aDY ~~e CpUD\Y easily b~11~ u. Oham,berlaln II Co1J:l h , ~Jped1 " ~ reasOnlt sJi:oU1(l~, ~~ary to '~~t yJ,dul!t of . the r ~p~delll.lo "i',t.:l,»J~ll1 Both Arreeable and meo&ive;,4: off "' oDe ,ilne the ottikl (lontlnue enu~ . for :~;)iri;~l~i~;~1 ~~berlain's f~ugh Rer:oJia, thro,rlng w~ter ' fr9rll ~he Sllm!? , " -', ' : , , ' road" , la8t a d . hy.dran~ ' ' , aD, , A~',th~ 6re,(0, the' PJlIlUpa' liaUd" wour4 reqai~ ~Jilig~i~U!!%pemtQ ,", ,.,. 1 f , '",. _ I iDg >It W&Ii ' ~l'J: ' to Ollt! for·l'f!IpaJra. , ,he water' rtl6d 11 .. .
o h ...,attn attt'S
$ $'
$ , --YOn , f1 Z. ' Immerman'. s $
$. $'
$ $ $
J $
BudaI_ . ~.
Thousands Haye Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect it, i
W. ]3].- 0'
Creshed to Death. ~dward Marshall Meets Awful Death. --~-----~----------
Former Resident of 'Killed at Cincinnati.
U MBE R 2112 1
W /::l OL E
Co n ct:;rni n g
Busin~ 3~ .lens League· fU~I~:~;~:~ !ln~~~;YD:~L~a:I~~o~o' l 'IOldr ~nthu II L ' SI' nrtl'e 'Meell'ng I . ____--.---'-_ F Olr mer Resid ell t s
Mr . Ed Mucy is convllI ci ng fr til n s v r a II h llck of erysi pelus. MiH GI nnl1 ::imith bus I'eturnell tu her scbool duties lif ter lin nb sellce of severn I cluy!! rrorll ill Iteult b . Waynes ville Ever ything pret ty in Ewster l UI ts and II profu sion of bell uMful flo w r il u t fi s. Lincoln 's Mn.rcll 23.
rnrl0, 'rrites regr atti ug tllnt ciroum· tUl1oel! prove n t ed hill uttoneli nt:; tho
H llttlo. om ing, b ot · t r usts ho Shll ll n ot b oounted nmoDg tho mls hig at the next one .
Pri zes
awa rd e d
B st Kept Premises. Many
Improve m e nt s
Sugges t~.
P II . ed nwuy., In KILn SllS 'ity, Knn. If only a .'IIDnl1 portion of t I e I It WIIS nnnnim otl sly voted t u ex ?liss ldl~ B ninrs, duugbh1r of MI' . 11", ~lurcll 2, 1!107, Arthur yonng st , runny good tlllngR ul!:gostecl li t til n tl the t hlLnk s of the Lengue to uud Mrs. J onu t,h,") S I\!oos, h us tI ) 1I f the 1IIt .Mr. nnd Mrs. ,r. W . I meeting of It o Business Meo" t he cOlllmitte fo r its good work Ilnd glllle t o ol um bl1!1, wb 1'6 she is en ., Hoborts , lind hroth er of Mr. F . H.. I Lenguo Friday 'veoins, >Lre UOOOIn . I to co ntinue th em in the 8a me pOIII. gll g d in the ll'I!I\lUel'S bushlt'S . H.01Jl<rt H, editor of the OsknJo n plished, Wilynosville will benefit tion tit coming yeu,r, w ith the Mr. Monon Gor on li nd flimily 1n(l p . nu?nt. Hi .bil'th. pluce WUR luatel'iully b.V ~he gatberi~g. added prov.i~lon thut t he cbair ha ve m tlved fr OID th ei r fO~1Il mlll r \ ruy ne!!v lile, Ohio, 10 t·he yellr 1 GO . AILDo t very tOPIC fro lll r lid m ight llPPOlDt t wo a ddiona l per . Hal'veyshurg, nur\ li re now occnpy 1:1 lenv M n luvlllg Ilttlednng llter of buildiug .t o chur oll uttend unce WIL S DS to t be oOllltJI lttee. Ing tbe h ou know n at! tho !3olle i"hr yellrE, ·llsters, or other uno t uched u p!Jn and the t~en liY or M.r. BunD ell offe red to give '5. 00 ·Brown property . :\[ nt Gonlou otb"r Telntiv!:!s, he idc u lUultitu~e t wenty.five Dl en prestlJl t t ook gr en t himself to be nsed In prizes for the was dota in ed lit tile hOIll of 111 of frielld~ who feel the loss 0 f tlLlS loter e t ill oil mlLt,te rs br ougbt up, best kept pI' mises on the same plan m otb r ·in·llLw, M 1'R. L.yrl itl l,;oru ' ll good Ill:lll 1lI1) t, k en\ y . Ilnd the subj eots were v ry genom l. t\ t hat of last ye~r and the LOOgU9 tn 'orwln , severlll dn y " ou nocnun '" T B G - -t- - f 0 k 100sB ly dl ou ed , votellll. Hke suw, tlO the prlz"s th" . . I1 . • !l u w, Corwin Avenue, of oourse, w S coming yellr w III e be b , '"5 of siokn !!!!s, bnt 1& now Il \'u 1e t Jilin 1 II rrr3 _Oll, 0 f 'bo D"I' I" .. ,. ,an d 2 . Ot\'!L, sour ~ U II oo py 0 " "J T d hltcbin hor fnml1 y. B el'lIm Dr \!Jllt it,y, which c n tlLins one of the fir t topl di c us ed a ud be noe of m or.e , g ~ts Burto n E1llrfh lL~t fi nd fllm ll y cer · u ti url icl'1 talltng of n serions ucoi .1 . . Ha wkt) who is (L mem ber oI was spoken ~f a~d it WIlS s uggested t uin ly enj oy life them '1IV"II. nu d dent wh loh 0 C1;J rr~c1 at Knoxville, the cornmitee Of connoi l Ita vi ng t e th ~t Voonol) endeavor to p~cvide contribu te lar gely to th hapillu .-"" r lHVU li nd in whioh h IS br ot.1t I', Dr . It I8.ttar of deta ohlng t.his from the some plilce wher~ f~rmer8 oomlD~ of others La st Saturdn r H1 y 10 F G t • I I CO I'poru tion, r eported that th e work l11to the town may hlt<lh their teams ' . ' . ' . . ur1"e Slln, Wilt! Ii rt OU~ Y n · . .. ."" I fl d vit ed ev rul of th eir r elntivos 1 I l I d I' b WII i;lrog s ing flS r ll\>idl y ns po si ble At pr esent It Is often '&lwCU t to n b ild! I t h' tch ' . 11 S t, , Ju r el nbout [lEI WUI Iln 1m . fri ends ond oel ~h bors t o oome and l 'h ' n ~OI<leJlt occurred nt u lu r g T ben tht! mnf,ter of r Olld u n g 1l p aco 0 I ,e81)eOIIL y on Ii . ., .' . . h h . ugur I IOUS weddiult c lebl'lltioD nnn \" Il clluseu ' in '""'en em1 wos con ider ed . The uln e wit t em a •, 'I . IPlr . u rdoys wh en the to wn Is __orowded. .• an d tile fea st of r oast cll iokeJls, \>y the ~i viu g \'I'ul' of a fioo{ \vbich miRnsa of . r Olld sorupera wn s dIS · Tb e m B,tter of.o,ft'erlng sPf:lcl.a~ in. r Ollst POtlLtOllljl, btl k\ld eggs 0 Del r Cipitlttell ai,g bty or m OTe guestl! cus ed lind th e Leng ue meDlbers l d ucements to the people of sut'. mllny oth er dell cn iee wbi 11 Ilr ~ t II . feot belo\~' wore u'r ged t o use t heir 1D1l11ence to roundi ng oommnQitles' .to oome to ' III 0 II C' M n\T1e lI.]>proprlate UJJdllPP f,{zing fo r !'I.l'oh Mr Gurr tson wr ites t bll.t his no thllt the roads _wer e pr operly Wayneljville' llnd trade was9uggetlt. un occosion w",re served in gre!t~ hrotb'er i now slowly r ecovering built und lDll nugeri . ad und n " Waynesville Bar~ln Ilbnndllnce, and m or e t hou 1birt y from hi'i in 'ur lc whioh r e u\ted in LlLst spring t he Loug lle r ais ed · DIlY" liS out lined in the Gaze~ people !It down t o tbe tub lll , in ' th e 0 oo[Uple~o ~ r1~ons coJ1llplle f r t be /Lbollt i ,iO .for t he suft'e rers in t he se veral- months ago WAR adv~ted. wooels ut, the BUenr b0080. 't ' b ' Sau" )jrllnCI!:lCO ea rt hquake Bnd _Iln 'l'be President appOinted the f.o llow. . h f th a t t h e ing committee to' arranKe' . f or IUOh E xhi biti on nnd di piny of Ell ter ,IDle IImg. inquiry d veloped t e oct Milllnet:y Mu roh ~3 a t Mit!s 'Gm oe J obn Z II, who L D OW li ving at m oney hnd DOver. been for warded, ~ day L , A Zimmerman, B. S. Lin·ooltl·B. rll nvi1le, hlO. where bi so~ is bu t was still in the bank!! hea: e , ,HowelJ, .r. A. Funkey. and J. Will st. Mary '. Guild will hold I~ mlLr· Ilttendil1!!:- ~ob.ool , hil S seu tho Gil., After I\. lively d'i ROns ion as tdo W'hl tt!. P reSident Janney suggested that ke t nex.t tilLturdu.y r4l1rr h 1\1 ILt \J It. zett.o It lon fler IBs uel1 by t b'e BI~IJti. st wb eth er San Francisco still needa Question ~ili be decided at E1ec· A b f d "'ts f th . JD. a t t he to re of .] oh n H Co1em l1ll. chnr h of thlLt city whioh iDdicates t be money, U oommittee con sist· an ocoaslonal meeting ~ ill the grea t splri .oul' i"y . , .r tion MObday, :(\priI15th. ·· t·n om, f e1"L ot l res, eu d E0 '(I VI- YQur 1'Iltr on ugo o Liolte!l. ' , 11, nil t ,bl.)t great inB of 1:3. Lev. Ca. r twrlgM . ' C. M . nat ure of a. literary gatherinr, tba CUll Y Q " y e ao erry ' re g l)Od is be ing I CQolllpJisl1ed by t be Rohitzer Ilnrl . E . Brutten , was talks be made on tbe good of \he · - t-';'·~ of W~ .tn1& 't own,,'bj' p pr ,eut. t I::lqtnre V. an TIn ser 's ourt A u Invlt.:Hlon is extend d to 'l 1:\e . dt with t he proper Th " ..... """" u., , ohuroh . Mr. :~e l1 furnis hes SOUle apPolD te 0 conleJ: -. town, eto. , ,·mpo"'Ant m"'l, I'ng " ondltY In, (,Ior~ IU I(1S,t. Frid ay t o h en . r t he I lId le~ of ' ILyn .e ti ville. and ooun,t r y h 't ' t S F 0 BGO AS t o held ... " .-" .... interesting fact· in uddltion t o .tout a ut orl les u [l,n ran The que8t1on of 8. n.e w ~:wnlh~p aDd T·ueI.\day eveni1,gl'; wheutbe· ol1se of J osh na Chpn owet h uguinst to be ~pnt li t t·l1l'j d~splay of E!~ . cout!liDecl ill th,a oir oular : ' wh ut 9isposltion to m~ke of t he UUtlding wiilJl!'O'itBIdered bllt aa--eYmattt'r of, ereotiug·a new township Mrtl. WtI.)rer Foeter . - . . tar ml l~lDel'Y Il t roll s Lincr,lp , 'l'he eating ClILpaoity of the Audi. m oney. erybody seemed ,hearijly In favor of bundiog l&8Iumed deflnlt-e !lhllpe . T ile cose g rew out ~f a dll.lPllt'l Murch ~3. . toriu lllS Is be'l;ween 700 Ilnd BOO, N. L , Bnnnell , ohairman of the the Improvement, Jittle' dlsoUlllioD :At M9llday 's meeUn ·-petH.ftlDi$ \ bet een..M.u.-Ohenoweth-;-nll{l: Mrs. Mis Winon ll MltcDollUld, of H a r. 'whe n ~lle ohuroh ))Bl'lor odjofnln~ Committee on a ome Improvements was neceseary. ' al -ed by all,l1~t 3"0 votes of . the'l Fo ter, Mrs. Foster wni vljd. the ex· vey bur g wus the g u !!t of Mi I' th .l ·t · · 1000 t 1100 rf.\ported t hut t he., oomm lttee. had 'A rlsln" vote' of ·than1..- w.. ey . .. va U e ILUul on um 18 opon 0 awarded th e prizes offered by the .. ...._ 'ownt4ht~ were preeented request ed amlnlltlon and t he ca~e WIll go t o , fldie 'ber woo , 'I~turday nnd Sun· oan be IlCOOUHlI r;> duted . a nd on' one League Il1-8t year ,. for t he. ~est kapt tended to the WayneevUle CanDlDr 'bat' 8.0 "leotion ·be ca.1 led t ) deter tile r,t~xt ter w of tbe Com mon Pleu da y. oCClision, d llritlg II. rev i vl,li ser vlc'l, preruises as follow : . "Co. for the , use of their . roolDl as miD€! ·w hetlier bon411 sh ould ~e €ourt . Howllrd T ront who IS 0 stmdent by tLotena l oo n n t , mor e th-im 1,1.00 ,)1'!l'st pdze, '5.00, James Kerriok , a. meetillg plaoe. • ~ at Ado' njver ltv , -Aclll, Ohi n., motle w r e kn own to en ter [l,nd retl'lIl,in . t:;ec'ond prize, 1"'.00, Wal ter Elzl'Y· Adjonrned to meet Friday evenIllUed r" r '~e purpose' of erect ing ~ .There nre now ut Gmnville ' Thir d -pril"-8, t2.00, b • townllhip. nllding . Sunday at ." the Churches~ ~lll d t·h h eArt of bi pUTeuts, Re v, ab ut Mrs : A1ethiu. AleXllnder . ing, Maro!l 22. nnd M r~. T r out , nn(~ u hos~ ~ f r r t u 'l M fifty st.udent,s st \ldyiog for tbe ~'n , ComplyP1I ..wi&b thl\t reque t tho .. :- M. E. by Ol'm lng born linys VII · i t ry, \V h? rep·r e.aen t strntea' Cross Bros. Will , r Fred' Hartsock, "" .... .. , . OII t1.on·t l' part of t b week . lIud 't be 1 laud of J~m"clu . 'rhere. . . . 15tb . en .ice!:' _ Sunday, MI1~ch 17,,1{107. ure a l 0 ,25- 111i siooury voluntee,rs. In· .' " , old ~rge Sale. The . Yo. unge'st Cashier ' in the , RundllY Roh ool, 9.30 ; O. M. .R , obit· Mr. I\nd ~~s . L II,\vrenoa Rng ric', t Ttle fom~al ,call (or the eleotion zer, Sn , perinte.ndent, after t.L life t i me of uot;! vlty . hlLVB Donnl~on Uni~ets.lty at th is Ime. O wing to fi re burnin'" po:r t of our Buckeye State. will be.: found iIi another pl~o'3 In' .. " . Waynesville and In faot Warrell S"rmoD, ·10.aO, by Rev. Roy B'liy. moved froUi .t.bel r 'flA-fIll nellr bhe ,·l\1r l\. R~chel Sivite r' dted a~ t be .wlU'erooms we are oompelled t o i~ tb18 1,!I8ue. 'w ood, of' Say ton, Ohio, SubJeot ; ',(lelogl'llph Mill to tho hOIll f hom e of her !Ion ut 1~lem, I own , m ake II CI ra noe Snle,so as t o ha ve Connty should feel. Indeed honored " With 'l'hlne Ih the F l1the rs Honse" t heir "on in· lllw 'md dl~~lgbter, Mr . l!'obrual'Y 'O, at th e age of 0 YOllrs, r oonl for goods tb n.t were ordered to bave the-youngest tlasbter--ef-tbe Olrl. Meets with Accl, Epworth' 0.30. Topic : !lIlU Mr . Orn' Dllcker pellr Dodd . Mrs. l:!iviter WElS twin sl!\ter of llieforetheUre. Buokeye Stnte within hell portall. dent in Pe<:uUar Manner "Itll'n lortality" Leade r, Do tl A. B I~ioi1 ILnd fumily hll ve pil I'· the late A he ir B. Smith, of Ilon r . W e w ill offer fo r Sfl,la a t our plllce Mr. Hartsook Is a notewonby • Ellis. ol1l1s('d Mr Roge rs fn roo ' nnd are Wnyne!!vlJle, wh ose \~i40w, Slll'llb Qf busin ess in Wo,y Il E;S ville. Oliio, illnstration,of what mll.y be aQOom. ' Be)en, the older daughter of ,.Evening Serrnon •.,.·7-DO; 1Iy R oy , now-GGGUi~ying it .. ' . ~ Smit h, and muny othe r r eltltives 8AT tJ l'tDA.Y . MARCH 23rd. 1907 pUshed by tI. young man .1fho poaees. . . . st il j li va be re. . . ' , . s'es.' ~!ty of p.urpose ·aud' an unwavMr. and 14 ~. ,'s Halne8,o~ Cor: Haywood'. Subjeot: " 0 0 t he ~'Oll r . .'" II " ; . 'rbe fll l),llly of Mr." JIlIll~ Pender· '''h ~ "I . 1.1 ' f th e p~· oomUlancurg lit O·n. Ill ". . our entIre erIDg . de t ina t'Ion t 0 s Ucoeed • .' win, . til sutfer ...g '!N ili"'u '..'' er ·arm . Square City. • , . . , .. ..L. e ~! IUlI y; (lOnS1S ng 0 erm w,blob WIll 6rp ken In I twO:PIIlO~, In' &10,' " The Roly City,1 by ~I1es ,:tUlI.t. p ilI! beeo' s orely IAI:hot.ed fr~Ill ' ren ts th~ee SOt)S and twodu ngbter~" stook ot wu ~ons, bugSles, surreys, Eor more thlln tw.O yearslle aoted ~ .,. moilt ~. . ~nltar ~a:~ljet'; ',()ne dlly Edith ~hute : ... . se.r lou s .111 ne~s this . wl ~ter . Mq Inoved ' to IO~I\ fr om' t b'ie vioinity (plows, oul tl.vll tors, ot;lrn ~\nnt~rs , . as Ilssistant cashier ot the Cltiltln8 lut week. " ., .;;. . . . Roy ~oyw,~Od ,Is',.a Wnyn~8viJ1 e ' A llJl ~ h u ... hp.d .1l I~ ~g ~lege of , ty . , n ,lSi; , lind alllla ve .passed IlWI\Y·, 1tobnc~o t rapl!plll~ter!l, . gralD .drills Bank, llnd upon the re8!gll8.tion ,9 f ~hQ was ·at ho~e ",~en the aool: boy anu'qll h \s' friends a'lld 'the gen . pll ,f ve.r,. :.~o~ Wb lCh, sh~ has. except one br~lther of Sivlt:er dl!!O bnrrows, wood nnd steel frume Mr. ,Le mmon was tendered ' the . po. . Chnrles Smltb ' whOse h om o is lu ol1rFo ws , dsteel hl ay . .' , . dent" ()()()urrlld a.n , ·d .,'as or0881ng e, ral publio e Invit,ed t o a t tend nIL rda lhed.. hbutl1.hIS otdher \y1fl e d br t oken h ' tedders,· h kSlllf slt.lon as coshier .. -,. "if( h" • own In ell nn con Ue " . ' . /' .. . dtllDp !tn r evo .vlng a y r~ s, When usked if he' w.onld 8.coep.• ,<....,.""'.",,... ,,' ~ rOo~ ' wben the oog ~ou. ;11\ a, ~apl. these lIetv ices. , ' . . 11 - 10 'd at. '1'7a .D. n~o", .. ~t,'wll8lyini I~her ::"ay . .She ' . . .' b ome. Mrs . Penders n t us . ]'11 a .. H er,death WILS oo,ueed from a clm. steel field r ol! ec" tron whee l tt uok it " he !}nid: "It tbe BOllrd haa. attem"·_.o ... step ~ver th" dog /I.1ld I • St', '.AR'y '''· C'R OR D'. severe utt~ok . of the grip, I\nd M >LS I cerous gro' ~~tli wbiob. effected h er Wilsons , cor n sh ellers . l ap ..robes a nd \ eDougb oonfidenoe In my: a.biUty to ......... "" 'l' .w. 0 t er Brynn bus been . II bse n t 'fr om " ,. . l)lnnkets '. _. >' JllIt of "he got too~ aC'rpl\8 tlle 'rhe Flfth~und~y In' L ept, .lMar cb . , ' lun~s /SUe lefll.ves besid s 'her bn , . . \ t ender suOh a position to one 110 lI,gciy 'wb.e n .tbe, aog ~8!8ed' .up l1 udl 174t. .:.Lltany .ser~on '· lind Holy llQh ool suffer.! ng fr° foll r~eulDu,ti~r~l. ! bUDd : one ll~n·Obarles. Mrs. Sfvit.e.r Al~o tho fol lowin g goods 'sli gh t ly y oung, I ahall accept it and ass,ure tbe "irrwA , ' thrown .., furwatd , . re ' . I ' . . Mr. und Mrl" Lew~s . A:tklD SOI) . . of.; W[IS.~ melltber -'(;i the Fr iends ch urch ,rlllmnged by wnter in the .fire, · t hem I will do eTerything I PIIoD to ..,. nrles··· ~ '''oted' tl"9v,e , 'UtiQ8, Splint· t wo alLys 'r eoen ' " W"S. un. u'.p rig . ht 0]1' l' ISt Inn wo· Sl'j wj ng mnchin es, st eel ' PIOW -t '\·nlttu.. j. lIn inj' ComliluDlon, I P '. ,~td 10.30. dd 1\..,,,m.7 Eveu ' . .t ly wl> th , nnIA., , S" pr ove wor th"y, f or I w III d 0 my ..""" ' .':' ., ,s .. e u ,. ' 1' ng . r l1y!,rall. a r es. s nt p. m j t ll Ir . r O' ] lI tives Mr . nnd MTS . of!' m ol m·'o·u·r·...... by.. III b n k' 'D " wnsh ing _. rullo)l ines, churDs , l,ce , t l ' l .tl .'." . . . ' 8he is' DOW l'eooverin'g ' nlooly. b' t "" ,I . '.' . .. n, .." II ~ W " . ne .. · lier. n IL mes, . ' ". '~, 1\0. )80t.O ll\Aure88: . · mprltvmg uur ·wit h·. .." . , . or eam freozers sm lll\. express wng. Wh t ' Id d ? " .,' ' . ' ., . • ~ . , . ., tfi.jents .... ~unday ·~oh901 a t 9.30 ' '. '.. . M1". E.1iaa Bio akbu t n . of .f!t1her. 'o'us. lawn mQw~rs gill v ni1led tu bs .' a ·more ., oon anrolne Q t . ..... ' \ '" . .'. t p" ~I .. h b . rl ' , ' " . F red Is proving bis great abl ity an d M l e rane :~o ~... , . ' a. , m •. · l:Ifl.r v.~C!l and ll~drea8 .ever Y Mr,' Vau'g hatl Wr!,t es .·· " . o~, . l'I J)n !lY vunl~ • . us een ~l~ Q 'nnd sprin k lers; pumps a nd so reen 111 host of admirin .friend8 bee alt Seriously Injured. I WedneoQIlY at 7 p. m. durtng Len t', E t . t • I . f H mn ' "eor~tury o~ T be Blaokbu rn M\I)mg Uoors. , I ' . . g .. ." po . .. .. , ' Every.boqy.invjted to·these services. ". n ~~, yO . y~. 00.; ~ . tie w· 1J0rpor~t!0~ receo t ly Al i "'oods offered will .be sold fo r ~Im .1' 'bright and uul~mi~ , .' .. " , ' ,,."., • " . ,, " ed_ a t ()~S8n." P I \ I\UlIL, ' ' . . . ,fut uro .:for he. 18 8Ure ... .' .. . .R ev . .B . 'F. Va ugIi~n , 0f 0 ou Iier· or gnDlz ennsy wi'thout... r eser ve or limi. t prICes. " " to l!uooeed, ." lth . . ,It,,will be ~ood newi. t~ th~ ma.~y Officers Re"~lect~d. ".viHe, h iLS <iOll~WeIlCe~ II- 'ieric8 Qf "i hi.s b[ot~or A . ~O, B lllcklJUl'n,.\ T~!,ms of Sale, 15.00 /Lnd under . Notice to Tobac'c o Grower,s , ,(o.trJ~nd~ Mr,l . Le!'~r L' atlto " krio.~ ~.. " . l .~ '. ,,' . ..-" pa.'p~r8 ' I)D 'FA,m ou~ l:lYll)ll!i\ u.~d lL~d. bill co"m~: J , E. }~lllqkburn, ILS ons h ,' over 11),'00 1.1. oredlt of' sIx . . ,.ibat tbe rep'or~ t~t.~lie .'W lio lIer . . ' '. " " . .' :. .~:, ',. , . B~mu , ~ri !!~r!'L' .:.TMso '.ilre. n~w tl.i.e\ ~tlle\",~le~ibers of .thu~rm . 'l'b,e mont hs will 'be given w ith ban1>ub1e The Leaf T:>baooo Pa~~ra ,A~o ... , ...... '-!" • • ". tuok en .. t ? , psl'.itp, in Berl11r,l of Gospel mill I to, h.e to nate or 6% per annum' oft' fbr cosh . of ' Oblo ha.Vt:I.gone to great. .~ed Aer ey.a, t~~~ ~hl\.;; ~I.g~ .. ~ould p'rc)~o~i:ve . AII80,oiatt?D. m e.t · Sat\1r. . Liberty , pnbUshed ;lA~ DaytoO'D . He..lm,nell e II, ~Ilrge ,volume af bua,lOe~s " OR088 BROS. .t r,oub1e and eltp.~n~ 'to SeDure p~ lMt deetroyed,,'W;IIiI, a m~8t11.lte. . ,. 1i1lo'Y I\n<!- reJeoted the . oWoer!! \'!"b q d E'votes his a:t.tent-ioQ to th e hy mns b y the , mlbddl~o ~ t he - um mef r·h~nd. C T 1;1' a wke I . ZImmer 8p nlsh tobaooo . ieed, ' .i.. ' , . " AI r,~ '" vln~g ' ", ' dth " t ··· , . . ." . , ' . . .. ' .' . t h e. pli\l t, UBIIlI!"1;!8 r ee9r d o .t ese ' . . , l Allots .. .'. . .. ,, 1111' &1:1, :"r~~ ~rllne !I'~~e, m9 :, "1S8he e ~II y~~r . ..j\, • v ' . . n.nd .hY~,n w.r l ters , ot lilill' OW~ ~e .. men is ~l1t u n. 'eut:nll~t o'f t-he·. Ull. C. H': SurflLce, " whlob th~y "olfer ,to to.baooo.: grow.. trom .t:i'-r~lIa t~ ~prlpi6eld . ana . Presld?nt .o, J." ~, wlirds ; Fir!\~ ~\JmlDatlon. known BS the Chrlstlan d-oubted s.ucoella .of thIS u a", .e ~te".. ,W. E, O'Neull, I CI k ' ers a'bsolntely .free. . " •. '. w~~le ~~ln8' ups~t,pf,l OIUpotll.," ,ttaok'l :Vfoe P,rel:lldept; ~Qk' BJ!Il'ddoc.k ; , oburQh .· ... " .,.., l.pvI8e, iiI;! they BIrO II:m ong the most J . • Cartwright, i er , 'l'ble i.!I ' ~I!<~ant~ed tQ'. be- ~~Ii ftew ap,and s'ruilk , Mra. pr~ne III ~oond. VI~ PresidAnt H. A. Cor ' These 'I1rtioles are 0111. sio In style ' \lctiv.e I\Dd ~n€lrlJetlo b~ness ru~n • - • what we lIIly1t,J8 Irtnd the oi)jeot 'of ' . dwhil' th i j ~' . 11: Sec til . if '· , Ii k ' ,." .;' .I lD'Bollfr\rd ·.count;y , I"~ " F 0 rS a I e~ . '., .' . $he e1.', aD . :' e . e . n n'tly.. WIlS ne, ,.I\e . I\~, ' . ' C. aw e,i. ~pd"rlcb. In tone, well ,caloulated to Mrs ,' Blllcs bnetn l!\ . sl~ter of Messrs . lobe A88O<iia.J ion Is .to e.noou~e .• Utb81 .U. y pl&lnfll\,. the Bi~ht o~ tho Trell8n~~r:. J . E. ~llnDey. inspire re)igl(j~~ ~l;lought. ' . 8et·11 a~a ~win ~urnlts. and !d~l! . A yOuDg' bo~se. 5 y!.lllt'S old, so:ond far'l1)era ~' grow OIUy t~e ~~e ~" #e ~ 'IlQ"n~Q~edand ~". , U,raQ~, < . .' '. ." , t Eltz~li,I:lth ,Qogltrdus, . and hll8 .m aul;' and r! &t, &;lso 2 br,ood sows, oliI ·tQbaoo.0.. , . . . . .,'.. ", Writ.. tb,at ali", i!' DOW abJe to ._have llhe mem'lBrs 'of, the 100$1. ohaptel' fnf,lnds In tile vlolnl~ of ·Wlt yn.ea ...ones. g: ).' . . r have a q1i&nmy of'thil: aee4 On' , ,&he baDda.e . -lI1e eye ',and l~ a1 -of EiasterD.'Star held '& ' vel'Y t1Jtel': . v.m e. William . Cummings,' R. R. 3. hand aDd w1l1 furntlh it ;rUh.t .: 1D, ~ee'lll, Iclon~ay. evening, to ,..w~~ ~ ever. . .. , '. I!Y" ~sln~" 'BJtltcliford ! Calf !4E1!:Ll, Our F~ ., ! 09a t :to '11 who apply, " , . .,. . ~ . ,< Ora~ w~f.:I:!"'ha' .:!t8 baa It. splendid pi'Oj(ralrl ~lllg pre~ ,ODe ponnd o_t "oMf ~eal ~nke!, One ~I.IS'ro , r , . HaIrl1larecU'It, pOi"tlrtJll;, wlth :the SprlDlflehl b7 .U1ree of .t he memben• . Ad .IDi: ·gallon (If gruel and takes the ~l,.oe ., . (.0':& , 04 .r,e ,h.ppy kJ be- teM " tins PfQ~riDl itI, pro~l~ (or l~t milk an,4 Q,Q8ta from SX to 4 eta, :ba ' 'heJJ .boOle cI~7 of' . 1~.'lJlIx • .rneiiUq ~ct ala--.,Olbere ('I~~aooc\ . to give ..ttlfacUon. :;':,' '~""IiItI~lcl.· . :. . . _ '_ ~ atle4 't o be ~.; . • . tiOld bJ,W&JD..vDle !lUla. ,
Inexpre~tlib)y' Slid Wu s the dea t h
.mdwn,rel MoHuilh MU:lihll11 W IIS of Ed Wtl rd M8.rl!hllll whioh occnrred l'born at WlI.y nesvllle, Obw , Novem 8"';dl~Y m orntJ g fo1l9'win K Iln 1L~1'1 ber 17, 1 70, On Februqr y la, 1 \l6" dllDt at the Havtln M ~l1ea,ble RstlDg ' he wus marri ed to MIS!! .J ellnie Work8 In Olnolnnlltl, I::ll1t nrdny I1f· Bigg . '1'0 this union t wo cbildr n ternQon . . were born. Mildred, ugEld ten, and While working about Bome m !~ · Ed w[I,rd Mo Hugb, ageci th r ee. Flvd ohlnery SaturdltY . he was OIA~Kh t ye\lrs ngo lust Ootober, Mr . Mur. IlDd drllwn into t·ne mllohlnery a.n d ' uhI111 went wi t h hla fllmily to Ci n· terribly mllngloo. 10iDnu.ti w here be beclAme Il ll ·e m· ·.U r. Mllrllhll11and his famil y hllci pluyee • of t he H a~en s Mullenble lived In Waynesville a.lmost Illt their 1"11 Un·" Wor ka. B e oontinued In . . . v • lives until m oving to IDClOnllti till ..'"er vlc!" unt il lnst Suturdll.Y " Ilhontflve years ago . ' . ,afte rno n, when lie met with nn Tbe sincere sympa.t hy of 'he peo · IlC ident t li'a.too t. him hlJl life , . ·ur· pIe of tills oomDlunlty goes out to rounded by his f nmlly Rnd SYljI1IllL' hts strlokeQ family. . . thtl tlo fr iends, h e died at 2 ~ 11l nn· The body ' was bronght to MilLInI dlAY Inornin" a lYed 31l years 3 mout hs .,,. , Ct!~ete,y for ipterment 'l'uesdny ' and 2 d nys · d 0Dd atternooDI servlces .b · ng '1 uote H'e Ie e I~ wiftle t wo oh Hdren t tl" oh poHy Rev P hlitp Trout . IL V 8 8 1 It .. .four brothers ",nd , two sis ters to, a~lIldel tbe membl~rl of the fam . m ourn hlsl08S. .ny who IAOOOmpanl d the bQ~y I ;, from (.'illolnllati. , ma'lY of those T he bo Iy was borne t Oil ,t h e gr~ve . . Ib th f Ito I b h Nd known who had known ~ Mllr"ltal1 whlle r y e o w n~, w. o. a he lived b,ere gath, red III t be ;&nd been ussoOlated Wi th t he de· ohapel til pay. 1l llt" t, tribute of re oeased : MessrS . Bllrvey Ilnd CIllr tlpeot and Itprrbw. and the, 8 n ice enoe R ye, J ,?hn G. Bu wke, J ohn Willi moat. lmpresslve. Squires. Harry Prater I\Dd lteorge T~e .tollowlng 0bit ullory W8 .S rpa d : Thomp . . qn .
1' 1
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·'etJlllBl~ttel.Qen~ ~~~ubecih'ae)OI1a· IM':toQn·rd·8.ay,I\PA~,irQIII
CHUI~O!l .
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~~~I:iDjllred ry ~
I ;r.hlt W~yp.t"au.d ~~~t\!~
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ml ~ t.illled, an,c1,.' ren~y
rorp. b" M\I~P of Its locatl oll :1nd 111 IIh,lOry. I tll'S tl " rtrll t 111; 1J "u n tI ; Cll" ~l' II ..n \IT'( o r Iho dLi ('s o( ro1(I18"" . " \\' 111) 17" Iht'y <l£ k l'd . III sll l'flll ill~. " ,'n \\~ n t I gll' e II Il l-Ir' IJron. \\ hl l'll I ~I rO Il/; u i lorn l iOIl . , nd cOKl ) UII
The Miami Gazette
B ROWN &. Mc KAY. Pub lishers. WAY NESY IL1.ilil,
t::_ T he Public a hd the Director, Mor IInp rlnnt than stu.lut, r y !"efonn for tho tllI n ro of IIf ' Il1sl\r,wI'o I. th e rerOl"l1l o r. r('[l ROIl :m u n1ll!'nJ ~onLI · m nn t , u '('IIITes F I'!1.u('ls C. LOln'1 1 In AUan ti. W o Joust (' "be tlj ",ol1~I,lor un pn lll oml't'rs '1\ ,.Ivt! Ih"ir 'tIml' til p ubllo on'.llrs n~ I' '1" n$ tlI:J1ln~' [\ bRJ' Uabll' eoull'fhulioll to t I 1\('I'are 01 th c CO lullIunl y. 'fh /'U"[l'lrII e GlI e mb" I'll nnd til ,111·~~t()rrl (If nn I n ~II'" . n ce COJll1l8'uy, Ilk th COrl' \lril e 1ll1'1Il' lIers a nd tll"~' clors of n fi.IVIr,'l:S 11 nk, must . r , U Id t>r thpnlst'I\'t's. und IIlU '1 110 con sld 'I' I by Ot lr l'r8. to bp en~:ll;.!d In n work o r public cbarlty "~:lvlng~ lIank, Ind.) d, 1$ s u PJl<l , .~d 10 h., 'n r& -<'eplaolo for the sn 1'1:11."9 of 1110 poor, '-hough t he Rll ilPO l\lon ! ~ nla nl w oy~ true; whill') a lifo In:lIr:lDC'O ('Otll ilanr la a I' c!'ptacle for the "a\,hl ~~ of f\o:n e "'' 'Q1I·to-do or e l'(,o I'll'll. ,('hal'l atll o r IldbllC ~ (, I'v lc e. howe\' r, Ill!!y b n· dered . ven "'her ' OllIC ben IIcl:ll'!C9 .arc 'a!Jl o to f ilY for 1b'1 ij niCE>, Wh r(l •.ho w II II I n ~ or t il > cowlIlu nlty. o r of Illany of its mem bprs. r('lIulrl'll great sen 'lco I' Il dered III k to rlc'll a nd poor. lhoRO Otted LO r-l ndor It IlIny !Jo a sked to Ive their Inl,lor ", I bOll t PO)' , Jr, fQr Rny I'NI$O n, t haL lfi moro on· TOIII ' nt. Th is Is Ihe 1'010 wi b 1'01· leges ~nd lib raries, Ilrt muse ulU s an d hospita ls. -
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SERM·ONETTE . T h e c il ies of r.c fu ge a ppoint· :~ ed under t he dIr ection of <jo d .J. In t he I~tl d of Canaan we l'e a ,;. t ype of t he Christ a nd In so m e !,,,.-t lcula rs exem pli fy .I he wo r k ,~ w hich Ch ris t pe rfo r ms for t he
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T he ci ti es of r efuge gave sh elter to t he fugit ive from the ~, aven ger of blood. Chr is t gives .'.~. 5 h e II er to t he 5 I nne r whO I ~ a d . 'r ce rsa ry t he Devil purs ues him . ~ 10 t he very t hr es hold of t he 0 1· + vine refuge. T he one flee ing to t he ci ty of + ref uge was safe unt il his case ~ co uld be decl are d a nd he prove :j: hi l rig ht t o a bide th ere, for if 'I' h is han ds were st ained wit h •:- t he willful blood of another he 'i' + was delivered Int o t he ha nd s of ~ t he a ve nge r of blood a nd his ;- life taken. ~ T he o ne flee ing to Chr ist Is •j< saf e until his case Is decla red, :/;+.,: Wha t r igh t h as he t here? for ~ none who co m e to that eterna l ci t y of r efug e . opened by God Why Some Cou ntr ies Are Un inhabited. ~ for a ll t he wo rld Is w it hout s in. A me re g lnnco at 0111' mnJI8 1m· ~ The adversa ry. the Devil. comea press s n t w n ral fa cts upon us . up to the very door and makes IWo Bee tbaL th large t :trens of th o '" his accus ations. .And what a n .unlcnown now III lands th at :tre t oo ~ accurat e acc ount" nt he Is. How my, ns In t he S aha ra, lhe d esert of t h e can r eca ll t he smallest de tail of mll n's life a nd pa int It Arab ia . ancI the steJ)llcs o f ;\fongollll; In t he bl ack6lt colo rs. How he 'ilands th at ar . lao wet an ,1 hot. sUm· IJl aUng almbiit Im pen otrable tor est ~:, ca n un cover the hidden sl na a nd sh ow one hel pless an d un· .;rm (hs, (IS 10 Ilarts at tbe Amn7.on do rye In t he presence of t he -.ud Cougo bllSln s : la nds th a t lir e t oo :j: high prl elt of t he pl ace, Ch rist ~old and bloak. os portions of t h" {. J esus. the :lnolnted One 'of' God, . 1J0r tll ' rn al' as of Am riCo. and As l:. But sha li t he ' unfa iling justi ce ~vQn UI O . llaracte rlPllcs ot ilie Inh all- '. of God c ast the si nn er forth and Itnnts Inlllle-nce t b exlent o f tli un· com m it him to hi e just d eserts? IMrIllor d. In ))roportlon t o lotnl area: ~ S ha ll si n 'c lal m tie r own a nd fiaYII )'T\l1I C, Ad lt ms In H ar pOl"s + cilat down to he tl? Th ilnk GOd, Nol For herein M o nthly, lbere III Dlore unknow n S ll l' ... la the c it y of refug e of th e Is· f ace In LlberJa tha.n In any oih r political 5uM lvI.lon of tile worlO. boo + ra ell tel fa r exceedelf In gr'lce ... a nd mercy by the city of refu ge cause (Jle Llber lal'l 9, c oot nt lo Jlvo wh ic h God hath appo inted. No along lbe coast , h ave sellr e ly nt orod . soul that see ks refuge therein the ir vast for est mazes. tb o~b Ille y 18 ever foroed to leave, fo~ the '~em wWt r ubher ilnd .othe r ~e50uree5. Ohr!st , w l~ t, ln hal but to show the nailed hands and the spear That Octltious Ilor $ouall ty a t · I gal wound In his' s ide as token of ereatl op , John Do , bas finally bo n ... h is offering for sin, and Satan, ~ven a black mUl'k. I.Bst Moy lhe B U' ~~:. great avenger. la forced tc 'llreU\c cou~ or Rrookl.Ytl, handed do wn . .en opInion tha t too m uch u se woll beThe cltlu of refuge were ~1I1t made of the J ohn Doe fi ction, !ln d equl'dlatant and ellY of accel8 that Justice of teo mi scarried on thnt from all parts of the land. So . la Christ. He II nigh everyone ~O\ltlt. F'J~e JIIs tic s agreed In t his of a contrite heart. Hia "come" _ c luslon. · A mor e lillportnn t and I, always .ound lng forth, and +'"*;....;;T';'7.-~:...:.~__~Jttr;rg--dll.ehll on Illon,g- tli II ne lila Inv'ltatlon II reenforced by .aow come Cr om t hc New Yor k court of ... the comfo~tlng .lluranee that .ppeals ,ln .l h e case 01 n ' h e ad book .... " he that cometh unto Me I wilt lleep r fOIl.K IJl.w &; Brlange r, t h!l llea d! ; In 'no wile cut out," o¢ th o t h.! trust. He was hand. ~ 'The gatea of ttie cltlea of ref· eli a "John Doe" Bub pocna an d nsked uge wer~ always open and the -.0 testlry, and b e (efu sed. . H e waS prl.... In the wat1th towerl . rUdy to reach forth and help =tbl'(iatennu With co ntempt procCedln gS, + _ the weary and exhausted run' ~d Ut O court r ul d t hat he did Dot : nero And how Infinitely . more .IIa\'e to obey such a s ummous, true thll I, of the Chrllt.Hls :J\eld t hat m all}, subJloenas Iss ued in arms are always outltretcher;! tlJ:\t manner are wor Lhlessl ane! tlmt. to save, The faintest cry from - 'no bUSI lOSS 'Secl'et would rem ain un' :: the lips of the sinner reaches jknown If. such a command were 'l h l l ea.r and inStoln.tlY '~ommilndl .(1)oye d:' hl8 help. ..
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look lll f,: Ihe \'olleys on bot h sU ,'s o r lh t' J" n lllll . \ nt.l It SeO IIH'lI liS J 1'01111 cI II h l llit Ill,) :l~ I hou ;h I ~o ll h l R'~(l I he 11'Il~I h :11111 Ih" hr ndll1 of Ih l" I n l~11. 1>11'1",1 1/1)' tli-Illw Ill". r('~l1l1~ Pl", .. ful· Iy I II 0 )(' lan d illl u whl<' h Go\l hlld bl'tl ngll l Ih 'ln. T it I' wI're Ih o vlno~' n r tls, llnd Iht' ti ll a ni ti lII' g" )I'e s, Sl l' u' h s r I m ~t ul' o t hpre w,' r t h lU lUl , Il Jj~ro \\'l'['1' lit ' hUll nl'S ,ulIl IIII! 1' 11 1 1I~ ' 8 an,l il lt's d01l1 1lJ.: I h .~ I"n d j; '1111",' Aull 1 (li Olu; ht us J sl ,)od 11'1111 10nlll·.1 11 IlC" I I h.~ RC" Of'. ' 11 ' I' arfl ,' i1wynrds wht r h w,' IIn\',> III1L pll\1ltl'd . he,,' aro h(IlISClI nntl ,' II I ~ whll' h wo h tn e li ot h ullt . . '1 1l'l' ly GIl\1 hn lh gl\'cn us n !(oodl.l· Ii, r llO ~;e . gu eh nllLU lIIay d \\' £011 u ud I' hie I 'll " In nnt.! f1 ~ I I'(,C, IHI ItCHV d"lIgh l flll It Is t hat ull larnol IIl n)! (I,,'ell 1OJ; I' tb I' rl'IJ lt1 IWlIccf I'l h III t he lBml or p ' uo a n\l ull it y: .. I ll ul sh('r1 Il ll('n·klnl:' lL ' ,'" Ico s 'C'Ill \! t1 10 atH'uk a t. m y ,- It! . ulth tI~ h I ~n w no 11I 0 ri . I hILt! tho ng ht J W U9 nlool), a ud Il holll h"r was on 11t lll)' s ld (', Iln d s l'(!nk' n~: Anll I kn ew 1.1 to be llle vol e:e oC Gut! . Alld 0,,11 ~: .J tl Ul III :
.. ' Who k llO Wl l h what III In man . s : I'e Gelll ? lid 'month t h is ~ lll l'l t 01 lrn nqull ll ty anti un ity on .. hi h t hiuo r 's 1I 0 W 10011 Ihere nrc 1l83slo1l5 a nti mol Ion.. which whe n a r(lll s d aro d
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"' Nay , LIlI'Il: I saltl, 'h ns lIo t l arn I :j: I(lnl'n II her I '85011 y et ? Hntl n o t th ll 01.1 splr l ' yie ld u to tho iun ucil or + Ih o n p ", lund alld ~h nc w hopes an d ... purpo ses 111 ur t ' ... \' a , ro r t h lim n b A l u ~,' ame ~ k the words, ' but nnil rnel[ h IIiere +t bl! lie smo uld lin g th e fl r c ~ QC s in . 'I' bn hll no of broth I' s hull . 'at be r aise d +1 osul ns l bro tlll' r In Isrtl ' l: .. udn as fl ll od TIllY h Clll' t o ml I " M :.- 511 nt . nnd whll ' I Ilono red on th 5e } word s t hn vo lc(' IUU n ~nln a ll d ~n lal : .. ·L1 (I. ,\IP )'Ullr ey,'s lind look, ror In . ha ll 110 ah It el' fur the • ls ra I I.hp.1' .,. rug lli v Ill1 tI 111m tbat O(Jelh fro m his '" brother !' " A nd In ! nnd h,'l d. as I looked I ,0;' ~ aw il 'br n below in In nil b 'r rail' t b a li l y. " ·.... oa; Lord' r snld. ' lh strong hold :~ oC 'OUI' e nemies huLIJ become a s he li~ r t an d hnbltntlon tor th y people : .. 'And It s hall b . y t mor e ,' c:tme IT bac k I ho \'ill c~, 'fnt' It sh all lJecomll a rofllgo fo r him th llt neeth from t he + ad v r~ary . Its gu tes s bu ll ' ('los o IU1er da y nor ni gh t. My priesthood s ha ll rule th r. and th II' bands , of mercy :lod love wllU alwa ys be e)(tended to belp. None sllnll bo t urne d awa y until th II' case hath been II M d '" • + amI JU llgllle ll t d ec! . 1 'Ood In !.he mld,st of l sI' nl to giye + Sli cco r an d to aholV m ercy,' ( wh ls· D red s o rtI y, a s lh·e new vision or lietlron all ned up. hefore me. 'Ho w , wunderCu1 t bat God sho uld glvo him· se lf to wntoh be tw een men and p re+ se r ve tll m trom destr uction at the ha nd s d r eatlh olber.' "W ith t hi s t hGllg ht thrilli ng m 1 , . lif te d my eyes froUl the sce no belo w j me a nd lookell liP Inl o the h eavl'.ns , an d as 1 did so it seJeme ll a s t boug h lhe city 1'05 w llb '1l1Y Vision and ... see,med to float liP war d an d upward llUtl l IQ:'t to view wl tbln th o de pth s at tho vas t beyon d. . ~ "1>'01' a l on~ time 1 WUll los t In de p ... co nle lll Plntio n a n d wOllllel' u ~ to w)mt t hla could meo.o, :r looked t o sco It "'+",":-"'of~'+ " I +''''''*'H'':~of:+'H Hebrlll\ W re rea lly gone fro m her ),IIu ce 11I l/) the beuvens, a nd snw th aI Tba t jolly· old s a d og, Rear Admiral ' THE STORY. s be h o.l .oo t !Jut Iva.I s till I'estlug upon ·Cogb la n. old a s ~ot y at n dinner a fe w T WAS In tb e days be rore Ih y II r rugged mountains ns botllre lllgb ts ugo wbl oh W AS gl ve n to lIlus· hod t k ing In IR!'lel arid whe n ,Jlrnto h is di s tas te fo r. bolng t h e last ovp.ry man was a In" un to himsel f. Th re WUlI t he city nf refuge God hud appointed (or arlll. 41peaker. "!-lavin g i he las t words Te~ T hen It was th nt each fa mily nnd " ' \Vn~ th I'e some thin g Inftnltely minds m e o f a lO lory ] beard no~ long eaoh tI'l be prolccted Its own nnll each be t ter hidde n rro m vie w ~Ithln t h . .,ago," Mid tbe a rl:u lral. "A certai n eXD.ctl!t1 of tbe o~h e r ao eye rol' lin IIOI'Ulls of Gael's d welling place ?' man dl >d and clergl~as en· eye una n t oot h for a toot h In I hos o a H ke~lr, nnd Rtlr ~~ by tho pged to oCter a eUlOgy, The worthy da ys l hC'iaiV o r th o blood ' a toneme nt tho ug ht I sud denly awoke. hlnlstor Ilrepar ecl a sermon 01 e)(ceed· pr " ai led ' I'n th e IRlId , so tha t If on e " And no w my bl'n·U1ren. I !rave cbme Jng le ngth and strength, but just be- should Illay by cha nce or Int nl an· to ' ~' I)II to-day wi t h this story, and YOU o ther , tbe one nearest 'ot kin or the 1l1:ty we ll unde rslu nd · why It seemeth ~ore li e utel'e d t he parlor to de live r ~Ialn I)e rson must af:t 8 S Ilia a venger, .. t h e thoug ht lba t It mi gh t btl ·a d \'ls· and tako the lICe of the one who had of GoO: that H e bron ah ull beco me otl e _ble t o If?flrn wh at th e dead mnn 's las t llllused bl s denth . . NeodleSR to Bay or t h se Cities of lle tuse. And lbe "Islon !lud ' th e messa ge whlcb r 'Words had been. So he t u rned to Olle t hat tbl s CUll lam In t hO' I:a se o( acel· thoug ht I heard from tb e lips of <1nd. _ tbe ",e ~p lu g younger sons a nd de ntal murd or wrou't;lrt 11.11 hllrdshlp whe the r real or but . a' dream, v)ll _ked: 'My boy, ca n y ~u tell m e your and lI.jus tice, and . In orde r tllnl j us t. ' Ilute ly e nln!'ge our til oughts of. 00,1 ,fadler's last' words ?' 'He dldn ' ~ ha"o Ice and me rcy might bo ex tenued to aad bls greflt love 'and m ercy towards Done: th e boy an swe red ; 'ma was tho 011'0 who, tbroug h accldc nt. had his peoplo And who can fath om Ihe ca used the Ijljlll'Y or dea th or an· Iri(lnl~ly great e r r ich es of his grace hIm to t Ile e nd: .. oUler, t h e Lord directed that cities of which he hn t b stili re ser"Q(} ' tor U8." refugo shoulil be appOinted whither Anll Ull ClIl e!) c e as~d . speaking a . At a ' r ecitA l It so bappene d that fwo the sla yer might lI ee· ond . It " ulltle ss . ,l&4les w!lre Di alling tlielr way t o tbelr af the In tnnded murde r of his bl'olher In\lrmllr went ro und the ' company . and they s nld : .eats at the very moment Von Buelow '8bould fhid a safo s heller. . ' " Surely the Lord hath spoken." ~~hed hi s In troduct ion ot tho first Wben Joehua bad made known to .-o1'em cnt of Beethove n's Sonata Pa- :.he Jl(!Op'le tilli' mind of tbe l..ord COD' Escaped In Cabbag~ . Barrel. ,..tlc. This 60 Irritated him that lIe cor ning t I'l!1I thing, the question . arose ,A . barrel containing cabbages wal ' ·:.."olely 'oouuiJe nced the allegro at UR to \Vhlcll clUes sbo'u ld be chollen, the me nn s by wh ic h Ge rshullI, chief • lieh an absurdl7 slow pace at! to make :tnd It was ftnslly agreed tha t six organizer at lbe " fi ghtin g organlzo . , . . quavers In. the bas s correspond 1Mr. Should ' be alipulntod, tbree. on the (Ion" nf th e Russlnn revolutIona ry 'so. .tacUy to the UIIIe or tile ' ladles' root· eU.s t side of ,Iordan and 'lhree on the dollat purty, escoped rrom 0. SI• As mar .lie Imagined. tbey telt west side. caleb took deep Intere st herlan Ilri SOll . Th e cab~at; es .were Cor .,. thOI1lB, 'and ' llurrled on as fast 11. In Ihe matter , ' and In tbe COU IiCII of lhe use or t he prl sonera , Who r eceived Ille eld~rs which bad met to consid er . th e barr el themseh 'EI B.trom a warde r. Of17 COUld, wblle Von Buelow a.coel' IIIC Que" Uon be said : One day Ol,!y em~ltf !!d It ha8tlly, hll tampa In BY,mpatJ,y wltlJ "Brethren . thou len owc st how, over pl c l'ced a small lilr h ole In th o bottom ' " ' r lIlereaslng pace. . 10 years a go. wh on the Lord brousllt a nd then seated Geshun.1 Insl tle, ' plac. us to t he borders or ' this lo.od, tbe In g a rryln g IJan 6 vo r his head In E. n. Harrlplao saYS' he w" uld sive Ileople r~ftJsed to entqr. .dc c larln~ cllse ft ' shou ld oc'c ui: to the warder to .~ hIs wealth t o·morrow It he COUld. ' Iha t th ey were 110t 1Ihl ll to' overcome Illuu gr;l ' hj s 'Sword In . At the top w.ere . "If_ has looke d :trouod. howe v"r. and Is the ~ fJnt.. In th e ' land. And tbou 'fi xe d Inyers of (lobba J;es. In this can•. • •ble to d iscover nny ma n ur set of kuowesL bow. since our coming hither dltlo n th e barrel "':Is . removed from Wwn ·.,ho would 1n hl R op in ion he S'l'eat aUe!,' the long', weary· years In the wil· .Lh ll prison and pl Aced 10 th e prlsun 'JMouCh ' ~o assume t.h e respon Iblllty 01 dern 89, tj)nt tho sons Of AllllK, Whom Illspector's IItable , who re th e )lrlson. ; onr poo ple renre d. have !Jeon dea' 81' spe tlt len boUl's olf s.e m lsutrocatlon . .. . went to unload It. ' . troye d and their .cl ty Is now anlong Th \! day beror f , Be'i'''ral plaoka bad E th o possessi ons of t~e child ren of Is· I been loosenl'(j In t:h lo! . walls of tbp A wrIter In the \V c8i·ml~8te, . G.. rael, Thou knowcs t, too, how It was J stablo. t1iroug ll whlc b Gersbirnl bav.· jsette aay8 that ' European tourl"ts, BI"ell to me as a borltage anll .bow It lill; e m erged [rd lr th ll barrel, W~8 en. ""Jlo Inl OW th eIr rh;h.!3 reoo lve I,ay was only afler fie ree conflict tbat the / Ilbl ed to ma ke his psontle with the altt /from a landlord fo r allowing hIm to clly was tak ~ u, 80 that the .trongbol<l '1 at a convIct wbo a oco mpanlod blm, '~te on th eir hagl' ago /10 Jabel bear of our- enemlell mlgbt become af! Ke got to Japlln, an d e veu tuall,. Lt ~ ....,. "'.",8 n/ hit! hnC.a.J ·babllallon tal' our lloop:e. Now, thoro- ' AlllerlcJl.. at'.., man i adveOIUi'eL y
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TH E TW£.NTIETH ILLINOIS. Story of Th .. lr tinr are an d Oen. Gn n .'1 S ummary Pu niahme l' t.
TWO CROPS PER Y ~AR Tn It l{ 1'onl~ "r Nllll l'u.h's 111111111" I",HI o( I.J", II . A. n, ' \I"' llln ~ t' ap • . c.)~I' l1r Ludwig ' w id li n Marve lou sly Rl c h ~ E normou. Yi eld: . Farmerl . F locki ng In, In l ro 'H I I\I~ SIIII'Y llC 'h o sll nllllll ry JI IIO' '1 I UD1"11 1 .mllll·11 out by O,·n. .ra ut ID CAPTAIN A LL EN 'S GR A V E. B ro Oilvill e, 'I'll., Fe ll, G.-TIrown Ihe "'" lIro l' g lm cil t of 'th 1'w · nti u\ ' llie Is til soulh I'n lCI'lI1tn llll Of t b ~" n 1'Ir W ho m Alle' J Street W as IJl I" OIH '1nrllIItl'r; II'hll'l1 Willi I' .fel·r .1 S t. Lou 16, RI'IlWTl S 11\0 & r\l (\1tlco raU· Namej I . Burled in Engl':lIId. liS 11 PI' e d III by PI' s ltlent Hoose... 11 1" h i !'(,('(!Il l Il1l1lll l1l1 leatioll to w:ty. 'I'blh IIl1s was completod In 190'1, a nd blls opellcd up to d ve lollmeat ;~ 1' 1·,,1,,11,;), \lone o)f Ih(' f" I' '1" 11 hurn O Il~ rC' HH I'plll ll v" 10 his lI etl on 111 th!t 8ecLlon of the 1'lohe 8t an d mos t lIroPI'Pllillllllll 111\'IlI'rni nl; 1.1 .\1 1 II HII'!!!!\' IU)'11 II' II \lrtl wll ~ \'II1 p.. 'r K.. wil er!:! ductlvo lantl to be f\lu nd Illlywhore III \ hl'('''' " UII Ij)U lI l ti Ill' 1I ()/; 1'II troops IV ro 0:f\ \\' . YU " k CJl y , an ti I\~\v utJ l~'r _ °e w th e nlled Still ' 8 - ' aJ!(O I'c ja not eJ(' Ylllk ", '~. fo r III I 1lIlIlIlIr. an' Il\ :\1''' Slllll UllU'lI y dl ~ llll sso(1 from tb.l 8 rv lt'e cepted. tb a l l h,' :l IIII(,s l (" ..,.;UIt.' 11 u, "tt l \l11I 'er ro r lh., nl' ur 11 ra w 10 II Ba c l( lu s ·11I· 'rllcre Is no m ore fe rtile region III fur wh ll m Ih" I IJ(l I'OI1).\h(dJ't~ was ZL'II H. ..,.,firS I ho l'blcngo 11 cOI·Il·Hum lll. " J wn " n. I JlUlIlh,' I' or th o '[' woulltlJh atl tbl bl'linll ia nd or Our!llha l1 that b eOalll( II Il l" In It n 'I:kclc'\1 ~I' a \ , Uti·",. t \\leen th e Nuec(ls' ond th e Rio Graade. I hll ll~ all" mill'S :lC'l'U~8 Ih n ,\ 1I 1l1l 1I . IllI uols Infa ut ry r II' Ul urc Ihan Cour No ne Ivl ll produoo IL groa ter vlI l' lt>t y at IIII'~." saltl ' apl. Lud wig. " nnd was )' .\ el lrt)' sla ll, IlX <'l1 I,!:tl lll "t " h"u~ " o n trult s all d vege.lalJlc 8, or IIl'O(l ut;1l thllm i.h o.: KOII I h Hld c' lI f ,I. An Ll rp w 's hurt'h \\'1 1" Ih rl'gl m ul al the ti m e of the yard . til I 'Iy lll ll uth. l;; n,;la Ih l, III tile l'a lit l ll li ~ 1I1 ct te d. A SlIlI er'S alo l'e at more nb \lDd a bLl y; a nd what COUllts for 0I111llimolil of th ' (' UU I·ll t;.' I.l II S YOll nll; J ac k ~ o n . Te n11 ., wh ore C1lght rc/;hn nls more, th o GulC cona L couUlr y will 111'0CUlIllllltn ol t)I' wh n gllvu 1\ IlIl lnr ll l t wl Ht W'I' nHS lllbi d t o Inl r(,fopt Ih e COb· d uce the m a t ti m es wholl no olher re10 l ho !l1'!tls!'1 1IulI's tnll u"rll l'O his f<ld .... ult·~ , W IIS b l'uk ~n In lo a nd s up· g ion con. T wo crulls POl' y('n r of lhe 1111'''11; 1'llI d 111 II ' hlJ ll lt' walel'S "u!l plj('lI tl~ t l ll1 :lt d lo bo 1I'0r lh . 1.2·10 we re sta ple "eg tablell Is tbe I' s ul ll r prog ramllle. And y t up to t ho rail or' tu lu,'Il. : hL·t:kl·.J . "Jt W IlS kn own a t t h u t im that 1U0l1l 190~ comparativ e ly lillie IVO It noi" n \\'itl hwl 1I1'Il1'Y All II . II ~ u n ~ Hhull' Is land I'. 'n ll'1' ,I Ihe Ill,,· · us of nil or II . 1·lr nil o f th e e ig ht rog-i. of th is mar velous r rtJll ly. Tho ren " lI1hltly" III I 1l11. 11 (' \I'ns IlIir li lieu· ment · h.;·1 Ill(rtlclnn t d In t he m lu ror gion lias h I' tufo re .!Jean g iven 01' r le nanl UII Ih ell" l\ll ~tlk " 11' 11\' 11 !iho i! rlllll~ I " ~ IIIHI 1I1111td )'o rl' sll lJlon l. 'rh e to caltle rnJslng- rn uch es or t housand .. s ll' uck he r ('o lo l's 10 lh 01'ltI811 fl'l g· olliy l ruco u C t he S ll tl e l" ~ SUllllly dis, at a cres- tbns t yin g- llP all thi s I'ns t OlIo \'.. Il pnn l III l S i . Bull he d re w lI lI crl\·cl'l',I. howe ve l', was \lllr t or n holt na tum l "Winter Y Og laule Orll'den" uuIh · 11' 1l.' r of th II III crr to t he s ecI' . o r c1 ~al's In one of tbe te nls at the de l' t he merclless hoa r of Tel:as boet produc r e. lU I'Y nr Ih new )'. urgi ng Ih Il'Ial of TW(,[I tl CI h II t1l1ols, Dul tbls Is all' changing aUll ellang".,\ n u lll la l 1 1l " e~ lI gatl o n fn ll d to ~'u il laill .111 1111'1; Ha n o n fl)(, UI' I .t of r lJll e IIpon a ny of lhe .101· Ing rust. Enste rn an.\ northeru Carmj iIlY . All t1I'HI II OIl{tl UI111 I or thl' trig· fas tell LIl 110 I·lllt d Slllte8 II g ained d ls ti nc· diN . 111l1!\,ltlulltly, II!! no o ne wonl d ers an d tru lt growe rs a re flocking Intq liu n III Ihe tletJ l'" wl lh th e Macedunla ad mi t l<!lowl (lgo or tho nftllil'. 1.' he this cou ntry. To wns ure springing up g 11 I'al r oetlll ~ wns that nmong s o -ran ches havo ' bee n c ut up In lo rar ms 111 ",llI'l'. J St2. Th follo wing Yl'nr h wa s l ma de Hl ll ll Y I would h Im possible to r, I r t '- on every hnn d Is Ule evldoli C or Do ma, t l' co mlll audant, nne! III II. In 011 1 Ih e II'I'Oll gdo rs lllltl nol hl ng " 'ould ne w era of pros parity a od ot dovel!)l)n tl th Il ment a long the IIn o or extensive Irrihu r~ o f III brl g.~ I'; Ull, which sa lle r! lIe don ' ohoul. UI IUnU r: . from ~ ' W Yor J( on Jn n 1 , 1,1!l . b nv· 110 ono Itred to In tOI'm on hl 8 com- gated' farmi ng . rad ·s. There 19 nn und rly ln g s heet a t in~ 011 uOllrd Wllllalll Cra wfL' rd , n \\'1 )' " Bul fl ell. Oran t wns ,Icte l'ml ned to clear a rte21un WR t r which h as been a[ll1ul nte l1 mlill Rte r to 1"1'1, '.~. By J unll 11- t h dls Ungul s h iI IlaSH ngel' put a Btnli to SHIlh di sord er aD d to &OP- tl\ppe d by bundreds ot w ~ lI s . and m ore h nd 11 en can oye.1 It rOflll the ;\tl tUl·. preS!! any t ' ndoney to la wl 8S n,lS! are bain g Slink tlnlty. T his provld It ti c, Mtl'l' a jla ssnl'e or 23 cl uy", n lll o n ~ I b t roops. As non of tho a nev r·falll ng snurco or SUJl Ply fo r the In wbl<lb o ne prize \Y lI ll tallo n, lIl e m~'c rs. \'. ) uld co m rorward to nld one ele ment need d to IJ;Iake tills cou n· T hl' .lnYR lrd l' t he A rgli B pro ed ed In ~I' mln g a sntls rlle tol'y ex pla lluUoll t ry 3' ve1i table gnrde n, and thore ar~ to or u ise In Ih ,' ElIg lIs h '~ b o llll e l , a mi us tu III pres e nce or i hosb t IV ciga rs t bose wbo predi ct '{ reat th in gs ror this In OUI' II nn rt rS,' t ho nlll'e I' glme nt Quit coast of Tex as. I om ad vis ed lVas mad to flutrer, . l hat 1 G car loa lla . or . peo ple were T he ofUce l' commUI\tlln g LIla r eg l· brougb t down tram dltr:e rcn t !)Olnta I1ltlll t a ne! \h e olllcer or (h o d ay Wl.lro aloag the St Lonl • Drown sville dlshonurabl y dism issed fl'O Ill th e en', Mexico rallwn y !)y!.h Rock Ti land Ie fo r n g l cUng to !l!sco v r tb t rains a lODO on J nllu a ry 15, whl eb '1'0. guilt y narLI B. nn I lh wl1ll1 0 Tw n· the da te 01 a !ow'TIllo xc ura lQn. LI rh 1111 11(11 11, oille 1'8 /lnd m en. we re At tilly pae!) Ul e l'olJ l\try hfds (all' finecl pro 1'llta 0 cortllng to [lny all ta he [lCOpled In ShOTt order. And all amon nt liu m n l to co ve r tho $1.2 ~ G It need s Is POOIl ~. l u~s to th e s ull r. My ~haro o r the ('(' ti n e wa s ${US, T he fiu s weI' do' " a nother t CII" ()[ (M:; 1>nf( r :l'if/ lu W U.. tJl ,\ ~ { H E:NnYAJ..t. fOlm a o n ,,,tcrt t,/I!: od/lt.rll:~ml tlll r , · ti nct d from ou r lillY, A g (' c.l 2 7 Ye a l· s. "A f;oo d tl nl or g ood·nnt-ur d fn n r-ardi llfr tllls corlllt /:V o r.d !low (0 l ca,.,. ' ' IVas poked at 118 by tho olbor sohl lo ~9 more 'about il. L ore: Common,it , tl. f' fo r ha\1 nll Imld 11 11 h an xorblt.nnt U" l l~c{ Iutes B Ellc A R6(/~ PROFSSOR 'HAD LAST LAUGH. proOt n t h Bullor's goodB-lh ~ goo!ls 1.. 110 d l d ugllft l ~"J813 WCI" Haid to hllv b 0 worlh only 11\ C'oll:;"'9 u n.~ e, o f..W,?ullcl $500. a ni! not $1 , 2~0 . t hO amount of the Final Eru ure Neatly Turnait Jqkl Olt. R ec (' i ..e d III Aetiun Studentc; clolm pill In by UI~ utter a nd wbleh with RB M.BRIG . was nllo wed. It wa s t bo t a lk. of tile PrM1dent Hadley. of .Yale , WAS talk " August 14'!' J 813. . Cl,l nllJ t lllll SO)lIO or q le good . lb lngs taken III the \'ald rOlln't! t hell' way t o Ing abo ut bls atud n t days. "I r memo A L 3U in' Ilt'n o .of t he 0IllCI1I'8' quarte rs, So t he boyB. of bel' a st Btely and "on era ble prOfessoT," ~ , .. :,',11 Vl.l·' . tho T w ilti Otil " sed to a ns wer tile be sai d. " upon wbom some 80pbomoru ra illery o r t!.IOSO t other r egiments 10 onc.o t rie d to ))Ioy t r ick. ' " The profe8sor: ne mornlog, belIlC Ul ls way : unable to a t lend to hll c1nss on a c· .. 'Who fobh ed t be sull er T' count of a · cold, wrote on tbe ' black· - .. ·Ifo·U't ImoW:-board ; " 'W ho paid for It l ' " 'Dr: Dash, tbrougb 1.ndlspos1UoD, Ie 'Twentl eth III1' 1 1ol s.' .. ~Iab to unable to .ttend to bls classes . fcH:tay: . " .\\ ho ale t.he stuf1'? ' .IThe 8tudents e ras ed one lettsr in .. 'Gen. Grant 's s laff.' thts notice, making It read : In t he ensuin g month "Tbe verd ict of 'he ·court·mnrUal .. 'Dr. Dash, l,hrough Indispollitlon, .. 19 s ail. c Kte ndl n g h r de )lrl!d alions up seemed unc.alled fo r . and unjust at tmable to attend \0 bi ll· ' 1~ge8 to-day: . to at. OeOl'So's cbn l1 ne l. ' . ~haL Unte, lIut .(lU r l}Co¥U.lJed, that Iln "But It happened a few mlnu.te.a latof 'l d \lybl'eak 0,1 A'uS11Ilt H l he TIrlt l eXlIm" le should be made' In order to that tbe profeas or I'eturne d tor a_bol; s h r ig of wnr Pell ca n, whi ch h ad cb eck ~ h e · ~eDd on cy to outlawry. It be had forgotten. . Amid • roar of bee u sen l to tln d th nlld acl Oll1l Vil n. seemed ha rd, though , tb.t wo s houlll' bter he de tected tbe change In hLke , dllll 'lI pI,m Lhe Arg llS j U&t :qlll tU ng be tbe- ~nel; selected for t}1nt p~rl/Ose. notlce, and, approllohlng the · black, lhe l· n~l z. 'rh nd"anlage In ~I~ Howe v • . th e re ' waS '110 blttern~s8. n.o Iln\1 ul'lll:lmcni wn s on th e 'Brltl sh d l ~ Iorll l ty . amo ng ih e me n, a B 511bse- board calmlY eriUled ' ODe' I~tter In Ilie turn . , si d , Art "1' a short plu's ult th e llnlUll Qllt!ll t ncts of the rec:'IUl en ~on the bat· "No,," ~he . notlce rend : o nnn d 'a ~ Bill a . m., a bo ut 16 mil S !eil olll Jlllowed. W ithin a mo uth lho . " .'01'. D ash , tbrollIOh Indl s1!\lsIUon, Ie oil' SL Da vll1's, on. t.he 'vest cons t of l' 1'\'1111, fi t. Ilnr~lolpated , In oa.o of t1~ Wnl pR. rJ'h e ves sels ran s lcle ; b y ~! tle blooutesl battles ot the wnr. T:lrllton II anablo to a uend to his a S8ell to·ulQ'...• within rnn !,\'e of gralll:aliot and muske t· .~an e. In wh.l,ch we lost In k.l lled on~ aerma" Birth Rite Decntuu, r r . W llhln nv c mi n ute:; Onnta ln II 11 \I 011llClcd one ·fo ur th of (lur numb er. Tbe b~rtbtl In Germ nn; last year re~pl\'od he wo und \"IJ lch C u~t· hi m "SOLDIER" BORE A CHILD. were to.OGO few er and lb e dl!a lb~ ao,' h l~ th s t leK nnd III II {I}W daYIl hi li 000 mote than In 1904. The birth rst" life . H e .re fused 10 be ta ke n be la\\', Romance of And",rlonvllle Prilon bas been slnklng s tlmdlly ror ' s ome but 10 s or h~oM '.501'.0 so redll ced hi m Brought to Light, tlmo. In 1901 It 11'118 36.9 per 1,000. but thnt h e WllS u nnblo to con tinu e In 1aIt ·year ·tt WU onll' 3j • comm and. Dis cussIon of Ufo (l1~C~Oijnlilaoouii!loo) . iiBt~~~~:;;~;:;;~~~=~;:=~. The Pelican t ri e d to IlaSS UDder th taken by Oeor la division. Dali~h· ;; tem or the A r~us, hu t was balk ed ter s. ot!.he Conre del'aey, toward e r'" ", In lire a tte mpt. ' The Arg us tll en I t t C· t H \" 1 enryA . . rz, D-. William.' ~Ink Pilla Will ' Cu-" I a' mo nume n 0d uti· t f th d" .... croRKcd he r ene my's path . gll'hig n nt;' Molt Cal'a .... d Should In' ........t w 10. ytas corn JUan nn 0 , e n f!'" raking broadsldo, the 11001' ai m or· sonvlllo prison, Ii tls . brQllgbt 0. hillIer, .." .... .. '1'hl <:11 Re c Oi S to ha"e loa L the Amori· to unou bllsh ed atol'}' to llli ht, ROYS the y :Sufferer. CAns th eir laat ohance or .\ ,I·o::tor y. for ~e w Yor~ WO\'\d . . Nobody who has 110t "endure4 ' the ' Tho relator at tim 8.tOry, • r esident 'lI~erlng caused by; , nervou8 beaJby t hi s time m os t of til II' rI ggi ng was shot away and tllo vossol so.o n of, Ame r icus , or~en. visited the PJ ls on, .che can reul.a e tli'e,' awful agen), ' cr' becamo lIn mnuag~bl e. t he Pe lica'n where h er hU !lbnnd Willi doin g duty' tor Ita victims. ~ Wors t·, ot . aU, til'e. ordlnwork ing around her at wi n . ,1n tha t, the confede rate governl'Jlent. Upon ary ' trel!-I.ment cnnnot bs relied ' upon . hClJllc~ sl t lilltloh tile A rguG 6urrencl· one of h er vis its Capt. Bin snld that to cure nor even to 'clve reli ef. Somlt . cred, afle r nn n gagement of a IIlUO 'he needed her a sslF ' unce. ' ~octors wtU aay thai. It a person Is.' ol'or ' three·qlll\l'lC ri; or nn hour . . The . He \!onducte d her to • emaIl tent subject to the8e h'o adat'Jiel there ID. British loss wns t wo, kill ed I1.nd tlve just' outside lho. rlrlson sto<;:kade. With. 'ncithlll$' that can b~. 40ne to prevent. .. . lbelr ~ecurrence. .' . ', wounde d', th e 'Amerlcnn 'los8 Willi six In was 'n wonlli n-a rederal prisoner. Nervous ~eadl\che8 •. as. well as neu.' kill ed Rnd 17 wounded, at whom wi th a day·old babe ·In h'e r arm a, while 'i"lglll, are cnused by laCK of nutrition fi.\' afterward dlod. Naval au t hor· by her ' side ' sat h er' husband, also a -1lio nerves :are !!tarvild. 'J,'he ol1ly Itles oscrlbe th'e American . defeat prisone r. '. WilY to feed the nerves Ja throllgh ,the! to the dl" IJarlty nf rorce ,' an'd poor ' 3lhe womall, In' male e,tUre, had brood alld 11"1. Iri ttlt8 way tha.t ·Dr• n) ark slIlan.s )tlp. 'fhe latter Is Ilar tly been brought ' to the prison pen a few W.lIIlams~ Pink '. Pl11s ' .' have aooome to bo :'nccounte d for by the prevlou9 days betore. The captured party, In. pUshed so mlUly rellulrkablo. olirei:' busy month of prize takin g, whi ch eluding her h)ls.l?nod, . w;ere. OhloaDs, Mra; Addle M,errilf, :a9 · UnIon had closed with the· of one 'and when Burl,lrlsOd br'the . confeder. btreet. A~burn, .: Me:, says: . '. "Fori th u olght berore nnd another near ates sh e hastily donned ' a snit of her' ')'ears I lufferod froOl··. nerVOUI '4ead, m orning, Inavlng· 'tbo crew. fa"tlgued . Ilnsli(lnd's . clothes In order thaf.· they "'bell;. ·whlch would 'come on' Ol·o)<evny . and unOt fol' a spi r ited dereDse. , " t d..' " aT.e~ Or 81l1:. Weleks .and co.nUnue 'for mi ght no~ be lIepsra ~ ,: '. ". ~jlveral days. ' The·.1)ai1l 'w as lo ·severe- . OAPtain Allen waa brought to .Plyui· . When the real ,lItliitlon ,had ~n that J "oulif b.!I .o.bllgeit to' go tc:i 'i;Jed:' outh and survived' ouly Cour · day's : ' dif.~ovEired ·the . day 'previous: 'through for . three ' or four .dOYi e ~h time. It. ' HIR late toeman bu rled blm wlfh mill· 'stateme nts , ll1a<lu by ' herhueband, .;as particularly' Intense OVllr my right w I'y honor.!!. The name. o r a ~'mlddy" Cap"t, Wlrt. 'bad 'the conple 'h as tlly re-. eye. I trletl medicines hut got no 1'60 wh o fell ,l n t he s am e fi ght was . added. moved to tho' t~nt, outside 'the. prillon, lliit, I bad . !'PlleUt~ . and·:~bf4. to 1\ls grnvoetone. bllt .·ls now n\lrtly nnd there ', the , bahe · was borl:i, ~' ffie: bea!lache passed aW:lY t J elt. IIB It' obli terated, Rnd tbe rest 'of the· record ···· In Uro visitol' UIIl poor 'v,;o'm ~ n found 1··liM lJeim sIC)i , ~o, a montb. M'.~ wilt ultimatel y bE!' blotted <illt' If lbe a Crlend. Sbe quickly retllrned 'to blopd wal .t bln and I. Wlrs pale, :weak; stone Is not r estored OJ" .renlaced, per· AmeplclIs and soo urcd tor the molher . an.d re~uced In ·Welght. . " haps some· day makin g th e location ot and babe nocessary clQthlng and uledl.'.'1 r~d.· .bout Dr. W~lIItl!1\1I' Pink •.. 1 1 t "1m" It t o ·fI n d cIne; and s ucll tool! . PD. Is. In:. & .pap. er snd decid ed to try t..I' 8 g ra"e 11 mas as" v .1I and, comfo rts 8~ tlIem. I lIfBt: notlr.ed that · <they be' J.a ·t hat of Paul Joneh was' I" Pa.r ls. lie r then' limite d meanB aUow.ed . Soon carl to ~lve me an appeil~e .and .1tQe roarteJ' the Ohioan. bla wire and commenced to rnln to. .,et~lt IInti The Arml.. of Europe, babe "\V,Gr e scn t away (rom tbe Pr.\80D. ' 1:0101'. : 'l Ily ~eadll.ohoa " atoPP\ld' ailcJ¢ .\ !j la~ls Uclan hlis ealculate~ that hi,ve not returned and .1 .h.,. ·D8.Ver . the ro are ·In Euro-pe nl th.l 8 moment . Many' Edltlona of. Bible, t,,1t 80 woll •• I ito po,,·..·, " , 9.GOO,000 men undo,. arm8. It the" Tbere lire more lhan 4.000 .dlrrereIJt Dr. WIlliams' PInk 1'1111 ' are. IOI~' wel'o al\ IInoll up the line would bo o ctlltlonp ot t.I1a Blblo In the ' BrlUlb 'by all dt'llgglsta or l ent, poatpald. onL5CO mlll!ll lung. ' ll111lUium. raeelpt ' of price, IiO,centl per ' boz, 81x . boxl\s $2.60 1 by llte ·Dr. WIlII.mllt Me4I. c1JIe ComplIIJ'. Sc1leDIC&adTt...... E
GY-PSY CHIEF DEFENDS RACE iSay. Popular Belief Credi,ting Them with Evil Lives I. a Survival ,of Old· Time Superstition.
iTES-TIMONY SUPPORTS HIS CLAIM iMassachl.:lsetts Lawyer Deolares ' He ,Has Studled Habits of the Wandering People arid H 'a s, F ourid Little to Warrant Condemnation---Have Never Been Kidnapers of Children. lm'Rt n.- Ire- ~oO(f' thllllrcn , or the Y[\81e8 wl1\ r;1It you." F'ol' hundreds of yearll molh r8 nd nurse, bave IIsed thIs stylu or ad· ;.uonlUon with refractor)' children, tor "IUee tlle advent of the gypslcs Into Ena-land froin tbe e~lli in, til sIx· tlJ(!nth century, popular oplnloll has stjOCla ed tbem with thIevery and llillnaplng and thrlflieas ways, with orecrle. and Incantations and things that loom terrible to ~e chlldlsb Imlpd. FalooU8 writer. have pI tured rib m ill Incorrigible "'ascals. tlie 1mb. ~Ie ""ho bnve ,eell onlv th nomadic Ifeature. of their lite have hullt UII Imany 'superstltfon' around this an· 4!llent poople, "'Until to-dllY to ' be a gyp,y II to be aD outcast. a nameless wand,e rer , UP~1l the eartb, feared and dilltrusled by all men eave tbe tew rwMse dealings ""Ith tb e gypsy tolic lIBye taught .t!' '1m better. Out have Dot Dorrow IUId Groome /lind CharlM Godfrey 'Lclaod alld Sir jWaltor Scott fallen into tll error or ~Neva1.eltt bollet!! without
dI e the mauy Ilea that are cl raulated nbout .o ur manner of life an d ollr' metbodo of dolog bU610e811, But many Urnes I lI av bee n tempted La write something about our people. thllt other peolile ron)' know them beUer, tOI' notblDg accurate bas been written tbnt 1 can flnu ," , Valley Stanl y II kno....n from Boi' ton to Worces ter and throughout all the outlyIng country. He III the her· edltory chlct 'of bls tribe, fo r. IIkO' klngsblp, leacters hlp nmollg ttie 1hrIf! Blellt!s usually hefedltllry. His people cam» at Somerville during the Sllm' mer montb!!. tholll;h they move ·about to ' liome ' elttent , B<5 his bUSiness as h hOl'8e ' 'trader demll.nd~, , At present he Is living In I!:verell, while the people oC hIs tribe aro distributed through· out ~verelt and Lyno (or the winter, GYPIY Held In R.I.,.ct. "I wo1lld take Vall y Stanley', word where I would nol take auoLber ,J118n'S bond," Bahl 8,0. E'f'~(ett horse, doao!er a! th o oh h~f of the ' Stanley trIbe, " Why, I Irnew bl8 fathe~ , Bill Stanley, cbief"or thb', trlbe betore him. " Th ere wus nev r' IL Illrnlghter DIan in th horse·deallng 1Ju~llIesS than Bill Slan· Icy," 'I'hat is the idea tonnod of two gyp S)' ,obJers by a milli' Intimately "ssoclateo.\ wIth tbem In a , business tlHit orrers great opporlu nltles fur s harp worle. "P Thul's you YOllrijelf have 'been trlght ened when . a' child by somebody leiling' you to 'wlltcli out or t hi! gyp, 81es will ge t ,.ou'" sai d the chiers spn, '''Th,,! lli,...!!£cLlute_p~q~ , have tbe Idea that ·gy p~les go In for kid· naplng chlldreu. They have usually carried this Idea in ·their minds si nc e they lhcl1lselv(>s : ":erf! children, wben they receIved n::,frulD lhelr pnronts In pr,eclsely the ,t;;II01e ..,ay, Thnl h! abo solutely a ~ rung Idea at us, Why ~'e kldnap ~ We hay ,children e uough or our own, quit o as mnn)' a8 we can tnke care of. "Th en they accuse UB or being nd· dh,ted' to stealing. Thnt lij a lie, We know tbe \'nlue of a good rcputlltloll Type of Well Educated , Gyp,y. In OUI' bU5 lu es~ , nnd If "'e had no acouralli pp.rsonal Imowled,,"'e of the hIgh er IItaadard ot hondr ::'no that It &/ooplc at wl!om th('y hav wrItten? would b e Ilumcle nt to kee p us honest. And have n<o~ tho gl"sle~' J'OlllaQtic I think that It )'OU will inquire aroong c bll,rm.tlhelr curwus lingo. thel!' habIt tbe people with ""hom " 'e ha1'a done ot wander,ln(., theIr lIu~erlltlUon lind business you will find we bear an ex· Jore and theIr SllPPll800 frelldom (roUl cellent nlillle fQr bonesly. Tbls mle· 11umdrum rtlatralnls .and moral lind conception or thle1'18b tencieucles Is legal (lonveVUonll creat~ In the Jlllb· Inherited, and It ' Im8 Ileeu tOlltered b)' lie mind an altogother the ' alon ot thl!! curIous gypslell al have who have come ':1I;s'let to thom allBort tuken to a nomadic exlslence for tbat Bucb \11 tile case, sheCl' iove of Idlenl's8 and ' (reell'om E,lIpeclall:t I.s the populnr hl eR, 11 tal· ~ rolll responsibility., I know of Fl'onch; ,lacy when allplled La,. the AllierlCR'n man, or Irishme n and of Germans who gypsf, 'aDd t't.. lias remalne,1 (or' A, T, trnvel about the couutry posing as 81i1clilr, a 1Ilassachusetts ' lawyel', to gyll.8h;8, when th ey hnve not a drop <:olDe pu!>lIcly , to ' '{heIr defeusp. MI'. or,,sYPIf)' blood In tb e ll' veins and nQ,ne Slncbtlf i~ i n' a. 110sl~l~n\ 1..,0 k'nDw what of the gypsy· code of IMng, lie lillts a'fout., lie hilS '\loken 'the "Some of 118 arc fnlrly well edncat, lliul;iUllge of tll~ AmerIcan ' gypsy ,tor ~d. Mucb 'ot tbat edncatlon hilS heo n '!J II yt>ilf8, hI). ha s gIven years ,of study oblal'n ed by contact wIth the ","rld, ~"..~ ,.llIlblts f .tbe cl~W.~ g)'Plil', but thc ' world i. a gond unh' rRHy .. . nil 4lId ID th e s ubjoct ,he has llevoted hili 6n'e doesn 't ' forget tbe 10880 na one J.i,~\ ' 1)l,l~eTt8 t( _~'" T~e res!lli. ·'of b18 -Iearns 'thero, When tl gypsy je~,'es dOlallng& " 'Itit gyp lils arid his c lose the ' lICe of hlH (Meta the.-- and npplies'cla~lon' with Lbem tor a quarte r of ,himself' lo , the, uHunl"llUrsults of clv· . _ century I!! the Ilpn belief thl\t tiley I.IzaUon, h. gClIIernlly succceds, whIch are Ii 'm uch lIbehid and grea(1): , mill' proves 'thllt Ihe !:')'IISy 'll a man of In· linderstoOll Ilouplc, "' '" ' ',teUI $cnce.. I bllvQ II. cousin who 18 • ·'- -:ralk LI leaf' Themi'ehIH:' ·" , mayor o~ a large! lawn aud anothe r . MIUIY have wondered why the gypsy , wbo: Is ,hel~d ,!f' a ~onllldetabra ahoe .'" ~( manufactory , _-' ball ...,ver tried to ' defQ(ld ' 1IImseh., ' , . ' '''IlY' IIO 00.0 of ,t1telll halJ .eYer ,attempt; Pe!"aonal Characteriltlel. '~tc7-r~fute.the ~ , riel'al cODcep~lon ' ot , Look ,'a t me . Do I loolt like an 'hIB ~?Pl e, Wh?P . ,an ·'outslder.. ,ap. •ESYIIUan1?, :Am 1'dal·". or swarthy. or ~roacllea ,a II'Y,PSY to get Information, tiOl'(le of 1IIlpeetr' , ' ' , 'the 1IiBn who a moment.,",f~I'tI , might ':t'om Shinley ':Is a Well·lIe.t'UII man ]ia ". been 109unll1ty ', Itsolt, ,Ill ',the' 'abo~e toe " .v~rage heIght: no 'darker li,lIe of . tDalHng n )Iort'" trade, -bOo- 'thau most t1.a rk men of: caucasian Jc(Jmes (1I14I1e,!lly -IIe.,aretlve; hI.!: -la , DJI ' ~b~d . 'Ho spoaKs 'EJngllslr ' lIVell and ':'.<ftffSff as' (M · ti~/weiblill o~ster: ' Not a~!1Y ' from the ' ~nvlrtl.. u\ent; of , Ills "iQlIce IrI ' a thouaanll 't luios will a gyl'~y s"uminer qnnl!> bas ae little of the air -dlticils'~,. It,~ \ln" outslCler either hlti or' thu gypsy-tlie gfVSY "a.: ~ .c~D, a~atrs Jor those qt hlB trIbe, ",'hat. ~hltt 18-0B a bualne.. man. ~". the IIlra,ngcr's ' buslneijll clalms : " 'iet 1100pla rue and ml' I)oople !n theIr Imagination, aa ,half. mt(y be up'o n his c.ollsll1eratlon, 'But ,TQm StaTIle),! Bon of the .:blef slivage 'w aitderera, a~ln to 'tho Egyp. of the Somerville gypsies, relenterl Han .. or tbe oriental.. Look at tbl. ·8CJ'IDewbat-:fnJm,~ tht, rule ' to explalo n rt le girl of mine. Does she look ,like <certaIn tnlll~enllepllou8 'that long an hll:llan child 1" exlBted In t~'e mlndll of the pU,bllc llil thru"t (orllVal-d "'i)oncernlng ~hil' wallderlng folk, a'boll ~ 8p\'O,n yean, "W course It docsn't lIlatt61' to U8 cblhl wltb big blue cycs. Sbe. ·too. ~\I~~ peop!e "think. BO. lonlr all we Wtl l! ItS fur remuwed trom tbe popular kilow ollnelves b.onest· and 10 lank AS Illea t)f Lbe gypsy 8S Peary I. , DOw we pl.l. fali' Itl tracie and 10 all onr from tho ot;>rlh pole, ' -cloallqs with the • wOI'ld:' be said. ; '1 am of Am.... ean bloOd but or "T~"t Is, ono rea.on why non. of UI ),lnclls h dllscent. H;r peOple'II• ..& 111 ... ever tUu \he trouble to colltra· Worcester a (ell' ~nerauou qo. ...
' \
my grer.I,l1'ent.grandrather \., Oft 6HEE~ SCABIf;.d. !II\llt 'ttll'''~ ~tl ot foUo w«t! MO~I1P Ol l iJriatol mil" , The Staule)' !3.l)lil,. Is nf. l'~Ii: Y llt rrrorls hllV~ beun Illado l, How a Successful Battle Agalnlt Thl. u .Kood on In Englalld, trar,a tllt't .. origin t:: ellch or thns. "y t ' w a rt; gYI1RIt!I!. desce nded Ao u rr.~s 'l'hfl IIl!OMt COmmonl," IU!cept :rroubl esome Cisealo Was Fought. frotu 0 lOll'; IIn;:o of gYII ~1 8 , We speak II t he,ory 18 IhlLt thcy lue of lodl nl A fc w complaints hllvo come tram the Romull tong u , whic h Is I~ lau· origin, aud th II' I nll~ lI ug", ltoOlanl gllage In genera I uso among gypslt!s ~ hOW8 mlloy r "oolnhlances to tb. WY01nlng to tho !Tect lb~t ~"eep sOll bi '8 has bl'okcn out I" some Becthe wdrld ove r, I hOllllh It \'arles great· Hindu, tlons ot the' state. In\'f!s UgcUon shows Iy a cording to tho country lu which Ll'..Iwlns thler curl)' home III north t hat there Is no a' ce fOI' '1larJu It 1\ trill II Vll" weste rn In\llll ahout ,t he)' nr 900, lh. HOG BUTCHERING DERRICK. IlroDlI\I. measures ar6 .Ake n and vlgl· "The neltt tIm e anvooe tolls voll g ypsy folk, drl" n by the Irrupll on8 01 tbll t w hay DO religIon. do l'Ot' be· th e )1 01'de8 oC Oellghl s Khan, IIlllr\.fl( lanc ex rclscd 10 lUI tutur . Some Will Make the Tae\( an Inrected s be P w"re t : boile d In {rolD lIeve it. We hu ve our rei lldon lIro- 'on th II' loog IIllirch of ccntul'l Ii Easy One. Mon lanll, bill Ulctie were promp t.J,Y "I>' c1~cl~' as you or ILny other mlln who Tnklng th dlr ctloli at Kllhull stal Is nOL a gypsy hnll hi B. !irIan)' r our aod Perala, . th e,' pcnetrnt d lut(, I)re helld d hy Il utbotl Wetl, tl' alE'd 1Io1)() A "tlrr spond nt oC P ra irie Farlne r people Ill' Buptl sts; sum bcloug to E~,v pt nntl nOtlhern I ACl'lea Dod 1111 c U" cd , A ,short lime ago 188 bucks Qther Cbrlstlan denomlllllUons, Wh ell g,'uted wCtlt lhnlllgh ,\ sla lllillor Inle ! nti s Ii pllln fOl' lluleberlng und hllng" were b ro ught Into UHl etate from an· ,11 ' ho 6 , SI't t1 pol in th e groun d nda. 'I'hc Impar l r w. II heavily f1Dlld. II s')' ps y 110 s ber-o me ntbusl!lstlc oyel' T 'lrk y. ' Th eh', cHrll')Bt nhidill/: rllarll 'on thE '\In o ( £I ('t anti Pllt n H '{OOl IJQ1e un th is aud tll o 1111 p dlPIl d , From reliable hIs religion he mak e~ OIlt Illfrequ ut· 11" t yo u call ' a granL r()vIHdlst. dIltlnf'nt or l<;UrollC wua CI' !lcr'. AI "' Ith a RlVlu!;le so lUi lo tll rn, as mus· so ul'ces, says Or:m g · Judd ~\lrmej., It :ra ltld ill tho at;co .. "anylng CIlt.. An· Is c1ulmcd there is no luft~tloo at elt rl~' ~ 8 ISlI ' a Il:YIISY chI (taln named Thnt Is hlB tellJPerament. "Th is tempcrament ijhoWIl ngnln 10 scUblos In ,W~' Om ID g at pl'el't'llt. ru· tho music oC th g)'j)sles , Altbough tbongh a r w flocks In Alban < o~n ty t his mu slo Is eulll' ' Iy by C!lr, mau)' wei exposc tl nnll ore [11 qll a l MHJue. great composo rs ha\' e conc d<ld 'thul 'rh:;e sh t' P will be dlpp [1 Mxt It is e trectlvc lind accul'ata: ' \. n spring, 'l'h (' gyp, thollgh wild lu ch:lrn ctc l' 1'1... go \' rnme nt, through it · o " '~nn Ric'S III Hunglll'Y and Ru ssia atd r oo of II.nllllnl Industry , undertook to " ":ldland are Doted us muslcluns," Iculo sClL bl s in Wyomlug In 190i , At thll t tl mo lhc slato was pract/tall)' one Mr. S inclai r's Test imony. , mn ~s of scab, For se\,llrBI yC' ll'S s'.l-eep What the soo of lh chief of th e oWlle rs ,bad heen Harting tbe IIheepllot ornervlllo t;),psles SIl),S abou t thb Inr cl tI llnd o;lllll,pl n~ t!je m ')\It , 'This . J~Y P S Y fol k Is born e out by 1\11' , SI,,· I, pl tho tl jsrns In hOllle wl' h th reo 'Iulr. Btl do 's, ill (ael, II IStro), WlLuY li lt thnt 0. a l'jy ev ' ry blln~ .,as badly u eh I'lshl,d illus ion. Inf'lol'!!}. As Il res ul t of Utl govem· -Wl• •~ "''::;: .... ·w. ~.. ..fkoA,..~""". "A goo (1 many or U,r'lTl al' m mbers me nt campaign It Is elalme" thJ.t Iftt Derrick For Killing Hogi. of tho Bal)lIst hu r h, lind Mil ak at SIlI'lllg, ther were not 250 &~"I&1 c _ tho wa yer III etlngs with 11 11 th fer· , the.' )'010 Is sct s ix fcet (mm th of Inrc tlon In tlle whol!} stale at Often· vor of th l' olher me Olh rll, first, 1'wo wide wagon tirc ~ II hOlll sll arlll S LIm ,lind th ese ~'el f [8010t.,d. times I ha \'o h ard lhem xllort vl ~l t· roul' fcet Ici ng ura IJlorti sed in th e ttlll During 1906 tb authorlllet bave In · ors to tlle lt' enmllS ItlJOUt t il bl ess ings r tho secolld post su IlS tel , utturd s llecl,:d 6.7 3,37~ sheep In W rontl n~,. and n eceg ~ lty of a ChrIs tian life : ' be i Ullllort fOl' ha nging tOUI' ,;ond s l1.ed i nclud lll g ra ug Inspt.-cllous lind shee~ SIIYS, bog~ . Frlontl Hea el' l'ccomlll,:md d in trans l , And he adils tbat th y are not thi~ pla n lUI a grea t conve nIe nce to 11 'l'll following tabl!' sbows tile nomslven to thie ving more thalt a ny othol' person desiring to butoher /I. few hOgH ber of sheep dipped under fedl' ral en. "poor, Ignora nt peOllltl and t he c<)mwllh ~ hol' L bell' and IImlled hutcherlng p rvlRlon In Wyo ming the palll threemunl ty wb ere they arc found," ;\11'. Cacilitles, yeal'S. In 1904 and I90!) Lbe flgul" ar& Sinclair's concluslolls wlUI resp ct to I\[!arly all tor Infected shee~, III 1905: tb e American gypsy are Identical With CARE OF YOUNG PIGS, the data Inclutles' ~02,770 free stJe8p. a report tent him by the governor genIt Is notable that this y'ear Inf~~ e ral of Russian Central As ia. on the A GYPIY, but ~.. n't Look It. tt 'Should Begin Before They Are Born blinds average only oue to a d,1\eD' gypay tolk of hi' counlry. who havo ,Iohn "'as oslabll 8lhed' "dlb a larga fol· -Keep Sow Vigorous, head or diseased sheap eacb, It Ie ~ t h reputation at being thi eves and luwlng under " e Detlan ' rnle. Tbey Heved by lIome Oockmastel'l that cheats, bllt. "according to t be reports Ilre record ed III Swltr,er;land in: ' 14111; It II! not best to walt un til tbe pigs of our ' adminis trative oftl clall, they III Denmurk In H20 In !LaIr In 1422, IIr flll'roW d to lJegln t(l care for s tate board ,o! sheep coJUmlsslonlmt behave themselves well." I In Franco Rnd Spain in 144 2, In Pol, them, The brood sow needs , careful s bould DIal' thorougbly , ppllce' tile Al! to th eir alleged proPOIl elty to an d aud RU 8sla about 1600. und In attention betore thIs tlmo, es pecially commonwealth so as to prevent U. Bteal cblldhc n, au Idea fostered by )o;ngll\nll not lon!r aft 1', It was tbe In th matter ot feedIng. 1 have 01· Importallon of Intecte d shcep. ];' ED E R.AL D1PPl loOG IN WYOMrl'{~ 811pers tltion snd the melodrama, 1\11'. de llredullons and liIe frequ ent atrocl, Will'S had s uccess In Ceedlng a well Vpar. Relll\, , Slnclnlr snys that it! all a myth. tiel! prncticed by thes e lSI'!:: lu\'adlng 'Jolancell ratton llefore. as ""ell aB l!1OO .. .. ...... ....................... . .. .. 491;1'. "All tho gyps ies III tba vIcinitY ot hard 1I tbat goJnEld tor the gypsies !1fter, tIlls t ime. says a wr ter In .'arrn Roston know rn a as 'Law)' r Sinclair: thell' bad name, a name that has stJlok an d Homp, I aim to k eep tbe brood ~::l Good Condition. In Arizona. IInll tor man y years I havo be D can· to tholll ('ver since, sow ,ln good 'coDdltion an.ti never have In Arizona. Lbe coodltlo,.n . of fI~ suited hy them when In trouble. The Lalt MI ration had a n)' trou.ble wIth r e ds, After from the sanltary standJ10lnt Is ~fIrT There have beon 11 !lood many cases 9 , farrowing 1 Increase the mtion ODd as wh en chfl(lren " . I'e 10Rl nnd tbo gnl' Th Ir last mlgraLlon was to Amerl· soon :I S tlio' pigs aro olt! pnough en· satlsfnolDl'Y. Twp years ago upon Insj,eotlon about 85 per cent ot the ftoctut wles wera suspecled at kldo a plng en Bnd AI)8tralla, lIearly th rel! cen· 'o nrll e them 1.0 eat olong wltll the of the state were found to be infect. them, Often th eir eatnlls have been wrfes lawr, 'I'll se bands were mQst· sow , Milk, wh en t> middlings, oats and wltb scablos. 'I mmediately after tilt. s(larched and the,. ha \' been subj ect. I,. English gY[lsles, although many corn In prop I' Jlro(lortions have al· ed to much anDoran ' and t.rouble. bands from til e ontlnent of Europe WII~' S been my fa yorlle taadij ror pigs. Inapecllon the sheep ~ere dipped _ der lIle supervision of the :'ureau at In no , case, ho w Yer , lin it lIeen are to b roun(\ III tho ' nlted Statel, \Vhcn cOllfined in pens ( suppl y the m foun!! to be true tha t the\' had take D flu L whatever na t.lonallt y n trlhe be- wIth fres h water und green f ed, chur· animal Industry, During 1906 anot4el' Ins pection of alf sheep In Arlzoba ..... UIIY cbildren., . longe d to, Il retained the Romani IlIn· Sllago, lbe language ' commOll to all COllI. wood l1"hcs ILnd salt lJelng , ted co nduoted, and only 2 \Jl)r cen~ of A Caae In Point. sy-psl('s, ' Tills III not a s lmpl jargon at r egul al' Lnlervals, At sIx or eIght fcellon was found. Afte r .the laet ~ "ODe' case, I re membe r, excited (lr cant, Il Is a true and complete weql.<'s old 1 wean tbe 1)lgs aod teed ping Ulls s eason It \>;as claimed that great InterC!lt In the n ws papers aL lan guage, esp chilly In th e tarth e r them hi the same maim er , oDly oHen er ~c abl B. had been practlcall,y era& tllC lime It ooc urred, A Willi Me· eas t, whe re the gy psl s h8\'e 'rem III ned than I.a'e fore. I k eep them In n. warm, cllted Iram Hocks of ArlzoDa. lu JIlew Mex ico thEl sanItary' condl· CormIck dis appeared In Ooston. an d CODlPRCt, nnd H posseslles a ~on8Ider· roomy "lllce dUrIn g the \vlnter, and hIli loss W8S heralded all over lh e able \'o<:lI bulary ,Jlod , a highl y devel· wben spring comes Lbc)' are In excc l· tlon of sbL'O\>, ls muoh bett~t' Lb,n four lent condition, cou ntr y In laTl; headlln ' by riltl' Ollod system of ItltleeL!ou!l, 'l'hls Ian· I years ago: At tbat lime it was not unu ~lla l to find Bcabl e!! In tbe advanced ne ws papers. Finalll' two Russian J;uagc has natura lll' been infllleucecl FEEDING THE BEEF CO,W: In' psy ,glrls were arrested In Was h· \0 n couslderable extent by the cuun· stltg:O, while at vresellt no. adv8nee4 Inston for steallug blm , A n ostnn l ry of adoption, (.ho hroKeu dIal ec t case Is u rare Lb\n g;. The amount of det ell\' was sent to Washlnglon , of thn E nglhlb IP' IISI!)!!, ,w hic h 18 the Ration MUlt Be I,ncreased Whe" She InfecUou In tbe soulhern balf of tJI& II In Calf. tcrrltory Is very small, probably Jese, Tbe llVO girls were kept undel' arrest lan,;uage of thl! majority , at the for manY ,days and subjecled to a Amerlcalt t'rlbes, beIng a: strange m ix· than G per cent, F01lr years ago at The nltlon necessary for a breeding a conservative est\trlllte, 90 per cent 01: rigid c ross·examlnallon, as ""as the ture of Elngllsil and Roman I. ' whol gypSy camp. Finally It was How many gypslel are th ere In Lbe cow that Is carryIng 0 ell!f ,/!lUst he the flock s in that part of New Mexico dIscovered thlll tllese gypsies hall world ? It would be ImpoII"lble lo take enough to permit of tho mlllntenance weI' atreetetl. lIC\'cr hod l)r seon the bo~" a eeUBUB at t hesll roving people, \Vben of h er budr as well lUI th tt growth of As no geneml dipping ",·as condnet. "Th e QllcsUon has boon one 1 have they first IlIl1de tb elr ~llearBnce III the calf. Cows of tbe beef type m llY cd rlllrin g the pas t yeRr In the' northconsidered caretully for 25 ye lll'S, and Asln a nd In Europe they wel'o often be wInte red wIthout g rain, I.rovldlng e rn h alf ot tbo .terrltory, the percent. ( have made very many Inqui rIes, but mallY tboull'linds litroug, under chief· they lU'e given 1111 th o out straw and age of Intectlon is somewhnt IB.I'I;er, I, hay no\'el' eve n heard of . a ca ~1l talns who styled thems Ives counts, co ru I;tover thn t lhe)' well cons ume The llanllA~Y boord of JIlew MexIco I.. whe ro gypsl ij have e ven stoicn a or "kIngs of Lit lie ' ~gYllt ," tbe gyp. !luring ,the ea rl ~' lIalt of the lIeaSOIl . . hopeful that tbe federal governn:ient' 'l'he )' should bo fed a 1It(le clover will tl\ke charge o'f the work of s lngl!) Child ," ' s ics e ncouruglng the ' belier that th y MI',· SItH:lalr SllY8 that ' thcy kno"lv wero 'Eg~' ptlalls lIulferlng banishme nt. hay (luring the eo rl)' spring' mooths. rlllllling in the Il'rrllo!'y , In the RtAtC\l ton well that were th ey ~(l stcal any .. In' order to secure tolerance and as·' ThIs , how Yo-r , \s not Ur.. best UHltho.' of' KallsRs, MIssouri. Arknn80e, Tesaa thing thcy would be , uR~ecte li at onr:e !Slstance tronl lh e people whom they ot reed'lng, !Shocl(ed corn or sllnge Loulsinlla ani! Oklnhoma, ,~ scabl., and lIearohOd; and they \'Illlte Lbelr encountered In tb'31r mlgr&tloDI, The with a lit tle c1ove l' lill Y Is a good win· while not entirely eradicated, Is com· ter ration tor cows, Mor gnln In 11 · tely un der r:ont rol o r ollthorlUe.. we ight cau be secl!red wh ere silage la aud all outbreaks lire laolated. u!;('d than whore dry fodder Is fed. The COI'l1 plant fe d In the tOrin of K EfP PIGS_C=I..tE:.;A ....NIl&..--- silage Is OlOr~ palntablc ' thRn If fed In th e 'form of shocll('d corn, whloh Is Have tile Sleeping quarte,.. Separate 1,I"oblll.ol y ~be ('Buse of Its b eing il II t· From the Feed ing Pen. te r ration fur ' th e ' beet coV:'s, SlIllge lupplemcnled, with clo\'e r ila)' in sTl1U 1I GIve lha Ill g halt a chance anil b. IImuunt s III about the , best r ,1 tor will keel' c\(~nn . ill tb e ordinary p •• brt:'edlng UlllOlOls thot. CIlII be produced lhe llcddlng 'oun ber;omes bndly aolJect. on Dlost (arms. bec(luse Il Is ,soon los sed ' tbe
::::::::::::::::: ::: :::::::::: :::::: :t:::
One of ChIef Sou",..
Incom ..
reputations too milch. 'on' ae '(lllllt of !(YI/SIC8 must nURl be r we ll tn :" ,~ p. 1l111lion s, for In RlrlllIlla nl u I\lnul' £lud tb~lr monns ot livelihood, "Uere In Ame r[cn the ~~'p~l () s bnaat In various pnr~8"r the Balkan r e' lIuit not one ,;y ps~ hns e\'cI' hre n ;:::11'118. Ii II II SlU'Y nnd HuslIln, there 'arc 'sent In jail," sal,l M·. Slu~lalr. and he over 500;000, ,- - - - -' !lsse rts that neither dl ~t l'iCl.t attorneys ~o ~ Cln~"gc. nor pollcc.meu Cllll contradict the Edsar Inadvc rtl!n~J:i M",'alio\\'ed a b08ML " RD'II', then, .dId It eYer' come :0 pass slh·cr Cluart~ r doUa~, for which Ihe thot ihe gypsies obtulnc,1 the unSI1Y· villoge docto r ~ probed In vall!. ' Some orr rellutation thcy bea l' ? H Is dc· on OSkbd his slIlall ,brothel" If tho clarell to be !!Inwly 11 c oso of Lhe s loll ph)"8IcIIl1l5 hnll bClln SUC<1l:ssrul In re· ' ot the father beln~ Yh<lte<1 11(\,)11 tbl! coverln~ tbe mone~, "No. 'Blr," ho cblld rcu. an instance ot a hlld IIBmll answerod. earneaU)', "not a I)Onny IIn);ln,; to a peoplo tbroagh cen , ot it." , ---~.---turles, Staren Irt GraIn., Origin ,Hard to Trllv l. The perc;)lltage at starch In tho {If tbeir owu origin tbe gYIJ6les can tout' grains named Is' as '(\>lIow8; give no ellact.. acoount. mauy at tbem Wheat Honr, 1)6 per cent.; corn meal, (ollowlol the IlOllulat' boUet that they 66 per cent,: rlt-•• 79 lIer cont.; rye eame orlcluall1 tl''''ll Eln'llt. Tbe meal. 69 \Ier 0fIIlt.- The ONOf of dl· 1'a,..~n ..' tIIe J.w~. the canaanllt'l. ItIIUblllt)· 18 ,aa 1Il!,* 1:0na. lb. tNt ulbea of 'w..J, Vf tlae mlMIl \ wa.t.. rl.
--_ ...
Releol long, roomy ROWS. but not the slow maturIng 11trlli. The Ulun who fee dl; for marllet ~are8 more tllr type lhllll ~ breod. , Darb wlrc fencl n).': rulri~ man y good !IO,"S ,alld Is a poor X{,IISC for a hog fen e. , ' Every yard ahould havo It 1:00(\ strong gate. carefull y mad !). hun ~ and tllsl enC>ll . ' Urood sows, fih(lul tl Rh u w quality, but nol at Ih e e xpens.' or bonc, muscle nnd constit ution, A good ,,;Ie to tollow III to make Th~ Swinging Door. la n:c ya rd s nnd nol eonf\r.e the \J!gs on too ijDlali lilt arM. Oh'lde t hc pen and have a uwlDIt 1 nHormlty III 0 he rd Is nne ,of the rlOOt', a ll ' ,:<ilown In the Cllt. Put. most .' I'!!entfal points nnel its adynllt· Ihlcl( bl'd of Ktra,,' In one erid. an. Itg~ are ob\110ull. th' O[;CUPllltt will always haye a d~ All thing!:; cOll9ld('retl, wove n wIre bed, MOI'CClV()I', !lays .'arm Jt'un1aI~ IJTOllerly ("ollslruoted makes the be ~t ' In wlntt;r. IIU extra Stll)ply ot st...... anll mus t slIll!itaCLOry .lIol( f(,lIce. can be. given, in which tbe pIg CaD 1\JaI)Y good sows are ruin ed hy he- bUrl'ow. unll Iteep warm, Urealer Ing hllr t by lIorses and ['attle. !llld , warmth would bo 'secure<l by evv.r1D& shnuld be kept by theUlselyes during tbe tOll ot , tbe straw pen. pregnancy.' Pigs of about tho same Ilg alld s lzo Don't Overfeed. thrl\:o best whe n eo ntlnP.d III YIl1'l1S ' by Avoid tlle hllbll ot keenng tho. th (,III ~(li\'<J~: th ey loo k belter. fe ed bet· hora,,'s manger fill d with 'lillY aU lhA to r und sell bel ter, tlmfl. OV'~r[eodlng on hay Is Quite Ita. In bulldlllg any tarm fonce It Is a blo to cause heoves In hot ses. "l'IIa. KomI IIluu 10 pitt ground wires dOWlllO tl'ouble· ln the respiratory mgll,lls, II~I!' Ulollltul'O about e~ery six posls 10 slve Furm JOUrnal, Is simply a resolt oC til. s lock protectlnn reolll llghtnlllg. • disease Iu .tbe dlge,Bt\ve ' organs. A. Tile bog' (:an make blmsEllf !Ln Intol· horse wltb the hea.\'es' Is III very maclL able nuls:l.nt;\o It Dol confined In pI'oper the sal1'(' condlUoD , \U a penon wttIa. bo Itlds, and no""'an .bonld attempt to dYBI~ep81t.. (lne of tbe most cOtIlIt.oA tal,e bogl unIe.. he ball adequu.1 ,)IiUles III lIverfeedlq on coarse, a . . .yatd liM feuclm:;. ,jI I Mpe. woody, Indlc..Ut.1e tIaI. ~ 'ORtel '-TURAL. PAQE~1h. &arll' clover hal. '
Warren County
Edi on Phonagraph
is 'O llllty
for sale by .
will bc ";n1 i rl'lv l~ rcll fru m I 1.)... t th i" Ylla"r , I
1:.. B. ter, the Jeweler. UIl-'''U 0 111 1111/, I ',U P" ohubly IlO llo unly In Oll1U jll i11,! WIl" 1H1l110 of ~' I'1l u k Fii'IH I' wh e> bucl I. !.. 11 )'ulLr 1f ', W l p :lill ' lll IH.hllll; Il~ gOOd Iin ,lIwinl (·otll iithm Il ,q ' j " ,ltv.' " ( ' 11 :'fl'l' t "ll'II Hnni,,' f.irlll A Iso recor.ds for WIII'I'(,11 I'ountv I , ' II'F:t'E' IN AL I,EN B11IL!>t (i 11 Ul' H.. n·o\· ~h!1l'" f, ·)· t ""'l1 tr- tllrl'" . No· douht. l l;i" ,,111 1,'1111'1\ 1: will 110 T' . , E:P~iO)"!E eJiLL .. ),,! O. , ·t·IU P, 11 1l(\ .,r 'l'IIIHl IIlH l' rtH\, wlin had .'luprl.l t il [II/Ill Y l'\'~ltI (j u t~ or tb o Phonagrallhs . Il\'ell nil th 11(\ \'1(1 Mil ~ n fll rill 111'11 I' 011 [11)', hu t iU ~, 11 f,,~t, thnt II I th~, t mftt4i 'I , i\ \ Ollut Hull,\' fu r ! wont,\' t ·W \) ~· l'nl'~ 111'(''' nt time \'lIl'I'ell ~'un n .\,'I:! on ly ulhl1l1 ./ onl';' hIlS cu ll l'dl,hfltll ilHh!llt ['(l ll('$~ is Ilbuu! . 10 OliO \\ \.I1't 11 Miami Valley Land tlLlti n Cl f tb o (~ IIZt.t t to II r lIlu r); uf br idgo hI/oils Ilt1l1 th~ti \\ ilI'bo as an Investme nt. lIb I re) I'll uhJn g III ' priu~ VnlJ, \.v Jluill on' th is yon I' h!l1vin" th ' I'ounty pike, wlll' rt, ut 1£'11"!' 1hroe p'II,t,i,'!' '.>nt,ire Iy fr OIll dt'ht" b~ ' High Prices Being Paid for 'I'nbar- Ii 11 \'0 reu t ,(I fllnus oo nt inu 1l . 1,Y for [t h UN b c n !1 I;rtlll t moily ye[\ r~ , -Ins ure an Increllse ill Ya lu ' lU or f' thun tlllrty ~' eor!! ,i II CO 'WlIl'rt~n oo noty w u put o{ , !!' _-~~-~~~~~~~~~ , ~~ ,_!!"_'!'..~~_!!"_ ~.'!!!!!!!"_ ~~~!'!'!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!"!!!!!! .of Farms. H l' llr,Y I rot er' hu!' b 0 11 0 11 t1~e " 01 'bt, 11\ filet w nro uot, C r tllin that I for 'r . Hawke fll rm fo r thir·ty .f1ve y \IT:! it hu s over b ee n on t of cl lit b for , I Tb~ high prioes b ing I]lIid J oe E Vllus blls beau on Mr. B rt ",l, '~ " (mo'lt oonn tlus lire in debt till tho ' tobucoo insu'ra un in r ellse in . I bo farm j n ~t lI oross th o pike for m uro timo) IIntI th o pre en~ Goud itlon of \ Miami Valley , ond t ho iodivid ull t ha n tblrty YOllrs . ufrui rs i. I xt,romely or edi tllbl t ll , who has a goud fnrm hilS nu InyeRt· Farth I' on up th pik , Ph i lip tho ofl1 cHds of t,ho COtl'1ty wbo htl VIJ ment that Is bonnd to ~ row largely 8n wke and his son (;i eo r,g e \V huu in Ilbnrgo t il lllfl nllg III Ilt f \ in v8.lue during the next few years. Hllwke hR\'e 0 oupied the Ilum /l lru irs. When n !Dan oan raisa on an aore e owned by tho Burrill est.n te for III r of land. a crop 'worth $100 or Ulore, than forty yeaIs·. and that is frequ ently being done; ':\1r . .101l6S fnro iaba somo in t l' Obit uary Sketch that land is ,val no ble, • esting blstor y in r egard to the , partlOulllrly udapted neighborh ood Itlong thE! ~prlng Val ' .Jnm ~~ Hill ma n WOR boru in'\ to t,hls eeotion , The United States ley pike , He r clIlIs goin g to Bcbool Wn Ill ngtou h)~\'rJ hip, ~Io nt!:: fIl ory ~~~~~~"'!!"'''!!!!~'!'!''!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!".~.!!:!!!!!..!!!...~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!! Secretary of A ~ricultnr e mode tlle at Mouut .I::I olly whell the r oa d fr0111 Con iHy. ()bi o, (LUOHt ;j 1111,)118 lI,l ut h - - ---- -', - -----• . Worked Lik41 a ChurUl . statement reoently that for oertain hi fllt,her 's farm WIl t,hrougb the Mr D. N Wnlker, ediwr of thllt of " lIt el'v ilt , 0 11 i\lo.v J 2. ] :til, nnd vaJieties of tobaoco the Milln1! Val wood the enUr e woy. di do t, hi s hom in '<,.nteryille Gf Hpi Y j,llIrll ul , the Ente rp.riI!El, Louillt' ey leads the world , Tobacoo Ila,n hot\l't fn ilul' ~', [I)mltl~' lUurning, v ... , ~lIy s : "1 fI,n II nllil in my foot In those eu rl y dllYs, u Iso, i\I r be raised only in oertain localities J on es said the owners of almo t It II Fobr ullry ll, 1110;-, u 1,, 1 7'~ you ri', ~t----- 10. t we k Ilud lit onoo opplled Buok· and the oonsumptlon of, tbe week is th e farms in t hut neigbborhood H t leu'l! Arniou Salve. No lufl"mmll , UI Olllh.s null :J\l lillY · Vl a 11 n 0' Il, ' 'tion ,fn1Iowec1; the ~lI l ve l!impl,V conat.antly inoreaslng . Therefore It oooupi Eld . their own fllrllls . N uw, U hud li ved th gl' Inter pnr t of 0 h Ullled the "ound" Heuls every · I'f ' t ' appears reasonably oert-ain tho.t the' most of the farms f~ re rellted . . Exeu r ion March 23 IliS I e .111 ,El nt rVllle, IIX cpt II fow 'bllUCl1 for Ell t r YI it, t,o N a. ROr o, burn tina sklu dlsMse. Guttr· 8upply will not eneed th e demand yeq l' III Ollytrm. He WII S twlc " 1 It" .\ E Ifln lee(lllt Fr ed 0 , Schwortz 'Drug. for som~ t,ime to come . - Also, oe l~l t u ~!lP hilly nt,.t ruo. gist, 2i)c ' . mllr r iNl, fir t to I:IIIt'rlot ,A. Bt'olr, .... Olln long at present oonditlons continue Obituary Sketch of ,lilli , ,1. 1" ,." n xt to 'Fl'Hnoos Hou~ e r t.J va n t I ltS . 1\ all . It is re8sonallle to believe prioes will Mrs, Harriet Norris. Nuv. 12, I ' ji, keep up. He wU!! the fu th i of \ '1' 11 chll ' l St, Louis Excursion ur 11, of wh om bu t oor, Il dangh ter , ! Mll roh 1(;, ](\, 17, f,nr Bowli ng Two conilttloDs might briog ,down Eighty, six yeure ago tht~Jir t dtl Y 'be price. U the tnrill' should be of th is New Year. in a httle tOW[l sn r viv s the fllth ul', 'fl.Jr ea Uon grf' Telellhone or Night, • removed from Oubll.o tobacco, t bat ltllUOng the · monn t-ains of , Venn Sl. child ren, th ell! ug h tel', Mr , Mny would prove a sertoW! oompositor; van ill, wus born t h e subjeot of th ill ~ Ti1~on . '.LlI el the wi. low, l'el.l}ltin . tlJ n . wuy S ooml , III 'O IOll i t Local No, 7 m onr n tihe lOA of 0 I,iud fllthe r nnd 'n k I sulci dn Iy rtu fiJl ' Murch allo there is a pOl!8iblility of the ,sketch, the one whose frilil , elllU i Long Distance No, 69-3r truet coDtrolling the market and ated, worn out body 11 e before ne un II lTcctiullllte bu huml , J!'or ucn r: 1101 1 April 10 putting down prices. today oold in the embrace of d nth, ly ii~ yellrl!! he .Ind bis helo vetl 0 III Idaho Montana " However, in view,of oondltions it but wlth the sweet expressiun of 8ranch Office. Harvevsburg, 0, )J'lDi)U bod livell II qui t" pauceful ~ ~xico and ·18 hardly probable that either o f peuoe r esting upon thut care worn , life t geth r , No 1]11111'.-0 1 or ell . P acific Coast Points these contingenoies 'Will ooour soon, face. een tio11S bUll ellt'H' d lt; tnl'b d the ' .at Unuliluully Low Fare and tbe man who has 1\ farm that, Hurriet Mo ' lallY I~t the mllture .·enoe Illid h ur mony of tb -ir wedeled will grow good tobaoco has an in age of 2~ years, beoame the wite of life. Mr. BllInn \VA W 11 kn ow n f 11 11 pell eob l , h onest oiLizen. .I::Ie For full lllll'tl u1ur n11fill lt v68tmen,~ that not only bring him David Nonl , wit-h whom sb e lived 'f H, E, B 01'n T i~ke t A" a good per cent but will 8urely in. iu hIlPPY, peaceful relations until suI\' r oo gr at finllu ci lLl loS ee, but '" nt \V 'I. n vll1!', Oblo. oreaae in value. ' about the year 1819, whlln he wap W IU; trnsted und oufilled in tbl'O UKh ';;;;;;;;,L.~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: oa lled to go into thtl Silent Beyond. it ull. His lust . iukn ess WllS of ~ It i a serious mistake h art dill Iltio ll, uepor tnre How tll lteDlll ln OUTI . .About Trading at Home· and sbe WIlS left to strnggle olon e. t taw aIt hCal<t. It to.l1cgle ill '1'0 'o oli ul1o ymlUg in II tIlth an el fJf t,lle support of the fnnlily , is ,such a sh~rt step to llocted ly, reng , ( olls-MrM N. F, Rowlln , In early life her paren ts moved Last week's Gazette oontained a ;MoDo.\1 ~ll gb , 011. dill. h.) sllys : chroni heart · disease, over into the stnte of Maryland, " Tb reo bot t.les 'vt 'Eleotri o BltterA Altboug h , Mr , BiIl"n nud news item that should have 1m· When you notice il'1'eglt; where she was marri ed and wher e ' profe ion of obristialnity, yet ct:J,'re,d me of 111'0111011\' r oud . t.1m preMed eVery ~erahant ,in the oom· they remuin,ed until t he breakin g tOOK consiUeru ble intor ~t i ll rou el . lI oh r o 'ble, compli olltlld w,ith ~ llOlt Im-ity of act ion, Oc:l asionmunity. The Item said tha.t op· ing t be old family Bihlfl be bllel r . an ·ullh l1ul th. on ttiou Of Mlf;l blood ing hort breath, palpita9 ut of ,the great Oivil Wllr, when proximately" quarter of a million thll~ lily skin t nrnetl n 'el lUI filLDnel. they' fled .for safety' t,o regions ba flu toring pain ' ill ce\ved fr blll bis utot h 1', !Lnel hlld [ am now prll oti cn 11)' 20 yellrs yo ung. tion of would be paid to the yond t;he Alleg hanies, and settled in rend It, througb sello ml tim , ovlln er thlm b for J t.ook i!ile Bit ell st or difficulty 1D lying farmers of thil! vicinity for iobaoco tbis P!lrt of Ohio. in h11l .01d Il ~e he oh till! ~~ r lid the to! S. 1 clln no w d l) ILII my wllrk on left ide, YOul' heart this lleason. s'Iol'ed beirj fJ l)Ol. ' with ('.use ,.. nd lit; ist in my liull Mrs. Norris was the mother ()f 7 , 'i'his meaJll! that the f",.-mers will bnnd '5 ' atol·fI. I, Quarll n teed ~t Fred needs h Ip-a strengthenohlldren , 5 girls nnd 2 boys, of whom We t rust thn.t . mony ~ood im . , C Uclt'Wu,rtz ])rug I:>tore. Pr loe 500 ing toni , T'h el.·e have that muoh money with whiob no beV' only the two sons, Albert aDd Dllvid pre!!' ion'! Cli me to bilt! duri ng t,bes tel' romedy than Dr. MUes' to buy the neoesslMes and lux orijls survive the mother , Thu's she hIlS ~ !I O!!l1ns of Bible r eilding wbloh wilt ' He,m·t Cure. ,.lts strengthof,life. outlived most of hpr ohildren, I\nu rellllliu ols impari l\llblt~ t roasures to ' }Jr. John Hyatt; The ques·tion I!I, Mr, Merohant of (.~ . , alening influence is tile soul wh,en th e ml's tllkas of en r tb . ' , I, , .. Waynesville, \vill the farmer spend has lived tl1 see seventeell grllnd a nd the, 'thin gs of 'time IIro nil pnst, ·V etertn~r.y S urg e,o n an~\ ' Dentistr most. ~t one . Ohildreo, four grea,t grand children the bulk of this money, with you or I\o:l one great.greut.grand ohild, ttS "r h ovo used 10 boltl. ' ot Dr, MIle..' FUM'rnl !!er~loe in t,he M .' E. I Telephone No, 121 wtil he IIpend it with the Ohiougo Heart Curl) and clill tru t hfully say ,It h er moternul off·s pring. 'I)hllroil li t Ilt el'vi lle Wedul1 tlay ho e (lon o m mure good th,," aftythlnl 1 hRve ovnr UR><I. "lit! I have tried ou rl y everylhln g lh nt I' know of. The These bnve, ,anti will continue to catAlogue houses and the live mer· afternoon, conduotod by B , F, At. ' Home. on Suturday Afternoon. ndlletor Who 1\ ttondcd m asked me ' ohanta of nearby cities. bo ve, no doubt, m[luy happy memo. Vaug~a n whl\t J w,,~ tok!lIg Ilnd J t61d him These firms have been ooostllntly ries ef the clear old grandma wbo Dr. Milos lI oR rt ur, h 8lild It ,,4.1 not, Irllrn!; to d O rno oily gQOd. but It Waynesville; O~io. advestleing to the farmer that they ll(IS 80 oft en Ulinistered to th eir . dId, J have not tllk~n nny t()r Il year ~~~~~'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!~'!!!!!~~'ffW' ood ..· h lh.. th ere h, Of"C""tltnru1y a _ have better good~ and sell them at ----~:: 8 ght ~l'mJl tom Of tho 'old trouble. It . not enOUgh tor me to Contillue the lower prloes Wan you do, ~r. Mer' :::;s~n~~f~~t ~:ayt.e o~nt:~~~ o!~; " , ~ Order your newspllpers ",nd mtai:'. 18 ... ot tho mCtl le!n , . If J ~hoUld ' l8t 'WOr'S<1 ,,,,wid kno\V whut t o do. Take ohant, and this advertising bas so have ,t hose wither ed , hllnds toiled to alllo e, lhl'on 'b t,b s Millmi U/l II!'I ttE' Dr, Mll r~' H<onr! Cure (,. r dld before. 1 COI1~ld Illy"clf prllcU<lo lly cured 'of ne&rly oonvinoed · the farmer th",t 'r ear and pro,vide for seven ohlldren We Cl llj Hl't' lhOIn ~9r you ut r ep uoetl my II II.-t~r tr<)u"'~: '. he otten gives the oatalogue house WI YOQ. S. H . D()NNAM , J .I\'lngs ton . '1'_ prices of her ow,n a nd four step ohi1!1r.oD ,Or. ""lie.' Heart Cure I. ,old b)i> o,r th~ n:arb~ oity !he pr~ferenoe but in her, motherly goodo ess Iloel -.---, your druggl.t, "I'hO "1'111 guarant... that ' h the , flrst bottle "1'111 belioflt. If It falla w en e a~ O~y 0 :pen . sympothy sbe hilS rai sed four ot-b ers (~X P ' 0 -1.', he Will refund yo ... r monel'. Now, Mr, '11'0 ant, II.ven '.t YOll one of whom is here today to do hllr _ 'J Miles Medical 'Co., Eabart, Ind , .118 ,good ,goods 11.& tho o~talOgu: 'honor~ " 1'01' 7 ' hou8e? A8 yonr expenses ere fa With Illliny odds. against h er. sh e W UnlteallllY KIdneys Make Impure BlOOI!. " rent, olerk hire, eto.,are lower thau hal! k oown whllt it was to 'struggle ~t used to be · colI"iJcr.:d thot only than in the oity, can't you do even ~or a,n honest liVing', 'Yhen 'I!lokn ess " . unuaryaud bladder troulJle~ were to ,Pe I I bet f t ' • • t lr(teco to lhe kidl1~s, AN G" " • V .. a itte $er or your ous omers Ilnd daath we re ,frequent visitors Il lJ but , ' 1I0\Y 1l!ode," , , ', thlln the oatalogue house ? . . into ,her hum ble h ome: ' . " J ~ckll e ' pro\'cs that ' RIDOJr.VILLK, Onxo Now, Mr. Mer(,lhaot, If this IS the to r-,crO ' 0 IlClIrly '\ \1 disea_ ' ' case and you wan' 'he business of 8he mude profession of faith io , 1m"e 'their beginuing " SPEOrUTlJI:8: JUSBASIC80.r. wo_o 1 1e Christ yel\rs ago, a nd uni ted wit.h f'llrnl'ttll'C blJ Sl'. in the <1i s~lHl er: of ,AND ORILDR1l1N . ·', . • the farmers of this oommunity, why the StilJ.\\Tater Uhristilln ohurch. SA.VE Y 0 l:: MONEY . I thes , mOst llIIportant don't you tell them 80 ? Why don 't Th'r ough all Jlfe 'schllnges Ilnct viois. I. orgnn, ' , n(\s on ,Ire an 'fl l!! !<-irulI!YS filter ' , Saved 8er800'8 Life, ' you go aft-er the business as the I?i't udes ' she trU t.ed in the Divine 1 .' .. " [llIll l?'lI'Ify. the I>loodThe hll(lplest mother 1n the Itttle merohaM in tho oity does! Why " t' ' tilut,ls lhelr '\'or}.:. • ' f A M i M 8 It' Hand for gni'dl!ooe flnd proteot-ioll gI 0 Tliercforc,:l \\ lU!I1,your'kid\l cysnrf! weak . own 0 vo) 0 " S TIl. uppee are you content with just whatever until life's clOSing pathway ,becam . , L ' ' " " ur out of Qrae r, yolt ClUJ nn<ierstnnd how She writos: : 'OIi~ y~ar afro my 80D trade comes to you? illumined with the sun· set g' lqry of , J ' qlli.Ck.l)· your clltire bpd:)' is lI.lTe'cl~4 and, Will! down with suoh serl"Qus Jd~'i Your 10081 newspapers reaoh tqe 'His .lIght, and tbe brigbtnes~ Il-~(l lea W . I:> )Jow e\'l)ry rg, II secms ~o fal,1 to dolita tb~til1Je fbut oU,r physiolan, wi. ,u~. , . ' ' bll Sl' n l ) SS Jllty. . .~ " ' a e to help- him; wheD, by oar people of the snrroundiog couotr, j "hey go every weektothe f&rmer peace of thnt Promised Land h t ,up LJ\: , ' lfy<iuaresickor ·.. ·\'eelbodly/' beg\.ll drllggiat's ad'Vioe' I , begaD ' aiviDg " the wny, so that sb e wos beM<I ' ",tll!<ing the 'greot 1duno), reUledy . Dr, him 'Dr. Kin~ 'sNew Disoover, aDd • ., who hal! money to spend, the peo·, oODsoll'ng lter friends wlt,h these I , Up " Klhner's !3'wllrnp.RQqt, !JCClUl SC !,S S OOll l aoon noticed improv'ement ,I'kepti · '"" It " , , nil y(jur kldncys rc we lf they WIt! help thi t pIe who would rn.,t her 'rode at hO,me words, "I am not going to aie, 1 am ' ~. all lhe Qlher orl-;'llIs to benlth. A trial S roa t ~en t up f or a r ,8f' 'we,e t I than away from home, If they o'nJy JD' st gOI'n'g to b egl' n to II'ne, ;' And,', () , CSpeCla 1.01 will CQllvillCe IlU}:OIlC. wbe~ he WIlS perfeotlY:, well. ·He . , ,', If you nrc sick ),011 can Ilinke no mIs.· has worked 14~aBlly IdDoe at oar· >' reoeived a lUtle ' enoourllgeme!lt inter on ahe exolaimed In tones' of o' t .akc l~y fir~t doctoring ):onr kidneys. pen tel' .work Dr,'s Ne,w Die.. f from 15 , The uuld D nd the clIect pf 'oovery saved hisoold life.oore 'I Guaranteed . N you .: M ha t i f t reeignfl tloo lind expeotllDcy, '. Did , D.r. Kill1Ic , r's Swacxtrar;.rdinary , mp-Root, l.lle gr;:at bl'st cough and by -... C. . ow, _r. erc n, you ;Vo~ yO\1 heRr tbat? They nre cn lli ng lOeSS k'l l I d It ~''''''" trade, say ' ao through the Miami " Ilney n!JI~c( y, I" ~oou rea I ZC , ' ScbwII.rtlll Drnggi8t 600 and ,100 me no\v I am going hom e " smuds lhc hl l1hest f?r Ils wOlldcr.fu! cures Trllli bottle free. , (}azete, ~tudy to 'd.rr~nge adver· " " of ~he Ulosl ch~tre511l ug cnscs, and 15 sold ' II Thus at high noon on Snndu y . . ' en its tIIerits lly al l . . . . I' !!!!~'!!!!!~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tlsemente that wi convinoe the March 3, 11l07, she passed over tbe , ' :, • • clruggisfs iu fiflY'C~lIt ,: Insure Against A--J person who reads it that there "is Silont River, agfld 86 years 2 month!! Bnel ou~·clollar s I z e · , ""'really 80me speoial reason wby they ~nd 2 d~ys , .full of yell~s I.nd good bOltles. Vou lIlay ., " ' dents and III Health m buye n sample boWe no"'.ofs.......p'R..e. ' • should oo~e to your store ~ trade. works . 'ret tel'!' 1I.1t'Rheum ll\1d fljO'J:em'a by nlail free, alS? n paUiphlet le!\illg you The Aetlla Life IDlurance 00,.,,111 Keep .after tbem jW!t as themail: . bilSe tlredisellses fdr . whlohbowtofindollt l£ you~tl .. ckl.ullI:y or , iSllDe you a poJioyby whioh Y01l will order bouaee do and pretty 800D the FUDerll! ser~loes at the home of OhilID OOrlaiu 's &Ive i<l e8peoililly bladder troublq, l\Iuub(1U thiS paper I d buld will btl oomlDg to you her grand daugh't er, Afrs. Bes it) valullllle It qnioldy ,,1111Y8 the Itoh. h'bcn wri\in!( to Dr, ,Kiluki' & Co,! }Jing. receive a Itate lum pe~~eet~ -,~ . , • i IiU, TUesday afternoon, Maroh /) Ing and Fmarting and loon eileets a amtou, N. Y. Don hU8 callYtIIlstake, 088e of .coldent or .to .,.. _VI" In oonoluatoll, W get the trade oonduoted by B. e', VAUGHAN. oure Pl'IOII, 25 cente For sale by ~~~ Kfut~:~~~;~~t. Sn';'dtpl};!':i! partioUlar. see Fred B. Sherwooti ",blob belODll to ),0'11 ADVERrISE. J .tanDey , dre., Blngbawtol1, N. V., ouevlll7 boWe. Local Asat, i l, tlO' !'l' yl' l\f - . . . ••
Iu iH},"ul1· ...
In,,; We',' k'~
Van'l i Pennsy I LIN ES
Neglect. It
fire 'Sale
We '1'1 save aU thc trcluble al)d ense SendI' og I will sell 0.nt all- Often, The Kidneys 'Ar,a , h my stock offul'nitiU'e Weakened by Oyer-Wort. at J ou w'an t. BESID' ES at greatly . rc.d u oed' MWL and thi" i s most im- pl'lce .. , Jmmc(l' el y. ' Intend out portant \VE WILL tJ t " I'y d ONT 'r 'HEl\I ' Almost a 11 ' I)et'l'od- vo a. Ii f my Ilue I . . I ,to thc undcI·tn.luno' s at· speCHt 0 priccs, W"II lit . a ne,v ffi ' )' 11 oe ·. y the undertald n bus.
MIAMI ', .
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Wi llia m H. lind Mn r;v Irwin to
Count.Y Cuurt Nt!w rOM \l ltN I·l ,t(. ...t (. '1 It 'I'.
1~'· : lwlI .
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PUBLIO SALE ~~"""'~""~"''''''' '1 0)3 ,$ 'l'HE OITIZEN BANK $ LIVE 'STOOK .# OF WAYNE VILLE , OHIO. ~ ~ ~ $ $. an~~~~:~~:~:~TY $. THURSDAY,MARCH 14, 1907 $= ,$ tt .$ ~
V,lh,\1I1 Fllxl ,(\w I'r, L65 1t1 lIoru!:! in . tIll' I,',,' I owu,hi ll, $(;riOO~ .1. 1I1l 1l~ Me L" oe to ,lobo P. 1\1 <;
,·".1 ( ) I 'l n I, ILIl, (\~ :J -I ttOrJ'S ; n Frlmkl i II town Bu n "",,· ", "'1'11 11 11 • • \II 11, $!>:,Oo i 1I 1 ~ , ' ). lI ores in IUlme ' I' ht' I,, ' lt I H I h ' ,.... "1'~ 1 1I 1 :-= I'd "r. tl1 e tll~"I1 ~ 1 1i I), * 1aiiOJ . (l . ,. pf ,h". 11\ >l II. ill' . l""" Il~" hn 01 IN. ITA RNF1 'S, \ J!. HI 'LEH. ]~TO . r,, ~II,tI tr, I!I\'" .... I\I1l'i!·,v f"'r o: l~h",. Hu r v( ." Uu~t.i n, Clf ~\Jl'rin [;~oro, to :I'h '!!mi t " ' \1 , ,, ,, 111,oon 'ItIIl w"" (lh.It·("" E:J ' S u] it b, 2 '~ nr~Tl'!! in '11'111". At my residence 2 1-2 miles south east. of Waynesville, 81'
I ht·
B u , ' \ 111 il"
' "lIlh ~" ' ''\' ' I'I'
hr')\1 l1 ht '''Io(II\n ~ t Ih, ' "",11'1';,,11 1 ( ,)11\. . f\ 1'1'"k ttrwn!<hip ii2~ 50 . COURTESY Ohio, on the Middletown and Wilmingto1t1 pike on " JlIln)' .b.'c" UlI" " w, ,rlo" n n rlJl nn\'! nf H L. Blu lUll , of Mndisonville, .to the t"'"ln " "'l'lInk Iha · A,''' ''''' l)lw IV U. T I IHlnor, of 150 tl oros ill ~Itb 0 1111111' or no, II HI< Ibl' trl\lU :\1 ", III Township in thr ee t m Is, wall J)1I~t!\ II~ t lJ ;'l\u ll lL th .. furrn .. r \.V LJ TiolJ enoJ' t o C. a. D .(t,b~l·' JamAl< Brt, ,,, n ill li ~ trhlO ' 'I'QjIVnl:<hi p bg ', 150 0crcs i.n M'l ,·~ie town , hlp, Where the s a v ings depositor is a.ccorded the BEGINNING A~r 9 O·OI. . .O K 'l'he Rllbert MIl ".pH Furniture I COfllpllny VI! 'I·i l!.v Wood ",ar,l Hllrd. tr urge W . lInd Eli7,!lbeth Bllrhm, 27 HORSES s ame consideration as the capitalist with the .~ lJ\g, IIdmh\i~t rllt.rl:o. A cl "HUrer uf l:l"rveysburK, to John W . Luok. to the l~tilioD of ~h B plulo.tiff "WIIM er, of Barv ",Vsburg, . G9,02 1l0re9 in Eight Extra Good Draft Mares . large account. overruled. Tbe , suit Is 'for '27fi Massie township, $3 03 80. Se~e~ Good . Gener~ Purse Mares a.nd Geldings. ~ Viotor Van Hlper to WIlJi'lm H . whloh O)l\fOOOO B . Bluding, deoen!:! DIRECTORS ~ ed', i@ ullaged to hflve owe~ the MoBurney, of !:loath Leban on, lot in Eeven High Cass 'S tandard Bred Roadsters: . ~ R. F. ~10 'her phllnt\ff on l\lICouut. Juutb Lebullon, $ 1. One' Welch Pony Ma~e. Eliznbeth Bull · vs Barvey 8R11. A. E. lovonger et al to C. O. A. Hinsch W. A. Merritt The Ollse WIlS dismissed ut tho ooats OlevenBer, 70 aores in Olearore k ~ Nat ha n Jones S. F. Etbon ~ of tIle 1'1llhitiff. 'I his ao'tion was townshi 11, '34;00. or divorce. .' John L. Young to George Loer, 48 CATI'LE. ~ Levi S. ~uke ns ChaHey Cornell ~ The Acme Food CODlpu.ny vs B ~ lots I~ Avalon Heights, til . One Good Jersey Cow to be fresh soon. ~ J. N. Lemmon W. T. Frame ~ A. Coyne i dofendunt .is grllnted PItO BATJI: OOU RT. fifteen dllYs to plead, , One fresh cow with calf at side. 'rhe ~tu.te of Ex Rei George E, Upon the prnyer of Mary L, 8tev. Young, l)fOSI'OUtillR IIttorney vs 4 . eDS nnd Ulrrie S . Robinson, e)(eCQ· Ten Shorthorn Cows a~d Heife r s to be fresh in O. Spenoe et III. Thill anse Wt18 dis trioes of the estate of Mury E \ Spring and Summer. missed withont prejudioe to th.8 Stevells, the s hares of stook of the right of the plalutlft'· to brlDg lin Browlle!1 Company of Dayton huv. Thirty-Six Stock Cattle. other Ilol.\on on the .olllim' set tiP in iog a par VUhlfl of '500, were trun the petition fen'ed to M. LouislI. Steven!!, the . , The Board of Eduolltion of Bam prlnolpallegatee of the will of th 35 BROOD SOWS !lton 'l'ownsbip vs the BOllrd of decedent. Tbis was dUDe ufter it Due to farrow in March and April. Education of South LebllDon . A beOt~me known that thfl re W RS demurrer to the petit\.on of the 6nou~h property. in the hands of plaintiff was sustained by the court, the exeoutrloes to meet 011 debt!! of The 'plaintiff was grant-ed lellve to t ho decedent. 180 GOOD BREEDING EWES, amend tbe pet.ltion. 'The Bult wa lJudRe Joseph O'Neal guardian of Bred to Pure Shropshire Bucks and due to am b brought for money '0 ()IIY for tile John.M. . F . LiddlJ, imbeoile, WII.S IIU, tuU.ion of several ohildren in the thorized by the oourt to reoeive the in April . and May. Hamilton Townllhip, schools, who II.mount of the two nGtes of Fnn wh~at it 18 alleged, lIhould hllve attended oes M. Sbookey. Frank M . Couden, administrator 1,000 ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS OF CORN 1,000 Corn, 8ohoolln ~outh Lebanon . State of 0010, Ex Rlil, Fred Bny. 01 the estllt,e of Emily E. taley, 3 Tons Timothy Hay. der V8 M·,rtin A. JamNhln, JUlltlce W I~S ordered to 8e1l the r lm l estate of Qn~ :o~ of tlie Pelloe. The defendllnt bav· to pay delits . and the oosts of ad· opp~l··tp.n~t~ t~ . trig oomplled with t.he .llllindate .of ministrll.tinn. A Variety of Harness, Vehicles', Farm Imple ments, etc. tho oourtJ the OIlnse was dismissed 1n the e8tM·o of Lydill. Rheetl\ de· OCUl'e :1 can .T: L Tellsdale V8 Ulilford . P . 0011 ed, tbe fi1'8t acoount was fil ed Ohamberloin, ai a1; the 18sues were by (:HI bert Thompson, executor . tiva.te 1 found by the ju'r y to be in f"vor of [n the estate of Catherine . Uomp the defendants. tot., deoeased, first acooun t wa All ums of $10, and under, cash : On all sums William L. Keever, et aI, VB the liled by F. M. Uunninghlllll aud a credit of 9 months will b given fo J' hankabl not e, or a discount will be "I1IB ge Ilf MIl80n i Jobn M MoClun g Robert J . 'ha whou, lldwiui Lro tors. allowed fo r Cc'\Sh. one of the plalDtUfa in this [lotion luventory and 11>1lprlll Bm n t for Frllnots E . MoOlung. agE'd nine, were filed Ity Allen JinfIW!lU, ud See Small Bills for Particulars. Mailed to anyone WII8 given leave to' flle . II. ~epa,rate miUlstrat-or ot the estate of Siun petl.tlon. , uel H ulfwllu, decel\sed . upon request. f Frank C:' :Anderson Ilnd ' U. C. ulp Solomon Fred and W. H . William ~ere appointed to eXllmlne t togetb, son, administrators \If the estate of er ith the pro8ecutlng Attorney J IlIlO Hlrshwitz, filed for the bene ,V all~y No~ 4. LUNCH STAND RESERVED. the annu,,1 report of the flulln.oin1 fi o.t the he;rs, devises or oreditors tran88otlons of the O(iuuty Com ' of the est·ate oertaln olaims belong. mlseioullr8 . for $he year ·endlng Ing to it' whioh had accrued eluring 1 . ,. \ HA'rHAWAY a use of Stonlaob .T rou ble. August 31, 1906. . , t·be life ti.m e of the decedent. I. • • • . ' When a Wlln h\l.s .troubl e witb tOll1uob you m ay kloo\v thut he i ~ 1'be ~ew York Trost Oompan:y In the ma.t ter of the estute of ,', " .~ ~esvl11e'8 Leuding D entist o ellting more tbRn he should or of I VII The OilY ton, Lebanon and .Cln JlI.mes Doberty, deoen ed, the ad. Office in Keys Bldg. Mllin St. Bome article of food or drink not. r.J.' olnna ~1 Railway Company. A de minlstrtltrh: WIl8 authorized to RC· sut ted to bis age or occuplition, or oree for tlie eafe,of ~he rol&d ,wrie or, oept from t'he Pittsburg, ClnoinDu ti, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ tlmt bis bowels are habitually cODstip!1ted. 'l'llklll Ohumber::lnin's dered. ".... Ohicago' 8ud f:;t;. Louie ' HnilwlIY. stomlloh 'llud Liver Tllhl et£i to regu. Frank T: Whltaore, .et ",r. Vf Compnny '~~7. 50 iu full sottlement In te the bowels Imd Imllrove the Sta.ple and Fanoy _ Grooerlee, Frt1it,s' ' . Frank ~. Uonden : the judgment of r 0.11 oJalms against railrond. The dIgestion anll 8M if the trouble does ~1N~lNNATl, .T, V, ~vll1o, a ' Juatice ot the ollLlm's aroee from t)" , wrougfnl not di!lappenr Ask for a. h·ee. salll· \ Tegetnbles and Canned Goods, W . J::. MOORI!:. R e ce ive r . ple ~ ld by J E JUllney . Peaoe W8S o"errnle'd when t·he for death of James Doherty and from I Cigars und Tobaoco, mer plainilff took the case to tbe hI! Interest In the funds of II Bene TIME CARD Comwon Pleas Court, thus becolD fit Assooiatlon, tbe . la.tter am olln EFF~ "II' E APJULI ". l ~'OQ. lug ihe plalotlil ~n thla aUlt, ing to 81260. • NOn~'HUO NO . Phone 79. C. M.. BROWN. Proprietor• . . ·Sarah M. ThoDipson V8. J., H·!l.£onrt 'a pproved the 81de of I Th t f S~atl ons , N o. 1 ~ N O. U· No. ro· I : . M~ml'r et a. e ovor oun oertain lltook belonging to the e . A M M. P lIf. the ~.lleglltion8 of tpe plaintlJf to bo wte ot Davi8 FurnRs, d~0IlR8\1d . l.e\JIIUon · J c. .\r ~ 'I ' 11 ~r, ~ 'l~ , . 'rull "nd that tbe du(endant OWlllS Robert J . . Bhllwhlln and George' Shaker Cr . I U 11 ~a r. I ~ the plllinf.lJf $7111.D7 on ~~te a~d W. Carey were 'appointed exeontors llo. IJ Il I it n 1 11 I:, I" J:\ · EMBAL~fER mortgllge. The Sberiff was order of tbl:l estu.te of John V . Jllok de. I'lCUlva tc a<\ 8 OK 11 t~ ,, 011 I [~Y}" .r r,., ":r.._., , ,~"'. \ A NO OEAL,li:lt I!'I ed to 8ell the defendant 's land to Cenl cn'llIc Il 0 0 1 1 05 .0 0\1 ih d' bt ' oell.sed. , ' Ma no r t .7 62 " 10 ~S ;.j ~'l "~~'}"': :4 1, ~'~; : '.~ payee . ' . . . John R: Drake, guurdinn of Ri ch . l.y l1o 7· 47 10 ~i! ~ 47 _ __ . _ ::...:..: " _ ....:.. ' l Anntjl .V . Uook, au in~al)t, vs The ard S. Simonton, llled the eil{ht ao. Ed~Ol<oo<l :1: 7 41 . : 10 '10 ol H Lebano.n Ilnd Frll.nkhn Traotlon count of the!. . Yenablc :; 3 ~ ::~ ~~ ' : : ~~ Cornp&DY'; a motion by t!le)' defend , In the estate of John Barller, ~~L:~:cr : 7 ~O 110 H .4 30 Telephone in his house where ) alit to strike tbe plaintiff's ..petitton dEo8lLtlsd. iuve,~tory and a.pprnise. Lolr,nd t-i 20' ~lO J2 4 26 lion be Called a.t all hours, day 01 rrom the '~le was overrnled. This ment wero filed. . . Lcba n oll-L~·. ; 20 ,10 ~r. 4 20 J .al , I . I~ i \Lo' f;H.!J ~ night. . ,., .. '; •. , .• \1' ~ion llg fo r' 8ult Willi '6,000, tbe deft\ndaD~ J?,II.V C H .I: 0 D& X 1: a ,. 0 r ": . • Coaches IUld chtura !mppl1ed ' lng'been etruol,t tl.nd InJllJ'ed by a ·MARRIA.GE LIO ItN8ES . Ilny lon 0 40 I e ' 00 " r.o . if :~. / ~ .~'-.' ! .. q!;;,'C1.'t . . h.: :l.; ~ r.R Have- r ecently moved to 'r0 0Ul -.n 1 (,!~ I ":.1 :~ t\ ~;\ Ct ~s t i:10fC1n- Il (~. Lebanon Bnd Fl'll-nkUn Tract·lon . Harl B. Ch~no.wetb, 3 L, f,uwer, of D ... X'l' 0 IJ:, X T . U~ n ~ next to Cro s Bros. ", t L t~l \!lC h.l: n~linJ;"'nrl, ! <: .!~ ·~ J FrRnklin, lIud Mary E. Pohl, 2G, 'of S UTUBOUND. , ' . •• r:-:l !I IN 8T1UCIC'f , ' RBlAL E8T~TI) TRANS1!'EB8: Fra,nk)!n, A. M. p, N P . M. ' Lorn F. Brsb'op, 22, fu,rmor, of Lonve No 2· No 4 · No fl O Alfred A. I,.lIshley, of Waynea· Monroe, Ilnd Bertha W. Laokey 22, J)ayton : 0 II & D . ;, Oi, ",Ule, to ~1J.s Imd LeR~y ~. Vavis. DBylon : P _~ . x '1' 800 t·oo " on Waahl;ngoon township, . 738\1 Le:::1o;: Green.' 24, fa.r~er, Ge.r , Lebanon Jc. 8 30 2 30 ~ 4(, , .. W hlngton township '1 . Sb altc r Cr.08~ln g 8 :I~ ~ :13 :, 4~ aoree In 11I1 , .' , . ' .na~town·; and' Bertha EJiz'~beth KO l!lyn ta U7 *2 37 . " fi "", ;). ;'Mary E:tlii)oder I\lld .R B. !:lny R!oltar~, 2fi, .Sprlngboto.' · " R CttlI>SlCOd ' R4" !) 41 6':; 0 der toli'. L V!lnMetar, 41i.36 aores (0 • fiij ~ Ja'mes K . Wright, SOj farmer of eb.~.I'~lIIe 8 (0 ~ " , in Turt'leoreek oownllhlp, ljIl . Friuiklin lind Mirl\ 'R. Fox 31l of Manor.' . ,,'i "25; .. ..II O~ j, ,Wllrren Wuod, tru"tee 'of ~he . '. ' , ' " . Lytle ti O:t l! O~ 601' 0; UniverSity Realty. <.:ompany, to. Ed I)p~!.n, gboro. .; . Etlge"ood 1001; "(I O~ ' 'Q to K. ' Jo~n8tou, lot in · Unl versity . John W, PI~tte1'80n , 32, fllr,mer of vCliILUle '0 00 a.ou 16 H '. ' Rollohe9ttlr, 'and Neva Bugbef!, 22, Imcl.J ner. to . n til 11 .6 111 ·U ~i"ht' .. , " 60. ~.. ... 0 f I>.A · h Lab ' . ·J)cdrls . to H 3 la co III J Warren Wuod, trutlt,ee, to " ""ut , unon. U,lnml ~3 ' 13' 2 " 10 28 ~rlest. Mol1-:oo, lot In Vnlver!!i.. . Ed~II.rd G ...Method, 11!, farm,e r. LcbanOll Art 1\'0 080 U ao' . 6 ~O t B i' htl 1350'. , of Rldlteville and' Elizabeth Pl1l11ips . oaily ex~ell~ Suo,luy. 1 S~oP Oil shl llni '1 e ,g. , . ., 22, w.aynellville. SUND.O'I TltA •• 8. . . G. l!:. Brow~and Wife to W, ()ao Elmer E:' Lacy, 2~, la.borer of , Trn,loH. paBS T.~ l1e. a8 fo\1O" d: Cdr Keever. Ib~ in Lebauon, ~ . tl d M ' i R' I" 20 ~r NorlbbouhQ .' 7 ':;0:" Iq . b 411l. Ul ~eotgrW . ·Rook ~o Lililra B RookY ' e II.Il ary' ,'. !l8Se , , Soutbbound . I) 0411. m . 7 ou", ru .T OI. FRIEND~ Frao_lin '200. F~ nklln. . . . W . ~. )[OOM. .• lot to , Tb'l t"''' P"ter E,nl Wolf, 31', lnm"er~r, .of l1l~nerall?"'8enllor A sent. ~"bOUOD. 0 FranK C. eneUl.IiD, Q .. ~an&. r _ ' C II ,' . '. . . The PerlOnl41 rccoOlUlcndatl,Qnl of ~ 1I . to\' 11"'Ior,*, ""'1' ' ..i~iiiiiii~~!ii!i--iliiiiiiiiiipIe 'Who have been cu.:ed Of "'-go.4 ' lt~ .. u Qnt! I un n. 10.• tn U!Jvel, N . 0and L~I1rll Marie 0 1n. , 26., iiiiiii-~ ' . 3 • ." ow ope. ~Id. 'by .Chamberlain·s eoaata 'aClDell7 ftaoklin, ~ I' " . ' U;KENS, laave don~ lIIore than a'll else ....Dab tt • .. •. t WUhIl Wo.JCi, 'rU8&ee. to T" Barry J •. 0 Brien, 3, tra ..... . 'Oozaddlll cl' Gra Sears l~ Ooz PRYaJo.Ai, AltD euaol101'I. atapte of trage ~ "" O. P......OD. II,)' lu Uulverslty I e. an oe , . or-os ' , . ' .' lir •AlII.~. Br.oOK • JarpartiCle piIt\ of the ,...... \ ....b.&I,·18IiO, ... .ac14ale.;
$ .
J~in tb~ E~cuttsi~n tQ T~xa$ Pan·Handl~ Lands .in · n~tttbw~st~ttn C~xilS maJtch 19. 190.7.~
Go with us and see the best · land . on nrth for the money . . The lalld of.. Alfalfa, Fruit and stock," the land opportunity, ..(.)! great prol'D:ise' sure fuHUJment. It rour bargain. Land thq.t 'Yon cul:. every . foot of, now se.lling troll} 15.00 to $2 0.00 per acre.
Only $25 for the Round Trip },i'or further information see
e.G. WILLllImson " Phone
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- --:---
Miami Valley Land as an Investme nt. High Prices Being Paid for 't'obac-Insure an Increase in Value of Farms, ',rht! high prio ,'Qeing pftill for tobltoco Insure lin Inor ease in th e Miami Valley , nnd t h e illdividufl who hilS (I, good form ball lin invest.. ment th6t is bound to grow lilrgely ,in value during tbe next few years, . I e Wben a man oan l'tl 80 on an aor "'100 r ore ' of Ian d , 11 orop wor th '" 0 m , f tl bing done ' ' Bnd tba t IS reqnen Y e ' that land is valuable, -Tobaoooil'l partloularly adapted to t,bls '!lection, The United tates Seoretary of Agriclllture mnde the !!tatement recently that for oertain vllrieties of tobaoco the Mitlmi Vtll ey leads the world. 'fobacco can be raised only in certain localities and the cODsumptlon of the week Is conltant,ly inoreasing , Therefore it appears re6sonBbly certain that the supply will not ex.eed the delJland for lIome time to come , ' Also, as 1~ng at present conditions contInue it 18 ressonahle to believe prices will keep up, ' ,
--:-W !I' k ';,; 1,,1. Ho 1ll'''H,l o ll
.Jdison Phonagraph
In In"t. W'Ltl IIJlI ~l u f Frllllk FilllHlI' wbu ~Itld livNI nn i\Irli ' ,1t'1l Rllrris ' r"J"m Iln'lr 1:1 'lr v l'.\·~hur :.c f. ' ~ tW, nt ,i, ll/rt'" " ~' P.II !I. II!1I1M 'I'll lU llS l'r \v wll n hll(l ' llIl on tho llft\'ld MHil.)n f"rlll u ear Mount 8 1l1l.... fu r t wo nt :\, two y onr Nnthnu ,j o np, lIos on ll l'tl the tit it' ntion (if ~b l~l1 'l. tot to n r uHlrk IIblu recotu ulo n!-\, th o Sprilll! Vlllh'y ]llko. WIWfl\ lit l E'ull t thrl' p(lrJ.i ~ ~ huvo r ctod f/\I'm ollllDtl Oll"ly f l.!l' 1ll 0 rf' thun thirty YOllrs H nry Prut rhus lJccn on the '. 'r , Hnwke furm for t,liirty,f\vey -\lr!! ,)00 Evrln hns been on Mr. H,,'wk'e 'd {iI,rm j uwt /lc ross the pik fo r m uro than thitt-y YOllrs ,
for sale by l~l'u\.lll lil y n
Further OD up the pike ·P hllip Hnwke oud his son ti eurge '\\ BlIwke have oocupied the farm , owned by the HarriS sslnte for rn r e ' thnn forty years, lir, ,100 S fu rnishes om e ioter esting bistory in re~l\.rd to the n el~bborhood alon g tbe Sprln~ III ley pik e, Be r ca Us goin g to ob ool ot Mount Holly when t,he r oad from bis 'father's farm WII th r ongll t,he woods the entire way, In tho e earl y c1I1Ys. also, r,lr J ones silid the o\vner s 'ot almost ull the farms in tbllt neigbborhoud oocnpled their own furms , Now. most of the farms nr e rented ,
ti S
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'('lIuty in hi ) I~ ill I' 1·~~'IillloU lilltll1{llll I '1ll llll t,j OIl 'I S" he
\~ tlrnncout1tv
the Jeweler.
Also recOJ'ds for
'0 ~lullh t thi" ;;tnL ' 1\ l' nt wl11~1111 Pho'n agraphs. In pl'l. , t <l 'It\un.v 1' tl~iIl u o tR of th : ( t'l llllt ' . but iti .. ft fll,tthut rltthfl , lin', " nt tl!l\( \\' Ilnen llul,y'B oUly ' \nllc ht t'tlu 's is Ilhu ut W. OOO wu rtll ( \/f bridgu llo nelll and tho e will b ' pohl all' t.llis ye1rr , lellving the county " flnt,ll'e ly 'f rol)l debt,'!""" " :I , It. hU!I ' bi' II !\ gr Ofl t IIlll1lY y e llr~ ~itl (I Warl'~n oonnty WtlS out f : ; _~._""'!!'_~~~~~~~~*~~~~~!"!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'l"'~~ <lob I, In fuot we lire DOt c rt tlip tbnt.\ , ' it hu s ve r b e II ou t of del>t before, (most o.oLlIlties are itl deht nl1 the tim ) Illld tho present conditIon of nll'uil' i xtrom Iy oreditllbl to tit ofliaili 1 of o ooml ty who rift vo had ill '('ltllrgo th UlIIOlIgOWOLlt of IIIT"II's,
Obituary Sketch
Jllnl fO HillIn /\[! WI\II born in Wns lt ingtou town tei t) , MontgoOll')ry I ~~~~.~"'!_~~~~~~~.~~~~~~.!!~!!'!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!::!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!~!!'!!' COUDt,Y, OhiO, nl>out .:1 mUcs s (lllth W orkod Llko a ' Cbl\.l'nl , of (' ul el'villl), U ,\II Y 12 J 7.l0, and Mr D, N Wnlker. 'edlt.or of tlllit dl d nl hiR hOlu in (' ute rvl11e of ljpi Y jolul'l1ul, the IDnterprll!e, Loul81l htlurt fitllure, [tlnOIlY m Or n Ill&:\' , ,V • ~lIy s : " 11'lIn 11 nRIl i n my foot L~Ii----- IrIMt we k flud lit onoo aJlJlllefl Book· Fl brunry 11, 11)117. Ilgod 77 yeur!!, len 'f! Arni tI t\l\'e, No Inlltlmmll , months lind 2, duys. llD ll, • tion 'f Ho wed; tbe tlBlve simply l:Ie had I.i \'~d the , grunter pnrt o.f h illed tht! wound" Beuls every Excursion March 23 !lor ,bul'n IIncl sklu <lIseIIse , Uuttr· his Ilfe ,in ontervllI ,. xcept t~ few Ch tin ' I fEn'" or lI"1'r Vi ~ j_I' Ifili I ed tit Fre(l U, Sohwartz ' Drug:-- ... m Onyto1l , Be wils t wlc , , . I t . 25 ' , I fi t t 8 l'!'IBt A, B I stLounl upil \Ll IC! p('(lIu ll y morr~O I,.: 0 ,~ eo {. ti VI lit this ;!onsOIl . ,11111 . ,3, I "", n xt tu trl'/lIlC !! Houller . uV'. 1 • 1 57', St.L uis Excursion He was til " f!llh E'f of evt' n hl1, ur. 11 . f wh om but Ofl ,I~ lIa u 'h ter, Morcll 15. 16, 1-7, ' (Ir Bow ling J survi v!' the futh el>. 'l'br eo grana: ~;Ol) ' re Nlgh~. hildren, t h e dt! ugh te l' . Mr, l uy \\ ilRon, lIud til wioo\\'. r !Dtlio ~o On, ~'U,V H. c 1\(1. Itl. 'oloni t lI10nrn tbe loss of 0 kim] fllthor lind 'lick t~ 80111 dll I,V duri ll ' Mllrch !Ill ,I fl'llotion Ii te ltu utln tl. ll'orll cur. n Ul l Apri l to Iy 5(l your;! h tlOd hi ~ . h lo\'ecl 0 10 , Idaho Montana had Ii veIl. '11 q uiet.- peaceful . ~_exico and life t gother, No Q!1f1l' I' 1 or dig-Pacwc Co. ast Points I! uti OllS ~nd evel' " dil\tnrbed t,lle . f~t Un u~ulllJy Low F!1 re _'oc und hllrmoilY of the,lr wedded Ii e, Mr . aUluu wil ll IV ~I known liS it [) u~ n,ble, .-hon at oitlz n , Be E OI' rull pllrtic ulars oO)lsult uf1'e~lJd gr Itt flnulI llittI 10 es, but 6., E, 'B ' ora Tiok tA g nt c~ W'lJoesvHl, blo , WIIS trnsted aud oJlthlod In through -;;;;;;;;;~IIi,.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; it ul l. His 10 t I,' kue WIIS of !! It i u setiou mistake sh ort dUrtLtiOIl . nnd hi d epar tu re . Bow i ReUltlln Young. to neglect" a \yeah: heart. It ClIIDe uddonly nnd SOUl6\vbat un * 'O}"Lil yOllug ~n be hh and is su h a short step to. t ]J trengt I, tlo 9 e.1r , , 'F, Rowlln,. " !MoDonough , Go, pid. be IIY ': chronic hart di ease. , po el y, A lthO\~gb M~\ Hltlll tt umu n p lo'l'bre bQLtietl ' of "Er..-c 1'\0 itter'ii o~ t' - -").1'00'1\profes ion of ohrilititLnit y. yet ho cuwd me (If broTJio Jlver Gn d t m ~on y 11 l!0 HIO 1 ,c'" toolt 000' idern.ble inter ,t in reud, ~ROh tr Qubl • CODlpli ollt d with !'t\Qlt Im'l y of actlOn, occaB:1onl1) g tbe old fa.\n 'i ly IJi ljle he bud reo \IlU u nlWOHh . ((oudition of thfl blb,o'll.' 'in" ShOl't . broatb, pa.lpita, d f, ' I.. " Ih d, h' d t,hM',IlIY: kiL t~ll'nc(] r r.d' u, i1U:nll~l. tiOll ' £luH~r~ng pain in, c I ve r om u,otl Ul I:) r, nn IL low DOW prll ctHllllly 20 yeurs young. ., " .1 , : retld it thro ugli sever ll l ims, OVIJn e r thtLll b f re I to k l!lle t,rto Bit" CllCSt 01' ddli tilty P11y:tng, , in bls old a~e he of~ linto r e\ld t,lIe tets, 1 can now (] o ILI~I illY ~ \li-k 011- 1 ft ide, your heart . sqcl'edhlli rl l)')~ , wlth,t:IIS ond 118slst In mr hu~ ne d ]1 11>-a. sn·en....l-hen, bond s , t ure," uliru llteed at Fred , c , 6" "Drag I:lt"re P r'I'oe .,'0 r. ing tonIC, r11het'e IS no ""'t~ . We I t rnst thn.t" Ifmony d ",ood 1m· 0 Ikihwln:t7. ', v , .1, ~ R pre on'! otl~e to In:': Ill,lng tbe~e e ' _~ tor rem than Dl', Miles' !JORSOn !> o( .Bl bl eI'eLLd109 \vhi.oh WIll )Jr. John :Byatt, ; Heart Om' , Its strengthrQulllin as Itupen htl.blfl ~r eos ures to \ t , fl . ' f It '- al t h e soul wh eu the Ulis~llkes of ea r t h ' , ' , " ,eDlng I.n l1 en ~e IS , ~ IIn(l tllo thin gs of thue Ilro 611 HIlSt, Vete rlDary . Surgeon and Dentls,tr lltost at oncc. ' Funeral tI rvica ill the M E, ( Te1eph one No. 121 "r h n.\l u sed 10 boll\~~ I)t Dr. ,Mlle.' Henrt Ourn tlll,d run trulhfully MY It Qbnroh ut ont tlndlle '\Yotlne day hna don m IItore 11011\1 1hM dythln. [ IInva eyot \IRed, tl nd 1 hove trIed afternoon . con du ote(! \.Iy f:S I F. A~ liome on Saturday Afternpon, a~[~~ O~n"cl'U~I:~~n~~~t l,:ono~k~ T'::: VaugblLn whnl r will< lllking Rnd r told him Dr, 'M il ,II H rt . ure, he IIIIld It wu ayn ' esville, Ohio. noL galng to <1(1 m flny goodl but It ~~~~~!!'!!!!~~~~~~~;r aId, "I\I'e not<,Lhoro l ok~ for .. year , nOll', I(lnQ whli· Iln)~A8IonallY'llo I!Ilght symptom , of lho QlIl trollbl~, It
' .' P--,..;.-LINII:'S enns'yIvania
I-"Va 1 '
Obituary Sketch of Mrs. Harriet Norris.
f,UNI RAl 0IRE CTO R 'lelelihone Day or Local No. 7 long Distance No. 69·3r WAYNESVIllE, OHIO 8ranch mUce. Harveysburg, O.
ElghtS,six yellre ago ,tile first dll of this New Yeu r. in It little town among the· mountain of l'enn yl-' vania, WIIS born th e subject of Ill i~ sketoh, tbe one whose frail emit I ated, worn out body 1168 befor e n~ today cold in the em'brace of d nth. but with the fjweet 'expressi on of peace resting upon thut'care worn face , Harriet ~fc(J)ary 0.;£ ths mature ago of 24 years. becamo 'the wUe of David NorriS, '>vith whom she Ii ved in hllPPf, peuoef111 r elations' until a.bout the year 1 79, wh'3n he Wfte oalled to go in to tht! Silent· Beyond, ,About'Trading at Home· and she WIlS left to struggle olone f.)r 'the'support of the fa mily , In early life, h er parents moved , .Lut week's GaZfltte oontained a over into' the state of ' Marylond, DOWS' ltemthnt shonld have im· where she wa!; mtlrried and 'whera preMBCl every merGhant 'In the . oo~. they remained ~'n,til . the 'p rell-kin g mnni*!: The .item said". ~b"~ ~p. 9ut of the gr at 'Ci vil \Vl!-r, wUen proximately 1\ quarter of I\, mllllon th "11 d f f t 'to I b ,· ' DId b id t the IlY e , or Sll e y r eg ons of d o I .'wo e , pn 0 'Yon'd t,h e Allegbllnies, and settled in farmers of this violmty for tobaoCo ,th'IS pur t 0 f h 10, ' . ' this ~eaBon, , , ' )1r/3, N o rris was the mother of i 'l'hi8 meanS thllt the fallners will 'ohildren 5 girls lind 2 boys of wbom hav':! ~bat m oh ';Doney with whioh only th~ two sons Alber't ~nclDavid ,t o buy ·the necesslt·ies II.nd ,luxuries 'survi ve the moth~r" l'h~s !lhe }lus of, lIfe, outilved most elf h er ohildren, Ilnd The, queetl?n, i8, Mr. Mer.o hant of has live4 t<1 see seventeen "grand Waynesville, win the farmer- spend ohildren four great gr'ond ohildren the bulk 0" this money with you or ani one 'grell't . gre~t, grand ohild as will he ~pend it with the Chioago h e r waternul oft',spdng, ' O&.tAlogue houses and the live mer· These haVEl, anti will continue to ohants of nearJ>y c1~ies.;. b(WIl, n o doubt, many bappy memo. These firms hl\,ve been oonst~nt.IY rlee ef the dear old grandma who advestislng to the ,furmer tbat they hilS 110 often mitlistered to tllei!: have bett~r g~ods and sell them a~ wants sought to t each them thll . 18 not onollgh' tor m e tq contlnu~ tbe u sc ot tho meilh:!n Q, U I ehoulll trOt lowe~ prioes th~,n yo~ do. .. Mr, Me~' good ~Jld right \vay. But, not onl y, I'~e " WOI'I!~ 1 wo ulll know whnt to 110, 'TcilC. ohant, and this advertising has so have thoso \vltberod bltnds toiled to " . Dr, lIl~s' Hellrt Cu re n. 1 dId before 1 con~l tfl'r myself pmotloo.Uy cured 'oi nearly oon~inoed the farmer thot reor und p rovide f(jr seven Children . my hcm't trollltl(' ,' , . ' . S, H. DI1XNA31, J,I\'ln/:,ston" Tuu. he often ~lVes tb~ ,oatalogue bouse of her own a.nd , four step ,ob.i ldrfl n , ' " , " ' ' MItoa' Heart ' Our. la 'Iold by ..or the nearpy oity the pref~reDOe, }m~ in 'her motherly goodness IlDd ~~'l!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~~~~~ )I.oDr, !!! ur .drugglst. 1"110 will ' guaral1tH that ' the flrlt bottle wlll ,benaftt. If It falll . ,when he baa money to spend " . ' !lyrupatby sb~"lll,l S raised fouriot·h rS " I, ' "' , . : ' , 'he will refund ' your mO!!!l'. ' Now, Mr,' Mercbant, haven t you one' of whom is here today to do tier (~XpenSe , ot Miles Medical CO,, ,~ InC! as good , goods jiS the Olltal~~ue 4 onor ; " ' T ' h,cuseP As your, ~xpen&es here for With Dlllny odds agalnlilt be~, sh e tOI j Unhenltby: KJdueys Make Impure BloOl!., rent, ,oler~hltt!, etc, ',are' lower, than , hilS knoWn whutit wa.s to ' ~truggle " BE '~ID' ' g:r~~tly c~d It lL~e~ to be CO li iilercil that 91111. ~~~~~~!!'!!'!!!"'!!~~~~!!'!!!! than ID the oity, oon t y01;l do even !or an bonest l.i ving; when sickness~ ' ~~lllary alJ,u bladder lrOllblc s wcr~ Lo be ,~t a little better for · ~our customers nnd dea th were frequent , visitors ~ ~~~~e~ ~I~\~,~e \~~ez~ ~ ,' ~ ANG,· • , ; , . • tban the oatalogue hO)lSe? , into her humble h ome, ' I sciellce , pro\,u " tliat ' ' " , -RlDqIllV1LLlC, OHio·' . Now, Mr, Merchant, if this is the. t:lbe made profession of ' faith io POI't' a ': '~ E ,' n .' n .,..•.to go 0 li.. 11 nrll' '\11 discase8 SPEeIA ' J':r~~: .. . ' . ' . O&.se anti you wan$ $he business 0'; If have their heg1l1uing . ru8B.A8~~:" , ~Oll~ ' Christ y illlrs .ago. and united wit·h . 1 iu Lhe·. Iljsor<ier of AND OHlLDRIIlN, ',~ " . " , ' " " , . the fl\,rmersof this community,wby tQ~ StU I, Wate r Ul,rrll;ltion churoh, S.AVEy(r\ · , 1.e .Urnl US ~ Il tIIes, c iUI,portaut· , , , ' 'J ;:T v ~"ION 1l don't you 't elUhem so? ,Why don't Tlu'o~gh' l111 Jife'sohllDgoS.tiid vicls· ' , ur~J;:~q: );.~c\ neSj; , filter "'ou ,go after the business aB ',.the '" I tu' d es s,h !! truste( . l ,In ' t h, e DI VIne ' an,d l)uri£uJ t h e b100d...i " :I lU. merohant. in tho oity dces! Wby ", . .• tl·. i ll , (but i~ lHeir work" ' ' I .: ' f { ,..:. . 'R " . TI IcrCQre. ' f ' r"I,,1 '.'" IC~'~ nrc\\'ea11: Sb ~n,w no AVA,Mo 8wr.ll8 u.ppee 'drevoti·conie . ntwlth J'us, t .wbatever Hllnd' for,.gllidtlnce t\nd' pr, oteotioD m{)st er'lO ' t;; \\ h CtI)'Oll ' t , "0 '/ ,. ' , "' .. " until life 's oloslOg pathway beoome " " , . ~"'. or Qut of Qnltlr, yOll CUU 'U1lllcrstand how , e Wrl e8" . ne ye~~ BirO JP.;y~ ~OD , ... ': trade'comeB to you ? ili~mlned with tbe' ,!3un,set glory of I. n. 0 '".,at .' q\1ickly your c,a tl~e b6<.ly is fl, Oll'd ~"s, down' "'lt~ ',8t10)l serious .I.D ng ' , , , Your loca.i new8paperB reaoh 't1!e ' " . , ''0 ..... ' ., . . ' : how ~ver.y org,t ll 'scelllS tOf'f~)t , to 'd~ . it. tr uli)e tbbt ,our ph.1~io,aIbJVI~ . ~- . ': :I,\'l , His .,Igbt, Ilnd tho , brightpeS(! Rnd ' ;lutl' " '" , :\" . ". able to. help, ;)JIm; , WileD, - by ' our ' ' c " ' people of the 8urr'()~ndlng oountr,; peace or that Promised ~~d lit up U 8 1,U(' S'. '; I, YOtl llrti' si kor ~'feel blldly?' benll :d~~\jgist'8' a~'v.Ice.~·H :l)8gaD" 'a~vlnll' ,1 ;. ,,,,', ta!<mg .tl;te grell~ . ku.lnt:y, ,r.cme<iy, ,Dr,. h lm Dr, Kin~ 's New Oisoovor" '~Dil . ",', , .,' .'bey ,go ",very ~eek to the farmer the way, 80 that she was h enrd b h t pe d th 1 , up a 'n e KI}II1# fi ~W!lIl)p{I:tOOt, 1~\,c3 11Sc ~$, sooll I 1lI00n noticed improvement I ')epl ' ~ ' 'Wo u ,money Oil .n, epeo· . ooDsolingher frlen,(ls, w~tllthee ' IISyollr.klt.lneY$llre·)vclllhcy wlllhclp ·tb' " , "" k: ' , pie \\')10 would rat~er 'rade at bo~e, worus, "'l am not, goIng ,t o di",. 1 a.m . ' so ' . ,!j~ t\le,ot~cr orgnl1s to b C1l1th, , A trial . IS t:r~\l\l,tment ,up ,fQr a ,~~, .'~ae I ,. ' . If th I , 0 ce , e&peCla; lql " Ylllc;oh VI!l~e,ll n)'ollC:" ' " " \V~l~ n" h«;, ~1l!J pe~teo.t1Y ~ ~"ll\ _,. lIe,:'" b f til h t a~ away r,o . ~me, : .. ey o,n Y Just going to oeglh to 'live." And ' . ' ' ,If ),011 nre ~Ick 1.0 11 call mllkc 110 m\e. .hll!l wQried: !4te,~dIIY, .fliilO!,..i at, ~r : , "."',':.,''.'.'''',,, re.oel~ed .~ little , ~noouragementln~r:, on sbe,e.d bi tiOIlI~S :,0;. ' 1 d' ta)ce ~Y first doctoring' ?;.olll' kidlJey8, pe~tel" WOlk, "Dr: KID~'8 .Ne. "D!I' .: fTomyou.. . , resl' gnatlon and, .expectn ,· DC""', !' D . id , 0 , . , ~hc' l~!ldaflu t4e<:)(ttflonlnnrre!fec~of 00,v6ry, 811.v:ei:1?ls"!lfe":' . ~~a~Dte43d '· N M M h t If ant J ; ,"', . " ' . '. • . . , D,r, :K:1\jJ1llr's. SWll,mp.- Root, tbe,' gt:llat b,est OOQgh and ,colli oure ;by. i1ted ·C, ow, r" ero on , you w , you bel\r tlla"i .? They, al'eca..1Jlu g . lmln 'y rell~cll:(j ,.9 ~~!l rC(1I,lzcd, " It Seb,wart'~ Drug~st . ': ~Oo and ",1,oo' trade, say AO, ,through , the , ~allli 'me now, 'I am going llome ,." stands tbe bl~hcs ronts' w()nderful;~llI'es Trial b.ottle f-ree , ,c" Ip .' ~,.~ ", Gazet~" ,i:it,D dy t~ IlrrangeBilver. , Thus a.t higb nOCin nn ,~undtl y', ' ~~~~:;ltlO!\tt1i~:S~I'll g SSOltl /, . " .... .' i'"", • • • " tlsemente tbat· wlll convin,ce t~e Mareh S,' l9Q7, she Plls~ed Qver the " . , ,druggi6tsi ll I ,,.".. '" . '.. ~reOD ,w h9. reads It thRt there is Silent. River, ag~d 8(1 year!! 2 month!' , '. , ' , ' ,, ' Rud ,olle-dollar . n8~e '~aln.t Am- '. , ", . bottles, You holtle luay ' n.IU ••/JIlI/IIIIpollOot. d',en ...dill LI , rea IIY80me apell 0, A r eo,son wh y the~ and 2 days full of years /I nd g ood' I ha,'e n sample ..•• , ' HIt ea ' II ,ehould ~mo to 'Y,o nr store tf't.rade, w rks: ' 'l'.e tte"i Btl} t RbeuOl 0 ud Eczema. ' by .m~il free, t)lso a Ilflll1p)rlet telHng YOIl ' ,Tb'e ,Aetnll W~In.unDoe Po. ,lwlll Keep after them jUilt as the mail Q . " ~'bese/lre dIseases fOr wbioh bow. to find onl if yon ~a,~e lci,4u~y 'Or : issue you'", PQIioy,b j "blob lOU wUl ' order hOU88ll do and ' pretty soon tlie . Funeral Bervices at the ho~e ~f l.'lmmberlaln's &lVa ill f,8l,eoltilly bllldcler it,:ot~bLIl' l\~~ntton tlllS p4per;1 i '" tat,ed. . , . _10 hi __•_ _'_ will be OO-'-g to. vou. her palld danghter; Mrs, Bes Ie ' valul\ble ', It q ulckJ:r,nllays tbeitch. , when wrll'U-V,lO Dr, .Kllm~r & Co,! Bing. reee va ,a B". . ' IU~ per ~ W~ vu...._ " I'll ...... Ad alte noo" M"'oh 5 ' ,' . ' , Inb Bod rmartina ana 1I00n 'e11'eot8 II. hbuamton,N, , Don tmo\:'eollY mllltltke. oase. of atlOid!tDt or lIokil", . . .. - iii OQIlola8toD to get the trade • I , .LUe" ~r r ... ~ , ,. . "' , b t renl'ember the t1flllle. SWQmp-~ , rticniJ ' . I' ell 'B ' _ . ~ " ...n. . ' I",,. .....,, __ .'~",cna·AJ)vBR'In'''lIl, · oonduoted by B, L". VAUGBAK . oute Prlos,21S,ooDts For Ba}e' y Dr.lalmer'''Swnmp-Roo~, and the D pa_ , ~ . • 88 r ,, " ~~~....".. l"-~ ....~ __ ON .., .. J ,K ~&nne)' , I,IreeI,Blnghamt02l,N, y"OSI~el}'boWI. 1JooIil , Two conditions DIlght bring down the price" If the taritf should be removed ftom Cuban toOOooo, that would prove a Berlous oomposltor; al80 there is a posslbllUty of the trust controlling the market and putting down prices, However, in view of conditions it is ,hardly probable that either of theBe oo~tinge~oies will ooeur soon. and the man who has 1\ far·m, that ",lit' grow gQOd tobaooo has Bn !D vestmen~ that not only bring him a good per oent but will surely In. oreaae in yalue,
D'" on t " Neg'l e'
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PUBLIO SALE ~""''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' "l $ THE CI'J.1IZENS. BANK .$ LIVE $ OF' lot¥" AYNESVILLE, DHIO. r~
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GR A I N . TTA ]~ ESS. \ J~n ICL]' S. E rr
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Hijri!ltl I.tOljO, to ~., THE BANK OF <, hl, rl .. " I:J ti m it,h , 2·t [\t'rl's in Cleul'" At my residence 2 1-2 miles south eas t of 'N"ayncsville, Ilr'il! " I.t il lC1I11I,U ,h,. rIlllnlllll (lJl Jll . ' l·fI. ' l: .1"W Il Hh lp *2~ 10: Oh' th M'ddl t · d W'I . t 'k COURTESY 10, on e I e own an 1 mlDg on PI e on , pliny~ h~oll ll !!p " woIrkn)a n on "nH (if H L Bltl lm. of M tltH on ville, t lJ th 1.1'11111 .. rl·l ll,k l hH B" IIwlI h"v IV U. 1'iob mor, of HiO ' nol'lj!l iu wit·h II Illmi' of r,olfl ,, ~ l.h A trl\/U M Il~~ i fl To wn hip in tb rell t rncts, '1 Wil li l)ll~''' J\~ tit "" U ~ It l,hl! f ll rl11 IIf W U TiobE'DOr to C. H. 0 '1,\ t.b 1' . Jo.IDOK Brc) wu III IMr lun T0IV n"hip. tlg,:, 150 ?cres iu lfll :' 10 towllshi p, Whe r e th e s aving s depositor is accorded the BEGINN I N G ..A.'r 9 O'CLOCK The Robert Mitc h,I:lIl' Furniture t L. ComplID:V VI< ,]'iIl y Woodwarll Hltrd. Geurge W. lind Eli z~b eth Hllrl:w : ~ same cons ideration a s . the capitalist with the .~ 27 HOR~ES I"g, IIdmll1i~trtlt. rlx: A (lellll1rrer l) f HtlrveysbUrg, to J ohn W . Luok· to the ptitilion of th e p1nin:t.lff \V~l" er of Bllrvtlysbnrg, 59.02 1I 0r e~ ill large account, ~ Eight Extra Good ~raft Mares. overrnled. The I suit Ie for '275 Mn ssie town ship, ,5 03 O. Seven Good Genera P~se Mares aild Geldings. . whloh (JIMlinoo B. Bllrdlng, deoeas ' Viotor Va.D ~Iper to Willilllll H. 1 • • "!, ... ' , • DIREC TORS' .. ed, is' ull1l81;1d to . have OWO(! the MoBurney, of :South Leb tlD On, lot in Eeven High Cass Standard Bred Roa.dsters. plllintift' 011 ancount. ' .;vuth Le banon, 11. Ft. F . :\Iosher ~ One Welch Pony Mare. EllztI,beth Bull vs Bl\rvey Ball. A. E. Olevenger ot al .to C. O. c. A. Hinsch W. A. Merritt The ol1se WII.8 dismissed Ilt tbe costs Ole venfler, '70 aoros In Clearore k of the pll1.intlff. 'i his aotlon was towns hip, '3:tOO. . N ath a n Jones S. F. (or dlvoroe. ilohn L. Young to George Loer, 48 CATTLE. ~ Lev i S. Lukens . .' Chatley Cornell The Aome.Eobd COlllpany vs B . .j lote In Avalon Heights. 11: One' Good Jersey Cow to be fresh soon. A. Coyne i dofendant .is. grllnted PROBATIil OOU RT. ~ J . N. Lemmon W. T. Frame ~ fifteen dllYs to l>leRd. ' One fresh cow with calf at side. 'l'he Mtl1te 'Of Ex Rei George E, l:rpon tbe prl~y er of Mary L. I:)t e v~ Young, pro8t'cutlng attorney V8 A: e1\S and Ctlrrie S. Roblns.on, exeoa· Ten Shorthorn Cows and Heife rs to be fresh in D. Spenoe et III . This ollse WI18 diH trioes of the estate of Mury ~ I Spring and Summer. ml88ed wi.·hout. prejudloe to tbe 8~e veus, fi~e sbares of stock of tlie right of the plaintiff to brlOg IlD Browuell Uompuny. of Dilyton h tl v· Thirty-Six Stock Cattle. other Ilotlon on the olalm set up in ing Il plir Villus of . 500, were truns the petltlori .' fen'ed to M . LouisH. Steve? 1!, the The Board ot EduoH.t.lon of Bam prinolpall egatee of tbe will of the 35 BROOD SOWS Ilton Township ve the Bourd of deoedent. This was done after it Education of South Lebanon , .A became known that there wn~ · Due to farrow in March and April. demurrer to the petition of the enouKh property in the h"~ds of plaintiff wu sust,alned by the conrt. the exeoutrloes to Dleet 0.\1 debtll of Tbe ' pl~'intlff waH granted leave to t.he .deceden.t.. 180 GOOD BRE~DING EWES, ".' amenlt the petition. :I'he sutt WUf' ' ,Judlfe Jos'eph O'Neal guardirm of Bred to Pure Shropshire Bucks and due to am b . . I. ' . bro.aght for money to puy fllr· the John M, F . LiddlJ. Imbeoile, WIlS IIU · tuition of seven I ohlldren In tile thorized by the oourt to r ece i ~e ·.the in April. and May. aammon Township, sohoale, who amount of t be two notes of Frlln wh~at U 18 alleged, I!hould have attended oes M. Shook ey. .ohoolln !:!onth Lebll.non. Frank M. Oouden. administrator 1,000 ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS OF CORN StIlte of Onlo, Ex Rll, Fred 8ny· of the" estllte of ilmlly E . Staloy, 3 Ton~ Timothy Hay. der VB M'lrtin A. Jam,8ItLlD, Justloe wus ordered to sell tbe .roo I estate of · of the Pellce. The defendllut hav. to PIlY debts and the oosts of ad, Ing oomplled wltb the mandate of mlpistration . tho court, th,e cause was dismissed In the estate of Lydia Sbeets de· A Variety of Harness, Vehicles, Farm ImplE!ments, etc. c~n 'J . L .: Tellsdale vs (,;J1fford P . cellse.d, .the first account wus filed Qbamberlaiu,"& al; the 18806S were by Gilbert Tbompson, executor . . TERM 'of, found by t~e jury to be In favor of In the'estute of Cutherine (';omp All st1lns of $10, and under , cash : On all sums ,Iver $10.00 the detendaDu. . taL deoellsed, first account was , . WiIIl"m L. Keever, et al; vs the Hied by F. M. (,;unningbllm l~Dd a credi t of 9 months will be g iv'en fo l' bankabl e note, or a (liscollnt will b > village Il f Ma80n i John M MoClung Robert J . Sba whan . adwlnitltrllt,or . allowed for cash. one of the plaintiffs in t.bls oetlon Inventory and allllflli sem nt. for Franois E. MoClung, Rg.-d nine, Wllre fil ed t,y. Allen Huffma n, ad See Small Bills for Particulars. MaiJed to anyone WII. given leave t~'file Il separate mlnlstrator ot tbe est~te of 11m ~ee petition. nel Hulfwan, decelNled. upon request. FrAnk O. AndenoQand -C 0. Q Solomon Fred and W. H. WilH~m ~ere ,,[,pointed to eXtlmlne. togetb, riOD, administrators Ilf the estate of '.. er With the proli80tftlng Attorney 1811110 .Hlrshwitz/ filed fo'r tbe bene LUNCH STAND RF1SERfED ~ tbe Annu·,l report of the finllnoitll fit oi the heirs, devises or oredltors 'ranaao"ona 0 " the Oonnty ' Com of the est·ate certllin olR,lms belong. milllioutlrs for. the y~r ending lug t o it whioh had a~crued during RATHA WAY Cause of Stomaoh Trouble. Augaat 31. 1906. fobe life time of the decedent . ,...... . . I Wilen II mun has trouble wl tb !ltomllch yon may know t hnt he is The New York Trust (J!>mpany 1n the matter' of tbe estate of ,'. n l lesville's Lell.ding Dentist . . ,~I The Dtlyton, Lebanon and eln Jlimes Dob erty, deoeased; tbe ad. Office in Keys Bldg: Mllin St. eu~in g m or e thno be sbould or of some IIrtiole of food or drink not. olDna~1 Railway Company. A de ministrutrix WI\S 'u utborized to RO. suited to his age or ocoupo.tion, or pree for the safe of the rOlld was or cept from the Pittsburg, CI~Olnnatl, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tlmt his bow els are habitually COn tipated . Take 's dered. Cbl(lago aud .i:)t. , Louis Ra.jJ wily s t.omuoh Ilnd Li ve r 'l'llblet.s to regu· Frank T. ' Whltaore, . et al. VI' Cpmpany . 541 :50 in (nil sett lement nATTa~ lat.e the bowels Ilncl improve the Frank 14 .. t,;oud\ln 1 the judgment of . f all olAlms aglliust rallroud. 'I'he Staple and FilDey. Grooerlee, F"r ult . t dige t ion and see· if the trouble does I J, C. Tr6villo, II. Just joe of the oi&lms arolle from tbe wrongful n ot dhmppenr Ask for 0. free sa.m · , Vegetables and Canned Goods. Peaoe was overraled when the for death of'James Doberty 110d fronl W . t:: , MoonE. Recelvcr. pie l:!old b.V J E Janney. Cigars and Tobaooo, mer plaln'tll fook ,he case to the hit interest In the funds of n Bene Common Plea!! Coort., thus beoom fit Assooiatlon., tbe latter amoun l'lME ARD ing tbe plaintiff In t.h18 eult. ing to 1)1250. E I.t'EC'l' JVE A P rU f , 1;;. 111UU D_ h -U , Th (,Impson '. NORTHUOGND. Phone 79. C M BROWN,"g",r.......----:-----,~__c:. £lOa . ra V8 J, . Th.u CiJdrt approved- tbe slilo of UtI Th t t d tattolls No.. I · No. a' No. roo ..~~~r e a . . 8 . quur · oun . oertaln stock belon ging to the ' e~· 61 . P M. , .' , 'he 'l'llegatIons of· the plalntl,!! to be t/.te ot Qtlvls' Furnas, deollased . LebllUOII .I C. M"' : ~!. 11 ~n f, ~~ tr,u e And that . the .dcfenda~t OWtlb Robert <l. Sbawhnn and George Sbaker Cr. H \0 I I 2» [, t tl ' the . pl"int·iff $731,97 'on ~ote (md W. Carey were appointed ex.j!olltors 11081yn I ~ 11 I II I ;; . " J:) . mort"lIge. Tb~ 8b~r\1f wae ord~r of the estate of Jobn V . J'lok d o'! . l'1 cmpSlearl 8 OIl 11 1 :1 i. 0 9 . H~~ -~~;-,~~ :~::•.. ':.ii ,-,.. ,~'.' ~ "\ . ',. AND IJ E ALE:R I N ed, to,' liell the ··defendllont's ' land to .. Centerville 8 00 I I 05 t, ou , ~ ) . \ .... f.; . ' :,j. ' . · . ·th <i bt . . !leased . . ' , Manor t 7 r, 2 "10 roll , :.I 5~ pay . e e , . .". . . . , . John .'R: Drake, gUl1rdilln of Rioh. r.y Llc 7 4.7 10 r.:l 4 H _ _ _ __ ,...4_ 4. _ _ ' '... _ ... I,; .nnle .V. (Jook •. an Infant, va Tbe ard ,S. 8inJonton, flied the eight ae. Ed~clV'lod ;r 4 i ; 10 ~o 4 ~~ l' I . ' \ -;~~ j .1 ( Le~npD and Fl'tl~kl~n ~raoUon count of the estatfl. Y.e nable ;7 :I'~ !~ ~J~ " ~ A' · . I . l ~: 4 . . . -;:::. ~ i ,. Company.; a 'motion by tb~' ~etend ' In the e8tate of John O. Hllrner, ~~~~;or I~ ~~ 11 0 H • 36 Telephon e in , his h ouse wb ere) j strike the I1l~ In~U!'~ . ~tltlou -deoel1llsa': 11lventory and apprtLise. r.oland Yo ~o ;10 a2 4 2d the an' be called Itt ull ' h o~rs , da y 0 1 t· . 1 ~ l'f f" ! . ~ :" ,,~ , t"' J i \, ': '1m • 1 from the ~Ie,. ~a~ .ov~rr.~I~.. This ment wero' filed . Ll:1Ianon- L\·. '; 20 10 ~r. 4 ~o night. 1:1"" ' . ' " .:11 I . 1, i I :,P r.t(15 ~ ":;' ) , .. . . :. ::1;:·', ..: . luit WIl8 '6,OOQ, the. defendant I)tL\> . ' e ll & D D& X l' C fI & D l ,. , " ; . j ••. ,1 si,l1ng ' (')r • \: e :;~:" J~~. t-- ' ~~j.r." ''1;~('t'i Coaches u.nd oh tl.irs !)llpplled ; ~ 'nir 'been 'I!truok "Ilnd .. inJured by .a MABBlAGIC Ll~ IlIN8ES. 'D ayton 0 411 I~ 00 i, i,o I~ ~ • • t..:",., J ' I"!~ ~s-. ,I l ' ... :~I .\·! . . . ! . . ' .!. ,'c: c. 1,::I,g' les .' Hilva recently " mov!lcl to rO(l1J1 •i..~M •...'•..\~· .~~'''':;, . l .\."'1... .'~:.,~.".. ..~..... \ '.:1 "_ (' .n i .lo:...r,.J. cus t t!!Orc:'. J I : (I ('Ii,) I Le~nOIl, and , ~~,,~~,Hn' . 'J):!aotlou Harl. S;' Ohenoweth; 31, ftirmer. of 0 &. x fl' 0 ~\~ T , I ~-;l:.~.,,~ next to Cr.oss ·Bros. .~(...r.<~. . ...' ; \,.' t. ~~lI ~ _.... . \ .."'( " ~" ' . . ; 1. ", ;, I !\o b!t! hlln!:q II". ' !:.j·.:lI"l ',: qar,.. '.. , :; . ' FtRnkllD,Rnd Mary E .' Pobl, 26, of U ~~U1'.BIJOUND. ,.. ' '-';,. . 'I. . ".' . W AYN&eVILr.1J' !lAlN STRr.: Hl'J'. ~ . _ ,:t""' .: . rt ~.s '1'l "';! ~-.., '. . . 'r .:J ", .... " ~JI)lL JC8~A'lICl'1tA~f!B'il:RS. . Franklh~. · , . _.. ',' .' ." A. III , p. M P. II1 . .•. ' ' . . :. . ; ':'Lo ~ F: Bishop,' 22, fu,rmor, .of J,e U\'j: , NQ'l·· No 4' N O U· y'~ N ~ '~'. : ,V CT· YOURSELf" " .. Alfred a. L\lshley, of Waynell. '. . , . fJ ' or. tj ~~9'-. with r "nfi,I'! " ' , i 1 <'::l ' h r l I. 1 (! "fCUiJH'lt I'fq u i ro pn intiug ",h ('n I , iiI ' t·. "11 '" ;. LeRoy S' ...·v.~. Mon.roe, .H..nd B. eitlui. W. I.Ilokey. 22, Dayton , C Jl & U
$ $
$. :$
S #
J~in tb~ EXCUttsi~n T~xa$ Pan·Handl~ Lands·. in n~tttbw~st~tt.n C~XilS
mattch 19. 190·7 .
with us.anfl see the best · .land 0.\ The land of .. AlfaJfa, Fruit 'and Stock, ' the land great promise :of Its your ~pp~l··t~n~tf t~ Secure a bargain, Land'th8tt, you cui:.. tivate every , toot now selling trom' $ 15.00 to $20.00 pcr. acre.'
Only $25 for the Round Trip For further information
G •. UJtbL-llIm$O~· w. E.·O'NE1~UL. ,Yalleyc.Phone .No. 4.
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1o '1i d int'f , E "nnll!t1 l . u
' :f~' ~ ' . For Sale By SPENCER ',.... .. ," """> >;: ,' OREGONIA, . 1-- - - - . _
L C.
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iD Tttrtleoreell: townllhlp, M '8 :,7 ..~ f,7 "602 -" .,. ....,. ... ;' ~W od' .t~'a"tee 'or'" the · Fr~dklin.; · lInd.Mlr" Fox,. 32, oj· . an ~r 0 0" ;1 O~ (107 • ", .. ,n Ilnen l) , ,, 1'3 t' . to ' ." Lyt ic , university 'Realt.y COIDP~ny, to ~d llr...n~ oro.,. . '.'" '" ,.' Etll!-cWOoil 1005 "3 05 '6 10 ."! ~ :dobnltton; ·Ioi. · in' :bn~versi!:Y', . ,JoQn W:! Plltterson, ,32, fllr.mer of, vo'!"ble . 11 00 1:: ·~Ol ' ~~ ~~I • " ., • 110360 ,'r "'. f ROl\ohesttlr, I1nd N~.vl\. Hugbet'i, 22, ICllCbllel' ~Ol lt HeiShtB, '" • , ": . . '.., ' , ;", .'. . h" Lab ' . Dcdds flJ H :I 1:1 16 11i ' . J" ·:.WarrtlD- ,: W:u~; .. truE\, . to .'.If ..out "f , Ilnon, .' '..: . 'Leland ' 10 :la. IS 2~ to ~ , oha~le, F. YOnr;oe. ·jot in .'Uulvertd . E;4!l>'ard: G. · Mo~l.lOd. 19, 'former, : Lcbaoon Arl " '0 !I 30 8 30 II \ 0 " 'Bel' htl I3~O, ' .... . , . of ~ldj(evi~le and' Eliza beth Philli pll 00:olly exnept.8Ull"ny. f Stop oll sllln,,1 . 1 . ;~: • ..... .' '. . 2~. Waynet\ville. · '. SUNIl.on .. /tUN S. , ~ :Q, ·1i:.. Br'> wi~e ,to, w.,.~. Elmer · E. "Laoy, 24, IBborer ' of . . "ralna paSli Lytle as follow~: · oar K~1ter,:lpt in LebaupD, ,1. '-11 ' 'u 14 . ',i ' R ill ~O of ~ortbbountl 1 50a. m. " ~ 'T p. III · 6eorp'W: Rook to (';l!,ra B Rook us · ealn . af Y . U8I1, . , . .oulbbouud 0 ou. m. "7 oaf'. '!l ' 12i..O -', 8'n ali; ib. . . W. · I!:.MQORI'), Jot in FraukUn, ". . ' ' . .' nI 8 '. I ' b .. 0 ' Tb'i . of 1";' k ' . p,.ter E'U'l .,·olf. 1., 1111\ .ere" Of OeneralPu, scnllcr A lenq.eb~non , 0 ·FranK " elleWItD. . r ..n· . ' . ,,: '" II 2 '-' ~ $0' .' ..'"lura: '''bioi Level, and Lllurl1 Marie vo• . Inll, ' 6. ' lID, L. "nel)lWD.. lo"• :. j": u , . .... . , ", ....aak)ID. ,i.. r. ' : .' .:' N~w ~.ope:. " . LUKENS, . ' ~· Wal~ ·Wo.Jd,; SrIl8.&ce. to T, I B~r~,v J: 0 Brien, 23, trainman, ~ ~'* 'Iot lDUa,..nI*>-1 eo.,.·4dale, "Dit ~aoe ~s, 111 Coz · PRyalOJAH UD 8URO~lf•• '-
~ .. "t',
01 1
& MONROE . _ ~'I omo. ~-;iJ:{~:h .
'. Jnthe manufacturing of Paroid that •:makes it the siding . most ana s'atisfactory r,Oofing material on the market, Both fireproof al).d· w~ther ' propf. You get full value received if YQU buy Paroid.
kave done more
ataple artlcl,.o[ BrOOK a Jarae pan of the
blr lilaJtI. tt a
Mak.3s old roofs new. Good on any kind ofroof•.
thr FloUl ' mill has been newly remodeled qu~lity of flour is better than
'the ~non~ pie who haVe colds by Cw,mber1o';n·IIJICOlll.
and tl:e
Spencer.&Monroe, .Oregooia, .Ohio.
0.0, .
/I('rI'l'Cl , to bUlul Ju.IlQa 10' ~ d V lw~' towIlrd. waJ'WU1:~ ~s 00 the . ...........rt 1':1 r t. or tbl) peonl , .ood ~I: IIOme UnIt I.' \\' be h.,'1 eatiNI to l'CCIulre the d. { .<I !ut! rl' llllr frrOlll Lbe eldoTl!. 'thu. li 'e we IC$ alld m 'nlhs Ijllilped by, oct IIl uro 0 IIlI mol'(' ,foS.hua.. and tholle ll hou t blm r ~~lIzed tllat tb luflnnl· A 510ry or nu, CoIIQue~t ofC, .... n u"" or ag :lYQl' luUlng ulJOn hI m.. by the Ut'l/rew Pr.oplc. " Xo, II ...·j\h n t b long beror tho U, til_ " H~" &lid U" ...,," I'rea'" r ord ,,,lil com ~ [or me," he said Qno (In. . " But I am rcad'y to go, tor c:~--~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~" ~~~~ ~~~._~y ~~~ pence hils com!' to the land IInd·· thu I CDI1-\· rlt.rlt~ by Jo~"ph 13. llD\\'l e~.) II ('lie fire ,vholl)' eWcn to tbu acrv· Ing or '1he Lord." .' . F('nn~ ?,!lnled ~ I:Vl~, and sloid ou ~ "Don"t s hoot to-day, walk with me .).,l ut ttUlt nl llilt hla sleep WIiS trou t r It wllb h t usual Indcllendcr,ce of lostead." Dudley urgud. \'1 want to bl l'<l. U'ud h~ lJeh Id strallge) ' things I" 81· \~1t.. Wc r, flitb l' r /feoffee] . ta lk to you, Pen~y." :":"=-:'-:';~~~_c:-:-===--,_-"--:~~~!.t:£~~....!J~.lliJm!;[~t lIfo~os '!.tood " Wba~ pa '4 UII~lct.· '~o u'id you s b,QQ~?" . "~ s tart d to s boot. and 1 am going s ide olld wus poi nting towI'rds demanded of hln d i\ ug hte ~. "U yon to shoot," sald h ,IUIY. Titeu har face "Joahua, the ser vant lhe I COlli ~lIthl' red beforo Lll taber. reall. ' hit (mythtng yo u 1V0uld sit I\()Wll clea l'~d. " 1 tell You- you la ke Rajah [,ord."....:.:such II the telltirM ny n ('10. liM ,BuyinG : uu(I crY- lilr!s jllwllya ,tlo. Own Ull. back. H e will always go wi t h you." (If th e writer of the sacred " a r· " Unw SOOIl tM y will forgot! l'Jow no w- why .du you wao L the thl 081" [)udl cy stuqcJ. wlllt hauds III hi!! 'oat r"{I ~e at thb elba;:' o~ the I fo of ~l'OU til Y Will fort;ot:: ~9 In formet P nll~' wa\"are d, lhen Ill)' 'amused 110ckets. lind hellt hall. j!hll ioll. burt, " ,IQshll a. Nb ' costly monuf1,ent tlmt' so will tlll' Y IIgl1in t urn CI'om t.b., smUe or volulllary self·be t,l'aYfll made dl cuut'uged . WOtIL reared to th e ' memory of Lc,rd." her III \10 pointed fllce. to liudle)·. I; ro· "J SIIP llo~e I sl) rn to ·o u oe tlreso nie th e great •.ea·der, but the1'o h A ~ Alld as he t llrUl'1I to pr~tcst. Mos~ slsllbly xllrcslIh ·e. Sh 'brOUGh t -ll nnd pends(on t ns .~jlltJ. " 110 ~nld ; 'arI Or como do""" the 3gec th is record ./ ull\hhl fr<> lU 11.18 s lgbt and ho a.woke "Iclnrl' \! ul f"OIll II m R~a1.ine and Ii\ltl It pau . " I rllll pli ho I> 1I1l\'cs you th at he Gcrved GOd. Wlllt a lItu,t. , It ..butoro h'or Catl;ler. Il;' Il ls ~ou ll 1, ~ Wliul 111m. 'In 8ult o f yo ur And what greater o'r more 'n (' drcluil 1l'o ul>lo(] him aud tf1f 'shoILid{'r . It ~rol. nLcQ u yo U"); wo· at;Uons. I kl~oW \ have beou try In\: to enduri ng reoord could b wri t· (Iu)'!! he studl(' d o.vt'r It, lillt ll It soemQd man . of lOll' .Ill;Jb)e but nt~fli, tive linn· Ihll\k Uittt, t hough wllbou ~ lUllch sue. ten of any mall? 'it ot on ce de· l ha t it lOus t l\nve b on 0 vision . lind tomr clad In n 'bulnllng suit thot 11(..tI resa. J Will go. u nci nllt bot h r YOll clare" th o ~\lnr clll1' of ouch il n t II dr~ltru. "'\\1.1\ : that. M ('8e~. ha d th e cha rln and dJstlll tlo n .at II 'F I'O)lCh . agillll, If you tcl l til til.':. mlln ; it testifies to the fle rmil ' ['eriny lI" pt'arC'd W bo cons idllrlng. H'all ), " polwo to hi m, \\' ou ld tb e (lCo. l'OnlllnCe ; buttone d.goilors sho\vlnG un· (.oney or hi' Ufe work; it (j ives 1'1 . 1111'11 from thll L~rd ~fttt(' r lio ,.hlld sllm('dly, a relt hal carrying a s ingle ''I'd rother hll ve YO Il thnn Iitlljull ." a ssurance of the a bid ing i!'flu· g()tJ ~ Wo uld ' they forg.ct his merel it s hatp ( nth I''' like nn necon l, a g uU s he . finully II eld d ; ." but I( YOII >I'/IY. cnoe of :.u«h · . lire upon thc und bll' s illga aOd go ntt' r tho g04!1 hold tllI!th lng lY un (lc l' one arm, ho ·wll i. D tali, hlu dowu IIkc a glXl M th e . people lllJOllt t bem? he as.k II "Tht'I'e ! I wa nt to look just IIko oul." ' lives of othefS, Let us 'conslder these I'o inh. IthuN ·If. o,'or liud ()v r agl~ln that." 811111 Penny with a long breat,lr Dudley tn l'ned aull ~trode a .... lly . " re· frVle ../oII First. tho ~h:lra.., ter of t he "BI!Ct're J (;0 I nl ll t warn t.llem. M1 of d ~I re and a twin kle Itt he r eyes. se ntlng a lItiltencd buclt . .Rnju h. n ad . eco6 nl.,}. 'R Lervant. He who 1& tru ly a Inst lII(,s~!l ga sholl be a n appeal to " You al:WIt~' s wal)lt to ,nla ~e IllC bal.>- Iltg Ilul'(1Osa In bJs ' galt. ros ' and ·fol. Tbe Ol'lp •• them to be fl\!thful to thll Q.u,/I Vl'ho PY, nnd It I ~ so ell!sr," lllle snld p.lalll· lowed or hl & own n 001'\1., untl Pe nny -"''''VAn' '·of .• God, ",tlet be God· Splflemlo ilke. - Mo .... ,"'needed tWan ( IIR9 lIeen so rlllt!\rul to themY th·ul)'. WO ~ I flo (re to gO 011 wit h h({r SIJIll'(; C;'UlfTb. ' IlU SO JI.l~lI.u I B~.llt Ws ~WJ llg~nI " Om s{'c he re :" , :Mr. Mlxt r ' slood but th!' woods se nt forth no 'hoos. UUe_ and th gild!. q' _Q..tlt~ !!.r d sce mlng. The r ight to the t itle, lIlrouGI.I 1111 t he lund wbUher tbo· out dl!speru~elr. " Wo oldn't . th 8ul~ Dudl e~' !llt\yed Il",ny three dnya. "servant of the Lord," mllst be I'hlldrcn, or I ~rnel Ifad lIeW d, a llb:lng do, 'Illlout th ~.u n ? OO.d II:nowlI. '~'h u, uft r pucklng his bolotl gl ngl) aud [FrECTI\'[ MEDICINE f~R LA C;RIPft~ SUffERED TwaVE YEARS FROM mol l{obt. L . Madlllol1. A: M .. Principal oC , Ur£CTS Of lA ~RIPP£. ,' tOllted .by w~atl ~ ma" III ,and that. tlll' y all com t.o, Slulc he m. ' Now maklllg t.he far well arraits m utB hjs Mr. Vlc~O! patne!iUde" 328 Madfl~D doe-a. N'tit everyone thtlt I nl th, Shecbc'm was thO place " .\ ere SQI· dIgnity llelUunded, he rotle ove r to say Cullo,wbee H1&h Sllhno), raluter. N. C.. writes: . "feruos , 16 the most etrecUv St.. ,·ope'ka. I<an., writes : . • I/Lord,)i.or4," la entitled til t he em n cnuvocuUou had b ellll he ld when good·b)' . ono Yo'a8 about, so he sat medicine thaf l have &'ver tried 'fflr 1a "1'~'e lve yeaMl ago 1 bad ·a s"e~ , '11111'1\ find t~ aervant of lll.c.'V -hod . fi rst , Qom~ in ~o tbe land 011 t he ljtepl! In the l/l t~ atternoon II lIn· grippe: It also cured my wife ot naaBI attnuk of \a grippe ulld 1 ne.,.er Nally the MOlt Hfijldli.'1I"e·",""" aery· light a.ntl waIted. years before, and the b!eSalngs aqd catar~h. Her ,, ~odltlon at one t1m~ reco vered illY health unUI two 7ea,.. , ant la;· one .~a9ter in Preseotly a sbot ilounded faintly W88 suoh that ,abe eould not at nl,ht ago. I began uslng; '}>e unl, " attd It tlJc cur$l ng& of God Iuld been read III I)U~~', ,,,,d';I~l~re!~'; tie a ud ea ' thcpr- enrs by tbe.·LevUell. And It was from th direction of Ute ,pasture. Flf, . tireatlie through her ·nostrlls." blll1t np my strength 80 ' tlat In a: '(tOu. thut ,Joabua ialh red tho people teen nllnules lat~r Penny oame acrosl ,,;$}t:.~~_h~'.'dO,"" ·wlll 0" kll ' sfSriMic UTARRH.. . pie, ot .!D0D~I I wu able to CO to "ork. . again. __ , . .. Ill(e 'log~tbe r with their elders and their th e IltWll. a pale Pe!lnr. walking wl ~ h 'w. Qllmore. Box U, PNEtIMON~ ' rOi.(oW(l""LA GWIM. . Mrs. 'Jellntll ntlflod" omcon aod judges, and aald uuto I! hn:k~ hi-avolIo. bill' gun l!U II at the White Oak. Ind. Ter.,. writes: , l he m : .. spo r u'ng augl , but tho /\rm 'tha~ bOld "'W'<.,pC1l'fcln ly 'W~I . "SI" y,ea}'l .~) t bad la .grlp~. tol· . ' ~Ir. T. ·B~mccot.t, We8t 'A1r~er, Oilof , "Tbu 6al tl~ lllC Lord God o f Israel ~ t t there visIbly unsl,!la.dy .. lowed by s~stemJc. catllr; h, Tho Qllly Ull 10. Can., writeS. ~(l1lr fIIt\l c rs dw I~ 0~ 1 t.h¢ othe r Bide be smiled brlg\l t ly at ' hudley, ~h~ n thIng 1 ti~Eid was Perun" 'IIn\1 II1RDa lln; "Last .y.olnter • was til With 11".Uot the Hood ,In ofd lime. cven TeraJI. sal, _«low, a UII tbe at ~)8 a s tUough ner an<l r· have' beenhl botte l' bealt:!} th!>l .. mllola, ,after .havillg, I\, IrI;f,Pl1e. 1 ~k the. ra~h4lr (It ,Abr 1I1UD. alld' tho tAtllel' knees had been abruptly withdrawn. las t three yeara than for yeors be- P runa for two mOllth,.;'wheD . l be' came Quite well;" , . <If Na choI'; nod tho~' ser.l"ed other "Had n a maH advonture," eb o. said. rore." 801.1 8. And.l .took rout tath,'lr A1j~ with a laugh that wal! h If gasp. ''I'Ve Mrs. Jane Olft, Atben!, Ohio, '\VI'lles: PE·Rtl·~" Antll'lA GRII'fI[. bam from We otIJ'~ r slde ,or .the flood, proved my (lolnt about 01 bUll, any, "Six Yell,rs ago I bad la grlppo' vory . Mrs. Chas. E. Wells, Br., Delawa.... ' and ied.•blm tbrougbout !lll' the Iud way; he's a dangerous beos t. , Alsp. bad. My bU8bllDd bonght me "b.oWe Cblo. writes : "After a lIeyer!' atta.c tt ' Of CauBlUl. and ~ul hilled his e!1ld I have saved talber'" lire-though 11" of Pe runa. I was soon able to do m}' or la grlp(4) I took Peruna and tOlllld , work." It a ve ry gOod blOtC," " . and gave hllll Isa,ac:. , And I gave unto d s o't especially appreciate Il." •,A ~ ~'}I!W ,~'" to what t.he, aet· Teallct J~cOb ,and , ~,au ~ and, l gRYe "What happened?" Uudloy aBkoa. ",rit> 'oe..f ~o ~~ ·s oOian III SOnlO , valuable tartblQIS, •• ere Bol4 unto ' ~fo\lnt .Be1r. to P08S088 u,; I • a JllClousjy. " • , ' . Handy, bu!y about hi. Lord', buslneBs. J d hI hlld d ,.,. "'rhe bull. of cours . }'I\the r woul d Y~)lnr Poe~ (to llredIJ'1" wllo !)re· at f!otheby 'e auct19.n rpoms ' (LoD~on) . 1$ ji"(lber.o;)~se·I(J; he,AisJ~Y· bu t • "~O"" ,nn II c r~n went OWD . ,,,;~, ., croll lh2 PMturo. j usl tei show olt. and lents a blll-oh, how go~ ot YOU! 1 recently. A Charles n. 'pewter t~tb· , Ill 'and un!~'t~flir. To be a 6er· Into JlJg~'" • " : ~. : -......".-J /'A'~:-.:,,"L tor· a :p' te~ pall 8,,,1 l~ hla w~ . revJe~ / ,< one or the dogs had t u rtlftiJ ,i n ana.lo was lo' oklng e'.erywhel·e , "" Inll! 'HOld tor '1 50. and' aft OIlYer lC~ t'~nt i!!!plI,.. ~Ie Tr,e idj '~ of',JQshua the early hl;m,,,y of the nation. and - ' - - -::;::-..v..,.. m!lko l he bll11 ~urlouB. So. nu tllrnI6·.. of pai>e.r 'upon which to wrlte:a "4\'on' well'fJl1-thlnc In copper ' for ~'t6, . ciltCIe-n, Indifferent, neglectful ,1(, the~ b',(~ be'e.u an)' la~tt ~UoO: ~t Dudjey Stood wltll IBent Head, Chlll~d, he cha rgod a t fat.ller-who dro pped bls derful thouih.t 'WI\IC~ • has JU5t~'Ome aervant I. no ,ervant at all ~.,,<I ' , TU "tIlIE'" J,or•• Ii'o~'1PJ~n t ho beglnhl nl\. at the ment\(~ pt ,. Hurt, DI ~c\lllrliged. , . thCorlel! a nd sprin ted;' A shudder t.o me: alit! yqu drop down lI,k e ap, an· /I'.to r. AXA'I·IVtlll,IUMO Qah'f,.TWI>if!... "'_ n\lt the ,name. But ' . ,flU ""'_IIIIA m'uae, if II. 'lalla '0 Ollre. ~ • • EID"pt 1\1\ eyes aod ears were turnod yuu'~e wei como" to tbat.! But a g1ln! selzuc\ her. .el .fro~ h~aven ! . wllat<'f11la"··' lIIr. know , the liff! Ollo.VII!1! .I~"l'-~.""I' a 'ta._ ....!.+~. " ' . r"~j'n.' 0" tho', towards .blll). He ·tben·"'Yllnt on to ~fy dear. nmong olher UIJngs ou tbls "'I'O U 'D oor glrll'!k": r' tl •.••• " Red, Rough, Blotchy Skin , rlln'dl" , rover Ood's wonderrui deal· plnc 'It/we ~ - 2,000 bull. A 6·lr..... " t WII S more . e 'poor B I r. ner . . , hat, It. tllbt lIl'a n and " I~ 4~ ' "'' ,.. . , , • .. . 8 J spIrit ~'ns sufi persistently game. Is usually the rellult oC ual n,S a cheap. equallY' danlOl'OGI. I', oterJngs with thorn In E .."Yllt. of bls le~d' rln t> bnll-" ' C' . though (ottc rlng. "It looked ' lIke th¥ Impurc 110:111 made Crom st.a.1e fut aod • i "t,. Go~ ; 4. , , th~ , • out under , tbo band 01 ' ... ':Why not a shotgun 1:' Dumay sug· .. Ii I h 1 f d t dl UI e "Is .mtraouJ ' 0118 dnllwerann61 ' so adrol uy proner momellt (or mc to siwe his life a~ a! c ean 1 per ume 0 sg s . I(now I" the .. .' . ~ gested, P I IIY DhJected If ,.' cd througb the wll,d ernes. lhat Mr. .Mixil'r was presently In the - I bad a1v,'uYII wnrQ.c~ him ~ sbuuld:.. the rea! odor! A go soap CO~tB s o ~'r;n; ~~y.~'a~d ot his !)rlog' lng them a' t DQs It Ion. O.' urglllg o n h Is dnughter t..h,o I didn't 'want to klll the . areatllre. JUHt -mtnrthat....there t(ll .Anti blly· '~Mi::t~.:;-:(.-t-::1l:IZ!r.~;~~~=~~~ll~;u " ~ I tb th klIs dno excuse Buchan'" d • h ( t d to lame .h lm. so I aimed I w. Ob, the re . nJ> ., c, 0 Qr n . ., ' . ' ~ I'a"st Into tho ,n-llI.i s"d land u"od 1'1." " them l Le 'v '· I "'cto""Vo.,er a1 . 1 tbo' l r a vantaGes. .0. a weapon e ' deee e wasn't a 1lI0mE! nt for anything, Dudley, lIelitl~ 80~p. Is. not qn \)' .purQ. but I ~ Is , lu.. W' J as we ll a fQ8red. She nnally conced, truly You know '1. shoot IlroUy well the only Boap that Is gn ar~ntoed UU· enemje}!, ,,', I . cd that a s hotgu!l' ,would do If. ·Ihl;l. now'; w en I'm cool!" 'd er (he new'law. ~ ?!o~'eqver, It eon. . ' "But did ~ou In!; tile bul\?" Dudley talne"an antlsel,ltlc .whlob protects, tba '.·Now, ther fore." he concluded, co.uld have It at ODC#!. r the uord and setve bim In S'Il..' '.o\n- ~!our later shr WII8 pn' way asked exCirediy~'Y'1!er Jp Qli vered: ' Skill 'agalns t' disease, ' Ask 'yol:r . ~al~ (t)"- iITid ' trut h ; Dud iuit:"aw'Ky , thti lo to.wn to malte be.1 seleetloll and Or' , ., "N . 1 1 " • Ih . ' u or 'OP I.' It be dQt'B .not kUll n It II 'SI I d j ' II d t ' 0, wuug La er. L , '" • ' . ,v ' d I • _ a.. io ~ plrat i on ~od~ which your fill ber s sorved on the or IeI' SU . Ie .''lP. I eo ne , 0 tr) . "'Voat?" , eond 1'18 name, apd a,~,dres~ with 18 in the tllought thllt · he who ulhe'r s ide. ot the flood and In Egypt. tho o ne until tho ot.her hodl been lIent Sh b t l t t centi! td - Bucban's S'onp Cornbrallon we k latAr "'b 'h ' e urs n 0 ears. .... , { workt and build. with God here aull ~.Qrv y the Lor d . And It 1t 8eem Up, a e " . ' ell ,8 e came "J t I' hI k -.It r allv Ne.., York who 'will ' send ,roU: a (ul .... tlt TAd proudly dOW!1 tho t ront ' stells for the t~8 ~.c oss s n .e . . , . . ~or1c.j al1d bulldlt w ith God for II t to C;;O~~" yot-~~11l 0 d::r.: hom 0 )'o~lIi bell t!ftt of ondley IIml he r father. wasil t anl Ulluft· And It did ,s!\~ e ~I~ sl~e cake. ' ,renIItle till ...... ~.V. . . . ~ eternity! "J • It e xactly the dasblng lite . .Fo r:- 8~:~\'ed h im 80 ~nuch worBe ! C · .' "tl . ;~, / J.L d Rec ' 0....... ; SlWLI'ILL 1IW1.£.,SIAlL..... . And then there I" the a ing 9 ~'CO ', ~·b etb "r tile "'ode whIch yotlr. Cllatber 8n<1 g lln , •~ ~., " '. ' . -' . t,Jwn~ tbe..-b:bWl. he..J.\I~) w.a ' 10 ona . ' onnec elR .... II. ..... Inflltcnce of the trul; .e~ya\l t of " ralherll Ben 'cd tbat were on the ol1ler a,!gle, aud bl'am~d fra nk satiBfactloli. side. and the' beast charged-rig [Past Coll1lectlout' IB usually regarded ..· . ,., ' GIlIIiIiI~MlJirW . God, which goes on and on' in s ide (If t h . flood . or the gods of the at thent tronl a l'Pl'fO ou graveled , . th t' A d' .. h d a sato aud .. pleaallut pl&«1e to live In r __ r' '1 S:.:..... ........ wnlt. over, eve ry opo : n · 60 "e ,po ; ' . r~lIl11' ",,,,,,. "..,, ove, widening cIrcles all10ng . ". tlJ]lO to d.dollblo round n .tree ,a.'ld get an~ yet It ;)),ad 4\J. P1uril ~fs III ~901l. . !TnII , ~ ' '~., .,_ Amo rltc!I, In whose land ye dwel1; men. T"I. thougtlt " "olCpvcsllo d bu t 'us ror'tlla and my house we will ,·.. Come on , Dud.'~ ADd so volal\lo OI'er fence. 1 dId .,!8ve bls life, ,wliere . ~al'\,e bad onIY .'rO, oro be IV,~R __.. .__':i'~ In the declaration cprcernlng sen :e tbe Lo~d.'· .' ' , ' ', nre , a lover's spirits that this abo "u' be ,wp,sn·,t'graterul. U's tbe end of •.ure,' Conqee Icllt .h as more poople PII:tL ... . ,. ~ y .,.. '" " •... ..1 II.ITITU Ie. Abel, who offered ' ~cccfl'tabic 'I'h,!! \'olce oC the aged Joshua ~a!l brE\ vlatJon ot his name se t Du.,li shootlug for me ," • . than, .... maine, hlit not 80 very ·tuaDY " EFu.~ silcrlflce , to God, that " beiltg 1\1nJ(J!\t n !lob 119 ho concluded hla /top- oF' a prancing hlgb lI:ol'lIe tor a day "You ,poor child! Bilt where I. be?" more; It has, tewer than 1,000,000. s" I l " I) de(\d, · ho yet speaketh.'· And IlOa! , a lld with dlmculty he controllllt,l aud a nl /:lllt. , , . b e Bsked: wblle Maj.De ~s 726,000, It 111 fair Abet rdown '«ke the r ecord his [eellngs , for. lUI he was speakIng. . "O'on'l gn near" tmle. hllll pasturo." "The cllrt came by ond ho got In to to,,~tate \:bll:t It was ,!in ~nu9I1,alIY' .bad of Vle' taue. servants of the Lord there was but one VlllloD before him, call ed ]'fr. l\Uxter a fler them. go d~wn to t.!Je doctor. ))udley. for year for the' o(d Nutme8 lltate ,In thfl . oiJetlj.· f~l · In thll 'Word that of Mosel! ~ta!\dlng I at his BIde p illlny fired h I' ftrl!~ shot, thQlI ~t '- once I have made. my rathel' too an. respect, as Ita 43 murders are more God, and' who 'oan estimate the ' IlOln t{ug at the (leople and Baying: down 011 0 log; a , i:laod against hot' lOry.' sbo said, Bolomnly. "(lit-I'm tban , tt evd" ball. beforo In . a slallo Influence whioh hall, gone out "As In former t ime 60 ",,11\ the,. rlg.h t should r. he r race lIublous. , 'rl'gbteneil tA death!' , yellr. and 17, more than tho snn. ,ual. av· · U , d' « d K ~.. "It's-very loud ... · sbe said. "Did I ' from (hose lives:' Though 'dead. llguln (tll' O (rom the Lord." , hit nn ~hlltg ?" ' " You only. g razed hIm?" HII arm era,l e, tor tb~ . ~~,t eea 11.- en~:"",oo B-ut.- 1Io\1 .tbl :1ad~~ ,before .~Q. sl10ut "You w\1l do .splendldly when you ,vas abollt .ber uore'buked'. " Jou~I1~I. ',' meMsa'ge to the heart8 of men, whl\!b went Ull from the poople lUI "Oil. ye8~bu~ hfi\'S. nil the 'Ill adder. ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!~~ Jo&huD. the lGorvan t of the th ey 1lllSWtlrcd nntl aald: lear n not to sl)ut, your eye8.'· said Dud · MOR~' Lord. What a gloriOUS com· "Got! forbid tllat we should torsa'"e .Ier. happy ' In the correct placing of If, °tnIIJI' aomellb2nlg '!lWfUlbOento~Uoghhet<:'edlls: ' .. ', '.I. . " '. . l\ hel' bard. lillie; s uu.b rowned handa . . ·'A ve l' I m wou ... lappen I' .. • ment on h~8 II ~e. Ser vant of the ' the Lord, til 8(>1' \' 0 o,h ~r gods; tor ,t ho f l ' fhl II . RM;' ?'" P back!'" ' That .Cr. William,' Pink PilI. tlav,' . LordI ~ay we all strive t o he lit o .neRrer or II , ~lle. ' • .....,.,y. e~· It d ' hi .," . at Ii Lor "U Ollr God. he Ills tbal brough., UII ny rose to !\ seconUi attempt, and at a "Can't we , n 80met nc. ,. ' ~I!"',d ·ttt!lh· ... \;,Olt, ,u bOrn ' worthy of the name a nd ' rela· U[l aM our fathers out of the l~nd o~ .t~lrd beg,!p to, sho'~ entb.nsIIlBm. A smlla .. began t~) slruggle t hrOugb , Cue. ' of ' R tumatllm. t1onllhlp, \::g~' Pt. froUl the '·houee . of bond~~e. the end. ot an bOllr s be cpuld "III mONt. her dls'mllY. . .' . . ' , "mea:' J:" u a lio'y ot' Slltteen:" SIlYl! .')-()'>o<X>O<>oo<>oo<>oOOo-o o-o<x>01X) ;'oud which did tbQ~e great elgnY, ln bit thIM"." al sh e ·. proudly esplalned ' ~J k llow Qn~ thln~ that might." Mr. Otto .ft. ~~.e, a ' retl~ed grocer, of o'ur 19bt. and preser\'ed U& In ail tt~e to 'bM fa ther . "What. l?enny?" a2. Lex.ln~J1 ·Avenlle., IIndlaD!lPDlIa, THE 8TORV, Wl\~' whe roln we weul.· and among , al\ I{ "Yuu wJI1 be. glad or It ,ye t." she "You , It.:' Inll., "1 , 'lIe.t }VI,~ .' a . Berlqus, .!lccldont lifo) ye~r8 followln!; th~ c,onq\lest the people tllrough whom we PBatsed told hIm . "Some day J. may save your <·'~u!. I apt !lot cle\'er enough; r cao't' wb (ch Injured the, I?one 'cif my h ead • oJ 'Callaan llUd UIC' dl vl ... i(lll ot (he Ao (\ tli e Lord drove o,ut (mm be ore Ufe!" ," " tlllnlc·" ,'. • over tbe 'rlght eye. t reeo ered. tro~ la ut! a .llong . the various .lrlh 'r" bl'iDI;' U3 all th e people. cven the Amorlte. "H'm !" saId ' Mr. MIl(~r. . '" bo pe I .. W\lll.....!.d<:n:t '. you ~hlnk the-tbe the aoc:ldeflt, tp·. al1 appeJlranc<1s" , b';lt In& ns ' tb ey did their peace', Illid t;e- whi ch dwe lt In' the land; there Core you loc k ' l lto dogs ' up wl!.en· you go ' pr~Bpect of-·losln~ bIB only daughter not ~~nT ~'e~~s niter 1 began to have " I - she stoPQcd abruptly. "nt'e ""e . palhs ' In the . Injllred hooe , ' ~urit y and IlroSl1crlt),-,' or 11Il' Illnu \\'111 wo serve the Lord ; ·tor he . 18 our. out." , /., t 'II 1111' ennY.!" ·. "rouel,t. forlll abu ndan ti )' ;, \' 0 God." . . . : .p~pn~··8 , markmanshll) lm.p~O}:ed so ' • " :.' wlileh cOllla'o ,,· every' ~ear and would ,l onhull tho rClIl he longed fQr und -:nd Josbun s aid unto thl' l'.copl~. rapIdl y that presently 'she' b'egnn' to g~ ~C!~ I:~at, I d ~ver really le&ve h!~ . last' from a ,few days to"sevel'al weej,s, oC('ded. "or' w!tb tbl> ad~lIcl,lJ C; y ea l'~ 'VI' nro wltnesyes agaln"t }QtA~ 'out shooting biY he r88lt...~.cou1'lle.wblch. sh'l! am('.Jrde~. when ~h\l was ~lIowed. ~, ." j CQniiuJted ' t~e doctOrs ' 'Who told ".11 bad felt Inor.o and mo re lite bur. srilvc~ thut ye Imve 'chosen the Lonli Du~ley OPiiOB~ with outward disinter•. err:,er~~; ')W~~ ta~es llIe: lake~ hi !D':' ' D;l'e. t~at I' ·ial,~·ulr~·r.lng from U~'lLr"'I.. r .~~~~~~§~~~~~~~~~ . . .dC'nS 'or ~a:d~rablp' " :~.feillillg (/~ con. to 1I0l'VQ 1t1D\.'·t'gtedne8ij ,lIn~ Inner c/lagrln. It s~emed , 1~s"d~~,~ R1r~. ;.. . " gla. T1ie i(g!it dt ')my t rlgbt el'Er '11'88 tCIlt'illent ~"- ",II,,\lsractJon titled ' h la Alld they iald : ,lml)f)Salbl t! to cet "'any hold on ·thls · "A,lld t~~~, y!U , soo, h~v!!,g rrtg~t. arteeted~ 110 that . at ' t1mes ~ Lcould heaH 'A8 .tla\.tiebj!ld <~j)h~~"':'. OODt6nt. "W . are w~." cheerful and trlpndly young WOlD an, , en,ell ·him ·tl! n:~O,~n~s8. -:v~ cali . c~!"f\>r,' · .-earcely, lee but of tt, wblle both' eyc'! c(lI)' settled UWn Ita 4"lfetltance.- "00 &1 Joshu~ItII;e;a;oo lead'!r. made I. who ·.!f«i\'er ilPfleILred to-,"~~I anythlpl'! I hi m lfflb t~at., . ·.Stie 1I0 :IO!lgl!\ lIUII.e.~ watei<.>d , c~astanlIT. .Du.rlng tbese at. tl\berllacle lilliI" boob. St>t"!J)i In .SMloll. eo,ve nant waII~ peotllb. Uult 4~'" d",,~r t,ban am Wlam.ent. ~ 8e bo~' a .... ay ,.f ro ll!,. h1 fl1,••, ~., .:t·· '," ..1.' . 'ta~1I I ' w'l .ofte~ ISIz:z1 trl?m the for. nnW" tM ~rles~ ami ' l'JI>'Vltca " mIDIs,; 'anli .c~ ,thoa...", 8tatlltl! ~d 8Cl 0.r dl • I\n4 ont fr!lIU the iDIIlde .,tbt'l . mea~nll ' ~ oultl' .~ot ,. Ioo~ at 'blm:, In~ r ln tl~I'p, pain}.• .'l;hl! 'p'a~98 oame oQ t ercd' b llftir.o. tbe ~r-II ; wbll(! Ibe ·I.)eo, na!,ce lit ShaOhem ~ hd.- ·, ~ wrcti ot many old, f8m1lta:r' phrilsotl, alllOng vol.c8:·l·~re.- was DOtbJDIr i!ecper morning an'ti paned awaY, 1:b 'the atter. '110 : worahlj)ed III the ap. lb ~8e wort!!, (,If tbe .the boo. t.helll ' the llsalmlllt·s. "sick 'of lov,e." than amusement. . . ,.. ".;' noon. I Dever .u1l:eretl froDi 't he' p'a ln ,\oliltali I seasODII.:".. , Tile) , Jl\('fcies aM ~. ( ttw, la"," of ~ocI ' . and took a ~~eat Three'. times h.e. g t;lmly mounte~ ~Ia "P~nny, ar'~ you ~kJng me onl1 ~. at night. . ' .. ." . 'get re, . 'hl el<stngs of ,tbe Len! ' .werc ~o. fresb .F.W~ nnd s et It ~p . \:1)~re. under an bOnle and. rode,over to lake .I;IIs' reruslU caU8e yo~ ' .l1I l1.l'rald to, face,YOUr, 'al~. ,. "I trJeli' 1flthout InCC8el 'It, .rlii ; .'iul the , mighty ·\·IOt.lldet;, .erlk . .UfO , WIlJl by thQ all!l_r thilt had . u4 1!1l~ gooll·by. The t~l:rd tnne stie err hfl '4I1Jt~ gr~elfr' ' .' .:.' \let untli 'a frlond tdld me · t-o try Dr. wblc~1be lJo"d-~lacl; ~vett ·thcm were 1,(:1! 11 ' rlll1retl to tile J,.ord In tbat,.PI\lC~.~ bad lallt 'bite.Dleen gol!!!;, e ft to tho . 'trM h 11), : ahe 06I!en.ted . He Ire."!' ~l1IlaD,!!1' P.IQ~ ·PIIIS . . w,hen .1 bad , · I.f aucb re cent occul'rc.iioo thltl the re ' .\-lI d J'aij~t!l;l/:al' 14 tlDtm allh11th I : (leoPI~~ wood s wltn b er iJ,UIll, 8!l11 ho s~t out. 00 heJ.pcl(l~e~'. y 9" ~~~~'D~ ' ~:~ ·rdfee;.\~~· !:~t I~b: ~i~!~ ' ~118 ~o thought or :deslte C' mlogll' "Beho."d. t; 8 6to~~ , 1I a , e a w (O(lt lifter , he'r. de~ermlned that ,an: " , en~r' arll on. Btiorter time 'lha" 1 had hOjled for I
~""'~ - ~~~~
pEN1~t · G,OES
"Joshua':; FareweU Message
By ~uliet Wilbur T omp~l~s .. .. .. .. ••
I :;t:
all ~th. oth~r not go down on bl. [II1.serysun of should h(lt!o h,'?lla.
with beathen naCons ntH", , tor It .bat1t ·l\eard UI' to Hie Ill' ovoo 80 · much 118 dr"wh ';i'V W(,rdHunto of ns tbe ,Lord which he' .\)Ilke ' 11' U11 e. curiosity in UI C wO~Rlti ll ' ~r ut\to us ; It 8.hnll be tb oretore a wtt,. tbell: [(I(/Is. ,. ' n eBS unlo .YOII lest ye deny your fl.1I thlll ae lifo have Bald Ill' hI God." .' .. ' 'd: liar ti t '1 Oll!!; . ,_ cllee, .an Btl . ac, ~!l. 0 lll' IIge d lJ ed To"for 'ShOI Sill" Il'llt\er s hoart. anil '('tif'lltl tAJ;e d (h ~ . ,....,., . \l~ lhat wbatever bll' Iwelt th e fell · I Oal1b' l; on an At1,Ierloan consul ta 111'8 (II the , flU . h$l'(V~'ver /.;ric vOIll' Cblna. It Chl11amau a~ked!ir trade ~.I\ be e~ their "IlQIIe(Ilcr1Cc n nr! lack c.talO~~I~S "a""'1 tbat ,be , d'Uldp .... 't[ filth. tb~ IHI01Jle ~ ~ IMI, t~Jlcd )' r~1' tn.cI U\'! ~~ ~I~ . IC~Ye8, and,lt,..,~ Ibo wlBdom and re.wa", ~·r I,{'rvtn« e\'flnluull) dlIcol'ored that the ca.ta :he -true Ond and would 9'I~a'l~io d ... · logu{'s were wanwd u lns.l de rill.. IIIVI rrom him, Til t, Ctu nlideace tal' abo...
.,Yell. Penny. a~, Jon." .. , ' './ He fonnd h er sitting on a stUIDP Ills ayes ·" 'ere IDel,tent. SI1O'tried wltb her SliD aC~'ol!!I hor kneel, rag~ In to mOll.t thc'u with (leflancu, but IUd; her fqce: at A little. distance, cowed. don!y a tldo' oC ~ ,wept. oyer th~ lit· ·l1umblfl. bllt as ilt'tel'mlncd as berton, (I..,. 110Inteli Cal!e. II qulc.k. '1\!lnglng: crpu~he'! .R1I1.h. ' glorIouS' coltlr that le:t her no defe~fles '''Jlbllt old fool "')n't go bome'" W88 -the ftrst r .•al blusb of het 11ft>. She her 11lf1l~H.nt greeting '" bave'"elled hTU. k ~ away from him. cOverln, her at hInt, l'\'o'obased · illo;. rve 'hlt nlm.=- ' (ae wl~tl bdr"ltlfti. ~e J:lllt looks like .a dhrl,tlan "IArtyr, ) . ':qo IiW~l" I bRt~ !'Oil!" ,ft .. r.rled. and won·t hlldge. ' " f$lte tbrew • .1 mit [ludley laughed trom tha Yet)' laudrul of t~1II . , I rlepth,, ' of a '-'OtltP.lIt. "Ile.rt~ fI .. "'0 trootec! 111.1110' BUr. lIa11(1r. .
.:w ... enUre!;, cyted" I ·have perBOnll recom· mended th'e plllll to Beveral :wbo, have used them with ROod •...My ,· wlCe, uses Dr, Williams' , F.iI1~ tor t\ervotls .heiLdAcb~ !lud lI11ds them tbe best medicIne .lIe I\ns ever used ns they ,Ive rollef ~hore nil oth. ere. tatk" . , .Dr, WIIIl:1ms' Pl,ok PUIII are IC)ld !Ii"all druggists or sent, pb&t'p~ld qll receipt crt price. 50 cent8 "er bot. 81x bel"'" ':a.50, b1 tb.e Dr, Wnll~rn. Medl·· ~. ('~lInpa1l1. Schenec:tady, N. Y. ~~===~ii~! AD tDatl'llcth'. tlootd.t, e"tfRttII ~lrYOtia -'nI":.a;~ will " " . . me ~iii'iiiii""11
_....u,,' to
~VIW 'IIt~..Ld.
• --
and the 1:ld· 8U~:lItS~Ve~l: t~~va::!lI!!~:;I!t ~:: n~YII W ill Keep YOLI. Well. I lem ... nt lo el ;\rll'on In tl\e ai r strength. eons th Ulenry at the e~lsteDce of a th..
\. Alinon!l!! nr not nearly 80 nmet. ; tlsed In' AUI 1'1118 aB t h )f 1I1'1l 10 Or.)' J;!1llny 111111 Rlln ·/L1'Y. Where th(fY roritl nn Imllv~tl1nt Ingrodl , lit ' ot nlnl1Y e n jtrc Band 011119. a8 IV II M dossortll Tbe IlI,mon d trc J)owers In tlle fl lirll) g. pfoduchlg lls (rull In uguat. , '1'1\6 bo8t 8woOt almonds, are the "Joru:ln," from Mala;;a. llLllnclent lim os lhe al' . truon\! wae gl'~nlly st me,d. ., nQoli Included th m l11tlOng t1le ' pr '~e nt wblcb ho design drat JQneIlh. Th rnOmaJl8 believed . that attn!; holf II dozen IIcolJred them I\gntnst dnmken. nells. Almonds tiro conslilerod Ihdl. l ~sUb l e"aJIIJ It III not well 10 at too !t.reely of tllem, lUI tlley contt\ln ,; Iprluclplo thnt prodUces two 'vIole nt , polsollS. a volatile 01\ and pruss\ aclcl . 'I'h y are cousl d e~ed least dllilgerous to tl\e dlgcsllve ofl~ilD S wh en ' s ulled, I ~lmond I aste Is the rOlllidatlo n 01 jllom.o or our mOlit clljll Olo1l!l cundl /I, ' m,acaroon a Rnil o tll er n:rQncb 'cookory, H~re Is a \larWc1l1n!~y DPvc l amI appeUzlng ' way of or llilrl n g th em In II , s oup, with two ·()t.ber new recl Qe!l for
, 80UPS:
ALMOND SOUP.-13 Q/I four llountle lor lean bc r WIth, a scrag of mutton In ' ltwo and a baIt qllarts ot water un t il thEi mat is dgne Ilncl the gra \")' Is · rleb; atral n and ,Add e ig ht ounces 01 h-er!l1lc Ill. rOllr blades .of mace. fllx
Cloves, and bol1 1Intll tho spIces nlll' or,
'aw t IIlmohd9. mix a lIttl soup wbll jJlOUndlu g. In order tbnt Ol e nlmqlldB ma y ~Ot grow oily; ndd tho ')·olks of Blx hard .bolled C)ggs. pOllntll1nUllt Is a m ro JlIIIP. mi ll all tog\,l!her, (;Irnln, ,heat. and 'liS bororo ~ rvlng " ndd a ,em bf rloh renm. A'PPT... El SOtTP,~PeOl ,I\lld '01'0 t)VO JlO\ldd8 of Stood boiling n pplQs, I)ut . them In(1) a s t "'pan Wltfl Ibr qUllrt;s tOf .· b . er Iltock and stew I slowly until tend r; th n tub throu~h 11 stmlJlt'r a(ltl r al~ loves, ono'bait t (lS~OOl1 01 white perpor. salt nnd nyenne to ,taste. S r Ye wllll tClI\s t 'Il bt' ttl
un l1l 8•
iu61, bo:l\lOtiCuJ cO!Ol'f<"
ARTJCHOk"l!l ( J 'Ill nus ALE l\T ) 4S0 UP.-Put tllreesllceB ot Joall bOCl'm ,Into Il stowllnn with four ounces of ·butt! 1'. "lIlf Ii bunch or ~Ory, on on.J!ln, r,ne turnIp. all ellt nne . Bill' bralso ' tJlI!ID a Q1larter, or an honr, ketiJ>\Il! ' thorn 'IV 11 I!tlrred. WIls11 IUld pare ~oar IlQunds of arflchQkos. ndd tbem 110 ono pint of white ~~. Wbol' .• _ ba"e st wed down to a bull>. 'add two qnarts of wblt'e 'iltock, a t(8 Bl;lPOnful .,f !lulJ'8r, rmllper 'a,nd: ~It. ilJmmer fl v mIn'n tes nnd Iltrnhl. POI,I." back Into the pan nnd slmm r ' Ove 'mlnutell mOl'e, AQ(I a bait pint of bolllnlS orj!am. Ilnd serV'l! 'Wltb s IPJ:leU -ot bread tried in 'butter. . . Potato 'Salad Dre ..lng. ~, lIJalle 0. , g004 may,Qnl/also In 1IIIual way. Dnd 10 n cunCU, add 1a~ potntcles prenATed thus: 111 tbelr Jackeis, peel while bot
the two
:nnd ,J'1Ib fbrougb D fine oolandor or vegeta press, Wblp, whllo cold .. Into'th" ft1IIl'otmoJee ~r8(! uall y , s Urrlng unUi ~ 'cream mlxturo Ie 8mooth. S6080t) 'W]pI !luft; pepper 'nnd a dash o~ onIon juICe; anil just befol' sel'Vlng 'lIllr Into die ,.ninyonnalsd tbn wblte of ogg ~I ppea fllItr. ThIs Ie an excellent ~ dres9tng for n mllcedolne sl\la41, cIne or tomato s 0\ of 116h_ ,It la hest suit· ed·· ror a ,s id e dlllh at' lunoh ,on or RUJl; per. Eat. with brown 'bread und
p~r pa ltaIlS.,
' TO 0 HE ~ (·n(.~ l lt o
' 1:
-m-~:--l\f"'-B, --W t- -G\ ~ll'f.!nffy !own 0 e..~1'8t n - 0 ttn be.. ~t~"! ~~l~"~'!:~C~1t,~~\~ ,,, ~!n~~l\, ~~~,~" ;J,m ,," Da Is, at GroeBli ck , tarb It) ' dl.l('dv ry, sorue IGht or nln I Ot(QV UII.,.u.ttt,u laOD .~.I' bOl:,~. • T exa s. llIlYS: "nack· year~ I\/;o-- tbat I ~, In' tho ImmClll:lLe ach es hUrl me ' so 1 Qurrollrtdlngs of the. Gun, In all com. ~o man III AO fooli sh hut he mllY
- lob
could . har Uly stalld. ets and l::{ meteori te - tram whI ch Spella ot dlzzln elis fae ls th o SI\' odfsb Hcienli s t Infers that • ao~ slele h ettdac bes It conslltlltCl;! a comJUOD utmos Jtb llro we~e trcQlleut and , for our system, .,....~---tllO action of the • IIldneys,' WDS I(regn· Oats-Heads 2 Foot Long. hIT. Soon 1 u o;;an taltlng Donll's' .T he ,Tohn J~. ~nlter cqd Co., I.a, ~'()$ .c, KIdney PllIs 1 pass ed severn.) gTave l W is., nre Im ngmg out u new Q~td LII., . .... . l' e.n~ ' nth II add 2 {Ollt long! 'lhaV. B ftOU s, I gQt well and we trouble hil S -wonde... Their caLalog lell"! " tot rc~urnad. M y bacle Is ,good and Spet7.- tbegrentel't cer.eal Ja9y food 'stTong unt! my'r;cnernl beo.ltb 'b lter," 'Amnriea cI:el' 'saw! Cqtlliog tcll !
Our mammoth 148-pDlIe Seed aod Tool C tnlog is mailed free to nil intend ing buyOl'!l, or ... nd 00 ill .ta[~p8· :\ad rtlfloh'c f1'e~ ~n ll1plcR of new Two Foot :Long 0,,1. lind oth~r \w>rcnl. Bnd bit! CIlt..log Imp,. John A. ' "I ~er Sc~d Co" Dox W, La , Oro Re, W i . •. '
lam ?"
Pc!rsonal Imowledge is the winning factor in the culminating cOlltesta 01 this competitive IIge lind when of ample chuacter it placea ill fortun\\te poa8e$Sor'in the front ranks of
The Wen Informed of the World.
. CautIo II.
ImltaUons hnve u eoJ;l pl:l,ced upon thO lDnrke t
closely r esembling All· 1l11pearanc~
nil to: be well caJcnlated to .deceive. It Is, however, 10 . g('oeral appearance ,ooly thut they' compnre with Ailcocll·s. tor thoy are nllt only. lacking In the ~est eleD\ent8 ~blch hflve mnde AU· cock's BO efficient. bllt Bre octal barmfill In their ell CLB, R ememb r that AU®ek' s aro the OT!glnDI and only r;enulne porous plasters-the' best x· ternal r emedy known-and wben purChMIDg plasters We only sato \i;ay Is' to a lways InsIst upon bavi ng Allcock'n.
L~fclldlo 'It.arn'a~ T..t lmo"y . . . ' St rength of Japanece Wlna.
Hat Right to Dalllagea. ' . A Bacn county 'IlIan 'ULl'eatolls to 's ue a hunter far , 500 dam~eB b<). cnus" the kllll.'d a laying hon, • A hen that will lay nt tbla sensQn Is , worth Qloney, YOIl ' lruow,-Denl'er Poat. ' . ..FT'£F, •• L
itus llBnee nnd nil NI!I;'ouo
uy treat i.", Dr. it. ij. KIII'Ie,
DI8eaM8 Ptl rm:uwnlly clOre,l Dr. 1,lil1e'& ~c"t Nerve R",-t"n~ r., '''1,,1 for Fn!c S"!JI{l
LMal boU la l\f,et L d:. 9~1 Atch ' ~., Pb1J.dclp'bIIl, 'lPa .
'fhllre ,Is D9 lIguor In 'the world 1.I})<I'ilI , , TheT!! are moro ways than ' QDe b,. ... lilch a ~nn b~eomea 80 qulclllY In· wbloh a "woman can get EiveJi w1th a tOxlclJted lIS Japan'ue sako (Ii ee man. ' On e way Is lo marry hlm. aDd Wine t; and yet none of which tlIe or· &llDther, Iff not to . recta· last 80 abort 11 tIme. The In· ' G.r6~d Tell &n unueualJ.v Pl'llcticlIl toxlcatlon II ple«s&nt .e tbe ell'ect 01 )IOU hold remed)'; take it fo r con.nlplltion. opium ot bUh ee~h. It Is 'sort. pleas- to keep .llJc lh'.er 'normal, to p~rify tile ant, luminous exhilaration. e'ilrytbfuC blDbd. to ,l i ~pcl oolda, to ure rlielunati"lll, . .• lIeco\Dlng h rlgbtel'. ha pJl~r. \lghtal'; too ~ ,,'ell! . .
- - ---
·you gilt ve.ry· ~py. Y ea neTer tully apprecl.te' tbe . ,CURE dinners It ta tl!e Mile to become sUgh tly exhllara.Led, b at Dot to blessings or poverty until o.rter thoy drln.k · enough ~ talle tblcklY or walk break ID ~ ~e .mllllonalre C·IUs, , , ~I,'s :rociked. The &~lIIty to drink at ban. PILE. OIl.ED III e TO I"D£'W'L , ' . Is qu,lckl' ....rbed. QuetJO requIre. ' practloe--Iong practice. PolY-O OI N'l'll "':11'10 ~u.ra IiLOed 10 "" ... . 101 _ eu... Rliitt at 1'here .re btanqliet:s of many Ictnda. u t lt~hl n. , Bllud; 111_ ... " ur !'roorDcllne i'liea 10 It claanscs, 4 ,\1> U""" or ~Ddecl . 6Uc. . ' beal. nnQ and Oie ~u wbo '.. InvI ted to one. ' JI1 "hlcb' extensl"", drI:Dltlur; ma,. be ex. A retcmn c hampion's busband b& ' tb, memo peeted la caT!!!u1 to start in upon &11. 11,,_ ,a ,rcto _ rmaUoll would be~. bmno. \ . cures CBo lh
. A vast fund of peRonal ~owledge is really esaenlial to the achievement 01 the highest excelLe:nce in any field of human effort. . • A XPo,w ledge of Fol'l1l4. Knowledge of Function. and . Knowledge of Products nre all of the utmost v~lue and in questions of life lind h~th when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered thOot Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. manufactured by the california fig Syri'P Co., is aD elhical produr.:t which lias mel with.the apprQval of the most cminent physici11n4 and ' aives universahatisfaction, because: it is a remedy of, . , KnoWlii Quality. Known EXcellence and Known', C.omponent Parts and has won the 'Valuable p4tronage of millions of the WeU infOrmed of ,the world: who ~IOW of their own personallmowledge and from actual usc: th at it ~ the lint and best of familY laxatives, for which no extravagant or unrea!ODnble clt.iuut are riJlU:Je. This valuable remedy has been long aod favorably known ' ' under the name ol....J5yrup of F ags- ond has attained to world. wide acceptance as Ihe mosl excellent family lpative. As ita pure laxative principles, obtain~dfrom Senna, t1fe \v,eU known to physiciaoa and the Welllnfonned of the wor d to' be the be&t we have adopted the more elaborate lIame of-Syrup of Figs ao~ Elixir of Senna - as more fully descriptive of the re medy, butt doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name ' of-Syrup of FiB'-and' to get itl beneficia~ cjfect~. always nole, when purchasing. the full name of the Company - C3lifomia Fig Syrup Co.-printed on the front of every pai:"a~e, whether you call for-sYrUp of Flgl ...... or by the ' fun Dame - Syrup or figa and Elixir of Scnna. ,
Big Tallk, for Englneere . Engineers have never doubted !lie poss lblllty of tr~smlttlnr: power trom tb'e Vlctdrl& tallll ot thll Zllm'be,1 rlvbr to tbe ttreBt gold lIeids of Lbo Trans· vaal, 760 Dllles dIstant. but thoy have quesUoned the economic soundneu ot .8uch an underlckln~. on a commercial 8calo. N vertbeless, contracts b&ve heon lel whiCh ' show that t~e work "I~I be ' untte~taken : It 18 the most extraord inary ' electrIc power scbemo
"lnClQrie ItT" tepeate4 the brIde, puzZled'. ' "Yell, acrO SB ,t he back', ,.OU kno" , ' repli ed the man, too busy to noUce her bewilderment. The b ride carried tlIe cbeck to a desk. ,1nle! It face dp"·ll.war d. and nIl,!bl d tho end of a I) n thpu hltully. 'I'ben Inspiration cnmo,. Dipping the ,/len, ~he wrote trlllmphantly I1CrOS8 ever aUe~pted . tbe back: "Por ''Panny, (rom MoUler. -'----~---CbrlBtrnaa. 1.90G."-Llpplncotrs Ma&&-
cock'!! Plasters In general
. Price 2.k _.\14 :lOll
;ben' banded It back polllely, saylng; l . 'WIII y .. u ploue todo'lls It, mo.·
l ~" ~ ~ .'
Sohl by nil dea leTs: 60 cenls a ·bQx.
~ostor·Mllburn 00,. Buffalo, N. Y.
Her Method Indorsem~nt. 4 br lde's mot bel' presel)t d b er with a 'c beck Oil. ChrlBt'l;nas day. WIth f II f a ee ag· 0 lhe .Ilmost Impo~tBnce Ibe ttlok It clown l C' thll bank In whi ch ber bUfiband had opened an Mcount . =!lr her. Tbe ,CAllb.l er· t ooll llle check.
a;1 T e al.'olher good cnun OOI sometimes and 110 man is so wise but ,maY e Mily erl' I r be will take no other'a colln.el but , hlo oWD.-l)en IonSI'lL
Cream BalllJ
emply almost empty stom r..:h , By not eat lug one cap drink a good <leal. .
..... 'WI ....
o,,·. Sootbl •• A"..,I" u..c;u ..... _u_1It-
JPorclJII4rei , ••• bID" aofteno
The oups rore ,,~ small and ofIIJan,. _1'lo".aII'!JSP~,."-"fflll,4"'1"" axabOw+ curJoUB 8bo.~B, 'O nem1lybe expected bet~r than to empty 60. A "CUrt of sake II • coed
deal '; two 'q u!tti · requIre l1'On ner~. La stUd, ., a,n <&'IIIon& "the Japanese tbere 'a re 1I'On.derlui drlhkers, At". ' mllltal',. .officer's banque t a C1ptaill ' 'JJfered me .a oorubler 1l01dlng a g9<XI pint ot sake. 1 almost faint ed at 1-1:.e ebee16. ~Ight or It, f.ot' it WJUl only the ftMlt. Uut a fri end lIal4 to me: "Only drInk ..... 'to 'Make EyelortL '!'here's a n ow :way of maklu~ those. e. IItUe and pass It back," "hleh I ill d. l:ltrongl\r heads empUed cup after up • troo.blesome yolets. dlacey'e rell by a -=,1'1 wbQ'8 gocRlly tamoUl! ~ invent· like wp.ter:- LeUeJla 01 Wcadlo ~'anL '
4DI l~~v1n g 1d13tu1. . . , It" .conS1.rt1l In mnnlns 1lbe eyoJe1 MAY BE COFFEE around nil tllcn ~IiW n!!: t~ kC!m end to .eni!, And lnrtto~ Ollug 11. makIng .\ Th.t C •. U_ .II _the Trouble. tile stJtebes 118 deep as thQse u]lOn th e ' !IIsmil \M4tonhole: bl\t f$~r8Ing tbe ' 'When the house I., It's like a .. .' .uteh iIo that t~ e dgo ,.,Uchel! back bOd, whim di sease begins t!) show, It'a • .POD tbe tlIa1A!n1i\l In ~~a4 ~ UllMll4 eo ~Ime to talk but, tluie to (lct-delay _e open' ~~ Qf tite e,ol~ ., ' It 18 a1;out O'IIe-lIfth as liard to do ~ ' Ie cl i ngeroua-remG'o the cause of the ills usual waY.; and tile dlJferenee III trotllble Ilt onc!!', , r length et'tlma la e~n more marIte4. "}'or Ii number of ),eal"8." says a I(au '8S . la\ly. "I tClI~ wre that colfee Ml1dbw-on Line.,. '. "· hurtlDg me. and ,.et. I ....II-s so tond ..Fll'It 'o f , take ' some ,' - I ' aftc! of It I could not Ihe 'I~ up: I paltered I'd 'It "'ell Into the lInon. then ~pe w1th my: appetite ar,d of ClIme ylell\· M1IMt chalk ve'f7' nnely niid rub that 'ed tti the temptata"oll ,to drink more, '.. aleo, Is)' the, tinOD. oil the grass,' ~nd ....t l&tt I 'got ~fK) bad that I macre.up m,. . . It drlea wet It .. ar.\ln. T,blll dOM onlnd ( nll~8t either quit tlIe use o( cor· t"'" or tbrlce abo\lld rem"" the ee or cIJ~. . mllde.., Ilta!DII. 'AllotJIer WilY Is to (nlll: "mY1lr)'thln$ I ate dllltTosBed me, and NIt ' lOap aDd I1Owdert\d starch ,,,.tb r luJre -ed severel,. almost all ·the, time i ~f,. the quantlt,. of palt and j\llce ot I~ J1~lplt4tlon or the beart. I frea lemon. Lay thl. mixture 011 wIth a quan,t lt ;roke-up in t¥ ulght wltll the ibruab. and Jet tbe linen lie out on !.he reellDe that I ,wall almoat gone,, ; ~.f :tor • ,tell' DtglltS aDd tbe stal". heart ~!t!~eiI so ~mo'QIered an~ weak · WI " illaappear. lulla .,·tlon tlIat [ .lt would et4p 'I beaUIIg•. " 10'1,. 'breatb rre~ short and " "or it Eye. the le!l'~ exeH(on !let,me·to panUng• .J "tf .. olind" or. Jndeed anyone else. alept' but .JlU,Ie and lufrered rben· receive, n blow over the . Qye which Is matJcl/l. '. ' . < , likely to beqomo J;Jloc k, tbere ~ hi no ' "Two' ,ears I ftopped using the ' mo~y IUporlol' to nOv more IIkely ' ! Cl old kbid of 90tree and began to uee,' • ..,yet1t dl~loratlon [han butterIng Postpm FooCl Coffee, and froul ~e tbe parte for two · Ol' t\lreo Inehe" ,v ery first . 1 f b eglil;l tQ Improve. It around tbe eye wltb tresh"'bu't ter: "" wOI'\!Eld a ml~'8cle! NQ...) can eat any· " ~\lery Ire,W mlnuWs for th,· thlDIJ and digest It wlt.hou~ 1roubll1. I . ..,ue of an botU', or,t'Wo. This remedy Bleep like a bab,., Imll ,my heart be.ts . .. equallr 1004 for any JITIIIIG not tull, strong and eaally. loty hre&~lnlr IIn.llea; , hu b¥OlI)e Iltcadjr and normal ••nd , aatter Pudding, .m), t~e\lmatlilm 1l.118 le ft> me. I teel ., Four ens. l ~ cups ot lifted ·f1our,. It~e .nother POl'IIOII. a~\1 It 11 aJl due aalt. and QIl~ pin t of milk. : Beat the [0 l,Iuttt!ng colfee ~nd qlllDI' : :Pofftum ..... 1 0l Q ' and' whites ' together for Food Colfee, tor" bnvefl't ulI!d an)' . ~ree mluulM. ad.d the mUll and Dour medicine and nODe would (one clnte) tlui Rour tile IlUIIe AI TOu wollld Iony Coad u long 11. I kGJ)t drurcmg · U 1Dflt1ll1 lO!!a blscnlt. Ho1l1~ bOllrs. WIth cotree." , Name K1~ by, PoItWD .".,,,, aMul lIot to let Ute ....ter Co.. BaWe Creek, KCcb. "Ther..~. a $p boIlJu tor 0118 bllrtant. Bat willi Reuon." Read th", 'I ItU. book, "TIle
And Ily not gNling married lIome me~ ml1u ojte W Ih'6 hu,Pplly ever tte.r .
SI\!k, 8urrlll'In , IllllguJd woman I1re llDlvcl s al ntmoSI)hcr e e); LeJl dln~ ba. ot bnd lmckll tween Ule Ilion Is nnd thrOUghout Iho . nnll bow 10 cur Bol\l~ IlYRI ~m, 'I'lIl s, It III 611ld, wns
Bl llnC~l and nOI,"d I II~;[ 0. 'pound 01
' laQ
PU'i'NAllt F .\OF.r.r-:":j D1-"ES ~Tor fink, Wool lind 'a~ lon nt c',\n bo;Hai;,
Unlver..1 Atmolphe..,.
lenroln!; t ile IruO caDEO
Can, Be ,made , t,o Form Imporl,lnt" In. gredlents. of Many Substant ial O(!ssertl-Two Appetlzlhg , Reolpes for Soup. .
Jload' to Wc1I,IlIe,"
urrli IIoDd ~ r i 1I~,. Oolcl in Head qnlcltly. Ito.tores tho SOIlllell Tute lind Smell. Fnllaize 60etil., at Drult. si@le ,or by mllil; Trlnl Si2!e lO cle. by mnll . ElyDroLbera,l:iG WarreIlStreet.NewYor\t.
A s ubslltute for and superior to muslard or,any other plaster, _.nd :\VIII nol " bllsler Ihe most delicate skin. The plUn.allllylnr and , curallv" qua lilies 01 Ihe artic le arc wonderful. It will Slap the loothache al once: and rclleve Headache and SclaHo.. We recommend Jt as the best and,safes' eXlernal counter·lrrltBnl know" . also al an exlen,.' rem edy lor pains' In Iho.c:hesl and stomac h and .,n ... he umatle, Neural giC: aod Couty complalnlQ. A Irlal will prove wh.,t W~ c.alm for II, and It WIll be found 10 be Invaluablo tn Iho household al1d for c!\l ldren . Once UlIed no lamlly will be wlthoullI. Many peopl e say "It Is the besl of ail your P'C))Ulltlons, ,. Accept no proparallo" ' of va3ellne unleS3 4he same carries our label, u.s otherwllJe Il ls not C~ nulnCl. SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WilL MAIL OUR VAS&LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. '
,.. . 'Of
A I.ittle (JIiHd' carrle~
with It the poss.lblllties of great .happlne~ tQto the ~eart of a
childless. home. Women who Wish ~or children. shol11d. ,l\Ild~fstand , that stertltty Is not so much of a cUsease, as a symptom of female weakness.. and, that In 90' cases out of 100. when tho femalo weak-
ness has been cured by
,the '
Woman's "
tho 1000~for Yislt of tho Itcrk comea. Qr. J. J. LMcgstan. of ~IIWI. Ind .• I prescrJ~ CArdui to a lady patient, who had prevlously had three four mishaps. She, took 6 bottles and wu 800n ' mad~ the hl/-pi>Y mother of a "ell-groWft
boy, who Is 'till hYing ~d doing veIL I thlnkth2t Wlne 'of Cardul Is ¢e ~lB couao >of h,er beIng able to have this ,chlld." Whatever 'm.:y ~ ~ form of your fe male trouble or weakneu, try,Oanti.d. It ta a rel\ablit remt4y tor aD the c!lacases pccuUar 'towomeD.
'£1 E.
MTS\ E. R . Rondnll,lh, of my tun, ooverlng t40 01(1 monld. of pnlut njoy d AuturclilY n l~llt lind StmdllY nO/tth" I:\'uril of LlOW nl/pllrel with hflr plnents, MI'. Imd ~drl! . ' . (loc ~!llon(lll.Y t,hll o'Lr thl14 a/lYol' d '. J Lnml>,I~ this phLe. tlhe [oport wlt.h I·h l;l hOIlUtiful, but thUIlJlprubCh b r hu band ing pring time bOB ~OUUd6 . the NEWSY NOTES GATHERED BV THE OAZETTE'S dinedtbl1twithonMr.S11lldiLY Mout B'lmlJton , , 0,f dtllLth knell und bls 'Iluo~vl:!hlp melttl ~CORRESPONDeNTS IN NEA~BV PLACES BOllielbul'!4t, Mi@. isslpp\. nwn,.y ILn d I" b orllO nn '4 • e II1no Id I . ' ~h. lind Mr~. Bllrry (J ' rnell nnd wnve ta other 901)t1e~ lind other "'l:~IU: ~IlRt ~'hurSdll! when their son CarlDlLn t,tlo k aUl'fJel" Snocluy oliu as , \Va bid hitil ~ ~anM' u(ti 'n Corwin. fit II ,0 ILUg ter, .MII!S ~Vl\ Reed oyetling ' wltll ' Mr. Ifbd Mrs. AllaD IIn~ from the fulllleiolS of our he, r Il Mr. M'lri u ~OI'(I Oll nnd f,1 mil y ~;~ \I~ltd !r~ m:r.r~n~e with Floyll Emerlok nnll IIttonded ohuroh Ilt I'l'jo\oe t,hil.t hl~ ~1slts h~v~ terUlII\· \'illit.c'd hi ll lIlotb ol' IlIst.,w Elk. os ee' tie rt 1\ pllir enter d this plfloa ill th~ evening. atcd In n fol'tua.i \lull with but liD, • . roo m t 0 t 10 strnlnl! or tbe weel· . Mrs. '11 11 ri es WiJ g us of Dayton dtb ing tUorch r ondered by M;ies Bazel ~ .. 11UEl Mrs. Alb rt ~oruel1, pf ousloDll1 ~Ilrd left to remind o~ hill Will' the guost of }JOI' rol(l1i et' Mrs . t..kDill uuel t,he ceremony n thl\S pineo, were uuday b otits to dlsagreellb1e OOUl\.Jfullon8bip . w ..s per Mr d M H • I' . • Alico Ai Kin AY Ilud (lAugb ter F r i· forUl ed, by . Nancy A 0 Leonord 11 • an .rt! . orrr vornell Imd 'l'he light of, otber dllYs W&S on ' t1t1y o~, Mr. lind Mrs. Joe Mo roy !lud old greas6 inw» . 'fll!Ce!~ slluoer for Dlinitlter of tbo E'rie~(h oburab II -.In . Mr. IInu .l\Irs. W . HatJi Id I1nd <aAbout tw nt:v five g uests were pres.' ISS Graoie Cornell , III us t rtL t Ion ' . au d f\ I I ~. h Ii tlIIme With daug hter of Xeni.l spent Aund'lY ent uu(l enjoyed tbo elegant three The friends of Mr!!. M,.r!on SIUD ¥r. and Mrs. Joe MoCruy intend IItrd (~i9h ol~ just 118 l1(Jpropril1te) ,,~tl1 Mrs. H opo ::;til e. , . course dinner. Mr, and Mrs Reece movin g in With the laUer's pllrents, into t,h ls itnDlorBe one eull of II. r~g, mon, . of Lebanon, I\moDg ,GIi~tt readers, ,.,m rQgret to, l\jlun thil.t Bol n Ulliu(JS r·h lIli sfortupe ~Iol:lbee, parents of the groom gave Mr. unll Mrs. Oorbell, in tho Doar isnite t~e otbtlf with a Illliotah /lod Mrs. Hamllton , ls l~ very poor to bren k het I rfl urm lust Wedncs II, ro Jeptitm au Fridny. Our , best .futur e. no,,, Y01;1 411Vll th Ilfor~8uid light.. " rlny . . health and,that 'she and her hU.8· wi bes go with thelll. Mr. and Mrs . Pear l orllcll enter. This in thIs , Illost mod",r,n age , of " AgaJtl8t. t}te I uc or hontl ,I ' bank, started this week for /l trip DaL.~I , Ml\r~lI I~ , 111111. ,,_ J ' h uh t h ' d tn-tned on Sundny.· Mr. and Mrs. Al oonvenlence would '.be, ~odlt.y an tm· Mi s Alml\ W'ltarhou e visited through the southwelji in tbe hope' .'nus u: C.~SK E\' . "LL. 9 fn' n '" or. d as Clove froUl , . her friend J osle O(;lesbee Saturd,,' y .ol'lls I .' . Uornell Imd dllogbters Loll~ nnd ' provement· on what we have t,o II'nA!"K I ' U,.'l"I'. tbe of benefitting her health. Mr. w. rm an are o",ve of bta I ' . '. Ir UANt( l J I,'Bt'N. lind nudllY . I lUr D o d f " 1 h ' rma, also Mr. Ilnd Mrs. lke Rosen·' cheer the home bound traveler of a. 'I.'nt ief!S o/ \V "'I1~ l ·owu .. bll' 'Varrcn Hamilton VillI return sbortly, but , e n an aml y I~ye moved thol und little dllnghber. genuine dur': ni ght when one has to Miss Mary Fellly of BarYeysbnrg COu.nlY. 01110. ' his wife will remain uwu.y some .' , they speut 'But,uruny with Miss Apnhia iu. Mr. lind MrA. Walter VilifY enter. put forth their guardR lest time. tRlned to ~und8y Polnner Mr. ~n.rlon butt their' hoo4 aguinst our m ld. Miller . . Harveysburg. Clark flnd Mislj Daisy W.utklns. of ern lamp po tor perolianoe wander Mr . L, Bllr\lIn alld ahildren af Lytle. R ed Field. MI 80url. from ,the Qonorete walk and grove BClrveysbllrg spent severn I days A. Oood S'!ggestion. [ FrOIO another aorplSl,>oudent] Mr. Edwnrd Borgdllll and wife. their woory WtlY through l.Ilud and illst week with Mrs. Nl10mi Bl1r\tm . Miss J en!lie Lumb wns shoPI)inS Uranv1lle.-O--, Mucll Il, 07. .Me r , Floyd Anderson /lnd Ira lIIrs . Walter Henkle und brother sluBh,_ At u oonsoivatlve estlmll.te. Mr. F. Bowker nnd wife moved in Do.ytoD :Su urdny. Editors of'l'he Miami Gallette :- _ Hartsook of Dayton I:Ipent Sunday 1Ilr: und Mrs. Wll.lter Kenriok Wnldo Elliott oalJ\3d on Mr. J, M. suppose our prelle~~ "Ylltem has into Mrs. AIiQo McKin ey' house Notioln& in yonr paper of a recent with borne Ileopte, 'In tWeAk . entertained on lost Wednesday Mr. Staoy lind· household for a sbort been I1nrtoutlay of something possl. , date the.t the question of permanent Mrs , Anna ElOOok. of Oinainnati iR time Sunday evening. blY ,shfl of ,nineteen houdrdd dolMr. A .... lIers ' O i DI!yt()n visited' and Mrs. &tOlne! Hl1ines, of Spring• \ar and yet we grope , our way ID improvement of Corwin Avenue is v;lsiting at the hOUle of ber sistel' IllS dau'ghter Atr!!. ll . M. Reynolds boro: utte~ darkn II , We Cllll'ule.te · U being oonsldered, I t.hink it an op Mra. Reaaon. • i ever III fr(l~l oUf plaoe ovajled tukes froUl moon· to nioon In order Harveysburg. Rev . and Mrs.~. K. ::;argent, F riday and SuturdllY. .portnne time to snggest t9 you and M.r . B. E 'Booth ",n in XeUl<l ' nn them elves of the opportnnity to to bave tbe present eY!ltemof \lghtll others Interested, the practloa.bility ·spent severnl da.ys 1n llinQinnati bu. m oss MoudllY. vi 'i t the N. \1. R. pJant and ge~ u. Mrs. Vi. H. AntTa!ll r turned to trimmed and burning ere tbe . fAlth· of a peiJestrlan t>8.B'IIIge way in or the pIlst week. • Ball pent one d~"y free dinner Frldny, Among tho e her homein 'Lebanon atter a. visit ful one in -oharge aun pump 8Um· adjoining tbe bridge spanning the MiBB Winonn ,M.lleDonllld was the. Mr. B~rl1 recently with bis frll;lDd Mr. H. E. wuo went were, Ue srS. Franklin of oigb~ or fen days with he~' Idster alent air ln~o tbe last of these mod. . Little Mlami ''1'lver, tbe paBB to be reoent gue'!t of ber friend Mrs. '8rj W1Isol,l. ThOmas, ' Marlon DI'ke. · Marion Mrs. E, Ill, Mill". ern cont.rlvu.nces on ble balloten plLth properly proteoted from apy en· Dnke of Lytle. (')lnrk, W. I): and J . M. fituoy : • Two vtl)uoble horS68 hud the ,the flle!t to huve reoelved attention oroaohments by anlm,ds-or vebloles. In SOpWJt ot this, r only IlBk you Mrs. Ann Welah bas returned ross & llrane 1 011dll~ a cl1r with flesh torn, aDd la'c rtlteli by a vi· has spent. its force and darkned , to oon ..ldsr' the mattn, conditions home nfter a serious operation in Centerville . bIlled ~ratlh on FrldllY. The ware· clous bog on, tl1efu.rm of Mr . Bun. re,gne ~upreme 10 this quarter. e.' the ~rJdKe, enwl.~gerlng life and Olnoinnotl. Her m/lny friends will . -' b \lS~ IS now ~lear of trush for the D1lh Cr '" \1 tl1e Il\tAer part of the Before the sun has gentIl-olosed its limb, especially at nl«ht. ,While I be gl~d to know ~he is gaining rap O",in g to tho ,inClemen~y of the fi r~t time in more t4n,n two m,)oths preceeding \Veek. r/lYs ln rest tbe flrst of Uleee .t-o admit tbat-, 88 far as I know; there idly. " . wellt,b er, gl!ip is '/l6 uin the rllge In exuept for four boles whioh tho car Some few of the wbl1oco growers lIhed itS \lgM haa Irone with has not been e.~:r seriOt18 aooident ft M.n4. FIQyd Anderson and Mis. thi!>! ,'ioinity, would n at bold, 10 thl8 pl1rt of t he b 1\ are b.,lding the departed day to alumber in the bridge, n~ver.the.leas the oon. LouIse Willlon spent Wednesday The rond hll,ve been 80 lined Perry Wade was in our county the oommodity (0. fi.ltby weed) for pe~aeful quiet untIl disturbed ragaln dittOD' 8"11 exist and the dlUlger and Thursday with Doyton friends . wlt,h mayel' 'wtl~on the pust week 8 at WednesdllY. fur~er tldvanoe in prices. Those Bome tl~e, the following' etoy by tb' remains. • Mrs. Marion Ellis spent Reveral thut it made one tbiu·k of the emi· 1'h,e protraoted . meeting ,being of us who ioduJ~e the appetite 'hlnl! "ver trusty h~).Dp lighter. U would On lIlay SO, 1906, I was on eye. days with her Isters MeedluDes ,grlltlon to the '\Va t· in e!\rly times, have beeu atteoded him far enough Ild vanood iii high be a visllSare to' t.ake off oar bats wUn888 to I an occurrenoe in 'he Harrla and Olee,vet.· A great Dumber of ahaillges hnve IVlth sucoeas. QUite il .unmbe qUOt-ntiODS. boW down and worship the cast olf' .bridge, whioh' involved two ladies M.iss .Eva Tuoker hod' Ut! her guest be~~' mnde thiS spring. , ba,·e testified . thfilir ,vt]lingness to We seo there was a death rate In of 1l'8B than a century ago the 0111 aDd I have Dever been able to'ex. on .T uesday Mr, McVey ot Sabina. A nUl.llber of fl)lends and. re!~tives lend /I new lifE!. Though the weath. Zllnesv\11e of twenty six deaths in tin lauterlJ,' w;th Its greasy oandle plaiD how ODII ' of them escaped a Tlie whistle of the fir t train' oan logreeably.auJlprised Georl:fl WIeDer er bus not ",Iwqys been B!! flwornble forty eight houra while five 'thous ~s t\le same wOl)ld-aft'ord so vaet an Ii 'h . . tmprov meot over whitt we pay for seriot18 accident other than by fo~. be heard I.n the .distanoe. Let ~s Jr, and Wife, Wedne dRy' eveI!lng. a It m lIt I:t I ,ye 000 eveDlng the and ' were suffer~ng from grip and now and ht'&vn !t got. If I' would tuitoq& favor or the intervention of arrange to not ",il ride on the d ' Be Itl soon to oomo to Celiterville to /lt tendanc;:e htl! been 1111 that couJd ki~dr\3d - ailment. Thus fur .DO not ~ Ilmi!'ll we ~nll8eet eaoh prop rs lIve mercy. Thl a f o.ot Is prebably the oar. For there will be many others . rensonably be expected. The meet. deaths from the dread maJady he~e erty owner hllDj( II. hmtern in the Immediate r8880 . n why I now ask .. ,_ Ilnd III 8 F d HI ' The Mis es Emml1nnu MellI\. Rill Ings will continue ut least a portioD but ov · ry bome l'll.n furnish tins or trees bQrderlng oaoh Iide at our ~... If . JU.I'. our. re nr an have \l d to St . st,!;'eeta during the tjme wh,n fair we 8 orta of all who are In 0. posl. moved to th V d . were on e . Louis ou ooooont of t.he week . . more to be odcled .t o stntiahool re; Lnna bas otO!led het a~lning eye .. 1'1 e II.n evoorlr property of the" de th f th' j t S ..on to aooomp ..h thlaaotton in due known as "The S rin . .. " 1\ 0 , elr a, s er. be Mr. and MrE!. Lester Kenriok ports. SOble lOU.d..) n form other.. aod lai~ her body down'" reat. time, reprdll!88 'of whether the n ga . will be 1?rought here for burinl. were SundRY ent~rtllioer8 of Mi- gripPQ.d into insen/.llbllity. The Fquaw pony of tl'e ~ooly Mr. liIaao Stout spent ::;u.n.dny Mrs. Sll.elllln Ellio is dllngerousl! Avenlle'ta repal~ed or no~. . . •. . . . \vett hl1s emlgr~t.ed to lihi, ' fairy an ),(rs. PerrY'K~nrlok and dllugh. Already aome peopl~ aFe soour Illnd of ptomise-hot ~ hla&<bent JOHi. ZmiL. with,his porents. ill. d . ling .the ~u)jt ffom garden .ools aJild here has not 'b~ reputation of con· .......,,...-........__...._ ..!-::.'_..;.. . ',? Mr: Edward Rioks spent Sl~turdny· • I'S. J uhn. Kilne is ill with .. grip: ter ~rtJIn. 'of ""0,ynesv1l1e. , It Beel,l1s thilt Allen Emeriak olln't selec~\O~ s~ed fo-r ~be e\l~ly p la~t . .formJng to the alvl1ll1~ , ~ of Oha,JDberltnn 8 Oough ' R~edy ,is night and ~unday n~ the home o f get uJong withont 1\0 outline f~lend G'tlrdener, if your bellrtll be wa.rm, the dQClle alih\1e.1 of our own home Both Agreeable and Efteptlve. Mr. Marshall ~tout. . 'I d . grown. , . Oregonia,. s'l,. Inst Wednesday he Ilnd Stooy ce an snow oa.n do no harm . . , . Chamberlain.'s '. <Jq'u.g h }k.medy baa DO lIupenor for coughcl, ooIds M. A. Jameson, Be J tJ ' " r.a:nb went to Blue BalJ. Il dlsti\noe' Pleaae (lIng without IlPlngllnd wink . • • and oroup" and the ' fllo' 'that it Is Attc:lrney at Law, and n fl rey WIIS In town Bator. of fifteen miles fOil the sole and whe.n you wish to. , ." Found a' Last. . J pl_n, to)ake "n~ cQnlifliDIt nothJustice of the Peace ' dllY, II.VO\Ted purpose.6f seouring tbesuid of abo\ie A; B~~~Aotn·l. ol ~lB8~ore, ..Weat t d '. . , The annUt~l ,,,-.,1' I oha.nge d d ~ere v4.,· says . ....~ uave Ioond · iDg iD an7 way injutlOt18 baa made' T I t hn 11 Le .... anon, Ohio. r e uyor spen • II qr ay IInimo.1. Stt\oy \l~ers that be tied I\. oommenV'l'" n :ue ~on 'an m08~ the perfeot pill that nevpr dlsap' it a favoa;te with mothers M .l '. 'W. "I flna !3uuday with }lome, folks. blue rlb.b,on 'around Us neqk. and on of those ·contel!lPJlltlDg 1\ ahnnge points me i and Jar the benefit ,of 8. Pelham, a merohlUlt of Kirks. Maplewood,' Block, Broadway. Miss Luoile Mason spe:nt Sunduy th ,..on'd home he wonld jerk on ' the are d omloiled and awfnl ,lad of It'l th era, a ml ot.,..,. ~ with wrpld IIvel' ",lIe, low.... ~~ys: : "For . thaD' lIre twenty 18,,1'8 Obam~rlatn 's Cough tbe Mi8ll68' of KingE!' onoe , in to Pnintera ond pf!.per!lrs , , Remedy haa been my' lellding rem- .. , Mills. '. If hlB litt,l e pet Wll8 pn tbe pther rU8I}h:lg'PC?re and dtesah;Jg. the au!ranteed 847 for all t~roo.t troubles It is elJ, K. 8penOe r tra.nsaotud business encl, " old walls in spr.i ng tll;be froob ':lnd Il'red O. 8ctlwartz lnul~at. ' peolally 811ooe88f1l1 iD 0IIII68 of oronp ~""""'" ~ Ohilc1ren Uke It and my oustomera who have used it wil~ not take /llIy _ in HIllsboro Fridl1Y· other." J'or sale by J E Janney
S · M
~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~tm~,1 .
ECZEMA an" niLE d'oTR'r.. . U' r \J 1'.1' ' I<REE Know\~gwhatitwos 'o .auf. fir I wl~l give FREE OFOHARGIltd anv amiated a [ioeit\ve oure fOr EOzem&, 'saU rhe~m. 'erysipelas, pilei!' e.nd ,skin diseases. Inatant relief. DOD 11 sm,:er. longer• .write F. W WILLl4M15, 400 MllIlha.ttan llTenue · York . E'nc]oee stamp. .' N ew s 19 11108 'U '
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near vooated by Jad: Jones and famijy, ; ~l1o.ha"e moved to the lsaao Comp· ,
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Snnday WIth Dr .. and Mu. Krieg '. . half of this plaoe. Mrs. Clvde Bow~'6r. and . Mrs, ' . I Oharles Myers ,were In Lebanon This week we ~ave MondliY· . .' '. . FSi'esl~dOMYlters ~ Mr_ und Mrs. I~ ..'C. Wlllke~son. at:o 0 I easure··No ' Water I' tIl b . ... . ' ___ I ' ·mov Ilg IUto ~ ouse, .w:hloh was ...: Fan~y Cr!lnberries . i . IlnW reo(:lntly owned 'by Mr .. Lon Jumbo Celery . . Corl)ler. . ' 'th.e Best erae~ers ~ . Born, to Mr. al)dMrs. ',Jonn W\l· Sweet F1ori"a Oa:an~e8 .... hums, 11- duugbt~r. · , CaJa Seedless Oranges Mrs. Lorenlli Buhr, formerly Mrs, . MaAlaga GrapeS. . . Breen, has removed to l.ebl1non . . pples-Lemons ___ Miss 8arah dtoddow entertaIned New White Fisll, Herrin" Miss M!uy DUllhie.h., o,r Lab,anon, Cod fish and HaJibut ' Tbursdo.y. . ,Pic)ded Pigs feet and Tripe • - -Ha,ms and Breakfast Bacon ,' ... .... New Burlington.
Cabbage.....Potatoes-OnioDs ___ ,James P eterson Jr. hOB opened II. ,Canne.d Corn new grocery on ,lbo , hotel oorner .. Special Low prices o n . . . . . . . . .,.. Sugar 'C orn by the Dozen ~ .Lea yV llltson Ilnd f!l \Dlly moved Do not Crowd ,be Season. or Caae , : ' into th~ MafIitt praperty on Muln The drat we.rm d~ys of , spring, . ___ 1, X ' Street'1dst ' wee~. ,~ ., " bring with them a desire to get out , New Garden seeds ' . " < . ',, . ; . ..nd enjey the emilillrting ttir and ~ Just Received ' , Dr. ~ess, P.r ostdent. 01. Antlollll' lIuDahtne (lhlldren thji.t have been Buy your 8upply Ear)y Col1e~e will le~ture at the M. E. hot18ed up all winter are brought __,_ " . .... ohurah on 'Thtl1'sdIl-Y evening. Adant anq you wonder' wbere they all .... Sweet Pf.!B Seed in thtl Bulk ,.. , ~is8ion 10c. . . ~e 'from . !.rbe heavy winter alo~J:l' .... .. f . in$ is thrown asld~ ,an~' mllny sbed.... Highest Prices ~aid . , ' ':l'he sllrieS!3 ' ~eetll~gs whioh their fi.lLIlnels Then a oold" wave .-:- ' for Butter and ~g~.' ' hQve been In. progr~s",a.bthe Friends comel! and peqple say, that grip ie 'Charoh alpsea on We~nlesdIlY · epi~O Voids at this season • .re ~ us before you '.: Ing w;lth good results . ,even more dangerous thllfi in mid· . Buy or Sell '. . .' . , .. ."uater, as ..tbere liS muoh more dan. , Mr. and ¥ts. S, G, f",eves h! pi' of pneumonia TIIoke Vhamber. . . d to tb Wi Ba'l b It alwa,. cures, and we have Dever bOWD. cold tq reeult In pneumoD. .... whee it waa U8ed ' It is p]eaeaDt
.ZIMMI;RMANS $ !$ i ~
Order your'D~wspapere and mag : wnel! through the ,Miami liaUltte. We QI1D'ge~' them (or yona~ redu~e'd prices. . . <
Bo1:~lin~ '
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, Mai~h ·20 to '23.
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',. ,Everything that ie brigbiest, newest and' best in Spring Wear for ~
wom!!n;' mi8~es,
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infanta, men aDd young,men, and a Wiile.thoiee In •
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;A-.speciaf feat'~.r.e of'ihe~e Spt'in, Openi!'g 'DaY8 win be our~ :\
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We . cordially invite your atte. , n dante. ·
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8EVE~Ti:i YEAk.
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MrR. •Tllcob Bil le, o f Willlllpgt{lU , spent ·o few dllYs l ece ntly , at tbe A certain , four year year old . h me of her sister, 1Io1rs . T~eodore boy whose bright ~ays make bim .L,..... reuce . F C! I 'JOO b b l O b Id t . P -aches to Largo Congregations •or..,11 e- o> us e at corn. . a greetfavoritellmongt e res en s NEWSY NOTES GATHBRED BY THE GAZETTE'S Mis8 Ubr isti uo Kelley was the at the¥. ~ Church • . Excellent L. Ricks. of his neighborhood, came home r(' con t guest of WliynellVi1l~ friends . For Eaatar Millinery Bee Mrs. U . frow ' Sunday !::Iohool Snnday CORRESPONDENTS IN NEARBY PLAe:ES Mr. li u,i Mrs. Uha rltls Qutton, of 8erlllolll by Mr. Roy Haywood. The majority of the rellden of M. Whlte's Disploy,' morning very Dluoh impreseed by Dnyton, orA vi aitlng .the 'fOrmer's 'he Gazette will remember Roy Don't farret tbe display of Ells. wbat he had heard alid .reported . Lytle. Harveysburg, mother. Baywo.od, sao of Mr. and Mra. N. ter millinery at Miss Linooln's thl&t the les80n was about .the ,kill . We h ea r wedding bells in the dill. B~ywood, who for~nerly oo~duoted SII.turd8Y Mllrob 2S. ing of a little wild boy. Mr. and Mrs. ' Marlon Duks were Many old r oo IS have been put out tunoe. '0 0 you hear~ them? .Gnes9 the botel now k~own lUI the GU8~~n Miss Lllnru. MoKinsey of Lebanon It was not until his pllrents reo trading In the Uem City Friday. . of servioe, drew down tbe fillg of again . Prof. C. L. Smith and Miss E1l7,&. defence II.nd given up the str~g. Mr. James Shoemaker Silent aev. BOUIe, In W.yneavllle, and who s nt Bundll)' with ber pareata in called thut tbe lesson reterred to ~ . Jacob and EBau killing a kid that beth Chandler boarded tbe tlaturday gle, unable to farther combat wltb mOTed from herellix 0, seven years c.;orWlD ,. . th d I ' I '1'1 era.l dl\Ys lust week In Cinolnnati . '11&0 . Mr Bavwood Is new prepar. · they were able to comprehend what afternoon train for Lebanon . e .e UglDg e ements. me was Mr. J obn Tuoker und d' aughter, . . ~th6dlst ~Inlstry, II.nd Mla8 Rb~a Rogen, of Lebanon, was intended. . wh en water ran oft liken to o. goose 's ..... . Inl for the M theolo lcal semIDary spent Satnrday and Sunday with The term kid Is so generally ap Mr. R. B. St. Jo~n waa lIeen out baok, )lut time, and the oonstant Miss Evo, Vlere the. welcom~ guests aHendlnlr a .R her lister, Mrlt. J . O. Car'wright. piled by and to youngsters In this driving Friday, thus taking advan· exposure to submersions, have worn at the Hayner home In Lebanon at Dayton. . U'_ , tage of the fine spring weather. . d tb d f t d Sunda he reaohed at tbe Meth· The Ladles Guild of t;t. --.rys Diadem day that it Is no wonder ., ' their ~ odl es out, a·n e soun a a Ilr ay . . odlIt Ob:rch WliynMvllle at both Uhurch will meet wltb . E. V. tbe little fellow was led Astray In Mr. Ed :lweney bas been viaUing the sbmgler with his hlltohe ~ and The fioods the past' wee~ have 'he morntog and evening servicea Barnhll.rt Thursday afternoon. his deduotions, and after nil he evl· in thlB nelgbbolt'hood fol" leveral new boards, is . heard wi thl~ the been very disastrous; t?ere has been on both QClO&8ionfl bis triads Ibowed Dlalrinotlve 8tyles in Spring mil· dentlp gave mU(lh more thougbt to dll.yll spending . ~l sho~t tlm~ with la~d at every oroslling and In 11.11 no ma ll to speak of Since, Wedne8· day I~st. , ,, .... _ 111"---. In him by coming out I!nery at Miss Lincoln's Satarday the lesllon tban many older persons Wm. H . Duke, W.m. 8 . Oarmony dlr89tlons. ....... ..,._0 , and Allen Emerlclk . id ed b hi f t i 0 in larj(8 aumbers. A' the evening Maroh 23. 4. . As ev en~ y S r equen v B· Dear r eaders, live In hopt8 'hat .rvloe alm08' every leat In the Mr. Lelilio McCune,of Williamson , , , Mr. Jumes Johns and famIly were its to tbe little oottage on the pike, th'3re 1S a hrlgbter day commg, for hOOM wast•• en and In the mO,·n· W~t Virgtnl~, 8pent a day or two Sunday at the Churches. Sunday h08ts to Mr and Mr, F~ank Oharlle Sutton IS another youn g you know we are soon to have a tug & very larie alldlenoo was alia lut week with his Wife at her The protraot,ecl meetings I't this man who does not allow whatever railroad of our own. t mother'" home here. M. E. CHURSOB. Soh I place cl'lsed Sunday ufternoon after avooation be may be pursuing, to PreMD Sunday, Ma.roh 24. uoday 00 t wo weeks of 11 very lIuccessfal revi. interfere with t h e duties inouuibent 'o f IIr. Say·wood'a sermonll Booh New Burlington. • Everything new and up to date at i :30. "Deolslon Day." c.; M: I f were praotical and forooful and In IIprin a mil\lnery.At Mrll. White'a. VII. . Some. Otlrteen young persons on l\. d~tiful son to his muoh beloved h 'h Id ooupled with a n " Robitzet, Superlnt,endent. confessed tbelr faith. May . they and idolized mother. ", all e, -d II W;yS 811 anb~t In MH. Gabom has bee1I quite slok Sermon 10 :30, " Hindrances to "v er have the power ann e;r;erclse It Will Fornshell and family form . Mrs . lbbie Collett, o.r Barveys· exee en, e ve . I"" h · t k t th home of her Salvation, , ! by the pastor . t t tllJ. t th h ' burg was the guest of relatives here 'be mornln was: "With thine In t e pas wee a e 0 oau y au e e ep ey a ve erly of this villuge, now residents , , daughter Mra Nora Billman on Epworth Leagne, (l :SO, topio : "The takenJ h last week . the l'ather'lI .ho1l8e." t' t . Re8urreotlon. " Leader, Prof. Chas, . Lebanon, .were guests at t e paren· Edgar Bur'1ey left Weinesday The eveDing Berman Will on "The 8 ree . Mr. and Mrs. Lllliter Kenrick drove tal hOlOe over Sunday. Willis en· I f W, Vir I I h I'onr 8qnareClty" . MIIIII Evangeline Roanagle, 9f HEOar~y. 7 00 8 b ' t over to Corwin tSunday afternoon gaged In the " sta.ftof life" bustness , ~orn ng te°~ es d th g n a ·w ere n J ..,-un~ tbe.rmoD,IllM Springboro, wall (I.. guelt, of her "TbvoD ngll,seyrmont'" b: t' h u Jt~ ' to see the wreclk of the monster andlastSaturd.ysoldanddelivered e..:xlleo Mos peJn ., eLesummer· . ,.-" I'" B E Hathaway 110 e ev & 888 , Y e pliB or, I tl hi h . _..J .w.r. an d rs. , .,. amt ng en JI:di'h Sh tf' nng 'The Boly OUy' cous n, _re . . . ' T h e pllblio IS heartily Invited to acoma ve w o. .nrnuu over on five hundred loaves of bread to ous· tertuined 8 party of friends a~ their and ,.,... aooompanied on tbe organ few daYI this week. b ' Its side on acoount of undermined tamers at the county seat. High C-t" I , the II. ave serVlces. . sugar camp on .,.. ur"ay even nl. by lila Irma Ellil. Mrs. U. M. ~hlte IDvitee all to traok oooasioned by hIgh water cne waters failed to dlsfignre the L .. & Mrs: A. W. Reeves tl I!pending & IIr. Baywood .llpeote to enter th' call and lee her stock of mlllinery. I:3T. MARY'S OBUROB. day la!!t week. L. tracks and traffic has been unm· few days at tbe home of her son Ohio WMleyaa UnlvenUy nex~ f.n Many new and pleastng des.lplI, Mn rch 24, Sundoy before Easter : AIr . Uhas. Clark Is again seen terrupted to and from the oity from Barry hi Rlohmond, Indiana. Uld far'ber 'panoe h!a ItudltMi. All prl088 oorrect.. Pal.m Sunday ......:,Mornlng Prayer .a nd wlI.l1dng around our village. Be it! whence he drltwa bis lIupplies. ... d ... E W B .. -tr • f " da 1 . • I f I 1 lIlr. an JUrs. . . ra.... ee.o ",boUIteDecl to hIm .HoD y alr1'ee Ilr . GoorgeFllDkey,wholltrave. 'JIerm.>u at 10:30 a . m . j EvenIng recovering Dicey rom ha ong What seeml' l th to bethetrbuble Wil i ' . . m ng t on IIpen't a few d ay • ....'" • hll abUllr and Intiolpate ling fOl the Bart, Bobarfener and Prayer and Bermon at 7 P. m., tlub· .attaok of sloknesl~. . with the artioulation of wise prog· h ' f th I d u hter Mrs Barry brtahtfoture for hm. r.tarx Clothing 09· of Ohl~go, bas ject, "Rls Last Look "-text , tit. Tobacco receiving has being going nosUcators', who, but II. short wh~le HO:l~; la4lte;ee~. g . ' . . oitiaen8 'WeIlt to •• been 'PlatlnR a Ahort v!aU Witb his Mark xl :lI-" And Jesus entered on unabated at the Lytle warehouse ago, were heralding unweloome tid· Alumni Members Not.~. while on hili way from New into .Jernsalem and dinto ':'~e ~ d' uring t~ peat; week. Follo~ng ings of the severest weather during UO';;I~-:!' .WreCk Sunt! Ycwk to Oblcago. ,pIe j and when 8e ha 100&.,.. ronn is the list of buyers who have reo March. They are speechless now, . ,. I ' . ' , Alllrad~," of"", Waynenl11.. Ml'II' Ava MoCallll8'" of West Alex· Ilbou~ upon 11.11 thing!!, 'and DOW celvoM dut:lng tbe paat week and posaiblyentomb8d In their dens en· day" . 11 had·' .. Oft a-boo! are ....., reqae., · andrla . . .lsltedhf raullt,Mn. ", ' Fourteen fami ea " t ' 00 f :raoa B lah.,., Ebriiht eventide wall oome, B e wen t au t the aOlount .reoelved for their reo grossed in tbe labyrlntha a f SClen· . hi .... b eel t th b bf,J 0 ' . . h ,. . f their bomes on aooonn · o g '- meet a... beJIt om.!, ,'7 SO· who llas bela qalte Ill, Satnrd&y Into Bethany WIth t e t:welve'l SpeotlVtl firms : Wm. Urane on' tUio speoula.tlon.on tbe oatoome a watar leat week. ' AltbOllab Dot as Canwrl,bt, ro . ... I ...... a . and Sunday Mrs EbrIght hu bee:l Sunday sohool at 9 :30 a . m. H s Monday of last week 2 QIlrl j Allen tbe onion orop for the:nntlnlng S8&· 1 h tb~l p. m. at the hom~ of E BaUy th~ past Last Week, Holy Week-service & Whlleler on' Tuesday ot .Jalitweek, lion. With bat-ad brea~h, we await hhlgh b;r s~~:ra m~.ea lUI to Come loaded with Idearand 11111· few weeks ' every evening at 7 p. m. 3 oars' 6arrett & Clevenger Wed. their calamitous :"dlsol08ul'ee, slnce t e water more UfOJDage . p. l l ed B al ' 2 carll j Wm J08i1ng Th\ll1l· naught else haa been pred 10ted b y erty .and roads. . . Aid Boo1ety of the M. T his wee ksi oa lei OUI. Tha Ladlell y beCause nesday, . . " . T. B. &0..... ~idrn'. III Church wiabel! to announce tb~,t of the eventllit oommemorates, t~e day, S'oars; Baktn !::Iaturday, 3 oars j their false prophealell; I William Mllle,r of th~ aptl~1f Va~· ADDa ~redUb, 1!eoret&rJ. they h~ ve plaoed tbelr sun. bollDetll llUlt days . and hOUri! of our Lor.d 8 Wm . Crane aga~in Monday of this It i& a marvelous faot hilltory does ley 8ch~011l and Prof. V:a~..WiDklhe ' . for.eao . ---~.- at the home of Mra. Barry .Murray, ear thl y lirA, f r am Bis trhunphal week 3 cars. repeat since· lt iii evidenced by the of our Bohool subltituted d Th nda D.o You 'Want a 81c:yc:~e? lAnd thOle wbo desire to pnrohase entry, I.u to Jeru!IBlale~ . on Palm 1t was the tptentlon at Minor large ~ well as small boy, fouod ot~:h ~:esd~ie a:, ~h' ~ aD advert1aIDI deal the ue reqaestJM to see her. 8u~da7 to Bis oruo'.ilxi.on on Good Ro88 . to move In B. M. mark's prop- "marbeUng" at the Intel'seotion of ne elr ng a. of Wah -a'er Tbro-b ' P h i l Oh 00 on accoun. ...... IUl opportllDl- to ae White's for new Ipring millinery fi'rldll.Y and Bls resllfl'e\:tlon on Eas· er t y' In thl ' • p I aoe, and .or ~ rry mOllt every street and alley throug • G-- ........ .L .__ .. "3 . ter DIlY· Loh sUOOfleding year the W d h f 1 'ed It t . inl f UPI oure a '1I8" hiCh Ift(le bloyole that goode. Uet YOllr order In early f.)r week Is becoming more and more Ii i etaw CO n~rDler: 't a out the vl\1l1ge. Rem s~no; 0 ,.,. caD 1811 to anYODe dllt~rina same ~ur Liter bonnet, so yon will not ob~erved by ohrlstians of every ~o t n, th III :CB in \:..:. pr~pe:d!i •'Fens~?ubb~, Rouno~8 th~ te en· Centerville. at abont,l lrd "" the . regular be,dlllappointed. name. . God Maten the time wh en t ' u "h e tBhe In u e:r ~~I Evers, have retalne.,. e r rims, rice. Can ge' el~her len'lernan'8 Tb f~lends of WiU Stacy, the . . a 0 ange e program, 110 .1M nor unohanged by modern usurpat aD. The heavy rains again ' oanaed P " a . all ohrls~lanB will stand together by moved Into Candaoe's house wblle Thl Is' pallstime not hindered by Of ladr's wheel. well known arobltect, of DI,lYtol,l, th 88 n Good F lday and to. ' s a . Boles Creek to over 1l0w 'ooverln, · , t to lea that he 18 dan· e oro a ~ . Perry staid wllJ.e.r e be ",ae. ThiB rain or mud, aDd the old· time scrap Ih t will re~rel , at hlSrhnome io that olty. gether rejoice at the empty tomb on Ilrrllngeme !lt will lIurely be mOlle and oontentipn ' 80llnds ' 88 faml1la.r acres of land and takln(r w t , Seventy-N Inth t.~lrthday · ieronaly I , Easter morning. O,me, tben , and oonvenlent for 8111 ooncerned, to us now 81 fn tbe haloyon days of fences, logs, eto. It II estimated to u_ J oseph Ohampt on youtb. hfl ave been hlgber tban " baa (or of• Mn • Phoebe Goodell "'The Bellea and Beaux • big min let us not only hear., ,bllt. · tbe .... _r an d -.&S. --.....,....--:-.- st relll Lebanon Opera Souse Friday hlatory of our redemptlOn, All e e h in i. V to I' Id ve years. w r s oPP g n ay n ray. Unprecedented In tbe history of Mr. and Mrs. Abner Roberta of , II~- ud lin. P. Ill. ~ellriok .~d lIvenin Aprll6tb. Sea' eale beginll eervloell open to the pllblio. daatfbter. MteI Bertha, a"eDded a F Ida g I 98 ' m "'al'oh 29 ' • _ • Mr. Clyne Tuylor and mothe'rrt+ol!lr.....1liJt~A.t!Ulw....DJl:um:LAl....lIIjlIIJw=-tJ~!tolUJpeIlLt...l:!I&tI:wI8¥-.&llJd.JIinDday , r V morn nR . .,.. , M A I 'I' I ' h G'':' f~ll)" la&herlll,_a.' Da~ SUDday a' the Broadway. AdmlMlon 35, Traffic kesumed. Clrs . FUDid a ay or, were In teem tionl of our poopl!, who are oontem· with Mr. and Mrs. M~on ' WilUa~~ ill h~or . of 'be 78th bl ....h4ay of tra ohar e for reserved I!eats .. ty ray. plating paint for the exterior of son . lin. Kenrlok'.' mother, lin, Phoebe n.o ex g " Traffio on ·the Pennl!ylvanl~ ·rail Wm. 0 relghton, J. Ber"e Jones houlles the ooming 8ABSOn , while the Mrs. William Elliott is improvtnll The adveDt of IIpring and the gen road was rell.umed ye8terday; tlie Ilnd Ralpb Lewis are busily engag. Interior of many are under coating slowly. Goodell. ' . . ' JIrI. Ooodell!a ItD.~n personalli eral settling. of the we~ther hll8 flrst Bnd exprelll ' being reoelv· ed 'in hauling hl!l.y to market tn MI. of fresh paper and and the Mll9ter Lawrence Pope I~ better '0 IDU)" Naclen ·of thO 6azeUp.; bt:0nght Qut • nnmber ~f auCoOlo· ed over thaLt line slnoe 1aat. Wednes. amlsburg and Day.ton. Tpey. pur. ~ver alII time but not obsolete purl: of his attaok of grip. . , haviDa. U,eel 10 Warren CoIlD'Y : a bllea.. Almost all the .10081 people day. , All trRces of the damage ohalle the hay east .of the Little fler IIm~ white. Abs. Lucy Sunderlaud of Darton iOocl par' or ber U,e. She now fodObllte enough to OWII maohl~e8 eanlled by the flood is being oleared Miami. Frank Shidaker bas IlII a ~ellc of is visiting friends at tbls plaoe. . maIree her bome ·"'t&h her daulh.~, have had them ant for a 'rl~!r:rl: away, but trains from Cinolnnati C. M. Tewell has lately moved "Dart Away , " the renowned bay Mr. and Mrs. Ell Pina eDtertained ' 1 lin, ('~Dborder, In Day too, and II this wook and aever~ throa:h are running consldera'b ly behind lrito J. M. I:3taoy's farm botlllB for. Indian pony. known .to fame In this Mr. and Mra. Wilber Grlest' and " eDjo~1 a p!~ful old ap. lIrs. mlWhlnea ha~e alllO p88I! time. ,• 1merlY oooupled by Samu".l ~olllks .. capital of Massie,. five hundred dol. lion and Walter Hibberd aDd ' wife GoocJeU retalDs bel' mentel and the to~. . Jacob !Aloy, o f Dayton, Intendshars In money, au exceptionably last Sunday. phyeloal viSor to an uBullual degree M~. J'l!if Marlatt and danghter, Notice to Tobac:~~Orowers moving Into his property reoently illuperior Edison PhonoKrapb, witb Ed Harris and wife of' Dayton TI¥I O~y eveD' *<l mar the pleas. MiM Jesale, vialted Mrs. Wlllla~ The Leaf TJbacoo Paokers A8so.1 vacated. by M1:nor 'Ro~: He will an hundred reoords of the most vislt.e(\ bl8 parenta Mr, and ]Ira. F. are or 'he ~Iion 'Was tb~ newe of Elliott, formerly Ml8e Suella Wi olatlon of Ohio bave go~e' to great probably move I~ome time thla week. Iohoice and 0la91110al selectlons.- L. Barris last week. ,be death Ilf 1Ir1. 6C?Odell a IUDd· liamson near Center.v llle Sunday, trouble and rxpenlle to seoure pure M Mft.tlld E l k h t Last. but not leaet; the knowledge W daqbtilr, ~08be1 Nloboll, whioh' Mrs' Elliott has been 8ll~remely t11 Zimmer Spanl8h tobaocoseed I t JrB. to~W mer 0 j N :: welrn of at one time being ·t be proud pOll. '. . .....,.... h f h' th'" . d hil It Is . , as anuliry aymore. e"ras a, I .Middlerun er mo · '. with , brain fev~r a1\ w e whloh t.hey oIJer to to~acco grow. tQ care for ber nnvalld sillter seems sessor of this mongrel, bronk, ndlan ' OOOQrr_ a ..... ome 0 ~r, lira. ",r,lo.ioboll to, hoped D0:W ~hat she il out of ~nKer ers absolutely ' free. . .0 enjoy life thoroughly I'n that Iquaw and wooly westerner .. ~rank Mr. and Mrs. Lewt8 Stibbe are · l'eIu1. .ee. , The lIymplltby of Ml'II. her return to complete health · will 'l.'bls Is guaranteed to be jUllt we starn State. All frieutls ' and lB rejoloing ave!' thll . relaxation of spending a few days with relatives Ntohola ~kl triad.1 In Ohio wlll . go n~rily ~ very slow. what we say It Is and the. objec~ of neighbors are glad to heRr It, for ~rm mQ8Cle, whiob lame was quite In Lebanon and Hamilton. 011& to ber·ln her be~vement, . . • - • the 1\88oolatio~ is to encourage when sbe left It was contrary to paralyzed trom the oonstant strll.ln, Miss Ninl\ Soott IIpeni. SllDday ,, Entertained for farmers to grow only ,the pare expectations. Mre. Emeriok will holding the galding ribbons when· afternoon .wIth Miss Ethe} Penne. Death'. Work Mr. Haywood. tobaooo. llrobably returI. in April; ever Dart wI's put upon the traok. witt . . , . " , I have of this 8eed on M d M B MaGI If an electrlo ourrent shoald fail to Mr. W ... , Bartaook w.... .home TIie bod;r of Jobn Selns for many . f i h ' Uh t r . an n. arry nnls . bi Id f th 0 d .... 1tan • realdent of " hlll vloinlty" Mill8. Edith t;bote .entertalned at hand urn s It w ~u were calling 0111 George Soott and 9vertake t 8 pro~1 ~ Oft era 'Sunday. ' . applr· M ' d' i h ' wife on SU1\4ay eveDlng. then may wefPre 0 ~ :b:'~U~~' . Mr. and Mrs,. OhrlB I:!ellman spent . . .... br~aght ~IbDon on the D. L lIix o'oiook~dlnner FJatur!1ay .evenlng COlt to all \·,.' ,,1'- '~'. .• . ~. . 11 t to M . R Bay.vood tlam ere t . ' known .to pro eS80rll a . ith 11 C y. D""'''" .t'; +9. ,Bi B.~~711!0"'h1g, from Inoompmen . r . .oy . . .. Mr. and Ml'l!. Albert Staoy and ThIB leoeofh~rl!eflesli. wQnderwa8' Sun~yw . r. are . ~e ,. : , - '. ;:Aia.....&j .~eeitl' he had died. . of Uayton, MI88es 0a1'C;l1yn and Editb Waynesville Boy Elec:ted ' family Tillited ·M r. and Mrs. Roy not :he noted OrW!lU8, but "-'Uhout ~ISIl ElSl~ Hartsock ente~ne<\ · 'Mr, ~,.,... tbe. father of lira. M'neh~r, MeM.... ~arl~ Carey, Editor' of College Paper Earnhart tlnnwlY· a er stood foreolost Sn the gri8V. Friday eve~mgseve.ralofh.r fn~nds BoU& l'blllipi. or •....nor and 1he George FUnkey and W . J. Kllbcm. The Ladles' Aid Soolety of the pe.... . a party I.n the honor of her ~h. ," - 'l" l/': . 0\18 Oa!IB· h b' hd Th Din DOCI~. "" "'k~ 10 bpr-bome. The Columbus DlslJ8toh, of ~'3D- Methodls' ohuroh III preparing to . . teent Irt ay. e eve I was '~-~ wQl' be held a' In Apprec:latIQn. . day, leported a new honor that had lend a large bllll of canned trmt to (From another oOfreaPQndent.) . well spont and everrbody ~eparted O'. . .Ue, We Wedll8ildar morn I.oome ' to ODe of the Wa11leevtlle th~ Methodls' Hospital a' ClDoln. Mr: John JobetranllaotedbuslneM at a late h~ur. All declaruw they ... ~ ,.termea' will .... place a' w~ want to return ~b tQ -'hit colony of college Itudents. Fred nati, All 40na,tlonl of fralt will be ill'xenla Saturday. ' . had a fin~ tIme. Fred Barnard • . t . '......bIIo. Bnain"" lIell'" Leattue of W.,Dee- Oaateyof 'he Ohio SateUDlvenity thankfn1l7 l'Melved. .Pleue leave 14 Mlidred £qle lpent seTera1 Mr. an .¥ra. .aPeD ! ,. vtl1~ for their khlelDa. in l1"Vln'lIIlbu beeD elected SporUDlif Ediklr a'lIn. Wm. 'C'ole~'e as 10011 ,.1 da7:"~th her daughter, Mrs.' Wm. Sunday WIth Freman Smi~ . ~d for H.~cblnl· til. Gilt prt_.a a reward for 001' or the l1li010, a oollege pa~r. poetlble, as Ie 'he IDtentloll to Wright of Wilmington, family. D i'l Co -' f t .Pate 1IaInd Pl,M01ItJr Book, &00. wel1 tept bOllle,eapeoIall)" ~be Oha~"IMr. Outey ~e wltbin elah' ~Dd thre ~~_ elth~theflnla~rr IIr ~rank WilBon w~ JD LebanOD SUn~ wi~~aco:S:ott J'f 11. DUe'- batt J'arm, W.,- maD eI the 00IIlDll'.... ' . ~_ of beiDll eJected MaIl8lllD. ~rt 0 tlUll or..... 0 • QIdo. PboDe 1O-6X· ~1 111'. u411n. .1. . . Kerrtok. autor of the paper. . IIoDda1· 11. ,
The BoY' and the Kid
Promising Young Man I PERSONAL AND and Furmer Resident LOCAL ITEMS
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LIttle Girl'. Obstlnste Cale of Eczem. -Mothor SaYI: ' "Cu~loura Rem. diu. ' Houlehold Standby." "Last yes'r l aftor ba\'lns my little «\rl trentod by a v 'ry Ill'omlnont I)hyslclan, for nn ohsUnntu cuso 01 eatenla, I r esorted to tbe Cutlcurll R!:'m edles, and waB BO w ell pl ease d with the olmost InstantanQous r eUot afford ed that we discarded tllo J)bY81, clan's prescription and r elied cll Lir Iy oa Lho Cllt!cura Soap, t ullcum OlnL' ment. and CuUcura Pills, Wh en we comm ellte d wltb tho Cu!lco rn R em . dies b el' f ee t aul rllOlbs were covered wIth runnIng sores. In abollt six w eeks we bad hor compl otoly w II, and th ere ba s been n o r ecurren co of tbe t;-cubl e, We find that the Cull· cllra U omedles are a valuable h ou!!e, h old stRndby, 1I ... lng as we do, twell'e m lle3 trom a doctor, o.nd where It costs f rom twen t y to lw nt y ·llvo dol· lars to com up 00 the moull ta ln, Mrs. Lizzie Vincent Thomn s, F all" mount, Walden's Rld&e, Tenn" Ot:t.
1o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J Wbeo two women are I>It \loll over I wln kll l\!; Ii ncl hN' lIn\('. fM t he fi rs l t l llle In he!' IIr~'. u '1l1l cl. nl('ok HIli :lnd one la ularrlod nnd th " Ill r Is 11;': lI re wit II tI \I \\'II t' lis ~ t'Y'1; amI l"hl',1 n t.. 'UWy In"arlably !~Ik r t \\'o thlh ~9 hnlltl ~, - dro',,!! nud 80r\'Dn1.s. n lt t wh ell Ihu " l1 o w's Ihr.t1" sh c' a ' kort, IhrOIl;,th 11 lI ~ht has waned, and tb !:' 1; 1011' f th e . ca ~ "a ,le (,r dlll t'kl!'8. 'Arl' )'11 11 CN' Ore mls tile curn ra Or, Ul l' rl 'OIll willi I, In "0111 (,1111 ' , I" lilY ur l 'alhlns" And dancin g sbatl ow8, ('I'{'II drc'SH lind 010 .' :U II th ink f.t 111:11101'11 r I ullu" 8c rvllnt8 IlI'C l oft.. and til'" cO Il " l' rsuLiou t' w)ry IHl W 01111 Ih l' l "~" IIl 9urloIJly t.Ul'U!!- to th(' otlJ r J;r{'nt I. " (' 'rloln. 'l'ht' ,1I1I ~t "~ ,, y ~h' h~ r I>t o<!k HtlhJllllt: mall, thl' Ilr(l In tbls 1I1m lI;.:ht " III I~, ake "Of COUI";C: f didn't <loll to bl' l any hllllk l lll; ~(' til 1111111' lJ U ll1rul. thank{'t!: but t hink you ml);ht lIun' " Enid "- ~;\'a l ook ed .down wl tll ~ud lllurmured Uillo word "f !:TaU I lWI' rl(l n ly <'tl rtl ,'at t' ," 's- " ir u"cl'yt hillS 1.0 Ill!! for MRlos I\Ir. Curr down. work \\' l'll :-'O U II hall eh ,,~( \\'h fi\ 1l\ClIn, ordinary IIO lIl(\nC'~~ r l'llulrC8 l'Yllr you ilkI' f!'OllI my WCll ll.l nl,; y r t's: slim oUC'nUou o" cn '\'{I 11l ~· o u . " t'nt s. . . . · ~ · s'H h ! 1' \t ('I'c I! 1 l'dd~ ";va iooked UtI ll t Mrs. Clullo n from ut th e dOllr. I knuw It by tbe W8)' a dc p doll of bot ooa l which h ar\ I'N'n UI' (' I ulclll'~ thtl 1!lIlIdl!'." ror med bctw cCll the \Ja rs , " Thank "('ll Il\lnut ('~ In l r . allel' 1\Irs. Cl u! · you." she lIol ll ; aud U\ ll. UUII!'II. " ror tOil had 'Iu l,'Ity 1c~, 1 \h C Oil" r sutlnn nolhl"li"." rrolll com ic 0POI'U :0 tobut' 0, tram to· M n;. GluLtou was on e o( lhoBI.' l ong, Iweco to 1':" 1\. li nd from th,'l young sllghL. ti r ed Wllmoo wh o IIlwuys d re s woma n I tho nl'W port rait of h r to per fcction. are n over ruffi ed, nover abovo tllo book 'aHe , 6b ask d d lll'er nt, who arl' able to hurry while T ell d)' to exouse b r wllil e aIle w ont . DJ)(lt!llrlng to dnwdlc, to bo oxc dIng· t o l oo lt f l' her IIl11l' Irlc ud. a nd Iy annoyed wltlulut tho IOR8l appar, lert tb e rOOIn. T ed dy had hl ~ c nt ell'ur l.. to lauj:h h earUly without back to tbo pl ctnro as lhe door mllkl n~ II sound. and to talk wllh closed ; lJut In tbo look l n g·gl oss O\'er gT at nnhllaUon, wllllouL lu uny way tbo fh"e ll illte b e wa ~ llmazod 10 dh,;tllrhl ns tho undlllulinb. v olvuty see a bandk reble f nuller bust\ly up drawl willI whl h lIle)' ar 1l0 I'U . to the I llcture's nos~, an d nutter us "You might l.a lk to 000 from now till bastlly lJack a!:uln- RUl uzeu , InUnltely the D1lcl Ll le of noxt woo1< ," sh e said,' , worrlc d, and f ull of wOl1(ler . . "and then you oouldn't convlllCO m~ Durin g tho nl'8t quartc r of an hour, thu t you al'o nol gl ael tbllt b e Is berll. he slood with bl s bllek to h er. sa1.' A Jall l:h s(ll'tlng Ilcro~s Eva's [ace, Ing lit h el' In Iho look lug g l ass. I,'rom to IJc Illstanll)' hunted 8\\'ny by a sigh. tile orner of b r eyc, E,'11 watcbed "lily Il car Enid, I ha\' u'l the fnlntcs L hint w i t h II kind of tlnslim; amus edOtitro to prove thllt . l 11m not hope- men t. hnlll u sel y flatlert:'d at tbe l eBs1y lu l ove wllh him. UnCorltwale· thollgh t that even In tLt o presence of Jy It Is k n o\\' n to ovorybody In tbls hoI' I.orl l'al t- a Ill or o tlt lng of 0\18worltl XClolit tbo Ulun blmsolf. And ho shollid sl ill b IJnsh f ul anti dllll. tbo absu rdity of tho wbole thlngtlenl.. The slrength of bl ~ Jove mUill . lhe thin g (JlAt makes 000 fe .\ like balf a to nmto. Otl a gridiron- Is tbat bo' s just os much tn 10\'0 wltb m e as 1 nm wi t h, It I m. and thllt's Il VOl')' brent /Jeul Ind eed ,"" I don't see wbore thc absurtllty com cs In. If )'ou aro both hI lovo as much as all that. why don't you mar· TY 111m ?" Hnlt·traglcall.... baH-comlcnlly. whollY In the mannl>:O-so far a8 we eun g nesil -or (I Ilol,ubUlt angel: Evn 8prans to b or r L. and ftlDJ,'1ng her collection of c:usblons (ar nnd wldo, commenced dal;blng about tbo room. greatly to Ita danger, Don't t " Marry him! marry hlml wa nt to m any him? Isn't it my ono ambItion in Ufo to becomo the wife of this si lly, tOOUsb. tlruld. ,wretch? It·s all tine for you to sll thore and 8ay UJOSO clljl)'.,t ~naano thIngs; but 1 can't run aWn".<,w.Jth (, til e man, can I? I can't buy a toy pistol. meet th'e poor tlear In a. dark palsage lind shriek, 'Marry me, or you dlo!' ·can [1 I Can't t:haso him Into a conservatory. flop Ol! my kneoil, and cry, 'Teddy, I love you "Ohl" She Cried Aloud, Suddenly. wltb a love tbat ls almost Indiscreet; be, ob, bo my busbllnd: cnn J. can I. be enOrlllOus'! In a moment or two, can [1" Eva OIlught ono of the cusb· she argued, he woulll I'eallze thnt slle Ion. a beautiful kIck. and IIcnl It Dy· was morely a pl oluro, and como and Ing agtllnst a. wbatnot. stand underDQat h ber to examine "Not vel'y well," ~Id M.... lutlJon. more closely tbl ' wonderful IIdellty " lIl1t shall I 1.011 you wbat YOU can of the l)Ortralt, the exq uisite stull of l.nel will do'" tho al'Usl; ,a nd then, knowIng tbat " Wbat!" cried Eva. eagerly. sbe could Do t bear any tilIng bo eald, "Sm30lh my preclons cblna If you ho \l'ould utter 11101111 .all those burn· kIck cu shloll.8 about like ·thaL . , . Ing word s b o bnt! bollled Ull 80 lOllS. ThB 1)OInt Is. have )' ou given him any In a lUomeut or two . , . encouragement''' ' . l~oe llng hot all o,·cr. Itls d ellse bead f~va. laughod tbo Inugh or theator In a whirl, cerlaln only that I!lva Roorn, "Encouragement? Why, my bad sot Inlo the III t ure In order to ctoar JlJnld. 'I bave dono evcr)' thlng a make a fool of him. T edd y sat down nlcel ·brought·up girl ought to do. tn tho obalr by t he Ore to try to and ,11 r;ood'deal thut sbe oughtu't, trausform tbe ohaoK of biB brain Into lJurlug'.,but ~mo. a mattor or per· something apllroacblng order. hailS a minute and ,3 During the nex t hour Itc ' r emaln!ld 'Iulton bad boon. Ullnklug hard. al· mOUOtllU>lB, not looklns once In tho thotlbotl it wouid hove been I DIPOstdhlo dlroction of the pi ct ure. To him, tbe to guoss It from tbe placid IItnte o f hour was a mlnu w , T o her . sllLlng ' 11 er fealurCB. In the Bame aLtitude, ' hard I)' breatb· ··j<;vn." sho sllid fiUlllly. "have you Ins. hanlly thluklnl;\'. gell ing worll and over noticed t.hat lllclllre palntcd on mur' hungr y, tbe hOllr seemed a t.hc JlIInel over tho bookcuse, Of. a gIrl w eek, a y ear, ltn el(,rnlty. Sbe made IiIUlllg on an armohalr with her e )'~s Ill) ' h er mlnll tbaL whl'n he did tblnk (,.II~t down, aud with ber hands folded uloud suo would !lUIlI' lier / In nWHkly Oil hoI' IlIp?" . his faco Ilnd tl.'l1 blm, In ijcaldlng, bit· "No:' saId ,lllVIl. "and Ir I .had. what tCl' wortls. tbat Ilbo 1~ lItb c d him, aud nn carth hils tsbe to do wIth my hor· 'lhat s(loncr tban marry hjm IIbe rid problt'lu!" ""oult! {1I0 1.1 tbousand deaths. I Al I'S, Clutton undulated on : "The "Ovod sradoua! There go('s Lbe figure or UlO girl works on a hluge. gouS for dlune r! ' Ob, bow awful. how and oDlcUmes wh eD Iny husband hud borriulo! Wbut will lbey lblnk~ , , . j;ul inlO a 'boyish Bcrullc l\IId wanled Idlo l,! Creutu~e! \Vb)" . . wby .. , .0 11eur wLtut hi s ruth er r;ald nbout It Oh!" sbe cried aloud suddenly. for· to hjs lllo lhe~, he uf\Ou to gut bls goWnS everything uuder the luDu· stster to pull th e plclure bac k, nnd ellce of cruUlI". "Ob. ob! " i'i\ in Ule glrl's 1.laCIl to I'ellort t.o T eddy sprllng IIC' ''OS S t he room. \11m what weuL on. A dls!\Ooorablo and ' "\\~ huL's til e muller '! What's the I' P~y fascf rul.Ung proceedl nl:. A cbal r matter?" 1Y!W ' ll lnced behlnel Ih(' IIlclurc lu tile De'speralely c.once rned. T I.'I1 {ly stood next room~' lbe floor which III OIl l\ upon a e1mlr. lifted I';vll ~own from IIn'el wiLh Il. and In thi s kind nr light tho plcLlIl:c wltb Lbo hugo gcntleuess it was ItlIPo s ~llJ l o to t ell tilt; dlO' r enee ot a slx· fool'tbl'ce mao. )1lacod bel' hI' ! We' n tbe r . aJ l\lId the un r£':;>1 girl. tendcrb·· III fl chair. alld kn ell ut h!.'r . . . Now, don't you til I ,,1>- " f o t. H oI' ('Yef! were c1oflod. He " Th ink ! Tblnk! " , cried l';vu. en ... · was ccrtain sh(l was . d ying. " Eva, ,.rl llg the perllll\nCltLl y cl\tl eL ./Ill's. my little dar llll !;, opon YO'lr ~ yes ! Clllttl'n wllb kj980S. " I shitultl I hi uk Wit me. the lIla.n who IO V '8 you Dloru 1 do Ih i ole Ob, · I ~·nfd. YOII I'lIglll ('er! t han all th(' worlll." Ills grammar You ;vnn~ m c to F cL InLo Lh o )lltlul'f'; ut'cam o Mltak~' , h is beul't stouo, his rO ll \Vunl to lo ri n!; '[ed el.l· It · r() to sell br aLhi ng cyc lonIc;. "lJ:vn. m y bW eo t, IlI V II 'W I JoOrtrail; you WlIlll to . l eave h eUl't,' l\I~' belvved. look at m e, It , hl'l ll to Blty to 010 on a IHlnel ' what OUll' for ;l mom ont. ond t oll DI ll b t' fore he darc n't I!ay 19 lue I" Lbu flesh; )'01; 'dlt' that you will b" II1Y wi fe." th Cll. I\'I1('u al last h e erl Oij: 'Oll. Of course, wiLli tbe c hnll Jic of POdarlln~, lOy heUllII rll.1 plqunnt, lillie slUon tbe erUml) had gontl. uDd Elva ' ''eo uty, , lon' )'ou :;(1, tr only I conlt! knew t bat Lhose symptollls ....ero !\CNW UII roll ~IlI>C to a.'\k YOII W be IllJ snarus. ,Sbf' ~at up c oldly. "I have wife! ' !lOll wanl me to Sll)' : 'Ttddy. no 'illtllnlioll o[ dying." allo salJ1 ; "aud y O'1 111f:111 L r ' llI dying til be. ~' our of ·COIIl'se I wll'l be )'our wi f e. BUl I tltllI it rOil ur' the most Ilbj cL per· "I' lre: " "How wond rrull), weIJ- -, I>on It has c"er beea wy mlstortune Rerore fliT'tJ. CIMUon cuuld ..:et /lny. to meel. . . . Yes, \If course 1 love (unher Eva moltntlld u!JOb tho book· you. deuI'osL Teddy; but ~l.Jnk. tblnk e&IK', liMo 11U,r.bCd back tbe Illlnel, bad wha~ Yl'u have made me Butrer. The (!Alight liP Il cbalr from a 4:'llrnlll' of gong haa run, ·und YOIl dun't know, ~_ _.:....._ _.....__ little room wIlleb llOuld JIIIIL be neyer will kllOW, ho'lt' f~lght.:ully hu· .,.D thl'UUg\1 t1lQ Iq)ellllrc, 'lind 10 a gry I au .. " a· g-Iowlng firo In Iltt hroaLi clll .v llght,
fi r
Our Wee)"y Chat With Dame Fashion
Ca.l.d by Fem.le D1.~rdera ~.d Ounel .., Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable COID~ A groat mony woruen !luffer with • f orm o f IndlgesLlon or dy p';'psia whia Llotlsnot seem t.oyiold \.O llrd lJln.ry trY'" m nt. Wbillj Lho symptoms 800m tobe si milar to thOSll of ())'diDl\ry lDdlgat lon. yeL the lDlldl oin611 UU!\· I'1lnlly pre/!Crib d 00 Dot scem t.o restaTe the p-.. Lic DL's Dorwl\J (!oadil.ion.
13. 1905," Ladle'" Privilege In t;eap Yea~. Tllo latlles' I!lRP y Ilr Jlrlvl\es took Ita ori gin In the (allowing mnnner: By an ancIent act ot the SeoW sh parliament, I>II9 S d about the year U28, It was "ordonlt that during ye ,rel~ of her malst bleBsl t majestie, M:srgaget Ilka malden l udee, of bullb hlgb and lowe estalt. shl1l1 ha IIborUe to speak ye mlln she likes, Ole h e I'e· fuses to tak hlr to b e ITls wyr, Itt! Bcbal be mulct In the S UIll ot une bunllrldty pundle. or I ss, all his ostalt may be. except alld alwal s, glf h can make It appeare t bat be lis bot roth ll to anlther woman, then be ' sclJal be treB."
Mrs. Plnl(hllm olalms th.' there . . . Idnd of cly Rpepsla thllt is caused by.
l1ertlDgomeDL of thu temalo orglLntu.. IInti wllich. wblle }t cnuses .. dlsturlto onCil si mllal' to ordinary IndJgtllltioa" cl1unoL be r elieved witbotl' a medllllD. wh ich Dot only aels u.s Bstomach tonto. but bal! B peculiar tmdc e1J'eot De the ,.. lilA 10 orl:'lloni slD, As proof of tbl!! theory we eall att~ntit)n to tho case ot Nrs, Manl. Wrig ht. Broolt1yn, N, Y." \Tho w. . campi ·tely cured hy Lydll~ E. Pinkh,, \U's Vr.gct~ble Cotnpound afterevel'J'lhing clse bad failed. Sho wrltce: "For t..,o yCft1'!l I 8ttffend with d~ In Ita Latest Aspects, Thore " more Catarrh 10 tbl ••eotlon of tb~""'.U7 tbln a lt ulbe r4 1" .lIe. PUl t.ocetbe r. alld unti l th., aus \~h t ..h so dOl:!ln8rulal ilie unUre 8161cin -t.bA& I " WI ulIobk.-to Iltl.l!ud to my dally dutltJ&. I l ew J care W'U IUPPO&fId tolMllD curabl e. F ur a are., The bntll or tb e drcssmakers a \' r bautl dlij8 PIJeart',1 UnClf'r ·tb . cross d 111&117 1 0an d uewn TlrODOQD c:e d h al0C111 dbu ft .ad (ot t .....", IlOO mln ·\llu•• lIml nothiDg~l. Ihe I'I\'al lllprlts ot l bo emilII'll, til II lilts or l h jlel r lne, ens l,'ul'd by bill fo~~C:~~~~fu:~"~~'1~'nl~~~blo::~:~~~~c~:~~~~ tnsted goo<l 811\1 It coused n Jilsturhiuwelo., ,toll1Jlcb. I trloo dllferent d1"(Mlp8lA ~ Dlr cl aire, or t h e p r lll.cess sl~' l es has vl'll'l·t buttons. Til sba flCld CR1) or k teaefl bu pmyei Oahrrh L... be . ~ lo.lU.U"OU.hU .. I>ut notblng I;OODlIll1 to belp mo. I..,.. MI' >lulled , as such bolt! II ofl'u t!o, In Jl l erlne rol,l s were In clo t h. wltb a :t:t:,.~~~:::tu~o~~~~!~,:,:~~~I!~'~~D~.~~~~;~~ ,'Is..' to Rive l.ydln E. Plllk.~'t V4lS'tltable .• T " letJl), Obit). h tb ooul, Cl"l'n lt lluLtonal C\lro OD Compouna a tri(ll, Ilnd WI\II IlIIl)pUy BUrprJM neh urm y wllhdraw ~lng wltlt l n Its .lin ' or bl'a ld b t weon. th ll Y wer lin· .Cb tbe mark'et. 1L II taken IQuullally to dune from 1 to On tIInt it 8 tcil Ilk a tine tOlllo. nnd in. llord'rs. wh ere It reIgn s supremo anll Ish ed In f ro nt w ll h t ul'tlc t!·iJn ck tabs ~~':.~C:u':~b~i~!:aot !~:!~~~~::.C'!lb~~ 1~;O~I= (!'wdllY. I ~,gtLn to njoy nntl p""I!'IrlydlRtllll fo llow s Its ow n b nL Th ' p ri ncess fa!<tencd ul' " cl vet buttons, anti tile), bUDdl t"Q do n.,.. for an, ea _. tt fill'" \() cure. 6aA4 Iny food. My 1'0(.-0-' r~ ' '"'!II hllld, iwtl: .. (or clrculan aa d te' I i11Ionhlh. robe hilS !llllI m an y f li ow I't!, 1m IL W I' fin' w ka t ",..,,, well '~C)mlln. I hflvII ' lit " ery low bOl h 10 fl'out amI Add,.", 1". J . \l 11f:NEY ,t: CO" TOIc4o, 01110. omolandud I, \0 m&nY-.,.urO!'iu4rWOOlen,caum)l b e IIenled U. :tI t, ven 011 n il b h iuel to sho w n waistcoat of till' r~ bfi~~V~~,'~ti\o tor.con,lIpattOAo No other medlcln In the ",url'd h_ ImlJeclIulc' figure :md c ut b~' a ma ster g l'ey ,',1\' t ombroltl I' II In gold and received sllch wlo csprcod and nnquanh and, the pl'lnces 8 rob has a hard, allvl'r th ren t!. This also wos Cllt l ow Do not walt for exL!'llordlnary clr, lI"d cndorsement or bAS /luch a TeCOr4 tit!' rroct Lhat It! d"! pleIl S lo~ to an II tOl'e nnd hehjnd 0" r II h CIl1I ~ U e cumstances to do good a lions ; lry to of O\1T't'S or femnle troublll6. as bas Lydla llesLh ti c oy o. h'u r mu re gracoful ar of tu r ked lawn . with n doubl kilt d use ordinary· alluall on 8.-Rlchter, E. Pillkbam's Vcg lnble CompoaDd. t h long. sweepl ns IInc>; of tho modi· fr ill, Ilk t 1m Oil I hI' shir ts 01 t h (' /l od ' mllir or dlreclolr strl :; wh l h . d andl es or n far·ot!' g'lIl(,r£llion, whlcb \\'hll l' d finlo g the b auly of t he fig· odo r n d the front. 'fh cloth Ibo\\' u re, y ot lell " e som eth ing to tlte 1m· 81 ves I: p ato,l tbo arrang mdll L o( IIglnnllon. wlli ch Is th e secret of suc, Ihe origInal bodice, wll h lJulto ned cess In 'very nrL. tabs abovo th e l uce rdlJ s. u nci a culT A des crl l)tion of one ot Lil es o f e.mbrol der (\ vel vet. belo w. gowllS Beell dl sJllayed In one o( Llle Ono of the most ohl'loll foels of prlnclplIl ~ to re8 Is worthy of a placo Cashion Ihl s rear Is tho po p lllurll~' 1 It re. The material 011 the dress wns of lhe lIlt' ··'lu artl.' r conI. In v ry of v ery 1I11e drape SOUIlI\!. or saUn IIhOI) Wlndo o;y or the big stor es It al· clolb. In 111 l ovely maU90 1!1lUd o 'hll' l ngly str lehes Its l ength, and I !mown as "elepbant" grey. whltlli I s doub~ not lbut It will find Ita I)nrcha~. so lUuch ' to the fore thJs Beason ror rs by III hundreds. It ~ (lP a rs In tbose who apprecIate qul el lan es. Tb e tweod, In elotb, in velve f, and Is ollke skirt was Quit e 1)laln OXCeilt for Ii tound quite Ught tltLlug. or Ugbt fit, band o[ cloth above t he h em, whIch ling at the bl\ck nnd ~eml·flttIIlg In tbe L~UI:naiIDlrl . was Cllt I nlo mitred t.abs, tlil/ed' with fl'on t . · elepbnnt gro)' velvet, each tab being V elvets Rnd velveteens are, w n doraed with a fla t button of tbe know , lO rei g n ' Kupremo thi s wlnler, sant v elvet. III fronl the normal and cbllrmln g wolsls anel ulouses will . i I~ plnce or lhe wai st wa~ Ulnrke(1 by th o h nlndo of tbese b autiflll fabrics. (Joluted walst·band olf v elvet. mueh A n IV kind of vell'et, Soft of I!urfnc' FISH IN NEW PLACE8. braided with fl fine old·fasbloned nOI'· as chilTon , but as firm or texture as CUAK row sil k braid In Ule Ilnmo eo lol'; buL Genoa \'e lvot, Is amongst tb e n ew au· Wild Duck. Found to BBir FI.h Egg. thc wa l st·band unrrowed at each sillo, tumnlll pos sibilities of tho w enlthy, Rea!!), to Hatch, and I'OsO high Ilt th e back . where l h ol hilt tor tho more fru glll, veh'eteoo I. qulckl, flllnesl> or the skll't flow d out III ha BIOlnhl y, uss(lnted a very Bo ft and A correspondent trom BalD wrote ID ClI... R.II" 0tIce. g rucerul folds. anti w:bel'o the waist- SlIlll}1 surrace. our June Issue elpresslnG hili mysti-
. lbe
, Onr DlrIJ filII'
lbe Kln~ YOII Ha,~ AIwa~ Bo~t A Positive
Ely's Cream Balm aile.....,.
fication as to how small Dah come to In Inclosed waters. A naturalillt .Ul:gests an explanlltlon. He says: "If tbe wild ducks . OLc., of Morocco are similar. to those elsewhere tbere I. no mystery. For some years tbere was open·mouthed wonder as ·to how pereb, bream and crayOsh could get Into newly cut dams near the lobe, quarle rIver In Ne'lt' South Wales. "In some cases the water hall hordly aeLUed atter tbe rain bad Oiled tbe dam than tbe fish were observed. and the farmers started a large theory of .pontaDeou. produeUon. '. "This obtaIned till a Sydney profes· eor chanced to pIck ' up a wild duck and found ItB breast feathers and webbed feet well dotted willi terUle and almosL hatched fisb -ova, on whlcb tho 'spontaneous production' theory ' waa promptly wltbdrawn."., Cham, bers' Journal
For the Economical Woman of Fashion Tlte Orst Ihlng toJ att lid to In pl'l.... h mad rtf pal e pInk zenulI ll . wHh . allpllqltea or lace Ulreo(led ' Ihrough cl euuhtb and fr sh enlng of t he dt'ceses wllh bluck v elvot ribbon . whtle a o( last wluter luaL W(!r e judseel gaud second COil Iii be made of vlyellll, enough to IlUek away In the spring, which will not shrink wh n wasbed . and the rl yelng of lhe light gownM thnt In . tho matle r or col!l'l lre. tho h esdll have' raded with the )lu st summer's of tbe fo shlonnble WOOl en Ill'e s UII sun. Fa shion chan ges so quICkl )' that vllnnlns ov er with curls" relll or arti· 'it Is ~Iorl.l economical to have lig ht ficlal, As 10 which ,they IIro scems frocks tllrned Into a colo I' suitable or li l lie consegu lice. for eVE\ry b ea tl for .w earlng out In wlnler Ulan to In)' 1s plied wl.h curls In more or l es8 un' lhem by (or next summer, wh qn tbey e xpected pillces not aJwoys entirely will ue as likely as not too delllOlles log i cal; bllt what Is logIc tn UIO face to bOowOI'n. If the lInllllg Is r e movable, of fasblon? . In mlilln et·y, osLrlcb f eath.ers figu ,e largely fOI' trimming decoration, and the f eathers g row hourly almost In "'llllh and buill- and price; the must Ilrodlga l atrle of millInery s ho\\'lng a monillE'r specimen In green OD a tucked or slllehed sll1< f$hape. T-o Quote an authority: " Fashion has gone fairly mat! on furs"; at all thc gl'eat ' holl ses one sees other gar, m ents pu shed otit of tile way to mako flll'thel' space (or Iho disiliay of sableB and sea l sklml. .crmln es and earaettls. cants small and ,,'In nome, and coato long and iUXltrl<llts. One WOUld think ' fl'om th ese lu st we wo re going to have im AI'etlo wlnler, till anI) r emembeted Ihat I t is the motor. wi l b tIs \v.hl7. throu gh thO a·l r. tbat calls ' (01' these extrus. Throw·over ti es are less worn no",'. MlIffij Ilre made \'C 1'Y large to Hult the sbott·slee vell gown s that foollah rash, Ion st ili rllqu06tll women to weat'. 'rho newest sort of big mulT Is not sUf!,
(1a~lug t hl' wluler wardrobe Is til
'3.50 ~,·~~~~.~~-,sr.oel. .UT
dr sse s can
.,,,,,. . '" b.
or "" wrlnKleOl tHe orUl 10 the de., "0" "up..on, '0""". ""'"h~
"I reli ,r\Jm en slolls. ,'a1l8 :ire J'llnccd on dyed ·muffs as tr imming wh en tho Bame
whole. One of the ve ry n oessar), additions t o Ihe woman's .... untl'obc. of the wl.n, ter. Is the comror.tabl<1 ILnd eusy dreHR' lng 8ncquCK or jAokets. In 0111' IIIU8traUoll we ,show on e I!peclnllY de·
-"".g" ... """,
'I".LE 'IVER .
..... ~!'oH~::ea:; I ~w
'DroWBlllo!ss, DII4 Tute
In tha JlOIIIlI, Q)a'''Il '1'aD.gue.l'IIIDlntllllBlde, I1'ORPID ~ 'l'lIIIr I'IIIIIIIt tile JIoWeIL I'IInlJ,rVept8bIe" -
."N'" p.". ~. be '00.' ..'" glvln",I It III the throat of a aoal, uble,
ormoDt mint onnent If available ·
pp~lthelY'elll1ld '11,. tbeee ~i"ltI pm.. . 'l'1lcT &IsO rc1llml D\II,o
d Is used on lhe coilaI' th ecOl'ntlon muff will accompnoy. Tile thaI bal' monlolls blending of furs and laces III nl80 mORt (ashlonab.le, Il Is hecomln;J to tho last degree. and no belter way of dlsillaylns a fine bit of' old rOle or
wllrm while at tbe SILme time Gel all tbe freedom ' of wblch or chlnclllJla cape; while a eorreapoDd· II BO noceSlI&fY \lila bolr brullla· 1111 flounce ClAD edge tho bottom 0.1 ~o
lq process. One
SIOK HEADAOHE - - ....., -
en ed, bill Is more like au oval '$bapod sack, Into whleb the al·01S. hare lja vp (or ' thelr gloves. call b e ens lly thrust up lp the el buw; whllo owing to the snmc softness of mil I. 0, II' I hf' (1111 Size I A Becoming Dr,e..lng Jackllt,
t:'mII~~~1'I .. "'&".....
,,,.-', ~wrac;
j ••
New York.-A batU ro)'al bot,,'een 'I!Uh0l8rloes, the most ellliaullt1ve oon· f.Oy t cvor held ueLwee n these craft. Is flcheduled to take pl~e In the WilLer s of Nll rrngllnseLt bay and "the soa ort the !thodo lalRnt!' COBst this mQI\th. :J.;very c oilcelvable to8~ to whIch, a s ubmarine boat ClIO tic s ubjected to' determine Its r elblbillty and ortecllvc· n e~B wfl\ bo employed, a week or naorc b eIng do voted to eaob compeLltor, Ilod 011 tho res ull wlll depend th e o11olce of lhe nltet! Slates gtivl!rnlilenl In, the IlIrther dc\'elolllUent at th is brllnch lit ItK I) a'V al servlCo l':lat ha s ueeu de· clded unon , D npproll"rlaUon o[ ,1 ,000 •.000 Is InO W avaUlIlJie ror tho -building at sub· rnarln l1s as soon US the t)'l1 Is d e<C.lded upon , Furth T IlllPl'oprlntlOlls nre expeoLalt, In ordor that Ihls go,,· 'oernmenl muy keep pac with EnrOl> a ll llOwere In s ublllarino a ctlvlLY more ~Inn rly than It hus becn dolug. Eight or th ese curious cra ft are now 511 the Arn erlcn n navy, and four mol' "re nearing cOlllpletlon a t the Fore )U vor shipyard. All these are of the ~fo nAIIrI type, ,,'hlcll 'hus so tar r eo '( alned It'J 'IIlJlromaoy In Lh opinIon at lIB va l authorIties, though uot without l)llter QODlpetItlon on the part of ~hO )...1\110 Snbmllrlne COmpany, WIUl ocea· <IIjOnllJ chllrgcs at undue inlll\cncc, Sumo Indication of the Intel'C'.It w hIch the conllng tea ts arOUHO nmopg na\'al m cn at this counlry and tho experts of fOreign powcr.s may bll :1C8n In Lhe l'ecent Inol!!eut at tho Fol'o RIver ym'd, Fore Rlvor, Mllss., when ,1n),lIne60 omcers ~tatIon cll there !lUI" fllg Ibe huilrllng or some turbln s 101' 'thOl I' gt>ve l'll~ at dlsplllY!1d n c llrl· 4Hllty In regard to the now submarines bat caused Ame tlctln omclaJlJ to ', (orry,
"ap"'ne16 Watch Close'ly, On o ne or lho pr lIinlnar)' trials of ,the Bubm lM'lnll8 th . Jnpan ese.. offi e rs hartA)red n yach t and (ollow·d tbe
11{1I0 honts unUI flnall )' tbe Aut rlcan omnlals a sltOd them 'to 6!)81s l 'l' hl!! "ulled In cllillh.1J lhe ao:olr to tb e attentlqn at the higher aULh'orHlus Ilt )yllshI.ngloll. and It came to public [It· tl.mtIon whe,n Proliidont noo o'velt Is· sucd ao ardor gr~ntln& Lho ' Jnvanese pt,!rIulssl!>n to oblerve 'unhlnd ro'd nnYlhlJII'j 111 the way of COnllJ"lIctlon "'hlch they de"$lrcd I1nho Yl1rt!, . Fr!)m Ulill : It b _In terred- that the Jallane8e omclals, IS woll u's some from other nn.tlonl, .1'01IY be on baud flurlng the t~~IS In N~rraS'"o,l.n8ell bay t?o.'l1ln lis . m~eh Intor'll/Hlon as t ile), can In regard 10 tho proll.a ble addition to IHo' Unltotl StaW. navy. That 8uch. o\J~erva ~lon will nut be weillomed .11 . ."ldutJt tronl tlle , ~UlLude of the na val o Mclals In tlto Font -nlver case, "nnd f'roui thtl clolm or lIecrecy and mYlllery "Vlllch , tbo)! hllve nttllmptect to -lhrow over Ih prel//lratlonl for tbe !llsIS. From Iho notlccs ut i.o !'irospectlve 4il!mpetl~or(! QUt-llJ1tllJ: ' tlie 'requlro· Jllonts nlld thl1llatllrO of tho testa, 110. tlf;:~ "'!lIth the navr d~pa~tment It!!elr f d (j~lnod to , malte pUblic, tbtl 'l~fJortllrA!e or tJae ev,ellt In naval.prog~as Is evlilont, For oue of the leats a .~)'m 1\t Ilia will b'l neqeslIlry, alnce each c;onleat.ant ,will be required to dljlJlon. • trate Its '·.lItabllll1 l~'" roqh wator 411 Neptnne 'can be hiduced rurullb for UtO QCca.loIf. ,allit JaiUth'. -reoord . Cor h8!!oYJ weather \Ii wlnte~ " 'a11C U.o~ ~n,? dltlle,ulty , • .aulICIl)at6d
I more
btmilg ntlO' I ~ an " harD. tor 111:111 I,'ranc 'a, the Brltl~h ndmlrolly h ay· Ing ' prae,leall,' u!lop! d Ilia UoHa nd ty po It hnle<' al .o b"",, cOllsltuctlng · '"'.:r... la"d e~ of 500 tOllo;, b 1I0ved to b lhe larg 'st thal Itb y . Dallon has nL· lempted . Germany ha s recently begun th coDstruotio n at 8ubmarlu 8 with greut 2eal and l11ans La develop II. cons ider· able fleet of Ihe craft, while both It.all' and Austria. are ' I'ell'llIlIlng to acquire them, Lltlle haa bttOn knowD o( t ho naval aCL,lvlty o t Ru ssia IUI(\ ,II11laD since Ihe Will', but each nallon ' la be· IIcved 10 bo building t hem' In Its ow n Yards , . Six of t h'.! e lg h t subma rfn of t he Am rlcon lI,a vy nrc pmoticolly Id n li, oal In size and typl', bin g of 120 lOllS entih. Th ey nrc Ihe Adriel', Grampus, M Oc..:.~ ln, Pi ke, PoqlOl s(l lInd !$ lt. ')'he Holland Is old I' nml smallo r. ue· lug Ihe original ono of the ul odum Itubmarln es to b-r !ldollt od In our nn vy, whllo lit Plungel Is Id e n ~ lclI.l with the otb ra In prnctle,lll y VO I'Y rosil ct SII ve tlJllt IL Is s llJi h til' heu vl cr. 1"110 cos t or each, except t~e Hollnnd , wa s
In rl 7'(\ fttral1.ll 11.\0 ,1 suecos. III RII Sh l;<' jI'~ .mtdf(J\ Ise wUll llt ha vo s",lIIH)(1 1\11(' a ml raole G~rat f"OID hea. I'C I Y tbe IInd ~ I" Wllte r I'out . wt'rC!
Had Washington '. Approval,
BII8hn II's plll118 wero appro\'<.'<1 b, Wu s hlllstOIl, aud Il- _lnrlle·shap'ld boA t boldll,,~ 'lilr enough to \lerUllt Ute 81n· gle o\lor"tor to r cmnln ualler wa lor half tm '.,our wall builL. Th .. operator s ucceodlld _ In geltting und er tllO bolo toms of sIlyoral of the Drilis h \'o ~se I8 , lJut found them ' coppe r sh ath ed, whlcb 'Ilro v~nlod th aLtnc/lll\g or lho LOrtled ol!~ Wllh a scrll,v as ha d he n lhe iliaD. It WIlli thll prlmltlvo char· acl I' (it th. torp edo s a VlIllllbl " IIIel'orore, ri.lber t han, t ho IIm iLallon6 of th boat Its 'Ir, 'w h lch cau6ed th cnte r· pl'l$O to fn II. Dudng th e ch'lI ~' ar n 'ub morlno construct ed by nn Ind ia na sho mo ke l' WIl S mplo)'cd b y t ho confedcl'ates In Cl'lurlestoll l lBr bo r, IlnJJ lhe)' SlIc<'fleded with It In s inking Lho crul HCI' lI'\lI ti n. IOlllc, Th e boat wnll a clgur·shftllcd craft ccirl'yl ng a orew ot'Illnl', and W !\~ pl'opcllcd by oar s Ingo n lo u ~ly ('quIPlJed . It has b eon c laImed Ihat Sh , ;'eas I·u n· n ln g practically on Lho surface wben sh m a lle ber Il Lta 'k and lliat thore· fore hel' If cllven esll as n s ullmarltlu WI'S not f ull y de mollstrale d. It r emains, l.I"w cver, UIO onh' In· 8tnnc \l'h_c n a submarin e bas beell s uccllssfull y em ployed .In netunl war· rnrc, nnd t h e Ulnnn r of the attac k will neve r bc 'mo wn , for t h e xJll(ls loll of tb e lorpeu., w hi ch sBat t!le cr uise r
l( :olll' rlglJ~. 1007,
\> r
Oull )' Slor)' Pllh. Co .)
H wn~ IlU ell~Y ariernooo 's willch on tIl e foreca stlo a~ .[1. fa ir wlttd CIUll O freshly " 5t I'n nllll ovel'y 6n Jl WIIH d m\YIIlIT. Wo w re JUBt COIll Ol ntlll g 1111 Ike Adnm M ' ytlru ab out he IIndlng II f LIlI' II Illl sullor Ill ' h l5 owo S 'a r:h ~l. "hI:li 'P ut CCtlln on hl'OIlO 10. " Yo r ll,,'1 COlln t anylhl ng tI [rao l"' d lnn ,·y <It ~"n," Iw "Rill . " I hurl n 'llltll'" " " 1)01'1 'lice, onN'. on i_ lie [,"Ig :\Iau!ro u," "Ulvo Il to us, Pat," we cried In
Lhol; ~ ln Ul e cl ntlpedes hu,!! turued tha Mkt llpe r's h ead uUl Il'lI obey ' ordcr~ nb(Ulrd shll). .. ' 13 1'lg aho~' .' s ing ' out II mon all Lh e stea lll ~ I" s bl'ldg(', wltln sho was In hllll ing dlijlallC . 'wh at do you neell '! "' We'v . be d-1. masted In a ~~I e : RCr, the j;klVII 1', With a stl'nlght ruce. nlnonnt used during tho lest will be 'aod We'l'll 6\)l'llng a I"ak. 'We ·.....lJ1t oareful y not d . )'011 lU tow as Into Rio GI·a nde.' A dClllh at 150 teet I aLou l as s reat "'Whor did you find Ii gale III this 1l8 .s ubmarlnes woulcl he call ed on to laWood l' s liollts th e Ulan on ~ I:e rQach la ' aelllal service, bUl In the ~I",,· u ~. Ktea moll, ' I'v uol seen I"lnd enoul;b coiulng tosts, to quoto the announce" \ '(1 ""c," bl'l;llII Pa t, cl'u lIlllllng 1.0 ti l! a IfIL l tor a week: ment to builde rs, "no boat wlU be ac· duwn lhe IlllJu. 'CO In :L vI! s me llin g ,,' 'Twa u sort oi whi r lw ind: s ot: cept d us fulflilin g all the reC!u lre· Illpn \\'1111 h l ~ !llulJ 11 ~' for ollu ger, " l lho ~k lpl' or; 'now, whal'lI yo u charg-9 menlS of th navy de lJartmont unl ees W (j~ on lho brl,; Mallll.Oll lind we han to to w mo I,, ?' • thl' boat will s LUnd .wl lho\lt duma!;" ,no,ooc, filar! II a carRO of bo nos a t Itosllrln 011 "' \\ ell, shou ts tho captain of tba the stresses due to an actunl subIh l.1\ P I: ~I U, bOU l ll ~ for i1aILllJlor ·. tn stca me r, 'Rio Grand o wlll' tnke us out Those no\\' vull dlng III Fore ':Uverm 'rge nee or at least 200 feel:' AI'~I!Il I!t' n Ibl11'11'S 1 0l~ of horijclI IIlld of nll l' courNO a heap hil t I'll tow' you tbe Octopus, Viper. Clltt lo ~'I sh and Other lesta will Include s peed tria ls Tara ntul a - aI' largor Ulan Ihe earlior cutU P Idlll'd for lhch' 11111 ~ and (all o w fill' a 1h ousa nd (lllll.' . over measured mile c<JIII'ses In light, ones a nd Bhow lrI all )' d vlct! 8 not Ih· "'Ii's a n awful I/ rlco: sez our 8klptil Sill" n Ol h l n ~ <If maklug l~ (lllo of crlllsing llOd awash co ndillon s , 8u,b· clud'd In·th Ul, 'rb . OC ~ OIHlij, though hot' Ixtl'Ur.l which lh y clo a t Fr Y I; I', 'an uwful rJrlc, buL what else /llel'ged ijj)oetl lrlllls, IIling ot tor.pedtles d tail s concerning It ba v been cal' . \l elltoe. Th o Mil CH th ey Ilile III' Oil can I <III ? J'1l s ind YOU a hawse r.'. In 8uumerged aud olhor conrJIlions, tlllly guarded, Is kD own t o be of about. " \\"o lowered n boal and cnrrletl a Ih . JlI (lll paS II II til lhc\'("~ a chnne of mining, countermlnlng , cable cu tLing' 300 tone. Shitll Ill /.: lh l' lII 1/, AlllClrl ca wh llr th ey brll nd Ile w mlll,j;;d. bOWRP,r to til nnd handllng ' torpedoes. gr lnrI '(,nJ 1111 fo r fertil izer . Sll.'nlll Cr whi ch iJl y fast ned to tbe Some li ght haR been th rbwn on the Tho datnlls cif ~be testB, Jnehl\1ing possl blllUes of the comIng conte sl 'by "\Va lond d ~ "ll1 e ,tOO lOll all ~ hnl,e s b IllS allDllrd an d thin wc \.lulle.d bILck the lI\lInb r ot trial's La each bOllt un· An(1 " Iz. .. ~ ;; ,,<1 lhe r WII . nulhl ng oll l IU I h ~ bl·lg. der t b v({ryln!:; conditions, nre I rL of thl! way wll h t ho hOll cs X l\ \' t! Ihclr "Thc s te nln er to wed us nllihe even· entlr Iy In tho h a nd s or the trial IHUllr I1lU ~ ty S Ul CI!. bil l br t h ' ti me in", . hul wlil n It bl-ca m dtlrk lh q skipboord, of which Capt. Ado lph I\farlx, wo lI ad pull ed 1111 hnl f war III t he JIM IJrd ers brl mSlone lo b e I>u l InJJ. S. N., Is ohlllrrnan . Tbe lest III toeqlllHor we fo un d we had ~ltlpJled hil ·llets . spt alll'C aud lowe red lulo the last as long 11 cllasary to t OD.lI)lete mU l'e lh un bon S. Th hrl' wa's a live holll. Glury bl,. how thlm clnllpedes !.he trials Hpder, ever y , ondillon of w llh clnllp IICF. I dOll 't kno\\' Ir t lily [tl n c a swarm Ing au deck. Y could w a \ her lhat Is de8lre(l. It was 8 ~' were s itting In th e mld,tlc o f tho bones hal' 'e m lI·ru slllu ' Lhe re "'u.s 110 maJJy geSled by Lho seerp,ta ry or the DlIVY hut ch in g LhQlr c,,:~~ or o nl y tokl ng a of' ' In. that tho dlllO bo chang!)d all !lccount IUJIP. hnl a li t th ey Clljll nntl nililions " 1'h IIIn le sln t a man torrard and or the (lroba,\l lI.iIIty ot cold wellther nt of . ' m ~ Whln at II rst only u few ca me hnn :t thi ck olrcle ot pitch mallo that llPle, but ' lIo ac llo n l";a8 talten a ll. 1m we laug hed Ilt lhe <Iulck llIov lng IHound Iho bOIV!ll)rl t Just b yond 1I.e thl8 suggestIon. Lhln!:N. lIu l wh n tho tl cks we ro heel and thi n a ll houd s wt\ re eallt'd Willter weaLllor . Is ot BOlll1l' consesmol hered wl lh 'em laug hing was nfl. Furrnrd of t h wheel we la y Quence to ' submarines In action, as SIO llfl Cd UIIt! sw ea. rlng ta'ken up_ some s heatH or tin I'each lng cle&r was clem(m stratod during a. trlol of !be " W tell , It waij man e 'enoug h 10 IHlV8 IIcro~"jj lhe deck '!'Om rall 't o rail . OD Lake SllbmIVlne c;ompaIlY's P rotector. the bl oo min g I.hln '8 Cl"awllng ov I' lh ls lin wo 8Jlrlllitied br imstone and In Jahuary, 190f, when tho mnst was on o'3 hunk, on 's food and o n ,'n b a h', 8C It nUrp. Thore wns very IIttl~ carried .aw(1)' b y lbe leo under which bll t wbln t hey gol Il ' bitin g 1l11/1 II be. wind nn(1 the stlllili ng smoke lay close she wn s Tllnolng, nt n d ll l)th or sonle cnml~ slll'loll s . .1\ltholll(h II wa s bllSLer. to til e deck. nn(l druv the clntlJledeR :10 fe t, and sl10 rose, to ~he s urra ce In g hot Wf1 " 'or e nil It w urln!; se n fonan' , Sl owly wo moved the tlal throllgh nn Ice lIoe from IlYe to te n boots a~ If w e W A..'< n Qmlng to -lhe plntes nlong (Irl\'lng- the Insects toIncbes thl k wi tbout s utterln g harm. norlh lill ie Inslead of to lhe eQuntur. ward f; the 11,)\1'. They weril mighty It may, however, be m\lre 01 a lactor Thin a ti I'I,yt.nl1on goell aCt.' xc lte d thhn c lnUpedea for· they Olild n't go lIac k luto tile hilld &II In addlo g to the difficulti es or the 24. "We cn n't s lllnrJ It, so ra,," WO 6 7. to lhe hrltn ston(' was n , hllrnlug clown hOllr sl\~Ulerlllld lest. the s l, lri llt' r. " llloso \Jugs nl'e biting u s lhr,re MIl t hey couldn't. as tb.ey ai, Two Companlee Compete, ·and· we'd Il llII YOII .to pu\' In l S(lille WIIYM dfd wh en we ll'led to drown ·So far ,as Is now anUclpatod, tbe __ ha nd), pOI·t 50 'YO eRn gel rId o[ ' fII ," t hlm , ~o out' on the lJo!\'8prlt and only wm \)e the 1;l'olland we sez. , ' cli mb lhe- stfi.Yy. Willil they come to a,'nd .Lake Submarine S'oat compableH, . --"'Th o nenrest port we cnn make, " th~ ~l rcl e ~t pilch t1~ey slopped. T:lct~'e() n' th ese two the sez ille sldp pp.r. "Is Rio G"and lind "A t Ins t lhoy round' lhe hl1wser an4 h 8 always h~ en ll)OMt bI tter. Tbe faot 1 (lon'l wan t 10 put In Ihell(' for It's 11 Ihoy sla r ted ulong It towards tbs,that the navy departmen t hd stUcl, lo ve ry IXlle nslve place. I'll smolce l he ~ tenm r. ' \l had shovod tho brim. the Hollanl) typo has aroused lIIucb _ craylur03 oul," SOl'. he. st\lne Jll't'tty nIgh \.0 the boW an4 J orltlclsUl and tbe contest ball been ~'We tooll 1I0me brlll1 ston e Illid act It \\' as stn ndlng on the fort)o~aslle ,whln wllged with srcot warmtb In con gress , allm, thin we iower s It down ' the Lb o mood come out -a mlnt·~e from be. where eharg s have been made that .ha ell and shuts Ul> p.1I tho hol es and hind . some lauds, 00Y8, ' ('.tlt ye Iver Lho davotI!)n of tho departqle n'l- to t he ctlvlces we coule) flnd but Glory he, 0:0 Into Il great f9.C~o rY and seo the HollMd t.YJ)e w,.s duo to political In· there 's where wo mad e a mistake. W e he lt.s fl~'lng In tim e With tbo turaln« nuenee. . • druv 'em out ot lbe' hold Illto the of the whee ls ? Well, Ulat's' tlie "8}t There have b en previous tests III cabIn , l be fQre9ilstle nnd on · deCK·, thaL hawser looked with the elntlpeltes whlll h thl). lWQ designs bave met, tho The brlmstl)lle -couldn't kIll 'em--Only- flying albll!; It La th e sleamer, GlorYImportnnt previous one having druv 'om' out.lvcrYwbore clntlp ed!)s, bc, It mllde my h ead swim to look at been In 18113, when ' three typ(!s woro nolhlng but clotlpedes. 'om, . entered, the Ba~or suhmarlne meetlng '''Thlll we stopped up th hawse " 'Captalb," soz the mate, 'the ehrt!· the- otbe r lwo_ Sinco thon, however. " holes Dud l'lgge d the Ilump so il.s to pedes are nliout all on tbe hawser; and evon s Ince 1900 nnd 1901, whon all - tb,e 8UCCOSS acbleved In submarlno ·ex· to the bottom did the ·lIame thlllg for flood the dock and drowil th e Inseots, sball I. Cll t 11: and let 'om drown?~ tbe suhmtirlnes now Ip ' the navy were pe.rlmen~ III Narraganset't Qa-r I':f tho submarinE!, aud t here It sUII rests, but bless your sonl whln Ule water . " No,' sez lbe old man,' 'It 'ud be " cOllstructed" thore ' have b en tre- .NeWI)ort d\lrlng th!! p~Sl 84mmer, the a tomb of Iron for tbe nine Intn:ipld came th y climbed tbe rigging like sin to drown th!t:n lunocent In8eebl ' IJ]cndolls 8trldes In t.helr construction, PorpoIse and Sbark bolng used for m en who formed her crew. '" a ble·bodled 8Elumen and 8t~yecl up " nil besides thILt there tellow wanted . ElIch firm will ,be represented by' Its tile purpose. The oft\cers In char£,o Berol'l~ ' she wds employed agaIn st lho re 'til l we had lo let the water 011'. to ehl1l',I;e 010 n thou811nll puns to p'u)), laleat dOl:llgn'a, embOdying nil that has bnve refr~ln !ld tl'om making public Ule the HOu~ !l~fln l c sl!veral crews hwl 10 t "Well, theu we IIldn't know what to Ole to Rio Ornnde. Lot' blm' !ijlve thll beeu learnecl about tho ' science of res ults .or lhe eX!lerlments, but It Is theIr \lves Ill , fjxpl!rlmenllng w.l.t h her, do; tho skIpper wlis \yorrled too for clnlilledes: . .' "submarining" up to tho presonl time. known" that el\ch hu's "made ove r ' GOO and llils has been used by advocates the clntlpeiles were all over the cabin ~'Jus t afol'e mo-rnlng the mate Cot. The,Holland company will present the miles with gasoUu& englnes-under epn· of t he' suhDlllltln(j I\S p'r oot that 111 time .. 1I·d whIt! about . noon we ' slghls a sail tho hawsor, OotOPUII, the Ilrilt or the raul' n ow .dllIQns. lhat renderod this notable! of need men wlll always be tound he ordered the di stress signal to b e . ",Whill ' morning broke the steamer boats 'to be completed at tbe Fore Rlv. 1'1,cy have alsO I\ccompllshed maI'o 111 ready to risk th'e dangeJ'lj of the !lckle bent to lIle hnl1!ard s I\nd alnt aloft" wn.s well ott to loe ward ' bUl slle wore er ·yard. T,lie [,like company l'econlly mllneuvers und or Walel"' than hnd'liore·. oraCt. This hns bl!en !lllll further dom· 'l'he vessol, a bnrft It was, hove to und 3nd come down on US. ~olllpleted a bolll at Ne'fPort N e wli torore ' been attempted, liilll the' slib- onstrated by the ability to securo slnt 0. bout. La liS. ~lln It reached us "'A huy . ~here,t ShOllls tbe' captain 'Whtch ' lt olalms Is the best possible mnrlne de pa rtment of the navy Is be· orews' fpr sll'blnarlnes In spite of tho we casL II paint I' to It but t he omcer of the sleamer. 'your hawser's parted: exaruple p[ submarine conslrl\ction. lJe\'ed' to have bOen materially dlsatters which have betal~n 'boats of lIdn'l mnke any move to board us. "'Yls, bad luck to It,' bollers back 'hi' was ta'ken to Bridgeport, Conn., strengthened by-Ibe knowledge gain ed that tyre In, the Freuch aud other Ie gives II. squin t up I\t th e 811l1 rs nnd 0111' old m ILD . for the flnlsbil1g toueb~9. Eneh ot . tbe durln& .th, past yellr. European navl~B during the past 'few :ts ks: .. ' I'll slntt Ramo m ell oboord wid an.· rlVIII., ~ tbercIorc, will bo altering llle Varylng- Methods U~ed, years'. ,. 'What's wrong wId ye? Ye look olher haw ser,' sez ~he steamer aaV-,.. (reme IIm!l of Its allhlevemcnts to since tbl! da~'s of tbe crude 8ubma· III right aloft.' lnln. tbo govornment, ' To tho landsman there "iOll)tl 8eem I rine of the clvli ~ar the development "'I'm 'a sufr~ln ," ser. tho skipper, In " ' No, I'm ob leedged: «lalls baok our4 n, 1If) te of.. Uto fnct that 80010' na~1 small d.l,f'Cerence _10. sl.lpmarhles. 'rhO ! of t11O' subm~,rlne has. bellil' marvelous, epl )', ",wid a plstllel1l\ of bllgl\. and I 'Jld mna , 'tho leak's slopped nrid I've gener.a , principle of 811 Is Lll~ same. !lUt mOllt of It bas 1:<:l.'n based on tii'e want your advice alld 111lp! - - -hmrr'lftt lI"mo SpUI s t!tat I'll m!tIlA iJe:. ,,"'he\:! re!ldy. to .go un,dar lhe surfnce ,. IntrodllcU~n . ot the: gasollJle engine, ' .. 'Bngs,' ser~ams tile mllll In tlte "Thin thc . steamer cnptaln spakes they ar e m:\de almo~t a~ .heavy. as tho !.ims 'l'rov)dlllg a pracl1cal motive pow· boat, 'what nrc ye a talking 'abou l?' o'ut hIs mind. JI II I I " 'Ye, dlrly Ynnkee Awob, you,' he lIurrolnidl ng water \;>y admlLtln~ wate r <lr for tbe conditions . that must ,be to tho" hallnsl. aod then dl'911IIJng Inet. The mOllern submarine, lhel'e. :' 'My brig Is st a ve w d Cllll · , ~ - r Itl b dl I j . !lodes,' answers the s kipper, 'nnu th er V(!ll s , 'lhat flonllng )Jlg s ty of yours III ..beloW. th e sur nce e . ,er Y ' v I g, foro, owes Ita stiiudlnlr i" the snme d t d t h' full of blll(s anll til e)" v . oo mo 0.1 Oil!;: I.hrou);h lhe movemellt ot ~he bout nnd Lhlng that. bll s ed '~ utomoblles' as \iiol'I'ltlng me nn my _crew ~ ea ' . he ha ws er onto illY ~hlp. It-'s fairlY' the li se of the horizontal rudder 01' on nn Impo rt allt factor ot civilizatiOn ftnd "The man got I' d III tho fa c I nil evcn '_klilal by further ,. admission of hns m:llle t h e J)orfecLloll O. llle ae~r'~ reclwn he lll(lllghl Ihe s klpll el' wa h ;w al'ml n~ \yld 'elll.' • 1 ~- making tun of him. " ' [lu~ ~ : screa ms tbe Rldllpe r, 'It'~ . water. .. . plRne appear to be IlUloug the 110351· 'nti rl'ly crazy)' \ Rl'C _ Whn t (I'y o man~. In th o methods ol,l'lnloyed, howcvcl', blll 'les o · I the IIIlR I' future, "'1'1: toll )"ou how til gc l rId o r by Insult lnl! II \l1 1l1'ln(' I' in la'iss bl"" , • . ., III ·tllern aro d l!l'orenl1c s -uet\\' c.en the +,101· vour bugs,' Ill' cl'l ps. nll: u ( , ')'0«(' Il'llIn/.': h im his \'(~sscl Is full ot bugs! lanO nild Lul<c typcs ..wltl en nre radl· Tr,'lne"' ' Too Well. ' mol' Walel' III )'O UI' whlHky,' ancl wid • " . If Y<II II' tl lLh,. (,hi laY l{eUle I~ tllll or rnl In h ~-Ir e ffe ct on th e effi ole ncy of In Balllm()re th e rille of th Irans. l at he ca sts (Iff fh e IInl.' and ord I'S \'Ormln Il'~ no' haw~ "r I Wllnt from yot tho craer, nnd fri end!, ot the Lnke boat IJorlllllon ' companIes ~~ . that ch lldl'tln the l'Olil Pllllet! Ilac k to Ille barll. und haV" thr hl keNs comlog on m y Il n y!' 11l11lntll\~ltl(1 ihnL In the coming l over the !l'g of flve "yea rs mll sl IlRY "No'll' . I'tI bee ll stll nIJlng bl' lO low(> r ; waf<:> l!I (l[1lI hri~: ' t s l ItH supe l'lorlt y w11l be ·tle~o~. f"l1 lar e, those IIn.d r ' thnt Ilgf? 1J()ln~ .I ladd I' to til l' III UII if Ii . wllnt l'C1 10 ''' 1'1'1' II bloOlI), goud ' mlnd to -run, Y'(I .Inlll:rl · us and I had so!)n a stream o r . S irnte!! In . sp it e at th e go,\,e rnmf)ul n cllrrled rree. • n WlI. ~ (' p l ~ L1l l r nl Yllllkce.' "ows tb previulis adh renco to -lbe Holland One. ,n{te ql oon not iong ago there c ill t il,ed('s !"IlIInlu g nloll/! t ho IIr'l' tu ; l.'""' I'1' calli,lli ll. ma iling ' nll Rng!')" I were al1,,10n ,,. l<. the •.nU8.ell ~~I· U OIl II. lh e bOfl t. !\fom I he buut ha d .."u cll p.d ~ I " n 111 ' hili I". !l ~' bont. ~ ..,y t hICl'''as'' Ihe' ua r l\ I sa w Lhe !JllLlI !it 'lUd " 11 II nll - Yl ' not ice: S8? ,t ho sklp'1'he ,""I'~ll ~ ~ r In ntt ntlon glv· IItr(,et co r . a \I-o nlal? allli her ~ .. ' I'd IIn\',' "n ,),. nl1"u·1 110I\'crH durillg' Ihe past 60n , thl! latt er n big bo" of D.llpnl·ontl.\' !.holtu llis II llt III 011 1' hl'l;\', 11,111 , II' h A " • . , I h II I lIi' r,' l'flllt<.' I,r. ' thnt t e IIllricun fl ag- Is tllron ",' on l'~ to sllbmarl:l(1 con· sevon '•. 'cn~tl, h,nt who wr.s h old In his 3i1i(lV II himself m g t y OIOllt II!(' \Va In >; O\'lI r lil Y brl.~ and Il 's mo. .that. t -n o I'Ir' " , . " , . etruo1l911, of .... hlCh the Narragallselt mother's Inp as If he wcr e a bau )', logs.' . 'u\1 Il k 1(1 ~ " l1 ynll rlln h or <lown. grow r es ll\·e. "Wo'\'e a fe w le ~ ~1 (:Inlillcdrs Il ilclI I'd .. bn.."' _ t ()S I .,~' are. evl<lence, ,na LlltaUy ,c te,' . Presently lho Ind'· '" " Thin t he ~ L e:l mOI" c avtnlll_Jurks thfl Interest. I.n III'o"lous _atte mllt,s'- to " ~10mm _ or, mommcl'," lip. ' murmul'ed, ~or i," s ez r to tho s l, 11I[101·. "C(1I' J\ IOl 'lit"" ~o -i bell to Iii ougln e room lind awny sho. .vlnL alollg ule 10 to yon ~oal ." : mnlov ' lIllmarlnes In ."!"nrrar.c,., • h JIi "Sa" , momn1<' r!-" " •c Wllll to LlI ' SlI t h'lIrt!, but t h e captain: 1'l<>1;1I1nrly but Inoo~ l"ecllv 3ss limerl !:hat . The mot\lel', with II premonition of " I saw 'crn ," lie winker! hl ~ « ~· o wps shaklnl; hl~ flst III tile in'l« &8 , AubmUl,lnOS ' l1ro nn .(i:>l tl',:m ely. roce"t I lmpeo<!ln g (] :UIg01', trlcd to Rll ence tbli \Vhln ho 6~ld It, ':It's 11m nn Idue !uto long n tlt o two ,crafts were In siKh,. • olJlc~rll ,· strot;ll{l,; oppO,sed c,tc<velopment. of l\(\VR.I , 8Clenee. . Few YOung8~e.r, lIut to DO aVIIII, fOI" he con· my hend, PUI. " or ellelJ other. m~'tIJ;lell..tnild ,~"nb ;l)elr actual worth ()4!Oplo are , aoNDI'''' thQ~ . I.h~y we~o .ae· t1nuud to elllll upon his "m~tnmor." "He oltlls Ihe mnLe a.nd tilo two bad " hnd . . d'~'f' know. boy'..," , continued iii Will" hI !;tlll to he dElmonslJ'nled, Ule tu811~' _om pIOY_d by tbo Altrierlcnn col, .. FlnILlly, the woman aslt~d; ('Woll. il 1b.ig '(lalave l' .on the Ii00p anll ~anllon, mys teriously, "thait steamer _ Unltojl stntol! hi det;.I(Un& to continuo buies rlllrln]t thc revolution and that what hr It. !!lOll?" thin lh o mat ordel' nil tbe top hUlnp, \Valj called Ibn Kathleon und tbolllbi heir c~n~trlll!t.\qn"ll< -pie.rcly tOJlowl1)3 d\lrlng tho cl\'l1 war ·n ff\lernl crulsQr - "Mommer·. when do j say I'm on)y I er slnt do wn. 'fh'e lOll and lOp ,,:al· I'vo read t h€' shipiling ne~1'1! and asked' ,tbe /c:t!ltbl.le ot 1'lutOpf:lln p'ow'ors, RUI!' was blown up hy a llOnfe(lorate .BUIll> ftvq ?" ukoil Lho Irrepressible. . Innt mas ts. wer lowered and slowed Iv~ty seamen I','e met I've 'DrVer b~ I\la ', lUIif ,lap'~l J!&cb ordure!l , s ubma. marine. . ' 011 t he deck. We wore ordered tu of h er s lncll." ., ":1 mh~ , I.t h'·l"O "m"loyed wo!,e, of NKt."i . loa\'e lhe rlgr.!ng In It r~ged 'way J!l sl "W lla t "0 .) 'aLl 9Up[IOSe happened L r 1nes durUig he recent' war, but none "- ~ baAtH RO " W b "CI,unlinea. ;\ h d I.h U to of th.elll wa" put lnt.o, \lse . so 'ar IS Is course. cl'udo ntl'IlI!'!! In comparillon e, ave a I ear t al "olean I nell!l s.s II the S\l9 '; S bad been cnnted IIWRY her'!" was usll'd. \ \ -It'" 'be cr~·' lhat will rnel)l In com, ' Is next to godll\lcIs:' but . ·tbe orIgin by n "ltle. '''e was n wondering W" &t 1 kn, own, France hRa th'.Q till' led Ihe ~ 1\ • B" . . , ~ " " ,· It's my bolafe," repl ed Cn\lnOll.\ I d 1110 bay.. hu'" the" were of the pro\; rb hOI been obscur.e, no the "1' , lplle' r \\'as up la, thinking Lh~~ " that thlm cInt Ipe d'es alo lip the ore1llWill' , and · IiQW hM n ft!;!Ot r iive.r 1i0 n(lllt on. own ~ ' tl ample" of oarly experl· doubt. to m.any, Thill Inallm Is an abo c'lntlpedes lIold made him cra~, , ', and thl" ;...\I",·ed a "ole III the shln·v . . SUblllRl·lneB. They " are, buwcver, 1\1 ·Intercll nl: ex . I -, . . " " •• n a ~ v varying 1II10R nml types. tl\e Frl4nob m~ntlj .nnll ptlffic,~otll refute- the , no- Btract religious prlnclplc cont.aIDcd In \bou (our,) clock we 81ghted lho 11'01\ skin anll wlnt down wid bel·... . bllvlns DIIJ)!1renlly been unabrll Lo de. Ilion thnl sllUmarlnc" are I!lrlcl1~ mod· an' old oonamelltary on IsaIah Where -dDlol,e of A ~teomer aDd at once Iho 01110 0lI0II n; OlOI1 tyIJU. ern' altalrl. ' UlIL for an unfor\lseen obo the practical doctr'lnOll of rellaton are old mil" hlld a distress slgDal bolsted P.~t of T'h .lr Bu. In.... . alacio th" IlIbll1arlne built by David felllllyed Into etlrllfulDelll, Tlloro~ to · tbo ,atump of Lhe malDmast. The A Wlnated (Conn.) dl.patch - , s~: 8 ..... ln 'U.,. !tolland ,.,..... Bu,hlleli\ a COllnooUeut Inventor, duro neu, abet.eroJon.n.... steamer picked 'It up and ' began to "Yankee sohoolmarmll" are s4Ittlac Groilt. lJriflir ",14 .man .ttatloa Inl tho rovoilltl"n "OI\ld bave blo.,a and cleanllneu I. · bea~ down on us and thin the order l~aree. Not BurprlalD.s w.bu .,... to lubmarillell tll1 ·wlth..... ,lIP oae of tlIe DrlUIia ~.r.w.r I'.... I. ,nw to Il'am p t~ man tho PIUDP&, ~I there "'aa lel!lm., fur '. ller on, that tbfl~1l \.011"• bllt ao. haa I CQIIIldera'l............. "., II_1rlva .t. • U.I w~_ tile 001. ~.... ,\lUe water ttl t.he "eU WI a~, .1 J!. nilo, g004 COf1IL.
;. auftlolcnt ~~o test: thc,;wu,bmlllllDcs·j tQ . the lltDr08t~ durlnC tl\e: pe'rlodo(, the trlals.- " . " ·.r " "'~thet Important;.! toatunl \\' 1\} b.e _ tlle' IIDPIDF~ ~e." dUT~ng ,willcb oach c;o~~lt!lr wlll .lie Ice'pt bl1Death tl,to 1)11"fl'Ce ,for" ,bOnl'l!, whcn tile q~ " tH! , depebden t ntI el,I do ,.' 11'111 u.1e re. lIOUI'CM ,o f t,he !Joat for . roo(!, ,a!~ IUld . .u Il'vln)f "cl:ommodatlon~. "hIS.V ;;llI . ,. c!m!er •• 1Ulne lbe ha",ltnlllllt)' of the • , der! .water tor Jo~er 1101'1\111,11 thaa 116e 7e 1iee11 attempted ! ~ o,IIlc:I".
• ._ ' " , . , \.I",lt to ,.,• . 01....,.. Previous til liaite.t 11 boa\08, 'and tile Cf81JI haY6 ,,,eela~ lItat thl! lIallt "u bT no Diealui ,rellt:lHI4. The • ~t ot r....h all' fOrTI •• au" die
rew ,......
. !
Living Without with Jus, pride for "hat h e hath ~S, I. of the Future. nohioved , HiBlIttle old groqcry hll ~ Modern Conventences. P ..... II.he<l _hai r 11\ W llY-Dc."lIIe, 0 ', " put on another 'frook and In ita plll.oe .Durlng the 1100d 10 lit w6t: k lleoplt M"i\\ltlO~ - . . ~'h . Gazette'8 HarveY8bvrg Corres. a 'DlllUlmotb wholesulo struoture, in this vlolnitl experlenoop some (If .1"'t.,n~u1'~ . r.rot\At' t f}dt t ori I'nd M 1 l':I' t t; l)ondent.Dreams a Drcum of giving employment to three linn the Inoonvenlenoes of living with lOll • 'I', J, URO"". M~)c. ",·,·~ 1': 11,'1'\.1'" n. F uture Harveysburg. ' dre.d wh o lire on alC qui vlv fr bm '" from u , m . to, 7' p. m. Mr. BlI.rris out II few of the modern Deceseltl", U .\l u I~ rcnr· .. , . , III Ill.h'u"..., , . , ,~~ .. year If not l>llid In ,uh' fi'h.'" R t,nrlliu ~ nfter un ub8eno of Sits 1n stll.ttl, as It were, ISSUing IExpert lawson Purdy Tells Ilnd inoidentully. it was iDlpre88~d on us how depel.lde,n~ we are oD the --~-'--- - - - - - - twenty yeurs wa Bro tha veritable direction", with un ease aod gruce H Th ,IFFJOE IN ALr~E.N BUIL I)ING " Rlp I Ullld,!l fninou by J e1l'erson '@ of nltlUner \vonderfu'l to oont ems . 0)'1 to Improve em, outside world' and Illso that o:om nmnlties like individual" '1'F .,,£:Pr-!o)'lEl ~.R:LIa • - ~O. 6·f iuhniUiblo iruporlloolltion of the plate. On what \Va known os &leond Too Many Constitutional Provlalon_ live to them8elves alone. , "' olln,rtl tor, Yes It. III 110 who Ilwll k For two daY8 w.e were wl'hout Work Injury-Specl,t Tuea ~!!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,!!!!,~e:=:c=e "!"!'!~~!!!..~~ - en cd but r4:!oently on the west side t reat, block uftAr blol)ll of old anti. of Id CII Sir a ee" \. 'd t be quut d hllbitlltfons have sucoumbed Breed Extravagance, mall alnd for a ,Io.nger ,ptlrlod , wltb Tlie etern nl qIlPs t ion- "Whht . I ~ r." "n ge 0 out ex r68!l or (reight se.r vtoe ,· sha.1I be with ('orwin AVPlluP'l " hold a soene t ransform ed wlt,h bere 10 . modern arohitect, nod towering Perhl\ps no IIlngllrl ndlvlaulIl knows-- -' - -, 'HIlI I here I.L mt\rk: ~r the olden time. s ky sorllpers Brlloe Dlany nn ' old more about the tuxatlon evils or the BtAd the water gotten '11. foot or , Tho bridgo bas been elevuted some negleC'ted , pig sty, On th, sttee't ,evernl Slates than Mr, l..nwlion Pur. more ,h igher we' would have been ..:rhe voters wh.. '" II I fil \',It " r "" new'ulnd rn ' tU " ,, \ ~hl !' hllll ,I IIl l r.htr ty feet uuove the level of the may b fou nd a number of business dr. J)rcsldent of the Department ot without light and olty watmo, Trav· .. 101 piers a nd ~pn.ns the SllIne stream Ulen, now nursed in the lap of offi u. Tuos and Assessments of tbe city of el '11'1\8 suspended, teleph;)ne and will hl\ve an o))po r t l'nl t.,f 10 , \' "" , lVii " , f] we as (boys used to Wilde and enoe anel' lux ury gtA lorl~ . who twenty New York. Mr. Purd y )lUll given tbe telegraph service orippled and buai t,beir antiment,s Monday, April J:" ii. h' fo r the flony t,rlbe . On ap years ago were g r ovehng I~nd source subject of taxation a lifetime ot study. ness gretAtly retarded . Likewis.e lbose opposed wi II hu V tl dlsculIslng "Improved Tax Laws A little extra water can do all lJl'ollCliling tbe east siele of the streaDl iI ble to providll the necess I£rlell of forInOhio," Mr. Purdy said : an equal chlmoe , we gaze' in wonder at ~he Dew reve lifo in thllt style Ilnll n1llOns r of ap "From au eQ9uomlc standpOInt the this, .and it Is eaey to oonjectur~ --~-.----, Lebanon hall orgulliz d 1\ BooDlers' Ilti;m . Thc olel mud pike has been porent t·hrl ft t o whh h it wns an ceneral property lox ror state pur· whnt might follow a llood extend· poses, althollgh an exceedin gly crude Ing over a w.pek or a., ~onJler period. Association, I\nd t,he prislng suppla nted by as pholt and on either ambition to at legst lI11pear. I:)uoh occasions a8 theee teaoh us plao, worked fnlrly well uud er such side the r im III lin ed with ced ar Ollr g uide (for guide we had to oltizeDS ' of the town tire working conditions as prevailed In Ohio In to appreolate ot;lr modern oo.nven· to a fi ni h anel windlDg have) ushered us Into one of the t rimmeel hard t'!)r its generul welfa re, A 1851, when tbe constitution was new ~nd progressive spi rit seems to froDl toe oreeks brink to top of hill finest appointed dl ug plants it has adopted. Then there were no rail· ienoes a8 well as our dependenoe on them . . be dominating Lebll non the pIIS! ' t,h Rlime ol d familiar letter "S" ever been our privilege to oontem· roads and practically no oilier pubUc corporaUons, no . great frao· few years Ilnd tllIl hhlt,orio old town ~ tund~ out in beautiful relief. ,the plate. Tbls room is seventy, five by service chiao . values, comparativel y little All deeorlptions of printing given Is ' showing "lfllet In many hi I side herctofore neglected now two ' hundrefl ' deel? und on either and other paper evld oces of the own· prompt attent.lon at the Gazette weill' a beAutiful garb of green, side every tWllnty fellt a large Ilnd ways, Hero's Sl1cce>!~ to the Boo m ershlp of things or of Iln Interest lu hlue g rass hiving oompletely en , handsome mirror s,aparatt:s the Uilitgl. The urban populat.ion was a office, , ers ' Club. ' ' . vclloped the hItherto unsightly and shelving" 'rhus each clllss of goods comparaUvely small factor In state If the Pennsylvunltl HullrOlld (~o uuk"mpt olay olad slope. Oh 1 with bll8 its definite apul:tment. One affairs and cIty problems had assumed little relattve Importance. With the has a few m ort! wa8boots s uoh us ,~n ec3tllOY of d elight we In volun side WIlS wholly devoted to drngs growth of cities lind the Kreal In· ta rily shout bubbling over in the and sundries, while lihe other waR they bave had t.wlce thlll year nlong erealle 10 the value of urban land: the the troublesome L{tt~ e MinIDI, 'P09 exuberance of feeling we gaze in paoked with musiOilI Instruments, distribution of the slat e burden under 81bly they will rooogni Zll the wi sdom rap tu re on the soene aDd drink of with all and eaoh of, t·be several the general property tax become more and more unjust. In a Ill'lmllive com· of building that long ·tlllked of line the beat\tlell whioh man's handiwork Ilppolntments. Il.8 lu the poorer rural coun· 'rhls wus the work .of our friend muolty, ',hrough Waynesville to. ,oonnect bas made possible for nature to so tiel! toda)" IlInd has very little value. with tbe C. L. & N . a ~ l.eoonon, completely m6tam~rphosc into 'a ()barles Mlidden who had attained and ' the property Interests of thoee en . .Reluotantly In thlll braooh the goa:!. <if h is most communltles are chleny In person III .and ,wbio,1i would put them above thing of living property and Improvements on ' land. H.""s~urg, we tU,rn onl' gaze from the OIie m ost !langu,i ne hopes. . high wllt~r ~ t ~'1noinnoti. , "Wben all state revenue Is obtained beautifullandaoape and mount the 8paoe (the laok of) forbids lin elab· from special ta~es laid at unvarying · &ginnl DIl this weei, the Gazette summit whioh biinge U8 faoe to orate account of the business had rate • . (ber Is no fllastlclty.,-nd n~ will publish a series 'o f artioles on face with the main street of door In all hrllnehes belon~'lng to. " :well wny In which the reven ue cab be ad· the question of taxation in ()hio. old home but ere' our baok Is turned Ilppolnted oity . Sntlioe ft to StAY, justed to the needs, This breeda ex· These artiol81 are prepared under we view the landscape looking from the twenty ye!1r ~go hlld swelJed Itl' trl\vagance, to whlcb th recent ex·' the euperv\8ion <?f the State Board the summit we8t, nort~ snd south. population to one hunclred thcusand pendlture or '9.000.000 on decorating and 'tumlshlnK the state ' cnpltol of of Commerce. They are litrlotly Bow unexpressably ,gorgeous the and a' substnnt!tli boor.1J1 ~as4noreas' Pennsylvania. Is n, wltQeas, a8hi~gton,. non.partl8lln and tbe objeot i8 to view alJo~ no. epot on earth, no Ing the numbers. in R ' t'a Uo unparal· i'DW'lng the last 12 years In tbe Excursion .March 23 InfoOrm the general publio on an 1m· grandeur hll8l~ equal, the winding tid in tbe worlti'll history of any. state of New York we have had an Chanoe for Easter VIBU to Na. portant 'subject, aud we trust· our oreek, bordered with the willow, the ~hlng beretofole ohrl)nioled In the extenslye experIence ""Itb what hal>- tional Capital EapeotaJ\y attrac' peDS' when ao attempt Is made to ob- tiye ~ thill.seaipn. • readere ,.111 follow th.em with tbe towering sycamore, the sycamore, annals of suoh magnit'!1de tain aU 'atate revehue by special taxes. the JesBamine and vins, the hills AmoD'g .the m~y ~dJuno~s to the III 1894 New York atlll relied malnly a~telltlon they deaer"e. f • ('overed with dift'erent varieties of business ponlon nlention of but few for IlUite revenue upon the gene:al St. 'Louis' Exeursion The Oreatest F.lood timber with hmumerable tints of may liere 'be in order, tQwili.:' Hal'· proPerty tax, In that year the total 15, 16, 17, for BowUng March , . Since 1886. foliage. The gently sloping plane many & Badaway, .. rohiteotd and (Jongreu ooross the waters fl)rtile and sus' bullliAn: Josiah Prude, eleotrloian, ! - .-' Without warning the Little Miuml ~ptlible to the highest state of oul. plumber or what not i 'Mtsa Betey Onll' way &ioond.oIlU11 , Cotonl.' river made cne of its 8udden t:\S8S tlva,tlon aa, evidenced' by its won. ProOjeot, ~lIl1ne~y, rlb'l1ona, feathers' 'Cioketa sold datIy dqrinl March '. \ "st WedD~" mornlnK and result drous prOduots, The old mill silent and stulJ; ~8 , JUlia Foolemspm,
-:i:' It
c;z stts.
1-AX' LAWS OF 0"10
'U ORDE;R'~i , .
Telephone Dar or Nlgbt. loea' No.7" • Long ·Dlstanca No. '69·3r
8ranch Office.
Pennsylvania • W
' D.' 0'
. ., , @9d ~Pl") ,to- ..,. _,. ed In· muoh ,dt.matle and inconven. land mark of antebellum daya will fashionable dre88-makiing In tAll the .- Ida,ho M~)Dtana lenoe to P90ple living alollg Its never grind ag"in with the water latest from Parisl.a n arts and solen baub. that is passed for the old dam whose ces in this department; 8uocotash Mexico and The raiD began ,Tuesday and con waters gave out aooD8tantlysolemn Cripplefoot & Ecton Whippleton, ~"7It--'lr..;;tRiO Points ,t lnued almoet oonstantly antillate roar has lung sinoe, gone out with oommlssion, merohantl~, f creign and WedD8llday night. The ' watere t h.e' ~ushing of high waters , " bearln. g domes~lo fruits, botter" eggs,oheese, '!ent up'unusually fast and by noon on its boeom mountaln8 of loe and onions and axle greHse, These with ,For f~lI partlculara oollanit Wednesday the entire valley was debris whioh were irresi8t-able 'to bundreds of ot.her 8~gnB announoing Ho' E. 8cx?TB 'l'lcket .I~n' 8uba;aerged. , the handiwork. The solemn dirge' bUSIDeI!fI in every variety knoWn to ' Wayneavllle" Ohlo. ,i Many feet .' of t!'8 0k al~Dg the 'of 'ho&e waters lingedn memory a oitie8 of unpreoenl ed thrift. ~e Penne,lvania railrolld was WAehed . Isoenc~ 0f 0th er d ays num, ,would not "ttempt tile" publloatl v....o " , , .' remln .. ' away ana by Wedilellday evening bored with other thonghts ofthingB of a directory, as this would RSBumo LAWSON PURDY or New York. Baved Ber &>11'. WI, trafllo WaH effeo~ually tied up along eternal In the pa~t. ....ester's b D'IC-, state revenlle waa about S' . Tb e h t PlotII er.n ' t h e 11nle . proportI9ns , a Itl n to ... .13,OOO,OOO, appi81 t be eDtlre L.iUle Miami DiviSion. Now we turn our atlention in a tionluy. Call at aDY point of bUBi· cr which one-third came from special tOWIl of An, ),(o.,. i, MFI. 8 Rupptie Cmsars Cr~k and m,a ny other of oooqlse manner to tbe town and Its DeM and oonsnlt tnem there. ,Our taxes. Tn 1906 tbil state revenue er. She Wl'ttea: "Olle year agoO my I0Il , the smaller IItrea~!lln this violnlty euburbe, The famousAn(loelebrat ohapter . would be Ilucomplete to ceeded S27,OOO,000. :aU of It rro~ ape- :~~:::'~~a-:~:r8Ph~~lo~arin~::,IIlQiDn~ became raging torrent'a and any ,un ' ' ' . clal taxell, Now, 1,Ions are being made , J · ~ • ad fifty springs have pndergone a those who knew the follOWing, for Increasing tbe atate revenue . to ' able W help .I~tm j ' when, 'by "fo.rtunatf! I~dhldual tha~ happened ohaDge, for here hath been ereoted' should mention be negleoted here of $35.000,000. ,and It aeems probable druggiBt'B a~vioe 'I, began Ilvlnl to be on the -wrong side of ,these a Sanitarium and Hotel for the ao Bailey Da.via, Qulnoy I{\ng.; A. Mer. thnt that amount will he D;eeded; .thlll him Dr. Kin" s New Diacovery, alld ,treame f~om his home was foroed oom'odatton of tourists and the In . rl~t, Levioy'~ , and Lawrenoe, eao", means an} ncrease In the expenditure ) !:::r:::nO::,t~:~;e:;:! ~!.e:: to remain a,w ay Until the -watere valid who i8 ., er kl ' b lODe of whom haa done their pllrt almost three tI,mea al/ great as It wa when he ,.. 8 perfectl" lL Be SUblllded. v Bee ng a tA m . 12 )'eara ago. ,a " we . for every pain. They find in these andJiow: are living mOllumente s hm "Con/iUtutlo08 are taken oll: the hos worked llteadtly IIl,noe a' oar· Oregonia sdered severely from a catholicon fo~ every III and go lUg with adornments of merohantil~ _helf aod dilsted wheo the mlnorltr !~~ h~rilfi~1 ~!~:d 'he 11ood, ll;Iany of the hOUSE!! home to proolaim glad tidlnhs of sueoes8. Brloe 'S mltb aud Le~ wants to overrule t.he popular will. best ,o~ugh and oold ~til'8 . " I'red .C. tn the town ~ing filled wlthwlltsl'. perfect nealth and entire rcstora. Senrs, the village .emitheys, have EverythIng about. taxation In a conlltl· Sohwartz D~oggl8t 60Q and '1.00 Spencer & Monroe, the lumber deili. tlon : ", enlarged their business tOo and tuUon Ja dangerous. 'The law reports Trial free. '. , . ~ . -':"d . . " , . ' , . are full ot cases brought to prevent ~!!!'~!!!I!~!!!i!!!!~~~!i!!!!!!!~~~1 , ers,.... several :hnn'd red dollaR On Maln l t!1.e oorner 'familtar,ly shoemg ,~Il-S been madE. an easy t&:8k lJ'l4i collection of taxes oIl , the ground =: .. :.vorUl of lpgs 8Wept know!l t;wenty years ago, "The by el"otrlOllI devloes . Central of , their constltutlnallty uoder auch dama,e and Inoonvtlnlence' res'u lted Walee" has been ereoted a magnlti. Botel ba8 been mad~ a thing of oonstlt.ut~ons as .tha,t of Oilio. Where ... to ~ost of:' the relilde~tl'! 9f, that oent hotel with all cOnveniences belluty,forever, Bnlarg,s d tAnd equip state ~o~stltutlon Is, silent as to taxa· IIl~oe, thereunto for the aooo . dati ' f pad · with 1\11 the moilern contriv· tlon, only , the Folderal Constltutlon Unh.... lth, ""u_-ws v_ .... lin""'" · Sprln" V,a, lley l,eople w. ere severe 000 pn 0 , a , h . . mUlt ,be obey.ed, Perhaps few per· .................... .. ~houeand gnests: A , traotlon line unce80.1 t e up to.dlli;e. , Welch ,& IOns reailze the .adequacy of the Cen. It . used. to be considered· that olll, sderers, The levee on the we8t ~o the epring8 mllke II oontlnuous Da.kin have an extensive foundry. ItitutlQn ot'the UnIted States to guar~ Ilrlnat'y and'b1a!iiler troubles were to 1IiI !,ideOI $I,le river therl) had 't o be out, rnn "very half hour. . wh9Se out. put rIvals anything In antae our ' fuodament~1 rights. Tho'se " traced to but now modera as th e water WIlS, baoklng up,lnto Now o.n what w.a8 known as the the anJials of euoh hi8torio plants. rlghte should be protecled by a con· science 'proVe. thit t1:ie to~ and threa,tened to entirely Madden oorner . h 't t I' Our tonsorial parlorslu'e fully equl'.... stltutlon, bllt wl;en a cons ••tutlooal n~i'ly ' alt · -"I..' an aro 1 flO. ura , ,', ..- convention. attempts' to Impoae 'lts no· 1J8 th i 'be i~ inundate It. beauty looms and ~hill Is the prIde pM, Rnd the shming J,a,tes tArs mfr· tiona of taxation upon the present and ' ip v,e~he e clillO~~n,, !5 Mon: ow also suffered greatly as. to the villager wh<? pointe with no ,r or IIkfljn thi~ age of p~ogres!', ren i succeeding ~enerat1onB It commits an these mOlit ~~ In fact ."I,d the entire oountry in the .111011011 degree of o9tentation to this dered thus by new dllsooverles in Impertinence If nut,a crime. T~e 'Fed· , or~ns. ' , '," wa-ke of the flood. superb 'ediflcewhleh bear8 the eu. th~ art· of oily sheen. The plloking eral Constitutlull protl'cta ,eltlzene o.f '.a~dh~~h~d~~l= y ---Ily the high w'a ters cau8ed p h. on i oua I ns Ign ,. Iaot ' ,, Mayor ' ,sOtti.os, honse of " ··oler t U, 0 has ' novy. ... bother Btates fmm tb. ' ' Jr.;" ." .u\NCIo , '4, e of their property or , IInequal t>u .. lne8~ taxation by an" , - t bat' , II thetrwor morA inoonvenlence than aotllat T own H a, 11 eto, " T 1 " 'come" wODdllr true . , . . , Therefore when yourkidneyaare , ru y, tis II thing ' , " . state ; prevent!! Interference with In· or' out of order, YOIl can nnderataudWeak Our publlo sohooh n,one olln sur· terstate commerce; prohibits the tax, . quickly yonrentire body •.., ,____._ suffering. No. m.~il was received at of beauty forev:er. 'fbls oommo. the , Post Offioe from WednesdAy diou8 edifice has,a seating oapaoity pas.B, oond,'ote I by', the savant allon' hy .a state o~ property. outalde how, every organlleeuta to to m'orni~g uatll FrldllY,ul;ld, of oourse for three 'thousand and h'e r th Wright and cot;ps of teach'enr in ~ the , Jurlsdlctlon of lb. state and re- .iuty. "., ' .. ' '. ' " , Id ' ,. e e . , str~lns all states fro III taxing one perl~ you ~ sick or . feel b&dly.. none ~n . g,o Ont , This wlll ex· world ~8 most famous prodUO'io~ of mtAS8 , ,work day and ,night with nIl sou more than aiJd'tliel' under/like cl'r. ' taking ,the. ,great',. ludpey , Swamp-RO!)t u Plain to the rendflrs of the Gazlltte artists have oontln~ou8 engage.. ' th e Ir m Ig ht '.. , cumstalices . . How cau meu ,Kilmer,k1dne 'are ,~ill>ec8!18C lt ""Will' at a distance why they did 1I0t reo ment.s, No~, as , the e~ening shadow, greater protection trom t~emsorve8. . . other'~U1 to ,:'1 (!ttti: ' A . The ,'town bas ' beoome a great 'R oreep upon us thlok alld fast, the "Tl\e llrorlslons of. COltsUtutl!)ll. convince anyone. , ,' -,' ~ .. cerve,their papers at the ueual 'ttme lai, ~eek. ' . Friday morning the ruling grows 80 verytndfsttnot we of Oplo ,i-elaUor: to tnx,atlon WOra' ft. Uyoullfe,eick ' no ,adaP R. oent~r, too. wi'h ita ~Ighteen 1 . ' . , ' ' do.pted ·In '1861, at a ·t:m'e ,Wh1'1I It bo- take hY " fir8t~~=~~~~:i 08t"Maater arranged to ha ve !pall distinctIve roads , Main street a1 our ,p en aDd pn.rohment by to glln -'to be tbe fashIOn t · p . t ' h 1 The mild and sent and received by way of ~a.-, twenty years ago wae one oontlnu. rest from ,. tift! furegoing effort er" ~ode, of JaWII into the ~on~tIt:tI~n~ Dr. Kilmer's non. , ous glgantio sweet potato rfdge 110'11' ,oontln~ing our d" t'crlptive journey, "The Ohio. qonatllut!9 n Is ao bad ' 't~~i~:~;;~=~:~~a: ' W. E, O'Neall, Wh086 bIg IItook ' , tbat an), thought and effort now ~ 181e wail to have taken place Thurs. mad~ level, and asphalt ' hall p~hed Ixpended on ImprovIng tire tax' a:ra· day, was forced to postpone it' untll. the antideluvian mud pike far ' be Found at Lal~t , ' fem of Ohio wIthout , 'ameri(llng · Ita yond the oorporate Umlt. The SIl. .J. A .. Harolon. o.f t.lzl~more, West .donstl~tion /s , l,racUa,lJy' ,wute4 on./lMtolllU' Monday, Maroh 25. ver Cornet Band that, 'was theD Va., saY8: "A,t lut 1 have found ,You ,are tied do~:n t~ .a theory abim· ~ ~~e: ·Traffio on the railrOAd was not rooked 'in the cradle of Ita inf the perfeot pill thllt lIever dlsap r doned eve~wh'ere eiRe In the w:orl~. l'8IIumed entirely. until the first of anoy, points mil; and 10." the ~neftt of :,aad provin here In the United States thia week. ' is Ilooond to none lu any etats or othel'8 afllioted with t,orpld liver b:r DTI~ a century I)f e>lpe~encei to be 'loblladiier oountry. • aud ohronlo o~nstlp"tion. will Bay: the 1HJl.~lbauchlnc, oppre•• rve anel ",ben Order your m.laZines ann news Frank Barrie, Y86, he Is grOwing take Dr. Klng'lI New Life Pills." tbat wu ner dml8d, hamtoD, papers through the Gazette office old, but with the declining years i6 Gust;a,nteed satillfact~)ry 250 at , '01 Oblo " .IICI~ t~t~i~~=~~~ We will uve you money. hale an~ hearty. He Is pointed to Fred C. Sobw:ar!z DroljJi8t. •d . ..ciJlft"'·WlI.
and NfWSPAPfU' fOR "~ODe ,~.
Oltel The
r-- -
- • '
~4E£!~~,. . . . . .--. . . .~.-v-~'~~"""""~~,l!~~_~_~_~~~~~~.~~~"~~~~~....~~~~..~..~._~~~_~2E~~~.~_~_~~~_~_~~~~.~~~~~J!J!~_ ~~_........~..........~....~.........
Count.y Cuurt N-=ws.
"er, deot'I\II"d, Inveo'ory' aDd ap prataemelit were flied. In tbl' eat",l. of Georke Larew a.nd HelelrVifu , Mconnt WIl8 flied. 10 t·be I)IIt-ate of Conrad BuUDpr. tlrat lind Bnal aooounta were Bled. Inventory aDd appralll8meDt were flIed iD tbe 88tate of El\zabeth Kib bey. ' . Thomas C. Weloh, ,uardian of .Jobn Connor, filed hll petiUIlD alt· In, for the IIBle, of 'he ~I el"~ 01 bll w.rd and the relDveetmeDt 'of tbe b." procieed8. I A Tbe II 6 oue 1907 WIllI Bet for ....r nl on p r , . REAL Jt8TATJI) J:ltIl: Mary C. BrlDIDger, of J'raDklin, to lIary ,1Il tlimplOD, lot iD Frank. ltD, 14500. May Ill. :AlIderlOD ~ JobD Bahr; 1011 acrea iD Deerfield towD.hip IIlIl 1'. lod. Klrtha B. Irons to Jobn BOIweU, Jr., 1.28 acres lu Un. lOll towoahlp, '2000. lI.ry D, Conover, of MODteomery oouoty, to Leroy 1>. ~frer, 2 aol't!l III ,FrankllD toW1lllhip 8711i. J;lIu'Ueth , SlIlha,er Nauey JaDe D.~, 2 1.' aorea 10 Deerfield to.naflip, 1800. Ilat1aD O. and .. eDDi~ F. Gordon to Joeepb P . aDd . Ell.betb J. Osbo!D, 1411 &Or. 10 Jiaeele towDtblp,
LebtnoJ] Nat-Iullal 8 " DII, •• A. S "'---' ,, ' PI IIln· .... ~ !litd W . A . .. ".op.raD.
W~b"j 1,dllmeut 1.lf .446
\br..., n"f.,. , Adam Fr16zhtr, for dl.or.OtI, 'l'h.. y were ~"rr!~ No.onaoor 28, 1gOIl, aDd wentlo live a" FraDlllIn . . Three day. later, IUloordlnli to , the plain. tUr'. petltlnn, 'be wif" bee"me dll .tiAltle4 and WilD' to lier bome ' In , Day~1P wb.. rtl .be bRI be.ln ~ver 111.\08. . "·-r" ' . Dr"ud"'1 VII' Bulda'h GHA ttii l'urlool et 161 j pljllntUr want.. be, iD"'r.' ID.n IlI&ate I8t apart. ,Alber. Bra JUJeuburac, u " Walhloe W. 8qwyer; to recover poaepill.D of • • , .are'. ,.. 3. "alot~ .. Collin. EarDhar'; for .PIIID,Ur al1e,ea 'h~' be ease..... aD .greemen' ",l$h tbe d.· fendaa' $0 pnrcha.. the luter's , b0l':" a' Ridl.viJle for 1101U; allo tluit tbe defendaD' afterward reo fuied to 'ranl.f er the land, 'hi. be· in. to 'be dam.,. of abe plalfltlfr ha &be amOUD' of tbe InU. Char1ea·P. Mottl •• Albert Ill. Foe· ter·; ,JrJDllfr WII required to _Ive ..mui., for OOItl. , II. 'J. "arr \'I J. II. Kurray;,ca.. ,w.. oon&iDlIed ao&U the llJay term or ·~. ' ~e Aome Food Compar.1 'fl a . I. CdjDe I tb. defeadaD' .... paDt td.~nj daYIL to plead. , Gtpp Te~riok, admr... •• JOhD Dra~, et defeDdaDta werel.-a D'eel 8Qf daYI to ale'P8U"OD. . Waite! ComptOu .hl •• (J1QO L Banaer. e,' .1 j _I., 01 ~I .tate I . . . ,pproved by oour'. Tbe pro '0MISt. amou1)t\o, to ,288.01, were ClII~&ed, ., . Ord VI t.,tIltoo 01'aiIC' e& . al; . . dllllDiIIed . , ..
00II110. PLliU OOt1M'.
Ja._ ..."b••a VI A. II. Pl1m. mO.;, on; :motloo ~be plaiutUf waa ,t-tea I."e to file aD anawor ,0 the reply to &be 01 'b. defead. aDa. The beaeI ID 'he ClUe wen
fa"':" of 6b·. A_._"-·u' "..- ~.~ ... ._ • '\0'"....._ "'3 f "' &be jaf7 'T Ile latt for '183 on
. .........a.
~e plaiD.t lS' ha IUl!.!or '181 ou ,. DO~ W a.1UId by: tbe ,~ ,.~ II' and tbta w.. andallied by au 2ury. The c1efeDdant buw.... GOUD_ 1 I 1 I 1184. ' , *a '. 0 OIl ~~ 10 d 'ViII OlD D _a, .~~ .. wu i t . beld.DUcL . Millard rulmon Baook '.. "Wjl '. . . . 111. Baooli e& 11.1.. Morrt. .K. , ~~r Oltb.,~I~ ~f 1!.1t IOP ~~., ~. . . . . paD&ed , -~ .-to.. ala ~ am.p4ed anawer •• .r..011 pe&aUoa. 00 mo*~oo '01 IIoatJ18 1[ ' IIDook &b f n wi "
12 90
A Letter from J. W. Satterthwaite.
del:';':.' ':
per via , . SIOII.-, 10& Ip LebaDon. far in to the wllderneee, r would ded 'd Adam I"tlher k> Otoar O. ·IDd Ada be only to glad to meet and:welcome ... "" . anlWl'r aD ~ 0 " 0 ' Don't all oome at oooe IInlard l'Ulmore SDoOk • upp, 12 aorea iD aamilton ,. ' , ' . • ~~·W.IlllOOIr' hi, wife,' toWDlbtp, 1. Bot, ~me I ~e . Amer~oa Orst. ~ oo~. GraD' Snook , aDd Ellie Oaoat C. aDel Oupp to WI~b, kind regards. I remaiD, oo~. hie wt.f~ 11&" E. " 8aoolt, " J
.....tio- ;
~ ofllurril
K: 8Dook, &enloe s· MOUDIe .aDd ,V ab , lIouJiw, ber: b )!aDd, 'b. ali_ail Natlonai , " , and Warren Wood, ku . tee of banI!:. ' " ' • ' ,~ ••OB':ti. OOURT': . - .,.... AppllcaUoo ••• mlde ,&G, ....111 of' •. AdflMa Roblnaob,: _ - ' to · aDd tbi ~ :' , . , I, 40_ uil 'be lIarch t : W. L , Bob ,ftri w,I '&ed ' t " tb ,r-:-<r . :wH . .p.....a ez~ :or • ,
WuJ of' Ain. ·,~.',
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4"'rtbu~ • e p~. " ' :wbtOb aDi'b~ted ~. '10~ ,05: . . . , . .ylD, 'be «!Gare. CIOII~, ,rA't'iOll'aDd Ql.-il.'
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~ : ,
:td RESPONSIBILITY ~$ Where the savings depositor is .accorded the . same consideration as the capitalist '.with· the ~ large account . DIRECTORS R. F.
w. A. Merritt
' ~~:;l:b:~ne,ll!
J, N. Lemmon
W. T. Frame
~~""~~~~~"""~ .. GROCERY
Staple and Eoncy_ Qrocerlee, Fruits ' Vegetables and CaDned Goods. Cigars snd Tobaooo,
C. M. BROWN. Proppetor.
Phone 79.
Worked Like 0. 'Charm. " Mr. D. N. Walker, editor of thl\t 8ploy journal, theEDterpris&, Louisa Va., saya: "1 un a nail In , my foot last week and·a.t onoo applied puck. len'lI Arnioa Salve. No inflamma . tion followed I the salve limply healed the wouud." Heal8 every 80re, bum aDd 'IIdD cUleue,' Gaar. anleed at Fr~ 0 : Schwartz Drug.' . gist. 25c. '
rIME CARD EFFECTIVE APRIL 16, 11107. NORTHBOUND. &~a.t1oa8 .No. 1' , No. O' No. 6' A. M.' M. P M. Lebanon .fc,AT.8 lS U 2~ b 2U SlIaker or, 816' 11 28 ' 5 18, Ro.lyo , \8 11 III I ii 1513 E{cillpetead S 08 II 13 ', 500!nllle s 00 11 06 6 00 aiaopr , +7 6!! ~IO 68 52 LyUe 7 ..7 · 10113 4 H EilRe1l0od tl.... *10 ,g ,~ H Teoable *7 ( 0 tlO {5 .4 10 Kllchoer 17 as no 43 t4 UK Dodds 7 ,=\8 no II • 30 Leland t'I 28 ~10 a2 ,. 28 Lebaoon-Lv. 7 20 10115 .. ZO 0 B &. D D&. X T C 11 ,. D Dayton ii 40 12 00 ' 6' 55
L O.
0 ,'& X'l'
0 00 ,
How w Relqain Young. To con~inu~ younll in healtb aDd strengtb, do' as ~ra. N. F. ROwan; McDonongh Ga. did. She BaYS: '''l'bree 1:iotties of ' Eleotrio 'Btlter8 cared me,of ch.ronio liver and 8tom. Rcb 'rouble, 'oomplicuted witb 8uob aD unhealthy condition of the blood tha~ ~Y' 8kin turned r~ al Ollonn"l, ,, I am now praoUCli.lly 20 years young. er than1before I took 1Il1eotrio Bit. teiS. 10&0 now ' do -all' my work with ease and aMist iD my bus. band's stote:" Guaran teed at Fred C Schwartz Drug' Idtore. P~oe 1i0o
~?C '1'
000 '
si5'OTHBOUND . . :A. M. p, K . P. M. Lea.e No!!' No.' No 0" DHton : C H &. D 6 ' 0& Dayton ! D &. X '1' 800 e 00 Ii 00 Lebaoon Jc. 8 30 • ao 6 4.Ci Sb1lker orO•• IDI B 33 2 33 5 .2 ilOlll1 0 ttlll7 'i2 Q7 "6 47 B.ID",,~o.d 8 41 2 tl 6 fiO CeOlArvllle S 40 2 40 5 56
:: ~~
"8 05
PHYSICIAN AND SUBO&Qlt. 1'1'1011) • • • • • 11'1 AIIU Br.ooK ·
L'~G " .' A'L' :NOTICE· .' F1JRNi'TURE , ~;L~:r. O'F' A ' L'L 'J.{INDS·.· Edgii"ood
Dr. John Hyatt; Veterinary . SurJeJn'
~J(d' nentist'r '
, 'Telephone'No. '121 .
At , Home on' Saturday- A,ftel'lloon,
Wayne8VillE~;' Ohio.
venable . U 00 '301\ 16' It , NoYce I. herebnl..-en that 10 PUJ1Iuuce . .' imoboer tilll ,3 U ,6 16 I" I TelepboDe 10 his hOllSe ~here 1 Dedds til a 3 ' 13 16 JQ of • relOlutloa ot the Tru.teea of Wo.Joe · Townsblp, WureD' Count)'. Cllllo,.pall(led on .an be oalled at all bours,' day OJ Leland '9 ))3 .3 22 , 8:1S . the':l:tbcla.J ot Marcil. leO? Ulero wlU be a..l>- nl"ht ' Leba.DoD An Ive 000 ' 330 0 ,!-O, mined tl! tile Qualified eleeton 01 Bald • .' . S I ; S I an 1 TOWbSIl\P, at a speclal.,elec\\oo to be beld Coaobee and obairl supplied . ' DallyeJ'nept un· ay. Wp 00 811 10 8,a14 To"nsllip lot tllat pu""""e oa. . . . ., . ' SUNDA' TllAfN9. t 15tll day or April, JIIOT. the q;,;;tioo of Have re~ently DIOVed to rONtI Traina pau Lvtle ae . fol\o,,': ~,1Ia of said T01lnlillp 10 an amouot nut 'W Ct088 B . , Nortbtiou'od . 7' 5DIl. m. 5 'm ' of'1 per ceM of, Ille 'total nIue , of , 1:08. ' , It is a serious mistake proPerty I. Bucb To"nelilp·.. iI.tei! IIAIl' 8TRJ:Il'f. ' Soutbbound 0 O(a. ,ID;, 7 oap",m ·...essed '.fortanllon" ..Y, IP WA:YI'{J:8VILLIl' , .w. I!l.MOORE, · tonegleetaweakheart.,lt a\am of *26,000.00 .fpl' .tll, e 'pu,rpooe of GcDu.IPasaen .... r A~ent, LeblAnOD , 0 . ' h a, ~h or t st ep. : t 0 . .• IS, sUe >~ • ~ riD, aultablI! reaI 'e8la,te upoo "II I ell M A J Commissioners? ' .P\lbll~ll:~I~~::I:!,~~~e~rg,:~!~~· • • , • IUlnesoD,' (. .;' . chronic heart . disease. ,,-' ' , ' Prftl'eedI ngs'. Said electloo w be lIeld at Attomey ,at lAW, and •, K BATBAWAY When you nQtice uTegiI, \ ', ~" , lI'O~~~~d-:J~~~~:~~: ;l,uatice ' of tI~e Peaee •••• . , larity action, occasion0 .. ": ' T9... Lebanon, Ohio. wa)'uelviue'. Leading ing short" breath, pal'pita.,. . ,', D lIioti~~\o~, ~amea)r~ver !)Qn· cannaaedand:cerUlied. ., Maplewood, Block. Broadway. om~ in" K~Y8 Bldg, Main St. , tion,' flut,tel'ing,' pai,n in· I mot WII eD&eni4 Ioto ",Ub . LeoDII '!J'1Ioee wllo Tole lo .favor of tbe prol'Oll1tlOD ' ; tml .,', ~ttaore to fumllb bridge lQJD.ber of ,IMulol bood. IlII '-!oreaal4 ' .lIall II1lYO , c~est or dffficulty :b;l,1yingi .',' '.' '" "rmef or . prloted OD lIIelr . balloll!, tbe .... use of, Btpm' ach Trouble. on left s1"de, ' your heart : . 141 fee' by 'l.:a Inobes 'per ' hllndred feel; ;1 ",'For tbe luue o~ bo~ii.,,".. t .... • Wlien a man · has trouble wltb . needs help-a strerigthen' " . ' . ; , . . . Aod t)lose who vO\e a«aloi~' llie alUlle· . 'stolpaoh you may"liDow tbd be 18' • T o~ ,.over.~ ':,711.lla.l1l1ue wrl~tIID or priotedao ,~belrbAl· ' eatlnomorethaD' be. , .bonla or of mgtomc . .. hereis.nobet-, oon.,&Ot ' la Iota. tile word'l! . ' '. . ' '"."" '. . . . . t d ~, 1 ffl ' '. ' " Alalna' 'be l_u!' ot bpn4.... , some article of 'foOd or drinlt 'DQt er reme y than D r. Mil es ' ... •n suited to bla BRe (jr ~upat.ion, or ,Hear.t Cure, . Its strength~ :." Dated. M8roIl1~. ,1907 . " that · bis boweillarehabitnally i.':~:ItUP~~~Y' cousttpate4,. Talle ChAtpb8r1ain'II, ening influence felt ,al-'" . . ' . .FIWI.II" ~~., . ltopuwh and Liver Table~a to:regu. lnQst at orice,,: ' ' '1'ru8~ of WaJoe TowlIS~lp. Warreo late tbe , bowel. aDd improve the , "I have used to bOtU~~ or Dr: lolIte.; OhIo. di,el~lon aDd see if tb,enonbledoel ' Heart Cure &nd oan ' (1:utbfully .... y It· not dl •• p'....;r Alk for a free cl·m • bu done me more IIO!>d than anlltblns rsa 1 have evor,u.ed, atld I have , tried pIe , tkl . Id by J ' E JaDDeT' nMrIy every Ins that I know or. The 4IOc\Or whlJ . tler\d~1l me IUIked mil 'll'bat ,1 .".. · taJ<J~ ' and r to!!1 hIm Dr -Ifllett Heart car'l1; be Mid 1t WU .n .... ,J:!ot ~Ins ' to 'do m Ol c!ln~ lJood. but Itl ... • ANu,JJJ.. " \.I.m. 4114. I bi.Y. n9t ,taICen any for a yea.r DOW. and wblle tliero I.. OQOIU!Ion8l1y ... R---·""ILL., OR~O ~.t Iymptom, Of tbe old trouble. It ..,r.... Ia not enoqh for me to continue th.' U8II ot the medlclne.- 1f"1 IIhouJ4 ,... t . 8P.,..L'tJD : ~ 1 wO'yld, Imow what to do. T'llike
Don'"t · N'e' g1eet"'1t
I '
. ':
I' I
_hi,, '
, .. -. , . ~:- .. '"''!'~',,, ,\ . ....... ' ~ ;"'1." ~nuecl .O,f &h. ,•. ' ~~.'--" b
; MA~~OtmLlO~'&a. . R41p~I•• W , et!1Dei, 14, 'far.m or, of ...~nOD, '_ ~ aD'd LiDDle Motlurdy, 25, o. l.ebaDon. .' , '" ' , ' I ~ , ' • WitlJU; ....·!J.DooOJC; 21,), '17<_ ' • All:'p ·,IItUI"1Uld Kite H,lltzer,18, .....:.:..-00 " . ......... .. .. ~ , . ~ Oba~~j.I~lD;' 50, l"borer . aild . 1I0.llle iiI. Lid' dll', 38. a.):.Dob ' . . _;!~ " ," "
H\raob".s t ""0Di0il rreci llIiIl .wtIllaab a. WU : ~ .• " '. ,,' . . . . , D. adm .• '.D,,'r~tor. ,'. \ '
, ..Ie' 01 '. tbe ....1 eaaN of (', ., ' . ~.. A~', ~.eti d~, .... ,'. l," l" ~~ b)o. ilia ,Tbomll ' ,
l~·tJae ...t. pf"'o
.' \.
A " . MAFF'I'T ·.
Mrs. A. C. MoComall hal 8ent the Gazette a coPY of the Denver Re. pU.bUoan of Marcb 8, oontainlng a balf page o.rtiole headed "Ohioans who have won IUoo'888 In·thelr adopt. ~ ed State of Colorado," The entire arttole is extremely tD. 6. - every' loyal resident of ..,rest l ng"IIU the Buokeye ~tate. We note that one thfrd of ColOlrado '& Governors ~ ·have been Ohio moo, that In busi. nells alfliirs, In 8001&1 life, in politics , Ohio is Bnt. A good picture olr Governor Joh.n Evans, a Waynesville boy who be· came the Brst governor of Colorado and a brother cif the venerable Joel Evans , ' There is a.lsc a ploture of (lovern· or .'Ilmea M. Denver, father ot our preaent Oongree8mao, and after whom the city of Denver was .D amed. Among the men aotive In the a.ft~Ir8 of the city at tbe prellent time and during tbla ~st few years, we see mentioned 11'V1D Butterworth a 8<)D of Chukson Elntterworih, and who wal formllrly "eneral .manager of tbe Denver (ha and Electric Co. rhe aitlcle is lOne .that IIhonld bring prld~ to t~e , beart of every loyal Bnckeye, aud !Is an Ulultration of .the part Ohio people are taking in' the development of . the DatIon aDd the world. --Tetter, SII.It Rhea III alld Eczem DO 'J'beee lI're dillel18es for whiob Chamberlain's &l've itl espeolally It quickllr allllYs the ltah· ing and .martinR almd soon efroots a o'nre Pri08, 21i cents For 1181e by J mJanney . ,
~ IUde
14 60
. """ , _ .n 'Vew. Vor" ~-- .. Com........ :.. _ ~'& '.I.T1III. "--01 Y/I Th. n..,ton. 'LebaDOII .Dd CtD . cdDDaU Ratlway t:JD.t,,01. Ap wuordaredaDd decree of _ _ waa .0.4_ , • ... TIle.Rudolph WarUts"r OomMD1
Intereeting, Revic!w of Prominent Men Who bave Gone from Tbia State.
S3 04 12' 72
. 'I'll ?AU ~ om.. "
Ohioans who have Won I ~"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ~ Success in Colorado. ~ , . ' _ " _;
20 00
. LAKlD TOWN, UTAn, MAROR 8, 11107. PUBIillIRIlRS HI.III GAZBTTIL DIlAJI :rRli:ltDe: At home onoe more in the mlet.a of the RockeYI, where I arrived .felyon the 12th of'January, four dlYI after leaving the dear old frieoda, aDd bome of my youth. 1 bad a plealaot trip, meetlnl\' many bleDd. on the way ahrt enoounter. bu' little etorm or bad weather uutll I reacbed Randoiph, our coun. ty leat, 00 tbe 1Ub where it allowed night aDd the DBxt day I bad theedreme pleasure of riding 15 WiN over tbe hill hom.; through 111 to 1. iDobes of thll beautiful, wbicb in . a short time "Ilohes ~ d.h of 18 Inch811 on tbe level, h. ' then the weather turned warmer ADDa J. fierr, of F~Dldln to B . aDd a dri~llnR rain let ID and ID a I, Badley, 10' iD 'J'rankUD, ~1!lI, ' few daYI we bad mud I ·plen'y. , .1Il1ial ,Eckhar' an!!' wife &0 ' Daniel Bllt while tbe ilprtnkllng Wil.l going JI'.ot:ha'rt, sa AONI in I'raokllD &oWD ' on lo ,'he Valley, DOW wal pillDg IIhlp ;1000, ' . the mC!unklDI' whloh is prllo. "raDk aDd C. EJla BraDdon to ticial11. ao allnraDoe of heavy orope ...." FraDoee PflaDsel', lot iD 'Le~ aln'in tblayear. 8elldeallr. GrouDd ~l. .' , ~fal1ed ~ lell him.elf OD .tbe . klD~h J. and Laala P ; Hatfield 2nd day of J'ebrnary whloh $0 'Le~' t.'rawford. aoree iu Tante' of ·oou.... denot.. a~ early IpriDg " ....k. &owublp. II. and apparently In oonfinnatlon of . N~b B. Cb,apman,euotor of 'fery .00IeD' prediotlon, we will of Aaron Wri,ht. deoeued, hav• .,lready beard tne warbllDg of Wtlll4m S. NuU, lIi.J8 aONi In black birdl and robin" in the air, t."'..,r.,.k tonlblp, 121150. tall.bade t~ and on the ' feDoes ; .ran,tea Weidner, of,. '8~ri~gboro, and lO~e of Olll'. farmers are put· to ,Olira L . Farr,JoS .in . SprtDlC boro• ~I In CJOpl . Insure Against Acci' f8 16,:. , The people generally I.oom to be dents and III Health ,,.nol. M. HeoiJenoo, of . under the bright IUm. The Aetnli Life Inlurance Cp.will Bolly to Jobo R. Moore, 10 mer of the yooogeet ltar io 'he oon. issue you a polloy by whioh yon wU} 10 ,tao,diD wWDlbip, f1088.80 No 4~, we are, alao aspecl'. receive a st.o,ted sum per weel!: 10 Joel A . Cook &0.WllJtam 1/.. happy at. the preaent thne to ca8" of 800ident IIlckne88. For 47 aorea til rnuakUD. towuhlp, ,that we are repreeented in parttoular& Bee Fred B. Sherwood Alfred J. aDd ·BlaDob BockJU, of senate of o~~ gr~,' 'Da&ioD ~y a LOceI Ageut. , .k> t.'harlea8: Bodtliill, of maD. tried aDd nue. As maDY are CiDoinDati, lot iD Le~OD. 1'. ~wa~,. our &toior Senator ~ ~lta MoOo~neU, 0, f N.w York, to Sm~' whom we lo.~ for his honor ChamberlalJf s COUllh Remooy is ~. d -... b ' " th 1 f '. Botb Agreeable and EtJeo"ve. ~rl• .8. ltoothtll, of CtDqlnnati, ~ purl ... ,. u y or e . as' ollr Ohamberlaio's Cougb ReDledy lot til LebanoD, 1. YMn beeD aoder aD ordeal sucb a"l hal 00 luperior foil' ooughd, ooids . ~lt1IdiilOD-8pyk8r, 01 D. o'ber 'I8D~&or , baa ~'fer ~D aDdoroup. aud tbe faot that It fl to Obar]ea .8 , BOokhlll, . of oal~~ .poD to pUB th.-ough, but be pleasaDS tqtalfe an.d oontainl ooth'l CiDolnoaij lot io LebanOD 1 . came out OI8&D wl&bou' a flaw as~ 11!1 iD allY way ,tIl~u:nollS hal made L" 'd ' n - I . J ' .1-':'-b \Ddivldna]" '" ~ i~ a favorite wltb~otber8 Mr.,W. ~ aD ,,,:,",,,0 I , a u__ , 10D. . . 8. ' l'elblUQ, a meroha.ot ,of KirksOf Ohio. to Chart. -15, Rookblll of 1_.m .ery tbanltful .that I W88 vUle, Iowa, 8aYI: \']&'or more than ~ otuotDoa&i j lot 10 LebanOD, 1, per~ltted during tbe PI.s t · sommer I ~W8Dty years ()h~mberl&in:8 Cougb LeoDa II. BoDe, IOle devllee and to. vlelt a~aiD tbe home of my cblld Remedy ball beeD' my leadIng rem· I tee . hbOd and to' miD Ie with old friends for all throa~ troubles It ia 88· ep of tbe win ~ Jobo A. BlfDe' R , , peolally suoceufulilm cues 0(' croup d~~. to 8Wpb~n A. 8t1lwel), !,Dd &OqIlSI.Dtanoee. as well .. Dew Oblldren like it and my customers iD LebanOD, I ,' , 1 hope they may be bleued wbo have used it will Dot take abY ,Charla. S . aDd MarRaret S. Book. 'b~ir maDY k~d· wotda !lnd other." For 1181e l~y J E Janney bl1l .. 10 S. A. BUlweU, I~ io LabaD: OD t . ' , .," " , ' . In OCllolu.lon I wiah to sa,. that , . , If aDY 0 f , h em\ s bId '.. • ZeUa aDd Ill. .r .aa. Sears to Jar· ou ' e~er wao,.er
. ..~I ~o....
,.ehiol.. for J'ebruary... W. H .· JackBOD, mercbaD· di86 ................. : .......... .. I'r"nkT:WbI~ore,oement .. ' and I18wer pipb .... .. .... :., John Wolfe, bridge re.oatrs Valley Telephone Company reD'" and '0111.............. Celltral Union Telephooe .Company,rent. aDd tolls
M W L'
D ." '"
'F'RIE·NO. TO .FRIEND.' dD OB1LDBR , • I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!il!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!
..... Miles' H .. rt Cure a" t dl~ before. I!!Q: CIOJUlldei' m7l!'llt ..hl'1\CtlCIllly; GUM at: ' helln trot\!lIO'· S. If. DUNNAX, ""·UIIIWtO.o,· Tea.. .
The l.ittle' ·Mandarin
RecIpe for Conso",mll That I. Said to ee Oellcloul>. •
W111:'n thl' bost joInt' ot fowls or partrldSlls havo been, lak 0 fOI' fl'l caS80S or cutlets the r~:mllind r InIlY be stewed wllh II 110llnd or 1"0 01 venl cu t. a ' consomme bkh Ulen Ink II ~btl
(CoI'.I' .lllh~,
nOllle chicken 01' of I;O\llC InBv~·, ,
by J(I';ol'lI D, DoWl l'S" ,
"!joap 811n8e."
'dlrrerenco In cost' 'between 1\ poor toilet III,JII/l and 0. sood t-olll!t 80llP euch Uti Dllq)lau'a s(lup, I~ II ciAilt or two 110r' week. Tho. durer.nM In results, thOllSb, ,conn(lt bo measured ' la mo""y, 'Ilia eb liP 80ap mude ttom Impate fa and pdWerNI uikall, Irrltate. tbe skill and resu lla in ail kinde ot IIkln trouble. Buchan's Antlaoptlo ~OIlP. llow cver, Is not only absoIIItely puro nud a flul!: cleanser. but It contaIns Ph uol Absolut, an Idear antiseptlc .l'roteotlng tha user agalost
he , .fi,I;~, requl81te Qt a good ', moLher, Is II'wd lllln~tb, nnd the ell- , perillnc8 atubiurDity should not be npprol~olloil wHbout. enreful p)IY leal l'rI\PRr~tlou'Irr., '" ~VOmI!oD who II; ill g:d r,bYSicn \.'Oua:Uon h'nn6tnlt.s to Or 'Q ,ildrell the ble6ldngll of .. good ' conli~ltutioll , " . l'repo.rntlon fill' hen.lthl mnterIs by ydlD. E . •
, FQr n IIlI'SI' tllllullr lit Is ulwuys well d ' rD1(\yno ~n8 not by I\n)' ",('ana, a I alfe(lt you like this }'jlg bad b8~tef to bav s tock tbu t can "lilly be oonblld , 1J0rt of fellow. "' , hul! n o" I' bury tbe thing, ('t(>od·b)'o. old mlln. verted Inlo \ hlle or olher S(\II 'll 9. To Co~PODl;\(J., tleen latendoo rOt' huulitess; be und-ilan I talce a m('sHalle lO Miss ml~k e lIil a arr(lllge Il slloe 01' l~'ll at contamina tion. It vour na1..1ve root~ und Ii atl bEM>1~lgh I y edt ~1l4-al-I-""w.u-,=....wLL u, 'u..'--L...w..~~---Ul-"''''~''"-I-rnnn-!:I8'I1r-1tr'"lJ"-S Ite Wpo ''"It h t h reo 'not keql It ~e~~c:~,::':,I~'~~.~~.~~!~irl~~~~~!I!~!i!~!~~~~lly'Lhun by (my ' hts rnthor's death he' (ollod blnlsl'l! dnoco nrler [ bave ord your IItlte pOIlUlls ,tho neck of Teal (or lhe dress with 18 cents to Bu'llOn's Boap' becauso it glYCS tQne. I ~~~~§~§~ ~~i§§~!!!~ til tho I,os.I Uon of 1\ well-cducl\lcd, pol. dose, Sbllll [ Ic ll her you':1 be rouna Iblck l)orL or 1\ knur.kl" or VI'''' will Corporation, New York. al\l'l 1.lIey wlll tIl.\) entire lemlniuo Cj !:l isb '0 nd wealth" <llspJt\c 'm()JI~", ulS• .JAMES " Indlvldllal wll b to 1!ec her tonlOrruw ovelllng afte r lhe a nswer liS weill" I,onl' 0\' r threc pluta eend you a full s ize cake. nll.1"",mr.,nn, and ~b " . , , \ no411ug ill whJch ho cou ld o~erclijo twonty-four hours lirc o\' er~ Hn! Ual of strong, vQal 1.11'0111, put 11\ salt. , By Endless ChaIn. aud ,m ore. chlJclre4 b altby &~ birth. For IXlnl'e fhl' ramlly shr('wduc8S, Can't tru st yolirsolt to see b r lusl Atter It hus conlin nced to bol!, years . ' '. ' ' .' 'i Ono I,artioular da ,v , JC'rrnav , ne c:lme at I r 'solll '_ . S ull and nOll9\\n e. old skim carefully, add un' sma11 0111011 , "Speaking of the endles!1 cbaln to. tho &tUPCO\lO\lK ,COllolu910n tbnt be man, but gooll-bye; I'll lIOI' In on illY 011£1 80\~P Inlnch, a IULIe color)" ono prayer that II! going rouurl£! ' sqltL ',' 'y " a.~ · hr oIovo. ThUi .. nelllsion WI\S I\!'- way ' back," woma~ with Ute che' 'rful Tulce,"' r "' cllrrot , one blade oC mil e, nnd it half the can'L 8 e wha't' ~od ' that can 'do. Ullh~ been 1.)le 8~dby of A'm rieall IJlQtber& In. preparing fOll, ohlldl>I~. ("'cll (~t wllh !OI" the d ollb rille elIre To hlrus IC be saltl au h e \\"oot dnwo a snlL \1Oontlll of pept>el'corn~, Sl w NotewhatMts JnlDesClwster.ot4::1 W. 8Mh '~, Ne~v Yorlf sa1,l1 In \)li8 'YJllcll hi S ClUltI(j( 8 I '8Un!'l tl n C(lSSt· tll(' stairs: gOlllly for tou\' 'h()ul"S. thell ' It Ule , les8, may be. 1t m1gbt illo.rt 110m' POOf letter:-D'!ar M.r s, Pi:nlch'Bm:::'('J\vish overy, Ilxpeotnnt motherirn6,v·.'bodt tll,led; H ~vas fll1l11, ",Ith" bil n, anll If "l -dlln't btll! like thlll. A seoslble, wretch on tho ~oad to glory, ~lot :I gqt, Lydia E. Piokhatqia Y~ffCtltble Complltalq. ' 4 lIelgbb\>r \Y}lo bqd ~a'~l'd 11)lT('~l ted woul~ 'uyolve II s olitary slend)' follcm', ,too." heart Is In \ll'ces "trll iu oII tbe IP'UYT, an. a Wrl\\1y glcO ,sUk .I1ettJ,c oat p[tqts gt'Ca,t vo.l\1.0 at thiS trylog p flOd of a.IWOWIlO'lIl1fo urged mo W irJ' (IX I l.cnce- ror tllo 'rest or his days, Dr, Wlu~lou ' sent n ,dose unu wenl 6<.'t 11"'11)' to 1>eC1lJllC cold. urt t a.nd l(lld'ab. ·t\.ild I ' en.nuot 'SUI',eno ";rb' l-b rewd to tho' gOod It' lilll filIj. which , r 010>'0 tl1 h .! . A r.}w musU- an ,endll!ss ohalu on'co, Tbe turers 1ieut letters sklng ~ I recovered quick1.,. lind am' in tho·l)l!st-bf Ircl\hh,no,,,.!! '. ' " • .~ oN 'l'bo' favo re" tady WIUI not beauttrul In tlo hiM way to the dunce. .Almust th .. '" fOlllO S bllU()nS 'YI\J \:rcatiy , 111I I )I'o'l'e Daines and a ten 'cent pION!. t" lIent ' " ~'ydlll E. »iDkP'IJ"'s VcgctnbJo CoIDPOQ~ 1& l:crtnlnly a IlUcceastul form I,Jr teatllro. flolUl er was abe tal- flrst I,lfJrson be me t nttel' onterlug til" ' flvo names and the ten.cent piece. not iii; nedy for the peouliar weaknesses ond nn'lnenf.8 of wowuu. ' IDted Or l'ilrUcnlarly clover, ' nn d 6b(' 1'0 m ' \raS' MIss maine, Ho stoppe'\ ,tho flavor . , It llna outed ulmo t overy'florm of li'emale CompIBlnt!J, Drop,'giJitt Sens. as dccldedly I'oor hi thlJ world'lI h'r In hIs olf·hand way, IN T ,- -IM - E- O-F SICKNES~ h thlnklog much . about It, ju s~ try l1l: ilona, Weak Uack, Fa.UlDIr)arul. . DillP1llC menta, ~llfllUDm~ltVJ .:4.u~ce,... rod ; bllt ehe \lIlS II general favorll , " Mil;!! Blaine, YO II mny a 3 ~l'IlI ' I.;I'·" It. and It was n't long before tlic)' sent tiona !lnd 9rgnulQ D1!lC~e~ of Wpmen Ilnd Is invilluablll,III r"pllrivg .fQr I)oIng gJriQd wllb a sIVoE'tncl;s of man- llIe all of J erlllayae's Ilances tonight. Slmpl& Remedies That H ave ,Been me tols love ly silk !lett! ont. 'ft \TIlS' Ob!ldbir.tb and durillg' the Ollu'n ge 'o t'Life, , ' , ' : ' ' : ,' ~; lief nlld an amiability altogeLh r I'vo' Just B'cn him. Orof SS IOOfLlly, Ho the nicest sort of silk, teo. All loilg U Mrs. PJnkha, m 's Stllndlng l"v ' ltatiOD Prov~d of Vall'fI, 1 wore It It didn't creek!' ,. cb rmlng; partioularly BO to J er- asked to let yon know, " ' Women ';\lff ring from any form of Icmnle \venlcotltlo' ",ni>m'flted 'to llla.)'ne. Til a nSWer to the glrl'H porcepUbce To Induce perspiration, Wl'1nl; 1'1 , write ¥rs, Plnk]lI~m • . nt 1\1,;. Her advlC:S 'is frae, ' \ • , , 1L wrm. Ite nnnlysed, so obvl IlsI,. to loss 01 color and ' evldeut anxiety be blanket out In" hot wlil ol'. and FEARFUL BURNING SORES. «l r JUlyant.'lS to aCCollt hiUl, yet be adde~l: wrap ' It rOund til PBUe ll l, Then oCUd not II sire hor to marrx Illtu for "oa' t worry• .he'll 1.10 0.11 rl~hl to· pack In 'hl'ee or foul' dry blnnkets und Bo'y In Misery 12 Vear':-Eczema In >Iluch com forts llll he, \lIth hi!! we\l-I U,1, mQrrow and be sotd .he would seo yeu altow hllll \.(> I'epqs~ for 30 ' Inlnutes, Rough Scales, Itching and In. o(X)UI(\ siva ber; wbn\ ho w:lllted wall ,In the aveillng. SO)!10 mental lIi1ock ; flamed-:-Cured' by Cutlcllra. 'rhe COYOI'I nsa tUM' tben , be t.u kC'i! ' oil', I}ruoC ()m-l sho was absolutely dLallltcr' Rothln!; or Importllace, N!aUy, Thanks" and tIle surft\c of the body I' l lbbed ested; thut I t would be Cor loyI'. and - 00(1 he handed her bac'k! b er ('. rd. c'l wIsh to InCorm you that your wlll\ warm to", Is, . f.u~ Oltly . t!lnt ho would accellt blm. Amy DlUlUS WIUl sCl\1'cel ~ herself It 18, as n rule. b(.s t to allply eom· wond rrlll Cutlelll'a hns put' 0. Ptop to ~le ono wlntor 'aftQl'Doon Jar- tlml evenlog; to smile WIIS an elfort. presses at night LlmEl, as Jl Is I1lfficult twolve years at misery I passed wlth w a yne ""as dre8/l1ni' I'topllrntory to alld once. t hey hnd COllcluded 8 dance, to ko p them 'In pOSll:lol1 '~hIlQ m y lns m" son. As aa lornot I noticed on gohlg alit tor ,tbe e,veruog. In the 'the iloctor I'ema·r ked. to bar.. about, After removin g them. III , the We body a r od spot. urid treat&tl 'same O\lnlO or UJat inonlng he fllll)' ,"Miss Blaine. I'm Inoll ned 1.0 thi nk with dltt:erent re medies tor about five mor.nln ~, sponse tbe atrected tht nlilld to "Iaco hls , fllluru at dcrmoyno a V01'Y luck), mall. I wish WiLli cold waLer, 80 118 to I'estor tbt) ),enrs. ~ut when lite spqt beSll1I to liar dI81,05al. ,Ho lalL seoured tlc1f:o\.ll lIon10 one would tllk c th trouble to 'tone a! UIO sklil. Get larger J put hIm under the care (Or Il curtain Bnnuj(} "o1in.i'tty festival. ' WOrry over w ," TaKo a Jug or hot water con ta lnlnpt or doctor~. Under their treatment the ' and I.t1 the-'ool\rso ' ot au bour ot ,two ,"r donlt quite understnbd YOU. Doq- tlio drug ' which hn's ' to ho JlIltllle,\. dlsea!!\) il\lrelld , to tonr dl lrel<80t {lllrts fle >"ould meet her there. tor?" · or his ,body. Tbe 'loDger tho doctors t l(e lace o,'er the jug, a'nd 1\1' .rormoyno \Y\UI II, man \V,hose \Aates "well, YOU look ' n bit fogged , nail Hold treated him the worse It became. Our. wero \1nllllual. ho was tond of the pad bettel', IQave early.. 1 11m gOlns range U lowal 60 lIl llt It covprs t!JIJ Ing' the day It ,woul!i set rOUGh' and tace uelow tllO eye!!. anll BUl'rounds form like scalell_ At nIght It ' WOUld Qllalnt lind bizarre tn art, lI.od his lhe ' top Of tbo Jug_ Tb,e medlc!ne is .-uO'll8 u\)o\lodcd In ornamOl:tI! of curlbe ernoked, In!lllmed, nnd ,l!Mls swolthus, llr llUleq throul~h ' Lbe p~~\Itb a~d <IUS origin and Blrall~e workmanship. len, with terrIble bu rn lng 'l1ud Itcbn03e. lnG. When I think or bls sUtterlnG', Among these waa a small figil~o of It noarly brellksmy • beart. His -Cblnese make, tbo figure at n maa· Onions' an!! F' I1e 'lmonla. <dattn wltb IL noodLng boad; a rantus· Tlte followlug remedy Is B~ld to be screams ' ooulcl be benrd downstairs, 'tic 1mage wtth a solemn (aDi) and hlgb a curo for vueu\Ilellla. Tako slx , .to The Butterlog of my son ~ndo ;no lI.nld ball" thnt- mored, when" tollobp.d ~n, onJoDs, Decordinr to 'stUl, 8\1d ehoJI full of mIsery. . I',bad no a:mbltlon to ' .end kep't ' maTIng ' for BOmo ~lll\lte. fine, J)u~ 1.11 a large spIdel' ovel 0. ,}lot work, ' to eat. , ..or could " ,I , sleep. ,rutcrward~. '. ' , tiro, ,then add tile, stlllle ')uantlty -of One doctor told me ' thnt Jtl:v 800'. , llit.\lU:v wb\lt. the figure hnd. to 11,0 ryemel\l Dnd vlnegoll'" euough 1.0 rorm , !!CzemlL wn~ Incu~able. anli gav';. It up 'with, IIller en,eni./l - Jernm)'no never n tlilck pRste. In th meanwhile 8t1r' Cor 0. bnd jotl; ' OnQ evening I sawall '1m w,; It \I'a8" n I!lra~~ c [CUUllllnnce. It thoroughly, l o~tl,llE; It "Imme\' five . article In tho papcr about the won~e ... ten minutes. Then uut '111 a colton bns rul Outlcurn and decided to 'give , It n 1\00.,evor, that';- i\s' hI) '\Ie)dlt W ' blH Y1IlDd be expressed the wlsb which .lil.rj;e ououl;h ' to covel' Lhe lungs" Il~d trial. ' Itell you lhat CuUcura Olntment "IWll. • ~D amply granted: ' ' . apply, to 'qbest au hot M J)1I.L1ent cO,n \11 WOflh 'Its weJsllt la gold, ani;!. wj.len uri," h e aald. "I could road !last bear. In about t n, mInute,S al'l/ly 1 b\ld used . tho first box ot Olntdent .lvCl:J and prescot thoughts but-for one anotber, arill tbus continue by re-beat' thore was .. great i'mproveme!)t, a:ld ¢ly 1 sllould kllow 1JIIIoom { cOU.ld trust Ing ,tho pO\llUCes, IlJD d a fc.w bours by ,t he time r llad used tM second Bet '6nd wbom t.o ' tlie' IlnLient will be out of daoger. Thli 'of Cu~lc\lr!lo SOBI,>. • Cuttcurll 0 '1nt\fa ph\cod . sImple romedy bos .seldom tollec,l to mont, Ijnd Cutlcura Resolvllnt, ' mr t)~Q ",bell'. ' tills {oo-oflen (,l1tol mllladY'" Usu: cblltl was cured.: Be Is n(l~ CloddlJlg , ally three 0'1' four appllcaUons 'will , be years qld, and . bl!! kin Is a;;-;8;-iI(;';*tIIH~IoI"~" ~e . " sumele,nt, but continue Ul1t1l tho 'Per' and smooth IlS silk. ?titcb 'el 'S telnspJratlon ' st ur\JI from tho chost; ' mlln. '1 , Sum!l'e r Avenue, Brookl),B, Ili:dY'S pbotograph, and her, taco N. Y., April 16. 1005.': ' . : ' .' iflCemod to smIle at him; oll or.. thosc -Louc;ll;m Tit-Bits, ·lbGwltoblJlG Bmlles whlch IJI\d sell led - - - - - ,:- " ' - ·rne'Snl.• of Royaltyl -lJl.!rJIIIlYn~'a a.ttOCUOIIII. 'fbori a ha,£e • .' '" Veal Brawn. " , seillJllld to' Sllresd througbout'tho room, Out up' two pouods ·breasl at veal ., The long tall8 ' <l'f the sl\l\b ' of :Pet'. "My nor 011 ml,lst be 'O,lIt of Qr'der:' ~edl\lm size p!e,cCi8, '. J)u~ them ·In lila's horses nre dyC'\ crimson fop oil lit theJr :t1fls-a ' jetllo(lsly· be aald to bitJ1I1CH, as b' , l)~'coeded ' <=:> an enaineled ' SRucopnn 'wltb .·cnough , guarded ·prlvlle,8 of Ute flder an,d with his toll(jt. H;e' ('l\ullOd before a Moment She,~ Wa. Kneeling 8e' water 'lO covcr them, also oue . em'ali 800.. ", 4h\l ' mlrror to II\lt' l\ finIshin g ndJlII,;t-, slde .'the Couch. 'I onlo\l !lnd fOIlI" pe11lIcrcOr!lll; ·slmmer _ot to ,bIll tio, when ,8uddenl)'~' wlth n gerltly for ' iwj) ,\fCilll'j;; remove tli"r====~=;:~~=;!~~~~=~~ '~!ltIa". ,bo ,sunk lo,t(l, II.; and It 'I'll' too, !lod cali dl1),o yqu Bnd YOUI ,meat fl'om th'& ~Olll · 8, :put the bones, , ca~e to ' hlln · tha,l ' his ,w1sb ilIid· l iE.o(In Ilunt to your holnc." , , ' bllck' II1to tbo ·lIquo.~, 'and s\Jnml,lr ,rOf &n\n~. .rus~ ali 'jn a ,jtrolLin lllcidenf;ll ,Whon > pOiist'ng Jerm~yne"f! dl)C> imotl\er llonr j C'l It , up tho meat' , hitQ !IOlilih paat one;' ",hl(lb, t", \VI\klnG liours tor, ordered hill, llIan to ' atop. ,,'" small ' pl~ces' with ooe-h!llf , pound , of ' ·.. ould t;8:lu) do),s to aOCOml)lI eh, SO ho, 'U,)xcus,e, llIe ,a inln)lte/' 11e Sllld, "ane) Hllm;',' ,' t:b~ Uquor Jpto lD 1 that' brlef mQmel\t hllil secn tho ,~1I. run. up and, see "how tho \lId cbap StI UCl'IIRU; a,d d ,lhe meat, u 888,' CleM aoUollS o( bls pa~t lIfe~ ' the Ie:' . , " """, ' I;Qnlng of salt aod ' Jl,el)plU", lind a ddldlsll decelta ot, blu youtb, roll'lWild "MIlY' l come tOO, Doctor-just to sprinkling of nutme'g and .Iulxed spice; , IIlI A {ll1.norama e;,f " el,Qr m(lllnneBlles. \~Q door?" aet It b, the IIlde bf the !ltove to get 'W~ ll¥~ !It- oo!lo0, d,llI8oQhal;lt~ w'ltb "lJoW8 If ,)'ou wlsl,1," .be S~ld, ' Quite hot.; let It stand ono-f()tII'th bour, ~lI'Il. ,aBJie.' PL In hl8ol,llllr,1L1I bls 'l,'be,,40ctor fc)und JerDlllyne aw!\ke, hut do· hot l et It boll. ' Pour Into liD eltd", eOnce\t8 Cb,lio , 1\lm, " and bls flrot , questton, was: oJlft)ien mould, and set IlSI~e to cool~ " Wlltl a.!l~lfort, ~'.oy<~l'f)ct , U•.mlllellI,.J': ,,':P.!d, )'ou, !oll , b~rT' ;" \ ' , and 'hll heil ,If '''Y~ l ,~ fac;t, )'m, dl1vlbg.her C'onvenlent Bath Mat, "" ' b;o.!D '1.ho . , thl,B mi:fment ~bo llo'ls'e keeper ' , the boardei=Ci'r" traveler "; wbo the dbeler',. I\.nd jt ' . caDnol always . obrumand a '~a()1-tu):l , ii for a feW minutes .Amy was ' for the cold plunge e,v ery ~mo,rDius('a "treel ' , " ", ,', ", . forgotten 'o utllide: tbe door_ .' qulck ' cold aponge Is a' 'n ,eces6nry, 8ub., At ' t~e" aecond · lam~ ,he ,. [lllS8ed , {ermB?:n,e ',Diov~d rosttells!)', an,d, ~Q stltute. , , 0,' :,: bearil her own nanta, ,How -weak h's .. Here ,Is II. cOlltl'lvlln,ce for av,!ldltill ~an. II. pefBOnBI , rr lend , aM '8 -0 ' 11' 1 '. f te d ' tl " ~<lI- ,' W1l8! Mon,tai shock. Wba ' t d'ld ~e ' we ng 0 car~e _ ,an rugs , 14 t
to. di,a,E:'p,itikham'sVegetable"Ccm' " . p'Glial
to Women
Is.a whole' medicine chest'
1" l~~:"I!~~iy:~r{\:~~t~~:I~r.~~~~~l~;~~!~~: '~11I!!~!!.!!.!!!i"i!'''''~.'!!!!~~~~~~1~~~~~
and '1\',benevolent; 'that ·me-an? ,' Oh, If ,he \\'imHo 'be ver-y, Is qUito n,8 n~e f'u1, as: th 0, eXllel?,1l I Y!l !folio well knownnature;" fOr bls ' ' ' rJvulded ', e, Y , er 'nfterward.Il. · 1':1e lit-to ' dIe! Tho , girl'H inhui Wlis a tubJl'er, bllth milts, . ", ," " '." " , , . .. ohn li o f love ! ~r.d rellr'. 'She did noi . Secure. 'Il' ylu'li _alld , a: l1alf ' at ",Ide r.uq\;cd , on . rapi~IY"' WIth,. , fl: ~lckc~lllS ' , '" oile)o l!i and lIOuSIl Inrge-~lzed ,f!('n:le c)t'Wh14t wa~ to cOme, ,' '.. , " stqp to CQn\,lder whnt, 'she, ,dqlng , to' go around ,tlio,lIcluni'e, 'Fold ~ .,cati'to ',: 'oxt : tOo a 'hou~e wbe.l:e ' a ' '1\ momell t ~h ,,,,liS krleellns bes ldl \ ; th l! edge of the o.lloloUI ,ovpr the ' ~aU IVlliI ' bei ng bold . ' A Indy- ",as ' lcllv- the .c,o uell , 'i '. , .', ' and' se"''., It 1II'I\IIr ail arolind to form i;)i:; fl~r carrlnge, ~6' b~ l):ws "d: for ',"'QII. TonW', ore : yo\l , yery; v,orY III? n ,vl'it rprq'~r JUllt." wl tl} 'n. mls'e tl dgc, 1·r.:~",;",+,:",:~~p",iilj[l ...rih;'Cl'I<e~ "". lo' u n b, ' ; ' 111m, HIla 'I'alll d ber , "v"'~ ~Vba~ has hllPIl 'ned to yo1i?" aM !lbe, ' I ~. th at Uu~ ~~.. ~,,, . 'loOk his, hlllld':11I hC;:I'S, bl, t- hc ' IIePl· his that wll 'CII tcll nil drlpplng~ . anu '\, 4. 1116, nnll be Jinl\1V ber "tu :bo n lad)' racit! ;e:!ol111ol)" turt;c.\tJ ';i rom li er; ' 'be ~IlY be.: ~ollciJ , 11)1 wluin.' not Ill" U:se'~' ':' cir ,hoto, ·, but. nlns! ' bo ,~ecollCd again. . ' • " t . I d t I" ' (Jared 'l\ot look I\t ,b ~r, Th,ll one thins , Removing p ' mer fro"; , PaIlS; , ', 'ypn W!l8 , raven e . 'Q' ~m, ,:., hi 11 ,.. I' .• d ' d ... ,. ,. \)SII'O - ,.. e !lower to 'To l'em'p'· yo ' tile , llltller .. 'wblc!i' ..!cnnilync tIIlUB!l(), lurned round, 'a nd, w" ch ... e Illu h I' , II ' ,, , "h all b ,'-' '3 was his, 1100"u Ihe cO'" "lle' 11a'n '\,f" t~" ' bllk ",u "ilIur;J,od looking :to , ri ght sQ,o er ' as B a , tru y was, I ~ It !s < Gal, (0 loft of , l~iI:l , n\''1liHng . th,a' ,saze' yet b~ ,d ared not Uti It work ,1'~'1ulrIUS ~'klli. TtI _II th e' 'Clll<" of all , pallsers:' Ilo··h~st<lncif ,'lo' I1I.s Sbe ' placed h:~ r honda -qrt 1~1l! fllco. fl'OIn t be till a· siev~, '(Ind whG,il)lt, t'OQtllS and Dllng h(II)llelt , on a coucb, and ,I?enlly; ~vcr ~,o gen tl y, ,IIrOW : It hns pill'tl y cool ed 1111'1\'- 1.110, cako -: bt)~, . 'l:lc"diued' uot ,tll,ce ' hili flweethelLP,t tbat , tonnd ,tow~rd , .h or, lind be W~3 CO!"" ,toUt II rl\~lI.rd and l!1'usl~ ' th~ ,pu\lel' ,w~\h ' t1lg11t. , 'J' be housek~llei" beard , him pelleil, tu ,luok ·at bel'. He, .S IlW • w~.t chilled \Vllter. ' nril.ll ' It fa thQl'pilghly looliel~ 1u IIntl Lhen wont ou t: Ilnd 611'1 Lrllly ,transf?rnlOd ,hlnl.-that for her 'dI\I1l11. \\'11 ' 11 tile paper WCIIl ellSllY ', lwel a di)..l.or, ' 'Jibo , docl or .Wull 1\ tlJere ,wns \)l,It (JnEl milD ,in the ,wQr1d ,off 'Wbon PII er ill l'ot us .'! d 'l ind t..UlIP _NI~h a futuro jlcrore b rlu i ' IIml ' that 0110 hlni .. ~It': " , .' .I~b. 10 'pre,vo'ni ' l!he '1~IL,ke "'frall} :t\ frJe'n,iI or :tormaync-",,: ,a nd . . . . , ,to ,the. ';'[llln\ g~il50_, h ..... 0111- ·~-;id.·lllI"Ol~~ Tileb' 'IIttlo.•. mahtl,llrlo contin ues " to dredl!o", wl,th" 110,III,' ,t h, n,t.,' hn8,· b, c~o p~:i~,I ~:':I:~!:A~~~~~~~. -round at onca: '.' ' I ' , tor' " , 1I0d, ut unuer a' 'g ll"s Qase, ." • • j! Is " hc-rou"'hlv dT'led. ' 110- 8Uf(" to 8"a'l(e' ""'0110.' Jernlllyne. ,· Wbat's ,the mat" ' , . J ' , ' " • " , t;;!!~~ L< "<.... _ pr moted, and ermllYllI always treats nut ,IiIl'Allttr.n' t1Qur before ' xi!itt !lg ~'Ll)e I:" >te1'1 , Lol's ' ba~o a 400k. Ilt you:" ~, I 'i:t, , I>a~ticulli'r respect. " -,":" '~al[e ' nrt Wfl,~ "ln. ',', ".f '" i , f,' .:' life (eit- hll! ~ ~I\UIiD't'lI I>ulso and • • The "I'rlan" Who MInd. 'the <;owc. ' w"s60d h!a hane) over ' bls foreh<;!ld, ..Ternlg,~-= keeplns bta ' ~te8 closed 'nU ~< [1I" toe nallquQ count~y the cl1lldren' Ileglll.,CD'_wor"k at an eanly ago, 'l'hcy ltM time. , ' 'toDd D.nd guIde tlte "'iou Beom to have bhd a sbock of IQaru 'Homo k!rid, ' What ' ls It1 , COlUe. · "ou, \\'hICIl . litre usell enUrely- [OF nl;rlcul-
vr.t" to
tural, aud tlraught \\,ol'k, and" 8S If !Jy Inlay lUI well to!1 1110;" .' • Jcrmayne~ In disjointed lIoUtOnces, Instinct. obtain completo contr,o l OH~r tile animals whllo barely iWle to ' reach told bIll stor)'. ·- ' , "Nonsense, mr ' dea:r fellow, rou'vo thofr beads, The sturdf' urchin or 'tJieeh overdl/ilJg ' It; - t4Jt,~ what ,Ia' fuu~ 'Y!!anl Is up b.,t-.da}"lIgbt, ond bare, '_Virou," )Vhat havo )'ou "aen rfJadlp~ Ic,gghd and 'barcbQll.lIC!d~f be roea with f3.tely! You ,bad b"'HIr go to ~II. and tbo COWB to tile llaatureI, " If/, one 8houl4 atrar 0,11 to·" ~elgbbortDg patcb: In ,101Ile(blog, [or YOU_" Is' t,:ler It wlth lila 10DB luok and TIMt eioctor gl"noocJ at tho metal ,,,,,que. "ndJu\'IAtlou. aDd b~-' IH"".-»' ~:.aGL&1Ow~~JCilIw.:lOd. tllpre. II iiOiIC184 IIi~tIY. ' "~ . U"~ ' IMIIUIC. Qlr ' mudarlll IICILmlKlrlDg ,balik, "1!tJQrJt1'J· boldlDI ' !l'Mlr41. ,,~ tNt It Wi sol. tel' Ita ,tal" meQJI~bU"
."'·U .....
th e
A nnuiil
Cr op of a M lIlIol1 a nd f'icked.
BUShel s
Crown -
It Wll~ CV nlng on the Dalmla prill· .lim dose at ,hi s heel s, ",I t ll rle. Hofur til door of hl ij BOll sbunty down del ·cl dly. An hour l ate r the two m .. rgl'd a ),oun' Ulllll wuose naK on hall' 111'0· c laimed h i candlmlv lau lin :ll\e from lh d oor o[ the bank , 11ll1·~8 1~· siol)cl , l'll gag ' cl in th l' Ilgrollslng dulY Ihey sll'lllled along the cll sUlal .tl·C'O t On o f be most Imp(lrl ll lll preli m. J:h(l RCOOP l ooks Il k II / roke , wtrh of feu{lIn!; h i>! slwph I'd clog. A s bo unUI lh!l)' . all1 to where Ih l ea m EASILV MADE C A BINET WILL. THE CURSE OF DISCONTENT. IliaI'I 's t o th 'I'hnu[csg-II' ln); dinner Is It bux IIlIlICh d , a nd Is m u ll of bl ck. tossell Ihe crullIlJs I h riog wouLll Icap \\"a ~ II d . 1\ mile out on th· open SA VE MUCH WORK , the fall pl Qkl ng of t h rop of (,ran· o r y. II has 10111; tl' oth , Mud th u op· n l mLl y u\lwarrt and c;o t('h tb e lll uoatly pn:il'lI! till) youlh lU rlH' <I In hI" S('u t H app iness Impossible Where Th i l , l111cl shonk hl ~ r.lo ll cherJ /1 111 nt Ihe ben·l es, which 1'01\ ' h ' nu w u, goocl !"llto r Jl II ~ h 8 It alo nt.; fh ro ug h the as th y des .", dl'd. Folly 19 Indulged In. " A h. ,' h o cjllc ul u l <I, Ill·csI'nll y . I·('('ml l llg tOWI1 . On c!) h J.':hll' 'II up· rO ~lIl \1 milli on bll shf' l s of 1) IU ~ hlug I'od ViII" I avlug It 'al·crull )" acl] us ted so Pescrl pti on of Ono, Manufactured fron, llolUc)d fi rl1lly In II fruil. Anu ",but,1I11 0(''''" 11 o r sa lle nn d thal It do . not t ar tb e vll) e~ or 1ll 1 ~1I "'a Weeli- nlllyl) twu II" ok ancl she wurd- then Old Orga n Box-All Kinds of Uten· If ~ h e Is IInmarrlC' d sho is (liscon' AI r Sll gh t Htl\l'l' uh euLl. fi nd so I em alnei,l mo unta.ln of j lI y snch a qnlllltl[~' of nny of t lu; !JeITlcs. As th ~coo l ) Il l cks buu h 1'01" tOIlI." d al lh Wliut of roman ce Itt s ll s C all Be Stored lIe ,:;n? '11 sirni /tht a t I he dying SUlI ti ll til . cabin Wllij I' '1I(,herl. II 1"1"11'8 can milk ..., [HIt it Is '"sl l y cU s. t h h l'I·ll's rl'OlII t he t C lll ~ It erulltle w n ' r Ilf .. : h er main cl!'slt' In life U Therein. 'I' [w t nig h I he d i rt nol ,,0 ,t o h LI .po ~"11 of 'IY th o A m el'len ll puupl o: fOl' tillm: I llto a hOle, nu d t hl' melholi I ~ so aud 1ll11l'lIIur'tJ I he wor, 1 " Illltl n'· In II III ' hang II I' fOlh 'TII llo,1ll f or Ollt!! lll'oh:th ly '100.000 hn ~ 11l11 H [lrc lI Ntl d rOI" 1IIIIck thul Oli O muil rnn 1,1 'k !!5 UllleR Ilu hdum l vol " , 'rh on he walk ·d to 0 1-1 ,. 8ul and wnll,etl ,,"d bl1 l1blcd t u lbt' Thl ~ is ho w o n woman made au uf h .. l· o wn .· , h Cl U ~ h hl' sld lllt' L100 r and Rat dll wn, (l(lt.; ti ll dll~·lIrcuIL In t il' IIJ Ol"lI ' n(! Ih " Thlllll(Hglvin " f'silvlI l alone, aM mun y Io e rrle~ In fI L1ny us wus tlOS' If sit Is ulllrri ed t h e eall S('S or ber fohllng h is ",trC)Jl1; y o ung I1I· nl ~ ucro~s Ilc' eyed th e ri sing sun wi t h blO\lIl Sl1ot n:·gun bn ~ Into a kltchell caL ln!'t, IHlyti 'I"ho geneSi s of th l' cranherry I s nol slbl li nd ' r t h o 'old hand sys tClI D, Iilo con t 'll t lin' JUlll U \lllorl l nd e fin l tely H IH uudy qulver e,l wi t h till' t.h MeeHr ' ul H emld. aB well kno wlJ,trl s thal of (J lII (~r f oaMu lll uc l".\' Ill ~o h Ips wh en the time Ills brous l, whil e l he dill; cl'e l, t Ul' Pyo s . ' I'n kl' H guml box und divide It t.rr !lllll whe r e Rho was olll of !t llrmoll:'/' lures uf th o 'l'hull lillgl l"lng dilln 1". '(IIllOS to tnko tl1 b ' 1'I'ICfl Indoors. re- and hurle d hIM n use I n his nlllHl c'r's ' Ill·otO~ I R O[ 1~lllJ st1 d norv8:1 lInrt h is Inp. ' c heells wcro 8unl n fro m Il1eb; of OM show n I n FIt.;. .I. B ogi n hy pul · with nil e sel of c ll'c um stan e 8 she Iii l~vO) rrb orl y know s 1111 ahllut th t\ll"k e ~·, m qve th ll I eM)' wll ~ t e, aud gra de Ihem tin!'; ~n lld bl.I ks In eneh corn r of no w III' d! s'l>r d wI th 20, says a wrller It hnd h 0 1'11 n y car o f rI'V 'rSCS wllh nourishment. Nor Is lh t-to an y m y;; lery about t11 C' cel · uccul'llin g .Lo sl z a n~ qu a il l y . the huttom In wblch pla(' c r:lI8l.ors. In the <! hl cngo h lle. flc a n. Lund'l\li~L lie h ad ,Iaburc d hanlIl o '· Von hu nd I'd dolla!'!!I!" h e .""Id, {'I·),. ~h 1lI11lccr ll elll lbat goes Into UI~ Th er e a r to nclr bog SIlI'o ral con· ilien It ('tin be erlstly mOI'lm . 011 the _ ll ll I" L1l sc(J ut IIt(''; '" ",,cuus her hus' pi's or any at lho 8111e l·cgoluUI '8 tbat I'enlcu t Lulldlngs, so plac ed fiS to r eo mlln ouh1 PII m al' hOllesl toll 111111 hlll el'ly, hnncl I" IIOt Iter lo \'o r '1.1d mnrrlngo a.. ThaI do · he 1\ 1 ~1Ie<1 t he hnll,k , th ·~ fl add so Ill uch e l aL duce to u mtnlmum the n oe(1 at cnny· tile 11'11 'Ill wlU I 11 II nurlous so li Iwrlle ~ lllli CClul'tsl1l l': b ee r- ·,so her hu&thl1n h(.~uu:l I t Be Ill 'd u o w as If 1111 dlrrer n l. lIm ~ , Th" l aSll Lim e h" lJu't thu cranberry o mes n ,((slan ce In ~ t h cro p (ro!n Jllaco to 1'\.\ ce. han d Is Irrllublo ur lJ I!t ,,~o h e 18 HO wa s fo r n allg ht. II ginnin g wilh a sl rlod In thl) I!oorway and to ld tlie lo tho vaSL m IlJO I·II}· or tbe consu m er·s, Th g nlull tllat doea th.! work f8 !luIlLl·natur d that II mudLlen s her w et. dlH h curlcnlllg spring, (hp season banl,er a fe w of th e hol V' lngs lhllt It Is 8(jlllom used on I he fllrm . emn · 8 mill 0 1· g l·ad 1', a tWOosltll .'· mac hln c \l' l ll~ h is 'R toll ~l ly . had crep t o n , pilin g lip again st h im Its r :\ukled In hIs brai n . Old ,11m slooll herry clll t ll re Is uot usuall y c arl'l d 0 1\ ruu by hn ud allli tll e fOI·C6 ")1 \;r:lvl · OR sil,o IH dl sco nl ented because she mut b ul polen flrolost s in a mann er<le a nd' Hnnl'l d . 10 8. smllll WilY IW 1\ rllrlll I' III can· tutkll1. haH Sl) lIlun y h ousehold dullcs; beth at llUiI <I I rouragcd Ulany II I SA II ' v l al l'd the storl' and M kc d for nectlo n with other produ .. c- cultll'allon. '1.'0 ber ries fire recci . rI hy the nap· causo sho h as s (o tew "Servo IIts or behal'dy man. I li s uest hors ,becomin g f oo d, \ Yh n the SLOr kce pll r ~ ug):es t· It I ~ a S 'Iulrate LlI s ln c~~ th nt re- rer II!, l hey come from the bog. TL CIIU S!: sbe has 60 maay of them , wire f uneo rt pay. be cu r se d b eneat h hi:; breath I\lIl rC8 , Plunty f Innd, anll wbu t. is even IItem s 111'8 mOKtly caugh t . y t " e ~c re e n . ent an g l .. ,1 I n tho on l y Wh ere \·er. In short, lbe dl sco lll e:lt.~ ll wllhlu 20 mil '~, h ad been ~ncrlfle ,I Ilncl I" rt t he place, li e w e nl to thtl II10r .lmllorlOI1I., wrlt " r. nnLl th e fln el' rllbbl slJ 18 blown ali t by wom nll I s Illace d It hI just where sho 10 Ih casual y list of a rrontl ers. nost oHl 'e w it h a I Her be h l\ll writ· O ri ginally the c l·anb rry gl· II" v.-lId Ii revo lving fun. Now tLte berrl 8 rail won ld ra hl'r uot h . an d Luok It s IUltllO rrolll II r 8 Ol blunce ou n long tlllll e hu I' lng '\ slIccl'sslo n man's lI ,f e. Dy morl g aglng hl ~ c rop len to Hilda-a l etter flll ' d with L lf Is a hawtld orlll{: t :lI1gle at best. he had se u rod a nuth er . seal,dlng tl'al'1\ an ll h IIrt burt: lngs. I ts n,U\~ r j ust XIIIlIlt! l lI g lulO 11 rf!)C· or Sl01.8 an d groov es under I.h Iltrong Lut l ho dis 'ontent ·iJ w on1l1 ~ Is not 1Il.. He WIIB nuw faCing his a nnunl Inler. T ire pos tm astc I· s polIa to bill! , askIng I Ion , bollr fl to th e neCk, h ou d aud bill pl ocel:l. Th e grooves ar e op cll cd 1111 ol1 e to mol,,- It smoolher. of · a· mne. From " crn nobelTy'· to lIwlr l eng th fit t he 0.1 0 110111 , I hp Rrace est Ilay meut, wllile th e sto r eke('jJCr 10 If h o wa~ sen llln g the n:lCIlle~' 0 :1 t u Sh p. I s a genor al n uisance to h r selt the town a dozen mil s IIway wall th e girl. Luudqulst c le nc hed his blltw ceu thei r aId H wld en! n!'; Ly d e· "cl'tlnberry" wil e an easy trn llBltlulI. ns w oll a s to th w orl d at l argo. g l.owln g su spi ciou s noll w us demillld . tee l h tlg hLl~' a nti rll sh od ont to Call ' I t was 'u t 'Illle Cod thut tit cra n· g r eoM, lIIu lllng foul' hlln ges. 'rhe ber · A mi t he di scontent 11 woman Is ollly As Finished, Fig. 1. bel',ry was first cu llll"ot d iu the 1·lps d ro llp ed au th C'·t ubl 1'011 l1J'om Tlt· Ing puyme nt of an 0 (1 11 a crl) 1I 1l1. lilt! r ea l IIHl tears t hat ~tole IIllI'CllreSsl,d nilolll r uam f o r the H£Jlflsb, unsyru· ba ck put n boord, Ilnd If pussl blc, 8 r o ps-olll y JlUIlY sta ck s or di scolored doT",n hl l Ch uCl liS. I tl It' nlted Stotes. and 110011 CIIIllO th e di s· Iy InlO ILt' l ongi t udinal grooves. Th o n . _---IL - _ mll'nw as sho w n . as It gives It a fin · Imtll ,tI(' woma __ IVO l:.nys duft er a C He.II· J cnnll~; covcry I hnt In fia vo l' tlte clIl Uval d [I a·sllUp d ones ure dlspo s d of flra t.. wheat s tlllW slu iuting limply awul Ll ng th e t/lroahlng , . WII S co u an or mn l • , ,n Inu r~· Ish . Por lIl e sh elves. whi cb nre Fi gs. und lunll III the fir st LIn. '),' h iI are Baby P il low.. ·ranb ' rry \\"n9 fal' .. uI,orlol· 10 lls wild Bul J~IIDdQlll st , was ( or1:0 ling Illl t llrned til ~ol·way, L\\ndQIIlsl stUm · I. 2. :\, 4 and 5, u se lumber about one brolhor. onl y fi t for lho d ye pot or t h e ca n· Engli sh eyel et work adnpted to baby Ihl ck. Fi g. 6 I s for Cil ll this as lIe 3at o n th b lIeh h hied awkward l r \\'b"n nank~ read the Illch Jj'rOm this point l ilt· cl"II aberr)" llBa IIln ~ factory , " 1' .' 'I beFore1 I I s leUpr allli t hrnsl )11" elb"" Ilnough a hoo k s, Fi g. 1\, Gour, aDd Fig. 9 Cor Il IIJ owS Cor lll one of the most atlrll.CI m, Th e !';I'OO VOS wldcn and grnd lloJl y III,I od , 1• uU wns LlU1 IIg t o 1I vu a s \\' 11 as practical of d ecO\'a· SPI'CII<l 1111 ov or tit UnHed States, Hilda f 0 f IT N 'I pa nn o f g l a~s . B unl' H. ",l nnclng till, cooking ute Jlslls, lion s, Blth rover plnln whIte or a but I t It\, a 8 Insh berry, and d m auds lim '·s('cond s,'· "s tandords·· an d " fnn· . r III ar-o II·II·ay " x y ur s mad lI!';hl o f t h n cc ldcnL I:Jse IIIec 08 of a shad e roller lo JOI· jIll ow n ' cxc hlslvo \l~ 1111 Ihe IUlld oi l'S·· urn d i siIOS (1 of, th e Illtt el' ehul s It bod be n slnco h hall Into) " OOIl·t WOIT\' nuoul t ha t Car!! ·' h e ~ trenglh en th e smn ll sh elves, .'I g~ . 1 color I t l li Qllally eflcctlve, and It Jlo. sess 's th fQr t b r advantage of d el'ot ed 10 Its ul t tu'e. Thus It Is not being, of ourse, tbe big, r ell, illS· h er ey 8- 81 . ye rs S itH!C h hnd 1·(,1ll11J'1 c d, fill thaI :· ' and 2. w hich are 17 Inches long. laund ring blmutlfu ll)' . IIo ~ lbl o to gol 11 Crol' of el'anhc n·leB . clous bprrl~s tb u ~ eommund t he hI gh· 810le n aBide III t he cTush al l be m· '·AI· got 1·0 !,;la 8s ! ·' suld J.undll ul t . DOll on the Buest and softeat 01 un yeur R'n d 11 crop of sumethlng else esl [.rlces. ba r klnl; and klM,od hpl· mUIlY times on h onr~el\", a~ he w 01 o ut. round tbl'euu line ns with the eyelets her ~\'III1~ g IIllt!. 'I'h .- lh ull !;h~ of t t A t II;e b ltrlhl'!l re slore he hroug h t symm etrl cl1l1 y fo rm ed , the work hrou ghl ,\ stl1f1 e,.t o 1.lIl1rJ <l uIHls slln· f orth 11ls ' pullry s tore of sllv r-fo nr ll· comUV nnd sa tlsfact(lry to rio. So t ~nn d ,,[sag'. I bo dog .sR II" It a nd " o llnJ'~ In all . T h e glass took on of mlln y d eBl g ns In th e Englisll eyelet ~agl':e c! hIs tall In recosnl UOII of hi s Ih esl'. Illslrl' the case som ethln~ wo rll IIrt) to be fouod In t he shops 0.0'" llH~ t J' S 1ll0!ltl . I cIIIll)bt h is eye- somethin g Rblll~· and t bfi to !Jel ect Ii. suitable one fOl" a babywo , Y I"'~ II~O , S 10 would Iral·1' COl d. H e Inquired I t s prlcl'. vlllow wll\ he th e work at a moment. cOlli e. bnt ho Mot his I t h fi rmly ami '·'!'wo.Jlriy:' said the lJIon, " nnd It's There I s alwaYB tbe possibility or sent her I hu l l etter wh luh hall wrung a :'.8! " adapting fi d esign 80 that It will bet hlB h oarl. " \>V.all !" h e had told 'h r. Lund'lu lRt slid lile m o noy h ~ s ltat· pc rf 'clly suitable for tile object to Wl1l t IlII F o r t unc slII ll es more bri ght · in gl y IIcro s !.lIe g l ~ s~ ollntcl' anel which It Is to Le appli ed, and In DO lyon tltes III flk DaklJla I'ralrlesl It 0011 t h e ohj ct glng rl y In hIs ba od. sort or rO ncy work I s this 80 true •• Was a bl~l r thi ng to do, bu t I ; \lnd· • 'Iushed nnd tremblin g; h e sLarted for Ready for Use, No. 2, with tlie eyel et embroId ery . II ooe I. qul st ij UW u o othl'r cOllrse. t h ' door. Tb e n ex~ Bhelf, Fig. :I, 1M one a.nd sufficIently Ingenious to rlmw special Onl y lu st yea r 911 was Ilrevenled " ,,'alt! You wllnt-you'll n E'ed one-half 4ncb es wid er thou these, the desi gn s some rea ll}· ohllrmlng efleet» f rom cOIoln!; Ly l he ~ I c kn os~ of her SODlC of I bese!" called the proprl eLor o l ber sheh'es aro flush with ·tbe edge mny be .ob tained. moth r . Nothing, not OI'OU poor us h e slid alit some little boxes. of tb e box. In . the spnce left roi" CI'OP,s. no,,· stooil In th e woy of h er ~ VV-'n-t-c-r--C-o-m-b-I-n-a-t'--on~.~ .------------~~--~~~~~~~ "JI\! Von box!" saId Luodqulst. n our, plac e a box, whIch OLs easily. comIns, aud ~ h was oow 10 mid· I l was llile that night wh en the two place on tbe castors, and pllt a dreB 8' The wise WOlDlln who posses_ oq!an 011 t be sleamer thnt was beal·· reached tho ~one · cabIn on the pral· good furs will tuke Ibe m08t speedy log b· r w estw ard- to Cal·1, . r Ic. ' The dog sat on tbe floor befof(' (l.r handle on tbe front so It could be advantage of the delicate brh; ht·tone4 easily pulled out. 10 a li t tle box undor his bunk h e hi s ma ster Ilnd lI ekod bls lips ex· On the muln sbelf wblte 011 cloth faced cloU\s ,vblch are \'0 mnJ{e til• . bad· ev or y Jell r that Hil da Md writ· peclantly, but hIs Ulaster heeded him could be plJl.ced It one wi sh ed It. , beBt and p,rettlest winter gown8, len him. 'ril ey wcre good r ead\ug nOl-h e w as . readIn g, rending: ren:!· Aloug tbo front lIut a curlal n, wblch no on e could uo sl ow to recogu l~e that"'· during {be 10111,; w i llt ,r ·s evenings. Inc; Hilda's l ett rs. can be easily pulled aside wben one Is sablc Is at Its best wben allied to 110ft" "he steamer ag lit h ad salt! that Two well s l ater the fl()wsIJOper a t bu sy; other wlsc Ie sC'rves 1111 a Bcreen. pink aud whi te· or gray gowns, ,ancl she Mbould reacl i Qu ebec oli t he 14th : the ounty sent printed the follo wIng : Fig. 2 sbows t h e eabln et compl eted, chin bIlls wllh pale bl QOS and gree. . It ,,;a!! now Ihe ' nlh , ' ·A parly of sportsm en made a and the most useful orldillon to the ' and tbe ne w aud lovely shades of pal. On l h 1Glh ' LundQulst went to gruesolDe nnd III a sod sbanty 12 kitchen , • brown , town , H ~valked up and dO~I'u tb e miles north of Eo- last w eek. At· . sIngle street., k eeiling cl ose wlltch on t racted by Ihe moul"or"ul hoWtlng of th e dep ot unLII l he aftornoon t ral u a sbe ph el'll dog they dr'ew up aod hall 11aHse d. He rolle tile · 12 miles cntered. Tbe body oJl'"a yOllng Scan· Women Picker. at Work In II Cranb~rry Bog. 'hODl(' In moo,ly ·sllence. tllnavilln l IlY upon the enr l h floor the next out of tho samc '1lloc:o of Nor I s t it '.! t cst conllnpd to ~II:O. " I'he fullowlng dll)' he .. w eut 'to t9 wn wi t h a bu ll et wound In lils forehend. letters scatter ed about Entertainment land" , a.errl~" ot a given 81zc nil 1·011 L10 wn ngBJit aud In t he e venin g,. when h e Numerolls a of the· Impressi on that h e com· Santi nnd- penly ~1'Ollllll form the lhe chute tog th er . . b ut at th e bollom weill back towllrd hom e." hJ 8 fnce wa s crP,lll mitt d t.he deecl In a lit a f hom es l k· Ideal soli tor the 'cranbel"l"Y; and In· theJr pat hs sepnrnto. The Boullllones, haJ:;gllrd lind wan from hIs dllY'S vi gIl. Ht end of fcrtlllr.lug, the gro w er h! wl(h a str ong r obound, j UOlil over tho II wn s geLtiog worr! d. W ha t conld n R$ or dllspolldency. "T'b e don '·0 · spot, altho ugh obliged lo give the vln 8 or hushes lib· bllr Into t ho bin, bnt th e sort, w orm}· be k ee l)I ",,!; H 'lIda? Had omolhln g' fu s It to l ellve tb e Row to eul ertaln 1\ club of ladles on giving day In N ew England a bundrerl e1'lll coatings at sand. olles hav e no 811011 r esllll nee. lind flill gone wroug? LunLlqulst sleJlt little wasler! t.o II skeleton by bun!;er aud the nfter noon of Novembel· 29 Is an· years ago, L et t hIs be followed b, .., eXIJOsure." The ' placo where tbe ' crauherry S 1l9 r l, roIling II;1lQmlnlollsly Illto Ule thaL nlgbt. . best method swered by the followi ng suggestlonll >, dl ~() u ss loll of t h g rows Is variously known as the marsb W!lsto bolt b neath'. shoui~ one by ac' Old Jim, for the fi rst time' In ( op)·rlghl, J9OG, by Dall)' Stor.v P ub, 0,) For the table centerpiece get a 'p er- k eepIng Thaok sglvl ng, which Is OUI! Qr tho bog, f rom the filet tbal. It mLlst: cJdeut nlanage to make tbe sprIng. a r;nollth s. barked Illteollsly Jlnd his f ectly form ed pum p kin , bollow It out 011' dlijtlllCtly national bollday. ~ JURV 01'1 UNLEARNED MEN: J. b e low land nrrange" ,wl\b , II syste m h ,?x'CYCd. girl. sland .. r end)· to b'lnlsh mn!<ter, starting g uilt ily, mode ' haste and line It wIth oHed \lllvei'; 1111 It ,of slillcos shnllar to those- \lBed " for ' I t Inlo , outer datkness, ,'b18 process to throw ' some bread to' th e animal. A Unique Card Party. with fruit, grapes, bananlls , rosytil e iiTlgntlon of arid l and In the of ellmloallpn, pickS (lut 'the rlglit " Pore Jim! " said be, "'Ay (0 get Not One of Them Could Relld or Write cheeked al.ples and 'go lden oranges. Any game of card s mny ' be IIlaJ84 we'st. . ' si ze and quilllty for the mark t , 'YO' , eh ?" a Word, It a bask et · In the shape of a horn of that th e hOijtes8 p.·o fer8 or tltat I. It' takes' money alitl IlB~l e tl ~e , to pre- WI ~h c~refl1l ' w ee dln ,. ane! wnterln g" l ,lInd (llilsl essayed a l a ug h , but \I pl enty can be IlUrch(1sed at the flor· I>C?IIulo r In l'le town. Requcst the "I ha\'e been engaged In t.he prac· !lare II tiog: and th o man who puts hla lin acre wtll y'l ald ,mil l" than 100 bar- dlel! away hollo\';ly. I sts. slIspend It ovor th e tabi D by rIb- gtl e~t s to L1r ss In cost umes representli e of law Ii good mllny years,"' snld capital In the v nturo ·d eserveS 1\ talr rel ~;of c~lltlbel'TleB, nnd It has been T~ Q next day lie hu!1 at{llkcd b y the bo08 or tulle filled wllh chrysan t he· Ing eith er tho faco or suit curds . J1'or .S. S. U rmy, I)o llce jud ge' or To pqka, 1"I'(Ul"D Cor, his r.rb<iuct. It ' C\>$tll , not cI\lc\llated t~lIt In e l g h ~ years an acre llos t omce five ' UmOIf In ' sulky alienee mUI11S, which are the Bow er for ' No· Instaoc e. buve two five of diamond.,.. Kun ., one day recently, " and about th e J!l·ss lhnn $300, and ,as high nil $ 500 ,ough t to Ilny "back ' In full the ('nUre wholl ' he heard SOl1ll\ ono call hIs vcmuer: LoUise Alcott mootlons them one a l ady !lnll one a mau, ' so that . an acre, to· get the bog ready. :rben ' cost. lanvlll g, all 'tbat follows as clear nam e. He J)R used and ent<:ll·ed, most humorous thing I ever HUW 10 a In " Littl e Men'" as uolng used on the when all have arrl\·erl partn ers mA)' court rOLlm wa s 10 Topeka, be ohosen for the flrstgame. TrItt Tbanksglv'l n g day 'table. five y eaTs ,mhat elapse befl?re lhete II PI'OOt. .. " IJllnk ~, thc pOKtmn ster, had a l etter " One dny an eid negro man wns be· aoY. crop Buah; lent , to glva .1I rotul'a . Tbe e arllest cranL('rrlell como from i ll hi s hand , ' It would be a very Ilrotty Idea to , prizes' may be a handsome d eck at BtI,t ' after tb'ls It I s all : profit, ' for the" Cape ,cO(), There picking 'begIns eRt'i y "I.ctler for YOll, 8rl!" be !laId. Ing trIed in the Jus tice court, tlllit was ask the lad l es to I'owder I h eir hair cards In a case, a book on oarrl gatnell. before the office of poJice judge was and to wear dark gowns .wlth whIte fern s grail' IllS In u pretty jar, B bIt sorubs live ane! bear ,endl ess l :!', get· In So [II 'm{1 r and last s till seve r e frost "Cam tbl s mornJng l " ti,lg t,ett ..r , all t h e Umc, , , scts In, In tI)e mlddl atut('s and ui e LllJ1dqtilst took il 1n hI s hnnd and C\·cat ed, lind he clemande~1 Ii trial by 'kercbl ef s: In fact; to wear lillY thIng 111'0 $ 8, or n IllecP' of pott.c ry. TI,e score .' N olJi ln g could ,' be slmJll er than west' t)le ' cr9P I s not' eo early. erlgoll awn~· .'to a corner (If the little n ju'ry of hi s peet's. He could n eit h er Il nggesU ve of cololJlnl days. Make cards mily bo c ut out of card board hi plllllUOg cran bel'ry' bushes. A small lI11chigail, WJ sconsln , lIUouesotn. anct ornc . It WIIS (1 queor letter- ali In roM nor write and his lawyer Inslstod · hOli es to hold salted nlll B out of yel· the shnll e of diamonds , h earts, clubs lu\tuHul o'f twigs 18 twisted together, ,Iowa 'nrc cranbe rry. ' states. but tho prlnl , III; a ne wspaper, Lundcluls t , thlll t h e jury, to be hI!! peers, as r eo lo w tlssu o paver chryslIDl.hoJ111lmS anel ,and sj1n!.lc s: , t he m~rkers may be. ot, Qulrecl by law, must be' unl~bl e to r eu,l hllv e ille cnndle shatl es carry ou t t.he Lbesn sarno lI g'ur 6, «;11\ out of thla unit UmJl;t deeply Inlo 'lIlIi' ti~ lld. Ther ',west Is ..not ahle to ,'"roduco all the benl 0 \·0 1' Il RIl r! wrlnkl et! his ,brow. few neel1 no t ndlo(;, bllt luke root ,at ' c.r:0llberrl es· lln eds. The weslern upt. ' " Rl' fUI Il for you ?·' suggested the or ' write, t Qo. To' a voI d disputes I sam e lu ea. Tlil s ' Ille nu ", a), be ~. \l. "olo l'm pallOI' an<1 gummed ni;r eed to It. but we had Ii tlmo finll· t cn on littl e pumpkin shaped book!>, Ilays before th ey R ro ,used, ·so the~ once, and wlth \n , a )I,eor send ollt run· Ilut 'alld a.ll\rge , pcrcen~ngo of thc ('os t- postm as ter , expe l an t l y. ill:; l2 m en In , Topcka who could with th e nllme of l~e guost. Ute duy will be :l1·Y. SOl' ve b ot boullloo ~D dIspense .,''In! Yo r (lau helD," a 5s~o ted ' !leTs. 'rho I'lor;ttlng Is tlone In . rows .erp GTowth ' ore req'ulred n ellh I' r edd nor .wrlte. Bul we did and <lat . A 8mali priz e mi ght be cur,s, o)" IIall1 s. sweethread salad. oll!(lit or <teq Inc}IQS ' allnl't : Or/ulual!,Y · ,Ihe, Noper 'l'hnnksglvlng , c!lller. . Lundqui st. Ileqllcxcd ly', finll th em allll tbo 'case w ent to tl"l al. award ed, Ih e Jl e l·~o n Guessing the . ol'u nge s hor b I, ,small cakes, colfee. the spn<:clS 'be twee~ t b e rows ' flll 111 1, ' One elly a lon e, New York, Il ses 300,Th e l etter was n ~ rue1 slab to ·l he "Before tho jtll·y r et.Il' rI I took two most COli r sos on tbe menu before they nuts, bon ·bOns. H Ice cream III prea.nd sOOI1 the whOle bog Is' ono fi eld at I 000 bIl Sh~lis , or cranberrl cH ' ev~ry )lear. ea g-ef IIsl oner. Hillin wa~ detalneil Iti Cerrell \l se I ho brIck, cut In 'thIn sliCes,. vleccs of pn·per and wrot e ·G ullt y ' 00 a pl1l'n~ on th e table. .grow,lnl; c I·anllelTlell. '. F or th ese th o p roducer av e rage" a ' Qu ehec. TI~, e nHHilQll 1 auth orities had ' " !ierc· s a f ow l without a f en ther."- ornam enl w llh llny pearts, <llamontl8; , Flo\ldlng 4l'e bog, au swer s thl! dU1I1 minimum price of fiv e 'dollars \lc r bar. eXIIJlllned h er /Iucl roun d it 'r su ffel·ln g one pi ece and ·l\'ot. g ull LY· 011 t.ho clubs /Inll Ilpallel:l clit from citron and pUl·pOSO of gi v ing tbe. crllnberr y lhe . r eI. TlJ e' consumm· ·1111Y8 [rom !lve t o wl l.h an aHllc l lou of I he c YCS that o t hcr and Inslrllc l ell Ibe foremn n of (O YRleI'S or clam s ,) cGndlt!d c1I Cl'l'les. ' moh;t urc whIch Is au ossentlal ,pnrt at ' ten cents n ,Quart, Somewh ere be- would prah l lilt her enll·y IlIll es$ t ho jury to de stroy the on o he did " T ell m e w!t ere 18 fancy »red ?"-' M A DAME M E RR~ ,ltfI .. llfe, ' a~d )Jrolecllug it from ,rrosts ' tweO ~ ,t ho fiold and the Thanksgiving: soelldlly r: ured, 1'0 do till's a s uHl· liol wi sh Imed allrl to r etul'll th e otber ( Brend 01' roll S,) to m e wh en tb o j ury lHldi I·PlIched a ot early aU,t umn" , .dlnncl' tIIbl o 80me {lne has n1n(l c cl en l I1mounl. of mon ey mll ~t be ad· " lic must have a lon g spoon:'Walnut FurnIture, verdl cL. ' Til e j ury wns ' out on Iy a [o w Tho r o ,!rc two 'ways of pl oklng the bl~ ll l·/?Ol, nnt! wll'On It Is r enlomll ' fell vanced by Luml qllll!t La Insu~ Imy· (So up,.) 'Phc n ew bll'c n ~B Ia.1I walout furnlS wh cn It ('am c The ~or o· .lIIlllulil !le.rrles. One Is , the ,,otd·Cl\shloned, 11l~W 1(11).: ; Ih ~ nl'odu oer hUll to walt m on t (If the l11 cr!i al expenSe Incrlde,nt " Tl'liles li ght as olr: ' -(\Vnfars.) ~ lIr e 18 d elightfu l nnd m ociost. in Ita Ill /In band ed lIle a • iI' ('\! o f puper wIth the oth\lr the new. , ' " fot bls cash . all fa , fol·glv eo. to thll I Tt' :tlnwnl. ,. on ' you eat rools?"-(Col ry, ) fleet, WOll gh COo lly, It Is made In . tI. e worr! ·Oullt:" w r ltton o u I t. Iii tbe Jlrim!tlye metbQd nil that Is Th 1!:\Vo I· that th e ' r ed berrv add, Thn pos nm s·iel'. hearlo g ,a suspl· Clrcnsslon wal"The Oitoman ~lJl p lre."- ('l'lIrkey . ) ,v~ "y slmpl fOI·ms. .. ·Well, I;enll m en , YO~I flitd . blm ~eeded 18 Ii IJlok,er: wIth nlmblo finger.. to th e LUrkcy 18 .ln Jtaett excUse to" clou s sou n t!. paus 'll In h is tran 31aLlon nul 1$ milch lIg-h tor ' Lh a n blllck walnut. "A · ~rOlllldllnb . "-( Potatoes. ) He or she sits 0)· kne~ls In the moIst' fl nytJllo g, - !lul gi nllec!!1 up', Th e IIstonor was gllllty. do you ?' I aNkcd, I, 'No, Bah, j cdg~', n(l, !la,h, we done "Good worrl s. good cabbage."- with nne rulsed g rai n and a sort 81l!'saud, plungos both bands, wllh flnsers !tnring al him wI d · C·~· d, his wbole fOCCl, remindIng one of blrd 'lIoCJ.,. Ill!gliUY Ill lr ad, ttll th'O hllnds become Antiquarian S~clety ' Memberl, ~oul 1'0 Ul'III;: 0111 thro\lgh I his ~lue fOllnel him not I;ulll )",' Qllok:e UII one of (Cabbage snlad .) maple. AN yet no chafrs ha\"6 beflD the jury m n, T hIln lie , a dd 'd wit h dl. .. 'Thi tfme I w ere eboked on a pIece II sort of rake, Into the ",'Teen vluCl!, ,R ov. 01', l!lclWol'd .Ever ett "Hale has Jrba. IL c'llllfnsed hIm and be' arum· made o f It, on ly th o ,I\edroom plece.., ,gu st: '1 tole (haL fOClI ni gger .he ,wall IIf toasted checse: '-(Cb eed er st .) and wUh Il. quick movemont 8trll)8 the ' bel'lt' eh ,ct d Il l-eslde'll of tbe Amerl· pled the PU PUl' n'lrvClu~ly, LU,ndQulst such as hurMu, ohltronlel" and dreg. t eal'l o' · up the wroug IIlece of paper.''' "As colt! us ir I had 8wallowed Ing table. berries '£ronl'lhe vhie"aud 108ses tbem I'an AII~I<luarlan SOCiety at meet· lIrougbll him self togethor wllh a j erk. IUlfteiltl of eaoh dra.... ano wbaUs·: '- t Tce cream,) Into a pnn. When ,the lIan Is filled fn!) JusL, h lil d In Worceater, . Mas8, " How ' much mouey h em sIlY?" ,coming tram a dlflepent stl'lp of wOOll, Judge II FamoUB Mathelmatlclan, It III enwUed Into a . largei' measure CUI.tnln Amnndsen; who Dr, Hale . .Id "A bund red dollars!" was the po8t. . "Sweet. 10 Ul c .• weet."-(Calte8 and 'tbey are matched 10 that tbe wbe.., ()ontalnlng a thIrd , of a hushel. The had , accomplished ·the most remark.· :naile~'11 respOnse. Fletcher Moulton, who hns recently bon·bons.) tlurcau fron t la It ke a section of' U. etze ' Illfunlforru, and the pIcker II ble event of tIle year In bla redIIlCo'f' "Von hnndord dollars!'" relleated boeo elevoted to the Drltb h court or "Grapel ' wer!! made to ~"- tr oe. fn stead of sliver bureall 0 . . . . .,a1t1 by the pal,l. ery at tbe northweat ·passage, . . . :he Itrlcken youth, "V:OD hunderd-" allll~als bench and 18 n09r koown as (Grape8,) , metr~s, gold·backed brulbea and &01. Tl>e old·lIme method of plcklnc la eleated an honoral." member; &lao ·Be reached out anel; took tbe 8heet Lord JUBtlce Moulton, 18 ODe of the "Tho CUI> that obeera."-(Tea.) tOJ!lled ttlt\8 contest wltb blue ~. . .,uually helol( , abandoned In tbe George Edward JI'oz, of London; &1141 ~.' Bank'" flngel'll and placed It In mUlt famoua · matbematlelans \Q Eng. k lume member of the club tit lrays and pule gral or IN8Il haut_ large" bop In ra'for of the Dew "rock- Prot, BernardlDO II. COlm".... 01 111 pocket. Thea be , weat qut, old land. repare a 21).mlnute paper O~ Thanks- ('blet IJlusketa, ' . , leooP'.'~ ~orll1laL
Useful for the Kitchen.
·' l"Ii
Ideas ,lor the 'Hostess. ·
for Club Ladie. qn Thank.givUag Day-Really Unique Card Fcp't.y.
c _ __ Cfn~t;!rning
't "
A l1fl~t car<1 fruin 1111 " Uf1OT~' " wh o bll bAOII tl t DO.l't II til(> piLst cuu)Jle of yeart', lut e!' I bu t sill' Frtlllltl
18 now Ir-.cated lit, Yurclley, Bu('kl' Vo . P "I ,. .. ···.. uin. Miss Fr~Dl e mentt ", '. '\I . 1,,' '''<: peottld to see the [.. a.•• j ~t J. ..... .. .... I'10k r nnw at Georae Bohool PennllylvvuiD , Ibe roUowingA'cllpy of the Long B UII~' h, ()III forniu Prese mes t·o I ill' Gnl't1t' 'rom Mr. W . H . (:la rd '1'be )JI Ij IE' r oontulns a notice of extenslv iDi ' provpmente whioh tirE! t :J be made tn the harbor at Loug ' Benoh flnd whioh will tna-terlBlly III r aRe tho value (If Long BeILoh property find add to the prestige . of the oity. Quite II oolony of form er' .Wllynes ville peoplA nre DOW looHted at Lonl Beaoh and all appear to be more than slitlefied with the locali· ty.
Mr. A. G. Smith, of Bonnpr, Mon . tanll, Joined the mewbors of his family here last week. Mrs . Smith and her children hUd been spend · ing the winter with r eilltives here and at Spring Valley and after vis· lting at other points In Ohio they ~1Il litH return to th ~ lr 'vestern home . .Mr. and Mrs. Smith tire t,y. pica I of tbe successful men Ilnd women who are repr88entlng Way. nesville In varIous pllrtlJ of the oountry. Mr. tlmith Is extensively engaged in the lunfber busin888 at Bonnet, bis oompany cnttlng many millions of feet of timber eaoh year. Mra. Emily t:!mith, widow of the late Thomas Smith, died at her home at'Morristown, Indiana, Mon. d ..y, Matoh the 11th· Mrs. SmUh's aMp daughter, Mrs. William Lippln· cott and her husband, were called there by her mness about two weeks ago ud were with her when the end came. MI'. and Mrs. Smhh lived for number of Y6411 on a farm Dear ' the month of Caesars Creek, bu~ moved from this Connty sever..lY64rs ago. Bur.lal eervlcee took ' place at Nin. nah, Indiana.
r lIn fl. Tbe Ia..'gel!t Is hich ollt~lins llV r 100U \'\f ry prott,y 00 IS Hollen
,,' . ' ; '.\
h; ,·y lh·" .• Former ~esidents IIIC'n' " •
Mose Cohen's · Easter Sale.
.K,' O. E. Reception
Working for the Blind . I .A White Headed Robin
Curiosity in Bird Family Attract- , lng attention of NaturaUata. Members of Lytle Cnstle Attend, A .majorlty of the relidors ot the hel' l; Important Me<>ting at Dayton. UII1.ette are tamlllllr with the pro \Y e hn \'0 hore oue of tho fines t visions of tho blind law, whioh wns Severlll perloOl whOle veraol&Y! 1 1I11'{ 'ot C/l r !'Iy~ tem!! . '1'b reon ro t wo Fortunnte, Indeed, were those recently deoJnred unoon9tltlllional not to be questioned h."e repor&ed oOlil pnnie thnt h tlve the city (mrs. who received Invitnt ions .to the by the Supreme OOllrt of Ohio . seeing Ii white headed rubin 'hta Al:;o t.Wll c()lUpunicti that b~vo th grtll1d reoeption whloh the Sir The la w pre vide!! tbd persoDIL epriDg. intc'rl1rllll.n: It It! these llLttl)r ones An' Event of Impor-. Knights ot Ing oDlllr Uastlo tendered totally blind should reoelve allmall The bird fre<l'lt'nUt the upper th ut. ure notloed Tb ey. n,o /I S lurge tance to Peoplle Who ·to the Supreme Vhief of the order pension from the State . A number p'\rt of town and has been BelIn _& n~ steutn enr nnd run u trnoks l) f Care for Firs.t Class of Knights of the Go ldo~ Eagle, on of worthy perljOus iI,! tbls vlol.uity different tllll98 ab9ut the pr~mltiel th tl ~lI m e. o_ ~ ) ley . Friday evenin g, Maroh l Gtb. forJl1llrlyjoeoolvedthe benefit of this of W. H. Allen lind near 'be home C:l1I rH D fll ~ t~ r thlln II I'te llUl tr . Goods' at lL.ittie lllgomar 'a \.le No. 116, sitril~ted pension and its t;king away ha of Joseph Hulnes, on Fonrth stree~. 'r llf' 1'lIci flo E iB the In rge t Prices. at Dilyton, OhiO, il! 118 yet Ii very resulted In o8nsiderable hardship So rar, no Qne has been abh' to • Ilir. "lIi1dhl~ we t of Chiongo. yOllng Oastle, being bnt IL little to some of these people. get nellr en ouCh the bird to eum. A ~ Ih e l'lIoll1c coast i",irregulur we Our spring busi ness hus begun i over two years Old . Mise FrAncElll Hern, the famoue Ine it olosely and local natDJ'alia" '1'he fllther nud promoter of t,his English worker for the blind 'who have been very muoh Interea~ ! urt! fr " lII 11 to 2,1 miles fr om It. It the whol stor ill budding Into oost,~ :>0< t o the differ<:, nt benohe.q , spring commarciul bloom. If care. Cnstle Is 1\ Plan ren owne(1 In secret is now in this oOllntry working In and . puzzled ~y it. fOil till! r ound trip . 1'be. be.Boh ful prel)lIrt1tlon und generous vulue order work . behalf of these unfortunateA, was It may be in teresting to those at Ciuolnnati last week, and Mrs. towns Ilre Loog B nob, Ooello' Pork, ,giving oonnt for anything, we shull Mrs . George Vetters of 8prlnl SlInta Monln , Venice nod Redondo have·1I. sprln'~ business thnt will tllX \vho are IIcquainted with F . N . WIJ ~. O. DaviS, of Waynesville, wrote Valley .and her daughter, lira. Sarah' and SlIn Pallio . This Illst city is even ot;lr splendid faoillt.les. The son to know that he ',Vn.s the father ber In regflrd to the repenl of this Moore, of Montana, were guea', 01 where the government Is bnlldlne n keyu ote of our polloy .. in lIeleotlng of tbe famous loIn K . of P. team of law, receiving the following reply : Mr!!' Wm. Hough, Monday . . breakwll ter ubout two miles in and ~ ellin g Rpring upparel can be DU.ytOD, and this Iol(~ team. is as DUR MRS. DAVI8 : \ Mr. and M1'II. Wm . Zell and aoD length. Bere is to be harbor for given in five wotds : Good style nt yO\1 know, one of. if DOt the moat 1 have received YOllr letter Gecrge have all been more 01' 1.Los An~ el e8. It Is quite a shipping moderate Prices . Other examples famous K. of P . tellID in the United and read it with great InterelJt, ] under the weather wltb Irlp Ullil Just liS brother Wilson pr)rtat th present. We have two of wbn twellred oin/l: in this line are States. shal1 ~/.'talnly speak of the injus . . A1~k, Mr. ZeI1 ' 11 lufferiDg ven morniog pupers here, aud three ev· given in detail by a. visit to this kept pl1shlng the 1010 team until it tloo of stopping the pensions to the severely fro~ the dilM!8le. enlng pa pers. The Chambf'r of store during our Easter Opening reaohed the zenith of its popularity, bUnd, it mnst o&nee suffering to \lr. A. L. Farrbal ueen 1& raUlD" ComDleroe 18 9.n interoeting place Sale. lDst so dia he push the Ingomar those;who depended upon ". heillth tor some time and .t be pal' to go while here. They haveRn ex· Men's Snits ot $8.45, $9.95, $11.45, team uutll DOW they oocupy an ex . Thank you for your good wlshea, week has been qllite feeble. hlhlt of frmls. vegotables. minerals $13.85 nnd $15-$2 to oan be alkd position In the reslms of Gold. they will help me to love my work, • - • e( o. Here I 88,W a pumpkin which saved, en Eag ledom. and hope God will bless It and put All d('aorlptions of prin"ns liven '1'0 use brothor Wilson's word!! weighed 150 Ibs. Children '.s Suits n·t $1.25, $1.50, it in the way to bring help, oom. prompt attention at tbe aazette Well I will close ns this is 011 the $2, $3.50-1\11.00 t o , U iO less than ml\y beBt express its positIOn, "logo. time I will bav(' to write. any· otber store . Look aronnd mlLr 08stle ha", a .great hllbit of fort and 8igb t in to the 1lvoe of many !!o!!m!!oe!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~ town. then oome hera and see how renohing' Ollt, and be never reuehes who sadly need It. It Is not only Masonic Notice out un.less she lands what .!!he for. the edllcation of the blind that true tbis statement is . I am working for, but to enable ME'n's and Youths' Sprin~ Hats, reaohed for. On. this occatJsion she Stated oommunication of \'Vaync s 15peelully priced at 95c, $1.50, $2.00 reaoh ed out for the Supreme Ohler them to help tbemselveein the way hey feel best fitted for, and to . I ville Lodge No. 1113 F-. & A. M. Tues· and $3.50. Hundleds of different and got 111m." . &rouse the . interest of the oeuntry .I,~I. day evening Maroh 26. Important styles lind cOlorll to seleot from. 'l'~at it was an event important in business. Work In F. ·C. degrea. Every bat gnatllDtll8Cr tor 6 months .. tIle annals of the <1rder may be seen In their behillf. The world mllst Warren B. Keys, W; M. Meo's 500 U nderwear at 25c by the list of Sl1pl'eme and (hand ~~:~~at~~. them than it has yet J. B . Uaskey, 1360. .Sprlng 500 " In hand Tie 25c Castle officers who were prElllent. Thanking you fur your letter, ~'!!!!!!!!~H~~E~~H~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Boston" 250 Garters at 12c J' D. Hinger, Supreme Ohlef, of Youra F~~c;~:!YBERl(. Hln"I~II" , ) R. • • A.THA.W A. Y, Shaw· Knit 250 /l:radeEI at . 18c Detreit, Miohlgan, PIlS' t:!upreme
'III Tpbonl Day or LOCII No. 7 Lonl DllllnCI Mo. 69.3r WAYIESVILLE, OHIO 1.lncb OffiCI. O.
Bow Ties, 250 grndes nt •': aY!lesvUle's Leading Dentist Handkerchiefs, H, kinds !It Office In Keys Bldg. Main St. "Pre ident" GOo Suspenders
15c Ohlef8, F. A . Williams !lnd S. J . 9c from Youngstown /InrI Bellefon . aGe tiline respect! ; Supreme Mir Berdld, C. D. Kriw, of Columbus; It wOl1ld take thl.s whole page to Supreme 2nd Guardsman, Dr. E. F. . Order VOllr newspapers and mag azin'ell through the Miami (iaZEltte. enumerflte eMb nnd e\'ery big Lake, of Denver, Uolorado; Present We 08n get them for youat rednoed money saving bargain. You clln Grand Ohief of the State of Oblo, readily aee ~hl\t the bargains are un' prices . usual, and therefore is it any won. W . S. Eakens, .of Springfield i Past Grllnd Chiefs, Dr, J . W . Keokler, GRAIN: HARNESS~ VEHICLES. ·ETC ... Callse of Stomach Trollble. derthatwedo 'suoh8~ g1gantlcbnsi. of Yorkshire; J . O. Pnr!lODS, ot When a man has trouble with ness . Springfield, E . H. Gault, of Oleve· At my residence 21·2 miles BOuth east of WaynesviHe J stomaoh you may know tha' he is DA"TON land and c. W . Heffner, of Belle. ea.tillg more than he shonid or of Ohio, on the Middletown and Wilmington pike on fontaine ; Grand High Pries', A. J . Borne artiole of food or drink not suited to his age or occupation, or ' . Vanderburg, of Springfield; W. F . that his bowels habitually Phillips, Grand Sir Berllld elect, of . It "m be a pleasnre to the many conl!tlpat-ed. Tate Ohamberlain's FURNISHINOS . Urbana; P . J. Goodrich, Grand friends of MI'. and Mrs. tl. S. wn IItomaoh and Livsr Tablets to regn. rooms overdowing Master of Recore, of 'Tto,,_ !\ llamaon of YorktoWDtIDdiana, ·t&-H&te--t'he-OOwels and improve-the .........+-- - --BEG INNING AT 9 O'OLOCK learn that their second son, Eekay, digestion and see if the trouble dces with new spring goods. By far the J. Vannoy, Grand Aeeper O""f"'-Ex largt'st olothlng hOll!le in Ohio. obequer.eleot, o.f Webster, Oh.lo. 27 HORSES haa choeen the part of a minister of not disappear Ask for a 'free 86m· th.e GOIIpe1 lUI his life work, and has p~e &lId by .I E Janney. •. At one time in the floor move Cross Bros. WillI . mllnts there were thirty toui' men . Eight Extra Good Draft Ma.... beeD made local preacher in the M . For Sale. Hold Large Sale on the floor, exeolltlng thelr drill to E, Church, with the intent[on of .Genera-Pur.,o.e the accompaniment of a bra~s bl\nd, t&king ... oourse in ' a theological A young horse, 5 years old, sound Owing to fire burning part of our oomposed of seven musioians . aohoOl, preparatory to being aud right also 2 brood sows, old ~even Hig~ Casa Standard Bred' ~ten. warerooms we are oompelled to 'This floor work and the exempli. ordained • . ones. . make a Clearance &]e,lIo as to bave fiation of the Crusader's degree was Qne Welch Pony Mare• . Mr. Wlmamson preaohed his flrst William Oummings, R. R. S. room for goods tha.t were ordered praised In the w/umest manner by eeruion laat Snnday night in the before the tire. the SDpreme lind Grand lJastle pulpit of. his home town of York· We will offer fur 81~le at our: place officera. TbRy said they had never 48 CATrLE. town and made a most favorable One Good Jersey Cow to be fresh 8OOB. of bnelness 'in Waynesville, OhiO, 888n it excelled anywhere or In any imDreulo~. One.fresh ~ow with .c alf at aide• . Bta'eillter, who has never enjoy· Notice Is hereby ,"veil. th,n: OD the ISth SATUltDAY, MARCH . 2Srd, 1907 other seoret 800lety, and s'u rely day of ~rareh. 1007, u pellt\oo waH IIle. In h d ed rubust hea'lth, is now taking a tbe Court of Common PIOO8. Warren County. commencing at 9 a. m ., our entire ~rom their high station in t e or er Ten Shorthorn Cows and Reifen to be. freIIh in by tile Trustees o{ Wayn~ T!lW08hlp. stock of wngons, busgles, surreys, they are in a position to be good ooune of treatment at a hospital, 01110. Wllrren Oounty, Oblo. praying tbe Courl for 'With great hope of permllnent im· an o~der 4'1'OO1In8 Ille tl'1lnRfer of tbe 8um plowlJ, cultivlltors, corn planters, judges. of 1100.:0, In Ibe hands or tbe Township tobaoco transplantelrll, gratn drms At the close of ~he degree work provement. TreBsurer. rrom the' Blind Fund to Ihe Rood 35 BROOD SOWS RCl)U1t Fund. Said petition wtll be on .for disc barrows, wood and steel frame nearly all of the Supreme and W. B .. Bonnevllle, eon of WilHam bc-arlng 'otl'the 2S th day °1~~:~o~·r:t~~7. harrows, steel hay tedders, self Grand Oastle offioers prElllent deliv· Due to farrow in March and April. BoDDeTllle, o.f WaYJ;lesvllle, has John H. O",,"oy. dnmp' and revolving hay . Fronk Elbon. · . rq,kes, ered addresseB,' wbioh, cOllld they ~~-'-~_ _ _ _~""';:;:;;--"'----. "''''''--_ _- c ' written the Gazette the following ' 1'rustees 01 Wayne 'IOWftShIP. Warren steel field roller, iro:n wheel trnok have been beard by ea('h and every· . . loteres"ng letter from Los Angeles COnoty. Ohio. . wllgons, corn shellers, Illp rC?bes lind Sir Knight in.·the order, would have 180 GOOD BREEDING EWES, CaUfol'llia,' 'Where he has beeri .loOllt ~........................ blankets . marked an eru in tbe advance of " . ad for mer6 thsn./\ year: AI~o the fol1owln~: goods slightly Golden Eagle Knighthood. Bred to . Pure Shropshire ~uckB and due to ~ Lee Angeles 'ls tbe second lllrgest . damaged by water ift! the fire. JU8t as Brflther Wilson introduo - .............;..'--....,..-"""'.....,..~~Sewing lDachines, steel piowB, ~ Supr!!me Chief, J. n. 'Bager, in April ~nd May. the lersest In the new sonth woet'. ZIMMa:RMAN~ washing Ulaohines,. ohurns, ioe Grllnd Ohief w.l:3. Enkin and Past ~e·~~~Pgn80latlroanpildslyandthhaatSthbeeenex~nct· . ~ oream fre, ,:tfirl<, Bm!LI]1 express wag Grand Oplef, E. H. Ganlt, tho Sir 1,000 ,ONE THOUSAND 'BUSHELS OF CORN ... ....... ~ "" ons, lawn mowers, galTanlzed' tubs Benld ad.vaDoed with three beanU. 3 "' Tons TimothY Hay. number ill Dot known, but it is esti. l·S /lnd I;!prinklere, plllIlpa and Bcreen 'fal boquets wblch were dilly be. mated at abOnt 260,000. '1'he prln· . ... doors. IItowed on each. ill A oipal bllslnese IItreets are Main, and we have a full i l1 goods offerelu -:v i be sold drIemsSme8~18teg:nYnr!~:!~~ ...:~ h ae~d' A . Variety' of Harness, Vehi~Ie8, Farm: Implements, ·ek.. 8pring and BroadwllY 'With tbe allsoriment of Garden 'Sellds w t h out reserve or l mit pr 008. " crOlil streets from First to Ninth. 'Terms of ,Bale, 15.00 and nnder, and a subtlt&ntia.11unoh served. Th\lB ended a recepGion whioh Tbehlghest building here is ten Sulk and Packages cash, over '5.00 11 oredit of \ six ,. storiea. There are many fine office months will De giveo with bllnkablll will be spoken of· In .years to COllle bulldin .... and five or . six .In the . Sweet Pea and Na.s turtium note or 6% per a.nnum · off for ca!lh: and !It which any Bir Kn\ght might . All Sllml of '10, a~d under; o1lsh: On alllums over '10.~ a oiecu, ..Seed in the Bulk hliv~ proudly olalmed attendanoe. of 9 months "ill be given fur bankable Dote; or a dlaoouDt wu}. be al· course of oonstruotion. Of the ho UHOt;S BROS, . Those ",bo ' were present from lowed for OIl8h. tels there Ilre the Alexander, .Angel Yellow and Wh~te .. C. .T . Hawke, I Auell.s . Lytle Castle were : Walter Kenriok, Onion Sets C. H, .Surtace, I ea, Lankershim, Van Neys, Weet: W. E. O 'NEloll, 10'lerk 'SAmuel Williamson, . Clyde 'Oox, P N in d d te H . m s r, Ilywar, epper, a an, Fancy Sugar Corn J. O. Cartwright, ( Ohnrles Bnrnett, rieorge Scott, See Small Bills for Particulars. Mailed Hollenbeck and many others to SSc dozen-$l.25 pel' case - ___- Ralph LewiB, W. F. t.'1ark and E. J. nnmerons to mention. This Is .a Order your .. magazines . at the Carmony. E . o. upon request. . grea' place for theatrElll. We have White Fish, Herring Ga1.ette oWcc. Do not Oro'lI'd the Season, . here the new Anditorillm, which is and Mackerel · . ~~!!'!"!~~~!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'~~!!!!!! The first warm days of spring ..hllolntely fire proof. It II;! one. of Oranges, .L emons & 8anana~$ bring with them a doeire to get out Y·EARS' the flnest west of Chloago. It . is und enjoy the exhlll ..r~lng alr Ilrn4 LUNCR STAND RESERVED. Use6 as a chur.oh on lSunday. Then Lettuce, O~~ RadcUshes. sllnshine Children that have been hOllsed up all winter are brought have the Mason, Gra-Dd, Belasoo, out and you wonder where they all OrphenID, Broadway, ' Fisher's FI~rida Celery, . Pine Apples ~ came 'from 'l'be heavy wlnter·cloth.. Unique, Peoples, Lyrlo, Cyograph, . Bring us yo-;;Butter & Ing Is t;hrown aside and many ~hed Mi..ion and Botchklsit. H,ghellt Prices paid. their llllnneis ·Then Ii. cold 'Wave comes and people sey that grip' i. Bere we flnd people from an of --epldemio lA>ldR at this season ~I'e . the statu of Ule Union and all parts ~ Everything good to eat even more dangerous than In nUd· winter, al there is mnah more dan gel' of pneumonia Take ("'hamber· laln's CoUgh Remedy however, and you will have Dothlag So fear n &1 waYII aurea, aDd we bave Dever pand with Ule one that. 'WIUI in San ~ OF COUBtlE ~ known a oold to l'8IIuU ID pneumon. ·fa 'W~eD was ueed n 11 pleuua' 11 wellluppl1ed 'WIth , . ............ and 0 _Ire' Chlldren lib It, .ar bl J •.:1 • .Ium.,; 1ad1ab~ Wettlake an ~ ~ . "
MONDAY, MARCH 25, '1907
Mares.and. ~ld~:
.W'............ L
$ I. $
$ $
Here .....
$ $
to Imjoae '
We E'~ O!NEAL~e
EI'I{I; .
~~g~~.:::.~~ ! .Z.imme;mao's !
n;:s::~ s*b,
FIF'r,y EVEl-i 'l't:I YEAH .
PERSONAL AND ~ 1 Much Talent Evident O'Neall's Sale a Success Waynesville's Greates t LOCAL ITENiS in local High School. , Business Day Larg ely Attended Even t und Good
Mr. nncl ~ I ~. II ;': B th W 1'e Mr, Wil1irlm I;uydllm Ilnd wif"of. " D b t b t · B • nd Prices Prevailed. rlnite s nrllrlsoll Su uday whe n ubnut ' pringbo I'O, spent l::)undl\Y with Prof. Thousand. of Dollrfrs Worth of Miss Je ~s l Ulurk l' ~ p e nt ~e v e rll l St Irrll1g e ae e ;wecn oys d u 'n , BUllincss Transacted here G' I . ~r h h I R It " 7 E O'Na" II's nnnnni too k gale tlrent.y. (J V' O of 111" ' " II nr r el"tl ' ve und Mr , lJI"de Wilkerson . dtly" IlI.tlt wflo k In Uilloim.",ti. Ir S 111 nlg C 00 esu ., I .. , . au.. g . .. J Saturday. Bnunll's·fini , b wade to Victory for Girls. whioh wn s held Moutll~y th ow a from Lobano n U l'I1V up find s pont Willitull l'erry, of Dliyton, ~peD' wlllk on . For 9111e uy .J . E. Janney. throng of buyers fr om u wi (le range the dllY with tlacm . Inst week with his pureots here. Mr . amual ~Id e~ Is r ecov ring A nnm ber of vi Itors were lire ent of territory and was in evety wfly Mes rs. ,Gil u I't nntl Tom Welch A box soollll, will be held ull Ul. i.tlst llt.urdllY WIt S t he ~r (lli t eill busi ness d .. y In WuynesvlllB'1! his· slowly from n very seriou!! illness . ut the uftern oon sosiiiou of the Wu y· lIucceS8. of HllT Vf'Y burg, vi ited fri ends home of Miss Rnth Kersey Qm tory Ilnd Ulore peopl e vild ted tho Miss EI~i e Vun Hllrlingen of l?Olm nOKville Bi~)J I:)choo1 Fddliyafter. The &1,110 was first set for March h I'e I:)nndllY. Fridl~y evening. Mr. \Vultor Killion und 1rs. Et ta Mrs, Ed. Sherwooll bl\B been ,quite rown ' tlia,n Ilt any time stnlle til Ohio. W/18 thu .gu est of his Ij ISI J' U on. During th win te r the High 14 . but owing . to high Wltter WII S ' I MI'/< . U . M , Wlllttl Monday . ~c'hool hIli! been devoting ll11nrt of postpontJel nnW the 2uth. Rader wero 11 011 )in '·' in 'inclnnlltl H ome (,om Dg, . W 0 R . , 11 1 t D . . I .. ill for the PIlNt few dlloy B, Urowll ' Bros ,' Olen rllnoe tltlle hud ton " SU~tllt"~)e~v" ~~I'! c~e::,h ~f ~~~ tw o Fqdu,y 11ft rn OOIll!, ID each No ensational or re oont brllll k ing Thlll·lIduy. been lih~rl1lJy lul vertlsud tllrongb uuole 'nm I 'RuIJtl r , ili on th 10 exe rclsetl.of, n II ter.lLr y !la- Tlrio H woro r eaohod Mondn,y , bu t Mrs. E . Em ily spent one d uy reo Mrs , Bol~,li n nnd nt1ughter, Stella, vis ited bel' mother last week. v nn l·"•. large bills printed ut t he tiuzllt te Mrs. Ed win (Jhllndl llr UIIII b pn tur~, und ~ho tfllln ~n g W h 10 11 . t I I thing" gan ~ml1y uveruged 1\ good ce n.,ly " J'u .>..-,. olliee hlld tbrougli tht; Gllzett.e. /lo rl very ill tro.:n un Iltt; lOli of t,ho g rlp , l il)[UI( \lIIII~ Ob, lttlln ,bY nils ,U) nns I of prl oe und tllo Mle wns entire ly snt :Mr . .1. tile!! lIml biter , of Xenil~, Miss udie Sh~rwood and trleud, c t if! now glllOlUg. ., IIg IIlly ' . J a Vlt na, the result wus tbu,t bundreds of pel'. bu , [,/1,, IDIl 1 F,'iullY th e ohief of the lifter. j fnotory in e very wn·y. we rB gne>ltAof Mrs , B op tilos ll'Qd a f ,..., >"lynesv ill e, oa II e d on re tat1Tel Bonll were I1 tt,rl\oted here fr!lm t,ne r.i~ ' Nuthlln ,H uwe lind fllUlll y o o\'n WU . I). (Iahuto on Ule quest,loll, 'r well t.y ev ,m h or sos, for ty. eig ht dllugh to r Sunday. here !:SundI1Y· 8urro'un6log townt! I1nd oonotry. , v, moved I , PTlog Vulley ",llere " Rt!!lolved , l'hu t tIle signll of the \lIltil ,1 0 shee p, u nUJU1)er of h og , Alr . N. Melli ns .V ond rlllngil ter Rltlph Wilkerson has been qatM he expeots 10 oonduct u r e.;t,Ilorun t ' timl's inoll t e the deoli ne CJf our l OOO b h I f l ' The two looul . milllnllry IItores Mrs. 8/1rry I:) berwood , who bas nu tlOn ." ' 1\, . e s a corn , Inrn e S, UI;I'I· vi it d r e ltt ti ves in Franklin SUl~d,\ y. sick for tw o weeks, but IB somewhat held thlll,r opening \b e lIume lillY, beAn In attendullee on II r sick sil! . 'I'be uflirmlltive lIifl wn ' .John odluml Hn plam ents, e tc. . wore laid. Miss Uail Dunham spent ber vaoa· improving at. this writing. I1nd ml1ny ladles we re II ttrnoted to ter lit Mid lllud. (Jll uton coputy , for Strll W D, !,.ee EIl]'Jl llHrt, Seth Ii'urnu>l, ~-Han of n few cluy!! with her oousln Mr. harles Gill oa.~e tn from the town on this 'tccconnt. two lD ODtllll, hll~ r eturned born e. Bailey HMhtiwIIY, 'w bllCf tlJ e n ga· Sunday at the Churches. Kenneth Kil bon . e edar Rllpids to see his mother ODS Every business house in the town Etlster Mlluet i;;ot., MlU'cb ao" in tlvt! eDd of Hi que tioo Willi Oun· Mr. Curtis Hisey WIIS In Xenia day last week. Every thIn" te nd ed f or by Mav ' trnwll, FloTu d b ene.. fi "oo b y tb trOr oYo' d 8 lin d h ous' in tbo toop bui ldln'" ",... B b 'll I "'t' k 1 B 'Lb ,)'1'. M ARY ' S n URe ll. uoa y. Tbe follo'w ing officershave'--, good to oot · also a quilt DUel "unrry I , rma '" 0 0 tl DC I Ii 'I C' 1MB t!.; d """"u ands of doll"rs worth of goods were bonnets for B~ le . . Imll\. , ervice Wednesday, Tbur sday Ji r. a . (1 rynnt sll n ,un Ity eleoted for the Snodll.Y Bohool aD4 laId by the m robants. Mr. Ca lvin Bnnt" who ill II stu Rev ..J. F . Cndw81.llIder,.1. E, Jun- anrl Fridll.V o f this week ~t 7 P" IJI , with fri end he~e . churoh: superintendent, Mrs, BeDlT In every way tile day wal:lll reo· de n t ID 0"" y a,nti . B. { Irm ents were IIp· S II t ur d ay, E IlSt er E E vflolDg ' Mr. Will Mudden WttS a Cinoin· Kerlloy ', Assist- nt, WllllamKe-.'· . .... U . 0am e d own F rl' d BV npOin ted jUlij:; I! /1,]11 d cider] in fuvo r ven, ord breaker. to I' 0 Il,fter bUlline matters on his of tile n Bgntive Ide. P ruyer li t" p. m . nnM vi81tor SaturdllY · Secret!l..ry, Mll!s Gertrude Kerli87: f/trm lit Lytle. . BQwever , it should ? !laid thlLt Snnday , EI~s te r Day , B ol.v UOtn. Mr, and Mrs . L . St. John vieited T reasurer . WlIJiam Kersey; organMrs. Hathaway EnterMr J A Fuukey hns kindiy oon. unll u~1 till nt WII dll:l plu v ,d on muniun u t 7 h . m , Sllndfl Y !:lohoo l Mr. . ' tr,oud und sister one dliy 1st, 'MIss Mable Sherwood. tained i'iew Century Club t!(!Dt~d t~ pluce Aid ~ooie t.v I!nnbon both Ides . Th IlrgUnl nts pru a nrl ut 9 30 Ii . Ill.. Mormn Prll er ser r ece nt,Jy . Mr. EdwLn Armitage has beellln net ID hI." store for sn lo Mr . alirry <lon I!how,orl much OI\ ref\11 tudy nDd , g . y , . l'he New Cen t,ury 'Iub met with Mlil'l'Y ",lI1l1lso toke orller!:!. Po llllld deduotions, oud wer fur m on 11II11 Boly t;ommuDlon nt 10. ao Lytle. grout demund for the past weeIt... Mrll . H. E. ButhlL~\lY on tbtl ufter Mr Ilnd Mr~. J . E. J ones ·of Xenia. ~llen(1 of t,h e ordmnry, l::li gh &hool Ii. m. maoy of the blgh water ide. . noon of Maroh 2:a. 'l'wenty lll(iies t IIndny witb 1I1rl!. , J on , but e o At th e 10.30 service the E tls tel' . are now having their hou8611 re. r Ollponl'!<l tu r II oull by n'IlIIlO!! OPllfrCI'Onrtws IMn r. ' nnd Mrs Patrioh Ohtl'k Miss Edt'tll Sher" 'ood \lu io w,ill I~e re ndered, whi oh Mr . 'lo d Mrs. W. F. Clnrk drove pupered. ' -.,. I t 1 b tt th I to DuytoD last I:lunday to see , some Generol unde r Nopol on . . Marrl'ed to Ch Ed . d prom se o)e e er lin nsno Mr , 1I11' ltoo Sheenl'n B~ the M.I·a,ml Mias Edna. Spenoer returned &0 The troe mixtnre of paint. i 0 pro. as, war Stili yeur. (Jolue ond r J'o ioe with Yn.lley Bospitul. 'l'hey • • The lesllon f"Mr r the dliY WIl.S thon fo'nnd her' Lebanon Monday after " weak'. ~ , rL 'd ,~ull der u ~ fAsslon , , 8 e di pillY ad , BI100R' 1 tJ ItS b taken up, -~it·· ,,, r \.AI ~Q G eD n_ I P'llnt For saJ b J E n 1e bsa ntifully deoorn ted por. . . d . I d . II. senoe _-" . ' h Mrs Sa I'1y rell d J re .".,Il " . e y . . lor in the home of the bl ide's P Th ohol ' r o~ . 1aauer, llfter w h 10 •. ll ' t. Mary's Uhuroh 10 goo IIplr ts lI,n 1D1provin", '" yet a mos~ interesting ptlper on l"Iapo- , Iloney . rent , Mr. and Mrs , , B , S!Jerwood, is doing excellet;lt work under the fondly looking forwl1rd to the time A. A. MeN.eil the well kuo.v 'n l'I1r. lllLl'les Edwllrds led t o the efficient truinjng of Mrs. W. H . AI. 'Wilen she mlt,y be Ilt home again. leon. BOnapart e, and Mrs . Moffit' II. Centerville. "'"por on Jo~.,phlne , whioh Wat! tervllle nuol,loncer Imd Mr Wlloox nlttlr MI' Edl", h ' 'he r w ood. a n d len, lind 'us isted by. Miss Edith M r.1' : an d M rs. J 1100 b La oy 'move d greatly enjoyed by 1111. Mrs. Tr<lut of the lIalD e plBoe Rttended W . E t,h re th ey pli ghted tb ir troth . the ' It ' ,. I k' ellen rel1d ' -:NllliOl\,on 'l Lalit Look." O'Neltll' big !tllie MondllY. ce r m onie blliug condllotac1 bv R ev . bute, the ,rnn l~lo of thl~t OllU.roh on n 0 on r mlGst ag~tn nst ~ee. 'l'be fine weather of tbe PS!It week Ad~ourn~eD ~ WIl'J ne,xt In order , Harold ok of the Ohio Wel!leYlln E . Bl1rd eIJ, w!lb Mis MoKiDsey Eas ter Day will he unu ually fine At~e r aU, there's no more henlthful bas bronght a emile to the faoe qt and durlDg ~e sool&l h our whloh versity r etoUrn , d to 'oll ege yes pla,ylng tbe weddin/t ma.roh _ Followl~gi8 the program: place ~hun on Il ftl rro:, Their daugh. even the , I'Gr,p" patients. .lItUl7, follOiWt:d, tbe hostess, . Ilsslsted by ' a. week s~n~ with bi l' The brllle 'WI~8JiuDrl omely gown ed P"> Bymn H 2 Morgan ter, Miss Eva, nnclson. Master WH· are hunting up spade, rake and p&Io. her elster, MIRB Ba~hll.way, served ts Mr. Ilud Mrs . eth 'oa k. in w hite Ilnd cu rd d I~ wbit.e !'ho wer Easter Anthem ' Crotch I ber, onme with them, but the otber den SA_..o_, ' dainty refreshment!!. 'I'he f a v o r ' . boquet. lind 'VII attended by Mis:! b D """" w.s a wblte OIlrnlltlon tied with It ~IlS the proper properties IQ due T.. lI.ura, MoKinsey, Illso tlre: s d iu Glorlr\ Putri oys are in yton working on the~r Mrs. babeJle Whipp hall bMII yellow ribbon, representing the Club propor tloDs. allnna's Breen S III wllite. While the lYroom'M best mun Te Deum Hutchinson own hook. IlS \\0 ~ometlmes say, spending a few days with her slsaplilnt. For sllle by J . E. J anney. '" "{ d M S L -oo lonl. K was a ra llthv e of the brldr, Mr, }'red Jubl ate Baker .. r . an . rs. , . WLI1la~son in law, .Mrs. ,Tohn Kline, who 1.1 .M:n. Bftthtlway, Mrs . Clagett, Ra\d~' J ' lthi1~~lltndKsister' hMrKa : IEt~lt Elbon, Ilnd both yOU1,Jg gent lemen. FonrfOld • '~elll 'New'kom nnd dnnghter J:teva were SundaY, lIttlll-ll. er,,! """s er ennet · I bO. n I)resented h d .. A ... Mlsa BAird, Miss Hathaway Ilnd ere guestil of the h oste88 on thill ~nd MI II Gall DnnhrJ.m were lJl a~ oe. n very . un som e nppellf · Hymn 122 ' Gll.qntlett host to Mr. nnd Mrs, Mason Wi!. Elmer Montgo~ery IlDd wife I_nt 000II810n. ', 'l'hurSduY" .,.w =h~e",rer;:;=;f;,:-'r _AbO ut lorty fi"e g,uests wi.t.nOSl!ec1 Kyrie Baker, JjamBon, Mr. nnd Mrs. C_ M. Bough have moved Into their new-h~ 'I'm : BE RE'( Any. el[tensl~ec tbi hapvy ocoa Lon most of whom G10rja Tibl Baker and son Ke~neth, ,And nlso Mr. nnd w~ioh 't hey 'p urohased recently on . - _. for , clepltrtment store. wore )'ol',Itl' ves lt~ d a f ew, ' ' ... . very , 0 I ' ISO Byinn 110 Sulli van M rs. -VYln, ' 'B . C/lrmony. , ,F rnn'-lin, "'t. Agr.icultural ltain ' Alw~y8 thin oannu'\1 Green SOli I f I n ci . .. .. ., d~lioions luuoheon Wll 8 n ed Offertory Solo 1 l{~ow '(hilt My Mr. ,Oll.lvin Bunt, f resh from II.. Master 01l1Jord Bhnes me~ wt~ • ,Paint8 with pure Linseed Oil for Illl be C to at ol'Wln. out ide work. ' The pIlint is of bellry in sf,lvern,1 courses. Redeemer Lt.veth-from the Mes- Veterlnluy !::lohool ,In Oolumbu.s , (Luite an aooldent ' while rldmg hie' body Ilnd neelis-thlnnillg . 10 tbus b · A huge Ilumberof handsoill e pre. siah MissEdlt.h .Bhute our pluoe . on Thursdny nnd wheel 'last Monday. ' He ,collldecl A IpeolalllRI !ooltural ~J'ntn which oomes more eooroio... !' for tbe OOD. eo ts gnve e vlclanoe " f tbe hi~h r eo Snnctu Ba.ker remlnned untll Fndllyevenlng. He with one of his sohool.matee, throw. will be run over the Penn8ylv8nill umer . For sale by J _ E JII,n ne.v · gunl ' 11 which the young ' p80ple Uomlnunion BYUln 22 Monk cum.e down to stralght.en np, tlome ing himself from the wheel "nd -,,_ Iln wlll relloh Corwin, ThursdllY, Mrs. AVI~ Ebrigbt who hIlS bEien tnnd Wllb t,heir flie nd . b ~.. lUllApril 4th. ,,' 2 !30 p. m and a forty \II at the Ifome of her coli in E. 8 . Til l)rido.l 0 upl!!, together with Gloria in Exeelsis UBlJless uttondant upo~ the taking loontlng his right shoul!1er. . ~ve Dlinu'e stop will be made when, Blllly for severl,ll ' weeks Wllo.'l able to the bride 'S j)!l ren~!'. nnd fumily, ill ao Reoe slonal Hymn 450 Bolden oft of t,he tobacco. , M1811 Lola Kirby vlllited her graa4lin addl'68ll wUI be dellvero~ 1,)y ono ride out in the OOlmy IIlr with Mrs Iltl r gro nd )IUreDt,!" Mr. lind Mi-.Q. Mrs. E. R. Rnniolph was Visiting parente Mr, and Mrs. H. VenlUt1 ot the prominent agrloulturftj work. B/lily Monduy Ilftarnoon amoll t.o :r r, Brown, find uunt,-Mrs.' A munda M..' E . Onue 11. her pllrents in this plaoe from Wed. tbis week. ' . era on the ~raln. ., the slltlsfaotlon of Qer'mn'riy frlentlt;, Gllhll10r e w nt t Franklin 0[1 i;;un ' d fit k t'l S .. I I i bei t dllY, =h re they" were '"' pl.l r. of ,Ii ' M. , E. Ullmon Easter ryicBS neB ay~ o as wee un I aturday. ,Herbert Pine is ,' home from Tbi• '",peo a s ng Ben oVllr Ml's. John B\'lIoh of Eust Wilyne, ,. ~" d M 3 \) '~e 8tate under the ~u~ploes of t~e like tllO good h Qusflwife. she I , is lurge comprtny eDter tm ned in thei", un ay IIr oh , 1, 1 07, Miss Annie Nntt ntt~nded t!Je "SteeIA" en bls Easter vacation. College 01 ABrioulture of the OhIO very prond of IL hflnd some flook of oompli~I1 Bnt. b~' the p:rooOl's purOllts, un(1!~y.,'Sohc,ol 9.80 r...IL. fnneral of Mrll. Follet, of James. Mrs. Mary Veno.rd ~Dd ',d aulhtel' Sta University, the Ohio Agrioul. Plymou.... 'nook lll'okuna. on.long Mr_ u.nd Mr Ed ICdwards. Morni ng Ser'vioe 10.S0 Qo. m, town last Wed d L f U '-itl , , te1 E . u no ". " A Inrge nlrole of 'frlondu nOI" el' I) , nes ,ay. uOY, a _al!ol\, are v... ni Iu. ara xper imen t Bta ti on an d t h e whloh were SOUle !Jenl! whioh ut ~ ,. ~ . P rog-am for Enster ervloe a • a • Mrs. Muy Wiltinmson, went to mother Mr8. Anne Wright. Ohlo Grain ,De Il Ilin Aa800III.tIon. trl10ted her attention for thei r e.....- wi h)n" ... Mr. lin"u Mr ~ , flllllrius Ed MORN:IN<:f Tbere w!1l be two care In the tra size, Rnd upon wotghing ' ever . wards bon vOYllge In ·tbel r nllltrj. . OILY ton MoodilY morning and reo - - • haln, ene oontalninlt corn und one were toond to ~Igbt pounds nilt l life . Or gn,n Volunta ry mnined until Tuesdt\y evening. She C~esars Creek. alfalfl&. . , by Congr egation we nt up to oare for h er Sister, Mrs. l '--- - - - -- -;---:--;--:t:arruera are r~quolted to brlqg ons Annual The 'A postles Greed Huttie Ulol, who hall been n, nite ill. I Unole ,Joseph ro .... pton, who , ••• an ear of corn WIth thent suitable , AI . C' I b ' ~ Prnyer . v IU ..for seed COrD and let the judges on' On the 12~h of Illst' August Mrs . umnl e e ration Mr: Clnd Mrs. Lester Kenrlok en· beon seriously 1Il, issqme better", &be'train.'Y\Il88 on It. , , - Frlll,lk P .•Jenes of the Wnynesyillo ' . En ter Anthem ' Choir t t l !::l d M d M I and"Lytleplke rlln a piece. of teel Pret\ido~t T . .If. Rag I'll, of !the.1L so u f rom tille Old Tostam ellt el' BIDec au , un lI.y r . "n r s. this wrl tlDg , sewing neetl ht nbou t. half Iln' inell in \"{n y nesvllle Blgh 'ohool Alumni / tH I Pt · James ,l ohns nnd Mr., and Mrs. ' Mrs. rsaa~ Lytle spent a few '. Post Cards For' Sale in to the ball of lier foot A slIO illt.l OIJ, oUllle o ver fr om J!'rnck or IL a rt , ' ,: Allell Hole .a nd little ,Ohilt!, . p ast week with relatives near Mel~18t week, the nelldle IlI)mo out of lin nnll prcsiued nt the * "t bll!\ine~B , LesBon froOl the New Testll,ment M d MPh': . k d . Oh' -The G"zet~ · offiCle has on salij . r : un rs. arry enn o an ,. VID, 10. . .. , 8"ssloll ,of t llat ,orgnnl-"'Itl" 'n for this Offer t,nry . llerles of Post Carda 01 local views, the foot In t,he silme pJll ee it " ,~ ~ u " d ht MI B tl d 111 Ell B to whloh weare adding oonstantly. went ·In. The !'t:eel while in tbe se0800 , h ~ ld at tbe homB of J , Solo ' Mrs. DILkin , IlUg er s O~'l a , rove out to , rs. · a alnes and Emll7 , Recently we hl1ve put on'S 'lrdlne foot had ~Iveu her litt.le pOin. 'ra. On rtwrigbt Thursdny evening. Admission uml Bnptislll of Ninv th 4t; place. from Waynesville I:)un . Baines spent ~aturd"y and 8uncJA7 Plune were !!u~ges t,ed llOd oom· duy afternoon to anJoy the flpe t with relatives near Le.z lJigton. ' , views of tbe ohurohes of the vllll1ge. quently, we hellr of \I need Ie tmv 'P~loe 2 cards for 5 oeut·e. erslng through the body tlnd oom· mittees appointed, which wlJ l oul· Members, weather, Fremont B. Milner · of Leeab". i t I t f minate iu th e sucoess of the \lDder. Prayer' -e • - • , ng ou Itsome p aoe remO e , r om tllking ; Song Chol'r 'fobuooo deli very if' almost 11 ton I' began a series of meetings ai thlil p.ntered. ' Per80naI. Tbe pre ent Ideu is to se ure the Benediction end. On Mondnv Crane ' re~elved plaoe Sunday . All oord,t ally Invl~ , ' A,part,v of relat! ves went to Cu- serv i'cos 0 f some proOllDent . leotur r led t,0 come. 'n' e.". '-_At P' a I n t f or ,th e '-.. t k two Ollr e 10Bds, tlUU- on TuesduY,·Clov. ....s wor . thn:g~. OhlQ, Sundn.y and spent the t d'd th 'I 1 I EVENING .. ,Baon&'s Green ' Sell!. For sale by dllY very delightfully witb Mr. a.tld 0 fI r s s e pe0l> e ut t tilt t me . " eDger received two onrs for the . Adolphus Foland of New BorUq. ton and C. B. Leonard and wite of J . E . .Janne;v. " ., Mrs. Edwin Young. Th ose wh o G,raham Farm Sold 0l::lr S'llunn Voluntary Bllas Brothers, ' . . Y Grip baa , bee~' very prevalent oomposed tij~ oompnny wer e Mrs , by 'ongr eglltiou Center apent one day laat week .. ' tbls winter and' eprlng, most tamil- Yonn!!'8 moth er, Mrs, Elbon , of C, ~. iVi'lIiarusou lIod sl te r, MI'~. I Pruycr • the ,bedside of .Tolleph Compton. illtlip the vlllRge bellig malo or less · M\118 a.n d Mr , Younl('s, Agnes Wl'ight, purc1msed tihe Ellijter Bymn ChoIr New Burlington. Mr. J . Jones and family h_'N 'efteot8d by It. At- tho Friends "\,,ter, ,M,rl!. M,uy Young 'a nd mWulInl~. UIll F . Gnihlun fllrm nCllr Well· oripture Le 'son , movecl'lJn 19a1lo Oompton's farm. BoardlDi Bome moa~ ot the : bOI1,d' A,1;i, Young It nd hIS uD01e · D ere have sdered tram the 'm ~ lildy Bookett, Iln .of WllynElIl Vllle nnd '1'he fllnn oonsist of 81llcres. Solo Mr8. Dakin l\~r, Barry Rooney, ot qtnPlnnati, Lew Wolfe and wife, of ~",rve,.. " thOM, being- more lI,e tiously ufnioted brotb!i'r in law and si!<ter, Mr. Offerto~y is spending a fow days ut the home borg, spant Sunday wl~h' J8IH' . were lIilS Lydia. Uonard, the mat' and Mrll. Frunk Shutts, qf ,BI"rveys,. {t ~ s the Talk of the Town The CrtlClfied Lord • Choir of his mother. Bailies, ' 8 ermon )lesurrection of Christ Mr.. a nd Mrs. Floyd Oglesbee', of !dam Wilson, and wife and Rev,. 'I'on; Mi88 :Anna Marshal~ alli!lstant j burg. and Mr8. 'Bannllh Janpey,. Mrs . . Mr. lind Mr ~. R. E. Orew )lud the Nllpoleon Pulp Plnater. sold by Prayer Mary .1laipB!il and Mr,s ~radlJu~y, p\ea!jurt' iI. few d'u.ytl reoent lv ' of 1\ W , 8 ,',Mndden & Co .. Uorwi!),Ohi . tbe Center neigh borllood, .~ere the Milner took dinner Sunda.,. w1U1 aU of w~om are sllgbtly Improved, from their nnola, rJilne!ls Walker, No sand, l\me or hl1ir. , Try It. !:iong ... Ohoi r g\lf)sts of Mr. Bnd Mrll, A . V, Fo. Isaao Wllson.'s. ' however, excep' 1418sMl1rsl)all, who and dl1Ughter ilnd nieoe .MIss Benediotion Icmd thst week . Mrs. Lida Htanfield and daught.l Wall ~~moved to ,the h,l'me of her Bl1rrlson , of Selma .. , , ' , Death's Work. 'rhe publio is,invitpd to all t·hese MM ." A. B Borln.ll is speoding a Hnzelllttended B~rvloell ~ere Su. Ilater, ,Mrs, Jonathan al1lnea, ;Mo~ Mrs. Alf Baines a.nd httle 80n. of Tli~!reruuins of :hira. A. L, Piper l!erviCOIj. ' .. week with h er son Tom, and family day. ~ day. , . . Ouv\og' " Y hnve been vlsl"ln'" hel; wer e brougbt to W t,ynes vI' II e T lles " PmLIP TROUT '" , .. , . , Pastor . at "Mi.1tulsbtlr l . , Ohio. ' . Several from this vloln~ty spaDt For Sale-Nlnet-een .sOOok hogs. pilrent8 ~r. Ilnd Mrs. Bamuel' Pngh doy morning froln Prlno!'ton', Dli. '" sat d In W R . O. Bunt, Oregonia, ,Ollio, , on the ~pper Springboro pikE). Mr. nois"lInd laid to rest In CUID. W. C, BIll'lth, our hardware nnd or ay . ayliO!lyllle. .', , Horse!n1en :Notice ~ Implement dealer, has o.nnon.need Mrs. Sam~8l Baughman and dtl:u· tJl1lnes 'is now boes on ,0. section of etery. gbter, MrB' Abrsm ,eook, of, tJprLnR' t,h e Pennll-ylwnir. railroad near Mrs. Piper:was' Htlttle, daughter , his annua.l opening for April II. Church Social: bolO, spjmt Monday with th61r rela Ctnotnn~tl. ' of JonatbltD Og lesbee, of Mas Ie Renier und, th.e bllloK ' t:;pnnlsh lives. Dr. John !lnd fl1mtly, , D ., W, Meaks met with a serious township, and WIlS married about jllok Dark N'ght will make tba sO&. (Jhos. Lilmar, 'Who haa resided In who nKHIntly moved to Wayn8llville aooldent, 'I'ueadll.Y morning near' t.he 8ixteen yellre ago, when she went at lion of 1007 ot W"YDel!vtlle . the west for many year8, Is enjoy. The ladies of the Ferry oh~roII from Q1thar~v!!~r~da~~ !:~~~~oarmfter hom e 'if A(1om .S toops on Thlfd and o,nToeheto..,lelce:'seWdeswtenrsn ahbo0mu!!t,' 37 years For fnrther ,p artioulars, see billa inlt a visit at hill old home. wlU hold a box sooLal on Sal!lJ'l1q Goon e........ er MII,l n "~reets, ~ wire belonging t'o u ~ or Inquire or uddreslIJ. B. 'darsbal1, MI & b B ft ~ eve April 13 at the home Dal.bbors, Mr. .. al 8. Ii;IIIB and al1S8, 'be VI~lll'Y Tftlephone Co_. ..bloh of ai o, Rnd death ocourred SundltY, Wayneevllle, 'Ohio. Telephone u ti. 88 VBnna u man , one 0 Gre&th~use v mile norih ..;. Dora ElIIa. bRd t\ropped from Its place, ' naught M.luob ~, _fter a~ illness of but- a •, our most popular young lll.dlet!, ha ' ,.... . _ ."'"AUlOldlera over 62 years of 'l$Ie the tOil of his wsgon IlDQ tarned it few doys, resulting ftom a lIurgioaJ to Breeder!" enter~ the contest tor a trip to the Lytle, A good .P!ogram a.d .~ are IIntttJec1 to. speal .. l ponlion oV,e r. Mrd' Meeks was oalll!~tln the o~h~t~~~erat was he[d at tbe -ho'Me Jamestown l!lxposltlon which the mUBio Is being prepared. lovernmell', ...... m .. nd vehicle lion ."lIvttrely inju,ruu about ... toa-od Co ' I-'Trlb III ... _''' .. In.... ted RememL-""e "'...... trom "he • ....... ..... bR k d hi Bi or ber father Tne8d"y af.~"nolln. ' .~ CincillDati mmero.. une w ouu" WI. uou- NI ....... Bettdltok would lllJl8 to, .bl& ve Ule .uO 0 aD . pli. • WI Iron was ""'. do to see A rll 18 Seoo d e:saturda" - .. ti.... ohlho'14terajD W.,-resoWil' oo~clelab11 ~.matJeCl. 0 Ddoot.d by her fo~er ~8tor: " of .l0hn give to .the moat popular young lady P • n " ."• ..up ov.r thl. a.e who have _ teev. A. K. &:largeDt. a' Jooah '8 Bun on liD eaoh o~Q" 11188 BoftlDfoll 18. April, .... ,",,,""" or abe DeW"'"" . _ Baptill Cburoh,uear Buveya1JUrs. naida' ~f G""D8 001IDtJ'.
I I .,.
. ._ "
I r I
0" •
(:OWBO S QUIT '.GAMBLING Licensed Games of Chance to Be,AbQlished , in Territories. . ,
NOT MUDH PRO.FlJ-'N THE BUSINESS THESE DAYS Handlers of the Roulette Wheel and the Faro Deck Ready to Surrender to Public Opinion Without a Fight- little High Play of Late Years, Anyhow- Even Euchre Now Forbidd~n in the City of Prescott, Arizona.
flal " n, ~ ' )1.- 13y Lhc mldrlle or thIs ,l' l'ar II cllllst'd IllIblie gaUlbllng ' will Jlrohub ly hu \"(' dl sfiIlPC'.l\red (r<l Ul lhe terrf lorles or the IIILed Slnl s. Th Ee' ens -nnfl Allllure'n willingn ess with whi ch Ih e li ge l' hn Burl' IIdel'I'd ,8 111'./IrIses somc II ollJ who looked (o r u tlg ht. 1I 11 l til e e nd has be n Ilpproa hert s9 I!. ru lluu lly. th ro ug h rej;ulo.lIoll and tt lBn IIcenso th al \'c n t' () gulllb i I'S 4h uis 11' 08 \\' 1'0 \lr IIUr(!d ror it. It a co mpl (lle lIUrTOnd!'I' by what was o nr(' rrgardl'd us nil Imprcgnubly In· t ren h Ii e .'1L Thi s passing ot th Jl l'ofesslonlll gambl er Rhows th ~ nll· ,'aIlC' or public sentlm ont due to I,er' sislcnt agltal lon , and It follows Ilillur· lilly lhe disallJleUranc o ot the frontl r. Thl're IIrc no 10llse r allY wlc!tedcst t ownfi: Wh cr e tile gamhler'll will go or, what th ey will do 18 not ertilio. Th Arl · . 1:ona closing law b com 6 e ll'ectf\' :AIJrll I, and It Is eXile tM thal by Juh' 1 8 81mllnr law will bo In err ct . In N w ' !\lex lco. A number or lhe .A rl%Ou ,\ professionals wIll doubLless ' C'nme up luto !l:cw MexIco La think Ihe ma'tter over. and then drift down Iota old Me XIco. or ove r 1n \.O Nev'lIdo. "II\'here el·erytW.ns 18 s tili wide open. BUllne •• No Longer Pays, Oo e rCtlson wby the ' goruillcrs have r;lvon up III that the bus lnee8 of publIc gnmbllng no longe r paya....:t.bere is 1I0~hlng In It, The high I\(;ense tee In Url/l terrttor)' $400 a . year tor ea.cla
t ho d ari esL 'town In New ~I c xl co Is ILI1arron. whi ch W IlS once to t h so uth willi t Jul esburg \VII S to th e nOl'th . " Wflh the dlsnppcnrall c of th e cu wboy and thll Ile lt:'rlns Olll or new milling cam ps "arubllnlt for hi gh sta k. s has di ed OUl. When tho sa Ul' blln g Rll lrit s ubsld l'S It lio HI\'L Ullllle r IIIllch " 'hllt the law Is- so wo almph' dO ll't 1'~1r c wb etb c r or not tho Icgisla' ~Ilre Il rohllJlt~ pllbllc gll mbllng," ......,......"'-'ot the liquor sel\ rs and gam blers uf !'o:ew lIolexlco are men or s uo Il riol' IntelUgonce. The olll r day a t ndcrfout harl oc('uslou ' t.o consull a book ··Th e Lallll (){ Sunshin e." by LlI· lIan Wb ltlng. The ooly u\'n llubl copy In lown wos tho properL y of a gam· bl r. When he w nt to r eturn th e book he found a barkeepor Immersed In all nbs truse 8cl nliftc work. Doslr' Ing a n expert opinion on lIle new cor· 1J0rlltion law 1I118sed by the t rrlt~I'I!L1 I glslature. the samo vlsltbr was reo ren'ed to a 8oI00n~ee\1er as lho only llIan In town wbo bad mnde a study or It. In hi s measage to the I glsllllllre Go v, HlIgerUlan advocated the passage or a 8tl'lngen.t anti·gnmbllng low pro· vldlng penalUcs of trom $200 to '6.000 tine, and Imprisonment of trom two months to \lae year, and recolIIUlended that any dellelt be mad e up by Increasi ng the 'tmount ot the liquor Il· oeneea. At present two,thLrds 6C the net amount received by tbe terrltol'y from liquor and gambling IIcenlles Is paJd Into the dl.trlct IIchool funds aud
tl ilootpr I '" ;\'('r:: 1\I &n on arrh'al DO ES YOUR BACK ACHE' lown Clf ('iI)' wnil cOlUpelied II) slJ'od hl~ " ' I IW'r!; >lutl ('a l·tl'ldg ~ 'nll el L#i\'f CUrCI t he KidneYII and the ~aln Will A Condition Which Dr. Williams' Pink t limn In tb n 1:\II;torl~· or I\) rl)el\'l.·~ Never Re ~urn , Pills, the Grellt 'Blood T,o nlc, Hav. IIn tll h WIIS 1'; ldy 10 1& l\llllle. r t< Been Curing for Yearl, I'll)' ,u nU l' "r (1"(1 m $~(.I ' $300 It h ~ ()nIr onl:' slIre way \ I cur nn tl t hln~ Tbero Is 1)0 mora pcrillexiog trouble l'ernsl'CI or u('glC'l,'i 'II In d 110. Still bCL . l:ure the Call~l!, l'le kldnoys, tor R pbYSlclan to treat lhall , debility Ill'llvler fill Nc w,\rl' lUlJl\llit'd tor uslnp Th(lu ~anr!9 t 1\ qf cns 6, especially In wom en In w'hlcl1 0 \' l) rondl8hlng II el .. udl ~- :",allO U. c~res mode by Doan'l) thero is no ocute dl se .se, b~ t In which hldl\o), Pills. John 0 , I tile patient eVery dny sinks lowe r ano;! Stringent Law ,Proposed. Coloman. a proml· lower despite chansos of medlcluo and Nnw th .. t n'iturlul , ('ollnc-II I~ r nn . n e n t m rchnnt of Similar experiments. bitl ' rl J; " hili pr'lvldlng lll:Jl "1,\11\ Swnln s boro. Ga.. Thnt Dr. Williams"Pink Pills "wlrl j1 1'~OIl II"lIhlu Ih h' I"I'lI or ) or I\ r \\ s aYB: "For sovol'al rCF~ore Ileuith un(Jor th so con ditio ns .\1J' xlco "ho d nl~. 1/1nYN. al'rlc's on, Y Ef n rs Ill)' Illunl'Ys Is n~ specu lntlon but tho rDa~ haIJ b een ilons, or auseR l!I I) ( 1)(:0 ' rl. or con. were 1I!f l d lind ,p ro\ ed 10 h\lnd~Ll~ ot 'aacs ,s lmllnr flu tN elLher ns owner or emnloyE', my ba ck ncll 'd day to that ot Mrs . Sal"Uh RnIDsny. ot 101)8 ,. St, J oho St., LltchOe ld, III. She saya wh (h('1' fOI" nlr 01' uo t, li llY sam or' nnd nig ht. 1 was "I lIover felt ,,"'cil nfte r my first rill'll, 1U0UIC' . I'oul lre. la ue Ul'oe Inngu ld. nervous lind Illllle In 010 child " 'ns born, Tha d n s nowing pain rouJ;(>·et. noh-. I'(lnl\o, ru otOll, poke r. llloming. Doan's 'J{ldne), ' Pill s h l\1cd In my ' stomach nnil could not hold any /lev\l Ll,uIllI·Il·hulr. t W CIII Y'OI\(', ch uckll' 'Ol e right aW IIY, an d the grent r ello t food down. My hend anh d a great IIIrk. s lot muchlo e, 0(' nllY bankIng th llt rollow d has' be 11 permunent." deal nnd sometimes the palll went all or ill'I'ce nln!':o game. o r ony othor kln!l Sold h' nil d C !llcr~. 50 cent~ :l box. throllsb my body, I bad dl1.1.Y 8polla of b'1l lll Illu)"tld wllh onrds. d ice. o r Fostol'-Mllbllrn '0. • null'llio. N. Y. 80 ,that t oould 'not sland and seemOI1 nil )' ue " IC' " fo r mon ey. chec ks. cr !l It, - -- ----to be halt blinded with pain. 'rbeae Never Overloo\<ed a Chance. spells wQuld otten Inst tor over an o r an y olll !'r 1'(' llrese ntH lI l"t· or \'SIIl O, hour. My blood seomod to be In a Wh C'o nt shop Tal b'? t. noi" of the very poor condltlon nnd m'y hands and Is gu il ty of a mil;dtInIOlLnor. nnd shnll lJe l1un1l;h('<1 by Il fin e of not IlInre cl' nlnll Penns ylvan Ia ,d lo s o. was t oet were lIlee Ico. I seemed to be tban $5.000 or by IIlI \1r laO lllll lit In tht' "th cowboy blshol)" of Idabo and growing weaker and weal,er ond conll1 counly Jail fo r nOl 1lI0re than olle "" yom Ins ho 1l0" el· oVlll"lookf)d t.n op· not got IIroun(J · to do my '91'0 rIc III yeul·. or buth ," portu nlty of se urlng oontrlbutloos · the house. I wa9 e~trem e ly ne rVOU8 tor I be 'mlAls lll lla ry work III whlc b he nnd the I('sst excitement would bring AS . lo all n ,rOrm" t.hl' IIn pollhl!,: t O!J,I s ueh II II g h t. 0 none OCCII,"\0 0 , on a d!z".y ·pell. " forc e hl\s beel,1 n (,;1"II(llIally C'ITstnllz· ,,'hlle nttendlng a m e tlllg of ohurch "For a number or years I was under In!:" publlr OplLllou . 1I0th Arl zOll3 !lnr! d lgnltnrles in ~ t. Paul, h wu c b alt I og a doctor's core but ee mpd to "et no New ~ I Q I[I(:o hll\'o amb lflolls In t h c1I, Wl l b RO lll e olher clersyme/l 00 the belt r, I bad heard about Dr. WII· r c 'Uno of Matllhootl. The <ler aL <If Pink Pills nlld I began to tnke s eps of hIs h lol wbcn S8 veral ho- IIams' ll1 <' JoInt nroposltlon I n~t fa ll hns In. them . I soon t It b Ltcr and gained boos cnme alollO". Olle of them ap· I I crcAsl'd thc rl nl h' ~' lilatw een t h m. .. n v.'(! g ht on d 8 t re ng tl.1 . M y n erves prollchl'd und nsked tor ald . Bishop IIrc s trong now and I aoo a well woman The Ih r at (J Lhe 1.1111 f'( Id bill Talbol lOok him lI sldo and after ' a In every way." IllI t Arl ?nnR on h I' j.:ood b havlOr. Rnd short h ut earncs L conve rsation the Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nre 80ld nolY :>lew !ll ex lcCI il; cOlnpe ll d Lo rol· other trolll ps s a w sODlf' tblng pass by 01\ drugg is ts or will hc 8ent. post· low 'HIll: JII the'h· O X<: Sij or z n, t roiu han d to hand. "What did be paid. on Tocelpt of price. 50 cents per howevel·. so m I'hOIlH IIIl1nlcl\luliti g! \"e you T' Ask d the otber ' hobues box. six boxos for $2.60, by the. Dr. hllre gou(> tllO tllr. \Vh . n the)" nil started OWIlY. "Dldn't Williams MedIcine Company. Seh,e nec"I,'c DI noth ln .. :· wa s the dl sguSled tnd y. N. Y. A booklet ot valuable In· formation. entitled "Plain Talks to " All Games of Chanl:e ProhlbUed. r ply, "I ga ve him a dollar ~or his Women," sent fr ee on request. new alhedral In Laramie." The J\rl zor,a gam bl lug In w Is du(! to tnke e ffect Avril L 13ut Presoot t. Catarrb Cannot Be Cured Ihe capital cIt)·, cOllld noL wall ulltll :!~~?~t~b:~I~!I:.~~T~~~:rh~~t:~~~a:~cc:-:~ then to s holV off h I ' n wly donn cI tluj 'l'IIll dl.a ..e , llUd I n erder to cu rB U rou mUll take r-----..,....,PolllUyel' ca..ecl '7 whit robes or ,"Irtue. lIud 11IIssed 110 IIUMhat rcmlCl dle.8. n "lI'. t;atarrh Oure It 1.1k(Jl In· thele Little I"UI .. taro Ill, , uLl aCl. dlrer-tll () Q Wfl blUtxllllld ohl('ou, TheT also relll!1'e l>Ja. antl·gambllng ordln(l1l(:e. elYective Fe b· lurfllCC!l. nal l'a Catarrb Cn~ .11I uut AQUle.t medl· runry 1, whlcb s hUL down nU ~o or h r- clD.C!. It WI' prolC r tbed by DOC! of I li ft bell ph " 'le llol (lubllQ games aod In tEll'rered lIeliousl y ,~ ,~I~~~~~'r:.l~~ ~g~T::~~cl ~~~:g~!~r::.CI:~~~~~e~ EntInr. A perfect n:1D' ","b Ibe be __ t bliJ04 purJn.,,.,acclnl d'~\IJ CD tb. with 80cll11 diversions. muco ul . Uf't ICei. The perrect elllnblalUOD of lbe et11!orDI:aIIlesa. :l"1L1ISIJa, , wu Inlfn"tllc DU II 'f\' b . .. produce" ,uob woodllr1'ul reo 'rhe o rdll1nnce proh,lbl ts the Illa yln g .DIU lu uurlnlJ CftUrrb. _, Send 10r lC~ 'Umofl l.I. \ troe. l>rowslnOS.'lo IIA4 Taato F . J. C UE~.:\''' "O. ,l'rQP'" Tole4u.O. • . LD tho lIoutll, 00Ued of eucbre for prizes, and all ' othel" Sutd hI' Drul,rllt •. pr1ee 1M. 'l'ongull, PaIn In tile SIde. T.b BIlI}'1 f _1I11'IIII'ur couIU ••HoD, gambling ga!lles popular In social elr· I====----'TORPID LIVXR. TIUtt1 oles are likeWise Pilt nnder han , ' Satan 18 willing to let men go to fIIIIIlate tIllI JkrireIs. l'urelT Vesetabl& i{erea.!ter the Pre,sc() tt WOlnan who nffers hOI' gnesls prizes f r Winning church on Sunday It tb oy work for ooy g:l.rne ot chauce (II" sk ill PillS her· him the remnlnder o[ tbe week, Genuine Must Bear selt exactly on the saJlle Illane. so far ,"1'11 '\..I Ton I,." Uct'l. i nmou. for ycnrs nil Uobility to arres t tlnd punishment " I"clllecl)' ror Co t t.iPlI lioll, 11\' r nnt! Is concer!Ied, with the gambler, wbo Rki~ dney IVER ~~_~ !Ii II/!C~ . GuarunlceJ unde.· ~hc PI /~ Pure Food 1.a\\-.
FIf. nE
CA S rij s.
Interior DecoraUng
Anllwer a Real Triumph of QuIet Sarc-a'. m.
"nux. Jr., ot Phlladlllphla, appoint d A D1fj llllle r ot the board or Indian commiSSioners. 1111'. 1~1l:( told II r porter the other day &D tnd la n story. _ ~!;:!= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "There was R certain commission· --r-::EII:J:o~.a er." he said, "who trea cd tile Indians wi th rulie scorn. On day II. chief en· t r\.;lilled thiS mlln In hi s tepe , tell· It rettln<e. the <A"oe, IIQOt h~8 ' h. P 'rvlta and lug hll'fl over lho tobacco many qcalnt. l'eUeveatbe a ohe. and legends. "One legend concerned a Illngue of '~:~~rb~t .. cure•• n grass hoppers. The ' ch let told elo- "(OId.cblS .n~ Neurali!:lti . 100. No b~" Quen l ly 'how grass hoppers O\'erran ctl'ecI" IOc. ~ .lId EO!: boltl.s. ILIQUI",,) hll ' land. eating th e grain . and how t he 'm edicine m n a \'Qrted a famine bl' orterl ng n sl1 vB l' grasQhopper to , the Creo,L Spirit, wh ereupou all that deluge ot grasshqpJlers disappeared. "Out the commiSSioner 8cotred at th e tale. . "'Are you lndlans such, fool s: he laId, 'as t o bellove such rubbish?' . ~ '0. no: said t he chler. gravely, 'or we'd lon g ago bave offered the Great Spirit a allver pale fe.ce: "Milwaukee Sentinel. . Typ~·writlng
Improve the inlerior appeartUlce of your howe by applying to t~e wood. ",,?rk - door.. wcinacoting, window· fnmtlS, b"""bolll'ds, clc.. - a good coat of Decorllo laterlor Enamel. thenewuR;to.d:nc"lUlJtQry Interior fin. lab, made In .uteen beautiful &hades. , Decorao Interior Eoa~f. w:e . • peCi:illy made for Interior work, an can be w""hed with .oap and '.alor. Th~y wc:u-Iikd glaZed tile, retain lhelr hanci8omC! lustre, p. <"Vent disease by resistance to dirt, dUie and grCaH.
Decorao Interior Enamels gh-e 'Jou a hard, gloss),. We-bko 4\nlah, and arc Ill!ed h place of wall.pnper and other o.bst rbent wall fin ishes' In halls, bedroom~. bathrooms ;l.hd kit. chens in tho I est dwellings, hote.1a and other public buildings, The 8ani. tary feature alone. Cll1\ hardly be over. ~Ilm.ted.
. ~rao Interior Eamels are prepared n:ady for the bl1lJ!h, are easily '~fPU?d, IIIId COlt no more than goo'd 01 pamt. ...To eve.." penoa ",bo con. template. Interior refinishing or dec. ,orating, IIIId Benda UI name and ad· dreM, "'e wiU lend a handsome oxidized .lIver Bua.~head ·.tlc:kpia or bat-pia, - . 0 out Color Chart of Decorllo lnterior Ellamell with information of great value to yo,,"
R, R. Agency Work and
}:~l:J ::II:=n~~I=r~ 7f:'0r!ll~~rt aJA::~~D
OpPOSite Side of Room. tabl!'. Ilncl tbe dlsaplIearnnce or cow town and mining camps hnve caused 'till' pr,oOts to dl'l'lndle. The writeI' has , tll(~ en nt Raton t91' uhout two mont~s, and In that timo has !lI)L se"C n o r b eard of a game ' wortli me nllonlog. 1' 1.111)88 a strangel' wanders Into a JlSloon he wouk! uever suspect that Jluhllc gambling' Is a source of' reve- , " nu ~ ( 01' tho SIIPl)Ort ot ' th e 1111 bll c SChools here. Lsst summer, when a .collple) nf 'new railroads were bei ng fluilt Into jhl~ city, there was high 1\lay, hu t sic 'e then Hie busln ss has ()ec n dead, r 'f1!~r~ I~ prllctically no playing a t all In ,fll ytlme. and at night ·th re are ou'ly a few Isolatl:'d games or IJoker. Once S month. Oil th e occasio n of a roil r'oa fl PBrduy ., th e ro ul elte whcl"ls (,l1a ), ,whil'l Cor a nlghl. and th en dust IHllll es 011 them agul n, Nm' Is thore J," r('ep Uble B!lywht're I he de morallza. tlOn which Is supposed to accompany In!) Jpgll\ n 'cognltlon of public SU Ul ' '. bllns , Ttll s town of 6,000 Inhnhlta'nls 1s 85 qu ie t and erde ri)' and "I eall mol" all y a8 IIny town of like si ze In the 1J nl ~ed Sml " , Leadil1g ,G ambler Talks, , Wh en Ibe I IIdlng alll LJkr nr Rsto'n ~a s ('(U sllen ed as 10 lbe 'ollUook he laid : " • "T1H1Y' I'e go t t h e drop on liS and we hillSI submit. rt"~ ponr cOll~ulllllon, bUI !>f!lI n consolation that we have n' t IIlU Ch . IO " In, ap. Snmt;' games will s lOp enllrel:" Itnd a nUllIher of sporLs will leave tho: te rl"i lory : the reMt, will bl' dr lvlllI II (!o \'o" ." "Are tbero IIOY bl~.. !';ame8 now rlln. Il ln!'; In thi s re"rltory ?" "NOlie tha t an old !';anlblcr would ca ll bl~, or course th ere Is st.ll( pla'y In AlhuQuel'Qlle. where tha III'ofllgate 'OilS or ncw rlcb men abound, bul ."ell ~utnea are raerly public. The e til olllY olle blooded player In SlInta e. ' "Thp only reall~' profitable games • " "way out, la tile mlnlnar cnImllll or at the froot or DI!!~ railroad.. About
one·thlnl Into t.he general county school funds. Thla' ope n Indol'sement or public gambling Is ohjeotlonnble to citizens geoernJly and peCllllarly 80 to prospec tive settlera rrom tho east. 'rho number of retllll liquor licenses In Lho LerrltOI"y In 1906 was 685. whole· aalo licenses 23. and gambling licenses :160, The total Income theretl"Om to· the territory was only $164,000, or which less than half callie trom gam· bllng lice nses. The figures tor' 1901 ~ how no Illoterlal cbange. In thp. ell)' or Raton the I'e are 19 saioons alld 17 licen sed gambling tnill es. "h e formor pay to the cllY , $100 11 l" al" ;rnd the la tter $200 il yeoI' each . EQlIal slims are Ilaid 10 th e te r· I'itory for the county and distrIct scbool fund s.
backR a ' crall game. Fear of cnforco-· mon t of the new ol'dlnnnce hu s alsc , stopped the giving of prizes at parties and obul"ch entertainments. BIG BEARS OF ALASKA. Large'at Flesh·Eatlng Anll~"1 in th. World-Big ae Three Lion •• "
Quick Cure Et'tected. dlllDand. w. aeeu,.. poailloal for our 1 .rlW1U&~ can '~Dt o r an,. ,trne. Saturday afternoon an Atchison hludent. MAIN '-INIl R""'ROAO WI"IlIN 80HOOL Write f or free Ululi,...ted,~taJo"ue . temu' ••te. younr; lady omplalned of sore and IOROOL OP ~t'.'&P'Y COM'~ tired feet. Sbe was so crippled tbat ?am toMO.,. Uat"" ••• ~ mdr .• ·.OUlO~IIA~I. OR10. 'h e r father carried her upstairs. ' A rim bours later 'she was Invited to at· tend a danelnr; party that night. . S}l.e not only wont, but danced unW three 'clock Sunday , mornloc.-AtcblsOD ": Iobe. ' .ndbo.roO ••• rnruantlleri.ll<n. ~I!, flenll'Offlf"I •• 11A &Ad lller.'ure. 0...,.10 S. "'o t:~ co ••• 'h, 8alUfIlO .... 1I4.
. . . .1. 011 hlat tl Yarldala Co. Wcqo
THE WHOLE . FAMILY. Unezcelled rorgenerml fann. Very fe \\' l)CrSO n a r eally .1tno\v t.hat etc' leon"'I_l ellf ,o~lf.·'t'·:~~tll:~tl'lt'k'e~ ~~~:~.~~~~~~ ollim. ai u- II. tile I Mother Find. a Food for ' Grown,Up. IoU.n r•• III,I.· W,ll......'u ,om ,,'ur ll , t... 11 pub. 41.eue"':""4)ute or cbroD'O. X1dher. Bladder. Aloolh' e lal'~o es t fie 'h·eatln" et · lleal.lou r;. 61 . V. Rhtharth!.Lal1d .. ntl tridQ . t.rlAl A"nt. bollo 01' l)fl •• ' Babhl. lIrew'!aN .... Ble1'.~ world are found In Amorlca. People and Children u Well, 'c·'"h ..... llr, and lIobll •.okQhln R.n .. W•• hl.~t.on , D.C. ... olean. IlmJ!le. fll"\,,,, no ooeralloa. " , S. Oban. "ue,oQ1:,I:4Cb!naloat md• •• tlL LoubI, Mo. ..u IlUanUll.eed ' b1 D ... R.A •• ~ ,tortilw.,li, . ,. se ner}lll y lJ ellt:'ve lhat the African lion Food thnt can be eaten ,!"llh rellab Is Lhe king or beaSlS, but he Is not nearly us large or lllS lJOwerful an an.l· , and bencl\t by the children' as well mol as the la rge bl'own bear of as the bider members of the 'familY, Alaslla , ' makes n pleasant 'bousehold coDllnod· The beal's are not as ferocious or Ity. ' , combative as the IIlln s. nor ar th ey Su'c h a food Is Grape·Nuts. It not nearly as vicious as ihey nre given .>nly agrees' wllh and l)ullds up cbll· Most Gamel Unfair, credit ror be ing, but the largest ot dr en, but older persons whO, tro~ bad 1n the townl; ot Roswell ant! Artcs la lhern are much larger and 1U0re pow- ;1nb~ts of eating, bave become dyspep· T,,'o corn crops are raised each y~at in this wonderful land gambling bas been abolislle tl by ol·dln· ertul thuh uny o{ the lion s. tic, . . I and He ricbc<st, bigge ~ t, finest e a rs of corn you ever saw. The ance, and the experllTl tl nt 'of exceed· . It Is Slife to sa)' ' lhat the 1l\rge~t 'of A Ph.!la, lady, ~rt!lr being b enefltell farmers of tha t,section market from 40 to jO bushels p'er acre lngl y high liquor lI ~eilses, as milch as the brown bears o r t ho north would 'I berself persuu.~()!1 be r hus band to try with very1i~tle irrigation. " ' ) $2.0~0. ha s ueeu mw:l e with satisfac· weigh three ti mes as milch as the (fraIJe·Nuts tor stomach trouble. She . \Vhy not taRe a trip d own t,h ere and' see this land' which to ry reslll l~. lorg"st specim e n or lio n, anu Is be, ;v~~tes: . That mos t of the ~nrn (>~ arc. IInfalr yond nil ques tion grently su perior In , About ,e ight years ago I bad a 110· requires no proof. In hls message. stren"th " .' ,'ere a.ttnck ot congestioo or stomach Gov. Hagcr ntal:\ treats ot thi s fell I urc "' . • and bowels, From thllt tIme on, l ' . Talk to OWDets ,wDO clear from S300 to ,1500 per' acre pI- year thlls : It brollght togeihe r In combat Lhe I bnLl , to be careful about eating. I1S .in vegetables--who net '$90 per acre in alfalfa-who taise "Some DC the gallleS as pl~y d h erp I,l eur w ou ld at first appear ve ry I nenrly every kind or food then known afro n l lbp ,playp.l· 250 pel' ('ent . les8 clumsy . It wOlllll not be , capable ot to me seemed to causo pain, clwnce- or wlnwns than ~Imllar gaml:S the quick r ush or Lh:.) c atll~c s pring "Fo~r yenrs ago I ' commenclld to and sell at 2 1 ·2 cents P Ol' tjound. ' . , Tha~ is. what j ~ a~t'lany b" in~ dono to dlly. ,mnv. in this '~Winter , grrord In tho large gau\bUng estab· (lr th e 110\1, uS,e Grape·Nuts. I grew stTonger. and :Vegetable Gardell of Amllrica." Doubla yield, be :ause the soH is 'rich and IIshmeu~s of ElIlTOPI). whleh 'klay enol" It woult! not allael!, but It woul d bettor, and from that tim!! I suldl.m now and the climatll right every ... IODth in the year. mOlls dividendi to t)telt' stookholders. remain ' onLfrely 00 the dMonslve, bave b~eo wltbout It; have gained III . . . 'rhe games m08t gellcral III "ew mee Ling Its a dve l'slu), wi th blo,ws 01 benlth and 'stTengtb un(l am now htiavi\Jexico are 80 arranged that tlte ' su()11 l'Ill'IIlIty nnd terrific rol'co as at leI' thnn 'I ever was. • dry\ hMlthy-an ideal place to lil'e-yoa , -..~~ II henees are man y times in fa"or of " onco to Illustrate Its superiorI ty not "My husband wns also In a bad cancan'l>e oulo[ doors the whole year around, ' tho propriot~Jrs :' " only lu sLrenj;th bllt In action. dltlon--hls 8t,?m~ch became 80 wenlt Right../lQw, while )'our farm ill Idle. There h8S boon 10Ul~ and gradual I do not belle,,~ tbat there II at that hla could eat hardl3\' anything with drop illeR postal £or ,an 81>pagebook,on the ToxasGulf ColIIt COUDtl)i. Read up IlrellaraUon In Now 1.11'1(\co for the animal III the , wo~ld lhat can ant comtort. I r;ot him to try Grapeon it. Write 10 Ihpsc peal/lo whose ad· Imllendlll\!: prohibition of public anm· more qulokl y or entec tlve ly or can aim nuts, 'lnd he IIOQn found hlB Itomaell dresses I will g!adly giv~ you OQ requesl, ~_ _J bllng. About 1890 the female warb· Its blows with gre'a ter .-eTtalnt)' than. trouble had dlsapPllllred. Theo'R'I .nd al!8 It f<;>r yourself on a lerl, or concert hall Blnsers, were put the bea'r. ' ''My girl and boy. 8 and 9 yeai'll 014, low-, .," roaDd·trip excuraioD,tickcL out of bUllne.1 ' by territorial enact· The bears a~e floMb eaters, yet ' dl! oot waut auythlu elao' for b:l'ak· Wrl,. m. to-d.,. and I ~1II11'. "'If parUnlon. ment. there arc none o( them tbat depend fast bul Grape."lutl, IUld unre 'llealth1 J'"H IDA5TJAJI. • ...·r TnffIc liar. Thon came a lurther t1ghtenlalr of upon De8h -tor and with mplt of children canaot bo f0Ill!4." ,Name 0 . .0. .0. 1 · fl. 1.01lIl. the IIDes wblch did ' DOt become er· them !lesh . bol a \<el'J by PORUIB 0"., BatUe Cn!ek,. ROCK J!LAIm.nuSCO UNIS. roctlvR without. .trunl_th... law small their roo4.- Mlth. ReIl4 the Jlttle boo"I~, " "!'b. 4UIIUI ....._ ............ agaln.t packlol I(UDi. ny the sb:· Sc;'r ltnel'"' R<'8c1 to v:.llyW.... Ia »kp. ~'. 1- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _________ ---.--
Two Crops' per Year) 'Te:;'Gulf ' Com Eight F~et TaU,~ Coa~t'COUDtrY'
you ca'n buy nObJ-for $25 on' acre'"
24,000 PQu,nd,.s 01 Onions from one acre
. P,rpetual Summer ne"~
__ '.LahUe .... I·I_l,hf_aaq.
IA Posit-lYe .
PU~AM F"DFlJ~E~~ DYES do !lot .' otui n Ih p. hllnd. or .spot l,he ke\I.16. elce!l~ Jl'een lind "ul'pl~ : lOe lIer padlllile.
' FAD~
No man ever IIJIks a trutbtul .... oman elf olbers on -what Is uld about them . ....hat she thinks ot him more than
Wonderful Philosopher from India Ppachea otrange Doctrine. an Rebuke" '(he Folile. of the CIl"n tl Who Visit Him. Soelet y's lutellt lion Is 1111 Indian With n lIame CODlIJOs 'd of o ItIlY consunllnts ami numerous dlvlsl elnS. suyS a Loudon, Hllg. , correl IJO llII ... pl. H Is tb Mnhutmu pope. ~ great ma ll III India (nOt the Bart Of Mahatm u Sllok n a t by Mrs. Be· ~a llt or. Col. Olcott) . u. 1'111 r or rllJalts lIud n SOrt or king or philosopher;. li e was rich onoe and a m tlIbar or \l. hi gh cRste tll mlly, bllt be flung his w u!t h us lele-he sa,l'1I 1ll0ne, " Olakln g 11l !.h OCCUI)3tI00 or r,l gs-dlv esl d ~jmt; ' Ir or hlfi ~vorl dly ~ IJl eDdors and ilv 1I fl ight Y Brs In the jun gle. COOl· ulUnlng with hili s Oll l; From thl se..tuMl oll he e m rK d, Slll·lvPll. ItS it we re. lie ('Ull cnllse bl s heart to Utn d ' 8tlll for 11 quader 01 BIl hO\ll and Yt11. bl s spll'lt do 8 nol lenvtl th body. II SIlYS he hu s seen th BOlli of 0 11 nntrnnl leove. ItR earthly body lind '0 Ill to ollolber. IC we lead bad lives un <,a rth w shall leud worNe In tho u Incarnation. We nre nil otoms In tb e ocean of atoms which are erea· . lion, and bls object In omlng b ere I II to tench us to ' control our min!: 00 t.hat tb mlDd sbllll eontl'Ol the body. all t' whlcb there will be lIO poln, no unhappiness . no mea n aeUons ar.d no lI till ror money. He does not toUetl luaney, lhough tbere nre plenty or bt\! "diSCiples" who a l' oDly too glad to pay the cOllt ot hi s lod gillg. And to IlIls Jlruph\~ t-il grund, torceful !lJlecl· we n 01 au fndlan . a mnn of (12, lookin g 40. socie ty trundl es by the bour, day bY' dny, ti> Usten to bl s wOlHl erful "hll o. OIJhy. I w n t to sec bl "lone ~ay las t week , und ill the room, RUti ng in rrOnt of tbe lur baned . fu ll robed Mahatrnn, I fouud a young Brltlbh dUke nnd h is Am erlene wife. The por' hull appar II!!)' ~ nld noth:og to tb m, but had ontCllIplated lbem 10 ,,11 'nt;c. Suddenly h() tur ned 10 the 9ucli t;S ntlll said : " YUll al' a duenesa' ' Vhnt goo ll Is that to you? :Ooes It ~I v y u more (0 at t.hun t0rt1!81'ly7 A r YO ll n ot proud r tban yo n were wh IJ 'You w re Just a mts rable mono o '· ma klng mll llonair 's duught r ?" 11 Ihl!! In n torr nt at 'wortls nllll shltUng Ih nlbal'ra8setl duch ess from Ri d to side. " I'll tell YOU ' what i Ihluk;" s uld t h e ~1 n hnlllla. pointing his lin Iy s baped haDd nt II r, "You bavo n monkey mind. yes, a mQnlt Y lU ln,). It Is IIko 11 's hu llle-ebn nge It by l blllking ot good thIngs! And you" - 11 r 11 addr s d tb duk e-" you bu", a bnd mind. n bud cha rncter; but I \ 11\ r arorm you." Th n h dismi ssed them and he told me ott er they had goile: " H will r me back. She wl11 not. She la tlt rnl d . She IS a good \VOlllll n with a man "key 1Dlnd. I wfIJ mako him a I de r or men." The duk came ' back and Is now a reGu lnr "diSciple," learo· Illg how to illsclpllne biB mind . • Tbe dUQhes8 did not retuI'D . She was afraid. But olher great social lend 1"8 go dnlly"to this 'Y.o J\derful wnn, who retuses mon ey 01' gifts, who eats a Itnnd'ul at curried vegetables a day, Ileeps lbree hours IL nll\ht. sits th'" ~st of tlie time In ail aqllochalr preacbhls, pr.e achlng, prencltJng In a clarion voice lbnt ney r tires, and yet It be likes he can Wllik 60 miles withuut stopplp!; tor a l-tltlt. No wonder he III. lIon.l% d. . '!I('e lJ~,
It 111 h/lrd to fo r m a corre t oplDlon
. One great advantagt the outhwes t ha ~ is itt equable cli:r.... te. Hen
la qulekl, abao:b.,. Ghel ReUet at Once.
or l.rt IllUOOItI ' lf.blCL II a ~' lJl'l' lC r"'A ' KAlIU: whb lIlaok aDd rud l olterJDW. aDd t>ean tlIu .I.D ~'U" gt
b elll!i and
farml'orork g:les on prac·
eOoUH'H. prOH!C'ts
When iloctors dlsagrp.e It Is well fOl I£ . w . allov~. 260. tho dis ',,1Od motnbrnnt. n cnreA Cnlnrrh the patient to get up .!Od see If any· / anll elriv"'l"wuy 0 _olll in I he HOl el quickly thing really ails him. ~eyer Had Picture Taken. IItCR res lb o R u of 'J',,~11l I1 lhl SIllI. i1: Judr:e Cbarles T . Woodard, lat ely Full IUze [;0 e·ts. at DJ'ugg istB or by JUuil. appointed to the Maine supreme 'l'1'inl flizo ]0 CIR. by mail. ., court. never b&d a picture taken. I Ely llr\llbc!~, 6G vl...l'TCm Street. Nuw York. No cord or cable caD draw ao Co relbly or blnll 80 fn st as love C&ll do with a ~I nt:le th read.- 8urton. . Do You Own Min ing Siock IA ltdrCBtc.
1II\' '''Hturli
lor J\IUC1'icu,
tically the year rouhd nod t il re is rarely evel
Cheap TripI lIound trip
First . thatn.lmostevery operation In our hos pi tals, performed upon wotnt~ nt 'becomes n CCSSIU",Y uec8u se of n eglect of lill ch xy mploms us Uuclmebe, Ir" cgulul'itieH, Displace· ments. Vuin io the SllIe, Dragging (>ensation!>, Dizziness !lnd Sleepless· ness . ~econd, that Lydi a E . Plnkham's Vc~ct.a blo Com pollod, mMe froUl vo roots and herbs, b n.~ cu red more en..'iCS of f male Ills than any other 000 mcilielne known, It reg' . . . ulaies, Iltrengthens ond !,cstor cII women's ~ elllth om! a,s lJI vn lunble ~n prepal'iog women for cluld·birth ao.! d urlDg th e pe rlO,i 01 haoge of Life. , . . I Third the great volume of lln ~ollclted nnd g'l'uteful testImonia s 00 Ole at th~ Pinkham Laborato ry at I~yno. ]l\1",,,,,.,nlloy ?t, ",hi·iI aT trom tilDe to time being publish ,1 b.y 8pe -il,1 p · rml s~l on. give uusolute cvl· dene., of the value at Lydia B. J>inleham'lI VegetaLleComa,ouod and Mrs. Plnkham'lI advice. .
Ht..'ru nd i lJ~ ~1\ t4"1t)l'I,d tOn Kew t;t r ct! I , ~rt!w
IYork. 'rbe Ilyern/:tl man dlsll kt's to gtve up his s ul In a crowded oar 10 e. ""om, an because It e Is nfrnld,8lte will thlnl{ he Ii lrylng to fli rt with ber.
It Cures While You Walk. AlIpn's .l-;"CJut ~ EIJ F:e iK II ce r lai n r llre for h'J't , swpati ng, . cld Jo\18. l1:1d 5lwollCTl. nf' h in ~ feet . !'uld Ly 1111 r1r \l~t!iJ<l" P rice 25~ . 1J",, ' t
aceeptl1n.\· . ub"t!l llt ~. 'I'rilll p" ckn~e T "\S.EF:. Addl'elSldllen , . Olln"tet! . Le Ro)' }\ . 1 . Bank of England. The Bank ef EDglund employs about 1,OQO pQOplO. pays U.2 50 ,000 yearly In waKes and $l7 ~, 000 ye url y lD pensions. _ _ __ _
For more thsn 30 years hns been curing Female omlPlalnls, Bueh as Draggi ng !Sensations. Weak Jlnck , Failing . nUll Dispillcumcntll. In· flammatlon and Ulc rati on. aDd rganlc Dlbl:ases, &Dd It dlS!;olves and e~18 Tumors &1, IU1 early stage.
t h ra ~ ll.
Hie."' " vfllt·;
On March 19th. /\pril 2ntl and 16th yo u ca n ~ c e th e Southwest v ery eh :lply . : 'i ck ts are good 30 d ay s a nd p er m;: :t e ' i' ,ov l ' r ~ . One v e ry desiralol l.: I atureo f t betri p lia lhe 1\[, K.& T. tile d i I'e rs roll!~ I hro ~l~h Uldlli!o ma - yo I can go t h ro ugh Jmlian . '{,'rriIOl y an ti r ·turtl th ro ugh Ukiah ma ell)" r \ i< e v ' rSil.
~ tc .• on t lift tll l l . l liCJ thud 1ue d :a..)!J v I eac b
Ul OI.lh
From Chico,o $25.00 From 51. Paul 27. SO From 51. Loui. 20.00 Frolll KaD.... Cit, 20.00 ~I 0 l nd t ~rI
O:tl .l';oln:\ . 10d
"r ... lliory
rat ,.L
4rt! IM5 CiP,tt1.
I h~
in moln)
One wDJ" t ic kets at 11 .. I thes leRutar I" ,e
I!:It !:-,UI I~~a:'i: ' 1ft~ r}~:~ A,-.Io ni o 15
\Vh" n Ol iJl \,l" ft li .ue Eht! 1lI)'lillliLilittf"'" o f 'hi' w !uJclful lan d 1 ii\(C a II hi III dlf~ uc: 1t
pOU\u. III ,,(Opol u on.
af " 111(
U CIJr6jrm alld .. ec fur l OI1r-.,.lf. \ \ ,h t· ul e t o liar h lr full (" f ornH," II . "'II~ 0II \. 1i (0 1 a
t I,'" 3 ~ ~ in'.erlU.cdil1le
<': o m ln ~
Cct.:n lty ' l
W. S. ST. GEORGE M. K. & T. Ry. Saint Louia, Mo. GEO. S. STEIN, 408 Traction Buildinll, Cincinnati, Ohio..
I Wain'Wrillht General Pauenaer AlienI. Buildina
Mr.s. Pinkham's Standing Invitation 1to .W omen
- -- -
rai lwu . vent -"' I ,II,l U01D
-- -
w. t. DOUGLAS.noo DllT EDGE
W. L . D OI1~IM ohoos Ilrs rooogul
to 100 thO 10 n Iu Lyle, fi t unci wenr
Jlllrt o[ lhe ~h oc on,1 overy d 1,,11 tho ... .. _ ........ . anti WMe hc(1 C'I"er by ~klll ed shocmllk rs.
ollid tako you into Illy
li rot'kloll , +.f\l nfii"., liml tl ll nw ,vo n huw cllr~rqlly '.V . tth OOM(UO In !utc, l'tm woul d 1heo tJ lHl pr lalll l why lit <:y
~tlBowel Plea~lure!!'"
"" U.
r lon~o r . nnd. r~ o f grt-I\t r VUlllll tlHUI un" nLher muk(!$.
~~r!a .*:;I~:~~'J!~I=g:fon'l I;r:,:~1f~J1~I:~I~.?/!: :1:1:;~:uu~Q~dlll'.~'~ g~tJ::~'~\~~ ~;:r;t.ft:.';.':r~~~~~
}'t.UI Co14l" A'IIt/tll
tutti r.uluJlctlll. Culu ieJl,) lIuJI /t'dJrc,e. " ' . 1 •• IJUIJVLA.IIJ, ...... .:" .c.,.., .. ,.. ...•
5t or
·1I P·II I
34 YEARS SELLING DIREcr ...~.., {Jut, ..ehlrJ et.
_" IS tuu-ueM ha. e b«n .told d l,,,t (1'OtII t ,u factw', ' 0 uur
l or , t hl . d til a t.enl'U".. Wt: ltu p ror t"u lHlJl u h tD uu.llpt'l"OVll 1DIJ fl~","I~ .. r . dd l"G'1' y(!U.,.. out IMiUlI~Q' it IX4 Ul t ltd u 10 JJ~te. quail" ud prh. c..
We are tilt Lcrges! Ltanl1S:ut&ra'1l1a tilt Wo....
~J!k~:. :~I;f:~~ff::~lo1"~~d (or' t&i'~"ii~~walOil;;<; 1~;':l,;;:;;~'-r'fi;:O:~~'ii!'!
£lldaarl CwTI.gc ." UurD_
......, ~ea.
Elkhart. ludlllJUl
and receive ~ftmplc of "perfect balune!' nt·· 'tion IImM Recti," ·t oge ther wi.lh Foil,lttr PI nt. . lo,·cr. Ie" elc., ond ' big 'IOllt lind Seed Cutnlog freo . J (l im A. • Izer St!ed 0., Box \V, La ere ,e, , is.
••. •.TO BE WITHOUT TH~ ~ • ~ •
A positive cure for spa mollic col ic in 25 minules, Ibavlng the bor. in co ndition to go 10 work ttt on e. Money rufund ed in case of failure, if administered as directed. $ 2 . 00 per bollie. .
------'Oat8g8 Stamp 'aper.
All the paper for th.e million!! of postage stamps llsed ln tbe U,nlted States 18 mnnutactured at Mechanic Falls. Me. ODce II mooth the fi rm reo celves a requis ition tilr 1.000.001: sheets of the paper. and each sheet 'Il'iU make :161 ·stamps.
No. 2-FE~R MIXTURE It ne" er fnil s to cure distemper, Calarr- ' bal Fever. InflueDza and kindrud dis-
eases. A sure prevenl3tive to expOsed if adminislerc:lI iD small doses. The besl known remelly for pneumooia (Iuog feycr). $1.00 per bottle.
Gives Simple Home Prescription and DIrections to Use.
A specific lor the erruliClttiQn of Tape
.. --
aDd Ruund Worms. as well as lht: Thread \Vorin~ tlIBt cause t a il rubbing. H ighly recommended as a coodi tioD pOwder. Soc.
No.4-ANTISEPTIC HEAUNG POWDER Destroys all organisms ID Ibit wouDd, prevents fermentation. nnd selS up IIc:ulthy Qutritj',n. An INVALUAJH.. ~ remedy for Barb Wire CUls. Cracked Heels, scr~lches, Saddle Galli aod PUDctured W\lullds. soc.
HE above remedies are prepared under the imm ediate direction of a veterin arian of renown, with 25 years' practice in -hi cago as Chief Veterinary Surgeon of the ChicaO'o City Railway Company, with f~om 4,000 to 5,000 horsf~s constantlY on hand,. ha'!i ng' as, high as '50 horses in one day affected with spasmodic 'colit, without losing a case, lie was Chief \ terinarian of the World's Columbian, E xposition at Chicago; was Chief Veterinary Inspector of Jive steck for the United States Government at hicago, and has held various other positions of importance. Owing to his wide acquaintance, he is continually importuned from different localities to give remedies for various ailments and ha s decided to offer them to the Eublic in this foim. l{ ~·ou~ hOr5<;!1 ~:e nffi:tlled wilh any unusual ailment Ihat you r local ""Ilmoary does not IIl)dersmnd. wri le us. giving Ih e hisloryand symptoms, and we will advise you wilh,?ut COSI. eull for fro. bouklel.
CHICAGO V.ETERINARY MEDICAL llefer to J Oakland ".tloul 8aek, .CJlIJe4-Co . I Clllcaco City Rall.way CO .• l1li. 8. 8tanl~I, Gee 'III"., eIlIC~'.O'
(Not · Inc.)
2024 Wa'bash Ave., CHICAGO,ILL . .
.mltl!f 500'0ofIddilionat rall..." lbll e
year have opened up , 1.Te-~ly In~r."H:cl teret..
} Canada and Ute G09. of the Domta..
ton con Unue.s to alye
6NR HUNDRED ..IIID SIXT.¥ ACRES FREE 10 ever" . ..,llltr.
THE COUNTRY HIS NO, SUPERI'OR Coal, wood and .oat.. In abundnnce! cburdt.. and wchlJot lil ; rnarluta ea l Y of _,"-U .., text''' 10"'; cl imate the- hest ill the 116ttbern ttm~ pcraleZOJ1e. l,aw and orderpce.ail.e\,er""het.. For .<lvlcr and I.formatlon Addre.. the 8UPIlR1N"l(NDENT 01.' nlMI ORhTION, Ott awa. Ca nada, -or aDY aulboriud CaDacilla Guvernmeul Age>ut. .
H. H. WIUJAMS. Law 1IaiLlbir; Tol••••
lind , Ofntment. · One. . or II I" hands and her lett eye wero badl y nffected, and when sba would stop using Cu· tleurs Soap and Olnlmen~ tlte ec.zema came bllck, · but ' vc~y slightly ; but It did htlr 110 '!lIght Qf good. 'l:ben we .complled . with .the Instructions In UII' ing tbe enUre ·lIet· 'o r Cutieura Reme· edle!! and niy w~te •• entl~ely recm'· ered. She . !.hunk,. Cull ura ."\3ry much The Grellt Uncompiled Lemcon. &lid -wUf recommend ' It highly In our J"hnson waw compiling tM lIrlit \ocallt.,y B:ld 'In ever·), .nook and cor· eI&:, at words with mennlnga. lIer .of Ollr parish. God bloss you for I "B'ut," we Inqlllred, "wby chm·t you' the sake of sulferlng hum","lty . .. I. M. ,et up a dictionary ot tbe thln"s pllO' Roh!lrt, Hydropolls, La., J&II. I; and pIe didn't mean 1" ' . Sept. 1, 1906." Ol'lmpI!l ng the ellornlltJ of til. wir." ~---~k. IDCJilUDeDUy Aed. Eve!')' day In thy lit, I. a I'" Ja tbJ b.lstoQr.- L)'cur,uL
tbe Roses Were I
., To
JOur DIUIlO and todtlleu till a
o1eaDIes nnd benls m ucou .
" m em.
bran .. atfcctlonB, ~urb n8 nn'nl catorrh pohlo cl\(lIIrli lind InntUDlmiUoo ,onUled by fewllIill6 1118; 80r6 "y es 80ra lhrOllt and moulh. by dlrectlocnl treatment , U. curatty" .llower over t1colMl trouble! Is extr.. vrdlnnry allel gives ImmcdJuto relld. Tholl"'llIds Of· wom"" are USing and reoomlllplldlJlg It e\'ury day. 110 cent. at
rOE n. I'AXTON (lO., BU.... D. lIIaaa_
(1907 .....11)
wrlt~s Mrs. H. C. Robinson (formerly Miss Hazel Upson) of DeKrub. Ill., "as a result of. six months suppression. foll owing an ~thck of I was weak and hardly .able to
get around. The best doctor 'In DeKalb gave ine up and Sald 1 could not get well. Mamma w~ almost crazy about It. One aft~rnoon .. lady frIend came to see me and told mamma to get me a bottle Qf
'1Iomtm tl)At ha. tI ... AnU."ptic "Ill
"I Was Pale" fever. that I never 'got over just right.
Improve l1~r ll~allb and do all we elalm for n . We will scnd ber obsolutely tree & larlle trial box of Plullne wllh book of IDstruotiona and ' genulne ~.limooluls. Scnel
A . N. K.-E
FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRIDES: M e n'1i.l8hoe., at; to .I .no. Do)'''' ~hoe~. 3 ln 81 .!!~. \VOM,,"9. S h oel, ... t . . . '.5fJ. )lIne.' 8:, C h r ue',.:l.:l6 el.oo.
Bowel PJe., urc? Vt::ll Tbtae Sweet LIlt Ie PiIl.!l nourish lhe bowel·nerve. and a r e A PH'" 9A f.el l ouic for Ih~ musel .. and IIgAlDenla of the bowels: nnd tbl l lSI why ,b~,. do n fl t ~ LI pain , filck C'D or "ripe hltt C1I Ute' a dell"htfu' I--~i!i!!i!iiiiiiiijii-~~~--t :1I11t o.l ntO l ec1"t.'I C' p lus urable.movemrnt, SWE£T LITTLe i ll l ht tHost natur.l wa~ Mu ,t ,,-Uhout cr(,"lH· !" g n h.'1d h a.b it o r wea.u ui ug tbe Ii)' t't tu l~'~!O:,'iti r; thetn, h bowd p1easure" ,...i ll ..... be you .. 10' keept. tv cent,lli. 25 CC ll18 tlUcl $1.00. .4\ 11 Drugltls!8. P o r l: re~ Sampl l", (uldrt:1J8,. All DruII'.'., iOo. &D4 .Sg. K. F. Deot., The VictOr} Remed/ Co.. Dallon, O.
s:e d:~~~o;~~b ~~llc~~~t · ~~o~~
- -------
I h no or eu~t.
nl'e known n. the Inrg~@ L growers of Grn_e, 'Io,'enl, On 1M, Barley, '01'1I 1'0' taloe nnd Fllrm ceds in -l.meri. bper· lte over 5,000 acretl. .. . rnll!! Our Inllmmoth H8·pnge cAtolog is mailed free to all .iotcpdinll bll)'ur ; or .eUlI
.' ~nvy. r.:pcle Oeorgll-7'So you're JUllt An ;tJ8rll old to-tla)' ? Tomm~'- , s ir. trncle George-Well. weill un 51}IblDk ot tbat! Tomllly-My! 1 wlsht J was; then l'd ~et 60 cenla tu~ my blrtbday 'alead at five."
t 4)U Ih o
$3.00 AND 53.60 SHOES n&EB~J:r.o
Women slltTerlng from any' form ot f mnle w<'nJme!!s are In vited to wri te Mrs. l>lnkham. Lynu. Mil s. fo r ad vice. ' he i s tho M M!. Pinldinm who has been Ddvl Ing Ri Ie wom n free at ellarge for more than twenty years , aod b eforo thllt sho as.~ls t cu h l'mot h r-In-Iaw, L ydi a. !? l>i,;,k· ham in advising. 'rhus 61111 Is c ~peclully ",'!I1 . qunllfled to gU\~o 8 1c k women back to bealth. Write toda.y, don·twilit until klO late.
"She Ilns a One mind, hasn't abe!" "ne markab le. One or thuse mlDds tbat. when yo u are .... Itb ber. yo u eaD·t decid e which makes you the more h(\PIlY--{O IisleD. or to realize that you are not married to lIe r," -L fe.
Go Southwest Now
1 i c,.~1"1 '
' " ~~II A nt o lu o , COl PU 'i
lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comp~und
Worth Knowing About. It you need a IIrst-c lass laxQt! ve. there Is :lolhlng b LieI' uor Bute r thQD Umt old fumlly remedy, )Jralldreth's Vilis. Each pm contai ns one grain of solid extl'll(!t of sarsaparlilil. which. wllh other valuable vege tablo prod· ucts, make It a bluod purlfler of ex· ce llen t chllracler. H you are troubled with conlltlpatlon. one pili a t nlghl will afford great relie f. Brandr th' s Pills are the same fine Jllxativ tonJc pill your gra ndllil rent8 used. They ha ve boen In u se for ovel' a century, Ilnd are fol' sale very· wher • eithcr ' ploln o r sugar·coated .
n eed o f pro\'idinll sh It 'r l or s tock . The gl'l}\ving S!'!. on is langeI :In ulln ol h r c ro p is fre· q u ~ltly grown .o!,! th e same land a lt r t he first h. b e n han-ested.
(\f li llie \'61111' 10 -'you? W e will IJIIY it!
CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm
ElJp. inny worlby 6f nOlice i. Garfi~ ld once. ~'en, Nn.i m 'e's remed.)' {O l" (lonDI i)mLiun , Ol\'T.Y ONl) "BUOKO QUININE!' li uk·heud ~"h·, Ii "~ r and kid",'\, del'utlll ~!~~lre~~IA~I~:et:~~~~~c~!I!~l '~~;c K~:~I!~~ Dlcn to. It i. mnde ",Ie oily of 11."1..•.
Fleecing 'A dventurou. Lambl. A " 'e>l\-known sp c lnllat Is autbor lt\· Not long ago. the sole and ab80r bln& thut KIdney nud Blnddcr Troubles ~{ mlsslou of Edmonton, In "cammer' nli' kinds RI'e ID nearl~' ove ry Instance clal way. wna to bilk ignorant Klon.' r eadil y relle\'cd by taking a rew dOHes (lIke adventurers-poor tell!>..... who of the following simple hom e· made lbought lbltt Alaska was perhaps 100 mlxture~ IDlles wellt of Wlnnilleg-into oillOWng . ' Fllild ExtrBct Dande lion. onc·half there tor the lsnd at gold, wdtes Jilm. ollnc ~; ompolind J<argorl. one ounce; erBOI) Hough lu Outing. were '''oDlpound Syrup Sarsaparilla., tbree 'EngJlsbmen bound tor the Klondike !>t.:n·ces. . ..lio brougl!t )Vllh ·tlIODl ae ·fur as EdTbe dose is a teo sP<10nful ntter meala monton their ' own haled Ituy-a tact~ nnd .at b.edthne. These In g" lllent8 though It seems 'Impossible, e ven tor clln be obtaIned ::toany good Ilhnrmacy. an Englishman - and others wbo nnd m'e ml'Xed by shahin,. well In a brougbt tTaelion engines to carry boLUe. YI\1UtlIS oC Ktaney. Dladder them thence merrily ove r tbe Rockies and rlnnry .dlseases at sny klrid to tbe Klondllte.' and yet olbers wbo :. ' hould noL besltnte to make this pre' had barrels . rigged wt'th axles and sc,rll,(ton up and try It. 11 colhes blg hshafts ' tor borse drntt, whlcb In tran . . Iy recommended and does n't oM muo h .It nll;ely 'mlngled nails. sltgnr. baking ).0 prepare. powder.. nnd othel' goods Illto QIl6 - - ------,.. Senator'. Wife Skillful Harp ist. bomog ' nous fnbrle. nnd mllllY other When Mrs. W. A . Clarl(e. Wife or tbe shnllarly crQZ \tJ and wholly . Idiotic men. wbo thoug bt Ihey knew wh e ro Montana .senator. entertains In tbelr MIlS8nchllsett 8 a venue borne M rSo 'UI (routiel' WUII nnd how It might b9 IIlllsleted .. . Clark gives her guests a genttlne treat 10 a hnrp recillil. 'Sbe 19 8. tiuitured m uslclao, especially skill (ul OD' Ihe barp. . . A Great Inltltutlon. "What are ,rour ·"Ie" ·s on the ·tar· CASE O.F ECZEMA ' IN SOUTH. ItrY" Inq'ulre d til e Interviewer. "Tbo . wrltr .. •· unswered Senator luffered Three Veara-H~nd. and Eye Sorghum. "Is a great InlJUtuUon. MOlt Affected-Now Well and la Wbeneve r you want to ' Impress your ·~;'at4!fUI to Cutlcura, oonsUtuents with yoUr IJrof9lind ,',,!I!ldom you con always tlse It ns a ' teJo:t . "My wife was taken badly with ee· lor saying something tbat nobody Eema Cor tbree yours. Dnd sl,e em· ~e"8taDd 8 . "-Washlugton . Star. ----~
so she 'got It. though she h:ld little hopes of Its helpIng. But, praise God I Il::ad take!! Just three bottles, when I w:.s relieved and began to get well right off. I kept right all bklng 'Cardul and now I am well and itrong. J fe ci ~hat lowe Ir.y life to Cardul and will never be throu£b praising it. It Thousands of ladles havo wrllten. like Mrs. Robin--· son, to tell. of the wonderfUl reltef It lSave. In tho various fortn!' of female dls~e. For such trouble as headache, backache falling feelings, nervousness; IrreguWiI)" ·.lisplacement, etc., you wiU find ~ardul of true And Ja,sting benefit. Try It.
TO TilE "t'
I, , , t' r '. ti n~ Paper in Fuvor
.." I' +t
of (7a rm ers O'rganizations
, Read at Grange Meeting
\ , ' f ..
,I.,.III !! IIII~ I ,-xol'l1 nt /tr r,' .1 h.Y,Nr . li"nry Bruw n ~' , , '''~ I,' \I.I , ~: 11 - 1]" ' 1:-1(; ,t 1" ' )'1'\' .. I jJh> Ille tln g (If tlHl Itl. 6, _ ·,, 1 , ,;,.'111 1.:" . ~ull"b l lJ lh , Whil l' or e:: Y.l~01lJ E , ~f.!L : ' 1;"1 101 IItrl' r,'sf 10 III <'III" CI" of til "' " ' N ~<;D.H ~1 i\l1t '1l I ~I'; u ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _~_~__ tir ' II!!!" \\' 0 IwliOYll til<! IIIlttor (\ 111 'ti N 'li h" r I II \\, 111 hr' If \ . Ino to B ig Catch of 1\" ' 1"\' n',,,1 r nf Iho l i ,I ? .tt" : •• ' I l \
, ..
Tile I rl f'lll l:, f M. , 1:1 , I , ,,,,,,~ of lIell t r ook. whl) wilh 111- \I ,, 10,, · bt."'11 ~p .. n tl i n ~ rill' \\' !tll or '" II., ~ I II I I,I , will Ill' IIII "I'B H',i III I JI ~ rul lowing liN\! Inkf' n fr om II Bil oxi . MU;l'lssi ppi pnpl'r, ul w h[r h ci t y tuey hR ve heou s ltlying for . o TIll' time, Aft er onB () t Ih e 1II 1) I t'uC(J :i~f ul fihin~ t,r lps on r ecor d IlIll po \"er bod B Olle r etu r u d t u BiloxI lust. night bringin g bACk wi th h I' ILiI th e Iprokl ed trout tllllt lill e hlld ice enough t o caro for "IHI II pll r ty of Yonkee fis he rm en" I1n \\ i II L le ll , ing for mon ths t o Ctl Dl Rhone the big oat.cb they mud e 11t. (,bUild leur hllRnd . Tho Bope WttS out for three da Y8, leaving h er e ellrl y W dnes dn" morning 'band! le nr ~ Island wns r eaohpd II bout tbree io Ib IIfl cr n ooo ' and th first n igh t wa s s pent tIl re o The n ext dBY t.he b II t, I'll n do wn thfl Isla nO about S ,ven 1-11111' to II p oint, tb XlICt l(1cutiou 0 1 which th", porty r efnse to divulge, ond It, 'l'l'H8 tbl'rp thtl t the school, of tro u't l\'HR foun d 'fhl\r o wore teu in tho pAr ty lill lind in hro h ours they hHd taken :lolB speokl d tront. The fl ~ b wer ~n voracious that t,boy 0 0 toally fonght over t h e OOlt ond 'e ven jumped at bobs as t,hey strook the wHter. ODe of the party J , R. lIilner, cought soven flllh one lifter, n oon with asiDrle bait. tbe toil of II minnow . The party 0180 amused themselves Ciltobing l!harks und CRt· fil'h before they strock tbe trout. The Hope spent the seoqnd night. on 'he fishing ground ,ond re~urned yesterday afternoon , There were in the party B, F. James, ot' Bellbrook, Ohio; W. P , Parker of Chicago: A. Irf.. Ainsbary, of Allentown, 11\ , ; U. Talbot of Benton Harbor, Mioh. iJ as. 1t. MUner of Springfield, Mo . ; A, K , 'Lodge, MoO mb, lJI, ;.E . A . Knapp, of Sioux City,la. i J . H. Rlohords of Brooklyn. Wis. ; Capt. 0 , M. Hepbarn and Engineer. Jean Doncan
nml qllity, rell Ion Bntl pi t,y s tll"li~ hed nmung tb 11 01'10 Of the " li rt).. 'rh rHL'mnrS 11""e 'Illuor ed nod I I I 1 , ru g\; I tlU' pOil} tllXCl fo r oMI r8, 'lnd upon tit it: in te lli g onco. Iud U ti I ry lind t hrift ucpell~ the \\,elfl\re /ltIll pro:;\le rif,\- of tb Dttt.ion
t'lIl1o ot wlu, llIl L I kindl e 0 111' llll tLl\l!!in . 1II t.o s noh /I l)olnt.i!' .t n IIInkE' fullu r IJII]10S ible '~'h e ~'Iln~ i worUlV, ~od tb o onl y wOl\k lleSEI, if th ore ill W IIkn S~, !" lu our own d oubtin g ~p\ ri t. Let Ill! 1.11 n SIIl!,c1 by ourn{ ble.ot' de l' {lUU IUbOl' (Ullgen tl (lUU hu!.h , .' . . I " . , ' fnlly to bu t. n tho glud duy wh tI ~' n ll 1$\1 01111 " I ~ O(l l(\iy, npll (18 -~ lh a fill m il l f - " hll Y -11w "rill I' elln I' ot A'oOd lIlod ru . I" ,,,. '11,lr:"I',1 bepl1 tlw 501,II .. r8 o f . oivi llzn , t.lou . (lo' m!" ) r'I;"I ~ " 011 s ad b : hy '...· r it n'·s U]l1)1I UlO . '1'1 u u ~ LJ 0 nro, b ou u -11".l t~(1t. I ~ u (,ltll('I' caplIbll! tlf 11\'111)( Ie:, h~ \' (J r ed uoo.l/l Wild m oss to l.lfy , t,h ol r g r onnd , educllto their ',1,' 1'1' ~I "r II 18 Ih(' t'C'u roge to do . O • • \lb.~ec li n' lInd b ,l \' O",nil it. n frui t chiltlreu Ilnll build good r oad s n il I II (,.. '1\ 10 1' IIlt,'ndp,l .thu t 111 II n· fol guru, n 'rhey h uv mlnred ove r tb ' o untry. WIlon tho f I ' 1 I II III I, ! 1I ~'f' tnge th er . Ue g ll\' ,l I1l1.ln I'lI) e!ol~, IIU1\I ~ lJl}l, . I'm !Severe toil , er Ilnd h is Wife und oh1ldren 11 will Ihl':11 II t1tll+i l'l' so to 11\'0, n Il'll mud ]Jrlvlitl on 11II ti hlln go!', It) o rrIe r tbllt work l e~l:Ii\Dd bire more, "islt lind Illlte rlflin m o~' e When tll fann . Ih el r hupplIl \J !<s u apt'nd, i n II g r ou t ther IlIlg ht lJe 1 ' d , UI I IISllrl'. npon th eir heing In elloh O ur export. trllde of wbioh we, r 's WIfe will fll rnlDh ... Iler 11 0111 0 as ot lor s COIU II/lll y . They . 1Ia\'e nl bott s t. 0 UlU h IlUt! wlli h hll. in · wl' li II ,the c ity WOUlIIU d oes i when wu ys ro rm ('(l . t~lel1l~elve IIlt o tu b~, II ell n ltui~ U t,r emen ou propo r tho III ot' I'r ohl('m will , b 80l v d IIl1d OlllllnlUlll tl CS nllll dwel t- 10 e illsu ti on!!. bll s heen Rwelled by thofruit~ W h on th boss Will \'illnt to s tay o n I' IMion t o enclt o th e r. o f b e hlbOl: of Ihe lin bundmu n. t h e fllrm bef'ullSe It off r pol:Isiblll, · 'l'h f f' t I \ V er R II 1111111 t o IIV sepuru t.e nnd ' e Armer \t':! pussess II I the ti e equn l t o 1lI1Y oth er lin In e s, "Jlllri fmOl nil o tu er per son , h o foud lIud olothiug s up ,li es whioh nnd the fn t' mers ' prof > sion will be ' wOllltl 1m inde )) nd ent of 1I11 or indls pen sn ble for th e life Hlld the h est on e ou nrth . Htrllint He wonld have no p 0 comfort of hnnHl ns IIlnd domel!tio _ _ _ _ itll dutIes to per for m , lind wonld be "nimtll!!. 'I'll ir p r od uot s constitute I t SlI Y6{{ Her Son 's Life . fr II to 10 Ilhout II h e pleased I 1e j:: r ell er porti on of trll Ilio for 'I'h ' e 1l11IJpieot a 010tl1 r III tllo II' '• tie But. if Illl other p erson w er e t o Jilin TflilrOllds nnd ,; hi)1 ~ nellrly 11 11 tb e tnw n o f AVII, Mil is Mrs. - R tl(lP 0 bill1 , ' eoch w ould be entitl II to II fn c t,ori work OD ra w mnterial pro 8 h o w r it s: "One yno r ngo my Il,)n sh are of the COIll m OLl bOlloti l! o f In 'e d 00 Ihe fU I·WH. nod Iho pro W 'I !I d owp witb s n oh serious luu g t ro n ble t.hllt our Il,h YRi"lnn W" nn!lat,ure nro,nud tb Ill . Enoh wonld (I UOt 0 f f notori .. ure lnrge ly cou Hble ·t o help bim ; wheu, ... • our by 81so be hound to r e llnqn 811 some of SUllied by th fl1l' m er s. or in equip Ll rug~1 t's IIclvioe 1 begnn g ivi ng h L fr Cllom fo r t,b e oommon good /II en t to ballllle farm pr ducts. hi m Dr. Kin )('sNe\v Di ooven ' .and of ~,clth , Neithe r oO'1ld command \Yitll very ltltl too, ('xcept in the I Roon n oMeed il11prov m ent 'I ' kept this t,r entm ent up for n fe w weAks or 1'ole t IIe other witho ut bl' con · way of mimo .." IJrod"....'" ttl, t h e fleld na W h e n h e WHS p erfeptly well . He sent., but they migbt make rules I)f tho oountry ha ve llllilt th s ky . lto worke d stoodily sin ce ut Oll r · and r egulnt,ioD8 which b oth or eitb. 8crllper s /lnd 1lI0n SiOn 8 of the oHI s penter work Dr. King's New Dis er, would be bouud to obey. Hnd fl1rn ish erl t h eir i ut rior , po \'Cd oovery s l\ ved his life." ullrlln teed lh e ,SI,r eets, IJ,r ope lled tI l .ro I1 Y. best oOtl gh 'lOd 001d ure by F r ed . Ever y Rddition to th eir numbers • • ~ ,ch wllr tz Drug gist> 500 ond :+;t. OO would cr ellte n e w r elotlousund new I,ui l)ped Hnd np rll ted l,lI the s tetllll Trin l h.o ttl tl fr ee . duties ond 011.11 for eaoh to surren · ril l! woys ,nnd pli d t h,e wn to r w ltb d er ' Bnotber p ortion of bis uR,t orul fl outing J)nloOt'tl, hullt nnd equipped freedom , undfor odditionnl rnle of oil tb !! coll eg !OI, ~b t benle r A lind the oonduct . All would h llvo equnl cu tb edrl\l!> lind fillEd their ohlllrs, rights, hut nouo w ould have ull the stnges noll }>nlpits wllth the br uinl · right.s belonging to him If be wer st lit th ir oa lling, Yes, !l nd fi ll d ---LINES~--al one In the world. the s t vre~ with th e il' m er cbandl e A sen ss of weakness Imd imper und h eir hunk vou lt>! with the mi). Excursion March 23 I~ction wben aloue demonstrnte d lio ns of gold tboy h n ~ t CilllDOO for Eu tel' V I it t-o itthe necessity of union,and k ept the It is olear , the Importunt p ositIon t! n u,l Ca pitlLI E. ll 11111..1' n t tm o· m ember s of f!lUlilios /lnd tri bes to · o f tbe furmer in hi s :relut ion to Ill! tive lit thlfll season , . getber. Buoh· 1I sen8e of inseourity oth e r Indnetries, alld ho w chIs Iy ti ll h ilS, in ulllLges, been the solid ond othe r industries nl'e intllrwov,e n St. Louis Excursion Datural fonndation t hat has g iven with ~hat of agricultnre. Mnroh 15, 10, li, f t) r B ", Un r u~ e to. governments. If any people,any on e 0la S8 or Rny '1'!' f'1
,,"' 11 \\':
Speck led Trou t.
"Ii,. -
An iDdividul\l w ould be stron g en&ugh if h e were tbe only individ. olll in the wcrld. However, If he is one of Il la rge class, be Is weak, .lDd t h e If!.rgllr the dlass, t,he wea ker the individna1. The farmer cln s is tbe most numerou s, henoe, the iu dividual farm er iE! tbe weakest In. dividUll1 when he st,lmd~ alone. This Is on age of orglluization I\nll cooperation,- The old saying, " Oompotition is the life of trade"
D; 'C_M.
e ';en to' make all equlll, but to equalize conditions so 8.1\ mlly huve' .un eqUlLl opportunity , to seoure Ilo fair sbare of r ewards fol' effort·s put forth. . There is no 1'eason wby It should be 'Ilntogonlzed and feared by any Eggs for Hatch n~ . l egitim~te interest or Industry . Pure barred Plymouth it,' . ~. ' .;. /l Ruther, It should bave tbe cor!lial per 15. Duke's Froit Fllfnl , .•nd fri endly COopera.Uon of all who Ilenllle, Ohio, PhObe 56 4y' tjl want to see freedom and independ. en~e, peaoe and happhui8B, truth
tba.t hili bowels are hit ' .·ill ',l1v constipated. Take' OhBmheT'1 In ~s , stomtloh and Liv,!ll" TabletI:' l·ll ,~gu · IlI;te the bowels and impr . , the dIgestion Ilond lIee If tbe tro u , ·1 does not qi8l!Ppear Ask for II 111'11' SBm. pie &ld by J E JIIJIDey, , •,
In Ih" "" ' l r ~e ~Ir. Ir. lliij ~lJld:
10,0:lon, m lll· I.~
J " 0 lint 1011'1 • t l ,II r I ('nl,l d "'1,""11'~ w ll h y ,,' , 1l 1t )' l h IIU,~ mIH'''' lu1 '· r '.. ..,1Ina . a hy1111 ,)! u,..r~ · Inll ,u r lt'lI l. 1I 1I )' lhJu.R: mO l'·
h lltl'h lhl W I1 t
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11I 1I n Ilh' ., tlrk 'J f
lh l-l r'n It ' '':.III'lI f..; iUII . h .1\ t,. h.·" 11 IWI't UIl j:; ~I u n . ,.tJ hU' · fIl' f" (II~' .UII I 1m n' Ij(" '11 11" " ,. 11' \ trOl l! ! u ' OIlJ•. lJo t "'t'~t N I I II tlllI: H l lul1 ir.,", 1111 , Inr! " lIt l hr- r' t u h!' . \V p h .\ \ 't\ (('lUlU! (1'P "'ur I "H d l'~ l flU' lilt ' 11111'%,1 f4 l II I , h ,. qU IJ4' \ (rlf1: WI ' h 'l H ' r lnl utl . ' ''.· I '~' IU'' l II)· lhrolhrh .. t
Pres"nt System Com es In For Many Hard Knocks, - - - --. .
R '
'rhe OhIo 'T'ax Commlsclon W ill Make a Tho roug,I' In vcst lgntion of the S U'bjlrcl~1l Add re ss of At , torney, General Ellis.
" It t
thl ' "'lJI to.-,
h \I'!
In Oftl\\ " ' '''
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" !1h h" " orn mfx. IIln h . HII)' '" Y t('J ",. .It' t I'h I ttl I'U'" " I'd \\ It h Oi l nl'" ""tr)' f~J r 1\ ~f1I l p lllf tm d t' l HUt (l l nr. "r "S l". tu.: f-,-II tr MIH' h ItH' ''' ' 1(' f" , It.' t • Ilw... of t '11 t" , iUl ll ( '1 1' f,r m"" II f ll l' W III
T'w 1T\ I'Q ll rl htl . or ~ «If:'" "~ rIO ....,,(l,. n i h' 11l11ll1t h· jJ 'I'hrt h 1JI1 'J;' 1'1 " ,oru :' rh 'w",: 01 1ll'" l'4y .. t" ltl ,'r I lh'l . \ '''''n1
W I ' 1U1"" .. "(t,, t · d ~ II I ' hy n ':Hlfm v ( 11 .. , ~r " u)lo n whk h t tw . t n ~ In \\ !'! hF ~ 1 1\ ll ' 1111 \"e h,u II t Jll tH ri p th "~\ .r. m\1 t n 1 h y (l,'t1ryl " ,dy. ' I ~h (\ r f' f1\I 'd leR , Th o mcm b ~ r ~ Of tho Sln l~ Tnx ('nm . POfH'd ~ I I I~ !'I f lll H ' to r I hp lI1 ulllc,u,,\/ "omt' t hell! U(H' f!'I, 011 ,,,,, 1 or (lu'm l'llt r t n tni mission, r oc lIUy npI" hltod b~' novr r. l)ut Ill" n j'\II"j . t W C f /\" I t hu t III ve ry t nor Harris, h it\' II III 8t Impol'tllu t I n ~ tnlll 'j' ~ (101 t h ww who ';I' (1I10;:'H" flU)' • rOrl11 Iii t h~ IlI X IIt \\~ n r O hio tftko I I WOrk b tore lh elil. I'll y nre \\1di1l1~ ,'u ll Rlcl c l'UUOH t Iw I t' jo;~11 nhRlI,,' h'" or I up to lhe arduous ,11l 1 "'~ thn t 011 rl'on I c tmttt lt uti lm ut hllrr" ' ~ I' 1\ In t ill' w u y of lbem. I III S' I " t o ltl1l11t'dlll h ' ,,'Il."ct tI m JWOPO'rlt n ~t '~ I n ttl" t tl "pl :1Wli. 'l'bl s comml &slQ n WII S III'llPO d by elm lt IH ~ ~n "I'n ll .~· lIul1I ftit ·/J thltL JMtfWtHl "I th bushl ~s l1I'Aalll 7.n llol1R of th e ' rrop l' ly, wlH~l1t ('r tI o ll ~ h l or n UKht I lpl . nl If'Il!'l l do '" 111'1 1 Iwu r Its f ll lt' eh,tr" IIr atule. At til 1:l!;1 con\'{"Hl oll (If III t ltt' lillrll t' u or I H"II II I1 I . It 181_ no.orl.,IIH Repu blican IIn ny n plunk wa s Inl'llI<I· fa t t , liS Wof nil k lltl \\, . th ll t .Iurtnl: I li to, Illst rit) Y l'n.r~ I" ~r" t ll" d rlM1lHort ,\' hn" ~I ' " ad In Ihe.; Hlllll' lI1:lLrll l'lH a~ I; ItI f> rUI' (iI,. Bleil'''' find mnt'f' l ' t nNh· ~ . I f'~ .nfl h ' j4i1 appOintme nt of a boar d In\'\1K li " alO come uDell tt,) lI lf' . \UX J,t l. l h '1'. ,', An d ,·,..n t Ilrlll' " tll'e Impol'tanl (11I'slllln of t ll ~ lI .,ll o n . rrty hil S ht ('11 !tll' rl' 'lI'l lIQ' In " nh... nt 8 AcLlng UpOll tll:lt r () f]II(, ~ I, ClO,'('rIiM f lt r ~p'''a ~ (>r ,'u t (.' I hl"o\l ~I!Uu t the ;CIH I,l 1 Hlln lll lI PllC'llI l-.1 tl n co lIIlllls\'·on. .\R · l hull I)('.t·~on lll pl,.,pe·rt y . 1'~ I(ty yoa... laKO. I (o r (! :tll III ,,11,. II ocI)lll11 lIrOnt:'rt y h l1t1 I\ ~ follows : Wod rL lo;IIls. Al101'l1 y C" n· \'ni ue' or IIhllut thr,· p· llttllJ4 thllt of I'ea ) t . eml. 'ha ll'tufln; At II,' POlll(' l·ene. a t· dU IHe : t()tlllY H 11" rt1'1 ou t lwo ~ lt rth", tOI'll .\'. tlutun. S 'cl'u lar)'; ll OUl'jlO I':. l'oo:ow . llll' IlrlJ PIJ~ lllol\ f" rl"l~n kJ,. mll llt' I 11\ HO Il1P 'l\lul' I"r " thAl )'QU 'onn n~"t titS t '1 ,,111'1 In, nlt.orrH' Y, Lall C I\ ~ t I' ; 'rllmn a s pot~tton f\ 1 11",1) r iy Hn tl th ll t , tner,, (ore, I H, If gselt, allol'll )' , ('1(' \ lan'l. 111111 the ~t' n~llJ l ., Ihllllo: to flO I. t f) 1'101" try lnlrl. : Alrr d aS~ Il It, ntt urn tw. Cln'pl e· anrt the lJ l'opf' ~1I10 U \\' 118 m ndo the C') l h ,' r • dn}' b f qr c our l~omn\ I ~·alrm , ttl." " , lI ntl. ~ hl to n tml hch ul1 tnX l'" llOi'l ri p-"~o tl A I ' In lend rlll g ttl 11111" 1lllllll'll ls to (\u urOl)p rt y: It \\1118 tc ·~ t·lllU Jtly m il d . I )' a t I lt ll!t' t. \, hl ", h UV'HY )'1 "\ :1
'. It
' Ilull
~ th J::en Ucrnen nnmed. Gov-.:rnor H a l" rls \\'rot.t3 to nrll of Ihem this I t l. r : ," I II Obelll n () tu til g II () al Jlub Ilc IIcntlm nt ·tlll'ollgilout t h latl, which b08 been eSllreSB .J III th nCllon or "arlons busln 'SB ao ll 111'orcsslonlll os· lIrn:lal lous. I ho\' llr'tc rmill t'd to op, polnt ne honorary cllIll ml~sloll or !l ve well·known citizens to xn.:r.lno III taxation laws nf Oblo and recommend
1"".. 110'. ,,, ..,,..
lholjlfhlhfl .IUat'tl l 0 1 Ihe U o n, or t' O\U'!'I" ht~ Itntirf'ly (w or;" ,k(,d t he t n (,l t hnt ttl n ' w o ul U rCl(ll1lre & {~UU,
HUt\J t lonnl "11lt1 11 d llH~1l or (tQllr!4 e i lio T n x C'0 l1111d8id on
htl\' ~
huiJ n gre~ t nlta" y' Jf'llunH to tttl frn tH'hl st\8, '1'111,;1 )l I'OPf'31t Ioli Wltll "" 111 ·
1\ hili pl'I ~P(i ru ,·d ' n Llll' hl.t Gen· oml ARsembly, klt o",n 118 th e 11 _ blU,
1 011t ~ld in
o n e industry. Is entitlixl , to distino· tlon 8S " the preferred buslnel!S" or Its people, " the seleoli o~ tb ear t h " that business Is /l'g ric lllttlre and the people n,re th e farmers, And yet·, we fi ud that., liner rill tbese years, these m l!1n, who h onld • "The ~lles and Beaux" ~min. oe t be most independent men iD ~he strels Lebanon Opera House Friday world nre d ependelllt on t h e Clip. evening April6tb. Seat 811le .begins talD!\ of industry, tll0 IHbar lender, Friila,. morning II 0, m . , Maroh 29', at the Broadway. Admission 3uf nnd fthe grain gOlD bIer . It is , t,ime no extra charge for reserved seats , to end this depen~lenoe . Unless tbe Am eriOltlJ fa rmer is ohanged t o "Ooopera.tion is the life of'trllue ." rou 'os blmself h e wiill huve to HI · For Sale.' ways b e content to have his b ns i i Tbe time bns lon g since passed uess con trolled I)y otbers, to be A young horse, Ii Y3a rs old; lIound aud right also 2 brood sows. old when it is necesslLry to arguo In onllod a "jny" IL "rnhe" or 11 " boy. favor of or gllnizlltiOD throngh Jeed" anrI t o see himself cllricB ones. . which they can work for !let! b et· tured in the oomi o parers nnd 011 Willlam Oummings, 1 R. ;I: torment , t h e s tage ~s the ridioulous ·viotim • • AN G,U.L. ']'his is exemplified in clvio socie · /1 f tue gold brfok swindler 'lind th~ tl ell ilooleties for promot ion of pub lig h tning rod Agent oto , RIDGEVILLE, ORt r) . lie utilities , publlo beauty, b e t te r If tbe flLrmere will not nssi t in SPEOIAL,[)E!I ! DISEASE!! OF \VOMEN 80boolll, better roads, aml ,varions figlltlng tbelr own battles, tbey AND OBILDRIIIN. other enterprises. Wheneyer a need not flxpeot other peoplA t o naW 3 proposition i@ up for the b et ter · fig ht f or them , · V ery many of the Order your magazines an:1 w ent of 11100allty, the first Sl1gg~8o t hings for which th:ey oomplain ex papers through the Gazettt> otl:!c·, tion if! that tbe interested ]>ortles t beonuse they hnve permitted I We will save 'You mOney:. .. hull o rgtlulze, Ihe Ulllnd b ecnl1se ,t hey bave been Do You Want a Bicyc' ,I When n society Is ouce formed' II p]>a,rentiy indifferent in the mat· government b ecomes n ecessory to ter of, proteoting thf~ir own interest", Through an advertisin~ deal tue prG-eerve t1lnt ooiety and k ee p 'it In If th ey d esire a chllnge for t~e betGuzette bas an opportnnity to se. ord er , and it is .lhyn.ys under!!toot1 eer , t h ey must bring it about oare a new high grade bioycle that, thBt tho SOOiety shoultl gunrd thfl t hrough their own efforts. If tbe we can sell to' anyone' de!!iring sI\me rigbts of elloh individual member. i t'urmers will make Ilvailable their at Bbout oua.third off the regulur IIond thnt In teturn f or t~is protec tJower ' lInd Dse it wisely for tbe price, Oan get either gentle man's tion , elloh indi vidUlll shoulll s ub proper proteotlon o f their own ill or latiy's wheel mit to the rules of conduot adopted tero ts, t h er e is nothing thut is by the society, '1'h 6 luwB are sop · rigbt whioh they' may n ot denmnd l)osed to be the united will of H11 '~nd]l( )le, to nccomplisb, Insure Against Acci'T'o0 be~ong 0 ' t1;e organizutiqn No 110wer exoept, bighly organized dents and III Health whlCbenacts them, nnJ henoe,. 1111 [lOWAr is of Any vlllue in the~e' Tbe Aetnll Life 'lnsurance Co, will wbo b elong to it must obey them times, The Indi'll'tt'lua.1 mnn 18 in.Issue you a policy by whioh von w~ll Town ,ond city boards of t rude dnetrililly powerless in tbe U. B reoelve a' stllted sum per . .' ak 1D are organi ...ed to build up tbe plnce , toduy . The fnrmElr must \lSI! b'is 'caBe of ,~ccident. or sickn ess . For .draw ll ublio enterprise!! thereto and )l,?wer to t,h l.' eud t bat .he may 'be partioulars see Fred B , Sherwoo() make the looolity ltD ideal one in lIis own muster, nnd not tbe s lnve Local AgeJQt. wbich to own prop erty, oonuuct Il of otb er s and the burdon benre r of , Cause of Sto;la~h Tron:b l e business a nd bring u'l) a ffLmily ,of tbe nlltion. He mus t leurn thut When a mnD has trou blr ,. : j ,h children. tbe only wl\y in wl~ioh be oo,n use stomllcb you may know t.hl! I Olo' .i s The Grange is orgnni ...ed for s imi the power. which is biR, Is through ea'ing more .bBn he shoulti ,J. of lar purposes. It does not attempt orgnnizlt.ion, an oqplDizlltion of lliH lIome of 'food or ,driul. ;,ot suitedarticle to his age or, OCCUP"',' i .( ' ..>r to ruise one class over others;, nor owq, oontrolled by: hirnpe ' ; and in
lIi flllllll .V l\ n<1 hi ~ In;;/f, shnllltl pn d na v 1'. as fur tiS Ii ~ withi U Ilis IIOW T , t liv!" I1p I n those III W . hlr dut,y II! nO I· to piok JIll W in the proposud ClhIIllO ; not III 1lI111:e. I1 p our ull n rl$ h( fo rEllllul(l thllt WI!
hi E! own est. '1'he Grunge is t.he most l)O\ve~ . tul orgnnizll t lon' lit furmers known to tb ~ world It has done much d . , , . gO? 10 t.h P-. I)U,s t" aled !s oapable of tl umg mfl'mtely Dlore In the future. As h.w is indls]>fm8able to any orguniZtHlon an.d slncl! tbe purpose of the every I~gitimute means, the g reat agriO)lltura,1 interests of tbe oountry, every fllrmer who wishes to do the best he can for hlmBelf,
Uong r es~
One. way ~ cond·olH ss Coloni st '(j oke t sold duny durin g Murch onrt April t o
Idaho Montana Mexico and Pacific Coast Points at Unusually Low Fare F iJr full partic uhirs oon"ult B , E, Boo1'F! Ticket Ag e nt, Wuybl)8Ville, l~jo .
010 Tphone Day or Night. Local No. 7 Long Distance No. 69 -3r WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch Offlc.e, Harvevsburg, O.
All d ('soriptions of printing g ive'n p'rompt uUont ion ut' t h o Gllzette to' me for transmi ssion to tri a n exlael' .uJ)posed to repr.~" "t the VI.• ". of ....,. 6100 of tile Gene ral Assll m hly' ~uch JohnAon "r CI"\'~11I nd, t'o brlnlr about. Uti office. . . 1,16011111' upop th e jlrnltd tllS dupl\ca,te 01 obanges or amelldul'e nts In tho or- the SInh r"nchtRe vllluM, ftn(l partlousunlc or stutu' In IV o( tho SI pte as Inri)' th o rranchlse. of \.ubllo I nloe oorwlll adjust BtlY In qualities that moy p0';lllon•. I t I th ' Now. thll proWlod bill rrom C1evelan4 ex 8 n ' e bll~t1 e lls of ta xation and pro,1t1r." thllt there Hhllil b e II levy for e Qlva a system In lin'\) with tbe best 81ate P1lrpoo.8 of .Ix-tont·h. of' one per pu blic p"" cy and wllh th e most arl. cent upon Ihl. rrnnchlHO proP<'rt7, or vallced lhought IIpon the 8t,1bject." rll ther, upon tho v(llue or lheen .toolll (lud bonds thnl , hn,'c el caped laxation Ttre members ot lhe OOIJ!n:I/.Islon 1t"'1 hero lIaln th080 Who Ilave llrop.,oed ha" e held two meetings at Columbus. thl" mcaeu 0 havo not tnkch Into conlidlion at 11.11 "notllor very ""rlOUI conUnhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. Thes e meetings uemons lral ed ' thtlt ora I (!tulloaal dlmculty. As you knoW' It It used t o be cOltsidererl that only t I lerc Is unusual Intert'st lhroughoul make. verY, little dllferc.nce whethe~ & urinary and blaudcr troubles wcre to ' bo the stllte In th e !lIIhjoct ot lAX rororm, fml1 oullo I. properly. oa It WI" held to Every man who has so tor appoared bo ~y lh~ U nll~tI Slll l<'" Supre",. Court In traced to tile k idueys, . nn Ohio CILI , or whother It I. held not before ·the comm iss ion, nnu the bun , to be prol ,erly, "8 hold by the BUIINIIl. ~aR~~~ but now modern ~cience ' pro\'es that <lre<ls who· ha ve writt en loUt;lrs to the COUl'l ca~ or Oh to: whelher " Is prop- ' IIca rl y all diseasee memhers. agree that lhe ta'x laws of crty or Is not .proporlY, wheU... r It II , , hu e.d dlreolly or hullrcclly. I( It 1M taJrecl h ave thei r beg inning ':J'.~", ' ill the disorder of Oh 0 a re woefull y " leOel nl and ,t h'll os prop :r.y. monir BUy It mus, 'I<' lalCe4 " e thlllg must be done to cl'llulcato at II. un l(orm rale lIild, t~ c rero"" lis. thc.~e Inost illlportant ~om the attendnnt o,'l1s null IlI eq uIlIIl.les. lenths or one per ~ cenl "POll Alleh proporgaus. " ' rly , nol beln. n 'wlrorm rate, ""ould be The kidneys filter rhe tnx 0 0rulll15610n baa b fore It , beyon(1 the cOll et1l ullon .. t po_ at the aud purify l.hc blood- a &I'eot worlc. As th e dale or tbe Cp.ncrnl As"embly 10 levy. ~ that is tll" ir work. toeetlng or th e legIslature apJ)ronch(Js It bDS been Buggelled ' thl1l tile direct 1'here fore, when your kidneys are weak It will b lCon1 , 111 0 1' dlfllclI It . and 1 y. Inheritan ce tax, or 801ll~thlng Ilk. that or ont of order, YOII cnn 11I1UerSland ho\~ ~ , I' whtch WI1 H repoa lrd Inst \\1nt • . • hould quickl y your cntire l'.oUy is affecteCl and _t,g, EoI' th e preReot, It "')lpenl's to . he rle re-enllcted Into law. Thall&.. prombow every organ seems 10 fai I to do ita the )lInn of th e commlsslun to hold i.-cd to rftt~e, [ BUPPO..e, ,~OO, OO. or 1100,meeUngs, ot ' l ost once !l monlh nnn 000 POI' ye(tr; It, provided tor two per' Jntl' upon 1111 InlwrUancei! 0..... U 000 ,1 you are sick or • f eel balUy," begln I nv Ite publl o m n who hllve stndled .cent and two por ce n' upon the tot ... amo\. t' taking Ule great kirulcy rellledy, 'I>r, the suhJect, to a t tend nt'l d e.'<press wht\tc\'er II .mlght he. The Inherllan~'; Kilmer's SwalUp-Root, bcclInse as soon their Itlens on th e litomentou8 ques tllS 18 :t. privil ege lus: It I. not Il properl,. as your k idne}'s:are well they will h elp tlon of jnst taxation. This worll .tl1o In; , there fOre, lhere 11' no r~~lrement all the other organs to heultlt. A trial • ' W U\1011 th ~ General A.Hombly In tile enact-, be suppl'ementetl by ext,mslve corrl" ment of lnhcrllance iaw. 10 ft ep at ,& . will convince anyone. . If you are sick you can thak e no mis- Ipondcncc wlUI t;1.xperls , a nd otbers ul)tf ol'n~ rlll~ or to .:Iow onl". th .. eumptake by first doctoring your kidlley., who are interesled In tile ' BltbJect 1I0no whlrh arc fHlmlulbh' wIth r.prd . to ."(lmpUonl or rOlll al\d pe_al prop' The 'mild Gnel the llxtraordinury cfiect oE throllgholl'• tile cJ)untry . , erty, Dr. Kilme r's Swamp;.,R.oot, the great Attorney (len eral El li s haa go ne Inlo What ,the TItX ,Comnll.alon lIIoat d., kidlley remedy, I,s 600n r ea1i?cd. It to do, nnd In th l8 It "anb the ~'O- ' stands the highest for its wonlferful cures' tllie work wIth Ihe vIgor that chnrac- ~Irc~ openttlon nlld a ...INtnn"" of all PUbIlO-1 of the 11Iost ctislrcssing casel, alld is sold I"'r ,?oCR the cor;H}lIct of ll l ~ IIllPQr tant .plrlled \lltlzen8 'throughout tIM .tate I. on ' its merits hy all ol!lell . . He bos l he unqHnllfied suppo({ to nr.compUllh 80mo Pl'ltotlaal re'orm' In clrugg'ists in fifty-eeut ot every mpmb r or th e commlsl80n the Wtty or toxallon. We I1IIQ' 'nol b ' ' ). I . uble to oecure At one. a logleal sel ... anel one.uollar 'size t t.le Ihlrtr.en1b nn'nual meeting of tine metholl or' ly.tem of IBllatto~. TIm hotlles. You, may thor Olilo State Hoard of Commerce, mal' be & matter or IIID'\' growth. 'fl, have a Bnnlple boUle Domeot .......P-Boot. by Itail free, al&o a pamphlet tclIing )'ou beM ' in Columbus Dec. fll nnd 11 1908 mOfl~ I"",ortont th'nlf III to Ice II, hatev.r .tep raIIall we take. trhetller It ' how to find out if you 1I:1\'c kidney or Altorn,,\', O'l!norBI mIlls WDII ~alled' "Ion-r or 8hort, be In t . ....Ilt CI bladder trouble. Mention tllis paper U,"(;D for an addrell 00 tbe Bubject ..r .~tlOD, . when wr\tingto Dr. Kilmer & Co., BlDgluuntOn,N. Y. DoD't make any milltake, but remember the n8llle, Swamp-Root, DI', Kilnler's Swalllp-ltoot, and tile ·ad. dreIS, Binghamt.on, N, 'Y"oo every botij..
Often The ' Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Wort.
••~""~----"~""""Rn"- · .""""""""""""""""~~,,,,~~,,~W~·~.~~~. COU!1tyCourt News. • NIC\V
tlU1'1' ~
•llIbll F. KIl)UdY " lilt D. W S.uHlI'h rey .. ltil II tI 011 n, .. Ltu· . ,)., h " 'I1" II"" MAIt~l AHF. !-IOltNIlKS. with tbl" "'1\1 !lUIH-Xl·el l'! I!lplll'uilu G\lOr~(! Btllblloh , 48; farmor of .... 1 \1' d"~ • KI 11\>"y. 'l"Otl .. t\l~,I, Vii .h)hn h' K, hhA.V "IILrllnV IE'. Iln ~"ett,le Behy.mer, I"" Hl" 1 I I 40 MII"on. ~ II'A t Itl( Ireo · lit Ill. 111'1'''11111., t!on .."t thn Uourt In ,'xt'.,UI 'I ~ tI)lO Ghnrles E. Edw(lrds, 20 f lr,ner of . ~'runk lin nnd Edith Sherwood, 20, will m twu ob.oorp p.1I1tS. . " IIf .Vaynosville . OOURT PII:xJEIIll>1NOti. R U~Rtl l C. F erris, 20, grocery olerk Chtules P . Multi .... Albort. E. Fo.. ; of (; regl)nirl, nnd Myrtle Griswald, ier ; pJullltlf Wit. ~ellllrod to give LI'bllnon . security fur o""ts REAL ESTATE TRANSIi'EltS. fb ' . M. J . j'.u rr v... J. M MllrrllY · ,1:1 J'oElepllin6 Stevens et III to Joseph ollse Willi cantlOu"ll nntil tho Muy G . Trim ble, lot in MuinevI'lle, .1. • term of ooun. J Wllrren Wood trustee, to 011. Thl' Aome roud L'onlpllny v~ H . ver W . Morris, lot In Unlver81ty A. Coyne The dllfen~antwas "rllnt. Beigbts. '350. ed :10 daYIL to plelld . MartbA. J . Hnrner by tlhor'l1f to Ueorgt' Tetrlo, IIdminlstrate/r, V8 del\BSa C. Harner, of Wayne8ville, John · Drake t't a1. The defend8.n~ 76.59 norss \D Wayne ' township, were given 30 dllYI to die pleadlnga. ,2980 12 . Waltcn Compton e~ 11.1 V8 Guy L. Ge Irge J . ,nd Ella Grahllnl to Ell . I d Ha1'neret al . TtJe property Invo ve B . ROKers,8 75 acrell In Clearcreek hi ihlll case Will sold by the lIb,erUf town'shlp •-2000. at the order oftbe oourtf.o r $2g80. 12 ,Su8an J . Werner, to HAnry B . 'fbe proceeds were distributed : Six Werner . .of Morrow, 66 acreldn Hllr. of the pl.lnU!'1I received '23490 Ian townsbip, ~cb Imd e~ch oUb" four defendants Charlotte W . and Cordelia V. WIUI ...."nted the BIl l1l6 am('unt Denlse, ' f F ran kll n to An d rew D' 0 Harry Ford 'VII lJlinton Unlg et Shilling, lot in Franklin, $3000. al', tbe defendant dl8~IBSed the George KauHmftn Ilnd wife to · 0.118 at hill own OOIIt. Sylvester Hud· Je8S A. Hllll, two lots in Frllnk!in, "'- hEll za. be'h Hudson j '1300. son vs. _ra this CIlse WIUI dlsml888d for wantof Doog1as8 Boll\nll:sworth and wife pr0ll6cu il on at the OOlit Ilf tb "v plain . to Omar H(ll\lngs\ll'ort.h, 80.95 aores tUf . in Turileoreolt township, '1. 8tate of Ohio VII Albert Franz i John A.. Thompson to G. C. Eu the call6 WIIS di~ml888d because the la8ll, 2 lots In. Lebllnon, $1.. defendant 18 dead. John F . Kibbey and D . W . Hum· Alall4eda Franz VI Albert Frllnz. phroys, administrator of the tltItate IItrloken from the docket for the of Ephriam KIbbey, deceased, to Mme reRson as 10189 Ephrillm E. Kibbey, 76 aores tn Grace Wllllaoe VI .1. 8. Wallace . Baml\ton township. Th.e court founu that tbe plllintift'tl Elizabeth Gcugh to Edith E. . not entitled to divorce. Bauok, 210ts In Frauklln, $2300.'1 Nanoy Willt8 V8 John W . Willis Du,vid Walter to'}frank J . Brown, J)lvorce , wlll refused 'by ibe court 6~ . 78 aores In Turf.1ecreek township,
I. hereby given \balln l1urou3ncr of a resolulloll o't tbe Trustees of W yn . '·O .. o. IIIP. Warrell COo n \y. Ohio. pB "ed 0 1 Ihe l~ .bdayofMorcb. I UO".Lbere ..·U1 b<!8'J b mltled 10 tbe Quallued e loclOro 0 1 . ald 'rowIIHhlp. ilt a special election to bo bel<l In " ~Ic1 Town8hlp lor tbat purposo oa tbe 16th dl>1 0f April. 1007. Ihe lIuQStlon of 188ulng bondll of . ald 'l'own. blp In an .unoUDll III <!Zce.s.of I IICr cem ot Ibe total v..l\le ot all lbe propcny In 8uilb 'l'own~blp OUt listed and as."""cd for tanLlon . \bl1tl. to sUY. In tile Hum of '~ Ii , OOO . OO for tile purpo.e at procurIng 8ultllble real r.s tute UpOIl whlcb t.O erect II public hall and puUllc ootce. tor rorCrecllnl1"publl~ ball "nd pullll<>olllceaoud ".. Id Townsblp. Said elecllon to 00 beld al tbe uHuul place~ of vollng In said TownsbJp. and a..ltl elecllon will be conducted. canva••· ed .lIId certified In the 80m e mllnner as clcc ~loOR for TowlllIblp ontcersare conducwd calJvalisetl and crrUn.,d. 'l'boae wbo VOle In fovor of .be proposltloo of I""ulngor bonds '.torea.ltl . ball have lbelr bullots. lhe written printeda s on word. : "For tbe luue of bond.S.;· No~loc
1111, Jllmes A. Thompson et 11.1 to R B. Snyder and wife 80 acrss in Turtle. creek township, -7150. , .. Robert Brown to Jonllth"n Ilnd WlIJlam L. Grabam, 22 1. 2 acres in Clenroreek town8hlp. 11. . W. G. Thowpeon, odminlstrator of the Ilstate ef Sarab A. 1'hompson deceased to Frederick and Elizabeth Fi80her, 11599 aores In Tartlecreek township ISQ5·6.30 John W . Thomp I son and Hat.t1e F . Missildine to frederlok and Elizabeth Fischer, 115.09 acre8 in TnrtJecreek town.
lA.roh 25. Mary 8\1e1 vs Laura L Glbb8 et al i on ' application of the defendllont leave wd 'granted to tile an answer forthwith, . a~la Gilpin vs B. D. Miller, ad Ll
ship, $1. Florence A . . Thorpe to Ruth A . Tomlinson, 41 74 acres in Massie township, '2000. Alloe ~. t;utton to John H . Low. rey, 16 75 aores In Union toW:ns~lp.
,mlnllt~ator j the ease was com pro-
mtaed. ,r Am\;rOll6 T. Dea&db va Mahlon Noll et Ill; the Sheriff was ontered '08011 the 42 .ores of land under controveuy 81 tale eetllote oould noS be divided without depr:ec)lation in
--1. ..
Alexilnder Ball to Milton Lahmlln 15.21 aores in Washington ·town. ship anll 43 79 aores In Clearoree. township, ,5,900. W. F . EJt.zoth, guardian of Bamu· el C. Oha~berla1D, to William 'C. Tlohenor, 90.10 aores in M888le
Mose 'Cohen's
An t:lvel1lt of Vast Importance to People Who Care :for . First Class
Ooods at Little Prices.
Our spring lJulli.n e s has \>egun; the w~ol6 8tore is budding into its spring oommeroilll bloom. If Icare . ful preparation and generous vlI!ue ~iving oounlt for anything, we shall"hda~:":~\~no o~u~r~,ft~n~~ \\:':I:~~I~ have a. sprllog bU81ne8s tluit will tu IoU. Ibe word.: even our Ilplendid facilities. The ·'Alialn. 1 the I.sue of oon4. ... keynote of ,o ur pOlioy in seleotlng DaWll, Murcb.ll, 1007. and seiling spring appllrel oan be J OBN R . C.AB!UY. FJl.A"K PRA-r.-. · given In dVt3 words: Good style at FOAN" E•.B ON. 'l'ru8loecs 0 r Wayne 'l'own. blp. WarreD moderate Prices. Other exu.mples County.Oblo. of what we are doing in thisl\ne Ilr!! given In detail by a visit to thl8 store during our Easter Opening Sale. -given. --on tbe latb " Mon's Snits at $8.45 • $9.95• $1l.~5 NoUce 18 hereby tbat .. , clay of Marnl!. 1907 . 11 petILlon . wa. ".Ied In $13.85 and $15-$2 to 15 can be lbe Court of Common Plel1ft. Warren coUn\Y' 181l ved Oblo. by tile TrUSleCl> of Way ne Township. " Wllrreu Counly. 01110, praylnll ,be Courl ror Children '~! t;uits at $1.25, $1.50, an order dIrecting tbe trotlstftr 01 tile aU!D $2 $350 "'I 00 t $1 . Ur.0 I6SS th an of 1100.20, In ~he bund~ of. ' tbe Town.blp , • -'I" 0 Tre... urer . from tbe Blind Fund 10 tbe ROM Ilny other store. Look around Repair Fund. ..ld pet!lIon will be on tor town. t.bun oome here "nd 8ee how bearing on tbe S 281b day of Marcb. 1007. ~ .. .'roDt true thts statement t8. John HPr1ltt. . Ca.t61. F'root Elboll. Men'i! and Youths' Spring Hats, Con~~~~·8i.~". OI Wayne 'lO .... DlIblp, WarreD t;pt!olally priced at 95c, $1.50, $2.00 '!!!"!'!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!"!!"!!"!'!!!!!!!!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and $3.50. Hundl'eds of dlft'erent Chamberlam s Cough Remedy II styles ' and cclorll to seleot from. 80th Agreeable and Eft'eotlve. Every hat glIlllrllnteed tor 6 month •. 'Chamberlaln's Cough Remedy Men's 500 U:nderwear at 25e hal no superior tor oou,h", ooIds Spring 600 4 in·hand Ties ' 25c and oroup, and the fact tbat It is " Boston" 250 Gllrters at 12c plellRant to take and contatns noth· ing iu any wily injurious haa made Bhllw.Knlt 2:50 grade8 at 18c: it a favorite with mothers Mr. W. ·Bow Ties, 25,0 grades a$ 15e 8. Pelham, a merohant of Kirks· Handkerchlofs, 16 kinds at 9c ville, lowa, says: "For more tho n "Presid til 50c IS d 36e ~'lVenty years Cbllmllerloin'l! Cou jth en u8pen era Remedy baR been my leading r em· It would !ake thli! whole page to sdy for aU tbroat troubles It is ea· enumerate · eacb Ilnd every big peoial1y sucoessful in o.l!les of oroup money 88villlg bargain. Yoo clln d'l Uht1dren like it and my. oustomer.s who have Utied it will n ot take Bhy rea 1 y see 'ibat the bargainllareun. ot:her ." For BIlle by J E Janney usual, and tberefor'e Is It any won· -"' -_ ...._ .......,._ __ der that we do I!uoh a ~Ig[mtlo busl. ness . M. A. Jameson, Attorney at Law, and Justice of the Peace
Lebanon, Ohio.
Maplewood. Block. Broadway. tm l
II ~
$ ~
Where the savings depositor is accorded ' the # same' con~ideration as the capitalist with the • ~ large aecount. ~
$ $
R. F. '\1u"Her C. A. Hln rtJ
W. A. Merritt'
Nathan Joner,
S. F: Elbon
~ ~
Levi S. Lukens
J. N. Lemmon
W. T. Frame
.... ....
~ ~ "'~""'...,"" THE ' C ORNER
Staple and FILnoy ~ Grocerlee, Frnl i8 . Vegetables and Canned Goods. Cigars and Tob&ooo,
Phone 79.
c. M. BROWN~ Proprietor.
'!I'-&""" m.CJNCIIHATI, L I.
.t owd8hlp, 11250. PROBATII OOUR'l1. . John E . and Amllnda Berger co . Two condlot11l to the wtll of I;ltury Humphreys, of HarveYlburg 111 1M ' I d Ch te taln J. V. .Jack were probated, aores n riBS e an 8tI r The . will of Awnee L .. Williams township. Warren and Clinton w.. admitted W proba\e. W . Chee counttes, 111000. &or IlKple appoinied executor Thomaaltf.lIler, administrator, de of the willunde .. bond 9f 115,000. bonis non wtth thu will annexed of 1n 'be eetllte of Jamel! E Comp the estate of James F. Sennest" de ton, deceaaed, 1liiIe bill ' W.8 flIed oe&88d, to Nathan L. Rogers, 66. 13 Rlohard ,I Mlohener, execotor of acres tn' Olearcreek township;' '760-1 " .. ~, ··,·u;1O 40 , . 44 .."";"WO",, • P· MI.0h e~er, IlIi.. the eei'a~ of Ma!'h a:. '\!'enable ;7 (0 ;1045 · .4 40 filed hie claim aRalD8t tl1e estate. Harry Humphreys to LlnQoln KILcltn.r 17 38 tiD 43 . H 38 Mary M: McKay .appotnted Bnmphrey8, Ilncllvlded one half of Dodds 7 36 110 41 4 30 . '~I n d ~j 26 no at " "6 luardlan 'ot Boward E. and WillIe 111 aores in Massie and Ch8flter ...... • AND DEhLE rt IN M. MoKa.y, mln.ora i bond 11800. townlhlpe, Warren and Clintcn LebaDon-Lor ... ~o 10 ~5 " 20 . . CH&tD Da.XT CR&oD Appllca"on WU8 made to admtt ooontles, '2500. Daylon V 40 12 00 5 r,u the will of John Q. Allen to pro. Levan lJ01: and KI10Z e Cox to D.t. X T D '" X T ba\e. . Laura M. Wolf II acres, 1100. II 00 6 00 The real estate of !Samuel F . Spur· Frank M and Ida M. Drllke' to SOUTBBOU~D . Telepbone In his hOIlS.e where 1 Un'", deoeell8d, was apprai80d 'at Henry ~V. 8uemenlng and Louis A. NA. "M.' P. N . P. M. an be ca.l1ed ·a.t all houl'l, clay 01 .. . Leave o. No 4' No 6· night. . '10362 OS. I:!ale of same Will order Sieter, undivided one. third of 20 Dayton : 0 B .It D fi 06 ed. lots In Lebanon known as Fairview, D"vlon: D &0 X T 800 200 5 00 Coaches and chaire I!llpplted. The 1&1e of the l'eal es~te of Fe 'I. Lebanoo·Ju. . 8 30 .30 6 'Ii Have recentiy moved to ro('Ul wall oonfirm . .J obn 'a nd Bua W. Ertel to Bor. Sbaker Cr088In~ 8 3:) 233 .. H Iii Welton. deoealed, next to Cross Bros. • . . " . R081yn t8 37 .;2 37 "5 47 ed. It W88 lold to ICoobert G . Huft'. ace C, and . Annie B. &0088 100 HempatelUl 84 1 2 41 6 &0 WAYlflC8VILLlr IIAm S\'RB:B:'f. ord for 12240 The proceeds were ao1'e8 In Hamilton toWnship, $1. Cent.rvllle · 8,0 ' 249 ' & 58 distrIbuted Manor ' 8 &7 "~&7 "U 02 ECZEMA and PILE eUlIl The real . e8t1lte o;l .Harah A. .Lytle 0 0:1 a t;l2 5 07 It REE Kllowing what it was to sut· 1. J h H tt I!:dll!wood'O 0 & "8-06 '010 · Thompsonl deoeallf\d, WIL8 801d fcr ur. 0 n ya ; . v.n"ble ,g 09 011 IU Ii f 1r l ·wi11 give II'REE 01' CHARGE to · ,11056.30 to ,fohn W.'. 'fh0mpaon, Veterinary SUl'i'eon and ~entistr Klt8bn~r f9 11 ,3 11 '610 anT ~toted a poalthe core for Ec. Frederiok and Elizabe,t.b.' II'll!Cbor. Dclldl f9 14 :113 '6 I~ zema, salt rheum, erylipelu, pl161 h" proooeds were dleirib.u~d. . Telephone No. 121 Leland 19 ~!1 13 22 18 28 and akin t1tselUl6l. Inl!tant reUef. . Lebanon Arrive 030 390 t! ~o Inventory and appratllAm"nt :were 'At Bome on Saturday Afternoon. ' Dally ur.ept sut"tay. t .Stop on l"Inl1l Don" luft'er longer, write F .' W ftle4in tbe estllte of Ephrlam ' Kib Waynes ,. ille, O~io •.· RUNDH TRAt118. WILLIAMU, 400 Maoh'at~ annue bey, dOO8\lAed. . Tralnl pau Lftie as folloWI: . New York. Enoleae _.t amp. A trlloCt of rllal eittate belonging \0 Iolorlbbountl ·( 7 iiBa. m. 1\ 47p. m s 11111108 . . How to Remain Young. Soutbboutld 90' ... m. 7 OOp. m &mael A. Cbllmberlal~ WtUI lold To oontlque youni tn heal~h and w. IU.OORE. by hi' RUMrdlan,. W. 11', Elt·zroth for strengtb, 110 lUI M.n. N. F. Rowan, QeneralPNaeD,er t.ceal.LeblODOD, O. ; , K. HA~IlAWAY, 11250. The proceedl w"nC toward McDonOt1lb Gil.. did. t;he .YI : ,!!!~!!!!~!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!'I"!!!!!!"!! tbe'utllfllotlon 01 mort.lla"e on the "Tbree bouiel of ElectriC BUtel'l\ Worked Lite a Charm. ,\a,) u6IvUle'a Leading Dentlit ame land whloh, with Intere.t ft· cored me cf chronlo liver and itQm Mr. D . N .. Walker, editor of thllt Office in Keys Bld,. Main St. · I . ow ' . • . ' aoh trouble, oO{DpliOll.ted with IUch Iploy journal, the EDterpriae, Lou... mo~nted to 11366,33. I an unhealthy oondUloD of Ule blood V:a., .Yl: "I HD a natl tn my toot E. D. RUII81 WIUI appointed ad.' that UIY IIkln surned red al flannel. last week and at once applllKl Buok. Te$ter, Salt Rhenm .aud EozeD:la ·.1'bel6 dtaaaaee fo.. whleh ministntor of the 8llta\e or Harriet I a.m n9 w pr~lcally 20 years yOUDg· len··1 Arnica Salve. No Infiamma. &Iva til eepecially D ....11 deoeaeed' bond t21X1O er thlln before I look· J!i180~..lo Bit- tion followed i the IBlve limply B. ...0 . . Qu1t~tlJ' a11a)'l the tacla • &oIS. 1 Clan nOW do all m;r wurk healed the woqud." Beals eve..,. lU11.fLP'IInll and IOOD decll a Third aoooUDt ••, ftled iD $he ... ' with ea80 and ...tat in my hu.l,ore, and .kin dlIeaee. Guar. _Ie by 25 OIDII .tale or John OberliD, tiauDe. band'•• tore," Gauab&eecl.t 1'n4 .Dteed a' Freel U. Schwarts Dnl ICIOOUDt wu ~ lD ~ 0 I:Jchw arb ·D na..,.... PrIce GOoli'.' 260.
Two big store rooms overflowtng I'ound at Laat. with new spring good8. By far the J. A. Harnlon. of'Llzemore, West largt'st olothing houae In ,Ohio. Va., 88YS: "At last 1 .have found "!"!'!~'!!!"!'!~~!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the perfect pHI tbat never dlsBP = pOints me; and for the benefit of Do not Crowd 'he Season. other8 Ilffilo~ed with torpid liver The drst warm days of Ipring aud ohronto oonstlpatton, will say: bring with them a desire to get out tate Dr. King's New Life PIlJII" Illnd enjoy the exhllituting air and Guaranteed 88otisfactory 250 at snnsbine Ohlldren that have been Fred C. Bohwartz Druggist. housed up EtJl winter are brought t!"!!'!!!"!'!'!!!"!'!"!!!1!!!!!!~'!!!"!'!!!!!!!'!!!"!'!~'!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!"!'!~ out and you wonder where they all came from 'fhe beavy winter oloth. Il i i II I1iiat'1III1 IDg is thrown aside and many shed I their de.nnels Then a cold wave comes and people say tbat grip II epidemio Uolds at tbls season are w. E. MOORE. Receiver. even more (langerollS than In mid· .winter, a8 tbere is muoh more dan· TIM~ CARD ger of pnenmonla Take Uhamber. lalD·' s Coul!:b Remedy, however, EFFECTIV,E APRIL 16. ln07. NOR'l'HlIOUND. and .vou wi11l have nothing to fear Tt III ways oures, and we have never St3110n~ ,No. I ' :qo. a' No. G· known a oold to result In pneumon. A. M . M . P III . 18 when It was used It II! .pleaMnt LebanoD Jc.Ar 8 18 II~~: ::: and ufe to 'take Ohildren Uke it. ::Ik": Or. I: !~ III 15 15 13 For sale by.J. ·E ,lanntlV. HelD~.tead 8 OH 11 13 5 09 Centerville 8 00 11 05 (, 00 Manor ~ 7 6:1 " 10 68 U 5~ Lytle 7 47 10 1;3 • H
~ '~t~
faster Sale. $
William. F. Eltzroth vs County Uoll4mlblllonera 1,lulnl.lft' d18ml8lled the app6l\l wltbou· record. \laud t;bilnor VII J . T . !:inooll . Grace Spence, A . D, 8penoe and Theodore E. Hpence; defendants. were "rllnted lIO daYII In wbloh to plead. J . W. Shertzer VII E. :-:I. Conover; " eave ~a. gIVen the plalntltt &0 flle rt'ply . The Rohert Mitchell Furniture ComJ)l&~y va Lilly Woooward Bllrd Inl, admhilar.ra,or; defeR l!lllt Wa!l ,ranted leRve \0 flle reply by
~ .~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~t~~.~£S5E~~_ ~~~_~~~~ . ~ ~"'~ ~................~......................~.! ... !!
e!llllt-A of IIj/IRC Jone8, deoell8ed . . 'Ooud "ceount Will! flIed In the eR tllta or BenJamin Kell, deoeased .
The Miami
~r t o '1'0"$111, a
BROWN &. McKAY, PubJlsl1erG. OHIO
WAYKE \'l l.J.El.
f. '
( !
Ed.son and t he Airsh i p. JuilgllH! r"'"1 ~I l' 1:,11 ,11.11' rl'('~n t blrLhd ~\, 1lI11~(C'''1 I h;~ fl'h'nds sHull hI Illbor \\ flit 1I1h! .'al'll! ~I I~ IJI1 Ih.' .·IIl>· j ect o( all ' IIII ~. '1'1) lituSll w bo bllYO faith III til\.' lIujllljlOlI'l'l) I'''w 'rs \.I f th.,· mod rn Wl ttll'.! llild luke no !!LUI'k III tho nOl l\.lu t hat ):Ie ha ~ shut bls bolt aa a wIlrk r of llI.JrI·pls It would lip' lI'nr thnt all _!.!l~.l...j~ ltl " 'd l~I §Ul'e ~lJe sr<' t!d) :\(1\ 'lit ot lIlt' Iring dr a . eel of ern or Bmlnl tl':I"L'1 I tl) I' n· vin ce ~Ir. Etllson Cl r ' lh' 111 111'), o f alal'tln g It. ~lr . ~:d lollO WIlS UO ypar s old r "mlr. Iu I h., , IIrso or SO IllO orclI sl onal ' L' mar ks 1)11 his IlW II ea eel' God his J! 1 ' 1I1~ for I he r'Il UI'(' h.' In('I· denla ll)' ,.xw .. s~!'d Ill s b.'l wf Ihil t In . tlme ,'. olHll 1 I,u,·f' :Il1shl llS ~al llllg 60 r \t' t or ~o ubll\' ~rnl l1HI u!() ui tile lint's " r ollr r,ln dH. • Ill ltii ng ~'I,lntll<-Is In Ih air I n Ihl~ war. " If," aJd elllhe Inv nlor /1111 l uSly. ''' I " 11 11j(f on" Iwe mys If thaL Ihe al rRh l" \\'Cl ul,1 Ilro \, ' useful , I ~'ould hal' u try at It Ill)" sell." M r. I~dlso n , wh". II' tru t, hns not yet struck 1~ as an II,,· nlor. ('r· lalnl y should " ha\'e a tl'Y at It ," 'l'h 1'0 "hould be 110 (\ouI.IL whut!)I'!' r or Ib(' "ari d Ullllly of lbe arl'lvnl of the dlrlglhle IIlr:;hljl us a fashionable aud , practi cal nlrans o.r 1)1 usure and loco· motioo. For lnslIlllco. a uj;g('~t8 tbe llilwauke S nUn,,!. lh ad" nt of a real alrsh!" I'rar. mus t at en e 11m· .nate rrom ulltomouiling lto th great Itdvamog or th sport, III trade. anel the Inno ent Ill' ·tllnd tsl that danger· ous c:la~s (It scorchers aod f eather· brains generally. who would eag 'rly betake them'selves 10 Ihe n w rad as 110m thlll g l)urtlculurly novel. exr:lu· IIlve and SJlI' ·Iocullll'. Uy u·nusfer· ring lh I I' urenkt1 k opemtiO)lS (rom lbe publi c hIghways La tho nmbl nt air n gl'!!tlt :;ou rce or \. :tallon allil peril would be' romov'd. L t lItr. Edison go ahead. alld make some Am('nds for tbe mu sloal phono!lrupli. The Penal Science. . ~ The Uolv rsHy o( Toulollse now £MInts II. certlJ\cate o( sl ndlea In the ,1JeJlru scienc 8. Th OIlI'S leading lO thls h a b n orgnnlz dill' Iho (nCIII· tJea or law and a ' 111 ' dlcIIlEl. lIud lhe ,nbj ts In Which I" Irll1:Uoll Is glv 'r~ .1'0 tit e fl IIUI law and procedlll' . p .nA1 .elen e. Id as of legal method. and o f melH Ine In genernl. IlIa ' n ' are a.)· mitt d fl'OlI\ . ellh r I h , la II' 01' Lil met,} , 1caJ dE' partment. alia In strucllon Is gIven by bolh facllltl s, asslst"d by x· perls. This Is suppl 'men ted by Ilr/lell· c:al d monsll'lIt1oua of crlmlnCJlob1cai data submit! d to th 'lass s. W ith the mul llpil alloll of tb"se (' rll tl t'u l s. TClIiaTlrs-tlre • elf 'J'm k f'nsr"ve-mn expect to ~('!e a gr at lncr ose In (ll~ Dumber of ('XI' rig In ~rlmlna l ju i'l s· J>rud~nce. It l'en181118 1.0 he seell what elJcct th ey ' will hllve oc Lb., l en!;th ot murder 1rials . Some excl! ment WUII cl'ont d In a BerlJn str et the oth I' day by a Turk ",ho ran arler tbo Kalser'S a.utumoblle. .boutlng "Imperator taehok yus hR' (Long live tbe emp rot). 'fhe motor did not SlOfJ, but I h !nan \Va s taken 1n cbarge by poliOI' m n lind led to 1.IIe royal palaCI1. wllNe an Omclal quesUooEHl him (he ' oulll nol SI' ak a "ord or Gcrman). and I'(~cel,,('d tho pt'. 1Jt1on b e wan led 10 huml to Ihe kal· Ber. H pro\' d to lJt~ r he o wn r of II 8ftwmlll , which hall boon (trunll~' lakt'n from b lm. Aged 70, and doomed to a lire of po,·crty. he hud UI)peal ed for jusUce to th su l tan. who. h.)wever. bad paid no h ed 10 him; wbcrellJ)on lluasln und rtook th journeY to Der· lin to .1mplure the aid of tbe kruser, 'Who Is cOllsideretl In Co nslan ll~opl II .ort af guardian snlnL sIne h is od· ental 10m'. during \ vlll<:h' h e Ill' 'llis d bls u8 sl~ lanc ' rIOt clll l y t.o 1'1Irli 'y as & whore. bllt to C" I'Y IndivIdual i\I~s· .uJmall. .JOKt\li£ Plan. or Ih I Sl htllus of Pnn· ama. nnd one of thl1 greulcsl () 'urI merc hauts (,' th t- w(Jr ld. ' Is \'1~ltlng Wasb lngto n. H e OWIIS I'aluabl coo · t.'flilSlllIl H gr:l nl cd by the Panamanlnn govel'nmr: llt \I'll 'I'-by h ha~ nlutust a monOl 1l Iy () f t he \' ahmlJI OY61 I' b~ds of th o " "ill'l Isl alids Ihut fi r situOled 1D the 1',il'Hlr aI' un 75 mil ':.I fr om I ho clty ' of PUIIUUHI. II shl\JS hl8 [ll;ar!s mostly to P(l rIR . , ,
Cblca go Is 10 hu\'{" u ll11llln ry on 1011. and lI1emb'r6 uf lh Foul' Hund r '\I there hal'e prom: ~ell t h!:l r SlllJ l,OI·l. If 'the movement s\lreaua; In t he hair· dres&el'8' establi sh lllen t s. Rume ('o m· promise will hax" 10 1)0 ettt'C't d Wllh the unIon ... hollt keOIJi ng the custom, ary SUPI)l y (jf "rn:s" In Ole \' 11 ' io ll~ ab0l!s. One of t h e mos[·Lalk;·I·o'f men in California' Is Mayor Frank ~l ott. ot Oakland , H e rerus ,d n 'posltion ~'Itil a illIg corporallon at $1 5.000 a .y Dr that lIi! might r emain mayor of Oakland at U ,600 . . His t er m or offi ce will 'x' JMe I.n three ~ontbs. but th re Is lltUe or no doubt as tj his re;elc('tion. Tbe ".' ork that Count lionl once ".rcat ned to do Is co nfined to elrorts to mak!! t't as unpleu,:uUlt as Ilosslble tor Anna GOUld ueloa abe , releot. III IIIoODU)' mn ILcor.
Ii." Idolatroull sbrlne. hili he klw\\, h is (alh"r had not dOllo ril:ht. nilll b" hnd h l"l d' a,loof from th" InlquhOU!I worobl". D(.\l wllllPl otJdlng the imporl>JulUes anI.! \:! \'en Ull'eat~ of hi's fUlher. In fu eL that "1'1'), nn,' rnoon 111 fa· thel' hut! ur,; II ~IIII I r lIJuln to t ho • STOIr Of THt PUIOD or TOt JUDOr.S f(' sll ,·,,1 whluh \l'U bl' ln,~ II lrllug d fOl' ISlAtL th!' duy artC'r th m o\'r~,w. for It. wa!! By Ih. HIII,bw..." .Dd B,.wa," ~.cb ... h.'~ P<!ll bf this r '<'1.)1,,"1111 lUll and w or, ship of tl" hl' llhen gods tlu.1 Ibey might will Ih (a\'or 0; t~c ' natlons Sl'rll't llr o .'\ tit horlt y - J IId:;es cJlap- ahout thIll, aud tj urc r ~ lIcr f l'Cl 1U Ihe haldshlps t h ey bad I,e n (Oi'ced r 6: 1 ·~ 1. But Gid on manrully wll h· C>OOOOO<>O 00000000000 OO{)OOOO to nllll"~, st OlId til pl c:adl ng 0 1 tJis rlit)} r. any· SERMONETTE. in g': "1'1"'11 w l'll kno w eBt we ('!.nno l "0"O ldeon t hreshed '.Yheat."Clll'" tl.' llverllllro from Our troubles by Th is 18 our first Introd uction to pilln glng fllnh t: r l aw sIn . DhlRl not our hero. In the face 01 dlln' tho prol'lll' who pa ssed IlI rn u b Ollr ger. and notwithstanding the town yt'stl'r<l n), dl'l'lare plnl nIl' that difficuttles G ldton was In the bee IUS ' W' h d .ll 0\JC',' .1 Olh Outl place of duty. and for th is ·r ea, whll I 'll \I " ul 01 1':I;)'I)l und j.;a.H 119 so n GOd'6 angel knew w here to l hl s lond all Ihls (·,' 11 had ('Ol\l e '1llon fi nd hi m. , \l s'l L t liS ('ol1slder his w')"I ... ·• Now t he rea so., the calt to Bill III ~ fUl hel', raring the dl&I'I'1I8' ser v ic e docs not com e to iI IIr f hIll II I)!hbors, 'nnd knllw'lI~ great many people Is because lhat if he gul'€' rr('sh otrpn sa tv hIs they are busy here and there ·III)01I(·s h aud his hOIl~ehold w :Hld and mis's the angeliC vi sitor. t il Spt' 1111 obj ct of ,'011 Gideon might have been In ('utlOIl , he 1· .. rIlSNI to IIs\('n to tI: town awappl ng storIes with h i s voicu uf h is SOl]. And Gideon hnd compa nio ns, or he might have sllp\,Jllti a 11'11 .\' soon u(tPfwar d s been ly i ng under the shade of hallam to lil I)l ac or tll& fo'ln~ t hat silme oak tree wh ere the PI' ~S: \\'h rc he had se relly viae II angel found a resting place, II. pt)rtlon or th e wheat bl1rvl:'st. saying to h lm.elf as he wasted Bright and early the next 1l!orn· the precious hours: "We ll, I ng II b gUll til threlsh l ug : ch ,lI'Ild what's th e use of t hresh i ng out by the l ho ught Ibat ev n If th n, thl8 wheat 7 Juat as I get It my did dlsco " or It. hid Ing plnee Ilnd done the M Idlanltea INIII eome sji~o It. It w r h U r (or him 10 along lind take away the fruits LJ tbus occupi d tllnn 1.0 b' mlll !;ll ng of my labon." with tbo worsblp rs of !laal nt You may be sure It was the hOll1e. sound of that fla i l upon the hard Aiong towords noon ns he paused In thresh i ng floor wh ich caught the I his work and look d Ol1t frum behind ear of Ood', me •• enger and . th rock h e was stan lell l O S 0 SIt, cauBed h Im to p3U&e In his jour. ling under the oak a man. He bad ney through the oppressed. land hurd n o oue approach. nnd he had of Israel. kept shurll lookout ull 1II0rnln~ to seo God ulea bUIY men. There . 1. that no one cr ept III lI pon blm linmusic in the l1um of theIr bUlY awareR. And Y'l In some 111ysterlolls hand. a~ they 'Iahor over the wa)' th l~ Iltl'lInger had gain d his I'C' talks lyi ng flret ' at hand. and trent 11 1111 was reclllll 'ng IIn~ c r the God knows that he who is faith· Ill" liS thollHh h had b en Ibere nil ful In th at which 18 least II nlOI.IIII1g" Th !lcwcom I' caugh t 01(1, faithful als o in much. eon's startl II l ook. aud b fore tho That Is the kind of men God laltel' COU ld nsll who he wus or wbllh· picks. 1'1' h hod COlne, II gr eled him wIth That Is the reason God called lh l! salutation: Gideon. He knew he was the " The L ord Is with thl! tbou man who could be fa ithful In IIIll;hl)' man ot valor." t he, small everyday task and he Who wa s this llIan I'hat h should di d n et fear to Intrust to his speak so fanllllnrly aod so reassurln!;· h;lnda the larger responsI bility 1),1 Surl'ly bo was not of the enemy. of deliveri ng a na ti on. as hi s (nce and rol m enL plainly Gideon threshed Wheat be. cause that was the right th ing ~ Rhowed. R CO\· rIng lolls romfj0511re, for him to do at that t I me , and Q Uldeon' su ld : "Sit'. tr Ihe 1.0r,' bewUh us. wh~' . th on, Is art t hIs bernllen liS '! It made no d i fference to him nnd wil 1'0 h all hIs uuIIRcltls whIch what the dlfficultJes and dan· OUI' futh 'rR t ell us of. sa yIng: 'Old gers might be, he was go i ng to nol lhc Lord b r Ing \IS np from r;gy. pt ? . thresh wheat and he d Id until But now the Loril bat'll (orsak n U9, the voice of God called him [Inti deliver tl us lola the hands ot away to the greater task. tbo lI1Idfanites." What doest thou. fri end, who As ho spoke Gideon f elt tbe eyes art looking off In the d is tance o f tb e ~lrullger searching him and for some large task to do com· mensurate with thy abilities, u ev n while he was cha rgIng God wI t h d 'sertlon he b caine cClnsclo us or the thou doat th i nk 7 Art thou ---negle ct I ng to thresh thc wheat sin of I srael wblc h hlld brought all that Ilea before the? Does the the e,, 11 uflon tJl em. In contusion and flail rl\8t unused within ' ' thy ' shame h e let hi,? eyes fall nnd RlOod Silent. Why shOUld h,e be so abash hand because It II not a aworo with Which to lead an army? ed In th e fJresen e or tbls strnnger? In the .tIIlnen of thy dream. he asked himself. aod tben the tbought CIIDle to him: 'rhls must bo lng, while the task remains un· done, God'. angel may come some en scnt (rom God, Bul lhe . nigh thee, but hearing no yol ee of tile stranger rOll sed him. sound of bUlY hand. he will " Go In lhls thy mIght. Gideon, anll lurely pass thee by. For God . tholl ehnlt ba,'O I srael trom the hhnd always plokl his workers from of lbe lI1ldianltcs; ha\'e not I sent thee ?" among thoae who lerve In the homely duties of the moment "Wherewlth sbal1 I savc I srael?" 8e faithfully aa thoug;, they p.:tel altn II Gideon Incnl dulousl y. "Bewere the only thIngs to be hold my tamlly Is poor In ManDsseh, done. ,and r am tbe l e as~ lin my (lither's house." . Agoln ame tbe t.:on!ldcDt r eply 01 tb e t ranger : THE STORY. HE slIn had seL and the eveDlng "SlIrely I will be with thee. and s hadOWS w ere cr eplng over the lholl shal t smite tbe Mldlallites as '1'0 the UlAn who was one man ." Ia.nd scape. pI ck ing his way acrOS8. tho Oelds the l'be hart ot Gideon l eaped wHhln darkening face of nature s 'emell blm as th stranger thus cO.utlnlled 'Iul te I n harUlony wltb h is Illner Slate 10 address hIm. "Could lllls b e the or mlnll. He k icked with II1 .t e m ~ Lortl blmsel f? " b e ask d himself. and pe,red Impptll'nec at the cl od 8 ot then euger to tes,t hIm and know eanh I y ln ~ II I'll and tb re as he that of a SlIrety It \\'8!! the L<lrd who pasHcd. mullerlng as ho did so: was speakIn g wl l h him he looked UII "That (or the thIeving Mldlanltes. holt al'lpeallnglY, anti Euld. In (altal'ln g w e always to SUI'fCI' ut th eir voIce : , hllltd,S'!" And b o IIftcd his eyes to. now r haye (0110,1 grace In UIY ' wlIl'ds thc II av fl S li S he spoke as' si ght. lIl!m sh ow m e 11 sig n that thou thollgh h e Iuoked fu ,' a ll!; '''l'r rrom the tolke st with lIIe. Dell art not honce, 61al:8 whl It WOI' at tha,t ulOip ent I p r ay I.h oo. un t il r come ur~o t.hep. COIning out one b)' one. and, bring rorLlI my lJrcse nt snd set 1\ "W ll." he cOlltlnnu ctl , as It IJas . beror Lhl!c," Wltb quiet dl f,'IIlty came t be r~ t neff ll l~ sleps. " th ey will not , gL.t the l';ruln 1 have se l'l'ele d IInril by Ihe ply : thrl.'s hing floor. Th ey would .not " I will Inl"1' unlil than co me think t'o iuok behind a 'wino prpss. again." !tllli WI' wIll be ubl e to SIII' O al least )\011 Cldeon hAs tened awa.yand marie Ihls milch or the crop." I' lI<ly a ki d and lI11h!al'~n e d ouk A o! an CI)huh oi f1ollr: lh e flesh he Pllt 1Ie I )Ud rea ch ed lh o gr eat oak ' In a bns k ~I tlIlll h put the broth In II :Whic h s tood by Ill, 10flY ro ck out . of Whi c h had been h e wn th t _ pot anti b ro nght I t li mo the slI'Qnger . e I\l!;C :lIldcr th ~ oa k lind IIresllnted It to him wille v~ I S, oll a alJo"e lh o olher ami I '1'1 I d I I hi . I l en /. ac~c;; ~:co II w ~ I S Inslrnc· hc (1:111 :,' t1 and len ned u!;:llll ~ t' tho! gnarl;!d I r llnk, ton s I t oo es . n nd n, un· " avened cuk es Rnd Il1ld th elD ullon " J 0 111 glat! I cam e. aft ~ r all," 'h e lhe roell end poured out th e broLh, " I gave Ih e continued 10 hllJl selr. and then while be beh eld the strllnger ·r.lldlnnl les tb e slip that tim". I nm r eached rortb his starr antI lmll!hed cer tn i n !\'ol \'el'Y .pl'Dso lrt spendln!; the olterlng anti behold t here r090 the ni ght h ~fe In IhlH pla ct'. but 1 fire Ollt 01 Ihe rock and con sumed It. 8hull be reUtly II) \Il'gltl lllC~ lhrl'shlng And cven ~\' hlle Gideon bebeld. tho in Ihe eal'ly IIII)rolll l;. It would not Lo rd- for nnw he kne w It wa s lIonc hn\' bc:p.n so ensy 10 get <lwa y to. other than h ~8rOBe and .i1 eparted m urrow. for IhoRe raserilly Mldlanltll8 ont of bl s 'sigh t. ~re alwa YB on ,ti)e walch to di scover . Oldeon f ejl UllOO bill face, a gJ'!'al Ollr secret I\I(,TCS. " A ud u h eav)' f "ar bei ng upon hla, al!d h o cried slg~ eS~a l)ed hllll nt Ihe :hought of Ollt: ' all tbe dlsl reSB nDd 0PPI'csijlou which "Alas. '0 Lord God! ror !.J'!('UU3e I I flI'8el \\'o~ IlIltrerlllg :It the band s hnve seen Ihee race 10 fnoe." or I hell' 81 rong ~nt'I11)', But even whlle b e lay Ih ere t rem. :' nUL I slI .. pose It Is US th e prophet hllng Lher> cattle a voice frOm auon aaid: ISrRoI halh Slllll d and forsaken him. sayi ng : tilt' 'Gorl whloh bl'Olu;ht tbem UtI out "Pi!n<le be unto thee; fear not; of ~)gl·\l t." and nttleon r membered thou shalt not die." A . qul t' t peace \\·ith troulJled ·consclence tbe altar lind conntlt>n,co 8tole .I rito hIs heart. whl cb I> 12,own falh er hoLi set up to lie arose and ' bullded an nlLUr and Bani , and the ·gron! he bad ,planted. worshiped, saying: '" For irJllsmncb To be slII'e it had won the [a,\'or ot os h e hath rall('d me to deliver bl. t he lJePIlJ(' of Oph,r llit Who came U11ll1. J ueo,?le." '--'-
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"Bill the Sneaks" Cetaway By Elliot Flower ('('1'),,'1 ,l l . b)' J.)" IIh U , \J.) I'\e~.)
Tht' hOll so eel'lnlnl y se IIllld to bl' we WIIS u('atl w o'd b flillfn' Inlo tin 'nnl. II Iilllllu n f amily had moved I))steud of I'llmbh\' Into It. ' I'he higher out Ulld no Othel' bumnn fnmll y hud w /(0 tb worse tt !filS." yot 1)l01' din . Nllturnll y, "nll! Ih,· " flow do II' Imow - I f w '1'1' cI 1I11?" ,II C!lIk" took no aecount of fumlli es nBI(O'" Hill. "\\'o IlI:lV be gOlo" do\\,n IhuL Wel'U nnt huma!l. 11111 had n '. r tl 11 Ih tim WO're tlr~nmlu' wo 'rll goqllJred tll IIIUel' part o f HI!-.oam In'-U ." , through his allllity t.o ~ n euk Into h O \l ~ s " But we nln't dflatl !." enll.! PI'l!. lJ,Id flurloln suoh artlul es 11S might · b' 1I11l1rll y, (or "lIlll 'how anHel' 6COlnl!II to wtthlll eas)' r~dl . 11 dill not rOIlI{ ' I,·ss n hl ~ OWII Iluslendlll ' 8S. well with l hl I·IJ~. Dill.! h c nalllly " Th II 1l"I'U'R 11 Iwll OU nrth. Io l;c did tlot J'Uuk well with I! OneSl J"' <lfll c. folks bns snld." 1111nOllli 'cd Bill. " lInL 'rhe Lhl " .l'~ c tlsld erQoI hi s olll'rutions i lt don'L 8t! ' III rlll·ltl to 1Ill'. I fI '~u r loa pell y 10 r~' llcfl OilY I'r l ilt on hi 111. lhal I III d y'st.·relay IIfl ' rnOtln wit n an d th '" hllllE'St P upl\) co n ~ld I' d hIli I was fe lln' lit:) llI en n. nn' now w (,'1'<' ol,{'rutl,uu!,\ of II nuture to re lll'ct dis· I lu ihc \'e stllmlc. Suy! lIlIt II'S gul u ' crt'lli t on t.\nyone. he II wful when the lIevll opell!! III lJllt fl ll! sa w tbe old tpnonts moving doOl" 'all 't WI' go bul; ?" Jlllt IJf I be hnuse anll n o . new t JlUIl ~ '· :'\uw,. see h('l'. 1'. lI1!" f'xl'l u i m d llluI'ln~ In. true. a r w lxIxctl and P t , " yo u PI' Uy !J )lIr IlC)L me liU '8 l'l'alrs W,'I'O I CI ih ('I'!'. lind n IIIl1n and I wOuldn't' lIar Iilek a dl'lIwnd rIng 1\ womnn follow II theUl Dnd I'emaln t1 ott the floot', un' Ir sOllie f 1101' Rul<l III th e h ou ~e ro r all lllJllI' or so, hul Il 'Dool' I ' d 1')111111) m y h ·ad on a litul'. waH \'Id 'lit that t h y hud 110 Inl 1111011 1\1 be 10ul;lll' to lion a I'ed Ulan with or OCClll] ),ln/); It thllt night. lnd ed, IIl1l hOI'U8 nu' II tllll, If I t WllsO't WI' one heard the wOlll nn say, dl sdalnrull y: I thing," " It will be two dll ),s brtorc that house " What's Ih llt!" · jl sl<ed Dill. 10 II I for hUlllllJl habit ullO\I." ijlll "'r hel'o aln't no Mnc ror dldn't Sllclliot as to whaL might Ull· nool's duwlI t o hi s plnc ." !Jill toolc j) knlf rrom bin 1'0~k()t. d01'1I tbl s I'emnrk ; h e dldn'L much rar!', TIlt' unly poInt thn t Impressed cut f\ 1)leco fmm bno of Ihe ateps at hIm wns thnt lhe bou s wou i ti' b l 1\. \ he lJaselllent s l all' • fi nt,} gil I'e It deep sIgh of rElll cr. an U' R rol' Ut l eusL 0110 nIght. Now , hou ~es have 1.lumblng. anti "It's renl wand: Pel e," h e snh\' IUllk deal ·)·s buy lJlumblng. A vacanl " I. l'S make auo hoI' try a t the flrst ' bouse has be n Imowil to hu,'e mOSl 11001'." ot li s water pipes rlp lJed out In a " \\' ' I'e havln ' tit devil or a. tim , Rl n!;le IIlgbt. In addHloJl to whl ~h th Pfole." cOlllplalne\) \Jill. gas J'al1g \\'as enl'led aw ay. \'oMous In' 1'lghl ' lIhOllt It yet. M ebbe W · ollly dOlllclmlJle partH of the furnaoe r· muv d. and num erous fi xtures laken. Jt wou l tl lI0 t be full' to n ell s Hill ot suc h exlen slvo \' t\IH\Rl!slll a~ t.hls, b . CRuse ntll h ad not ' tho n erve to reo maIn l ong tmollgh lit work. but any· ltJlng t hilt cl)IIld be t'emov d Insld or nn hO\l r \\'o\lld be right In Olll's lin . And th re were c~ates and ho es thut might contain many thln gif t \·alu e. Hili arralghtway went In arch of "GUill, 'hoe Pete." who (avor d tbe 11m ' lin or w ork and was ju t about 'lS mll ob Of a coward. P lo sa w at .)nce i hn t rht'1' weI' IIpl Il(lId ppor· tm: ltlcs In lh vaeonl house, so It was ageE' d thal th I' shOUld b .. 001 thin doIng" tbal nIg ht. !lilt. at hp. very moment t!Jut mil amI Pete wero dlscuss ln~ Ihe vaeunt house, the WOI))' an who · had b ell thlll' In Ihe IIrl er· noon wus complaining t o tit man b ' . cali se It wa s l ennllted . " YOII call't, fool me!" ah tI clar tI. I'v IIv d In flnts I Otlg enough t o knOw th S!.gllS. and tbe "ery conditIons show lhal th old tenanls wer n 810\'· eoly rowd. There are bugs In lbat hOlls ." " Th'e r said Fell ' Over Each ' Other and Rolled lh man Down Stai rs. PI' tty nearlY overoome my se w Ie , r WlIS lighting that last 811l pllllr can. d I t wa s 'WO!!,I, an' It WAS ashes· tile:'" lOS all tbe time." ")'m lakIng no cbances," asserted' "It aln·t hot.. 1'8 It ?" demanded Pet.e. "I'm sweatln' pretty ~lIlrd." I'opllod the woman. "'( woull.! not mov Into lhe house until It has b een thorough· Bill. Iy fumigated. Of course. we are run · " So ' 01 I ," atlmlU d Pt. " but It nln g a rIsk In l eavIng the crat es nnt! aln't I\en t. YOIl got me n 1'\'011$." boxes there,' but I~ cao't be helped. H "A n ' my eyes Is smartln'," addl'd anyone breaks In-:-" 0111. "I bel you. we're I.!aad, an' we "H eo ven help 111m!" Interjected tbe ain' t got the seo se to Imow It. There man. aln·t n o such IJla e as- this on arth." "At allY rate." aal d the woman. " we " Sbut lip!" ordered Pete. " If we !lre doIng wbat we cun to discourage was where YOIl thInk we lire. w e'd bl! any obJectlonable OccullllnUl t bat It sco.rchln ' ho t.-real BCorchln' an' blls. Illny ha" e!' lerln·... · ThI s cam paIgn' for h ealth . and com· "But the aull'oollhn' sllIeH, Pele, an' rort. wb lch every truo hOllsewlfo In· t he chol(\n·. au ' the 8Illo'n ln' yes. J varlnlil.y undertakes when she rollows lell you, we'l'e dead on' beln' traIned In th walle of an unllOowo ramll)" asy fOl' the bIg show. We got to \\'as something b eyond th ken: of' be worked \1(1 so's we cnn stand It. 0111 and Pte; It n ever vt'n oc('ur· Elven th'" devll wouldn·t give a teller red to lhe.m. when they were fo.-olng the lhirty.thlrd degree right ott." Il ba sement wlOdow. that suoh . things Pete waver d. His own eyes were were done. But, when Bill !lnally put !lmartln!!" his own tbroat Wll8 hot and LlIIl h est! In at the opened wIndow. tlry, hI s 'own breathing waB dl there was so mething lbot troubled and painful. and his own ml'nd was him greatly. . The candles were burn· l!:leQual to the task of deciding tbe Ing on the upper 1I00rs. but sulpbur cause Of Oil s chOking, sulphm'ous al . lli pen etrating.. . mOSI)ber e. But he remembered tbe "Pete." said Bill, "that tlon't smell cl'Rlea and boxes. ' "We gal to sell wllnt tbere I s," right to m e." "Aw. g' wan!" ord ered Pele, gIving 'he Sl\ld, "We'll mak(J a 1'lIn 10 the Bill a flush that ·sent him 'tnto the second !loor. smash In t h e ~ox es nil' basemenJ. Th en P ' te put h Is own then glt alit," ilead tbrOligh the willdow , !lnd Imme:lIately therearte r tried to withdraw "It'S brIIllHtone." complaIned Bill . t; but 13111. IIl\Vlng r egalnl'e1 hIs 1 t. " They don' neell notbln' 01'90 In this ~1\ugh t hll11 by the sholllders and place, l tell YOII. Pete. w 're d ead. yank ed him In . 111\' lhe d evll's maldn' 'us ('ohoa l'se our olll HI ks. Th Ink of havln' to rob "1'h ere 's goln' to he Iwo of li S wb en h('11 Or SIlII)hllr!" Ihe dO\' l1 ca lls tbe 1'011," ann ounced Dill. Thus 0111 \\'hlnet!. but h e followptl SItting on the floor, where theY'had Pete: because he wos RYl'Illd to do ·all en . th ey snIffed. nnd t h \3u looked nt anything Ise. Tiley ('ushed lip Ihe ~ach oth r liS w II a s' they ' eOlild In ,stlllrll !lnll bUI'st Ollen n b droom door. the glonm . Bill sOllneled the fl oor wllh "'fhe IlIsld !l furnace!" l'olled :Bill. he h epl of his boot Ilnd flnnlly pu t " He's got liS now .'1 lis n o:o to a crack. H c nn.l.urally look Th ey gasv ed, cholled. closed tbelr t for granted that the [urnes came ' smarUng eyes, bucllcd out. [ell over 'rom below. ' eac h oth I', and rolled down Ilt e sta Irs. "\\'isht we' d broke In h l&h~r 11(1." Still hulf crazed , they got to t.'le door )C whlsPl!red busklly. "Thls Is too to the basement, st ull'S "atill ' rolled down lcar. " t hem IIlao. At t he window by which "en' st munt be migh ty thIn,'" Bug- thoy had eotered two policem en . were (est.ed Pete, "It It bust s, we're gon. waWng. ' !rs, L eL's glt outl" " We've got you'" cried the pollee"S.s·~h ~" cuuUonad Dill, ri Sing and men. peelJlng Oilt ·ot the wlnduw: "There'a. "'1lbank 'Hea.ven tor that!" ex. l 'cop at the' corner." C llllltl~d Bill. "I.cL·s glt ujlstalrs. any how ... · urged ' '''Tal;e Us," !lnld Pet e, an he penn It· ?eta. "Evr.n In my human b orne I ted hImself to be pulled Qut of tbe level' did like beln' too c lose to the window. "YOII dltin 't mnkli your ge taway." :urnac ," H e made for tbe stairs. and Bll! fol· laughed one of Ihe 110llcomen. owed : but they ataggeretl baCK wben " That's just \Vbs.t we're dolo' now!" :bey opened the door \.0 the main hall. orjed Bill Ilnd Pele. "an' no other fel. "We're th ere!" groaned Dill. le1'8 ever gut 80 close an' come back." . "No. we aln'l,~ ·asser\.erl ,Pe te. "It To t he. great Burprlse or the polleelon't work right for that" 11'1 en. t hese two malefactors 8Mm ed tn " Oh. ;"0'1'0 there!" InsIsted Bill , dis· derive great comfort anI! satt',factioll ~11!J11". '1 wontler When we diet!. J (rom' temporary BRHCHllaUon with th«' )o/i t re~u embC't dylo', Pele, do yoaT representative!, of !Juman law. . "It came neal' belD: \\C>I'l.o." Uae:1 .:!ut w" tlllrt' died or we wouldn't he "Shut upl" commend d Pete. "11, laid.
W. A, lIfltcbell, dealer In gene merohandlse. Martin, Oa .• w rIte : "My wife los t In w Igbt from l ~ O to G8 DouotiS. Wo saw sho could not II v ,long. Sho was a sKt'l eton. 90 we consultotl an old Il hyslclan . He told h r to I ry Perulla. "She gradulill y comm .need 1m· proving n.nd gl)llIng 11 Nul strength. Sho now w elgb a lOG pOllnds. She Is gainIng ev ry da y , anel does h r Own h ouse work nod cOOIIIOg," He that gives good advl e. bu lltl ~ wltb one bllod: be that gl" s d cOlln s!!J anll example, b\lllds wH,h both : bllt he lbat gives good adnl\lnl' tlon anti bad exampl e, buil ds with un .. blind ead pulls dowli wllh the oLher .-
DUCoD, A MID.WINTER VERDICT. "ari ght Sunlhlne All W inter," Is 'Whh a We.tern Canada Lady Says. Mliidalone, Sank,. Can ad • Feb .•• 190~. C. J. Brougbton. Esq., CanadIan Govorument Agent, Chicago, lIl. Deat'Slr : BIng 80 well pIllaged with Canada we wish m y tllUl er nnd brotlter to come ltere. Will YOU please send lhem readin g matter on annda. . We bave !>een hero nearly a ~' eu l' and are dellghtf,!d wi th lhls counlry. W e have III' d 10 ll)ln ols. lOll'S, and . Mlchlgn.n and we flntl Cannd" away ahend ot IIny of them. We bave h 11 bright sunshine all wln~er ao far, ),nlY two nice, casy snow storma. If It was not all I'lght YOII know I .would not want my ta tb er nnd brother to como here, but we think It Is grand. Y ours Iruly. (Signed) MRS. ED. TRO PE. AU tbl "lrtue dictates, 4an to 40. -Malon, '
Paint Itls'good business to J'eep pmp,erly "toned up,"
PurcWhito Lead Paint
ma.kea not. on ly thlnil looJc betle~ and give s them. higher selling nlue, bu~ it makes thln{l5 wear belter and glve~ them a IliCher \' ~ Iuc ,Cor long wear. Pure Wbite Lead give. an opaqne; dUl'lIble coat , proteCI. alJd pre. SlCrves Crom tbe rllv:tges OClimo~ and wcather. '. P:rospecIiYC. buyers o~ Pure ' White Lead bave, !luctor"re been subject to milch atlempteq fraud ill adilltualion and IUb. stitution. \ 'ou are now pro.. tecled by the Dulch noy trade mark which i. founJ On the . Ide of kegs c:ontaiitillg ouly Pure Wliite Lead, made by tbe Old DulCh Prncess. . . Lodk fur tl,,' boy.
,.~";f"uc:,?~!:t~; . :t\:=. O~l:: l'~:: apeA f'OClUOIL.
,...-.,oAimrr .r 'b hUo.,
'" 1(_ York
~/rI~. I • .. ,.,.,,,
.,u.. 01_ . ..01,
O\DGh'.~I~' lit. """ie.l'~:.:.':'.:Il .laIaloloh:r. • 1_, "_ B..-. UoF.) 1JI ..1oaa1
ou OD.1
bellor to call uJlon OQr :r.:~1 doa l ~r ar.<l l ook over h lR dtoelc wner W' oao 9 f' '' tho good a b ' for buying. T be re are then no r,'ll l' In cb ~ng 0 or r e· fun ds to b o haggl ed O\'e. ucross a :lO()· 0111 0 slretch . YcP, It Is bClt l cr to t r ad o at It<:> me. Our homo 'm cr ch unt 'I3 gUll l'A n tco .upon ao nrticl e m enns sOlll ethlng, us h" wan t s our good 'xi iI. K cell ing th" mO:lcy at I.orn e b(!Ilc fHs bam Indus, 1'1 sand lhllS, Indlre.clly , us. W o r unaot expect In sell ou.r produ.ct s to t ho locnl m er ohnnt and ,Jo our lradlng In h lcngo. It Is all on e·sllied n nd some tlmo wo would lin vo no local merchant to do Ollr buying. atlli ogue' bouses, J[ have f Ollnd from bitter experi ences, are trlcl,y. rr th 080 who are d alln g with lhr m will wat(, h t holr purchases, th y will find It 80 soon er or l aler , Ou r l ast deal, hod It occurred h \l re at boOme, would ha ve been straightened Ollt In fi ve mlnute~ and without feeling. but. with you It lakes me all winter to get my money back whon the good:s are not satlsra,,tor)\ and even then I get on ly a credit cnrrt wblch Is lost th rough st ud ied carelessness llpon t h e part of 80m one In your conccrn 110 thaI J ba vo notb· Ing to sh Qw fo r my c laim . Every man should! ~rade nt h ome If condl tluns admit of purchasing a good articl e at' reasonable prices. It not, t hen be bad better trade al I be n ex t town or clly th~l liIl s Jponey may go to build up th countl'Y around him. H e send s It to Cbl cllgo that It may go Inm IlroOts o( some bl matl.orl1 er bouse until t h ere i s enough suck er mon oy to build and endow som grC!at charitable Instituti o n as a m onumrn t to the greatn 9S of t.h e m all-order mlln and the g ulliblenoss of the easy pu\). IIc: . 1 h ave 'already asl(ed that ),ou artjll st tbe matte r ot our l a st deal. I want my nl on ey re ~ urned withou t further
' 11.
, rr
un ' on c ' ha'd lold m e sucll u thing, { wonlll n'L bav boll v d tlI m . t C0I11'8~' I WOUldn't hUv' l et on ttiu t I L'V' w re ulterlu&" a r eul (al sebood, bilL I 'd hu\'e hurl m y OW Il oplnlon abollt I t.. Out wh n II. thing ] }appenll to YOlIl 'lit;>rf, you can ' ~ hllve nny dou bt o ",h ul t'\' I. TIJ r o' s no use arguIng the 'mal lor. It happen d, and--'woll, you Ii III !\\' It. Or cou r se sOlll e talks can say ."\lU dr enmt It , or per halls tbey will lI ~ te n nicely UII you al'e thl'ol\gh, flnd tll n go awuy mi d not b lie\" a word of It, I blLve my oplulon ot such tolk s. ). b ud bll ugbt out furni sh d h ouses Indeed, I huve !Iud liP a before. l it lie Ul OI1 y In tbe bunk from b nylo g .tbo ri ,r nlLure In hOllije8 and tb en ti rl ylug I hln ~8' up an,d ' getting all the room s re nted, and afterward s sellin DUL Soma p op le envy .you und ~Ol' you aligh t to be very tbanktlll that you oon do bu siness wtthou t having to pay ~n y me ,. nt. but you bave to bav you r oUl 0 In i :our ' b end , j ust tb e ~al\1I\, lind unless YOIl or very cal' tul ruu It r apt (0 lo se YO\ll' 1Il0noy, Bome· li m os !n the strangest way. !,lut 1 Jon' t Ihlnk anybody ever l o:!t mon ey I n "uch a strang e wuy 8S 1 did. l lost nearly '700, or I've a8 w 1\ as 10 . t It, for [ stili llllvO the furni ture ou my hands, and 1 Bill 811 r e n CKt to beurlllil how ol b ar fI oplo IIll1k money fo lkli Ilk 10 heal' how oth er people ba \'e lu~t mooey. '1'hat III, I'COllle not In y IIII' ow n famHy. '1'h r were seven roorus In the h Oll ar, b aides the kltch II, and as t hr r was runnIng Wale I' .I n all the filum • I h y all co uld be entered right [ I'()m Iho Imllwny. and good, big c l08' et h, lind Dice opon plumbing, I telt I wou ldn 't be laking any r i sks In buy. IuS; tbo l urnltu r and I' selllu g,
Mer cy ! ' Vhl'n had Unl sh d rene!Ing I t ( wus r eal n el·VO I1S. I t was like a Mtran gl) mUII's flLCI' starin g at you from a III'Uour d . " Poor thing !" l exclulm d, aud th en 1 wanted lIorne one to Pll t U ohull' lin II r mc qui k , That awful l ett I' couldn lt mean that wbot r hnd 1IIIId $1 0 f or WIlS as g ood n ~ worth l esR, I snatched UI) tl] O vaso ou d examin ed Il olosely . Goodn ess! lbere Willi II. gr lit cruck ruunlng Its who: e l ength, but so Cllr tully m ond ed ' nn'.1 gnm-glued wgCllher)' u woul dn 't banf· ly hnve bell 6ved It. 1 tell YO Il 1 was SCQred and an .;\'Y ond' ln dl gnant all at once. aod 1 bega:'l examini ng thln b"!!. Tb e truth WUII m9re dl'eadflll than Ol e Bcnre. ] beat m y beart to keep It do~n . 'fbem wllKn 't a solitary single t hing In 11:4 that house bu t what bad beon broke n or Cll stralgb t t hrougb. IInLi tbCll1 [U(lod ed. Mtm d iJ ~ o clI,'erully It would have L1ec Ived n ijnlnl. T h e madman wll o had wrl tl n thi s leU ol' had deULc rut ol y gone ab lit and bad everytblng , everylhl n g, e,' en Ih (1111 no. In lho who l house broke n or sawed 111 two, lind afterword s mendd, RDd then, bad shut the Iloor l ady 1111 there till her heart had bl'okeD , and nobOdy could m end thaI:' No wondOr tile. 11001' thin g' s beart broke, to know thot 011 of tbat beautlful furniture WIlS a delusion and a snar e. It would have broken any woman's h earl. I w nl stral gbt down to the l awyer WIUI t he l otter, but h IlIl d gon e I1W8Y on his " lIca tlon , and t h e lIext week be WIUI ahot by a fl'lend for 8 deer. und died , lIod [ dreucl seiling tbat fur· nltur e like J would a dagger Lhat hatl Blabbecl some poor, Innocent woman to d atb, Bosldes, I f I sho\lld sell out Without saying anything about Its ~'as true coodltlQn, th e buyer cou ld come I eaw t.b landlord, and II ~ back on me for Ills money. Wbat .agreeable to l et any ·(l oe toko t.ho am 1 to do? 1>ll1e al the same rent, and there WIUI _ _ __ _ _ _ a lItllo Fr nch-Iooklng . woman who HE KNEW HI8 WIFE. lI'ulk d rll:\ht uncl or m y nOlie, as J w 'nt back to examine the turnlture ColOnel Sure Her Influence Would lb. s e~o nd time, and tri ed to buy lhe carll (s (rom under m y very f eet, Opon Hea,!en's Gat"s for Him,
whi ch made me real Bugry and sinbLand. sakes! bu t Home women 'baye no more manner s thon cows, . w hen t ber e's II. bous to be -sold out. Til y 'l l bllY We pr Illest dish In a set , nnt! cllrry It off right then and
Lbf.'re. f '1'he cnrpets fllld fU l'nlf llr o W re elep;an f. aud ven ' tbl ng seemed ns goo(1 as n " ', ]od ed, tblngs hadn't hordly Il 1.' 11 \18 d. Th e law)' I' told m nil abo ut It. Tbe Ind>' ",ho bad owned th III bad just died . She bad li ved t h 1'0, shut up all alaI) , (or two y ars, nd whea I questioned him right sharp Uk to lellm .1f she had died of any contaglolls sickness, h e 811,1d: No, 1!1le bad til d o f a broken h eo r t. . I ~ Wfi S sbocklng to II ar him soy th at. aud I r It r ea l sorry rot the poor r eotur, b ut th e furnitur would not be ony worse (01' b I' h8vlng died lhllt wny, so at last 1 said I would tuko It, 1 paid down $50 us n de. l'o~lt, and 1 t ell you It did my prid e Yood t il 1\ e tbat lillie Frencn (lOlly· W oo h nve to go aWlly wltbout puUl ug up .t.b cru'l)eI 8 fl'om lind r m y t eet. Th ' next day I paid t h e l aw y er tb e blilunce-$700 In all, f!lr It wos ele. gou t f llrnlture, . wi th one fin e, big plano-and tben I ad" 'ttlsed It. Count· ln ~ all expenses, like advertl slng,and II month·s rent, and other things, t f IL conOdent ' 1 could clellr at teast
Blaholl Talbot , for years the "cow· boy blshoD" ot WYllm lng and Idaho, bu t now bililrop or centl'al Pennsylvlmla, otlen (ound hlm!;elt facM b)' Imn8unl rroh l enlH In h ts life \n t be plone r wesl. . H re 13 one cif Lhe bost o[ amu sing oncs described by li lm In his recentl y publlsbed book of r em Inl scences : At the close ot one of bl s m eellnl't8 a man who was kn!>wn aM Ihe " cOloo I" anld to h im qullllly : . "I sboul d like to as!;: .\'OU a f ew qu 5tlon I f y ou do no~ object" " L shall be only too glod to anow r ' th em I t I call, . olonel. Pl ease pro· c d." "Well , bl s110 11, do you think my wife Is II. good \\'om lln?" " Oneo t be b Hel have v el' !tnown." "On yO\l t lllnl{ she Is II. Chrlatla,n 1" " I f she Is qO[ I shollld doubt whot h· er any o( u s could be so con slder od." " ' Veil , .n ow, do rou think Hbo ~\' 1I 1
'['Iw a(l\'ert!sement would tlot a~· peal' \Inti! S\lndoy, and so 1 plonn4;ld to sp OIl Saturday making ~vo\"Y1ltlng look spl ck and , span. Never sban ( COI'got that,Saturday! N ever, tbougb I tumid live to be a hUlldred •yearn old ! It wos 11 brlgb t, cl ear day, and I relL certain It would not rain SuplIay Dud k eep an1'one away. and I went .a1)Oll t m y ·..... ork alnglng to myself. TbflfO was a fine, large vase on the 'parlor mantel, ",'blch had 'pleased me mal' tbtln I had let on, and w,llen I too k It down and h em .It III my band. I gre w real covetous. 1 thollght . l wOI; ld try to r eserve It, or, better SllI, bide jt away , ' for It doesn' t do to l et bllyers sse tblngs sround tbat y~~
1'0 going tc reserve rut' ybUl'selt.
m akes them act m ean somellmes, al t hou';h one .hadu't a right to resetve t heir O1\'n property. ' . " fhe n eck was narrow, but 1 oou!t, seo there was a !etter In the vase, ' 90 1 tU l'ned It upside down antI managed t o balf shake n.nd balf pull 'the lett l' out. Of' oo urse [ dldn't want any old 'letters l y ing around. 'People might thlak Illey "'belonged W me, as l' was selling llle things, and Ihon, tuo, perhaps I was the l eas t bit cllrlous. I Maybo th e 'Iettor had been writt~n t o tbe poor creature who Ilad died ot a broken. hellrt, und 1 wondered what . kind ot l ette rs sucb a person might r eceive." It wasn 't oxac tly. a loll 1', f or th ere was .no stamp on t ' IIviJlop'e: but just a private note. • rltten In a ouin's band, a'tM! 118 tho person was, dead: J thou ght It \\,o\lld do no harm Ji;J glance at It. :pcrhlll) you would m.:e to seo, ~t tor YOllrsel . Well, It's he~e ' ln the back> o( tbls' drawer, and If, It weren't, .1 aUl 8uro 1 couid tell you just :wbat It I s, for every :word was Impressed OD my mind torever. Listen! " As YOIl lleem perfect but. yet are ralllE', 80 every obj~t In tbis hou... where £' shall compel )'OU to live f01' l ,,1) yean, ' tbot.\Kh seemingly perfect, II secret171lawed. Tbi. sban be your punlahment-to Uye dar to 411 amldlt tlllD.a wblcb are tYpes J'OV chiU'lICter, ruenD,"
6oo ~e r
OI'Y"IWh l, lJy Da lly Swt)' P ub. Co.)
mnko It ?" "Ho\\, Is that. enl on el ?" "Do you Ihlnl! my wlf will gel In ?" SUIl dll t ermln ed not to uPfI Ill' to dl\'llle his meaning, Iho bi shop said: "rJxcllse Ule, co lolle l , bill pl ease ~x· plnln." '"I si m ply m ean lhis, blaholl : D o you tblnk tllUt St: P t r will l e t tbe old lady po 8 throu gh Ole pearly gal es?" " j have not a dOllbl of 'It, colonel." "Then YOIl think U,at YOIl can glial" antee th a t she will get In~" "So far 8S my opinion Is worl h any· lhlng, I cannot tor a momont Ques· tlon It." " Well , then, If tbnt Is so I do not UlInk I shall be conllrmed. In fact, ( do not s e tbat '1 ,n eed to be. You Hee, bl sbop, It I s just this way: If .the old lady gets In ond they lock tile door against Ule old man sbe will 81 1l111ly raise Cain unW she gets m e l et In. And' sbe's 81lre to ~ucceed ." It w~s In vain that the hl.shol) tried to convince him the fuUllt y of sucb an argument. HIs faith In bl s wlfe's Infinence was t oo str ong to be shaken by an ything the olerln'mall could allege, !
or Later It T ea~ he s Every Ma II Order Pa~ron tho E rror of Send Ing H is Money r rom Home,
The 1I)etho.l s o f the mnU.ord er. b OllHcn ul'e I.bel r wor st adverti sement. Soon r 01' lal <'r th c r e will com e a lime In tbo XII rlcnce ot ev ry purcha!!er <if their good s wb c n lie will wish "he b adn 't dol'O IL," WI)(l1I be will wish h e bad Silent bls money with hili I)omo m erchants : 'rbl s Is Dol only because b e will see th e ruin wrought 10 his own communi t y by t be Dotllr.loll8 prao· tl ce ot Hen d l ng the money ot tho comm ilnlty to tb'e Ity, but nl so b\lcause of the pracllces ot the mall order cancern s. The s ory III t.b e catal oglle sounds w ell. I t 'Sound s III!e YOIl ' would get tb e IdenLtcal th i ng you wanted and at a much lo wer pr ice than you )lad Imagi n ed I t c01lld be bought tor, and yo u order I t. T he pur has srrlvos nnd wh c li op en d you feei tbat !lome mistak e bl1ll been m atiI', that th e coo cern ha\l se n t you the wrong goods: It I s n ot what y ou ord ered . Ah, hu It I s! Tb dUrer nce Isb . t\Veen th wa y: l 1\ 'lually looks and tb e way it Bounds In the . catal ogue, Y ou ex plain tha t the goods you receI ved Is not wbat you ord red alld allk for nn accounting, and are told that It 18 you that 18 In error, that you got jll>lL wh at you ordered . and then y ou Bre \vlse you buy of the
The one aure method of curbIng the mall-order gl."t Is to bind hIm with the thongs of home patronage, Are you helpi ng In thl ll work 7 ' Are you ~p"ndlng your money at home and helpIng your town tg, grow, Qr aro you .end lng It to the cl t.y to .well the fortunee of the mall-ordt!r rna" f
h oma merchant n ext tlm p, nnd k now ?ibM ' yOU get wh n you pails over th e m oney tor It. lI e may not be Rbl e to sell you wb at you tho ught ~' O\l We)'e buying fronl t,h mail-order house at the cat alogu o price, bllt be can sell you , It h e has It, the snme goods yOI: get from the mall·ord er h OIl& 8 at nn . equal 0 ,' I ss p r l cc than th ey ask tor It, and wh at l !j mo re, b e can sell YOIl wha you r eally want a t ns r easonabl o a III1ce 'as you can get it for el so· ",bere. The toll owing Leltcr. wrlttcn by a Mlchlgnn ( arm er, )(plalns I n a cl enr an d unllllst:\kabl e way th e danger or bu ying ot mall·ordor concerns. It W RS addr gBlld to one of the laq,;est of this class uf Inslilullon In thi s countn' : BaldwIn, Mlcb., Jan, 12, 1007. . Gentlem en : 1 have your tavo ~ of r e enl'date, and al so your catnlogu es and ac om. panylng circulars olTerlng prem'l ums (\)1' dlstrlbuUo n of tile same among my (rlends, I have no doubt that, as you 110)', 1 will ther eby (lonrer a great taVOl' upon you , but I am compelled to take Issue with you on .tbe slatem ent tbat 1 will ",Iso conteI' a favor upon UlY (tlends, 10 my der-lings with you , extending over some time past. 1 ha\'e r eceived . no favors from you-J paid' tor all ] got. and the lengtb of time ( traded with you, Instcad ot establi shing friendlY relations and gaining me ad. dltlonal fa vor as It would In a home Btore, gave YOll the opinion that,un. IIko a n ew cusloiner, to whom you gl\'e YOllr vcry bellt, .so tbey wlII .eome a gain , ( '!I'as a stcady comer and any old tblng \Vould do for me. Our lu st deal opened my e)'es nnd
convince d m e ot your policy.
catalogues o!fer som e apparently great
Supply In the Lower PenInsula Pras. bargain s. 1:IIIt l et u s draw up our ticilly l"oJlhauatlble, chairs and see If there are not II. f ew ._ - , thIngs very essenll!ll \.0 tho ' rural cltl· The lower peninsula ot Mlcblgan Is z~ n t h at are not m eotJoned wltbln Its almost entLrel y undorlald with a voluminous buill . stratum at rock salt averuglng In For Instance, i here 19 no reference ll;llc;l~ess about 3()O re'l )t a n d varyin g to val'lng cos h or elCchan gln g . goods In dellth from GOO to 1,200 feet, sa)'8 .tor wh ent oats , corn, bean ~, butler, the T echnical World. Till s bed of ' eggs and hay. rock 8a lt Is saturated with brine to a How muoh will you pay for cattle, de~ree of ,strength or 84 to' DO per' ceut. sheep and hogs, f . O. b., at B aldwin ? It' .\s practically Ino'x huustlblo, caused .How mu ch \VIII yo u pay to support by a large area of rock Kalt outcrop· tbe Lake count)" s"hools and educate ping In the hottom of Lake HUron the ,our c)llldren7 How 'm\lcb ror Im prov· process seep 6UlllJIying hundreds at 'Jg our r onds and hrldges? For SUII' sal t wells ' with thousands of barrels portlr~ the floor? For tbe ,enerlll pt .brlne (ju.mped out daily. pnbIlcJ;~x\Jense~ . . fn tho citY of Sa;ln'aw thera bal . On what page do you olfer to conjust been oom'p leted and put In opel" tribute mobey to the luppor t 01 our aUon the moat modern salt plant 10 cbul'Cbes? AmerlclI, since advaatage has b een .. Wha t line of credit will you eJ( tend' t.nJieo o f sll lIOW . devices, macbln ry to mo when my money Is low because anll melbods of handling t.he ,prOduct o[ sIckness, or p,oor crops? wpat do tanding to economy ·10 salt making. you provide to tbo way ot ente rtainTh~:ao_ [acto~B an1 that of utilizing the maut for. tbe pU»llc and In the WilY waIte ateam from the Saglnllw Plat& o( providing thOfO tblngs that make a , 81UB eom\>any, of wbloh lb\> aalt plant lown desirable. and thus lIeep up the '1. m adjunct, bave . ~ue<1d tbe cost ' .,..ue ot my proper '." of produ\llnc salt to a Il&u,re IUrprIJIlDII M a malte'r of hclt do 70U do an,., to all aalt exper!-. thlq to help 1ocal11. or do )'OU mer.el), ta~ the m01l8, 'oat 01 a coDlmunlt1, If thou take~ time Into tb.r ablra IIIbmlIDl DOWDII wb.te.,.... be),oD\l It wUl allB)' wnd all thlDp.- the 'IBIu. or tIaa p041 boupt! Think· ,ApoUodorul. . 1M 1& .mr ~. 1 ...... Il Ia
dickering and unless r g t It 1 sball certainly gel I ts equlval nt In advc rtlslng you IUId yo u r methods among tb e l'eOllle or Lake coun t y. Awaltlng . your r eply, ram , Yonrs t rul y , CARL SCHULTZ. W olt Lake, lIr1chlg:an. p, O. E\al dw ln. !IIlcb. 'an YOll, Mr. P Ur chn ser, oot profi t by the experi ence ot olh er s ond tllrn your mqney In to home cban D I s hy trad ing with h onltli lllercbants wll 1'8 you will get a dolla l" s worlb fo r a tl ol · lar. 'or m usl you f o llow the malJ-ord er man's l ead to troubl o for yourself I\l1d destruction f or your community? D o n ot walt t or tbo t e vil L1ay wh n you bave l earned wisdom In tbe '!xpen slv o &<:hool. 'ot persoua l experl encu, but pr oflt by th a t purcbased by oth er s. You will find It f8.r c"'eaper and mo r e satisfactorY In tbEI end: A TurkIsh Health Report. Tho Fren ch government, wlslling to obtain definit e sta.Uslics on points r elallng to certain Tllrklsh pro\' lnces r ec nlly 8ent hlanks with questions lallog to certain Tu r kish provinces, to he answered t~, the Provin Ci al go.yo.m ors. Tbe r epli es r eceived from tbe Pasha of D'lmascn8 are worth Quotlng: . Qucs tlon. Wbo.l I. tbe death rate In youI' l)rovlnce? ' Answe.r. In Dama8<;IIS It Is the will of Allab that all s hould die. Sarno die young and som e c1le old. Q , What I s tbe <lOnual numbor o[ births? A, Ood alone 'oan 80),·_·J do not know, snd hesitate to Inl!lulre, Q . Are the suppllcs of waler suf· flclent and of gOOld quality? . A. From the " r f\motes't period no one bas died In D Amascu8 oC thirst. Oeneral remorks as to the local san · It alloD: Man shoul d not both r himsolr Qr . his bro lher wl t u qucstlons that concern only Gad.
T ill' I:'r, ·{. r l's uILt\ ht:tllll'd f rom • (,lIn,r,,1 " " I.. Il lID Be .1 co rn In Ole 1',... I"II'I1( nl wllr k ar attl'a('U ng a ,'re nl dr:.d 01' '" ((, 11 11[" , 10 hat rOlll n\'e f r lll'U g ro wl II\:. IIlKIH nccs a , ,' rUll orted wlll' rl' lil 1'\'~ lIl1s huv \' hc't'n nlmost STILE FOR BARB-WIRE F£Nt~E. dOIlI,l p Ih ' o rdin ar y prorlll lIll n. 'fhlll I'ery en oll"agln g 10 Lile Arran gement by Which Fence Can Bo !'lInn"l tw f:t I' Illl' I' , 1'01' t hl'r(l I 110 at hur 'DI tho,t Cro~&C!d W i thout Te aring Cl othes, II." w hich he can dn ub le his c ro ll wi th •~vc rY OIl" hll ~ " xp l'i r'n<:N I the nul~· ~u slII ull an XII nr!ltu re . Til t' 1I ~ lI u l nUlllll c r or pl'! k lD I; ,ut an e... f I l ylll" to cross;" uar b'j d wl r o fen rc~ wit bOllt t " ring I.l s c lolhuK or "'.hll t I s 1." 'USIIIll ·j t b 1)(' t h ' gOOd I:>uksCI'al('llllll; hlm ~ If. Tb ' c:ut ~ h t1 wS a 1111': f'a r~ I s g ood Ill! far U!I ~ t g oes. It su te \\'a ~· . Let one I)Ust be 1011 ga r tban h os had so melhln g l~ do with k eepIng tb o rn UJl to th e pres 111 ".bndard_ UII I th r o orc teowl'os n.ot this m etho, l or s , Ie tlon will 1I0t 'e, Ibra e ~. alld be.sld s sonJ e kn ow l dge of \be essc ntlul fealufClI o f a good ear or corn 8bould b obl;;'ined befol'o a !lIm sel tlon can b e mud . ' W e III' t old that In onl I' to . gor a high A'rnd e oC d >\'e IOllmen t, says Oran gr .rudd J~er m 1' , th e Bced p :~"i1 mu st b isolul pd Iwyond- t h 1)0861hllIt y o f Cl'O sl\·polllllalion - from otlmt" 'om ; I1 l1d th llt \>olllll ll tl OIl shoul d be 1) r Ollli od ('lilly t "om til 1II0St de!tltubl ~ . ~ul lk s : null III:\( th e sel ctloo "f se,' ,1 ('ur n Ii ho IIhl U1 ko place III the palc h a l li llie or l1laturlty , solecllng w it h r e fr r 'l H'r 10 both enr ond stalk, The Stile for Barb-W l r" Fence. \\' r a ll kn ow fl'OOl :'r per lepco tbat. I) • (h o r cs t. and nali two croas·pl c s to lI'uol'\lI l1 ary heig h t III th st Ik dO')8 slokus un PILhol' sl,le th tC lIce , us nol cO) ul rlllu l 1' to til 817.0 ot Ibe ear. shown , One ILIl now slep UI' ail e sIde, t haI. It r ell ul r e!! (1111.111 t oa d to sllpport ov c r and down the o th 1'. With ase t h ' Rtu lk t lutl Hhould gi ve vl ~or t o t he onr! saf t y , ijoys Farm ,!OUl'\l nJ. Tw o 11.1'. III ellSO oC II wlnd RLor m It Is the )l lta uf boord urc nailed o\'er til UIII' r l ort )" Hwl ks lha t hlow d nwn. wires , li S ShOWII, t o Ilr \' il L t he wl r s SC(! rI should h s lect c1 that "1\1 'calchlng Inl n on o's t:lothes. I f )lIl U g h' r oglllal ion III h elgh l and body or mll st c ross tm·h a fen ce occoslonally, "h ~ lila Ik, 'h n, If (her e Is any BUf' try thi s plan. plus o( \'igol', I should be dlrecled to th Ill'. R Iltlllted se lec t\ons In thla POINTERS FOR. THE FARMER, munn!)r fmm y ear to year have reslIlL 'd 111 Iho developlDent at the COM1 It Is uol (00 ea r l y t o st art l(ly lng tMt III attractin g the aLtenLion of the Ol1 t Ih e gal'd lln-o n [lap r ,- Rll r al far rn r s \\'er y \\,11 r . ' ~ e w Yorlcc l'. Ev I'Y ..armer enn hav e a 60ed patch W e regard whole oats ILS a c1anger· or hi s own, It n eed no t be so IllJ'go ou s tood fOI' cattle. They often gather but whu t be can give It. cnr (ul attenIn t h t h ird stomach and make tion, wh l cb would consl sl mostlv III (ronble.. detllss ling und slrable stalks. 1'; thl. .' eel bltl', do you ? Ju I take tb e axe mllDn r cllol c sead for hi s own plantRnd go ulone out In to \ he. wood s anel Ing eoul d be obUilfled every year. c hop for a Ume. W e bave found It n. Muny ot lhe far mer s have not the gooil <:ure. advantag e or sucb Rol eotl on for t h... So \' th mono)' YO\l spend w ithout g nel'al p lan ting fa!' Ihls year, but theyan y good I' IlIrn and (lut It Int o some can vl l th n lilt! more care mnke a goor! rOI'm t (lOI 01' a good .farm paper b tter snl etlon th an h eretofore. The or book .: -Farm Jou"nal. aI' shol; ld be of good si ze lind welglit. "Mulberri es" Is Ol e Utle of bulle ti n well filled at t il end a, lind tbe splU1e O. ] 94 Issued b), the Norl h arollna tll;l tween the rOW8 sholll be w ell filled exp ' l'lmen l station, at RaJ elg h, N. by t he lIPulI'sl on of t he grains. Til ere Writ L)lere tor n opy . ahonld be a deep gl'al nand l h e cob Th e N ew York dl'()al'tmen t of ngrlsh.ou l d be .ll1rgo enough to h old the cult lire l'.el)Or ts that 301 IInlmals su f - grains om[onabl y and giv a gOod ferin g wllh tuerclllo si s wer e killed body to lbe e ar~ la st y 111'. The COml)en slltlon was $6.I f th e COrti h us bec n In t he dry and 222.20. A little over $17 ller cow tlot eXJlos d l o damp air or freez'l n~ s ems small pB.y . ..... eat h 1', UI j)robnblllll CB ar tbat It. _, George T . Powell , of "e w ,"ol·k. eswill gr o w with out ony trouhle. · If I tlma les t.h ot Ule be arln~ oroh al'd s In has b 0 11 k II I und or th e r evel'!IC conthat sta te b ellI' Inter s{ on II. vlIlllation di t ion s, i ( sho\'1I1 ho well t es ted ~ of $1,200 to 1. 500 lIer acr e. wh ich at to re planHn g. eJv cn If t he corn will Ix per cen t. would be (rom $70 and gl'OW Ih I' ma y be sll ch a lack or $~O P CI' Bcr e. vi talil y II t.o (II' " ont r apid ~rowtb. I r (hI) \'eJ;BI a ble bins sh o w not h Ing (l)Ccept. lind l' the mos t ra\'il rn/l I oonput patillO ~ 'snd " f ew elderly l ur· dlHoII S, '('he' s D90n for Illu ntj ng la [IIJI ~ u r ca hbnge lit thi s 8 ' 1\50n. th ~o sho r t t hilt 011 11 cunn ot· alford tl) tIIen fo lk s nla)' liB I d l o see th e ad· l\Iake a I1llstak In gettlll g goor1 Bood_ vun tllS S ot a go d ga I'd en e ve y tim Grll i ns on t.h e nd s or t h ai' shollld t h,QY cu t I helr <l i nn r. -Rll rlll nllt b, pl antcd, as they ar nol ot tho Y OI'I er . Idenl In slz and sbap : b sides, to &"et II n~· thlng like all equa l number or Alfalfa Cutt Ings. T h var lou 'utl!nga o( hl hll fa dlt- g'ralos In B hili , Ih 1'0 should be eq uaJIt . In lhr' al1. of 'g rains, Grains ell. f!)r Rom ewhllt In looks and valu . "I'h 'fil'st I s 0 1\1' \1),8 tll h ea vl at 111 y l Id , easl ve l y large SOmetimes ge t w edged tb e stems In It will u8ul111 y h rath er I II glhwl s in a small plale, causing cou r sO· um1 I hcro are som e tew weods. comp l t e obstrllc',lon un tl! It boooml!fl \-\' , con sidcr I t vs lllahle, feed , hilt It dl~lod ge d . Sel ection or seed sbould ha s I hese two obj ections. The sec· be mqde In .tbe O ~ ld .I n the fall, tor It. IItting bas smaller at m s, no III t he only time t hat l h e stalk, time und weeds lind R VCI')' l arge proporUon of of matllrlty and condition s ot gro~ lea\'es to at ll\ . This Is the kind we can be taken 'Into conslderallon,
A pqUlIlOher, "live th nt o dious ]\frs. Do1l1!!purse som thing th ink of thi s nrtor ' noon," says Mrs. Bao k'full 10 h er hus· band, who was am using himselt by lossln~ $20 gold p ieces in to tho arlin· cJal lake In the draWing rooDl tor th o pleasure of heaH ng the gold plecOi p l uok a8 th!!y sun .. . "WhaJja say toO hor!" asked Mr, Bonk filII , roilin g 1,Imself a cigarette In a hunlired·dollll r bill. "She was bp,lI.ljU og 'about the ~olld gOld radi ators th E~Y Are having Pllt Into their' new house, and I told her we thought sleam h ea t was 80 old·fashloned that we wllre golnt: to beat our house with radium hereatter."- Judge,
Minl.ter DllICovers Comet, Mlnillterial duties do not pl'fvent the Rev, . Joel H. Metcalt, ot 'rauntoll. · Maas., from pur!lulnl utronomlcal Inve,Ucatiooll, H III study of the .tar. ha. re.ulted III t!be dllCovelT of a new comet, which II now helll, olollel, ob..rftCl alt.FOflomera throu.hout the world, It bu aame4
Sho u ld Be T~ k~ n to Hoave It H,. , I3 cs! .
always try to sell . Th e Ullrd crop haa 8U'PPORT FOR HUSKING CORN. even m or e l en ves and generally a more attl'a tI ve allpeal'unce lhan lh e first two, but , says Orl1l1ge Judd lCllrm- Handy Way Ih WhIch to Hold Com Stalk. While Husking. er, unless I t ·h as 'm a t ured w ell be· tor outtl ng, It Is UO U8 nulrl tious as I have a hanu y \\'a)' of holding com th e nrst two. fodd er otT I'h 1ll'0llod w hen htl a k1 n~.. Examine Farm Tool • . suys IL c .cspolldent ·of Prairie Farm'1'hl s Is II good tlmc to exami ne nil er. I ta ko' two 1,I\lees of two by rolU' th e rarm tools Ilnd to g tao), n w scantli ng se v n f t lon g. It theae Dart s thut may be lack! ng. tr you walt Illcc H arc not 1I\'ollobl fence ralill till yon want th El lool s, y ou lIlay have can 'b(, lIsed. Th ose are rlln t brough to make so \'eral extra trips to tbe th e r enl' wh eel nf wagon, as shown Ill' . shuI' or store berol'e .1' 011 can go to work. [t. I s tbes e ex t ra trips t hat whlt.LIe the scasrm aWIlY to no accounl. Marking Bag e.
How do you marl, bOJ; s?
W e have Un st en cil plale t hlll w IIkp. But mc,th I' uscd to fltllc il ret her' s initials ....-a ll 0 111' gru!tl ti ac lt~ Wl l h ~ Iout yarn . Handy for Corn Husker,· en l orml hlu k 01' red , suy s a wrltel' In Fa rm .101l 1'1Iul. Thot work ed well. Tho l etter s dlt! not wash ouL nor d,e til(' IlIl1stra ti on . L t them remain n IIg h so hat a mon can th'row dOwn ' r.olol" rll n, as. I s Ihe case so ru tlmcs an ar mflll o f ol'n, husk, bind wb en 1)I\Int IH IIsed . . clO1I1I "I' f or' anolh r one. fl furnlsbes lllcnty or tuhl .. r oom and 'YOIl can To 'Econom lze Space , T o economize spa.ce In th e w alton ~ I lind er CI1L w lw o ~· ou husk and throW' ' 'J house and el sp.w ber e, Fa'm ,Journ al Corn In th wogo n. ~
. ugg Bt s, h eavy nrtlcles ' lIIee wagon Hang i ng Barn Door •. bods. sl ol gh s, larI.l erll , te ., 'sre orten MOB bari d oo l's are hllng by small ... 3t1sp ended overhend. Wh ellu vAr thl8 Is t he case, see t o It that th o fasten- clla, ·lron w lteel s running n 0 !tllngor, brok en 01' I n ~ are secure ond stron g enough tor Orlen th ese wheels get th e l oad . Don't lul(e any I'(sl,s, slnoe kDllelt ed ·off. You call not buy extra wheels; bllt, explaln8 Farm Journal, a hUlDlIn II f · may tie tbe tOl'rel t . you can J)ry open the slot, r emove tho ' Cheap S:jgar Bucket. wh eel. and· t urn It a round ijO tllat tho The prlco of a regulatioa sugar. whole nan ge side of tbe wboel wlU b& bu cl! et, n o\\' , 18 35 cen t s. I bu,. empty to wal ' d lhe baril , Readjust tbe slot mln ce·meat buck ets from my grooer and hanger , and tbe door will work (0\' t n eents, wbicll, after a good all rIght agalll, scrubbing, answer the purpose just How .t o Hold the BOYI. u well. Th(»" lire nice to k eep meal Ofter a little bit of a reward to 7lMIt' Jr Uour In, too, . bOys for the. best corll or potatoee Poor 'V Inegar, . they ca'n grow this ye"r, urgea The Texas experiment slaUon hu Journal.' GI ve them a ,)atcb IIOID. . 'ound out or. 16 lIampleB of vlnenr ~here md let them have " full awlq."Ited 01l1Y three that were leaal. Or give them a calf, colt or .heep; It karcely any of thll article til ' live will he aile of till bu.t UWap , . . lver cl1d. . 1l4er v(necar and lit to use,
....E __
- --r----
Th, b ely of Mrs. AUllllldtl Hi<lgl'
. (' (/ 11" )oter J.. for Hllllnlt 'i! GrC', n ' ul P" lnt, \\"11\ WII~ \ .roug1.1 r t 0 "rl .. nnn cover l;ctt.e~ th"n " Ih.' .. pllints . interment UO(Juy froll) 1.. lnci lll1lltL All' , H.idg WI\ 1\ silltCl' In 1J1\\: of 1'hl:! II beOH U~() It ill nltlll " frll lll 11I'llt 1t\ateril\l", For . ttl lJv .1. I!. JlIlltwy 1';1" hlno Ridl;O, of \\' uYUCiOville nOli will bo r III Ulllf)T d by lIl ttTlY <.:tIl. Dr. L. C. Luke" .. tur 11lIIU\' ,)WI.T8 ~. t>~ r 11110 " I'" 11 " , "10'" foru'\ rl." " lllt 1 a rl'Aiclcn~ of WIt~'II~. \t : IJoitl ." li \'t'd ,It. Ly l,le, h r pun ut.s, Mr . IUld I\8le of his personul E'fl "o ltl utnrllllY ~h!', ,l "hll BI'own , .. W I hve thort:! . and is planuing E' Ills W~~TO M r~. Hhlg LlIlcl ltVl (1 III Cl noin· wUhln Ibtl ne x~I,n f 10('at w \Y('.'k~. lh i:,.;..,.--.-,....,..-.~-;:;.:.=;7to:::;r-::tnln !l Ilfl OClltin g lD ki ll ho nn~i.1 ]Jumbor ' yallrs flliUl fnrn -'a but, bRs not "I' [l nlloly rl r 1'. long ti m e Wll alm o t II helpl ss ... mi.ned on tbll t. II1\'ulll1. lin. A,,", MoCAll' ('y, lIf A1"X1I1l T he bOlI.V WII:! f10CUlll jlIlUl• u, 1 b y
. .,"...
_____ _
Do You Need Carpets
Oeath's Work
tlti ll ,hllJ:o, but oJ~po t to go to 1 ,II. II •• Some Pumpkins" v('r Wl,'llne tlnv. _- -' ~ 'o1oru{10 Silring~ Is ertninly I~. Mrtl. Ww . T holllpson of tl.l e lower MOllilUTIJ yonr r lloms I\.Illl onlll e t o \l1 ..e fol' ghtNIIII soeing" hut 101 n il!. U . prl' ll .. " !lOr() n I1Ulllp"I'n pIneo for Ii. I}\UO II wllhont 1\ !Cootl _ . Illk ' ot ,. .. III' st hu~hl BS o r trndo , w,ek wh ioh 11Iul kept t hl'Ougb bhe 1. do not so rl1l1oh chuoge in Illy willter in !l I mnrkn,bly porfect lUlln. htll\Jth , bot th olimllte i sIlrtl1y fin e. We were \vl a In orclor\Jlg t hit! tl too k lilst EIIU , in pri dll! Illivtl U\Il. We hnve n ot t r uok ,'or thr r 'l'he ]It11111lkin 11Ild boen kept with a . . III b four IlItd duys sino we left homo, ' . '. terln.l1y ndvlluO(\ll . Lurgeat lln los hl Rt YUJU' uf IIny ;, t hIS yell f w e und alnee we nrr lved hom mer u ry I t of oth r~ ITl flU Up·!;tRlr >! r oom . . . . 1 ~ H l.Iellutlful Pitt . hilS tood from OVOllty to . evont'Y'1 "h n OIlClleu it. WIIS l' rl ootly i:lolid grOtltflr. MllttlllgS fr om t h e .orient nfl W \11 stoOK " ": liT th r o(1 d grO(l~. lind g rowing Ills ide w re two leltve~ terns low(~ .. t J1rio,,~ . ' , .r ""011 COIINmJ.I., lI ud II new Rood "'liS ·forming. In gl'lI luN . . ,'. . . .... , '..... . . ', ' .' ~ , , ., ,' ' ., ... ' , l!r.u Ill) ____ 5 ._ ---____ Lowell,Pllrk EXJ.l'u, t:' uJl{\r~ . "k t '. $ 10 r. u up RUl:ls-g'l'etl tOllt stoo ' Y ,. , ', • .. ,. " . ',., .. ." Large Anough for It room .
' Hutcbi~sn ,~, (jibn~y-
dersv\l1e, who WII S In W";\,III' ''\'I III) rf'lutlves from ('Inoinlllll.i Dltyton Lmol!\':!I}l, the grl ut k!tcholl lll1d hnll ooverlnl-( La ' ()nrt.o\n~-"l1 Ule lut 'Week, wnll joined SlI,turllll Y h.V / !llll Mldlllllil. R \'. Philip Trout new aifo t.!~ . W\nduw SlllIIlllll, 11l1 ,oo\)r~, 1Illllizus. III lld a toO nnloJr. bel' sister Miss Nell ie B~d!4tre!l. l" JllIlu lad t be fnnornl ~erYi e 1\ 'f.lw and t ~e 'two returned homB I::inndtlY· , . , lIIe l er y ohupel. Mrs. McCa8sey expeots to r turn to Waynesville within n fow days - - ~-. ---'Wben shft expect,s t o r emn in and Samuel Raper ' care for her lIunt. Mrs, Aytt E brigbt who will soon be able to b reo Dies in Dayton, ' nit!!, .fllokoty fOI Mi ~8e!', Women moved to her home from tbat of - - - -_ _ her tlnlpeople, E . S, BIIlley .Il nd Samuel Rllper, unole of W. O. I1DII t bildi'on. Sk Irt>l, W Ili ~ ttl, On family, where she ha beeu Ellnee Rapar of Wllynp.sville ' died sudd en derwl'nr, T"f1u t~ lon g oll'nk iO. IUr mUeBS . 1.1 of 11POpJOXY nt 12 ::30 Sundll,V llI r)rnlng At }l i~ bome in Dnyt.on. What About Our Hi~ fun eral will tnk e pluoe todll~, , Township Building? nnd lnt rmf'n t will be nt Bellbrf'ok ., 1'I1r, Raper leaves n son, Mo rrill Two-Thirds l\lajority will be Rc- Raper whose m other WIIS Mnrthft, ' quired to Carry Issue. sister of Wy kliffe and Miss Olive . Morris. n ear Ferry. Ureene connty The queAtlon of 11 new to~nshlp J:1 e blld lo,;!g oonduoted II la r g '"Tben OIllO .11111 btly your uress lit boUdlngfor Wayne township IS now livery barn In , Dnyton , wher e he but Bn l.ciliutloJ) e OiUnOY'8, X/lnin,Ohlo r i"celvblg 8eriout! oonsidertttion by: was very populnr. the people of the t ownship, and an "No city hila II betttlr aN ~ortmellt of oppor'nnUy wl\l be given the voters C('ncerning fabrlCIl for th e elross Itself lind the Co expreBS tbems~lveson the matter Former Residents 4. 31' April iii at a Soe<llltl ele.etion whioh II trlUlIulngR . It. i~ n rellSOllllbl? halt been called for that pUl'poee. stutemt'n.t aDd fully prov II In t,be In order to carry two thi1'ds of The GazeUe blls received Ii copy Th~y pa t. We nro II Ores!! (~ t)orI 8 Bonlle 'be votes cast must be in favor of of The Obio E(lur.atlonal Montbl y • 'be ,luue. • which contalnslln I ~rti ol e by Prof. nnd do not me Idle wlUI IIDWllrE', The qU8lltion is whetber bonds to D. A. Ferree, form erly Superin tend· .. hllrdwa rp, ubinn . Il<lI'lI. eto. '1'I ,e·e the arnoane of$25,OOOabal1 beiuued ent of tbe Waynesville lIohools \lond for the, pnrpose of erecting a town now holdin a slmilnr position Ilt bu ve their IJlll oe. ship building that will be a credit Mllrtinsvlll. .Just \'H, k I, t Ollr ",hAlvP" nnr1' "h .. w "H A~N to the people of tbls prosperous and Th~ ilrt.lole iseutitled "The Telloh I~a!,\OtI t o S I lio v fr ~ h a.nd nllw lI'nll progreulve community. er's Foresight." We h ave read it ' il1d~r se olea n th s t,(I k. .E\",v ell sily to The followmg faotll8hould be con , with mnoh interest a.nd fouud It ~ ~jIQUID a1dered In oonneotlon 'With the ques· just .what we would exi>eot from t r im frlllu mir >!t.ock JURI, In tion: ' Prof. }4'erree, I!oh olurly, entertain The OOIt of Ul.l s work will be dill· lng and praotioal. Uibuted over a pertod at :sears, at _ __ lean ten probably mace and will Mr. Rnd Mrs. N. B. Antbony r eo , Silk IlOcl Worsted 'Prillllllingll. Sheer Elfe('t... Uinghulll , PluidR. add very 'U&tle to tbe tax duplicate, eei ved the ' fo1\owin~ .n,n ique II.n Hannah's Green Seal Paints are For Sale' by the people of Waynesville paying nounce,m ent fr om t heir nephew. their proportlOll jUlt the same as Mr. WIll Peaoook, of Dayton, who. II the'balance of tbe COWDshtp. family, OOfooo tbo Iluivnl of the Itt. The buUding is not and IIhould tIe daughter oonslsted of ~oor .not be for WaynelVl1Ie alone' every sturdy sons nnd " tbey are very JOY, etClzan of the township 'Will ha, OUS in receiving the congratulations NO COUPONS, NO PREMIUMS, NO CASH REBATES, NO ~OMMON PRESENTS. equil right to its ulle lind should of their frionds . , 1 &ate advantage of it. · ne of the The letter r ellds BS follows ; WE SUBSTITUTE rHE EXTREME LIMIT OF V 'NSTEAD. arpmdnta being made against this Den.r Unol. !lnd Aunt : boilding that it will bea Waynas· Mary Elizabeth Peacock urrivcll Till. aftair and the citizens ot the at 10 a. m . Maroh 1 j 1907. Mother town will be the only on88 to benefit and daughter doing well, nnd the )y fl. eucb an argnme.~ fl hardly o ld man holding his own, not the falr, 8VU'7 oUtzen hal an equal new one yet. rJght &0 ita pdvileges and should M.I·-s :MDttie-'i-~-IJ-Son-. who moved tab a prldein It. " .. 'AaoUler tblng whioh IIhouJd be with her fa,ther, Albert Wilson, The coming of outdoor days inspires brighter dress" and in deferen(e to this,sentiment we now ex-hibit.the conlldered II this : Muoh pf the from near Ferry to Windham, Port· money reqnired for the building age oounty. a few years II.go, wrItes newest modes f()r Spring. will ,0 into clroulation among the the Gazette as fo\low,8: ~ueh a st!~lection Of nobby, new, stylish ciothing ,is seldom gathered together in, one establishment ~nd'we J?e::t~~~::ss had an ulcer on his people' of thlll township. It 'will require labor to buUd U and the ~ ask you to com'c in and inspect our array of Easter Suits and Spring ' Overcoats. ' money ~he oarpenters, masons. right eye, and suffered dreadfnlly etc. receive, will olrcnlate here with it for aboot three WeeKS, Be Special values will prevail in all departments, and if you want to dress in the heitlht of fashion at a modat home. Muoh of the material ill now in his usual health and the erate price come and see us. 11Ied in the OODstruot' on cif 'he rest of the family are well . We buUdlng, aJao, CAn be purohased bad 1\ very short sap season, (that througb dealers in tbls tOWnship. Is ~hat t hey cal1 it here) and a poor, We !188 no rea"on, either why the qu~Uty of syrup wos made. Shel· bonu "hloh will ' be issued should don & Seymour, buyers and ship , not be bought by our banks or pers of syrup, booght In unticipq. wealthy citizens. . tion of handling ~he produot llOOO In Ults waJ, ,the greater part of cases. whioh oontatn 6 gn.llons eaoh, the money netided for the improve. !lnd have only shipped up to this m'e nt will remain here a& home. It time 1000 oases. . . will go mw 'oiroulation, benefit Jnst now. there Is lDlte n,n all ex· The line of Top Coats nnd 'ra venettes 01fared in this Single Bud duule·breasted stYles, In fine wOrstedl" 088. bullmllll employ Jabal' and give oitemeDt In this t .>wnshlp. Mr. , S1Ile IS the ll~ rge ~t .s hown by nny h Ollse in Dayt-on. slmers. ScotChes and serges, with all the ,style of 'be eve17 olitzea of the townllhip seme ,~'isher, the moneyed man of Win'!· rbe fabrics ond tailoring t,re of the best bot suoh style highest priced merohllnt taUor. thlnl to be proud of, hllm, has le~sed 2800 acres of land, as you'll find In oor Bad Schaffner und MArx Top CaMs The Gazette is &Iad to see pro. and is putting down a .w.el.1 now . OUl' better eult" are the Bart·Mohaffner &nd Marx lund, ' KfUI, ,lad,to have every part and The farms are leased JOIDIng UB, and CrRvenettes can :be found In no pther make. and you know " here are' no better We htrve o'ber - ~ e,.ery comer of the township BUO but have not lell.8ed oors yet. .It .lust why this is so we oannot tell , but there is an in. finkes that are 18lls expenl!ive, bn~ all are Ityllllhly oeed aDd will oheerfully .lIist at remains to be seen, whether it WI!1 desoribnble something and 11 distinotive air a'b out theao rnnde ,'liDd they carry onr guarantee of satlsfaotory ser. any ttmet~18ny movemenHhat WIll amount,to anything. Only hope I ~ clQthes t.hllt ollr, manufuoturers miss nnd that'!! wby 'help any part or all of the t.o,w nshlp may . S!lvera~ farms are o~aug\ng vice. . hands thiT sprIng, ~wo families hn v when you put 'on I~ Hart Sohaffner and ¥urx ' Top Coat Buy your Easter Suit J1ere•.tomorrow. The lIelectlon II or Ornvenet te you wllnt it. . ~~~ ~ ~ogunCt~~e recently from·' Clinton now at Its best and the speolal values we are oft'erlng 'l'bey are Ulilusually ohenp durin g this d~ring this Easter 881ew11I prove tempting to yon. , " Wishing , you sllccess, and llssur. ! ' ' • ing you that wo enjoy every OOPY , . . ' ~ 'at ~our pap~_._
. Ready To Wear , Garments
See Your ,Dressmaker
are tIle pal·n
and pai ntR,
tllat , c. . indor ed and used by th e fi rs t I t . -c a,' pl'ac·tea I palnte)' . know what eon t lt lltcs ood paint . Hund red of tlL b st pa.inter evel'ywhere nse
.- GREEN P AINTS' mHlstl'ongly
them, as their lette.l's ,to tho manutlwtul'er will how.
. Sp ring is Here "
and ,.,e, have a full .Isortment of Garden Seeds , , -, r Bulk and Packages " , -- , , Sweet pea ~and Nasturtium ' . Seed 10 the Bulk
-- ,
!,$ ,
Yellow and White ' ,. . , Onion,iet8" -
~ , 8upr Corn . • ~n--'l.25 per case
.$ ZI'
, or COURl:SJi:
~~ '.
$10 TO $25
1$7.50' TO $25
Special Easter Sale of Boys C1o.thing., "
Boys Sailor and Russian
's Immerman S$ ~~t'I~~n:t::a~~8~O:c::!! ~( :~::t .
Xenia. 0 hio.
W~IlS 1 promised to write to ma~y army friends and let them know now I stoO(\ the trIP, I thought it would be best to write you for WORlH $13.50 to $30. ,AND WORTH ,$10 10,$30. poblication and ~hey cnD all rend the same good news. Well I stood the trip all .0. K .. and it ' ha& been a very delighlful trIp for us. We started from ,Day. Qur splendid BOYR' Dopllrtmentis full .of,new ide~s and exoluslve design ' that are eX,tr!lmeJy interesting. '.rho ,s tyles are tb,e brilJhtea~ and nob. ton , February 27th at 11 p. m ., ar· ri:ved In: Cbloag<> at 8 /1' m ", and left blest we bave ever shown " T he exoellent fit of anI' boys' olothlng will especially oommend IttJeJf ,to von. Note,tbe speolal E!lster frlpe8 . . ~here at \J :i5 a. m ., and went on to Fairfield whe~e we stopped arid hlld Sp~ing II. good visit with my, tlnole and oousins. My unole Tyler Oornell, who is well known by a. great many We nre showiog a very pretty line of these Plain or Kniokerbooker' Pants for boys, 6 to Gazette readers, we toond in very . A splendid line of these Dobby Reefen for SUIts for boys, 2Y. to {) y ears 01(1. Styles are poor health, being cODfinE)d to his. 17 years ' q ld, IIlIde by t:he best boys' olotblil, g bed most of the time, b,ut he greatly little' boya, from 3 to 11 years old, of excel. vary pretty and au as~ortinent of mll;teriuls, , makers In America. Snappy styles, splendid enjoyed our visit, for, he asked,a\lo)lt , that Is 'sure, to con tain . somethlllg to pll:lnse mllterlals, exoellent mue Bnd su'l ts that fit . , lent light no.el.t y ml'~~ure" and ..rg..~ . aU the old Ohio' folks. , y6~. We are oifElring Borne splendid valoes We left there Maroh 9th at 1 :30 All the new fallri08 8S well 'as the ever'popn. oring Iii perfeot and ' style" a~'~"eq 8well. durin!t the Easter sale !\tand reaohed Kan's as City, Missouri, , lar blue seIges. ' . '-,/.,,' . , , .": ......1.. at . 10 a . m" and staid with liunt ,Sarah A, Budd, who is nellrly 80 yeRrs old. until Monday, MI~oh 11, and left at 9 ;30 p. (m. for' Leonarll, KIlDsas, arriving , there .at 9 p. m " II.nd visited with Osoar C,o rneU. We hear the 01.110 fll-rmer saying the west hilS killed our wheat trade; do Dot wonder at it now, for I AIlW
! ,I
E,.erytJUiJg lood to eat at
erp;es, ' et<.'.
EAsrrER ,S ALE. and Young Men'~s .Clotbjng
Boys ' ' Dou hIe Bl'easterl and Belt Suits.
$1.98 to $6.50.
$2 , t,o $8 :50
Fish. Herring , and Mackerel . , , Onnlel. Lemonl & ,B anana8$ , ' Uttuce. ,Onions. Raddiilhes --Florida, Celery, Pine Apples ~ -, ~ Br:tg- ua your Butter ~ E(I'Il"s.... Blahat PriCH paid.
Batiste, 'Silk
Hutchison & Gibney,
,which I" the main orop, but they aUn to raise enoulCJJ lndlaD corn and caft'er corn to feed them through. We left KaDMa March 19th at 9 p. m , aDd got to Colorado Springs .a' 10 a. m, Karch 20, aDd we are
E. ,,c.
' Boys
,$,3.&0, 5
The SurPrise Store
Popt;lar Male OuUliers 28130
t 3rd .St.
~nd 6~Q\O
Ferry. LOCAL AND I Judge Shawhan The Utlzetto wJll probably ha,e for Congress 0 PERSONAL MENTION aome tt"ms from timeto. Ume from .n_ ..;.
Warren' \AJonty "ill Have a C.n.r. Mlloy. Dentl·st, will be at Har . , S. A. StU. veYllburg 11.11 next week. . _ ' Mr . ...A . L. Farr wbo blls been aer. well Mentioned for,State " o dltQr. 1OWl JY 1'11 I or leveral weeka Is 0"" . , , . I(llinlng ropl\lly in btlaltb. ' A The UOlJ6tt-led conditions whloh . Mellsrll, James Kerrlok .J.nd Joe 01 aon . M .' Tbom' ..... _,.,. Day to. W".u. .a . D....". 0.,,, """ t, to d... . 'x.h Db....t, . have ... th. Repub".... '0 '''''k lb. ""'•• b." ••ot "00".....;",,. mo. to " " ' _ , ..... G........ Po'.'. Bo'd ... ....••11... p"Oy 'wo ' Y.'" b, J . 1!l. 'on.",. ......: .' M". IdA I. 'hI, ""•• 'udge Robe" • • • 01 "IlI. J. Shawhan, of Lebanon, is being Easterday. . For Sale A fo 0 tt .prominently mentioned by many of u)' r om 00 Ilge 00 hIB 'ourth .t... t . CI.,.. ....... 01.· Judge Shawhan ' served Warren o (l electrlo lIghta. Applya& tblll .....Oy' .. Poo.....1 . . . . .. . for two termlllndpaa e.lways been Lost-A IUnob basket oontaining held 10 higb 6Iteem by the peuple a Im"U sun bonnet. Finder please oI.b. ""•••y . .....ll" . "'••'" to ..... .b...... Dyke, Another Warren oounty man who R. F. D. No 6. " J...... m ••U",,". I.. h.D .. , . and ..... , ..... K..'lok d.... ... .. Cnu.'" A ....o••. A. to Xon" ... d wit' wbOll6 friendS bope tc see him Au theIr motber, Mrs, Mary Beaoh, dl'or of Sttl.te.. . wholle birthday it was. R. F. Mosher, Preeident of the
....,... ,.....,.ot'''' .... ;8' ''Om ,b••
Glth~, 0' D."o.,"'"
&. W.,..
.iIoo". .
.pe.' . .....
Home of Alvin S.II..... .
Oe8tr~yed by' ire. The fr~end8 of Messrs. Alvin and
.=.I~ a'
Luther Seller.; who moved from
........1\'; .....IOy.1
D•• Io' ....
...... . ,,111 "m",.hl.. wI.b Ib.m io the 1081 which tbey sUIlt.lned io tbe deet"uctinn of their borne by ftre .Moo<'l" morning. From lIuoh deta1\a all have beeD reoeived by relatlv88 bere, It seeml ,bat the fire 8tarted from a def60 tive 4ue. All men were aWI\, from tHe farm at tbe tlme.the fire broke out and Mrs\ Alvin aDIl Mrs. ' LuUler Betlera worked beretoally \n 1'8moving the furni . iare tbe boose. w. almeet· de8troyed . I J«* ill ....rtlaUy covered by , iDlured. ' "
f~oni '~17 Tb~, .1I~HdJD.i \V8.'bndera~d oo~
• •
Mr. • H. Madden and MI••W Llna. Hadley Married •
. 'j
he Imm'edtate1y purcbased It but only had I' for ft, "hort time until U died. Now h1alnteotl'J II.IS to aend It to a Chi..... II h _0 uleum w: ere ' 00 donb' "wUl be an Int.erMtin- ex· ampla of "J'rea'-- of Nature. 'I " ... tor man' veara For "veral. If'l1ot b , J ., ave 10 maoy, wild and oultlvated
b. Howard Carr and famn," have returned to. their home 10 ~"n after .having lpe · nt aaveral ·h .• .... mon. I in country. . . Mr. , B oO O. alUl .....qb. •vBoer tol a, ·we.r e aueatl of fri.,dl .". io u'h Cbarl..~, 1.., week There ;"\11 ' ..
The (Jelb tit, b.lls bad in Irra-lll' h "'" .. t II corner,. if .we faU to report e\'• . a.ivaotlon (110 It Meml) for ery week you ma" k tb ' i ~ in el d · J now ere I an arClun our vtlllP nothing new or bappenin'" " . . . dn. 0 . ',\Iui --a .......' week. among UII. • n ~y qlllte" Dumber The moving' 88I\son aeema to be we1'4l up "moog whom were M8I· ,,...,, an' I.",,,, '0'" , . . . . . . .1 - ........- Job.., 01... Iou•• · bI...." . . . .b. II E • be ................. .. b.,.. ....,.. d.... to Zoe ." ' " ... - ..W,., 'be ........... "'",b. h."b ' :b.... ' ......... wo,k, th• ."owa .,. .... .ur.,•• 1h.m, abo Mr. J. II .•_ ........,. _h", w ..m woolb., ... the .011; whll. ,.... b.lld••• ODd '0. 0'... who, .h....vo<, . . . . . . . "'••b........h........._ " .. ' . ........ 101. bm.. bo,.'•• a.d ......, ' ..m .,...,•• thO ............, .be '" .... o....d •• t . .II' ... - . . . Th. W .•• II .............o,....,ng •• '. "''' 0 .... . , . . o'd 80' . . ...k ,. D....... . GO hi'''''' 0' ..... J .... Wllooo ........ ...... b"" 'dmmln. mothe. W"." .... ond . . . . . ._ woo ...... ..... ..... 'p,l. . .ow.. . pie......on 01 ....... "" 1. . . . . . . . . . wi.. ...... ".10'" 01 ,., .mon..... to .bo..... ..... ThOBe persons who enjoy, a good Uymbelile I D t . pGa,r h PV Y blOlllloml. Thefruttalso h .. made . . ,n 1101 on a t e io- decided ad d 1 ' lIermon should attend the lIervioos tori. tbeatrb GD T:bured& iD vanoo an alit week ' , ••w pro.......ttb. F.n....."'" B ....."'.. to hi. d d ••tI. . W.llm.... Rev. Ball. is an. ablee"""1I:8r aDd vla'i'ran kIl n an d ,...,banOn • _ uti.. at fullmakl blQOm. Thil cold Inap whloh M ' &bu II 11 hi d .. ....ld h." 1.... ",owd•. • U., bo.k moo...." ••, •••• • • J " ......dd.. . •. an ......... ThOll6 who attended the box soo, On Tburade. J\1l E rfi wtll 00 doubt h"ve aaad elfeot upon of near emurlCreek, enMnained ., lal at Al Cornell's and drpve to Day to! to m: hll:: oil: both 40wera aDd fruit. ' an e1ecant Eaater the laUer'. ... .., .... mooh, wUl .. alad 01•. a . B. st. lob....... 0............, Il......... ..... to learn there will be another lIuob caring for her I01'8l1d llilter of on Mood.y. , 'and Bert, and Edith BoIU, 1Ir. a.4 01 "'. G... W,mo'" durl th lIr. ao.... Co...., W.,............ Wm, ..d Mr• 0 . . . . . . .ond ........, .,. pu' 2 ';'0.'" •• d '. Mr • .... I. To.......... l'h.......................... ••...t, .. - enlDg in April. ever10ne Is invited.' Emerlcll: arrived In der Dew goodl to take the place of Wayoeni1le. • , Mr . •1 . . M. Clark who bae ·been h,r IDni journey at about elx o'cloCk wbat they IOld at 'heir lale Mr. ' Mr. Mrl. Harley Warwioltaad .dering from tbe elfeot of a bad in $he eveDlng, Then Allen and to L,-tle wen' 1lP t"o 'ohUdren, of Leba.
ZlII. G,.. '0.". ..~:..~ ..~ -.....
"eI, .......~,
"or ........... ...k
".".p" .....
..'.IIv.. •••
Whlake~ 0
~; ~o ,~-!t, :·"'A':........ WII_
"'!\.q....."......_ .enttot~efamlnel1lffererai.Ohina
"VO... .. ...................... ~bool _t.
."",.,.t ... h~. lo~.
II... ..••,......;".. ..•• ~ W~n
N.b..... h:' Da;to~ afte~
a~d tnterBI~iDtr
•• &uk ",mod.... ' .. m b!o oold ' ".' ' ' ' ' ... ,"po,'" """" dro .. bom••" .ba• •' . " ",. .. ". L ... C. • ......................... - . 10. • ...... bot......... tim'. . .1" •• at .bo.t ... 0 '01.... 11. . ' ..... L. WIIH.m... - ' ....... 1\0., O'N.. stay looking after bneineaa alfair.. Hra. Elmer Rogers vllited her landa .may biave Day to: 00 Bunday Intendin, to Mr. Eci"ard Kanlo IID4 wif. YiIhere. ' liiter Mrs. Sbehan the Miami yet no place can .urpass our own ('ome om. on . If lted &bel! daqh_, Mn. a.o. lalla, :Mr. lind Mrs. S. D. Everly and ·Heepltal on Tuesday. vlllsge 88y8 Mra. Emerlok. stlter lira. Ulm pro- I'riday of 1.., week. • W'Ioo. Edward., nr Dayton ..". " a:. bue. do." mlo..., 01'Ia...... lo....hlP:.... : . :':"" . "'" UI.. boo ............ Jobo - - -... ...............b •• om••, O. J . Be,. lII.otmtep ... bo...., ... bo..... 'or ........07. ." ''"- ...... , ... "'1•.- . .. Edwards. tbe Ferry ;h!1 weelt . / Lytle needa a barber shop; does Jacob CorDell whb ieoeatly' Samuel BUIa' ft.lDllr, The ladies of tbe Methocbst . Caesars Creek ,hfl know tha' Ihe ene, Well weu' to Colorado for ht. h_l&h and Kr. frank W,a.'. .. ohurcb beld a meet luooeNful mar. " Roee and LQnr,aore held what came baok Ju' 'week muoh SO &be Mr. ud lin• •fi. 1'1 \, ke' In the' Stoop. buildlDl lalt t»t. Protraoted meetlDg held by Rev. ml!bt be termed a foruaf ', urprlle of tome of h1I family. 'Be at,; ro;ral4taDer.... • urday. A large omoUDt of batlng jMllner of Leesburg IItill continue. 00 evenlDI, at- laP be .. '8IUoc fIDe and came day 'he foUowlq ...... : lIri dA' was sold and a nloo sum realized Jobn (Jrl. and family of Beeoh tended wtth 100d mulo ariel " ' Ub· baok ' on aoooUDt of hie lOtI witll lin. .Jaoob ..... • • a8Cl1In. for the. ohurcb. . lGrove oelghberhood spent Batur.•rlll oruwd. ThiB ooey UI. sbop wbom &he IMlDeel DO' to LewIe Beara .nd.,n ..., lIr. and Mre. CharlN Gray and day with Iuao WUIOO'S and all jJ,lt. Ule place for all SO kop' In qree. ' . I'raDk ad daughtera entertained Bund"y, N . on Bunday took dinner with the ,nd let their w4)rk clone ' Mr. aD4 JIrI. Walter Renrioll: Bowe and family, all of . . . . . . fl11v 8 . BlOb and wife, Mr. and Mrs. aged Rebecca MI1I11. to Wa'111 lll.. _ular have baeD villttna rela'tv.. In aDel bur,. ' Waltet JordeD an"d dangllter Vlola'1 .......... ....... a upon wll10h yon may Dea. I'leklber, Piqoa and 1Iin. Uh_l.. Inlla, of, La....., !In. Maud Uleaver and ohlldren, few day. rut at tbe bed lide be be1DK .....1IPGI!,;o1 • ........... IIr. Ken· of I'IrulUD. Kils. AIlDa. Brand and 1b' aod Mn. of IIrl.,' Boraoe «:iodlrey who hal eaoh y ad Sabar4ay of riok morned .o n SUD day. lin. were po.u ., Cleo.... &l.11li' . . . Nathan Gray. IlnOl , t Tbough ".0 0 may pt .tayiqfor another "IM8k'1 day to lei JIr. or.........wIIo .. Mr. andYra. WIlUam Thompson Jehu BawlriDi $00, ....tIl wor one t.Dl' nli,ht, yet tbe .bove mtt. . ....ry 101! a' tblI wrl&iq. . ' Jeue BaJDel on SUDdaw., DishY wlll be t~ beat to 10. Priou lin., Da ... ",,,'Im, ..... ",h." nr ..m WI!soDaDC! -,rlfe,-..l .,.. . . . - . -.... <h. . . . d ., .,-' ... . "'e lower Springboro pike apant . .II11Der II flrat . .\)1' , oae Co I IIar7 were at-8qar B •• E."ter with 'Clarksville Te1ati...el. 111118 Lenna HAIDee and brotber 01--. Give -it a 'rtal rw n. ntcht. · .•. C..
ot~er I~dle
tbel~ c~:!s
.!:!~da ~r.
~ ~,m
wi~out ~Ii
W~ ~eek.
~ II~' . ",
=i~' 0::..:'
KoD~ay even~1
almol~ o~ning ~'urda,
Bo~ ~owe, ancl fa~17" ~
St~ner, '1'ro71~
-~ IIa'~
' . . fr~ ben .,....... . Co~e ~~. ·1liIII·Stena Lammon, of GraDvil1e ~veral ~Mr W. H. Madden. of, Corwin. lpeot SunClay wltb thetra1ater, Mrs. Charley "oK! d wiP a, weet..before liS. In co . l.h Coll._, ie lpen41., her ....oau.m EuteraiJ_ Lo4p.t A E )1111' t C III . d M .. nneyan fe and • mpany w. -a·b b" ' I'rida- DI,h' ..... ufio . ... "",' ... :of Cl"""Ue. . . d........................, ·W••. Wol..........ho ....... ........... .. ......... Mr......... J. ' ' ..... _,.,"'_.Go ... d Mn. C.... B.own .po.. " . IMW._ . . .d.,.. ... .p ..... ,........ whl.b hi. B............. . . . . . - - ........ " ' - ' ~_!nLob<m", d.~wI""',_k"lo."', Qu'.....mbo.oIlri..... o'a...._ .............., ............... W. M ....., ... nr ... . .. ~ ................., . .Ik'pb .. P........... !rillilra B . W. and Looltl Printz 4ay visit01'll at Borace we H
.~. . _.i'
• ••
• •• ooovi ... who . to Alabama . Clyde Cox, wen'
y .. . . . . . .
""'H b.~ "~'!bah ............ ond ..... uvi'" ..,hi" 'ea. h'... "...... would . • " .... "'" ................................, ..... .... T• . da., . ..... cr.•••., Bon....... wi'. ~ ~.. ........ hav...... of ',Il ..u.1oo a"~' I.. lb. d., hon•• olt.oI, ''''''b ........ ~ with a ...· - ...... With whom h. . . . . .m." Do Y•• K.ow Th. val.. ",to'"'' ... 'ollow,•• II•• ondPhllll............ ....1<>.... ...... lin. VIoIa ....1on ........._ ............. - '''*1 ~' . . "Be••'. Lui.........' .............. o. . . . . ., ; G..... " , . _ .. lJoyton''''_'. · . . olaI!'"'........ _ _. .'I'!oe_" """"..... u. 0'. '.m'''' 0' ... lIman, """'ge ond "f.............,.....dt.. ... """ .......... _ ....U _ .....e~ -\t&7w'" th,. aD. Eo.,...................., : . - ::-: '" laUCh •. jh.:tll 291'" , '''. N... A" ..m, ., ........., 'oom Obea... ondN... "'mne _,.. Be .......bOy ...· - ." - .... ...mod ." _ . boo .... in the ond ........... J.... .ur...., ot. ....bbo'.oo4. ..... •• , ....'iI jo,...... til••• d ..... ha 11...... Ill. - , oIOIa._lJo, ........ Mr.... '..... II. B. - . .. . . boi,.......... .. t en",i. ',oo ...."!"Idd'......, ........... 01 T>om be.d. ......... ""me •• • ......~ ...t~ .. ra". "... -no 10 ' 000' lb. J ••• Zo:I, ...................... - - .......... . . .
biou.righth..... Zell ....' .....d ................ "'ond....... friend. 01'
W••• B1a.M
boO .... he
in .. d ...ll ..... _ ' .
.. . - ................... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .""', ,... . .... ""'"' J<onr,.k . . . hIo ...., _ . . . . . . " .. .... Ilboo. ......
Mr. and .. A.hIo Bop. witbMr.
01 Dt..........
P,....... old ....., Iomlt. . . . .d ....... and h.Y< kn.... , ..h ..... 1000 m ... bea.UIuI thon all ...... 1Iy... . _ .. new. Asd II ......... Mr. andrMra. Madden gQne to 8IlDlpies J. E.. ho.......... In the M....... ca"", 01 '" law d.
and D. . . . . . 'am'ly Ed _ . ODd _ " oorvI........... dbanen came I.mll. 01 W.....vlll.. . ,. W.,...v'"": . .... Mr.....,. BeI.... .... . : l II ..... II... " ..- - . iDad on :r...ter Saada" Mr. J:DI8 Mra. Milrrill Oglesbee aDd dauih. Mr. and lbarl. Eo boroiDg to the cround. IIr. anll ... ."'!.ou dA, ,........ wltb ............ .D . . . . . . JI., .nd II,;, ...... BorD.................• ....., ... ""'",,0111"', Mr.... _In ............m....t ... Ob'...... Lytle ••d wife. M.a. Bo..... K..........., to Da,... On ..... _ _ - - - .... W....."!l' wish_ of many 1rlends Wlll follow lit.y eDJoyed a ebort Eaater vao.. Mrs. William Wilson is quite 11011: The Ii:a!lter lIenioea a' tbe II. E. Joho J" • W . viII JIrI. Mary J. Ol_ver lpaD,.ttheria thrOua life. "00 at hi. bome here 'htl lat.ter at ber home D8I!,.I: her.. . I , ?n Sundlay afternoon ware Ipsnt 0 .::r 8 : : ' ' ' wi urday ollh' anel Sanda, with .A.1II. , h . " part of laIt week aod tbe firat .of 'held their well -'tended Ilnd reft60ted oredit hll illllen aiad jab and wife. . Prominent 'bla. , of WilSO!. upon their par'lloipaoY. Those who Balnee. . Mn., Mary ISherwood, of Orqo.
hav~ ll~ett.......,~
0...... '0< ...... ,....
m~roW~:~tir~ety Mr/JOh~ a;~!efO~~r:.~
Visits Wayn.svlll. ,
KI.... ~ID"r M....I\ with ..ho .oo """'~ .... ......Martha . Jo'n.ell d'r "",-tom"" """" the ..... 01"'"' her....... sia- Devotll)ns the r wtlUngol!lll!! lead.. a new aod vi .... Em . milo ,B'aD, 0, IJoyton, to ..... Rich -ooedaylalt "8IlI:.
..... . 'he spendlni
g;,..Jeo' E. Luk.... y..... ...........t Bur".'on. ){a. . . ., ha• •ow 11011 0011 FoI.h " ' - ",...... , ....... _YOd a "~.':!' be. ",..., ".0. ".... dent of .lIiarveYlinirg, now Enturned homeward and is at present 'Reo!tatlou BU8i~IOO B . 8a ~baUonary' membera 00 SUD· IP" . • . ......11. _ _ W.... "'1••••• oro",". r.~ · . .... ltoad'.' Lao, Uo":~: .... Th"",. '!". Mr.·... L. 0 _ nr o.nIU., , Ihe wiU g.o to Chtcago to vlsl' ,her Reoitation , I'onols Willon nUh;'ber were' noM preaeut ~e' tbelr visited lIr. .Levi Luk8lll and family for
•• •
"'0 . , . . . .
The 1&11' o1lDlber of the' IAot1ll'tI nephow O. 1l.9artwright, Duet .Mariana and Ina QOmpton "as b;raQme De" ad. a few w..k . (,'oQ"""w. delivered a' b To_ Tbe other .m orning wben J088pb boxes. MiJlselll ' Cornell, Ball'Tuelday eTiDIDB of lat, week .Baln88 went out to feed his chtck Refresbments we':' ser ad d lind Luria New Burllngtol'l.· . by .JamM Ambara' O&L B18 ..... eOI he . notloed a ban4ao lDe lpeci. 0011!'<ltion8 lor tb: henoofodh will be held' , ' Jaot "f&I "l5oor Gnpel" Be ba4 the Moollollan pbeasant sulferera amounted to dol· · only e.vel'Y', otber .. ·Rev. B11l'1ey B. Smttb • .of Da ton waa 'hil au4ielloe .1........17 'I a ....h_ 'amoYI them , The. b.lrd: appel\red lars. . ... . . ll'rout It hnp088tble for .hlm '0 pee' of frlenda bere aDd "'re. n waa proaouaecl. · Pool': .... t ·to .. .to ",. , ..d Ore 0 .' .....d· Th.. will ..... Ii....,.: • - - by .... .' Ba;!eyabuTg and II well known to thrown the ohlokeDs and : , g, nla. , oburoh thlll next Bnoday ,.... . ,J. 1D. Bim . whC) _ ......'" .....d..., J. . ...... oom....... .. _ ..... . Will ......" hu ........... "'" bo ....I............ 1011...• Bialr. who " " ........ .... tJw "'..... 1I....... • ,"Iv.'•• oIloti.'.qu,te .....lD '..., ...' I••,........... k with hi........ "0, '. .. on!",,,m..' 01 . • b. U... t '" .....d)lD. . .......... b.'!' , ....... to Do:i\on ....., ; . ....•Dd ..,;........ "'!Db'o, .. - ' ' ' ' The .... - 'jljl" " .. . our .." ..,. -"", .Tb"'';'" w'o ...... B,.I ope•• "' ... ., ...... of Jon. ' ..... 01110_ ........ .:.....:• ...:...:...... . . .....m a.d ,'10 'dou ha" ••'" , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .d ....., ..... hi• ._ ..... a ....... "",....ut8OD ""................. ........ W...• ••• . endorl(meot of many leadiDg ago fe to move baok to Mr. 'and fred Cummins lAmb aod Ora Warner nnda)" e"eninjf' ,. . ".. , ' :' " . od'\ID"101oi . . ..-: . thO cit.; 01•. 'rbomp;.,. h .. , .............. o. 110\..... ....... _ ......... :: ..." : . , . • .........,.1. ........... to of ..... ._ ..""'..... II., ...... _ .... ..... 1D t .... Lod.., 01 ..10 pi... Ilar· 011''''.., ........ - · . ..b - he _ wi" . " ....._ ' ..... .l.\o, and ....... '. Mr: ..dlln. Ita'ph Low .................. W.._ ....... .
9hariea E., Lukens, E!btor ot "fte Ji',duoatlonal of Mal ,don, Ohio, aDd prolqtpenlily iden" fled ' witb ,v rogreialve edulmttoDll1 work'" I, , " _ io for a frlda.)'. '. .
~ ~"11 .v....
6peOI~~fa:~ti:ite dlti~n... Blan~h Uoo~ t~1I ra18~ tw~ty·~~a .UNl~OIIl
me~ ~f
va., ...... ..~
~unda1 ~e '0"' ....... b~t. th~"
'0'. ,:0'," ... - : ~Io:;t" :.nJ : •• :':;; .... ~ ~ . rt...~, .~.. ..,. .or ' ... """10""",,,,,,,"'01 Th~"'" JI~. 'l'I\~I"""" t..:.; ~~~' ~ .,.,~ ~o ~rs. I~ wit"........... . . " "' .. 0"'..., ....... .... ' . ~::- 'c.~: ~ .um'" d... u..~ ~ ,,_'0' ~l-:.....I"l"""! '!,._.,Oy. ...,M"'..... ' ....lID. to 1_ "" ......,.'....."04,.... ..... ...... '!!".... ",.. lI., ODd"'" U. ". lin,·...;1- n/ - -..~ . . OO,..... ond .................m..............., ~ ... , .~trayed or Stolen . • pooIU.,; ...1' ...... 01,.. II.......... W .. ,. Ol&<' ... oar ...................... ::::W.:: ~""";I..~.::.1':"!: l ISnDela~ wt~ m.0b!''' , . dro'wu4 . [ 0atr0Ut0a .bba' ....... 'i" "Ion' " _" to ' ............ . ......... .0. ~ on ..... Iuallr ...... .... _ .... ..... _ "",Qe'fUle, • tc L. till., ~da .. -.Grid _eaTer ~ ............. ~hrM ~Is Kart'l tudlei bJ' 3M. hweU, IDa ...Ge1 ..... tla811111oa1 .~ , ................ _ _............. .. q<...................... _ _ ... _ .... _ _ :.... .....,.""""'"' ............ 0 1 _ - .... - eaoh. ool~ at ~'.IaI' e'Djoya.I'~ ,"en-r .... ~ CI~". Alint . . wonb. oI iIlI. w.... ...... .r...te 00'*:0::., wlao 1aaIlI.-a ..... .......... .....,..- ... ~ do . ., ... _ _ IIr." - -
~ · ~, "0.. ~ ~,_ p~eparlnl
_01.._ . . . . . -
, , ,
. .........b .......
brood 10\1111
of...." .... Wo'ler ...". JI •• and lin. \low........ ' - ' W.yneavill. qui e 111 for tbe palt " ..k. tamtl,1 . pen'
ne 'hia oommuJlny. !The Ladiel GutId of. S..
Mr. and lin. daY' e"8OtulI-
W ....... 0, Wilkerson HUD·
_ . ....... ...
............ . . . . -... .
IIr. anel
WOII....... " ' - " . .
I t . aald
.... - , -
'nnllpr to'lae Voloba U .",. reoeottJ ......tad
pJaoe . . . .,I'z:aUll.after . . . . . . . . .
-... _............ _ . -. _. _ ..... __ ..... . -" .... - .. _ . ._dl_ . . __ . " "" . . __ . . __ ' _ . -.. . ._,_ 0.,....... .' . . .,...... ::=~~loJr;=::.- ...... - ..=--=-=-.p.:;;:
.... rdw tn from
b1laok. A NwUc1 of ltO,nll be
.q . to the Obllc1re.'a BoIpl.1
'Ulan SoU.OD," .AD4
800lalat l'ri4ay.l'8D• .,nIl ofteD .A.ll"ported . , moet .
p1tIoaUc.e 01 8GI
Ide .... 0I1a; .... B I G " ' : . .WID 5-,\
THEIR FIRST DISH OF TEA. II\l0blluI l'stabIJshed It" tl\e fel!at cam , , mlttooa. Some or ~ 1'00111 111Ufu. Boenel In Ole camll,j lin enaotcd ,84 When tha Beverage W.. New to the Good Fol ~I of Nantucket. tbl' oro\\'ail at r'etuel!l$. <lluCla~ocl, d11 e!\s d. lind In rags. bt'Bleg Lbe kitch, In It leU r ' ''riltI'n J 00 y ' ll'S ngo, llna tqr the 'd ole Clf f:cd "hloh' mean. IIIIYS 'I'he Elplo\lI'e. thor alW~flr d this theIr lives. .t. J.. .Rogers, AmOTlc1.\1I consul 01 II ~OI' I pUon of how t he tll'Ht cb st of I \ Good ROld,. I tbe dlstrlot, who ,Is IIcUng liS Ule spe· t\llL wat! l'ecely.ed on Ihe Island of Nan· Tbe good causlI ot hlghw!lY ' 1m· clol Red rOSB rt'pr r.entllllve nmona tucket. llnd of bow the flrat "dlsh" ot pi-qvement Ie making stead)' ad.\'8aC(l· the raOlln sulfererR. )(Islloo I' (ugeE It WIl8 !'uade; ment ln' i~l!! oouner):, and sll11 tbere, 11" camps ' t\t 'Qhlllkla!lg and ~Qn~lng ... "Cousin Bent frbni 8.08loo yesterday J'OOln for mor o~ the anale sort. 'I'bls ', C\9nily. ~I e was t9)(,1 tlIat th 80 werc: by 'a trusty messenger u, lIuge 1J0~ of ie a bill' n tron, with a irent territory, Infinite ly bet\.er tbl;ln the otller ollmpi tea. tbe fi rst , thlLt Wll8 ever on the aud mucb' at the lane'! Is .:onlPatativelY along the ' canal : r 0 he fO\lnd the I,s land, real IIlnese tea, w'lrlch Nat ne", to tbe buslnes.. But wben a wretChedness, misery, and appalllna hlmselr pro IIred In Chlnll. It Is or a horror or the II lg~1 al mollt Ind);lscrlbo grlle nl~h Color, willi little shriveled state like' oUf own . votes $60,000,000 lea\'e8, and ' wben eaten dry blls a uble. " tOr /rood' rands and allie r stntes are There Is, no aLlempt at snnltntlon, IIIe09allt. spicy tRlLle. putling forth oredltablo errorts In the ho says., 'l'he mat h\lls aro crowded "We ,have just had Udlngs that .same dlrectlon th ultJ.illato , result together and' each coni ntn, mBny COlIsln Nnt and his friend. aploln ' must be ··sattsfactOry. ~ And we need men . .wollle'n, nnd children, \\',ho are Morris, Intend to ILrrlve bel' on Ule not be' abOve borrowing prBcUClllldeali clothed ' in rags nnd dlshe" led tl18t ot Decembll~. Unclo NathanIel. trom otber ·soLrcea, .Am rienn Can· brand descrliltloll . . To mak mailers says we will have a ten 'pndy to s it auJ RaDlm, wrillng rrom Hull, telll worse, emalliiox nnd other diseases tbe old yeal' Ollt and tl)e n w year In, o,f tbe ro~s In ~bllt , \'lclntty and , wbat bave 11(111 nred among I,hem , "We cook cI a bellutltul dinner ' and Penetrates to the Spot t be 'Engllsb do to, keel! Ih ' lr r:lInous our gllestfl nil came, t wore my new Wldelpread MOalurea for Relief. on ~he dot. . The ramln will con tlnu e ror five blUe gowII with some IRC\I III Ibe neck blghways' n t;lro. For 1,094 miles of nlol'e months, or un l+i th crOll of a bel tied baclt Il) Y cU I'Is, road In YO\'kshire last ~ear' tbe total '" 1'1'1.,. ~ .cd :IOc slIrlng wheat Is han·lIsted. Euch suf· "Auht .C ontent lias IlIl n 11111 11 pea· of $910.7$0 was xpimdecl-$832.60 per In her mind beclIllfle she knew· 'leI-eel ferer needs llllle yot In the aggregllte mile. Th'e consul adds ; "At Is a rare the requirements ror their relief are not how to cook the teo una serve It. sIght to see a rutty or muddy coun· torOlldahle. It Is suld that ten oenrl! Ilnel our neighbors hnd nrrh·ed try roa<l In tbls lIEilgbbort<ood. Most, a dRY (will S8Ve a fllmlly , and ,100 will sb e confid ed to t.hem her pe rr)l .·Ily. ADd some people are 80 Indu!llrtoll. all ot them are ruacadallll~e d. well " Mrs . Lientenunt Macy s llld she had that when they baven·t anything to r II ve II 1I00all cODimunltr. ASMum· drained nnd kept I.P good repair. s Ing ,)mt tbe (otal' Ilumber of destlhtle heard lllot · lt ollgllL to be well cooked do they proceed til do somebody. a consequence one borse CWl draw I~ 4,000.000. the "allef ruuir m\l ~ l be to be pnlatuhle, · 'tnd Aunt liJdward a load which would requlro two ' or $20.000 Il day for Ove mOlltll~ . 01' at Sial'buok saiel a Ind y In Boston who Profitable foearl Flahe,le" least $3,000,000. The relief Olli S rar had drunk t , told h r thllt. It n edecl three horses over the usual cOunlTY Tbe pe~rl ti!bery , ot Ceylon, Jellied bos becn trifling In comparison with a good qUlmlity or /lIe Iliug, wblch by tbe Bralsb covernment. Involved road In _,\merlca," '£hIlt last sentence the need , ' "'as th I'euson It 11'1\8 HO . P nlll ve. an expenditure of only '79,,510. latlt apea'ks a·," " olunie. "'Good ronds, den lIJ1p arls of Ame~lca purse So Aunt Coni III hnnl; the bright Ove· year, wltb a net prollt of $80.1,882. 'c lares th9' '1:roy' ttli: Y .) Tlmes, mean strln'gs bave been loosened br m n, gallon IJcli meta l k lIle ell\ the crtllie. conomy, "b cauSe when they a K;o-rur. women and, e\'en little chlldr II to and Pili ling II tw .. qutirt bowl filII of If You Own h1lnlng Stock rushed the wear and tenr olt borses slIve ill II' kind fI'om Ibe pongs of ' tea 11110 It. with plenty or waler, that hal not made )'o,i money. write 'lIl, and veblcles are reduced by many per ' '11'8 will lell ~·ou hol'l' it oan still \)f! DI Ad" hllnger ancl death. The contrlbutlonll swung It over \bo lire to boll, ND· cent. Thla ..Ia . a. phase the l ubJect "\vh n I WIIS Inylng tbe tnble I Ii/lIMl11c to 1'011 , l1>.' VE r RS range from five cents to $1.000 or INa A ,aerATION, ~ New Stree~, NCIf which la' not ,kept In" view ua proml· Dlore Nearly very SI ale Is repre- heard Lydia Ann suy, ' 1 beard llint York. • ~' h e n lea 111 dru nk it gIves a Il rll· .sented. nently aG 's hould be tbe clUle. , Tbe Secret of Jlpan'l Succ....· Fund for Suffererl. luncy to Ib ey II aud a YOl1thrul owners of Ught pleasure "riga" and of Olin. Sir lin RamUtOll or tbe British A. fund. s tarted by contributions 01 frt: shnellB to the complexion. I aID automobiles aPe not the chIef. benefi· arm,. wrote the evenln, after ODe or $1 00 each from President Roosevelt atrald lbat tby slster·ln·low fnll ed to clarles ~, good '.' roads:', Tbe ' greatel' the ,s-rent 'b~ttJel whIch he had witRnd Secretary Root, Is being raised p~~ In a Hu(/\clent ,Qunntlty':', good la til at whlc~ comea to tbe fu· nessed between Russlana and Java.So Aunt EMher put Dllothe r bowl nese In t,h e recent war In Manchuria: by Uie Christian Herald of tbls city. mer and teamster In lessenIng th" From this ftlDd ' $86000 hus been sent tull ' of the lea Into the kelt Ie. "To bed! Although It Is with recost of hauling loads over the blgb· to Chino. ' througb ' Ihe state depart: "When the t a had boiled n~a llt 3n luctance tbat 1 prepare to' iose my r;rll> ways. menl. at Washington, 1Jhe newspaper hOllr. down t~ II gallon. It was poured of the excltlng CODlCloulne~8 tbat I has Ilromlsed 10 raise $50.000 11 moatb , Into grandma s silver tankard. antl eliI" have to.;)ay seell the malt etupendoltl' The way. to keep children In echoo! addltlonnl ror February '1\IlIroh April rled to the table, Aunl ont nt sulll J H that It III pos8U;le for "morld. ~s to make tbe scbool ~he mos.t valua· and May. ,. I to ber eon and his (rl('nd. '1 havo BPectacle brain to con eh'e--Aela advancing, 'b le 11lsco to tbem. The school must Th Red Cross SocIety hlUl raised made a dis h of tAla for you, but am Europe tlllllng baCK; tb~ Wall at nilst be made attractive. We must change about $S(),OOO. or thlll $45,000 ' 'h&l fQ!l rflll thul I hnve not PI' flared It A8 and lbewrlUng thereon." Then IS to the~ront and ' recognize that the achool· been w nt to hili 11. severlll w eka hnU.1 need, aud would II k you r ollln- msaning of thlll retreat of Europe bf'o Toom la made tor t he cblld and not ago 300 I,on8 of roodsllltl's wer shjl) , Ion. " Wbereupon my • IIs1n ioolled :lnd tore II.dvllnclnC ,Asia; "The mpr 1 or he teacher. At present only the Th. Kingdom o.f Chin_The 8haded Portlen o.f the Map Indlcatea the Te~ \led rrom merle!! to ' the ramlne dis. Ihin K the more certain I am t hat It Strlcke n by Famine. tr lels. 'lob nJJ!ornJa Red ro~s so-. snltr d at the lea, nno mo(Je nns wer; 1'itory appurtenancea of the teacher are waB not s trs tegy or tactjC8, or arma· t ". s my loyed n lo h I' .deslr d my ment or InrorlDa~lon. wblch won fho Frightfll1 fsmine 'hll Ita clutchel en two. landl. Owing to the, drought clety wus nlso Instrumental III 'scpd,' 1llac~ In It and wbatever may be dOl\e tol-j:he chl1d~n Is don.e onl.! be- and the flilure .of the croPI In South Ceritral RUllla, 30,000,000 RUlliana 'In IlIg 2,500 ' bu shels or seed wllent from opllllon ~ J mllst needs I II b ,I' ton l 8 "sttle of Lloo), for a , bltt thot Z7 P1'OV i'lcel have aeen their meanl of .ubli.tence swept away. Men, women nn F'rnnclsco t wo we ks ngo 0 11 thE "1100ntul at this would ntln'r ly kill. any It was rathel" the 80uls of the Japanes cause tbe- ~~oher'8 in.terest can best , and' ohlldren, lJuddled. ln their miaerable villagll en the ateplpel of the VOlga Siberia. free trnns pol'talloll hllvln~ l one or U 8 , hr . ul tnbl~.' 'be served I)y III1Ch. The schoolroom and the C. .pian sea, are face to. face with ltarvatlon. It ria feared that ten been cirrol'e~ by the Pn~l(lc Mall l "The , captain ~h n R:I.ld hc would troop\l which IrhlmpheCl over ' th e l e~1i de"eloped, leas awallened, less stlmu, muat be made 'for ch1ldrea. ia.!clarea per cent. may die before new .cropi can be glthered., , Steamship company. Plve thousand ~nstru t m ho\\ to, Ihn w the . tcn. lated QuallUes of lhe RU8slans " A.rena. ~a tbe btrBiness room 1a made i T"e 'flooding o.f 40,000 Iquare mile. of lowland. In northealtern China hal bushels of seed ' wheat have baeD And IMs yo nng lady. he s aid , shall i \ attractlve and boo up frlr ' GIllltol~ers ' l rendered 16,000,000 homelell. It II believed that 1",lIy 4,000,000 of these glven ' to tbe Red ross ' at Portland make the fll'st dish or tile bev 'roge • ' , Ore.. and It Is belne gathered at sea used In Nantucke t: " ttbd whatever Is do~ for the salespe.. may perllh, pJe Is dilne only becaull6 thereby the 80 pitiful are thele callmltlea that the voice. of the Iltarving peala"ts tie ro\' Rhlpment. ' A Locomo.tlve Engineer Tert. · Ho", There. are two rellet conllnlttEles III How Gov. BodlNell Won . belt interests or cUlltomera Cia IMt have been heard around the world. , America h .. been .mong the lI ... t and . He Waa Cur!!:! by Dr'. Wllllaml' blna. One Is comp064td at Chinese Samllel W. Matlh ws, wbo hS$ b en carecl for, 80 1f tile. iIdIoolroom ~e moat generoul In appreciating the dlre need and In giving cof her prolperlty. Pink Pili .. But all tha~ h .. · been IIlvan III yet h .. Icarcely touched , the fringe of the Europeans an(J Americans, IU Shang, cbJef of the !\falne bureau of Inllu!!Ll'lnl tn~relta of th~ cihUdNln' must De Pain tbat leemB alt;nOlll unbeara\)l.· faml"e·.tricken dlltrlcta. _-+.;: h ~a1~':-iT ;! I t~e~o~th~e~r ~ co~m~ ' rI~a~es=n"'l",ls!!!B,,:IO~'~t"iUU~cs, since Its establishment back .~ted aod those Ullnp done tor ehll· . ,- ~. leB exoluslvely. They are sendinG Ip t he 80's, ~nd who has hel,d, severnl Is' a cbal'llcterlstla ,of 8Clat,.lc rl\euma, d~e:n whlelL will mue dae /iohoolrqom. 'New York,-The climax at lbe great own lives. Aged f.leople ' are 'being food tnlo the dlslrlcts· where , lb. otller offices of truBl. 18 A. vcry Iluent Uem: In some , cases tbe pain it next to tbe home, Ute most attnlcUve 'Chlneae famine III a t band. In tb .. drowned. or poisoned with opium, to greatest ellrr~rlng prevslls. bllt hav4 and Impresalve speaker. knlfe·lIke, a:tnrp Dr IIhooUng; In oth· »Iacej , ,eabaard provlncell 4.000,000 , men, prevent their Blow elealh by bunger. been unable to do more . tban rellev, ]11 1 86, when there )Va~ a 'close con· ers It Is \lull nnd IIchlng. Solatlci women and children are starvlngThe vtceroy In ol11e ot the flooded the stal'Vlng Ilea8.0nts that are neal test tor the Republl CuIl nomination Is Itubborn In rellsl!ng ' treatment and I The wlndfall Ot ~ be.n' .w more than, the populltlon at Manhat· provinces tells of a, family consisting at band, owin g to the laCK of funds. for governor between 0\'. Hamlin' o( the patient fre1luently Buller8 ,tal American educatJoa naturally aivutles tan, Brooklyn" the Bro~, Quee.ns. and of 'a father. mother. ,and two c:hlldren, As early- 11:8 'posslble In tbe tamlne Bangor and JOBeph R. BOd'well ot Hal. yeare. This was the case wltb Mr. soD;lethilig '~akJiI to ~nYr; Qn 'the ~rt Rlc1uriond. Ac~ordlnli to. the latelt all ot whom perl8hed In a single day. the American MissionarY ,800iety load, lowell, ~r. JIIatthews oopoused Ole HerbeR E., Spauldln,. a locom·otl\,. of foreign lDsUtutl.Olls wbtoll &1'8 not reports. the IIltuatlon 18 much more The mother lett the houae In search ed 3,500 liags of mlUet lind dce OJ) cause of the latter. and at the . con- engineer on the Glnclnllati, Now 01'eo well tftOFed by , :, p~vat,e munlfl-, serious th~n tbat described In ·these of food, Tn her absence the tather boatll and sent them up to the greal ventlou made a speeoh which bfQugbt lean I ' & Teu8 Pacific Rallwat, ~iloSi home 18 at Longview, Texas, eence_ The duke of Devonshire, chlr,n· Column" a few weeks ago by a cor· 'cU'owned the child ron. Wben the Icanal to the slarvlng peasants, An, no little credit to blmaclf. "While running an engine 80me eeUo'r of CambrlIJge ' nlverillty, IBSUes respondent In ShanghaI. SInce early mOlber returnC1d, she 'asked where tbe otber consignment or 20,000 l;1ags fol • Mr. Bodwell h"d been spoken ot al ago:' he 811Y', "[ Cell ott anI\. Ian .ppeel for $7,601):000, ~ be In the" 'WInter' tb'e 4,000,000 refugeel little ones were. !ffer husband ra- lowed soon after.. Thus (or tully 16" a man with but a IImlteli e ducation. yeara have'been bODlelen and deiitltute. Ac- plied tha't he could not bear to aee' 500 more bags of grain lIa ve been dill Mr. IITatthew8 'l'eterred to this "scath. hurt my knee ane} spine and I have aayl III lIOr'ely Deeded. BrlUah new&- cording to the viceroy ot Kla'u gsu. It them starve /0 dealLb, an~ ,a s there trlbuted, making 40,000 In nil. Ing criticism" In his nomInating alnYl considered ttila to be tbe cause JlIIpera "support .the : appe~, &ne\ In II ten tLmes worse Iban allY famine was no challce, of 'f'eedlng them" he of my" Illness. Tile, B4llaUca took h(»)d The Cblnese offiCials realize thaI speech.; and Ilnld:, articlea on tlie' ,•• blatt allude ,10 tbe known /n ChIna In the ,last 40 YearB. tiad thrown them Into the water. The the crIsis IB Rt band. and have lakeD ' ''It. mllY be trlle tbnt. Mr, Bodwell at .me from my beel to the baclt oj !poverty of 'Easllall collegea &Jill,' tbe. 'm point of morthltty, It Is the worllt dls~l'tlcted woma!! «;llowed her ohll· ex~..aoreltnsry niea8ures 1,0 aid theh I" not a highly educated man, but my bead. Th e :pain was the worst aplendld Ciftil ~( Americana. &1111 'alaQ calamity tbat 'has' befallen mankind dren. 'I'he tather, lin utter ,despair, stat·v:tng fellows, Taxes In the arrec~ he hnll shown conCIU61Yt!lr that he 1 e\oer suirered In my life and my le~ and back were 'twIBte.d OUt ,of ahape Jaiuent the lDdlll'ere'a ' English. ' liince tbe be&1nnlng at the new ceD- ~ook bls own Ute, ed provlnce.s hnve been abated, ,\ ian, knows how to make hili lo'I\I'k'," I was under a physician's care fa .. 'me'n of wealth. This m a matter ~ tnry, o/nclatll h'lve had their salaries rp.duo As Mr, Bodwell WR8 ,)De of the several mouths lind ~or six 4Jlonthf. Sell Their C;hlldren. aardlng which outclders ' Bhould heal· . The e nd Is not yet As >tbe Chinese In some parts of the provlnc~ of ed. 'th" saving being devoted ttl re must BllcoesstnJ business men In ' tire ~lIld not get out of bed. J also wen!: itate ' to comment. Il.ut It Ia not wln~i reaches Its belght. more 'and Honan. Klangsu. and Anhul Jlarents Itet. 'rhe mints are running overCimt sillte, this alluBlpn brougbt down the to Rot Sprinjls but came bock In .. rwbolly out of order to note that 1I0,!!e more people must sucoumb ·to )lunger ate seiling their otrsprlng, tbe gIrl!! to coin cash. The 1l00ute sull rerll It conv nllon, nnd Olany thought It wall wane condlUon than wben I wenL "and exposure. , It III not a question 'ot for tbree dollars and tlie boys for Bome or tbe dlstrlots are recell'ln~ (lie means ' of nom iulLtlng 1I1r. Bod· hi waB w:tlfln I WIIS down In bed fOr ~be, I~08t benefactions to educa· aurvlvlng; but that I beard of the coo of IL l'tIr how many thousands , three casb (a IIlxth of a ce n~) a da,' well. ' ~on ,and cllariQ' In the Un!i.ed Kmg· must dIe, Tbat Ihe ' lamlne will ,la9t ,two dollars Mexican, ,whlcb , Dl,sans for ,a month. ,It 18 all\o proposed hl I'e Amson, a , m,uch older 'man than m,r about,one.half 'th08C a,mounts In' Amer, ...clam ba;ve .coUJ,e from AmerIOQ "dfj· for montbll to coma IS a certainty. 'Ican selt" who 'bed been oured of slllaUer money. A correspondent de' open old oanals and rebu!ld old ron;l~ GI.mou~ Gone ,from , the Sf'a. by Dr. Williams' 'P ink 'PUIs. I bega "UL , With all tbe generosity of other , clvi~· c,lares that In the Slncbow and Pat. and thus afford the starving an oPP'lr Tbe days at romance are lost fn.l · taking tbe pills and 6008 "\l'I\S able t.ll izOO nlltiolls. llle relict Is InndeQu~te. chow dlstl'l.c ts the ' starving people tunlty to earn a 1,l vlng. "n~ hlto llie ']lul, says the Kansa8 get" out of ' bed. When I 1I11~ takn I If anyone ' Imaginllll th&t raUroeod " 40,000 8quare MIlea' Flooded. bave been redu.ced t o eating buulan City Tlln es. Rold pIrates no longer ·slx boxes J was a~le to w<lrk · abOu ~ I?OME F.A\'t'l0U8 LOVING CUP8, expanslon,ltl ibis Co\Ul1ry 'blla reache1 lIesh, nnd ~hat It Is b4!lng sold secretly The mess' a ges received , tram ' C hina rove the seas ,with fierc e mll ~tlUlbell tho ' bOll80 ana yard. .' I kept r\gb t fts , lfmlt,. or that tb~re II any sign Of last rtecember told' of t.he beginnings among tbe lamlne lufterel'S.. King Hal'. Grace, Cup and the 8kln and crimson sashes . a ' mutiny Is but ,on with the pills ' IIntll J W811 cure~ , '. cheek upon American tndustrlal of '1be faml'lle . For 40 days and nlgbtl Early In the new year, the tamlne a brawl and dally Ilopers nre ,d eliv- and I have never bad any return 01 nerl' Peacock Cup, . ' growth, be ahould not ,BRmmon lame9 It rained constantly. lIhe great canal, IIltuaUqn changed . T:he starvtng ,peas. trouble. , have been running i.t ered on board modern . steamshlt1&. . the engine ever slnr-e." , iJ. H1l1 aa a wltneel to sopport hli extending 700 Inlles from Tlen· antll flocked to the nearest cities In Some of the old Iovine ,c ups ~411't True, It Is tbat tbree·ma8ted schoon· Dr. WlIIlnms' Pink Pills are 80M b) pe8slmlstlc conteDUOIl. Mr. HUI. _ Taln to Hang Chan. claBe to the' Boa· ~elr Quest for toad. They are livIng called grace cups. Of the 8J,)eclme-.l. ers stili make the trip tram Shnnghal druggists, oi Bcnt pOltpald, on re Gf th~' lto~einc:iBt railroad mea of thfl - ' In the provinces at Chekiang, !n great c,a mps, wbere the pltltul COD- now In possession , at the Engllsl around the Ijorn to New 'turk. and , ,all celpt of price. 6('1 cents per bOx. ' ah age. lifout wltb:' a declarat10a that ~ IOiangsu. and 'S han Tun&, bUTst its dltlolls are Iiltensilled a hundredfold. gulJda and corporations the most 1. In every large harbor may be seen boxes tor t2,50. by the Dr. W)lIIanil coogestlon Cif tramc la 80 great frolll banKI and 40.000 8QUIL1'8 mlles of low There are ,now rully 800,000 refus- moull la the Henry Vlll. grace cup, ~nclent lOlling vessels lying low Itl Medicine Cq;, Bcheneatady. N. Y• . ,CIDe end of' the ' ublOD to th~ other ,pial .. ,were fiooded. F'ltteen mllUlilnl at nine clties-Tl;llngklangpu. Huslan.. whIch belonpjl to tbe Barbera' Co., 01 the water In mute protest of the big ' . liners which are virtually great hotels that the ',· only ce~!.aln ' way out 18 to (If people In five provia.oes were mO!'e Yanohow, Yaowon, HtilJchoD, Suehl- LoDdoa en, lhslen. Cblnklang" and NanldDg. Wltb Ita four globular belli Mng, anoat_ But decay eats In -tbe bearta construct new track 'on aD enormou or IIeIIs affected, Of t!Ml.1I8, ti.OOO.OOO . One of the largest, ga\l.lerlngll Is at !oat their proPerty, IncJ.ud1ng 'theIr ' Ing around tbe ,outer rim. , says tbl or tbelr ancient tlDlbers 80 Bwlftly lIcale. , He '· Bays ,5,600,000,000 ' coalC and rood IIn"I108. Four 11111- T'8Ingklangpu: on the edge or the fam. Jewelel'll' Circular, tbl~ cup mlgb1 that another generation will see their "NO. ,I "~RD" WH!EAT !be Bp~nt to advantage t(\, thla .' pur· bulh!1np Ine distriCt. Here there are flTe campa well excite the en,VY of even the mo.t 'posslng, and with Uiem 'will' 'Vanish Uou' _re left abBollltel.Y deatltute. (SlsI,"", Poupda U jlose ·:~one. "Add to thl. tbe COlt 01: To' tbeae 1tegll)nlnp, 'neatly 'tbroee each wltb at least 10',000 refugee.. or' honest cot1'ector ot silverware. . the picturesque olil sell dogs wbo afl' the ltulbel). Are "itl) Mod III lb. ' Caftadl.o • corr!lspondlng\ equlpmept,' and one, montJul of unllpeakAble mlaery have three limes as mllny at one point a8 Tile name of the cup II derived the delight of those ' who love the Welt ".hero Honu~~ ~a,Y ,orm so'me cQnception ot tbe Iinco been adi:1ed. Tile IlltermedlaU! there were ClIban TI~centrad08 In (rt,m the fact that Kine Hal was 1-h' ocean. to be replaced by the ' smarl ,toad. of f(,() IIcrea ,car be'td f.... b) ,PUblic', need as Beell by ' tbls keen and ,tapa were. Sn lOme mpectl. peeu- lB!fI. The lIour and bean shOPli of the donor, the grace cuP. being ,Intended yow on, officers of tQe preseilt; Ulu ..lIlln. liar ,to C1tlna. Tb~ dwellings and far,m dty have been eJe.e.l. There are no to commemorate the union of the bar, oPracU~d obser~er. ~13; .~~: ~ci~~:::~l ' blllJdl1ll!:8 liad mnd .allll aM roofJi ,or .foodlltUtl'" IIvallsble. All are depend. be'r a with the ' guild of surgeons. ThE .' allfulalloal. DoIrlDt A Tragedy of ~,8Iernblance. i. UIe ...-at ,ear a Ja,.e, I Cbtoillfo;:'"'"11= , u='rr~r=a=gt;::s=t£==a=p=l\ounce~ • thatch_ . The ;'&lIa, meltei! like 'paper ent oa charitl'." " . portloa 01 ' cover carried the Tudor rOle, po~t A cnrlous case or mlstnken Identity Ie a Iarlte cllmp at Antung tbe deat}. cUlile 'and fleur-de·l1s, tbe finial of tb. lmeetJUg_!ln tbe, same day that 6. of .. the ...ate~ leaked 'th,I'.>I1gh t,bem. Is' recalled by Uie 'VIsit ' at the) prime tJlelr B18~er8 .ID· Lo/l~on ar~ ,s,e nt to The ~antll were forced '.to Abandon tnte peasantll are al150 faCing deati!. Ild . being mounted WIth the Imperial minister to Glasgow. says Reynold's 'JIrlson. From them ' tlie ' men may them and wade throUglj wiater up to The Cblnese officla)1I aelrnqwledgf' orOwn, the Enl1l1ah and French arm. ne W!lpaller. When Peel and Lord tbelt belplesllness. , and 811Y that the being beneath, supported by the 1I0D, flAS BEltN MADP. 'AcclisstBLR TO alAR Jearn a les80n' In , deo·Otlon to' Cbn'Yic. tbelr armpits to reach dry land. Aberdeen accompanied lhe Qu'f/en and KJ.>>tS BY TlJ2 RO\ILWA \' CONSTRUCTII\~, only feaslblll courae II to . let, one half and greyh~und. ' 1t!Oll. v. ]!: ,. { " . Store. of ~ral'l Lo.l. the people die and endeavor ' to obtain < ~he Skinners' Co. bas a pea Jlrlnce consort to Scotland, 06 odd lbat h . . beeu pusbed forward 10 "Ioroualy bl Chlnelle farmers wer& a fru· seed and acanty tood tror those who re- cock , oup" ,' tbougb It Is hi ', th~ years ago,' Peel hEid a dO\lble, wh'o was the thn!C! ,reat ,81, ...y. co",pa.ul~ •. A~drew Carnegie, writes to an" ae- g'alThele P J' IU.,alunat\1l parUc:ularo ,ad,••,SUPJU' peoj,le lI:Vlng on millet. rice. ' pea· maia ' form 'of ,a peahen. This large sllve. /lOt hlB dotible In any phy sical pnt·t/clI:, Quaintance: "J ' DlIght have 'bee.n ' a nute. sweet potatoes. ' matze. and nit'END8!'i~ Ol! H.IMIGRATI,ON, , IIi Suchlen. 20 per cellt of tbe peo- bird, ",Ith three chlckl at ner teet lar. It happened lhat wben he drove Crtnada. or the 'nUowlDC authoriKd Cana'di.1 rich man, If 1 hadn't nillOlved not td ",heat. At tbe beginning ot the wl~· ple have beel\ IIvln,g on gruel .tor It was always In the royai carriage or Oovetamttnt Alen t 1 apll/ld an old age In the purllult:" Yet ter tbelr Btor'e ' ot grain was s,wept weeks. All the cattlE! ' hnve been sold standa on the 'Illver badge, which 'It'al. that of Lord Aberdeen. 'HIs own can· H. .. WIWAMS, Law BtaiWlIit. ,ToIeU, Okie tormerly worn by the 'company,'. it II palntul to 8ee,a man qUit a rae. awar. The horses. catlle, and even and the donkeys, sheep, hogl, aDd barge master, an~ IIrbunc1 ,It ue tbl, veyonce was In attendance. but accu, M,,!Ilf'n.1 hi~ p8l,'1'r, pled on each Journoy by .Eldward when ,!O near the mark as Mr. ear- -the dogs that Burvlvell wera BOld. ev/}n the dogs h~e been eaten. ' engraved words "T.Jle Girt of Mary, Drummond, hlB I)rlvate secretary. Hunger reduced tbousands to a diet Fltlfu'l . Scanea In Refugeel' Cimpl. lIe daugbter at ,Rlchllrd' Relbln80n, and Mele was. i:: ;!::::~: ~:;!: :;::::;!:;;::::~:;:!:;::;;::: ',ERFECTIOJ of gruel made ot beallB, when ,they In these camps the starving 'people wife to ThoDlas Srultb and Jamel Thl! II\~rer. therefore. was regarded ;:::: """','1 " '11," """"" '1" "'1,,11""'191"'1' POULTRYaDI could b,e touud" and eweet potato find shelter In IIlmay buts of millted Peacock,' Skinners, 1642," 'I'he Ildy'. by till! Ignorant as the prlme mln),ter """"",'" """",'.1°""1"""'1 .•,,.,.,.,'1'1 "",0,-•••1""1""" "-"""'1 " "'1'.-"" " " The"~e lOUlld ' tbe ~y. of . . leaves. . , "1'1'11".'11" "'1'1'1"1'1'1" "" "'1"'1" Q. K: r3llltr grUB IIn<l Btrlp tb. · bn~k rrom trees ' two husbands we\'9 ~oth mastel'll 01 hlDlself. The mistake, prov~d tr"lc. I.' I' "" " """ "1""'1" " I" 'I 'I"' I" t~'I'"'I' J!lr>-pUan Queen wbo. wu burled ID , arid ; When Drummond returne~ to LoDdon ""1"1" '0'11"1 '1""1"'.1"'1 ' 1" ' 1'",,0 , '!'ben came reports of p tltul epl. devouJ'1ng them ravepoualy to all~ .! :I: ~: I : ~ : I:': :;!: !: :: ':::! :~: ':I : I : : :' I ~ : I , .: I ":. Ra~1t foCi aheela of cold. 1114 to do It prob 80dCII peculiarly oriental In their na· the pangs of tbalr llutlg8r. In the bet. tbe: company. . there returned alllO ·Q fanatic _110 hi! ably beoauae all tb~ other abeete were ture. 80 lDtenae did the sntrerlnc be- ter aampll tbe peo,ple kIl Imaginary II'levaD~ lId(nlt the , rortunate ' l\Iorweglln Whall.-. premIer. Meethal ~m~M In tackecl down on the Jloor to I&VI thI come tbat many IIOll,ht d~tb. Par- If they recelv, a cup 'of '!'be Norweatans have :wballq • Wh(teI!all ad .UII , be\livl........ to en .. lltlJed .thelr cbllclren by throwtnc ' rlee a d'a),. ' aLtIIa •.faUraL"': ta~mllDt8 III IceiaDd, SaoUU4 lit l'eo1. he Uqt IlbIl ~eicL . &hem Iat" \be ........ thea took the1r Tbli 'a BcnlUl America. J. . . at
. Sent,lfrom' China
Incredible. Scenes of Hardship ===D'isease Adds I Its ,H'O(,fO£ ,to ' that of Hu'~ger===Many ~IODths of Suffering and Death ,Ahe'ad ~==America App.ealed to for Aid.
flRIS 'lH_I: 8ROW I
.,.ri ..
Naw Wbeat ·Growing' TerrtloJ}, Olt."',,
THE FIRST ~ TO 'DEFY REAL BIRTHPLACE OF AMERICAN FREEDOM. In l.lttle Town or Charlotte North C;U-t1l1na, In May, 1775, Convention Auembled to Declare for In· . dependellce.
'Tell, tbe IIU1& ah1D8I tor all-wheD It Im't cloudy. . •
Montpelier, 0., Man Faals Compelled to T'ell His Experience. Joseph WLlgu8. lfontpeller, 0 ., says: "I feel It my duty to toll otbers nbout Doan's Kidncy Pills. Exposure and drlv· ing urough t kidney tt;ouble on me. ,and 1 su!t'ered mu ch from irregul ar pnssilges of tbe kidney se\:re· S om~lI m e8 ·tlons, tbere was releptlon an cl at olber Umos passages ' were too frequ ent. especially at nlsht, There WIlS pa in and dl l;coloratl on. Donn'S Kidney Pills brougb t me relief from tho first, a nd soon Infused new life. I give them my Indors6 me nt." Sold by a ll deal ers. Gil ceuts a uox. Fo s tcr'~llIburn Co., Duttalo, N. Y.
Fruit nciJ~ ....iIl not ~tni n ~od~ with I' Tl'<AM r.'AJJEJ.I"S: ' UYE Lbo colors art: lJrigh L 31111' fust.
Every man bDS an excllse for d ~lnk lng- and eacll II worse thlln tbe otller. . .
Who has the care of bOllKkeeping know. that the banleat phyalcallabor :sbe h • t. Perform is the weekly cleaning lind di~. ging to keep carpeted rooms Cree froUl dus t, dirt, moth., vermin, etc. Tbree-foartba of
s IL
)trl. " 'T lnalow·JI! S oothll1l;' S ,1l' up_
"'or Ilhlh1tu l ~etUIII"-J &O('.'h 11.1111 " UUI_, I,-~u~ea In fl4.wu"'''OIl &11&11 ~,n,tlUI"~ wlnd l!"lle. :oU & UuHt.
Price :l5c ADd !!Oe can N('.stl ng in tbe Plcdmont rc~ Jbn ot' Brief I. ilie agony o[ an Instant; NorUI Ilrollnl\ "iands the lillie lown the IndulgftJ)ce of g rief, the blunder of ' lie of Chlll'lott!), To·d ny It looks SleellY . a ms,-Beaconsfleld. and [I aueful anti qnl t, but In colonaaved Ial tilllOS It WIl8 I)erhaps tb IIvell<'st plnce III the old nOl'th state. Indeed. by cutting down COJpeu·to rug size, 611iul aL lenst one oC hIs mo~ t g l'IlClou tl mnj· nil cracks, crevicea, n ail-holes ano OP""' QKty'S' olllcers refe rred to It 'a s the ings in JlOOr3, uncler basci,>oarus, '" a:Do " hornct'", tiCRl" ot _ nlOI·len. 'I'hls epl. seotings, etc" witb the t. born of batHed ' wrath, WII8 not . BUFFALP . 11115a"I)1I d. says Hnrllcr'a Weekly_ AI-' CRACK AND CREVICE FILLER. most fl'ol11 ilK Il rst s t llement by Ule Theil stain and varni h or poi nt lh. FI rat Flower of Spring. stu rdy c.otch who e mlgrat d 1 hllher Boots, tllaldng smooth level surface wbicll In tbe nort hern United Slatel! tbe earl y In lhe lo;bleenLh eentllrf, from can be wiJX'<1 with· a 'damp cloth ant omvd;op II! tho only garden flow er theil' nntlve land 01' fro m a l IllPOl'lu'y rugs cleaned willi carpct.sweeper. n bld lng-placo III the 1I0rt11 of Ire land, thot we en:1 count on year a ft e r year No ulatter how large the Opt:U ill b ' or Meckl nbcrg connly, at whlcl~ hil I'- 6S th e earliest sign of s]1rlng. Its poor Lhe Boor Illay he lotte Is tho center, wnH fllm ' d nil tll D pCmlulo\IB whi te blosso ms, WiLh Tbcrtl nl'e t'Wo cln 8es of remCllies : tlloSB of known qual. hllulin t of Irn!Qonoliah lOlI, The ca rl y :'hcorl-s hoped seal of gl'oen" su ng by BUFFALO ity and which I)Crma.l1cntly· bell 'f:\ cin l in Btrcct, acring IInnals o[ Nort IJ aro!llla beal' ablm- Ross ltl orten nppear beCore the last CRACK AND CREV1CE FILL ER gently, in hl1rD1ouy with na.lurr, W1HlU nnttll'o llcel!s as istdl1llt lesllluony to the te ll1))o)' and snnw hus gone. will ,"al:(~ it as good as new, I usi. t on Luckily, even cIty fam ili es need not ancc; ~LUd another ela s, COlUj1osP\1 of jlrCpIIl'lItio ns or· s vlrl t of til m 'n of ,;\leCI(le nulu'g, IInrl h~dllg nU17FAJ4 0 brand, Do n'ol II c pt as th o yenTs passed 11IId the 1\)'lllsh be without snowdrops, ror lllcy have UllkUP"'lI,ouccrtaiu OJtd lnferiol' cjU1l'ul'te J', IL ting t<'IIlPOsllb,titlltes, been known to lhrlv In narrow )lus· yoke Jj cnmc 11I0re all(1 moro Hnb ar· rarily, but injul'iOl1 Iy. as a. re lilt of furring the ulltuI'111 S nil for samples and descripti ve uule. nowllur wis dlsloya II y 11101'0 sng ways betwecn nil hou~(>a. M()st fllnCti01lls Ul!nCCessl1l'i1y. One of tl1 llIU 1, excC jlti 11M 01 maIler to bulbOUS plants like the buk lng ho t !lun o ponly' voIced th!ln aUu)lIg th" g lnoJus the 1Il'lnllllies of knowlI quality· and cxccllctlco is the eyer find hills at thlij chlll'lllln l; roglon, .It of mids ummer In order to rlpeo th Ir pleasant Syrnp of l'j~ , Dl!l.ll Ufaehn' tl by Lhb CaliForuia. F or ---BIl'-r-fAI-O VARHISI; (n It be true of th rest lit th o country bulbs, but Iho s nowdrop tb rl\- 8 best ...;;.--~ . SU'J;LO'__--~ Fig Syrup Co" which repr cuts tho IlCt iYe II1'IlIcillle8 of Sale by rllal shade: In pa tbat til prevail ing ao nlll nolll In l he plants, kllclwn to act nlOst bCllcJlciallr, ill II. lJl c u ~n.llt 8yrnp, lt blooms urllcr If It has a cbance perlol! lrumodint'ly IJ;ecedlng th I'C"· AU Hardware lit "'alnt ,Deal ers. ill whkh til e wboIesome Colifol'uir.n bllle n rrs IIr c usetl to CI)U· olullon WllS ror an Ilmlcablo Hcl tie· at the M.arch s un, but Is one or th ~ very f · w thnt will nowe r rp~ula rl)', tribute their rich, yet delicate, fruity l1nvo l'. It I th l'cl1I clly m ent of Ihe ll lfUcu lLles w lt ll Oreal of all rCDlolilies' to sweeten Illld rt'lrcsll allli clcl1n, c tho y tem Britain, It would l:Ie III certnln lila!, though leGS fr ely, In dense shurle and gently and natlU'nIly, aud to a i t 011(1 in oyel'Coming" eOll tl· in M cklellbu rg at Icasl~ thero 'as wi th a northern ex p08I1re,--Couu try Ufe In Am9rlca. ' pation nnd t 4e Dll1l1y ills 1'0 lil ting tll01'ofl'ol1l. It nctirQ 1l1'inci· 11 woll·don nod OI)llIlon In fJivor of r pIes and quality 111'0 ltllOWll to pill' icil1us geuerally, ami the ' pud latlng- nllos laace. cuLting loose en· Marlon- Harland. 5,000 ~~d;~~~;'~y tn::~: r cmed y ha!! tl1cl'ofol's m et wl tll their 1111111·OVI1.I, as well ns with ye:a r l1Q'Ve 01X'lu:d up a tJroly fr(lI11 tho llI11lherlnllll, nml enlcl'The celebrated authoress. so hi ghly lat&ely Hl cnm- ~l '''r rltll£' fuvor ot Wilily millio:1!! of well infol'Uled IJCI' ons who know iDg- UPOII car er at ludcp ucie ut nn' esteemcu by the woml' u of America. IIJ~~ ~:~~,~~.tbe.,rro~~::,~;: Uo01l1It)'. 'I'hls opllllon, Ir III lalms s nys on pages 103 au d 445 of her of theu' ownl perso!1al kJlo,.,- lcllgo 1111\1 from u'tua.l experience CRill-cia n,ld t he! (".O T. ot the 1\lecklc nburglons and Lh Ir d >. huok, "Eve's Daughters ; or, Common that it is II. most exce llent Inntlv3 r eUlelly. We (:0 not claim thnt erumen t nr the lIullli otUI1 CUll lh,Ut" t o }.!iYe seenul1uts Itr 10 be nCll Plea'. ul- Sense for lIlald , Wlfo and Mother": It wilJ cure all mnuller of ills, but rel'omrucnd it for whl1t it l'eally ON E IIUN LiR"U A NI) '. mln nl II In l\1nl', liitJ , In u,. IIdOI)l\on, "For tbe Dcblnr:; baek-shoulll It be rClll'csents, a Inxa.{iye r emedy of knowlI qu a lity and excellence. S I XTY AC&.KS PBJU!l to every Killer. b, ~g\1IUrIY lecteil !J le,<mtes 10 a s lo w In rccoverlng Its. normal strenglh contaiuing notl.l iJlg of Illl objcctlounlJle 01' hduriolls·chnl'llCtcl'. count) cOllve nllon, of Il !,lold a·1I11 war· -an Allcock's P laslcr Is an cxccllent 'I1tcre 8.1'0 two classes (If )lUrcbnsl'l's ; those ",ho nro infonned IIko d(lclnraflo u of In.lup II denee, sel· comforter. comulnlng the sensallon of 118 to tho qu aUty ,of what ,t hey buy nud I he rell ons fOl' t ho elceUence ling (m'lll Ul0 wron gs IIII ?Or ' whi ch I Lhe sustained pressuro of a strong of nl'tlt les of e xceptional merit, and who do not lack iJul'age to g'O tbe colonies wero lahorlng, Dud In nu I warm hand with certain toalc quail. 61 ewhere when tl dealer ofl'ors un Imitatlon of any well kUOWD llllceriain terIDs ass rUng tbat ""':0 do , Ues developed In the wenrlng, It article ; but, unfort1:nately, 01CI'O 111'0 501110 ]Jeople who do not kuow, Coal. wood and wate,r In abUndance : chu rc hc. II.or by !Ie Inrc ourselves 11 {r nn d should be ke pt over tho scat of \Innnd srhoolsom 'f'eafen' ; mark~t" COlI if "I flf".CC' , IUlll wbo allow tblIDlS Ins to be IlII posed \I)1on. 'fhllY CfiUlIOt CI1HlCt lllden Ildent ))eOlllo; that 'We ore, aud I easiness for several days-In obUtxr~ luw; c,l hua.te the beet iUlht" Ilcu lhrru , ,'In" rcn~ le. zo ue. Law aDd order prtyulll c,·crywbt re. its beneficial effects if they do not get t1l genuine}' 1I1(\(ly. (It. ri ght 011 -ht 10 be, a soyor 19o all.1 sUllate cascs, tor perhaps n forlnlgh~." pf)r Ad,.i~ and Inform a.lio n Rchfru, llle solI.governlng )loople un d r tbe pow " "For )lain In the back 'wear a n AIlTo tl:e crellit of the I1rnggi t·:! of tile Uni ted Stu t cS be it sald ~UYI!RINT8NDBNT U Op al ~II GKAT I O:" . of 0012 and tbe ge neral co n gre~3; LO cock's Plaster COI)stuutlr . renewing thl1t nenrly all of them valUe tbeir reputation for professional OUa "':\. Canada. or authurized CMuadilla GHvrrn m ~ nt A~nL ilie nlalntellonce of whi ch IIIr!epend- as II. wears ort, Th is Is au Invall10ule inlegrity aud the good will of thcir cu s~ollle l'.s too hlgbly to· offer H, II. WIWAIItS. La" BIlUoIia" Toledo. Ohio. enc.e Wf! sol nltlly pled r; to cach olher s upport when tbe welgbt on the small imitati01l3 of the our mu l unl co-operation, Ollr 1I\' e5, .011:' of tho baok becomes ' beayy and the rortu nes, aod our most sacre~ honor. aching Incessant," A s the etol'y goe~, the convention ' ------wa::I til out ome 1)[ seve rn I earll r MONKEY Pl.AYED MA,..V PARTS. mnnufactured by the California Fig yrup Co., and in order to meollngs of the leadIn g spIrits of buy tile geuu~[1l6 8J'tlcle aud' to g t its lIeoeficilll effects, 0110 hll8 \he co)mty, he ld for · the purpOse or Defined by Custom. Men aa a Bird, • only to note, ",hen purchasing, the fnll name of the Coropany.asoortalnlllg tbe attitude 01 Ihe InhalJlHandbag and a 0011' . There are poaitiOlla open in the eaUfonuo. ~ilr Syrnp Co;-pll1in1y .printetl on the front of every tanLB wltb respect to t.h claim of par· Navy for huadre4sof young men paekagc. 1>r1.ce, 60c. per bottle. One IIi7;o only. between 17 and. 25 year. of age, lIame nt to l lU the colonIes a lld other· On tbe travels of a monk ey r.rom and for mechanics up to 35 yean .. lee r g nlate Ulol r Internal arralrs. Ge noa. to Heidelberg an amusing Carca So Iloon as It was learned that open I mIght be wrItten. A German gentl&of age. Good pay, and good food !Itruillhed by the Government. opposition to tbe borne . authorltle:J ' men brought r;roin southwest ACrlca , -. --For full information addreaa would I' celve Iioliular Ilupport., Thom- a tiny monkey wel gbJ'lg barely a as POlk." lhe colon I comma!1dant or collple ot pounds_ From Tanga to Navy Reerniting Station, Poat , • Office BuU41Dg, Clncinnati,Obio. we county , Iss lied ~n orde r to each Genpa all went well with tbe LillI. mUWa cal>taln directing him to call pullan animal. It W8S a favorite wIth Color _ _ _d. briehterand 'I.Ite; eolo.. lhM an, other dre, One lie aaeu •• eel... allll_r.. The, d", In eold waler beH,. lhan on, olher d,e. You Un d", ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~___ _ _ _ • oomplUlY meellng for Ihe election everyone. and trave.led · free \lnUl ~_t wllhtul rlppllll aNIt. Wlila for frHlIooldal-flow laO,•• BlNCh lind 1111. C.I.... lIIIo"'RO~ ORUG CO•• Un/o,.",,,,,, MI... olI". _ ur tWO delegatell to a coltn ty conven· Genoa Willi reached. wbell It. troubles tloD, This WBS done, Dnd on May 19. began . 1776, tho conventlun assemuletl ,i n the 'Brougbt under the notice of the G&WE SAVE \IOU MONEY. K.tal,'R for 3 ccn~ It&n1P, ClOQrUlOuae .at Oharlotte, noese customhouse authorltle8, It waa ,f'()WELL 6: CLEMENT CO. promptly deprived of Its Identity. It .10 J4aln St.. CinciMati. A Complicated Matter. waa no longer an animal ; It beenme ~wnselld Durden WIUI talklng In a bird. and aa a bird. on wblch 28 Newport about Ws recent nutumnal cents W&8 charged. It W&8 conveyed to experlmen.t of olUng. lhe Newport the Swiss frontier. where, at a stroke roadlJo-= expel'lmen ~ tbat, though It of the cuslomhouse officcr's wond It promised well; (ailed becaWie It ruIned was tra.nsformed Into a cal at the ID110 many delicate toilets. creesed &ltIe.l 8ment of '1.56, and "Oiling the roads ot Newport." snld borne by train to Zurich. ~nd Mr. Durden. ''was a more coml>J1cated ! On Ita arrival there ·It ceased. as a matter than we thought. There were ' eat, to exist. and became a mere )lack. .80 wan,. things tD take IlltD consider- age--an Item of luggage that was con· Inol..n IDd Pistols. ~OD-whlte silk .t.ooklng.e. lace pet.eyed to Constance for the DomlDal Ucoata, 8uede 8hOO8-yes, aecl4edlY It lum of 16 cents, . . . I complicated matler. I Stlll .&8 luggage. though metamorWin c heat e r cartridge. in all "It rominda me, III It. wealth of pbl~ed from a IllIckage Into a bandba!;. calibers from .u to ~50. shoot cioDlpllcauODJI. ot the man with tho It went on Its way to Slu·.tgart, where crotl8·eyed dog. Tltls mao aald to a a great honor awaited It It wali. on where you aim when the trigger 'rlend~ , payment ·of 12.0f. exolted Into a dog. is pulled. They are al way s .. 'A wonderfuJ (JOg, that ot mlDe.' ' and It was as a dog that It ended It II .. '1& be? He doean·t look up to Journey at the university towD ~ accurate, reliablo anel uniform• • ucll.' the trlcnd, rOl.lled. Heldelberc,-Stray Slorle.. ,. ~II De~ler$ , I "'Weh, now. tPI: a teat,: saId , tho Shoot Them Yoa1l Shoot WelL IT'S THE FOO:D. owner. 'YOII just grab me by the ~lotari$Tre6tise throat and say "Whoo!'" Alwaye BuY Wino. . . . . Malee. ·~.~loar'.tsc:,sto'n,t1c~$$. "The other dId I!IO, and tbe dog at The True Way to CorreClt Nervous ..00 aprang u~ and bi~ a piece out of Trouble •• bla master's hand. '''How do you aooount for that,?' Nervous troubles are more often . .ked the friend. with a hearty· laugh, caused by Improper food and Indlges· t. 'Why, hang It,' Bald the owner, •• , tion than most people Imnglne. Even Ile ~ubed biB hat and hurried . air ' doctors sometime. overlook tbls fact. to ho CRalerlzed, 'J Corgot that be ""as A man aaY8 : . "Until '.two yea,rs ago wames and; I ought tD bave 'put my hand on your Ilhoulder and yelled.''' butter ""lth meat and gravy were the { _ _ _ _~-- ' main features of my breakfast, Finalof a woma."l's life Is seldom seen by anyone but What Playing It aafe. Iy d)'spepsla came on nnd I found my"Why don't you make a apeech that Beit In a bad condition. worse In the agonies, what mIsery, what fits of melancholy a~d the blues. the poor, will tell . )'our conllUtuents , 'exactly morning tban any other time. I would mlse~able sufferers from fema,le .disease have to endure, one month what YOIl thInk' ah!?ut- t.\l18 (rueatlon?" bave a full. sIck feeling In my stom· "Because,': answcre d Senator SOrgo acb. with polns In my heart, sides and women ' after another! What wonder so many thousands bom. "J d01l't know exnc~ly what r head. . truthfully My that they are happy\ Are you? Happiness cannot be tblnkl and If 1 did know I do.n·t know "At times I weuld bo ve no appel.lto tbat I would \Vant mr constituents to ·f or daYB, then I would teel ravenons. ,called complete wtt~?ut 'health. and health Is best obtained by luiow It.''-Washlngt.on Star_ Dever satisfied when' did eat and so ' Dervous 1 felt like sbrleklng at th e top of 'my VDlcft. I lost Besh bnd Iy Not Her Purpose. 'and hardly kn,Bw which . way to turn "She 8 ~rI Ji('!s lIle as a woman of can· unUl one dRY I bought a box of Grnpe.unt singleness ,(If purpose, Sbe's Nuts food to see If I could eat Illilt . • 0--" '1 tried· it withouf tellIng tho doctor. "Sho does· seem Ii'ltely," In~errullted Dnd liked It flne; made me feel as It the spltefnl thIng. "10 be a woman of , h'a d Bometh Ing to eat tbat wa~ 81l1l s· eonsi.ant Hln ~ lcuess, but I wouldn't fyln', and stili t dJdn' t hDve tbat ... ay 'of PIII'pose.' 1 think ahe can't lieavlnelle that 'I had felt after eaUng which has made maD, thousands happy In re.stor~ beallb IIIId.slreuatIL '"TIl. doctors bel" herseit." my other food. ...... 82ld I had nervous prostration, but ~v. n.e nO rellef:~ wrttes Uzzse IbJthwl. 01 Ml "I hadn't dranlt any eoft'ee tben In WIthout Regul., lneom •• Vemon. Ga. "I ·was sick fat n,lne years. I could hardly eat aDd could 1I0l", My five week." I kept on wIth the Grape· )Irs. .1311jI1lmer-Does your husband Nul.ll and In a month and half I had ' ~aJld' hlp3 ached. J was very Irregular and would bave 10 .,ID bed two or three .4rlnk re:;ulal'ly? pined 16 · pounds, could eat almost )In, Hogan-No, mum: . my wag_ m,thlD, I wanted, didn't feel llRdly dayS. I have used 3 bottle3 of Cardui. aDd noy I CaD Say that m,lIeiIIb fa better rban ant fraJIldy. III strictest confidence, teW~ all JOIIlt -ta·t steads,-Judge. for the past nllle yean.'~ Cardul re~.vllS paID. replates fitful fuDOt..",. IIrqtheaI troublOs. QII . .utlnc your age. WI, wlU' YGIIl atter ,atln, and my De"OUlDHI waB , I'ID ADVICIt (n plaIn seaW envel~, an4 ~ m· au cone. It'l a pleasure to be well JUUf weakest orpoa. makea JOII wen aDd HAPPY, Try It. . aalIIe 6f1I8&I book on "HOlDS Traetlilellt far WOIUII.'· The ilacl"e 0' ~ Courag.. . .aln." , ~: ladles' Mwllor7 ~, Old LallY-What br."e·qU1real • Nam" 11 ... 111 PoItllm Co.. Sattle ClaM'NIIII' I\ItIIcIae CO., ~, T.... Little GI'I-~D ~rudder .. &00 bll Oreek. \lfch. Read the book. ''TIl. 100 err U4 IU'~' IIII ~ to ,Ja JQI.
Ge.nuine-SYru·p of Figs
. , I P· U T N A MFA I) E L E S S DYE S
I __
The Circulation Stimul~ted and 1he Muscles Joints lubricated. by uslnS!
ror runes.
Prlce 25c:. 50c. &fl.OO Sold b)' The Horse-Sent Free Address Dr. Earl
The .Dark Side
Hap y
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W.u,W,antUoD.-, '
A_ .Ivery DnqJ'Store In SLOO Bottles·,
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IN A I,.. LEN B ILuING , T:' JCPy.!OJ'!C ~JiI.aI.a ' • )'JO. ()- 2 APRil. a . . '. t ~07 !'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!'!!!!!'_ ~.!!.!!.!!!!~!!-~~_~ ~
O' e r a t ,B ell lJ r l'o k Ih ey h"Yl! organized & I a.w lind orLl e r L tl AUII , 'Cbe Twin ity Y ld ett e. of B Jlbronk in reporllng the re lt ~o n . for Ioh,' o rgllnlzations II R d 11 6 to A Illok of lllwenforcement llIIy s· ·1t Is c pe nl y a88teted tba' no r e lief cu n be x PeQted for the oonnty court " !:lo cb a ' condition of 1If1'nir~ , If it exis ts. I lerious,
Fine Growth of Grass.
Toxn.tlon eplgmms rl'OIll on n<1dre88 1I\\I\lh hIIW'O"otl, y t . li t\< ill I. \' II n o w b)- Jlld '0 nutus B. $m llit of tile In· fllr fr QUl we ll . clullnll btl,·: ]'lJ I'IlI'Y bU6l n ~ss ol'gantMtlou In Lho Buunu 's . Iate or Ohio hag prolt's ! ~ l !\atnst II r pu t (1)1 ni ted 8mt.'s - tl1Udllrd lIIur I,rcscnt 8yst~m ot ttl. ulle l) , ' III H~llre You will Ill, lIyt; g t Uti Speaking wl(b res poct for I hh opln· Illnuil II y o u pll y for. Ions of 'those wbo lllerdal u d irt r nt Fo\' ilI11 by,1. E,.l lmn y . \'Iows f rom mine U(lon lhls 'lluUj , · t , 1\11,;". Hit lilt L 1II 1110U , Luelent III n \. nil I . S, I do uet s·(,(, how 1I0Y' (1rtlllvlll e U nh'e r _ity , ullll l\fi~!1 olle co n study tltt:' s),slcllO or tu.lcnllon Hpll' u gl' llce. nt, x{or d,l,Ire e nJ oy In Ohio lind scupe tbe en ncl\t>;lon in ~ It W I\ k \,tlOtIt.lo u fr oll1 th ei r that tlt e root or ull (he t'vils of til tnxntlnn system In 'Ohlv Is R ell II 2 ~tot!il'l' lind spelllling til " tiUla u · of tlrtl cle XII ot tho OU81ltllllon. m O!l g tb eir hom folk~ , whl cll Int llOS s I be gell 'rul prop I'tl' tax b)' all Ironclad rUII_ lI l1Un th e Mixed rigbt nod k ee l) brig h t. peop le stld 'th 1 glsla tul'c. Bnnon 's G r e n SIlIII Plti nt. tiolu by • • • J . E J an n ey I cotltt:'tld that lit 1;(' 111'1'111 Ill'ollc rty Mr ,Rny mtth wont to 'Incln lax AS nppll d to l"Illllglblo 11\'ol1l.'rl)', nation a b opping expetlitl ou -Fri nom c>I),. 111011"),S. credi ts, lVor l~ nge8. bonds nnd sto ks I'll rorolgll COr(lOrIl' da y , tl ons, llrOtRI80ry not s. l)tO .. Is I,rac-
To tlcall}, a double a~. and tltllt If you ha \'e n <1ouble tIL\:. UllOn en pitaj you bnve a condition thot I n ds lo blight has been remarkable for th e pr . Mrs. Edhh H a rr io! i8 spending 11 tit lod tlst rl a l aud commerclul lite ot Rr68B made in ve 'etation anrly fortnight in Clnoinn ati wit,b b e r th e com muulty In whl('b l.t Is Icvl (1. spring flowers p 80b And cb erry daugh t er , Mrs. Fronk Taylor,wh ose • • • treea belns In bloom: besides wbioh hu, hlmd i In St. Lonl s !' uperinte nd Th ooly dUBt wny to tr a lu~a n g l ' tile fine growth (,f grllS8 covering Ing t,h e estlluii ll ru ot of a 11lrgl' bl e proper!)' Is either to ('x<'ltlllt It, or to levy /l 'lImall lax Ull III It, ~ uy on()· hill and valley 18 equlI I to Juue branoh of his Ji n cinnati bUt!iness t n th ot J per c('ut, In '~e w of th e p6Btu.rage. Mrs A , Mumt brought to H/lnna' (Jreen lieu I P!lint is fa I thAt wh n In th e sill It rcc!!lv 9 the Gazette mce Ii few dl\ys ago a c rtaln pollee pr()lco('t Ion lind 10 Ii blade of bl~e grll88 whloh bad mude rlgbt. That is th e r on.son why some CIlS 6. althou gh no t In nil, the grown In h er !81<l, "b;eh ml'Bfurt' ,so many of ollr b st painters are colirts or Ohio Are op n ror the enlOX inches. reoomme ndin g It , And they kn ow, forc ement of rights 110(1 I' It. too. Ro .d by J. E . Janney • • • Dut It Ill' said lhal no one but rich Mr. John Ze ll, of GranVille, com Our Township Building people WUlll t his so rt or r"dllcUon. blned business und plea ure i a a v i i t Shall we have it? to . his old Waynesville h om e tbl' and tbe obJ ctlon l'l[ns t hroug lt U\e mlnrls at most I)eo\ll thnt no one latter part of las~ wenk . bolds l'1 tnuglbl IJrOpcrty bill rlcb AI the time tor the special 1I1eo: people, In th fi rst plaee, adm llllul; A Gallon of Banna's .ureen Bell. I for tbe sake of th argum ot that UIls tlen to decide the questIo,n of iSBU· In, bonda for the erection of a town· Pain~ is a gallon of heavy bodied Is true, [ do not know ",by tho s tate Ihip bulldmg draw8 nt!&r, publlo paint and when , thinned ~p acoord- shOUld lr lit Lbe mnn whl) Is rich unjustly, es pecially In 11 Democracy aud lentime1l' 18 Cl'Y8tallzlng and the ing to direotions on overy paokage In a R pullllc. adnntll,t!iI of the proposed build· i8 the most economical paint mnd e . tnl are bem, oarefully considered. 80111 by J. E . Janney. Let mo slIy to those I~ ntl e men In Every IUn who has a v.oteshonld Plymouthiock eggs for hatOhlng, the stale whQ ha" e xilend d lh Ir !torts tn. securing tax I' form by exemse tiil! priVilege on the 15th 25 ~ por. Betting. Mrs, Tom BlOtl y. seeklng to have . l he tax I n<lu l ~llor da,. of AprJI b,. e i pr88lling hhijself R F. D . • , laws rep Bled a ud wbo have given no for or a.ainat; the Improvement. Mr, Elmer Earnbart, who live assistance to t he Ohio State Board or 'l'be adv8ntage& of a. new build a oouple of.miles from W Il.ynesville 'Commerce, you are s lmllly wlIsli n g inR are many and 8 msjority of the on the Ferry pike, brougbt to the your time In trying to dleten.t (ax In· readen of the Gazette are (amtJiar Gazette offioe last Tuesday II> beau- qulsltor laws. As long 118 'you have our pr S It l system or ta~u tlo D . so with them. tiful bird, which pr.oved to be f\, long will you llave tox Inquisitor lawa In the firl' place, our present wjld duot belonging to tbe ke I fam nnd I hope YOU will. SO'WDIbip h 'o use 18 not and never ' ny, whioh had beoome disabled by baa bNn a credit to an up to date, being blown violently by the high well to do township such al this is, wind, against the of :Mr. TAXATION FO~ OHIO. lCaoh year it ill more and more a Earnhart'!! hOUSE; while the family : Ntor giving this .tlbJ ct 'ca reful: problem aeoure a 8uitable plaoe was sitting at the breakfAst table : consideration. Y\lur committee flnrls: that It crul <10 you no blllter ."rvlce , fo, our Farmers Institutes to m~t. The little stranger was turned over I: tho n 10 r p .n ~ the C9ncllJ~ loll ronch - ! Wayne townships population is to Mrs. Eunice Sbute, onr 1008 1 tax : cd In the. r Jl()rt of thl .. commltteo , ",bmltted to you r , Elevc>nth Annual : made up almost entirely from farm , .adermist who delights in such :: IMeollng. held December 16-17. 1 90~ : : : "0111' first ",ncl Inst word to the peo- : 'I!n and 10 these' Jnl~ltutes are of novelties . : pIe o( OhIo III. you ml,st a mend your : -.peotal tz;.ten!e, and benefit to ,al MrS'. Matilda E01erick of Lytle, : constlhltl.. n on the subJo)ot ot tnxa : or y o u must contlnllle 1.0 surtp..T : molt ,evfJrY reeident of the commu- who Silent almost three month!' :: tlon tram the IIvlls of which you com - : . nlty. and it iIIlmportan' that a oom' with her' slstAr, Mrs. H eorge Sellrob : p1n In.'' To this wo mny now odd: : modioWl, ~mfortable meeting place at Wymore, Nebrnska., returned : You must remove nil con~ Ututlonlll : be provided where the Institutes home la8t TIle!\day delighted with : ob~lru tlons to progr 8. or b e oul'll ~ - : : lanoed In the m~e tor IlIdu"trl ol nnd : oan be held and that will do also he.r own home a gain . : commerolal llroQpertty. - - Report ' ot : for th& various other meet-inlts of : "Commlttee, nn Taxa tion" of 0 1110 : : Stllte Board ot Commerco. : Ul. people of the townShip. , Hnnn n's Lu tro Fini b Mude
The mUDln of Mllroh jnst closed WILlk on . !;;alll by ,J E , JILllney.
·I. .
AU of the bW!inc ss of the town-
Public Sale.
. iI] I:; . Mn . 1,/1 t IWIll 1\1\ b 11 n ''It't ,U\ of th u I'I rlp, tlun wbll>:! !;hoil"
!I , Al~.t)l'U' · 1C .aIITllt{
ehip ooull be attended to from one ~~.J;<e;;..J;<eJ;S4.J;<.1;'~~ oennal pobst, , We will cffer at pnblic sale on the ~ All pointed out 'I ast week the cost place known IlS the Hughey Holmes INDICA1:ES PROS,PERITY wtU be soaroely notloed by,a'ny Doe farm 2~ mi1es north west of Bell,.. .l;l ~4~~~.~ ' y. "'~~~ In the townlhip and the people of b roo k on tb e PoS9.: :m R un R oad mile south of the feed wire on Sut During lha tax yea'r !90~ the receipt. Old Wayne wlll have a building of pullilc seorvlco corporllllolla In Oblo Inwhich ill their own and of whioh urday, April 6, ID07. Sale will creas d nearly 20 per cen l , os cOlnPllrrd 0 M wltb the cO'rresllon(!lng pe,r lo(\ ot n o;;. ' I k the,. ,w ill have reason to, be prond, - commenoe II.t 1 0 0 0 oc, ne nr- They (ncrcn•• d tron, $171.~3 .GSl to $~hr.. Ian rifle; one bny mare, Pnrcell , 270.400. 'l'hls Includes rail roads. electri c li nes. gl~ an(1 Water Cornpll.n les. teleoomlng 6 year pld, n:n excellent graph ana telephone compu lIl •• nnd nn W. C. T. U. Meets drl ver; one road wagon, 3 i~Ch other kIm!. at tTlIl181,orUHI" n cO lllpanl~s, 'l' l1e remnrkflIJlo Indication of hUMI n SII with Mrs. Hawkins tread, 1 gr.o. vel bed; one 4.0 tooth grow th w u s I1I\'en II r II- do)," ngQ In, 1tG'harrow ; 1 breaking plow'; 1 furrow urcs IO' Lll0 public t)y A\ldlt Ir of SlatQ W, D. CullbCrl or tho nrnoun t oC x~lso tax All members.of the 1008,1 organlz~ plow; 1 tobaooo cultivator j piCKS. ollcctod hy the Bta te Crom thcall ' COI'POtlon oUhe W. O. T, U; are u, rged to pitchforks, shovei , gurden todls', mUon., As the tn" nmoullt. to ' 1 per ' cent or th e gross l' ~oc lptR It turnod $2. meet wlih Mrs, Benj. HawklnsFH- a lot of single Ilnd d ouble 'trees '; 3 052.701 Into th o alnto tr, ". ury las t ~'ca r_ -, h I I) . ' T h e tnx gnl n was $338 .397.19_ The mOlley day afternoon a.t 2 ;30; eae1I mem b er 1og cans j '" pailS ' stretcherll 2 W Il9 oonlrlbut o,l frOm corporallQna und r to bring a oo-p:r of tbe omcial organ. wugon jaoks; 2 pnirs of ioe hooks j the, tlllt rent 01 8~l tlcnllon8 ns (ollows: • Artificial' /los compnnl cR, $G{.420.11: 30 foot r ope tlnd pulley; 1 borse nnturul linll companies, $11.6~9A5: wllter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! syringe: 2 cross ont sa,vf\; 2 sets of wo r~ '" co mpanies, $;.;01.9 : ele~ trl o light' c o m pnnle~. S34.2i2.u!i: m ~~!o1('n lJ~r nnd s ls:~ , work harnes!!; 1 sat of good' !linglo Ilnl CO lllll""(~S, $~.575. Gt; I'lpe Un o com• . ' , • d I I h bl " 1 t f Id panIcs $69, iSO,50 ; telc~" ph compllntes, r V ng arness; a g ., 0 0 (\ $3,0~~.S2; t I I,hone eO nljmnl(' •. , 2,032. '5: pieces of harness consist,ing of brit!o ",a t r tl'Untlpnrtntlon rOl11pnll"" , $1'.11 t fi I'd 157. l G; CXllreS9 c!, mP<1nl c~. S.I(;,083,43; · 1 ~ B. 1lnes, co arR, e o. ; nH so 1 au'eol. . uburl,nll and ' Iectrlc rull ll"Oy qUlutered' OIlk side , board wHh colll llRnl.:s. S26 I,464.84: n ,lIrnrld com pa French plu te looking glass, new', nl os (stell m). S I , 3S 4 ,S~4_ fj I: P Ull lOan (l01npliny. $8, t9 .1,2i fr,a lghl li ne find e'1ulpAND IJEALER [N 1 set of new dining room chuir!!, ment cornpll nl ~8. $ .3 2 L.4~ , oak; 1 set of good {~'lin , bottO,D:\ PROPOSED AMENDMENT chairs; 2 r!Jcillng cbuirs ; 2 kitcben ILL~NOIS CONSTITUTION : tabl s; 1 good floweret! 9/u pet ; 30 A resolution Is rendi ng before tho 1111ya,rds good rng CIlrpet never been nol~ legislature. prop,oslng this n"'cndTelephone In his house where) cut. 6 good rugs ' i cup board, 1 mont to tho reve,nue arllcl" 01 ,the ConI .tltuUon: . " all be call ed 'at, a II ~OUf8, day 01 walnut bureau; , 1 good heMing The power at tnl<lllion shall nover be DiSbt. Itove . ' big Jot of fine deoorati ve .urreod~~ea. suspended 0 ...' con1mcled Coaches ~d ohairs supplied, pictu;es j 1 fine hand bell j 1 dozen !:.::~. eh~:ax';:'f ~~~Jc~:~ u\~i{:~T: t~:o~.:;;~ Bave recently moved to roC'm 'good wiudow ourtains' 1 fine COil . torlal limits ot tho o\llh(H,lty levylns tho . ' , ' tax, nnd shall be,lovl'd nll(1 collect d tor ',n ut to CrOilB Bros. per niokel plated \Vl;lsh boiler j 1 set publlo llurpost's ollly. l' ro\:Wed. thot tho ...... -.Ii-T.' WAyN .... VI· '·.. i k e 1p l11t,ed i rons' w Ith d etaoh· ate Genernl A""OI!,bly Illny \"'81 : lito nnd corpor. . . . . . DOC .. _ ....... 0 f S no outhorltles of allieR. townl vllable' handle: one oouch with ve. lageR. toW,," nNI vlll"gc~ wltlt Po""Cr tl) , make local Impro\' In n48 by specia l i\Q_ lonr covering; 1 center stand,; 0 ..sslnenl., or !If 8p~clnl tn~o tlon ot con~itten by a ,Spider. lot of dishes ; 2 screen doors; 1 fine tlguouS \:!roperty. or " 'her,,,ls •. Throush blood poisoning OBllsed The s cnoral A". embly .hall not ImpO!! by a llpider pite, John Washington, parlor lamp; 2 tubs j olothell' basket taxes upon m'JJllelllll1 co.-poratlons, or of Boaqaeville, Tex". would bave 16 foot ladder j' l tarp)llan : 1 stra. w Ihe Inhllbltanta or property thereof. for purposee. but IIhall require loa& hit leg, Which became a mass knife; lot of sack,1I i 1 t,rott· corporate' Ihat Illl ~th;, laxnble "lthln the of rnnntnjr IOres; had' he not been IDg bug .. y· otiJer things too tedious IImltA mllnlclpl1l .h,,11 " ' " be to xed tor the debte !!Onperauaded to try Booklen'l Arnica tomentlon. I tncted undor 0 law; Rue" MalT., Be write&: "The first applt. S I~ IIaJt09 shall be unl(017l'l the G mOROlA_A WJ)-W ' ILUA)! ,urn.B8. du., or IIttbJf'CIll " '11 hI ntUnecl, aad fOUl' box-8s h_led .11lhe .0.... It Beal. every A. McNeal, AuO't, . limit. of Iho Au thority ' '1711"-- C1 k I lame. Private proPtrl1 - . ,Ro' •• T. O. ~~ d,r agWUbur ~ ...... er, lilt to .,. takeD or rtOI4 ., til. OOrtlOrlt. C.1ItII
The Cause of Many
Sudden De&ths. the prl vile W" nf tho Dllln · of tl1 <311~.t\t. t n t o Hpjm tl n ~lt" rt There is n tlisu:u; ' prcmili ll ).: iilT1l1s BLADDER TROUBLE . u~er . , . cOlltltr v 1lI0~tdIlUI{"r us b~co llseso"eceptim ln st I[hUl'~dtly nfl(lfll OOll III I bt' 1_ I ~ tl\'e. lII t1 l1ysutldell YOU WILL WANT THIS. \Va llington 'l\H,-oship Bi gh ~oho(J 1 1 ,lellt!19 nrc caus!'d at outo r viUl". I -'- hy a- heurt. d~sI c.."af\ c, )JU nUl nan, Pro. f. ". B. E wt llg, 11))lIl'nl ,'n.1, ot heArt ini lu re or SAVE IT. of th 8 h n I i ~ A gl'lI t1 emlln o f [ opol'lexy IIrt: oft.e n th e result of 1,,<1soholarly ut(.ll.lnm 611 t,h lind hl ~ II ble I ~I ev tl isense. Ir Hnvo you Rh ollll1 ntiR lll , KilluElY anrl c,oI1, _'1 ti(ll1S Qff (lrtil nrfl evi . I _ \; i~llIcy lrouble is or B l d tler 'I'ro ntll n c w ? Dill y 11 d ent in t,hc wor k of th e yo nn g m en ~ I~ nllo\\:l:dtontIv!'"ce Anyhow, yon ' ~ • tltck l<lllt.'y-pOlson~~. cd blood wi ll lItmny o r " ( !lUll of y onr fri o n ds m a y . ItO tl wo m n uryder hill cllrf', A 'vIsitor iii )lllrti nllll') Y imp" I'I1l' tack lhe " ita l orRallB, ~u II S I II g Clltarrh of B ttN' Hit "0 thi ' pr , r ipti>m, It . , . lhe hln,lll!!r or the I; IIlll eys thC1lI8Ch-cS (1 by tb fl t h (lr (ll1gha '!:!H 0 1 th .. wlwk ; \ reok d ll w,,' Olltl ",tulle IlWUY cell by cell. Dr . U eorge Edrn und Hl:ultlt:r tr lJ ll b k ~ 111 1II (!~t nl ~\" iYs result bei n g II. co mpli !lh f.'lood, t be well. known s Jlecil\l ist., Th e s tud ents come til !ollis HI!! b [ruttl 11 .derall/! '1 1I~ lIt of th e "!ll lIeys , filld whl oh i II sum ien t g lll\rtlntee of , .' , n c\tre I ~ olittll llt:.1 Cjulckest I,y n prope r its Ynlue . By p ermiSSion of the ~chool fr om till pnr~ of WII~llIng tr eatmellt of th e kit ",,\· S. If j'O~1 are feelton t o wn s bip nnd tit pe r!<onlll'l . illl: bUIll)' YO II C:1II lI!(1ke 11 0 IIII~tll\;e by doctor we publish f r)r Ihe beooOt of ttlkill ~ I r. I{ illller's Swomp-~oot. the of ,th UlI'IIll)erl'hI J) (If t,h e ~.chnol is gorent "it!I; ~\-, Ih·(. r 11 11 11 hlrultler rt! Jllt!dy. onr r nele rs his presorl pti o n . It is fll.r abov e the Hve rllgll . \(1 1J1ll in I llco rrCC I~ illilhi lit." to h\1ltl urine nllli II ~ fo llow : Flold O,ulollrn, ArOU1l1t d eed ,' i one pri y!leg (1 t .o meet. so geaiL1ill):, pai tt ill J.. ~s i ll g it " 1I11c1 o,:e r10, h u lf o unce; o ooeutr atail Barko · cOllies tlt :ttlllll .I~,,,." "t lI"ecs~ltyor betllg Ill, n e o un ; F luid E xtrt1ct. Pric k . ninny bright .von of{ 11\ It 110.1 W O Ol . cOlll pcllc,llU gil "fll'lI (!lrQlIgh tile day, ns Are gn the rt'll 10 tbi('l so bonl I nllt1 to l(Ct tt!' li la tty tllll CS cl ttrlll K. tilt! Iy A!!b Bn.rk . on half drnohlll i Ar' lIi ).: ht. Th~ IlI il.l 11 11, 1 the el<lrnordmnry oroatlc E lixir , four o unoes. Th e Washington T ownship B Ig h e!Tect of SWfl lIl l'. Ru,,( is Soo ll realized. 'rII k"e on e t ell p oon rui fn t r eae11 ho o l Is n or dit to Prof Ewi Il g It stnut! s the IlIglI''1> t for its wOllderful '. cures of the lllost dblres~illg cases, meUlltud uefore going to bed , Tbe lI od t o Ihe people of ell t rvtllu II d Swamp-Root irl plC!lAAll t to tnkt! 011<1 is Ilcotor and .thonSll od of 4i s plltients I1rronllding t o wnsbip, ~nd ill d e sold 1;)' nil. t!rllg giHts in. fifty·cellt nlld Ilre Rollt.!t J rl ty f or th e .s tllte rnent I s rvio g of heart.), comm e ndation . , oll c.doll"r SIZU hollies. \ ou 1118), ho\'~ a tbat t hlR presorlpti on is nlDlos t an I ' . S:lIl1plc !JoUle of tllis wOllllerflll 1\t!W t1! s. · ubsolnte ly certIJiu o nre for 11 o y form CU\',cr)' ntHt tl hook t!lfLl h:1I8 nil abo ut_!I, of Rlull1ulllti m, Kldn ey or Blad(lor Wh ooplug 1J1l g h both sellt fr 'e IJy 1I 1l1l!. A~I ~reS!!. Dr ..KIIT r o n bl : Dr. 'Fl 00,<I R' 1so s trongly ' "" CI')U~,IJ I lIIcr& "hell I lIllv .used hum b Il' r I" tn Wril ill); Co., lIIcut1I1111; ioll hllllltOll rCllllittj.(, N. this\.gt!lIcrolls aelv !. '" In CO lllleotl~n ~vith tills pr ,' Rem edv In illY fnmily In ol\l\es of ofTcr III tll is V" cr. n Oli "! \IInke All)' scr iptl0.n, th.e drmkLOg of Ilt.rge wb oo pin • cough tlDll WAnt to tell lIIist ul;c, IJII ~ re lllclllher llle IIRllIe,Swampquantitl .or pure wllte!. Any y on tltl.1 It Is ~be b os t m ed icine [ r~"O l , Dr. ~l l lIItlr '~ ~W!ll~I'p'\{OOt, nntI the dru gg\ t wt ll fill th .Ir e orllltion lit h llv eVElr Ilsnd W F . Gallt,o n, address, BllI gh(lIl1toll . . Y., OU ev~ry . :'- nomi.ntll oost. or ,you !Day gl't t,he PU!lO(l. GlI . This rem ed_f Is sate bottle. IUg r.e r!! nt nnd mix ,t h III lI t h ome, unci sur . F r sale by ,J . E . •Itluney. It
\\' 6!l
I -., . .
SAVE ·MONEY ON YOUR .MAGAZINES. The Gazette presents ilere a few special prices on leading magazine8-----:-We call 'oiler hl~n dreds'. ofr ,o't hers. '. T~llllS what you want and we will cheerfully furnish • prIces.
We Specially Recom·m end
TheCosmopolilani Cosmopolitan a.nd Harper.s Bazar
and ,American Boy .
Cosmopolitan" Woman 's Home Companion
Cosmopolitan, Woman's. Home Oompanion and Mc Cali's
Cosmopolitan, Woman's, Borne Companion' f,ln.d Success
Mag.a iine
'Review of Reviews, 'Succe'ss Nlagazine and Woman's • Home'} Companio,n
If you c,a n't call at the office, write or telephone for prices
on what
you wan~ to
~-~~-----------------,,~-----1---~-~--------~--~ 1 .. ocr in -----~--~~ COil t r "ot Coun ty Cour t
' h d l1lJ,lI'IIn ,
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nAYTDNJ ~EBA!'DN ~ \.:' ~ """"""~~"""'" ~ Atm CINCINNATI 11. ~ , .~. IU!O~RB,
NICW SUI'l'B. Htl rt.lll. II.nd Begsie L. Jllok It, ()f north nbutme nt t o · Rl\.thllwny It' . M Coppook "S Elellnor .IJ. P ,L1 1 i\lIrq. (t,'II" ~nll.m I , lot' in Morrow brio/{ ut es timlLte $ 19 . ~nlt ill brr.ugb t f(lr $Il:ll whi ch th o l\I1 \\'. Heecl\·er . Oontrno t let to Oregoniu. Bridge defpnclllllt is ulle(.lc'u to 11WIJ I h \:I 1I~ry E : Mid Alioe D . • ollet & to Co. for steel joints on Ru.tbllw ny pllllntll f I'll /I \lrl1U1i ~iillr. n ut.,. Quin uy [{In g. lot In Borveys burg, brldge, Wilmin gton rOl1d , ' a t est!· In r a trlLu~fer of fnods by t.I1, ~20 0 ' mllte, $172 H. '] rlJ~t~es of WII~'n e To wl !'h ip ' L'b, Rol;,' PIUDf' anel 'lIpecitlc uti DS fo r COD • L:lUOn S rt .l . Shuwlu ltl , ndmini stra · 'l'uwlI!'ill p 'I'rn"ttlc, . ~II ~ '.b Rt ili l !)O I. 'THE BANK In the hnu(\!< of IUH TC' wn!!hllJ 'l',tlUS t ur uf the estll te of Fe lix i:;. ~ olto n orete I1butlll en t nnd r epnir t o 01 A. M . I~' QO ~ ~~. ~ COURTESY rll'cclI sec1 ·to R ob rt, O , Hu fford , lot stone ubutme n t t.o brid/le 'over r lICe (/J urc~r ortllllte<1 to ·rhe, · '.Blmd F lllld " on WI~yno sv ill e and Hnrvey sburg in Ma son. t 2i40 : , 'r'be v ull uf!H th" t, Ibe hlw UlIOO.· Aug ust, Adu ,to Emm.~ Wn l)sen,. 60.4;) rOlld. Contru ct to be let April 1 t . CONSERVATISM 'whlch thll BI I L\u Fond \VIIS to ·be ex RCr lltl In Un ion t \lwnsb ip, f. ~. .. '40 10 4 0 6 00 p6oc)llcl I ~ \lIllJo u~ ti t.ll1l0DUI " uel 11 0 and RESPONSIBILITY B Dry \V . tfIld Mary ::)u6Dlening, uortlluJ,;I.\' thl' :'o' UUS I rtl to t!'ulll:l f ili' t I,ouis H . lIud Ourrie Sicke r, to Idtl Where the savings depositor is accorded the tile II \10 to 'he R CIII 11 Itup"ir FII Del'. 1'!dgo\\'o Oll :n :!l 1'10 '14 "14 H ~ W. Drnke . lot in Lebon on, 1t1. "enabl" ';7 ~O : IO!!O onuu'r 1'lll0l:lCotNClB. ... ~O same consideration as the .capitalist with the ~ LOllis B . una arrie W . ' ie ker, H.ItChn r , 7 I.S *10 18 ~_ t~ a WlIllam M Brundnt\bu~y t al v~ Frnnk M. lind lUll M. DraK e to lien· lIod,l. 7 10 ItO 111 I 3U large ar.count. Annl\. M. WIl scn ,'et til;· The Is uo~ ry W . 811CllIE'lling . lot In Leloolld Lebano n, t7 00 tlO 0 0 I ~fi In the CIlBe were found in ftl VOl' 01 t1. LchfiIlOO -LV . .. 00 10 00 4 21) Sh rt In''llth flutter ing, . the defendl lnt8 . C H .Ii: D O,!> X T C IU: 0 EIlZll.\)e t,b J . Soott t o S/tltluE'1 Buff. . palpit ut.iolJ 'inkin g p Us DIRECTOR~ Thomllil Scott vs The Villuge 0 1 mun , o:J. a~J ncrcs in Washin Il _Ill' ~ I 30 r. lor, are sy mp tom, of a wcak D3ylon O&:X'L gton ' D&.X T Mlls ~>n. 'L'bo Court found tbllt thE' ,t.ownMhIIJ, '250U. R.F.M os her 8 30 1 hear t, struggHng to do its 0 00 Illnd In 1 ue,,!ion 8hould be det.llcbe il I:!l\.rll E . •Jobnson I1nd ;John K, .work. SOI' TflOOUN D. C. A. Rin ~ rj l It lJ Jll st k eep the W. A. Merritt froUl the villllge. Johnso n to Alioe M. Sutton , lot ID blood A. M. p. 114 . P . M. in Cil'CltI ati oll I.eal·c to N'o 2° No 4 - No o· Frllncel ' E . Couden va Su~an C . Lebtlno n Il. Nathan Jone,. S. F. Elbon carry n urisllll ient to Daylon: 0 II . 0 b or. Baynur et III; plllintil f 18 r equired Oris Groe to Sophtll Aohte l'ml1nn. II\~lon : U ,(.0, X ''l' 00 ~ :10 " :1\1 Levi S. Lukens maIZe fl. "h, b n and rons- t. balloo .I u. . to g\vll tleourlty more c08t S. · Charley Cornell lot in Butlerv ille, ' 225. :)0 1 , and l'Cl)lOY C tho worn- hak 'r Ur,,~s lng 8 ~ :I 2' ij;'GU Gr. GG D011\101 J. Bollenc llmllVs tbe Mor. ~r; Henry B, Living~ ton to Ralph B . J. N. Lemmo!) W. T. Frame row Brewin g Compa ny . The brew Porks. lot in ETlillkJin, ont par ticles. '\ Yb n j .Ro.lyn + 37 . ill 60 "n 50 1t1 5. Ing COII1I).LDY. wus decillrer] to be in · annot do t hj , it lll'U. t Chllrles F . Tblrkield t 'nl to OUn solvent tlnd the I)talntil f, llllvln g t on L . innllrd. lot In ha,e 11 lp. l' . .:Mil s ' Fran~hn , filed an In velitory of It II ttels, and "900. 1,,rLle .0 O~ lIeart lU' gb ij ~U U 23 b'cngth ,·:t: aocoun ts, wos appoint ed ~eferee . gt-wovd ~o 05 "3 ~O Les ter L . Gut h ona und wife to to the hC3.1:t !lClT 6:W and \ ' enabl e \I 01) '1'ho referee WRS ordered . to return 1\ Nettie W . Edwurd s, :J 30 ~ij MO 7i ao ~eB in mu s los, and incr eases the Klll!hner tfl I L 1:1 :J!! 10 :12 stateme nt of the condItI on o'f the Cleorcr eek townsh ip, t.85 (j Iled(l. iO H :J:H h art a ti Oll. III ~ ~ com pony to the Cuu.r t . . , ' Luoind a Gut,hen's to Nettia. f ... ·l:lJ1d ~U ;13 .0' ~ i 4U " 1 nnl Fi nd to",,' that J nm so much H"ttle B Hankin son vs James U . "'nrds nnd Lnurll E . GutbenV. 1i:d s, 72 Iml>ro\' 'U In liPII Ilh. /Jr. Mil e,,' J Icart ~c lH\Q O U A r tl \"t! !I 30 360 o 50 Curo eu~ nw w hen H \' ',·ul doc t ors RU88el ot al: E D . RU8sel, udminl s aores in Olearcr eek townsh - u ally C:lI,cpt ul\Aln!y• . :: St.op On slgnu l ip, $1 flclI. d. I lhl ll k no ulher m,,,lIclno • r uld d o f r "'" w tml 11 u rl u,'u h ilS trator of the estute of Burrlet B. S NOA ' T H A I NR. Min::ne Fo ter to Albert E. Foe done. My (·,,"e WOlH bnel: l>nll 116 ft TraIl"' Im'S 1,\'Ile '18 [ol1o",s: eould b III Um Pe. J had (llm RUl\8el, deot'ltsed, WIIS made 11 pur t ter, 27tuore s 10 t5a) em towDsb c ull~' In lp, '1 Norlhboll ui,l ~etllng my hI' nl lo. my Iwo l't " ea t 8 0 i 50;\. w. :; Z7 p . U1 t al lhneH th u t t tl j mgh t It 1m .. defend~ n in the cuse . Staple and Fauoy. Grooerl ee, Frnlts O. L . Dnke to Marlen G , M etbod , Pto~Kallll" 'oultbou ntl U 0 ·13. 1/1 7 ~ a (l. ID to lI\'e wllMut .. lI el : lho ' . Fufr et al V8 W. W . Roger 3 A . ' LI ocres In Olcoror eek towns h, lp, 11\1 ~ W . E.,WO IU~. Jl In wos vcry 8C , '( ' rI) In Vegeta bles Ilnd Canned Goods. my I Cl U Bud m y nery",. ,,"us nil unSltllnc; Anse compro ml-ed ond dlsmlFlied. .I<lCI 'cncrall'Il !llRe nllOr Ae- ent. L ebll no D, O . Leroy Clemen s Itnd wHe to Ed· hnd IlhnOH UP l !:h'oll up n il h n ll~ of hclng cured . HTl d T n m Rtlf r would rIot, Oigars and' Toba.cco, Owen O. Felter vs .Noro Felter; word F . Fe rr:v, 105 1i0 ncres in Hllr· 1. hlld n OI 1111« 11 the fTrnrt ure. ItI \JlI< e ~ r.l\ l " l pA~ uro In rrrommonlll nlr oolle dismiss ed. Inn townsh Ip lind 'linton ooonty. ' f!~ ,~W, .;,r~rr :fl~c~"!~ , ull who 8u f· AOlilDd a J. IIl\ysllt. vs SantUel B. $5600, . 1II HS. ~I ARY O. :FTAfTLI1lR, Phone 79. . l1uys/it ; !lAlIe uismills ed Sullivan. Mo. C. M. BROWN, Proprietor. !AnRlAOIll L! ENSEI! . (. D •• Mlle. ' Henrt G Cure I. sold by Emma CoDstab le VI! eorge , on· NoUcc I, berebyglvcn til . .. h I porsoan"" Charles E . Edwurd s. 20, farm er , of r~~rfl~~~lbg~~tl'e v:'::I~1 b~~ .~ut~ r.l~t1i :~n! of. re. olo llon of the TrosrcC8 or Waynl stabl'!l, Cll86 dlomil!8ed . Frllnkll n, nnd Editb 'herwoc d, .20. ho will •• 'u nd your money. 1'OIfIl. bIP. Wnrrcn Count)'. Ob lo, pn., ed 0' Bert Newma n lh l ~tbd'4'of 8tote of OhIO ; of Wllyne sville. Ifl O;. lhorc wIll be .·J b · Mi~es Medica l Co., Elkhar t,Ind . tnltled 10 the March. .. 'Iuallnl:d "Ieutore .ot said rli I 008e m slle.... 'rOW hl,P. lil a Hpt)clal elec llon to bu belrl RUSbell C. F erris, 20, groce ry In , nf(1 1 '/)"'0 lib' 100r lhaL purpo 0 on Emmll Buttoer VB Chor)e .. BllnCer , c)erk, of Oregonil,L bnd Myrtle Gl is "'__- ____=-:;-:; - .. ;;;i;;;-..-... tb l.ilb day or April. If!Oi. tbe qllestloll or • oose dlsmlss " d . I",ulra, hllI U!. o f ,fulll Town.hll) In un umounl . WOld , 19. of LebllDo n . ' III Xto ws·uf I I",r COll t or Lbe lOla I vlll ue of Mbnd,.t.e I'rllm tbe Circuit COort . Tb ruus Beer, 25, engin eer , of In. li B all the property In 81lcb 1'own.blp a. lI"tool Men ure your rooms and oor;ne to . . in the 'case of tbe Frouk n OltT t.l diaollpo lit!, Indialla , unill>h and ti~ffe..,S () tor t a.xat.lon . t.bllt Is t o suy, lry l:! " hJJ ch sum of .~:;, [lOO . O O ror lb e PUrl)O •• ln nnd PalJ(lr t:omplLny VB Rub Jrt '''' , of Leba·non. ol . ... h "u proeurl"" sultuble rcalanc1 lO I. UpOII .... "'whlcb Orawf.lrd . Tbe d4lOIBIon of t e \.0 creel fi IIU u lle hall public offices Oharles O. (,hlrl). 32, h oem 'l \: vr ' for S· TO ... '':' for ' r~clllI~" pobll lIall und puhllooftlce8 B",1 Commo u PIstlS .court wos r~vert~ed of M I noh titer aud Ftiy M. l" rk Jam~::~:~I~posiiIOn t~~~O ~~~~;ol~~~~~S oi1~~~::;~~\~n .~d t::O~~~~I~: We were wise In orderin g this stook last f~lI, in prioea have and the case WitS remtlDded to tbat 20, 01 Milineville. ma· Norfolk , Va. an t1 • ahl elec t ton will bl! conducte d .. ~an\' a68' oonrt for IL new tr Ia I . terially advaDo ed . Larges t sales last year of any r tbls year will 'd "lid Ernest Kirb.v, 22, laborer , of Der l lll~rl In l he sume wanner " be , April 19 t o No vem b r aD Ulc~llon8 fo r 'J'01l'1I81i1p oftlceri<a re condoowd Robtlr.t Crtlwfo rd vs tbe Fl;'ankl in KinPIl Mills, Rno Mllry Fr'R greater . Matting s from the Orient now In stock aellures beautif nces Ev boloe of. number of uLlrnallve rQulcti. 0"0\·3.8e ul " O pat. lind c.nllled, Boa.rd and Pllper Comp/) ny: oase uus, 2~, of M08on . I " busc wbo r OLe 1n tl.L\10 r ot Lbe proposlt.i I Los Angeles, Ca. of Is.~ul n g bonds a. '1lIorc.n,,1 sball hal'on terns, lowest prices. oomnrOlDltled und settled Lewis O. Leiohty , 24, farmer of Allrll ~7 to May I-Mvollc . C d II brill r~ writ len or I'rlu led on theIr bnllol.!i. Ille I VS Ingrain s .. . . . . .. .. .. . .. ... ... ... . .. .. . . ..... . .. . 250 np May 7 to 1r. .. ·O£rma u l:I, pllSL Uretllren Karl C. ~ we , a88 gnee, ll'rankliD, lind Lizzie F . Tewell , ]8, GOOd goIng OM rOU le, r"lumlng nno~lt c r wonlg: . Lowell, Park, Extra 80pera. "For lbulBsue of bonds." Mllggie Tilton. The motion Of the of R ed Lion. At'lantl'c Cl'ty, N. J. . And 'lho~e 'ho VOLe aRaln.1 tM saone Rugs-g de fendant to. require the pll1lntilf to reatest stook yet . ...... ... .. . ..... . . 110.60 up hull h'",e wrlLwn or prInted oa Ihclr bal· !liar 1:1 lo JULIO 3.. AmorlClln M e.'llc~1 A8S'" 'lol8. I be \\'o ~d : give' further e8 WOlS over. C . i Large Anough for a room. ' . seonrl\i . . . omm lss oner S I h I . tu led Sarat oga Springs, N. y. . " Ag. n~ •• e '80C O f' boad B'" . William . Oaw(\, Murch 1 1, 1007 Llnole~ .. P m, the grellt kitohen and ball coverIn g. Laoe Keever vs Villilge of Mil . J uly 6 \ U o.h.d 7_KuhthUr l'emplnr OartalD 8-611 'he roc eedl'n .. gs . J OltS H . CA$K UY. Ion l1udgem ent in favor of the de new eft'ects. Window Shades, F all R.A N oobrs, K PILA 'T"'I', all Ilzes, ston Mass mad" to order. ~ . ..... . B0 ,. PUAJl11< kl l .JION, Jul y H. 0 Ilnll 10 . \' . P. c. U . · fendll.nt. Trustees of \Vay n e 'l'ownHhIIJ, " 'arren llrs. U . NunUet , wt18 hi nR .. · .. .,.. 6 32 ) h' COUllty. Olt lo. . St.ate of 0bio VB Bll\nch ~)Ieven · The Wes tern Star, stampe d Philade p la . pr: the defenda nt walodm ltted ~ envelop es for Ir a8urer .22 .,75 Jo ly Il!, l :j a lld 11 .. · B. l' • . E , ~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!!'!~~~ bail of ,IiOOO, Tre md 10 t meD t !'. Brown & MoK;ay, 7,000l1s OM way Sec'O nO0130. s colonlsl '}'Iolcc(.... lo ECZEM A and f'ILE CURE ses· Illobo. MOII UP, M eicloo nnll Pllcll10 COl" galnllt tbe desendl l.nt IS for murd~r ors bli\nks ........... , . ~ ...... 70 00 8uits••Jaoketll for M~s8es, Women Polm~ atunusually LOW Fare II< REE KDowin g what it was to suf. in the second deKl'ee and Ilbe wa· Lebano n Patriot , pubJillh ing dully durIn g April I1nd Cliildre n. !;Ikirte, Waists, Un. I f ~r.r wlll give FREE OFCBA RGE to broogb t fram Middle town on Tues report of eXl\win lltlon of Aroun d the World I1ny nffllcted derwea a r, Infants long oloaks. cn. r e for Eo· day. !:lhe is alleled to hllve killed oount'! tretl8Ur er ......... .. 3(j 60 zamn·, salt rhenm, luyslpe las, plies her baby ...10 Morrow two yetlrfl ergo. Dayton B1fmk Book lIud I nnel skin dls6I1sei!. ~Dstll.nt relief. ' hi C o d PROBATE OOURT. I';';';':';;';';;';;';'';';'';'';'~'''';~-'''';--~...I \ n on 't Buffer P 0 bl 18 ng o. r c r longer, write F. W The will of Jobn I. Anen. de RDd blllnks for probnt l Order yJ.\l~ en 19 ~z\ n ' ~ ILD I II I.V ~ 'WILLI AMS, 400 i\lIll'Dha ttnn , n-venue "''' j d oeased, WIUl admitte d to ll roLH ,te. . u ge ....... ·.. ..... .. .. ... ..... 47 50 ll a n.. llrS th ~ ogh' tha G I''; Lt, ) II , 1 N w Xork. Encloao stamp. s 1.D1D08 P,oden oe Allen wos ~ppointed ex Bobbs.M errlll Co., Ilt~tDte ' 8 \Va.-wil l 81\Ve you mouey . ·Iloutrlx . withou t bond as this 18 for probate · judge .... .. ... 1200 waived In the wiiI. . J.~, Morrie, merchu ndise Then come and bnoY: your dress at tD the· of Mary E . Miller, for OOllrt bouse .. :.... ..... 111 8.) . Hutohin son &,QiIJn ey's, Xllnin,0I11 0 (leee.te d, a rt1port of tl.lIH'llle o! por. 1, 1:3 Moni", SUPIJlie s for Nu cit.V hilS It better n SlJrtme nt qf Bonll.l propert.y WUBItPIJt oved \ly thc' prub"te jqc1ge ...... ....... .. fttbrics for the c1relts itself lind tbe Court; . , Dr. A W. ·Mllrdis . llIellioul. Invento ry and AppraIs ement · wert< trimmi ngs . It Ii:! a r ea onable .1 servioe !! t,o pri!!one r>l ...... .J.I 00 Ille·d .in conne~~icJl'·h the estate W. O· Turton , coni fur jill\. st.lltOlll l'ut nnd folly proven In the .. :.10 Ol of Hliorrlet B. Husltel, rleoeuHed. W . O. T.urt.oD , COlli ror' court pit t .. We iLrc II. Dreall Goocls House Newtoo' L. BUIlDl'} I" Wlllj IIppolnt ed h O'u se ........ .... ....... ,: .. .. .. lind do n ot ll1eddle with t.lnwnrp , Iluardla.n of· Htlr~pbel Bunnel , minor C, V WilIilllns, fr el~llt .. G7 ... .'.. hllrdwa re,ohlu ll. shot'S, etc. Tbe~e bond fl OOO: . . . Pbl\ilJ Sllencll; rtlcurc1 ll Wur. . . h f lH'e thei r pln ce. S )· (;2 .J(j leu CUl.lDty I"uludu;,!iuo> . The ptl,r~onll1 pr(lpe rt.y 0 , / I rll '1 to d S . D. \:Iinkl .rll t "'ok rt onr Shelves lind s how e, ~ees Iionll expen A . ~bOOlp~on. deO~Il!,e f I• w,,~ or 61' G:l I;' c.tIS<.'II to see liow frosh aDd new Ilnd ed to be ~old·. . clw n t·ho stook. B ow eusl\y to In the e8t.lI.te of .Chllrltl~ W'. ~COH, Tll<i:I:II ' ~'~'I:~l;:~:' ~'~I';~t'; ~" i~ ... '!"urt).,ul" I':k towlI~ b llJ . .. ..,., vr.u t rim from ollr t!took jut!t in. . deo'~llied .' Mary E Scot·t, . \VIIS ' nil .point admtnil ltrl1tr(x untler bond D. Rul)tDJ:sWOl't.h , replllrs ed \II . Wuehm gton towusb lp ... 2C> 00 Sel~ge8, of fl1l00. , Lebllno n ·Ice Ilnd Cool ·Cu ., . 'Iuvent orf I\Dd npprtl.18!1ment. wC'r~ . . Silk . and Worste ~S 71, d Trlnlm ings, 8heer EtJe;ots, Gingh'u m, I>1&!ds. flIed in ""he ~Rtil l e o( Auze])a Bird. COllI (tln'ou rt ~OU~tl ... ... · In:Ventory and lI\>praisement were !:lta.te of Uhio vS.: WuUnm 13!l5' al'o . flIed in tbe 6stote of E. Adestlll Rob. 'Brllndt , COtlIS ... , ...........J.. I t ) e of pers\)\ 11.1 Stollte of Ohio vs H~ nry . i80D, a 80 repor Sb ~~~~~~~!!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!!'!!!!'!!!!! , Piper, oosts.. ........... ..... 4 80 ~'HANNA's propert y, . j ' George E. ~oung, expense s .RIIlAL lt8TATIC TRANSJ:ICRS. for Feb~tiury ......... ...... 4 2b "E ' 8 f 'to Ferdina nd M',' Jomell Follen, 'janitor at V• practi(~al . ur oce . ........... oourt h ouse D9.gll.n, one OQre In Olearor ...... . 50 00 . eek town· . kno~r ,hip,.'S2.5, . R. Bu.rsllb &rger, assl taDt . lSdw~tdM. Jordan to E. P. Kdeg . jtl.nitor at oourt house ... 40 00 boff, ·8833 aor.eII In ' Wllshl:tgt.o,: 'rile Vlllnll .n( speoillo otions for townsh ip, ,2200. new bfun lit orphll'n 's hom~ ohl\Dged E. p, Kreigho ft' to L (ura Kreil( ,a.nd price for llamA rtiduoed to·$L70 0 hOfr, 88 38 II.Ore.8 i~ W88hi".R~J being II reduoti on of ,272 fr'lm the • to.nlhlp~ 1150. orlginll l eatlillat e. ~8 ' Benrl .". Scherm er to Mllrah W OODtr~ot let to I'rIId Si~l)8OIl . for Holmer , lot in u.bano n, IL ~aklng .tIl at )he Monow Dew JilaI7 A. Bats to Olara J. P~*r b~dge un the Bridgep ort eDdlt. 88lIOII lot lD rl'lUlltliD ttOQ. Umate, 170.00. Seal Paints For
Y.VFB~~~ M~:~lDa1.1r.07.
N~~I~~I1~<>.Ua~ J)~o.
Difficult Breathing
fi' :.
1'~7 ~~t IJ~y~~ :~ I~J,
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~::~~;~,~;~I! ,:~ ~~1~r9 O'~: : l o .a
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$ $ $ $ $
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~~~~~~""'~,~~ THE CO RN ER
..... ..... ..... .
==;;::;;== ..
P .Ia ennsyIvan
Do You Ne ed Car pet s
----L IN-= -S-- -----
Ready To We ar Garnient~
See Yo ur .Dress'maker
Bati ste,
'Silk s,
. etc.
Xen ia, Ohio. .pain t; and pain ts, but Hutc hiso n & Gibn ey, GREEN SEAL '. P .AIN TS." are tlie pain ts that ~tl·e .i~dol'sed and used by .t he first-class pain ters. They what cons titut es good pain t. llun dred s of the best · pain ters ever yH'AVE YOUR PRINTING where" use "HA NN A "1'.8 .G REE~ S'E AL' DONE ·AT THE LIQ UID PAIN TS" and stron gly indo rse GAZ ETT E OFF ICE. ' them, their lettel·s to tho man ufac turer will show. .
wmlUD G. 'I'bomi-oa, .. ~lD·
_ ...·01 tile ..... f4 .
I., 00Il.., J!llte BidP.f or . w.ttchlDtU kI
IlanDah'a Green
are ,
The Miami Gazette
Perfeot Dra inage Nc e(io c! to Ke ep Roa dbed In Good Condition.
BROWN & McKAY, pubU lhe'r~,
Without wlllcr It wO II II b llo~s lble to build n rUI l'O!\dS nQ.1 k . ep I It m hI repair at 8111UII eXIl'Ill; . In humid , localilies tho PI' senci. .of wal r maket ColorIng - Ufe. lInaglnalion Illays ;1n impel-tr,nt part a v ry dUUcuJt to k OP any kind ot nl/ tn t h e coloring of a lite. "Uon' t let EFFECTIVE ,WAGON JACK, ~al1l.h road lotuct. . nl cilB the drul n' ,701lJ'I Imagination mD away wltb ) ' OU," a go 18 pertect. th e cUl'lb road will be ta • sentence that b as chilled. it not One That Ca n Easily Be Made Out or coostullt ly needln g I' pal,8, and some c:h.eeked, most of us. Rllt IrunglnuUon Miat crlall l y.l ng About. or Ihosl~ I' pllirs \ \II have to b e very ta !~ally the master·bull der ot one's exlell Blv on08. Prot. [ ra lIak r. or TO li e s; I hu'v lIIl c\ II. jllc k alleh n9 sbown In' tbe Unly rall.y of I l11l1ola. h2/j wl\.jO I m _ ost _S(ltl ~ fnctory \If strncturclI, and " Oh, (11m jU! IC~" Ig IIed .0 01naa wllb th em Ihnt Ih ey tin not P08&(l. I' ,."..;-'-- - '- hen - It "run~ 81 ~y" with ! one, bOo 111.'111> 1'1)'1 11 11'11 11' t 1\1 Il I rune u I . bul. as I III< mUll l"I)' nl1 bnd saf I, the skotch b low for a number of It clos - study of canh ro!\d~ tnr " to d "'111 III1ISUJl ClS-lIlthollgh 0It 1\ , years. For t he bollom pi co., II, t.ako goed IIUIUY years, lle xprl!ss('s OJ" ""'lUes a d"n"nlo tlIat movi!s seamln ...· Icrly dl srullr:l j;o. ey '11 tl r Iva Ille,Ih Y w I' I • . ~ 4 " " .. "ru-a zy, Lhuy will s ur : , ' khHI nllmol'fJllS In every IIr!;e 0 Y- I ,tWO stl'lps 2Y" tf! t long, one inch b lief t bul v ry country rond ~bouta Iy immo\f:lble things. Wbut does 1m· " If Y 'I'e a rua -fl lI , ' I'Cllllell ~rrs. IIlId In tbls ins lnn 0 Ih stag IIU'lInCE' , thick, Dnd ] Yl Inch o!! willo. f'luce t h e 1111\'0 Ito dl'/ Msistod lIy druln a gtnatlon lUoon! 1m a.g1 lIu\I.lIog a I'"IYllu, " ye' U Iwt I , UIIIIY Judo tha was so IIrrtUlged Ihllt It WIlS dlfllcult u l1\'lght Il, whlcb Is 2 ~ feet 1(l1l4', one tile laid In on ot Ill e d itches tf) l\ thought-pattorn, a modol. on In!\' wa -allie'! W IlIO on' \' yo" ''1'ls yoU 10 k ~ Il It ,I :lr uf ihell... ?eJl U~ of t hl' 0 01" rour fet.l lIelow t ho 1deal. "Nothing groat was ever Ihul',; III ~I' \uJlnoo-II)', 01' Y ',I nol Flnll lly. wh en Lhe u~ r~ l1Ibl II crowd eurtllce. If th tll call b phl.Ce!\ all acbl "cd wlthollt enlhuslasm." d& be RI II' ,' fher ~Ighln' Ilk a blll-{ISl WIIS lar!;c nough t s\ll: hll1l. tho Pfleflcb Sid e or 1\ I''''' (I, It will do!\IIU'IS8 ~ prove ovell more o:ructlvo thol' It IE.ld cla.rcs Emerson. ImaBlnatlon Is en· lIt LIl' r-IXllli ll ' 111111. T, e II me, lIOW, Irohllnn Ihalle his ~lIy . Out of lllo th usla8m's prlllcl[)le, It:!! (n wa rd wlt I'C b a-ave ye biloll ferulnst tb ' nlley wen t Lh e youlh s hilt! In lit lh e on one sllLe or n r .,IHI. The InU,. r frlll~t door or ensey's su lool1 . wllh lh c:oll rlle WI ll, howe \'cl', ge llcl'I\\I ~ ;lrove Ute Its vitalizing fire, 1\1111101\8 of jllll s?" 0111 CI' In 'lese T)\\i·~\lIt. :i'hl s 1101(' h' ~rrecllve It Iho r01ll1 itl cOllslI'UCtOlt ~crs hnv e proved ' tlte trllth tlla t It "At lh' 'l ll >-aY,,'· answerell Poll C: knew wher 10 g wh on lie omorg'l\ C. w it h thal nl·r8I.I"em n l III view . It d 1 I mUll l'l yun . "]'Is au llIe bent. nil .. 1s the poillcd, the pallernc, I Ie a · thhn J.ll~.aPtlr S r J\lrl~s III In til' all th t1 ijlro et, alHl ho ruu",1 In :'Iscy'!! would lJ It ttc r If t.he liIe cou ld b e ways·as·plrlns lifo, tho \\CO of tbe alley h ' cry nl£lll UII IH' " tbull III s bll ul< room a~ )itnl '-Mrl lIo n a crq wd get 1\ fall' lIow or Wilt I' th e g , n/le bome, U,e mnnt,tf:\ctOry, the slU r, lbe r-ro \lIui Hoga n's Ila-,lr." 1111 one ofl n AC 's, f(ll' til nlley cinar the cost of pluelllg UI t bere Is so, &eh ool, the studio, all 1,lnces where ' " Iij \h I' Ilnn)" bu-n l'm 10 thlm ?" WRS lockell and xlt lbllt wn y wus 101grent lbat It Is b Lter to 1t 9 thl' sldc tile demand s ror fo ud , rnlm nt. d llIul1rtell :\'11'5, Flynn. possllJlc. tUteh s. 'fhe \lrofcssor saYIl llmt to splrltual .sustenn noe lind nou rl s ~l1I "nl "III ' Ihlnl f \lies? Hu-nrm" ex"Oho !" crl \1 Poli cema n Ftynn, trl-, Illno('d In lh e IIllddlo ('r the rOllr.! . h Llt (01' lho fln ' r s ellS'S I1re met; tllat It r Ill 1m II roU e JUIlII ~"Iyun, scornfully. "mpltantly, "I h lHwe ye now £'1' sun' ! A St out J ack, shoultl not he les8 l an on in, n In Shtuml lu n r-row tlIcr !lU' Ic' see I I 50 r CL 'rh • a t or Iluttln); In nvc, most th orou"hly and I), col· " Nher null, but 'tis a 1)11150 11 1'0 Iley " I J wh llt yo ll1k IIkt'! '" OliO or two of mot froru tbo e nd ot a and IJt'llCe t Inch L11 0 vllrleR 1rol11 ~ 200 1.0 $~-O per r ored. AJI color Is callsed by vlbra· nre I? th ' .hl1-a rd-wo "l:k lll: glr-r , 1 lilt tht,m wel'a Inclined to rob I, bu t th(.'y secur Iy. 'I'he uprI g ht c Is thl" o f"et DIlle, IncludlllJ; IlInter/nl. W h3thp,' or tlon', t!xlllnins IAdn A. Ohu.obm, 1n De- ('a~'rl('s lh S!IP. ara [Ill th 1'~Oll eTll In \ hOIl~hl b tl r of It \vh n Poll cenlll ll long, pine II six III 'he~ away rl'om b not 111 Is liS d, s id till It.~s dI' ;1 C. itn ntor. TIle) hlghcr !\nd IItrongor the ::~IVs:~:lll~~l"~O~~:.~~her beln nsked \0 Flynn mail e 1\ mov'ement In Ihe ',r eli. nnd notched at tlto IIPP l' oot! rur the eSSllry. 1' h1 B lie ~II! t ~ ~~ t;1l1 11 \),'" fllira ,0 , e ( oeper alld- I ro be nut!· " Why dOll'L \' 01'-' - I: rtlou, nnct all IIneLl liP ngalnst ilia ho lt through the le vt;!I' tI . l~o r lh ORn e some poopl he Id . th e OI)lliitlll FOR " Wb;' <l OI1 't ()lto! 'lis easy salr1! " Willi , .. "fi a II. flll ·I uklt ln' l:r- I'owd ye I vel' usc a IIl cc of Ihln lImIJ I' 2X3 ! that whel' tll a III Ils,,1 s tde dltc:h. .ful We color, When h cort and b rain and body 11.11 vi b rat.e with high rOo c.rlod Pollcemnn Plynn. "Why dOll't Ilro, hftngiu' r-ro llrt rl here nn' hoVIIl' Inches hlc lt nud to ur r at lou . To \ aTO not no e B~nry nn 'i that the ronll IIOl ves and constant upward r acb a nd 1'1 J~alth I do. ''PIs me goes d9 wn Lh' ye'll ha-lIvn n (; 11 11 11 " t'r 10 lony pu ssy use tblll jack, s a, YB Funn and HOiIl O, can be nnt,' 'l'hl~ kind ot n I'oad wil l , OFTIiE bl 'a ft! 5 a n' fizz wnllwr ('r glr- rl ~ t hat place the short clld of Lho 10\'e r lind r 1I0t do ' In a rniny counlI1·. 'I'he eDdenvor, tbe life will g!OW and s ne all y no II 8 than Un limes a nl gb t only wa .. aots y o 10 rav Ih lm o lonl). the ul e , pr S5 d"wn 1111011 the handle dltc,h os. ho lV v r . need not be d p. and attracl to Itself all tbn.t make's (or :ia' shoos Ihlm nil Ollt. 'boo!' Says I ... Whnl'lI I ·do wlttl ye?" Pollce mun unlll the wheel io rals t1 , thell pu I tu , but shou ld b~ bront!, 1'hls will gtv b ealtb. hapilin 88 an d b ollpesB, I III thlm, 111 e tbey wns cb1L' k!)n~, an' F'lynn loo kM lhem oVIlr ('on L tnlil- bmce c ov r llUlII \l uulUh holds L10wlI ' a genII r flow 10 tho ",nt r. If tb ========= ' 1 follies thlm au , but not a wcn Is 1I0usly. ' ""fw'u'd 'o nl am'lIill th' the lever, dllch es UI'I) hroad rathol' Ihlln d eJl It Scie ntific Congresses. II,lel'o wllllin s bquln II' m eye, whln ecll~ nt Ih' s raLion ('I' LO p.ut ye In will be I' slllle to bnv nn asy s lope J r tlflo shIre L 'Tis a IUIl-anel HE FM R WORKS HOP ' -reachc8 Ib' Th a t U1ere are t 00 mMY seIen I h Ill, but I'll fix yo so me wa-ay . yo T A lownl'd tho I'ond. 1 his wIll provent cODgresses 19 tbe complaint ot a wri ter LO me. no' 118s , how 'Us done, hilt r oery pa-nl'er s e-gar lo:l1ers l I' ll mo-n ko a 'rlous accld 'Ills from veh lclos get. III the Revue Sclon U!lque. Wblle Iso- w:tn Iv ttilm Is 'bllel, ill tb ' 11\1 Y bo thO ye sorry ye Iver r -ran f rnlnsl Bnrn cy A Va l ua bl~ Ad junct to the Work of tin" 11110 lhe dItch s. Snch nrrlln/!'o, .at1on Is a bad thing tor the man of lime I'm out Iv it." FI,-un UII' kep' hl:n rhClsln' ye np an' thc Farm, mcnt will ortoll save 10lllt ed wa lt0ns eelence, and while It Is essentjal to his " Is th ere IInpy pl ace tbut hus 1\ down Ih' IlII y. I'n- I'll-Now, whll '1\ from Il III' brak n. At every liL l Ie The first conslde rnllon should ' be ' <lJ s tal1CC nlo ll .," tbe side ,lIt ~hoB. o lit· Gsefu lness aud r putatlon tb at he ua-atl; door on t b' ull ey?" nskell ~I \'s. I do?" 'l'h ell , just EIS he seemed Il l' his . WIL'S end ror a ~lIllabl pll nlsh ment, tbe buil di ng. Thl!! .1I)l\y In bo Isome !lhthed le(s shollid b p I'o\'ld 'd says tho abollld a t times compa re ,notes wI t h F'IYll n, j ht I I POll eman 1"lynl1 stra g s net liP n all Ins piration ClIme to h im. " Ho-nn(\ or ou t buildillg. already 8 [II Ing 0 11 Farm rs' R view, so that th e \\'' ilia eOlloogues, m U$ t.lmo, labor, nlld bls rh!!lr so snddenly but be dropp ed over ye- r )la-ape!' see-gArs!" he ('rlc.l. tar m, or 0. lello,to rmly b built 10 Ule . wl 'i1 not /1.\' 0 to b tl cnrrled for IOIl~ mOney 10 wasted by the l'1\lltlp\lclty bls 1,lpe on th o lIoor, trlumphnntly. "Ivel:y wan ba-and th lru bar n, smokehouso or Illlg'y hOllse , for dl ct nnces III tile SI~9 ditch es. If tb 4)( these assemblies. A concrete e>.:· '''Oho! ·tls a smn·u·rt ~omnn ye arel" over! Not II pa:npe r see-gill' 01.' t:\I1 a few dollars. In cose It should be wnt r COlIllOt (Julckly get out of tbe ampl e o f the ln oldental n.buses I,s [ ur- be exrfnlmcd. admiringly" " Is Ih er 1\' t h' r-room this III ~bt , 110 ' It ~n.llY- n ecessary all t b e tools xc pt til l) sid <llleh, Its volume Ulllst Incr as Year'. T,.. Production, zlldled by the s nme perloillcal, In Its IInoy Illar!) openln' on th' alley~ Sur, wan thrles f'r to h old out on me 1'1\ forge coul d be k pt In t he bnl'l) , anti the turtb r It I;oPR, n.nd (\ (>ep channelS The total exports of tea trom IndIa. report o r the ' Med ical on gress at Lis· Ulore 111 that. 'Tls all plain ns lh' no~e IIl-nnd \lIm behind t h ' bo -.>rs. [ w ill 1l11s cou ld be cov red with a tew will b quickly cut III the bottoms a nd do rl ng t!)e year nd d April 20, 1906. JtOta. One of th e eb lof ev1ls was the on a Hebrew mn-nn 's fa-ace. In a t Oho! 'lis long YIn! ray- mln, lJp,f boards far onou:;b tl'QID tb e bnr n ro aid 8 of t ho ditch eB, '1'hls m nns a mounted to 214 .198,943 pounds , vill. dlversl~ of lan guage, ' altbough the th' (ronl iloor Iv Cnsey's say-Non t hey .Barney Flyn n. Hurry Oil, now, .In ' It In s llre safety trom fire. dama llo to Lhe roa.1 t rom erosions and I!od at $29.294,936. The s bl lll1l(mlR to_ of P ortuguese was not permitted goes ltn' 01lt Iv t h' bo. k door fe rn ln~t [ t hin k . ye're hold In' out I'll go It a n ew /lull dlng Is to be constructnvllI~·II1. "h e rown of the roa(1 the' n'lIed 1<lngdom w re IUG,G04,OOO ed or nn old o ne remo tlele.l. should be 811n\el ntly harl) to Insure pOllnds ,' CntlO :tIl, 1",01",000 pOlll1ds ,' t,n the discussIO ns , T he re'ports were th O thenyrer. 011u! ·1 h n-nve th lm lhrough ye-er C IO·~1!!. " I I dlsbollid ' U " no \\.1" l t \yos a Ir"ent ~[ll ctll re tha~ Po!lce- <say n room 12x14 feet IV th rL or tile rapid rllnnlnJ; orr of t he wate~ In t.()' 1 RlIssln , 9,9!ll,OOO po unus : AusLralla , 4lBtrllJu~ed so iardl1!, tllat members o( "Wh n.t' ll yc do ' '', 111qlllro.~1 ~1I's. mnn li'lyon mnde " \!Clllecting tho ch!ll r- C mea t floo r. doubl doo rs In on c ud, th sldo ditches. If It cnn ~Ink Into 7,740 pounds; T urkey ond AsIa. 3,"Gol :the cong ress had no tlme In wblch to Flynu. I (lnes, bu t h e got Ulero n il, nnd IG mln. l a window of t wo 's1l8l1es placed bOI'I· the Cl'OWn of th e rond \I wlll scft n I lloundS : t he Unit d StAtes, ~,18G.OOO pl'ep8re themselves to spoak. Th~ " 1 J\ !lrlve them th' otb er roT.l:. 1' utes Ia.ter be wa~ alo ne , wi th easey, ! zontall y 10 one aide, an d a. regular p r· It to s\\ h a n e~ I Ol\t thnt It can b j pounds: Persln, 1,091,00'0 pounds, and were t.ori many ropor ls relating to Lhe ou t," answered Lhe policeman . ooun ll ng the resul tlS or t h e 1'11111. P ndJcul ar win do w In t h e 011110slte ~ut Ull by wheels, '1'0 kl' ep the roa d , to a ll oilier cOlln trl'es. 8 ,084.01>0 Ilollndll. _ e s ubject, which gave rise to tireirs. r lynn regarded hi m for a m oo· "'l'wlnLy-slyln bm.:es!"· h ll exclalmecl. side, wou ld constitute a conven ient · In 1;0011 condition. It Is ·.necessary 10 J\ II t hese coull t rles, except tho nlted _ e re pelltlon s. Much time was lost ruent wllh plt..ylog co n tempL Ordl, "W'u'd ye ln ln k Ihere was Ihnt mtlrh and well·ll gbted workBho p, wrlLes a keep the r.row n as Imp rvlolls to wa· Siales and Pers ia, Incrcllsed t he- II' pur. 1n attend lag (etes and otll I' e ntertain· nnrlly resour rnl there nre li mes depravity In Lh ' who e elty, If 'Ie (l ldn I farmer In Orange Judd Fnrme r, This tel' ~s posslb lo. Fo~ k ping the sur· ov r 1,900. 'rho t rado with the _ _ ta. · Moreo'ver, a aumber of· when Pntrolml1n Fl yno h as to be BAA It WILh ye-er own eyes ? T wlnty- will prove every way ampl e. A work fllcol! of nrlb ro~,n~ III good cOlldi· Un ltetl States dccroosed 9.7 pe l' cont. :aent men falled to ·.ap pcar personally, prompted liS we ll as Barrnstl~nl ly crlt- slvln ho Kes, an ' tholy're a l\ yOUrs, ben l'h 2xl 0 feet made ot 2x 12 Inch lion, P rof, Oak r rcommends drag· and thal wllb Persi a 1i5.6 por cent. tb e to p Bnd I x12 fro nt glng by m eans of a railroad rail, heavy In order tba t ' t be bes t resu lts Casey. Me Job..o n lh' foo ree w'u 'd be' lumber , for aad their · papera we re read for the m . lulso(1 may be sccured. . gone If tll!)y was fo und on me !It r ' l'On' bonrd w It h 2 xG Iegs. s bo u l b ' or r sn lit Iog. by others . Y-et tno desire or attend• call " . IIndur tbe h orizontal window. T he tDc oongressc9 la keen, remnrlta the "Barn ey." s be said a t 11l8~ 'yo "Whlll'lI I do ~vltb lh lm!" asked be lll.h sbould be e qulppe(\ wl t b a good REMOVING BROKEN SECTIONS, New York Post, and It wou ld be cruet h l1-ave no hend ~n ye a l a~1. Tis n Cruley. J steel.jawe d vi lle, a ttncbed near o ne to depri ve the. s liea lrot's of opportuu l. block Iv WOO') ye re carry ln on ye-er "D1v ll a 'btt (10 J ca re," an. 1\' r('~ ) end. A-be nch drill should be scre wed How the Mower Gladll C'a n Be Mllde And Why Dr. WIlliams' pink rUIa' tie. to be beard, or to prevent ~; sbollltlers;. an, ye nllght dhrop It o lf Po llcema n Flynn . "only I sny t his 'Ie OD near the o th e r eod. Rcady for New T,e eth. Ani e SpecIfic for Dangerous wltbout JOBin a nnythln g but a bit Lv yeo If ye I' till h ' 'h' ' J like to b ave d rawers olld Bhe lves PhYllcal Coc lin III. Jieare1'll from ma.n lfestlng t he Chrill-' klnd'UD' . . ''1'ls f'r you to ca-8tch thlm ~ thl ~~~ . h IU w ere t CU I C8n ' undor . a part of lhe bench to tho If r ou lI'tsb to r emo ve olt! broken ThOsyml\tolllB of geu cmJ dcllill ty "ary tiaD gorapns of patlenoo and laD'S sll1- judes an' ye'U not do It that wa -ay." ~:OOlty:' anlmS I:-~V!\l~.etb~~~I,sted f'r rl gb t wheo fnelng lt, Four ' dra.wers sections tra m a mower or ' bIn der a ocorcUug to tbe CII UKB but wenltucss ls .....s. I "No-o," ailm lt ~ed PoU~eman Flynn , "" 18 Inches wide aLld sl1 10cbeB dee p blade, quickly and ns \l )'. place the al,vnYd prellell t , Ii t elltlel10y to perspire I)ar on dome met:ll cuae as Incllca ted alltl'fati~ntl cusily, rillging ill the curs, l'Clucta ntly, "ye're r-rlgh t tbere. l'm (COJ1~rl~~)~~I~:: b~' lIf:·~:,~tu~; ~:,)Iel.) one above the o tbe r aod a set ! -Ge.-man Trade With ' N~w %oll'a'nd. ' . no ma-otcb f' r thlm at shprilltln'." shelves t wo teet d eep 'a nd a [oat a part In tbe sketch and 8trlke tbe broke n IIOwetjllle8 bluck spots passiug· boloro' nellde o the Untted Kingdom and "If 1 was a mil-an," went on M~s. nert to the drawers.' would make snfe ths eyas, wenk bne k, 'V er tigoj wakofnl. t!Ie eoloules , Germany I,s really tile THE TRUE COLDEN ACE. and conve nient r<'Celltacles tor tools IIl1HsCtlnsoctbyinabillt yto S\(lp t blukiug. GSlw coDl,petiter of the UnUe d S~ates alld mate rial. Some of the drawers and Ullrerl'e8blllg 8leop. Tllo cause of It Is Good to' Be Young, lIut Better should be divided Into compartments th e tro II III e DI ..~ y..., .. - BOllle d rni II 011 th & for , "slness tn New Zealand. The V1I4e .of the United Stat~s Is !lOW the to Be Wlee-Wil5dom R_lly thll to II,ccommollate 8m all toola, bolts, Bystem or it mny be lIIollrol or pbyslcal OJlly Tru~ Wealth. Bcre ws. etc: The IIllfllvcs coilid be ovcl'wel'k, somethn08 t1aeB as gre at as th,t of Germa ny, . d to d' 'I insnfficient d' bn lIutri· I used for rods, heavy Ilolts and sc raps, hOll ne IgOH. ve ' S~I:/r llce. u ~. die German trade Is lncreas lng It Is a comll1on frailty of th~ s p'lrlt ConvenIent rece ptac les for chIsels are the Intt ercase there III geuemlly a 10118 or . . . .1'. Germuf leadB tbe United to d4l1llore our accumulating yea rs and leal.hel' lopps tack et;! to the wa ll ahove appetite aud a cented tong ne a s \Yoll a& Sta* in a8W!!1'ai lines, but the .prill· look wi t h en\'y onl the luxu r iant ca re- t he bench. The s aw, square , draw, generlll Janguor nnd deltili ty. ~ Ofte Is nNUlea! I• • trumentll. On", IcsBness at YOll t h, as If experi enc e IIhave, etc,l may be hung on n ail S. MI8lI Luln.M. l\letzger.a IIteuQgTnpber.. . . . the ye u 1904 it fiold In the eolon, and ctllture and tbe enrichment of II only a tew tools can be procured lIvltig a t 7iMi1lstretlt, WatertoWII,N.Y •• . . . .000 worth at ]llanoB (prloctpaUy l. . th ey 8holli d be of good quali t y. [ snfrared for OTer a yeall fl'OIll geuerat memory we re not almost tbe only d obilit,y. "It WIIBcnnIKJd by oTor HllIlly," 1PItUe our salft amoll1lted to le.. lb.. true wealth. It is good to be young, would besln with a 26·lnch No. 8 band sbe 1IIll'8, "aml I had DO ambit ion, didn ' t. 11%••00. Tbe re 'La re nily DO rea9011 for bu~ It Is better to be;! wIse : (or youtb saw, a steel·fac ed claw homm er, s teel 'Wnllt to go 'uuywbe1'UiIllY t iloil- did~'~ Otti Important 041!fel"eftOO exce pt that is otten sad, and wisdom's chid con- Iquare, Bet of bits and ra~cllet brace, trulto goocl , I Wl1S roli <lO)VII, lHIlloS8 Ilud ,.... Gennan trade t. ' pusbe d aod eas, cern, after all, Is bapphless. three chisels trom. Inch down, and lIJi~1 ~B. Itook medlclfles bnt t hey failed ....... l't Is t rue, · 1 have I,m owr. per~ong. two or three, a drawsh nve. One could get alon g to hdelp , Finally trlouda rocom·, . .rments are acoel!~' ~ ct D1110W 'III 'p' k Pilla to illY' . Reo of so rare 0. cbar'acter that time did fairly well with lhese wblch would JIIOII 0 , r. I IllIIS III . e Dally COntlWaT and Trade not eo,qt more ' lhim -5. Tbe tools that The W~". It 'I~ D . one. mot hcr ~lId 8110' got I/OUl lt for mo. I took ,,- I tl t not seem to touch tb em a8 It Pl1Ss ed. could add ed to ..this list and ate I tb em t or '8Ome t line ' d i. tl I JIQI'tB, that tbls 1..nI~ s mos Y. D . lin \Van ell re,. J)IaIlos of a cheap ~rade, but the manuBy some bles;:ed miracle of nature r"'ally " n~esBa- to do. a goad job of section a .sbarp blow wl~h a bnmmer. , ,cured I\lId buv8 had uo fll'lUn ot the tbey app~red Immune from, nil de· " ~ '" Ri! care ful to bi t lhe s ecllon sqnarei.Y 'rouble." . beturers In the Valted States /lbould terloratlon or Ilmpalrment undls. woodwork aro, a set of planes-Jack and not the ' bar. A blow prope rly doQr. Willi"ms' Pink PilIlI eure debUlt,. .be able to Be ll pIaDos au equally fa. { traught bi dtmclilities, unlmblttered plane , smoothing Illane , and ' bloc~ Ih'er ed declares Prairi e' me·r will ' ~lIuse they actllully mako lIew, r~d, _ I I Ie terms. by dis tress, unarrested by any calami. Illane-slllrlt level, Biloke BllaVe, 011· " , .. '. , n cb blood, alld II,S t he bl,lOd clirrle" :.i ~ ~_1 ty or toll. . Sorrow could not break stone and grinds tone. Thill will rlln r~mov e' t~~ SeCll ?n: Rn~ tnen the rlv. JllluriHitlllcnt to al~ tho UI'gnllti allll'ti!isu(ll. , ' - _ ../.. tbelr Singing spirits, nor mlBfo.rtuDe the cost np to abou t $10. This conld c ·s may e punC.le au. of tho OO1.1,IIO" ell ,118 W OllAM 1I1u8Cl c.~. Blut wnlnut 1.8 produced In thll d' Id . '., the li e ,!" blood titilUnliiWs the 01'1«1"8 toeountt'}' at. li n linGual rnle of ahout cast tbem down for long. Tiley bad yet be a ded to a s rr.ealls wou 'pe", . 8carcJty of ' F.a rm lllbo~el'l. do tbo work thllt llnt,\lr,l expect.Mof thlllll . ,f ee t. TIle larger portloll of "Shtnnd In a RDW Then and Lit's Bee ' line , lJalance of disposition, whl cb IS ' mit. or Cl\'cum8tance de mand. Reportl!' fron] dllreront llarts' of the I\Dcl uO\' n, . . follow8. Not alii" , What Ye Luk Like!" the chlefest ot bl ~sslngs. They could country say tltat farm la bore rs are is ~h! R tr4latmont sufficient to ~"~ Il~ ~t now comes 'from 50uthwestern MI. b~ouoted upon to confront any enig. Timely Note., v ery acarce, 'l'hls must continuo t:o i blh ty but wauy-severe uervon~dl'JOrcters, .-ollrl, Arkansa3, OWthom" and Indian FlYDn, "I'd ca-alcb t tlm. 'TIs th' ma ot exIsten ce with an .eager, iropar}~ng1l8h farm rs are compelle d b,. t b f aH woll. . \ oremtor"·, althou"b there IB 80me scat- only . a-ay. R-run Ihlm Into a thrap t1o.1 tnt III cnce III I ' kl flaw .to dip . tbelr, shee p. be the calle, or t e ,gO?d.. ar ~ la~orTllo pill" ate 80M by all drllgg¥jts, Ol" , " . . ~ g , way/! 00 ng or era ' , are those that bave . had ex . , pe r I· _." 1'111';' ....... gro-lh stili I)tcked up In In an' ma-nke Ihlm sorry the,. IVJ!r nlow truth lind always abiding by thc Oood l'oadB ecollomlr.e ·tlme , and .., He' lit IK.lHtpnlcl, ml J'ecelpt \I f "j'ice, ,. ..... ,Dg ~ ~ ence In farmIng. More and more the IiQ cell, t~ nnr box', -Ix bllxllll $2.00, by 'I he· ;lJana, Ohio. T ennossee and 'W e st Vir· thro'lIbled ye." truth already tound; their Instlnct force In trave l. and transportation of tarmer must turD .to machinery {(or Dr. Wmln~n8 M~di('\lIe 00.", honeectala. Tbe most con81derable stand "Iv COOI'tle," o[d Policeman Flynn, for beauty was too k een and too great I l,roducts. . . .tbe Bu'p plylng of tbe lack tbat 'comel !.ally, N. Y. Sa'ull for .froe lliet book• . of the l wood remalnlng e as t o f the And he Willi ver y thoughtful DS h e left to ' sulfer eithe r s:lltiety or per yersion; . Barle.y, of all ~raI1Ul, appears to be with the Bcarolty of farm InborerB. " r . .r .1II1I1881ppl Ri ver Is on tbe upper wa· home. He wan led to aSK for details, and their fund , lIIf love too profound I thu best for Infao ts ' food or Iforl tnlva- This drives to tbe vicinity of the .._ ot tbe Guyandotte Rl"cr In W es t but be deemed It wise not to do. so, to be depleted. If natural grief ca me ) hlti. Barley water bas no rr tat ng citie s snd' large towns s uch Indust ries _.. "" '0 rB. It'lynn Is exce ptiona lly larea.ti c to them • or they were -v, er t a k t les . . • 'en i n r Jlrope as growing Bngar beets and raising VI~nln. The bome ilem8Dd for black when sbe get.. t he Idea tbli t' slie \8 do- 80me Irrational dls lI.Ster, they bowed I 'rhe'l'e are 68,000,000 acre8 ot swamp onion sets, both of which require ..alnut lumber ·Is onl7 for eompara, In g lhe· thlnklng for th e family, 'whlch betoro the wind of destiny and Bor- landB In tb e countr y. 1'ake the water much ,hard work. FrQm somo . sec U.ely Bmall quantities ; says tbe South· has 11 ten!\p.n cy to Induce the )Jlltrol- rowed mightily, 1115 grcat heartS mU d , ' out of 'a few acres .o~ YClu ' own swamp tions come re ports lhaf t be far mer II _.t. It , use Is la rgely c'ontlned to ' man to solve probleml In· hlB own bllt camo liP agnln ont of ~he dust. and Be,e wbat draInage means. " d I wt.t work he can do hlmaer ~ stocks. novelUes, e lectrical worl;!, orlgln~ way. R oweyer, tbere wa s the pliant and ttndeBt roye d; IIn8 ball~ In Good roads mean . pr o llt ; b~d r,oadl ' a~d"'fettlng tile rest .go. Tbls Is neve ft..1o"""'-_, .... ,. et.e. The chI ef demand for walnnt li ght of vlctory In his eyes wh en he faith B!l before and lovelier tban ever , meall 108s; GooLl roa de Ilo~'1e~1I a., woO tnble , It accounts ror the fielli ' . demMld. 'c omel!' from .Gerrpany, and Ha mburg Is went on dut y .tha t night, ' and almost In tbe gentl\lnessl of· their. regard. mon e y val).l o as surely and ce~lnlY ~, co'r n and ol'lc r prod'ucts that A\' O . l ' lhe ftrat thlnr: he did was to Interview You could not · gues8 thefr years, you 118 does aoy deBlrable commodity, . to be ovel" 'rOWIl' with weeds -cOWER:, Ute commercial center or he market CnBcy. could only Bay l;h~y e~emfid to live Tbe greatest battle the t.a rmt;!r has seln eo •. , • 1 • • -1 Anybod y th at doub ts that Japan .11 "'Tis mesllf," IIAlc1 Casey. "that'll , by Bome tterenDII~1 charm In a state Is a gainst weeds , ye t weeds ,are a b' .J all eJ! II wss Incongruous and sood fri e nd to t h e {nrmer, tor t h flY Grain Farming lind FertilIty. ' I1S1J~ thorougbly In earne's t In ItB ' desire to been won db or In , w h y tl' I I a-n d 8 · come wc<e 1B the easlest~' Ileep' tbe peace will plea~t> nute that It trapsln' In th' wan .d oor an' thin go deer.e1) conl~I' neyer come. And prntect the places that would other· 8011 f~rUllty JII \lelns ta ken ,f rom tbe pllln' Ollt th' other. Tbel'e's no mQney with all their maturity of mind. their wise he bare. ' farms threo time s, as 'fast by gr..ID · ~w~tog.t . . . decided to Inereale Its ormy 86.000 In It f'r me. nn' they'll not get throu~b magnlftcent qualities of atrengt b an t,! : '['he Massachusetts Asparagus Grow- farmin g as by 8tock farming. ThlB th•.~t wblcb, of cotlrse, ill entirely 10 tb' .. nl ht." Rympathy, tb N'e was always sl,1out era' 1l~80elatlon are work lug to 'flDei or 18 an argllmqn t IIgalnet s raln farmillg. aOld_r~ accord with tbe latest sclentUl'J theoMa tters being thus satlsractorily ar- tbem a touch of tbe cbll~. , . a breath of preduce rust.reslsthig ·varlettea. Tiley but It Is not 0. st l'ong argume nt: Ev;,n A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .....,. ...tea. 1:' , ged , Poli remlill FlYDn bided b l!f perpetual hl1locehee aDd wonder, U alread y ftnd th'a t 80mo plants .,ara gmln farming can he Cl\rl'le~ on that. t' 'Ill!. Never before had he, lett the If they might be Immortal8 In ' dla-. naturally more rellistant than oth. It will Dot exballst the land. If tho . straw 11 ·Pu.t bllck on tho llind mucli' '!'be princIpal of St. AlldreWI unl· dndes .wbp congre,gatelf about the guise or '\VaDderell1l from the fabulous era.. BICB.'Red clover can .tand wet feet· ,bet- of the potu.lum wllf be returned to teftlt)' .baa eome out tor RpelUn. r& slage e,,'rance 10 enUrely alone, for Age 'of OOld.-BJII811 CarmaD, In . tlae' he (Iesll"e(l to ",ther ' thelll all In It Smart "at. ' ter lhl\D altalfa: Wllrle clo'tlr WIll the lOll, aDd 'tho price of llb08~IiOrul Jorm. Readers of Burns and A ulll one BW'lOtl. They "re harmless fel· make a 'falr growth lI'h!!re . the water I. not bigla aDougb to make keeplq . Llcll1 Id,.. a.r:c 1,&iutuUy aware (If tlat lowl of tbe. 4'1..1 who IIk~ to hMor . Is ·ba.m)' three teet bel9w tIbe up the , supply a , burden: . RoJatJ.n~ CURBS fact {bat Scotch Ipltlllns. ilIGd&: • about, mllk1ng "yea at the cborus Jrlrl!l Soll,1e 'IDeD' do . . til..; \llJrraC~, alraUa .1ionld have be r.. wit~ leaumn .111 h~lp Ollt Oil the DI· ACH • • eI reform aM oretendlnl to have a ItADd!J I, are afraid to do elM. I ~ lMit botore 1KI'IkIIa1 ' water. I tro&eDo ; . , 'W.AYNESVILIa.
8.TANDFIRM 'WhenJOuhuyan
~ ......
CAPUDINE ALL ............. ................. ~
v , •
FADED '1:0
The Charcoal Burne~ 80n, mill' composed' than the , rest, toul! ' th do tor by the Ilrlll and COG' dnctlng him to hl a offic.lal 8111d: ' , "Til)' word, Ilcl)ordlllg 1,0 tame, Is " st\lItence, Bul malle my fatb e r wl!ll al'ld Bsk wbat thou deEllrest.'· " It canllot lJe; his hour h .. 1i COIllO:' "We will give, thee hnlf at "ur fol' lune, whlcb Is Imm llse, It thOlt win cllre my fatb e r," . ' Tbat liropusillon mad e ilia uld car' Ilone ro' reflect, and In a te w nJODleHtl au Idea occurred to him. " If Iholl wilt do what. ] conllllR nd , It SI'.e ms to thy tathel' llIay yet he stlved," he Mllld. . " Sllea 1<. BS iliou snyesl; so shull It he don ." ' " Plac'e two slrong se rvnnls III ele helltl or th e bed fin d two ut I he root, and whcn ] make thl,m a s l;;n lheY Innijt ' chaoge ' Ib bed around 50 tha.t th root will IJe wh ere i he head Id (\ow." " )\othlng mor e'!" :' O'(ollllng; It ottl Y needs Ihut we I'cncb ihe room In 11m : ' R '6nl el'lng Ih Rick ruom , wher all wus us Ihey I ft It" th doclor's 01'dl:l's we l'Po cllrrl d out III ha8t.e and In lL few mOlD e nt s th e (lit] mUD with lbe wrlul,1 d fa ce waK at I he root or llle bed, 'Phe n tbe dllctur hu s le ued to
Mr., Rem ethe Myers, of -180 SOllth Teuth 8t" Ironton, 0., says: "J have I worked hard In my time ·and have IJ en exposed again and agnlll to changes of wealher. It Is no wonde r my kidneys gave out lUld I went all to pIeces at last. For five yeara I was fading away nnd ftnally so weak that tor sill montbs I could not get out ot , the bouse, 1 was nervous, restless and sleepless at night, and lame and Bore In the morning, Sometimes every· tblng would Whirl nnd blur be rare me, 1 bloated so badly . I could not wear tlgbt clothing, and had to put o n s hoes two sizes larger tban u s ual. Tbe urlno was dIsordered and Jlassages were dreadfully frequent , I got h elll rrom I be ftrst bOl[ at Doan '8 Kidn ey Pills, bowever, and by tbe time I bad til ken tour boxes tbe Ilaln and bloating were gone. I have been In good healtb ever si nc e," For Role by all dealers , 50 ('ents • bOll. Fos ter·Mllburn Co" Dulfalo, N, Y.
Worn Down by Five Yeara of Suffer. Inll from Kidney Complaint.
A Peon'. Tale in a Mexican ~arkel Place
II) a certalfi place In Silain tbere Ollce lived a hnrd W(lrklng cbarcoal bllrner, r carbonero; but he waa mar: rlec1 nlld bad she very fohng children wllh gC'.lat allpeLltes, So, all he earned tbey togethel' UUI; not aiwn:YB III peace IIlId the gruce ot Gotl, for Ibe poor man sometlmell fo und hIm self a t night very wenr)" Ili!'d s lIlIperless, Oil!! day the carbonero \ ald to him· 8elf : " Wit n [ can dO\lbl e my day 's OIIrulnll6 aod ba ve sufficient money I am /;lolng' lo eal nil enUre hen by my· selt alollo." . That dll)' so mil h wished tor ar· rlv d. 1'he man 'ollecletl hili double wa g I!, bought 11 hen lind put It tei cooll III a pllchero In the depths 01 a rorest. Soon II. gentleman rode up , tlressed In glll'ments reapl e nd ent with goltl natl lit 'clous s lunes. "Ood keel) the co,rbone ro ," he s nld. ,"God be with lhe ClIlIulle ro." reSlloudCd th e ~nnu . " Wilt lholl gh' me n bit or Ille b n thou uro cooking?" , " Dlllntl'o! Ho\\' dld st know or It ?" "J aID I~ortune nnd I go ull over the world: " lallO Ildnllllage of lilis oppor· tunlty," "Thou III·t FOI·t llne~ Well, thou IIhalt not eo,t of my h n. tor I huto ' th o. Thou urt unjust; to some lhou gl vest nil, lIud " '0111 others take!!t 1111 away. 00, alld Ood be with lllee," Th rldor spurr d hili lIe ry mnre and dl saJlP ' lIred. In n , l,l Ulo whil e Ihere came an old mnn with wrinkled face, dressed In bluck ond mounted aD a poor horse , cover d with scnra, "Ood I,eell IIw! cal'bonel·o." lie sllld, "Ooel be with 't he genllellinll:' reJlII d the chal'coal burner. "Wilt I hou gh' me a little of the lIen wb Icb tbou art cooking?" "Th e devil! All ihe world knows Ihnt J am cOOlllnS 11 h n, d lld ye t 1 COli hI swear I lin " e told It 10 no one. Wh" art thou '!" " I nm Dea til." "Del!.lb, art IIlOII ? Well, yO\l s h ull eat O,r Ill~' hen, (or you nre Justice hel'l! It. Dhlmo\ln t und diu With D1 ." ~'he Old \linn tll smoun l,ed, seatc d blms If 011 thll gruund with th car· bOil ro Qnd ale Qf' Ihe h e ll, Ille two 'ollvorslng ullllubl y togetllel'. Wben t hl'Y had fini s hed, Dea th ~a ld to tb 'hlLr 'oul burne ~, : " A 11 of m' whnt Lhou wl s he1>t and' It will bo S I'alLled tbee fur tllY good lr lme nt of me." " What 1 need Is money." "Allk (or wbal th ou wlsbest," - Gh'lI m e OJY huuse [lilt' ot laId mOll ey,:' " Granted," sol,l Denlh. With a Uglitn ss no une wOllid h ave SUSI)C<lted In th e old man, lUi mounted bls nog snd dlsal1peared, . 'rite ,charcoal hutner ",ent home, the door wns tightly closed, bls wire and ,! blldr~n helng nway.' He tried to en, I.eI', but could not. ror the hou se was full of goldeD money. He remaIned on guard at the door and wbM bls wire .and children re' turned he gnve the m money enougb lo go buy the richest clothing lbey cO~lld find for hllll and themselves. . 'tie o~. dered also a [lBlace to be built and n.l;~~ mucb money III eoaclles -and
Character Is that k(ad of Itatuary whIch a mlUl cuts' out ",H:h bimself u both tool and BubJect.-S't erne.
EXpUiences of Mrs. Rockwood and MJss Tierney.
Take aDrlleld 'teo.!. Ule herJb remedy th.t It puri. the ' IJlood, clennaeil the Hr.tem, makes Il~opl" well. Ollllrl1l1t"ed ullder. tue , Pure }o'ood Law. _ _ _ _ ___ _ hns for it~ al1ject \,lood Ucultil! lie~
True dignity la neYer ,alned by plnce, and 'Ilever leat whell aOOO1'a arf 1I/!thdrawD.-14ualDlier. It Cure. While You Walk. Allfn ' ~ F no l·F-Me i. n ~ I·t/l in ~ ur~ fo r t!",~ .ti nl! , r.n llou8, nlltl 'w~lIt'n , nehina
fecit. ,01,11'." oll drul!si.I •. Price ~c , O nn't
"' Ih~l'i lutp. T!'ift l n""ko~e FR'R P. , AddrWl Allen S. Olm. led, I.e no)', N. Y.
True GOurage II not incompBtJbl& wltb nervuu sness, and berolsm d~B Dot mear. tbe absence of rear, but the conquest at IL-Henry VILn Dyke.
A largo proportlon of t he operations nre cons\.a.ntly b eing received by ' Jl reormed ; '1 Ollr ,hospita ls are IIpon Mrs. Piokhum to r,rove our claims. . WUIII 'n aDIl , girls for somo orglluic Mrl!, O. A. Roc <wood, teawher of Stood ,the Test. 'Parliament.arY T~aw, of 158 Free St., AlJcoc!::'s Plasters bav'e successfully, truublc. Fredonia, N. y" writes: , Why shou ld th is be the cnse? stood lhe lest at sixty years' use by "For ye:srtl I 111111' red wltb fClllllle troubJ .. Ihe puhUc; thei r virtues bave De,'er neCI1UKe the y bnve neglectetl them· It "WI decidoo tlt"t aD operation WIl!I n~ been equaled hy tbo· unscrupulous 1m· "elves , I\.~ evc.·y onll o f the se Pll tients Il&ry, lind although I submitted to Illlllriollt in lhe hos pi ta l u c.1 s had pl enty of operation my Bulferlngt contIDued, until ltators who bave sought toO t rade upon Lydia E, Plnkbam'. Vegetable CompoIID4 their reputntlon by mak.lng plasters wflrlli ng in tllOse drlLgginK sensations, "'lUI r8CODlmal1dad and It proved a marvelou. with boles In them, anu claiming tbelll puiD'; lit lert or right of audom'D, remedy. so quickly did It l't!tloore my bealth. lmclm heR, n ervous 'xltan stion, In - 1. callnot t.\Itmlc luWclently tor eb.l004' to be " Just as gooel as Allcock' s ." tllLmmation. Ul ce ration, dhlliace' it baa done me. ' ' Allcock's plnsters s tand lo-day In· w e nts, Ilnd other organic w eaknesses, Miss Margn.ret Tierr.ey, of No. 12. dorsed by 1I0 t only t.he hl ghcst motllea] All of Lhese symptolQs &re lolllco.authorltle-s, but by millions of gratetul tions of nn unhelli thy condition of thc W . 25th Street, New York, "Hites: patients who bave prove tl their em- female svstelll IUld I'f not h e ded the Dear Mrs. Plnkluun:"Wben only elsbtAlea years of np O1Ir pennlt,Y has to be paid b,v a dnng erous caey as a househol el remedy. operation, \ ' 1Il'tl thcse symptom s physician tleclded thut AD operation ""u -'.'- - - - - -DlICfltl!l8.ry permit ot my WOmanly or~ manltest themgclvea, do not drag pl!rformingtil tb, Tin Ueed In United Statu. Ir naturnl functions. )(1 nlong until you nre obliged to go to motber obJilCtOO and oolng urged by .. Tbe tOlal oonsumptlon ot t!n In tbe Lhe hospital and Ruumlt to I1D opera· relative to try LydiA E, Plnkbaui'B V~~ nlted Slates for 1906 wnJ! 42,800 Lbn-but r e me mber that Ly(lill E, able Compound tlld ro o llbon Improv..l Ua taos , with 2,132 tons In 13tock at the' Plnkhnm'sVege tnbll' Compound, mntle he&lth l the proper ooDditlonB were eltablJD. close ot the year. , Tho shipment! from native roottill.nd herbs, ho.ssavcd ctl nnn I am well and IItrong, tbnnks to from Dollyla sbow an Increase at hundreds of women trom surgical Lydia Eo Plultham'8 Vegetable Compound.No other r e medy haa such u~ 3,000 Ion s, rrom Cornwall an Increase operatio=lI. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegotable qualified endorscmtlDt as Lydia ' B. , of tram 700 to 1,000 10lllS and from Pinkham'e Vegeto.ble Compound, N~ Au s tralia an Increase of 1,000 tons, Compound. has cured more cases of other remedy In !.he world bll.!l auch ' feminine Ills tbnn auy otber one mal,lng the total Europeam nnd Amer. rewedy. Such letters WI thefollowing a record of cnres of female Ills. lean supply for the 1ear ,about 93,550 tOIlL Oatl-Head. 2 Foot, Long, Women lufterlDIf from any form of female wealmeBS are Invited to The Jobn A , Snlzer Seed Co., .Lu (.;1'0 _ , promptly communicate with Ml'II. Pinkham, at Lynn, M ., , From tbe ''' i~., nre -bringing out U llew outH thilt ,ymptoms given. tbe troublo may be Ioca.ted and the quickest aDd surest way ;I'MI' witla hea ds 2 foot long! 'Chat'll II of recoverya.clvlllCd. Out ot he r vast volume of ezpericncein treating female wondt'r. Their catalog lelia! Ills Mrs. Pinkham probably bas tbo verr- knowledll'e tha.t may helP your Spctz- ilie greatest cereal Lay fead case. Her nllvico Itl free and tIlwaya heIp/ul. America ever I!Qw! Catalog tell8! ~ =~ I Ask !'Irs. Plilkbul's AdYlee-A WOlD•• Best ,U ndtrstulll a Womu's 1111. .
Year'. Cillarette Output. The cigarette output ot 4,368.729,Olfi In the cal ndo' year at 1906 musl have come , as a s urprl se to the bulk at tbe trudo, but more stunning ~' et It I! Increase In oue year of 842,240,42fi, an Incruse by nearly 300,000,000 larl:er than the Increase ot our cigar Indul' SUy: try during the same y ear. Tbls jump ," I A6sure you the s ick Dlall will Dot Is the more remarkable In tbe face of die or Ihls Illness:' the pronounced and unrelenting bost\l· All presollt embraced I he old car· Ity of a balf dozen state legislature. llonero with ex pressions ot sill 'ere wblch have ostracized not ODly tbe gratitude, and be t;mll ed, filII of Gatls· manuracture but also the bandllng fl\ cllon, 1n t he meautlm e Ib e wrinkled and cOllsumptlon of Cigarettes wltb· old mall s lowly lert the room, murmur· In tbo conth)es ot tbelr respective ter· lng In his al': . rltorlel,nUed StlLtel Tobacco Jour" Tbon art the on ly one who bas de, nal. c Iv d O~lh, Dnd J desel' ve It, IJeeaUllII THREE BOYS 'HAD ECZEMA. I trusted In the lo)'aH l' of the cbarcoal lIlIl'nel':' It Is I rile h e co uld not d celve him Were Treated at Ol.pen.~ry-Dld Not Improve-Suffered Five Month. lignin , tOl' lInolhel' lim e tit hour came -Perfect Cure by Cutlcura. tal' Lhe carIJon oro, who tell Il brllilllllt rOl'hme to his wife und ch lld l'ell. ' "My three children bad eCEema. for PYR~MIOS OF OLD MEXICO . he months. A little s ore would appear on Lhe bead and se mt>d yt!TY I ~~~ ~ .. . .~~ Aztec Remains a. P icturesque ae More Itchy, Inoreas lng day arLer day. The baby bad bad It ahont a weell ""he n IrIU:B Famo". Nile Work •. the second boy took the dIsease and Our mammoth 148.pnl;e 8<!ed and Tool llnybe you s upnoRt?d all Ihe "y ra· a few sores de velop d, tll e n th e tb lrd ('altllog i. mailetl freo to u ll inleuding IJu;-el", or lsand 6c in slampl' a nd l'I!ccil'o ' mlds wBrc 'alon g the :"\\le? J( yo u dill boy took It. For tho llrst tbr. e 'months {roc ",,,n,,Io'. of new Twc ].oot 1,ong Oat. ypU w re wrong. Th uy've (1le nt>" o t r took th m to the N-· Dlep !llry, 8ntl 01 her cereals I,"d hig C!llnJog free. , but th er dill not secm to Imp ro "e. the m III )If Ideo, a lit! t>;dgar L . Hewett , ,Tohn J\. "Illzer Secd Co" BOll W, La r()f~c., \\' jt!. who hilS Just returnet! rrolll an explor· Then r used Cullcnra Suap R'n d CullIlIg tour or Mexico woildors why any- c ura Ointment and In IL f w '" Elks Ideal Trade Condition •. uod,. s hould go to Eg)'Jlt L'U see them they bad impro"ed, and wbell t b Ir Wom en should not get .c "!dlt. <when lheve nre ple nty j u ~t as ple- beada w 1'0 w ell you caul:! s t'P. \lOwin g , t uresqlle In Amer ica, constl'uol tI hl' at the sores, Mrs. Knte Ii' 1m, 513 , Nell h I' s honlll men. 'ash Is tbe cure. Tra u smen, maybe, would bave a IJad I he Aztecs,' slIys lhe Kau sns City Star, West 29lh Sl" New York, N, y" Nov. lime for six or 1~ monthHl, and many AU' 'i'hat Is, he soys tbey ' re just tiS pic· 1, 6 and 7, 1900," a lady would have to "I\e lOW," bu t In , t llresque. IUld be o ugbt lu know , (or the end would get both our trnde ProPOI. to 'funnel Mont Bllne. ' be's a dll'el;tor ot the Archaeological The project of connecllng France and ollr money, a nd s be wOllld get ber lnstl t ute of Amerlcn. :\Ir. Hewelt le ft d ress, and ' at tar less cOt;t.-LondoD Kansas 'Ity ror 'oIOl'ado und Call· 'with Italy by tunneUng !\font Blanc II Opini on, pining ground 8teadll>; Ill' Pari.: Comla, ' '~~Ie he w\l1 leoture. " i\C;Oll tt' ~r · ..'uy IraV\lllng," he said. ... ",u.s -ne ' 011 bor/ie"fi'aek. During my trIll r'i:(ide moro thaD ~.C)OO miles, I was 'acoonipanled, by au Indian guide. f'ree We carrle~ no )laglSase except a bom· .;J1C:;lan~' BOQk 'on Horses mock to Ijleep ·,ln. 1n soutbem 'Mexl. " Cottle. Hogs (; Poultry co It Is Im"osslhle to "Ieep 'au ,tbe :e.round. The . Iueets ' lind ~ nakes are tOO numerous, " ,• '" Address Earl "In south Ohlh uabua T traveled A'ba~)' nnc:....... among I~e Tarul,l Illnarn ·[n~lan.s, "w~o; I ~(jnt8. I believe, are th e s wlrtest runners In One day wilen lhe cbarcoal burner the world, Sam or . tbem cun rl!n wss leaving I1Js Jlalace, he met tbe old 600 miles In In Ove days, They are man wllb Ivi[Dkled face, who said tu used by tbe governme nl to cllrry mes· NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS 'TO BLiSTER. blm: sa@los." . Bf having your walls decorated THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER·IRRITANT. J "[)Qat know me s~III ~" MI'. Hewelt saId lle hadli'l seen tile With Alabastine you wm make " p(!rrec !ly; thou art Dea th. Wbat "Nebruska Iben"- or rather the s kull s them more artistic, more durable, mllrll ennitnry, and will dost \!hall wish at me!" or tbe men In qu eeUon fOUDd In a make your home a motle cheer"To no tify {Ilee lhnt th y money will IJluff near Omahl\ Ins t October. fulplaCetolivein. Letusshow . soon give, out., und It would be well " . have routl," be said, "fbat Ihe you how easy and economical tor Ibee tp take liome J)oslllon." ISoknl~Sn.~~eo~ ~rOrbanceltl)t'blllbIOeseXlsOfedm~nefolJ:-e Alabastine is, and how t:h",difEXTRACT OF, THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT "What poslUon cOllld 1 Inke 't I cal) b'" \ _ u • ferent tiilb and ste'nciled deA QUICK , SURE , SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN ,-P'RICI! neltller rea,l nor wrU e alltl am loo old Ihe Indlsns, Tbe s kulls Wt're nailer tiigna ~n be cOlJlbined in pro15<.-11'1 COLLAPSISLE TUBES- AT ALL DRUGGI STS AND DEALERS. OR to learn." , . " anll 'were lonnd under II stl'lllllm of duce 'exactly the eft'ect BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15e, IN POSTAGE ST AM IIS ~ DON ' T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES - KEEP ' A ,TUBE HANDY. ' you want.' Writeulltoday. "'rake lhat of II. doclol'." 'rOCk that represenls a Ill',eJJ lRtor lc oge. A substllule for and superl.or 10 muslard or a ny olher p l~sler, 'and ,,111 nOI Accept 110 "'beUtut>e-inl11l "A doctoi? Poor me, ~ho ' can J shall ' Y,lslt LI~cIlI,n. N It.. wh e r the ,qu aettinllAlabuUne. " .' bllsler the most de llca le :skin, The paln-allaylnr and , curative qualities of ' neither rt!nd nor w'rlte! " , sk ull s ,bave been laken, on my, way tho artic le are wonderful.. !I will slop the toolha'che al onClI, ~nd relieve The AJabutiD. Com,PRDY, "Yes, Q. d'JCtOl', p.nd J will tell .thee back fl'ODl California. Headache ~nd Sciatica. We reoommend II as the best and safest exlernal 'Gr....s RapI.... MIch.. or . 101 how to mall age. When lhou goest lo' " A new epocb or aC)t\vlty was sLart· counler-inllan! known, also as an eXlernal remedy' for , p.... lns In Ihe chest W_ ~ ..... y .... CIt7, lind siomach and all Rheumatic, NeuralgiC and Gputy complalnls, A trial Bee one sick If thou Heest me s itting at eel laat week at t he annual mecUng I will prove "hat we claim fot' It, and It '10'111 be found 10 be InvalUlible In Ihe the head or the bed give him liP tor In Wasblngton ," Mr. Hewe H conlin' hou.sehold and for children. Once used no !'.mlly"m be withoul It. Many ,dead; all t be resources'. ot human ued,. "The work of researcl) hus been peopl!! say ." ills Ihe besl of all your preparatlon~." Accept no prep.r.tlon , knowledge " will b~ In vi4~n : ' In titlij earrled on In fore ign countries, suoh of vaseline unle.. the same carries our label, as olherwlre It Is not renulne. 'way thon wilt come lo thy fort~lne; II.S ,Oreece, Rome and the holy land, SEND YOUr{ ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAIL . OUR VASE· than canst Ilredlot the cllre ot mRny but. no'IV we hitend ,to learn sometblng LINE PAMPHLET WHICH WILL INTEREST YOU. whom tbe most' famous Ilhyslclanl wUl about "our own country. l:I'r llnches of ' ." , MFG, 'CO. have gh'en over." ' i.he arcbaeological Institute bave been STATE 'STREET, ~EW YORK CITY , The old Ulan dl9llPpeare4: eatahllshed' In almost every city, Th~re are poI~tlo..~ opell'i~ th~ '80 the nld cbarcoal' burner olfered "W~rlt will flrllt be carr'led on I~' NIlYY forhundredl of young men himself to the p~bllc as a ,great doc· , Col~rado, New lItexiyo ond ,othe r westbefween 17 Ilnd,,25 yeanlof age, tpr und 809n ' became universally' tn·. ern states, . As Ibe InsUtute grOWl! ,an410r mechanic. lip 3S yean mous" Wben be was c;nlled be exam· 'stronger work will be done In Old , of age. Good pay, and good fQ()(1 Ined the. patient and at obce pro- l\lexJc~ nntl Central American states, furnl.hed ' by the Government. I w.. itby PCOflI~ by,tllo".."tI. OOIOU'D to DliD"~1 .pel.1I tp ',I.k .ad lieu.. la,Sa!pll" ,.. attr. The .~rr.llo" ollhl. SU,lllhnr .. ~. For full information addre.. nounced sentene!!. He seemed to car. ' A scbool :ot American Archaeology Is VD n ter r:eJ.", c eauacl and purltl.. til. H~ ..ft,J,., . ! Navy RecruUing, Station. Po.t ry' WlthhllJl health or ,death," , • 'pro~~sed, to be 10.Cnt~d' noar Old l\fex· blood. ': . ' " Anyone ca" . P' robabl1nblaln ...... benellt 5WE£ T Office BuUding, Cincinnati,Oh 10 • Hie wea.lth Increased. for all tbe bllb Ico, where' advanced students cun take by l.k.I.~ HIIICIt""'.'. ~Ictory C.-to,.OIl. dIgnitaries ' ot·, th~ klnlIdom and' the n ,sol't or: p'oKt''g'radu~te coul'S~ IJi arcllPili.. "he C,!U.tahl 8ul hurt Uf'lt. Pl4 ",,"cent, •• lb' CUtor Wird LomoD, princes C)alled, him In consultation: eaological wo.rk." . Blac,); c.;he.rr, )toot, and olner valuable:. . ' th'" malee an ItI ••1 I'byok, 'Togle ... d One duy he was s~nt for In, great ------, PurIS. r. 18 ON PILE IN 1 bute to 'gQ, to . tho house 'o f 11 great More Than On. Kind 'of ' 101011. lie w~- try Ibem laot _ ... All l>rt1Rri ... -1Oc:, ~ ... d "',OIl, 'm ail ' wbo had lullered an ottack of A Chicago mercblLDt W08 dining ' ' ~NEWYORKo:';~:~, ttor }I~ SAnl"I,., ..ulitn:"'~. apople)'y wberl hl* family lea~t, exp~ct- wltl:! ' sOItle , acquaintances In New ' .A. N; ItEl &:DaD NEWiPlPER,co. " It F. 01\11., The Victory .emed1 to" Dillon, 0, ' eei'. It, and' tbe unhappy man W8l ' York recently. Among the 'l Inrty was dYing, leav1ng · his wlfe and 80ns In ,anoth,e r IDIl'U ' from ~he mIddle welt protohnd 'eb'r.row,· greatly Increllsed»y \\'lIu bad'-1'!l\her Il' poor opinion. ' the , Women's t~ll1bJes very often occur. reguJarly at a gertalq time. every mo~th. Be1.he fnct at his aitalrs being In com· a verag~ New Y01'k'er. , '1' notlCII ,ID cause this may have been so all your life, Is no reason why It should continue. plete dl'$oj'der. . " , ' ' • my Ila,PElr thIs morning," liald the Cbl· . On 'entering the bouse at' .tbe Ila,tlent cagoan, "llInt at evory 16 hogs borD Many' thousands olf women, who had previously suffered from 'troubles similar to yours, 'hili eid~lIt IOn, euJled the ehal'colli nll d bred In : the nlled: Stal¢& one 1)1 due to disorder of' the womanly ergans, have found' welcome relief or cure. In that ,burner aJ\al't, sal'lng : : " .a ' Mlssoudan,': " 'Phat inay bl! ' true wonderfully su~ce,ssful medicine for WOmen, "Sonllr dQCtor, thou 'IIrt welcome; wltb one class, of bogs:' ,,,aid ~he alb· . _Ive Ill)' father ,healtb and thOl~ sbalt er man from ' the, Mlsslsslplll valley, b,ave nothlog to coIDJ)laJn ot rrom me," " but or (.!\'ery 15 hogs seen on the , "We s hall see, we shah 'see," WWI street cars of tbl. toWD at lea.t 14 all the old carbonero ,\,ollid say. were horn In New York,' anls" bred lIoTlle1l )Ie went to L!l.e. .lllk room where." where, ' seeing tbe old. 'man 'WIth the Mrs, Leota Forte, of Toledn, Ill., writes: "I am well pleased 'fifth the ruults of .iWng CarduL I hAve wrlnklecl taC(' a~ tbe h!'ll~, o( the bed, , Naw York SchOOl T.achara. h. ':t 0IIc9 .book ,biB bead and ru~ Tbe~ are if,liSQ teachers I.D the tUec three ~t~ aDd am DOW peifecU, well. free from pain and pounds In night" mUratd: '. public IIclloola of New York City, . .4 '''l'here III DO help f6r 1Um." they receh'e '17.000,000 aaan,lI, .. 'All tbe 'r ami))' "BPi, but til. eldest ,alar1el. '
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
Slo~s For Coug'.Col~ ,Sore Throat.Stin .__
,Rheumatism ant. Neur4 gia At .11 Dealers Price 25c. 50c. 6 .'.00 Sent
S, SIca"
aOTO SEA,. ~
66Wea""y PeOple BL-... "
tl ...
tor. .
, ,
Wine of Cardui
LOCAL ITEM~ 111""0 K" lh', or t,.lIlrth strell ,
Form er
R~sld~nts: Looking
Toward .a
Not u
~d u lbl Reputation:
Specia l Tbree lt~ymeo of th«! Ep eoopal Charlae Ill, IIl0hen "r, IllChl NI: Mr Spnl ng ofCbloa go were,el ecteddQ r· Sermon s for the United I:Ua_ Weath· pol't.or . h" b.!tlu'cuDllldllrllbl.vluJt. 1)i)l:Ied th' ' three Seo........Seornv·ed by Ing Lent to .make' addr8B8es at er Bureau , hA, 8I1"mltted the fol ' i!ltlst 'f I~~t' w ~'k , UOI s 8ervioe evening Sunday 0ive I\Il00000 with Pdrt\; Mrnea Wrlllht Rnd Mi~8 th local ~:::. :reportof the weathe r daring ' Busl 'ne , In qrove ' Chnroh , Bln8dalc~, 111., to Bu:.tan Wrirht ftnj y d a few daJ., II peoi tll servioes SOl'. regullir the of. ylaoo to take the March wu muoh bette~ than Its $and. ~e have aGfull d ~ d It' '~nt1y ",Itb (Illativell at A~orrow day. t f . C. M , ~Cart\vr1ght was one of t mOD present were ations oongreg ou this year, Borne really LnrgA . P,\lutatl r near of Gregg" e , M.r. Emelin Hi ta'ik 'h allor m~n ~ UI U I th experi. tb being ser· r the weathe OEtS6B all spring fn RDd ideal 0886S {til In and lY Tbnrsdl nt SF ' was "","'"""-_~.r.lng V.. lle~, II sive ~ ,men C UII 0 osen. Bulk and Packa~" FrIday .wiSb her uno 0 atld Runt- Mr . mons :wer~ unusua lly Impres ton, ellced, espeoilllly daring the latter alDto~ in Mose Cohe n, of '"Day a 88 Club hl\1'ob . T~e In , ' hulf . Inter tlng. , ..ud M", ' All P Batn , aud 0811ed lI.ud TH , S":eet ~ea ~Na8turtium ' E OIITFlODO)( Jj'lUENlJ o aUR B Commu nity Life." AT ('In other frle'nil8 while bere.. Predi cts 8,11 Unus ual • . Seed in the Bulk speoilll month a d tbe pI'ooohe during s fbwkln rulufl\-lI Rev. The rg ' PIt,tlltiu of od, erous Sherwo Prosp Barry and M,r. The .Ga~ette II In receipt of IL very the bv mu~i,o inobes the 4.42 and inobes, sermon 5, ster to ElII ted Thom RDloun Dr, uuole, bioi of 10"118 e gueet • d oholr \Vas In kee~ bandso me calenda r from onr good Yellow and-wh lte of this fallhig on ttle 12, 13 t\nd '14, a~ 1:1 erwood , S8turdilY tfnd undltY. ob urob 's splendi Year, ess Busin ' MOD ', 'Bonnel of h, G.Smit A. Set8 frlfmd, Onion day, tbQ of WIlen tbls seotlon experleDced the Mra. Ed MRCY, Mrs , l:i eorg(i Ing with the spIrit . numbllr of 8.ongs by the ohild· taDa. , 'l'he QlJ,lender sholl'S s view ~UR I b h be $ ' 'l\holDptlo~ aDd MI'tl M L P~r8bal0l., rellA of Fane Sugar Corn , llum~er of years, Int! also were water Bohoot , hI~~e8t gun; Sunday the IS S US111.eS8 T. ng . spr Mrs of ~ In gueate ~lll1s r bave 'been Lnml>e e immens caBe the per of $1.25 , ~ozeng. 65e mornin a fe,lt nre of the Ihe ooldest wellther 1U tile month Mason at XeniR this week. the. whole store 18 buddhi g ' whklh Mr. Smith wae .interes ted, __ , TJlIIl M . E. OB ORo n ou the 21st, . The following OtllUl» roial comme , Mi. L8wrenoe Sherwood who bUll ' spring its intu do. IS oonoern the ' eVlden ie it g and Herrin v~ry by Io'illh, d White at:tende I for were 8 been ., Swartb more (Jolleg • Penn Servloes bloom: the ple!lsllnt and pretty day one of tbe sudden ObUDg6 e g Ing 8n enormoull bu.in68s. and Macker el . whioh thl!l olimRte til noted, ooour. . Iylvani a the pallt five years In tbe large oongr ga,tion8 bot,h mornin 8uggestions of longer days aud , . ' or and evening Oranges,I,~;;;;&Bananu capaoit y of etuden . , 8nd Professhis A L Coms took ,0f 0 rrville, wa,rme r wClltber meet thb eye red, and the thormll metel' olimbed 114 A. speola11, IIDI?ressive feature of w \th __ i8 apendin g a few weeks 11 ,. r . degrel'lI 83 to up . d themor ningser vloewl l8theba ptir,m prepara ollrdfol A j i bere, b everyw of OhIO, came do'wn to WaYIDesv!\le rship membe lrito ion Raddis he8 '!lDS admls!l 01 and Lt>ttu ellrne W8 a ng oy en ere parents iving ~ . : Pi A I• ~ CI!, Saturd ay and was & gues~ at the tlon and genero us v"lue,g of Dayton a olass of ten CIlDdidat.e8. In addi· I C FI'd re~·IB8. ' ADD- Themsou':'eeks other e. / of Levi I) Lukens Illl1d five other membe r8 were re, bome count for Q,nytbln g, we' 8hal1 have a Alum ni Mem bers i"Iotic . ' 01'1 a e cry, ~DCBr tlon ne pp es, ... , f . ._ .. dl d"coop1eo.. ' oelved .lnto the ,chorcb by letter, . ... 8S ~hat will ·tax even bUl!in l'pring Mr. III ljpen . n a . ng .yeveni 8nn(1n until frlendl .ery was m & Ena~ .progra B~tter l your' mnsica us Tbe Bring · , l. home their AB'lOOit Ilat "00 wUh Jler parl!Dt MelU bers of the Alnmu\ se1llng Cotn8took is In the oreame ry busi our polloy in seleoting and paid. Mrs. Prices ry t offerto Highe8 the Dnring Sohool flne. Blgh sville Wayne the pIke. of n ioo on tho Lebano produc t Ilpri.n g,appnr eloan be given In flve _ _ .• 8. beautU ulsolo. ne88 at Orrville , the entire ' are orged to benr In mind tbat t,b e MI'. and Mrs, Gl'orge Thompson , Emma Dakin liang Cleve· wordll to sen' being ry erellme oUhe more was sl1rvlce good to ,eat hing Everyt ~~ n loollltiB )(rs. OI.. BarIBo and Mr ,FraDk Braa· The evening lheA~! of. ng anoual gatberl Good ~tyle at modera te p.rices, land, B~ 18 well and reports him , ~) at utten' lllrgl,l a and hand ut :~e:t~:~,,~eth:~~~~~b~~ !:~~~I;;g~ttended even, thand the Is almost' bls and d, Situate n\ly p181l!a . lelf on preaobe Tront Ilt those Pblllp atTe 1D Day'on Frillay. Mr. and Rev. The additio n oC two new floors to dance i8 hoped for from s ChI,lst " an many frlenda here were greatly Imm erm a Airs. Frank Smith who are COUlllne "l'he R'Qsorreotion of present store Will enable UlI to home and Ilt u distanoe, oar . blm, gl'eflt to pleased ser· iBt~ appropr . and able lly I 8took 8 0 f CI othes, I reilltive to the of Mr. Braddock IIdld wellltn own to especia Any sugopst . .. lonll rs mono are bmembe '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ oarry g gant 0 Gazette readers many OF COU R~E h th blob i was l1y receive~ muslo o. obeerfu ' the be g will i mornin tbe AluDln in you As 0 , ave Bats and Furoish ings. Before of t .e oompany, n" EN~L'. STATEM BANK . ~ to muoh ' added fine ~ nty e th and of ,. . p ronllne nt·l*rtI!. purcha se your new Soit, we allk by 'J'. ~ . Rogers, Pre9ldo;!~t n. oooll.8lo the of lven8B8 OhIO. impreaa a.nd an.kUn, FI Smith utiOD, Jeff .A'F80cl Mr. and Mrs. you lUI & matter of busines s to tub flo,' 22~O. IT. KARy '8 IIP180 0PAL OHUROH . f$mily wnb If"" Smith' s ·at aSlo)okOtlt °SOl'I82nitsS For S"le-N!rI~teADlstook hogs. Make! tbe ol{\ bome W nr the 20 IS" . ' C. Bont, (}rl'll;nnia.. Onlo R. "I 's 8ervlce Gree~ Y8ar'8' 'S thil s HUnD1l respect 8mlle ht g ma.ny bri. and MI'. . Bunday IoD, near ,U tica ' In Easter . ls Jnnney prevlol E. . J any by ed So14 aurpa88 PlllDt of n, oplldre )ln, Ed Olev.e nler and - - O F -' !!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~ !'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!! Franklh a were aI.o p""",nt . The int.enill, IUld helpful ness. , If we of 'tl membel tbe caD "'e daY8 that can't prove day WIlI.a mOflt happy ODe for .aU For forty 'l.'SE. WAYN ESVIL LE ing 'the . " ", """"""~"'" ~ p&rtaklDg of the'Dat ure of a family the'IlHuroh had been Qtill8rv '~~~ 812 to au ' on yonr Bult, you save I18l'V. J!:aster by, the us and pass to seal!on you to Lenton up. a 18 then it inDer wu D ... reunioD . >\ boun\lf nln.dIUld , , the chU· ice came a8 afUting olimax , ' DAYTON feature 0( th., oooasiq with ed decorat was ohUrch The . dren o~ U1e '~Uy had all ~he ' . . oat flowers and At Wayne sville, in, the IState of tel' 8IJI ~ey oo1i1d make way with. Pl>Ued pl&nt8 and . Ohio, at the oLose of btlfliness, present ed a bilautlf nl "ppura nce. " • fter diDner .. drlve watI taken ~ -L nion oommu early ~ o'olook saven At lhe old home farm Dear U'ioa, 'he was oelebra.ted,. IUld thil WIS more 22, 1907, Maroh on dined L A ztiamel'DUUl INO.s. . $ y .RESOURCES, pur, .'. 1Arg~IY i at:nt~ 'b&n a: ~mn~". 1,olltns and dlacounl all with s Coupon Bond G~'d. 05 JrcJ-O tpoa· . .ter. I!lOU,801 s story. of teo uro IlIIii II4Da Upp. of Xenia, 'was eerv oe n e &.obool , . 8ecured ftll. .. O~erdr glv WII.8 hour entitle a Bunday Coupon in CinOlimati to Th~ ~, 06' 60 O~JUI88. ' 2500(1500 mUrle d ap4 unsecured, . to. talk Easter an to, over en I f lle, f Looinl .. of d f h , II. nnn, to 0 b' !III, , JoJua M.OOU oe to ,etuxe 0106 o . un reli80 use u 0 S , Bonde 16 Y1'o . etc.circlilalloll ' 1~~,.61 obil"U ren by the reator secarllieB Bondq. • • : • ms. ptflmiu me handso d lly, in whiob city the happy a 00 J[eolac 6,000 . ' . bOU8~ BankIng eervioe ,T he r~gular OO11ple will Nide. Way nesv l'lle ' Nall 'onal f' .A Fi h 5t 04 ; I G6.088' . 966 00 Goo. Ifr. of olber Nallonal Banb of Note. er daDght tbe Upp" e(l 11181 IUl'pass ection ReSurr ory. , S .. Upp. ",11_ home In ~ls young Practloroal paper currenCf, n\cllels 57 1D&Dh1Joc1 "'.. OD the ,farm abov41 standar d of his Lenten efforts t i 1 ., h ~'., •• SAllI III K8ltRva a:~::~~ e earefullY' follow: LA"'J'~ d hili 1&rge audienc Caskey t . e gen a ",ecre '61'.1. B J, ' O~ed IUld ~Dpie tOi09100 . Ooiwbl, now Specie 00. from ll8 , by Mr. lu. , 8. Vande nort, and ad the 8plendid diaoOur Of the W"ynesVille , Cannin g Co. . 00 Legal·tender. notefl ( ,600 <. ' 11,591 80 . teacher in the glnnlDg to end. , • who wua ruula r00 and week. last , daY' one fishing :went ho _1.:.....1- of D(un4 with U , S. trOla8' . The mUsio had 'been 'glven epactal RedempUo' anen un.". lot of his catch W8S 8 white bass -..,..urer (5 P . c, of circulation) ' ' 2 ,500 00 te oo}Jlp~e 'he and n attentio . . pb'!>tog ~p~r . the 14dd7, ,J. 1'. he depositced in the publlo blob • . . , as published in . lall' week'e m WU • 47"1 ,8i3 61 ! . . Tapher of Da~i came dOWD ,ToM· ToTAL· prOl1'll The onto ried w8s,oar Mr. 1 parente bie NatlOn~ . day e'ftmlng to He ,cirlnJdng fountai n ~t tbe . . WHICH YOU WILL FIND ELSEW HERE IN TH,~_S PAPER. _~' iIn. J. T , Ltc1dy, ~'h of·who m high , olase through out and I'dded' ' ~nk;oornel" . ITIES. [JABIL 101Pl''8 and .terest I , the to Iteatl" the of of r ttes numbe IDflnDt the any from then lilf .... lIUfferl $1\0,000 0.0 • ~Rince IIIYeneis Qf,the ser'v}oes. Mi88Edlth Capitalllocit pald In ' ,~ 60,00000 "8uokel'll" have gODe to see the flBb Shu~., I!IlnK a. 1leautif ul ,olferto ry. SUrtllU8 fand h1P,8 taken ref~ge in the, re . a::I~' ~n tpe . ~rgap' ~nnIY!~~dl~~~:~;J~·· .e%r n~es 18,016 M .i hlOh of W: H. ALLEN. Preside nt ' " Bring ing Busi ness' ' , ~ndMwa8 aocOrp thefou utain and freqoe~t . 0ti1l888 00 GO,~OO and!ntr AOtltflt ~~:i~ole ." ,,' OShel',: yn ~C&rO y ~ to)he rOwn .. Ihler '" ' ", ." . ,R~GBT, Ca , " , Viee Pre8. J. O. ,CARTW GEO. E. R,ILEY 11, 'l'efuse8 to ' be seen, B",ve Y9n ~tb?r ~auoDal S 000 otl ' ' ' el'$. Farm .to ~ Notl . tiDg adYOO6 been bal The 8een it? 1" ' dePOllIIS Mill · In a few days 1 will haTe ~Ji hAnd Al foi,lOqIe ti~.,' a plan \0 otrer In ~r.J 2U.478 I " Check, !I Can· s the mo' Il'om er fertiliz of rces load cal" esou a ~otal er;.. dacemeiata ~d woUld 'brln.r peOple ~otice:to Breed tll.c. alel 24 ,181 '7 2 aU ,OIi?. Di deposl~erl' o. , of . l '.b. " anl\ ~emlca ,tunl'er tlllzer , !toWuI inoth6 . 'MclIDg who ars now . ' ' ,;;.. Ohio, . CanIQD /l. good 'a to b1iltnetl breed ,tbelr to dq to Anyone wtShtqg I W Wa1De8vlQe 477,873 61 ', ' ~ , TO:I'AJo, , . every ." and 8a9b that ' '.' IIUIK8S would , I . . " ! . , IUlse.. , . ' have. we see the' plana genera.l porpose horse WIll do to , ' ., once a~ uld :this'wo fet(~ John wtio of ho~e !"Brown Bill" at' t..he , eel 11'0.0 1 Ume to . Ume' 1.1'• • en~ly farmer ~tate Anlll,Y' STAT. pP 0010. COlTlC'l'1' or W,ARRIR, 8Il : :........ ........ ........ . '.......... ~ ...... ' " , . . .~ Wayne'svllle, on of " Ieaalbl , baa·bee n· proven by the ell:. 88D4: for a .ooP7 Qf the bw west W" . . . . . 'W" 'W"'W" ~ :wrW tlie 8t.roop;' 3%. ot ,tbat 'OI.-bJer IGHT, OARTWR , 0 J. '1, to . writiDg ,had l>e may .whtoh !I1'ear , . mer. ,I ilI, .....881ive ' abo,e bank. 4 ,0 solem'll I of one pro •• oJ I ItO tbe best 'or the Upper 8prlngb o;0 plae;. " • ~8DCI ' A""U& ,': Oe~r~lbent of AgrlCttlture Colnm. U>e "above stalemellt Is true chaD,. . ~,~:~~!!!!,!~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~,~,~!!!!!~!!!!!!,~~,~,!!!!,!~.!!!!,!~.~!!!!!,!!!.~~.~ !!!~ !~!!!!! !!!!~!! !!!!!!! ~ ~. ~~!!! ' ~~ ~~ ~~ ~' O~M !! ' J. O. OARTWRIOHT. CUshier. ~A.~me~~gr~~~~~~~O en made. for eomettme heeD paying hllher pls~e analYli s of all fertillz 10 betore me. this /lWorD and e'd SUbscrlb s an&lyai e compet It ng receivi Upon pnoe:lOl' .... \ban any of tlie 1l'QO., of my Peerle . Vegeta ble G-:ower 211h da)' of Naroll, lOOT. INVITE~ en bi.nel«hborlDg towns.. Recent. P1l01.I0, NO'l!AU' KEYS, . E I. brandl the witl1 o) nro fannen liviD, In op~lte (aaed for ,tobaooaull 'Warren OC'UOI)" Oblo. you will at ODce direo~~ frolll Wayne nille whl? y~u hav. u88d , II.".Atteet ; COORI(1 then 130, a, rity superio i~ notice s ohioken of r 1'8. • larp 'Dumbe , , ~ Wlun . W J, ne ,telepho by up me call or write aD~ "ho have ,b een golnl ~o other. Dlrf:"l<ll'ft, cA~Twru o ~'n ,I,.y. S. ftir. tter the:ma dlaoD1!8 will 1\'. knd l1".e ' town. to . do ' ~elr trading " .. , .H : ALLIIN ', .' '. been ,aUnete l,l .here , by Mr., ~~ . ther . . ' , . ~!!!!!~~!!!!'!!!!!!!'!! !!!!'!!!!'!~ !!!!!!!!!!!! '!'!!!!!!!!! cal' partial a blind on "m _ ' a offer and ther aDd tlielr I also have DIDlll~r r Easte p'ostl' .. oedar. white nt exoelle ' . ~" ,of :1 load, ent perman , fai;nlUI li have 'becI9me .Tbees an. cua'om en tn lb"tow n. While here trom. t;entral Mioblg ' . stra.ilh t a~d strictly No.1, • . of C01aroe, ~e:r bny. other things posts a.refor 20 and 22 oents, aooord. . :Mrs. Eme~ine Greig, eDterta iued • thaD gfOoertes alao' and their oom· selUng eev~ra.1 of her relative s I~nd ffiend8 size. IDS tl,thaa a help to the bU8hie8-' iDg to at h~r beautlf!!1 home near Spring o t , , ID a short time I also intend . ' " oomtn1lDt&y.' Valiey Ea8ter Sonday. tile draiD fiDe the of load oar a hav~ in, ~wo thill' " We m~tion Ilmpl, : " otnred by Crail • tanoea &0 prove what we ' have manufa .At the noon honr 1l11.;were invited ,. or:Oakl~d, Obio. , ' ~ a&eadUy advoca ted., a dinne.r prepare d by: Mfl. G'r egg to, in kept be will 'goods a.bove · ~e , Z,ery plan '~at helps on8 mer· lmo,vs Jlow to get l!Iuch .d inners whO ware· ,yell.)w my ohaD' he~pII an '~d we 00.11 make stook ,by me at present were: Mr. and ill'S Thoile ware· tobaoco the below jast hQnse ~nter ~radinR , , . Wa1Daevll1e th" be., · Lytle. lD hoaae ,;,'~}-----~---- "'....:..--~--aotlon ted oonoer by ' seo&lon In thla Dayt-on; Mr~ and Mrs. "'r~-------~--~~- ~--~.. r,?f Tr,ayse Y, CARMON . R · 'WK. . " .', . enta ,aDd' a'feW;,eP,OOlalinduo'!m I Phris Ti~tslnger and son,of DaytoD; ... L tl ' Ohl , ..... . '. ~i'8.:A. B. ' Norris, Bertie .Norrls O. -1 Y , St.M ary's ,Parls h Meet lpg Home, Phone. 82-7-. Blanohe :Austin,. of Sprlng and . " . ' . . , '. ; Mr. Al Decker, All'. 'a nil Vlllley .. " ,. Tl,te membel'll. of ~t .' .Mary's Death 'of Mrs. Bolland and. tamily" M r.' W. :141'8 Oodf H _ , Church held 8l}nual .nisin rey • .. ;. . F :, orace , , meetin~ Monda.}t evenmg . , , ' h' and 111'8. O. A. GrelJg and family, t ' died · Godf Ii !of of free church the' showed Rlport8 e~ri; of ~e!lbrook. ' All .enjoyed the fln~. , debt ana evelyth ing ~n ~~ eondi. h'om':' ono~:: ~b!I.:~~ plk~a hOlse mUSIO flnnish ed "by 18 ' , . MondaYm.Qrnln gafter aD~Hln81 ell:. graphapTrayse • •. ., tion. r, of Day:&on; At an Peter For year, a almoflt OVel; tending ParIsh a g, DUlldll'! .'.I:he matter, of. ill t' f h i thO h 1 ea ",88 dooline her week8 four: past the th~ fi)f, , rear hQUH on the lot in the e even Ig a e t ,0r 1'; y onr u . ' ' rapid. very the '· of · p meet,in church whel'e' trom home, wisblDg ~r8. Ora gg many .church societiee and IrILtheringe' not Fnneral8'"en~oe8 will be held more B.uoh Jj:aste,r SU'ld~Y8. three at luitabl e for the church, eould be the Miami Cemete ry Chapel ' ---""""', on afterno day Wednes thiS o'clook" ttee heIdI was ditou8lled and i a commi of Veter ans. Sons • -,. . 't Comml ' t ree Cartwr ight, 4·,A: 5 eOlI8l1Itinl of J.dO. & S- , , ' , Zimme nnanan · E. V. Barnha rt was and ns R. A.· .. Resig r the(~ .of sione rs membe ,An cer· of cost .ppo~tAd to fuv.est ipte . , · Ladie~. of ,Veterans are :requeated to tain nllprov ements to the church g at thl1!lr hall Fri Mon: meetin l a Counci of ~ meetin tbe At buUdins. dl\y eYening, Joseph Marsha ll pre. Publi c Sale , ot an Import ant na,ur. sented hia TesignatlonlUl street oom., , 'ransao ted and .. full attend. wuap· Lem. B. O. Jaad Hous ehold Ooods~ misllonftr '''''''''''' 'deaira d: pointed w the vacanoy. - - - - - : -.: -I will ofte.. at · Publio AootioD Mr. Maraha ll retatne8 hIe poeltion .wlthou t I'eI81've to 'he, hlih~t. bid .. Marlba l. n~ .... a' IIl7 l'8IldenQe in Corwin , O. Theord inanoe to prob!bitspl'ti (10m. oe ofdtnan the to . referred wu old Qf hoaaeh mittee. The oommi&te8 havIDg In ~ oharle the efror. to throw the BATU BD.Y, APRIL 20,1907. aome Corwin A,V(tDoe 001118111n trooble , .' KILBOIf I. W~ . billa ' . Corper atiou ' and Into tbe .f Co'1'.....a, .~
SS .
Spri ng .is Here
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N EW BU RL IN GT. ON , ' Q'~,' 'S,a tu rd ay , April6~ ·19 07. . ... . . . . . T~e featu res
of the d~y ,ate a
Oookec;l o'n th~ f8mo~s ' "Q~ick )Ieal~' SteerRa~ge.,
Music .by' NeW BurllogtoD . Brass Bandaod ,8o ,Orchestra'
• 111',.,.-0""-'
"pve n -(N~wW ,...a).
, PIA NO, 'V[O LIN S:"an d GUI TAn . Special Souv en;is with ,each Free Souv enirs to all cash p'Q.rchas~ 0(83 ' or "over. We win ba~~ 'on exhi bitio n .Gas Engi-nes, ~'ar'm ,Implem~dts, e· Rang es, 'Har ness , etc~, ~tc, FJxpert Salesm.~n ·i.n allline~. C~m, and see 'wha t'we have and enjoy ~he day a.n'd e,en itlg it will cost 1 ' come. 'we are . all and ing nqth you !!'~~=~u;,~-~~=~
au'lJurItcUoUoa()fUw001lll"', "..00I I. W SlDlIe41D the (IOOIl wort.
~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~ FIFTY
1.'he Sudden wind, hai! nlld rain Centerville. torm which ~woop d down npon us .oll nt I:)chwllrt·z·s in W,.ynell\lIl1 , " Big vnluea for little m oney tot 1' unday evening left its marktl in \lany Improvements being Planned Schwu,rt's Ba:rgllio Counter 10 lUany plllQes. Trees, fence , doord lind SBa t,be Ilig ~nlt1es offered at \O~ COl\nty UoulInitiMlou,er C. W About Grounds and Buildings. Wlljnesvllle. and mnny other olljcot w to forcod fftlines i the proud P08!eS3I1r 01 I~ Mrs, LeMMa Kenrick roturned 0 s uccumb to the gul Warron oonnty will have u better homo from II. pleasunt ui It with Mi II Opba Phillips went to Von nelY autort,obUe. M: I!. A . J . W lillOn iA horrie trum fnn this year thnn slle bas ever had relatives lind friencls in lIud nround ua1il\ to eo Mr , and 1lrr s, Whittier and President P. R. Surfaoo nnd tho Piqua Ilnd SidLoy, &tnrdllY after , Burnett and duughter Lily. I:;he :::;outh Carolina. wileri' she has btlell ' diroctors , of tho Fnir are now en no on. returned !:llluduy ev nlDg. for h er hOlllt,h the pus~ winter. 8hA ,. deol;, res she is feeling fine, to tha ~lIged in preparutions for tho big Mrs. Matildl~ Emerick ILOd Mrd . event, ILnd are ILlso m l.ld ng mnny "•,et ti e E Iller I0 t••, were I joy of he ) for mnny friends . n 'en t orvl' 11 01 Ferry Mr .' and Mrs : Mason Wllliamilon improvements about the ground.s last Thursday . _' _____._ nnd ·b,.i1dlngs. U dM 0 " La b 1 \ SIC t . sp nt Easter in Dayton . .. . . ""r . I\O rs. . o. m , Rnt son C lwart\r.·8 Bllrgalq f.llD cr, 10 0. ne of tbe prmCI[lal tmprove. th I ' ill e WI> .'\ savo yo u 1110neyVisit the B'lrgui.n Counter n.t . b ' 1 ' " n ey were III th"', e ",om C'l ty tra"u' I W IlYU6SV m ents IB IL tunnel that will bo Ul t ing S 0 t ur doy. \ no th' IOgo\'or · 10 f. . . Sc.hwtlrtz ·s, in WuynflsvIlle. Notb, undpr tbe race track. Another ' . ' ' ' ing o\'er 10f . olllln ge that will be greatly appre. M~~. ~urgorot Johns was III Way- i Th! c?lllmuDlty exp ots to have a .Mr. W;lbert Gtiest Ilnd familr, , oiatet} will be the levohng UP. of t,be ne~vlJ1e ~.t~rdaY;ft~rno~n·k .. ~~uC~nl1t1.1shOP!n ~be :en.r fnt,u re. Mr . tlnd Mrs . Ed Pine and family track. ' ~. an rs: arlon u 0 " ere r , arton, of Ken u~, y, ILn expo· wero .entertlllued at Iln Easter dii!. Wilen tllis work ill oompleted trndlDg in . ~ aynotlvllle Satur dny r. leno c1 wnkmllu, tlnhCl}>lltes, stl1rt. nt.r In Dllyt on. f h d tl tho e I.h po ition to know chim that Ingl 'a S op some time llrlng le .I Mrs. Davin- R 01e w h 0 h as ' been . , a tornoon, . " Wllrren coun ty will hlive the be t MISS Zoe E. l)uk\l was shopplng en r Y S\lDl1Uer. ' \ Bn invalid for som~ time died last tllick 111 Southern hio. in Dayton il'hursdllY . MI', lind Mrs. Elm er Rogerll and F Id ' l t t s ' . de In ' M' r Ily . U ormen Wli ma t Mis Achsa mith, who has b en I!Ion Ernest VI ited Mrs. !lton Sho t he Old Cemetery of Centerville . Agricultural Trains ' Trav- with grandpa f ent-s for some time hun, of U nterville, on Sunday after, M '1 k P' i I I t I h' . Tl t ... 11 h rs. ar ne s v s t ng er . eling over Pennsyl )JIISt, r eturned to ber home I: Day. n oon b tt lev ~e:o\ ; rs. ~ I\n du,ughter. Mrs. A. J. Wilson, of rn US s vania Li~s. ton Sunday, mudo . ed e:. tl ' : a y V: °d Dayton, • ' "... Mi fort,une indeed seeOlS t-o hnve an rt~IB e 1D liS COUlnlun l t y an 1\ _ fu ll n n1)on Mlr. tlnd 1r . Joe l Snllth g rent, deal of Ill1xie .V h[lIl been felt A: D. Maddox is home after ' Stops at Corwin and many Farm' n ... VI' SI't In OI'ncl' onu'l I k' o-ver b er r eCOV(lry by her 01 dfnenrls ~ Ion PO . a' . She III .. ers Liste~ to Interesting Lecture who !lomo !l x or s ven wee 8 ago , moved iMo tb !r property in this Ilnd neighbors , some what improved In health. by Rutborities on the trains. ' 8ay, neighbor, h IV~ yon aeen the \l1I.ce . Mr , :::; not been .well Mr. A. 1::1. Cornell has ereoted tI I mllny uaeful artloles on Bohwartz', Tho OhIO Bo~ rd of Agriclli ur , ~i t1(lo theil' I'eta l~n, .nor hl18 biB wite. new twelve foot wind whee upon ' Oonege f the bio Mrs. mith :111 IIlfeoted se ri ously his bllrn i he int,cu(1 to use i t to Su.w Bllrgain Counter, ' in Way. nesville, tha Agrioultural
Warren County Fair LOCAL AND Splendid WQrk In to be Best Ever. Waynesville's Schools PERSONAL MENTION
I\lis~ Colla Jones IS qtllt-e \11 with Practical; Efficient and C'onscientyphoid fevtlr . . tiou. Work on Part of Suo perintendelt and Teachers. Mrs. Lin>\. Dovitt ill visiting r elu· tives!n Indianapolis. ,ft WI1S f,he privilege IIf I\. reproson&atlva of tho Gllzotte to visit ~he Mrs . MtLry Ann Wi~e blls btll3n Waynesville Blgh , ~olJo'ol ll'rhlny su~erlng grent ly from a badly lIoald· morning and In t·he few hours sl;ent led hand . Misses Irma Stokes Rnd N ellio in t,be Hchool we were very mnch Impre88ed by the excell ent, work Wilkerso.n enjoyed Saturday and being carried out utlder the clirec , SnndllY wl ~h friends at Morrow, , ' \Ion of the , effiolent SuperlDtendent., For &Ie- A four rOOD) cottage on ' Prof.. C, E . BrlLttfln and his " tLlIsl!.tant EIIBt F. ourth Str eet City water, Prof. Oarey. olstern, eleotrio lights. ,Apply u,t At the opetilng ' of l,Iohool the thl8 office, The Ladles Aid will BOW at the pupils.mllrobed !nt{l, the bnillUng to tbe mUBic of II. plano Rlld trllLngle.. home of Mrs. H . Clements Thurs. Afh. the Ol)ening exeroltlB8 cer,. day afternoon . EveryiJody invited tatn 0. "flllfIB q',letly mOvE'd to the t ., come and h elp recItation rOoms. wblle the balllnoe M W W 'l."bb I d d ht of the tltutients prep\lred f0r the r. , . I an (lug or Miss Mary hlive returned home next reOltnt,\oll. Through It Illl the' f .' t ' t I FI ' d beet of order prevlliltld II-nd tL viistor ro~ II. wIn ,or s I! .Il.y n Or! u, whloh hus resulted In grent benefit oould ':lot h~lp b?t be ~mpreSl!ed by to both . tbe oheerful, Interested way in ' whioh eV8\Y0ne went to their work, '. Lee Rtlin6$, who ' rec ived an inThe Guzette '" r epresentative lis . jury to his lunRs and h e d by t~ foIl ' . el ~I~··tionl! by t~ v of Prot. IBtlt. au t umn, i 8 ·'dl y d ec I lDlDg,an tened to r vv WI ~ Bratten's cla8~es . Tbe first WI\8 11 offers exorutlat!ng pain constuntly . . olasll In algebr" . The problAmti Mr, Thnd Zimmerm'ln- ua!! pur , ,' f arm 1 h d J were exceedingly diffioult', 'but, 0 JI80 t, III erome An ueroon , ot the clllss lIeemed o.t Mortow f 0 000 , every member or·.. 1, e d en,1 be to thorougbly nnder tuml tho work' lDg mnde throug /" WiIliap1son Stllte University Il..Ild tbe Ohi o Ex \'\"it11 croup. 'Though- it seldom nh . WOOd, grind feed , cut fodder ll..Ilel for 10, . ,and were "ble to give the Tules lJY the Waynesyl1le real estate !I·g ent. per 1m nt tntion with '.he, Ohio tuCKIi grl)\\"D p erll ns, yet wh . 1I it pump wllter for his stock. Alaeem8 \ It'tI the paint to weather , the which tbey ~eoured their answerlJ Mrs. Sue Biatt "nd interoscin g Grain Denier s A!!so i/ltloll, . haye. dool:! it does it is quite I~ erious and to wout. thing 'c onvenient and oom- wen.ther. Ranna's Green Seal. Sold and Intelligently eXJllll,l ned the baby daughter lire here fIo~ Win· beeD en gl\Aed ~bO VIlst fa;'" weeks In dangerous nui,tter" ~:h·!I. Smith is fortlLble. He tOJ k char.go of ~he by J . E. Janney, metbodll u.s ell. l.'hll1 W.UI a regol r cheste r , {ndiunn, Visiting her plir sending a peciul train over t·be nuw however i.mproving .;ome. Mr . farm on wblch he IIve~ ubout six _ _ __ - reoltatlon (I.nd: )1[()ved l.bAt thepupi18 ents, Mr.' and Mr~ . Isrlla! Wright; to.t damonstrn.ta the b st m e th . Smith is lIffeCI~ec1 with heurt fllilure yeul's Ilgo with nothing upon It, not Oregon.a. hl1ve had tho b'm"flJ, or ' most ollr&Roy Ba.thaway, Proprietor of tt)1) ods of gro9\'ing corn und uJflllftl. III1U tbi di euse needs 11 0 explllno.- even 1\ good fenot'. und today he hilS lIrs. C. B. Wilkerson Galled on fuland thurongh troinlng. City Bakery_ b1\8 purohusl)d [L new Lllst week the truin ',,'ent over tlOD It)r we 1111 know ,the sndden- a typloll1 c~ nutry bome. her' 80n Sunday attern.)()n. JlIs At .reoe8s thlle the )1I;1I :::;ome of our tobacoo growers have left the I1nd modern ON n t,O repluce thtlt- reo till) Little Minmi Di vi iDOl the nes of !ts' \vo·rk. Be bas been in 0. Oha..r lle Taylor, of Oolumbus, room In an orderly Ilnd dignified cen"tlY dest,royed by fire . The ovou Penn y lvaDi •• Line Ilull Thurddny \'Jr y ciiticlll cODditi n throughout sown eeed for th is year's orop. We manner, (lnd yet It WU!-l, llll done in it! on the ;W1~y her~ nDd tht', bll.kel·Y II stol~ of 45 minute~ wus mnde lit tbe Pll'13t weok. so ' cr tiolll, ineleed. 'bopo th ey will I;ecelvo as goud prices s r:eut Sunday wUh friends aild rela· tlves here. so syswwatlolllly t.hat it i8 evident will soon be mtinufaoturin~ it ow n onnD und InterestlDg alld' prll,otl thllt b is sOn Wellington wns down us tlJ lltll y,'H'S rop hrought. The MI88es Mable BherwoQll and tn OIlBO 0[, fire th<l building could be b~en~, (ll).llectures were deliyered by those I Tuesday of lrust week, an'~ 1l~r, lind ' The rev~vol Qleeti ng now, in pro . qulokly clear d. At the present time this section on the train . . Mr . All~n Hardy, of MlIlllllsburg. gres~ at Ibe CIu!stlaJl "!burell, has Edna. Stout ·D.n~ Pr.of. L. O. wtlJ~ ~. The. Gazette hl18 oontenll· 0 f conntry 18 ,. haVing . The train Ollr , were 0 ver on'" . , ~lwaY!:l r eml1r k-au"1 e . ' consi ted of two , ",un d t.'Y . been well I\ttenClelt during the VIISt son attended tOlWhers' examination v eel t.hat the ,\ l1ynes llh, chools weather. Yesterday t he 9~h day .one containing corn th e otU r a1t, Watoh l::Iohwart 's wind;)",! in week. Rev. aan's ei1'.orts hl\ve n pt at Lebanon Satu~day. were Above the ttverllge, but ttft r ." f '11 1 A ' ",Ifa Qdite a number of ~he progIe . 'Waynosvill!l fo r 10 cent Bargaine. b h Prof. H . E. Wilson spent Swular thoroughly investig.. tlng tha work tlf AI)rlJ'ISlktrtBdof Sh'~IO\V e b~t~Ylslo sive fftrlUars of tbi vi Inlty wer be Din vOoln. for elg 'een I1vecome witll h!s parents here. continua y ILn W) e not I...,r Y Mr. and Mrs. Edward Longacre into tbo ohuroh !luring the past , being done we lire p~opllred to 81lY d h ' 1 ' 1., d present Ilnd eX I)rS etl them elves a8 ·Mr. and Mrs. James Soheaok wen ' . 001 t e a.tmo!!p lere wI . IL very . and family,' ()f DI\.y ton, .drove down week more thlin tbllt, at t~e present time , . mueh pl~tled witb whnt they bad . in Lebanon one day last week. winterlsh IUlpect., hened . to this place SunullY and back in Rl\ .. m0nii Bn.rtsook h ilS been 'they are far above tlle IIvemge . Mr. J~ K . I:Jpen08r Jeft Monday Prof. BraUen IS deserving of ~ho ias...Almo.,...the " na.ughter of hIr. .0 . tho 8veLing. sick with a Dnd cold . ' morning f:>r Loraine, Obio, whllre h8llrty. commendllt.ioD and suppor Iwd Mrs . JI~mes PendergAlt, ' ho 80P ~QUARE FEET Mr:tlnd Mrs . C . M. Rough enjoyed Mr. Will Smith, of Dnyton- drop· he has his outfit. of av,'ry oltizfln of the onmmllult.y blls been ill nil, is now d own hltly'.be co"ered. 'Lwice with one Sunday wi t h Dr. Il..IlU Mrs. J. W. lied In cn ~ome of his friend8 lost Mrs. Ed Sherwood and two dauah. for the work he I~ dulng I1n(l thA In bed aguin with muscular rh uma- gullon of Ronllll 's Green cal paint, Ward'. wel'lk. Be b~c.nght mhtb with him, ~erB were tn Xenia a few day• . lae' GazeUe ~kel! pleasure in giving to tism IIDll b1\8 been !CUIfering sovere 'old by J. E. Jllnny J . M. otaclY bas been the reGent a genilll smile a,nd a oheery WOld weElk: the publto thfl86 ,not,s oonneoted , I.V the pust two weAks, l>urchaser of more D~yton property . ' or all wbo hun the plt'Bsure of Douglas RolliJlg"wotth baa ' reo witH the lIob001s . Mrs. Joseph E~an8 and Mts. Liz . Obituary. It ill locnted on Wilkerson street be meeting him . moved to the Ru1fman plaoe~wblob We MpeclallY urgo every person zle Y 11.\101 arerellresentlng the local Bllttle E. Pipor pled in PrlllO&ton t,WBen Fourlth and Fiftb, and co t Remem b~r t,lt sooial at .tbe home he purohased rl)cently. ·inte.'eated In che IOhool8 to VIsit lodge 'of Dllu~bters of Rebekll..h 'It Bnrellu Q¢uuty. I<llnol!\ Maroh 23. him $1(l.100 . o t M . G rell-thonse on ~nturday '. M.r. H. E. Oline and family haTe ~h:"m at the ti,fst opportunity alld t.he State Aasembl'y of the order J907 t1.fter an iJlness of over .. year It is no mystelY whe"l u, p~rSOn 1 Ulght i b ,1t above all, remer.itJ>er returned to Chloago, ?tIr. EmertlOD eee fQr themselves the work ~hRt is which is being' held at Newark All tl\Jlt bUlDllU power C nIt! do. to ... peaks about being kioked by II. we. have t3unday sobool at. half I'ast Stephens will t&k~ Mr. KUne'. plaoe belng 'doD8. .' this we~k. rlistore her to hett.ltb Wll done. horse,.'for such oocurrenoes ure Dot every Snlldn,V mqrning, and alll ~s operator. Pru ' lt I~rop Badly . Bnttio E 0 "'1 bo_e wa born e r a t nj) infrequent, but when Bert ur eoILrne8tly requested to be present r, '" Mrs. Eva Ebright, who IMs been ,. v U {I G ' d S d . III~rv ysh ~1l"" ' 'VV .trril n OJ, Ohio rnbRm r ef;urne borne Iltur I1Y Snrprised. well I should sa.y I wus For Sllole-A se' of new robber Oamaged by Frnst mand ft-t the home of bor cou~iu " . d ted th t h h d . . wuere her glrillood d,I"S "'ert> "ent vemng an repor II. e II Burprised to find out what a dime tire buggy wheels; never been DI8d. Mr. l\nd Mrs. E . S. Baily, where !!h e • n .. bil • "l'he flne ' blllm.v wellther whloh Sbea.ttend aulJohDolat aILrv~y.~burg. been kioked ,by an anton:io e, sODl6would pur('huflo at Sobwartz's Bar. Inquire of Oso&r Mowrer, R.I'. D. was kindly cared for several weeks, \V re Inclined to glance I1way and I gain Counter in Wayn6$villt/. No. i, a blllf mile north of Lyile. pK.vatled ,for th~ee weeks · during hl\s MO nmoh ·improved in bea,ltb She WI1 borD Augu'ilt .211,1 70. 800110 incredulously, yet ' it seems I ,. , W the of March W8S tnstru, ' }; A d 36 6 th III d 26 U1selJ ohenp. . tba sbe hILS returned to 1.1Br own ge , year m n· s 1 t1~I,t it 18 et~tirely possiljle and be . N B.'~ t . menta) in forolng vegt!ttLt.ion fIIr In home .and.J4lss Iiimma- Raphtin is dllYs . Sue Wtll! uuited in qurriuge ew· ur 1~lg on. advance : of the season, and , when ministering to her , • to Ab'r uham L ;Pil)er OCtob/IT 3,1 9 can explain fttlin such 0: manhn~r that " N9tice to Fa.r mers. ' 'he weather vnne turned and " you ~'\n no l Dnger d ouut t e Asser, . Mrs. Annie Sor oggy i the gueilt In-II. tew days I will have onbaad . Mr. L.A. Zimmermun .. :.- reoeivedl l1°f!I\\fl!d in Burea~ County II1.ID f~iR ; t ' I ' . . were treated to three hellvy fro'lt" ~ ....... Ion. -' 10f reJatives Inl::lpringfleld, Ohio. Il ca.r load of,fertlllzer from 'he Can. In lIa~ssioa, followed by oold froth his brother. Mr. Roy Zimmer , Until the tl~e, Of. her dOAt~ , \vhere If you h~. ve nothing :,~l,se to do. Ru.;mqlld Iteev,es and Elma. Mn~, ton Fertilizer und Cbe~toa.l Co'" of ,tbe damllge to the fruit oral' man, of Los Angeles, (JaIUornin . II. :~~'~;~~t:n:~~ CIrcle of frlC'nds Iwd take· ponClI nnd tablet ·e nd record ! tiJ:\, Xenia., sperit Sunday het e .. Uanton, Obio. W88 discouraging Indeed box,of orAnge ' blossomll. which still Sbe enj oyed Ilfe, nnd was SUf. tho dlff~r nt kinds of .w 1lektlther we i Mr. n~d Mrs. B. B. BaughmaD, of I would sugResUbl\t eaob and every lIr. R. ,M. puke who hos large ret-ain thair 'bea,nty' .\n<l fragrance . r ounded by every thiDg to m •• k'l a~e h~vlllg now, It W) ·eep yo u 'N ilmington, were guests of. T, C. fa.rmer who reads this would at onOe peaoh. and pare o~oh ..rds and ju~tlY In' correspondence,- Roy ' tells his lifn plollsI>nt nnd oven duriug ilor \m y. , ' Haydock II nd fnmil, on 'fhorsday. 8end for 110 oopy of the·8~te AnaIy-. ~njoys the reputation of be~g an brother. that t~e ~roJ> of oranges is sickness she WIlS bright Iln<l cheer Mr . Harr y Brown, of Dl;iyton , ! -MIl!. Ra .hel Smith nnd sons .l-(;;:,y s18, whioh may be had by wrltlDgto anthorlty., on fruit oulture, after unprecedented tbis year. there be· ru\. !:lhe was a dovoted wife. CII.Dl~ down Sllturd\1Y and re~urned l ahd Lell!ie; of D ~yton. spent fl few Department of Agricultur:e, ,C olumcareful eXllmlnat!on, findll that the Ing of necessity more thaI': 40,Oll0 'Slle ISllves a husband fnth r I~nd Snuday eV(II.J\ng, hIrs . Bro~n hilS , dltys with frl nU8 Lere last week . bns, OhiO, and which ooniain. oom~ will be lin e-Dtlre ,. fallure trllin lo.ul18 of fruit going to wuste , ., b l"lt' 1 t M d plete na.lYlIls ot nil fertllizera made ." pea'o h :'rop' ..' ot' h' or Sl' ste und hro~bd b ' fll' d s oen,' v 0 ,~ng ler p. IIren ·S. r. a.n I.' Ro \n Urd r'O-rr nnd (,.I mlly. "ova' Il.. • In ht, or,o bard and t.h"t pears will frOm la'o k of cars to "hip it. 1.1 1 , rn ,. "r , M F C B tt f th ,« vn. ..... Upon receiving it compare ' analYILI. . . maoy r ehlti ves and friend to mourn r8. " . . urne I o~ some IDg .tnlc n rorms in Alph a, where he hna probably share the 1!Ii~le fllte i early Mr. and Mrs F. W . Bathrt.way ,'60 her lOllS. . m.ore ~ban t\~'~ weeks. rhelr da~gl\ ' l bean employed by O. E. Brudstroet .. of my PeerleSs VE\getable Grower oberrles aDd appl08 nre killed, but ei.vCd It telegram BIItnrday o.nnounoF l" b ld t te r, Mis.s M rIO, has also been eOJoy" ", 1 . d f M A (nsed for tobacoo) with , the braadl , .' .. . . . '. f . h . ' d unora servIces were e u "h h ueol o d goo a 0 rs n " lakr varieties are stlll 8afe. ' ipg'tl;1e ' seriou" illnes9 0 t elr . tin, 'P I . 111' I M h' 2'r. 1 ing a VIsit \vith her "l'nndl)1l.rents • • . • e 0 \ ld I ' Th . ,~ . ' yciu have used an. d you w,lIl at oaoo . " ~J V h r nccton Ino d on arc ", on\ ,., .., " g1e S s t I ",a;y U O Thus tt , Ie, ~however, eaoh year, ghtEtr mrs, Locy Leaman at (LOg • tb I' b h" b t 8lCCe[lt for £1 t,lIue .when sbe was sick. '\ G orfloggYI WeI I h . ... .. aS d '8 ' tl . notice its 'superiority a' $80, then , . . . d ' e rOlDa us were rOll" " ac)r 0 T. S Il Sh Iel ver B IOme' oroll of f·rull or IIrBln is II flll1 . . aDsvllle, OhIO, Mrs , BllthllWe.y un b td b ' 11 h" ri " . ' .(>0 \ ow 11n, .., .. .1 . . ~rite or oall me up' by tel~phoae ure, but Dever' have . we 8een a time Ed Ha~away.left for YllUgharlsvllla er. °h Ido~,e W Mhe!. hS tl°rt sen c1I-III If you cbn,n ce to find n flower or; ed f or April 12. ..~d we ,will dlsouss the ma.tter fur. . '. . . ' ,... ' 1 were e III ter W c 11' r Ollin 1\/1 for th" t Illn tter, Il-weed ont In ' bloom f " . , when- t~ere WtU! nothing BOnt· to and tbe la8t word receJved by te 11- ' wore interred ' in The bea utiful g~vo it to !;!ome of the membilrs of l Chllster'Iownship Sunday BohQol th·e r. . , ~ , tlves hero is to the effeot that 1.[~!! . Minmi Cilmeter,y, the preaen~ blltnny olust> as they A!!" ooi~tlon w!)l , h old an all dny 1 nIso , o.n hand a partial oar tak.e Its plaoe. , , • lle~m8n ls "lightly better, tllougll ar~ n~w llU-':Illy e~g~ged in ~eltrChing i mlly (It tlle Friendi(ohnroh in . t.~iS · 'load 'of o.xceUent· whited~ar POBte .. , L ,· S~' Ivens Efec:.ted . tl!Ul In '" ve~y 's!lr~ous oondition 'for spechn9ns. Before giving IUo plilce, J;I~xt S~tlurdIlY. Mrs. '~urtls, iro~ U.entr~l !41~hlgan. , Thliae "': to ImpOrtant Place~ R .· V .:..p- B t · .Memorial Day. them, howe1er, exuct ,11 promise "l:!wtllt ,:: ~U.l1)IB rbe1Uttn~entt o~ dPr~~ary posts,are straigbta.nd strlotlyNo .. l, ''. ev... . rlo wn 0 that th y 'wil\ unnlyze it n.nd tell ,O!! .. , WI . p~esen nn a . r~98 s~llin~ ' for 20 !lnd 22 oentll,.acO:oclr. The frtends of L. 8. Ivenl', · Deliver Baccalaureate. The G. A: no, ancl Sons of Veter- you tho ' then 90nventlOn. Luno~ will be iog ~o size. ,IDtendentefthe Merrittstown sphool ' ..' ' ILns ure now DlRldn~ prepllrutl';lDS Sllve t.he difforetloe by btlying .served und II. cordlnl InVItation Is· ' In a short tiU\e . I also intend ,~ will, be pleaat.<i to learn of his elec.P(~soor of for t1ie Me'm orlnl nllY servloes. . . Schwartz's BargAin Counter in ext~nd!ld t~ all. have a. oa.r 10~d 'Of 'the fiDe drain lUe , tioa aa suj)erlqtendentof Olellroreek ~;;r ~;::: Rnd 80 fqrm Dr. B. F. Clayton, of Y'lllow Waynesvilile, Our ho.rdware Jll8n, W. O. Bmith, 'manufaotur8d by Oraig BanktDlOD, 101Jallup _8Ohool8 for the ensultlg er paator of the M., E. Chnroh, ILt Springs, a prominent G. A. R . man The !I:~W .mill 18 vllry late about hall his ~econd· annu~1 ' openlng on of Oakland, Ohio. , I • Wayneltv1l1e, hM been secured to .!lntl on able s.pallker has been SI! ' stn~tlpg ~l\'18 prin~ . espeoially IDGe Satur~u.y afternoon. , In spite of . The above ,goods will be kept lD " year. : ' , This puts ?tIr.lveos In oh'Lrl(o o~~ deliver the Baccaluureate II.ddrells <lured to ' ~e1iver the prlnoipal ud· ~h6re is II- mammoth pile of logs in Hha dlsa.~roeab!e well.tbe\·, quIte. a stook by me at ~y ye1l0w warefonrtefn "dls~rlot scboo)!!, Jlnd the I t~ the &~dnattng olalls 01 the dress. . waitinff, b.ilt belp hilS been 90 hard crowd galheled a,nd partook ?f tht h.o qse just below the 'ob&ooo ware. .. ~IClon u"qnlte I\n imvnrtllnt 001,1. '.WlliynesvilIe High School, . Sun• _ • to secure tbat 'Mr. F. M. Duke hal! free IUBuh, consisting' of hQt bisouit liouse 10 Ly~e. ,. day evenuig May U . , Eggs for Hatching. been ullaNe 't-o get , wgeiher the find coffee. Musio was fur.nisbed by W~. H. C~oiIY, Clnd.nnati Excursion Dr. Brown 18. very populi" with requIred number of hands. Be- the Nllw Bnrllngton ~nd and an Lytle, Ohio, ' WllyneavJlle people abd hllr IIddress now bas ma.tters pret'Y well, orchestn ,'f rom Xenia. EV6ry lady Home Pbone 82-~ • Sqnd~ April U, Pepnlyl,ania wUl ao doubt be 01 JDore thall ordi . Fanny Bro'W Leghorns. 13. eggs straighten'sd out and ~i-Ill,>e able tol ~ecelvoo a oarnatlon a~~ tbe t·rav· Order your mq'U1n... a~ 14DIIi lpeoliol tr&iD leavea S,lIS •• m • uary In. . .,. for 26 ceDts. Mrs, Tom Binkley, In a few.days or In a week, at ~llnK men and bo,s reoelved rosee papers tlirollJh the' Gu .... .top . . . Vip from Wa,DllvWe, \ B. R. No 4. JUl~mOl'" as favora, W. wUl"TeTOll~'
t" h
The Miami Gazette
BROWN & ' McKAY, Publishers.
out bel' 1,'1i ( 11\ C. . . 11/1) S I h 1 1<l\ h. ~r "'(mid n,)' \t. f/u r tha h (' 0<\111\1 1111 I'C' a b c.Il1U ul IiI' ft It 'l it did not 11:1\"<3" u. "Ilnwl :.- l ot 0 TJlU t all 10o k " rI 0:1 Ill<' h "o r ~ rnt hl"l' thon 'Ihe 0 1' ( \\,31'" 11.T1llt'llranOl', AlIlI (h.'m Khe wrHllt1 ~,r W I I I) ' W IJ h OI' .:>1 th e lI ebl'Ow 'od a .1l I ho \V,md 'r~lI (hln bt' hall dOl:I! for hit; lJ 111, al111 ,I)<lblll"lh wo ulli. liE:t"n e~ g '1'1), u' ll (ol'g L h('r gI'l t. ~t PI't' lI\d Inoro tbe ~·O[U'S \\"'nl by she 11",'(1 In th ... nt niO$llhel' of '1\ s lol'l s her moth'r lUld boi', Sh .. wlthdrow rl'om Iha wOI'ld' without , (UH I WI1.S nov('r so IHI1)JIY 11. 8 WlI C}1 s lttl,, :; at h l' II/ Jl h· or's kne e hea rinG' til storl 9 of 'I'}od 11/1[1 Ill s dMllog s wftIL t he chlldre~ of J\ brl\hrlm. A ntl then as she ~' Ollld go abloAd as her clUtlCR oft e n r 'lllll'ed, nod eht wOlild see' the ",Ic l, duess about ' her, tho worship ' ot the Idols· aud Ihe In·, dil Igences In' !.bo II atllen fostlvltlt!1l tih wOl1ld ru sh back to th e rQfu go 0 1 hcr owu borne and qUI,s Ion het rno h I' about ft . a Sking: over nnd
Development of thIs Almost Indlopsn. able Machine.
Satl".ctory Ylolda of Wheat and , Good Price.. '
'Vb en Iho. 11lllllW:--llrender ma(\o III Dun(lurn . Sask,. Sept, 30, 1906. , al )pearanc (lbollt ao YOllrH a'() It waf Mr, W. Fr, Roge rs. Canadian (k)\'ilra· mad In tlio styl - of a 'art with twc , ment Agent, Yankee Aid, to ,Luxunoua CampIng. wb ols, Illllde to hit -h to the l'eUl' at B IN ISIAU ,JDdlllnapollB. Iud. 'tbil days are past wh n ' mcn trom wagon. This was u crmle My Dar Sir: By the · 'Hlah,.a,. ..... Bywa,M ....."'.. • omc$ of lllxury are wllirng to do lion, and Ilufficcd fOI' til smull "sll When YOII ,,,ere at our place In July 'bat tbe plcmeel'1l ot tbo wcst cRlled l'll tarmel',' hut as the sp1'eadt'r came . I promised to wI'lIe YO\l What my "'Ittlng tbe grit with a blanket nud How to Make One and the Usea Into uso m01'e ft was rOllnd 4.dvlsable north qllllrter made' per a ore. 1"011 Whith It May Be Put., rille." \"hlle here ond th ere will bo to lrut a sot ot, t1'uc ks IIndur tllo fron( will remember It was atlsowD to wheat.' Scripture Allthorlty: ~ .TUdgOll • end of the mn hln e a nd ~o molt e I Well. 1 fini shed' tbrosblng yesterduy round heroic. Illdep/lIIdont souls, nc· aud 5. Some or ,0 111' most progrcssh " and olll)ll et wugou out or It !lit} 10 umke and I' 'celved ' from it an averagf! or Clustom e~ 10 the best thl ngs at th e lll'Ucti al tarlller~ ,udvertlso regularl y II. movable bOUOlll, lind fl'Oln (be +++-Io+'!-')O+ol-4(++";")O"-++ creature IIf , wbo ,do ,fairly revel In .3 % bushels pe r acre-testfng 'Gt 1f.I In tb> leadln!:, ngl'tonllurl1.1 pap rs , I1.nd thl 8 style at mnohlo was 11lude l IlID pounds PCI' s lrol,cd bushel.' The wheat SERMONETTE. the bare ne essltlw! at lbe crlllsc, th'~ It puys Ulem 80 well that tlOt 01)8 of uuder tho Improsslo n that It was 1101 Ie the be~t sample I bave ever ra ised "And the ch ildren of Israel + creat m~jorlty 01. the out·door entbu· + til III thinks ot tarmlng' wllhoul a(\vor. Inlend d thut tbe t fon t wh ID ~ hOllld. -10 uulform and even In size. You came up 'to her for Judgment," ::: .Iasts at thls' dny dem nnd tbe lates t tlslns. Bllt tbere Is nlore or I ss ad· bear mllcb o( the loud lIS Lh,';< were may kuO\v It "'ns n good 9ample wben '!i. Two thoughts arreat our atten· luxuries, And fhe ' Ya'n kec, as mi ght \' ~i'tfshl g, Of e rtul n kind s, that t rm· 8 " t too tal' forward, throwin G 1"'UC'l ai, 1 tell 'yo u that I hive already sold 2.000 ... tlon In cont&mplation of this be e~ec ted, says Jam es A. I' wk· t~ rs ell't lnot 1l000rd to place Ju 1m agrl· Iy a ll ,of tbo lond 011 th rear wll p. 15, dec la ration . F irst the des ire for. bu ~hels or It ror seed to my neigh bors. ehank, In Rem'eaUon , Is wel l tn lhe + Instruction in the th Ings of :i: cultural Ilaller. n urt wblcb would not Tbl s constrllctlon WIl S nOI follow!'11 out 'fhls year bas been my bcst efrort In fore In providing novel Implements for 't God on the part In results hecllns of Its , 'e ry no· In farm wagons, nor WII! tllis c(m!t!!·uc. Jlay the children :;. larmlug during my lite. My 'Wheat tII re. Tbls Is what the 1al'~ bnll etln tlon fOWld sa tlsfn c tO\'y In lll,ulllire tolal eu !I,280 bUl!hels and my oalll the outdoor 'ute, In tbe numbor a t .'. of Israel. and. second, the ab il. + + board Is (or, t spreadllrs. h ew In"elllions, tlielr wond ertul uillfty of- Ity and privileg e of Deborah In ;i: n enrly C).OOO. 'rh sltel h lIIus tl'lll es tho Il,'st Th llluchlneR w r~ first rnndc very end compa<'.tlleslI anll Ilghlnoss. uo nn· '" thus mrnlsterlng the th ings of 01- ov I' ag ain: If you remember I pointed out to "Oh , III II mlUIL, how can 11 ·Y forg'lt bOil I'd we 'ruade. 1L can b m ndc "ery ligh t, the 60·bl\ 8hol ma hines wclt,:lila g you u h(ll[ sec Uon lying Just w e~t at tlon Is within hall at our o"' n. This God to those In need, -10 Gt1d so ? How Ct! nth l' be so w IckLld 'I" easil y :lnd lllllckl)' Rll (\ nt II lll Ill( ' aboll 1',600 pOlmus, and th r wore ' {: It marks , an epoch In the fife our hOll se and joinIng my upper qua l'· Is not nn Idle boast; It Is full y SU I" And Lhcm th 11I0ther ,would go O\cftr pense. If wilio bounls Ilre l1se c1. got snU t\I'ootury In hondlln r; lig ht bal'D' ported hyhe adoption or 1I10SC nc w 'l' of an Individual and a people .... Ihe history at tho obll!lr Il ot lomel good 1Illllel'illl und IHlvo IL Ilr!.'ssed on ynr<l mf1 nlll'e, hil t wh /lu 111 0 11' .. 81 1' 0 ter on the south, whIc h 1 said I shoulll ha"e III oreler to Wilke OliO of lhe bes t devices Into tbe r egular c'lulpme nt o f ::: when there comes reallzlltion .:. of need: , I can Imagine that pre· ;t Ag ain, nlld show he r how repcut'l!!)' both Ides nncl joint d, If ma t hed ~ar'l1l e r look "l' th e \1I01l re SIII'?lld r the military troOI)S of tho lea dl n1; na· :t vlou8 to th is time,· before op- '" th r had wand oI'd nWIIl' frolll wlUe. s ll!.!r Is us (1 , a Ihll t It is campara· III position h {ollnet lllllt llill~ e light fnrm s In weHtel'Il anada. I am Vllr~· ' glad 10 he ablo to te ll yO Il lhat I nO\T tions of th e world , Than (his no '0'- pression became so grievous :t how ami itOIl and ,r01lbl hrld ( omo. Uvely froe from knots. ' maOhll1o~ w I'e wuntll,!,:, tlwy wcr ' n(lt own that bait scctlon, My II.mblti(lD bl gber complfmellt could be paid, That olo an d while sin see med so allu ',.· :1;' nnd how at IUGt the)' bad b (In brougb t Cllt th hoa l'\.Is to I'un a c ros s Ibe e r sum I ' llt si rcn" th , und t h C' rcosull now 18 t o be ablo to 'mnrket 20.000 bIlcl, to him. bllllelfn \Jool'd hQl'l ZlIlIlDll r, a Ihls Is that Ihe \ nt tlw ml1 c-h ln s b l\.![ ...·onde rtul palace cCtr at he wilds, the Ing and sweet. that larael did • bushels ot wh eut ne ~t year. If BO IlJ Thu s Ill' years pnsllerl nnd Dohlrah wUl'ks be llCl' \\'11 n wrlllllg on Ih h n Increaued , At fi rst. ,hqu ' ilL Ihls of those good, hones t HoOtllcl'S could canoe. Is now madc by white men In :t not have much desire towards God. There was then no going ,:;:. gre w Into womanhood. Stili {hOM! bourd \~' 1U 1 a'C11lyoLl , A goo,l s ize ror mlgbt Intll at thll t Ih!.')" wnuld tll tll havo lIc\'n with me during the I:ls t lWtl Maine better U,an the Indian ever up to the Bible school under .,. wcre th e distorted fentlll'es. but Wllh Sitch a hull ' lin bOllrd Is about three hurd 1' . but (ove r'r rlu'llIel,' I, nuw s lh ut we eks and could blne se n the gold II nJade It; the Indian hlms If S8)' S so. a !-.9DVY 100.11 will pull cnMler ill a -H e will e ,'en r.hoo so a C1lD\·as·cove red : the palm trees of Deborah. The :j: tho d \' 101lment ot yc ars nnd tbe teet wid by li ve fe I high. l ;lIe Ihr grain rll~blng ' down th e Sllout In to my grow in g u nr - to God, lh re h(ld come wid cl ats on Ihe bn('k. Fnsl<'n til .se beal'Y wagon th lln It will on a li ght wa gOIl and then could have seen It III Malne oanoe rtlr a long cruise In pre t· + complacency and Indifference of 'i' with l1!.·ILl ch -s crc \\'8. This Is bot· wagon. al ld the s alli e hid. good or th the world spirit held them,:j: a s ubdui ng Influence over th Irregu. great lIlies In my grannrles, 1 fe I eUI'o erence to one' at blrcb bark. It 18 no nllllllU' Rllr ad ('I'. . They were dead on the God. + lar. ha ~8h IIne8 o ( t:ho tncl', )lo one Icl' UHln to uac nnlls , as It I tiv tb y would have been torced I(J alttle thing for Ihe Yank e to have : ward aide. There Is prnbnbl)' no ri18 hili lIlad + who looked Into those deep. serioUs smoother surtaco for wrlUlIg. nokno",ledge there 18 no beUer farw· echlevetl this s ignal trlumpb over a + '1'\1 mak,e 11 good JQb, bind th e nils thnt Is lllit lind r a g l'oulel' stmln thun But when the awakening: eyes and saw them light \lp 89 she tPeople renowned for tholr wonderful + ' came there began a new epoch ~ talked concernin g Ihe thlng~ of God; or dge8 aU urouud wit h nArrow m rlllS , a s pre ad I'. ns IL hn Il1p hurd lumps of ' Jng country In the world thau thlll. [ may JULt say Ulat t have done all my to br nl( 10 pi eces berore .klll In the a r t at cnnoo building. In their IIvea. Ah, what a + no one who beal'd the wonderful nslng a wide r on on , \,0 11 for weuth r maul' farming with eight !lead of llorses nn rl! I bright morn ing I. that when j: d pt h nnd fulllles8 of her resonant l'rot cd ," The wl'ltlng slI1'(uce clln I s jlreulling thom. T he ' lig ht IUllchln s hlrca m an exce" t during harvest + the light of God'. truth breaks ;r. "olc could have fail e d to I'eall ze that tie cove d Wllh liquid slati pg, 'but would Roan glv \Vn)', T: ould ,get ou t of one Our Fire Loasea. and Ulr ahlng. This JllCar I proved to paint will do ver)' wall . 1 Pllt s ho pe nnd canse rri t(on nnd binding. alack behind Ihat h ome l~' tact! there woe In upon the IOU!, and it goes up ~ . Speaking of big expenditures, both my neighbor thnt th~ Hoos ier., wb n humble and repentant to the -C' some hidden po wer nIl charm wblch I hree coat8 Oil min e nnd It Itlsted for Th e res liit Is thnt the ma hines ut Ill e ouce "woke up .... can ral so graitl eOllal .ctual and possIble. tbere ar 80me pres ent tun e UI' O Illade hell vier olld s vel'ol yeu\·u. place of In.tructlon I "Blessed ::: capU,·nt d and sub!! ued . Tb e gnat to the bes t ," lfnoesc;Jtn far men., H ia .uggesUons In connection with 'Ule Evory IIrogrElssl ve (arm, ,8 n~' $ Farm stronger t.han l h y \I' re o are they Which do hunger and -c. hung r or h oI' beart tor koowledge ot bost yield WitS 42 Y.I buahel.s De! ac re. IIInor,mol1S fi re IOS8 In this country. In thirst afte~ righteousness, for God hnd durin g the (la.rly yeors drown JOlll·n nl. s hould have a name. aotl thlRI The first thin to take Into. consld· so you 80e "old Inellana" is hold u. ~ tbe round fi gures. ,about $400,000.000 worth + they shall be tilled." + from ll er motbcr every vcstfge and el'llllolI III bllylng !lny mu hill suys r lbbou thi s yoar. Of property In the nlUi1 States went : Mania hunger for God never ::: sQrap at his tory at her people nnd ' lOtto E. He'Dl'Y, In th Indiana Farmer. Yours very truly. ;Ip In smoke In 1906. To be s ure. tbe + exceeded the supply of God's ". tb h' God, and then, she had grow n ~ ts Ihe sl re ngth at cons ll'll lion and N. E, BAmll~K, Iota the ustom of tel ling tlle ru o"er California nrt.hqlloke and Ilr com· ::: grace. The IOU" may take and ~~~An~::, t.hls Holds good In t he tlIlUlIIre sprc.!lel. 'I" ':¥' ~'1'~' e r more tlll1n uny Ol h r farm ImpleIne d s'\'elled t,be total to these for· + take and take of the dlvine~. to her maUl r In h ell' own wand rtul erlala "verted, ' " ~R.r'D 'N'\' ~P. ment. 'I'll ra W('I'O muny thlugs tb(lt The two men tnet. stop}ied an.d .blddlng proportions, . nut Il is gene I" +1 fullnell8, but It can never ex· -Go wny. And her motb er would list e D hault It. Remember that, :i: ",lih ropt 'attcntlon nnd 'w b n sbe tbe mUIll\fuotul' I'S In til enrl'y dnys elared at eacb other. ally, admitted thot mue]l mo of !1m And now al to Deborah.:i;, wns done she would lay her hand reT. hsel l ont nrl with wblch I bey a ul d Then one of them spoke. \posseSSions aro burn d than should POR SALE': Scripture does not give ua the + e r n t ly upon he r bead Rnd ele 181m : wh Is Ulllst be not rore~ee . Th "ruv!lrs." he sold. "yoU are wroDe! I'oe the ca8e. The record show!\ the partlculara of her life and tell 'i~ "Surly, tnB spirit of Gael re8!eth heavy !Iough 10 CD IT )' tlie lon e!. on a It'a a lie! J haven' t the grip!" KDUI/O(' vast drain on tile naUonal resour s, ua how she aUa lned to the ex. upon th e. my Ch ild ." wagoll. T h r (11' wh e Is 0 1' the manure "Brooks." Impuls ive ly exclalmed tbe J£If$£Y 'PIGS , alted place and tltl e of prophet. 'l\[uch of tills could be stopped by One day D boran I' turnod home sprendel' mus t b haa y 11II1Igh to oth er. "It's an In[amolls to.lae bood ! It'a ,proper car , Men speak of the mom· . eas 'I n lerael, but we may be after a speolnlly trying ordeal In Ibe cal'l'}' Iho land und drive? tbo ma hln· a bose slander! I ,don 't kn~w of I PUItC IJIl£D , moth ciJmenslon8 of lhe Po.nama canal certain that It was not the mal'l~et place, Fol' there Ilad come e ry, thut Is . th, I1I)ron [Iud cy linder. cure tor the gl'lp. nnd 1 WOuldn' t tell 6u£HtlSEY fqw' en4 other great projects undel' way. : eult of chance or the un!'lerlt. • that dny a company or' Cnnaanll 8 to 1t Is stl\1l1lted tbr,t olle·thh·d o[ the , you at It Ir 1 dJd l" ' the vlllnge and the \leople had given Btl' ugth oC th wh eols Is Ihled [01' the ed favor of God, There was the /Yet, say.' Troy 'rlme8. the fire 108S at Then th y solemnly ahouk hand. tl'action llnd tb e other 1 'Vo·t hlrds for and p.68sed on ..~_ _....;.._ 't year repreaented a lIum ",hlch ,. vision of tho pearl of great priee . ::: them sell' s up to the, fesUvlt( 3 at tbe WANTED: and the paying the price to + occasion , carrying th e load , Tbe II ·to,date wo\1ld ~av ., con8tructed ' the PUnama obtain the lenged·for treasure. t cAl (i()()jj IIIHOJ I1AII. TWICE.TOLD TESTIMONY, man ufact urers or monlll'C sp r adc l'8 "Oh , If BO Ule one w'ould only tell the cantU morti than twlco over and would t She had the genius of hard people of thel~ slint Deborah ex. are uqw usln« mueh b a,\!ler whecl!l ave le~ \lIany mUllons to be n,Lvan·· ork and th gift of peral t + claimed. atter she had related to ber thou they were. and bellv1()r "arts all A Woman Who Has Suffered Telll Suggestion for Bulletin Board. How to FInd Relief, mother tbe sad scenl3, the way tlirough. Tb frunt a xl es ure "And ",hy , do not youY" 8sked ber' name sbould b pru ntcd In lorge whll set bn k under tb hiM 80 tbat tb e Tbe thousands of women ",ho !lu lf(l' mother, wltb sudde\l 1nsplrat.l on. letters, In an attra ct! v style, across load hi lJr1lCticall l' qunJI)' balanced, Gr devoted to other obJec,t8 eQually ned. became Deborah the pro ph· "Me, mother?" Deborah exclaimed. tbe top ot th e board. T~'l ow ner's thus bringing t he hors es close to the backache, languor. urinary di sorde r, , and other kIdney Il lS. :beneftcial to the public. A large part : eteas, The day came when t shrInking back at the thought.. "Ho,·"'-!I-!t1I1m_ ,and !>est ofll load, The [ront and rea r wheels track ",'IIi lInd comto rl 111 of that fire 1088 represented aa absothOle who'. had , laughed at her ;;; cQuld 11" so that wnen sPrendln~ over "lowe d be Immediately unde rneath. U the the words of Mri\. Jute waste as would have beeJl tha religion were glad to lit at her Of' Nothing more wms saJd but her rurm Is on 0. j'ural 'mall de livery route, ground, or OVllr llleaclows yo u make feet and learn of hIm whom ;Lane Farrell. of 606 mother's, words, "WhY ' do not you?" recor,d tbnt tact nnd tbo nwllber two lracks In st~d of four as the-o rig· ;bUrning of eo much money. they had despised and dllhon· i' Ocean ve" Jersey Illal style of machines did. kept ringing In ' her ,ears, unt/I at last tbereOt ored. ~ City. N. J" who Bays: The/'e Is no (Ill s tlon lin t It, Ie sbe exolalmed to helrselt: ' Set the mall hox on the lIame post, At Foreifln Hotell., Be patient, oh loul. The way "1 reiterate all I bette r to put a few mol' dIJllars Jnln "r will! I jillst ,te'll them of or nearby, and I;eep the whole outflt Hot water Is Dot "laid on" {plpedj of rlghteouanea. Is lonely aome· b::,-::;~ have 80.14 befor In. God's leadl!lg In t be ;past. Of the past In 8r8t'cla8s 'ordel.. as In a measure It a w f1-cOltatruct d manure 'spresdElr prals80r Doan's Kid· . t foreign botels, It you hear n gentle times. To walk with God Sin s of the people IIInd how God , bas "officiates" as a lIort at "show ' oase" or nny other fo rm Implement than to ney PIIl~, 1 had Up on' the lloor In tho mornIng. you means to walk apart from , punlshed th em. Ot the present wlok· In tront of the tnrm. Then keep the buy tbe cheapest Ihlllg tb:lt can be friends and loved onCl ao often, been havln, hea\')' hail. edness and bow sur.aly God will visit whole farm so that It will compare 2b"Y interpret tt as mcanlng that ,a but be faithful and patient. By backaches. Ilnd my general health WAS ' amlctlon lipan them If they do not b ICOPper ewer of hot , water h0'8 just thy life thou shalt i help many, ' affected when I began using them, lIty turn from evil ways and serve the lf~. lavora Iy with the 8how !lase, and you KING DRAG IMPROVED, ibCen set down outside (or your per· and by the wayalde tl'0u ahatt, Ing God." may aCQuire the "epulatlon ot being 'f eet were swolleD. my eyee puffed, and Ieonal use. It you oreler 0. bll.t\l, It wm· :t be able to speak the word that . And Dehorah kept her resol\'e, anll :n~08:. farmel·. Qui te likely. Try It How an Ohioan Haa Elilborated on the dizzy 8pells were frequent. Kidn ey 'be prepared for YOlr accordingly. and shall poInt to God. ' acUon was irregular and tbe lIecro. Spilt Log Road·Maklng Machine, not many days atter this her name Why should not we farmers adver.. sweet·volced, maid wfll glv/I you po- , ............................. tiona highly colored, To-dllY, how. was on every one'O lips as lIle one Use our business the sam., as other The ~Ing spilt log drllg Is ltllnlliar ever. I lim a well woman. and ] am ,t Ice when It Is l'eady: You are ~ot THE STORY. ' who had tearl essly stoOd' up In tbe bUSiness men do In tHe:- ,'arlouB com: to all farmers and b05 been used In conildent tbat Poau's Kidney' Pili!! ' expectell to operatE! the water valvel! a ElN the li ttle baby girl ' came ,plllc'e and dClIlounqc d the sins merclal lines ? Wo Il eal'ly alW'ay a \lav6 all parte or the country I to t he great have made 'me 80. and are keeplll;l at ~I, ~nd 'It Is doubtful ye.u would Into ,that home In ,Ephraim and of tb people and pllended with theDl somethlnt: t.o se ll, l\lld tbel'e la o(ten hnpl'ov mellt at th e Olllltry rOuds, me well." ' .. ucceed If yC)u tried. From a verrety was named Deborah th e pqrenls little to tunl bocl, to God. Gam thing w:mted. An Obloman-A . H . H errlck- thlnl,!! Sold by all dealor9. 50 cents a lIox, Gf vacant rooms at II. hotel shown yoU, realized the 'futul'e that lay before Now one of those who had lis tened _ _ __ _ _ __ he bas construal. d B mn hln o along 'Foster·MUburn Co,. BufralQ, N, y, '}Iou select tbe one you prefer, with a her. In the first place tbere waa dis. to D hOl'nh's m S8a~;e In the market UTILIZING STRAW, \lIe Unc II at (btl Klll g drns which iii ~n odeftnlte agreement as to price" You appoint me nt because sbe. the first place was 0. nl a n of: Mount Ephl'alm Impr·oyemcnt. The flllI$trlltl n ot thIs Author Fond of thC' Country. are not requIred .to IlCCe ilt bumblyand born cblld. was not a boy, atld the n named Lapldotb. 'H is spirit was , How the Farmer. of Weat and North. device 18 tram the Ohio 1~1I1' lnor. Mr. Artbur Stringer. tho author. 1s a~ D. 'aln Bhe " 'lUI not a comely cblld, In stirred within him al the wOI'ds ,be west Could Save Waste. thankfully. 'Ill blind ralth. whateve r .Herrlc\!. flaY8' at Il: "./0'0 1' a ll road entbu81astlc fllrlller, and has a Ilrle, , !room the clerk deigns to aesl1;o YOIl, ' tact. 80 distort d s e med her features heard and when the klu~ had refused f ruit tarm ' at Cedar S)ffing'i';""Oat, that her moth er found no jO)' Iii to let D bomh sneak furth r In the , The was: o of ~trllW In the west and 188 In ~mer1ca. It Is expect d, how· looking lipan , ber !ace. And to make market place luI on:el'c d b I' 8h itOI' 'where he .pend, hla 8UmmerL nOI'!llwes t Is stlU])ly 1l1l11allin • ,de· ever, says Travel lIofagazlno, that 3'OU tbo afll\ct\on hard er to bM !' the un. [lmo,)!; h l~ people in tho mOllulllln 'luI'ell Pl'Of. Thomas Shuw, l~\'o n In "WfIl order your brenktasls nt lh e. ho· usually ugly fealures at t.ho child ' ra8tn~sses. And hif:her It WI\8 that lOCAlities whoI' tarille rs will tell you Itel, being (ree ,to get your other meale , gave he r ne ighbOrs and the tow ns. Deborah wlth dl'ew iRnel ' she became th!!t 1he lan d Is low In vegetable IIl l\t. !elliewbllre. If you pre fe r, Electric light peo(llo occaswn to, IJpeak words of the Wife of LapldQt!h, and tbe place te l'. they will go ou burn ing straw Dr. Wllliama' PInk phla Restored MNo. .wltches are not co)nmonly turned on rldl IIle nnd Bcorn . for hecallse ahp , ~h re 8he dwelt bE!came known ' as from' y 'al' to year. Incredibl e as ' It 'Robbins To Health and Alio Cured , , , Her Daughter ot' Anaemia. 'by II. push button or a flat key. as In a.nd her hllsband bad remained true the Vlace of the palm b'ee at Deborab may ollom. tho glaro from bUI'nlllg . Mrs. Jode Robbins, at '1121 Claroour ' bulidlngs; btlt by II. small li~ass In , tbeil' lo}ialty ttl the He'Urew God. for there th e benCtlt'ful great tre; stra w stacks 'm ay bc seon every rail ,S t.. Decatur, Ill" aaya: "I was 'Weak•. !Jever, ?,fany of tbe hest hotels have and would nOI share In the tes t h' IUos roared Its ta ll hend to tho sky and from so Dle part of th area \lovered which had boen ftlstltut ed In their W08 a Illndmark hy whlcb the people thin and troubled with headaiihe8, My .. rcadJng light In the h ead~oard ot midst they were the objects at der', were ,guided to he r dw cilfng. And by the c orporatfons at Mlnnea)10118 ancl st. Paul. appeUte faUed so that I did not reI. , !each bedstead. sIan anu persecutl(in; hither the people rCliol'led to her tor 1n 1:hls area of straw burnIng. the lsb my food: 1 was unable to do Diy Herdck·Klng Drag, "Now see lhe curse thnt has come Instrllction and jUdgnuint, and as the etraw Is ot tbe best for feedlog, rt Is Out 'in , Missouri a man IInder a l! upon Y 1,1, Where Is your God that affliction of the ch IIdren at Israel brlgbter and loss 'I njured by dews and smoothing and grading, Kcept heavy work because my Jlmb8 'pained ai~ 10 and my feet were 8wollen, 'I col. • rear.a' ' -llentence for murder has jliat he should allow such 0. child to be grew, (or Jabln tbe Idng Increased hIli rain' , than In tbe east. nor h aud tunplke jobs at firs\. described , we 'use nUDlb and dizzy, my tongue seemed at "een ,l1ar,d oned atter a. year's Imprlson' born t9 you?" they wO,uld ask her, °llilress!on mO~e and more, the people .louth, When cut Ilt the proper stage a King drag nlade of 2x8 pla.nk 6 teet times paralyzed eo tbat ~ Ulent bl1Cauee of conclusive proof that and sbe and her husband seclude d came to cry until their God' and at last or ripening, Its vnluels very consld· long and 30 Inches apart (c, c, Figs. 1 ' couldn't speak dIstinctly, My 8xtM!ln_ lie Is entirely tnnocent of the crlmo. tbemselves more and more from 't he through Deborah anil Barak. a brave , 8ra1»", for food. Live . stacie will cat and :I). Cross·pleces or beamll al'e • Itles" when In this nnmb atate. felt as ', and mlgbt)·, man of war wbom she , wltb ' conslderahle relish even wbeat feet long (B, B, Figs, 1 and 2), ' pro-: It· Iqme one WIIS sticking needles Into. iRe DlIlJ'. ,perhaps, consider 1llmilelt world about them. And. ,this was tbe atmospherE! In calle d to her ald. ShE! dellveted ' israel ~traw thus harvestcd. when well jec;tlng 6 11I~he8 In front ·tQ lalce clev. me ' all over thelt , sutta~: ' Through Jllok-y 1n 'Icttlng out arter a yeOr; but sbould~rs at tlml's I bad luoh ,pain i1tncked, Slack ' wJll eat oat straw Ices for draft 'chaln und 12 IncllCis back fu,... ~bat recompense can a 8tate moke whIch Deborah grew uP. a condition and , judged th.em tor many yean, ' that I , couldn't Ileep. Maby Umes 1 more readily th~q overripe hay. and to lake braces tor back 8ci'apel.' (B. B. at once stamped Ita 'Irifiuimco which ' a woke, with a -lmot.bel'1Dg soneation, .or havlllC ;truIlcted such a' wrong 00 lipan ~be. child and made Her nahi· Second Painting for Churc;h Fln'llhed': this applies to horseR. colts. 'yard cat· 'Figs. 1 ,and 2). Front scraper brace. , "When the , J)hYlllclan'.a remedies aD oJml,OOFlIIIt man? aaks the lndlanapo, ].'I r, Elliott Daingerfield has placed tie and sheep, . extend baclt on beams 1Z Inche!! and failed to llenellt me f be'ln, ~ look rally a recluse like h er parents. Ills, Stlltr. ' Money would not repnr Much of the iltraw' Is tao ripe reach' n'e arly to bottom of 8crallcr: and ~or 80methlng that woul~, Ny sillter. ,Long bofore ~h ~ IltUe gil'l waa able the second of bls gre·a t wall paIntings IaIm for too JnjIlTY. ' but It would at to run upon the street people as ,t hey , In tbe challol of the Church of' St. rore It , Is ",ut. This Is Inev.flable may be 'ot Iron or 'l\'ood .(A, D. ~'1g. 1. Mrs. MoDanlel, o( D_ecatur, recomhUt be _ >Ik:lwe>wledgment tllat a passed tbe little home ",auld mark Mary the Virgin, ~e w York, Tbe sub. where very large areas are grown. stiow woodell braceB-1t'On onC8 nol mended Dr. WillIams' Pink PUla tcand r at once pllrohased 80me. I' idebt "fo(8a due. In view ~r the tre- her hamel,}' features !lnd whisper un· ject Is "The i\lagnlfl ~at. .. bllt will be quite practicable wbere shllwn) . Iron l!lutes hiot shOw n ' In tbe tarmlnl>. Is mixed. The grelltelit Fig, II) are u8ed, to proteot the scrap, was greaU,. encoutaged wben I /law" qllellC7 with which euch things hap. kind com-ment. The mother. keen to A New Platform tor Chrl" tlans. IOS8, howeve r. comes In the stacking. , ers' cutting odge,s, A shallOW llo,; or bow 'they acted on m1nerV01l8 COndl. 'J)eII a law should exlst,I'n every etate ' catch a glance and the whls· . President Hydo of Bowdoin college tIo'D and oontlnued using them. unm' It ' la , rnre to see a staclc. Where platform . tE, Figs: 1 and 2) Is nailed , curee;!. liere~ word, would elas. 'llel; darling sllgges ts Il plntform for all Christiane proviciJng for sucb compensation. I am now able to attend to my " , thresblng is done one sees sl1nply onto ,heams (or driver to d.llud fa and closer to her breast and wblsper In In ~vhlch h's leaves out doctrines , al: duties and have not ooneul1l!d, a phri--The ,~ew Englarid' man who, believes b'e r ear the pet· words of ·lQ'v.e ri.J:td ap· Ulost altoge ther. anel emllllaslzes prac. straw beaps made by' the use ot a to carry sllch tool s as, bre needarl, lclan III lice, blo~er. .·' " ' such as pick and bal', In'Joosen atones, '~l 'also gave tbem to 'my daugb ter' " , ' that J1(e DlIlY be prolonged Indeftnlte- pM!clatlon. And wben Dtlborull grew tlcnl othlc;s. With tbe al4 at one e~tra 'man to lind a 8110ve l to Oil ,llIrge l'1ltS, All wlio had al~ays boon weak ancr whr,., Iy b" contfnuoU8 drlnkhlR,' o[ pea' so,up, old enoogh to mingle with tho chli, guide ' the blower lind: one on the ~toliElS are als o thrCl wlI Into' thc box at tills tlmo seemed to lack vitalit y. Ancient ManuICI'I,,; "found. evidently rloC8 not kno,,- tbat · many dten of the neighborhood s he early stack', the staoks could be bunt so os and car-rled to a. "ouvenlc~nt IlIac'e. Her cheek,, ' wero colorlos8 Rnd sbo· became (conscloPB ot a dlfforence be. . Valuable ancient ma nuscripts at the .,eople ~' o\lld ralb!!r ~Ie 'thqn be doom. tw een h ~r Dnd til athol' gIrls. They BIble hav e been found III a monas. to tnrn rain. The stock. eslieclallYThe QbJect or , hav\.Qg one end at WOB thin and ap(rlUos8 , She had an. ed torever '00 8nch a di et. it WOUld IC m d to s hun lieI'. 'thoy WQuid te ry on Mount Sindl, and have beea cattle a nti bo ~ses, aoull! KO to ' Ul ese scrape rs round rI all' (C, C, Filt. 2) fs aemla and W8' teareli consl1mptlon, boo cause very time Bhe :went alit doors. , be too much like eatlng crow. point !It her and nmlte ;;rlmaces. And deciphered by their finder, 'Mrs, Lewd, 8tacks, usually made In the fi eld. anel 80 tbM ,we can hi tch tb thl;: nil nnd If Jt was at nil cold ,or (111mI' she orton U! ho IlD9sed al<1:1,;' I he stroot ot Flngland. ' helJl l.hemsel\'Qs, and a large l-llrt of huul It mOl'e IlI1l1y to uod rrom the woulrl !.nke 00111 and CQlIgh, But Dr. , ' the Wlutel" s food could thus be se· work ",'Iwl' we havo 1.0 t;() any dl:l. ' WI)lIomo' PInk , Pilla brcu l'o'h t color The $6ri,OOO fE'tohed by the TroYDn of the vlllag . til boys aIld: gh'ls ' cu red. The )1lllnure mlldf) cOlllcJ. tl:qn tance. Figs. 1 ana 2 eXlllaln the oth. baok to her eheol{8 Dnd strength to, Govornor of Ho ng ' Kong a J~w. at tbe New Vor aTt sale Isu't Quile wvul d lihollt urter her call1ng he r be aeattered over tbe farm, ,T he weslt er points." Sir Matlhow Nalhsu, sove ~nor at ern her bpdi:" , taD 'J flce for Ii v!cture 11;*] ' hi lWII !1I1mOB, man who twrne straw. reasana . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Thon D.lbornb, sl:y and scn!lHlvc Hong 'KpnLf. III the only mcmbe'!' of tbe , Dr, Williams' Pink Pills lU'e s01<l by country. 'I'lle $0&.000 paid tor a Be sure that the cal'/el! are com. all drulI;gista. or sont postp,.lr1. on l'(!. '10 she Wlla, \70u!d rll to h .... loollier, b bl'ew (alth the nd ere at tbat It Is easler't:o burn It tban to Meissolller at 111.\3 A. ,T. Stewart sal, . lItiU. /;In,'yl .. ; llCr tac';! In. her l.c.l'. sob ' I!}ngllllh r.olonlo/l. II f~U,OOo. rlraw tlio reslr\ue and 8cjl.tter It over t(jrt,nble and IHOlldlly I;rowln,~ eV~{1 eelpt ot prlco. GO cen'l.s per I.IG)I'. IIIX aWl liiads. But ,It'll anI,. ,b,. a ~/OSII. boxes for U ,60. ' b7 the Dr. Wlmam... tlIC! lind, dar: there II Ilb 'lIroAt In,ruUll lIe4JclD'i Co., ScheDee,t\ld1. N., ~. 'WA YNESV11.UI\1.
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8trlke a b'my !lefore til,,. KnoW' t~ at wo ha ve ga th ered an Ilrmy." be ·sald half /lloud, ne be ran o\'er t ILe IJlnus In hl f! III lnd. nu t wb tl W(l S th !\~ l . " Tak e t hy fo th"/"II young Imllo k , evtl n t h ~'I)un;; ,bull ock or 8el'01l y enr s old , nnd Ihl'ow down til e /l ltn r t;f BI\fll tha~ til)' fulh l' bath. aD d cut do" 11 t h !;TOI'O tba t Is lIy lI," came a voice Oll t or t he dUl'll n sn. Ql deon look d a r(llind h II star l , f Dr nnd di smay slrugllil ng f (l f the mast ery: ,A tHl whll b e sl r' ve to gatn eon Lrol or hlmeclf, t.h o vol ()c can·
THE TESTING ·OF GIOEON' A S10n O~ rut rtRIOD or TIlE IUDO£S IN IsaAE~ 8, the ftHij,l.w'a l' and BJ'waJ''' P,eacb.r 'CoPIH~tl l , I\." )i,
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iiI Lb . AUlbur. W. e.
Autllol'lly : -
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2 6 : 40 . .
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SERMONETTE, + "'Throw down the altar of a aa! th at thy F ather hath, and cu t down the grove that l a by 'I' II." Reform was to begin at T h ome, and It wn to be cem . :t ~: p ele, NO ' use for Gideon to ap· + pe,, 1 to t he nation while his own ... ~: fCl m il y was under the shadow + .(. of t he heathen al t ar and the:j: feal ive grove l ured to Its Ilccn ," ... IlcUS f est ivi t ies. :j: Th ~ allal' to Ba al w hich hi. -t. 0(, fa the r had erected must be t :j: I hrown down. The grove Wh ich :;: : h e had planted mu st be hewn +:\:. + to t l e groun d. . Thu s wa c there to be a clean· :;: + c ut, po siti ve break w i th the wic ked ne ss about h i m, T hus by h is fearlcss and bold :j: Itriklng at the very root of l' th e ido latrous pract ices which 't had cre pt Into his nation, he;\: was to challenge not only the power of the huthen god Baal : + but he wa. to proclQlm him.::: :j: self the champ i on of the true:l: Ged, + It took faith and great moral :t c our age for Gideon \0 .tand out :;: aga i nst not only hi. father'a + houle and hi. own nation, but agal nat the powerful nation.,:;: wh i ~h held' IsrOilel In bondage, Here waa the teatlng, Had not Gideon been willing to do thla thing which the Lord + required . at the' fI,..t, he never:l: would have been fitted to lead ::: tl':e victorious army of Israel + OIgai nat the .foe, neither would God have per-mitted him to, He was willing to burn the br i dGes behind him, for he knew ... whe'l he marched w ith God + there was no retreat. He knew t hat deliverance lay before them + and not In compromise, ~ + Many;a m an filils of the:t ::: h igh commlaa lon of God just ... .::: hero. He bcglns by compro.:t 'of' m i nea, He Is anxlou8 to lead a + v iotorlouB army, but he 18 fear· t fu l lent the l i ne of retreat be + cu t off. -t. t God must need. test Gideon ;;: befo re he could comm it fully to ~ hi. hands the task before him. + Thla testing wrought a two· f ol d work upon him. It identl· tied hi m absolutely and Irrevoc, + ably ' with tho caule of right. eousnee., and It brought to hll : heart a r'Cvelatlon of the majes, • + ty and holl';e ... of God, A low conception of wh'a t God requires of his followere .... prov~. disastrous to many are, tormer, It leads to compromlee w ith evil, It resulta In hltf, . hearted endeavor, It la the bird whose vie Ion Is the keeneat that fliea the farthest, and It Ie the Clrrlstlan who8e .plritual per· ceptl~n. are h lgheat who Ole, complleh.,. moat for God, Endure God'. teltl ng, for with it will come a revelation of God , and an appt."clatlon of what It meana to atand with him,
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..(~+++ •• +.+~+++~+++++++ THE STORY. ID EON r eturned to his home In 0\11 tbe entbus l n~ 1ll Ilnll elllUon wh ich comes to t h hear t of n man attf'r tho concept iOn or a gr~t en· t erpr lse nnd Lbe r eullzatioll that h e Is th e o n llPOII whom t h r esilonolblllty oOf lea dol'shlp r est s. Th e words God h all ~ pok e n to him th al afternoon 'Tan !;, t hrough ' hl ~ sOIlI . and ho scnrce,Iy kn ew wllethN ' hi s r ct tO llch~d the ~ roll n tl o~ not us h e hU I'I'l cd lIa k to lIlal,e IlI'eparOllolis fo r th e campaign bef ort· him . Hild no ~ Cod call.d him . a "mighty man o f valor 1." and had lie' not snld thac he. .Gldcon. shonld " 8v e Israel rro m I he hund of t il" II1l dl nnlt 8J" . I~ o could scarce hf' rk th o shout of · elal l on and j O)' liS ha pussed ' along · tb o ' famll lnr wny, and h e wa s l \llllpte,l mor!: t han on ce as he pa~ M ,I . 8()me n e" r hlJor to procl nm the dolll'nmnco hE' - hIll) been sen,t. to achieve. Rut w lsC')y be. retrnln ed onl y confiding, · after b e hall renched tb e seclusion o[ his o wn home, In one of his . eer.· anI l' whom h·o. cOllld trns l. • J. 1il they hnd snt llilillng over an '. tM wonderful experIences of the aft· ernoon. nnd then had hegan Inylng pIa ns as to how lI ~st t o carry alit ,Ood 's Will, "W mUBt need\i ralso II. g rent army, 1'01' the en emy Is sl l'on g." excilalmed thl' rvant. enthuslaKlI cnlly. " y $," 'asBented Gideon ; slllwlyand , tho tig illfully. " nut hew ""1.\11 we do thi s ~ Suppose tbe Ilco plo wfll not .. com e Ull to ' our 'SUflI101'l '! " "All , nover fear. th e," will rally wh(>.n tbe story I s tolll them ot tb~' call ' t o Inadel'lihlp: as thou haot told I t to, me," was .th e eneomaglng reo joi nder. "Let · certain ChoHen ones · of th y Jl rvonts wbom lhou CODSt trust be " el oo ted as nlessellgel's," he eon· . t.lnll cd. . ThIs pian Instantly m et the all' prO\,al at Gideon anll the servant departed t~ bring together those Whom Old con lJl.d uamed, whil e the latter IlfIt decp In thollght considering wbere ba would firet make thl' 'assault-wllen .bp. bad t;athered his , army, "We mUlt take thenl ullawarn ....
' In e ~e rtaln Tura.! Clommunl tJ', ttl.} Qmelnl or d r an ll w llrnlng wa.s I ss ucli , " Unless bad r nads u re ft xed tbero w ill bo no ru ra l I!clU \'er y lit niL" It Is Inll'OMslblc l O put roarl s In 1'f>I1;ll r wl lh· Ollt m oncy. T Ills lack or menlls can· Jiot ho lral'nd ~o poor crop". f or I be ha l'l'C's t j I l r'Il l h el'od In h a ~ been ~ Uperl1bll n 'l lInl. M IlD cann ot SUl'IIOrl nnd bli n d li P bo slllllu ca n etn s In ,lis, t ant ci ties ,wlthout sacr lflc, n g t h e loca l good . [ s It fair lO eSlabll" h III (I tr lIy depr ivi ng: t.h e c ou ntry ot Ii ~ Just SUI1I>OI· t·! M nn y' hol d f or th t he IdEIII. hat tb e cou ll tl'Y Is th e f coo c ,' ot the d t y. Th is 18 onl y (lllr HnllJ tru e. T hat dl)C' t rin\! hus b ell 'l1rl!,l ch tl t ill th e t ext i s tl ' l'oudlrlll'e . • It woul t! be much wl spr for 111 11 to {(ct a n ow t ext and tal k ant! worl, tho ' ountry u n. t he!l a.l l o\V th e' ci t y. Im!lu dl ng II~ mull or· der OctOllU , t o worll I t s ow n prob· I ms a wh i :u. 'f hl s, In stea d of h t' lll~ s('IU " hlle II . .. oulrt be Lhe Un es ~ order or om k,vu sc nse. A m ore l11 arl, 1l1i feoll ng of hrot h r hoorl In t'r~s I~ sa l d l ~' IIPo;,(hlll In t \J.o co un try lin t hi s porrk llla l' II. In t. T he l'II I'al IIOPIIIEl Ion ~ om r>lu \n of l ack or racl lltl '·~ 11 011 co nv!' lI l1'n c 'J: i n order to o h vl Ie t hi s, let $ ~O O ,OO U .,j O O thi s ('omi ll g l' UI' b() (lI sbll l'sl'li UlII(1Ilg eOUll l "y me rchants ,. amon g th ll hll m· lrl er sl ort' I't'llper>!. t.h ell o bserve w hat will rollll \\' . Th e Im p rovem enL~ woulol Lo m arl.oll. Snc lal con ditions wOIl Ie! lJe grenl ir amell oru ted. A n ew IJrolm' would m ai n wl ll .i n t.he hom e aod o\"r the broad arres ot the f ar m arlll be ~ t of aII . l h g'ldul lIpi l'lt or brothe "bood \\'oll i d be fnlt as neve r beforf'. l.lsle l1 t o h se t bou gh t f nl w ords from Gu v. Fall; , of Misnou r i. : " We are PI'OUU of our sn,l cn dl d cl th~s. alld we want t o Incr ease In w altb and Dup lllatl on, aud Wil al so w an t our cO lln tl'Y to wn s to grow. W e w Ish Ul e ci t y merc hall ts to !build liP. but al so desi re t ho coun t ry merch ants t o pros· pllr, I do NOT BEr~[l';VE In Lbe maU
WHICH SIDE ARE YOU ON? If You Are Send i ng Your 0'OlIar8 to the Mall·Ord er House s You Are Battling 4galnot the Home Town.
" Anll build on ol ta l' unt o th e Lor ol (CopyrlSI t " . by Alfred C. Cla rk .) t hy God UPOD th e LOp of th o r oc I, I n A t ar seilIng , pro,'ldent lJu sl oess th e ordercd ploco and t ~k e tho I e . and bulln!'k , nnd ofl'er a Ull r l1l sn.'rl· man w i ll not p ur sue a pol! ~ y w h lcb Uce wi th t he wood at Ibo gro\' wblcb Is SUO\· rs l vo ot h I. best lnlCres t s. lie will n OL des t roy h i s own .hr'l us , t hou shalt c ut dow n." I, G Gtdeoll IislCnoll h !lecame con· n eltber wil l h e jeopal'dlze b l s bll sl· sclolls tha t It wa s t h e \'ul e" uf Gotl DIlSS. He w ill obs'l'Ve the gold en spl'uklng t o bl ll1. Dllt w hu t bolll r ul e, not ouly 111 t heory. bllt 1:1 prac. tlce. and I t pr nellcal olJsel'\'uUon w as t hing was th is wh i ch It "'ti S '0111 m andlng hlll1 to do. !\ot oul y WOllin De ver ::nore lI eeded tho n :Iot the PI' S' ent time. 1,fl:n ' drMm about the It n" ouse hOS lillt y , Il mo n ~ t ho m 'm " Golc en A 0" nnd y ot. oflli m S Pill" hers o[ h is 11 11'11 hou sel lllid anll l hos of his ow n POOI)II:', bu l I t \\'cJl l llI 1\'lI ni S ill.' Il nol lcy wh iCh rend c l' ~ tbe da. wlI ot tllat ngp (tn Im po s~ llJlIll y. t he Cll t'llI ), und pit t th C' 1I1 on t hf' l r W ithin t ho horizo n or every COlin, {(Ulll'd, If It d id nul I ad to an Imme try re ~1 1I 11 l h ro exl~ t s an e vil whIch dill te nl t:tck . AnLl ho w coulll h I' expect 10 w in Is y unrly ussum ln&' s r ater "ro por. tion s. W r r fc r to th e m all or der t h SIIIl(lorl o f his people til lhe furf! lIu In sa w h k h l aa t year nmoun te d of such i.IlDku l ti ca nllt! o.l uns I's ? 11 01'7 In nlonel' se ll t· to Ch icago al" lIe to lIIueh h t I' It s m ed. hI' r nson .1 $ ~ O O ,OOO .OO O . T wo hu ndred m ill ion t o hi m sel f . 10 of'c l'ct l y raise all arm :.' d oilar ~ d l l'crted f r om Its legltlma e and fnll 1I 110n th c nem y unaWllI'l'S . chunn I. T w", b uudr d m illion dol· an d Ol'cr ellm ' lh em. 'I'll n. w uuld l ars sen t out to en ric h t hoso w ho hI.! tlml' . nou!:h, hn t hough l. til t b ro lY ." 'ero not needy, w hile t h ose n t. hom e down th e nllal' or Uanl und t o build sorely In u I'd of SUPI)Or t wer e pa ss d nn nltnl' t o th " God of I Hl'al'1. by col dl y: l he l ocal trade was 1m· Out , CIlIl1 lInck I h U;I SW r to 1115 po\'crl sh cd Just to th at exton t. This consciellc ', cn n God sl ve YOII ' t h vic· golden trad re vIvIn g stream sb ou ld yc t th e high pluces or tory wbll bavfl remai ned with i n I ts own c han· Baal r cruol n In th mid st or Israe l! Dcl, th us nrlchl n'; ils own soli , and Wber e shOUld I' form begin I ( not In cau si ng dcsert places to bloom and your own ' bou sehold? H o w COlli .. yo u blossom . go ou t nnd c laim tll at t b e GO(I or TH' M a.ny unemployed would ba ve b een rnel wns with yQ.ll wbll e y et )'oll r ell,lIaed at II VID, wau:... llouaeboldl f al her 's hOIJ sl.'hold Is unde r th shad · ow of Ille alt ar of Haal :lnd t he gro ve? Thus his heart r casoned. on,l soon lJe S IIW Ihllt God's plan . and not his. must be f ollow d. \Vh n ' be yi elded to thI s con vlctlon h e ar ose aud hurrIed to th e IIlace where It bs,d he n n{( reed he sboul d m eet , bls sen ·ullt s.· It WIIS wlih sonte misgi ving s tha t h e cam e b otur th l'm. How w oulrl they I' el ve thi s n w l)hlD? WO Uld Lb o)' stnnd w ith . h i m ? 'rh ese questions troubl ed him 8S ho fllced til m. bOt as h e !.regan f aUh f ully and eOllrageo usly t o r 1st nil t bat lhe Lord had snl d tha t h e ShOlllel do, h e gained co nlldence nnll \\'hell hI: h aol IInlshlld sp ak lng w ithOut wnlUn{( f ar repl y, b tllrn d t o go. say l n '. si ru pl y : "Come. l et us do our work quickly, lig ht Und ollr Icst th e morul ng'" couragc 'f nll us. un d th Crl nus 01 Olin I IlrOl ' too SlrOn{( for us. " And. bl s scn ·nut!!. t eu In numher, r ose t o n DI an end wC lI l fo rth Wllh blm, an d ere UIO II I' s ~ rays or light were glid ing the en st er n lI,k y, th e trees or th g rove l ay pr ostrato O D tbo gr ollnd , t h e altllr at noal was I n rulD s, and tb o fl esh or th e bllll o :t lay smoking Ullon til e nltllr whi ch bad lJ een orec ted to th e God of 13rael. Sli entl)' and quick l y t h Illtle band disperse d. encil mlln In th ~' direction
IMFOF-Tb. ~~'T
FA:RM /r", ~o\.. !: :.~ '-;, T .
A PI:.rr" " Talk on t hll Modllrn Harrow. and The i r Ua, .
RESTORATION OF HIGHWAY'~ R, H, Fuller Tells How Good Roads Benefit farmers and Others. T hen ' has b n nn effort \0 In liuce {'onAre ~ III l'e ~ lIm ' I'oad lllilldi ng IVII1'I'o I t IcFt orr .5 years ag,'. 1l Is 1l1'J;'tII' t! 111 f11\'or of l h l ~ pln n Ihut I ho l'III'al dI stI'l t s I'I'C" I\'C a dls immorll on. Bt elr sl11all share o r th rN' II)( R f rom fco d 'l'lIl t Rxatio lt , an d the npllropl'la' 1IU1lij mud for l h Imnl'O \'OIl1 nt ot 1'1\' ~,·s und hal'bors ~'e ci t 'II 1/ )' way uf 11I·On·oI" lIt for good I'o al l a[lprolll'la. t lol1l H. I t do... s nOl 8 ell' I,rolrabl c. ho wl' \,er . I ha \h lIoli<JIHt l go\' ' 1'11 ' In()l1l \\' il l 1'",11 vo th o SIal s ot' the rill ~. (I f IJW \'lrl l nl; gone! '·f)[III H. nt l en~ t ' III th ... 11 ~:I I' fill 111'0; ull,l IIH!l1ll l l m th e sln ,e" un' IIhowhl {( Ihc lIls 'I,' >I ' 11I1In {'ailabl ' of ~o l\'ln g I h prohl cllI . :\f'W J c ,'~ ' y o ~' l llssu chuR ti s. l'ol1uc 'l ll-tit Ilnd :-:,' \\. \' ul'i; III'e th • ,,10111'111'5 In t l! ' wo i'k uf gourl mall CUll I rucl lon 011 0 COnll ll'I' Io C'IlHlv s<'-II If'. Pl.'lllls y l\'an l o.
'rile burro\\' ;" n :' ~~ '1 F I t y 1)11 .Cf/ert f:, r m, • .,d w h t hl1.r that farm be l an;_ 9 1' sf v ,l l. Th e /lrln Iplil use,o r tbe b ar· I'OW I s to (Onl v r lz t bD I!oll. T h 11ll " lu~o use arte\' ,lien 1·l e:lt nt cum l eq 1'11 ",1 lhllt It \\'116 advlsabl o to :... dll(, > th sn ll t n as (Inc n stll t e ~s pH.' " I Ill , 1'b h al'ro w has b en g:'en tl y I mllrO \'et! sl ncC' I t (:UlIlC Into IIsn. 'rhe li t Ie olr! t hr " 'orn eroll or w edgeshnl) II hal' rnw buvlug wood 11 l eeth ijoon gD\·c \\'ay t o 1 hu r r ow "n.vl np; Imn 11'f'1h. n 'leI fh at h od to ~1 ~e j>lacII to tI , blll'ro w wll h sLeel l eol h. Nllw ni l h alTowM huvc l l' t h of atc I . lillt I nest' lako n m ultl t ml (l or for lll s. Som A or the t ,th nrc m ere ly hooks. 8 0 /"'" ure Iltlll Kt r nl gh t Slli k 8. others ar l~ lIIul t l:ud ' o f litt! 1) lu \\' ~ hor cs hi th"' I' eiTl'CI'S Oil t h e Ilo li . while Htl lI oth r a aro dlsCH. Th e grea t IHl l1llJL'r or styl qs show th gl' !l t Int rcst t ll;{en In t'lH~ (J u(tln g li t ot a hart'o" hnl' l ng ille grf'al esl (loF-sl bl e po wer of lining Ihe i\ ny fHrnl I' will lIu ll hlmsell !loll. well r~lJultl by nlllk i ng Homt! I:\tud y or t hl:. lIlUlL r ('If h arrll '···R. H I! I iii be (ler hull >; SUI " r l scd to fill ,I t hat l'ne kind uF hOl'ro w w ill Il u t h bes t en 011 t' nil IHHI Olllll hl'r k ind of lInrro \v on auoth cr Hall : for tlle r ea sen t!lut dilT re n t soli s rt's llon~~ best l o Ill a er.... n ~ condltiollS, On B~fIl e farm8 w b, "" Lht! Holi K a,' diverse In ch aru eter nnl l w hvre dirrel'Cnt cro ps a,·o b eing grown It wil l lillY fnl'lIl I'S \.0 h nve several hur rows of dll'[el' n l styles. T he Boll sh ould nol b hal'ro w d wb on w el, hecllll s I n lhltl co ndillon It Is 1m· IIOB81blo 10 plli ver l ze It. Wh en \Y t th e ha rro w wou ld but make Ilome or Lb e soli more compact. Wh en Lbe soli Is In a state t o cr umble the hnrrow should b e pul In and 1I used behind a good t eu m of borse8 . a8 a r apid bar· rowing will g l v n belleI' pulverlza· tl on thn.n a slow harrowing. The tln or th e 8011 tb e b en er will tlle /llnnta be nble t o get t h o f er tlilly t hat Is 10 It, A ' soli that 18 not. well flned la full of !llmlls IIW O nnd big, The rooUl do 110t. penetrat e these l11mps to 1\ large eJlt ent. But- In Lb ese lumJ's III much t ertlllty . that Is r nder lng :10 servl c nt all. Plants growing In thol ~ oughly pul.l'erl zed 8011 , aaya Fann· r' s R vJ ew. will Bond out mOTe I"OOtll t llun Illnnts grOwing In poorly pul· ver lzed soU . Th more fOOts t he m ore rooLi 16, and the more rooUe4J the lUor e t h orough Iy will the planls be' aupllll 1I wl t b plant rooll, In salls thorou ghly pulverlzqd and tllat ' are suppli ed wlUI an ablludonce ' or plnnt food' t he 'rops Inor ease wi th sur lH'l sln g rnplatty . Manure on BlIeh lan el gl vos t he greatest possible I'etur ns. 00 (Jool'ly pul verized hmll It m ay t ako 'Y aI's tor much of the b arn· yard man ure t o lIeeome available. All a means. tberero·r .... of beller utjlLzlng t he barny nr d manur o. hal'rows should be used fj'eely. . Often It· pays to hnrrow a lIeld !levernl Ume8. The mnn)' modern harrows now ' on tbe maf'ket mllk It Inexpedlenl to 'Jse tbe old rlld o alTalrs, even tbougt they mil )' stili tle found In th e toolbouSCII of some of aliI' modern fnrmR
New Haml1shl re, V r mont apd other states Ilro railin g In(o line, nnd It Is onl )' u C\UesllOll of a fe w yellrs before e ver y state 10 til e nlon wtll bave j oined them. TlIe general scbeme or road 1m· p'rovem en t conteml/Istes tb e con strue· tlon of mucad tltn 01' Quail ), 8e\,\·l ce· abl e road s bet ween (he chi r point s In each co unt y, so l aid out that th y wIll form II co n t inuous netwur K Uu o ugll · l es8 Im portant out 11II: st Ot . Tb r oads are to be Impr oved by m thod s not so costly. Macadnm road 3 require on outla y (01' con sll'ur tloll of f!'Om $",000 10 '10,000 a lil lie, ~' hl s hea vy, Inltlol outla y would be lup g l'Cllt a l hllrdl'n f or th e 8C8 !tered pOllUln llon of th farm ing f egioll s to Ilen r lIun.lded. Ou tSide hel ll mu st be gi ven . and lUllS' much li S good rood s IDC" ase th e pr os· perl ty at the entire stnte th e pri nCiple o f stn.te alII has been generally IIC' eepted us Just. I t ho.s been ndopted In various f orm s by all tile states whl eh / ha l' serl ou Iy undorlak en t be 1m, ~ .' IH'ovem en t or lhel r road s. Even tb e pC/rlion of t he expense wbl eh falla upon th e lC/calltIIlS, Is usu· ally too great for lhem t o m eel by 1m. agreed II pon. The batterl ce' of the catalqgua !louae. are carrying d~ eat",etlo" to ' t"a medlute direct tual loD, aDd here No 8111all stir 'I\'as when the .maller cities and town., Are you helpi ng In this. work of hurling dca~ruc, again the state mny com e to (h ell' 09· THREE-POLE LAND -FLO A'!. peOI)le of Opbrah dlsco\'cr ed ul,on th e tlon at the local .cho~la, churchea nnd Indu.trln 1 Are you iI . . lsting In the s lstnnce by lending them Its credit 80 morrow whllt hall \leon don e. ·and distribution of mall·order literature and aending ammuniti,on In the way of as to enabl e th.em to bo ....ow Dloney wben I t was rum ored i hut Gltleon hn,l home dollars with which they will continue the campalgn.7 at 11 RmaHer rate of Inter est thlln the)- Does More Effectivil Work Tha,.. T~ Pole Drag, wrought Iho r nsh de ~1. tb ey demnnd · "'Quid hU\'e been cheered anil bearts . order ~! lIzen, ' l( II pl ace Is good . would otherwI se be rOI'e d t o I)ay. :~ I that be be brO il 'ht fo r lh and "'ar m d : hu t no. It went to swell th e enough fOl' II. m an to live In and t o N'ai lira II)', wbere I he stat helps to I find LIIRt a tWf>opole drag 'float doe" ~,~d. I h t h I I dl\,ldend s of surfeited, boastful city make his m ODe)' In. It Is goor! enough build the rond s, their location, con, not rUIl well ro r m e, and docs not . . ror a mnn to SP8ND HIS lIlO , ' !!:Y strucllon and mnlntenlVlce must be n t I\'as t n .Tons . t \e f ntl'" concel·ns. of Gid eon , nwnkened t o .the si ll wbkh Th o Ih'e and lilt live doctrin es w as In . P at rnn l7.e y our own t o wn t'a pcl's. undel' state control through flll official seem to do etre<ltl ve work. wrltee a . 1 he !tlld committed ngnl nst Cod In PCI" ovel'l ook ed; Its ol d·f as h lon ed wbole· bUild tbelll lip. nnel tl ,ey wi ll build or 11 state commlsBlOn. Th is Insures cor r espondent or PI'alrle Farmer, milling th e nltnr and grov e to BIIIII I som en lolss w as U!lerl l' di sr eg ard ed. y our. town up In Inereaged lrade aad tb e la yl"{( out or tbe r oads sO lhllt th ey will form a comprehen sive state to lie rct d IIpon his land . sloud The CO l/Uti·)' merc hant would grl'ato r opllortllnli leu. " been en !.."R ged In his dully sLrugr,l e. 'l 'hesll Il ro Ihe word s ot Wisdom and sYStelll . and lbeir malutenance In a bO}(II)' rorlh Ilnd declnred : i )f Danl be a god, I l him 1)lcnd for l in t oart o( b3ttl l n'g lit long oi lds rOl'09lgh t f rom a pru r'/ent , ) Alrlnllc c()ndltlon of effiolenoy aft er th ey ba,'e blmsel(?" 3gnlnst o st l·nc l sm. ad\'erslty, bIg bIlls man. A s It Is t o.dllY. th ese word s Itr c been !lullt. A noth r Important braneb of the At th se words Lh e peopl e gn \'e n And m eagl'l' r eceipt s. . '. e!Cllressh 'l) of th e opposite of whllt sbout of approvlll, nnd th e RIlI!'i t ot Tlll n il of $~OO.OOO,OOO, ye who canse afl ould Ile In man )' Il count r y dl sl rlct. good rond s movement Is the In~rodll o God coming UpOIl C !deoll he bl ew t I.' CR t:JIOjpl h ous 'l; to /lourls'h as lh e The mall o/'del' clll .:en may th i nk he lion ot wide tires all wagon s In tonded bla trumpet nnd th e poo111... \\' ''1' CpdSl'S ot L elrn non . an rl tho grelln ba y Is gain ing : th o t rll th Is ' be Is sa\\'l n,; to carry hea V'l' l oads. "'arrow tir es gathered after h·l m . lII c:lnwh i l hl~ Irce ; r em elu uel' that tb elr j)ro~ lJerlt y orr lh' 11mb upon which h o ' sits. DIs- are l'Oud destroyers. whil e wid ' ti res m essenger s hail gOlle IiiliO th tr ib ... , Is &t the eXJ;onse or your brotb er, tb e nsler onl y eao f ollow. Th e m all or ' are road mailers. The norrow tire o[ A sbel' Ilnd Zebulun Rnd 1I:o"h tnll . local nwrchnnt. und l oca l progrcs s. rl er citi zen mllk cs hi s mon e)' l rocall), C'lts Lb e rond Into rnts. th e will e tire :> - - and In rasilon se to (heir cnll u g r enl Then a I, t l: l s pCl' tl n en t Question : Can and Rcn.Uers It abroa rl In a f1 Hld wh er n Rerv s .llie IllIrpose of a roll I' In com· pnc tlng and hardening It. T est s hnvo comJlany or fighting m n w Cl'e brougbl IVe an-Old t o play tho ' gnme longer ; It Is not no derl ; UlIH 16 IIn fll lr to bo h Three Polo Land Drag, toge ther, (ully :12.000 m en, can we Il)n:;ep s't lll tl f)' local Inler ests ? th'e town and 10 It s nlp- rchoD ts. 'I'hl s sho wn thal Ule same f or ce thRt Is ' reWh en wo r d of lh ese thin gs r eachTh l gr ~, t evil aff ' c(s o\'ery far m· shortsight ed citize n co/nl)I [\108' of tho QuiI'd t o move 2,000 l10undH on nar. found th ut by !llklllg three polee ae ed the l\li(lInnltes t hel' \\' ~I'O wrot h. cr. t cauhcl' nlld w orll hand. every alEe and ch arac tc i' of his town paper, row tires will 1II0\'e on 1~l'ollcl th'eA l(fas t si x IncheB In dln lJlctul', sevell nod swo rD thnt Duul th eIr god $ho ll l <l home. \1 \'('1'" . ohool. .c\'ery ch jlrch In at the Hanl ' time ho. pur suo', !l 1'011 '}' 2.50'0 pOlluda on a maclldnm road ; 2,. l ee t lon.g. n'nd Jlut tngcth er ur.t er man· bc IIvenged wltb tlll ghf y SIUII!;hl "' I'. PVC ,'y COIIl\ lr)' commun l lY. . It a)1IO whi ch touds to des t roy 1J0rh . ThOll. 182 on a graycl road , 2,500 on a dirt I~er nhown In th e /lCCOmllunylng Il· lu st rall on, tllnt I (lonld ' ge t lUore sat" ILI\d they Bont word t o th e Am ulll kil es tou Il e~ th e Ill ,creels of l he Dhysl cla n. l,"bll sb ers ought t o be !'arctul ho w road and 8.200 on 11 " 'e t chl Y r oad . V.nrlous m l! lh O II ~ or roost lmpl·ove· Isfuctol'Y I'eslllta, 'SloW should be. cut It r eu lly Lh er e.~plol l: "nd s1 vo Pllbll ('lt y tu the nnd \I.l all tll o nelghlJorln ,; peopl es 011 l,rc9 t.h·cl· and pt'dng ' gue. t h e eost or tbe rebellion Whi ch t.nd robs th 'collntry m err b ant before his mall orucr ho u es: even If t hey al'(l m ent ha ,'e b en t ri ed with H u cce ~ s In In th o ends at th e Ilolos about elgbt lIral,cn out nmong th o IoH·I1('ilt es. In eyes. In a b r ill (l ess way. ' li e secs t ho paid w pll f or th o 51H1CIl, It rcac t s d)s . di fferent part s or the co untr)', In Cull·' Indi es fro m the extre mit y. tb n two rCSIlOnsl1 t heI' to a g r eat "I'm)' WIIS Ir(1I"h t y nrd o('rr)\\' dod wl t b co nsign· astrou sl ), on tbe town's be st PI'Os. fOl'lllo mora th an 2,r.OO mll t's of anlldy I llY fOll rs [lIIlC' d In t hese ond bolted' to gathered lugelh r . Ull(l It Cl4mo and I me:n s 10 l 71llh:l dunl s trom great cata, pee t.I . . hl J;'hwuys bU\'e b een IlIIide ilul'd nnd Ule pol e ~. 'Ill'e shonld be til k en to thnt thl' (1olell arc le)'el on tb e bot. ellcntup£td In tbo. vull ey Or Jezr 01. lo{(ue hou ses. an d sadly does he loot{ n.o!n sta:Jd by tbe local mel' sllI ou th by sprlnl{lIn g t h elll wi t h crude s which w~"n the m II o f the ur my or nl h i ~ 'O UIlII'Y store with 11 ~ st ocl; rbant, I t tbem protec t his intere sl s. I,drol Unt, whlcll blnu s tho 100811 parll· tom . unll ~ ce t o ft, also, that t.he Israel' snll' nlllUY of th em began to , be nccu m ulat l ng. fo r wnnt ot t.rad e, nnd Cor th ey, thus fllr til I' tbelr own . . The cl oS of slInd toge th er. hi 1·'l nl'luu ph os. clods do uot HUll bn ke too hal'd before ufrnJd . whi ch thing trollbl e~ flId eo l1 thus decr f;'u:<i n f; In \'slue ever y <l ay. town th at ruad o t he lIlan ~ h ou l d b'] " hllte cl" y hus proved to bl) exc ell ent IIslng. [Und t h11; more effective . than th e land' I·ol; el'. gr eatly. "Surely ." ho Enid to h l ms If, " a(lIy too uoes he l oo k at th e r e fug mall o by It o lII an. Thl ~ Is fa ll' 10 all. roar.! ma t rial. " If C?d would {(Ive 181'0.el tile Y i ~ tory ,,, b~nkl'lI p !cy hourly b eing ha sten ed Let III 11 pond er . well Ih ls tl'lIlh. Ihat th ere DlUSt be othor 81)lrJ.ts In the bO<"lI l1 c hi s towll umen prefer the cata' 1I'e are all Inl erd epend enl: thnt the Alfalfa Ground • . FARM ' FACTSI h ellrts or Ollr IleOI)le." 101;UO hou se with Its ubiquitous <311" voln uf brol horhood und erli es the 'm. 'I' he alralfa ground ~ho u ld be put In. And that 'nl{(hl Gideon sought the culors. Those tra i n luads of {(oods ti re lIoclal and co m merc i al I labrlr.. gOJt! conlilllon. Man y pl ow their OIve th e brood' GO",1 pl enty of ex, Lord and Hald : were bou ghl wllh JIlonl')' t~nt should That togeth er we stond or fn ll : that g rounu enl'l)' In April. hurro wl ng thor. ercl se. T iler WOII' l 'burl tbo t'astures . "If tho 11 wilt savp Isrnel by min hn"11 f ound Il 9 way Into tllo hon est . the (l;ood or the .co lln r,- demands loy, o ughl )" to mnliC a line Beed ·bed, then · now. hnnd , nR thou hnst snld, behol'I,. f will hand of y our l ocal lUer chaDt. ~ho hae !LIt' and praotl cal cooperntion . so~· the nlfalfa seed wl t'h a broadcsst Tbel'e ISlI' l much dOing on the fal'ID put a lIeecc ot wool In the floor ; and th tl r,ootl of yuur locality at henrt, and ARTH UR M Jo'ROWDEN. seed el·. Sow pl enty of se d . 18 t o 20 tbese L1ay s. wh en th e old cow lind tbe If the dew be upon thO fleece onl,V, .'bo Is eXJl('c lod to contribute IIherallr pounds (ler acre. A thin st ond gives hen are tliklng a vacation . nnd If It be dry upon ' alJ-.the earth bl" dnd contlnu ollsly to \'ery moral and Fortunate Men of Prominence, weeds ' too good a show whil e the W e had some late corD fodder , whlcb side. thcn shall I know that th oll wilt ben volen t In slilution In your midst. I Admll'PI'S uf grellt. rich or farnonl youn g alfalfa plants al '", bocomlna we fed unshuclled to th e co ws, that sa\'!) 'Israel by mIlle band 118 tbou hast Then IIllewl so remcntb~ r tbls. thllt ot people often bes t qw t hclr WeAlth Ilpon established. was 'hard to beat as a mllk' Jlroducla.: . all Ihe mil lion s thus ' sent lo swell the the o bjc~ IB of Ihelr re~1lrd: 'rho Ger' ,snld." food : ,'nd It Willi so: for he ar,ose up coffers or IOllsel In ,;reat cit ies. not IUDn emporor heads the lIet or lucky Why They .Fall, Now we build aIr csstl es nnd tarm carlyon' the morrow, and thrust the one cent will ever' return to I>less your olles so ramre.d. HIs recelpl R In Mony fall down un she Il rai Sing be- on papal' In t.he most scl entlne way; flecce together, nnd Wr ingIng lhe dew commimlty : to c.lothe the .naked. to 1Il01ley , and real est lite durl11g th e last out or the flooce, a bo"'lfull of wa t er, ·teed Ule ' hungry or 1.0 educate the len )'cllrs WOUld. It I~ said, mD~ e a ' cau se tboy do not give enQugh atlen· ntter whil e w e get to thfl r'lal thlnu The nnd Just do the best 1\'0 can, And Gideon saId Ullto God: "Let not Ignorant! . I mllllJnalre t'nvIOus. !i'ollowlng IJrece. tlon to' th e foundation sloel" Uettel' columellce sloppIng the sprln1: thine ang r be hot agAinst m o, nnd' T1II s Is .certainly '0 mlsl!:l1lded, Ul, Ilent. a Hamburg me~chant prlnc ..· left ewes must he strong enou gh ilnd vlg. will speok bilL this nnce: l et mo adyllcd poll(')'; It self praser~AHon 18 'nOIl! than $1.000,000 to thn emperor' .. orou S. These are u B uull~' good milk· pigs pl'etty ~ oon . On o month b etore tn:ove, I pray tbee. but ':hlll once with tho first law of nature, tile fact Just chancelior. wh<;>m KlIlsl!r William 1m. ers and th ey brlug Mlt'o ng lambs. nnd two after [nl'\'owlug nrc the most the fleece ; let It be dl'Y only upon ataterl Ihould cause lovel:s of lbll! ' mediately creat ed "Prlncp" Burlow . Sh eep 111'0 wore finan clnl tbun cattle Impo ~tant In th e. pI g's ca r eer. or h ogs , and Lbey lleed do:;cr atten, Mark tnble horsE' S a seiling 01 the !leece, dnd upon all lho '~Oli:lli Icr country to think. Continue tlJls polley William J ennings B,ryan recently long prices, whl ah Ie ali rls'ltt for the thore be dew." And (Jod did BO that , and .... l> ~ t rollows1 TlIo value of real came by wealth In the same way, JII tlon. farmer so long as tile good mare~ are night, so lbat Gideon knu w the Lord estBt.. decrel)8es, local ImprovementH England Lord AHerton hu rllceh'ed Tl,e Farm 'Team. not saC1'1flceli. ~ was eurel)' wIth hIm In the great can, cease. malerlal progreslI .top., thll '100,000 from en adlrllrer or his public Tho farm .eams ehc,lld noW' be ex. A feeder asks It 0118 shoa~ for eacti OIet which la)" before b1m. whole country luff.H, career and Dr, Jameson Inherits a 8um 'JIbe money · of a communlt7 rep_ Olle-fifth larger Lbe y III of Mr, . erclsed dally, IU1d light work will steer Is enough. 1 Bhould prefer tW'o harden them up the ht!3 vy work of or tbr e whell .(eerl are 011 fall feed, 1.001\ -..nUl a buslne •• Bellse JUlt 10 milch P"It. Queen ve,.,. fo·r. late 'llring, See that the collars IU1d When yffil have plenty of bop there t. HoW' poor are , that hay. IIOt ponlblllt;·, and every hOHlt OCCllpa· tunate III her of whom the paUuc",-SboklllDe&t.. tkna Ie Injured III proPQrtlon . . &lat -pltblest wu bllCluealMtl ilamRIII ftt Inll8b', It doee 1I0t take notblna 'lVIIBted. lind yoa •~ao cleU out 'WaQ' mllc\l au. to chair the .\lowden. tho banke 04('8 a day. .. 1PIthb.b! or lut elH1r~ to '.r tbe aum 01 •••~tlly,.Vyu.
*i i
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the ~ l1g to ern ' Il l' rl1tl\1l1s, hu t h li t it lign in . We won'\ be i'eve ~he Jlr~lict.ions tlley nppellf Th ursdu:v ni!( i1 t th o P o,;t offi co lit ~ Maroh wedber , he rellfter. a bo u. h' Mal ch was u ally deli!: It If ' \ t IS t:;;pr ing VlIlley 1I'!1!i I'tllohCll llu til' y ear aud doen!l't appear t o !l €serve burglurs gilt, h'N:4 111 11 11 thrl.'eULlll ll r .. , 'l'ltey AI 0 bro ko i ot,o III Penu~~' )' ". reputatioo. vania tat io LJ IItl1L rCllred IIh u nt ~ 40
BondlLY ApIli 7th, we.s Un:. I ven th annl'Yerao.ry of Waynesvl \ l groat fire t hat destroyed almost I " entire block . The fi re opened \1l' ~ new 'e ra for Waynesville. r esul l-el in the blllldlnK of a I Y8\em of" Ilrer wor ks a nd elootrio lI" ht<8, ma ny I' ' W build, ings and a baUe r and Ill . ... e pr o, graBSI ve town. ' n ~ ; r' 01'
The 0
O. O. G. M.
\ 1UIC<'tlt'1
N orfolk, Va , April HI t o Noveinber
11 lu " " I b,' NIUnll)''''''llr
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JnD'1 l'Y. . ,
Ur. John Hyatt;
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11th! Cvm{OC \\
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Waynesvillte, Ohio.
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M, A. Jameson
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The Serpris~ Store
E C. Hilb
OaJton, O'
<-u!o·io+" ·!o-!o """·~·"'++'l·:O"·+'l·1-+~·i..a+ ·'a.'1 I•. " '11 1:\1 (' , c, nl r m:UI a t (11 Cmnlllllilif'
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1\I r . \o\' nll nce ~ "S; )n 1 957 ~tI \ln('!lm';( n 'Wll~' rtboll:' to ('nrno I nt o f lap. t:n l o ll umJ tJw ~' lsl' n! t~ n "'(' r o gnlhc;,"'d Illg('I 111 n i'rH1J: lllll tJ Olln l c t1n vi·n t lon: l ll"lI Jrtok(' d l1"t'lu .1 nn rl about I llf~1II a 111 1 11 1(l." H~I W t lllLt t h u In l pN l.
liv";' lI ud IJIl"I·
r. cl er n:llI cdy.
LOTnJ NG' GOO DI. and H .\ '1\ ,'
.lr+-t4~t!.+.}P~-'>l-...-...-.!.-. io+-.-&-"Jo-;;++'14l1"l'~
fi lllCU ils Ill lp l'ttnn , DO YOU GET UP . has b" "ll II leHd" r In Iho WllrI 1)[ Cll' ocllng law s ,wlit',r th' fJr(H'ls IOIlS or WITH A. L,AME BACK 1. I It t' f1'lIf'n d m nL nl1l\' nl.lm cut II~ll ctt clill y d o to r Kidney Trouble Ma~:cs You .MIserable. M : ntll'SOl n wll'n t Ilia! 1',llIs.lIll1l1onn l ,\I"" lSl c:v.·ryhody ,,,,hOJ'I·,l<!slh c,lI c ,,"s· nm (' JI(l m ,iH o f 1 90~ I :l\l(l wh ic h wa ~ pa pers i\o .;I1i" ·,to kIlO"I' v i lhl! ,," Ollder f,ul d e fent" lI) I"'OPOH .J (o r Ohl'- IIt'rmi l>; It t' ' c ".rc~ l1} atl c ~'Y I)r. t h clnS~\f1 011 tlon ot prO I) ' rty fo r lux . !!J ~ Kilmer's . :)\\,1IlII \,' . Runl. the g reat kicl. ~U on,
\l "'~ t
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EHC() \ 'r S
I~ [lIN L.' " ) . J . .
2 & , 0 E, ;3 1'd
lIwn':I .., .. d oppurjulll tll~S nnu r r uU. I • ' '1 ,h' "h', 11 h,~ IH" not ,,-It hi n (he liitmoe n f t hh. ·dl r. .... l.!'l !f.tnn. L ot UJ:! U 8m " t it \ 1 \\9 U U· IChtlun d t il n ~L l l r\ '
and UWl' a ll ( 'Il (II vu\\,HI h\ . 111'0 to
. Dayton's Most Popular Male ' Outfitters.
I nnr""ANl
bll~lIh\..!ot }l
w,·.:t Illl
'M tit
tho rlty,
1J" ..,'(\ r
nll' OtHf
1\()1tsC oJ
l\1UI)](lwood, B\ocl(, B r uadway.
tr'a cJ
n rU\' 11Y
~J a. l·X
or t Jll ent · . C 'ond h ) nOll c.
Sol Strauss
l lu l '-1"r Hu(pr 11J·",·:tp,"rlly o f tlw
'l' nx
Lt'banon, Ohio.
- . .1'L'UR
I ClI"' 1
'J In' I't'd"P rit ,r or lho ,lty betlt' r mark 1 fnr l h rnrrn : ruruwr III"
("fC!Il((\S It
llh.") r home
Ilili. . "T"" hW8 '])fllIl,1 lIe (rnm,'(] wtlh l laO N HI ,~ vlt'\\ 111 ,t ttt"U" {",,,I I' d Ttli' t1\~ t rrst DC /1 1/ cln " <, '~ Ihr 'I!;hnll ' 111 ~tnle
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t'lAcwh r (' who might nth c rwlsfI b~ ,\ tlh 11M. tar LdX la" ~ fll" ) H\lt n ll'qunt(' in l hlll IIw)' "CIWI II1S1 nil of tltlr<lC I
Uor ney !It Law, lind Justice of Lhe PC4.l CC
B _ __
gn'!u t many nU' n ~I.'l il Ium.! {uJ 1Jf>~ l ~h y \
I l~
.50 to
C<fl,lI;d mronnll JnC1r"-d!il t'd Iu'njtf\' t Hy: I(uz~ o f I nl mr."" 1<", ,,<'1\'11 .. In 1111 III",• . •\.
ts th" teuno.
Gl'l1t1 und h:fl'tl· tiv A \\'('11 kn own milo\( llu (lditor ", r Hos: '" Ail au 111~ld o ~nrk r r !'lnt! )hnl1lli rlf1 1 ll '~ t mlloh 1I1Ie! I... h·e.r 1" 11)1 , t,~ in IIIl111hle IFnr tbe t.nt! h f'~ of billnll. Il e~s n il tnr,tl to' fI c1 1'11 t ill''\' lif p Ih! ir !lctio n b inl( ~e nt1 e nn ll etItl~tl vp cll'n rinl? lit e tligPMthe
''I n . bU l n.a IlUUt l" HI r p.
At 'H ome un Saturday Afternoon.
S.'1" I'I' II()'
file t O J' ill Lh e
when) th' y mllsl Jm II 1l',l 1,,"'1}' h~1l111 n . y",om or I rJury ,,,,,\ <" " s loll . ln onlt' r $t:
l ))') Jll
Ha.rt, I.. (·ha frll er & oo'ood make,' «1 )' \ he r riot y [l1H1 th e ]1l') ( ' 1)1CH,' (' YO It .
fre" ls 'un lho IWV)\I"j" nn.1 "m~- I /w r lt)' or ""r wh(lI "LU l ~ hf our I",e~ 'I I . I')'$h"n ,)r I " tn \tI. \\,11, Rmon" u~.
" 8 rnr,,~ po""I'II~. MI,,,!."·n t "Illi eqlllly. I I he I ''''"'''I'''~ .1Ullilw<l III Ihl" po'p · r. w hloh or- li S u, ll,lll' Mll '\(l no lIl.' rt.I1I1': I 9\1n ,
' ni L and
I lil t'
II ei re, sed at a. HII do no Iw ttc r
wn 11 t to 1)(,
t he m I. hut .,•.• 1'
Telephone No. 121
tJ'nrt nnd thu h£'I\(1 . tJ
nil -
Hen ISO II, :1, 11
h ut t) I C t i l l •0 0 U l' (·1 () t hi 11 t\C Luull .l" Imp I'tant co n ~ id (\ l' il Lion,
pr'lwllr11l )' Itbl1l~ hshed In ulh\'t' 4: 0\ll\lr'I I' ~ .i~ h. luI-;' iJl IH} wUY ni!€'qll!'1 H to l)lIr p .I1M,'U t t.' t\t11p1l· tllUJd C' tltH.I1l 'mi~, ThQ \ ~IlI W~t S\ h. th
Ju l)' 5. 6 "hd 7-l\nlgb l s 'I ollll'lar
" •v.
I/.. ", I,'
Veterinary Su rgeon and De nti tr
r. . u.
t hAt t he Ut.'n("T'n l l 'rOI''''' ' )' 'I' ll , d\1 ,·. t~'I·' t Th£'" "IIolt. wfllhl Il l ( t thl· rh· th·u!U,·8 nlill
Saratoga Springs, N . Y . Boston, Mass.
I~tl · " 'l ll
1.\ ' 1
1) 1'1 nil' t:l
r·.- t h,t])
b with 0010 w,ller t o II ltuy th . b ' doc. not \Hlll'" th \t hUiull'HLR of mUtinns terri ble It ohlog, \It !l111e' • u SlO g .. r ~Ul'ltlll I",,,p h ,'1) t"~"11 (I\\~ , y from thi!:l !:IlIlv" ill Ol'C miler , I !lO.) , 1h., hiD on n" col uo L ,r "Jlr,·,"I.· ~ It, Illw~? itchlo D hu ~ '-'t o pp d \loel bu . nllt Who Is Ihor A ""'0 18 n(ll r~" ")" 10 h~lIno t bl 'u ". 1£1 c1 r .John 'r. nn ~ . th nt"~ ·mu ~ I' . I1l'Jre OIlI 'IUlI h '~~ he~II l,re, .1 I O\l ln 111 1 b J \, pnt t1 from lo('.\UII .. lH·l'\"~ \\ hnt lnd ut'l,) " l ley,I{oo t...-ll1a, .Pu . cor lItl y . tn~nL Is lh "t~ ror r. ,'r,II,'lIo lR 0 ' m~ h " 1) _
-_._ -'---..-
JdPen 48Jree of pDri'Y hall been ....t"'" ,by BaDDa', GreeD Seal
-------- - .\ ~
1 :
. l ho ,·o>rl,.,r,\Ilo11
thing abaolotelyneededP . Puro Pa,i llt lit It p ~,pllltl" 11rieEj' UJ1.doa\)ted1y ~he .major i ty of the HanDa 's Greeo eul Pll i nt. So lel 'pt':>ple of Wayne townsh i p want a by .J. E. J allnoy. towDehlp batld1Dg. The ooly dan· ' I;!ggs for Hatch ier fa that the friends of the met.8· are will rematD at home arid e.llow P ore bnrred Plymo l1th Ii"': 'he election to gc by default. per 15. Duke.'s Fruit 1o~1I nn , Two thirdi of the votes ca8t must nenilli, Ohio.. P h ooe fill ~ y: tj I faTor the meaaure If I~ p1l!lses, and . " Is a.btlolutely uecesao.ry thllt every penoD In favor of the measure ,ex. pr9ll1 hla eertlmenta. h ' b Udlng NOLloo Is bc r eb,g h' clI that In I'ur.". n,-' . t I f you wan a, towns lP u .of a resolution of lhe Trustco~ or Wll y n l come o1i~ 4ud V\)te for It. Bee that 'l'o\fnSh\t). WllrreD Cot:n w , Ohlcl. P ,\ sscl\ 6. 't 1 • I he l 21h (fa y of Ma,·ch • .1110;, Llw r e ,.-Ill I)" . 'Jll your nelllhb" rt< votes an d d on e . ml tte,1 1.0 'tbe qualilled ",UC IO". 0 1 ~a l<1 It ~o by defaolt. 1'o wn sbl p , a t a "reel.1 c l 'el lu l\ to 110 tldd
PaID, maktJia Ia.. reached a sol __ wWa the Green Iil8a.l folke, The
All ut ,
thre or fou l' ti loe.
. . 1 \THF:WL of C' IO\,Pln nil . !
s t op 1" 11 lib \'0 nhil t ·
WIth sInn dl oo;<e .
showi Jl o', t hL
!>o '
May 13 to June 3.. Am cr lca n Med le n!
BaYS, "I ' applied ChamberlaiD'l Pain Balm and wrapped the arm .in fianne\ at nlght,.and to my relief I found·tha' the 'paln gradually lett me and the etreDgth returned .. In three weeb the rheuma.ttsm had disappeared and haa DO' since reo turned, " If troublei.t with rheuma· ~lIm try a few applicatloD8 of Pain • Balm. You arecertaln t~1 be pleased ~ &he ",lief which it affords.
I( \
I E urt1ku! ' YP ,I !tll'- Il 'F o nnrl it lIt L'I ~ 1. \ , <J \V ' 'h ti Ollfld ,,,,h tlt :. 11) t nt unl beTl ain'l! .'" l" e ClItO" P ';r.em l~ nnd p, 1I wunner of itnbiu g f . t lJ kin , I h 0 bcpu o flli c tl'd f ]t· mllov vellrlj
Los Angeles, Cal.
:11' \
ll " ll ull )
r givin g 1\ hnnl tn bl a not \V" Ln:u ,J. I 1L.1l(,X.
' l '; ll
nnel und T olli:!h, ol'er t bl~t UlIH.un t n or e dit of 6 IX onth will b !o:iv n hy
Aprl1 27 lG May 1-IIIY. ll e i:!brln r< May 7 ,100 1 r. ··· O~r m ' n Bapll I Orelhreu Good going on~ Toute. r e turning "noth~r
July U, 9 lind 10 · Y.
\Y C
. ,}-:, N'\ !'< 1I\t /· In t Jh+ ~ ' ulflll I hnpl .11 lu t., it, is SIr! tly n r :<t el'ks lind i n w o r lc Of') t dx pr" h !t'11f'. nl h l L)hl I'JlHflt t.h o \Jr ' l of orm (lItlo ll. It ('r i 1111 op .,non \\ l tl , f' IC..q H unh'l l.lI1J1I11 til l:" H~.tI" '4t portllnit., t buy Ill'\\' ~oO(l~ lit y o ur n fty sl r' ll1, (tt\fj f'Q\!'cr hy I IHhl h' w,'l l,'rfot I\lh.1 ow n pricc, ovul'ythi'l .. I~ 0 , n o tlllng ~t.llt(' ·~·"nt.!1l ~'t~l y\.. h'·IC, to II\! 0 8 . 1m'" a~ ~ho worst . ' ''{\ ." hit \ Col '" rHr. ". JII I Ih ltl t l ll ' J"o:,\'Q,!'1.l n r n 'eu. whl tlh I ~ hu t fl 1 (1 11 ( 1 r n \l' rlA)' W" jf"U th.' T urm r u l nil \lIms w Qrlo1 ,\\ll~ 1l~'I(' ul~Il "'~ 1 !I,' I:",,,,r,.t
Atlantic Cit y, N . 'J,
\..v ...
A II l1f tla or I h ' ll~y l<JIIIt·':-w r.II' t C) C( ))llC Il t\ )·(\ ( 'f ) )' 'elpto( nd lem. lJf'"fnul",.m l url"'!1 a :i1I\~ \ ;\ l~ Itt ( t1ni n ew r us g oll U lie\\". t!fl \JIIUy In, Orl~\lIl t o l ht:: 1.."1"1) \\ I t.1 "lid j • PI'~I"': (\ " I'"I,'pm 'lIl or. ""y .Ub"'vl~\"n ' 1)' o · .... ))1) .11.£\1 t h o r o i~n'f, Il n .v e h,' p stnlf i ll th e or n strate. 'b UI ( \.. .- .
t 1 wil l .... I·...
~I X. l'! B rm'sl'l~
BAW l n:
\ j, fl l )J
~l1 i t s :11"1(1 (h' p ), ·CHtt:-:.
I I~
Choice of " numb r or uUrnolive r OUlCS,
0Uft.d ·of Rheumatism. , lit,: William Henry of Chattanoo. '" .. 'fenn., had rhepmatlsm In his left arm. · "The stren'" th seemed .to have gone out of tbe musoles eo that it was UIIelell8 for work," h e
; 001'
h \l' I'
(1 I II'
\. G )'oat Expo,'H.ioll
township) Philadelphia tail" that gOing to Influence him ' in July I ~. 13 lllill II " · U. P . O. B . waDting bay that farm? Den't One way SCI.'Ood cia s '010 01. 1 T lel,eL." lo Yllu want., 0 live near 0. progr88Bive Idabo Montana Me .leo anti l 'uelll", 'onsl , 1:JOh:11.8 at un US U1\.lIy Low .Fare town with Ito: up ttl date township d ully du r Ing Avril 'bulldln. wbere your family and Aronnd he Wor1 d your O:8l,btlOn Gan have BOOle ao.fe, 'l'ours '010 I1tHI upw nrO c<lnventen~ place to attend enter· For rull \JarU au hr cOIl"ul l aiDmeDts. IDf!tltUtllll, etc" a • .E. BOOTD. 'r ick I Auc nt, Wurn .• " lIIe O. DoD" vou !mow that t he better town yo~ live near. the gu ater t h e value of y\)ar farm ? , The P rioe of l::I ell lt b . 00 you know that the v illage of. "Tbe prioe of henlth In a mn lnr W .... e!lville with a t4xdupll !ite of ious dlstriot is ju,:t 26 ? n~!!; th e a .. ,. f 'oost of a box of Ur. ' KlIlg sNow ODIy '"0,000 betalled a tlytlte -n 0 Life Pl11s, " write" ~~l1n ,'In y t ou . 01 water worke COIIting8 bouU~,GJO,OO Noland, A rk . New Life Pi.111' anel the tax is IIC&rc Iv f " ,t. Th,e olel1nse gen !Lnd impu rt \l ew 1If(· township hall a tax 1. ,1(.lic ,te of and v!go.r to tbe I:IYRte lll . 2~ '~ I:>lIt gu . ~r,'\nt o('(l n t, F. . .soh 2 000 , 000 • Q d on 1Y' /1/8 that , amount ilfaotlOn " wartz d ruggI st. of money, i. being II.8ked for Bo ~e. _ __ _---'
YOI' ale hI' J. B, J&IlDt!7.
),~ I1f'h,,. I ' ~
1 U 1\111
lI r U ll' 1",11 hl ll,,1 ur III
l nr){11 I t 1!; ;< a li i : t
Jamestown E xposition
~, (the property of the
k'1 t 1\I !l'1I I :l I I II'
II r il. at .
trans Jj' ,he townshi p w ',l1 It Jt balte· JIHy it. 'IaeD agatn, thi' el8 anotb er WRy to look at 'hill ~ DB Jtlon: i:3uppr 8e yoa own a raw: i ll Wa.ytle ' .)Wn· lhtp ~d ,.,)t. Jeol) 8 you WilDt to .. ~ 'I It, If . <lr ~ G l'm isloolLted near a" a" to · ~ pr,)greealve lIttle oity Uke ' . V(I! lvillo. IBD't thu gotng "HID~ : le ,'ou to seli at a better fig, ure? U you tell the prospeotlve purohuet:U1at Wayn:eevtllehas wat· er work_, electric lights, cement pavement• . a flne tOWD8~ip bulld·
Eor,ala by J . J!:.
g lo laddprs ; ~ t f' P illlldol"i:!.
Steam Engine for Sale
tllILE . .l811 ~i D
til J
; I.
l)rng. ~ I O.~r, \\ ilton \ 'el. vat Vrll gJ.l~ t t; .:!;, Yll Inf!rIlI II (' Ill' -'Distrio III r e tillg of Plist Grand" pot i :! 0 yd. ~Otl!l m il l t i ll ~; l,'t u( of the 1. O. ( I H w ill he h el d llt ~Ol/l \I "l'll' ot II nel Knl .I'rnll R ng"; t:!pringboro H.- lief Lodg N . 14S. I;ll rd Il to" I~; ~ " 'lrden p low. ; h o ~, Aprlll ;), nt t) o (j'o ',c l k ll ftemo n, fill, A. f ll rk s , ~ ll fl dl''', ~ p 'r i nhlf'l'i\, l'te'. Past' Gr .l.Dd Mn _t r Rn lph P . Mil ler leo cr enlll fr u/o r ; In \\' \1 m OlVor; of Colnmbus \"il! " preso nt tllld bll!'kflt~ ; . :l tllruaulln: Illm h r. Confer the PU!!t Groml Deg r ee. box ell, eto .. fi hill!; p ol l ~; mi nnow Oamn I mith u t. llUc k ts; ox tt' llsioll I" tld r, si ll .
r y made
l 1I1111~
1 lur gll \\lln"'l' ; 1 dr'\~'il'r tllllll; 1 wIre cot ; I Jo; rlt.It e n uk "(,IYl': lII ' ll trt);;"E:'''; pl t'tllrl'''; IUlllp"; " Int'l;~ ;' lli ~I\(I1O lind g lll" _\I'lIn'; e'Ol' k in g nl"LJ a il ,,; 1 fi lM tl x l:! W ilto ll Y ~lvl'l " gett: L tilll'
a Township lhl) d· .be Sllre and vot e In order to ge t it out of the WIly , , L a the Measure. we will sell our I X ltorse power The c. "\:m DlOS' frequent ly nHlde steam engine, boil I' lind oonn eo tn opp : rion to R t ownship builn· t lons a t ~ Silorifioe price. B llve put lng, Is ~, Is: That 'he buildiog will in a gasoline ngi ne and tltA t.cUIIl outfit Is iD tlte way . b enei! Waynef:jvll1e only . It is in good condition, und wh n ~ "lW Ie' 1111 c,)ns lder this fr om an t h e wor k is Ji gbt is ju t who i orp.ejadlot · sundpolnt. ~.f ~ 'needed. We flTe RIlXiou s t o get it buUding l' 3 . ected, t he cltlze~ .. Of ou tol the way Rnd will le t It go Il l. uY'Je of , ,jl t Wa,u'I toWnf'l'n 0 • '£1 ' ,. . , • th e a bIg S8crt 0 . Mt. BOllY -:J1.' any ~t ..e r I a . 0 , THE MlAm GMIETTI!l. towb ,., Ii '. the S! 0 ~ ) )1'. vilege of Qli , Uhatthe people , of W o.y, neavil t I .lV.. WfI 0 I know this t~ be" a fu( , and yet th '. 8\ gnm£nt is "9na~
Dr\l ~ge t
Odd Fell ows Attention .
Ove , ·con rUt'!1 ·e. Everj j riend ing shC'
, 1 u. · <l c .-cJo~ml'l\t ltne l'.tplJt>llrtl ; l~l1l1'k
' . .
n bllwt
1' 1 tl ' , lH b Aj".
J , ~I n ll l ,, ·110 •.
'}o",IIM ·".
N4'W \,.Irk !<
1 1& 1 lU I • • 1' \ '
'," 1, ' 1 . Il lr. r I" I ' ~' I' . 1'. 11\1 V. "" \VII . I , I ,.\~II". ~(IO M " 'h,tl " ' IIo I 'I"It"
" rll till' f'II"'" o( t ht' Inill ..
' l.llhu \\'l',
~ Itt
lltl l ~k l "
l Ull J'('l\l'v t'll, 111.\(1 1'0111' IJll x"~ llt'ul o(l lllll.i1e lire!! n'. UIM I. (' \'('r: !-lor e. ;!1I<: III, '1'. '. R!'I'lI'lIrt ;r. J"u g .
Wayne t own a" Jlsb dl tlm ld.i to ..·o' .hip h ou le. lIJu't f OTge t to vot c.
0 11
~tlt:o ('O tll IJ\( ff'.; 1 filll" t!Jrwf1H\l 1.011; I 1thlflt," !H~ ~nlu ln'J,tl "<'I In tll ' < t'I'4,· of IlltllII.lU'JI P ln!!1 ,'~id ... hJoII \'!I : w lI rd .I Il" 'Un"'fil t :"". "" III 110' ,',,,' r 'h
r ob bnJ on~I'()~ t vnk,' tll\" I' tlllulhl' r througb Ohi , 11)\1 1m
I ,) II ll' hi "Il'" I I 1III1 I In a \'l'r"n t a", " 11""H~ dn I lIXIl lOU I of \"11 unt II~ " I'I'S, tlml 1111 11 0 1 I" .,. " Il,'r li t my r tlI Up l)nl' it) Clll'\vin. Il I n ud l'to.p<rlly." \ 1111111110. )1:1111 'W . p nrHllIld 'Lll o tl'), I311 CI(itlll',; rnll'" II hrg :\!:~nrtllllmt lI f hou, l'i11l1c1 f rl~" la<1d • . r cI'!'ta,,' fi t III<' Oblo u l\' e 110 writt'/I: " ' 1' 111' firs t t\.l ll' lz Yt'Sl'T\',!
:':llIlU~, 1I1lII'l y !It'nOm,''' A. /"i,\,r L' HllA', ~\ Plllr.20, l!lUi' 1 .. 1t h '~ b,' on t rill)' ",1,11111' t"~'~:'r t ut 1 P ttl toohu r p ; :! on bl.',lr\JOnl t n, It'l'hhl~~ thn , ")\\1') t o tl.t4lr.\), :'I.del
t o k e p unt n ""nn ~r u1 tronl,h'~()n\
b nrrllnr:t who
1111" ""(' Iioll l Ull) ttyifl h h IliYI,",l 1111' (\11
\;11' ,
. I'll '('; l hnntl (',ITI,' ,l .\11l!ll'g IlUY Il,; 1"""h,1 ."d II ... 011 loll' ,,'1<'''1 ror PT(ltllJlt. IIUI ' nti o ll '41 DUTin !! lil HI I'I·n .. tl tIll' \\'II .\"n~- nt'III". t.,III" '. I '1 I " 'I' 11,,,,,0" rllr I,' \ti·"",~ 'r'.' < IIr,' tlt o a meli. \ .., I U " .l HI f:I, l tl \ onnt 1 , I II m ~ It 1~ .',.,.Il~' 1l1,1(1"I'l'-lfllld how_ In . I ,. I rrortMOn day ' Allrll 15th . iA l ite Illte or ', ·. ll h P O>l " It'll" WII~ I llPp. ,, 1 tJ.r!l 1 hlluk C'U!; Itt lll wrltlllg' ( \ 1 ""; L..: ) 111" r ·tl~t' Or_A~1 hHII \'tdt~t .i r , t "" . • - \ tittleS wi1 1111l H, yp:Lr. . tI")l, L11 ~ Q 1u n,htllUi hr lll t~'HU\t tr l ' '''I:-4 n t tbe elec\\on to ueoide '''1I ther
It i ~ t hcgr ut Tl lCtl -
ie-H ) t rhl11l11h of the
I ninl;t eclli h CClil.ury : .. ~c()\'cr ·d oftc ry eJlrs m fl Hl a PI )rO\" 1.1. U Ji ~ t Q -d I t' ('Oll~ ll~lI'lh'''-1 of :,cicl1 tiJic r~scR.rf= h \,,"'t\~ OlP Oll{l Owt hart . b p +l l\ Cltltlflte tl hy 1",· Dr. Kilt1lc r , the th e a'rrl l c of ('lIHn i ll I :'i 1 . "nit llH"Y _ '.. - ... c lllhll:nt. lddn· v HIIlI r cnrhr<1 Ol\t nnt! b"" th or orl It In h odlly. · I,I .'I(lll''' r :,reCI' n 1i ~ t , n llIl is.' wOIul crf nlly Nfl w. 1 'r1n' t !'t l:',' h.-~ n.' O'1C !.:t)ofl tu rn ~ 1 1 k fl p~j' I'Vt' ~ HJ101lwl', !).,rIlURfi. 1 . ~" I ' t Ihlll l( tn sa i d 1'0'''D811Ip to r th01 t. IHiTpOSU 01) S'tC'CE;~rI1 1 il1 pn.tlll p ll ycu n:tg- H1I1C JIIC~ . I hl o d id Ufl rl t; tmll t'll'lI 111 t hnt IU!-l t n u f' : t b e 1 6t h allY o f AJ,rl l. IOUi, i-he 1llll' sLt Ul1 u r l11'1C Jlci cL c tl t.krrh .of. Lhc . b hltitlc r a nd " III HI. nIl)' I'ntf:'. " ' I I ,'01'1.,,£1 Ohio . nno l.iij8u t n ~ bondtt or suld 1'ow(l l'i bh' 1111111 a.moun~ nri ",h t'~ ni ~ca:C!, w )IlCh 1s th e wors t now rl)r q.ri1c!ntl t4' slk r . ()hl r . c1n 111m In excess of 1 per cent or Lhe lOta l valu e nf . ' flrt)tl w.l ttlul ' (·nr.' Y ).1tn lwl"nt :,. hy nm "r'l(llnJ{ , all t be property In ~u c h 1'u wns hlp aMIls t o,l fl)n ll of kitl11CY t rou~)l , r. K ilmer '::; S \V31mp- l{oQt .l~ !l oL rcc· Yflur t'!)lINtHutlon 01 1 tll(' ~ \ lId ··+ r o f tHX~. and nssO!\Slld for tautlon . th~ ll " 10 "" Y III 't he yum of t !.!O, UOO IOO' rnr ·the pur })o!4o of oll~lIl c i1 c1t;l'll for c vcry thi ilg bnt ,t yon .ha ve 110 J: , :f S w , h n\'p d t.lfl(·. procurIng .ul t 'lble roal '!illlte u lin II wh ich ki,IIIC V livcr Or blndd c r l r< \1101' ,t 11',11 he A T TOR NEY GENER,A L E LLIS to ereCl a pu bUc ball and l,u\)l k oillccs rnr f",""t'j'II ~1 thc r \::lI, cfly YOIIIlC~(\. II !IIIS tor ere ttln~p, pu 1J1Iu hall una p Ubli c OIl\('CM n lll! Ioce n ld l"lI il. ~o IlI n ll Y Wlly~, III h o splt:!1 SA YS: eBtd TownshIp. Said election t.o \)u held a l work uIII I ill prh'n~c Pl'l.cIJCe . ,,1111 hn~ I "The Tax Oomm lss ion .is dn)(. the usual pl aceR or voLlng In s~ld l' wn shll1. prm·c.) so S\lc!lll~s f\ll in ~,, ' ry ctlse th "1 II lind said elclltion will be cOlld,," tc I "all"ll"'- ~p 'cia l IIrrallj{tlm !lJ11. I!GS b C!! 1I lIIn, lc h~ ; 0\13 t o he"r f rom anybo d y wh o c d nnd cerUllc(l 1n l he Mitm n lII a llt1Cr at" whic h nil rc:u[ oftl,, ' p"pcr, wlltlh lll~ I ' as someth lrg to say abo ut t axa· el ons for: 'l'ow Il Mh i-p OnlCt.ll'S :ll'O conduut.,·d " ell a lr"~(I)' lri ~d il , IU!IY h", U 511 1111'1e: ,' t ion In Oh io. canvas 'ed a nd oe rUtlco. " W e wa n t t o hea r from eve ry. 'l'h08C wbo yute In rt\\lor (,t ,"li e p ro m I",llle ,;c: nt (ruc hy 1111,,1 , nl sO ~ book lell· of Issui ng bond!:, as ~ tur("'tllllt1 ,l>ih it ll ha,\,f' iug- I lo r e " ho lll S wamp· Ro l '"111 h ow t o body-we will be glad to h ea r w r iLleo or printed o n t tl Ir lln lto L-.. th" fiuuo uUf'''l\ hA... e ki,\t, ,,,y~r bl,,'ltl.erlrfll.' ' from citizens, e ith e r In perso n or word. : \,1 " . Wh;!11 wrltil",' IlIc nll c·n r('a,llIl )( tlll ~ ~ ., I " " r by mall, "For t he luauc of Ioolllls " , lIerons otTer in t Im, p"per UII< ·e11 ... y u . . We w ill b e pa pt lc u la rly !-; . p leased t o ha\le persons appea r An~l t hose "tho " OLe :\ Iit ~ I nr.:L ,t il" ~'H\fll e atltlrcss to })r, Klhll cr befO r e the commission it.s reg. ~b ll ll ba\"e 'WrJttlm' or p rJ nt1 0ci nh thei r b.ll· " Co. , Hiug-\Jo\llloll. . lols . lbe word. : ' N. V. Th e rcglll ;t~ ul a r 8eslll o n.. T he t im . an d "AliaIDHI the Is uc of bo n" ~." MII·-t:cilt 1111(1 o n epl ~ ce of mel!tl n gs m a\ " e 88oer· Dar.c'1. Murch 11, wor. <loliar Si1,C hottl~s ta lned by wri t in g to u.· .J O II N B . LAKKt:V, sold hy a ll good . If you w a nt to o om'n un l c ~ te 1o~IlAHK PItAT'r. an y mi staKe, bu wit h the co mml •• loOl, a ddree. F U AIO/lt £ , .'ION. SWllmp,Rout, nr. .1 f o llow. : TrwI~C3 of Wilyn. 'l'ow n hlp. WarreD 1lIHI1be .111<1tess. TAX COMM ISSION O~ OHIO, OouDi),. Ob lo, . every bottle. atattl HOU18, CoI.lJnbult 01110.
A ND A '
BRU' H A re t h e on ly }' qui ite.s ilCcessary for a Jtirst clas job of pain t ing , A (\an bearing, thi s label (:on tain s th o he,' t ready mixed paint matle. 1'h1 '3 pain t is m :lde by . expert paint m,ul{ ers who have devoted the ,best part of their livos to t b l~ stndy . alHI manaf~cture of hig h g rad e pa1!lts. Il AKNA'S G Rli~EN S EAL PAINTS. are today' l'ecog nir, ed ,by most first-class painters u,s the best ' a. nd lTIO t economICal paints they can bu y, and many of them use it on 'nll their work. Hannah's Green Seal Paints are For Safe by
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t,h ~U 1l10 furID Murch lJ1, ~907 iu hel' t b irlioth yenr. 'bo WIIS Lilli t urll of L'l: cl1iklron, fo torell by Il lov1 ng mothe r ,und Iln indulgent fa tbO I' , 8 ho lI.C't( aired BuC'h edtlctltion uS lbo n c iglllJor h ood schoob uITur · d Iluu,l bUfOU lllllhll juys uf, h ool u"soria tl ons, , 110 WIt!! one of !l quul' I tto of bUlll) . f(l l'Is w u o by re la· t ion . h lp nud Cll' lllll!';tunc 1:' W lI FO ku own lIod 111\111 U tOj.;Bth 1',' ElllfUlI I!, llattlo flUl1 Hose. Three' of th eMe (I I'D [l O W in I,b o h eH e r lun(l w h il .:lno, Ed it h '( ;011, t t " co't t, 00 1): IHlI' vi ~ 8 to cblll'i Hh til III mory Ilot th e j uy of tit e h llPPJ
·I t I ,mOll, ;la. ~l'h,~ h lU)~{lld,l t1 tlYi;\ 01' t1l't'lnl-( D i.l l t o O. ri . 'ox of Will h rl l'o pon"ihl tbi~ yOlH, 1\,. Ilwy THE BANK OF Id \Yn.l'~ h nv 1)1' U, 1'01' a /tl·j.'n t hElI).pt III .10,,",11, 'Wil l I'f Coh n em c, p r oll' i ll (;1 ,U' COURTESY SfjflllOO wh " """" 1,1.-11 l ', If TIl. I,O\.. u ~hl p, IIn et •.\1 ac r es i ll MOl;ltgolJ) . "I''lu~P of ,\I(· lm e'~.' . pl\l·t,i<'nll\l· S I' hen· !JIHll, rll;lddl1oy fl lu1 bIIlCM p.T trnUUltl. wif~ Mh"u Icl ,li fo III,row ' h" Ih.] 111, ory " unty, $1. WUll l. ilia w eu !.l,' r i1l t,) hl'1l10, .CONSERV Ilr u (l lll't.y II .. 1<\ " "'11 til t.1I " e x eou tol' o f tll B w 11 Wfl ClltlOot r b fl lll!'(' tho W(,htUO!' on· B Olli n ]\[ '--1 1" '111'\ , ' ,1(' " I \, 'I'll, o f i\l ur y E ~ \lllivlln, 10 Rll ch el 11 h>"~ w,· it l! \"IA Ihfl fillll' Ill' i 1ll,IlJI'Y and RESPONSIBILITY 1Ilninl,l n', ,',',' II; II • ',,1111 ~JlI' IH'" 1.JI\lI gst. 1' t h , 5U U l}l' US l i , \ 'I'Il Y lIl' whwh wIl\llllo\\' \lS til g,'t tt WH.)", J rum r !tl , rl.. 1lI1111,, ~ ,; of ~u rcil Illlll' i\ Ill' lJ. WII ~ " " , " , " ' "I,d ;",11,1 " " ,] 1\1"", (1 1' , t"w n~h ip lind :t ncroS io Url1('1nt Where the savings depositor is accorded l uf",·Q p'\l1fel.' m o, t I)f us Hrl' not when th" \\'1,-1 '\II' 1\1 " ,11;; MJlruh :t\! , OOUllt,), . $:l.R:!.:m. Q !ilttwt t'U, Ilncl wo hflYfI t o lllldw 1!l UU RJ;uIJl II 13. L n _ gM r p.t h t £ l Fl or ' llI' t lt "III':'t of <,o l\ c] il it)n,; same consideration as the capitalist with the ,11 (>'0' IIrll P e ter Dhllrl\u \'e U"rrit O borlln M. T a mp. 110, IlI lli\ of IIbo n t t,rtID. f,>r . ,(,law KI P t W11 ' 1' tltrl>.A .. ; I\lIIl)le I'l1l ." ou !<y 10 foll O\\1 whi c h,if fn ll ow · large account. et Id ; pllliuIHf lm. y ~ t1l11.t hi H (In !} II. . tllL \\,fl1I],1 pr V"'v t tJllIll.I\lllls o f 1)1,. ' ninth Int! HIHt i u t,lr ll llslut,l .. , J u li o Frllllk 111. ' OU!\{lll. II r1tllitl i ~ trll l o r of " 1· Yt'r(l ill n ?" \'I!rY "pring teu d DIRECTORP , Oberli0J.,c\ ('c""Slld,IIlIl Y e ~ t "(JUl't, of till,). es tlll o o f EI'll il y E · ~if,;l nl l·.\· , to "II \'0 rh l USl\ llIl H "r !i v,' ' . (''' r ~ E W lll fl , ' h ldu,k e l' WUH 01 Il l'· for hint"' Qnw 8 1:lllln O~. 1· 4 II 'r e~ 111 Stl IN ti '1'11l' Iln~t , And (')0 . of th e t;, llHt ill, · p'H'tunl, "Don't tlll(B()ff thnt '.\'1nlll1' l'il)ti t o Hurley "rn ith A.1l1Y 11, 1 07 R. F. MOf> llcr F . '. Dill l VII Nnrl,h Briti s h IItlCl t wn ~h i p, $-1:.0. UlJl.1l' I·WOIII' t"o soon . " Nrlll'ly n II of with '.... ho m !,he n ow I !l YOi! t111'e Mer !lntil!' Ifl ~uml'lce Complln y lind I B " V . ti UJ i th 1,0 F r tl H. Bo ne. lj·1 1I ~ <In ,hi ,,: '\ h n 1,llC f\ r I bl'l;;h t, bl 'l/ nIHnloh iJd t'on , W. A, Merritt ' ". A. llin ' .'i . B. Connvllr; 10 r ecover $7!i nl :11; IIc~ei< in C llIllroreCJ k t Qw nsbip , ~ I Apl'll ~ I\ n COlll e" lilt ,WI for:gct thllt ~lJo \\'flS 01) vo rWd HIllI j Oin('ll Ih e S. F. Elbon le ged to ho tlue uS ins urun ce "ft-e r D'IIAY K . Ht o n e !Intl bu s hll m l to t!tI . l,Pxt, lilly is 11IIhl ' t tl], cold HUU ,J ('tJ h '" Ruu Bl1ptlHI~ church \\·Lteu Nathan Jnne" fi r o. S('ph 11 D wi r l!, "7. lIcl' !l i n . uioll r ow IIl l COIrlC'''; tho \\'1I1t o r ('I Ol hill ' Charley Cornell lind 11,,' lI t'xt dtlY n ~ '\' ''1'1' ('ulll,~\ /I bont Ib il'tc .n y ur l d ilnll WI\ ' 11 Lev i S, L uk en l't} UIl'l' I'Ll ) EKDIlHII:L tOw u " h i]l 2 trn o t , *jOU(J t ll ll r.h ',f r h(lllU1U I HUll I'l l' (lll'L1IJI'))lill Illulll her Il l; hor de til W.· T. Frame E\lzil beth E So ' IJ r a u i< C1t III I I! K ('IJ (J 0 11 th wlu l 'r : ' lfJ lhin g uulll ~1I1' \Vus IHJ1'J1W 11 011 pnli rut., TIl !1 k · J, N. ~ mm o n Junl ,'!! M. Ullnsey vs Alb ett B o nk ' e thFtll·n tl ~ . ii ' " r l'i! ill WII Y:HI I'o'r 111 1110 1.\\<1Y If .'nu v.'nnlrl Hyoid ~1I~ n ~l'out IJO I't tu IIvo, bu t :vi Id· cuae ui !lmit!~ od for t of Pl' o~OC U to wn 8hip. ':3000 ,;Pl'lllt,: rb ul1 l11 l.i';IU ,mIl '"((1,,. 1II~ Ilt let,t, Hll'l'Onl'l lkti 'by l " viug fl Arr!~, ' .',,('1)11(1 It nll m n"t illl [l"l'frm t \\'£1 Philip Gai n o;. t n Ell n A. t,io n . t al' h er I1d\'I~t' (\ \'(wy rc>udll' t,,' " l 'I\'(111 fl'll'l)d!! wlJ o ](,pg:f'd ' to r · 8tute of Ohio ex r I VI:! Frllnk lo t in 8 prill gb or • Ii' '00: Ut}\l ~n" EVl'ry gO'J'l h 0 l1 ~1 \'ifc' I .. 1 11~lIl tlt !Iud .It' fl, [l uthlu !:, und o n e Fruu ciR 'r , lin d ~lIlil Y K AJ lld. l g e Wiufield case di s miss od . kll Ow~ h ow nce ~:\lIT IJr i~ t~ 1" 11m I v 1'"IlI'\" h ill' - 1, lr (' l'ing /lu d COD1· Elil'.n Murrn y VI'I V fl rrlun Ures wt'11 : to L e vI'! <:I . Gutll1r ,) '(j I\ C~I' " i ll ~}Jrin !-( II lid (lll~ it. Whllt WCl UJ 'jln flJrl h{~ r "o n ·fl w. G od hnri warked 'I' nr tleCl'so k t" ' n sl)il'," %2500. i ~ t \l ItJlpl: th e ~II UII' prl\ldpl~ t (J YNII ClItle lli i:l U1i~ ~I' t1 : 11 '1' I,w uo 01lrl,v t r1l[f"ition t th h(~t1i ~ IlIlIt c' \ ' ( ry bom, ''''1ft' dn~~ t ll E,'cr t ta 8 u ow t·o Mll r y L. itl!., ti t,nte of Ohio ;'1: r e i vS S, A . ' til. h ol' h"\l~e ' lel\u o u t \) \1 ri ll~ tlln H,',I\'e'L!l y hll'uf'. lo t i n O I'I' rfl lel, 1 . well, Illlditor'; Cllse tlis\Ui ~ 8ed . Inng wlnt ,r , ,w hill J1 W~ t ut 11>1 11 )'1' LII l U~ 1101'1: I1lft t, in hBl' 'gl'Jri tied Ulnr m e E F ox t ~l t n Cuth": rine iIHl n(JI ~ tI g1'l·ut pd't·t of tllo tiU1l', II II' Ex }lurte ; Ueorge E. Young, trUS' ~ t /ll e, s h e i DP W (1()l)SCiOllll of hr r Fo x , lil tlO a r "!! io F )'ank Hn to wn s.\' ~ t"111 b('COUlO~ c1"g~C1d 'wit h lill tee; cuse Iis missed . }Juri I !!' . ; lil e hllw(-h, he:'lflll;; , log d , rllng~ iu Illl' fOurt h . ' Rllliolph Wurlit1., r 'ompany v II bip, U : Thn . ho r h'll'l. f' ditill (Jil'it lIlH y bo g i!o b ; · th,~ kidnl'." waC' iv l' 1)i. ·t1 n~ Thomnil Zell ; court ord Brllu that de · tllpli3 find FaDcy ::.Grooerlce, Frultfl i1l", f('utl n[ dC'ltI!! thr o wu oft' a~ tilt'· 1II'.I .. l'U\llilL.U IIncl FroclellO 1lull th fendant I tlO ver c ost !! frOll1 pluint.iff , Commissioner's 1IT1,d uriu g t il HIHlIlll Llr "'bi lt! w·, IIttll1 OIl!', und I hllt, hy Ih e g ruce f Y get llole!! Rntl CaDned . Goods. phy icn Hy ,111 Uf(' uC[1'.'O, Itt(, slt11' Edon Floro Bro wn VI:! DlIlliel ~:ol! · Proceedings. aellr e UII \ ",,1,1'11 1 tll !J II'P, "f f"lht'" anll \11 I,\le fS\,s tOIJl , 1'l'lll"i[1al 'i~~ r9 nnd T obacc<?, Ill\rt. ; calle di ~ Il1It!i"f' d . lLIII11 n II th mle p ui!!. n t' l ul1io Il l'leI rl'lI'lIll'l III y U1l1Y 1-:1')\\ int (iii Ihut. Stnte of Ohil.1 VI! BlnD'b Uleveu· Fr U ' im ;' ~ ( m , 171 1011 rl ,.. f tho (',msC' o r'rh111l1ll11 t,i ' .Ill . Whllt tllf~ \" tJ"Il~ lIud pur Il nd II '/Illtlflll hi ger. L . K. 1.;Ilngd un wu~ u,ppO\. t, II grnve l : .. ..... ... ..... .... .... ~ 1:~ (I !'y st olll o c~d, ut t I l illie i" III Ill' ll1tII1U."'Ju unel "'h "l ilnhl' d . BRO,WN~ Proprietor. to r epreStlll L Ihe uefeDdtlnt wh it' ~~red' ~impso u , c o nt ro. t UUIU · Cll.'lluell o u t , tO ll ed 1111 111111 1\t r I lg 11wll Phone 79. Her fn 1'Ill . ~\,lIq c'outlul'toll at h oI' 70 OU en II) :tll1l!1 th (' smldc!1\ t'h llllg"~ In nnubl to employ ooun tlu l A III u b!:!r 9 ........... ............... . tl. tfl llrrutuJ' I tll1U'f! W l!lt\i! I', .:IC [nth r't) 1Iu11\l> APril If.! hy I v , A , of not gUllt.y WMe enl tlr r-d , Fred ' imp, on, r e polr@ in % 10 In 'Iell,l uf t okin!! tit J' oll g h ... Hh'Ij~, 1, "llrglHlt Ilml ht t ' l' IlH' nt in beull· Iu ra trull f r o f fuudtl by trL111· "11\ U1 t wmilll lJ .. ....... .. . vr }J'lt nt 111 ' IlWlIl ti Will dl tl vplll\el ,tiful ~lill m i '11U1 tOIl·.I'.. te s of WIlyue t,,) \\'u !o\hil) ; t b e .11'01:1' Be rt R oell' I pn ir s in Doe rOil !ll cll ll ol fo r t Plllpui I'Y t UIII(' t.a,'1:! w r n grllnt ed J! rml ' tlil \u 10 fll.hl to \\:D h i p ........ ..... , ~ :! no t' ll <!c lll, \ '0 \II 11111 l' 'e" 'llIllen ,1 ' I Duill!,: fi n , ille~ ,. Agnin , "'im ple }lJ'Ell-!crl ]Jti n whil'li !;fl lI lr,' trunt!fer the IIll ~ llnt $llli 50 i roUi ,bllrl 8. I Aver, r puil:.,. ill "G vo tll1,'tl 'I f IUlY d r ng "tor, 1 IS II!; fol Whell Ul~' {rit'nd,\ thought I wn " the Blind FUll el t r> \lit' R uud " I:l palr Mn, i 'l'oWT1!;\tl p ........ . ,. 1,)\ '" : ' l~ l\litl ,J u ~(~lr, 1 1~$tl'Ul~t t\rnlU .1 ahnot h' tuk ' h'u\'!' of ,Lilis w or lu ' on MOll ur e yo nr r a OUl!! and como to Fund , tiu, hilI f on not· ;! '011(' n trll tf'11 H" l'kuln ,LI'I'I)I1I1 of h"lil! t'st,i oll, n t\ rvo u, n e~ s Ju uk Bur h, r C}Jllir In T ur, , illl ]Jl'>1lU.l, 001' "Ilnell ; li'JUld Extra t II nil gt'nprul11 ~bi h t,y " wr,jte'!I J\, A. l'It,1II 'I' K .OU UT. Nrc r ,k 'l',) w nsh il' , ...... , PriC'l ly A~h Bllrk , hili!' '' \lr lcllrn' .11t~b ' JIn1', Tnllld wd i. . Y .,'· !LUU Inven \Clry lIuct n}lprllisem e ut WBre .1. w., R id ge, luulb r .. " . .... .. . r OJ1luLi Jt: \I xir, fllllr L11111" S. MI~ W LIlIU It \onlwd 'I if th r a WH S 110 t l.\I',e iug!' dl i,llt- 1,,!.\ct hl 'T Vl1l1 r Olli,(b hope left , ! w as p.PI" U!Hl ed t try fli ed i n t.I1'H 's l<lt of Auzel1l~ 8 I r \l , <. h url es lln-yw ood , r cpni r !'! in lld I l'f'j oloe to W e w er e wise in ordering this stock faU, iu P,r1oos 'have maly!lll<i \Ilk e o ne t 11,,[IOO1l! \11 ll,ret;\ @k tn d e ceased. Bunlil tnn J'n\\' n ~hip , .... . I l lllnS U dllY alter Ilh"ol ,nnu ul, IJpd thill, I,bl Y,Il 1' 6 l1rin ~ ,m o. I III n o ,;' t sElles last yeo.r of Ilny; this. year w.1ll ·.be, Vun MOllnt .. , rme o[ t,h e ' tlumlni!! I • A til well, ill uex ,IIInuul'~' lill i' (hilt'l l' n, ell'" '111111' 1 r tll 1> 1I t: , le)11I1; I J11S10 t!s , ll!!lIi n Ill! of old, und tor l l\Uy rldY /lnCcll . , III ' tratllr!l of t11 s t.llte ot (;' llhorin ~ 7' to ) [II l'c1l 2" , '111 01 .. ,...... h~l f r. 'a , p"" n lu l t ltn·e I1Ule~I~UI1Y Ill n , till gllining dai ly ," Bes t tonio . g reuter . Mnt'tings froin the Orient now in stook assores beautIful pat. .,fl,w 1111' /11:;. Tit h , 1II1j)II' pn:sOrljlt io~. m dlO IU C nn ellrl·h . UU/ln~ ll teed uy Mounts Klbu('y, 11>lCell sell, ' fi ltlll II Mo unt!!, cllld l , oost i u . " , veruR, lowe t Ilrl c08. 110 . II 1,l\rc>u fe-ttl flfl'tl' t it e rv ('. fo Fr d " Schwnrtz ilr u ggi ·t [)Of, chnw .of . iil li l o' 1l1(1I,in l-ot 1,Iw - wt,,. CII . cum be r 10211" ....... Ingr!lIns . , , .' _.. , .. ... , ' . , ... . . , .. . , . . .. . . . ... .. ,250 r"ululCl I h e . t OIllIl I!lI !'oLl how'I~, and t he dHt · set fo r hl 'nril1g th e :tcakl1lt, ~ Pe n ' Ulllll n Y, OInl)' Lowell, P[trk, Extra l:;uperB. t "ll Ulllle\~ th e II IjOI1 ot kido",ys Hud lIame is MAY 1, 1!l07. l}li es fur R oHl 1' " ... .. .. pu i I'~ 1)11' 1/11l'.llL B.dt,; n ::i wn on Ru gs- g r e utes t s t Ock y e t , .", ., , " ", . . .. " . . '~0.50 up I AllPlionti on WIIS made rO ' llc\rnil C . Lt, BllmiHoll, 111(j ' o 10 1' 7'0 t.lJ <' h "" I,; IInel kidu 'y.i it io nrUN 11 Large f1 Dough for 0. room. rllpid ('\lUlinuti oD of (Ill t,lt \\IU h' .t,h e \\Iill nf S"rn lr, K iu g t o vr ohllt c, j llil ... " ...... .. .. , .... ... .. .. 1)I' I(luc i;\ o f thl' bod .V, whi'h Ill" Invontnry WIIS filed In t,he ellt lltr George S , Anoer on·. blll'illl L inoJ.enm tb e g r out kitohe~ and hall' ooverlng, Laoe CurtaIns-ail 'he 1)0 00 m o ro Jl.Ul1l61'UU in lillring tiUl ihun \\' . I~. 1I100ItP. . I' 'celve r. of Ellle M. 00.1ri.s on, fit nl. "lionl'lI. of ,T oh n Alle n ..... .. .... .. .. II t ul1 I, th C 1'011 00 , As u gnu 'nil Wind o w hades, all col Jr~, o.l1l1izes. made to bIder. u~w (1 !'fects , Inventory ond' ll\Jpr .. i~emenl '" ft. W . B . "tnn n ''', I008e IptLf ro· t tl &0 tou io llTld blond I'llnlie rH is 11tH'qnn 11· urI. j)r,Ge ,nrgl l~d I1n el FlOOd, tlll tiled In the es tll \.e 'If J oh u c or el f r C le rk .. ........... : fum om ' hiefl gl sp (' ialis t 0 11 l'it ell deceu.sed. W, H , Rtlln ug , _ ll r llli .~~ for ij I ~r. 1I1 l1tit'1U IlDlllu 0 y t,ro llbl e. i . Iltllll I:FPt::r'l'r\' I: ;\I ,\,r:Cl-I :II. 1:'07. W . B . I:)eigfried w , !:. nppninted 'l s~e8sn r " , .. . ... , .. , .. " .... tin y fo j. .tll " l u i (\Illon t thlli, \lUll 1'«J]{'l'1l 1l01 X II :dO 00 'Pl'Pi<ori p tion Is tin alm ost ('1'1' uin ~l.llh)"" ,'0. l ' N, :1' No. ~· udmini!<t,rllt,t;lr o f t, hee"t,,~' e clf Juco h W . H , ' tun UI/ O, 5u\lp1i s 101' (:l1re fo l' nil IClrl1l of rueu I 1\ ' iU tu A. ~I . M. P ~l. I:::lni ts. ,rl\o~ett! for Misses, Women IdbeetB, dll()t!ll 8 ' U} uoncl ; *1000. 'pro1)ll te jud I; .. , '" , . ...... kidn 11)"\ I ]af\(].r t I' h ie I. '\)'\1100 Je M 00 II 00 ~ 23 A r e i) ,jot o f (he \lllytll"lIt Mil div. 'IN . [) . S tlllJ lIg(' , nlli t,e fur Ilo d Children . Skirts, ~ aists. Un· :! :l:i n~PR it. a lul') t xclu""\y ty in hi~ ~hal••: r'Ct. i'':;'~ 110 r,}t r. IS idenl to the c rellll urlO of W , E. 'l'rotL s n rer .. .... " . "" ... ' '" pri oto ]ll'l1ct.ioennd W UO f <1 l ll l1H"l tl flo . IYII 1'7; 1 11 0:'1 If, I :1 uOl'\veur , l"fllnts l oug cl oaks. v tll h. /11 ,1... to g i v It t OUI' 'I'pnu,' r& l'uml"l~a,1 1 ·1'; 10 I ~ r. 0'1 tltoekton , ,,"'I ~nl) ", ' w,,~ ttlljJru voJ ' - - -- - . - w \t,iJ hlR \l~r'11! ~siCln, Any ri.r" ~ I t ,'enl n 'l/I e ~ 40 10 10 .. 011 A W Olllll U r !Ii! !:l ow tn l,{plie V',e by tho l flll rt·. ,'Ul\ Iilllh p' I' l'l', lHI]lI I) '1 111 n 1)\1"" .\.In''(, t7 . i\ ·! " 111 ~'-! I II ;.!i H.1lC'UIll U,t,1C Pu\ n ~ Pllhli ~II II' v I 1.1\ " 1" ojJll ,·ty "I, nilll ' inttl tH,~ll llr 't) :.1 lll.IV "bt ,lll1 Illp 1]\. 1.)'1.!' g l ,11 IIJH (lli(1 mix' II'''' '11 Pl hlllll". b.l~c",,· ..1 n~ ' 1I0 ~ I '1:; 1 IIoJlI 'il y 1iJ. ~t !l lt,,\, W h ~ HilI' nv .. d . MI!TI : ('11;\\11", )":!o ~' HI '2U ¢nt,;fJ hl- \,I h I I~ ! \'I; d "I II AMI :], r IW' " ~7 I ~ :1 10 Iii" : .. :1 ~ w· lull 111 1:1\I wn!' " " t. " f\ \., 1. T tH' " rh e-H' PI" () d . Ol'dl' I' .. UI' lIt'W"!'''I'' r" /lllr] ' 1\ .. g. IJOl\1 ' _ t7 (Ill :1 ttl oji '" I !!!J II J)\ UlH, 1 I Ill' 1'" ~ l fl l 6 \\'11'"11 ' :'I~ l btll .. d uz;t I ' i hr lu!! h l , h ~ ' 1\11 ,,,11 l,,, ·t.dlO . 1*(' li~Ull 10 Ull ~ :!( I Then om e lind buy youI' t1ress at \\'1 ' (':1. g ' 111 ", ," fill' )'I'I\ul relllW, {1 1.. 1.1 •.1 null-" '" r OU ll l'
1:\r,"t'Il~, It" " "' p"',,i l,'l.
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j\ ;:,OIl
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ood Home Remedy for ' Rll~u l'natisI11, I{idney or
,'1 .. I ",_ , P hil ll IlI lln to r llllz.:lus" H"IIi " f!,,,,wori h 8p.100", IIdm l !1i,,11'." u ' .. , ' llt-' will \1 \ fi:l "('I', '!' I U 't' llr lh'cru It
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C. M.
Do You
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~Iutcbiosn ~ Ciibn~y
Ready To Wear GarmeQts.·
See ' Your .Dressmaker
' l'h Otnu~ l3t tl iIlOllp"' li~ ,
nll l i
Lt'ilUlII ~ Ifl.
C lllIrl"." G. C l lq\ (I[ Mllllllll r r'1t'r. , .. ,II
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I)elltll:iw ork hnd 80 ~nrio\l"l y ofT (' tell · m y rig h t lun g , " W[1to~ ~l f!1 F\ 1Uule Conn or , of l1ul'l\l
WIlI.iIlJl F . (jrllhu,U\ ~n C hllrl e~ G , Wil1l",m~t)U .md . Ale" "!' W · \!!\lI . 9 acre8 ill 'WIl.\' II" j,)wn~I,,]!, * :l0~0. ,
insure Against Acci-
' . '\r!lyne I,0\Vn"h 1,l,
19'10. dents and HI-' Health Luul",Wilil~" Alb <r ' "'. W ..",·,w-. er lot in Frruikhll, *t:lOO. rhl' Al' ~ntl Liftlllllmrllt10e Co, will. , Charles Etnyder. ,.f (;-Iflh.\8, 10 yon IJ plllicy by vau W~lter U, l!hl\mber\ltln 10 aorel! in receiv 1\ filIated sum t ier .'ok · in Franklin townsbls, ,:lOQJ, . loose ' of lIooldent· 0 1' a\oknollll , ]l·oi' Oharl- E , EatoD, of FrankliD, to partioulars see Fred B: Shorwo!OCl:
~ -erv& 11. 8a08 to ~Ule\a
l Iutohison &; Gibney, .
, .l 'n t) tu l1 o l) itl,'!!
Erne,-,t, F;H, lp '~ t" LIl f,t\, ,~t.t~ Nioh oltlo n, of Orflgunl>l, 2 / I 2 RCJ;'tl~ in
t: ti't~ A~Cn'l, T...ebn. I'IO~ .
.'on. 1.oclal AleDt.
whid~ .
,~U '
RJlnl(~ 1, (jf\Ol'gl'I OW ll ~ren J1 " I'thnt [ (w n~h ('(1 cJl ll t i lllll)u .sl y .nl g ht, nun , tI,(y n il''! I II n!Jigh l)o rs' predi Lltlbn Cnll \llllpLion !l ('1m cl inevltab.\e, un · 1:11 I ll~' h u tllmJI(1 brou g ht h nm e \L . \)!l U le of Dr . l{j 11!,t'S Na w Discover y, v. \: ic h inm y CII.O proved LO th O' Oll ' ' 1" real eou l-\ b oure.l\nd r e tore r of W nk, IIOI'e ' Iu "Wll ·n ull other r tn O~ i B!I II fllil"yot} may stili win In tho l\g ,l.ln t lung. nod thron.t tr uble s tb New Di!lcovery,
tbe I'eal ,Qure. C. Schwartz
'trial bottle
11 k lIud w orstell 'frimming!l . . ::>hee r Effeots, Gingham, Plaids . ""Jlhnl
y.,-, 1".1>10 II,:.
C;(" I1f;lI' alll ll.,.,...
Rnoliel Smilh 1I1l~ )1I1r1 e!l H.I'pry, 2 , lotll In Middltlo or ", 114 GO . Racbel A, nn!)\) W , A'bTi~ht e t, ,Ill tn 0 CIt[ EVlln~, 'lui in ~ Jln" guoro
'1'he ~e
Voiles, ', Batiste, • 'Silks, :Serges"
"Ii ;H 1 !
~ I\ 04
'!'rJh\<:; fl r\~ LY l'll~ a .. r ,110"r; . ~ ll r t IlhoUH,l i ~~ti ••• "Ill ;~ '! 'ip. III .... ou ttb,HUhl 1\ OJ." III 'i ~a p. m '
A r usonabl e
hll veth ir l'la cc. Jll ~t I,''' k " t out' s h elv S /Iud !thow cns,Ot; to !\ e h o ,v fr ORh aud n ow .rnd ' elOll n tbe s t (lck , B ow etlsily to , t,r l ll1 rrol:Q OUl' st-Ook jusL in .
Ii '~ l;
"Ull AI,!
ha rd wa r p, ' h i uII , sb ot' s, e LO.
" I OJ)
\-,·,u\hlr '
• \) \I}'
full y pro ven itL th e 1 1'~!\t.' \Yo 111" II Dress Goods Boulle uud do n ot m eddl e with tlnwDI'e, .
;; !II\ ;. :.(,
1!1!\, l nll :
bel tul' a ssortmont of
t'nb t'i cs f o r tb o clro s i tse lf Lllltl tbe
~I.l n'1· l1 l") I · ~IJ .
J\ ,. }'1
by Fred uOl and Sl.OO .
Storr o( H ow t he Va ,,!;e.. Picke l Helped the Enemy t o Coni brt. '
Cap t. J ~ nuary Performed De.per~ l e Opera t ion in Andersonv,lIe Pnson .
t' I' \. ' ,J. \\' . .JUIIIIH I·), . w ll" IIlls j ll sl .11('11 at hi s 111111\\' UI n 'lI \( lIl'ill ~ . :; : II" "fler an 1I1t1f'~ H (,X I. !1rtl nf: 0\(' 1' II 1111111 ' her of mOllt h ~ . I'''l' nllt' III III .. 1110 '1 In mOil s 1lIt'11 who 0 1'",· 1t'~"I" In ::;nlllh Onko lU lind Ila,l 1\ "'" HI wun 11'1" \t tl cHlll (J"r'.
\rh lll·
tH'i ~Vl\l\t:
1" 11HI
""11th dlll'ln g Ihe Wil l' .. r Ih" ,,, 111'111011 ' be, w ith a I""!.' .I111!kknH,· wh l('1l h~ hnrl in h i~ pOS 5t·:-. ... h,1U til' I t) th l' t i nw 3f bl s <lentil, 111111, 1110 ,'<1 lib own 1"1'1. Ibis b(]i ng n cr,,~~n 'r )' til SH\' " hi" II f (· , Hefo n' hl~ <I aUI hl' th, ' (ul1,)I\'l nl,\ AI'Nlllnt o f h is t"XI 'l·,'I"II I't' III n I'''upl )\I'I ~ n : ' III Ihc (~ ,II \If ISI:l till' 1-'''''''(I'll1lh 1l111111i~ ('ll vall'Y PfJ,:1I1117. ,·d III P,' ol'iu, >llIrl I 'lIlIstul l i n '(lll1l'ait)' H. ~l'n· I· ,1 1111111 l 'nllll1 l'('d lin t't""(,llIan ' ~ mit!, III .1111,' ISG-I . UI)IIII 1'1' fl'lllll Ma· I'''U I waR I'fI)1l11 l"d II) ~ I~ 1'(·lw l R" I IlI c'I·>!. <,,' 111. ttl .\ nll 'r ~n n \ 1)1" . alld til l'I'!' I,cpt 1111 II th,' ,roll of .\ 1I111tl<l IIlud,' 11 IH~" ij R:I Y (01' 11 8 t! he r 11111\'('(1 1(1 1'1'1" venl (aIUn!: Inl o I h!' 1\and ~ Ilf Ih ' 1' 111011 rOr(,E'8. " I I\'a~ IlI ken to hnrl ps ",n . S. ,. "'"h ,,1111'1'8. and [lluC d hy t h", (' II' ,' 111\ IIl1del' fi r 'fir 'lUI' 80ldl ,'M IIlld J.;111;hOAI s : ronialnt'd hNc 1('11 days and VIIS I:,k,, " to FlorulH·o. . C" wll I' W l' passed t h wllli (' )' ur I (j~ ·fH". anil ~ D <>r 11\)0111 Feurllary I f. I WIIS strick · I'n do\\'n hy an IILlack of ' swam ll f t'I't-r,' Rorl to I' th ree w o ks I' mul nod 111 a d 11 rlo llH • n llllioll ; I h fev er ahutrd nnrl rea$o n 1·l'l urne<l .
I Cut Off My Own Fe et.
nec ,,' \\,t'rr ~ \111110£1 In t ht, 1110'1 0" alos (lr ('H~t T,·nll(>ssl',·. I dlun' t k llll'" II e-Olilel Ill' Ill) ('olel (Ilw o soul h Iill [ I rl!l el It fill' nl ys,' lf. One bl ll"I' n i~ ht 1 was (In pl('I' c t d\lI~ aw ti~· 0 (( f ro III' ('fllllil. down hi I I. 'rdg., "f S Olli e' wouds Ilo rl clOlw h ~ I dl ' " III lit (·I·l'plt. I WII!! (rll lllp lul;' alnnl;' Ih rulIg h lilt" Sll li W. k lrld ll!: lilY r,'(,1 olld l(' ltl l nl,\ 11l~ IIIIIHI~ 1"!;,l'llw\' I l' ) 'IIl~ 111 I.('~l' w't rh " wh en I hNl rd u. \"td(' I~ ~u tl1 e wh crc nrr 011 t lal ulIll'r . Id e (I f Ill\' I'rl'uk \'Illl l " g Mlt'I I)' . " Yllll h ' \ 'n n l<:" I k lH1\\' th l'lIl~ m~' wus In elt 'n p not l ur u\';a) ~o, I 1'111.>1'11 III)' gU ll In 11 11 Ill ' SIU III : bl lt I hp 101,·(, ('oi l.·" « , . 11 11 . " 1J"Il ' 1 " hllllt. \' 11111, : I'm 1111 ":,1111'. "IIU ! dnn '( mplIl1 flll.'· hu rlll ." " \\'h(l lIl' [' HlIl. ,hpil. 1I·,rI 1\1111 1 UO ~IIII I\lIn l ': " I ",1(1' 11. II ~ 1\111 '1 11 _ I (·'))Jld . " 1'111.1 ·.l ohlll1.'·: " ~ u~ d tb,' \ " .j( ' IIl:(ul II , " tlll,1 I 1I'1l1l 1 10 ~ e It )'011 1':III't ~ 'llrc lilt' n. bl:lIlI,I'I ." " \" 11 IIl'C C 'I·i l ~. ." ." ~ ul l I. ''I' d b' ~ h ot If th~r ClIlIghl 1110 ):ll'l nl,\ )'U ll :I I, lall l,,'I." " Th 1'(" 110 n 'eel rOl' YOII to I:ct shot." . a)'H J Oilllll )'. " :l ncl 1'111 ' h III t ! r ZI:'. IlleI; li n/: lit h 'r III I hp • now, M.I' UnlrOl'lIl'R 1I0lhing hil t nq;~ , n ull I hu\'cn ' t go t li lly nVf'r('oa l or bla nl,l't Or onythl ng , {'. all ke!. uro sCllrce 0 " I' III 0111' camp . .a r. I II',; II \\, ' fill col d, Y llnk ." H e snld It !;Olemnly In t:-'II [ sof t vo lcc of his- th e HomhQrnerR I,a\'(' n "oft, ellsy wa y o f iatlnng - antl. w tI. t h e u(lshl)t o f I t wa s t ha t I I"'ol\ll soll hIm I would b"lug 1\ blaukel wit h m e \Vh 11 I came hilel; Ih nex t n ight and l ea l'e It 10 him 10 get It. Next nlgh 't wh eu' I w ent 10 so ddle I H}--{IU I' Illekct.·llne \\' US 80 fill' fro m ca mp that)Y bad to 1'lde-1 gol hair tl tl oz n ulllnltet!! Ollt or the m llli ~· sary lind I)ul l h em undol' lil Y ~8 r1dl ·. nd WU H j ust ab out to gel awa)' Wllil t hem wh eu l he I'g ant snl u mo. "Hello, t h ere! " sa id h e, " Whal ~'" u ;;olnl; [(I do with all I bose b lanllet ?" ~I y h l rt wa In m y moulh. b llt I couldn't . ~ how III ~IIY I 1m W h r :l1I ~' llid ha Ve. nnd s o } :l1l~ \\' ('I'~d bu cJe 1100i C'lIulI~h: " Y OI I d"II '1 SI [,. po. (' Ir' Wlll'm nut t hl'l'(' Jllckoli n).: II n ight IIkfo thl~, do )'Oll?" allLl II' li h I lilll hi, turne d /1 \\' 8 ) '. , I I c ll .1'011 I \\' cs ' lIlfl ttl sce III'> lm.<;k; . \\ 0 11. I g 8tl r(' oul 0 Ih n woodS? with Ill)' b lankCl ~ : allll I'" Il) ~oon I h OBlf1 lIU! filllllP I'ole' r alllllg :l~al n : " Yall k . ?~ unk, 11. 1'0 y ou 1001 Ihat
"I 50(\11 learnod rrom lltl! sUI'!;eon after a haaty examlunuun . nUll I was th 1'1 11m of ijcun')' alld j;llnsren c to t.h o s angren c hosillt ai. My lOl<l oud aukl es. live ! nche.. above the Jolnl .;. t. fUse n ted a livid, \lr 1"'88 apI' aran e • and HOD II l M l1esh bagan-to 8101l"h (lIT. Hnd Ihe sur. '" g pon, wit h n brutal oalh, Buld I woul d
" ·8.S r C(J'(ov ed
<lje. , " But I ''''as del c l'Lulu cJ t o I I\·e. anti ~eggOrl him 10 0111. 01) f e"t oil', telling 1m It h e wot11d do t hat I could lIy H e stil i r efllsod. unci bell "YIII!; ' t hat m y lifc d ellended 111'011 tll(' l'ontOl'al Of m y (ee t, I ~ec ur d lUI old llocket k nlre I f hilI'!" It now In m.,· IIO";SC~ 810 " 1 an d CIII r Oligh Ihe deoR!'l n.: flesh anti Rfll'N Cd I he tentlollll, The rf'PI we,'o u 'n Jol nled. lellvln ' illp hone" II I'olrll d' ing wh hlllli II cOI' erl n!; of O('sh fo r tl n~ i nches. , " At Iho clollO or tbe wa r I wu~ laken b )' the ' r ebs' to Q UI' lili es al
N'il mtn glon. N. C.• , ln April. 1865. ~'nd '
/ .
whe n \\. Igh ed Itm rr Wd I ha l J had hcon I'edu cll f"om IG5 IIOllnd R (my w ei ght wit II ('rl lItlll'ed ) to 4;; 11011l1l1s. I!j,' r.\' -<.IJ) ' of t he U nion f\ 1l 1'p;elJ lI ~ wllo ~ ~w me 1,11('11' Bald r cOllld nO I \I\'e: hut c nl l'ar:,- 10 lIlls bellel' I rJill . and ill1 ' prorert . ' . .. ix we'c li s af t 'I' I'el,·t. ~t·. wil li on a lIoal l!ll I'oll iu to Ncll' \'o l'k , I ht' henps o f 111: :'I ghl 11mb UI'Qk ' l IlT al th po d ·ot Ih(' fl esh. SIX' WC l'XS lllt ·r . wh i1(' i n II hospita l all D a,' llr~ jsland, thOK flf lOr 1('([ h ad beco mo neel'os('" anll
I' ' 11 ~lo lI
(,slIlIIlnll rs w lw III' work ln~ ,ill! O\'c'r qll' (, o llll lr~ JIll-I. til) nHlll~' lit I Ie ~ IOI'I ('" (If l h e I'Iv ll WIll'. ~ "IlIt1 I.f which llll'll\\' It )I I 'Inllinl IIghl (Ill t h(l~" d lll~; dll ),s : 'I' h(] (011(1\\' 1111:, \\11 ),1< YOlllh ' " '( 1111);110111.11 . lri lin I tw l· rl t' ll l 1'1:'(' ntl) I'AlIl lC'd hy II f '~I''''a l I'Ch '!'hl"
Northern Democ~.tlc 'Icndor•• Aft4'r 'MaTch :1 th l:l onl y Demot:ratle I fln at ors. ow bo d a not r flp rosen t soul h· ~r1I 8talt~9. wi ll be N wlt\Dds ,of .Nevada Ilnd 'rol) el' or lorado. and their ter ru s will I'xplro In .1009. owlllndil I s a ntl.llvo or 1\'l!ijSlsslppl. aud h, & Tad II-Ill P('morrat <It the . mod rn school. 'I'~ll(Jr has been a Republican m os t ot his lifo. Triumph of Amerleln Duche_ Helen, duclless or Manchoster , I. now lady·ln· walltnjt !JD Queen Alexan· dra, and t he IIrst Ame rican to receive t hat ban al'. So mu(:h tor mar rying 11\& only eon or th e mosl popular dllch ess at I he court ot E dwar d VII , Olhor A IlIl' r ka n dllrhes80s may shrug and say t hp)' wouldn 't bi! 8 lady in Wllillog on BIl )' account; bll t d on ' t you b lIeve IbNll, It Is a r llY I\I !llstlncllon I r p. Ul P,JIdousl )' ya.l ued by En gli sh 110' bllity . ft lld Ibe nen 8 1 p I s th o Jlollt· I('nl p'IlIU tl) lie mad m lslrest> or Lbo rn he8 . ~ Uo sLO u lIeral(l
. •\:
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You ,Have Always BOUBht'
Tb.1.I. LAU' I'I\,it ltI UJ~ ' U Ouln)no. Si mll ari., IUmletJ ro"'t~I O¥ .oOllli ll"" .. ftt,'C".!I • .., 'fhtt " ... 1 a n d ur l~ l n.IOohlfJ'.b l " L I I . Wllt ... !: A ' KA OK"".h bla ck an d red tOlletr1t,.,. aoel bear. LllII' , l,ualoura of
111. W , OIWVIC. 2Ilo.
Bears the Signature of
The nobl est spiri t I ~ most stron gly II tt.ra.rted by the lo ve of &,Iory.Ci ce ro. o,,~
l'''11 nr Ihr Ilr· ("ull n r il t n (.~~ nf ~ all1l'e.· ~ rl!ll1l~fly . (:.II'(h·!tt -I','a, f nt' n,' (,r , 1,idl\ r~' F . l ili a \, Il t Hl It"l\'r l ~ . fol' impll re hloot!. rheulO"t""u and
I l'inl w i ll r(lll\'l llr
Promblcs DigcsliOl\.Cheerfll!-
ness and Jtest.Col\tilil\~ neilhel' ()pium,}oforphino lIor l>!iJ\cral.
chl'ou ic ail nll'ul ri.
G i n1pl~ ' Ad vice Wh ich May Prove of Untold Value .
Ai Uh; Il l',;! ~ Ig n of Backachc O(' I ,nln In t hA 1'(';,lu n (,r t h e Kldnt')'s. o r II' uk· tH"~ 1111 (1 L' t'Illll!')' t.roubl.. Ibo folio\\,· I ng :;Inllliu Ill' sCl'illlllon shoul ll be used : PIlIl,d l~xlrn t Da ULd lion , one-h nlf OIlIl CO; Comllollnd K :ugon . ono OUIIC(' : l 'ompOlln d SYfl ljl Sal·~aJlllrilln . Ihree Ollnr R, Take a tf'OSpoo n rul ortor eacb IDeol nnd at hedtllll . Any (;ood pr 'scrlption pharmacy will 6111i p ' y thes thr~!e Ingredient s at small coa",. which can asl lr b e mi xed by shol; li t; well In 1\ bottl e. Thi s I s said t o for'o Ihe Kidneys to Olter the ~o ur Be!(ls and pOi son s trom Ihe blood, overC'om'l ug the worst cases or Rheu· matl sm .
On(l mllkes ono', own ha ptll nl'5! o nly by ta king care or iho hallpln p~ 1 or olbl."rs,- '. ' Doallo. .
,."p.,.fJiJ.,D-.wt'lI.UPlIfl//61l ~s-,,-
F I T.", S .. l~IIh' " u nd 1111 " ~I"'O Il !l ni,~n ,.·, l'el'ltl.l 'lI' llll... Nlrl'fl[II' 1)" . I, !t lle'" t," cul ~ I'rn' Ih·Pi tnn!l'. ~(I'nd rnr F rN~ $"1 .00 tl'lnl bo lt1t~ a n I tre.IU !.I~ . Or. I" 11. Kl mc, Ld .. 0:11 .\ r 'li 8 1" 1'1> 01",1,'11,,,,,,, I .... ~~~G.t. ..
-~ --- '-.---,
English Municipal Employe • . In L ond(ln there a rc 70.000 IlI l1nlc· 11)111 cIl1 II10YCS; In En1;llInd Kenerllll , t hor. a re c lose to 2 ,00().0I)O.
Use Remedy forConsUpiI'
non. Sour Stomach, DiarrOOca Worms .Convulsiol\s, Feverish· ness and Loss OF SLEEP,
For Over Thi.rty tears
How's T his?
e~o o~tre.r.. ~:'r~ 1: t:~~r~~ !t'~I~~ ~:{~~rt/ou~7'. . Catarrh Cure.
Wo. Iho " Dd"'Iu;!~;:: ~~l,t~y;.~:"c~: ·Io:~~~~!'i I ~~~~reo ::&~:r rl~~i:'e~~dtr~~:'~~oh~ ~' ~~Jr~~'~f~:S:~ II
.U!o to earr1 ou t I\t1l " b lllallu n. mad e by b Ill thQl. W" ••llUfO . KI N~"S &
MAR. ' ''' .
IlI'Lln' j
Wb ol" .. ,o UrUftll ,u. T Olcdn. O. Ihll'. Catarrh Cu ra !. tAktlD tnl e rnally.
~~~~;.~~~ ~t:'~I~~:nV!~:I~~ t~:~11~r:::~~~::D~ p~; bottle.
b, all Jl r nilllEllI" ,
T.k. n.II·. Fowll yl· lII. fur con'UPo~lon.
Sudd en weaJth I. apt to brlDI trou· ble to Its owner. '
One of Solid Color Will AlwaYI Give Best Effect. '
Penonal \;nowled ge is the winning f actor in the culminating contests of this competitive age and when 'Of ample charllclcr it places ita fortllDatc possessor in die fron! ra nks 'o f
The Well I!'fonncd of the World. A vast fund of p ersonal h ighest excellence
knowledge is rcally any 6eld of human effort.
to the achievement of the
A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledse of Functions 'and ¥'..nowl. . edge of Products arc all of Ihe utmoot value and in questions of life and health when a true and wholesome remed y is d esired i t should ~ rem emb ercd that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufaclured by tne California Fig Syrup Co.• is Iln cthical product which ha5 met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and sives univeranl satisfaction. became it is a remedy of . Known-Quality, Known Excellence and Known Pam aDd hat won Ihe valuable patronage of millions of the WcD of the world. who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the 6rst and besl of family IaxativCl. for which no extravag,ml Of lWCasonablc c\ai:DI illC made.
,This valuable rem.edy has b cen long and favorably known under the lIame of -Syrup of Figs - and has attained to world. wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure luative principles, obtained hom Senna, are well known to physicians and Ihe Well lnIonned of the, world to be the be!t we have adopted the more elaborate name of-Syrup of Figs and E!Wi of Senna - u mOfe fully descriptive 'of the remedy. but doubtless it always he called for by the shorter Dame of-Syrup of Figs- and to get its beneficial effects, always note, when purchasing the full name of , the Company - California Fill Syrup Co. - prinled on the front of every package, whetller you caU for - Synr~ of Fig. -or by the full Jlame-:Syrup oC Fip and EIWr of Senna.
lna lf!'1"laJ whi ch he
proposes to Pill (1 11 YO III' w il li , lind Y(lll C{ln b C I·tal n I hor, )'1 II are goIng to hAve n IIliocl dY 1\' 1\11, for s lue III aDs A flrm or IWO. I'I'\·c\1 rr.ult m t' l"I"haIlI R s horld ~·. Oill c, 11lea nH t h n.t It will h old In Portllgnl ha s ISH II QII a "nOtice' fll I tti col or 10ll g enollgh to!' the m llll to Oli l' ~ I I '1IlS" whi ch I ~ n OI wllh III hll · i 'oll 'ct hi s hill anti not much lon ger II·IIH'. I t Is IlI00 c u it to uo<l l'rvtan ,t. lns ls 011 YOllr I intin g matcl'lnl bt:'lng I I SIl.\'S: mlx('d with clcnl·. co lli WU ler . Be sure " Fol' 10 Il vol,1 Ih e Imitn tion : or ollr Iha t YOll !' wa ll Is made: f r om pllro rn a. t 'l'O!1l1 c(:~ . so a ll)ll'eclu lC"!1 III IllI' ili a I" I('r la l s. Ihf'1I YOll wIll h av a ponna. I. lK ul' POI·tlll-:OI and fO I'('I::;n. shoilid uc nt. nl'lI Hll c. Rnnltary WillI. A WIlli rJf'll!Inll In 1111 bllX('!< .th c I n ~~ l'ill ti o nB th a t will he a "Illiog o f beaut y lIod .. wllh I h!" III t'dal>l a ll ~ l·egl ·tPI·("d ma l'kg Jor fOl' .\'\'1·...
1lI0nllfu~l u ~ :
. '
- .
the ro Is gh to In t.h
\\I1",' n an yone hal< dpno YO ll a ra vor bow smllll ,I t look s t h e day atter.
by '.
Mre.. '''''I n.lo ... •• Booth InK' ~Trop. Vor <" hlldreo t.oct.b1nw:. 'u(ltl u . the .:uml . n UIU\1111 tD( Qammal h)n , aU. ,. 1*10, CUrci wlDd c.oUu. ~ . boW.
Th e dear es!' dainti est. most artistic wall Is a solid co lorl~ d wa ll. It tu r . n lsh 8 a lI ~rfect hack ground for a ll kind s of Illclures. It t.hrows them out In tholr cor r ect IU·Ojlorlions. and does nol detract ( )'om- tbpl r arllstlc vnlue. 'I'h solid colored wal l is al so ' mu ch b tier aa II bnckgrOlllld fnr furniture. Anel hnl'lllol1 l zcs Illllch more arflRllcal. 1;V ",-Ilh CRI'llotS, alld ru ss t h an An y hU)N m el h od o r wall lreatment. The br ea kin g lip of eolor on a wn.ll the mora nrtlstlc It Is , T he most 8U 'c es ' Cu l f orm of the solid colo rell w a ll Is un alabasllned • wall. Th crc Is a s much dUferenco between ' tinted wnlls a s ther e Is betwa II Sh oddy aud al'l·wool gowns. Tbe shoddy gOWll holds Its col or for n (e w days, wh il e Ih e all·wool It eC)lls Its color to I he " al'y las t thr ad. so also Itl solid col or eu wnll s , there ar c shod dy wnlls h l~.n!t~\ .. and pel'n\lllleot!y cololred walls whlcb 1: " . I !lal d, I hU I'e. si x of Ih elll. relaln tlt eh ' col or down to tbe vOI'Y d im II I It" all,. c~, ,, n"III' gl' . ng (IUg.~r. l ast particle. The Ideal wall coatln~ . Glon . sulll ,I ohn.n;v. 1Ilnr~, never rubs olf. n ever flakes nor chips I" ow YO II jost lip d(lw n 10 hI' cr elt off and I s always r'end y ror a fresh nllrJ unfOld th III H JILII . I~nrt drop CaR t. If there I s wallpoller on th e lhem in on c III tI tim ', unll I II do t ho ,,'all , soal{ It olf wi t h warm wat er. l .. r es, then go over Ihe pi,ast e r afler y ou J d id jllsl 11 he laid 111(1 - 1' d ldn ' t have r emov ed th e papel' with warm IUVO to get 0 1T m y b Bt to do It-a nc! wator 10 remove overj. tl'nce or 11Rste. he WI II I n Iltlle way d ow'll ll)o 'reek Have t h e W ILli 'thorou", hl" cloan ror a aud fl shed l ht' hlunkets Onl as ths cl ean wall 'cannot be 'bui l t ;n an un. currenl hrOll gh t I hem al on s . cl oan rQlllldn.tlon , If there al'e an, Wh en he"'l got lhe lasl olle mi t , ho \1l1rrlcles of forei g n matte r adhering re'l t down 011 h i !! Itnees-I ('Qllid ~ee to th,\, wall scrape t h em olt with a hi m In tho !lIm n loo n]l:;lll~:lI1<1 I putty k"ICo. Th e.l It there are any uove l' hearll nnyholly p l'IlY lilleh 8 cll scol(l~at!oo !;< on t ho wall . size It with IJ I'al'cr 1'01' """" l li llt ~' outll el'll s oldl~t' • ,a m nterlal lllnf\ ~ trom cheap ,' arnl sh , p myci l UI' III • kUQl!lI ug ther e In the th inned down wHh benzine a nd japan Hllnll' III hl ~ I'ft "g('d olel 11111 (01' 111 , , IIddl'd for a d ri er, then cover your tunk o~: my hll! IIl1rl . lood . 11 11 1111 ho " 'al1 'wll h your t l ntlrig tlla lerlal. WII !! t hrough. a nd Ihen he r" dpil 11.1\ :IY 1Ie IIlIre )'0111' Illan 1I1i1 S II tln tJ og mao 1 111 I h e clnrl; lIosH. t Cl lnl mix d ' with ol d ",at r . If bq ' - - - - -- - - rOIllO: to ),011 Ilnd asks f r wal' m wa. " NOTICE AT OUR CLIENTS." t or , ~' Oll can make Ilil your m i nd th at' Portuguese Sign That Assuredly Hu El emen t. Humor.
are OlJr s()lve! SI'r'fed b ~t mea.
~e rvlnl: othe l's. ~ ('. (l ,
1 ~~i~~~~~~~~~~b '~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
b On e to ycar n fwl' 0111'f a,Clll 1' ' I'S " ' hlcl\ hdesl r<) 10 W hu\'f' mroke y re i orr n ~o, I w as JII,\I able sit 'lip In or mBnll IlIIlt FOOLED THE PIR~ACHER. , lied HI! 11' 1\8 dl sclllll'ged , ou r ul'll I tl~. illclu 1\'(' oonOll1l 'hi ); lire· " Twl'h'e yeul's ~rler m y ro l",, ~ .. my 111111111 01' ,'x lltll'lilions t hll t n eVBI' ~ on · ' A Ooctor's Brother Thought Po.tum , " Positively coreel by limbs hC'[l led over. and , , t I'l\ n,,!' .10 cu r," Was Co ffee. these Little Ptlls. Tiley aI&l relluo DisrolHle , llO am putat ion hu s ever II '0) 11 T erl' lI,l e pennlll!' s a m t h t'C1n l "l1 erl to r pe flll' m '·11 II )lOIl 111c m s un' th OIl(" I ·':IIII1!t N :lt.11I 1'! Ill' Inllti llg u I'"gl~' A w ise dortor (ounel ou t c{)lfee was ,1 1' (0: 01 1'11 In 1l1'l sOII , 1'11111'(' I ~ no ICl'eli ",a r k : to ca ll with PCI' tl,lI oliS ' bu rti llg h i m. so h e qlll drl nl;l ng It. Eatlng. A pertcct rem ,)' ol'd, f 1I 11S C8se I n th e wo r l d Bl ml· II · ~s I h" "\'ll c l l'~ wlih ltdllll era t'J B e wa s su bll : Y wlt b h is pra ctice. , edy ror DIZZUicss, linuSll", 1ar 10 milia. ' 1lIIII'ks, Imilu l. III' fI'8 u d lllontl)' IIsed ; howe l' 1', I hu t hi s wlf' ha.d to writ e DI'OW3\nClS!l, Bn4 T nste "M : n lll' t.heory of Ihe call ~p. Is " o p~' l n~ Dr IlII italinf.;' " (IIawllll: or how h e ro ol cd II iR 111'10II I()I'. a clersy· , til tllo :Youth, Co:uecI Ihl s : Wh!ln '<l ell l'l olls I waR >\ f) weal; ('f)lIIm cl'ciul III"u c l dr, posited : to ~:111 lUlln. ono dul' a t dinn er . 'She say~; TongUe. 1'a1II In tile Side, t.hll t \11 (' 1IIIIsn l illns IIf m)' h 'u l:I wen' with , 1 ' () l' tl \II(JII~ n ess or to IlI trodll cE' ,. Do ' t or f onnd colfee ' wa ~ In juring <====;:;::..._--"TORPID LIV1m. TIIq too reebl to t hrow Ih., l)lood [OJ Ihf' l i n t he co un l.ry 6 iJjcclS thai 1,l1C <l l'a w· h i m alld decided to g l\'e P05 t um n rea'UIate tlIo Bowels. P.urelYVogetnbla. e xtrelllltlc ~ . a 1111 helllw <II Iloiu t of III K8 01: II1 0dpIs wa~ cOlll eq or Iml· t rill I. lind wo ha"(l ufjed It nolV Cor $1Wl. circulallun, deal h (ook pill co." ~ ule d (If o lh r. l's mn.Ullrll '1\1),e l's: to ex· fou r 'years. wllh COUliDlucd ben eflt. 1n , 11101' Il pl'n dl O IlS ll e~s n. drawin g or moc!· fact, bo I s n ow f reo t ro m the long Genuine Must Bear el d elloHIl.ell fo r n.noter." train oC \1Is tbat follo w ' colf ~e d rln!t· A Bullet Struck Lincoln. Even ' t heRo d o nol cover Ihe COli· Ira:, Uelll. Clli. Willi am p , R oom e. SI:'(· "To sholV how succe ss! tll ' w e a,ro 1y·ll flh New YOrk , 111 wcsl El gIIIY', tra veIlCI,,' b :!Clluse " bos ldCB or I li e pcn· slx lh s l n~el. N o w YO I' ll cit)', ;\, y ,. altl es whi (],h y ou co ntost (01' I h I) co n· In makinl:' POSIUIl\ prop cr ly I wJl\ re· aUUIE IUIITl,TUnL 'Jr"' P~ , an Interesting story IIhf/lit a IlQl'entiuns are slIbject n ~ th e tlotlon 1ale an Inciden t. A t a dltiner we .. gave, Dn ctor s ll s~e!l ted we ' sel'l'e lillll~ ( bo vlns struclc I'r esld n t L i n· fo r lo ss und damage Intont! II I'oi' t ho ~q:EO:'a I'oln du r in g the ligh t at 1"0 1'1 SlcI'ens.. mech anical 0 1' me l'cha nt 01' aUAJuJ;01l9 Po~ tum In st ood of ord lnllry colfee. "rlO'c to~'8 bmtber. \I C le r gymao, BUp' He SH,'S t bllt the presi den t came In lo llrOduees. with r ecompene('; ,llIa rks. or posed I t was old fa shioned col'l'ce Bnd I he fort. und ' stopped ,,'I I h i n R re I\' register ,I nanles:' and "th f', i'eltorD' It rtmoTes the caUK yards o f him al a IJolnl w\J ere' he lions al' e punished With the doublo of remark ed. as h e coile d tor h is sec· (lootbta' h e m: rvu Ola" ' ond CU i'; 'It yo u do preach agalcst l 'Ollld have a good ,'l ew oC l he ll ano· t he 1.IE)I1ul ~)'." relleYeII the •• uri colfeo, 1 1;/19 y ou havea' t forgotten how '''he 1\l'l ng 11'11$ I'oma n( t l1 tlgh f.·~t Comp'lIer of Esperanto, to llJoke It.' .. 11t1lto I p :\ \'y . hut m'lR of lhe en olll y's cu r e» aU ProfpsijOI' ZUni nh or. or lluHala. Lhe ••8decbn and Nut.lltia al".,. No b~d Th is goes til ebow that well·madeilhol.S f {lll 6hort <If Lh" ru rl. t hollSlh no elec,.. 1Oc:.:I5c on4 v.: bollle. . (I.IQI1rn.' Clcraslc'nRI Il ull e,t wOllld ~"me sin !l Ing cOIIIII!1er of 1~i! ll(''ra nto. the " I n t.el'll a- flllly bp!led-I'c"tum h as much the ""e l' rj)(, worlls, A 10n g·ra nl'll h ullet I lol1al langung :' IN il native or I:llaly- flavor ancl rlchn '5' or good colfee Ill· alntclt t bo presld('nl I)n the t hl h . Si ok. I hE' Hcene of Ihe massOl'l'e, HIs ,though It has un Indllri duailly all Its 'I~ ,' f" r~(' was not Slime-lent to h il'l11 rill her and hi » grandfat her wme \flach· own. A ten days' trial will pr{)ve thllt tiTlI ' . III, ljlbly to el'('\1 I"!lletrltt (' ht H (o~J; or lang llug' B, He I. an OCUl!HI. It bas nt'oe or tbe p" I ~lonouB olfoet ,or correct tbe ' J,<llllall:o:JB, ani! t he bullel J'ell to t.b e Pour lani,iu ri!;ctl were s poken In hl8 ordinary ~olfee, but ~l'oun d . President L i nco l n )laid nll nllth'e lown, and t hi s fact c rpated In troubleB (.Bused b, "There' s a ' attenl.l n to It otbe r I ha II 10 I lucc hIm the Irlea to forra au wWI'ulloual reuon." Nam.. by PoltUID lalliuqe, • 4011'0 r..nd smll(' . llIoUlent.&rlly. 00. Ltd;, Ba\U. Klcla.'
SIW.l PIll.
--------_ --
8ho<ldy nr '. rDlb·~r, bea'el1 CtlTTlngo., hn~r."" , .1 Ighs or Olh or \'rhlo"", cl N,M\ot ~ ~,... t IIcn l from the pl MlJtl rc tf lt'r Jlh ollhl ldI'oru. (rJUhl, COlt ",ll11 O ti ~ coat o( .
a~ ~
BuUalo, Carriage and ', Buggy ,P aint milled I't!!Id,! f~rn..,. Nn mbblng or , nccc!'ln.,.. S"""lall \" madoror oolnUng bUfH(ClI an c.trIIll!ClI. no.1en" bo eMil y liPI," . d by IIII)'ono who "8n hBUdl o .. btll,b . J)r ... 'lulokl,l1l1d hard and Itl • .,. ),UI1I\ htlght. ~1(...)', [ Ilnl.' h. 'jllCQlinlcd by any ollo er pollll ! oll,tb o m.rket. 'l'h 1.:1",1 o('paillt Ih.t woars and rc:ol,l. tho rn vn ~" 01 W\l ",utbor and muddy ",,,d8, Ml\dO In eight CQlol'S utld bl"cl;. :Pol ,vlolrom Iho RnCllI pll(' nlOolol(.ollnd In Iho bQ.tAnd 'Doat dllrllirio coach "ifn l,h . 11,.1.1 on ~eUlnl: Buffalo C.· rla"" aDd Buny Paint. It yon, <lon lo, d""" itnt h 'C P It. • ,,<I u~ hl. llamo aud ... .. III ..uti YOII our 1'~lor chart ..nd our boaulliul Buffalo-bead .!Uck.pla Pree,
Buffalo 011 Paint 4: Varnish Co.. " Sole Moen lhdIaIo , .,..oa
Yu u c~u mako ~ (Jc.m Ycbh:icli lcA)1t Uk~ Lv \f
Saa ""aaetseo
80 SHOES on&~~t.D ~:.
_rr,a,v.tnCA ...H,... NOT BE EQUAWO AT 0' PIIIC£ ,
Pel Belief In Luck. G90d or Bad. II
Common Lot of Mankind. Ac. cording to Or. Vincent of Chicago.!
op'o lIke
D'YllterY-IUY KlIclsm. 90Ul oJdllm III1Pcr~L1t1 CJll a ure dying out. but,fOl' ollch of thQm a n IV one I'om S- WIIlHlI\nJ Ii two." Dr. Ororg9 11:. ViI,c!ont ot the nl· ,'p"~lIy A hl ellSo nlll'de this remark jlls l ',,(1 'I' he had IInl shflll Il lulk to stu,' .nts 011 il1anunl I ra lnln~ hIgh 'cLool, ill'S the Kun sus Ity luI'. "T h ... flr~ t I Vol l' kuow uf SUI' 'rRU, tl OB." he KnIll. " wus whon my fath r broke a mln'or lit home. It worried b iOI . IInli I ask ,I my 1I10lh r "'by, . " 'It's had luck : Ktll' · snld. " 'nad luc' k: I POIIIJt:'I·I!11. ' Why 18 It bnd IlIck ,!, It, Ul! n lIlyst pry 10 me. JI 'II I b"gnn lC'aJ'lIlul; Bomethlnp; abullt tll pso mYRt(lI'IIIIIS II lIets. ' It brlnga ha.1 11I(' k tu C'lIt the corll 011 u pal' k· IIP;I',' they toltl me. ' It shnuld he IIU' rl (lel: " 11''' hll,1 IlI rk I" pill on lIu' lett. ~hlle Or·sl.: une] 'I t't; h:lIl hll'le to I{ct nllt on t hp wrong ~loI(' of h II .' . '0 ono . know" wliy 'III Ih (·~c thin,,!! b .. lng vII, IlIII man.I' w,,'RonH hell \' Ih ... y do. " {n tilt: nO llt II nlany t; III H' rlltltlons ul"iglnate :,I1 1I(llI g thl' n gruel! l hat tiler "P
I LI' ('
ahnoM 11Innl11orulJlo.
plains (h I' II l;onH Yo .. Ihelr ' 1'0 duos.' "Soml! ~II Jl rSI I'IOll ll IIr'o ijcnslbl . t1'01' IIlHtunco, II Is aul (1 1)lId IlIck will ., 11 1 If 011 I'" '8es b nell I h. a lu.llI r . j\l a~' h It will. 1ayu som II r 'Ori8 hal' . b n I ~II III valuable I('ssona 111 )laHsi n).{ Lellcu th thl'm . It Is IIncom· fO I·tabt [0 Itu l'e n 1ll1ckel 01' Imlnt or IIll rut t1roll lled ou ou ,'s h 'ad. P rhallB Ihl!! ~ I\jl ..sU llon orl 11Iai t'd trom I;ome ooc who 1IIl,IC)I'W'nl !l u(>h an pxperl· ( 'n 1'.
" Th bl'll r f Ihat It" YOU palls a 1110 wllhnut IJIC'kl ng It II' you 11'111 IlOve , hllCl Itll'k orlglnntotl mlln y y al'B ago. Plu 8 ",pre eos tl.v then and chlidren w'r 1:IIIHI,t. to "Ick 111 III 1111 and ItCefl Ilu'111 fo r t h Ir val'le. 'rhey · fOl'lned 1h habit. IIT1lI It hag bl! n hund d clown '1'0111 , g'(>n rU llon lO gen mUon lint 11 It has ll ' 01l1e> 1\ IIperlJUtlon . P m'hll ps a0 1l11;' chlldl' 1\ who '1I!1 nuL Jlkk 1111 pln ~ hall bud luck whcli tbl'" gaL h mc-bud Illclt udmlnhll t·red by tlr IIII!' Ill , torclbly nod (I\llckly, oU d wllh "tlng ln " err 'Ct : ' Ur . .Vl!ICN\ 1 bll1l1 c c; ",hell ho spokc oC 1I1() IIl1l11ll'r 13. 0 wllny l' rsouO! are Demld ot It · h,' c\ld no deem it wur\h~' of munUc!O . Lust we k 01'. Vincent WflH lectur· Ing on til IIlth) ct, "Sup rslltlon." He d elal I I hal ,. ryoD(J lJall RO/Tle pu r· tJ ulnr gl1)1orstltlon 10 which deferen -e wns IIhown. An old womnn who b{ul lIstclU d ntt nllvoly aros nud declar d Ilhp had none: <; "Nope nl nil ?" sbe was asked. "1I\OD(>." sl1 reull d. A gray·hall' d man GltlluS by hor sltl' DUllS ' (1 It 1'. " How illlO nt th em corree grounds?" h risked. fje blushed mill took bel' Bat. Alld ot o.u I'8 Ihe all\lIeuce Inugh d. Gounod'. Old Gu itar, SL lourl Is about to .do honor to t he III mory or Gounod. The lIlustrtous COUl\IOS r ilL , one time llv tl there. nnd tor years Inhabited a p1'etty vlllll ut Morltretont, whure he composed th greater 1l\1UIOOr of bls IllllfJ.ter, •• llo'ces. D\lrlllg the F ranco·Pru sian war the o rrnUli soldiers ~ uc](ed t.he III'ollorty nnd bu rned duwn f II \\0118 . Everything WOR des troycd with the exc 1>' t lon of 11 gu l(III·. whl(l)1 to·day Is to be seen In 010 Ope 'll muscum. This gl\l· ta\' Is prl\clOUf! to "dOlI\' r~ of " l~au~t" lind " )lU'e!lle" r r ll1Nl' Ibm\ one rea· son. for H. is 6r11t1 th,\ t llS II01'd6 reo s Ollnd d U> th comp 8et"R fi\'st lIlusl · cal CQnCeIJt\ons. It henrs In the (Jen· tflT. WT l t ~ n by 111 DlatH r'B hantl, tho worda: "X ' 1111 a pl·lIc. 1 62/ ' , I I~ uC)w I'fopos ed to corl)cl a mOil U· ment to COUTlO" , which ' will L S UI' mouuted by 1\ bl'o 1i~ f' rlr roducllon ot .1. lJ. C:»I'\,":1 I11:'9 busl of tho ..., nl muslclnn. . Cup Winning Stream. 'In lh~ ' ~e\'J Brltuln city e llll'll 'S' of· flce III a. ~jt'v 'r IlP cmclose<l In II g lass <lllse. 'a ur R lhe' Hal'lrol'd T lmos. The oup was '0\' ')n l,y :\c \V nrltuln fire mon in n otal.e IInl'ade Ilnd · IOlll'nam(lnt In ~ew ,Hnven IiO y'e nl's ago. ' The e vent which Lh6 !lromen w'on WI'"'1 a BU'e:l.1ll ... t!Jro\Vlng contest. . l,'lrty 01' mol' of the lIus!;y lire laddl\fs dragged n small "tub," as It wos calJell. through th" 8tretlts of the film City, ruld tbe 'c rowd on the side walks laughed tind jeered tbe . ftremon fl'om tho Hnrdwal'o City. "Laugh. ·.It you \\' IIl, but he la1111'118 "beat wlu) laughs last';' yelled bacl! lbe t'orClman ' In aDswer to a ll~rtlo1\larlv oo,lsy llorty, lind be expectornted t(l' btu,:co juice. . , In the conteHt the Streaw from the . "tub" WUf! Ibrown 91lyward tu r In excess of dlher computing lelunB. Tb" next day the comnany returneLl' to Ihn haille cll~' and were gh>en' n I'eceptlol' In spt'te of ,he prevailing honvy I·oln· tall. Thci fOl'oman of Iho com pany Sfl(lilfl. U1ld In 'bls, rcmarles an ltl : . '''''111'& waler . f~lI Isthl} Wlltel' Which ,wall Ilent up In New HavO'1 )'cster· day." Equally Matched. S l1llor-l Cllllnot boast or 'WMltb, bllt [ ho.l'o 1.1 'nins, s ir, '1' havo l)rIlins Tile m lJIIllJOI'S or my lllimll'Y clu!1 Iyl ll tell you thl1l you'd Ill).:'fl j ho grollL03t d unter In town for 11 sOjl·ln·!Uw. Fath r-A nd I ClIOi n.sS l l1·O YOIl. m)' delil' fellow. , bnt ~'oll 'ci luiv(l lhe J{rest· eet Ir.ctnrel' in tbq -town lor 2. mother' Your rt}qu('t!t Is ~rllnt(ld . I!ud He31'on Ii lp-I mean illl"SS- j·O\l.Stray ~lorin...
louth Caroll".· Q.m. Cock' to MexIco. H r. B. M. P.lckena Is now shlpplna 12 . .me cocks to M~xlco. ror " 'ldcb b. receIves elr;bt dolharl eacb. 6UY9 tb. Andetllon lntelllr;enner. He bas aiso an orlier for '100 aL live doJlars each. and 50 at elgbt dollal'1l eacb. aggrecatIng $896. ~Ickens ball a largtl number or Hne cblckens at dllfere nt ",..lks In tbe aO'laty. and Is cettln, to,ether the 160 I'II'r the $996 order. The breeds ralsee by Mr: Picken, tbe Ginn crays alld tbe Warborse. Tbey lire exoellent pit cocks and , . lectell and bred to" stllnd Itee1. PFIEPARE THIS YOURSEL.F.
Tell. How to Milke the Reat Blood Tonic at Home.
PUTNA:d FADELEl'1S D"fES produeej The !pundl'll.l oll or prld.e Is the wllb t he brlgl\leijt nnd fastest col ra with leu to respoct one's 801f. whlltot'er Qtben wOI'k und liD ruUM . mny tblnk; tbe mainsprI ng or nnlly -~---18 thl) craving ro~ the Ildmlrll.tion ot ~,uxurY In tblll world· makel! UII tor· otbers. no matter at wbllit cost to oue'. eet llnolher.-Bartbolomew. lelf·respect.-F. Marlon 'Crawford. It Curel While Vou Wa lk. Foot· Ease is n c.'rtnin cure for hot, 8wcaLi nll. anou~, lind ",,'olUm, lICitifllt An ~n'a
Etro.rl,1I of .. bOlDel), lirl wbo hlel to look pretty llre very otten vain.
Rolli by un druggiRI ... l['ril~ 25s:. Oon't M ub"tilute. Trial pRck"" FI{\O: ~'::. Addreal! Allen . Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y.
fl' t.
n cc~ptuny
r:::e~·r8~DAJI!.'1'!rQ~Bt:~~~)~~~~:~~l ~t. 8~~tl:'J~
orf"lnal Cold 'lIable, II .. \Y1J,1'l1C P.A.OKAO i!l WI¥b blaoil and red Itn.lena •• &DO bean "til. ala:a a'UJW of IC. W. UlIOV It.-:..;~ _ _ _ _ __
The more a man wantS to borrow tbl) barder hI) IIhake. your band.
You have miMed t he best if GQ~r.eld NIllurC'H luntil'c, h~ 6 UC!CII over10okeLl ; l.. ka it 10 rel\uluttl lbo liI'er and For those who have any form ot to OVl'rcorne CODlftilJaLl on. blood disorders; who want ne w. rIch :tlood and plenty of It. try this: Some men are IIlte some horses; Fluid Extruct Dandelion. one·bal t they will stand without hitching. but Junce; Compound Kargon. one ounce; lie them to 'a post and tbey will prOo Compound S1'rUI) SursalJarlila. tbree ceed to kick over the lrace•. ounces. C:.rfie'" ·feB. nn ob oluteh' pure nml d · 8hol.o well In ,a bottle and tuke In fC<'li v luxlLlh'c! M de 01 Herbs. T nl< " t teaspoonful dOR 8 art el' each mt'al and to Jlurif)' till' Llootl , to o,'eNlom COIIstip'" at bedtlmo. Any good phnrma,cy C:ln lion lind I,. ernLl h;d ' rhcum lIsm aDd sup)lly the Ingr dl enls nt small C.l8t. chronic ditic:::".:...:"t:'.:.:... . _ _ __ . This 'Is th e prescl'lllllon which . when BUilding Up' Manila, made up, Is called "TIte V"g ln~le Manila Is Issuing bulldlnl.: permltl Treatment ;" 1Ir olhorR, lhe "Cyclon e at tbe rate of trom 10 to 25 a day, Blood Purifier." It acts t; ntlr and lar&e una 8mall. I ' certainly does wonders fot' some ]leo· plo who are s ickl y. w ea ~: and OUl ot FITS. ~L ·iru. Ilnnte nor! nll ~el'\'ou. sarIs. ami hi Imown to relie "e se rlou8, Di"~,,",,,, Ilermu nelJLl r CUI""I by Dr. K line's long·standlng II se9 at rneumatlam (. ,..,3' )lm've lte.I"I't'.·. " nd fol' ~lI"J.OO trinl bol~le lin tl treuri",'. Dr, It. H. Kiine, and chroni c bacl ache qulckl),. Ld., 9Jl Arch ,t .• Ph iladelphia. Pa. .Mako some up nnd try It. ' . RunaDout-"Regcy', l1e", automo80ME WIVES ARE DIFF ERENT. bile blew up wltb blm on tbe first trip. and he , lIued the firm that 80ld QUiet Clinic I.,.,. or Good Hon8lt Row him tbe macblne." • Speeder-"D1d - Which I. the Better? he . r ecover anything?" Runabout"Everything. I believe. bnt ODe docer AMost men," said the man of experl· &lid part ot an ear."-Judl" ence. "thlnk It must be awrully nice Proof of Merit. to have a wife who takes tblngs .. Tbe proof of the merits ot a plaster coolly as Dave Potter's wIfe takes tbem ; but olhers. more dlscrlmlnat· Is the cures It elfeclB. , and tbe vOlnn· Inc. prerer a good honeHt row to ber lary testimonials o[ thosq who have stylo ot quiet cynl c!:lIn. 'l'he way she used Allcock's Plasters dt,lrlng tbe behaved the otber dllY when sbe past sixty year8 Is unimpeachable found a letter In Dave's pocket from evidence of tb elr superiority and shpuld convince the most ·skeptical. a gIrl Is IlI1 example ot her metbod. " '1 doo't aee,' wt"ote tbls girl: 'bow SeU.pralse i8 no recommendation. but on ~ ar lh 1 eun ever 111'0 without you: certl1lcalos from those who have used, "Dave'8 wire reud lhat gUs h. and a them are. Allcock's lire tbe original and gen· lot more just like It. without ever turn· ulne porous plasters nnd have never Ing a .balr. .. 'Well: sbe said, quIetly. 'that girl been equaled by those who have la a fool. If sbe kn w you as well till sought to lrnde upon their reputation 1 do sbe would be wondering how on by making plasters with boles In them. A,'old, substitutes as you would earth sbe could e,'er \lve with you.' "And thnt. In tbe opinion or the dts· counterfeit money. crlmlnllting few. cuts a whole 101 Max Nordau·. Latest Think. deeper than a common , ev ryday rum· Writing on tbe dncadence of Juda· · pUI." Ism In France. Dr. M8lI: Nordau has Oldest Living Scotchman • . this to say: " How many French Jewe Jame8 GrIeve. who was tiom ID stili bold religious beliefs ? 1 will not )3orebllly, GlenQlIolch. In Glengarry. make any guesses as to the number. on New' Year's day. 1800, Is tbe oldest but It Is cel·talnly swall. 1t Judaism lIvlnK Scotcbman. He was .. shepberd Is only a religion. then religious Indlf· lip to a rew yea)'fl ago. He can remem· ference wJ1J 1I00n put an end 'tb Juda.ber Incldenls of nearly a century ago. 11m." He lives very !lImply and Beldom eata meat. He married III 1822. and three of hIs 14 cblldren aunln.GrMllocb Herald.
And Many Greenbacka. 326 bOllea of Oold lind Greenbacks will be sent to persons wbo write tbe
1D0st Interullng and truthful letteI"B of experience on the followlns topics : 1'. How have you been allected by correG drInking and by changing from . coffee to Postum . 2, GIve n ame and account of one or more colfee drlnJeers' wbo' haw,! been burt by It lIud have belln Induc.ed to qui t and USB Postum. . 8. Do YOU lUlOw an)' one who has been drIven l1wa.y from Po. wm . be· cause It came to the table wenk und cbRracterlesB at the fir st trial? . 4. Did YOll set such a person rlsht regnr.dtng the oaay way to mal;e It clear. black. and with a snappy, rich taste? . . 6. Hnve ·YOll ever found 1\ bette:'I\'ay to mal,e It tDan to Use fo ur heap· Ing teaspoonfuls' to 'the llllll, of wuter, 'let s land on stove until re,nl boiling begins. and hegln nlng at that time when actual boiling starts. boll ~ull 15 'Ullnutell more to extract the tlavor aud food value. (A plcce of butter the slzo of a pea. will prevent boiling · over.) This con test Is confinod to lhose who bave used Postum prior to tbe dale of thJs advertisement. Be honest and truthful. dOn't write .poetry or tanclful letters. just plu)n. truthful statements. Contest will close Junelst.191)7,and DO letters reoelved after that d8t" will . be admitted. Examinations ot letters wll/ be' made . ,by three judges. not ' members of the Poslum Cereal Co .• ILtd. TheIr deolslons wlll be fair and final . iUld ' a. neat llttle. bOI[ containing a UO gold pieCe Bent to each of tbe !lve wrlte)'fl ot the most Inter esting letters. a box containing ,!l ". gold piece h t th to eac '0 . e 20 nest best. a green· back to each ot the 100 next best, and a U greellback to each ot the 200 next bost. ma\tlng cash prizes distributed
to 326 person!!.. ' Every friend of Pelltum III urged to 1If rlte and each letter Will be heHI In 111gb esteem b), tbe company. ns an III f b ev. ence 0 sue frlendsblp. while tbe little boxes of gold lind Qnvelope!3 of mODoy will reach many modest writer/> wbose plain and 'sonslhle letterll can· taln the facts desired, although ihe sender may have but GIJlall faith In winning at the time ot writing. , Talk tbls subject OVC1' with }:our frlonds lind Geo how many among you can win prizes. It 18 II good, honest compeUtlon and In lht) nesl klnd ' of a cause. Il.nd costo the ClOml1eUtore abso• lutely notb!ng. . Addl'eu Jour letter to the P~tum Cereal C( • Ltd •• Bo.tUe Creek, !lIch.• ~rllln;; your .on Dam. aud alldno ~earlY'. .
man's IdelL ot bOlpltalll), II &Dd hav. hi,
to brIng other men bome,
_ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
wU. c:oolllor them.
CARlE«S t;=]!!~~
d.\8f:ItJOun4 Too ~ trea rrom 1>1IPepata. JIl-
PI Sa.. =~= ~ DI4 'l'uta III the lltNtb. 00are4
. 'I'OII8QII, l'aIn to tbe BIde. 1::===...,._-lTOBPID LIVER. 'DIcIir repIate tile Bowels. I'IInI1 Vaptable,
SIWl. FILL SIWl DDSE. SIIAlL PRICE. CARTERS G",ui~•. M~ Bear Fac-SlmllD SI,gnaIu~
a==-...JREFUIE aU.alIlUn••
.A Positive CURE
EI,'s Cream Balm I. qulckl, absorbed. . helll anti ' tho. brnno. It oures tar.rb nod drlvell aWIlY a Cold I.n lbe Head Beatorps Lho Sontles Toato nnd Smell. 8iz~GOcls.,BtDm~. pta or b)' mo.i1; Trial Size 10 eta. br EI.r Brothers,66 W&mill Street. Now Iorlr.. :EEXClEE'.
the ad CURES tbe ach•• aad COLDS liD .RIPPE ~::rta~t, an It remOTe. c:aUK 10011'0. lh. Den . . . r.II.~.
Nntional Legisl~tion Enacted to Restrict Their Sale Il a \'e establish cd more dea rly
than could havc bee n
occompli ~he rl
in nny othe r way
The Value and Im~ortance 01 Ethical Remedies. R e medies whi c h ph),s icin ns sa ncti on for family use. :1 5 they ac t Illos t benefi c ially and , a re gentle yet pro m pt in eflc t, and called ell.tical. because they are of
Known Excellence and Quality and ol 'Known Component Parts. To ga in the rull confide nce of the Well · Info rme d of the worll1 and the approval of the most eminent phys icia n:;. it is esse nti a l tha t the component parts be known to and approved by them, anri,'therefore. th e California Fi g Syrup Company has published for many" years past in i'ts adverli sements and upon every package a full statement thereof. The perfect purity and uniform'i ty of product which th~ y dcmand in a laxative remedy of an ethical character are assured by the California Fig Syrup Compa'n y's original mel hod of manufacture. known to the Company only. There 'a re other et hical remedies approved by' physician s. hut the product the Californi~1 Fig Syrup Company possesses Ihe advantage over all olher fa mily laxatives that it c!t::alises, s weetens and relieves Ihe internal organs o n which it aCls, without disturbing th e n atu ral f un tions or any debilitating after eUect!l and without having to increase the qU:llltity frolll time to tim e. This val uabl e remedy has been long and favorably known under Ihe name of Syrup of Figs, ' and has altained to world·wide accep tan ce as the most excellent · of 'family laxati\'es, and as its pure laxative prindples, obt:iinl!cJ from Senna. are well knowll to physicj,(.ns and the WeJl·lnfo~med of the wQrld to be th~ best o f ~~tu~al laxatives, we h ave 'dopted the more elaborate 'flame of Syrup o f Figs and Elllp r of , enna. a~ more full y" dcscri pti ve of the remedy'. but doubtlessl y it will nlwa.n be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Fi gs ; and · to get i ls beneficial effccts, ahyays note, when purchasi ns. th e full name o f the Company-Ca lifornia Fig Syrup CO.-:plainly printed on the front of every packagc. whcther you simply cull for Sy.r.up of Fi s, or 1I>y th e full nam c, Syrup. of Figs and Elixir of Senna, as , Syr~p ~f Fr~s and Elixi r o lf Senna i' the olle la xative remcdy manufactured by the Cahforllla Frg yr up. Company, and th e. same h eretoforc known by the n ame, Syrup of. Figs, wh~ch has given sat isra ct ion 10 millions. Thc J;t!nuine is fo r sale by all leadlDg druggists throug hout tbe United States in original ll:lckages of one si1:c only. the regu lar price of which is fifty cents per b o ule. . Everv bottle j~ solll under the gener:ll guarantee a f the Compan)" filed with the Secretary of Agricu)ture, at \ :lshin ton, D. C., the r cmedy is . no t adulterated· o r misbranded with in the meaning of the Food and Drugs Act, J une 30lh, J?06.
(:ALlFORNIA FIG SYRUP_·CO. San Francisco, Cal.
N~w York. ~. Y.
U. S. A.
Louisville, Ky.
London, England.
" positive cure for spa..mod.c colic in 25 mioutes, leaving the horse in conditlC)[] to go to work at o~c e. Money rufuuded in case of ft,ilure. if administered as direcled. $2,00 per boule.
, No.2-FEVER MIXTURE It never {ails 'to cur., distemper. Catarrhal Fever, lnlfluan .a lU\d kindred dis· eases. A sUr'. preveotative to exposed l1orses, if. adminu."tered ill slIldll doses. Tho best known remedy for pneumonia (lung fever). ~. r . oo pe~ botlle.
GI,ol R,nal at "r= It ·c1onnse!I. soothes
.. ea4ac.....
Condemnation of So-Caned or Secret Medicines an i njuriolls character. which indulge in extravagant and unfountled to cure all manner of ill s. and the
A specific for the eradicati\l!l of Tapa and 'Hound \Vorms, as .well :1.'1 Ibe Thread WorIl)S that cnUS(l ta il rubbing. Highly recommended as a condition powLier. suc.
above rem.e dies are prepared under the immedia!e direction ~fa v~.te.r~p'ari~n of re'. nown, With 25 years.. practlce III ChIcago as Chief Veterinary Surgeon the Cpicago 'City ' Railway Company. with from 4.000 to 5,000 borses constantly on h and. having as high as So horses in one day affected with spasmodic colic, without losi n g a cape. He was Chief V e terin a rian of the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago; wa~ Chief Veterinary n spector of live stock for the Unite d States Government at . Ch' d h h d lcago. an . as e l various othe.r ,positions of importa nce. Owing to his 'wide acquaintance,
h e i s continually im~ortuned from different calities to g ive rem edies for vario1,ls ailme nts and Destroys nll , ,)rgnnisms in the wound, has decided to offer them to the pu.~lic in this ' prevents fe nne'olation. Q1\d sets up health:\' form . nutrilion. An INVALUABLE remedy If your horses are afflicted with any uousual ailmen l thai your uts. Cracked Heels. ' . local voterinary does not undersland. wrile us. ~iving Ibe hislory and. 'for Barb Wire scratches. Saddle Gall. and Punclured . symptoms, and we will advi!16 you without COSI. Send for free booklel. . ( , Wounds. soc . r . . ... SEND ORDER TO DEP~TMENT D'
CHICAGO VETERINARY MEDICAL ·CO. (Not Inc.) .aU... , BoW9001110&10 ...., to { OdlU4 C~eaao City lIailwa,. .•.•••. atant...
L-'h A ' ve., 01."."., C~oalO. 2024, Wa.,..
an" Neufall[l •• Iao. No bad
.-eeola. 10..; 2Sc: anti !Ot:
("IQUI D.) .
ID '''''' h............ ___I .... :;::!i:;:,:;!i;:::!~::::::r:!:::::::i:::::::!::::::: PERFECTION WHy .pat ~ . the fa.,.. or'cl_here 'w:hai If yotl , ·'·.·.·1·1·." •. •.•• '.·1·.·'·1 .•·..•..•. ·1·,'1·1·'·.· POUURYand hne a t ..m and " •.1'\" all4 .re ..tlll ..~ to 1' 1" ""1,. "'1""'1'''' 1, ,,,'1'' ' 1'1'1'1'1'''1'1
. ad apply younrel{ 7011
caD ~.U7
eo.. from
S20.00· to S50.00
RlIiJlC'OQ~ 81oel< a: Poultry ~ ..ttou 8 K&tnct.. lIedlcl.. e.. Wrlle for full peru.;;
• • • T. . . . . . . .
......,.u. no
1'.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....
""'.,,, I 'l~' ' ,' 11, " ••••• ••• •• •• '11 '" '1""'1"'"
.'1·."'·•• 1·1·.·... ·"1'1·'·".1·'·1·'·.·1·.·.
O. K.endPoultry
'1·1·,·1"'1'1·1'.·"1·1·'·.·'·1'1'1·.· ... ·1'11·1.'. .
""1"'1'1 " ' 1,.,,,.,, ' 1"1'1'11"'1"""'1""'1
:~:':!:~:!:f: ' :::: :::::~:::~:~: : :!;::::';::!:':!::::'
Rabbit Flnce·
TD....... 1I..lf 01_1.,.. 'In'' tor catal ...... 'ra, w .. IOb , I. . . de~,,..ton o r all O\lr f@ncel aft4 • . . . . . WIlE fOCE ct.. 1IIDfIS00, I...
The IUs peculiar to women, take different forma.
Some ladle.ll suffer.' ev.ory month. frpm dark 'rll1p round their eyes. blotches onthl'lr skin and tired . feeling. Others :suffer aK9~es of paln. that worda can bardly express. . Whatever the symptoms, remember thero Is one medicine that will &0 beyond m~re symptoms. ana act on the cause of ,th~1r troublU, the 'ftakeued !OmaoIy .organs. . .
Wine of Card1ii Mrs. M. C. Austin, of Memphis. ·Tenn,. writes: "For five (5) years I suffered Tilth every symptom' of female diJeasl!l, but after using the weU.kDowD cardul Homo Treatment. I was enUrOly welL"
\ "
)f&D), ..
Tl~Q ,X enlll ~"j&6tte , tlie'" l~ , Ing to... y ('on r~t')If bim . I de&t h Wild d •
Oeneral Property Tax Ie by 8tilte Commlnlon. ' Tbe tate br all!ornla - I, DOW 'lVresUing wllh the laxa Uon ~u'e$\IOn, A. comtriJlIsl/m olllhoJ'lztld ' to study
Souvenir Fost Carda for eale at bill "p lue thllt WU fIo used by /I { Il ll the Gazette Office. ,.' Int W euu nsdll>Y , H il Alld been in d oolilllng b llill di f o r "Llong time .be ing nlmo8t bicnd. and a fanb l t b,1I t taxatloll laws auel ' sl)b llIes bas only The Gazette has felr stl.le the bell~ he W II S only a bl a to bo II l;IIJU t the r eenUy completed h cQnIPrel1cuul ve line of Souvenl~ Poat Carda eVllr ho n e. repor Page act r 'poge could be shown In Any town the size of WIJ.Y· tnkon from tbllt re port a nd . wllh the nesvflle, T he injury. tQ his baok ca usod ex obango ot th e word ., nll rOrlllll" ~O ' '1'hese ollrds lire prip ted on exo I. lllea Minnie Doollon, of Ind!an&p · oru\ll"tlng p ain u11d h e hl\d to be ' y'ton, ou.r "Ohlo" ):le' Illude tlmdly crltlsm ' at lent 'curdboard wl~h n fin e wr'iting . Olt.. 'Writes as follows to t be GI~7.ette : kept nnder t he iuflufluc I)r I~U opl .. Mose Cohen, ,of [)a own system, MallY at the reef , Barry sJ)811' Saturday ~nd Bun· ate For t wo d ttys 11 fo l't'lllis denth Predicts an Unlllsual omm nflltllolls' tor ch'a'ngfls in Lhe Call. sur Iloe Imd tJlllke nn l\,ttrn otlv6 lid· wUh na and now is ent.erlng on nnOlln claus Hi;;,. lutiv $ rllllllzecl fr'mln aotlslltuUon and laws could be ver tisem ent of t h e t l' wn, bes ide!! be thlit 11e oould 11 t urvive. nnd t b and ~rosperous nrplled ,iifi!L flll I· Coree to Ohio. ing some thing your fri ends lit I~ d 8· bll final term at O . S, U, Business Year. 'I'll s exoe rpts (roui lhe 'repo rt of mne r will greltt.!y Ilppreoillte, , 'l'bIB time lut year we were all end W8 9 no t unexpeotl d. ' t.he CIIJlfornln OIL\~18slo n on t;t v nu ~rbe cards sell 2 for G oe ntil or a t.lk1D, "Bome llomlDg" and it. The decetls II ' WU Il born nt nesville 74 yenrs ngo. , I n late r h I nil 'rnxatloll I\I'~ ]lllrtlclll nrly nppllc- dOl!on tor II. qUlLrter. lloeil1l" potsible tht\t almost, =tI.." ~T ,J ' " U n>sprin6' bU8IOes.'1S Ilti s b egun i able to the Ohlu sltuaUon: (lII1"year ~aI ptssed since we greet. years he h "ed II,., fo r t Wlli itun and ~ t h e wbole s to re Is b uddIn g "I n gen \'Ill till! I)resollt system of F ormer, residents of the town Ilnd ed old frleudl!'iil our dellf old Way. Bowel1lvllle, the hi tter pl lloe bein g Into ' ta sp~ln g cOIll mnr oia l tnxuUou does not I'll et Lbo d llI,and s vloinlty will , t! 8peo!t~lly Inte rested hi~ bome for fifteen yea r s . He \Vu a 1 I made upon It. It Is antlquat!ld bav-' in these ~nrl we will send them at lI"vllle. ._ a harness mnkol' by t,rnde. La s t '0010 : t h e plePJ.snnt /lIld pr ett y Inl; been adopted 50 .:'cal'S and the rl1tl'8 ~iven above. p os toge pres ugges tions of longor dn)'s and has not been revlsl'Cl to k I' pace ' pnld,anY~he~e in ~he . Aftell • mOBt satlsfaotory visit N ovember his wi fe di ed , ond si noe wnrm er W ut he r meet t h e eye with modern condlrJous. .. ,.mong relativell and old friends In thnt time he mnde bi 'hom e wlth uver y wber e, A cIlrden1 pl'epnra'! "It, Is filII of InequallLles willeh 1m' F ?llowlDg we gI ve r~ \ts t of t he ()hto, and moet notably in WaYDes· his t wo daug hters, Mrs W ilkiDson , lion and gene r ou vn,lue lvin paso a band lea l' uuou the lP'owl b or ' snll)eots s h own: ,,1118, Mr, and Mrs. A. G , Smith of nellr Jame8town, and MTI;!. W . . ~ g g lbe stale. ;t hanillCIlJ;1 which only the Looking Bontll on MaIO Stre t . ;.nte io the Gazette under date of E. Eilts, 'of Xenia.. His only son, oOU.nt f or 'IID,v l,hm , w e ~ball h~ ve I~ yll;or aud Inexhaustibl e tll~ rgy \1 t our The Big Elnl, Qorderibg On Wllr ~ d M oprlDg bnsin ss t bn t wm tiL" ev en ;..cople can corry ;Apfil2, as folIo\,\,s: John .Cooper, d Ied nt B owersville our polioy ID on'd sel1!ng "Those IneQUal'ltles lwlst and <lIe. ren , reene lin outgomery Coun· We arrlved home all safe and well last December. " spring I1ppnrel oan be give n in five lort our Indusl rl,cs a nd prohibi t a ties, five miles northw st of WilY, last Satllrciay weell: aDd found ev· wordsl5ymetrlcal developmllul at our re- nesvUle. erythlng .w good ehape. Bad a Honna's' Lnstro Finis li . Benntifnl ,d . s ources. T):1ey place lin ulldue burMiami Uemetery C~~pel. -8 .... luo- ~p.o delaya -ere oon. and durable . Used on floors RDd Goo style at moderat,e prIces. den upon ugrlcult ure cspeel(\.\ly; tho I • '.03 \,:or wlll A venue Ilnd Raoe Brldae . ' othe odw k " Mild t Ik tOll.ndotion at aliI' weallb. lhe one In" cerned. Juatmlased eeveral w&l!h · r Th wo or , e 0 ,W..f1 1.'hA'" uddition of t,wo ne,:y fl oors tq d ualry wbl c h mosl full y rut llloits the 'rhe Twin Asb, a nnturlll \yonder, ont. and one wreck. Some places OD." e oDly wa,y t o properly n- our prese nt store will e nuble Ill> to &"reat natural resources at tho stale. ~ miles south of Wilynes ville: the ~r&1Dlahead of .DB hajJ beeD de. Ish Il floor, See th e finished s amples oarry glg antlo t ook s of <l;lothes. "O ur chief tax, ca.lled a general Friends Bo.. rdlng Home . BIIts ,IUd FatDi hinS/!. B efore you propert fo x. has In (act become 11 Wright's Mill Dam. 1&yed at mnoh as thlrty,slx honrs, !Pot,·J. E . Janney 'S btl f aJ slate lax. Oul y tram 15 per cent t we alway,s got to thoae plaoes . pllrobttse yo nr De w ni t , w e It k to 18 l1er <:ent or lhe eutire, taxes nre Web 'Meeks . Ml1illlllrrie r nt Way , jnat a8 they had t~iDlJ8 In shnpe. ~~~""...".., yo u U8 a matter of busin,ess to t ..k e levlew on p rsonal properly. nes ville since 1 75, The mOl atarted yeeterday and ~ , _ Ill90k I1t our S nit a t "Aronles and or dlls esonpe laxation . l..ookin~ n orth on Mllin ~treot.
Ji'erree, hail rest~n~ RlDalttnt...CliiD, of MartiDllvi1le ..tIlOt", to &a"e ('ft~, ~t the olallA die -preeerat term, ,aDd wtpeo~ to te,.lII'l hta studies atlll , flit't-bet' In 0011811". '
;'~f=, 8:OW::b~.~aA~'lG~.,vtsJMl eTBan. ~$' d
lIM'"M~RMANe~ $10 $12 $15 $20 ~!mt~~t t:X~;~~~' OfO~~!lI~~~S~no;ep~:
L See ' d P·o.tat.o ea.
i$ i
". __ .....
S S S --
Dallas atnoe NO'YIIIDber but wheD .... Star Anti Dust.
to San
AntoDlo. The past ~ter:w~ . one • of &he,mUd.., over ezpetlenoed 1D 'l'uu, noi enough cold Weather to .~e m . .' and J.hotiaancll of pounds were rut--.o. -'01. of n':e .....rn b , .............. "'" ere fa up ,and plowed on,?", whlle ID 8o~tl'D Texas 'coria illald by and '. cotton Ohoppingia JOlnB p~, Texas fa OIl. boom, Thousands Of people ~ .t.n... ' ''f''i-~ every I"~ are loca-tlng. If ••, of my old lOhoolmaiee lee thl. , 1 would be glid for them to :write.
c. BaAD8TR~.
Clean your carpetJl on the Roor use whe s""eep raises no d~t.'· •
New Canned Goods. . Burt, Onleys Fancy Spin~ch Honey Drop Fancy ~lalDe Sugar Corn Green Lima Beans. Creamlett' eorn. no hulla Ro!,e; Bud Siftecl'Peaa. Sweet Potatoes, Lye Hominy. T. Kraut and Beets ___ Fancy Navel 9range!l. ~ Extra IIl~e SIZes! well col· ... ,Ored,.jUICY frUit, they were never better.
"'[Itt: ... 11111111,1 h ~!l llmed
Put Y our Dul l" ,,1' Inlo Good e",lnt. It. PII)'S '\! vI·r .v Ihne , Ordinary' puint ill dellr HI .IIlY vrico Blulna'8 Greeu Seal PaInt i ~ 11 Investment. Hold by J . E InII ""'y, ..\reeden Anyone wlt.hlng t.o brelld to a 1r0<Xi generR I pnrpo~tl h urlle ~ 11l <10 to 900 "Brown ~1\1 " . t\t the home of John Stroop,' a,Y. Wllllt, IIf WaYDe~ vll\ll, 'uu the Upper Sprin~bor .. pille .
~~::~gD ~!~~:'~tree' hill .
" tl$~ 11 w! '" "' :"VO 'b'~O". g;:~~::::f;.:~:~;~~~:d:i:::: Ooi~i:1BU::':"::"::~'
Pure Seed Northern O~lf, bXAS, APRIL 5. 1907 ! grow;n Early O~io, Rose • Triunlph Chjcago mar ' EDlTOalilJ.aIUGAuT1'JII: '" ket. ' . · J did Dot ,et atieud the ._ - Seed ..,. Bulk and Package B.o me-Oomtng but ~d the ple~re of readlJig 'die Bome-Coming edt. , Gard~n and Flower Seed. tt ' -OIl of the OiI.He and which· was Lawn Gral s Seed. in~ilngto me. George S. Bob, City Park Seed something ubi, formerly of W.ynesvUle paid fine. • a Tiait LLn week. 'He and I . ' -, - . -!ft"e ol;' ••- •• ~ for 6 ... .l __ a6 the OBIon Sets"Yellow & WhIte • Ol41:1chool S ....... Btll" we' Hou' se' cleanl'ng Isup',nlt'ns v...... On "he • 'Y u JI'Iul'Dot meUn' 31,eare and I aer. , Step ladders, Scru.b Brus~es -.AIDly WU·glad. to see him he laI Amonia, BOn Atru . Sapoho, ~onl7 penoD f~ Way~e.vUle H & H Bath. Brick, Gold ..~:O',;J .. , '1 . Dust. All kinds of soap -&I!t _~e me a Dee I left there in and Washing. Powders. 1878. ~rp has been Uving tn ~ __ .
, tt. IIrlfl
'1lI ve ICr')U 111 "I t,IHI 1/ ,1111(1e8 110 I hut it ~1I 1' u", lles,. for ' ....' ..rk," he 1l 1l:V~ "1 " PI 1lt l:' rl Obtlll1befl'1lU ·,. P"lu Bulm uhll \\'rIlVlled t ll A Ilrm ID fl ~ nll el "' IIlg ht, \I ud to my r olitlf I lid t,hnt, the pIli" Kru<!ulllly left m e '1 lld tbe ~tr tlnl:lth r e turned , In ' threo wtleks t.he rheUliJllti .. m 'bad dlsti.·Jjpetlrpr} und hlu, not 1'1)'Oe reo tnrned" If truuhlal\ w!lh rlipu .m~ · tI~m I ry ' I fllw 11.1,])110" tlonl! of PIlID BIllm, Y,ln /Jf' ('tlrloltin j • be IJlflalied wi t h t,hu . J<lll t' f whiol1 It ufford\!, ':01' 8IIle bv ,I b' ."um,Ii .
·~~~~~;-gre:e~~~:a :~:~~~ ~
... he Yillted me
'JOt, d Rh E\o, 1I" tt lttn: . Mr 11vi lr,\U1 Belll· .\ , .\ f lH,llttonoll , ~ , reml , h llfl rh l' lJ1111I,tl"rn In hit!
oon ", yo n $ 2 to $5 on jour Bnit, " The proscn t 8~stem lakes the rev' t h n It Is up t o you t pails us b y cntl derlvllble by Ulxollop fro m large DAYTON I;enoral orgnnlzallons. like the 1'111\· t'oads. wlll'lh rev l\U O belongs by right '0 t.he \) ople or the stille at la rge, and dIstributes It most hll'Qultably among the local di vIsions of the s late f'U ID NISHINO,s. which Itave no proper cl aim to It 'I' wllnlsoevel'. Gold Bond Ooupons with 1111 pllr. "Our present s ystem Is a '8011001 tor huses, 250 or 500 Uouprms e ntitle perjury.' puls a penal ty on !Ionesty you to oholoo of hundrtor;s of u eful and pa ys hIgh premlUIll~ 't" r dl8' dh d . . ' ,hon esty. un 11T1 SOlUe prflmlUUlS. "Our pr(>sell l system Is so ombodled In our con811lu~lou It annuot be ' betlered wll hout thn a t con llLllutional Hnnnn 's Green Seal Paints stand amendmcnl." tlllnning wi tb pure Li \ eed 011, ansi !Pore th er efore mo re eoonmioy l t han f' e-tiet:~. ~.\'!.netr othe r pllints R etld di,r eotions on . THE TA X COMMISSt~~! e verypaokage. S uldbyJ.E ,Tunney . "
N ew S0 h 00 I B.Il ildIng WayndBvi)lo .
$ $
!::It. A ugus ~ine 's Oatbolio Clhuroh. The ~a:.let.te altlO printed vl6w~ In Baney burl!. I..ytle , I'Dd Corwin, whoiC~l lDlly bl! ed ",t the POllt. otn(!es in thl'IIe towns Imil i1lso Ilt L . W'Ill ltlmsun ' " s In Lytle.
I \ \
T he pem __ .....I recomlDen elatIODe 0 I , . . ple who haft bei:u cui'eel of f!Ii gu u4 colds by Cbambt;rlaill's Coqt RemedJr All dpsoriptlons of printing given laave done morc tlwlIlllI Ita prompt uttention Ilt tho Gaz tre .pte article or tnldt and conua~ ...., offioe. alargcparloflhc c! viIl100dwwl4. ,.;
WeT U H ld " ~~~.~~.~ . . •••• 0 S Nelson W. E .'ans of P ortsmouth, 0., r=""'~""''''''''''''"''''''- ~ ~"' . (nteresting Mee~ing'. author at "'Tbe Assessment ot Per-
The April ,tn 6eting Otf the T , U: m et ' Itt tbe h um e of
'!N. 0. ' ster
Hu wkin!l. t,be preslrlent in tbe ohair. Afrer theregu1Ar rou ~ine bUBiness wns trllDsaoted, ~ome Peace litera· lure r~ooived from ·t he lloun i.y Suo pedntendtlDt. the venllJ:lJ.ble nther. ' In e StunLon, WII re ', d , wbioh gave some start]lng fl,o ts whtob It would b e weH ~o oonsidet' , snoh liS t b e tol 10 ~ lng : "Our War Depnrtment, 41ve n w;tb
E. Ohnrob,
St, Mary',,' Evl oopal' Qhuroh (In'teriol view.) Orth odox Friends Ohuroh . HUchsite Friends Meeting HoJu8e. Christian Uhllrcb , •
S $ $
Bonal Proper ty tor ,[,uatlon In Oblo," made n sbort talk at the, Ulil'leenlb annual meeting at lhe °E hIO Statile BoaI'd ot Commerce. M,r. vans' ar clcs were published serIally In 260 Ohio newspapers In 1903. Spcaklng ot the T ax Commi ssion and genemlly of t he s ubject at taxatlon, ,1I'l r. Evans sa"d: '~'hcn [ 'und rllt od Iltnl this '1'a~ Comml!!.qlon wa" 10 lre ronne<!. r thought 'It hnd hu t OM d ut)· to do lint! that WIlS to r commnnd a (lurA tlon Ilmendment (\t lIome flnrt. I must cone SI tl1fl.t evcr alnco tllc nppolntment or , thll,t oommla·
Ineorporated 1903.
' I
We pay
at the rate of 3 ,.riEr cent .
1annum on saVIngs account. .
t l
The money is subiect to your ca. II a t any ' time, ~ ~ but must remain with us SIX· mo th ~ . n s or Ionger .m order to draw interest.
lin. JqhD Upp, on8'of the 'p afty J -'-onr small army, jnstprevious t o' Ule , Begin systematic saving. ",bo,leU here early ' in March for New Lemons, New Bermuda Uuban War, ('ost Jve[' *5C I),CJOO,OOO . . oau,onda writes aa follow. under Onion a, Fancy Baldwin annnally, while tile total 'Innunl One dollar will start an account• of for "-n Be-ardino, Apples, Lettuce. Floricost of paNio Bcb" ols both raees in ~ """... da Celery, romatoes, WlfornJa. New Cabbage. all tbe sixt.een Sontl.lern States WIlS Call and inve'Jtigate our savings departments. IIrI Upp hu accepted a poattlon 1108 less that $3~,OOO,000. cUpea . , tor a' &he Banie Fe car I!hopl, Barrington Hall We paid for pension!! the yeRr be Tne Steel Cut Coffee I C b W .. Thanking you·for past favor we solieit · ~,h8 prefeztecl to try , sOme other Call alld let us show you ore t he u an ar.o'ver .. H7,000,. ... ~tiOll befQnl &he old ODe aa , tJajs new process coffee 000. s e ven times be totallD~ome ut 1 m~OrmaD. It 1. no trouble wha$- ~ -All our oolleges l1~d a,b out equnl to " patronage. · ~ ~ obtAbl employment 81 there ~ Bring us your Butter and.... . nnnulli oost (; f the Garman lumy Sa pleoty of 'Wort for aDyone that.... ~. Highest Pricelpaid, .... Armies hl,ke t·he ve ry flower of " TH~ C.ITIZENS BANK. , either cash or •tradE:. y. oul.h . Also, t.he advauce made by , •• tt • .&.&1&11" ~ very pretty "WaDoa __ Ift'le alty with apop~.tIOD'ot 10,000, The. Beat Goo.ds,. The Lowest 't Ile Internntionlll Gour~ of Arbi CrlJ.~. Hartsock, Cashier. IIl11l1'1'01lDcJed by mounialna ten or Pncea' all the tame at tion." NELSON W: EVANS of .Porlamoutb, &welve mil. aWay, jul' DOW capped There waE' dlsoussloD on Child elon. I hnvo posaesacd m7 90uI In teal" -, '.... In..... -hUe ,ou' SIl~da"" 1"• was 'Lllbor ,and tha Army Oanteen , lind (hebeen renoon a L [lulY" J aeen t rombling, I'hot th er erorhntl an t hIntImation .1 8' d"ll1Mll In &he .hade; It ta tn A , t!uperint'endent- on Soientifio that It will report 80m~ Irina of a tllX aJ",",~ ' - ..... """"~ ... ~""""~~.... " ~ T ' I t ' d I ~w, Now, I wlRh td sa y In the pro. "noe 'he oraDge, belfUid &he groves are , . empemnce ns t.ruo Ion was nume • of thts dlftUng ul/lhed lMily lhllt I thlnle. , foIl of fruit al80 blOl\lOlDtDg ' for OF COlJR!::lE ' Obarle~ !:lonnton, F ield Secretal'y It the commhliJlol\ undtlrtnke to mnke Ip b . G IA nny tax codo, or any t rue s ys tem, under ' nox' year'l orop. Some of Jhe or· , .. . of !he , r~9, . yterl/ln UDerll 8sem our . pr sent constitution. It wIll make aD . "ea nl'euure 1,5 tnchealD o1rcum. , , . bly Commlttfle, ,a , ,n ewers the up t) a greu t mlstnke. But I · Wtl llt, to lilY 10 D '" ...... : the momb-rH, ot tho commIssion tbat It. ferenoe. And 8u~h. beautlful rOI88 . .. . . . dllte questi .)n, Is t'he B~loon. a whon tlloy aome to tI,e end of theIr Cle· " IUlea au -~d' 11OWIIIQ ~ '•ovu ...:.. numeroa " ~========~==== Graft" y. come 'o'oncl,!llon ~ " by asking nnotbet'~nil IIberatlona. thRt the-onlyth rom dy 19to totljehave a coniomeJitton . . Bedge. of fOBel ' and then soinQ . eUtutiollnl ' nmend\non~ that will ~ope"l '-"e'trained ' two 'I tories h 'l gh ,a 11 . e ; . ' ,' • DoeR .it. pay to" Iioense Il ' traffio 2 of Artlolo Xll. they will coyer It VO&I 'D .• " Section themselvea with glory n'ld dltlUnlrullhod oDe IIlUI of bloom Tlie colOring of whlob lessens,' the de mll.I!d for 'tbe llon'or, nnd. tiler WIll dOlH)rye t ile tllllnk. helpful thin"s of life wbloh' inoren;s Of every oltlzen o~ thla otule. Now, that ,I t peat many la 'he lamo &8 our .t1. ' . " j . • ' la my tdell about. It" • raieafbat honae ' p' l ant Last week ' , e8 t.heir , oos t fln(l d'lminishes :tbe I ,' do . not. thInk. , gontlcmen, th~.t we . , ' . b' I f h ? ". ,ought to IlvB by the lost will and t eata· there w~ 18<t:eraJ hea~ frosts but a Ilty t o payor t ~rn " . , ,"eM of tho men of 185.11 any longer. I did DOt Injurer . 'n"" l·· ing· ·A .P'· ' t . " " .' . . , , Doe8 i ~ pay to' hClense. & traffio really belfeye thot un,der IMt cOl18l1t1;l. . . ;, Ul ' , . reaen AND »EAI_ FJ~. IN ; , ,.,, ; ~ 1 tlon we have the, rlght .to hav!, 0. Reparal1t .. I am getting ~llmated by nunlng whlbh In[lke9 m~n less skllfnll, }ess rul ' O~ to. money, a 80Pltrlltc rule' '18 to · • very ~ throat. The relt of' our . . , .. . ,. ~~tiy'I' less reliabl,,: Vi,hich les,ens ,~re::;~.:t:a~':I:/~!e ~~n~~, a~r~II~~~ peny pUeed through the eame or. endurllllo.e, ·leS9 hs oll nfidence" les , tho.t 'that W'Ould ,\ie a. ~U8t and f'!; l~ c~)O. . :J: . ' d't I th d .., f .\rucUon .of Ihe constllutlon. I bellpv8 deal OD8;by one. We think it a fine . , .' BeDS ore 1.08, e/llsens e . e~(1-n .. Of. 11 I" tho conatruollon whl9h 'oulrht \0 , . · 'OQUD';;"lilit haw't been ' here loug ' ,TelephoDB in his hodse 'where I ,food, clo~hiDg. ' shE!lI;er I\nd ~ol@ bnve bebn /n!ldI'J n the I\r~t Inelanee; and ,. ,"'J " . , , .. , t . 'k ~ WM not modoi but nl the .. me tim", 1 I, yo~ enoqh-,et to say "it beats Ohio." .0&11 Qe called a.t IlIl' ho.urs, day 1,1 wlth ~"bioh 0 V?~r " . ;";ould be' BOrry to' llee our 'Ila. Cominl•• Your friend ' . o'lnht ' ,. ' : ' • PRESS l3UPIIlRTNTErjDEN'r. alon r.commenc1 It, beClll u8e It woulcl bo, . ", .. • " . '. .. ' like tbe man In the Se.IJllllr.. , who built MM. ,JOBN 'UPP Ooaohes .and ohalrs rmppl!ed ' , hi. structure QI\ II &andy fCJ\fnda\lol) and , · Tlt...nn p~odQce. • '0_ '. , • H ' L lit Fi ish MdT when ,the I'IIlns ' and (ho Jloda. came, It .' ,QIOve ,r ecently moved. to 1'9<"11 Rnlla s . 11 ro, n . a .e , 0 c.ruml>lol1 down. The' only rem.d~'. I.n~amiD ~ died a.t the ~ut Or088.Broe .. ' . Walk Pn.. ' Th~ .. best Datured p~{nt 'UelJ/en. II to amend ·the con.U~ullo,n" ' hOmB of his 'and, dl\ugh• ... IU.~ BTaIlST, W"vw:aV~LLlI' ~ade. Blln~a s GrEll!.n Seal :~"nt. , _,Mr.aDdM~ WUUam Wilker. I lloldbYJ,~ • .jal,lDey. , " ~ ~. ~ . __ Dear .1am.... to- -W....... ' '. . I, IF YOU ARE tNTl!:Jti:8TII:D - - . u~ .... ~", ~,..-. 'l..r I .' 1 l~ 11M ~ ApIU. ' ' lU. • AN G, •1) " '-'. • D' n. ~ II .l]'HAW ' ~, .l~Y' II' . GENERAL ,SUBJECT . . " I.. • 4 .' 6'F TAXATION I , Mr. Cooper \UI bro&her of aTOIhua RIDOEVILLE, ORIO ' , . I . For /fIIee lJuItruotive Ln.,.h,..., qaop. &lid 1Irt. JaDe Sianaberry SPIlXlJ.~ L. · ," JIl.~ !learlUe'a Lea(llDg D,entlilt 1 Write' to the ... _ . . . . . . . . . - '1 Au...... : D..,II.I" or wOlin ' I Ohio atate Boanl of Com""'....
$ $ $ $ $ Z. $ . , . , $ 'Immerman''S'$
w.... "....
1 1 l'
' .
When in town call at the Front Grocery.
,. UND£R' T ,4 -KE
,W e hav~ 'some~hing nicet~i ~ho~ you. ThQs.e ' ''r~gs'' ,we ·' intenci giv'ing to ' cas'n pU"fchasers are worth your consideration., : . ,'Our aim is ' t~ treat you ·fair. ' S'~l1 ' fresh goods. a;} w.ays-. . Pay
',"EMBA'L' ME "R
for your
DQNt~ F,AIL TO '.' ASK· 'FOft'-TICK:r ........ ;. .: .,' .. '... ......... E'l'S W~TH 'YOUR :c~, Sr{ · :PUROHk'S.tiis~.
... ,"",?--:..".
1.l1fJ) OIIILDaD. ,
' . E fl'
c. H; C·Lj~.IMENTS~
at 1,1
1*· .. ,.,........
COlumbllt, Ohl.. I • • • • • •" •
• • • t • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • .....
- ,
!2! FIF~'Y
SmVEN'l'!:f YElAR.
WBOLE NykBER 2i~~ "
Mor~ than $100,000
PBRSONAL AND Wayne Townsh,ip's L!l Worth 'of Tobacco. ~OCAL ITEMS New Buildi~
Wellman . .
Centerville • ..
Mr, und MTS. AUen Emerick and Wm. Rloh lind wifo entertai nEld Mr. and !!drs. Irvin, Don'tfomer)' Han'd led Ilt the Lytle Warehouse Miss. Lizzie ijtuart Is at . bome Will be a Credit to the Towhabip do.nghter Blanohe an~ l.f;f. and M~s. at dinner ~un~ay their daughter'a Mr. &lid 'Mrs. R~imond MOD'gOOl tbj! Paat Season. from a visit with re),ltlves In Om. Bna B sOurce of Pride to All. ' Al Oornellllnd daughters ~rmll and fllml1y, Mr. and Mrs, Ellis 8pmy, ery, Mi~s LeDIl , Mc~tgome1!Y 8p11Urcinntlt-l. -Lola were Sunday visltora,of Mr. of Lebanon. Snnda..v with Ehner MODtgoDl,e~v , In II, generlll wll,y we underlltllnd The Literury wiIi be. held ~t 'the , Following tb~ w.ishes of to tDf\jor. aud Mrs. 'Wel1ing~~ Squires. ' Joe Davis, Of N. . it. at ~f tbls pillce. , lI.ud 8pprecillte the volnme at tho home of Burton Ellrohart 1:lnt u1'dllY it.y of tbe voters of the, townsh1,p as Mr. ~nd Mrll, 0, M. · F1ongb, A1bert tQn, is at hODle , oonfln,(1 to hit> bed . Mr. I\',ld Mrs . Horace ~okey Il~(l tobllcoU lDunttuy In thi s tleotillu hut AlIrll 27. A Ii are invited. ex pressed at the recent sppolal eloo' W:bluton , Loster .K(lnrl~k d lIor. with the grip. ' family spent Suudtl.y , with thell it r~qllire8 the cold HI~ure8 tu ahvw .For t:!ule-A Rum \Jler : bioycle. tlon on the question of buildit\g 1\ lIoe Foulks were l?ayt.o~ sboppers Mrs . Wnlter 'nbblll is suffering Bon a'~d 'daughter, Mr. ,all,l just,what tobllCOO Is' doing for t,h!s loqtllre of Miss annie ·fhorpe. 'reI. township building for thll' use' of Satu!W!~. from a , very ,sllvere IItt-nok of the Mrs. Lother' Allen. }VI.I.yne to":':1 shl p, the truet.ees h~ve Mr. and ' Mra. Willis MAlott lire mumps, 'C h comt)lunlty aDd the follOWing fig. ephone '5 5. urell (u. n'llIhElll us by IS. E, Ketter begun proceedings looking toward~ , 1 ~h f ' ~ , Mr.·t;!. " . Pine IS' ome. 0 , f the Lytle wlU'e Mr... Ann Wllkeley Is suffering the arection 'of suoh a building rejoioing in the birt , II. plump Five pupils from our sohpol tried The friends of MI'8. J. C. Kiln..;Or~Dg the last. Sel1l10n 's from the elIeot~ of a btld f~li she r&-. It 'will be reooiled that at th~ eleo. little gid bllby;. . thil Boxwell eXllminat·lon I>t Leba· w1ll be rejoloed to hearot lier 101 bu.ln~8Ilt that lKlini, are 'of more oeived while walklugorl Tblrdstroet. tion I~ tnlljority of 10 votes were Mr. and Mrs: JBarry Johns and non Silturuny. ·There was qUit.e "ll pr<>vemeat' 1.n health. '" ' ChlUl.oF(lIDllry InLerest;. ' Mr. Lee Buker and family. of caRt tn fllvor of lI. .townBhlp bou~e. Iit,tle 80':1. of WlI:ynesvl11e, s~n~ crowd (rum this plaoe In Lebanon A musiciu.l entertamment will bev "'Ith ur, and Mrll. 0_ E: that day. , .~. rOUD4 DUmbers more than a WjJmlD~ u, were gue ts lSund,llY of . >fA 'l'be question I1S then put' tQ the Sunua, J " !"& , gl'ven at T own .B..11 nell:.• .:t::'t "'It ur....y m'.lllJo poun(bj of tob/l,oOO wiiS tliejr I eillti veto, :d.rll. Ida • tokes aDd v t,ers wl\a whether bonds s1\ould Johns and. abn G1elln . ' .. ~ Mrs. Emmil Wolfe visited Mrs, e~eniug. A. good program Is proD' . lif ~bll\ point, 971,;lGO Miss AM Stokes be ,Issued in excess of one per .cent Mr .. and " Mrs. u3st-E\r ' KenriCK en· VanDoren, of Hm: veysburg, one da.y Ised, 'rhe members of the Llbrar., ~'..~~~....~ Ql gool! to:tMtocu Ilnd H.6,24~ Mi ll8 Elsie VII.n Harlingen, of or for tbe um of 125000.00 to j.)iYed .tSabpI'th Wl:th Mr. ti.nd Mrs, last week. ' C;:lllb oordilllly I~vite you all. JijloiJitl_ of nll8b being h~ndled. Dell.n. MontgoUll)ry oounty, Vl8lt~d erect ' iI. townshil' bun'd~ng. ", To, ,~rtbur W"tkins, of tbe :Day;tQn 4nd Mr. Ilnd 'Mrs. Chae. Gray and Mr. Byron Billies pu~ohilsed" De N were re9ul.r ed , to with her sister, Mrs. U. M, White, carry this required' !l majurity of Lebanon. pike. ' daug~ters, Ma,ry ond OplLl, of Way. motol cyole thi8 week. S4J the ma.rkets for 8everal daya lilst week, two thirds of the ,votes Milt, BO the MIs8 OPbo. Phillip enjoyed Il visit nesvllle, Mrs. Maud Cleaver , and Ed. Bar.tis and children,.of Day 1D•• UfI&OLure .*11 ' growers reo Mi~8 ' YOIlaZimmerm n of Jllmes Ulhttor Wll8 lost by tibout 8S votes. witb relA.tives i~ Cincinnati, from chi'ldren, Miss Anna Brand pnd W. ton, spent Sunday at the parental oel,veci '.~6,130.7S , for Sb&!r crope. town, ,:.vas the wel~ome' vIsitor a.t BO'Yever,1l mllJoritY ,Of 19. voters F.ri<1ay evenlug ~ntil Gttndayafter. T. Jordan and fllmlly were gue ts home here. 1'belle fiaures, bl, •• the, Ilre, th h f b b tb M 'h d went on, reoord us fllvortng the ~O~>D: . Ilt ~he home of their v.arents, Mr. - -..:...--repriittlln~ only PIlr' of tile \O~ Zt~m:=n l1erfe~o d:~S r~~e~tl~. budding.. Mr Wulter Kenrick aDd wife Bnd Mrs ; N, B, ,Rloh, Sunday. Oregonia. !Crown in W.YDe~.nshlp, as IlIrge " . . The laws of OhiO permlt ,the trus · spent Bllnday with the latter·sl~[l,. ~s. J. .. M.. Heighway Is enterbiin. 'ShlpmentB are .IflO matte (rom both ~... , ~~I Lukens and family had t,fe!! to Issue bonds not to exceed one re~ts, Mr . und Mrsi. l:3amuel Baines, ing ber brother. Smith JamES, of Miss Mabel Sherwood was in Lab . ' cOrwln atid Dodds. l1a ~b~1 ,~u~sts S~nQ;y. per 'lent of the tax duplloute, for "tIf l:)pringboro. WIlYllesville. for several da,ys. anon Saturday. ' A mlllioD dollar '000000 orop in :r~ ~~t:~~rn:!'d ~I:: I ue~:~ purposes of this klnd~ The tax du· Quite a Dlltubel' In and luound Hartsook and :1hildren were ' The ·MIssee. ',Belen aud EIi.beM> ' Wavne t~wntlhlp and . vlolnlty ma.y . ,. Y " ,pllOl1t.e of Wuyne township e,xoeed!' thIs 'plaoe Iltt-ended the fuueral 0; 1(1 HarveYsburg l:;unday. , Bolzlin. 8pent Satnrday and Sunday ~oobfWvn~ly be expeoted within the Oo.r nell. , IjIl,~4 1,OOO, so oue per cent will Mrll. CloJa Woodll,'lhurl'day, among Mr. Beokett's obild 'that bas been with friends here. . next few YC11U8 « Mr. A. D. Madden and fa.~i1y and amollnt to about $1 ,000. them ~eing Mrs . Jemnle Lnm1>,' Mrs. 80 low 'for several dnys. wus taken Dr. and"Mra. E . P. Krieghotr we, .. • Miss Addie Mudden, of OltU'k'Bville. ' .. ,.. .... Following we give the Ilmllunt of were guest.a of Mr. and Mrs' W. .fi J. W. Ward ond Mire;. F. C. Burnett, to Cinoinnati Monday 'to an in Clnolnnatl the latter par' of "lMl sobtooo bo"ght by the variolls firms 'Medd S d Mr. and Mrs Maffit Prof. C. L. l:;mitb was In LebaJ\on operation performed. We hope It week . • ,..wi ~e prloe!! paid, t.>gtlt.her with e~ un lIy. Ce(ebra~ed 20th annlver.. Saturday. ' ma..y ·prove 'benefiolal: The family ,Miss M~" l:lhel'wood II vi8itl~1C . , Mr. S. COrdello. i:!immon!!, whose '" , ,&he nDlDoor ot oorll reqUired ~ ship . sary In Waynesville. Tbe kitchen 9hower held In honor has the sympathy of theoommUDity her slater, orMra. Fred GOYe, atll• • the u oballe. . hom~ la now with her slst-er, Miss P f Helen Kel8ey, waa with Cjnolnnatl Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Maffitt of the important eveut800n to ooour, Mr. Wyan~'8 house~eeper, Mrs. cbanicBburg, ~hllI week. , W. W. ()nne, bought for tbo relatives frilm 'l1lmrsday until ~on. oelebrated tbe twentieth annlver. in Miss Bertha ~rown 'I! lila. proved Wilson, 18 gOing to ~ke a well earn· Mr. J. K. /::lpenoer, who ba8 beeG. N_bDrg (;0" uf BllmiltoD t422,126 day. 88.ry of tbeir ooming to-' Waynes. 0. very delightful occasion. '!'hose ~dTe!lt fOT tho summer, She IS, with home for the peat weet, re&11rDed Uli••bloh requt~ a OIl I II 0 8~il) Mrs. Amanda Reeve8 Ilnd baby ville on FridllY. the 19th of 4-pril, whc \vere in atteudanoe w~re Misses her daughter, ~r8. John Thompson, to Loralu Monday, where he 11M • &I1d p'/ud ~ ~he ~rowe~s ,61,87J.il6. spn, Ofl,eba~on, 8pent several cla;YS by Inviting to dine with them ,Il Zelia Gitbens, Minnie Duke, Glenna at preseDt. Mr. Wyant has with large oo~trao' building a ral~. The Alltld & Wheeler Co., of Troy IllS' week with her brother Mr. Le. oompllny of tbe friends made when .B~own, Viola and Merle Clark, Mary 111m now a ,lruly from , Springfield. The ma~7 ft:l~nda Of II.... Wih, reoeived l76,l~O pounds, ~ying roy Irons, whose wife i8 suffering they first ent~red soohrl and busl' 'l'lbba~t&nd Mrs. Adra Lewi" and Au~rey and Opal Thqmvson were Taylok' wjil regret &0 'leam ~ lull• .l8.~l!4,G2, tbeu shipment tlIhQg 6 from an att.aok of the grip. ne II Jif~ here. Mrs. Dora McOrIlY· at Walt-er Jcr4an's t:lo.tnrday after sad,dqath ata hospital hi ~U, oan, . The 'large vllse uf out tlowers at All whc. tire a01 uointed wi~h AIr. MiSs Bert.ha· .80e)D ill repo~ted as noon. MI8s Belen HolzHn ·~t Baaas-. ~arreU C)6ven8er, buyer for ;,the the ,M. E: Ohnrol1 IlUIt Sunday .and Mrs . M.a mtt k~ow t~llt no one hav'lng the measles. . Mrs. Mary J. Olellver, of Barveys· ~y night 'wIth • .• '" mmaer. Bau Brol:!. of Dayton, recen:ed morlling aDd evening, that were so lives whu 18 more hospitable anp ~lts~ Luril\ Burnett enjoy~d al· burg, and Grandma Clenver were LittleCh,r~eaLeeW~~1rh: 120;'811* ponnds. reqqitinR I) f'l tS , for mu?h .dmired b, tbe oongreglltion glj1DerOU~ th~n. they. aDd tbe· ~S~'~f most a. 'week-'s vllll* with ·hoi ~denc1 visiting 'at GeO':<J.>avis· Sunday.'. ' has OOen quite ill for ~e_h .... pmeot and payiug 'he growers were furnished by, Dr. dnd Mrs , g)lests on thiS oooasion was hmlt«J !lnd tqrmer scbool IlDate, Miss (Jora _ . weeks, now somewhati Improfttl. 'UI,Il8,82. . B atba"~ay. only' by tbe capaolty cf their dl~ing Hatfield, of MiamIsburg. Ne,w Burlington. ., ' iJaw8I Sale, buying for the Amer· roo'D, and It is ,beUevedthat aeldom The woodtl are still being sooUred , •• Corwin: ' w.n Claar Co , of Middletown, reo drs, ,TlIOk Dodds, of Hudson, if ever, has there been served sueb (from one remote corner, to another • eelved 'he oarll of toba~, weigh. ne~r C.le~ve]aDll. has boon here for II fenst os was set before them, as by the present botallY 018.88 tn searoh Lee~. ija"ltiDIl WB8 calling on inl 96,886 pounda fo~ which he ' paid 1\ week or mor') on" visit with her this. of new (lowers. old friends ~el'e i'rlday. . Mrs, I, N. Bania and obU~ 01: v"rentll, Mr. tind Mrs. E. ,D. Roberts Uoud fellowship and jovial"-con. ~uarterly ltI8etwjf ~., tbe~. E. D':'1:ton, and Mr. ,J. N. ~III'. . . • 3628 32 1. , . During . the first of her vitllt, Mrs. Masters Stanley Duke and Floyd ohuroh Wllll hAld .t Lnm1;lerton Silt. wife nnd mtl~ son, of • •. Hr. Baker for the United Cigar Ooddil ' I\S ' confined to the house versation was the prQdomlnating Snage took tbe Boxwell emmillll· .L ' d ... ,' "'... " ,. ited their mother Kr&' ''''- 110 ,. ' 3 'naIl t d th t featnre, and 1111 who are permitted . La ' d ' ' "" . urUll-yan ""unUAY· ' , ~ , Co. .,hIPI)ed oar,,'""'fs, ' V'( with fLn Ilggra VII. e 1101 e rOil , tion ID ba.non ,~utur ay. .bey . _. ", .,. • ~ii1sey, Sunday. . ' . 88,481 pounds and plyinK th grow. . MahloD Ridge spent Sunduy in to be pr~8ent, liS well as their mllny report that it wru~ toleublv hard Mrs . Mary , sayers died at her' ,ere .10 1I1o.lHI. Columbus with his son. D. C. other frie~d9 wish for them 'Pany el!pecially the arithmetiO. " , home east ot . town' Friday, aged 9G' The ~lbon sale buyer for Cul1m~n Ridge !Lnd wife, and on his retu,r n more ye~rs of borne life In Wayneil. years, Fllneral ', servioos were he,d many pagg)e here 'ur~. (inti Seeker, , wa880110mlllluled by hl8 daughtertn . ville . The weo.tber for tbe last sevqra.l at the ho~e Monday lllor~lng .. , Mr., 11.;B' ' ooUl 'w aa lboP,mI iD. Bro., bou~bt 48.898 pounds for, Illw; who will rllmllin the week here Those who were !DOluded 10 the e weeks 8eem to have been very favo ilr. and MfII. J. W. Ha:Vdook, who Xen. ofte di,~J'; . '>;' which be pll.ld $5.795.94" two car· and with ber parents, Mr, and Mrs, festivities were; Rev. apd Mrs. oble fl,lr only one tllling-to caUSe 0. bave ' been spend"" , tJ1e winter In M ' BeJaj 8~U 'd ~1l~' at ' '.r OJ. load. In pll. Oharlee ,Weller t;1~ar Ce,)tervillo. person to olltoh'oolcl. Quite Ii num· 'Da:e'tOn, have retUrned home. 'J .... r. . ' . ee -da ' ... .. t..:. . ·· f,,' BenjClmln Hnwkhis. Dr. and Mr:s. J . , " . ....orrow J' ~' .ua \1 s' un William I!!troop of Daytou bought Mrs James Kerrlok Is the pr~ud ber I\re just recovering from disil' Mr., ' Walton Oompton took part ' " .00 ponndll for '8.50U 00, making pOltljoll!sor 0; a stump ellotus winch T. El1l~, Mr. and Mrs. O. T . Jillwlte, g~eeable aUaoktl, lind Mrs. Jennie in the cot;lcert given by ~he MeGer. Bope ~,"es: " . '. ODe car 101l.d. , :r~a~rD~~y~~tO!~~~Vs~!~e!:~:~~ Mr . lI.nd Mra, J , E . JIl~nIiY Mr. and L"mb and Mrs. Hannah Wheaton, ~?gYhCt.horUIIOlasBlnxenla ThurSday of~, :.rei ~.~~c:.~::-,o~ MrI!. J W. White. Mr. and MI'8 . J. Y k U d C.... .~ ilU... Haoh & Bon of D.yton, ber from Arlzonli, 'ehe plllnt is OL 8 'olelDun, Mr. and Mrs. O. 'tV. of 'In ee otreet, .• an Mrs. ora The funeral of Charles Hurley Wa~ville, Bunday. , boiIeht. ChI' ot 12,969 pounds for ly "few inuhes in heIght, but Calmo Barnett. ,Mr. and Mrs, J. H . Caskey, Johns Are present !luffel'9rs., . fortnerlyof thi" n1aoe,000urred at, Ml.. Beurle~ta MoKiDMJ'vtatte4 "', nut in fuU bloom while wbenthere in 1)IIS!!Ilge Mr. lind Mrs. ' .Bllrry Murray. Mr. U G mns I the h omeof hIs "'--h J ~ th h fJ h B t -'"'" I ,.7:1 ' til. ., t.>itsnewhomelnOhlo.' Mr. and MnC H arry.wo . 'nIt.' er, eremY,on o.a e omeo oeept awe, 'uot;OI' , ' W . W. ; :ntne boue ht 4 carloads was no pO"llble wily for it to obtain Robert l:;hidilker and Mra. Joel ' and ',Mls, Margaret Johns wete Day. l'ueaday morning . Sprin~ VaUey, ~QD~1' ' , of &ruh k»baooo for whioh lie llJIld meitlttll e. ' ,Evans. , Aa Mr. EVllns., ,and Mrs. ton trllders on 'I'hursda.y of Ia-st . Ge orge Bowland snd family have Mr, Fran); SDoolr,..of.:..80uth .Lt!t.. ( .t.,,1IO. ~Iung 1n ' 141',388 ponnds: .M~. N . O. Hitcb o.nd IittledaQKh Morgan T8yi'o r were ul)Rble to be week. ,. 'Jmovhl\ed tp Ptl.Ydtoin,aPhrl Jbas. PetereO~ 'B~';Mln:~nesy" t at ~be Pan ~ . '. ter Mildred st:orted lut ,week for ' . ... ' I ,r., I! move nto to e oUBe vaoat: ' . ,. • ': ' ,. • AUermanto'17n'llrm 81110 . bought 0 "- I ' . t '] present, tbelr Mr. and Mra. "oe" ThGlmas and e'd by ,him . ' 'I'his oommunl'" .".. .~----," an t on, N.h Oh inll, & poln eMil " Mr. Maffitt :' oarrled , . ~.,. Of .~ J,i45 pou~da ,o, traah, milking th&n twe'lty; miles from Asbe"l1Ie. dhiner to tPerp, so they,?ould have M rs . Kl\te Johnl\ were 'entertained J . 8. Peteraon rec,ently reoeived Ii 8hooked t~ hear ,?f the.a.d d.lh Ot ... ear Jo~.and pIlyfng 't208 80 ) for where they rt1aobed in safety t3un IlshllrE1 of the hospitality. ' . . on Sund",y by Mr. and Mrs, ,Ja,mes letter from his sop Ra.lph, ' from Mrs. Henry , Juy lit he~ homo a~ tu _ 6 . dllY morning. and where tlley Ill: TIe gllyet,les oontinned into the, B. Johns lind falJilly. whom he had not, heard ', for more :rrf!r, la~t ~eelc. . I;. ' . ,iool· toremaln sr venl mont.h~, us . I b d Ii i6 ' , ,. , " thantwoyears; Rlllphisln South ,'Mr.andMrs.RllderandMftt.··II'" ,~ ,~ Mr.)iltoh blls 1\ bU8iuess engage eve1;llDgllBo, w en ~ e c U8 a Mrs. (Jl~ro. . Staoy, who hils been, .Aml!l"ie~engugedlnthelumber~u9. A,~a~lI.aDdMr8., DavltliCl1l,ofXe~ . Bargain 'Da, mjlDt whloh will keep bim employed supper Willi served , to a tew more on the slok litlt for a week or so, ia ines,s, liavlng purobased lie vera1 were .te~t " 8u~te !Jf ~ Efta; , ProYe.' a Succel!ls. tbere most of the summe.r. friends, who also. remained for a tiow better ullaill. hundred aot;es of ,woodlnnd. Railer. , ,,.-I ______ Mrs, 'M. · O. Gordon, of Third lew h >Drs sooinbility. These were , 'Wi , .
luaoted 'I""',
Waynel[l~U1e Herda••te ,Will street bill! beeil quite indispo@ed· theMr , lIndIMr.s, GeorgeVl.J;Iawke. take up the Idea ,and more thAn p!Jllt "...ell:. " Mr , an? MrlJ, E , V. Barnbart. M~s. ever it will pay to Trade Dr..Thomlis I:!herwuod has been .J , B , tJ<)l!lU\I\Il, Mls~es May ,~rlght
at Waynesville. -'
8uff.,rlng severely the Vast w~k wltl,1 R badly Injured hll.ok wbi~b he hurt while hili hl.lUfte W~iI nn ."re ~ntly, The Dr.' ",180 h3::1 '" lie v"re att.ack 0' I!tOUllloh trlluble ' M. , onday ev,~ , nlng hut h 8 · mBn8J(ed to keep gQlug m08~ Qr ,the time lind and is now imJ)r:>ving. ' . , Rev, an~ 'Mra , ; Cactwltllader were
L.ttle B~be Ate Conctmtrated Lye
and Mllme Brown,
N ' -. '
f,or'... "
A , '. " J
Mr. F . C.~~;;;-b&ld his tir@' Mid Te.r rible D~ath .ofl!arveysb~r&' ' . , . ',' ," ., ," .. arr e . , Child. ~: Barpin Day B\lle "~~Ilrday aDd ~he ',, ' ___ , ' , . , . '. " , r., \. ,~ "fI"':1 hll surpllU(ld hiS most s3ngulne . MISII, BerU~ Br',o:-,n aod Mr. F~llnk , Tbe eight.eeD, m?'lth~ old' ohlld of ~ ~.~t~8. ' : WoolJey were united in ,ma~rlllge Ohatles Lynch, an employe of the ,I'or a ,l d , time 't he ll1erqbants .of at h!gh no?n l!!undllY, April 21st; at BaTv~ysburg Oo,.. ~t Har : . , .' '? ' ,', ., . : , . ,., ~, , ' W ..riJ.8I9l,l~e have ·disoQ888d . l!ome thehome~,f the, b~ide't'l)llr~nts, Mr . ve.>, .8 burg, .met de,iilih ,In &-horrlple , ~ 'nK' met~od,lhil~' WOUld , ~ri g , trlLdeto :~~!~r~::!:~~~~~~~J1c~::'~~~ and Mrs; Wm. H.. Bro~n, ~e~r LY'man!1er la!!t WedDl~s&ay morning. ", " .~ ' ," .! Y'.~ .:" , ,Way,Dellv:llle th:&t is DO"" going elM· the,fUDer~l of bls aunt Mrs. &rt\h tle.,on the Dftyton and ~bllnon pike : TJ..mot)ler, of tb~ ohild bl1d"\lOen t, ~ ;".1 ~. ,.f :., ..h~. FlDallYt\ae "raatn day Clidw"U'ufer '" ~r8, Clltlwallader' The marrillae, w"',: witnes~ bYhQUtl~c~ell~ng'"'I'qe,,dIlY, and a.ftel" /' e~ . ev~~., Ollt~rt!7~ . llt," Idea ~a's Axed upon ali' ~pedien~ ~1L8 the, widow of tl1e llite '\yilllam, only: the immedl\ite tamily .of each, j UlJlng patt-of"' a oan ci oonoontrated I " . The'idea III for each ."to ~ad~allll~6r of Wayntl8vllle. The ,the groom'/! ,father, 'Mr. J .. A Wool· lye se~ the oan tn 'a' window:' ! b.>dJ' waf!ltaken t-o. Oskaloosa ' Iowa, • , ' . ' ". ", .. . : ' . ~ , . .' ' , ley, 'opVa.y~esville,.and his br9tp;er, , ~:.rhe ob~li1 or~,,:l~lup and ,seoured, DIler IIO~ arbiclett at a speelul p,rioe for 'Interment! , '. ttaQl ~"I I':-to tbe ID~re.t ot t~ . .. d' M . 0 W Mook h d Lece· Woolley and f!lmUy. of Day~on, t;liEWlan and betot'e -the mottier no. ' . . , ' . . " ,.' ,., . '~ 'I.'... D."8s1 PI1~lio to buy.'. #ayn88-1 ~be Il l':a!lUr:'of :eote'I't"iuln: M~ . bel~g'present. " f;, ", ,.:" ttoed it, "h~d: 8'Y~n.OWed a quaD,tlty' fiO• . , , ' " " ! Mookll' aun';· Mrs. J.y,~la· W ..lI, of., y';)J~ng people have many oBhe lye. ~e (lh~ld lingered 'l'ues· , " ,,' :' '" • J'; I\Jhwartz ~tarted the plltn KolP8a8 Oity, ' ~iisPuli. ,'ormerly t'tlends who ,will wisb '?e~ iL rO~R ;d&Y nlght s1iff6ri,D~ temblY. J?eath • s.tGftltt,y. 'line oomlnl BIlturriay, MI~ L~dla , 8e~ng, o~ ,Bel1brOo~ and h&ppy m~~-Jl~e. ,'~ ~ l~me , . -" . ,', . .' r Jt Jae ~llh.a~II.!l0th"rllpeolal~rgll~ . i::~~:~ro~;y ; hfe~~1 M~\ Woo~le~< is,. ~ployecUp DI,lY~, ~ ,. _ ,. , " .," l:.. A. Zimmellman, ~he protrretll!. were her ,, IIrs,' I'alry. to!l!'lld they ,psak41 ~et,r hOme. ,HaUDa '8 ,Green llcJa1cl, jlamt ( . . ' t9' .~ II alllO ofl"rinK ... '91e 1 b aDd her daugbter. iii rs: 'Wall in ~b!'t 01'1, .; r.. ~ . II tihtwop in '1'Il,re i. DO .' baqalDfor~e.ll:'.turday• . " , b~!1once, ', WlQ'ueevil1e aDd . , ,}l " . ,' eooDomy,1J( '. are cheap " (" ' • " .' ' . ~ TbeNfore , we eDe?d all illvit.a ~:. ~:~~JJ5.,:t: tt:'''BlI~r~ .. ' .. ~ ~'.,. &1:7 ........ ..tIoD '&o Ut. Vabl\o to GOlDe tiD ' W., wOOd aDIl &bit O D e " , ,be meet ,a nell ' *:baa the Drll~ _vlU.ootnde, ~bwlU, ~, 1 0Q •· bOWll . . . . ~~~ 1W~1. ~~ . ~I , . . .'
".' ",. ,;.
AT'UR'0: AV'. 0NLV.1" .'-A'P'Rrl t'
S' AL.E :BEGINS'",AT 'ONE 0 ·' etA , ' G t B . '. . " refl, argalD Way'nes-ville' A three 'ple(1e set of 'd'ecora,ted china' . plate, cup and . . saucer for ' only 10 ,e'en.' r.egular price ,20 cents . ', Don"t 'Mlst.} thiS. greafr Qajogain. Be sure and.· Qome ' See 'Wlll<l9'.V Sttire :
, t
Adm ired atate.II"."'. SI.tu.... A German jourlliallat vlslUn, Waahln&ion', himself a. man at atal, 'Wa.rt proportions. 'l!'ae ra.lher' Inclined to look with someUung Ilk eon t.cmpt on ~ho many I!nderllized statesmen be aaw In tho nallonal 10,;181aturo. Dut 'Wh n Soqreta,y Ta(~ bo re down UpOD 111m he gasped In wonder. T he,- weu! introduced ill.nd after a short chat t be 10 rotary dl!lparted . Just as he dlsapo pel!-red tram the German'. , admlri •• Illzo ' lhe towerlnr torm or onlre... man Sulloway hOT,e loto Ylew. The Gqrmail looked ILt tlbe New Hampahlre man lonlf and earnestly. "He Is biC' cer than any man in bls Imperial rna· jeRLy's blan suat'ds," said the' torelgner in a tone of chasrln "and J .bllli writ. one whole lelt~r about him."
(I·""y rt~hl. I>y Jo~"ph 11;
A erg Dargal" foro 12 Cente POI'pald. 'l'ho' year of. 1006 wu ono or ·vrodigRI plenty on ollr .eed furlllJl. '<!vor before tlid VClletable nnd. (arm 8eede return ouch enormous yl 'Id>;. Now we wi.h to linin 200,000 n ew eUMtamel'!! this ycar an.! benec olrel' !or 12c POl'tpaid ' 11lkll. 'arden City Beet.. ............ 100 1 •. Earliest Ripe • bbR~e ......... _ lOe 1. " EarJiC>1t Enlernld 'u umbe.... ... 15e 1 " l.a ·ro~8p MllrkAt Letluct\ . . ,.. If>c
1 .. 19
Itntlillh .... _ ............ H)ll
1 ::JDII!e '»\0011 , TOlnllLo ............ I(in t . ul el:' Il11'ml> .. . ............. .. 10e
Jdlenen aDd pride tnx: "Itb a h"~" ler band thaD klnge aDd parliament. If we caD get rid of Ibe former we ' Cllll easily bear ti3e latter.-E'rankliJ:..
W •• In Germany Adv."et". Wllee. in tho maoblno facto rie.... Germany advancc.d I. ., 1fIU 10 to 1. per cont..
TIRED AND SICK YET .MUST WORK "MBn mo.y work from Sli D to ~un but woman ' work i~ never dono ," III ordur ') I",op tho h omo nCllt and pret~y. t h o'childreu well (1rea:;ed 'and tidy, wumcn overdo and of ton Bulfer In sl1ellco, drl Hing o.long from bad t~ wors(l, 'k nowing well thut they oUl>bt to ha,ve help to overcome Lhe I'l\ins and acbes whicb dnily IDaltc li fo a. burdoll. I t is to th ese womOD thllt [.ydlo. E . Pinliham'!\ Vogetabio COlDpound. mad froln root./l and' bllrb~, ' comOlilll<la 1>1 Ming. Wbon thc 8 ph~ AU N .its d pr ed. tho head nnd back ,M RS. , aches. t hure are dragging-down palnll. nervou8ness, sleeplessDeM. Dud reluctanoo to go nuywhcre. l,betic nro only Il)'mptoms Wlliclt unle... heeded, floon followed by ,tho wors t tormOi of b'emo.le Complo.,ln ta.
1000 kernels SIoMnu. ly bcautirul now· er aceda .. : .... , ......... .. .. ..... .. 150 Thl' lIIan let ihe Uller go R.ud Th blunt' lluset! 810011 moved s low. TotAl ..... : . . . ....... ... ..... , ..... ~1.00 drO(lII~d bolh hands on his kn <lit. Tbe Iy fro ll1 th k ell' IIIl III lIlan b nUlla 1.11 for 12c pOllt.p:\id in ot'der to inl roo " at ~ II,!I back Rnll In lnwul'Il lho k III strengtb o"el' the O(II·S. 'I'h 'child reu duco : our worrant <l aced., olld if you b d I\j;, In, s lowlY, obstlnutely. For· woke uP. unel th e fatbel' talked to ... iII !lCnd 1& we will! one parkai!c 01 Berliner EarliC1!t CauliflowQr, t0l!ctber ward bls wire was wrupplng h oI' damp tit III In bls j lIy wa.y. Their "lillie , "ith our m,ommoth plnD t, nll~ry stD<:", jacket around the IItli ~Irl who IIlIr e,", b calle/l It, and offered his veg~tAblc .nnd f.rm seed and tool cnt.lol1. !;bowoo signs of slumber. The boy wire a piece of smokln~ tobacco "to Thi~ catalog is mnilcd free til nil iuwas , mO\'lng restlessly about. eag er ch W Oil for comfort ." The \xl~' tending purchnscl·B. WriLe to·dRl'. .1..,lm A . '"lUll' Seeli Co., Dox: W. La 10 help hIs ~Illhel', and In 1110 1000n- laugh d, and reporl II t.he prosr ~9"Warfare" In Africa. lIl;h t his lbln JIlt! bod - look()d elllsh with a chlhl'R delight ove r an Incb of In the neighborhood of Lak Tchad. CroslfC. Wis. IUId unreal. ' I'laln. bllt his mother leu n d bnrk Atrlca, tho otber d~y, six negro trollP' Keep Your Face to the Sunlight. "1t'!! no uBe," lb mall ~ald. "lhe against th e damp gunwale, sick wllb ers. cpmmn nded by a corporal, armed I ~now aD old man who has had .. wi th (lnrbl nes only, successflllly de ' tld\l's golog out too strongl y and cold lind dlsgllsL : lher 's not a breatb of wind In lbls The boy >lut by the pro w. the Ilt ~l e fended a little mud fort nSlllnRt 600 cood dcal ot ~t'oub1ti and manv lossell confoWleled plneel" . ,:;-11'1 t II us le p /Ignln with her h :1I1 lu wal'li ke Tllllrer;s, a.nd ,when the Tall- and mlsfortuneB , but he started out In keeps lhe fominlno organism lUll strong Imd healthy conditIon . Itcure!l He. ausht hl & wlfe's ' g\ane', bu t b I' moth "r's Iup. III :Iud out" In II/HI regs g!ll'e up tho attempt and rell red, lIro wll.h a firm determination to ex· hitJaIDIDRlioll, . Uicl'ration • •1isplneclIlonl'l. nlld orgnnle tr(lllble . In she looked away qul ckl)' with tlght- Olll Ih II1l1n dlpl'm\ the oarll .. nud In t he troopel'S GlI.lIled alit lind ··I/un· trllct just as much Teal enjoyment prOpnrilll:' fUI' cllild -birlh and to I!nrl'y women ljt1(cly througb tbeCbanie trom It. as he went nlong, as possible ned IIr8. 'l'ho boal wa drifting tb I; lIeuoo Ibo bClllt rawled tOl'lva:d,' 16bed" them. o( 1,Ue .lL is mos t efficiont.. ' -not In diSSipation, but In wholcsom\l along the kelp E:c;lg llOW. Rlld Uley A haIlS ' halt be ' n ' I'ceping ovor • . Mrs. Augustlls LYall, of East Earl. Po.., wt'ltes:- D Ill' 1tfl'll, PinlcCHILDRI¥N TORTURED. recreation nnd fun. He hns always JlCard the sort scrnnc.h or stalk s un- the sky so 1;11 nlly luld Sl'a'jlla\ly th;\I. hl\rn :-"lo'or ~ Ioug' iitnQ 1 surr~rcd frOID (enlllletroublelinndhndnllklnds tri ed to s e tho hUUlorous side and tbe der tht'. keel. A fain t sth' of nlr came it sculIlcd 10 h llve no beginning , 'rho o( aches Itnd paius ' in t he lower part of baok nn,l Rllics, 1 ~uld !lilt Ir 01 tile. brown-bluffed jlhQl'e and WOU1l1ll only kn w that unolhc l' IIgllt Girl Had Runni"g Sores from Ecuma dllt y or hllpplne ss.~. S. Marden ID slccp alld hail no nppctite. I$lnce tnk-Ioll' l,ydin R Plnkham'lI Veg table -Boy Tortured by Polson OllkSuccess l\1agazl ne. ComllOuutl :Lud 'foilowillg' t,bo advico which you R'aVO me I feel like .. rougbened vcr B s llghU~' lite sUII ellll'el'cnt Cl'om tbe yellow-willi mOO!l Both Cured by Cutl.lura. new wOlllnn and I cannot praise your mcdlcine~ highly." TllIlIles uudl' l' lhe muonllght . IIghi had co~e. II was a wonderful "Wo'll hayo to til' UI) 10 th kelp:' (lomilig. 111M of tha pearl m mIn}; "Las y!'nr, Mter having my lIt~ll~ III mall sald, "al)d "'IJi L for th e 1.ldo Th e s hallow of th e little, mool'oel Women s l1ft'erlng from any form of f mille WI'.akness oro tnvitnd to \.0 tUl'n. It must be abouL 12 now a011 sloop l hey crept up to. anel beyont! «Irl tl'elltct! by a very prominent phy· write II' PinkhA.ll1, at Lynn, Muss. Out of h ilt' volum e of, ~E' slclan for a.n obstiuate <;;lSO at ecpenance prohl~bly t.he '"eI'V ' lcno\vledgo tlin't, "vill help your It wlU ,tllrn nt five." The tall BIlld WIlS mirror t1 In grl}Y wutCI'. case. Her. advice Is froe and ~~\\'!lY~ ilolpful. " ~lIkc th,e ileat of It," bllt the woman 'rben. uddeuly the h\lY cui1e ll out: zema, 1 r sorted to tho utlcur" R~m ' flung. up h el' boad t· helllol1sl. _ " 1' ha 'mol'llln g!" lind IIf swe'lJl bncll edl s, Dud' was so well pi used with 'fbey Bat In the old moonlight wlUI Into th 01 :lli , WIUt tbelr ' eyes au ' the almost Instuutaoeous tell r afford· no sound bllt the mysterIouB, fitful lhe rope. the <;lIpping noat uh!'lId . t.h \- cd that we dis lll'ded tho physlchm's murmur- of. lite Will r aud the Ilap or c~ePt near r through the 10111;. slienl prescription and relied eutlrely ' on tho ullcura Soap, Clitloura OintUle kelp. Tile boy ' b gan tr shiver minutes. ant! yawn IIlld his [alher wrapped 111m Sudd nly th woman felt "'Ithln he! ment, and Cullcura, PIUs. When we $3.00 AND in hll coat. offering his Iboulde r as a a growing sensation' of ,r;trange 01 aif' commenccd with tho ' Cut!curn Rome· , •• L OO\JGLAU4.l1O BIL",T:viI,;;:;;';i.;;V' IIJlJoW. The dampness c me strange- tire. H r tired brain refused to nnrlo dies her teet and lim bs were ·eovered 811PEB I11R ~ In about six Me~'.8hoe" U to Iy. slJent/ y. powerfully, IIko the moon- Iyze It; she on,ly knew Ibat something <vlth running sores. It Isn·t. alwayS policy to belleTo the . 8hlHl., N tu • t.l1O. weeks wo had he r completely well. light. and cul Into their very bones. warmed bel' numbness and cold. und W . L . DOllltlu .boos lOrn ' mall who tells )'OU what be would do to be Ibe boat I.n 11118, fit _ ... ~'"""J The woman !lilt upright, refusing that lIfe l seemed a vleasa nler lhlns. and there has been no recurrence of I( he were In your ph!,ce. part o( Ih" .hoo alld every maklng·ls .a leep and bending liver the baby curls As they came to tho mooring she the trouble. and, watchod ovor b1 .!tllled .hoemoll:ers, ",Ithont "In ' July at tbl8 year n lIlUo hoy In b'i\r lap. Sbe was full ot feelings as stood .u p and IQoll e,d towarr! tho light· JOJIJEa Cl'tJRED IN e TO 1. It"" Ta. time or cost. lf I ould take YOIl Into my lor~1) rAZO UIN'l'IUC.N1' 111 MUlUan\fe.d \ 0 Cl aro onr- ('.flU ha~d. III euttLng cold a s the moonlight cnlng ilky. Over the breakwater ILlld In our family poisoned bls hands nnd ut ~rouklul\" M.~~., and shl)w:Jon bow carefully \V. . h ahtnill. B llr'ld. Utee<linJt or l'Mtrud ln., 1,l lteli In shoes I1TO m .. do, YOII would Jhon uildor8ta,nd why they ' Jtllcic. ' through the ' rud£l TOW of fisherm n'8 arms with polson 'Cln k, and In twonty· ·d CO at d~.'.- or mO.t.l0)' rotuDdod. 6Uo. we:>. lonller, anil ..ra of greatcr. ....lIie than RIl'!' other mak@8. She glanced at ber busband nulling cabins 'glowed the first pink of sun. four hours his hands and arms were w. r.. ·tlt\un~'" name "n4I':ti"", I, lta1lllM'4 on tll DbertOld, wtl l.. h ~rol~M.atbe 1II'61"1!1raatNt' 111eb A wOll)an mll,- be 'atrald of tho cook. a mass of torturing sores. Wo ' used at hi s empty pipe and staring abead. rls~. · , 111,lV:tr .~,,~~~,~l:J=-.,,~~f;~c::,:j:~t;:l!f'~;': W~J!~ b:'~~'1':1~~t=l:!':M.... but a. man .lsn't-unle8s Ibe's hili wife. I It had been eo like hlm-mov(ld on Sbe bael never felt so moved b fore. only the Outlcura Rem dies, wa.s hlng impulse to ~ke a moonlight 8aIl-not She wonde.;oed IC !lhe were not anolbel his hand s and arma with the Cutlcura tgnorant ot the wind or tide, but woman, OM of tile simple creatureS Soap, and anointing t bem with the 1 rusting gally that ~he ebb would not sho had alway~ smiled plt)'lngly upon, Cutl ura Ointment. and t hen gave begl.n nor the ocean bree~e dlo down those Who find lIre worth while sl.J.n· him lbe Cutleur a Resolvent. In· and unU! ilieY were back ID tbe channel ply because UIQY are wire and moth r about three weeks Ills bands agalD! And If the cblldren ' should of a home. Nonsense! she was hl'r- arms healed up. , So we hal'e lots of take cold! The boy bad be "Ill; they' oelr, ooltl, . ililgry ~nd determlued. And , cause for feeling l!;rateful for the CiIUcum RemedleJl. Wo find tbat tbe bad come to the shor ~01' his sake! yel--sh e [Cit like singing. Slleplly they wCllt past 't he s leep· Cutlcuru. Remedios nre a valuable Sb.e 'blt bor lips In misery. , Sb,o Improve the intenor ap pear:men of sbould ,not h,ave (loollcnted. She Ing cottal!lls to their own. Tho tnl'l household sta,ndb),-; 1I\'lng as we do your hou~ e by I1ppiyhig 10 the \\'90d'. twelvo miles from a ,dootbr. Mrs. Uz· work - doors, WQjlllcoliug. '\'p'ind ' • IIlIould haVe Hrmly forbidden lhe sail zle Vincent Thomas, Fa,l rmont, Wal· frome!!, l>~s eb031'ds, elc., - 11 go04 • t the Ilrat. ' Bllt 'It wns too bard to, den's Ridge, Tenll" Oct. 13, 1905." (;Qat or Decorao loter/or Enamel, put out tbe , eager pleasure of th08e thc ne)",sanitl1ry intericr 6n· cbIldJ;en's ,eyes-lo play the part of uh. m3de in Gixleen be;outiinl sAAdca. Where It Hu'rt MOlt, ReproQ,f. Reason, UntJleasant AuthorDecorao luter/or Eoamel. are "Young gentlemen," said the collere ' ity! , Already. she felt, the chtldren BJlCci:illy made for Inlerior work , and prostdent. notwithstanding the (act came 10 her fearfully tor permlsslon. ca.n 1>0 ...""hed wiih soap and waler. thal bo was addnaBslng tho students. 'l'hey ]o\le(1 her. ycs, bn t she wlllln't They we3J' like Glued tile, their "youns gentlemen, hazing mllst be 'tbe p'e rson to enjoy lite wltla! 'I'be bandsomo lustre, prevent dl:s~c by stopped and stopp ,d at once. It hall resistlUlCO to din, dlllt and grease. ~~--~'i'::'7"''''''7r-_..J1JlI:JIt1D.iUt.!lll.J.lZ,o.Uon came to her t hat Injured the college more t.han aoy TME c."".u. 00...... '1. ' " .u.,," "NCT.• • .,.... om. tbey telt ab was neces81lry for their ot YOII ' ever could guess. Only last )lVIDg, but lIOt rol' tbelr loving. That, week a sentleman declined to give one was the tather, the happy-goUII '1,000,000 because there was so ,lUcky . Boy-~atlier, wbo ,COlll(l devise . mil ch hazing. Hllzlnt: Is a btld thing picniCS In 1\ mom\lllt and wllOse pOck. Inle~lor finan cially." .Cl& yielded a banoost o[ 8;weet~ and . gh'e 'OU a hud, glOssy. tile·Uke'linlah, . "How ,about morally?" asked the joys eycry' evonlng att er dinner, and arn used In plllCn of wall-paper student. ' and otber absorbent wail finls'hes in 'l'bey 101' ed him tor the IIIlDle humor Teally. there may be some"Aw·nw. balls, bedrooana. bathrooms and liit· and cbarm that had bUn od her to thins In thot, but-aw-tbe-the point chen. in Ihe besl dwellinp. hOlels ilie rcal man (or lack of real man) has nevor come up, and l- aw- am and olher public buildings. Tllo Bani· on th Ir firil~ meeting. not prof1ared to answer. But tbe point tary re:tLurc alone can hudly be over. Sbe romembered tbat day perfectesllm~ted. ' Is worth conslderlnc:"-CbICa&O Jour· ly: . he Originality of It ali that bad nal. Decorao Interior Eumell u. "fJ\8 tnated her Inlo thloklns tbat 1t prepared relldy for tl.o, brush. are Ha"d.ome Bridal Willi t~ beginning ot the " greatest e;u;ily appUed, and cost no more tban A. bridal coacb cosllng .$I,BOO haa 0110('11 In her 111'e. ,ood oil paint. been finished by [L Bridgeport (Conn.) Sbl) t'emembered ber dellgll t al tbe .e-To eYeD' person who con·, manufacturer ' r Oir a lIver)'mlln at templates Interior refinishing or dec· we\t(1lnl:r journey-bDw they 'had Pittston , J>a. Th,~ vehlole Is upbolcrllling, and lends us name .nd ad· slipptlll away to the stlltlon Ilnd lIeated stered. silk curilalned, wood carved, drc~s . wo ...iII send a handsome oxl. I benlBclv811 In a remote corncr, 6ans dlzed allver Buffalo-head allelelilt trimmed an,d has 20 bearts on It. tiel(cts.. s ane plans and s ans responpin or bat-plo, Also our Color There are lleart·shaped window!, two sibility. As a special favor. sbe rOo Chart of Detorao Int¢or En:lmcll large hearts tor tllte dashboard aDd the «lied. he had allowed her to pick o'u t morning had como an~ on wilh information of great \'al\le to yoa. th eir Re8Ponslbl11ty, a tanned feliow they turned 10 ,Ipok at the lIunrls". rear 81)l'lnss are hoart·shapod. Two Buffalo 011 ~t .. i n tw~ ds with a leatber tackle· box Waves of pink Iloode,l tho sky and Cupid, ' IUl'mOunt the lampl. a.DIG ' Qkajo and roc): case. . . warmed the lapping, · g~ay waters. At II DIlladvantl,\!e. "There," abe Ilad whlspercd, "go Then, liS Ul.ay stood tho bri gh t. I;en"The court fortune teller Is golnr to . just ' beblnd him, Teddy, .ari d get two crous suu 1'080 froOl behind t he (a r ~old De~ter$ resign," said ODe 'Ru3slan olllcla1. 1Icket!;. to tbe place wbere he Is hills alld shone Into their races. "Yes:' IInswcred the othor;' "he II . ~Ing:' InsUle lb ehlldreu I~cre IUIIgbln,; TIW weeks In lIlat lovely trout and rustling coollY ba;;s. Tho boy had at " dl sadyantage·. ' Ir he predict! bad news, he coines Into royal dlsta.ydr, COU.lIla; had be on perfect. Ah. why lit the I!>ss In the firepillce and t h£. and It he predh:ts good ' n8"1I. It ooliid npt me go on calling tor notb· flames , cheered the big room. Their doe81l't come ,true."-WasbIDltoD Star, flU~ liut hllmor and aprll'eclatlon? , .light Cell upon t he man 's knife and a , But the next cbnpter-Dlsll.lusloDs half·finltihed boat 1'01' the boy lying COFFEE T"'R~8HED HER. -bad co me epeedl'ly, When the .boy on the table. was born sbe' bad Jieen In the S ~lfThe 'woman turned and lool,ed Into NO M0RE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. 15 ~ong Year •• d\s/plI\led chapter, and now she b", her lIusband's face, boy·hand's omeTHE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER·IRRITANT. ' reached Rebellion" now haggard and strange with Ita "For over fifteen year!!," write. • . fn t,b(lse Geven " years Ilbe bad balt Dll\n's CBI'C' IIneij. AI! the warmth oC paUent, hopeful little J1Ia. woman. to Ilqmlt that sbe had mi.rrled the tbe sun grew. a blinding Him seemed ~'whlle a coffee drinker, I Rulfered 11 U 11101' at tbe man and tbatr hum(;r to leave hel' eyes and brain nnd bcnrt. from Spinal Irritation lind Neryou, was ' net one oC tb,o " bigger tblngs. Iror tho first time , she felt berself Il trouble. I waa treated by good pby,al, ' J.Dd c~d she' decIded th,a t ahe had lost real woman-~he cold, ' analytical clanli bU,t did no't get much rellet. EXTRACT O~THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT .be l' 8~n8e of hUmor. 'creature was left "somewhere out - :'1 never Buspec:ted ,that c9ffee might A. QUICK. SURE, SAFE AND'ALWAYS READY CURB FOR PAIN-PRIC. ISa.-tN COLLAPSIBLE TUBES-AT AlL DRUOOISTS AND DEALERS' OR jl;ow sbe said to. herse/r 'wlth a enm there ID ., tbechannel with the ' sba, be aggravating D3y condlUon. I wal BY MAIL ON RI!CEIPT OF 150. tN ' POSTAOE ' STAMPS. DON'T W'A lT hj1Ulcr. that It tbey had beep pool'er ' dows and ~be 'c old-tb,e ' sbadows and downheal·ted 'a nd discouraged, ' but TILL THII ' PAIN COMJlS-~IiIiP I ;II. TV.II HANIIY tb,?I1' marriage would ,have beon O/1e ', colr! which they had ,struggled throllgh A subslfluto:for and superior tp mustard or any oth'e r pluJsr, and ",ill noi prayed dally ths'l 1 ·mlght Bnd lIome-of those which arc a synonym tor toge~her-bome-yes, toseqler. 811d· thing to help me. ~lIsl.r Ihe mo.1 delicate skin,. Th,e lpain.allaylnr and curative qualltlea cif . tho utlclo aro ",onderful. It ",III ,top tho toothll,Che .t once ' and relieve taklns In washing. She Was worn del!ly she felt tliere In the golden . "Several yeara ago while Headache ,and SclaUca. Wf! rncommend It as tho best and .~fest extern.i ont " 'Ith tbose years IlS provlde'r IIgbt hll'" very Incomplete she was friend' s 11ou80:1 , d~ank a 'cup of countcr·lr~ltanl known, also as an eElernal remody lor palllll In !he chost l' ther,' mother, aloDe-how Impos8 Iblo ·.a life alone um and thought I , had never taated and stomach and all Rheumatic, Neuralrlc and Gouty complaints, A Irlal but ll.1 a rfe llow-ilhe .blamed him for ' wO,ul l1 bo for hOI'. _ She glanced Inside anytblnc more delicious. . ., wlll .prove what we claim for h, and I,t'wlll be'folind to be Invaluable In .Ihll lott Ins tbe double responsibility crusb again at the half-whittled boat and at hOUSehold and for ohlldren. Once \I3Od 'no family will be without II. 'Many "FrOJD that time on I uaed Postum ~ut, her fun '. 'ber humor ' sh.e blamed bel" husband'S white face ' beside her, p'oop'ln say "It Is tho boat 01 ail your preparations." Acc,ept n(. peeparatlon !nsfead of colfee, and soon began to 'blm fot ta,klug all " of ehlldreD's and the meaning of 'bel' slTanse jo)' Improvo In healt:~, so that now I ciau of vaseline unless the sal)1e carries our label. as olherwlso It-I. not cenulne ' S~ND V@UR ADDRESS AND WE WTLL MAIL OUR VAsi I/)~e; she blamed him for everYlhJng at thEi lan.dlng when sbe had -: .~t()()d walk half a dozen blocks or 1Il0re~wlth LINE PAMpHLET WHICH'·WILL INTERE'ST YOU. . 'tba.t her active brain COllie} call up In close against litm dashed oyer "· her· ease, and dd many othe'r things that are 'P;aitiOlla OpeD" II ' the ' ~~t06e t!even ):lard ~..elil'!I. She Bl.tupte~:. Two were needed to !Dak_e ihe ' re~J I never thought ' I ' would be ' able to GHESEBROUPH MFG. Nllvyforhuudred&ofyoungm'cn . t eth tlShtly and c.Iencbed her eold home-I!he felt' that now-t.he v;~muu ' do agalp In ,t~11l 1/Iorld. 11·STATE STREET. NEW YORK CITY , , i?etwecn 1-7 abd ,Z5 yeara of age, :fut(,!;e rs In scorn. ,' . and ,the inan "she ·Ioved. 'Ibero" was, ' ";My appetite .1s g~9d, I sleep well, ' .nd for, mechan iC!I up to 35 ,yeal'8 ' Tbe~ would leave' hI~. 'l'lIe chll. 1111 IInre8tl0!Vl~ly. magle~IIY', the right and flnd lite worth JIving, Indeed. A , of .ge.' .Good pay, and 1I'.00d tood dren hould see blm sometimes, and one, tile .keys tone tQ liel' o'rn com· lady of my 'acqulllnl.ance said she drd •. furnlsbed by the Govem'm ertt. \vhc;u tbey were grown they would pleted life, and now the womnn not like ,p.oatum; 'it was 10 weak and For fuil . information adi1r~ lind rstllnd-\7os, when ' h ay reacb~ furned-kriowln,. and ac knvw.ledglng. tasteless. '" Navy R~Dltitlll' S;atloll, . ~oat bome she would tell him. Had she .mQant to be. angry 1 Were bol... ls-'NaI....... W..".. 'l'he·.....lmal way" u 'n...wia. "I explained to her the difforence OIRce BW!c1iug, Clndultatl,Ohio. A ~lIrll)us gray began to come Into there nast and future vexations 10 when It la made rlght~olled accord Lbe Ilk)'. Suddenly the mUll leaned lroublei It all Heome.d ve':Y vague lng, to directions. Sbe waa glad to forward.. He ,,'as waleltlng a bIt of aDd far away (rom thli! present full know this because eolfee did not agr'ee ., melotl. rind flol1\lng slowly to ..... ard the ' m(i)nent In tllll ,new l.Iunshlne. with her. Now Iber folks eay they eJ:· The glow ot the home flte and tho hQat. OPPOblte, It almost stopped, pect t9 ule the telt of their fin'! the man eaulht hla brealh:aharpo sun went thrQugb every, vel.u In he liVes." .,y Postum .do., ~. body. Hor arm IUpped 'around bil Battle Read . the ' little "Sblr)ey. tate ' " . 1IoJ." b ' wid-. neck. Toaether tbW iratehed the.iwI -1IoOk. "'QIe I to We!I.SU..," ... II8rOO, ·'I'm ·loIDI to row," , clair dIe hlUtop.. Dkp. ~L'"
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
- -- - --
Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Wo...en
Baars TIll
For, DYlr TblrIJ YearS TbB.~lnd You HIYI AlwaJ$ Bougbt
The Clrcul~tion
and 1he Muscles and
lubricated by usinS!
Prlct§ 25c. SOc:. ,&...00
. . Tr.iise·On ThiHorse"sent '
Address Dr. uri
__ Charles Edward "Sells an Inventi~n
""'~-"~-.I"""_~_ , ,..r~~
Jo s~ ph
Rive~ 8ueee~de.d.
Reni ta , ::"l-tnnltoba. No\'. 26, 1906. At' S wan Rh ·r Vall y, ill Muy, 1900, a se Ul I' loOlt~]J 11 hOUl~s leod 011 Sec· tlon 30, In 'ruwlI Hhl\l a~, Ra ngn 29 West of th o FIl'st r.1. l·ltlan. at that time GO nlt1es {I'om a !'ullway, tele· b'1'l1.Jlb, school 01' churc h. 'l' here Is now a rnllway wi thin two mil es of my furm, nnd all t b s o olber ndvallt· agcs close at haud. H Is s tory 1s : "Arte r multlng m y hom estead entl'Y tce of $1~ I hud $4 5.00 total ( forty:Il\.e capltul. 'l'hrough dolug dollal's) ho mestead duliEls In slucl. times of tbe YCIlI'. I mllnag d to gilt a · ~tal't, 1 am a mnrrled mUn of 28 reurs ot .age. "I built my tlrst house, o~ sbocl. , lind bl·oke· up 8 a cres, putll!l~ Dve ac res In crop til e Jlr~ t year. "Tbls year, 1906, 1 had 80 a cres 10 <:-1'01)-65 ac res In wheat. 20 acres or Whic h l'le ld ed 860 bllMle ls , 01' "21~ bl) hels II I' acre ; Hi acres ot oa ls. which. ri(,ltled ~G5 bus hels, uurl one s tllck of oats In ~ b at for feed. " R ce lpl~ for tho yenl'Sold 1.75fi bu. of wheut for ..• $1,037.1 0 In granar),. 110 bus hels.... .. 71 .60 In granary, ::&5 IlU. oats . . ... 88.76 20 .00 Garll II I'(lO ls und \'egelub les One SlllCltolJ[ outs in slI Dr.. . 60.00
By Harrison Rhodes (CopyrIght. by
Bowl . ~.)
Wben lhe AU811ns al'e In a mood to qre tly." h e would have liked to sayInvite conflllellCe8 Inost men tell lIlelr "Clf 111I1'chaHlng a live doll~r gold Illece troubles lit. onc . It waR only \I;e rut';) !lollal'," he saId IUlII.ead . ' shortest Um lI~l I' 1'urllel'. thl} Inve n· He Wellt lICI fmtll r. fOI' Ule yo nn g tor. hrul .heen 1.11IIchlng wllh Charles wUllIan CIRRII d her hauds togel.he r lu Jjlrlwllnl Ausllo and hI s wife, l.ady An· nil UI).,lIre nt e ·st.llcy or Innocence IIlId geln, lbat b was ~ nfo\agetl In .l sO llle· l·upLlII·C. whnt long n.c count ot his experiments' "Oh. [ shollld Jus t love to, " ,he said. In ol'tJflclnl l'efl·lgerIl Uon. . "I bOllC It' Is a- u 'good thin g.' 18 Tume l' hnd perrected whnt one may It~ II jnoks \'el'y (unny to me SOIt1~ des(lI'lbe briefly as an Ice'llIllklng mu· how." ehlue of greut e mcle ucy , Tllrne r'1j Jol"eryolle Rtu l·ted. 'fhls the n wau invention enubled one, wllh IL trifling IIII~ eX lllallatlo n 'or lbe )'01101: mall'l l expondltul'e or Illoney lind trollble to ticmnlug Il1Udll as. Lad )' Ange la agahl 111'oAuced 1\ gold cal'l'Y 111'0 Inestimable comforts or cool tIrlitkR Ilnd o[ heu lthrnl aud fl' s b rood 111 .. c lind louk'(1 Il llilealtngl y :at tbe vl}r ywllere, IIIcn IHolmd. ~IOv e (1 by chl"ul~y and '''Thlll Is DO ionger xpcrI1110nlal~" h)' Ihe love tlr He ll8utlon 0180. lltey .lnOlllr d Charles l~dwal'd . · "You can r ushed forwtll'd to examlno thc coin . really do thi s?" " I t'~ 1\ 1)1111 one, iDll dam', If \'c r "Yos," 8altt Tu r ner. Ih 'l'l, \\' HS," said a ropol'u;r wltb r d "Bltt Wl/lLt I don't IlIIdel'8laud," con- .1m I1'. tlnlled Ohll,.les Htlwu rll . "Is wh y ( " I think Il's hOI'l'lti or 1t11l1 ," co m· llnd YOIl s aylnK YOU'I' down 011 ),0111' JlI lilt I d lila YO llllg , unHI II , 1I11'II1ug Illi IlIck. YOII QIIgh t to be wltl ~ln tlrt.e en acc\lsl ug rae upon C' harlNi l ~ lI warll. Total .. . ................. $1,272.35 or /welLty mlnU leS" th l'lche t mnu Jo;XII nscs at \'COI'living." bill sl one fO I,' seeu . •..••. •• $ .1.GO "Ob, ·I don't know," 'murmu red' TlIr· t>lI ld for binder t wille . .. •..• ~O .OO nero "I don 't IIn(l rstallil aoy1.l1ing 'P uld tor hi red I:el" . ........ 120.00 (\bollt business. And J thOUght my In·. Paid COl' threshlIJ g . ••• , .•.• ,' 107.00 vElutton would be so splendid fOI' .t h "ilrmy.H . .
" Wand rtlll for [] Id hOllllWI.Is ., auld Lod)' .A IIgelll. . " \"08." a ssent d Turner. b"'gh tcn · ln g, "anti' 110 1'''0 b en trying to Bell Ihe -whol thllig lo tit governm u t. But It'a no good. [thoug h t [ hlUl b Ll I' not s limy putent nlleg\llh e l" ~o ( offl'red 10 I< 11 the I;overnme nt for nve yeul's too right to make my m achl n for 'l lte li S or lhe a rmy, ror-" anll' ,It h esllat d-"ror {\Heeo Itllndl' d cLollars." 'hurles Edword tllrned \ 0 the ' in, ventor. "Your machille Is " 'orth tl fl en tbou· and, well wOI·th 1~, ISII' t It?" " Yk1R, J SUllpose It l'oally Is." , " T'~Jon , wh y." 1}lIrslIed Il orlos l::d· Wll rd, " when you only IIslt I1rt eo . hundrl'd (\0 yon- xpe<:l th o war tI 110rt: 111 nt 1111.101 ' V r linn It It worth mol' ? " YO,1I mAy tllk It 11'011'1 me," he W nt on-"dlal If yo u alTer", t hJng fol' l's9 than " 's worth 110 one will helle ve It I' , wo rt.h anylhillg. . 0 on will trust 'it, no one will bell \' I~ Is gflUlllu r.. Why, '. dllro soy r mlgllt. gO, lIrl to t he CllloplWl nnd otter t.o cve,·y one t,'ho 'amc I'Iong- " hurlell l!ldward s toll[lCtI with ex· traordlnary abrllptness anll hIs ey gleam d. T,ady Angela len ned for· ward. " Well," said Chal'les E dward at I~hgth wltb the utmost calm. " t.o-mor· Irow upon the sleps of the capitol T ,will J1ubU~ly prove ull that [ have jllst lbeen slIylng, and.L1l:illlt e nd In ' seiling ,your Inv enllon to the war department for a rewwnable price." At about II t he next mornlt;lg • western me mber, hurrying to 011 ap. IPolntmllJlt Cor w)1lcll h e was alrea'd)l ~Iate. descended Ule ateps of the capl· ,tol two at a tim . 'Half ~ay down ,be Will! tltopped by o. young ~enUeman 'who hall been standing contemplativeIy In the Hun. . I "( ' beg your' pa'rdon;' began tbe '.tranger , In a tone at once conHden· ,tJal and .. counllent~ putllng bls hand 'upon tile legllllator II arm. . . " I'm sorrY,"bl'oke In the congress. man, "but 1 eun't give you a momeni. Jr YOII mlnt an Interview come to the Ebblt house to·nlght about nine and uk (or me." ," " That wOllld be <1 IIght!ul," said the YOllng mnn . "But 1 dOD't lnIQw who YOll are) ' . ., ".OOu' t know who I n:nr.--1'hen wlt~ the dicke ns hnve you stopped. met" .! [ w18hed to Ilropos to you:1 was 'the reslJODSe, ' ''tbut S'ou . should buy tlll8 twenlY dollar golll Illece lor five dollars: WIII.YQ~ . buyt" . . "no YOIl take me tor a tool?" ';·No. "'aturall.y YOII \VOllldn't' buy .lt u .t this Jnice. Yon don't belJ,eve It's ,;ood. Neither do the people In lite war de llarLment." "H.a ve ),Oll been trying to Mil twon . ty do1\a1' gold pieces to them (or 'flve dollars?" . "Not e~actly." '!<ald (:harles Ed. Ward, "buL J1 friend of inlne has ' been doing wlilt amount. to' the same
Total .. ............... . , . $ 258.60 R c lilts .................. . . $1.272.35 t;l( \le ndlt u res ............... 258.tlO Balnnce .................. $1,01 3.75 ASllets. 160 acre's of IRntl .valuell at .. $2,500.00 Frame hou se 20x26, valued at COO.OO Fnrm Impl me ll ts . . . .... . . .. 426.00 1 team horses and hUrD SS. . 400.00 G II li d YOllng catUe.. ... . ... 75.00 2 hogs ............ . . .• . ...• 16.00 Receillts o( this year's crop . . 1,0]5.76 Totul •• . •".,' ....... .. .... . $5,030.'i5 (i.bllities. . 1.oan on farm .. ..... ........ 500.00
~fra .
IW rt ~D. tbe lIu ru~t r oducC\ll It · 4aww.Llon. aU.11 pytn. unro. "tAlLl coUu. ~c .. butU ... f
A .... ortby tlfe Is Impo's!!lbl. wltbout' II
F!1'_, ~I . VIMI" Done,' II I1tI ,,11 ~H"O"~
D i~I::uK.'" nOI' lIlUn('nlly ('Urt~ ll\~ Dr. t\ Ii Il l"'" lIrcnl I\'''I'\'C H. ~ LOI·C I :.• end (or "rop 2.00
tria l boLIto, Illl(l t reuti ..... Dr. R. p . K lolle, Ld., 931 "\l'Ilh f'J.. PllIl u.t1clllhi:o . J'u.
- --,-----
It ls 110t 110 Olucb tbel belnl: ex mpt ,from faults Ilt tbe havlns o verCOl l . them, that Is • .11. advall.Uo&_ to Swltt.
U.'- I
]1lan for (':ood Il ealt h! 1'11I;e (': nl'li,ltI . Tea llOW ; it I·"gul". c. I h,p Ii".,r II III I kid· neys. o\"crcoIllC~ NII~LI )J lt li u lI , P"I·I I It·~ th e blood and erudicate. tH~lie. lL i. II cllle " 'bolly oC iler us. HearIng 8t~"ngel:l Reatored. A DIan of Will en. Ger man y, wbo bad been almo s t de af for somo years, recov ered his lI earln" C10wpletely lifter a terr ific explosion. It
While You Walk.
.'''" rn ·~ Fnnl ·1;:".c i. a rerl.Jlin M1 1'C for hllt. ~W l!nt l n).{ _ f'1111 'l u ~, 1\11l ' RWt.lll"ll . It(>hiuJ[ l~eJ. fiol,l by alllhuglli"t •. Pril·, :1j·. \)0 11'[
III·c.,plflll.v.llb. til " ... ·. '1' .. ;,,1pllcknup ,..RE8 . Atllh·e"~ .~ lIell fo'. OIm.• lf". L~ Hoy, X. Y. Photo(lraph. of Bra ve Men. Tbe ?tlkado and L1le <:ro,,'n prln(Je . of Japan are euc h having an Illbu m m ade of pholograph s of all tile mi litary and naval om cera killed Iml Ule . 'ar wllh RussIa . ~ll:;r~ . .tJ"~~.p TOLJeOO .} 18 . ,.· ,U!UC J. CUEs &r makU o •.tb tbat btl t• •• blo'
sra T Il 01'
C~~i~:~.fJ:o t~:efSC'l~'U~rYT~iefD~IlCu~~ ~ ~~J ~I~:
arure.ald. Iud lh alo 'atd flrm 'wU t pa, Lba lUlU 01 o:a: 11 IlNnll ED DOLLAItS f or eac b ao<1 ... "
t..:~~,r. ~:~~~~ g::I~IUUlOL bo cored tJy ,be ulie
• F ItA!lI{ J . (' liE SEi'. S _om 10 betoro me and l ubli) rlhad Iu lU1 1Ire' l!Q\Ool tb ll liLh da, ut D ecomber, A. D." 6. -'- t A. W. OLEA 60~ . { 'UtA I.
Do pr tty face, 0. g:lOd tlr.rure, but soont'r or later learn t hDot the h ealW,y . happy, cootent d woman is moat of all to bo admired. Women kout,l cd wiLh fainting spells, 11'1' gularlllcs. nel'''O\l8 irrl!.a· blll\y , ba.ckache, tho ~' blll es ,oo and those ll relLdful 11ragging son so.t1ons , canuot "ope to bQ llliPPY or poplllo'I', DIIII advanc m nt In e ithcr b ome. busin l!lIs 01' socin l life ill- impossible. Tlte cause of the 0 trouble ,how, e ver , yield s qlliclcly to Lydi~ 1Jl. Pink· Imlll'lI Vege tablo ompollnd made from nDtlve rool.>illnd hc,'\)s. It a(..;.a ut OD CO upon tbe organ Rftlictcd and lIlO nc rve c n t l'Ii . dis peIJing' effect ually all t.h(j~e d lstress! ng SY lDp' . tolns. No olhol' medicine In the cOllntry h as rp cel~ed !meh unqualified illolorse mcn t or has suoh 0. r ecord of cure!> of femalo ills as has
Lydia E. Pinkham'sVege.tabJe Cdmpo.und MIRS Emma Runtzl 1', at 631 Stale St,., Schenectady, N . Y., writes:"Por II. 10ilK t ilne 1 WII S tro ubl ed with n. weakneMI which Becmed to drldn 1\11 In .V strl'D A't h Ilwa.y. 1 hud dull h endo.chell, wall nervous, ird .... ble. ollll 1111 wo rn o:Jt. Chancing to r end on e uf your advertisements o t !I. Cn.Be simllu r 10 min Ollr d by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta.ble Compound, I dccill ctl to try it and I ClInnot Mprest. my grntltude for the benefit r eceived. I am entirely woll and feel like 0. DeW persoll." &"ydla E. Pinkham" Vegetable Compound !o; the most 8uceessful rll lUcd y 101' all form s ot ]?,'mille Co Weak Back. Falling 'and TJisp lace m'lIl R. Inllnmma.tion onel 01 orutlon, aud Is Illvaluable in prepa.rillg l or eh i1c1blrth and t hc bange uf Lifc.
Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women
. Women 6\1.f ferlng frolll any form ot f emale W I\lrnesa 1l1'C Invited to promplly commu n iCltte with MnI, .Pinkham, at Lynn, Moss. Ber Ildvlce Is f" l'e and JLl wuys ll lllp·rlli. '
Do k tl(' Ie, L"ng-uor, Mol:aria,
)tldnry and
Di6o rd er's, W 011lunly r- j r;:,pIC8, Melltal tUU g&fSUll e.S , 1'\C'rTOU8n I klld 51 e pics .. Drr"lI ~tU (:n t ,. .
ue u,
Oet Weill You will ir ,-ou ....I:. Ihu e
.,.,.. t, little pilla.
All Dnlg,lots- IOc l5cand $1.00. • }lor Fn~ 1: ria.mple, .adcJrc:s,.
K. F. Dept" The Vlclory Rem ed, Co" Da,l.ft, O.
Our yebldeaa.nd hartlftllb.... been lold dJret1ttrom our rutD'7 \GU ....r l o r .. Lblrd o f. een.~. W tll!hlp f or u&ml haUaul o4
LDrt at II dlreotl, on tbu hlOQd and UHlCUU. e urlace. ~t l b. ' , IU!. Dl . tieu\lluf tt i limllolalll, t ree . F. J . 1: II E).'t: \: '" CO" T .. I.~O, G Sold bl . ll 1Jrtl~ .. IA'~ , ~ :.c . '1·...;..0 llalr , YawUl' J'l U. tor CORlllpaUOll.
·rr~::!~~~:su:.n.~~~o. ~::U(;"[a4 ~~::::- out DOltUDa We Are Th. L.,...t M...afaetunn
rn The World _",jlt!lor
INllUngtotbeaoo.umtl.. lnIWJhl'lI7 . W e m u
tl Ch'_ Ra ...t-UOU5 Ar,llel.i1Q, ",i lh \Ve.klll~5!4.
ll ~A(jo.c bt'.
S'OTAftT P uaLlo.
Con!!clenco Is lOurta.-VlclOr
All Y "ymptom of dllf"a8~, the f tt'LiIt of COu !lltjrlltf o" - ~o many .re--... m yeU d readily to 1a.. ytUua,til e ut ~diChJt's \.'OlI l uue-d In Dlac.kbura.. leto r)' ~ . .tor.OU.PiU•• • Con"tlpat 1oft flrt'lit, t hell ,NBuse .. , Dtllou[llo.
tI U', Catarrh Cure h takeo IDle rna Uy
" 'hlll ()w',, S ()Ot hlnlt ",,.rap.
'Tor I"bUdren l~ft lh ln"
Bnla nce to my goO(I. . .... $4 .630.75 Pn rllcllln rll as to !t ow to 5 cllr low Half Way Down He W as Stopped. railway roles to th fl'e h omestea d " Wh at ought r to dO." /lhp nskod 01 lanel!! at \"ester n nnnda may be se1111' r e(J.hult·f>o(} I: ntlemon who flO uled cllred from n Ill' s nadlan Government k "1 th Agent. ' CI mar q,,~' lIy mpll . Ilc. course." and he " lTt·s him hOllnded :lWO Y tOWlIl'd!; th(> uoUcelUan Home of the IcebergL llL th tou of Ihl' qapl\ol Mews. Alm ost {I II th Ice bergs s e n 111 the At th ts pOint he was Inl I'rullted hy nort h AlIun l'lc during Jun e aI''' a " la lwort hlu c Rflll laId "I,on hlH U WII. products of th' coast of Labrador. ChntlttS E rlwllrd h8 8 u ' geu rOils form d from th e Ice llelds, t hat had Bplt'lt and he would be Ihe 1l1'lll to 0(1· HHed the Indentations of that coast miL lhat his .. wlfe'li'e ntlon had the previous winter ...1ul~"l:l icebergs I;I\'e l/ 10 the whol e alTair a public ity come from furlh I' north In tbe vlcln· beyol\d anythin g ldwhlch hi s uwn 1111' Ity Of Hnmn I.nlld . tl\ose or August uld d etTorts could huve .ululued . It come from s~1JI furth e r north, anll was a sheer (Je llgllt to l'elll! tba head. though fewe r In number tbsn I hose of the eurller Bllmmer, are Inr~r ' t IIn(lR: From t b coast or Me mber or Smurt New YOI'k Soolety Individuality. Labrador may be see n on e ntll ess t\l'I'ested tor p8sslar; proceSSion of Ihl'se Ice mountu.ills Coun terfelt money coming Ollt ot the ' 1I0rth and laking En"I 's dallght ~ nccuses hus balld lhelr way majes ticall y s oulhwllrd lin· or 'belng blackleg. As fol' \"'Bshlngtcn, the next day II til. tbey lose th eir being In the warm· did nolbillg; lesl! than bolt It, luncll er waters Bnd climate of tbe aouth . Illid 1)I"eclpltatc Its It upon lbe dingy ·AUaollc.- lIfatne JOllrnol. , police court, wh re It was u~derstood Autograph. In Demand. that tbe ex.a mlnuUqn was to be held At the .pres nt Ume the greatest that afternoon. The apt) ul'ance In the wltnes! box demand Is for autographs or the Bng· of Llldy Angela. 10 a mnuve costume IIsh IIte rar), celebrilles. some ot whlcb of Pal'lslan orlKlh, Quleled .he a8semb· bring thousand s of doilins. Keats aDd lage. But, alas. the wltuess, In t he Shelley com maud s uch blgh prices pretl lest, and com ph lesl way. broke HUlt they se.! 1 bes lsbl'ond. 'where tbere down In her' ev ld nee. Yes. s he ad· are morEl collecllollli. In London, Ber· Ijlllled, s he did buy n gold pi 'Cll from lin and ParIs are contlnllal autoher hUllbulll!, pa)'Ing him n sliver dol· grnl)lI ',ales dllrlng the ' season.-Tlle Irele. Inr. " And he gave you lhls coin. now In OrIgin of Pa·..port •• lhe 1108ses810n of Ihe police ?" The pa8s1)Ort system Is said to bnve " \\ 011," said t,ndy Angela, " Ihnt 's bad Its begin ning In Elngland In the just v,·hat . now I think of It, I cOIl'1 time or KIng Canute. who oblalned s ure o[ .a~ nil You see 1. )Jilt It ot tree passes for his subjects Ihrough once. }lIto t.hls purse," ~nd . ah h eld v'arlouB continental counO'les on their up' a . nelwork articl e for Insl)ecUon; I)lIgrlmages to the shrines ' at the ,"the re we re a lo"Dod manl' oth~ gOld' , Apostles Peter and Pilul at Romo. coin s thore. 'rbey muy hav o got . mixed Ull ." Gnrneld Ten it< for lhose \\'ho tll!t!ile nn " l'hen you h'ave no Idea hOW . ) ' 0 11 icl"" llllx~th" ; it is ,~ill\lIl ~, "lII'~, Ini.'d an.! callie IlOtl'nl ; It rcglll ~tCll" hu h" cr R1 ul kldncy~. " to Itave thIs colli I 1" . t" • fl ve r COII ICI'l I·otlstil'atlon. and tn'lug'" Hoo d 'ca1lnot possIbly tell . replied H.·alth. H i8 gU"n1T1te'ed IIntl<'r Lbo: !'ure LJ1d)' Angela, evading the question and 1'ood lind Drlll!>! JA\\,. ' the ne'c essltY of'IY!hg ut one ond the We need to learn, not ouly bo.... to . saDle moment. , make our 1I\' log. bllt how to make OUr It was . evll\ent Charles Edward contl'lIl11l1on to .the living wOI·lel.mlls t \)e scqul~led. There It was. Bul Re•. T. Ferrier Hulme, M. A. I the judge expel'lenced a pardonllbl e clIrloslty to knew the reason of th e Nothlnc ' I. impossible' to the man Ill'lsuner's behavior. who can wlII.- ill11lersoD.
thlng,lI . rrlend .M m.d . as you are!" ChoJ'les "J.eL Edward me tell enllYlIslaallcalll' iVOU. then," -und cried "18 YOllr be . a8k~d aL Illst, aurlltieed at 111m self dill 110. An enunciatIon ot u great for puttln'g tile Qliel'Ubn so seriously. mOI'I\~ truth , sucb a dcsqrlpUoll :or Till" ':Thel'e' 18 more melllod In my .mad· ner's \lortahie 'Ice machine as In th e ness.•. , You slay ' nnd watoh It you Ol'cll··b eated alll\osphere of the CO Ill' t· 'lIke. No onll '\Vlit l1'lY trom me: I'OO1ll moved "HI, there • .Toe!"· s b outed tile WeJlt.· · AI. tll'S t, It .1DUUL l1e" confessed. the ern member as ·It In r8$1101lSe t.o this, Incongruity ' and llUIDor of the whole A fat man wllh a red t uft on his chin Oll0j; were what cblefly strjlck the hunled and · ca:~e lowards them. ·11001lIe. .T.hen the r:epresentatl\'es of 'l:hlre'a a gOOd. tblng tor YOII . .loc," t.h . Iwess I gained I helilfwny, 119 It 'oontlnu\ld 'bls friend . . "Twollty doH aI's \~e ·e.. 'll1l1'Mr, beIng a~\ hand, was In· for tlve." lervlewed . Ilt I \gt;h. . T1!eh tbey de·. The ' ncwcomer', comment '\V!lS In &1. sccmled ~Ipon the secret8l'Y .of war. m08~ too 'lllc~lIros(jlle aUd extravl1oll'ant. S.ome'wbllf confused • .that g nll<!man laill:ua.;e/ Y t tho wculll·be lIlI.leswan IIdUlIt~d tllat be ha~ 11 at'd nul hipS did uot MillO dbw:ncaat. " tIt the 'l'urnar machine. tt wau . "Tl/Is Mlory," remarked the repre- doubtlesll 'l.M)llIg hlv8sthtaled. that he Mntatlve of . a l')f.etropolHan journal IVou1<1 himself 'llel'Bonally see that It w'ho JUBt Jolnjld tlle crowll. " wlth WtlS .BO Ill,v sUgated. eare, i:an be mude u warm une. Wotlld "lie llad Ilotter," WIUI aucclncUy pllt. yO\\ &II 800n I\s .not," 'he Ilsked Charles the edl~orlal commnnt e\'erp"here Edward. ''try it once apln, just ,to let . pext dax. . DIe Bee Utfl 'game?" Ch.rles Ed,.,.at'd's IIbotogl'Blil: ap· '.'1 m\8bt; I IIUpp080·..... wall l'he. reo 'pearod In Sixte.e n J'<lel!lI98 lIod 1:1 tw.o _DOuee, IIOt too entltuslaaUcaUy g1'!-'D. hUndred and fifteen clallles. A lead· "Well, bere eome~ iIomebody, and Ing merchant in 'New York ),lilt 0l!. Belle Ihe's a 'corker,' 'too," exclalme.4 the the "Lady AUSUD ~ Cloak." nd Oil ~e tOI11'th .daY t1I!t dePllrt.meut of !oQl'naust, elPJfiIr:, Lady. AQell1. "M.lkme t cliffi!' JG1I a moat u~ WIll' otrtiret:l 'Tamer twenty ~hovllUlct ',J!,eJec! ~-tJ ot· beba'f'fJil ..... dO"an~r Itll IDveb~J1. . ., \ . ' . . . ., .
It a vails Utile to the 1I11110rt unllte be bro\·c.-From tbe SpII Dil;u.
Veblde., 6:lltJl et ot Hum" •. fSe:n4 t or 1-.l1(c. trea ca,.IOVUc.
EUdaarICarP"oe" Barn_ Mig. Co..
!h.~-" ••""'"
HU~'~O~.=:-_ _ __ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f'IkIII~:·:r:":"'=d=l:aoa=~====~,~~=..=,.~::..;••;!..;....~~~."~;I~oO~:~ -
~I\e ~~f
the Important Duties of PhY$icians Gnd the WeU-I~formed of the World
is to learn a s to th rela ti,,~ stand ing and reliability of the leading mantl facturers of med ici na l a ~ nts , as the most lnin nt physicians are the most car fill as to the uniforrn quality and p e rf ct purity of r medies prescrib d by them, and it is well kn wn to physicia.n s and the \\'ell-ln fo rmed generally that the California Fig Sy,rup Co., by reason of It s correct methods and perfect eq uipment and th thical character of its product has attained to th e hi~h standing in scientific and comm rcial circles which is accorded. to successful and reliable houses only, and, th refore, t hat the Dame of the . Company has become a l;'t1aran~ee of the excellence of its remedy_
TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to th \ ' ll·Informed in every waih! life and are ess ntial to p rmanent succ ss and cr ditable s tanding, therefore we wish to call th e attention of all who ,.,;ould enjoy good h alth, with its blessings, to the fact that it 'involves the question of right li ving with all the term implies. \Vith proper knowledge of what is bes t each bour of recreation, of njoyment, o( contemplat ion' and of effort may be made to contribute to that end. and th e use of medicines dispensed with generally to great advantage; but as in many instances a simple, wholesome remedy may be invaluable if taken at the proper time, tbe California F ig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present truthfully the subject and t o supply the one perfect laxative remedy which has woo the appoval of physicians and the world·wide a cceptance of the \Vell-Informed because of the excellence of the combination, known to all, and the original metl104 of ::r:a::wacture l whicb is known to the California Fig Syrup CIf, only. . . Thi!; valuable remedy bas been long and Im'orably known ullder the name '0 (Syrnp of Figs-and has attained to world-wide acceptance as the mos t excellent of family laxatives, arid as its pure laxative principles, obtained from ' Senna, are well known to physiciarls and the \ e ll-Informed of the world to be the best of natural laxatives, w e have adopted the more elaborate name of- Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna-as more fully . descripth-e of the .remedy, but doubtl ess it will always be called for lby tbe short r nam of yrup of Figs-and to get it s beneficial effects always note, wh en purchasing, the full name of the Company - California Fig Syrup Co.plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simpLy call fo'r- Syrup of Figs-or by the full mIme-Sy rup o f Figs and Elixir of Senna- as-Syrup of Figs and ~l ixir of Senna - is the on laxative remedy manufa tured by the California Fig Syrup Co. and the same he!"etofore kn own by the name - ..Syrup of F ig - which' has given satisfactio·n. to milliou s . Th e gl.'lluin is for 'sa le by all leadil1 l: druggis ts throughiut the Un.i ted States ' in original packages oi one size only, the reguiur price of whIch is fifty cents per botlie, . . E~E!ry bottle is sold under the general guarantee of the Company, fil ed with the S .crntary of Agriculture, at \\lashing-toll, D . C' I that the H'medy is Itot adlrlterated or misbrande:d within the ~eaning o f. the Food and Drugs Act, JUDe :;o~b , 1906 •
San 'Franci sco, Cal. V S. A. Lonuon, England,
New York, N,
~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:'• •~~~;ii;;~~;;;;.~lr-iii~~iii~~~iiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii~~___iiiiiiiiii,[ STIFFNESS. STITOH ••, LAM.NESS, CRAMP TWISTS AND·TWITOH ••, ALL D.OAMP WI~EN YOU ' APPLY
$3.00 AND
T 'IiE
A silbstll ulllior and superior to muslard or any other plaster, and will flat blisler thll mO$t delleal" skllt. The pain-allaying a nd curative qualitlel·ot . lhll a(liele are,wofldorlul. ' It '11111 slOP the toolhache .J once, 'and rell"ve Headach" alld S claUca. We recommend'lt as the ~t and safe.s t eaternal· jlounter,Il'rllant known. also as In eltlernal remlldy for pains In the chest and stomach'and all Rheumallo, t-{euralglc Ind Gouty complalnt.s, · Iio ttlal ."11111 provo what we c)alm for It, anellt wlU be found to bo l'lvalu~blll In tbe household and for children. Once used no lamUy will ~ wlthoullt. MallY people say "It Is the best of a'l\ your prllpiuaUona::" Accept no preparation of vasel1ne unle33 tho same carries our I ~bel , as other",lfl! Ills not'tenulne. SEND YOUR ADDRESS AND WE WILL MAll ·OURVASE· LINE PAMPHLE'I' W~UCH WILL INTEREST YOU. .
WHY SUFFER1lt~~: t;ri )(Id"'" :'= •. JI_""'" 1li ""')1'._.UAI .... llu",.W"u• .!!.01... ---,,"~ora\lloJll~'Io ~Ie at Dru. Balll\O. POl'. I ... eI..D.
........I ..d'" UK.
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A. N K
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~--~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
7£ he
- ( a.. Zaets i
We,;:: ,\
I A Model BUllry t:urm In I ,
,etI, . -.. . ,
$1.00 1\ In ll. ~5. ;ur If not paM ' n ~r1un~
tbeairt'usl~lnglnthroughtheBmllll hoI jnBt mentioned fillB tube
" gyue, own. s WU T hIp. I
• 1\ iiit(;" ~ . - l ·,,,'tl)l ulan Mq r. t aertl .-- "MLSIClC'rM . M U,. ( .: tU, T . J . n" ow~ . " 0 ~O' I .l I t .J~ UJTuIL
---.-- -
-- --- ,
pipe ) tlod tlJeaudden exhaust of i r fl'~m tbe I'ea t oups drn ws the
" ~: DNESD"V
In a. recent iIBue of \be West~rn Star oontaln8 an inrereMting sketch, ot the long career of that. ,paper. in wbloh allusion Is made to a copy of tbe tI$ar iss.ed In the year 1810, Wbioh I~ Is said is the oldest copy of tbe Star lu exlatance. New T. J. Brown, for a ,long time until It few Y8&rs ago editor of tbe MlaDu <f'zeUO. ball a oopy of the IStar whloh he bas bad lor mlLny -yea ra. dated ~ptemb8r 24, 1 011, ""Ing No 1'9 of Vol. S Tbe paper bBS bee~ care ' In1)1 preserved II.nd Is In 88 good a .tate of' preservatiou as oooid be 8zpeotod~everv word legible. , Be has alai) a copy of the Uhlo Argus, .prill ted .. t Lebanon under -dAMof December 3, 1831. being No .. 2 of Vol. 1. ~lso. a copy of tbe Demooratlo Spark. pnbllshed at Xellia. of July l7. 18'.10, belnM No 49 ot ' Vol. 2, AIBO a number of other paPfrS mooh older thaD t:he ~'?ove lnertiOnerl bat' not so Interesting fo looall'll8del'll.
Your Name.
:Jt III. r.ule of aU newlpa.perl tha' nuomlDuDioationl bepubUsbed a~_ tbey are aooompanied the name of the writer. If preferred by the writer, the name of the perlOn I18Ddlng the oommimloa&ion will Dot be publ18h~ eel, bat we mOlt know from whow ~ oome, .. thill often prevents kOuble1Uld embarraeupent. '. nil role ~ht to be nnderstoo(1, , bu\oommnnicationl are 10 frequent , Y "leD' in with Dothing to ahow • whom oome from, thll' we feel ~11ed upon to repeat what has often baeD laid before, "Pleue sign yonr Dame."
Sc;hool Problem
:~~~~:ti;:!~l:~~ ~~:::~:,I neseems ErrS WITH YOUR CAS-II PURCH!.SES.
The Surprise ,Store CLOTHES fOR SPRING
We , are showing and Overcoats for lien'
season Young Men that revenJ .. he model'D adVllnces of fash-
Beautifu,l Spring Suits, Nobby Top Coats"and the weather defying are here in large The best dressers Rre wearing the Hart, S(lb'affner and Marx kind to in Dayton only of us. in aDd see the Suit or , over·· at 810.00 to
have for
is bri.m full of nobby Suits for
is sure, to contl:\iJi the
proper suit for your
boy. The biggest I.ine in Dayton you wJIl ,find hera and you'll find the ,price · Boys Suit~ 31.50 to, ·38.50.
. 'I'be ore~m Is pliloed In large vats We pay interest at the rate of 3 per "Mt II.nd lifter Il proper length of time Is , churned llnd made Into butter. All , annum on savinp aCcounts. or 'th6 mllchiner,V I~ rrlU by power ' ". , ' lInd Ilppnr ently AV!!ry Iflbo~ Bllving Tbe money i8 8ubjectto your call at any th,re; , .. .... devloe' h fts ,peen utllil:ed, . , " , , , but must ~emain with, us six ..ooths or Ionarer in "'or~ Anot,b()r very Iwpo'r tllnt poiot , ooonellted witb this dairy 18 the' !lleanlilles8whiah prevails tn eVQry der to draw 'i nterest. ' dtlpartment, Every Olin and every piece of mllohioerynsPCi is ihorough " Begin systematic saving. , 13T olea used, wh!oh, insures tbe nf.. ~ , most purity of the manufaoturEid One dollar will star1 an ~eount. produot. , , " I ,. , The Ga2.ett~ aoknowledges a pres. ' Can and inve'ltigate our savinp departmeat. ent bf II. lIberalsullply of rI{'h Ofell.m . ' . . ' _ and 'delolouB ' butter and cau give \ T~anking for favor we ,lOlicit J.,..., personal t!38timony as to the qll. tty of the Stoke's & Brown produotl. , patronaie~ Two hundred ponnd$ or 'more of butter are mannlaotured each week TOE CITIZENS BAN¥~ and a ready market fo~ 'bt8 i. fonnd In HrantUn (lnd Wayu8lvtlle, by F. C. 'Oartsoek, Cailhier. far the grea~r 'part beinl IOld in Franklill. -~the firm having ",u111' oUltomera who buy butter from,
'1 'I '1 .
' JSSCll l ooole' ID. thevo,ouuID
Front Grocery." h We have ometbing nice to S 0\\' yon. , . Those "I'ug " we .intend giVIng to ca~h pureh,a sf'rs am wOl,th your eonsid~ra.t10n. Our aim is to treat you fair. Sell f h dIP od you res goo s, a way ay you go • ~ I prlCeS lor your prOt uee. . DAN;m FAIL 1'0 A""K FOR TICKV ~ 0
, Wibhin .the l)ust f.ew yours, till tn. /, ix co w Ilt all op'eru tlon In about miJkmuohlik aOl~lfst10klng-itlJ! dU8try hafl grown 111" nOllC \ 'uynes, tllo tiUle one mll U oould milk two tbUIl uru wo out by sUC1tion , Instead ville 80 quietly and t e!\dll)' thll t llO W by hlllld. a nll does ' it more of bing squeezed out 118 in band mau)' po'r sonll in th omtuuoity ' t,h Ot'Ollg bly tbtt n would tho mIlk ng, 'the pulsator thus allows know little of it. and few Indeed liverllge mllU, ' ood til milk g as the milk to be dmwn from th~ teat realilf.'l be nlngJIitudo of the bu~l - 'uto coyered buokets which tho . lind t lIe teut filled again about onoe nIU\S beiD~ acoomplil'heu. We ref r r oug hly prevents tlIe ontrtl noe of per !lecond , The meohaniRw Is not nearly liS • oompllouted os one to tbe l:ilokes I\nd Brown Dairy 1I0Y pArtiole of dirt. establishment, on the lower. pring . While spetl king of 1\ milking 1111lbora pike, two lDllcfl tlo uthwe t of ch ine. it ..lIould b e explained tbut As the milk B wa into the I:uoket -Wayuesvilltl. '~o ko lIod 8 rown hllve r lIlly tl1 ree 1,'he fi rll1 oonsist.. of Mr , Bury soparute tIlII Ilin!ls. Etloh. mlloh~ne through ll 'gllll!S tube the operator Stoke8 !lod Mr . Churles A. Brown, milk!! two OOWS, but ,tile three ma- MU relldily tell when" milking Is and the firm has be n in busine olltne nitty be operated by one 011\11. oomplete· ahont ,t,bfe6 years. A gOl!oli ne nglue IOCll t~d iu the The Dl O t remarhl,ble point to the Ilv er.ige person familiar witb stook is til manner in whiob the cows nccept tbe lllllohlno , As It llIi:tnds \let wen two hDlmuls. one of r,bem Daturfllly hu ~ to 110 milked from the wrol1 f{ ijille, but it, ~e ms to mttke no ditr.lrIl Ll e to t,h c WII, and l,bllY generBl1y ~t,nud quietly while the mti ob in B~ Ilre Ilt work , Abont. furty CUW!lllro mIlked twioe eaoh dllYfI, illJd it olin rllllilily be se u what 11 "tt talllount,of labur lS8lt VBII bV llltlohllllltl. Stokp,s, Brown's 8tl1ble8 lira In thl~ tb mse \vB!! worthy III t1 p OIU\ men · tion , 'rhey ooutai'u spnce for n'bont alld 50 h ene1 of ent,tle And aro provided witti mllny ou\'enlenoea and IHbor SI1 vlng devlce~ . Tbe feed wltngers a'r e conorete Ion. trbughs, und olin be filled with w& whloh Is pumped Into ti' stable with tbe aid of ~ wind pump MlLKING MACHINE . and ga~ollne Angine. In cold weath. The 'g reatest mod l'n labor. aver. CraV9n~tes e r the water ol~n be tempered by Mr. I)tokes ' and Mr, Bro~vn 's milk house and tobout a hUDrtred means of u large boiler whloh fur. farms almost join and both of these fe t from the barn , furnishes power nishes stellm and bot ,vater I ' assor~ents. basl,d es pll,r t of th6 Edward s f!lr~ for tbe mil hine!' whiob operate by The udvuntttg6 of ,this mothod I:Ill0tion at tbe air. just east of thew, are Utoed, over that of driving cattle too /J It was the pleasure of a Gltzette Tbe engine funs Ii lar~:e air pump, muddy sheam or watering them by representative to ltooompll1lY Mr., whloh is oonneoted by un iron pipe otlrr,ving It to the cat,tl6 in baokets, b~' ~~d Brown on a vlstt to tbe dairy barns with the. tables. Ber,e irou pipes 18 apPllrent. nnd . butter mlLnnfa,oiuty, re('ently , run the entire length of the stables -', At- the wes~ end of the barn al e The headquarters.)f the firm Ilre Ilbove the oows' necks a!1 tbey stand two larg6 silos wbioh provide fresh ~ . f ,on Mr. Brown 's fal'm whioh is oocu- In their regular places for feeding feed duribg the wiuter, A great Com(~ pled by Mr. Stokes, who gives his and milking, nnd to tbls pipe a stop deal of oure Is exeroised iu tbe feed· personal a~tentlon to the mllntlge . nook is attached betw6tID eltch pllir ing of the stuck and to this Mr. went of affairs. Be Is asslstell by of cows. To milk a cel'tnln pair, a Stokes ~ives person ..} aUention. The eoat...w~ y~u '25~OO. Messrs. ,Walter Botts, Russel Pllr. buoket in set well forwllrd between, result of this oufe Is apparent as ette, Charles Zell, Andrew ZOllzell tbe two i on t hIS buoket is an uir three oows have eaoh madet)ver 20 and Patrlok Corren , In addition to ti ght lid i from it rUllla Il. rubber pounds of butter In Bslngte ~eek ; ., certainly verY.1lrofltllble Itnd vala ~, :.. '" Rble cows. Nearly · all of the cattle In the herd ' ~re pure bred Jerseys. and ilmong I,hl'm ' there Is some pxtreme Iy fine stock, In addition to thE' milk oows mll,ny young cattte are being rl1ised, there being "bout R hundred h ead ~D the plllr:e alto: .'. " j'y' gerher. , ' rjgh~; From the milking, mtlohines' the milk Is taken' to the milk roam and I butt,er making establishments , 'l'bls Is one of the most oomplete e!lta blisbments of Its kind In tIm seotion. Powee is furnlsbed by a E. C. 'BUb gasoline engine and steam and heat Sol Strau88 are s.upplied from R large boiler. \..- - "~ ', ,the dairy bU8iness, ,farmiug un1 l tu he to t,h e stop 00011 just mentioned Bot <lnd oold water bove been piped Dayton's ,Most ' P opular Male Out&tteni (,\ stook raising Is oarried on on l\ largo and also 'a rubber tube t;o the adder to all parts of the ,bUilding .and Is a BOllle. I of enoh cow; lit the end o~ tbe Illtlsr , great oouvenlence in working with , 28 and :fl'-E. 3nt Ft. Tbe prinolpal object of the (JII.. brunohefl Into four tubes 80 liS to , 'milk 'and utter, Dayton, ,Ohio. I zette'a representative In visiting the fit over enoh of the felU,r t,e als at ' After ' oal!liog frow the barns the dairy was to see the new milk mil onoe i tbls, hy II. oomblnatlOn of 11k ' I ed I ' h t d , 'I:' IS p ao . n ~ e 88para .)r an : ' ' m ohln88 whloh have been rec~ntly In· metnl Ilud rubber 1S mude to' fit "h t df th skim ~ , " e oream separa e Jam e , .'stalled, but on relloblu'g tbe farm about enoh ~at ~nd up against tbe , milk. 'fed tooa.lv88 t here were 80 many things of Inter· udder air tlgbt , Wht n tbe stop . d h " tbl I th'l d s mo ~ un ogs i every ng n --.00::~liZ!:~lne8B establishment be,l ng
"The Ohio Teacher," in a recent · illWl, clilOa.M a lubjec~ wbloh baa .... to the front amoni 'lOhool pfo1)1ema in Warren oounty tbe put oouple of yei,n, &,D,d whlob will be of lell8rallntereet to readen of the • G~I8"". .At the Round Table meeting 01 " ttiel State AMoolation of ToWDShip ' SaperiDteDden&a at Columbus, it ~I _ tepor&ecl tba' there. are now · lioo ~, toWDlhip luperlntendents In ' e)\.~, WpervlalDg mOre ~haD one· tIatrd of ,the roraJ IOh.ools of tbe Thl. form o,f lupervl810n ..8eble'to han proveD very satl8fl\0 , ~ ~~erever U hal been oontlnued period to te8t tho. , rOr, ,.. 1' ( . :'lumo1ent ,.. iOUghly it. rtIIIults. ' ooJ summed ' up the ~ : Tke;~ rOl1~~",:,.ar~nm8Dts In ',vor of " ro~p : 8uperJillors of rural 8Ohoo~ :: ~" '~I.t .. ... . 1. Tellohen do more ,t horough w~rk. ', . 2. Great advantages derived by the monthly meeting of teaoher8. S. Uniflee and systematizes the work of the Reading Ciresle, '. . If llUpet'vitllOD In the oltles 18 neoeaeary, why II it not in the couutry' AI Mr. -F. A. Derthlolr, MilS· ter of the State GI'IIDge, said In his IJ,I88Oh at thtl medins: "I believe in lupervillol', and when we farm. erl lpi;ud two or three doUar8 for labor we Iqpervlll8 it, 'Then why not hine IUpervililon over our rural ~aOhenjl" ' , , 6. BOard of Education frequently , ,meets ) vith tAlaoherl and thus get beUllJIllcqualned with them. 6 . . T.pcbers , are more Uk!!ly to fol~o~ ~ ooone of study. , 7. TedbOO~ are more uniform and are , not 10 often ohanged In toWDIhipe having lupervilion. The omoen of thIS State AIBocl,,· ,, est to see and we were so IIn pr ti 1..... _.. • the . I g ' , OD 1e ~~p.or _'d cotm. nJ YBMr are by the magnitude of t he work flOAI f 0 JOWl. re ... en , '. . ollser, ' , . Cuta1~ Ohio' Vice President D. compllshedthat these JUAohlnes, B. ~ Be ta ' d wonderful in their work as they .' ~t1fe~' 'L. 8. ~~ins~r~~~~D j , proved to be W!lre part of a most, i!l -Co . - R tI P terellting and up to·dtlte establlshI mmU....,. ' . araoull. " ment. , . Alp!1a j J. B. Colllnll, Springfield. 'l'lIe milkIng maohlnes are worthy ~ your new8~ and mag . of mentionlll'llt. Everybody knows .IIDfJ1 throulb the 1 GaZfttte. .how tedious and tIresome It Is to We . . pt them for yea" reclu0e4 milk One cow ot several oows by .hand, but here fhl!! machine milks
. 1U4t.:..
When in to,,,i eall at tlw ,'White
Rnd teat ,oups nnd n.llowll t,he t&lt-s to fill with milk, just a8 they do In hllnd milking when the 'ulliker opens his hRnd8; then tho pulsator opens the oonneotion with, the buoll:. e t Cfromwhloh t,h8llirisexhaU8t-ed by Its oonneotion with the vaOUum
An Industry that has grown to large proportions , , ~'FICE 'IN ALLEN BU1LOING within a few years. A dait:'y eq uipped wi,th . ' f JElPlIorle eJlLIa .. 'riO. 6:1 , every modern convenience. APRIL 2 , · ' . IPO Old COpy of Western Star Owned by T. J. Brown.
Ineotiou betweeu tbe tube tl.nnlna' to the oow IInll the buoket, and then
'h ave ~ e oows Iii opened it exhausts the Illr b k t d t 1 from tb6 uo e an u JOS 80 pow· E'rfully as to dra;w the milk f~om the cows Into the buoket" . " , A lnetal piece with a stnBII ho;o, In t t <1 it a slight amount of air is loa m plaoed in elloh liube just wb6re I~ brunohes to the four teat cups, On the lid ,o! the buoke' ts the special feature Qf tha patent, 08Ued a pulsator, 'l'hl!! pulsator the OOD
PIP(~ , II
the rear rouDd.
~""""""'''''''''''''''''-~''''~~''' ;;II
_ __r
7= F, Bant'y et ai, Inlnors,' tlle J her LOCAL AND 81'conrl account. PERSONAL MENTION II 61, tEBANDI~ NI!lW ~UI'rl< 101. ,I. Wltt-eman 'l\'O~ Appointed d tiz nil a"nlC, of W'\vnA~ \'!IIe, " Mlrmnlllt,rat.or of t,lIe elltute of Onth· AN~ IJOrpl'rllti Ill. VR Pllt.rl"k UlIl'Dnr Bnd erine I:!urfl\ce, deceused; hond J25. Jumes WilSOD, who' Dlukes his W, 1:; , MtIOJH;. Heco"'ur . 1'4 . Ii. Wo"dwlITrI. 1'hlFl "nit ill tUT A report I)f Ihe B8'0 of Ihe per. h ome with his nephew ·aDd niece - - , .:JOO HIII'flPcl:to 'he rlnl' on /I "rllmh. HObnl I»operty or I:!luuh A. Thomp west of Fbrry, is reoovering from '" . 'TIME CARD tlOry nnt.. . . ',,80n , deceued, wus approved and long term of treatment at the A1i. r:,,' Ffl: ,['1\"'; ~J AH '11 al. II' (> ~. :O;OR,'1' n u Ou x /) _ '/IURT Pll j C:. "DINOS, oonfirwed, ·ami Vulley Hospital at Oll,v ton, Ilnd S t.a ll n n$,. No. I - :-;'0. :l ~u .•,'" 'l'b(' will of Murtba Lane, deoeus. WIJ. soon ue uble to r turn home. A g".lnpAr IllI"'ton ' VII ,1 M Klltlv ;\ , M. .1\1 . J' ,\I , ed WII8 IIdmittelt to pr",lIate and Mr. '.".l1son WIlS f11fiioted witb ,Qr, BowlHrl Aunerllon . anrl Edwurl1 M4ry Belle Lane was m~de elCe~~. cancer on his ohiD, and Illuoh of the L ehll llon .I e. A r . ~ ou II on ,; :.! ~ j h8 ' llak c r ·r. 10 6S 1 Roc1g .. r~ i Ill" VII waM jlrunted oerend t rix without bond. 10WOl Pllrt of his flioe WIIS bud I", af. II C/olyu I 7 ' ,I 1 10 :\ 1 t,", 1:< .lits to tilt· tin IInllwet. " 7 ~ Ij. iLO 411 :, 0 11 &IARRIAOE LI !CNIlES. flioted , but is now 111 most recovered . . JI"'IR~ Allen \1 ore vs Alio W ;- ~ O ... t:ol c r vi ll t' LO 4u 6 1111 ·EJlIII; the Vhliutl1l' bl18 oharge6 thlll Edwnrd C. Murphy, 31, farmer, of A ~ lillon of Aunna's Green ul\l ~Ian or 1 7 :).! "10 :S~ t.1 r.'! . bl!! dallgl\, t.h .. defeodant, -while Franklin, und Curolino W . I::ipies, 24 Pilint i9 u gallo[l of heuvy bodied LyU e 7 :!7 10 27 4 t i ~ .l : 10 ZI . be Wll" visl1h~R her In BurveYIi teaobllr of Cal'1i@le. puint and when thinned up uooording 1~I Rc w ood ~ .. +a ;7 ~ O ; 10 !!u H ~\I bnrg, induoed him to sign 11 promlli' John A, Blair, Jr ., 2 , !trooer of to direot.ion~ on every package, is Yc" ", b lc 1{ltc ll1l n r 1-:' IIj ~ I O 1 ~ ~~ a ~ eory not-e fur 1I!2500 with n mort Lebanon, and Ethel Tilton, 21, of the most eoonomi'!ul paint made. Dulla. 7 it! III) 1fJ 4 lhJ gagt! when he WIIS too ill to know Lebanon . t30ld hy J, E . .Tanney. t ; 0,1 ; 10 OU Le lu rlll 4 l!U ·1 1!tl ' better. The defendant filed a petl LllblUl B. William, 24, billoksmith Miss. Kdherine Alexander wns L clJa nn u-l. ,', ; OV JO OU C' H & D IJ& X 'I' • II , . U tlon IAsking that btlr fo.lher lie wadt' of Lebanon, and Marguret AJlking, summoned to Middleton 1t~st Wed. :. r,r, U 40 1I 30 tq et.llt.e QI9rB definitely what. falSI! 22, of Leb mono nesday . on lIooount of the serioub Payt on I) ." X '1' , 0 . X '[· reur8lhintationll were used to induo.. ·RJIlA.L ESTATE TRANSlfERII. iII.ness Of her grandmotber, Mrs ~ 00 II on ' hiro to 8iten the not.", 'I'his was A, Uruoe ()t;wan to Henry Will Jounnu Curran, but sbe hod pa sed SO 'J" 'IUOU SD ,\ . M . 1~, .N . P. M. 0rerruled by the oonrt. However d • . , 82 oo~ell in Turtlooreek town. aWIlY defore Mi ss Alextlnner relLell· N o~ " No -1.0 No u ~ tbe plalntUr was'ordllred tosettortb shlp,11, ed her bedside. Mrs. Curran was Lcuw."! !Jayton . e ll , ' I) [, 0:-, · &he euet time lind pluce of the oc· A . W. Mardis to M.•y Kirby lot uged 83 yeur@, and was born in Ire· UI,YIOII : D &: X '1' 110 :J :10 ,.., :h l land but had boeu u resident of Lebanon Jo. (lurrence, The pl.inti1! Wilt! grant 'in Leb8non, $1. :1 0 S aU r, (IV :. r;:. ~ :so da.~1 hI' whioh to file un EUletta M. Euton, of E"rflnklio . ,t o Middletown r,r; years Miss Alex . hak r e ros. ' ng ~ :1:1 !':! :11, t a7 ;~ (jl) " (I fi ll Ho· ' YIl 'JDendm'!Dt. t~ }>f'titlon, ., ~n8L1nna Moore, of Franklin, lot in ander remained uutil after the Elcmp. L ,,(I H~I a 03 Ir O:l ; William J. Grime!!, .dminifJtra· Franklin 1850. funeral, which oooul'red on Frida.y. en l llr\ltl1 e ~ In :J II 11 ,1 ' , tor of the ~tate of James Gri~es, Rilchel L. Buret, of Fra.nklln, .to H ,nnll's Intltro· finish: The most M a nor ' N :i 7 " 0 lO "'a III II O:! I) :! :I ~f :!J d,oeued, VII ' thlt P. O. C. .nd John U. and Minnie Creager, lot in beautiful finlshlfor lioorl! and wood [ 1)' "It: ' li 0.', ·, 11 ~1I : "'ll :! fl ~t. L. · R . • W . Co. Dflfe~IbtDt Fr"nklin.. '475 ' work ever on the IIIllrket, See th e 1':d KcWOUC' v enu bl ' ..1 0 11 #i tl }In .~ " all May E: Anderson , of Hnmilt,onfillished samples at J. E. Junney's h711 ChueT flied I': mo&lon to make Ihe plainti1f ;II II IJ n~ ' " !I 'l alter hill I~"!.mi~~ ,10 that h wonld oounty, to Henry L . Beotmall, 'of Mr. Fred Stanton, of St. Louis. Dc,I,t. tu H a :H / ,1 :H i3 ~ 2 III •.! be .more ft:rplicl' tnlteilln~ Wtirren coouty, lot in Mason, 11. has been for u. week or ten do.)· s the Lulan{l Mil ~ " H (,0 U 51> JamllII Urimes, lIeceued, 1\;al killed David and Sophia Pickering of gne!!t of hi8 m ot.her, Mr . Julia f .. obn"rlU ArJ \\' . !I ;10 · O all y e X"t,l II L "' 1I 1' 'llLY . :: ' l Op On tUU fl u l , by a train . Th,tl wa. approved by 14allon, to Allen Ray ot Mason, ' fot 8tllntuD, n ,ar Ridgeville, aud other ~ !\i li A' T II.A I NS . tbe court In all but. ODe partioular in Mason, ISHi . relaMves anI! friend!!. Mr. tl1nton 'l'r atnt; pm,s L~' II t: (\s foil 0 \'" : and t.he plaintl1f w. 4sglveD 20 dllYIi . Virginia Taylor to J ohn A. Re. is ohier ohemi t. in the United t:!tate!' N or thboUlld 7 S Oa . 01 , r. ~ jl) . In 0 O'-a . m 7 ~a l). ru bold, lo~ In Mason, $1 Geologiool Survey Fuel 1'e ting l5uut b lJouml . to am~nd bi8 petition . W . E . MOO 10;. S. B Woodward VII C . .P . Wheat·. .1erowe and Melissa Anderson to Plunt, and It Is /ll'obllble tbat he Gc ne ~al JJnsSCl1 llCT Aienl. L eban on . 0 , on, tre&8urer; telUppnry re,BtraiD. Sarab B. Smith et al. 1501lores in will soon be sent to Texa! t o giv e log order waa made perpet,ual aDd l4tllem townllhlp, 1590(). expert teHtilllony in Iln importAnt Doing Blls i ne,sa Aguin, it wa. ordered that notbing should Leonu M. Bone, of We!!t Ph\ladel ouae v. hh t.hs government .· Whan my fri ends thought I Wlli! "8,ltr.ln tbl! defendant8 from ~I phla, Pennlylvu lia, Bole heir of The Mixed p,aint thllt put s no about to tu.k e lellve of toit! worla' on ""'lnK any lt88e88mellt or t.. x prop ,John A. Bone, deoeued" to Mary pamter III Il "mix. " HllDDll'S Ureen dooount of iudi~ eRtion , n er vou n088 and general debility . " writes A. A . • rty levied an the property since and Richard J. 'Micbenor, lot ui t:lool. Sold b.~ .1. E . Junney. hiah olm, TrendweU I. N. Y .," and the oOlllmeuoement of the tloit. Lebanon, '1800. "'hen It looked tLS if tbere \Va no HtlI.rd FiIlm" re SDook VII W. E. . John .nd &Ott Vitmar!l exeou. hop I It., I WIl S persnaded to try Snook'et al ; Bernic" t-In<lOk Monnt3 'tors of the will of William ' O. Dit Eleotrio Bit·ters, Ilnd I r ejoioe to SI\Y thut they £Ire oo rin g tile . I am now wal granted 10 'day. nlore in whloh mars, deoea!le'J, to Soott nDd Mollie doing bnsines lignin as of old, u"d Dltm'u·tI, 12.2 90 aores in Hamilton 10 fUA ))loodi",,8. ilD1 8ti.llgaloingdaily ." Best tonio S.ttie B. Han kiD lion vs James C. townahlp, *9318.30: medJome on I\rtll . Uunranteed' by ~1IM81 et Ill; leave Willi granted the Edna Asplegate, of Dllyton, to }I' red . Sohwartz ch'uggist 1>0". pl~iDti1f '9 file demure,. or aD· !Rose .A. Banke, of Frallklil1, lot in AND UEAI. E: R IN twer. &0 Oroll pet.itloD, . Franklin $1.
.' County
COl. rt
·~ ----
'I'he I"r~ ,; t j ll!JIJ I' of )loints nnd vllrnishes in Wheeling. W. y •. , wtlnted. to kllo~\' wh id l plI lot e weru th e w ost)l pular lI~d Imtisfllotory 'ln , the terntory tl'lbntary to Wlt o Jl ng, PittsbUrg, Columbus Ilnd Baltimore, , R~present ativ el' oYoroig this on ti re territory thoroughly oanvaued I t to flnu uu t . Their I'c pur t ' ontlliueu t1l nlltlleB of nearly every .tirst ola88 paint maoufootured in t ho uited t:!tlltt'S. At the hell(1 of t he list stood HANNA'S GREEN SEAL PAINT potlli og ~tllntling the fn' thl~t this jobbar had neve~ bruu,ht worth of tb . e plllnts. A lac. .. imil e of their letter to the trude, together with a oopyof tbelr report , WIll be gl \' u to nny ODO interested io good paints.
Hanna's Green Paints are for sale by J, E. JANNEY.
St.aple IlntI Fancy. Groceriee, Frult8 Voge'tubles ond Canned Goods. Igars and Tobaoco,
Phone 79.
C. M. BROWN. Proprietor.
Do . You Need Carpets' MeaSure your rooms and oome to
~ 0 .I. Malon VI Collinl .rnh.r&; Willla~ A . King to. C M. AI. defendant Wail aranted .leave,t.o Ille bright, 521: 2 aores in Tnrtlecreek • nlw~, t\)wnshlp $i. ... Emma. Uttleton v~ l'he Internr .i Maria 8urfll00 to J , L. Michael 'Telephone Day or Night. Telephone in his honse wbere I baD aDd Terminal Uomptiny i oue 111 aores in Cleororeek townsbip' local No. diamlued jJlettled 'privately by par· t4900. ' CIpl be called at; oil hours, day 0 1 night. long Distance No. 69-3r '..... :: D. T , D, Dyche, deoeased, by Couches II.Ild ohalrs RUppl\ed, , \HlIilAm Dilatuah VI A .. U. Baker heirs, to Da'8Y D. Maple, lot in WAYNESVllLl~. Bave recently moved to ' rOC'II1 ' by agreement of padi8ll, tbe plain Lebanon, 11 . . 8ranoh Office. 'Har'YOYsburg, O. 1$11f WIUI at ,the be.. lnoi~g of the ao _.Fred BronstJ'op to Wbeeler Whit. next to Cross Bros, ' 'r*~n ID pUl88UloD of theobat~la iD aore, lotin ~obe8t~r, $325. . ldAiN BTRJD&'1·. WAllNESVlLLIl' Whoopiug Cough .q....$lon; OOII~ of '20.07 paid by J. J. Warbiugt.on to George P. . I 1 have used Chliwberlnin's Cough JJI~D'i1f, Walker lot in South LebanoD, $500, The Master Pllint mixed by Paint Remedy, in my family in onses of .. )iathaD Barvey VI John Darner; . Mar,'Ellzabeth MOBurdey to U Mnster!!, Thnt's Hanna's Green whooping oough unll wllnt to tell tIlU8 dl.mllll8d, Q.: 'and Fiorella C, Enla89,' lot in 8eul. ,Sold by J. E ,lanney . you thllt it is the bost medioine 1 I'• '"VerDOD .. hnve ever u ed . '-tV . F. Gaston Cr8llllwell VI JobD Dar Lebam ,n, "'I , I 'II P o 00, Ga. Tbis rt~medy is safe Iler; caM dilllliped . ill J. &Ofield and . Blanoh &lofield Seed Corn. Ilnti sure. For 8ale by J .E . Janney . · C.tlleriu.e Riley V8 ROh McUut· Thomas Trloker, 1 10 notes in ~D ; the ~ur.r fOUDd the;lIIIues In D~rtleld towJl!lDip, ' 460. Good seeu corn for 8IIle. A limited Insure Against Acci- . " • • of tbe amonpt due from the Chflrles and Lillie Bonta to Ed sup!>). ·"pellk quiok it you 'want it. dents ari<l III H'e alth deleD .... ' co be 1.221. Decker. 10.003 Ilores in Olearoreek Charles Frye. R. F D. 'I-. Alber. Dr .ddDburg VB W"llaC8 W. towDllhip, 11100. ,The' AeLnn Life Insuranoe 00. will Bowyer; the Jury' found th., t·he John Blair, Jr. to T. Benton and issue you flo polioy by whioh you will Tbe Price of Health . P,JatUUf baa • right 10 the prop"rty Lelia D. Jack, lot In .Lebllnon, ,1 "Tbe price of beRltll in I~ IDular. reoei ve a st,ated 8um per .\ uek in .DqnMS1on· .D~ 'bat 'he d ~ ftlDd.Dt -J. lllltoD Earnhart to Albert ioutl distriot is jUl:!t 25 oent@ ; the case of acoident, or siokness. For tullawl'ully detained the lIIUIle . Frenoh, ,187 aery 1D Turtleoreek oost of a box of Ur. King 's New partiolliurs see Fred B. Sherwood Life Pills," writes Ellu SlAyton, of Local AgeQt. , )tela .A. ~i8hop, BdmiDilltr.,rix town8hlp, lin. . Noland,' Ark . New Life Pills .. C. E, B~l; oourS fonnd t30a 08 - -- _ _ - olellutle gent-ly and impart Ilew life Ilnd vigor to ihe system, 250 . Silt !Jr. John Hyatt; · d=i:;~bi~ v. Blanoh Cleven. • ' NoUr.e to Farmers. isfaotion guurRnteed a.t F. '. ·&lh. pr;. L. K, ' lAppoD and Willhlm ID" few days 1 will have on hand \Vllrt·z rlruggist. Veterinary Surgeon and D nti tr tlltl. IeODri t 1 ' for .t hu de· a oar load offertilizer from the Cun Telephone No. 121 r~,1 to.lIe Q~D~ 'ot ,600 .nd t.m'I'ertlllzer IAJld , Cbemlool Co"' of \u 1 \ ' .d 1...... On .... 11 '. • .A.NG,lU.• U,' V.i'· • At·' Home on Saturd,ilY Afternoon. • b e-.....m . _ ."". ... . ,1.oDt·OD. Ohio v· . . . . . Waynesvill~, Ohio. . '. 1'80IIATJUJUVBT: l \vould lIuggellUhat 'eao~ and every .. RIDGF.VILI.JC, Om') J,,{ 'be 81t.~ of 4wand. J. Dlt.- f.r~er wIJo reads thl8 would at onoe SPEOIALTlI08: DIBKASItII 0.,. WO~II!lN 'oud.. deoeued, . ,he report Ol ~b" 8e1l,d for a oopy of the State Analr· AND ORILDR~N. A WODlun rells How to Re lieve .iU, of p8L.,nal propeny 'l'-' lip Sill, 'Whloh may be had by writing to RhenmtLtic Pains. . JII'CR~. lDVIIII,w ry 'IInd appratll8. Oeplut.ment of Agriculture. Colnm Eggs for Hatching . 1 huve been u great ufferer from '• .,. Uled wl,b ' flrllt .00 IIDIII ao. bur,.Oblo, aud whlchoolltaiDB COlD · tlle dreadful diselLse, rheuU1l1tisDl. ~ . . plete analy.11 ot all fertll izerll.made for "a number of years . J huve Fanoy. Brown Leghorns, . 'l a eggs . ' 1If&lle eatil$e of JobD 'Stroop; de Upon r~ehlnti It oomplU'e analysis for ' 25 centRo Mrs . 1.'om Binkley, tried many medioines Lut oever got muoh r.f'lief frODl'IlJIY of them until , c~ UrlAl acoonnt ";.11 fllllCl. of :'m y Peerle88 Vegetable Grower' R.. R . Nil 4. two yenrs a go, when I.bought a bot J;.VD5ol'Y '~I"d.ln ~be' ~lItAte (1l8IIil for' .tobaooo) with the brands tie of Chnmhllrlaio 's PAm Bulm . I ,Df .,P.luud A.', dpr.Jlr, In.iDor. Iyou. bave used and yo~ will-at on~ found r eh e f befol'e I hud used all of one bottle, t1Ut k ept au applyidg it ..... btU ~"II !ilea III ,be t!"tu~ o/ ' notioo ita aqperiority at 13Q, then PneulUonia'll Dendly Work. ... . dtlOeued fit · II b tel b Pneumonill's Deadly Work had 0 "nd S001l fel t like n different wom , 8aaapa' tlQ¢w ..n. · , W 0 or Oil me np y.. ep one seriously l11l'eoted 'my right lung. ,. aD . ·Through my advice many of .AoptJlID'" w~r" ruB(/. 1il 'be tollow. ,.pd> w.e wtll diaou88 the matter fur ' writes Mrs. FunDle Connor, of Rnru.1 my friends have tried it und can I., ~tll8; J"DII~tlIIJ, Null, &tcll· lobeI'. Route 1. Gl'orgetown :l'enn .... that tell YOll how wonderfully it has aN Middleton, JpllD W. Jrv~, mhl 1.180 have 011 ' blind & P8:rtia1 car I oanKh~d~contlnuClu8Iy nigh~ and worked -Mrs. &rah A. Oole, 140 S. ~ew ::it,., Dover, Delawarl', Dr, D.ntd ~tlW., J-..eGaunt, J.&m811 load ' of ,eXoo,U 6Dtwh.l te of!llar postli' ~~!s:~~~roen ::!~e~~:~lt:gl~~i~~ Chl\n:.berlain's Pain Bulm is , a lini ill'8lll1111 tjtuar', . llll.r,tlD~ II, Fur from . CJentraf Mlohlgan . • These ·til my husband 'brought home a ment. The relief from po,in ~hioh D&Oe. ,.Nelhe II. ~i11er. J- GOI il'tlo poII• •re straight aDd strlotly No .. I, bottle of Dr Klng'a New Disoovery it afl'ords is alone worth lJIl\ny laDd,:~r '1', ~J8IU»a. . '. I8U1D'it f.o r· 20 aDd 22 centR,' aooodr· · iil my oa.e proved. to the on· times Its OOBt'. It ' mn'kee rest and ... &he'.tate of Jiloob ' ~heeta i,D. 'Ine· to iil58. ' . Iy: relt} C\?ugh oure and restorer of sleep possible. For IUlle by J, E . • {. • I> , weak, sore. lunge. " Wben all other Ja9ney. ~eD~J ' a~d appraialemept \'I ert! . In ,,, .~ort time I allolntend' to ,reJUedie8 utterly fail,' you may st',1lI .l~:' , " .' havo a' oar lou of the .fine drain tile win In the .battle against lung a~(1 . M. A. Jam4~On, ID'" m.'ter, of the. trWlC8ellhip maDUfaotured by Orall lIaDkiuson, ' thrM.t troubl88 with New Di~oovery, Attorney at Law. and or &b1ttell"meDtarl eesate ol Alice of Ol£II1IlDI' Obio . the real ouro. GuaraDUled by ·Fred Juetice of the Peace '. i teo .' C Bohwart. drulilBt ISO, aQd *1 00. JobD D~'war WIUI a"po u ,The' above lOoda will be kdpt in Trial bottle free. Lebanon, Ohio. 'rut.... pder bOlld of f6UOU. . lltook by me at my yell,'w ware. . Maplewood, Block, Broadway. a. 11. MtoheDor w.. allowed a hoo.. jun below &he 'obacoo ware tm1 elaIm ~ .1II.aD (rom the .....ce ot boaee to Lytle. JllobeDllli. deoeallCl, .All S, ()4IUl0JlY. _&or be 8Iecl b18 ..... _4 floal Pure ~rred P1ymo~tb '11«11 :,.'0 ~eryourmIIKalmlll~ Lylle, Ohio. per 1fi, . Dok~'. Fruit Farm, .. .. ptl.pal'll 'hrongh Jhe U .aze1i·W MOOG"" ' Some PIlODe 81-7 ~OI.r... " DelVtn., OhIo, PbODe 116.'Y.. tjl We wtll 8&ft you mlllliill''',
We were wise in ordering thls·stook last fall, in prl. have III&terlllllyadvanced. Largest sales I~t year of any; ·thla year wlU ... gr~"ter. .Mattings from the Orient now in stock l!WIurl!l be6~rQl pat. tern~ 'Iowest prices.
IngraIns . . .. . > • • , • • • • ' •• • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lowell, Park, Extra· ~uper8. R.ugs-g-rell.test stook yet. .. . .. . . ,,' . Large ADongh tor a room. j
• •
, •
~ , . 2110 Up
•••• •
10,60 np
Llnole~m , the gr eat kitohen and hall covering.
Lace Cartatua..-all 'be new effeot!!. Window Shades, all oobrs, ali Bi28B, made to order. '
Ready To' Wear Garments /::Iuits, .fllokots for Misses, Wome.n Ilnd Children. Skirts, Waists, Un. derwear, hlflmtB loog olouks.
Your Dressmaker
Tben oome lind buy your 'dross lit Hutchinson & Gloney'", Xenia,Ohio No ?Ity h08 (~ belter IlS ortment of fl\brios for ' tho llr it If Illld the t · · It' bl rlmmlDgs. IS n. r Ilsoua e. statement Ilnd fully provl;ln in tbe past. We n.l'e tl Dress Goods House And do not Dl dd le with tlnwnre, hl\r;d war"" cbina. shoes eto. '£hese have tbeir pla ce. Jnst look nt our Ilhelves and allow IlIISOil to see 11'01\7 ' (resh and new and oloRn the stock. How easily t~ trim fr om our stook just in.
Ypiles, Batiste,
· etc.
SIIIe und W orsted Trlmllliog,,;: :':;heer Effeots, ~inghnm, ·Pltitds .
Hutchison .& Gibney,
The Miami Gazette I ---
BROWN & McKAY, Publishers. OHIO
W AVNE!::vn.T.l!l.
ASTon Dr THE PElIOD or Tat ~uoou T he Stallel or Air T r.vel. I" ISRAEL R epol'~ or tho proposed thousaod· . BF lb. "HI.h ••, ."d O,W.F" Pre.~,". mile "IQytfge ill the A 1'0 ollllJ from the AUantl6 'ons~ to t hl! w at Indlent tllo b, .b•.'UlU",. laotol' on Which th e balloooing at tho age falls down. It wns proposed to SCrlJll1Ir T ext : - J odges, chaptor 9. Foyoge to ulJout the longllude o( hlca fa-If til wlnll woulll lake th e b.lll· " ++++++'10++++++++++++++++++ loons in that direct lou. Tbe winll did SERMONETTE. oat scorn favol'ubl e. aud t he balloons In Ih is s lory of Ab Imelech we did not starL Ther Is a IImlt to the have a ' Irlk lng IIlul tration or pure balloon as a metlDS at travel. It t he evlla re.u ltant from the . 18 In tile same comparative shlgo ae polYllamous marriage pra cticel lhose early uavlgators who hnd + which had grown up In Il ra el learned to put salls on their Ilonta nnd j: t hrough t he contamlnatlnll In· lot lhe wfnd blow them along, but had ;;; fl uencel of the heathen natlona a bout. ' ;;; lo walt In port until the wind ble w In E,'lVY, jea lou l Y, ha tred fou n d + th e dlrectlou they wished to &:0. 'rhe : + ri ch s oil In wh ic h to grow, and + combluatlon at balloOD nnd p ropollor : the awful c ri me wh ich the v ii· In the enrller Snntos Dumont t ype, + la In of our I tory committed [ s : says the l'lttsburg Dispatch. reprebut th e na tura l fr uitage of such ... sents an odvanco to tho slag of those seed . It W af but natural tha t onvlgalors who coUld progress ncrosa • the aon. of diffe rent mothe,.. + a side wind, and Ilerhaps work ahead j: s hould be a t va riance w ith one '" slowly under a bead wln.d Ie it was ;;; a nother ; e s pecia lly ao with Ab· nOt too stro ng. Tb'o e qunJ of th e Ill.od + Imelech. who waa evldently :t looked down upon a nd delplsed : ern steam v silel that delleB the dlrec> by the other 70 sons whoae + lion ot lhe ' vl nds Is the nero plane ... methe rs walked In a higher 1 0 · + with po,,'er enough to send it agains t + cla l and moral sphere than d id : . the wind . It the Wright b rolhers c an ... t he mother of the fo rmer. do nil t bllt is clajmed (or tbemHow muc h of the evil of the whlcb Dlany doubt-that stago hu world !lnterl through the door + of the home. If jts atmolphere ... been attalncd ex perlmenlaJly. though Is not pure a nd cle a n : If the :t Its commercial prac:Ucablllty Is y t to ",ered relatlonlh ip of husband + be demonstrated. T o campa re It with Iblngs DIore .modern tho bnJloon. pure .. a nd wife a re lightly conaldered ; :t [f the loclal and business carel ... and simple, Is much the same as lh~ a nd the pUriult of pleasure are : Illy boat 1I'lIlch children launch nt one j: allowed t.o absorb one's thought t aide of a pond to let It b low oyer to ;;; a nd t ime and up the v[tality of ;;; the other s ide. Tbe aeroplane, If praathe home life, what can be ell· IIcally s uccessful. is t b e qui valent at pected of the younll men and ypung wOI'!,en who are rea red the mo tor hoat, which III blghly en· In auch homes? loyable so long as It doee not come to We have not the polygamy of ... f rlet. the long ago al a canker in the : Bookl aa Friends . moraf life of the natlol'1 , but llest al~o are th bokQ tbat ca bone' ;,. have we' not somethlnll whic h . Is more Inald lo~s and more dan· collects' Cor himself. elSlleclally H t h eir purcliaee e n tails Ii. sacrlflco. How :t geroul, the growing d ivorce ... :: evil ? God pity the natlo.n whos. : often the p leasure that a man gels o ut + home life becomca ta inted oC his books va ries Inversely with htll + w ith mora l d ecay and . Irr. power ot acqUirin g t hem ! NnD knew :: lillian. better than Chal'lee Lamb tile tri umph + Aga in in th l. s tory of. Ab lme. :: .. ~ of brtngLng home a coveted pri ze, a '" lech we ftnd illus t ration of the + Inev itable butwork[ng of ever y joy' unsJiared by the outs! de world, a priva te 11 there 'ever Is one, re- ;;; evil life. Ev il ma y lIeem to ':: marks ·The Academy . Many who h ave ... flou rish like a green bay tree + thus collecte d a sml.lJl libr a ry, book by + f or a t ime, but never al nce the + :: world· began has evIl been able :: book, re ading each book before they to escape Ita final doom. Not t boug ht another. wJIl recollect the Ceel. ,,: hll tory of n,t lon or Ind ividual ;;; Ing of1!elng amongllt Itrangers wben but forc ibly emphaslzel the + a s udden a cceSSion of books comes to truth 'of the Scriptural dec lara. :: tbem from a rel&tlon's legacy or the tlon: "WhataoevC1" a man sow· bequest of .. f riend. The y set to work eth that ahall he alao reap." Ablmelech planned and plot· . , to make acQua lnlance wlth .the m. as In ted In the narrcwne.. of h[a . •~ doty ·bOund ; but t he y a re not of thelr own evil hurt. hla v lalon did + choosing , tile proc:eea Is to a trpat ex· not reach beyond the pre .. nt + tent perfunotory, and they never advantalle, hla ambition graaped really catch up. 'For in the library as a fleetlnll power and glory, w ith In the . world a reader makes maDy ac· never a thoullht of what lay be. Qualntanceil, ~ut ,~w friends, and I. yond, He bellan with the aword . tJIeae tew will be of his own cboo. and he died by the aword. ~e . tna. left the true God out of hili reckonlnll, and aped on the way to deatructlon, The cry of PlaDos used to be regarded, pe rhap. Jotham from Mount Gerlzlm half·humorously, aa the measure of _g_lnat the evil c;ourae of Abo prosper, ty. Now ·It Is automobiles.. Imelech comes rlniling down and judging by the records o( the retha agel al God'a ' unalterable cellt s how In Ohicago, the west judgment upon evil. For the pros~rou8. The sales or car s dur lnll Ablmelecha or evil and thOle the fuet day reached a tolal or $1 ,060.· who make alliance with them 000 worth, and tor the week they there can be but one warning note of Judllment. Fire aha'lI amouDted to about $7,000.000, come out from Ablmelech and devour the men of 8hechem, Amsterdam and Gbent are bot h built and fire will come cut of the 011 small Is lands, Amste rdam coming houae of . 8hechem and devour the lIearest to Ve nlce the number Ablmelech. Evil Is aelf-deatruc· ot Islands and bridges. VenJco l8 tlve, It worka ita own ruin, It built on 118 small Islands, oonnected feeds on elementa that event· ually react to Ita undoing. by 878 bl'ldge\: Amsterdam OD nearly 100 Islands , connected by almost 300 bridges. Ghent stands o'n 26 Islands, ••••• 4 of +•• f++++++++++++++. ~olned by 270 bridges. THE STORY.
i '. .
W. 8.~
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:t :t
I I I:t
i i i
Efforts made by reform societies!D England to get a law a boli shing the barmaid have d.lsclosed tha t 27.000 gll'1s are e m ployed In ba rrooms In the United KIDgdom, and a t leas t 7,600 In Londob. !\fas t at them a re \lndcr 26 r ears of a·g e and abQve 16. Sala ries vary Crom $1.26 to $3.60 a week.
--- - I
i t
t t
startl ed lo.ol! at 811rprlse and t a l . _ -..... Illto MII1J1 In 8n old I"')nc(·o . ~(Ir'" 1"l110h posged al'r088 th e featllres 01 hQII61l III Sllllll 11111. 'I'll .. 1Il'~~ mprn lJl~ A blmel{'c b. tht'y wo Id hnvo seen Mr. Dnvlli WIIS broll 'bl lUI" lilt' city him s lal·t lIu k and oat.cb his br :ut a (10£1ll\' . 110 lIud llllon cnllllll'cd tho nnd JIIUll tl l': III'tlV IOII ~ oVt' nlllg by II ij,mLlI ell II lry "Jothnm ! Fl y til I; ds 1 thQught dl'tacb llll'lIl, SO Ill O ~O mi ll'S from tht! my mon hnd, Blnln 1I1m ! Or Is It bli city. lind WIlH lu kCIl b~' lIIulo 1~1I1 tn s pirit 1" . AII!!:ustrJ . 'l'ho plIrty trltv 1M nil llighL But Ih ls dl l;IllIlY gllve place to won '15.h!!:;",~.~~ lind l' a 'hed 1I\t\lStu alJo,lll six .In t ho d r a s be listened to th I'tlnmrkalJle 1I101'nl llg. '101 1'. I)III'i8 WitS coutlued In parl1l1le which Jotharu st><i ~ . Ihe nnpll st. chu re ll all d my r'lglme nt "l .p.t Il r ' CO lli out from Ablltl tl WlIg II lulled 10 g uord him. NOT IN WOMAN 'S ATTIRE. lech." be rled III clo$lng. "and dC.\'OIl I ·· Wlt hln a r w mlnul BY· nlt or Mr. tbe men of Sheollem, and the hous« Dovls' lIJTIVlI1 I 1111'" him !lnd Cllll dis· of Millo; a nd I t fi re come out rrolt )re&l of Jeff Ca vis When C aptu~d II l1 ct ly I' momb 'r .hls . lIllpeara llce. As Celcrlbed by a n Eye·W ltne... the me ll of hec he m nnd rl'Om lhE Fro m I hI' 11m of ,,1 8 eUllluro. t he hous .ot Millo, ao<l de 0111' Abl me vr vl()tls VI'IIII1I;". \)lIt ll [ H"W him at lech." "Th I rne I!tOl'Y ot I hA co I't ll l'e of Q'1I1 Il ly Ablm lech recover d h im l e trllr~o n Davis" tile Illnull" or t h e IIlx o'cloc k t h e n en nlornlug', Mr. self and hi s III)S I' urled III scorn . an( 10lllh el'll contude l"Hcy, Ita'!; lI ev " Ileen Davis h nel 'hnll ~o {lJlI'OI·tl'lIl ty 1.0 his oyo ftnsh d I1I'e ai; It ijhouled 10 :old." dec lared L. '. Butemllll of u. houg clotlling 0" OInk his loll L He his Dl (J ll to hnste n tOI'wn rd and SE'I'l.t )" 1'0; t h we ll·known I cture,·. 119IIU· wore whal our g,·nndfalh erl! called a the mOD. Oul It was no fl as), or q Ulc~ 'Ian lind s pechl l wrlte l', to lbll Boslon surtont, II 10llg uvercoll\ wbleh came task to gill" th e hell,(ht,s whe l'e t h~ .Ie rald corr tlJlonllent. tb e uLhe,· da y down to ' h ls feet. an d W II.S closely but.· ton d. li e also had on cav lll r)' bootll mau stood nnd ere Ih ey had " cac h e~ It Le wisto n. M e. an(1. wh II hi s overcoat Willi ullbut· th e plnee Jothum hud IlIl1d e good h ll lIlr. Bnwma n. In I he om '[nl "eeul'ds ton<'(l, It could II SOCn ' t hat. t hl'lJ8 09callO. )f tbe \1'111' dnlls l·tmenl, ·helll·S t he dl8- cum to hi kn es. It was undo ubtlld· One. two. tbrte r('ars Rped by. ,l\bl· melech J'uled o\'pr 'l cht.'1II nnd the surrounding ('ouLllry. ami 1"'os Jlel'll), seemed til att" ntl him . If the \"ord ~ which Jolhalll had 8J1ul«> 11 e\'er oc curred to him Ill er uld not. tl'oll ble him. 'Wol'd had co me to h im :lOon after he lind lJ'cn rnllde IdnJ.: that Joth a m, his hu lf bl'oth r, w as at '!.lcor. and the mur(lerO Il R P:~HS [OIl hnd s"lzed him to kil l him us II( h ad kill d tbe other 70 ot his tather'!! sons. bu t .Iu st as he hnd cOI11J1le ~ed 011 hi s Illllr.r. lo this end, J ol hnm' s wo rds of wal'llln ~ ba d come to h im. and IUll ghln g In h l~ mllu de l'l Ion. he hall xclalm d : "Nay . .1 t tb co wnrdly dog II v · tJIa l he may Imow that hl n words \\'111 uot cOlDe tru e." Thus he tllree ye:~ r s h lld . pasHed and AlI lme l ' h's nawer seemed st ronB r thnn ever. lie rel t soc ure III b ls Position and the pnll'llDlzlng, lI atte rlng melhods bll \\'h lell he hnd Ing ru Uut d himself Inlo lhe confi· d e nce of th e peopl or ·Sbecbem. b ad given place to a d'J'mln eerl ng, and cr uel spirit marc nat llrnl ror him. and wh re rorm erly he had b on di sposed to dcCo,' to the wi 'h(lS of those over whom he exe rcised I.orrlshlp, be ' now was govorn ed only Ill' the COlll'[ce and dire o C his own cnlel nnl nre. Woe to anyone who should cross his pur· pose or fILII to carry ut the dictates Veteran L. C. Batem an . of b ls Will . Munyan oOe had felt tbe strength pf his IlO w(!r. an d whal he tin ction or bing lilt! y01I1I1; St I1IUII en. Ivan aJlerlhollghL IInll a jes L to ~1I1l d id not dure tlo In \.1Ie of)e n he tound Js tc(1 trom l\!a[ne Il l! a soldl I' 1" I h I.·h e luu g ovorcont 1\ ",unulII'!; dr ss. At mea n splrlt.s like Ills own which were ~ 1,,1I war. He wall ba" e ly ] r, Y III'S of l ho lim no ono thoug ht of ,Iolng this. ready to st rik e the blow in t he dark, l J.(e whr.n n e ws rea hed th e IIlUe tOlyn I ta lk.,,1 with h ly 1Illtors ' about lhe SO that more lhan pile of h is ell lilies )f J if rso n. w here Mr. Uat Ulan r(l- cap lul' of MI'. Dli\'ls. allli not one ()f s uddenly disa ppeared to bo heaed or ~Id .d. lhat t he Lewisto n In fa nt,·), Wll~ l h('11\ mt-IIU on U su ill a t hi ng IlB a dis· no more. :0 be ol'del'ed for coast OULY . ~1I'. guise, or a womall's dl·oss. \Vould tblE Such ",,'ns his de~poUo rule aDd It BalelDan burrl d to I,ewiston to Iry IH~\' e lIeen I htl cas It he liBd been may w.e ll. be understood that It ga\'e to Join the comllo n), . t thaI lime dh'guilled when coplured ? On til COil· rise to under currents ot OllposlUon men were ott ring large ' SUIllS for sub· Irn r~·. It would hn.vl' h en th urlncl· whic h w re onl y awalt'l ng a favorable Jtllules . . M.r. Batel111111 WHS 1I0l look· lIa l Lhem o or cnll ve.rsntloll. 1'hose who opportun ity to burst fQI·th a nd e a gu lf Ing for reward. his only. purpose bclng wer t h r Ilt th, 11m did 1I0t hoar h im. And so It caDle to pass when to jolu UIO ar my. Jle. howe y 1'. mel a IlUY 1\1 nUon o f dlRj,"u lse unlll weekI AlJlmelech {ouud occasion to go (I'om mun wbo olfered him ,tOO to go as h is nflerwnrrl . WII 1\ th ' news came . S hllchem tor a sea!iOIl. tbe b itter sullstltu te. whl cb lie at onc tlcccilted, th roug h 'lll nOrlhern \lupen . hatre d again st h im crYlitn lllz;ed In lo tho llgh he could easily hay rccelv d ··;Ur. Dnvl a wos kept In 'Augusta tl1l acllon a nd It was not long ere the ' 500 If lIe ha d hee n huntin g fo r It the II xt dBY. und lh II Ink n to tbQ en tire ci t y was swept Iota open and fie served with l he Lew iston c9 m· stealnel' Plant 1'. a 1011 nway. H wag declared rebe llion a~:a ln st him und er fmny In coost. du ty ror s ix mont hs . an d guo.rlled by lilY regimen t, th rough , th e leadersh ip ot one, Oaal, t he son or then joined t be Fo ur teen th Mo ine and long li ne of Rcowlln g faces, Rnd at on Ebed, a boastful fell()w whose ton gue was sent to t he fron t, takin g part In ti me It looked as t hough th ere mlglr\ was ~t ron ge r than b ls courage. Sherman's fa mous march to the sea Wh en wor d of t h!ls t hing I·eac:lled nnd . ot her s Un·lna; sce n e~ utlar lhe be a ' re i' 1.1lI0u ot whnt occnrred when tb e Slxtb 1I1assach usolt.s· regl. Ablmolecll be was wl'otb and came u): close of t he re bellion. ment.. march d lIuou gh Baltimore. against Glial and hI!; IDen and whe o . In s peak ing of so me or hi s war ex· Howeve r. we were orga ni zed and be had driven t hem.· before him , lie perlences, Mr. Batema n said : . a·r med. an d· under di scipline. wblle laid wal t be fore th e city and took "The s tory oC t he . ca illure of .fell'er· t he 7,000 peo ilio or Aug usta were but. It by s t rategy, and la id It wa ste. aDd so u Da vis has never been correctly a mob. DurI ng lhe marcb 1111'. DavIe dest royed tbe Illhn,bltauts th ereof, told. Malice. Ilrej ud lee and a mill' sat. In a Ctl'Tlogq. a nd t here was a per· oven to the s trong t'~ wer of Shee hem talcen notion thnt mis rep reseni atioR8 pe tual 8cowl u po n bill d a rk. fu ce. I rOo whither t he men a nd 'Women of the adde d to t h e glory of til north ern membe r his disdain o f all cOllrteslel ·caUlie. while serving to belittl e and city h ad Bough t refuge. olferM him. and his 1'erus nls 1<> answe l " Yea," he excla lmed. 'Vltb grim make ridic ulous t.he sOltthe rn cause. II ny (tll.cations which the ofticera pot humor. "the fir e of Ahl msloob h ath bave made UI) a curious caricature to him. gooe for th and destroyed l be city. cal led histo ry. "C:::Omp IU1 Y A of my regImen t we nt "The genera l bellet In the north, Now we sha ll lIee whelher t he fire from Shecbem will c:ome fort h to de· ~v n to·dll Y, Is thnt .Ie lferson Davhi. aboard t he stellmer Rnd g uarded Da v!! strqy Ablmolecll." when ca ptu rlld. wore the c loWes of a to Port l\{on roe. 1'hls wns a sDap tO I But IC Ablmelecb had bad hi s ro- woman . .hlHl who stnr ted Lhls slory. lhe bo~' s. As J belonged to cODllla ny . venge. his o wn stronlgb old a nd pOF er . It Is dlmc ult to 2ay. !'lilt. in th In· o r \VII S obllged ' to trud g baQk 10 Sa. we re broken, tor n o city WD S lott bl m i Ilome d condi tion of the IllI lllle mind nt . \·an na h. Ih rough th e burnin g lIands, . which he could call his own and be Ihat time , It Ill'oved a re port wh ic h sfoot. Th e norlhe rn 'h ad only the fl gh tl ng men In his ar!lIl' found .I·eud y c redence. "Th e wbole story of Davia /l lId 'the to depend UpOD. press took t he mnt e r up aud tbe womnn's dress Is on a IIsr with the 1n c onsequ ence of tbl s thing. the story was se nt broadcast. ort·repeale d fabrication nllout Gen, fever of co nquest seized him nnd IlCt "Now. let Ole tell you t be fllcts . I Buller's stenlln g IIpoo ns In New Orand bls army went torth and en· can t ell ' you t he ' !lcts. b ecause It ':Vas lea n8. Bull er was vel'Y much hated ca m ped "galnst Thebez a nd . Il na lly my . foytun e to be In til city of Au: III the .so ut h. alld t h e Slor y foun e took It. But t here W IIS a strong towe r gUSla. Ga .. when Mr. Davis Dnd t\Jex. b ht • b t (rlend s throu gh pu re mllll ~e. It wa e Withi n lIle clt.y· nnd t h it her fl ed all ander S tevens were I·~ug . , nto t n so pel"Slslently told thnt thousan(\s of the men and women of the city and cit)' within a fflw hOll rs lifter Ulelr peopl e In th e north finall y believed 'it s hut and bar red t he door. oapture. I wns a membe r of tho Foul" Now t her.e was a cer tain woman leant.h Main e regi me nt ; . m.v brigade Both or Iheae s tori es are a s ampl e. of how hi sto r y 18 mad . If Buc h. yarn ~ among' th e numbul' who had esca ped had left Sa vannah t he last of lIlay. ' 66, 11 A t Clln. be gi ven ol'edence While tIle· lIar. tr.)m Shec hom befol'e Its uestructlon. and marched 176 m es to ugus a. lies Bre living, what must . we thlDk 01 And sh e ·Cl'led In tho cars or t he men We reached Augusta about the flrst ot lhe hi stor y or Caesar and ot Hanni. of ·Thebez. s ayl og : Jun e. at du sk , aDtl Immediate ly weDt bal ?" . _ _ _ __ " Know YOIl not what Ablll)cleeh did ___......_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _________
T was lhe proud est momen of Abo , Imelech's life. The ambitious dream of. t h e years' be fo re ' had bee n
realized. lind the re he s tood, e lated but Im per Ious. befo re the people of Sheehem. t heir ack,n owle dged king. The sun s hone In hi s strenl(tb and ·101'''. an d nature ' 1111 ·abou. t seemed • ~ Iml :lllg In s ilen t tribute BS t he s.ol· emil process ion at tb e priests o f Baal bad set fortb from the wmple tbat Mis s Julia Rlcbman. a di stri ct su· lIlornlng a nd procee'dod to· tile .great to the towe r of She che m ? Got tbee Fooling the Boerl. perlntend ent In Ne w York schools. la .ak stood like a «Iant sentry up to tbe top oC the, towe r lest hc do During the Boe\' wa r Frederick R. likewise to th e to ~hr of The bez." having · g rea t s llccess wit h a penny IIpon th'e knoll just outs14e the tOlVn. At the word of ber command tbe Burnham. "tlle American SCOllt," was loncheon qf cracke rll aDd milk for t ho . The re the pries ts had chanted their Irien hastened 'to t he top of the tower, out one day with a pa t ro l on the veld v.ocn tIon s and hac! spokea the :rounge9t chlJdrel!. An In vesllga.l Ion In r(ords that procla imed Ablsneleell tal,lng wltb t bem 11 piece or millstone when h e announced tha t h e had I.est lhe irall. He dis mounted,· s ays Col· not lon g ago In that cit): s howe d king, at the same li me pJaclng upon which was lying th,ere. Thltber. sbe f 70.000 brea k fasUess children In ths blm tbe magnillcen t and costly ephod followell them and !Iooe too soon or lIer's nlld began movl hg' a bout on hand~ and kn ees. nosing th e ground public schools. "'hleh yearl! berore' had been made by e ven then . Ablme lec:h was d h dpresl!lng 1 d like a bloodhound, and pointing out a Gideon. the fath er of Ablmelech and hard against t he doo·1' a n a s arte trail that led back over tbe way' th~ The govel'Ul1Ien t's s earch ror valua- which up to th e present time . had bls Ill'e tbe re as a t 'the towe l' ot She· had just come. ,"Vhlle .he was Lhlls ~ food stuff pays. !olacaronl wheat, been treas ured In the hOllse of Glde.on . che rn. The n t he woman wi th ~een employed th e .commandl ng omcer rode Sud"enly a s th e procession entera \lye pIcking ou t the ' rorm oC AlJlm e· imported from Prussia at a ('..oat at up. ' ,. " . $tO,OOO annnall y, yields $10.000.000. the town a. ·volce rtugs out from tbe lecb,' h eaved tbe pie ce of· mill· "Don't raise your head, sll", said atone Cram tbe wall, a t the same lime be lgh ts above overlook,lnJ? t he ·clty. Sorgbum was brought from China In A\l rnhsm to blm. "On tl1a t kOJlje to ve.ry eye is t nrned In that crying : lIle \,Ight lh e l'~ II . a commando DC 1864 at ~cos t of $2.000. 'rhe Dll,tlon 's tlreetloD , and ~he,.e sba rply outlln'\)d " Let the fire of S'h ecbem come out . Boers." aource of Income from that crop IS ~n the lng ",'h lta of tl1e rock a and ' destroy ~ bllll e l lllch . " . " When did YOll see them ?" aske(l $40.000,000 a nilUa lly.·' D,an Is seen standin g. HI\! appearAt tbe sound of ' t.he toteful words. " lnee Is alinb&t th a t or a supernatural Ablmelech looked upward nod reo tbe" f omcer. see t he m DOW. Burnhsnl 'au· A London jour;naHs t 8ftYI tbat being . . His whi te, te uss feat ures. his celv.ed th£. full forc(~ or the fa iling swered. American wome n go a broad (or hn. r;team tng eye and s treaming hai r, his millstone II1l0n biB fore he ad. so tha t "HlI ~ I Ihought you were lookfng f01' ban ds because ll)ey want I.cI be ~oBB.., d . O;lIstrotcbctf a rms and ha nds J.lolntlng h is skull was cleft OJs tlDder. Then be . And th e gre a ~ m l!~s ot American bu. to the people .belcw ·hlm. and tbe called hastlly . unto Ihls armor lIearer, a 10llt I·a ll." "1'hat"B 'what t he Boors on· the kopje ba nds w ill "Ise to rern nrk feelingly to ~ e rvous tons lon apparen t In every s aying : thIDk." sa id lJurn~am . ' " Draw t hy liword 'and s lay m e. tbat a man, ··Ho w, II tt1~ he knows o ur ne- mllscle .o( his bod y ·as he dre w him. ble women'! " . leit UlJ and sbouted In h lgh·pltcbed :t:'ln Bay 'Ilot oC mE'. A womaD sle w " Bull 'Run Ruaael!."' rOle " ClI3t a m yste ri ous spell over tbe I,hlm." Sir William Howard .Russell, wbo And his a r mo !' beal'c r thrnst him died In Er. giand last month. ,.-as "Jack the ~gg·tbrow e r" has made ~eoJlle, so 't bat where a u In8tant be- ' bla appea ra nce In a Connecticut town. fell'e bad ~Iee n the nOise of tr~mpln& through. '1'lIu9 -God l en~ erefj the . k~own In tbls country all "Bull RUD Ills s peol al ~,. !le lng to throw eggs on reet and the Shout 8 0' acclaim t here "' I~ke(!n eSs .o f Ablm:Clech •. and a I the RUIIse ll," f rom hla tamou.· des cription (flll a s lle.nce stili sa dea t h. Avll or tbo men o f IIIhoobem d.ld ~ Dr the rout or the UnioD at the JU'Ople's cltlt blng. Nat urally. tbere It .... nd· had not the people been so frill. rend" r upon their beads ; alia IpoD fint battle of Bull Run. Tho dlllcrlp• ICramble wheD his mlaillee aro dla. !llnated by the appa rltlQn before UIDm cr. ... c the c ~oth&lll, th• . Uon printed In the London Tlm. '''.S them, they wou.lll bave note~ the Ion ot lerl1bbnl. . . coyerec\.
Not a S ingl e Stone Has F\l~med S ince Ull n' Doa n's Kidney P il il. g J. D. Dllugh t rey. lJlu 8Ic· llUllll sho~. or Au tTolk. \'a., suys: ";nurlo!; two r t hr e ::renn lbat 1 hnd ki dney trouhl I pnll cd 2% '" Olluds ot &r~yp i and sandy ' sedimeut i n t be urine. I haven·t pussed a s tone since using Qoan.'8 Kidney Pills, h owe ver, a~(l that was . tb ree year~ ago, I used to suff I' th e moat acute agony during a gravel ntt:l It. and had t be othe r usua l sy m ptorqs of kidn ey trouble-lass it ude , h onda he, poln In the bnck. urinary disorder!!. rhoumullc puln. etc. 1 ba ve ~ box con. Ial nl ng 14 grnve l .. sto ncs that I posser\. but tbat Is not one-(J unrter at th whole numbCl.. I consider DOlln's Kid. n ey P ills II fine kldaey ton ic." . For Sill by n il dcal rs. &0 .c ents :\ box. Foste l·:r.1l1l1urn 0., I.Juffale, N. Y. GHOSTS PLAY MANY PRAN K S. Grab Rope (ro m Bellr lngc'r a nd Cut Down Trees, GhOStly happenings hnv disturb,.d the town or. ICll'kwall. \hl' capltnl o( the coun ly oC Orkney. On VO'edtlf's· dny nl~hl, 6 R ~' R t h e Lond~n" DaIlY Ma ll, the wlC or t he liell rlnger WAnt t.o l5t. Magnus calh· dra l to souad th OUtt W' at eIght o· 10 ·k . This .liI a u. nncl e nt C'lIs tQIII e HII observlld In the burgh. The b II hat! boen toll d tor leslI UIR II a minute, wb n.- It is nlleged, a t\gll r 5uddeul)' apPP'(Ired at the Womuu '8 side snlltchlld b el' hauds from t hU rop~ a nd lIS mysterIo usly dlsapl*Dn"I . Aoot her m.orn lng 20 tre!'s whf<oh a tew y(>ors a go w re planted III f ron l of th e at h dra l wer.e tOlln,1 . to 110.'; be n ClIt dow n. ' T be nlgh ~ wns a calm one. wl\ h brillian t mo.on ll ght. ood tho t reos werc stnnd[ng at ona o'clock In the morning. Hun dredS of. lI'i nd o",.s have an out· look on t he spot, and many people who were s ll l1 IIst h' li t Ibroe o' I ck In tho mOrning ' dId not benr t ho allgllte. t sound oUlsId . ' Y t an hOUr lal r ever)' t1·oo h nd been desLroyod. Tbe police a re buJIled.
- ----
itching, Bleed ing Sores Covered Body -Nothi ng He lped Hcr-Cuticllra Cu res He r II'! Fi ve ClIYs. " After my gTnnlhlnllghter of n.b lit lIe\'en Y !I.". hnd lIoun curell of th e m nsl s. !lhe was Il~taok o d nboul II fortn lghl In lci' by IL furious I~hlng a'l (1 I)a[n[ul "lIpUOIl nil OYe r her bo.h , especially t h uppe l' )Inrt of II, fo'rmltll; w ntery nntl hl CIl(lI ng SOl'S. cap dall • un der tile II rms, of cOlls lderable slz . She su rrered II great deal anO for \!lrl' t! weeks we nu rse d lIer evory n igtll, using a ll the rllmedles '!We Qu.ld tillal at. Noth ing woul d help. W tried tllt:' OutiCUrll Remedies nnd a tter t woIII.'"' four hours we liot d conslderllblo 1n,· provemcnt . end " rler....uslAg a ni)· Oil complete set of t h utlcu ra Remed , ~ . ID five cou s('culh'o days tbe little ant'. much to our joy, ha d been e n tl~l ! cu red, and h a s boop well for a ' Ion' time. Mrs. F . Rll eten ncb t, R. F. D. No. 3. Bakerslleld. Cal.; JUDe 25 and July 20. 1906."
- ---In United atate ..
Tn round fi gllres, t he re are 284 ,0011 Indians In the 'nl led Stales at t il present Ume. 91.000. ot wb om, a re la Indian lerrltory and 15,000 In 0 1l:11Ioho· mao or 106,000 10 the coming ~tP . Those of india n terri tory, the fiye clvl. IIzed trlbes:....Che'·okeeli. Creekll, Cho . taW8. Oh lo);asaws and Semlnolesba ve been man a~ h\g t heir own allall·~ ror ~wo·thlrdl or a century, and a r In all r especta flt te(\ for the c1tlZ8U' 8hlp which they are ~oon to exe rcl~\'. All Dr Ule8e. a ri d nearly all or thosP In tJ>e Oklaboma end of the comln,;_ slate', wear. civilized drirllir."lIlld'"1fe.,·n s cbools eh urcho8 and tbe , olber aooompa';lnie~tI 'of clvlllza lloG.-Les· lie's.
Il'Ol ple aSing 'to tbe defl'stod oIDeerlr and RUsBell 800n ret ul'ned ~o Eng. land hby ro qililst." . He did his firs I wOI'k' a s a wllr co r res pondent <lnrln~ A"lmals W Ith :Blel<bonn. t he Crime an war, ' and hJ s la'lt iiI lbe TJ>o l1umbe r· ot dllferent I1ll8clell ot British camJ.lalg~ which end ed In tbe occnpaUon o( E gypt In 1882. He .... animals ' knuwn to nat uralists roughly. 1 66,000. ot- wbicli 1&,300 kni ghted ror his achie ve ments. 'l'ertebrales: or b~liboned . Palalng of hlltorle Long· Brl'dlle~ . The his toric ,Lsng Bl'ldge ove r the Potomac rive r III bei ng torn doWn. A CURE When the British torces cnl)t ured Washington In Au gus t . . 1814. tht bridge Wll8 set on 01'6 lind flal't1y de II qulcklr ill¥r!led.. stroyed to 1)l'Cven t a jun ction Of th. Ol~ •• Reliel II OncL Rrltl ab · eXIl.edltlolls. '1'I)e II1's t unlol t.roo ps · !lent to t he south 'llRSserl ove l It d oon!ICS;' llootliee \Jle J,ong Bridge In ' 18'61. and at tile b~al8 "na J,rotoul4 diacll.'K'< mom. closo ot. the war the a rmy or !.he P o tbe bnwe. It ~ures C"" tomac unde r Ge!"!. Me ad e, a nd t bf larrh IUlr) dr h e e army of tlie Tennessee und C!' Ge ll RWlly a C.olo1 in tlto Sherman, returned ove r It to Wash' Head qlll<:k ly. lle· Ing ton . Art,e r the Orst \ balt! of Bul .toms tho 8<i~ of Rnn lhe union troops I'etreate tl acrosl Tillie and Smell. ll'nU Blr.e GOols., iit th e bridge to, seek s a re~y In the capl alata 'II' by mall I 'Ilrlal ·8b.s 10 cls;hS EltllrotMn,H WarrQ 8tree~ New Yorke. tal.
EIJ'$ Graaill 8alm
-'-- --...,.-~----~~
Served on Conltltutlon. . Tho oldqSl 8ul'vlvnr of the ereW' Ol the Cons ti tution, MOIl8I1 D. W bbe r. 01 Sale m. l\ta·s a., wal 87 years 91d recently: M r. W eb he r served on "Old IroD. sldel" wben I\ be lun ca r rIed ber orJc ~ Da l baUe.,. 01 44. IUtlll. • I'
ronlt. So It calli I' about thot Prince LEFT TO THE HIRE.D MAN. b uPrllng til! 8 11111111'-'1'. but. "" ' 0'<: ., ' Ro vert round ~e w YOI'II Cll.llJl nlls ts no. th way. When at fuur o'(' ltwll It " vld lo th o proposl tlonll b e \lIlfoldad One Farmer Is In No Way Bothered 11 1'1'1 vael at lh dn cll on ltpnn ok ' Is lunll (.onc rning his IllY 'nlidns of u Jr Ighlby the Auto. lliat day he WtlS II. 1)lllful looklnl\' ult ca.n·.\·lns- llulon1ov!!o wlt.h II. par joeL H i s SI1l0l1 HLLlel, wns gone and motor: "No ; I can' say as th e m all w mohis bOUI WIIS ha l , ru ll (I t wul I'. A o bll s lIo hel' I\!~ lll IlCh," repllf.ld tll0 old olld his 01' W W re Hufff' I'lnl-: fl'om tho Redu ced to Penury, Long Isll\nd lal'mcl'. ,,'b n the Q1I05' chili -of th , aLU)OSpher". I I'ecalved . Thlnl\lI W()l1t fl'OIIl bull to wo r s~ wllh lio n Wl\j pu t l6 h im. "ThOY did hothel' thelTl ,[m gave them my q ua r te rs an lhe P ri ne a nd P ri nc'I:-~ ~ Hobel'L de me 1'01' a yenl' 01' tw o, but thell I dIs, aPi illY men to I,umli out tho wlILOI' i:l1'0 -lie . . ~1 C'd ll c r IID (I yOt meauer eh ul'!;cd lilY h ired mlln," 'Ind gl't Ule boal I' nd~' for un y re qulr lodgi ngs lhO~' sccure d, unOI fina lly " Ou t what ha d h lO do with It?" ment. We Boon had It In good or~e REBEL RAM ALBEMARL~ lhey \\'or c 1I"l u b pen niless, In a gal' "J dlsc hol'ged blm and g(IL :IIlQthl;lr a nd Cusblng. bla r w recrul tcd. se t rei. Wl l h (h ol l' baby da ught.e r. l he -one who had the In terell~ of his One of Survivors Tells of the Daring ollt lh e nex t nlOl'lIln1,( for th e fi eet ott I~ d cn to n . Prlt)oess .1 e-aSP.lnond e, It was then ? mplo~'e r at hesl't." Expedition Against It, tba t an e nlol'iprlslng tit a rrlcal mana· "Yoll ; and ",ha t?" f" w days uHel' 111l11, l"lV lng ac· gl'r discover d them Hod mad an or· I' l left lhe WIIOI Il malter to him, Ho Mnrll than two .score )'eal ~ ngo a eOlllll lt ~ h od WhUl I had Ilee n e! tailed fel' to stUI' t h Iprlncess In vlllld vl1le, dee med to Imow ju st what WII S wan l d WIsconsin IIII1U. lIo rn lu Delaflc lll, PIIt'- to do as lo th e sound in gs, WP gOb unWi ~11 b I' hlt sllall d conducting the or. and I dldn '.( In l.erfe re. NoW' a ncl th It fo rm ed a u aCl of bra v ry Lha t tll r lll Od der way and start d fOl' lbe Or! t. On chestra as Il so rt of s lde·sbow nl trllC. I saw hllll di ggI ng a 'dl teh aoross the e very uorl henl hea rt , nll ed tho eoa· arriving th ere we ' found thaL ulSh lng tiOIl . · rond to keop tlt e wllte r out or tb e gar· r d racy with dlsnHIY !lnd J'Cs lIlted III had a r r ived ab ad of us, an d llij I be· Imm ediate ly lh pr S5 took up tb eh' !lE' n, und now and tben I saw an allto long d to tho Olsego, 1 repQrted caus alld pain ted l he Mu rrcl'lngs n. ( trllr e Ule d itch aud tUI'D a some r· Incal ulable allvnnlllgo to the north rn abollrd thu l boa t. r (ollad great e nthu· os o( th civil ~al', wrlles , J. L. fot' dured by th o I'Omoll Uc p air' for thei r suull , bU l I dldn' t ask any qu estions. . slasm umong my oid ship mates beoran'. In Mil wll ultee Sentln c l. lo vc's sake. A t honSR llIl newspa pers H th ey wun ter,J m ~ tea m to h anl Lbe On the nl !;h t of Ocwber 27 . 1 04. ca use or nn ord er tba t bull b e n Is· Cll r rle d t ho 6101'Y of t11 ~ 11' misfor tunes nuto to 1I>",n It Wll8 fi ve doll II 1'8. If Wil lia m OIlI'It r 'ushlng, wllh I ~ nll' n, sued ca lling (or voluuteCl'f; 10 join to m il li ons of Ame rIca n homos. Hend· un ~'on e wi h a brollen leg stop ped ushln g In his picket boat fol' lhe 11ur· drove II pickel boat wltll Il 101'pedo II!H~ 3 Dl il ue celohl'lt :; of thlro couplc. with ru e lbe d lal'ge was te a dollorll bnolll t.hl'Ulig h fl ra ft of logs allll llose of d stroylng tbo r eb ' I rum Albe,11Id the vII day oC 11IlV rty al1t1 or 11 woel;-. !; lto vod n torpedo nncl I' lit n ,h I "um mal'l '. I did nut gruw enthus lastio pinching had 11118. d for Prince a nd "Now li nd then tb hiI'd m an wOll ld nvc l' joi ning thut ex pedition. I had Pl'lacess I1niJel'l (II) I~rog ll (' . go oul of a ll evcnlng with II big 0 11 AIIJ rllll "l p t h[1I was ly ing a lhe wharf bee n e ngug d hi' m UIl Y of a similar a t ,Pl ymouth. N, " . P I'e~nl'f)d by Lho nCl'/8\lllllcrS for of 1'01'(' 0:1 Ills lIuck . . I ne " 'I' lIs lc"ld Fol' aoLS of like fCllrlessn 5S us h· \;hlll Ilnd It seem d lO m Il nd wa s 1'0tlte ll' IlJll)'aa l'll it cl~ , Llle !)lIuJla xtenlle d whelber he \Vns gol lig a·fi s hln g 01' 10 mllrlccd hy ulhers th a t J \Vu s al,va ys In g h ~d I' c ' I I'ed tO ll r I 'll ' 1'5 from th :l Illodly woleom to Ihe 1Illir In " !lIllI e· ti e up 80 111 ow. Jf Ii ~t r tell d It S cl'elal'y of Lb navy. a nd titi A aCl on e of t h fl l'st to be detnll d on ~c li ville, a nd e v II slald, cold·hearle d Lo n· aCI'OSIl Ilt highway, a nd an au to w nt bro ugh l hl Ul II llothe l' fro m Scc rdary ad "enlul' s. Howovtll·, I vQlu ntoered d Oli has s in Il oj/o notl Ill! I lUrseslrlng~ sailing t ' n f et IlI gh an d a Ole down to Join. Wil li. . til sn I II m pOrfol·ll1. It. Is SI.\I (\ that wll II a plU llljJ, r Wlls U't Ileekl llg ou l oC "Abuut th l'()(> cia ' I; nrtenvard, Lieut. At t ha l lime the AII":lIl1u'le WUH til E' ho prince Is n cR IJUb ie con ductor of th e ", Imlt)w 10 s e. I 'thln k h'e was ushlng's plcke boat um alongsltle ouly II'0neiali In North Cal'O Untl the ol'ch('stra and thlll Ihe pr'ln cess Is 'sometlln 's II h s n l· mlnded and lert Ute wuters; uJ renci)' Il 111111 attack ed th e Ih Ots 'gu lore Iv hi s voluntoers. a slngor of 11 0 Illoa n nullity, possossed old wa!ton In litE' middle or Ih roa d of w ' stoPl' d dow n lhe b'Dllg way blockading n eL a ud I It rcutened to As of Il ,'olce whll:!1 wo ult! gain h er a u lght. J'd be woke up b y a orl1sh ~ome of OUI' fl'l uds and shipma tes ope n a n Illt pol'ln.nt POl't to lit co nf (i· recnwn lUa n e\'e n without her roman t ic a nd Ihe s Wl'n rln g, bu t I wl)uld u't get el'ates, At olle tim ' no lesl; tlt nn su"· IlI I1 r1e a remII I'lc t hnt WIIS not encoUl~ ~L()I' ~' and rnarrillge to s prin ce to s up· 1111 till so m o ne .Icnocl!.ed on lit· door nglng. It W OI; 'There goes th In boys port It. . an rl I!nld I hat l wo rellers had boo n en gunboats and te rry boa Is WOI''' 'et In th el ), coffin,' a llt. Arnold ilIad a to watch th ' I'Ilm to ilreve nl' Ii. froll1 s ml1sh d to (1 ul \l. few remol'lIs . ebe ring U8 on O UI' wn~ d R troy lng tbl) fe dern l fleet, UDd wh e u Divorce Runs In Family. "Ob, no; the m 's kldoo mlle ltlnes to 'death, 01- glol'), Dnd Ilronlo.lIo",' bu t 'I'he princess had eUl'ly ex'p erlonce don' t wOl'I'y lII e any. Tbey don't \VOITY lbe Wiscons lllia n wl lh his brrn'e lit· he I'athe r Inslnnated tba t he ne,"el' ex· tl c r ew se nt tho mo'nslel' to th bot: of the QJle rnlioDlI of the divorce un y fo rmAl' wlto has got tb e b ead 011 peeted LO I;ee nn )' oC liS oguin. cOllrts. for h I' mo lh el' wall S llUrllted him 10 llic k out th e I'l ght kind or a lom of the Roanoke;' he got th prai se " It wus Oct. 24 wb ell th e Otsego or th e nallon and stltrtled th e whol a nd di vorced from Iter fath er, th e blrod man. Just le t him ltoow that took th e plclte l bOllt wltb he r volun· world with his. bra,'ery . ' n Is clilim ed plrulter, lind man'led Edward Cloy, a you don't run to tbln gs wi th wh eels t ers In tow to ' tbe mouth of the n ostoo .- Tltled person s are not 1\ ChlneHe pro"erb says: " Trouble does . stepson of Se nn tor Jones, as her sec· on 'em and tben leave him alon e. 11 tha t thIs was lhe- tran8cendent nct of Roanok rlyer. " e had also the . lhe nnvy In daring C eats that we re per· ra rity 01\ th e stage t heso days of the not come [rom hea v n. bul Is broug bt ond lIus band. And It Is by no means he's got youI' In teres ts a t heart Ule launch 01 the Unlled Sla tes steame r form e d III tb e face of deail\. Two of !lscende ncy of money flow eI', bu t some· ab out by some "'oUl a n," t be WlnCD'S "rs t venlure on th e sea of autos '11'1) 1 quit coming your way nrt e ~ Ilshlng's ore w swam ashore. IIlx were Shamrock In low. Tbe Otsego cast liS thi ng of a sOllsa tlon hIlS heQn' cau sed A beautlCul Am 9rlcan girl . tb e matrim ony. Abou t fl ve years ago he about Il ml lh. They know when adrift at lIle mouth of th e river and ' 4n London a nd In so voral of th e la rl;e r dough tel; of I,y U\ al~ Al exande r, aa Cell tl esllol'ate ly In lov with tb e for' lhey've got-_ OUg~ ." returned to · the Oeet of! Edel1'lon. cit I . or ·tb e UnJte d StateH hy Ihe all· American landown 1', who ' bald IlIrge me r wife of Counl Fl eur y, daughtel' of There we were on our journey up tho BOOKS WRITTEN IN IBLOOO, p(,urallce of a prince of illus trious t rac ts In southern Calltornla, .lIs9 Baron Deslandes, ~-h() . a [ter Iter dl· river to IIchlevo eUber 'death or glory 1111 nil' with hi!! wlfc In V!lnd vil le. Els telle Al e ~ n nd e r was 11to wife of u vor{lb (I'om 'be l' hus hl!nll, ' son of tbe aDd promoUon.' Wb n '11'0 got "bout ,'b .}' a ro UIO P rinc and P rincess merchant and 1.m (1Or tor, of Prusslon (amous ambasAado r to SI. Pe tersburg, Aeal CurlOlr e. In the Unllveralty of sey n mll ~s up the rive r, at tb e bend North Dilkota. Robl'r do 13l'l)~lI e , llle lIt1sl ulllr) b<:l ng a nteoede nts, nallled Ve lt, when $ he sholt e a s tbe lea<1l' r 'of a fa.mou s co· .beTow Pl ymouth, we were Ored Into t h(, llu~ l n o[ lite slxtb Du lce of Uro,e;· mot tho Prince Ro bcrt de Brogllu III t ric of wi ts and fns hlouables guth by plol,e ts stationed In the pilot boulle Dooks written In good red blood, II .... hl'ud of onc of lll , 1tI 0~ t d l:; tl lI' Paris In 1904. Tha t meeti ng was In e reil nlgh tl y .ln h I' Pnrltl solon. She of the sunke n Soutbneld, which had !;ulollrd families In Fran c. an d th the studio of nn nr tiat In Purls, nnd tb n ussttln 11 bor mother's name', that now n arly 300 years old, th I .tte l's been seDt to the bottom by the coo· s ti ll clea r aod plain, Is a 'Sight we ll I lrIIlN'~!J 110 "llIg been ~lIij i::st 110 the prlnco's mOl he l' nnd 81 ter wel'e of tbe Ra ron 3S D sl!l utl s. fede rute rom thot we were hUl)ting. • She was rl O .vea rs o ld an d he was 21 . worth going ID IIcs to s,*. 'r he re are Alc'X:l llIlpl·. £I " hter of a Wl'~ lIh\' prosent at th e m eell ng. She wall Appreciating the s lt uaUon and OndlnlO 1'\p.w M xlcan planler Jutrl I\lvolc d young and possos,sed, of an en ,Ulll' lJUt that did nut 111'0'" o t a bUnd ·at- but fe w 5 11 h books fert In the world, lhot our object hUd been frustrated, . "'lfc' (If n It lIJ1olla lr(.' 1II0l'chunf of 0 r- brn nce In tho shapo of an unsy mpa· lachm nt. In 'S1)I ~e of Ihe stre nuous Quo 01' \ohe best coll ections oC these we retllrned to the M et wbere we' reo l)Q wel'rul ' (8ntll~-. i8 now sntel>: lodged In the great m~1l I'xtraolloll . Sidney \'. Vol t Ill' lh l ie 'hU!;ba.nd : tho prince wn yoilt lt· OPI10sitlon Of his mahted three days gettlil~ ,ready rot nli Ul . rul, a rde n t. a g reat Admire r of bes uti· Pri nce Robert manlcll hoI' clno des· SCllodlnrlVl a n library of th e Un I· anoth I' attempt. On tbe .e·/eruDg or ful wonl n. DII}' lifter day the prince's L! n I)' In LOndo n. l ro~ late ly the vOl'sll y of . 'orlh Dakota, Ot'a nd lt orks. !' am ily Qu orrels a nr! th t.h e 21th we agaIn headEY.! 01\1' cour~e ~hcll' Ilttncl1men t ,mn k a rollltlntlc val t carried ti owors and ' not s · from Pl'lnce Ame<i e start.ed aeUon to ,.iz.-.ul 'rhey arc' not wl'i t t n In htl'mu,Il blood, COl' th mouth ot tbo Ro"no~e_ We (01 ' 8 11 h Wll8 not · tbe custom In tbe "tor), r t h lives a t Ihe )'Ol1~l g COllill . his mastol' ·10 Mrs. Velt. Sit Ime w the manlage, IlIlnt lng Ow l lb I'e was ntel'ed about hID o'clock a t nlghtrvll't uall y no InDl'rlage, ' since It 'v a~ flll'-off, fro zen Island olf Icelan(J ,. " hl' unllnen bas Itl'ln es nntl no!Jlos him tb en. only as liT.. de Brog lie: dark and dl a'ry. we t and slorm)' It Ox She. left her hus band's ' house \11 wi tho ut the COliS lit fir th e pa rents, wheuce these volumeij come. III ~ \lch lll·tlfus ioll, nlanv of th em was. We moved aleug cautiously on bv~u~, IhnL conlin nl a l Utic!! hn" ' lost Paris fl owly. Th nt made .H rt' Ve.ll·S wlthollt IlI bllCRtlon, nnd h ad no ~e E'n blood wa ll u5ed, for this WIIS the only 'the dllrk side' oC the river under the mllt'h oC lhl'lr s lgul nca n e to I~ n glls h · dlvorco a VCI'y s imple matter, an a:ltel'ed Ullon tho F rench civil re~s· In k a t that early tim In thi s northe rn shadow of th e bl\mboo swa\Dps and lII l"n and Ame ricans, bllt P ri nce Rob· eas ily achlev d fo r mallly. And It W:Ul lers. Hc won his case. and t hc mal '· land . The uooks are bound In 100ugh soon found that we had passed the el·t de Broglit! Is th e youn!;l'r SOil of a from . that. mome nt tb a t the cOllplc'l! rlnge was declared Invalid. F or quite Btrljl$ of boecb ""ood, reenl:orced with SonUtfieJd unObserved. two Y II I'S P I'I nee Robert was Incon- brass and Iron clas.p8. 'I'be paper Is r nlty blstol'lc Fr~ nch famil )'. "'mong troubles began . "All eyes were now searehlng for sola ble: and lhon he III \.be b ' BtlUtul fatled and brown , but the c urious old tb e uld cl lIClI.I hOUSCH of F runce, Diainherlted by Father. the monster of the sonnd , the con(edle tters, carefull y PE~ nn ed with Norse Alexllllder In Pa ris, and ail was Miss !lnllt of e Orog lle posses8!>s a B(l C' Prince Amed e ti e Broglie, lhe fn· erate ram Albemarl . We found our· a goos quill, are still dIs tlnot and 'CI I Iniercst 0 Am I'lco ns. for o no of th or or t he youth ful Rob I't. 'l\'fUl a suns hine agaI n for him. selves on the opposite side of the' rlver clear, al t bous h Ihe bright crimson of II most. d Istlngulshed m cmber~, Bte"i"ifli'iiTellt, wi th all- the Inheri ted Prince an American Citizen. -",~'YI-...J from PI),molltlt-a-nd-observed-a-b lhe blood Is som ewha t dlmlned. T,hese P ri nee Vlolor de at'O~ Ii l' . '!I,~ve\l prejudices ot hi s cl ass . As almost lum(l on the opposl1e sbore, and con· Owing to th e difilclli les ,,1th his vo lullles nro nil on re ligious sllbjects. tbl'o\lgb tho war of. Ind El llende nee In Roman Dowel' o,'a!, lh e nf!1I1 ra of It is fnmlly , til e prln a WIlS driven In NocludM It to be the object of OUI' Ilud cOllslst of JlBalm ~ , Blbl verses this ,'ounl ry as oae o r th pl'ln clplll childre n Is give n a fa.the l' by tbe search. Jt' was,. bowever, only a large "'amller o r In t yen ,' 10 rallOllnce his and s piritual ~ell c hln gi!. Ihmh' nants of v eneml the .~ nl'q ulli de Fre nch h'twli', . lh~ e lder prince's ob· pile 0 Ccoal thll t the con federates bad a llegiance 10 th e I'clJubllC ot France La fayette. . Til Y aro verr 11recloll5 books , after Sent the Southfield to the Bottof11, jectlons count/ld for much mOl' t h nn and III ta lco olll ci ti zenship pa pers 'In stored ther to supply their 'vessels, would have been tile cuso had lIe been the U nI ted S la tes. 'rh e eslat e of Lhe thc ll' long wa nderings wl llh the lcl,! Including the IrQnolad. DIsappointed, Of I lustrloUB Anceslry. a ll Ame rican. In defian ce of his e x· D 81'0gll . which s urrounds the la ndle i mmigrants from Iceland to c,a ptured and the olbers 8utl'ered we backed off, stili scanning the but a. giorloU8 success cruwned death. GRnnda, and from Canada to No rth Tb ls prince was nflc nval'd gulllo· pres sed command . th e ,couple w 're [llmous ' hat a u 110 ' hllumont, Is con· Plymouth sbore. Sle lUDlng up ,s tream ti ned by Robes pl rre III 1;94. bu t his mal'rled In Milan . Thc. par 'nt Imm e· s ldel'eel ono of the most magnlflccn t In Dakota. BlIt a t last l h ey are a t home. the ir efforts . allotber half mile we sighted another Il will b re m'emb ered that the con· sou rna rr led n daughter o( I he eel '" dlately took nc llon In tho F I'ench F rallce. His fa l her. P rlnco ' Amedee, In t heh' adopt ed land, even as tlte lee· blncl, object, and, on 1l11Proachlng It, b rll ttll M In,e, de Stoel, and It Is the ir oou.rts to ha vo th e marr iage an nulled m llrrl d a dall gh te ~ oC the slIgal' ki ng, lander s of tbp, stat , nnd th e thou· federates had been making despe rute we fOllnd that we had made' no mla· a;reat·gr al·grand son who 18 now on tbe grouad tha t It had boe u con· 'Henry Sar , whose Immense fortun o saud s o r Danea, ·orweglll.ns and e ttorts to breal( up the tederlll bloc k· talc~ this lime. There , Indeed, lay the wedes nrc nt home In lhls n ew COI11· ode tltnt dcprl ved them of an Iml,or- contrJvMce that had wrought death was s lIbseglleully lost tbrougb ' wild tant port. To destroy the union ves· DlOn'rtlallh . a nd f,a udule nt s)lllculation. se ls that wel'e protecting tlte blockad,e, and des truction among OUI' vessels. ' The \)rlne ss III au llecom(1l\shed , as "When we got wlthlll hailing dis· they planncd Iln Il'Ouclad Utat they Made the Saw.. well as an e,.;ceI1t!onally · beauti ful nam d the Albemarl e. Tbe keel of tanee tb Q lookol\t on tbe ram hallOd 'fl)e hor s tootl boslde bl!! grandCatll· womll.ll. Dur ing her edu(,Jltlon In this craft was laId In a cornfteld and us as follows: 'Boat aho),! Boat Europe, sbe Rtudl ed with Capoul or er. hi s OUI;() r eyes Inl ent upon 'the lit· lhe work of bu~ldtng was nccom· ahoy ! Boat aho)'. What boat comes tle yellow "Iolln which thl3 old man's tbe Paris opera aod wl tb Fuge re oC IllIslted by lhe use or an ordinary th et'c?" Cllsh lng's reply as e s ood. Ie OPOI'I1 ComlQue. In describing her busy nngors ,,",ere shaping and flnlsb· blaoksmlth sho p outOt. 'I'h union by tbe halyardfl or fhe torlledo boom own appearance recently. Lbe Prlnces o Ing. "n llt you can't flnMI It, grand· forces Inte n'ull led tbe building of th e was : 'We'lI Boon Jet you know wbat fath er," s aid the land in des J)lIlr Rober t do Brog lie gavlj th e following boat two or three. Urnes, but finally It. boat comes .bere,' At the same time "YOll can't makl;l those littl e S pIsces," detoll R: ord ers te, the e"lhleer to I,nt " Why eun'L I make 'em? " don}!lDde d was thHab ed, nud on lbe night of AI) "Tnll and sl ender, n " 0 fcet ten; on full speed. Jus t the6 'n volley or 18, 18 64, uude l' command of Capt. ma;;nlficc nt 'II;;ul'e: wond e rful loog th e g rsndfather crisply. mllsk elry whi stled all ' around i,s. ' "Decllusc you ' haven't a saw nile .James Wallncu Cook, showed It ~ dIreh:1I1' of dnr k, reddl ~b ·ehestllll t color, ,. "Our boa l was now lealling throitgh fill caPllhllities . . f l\l lIlI ~ '\0 l,nccs: eyes oC midnight ellnugh for tha t." Tbe IlIlId forccs undc~ Oell . HollO of th e wate r, fir e be lching out of her. "Th~ 1l I'll make s saw," said the old (1:.II'I, n ss, ' cha ns lng to emerald hues tb e. conCedc l'ney bad be 'n maklllg smol(estoclc, whe n we struck a boom, and Slilldos oC dOI' P sea,g rljen, and at man. An!l be dId make It: of logs with which the ram had, been Y ors anel'wards thnt b'oy, growr, ~olll e des pe ralo attacks on Plymouth entirely surrounded. The confe'd erates Ilmel! arc of a rich. dal'k brown : an!1 tltes ' It\· measure bad bee n mouth and nnso Gre lan, lind lips rull to pe tl well·known violinist, IIlIder' th e ram then thre\1l open their gun stood Utll;t his own maste:ry, 1I0t only cbecked by tho oporatlon of the uulon ports and fired their heavy llroa'dsldes and red." '. nt tbe' vlolia, but of many of tbe I)roll' 'guuboats Mlamt aud Southfield. Ou a t .us. buu whlle tbey were doing this Yawning Deneficlal, lems of his life, was largely due 10 the night 01 April 19 ulIlOIL pick et Syste matic yawning seems to have tho force wllh which .tbat one sentence boats dlsco,'ered tbe ' Albemarle. Tb e onr boat we nt head 'down and stern Miami and Southfield b'ad been COo· .:p, the boom raising 011 our launob proven highly sllocessf"l In Austria 1\.11 took possession of his mind. and catchIng on ollr propeller_ Sd did a method of vocal and bealth culture. Tho world Is full of people who "go oeeted with long s\1a1'8 and chain s, th e the tOI'l)edo boom go down under the Dr. NaegU advises deep yawning, so far Rnd tbeu give out ." But tbo Intention being to bold .the Irooclad wltb arms outstretched, tbus Insuring great achievements of life both In mo.· between the two gunboats while tbey ram. Cusblng gave tbe lorpedo ham-. corn,plele chan;;e of air In the hlng8, terlal and In spiritual tblngs aro lJcppe r~d her. Iron sides With heavy mer U Qulcll IIUIl, when there came and at each treatment he bas bls )Ja· reached by tbose . wbose faltb tall& S!lOt. Out Cook hugged the sonthern awtul explosion ., It filled our ' boat. th:mts make six ' to clght yawns, each not al the last crIsis, and. who go on sl10re so DS to avoid running betwoen. WIth walel', and Cllshlllg crleli out ~ He ran past the bow of the Miami and 'Doys, save yourselves; our work ,. being follo,,'ed by swal.lowlng. .Ho reo brovely nnd "make 1I1e 8.aW." rammed ,the, Southfteld and . se llt the done! ' . wielding the b,lI.tOll ,In conduotln; . the tracted wIthout tbe consent of tho gards tbe exe~cloe with deep breath· "We swam ashore, and 'f ot three Clirl the Nation Ie PrlDud Of. laller to lhe bottom Rnd then eScaped. orchetlt raB for IUs wife's flonge In. tbclr parents, This nctlon failed of'lts pur' lng, as, best mealls oC strengtb· d' a ys wande red In the swamps,,, plcklng One of lIle firs t places we vlalted In usblng was ' c~l1ed to. WAshIngton vaudeville entertainments. . , pose, Prlnco . Jtobert bRvlng ' mAIln, eoln'g' tho reAlllratory orga.ns ,a nd mus, our WRY dowlI th e rive r. I was pIcked th er batons t,ban thli~ ,of 'a I,endlll' wblle traveled wltb' his wife to ArneI" cles, while It gives astonishing relief SyraclIse, N. V .. was the "Mary Eliza· and It was al'rllnged that he should "11 by tbo United states picket boat. or an orcbestra have been wielded by lea and having bean married again ac. In catarrh of tbo throat. I,'or singers be~h" cnndy manllfnetory, through go to tho Brooklyn navy yard and WlIlte head and was' tnlt en aboard my P rln (\ Robert's ancestors, tor il De corlU!)g to A merlcllu law by ,n Justice a like praetlco catlses tho tonsils and. which we were most courteollsly bring to the aound two picket h~atll ' Rrogll e was a marshlll ot France un· of tho peace In Chlcsgo: . He had the uvula to rctract and barden, and the shown by the molher of tb e famolls wLth ijl1ar torpedoes. and how be SIlC' s hirl the 'thlrd lilgl!t "ne r I bad leCt I~ d ill' t h OI'8nd MODal'Que anti anothcr marriage notice sent the French clear l,aSSltge gives tlte voice greater young lady whose s tory Is well known ceoded In this' matter Is told allaln to· On my nrrlvnl at the flcet I dlsooverec} n,)w. A cal"taln p\'omlnont and SUp' day by the loue survivor who lives In that Cushing bad been [licked uQ tbe und er JA'uls XVI : Ano~ho r Dulce de consul there and reeeived aclmow'l. volume lind Imllrov~ d quality. nlgM before. but thore were others posedl y wml lthy Judge of Syracuso Rnckford : . Brogl ie. V/~8 tbe phllpsopber olld ,a cado edgment of Its record) In .ordel' to • "Cush ing hod left for · Now York III thnl, had ruel i be first part of tho par· died. and wben nls estMe was setlled tlmlcltln who, as \lend of tllO cabine t of comply with tbe Frenoh law UlI to HI. LIving Alarm Clock Loul!; Phlllppe, was I'lciing by 1I1s SOy· clyll registration OC' marriages. "I've got tlte best alurm clock In tbe Ill' It was (ollud to be, so I:nvo l"ed that . the spring or 1864 and " 'Q heal'd ,noth, tlon predicted by OIlTlt. Arnold' on onr' _ ~l'4)lgn lleli' 'F.1llschl opentirl .fire on However, orie recou~se yet ';emalnetl buslne~B aud Uljcle Sam llrovldes It thol'e .lVa no Jacome. Hi s children ' log or \lIm IIntil Oct. 16. 1 was tiL' boarding Ih o plelcet bont," Mr. McDel'mald haa been a Ballor began to be seriously ~!mba~r[l.3 8 ed, tachell . to the l!Jnited States s teume,r th,om wl~b bls infer'na,l maohl~ . This . to the In~lgnant Prince Amedee. , He for /n'e," said II Broal,lyn bus iness 'va~ th. ' Do aroglla, "'bQ mart'l n the conld Cllt olt the SOl~'8 allolyance a:ld man. of Irregular 1I0urs. "'fwo 'or but "Mary Ellz/lbcth"-a grancldough· Otsego of tho neat off Ed plt iolJ. N. '. £\\l111s life. He. was on tb e grent' lakos daughl r 'of Mme, de Sluol. !lnd blo 'dlslnhel'lt him. , ' This be at onc'e P),o. thl -e dl\ys ·of each weell I ha~e lo rise tor-who, In i b' J1rO!;[lero'U~ days. bad ['had been d ~n1led to ROllooke IHlnnd wh en lho war broke Ollt, and ellllste d Ron \V IlS ohlll! of lIIacMllhon's cabltIot' oeede4 1.0 do. ell 1'1)'. Our IlO.stmalJ' ~as a rElmal'llal'~y becollie au eXlle rt In milltlng choco- to make s ome Siollndlnga to flee If wc In tb e On Hundred R,ml Fourth New and grandfather or' Pr'ince Uohert. . Aitbo'igh New' York ', SOCiety bnd' I'lerc,lng whistle nnd also alwuys rings latcs, 'c ame !\) tho ,:eseue. She bcgan oould nob s et d ~epe\' drllnght vtlBse ls VOI:I, Ceglllleht at Buffalo. He served In ~e camp[ll~ ns at the Potomac fol' openod Its arms to tbo two brotbers tho doorbell w1lel\ he leaves Rn~' to maite CRnd les, nnd· the family all from the sea ·t() tbe Qonnd. Led by Woman'• . Beauty. "Oue blustering afternoon. wbllo nin e montbs, and til e n, on bls own I·!tof Prince Robert on the occasIon 'of mall . nut although he comes reguJ-l!or· turned In /lnd helped. FI:onl sma11est How com'06 It that a 80100 of tbls 'tbeir visit to Ame~ld!l., whlln the IIlllIle ly 8S elockworll at 8even a. m·, hc' lIeglDnlngH. and nf\er many stru;:;g'les, standing on til e dC}(lk on lhe ·Islalld.·,we Quest. was tl'ansfel'red to . th navy. 3nllilst family of dulles and 'marshals poo),le found the youthfuJ couple In lIoefi not nl 'ays leavo mall for ' me they lla~e _ bul1t up a tl:rlvlllg bUSIness, eapled an object away dowu tho sound, Afler tho WCU' b rawe to, alld ' lI tatflllnJen e.lrni bls living con" dollarless dellpalr their reception wns and cotl3!!1luenlly his wblstle does not ha a ,a [orce of emllloYl3S, adequate battling with ~Ile wInd ane! the waves. wh e re h~ bas resided ever since. Dlldog the winter seaMonS he spends dlll!till!; 'an orchestra In a muslc holl of Q. dl1ferent 80,rt, It:. prince whose nlways blow and tbe doorbell rlog, mach'lnery, and get a doUal' a pumid We wa tcbe d It for llOu r s and lUI -It while h111 Amerjcan princes:! performs 'seat. conllat8 of a lted..lttlng rOO~ on. So 1 ,jll6t b'u y a' postcard th!) afternoon for tlellcate oonfectlonery, unrivaled gradually upproached U8 we found It bls t1r.le ,down on 'M obne bay; w~ere behind tile taotllghtll? , the top ft!JOr at " cheap Jodglllll houle before and mall It myself. It has ' benoath the atars Co~ p'urlty 'and clean· to ' be nothln!{. 11!81 than Cusblng and ho' owns u steam launch and a wlate1' that'. the biB. oteam III ~ ket boat lind a crew of bome. In ROckford Jie Is at the b.\I Tb.' eat1N Will IIIlh g.l'eIJ" Aiel· tSoes nqt set the treatment of a prlnce · tal!ad to arrIve by the earl, linen In tnakin,. ofl- I thteJ! men. He bad lltarted from New of 'I Ilr081' erol18 manufacturing bUland or, GOW the Prin~IRobert ". wbo , aomel . 'II~ with .t he m.a~, aocompanled b7 the whJa\le .tId kind of girl Weatem Cllrl~tllln !ork with t.wo boallJ that bad been ne3i1. Jlro;Ue, 1l , famOll1 beaut,.,' ~ .d . llIaIIIor' of ~ ·...purleD~ ell ~ bell. ..,....N. y, 'S1IIi.
:American, 3Jiz9 on londonMu81c
~.ta9.JJ, . ~, ~ . Descendant 0/' va Mar81z~1 0/ France·,
.f>Ja!l8 . . an Accomp,a niment
~~~_~~~~~~_~~~~_~~~_~__~__~_~.~_~CS~~2!~e~~~~~_·!_P-'~~~~~ ~_'~2~_~S~5~~A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=p~~~rk~I~n~lI~n~'H~~'U~I~II~"~lo~t~~"~VV:::r~k:~-~ , ' Il Juvenile OranK'e IT IS THE WAY WE LIVE Many New Books VOIUlllo\It. Former io(esldent. Organlzedl Saturday. Some Interesting Opinions Added to School Library Pr .. t!clltl..... \V " I' k~, COllqllA"t lO r M tlXI/'O I; /t UO L!I\IH1Utlflt of Pt-tll of an 'Expert on the I'h A I,'lh.wlug Will' !lent nil f r. 1Ul Til Juvenile Grange WIlS organ · A huge number of n!lw nnd "/thl Thnoktlrll 'tj '·Vllulr.v I'IIlr. " ISltiNGS Subject of Rheumatism 'llil ' ''llIlpOll ~. hut wirbont It Rig nu. I;:e.l &tu rday evening uoder t he
lurl': I: lolA R \1. 0 JTOR : 1 willsonil you my little verse " Ie e put. It in your pupal' . 111m Itm eRfS old. When 1 gf t. 1,0 be 1\ itlll~ ' I will write' nloe poet.ry for VO IL 1 WH born In Waynesville. I tim. using PUPIl'S m lohine wbile hE' III gone. .r EU Yonrs very trul y. Mrs. Henry .lu.y died nt Troy, Friday night, 'April 12, at 10 o'olock, InrI Wll8 buried at Covington, Ohio, Monday following. Mr and Mrs. Jay bad but the week before gone to Troy from their Dew bome It Logln$p .)rt, lndiaull, to care for Mrs. Jay's aged parentSI Rev . Ind Mrs. G. L. Griffith, nnd ber d8Qth WitS tbe rEll!1Slt of a duro gieal operation wbiob she under. wen$ a few days befora. Both Mr. and )Irs. Jay mode nlany friends during their three years' ~journ here, who will sincerely monrn her death ~d 'sympatbize wltb Mr. Jay in his VOat sorrow. The Uazette bls received a copy of South 1:Ihore.1:Iouth Uakot-a, .'iepublioan, whiob oontains a most "xoellent \ihneas of that well (nown and bustling former resident, 6Sr. Fr"nk Keya, now of Ohi08go. 'l'he Republican says: ":Mr. Frank Keye, owner of $he K.eys ranoh, five mUes west and north of South 8hore, arrived here Friday moming for a weett's visit to hill lanoh on a combined bnsipess and pleasure trip. Mr. Keyele a prominent. live stoCk ~mmisllion merchant of Chicago, wl~h olioee at the Exohange build· log, Union Stook Yards." Jan. Wm. ThompllOn, IIf Mani~u' 0010., wbo fa a niece ':)f MrtI. Prater ublateut Kre. S. U. Davis, writes · 01 'he charming olimate of that JoOall'Y. Sbe live. a very gay laCe ...... 'he eummer s688on, wheD toR... throng 'bll.$ city : "We ~-.e apen.... moet delilhttul winter b& -.ei-y little IDOW and no NIDa for a1lt montha, Haa been Ub.,m.1 aU through the winter. h~ve bad .aDehloe every day. "
Mrs. O. II. Pritchard, n6e ,FannJ Way. who baa been epending the winter in Parker, ArlZOD.l, with her ' hDiband who wlethereon buain088, hae wri"en the followini of inter. .>1It oonoemiDg that country: We have eDjoyed onr tbree montha' ou'iDg here in the liesert" bot win aot be IOrl7 to get away ~ from the ,e xoeuive beat-whioh Is a realliy-aDd the rattle SDAkes, for which we are oouatantly wamed to ."look ·out." · The temperature now at 3:30 .p. m.ls10' in the .bade. · r ..... - W0r t UJuc .un. ... or d h &8 in ob arg e haa been.o extended tbat the tlm,e or OU," re&1im horne will be muob
HEN Always Bu'sy
'Ve gl ve yon n Suit t hat will Ollt, you 112 to 113 GO elsewhere We give you II Suit th,n t WIll pst you lUi. 00 elsewhere . We give you II Suit thnt wlll oost you II .00 elsewhere. We give you !l S"I t thnt will c t YQU '~/j·. OU elsewbere. Gold Bond Coupons with illl Purchases. FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO DAYTON'S BEST CLOTHING SHOP .
FOR $10
FOR $12·
FOR 315 FOR $20
lfIAIN a.nd E'O URT H
dir eotion of Mre. LeD/\. Hartsook IIDd MI88 Dortl Ethll. All children of ubo llinate Gro.ngers between t.he uges of 8ix and tourteen are ellgilJle to this order. 'l'ho follow. In~ offie rll w ra eleClted. Matron .Mrs . .Lena Hllrtsock. ~ster ,Ross Hllrtsock. Overseer V lmo. Oornell Ona StrawD Leotnrer Ubllplain Marie bntts rrensurer Loulsn ~$oke 'Secret ary ~ucile UOtneJl A In n Hartsook Stewllru AS8't ' toward }}llith SheAhan Gateke per R.uth Dinwiddie Ednn Cotne11 Oere8 Pomonl,l . Allrit~ Oornell F lora. J:ielen BI\·rtsook - ---
Son of Mrs. A. lB. Sides Injured. 1n Acddent at Cine,i nnati. Will Recover. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides were oalled t.o Uinoinnati Wednesday by the news of au nOOlde,nt whioh befell Mr . Sides' son, Huymond Ey(>r, that morDing. The young m ilD hilS been omploy ed on Il milk routt, In Clnolnnati. and the acoldent occurred while he was a t hit! work . Be is DQW In a hospitlll where he will bu ve to rewaln at, 1000st six weElka, but the lIhY810ians hold out every hope his reioovery. The injured man'~1 little on Lee is spending this week wit r . nDd Mrs. ~Ides .
and drink lots of millr. It anyone wo.nta to go off for tbelr health, I would odviee them to oome to Col. orado Springs, but. do not stay 8 week or two and then get home. slok as 80 many do and then go and condemn ,be plaoe, cut if you 10 make up your mind to stay till Chicken Pie So,c ial you are oured, if you have ,to' re at Ridgeville. main always. . Thh 18 oertainly II place for anyone with lung The Itldles ot RidgeVIlle Universa l. trouble. Mrs. M. H . All.e • . lilt ohurch wt\l give a obloken pie ...... Boolal on tbe evenlnl: of 1:laturclay, The Dayton Joumal of Wl!dDOS. April 27. Admissiolll lIi ~, and an day, April 17, baa the followlnst ao· a.bundanoe of. /rood t hings to eat oount of an even" that is of more will be served wl,bouf. additional tban erdinary interest to many oharge. readers of tbe Gllzette : There will also be a -quantity of A ~rlple anniversary was eele usefal and fo.noy artioles on 1liiIe for bra ted at the Bopklos bome at Bel· the benefit of the ohnroh. mont yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Boward Hopkins oelebrated their Notice twenty· fifth weddiDg anniversary ;\ t was &lso the fifth anniversary, of the Having sold my store at C:.rwln, mclfl'illge of tbeir da ngbter. Eva to 0., to W. J. KUbODl all petaonl! In. Mr. Rollin Condit. 80n of Mr. and debtoo, to me wiII pileaso call and Mrs. George Oondlt, of nay ton, and s"ttle their Accounts 'wlt-hout del!LY. the ninth bi.rtbday of t.helr son " n ETTA KILBON RADE!'. Kenneth. An elabo~te dinner W8.8 served at noon, and t-b,e table deooratioDs wllre green and pink. The house ,WaS tbrown open to the guel1t~, who LINES greatly enjoyed the bospitality of .their graoions host and hoste8ll. EXCURSIONS Quite a number of beautlfnl pret!· Jamestown ~xposition ents were received whiob were in Norfolk, Va. keeping with the ocoaslon. ;2UlCS. The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. Los AngeIE~s, Cal. S tan1ey .,., "'-IIers. 0 f 0 01um bua; D ,'" A I)rU 27 to )lay. I-M'yello Sbrlnc~ , Chas. A. Bougb, Lebanon ; .Mr. and G~g7o'fn!f>~~~~~'::c~ :!~~~~~:~e;~[~:.Mrs. Rol1ln OOl,ldit, Dayton j Mrs. Atlantic City, N. J.
later ~ we Ilt fire' antiolpated, J. W. Mullin, Mrs. H. Hopkins, Mre. \but we eIp8Clt to' break Camp about Eva BOUih and tbe MiflBe8 Jordan. May 11.1 to June a"Amerlc:an "'edl cul A SS 'O the 211ih, 10 hereafter please send Twen~y.five yeartl ago, April 16. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. llle Gazette ·&o our cUd addreee lit 1882, Mr. -and Mrs. Hopkins Wl're July ~. 8 ohd 7-Knlghts ' ·empl:.r h Ka W h lieaven~on, nsaa. e ope- married by Rev. Burd~al1 in the M. Philadelphia ~ou are enj o"",ng :... spri ng - well. th er E . 0 h urch' a t W aynesvl' 11. e. Ohl a,' t n July 12. 1a :lnd U" ·B. P. O. B. d .. ocd 8. · an no more .. the presenoe 0f (I,b out fi ve h nn 4r ad On' way Seconll el:lltS Ce,lonlsl Tlcke"" 10 E -.e-thin'" be- haa been very guests. . They were' attended by Idoho. Monlana , MexIco ,lnd Patine COOs -"01 .. Polnl8 at lInu8ually Low Fare · iDtere8tlDB to me, but J go baok more· Miss. Etta. Keys and Mr. Stanley Bel· ' dllUy durIng ,~pr\l t,ban'kfuJ than ever for the influ· lers, of WayneSVille. who we.r e pree· Ar ' ound the World en0e8 of oiviltzatlon and a christian ~nt. at tbe oeleblo.tion yesterday. 'roure 1610 nnd tlpward
Five years ago, April 16, 1902, at
Hn. Amanda Allen. sitlter of Mr. Marion Gordon, of WaynesvlJle, lnd !In. William Phllllps, of Cen , teni)le, ~mpanied ber son to fJol~rado Springtlabont lix months .go. when he ~ compelled to flee , r hie health. Be improved sor \p. · Idly tbat they ~ve returned to .heir, home In Hagerman, Idaho. and wrH1811.1 follows: My 80n ha'l imp~vVed in health so muob that we e~t to retUrD to _ .....v week we have our own h lme nen
:~::: al,::~~e~~eK:: !~~~~r:I~:ett~
B· E .
For fU~~IPt:'~Uhrl· ~nSUIl l11e 0 v BOOTU. Q e gen . Il ncsv .
Hollin Oondit by the Rev . I. J. UII· hili, of Cental Ohurch. Dayton.
Breeders Take Notice,
\h•••. w.......v!J1~.~.m"".fY~ •••• ;::.::~::::::-...:::l·.~~~~: :!~ d~:;
PROGRAM Musie Invocation .. .. .. . . . . . . ....... .. . . ... . .. . . . ... ../ Miss RUth Todhunter Solo . . .. .. Recitation . . . . . . . ........ , ..... , ....• , .. . . •.. , . . .. _. . . , ..... . . . . . No. J Recitation .. .. ... .. . ... ...... . . . ..... . . .. . . ' . .. , " .. .. .... ... . . No.2 . .. . .. . .. .. .... . . . ... , .. .. _.. . . . _. .. . , Misa Mary Magee Sol0 .. .... .
::~:::::~: ~ : .... . : . . .... .... ... . ..... :._ . : .. :._.. : :: .. ~ . '. '.: .. .... ..._.. ., .. . ', '... .. . . .. '..... '. ~;. 3 Solo ...... .. . .... .. ' .. .... . ,.'... .. . .. _.. .. .... . Mi8s Ruth Todhunter Recitation .' .. _.... .... . _. ... .. . . , .. ... .. . . .. .. . . .. ..... .... .. ... . No. 5 Recitations . " . ... ..,," " . , , . " . , .... ... .... .. ... . .. .. .... No.6 Solo .. _. ... . ... . . . . . . '" _. .... _'....... . ... .. . . , . . . . obin McDonald .. '. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .... . ... .. Dfllla Downing Recitation , Presentation of Medal. "Benediction • . The Solos by the ladies will be accompanied on, the iuitP.r by • ttl r '
__ ..>
Joseph Uni:lerwVIPU. "'wE CoNTERT FOR THE TRUTH"
CONTESTANTS Mary Davia Inez Allen 'L yman Roush Gilbert Welch Eva Tucker
MarY Levicy SBIUECTS Civilization / Th.e yulture The Effects of War on National Life A sermon in a Saw Mil1 The Story of a Tragedy. • The Teetotaler's Story A Plain Talk
Haseball Game at Oakdale Park.
The l};)ys of the ~rllynesvllle Blgh ~hool have been busy praQtlcing for th~ first base ball gllme of ~he 80080n which Is to toke pJace ~t Oakdllie Park Flidny, May 3. The game will be with East ~ig\l Bohoo', 01 Dayton, an(ian Interest· ing contest Is promised . Adwlsslon to the /l:r oUl'ds 10 oents; ladles free. All tripods of the bOYS are Invlt·
TheSurpr.'Ise · SI r'e" .
o' ·
ed to turn out and root for the h ome team . Pain.twisdom~ Don 't experiment
with commonUreen paint;Beal" it ooatbefore as muob ~. We' wan(Vou· to :Know th1\t the ss "Han,na's Ui. i d d f. bes' place to buy your Bo . y.'s Clot.b8l!. ng-by anJ aE grel\t ~old: . Janneyeal . more a ,er, 18 here, Few firma are all mreful, as we ars In the selection (If tile I I d t I to ~"" . '. ""'~ ~ proper mater a s an s y es r Boys'tJ1othlng. Cur effortl! in tblll dlreot-lon bave given us indisput'lblp ' the Day&on. bigges t ~RMAN.~ Boys' niothlng busIDe8sln
i '. S $'
~ ~, •
- ----. ,
' ... ., (l~ ~
S $
sively • . Whatever 8tyle suit you wa.nt for your boy you'll find bere In a varie. ty of fabrics that is 8ur8 to .oontatn wh~t yoll want.
lOc $
Come in~nd look at our pre.tty
. ,
~::8G~!en Stuff
Our entire second floor Is devot-ed
~ to 'he sale of Boys' Clotbing exolu>
thi8 week.
~ ~
' j ,.
B ng your Produce Weare paying
Jtdbe8nemto mit that tbecllmate. oonduoted the oid HammelHouse, show ring. . ill perfect 'tilleD ~e brongbt my ilon th G i B . Bervice 110 to luaure Uvlag oo)t. . -. now e. uet b onee. Also Black King. 3 y1'S old: 17 here abouhix months ago he Wal! Judging from the artiole in the hauds blgh , will wellgb 1800 at 4. yr • llothiq but a IlkeletoQ, he did not Indepelldent, tqis ocoasiun muet old; sired by the Imp.. 8ialllon tbo.t wetab mooh over ,100 lba., aud 80 have been II. moe' happy one. 81x tonk 1st premium at tbe Warren 00 daJD by weak that i$ WIUl an ellon to set up of the 8even Uvlng ohildren of Mr laat fall, weighs ,2100; M . d n.. f .d h " imp. Peroheron '8talUon at oarow, an wa.. a ew an now e . and Mrs. Mosber were present. be *SIght 1900. 'Blaok King's dam welIha 156 lbe., waltll an around &idflll a number of grandoht1dren and weigM 1750. . ' . , ..... whaNever he wanta 'ogo. Becougha greo.t irandohildren, the one ·daugb . Terms, lID to' iD8ure a liveOolt, OF , OOVRtlJl:.... '-lfDIJ yet, but very little. and all he ~ ' . . Th818 'wo stalllonli 11'111 make th"~ .. ~ Ilia ..... doue Wall to .leep in .. t8n$ ter absent being lin. Mary Crtaen: .eaaon place en"relllUOD, , o,ae Itde up &D4 lit '4OQFI berry, Of.~,~h, Nebraab. '. " . B. S1U'l~ "
15c ' fior eggs
Z·1m I ermaD .. S $ . .
walk on. Bo)d by J., E. Janney .
.!:!:;::::a::~h~:;~:~ :::, ::de;~l~~b:e~::~::~::re~b:; :f::~~l ;~~e.~~ i~~~~:f;~ afnd ~::: .
HanDa's lustra Hnlloh made to
A copy of the Morrow County Two draft Stallions for Independent, pnblished at Carding. Public'Service. taD. has been received by the Gu' ;zette and we huve read with great G:!oi~~~~tl;i~ ~e~::~~~:~ ~a~~~ y interest II. double oolumn artiol!, 'old: sired by imp. Riotele (11232. , " , relating to the oelebratlon of tber.Frllnco) 7093 ' Americlln .He I'y Per FOR sixtieth wedding anniversary of Mr. venoher7es (14240 Itovernmeut Stsl . and MrtI. N. N. MOllher, th~ parents on ) diam tbYJBreb1lst.ldl221. Ro .. ~ . Ro te le r., It 3205. am, se of R . F. MOllber, 'fresldent of the 6400 by Sir Henry " mO
:~::: :::eel:~n~~!:~: :i~ ~:'i~n~:~~:i~~. Mrs. Edith Har' :i~e ~1i' :!~;et~~4~~digre8 Ro~t. lut week we had lIuch a nice rain Mr and Mrs Mosher moved from lelet Jr . is full blood I.n the Percher. . . . . ..;. 21.................,.
It wi ll no' doubt bo U Bource of muoh inter811t to you to lellrn of the later view recently n.coorded your eon6sponden t. by the student and exp rt, Dr, G.eorge Edmund Flood . "'Most of us, " olalJl>S t;hls speclll) ist, "eat tl10 muoh and ' drink too little wllter. Wtltsr 18 nllture's gr utest oloonser Ilnd Is more valu· II ble internally than outwardly. It il:! essential to the h6lllth, U8 in pass· Ing t.hrough t he systsm, t he vltl\l organs are wl\shed of impurities .whloh would otherwise fi nd hurm. ful lodgument; fl1 rthelmore the bell lthy tissues of tbe body Bre to u very large degree oomposed of water Drluk water. lots of wllter. les8 tea and ooffee, t,be obange wt\l be 101 mbdiatly noti'(Hble In B better appeUto. fl'eer action of the kidneys, ab SeDce of bowel truuble and an ' 1m· urovement genernlly In the health . "Were it possible" ' RIlYS the doc tor, " to impr s upon tbe paollie tbe tho importunoe of .thltl WtLter drink · ing hllbit, rheumatism would in a 110rt t.lll1e become a. rar~ disease, Instead of being, as . it is now, the IllOSt oommon of u1\ human aliments At the Mme time,' rhenmo.tism and Its kindred dlsafules of rhe kidneys and bladder , when properly under· stood . Ilr'e not dlffionlt of trelltment. " In my prllotlce I have nbed the, following presoript,lon \9lth great s uccess. Yon tue at liberty to mllke it public. It is as f01l0\9~ :Concent-rllted Bllrkolll Oompound, 1 ounce j Flnid Extrllct Casoara Aromuti J. , one balf ounce ; Fluid Extraot Priokly Ash Bark , one half druohm ;' Aromfltlc Elixir, four ounoes. Direotions : One teaspoon . ul · after eaoh maaland at bedtime. Obildren, one quarter to o.n e. half teas'poonful after elloh mpal. " Aftsr giving t18 an opportunity to read It, Dr. Flood contlOues : "It is very simple. Now any druggis t can a.nd will fiill t bat presoriptto.n a t II. VAry nominal obllrge. 'l'here is nothing ' to p'r evElnt anyone from lltlttmg it filled or taklllg It Il8 ell rectad .. fterwaru@. I don 't believe tkere Is any oo-lle of rheumatIsm 80 ohronio, so severe, t.ha t, if the lIul ferer wi1\. take this prescription for from tour to six weeks, it can 't be oured. It is !lIsp exceedingly val . uu ble in u II forms of kidney and bladder trouble, suob 8S Bright'S dl ease, diabetes, oystitls and ali otlu.' r affections of the urinary organs. "
P ·. enns.I y vania ~Ol~~~ ;~m~r~?:.;~::o~~~
Ilble books ba vo been R.(ldAd t.o ·tbe Hugtl'~ . "Lfol.o M ""rllbif.lS. " _ sohool library r~ently, tbo 'Joo ks Hul1l:l tlS' "P(lIllplut,p Pllut\ ol\ l being purchased, wltb money seour Wurk" ." · ad from Iln entert&lnmont given undel' the auspices of th hbrl~ry , Died in Cincinnati u bout two man ths Ilgo. . Hospital. At tbe present time tlt eru IIrll !\bout 1200 vol urnes In t he IIbr ,ry, ' Mrs. \-VWhlm Tl1ylor, wl1v :bull o.bout· uno fourth of t heMe hit ve been udded during Ah. Bratten'lI term liS Ii vad uu tilt! Oreg DIu. Ilnd Wellmafl pike, di ed II t U Oluoluullti hOllpltal Superintendent. Followi ng Is '~pll rtlal hRt of th~ Su.Lurd,.y 1l!4 the reanlt of an opera· tion. new books: The body of Mrs. Tllylor W88 , Dr . Lord's "Beacon Lightos of Bistory"-II. set of Hi finn I.. rgo vol. brought fr om .Cinolnuati to (]orwln urnes, giving biographies of 1110n MonollY morning (tnd fuuer,,1 Ilnd women of e very uge who hl'V ~ ices were 1.1 lill in ·the ohllpal I? Miahelped to mllke history . , mi 06lUutt!J:Y. Mr8. 'I'll)' lur i8 SUrYl ~ed by ber ~hakespeare's "JUIiUM UUHur, " 15 hu tlbuud 1101\ twU lions. olassiOll. George Eliot 's ·'Bllns. M\&rner." u ola88lo(l. . To) Ali It (or Gr ime: Too hard for , Tennysun 's "Idyls of the King," Time. Hllnu" ',, GreeD tiell.l Plttnt. 15 010811108. Sold by .J. E ,Ja noey.
B(>ing the Most Common of all hronie Diseascs, it is at the . Same Time Very Easily Prevented and Readily Cured at Home. .
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