_ _ _ 3 __
VOL XLVl. NO•. 45.
W R(l LJl;
TOLD IN SHORT ' Notes Concerning the Sunday School Tour PARAGRAPHS . ' If»ublic Sqhools. Party Visits Waynesville
Mrs ,
RESIDENT PASSES' AWAY. Was Minister In tile Friends Society. Prominent for many , years in the , Comin~nlty and ,· one whose loss will be greatly felt.
Rot water uottJll . II tr;1 . E . JanneyI'! Mr. and Mrs. J , J . Oownin~ of Xenia, attend~ t he funeral of Da.vis l"urnas'l·ues4ay. . . . For (Jolds uaO "Red Sprupe ontl Uberry IDx])eototllut, II Bold by J . E . Jllnney. Mrs,. 'P billp Trout und Mrs. Jeff Mlulll\twere In pri.n g Valley Tuel!' dllY wbere t,hey alotended the fuu. ertll of Mrs . •Iumes Atkinaon , . Mril . Ann .Prater , whMA ninetieth ]Jh·tbdtlY WlIs colebro t(j(~ Aprill, h'lls !'""n 'quite lIednu ~I ' III for two wt'Hkl4 {rOm n e urlll ~ h' lind ' generlll
'l'be Wllynes'iiUe public SollOO!!! !lllve ~gttln \,Ieell placed in 'tlle first grtlde of Sohoo~8 by Sta..te Commltl. ~i oner Jonca. . Dur,lng tho term of Commlssiouer ' the sohools· wero placed In the first {(rllde Bnd Commissioner ;, ones llas rene~ged tbe ~ort1fiolite . There are four 11"" grade Higll Sohools' In Wa.rren County : Leb· t\nO'n , Fl'dnklill. W&ynesville find Morrow. .. - - -. The EJigh Sobcolls 'preparing for ., publlo exhibition of the work of t,he sob'OCI which will takeplaoo the llil!t Friday In April. :rho Litera ry CIllb of the Hlgb School will give t,m exerolse the latter balf of t~le Ilf. t £'rnoon. A very e~llborate prugllllUl IA being I1rrtl.nged . Tbe publlo is cortlllll1y invited to a.ttend thelle ex. IIroiBq8. ' .
Corwin. EU~
. Ml'~. CII TI
fl t'n.
A }J1U'ty of four l,lD!ltl:1 $chool derjlou lIud littlll nephew K,eOlJotl! workers u.nd olIlotlt'1I of t.1a (JlJIlII ty )\'l1rl1 ~hfll lpl n l( . ill n ll ,n on F r \(1uy.
Sunday Sch ool AlIllotlllt.tion vill1tlld Mr . W . H.,r't\I·lrl (~lid w ifH Qf Wlly nesville I:hlnll ~\y , 'l'hf:l l'iLl' ty!,nt tlnnUIII' wi l.lI MJ;!I. ,Hope oonsisteu of I. F . Blgony, llrll<lldent SM.le lI ud Ila n,rhl,er ' of t he 'ounty AssQoln.tlon i F . A , Mrll H . III Booth nnd MIM AI)' Pauly, Trel~su~er ;'V. , Loe r, AIl!!i!!t.· ]lhil~ MllIll' wer e inci un llt.i "hop . Lmt Seoretary, and S. A . Le wis. All pllr::! , T uescby 1llJ(1 in 11[1"11 Miller's of the gen t lemen live I~t or near tliJ!lent:p , MiHR 8 uri Un . l\1oKill"PY Lebanon . . tn uj!h t t il" l 1r irlllLl' l' r oum. In t, ~ e m orning M r . Bigony wa~' Mr. nnd, Mfll. F'runk Wilson of presont a.t . the Met hodist SundllY HarveYfibur jl: vi!'ited fd r Robert sohool,. Mr. L~wls II.t tbo .E l>illcopul WillIon ,mel d lln ~b ter nnday . . sob ool, Mr. Loer Ilt thf:l Ort hodox Mr . Alonzo EV(lrhar t ,md wife I!' rlenus and Mr . Pa Uly r,t the flioks· have m oved f rtjm Cl noinnltt i into ite FriendS !!obool, At eaoh school pltl't (If HOrPQe St,o" os' honse. the visiting member dollver'est ' an Mr. W m. Ned ry Imd tiister . Mrs. uddross lind wude s uoh tlUglleRliO)l8 Ju n.h Wil son ot Btll' veYtllm rl!' w ~ro M they deemed would ~e htllpfUI in r ecent guests of Mrs , Alioe MIlKiil· the work of th e un~a y sclloo l . sey Imu Mrs, Lilli e Ne<'\ry. A Rally of the SundR Y soh uol of Born- - und llY tb Mr. tlUd Mrs. Wayne t ownship W'1!1 held ut the M. Barry J ohnR, a. son. E. churoh II>t. 2 :30 jn t ile nfte ruoon . Mr . WO. W . Ar nold' wus ~ Oln. Preslden t BlgonY' deli vored a n ex · cinnllt l villi tor MondllY, celleut a(ldrosll on tinndllY sohool Mrs tOOI>8 of Xenia is visiting work. Following thi S, Mr. Loer Mrs. W . W . Arnold. lellin tl round tnple d hlouB!lIQn whl oh b . h i t 1
~1 27
Mr .. M" riillrl't· .' olmJ< WII~ In Da.y. tOil lo!\t F ridILY. Mr Erl wOol'd 5w6PJlfl WHII t.he a \le~t or M r , ·Wrll . [Jnke nVl'lr ThurA . dfl.;ir n lj!llt, .. fr .1 ,.rlllJ. r.. c\vl!\. we ~rf\ Klnll tn no\.\el', \<.( Ilhl ll til be !JIlt u ~tiln . 'rhe Ilooto t "ltV " h A hi men'tin g l'apl(\Iy . Mr lind MI'fI. W. F. Cln,rK nnll flunll y ollllell on MInion Clinic t~n(l wlf~ !:lunilny nfffl·rnoon . . Ed Ketterm~n and wife tlpent
pl~flnnt' l:!l\bbntb with Mr. and Mra.
Gel)rge 'H~nkI Ei, nel\r Ferry . Mr. CUM . EloUl1;h , wife and lion Kenneth were enli6rtalned on Snn· dllY by Dr. J . W . Wllrd Ilnd wife. WI]). H. Carmony, Mr. ana Mrs. ,lllbll.i I:Y. . " , ,1. M. staoy tr.llnsaoted' btlfline88\n' Mr. L'u P~tlt-6r. ,~ hll CRnla hom., D"yton }d onday. . I' Mrs. Ddvisand Mrs. Fires, of Flat. rllm ,!"'" WI'14 t III ,l'I IlVt1UtI)ur, htl.s bft'lII III fork , wero In our village recently I v. I'Y ill 1I" "l lh f ur Ile v....'! rlll Inspootlng tpe old oburoh pews witl1 ru .. ",. I ~ , IIlltl lor II ' 11\1\' wlle k" JIII",I, a vl e\v ,t o plu'ohase tbem , It .t< O"" ,I1!.u 'lt 11" .. 11111111 qilt! .. llIr,,, · , ·Mr . . l>IId ;M1'1I. Ma80n Williamson. '" ~ . "" I','oiltll y ~u (" r 11111 PII"~ wtl~ k " of Centerville, and M~ ' CsD.11JlCe A I '" r 1",111 01 0 li t! I,ut;ut!t p. Il:l f(lr '.. Baird were Sunday visitor!} at the .c,l "1. W. H !11 IlIl IImt It I\( Uo.. (J< 'r T eachers Association will home of Mr, and M1'1I. . L. WiJ. will t. ~. 2r. 1", •., HUI' w hld u w 11 tllJlltl.y of Que(>n meet a~ WayneSville. liamson. ,.",1 (l; r l·., 'rlloth Wjj.. h .f- E . I;e:s~ tti~::'~ tlOfg~~~t 1':;:~~fe~:ll~I~ . Lytle. All persons wanting sunbonnets . . •J.. nlll.'.\' . The Wllfren I 'Clont,. Tfliloher ll All. oussed w.e re: "The abStln t' ~Oh.olur ; ' . should I.e ave orde1'1l or material tor Mr ~ EIII. Mlobtmer II tid hon ULlI,rleij .lnolll tion willlJleet lit Wtl.Y' \"8vllle, wbo wOI.ll 'l " ,0 k li fter hlln r" "Tho ~m . •!.O,Slluf.: buying In !.l1e int,?!:. lllr.k lug same with ' Mrs. c;nu.r18(l IIU" 1IIIt' d "he oe l In:IIII'I,n of t.he BlII.ludn,y, thE\ ~Itlth , do.y or'Mny. puky Roh01.l1 ; wlmt should be done ellts ot r ho AmerJoan Cigar 00.\ aou~h Illld thoy will be made. Tbe l )l rt, I. i1I1 ~' II nlll v.'rllllry of MI'SI Mjoh Th ld Is filrs t tlule the A"~oOill ,\11th It ~ · "l:j otld lQUS\(l; wba t is It ~ouk In II. few oropl! of ·tobaooo proflt.':t on. these .are fol' tbe benefit ner '!! IlIf,ht'tr, ,E.lw;.rd Merritt, Itt tion btl.s ever' b.llOn held out of LciQ . lind bow 6~n we get it ?" llnd othera' l l'hurSdilY, .' I) f the Lytle ohuroh . • e)1 111 Vh ll rl esron- l:!atnrdtl.Y. ,~non, we belie~'e, at lellBt tbe first. . A h~ Dl'~ome U'1lI1111r , hlll\ring Ihe . Merry notes of musio fill tbe ail'! Wb.fln Hldney Coon hauled in bill ~[rt! .I. ..u wtl\in burg, of Spring time In several year8, and Wtlyn e~. ' \'1'01'(\ 8 "-Bllnnllr 8ohool " was " WitI'd Ye .. ollrtllinly, t.lley oome from the tob'loon one day Itu~t w eeK thll OhOOK Vllllo.v WI\II th ~n e"' t or b er Hi ter ville II! t o be C01l1gratulated 01) 8f' l1r ed to t he Orthndllx li'l'le nds Hobn\\\ I~ew re(lentIy purohlU!ed whioh he received alllollnted to Mrll. I.oroy Ironol from·E'l.'ldllY' ovon . Ing thl,! me tiug , tor htl vin g pres lj t tlle Itlrge t uu tll by l::Iim eon Brow n. ' 2 OO! That lOOKS like a pretty _ Ing ';Ultti Sunday when she 11,'1111 C. E Brll.tteEI. Superintendent Of ber ()f ,otlioer~ nnd teaohers pre~ent l ' '," good Bellllon's work, and it would Un ru ado.y of la st, weeK Garrett look thht a few more orops like tbat joined by Mr, Willinburg, botb r e o Schools, desenea oredit for bring In proportlon ·to t he enrollmen t Ing tbe ::lltherl1l8 to Wayne.sviJle. A town h ip oonven tlon WIlS heltI !eve n g~r , reprl'.Yentln.g the BaRB would Ilnllble him to retire. ~urulu ~ bOUle nnday e venini\' . ~on l O. T. O,orson, of Columbu8, at t~e slime place tlt 7 :30 in the Uo. of (JlnolnntLtl, r eceived 04 oases Mr. Wlliter Kenrlok and wife en , Mr . Elills Blaokburn of Fisher· ~dltur of tbIl0;hloEduolitlon~lJouf. evenlDg, Davis Furnasl a pioneer r esident nil of whom. with t.he exception of of to buCCI) tIt a ~ttll value to the fertained the latter's parents, ' Mr. of Wayne townsnip. died at the F ur- John, survive their father. Hill t{1wn, Penusylvllnlll, jolnod, Mrs . mil lind promillent lu eduoiLtlonlll Mr. PlLuly 81\ve II. very exceUant. rals6Pf! f over * LIOO. and Mrs. Haloef of 8ptlng bo!2z tq . nil!' homestead in East Wayne town· widow 'was before her marriage Miss B1Hokbnrn bere TUI,lf'day ,nprnlng work wlU be plre8ent ana deliver oIl talk on how to te!lch 'r elllperllnce in Mr . Le \; i ,l,"oy wbo recently sold gether with .James and' willie IInp about eleven o'cloek Sat urday Sidney Blackburn, of Fishertown. in tirlle 'tll be present Ilt, the (une,." I nddros8 the tiundlloY sobool , und following .blll tl1rll,ll immo(iiu,tely e88t of Lytle Hu.lnes , on Sunday. Mrs , Kenrlok . Pennsyl Ilnia, a lady uf exceptional of t,lI'eir fa.tIler, Davis lfur.n8 !I , Mr. . night. _ _',_ • him. Mr. Loor !mmlDlI.rlzed the wqrll: tiO,J aUle!! Lewis Intenns moving Into wasgulte sick week but la Few men have ~n so closely and cul t ure and il\tellil,fence. B-:sides B.lttokburn Is a ver y prollperoua bUil ~f the dllY undor the text "'T~e Bar· uudaOO !ptllrd 'A b01lAe in Lytle. In muoh better now again. prominently identified with this thliSe, there about twenty , grand. ina!!... mlln , bein g Img!l{tl"U IlIrgely W . Mlifler is Dead. ves t Gathered. .. oxpedta tion of which T . J . Morford 'rIle Cling Bros. of Dayton receiv· omrnunjty as has Davis Furnas. childt'en, and a large number of In Vllri01lfl lines . ..ud is one of t be tillli 80n Clllrf:lnce, who htlVe been ed 87 case8 on Friday at' a total val ·. Practically all his long life was lived other l'e lativ~1I and a host of friElDds most prominent m en in hl ~ cout)ty, (JQonll,vin g !t. for ~om e time previouil l nation of ,3000. Thl8 helped the W eill' W . M.iller. Meoretary of the PROPEH.T Y OWNER ' here. In every undertaking effect- who !!incerely mourn h im . Mrs &y Smith ucoolllPunied h ~ m av r~ Into the Iit~le house ou the loonl1;(llItlon made by Allen and Ohio HtMe Botlrd of Agrionltllre inl'the publie welfare his influence , The folluwing sketch of the )ife of 1oI' "te r l ~iT!! f.. utb .r ' lI er tl, Uti fllr Who dellire lasting r esults sb oold 'rili~hton lot. , . Wheeler's men. <rpe 677 '0&808 re, wall felt and he eoml1'landed the lMr. Furnas a ppeared in the Warren 11'8 Dll y tnn IlllltFtidl\.y lind r er,urned di d IIllddEluly 'Ilt hili home In Cos· insis t upon t.he U8 of "~r een II Leste r Kenrlok held hi s final de. cei ved by t.he two firma were un· respect and esteem of everyone. For CQunty Centennial Atla.~ which WIIS hottl e In the ev enln~. Mrs 81llier14 t,~lin , OOOn, Sunday morning . Mr . Liquid PaInts Its t ho grellt preser . many yeal'8 he Was a minister in the published abou1; two years 'ago: ' remll~ned for & "rref vi ~lt wUh bor MUleI' ",aM /1. 01 0110 personal f.~ end of ve r of surfaces. For sRle by ,T. E. liver.v of trllsb tobacco on 'l'bursday. loaded. und disposed of .from 8 :30 Iq A. hn.)f cllr load wall bro~gbt clown ~he morning to .5 :16 In the atter. Societyof Friends, and his loss wi\( " Davia Furnas was born in Wayne rriend , Mr . W. r... Bor~dul1, b(lfor e the llIte &. H. leJl1lli , of Wayn~8vllle. Janney. fr um Uentorville and this, togethe r noon. One ourlo~8 pn lOOKer fimed be eepecially fe~t there. township, Warren county. Ohio, in goiug ont. to her OAW Ilom e, wb Loh and WIlS ItnoW11l to many readers . ---.----~wit h what ClIme lu and what was the men operatIng the SWinging Fune~ . aeJ:Vlces were held from 1829, and hM a lways reSided in this Iii fiv e miles fr om DlIytllU on t he OilY ot t.ho Gil zett~ . Mr. Mtller WillS a m n of mllrked Annual S. S. Conventlt.ored In the Wtirehoulle, oompletely orane whloh lifts the bOXBB fr~m the Fr!ends White Brick Meeting township. He WIlS t he son of Seth ton lind Franklin trll otion Une. tlon at Harveysburg. flll e(l the cur. Last-eT, it will lie the wagon into the. wa~hlj>nl!l8 and House Tuesday mornintr an~ was \f'umas , who WM th«;. fonr th so~ of 'l'bu flower tllat is oorn to blu8b Abillt.y Ilud one who can be Illy IIJ1ftr· . rowemhered, t)11Y S for ROBS l\nd found tbat the boxes were pall8inlC very largely attended. Robert FUrnas. DaVIS Furnas lived 'tIntluon ill of just II @ mlloh value to ed He WIIS P ~omlneli,t,in Grange Benry, Germnntown . over the sOlllee at the rate ot 2 pe, Rev: Philip Trout, Rev. Benjamin the busY life of a lltlccesaIul illrmer. tht" world &11 the "utlsp!lnked spank' work. BIlrve1sburg will tbrow o~n its miuute. ' The great number who .. Hawkln8, Rev .• J. F. ~dwallader, and. has pe rformed m8!lY public or t.he " unklssetl ki88 " 110 we ttlke do01'1l M,.y 31 anti Juno 1 to tbe Sun· E von the ca8ual obseu er jn ])IlS8· were oompel1ed to walt nntll afterRe~ca Merntt, Bethl. Fumas, jserVlces. He w~ townsll1p truiitee plelllJure 1n Ilnnounoing to t.b e wi/rid Harter Shldaker day 8Ohool telloherll aod worke", of in! through the conn try nowada.ys noon to get unloaded made a raid OD M~tilda Ul\derwood. 9has. F. Chap- : f~r twenty yean.: ~rved a greater tbut we htlvti the best and mOlclt t!ll ~ . Mn?ot rail to r COg!1~l6O ~lIat ~ pro· C E. Jobns' grocery IIlong abon' Meets Hea y Loss. Wllrren oonnty, man and Jesse Wngbt all spoKe time as school dlrecto,r ; was town- Isfaot ory Ilnticeptto tooth W II h 1'0 Tbe forty· third Ilnnual .oonven · ilIglOU8 tlmount of Uhug IS gOlDg en noon Ilnd nearly oleaued him out of dUring the aervieel eac:h testifying sbip superintendent of the public try 8 bottle of " (~ueen Gnd Or~ cent Mr. Harter Shtdakllr, wbo llVBB tlon of W~en oounty will be held this sprint,!. Let the good work 110 ootables. if the lAdle8' Atdhad to the worth, the nonesty, the aoil- scbools for thr~ years; served as Tootb Wallh" for ouly 150 rel\l val east of Barveif8bOl'l,J me' with .. there at t~~ and the "ood peo· on for the lo vorll ot ao~ce Greely only ,Known, what a uioe little pile ItT. the inflllence for good, of the juror: many times; he appraised real ue 2 50. J . E. Janney . ' . heavy 10lJ8 1'lWIt Sunday. 'g~ WIUI pie of Bllrteyaburg are working to ::I}I r flmell1l)er lll~ oft qu6ted ~dage, they oould have' made tbat day! lOnIr . life ot him 9fho had passed estate ./Uld perfornled l11any other - - - '- - - - -- t'Onding a v&Ldable borse to Corwin make the oooaston one tbtl.t will ~ a·r mera ~ou OIln alford to go In Friday WIlS tlie first , reany nice a'"'1. public duties. Reserved the Friends Easter Service at 'to ship to Waf,htngton C. H. to be long be remembered., .' d eJ>b for on y ,~wo t.hlng." th tl.t Is tile day tha.t there has been tbis 888l1On After the service at the Meeting" as olerk of their Monthly, Quarterly M E C The progl'lIm for the Uonven~on t1.nd mllnure. . for delivering tobacco and the ,Allen House the . solemn cortege wended and Yearly Meeting for many years, . .' • hurch. !lold at the IIMok slIles thlll week . A mlln was loodlpg the animal behind Is now prepl\red. In ~diti?lt Tol)8cOO ' that yielded 1\ tbonlj8nd & Wheeler Co., of . Troy. proflt.ed ita way. to ,Miami eemetery whe~e ilrtd h!Ui done a pretty full . share of Sun4ay School at 9'30 Mo n' the,precloUB l:emains were placed In travehng, east and west. He has service at 10'30 . . r 109 a. buggy whelll it beCll~e frightened! t·o t~e countrv;:::eker: ~hO wWl ~ke pounds to th e llcre Illllt yenr was thereby. At eigb't o'olock Jl stewy reared up and fell on II. bUl{gy whee par s~verl\. s w r era w a so oon ~ld ered t d be turning off well stretl.lU of wagona begalf to ponr to thell' lut reeting&I&ce. seen great changes in the cuatomS,Qf Th Sa "t f B' . with suoh violence as to Injure its be preseut. and oom paratlvely little reaohed the l...ytle warehoW18 and in an hour hiS ~f ... ~nJ riceSamttearrtnh'ed, i tl~~ peoPrlte ,. and in ' ~eir m.odes (If 8dmi~is~:~m~~ ~ew ~~!~l~e~~J!1 bRok so that tit waS nOO6s9ary to kill thot fig ure. Yet t,bll fiv e" tldjolnlng aud 8 half there was a totlll of over "'~ ",I e uwml' ane , . wa ter lvmg. 15 alr;.noB.t ImpOSBlbll! for the afternoon at 2'80 the re '\l'b THE GREEN SEAL P A1N'r fllrmll. ,)wned by Ii'. H. DUKe, Wm . 75 1lwalting disposal. to whom he was marrIed m 1852, the youth of the present day to even v· f B . . b ' WI. e a him . Withstands the wearand tear of ,8 . ClU'mony,M W . Silver', Erl Thom' The receiver for the company ar and who was the mother of his five imagine t he changlls t hat have taken ser Ice. o~ apt! m y ImmerSton at THE GHE~N SmAL PAINT. tboelementa far bebter t hRn pain t Ilsllnd Da"id 1'1Hlmas grew tobacco rived from Troy on tbe nine O'OlOOK cl1i1dren: Seth, Eliubeth Bogard';1S, ' plac~ in thls collntrywithin his mem· thTnCth~s~~~?~~r~~~ seve n, Easte Stand thinning with pure Linseed Dlllde by tbe 0 . 1 procel\ll e,f mbrlng whloll yiel~ed very nlllJriy 100 0 Ib 1)J\B!lenRer Ilod immediately the Anna Blackburn, John and~wm, ory. services bytha Suhday ·School wi,~ eoonom. by hand : Pigments and LiquiOs are per aore.llnd the prloe received In WOI'.K of unloading commenced. Yet missionary offering. Ever yone Will On,lInd are tllerefore mo.... .... thoroughly Inoorporttted. t bull liS. e very Inst4nce WIlS . 10 oenti! ,per even r,hen $e wagons Kept inoreaa· be made welcome to anv or all of Ion.l tblln other. pllintll. Bead direo· !luring a finer lind more rlur~blo pound or Ilbov'e. ,Vbere Bre there ipg In number until at one time N~table Photography. BusinessMen's League these services. _ ' _ .....<....-.- . tlons on eVerlr-Il4lokage. Forsale by product. For saltl by.J . E Junn llY. fiv e more n.(ljllCent farma ~hllt. can there WIl8 aD aggreg!,te of 125 of , Tomorrow Evening,' A good dell1 of attention ill beiu 'rs E 'l'BOUSANDt:! OF UALLONS J. Ji;. Janney . ' compe~ with tbll ti' Doell not tbll~ which Il few loa-ds belong td C1Ing OwlDg ~ the very IIm~ll attend.• attracted by two apeoimeDfj of pho, I if Green Sen.1 P,dnt ' sold every Start a Savings Account show wbere tht' rloh ground liesY BrOil. If tile wllgons blld been, pl"o, anoe.t the Bulne.. Men'lI League tograpblo art at, Downlng'8 ilt.ndlo Yf/tir merely attes~ 1111 :wortbino88, . BANK STATEMENT. ', . Mllmps hltve r olgnlld almost sn Ild in one oontinqons straight, line It Monday evenllfg the meeting wu In'this 01$1, lind I\h6Y llJ'e gre'aUy clil II,! Ii l)llint for nil pront.iottl ·purposes. " . pre me for the pIIst wellk, ~ut ufe would ' reo.ohed X of a mile. Fllr lillie by J. E .•Iannoy. f{C:;) 222 A boy with only one ~r8In ,of now slacking their hold, thoug b II> Never before 'in the eotlre bistory poIIlpOned utI) ~'hnI'lKlGY evening. mired by oompetent £Irt ctlt.iclI. Onp Pleue remember the next. meet- i8 "Olio, 't \l,GrtleK sttldy, (goode!!" \,f . 1 O. Cul'n can easily destroy it. but it he n ew set II! soon oxpeo~ed' to reoruit of tobaooo oulture in this violntty In8, Thu1'8dIlY evening. April 12. at, hl.tOllY) tll.Xen·lltnight ·by the art,tll ' For Sale. will plu.nt It £\nd cultivate it., and their rllnk a. MItis Oplla Phll)lpll, bllfl there been suob Il long 'procell&. 'be WIlYIJ&4vllle Canning ()o·s offioe ' to llAmJlllnd 1.8 IL IItrlklng piece u(· hom the produot keep one te nth our primary teaoher , WRII f.orced t.o 1011 of ~Rgons loaded with tobncoo . Io$ln81., comb Brown Leghorn eg~R. . part, and pilAnt apln and continue soconmb. MI ~!I Lurl" Burn ett tOok Whllt ~oes it mean? Why it means • work. Th~ Mnbjeot is It DAyton IlIIly who 1'tlprOl!~nt¥ the idea bllndMom" 1'hlrteen for II 00, Inquire of U. F. --OF-the prOO8ll8 he will find before be 'llI oharge of the r<.lorn in bel' .atead , lind thu.t thIS company of Alhm &Wheel· New Band is Organized Iy. The other ploture la " pbOf,O. MYli rll, On)gonl&, Ohio V.IIIlY Tel· . fity yearslold tha.t there II!! n'ot l .. nd IlS everyone sings her praises, MillS er has 1I0me suap and vigor abont graph, tinted witb t.hnllparent. cIII ellh()ne 237· 6 Lebanon eJ:ob&nge. 012 THE VV'4YNESVILL1!l enough in all the world to nlnnt the [mriasnrely must be Illliood teacber . It. I~ mllllns that thongh t,h llY wero · • A new b1'lUllt band b.. been organ. ore, an(lls JI, piece of art w h i u h . " increase " , Some of tholle who were taken on Iltte lU the field to buy tbit! yellr, hied with the fOllowing mflnioorll: Is good Wlook upon. Tbe lIubjaot of For Sale. . ~o Wl'fB MONEY ' Sutllrday of Itlst week hlld .'l theY bo,llght up mON In tbls vicini. B, S. Howel). ............. ;... , .. ... Leader ·thls piotnre III one of our httndsome If ou ut tside a rt 'of your l'ougb time of it, wblle : others ~ave ty t>~",n, The Trut Com?R nleR . ~)1o Harold Ooo~ ......... .. , .. , .. , 111.~ Comet teillphone Illrli wbo POIlf'S a,d mlra aced Potatoes: Elirlr. , Ohio. ' t.'ar.. At Wayne" ·,l1e, .in the Sto.W Qf et.rnfugs ~ud pot It t,~ "oocl use In ha~ but littl,e InconveDleilQe IIna al\ , Nfl~burl1;h Co ., Tbe A.Jlll'lr.IOhn. Clg. Reamer ~ ........... ~ .... 1!lb Clarinet bly: The Downbj~ studio hili! a01Jl1l lIlon NO"', B,· queen of tbo' VtllIey; ..I. 01 i . h . in Investments'. ou~ will soon IIr~prl\ctloaUyovor them now. Even ar Uo, ~llen Allen and Wbee:t~r, did FrAnk 'Braddock ..... , ......... ·...... TotiB tblng tq be pround 'of III thE) ,wq ,40 AWllOt potato and jt~tden . planttl 1 0, at t e olose of 'bnaln08s, rn~ fhat your mon:y is ma'jdn t7 BOme of tbe · ,oldel: pellll0nS a·r e not oOJ:!lD1~n<le bUIlng tobtl.cco in ,t his vi. ICrwln Reed .................... ,.Barltone plecos of ort Ilnd por8(,uII wbo ad hI M61lIlOn . · T.; p . SAYLOR; Al rll ' 6, 1906. ' th 0 . kl ' " invnlnerable.. Mrs. Jennie Lamb' oinity, they scooped it in with suob Barol" Bo:we11 .... , ................ Tanor mire suoh thing" wJII b8 ropllld hy Ball; R. R No. ' I XIINIA, O. Rl!lSOUR.CES . . I: ij~~ 'ddJl:r :~I y i:Ve~a;:dmba8n~~ took · the~ antI was quite sioi.< for a, nlfl,rveloue r~pidity tbat It was an Le1lV~J?r1ntz ......... AUo-8eore\ary loaning Xenia Utlzottll TaRII'T ' · Y-~EOP' ~. . th ' d ti te d··.. d t.lme ' . gone before the otber buyers bad , ' ....................... Alto , ' '. . u r...,. l.oa06 and dlAco'~ntl! 1163.173411 onean mes grea r lVl~en I '· . II d ' .'1 their eyes fairly open I , ' . oJool.uomp80n _ a..... BaM n L Ov erdraft", 8eculred earning power t~n a million dol. t IS Bur pr 8 ng fln 80me. mes Tbl ' 1 ' th h · r.n .._. l""r............... , rum Death's Work Use Ureen8ea1 iquid i>1I.'in,.. Oon ; Ilndl unsecured, U:! u lars foollshly 'spent. Rmusing t o note how mtIDY qt t he l. }s, year a .one ey IlVA ·· JaB. UWWlddlO ............ l:Iol\re Drnln • i\ldering results. U·~tbe oh6llpest on u S. Ilondoto A~curll clrculaUon 1iO.C>oIl uo The Gitizeus 'B ank of Wuy,nelr ' older in):Jltbltn.n t!! of our villuge h llve "oug lt altogether QOnsiderably ,A~ a) of the m,enibel'8 of tbe' or ' t~e. morkel. (lor sate by J . FJ . •1(11)' UODlls . securltlell, etc. 1OS.~07 5U villE), Ohio after corre~po ' DfUUt7 with never had tbe mtlmps. DuriDg 'the ' .m~r. ee t~atnth6io.090 clal s881: ' t'h ' Ii ' '. , ___ i.atton are experleDoed pIIlYAI'8, . fj)van ~tI&nfielQ ; Ill{t!l;l Rhout 36 noy. . Hl!.n\(\lIg hOnae, 7!OO/) 00 ' ... . . , ' 1 .' . ti ...,.v n.. s sma p 800 ey . , Due f~om NaUolpllllanb (Mt t~e ~oretal:y of At'lite, and conaul· past week'. W len mllD1p pu en~ received 1868 08ses In r8C}omJense tbA bltnd '/rill be readr t.o .mukA en. yearll, diAd at hltl home noor Cae _. wi-hi f . .. 1 "k.... . ' Uo Mona.y . ... ~j.--:' -\ D ' Ruerve Agentll) · , til.ti(ln with some of 'the most progl. wer~ on li very hand it wus no nnus· t th'I" th h" Ii Il188men- v n a ew wee.... I\ft.rtI vr~ M~ee.lng DUlle ... en as. "IX~y 1\ .1 anger. Due frolJl' a\lpro"ell rCA.erve a818 H jOHH 86 lnent bA.n~er8' (th0f\8 having e'yp'e rl lual ooourence when two old gentl~ . 0 " ey 0 eokedj?qt 15 ,000 , to It la eapooted cbll.t tbis bend will night. Ilfter lin I1In 88 of only about More Chiln balt of m" nkind, over 9beckA alLd o~b.!r . c:,uh Items '" " . b . '" ": t to I . Ii ' 'tl thet farmers quite n. Ittle fortune If f~..nt~ ,.tl88st a part, and possibly a week, bern" due to pnllU· IIlxty yean! of age . sufter fr m ~d. Notes of 0 ber ljlatlonai Banke, 2~0 O~ enOe 18 t III ltne of bU1I1,e!lll) aM men me, le,lr oonverBa on one lDll>n POSSetised; it ' ILII 18n't it? the 8 reater " d of the mnslo' d,n,r... m,onla. Funeralservio~s, .wllldbe he14t V.. ,n' " .U .."n~ .b'l~dder< dl'8Q"" er';', ,ullu", l ly Ftact\()Lal ~ap".r curren".v, nlck~l., 1118 85 mlttad being a88nred thilt onr oll'Brli6r.per tiltla: you ev, 'Out 'Qf thl!! ··.~..r.ndt,0tal '490 ~'l1i 1'\1 '" ,. '. and'cent.. < tts .to include II. &vlngil De. somewhat. ef lUld t.he like rilunlps ?" "'Have ,·'.,..r' ......, ' I,pg the a ome.yomlng. fro~ the l1'te ~ome , .UI'8 &y, a enJal'gement of 'pl'oiitllte , gliLnd, ~AwruL NONU'lRJiliImVItTR 'BARIC, va , · partment with our general lmnking '''Why (d.on t Kno w" 1 gues8 sO 'YP08e , value to. the growez:e w. • .' . , 10ooIook. , , Thillt.-bothP!'ll\fulalld d~ugerouR spec'~ .' , ~.~88 3G. b h' , t ',' thonh . Have lin ?" .', - 114, 456.85, wllo8 taken throngh the ' Ladles ~Id SoCiety Mar111 K;. i Humphrey dlecLMon. Ilull Foler" Kidne,v qnro ~hoi1ld & Lel!.al-te~d,e l' !lnles .I.GOO ~o ~11l38a 35 O~~e::Oo:;e :~r;p~~wo ~~~~ W!\i. It B em! to we that lDother tlLrltle..wa~e housde" oll ;Friday .. 'llbe 88 gg,e . .' , takeu at, tbe first ailen of danKer, aIJ Redemption rlln~ With U. S . ll'e....· . • FO ' a DEPOSIT'" " ~l t old me yeal's IIgo that 'I. linn them ' ers wen) 1011 e4 on oars and th~ .day at t.h~ family rBBldence near It, corrAilta irre~uh~rnle8 And hos' urj:r C6,I>. c. 01 .ClrCllllltloll) 2.00000 D. . on t h e left eid", but no now wait tI wrappers, 401 oases were . l!Clor,m In k et. a&rveY8bnr~. Mil,S Humphreys lIurl'd IIIlln~ . nld men of tbls dlseslle. No how sma)) tl.n atllount .!-' . , . " the warehouse uutll Buoh a time Don" foqe& the ~~rket. &~ur' w"" abont 33 yea.~s or age, ~.nllb~.. 1.1r Rodn~y Bo"n~tt.1 RookPp rt. Mo. , 'I'O~'''L ' 3114.~ •." jMt you have, bring It tn and deposit It . ~l1Iute, slJice I come to thinK' of i tbat tbeir QWD warehouse DlIloy ·be ~lln the Kraaklf!r 8'018 too'm of the 11l~ John W, ~UmphreY8. wri tA,,: ."1 suf!(j!'ed with enlllrge. WE) 'Will PllY you 3)16 interest on it t,b 9t Wlif! O)lly 8 OIJorl.uncle tbat able to handle It • The,Da:vto~ I,co.orena:: all day ~n~ Th'e fune,t al.. will, be. eld at the ed prollh'te gh\.nrl .llnd kidnllY truu. i.IJ~BILl'J;IES. ' !~nn~IlIlY it le,t six llloJ,lths, Y,-ou !\:elle~UJ\~~I:'~OP, So \ ~uell8 ,1 PI ' • ·...t R-Id \livening, lee OI'8Ilm and Q(lke .to,. Metbod~8t Cburch I~ Bllrve,vsborg hie f'lr yean flocr lifts!! t8klng two olln Ilepositwhen you please, Rnd·cu.n n ~"r It r- '." '. . " easeq ge ut all Yd' .lttldthtl In ooonoo\lon wi"" the marktii;, bon. 100 olook Tburaday bpt.t.IWI of K;ldn6Y \laId in . . drIlI,w 0bo tn.tilt Did yon It? 'JJh MJss Wlnlfred ', Mereditli llpent h .ne~II"l'prons, .ud JI, qoUt will 110 ' for , • .. ..,."... feel bi<tter tll"n l' have for , twent, Undl,Yl~ed .prollb. leA. cxpenleft , a , y ,U D er- es 0 sa~e one old folks: 11I1,Bru e, qccopy t Il 0 er' Wednesday' olgb,t , with , Bt~lla, : 1I"le W ' .il'le Man' Clos'es !th h T 91 antl 'axe~ paId . ', !l8,lIll8 03 ~oJlar a week a~d stlo,leS to it for houlles, Whil e ~he yunnger ,folks ~n., po.ugherty. ' , \' , rie"Cream will be the verY',"besi ay'nes~ : . ~~~~' a . ou~ + ~m now yellrll National BanbioteR oUl8tandlni r.~, \lOO 00 fiftY' ~~r. btl, wjll h~ve In the 1\n,n 'k habit the nl\werone8 It Is & .f~q . &om Bntterworth .nl \fife ' lIJIlInt quaJit.Y nianufactured by the ' Con. .Large Real Estate Deal. ), T " 1'1 ' ~l. ' ~~~~~~::h~;~!~~ol)at ' 11'f;(j 15Y,62.1l3; be ,will ' hllve paid Into tll e w,bioli may be peroeiv«l even In o,\1r bne da.,. laSt week With tIlrn~t Bnt. over Co. of payton. ,'" , • . : ' . .."t1!U: 'I1've .D~ BBI""m&n. Bank* . 7.(0000) • bllnk ~6.0(JOO and tho bank will 'pay villtlge , On. la~t Wednes\ln,.y 'Xrll 'terworth "lid faJJil1y," ,• . , . . .' C. G. ·WllIiIllllllon, of WaYnBBvl1l~,· "111 .. t fnrnli4b referlincetlllnd tnv88t ,lndlvldual·llel>Q.l1lA ~ him t3,a6~. 113 h~,terest, . . ~ar~s and fa~D1ly ri10~ec1 Into the· BUllton Earnbart ' And ""mlly ', uold' .h·e Un ... U~,'" e "Iou' r "1.11 '.100 I 00 In (Ir8 olus 8%,Bond", lubJeet In cboqlL. . ~Oil,lijO 8;1. +:t'h 18 ~nk ill inoorporated ,.nd tldy house 'bUllt rooently by.Wm. spent Sunday with relattves in lit. • ....... ---.. II.. .. ." ., DOD) and cerUlIG,Ue8 . aov ·....eel strlotly by the' l" ws of Duke "'n the aito ooou'pled by t"e B")ly. baua a at Le .... non to Eos'leB-'-, ,ot S•. 1'itI1,,'1' AU(J • ",xpenl!f!ll 17 ' 8UIr.l)U1U03115 .. .~ :i " a . .. u S er.vlusat S t. Maftl's ." .... "..... V I I ed pllid. Expe. h qfdepotll . ,. : the 'State of Ohio, a,nd we do"11. gen. ,(lid .< house whlob . burned lAst Juoob Corne.'ll · 'a' nd ·c lan"'ht·. Chu~h .Tile "Indillna .1\1\00 nnw requ r , we &eao • doo!'tJ·,, hod '1Iot been .. ; ... ' . Is (l'00 . · for a conSideration. of pHr hn"ln ..1OR /It oor D,lillll. The ~heeling T OTAL, 3~u.g IJIj eral tiaDking buin088, making-Ionns 8t;tmmer. The spent Sondll., wi~ Albert' OorQell~ . 1'he new proprieWI't! of the mill Rnlltrn.1C Ilnd (~rnlno Com~n)', STAn o~ o'mo. ,COo"," OJ' W..uaan. 88: only on "be 'b eat 8OOurlty, In91uditig olJll ned SiJ~ce 8Ilrly In the winter" and \'ilfe of Lytle ,, '. , , ~rvl08 "very, day thlll w~k at took chllr"e of tb~ -.-.."y' this 'Wbuellng, W Vil . t-m9 fliost mor t~8Ke on re..1 estll t... . . and whep , one of them 8howed tin ! FJleauor FAmhart and Laoltlll ' ~ I' d G od II ... -.... U you have no mone), to deposit inolination to 8t1.~ at the top, Ira I Stukes we"e sbe RU..l.. of Ml' and , "x~p n II.Y; 0 week. Both young wull Devil '~ bland 'l'ortule oome In lUlyway Ilnd hflo v~ a talk· a~ eoergetio jerk. ', It s~d .!.MI'8 . Wal\er BOU. WednNtda, d~)' w., commemo.... te IlpoJUlb of. . ., . ' , Wlt,1t na : • y let 100""'. but the' straln to I. nl"h·t . . . . '. •~~!:~~~~~~~~Of our Lor.I; · Eveu· Nr:, WUUamtKIn til beln. ·00D1tl'8t. Ii< "" IVllrRe tb"n " t.he 'tenlble caee ,.,-.bad been . 'Ilqb j ®ted 'i' • ..Ft•• n" Ragen, aDc\ wife nttar L1· ::. IIIt'7 p. m . ; ulU.ed 00 the lIuo068lfal . ., in (If PI1.~8'\ha.t ilftlicted me 10 ~ear.. ' By ...,. order Qf the 8Q&rd, of Direo. whloh the.. top . 8.01 , Bal" be pUI l)lie deal. Then 1 Wall adlieed' to a.pply Bllok. tom': ". ' . : , caUlled it to 'vibrate. so vl.9Ien t}y tie ~PE>nt ~utlda,y.:Wlth Wtlll,un Ciit. Uiml whloh leo'. Amtoa Silvi!. "nd If188 than a .' • F. ~OIBU ' npon ~in, 110 quiokly ·r eleased, thil.t: 8yand flimtly MlIl - 'M~ Tt11l..... .......... wi&hln perm.p8l1·~1, oared me, wrt.OrA.~, J,,1tIa .STOOPS, the glll88 Wtl8 tbr'oken ,hIM mlilfY , Pr~t!!r returntwl ' bQnt.. WUb '''"'' .. ",Y ",,-.. of D ....l~..;. u_ t . LaVI is. 'LUIEM8. W. A. 1bBB1,TT, pieces and IIOaUerud un~rimODt0I1.· 1 for a .obrt rothe... . u. ~ a ...- , - . . . . . , ~. W • .l~ 8Uaw,oOl>. NATILl1r JO~JJ:Bf I,. about the ~m. 1Ia will at&eDd I 'l'he &lCl"l 'W::~-:=::=~&Dcl the .11. woon4ll, JlarDII llIlel So... lib I'aA.nt .£Ll!ORL UO"II:~L to Frank D1lk'e" , log ~m8'Ud be the home of '. ~ of 150,,'.. 0. Bob .. warts. dl'q. . ;S. l'f. L~R. . " hili ~r darlll, U1e aominl Blah of Lebanoll ~'.d.,~ . . ~.. . ..... . Coma 0118, ~ c
Report OflI the Condl·UoD
p '
Fq)~ '11
'Ou~ ~ ~~~~tl~le ~::~~
'~~:g~g gg
tl.~:y tim~.
ev~r !lIO~IOO
:a~:l= OUAR RELS ~·!~I:t::~~~!,~ !::~d= ~~:!~~t! a:!:~~e~::I~I«~
The Fashions in .General
:::' PInk PtII. StrengUl•• tn.'ld,_t·. of I'lrel'lgbtiD" w- mMe II rollnd of the sbops tbl'l kD'lUl'd on th" hlgb hanllt'll11 at tbo Dr. th. Stomach .nd En.~. It to· . lLutics of tlIe oUlf1r dill' lind Ht'l 10 serious stl\dy or I blll'l\. the ribbon Ihe saml.' ~htltll' II~ Do I.. Work. . "III mullllh obsllna"y was t he rock Ihl' 1Il001llN tlliIl pl1.lIulku 10 be the pre. Ihl' lIowl' rN . At onll 61t1t', I.hl! right. omo R.E]I(EK:8EB. l'\' TAXES TWO 'l'O all. which his ~' It '8 heart broke, and Wb t'u 11m .tollln1'l1 III feeble Ihe tood ""IIII1K one.M; aDt! wer" mud e reaHon- wlt~rt' thl! hnt lllln~ IIjll.tlrli)', a 1,.,uIII II IIl'6 III It uullil!l'~tvtJ., dc('uyw Dlld throwl UHral tlro d aprtments. espeolllll)' ID ably Hu ro , ur pne tbln<l: . '''~It tho~c fit. ,::0 1.'It:ll I"Jse~ ar" I\\I! IV' I ill "IIIU"~ llAXE A QUARREL. whlrh wrC'rked hl~ domf'1Il1l' pt'. "!!. " pl'Opll' da q'l larr I by dayllghl , let tbo .lIlrly da),l. of organl?PII,,'l, l'av'l will b 11288 I'xal':gerllllon. le8S 8trll' lnK thl! har bells. 11 oound ll UK thOIl!;h \I on' pvl !l(ID" ruj g.uttU tb:lt 11j ~t"'!jtl tbe wnllK tlr LIlo HtCJlIll' ~ h IIlId CAUSU iuter. th~m furg1ve nnd for~ ..t I)o"or'l ~bf>y orten lIft'o rd d rl fb mlllerltil for com"rtl'r thtl l,IullllW, tJIIID Ilillt yrllT At IlII~hl btl rtl 88Y , but In rCllllt)' I~ IIl1l ferU III'O wl\ h ol.Il,'r orgtlllH, eRpccliLlI, aI, lip. 'l'ht' vI C I~sll\lde" or Ilrf' orc 1.10 edy, I lad Itllnd-tllbs and IlIdder com - Ih' 1l11111tH!rll esp~~I"lIy la lhl" true. '1'0 Jilst HuHH tllo 10rtlllll\Il' womon "1 Rave Known Families Wbo W~re mnny, thll !rinls too In~,' lt ..blt, nud pUII\(.'1I been \(1l0WIl III !:IhnkIlHI.)lIre·~ ",illltho nctit)1I of lit "henrt aud IUllgl. bowi s hllped IlrCllwl·l,. It Is. ,),be '{)lb ~ r hil I. Ih" ~I I\I ' 'I'li ese gl161' . hIt oth r ill tlifocts. 'fbe Bevel' Rappy Wben ' Sepuated, lite Itselr la t(lo sbon for ony or ;13 Ilay. II III ea.~)"lo · ll\laglne thlll EnslIRn be ijllr~. we lind tit I' ro\\'n~, bllt the trlnl mlng or th o~o I" "lone, I a billo Ilt)r~c hlllr IIlrllin . Though AlwaYII Wretched Wh en 10 Rpend It In rOf'lIs h QUllrrl'I~ . lit rutttr ' mt gb~ bn\'c been eor lche,1 dlaIW~l'cI lu s uch" mnllner e cenll'lclty nn e or rh l! lonl; sort. , 'h.. (·rowu' I" n rv'S IIml tho Ilruiu aro alltl dlll<'l\IlIforts s uch n. rliz71incMH. Iopt Togethu"-Entlre A greement Im Thl're urc "ery few Or'l1K who ,10 not b)' Ille lII?rtrlllt of sollie ru slli' tire chlel. 1;1 .. ·• IllnQI' to " Iliolllll ln t; crred. , ·plli 0 1\ HlHuothly lwcr Ihli fran"" Ih t' lJl\.sh e~ , ij'~ \llc~~ lI""s. j rI Hubl U ' Sit autl posalble In Any Rome-Friction l:IonJPllmes n(!t)c1 ... r .... rntnd O \l r~,l h'f'a tit to ptf, ~ duwn to Immo rtallly W\til Our II10tll!hts ni'(! 80 full 01 00 1 r w hdm (,(1\,.,1' 1'" wllh nelll foill.. \\,I\ url' 01 Rltht KInd '!lends to Develop· th:lt w would 'b\}tt ~ r Ill' Ilntlrnt wlt\1 tho ~ 1! he the .:ouolry ",nLuhman anu I el n~ thouglt mlwlng In a knl lJoldo- I Ilrlll1 lIlItI I'ruwn JollI t h('t'o 1:< It IllliltlK 1I,'s/lu ud ell Y llri;.:inllt rl'OIIl t.Ills $OIIrC:IJ. ],xp',rj,,,lI'u "bm\' R I,hut t,hcso Irllllhlrll our Ih'ln/: loved Olo ~. Th~ t ' lrt' l~ jU~llres wo know ti O well. ·Mr. '1'. ·E . ment ot Rlgbest Type-ObstinBuy . n veritable rllinbow. nilooll llbilre. or IIlIrI . lon,·t! \llul' li nd I"d 1,1,,1<1 , 1\11,1 vllH i~ h Just LI ~ HI~l1t 11M th Hlonlimh is vs. Flrmncal-"Be Pat.lent with shjl ll ' nol nlwnys remAin Ilnlll·okl'n. E.nwlor. suys Y()ulb 's l' mpanlon, ~I09 It fllli' ~ I rl IWIIl' Ih rro n l u I n r~\l' kllOl 11101l,, HO'Ong e",uugh It, digf'R t I h e) f01>el. Wi'llll' Wl' ar togllth I' \~ IS worlh r~ eot Iy r to rd II ~ om ~ lll;gesLlvo bl 'I' hl! onl y otll ~ r Ir11l1 ' 1" ,"lll'" w llnl ~. it II '\lIIH II Wilt!' IIUltw ill ttl 1111\ \1111111. the LJvlng. _ _ .... hlla to Irumpl" down OUt ~ .. In~hnl'~~ from I1:nl;lI h I'ntag{'~. mlll K I ~ II· " ,ulI! I\u\ll whlr b 'R\:tIl,I" 011' rl1l"" It UI l1u 11111 wlw l, of abanglll" lila III Co ru wIlli , at 11 0 ~ I · trm or lire, n In 11 ,\ R O" ft r.:'1' 1':. S ,\ N ;,:iTI~ H. . l\n ~ . 11 \'I~ W\I h I ho~' I\' ITO b.,\. II ~ !...1 liS y 111 111\" HI" wllh 11 ~ h:t\'\1 "I" {u,!l1 i 1111> Il jJ UI'i ShIllCllt. - In IIOm elhlng \JPt tior lhull m N' ~ !;"nrb tile tl1ller Of II n wly rOrmet! 111'0 co m · l\Il "R 1\IIllI' I'\'II . Llldd, of rp~\\' icb, wrtr,l RI U, II, t,;,'pry Otll~\' WlIl1lll11 0 11 An . ota SpnnlslT l)rO\'erb ruU _ 10 the and r ~sl~na(to n . In relll joy ·nn .t ~In ll · iI1MS. , ~·s ; " I hllel II W 1111 slnllln'l1\ [lnny was 5e n ~ln nd lng o n n co rne r . t lt I' Hlr -e l lhls ~ \lrltt'" will J' 'mltt" "tlO • I!ect that It tokus I wo to make r.. n~.8 and In frequent y lel,lIn !: lI tlle S!J Illu{: In ;\ dnzeq WilY n ~ II \)rl ~ 11 IIrc In frUIII th l' tilll I WII!! 1\ littlo uhilr\' Of :til ltt dln u ,' llIef, ~~ ~ulln y f,'ut 11 r ~ "!tOU('" r I lOlli, Il('llrty ft)()d it \Vonlll qUllrrel; one can ohmys end It. This Is equl,,81 lit 10 811y1ol: Ihnt Ullll of t lllog8 thnt Ih t' .great III lng III IHlr \lt1 \ll'tlllreSS SOO IO dl s~l1 ll ('e down tb till' et. lind IlUIIl ~ lI ro 10 bl' worn . In th(,IIry rllus lorr lblo r"llIllte'sH, 11.1111 r woult\ mny be love. A t last he wu.s o\'e rhenrd lIlurmurlng It IS rli\ll' tllotl~. III fll!!1 Q\IIl<' ~ Iu ll rt. lilltllly vUIIlil ",hl,t I hiltl ClIlI'Il. At two 1\' bo ore cont ndlng w\lI . lIa\· ~ BIIIll· S\\T.t!t (rh'-ntl , \\ hf"'U I o u a t1 t .1 n' it !', to hlmselr : 1111'11 rm lll IH' ull g(mr Itl Kown s, tilll O ~ thQru \l'tHll ll bl th ll1 Ht illl li S cltnt sel(·re$tralnt nU ll Idn rln ~s oC l i' "l'-()n \1 t'ur1h'tl Wf'illry 11\11o r . "A p"oper blazo- It su re bil a prope: wh ll t gl'll 'Nul 11 11" IJ 'cI;l1ulu g I'rln(' C~H "lltl~ through til 11 [>\,\)\' IllIrt ot my bGlirt to for~go tbr prl\· II.I:.~ o{ the \\'nf\n ~m;&1t :-lInll h ~ \H1 r n rd or J,trlH' " IJhlze! A mu s t ,,0 'horn e ,nd lIut on my judy . F ur tiny . ill ' 8U (T\'I>~ I"Il, I would \, n l n1 (U m z'Hllf' '0 " (ro m nehtt h r dl'cs 'c~ h"\'e u~e tt evoh·(.d. I~ \' , ·ry· .Imvo to Ii d OWIl III 1St (,f tbo ti III e. lnRt word: In Ih rnlll\l), a~ n.)wbe~e unltorm ; ye s. It be a blaze wortb get· P OlJt nil III' ~ lrlt(!. tho lnll, thtT £l are. botl y IUust hll\' ~ fit IUlls t flU' oue' lllcce 'l'bl' di stl'c~~ WIlS ort oll flO A'rrnt t hll t I t'l~e on ellrlh. will s and 11'I1I1'''rl1 l11 ellts And ,11111,· " llh n il Ill<' .\~I" "" . Illi g' on my new bools tor, tight tbou~!a '::OW Il In lip\, wflrtlrobe. uIlll 1I1oro If ooulll hnrtH y 11C'lIr il., IIIHl thu {rCII\lOut Bre in ilang I' or clashing, ulI II peo ple " ' l Ull u'rul"r tru h ~h n H WI ' hu\f' I' 11H 1i"\ 'en b ," l~l sHlb l e . The 1lI0dol here Mhow" I ~ nml Villl~ ll t b luhilll; ti l lC lI~ w c ro vc~y J\ tU1t, h~ "'I mpl y (f~ )III< ! At ano t her I1r~ tlte complln)', assem· excCllenl ,tyle. lInd by lltr o " ~ Of lite di:<R!;rt!Ullhl,., too. 1'k-n IIllfl 100 c hnry or t fl l r I,rut e bled h nstlly In nil unlighted vll lagq .. Illy IIQl·t l"ri Itl cdi c ill ~R. Fn"() I~IO little trllllltl in g used Illay 1J0 1UIlIle to sull V III h Ili our ml':-hR fir. . Ili n , hn~ 110 Il\II tern s nud In II dark, almos l nuy fi gure. 11 I ~ I,t ~ofl sl r clh'f lIuIl It \I' M lIot ,u llt' 1 trtctl Dr. nd ('n'" too :; wlft o ur t'uu lt~ 1(1 " P 'ncss dee penell by n th Ick smoke as yet S na Il n Ot I c1fJ t .. r t tJIH (' O\' rr. lIllie-blue crell ele cblne IIllltlp - lI v.n Will illlllS' j' illk Pill s 1.\lIl t I fotllltl n ooro. Wilbill tlll'l'I' \VI'c /,~ 1\ deoich-II improveunlighted by lIame. were helplessly l'hf''' hu tl d!04 l.h (.t WO \J l tl 1101 tl tt It , to nI'!: r blt Cblna silk. A Il cllu tll' rall"~ ' nl Pllt \\,11~ II II,icllUblo. '!'i, boloh ing \\'h(,rf' t' tOl'1"''' \\' t' r 't ti \elk 'to N llllh pj' wonrlerlog what Ihey could do, anti lIIent at lhe e b uld e r r \lI'VCS I hI! FO' Ou, ~1t '(\ 1 1 hili P illh, wi ll ~t'Ut\'" t1c.. ",. rfl ~J1OlI ~ ","'ro IcsH f)'l' fln CIlI" tho paiull whero to mn~; e thei r allnck . . Suddenl~ hp"p "ur pUlo wI'd ~ ' umbll . , 'v crlty of n dos · Mlllng wulH!. anll lit e throllllh "'" 1)(~ly \\' 0 1'(\ not so inl.olls , ,1 longue 01 fli cke rlllg red shot up [rat'll ros ed bllnl!S IUllY be pllll'cd al an) my r"o<l w i\ ~ r t.ninPlI bud lifter takiulf ~\\"' '' t ,,,li\nU, '')Pr~ht\ n {'c hoth thO l1 Hnd 1. tbe smohle rlng building, nnd the nrs~ point d s lroll, depe ndlug ' ou wlHlt hN tIll' Vi lis fllr IL few ","·(·k s I I) IIJ; CI' 1 fouud ~; r" 10"" I. p,,"1 rorg l\·lng . me~. with a shoul, prepare'd to turl\ Bhoul,t IIkt, th e. l' arn ~tH It.. ~, on tl OOlt'the pe rllOn Is IClog o.r short wa lSIeel , thll t 1 wn ~ tlHog th I' ffl' from tba the hos, upon It, 'fb e ca ptain I1'ftbbe,l ' H P Ilutien t with lh~ U\'lnt.:. • stont o r Iltln . tlnnd embroili ery adorns llli ~ 'ries I bl\d NO IUllg ~lIlfr n· d . " T U'l hl)" ~ rf\. f!rr fl~ f'tJ r b\lk ~' ma y ~ I l\ t o. the nea rest tlr ·"gbter find jerked him By"", (lyspOIJtio Nhul11!l I·,'o rl "Wllnt; tho rront of th o s klrl . th o ~ 1\ll lle ~ tady tn Ent illld H ow to EIlt. " WrilAl l,h Dr. Our blln(\ ln" I nT ~ lo· mo,·ro w; tlnd th e nozzle he w us directing vlu, tOiles of 1.lnk u'ld olll'Il; ' bllt UII~ clah· T h l!rf pnr l .. " cc. j,' t' ll ,\\,IWII k rf' nrl'"1 ,.. ch::eo WillilltuN Mcdioln 00.., Schlluectudy. lently nsldc. Mu)' wh t u. n tun d ~ ~ HO r-ro w. orallon mny be dispe1l5M with III N. y" (or ~ Croe copy. ,. ' I~re, you 'uo k'e'd;' he ijhoutetl . brltidlnll IIf ntl1TOW 1:1I110n YlIbst\l ut cd. ·TI . R"l' 10 be I! 1111 w h~n "'01\1 'ard ! l.f ,ou wasn 't go lo' to PII~ The fllce \'e~ Ill' llIor puffS, \' pry bc· ~n t h '~ ~ 11(':nc(' l'hatn II our ( l Ilt mort Ollt the houly light we ' ve got to see tha :PEOPLE m PASSING. And ~Rft )' H) aIF,-~ern tlU) ht~"'l :amlng to Ihe WOU1nn with l\ pr'tly lire by!" Thro\l~h ml~ mory·., m ) ' tHI _ Kln tn t)r ; arm. ti ll! wl "~ II \\'~re tOT I h~ nn i! Ill". At tbe bUl'lllog ot a laTgo barn an· r.tls~ Carollno Mnrclnl or Sevllill. Another 10\'e1Y prlnr S~ was brollgb t Eft!' 10\lt~ Ijit PR1'it rorg l ylng. olher vlllnge chief was 110 Inlent OD l!plt ln, wbo Is one of the best known l'u luke th e l. v n d r 1 850n h om(lto our no tice, olle o r pln 'ement Jlray I.erson(llly· SlIllllna out the IIvest o k '!!Iomon In tba~ coulltry. Is In Anlerlc. So "ntl ~ nl with th~ U\·lnjf. \'clvet nbsolu t«-Iy nlltrlmlll«,d. There Ihat be· lett the lIondu ct oC Ibo flgllt in he IntereSI oC th e loteruatlotlul IQl ~Pl' rlllhl : J900. by J O. ~ I)" B . 1l ..... I ~ .• I wus no brenk from II I'k to · tmlu. but against the 'IIre enUrely to bls su\).;)ttbe long lin s now cOllsltJ~red d~8 Ira· IIllute Letlgue. dlnates , who were sadly In need oC dl Mrs. Nanson, lhe wife of the explorA NEWSPAPER HOLDER. ble. A sQunr yoke of Irish rrorhet recllon. On bing romonstrated wltb. er, Is a s inge r or no tn. Her ratbor WlU luco qull e deCI1, rell oved the Jl:ruyne~s . Th~ X .MuIAI Used Sbould Be ' Strong, he declnred, ex Itedly ; (lIld Iltlsslng ov er thtl slloulders were e ~o.ologlst. bel' motber , sister ot tb , "Dra~ Lbe old bllrn! Let her buro! One Kan PoweJ:. Like Finn Serge or Cloth , lor slIspenders or blllc\t veh'et fll slenlng l'\orw gia n poet Welhnven. nnd b r She's bal( gone, anywa~, rlnt 'tbe crlt· . "b. cO!l~mloD8 of tbe CIUIe ba VI! ,titWblle· men and women, continue Th is. Casc. wtth sliver bnckles. Il W Uti n c hnrm· hrothor, Ernest !In\' , Is a llrot ~80 r of ters are crltter~. ' IInd pork Is pork. d~d evolved a peenl1JLr. lIOn or' one- 1I'bat tbey are. human and Imperfeot. ' atlon-the grny ve l" at . II II hlstor)' 10 the linl\' o r~ lty of CbrlStI· Ing comblo Sammy Tottle's mnst-led bncon Is tb o IDIIl-power In pu1tllc &!ralre, fl!Id bave tbere will never he unbroken ser enity A. very firm ser&e o r I'loth ijhould be croamy lacc. bltlck \'elvel light ned an la. Waller W"lIman, tbo newspaper cor, drawn Into politJcaJ ute a famlilar and entire agreement In any home un· 118 d fo r Ihls holder. the lulter Ie beat. best In threE' countle~, and 'f YOII don't It" e.' r. PRIN ·ESS . wltb the toucb of sll\·er. l\ pl~tur e In Iype of the masterful man. Sucb la ,der tbe sun. An old gentleman once os the BI'ulloped edgeR will oot rray look o.ut '[will be all friZZled up to- But th e co lorlog Is beuuUrul, not gnr- Itselt. It would be bellui!ful ror II WO o re~ pol\cI lit who Hays he will try to g~ gelhe r to OIlCCt. and nobodY'8 tongu'l t o th north pole wltb an · t1lrs blp, the part1 bon, who enjoYB power, and boaste d tbat Ire bad lived with his wire Ir th oy Ilrc left just Nll,!\Ot buttonget n tasle of ·It. Never you mind the Is h, nnd I l us welcome It, let the man wllh white hair or ror 11 Unrlt· hroke hi s I g In on of hili dashclj t 3 a certain me.. u~ ot dJaUnction. alhe 60 years, and they bad oever hod a dlt- holed. fire. mlln ; 'turn to Ilnd haul out the m stree is bloom like \'cl'ltn ble posy hetls. Imlred woman ot a clear J)lIlIor. mechallilm ot. 'p~8Dt; says .n !erenc Of opinion. A strllighl strIp elc\'en Inrbcs wid. pigs! .. It' s tlltllc ultl0 ~UY wha t Is the rnsh This r en lly Is a Sl'lIBOn whero one the pole. Ho rell In to n cr \'Ice In th .. writer In AUtUrtltc, II eo unwleldly that . . "Vera praiseworthy," commellted a anti 28 Inches lo ng IB us ed: It Is joinIOllnblc Rhude. there Is riuch a \'arlcty may tak e an old- rnsh loned rrock Itnt! Ice and hIlS limped pili nfull y ever thOle wbo are wWrlD iC&Ilnot control 'plaln·spoken Scottish fri end, "bul vcry ed rounll like II roller·towel, Bnd Is atto hoose from; o ne mu)' wcar a mnke It over wllh IItlle Iroubl e anrl Illn ce. SICILY. OF ISLAND THE Erns t Lrlssler. II COUllXll\Itor on t !le tached to a 9 rip of bambo'O about 11 It; bence ~here haa 4eveloped .tbe bos8, 'monotonOI,l 8," Anotber man comchnpenu with naIr u doze n colors Tlot-IRal! Cactory re~ult. Stud y cnrerull y Ihe T rib une .. II Oermll n paper .of Lt!.\venwho mana-ea the .._ .. -tu froin ltb. 'placeolly a88eried that he had dwelt th e reon. or onc m&y kee p strictly lin 's approved ns fa s hionabl e. lind tbeu Ing In It Is Po·und tb~ IntenlliAcation of . .. ......-- e W In harmony wltb bls better hal[ tor a 10 olui tone. We de.crlbe two tbal go to work; h"ve a rensonably shOl'l .... orth, Kna ., claIms to be the oldes t AU That Is Truly DUt. Thle cannot 'be done wltbout sk1ll, Breal many years. " If sbe prefers IIllist raHi tills point. One Is a v ry s boulder. the s leeves mere puITs nnd printe r lu polnl ot contlouous se rvl ~1J Italian. . abrewdnlj8ll, enterpril8 and other Buch ~d aud I prefer blue:' he explai ned. nne black chip hat, II HDlolllsh nffulr stundiog out pretty well at the s houl- ia the couolry. H. begun to lea rn the quallttes needed ~ .&!U' .career or lead· "we always seltle \.be malter by com· round as tu brim and with It crown on del', the wais t lint III the most becom- t rade In Turms tek, Germaoy.., 65 yeurl! Tbere ara IIOme lands whIch have al.rahlp. But!.t calla alao ,lor methode promising on the blue." An obviously tbe con ·sbnped order. It 18 trimmed log length for your particu lar IIg\lre, ago aud has hllrd ly missed a worleln , ways laid a s nell upon tbe mind, upon dlltUteful to at.ralghUorward anti easy me~bod this was, If a wife were with a loose band-something more tbe skirt at leaS I 1011 hint;, tr th e dreS!! duy s ince. Mr. LeIssler hal ' bellO 10 the ImagillaUon, upon the hear~. bt,b;mlnded JMa; Yonr boBs IB Indeed r:eady to sacrillce ber ' o1i'n desire and tban a wrenth obltllns tbls seuson-ilf Is for evenin g. And us lUly lilLie thi s country 52 )' ears. Greece, above all other countries, bn3 Wllllom Wel<\m:tn LAndis, A. M., Dill alway. _ hlacIl ,. . he ,Is painted; efface bel' own Individuality: A long Ilr tt~· scrnlls of good la e nnd ribbon you !oy Iy blue hure;'ells; Ul oa entranced the mind, writes Wllllnc.l are P9Utl1Cal machinists entitled ' course of It .would IIPoll tbe most rea· Howers fnl l o\'cr Ihe barlt nl one side Dlay bave, for Irlmmlng to·doy seems profps80r of mot hetnatlcs In DlncklLSbarp 10 "The Gordcn of the Sun," 1.1 to our re&peet.. Bnt th. role II arter Bolnable of husbaolls and make fl'I nt rur dpwn on Ihe hull', 0. show r or bloB- collpcted 'Crom the scrap bu skel- a bit EOO collego, Carlisle . Pn, ha s b en ndCe ntllry. 'I'he Imaglliatlon ' hns eve r I . l terribly aelt-oplnlonated, or were t/le mltted 10 memhl\rs blp In Ihe maUlesoms. Grn~-blll ribbon Is Illlffed and of tbls. a dos h or that . I loved tbe e:llllt-Egypt. the Indies. for a aD 'lnderband .0De, • clrcum'(en Ing 'pendulum to swing' the other way, and m ati nl cJ rt'l or Pa lermll. \la ly, In re cgotten Asia., the almos t as mysterlolll of th. avowetl jllan IUU! Intent of :the tbe wife forever bave tbe tlnal deol. (Ignition or his 1Itt: IIIDlcnte 10 the B 1Asia of to-dn>\ 'F or most of UB, Ule .nerat will. It attracta the uuacfU- slon, It wduld turn tbe sweetest. of eurp. o f 'mDthemut lcs. It Is the most home-land Is t h(\ country of the bear L; ·PUIOll., ~d .'9.en tile w4l11olntentinned women Into a tyrant of' tbe ' hearth. prcolem. A while ngo they gu\'e us to cluslve sorlet:l or Its klud 10 th" Pill YOllr 10th Q H o n right. \Vhen ro.r many, It may be, It la Palestine, man.wbo· JdmaeJt almost Fairness compels the conclusion tbat wo.rld, IIUI! iln members blp number.J wh ere was Ilgb led the tlre at whlcb YO\l buy a orset hn ve It tlllcd 10 your enormuus gilt sufely-plos . but. w e IlIt! 400. _'_ ~ _ __ . Jnevltably ImPelled.tO lI,ht the deVil two or. more grown persons s heltered flg\lre. Th ro IITI< flQ e co r ~!llH Illilde to tlo.t t hink ve ry mu ch or lbem. H~ ce n t· the bents ' at Incalculabl c millions ai'll wltb lire. ' Not lD.trequenUy a man .under the same roof, canno~ Innrlabi,. Tbe s mall efit nnd among t.ho Dlost ly we su \V I\. bell r contrivan ce an" on order. but Iheso "0~ 1 It pretty peony , slill wnrmetd. Others Ilre coo tent ( 0 elll leo~ cons tab le In Indlann 18 Jam~tt who baa acbll!Ylld euccellll aa a lead e~ think alike. Slty, with Emerson In UIC lin e essny on nnd unles" you hal' a \. ry peculiar thot ron lie rccommcndcel OV r the hilt II. , 'Incent of 800n"'lIe, wbo on a of IndUltry tUrJlll to political activity. Nor wotl1d It be d\llllr~bl tbat they form Ind od YOll !t eed uot slrlve or 1, In, which [s llllrd OIl the hair und o III "Herolsm," "That ('ollntry Is Lbe fair· pi ncb CU ll s tretch himself to rOllr f ee~ He th.D Uluallt' becomes the manlpu. abould. A stllgnant pool Is a menllce est ",blcb Is Inh nbltc(i by the noble~t care fvr thi s !UXIII·Y. No m!ltter hOW very wlntly wClllh r. not to be d \I'nd- filx Inch es. h is weIght being 98 pouod" to bealth: Running W1I.ter. foaming mur h th e boellco I ~ dmped or blou Hcd, cd on. 'I'h c onc we rer r to Is 1\ s Iron!; lator and mU1er of tbe party macblDe, .,ver Ibe rocks . Is a pledge ' of wholem!uds." Bill, above all other land, It l ~ n et:e~sa ry 10 h a ve the fountlnUon Rrnoo~h hlllrpin of s liver, wilier nnd nnd bl age 41 years. 00 more tbalt followlnc a)moat of lIecesalty the t,t.- lome 1I1e In the locality. A stlrless Inches tn ' length. One side is em- tbere Is Ollie whlcb hns at once 1m· upproxllll rtte ly rlghl. longer IlInn tile ordinary bnlrj)ln ; It OD e 'oeca ~ lon h e hns shown hlu\self to broidered with so me bold design. Ilnd pressed the mind, the Imagination a nJ mlUar melhods 1Af Intrillle, bargalll, day, wben no breete blows, Is less stlm· The bod ice !lere dl 8 p lay~d Is lIne !Its In 11 Rill' r CIltcb sewed on eltber be j)Ofi8CQsc d or Iron norve. burlng hili n, 80rol l beaTing tb e word. "papers." the heart c.t western peoples. When:L oftlee-mougerlq, .brlbery, ,The able ulaUn! tban 8. day wheD th'e ",Inds adapted to n fib'U re wanting cllncs . the slda tbe hilt, and Is sl mply pushed ~o r e r LIS cons Ul ble be has made ovar Ulao 'of ~e hlgber type ,II .Dnt drawn hold a jubilee, Movement, progreSsion. A tfnchcd to the bunll.1'{l is cord wh.lcb famous poelt declared that on his b ea rt IIltle " I Vllt bolero k Illd Iy hides rletl- tllr ugh this and loto thc hnlr. 300 uri-csUl and hilS only belln Icnocl:.etl bangs ,Iown .... ~t.h {~'!.~lied eods eac:h would be fouild en graven tbe worct to Bueb ·dolnp, w,hJle on ·th04other band eYen frlcllon of the rlgbt kInd, tend down once . sid e .nod Is al'rleil across to torm a 1tnly, tbe ,words voiced the emotion ot cieo les. The "own Is 0. hl g h-oecllcd . Wllh the )lrcscpt millinery style!! the , tbe competlhon In <the UDsavOry work to development of the IInest type. Ray Dart, ~ s'l udent lit tbe Unl"ers llOOp by wbl h to suspend the hold e r. a mull\wde In every conntry of Eu· e\,enlng rlr 8>1. ~\I th comfort to bu\'e hnl r mus t be lIuITed out coosldernbly, baa a demoralirlq effect on. thola wIlD But people may differ. without blcll:· At many fancy-work IIIOPB tile rope and In the great northern conti- among onu's 8tO('I;, and Ru\table for smooth. neat tresses do not obt.aln IllI a ty of MInnesota, has been blind for • ItrSve tor PoI~1ea1 ( erlns aDd ftgbtlng; Tbey may ex· few years ago. Loose IVtrvCS ar'e mu ch years. but plll'!lues his studios by ProST, . t thllmtlelves s trongly wltln;mt In· hold TB ca n bc parcbaaed reacl,. traced n..eot over Isea. \Jei Ulr tban stilt crinkling, and one doing hIs writing on a JYPJlw rlltl r To _ Slelly-the old "OardeD of thfl B~rolam. Rewarded. pain. Tbey may colntlnue to for working, and 011 read)' m?ant.ed. s hould 8\'0111 Iryln1l' to look IIko 1\ Dlod- .... hoso ~'l)'l)oRrd he hUB mllslered. hit 'rhey . are really very convenient, aa a,e p::eta ba"e loved to call it. SUD," us !Dvery one bas heard Of. ,tbe )'Outb dlft'erently, and yet. lIve Ip tt1lllel In a 'halr Jresser'lI window. Tbe t athor Is St1I le Senator Dart of LltcllUley . eno be buug oa the. wall by - Is not to seo Italy, thougb ' there may Who, ~avlDg found a large BUm of 000\1IIty, It the'!" ObOOllO, fn s hlol} ror Ih0 10080 nrrangement or field . The yuu ng man doee not car ry a tho' easy-chnlr, or on the wrlUug- be a mea81lTO of truth In Uoetlie's re41yon the street and ret)l~ned H. t~ tbe "It takes two ·to· malte a QnaTre1~ t he hl\lr may not 1118t long; mllny are can e. yet be walks about alone wll!» table, 80 that papet's likely W Pc reo mark, thllt not to know 'Slcl\y Is not I'> rlcb man wbo 10Bt It, was angry \);)_ !One can alway8 end It" . cxaggeratlng I~ t.o such an extent. pil- fre edom . He Is a clever pianist. BD 'q ulred are alWIIYII bandy, I\DOW Itall' . In a 'Ben~e oae mlgbl caUlS the mali cave.hlm only a quarter ' "'Tou mlgbt accept mi' politics,'" ellIng 'puITs up mountain high ; wltb re- expert oarsmnn and tlkes' much demore trul)' 8ay of Sicily, tbat not t'l . Clf a dollar as a noward Jor. bls.bonesty I'"tulated a hus band, wbn was an oldlief we may flee to tbe flat mode again, Il£bt In II sblDg, know It Is not to know G-reece. In an· A COLLECE SMOKER. ELLEN OSlI1UNDE. "l'ho.. who ar~ , .bonest ,only In hope CIt tfaBhloned demOCrat , to bill wtfe. wbo otbllr sense, ~o'\l'ever, we bllve In thlll P;otectlng the Po)ic~men . " ~ was a radical republican . reward, I!llY. Youth'a Oompanlon, de"I accepled you. dear:' she replied. Oorncob Pip"., the 'Place Card. and most beautiful of Islands the IntilnsltlI{alie- I'm going to take the Cattle Oharmera• caUoa of ltaly; whatever 18 most ltaAppropriate De.corations Jl&k.e .. • erve the obllt~pt of ,all decet ~- "but m.y polltlcnl 8enllments are 1111 CurIous talell are lold ot Ole Mll&al Dut In 11 Is carrlnge. ml\'lIm. W'lll I, lI un Is In evld.nce here, tbough It Is U" ~; College (,,,,Jora. pIe. Tbere are evnn .heroes,who .hoP"! Inheritance from ' my 'tatber, . and I one of the most warlike o.f tbe natIY; trike Fldo along. too ! Itnllon of the south and not ot tbe The LadY- No, [dob't think It African tribes. Tb"y have been aUackfor rewa~d. The captain of a small cannot cbanp tbem any mora tbo I The pl n~'t' carda were yellow wna· ~orth. What a gult dlvlde.s them I, Ing lhe natives In t be German protec- wOllld be 'lIa ro, Kllllo. You know how ,;a",1 wbo, ' willa .bill \QuV(; .l:8Swed tb'l rin cbange the color of 001 e1• • ." known on ly to those familiar with Ill'! torate with great daring, drlvlDg off he dlsl\ke ~ \IOliI'emcn.--Yonkera Sloles. ,j)U8en«.rs and . .cJe,W of .a Istmnded "Thank .}leaven:' btl mUnDlnW. cob pipeK, tied with blllCk, tor ' thla reuolo.n WIIS composed of eight chaptl wbole penlD.8ula. great ~erds of caul\! with singular ease . man. ~i.eamshlp off tb8 .New ·J llraey coast in you haven't a vot.... who bad been In II school whose colors Halt the 'attaoklog force will uweep .January. DObot that "Bart. .. it~ Some of U8 who have no enthusIasm Submarine Loggtng. on ·tbe sublect of· universal 8nftrqe. were orange find black. Tile . lIaIIIei$ dbwn on a peacefUl. village, engagIng In " Rt:1l0. 'rbe llIa!lterulnes8 ot the early lum~ were \eUez.ed on Ille bowls III Jndill Tisked';I IiIB Ute 1m .otbers, _awl ,'II'he.n are \)f ·the honest m.a n's opinion.. Alit ( see iOllr name In "rlnt quite fre . II bloody flght wltb Ihe Inhabltonle bermen '1Jl, the west Is the opportunity Ink. the Carnegie heNI lund cpmmlssloaerll . If ' ever Am e'r lcan women I. u while tbe ot~er hnlt will drive awny th~ quently o[ Inle." Tbe electric IIgbt and candle lIh.atJes ')f \.be ~at.erprlslng lumbermen ot to• "IK tltat so! WJ'le r p.?" iI/lgan to make laQDl.neIl about .bls majority, should de mand wth erda. Tbe Mnsal have ill wonde plolt, be told tlMIm IIlirt. ~o ,mInd .hlm, American m en will 111n-e too were at orang1!, with tlgu~e8 oUlllned day. A oompany . . . IDoorporated las .. knack In tbe manngement of cattle. A . "In th e telepholle hook."-'HoustoD Post. Ilut to take care .of h1B ;crel1( If . gallantry to deny tbem, 11." In black. Tbe cundlesll t!lls were {)t .~r 10 engap lu Bubma rlne logHIGH-NECKED EVIllN 11'0 DRESS: German wrller SI1)'S that a single Mnsal ging In vI:II'loUII rivera ot Michigan. It . Is often able to con.. beblnd him a whale ~·lahed to rewu;d ~aiae,; ,t.Iu! anyof u s antiCipate that any 1rl~ht· blac k wrongJlt- hCVJ . The walls were deoora ted wlfh <»1- was annol.IDeed lately that rrom a deep ~ruooD wear, too. It Is. maele of old- herd of e:nltle by IIgbtly wblstllng and tlW/..,waa lett, u4 ~)' insiSted, tbey domeat!c calamities will enme FOOD HELPS lege Hags IUld pel n llDts, and 0.1.1 the hole In the bend of one river a I!CO\.( ro&e cashmere, "r very flne qllullty, the ' tapping ".' Ilb his spear against bls bu e , I1D!lht do eometblq' .for.hla 11\11;e bo1 . !trom that cause. wlndow-/IelItII the:-e was II pile of <''01- equipped with a crane bad Hsbed. out trimmIng Is \'elvet ~r u darker shade 8hleld. . g LU ..· relult ot th.IIJ ,cpn v,1Dclng "proof Common sense and mutual good feel· In Manngement of a B.. B. 300,000 feet of lumber. Tbe Manlste~ IlJld 80Dle Ivory·Unled Illce. A sheer wltb due regard for tbe effeet of lege Jllllowll. Speaklllg o[ fo!,d a railroad IOa.Il For the occasion o.range cheesecloth rh'er ~ s .n.Jd to be paved wltb logs 'of cbemlseUe. Is tined wlbt cblIToo, Which CIf..bla 'herolc QuallU8l;, .tlle .CQmml&8lor.- quarrels upon tbe cblldren will usu.i· Selfish Thing. ' erachAve given hbn PIlY off thl' I), ' prevent dls tresslng. squabblea In tile c urtains bad be'.!n put up, lied ""Ith pine, elm, cberry, oak and maple for ,I does not detract from tbe alrloess and The Rejected-Do yOU refuse me on IlaYs ; "My work puts mo 0\lt In all kinds '. mq,!pP OD bJa, ~ and .hAve 8e~ home. Hot·tempered people are prcme broad bsndR of black and there was a d 18 tance of 200 mUes. These. logs sao It, g1Vel\ body to thC deep yolte. In tb. account of my poverty or on account of weal her, 8ubjec t to t rregular bours. IUlISe ,16.\100 for tlu! .e.dw:atJon 'Dr ~I~ to say more tban they mean. 'l'IId.- TOsette or the two oolon ror eadl Ins tead air ftoaUns dowo stream along ~lr may be WOrD a twist and koot of of myself? with the moln body at the cnt wiler! old- rose velvet, ornaments In tbe coif - ' The ReJectrcss-Neltber-lt's ""ho1\y for w ea ls and compel, od ' to eat al\ And the beat [aWr.e Sl! .thla,lncl · I..s folk rush Into mIstakes. But 10"" man's buttonhole. of . food. . on my own account. - Clevcland t: ~ that the hero.ol it 'dau .DOt IB a 80lvent tbat prevails to blend tile . The menn 8@rvoo oonslsted uf oy- they wen~ flrst rolled luto the wate.., fU~ being now tbe proper Iblng. ."For 7 yenrs i was constantly tr~ll Veils art! to play their part In dress Lender. , . "!bat 'he did ..,~ ,wor.Up' Of mOllt dlverlie elements. Bad to COII- litera on the hatf Fhell, vegelable SOllp. Not only are logs being tlalled from Ill:! beetRteuk wwlth lDullbroom~, scailoped river. but slabs are being dredged froln the p~eut seasoD, and there Is needed bled with Indigestion, cnused lJy eat. ell~te tbe mOst obstinate.. IIJIIClaJ . recogniUoll. Th1! Sl!wing Bee. Ing beavy, fatty. starchy, greaay poor8J1eaklDg ot 0 bsUnayy, tbousandll of pOtatoes, macaroul. lobsler salad fa ·tho bottom or MUllkegon lake, wherc a word llbollt whot nol to geL L'\rge Tho ""nllenllal maldl," OTIlnge hells. 'het-se, crackers: Roque- Ibey werE! sunk yeara ago because the" dots lavlllhly' 8prinkled over tbe tace ly cooked fOOd, Buell as are m~~t ac. peo1l confuse, It with IIrmne8s. They le ~ from ' Bo81ta sbQW ,that Her .ewlng clUB belln. bad uo market "nine. Tbey are saws:! Ilre seldom bcoomln£, but two or tbree rort cheese. apple pie lind colfee. cesslbl e to meo In my bushiess . Gen ... And ~hnrlly .poses icre4IlAce~lB given thele lQ ;lI;;ei\h:. faney If tbey cannot be moved trom ern.lly each men I or lunch WDb fol. MADAM El .MERRl . . ilp Into lllttha now oad .old at a prollt. big dots are good, just mere belluty A multitude or aln •. poSttion, either by. argumcnt or per· t\oall ,1)( , oortaln' .&mbl.Uoua JWImotet:B Buulon, that they are sbowlng tea· _ N . Y . Sun. lowed by dis tre ssing pains nnd burn. • patcheB. A very Frencby veil 18 11 WllI SpoU a Oood Oompleslon. Oltar Reatol'ed Watch. that ,thl)J ,will aoOn be' ~e 10 QIf.• r aclty -of purpose and strength of will bro.·n cobwebby Mt WOrD over a pale Ing sp.nsat\ons In my stomach, whi ch ' HIS NATURAL FOE. . The enllre beauty of a good complexWhile In MOlcow some time ngo u blne tulle and tWQ or Ihree black vel,the PIIl)lIc •• trolley line enloe from to' an -exte nt tltat lifts tbem above destroy~ d my slcep and almost until -'- <;hlcqo to .,Lbe AlianUe . rjW,ll~ Ip ~elr 'fellows, Often InBtead . or IIrm· Ion Is Rpolled when' I,t II! seen throuKil correspOndent of tbe London Time!! vet dots 00 the outer veil, just enougb ted me for work. ' My brain wns s~ bad 'hls pocket picked of watcb anti all to enhnnce the complexion, hut not so muddy an,l fo ggy that It was hard fOT a~ .ud, <:Ol1IfoTt tbat DOli' ' g1.v.1\Il .by neSlI, ,tbese people simply dillplay· a dirly vell-an'l orten the dulntlest 0 / tbe 1Il0U~l y he carried. Tbe tlmeplec'l women fo.rget that dark veils whlcb do. many R8 to give '1\ leopard appcaraoce. Ing the-temper 9f a balkY hprse, or tb. me to disc harge my duties properly. . lb. I&fIAIII ralL'l'faYB. . jl,bs·urd steadfastness or s ' mule that 110t IIhow the dl r: thems'!l ves after ba- was qultl! valll.a lile and tbe newspapolr And, by Ihe WilY, we would mention ~'Thl s Inslcd un about 'a year ago. ,",orn for n long time laaves m:.rks mun made a good deot ot .oolse abvut tbat tbe touch or black Is tbli tb Ing on wh en my attention was called to Or~pe TIIe.1 l(ho.JDarrled a maa " r.!u8eil tn , l\tlr 'a 8tep. WI''' may be o~ log Nuts food by 'a nowspap ~r ad. and I ..o~ __ hefQre ' probably ~ed ou, ·a •.ou,s", In boldlJig raBt to .a "reJudlce" on the face which spoils all the ' eITecf.9 his misadventure. In a day or two Jus~ costumes generally, and that brown I, oblltlD-'.e because ~ over·weaolng of . race culture. Inexpen81ve veils CIII: 88 . be W llS leavlDg for bome a youn.; In highest fasblon for vell~, robes, concluded to try It. Since thcn T hove fohe thflOl7 ,Wt !l.f marrIage la .a ~ot· II If.concelt. An abilItY to sec onother be thrown away. bllt the more (lOlltlv olftcer of the imporlal entourage fu- laces for tbe '.fonts, etc. A new Ilolor used Grap6-Nutl! ot n enrly every meal tllf1 '. 10-.: ~ 18 WI IIOOd aa ~ pel'8On's sldB of tbe etM'ld, to look at sbould be dipped In odorle88 cleanlo~ stored the missing artIcles. The ('~ar. goes by Ihe nll:tle of "automobile; " a lind ~ometlmes between menls. We other. a«alrs frol1l a vleWll$bIt that Js not fluid and then vigorously sbaken Ollt hearl'ng elf tile. 'l'Oobery, bad dlrecte·l witty woman de~crlbe8 It as a shade of railroad men have IIttlc chanco to pr wbollY our OlWn. goes far tJO reduce ob- and put 10 dry on bed I' Irontng- the gover'nor of Moscow to reco"er the rn~ty lTOJ:l with it lItrong Gasb ot helioPOl'O 'our tood , In (/111' caboosclI and T' WUlll~ ... GrOulng the DeJ.a... lIt\nac~.. to its lOwest tenntl, and make »oard, IItretcblng them and plnnlnt. oorresponduin's property at all baz- trope In It. . nOlI Grape,Nuts ml;::h ty hnndy. tor It: fie ataod. "Beller alt down. a1i," people agreeaClle colm"*s oll tbe down tbe co roers to. (he C!lunterpnne 0,' ards. The lovernor sent for. balf a We are glad La chro~lcle tbere 19 1\ Is rl'ady cool(cd. cpvt'rlng. . ......ted aa aide. '',SIt down!" '-- lOIUl. dozen kntown orlmlnals and Informet: tendency to fasttn dreu slUrts at one· "To malla ~ long ItO"'" Bbort Ora"them tbat they found tJm-watCb a1dd of the back, not dhectly' In the _)lOaded Inatil)' the hther of Hja Not1! that a clloaractef amounts tp lit.Null ha9 mado Ii new maD or me. f .ob~r Pettieeat. send them to 81 middle. The unfasten@d plaoket bal 1111')', .. Del, pray, 110ft o~ a t1e wltlcb J8 wltlKltlt convleUltDs. About bave nO' more burnln« .,I.tress In m;r For everyday wellr no pettlooat II suftlclent. been B8 much of a ,worry BI tbe hiatus p i ' " would tlIat -Dlall,!" BluBIUDC rls'bt end wrong 'We should have JQslItn:nach, nor any other .ymptom of better than tbe pretty plaid moball"! between Iklrt and waist, and needed ..... lila rtlbulce, Ule aide relOh'ed to tt~e ideas and maintain them ",th oft'ered Indlgestlotl. I can dlge8t· anytblne BO In 811 )!D9d ah~P8. TIley arll Ir~. AboUI ",ne8tionl - of po~ 8OIutioD by an upert. With the fastlong aB I eat Grape-Null, and my ......11.0 more With art. or M'l'edll!lIl!y w@ dould be opeD fAt ve..,. nicely. madt> and are qplte lUI a~. enera a little 10 the side there la DOt brtlD worn u aleart,. alld aeeuraljlly perlluulon or CODC~OD' from .,.,bera. tractlw DB"I he more expenlhre talata lID mueb atralD lIa/llllty to U AD eDglneer'a wdeb, lilt! m,. old or eoQ~, the~ WIl&J' tWIce as loq Whether or DOt merrlecl folk -.ree, open at an Inclonorl. troubln bay. dlappearetl .... . .II UIef tlbnld not .. an' ....... ,.deta .-Uooatll a~ the KeeplDI ureIIY;·"',.,.MI1II4-..-I\,<. ~ N~ . . . aI".,. be . . . ....., Into tlMlr ,~ oUaer of 04 4lacu.tona dlill8lllll.... IIItt tor tilt b!P11 n.. ._~ ~.*~_~
Wear and How to Wear It
" E
tellnl .1r error, V8 'l'ba Htatf, of ( t1 fenI Il'mt ill IIrror. Error frnm till' ('ourt. of C, R W,lIillll\l!, .1, P lIr Hilmlltoll tnwnllhlp , W. ·A . HlnlUnt,IJn lind Brnnnnn, Bnrr IIncl IVIIII IIro nUI)r) nov", fur pllllnt.ltl' HE'!\ry ~h.ltor ." MIL.·,\ ( ' [ift·on. ["rror frlll1' ('lll1rt <If \V . M. Corwin, ,I. P. (If Frnnklln ~ wnNhl)l . l-leoq~r, Itlohlo \'~ WIlII,lIlI D. Bill. ~'Ol' mllnny nnly, Illll ount olll.illllcl 'Ml.all . 'Inlm .i s ull sed on proll\i ~ "ory note lind ront , ,I o!,!. M. Brant is nttorn y for Illnintllf . '
20 22
--.hmt ing
(Hl e
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
Your Life Current.
ki d neys and liver are inactive
your -life-c urrent is weak_ In re will Goo. ~V . Dllnnogllll, d . Power-producing fuel is needoeul;locl WfII mll1litttJl1 to prl/bllte. cd ' .s o mething to inc rease I1erve In re aonrd of County ·Visitorll. energy~st reng'tJlen the nerves, Mrs. JUlie U Hunt r lIud Re v .• n. BUllter were "Ilpoint cIon tho ab ovo Dr. Miles' Restorative NerBo'lJ'll for throtJ yellr", l\lr!!l. Lucy 8 . vin e i the fuel you need. It - ryell and ,A nelrew ::lhlmp for two feeds the nervcs,produces nerve years, unll Uril . Nellie B Elt~rot.ll force , and re ptores vitality_ ILnd ::lllllluel U, Kerljey for Dill) yellr , "Wh ..n I b~p n loklng Dr. Mil.,' • ' lil>4tate of Mllr.v B. £.,10, deoellOlod . R cst brnlivo N e r\' lne n nd Antl-Pllln Pills I '1'Il" connncd t o my bcd , I Proof of Illlbllout,1011 of not.i '0 of I,nd "cv re n an'o us epcll .. ; t ho re. ult appointment of Ildminlstrutor med. of two YOllTS tlInes8 wIth molorla . I g mdllally G"rc w so ...,~o k I hut 1 WI\8 In rq Frllllk Meddook /lll tiUeged . inAlln IlIlrHtltl, 1I(lmittccl to tJ1C stn,t·e , u,~'::'~;,~n~~ 8!\~II ~P. ooi:;l\@cl~I~I~I.I" n'1:~U\~ would b< come weak nnd ftlmo.t helpAllylum n,t OilY ton. IQ.". 101 )' d r cult\l lon W'\~ " oor. I In r e ellt.a~e of Will/lim Burt.on, I"ld doclnr d r igh t ilIo n!!" but ~C'" w f':'lkrr nnll 'l"utlker. Tho N crv lno d!'OOl!secl. One of tho eX('outors ISt'P Ill 'tl to MtronJrtb en m e rl,;ht "wuy h(\.ving diecl, ·(I. r e.inventory, Imd n nr1 my· Ireul a tion ,,'a8 h f"t It:r. r have We '" In n U woven !Jui ll es of the Jlllprlll!lement, nllowed . N CI'\' hlf'. nnH r ftm pnltrc t~' well: ' Est"tfI of B nnry Vo~ol, claoollscd. H OSA E. WU;A vxn. Sluart ~. la. Or. Miles' Nervlna I. aa ld by your 11'lrllt IIn(1 flnlLl liooonnt, fc,r settlo· dru golst . who will guarantee that the Dlen t mCld , . !lrst bot: le wilt bene!1l. If It fan., he will refund your money. 'E!ltI\t.e of .1. Simpsoli. deoelll~ed , Pi1'8t nnd finnl 'lcconnt fur sottle. Mile... Medical Co., "Elkhart, Ind , ment filed.
WiIlillJII A bnoy, Morrllw IIml Mr/:l . RIJ(lllIntism Milk A Llfll Mine rlLhi'1l Anllll .fones, colorud, TAlbunoll, Rev . A hllpPY hlmio i th 1lI0,.t vulll · tialdwln . . ' \\'itl)ln t,h e nllln 1l0S~fl8Si o ll t,hnt RleAl. leSTATIO TRAN!llfI'lRl'l . WilluUl ColeJllftJl to Lydifi Uole . rellnh o flllllnklml, bnt yon ellnDot· man, quit olaim to lot in Ru.Yllvillo j enjoy \t,A CIHllfnrt,t\ if you "ro IH1Iferlll~ fr om rl\(lIl1llnt,is lII ~Oll ,t,llrow $lo RebecCa E, ' Dnniol to ftlnr v E . tlsill e bnMln o",~ Cllro" wltCln you AIlter your home IlIId yon M n bo 1'0Young; lot in Wtlynesv!l\o; !lOD Georgo " lIld ScrOl' til lJ rton to Jlev l'rl fr om th oso r:lolllllntic JllI.il1~ Goorge W . Stlmley i Jot in LellllDon ,,11<0 by nppl yillJ:! Chnmhe rlnin's PAin Bulm , One lIJ1phout.ion will · gi ve 1. .1olm Klndlelmrgor lIud wife to yon rolle f lind it~ ocmt·inno(l UH for Goorge Bridge, lot ill FrllllKlin; 1\ t\hort ti llIe wi \I )lring "hon t II p e rmone nt curo . For snle by F . C, !::leh . 1610. Chllrle8 D , ColO1U1m to Willillm ·wlI.rtoll Wi t~\inger lot In Franltlia : 1 Annie M. Fr~e to Webster I•. Kirby j qUit oh~htl to 71 flO res ' in Union township, 1. BIlrriet C . Itllli VVrn. T , Mounts to J. L, Mounts; lGQncrtlll in . WlIshin~. ton town!'hip ; !I, ,Annn OldenburK' et III to Fred W. ,Hagedorn; 4 trnots in Barlnn tOWII . ship; Ja20 .
jelephone Day or Nigbt. Local No, 7 _ Long Distance No, 69-3r
...,.-- - - -
Comm issioners Proceedings. ---
AJlrii 2. Frllnklin ' Chronicle, 1°,000 ASII8MorB hlnnkR ... ....... .. Barret BrOil, lllrmkN for Aml ·
III 00
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch liffice. HarvBYsburg, 0, FOley's Bon ey 'IIndTur,
Foley & Co , Ohieago, orlglMt.6{l :l 00 Honey p,nli 'rn,r /til 11 thrOllt /tm} lung .J . F. RIOh, 001\1 for RberUf , Ci 37 remed:v., /tntl on Ilceount of thfl II:rollt mf'lrit /lnll llopnlurlty of Foley 'II Goo, E Yonng bllll\noe of tHt , qun;·jI NnlRr~ et.o ...... fi5 fi5 HOlley n,nc1 Tllr '.l 1nnr ilUitntl('ln~ · nll'"roo for tho ~enuin.f'I . AMk. fori RugKtilM. GIlIIl 1:n., hlnnkM fol' Pro hit t.fl ,,11111 gn ...... .... .. 25 00 ~'('IIf).\' '" Alltloy IUlllT"r ~tnl) rAfnlle 4(1 (11\ ." Fluhlltit,nt,1) offarPlI nil lin nUlf"r C1 I. &. N" R R I!n 'rHlght. 211 "'''1' " ", t.! ,11 will u"'" I,ll>' ~II"H," "lit, c: V Willlll'''" fro·luhr" .. .... .. ',f" ,' , " ·It i~ "dll1l\' \IIx" ,iv,·\ It .1 p ",tI :'1'" , t o I"rlrunt. N' I, -I . ......... .......... .......... . 1:~ r~o j ' It ' tt,, '" "h"'~'df\~~ ,.1 .. 1 i1'4 M, .. f4-\!4t. ,fuf nll\LI "'" /1.,111 rl,'II!I;lt.H ,iert\ons . F. . R ' A,'' ''-h htll'~l\r "'" \'11'\' " \' I tiP I , ~ ~oll wurtz 11M" ' j, nit tIl! ....... .. . " ." .. ' ' ,IRUIt''' Fi,lIull. I<r., K" hlr~ riP< jlll1\ ..,: .................. : .. 60 00 tI A. Rtll well , I),trt. l)"YUlIlIlt ,1n , _ ...... .... ............. . 100 nO VE'l'ER1NARY SURGEON, Laning 00. book8 for C. P. l..f'IbIlDOD, Ohio. Judge .......................... . 1000 CaD be 0111100 hour, allY or 0baIJ. ID. King, and night_ BoUl Boll and Valley
Itor ...... _................. .... ..
Dr. R.J. Michener;
East TJ1ird St . [)ayt 11, Ohio. , .. ~ ..... -------~-., --~-
Fin.;t Hil'tlulu,Y \rith an .\nniY(\r~~:t )'Y Hal.(' uf )1£'11 ~ awl YOllllg: '1('11' ,' ( 'J(!flting.
m m0 n nud tho 1.'0 lVI' 1' f(OOI'lIWINClS. rv u11Th Is inva rill il ly d UI: to p in W'Jrms . llmnk Yonng VII ,J o hn Yonng . ot Child re ll hlt,,,,,,,' 1 ch~ ~ l n' 1\)(lh 10 comn I. '1IIu of re lll e~ 11I tr II pprovAIl (1Il1l bat Ihe lr ills ulHl illrli'l'n~i li ous without ooulll'D\ptl nUll cliHt,rihntillll mulle. the !lId ul , 0111(: re llllLJlc llI ~ d id lle . M : L , Rllt II. n",e llt utn . Vii (:leol'ge BI!lh oll ot. Ell. .lllCl~elll e nt for plll!n" in !;111m Of,III))" ,20. • ( Ln .. t: r/uu ) 'l'boIlIllR A . •Ton " v~· Lily Wood · wBrd Bnrdlng, e~ Itl. Dll:\tribution of hlllll.noo fr om Sill of run I es til te Is liD u1\luil ing . IlllrOlh'h" lin d IIl)solut. mll(l e . curo for "," r ll," , Rt,,," ,,~h nnd bowel In ro tho .stnt.e o f ~"rin, O . "Wild!' troubles , IInti , ,,n he ,,, c,1 OR freely for Ilocellsell. In tho nmttor o f t h e e x· eith e r ball)' ur IIIIl lJ igg~ r child, liS for cept,iOIl HI Ule a ooollntFl o f .W , F , full g rown folks , Eltzrotli, IlR exooutor. Variou s ex 11 yo ur child S' ' IIlS 11I,)j ~ p()~ed, (everoflpti r1ll8 over rulpu , Exoeption Ish. Iretful. p t:,, \·i~h . a ll d ull oul of som, ohl~rginrt exr.outo r. to ':10,75 ill Me r · these are S)'nlIUIIlS o r w o rm s. O"e dOBe ril fnrm t,rnnsu ction IIUlI it ·1.-;'4 for ofDR .CALIJWl ~ I,L'S S\ 1< PPEPSlN lIS direc te d. th e Ih·jcctt·t\ condition will 1\(1 111,11 r.lIlll ,tl r III , Jo'rnnklin I",wi, IIII' soon give wa . to lI l'nlt" nn d vigor. ICn~tllll" l cl . DR. CAL»'" ELVS S YRUP PEPSIN LIII'II 'IItbl~rilH1 Ki bb Y VII 'hill' caD be ohtained ill ho lh doll a r and half. It'H I~ KII,bto,V .. I, Ill. 8,,10 Ilppr,J\'or! doll 3r sizes ( rll)1I 1111 drllKKis ts , Yo ur m OIlI'y will' be refund ed if it doe. IIllcl 'onfl"IlIl,d IlII Il llhctr.hutiolt not beu tlli l )'Oll. . lIIud o. Y our p otalllclirtl t tC] lt elil will b tlng by fdul'll ~:llniR Sill1onton VH St,ute uf Ohio m a U our Ill'W o u kll' t . "DR . C ALO 'VELL'S Phdlltifl' In o rr l,l' hn .. lonvo t tl lilo BOOK 0/' W :-; III'; k,;" un~ Ireo .amplo _ter those who hll vt, nC"'cr 1I 1ud lh id wondctal IIAtil.irm in e rror , .J ullglmllJUt of "me<1y. \V ritt· ~ o l :t\', .J n ..Ucn uf Peucn iH s UHpo ndod unW PEPSUII 13YRUP CO. tbo flntd eleturmiulltiun o f th(l)lO 11011 k ~!la, Iliinol. I Jlr ooe 0(1in~H . . 1311111utll M . Dearth , n ~si gn Cf VI! F or nl e hy .1 . I~ . •T ANNF.Y , J~ liznhOlh A . Dea,rlll t· ~ Ill. L., u on N'lt,j"/II,, I Btlldt hus I "v' tc> fil' 1111 · Crushed Corn. Hwer Imd Ol'utl~ lle tition. Fmnklin Board lind Paller C o. , V!! \V H un g rindin g 01'11 h eel l'orn Forti Mfg . Co . Oase comilrollll~ed ever .Y cl lly . W knop g r 01lud foeo I1ml d iSlUiSl:!Cll. ,11I,mes H, Burton v a Chllrl es Ford . t o ox hn 0 go if you 1111 vo n ot Ii m e t ll Defenel'lD t hilS le ll ve to plend with · wait. O ur f l' (\ e xC'llno ge is Inn on n t oll II' Oll ll" blC ~i · , ill thirty days, If you hu v not t,ri ed o nr c rus h ed Hurton, exeoutor, VI! F ord a t nl. Dnf ttmlnnt hC1S IOI1,'e t,o Illellu with , corn 111 1 IIn(1 R 0 it lind .Y")O will 'uy th'lt it 1/1 t h e fi ll e"t feed you v r III Illxty days. "'?nyn, s yille Mi 11,;. Sarn.h A. B'lY!!Ore VB Albert Dill. 81l\\' . . •Inco\) P'lltnor is mnd e )mrl,y d ef en· dnnt IIl1d hilS thirty tlnyl:' in whloh lSi k heud ll ke; r"slll ~ froul Il ' do to )l1I'lId , rttn J.:I~ Ul' lit " I' I,III! ,;(r)}lw c ll uud is l ' n U B " ' I! Uti U'f . }i::iI"l te of Hurry l:Il'llrll' tlt ul lIIin . lIrad hy :Iw, nb ·rluill 'li St omuch ors , Firllt "nd fill,,1 t l ' UUllt {u r sut IIlld LI VPl' '1'" hI t B. :;" lc1 hy ~' C Schwtlrl ." t.leme nt tH uu . E~t.l to of R u ile rt, B . 'orwin do· c 1111 d . R . G. U"rwlll n\J\lCliot.E111 ICd · mlllliltrlltor with p, bo nd of W . E ~lIbin.F . M. BUlIIiltou, jr. /Iud F. &1. CnunlnghulII, 'IPP1'ui ors . In re will Murtha aou kJltll deceas· ell \Vi\1 udUIII,t OII to prulll.t.(,j. Elltute of Marthu Rookh!ll, UO ceutlod . C . S. 'Rookl-iillll\lp" inted ell.· The power that 'I YC" you oontor. JIlUlell Il'olltm, W , '. Torton life and motion is th e nerve Imd Rob rt.r hnwllnn 11 \I1J1'n IlleJ'Il , force, or nerve fl uid, located in E~tlltet! for Buttl m llnt; Wm H. th e tlerve celJs o f t he brain, Butt, /Ie ell~ od 1'1'- 01'011 • •L1l1) tlllal /I '. and sent out t broub'h the COUllt; Rllc l.., 1 M. Hadelell, eleoonsod ne'rves to the various o q; ans. first lind flrllll ; 'VIII. ,I o nu". d ecenaeu 1£ you are tireu, nervous, flrH t nnd liulll nCOt) rtllt; Ab8ll101ll irri table, cannot sleep; haye Oh lJnoweth de 'CIl HCtl , liOld lIeponn t; Rllllluel 'tV . RtlJ::culI. lit . II H\1CI fnurth , h C:l d:lche, feci stuffy, dull and IIccount, ; Alice ulllt'took, d l1 CeuHed , mel:lncholy, or ha ve neuralgia, first ftlld flnul uoco unt. ,Iohn W . rh eumati 111. backache, peri'rhoml180tl 1100008ud, finll I IIcoou n t ; o dica l pains, indigestion, dysAnllio KnIlPP, im hco\Jo, finn I 110 p pia, sto ma ch trouble, or the cOl1nt ; Emnlll Kl1111JP uoou.lsuc1, third
-~. -~ -~-.-
I'II.aDeII. VlleJ~. No. ISS. ,
SPRING , BUSINE-SS STARTED WITH A JUMP. 'T()ltE I!'lLLED TU OVIl:RFL I\V . I (. ' \V 1'1'1:i I; RA:N D A ' ( J{'l'-' M8~1' OF 1>\E\\ (;U)'1'I:I~:-: . · II" ' I ' ~ , A ND F RNI 'BINO . 'I'll (j lUln 1111" of People will Urowu 'l 'hi!; ·t o re Ouring th e Urnnll En ~t o r ~,ll t'. OClLD BOND 'Ol PON' . F .R EE ~\ 1'l'H EVERY PUJWBAI::H~ *1U Mon 'H ~1\8 1, 6 '1'0 1' UOu ts Spoolp,l lu g oiling of 0 6 hun l1r{~d lind fi I ty VUrl t. Eq uul 10 !lily "Hi 'rop , 'ul/ ts ~u ld In ))0 ,,, 1.011 . , (Suoonu 1"1 00, , ) IiIl :! l\1 ' !l 'R hltllll~ o ll1 lJ now hnndlIl ulI ..: I~ n ~ t e r ·roj.. t.;Ullt~, most olu· g lln l \l1l ( c \· r ohuwn ,Ill Dayton G uoo wil o rlC wo uld EUik you double till" priCtJ , (::) co1l1l Flour .) ' l ii l\hlU '~ Fine 'l'llilor-J\'1ud e Top Con t" , light Imu uark oolors med . iUIIl IIl1d h a r t le ngths. Alfred Ue ojlllDino & 'o 's finellt lIIukes, ECIUIlI (,0 CUstOlll llIude OOll ts at duu hie thi~ price. M on 'll EII :;tot ::luits, Mor e thau three 11 IllldrllU II w llHtternl! to , e lect fr o m l:' u~ il ovu l y equul to the *In Suits " IHo wIl Cll"u .... ... . .. ... .. .. .. ............. *10 lIhm 's En s t e r ~Ilits, e very n ow Pllt .te r" , nil ,c ut in the n e w s Jlrin~ s hUI . " ~ Huits thut ure positively sold f I" 11'>15 t o "18 e lsewhere .... .. ltl1:.! A Ifr NI Beujullline & '0 new Enst-er ~ ult ~ , 1111 ou rr ect . n obby pl~tterntl sh \VII 10 thi s fin e liuo. Comp lettl ':Itook to ch ooso ' fro m ut on o:hlllf lUudE· t o a rdor priMtI ..... . " . .... ... ,,*15
Furnishings. Yot.'
fo r " LI t tl e lndilln 'ol\lIr/j, .. They're th e rCll5ulllr Hi kind . You 111 mit buy two of th Sl.' 001· l'lrt! f o r :U.ic , IIlld w e will IlInk u you u prelleo t of an extra one, ·150 :16 dozen Smnrt N e w EClstor Ti ~ ,pos i ti vely (IInlle t o bo retuiled for 750. 450 5 cuses ,Mon's Pure Egyptilln Com bot! Yllrn U nderwear regu)nr \1\1:J vlllues. 12u Men'l! :l50 Boston Garters, This Is ou of the hundreds of big IIUpS .
'hild reu'l! Bu8e, worth 250. Mizos 5 'to 6y', Slllll>ll sizes only. 25c 100 do~.en swell new EAstor 'l'ies equal to /lny GOc Tie' sold. 2:Jo Men's FIIDCY Colored Sprtng ntler wear, about hl\lf the regu In r va{u13. 40u 120 dozen Me n 's Now Spring ' birt ,sold iD Dlllny store nt 7Ge . t o til .00 150 Oenulne "!3bllwknit" Men '!! 250 1:10 e ( 1s t q Ullllty ) to sele t from . 1 JOO dozun Men's 250 and :ISo HaRe i w e bought t.his lot nt u 8/~V1~ . 0 n't miSil tois burgl1in. 10 ' :\:!O dO~AlD Men's 250 Lisle Bu pender9 . They 're equal t o many Jin t ILre solrl for uOo elsewhere. 30 'iii d ozell Men's Fine New [jOe 'UBpe licle rs, only one to 11 ousto· m er . 030 Men '!! Hnte llte d 1.00 Self Open· ing U murelllls, only one' to a cus tomer. ,
CHILDREN'S · DEPARTMENT OFfER'. NOS. . Special $3.50. . r.o 1,000 bildl'''u: s S uits , mode ",II.h on e plltr of BlMIllIer Pant,s IIl1cl 111\ a xtm )III ir lit' plllin pl\nts. A r. OO I)Jlrguin lor :\ riO. Roll e r ~klltes Free to Boys. $5:00. Chi\llrcn 'H 'Snit!'. hnnd!\ome Il fl W j)tltw ro l:l, )lllllts mllde with cl o llhlfl Re llt nllll kn lle, B, 7" .00 vulue (II f•. on, BIlAe Bitlis and Bats Free ,to Boys. fl. ~ (j . Children's Suits, in n o w double bre llsted style!! : ple n . ty of botU)r gmdes t,o slllec t fronl 'It!l 1'0. 3 00. 4, 00, r..00 'to 10.00. PrO!lent!l free to Boys. ,3 !i0 (lnd up r,o iO for bi1dren's 11IInelsome New SlIlIor Snits; 1.00 t.o 3 00 can 0Il811y b e Nllved hore . la,GO lind UI) 10 1"2 for Children's 8wo11 new style ~orfolll: 8nlts . Bundreds of nobby nnd 8mart IItylofl nnd 'p tlttorns to select from. '3 .1i0 ,l 00, 5. 00 to 10. Boy,,' !:)ults, . !lizes Mto 16; pants ortt Bloomer !ltyle. Elegant patterns to piok from .. ~:~
Free t .o Boysl Roller Skates, Base Balls lind EILts Frenoll Rnrps, Pocket Knives, Po· lice Wb)stles, nnd iYnBtrat.ell Story Books Imd Germll.n llll}lo rteci Pop Guns.
H$t Department Offerings 2i1e 125 do~on Boys' Silk Lined ne~ st,yle Cnp~, /iOo Is the regulnr price . 230 f,O dozen Children's Dn.nd80Ule DOW Enster Tnms, 1i0e villuel:! to pick from . 500 Men 'Mnew Spring OUJl!I, !i now ahllpes to seloct frow, ' 7uo kinds . for 500. 790 'Boys' ,Hnts; worth 1.00 n.nd 1 ,50 oniy the newest spring sh npos in t,biN lot. \Hio 1. 000 smart new Hats for men. Every hat gUllrllnteed for limo , '1 ,46 Men's Elloster Hattl, oolor.. and I)lllok!l, softs or Derbys, regulnr bILt,terl:! Ils\t you 2.50 for equill grnde8. '2.00 "The Fifth Avenue Bl\t"- a ,oix months gUllmnton w\t,h this but Wh~' l\ltV :I 00 1l1 .... \\,h6re for 1' (11111) qUlllityY , $S. 60 for ~he .lohn B. Stet.,· HOD'M line haiti!. Uo~plete lIew 1I111Ok.. to ..ele<',t froUl . Grtlml exhIbit tomorrow of Alfred Benj'Lmin & C::I. Bud Mlohlloe18, 8te~u & 00 Fine 8ultB IIoUel Top ' Coat-ll ......... _.' .:; ......... $16&0.30.
A\lNy delllon t rnl,illg i ll fI !<snrtm elll . 'Iuuli l'y IIn ll ll1' iL' ')\11" 1t' 0I11(' I'!lhil> II" th,' " ~ I II II :-i t n,.. .. • II I ""\'1 .. ,, 0,1/' .VI'ur IIPPI Jlr< " !looo ~to'tll l)f tim e , 1lIid I' so m oiroolll ~ t:tn ce.. , . p ol'illlly who n yuu I!" \'0 IIc'("' l11ll lil<II('1I II I! n'lIt, 'll tl.oi II. ' I, " 1" 11 t.1t .1' 1'"It ,. \\'0 hu Vii boen ID busm Sf! IU DUJwn OTIC' Yllur IIJ1l1 h'IYt ) I\CI r (·tp·otR 10 pxpra:<H. I )n .. c' I1'l)l"" 1<) 1111 pn1<1i (' /I 1i " ~1 1'1 ''' . h ((It-,'I ,,"", tll·jl IIU,lll,].Io· '- to re hl\~ m e ~ wlth t'\' 11 11 11 11'1) tI]Jj\rl'cin,ti ol1 thlln \\"1' 1111 v .. " XPllf' tl" l. l'or'llII ps W" II rl' \\"1~"I' IIp.,,",,,, 1111 1' "I'" 1" '11 " •• n t,h, ' \\'~~o\CHI1 WI' hn \"( IOllrne ll III 'H~r('hlll1 ' Ii."' hl lf is ,lin","1 to wn!'o Ih e' \\' CJ L" d ll ~ tl ul of lIig h 1011'11 1,. . (jill'" .v, WP It .. v , ' ('Il rt'Il''' 0 11 ,· II ' I It.· l"I't 1111,1 pxpoct 1(1 in th o fnl'lll'fJ, I~ "1 11 1\ ".11\IIINI 11('1\ 1 ~o 1111 ," w ill j\J'l vnillllll" in g M1I11 Ro le ",lIirl) ~\·i.l I · III. t ~ \\",,,,Ii-< ' il1.1'! lI tlill :! :-\ II II n lll ,I' h" r" "I' Jr.1I , fllr
1Y.I[en"s and Young suits at $9.50
\Vorl,h *I:.l.iJO, II1l1d o nf fllll (, y \\' (\ r!<Wt\!'I , !lnd ~orge« ithenti ll g lo OJ r d onhll! llrellBtM Hod nil w oo l S ot nu tre 1. ill tlli .. HeUSOn'1< Illtest l'ut, uC't.L1uJ\y WOl'tlt *I:?'O. A nni versilry '1<1110 prien ~!J cl l~shno r (l~
:) ()
Suits at $15 and $16,50 'Worth $2U and ~ ' .!~ .
Suits for the bo.3('s
I:l e rc' I;; wit .... WI' ,hill ,' II",',· \\' , .. 01 , ,. I ·(J ""i.,t,il1~ (,f %Il1Ht1. Hl n" m lJr~. Bel t I1I1c1 rno rC'llllll l\t st' tlllll 1" '" .. I h, ' VI" ',I' ' ,,- 1 . 1',,1' w "rlll *1 . ,iO fOl' ,",1)0 Ilnrin~ our un nlilllllllrl Otl \\lor , tc~clH unll ",'rl-! ',.. ~ I t ' I!"' , I~' ,'Ihl,,, ," ",' r!lll r y ~I' II', pl'''\'illIll~ hI hlll':< his EII:lt,lr 11\01011'. II l1nrl fl'l\,;(l I'n llll l',.. '" d It ll ll d "' "". IIItl' o'f 11~ :l.r,1l ANI tlt C'1l1 i n ' th e winc10\ hnttnll " (I \o'HIII 1;, 1111 1\ $1 1\ '-,0
Special Anniversary Men and Young Men"s Top Coat and ~ail1 CO'lts Sal ~ ofboys~ suits Suib; at 12.50 worth From $7.50 to $:22-.'50 :JOII H .. ,\'~ cl n nlJlr IlI'cutit ed s n i ts II l,(e& )" to \ VIt, hol1 t nn i:q uul f Ol,· ll lid l'·. ~I \' I, · ll nel $15. I;". in 1";011 0 .1' C~/l RR il1lc ' IT, plum Itluek or hlue At this price wo IIr o l1'orinl-( somo hl l-( h (' llIs!! !Unroll/lIlllisc, of lI)o rit ill 1111 t ho · II l1W t intI' lWeI k i DCl ~
l\llnli tr, froll! f,\1I 1 nr lli nu ,·.v f' 11I 1'lIin · I'".11 III t it" 1I1l1 ~t. ('xl'I1 I\ I\' "ty lt l!4 III' EII g-li,, " c:nr. ill('11II1i1lg' t,hn ull t<llk Jill( cI ' 1'0\1 COli I
1·1,,' vi o l ... ' wlII"llt to:.! ~oJ'.\' i' uln pri M
~. I) 111111
Annlv r
$1 .95
150 Boy. . nit
"Nox..II" Hats
( 'o n ~ i~t,i n g
of l ,hHl i'nr~O!i, ~ h eviotR , \\' o r~ t('c l ". r IL~!4ill1n r n.~ ",LI neR "llOg ' * 1 :.l:i IllItl *~ .f,O; Anni"t IRllI'.\' ~lIlc'
$;~.5()- ·
III nn ,\'
,U nitncl
,Vcal' '\Vell 'Ii. j
II it
ale of II: ts
50 tl,):l.en men'tI
nsnnl* UiO kiLlt1,
IlIly :1:1.00 In the
Boy~ .
1IlIlC!t! o f nil w ool lIlu t ll rinl , d oubl e \lo ut, Im<llolllf', l'o/.:1Ilor *IU I(J nllel g oods , .Anuivorsury Mlo prico onl y "', () ,PJt t.,
pccial' Anni\'(\]'sary
('I/Inr. "luqJO Ilml El t.yln ofJtlul I, Illto!' \''' 1' onl y
Ilnd young men 'B Hat,,,, "hnpnll 11011 Annlvcrsnrytinle pric nly
co l o l'~,
th e
'Young",' ·clcbrated Hat,
All go d os f.h e hOllt Jjir..OO hat' Rnlcl for only ~ A fnll nn el com plote line of Men 'R ,1.11d Yonng ?alf'ln's am\ ~ BOY'!:l 8l1irti' Rnd Nn ckwel~r for E lts t,er at , nnu8\1fLlly low anni- , vC ),!Ulry Ali i price : '
CLO'rHING East Third St. Dayton Ohio. '
lant m il, .nd tt n e -" .1'7 to t il" .... bllp ::srn o \·t>r I h! 1141••1 11 11 11 I ~ I' lIr.nt.rn wllh thl' horn""" n..... I . nnd tb. l .urn .. tll ""011'" wal, e liP Rlhl do Iht'
a n .l l mpl In n In 1904 .re a lloul $\1.500,000. Ellll'trl al lDllchln,ar, IIn.\ IU IU'lI lnl N \1 Ild for wClllvln!!. knittin t; II n .1 "lUlIrolclurlng Wllfl' Ibe prlnclpUI 1It'IUN. A ~ thl!l ltlllo t't llllllry lI11rl IIU Il'Il n 1' 1' 1,(1111. bUl _IUUlIt Irul'I)I' l lhe hl,., 1 I Ih.dclr lalfl by r ,llIrna!l s . tho IlX ' 1'"" la ll'/1I lIr flI lH hille r), ~ pI'"ks w~1I I'or II' Ilhl\1.,I I·11I1 sl. llI. 'J' III' AIIl~r"''' 1I tln un dn l "l.udltlon \\, .I~ "" I ' n ~>' III 1t106 Ihll l WI) IV r IIbl i! III IUIIIIII'I ~f\ I ~ .(/ll .1100 worth of t!ut\o1IIi' rlll.lg lI );<lllI ls. lUI X ~\'~~ ove r 190 1 or )l 1.1.lIl1ll. ,IIIO, 1I 1l.1 OVl' r l UIl:1 or $\18. · 111111:111111 ; :11 Ihe '11 11111 11m p ilI' hUllO r ta II r 1" '1' ~11IIII , :l 1 11I1C11I 1 ~.1 It) $il:l().OOO.OOO • un 1' '''' '~H '111' 1' l!1f ~'1 II I $10.01111,1)0(1 UII,I 111',.1' I ~IU: " r $\)a.OOIl ,llIll l. ' l'Og Ule r. tIl 0"~ III. I ~"RI'" In 19' fl cj v r l OO,
, _ Up s ur •• 111.11 '111111.1111'. I\' oJ,' 1 I" '/llb ' WilY . untl II \'ha DC"d I III ~'"" "" I", h ur .Iln III" ''; Tl'ddy I ~ 1U01ltllll); II mund Tb e n"~ "Rnl ~o\ to kno9i hm~' I 'l'l' e ·l lIh . 'III "I:'·~ of 111 111 lillII'; Wll lll l ('01110\ prf' ,,' nt th o hOrlll'tA fl'om s tln ~ · I h.. ~ Iull' ! h lind th e n rr:-r0es In the a\l 11 111,' "r Ih ~ n r.1 II I de lh·e ry . su ys ),l' ll (1d , 'I'h(>[\ ruy row lI m e l '\'II Ulttl. 'I'h ll~ tor ti ll' Il •••• ~ 111 1'. 11t·" I. III Ilr" I('" 1 Ill n hllllP l' lIru Ulu t 10' ' nil I~\ll' " II n nll'n. IIn ll I told hi m t ba t ,\i(!n P" 's ~ ro " d r llthL Ill' I ba m idd le r log. ,\lclI(1 ur the> it' ll 1 1I ~I'Rl'o IUIlIW II ,, ~ IIII1 ~1 """1\1111. wh,· I W ~ Iln~ lJ~e n In t h ' '11):'II (1t bus lo l" s all lIbel!. h found Ihe BUG PEST, IJCllI~ ,, 1!r1l1'1 '" III tu r,l);p 111111 ." I ro en l u!' 8~ n so n nlHI n'O\ or hUd on .. uf ou r w hl' r a t h ' e l C llhan l~ n lld for oH'.1 thr sil l ~ b<'UI'lll!; the Inwlll g l'li ro IIUlt 1\ 0" U R1('n stun &. I ·l.\: d we 1U,'1, som e IlyrRml d Ih Rl 1,loges Ill el r a ·t. a nd I'h ,' I OIlI ~ l tII',' lI Irller u Wll llA1t! hi m lI t Ihp luece1 Which e ll ll es G renl 1;058 t o Ih ' :lIIl l1 r),. lilt', .) hlllil' . lI lI ' lIl llllf'~. Wil l r wh le h IH I nq)\lr~ IIUI I IIf ~lI "lIN O ll! .FurmOI'- ,uow to Onptu rc BLFnfO Ilitn nnd r l1h h rl It on o ur .Inplln r s\, JlI g!;l er~ \\' 1'0 In l lle r lgh l· IlUril .. ml UPI) n b l rel um As he IC 1" 111 11 :f lUrv II ~ ." 11\' InJll r lClll" t ' c lot bes II lId tac II. a lld t h e b OrDt' 18 (m lld rin g. and II par ty (If fe male l ll lll ' )!" ~ 'II UII<ltt lbl~ .. lIp .1 frow n o r !.\nd Destroy It, t Ih r l r .1e'lw.II •. IJq;a IJ I "l h~. a ll ,1 I h .'}' ",.,woulnll' l tollch UB. bu t ~UlS t w nt fo r I h'l'S. \I IIh lo w· lie ke I Ipl'I, lnl;s wc r • IhOll!! h l ':llboretl UI'OO h i. fOl r h cCl u . 1'n rr Ii! III r hai~~ no In'!!ft\· t t b il l tile r ulU ' t hl ll,' (1 II l1 il 1.11111101 " ' Iu r u lu II" t br otht'r ! ' lI ows lo Le.. ~ lh i! ba nd. ~ la,1(lIng II I n lll' lH llI u 10 II", len· han.1 , Wo ndor ,,-hill l h e .1l ·lw u Il l::!" !H' gl .111I IUI'II I1'1 ,·tl n ;, l rle , ~ 11 .11 1' o r ' u n h Ive. .. ny nr s; r oes Ar e (I ns)' ~.!.r ka.. Y l) U l~ an rIllg , IllU lWt'I'1l 'I'lll'rc WU S 110 I n l~ll' h) n or ha vin g a lUa k ' lh 01 boll ,. 8 ny tMng. B ul If Pl lh l' pll re 1" .11 "1' III I'iO ,'llrPA III.I I;' 1'1\ II " ~ l1I l1e h ro k ' !lueldcl\ly ove r ell ulllY Illun I he 1'1 1111 <'11 bn l':. 11>1 ,I!lll r.>The Bad Boy Iln d H is p" Inject a I e " or gil to be praslfl ent 1 am goi n G \·I o!. but ",hen ]\11 ~· ,'Ih'd. " " ' hn t 's I h ~ hiS f,l ro " By llllkes P"Iln'!" h o ·rlerl. d utlo ll >l. 1\1H(\\l1l1 11l1\ as Ih"y e1.) III '111 In Ih .' . nllJ ll),. h" ' 11 1\1,. ,,' 1111'\"iill il I' LI ttle P nll tieR I.nto the Show- lOJ aPllO lnt my lI ~ g rq nN81s l nll t 10 n po· maller w it h On'fl u !" H 'rlt'gro In my ." 1'11 t.e l my (loem 1\11 ~ wnn I ho ' W hit I nnn u,lI I,,~s "r ~1j".lIll0.l11)(1 III Ih e UlC ltl,rI I CI t III ,' 11' ,, 1,' 1 1 1 ~lI l 'R.lvl\\ Banda of . Atlnnta Citizens ~IUo n ' In m y cabin et., . a Uijt' he III the cro l, (1 yell e.l. "1'll n,'1t " h lll '~ t h e mat · at F lIl ' OIllP Ullo n. A nll t h ' tl r t SIH l ~S. 1\ 10 w (1I1 '\lIo\\l1, hl lti .I ti m any N " ~II~'.t", iU t l\ P a VI ,lf\ 1. ·",II Il ~ \1\ tltnr)ll l HNI u') $ l ~ :t .OO O IO(lO. K ed i n tlie Olrou s T ent-A Bunch g roalesl polltlca l o rgn " lze r I e \' ~ r SIIW . t H with Ur Ylln." nn ll 110 h lL Pll o\'er lhe pr ize. laC) '11' ~(( I tl I() ~",'~.· \ I'I,,, li lng '" l ho gll v(!I' lImenl rel)Ort. 'rh c!y wo uilln I llC;1ntl II ns I ~ bU. h (' ls 1>1 II.' l lC ~t": ot A ll lrl'1 Rornet.ll Cau, s Mucb Ht round ed u p o ve r 1.\10 colton ph1hor s hrBd wl eh hl~ h lll l1!\e jau te l .~, l(la ded I he k III U I' ·glsrereu Iullel' it Il wer to hu \' e h~ 'II nh';' '" • Ifl 'lI. 1l \1(' M I h. II I' a lC~ 1 "I'II"~ 01 "'ie' lh ,' tll il(l.J !oI Ia lAM C'O Il HIl Ill NI hl Kt yeu r Bud neg ro m en w ho " 'or k In t h e '1'1 h a wn r!n h(lrn el . nes t aol b ig as Co r Ilny thln ll 0[111111 r." ro m tl olrt III 1111 11 01. ' UII I' r \'~~ 11l 1 1 )" I'II " I'JlIII~ 1$ l,n " 11l1: ,II,' hl"' ~ .II 'Olilt ,,",·. IIIlIrlll q f th o ~\l ~3 1' Il l'Ol lll c , B itt er Pee.llng. CI' Igh t ll~ p n t s o nce In n w h il e a nd II foo tball . wh l('h \e ll I t A ~ e n li re Iro m ,,1) 11111 11" 1 " 1111 '11 1m Iud .• 1' l\l ~ '.'111' Ilp lI (lr tlhl Wll rl .l. a r ly all l llo AS [l r iot OilS " 1 Illn 10[\ of !I ll< hllV' I ~ ill th i!~e ' . 11111' ot 11lC' m l""1 I eXllet;t th Rt n~nr I hnll be o bc lu tl' l! Ih ~ m OUt atte r ho rnel s ' neSlS. 1:le can dia I'n dro ll.1rll hIs IB n ter d py SIICCOSS h ca sl bl~ pl po as\cll) tl l1 a th al tll u IH'S I I~ " lI pl" llIlI j d l''''''llr~ l1h'IlI"""·,,lu l III, willi' Ih~Il"1' Il lIll" I ,U/-:III I nlll~ hl Into Ihl s ""lIl l)'), I ~ 11rH' til' . t ll ll Ug b IL );\ ,'1) 111111011 "nuu jo;lI In l ' n l,," ,III '01"11 1 ~ .(1',' ~lr"u~ III 1111<'1'.111 <1 111 " .1111'. nu,l lh ' lI nll tI Slal rR of th e mlLUagers qf Lhls s ho ll' . 'ca use 11 0 gfl" e t hem 8001e han ge 10 get a nnd bCll tl n to tlg hl hll rne ls. nnd th ~ ;; li t on e u r 1. 18 c h erl~ h'HI ctgn l'~. " ~ l' CIWCJ th e!' tell 01 0 I ' ha e Eol Ule great esl (\ ri nk . n nd Il rom lsed l he m f ree pass s n il th e wh it e trM h ;n va's lJu n e ~ aer." 11 0 i!UJd. as he Mu n k luxu rio us ly nil s l lI'lI'S ellsl uf Ih e lI uI k IW)tllll n lil" lim,,,l. 111111 II" " , '1 1I~1l I hI' IWI"" 1i', lr "'IHIlIIll" 11111" lI ur -hnlf r VII -n llt) b ead of any boy Ib a t hlle I' er travelrd Into Ih s how tbe n cxt n ig ht, Rnd the I llshcll u p n n.1 beg nn Lo w'hnck my bnek In bls ball'. r UI'('lI ng Itl t h e uth t 1 llc(:u s luu ..\I1'y fo und In t h e ~ ( ! \P; ' l'~ l .I rrl\"l"~ . \, . - I' ~lI rc' p t r al lll1~ l1 :;.ugnl' p r clfh1t'i:f l 1" '" th e wu r ltl :text mor nIng the y b'tOWOO up with poo r do ", n-Irod de n n C>.troes " !th t h ofr a roOla li c ~Ilh l be s how. 1".. ltl l ll v b III "·,, .II ~ SIIg-:l I' Is rMIllI Il ~ .l l pr' ·.' .ll t It II\I'S 'I' smoke . ,. no bundred 0 11 th e P u !fie sIO I" In re~~ r k~e ll ur,'. 1 T ht' " hltll h bug lit {ull ~I.C\ I. un : .•• A 1;1I0t!. >il r 1111; .,I"n u r I' r'~ Is.1 Ilro p.'r l ll ll ' "I lh ' wOIIII '" slll;:u ' ~ U LJ llI y We fIa ve n 't be u 11'\\'l ng a very bIg torn lS' n ests enollgh to seere l'OU. (, h ln P IlIlIt el'11 s . t;) C COlI l'se. my ( I· poun ds! ;\1:lI y shall bU I' e th e scu lsk ln l>u s ln esa In th e sout b . beca use t he ne· Th e)' Jl u t Ih em 10 a da rk placo In th e I ws cou ld n'l s la ll1 s ti li li nd he sh~ 'a 1J ell Yl'arul II!; for 1\\1 l tuis() y ~ I·S. o l\t',scl c n l h of .\11 ill ch III 1f'1I1: .1t . UI.\ CI'1 INn.1 1II IIV ' tlI II'" "f' III 111,.11 ~ Ih,l n ciU rl ll1-: 1b!I O · 1 UIJ~. I·:ve n .• lIIo.I" ' UI ,.ly dr , n ~. \~ ~ n \ OUl IClrc lg u '(\m llle r~e o r Ih e ru lo-n,roes haven 't mone y cnough to pal ron · ba rn , 60 th o hor ne ls " o ultl o'l g ot curl- u,oule" . a nd tn e ~-aor\l es bael WllrDl r d alltl l'1i s ct 1\ II'h nlc Il QW " 1I1 l 11 11 ut h I colo r wilh w hit e wlll J;a. II' h l.! I It b.e s bo l\'S, ' and a lot of th o white pe . OU8 a nd wa n l to co mo ou l ot the n ests o ur h orn ts ' n SlS 110 I be ~o rn ets w e ro ollce. und nu ove rcOn t. W o' li g ror :l. B 11101\\ II ses. ,01lt n lnlllg 0 \)1:11.:11 )lOl 't~llIlIl' . will I,,' e l ~ n ut Ill\' 01.11' .. II 11111 ,ll r ),"1\ 1' JII ~I l'Iu.~.1 Ilml' h d III glglln· crawling o ut to see wlln.t wnll tbc trou pI e arc eit her lOO h lg h· lo ned o r e lse bcfQre lhey Ol th el r 'Cue be~ s ill ' I II f (.;0 ..... 1 111,11 '1'1 Hl III I Ilr lu la l of $~.SO G .OOIJ.\lOQ . Ill' rn ~ LIt" s plend Id to ur b)' \\ 11 ) ' o f l he I lck~8. I T hat aft ernoo n we fi tted tho m Into ble. Th en every n eg ro w)l nrked a :-;" Ih .. r' vl lll' n l 11' 111 (, ,1), Is 10 k ~ r p '· 'l ), ' .11" " bus hl ~s III Ih e h is to r y they /\Te .,olltlcl a n s a'1d wan t a pass, lIl usL htl " c a n ow type wr lt r Itl plac,' wh ite ma.n wll h (\ hMueLs' n rsl aoll IUlI l,. 1I h"('~ !l ll ll If Iflr a IlellCI It H p I ,\ lIl1'II t'lI lI ru relgn C·UlIl lCl e rcc. nnd Iho audlenc fa i rl y w"nl wild wll h ex· o f l h ls wo rn-uut olll th l u!;. And I' ll . n"I" 'SSII rv I ~ h .lv(1 lJl .lCk<. I I L1ln ro !- $1.1 Ir••II"O .UO more thnn In ISUC. T h " gc n bi ke. Mllr y n cds a lot or n ew (' lem e n l. . O l l l fj~ li t' hlro ng. CV~ 1l It NOIII" lIulLiu:o ba l,u,,!' 01 lr,\,1 In 0111' 1:1\'0 1' 1I11 ~ t n g The ho r n ' ts got b usy and '''e n l for Cloth s . a ud , by T om Hootl! I'l l t;e t " II)II" t 11" cJ Ull ll. , UUL or ('"1' ro, !S Il CO III IlI C I CI) o f IUOS dotc n DCII' s hillS li n d ('ollar a nn d cuft's . tb e elephnnl s an o! the J apa nese j ug. If hl \·t~ In whll h hel's .lt o thro ll g~ waN $4I7 ,tiO:l,'lOll . nLl d t h al fo r th o III. t ,;Iers . a n d they 81nmpcded lik e th ey tiO's lO bo stOell rl 111' III o l1 ('e. lIl1 d 1111 Ih.l wl llltJr lU'(l Id t UII IIl Wllrl\l WNlh · fCJ ul' rL'rl r~ ~ xce LIs $1 .7.I:I. f IOO,OOl), a n XU ':! pnl r ot s hoos. The il I'll hi )' In n oe ver m e l n ho rnet t~ fo re I'r IV ll hrtl ll any h ~ns I" Iltr,"I. ~ II " II an'r:\;; '1 of ulmos l $430.00(l.O()O II Y 'lIr, 'fhe fem a le t um b l ~rs fo und ho rn cu slore 0 1 a lhousnn d dgnrs-I:oocl o ne~ (III c' . will brcCJlllc .1 pr ll l'<1 hu UNI fO: ~11\l tI t e n(larly ~ I ,5ll0 . 000 II day for 300 a nd Rv e po un ds or lo bll,·ro . !l ntl II (10 tb el r stockings. a nd e "t.vrw h re , 1\'(1( 1015 wu rl, llIg Il uys In oneh yc~ r . and t hey gav a fema lo war whoo p and fow t1 0Z0 11 leud pcncl ls. And :'Iary \\" h II II Is r lU nd th at worm., ar~ t us h Il tor t h e dre\lu lD g room. 'flit! s hall hU" Cl 1\ cool .cr. lO do wllh JII s t m a '\: lng' l h h ' ll nJ>en r :\ I1 ('~ , ,11111'''1 fillt ~ • ( Iephants 1(0 L s t ung .1Ilt! they ca m e as 811 li kes. Olt . 18n't thl fL windfa ll ? ph ll f Ih ~ l1I . fi t' 11I/ llU Ihe '111ll1l~ In 3 I lIlust wr lto :I u d ge t bor h om e fro m dow n olr I heir [lyram l.l a nd \I nt o ut 51 r y IIn lhl l " bll' U rw nt.llll lul; II SI ron!; lo t he m ennge rl o t e nt trum peting. ancl mOLhor's l iGh t 'o tt ," 0 10 11)'. AND CONSIDER J ust liS h s lmlod hi s pen Ihere wns Tl-H; t: iIl Sl' lI t:o I N V A H I UL ~ ~ w l te hl ng t heI r trunl(s Thc ncg roes A s trollS l o lo ny o f \l all ll ll. cn n ta k e "1'i\ C BS. THE All· nod th e whit e (lo ll ltcl ~ns we re s eut ng II. ring a t l h o frm\( d or. A g lun oe a l W h en {lrs t 'a re or t hrce o r fO>lr 8 l 0 rl p ~ o[ ro ml). ' nto II ra war. 110 I he cIrcus h a nda the clock LQ ld h lOl lhllt It wa s reull y o n .cnl:lI alite r ,·elge. In :e ll Ollr o r'I'I'a lloo s wllh " l·e~. we b a lrh od fro lU l it e Il llu ul e OV Il I ~g g. I ush ed In nl'd s epn ra.lod them. and m y ti me (o r the so a n d c1 elll ery "'Om e In; I'om e In a n d h a ve n the yo un g bu g I ~ )'ll ll ow. bul i t grud · IlIlI SI II R' G n lh.' n ~~s . AI\ Quick. ~ lI d negroes fonn d lhal t be Cel,ty [ had clon jara Hn ll 1Il0 1l0 n ~ Irr lllllC th em. lIie m rub on Ihe mse. vell did no t k eep dr ink, olci fell o w," rl ed tho poet. UHlly cll uugcs to .r etl /lnll th n to ul llc k . Dcos nr n lwoys mo re 'le n l l a nd leg. 1I 1 ~ hor n ets fro m s ti nging them . so IlIn glng wi de ope n tb o doo r and at· 8 S ItB gro wt h proceells. At a ll 8luge. lempU ng to sba ke b an ds wit h the Is uccompon led by u r u nk d ls ugle e · In c lIned 10 s li ng Wilen , bey :lr e gUlll · T h3t In a ddress· t he)' slampeded . a b le oll a r In th e fl rs l wnr m dl\y s o f or ln g pl c ot y of bOlley. Iln,l a t su ~ 1 1 inlf M rs. I'lnk· Th en th e borne ts b~ g an to go for the postman. " R egister ed le ller . a ir. Sig n h ete sprin g th e a dul t bug co mes for l h lim ns lh r. hll'CS CU ll UO o )lf' II'd "I I til h Bm yon nr ca n· n udl e nC!e . nnd tho wom e n ye ll ed mur· d 1 an d pull ed clo wn Ih el r dresses 10 and t h ere," respo n ded t hat Offi cial f ro m th e grass roo ts , s lubbl e or rub· " cry 1IIlI o du ng' r ; 'Wltere;tJ . whe n t hoI'I' ti lli n g yo u r p ri vata CO l'c r t he ir s hon. anti the ro en ga l )ltolldly. lhrusUII l; hi s book In to th o bl h wbe re \[ b as h l bern ut ed ll lHl de· I. II rle'lr th o r hon oy Ih e In ma les '.It Ills to n ",o manpos ll8 Its cg!;S 0 11 tb e roolS o f wh r a l I ho s nm B hi ve ml g h l bll o" ,I !; I'C[" a wnmuu w lt o~e experis tun g and th e wbole aull le nce s tam- poet's o l\lsll'etch ed h a nd. ence w i th w OlUe n's dis· W lt ll tre m blltl !; Hnge rs I he • poet or Olhor p lll n l. H ere tll o gg ' arc SI)l rll of r A n l m()n l. r oll ed Into t he open air. T h e In" cntlo !1 II I I ho 1lI0v(.lJ l(' r rn m ~. e~~ cs covers n great Th en 1 m et pa. and be was a s labl, da8hed off his s lgn.atu re a n d rl l) pel! h nlched " nil th e t1 cpr c(ln llonS th e n be· 1Il1l n y yea r8. and I neve r !Ot s tung on ce. The roaD- o pen t h o leLLor. A f ragm en t o f cloth gin Wblm tb e wh eat 1>1 harv es ted lh e nnd nr Ih o hon ey ~J(lr nctor . hUf! a ffo rd · Mr B. l' lnldlBm is the e tl lJpckr(' pe rs Ih e mea n " ,,! lnlll ll g age rs tri ed to get t h e bsnd to play firs t met bls ea!:or g a le a n d th en he bu gs muko fo r th e n aros t ou t o r cor n dill/g ille I" in· IlIw 'ot Be Bit Pa Over th~ Helld with B ls Ohlnese Lant~. OUI or thtl hh es th e oomhs loadell with fi e ld. wh ere th ey co nl lnue lhelr work some tune t bat wo uld · oolh nnd hol d rond : Ly d lB D. Pinkham, " Dear J ohn : I Bcnd you a sn mpl e or Ilestru cll on unt il autumn. when they hOll oy. nne! o f rewrul o!; thelll to toe a u d for many ),cars' '} he man agers Bnd hoads of depart- t be Cblllese lanternll. ond tied sttcks t he au{lIe nce till an c l.plana tton could Ilecs Wile D e m pty, wi t hout dnrn llgc Qr u nder h e rdi rec tlo n, lIlenti 11 Id a m eetin\; to devi se. some on l be lanlerns and lilted the candles, be made, but somebody had tbro wn a and I wa nt you to get m e thr 0 y a rd s r et ur n to wbeul ogu in. Th e acco m · and s lu e h e r de Ibe killi ng o f n s Ing le bee. ..' a y lp get botb c l\lSSed Interes ted, au<1' and wb e n night came Iher e were more 1\C,rnets ' n est under the band sea ls and like Il tor a hlou se. It Is very 1m· panylng cut. aeter Ril ey. s hows l h e Wh en st Rrllll g to kec p hacs. sngges ~ c hu s b(1l!n e" e rybQdy was s s l,cd to slate t be lr n eg roes than I OIJuld use. But I told l il t horn players gOt r.tung on tbe lIp~ por tnnt. so 1 s end t his by regist ered ln se t 10 all s tage s : a dul t a t le fl ; a. b. a d vi ill g s ick wo. nnd na lural si ze, c. lh e I"nrm J o urnal . It ts hes l nIH tv men Crl!u ot cha rge. ,.Ie"• . After they al! got througb them to tollow along. and the door so they couldn't play, Ilnd the band ILII letter so you'lI b e s ure to ge t It Am eggs m agnlti comm encc wi l h m a ny co lo nl . Il !t It t out for a beer gal'den. Betore I well. H as tily . your 10,' lng wire. yo un g ny mpu : e, second s tago o C litany w o cnun .. Iklng P& asked me wbat I tbought tender would let them In. and all they " MARY." n ympb; t. thi rd s loge ; g . tull gro wn doze n III well · arra n ged IlI\' CS woul d Iln suitur In sile nce anll drlft alohll' from would be the bellt way to get tbe peo- lteed (0 do 10 yell ror Teddy when re alized It lhe Bho", wu over. and a s um cleot. Lell.rn to haud l th elll A8 bad to wo rse, lmow in g full w e ll t hat r1etllcUve tbat detects for· tbe show had dHum! " r omar ke d th poet. s tarlu g nympb ; d. b. J. legs; I. bea k tbroug h ple excited about tha &bow. and I told ( did, and 80 we mar~ bed to the main him tbere wu no way except to Inject tent about the time the pe rformance n. El. cQltared and brougbt me up befor~ bl ankly nt the h ll lr s b eet ot n otepa p r. Whi ch fooll Is ta k en ; s ma ll 1I 0es s bow k no wl edge Is ga ln od . lhe IlP la r y I'UO Db thuy O\l g ht to hn" o imm ediate a 1st· OD ce. but ... noturnl m opes ty .Imp"ls enl arged to n pro lllnlJl c s lzo. • little poUtica Into It. I said If tbey got to going. I B&W PIA with bls gans a meeting of tbe managers. Pa ~as "Well." he !)bse rved. his fn oe bright. IlltlUral sl z\f. ~hc m to shr ink from expos ing them' Th ere hll"e been many m e lbo .l ~ or ,,"ould elve me ,5Q :lr so, to buy Ohl. rt wbl t e .men CO Into the dressIng :ho J)roMecuting attorlley. and told anlng uP. " I baei a grand ,tIme thlnkse lves t o lIle ques tions and probabln th em lhat I dldn't I'un my polt Ucs flllr , Ing o f Il. an yway." prev(1 nllo n n nel cu re ~ u gges l e d a nd ex· .. CAE lanterns. and ,,?oul a hundred room a.l about the same lime. The e:rmminatl oll s oC e ",Jn thl!ir fom ll y [lcr lmlm lqd with . ,,'mo ng olb e rs Ihu t o r FEEDING CRATE FOR FOWLS ph.l·siciou . It i unnecessa r y . Without eompllmentary tlokeLl to give .way. Dlanager bad timed It for us to come r aus e T had brougbt 10 a lot of ringINTERESTING EXPERiMENT. tll s t rlbu Ll n& wh ile fun gus tll sease. s cv · Arra n g emen t W ill cll Will Prevell c\ money or prlco y nn can con s ult a \'V()o Pit and I co uld go II) Atlanta a couple In about 8: 30. Into thc main tent, 'Wben .rs. ' The manage rs a s kesl me how tbe lIlan whoso lm owledge from a et ual exeral of the xpet'lm cnl s tltllon s hav in g (It daYij &bead of tbe abow and we Ih e elephanta were In t belr pyramtd t.v rnets· nests came lo b e In t he Cbl· W a s t e of Feed nnd Will Ai d i n Bow n Strong Cuk 1II11urst Asunder Ilupp ll 8 of Ills IIsod chln .:h bugs whl cb pericncn 18 grCl\t. C ollld organi ze a Roosev elt club among a ct. eo my erowd of n egroes IItopped \l ebe la nterns. I told tbem tb ey would K~ cp lng tho Qua rters Ol ean. with. Only Ralf 1\ Pint they dI stribut e rrae a llJo ng (n rmCl ll Cor 1 he ne~roes , and a Bryan club among In tb e me nagerie teo t balf an hour ha ve lO a s k the n eg roilS for how was Mn. Plnkbam'a St.adlOI InvltatloD, J to know wbat weapo ns Lbey had eon· th£' wblte fellowlI. anc! a t tbe evening waitin g to be called . of Water. t h Is p urpose. Bul thI s m ean s ha s n ol Women 8uiferlDg' from any form of It 10 not n lwoy1rCl> o l·enl e nt. ~en cvaled aboul tbelr pHEOns. aoy more p erformance we could have Ibe two b ' e n ro und \'e ry mc le nl nn d t he Jno sl tho l\ l;h ood poll l y. to bOl I'O th flH ,s t temal e we aknMS llre In vit.ed to Jlroruptly I wis h I was n 't 80 confo uoded T ha t (I SOltl ll qUR nlily of wnte r. B a y com mun icate wi t h Mrs. Pinkham. at lhan pa was r espon J lb le If hl o poll tl«,lubt" march Into the main te nt. Qne ous. but I suppose I was born (l1'IlO UM I J~l l\ n seelDB to be lhn l 01 plow, b ult n plo l . llI ay be ma do to bu rs l :l Ing II slrlll nro und t be fie ld lo be pro- nlH t)o(lu lC fl\etlln g de vl s (or h n ~ " ('(I t L ynn. hlnss. All letters ii're ree lved. lans carri ed revolve rs. fr o m the maln eDtranc~ .. Bnd on e from way. I took one of t he Cbloese lanIn rn n nnAlIll! nt 'on 11 s Ol 1i1l c.II . In· open ed. Tt1ad a nd an s w e red by women s tro n g cas k , seems a s tllrUI ng s late · They salll that l')Oked Te880Dable , ' Ill dressing room. wllh Chinese lan- t erns th a t was not lighted and just t cled. thorough ly pulverl ... lng th e 5011 lie '11. t he " Wil e r In lillch c.'ts " l mlIF: 10' only. A wo mn n can Ir e ty tnlk of h r • rllB, and one could ~' eJl for Roosevelt thought 'I wnuld like to lee wbat tbe t. \I ~ t hey bellevcd I I;new moro au o u ~ men t to ll1a ke, an d yet !L Is lm e. It Ih ll ~ tU rIl (!d 1111. a nd mukln J; a d OO I~ (lir· \' nrln lJl>' feels th:lt he co uu Ot a fton! priv Bte iIIn s' to 0. woulan; ihus has ana the otber for' HrYiln. anti advertlr,e hyenas and lite bIg 11011. wbo were In it t ban aoybody. bu~ aB wc had Lo Is u weil k no wn la w of ph ys\(:a tbu; row In t hl!! soli wit h tho Sloe rle r Hld o b oon establish ed th e ol.ernBl eonfldeuee' tuat a great lIens allon would be sprung Ih o s ame ~a g e . wltb sn Iron parti t ion l1a CK up the s bQw and make the n ext th e p ressul'e exe r ted by liquidS In· low o'rd l he nelel nut Infos ted Th e In. OOl\\'ce n 'Mrs . T'illl{ham and th e women creases III prollonlo n lo th e ir depth Eect~ wh n th y enll cavo't' to Ol lg'rale at the evenIng perlorQlan ce. I said th e ht tw een them. would do It 8 Chines e to wn the y ' wouldn ' t I)'n ch me llll th ot Am e r ica which has never bee n t c.n t wouldn' t begin l., hOl d ' l b e peo·'lrn was pUI In th e cage. so I go t next day . 'Pa gal me 'to put co!d cream Suppose. th ere fo re , that we h a \'e .1 t ra m li ne fl elll to a no l her will (a il In to brQk e n . Out of the vast volume of e:fpcri en c w b irh sh e b nS to draw from. 1bt fellow tba t watch es the cage to 0 11 his s ll pgs. and Lh e n h e said. " H en- s lron g cusl, II lI ed with wale r 'and I th lS [lIrrow a nd If Ih c ,gro und Is s ue. "I e. It is mo re th un poss ibl e that s h e 11a1 slandlng on end The s loves ot l h lR II clcuLl ) pulve rized t bey wIll he nn ubl e Everyone of the managers and open up the top trap door. and I lI e ry. !' OU are th e limi t " g ai ned t ho vcry lrn owl edge that wl\ cas k m ay be made to bursl a pa r t by to !;et 0 111. If the da y IH h ot t h e h eat lI t'odB at departme nts Fald It 'Wo uld be d ropl)ed a Chinese lo nl ern wIth a hor· h el p your ca se. h e asks nothin g In addin g n ver y s ma ll q uan tl l y at wale ~ or th e sun wlli 1« 11 lh em or n SOlO III ,.rqat s tull. Pa Wli th;! only one Ibat nets ' n eB t In It rl8 h l Ilet,,'een th e two OCCUPATIONS IN. PARIS. ret u rn cxeep t your good·wlll. nnd h er to wh a t Is nh'llod y 10 Ihe as k. A u lu~ " rugJ;~ d li p a od down lb e fUrI'O w tI cked. He u.ld the 1'190 processlan s hy e uas O~e . but yo n ou g bt to have adv ic h IlS r e ll ved· tlio1lllllods. Sure ly any " o man , rich or poor. lsvery foolish Peopls of Title In Reduced Circum· lb e cask Is alrea dy f ull . IIOme wa y ·ol s o\'e rn l tI Ul ~S will ,In ~ w e r lh e sU lll e a dding t be wn le~ mus t be de Vised T o pllrtlOsn. If sh e docs not talco advantage of thla stancee Scbeme for a do th IS a h ole Is bore d In t he end o r gen ero us 011' r a t nss ls tance. • Ano the r p io n . s tl g~~ sl ed hy l ho P ra iLl velib.ood. head of Lbe cne k, a n d a long tube o r ri e F n rm er , au d wu lch b itS b e n t r fl)d If l'on ar III . d on 't h csl tate to ge t ir. h ottl e o f LYIlIl\ E. P inkham'" Vege table P E lm l'-:o C RATI;; F'Op. SoCiet y In all cosmo politao ct tles Is a s mall diam ete r Is Insel' te tl UIII·lgh t. :At with , g rolll suct;ess. I ~ t h ot oC spr a d;)oropou uc1 a tonee, nnd wrIte Mrs. 1'ink· F'OWLS. m)'ster r. and In P ll rl s morc so tbon th e upp er on tl o f the t ube Is a s mail 1,lg II line lon l t tl r III front o f t b elr balD . L y nn . 1II nss .• for speolal advi ce. elsewbero. Titles &ro w h er e over nig ht. (IIJlnel Into wlli eh wllter Is {loured un t il IIn l ()( march :lOti dlggln;; po at h oles ute n sl1 u more e labortlt o !.bll n co mmdll ~ n I!. mcd iu io o hos been s uccessful Dukes ancl co un t.S . prInces and pri ncesses llle tube becomes full. a nd Whe n lba t ((l ong IIll s I! l'ery re w fuol . T he bll g~ ,ItSllllS or II ll ii In wIll II to put the foo<1 ' In rcstor lng to h e t\lth flO many women. arrive from no body kno ws wh reo s tart point· Is rea ched t b e clis k will burs L. wh e n l hey ren ch th e 1:0111 tu r barr l r .Ind w le·r. Se t "bOIlI on lb o fl oo r, with you cnn llot \\' 11 say , w ithout try ing it, large eSlClblts brn ents. e nte r tain a od g et This seems al most lo '.; redlbl e. but ,It ,wIll lUrn o f!' u'ntl (o ll u w Il uoti l t hey 110 l'nrlt llul il r gua rd or pro lecLio n. how- .. I do noL belt llve it will h elp mo." everylhln g un cred lt. lla)'s a writ er In lbe Is only a d o mon ~ lru llo n or Lh e la w thn t fnll luto t lt a h OI(·8. w ll ere Ib ey III flY be (n e ' . l bl! co n n tSofs llch r(lC lJt.acl eHa ro London King. bas been cited . When tho water IS ea s ily kJll etl . Ca re m lls t hl! lu ke n 10 su r< to be s oli d a nd wl\sted nl ore or ICH!I On c d ay Lhe re co m es a cras b. And poure d · In to lbe tnb e It unites Wltb do lll g l bls Ih nt n il s l l'O ws. I ~a l'e ~ of 11), Ille fow l!! geltl,, \: In lo lh elll wllb l h elr dowufnll 18 watcbed wi t h a g rim the w a ter In the ask, li n d t h e dept h gra ss o r o lllr. r bud l e~ fo r m b rIdges t il Ir fe ,:I. nud freQlI ll rl l1 y sc:Ulered a nd s mti e b y ~ (J1ll e of l h e .m e mber Mo r the or tb e Wil le r Is eeverlll liDlos ns g rea l over-t'he cllu l tn r. plso Ih o In sor ts wlli InRt hy th ei r ovcl' lul'lllog th em . old arl slo ra t lc fltmilies who bave us tha t In t be cus k alo n e. Tho tn cl cross ove r li nd yo ul' Inbo r will hu ve Til P ~a l rle Fa rm e r Gugg£ls la lb a ttl10 b en OCCIiSIOltlllly IIs llIlll It tbey kn o w t hnt Ulore Is on ly a s m a ll qlla ntity o r been In va lu. 1 ' 011 per Cl' n l Ileroseno IJC'OP ' r wa),' lO o bvl a le this dlm cul ty Is n Ma rqui s d ' Ange lys or a Counl Kol. wBte r in t h e tu bo m a kes no dlffere n o ~ . I!mul s lon IlIllY he ~ l lrll Y flll 1111 I h e htll;l! tu m~k O 0 CllllO like lhat gho wn In the \V s lu for It Is n o w o l1 e body , n nel Ils depth wh c n Ih r. y nr e OtC lorn Hl '\ ll l ~ wl l h 1<0COIIIII\l nJ ' !lIlt. ThlH hn s s olie! bollom An Indust ry. aed a lucrattve one. Is Is gltnged fro m Ih e lor> of th e lUbe to (;0011 e lr 'ICt. Til l! \Y 1 ~e~t ·l' llI ll . h ow tJ voi r. U I~ (j u lo p th a t lifl sOIl bluSaa . 'fhe SiUOH run all IIrll s l lc lIoes : and s uccess Cully tti e boLtom of th e Cfis k. Is lO burn lJ \' er ,, \I II Ids of ot' ,lilll/! nntl ~ h nllid ,!o Il6Is t o( la th or other fl la l" . pra.ct!t'e.1 b y a till ed mo n (Ja ln e. Tbls A s. n mntle r of tact, this experlmen '. g russ whiCh nr e MII 8 P ~O t d lI r uoln g In · tc ned fa r ~ n o u gll tl llArt to perm it tb o lad y bas a ll o ld man s io n Ie tb e mos t l iS o nl'y on a rti fi cial re pro rlll c ll on or fl's lell In t b ~ sp rin g lI od hy lbl ~ IIICll nR bll'll ri to lI~ac b thro ug h lIud pn rlll ke of fas hl o nllb le Quar ler ; t he wood can'· wba t w e kno w mkes placo In 1I 1\ ture p re venl . lh l Ir mll ldu J; a ny ru ill s wba t. l h.: fon d . IV ll lt'r u nd g rll Ip Lh e va rious IngM a" e Qf th e ele l'e ll t h ceutury, tbe So me of h er gre,ILest co n v ul s loo l\ nre e ve r. ul~ h p.!; ti l pleasure. pl clll i' 8 arc 11O r ~ r ll ll s of he r an cestors Caus e d uy Lhls ver y procellS. S ll ppose. IJ)' _Qld m a s ters . for e xa mpl e, tha l l be re Is II. gre nt m as~ THE SIZE OF FOWLS. This m ol,es an Ideal ba 'kg rou nd tor of rock. un der wh lcb tbe re Is a cavity HOW TO BUY A HORSE. b er trade: ror sh c Is In l e lq~lI e WILD nlled wi th \vOIO r th a t b aa no ollliet. W1Ult Food Uns to Do willi It-Good S OOl i' S en si ble Advtce to tho Man .Icul e'rs .. who placc hlora an d t he re In Sup pos e. moreov er . th a t th ere Is 11 j,' ood and Ev enly Balnnccd Ra · 1;00.1 pOs itions I{ do ubtful Grellze or a rnc k e xte n di ng from tho Burface at Who W o uld Make a. Oo(ld tion N petle cl They 8tampeded Like TIley Neve, Met. Bornet Before. Il seutlo Wutl eail. the g rolln.1 th rough · t/lls mass o( roclt Dargain. Tb e Vl cllms are admi tted 1.0 ma- to lhe wj\ter IIll ed cavi ty underneatlJ. Th e qu est loo I ~ II ~ I(~. I Ir /l ny pal'mll!"~t . cet Into a ligbt. bUl I oald wns l r."!ln l bem poun ce o n 1:. find bite It .nd damc'o rc c~ p tlo ns anti a d mire. and A ro ek In tills con.lltlon Is a co mmo'l If YOU wll nt Lo buy a b o rso. don't It they did . we wfllJldu 't be to blame r ~ o l I ~ UII, an.1 lbeo Ine bo rn Pl9 w o leo somebow or 01 her. get to know that ,tiling In na tu re, tbB craqk beIng Ca ll"!)'.! tl clliar fUOd c.m 110 1;1. '" \hUI will pro· hfllt evc f') \Ir own brolll er . Tnk e no du r.CI unll ~ u a l ~!'l.1l In fo wl s . Th e a n "em light It IPIlY walll to. 8,od we Ul). u nd l h ey tl idn ' l ll n a th l nf; til tbat I h ey may mak e an offer for so me of by s a rno dl sl\lrbno ce of the earlh or by m :II\ '~ wO TlI fo r It. Your eye 1ft your ' can 8ee talr pla, . ru css o f b l' enas 'fh El hyeo as et Ull a l be U·eastrrc$. It Is s aid t lla t the Its s plitting In th e nntura l order of swe r Is no All fno el s Ih ld nrc cas ll}, rll E;eSlC1d n nll ' 1I Ilrlll (lu ~ will hol\1 I ) ma rk et. 'I'll !! we nlt polnls or Il horsu So Lbey all a g ree tl tbat pa and g ruo d naili ng s Ig n 01 d la lr ss. and cnrvln gs from mantl epi ece to ceiling thin gs. Now. wh en !t TRID S e oou g h LlI ' pI nd " ce I hnl Slzc. :HIl It I " kes I(~ n er ll' cnn he !Je tt cr dlsco"erall ' wbll e sW nc'l IhQuld go to A.tlantA ahead., and or· huwl ed IJllIrlll . s ncl the lio n ra.lsed up have been so ILI ove r aDd over ogain. Oil Ih a. ern ~ k. t itus In creas ln!; tbe tlOtl S \ 0 g rea ll y "Il llct thl' p;o n c r ~ I hI S than whil e moving. If he 13 soun d. Ii"nl ze Lho ~' pOIIIICIiJ ,.rocesslons . and li la bead and looked .lt Ih em through a nd Ih a t a ve ry good In co lll e 1M de· deplh or lh e Wil Ier In the ca vlly. Iha Ill '.e In lbl ~ 1) lIn l ry (0 '-'11 8 h a ve 10- hI! will GlAncJ Ormly I\n d squ al ro ly o n tR y. " ' e had sucb a 'Ime that the clr· lI~ E bars a s tllo ug b be WII:! ally in g. In u l ived f l o m th o pictures. pressure will llccom e so grea t t h llt the (1 r l'n ~e d In s ize 1:lrguly 1'"r:lIlso or an hi s limbs wlth OUl moving Hny af t.b ~ I11, (!W' came near neve r I!l'tUn &; o ut of t il e .s l)urlln g wn v . . Wh a t you gra v!! ro b· All cJ th e soclel y matr imo n ial broker l l uc k will be lorn Into a nun/Jred trag. uhun ll ~ o ce o r lIut rlr lou M fuoll nnel th 'l l hr. fe el lIa l IIIIOD I he g roun d . wl l h ' t r. 'Wn ali\re. We ov erdId th e tiling hO l:(" s Iw\\lI nt; a uu ul? Can ' t yo u k ee p Th e pe nn li eu vi scount Is 10 s earcb or mont s o nlillued sel crll llli (I I hlr.l: fCl r In · lel:s "llImll Il ncl n n turally po ised. It ttl y ..'anted to IYDe,1 me . lind pft wan t· ~ llli and IPI Ibe ~ za r elf all LIlt anImals mo n e l' 10 r egll rl bls tnrnl s lH:d esr ut cb· erca Sf! In s l ~p. 1\ li as hC!c n noli ce Ll I ho toot IS Imoli rro m th e groll nd Ilnd .... te) h e lp. ' w o y hi s uNe l !I 111O ~ r na\l!" Russian TerroriSm. ~on . whil e Mil e • Durand , o r Duval , tbUI IIl e Jrr"ey <'o w. lJrou ~ h\ to Ihl s th n w ~ l /: ht la kcn f ro m It. d l~ eaR e m .l)' Th., w ay It .... waa I h is way : Pa J us t t he n w e hye ,lay klt' lced what Ihe da ur:; hler o r a rettre(l tra des man Th o " ter rorISl" e le me nt ot the Rns. connte y III .1' re w J;,l n.'ro ll h n!> ~ ren ll ) h ~ s lI spectelh o r a i h€n st te nd o rne~s . .... ' t or Calllt tb e wttl to m en to , v: as left o r t he hornetli ' oes t under tba BPcl{liI a co ro ne t for 1ll1r p illow. Th e sian r eyolntlon al'Y orga nization Is reo hi r ea ~e III s lzo 'I' hi R lR ,1 ') lI l) lI oH~ whi ch Is II \l rC O llr~or o f ti l efl ~C , It I$r • n . and' ..... 10 OIIol/l IlI Z l ht! ne· bars tnl o hl H ~ Ill of tbe r.age. nnd he "<J!'j(\t y brokv r br ing" th em togetber sal tln g to fcequ nt as sass inations III Ilu t) 10 Ih a s nmo gCll ortl rl'(I ~ lIn I h Pl I he hu rsa s lu nd s Wl (h hi s fElOt ~ l>reu II I r e" r(>f IlooM' v h . 3 nd we wc n t t o pu t III H root on II nna gl'Owl ~d . a 011 JlI hili' sa lL' n and touch es a handsome reven ge Rgaln st c ivil and military ot. I n c r ~!\ ~c of h .lln a ;) n pnrl th e re III a w ea ko ~ss In Lhe lolu ~ rk Sflll \)Our, t 6110 h l O RO lan te rn s, nbo ut n h u ndred horn ets I! a ~o blm hi;;. co mrol ss lo ll wbe o th l! IIrta lr Is s ottle d. IIclnl H who hav!, JIlantrested 81)ec lal Is llle Cl\l. S\l ror 6 l3 1ure h e l'/!~ Ilt c ~U llply or goo.1 roo.1. NI vf}r huy n ho rse III h urn ess. Un· 1I t1.1 \lll ,wrl'\1 lll l hili! of Ihe lanter ns lI e gave nil Alins lnl .. n co ugh lll ' t Th es e a re s p oc la ilst~ . Il ut cve r Ybody hnrs llness In pllttlng down reVOlution . 'I' hl' I ell"on Is :.1. 0 " l{oOIl o ne In 1111\ hileh him nnd tn lle e very t blnl\' oft' hul SII bll.rll on Ib n c lr~ lI !1 101 and I 8tor" d w? lle all lh Itnl lll Blrl , nnd the n l he I'an not be a S I J C l' la ll ~ t. IL roqulrClll ary dcmon s tnllon s . Th e agents . of Thc boat foo ll hiS !Jail or I\nd lead b lm arouD.I. It mme In Il!,lo the r ba rn n w ul!d by a oP· r;c·rn ets ~oill tc reti. all il I)oto re I kn e w years o r practi ce. II welt · kno wn 'lame th e t e rroris ts often are wom ell. who tl clln u lll o f POIIItI'Y th aI nD be Glvc n fnr the Inorrns I) n ' he bos the s pa ,·ln. o r Is sUff. or any ' I t h a t I Gilve l\ v Ii lia rs lO Ije lilY It t h" 10lJras we re llanel li !; B a nal, ., n nd a la rge clie nt ele. to ('n rry on .. a s holV g reat cOUl'age Dnd Ingenuity 10 Size. MI.\-S Ih r I"tll' merl\' He vll,w. Is u otb er fa iling . )'ou "811 see It na~ l, .. . IGIIIII\, w ltll a "rom l~o Ih a l b e (130 c nnd all of th·m . wero how lln!! p r08p e rOll ~ I rade . cnrryln g o ut the ir desIgns. ~rnny . 1,JIl I,ln'!Cd m ilo :!. Ilwl IS. . I :t l la ll nO I hIm. 1.00. So me borses sh o w Ibe lr .holllil IlIl " a Job l r n v 1101; wlL h thll ,, ~ t b f,u g h 1I1ey were In tb e a rl; . b Ull· Th ese wo meb are tbe .RolhschJlda of minor officials h ave heen murdered , tOll I1Jll ch OVQ ' h" I~lI eel l o n I hI} , 1010 Ir\{:I(R ~h fl n . when Ib ey .Ion· t li ny olhe r •• b , to mIlk tb Ha C',red ro w ' I ta ld J!T)' an d the ark bad lauded 00 Mount t he proCes iun . a nd are e m ' led by the ond numerOll8 attempts bave ' been or eit her the prol c llJ ~ or I ho t ~ I S . MorLI lime, De liS SOl a rt IU yon know ho w ~ mnller fry . wboro I m a y term as mall e upon th e 1I,'e or h igher officials: Ihl II Whit Lh6 · rrogrs m 'va s.. anll Afarat 10 somD form will nC I a s II Rtllllltlnnl. nnd you may milk/! mI8tJII' Ila,. A horse UI. l f Wll nted :400 ~ h o . had 80 .Iu sl ·t h e n nnt' of tb.1 Bftsls l not ma na- commi s s ion prin Cesses . wbo. having Oon, Dbgdnnovltch, formerly vice gov. mll Y look ev er so nI ce, snys t.he Obto I lIn b lt k)ll I b 1)O IItI rlll n .. a nd bllill I'Il rl> I)e rlw n ~ d to m '~ 10 11';1<1 In m !, 00 sp eci al t y, ppe rat e gene rally. rna!' ot tn pro vin ce, and Ll e llt. Gen . Oetti ng Profit Ont of V('~I. I"nrmer. nntl go a grea l 11000 and yet dl /I, atHI I wo uld .1.,( lInl), P(l ~ the m l' rOcP8li IOIl I\.nd 0.'" Il ghte.1 tb e can· They Introduce th eir a/lflVA.lntaDcea $akarolT were k I lled In Dec emb~ and Whitens 'he teeth-p\lrlfie. B y the 1110st cnrcful fe ~d ln l':' tl1l' velll. UI 0 t il" 1I1\0W fr ('. :1111 d ~e tha t they II lp!; tn lu r Chl ncSo Illn terus. 1 /lido ' l to dress makers . D1 illlners . corrlaltl! Gen. Orla znorr. I'ormerly chief of staff bUI onc Ilound of Ih' c weIg ht call be hnve fits . YOI, can.·t tell II till s(>m~· mouth aqd,brcath"':"'cllres nasal ~hlng IlaPPP,Ds He mny ba9c a woak a perm.hADt ,) mc~ Wba t we 61 .... (1 to " \'tI hn w tb o 9111 mal s got along mokors . etc" wbo al1 I,now tbILt ~ne of the "ICCIOY or the Ca' ucasu8. In Jao. catarrh; sarli throat, Bore eye.. ' made trom o n~ lIOuntl 10 ail e nllol a ~uek. GIve him the whip lind orr ho and b~ direct npplh;allon curel llt ~ >dU. I Mill . wa ~ 1' 1 IItampl!d e \\ lib I tip hMu ets , \J u. I couldo'l ~holp Countoss X--. Qr Mme, J - la to be Ilary A bOmb was thrown at Oell Quarter pounds of Ilry mnUer. To Pllt all Inllamed, Ulcerated and goea for a mile or two; then Bu.ldenly IIlte 1I ~.fu lI . Ihlll ' WOUld be l.-d I b tnkl n" t h"t Ir Q Uo hornels' ~est credited ,wltb ten per (.'enL KOllrloff. gO\'e ~nlpr of MInsk, In janu• bnLLer fat, worth 15 to 25 cenlS per be atop.. After a resL he Iltalr.lII "gal'll, eatatrhal tonditlons caused by • • "el (1111 way 10 \10 it w lla f/lf ( u,,1 ca lSt " " ' h a row. -",hat would, on .11 arUcles bollght. ary. and on Irebruary 9 Ad1Dlral femlhlne illj. Tbey Illso levy eontJ1buttonl OD retl- Chollknln, naval, comm.ndl\r at 8e. pound. lnt.o Vllal wortb alx to elghl I)ul he BOOn stops for ,good. and noth· ro fa m I)IlrlJ to ~k lrml ~ lI . "'lpdrl'd , r III) do l\' bl'D ~e gol 10 gofn, cent. per pound live weight. 18 \YOlte.· bul a. derrick could move hIm, A tauranlll. c:lentlslll. and I know of • • " Idil ' ''Ie! lind a nor· III tb.. Ih!)r l Pollt ? bMtopol. was shot tour "tImes by • luI, nnd ,",,,erty I. the l'8IIult. Fine lell~J)tI... dlobt)1'Ie ,,111 k~p hi' earll 1III~~ iI_" . anll brill . 1 'Il O\lr wa' i 011. It I bail unl}' ol~d r " u case Where a lady squeezed woman wbo. 8Il1lled admllll1on. to hi. veal. ' aTe (rom milk '11llllon o Ul of th e ,·estr,. klrket will . hnr ()n~ 01 I ae ' ti llllMt la" ' Yll111lg. , nr'\' r wCluld office and Will klUlet! tleDtrr u 'Wblcb o~ IJt th e rlrhest • bill· (tD lOp of th . that I IJI, h t , li p Ilaod. 'alalD.,l" will bah ~ he tried to pelt, '1'0 ' o:~l(,'br!'-tioll uf a """,nVt,r t " I~ . ' . . .1"D.ltA· ~ ..... t e a Ib.:1 Tlme .. 'tb.l
lit marl'll l'd aroun ,1 : .It' 01 h l'f ~ \·lIe.l, "Tedcly I ~ I h ·. ~I u Il!
.". ", 1-'"
.Toilet Antiseptic
The Morganatic Marri~ges of Europe
Campo Santo" O"e of the JI[ OrI!\Vf.Ome l"JaI:!'!J In Exi.teDCO. "!'he (utt.comd" kno\ I' 11,0((0' t/ubnuJllulv ul e unlll'" UUYIIIIIll:\ lh ' 10 llli III liw "ol'ld. "' n ·ltln 1111 1.: 108 111'\'
American View of These Unionl-- Custom Been Common Amonr . Germans- Archduke and Grand Duke.
, ' lUlInu·lllJ.;
ih~ 1J0ncb 01 Ill' " Jugs. Tho h l ~ ht
Lum", and Sciatica lit
oC kec·lJc,· IU -
Iml six (It' n' ~ rt'~ t
I' lli' "~(Jt l - hIlIlU" lnarl'l .. "" (lhlillllln~ III An\I' I'II 'u,1 U wrj' "nmlldPl·II. Not Ih.:lt /h' " tl\t'~h-H II dWI>II· 10 Ille IInlol'i''''H IUIIII II I tlll'(JI" " l ~ :lbl to tall h ig h mOl'll! 1;1'0111111 011 Ih ~ ~ ub j cl , IlIli h umy ~u ut e ll1pll\t dlffertlIl l'e ~ " Wh:ll It hll and CI',y wOlild b I'ulse t! In t his olin try ir I~ III' s'lde ut, r.or lus lan ce. \l'el'e to tl1l(O 10 wire leui)'Iorn rlly a s hop-,.;Irl. ro r Inli tal\~e. nnd lll ~ n. la lel' Pllt h I' !lwIlY to eS l)OU SO 11
. , ~'ll 's . S,·ynl ou 1',
.J\ rt·:U\ J: ...~ t Jll.' lt H \\;\~re
1I1llue rUI' II 1111., 1 fll' !llll'IIIIOII, s he Il lliJ Ithll d"l' n "1 ~ lllll c hed 10 131'1\ ls i) Columbia. A ~ lIl nl l ps tuto was glv e ll hor nn.1 a 11 rlll ll ll ~ nl r ll ('O IU~ ; h el' ru th er WU A Illu d e IIClm lra l' a nd IJlI ~ In rOll\lllllnrl or til Pnellll' lIeet, wI'th heud1llluriars II I \' n nooll vH . 1\I' Il'r tho ~llugh t r's retrea l . Prillc Uf or,;O WIlS· marri ed to Princess May 01 Tack. th e Han 'CB of his Ilead ur'1ih er. Il Is tolel (Jeorgo pro\,ed hut It sullen brldegrooni alld f or a wh Ite loo l( to h Is up s ; lho ~ t he rO>'ll.1 \lrln CeRS hlHI a llU) e o r IL to win he r hooris h !tus llnull. It Is n Iso tol'(1 5he has su cceeded . Mi ss ~e)'molJr d lell 10 xlle alloul n y ~\lr agn. Not all lIw m Ol'ga noilr union are so Brtd liS thi s on e, Ihllt or th o duk ot 'u mhrltlll , IIr ~ t co u sin to Qu '0 11 \' Icloria, WIlB \'ery h ap py. H e mnnled lin act I' SS . Miss Loula J"lIlrhroth el'. The ' uuke waH Ilorfadly d vot rI to hlH wire, who was kn'Jwll liS ~Ir~. Vlt ~.geor" e. 1'1) sons, Ilea l' Adm,lrlll S ir Adolphus nnd Col. Sir AU )l"us tus , benr Ih e llIolhe r' s nome. Thc soeond SO [l of th e li ng of Swed n I' noun 'ed nls rights to th e tb rone mtlk~ 0 l1l urJ'lIlge with one b !o w him. n warrlag that. 1111:; Ilro l-cll \'c!'), h a pp)'. In 1888 he gll\' up all cl:ums to th e abccc SI01l Ilnd marrlN I 1)la11l Ehbn Munck . . 1' h e pllir h ll~ 1I\'e ('hll drcn , who hl1l'o be n grllnl rl prtteutB of n o lJlllty 3S eOU lllS nud cOlin less !I. Tb prince and vrillces8 are mos t co ngenial , bolh very re ligiOU S lind 11111 h Inte res ted In mlsslonnry work . 11 Is I'umored that 'Dernudolle's brolh er, Prince Eugen, contemplates following his examp le. thllt a recent jou rney 10 Purls hnu ror Its purpose th e Ill tradu lIoll to his llIother of a Intly wltb whom h e IB " e ry much In lo v . ~ome yeors ago the ,Archtln ke J o hn, nephew o f Franz Joseph , threw 'OWIIY 1\(\1'
"lit ' I' " 'l'h(' on I), k ll:tfn
('11:.1 m u u
~llIl llVV hllllllHl III" VI lll ("~ Ilill' '" Ii; LUC II \\ 01'11 I' 1... t1HP tlll'l ! t ·~~'e t!rl!'; qlll! (.1 ·1. ... tlU :il.!~. " lIut-\\'''t r jlnll~ lU boe In l,;rew ti OJJl (! W 'h!1 lt d.1 tu la' \\l l lI,J~ ... t!lJ : 11 h (I ue-, :" .. lui IH .)' JU U4,., "kL' tf' !u n;e, 1 In the ,'nlal'oml" of H IlIll~. The <111 h.,\c 111"'1\ ",{'riH ' ,' UI vi INtI ." IllloJulKb.t
a'! ~l h t ::; lnhli :;,Il IUI ' 1I1 01 flu!-. \\loud I' · fll) UliU unlql"~ lIlIl' lal I lat'" i .. w t III ~:lIrc\po 111'1'l'lI r s 1Il 1I10'li ~.Irllll).; " NIII'\' ln,1,
Nothlnr reacll. 1110 Iroubl, u qUIckly u
hU illllllt;t\IIU•.,rlllll " ' lilY, , 1'I<111·. tUI! l\c\\' IJ!
kUliwu .
II I CJ1 1 1n llJ~ ' Illll n llll , .~ Hf
i\ .~'
W uDelier goWl u{ler .. {rlud i. Rure of lhe applall<e ~nd .UPI.ort of Lhe ." in~ (rBI IlI., and lb ..... (Ofl un~l "ly. l"oW l 8,'n· er.. tly maLe up n. lar ' e . nd l"thlen Lil l • ... tlOA of the puhhe.--I'u ok.
a 11(':1 huUl. v;; w ill he ll!,llnu
'U I tI:. hO l lf' HU t! :--"1' 1
' , ' h lll. l.g,., . a I\\i
It Cures While You Walk• Alii,,,', l' "o t · l~n~c iii 0 certai n cure for hot, 'l\'c,II,"~ . ~.\I ou., Bnd .wollen, I chin. feel. '. 0;.1 by all Ulll ggi 1.1. Price 25c . OOll 't ony . ub !ilule. TrilllpQcka.e FREE. Addre 9 .1l1en S. Olmstcd, Lc Rol', . y,
Hl w 'h I .IIHI~ :.:. .. d\, ,.:. ! ·t~ l(l ~rU: l ll i n .b l ( l\ll
10"''; who hud llr II' I flo' IIl1d h"III! (''' "
.11".11111110/"1 I,·,'dl" I ~ III ' III Ih ' II I~hl LIII' ~ 'S n r(o , '\\ 11111-: fl . ~ h UI.UlllhIH IlHu' h :UHI h I. IHf ~l nu'i::;. btw CHl1th; til.l l llIji lL 1 tlJ<! CO I1. IHIIII1I'lIt lU Ill ' ~ 1 'aI U or the II Ul l ulcphlill II rur lI ud I ru sll. " .h.' I'e ~-
St. Jacobs Oil
la letil IlIll nl)llalll. Th l" (,I ty ot til<' "110 lIf 1"1.1" III U du pe h llli 1'1,1 I I \! IIIl . M~oh Easil!<!' Way . d at! Il; coi l d by \l, n Mexl" llns 1': 1 ·""IIIJ; 1I 1l 111 I CUU t!I' r uu1\t.: \II ", ,II I I\lU 'ynle (n'·Qg<l~· I -'J'h.,. I.Y I,he f... hCamjlo SIIUt.O. u~"t I'. ionnbl Iuol h.r 01 lo·day rt'CI'lf" I1." 10 ' I' It i. Dot unren"onably .ke pti • • 1 to douht ... .. I' I " h I d III It \Jy only hy h' oki n:: ilL I he nU,,". If an ybody is qUlle .0 good &8 lh. {rout I t Is sltuUIf!d on a n f'tllioen l'e ov cr, ......,u ( flt I 'li t.. e CUIlI UII" . II' I a 1""~lllunn l,le ~ r"t. h er ( llnm o\"~IIi - H o ", hI' puL. up . Known Iha world ovar u loolln& Ihe h~ lIl1ltr lfl c ity o t (';llana· wa \·., 01 tIll' hall(\luwar,1 IWII \I' ; ,ll ~ IIn u'l j ,xl raol',hnardy d e ..." r, ,.'hel\ on ch\l ll~' JUUlO. Surro'lIl1dllll; lil a ~ aor.' ·(1 s nol wi t h I! 'Iin t"~ lj nd ( 'U£ I'H. .. \' ou ' \I fin ,l nnr ••.• 0 0 oflt n! ] 1I111'1IY" ·1ell DUro by tho Take t;.rtield :rea in the sprl,,; ; II will y cOllLrlbul.~ IUU h tu ihe perfection of your The Master Cure Is 0. wull buil t o f Dl:I~C1llry. 12 f eet O\'c r)' killd 01 11 pctlh e ru fl ll lfl a 1I1l11l k CY CBITHlge.--i:i lrn ._ ~""I.~._.healLb, for no u,~ insure. pure blood aDd h igh and 1 ~ r et thick . Th o ' ntrance lu a ei, i ptnllllk. We ,III] ,'Uolt a howl u f ' . f'or Pains anel Ache. II ll.tum l aclli on ot tbe hver, ·kidney., Is uy a nIH .s h·o J; lIlO. Th e wall Is fiHU~S t' l lIulI'·Ii. lJut lb' huy h a nlled 'PIU DISFIGURED WITH ECZEMA, .t.OmaoA and bowels. Prl.... 3!1o. aa4 !I00. ho n eycomued ou th e IIl ~ ltl wi th 1I0le6 c l'u ' llb~ II I dnl; IJr"nolllu<llh c y a ll dlo'lBrusbed Scales fl'om Face LIke Pow. t50mc m en ' s I l\' Nl are ('o lllln un i ;tpo l o::i~ s about 1 In ches squ l,rc , ~ om c q l ..... hlch ":rt, !' IIlUllltH nrc Lb e "1I ~ l e~ tlll h a nd le. der-Under Physi cIans !)r.w Wors. · for hvml . n re . wh tl Olh ' rH are seal ell wilh Xl' pt wh eu WI! hal'e parr t ~ ilion!; with -Cuticura Work8 Wonders. ce menl. It Is ~ a"l I hnt thHe are ' l ue lD. Seu I hal IIl g, wull -{IY ' I, gl'l'(: n n bolll 5,0 0 ot theSe nl cbr ~ . ' 'I'h yar e 011 ? ll c lall ij III s ll'cllks wb l' n he li u!' , "I lripd ~ " ffcrr<r lI'i dhoclol's "''''flna ' 8ix montb' . I lI seu. 1 10 S t ow away d 'IllI IIO(IICS In . t a lk 11 ,1,1 lh " 1II0 nl<oy b llnth 0" (, I ~ hilI' ',I had l iIro" , bUl did lI 't get lIn ll 111'1) rClIle,1 lor thUL pllrtJOije for lO delllit. I clon 'l know huw IIIl1 e·1t Ih·' nny lIett er . II 011 m y blld)' !Jlld on 11 rloci l> rll ll g/ llg frolll Oil!! to fiv y ·arH. Illll llkc ys IInflc l' ~ I;~lld 1'11 ' 11 ol h llr wb e.n In)' feel fill IIII"k th fl l. 1 "')lIld hn"')ly pUL Wh e n lh~ Ile rl ori' or r lit e X(llre~ the t hey arC' I'h lnllill"; belwee n , h ~1 1' ('a,,~~ , n pin on me ""iI,."ut IOllr iJ lng C~.lIln . l\I )' remain s ore r ' roov"11 nnd lh bon es hUI I liIl ">\, lha t lh'y lilli e 1/ llll l; lu!; binI fnr .. ~ij ,· ~, cd , Illy l"I'ebrows lillie oUI, . II lId thon ,t got III '"'' ~ ·C. 1 lhell wrllt 10 p!L~ t Inlo n n IIll dcrg rou n d c hamber . . "Anll l h ~I' ll' yl ll g tltu ru r llll' mll nlt!'Y~ ' !llloih er doctor. ll i 0' ,cd 1110 willi I 1 wa, wb lc h llrrse nt~ a hOl'l'lhl Sight to Is wh '\1 i' Ilnll thllt 'ome~ \0 \Joarrl fo r tll~ i n~ fo l' it. .no 1 told hilll .'U tiCU I'R. He For Infa-nti and Children. th os who hU\'e bail I be eourag to Ih o III"l Jllllu 'ct.!; Iuuc~u m ('tl nd II~!;l ns ~ald l 10\ w •• Il 'ver~' good th.nK . bu t. Ibat I he thou!:111 Ihal 11\)' f,ll'e would be llIorked \' 1 w It. to howl. i\ II Ihe otb er d o~ s r hlme III . f,)r !tfl.'. Hut Cuticli ro did Ila worlc, a nd F.\'I!ry 1001 of grol,l n d \I:llh ln the 10- t\lld It I ~ !; 'n em ll y o n SUdl 0 r':\810n8 "' )' Inc'e i. no\\' j ust '" cl r nr 8 B iL cv r wa y. clos llre IR ul lllle d. Orll\' spa ce Is t ha t u parrol will pou r out hi \. cauu~ I I told .0 11 Ill\' fri end. "uonL "'.Y re"'.r~. rpnled . hilt tlin cost IR mil ch less lha n I:lrr • Ju~ t lO put lin e>d/.:e on ihl ll"0 s. ?bl. r ill 1.' . I (ee! FO thnn kful I "8nt. c)p. r) IIo d \" lUI' :lIl d WHlf' to k n nw ",hil t uli c.- ura th e most arl slocratlc n l hCB . The " ls n ·llmru wu rlc \Vll e n )'o ulll<ll "an · d , . II i. n Ku rerll,'p' for.C7CIlIl' . JII,'•. chllrKe ror allowlnf'; a IJO,ly to lay Iii dllmb brnt"~. I 11110 \'I.~ryl.hlnJ.:. from:l 1': 111"''' \\' b ,t •• ().II C:"rtl'i~r Place, Cam· a grav e, for two years Is one do l1nr . ml c ro ll e to .. Hlul e. ll nd whll,., we h avcn ' t de ll. N. J ., .·\pril 25, 1005." At th e e nel of thal l i mo lhe body 19 opo nell' till tl Sll ul<e do rllllwry as yel i','e Retreat ·~ ;~ff. lnk en \Ill nnd ('IlBt In to' lb e , uncl er- been l hlllkin g a bout It. Lot. of people un,. thp wn~· . ~h , II Hnk i nhun , (lA PR mnth grou nd t'hnmiJel' o C horrors. whero lik e fmnl105 [Iud n lll gator~ 1'01' I) L5 nnd w ('h n funny I'r lllo r k a bout )' 0\1 ih l! tlUIl:r . the y 101~rmln~lfl with th bones of wh en Il pers on lov cM 11 pe t o f Ih e low I' e vcl1 i l1R: ." !' \Vha L wa G it, M il'S UtI1l3 ' ~t ' th lI~and 8 of uth e r rlead In nn In ,lI ~ - order or "nl mfl ls Ih py 10\'e It hart!' Promotes Digestion.Cheerrul"11 (' ,:,nitl he wfI 'H]cTl'd win' \ 'OU wrr.· mass. Th e munl ctpal au· " 1 h n\'e pooilies on my 11 t thut Het 11. COtnUlg here ...0 tJ fltn. "---{; llI ca~i(o · TraL\lnc, nessandResl.Conlains nellher I borltles or Guanujuato, who II n\'e bette r deu l In life thn n nln· e o ut of t n Illdy o[ hi s owo social POSit Ion . AS, Oplum.Morphine lIor }llneraL thl\~l: or Ih rr mele ry . charge I Petl l,l . I cll(l n nu s hnve ·em. ,,'ark ou t C~res Rheumatism and Catarrhhowrver, cb ll dreo of nel lher Inarrtngo NOT NARCOTIC. c nts Cor a burial po rm lt. The reo munog ra ms 011 Ihelr hldcs with m)' clil'M edir" n e Sent Free. wou ld h ave hereditary rights In' lhe mains 01 the d C.!l rl "I'll u s ually corrl ed perM . comh I holr whi s kers a nd <losc 'e m i'eud n o monc), imply write ond try father's oJllce. It 8eems Idl o to nlteml)l up th e st~ep hili on th e hends o f Wllh th e ~I' ulcs t carr . Ye8 . we '\, eve n Botllnie lJIc.od Hllim ut O\l r ~l<pcnl!C. BaL"".;.eal Obl~SiNl/D,1'ITCI/IIl II comllllrlBOn- we make It s imp ly 10 . nni e lJlood Dol", (U. ll. 13.) kill:! \lr de· rrl end s and relatives. pon arriving ~cll lll g ~ w al rs for dogs now . Th co l- .t .. uys the pOISo n in the blQod wh ic h 11 centuatll tbat tbe morgalllltle union III the remctrry , Ihe dend bolly Is Inrs lIIrn U\I arou nd t he eurs or 1'011 down C8UO<!~ the all'ful nchcM in back and sllou l. or t he ruler of a Chrls tlllll nllllon pre~s.IIIlagged with a numlll'r wrllt ~ n upon just lik e the 1'()lI llrs at or d i nnry . " ' eal.- d"" bladeR, sbiftluS l,ui n8, diUi£\l lty in tients Itself to our minds IlS of a ~JMI." Tlr! ta g IR ti ed e rs, unci th ' Y 11Il\'0 s lee\'es :for lhe fro nt movinG finger8 , tue. or IO@8, \Jl onc p~.ill., a piece or tin. Jtl,rangeness. ... ' h Fwo11 011 mUlj dc~ sod jUI t1 tH 0 I' ' (' UI1I8 1,. 18I1'. . ~aronn d t h e orm h ' m 'a n ~ 0 f ~ I rl!.. II Ieg~ . '1'h Ie IR He nse In t EI d g !lUCal- or the loul brcall" IoJwk ing. "p. tt ing, droP' 'h,l~~. Abroad lhose unions cannoL he su ld Is on ~ l gn d to tho grav,; wi hout be· e,' bflcn nso muny persons ·ca r 1'), Il dOll I ping. "' lhl'oal , \Jud hea rin g. "peck. tlyi ng tD be common; Lhey ure e ntered luto ~""In g placerl In a omn . a 011 I\flc r 12 1' 50 011 Ibelr uulllmobil c tr\flR n)ld PUll b~lol'e. tbe e)"'"1 all pla\'ed ont feclin& of 1I0t uf vOlilion but ul the m e rQll c~s 1m· In ches of d irt h O\'p IJ n s iltin g nil agllill s t 11 damp Wlllli for scv- ' cnlarl'n. Bolonlc BI~oci Dalrll ha ~. curNI Ape!feclRemedy forCoMUpa. pulse of tyrnnnous Cupid. Rocenliy hunllrctls of C3!e~ of 30 or 40 ven r8 "Inlld It and trom ped down, tb eral hours Is 1I1lbie to gel pne UI;llolllalt iug nftel' do 'tore. hoi epl'injl" und pat'nt non. Sour Slomach.DiarrhOea we were led LO glance ovel' this pago of burIal Is r nm plQle . Wh !l .ver room Its cilest IR unprot clrd all 'lhe time ," m ~dj ~inee had all {a iled . Mo-l o f l h c Worms.Convulsions ,feverishrO)'a l history, ood In r adlnl; or th e I'here Is r emai ning In thr I;rB\'e III used "00 you e ver II n"o any rea l objc llon- ~ured pntient. l,"~ tuken ,nlooll n~lm aK 8 ness' lind L081!l OF SLEEP. mnnu er In which royal lo \' or uod humfor olh r dend 1I0r11 S. F our or liv e able ' cb aTa · apply tor board Dod last r.lOort. It I ~ ctipec,ulh' Illlv';lCd for ble m nto rell luto tho relut lon I hut ,. chl'onll:. deep.seated ClI@el. I 1ll11ostrillic for I bo(l les ure rrequclIlly hlltlod In on e lodging? be was asked. any one to luffer the agoniu or . ynlptoms 110 mony CJls es resulted In heartbreak I("rav e. ODe on top at th e other. with "Seldom," wa s thp. re ply. "A mnll of rheumatilm or c..tllrrlt , "hile 01' aftor I 101' nt leust a ile or tho pair, tho s lOrlos Ih ln 1l1.y er~ of dirt bE'twoe n th om . hl e w III on duy wltb II ho" und a nllm- takln' 1I1oo~ DlIlm_ It ,,!l~ew the blood wer reminiscent of tbe sentlmeu t al .,. • . pure .od Tlcb. thereby g.... ln~ a h allll\' ' . A ca ve or tunn el C. tentls aloog lhe be r or pI!;" , bul w couldn I s land 101' I blood 8upply . Oure. are pertn.lI ~n t Iloil nov els or nn e lder dnyI tour sIdeR of th e re metery , an(\ ' ln this that . H e W:t ~ n Iri ck mun In II s h Clw' l not "l pat cbing up . Drug .tnl'e. I per IIrlous " Why did /lh e love him 'I disma l Bnd ghOR tl y plnce are pla 'cd We .lold him ",pcd lake th I~ecse and the Il\r~e IIotlle. ·.omp ln of BI?"d nal,m !\en t. fool - be s llllthe r mains ot th e mllmtnl e~. t hllt hnve rabbit s thp Ilo!,'!! and pigeons bul no I free li nd 1)I· , ,,1. 0 .poeml m.dl~."l l ".d. 18 (1Ilman love tbe irowth of C h\' d ~purl"lnl! your trouble nnd wrltinK Blood Dnl m Co .. Atbn!.a. Go . been· lake n from Ihe nl ch s In th e hogs or plga." will T" wull. Those that oro abl e to . st and JI1org'nnntlc unions were In the pallt are placed again st the \\'01\ . anti DESIRABLE , BUT D'ECEASED. C\'nnmon omong Gorman "roynll1l>s;" around thft rour s ides ot tb em t ry r ently lIle bouse of Haps b'urg nDB In lh e unllergroullll chamber arl1 tho ~e Man· Who An s wered the Requil'eh en moat prominent. tho Auslrlan s il ent 8entrles. Some or th em are urolldukc' finding his "alllull)''' e lse' ments of Delii.ed Hlllp Wa s hundreds at years oltl. P.lnn ed on the wbere than In tile select Irele or lhe Unable to A pswer. s hruoken parchm e nt s kin \It Cllch ot eq ual born ; Russian grllnd dnke>! have Ih C!!o skelelo ns Is a num lter, by which IIlmos! I{ept pa ~e with archdukes: the An an cllone I' all \' erll sed o n ' hls or· th ei r Id entlfi cntlon Is es tahlls he d. At rOya l house ot Uavnrlu h as ulso suffice wlorloll' for ' an ·UJ.sIs la nt. anti Ih e fa r e Dd or this underground 3ddod a 11s \ o f quallf1Mlfons, wltl e:1 f rod-a stutlllnt or hered ity wou ld r Is th o "'re-at pil e of bon""; probablr 1I0 t u se this wo rd ; nnd !>tnld ~\' IF f; 0 1" uQ CAIl IJEllto;A1)OT'I'I;; li t" chambe · '" ~ s how d Ih al he expecled his new ma u SW~:UE!'< . Ihat lIR\'p ntc lIDllll nted rrom the 10 11058 ss a ll tb o 1·l rlll()s. Ithgland hn s bnll tD allow Ih e morgan~ ra" es an~ nlcll ps In the c(J m etpry nlle lllarrJage. W e oxpcct thl) 1'(11l10n~1 3 n y p ao pl e ren d Ihe noU ce noU tic. tho ' ntIv8uturou8 Of th das hing his 1>1 rllt I'1 gh I :0 wed Lutlllllliu ;lubel. above. turn cd IIway . bllt at last· a morc \' 0 11 H e renoun ced nJI <rauk nnd prlvll oge. Hapsbur", lhe "llrl1s llc" te mpernll1eut lurCBlllOC IIlcllvl d1l6 1 e nl()rur\ Ib e of · od l:Iavarlans-but o n9 would hardly assumed th ." I e of J o hnnn 01'111 n nd TRAMPS FLPCK . TO CITY, lice a nd Inrorm ed \lIP llU li on eel' th a : ' b e~lIIl nn ex il e frol11 his country . II 100;[ to ou Engll ph prln e for th o grand \lts broth e r wa . IU 'll tbe Ulau for lhe l'o$slon-:lov a nd the world we ll 10sL wand erllr . H is !lite Is not known; so me When tbe Weather Turn's · Oo.ld the job. . say be nnd hi s wit loa t lhelr 1I\·ea Yet they tell a sad lillie lale or the Hobo"" Desel·t the Rurnl "Whal's yonr bl'ol her I I J;e ~ " querler; wh e n the Snntfl i\lnl'ln WIlS wrecked orr presen prince at W ul s . o ne time s lm Dlst11ct5. the :lur't\o nClc r. " Is 11C qUlel1 " pill Prin ce Goarge onll not · hell' to lhe Cllpe Horn III ] g!)O; It I" rllmored thut " Ob . vary ." Ihrone. HIs c lller broth er Clarence the t'Ouple wore not ou the Ill- fut ed ·• ...\·here d{l lbey alll e from al 811Ch "Used to SIOppln& a 'Ioog time IJ ship, bllt nre s llli \lllllv a Dd dwell In bore ' lhe honors. he was but a junIor s ho r t nOLI e~" In qu ired a bus lne s mnn Iln c pili o·!" seoluelon In u Houlh Amerlctl n city. Ila vn l officer. As rato would hnve It, " nalhe r! or a m ember o f Ih e \lO\lC fo rce. rer cStlrks to aile spOt Ilk" It has lately me 10 li ght t.huL Kin Lel)pold 01 Bela lulll III Ilrr I d II pe asllnt ring to a numbe r or I}Oorly dresse<l g lll c." "Neve r . gcl~ Int o Irouhle Ibro ug h girl som e IItll e while ago. III lIlls cuse men I Herin g about ~he Rid 'wa lk near meddltn g with ulil er p co llle 'S bll RIone would s llY the pen.sRc , girl \lad onc of tile till s lous . " Ollt o f Ih o wllo,ds, I Imnglne," was nPo sT' mode tb e llIosall ton e. · j Ne\Ter ." A notllble morganatic I nrrlt\ge or tho res llOll se o f L110 p lIcemaD, ala eq The rull name cit the ~rnpany. Collf~ .. nI8 FIg Sy"up .Co.. ,.\ o ulcJn ' l nljBWCr U a ~ l { 11 cIllied 'the posl \\'II S Lh a t of Frederi ck WI1I1am lhe Was hin gto n Star. "It require only . . prlntc:d on the 'ront of every pr'1t.rkasrc 01 the srcnulne. him nil tb e · \J a rrlest n<l mes COUllI a ' f w !tollrs to drive Hu ch persons t. Ill. at Prussll1 to tbe young German ~\llnk nr '!" tbe Cit y. A lillie cold wrather is all countess, A\lgUlitJ\ v,on Hurr nch , nnd "He' cJ \) \1 fiS mum as u fi s h Ilil tb') onntller th nl of lilng Freder ick VII. at thnL Is r.ecessary. Then Ih e '1I bo ~· The Oenulne-, 'Syrup of Figs- Is for Sale, In Original Denmork to Lola Rnsmu sse n , J\ m111l- a re uoable 10 Illuke Ihem selves co m- tim e," ".10 \'1.1 1 he 's I h "ry llIan I wBn l ,Packages Only. by Reliable Druggists Everywhere ner's approntlce. A curious murrluge fortabl e In th e burns !tnd oox nrs . and wos the 'morganntlc Ilulon en te red into t here Is nothll1g I rt for them to dl) " ' hero Is IH' uOW. I his broth er IIf by the Arrbduke John of Austria, tho but get to Ih e c ities . 'evon If Ib OY d<l YOUl's?" !lagerl). Inqu ire d the au cIKnowing the above . will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imitafamous . Iortl protector oC <;Jermany have to do a lllt(e work tor whul tbe7 tioneer. "l;Ollldn ·t say with cO Dilldence." dr v' durIng tbO [3tresstLlI da>'s '(,)f 1 48. get." tions made by piratical conams and somctimfS offered by unreliable 'I'ho pOli celllllu e1< I)lolnod thnt SIlC::' Iy res pon,lcd th e man. " " h " olleke I Whilst cnjo)'lng u selleon or qUiet and dealtl's... The imitations are known to act iqjuriously and should to \\' aJ'fl~ the doo'r. "He 's been d ~ad rural mo~ he one dllY called lit lhO persons lInd been less II m erOIlS In 1I11 ~ 11 years! ' therefore 'be declined. city lhls year thDn IIslIal . because or hutnbie coUngo or u pOSlmll s le~ In 11 mOulJlaln vlllng , Inquiring for a co n· tb e co nllnued wllrm weltl lte r . He s;1l t1 . B~v genuine always if ' you wish to get·its b.enefidal effects; ,.. Vast Pl 'oductlvity of Chino. veYlInce 10 tuke him a st oge beyond. that c hnrltnble Inslltulloos have prabIt c1carius -the system gendy yet effectually, dispels colds and hudaChcs One or Ih e ImJlresslons wh Ic h Sir Th e I)Ostmo 5te r' WIlS not :ll llome. but nbly Il ull a milc h smnller Ilnmber , of his (laughter olre reU to drive the ge n- tr a mps 10 (leal with thi s wlnler o n a c: Inn Homllto n. or tb o Br itis h arm y. 'when biJio~s or ' cOnstipated, prevents fevers and acts ·best on the' obtai Dell whll o ac compo n ylng the Ue'lnnn on his w a y. Hnd the I wo set olr couu or Ihe weat h er co nditi on s . kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels, whm a laxative remedy is ncetJed In lho vlllnge enrt. We a re 101 (1 the . "Trllmps of this type." the policeman J apanese a rmy In .\I a lnch\lrl\l (Lnd whleh he dcsc rlb"s In II Is "S,: ral)by men, \\Tomen or children. ' Many millions know of its btneficial girl WILli bol bealltICul hilt "Int erest- exp lolned, ""'II I not se k chllrlLU bl e AR CHDU KE J01·I r-;. Ing. · 'rhe SO IL ot un empol'o r WllS cap- places unle ss lhey oro rorced (0 do .so Book or n Stnff Offi ce r " Is th e treme n, effeets from actual use and of their own knowltdgt. is be met. and rell' in love wltb the dau gh- UY'.lted. foUr days IIlter h e nsked h er 1'hey li re u811ally n!rJlld at pollee mid ", dou s pro(t'll cllve Ilower 01' the Chinese. laxative remedy· of the wcll-infonncd. ter (If hIs hl eC omeer .. Tbey were se- h a lld 'In nl ll trillge. The postmaster In- nnd Ir tboY Clln keep ou t of slghl n f H e snl's thot ho IH),'c r s aw anywhere c:retly marrl d. :rhe girl's uiother was quired his nom e Ilnd prol'c2ijlon lind re- t.he llOl1 cc they are well Batlsll ed . I'. In lhc world m en worll more Indu ~ trl· N~ays .buy . ~ Genuine- Syrup of Figs delHI, tbe father \\'Il~ furIous when tolll ce ived t his Ilnsw ~ r': " J ohnnll Archdui(o gmis ngul.n s{ them to perform manu ll i oUllly Rn cl In sa ine r spects' mor", In· l o lll ~ently. nnd this up O 'n a ba.~I B or tbe momentous c'ew5 . . The ouie.r lat.h - of A/lstrln" late tlel,1 mal'shAI: now out lullOr, but Wh ot] Ihey nre unabl e to l1_cg limn II er. Edward. Ilrl n ce or Wa'~8, took lIle ot employment. . Thr'c& \'l'cekR In ter tba Ih" price of u melll lIud olgltl'S lodg · r.o m pcnsn llo n Inflnlt sl illally announcement, wlLh sm iling phlloso- arc1l(iuke , wedda tl the village IIIl1ld. and Ill g UteI' IS nOlhlng left for 'them to do ",hcll complll'l'tl wi th th (lt 'd emn;'id In phy. It mllY be \lresu med Ifllve the 'cou- Immediately pro clalllled bla good luok \)ut go to' a plu ce whe ro I hey will tm v.~ Ih A Wl's tero worlll.· -Hl' e ntlrllly ·S\lll· port s Ihp con le ntion or lhl! lahor I ~ arl pie a ' Ieft-hand blessing. Now a mor- to 'kalf\er and empress. ' to sa w wooll Bud t ake II bath. gllliatlc marriage Is a real marriage "Mllny or tbem do not mind sawing or~ . or lhe nit ,I Stnlf6 thal Chl npse ., w~en nil. lIIe condItions of the pu'rU cufew SUCKS of WOOd, ' \)U I they do. ob- In110r !fIUllt ht' e xclud el!' llt'ra ll sr h e a·fCORRECTED. lar oounlry are CQmplled with. a llect La bOlog Immerse d In' Ihe wlnler firm s thn l If· ·It. wore II C"li'llttcd tn 1' \1 th'lugh .lhe cblldren .or 81lch a union lim e. i CUll reca ll an In s tA n ce In wh lcu t el' Into OIilp!'llllon with tilLl ordillary 'oro not looked upon ' as heIrs to tho two 'hollOR' pOAllively refu sed to ac- Inhor of Am eri ca \I ro uld ' not fil ii t o fatber's . lItle 'lnd tile eatlltes per\alncep i the hOSPI \olll)' of nil Ins litllllon aCl\ulro':' an ascend en cy OVO,· il. 'nol Ing thereto. In England, conaent or 3ner 'they Il IHI 11P rform eri Ih ell'·\.[\ k a: all a rOllnl of .II Ci;rnti cl l hnhlt ~ nnd r e lgnln'g mon arch lllUS~ be obthe woo dpile becIlll se t.hey o bJe t d to mi·th ol lR of lI\' ln ~. h\li. li lmlll y bccnll~p ta lner!"lf ~hO royal one . ~on·~e.rned 18 t\le' b~ t.ll . irhe' lWO men bad done nn I h(' ((hln ~(' Pll t Ih elr blrO"I ,lc l' I/J the) un'der' n cer(aln IIge. Victoria . would Ilon.e~t hour's work, but lh ey b all!cl~ n'. wh en l I)f worle '\\,lIh n detl'rmllln il oif nol lluve glvo'n ner co nsent, anll· Prince lhe Lub, Indul ged In n lilli e /lrprlln lbl nnct IlIlJ· 'I~t r n c y · wh ll'h w~rkmell else· George dill ilOt reques t It. ' and \Yllik ed out Wl lbout \lvon j;ou lng t' wtlere (io n ot II 'hlllll: Prine!! George and tbe omcer's bowl of SOU 11 . Fishing Doys. of Long .A go, . da"ilghter w~ re known 'In Whatever spOL "Such p l'rs ons ." cOllcl ~Ide cl the officeI', bllPpened to be tbelr IIIIlee of I\ecluslon We ha\'o Re "n lhe ,tllrpon ~Sl\ 'n g "are sn tl !led WIUI a h ilY ri els or sll\ b l ns l\Jr. and Mrs. Seynlour. or SL Maul'. It the wcnlh r Is not tuo 'old, lind they ""o\ln rlN' ot Flor\tlu . vlyllcd tM home rhe l!ldy fo llowed the 'sallor prince. would rather beg or sle. I Ihan work or lhl! ye llOW loll aDd lIlna III ('a 11lo r. now moklng her bome In a port la the [or whot they gel or do any th ing tha, IIla':\ grr.n.1 r SOlt. Cotllll nB 1 ~ land: CUR'a; . \!Outh of J<"rnnce. now d"el11ng QllleU y hAve wh ipped t be foam ing Irout "oUld' e levate· Lhcm ... · . In town or at SouUlsea, ·England. Prosof Colorado 313\1 IllrC.1I (hp MEN \VANTED Th.l.nd that thl' .... .,0.... on t:oal __yet ently I wo (,hllJrO)II werti odded' to ' the Approved of Ohlnen ~clu810u. BPuckl"tl troul trom t he bo~om ot EI,~s rI.beohU~lJ nothilla. wbUe ,:bote w'ho family. 'a , b<>y and a gjrl. Attu the to a4d to the IflO aQ1CI l h'e O-o.ennal"t j3'el'berl Spencer. the great Engllsb 1'10 Id 'rrnllpor's lake WIlh ra th ered ,1·OR THE NAV '" .. qul.klr It •• ' ....... tu, l&l!<lAl1joiulll\lllt , .... ~ 10 ~ ' .h Roll"' a' ,Oft ... birth ch,lidrell .Prlnce Oeorgo IlhllollO)lher. whQ died ' De.cember 8, fly. nut (or a m Bmor;y o( Ie ern de, a .. acr • . )tec.hanlc.1 bel ... e.~n thft agel of 21 and asked h II; rather to reoolJllze his mor, 904. II'ol1e\,ell thot the Chinese s hould light we go hack a gaU n to' lhe ai" ", will find load pn:;hlOl1s open \0 them, ganatic IIl1\rrlnge;, but ae KiDr Edward ue, excludQd from the United Stales. I!l llO)/llOod days w,htm. arm d with w\I, ell"'Ale .,I •• dld" ~I l'OD"atlul, rall-7I :l~ for younltn,:et~.'re~1"~~~~7 1~n:o!SJ cloH A' un', las. . 10", DO lODger Indul,:oiId ID the ea.,.. pl1l1olis well-known leller 'of ndvlce to tho low pole, \lne o( tl\'l~,t.etl tbrC!ad~ a atl"anC'emenl. A full frld .. nd lib.ral na, IOpblc: ' Th~ un IlID lapanese peopl~, prInted In tbe Landau kirby hooll nnd a cork B,,·lped from Calt 0" .. rite N.or was DOt !.'(Inforred rimes of JanuarT 22, 1904. te sald l the vinegar jug. we used to lit on 011\ •• Bulldlar. om •• Buildin•• SlmJl1e-1 auppoae JOlt 10 to Suro,. '\ ~ave 8DtlreiT Dn the to the the regn- the. banle of SaDd oreell 01] a ·Iummet Oil.. lIu1l41111. freQueDUy, e8IIlUIIIBIIBU In aftt'rDOOll whcn' the bt/llhOllI!l WQJIl8a. was ••• t re41fa1lalt1ll' CbllllM aboul rllht.-S IIPick
.1 ,
11'' ,
The Kind You Have . Always BOUGht Bears the Signature of
~~- ~
For 'Ovef Thirty Years
I \"
There is o'n ly One Genuine-~yrup of Figs, The Oenuine is Manufactu'red by ~ the
'California. Fig Syrup Co.
A Po..ltlve ·
Cream Balm '!i""''''
• I
.•• ,
"' ~Ir1
', 1~ #1'"
"'.",,\ f\· \"'lIr ~
(' 16 . Round Trip From
cJ .
\l 1I 1\·~\·III. · .
I" .,.1",
11' hh 1
11111, \ ill I.' ttl lll"rl' thnll urlli. • 1u t c'rt "" "t h., (';;1 I"Ult rt'ulh\r _
\1'111;, .\ Irl"lltbl tlll ,lcl l'lIt lllU ' (' nltllllllltvrl
I.c'", ' f, ui ' I'" ltl th, ' UUltl IH;:"
Paper . The Wdltal' M th t! \-Villl1in~t"" ,l ourual ba.s evident ly lind IlIJ ,'x· perlen e u h Illi\ Yor~' IlIi"'RTlu flll r . mlw bns OOQIl's i\lnal1y . '1'11 .' lIlI rI",1 8&l'8:.
. ,ilf
you Wu.nt to know whoth\lr
newspa react Ulrough oot ur n Oli, take n II at ilt thl t1e~k o( 11 "grel\t famliy " in trucf.9r 0 week r more. Milk tllo s lightest mistak." In .spellln g or. otherwi so, und hefO ro a week after tll is he III ont, you wlll h'e ar ~f jt on e very aide Ano flO 1t gOett: With 'vory little Of t be gOod oODlm~'ndeq ,always t,he, error .o omos In w jth great pomp apll splen. d or , as If It W08 tho only thing in tbe paper. " , Anyone who bas been in neWH· p"p6r work My tiUle at 1\11 will roo.lize the trutb 'of t ho above. Tho mlljorit y of peop\e ·l;\Rve no concep· tlon at the number less details which are nooe8811.rY,even in tt,9 produot ioll of & small newspa per. Also they do not reabe bow difflcn lt it is to get, ~h tl' llll fHQI." ill I, ll ('J I I!O~ , 'fbI' , i)l1blishen. of u: uewi:/p" ller t;un·t. be everyw here wiuo!re p\tl)r.\, tbing I,. happen ing ruorll ,JI!UI IIIIY l> th", persons ClID. and lin!'! tio d pend lin ~rsonll wbo Bft.w w hM, WIl,~ ~(li n il On and it il\l u fllot thll t, i1ClII C.. J any two verll(lns will tell t,he .~ 1l1I 1! .tory in u 11 detu i1lo- )JPII)Jle !II'I' things dlfferen t.iy. . 'l'll 0 too. n ll \v paper people are humlln. uod IIrl' aometim es milltnk en . '1'b IIverllgfl newspa piir publl ber, Is oontell t if be O&D manage his own h nsincst; iu & manner saii faoto.ry to himself . and to the public, but it III II foot that there ar~ but few (I6 rSOn8 wllo do not feel themsel ves perCec~ly 'free to orit;lolse a newspa per l111d IIrpparently think they are better capable of lQlowln g how it Rb ould be ron than men .and women who give all their time and e n r gie.. to a 8tudy of the busines s.
'''iJI1n tovest ,\I IIII .V. .EVl'fY II rson sh nl ll kno;,v tbnt r::'H"c1ll1'nlt;h iH 'impO!:!!!iblll if th e kid, ll O~'!! II ro dorlln god. F ol y '8 ' Kltln ey 'ure will UI" k idn Y lind blndd el' dl. IISI1 in c\' ry Corm, lind will bQild np 1I01i flt.reuj:(t h llll tho~c . r · gUlls flO t.hey wl)lller form th eir hmo· properl y . ~ 0 du ne,er o f ti o n~ Brig-lit s (lisen e or tli/lb tes if Fol. ley 'sKid n py nro is taken in timo, F. C. Schwnr tz.
tflN6TON II "
:4h " l'~ " n"r l!". l"·1l'1~.V\\' 11 11\", l-Irll'l1;;' \ ('l lIlI"I 'h . , ) r~ III J"li, ')I !I I'" WI' 'I'h.. ('nup'" ,'111'1", 111',' 11ll\l lu tl'l' wh 11 1I0t/l \\' (Jr, , III " I'dI'll, I I \\' , Z tl lllVlI l<' Ill'r pn~ t,' lI' 'l' ho lIl«r l'I»!!" 1'/l Ul I' Il~ 11 \lrvrl~. ' III I ht'll' 1l'it," <1 " hpr l' IlIHIIIII ' I'r III 1'(1 IluitE' II ~('n!inti l II . I'u \'" ;':1'11 hilS All nt, /I t::r;'" t· Ptl rt . ~ \If his lif 10 11111.1 III'l'lIIlIl "7 I1Yll1~ . I vilit 111111 i~ \\" 1'11 It ml\YII lall·t'.· Ill", ,. OI'St WifE' wh n 11i,·(1 lit l-\hnr psIHlI·g. l'i'llnsy I\"(Inill , IUllt A U1\1111 U., 1\1111 wb,,~ , ' b tIy w ,(l! brnll ... hl tar Q 1<)1" 11111'ill l, wII H·· IIl:l ftlre Iwr IIIl\rritl ~ p . MilO!' .llIno PhiljpR , n.s l Il' r of M',,; Ann ·Philip!!.
Kitlnoy I 'Qr,', lI urJlrhlll l g. A f('"" dlll'I'1I "hlrt~',l t.I\I' hrlcK,u ll"i IIk.~ Mlllltltllll(,~ IUlc!nnw I hllvn lin 1)(11n IlI'roM,. Ill y kfflll.'YJ4 111111 I ffloi Ilk" nu\\' 111/111 . it. hilS dnne' 11\0 '1 00 wor t h lIf !{1IU11." FoltlY'f' Kie1l1 ~,( 'uro will Cllr( ""ory furlll of kldtl ~Y lIod bhlllllor lliaellRe. II. '. ell \\'1\ l't.Y,.
I"". ii, nHltbo r ,,' ,\'I'.'ICE [N .ION";H BlllLl llNH .\ I"Jl r " n " I"II"'" :o.1I,."tr I) (. B, 11'1l 1Jlll1~h, II 1 1'\' 'l'nuElP}lO~El eJlIW .. No: t,·· F ;1,,,11 , ngf'll .' 1. J111 ~tll r tl f th l'
tnkluK B'oley'll thl r6!lnlt WIll'
HALF -1' \'HE
" .11 1 \1. 1I1Hl:u ~, : t
tp I tl'll Ihn l
1,1 1'1"11 ..
Dayt~n; Obi~
.I'",~ !'11. til I :ttb a~':lJ•.L.tu Ld ,4.;.l.4u1
Trip Ticke ts,
(~ P (11' g'b
,A . MA FF IT. \'K E . E ~I, H,\. LMEH.
UNor~ ltrr
K Cll t 1I (; \\)' , ~li~~ isR i p-
·, "·t h·
tI . 1t. 11I!C JlllI,lIl l hl '''f 1 ' ~ l"tlr~l un ... 1"1.· .. \\1 ~''' \ Ih lltl \. n n(1 l'Ul'th"d:l N .dt"\II ' · \"" II~thull li' I. I II \."~ I'll... "lI p~ r P I I; III)P'1' lI . ""t\h'~ . ( ' I i " .., lll
Sm,': .8PE N 'i.E R
. \\h ("l 11
Ront h
\\t(l11tin g
Por tlan d Cem ent, Lum ber, Shin gles , and allll~ndB of 00 al. IlIE ALE B S . in Flo ur Pee d and
Dlt-l1.E. HA'l'J[ ~\'\VA Y,
' OI"\1(H' tl tl'ip ~
f' tu I~ \,11 t\ 111l0hl ' , un1C _ _ _ _ _ ..--.l,. _ _
fnl' t ol)'L('CO UOXIl fOI'RlI le.
Val ley Pho ne
Gra in.
y Cough Remed ChamboMerlain's Co uJ:h . s, Crouv nml
.N Ol't h
, i "C)'i 1\ i:l,
Ore gon ia, Ohio .
- '·tl ide c i .\ I: ,-\ n l . -! -_ _ _ _ _~------~.I
'INI' 1, ,·,\ 1.\0: 11. I N
'1'£'1111t'8 el': ' 1' l clH'l~ I'll N.&I0· ~\I .u ,,11 :"!Ilt,h nnll 1\111'11 :1\1 nl ul I ~lh . g(l{)l1 rt ' l 1l I' llil11-: :! I '111\' 1'1 t"/).1I1 llinc ,,( ..,nhl, .""" h rr i. lll1r Inlur' 1U1~ lIUll. (' Hl uHt i L youl' lHua l 111;4'111 nr ",1 · •
I )I'('~~
C. L.
P IL..~II .
1'() E. Hnn '1,
~:' U I{ Nl'l'URE ' OF \LL KIN U S; . T ICll'h IO n In IiiI' h OIlNO wh!lro h o PII Il h ('u llod tH· 1111 h () ~rl-t, 1111 ,1" nr II I:.:ht. . I ;'lIIoll(lll ll1\(ll lt ll\ r~ ;!nl1]1l1uli BII,v" rB(:unll ~' lIIoVOlI room tluxt t.!) (Jrl)~~ Bro!". WAYNIa iVn.I.H:, O
MAIN "'fIlIil1il1 ,
'''1Iuopi n~
"I "·,· j:oll .. .,, t,ll'/' ,iI·l;fll,. ;-''l Ul h. · . 1>\1111 ... ". 1 hl\ll
w (~ hll \'0 it. II't SO nud !l0 cent,1! I. 11 1l1ll11'Oll , . WIl Ylltls vllle ~llI s. ·
lOuisville & Nashville RR
11I111pr { , t
'I 'ulllHtll
,\IHt·u • .u
~hf Y -=-th 1" 1111 h, :-,'; rhw r ... '
Cow Foe.e d.
F' ~ tip $"2 ·00
in the · O(}lltrnJsta.t(~~ . l'hi s OllO of the be t coal prop crtie in lclc c.kho .'t it ml' heco to ()Il ) ' f(il. ,) i' J'tun O]))lo e rar . 'Ye ha, e l: only , ,,;c offer the l'cmainiItg' pOl't~. (ln time hort a. for and to~k the of lue va paT thepon II nt t.: t" p in "e tm l1t wIll earn you 12 h~r (pal' yalu e '1.00 fully paid and non- as essab le). pCI' t 'C'n .) ~ ' t • u, shnJ: ' 000 100, of nt ttnip , all the of e }l, .ml s~ake . 'rhe m:u' ket5 and .the ship ping faeilnrak ot ca.nn you tlld ) ngcd man iyc)y f I'\' W l.!' tOl uc1 a. · y d~fol i Thi eom pany led inve Lmcu t ' for a stock-hoJcle l': You ra.lle unpa an it ti makO antI st, h the a.l'O oad) railr tlH' uno r 1 lCS whic h i.. the Ohio Hj" as mCltn~ of tl'a.,Il. pOl'tation, for the rcasoll tha.t tt~c di vidends~ . wuy r wate the g in n. n~ who . 0, rw mini any in "tock y cann ot. hu are mor e than in any othe r invc tmen t that can be 11HH1 (' , pCI' nlon th, nnd ) Oll UO not have to fOI' YOII" mOll cy Rein emh -'1', thi i a. divid end payinO' com pany ., 1 pet' 'cnt n cd !l. soon' as the nlott Ine nt i : old. carDillO' you , ·o meth ing. The valu e of t he ) tock will. . be illel'e • Oil Ter rito r w r iver tz:unllporta.. ' u.t 1\ minimu m frcig11t~lIt.e, but he be"t· f&ltur Is t he TV . of PER l ohlllllle PRO the clnd mile", six II rl:'8 ill tion, tb dist~ln c tn tll rh'e r being ubout M.W.LXNG,M.D· C.M. '1'ho oillleld; o ·c ont.rulle d hy thill 'omJllln y oonsj>lt. of 20. . IS cl e p enOllgit(l"t IIl1l1tng e. und senson s to aJl o w _-~_r:::-_-:. --
j wl t-h outh .md tbe Obio /It. t.hi point Wltre Oo~ n ty, lllllin nil, in whllt il! known 1111 II II I'JI lill y 11i1,t,l"iol> The • al Fi Ids of the Wester n Kentuc ky Distrio t ii d down ~h IIt reum i tllU!\ enublio ' oil to s hip ollr pro. DelA Uqat be to I' 'II nf /"1 burrelll I11ll' bl\.r~es I)rnd" m· · o l{ , ll verll II Ull Lnuilwi Rnd of It t j\ W 11pon II foiles Wf 125 llg al:jOllt pr~(!I1Ol s e 011 l WOilllCN wc~t of Eve.nsv111e. IndiRnu , fl.nd ns . dilltric:it ,,_ uuet t Memph l ' lind ow Orleu of 1l0re8 In P UI! Ii. [{nll!lllhl cli ~t riot; t h u IO,lilllll lll'I!'u hll@1gloootiol t.ile bl)stcol l l mark ets for th r I ~on <I".v, uDd ,120 prhlin g in all 1\'9 Ilt seven OOUl)tie . T he pr duc ti nll ' rrnm ,~thi:l III"MlnoU wellt'; 1(<1,"1 by uel New Or) nns t.od.iy i onc nd . IOInrrou iO! llulilt. \~ellH re o m 10 ILJll!lt Itt {Ol" AltD OBJLDR D. fR tllk conI n t thi~ p,)r.t for · Enrope , oath Ami riCIl ultrrelM po.r or for the !\~lI te, to be over ·1 100,000 t ons .. tbllt oeelLn stlllUJ\O , onf! whj~h wu~ drIll 11 In next to tbh-I J Il,,~e 1II11111>0d 2;'\1 1ll1r day 1IW' l of con I I!! oxportc(I fr om b ore . den n l' IInd/log i IO",!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!",!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ • how n by tho Mining Inspect l9 ':u Isloucl~ lIilr t.!16 rIO ond nnd ·10 nnll Ohio hl)tweon to Ilmking equal Is r~ C01i1 d u.\' for sn:m OlutlJ !l ILnd it 'l'h velnsn.t:e of et umform tbicknc ss lInd th e grade [{ /ltllo ky conI Is rugarly ~(lUght, f ,I' by tbiR trod!). Pittsl)IJ " tllil! dh.t.riet : ll s ·ttIell prodllotio~. ~ Lucky P08tmi stre8!1 . t.ho.usan Penn ylv/lnhl COllI. Am c!Q~ OLlJ e of t.he l/1r 'o peTn r R In belngn 08 of fact the but ll,V, prioripll d Il~ I cOll C) n~ of tl n wI,II" thll~ IIn,llTilIl (1 in no 11 t ba. IIi 1181\ b fuundlu '0 till tri 'oill thlslhs Jity In trlll Oil 'cn ., '0 onr 'oiLi t, marke inecke Go.; R nt . mil O<! 11('ure r , 'u nd, II deep c:bnnne l hll the yMr, enn:llles UB to ill Mrs. Alexa~der • .of · Vary Me .. 1111'1 The ~t. Bernard ' 0/11 ve ry fuw ury holetl i n o wila 0 11 tl i II~; ho nce, 1111 ri"k III t h" til vll!ttmB . . wit bout IIny prollO/i Iloro I",r 0 ~100 of who ha810D nd Dr. Klng'~ New Life N a Han II I 'III Uo., Ohio Valley 00n! Mining () ,' 'J;rrd "wn tar Coal COr COli! ob pllper thAn the·y . l)onus tl for II h~r s , ~eas . ' Hng-llr , 'h e geugill pll1olll l()ClI ~ion of i.h\~ prl) porl.y ifl un xcell d . nd pm8 to be the beat remedy she ever y lU PII<lIl.· KUll slII' III In /I woB du ti uE"c1 ( 11111 . IIlItTOUo(161l " W/l.vflTl y Coal '0.. ILl ke Co., rort ui nOll 8.. ot' cOllI li nd hllY TI v r c01.\1 ex lmdvely , fl on. rh e torrltGr ers ct)wmm vy hen nro ion8 plnntM. nd a ull Uflllll t.lIl!! prOll6rt.v IlII 'lied for keepmg the Stomac h, Liiv n nrnerou tl,lstriot this in s 'mull 001llplloles. 'I'hure ure no fai'l ures thi s pa'rt o f hy troog llrodoOlI1.g well" ; thero is no prl14hwt,i lind m n nufll nt orlnA' industri P" ure ill n~u;;ju~ vel'Y l:ujJidly In . er alid Bowels In perfect order. IUI(.I 1' /1 rjolls t he re In II VI r):' s hort. timo. Obi\>, oJ) the stll.l"t of tn o nds som lOt in ~ hnn t Co!lIpan oettl'lr t.b.e ; is' yet mines ·re· the times pm,-dn.y allll You'lll lgre6 with her If you t ry the price of cOll.ll~t the south; ·h on I 1h Et lIIurk HI of the Bomh II r g od at 1111 WeMs ID thl ll ternt;()r y !!tu rt on; frou) 110 t o ] QO burrll l.• HII ifI, " hie for: the Illinois fields." . ry III ·. rapllnk to gn.rrll e ~ of t.he t'EItIAO II : torri ~ 'hi l ' theBe painlee a puri1ler a that infUlle h t~er thun 1n Indianj\ or III. bl~rr 10 to G from <\oo/n .!lettle 00111 for lt~ is II .kl) .... w lI . fil e t' by nil ool~1 all ru tor !:! hilt; prIce!! r eeei ved oth er t erril.or y Jllln y new life. teed by F . U. Soh. the f ~~son t hat. the percent a{!e f dry h Ie tl! III thn n in lilly The propert y control let\ by t,be K \lotnck y Coal ' Mining COIJI 1"1,1 ftLr bet t,pr t,ban, ill t he n orth , bence, n .. nl11rket rI !loutbl'r e . t·b wa.riz druggiB t. Prico 21ic . in this of hellrt the ky, e diffioul ties III the co un try. cOIlt'il'ts' o~ 2,000 ooro~. 10 uted in Union' 0 : Kentuo reURon Pitttlbu r g cI'nc rn . ee k this lIl(lrket reg llrdl e~s of th b ere is ver~ muoh leslO,lL.'1 <iilji:/ rOllll{J Ilt u Llullth well/! llUuo!s 'I'he drilling ., cOHtQr Indillnp The ille, EVllnsv of ~hwest u so miles 25 27 f et this distrlot , n bout n ooll nter ecl in t h p. Jlpe r Ohio River. , /. rs . of nbout 4:1» fe t i tho thiokncslO of the oil bearing RIH1III!lubout ' 00111 n t 'the N w' Orlenn/! Pont 1l1;l ller ' outr/lot to ooeu.n stefmle . The Handso mest Women in Way. . lived loog · i t is sltnlttetl wltbi!} six he Ilnd wiJI it 'YellS through the thl~t g directly ~howin runs () Ad omi>l~r RailrO ra.l nt toll. nesv:ille . ~ ,i.a.afi per. t n. RIllI on t ho open f)1O rke t *:!"{\[i per bring~ mincs con.! y b fled surroun • is ' . ty oper pr This . hier .1*2. 25 per, Mn. As ,you How Dt80U8 8lonof Beauty Led to' mill'S of tb f'l bio R Corydo n ...on tbesfl ]lrlcos wl 't h tlu ' hion o prir.e9 of:j\1~!; Rlld tbe Waverl y mines ndjoin it on ~hEl wes t lind the . . ts. Illurke rn 8Out.ll(' th ' &8urpr iaingDI 80overy . ' \U t,. fi \ pr bott.~I· m~lko we ee, . onl~lJl !\!I tUlfI olllpnny sh ow four ,"oins of onl npon this prope r ty ; tho . 'rhe oil hol\llng a In,ion with t he oOllI O'l\ c.f !l l~HI I ost. °fif.]>rolh~C\~,J.: uncI ymdmg ooo! III the I' t A tew daY8 ago a group , of the t.h e eost. '.rhe te t h ol es 1 f I tl'llt lcle lllll'ns OA lltookho the , to oof r nnce e on ut t ·s ends saud divid good plly Il to llOr COl} , por mont 1 ,' ~I', 0 HiD feet, G feet. t hiok. ''I'ith . :ceIV6u , !, .,. pro ... rbarges • Ie twenty . . mlltJlke . mllr k I)t,' U to rl ellns tlela "hil\. d ~ ew One frOID beIIt Informe d people· about town firl\t velu lit R depth of f coul f o · Ills . ' fl tow hOllt i\'111 ron thflls~lI~ug. rr~ce ~f~IIlJBt;()pk until the IIII pt:0volll en til In t~lecool h " Ii Ity ? r wo o. . th . oomparll.tivE! _.... dl80 u"1',ng w 10 1 II A, very importl ln.t ·fel,tur e , tlter e bein~ ~ 9 .beces t.ri P.9 insixt.y dltYS 'i enQh bnrge . will IIr of round t.hre e enough tnllko olll.y l1ru(l ';011 to lY )I'\I'IIIl!3 ' w e ... Nllw OOI11PIlI .. thtl hl t of <?n ive; s nt~ntl expen Ie t s Ib t ~ COIll[' u ee . g In II g rent many d1strICt Will ~"y moro lo,n s ' Dlllkm (10000 tons of coO,I, 'rhe 'O!lt of mining. 00 OO'O,tous b.nsy of the many o}lll.rming wow jlroJl~, wh,oh IlIllk s mintn 11 .tln~1 ill free fro m Witt r li nd ; h e ~ mde ,of 0{J~11 holtl 1 OliOth U nion ~~l ~f wlIg !\ i. *27,900.00. ILDd trnns\lo rt.ntion from ~~11j ll!fk t o <,:o mplete tbose IUl)lrOV Om ?ntR, whon this stock . , en in W"ynes ville. One of them ex· vein Is kno wn AS No.~ltllmID Itt oOlli . of l'll lt o m vllluo. reel,J, f . s pllr tlle .bnrn , upon nt, Il1llrket. ~ the llOr I In • nn 00111 OU!! f:.lit u.kes m beat y wlt;lI 'othor l~dllRtr 10 t.b e river vlt~ eleotric trumwn y. lIt flc t per ton prtl8lJ8d ourlOl!lt.y to know .w~y t~e mnk~ wi th t il mines mmlng, tlte oonl 1m 11 ,the IS lng faot. 10 . oompar ? t. and ,!!"u:1 cores 1~ Ollnnltl ~hen l~s Ij d rn . re.~e 's it a i s on ' 1I'n~e Of t.Qwho~t. nnd bur ges nt the valntltl on ·of !20P 000 row for ' U\ . ~I:!tr.l e,!, !lta Ist.OS \VIII "how ver y fe w. frl,llnrtlS. '[11111 Is r Qoogllll'.ed .fo r atandar d o~ ferqale loveUn~ss ,S rls .. Il whJt~ Ilsb und n o achnker r Ilt D,luny con I Olen . The BeClOnd .veln Is known A!! ( 00 00 _Dg 80 rapidly In .thls lqoohty i why .d seml·cl lnnlll by, at.g 1L uept.b of 2JO fcet. This is lin excellen t I{rl\-rl e of fl r ee'n t lm"iq ill i1') 000 IIlllnnin . nl llint ainjn y to\v.boAt Il~d t sta pl eR 10 tIle wo rlll ,on wblch ~be 000. estlmnt ed cost of l,th: ~uS<lfn tlillt i~ I~ ~ne o~ the grento. fQ;tbr ee trip!! hd!'\ i~~iI;Jen 000: ' 1 $ compleXIOn!! .re so much 'clellre r N/). 9 lind Is fortnd dllYI; ~ixty . 1'1'\0 Ilollllm d enc)h .venr Inorllllllflll, St. ent & e ek depend HI Rein by u~t.JY f-us nr o SlIlD e liS No. 11 i ju~t. Houth 'm lnin g 00 000 to~s or' q01l1 uucl ' llioln I \vee ~ 0 every of Ollt' O ' ted I'Ht.lOIn : 1) 1 00(. i l;in eYflII BO m~~h brighte r, und more ""ml with Il r ook roof, m"i .. ljPS when :vnfi hllV!' IlU luevHtu lent In COIl'}l(ll bence, ; rg t.ons P Pittsbu tnrgls D" l{nven and 00 000 tons ~f coo~ .t.o t~e e xtent n.t ,10,OOO,OO cheeks blO8hln g r06y. red \vlth Be rullrd , and .w et by in t.lm! It in tt:~ I 'ow ih.i~lItis T1iRrk~t Is $ 5tl "!lOO re~ei Its for tbllll Buildin g Lunn AlIRool;~tion or to~' worked . b!lt being lllr Is If. ,not ru.c1 ;I~d g S to ~II lUi rYB!f known 11l(~t;Jst Iit,tlo 90() /ll1i0 "ery In v It. rtation is . o'f ' ~ninlng ~n'd trnn~bo h8"l~h and v.lgor ·t hBn were ever Nt), ~'" '0 7 liT >Ii'J '.\;- per t.on i201 0.000 ;'' c ost n , ' . t 19 n )Slllut.ely B,l lfe : the t!nrlling'tl nre m.noh L.arger Ilnd !luvlng9 . . . tile t est shpws t·he vein to e xtend mid r tIns propert . " )~ojit, ~f $14.4\0. _ l eJ.l~:~· nt .ribo _ n 10 the olden 'days. It was fi,n., (listrlot- , but. of . ~tock. eptb d Byour ut of d o~ j8JouD vll\ua~l fl II.nd Ohul Inorensc Bell t)ie have tmnOllS . the YOu or &lly deolded to r~fE!r the mat.tar to Is !lIlPPOSed t~ be - -.-'--Thli~ profit is fo; sLxty (hlYS with the Qallll <ilt.y of 't ile . prol>ert y I)e • lL11d rt'IHlily brlllgfl. " .Z ) • 100 000 Z J'l' l ly obtaine d unll QUn opinion . 6U~ . fe ot . T"h IS is. II. fine grnda of gus nnd cok\D ~ ?Qld cllrllfnl OOon huve et. fh 'these ~ruKBiBt 4anney for tln,v of t/u.<; : tock set pllr on. t CI.l'e. , .~ " 1,000 tIm; n ~ o exl!lt to •.'1 1(;,~11. known .0 1 . IS e It 1-81 ., Injtlll8. ' . the Itt see~ on t r thi-y' w .OO II.nd IM to ){) . . bsolllte ~3 il;l.n t of I SllId tbe price \ybYJ I oan t·e)) lOU" (IBJlfl nd.' {\ upon tu; bing nccnrn t il T" ~ mllrl<(' thltt bave been mllde. 5 ce/'l,~s "e~ shaJl'8. VO,1' valu.e $1.00, a.<;u/,e to be .<;~la drng,18 t ~mp~y. ,It IS 1\.11 the r e propert y by .the t sts or this ~r(\{Ue of 0011.1. '1)bi8 Complll lY hI pllt.~lng In u shuft )vith " . CUPIl/} w hen t lbe prwe WIlt b~-ruf, uan.cecl. 1 IU~7' ent 1)e1' mont h n atio to ~ort ' mlDes hOIl} y " trlLlnwa 1 . t onR per d/l.y, with aln 'trl~ 'll b PlI.u:. ::~t '!!O:d=:~n ht!'::~c~~~t.I~~- .~le _'1 .. .. l t l . !t·Y!lf 1.'100 1'0 1;1'<00em 1 '1 t of the f hI pl'we et k. I' m.a,rk t,p on t his prOIlort,y Will be lDodern In overy reo i,n, u/tV7,C,e on t n e prov e . im "" All Wl, S n n(. river Q !ly>;. 'rl oae r rill erle p ex' rlrges long e t mv 0 &11 In of one . . ullR. propert y UII II. tron loe . t' . nce. 18 rem· iI J stock. tltrough it giving us 11 m a rket by Tn.1I both nor t ll edy is .a p'oUe laxati ve thnt contain s tam s runnin g clircotly . >e 81 oountry e tb of ots k r mll t,.cOII.I lArge O IIh' enter to u~ g eunhlln ond h l1t. ~o pro)). ng oleansi valoabl ., Wille Il'nd " . ' . ertles. togeU1e r with certa in ot.her . ..... cleRr to alterati ve, effootS.tlint tentl up th881ti n r Pimple s or a blotche\ l ~ .N'ichp la,s .Afe!$, Secretar,,; . . ,7rune s; $tool?'';' ~ ~ve Pl'esid~nti .. muady skin' s~llply. OILD.' :. nlrer , . 1I&1I'!;v Trccti ana 11,1 ' Z PJ'csir ', B((,ke~ .IJ.. . Vu;(} Presu lenf; of Citize n.,;' Ban/Ie 8, Ghc~.., 'S£00V JiTllllm~n.!1ton, Ohw. ' . • . J l(;me:J not emit where Laxaco ht '1'ooic t, E.l.:. -U. S. ()nn!ir essm(w,. (J,h D,.st,/' w/; of Ohzo~ clJl'rt.n ;Ni()l;.ola;,~ H~ld Q. C'has, ;; .'TOlU: ,n1clol't .. Tndia.-n.a. f'm I lJ1R.1C .~t, ' sur Tablek Ure used. This js so Elmer .L . G:a,1·l. '. f!'lwle.llale~· Retail.Tobo.cconi rr . RIDGEVlLLIII,ORlO SPIIOIJ.LnJra: DlBKA811:8 OF
DIv Iden ds.
In Mar kets .
. Tr,ans
; ~:.t~C:Jl'.et~etoml~~l~~ti~~!~ J!t;;:r!n 'trled hne
it are unlforuily (ielight
:: t=~~~a~~~~g~' all~d8~~;;gtl~~ m.oney blaok it n9t satisfieLl.
i i .
Brln~ oheer.1 I ~h6 yeat, Every bOOy ~lkes It, no s'kll1 Is' recinlre d t·o ~prodUOf' perfect ly ,band 'mu@io, ' tllA 'I1n !It vOQu) 801os., duet" ami q nil rt.. It~"; f.h'A filleMt. . 1iarllc tAr !ltln):" Itn,1 v.tlltler.ville "kHM . . ~h nil' U" . P!1tll)u~M "h "rlldd,. ", /IIOrA fllll ;i;'"''if.::::7;-<,~~W1L.U~~.lllJIlDlU!cl1V..!O!l.:11pr U llt,omll
' ..
W. R . Stelle
·Co.pitalisi , Incli(J,11 n.polis, lw:li(m
,,;~, InclLa ft(t,. Gh({.s. ,fl . Ba}cer , . Presi d ent (l,l/,d T.l'ea,: m,:er, In¢l,a.'w,pol
~ ttme nt of 100 ,,00.0 · slla res.last ; you can. . bU~-'for casb '. (}26. III Fpr .a few day s oniy , or as long as the 'Allo .- 2,r.00 I;!bnres Onsh .· . $12»0. . ,
.AIel';;, .Florist. Dayto n, O. I.o.noo tihll r eR, , l ,ono "hlL.J:es, OR IF YQU PREFE R THE $<100. 10. 000 IShllrA;; $100. ;) lioo hares . iii '20 liOo Sblu'QI! 4 . '1000 Shnrps
,2(i00.00 Cosh ~50. 00 (Jush , M6NTH LY P IJAN, YOU CAN BUY 1 $400 . (~'l~ h 1\ monthl y pRymeu t" *100. Ollsh (j monthl y poyme ntfl .$ 2(J. CURh /j lI'Iont,hl y pn,ymen ts . $ 4. .cash l! m onthly lmymcn ts,
fi,OOl) flOO
'Shares 8Llares..
5,000 Shares 1,000 Shares . .2£j~ Sh\~res
crl ch · f'~lOh ell ch ollClh
Oash I 26.00 Cnsh
'200. . ' 'Cosh 6 monthl y J)nymeJ its Cush (} monthl y llllyme nts 40: ' Otulh <I monthl y p~yments 10.
1200. ;. '40. , . 10.
eaoh eitch eaoli
to ;' Ali remitta nce tltol)k . Is when the Comptl uy is starting . 'Y ou Mnnot afford th e marke t Ilot, Itny ti m e Rt tho above pt:ice. The time to b~y _ _...._ _...;_ _ _ ,;,.. _ _ .;_~ :-_.. _ _ 'I'hfl (JolDlmn y re9~rve8 ~e ri gllt·to witlidm w this StOO'K from _ I"'.;O_._,,_ _ _ _ _~_ oln!l Meht., 'corotal 'y,or .TAMES ~~OOP~, WA1"NESVILL~~ I~ust be lhllde out to the cQI1l~.ny, lind 8ent to th~ home ollice to NUih
STOC l( Slf-T .!lSID E 1'Rl~'RE HA VE BEEN 1CO,000 SH.!1R .ES 01/ TllI.' ,f.:1. 00 PER SIJ,I1RE TO .BE SOLD ,/l 'f2D GE,N T S PER SHAR E, PAR '.!1.""L1JE 'If
TH1S "lS SOLD AND J:HE .MOST OF l 'U.J ' ]J.!l8 Jjl~EJY SOLD , .!.1ND WJll.CN · 'yotJ1~ ' TH~ PRIC E WILL R.E .IJ Dr.i1 JvCED 4 0 ' l'ER Gl~·JV'T. ·PL.IJ."GE . ·' oEriE R ]Vow. '.
Name____ __- r_ _ _~--------~~~__~__ ....:.... P. O. Addr08s.-;'-_ _ _ _ _-:-;--_ _"'--_---- :-_ _ _ _
r "
and moil .i·t t.()' the company at. onoe, Out out this mall statiI!g p ow many shluo!! you couldl>OSHlbly and .. we will this .yon " neat llro!lllootiuti. Tbere Is no. obligati on att.acll odto
might be to tn..k e.....,....::;,.-+-_ _~.llltare8If 1 am 8atlsfie d.
I'd Itlv!! th~e! all the rema diviDe! That Mothpr Nature dolh elltwlue \'\;'1thln hrr bosom, laces fiueTonI " tops . "I l'an't Kl.'t the ne.t line. You aee. It mUMl l'hy!U ~ wltb '
E. E. Soo1.t, m~er, VergeD D.., Vt., Past CumDl&Dder of Etba. AUeD
Pos&, G. A. R., II&ls: " A ~vere attack
typbold . lett me ~eak IddaeyL Every nili'M 1 had to get up frequlln tly to pl.bS the " due , wbleb· ,..all ropy, dark and very painful to void. I hlLd . no appetite . but d "0 nl, wlltercon~iDual Iy without h iU i able to quench my thirst. Terrible healll\clt~s lind di.:,y pells 01'prl'sscd mc !Lud 1l1.V hu ·It WILl; lu Ule, 80re lLud stift'. A month's Irell.Lmf' n t with l.I(uLn·~·l\ida'·J I'll Ie ri,llue of IlJi~ trouble, un,l n ow 1 !\Iii IILroug II lId h UlIlLhy oml ",,,llI"h' :);!O ~l lIndi<. I gin Ih ~ Y"cdit lo Donn's I, itlne .• J'i ll~. " , nl,1 bv u II deIlIUl·~ . I!O ceu Ls & box. Fo~'Wr. ~iillJllru Co.• Uuff .. lo. N . '1'_ of
• dell r , ' •• Rear:ed II, Railroad.. While Millenl Are MODDtal1ll of Fael .,Iear."ollurs million II. I HlIlI " iD Heipi u DefeDIC Fuel. ng Cold Up leani rs, PiJiua "Carrie! " erlea Tom Trave hair " I Il1 l1g hlnSI), ~ h., relllles. !Jack (Iespond cntly In hla ' N-Il, Iltal Isn 'l quitl' wh al I wanl. " have n't gol an Idea." §~§§§§~~§~§§§Ij g with II. IltUe . iiij~§§§§~§§§§ =§§§§§§§ "Wbat! " laughs his hopeful IItUe Think of Homo lhln :;: wire, "Thon sll right down 'tad write pathos." Thl! ,'ou l s upply of lh ' L hl/;h VHI· All IIItCrCHl lllg ph afi ~ or Ihe s tru!;!;lc "Read It llJ;ol n,': und lea ning ber 1m up--to-da tc' IIov e!!" ' UI)I> lit'S 10 be HN IIlr!r.c M . If no t 0 1 mlne Iho twpen II fll'lsl'n ~ IJn 'IJ1Ch " II. wllh u IIKI ns "It'll . no laughing malte r !" sig hs r h ln on her hnnd , sh l'r Ill un . lIllY o!lIe r l'ull.roRel. To 1110 lur~ PU"l and lhracll~ I!n the of g npel'Hlor r e II r. wrinklin g h Tom . . "Het' 's' anolher or my stor1'8 \11' 0 Iy nwrtl1[1llvu I u f FJ" ~ton t lwy ~v 101' I'od north~aN ,[10 , nIl' ' /In ~ n u 1'\'A! om; IH h I' ilral n for or Iho ItfLlllnln Carm uf HUOnl. oIgll l '1I111'0S nllre reLurned ," Ilulling it out of his pockel. fO" c henrl Ill; ~ hc cud~(l on \11 "" unlOll ~' " 8 flJI1l lI und an d lhe c'oal , IUld looking lit II wHh a tend Bl' gluoer•. nn Idoll. Ul 'A 51 willi s IJUrlltlqn l" PI'V 1'om wUl('hes her anxlnu81y , wllh of her Is Ih~ "II\JI'Ill:JI "Poor olt! Ihlng! " he sollloqulz ~. "I An o lhP.r la r/; t onI s up ply 'o r lh e Le· h'· eOIIt fOI' e nH"l !! .. h slrlc ' ch oll which suppose lh . editor siamllle d YOU dOWl1 p('nrll r nlly . high \ ',,11 v ' ,'ompa ny Is Ul o'lto n. In for "ach t ear ," Rhe tll r !, Ne ve r · ltl 'Ihl' hl Rlory uf t1, ~ luon hi s d'e sk anti lreated you ShllUlctu l- 1 "HnU I n diamond t ho no rlh el'n Lu zerne I'o unt y r, ';; III I1 . II 10 les !llll' e Ih huv\\ 11',,1'1<1 llHlrlh! d . . n, Iy. BUI , Ourrle. no Ideaa, no mo ncy""': 1" ) IJOntH IrlnDlI)ll alllly lie ~o IV"II ' llre- P er ched On Ihe s Ide of th e nmunl"l "You'r 11 trump - t he I'cr y t hing! BIl'lfa hcc'n I, no ll'n 1<0 , u ro hUIl billie I..~ I al I I trllllks th lhRt' ~ th re~lll t III II. nUlsh rl1. I'll wllh -~ . , o Irik ~ a of n . lo ,,,lll ",·" cornea In , anll he pure rl 10 · gladly SWill) .a n Idea for a doll ar. bul . CI! how n kcly It lh o mi n own er. dr pdR or Ihousa nd s o! ton s 'Or 1'0111 \~lth ('flse he t la liS alollli. I 11.0 Ideas ;. Bnd , te n to olle Ir I roada tOll 8 or oa l. uurl from wbat .w el'B OD ce th e )'Ulnes of tho "Now ror tho seco nd vr r e." Ilia wltb th eir :W,OI)O,OOO She writw "Fot 4 vears I sufbad, I oould n'l Rtr lk a bnrguln . g\,cry $G.OOO, O()O In the 'o xe BrOlh 'rR, since take n o ver by t hu r ~l lb with ers min tit ror r, e t ras 'omill/; HI' ellily evitl ~n8 Id , by swlnlll~r I a I'm fered turible painll in my side, lyeuMe Ihlnlt to POlltln ma llY. 80 1;01ll11a ed itor She watehes bunl< IIlId more romhll-\ In fl'Oui very ra llrond theM Littlo PlIls. ~tood for the r,E'ST W l.hA f'hll ntl cl . delphlo ll from fc:male trouble. Wine Phll il whon all L wllnl Is lo mllk e u rn'lr i hp I)l' nell moves rall!Llly. Arolln . . work l a OIl'" ors mill tho I' wh Id xpr s- fl Tlrc.r Il18O reUe.e 'D IB111m with nn amll aM,. t enll r Y haH mplUl 'o Hallway Irad o." lldll\!: Cardui cured them. They RC of & I)hla gives ch whi redness prepa tress [rom DYSIJe\lt Ja, luhIm , with helLli on And It I ~ Ihls to Il rl ~ l en convllnl nts. "TOrn , tak e my udvlce ; s it down an d slo n. Sho pldures pla st(lrn!;" bt:tter before 1 finished IlS wen 4lj;CSU0ll Leu!. TOO lIot.l'l,Y H Mrsl YBlenline to earh conOdc nce. It largest IncreMin~ laIn. force yourselr to write F4t.Octhlng. on ~ IC\ , II'rlllnll' IiI The docto r A pcrfcet relll· bottle. [ 'ott l Rto rerl wntcr fwd co~ 1 barges. o M n one Etl.tlal;, munnlal hur;e e 'rh . IIIUISCN he You'll be ~ul'prl8ell 10 Mnd tow Inl er- lufr. Pr~8p nlly is (Il I'hoenlx vlll ~. wh 1'1' It ha s DiZ:z.IDel>S. NI\1SClI, planl lor cay l1ral\O on me, but 'l1 I'III t" ill operate po to woterl'IIII'It \'ullubl" wanted :I lOU when varlollN thi) r In GlrtIUtnrmbt with "I 'm sl ll 'k ngal n . I agre Drowsllless, ' Il~d Tu.a~ l'hoo(1 of 00,000 ton •. es tlns It will lurn 0111 . " instead, and Cardui took I e Is th e ope rll torR 10 f 'cl Ihnl thl!y IIri! wdli l in lh p nelg hho languag English he t l, Hopklnl ed , CoaWcl Tom of c:\ eutll, Ill M horHi e tulates .or tiro lilli y III PXI)()s hOot:.. \' " Ob, ps haw!" proof olle1l co.t:.. ..)uiU. Fl gurp ~ lik e Ibu t COil now I' am nearly well." I'm held [n c heck lu able to 8tl1 nd a long Rt l'lkp , CO l' cI.III)' To1l8'118, l'lLIll tn the SlOe. IlI a_e. , " I'y!;! \lv ed on not blng but hOllO and aliomlna lil o. He re n hlnl pd Il l, lh ey 6ho ultl I li e ello rmOUl\ hulk ol Buch 0 bee ho' work. as lr. wet I of a of kirnb nt 0.11 for accou is a cure for dis11 'l'IIoJ" 0 goodl ull n lo Cardui UV£It. ~ rru .. cal RPID ll llOe my -_--'TO 'l eop t b e b~l ghl 1$ I:==== bread an,1 buttpr so loog Urnl I can rulse tho Ilrl t o l wn do ll ll r~ II trill nno FQr a 0 ,000 IOU b wllh 'gap:" the woman ly fum;of rejlOlate !lie BowelS. Punl.l y Veaetnblll. orders clrhe of base · a with cl, fe l'lIrll out t houghts like tbe fell ow who pallry word to rh yme HI ubotll ! .• ~O elo 8tO Ii oC " Le t me neo If I CH U' I helll you," Ilnd c leu r $40.0110,000 '"l Ih it. T nllot ett It t1011&. bloch. city a (Jf b98.-,9 :u Ih e HOI lIea of nn ed itor. I'm nfp"flnce Ihl s e xll'D 11'011 "'l" A:J Town (Q,WTOM,HA~S_ U. U. 11Il ln/; over hlH chair s he r eads alou," OOO,(){)O LUll S . n C61 11c up 1101' <;on It. be se onre, Ollt In th (.'O IIl ." n ow Ll b~ e th f"" lbl(' poss 1 AM. quit he roloNTO.C wlll .... Il oot o co.l whll'h JIAN 10WU(AIIA Genuine Must Bear A "os l.l e orr i n Sunny ~VBl n ; At all Dru~tlsts, $1.00 led fo r Ih e mar" Wrlte Romclhlll g ror ' SI. \ ' al enOpel'l1l0rR to rCllp, It th ey 80 SCO fit, th e while It Is clI ~ lIy hand C 4 A kln g-.lom fol r fur Ih ee to re ig n, r ijlO rolh Ita s ha ding Hea e tine 's:" 10011111/0: up wHh a smile from Th et. k Ihe "r rlllld Re lIefell Ib $~,OOO ,OOO of I'd glollly give If Ih ey wer B mine. 'S el'GRAY rtlHlmb ER No t! lh 10 MriiH Ilown her [oul·y-w or k. "Thpre's a SlariCI' polS lI" age uut "" bl ry ve mln el's dOes not loom \II) Hod I a IJ ul'ile thol wide did gup. 10r YOII ," ')' t'nn b Illude 1.0 land ('ou n IY coal dlmri ci . n"QlI nd 'rh cre's wh ere L1l e rub comes In un'; such II SUIlJ or mo n SpaJdldfs- Enc:VcJolICdlla' Tom . rlllhIQlI ~ I)' . " \\' ell." relliles In !>lI s wlnln g lhe Shumok ln, ~Iount CnrDl I, Glra rd s s woy 10llg ry ve REFUSE Il' go Then. wltb Budd en a illcrlt y, " Lei K ~rp . !l lIe rh)'me <Io esn't ," , ' llIe, Centra lia nod s ueh pl uces, all ot th wll1 o L tte. s ~ efforl He.d. Ihelr •• In ,,,,,0 ... t •• 4:10 Ollners , .onll " We ll . I'll cho uge It som e what," them eonve nl e nL to IlS (" CIi' lIl tracks - - - - ~.. i::'::a:.e~~~"~I::.J~.::~.':. . Ihen . Iryln g very hili'll 10 ue se rious. polnl !! at I R~ ll e. DRESS ,""pubis of th e hPHI of pro lecl lo n. lind . Isl a ls oln I [' e th or !'ifnrtn •. 'I'b", Brea" up (lUI?' llnn e~ eJu e Ih Bllt ft I YOTlikKOf t" aRaDE a ll reell\l': 24 hou ... A, III J)r"~,"'" ~ Q~ ",i. 1,, PII" • 1/:"1'l'n"'.',. In1f t,\11I,. Thll 'c ul ml railroad of !\l ow .1 1!rsey , tl,'unp le DlAl leol ""'IU£ll. A4Uten . ellll, or Wlt ll l Ih Jlrobllbll lri es III'Il as to " I'd qllh' kly IlIIY II big knap sa ck U III \1- .100 181 , N01 nd . • a~ " rd . 411..1 I ~. 8, h 14 f!ll l'h. t~ c"," YOU\H1 A. 8. OLM8TE .D. Le Row. N.,. 11 Ii t dellO lOru/;p. H t huges Its s hn dlnot Led. do tb e oU lcome of Ih e dl ~ put (l , a nd . ' flAI'b 10 nfl%tf,n. l'rll'elijc, AKA!)I , \Ynn My gold 10 htll<l." . ----_:... - ,. ~ . N . J .• OO Ill'(' n lclIl t, l th o .&.CMlC lt nJ CQ.• 1111 Ii' a._ lrmouut A vu.. t'll llLdel l' Wa.. 2119 .\ . N. I'--B I't) II)' . con cl'rll us he re. The siory or tOil .iun ctlon ._.____.. _ _ _ _ _ - - _ , __ -"Now , arl'l e, Ihu! 's mean," well. IS : l'ic u " New to and lons eg I 1 ('00 0,$6.0 l Ihu ll an es pil l'uol p g hu those Shll " ' Veil , riear. to he ~ e rlou ~ . " there exlll l' s ~ln g III \t Ho lr ood 1M whll l Th e n Olounl of cou l s t o/'ed Ib l nl; ~ for a mom en \. "Ho w wOllhl 000 is In (j ton Y. .Ius l us mu ch , hnw600,0 ceed . Spaldln&'s omml Base Ball Glide ror ell. t to t w wan t hi s do ?" po'n~ (IOn,,-'I1 • 1', bas bee n tul\lJn IIWIIY, Cor Iho T III'AUthorlt y con '\ll~ ou AU d lflPuted.11 u •• i ~·-.dlll" Tw enl y Illllllon ton e ' Or hUrll coni I I: 1 "' r" ALI" 1'1',; 0 ie. h ,It,> U~" tlftW 1001 rtJlt:. and ph:LU .... or W . I r to tr Q.(Il!ll' le-r"' ")10 <1 I n /lur. Q I hal w l,h> !lId gnp 1-/. '101 d Ile l,,)1 ilL Sa lem , .r~.K. n.or huudrea. or W. 'UL u,... I!OEK. flit l': , b ~ . Uouy ,-r. '010. n nCO U1l1U - c nt ral 's stOra ge bee nol \'e l llaye l'l.&uu pllt'l loA rtl hll 0 I $,;,000.00 IIOti lal) y th in with , Mall. coin hI! •• l I', Ir:- I II (..'t With yellow ~~~~ ~~~~ ell tal, ~~~~ ~, U .. c hnl' Mille " ~~~~ ge~ 110' /' ll h l!~ WhH" , :: Jllterl In n Fe w mon lhs. I ~ cerlaln. W o :lln8s. CauO_f\l. I'd ~Iallly \lour my gold e n 8IOre." ,., "'.nllt! lJentl ,ou rn:rail"!I~~l~;eS~~~~d:~~~ HIUO::~"~::~~~~:;II " OIt~~~:II.~I~\~.~. ·lrAn\1,011 MEDIC AL :MENTI ON. A. G. SPALDIN G &4 .ROS. . 111 I lJt 11 " "\ fllt! Nlu"I"r" anft hfJlI e ~1l. r ."er 11I 'd " u ""'I nely . No .... don 'l S8)' II word' " Oblt "Vo. , .... A _ ~ . .. -_ lU S'UMU Kl •• Sow YOI'Ic _ ", W tn I,,, u,Qd Oi l 8 kill tlL while " .\ hUI • • ",' IU ""f'!II LII ""' . ' . c=. ' h ' e x c lulll1 ~" as s hl! Is ubollt to ~ p e llk . :lw:;:II ::I; r.I:";: ~·lil·K8~~I ~ · :.' l II:,,':. " t'p~~f';.f. ~:,~~·!.~,~ ('url· the Dotes journal An Eng lish OLD-vioRLD ODDITI ES. "I've ga l th e emllng In illY hrnd . "' he 'S l meas or n slrlbutlo dl Rex ously even - -- -I look a Oll it nnd In a moment hc tinIn 20 yeara a t Abe rdeen. l ' bere we l'o I lIr8lbe w Faulds, a weaver of KilUl8/ UI:t'y. INGEN INVEN TIVE Is hes. - 20,287 males aad 20,087 fClllul es. bils been at bls loc m "Now , h e re a re I he last lin es : It. ~Ierl or " I)eul ul har.l n es~ . palented Dock, S ·oUund, M dl cul all,boril i es III Frnnt e bal'l! "Tho only tblng 1 1Ia\'e 10 send reslI l' A 80 yea rs, OUd be Is more lhon 90 yeurl lcr, Muns ~'. by )' ru!~II U Iu , ': t ,SUbs good fo.lrly a dlsco"er ed tbtt II love-'II 101'e Ibnt know s DO e nd ." mol ell metul to of age. tuUl tor qUiD ne, fo r lise ,n cuses o. ; froiD suOJej',l ns l he "Thal's IIwrull)' pretty!" She eri c!. I' AI. lh e receut (uneral of .KIng Noro · . 1l1l1'0l:tl11 or blosl a ' , mars h fever, o r ot her m!lhll'llll dlscaa" cla llplng her hood s . . "Wby. don 't YOI1 tlom o r ahlbodla the official mOllrnel '~ la$: at hus r !Julle nJlfy n a The blllll can be concoNe,d trolll Ibe gentlau lake II arouo d to Il paper now '! " lh o flllle rni ..."a" e "oleo to lhelr D,q'le t 81 hi d ' i i d 3 Peasllnl R In Au\ Crllne 1I1lve 10Dg ulfed 01 s'Jccum b c 10 /J vpnl I' ll Grn, U6 on megapb ones, wltb much e/" I 'belleve' I will." I.hrou/;b I' \ II b .. 80rl or lJra nd), ulad c rrom Lbnl plant t 1. \ \\,or k ClI ·, aUlomat uy e e')1 w no n "ADd Tom ," she calls out. as be I. combat s ucb dl se8.l!6s. Ce t. .machln ery. " pulliog On bl s t:oa t In Ihe hall . " If It • r !, WIII\;a.m Reitz. of OuesHcld ort. Ofr' I I ' II 11 b J I WI PrM nllst, scle (Jerman nOled • be 1 e 3 gedere t t dlscoura e b nc z n don't oons w pled. n lie Isn't ' acce t the !lIght , or h l ~ y Emll yon Bebrlng who beliel'es Ibot I 1:1 IIlllgnol.l c: se paratio n planl8 In opora - ma",;.:. has loscaused , by 11 .gra.ln of r lc ~ we'll have Il frcllned I" ,ilnJllrles from I r hi h ld d I I IS sa 1 . 11 t l S use 0 e ecII \ remedy llve elfflr n a d ver dLlco llD haa 011 e b It on Ih(' d',y Into lhrown was which I Sh s tlloil and nods 1.0 b lm from the TBli: EDltOR }fA OEIilN 1>1 I ' ' for tube rCll IOBIII, pers is ts lu his d tl te~- ' lro-ma s nel I married was e b ug ncreas THIKIO l'\O. grcatly .s ~.m window . "Dear Tom," s he says, an d beror~ mlnatlo n nOl io make II public ' . I trlot. me s dl ut wrlle th to Ito c zIn fellow. or h s womoo, yield fooli e " lh d) or adds. n e (Englan sure Ih nli on ve ' be An Edgbllst 'I • I next fa ll . He de slrcs to I' ll write .. "alentln e to YOu- you , . I f \ h • Ill; II nr c I A IIC\\ s t ce or lools bI.~ IIha rd moned for annoyln~ bel:n my Insplral lon ," and seizi ng pa- n villentlll e!" bls g roun d us a yen r or leSls nnd exened by w 0 was ' sum n "li It : l rourlm be t on ' . t a omc tbe nl nei ghbors by blowln ~ a whi stl e aj ' I 1'0111 Dresenl. blmsclf ' berore plue- I " I' und pen II be ca rerully writes: " To him e mak II " 1' '. con 1.1 lmenls r . pe } db b h II' Inlo Il I'llI ered ush Icmp n dilly pl y It allng ·to a hill een I) pnol zey , Illl u t!1\ It arrle." and then )ooks up al be r In- the Epoch, an(1 Is Ing bls me ~hod 01 IrentlllP-ul In Ol her slru anti ullowln\ t It 10 cool In t he ,d r. Tuo ls &to ecallu ottelltio t (u he en lers th (· the lO As n room. 's edllor e Ih . lI ulrl dt;ly. : .. hl1ud s. ... , tlo IIOt be 'Olnll cliltor IS ~ illl IhG DIad out of lhls II lec:\ ho OQ all\lrpose of I;lu dYln Sn) s II. l oki!) newspa per . For tile Sh smlle.8 at bls anxiou s ex pre~· ,Ioor, h e sees Ihat tbe I whllil ucln:; soft throllgh growln:; g ' . p nt 'flll,a' COll card. OSc, s hi al vllllced g ad or lookln (,Ollllt ilt l In Mlon. TOni ihlnks s he looks a ~ youog pile. worke,1 . tho wo ,it t h ea es9. causes of mountu ln Slc1m (V iew was mlld e Crom top of pile con laJntns Sli,OOO to ns; YUKI Sasaki ( 79) and VISCOlllll "om· " Wha l ca n I clo fo~ YOll , Mr_ 'I'm'" . H SUc h pll e~ In tho y u rrl , ) and pr lty aa ah o did 011 t heir weddIng French m ed lcul authorIt ies, Drl!. oUII- 1 Beell ' t,u\'lng froOl 51,1100 10 50.1)00 Ions. Thero Bro oYll lel Hay,as bl (84) h:we obrnll.led the 'l D' 'rom. nven,"~ I keenly as h up r looking !Jrofasso ?" 11 IIrs Munt A volen0 ly u J recall at I to ltard rlog day, and t1'leS lemark un'd Mnog. du II poem- . have I " s. pl'l l'lIege of carrylllg s ti ck. t n Ih'O lru a hesitate doen Tom Wh Englond cle, clo yoars New r Its he room :Ick 8upply to wrItten Uhle once elDurk enongb r urt h 'find tine be lWo yeors to Olade a stay at I.ho Monl Sla nt'; obHen I)erlnl ·pa lace!' . SL Val entlno's "oem I' would like 10 mu s t go back ul leu RL be.' lamp rail. c :Inri r eleclri an Bumme s8ed lhe "r~ Is II durIng t bul wands or ago. e reSUlts a ldry. Accord in g to th tD U lime .wben Ule fo und ations of th . , "Do )'OU r member lhot valenlln e 1 how YOIl ." hns thel prlncillul supply th eir In\,es tlga tlons. whlcb l,nve .n o w hind lIIe dtal thruW3 th o HIl:ldow of till , . A Bris tol (Englao d) police ser~ 'nut dale Hones anti id, la were lus mount:l ora/;e s l..'Oul ~rv1ng of a "Old you wrlle t haI lo YOllr 11.1y'" Sltll!. .. I though It been puLJ ll ~h d. "Ibn rllmhllsb ed len · boul's 3 nrl ha nd s. Jtl ~nlfl ed , UPOll tht!~c 'oUlIlr duy p roy sent )'OU at boardin g school ?': he &Ilks , equa lly us long II. pe riod has eillpsed for th~ Erie, It was lovo ?" Bys ' the edllor qulakl y. hats more s lon or th e oxygen or rhe IIlmo s D l1 er ~ ('cllin g. so i.hllt aI n . hn' nl h) rn n ~ee It summou ll en hi Dlse If for a II ow IliS a Il Ih~t itted adm aflor a vain altempt to repeat It. ' also was MIne ed nlt e lh of hi b d I t .• BI sllol' 'to Ill! on :'N - o- we ll-yes," Tom blus hes a Since lhe treasury "Someih lD g abouL aeodlDg me your Lao 1,000.000 I.ons hidde n away a loo g clogs Lh O proc()!IB or ox ldntlon .and thl9 row 8 e IV I m ilt cralllllJ: bls ueck.. chimney at Stoke r wrOle II ~o my W orkers' unio ll began piling UII th e nnLl defen(]a u',. wUness ' es was Hon e H Tlle . firf'. delloSits small In es lin h earl .as )'our ,'alentln e , wasn't It?" liLlIe. "The facl \Ii, IlS -pu e dollal'S as It defens B fund . or Lb .ets lIJl un e1 u boration of loxic subGd. 2s ed nn was a~d UlOllno tb of ide s the ty, n o iH CuriOSi She grues o UI of tbe wlodow , Wlt'l a wire." A depot le miners Jo the anthra- da stances, tile reI ntlon ot whl h. ClllISll8 " YQu did. e h !" exclilim s Ihe editor, wurd s 01123.000 A London druggi st bad to pay $18, was B:lld to be tar-owa) ' look lo ' be r eyes. and a slight ~Ir s. Flulbllll ler- [lut wh ere 18 Ille eym"tom s. Of. a'utolnlo xlcaUon ." ho cite region, 5,000 of them who belon g taln, a lid Its amount thinks Tom tho' y, brusquel lher ra recalls be s There as III keop a ooll'~ tons. cbeeks room 600,000 like Ilush rises. to h!!l' lhlng some g llo coot'rlbu g eos t ·ot !lUgaHo n; for selllll i~ !jeen Includin bave on III lInl e l lll\lra g In the edl- t o tb .Janltor- In Ib e al Simpson , rurthtbo happy time, Tom tblnks she II ~ee8 som el hln g gllulClnln AtQ ry wllter that was dirt y aotl full hootd Nemesla . regularl y or . their wages to this fund, Wll8 more Erie coal I'll Sa)'. d. bo n't Is It . Well " eye. 's tor moldy g r(lw lhs to· n mao wbo more \teallUrul tban ever. e r up tb p. valley, but wbere the othe r Mis tress-W hom can you give as a oJOoscum , mUDl .- N. Y. Sun . for It ," 'Tom Is 1111 averllge of ovor ,7" apiece. '1'be d~u !;· Oorbou· eveal/!d. r not was ~ ke d fO r di stilled . water. n. are "So It ' was, Carrie. Bul nOw you Klve you five dollars . pockeW. Invostlg allo lls 1111"c revealed tbatlitre rerence? o\·crjoye d. I gls (' s det nse WI.LS tbat he tbo\lgh thl) have It , dear. 80 that 1\'on'l do." Is lhe p.rlncl·paJ coal aupply of dlllie folne Ilt T~o Sides Always. In tbe l . rl,l's exls be coal of SllIIre, us Glrl moulltol New emily e.h!" wife, r for lbe pur. "You ml1sl baVII Il sweel , "I have .an Id ea !" he exclaims , Budago. the Delawar e 6\: H udson Canal comOne mnn 's W?rd III ~ood unll l yo u lIe:lr man wanted tho ~ate look in g. up at TOUl least three RtalfNl, Pennsyl vania, New paoy. For 'thn.t pu r pose It r ecenlly " 'ao yez wrole ye rsllf ~Ix months 1I011es at photogr apby. . story. s' mnn r e ~enly, llnd In a momeot Is scrlbbJr ng ' lIays Ule editor. lh o enthe l couvcnl all York, ew l" Sun. Y. and -N. J ersey while writing oul the c heck . tra Ck, known n..~ away. Iy locatcd ror shipping to every polnl bought lbe (ocal ra(~e "Best In lbe world ." "8ay~ Carrie, "bat rhymes wltb rail and water. Anthrac ite . park and there Its stile! by h bot untry, co the. ~n Ilnd. her." of care ,l;ood e tak "Well. dear?" ha\'e depos ited more thaD " And-giv e TweDty million tons of ~O lli. Sufflcleu t buckets "Fear, bere, ciear, d.rear." ahe an- he hands O\'e r th e oheck. 650,000 tOU8. while morc Is saId t o be kllcben tbe keep to clllimed 18 It .day ," IIwers Quickly, knowing tbat prompt- 1 her my lo¥e, GO\ld Millersb urg ODd other points nlon, 's lttlng thInking , &toves, the furnaces an(1 tbe engines at ~ ness at 8uch a eruelal period InllaM I • The editor has !roen ooal goIng th., "alley there, bard \1810g ~O"lItry Ihc: III for! bnnd, bls 00 reatlng ' wllh his head everythi ng to Ibe' laborlng ROet. ThoBO ure aome of the statIons ID until ·oot It wlnt~r, next lo In far buUl through Irlckles Arter an unRI1ccc8srul altempt . to a loog time . . A tl!&r tbe coal regions and In th e eUKI. but . the name a s soon lbe (ollowln g spring. think .o f ~ ll,!e t!lat WOUld . appropr iate. his lingers. I', knew' account was ginn of tbe enormou s no plants storage coa'. lhe df Tbe lal'gest s o that' s the. fellow Iy end with, ooe of tllese "ordl, ~e lIS , saw It. And ' deposits known lO be around Bufcoal aoet rollrond -anla course, It the pereon Is ooe. erly edllcaloo pbyslch m. cbllmist she married : Weh, and .he·s wrltln« a re lbose of lbe Pennsyh . ~--The pubUshe d stateme nts of a number think ot. Ofnues b~lr8t8 ~orl~: J., wblch bas falo. The Erie. tbe Delawar e, Lackafood experl; N. QuIt" can't Amboy. "I 80y9 South and a.~ marweak been lb" of they've and es, ber valentin PlenEe rememb er we never 80 y ordl , "I cao't Anlsb tbll llne," and Western and the Lehigh of th e olle wanno ed three discover lhe In have coal w\l1 hard you of tollO 1l!~lIcate 700,000 roosters and can't I r. yearl. of calfee Importe burts everyon e. "Read me what you've written , per, rled. let's see, yes, "Ix cbeBt~ut-eur- Valley all run Intt;! Bulfalo onll 8hlp darlDg alavf8 of tbe colfee Importe r. Tren18u ch narl- correa Tom's ,alenlio e, alzeB-p ea. egg , and . Sorlio peo»le use It regularl y and 800m weBt. All of litem a "waspy" feeling towards us, for lakes powertbe ly baPs I can belp you," ahe answers sym- publlsb It, taking up by nbl!Olule coal the seem of they for oorth UIO klnd:y. to hili tbe g be places 'It In roundin withstan d Its attack S. patheUe ally. 'Tom pusbes hla cbalr bUI I'll keep It, and ator- have their slorogl) slaUous and tbe to say tbat colfee Is harmful to a (Jerceot- le88 to stop the grad unl .b\lt s UI'o<lestr uc- s trollg e nou gh to anotber tear raUl froID town; tbe L!lhlgh Vnlley railroad but there Is misery e nd dl!;f!ase In store tons 2,OOO.QOO least benlth. at nlld seco y bod bos of winter tlon back, cougll8, lookl a trille (oollsh and his desk' aDd It.!! with d, Plalnftel who perslst8 In .ge plluit at South tbe edlt~r'8 eye. Nature'h as u way or des troy ing a part for tbe mlln or woman It was saId Ibat lhls ' age of the people, begins ; 600.000 Ions ; the Hampto n Juncllou sent In thcr'1' ~oom for Iho Its li se wbCn . nature protests , by beart o mnk 10 wait a people to the lly' or subl)rlnclpa tbe of stored on Is dJ..acu18l Bupply public )l,elll' of A frank plant of th e Cqntral railroad stomach nnd b0w.el troubles . . It Is the old Inw of "lue sur- weak ness, gen4!ral The a rm of drawin g Jersey, with as mucb more: the Pbll- th e openlog . at Ih e ,Iakll novlga tlon. 'ect Is ql1lte ogrel1ab le' to us and can eer- stronger e fittest" at work, a nd the kidney disease, weak eyes ...·or Is .obth ot vlvol pols de coal or t lis e tb • III t okes oorvous proslrat lon. Tbe remedy Illa n),. nre in high schools ' should adel l)bla &: Reading storage plaot at ofThat· victims when , contr:lI'Y lbe rm: ~ h no ~ op J talol),do com~lne .contaln ed'ln . What 13 known as tbe ville; th e Delawar e &: Hudson We rellent the asserUo n thnl calfee vlt,)U@. ' The (1~1lg' cn!\'elne, not differ, except in de- •Phoenix ronds. Wh eri It alllhefa ela ouuolh sld~sbt nny qllfistlon must be dlsconUnu~d many people, nol a.ll; iiii'l'Uil all ordlnnry ' cotree, rm ha torage plant at Honeado le. nnd tbe erator8 or th e coni doeG cootlnue In will se -'- tf absolute ly or tbed.lse3 gl'ee, from the aim of New York, Ontario & .Wester n accu- oomes to nn estimate of .tbe COlli sup- are spread berore tbe Pcollle lhey can gro'! ' enough to oppal Lho Inves - s nlto lot any' 'medlcln e nod 11'111' tb ~ large s army operator ,lent Indcperv tha or ply ';orse. drawing in all 'school mulallon a II10ng Its IInel. gAtor lind sen rcher ror racts, enlly. IDteJllg nct 'and e decl4e Non n' dlmcul\. thereupo \!fy \' becomlls Penn~yll'anln hns now two very problem It Is easy tQ leaveolf theold-f ashloDe ll Tbe next Jlrc\'arlcotlon of lhe colfee which form a part of Tbe deposits uhi r Give \.be people plain faelll aDd ,they . one at · 80uth Amboy of th" InlJopend ents have a .' reg slersl.ll t hel r flla temen t colfee by at!opUn g p ostum FoOd Colfee. ro~ nnd large rR Imporle be can pleasing hot brsnkthe general , scheme of and tbe olher ol McOiell an. a small conI storage depot 80 far' os that Poat.ulO FOod CorteernIs made or ' for In .It one ftnds a e'care of Ulemsel vos. tbe deep By .RANK H. COLLINS, Ceotral learnell. out about e~el'Y colliery In w\1lll1k tast or dinner beverag e tbatg'has tS:I~AI~ n~d • o err or i>ubli~ instruc tion. The vlliugc on tbe Norlher n ns bea .. M PO ted rons uc\Uil d' cotrce tbls UTe' .deDlllnd facts In seal brown color changlu to a 'rlch Mallual TnlDla, low gra'le or co ee Illlu a , third lhe ooal regions th ere Is II· coa I s torn a DIl'eetClr or DrawlJl' anel aDd with \lrg, Hllrrlsb above nch bra es " •• exercis of School e Is o U.t lin In Naw yo .... City lhlbllc golden brown wben good cream added.' casel eq\lnllin g 1n no nO llrl s~ment. b (15 I t bas been hullt at Runyon . whIch 1& age 811pply In ma n y lion ontl p.opose to see lhat the faels nre contillns b II d I .'" wager to otfered lollsly prev the \'e lng h3 We urround ·s s m nu 6S, nk ba nen. o · e ong ~nOUg may differ for the dif- soout lhree miles distant rrom South size t.he. culm $1 00110000 with tbe m thllt lhelr state- 'Ii, people. the· rank Rio cotree ot before that not Is clearly flavor bro\lght tbe I tit I . ' ferent ' grades , ihe plan Amboy. The CoDI depoell at Soutb breaker. ao,l smooth m~lder, .the but ,'e ry Ilke a se. ' A number of coffee lmpor.le rs an ,1 menU nre nbso u e y lackln" ·the large oon k.a I mounview. 20 entirely' in hos but aim the Jnva, Amboy yet grade es, blgh localiti t anoJ wager di~eren our in vary nccppten oat may of .instruc tion Nf'vel' Before. , . roaslers baye jolnedll~ovementto booni . They have the dlug olfe 't of o r dloary colfee. " the ~llln9 now sufely stored. Feeding every tbey will not. ,IOn I h o rolter . k. t c. g from disorder s 'set ent.l to bt' obtaine d,., should be the same fot' al\ instruc tion from' sulferln An)'one of jlresent pue lin endless cbaln of!ystem ot buck- '1 like 10 a make gladly .,'m We re~ cotteo and s top thlj. ~se of Po.tUOl Food be pri~ et8. known us the Dodge coal storagn '. And Hcoot about once mo up by coffee drinking (And tbere Is an meuts t:lementa~.v classes throug~ the c.ollege. and thi~ ailn $hol)ld And gild., and whirl a nd s hoot and scoot I.r·oows p aper .8tale roaat-er or Importe r ot extensiv e variety) can ob'Klllltely depeud tb any to dl ,000:1)0 $25 for busy tly form constan in ul beeu e has beautif n m. )I'ore; the 1 0 lyJ1le for dlr\ eotreean I S Just H ,marily to, ('ult Ivate a love and appreci.ation who will accept til/it. upon some mell8ut:Q of rellet by qlllttl.Dg num)' mon t hs. 'rhesc buckels can ,\nd burnp mysclt AO then, thoulh I . '. underla ke LO d!lcelv~ by false assertloO S. old-tns hlo ned r otfee .' .. colfeo nnd us ing Postum Food Golfeetoo beforc. mpN .,nt! color. bu or ne\' \Vn.1 tbe to minute II : coal ca rry two l<Jns or . Their first Is that coffee Is oot barmful ~. If. the dI seuse baa nO.t become makes which triad a forms re, OUlton f'!,JIlt. -H literatu and ,music with g, reaDrawin ~ tributed , o~e can with top of th·o . pile: wb ere It III dis Free 11Is pectJon of I)ur tnc~orles and .,troilglY rooted, Weasse rUhaton eln everytb reecotre c It t.o dIsappe ar entirely In a' as a part o( our scheme for public instruc tion, for culture and refine- by ch utes. One thou su nd tons ot coal melbods Is made by thousu\l ds <it .people 80n expect FORCE OF HABIT . after the actlve 'MUIIe time ble corree ImpQrle rs 'reasona ess. 8. . day hilS llep.1I U tnlr o\'erage for a uaers bas somo form of loclple nt o r euch month and the ment as oppose d to coarsene~s an~ vulgl!rity, greed and selfishn III )'1ln,io\'ed ond tbe ,celtrouble llle ' ot Both Invited. y cordlull are , e~. WMk thcmselv dIlY·II. diseaee: realize for one mom enl postum onr! Qrilpe-N uts ure absolute ly lula r tl ssue I>ns Ume to navlral lr ·. re:. . I~5tr\Jction~!l drawin g should be linked to a 'higher purpos e 'than Al Runyon. wbl're. III the ne .. yards, build " ,Itl> \.tI.e e~ement8 luI 1\lshed ' by exacUy us atated. othel' the ·with well so Is ever nt it plll le tbe Correla . whot~ terrible me~a~ to a Qallon of elv- 'vure nn!1 made COllI ljLLq beell atol'cd, ' therel), merit~1 development. the an- Pos tum oud good rood'. and POlllum ot rormuln The rago b f d 11 plant I is possible ~o larger lhan IIle SOlH b Amboy U's only' jllRt plaln.old combldn lIeDse. Ic w leo one t n 0 eve mndo by one O[ lbe fo~most ulyslR . branc~es in the course o~ study, make of it 'a s far u's 'it peop lIized the Now, with the exnct facts hefore hns hOen prlntoll on tio'lI nnd Its cllpnclty ha s ouly !teen llmlled cripples the .euergie s and h ealtb of chemIsts or Soslon do so 'a coordin ate pITt of as highly scientific a scheme of instruc by tho trnckage around It. Workin g at Isab- reuder he or' she can decide tbe -.Ise 000 years many or t packngu IlI'cry who ~\,jth people' study: the one-tblr d tlill prossure It has been a ble to ablooking to'bealt h &lid t~e llOwer you will. but' I beg that. it ·be not iorgott en that tllis t p OB tu m. course' • nc'cu.ra~e . '. to db things. . 'ke the UDartlo n advisedl y and IOltltell' Now !!s. to tbe food va,ue .o ulmoBt the e ntire dally output of ~ We ma any iloubt ail to .the. ca~ music and \iteratu~e 'are the. only .links which connect · p~bJic school sorbPennayv have )'0\1 If berry whool the of parts tit" McClelThe coutalns It OW" system. anla lIugges ltbal the reader hIs ty. llle al sailS such as of noy BQhe or all youlnB~bave·,~em. educati on 'with that part :of our exis'tencCl which tr!lnscends mortali above Harrisbu rg, ' are proot by persona l lJ1qu1ty Ilmoug corree' which curry the ele1Dent etc.. elc" u~ed ber tbe tar-renc htng telegram , ola hurt Inn yurtls, 8\11CII potBBh, pillgl , Iroll bookke~ , lime, English . '". uilel'll. larger th'all the South ' . mboy ynrds, . Behin:1 our instruc tion, in , mathematics" to Tebulld t he cellular nervou8 system travelfrQ iii'beel to bead Ask your coffe" urlnklng f1'lend~ If bithe lite forces partloll.l utely ante" creation of the nn(l tbd po.ltlon III . orly true octbe and It may be well' wortll ,your 1fhlJe Is this and tissue. t~' pewriting, etc., sl'jOutd l>~ a force that makes for the acbes ot sort any from they keep free althollgb It \s convetit tnt to tho lower fonnd In make the experim ent of leaYlnlr.oIr, ~. also potaah, We ot : te dignify phosphn and Dllrexult the at that startled ideals b& by 11'\11 d You ud all8, desire ·.to live worthily, insJ,>ir~ enUrely fot! 10 dap . .d UIID8 s In thQ buJlI aod tb,e.f'UokeoB valley re- . combine ScAuylk wblch ts, Ora~-Nu to Boek y unlurall very w\l1 and s OIntage ., . . nnd this COOl- PO/ltum In Its place, • hould .believe that besid~s OUr instruc tion in these suhfect g!Dn; It t. safe to ..,..,tha t there .a~ the cause ot disorder on sometbl ng man body will albumenwater,. reblllldR IOtMl Jllaoo lOme ther . . y probabl 11'\11 You '1\'1111 or tons od together ,000 nnd 1,000,000 bet we!! uide from ~ffee,',.,holhedood,lnherlt. bluaUon , " ' ~lctthan.' more . maKe' for mental development and po\Ye~ to earn' a Iivehho taola, aolld dellcote the lu matter gnlY the worn out coal there aDd tlte ·fllll . I).city or tile . eel ten~enol.. ·or 80methiDC elae, idoa ·in. ~ !rOleS .time, ;mr .c lDake of can ffairs a ' heo1t1l ay tor qnd everyd ' the ~y. in t1le par~ oyer all take to , nerve cellters to. m~ke ",,;,ney aearch for facti. Go deeper lJ1 plnnt has 'not yet ' been reached, ~ tbr thm'. ~eIIld" It. nd 10119 ple~u8. 8t'lar tl braIn world the the out of .adn:iitlt OcesuIloDll neu- tIlroulth If IDt.naI -~ .At Squlh Plalnftel cl tho yarda or the 8tructron ehould be given to develop a f~ith in the glory Ordlnar 1 a:offee st.lOlulntea In an ,!n- W. Uke. contID. ou., beart WeoltoOlB. be pilrfecU ,. it 19b Yal1,", ral\I'l)ad contain over """pIe mlln}: wtth but way. natural CUIDand e~istence; that honesty, decency, geft~rosity and cltarity, coupled kidney trouble,' doel\ not . There'a a IIIPOD -.. tbnl or hard .c oal, _nd tlle eyea, or approac hl. . Den· Ilowly and IOrely destrop and ,. . with a belief in i~mortalit~ and 10V,e , art: essential ' to right living, 80 vItali,.. o 8ubatano .,.,. thIa crow,,-ed "sth ,raiDi nbolld are to her track. or hllD IDduOl n"..b~tJIoD .' . e..". or sense shoulCJ be ·recognized 'in our ' cours~s ot Iq to add .t helr C&I'(I'OU to tile alrejld,.. lq ".IMle tile to ot Art in itl hDport a otrOOIre l"vI. . -'"'rrJJI~p-~of .. pomllD'P004 Cot- bUJlWl beIq. . plies. There WIN 14 01 til... ~ drawing, music :lnd ·lller.lU re I and the ItUdy. IDatti J coDtaUaIC '... HYeral .ternal . ~ be p"pri l¥ to nue . ~ _, proP. It.Wtllata twa toprOft-.rnj L IO ,bnlnril le. ,_ ..,... ..... .~.II.Dfacti. to .Wqrtl. r.tIIC
(COP7rt.bI" 1,". by JOMpll 8. Ilb~ ltI.. .
~. f!t!,V!!rtk~;'~~~ !
t~l~yll~.~PJWg~l~~ \
~YJ: " · PI Ull e $250 Pfile
' 2
' SUII~ !,
E~ ~ .
.T h·e · C of fe e
Debate~ -
Aim nf' I1ra.mmg .in i;igly.:jt4nnl~
ui .
an ua.
w.a '
.' ,.
I \' Il ell", • '1·11.... . t)'I. 11I"\lla). I i It. i nor IIry til HI'l' Illl'm ro
\' n bl!! until r. ~ ,101111 J . FrUlII1lI nnd . ' "I (.v .I.T.Urlll u fllrlllu ' 1)1l tvr of "'elr brlKbt little dllUlChw r l{uther· Ih M. g ('hll Tt' h WI'ltoll (rtllU hI:! Int e we loom ' ~nt·t'tl< " f :,\1 r~. bU\JIe I\t EI\ . t X tln t)II ,Oh;n.thut h e J'rOBJU'tI parent.., Mr, AmI ltlr>l. ,I I" ml1 0h intl'r, 1.",1 ill Mill H Ilm I.' 'U lllll1~ 1\ 11 ,1 h,ltl!\11 h A I", lIo t ('1'1'· C. aawko, 8uoWty . t hat h A w l\ 11)O II hl u In n trllllll : . KI1l. Philip Surfaell IIlIll lIullght tll· hli" Mn. 'ran~ Thollll111 uf III low, r v , 'k'~ t,lIu Iltl po ·tll ll t, ,. Lt limy be n
Spriulllboro lilke oombined l~ u ~ I\l(,~~ aDd pleasnre In a vitdt to Dn.v t lJlI ODe day lut week . Quee~ and llrBll nt. 'l'oot h \V II fll\ never fanB ro gtve Il6r fcd ' It I t. fil l', ~on . ,r, It, Janney . Frank Miller bas m ovod blH bin K' 1ID1lth shop to the Wejlt ' of It . olrl lOOl\tlvn on Ma.lo and High st,r t H lIud ttll reported will bulltl Ii r esi · dence Qn tho corner whe re t}le b op
~ 1 'O Il ~ gl1th o r i ll ~
l\lld profi lnhlt OOCII'
Mr!j. ::lI\;;-,b''-ii -:Oulas
NIl \'o' 11i
FarQ1Qrs . Atb:ntion. W t ' h"ve receivetl '" oholce lot of ~llr tb e rn Urow/l Beed potato" ~~t1. rly Ro e-Ubica p;o MarKets , \I~'lrl i Obi o, eto ..- N lOe s mooth " t.OOK, free from soab.-Snre t,o plens e yp u . P ril' U .OO t o $U(i pe r bnsbe l. B om e g r own , eed 60 to ·700.
No:rthe:rn Grown Ga:rden Seeds Th mos t r elitlbl e, t,h Iilrg a t verof ge rmina t ion-All tlOtage " eds tasted. E l>tm eurly P en!!, Boons, CorD, eto.
Onion Sets 8 IOc pe:r qt. "
A. J. 8hidaker, brother of.
! "rJlC'lnt l. tllI' hl'" lltv "r. f"lIrI L' V\.rll F1tII U ~ t h, "·,,,,1 l ~nJ h' r l n g . und 11l't":"'~ ltr~' tu l tlltlm I'll III 1" 'llli ~I ' I,lltli r ()l{ to: XI': I. BOX ]'11\1 " "1 1 1'h \ . /. \, ) ~: J'~ ,,\~: h '1'''1' I ~ I' h " l'll IIT" Mtll " l fI ' -- .' A('K nlll' HI,I' 131 EA ~I'l<: I ) ,A I'K II (~l1nJ " SA \ ' I""I, " 8,\ 1' 1, ' n .\ I;': 'O AT l' I.KI·( )'
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g' l~tt LH" ' , IllIi · ' 1I f'
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PnC ' k ll l!I
SI - I t. 11< l i n.'
Hnlll1 liln l \ ' h ll lll ill
Wanted \\
, ,1\
I' \',' r~'
DERs' for sale at
R< lR
w ill. ho \\, ,·11 wlH' t ll
.'v ll)' llCSyj 11
wh i1(l t o f 0 1'1II 1<'11: "1'10N fl'{l1l1 \ ' l1l' I:'i IN " [1;H l1'V ~ t.y l .
irlrm " f
t) V'P TlIt Il\t
'o hun hml Bnr k r8
50 S19 50
Prices Pl'cYai I $10 $15
.. J " ,.
Flin t'>! FOO ~Z 'H
Cllu g ht Cold While Bunt ing Il ~urg Sult.s worth lin 0 ~,... Sui ts wor th ~1 2 liO , luI'. " II Annivor~ury 81110 pri en" Mr . WUl. 'rb os LllnOr{{lm , prov in . Anni versll ry Mill pri en " Sui 1M worth ~ l ' oial UOTl ~ j,1l hIe 0 t ' IlnplM 11. Uo t.n I'i o, \;'luttR wor t h ~:l ;, ,I Anni" ll rsary il1l1(\ p r ice says : "I oau gh t It 1:\ ver e oolli whil e Annh e rsn, r Y ' ~ 1I11' prieA ·J I n 1 . l' '1' 1 1Ic\1I,ll n~ Lhe 1I 0 W 1111,1 \'e n' M y l · hunti ll ~ a burg lllr ill the forest '1'OP 'OA 'r~ '-.: Ilnc u.A .( '!' . . l,t h F re ll c h Hl\c k '1 (11' ~ at ' 1':1"1 '11) ~ I O t.,) "' ~I s wo m p las t fAIl. B enrin g of UhllUl berlain 's Uoug h Rem od y . 1 tried it, ,~'IS F~llow a ud uf\ier using two 8 Jl1I111 bottles . I .~ WIlS OOUlLIIEl te ly oured . " This rem · ed y i!O intended ~~ peo iltll y for coughs W e Iln. ve clothes for t h boy tJHlt ILre st), lillb , dllru b le nud r !'II RO lltlhlr aD d colds, It w ill loosen n.tid l'elleVA II se ver e old iu less time tban b y in pr ice . Nat o ~o m o spo Inll! for our Annh-orsnry SIII £1 any othar t,I'eutment ond is n fn vor . fl!t e 3 t.o· I •. ill two pi~oes nov, elty JIeo ts worMl $ 2 fiO .. " ..... it-e where ver it-s fluperior excellen oe 1111 9 becom e known. For sllle lIy F . nit!'; (' go 6 to ] , KllIoke rhll()k r of· C. Schwurt.? '" reoloP , worth $ 4.5(1 !lod $ 5 fo r
. . . . • • .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... .
........................... .........
...................... ..................
fit the Little . Easter
B OJ s Boys'
... .: .'........ .... ..... .. .... ;..... ..... .. .... .. ,..
.. .... ..... . .. ....... .... ..... .... : .... .... .. ... , '200
. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . ...... . ! ..
aDo S Q ARE FE ET ' , Ma y be oov red t wice with one trllol1on of GreeD enl P oin t.. F or Bille by,J E •• fulln y
LOT~ING 20 and :u East Third St.
FASHION BEAUTIES,CO:l\tPLETE H tn rtll il' I; '1'1 J\ 1"1I ." b 'l· t ~ Il ." t< :
DEP A Rl'ME ,~1' 8'l'()Rfi~
FARR -& WHITE Want,ed, A girl to flo house work i n o washing o.r ironhig. . MRS. . M. ROOITZER.
In order to comply with the comm llDd we l~r6
Ladies_Ai~00i~v-----+li-'I---tllnI.Hoe-8took-t'he-:great68t in Warren Conn lt y- -
, Sews ,all day.
Robert . ~er Superintendant of Mitlml The Ladi~ Ald 800ie't y of t be M. oemetllry, died &t his home in Troy, E cburch held 1111 nil ,day m eet i g 'Obic. Monday morning at the age in the Stoops building. recentl va· ar 711 yeaN, ' entAd by the Krenkler Co ., . lt~f!t. ·lIr. Bbldaur formlh'ly lived in Thursday. when they aooomplished &he vlolnity of Barveysbm'g, but a great amount of work. In the WII.Y tor thlny.five or forty yoana he bad of quilting and othet: sewing. . Uvc a' Troy, where be engaged In The·llIdi\18. took the ir dinner with the eaIe of fr~t trees lI.ud ornlUIlen· theIn, And Seth Cook ordered an tal ab.,ubl. For the INt year, how, abuntlanoe of good 'coffee from the e"~ hi. biudnelill' has J[ept bim in Edwards sister' restauran t . and a1· 1DiU~polia, but his home was .8till most every m i nut.e WIIS pu~ in at ._ ' . ... "'-.. ~y. ; I.effec)thr.e work. He ~ 'b een actively engaged tn HANNA'S LUS'rRO FINISH , b18 ~ork until about Ito week ' before bia'dea,h when he WIUI brou~bt. 1'hemostbeautifulflnlshforfioorH I bome .;.tlermg frOiIl' hemmorbag·es . IIn<l woodwork ever on t he ml1rket. t Be leavel a son, a da.u ghter 1\ lIro. See the finished t\luullies n.t ,1. E 1Al tiler and many other rell!;tives to Janney's . ' . !ai mourn their 10118. • lIr. Robert $hlllaker and It Dum bel' of rel.tlvel from . Harveysburg . wiil go tbi8 morning t-o 'fray to at· tend' 'he funeral. .
OURNEOESSITY IS ' YOUR OPPORTUNITY . . . . 'rh e best t o t bOse~who oome liret , . . '
... ""Q. -~~ banon .",-, , ' .
\V" 11 ' 1\0\' h l .. " "; t.ll ~ .~ll
"'I :I.". ,.
h lVt\ "hiPII 11
'. ,In.r ll
'f RIM~lING ·
Hutcbison 6t '(iibney, X~nia, · · Obl~.
With. something auhst.fl nf.llli to hog,ln the dllY on, suIte overy 1II0m ho r o f tbe: household these oolct m ornln g~. ' . ' . . Mos t '1lOopl~ drink oofl'e~ I\t br6lLkfflSt, Ilnd \Ve ann sui~ the lOver of colfee. W e hlwe a s good II. line of .COFFEIll all VOU ollil find In towlI • , Wh~t bette r ,than bat tor OIIkos with PURE SYRUP. 6et PnD<lIIke FLOUR IIml SYRUP h e re. . . . , , We can furni ('IIl the milk up or nil 01011.11:1; brel\kfllst, cUnner und !lnp per . with 11.11 seus onflble go ods . Y 011 are in vit-e<1 to oaU .
M. BRQWN II · Proprietor
to Vite for our big II'ftJj;J!I DIOt'VU ·....Iogue
.b ....l n!':. Ibe in""t tomplde lin" or hl~e DIUYVLWI. TUM and' H()NDIlIU at l'alvu BELOW any otheJ' IJUlnll'aclureJ' or dealer In the ...... Icl.
,· n f'J II t l 'lI ,II iI'" 1« " r t.1Il nt .lm! Ilk ll I." I· , l!I .· " " II ( i " , ~ \V.II I1(\',,·fnl 01" 1" . ,11 11 t p r Til .. I llig Inlll!l,h ILlld 111111 1 11 1111 I)" ~ n ll l(h ~ t.i 1" 1II di m , lil t t ,l ~" t th ,~ ,' " ".,. " ,!I. IL ~ i " )d ' I'tir (\,%1' III r,·' ,Ii <I",,· ·.f D hl/HIt" 1•.•1, lIlon t h
The Blaolt Percheron StalHon
(in slx G lnRs .'how l;lv!es ui tl to \)0 th n tln f'~t In t,hA !:It/It.. filII of AI)pllq u P o ~cm e l)t et io, Motifs, E m,h kul >'. 'OllloollJ Br1l110;o. At.O. OUr Ity Dresf!mnke rs d o D\lt go t o Itn y other Oity . O nr . AHMortlllt1nt. b\l in~ Compl ete . .
omPfllledl to ofT r durill g t h e month Vf April onr .
~ ~
CO~ .·il': G10 , r(\,S
K HIlmi' T~'n ~.. , ~'-'
"Iln A~"lll't.. r, 0(1 IIp 1\ r"w ..I, ~ 7(,
l'" t ll" '11 I C
it will pay you to go miles t.o attelirl thi l;! ~rent sale. It will puv you to buy freely for the future for DO snoh an opportnnity will present il.self ngoiu . ' Au elegant U 8s~o rtm e nt inolnding ne w s prin g ond !'ummer g oods just nrrlved. . . The gr611test s tock in bhe oounty of Men'l:! ond Boys ' 'lothing . R epresent. Ing the oholc('st lI'rorlu ct,ions of the OO$t mlmufuot,u re rs. .' H ere will be found every t.hing thll.t i~ desiroble and up t o do,tu in 1.ol1ies , Men't! onel . GhiJdren's foot wen.r . . JEWELRY, CARPET!;,OU RTAINS WALL PAPER anel J PAINT~ must. be cl os el Ollt ntirely. WATOHES, and SILVERW ARE, A .new ond ohoice lin e will oil go a t re l)1llrKably low .p rices. We have the best · qualities. BOOKS, PATEN T ME OlClNES. DRUUS and Toilet ortlcles to go at le88 thaD cost. EverytbJog in th Bargam, l;Wna, GIllS!!, Tin nnd WoodeD wnre, nnd hundreds of uBeful. 'aDoy nnd desirable IIrtlcle!lat llnhollrcl of prioes EVERYTHING MU T BE !:!OLD.
\) II)~ "O' lt l,llI ~ I IIll n t;
Q " it.o Ht.y lttth lid " S pl·ing. Bu rt""" k \y i\ 1 " Ii Y" u l.hl1 ~ ~y 1;0 milk " !lll'm \\"1 1.11 .. 11 ov r", Ln Il e tc.
Oh~ o.
Out' Big Building ha.s been old, W(\ m\lst'o'ct out in short order, It is so decreed. 'rho mandate must oe .obeyed, No quarters offcred .
'[1 he
VOReHD · SlIl.E.
RENIER And the general purpose hor~e
Will ma~e the season of 11l0\1 At Wa~n88ville Ilt the 'fiN . C. Phlllip'sllt&ble. You should 1188 :theee·Borl!8!! before going elae.wlle're,
. J . 'B. MARBA'L L, Propriet<lr.
'WE' S'ELL NOTHING BUrf CLOTHING for 1\{EN and YOUNG MEN It ', stands' to reason that a fi~m which ·dcvotes it~ Clltlre t,i~e and elleJ'gy '
to one par1.iculftl' e~ld, becomes s.pecialist in that line" and is better h hie to fill your' WHllts than any firm whose timc divide'(tamon~ a thousUl1(1 and one thitlg's,
GOLDEN' WEDDI~G . Tbp .flnle tb wedding au'pivtlfsary of John Henry" and Mir.lllm f' Ooqlas will talle plaoe AprIl 23rd . It III felt tb&t this ~ lin oppo,r tono . "me t-o !!xpre8l,t ~b8lle dAtil' friendtt our app.reola:tton of the fnlt'bful 8er· vice tbo~, baye rendered to the .ohnrob ddrlng this half century of . 1181(.<1ooial and looren!!ing Iu. bor. n 111 Int.end~ to' gi ye ~hem , Ii ~e., oeption on the clay II. ve .men t ioned whiob hall be 'lIome \vhut In the nn · ttl~ nf a lIorprill6. Mllny of their .trltln(\lI at Il dl~tance . If they knAw p' thiS would be glad toO mM t with "'~l but '\'Fill not lie able : It \s Bug· . .t;8(l, however, that tb6!le may be ....eMlDtliil by letter, whiob would .. or pea' interest oQmfort, tQ {n 'Uutlt yeaTS. See '11. :11.
. Are no\~ In n.nd ready for vour inspeotion. A"rison of. t y le!< n'~ll 'JI':ice~ WIll eUBIly clAmoflstrllte the superiority of our lines ,All I,he Uf'lV e ~ t Twilight, (~ruY!l. lnvisib1e PhlidH, Blno Ser ges in the new~t outl<, 81l1ok 1' hiheh< for dro!'~ WAnr n,r e re('lre Rentcd, llJ;ul ever.V garment possesS6!l n. distinot Imli vir1ullli ty We 8el1 I,be very tluost Snits nnd Top Overcoats. rivnlirig th o lIIost, e xei u!!iv ll oust,om work nt ............ ..... ... ...... : .......... " .... . .'.... .. .... ...... , ........... "........ .... ..
$12,50 $10.00 ... "" $17.5Q $15.00 $22.60 $20.00 .E ach and eyery O'al'ment is kcpt Cleaned, PreR ~qed :t!ld in Itcpitil' for two ye~trS,
MISfiT CLOTHING PAILOltSf Wm.-Wertheimer1-U-~
No. 11. E, 5tk.' St~; 'Opposite Park .'l'heatre, Near Main St., DAYT9N, .OHIO,
'l' hc POllg eJnckct
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ~~~~~~~ LEBANON
Hh.(H' t J aek4 , (:o; 'al'C Perennial nt\ (wite.
C01\'1PANY Dayton,
$1.95 $3.50
......... .. ·...·.. .. ······· .... ······t··········
out fOr
n i is
2G & '5(Jo
GO & 1 .OO J
, .. .. ....... .... .. ..... ........ .. .. , .. •• • • d
Dr . ( 'lIllr 's
PE'i't .
An II i Yel'sal'Y
InterlUII,i onlll • t.1l1·\c .I~llOII. .. . .', ,, . ...... .. .................. ..... ... .... ~ .
BI'!lt o f E\' A r yth i ll ~ , t,l' elll nl· AM P w,'" l hl 'r wil t .. nut Ih e h ot, b'In.I.] r OI) wor k f011nl1 in m o, I Z I M [\'1 E R MA N ' !'I ~ ~ • oloth ",,, W hn ll y ill: "rn huyl nl! Yl) l1 r :O;)) r lll /: ( ~ u " " \1'l\t;< II. ltll~ g lO P" ~=:::=~=:::::=~ i .: "Inn t o n' II HII II 1;1' 1' t""llu(lI. I'j., t.III'" t h " t II r ll 1;(\ '11'[( 11 ( " ,,11 1I " t, ·tn In- , ::; t h e ll' ~ hu" n IIII' fi r"" 11 11 11 11' tl l1 ~' .1' , II \\" Il l' t hem Our l:ii noori lY ( 'llIl h." II n h llu,1 IlIlI eI I\. ' 1"" 111 1·""ltI"" . ', 1111 NU 1' . ·. I!, · lor . <I " by ti ll' h ' It.IlIlI ·i l" lII c W wlmlll Iik p t il jlll \' 1\ ~'l lIl r Oil .... 11\ 11 111 1 u ~ k us for Il ~ \lil. l)r ,,'i lI'c:ori I I' t.:l n t. h o~ n r IL :';l\ll: o l'll.~· Ovuroont.. \VI' w ill 11~PIl YS evo'r y Lillie : Onliun ry 1l1~il\ t poin t out. 'Ih e t1itl'(,r 11 e Illlllirudorl \lllhl ll t.lI,lt, ('1II'nOl< fWIIl • ~l n c 1'1' " 1," 1 Is <lenT li t any prl oo Ure u 1:i~~1 orin g , lnlfl , IIJlll b oueflt Buntl N.tlEllll e. W ol'k 1\ Illw"S ~ JIll '" Lillllid Puint it< All invesiIlH1DI,. E or t.o bu y t.ho ·tirs t. 1m Is by .r. E. p It U IlEly. TIJ
0 III P1e t c
Now .
\ "' II!'
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A~ 'no '~ 1' ,, 111 1· ~ .. tl 1" 11 11(1",· , J\ prll I .•th , h" ' ~ .1'('111', SOIll Bwh" f, 11.,, " rill' \1 11"" wlll" h I~ 11~\l'''1 ~' f/ll l< Jr. i~ 1·11 IICl\'I"Pli',l I·im p B~ fn r :'< Jlrl l\ \l:lng " . ani' 1\ .\' 'I \tltl'~: lip I. \\ .'"Ib llr .o ou \III,i tln~ hll.l·'" II I'W.,1 1l A" ,," t I1l llu~' ;)II,n '" l' llrlwr dOlh Ii 1l111'1'1t '1><I'tj \\'(, li n ' n il \\' Cll l111)lI " 1 ' I.,· ~ I l1t·lt \1 wil h 1111\\' Sl'rl n ~ ~ t.y l .)~ ' l' h l~ i" th " ~(~I"" i tl " f IIl1 l\\ p \\'l'lItl l1"l', II IIml II· CI" ' \' II EI Itt' l~ n lIli)!,b l ," ",,(I~l jhir;lI,!; t .. h ~ "". wh " \1 Ilhi)ly Il : \ y~ 1III" I·nnt.' WIth \\'lIr l1l ll\1I';o noel 1l\ '( :tll!~ Jt." t (l · WI·"r· iug I 110 n~ f' lu i 1'1'1'1 (.'Oll t . •
1,1 1110 11M.
l·'iHilig . iLi(IS
: ' p rill g ~ h () '" j n~'
VI " IIIr 'I'I)¥ () ,I '
HOUle gruwn . m n.U size evenly s orted. bolt, White silver sKin nm1 Yell o w Dllnver se ts .
----Death 01 A. J, Shldaker.
~ otlll
B"l1 ·l Il O~ .
Mrs. Ed Evans, of !le1l1' ~I)r l nl! V.-Uey who btU! beeu !lpendinlr tue winter at Ash ville N ort,h 'r ollnll , returned bam A Fr ld:lY. Mrs . EVlln .. baa beuefitt.oo greatly in h ealth by her stay in the south and b e r fricndtl .r~ happy in welcoming her hon11.\ ouoemore and trinoerely hope that her preeent improvement mllY (lon · \1uu~ IUId 1'88ull: in a COml)let e r es wr&tlon to health and strength A long black overcoat of good mn terlal, altllough somewbat w orn fouud In front of Mllhlon Bidge'. llakber sbop one day last week. The ooat has been left at ~htl office and the owner IIlny ol)taio ame by identifying proper 'Y IUId, paying for tbjs adv ertise. ment. llta )!lilnie Ha~a.way ·is enjoy . illl & mooh needed 1'68t at home af· ttl' Uireemonthil or more ' s~nt io · Colambua actina as .tenographer in She BOQIe at Representative . At tl\e 010lIl of the l688ion, t.he 0001001'&' 110 DUIIIl.... of t·he General Allsem bly preaented elUlh of the twelve eteD. .phera with a boquEit 01 bandlome r08tlS; /lnd . Milltl Bu.~h · awaY very ~neroU81y anared her!; wiUi the Gaze,u,o.
\1' , Iy
~lt Hl . "
Zll'l1 r , of H enl,n ' k,Y . in II bl'll 'Joy I t ter t . h I'!. . 8 . An t hu ny, 8UYS nwon g ul;her t hing : . ., ) IIUl wnntin\;{ t,o omo uJI lle x t Rmnmer to yonr li ttl o mooting t hey ure t'lI )king o f huv ing t hero. I wlll hrinl: m y mnb r 111\ llDll ClUUIl unllor It,. for 1 th ink t he town will be full of 1\1 opl (l. 1 h opo we Hilly ti ll live to l!tood. : '. , en . W. aml Mrs. Nlithan All tiD ha ve j uy t b nt, Grun d re union . " 8d .to th~lr fU.YUl on the . Bell· Mrs . W.m . Morris, of B el'lbrook, ',,·'lOk pIke .. Iter ti. 't w yUll r ~ ' r'~ 1 \Vn io Wu yutl vi lle '.Cnel!clIlY . Ml' ~ , d nuoe In -Waynesville MI \J' ,)O~li ll M Ol' tis~ w",; [U I' torl Y,ullu yellr)4 1\ A ut', lu will r eUl"ln in \\ lly n '.\' l lll l' , \llen t ,rf ' Vun'foll {'tl n nty , UUI lo r ttl Iht\' bomeofDr All d Mr,. '~ ' . I " mull Y YI)III'I'PIl. t h ll ~ Il vt'd 1U (; re"1l N"'lOy Ulli li I,he los , o f I.h . ch",,} county , ILt, A 0 111 PI II nl l 1;SIl III'I'OO:t , 11 11\1 Y '11' . ' . wtI,dltlr IIrl'llli g l uJ,; t.p ('omu I lic k to . ,A lIbr'a ry III 1Iot cOUlt1lfl t l1 \\' 1111 tlw ~ elles 0 1 h UI' uhlllllli)>)cl Ilnd (\fIt II oopy of tlnubln'ti , 1\1r 81lh· II) you u ~ w OUlUllh " IHI It) "P' nt! Iha I' ullLilllie l' 01' b r ~' ellrl:l Mr .~ u r. II E.' ~'an·ney . M.r<l .L ., A ZIUlI UerUl1' D .11'" " II U .rls i si,, 1 I' u l M .." 'nthll l'lIl!! Hll rl. :sock , ,, 1 F lflh ~ 11'I!1Jt. II H Itllhl .. in (ull \lII'UIII Ihlll I!' [( ll l'Ill\ ~ ) n rt tllle utt-untion \I C I"v" r". I)f lI !w Mrs . Abhitl Dod ds , of ' le \'eltllu l, 8tH ')'hll IIIOIlllhlll h "l0\ 111", 1} k " I In is s pe nding thi!! , wuek in WUYO OI\ . a furnaQe hOlltetl hllllllll wlUt,'r Im o vill tl wj l,h h e l' pllrents , Mr . tl ml :MrB r f'nelved Ule IlrEm t e!'I'UI'H 1I 1l11 " t · E . D n ollerl>! From ber e she will b ntion and the bloom I!' VAr y h.' 1111 go tu W lls hint;ton D. '. to spe nd 1\ IIOm e. w -" k ",it·ll he r si!lter, Mrs . ,h us. ti. Farmers , call in Hnd ,"' " tilt' II. ,,,1. Mo o ru Mrs . Oodds Is ju!!t recover . 1 y ' j(ang 1)low8,edgl1 tiro!, l ' II I' 1I P",II' Ing I r01l1 1\ I()n g Ilnd S llriOUS illness ArM, one ~nd two r ow 'lIrt! c n lt lv" . Mr : !tud M I'$ , Doddtl.'have purohas. d tor!l. l " ltiOOllrry II flll i hlH' . d \ 1" I~ .. l1 l1 Mer r enoo in the ~ubur \Js borlle illl1l1tllllBnts tlml u m I lIk l " ~' of 'ievull'lld, Rnel will fit it. up Imd ordeJ:B for high g rude I",,\) ·.C n, lill l' l "~'lI py it 111\ !loon s Mrl< . Dodd ,,' and oat f rt.iIl'lAlrl:l rtiJl ~ llI ~ III prl\:. Iw .. l r.h will purmlt. from thirteen dollllr up. , H lI:N R Y J AY .
.": , .. II "IIl'AT· ' h,.
011 uUI
NO MORE TROUBIlE PUNCTURES. . ResUlt of' IS years experie"ce ID tire making. No cIa'niler '.-om 'l"HORNS. CACTUS. PINS, NAILS. TACKS , Or GLAS$. RoUo!eUlatblek .......... tNad Serious punctures, Uke iDtcnlionlLl knife cuts, can :::; ~"~ be vulc:8irlze!llilte auy other tire. to _ , dID ........... Tbla . Two Hundred Th(lllllnd pairs now In'utual alto 0.., .... wW oau:.!,,= oUle.. Sevenly.1IVt TIIDtIIIIId pairs loki lilt year. ;:.";IC aDd ",...,,,,,,,.. Made In at! .1.... 1t II II",,', aDd eaq ricI!aI"lMY du,.ble alld lined lallde .. Itb It opedal ,quaJlly of rubber, whIch neft\' becomee ~ all4 ;"Icb e l _ lip lIIIall puDduru ..Ithout allowing' Lbe air to esai"". We ha.., huudredli or letters from ~ CUItomers ,tallnr Ihot thelrUrca ba,""011ly been pumPdl UPODce or t1rtc:e IDa wIIole_ , ..-rsey __ it ao DlOI'C! than an ordinary tire, !be punClure "",,'sUng '1nallUea bel... .wee ta)'er'S of,thln 'peclan ,,",pared r..brlc on tbe tread. Tbll~ "HOrdID£~" _iaiIoacoalla""I,fe~ ..beG ndln,oa uPba?: ' or 110ft roottls I, ~e by the palmt ., I Weave" IIft4 ..hlch Jll'ltWlita all aIt' from bel
u.:: .,
. ogu..,ud,out bet"""o tbe tin: and tb" road th... overcomla. a1I,8Uc:tIoa. The ftCUlllr prtce of Urea I, $8.50 ,pet' poitr, bul fot .dvertillng 'pu~ we ..... Dliklng a tpodaI faet.orY DrIce to the rider •of only J4.80 pet' pair.· All ordors ahlpposl aaDle day let"" II recel~ .'te IIblp C:O.D. oaappl'O'lal! You dO noL pay a ectIl unlll you I!&ve·"dmIned.and toull4 them 1Uld1,__ l'C!PlUeDted. ." Wewill allow a _ dIaoOaat of 5 perectll (theft\»' II\&kI1lI' theprtce...u1ll:r palrl If,.,..-..d ' II'VLL VA.8U WITU OlCDIC~ ...d ",,18 ad~ent: We "Ill allo eeoC! oa" IUehl . plaled b .... ·band pump' and two Ilampaoa 1I1etal PUIlc:t~ c1cWmI OIl'full P!!ld orden (thae m.tal punc:ture c1Of1Crtllo be uSed In cue of Inteallona1lt1l1fe '..... ew b~ .....tirl'. Tlra to be t;*tartled .1 O()K '"1'~- If few aay realJOll tbey al'C!·not IIIli1tactoJy Oil ~tJc& ' 'We ere I'C!lIable and money _ I 'to ... Ia u at... Ill,'• . baDI<. ,Aak your PDalmute,. lIaIl"er, ' or Frelgbt AgeDt or Ihe 'Bdltw of th" paper ~I . WL U _ order a p'\!r 0# the.., Ures, you'",lIi lind!Iha~ they win ,ride ebier, nut ruter, _ better"WI lanlft and 100" IIneJ' than allY Un: _have eYC1' used 01'_ at ..., price. We kDow thai'''''' wIU ...... weU pleUod . that wben you _Ilt a ,bieyele you ..til gI.., Ita your onter. We _ I 70U to amid .. a _ n trial OI'der al once, bence thle l'C!ipargblc un: offer. ' . '. ' . ".' , .a1D'W"iPa blllll-,Il.............................. ' •rt. Ucl ftDait:W. alld ft~, e""rytlJln,1a the bIcyc:Ic lIa.;..... aa al haJI Ute tUqal prlCa charJIed Ii)' dcilIers and repaIr 01.... W~ fot oar b~.8UlfO.'I: callikine. . MlJI" bul. write ..... ~ DO 'ROT 'l'BDrk O. . ..' ." "H, blcycle..,r a pair Of lireII fwm1an;rone anltl ' '''''' ~ tiilt lIew and
.. BRA O,,--...... . ' lllre
CocIa,. Bnmo-. DO .or .iEiD:·oacic.:ECoipi.y;i_t~~ii~~:liiii:i..L ..
; ' ",
Kmg'8 New',Di ..o()verv, ; It·oompl"~ ., .• ly !,uUld me . and I . rematnei\ A tale of horror "'~ told 1)y markll weU 8\00e . ' . Bemon-of 'human bloo(1 in the b~meof, oJ, SeWed W. ,Williams, 'Il . well. known nier· 'a' the ohant o( ~, .K:V .• a~1h'itea :"Twen, years 'Bgo I ,h ad. S8Vtml bemor. . . H uman .Blood, MlM'lr8~
. '.
1~. : "· ln
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~------------------~~~--------~~~------------~ Old B usanes's . . 818 nd . The Clark Farm Sold. tOLD I~ SHORT ~eac h ers (3Aected f or 0, B. Clements has bought from PARAORAPHS Comin~ Year. at Fetry to be Sold. , the heirs I1)f the late Mi88 Mary
- - - -.....
Clark, of Dayton, her fann in East Wayne towshlp. 'l'he farm is ahout 2 miles northeast of Corwin on the New Burling. tQn plkl!, and consists of 135 acres, lind WilS sold for $5,000. . The >l8le was made throu&,h thu real estate firm of Leroy Irons and W, ,J. SherwoOd. .
'P ht l \)
VOL. XLVI . NO. 45.
\ 111.' ill l Ii'l'Il0 k IIl, h" "wi! !:-i' IUl d '.'
Ask the tioket agent for new tilll~' card of D. L. '& C., effoot! ve April Hi.
Inllllll'- >"'I'1Il 11\ 11 1'.,1" ' ~ 1I j.( thOlTh~ n 11(11.1. Illlt (' l\lll\1u rll II", '''' 1 1' \1
,. ,. in
j!'1'I 11 :t ,\ P V t'
Cb'Lr]eR 'VI'. ,' IIllI'''!!, who h ll ~ ('(Ill . .1··' , ·.. du 'ted 11. /o(,·oc· , .' 111111 J:( l' llt'rlll " t Ori ' III' Fa r ry f Ol' ~(W, n il YN,ril. wi!) ~ ••)I .J" .. h ull 1'·I ~ I. er ''';,'' Illlt. thn h\l, fl "~ li t pu hl k "nip t ilt. [l1l .1"I.un .";!l 1 " ,,·d ~..
\ I 11 , 11 I ' "
.t1 W Cll ilt'll h ll l' O
too k tll tH "
d'·I·,.hJ I"" !.
A ll \V h "
Centerville. ~;m
-. '~----
Ary Brul1 trellt.11I still con·
\\Iell fluw \ ttl 11, 1' rOOm . IndiOI\,t.!ons of hUlIk ful t hlll pn ' 11 11 11l1 I'~' 1t' ou ~)1 'in III to It:! V de-
ugllm I1nfl 1i " " .d \ I ~· In til :v II V ' hl'nc'pfllrrh t." h ,' t·lo:, IIlpl . 1" '1 1"'1\ MisH VOl'1l Ellis hilS been 8erlou8' "Ph ~ ". , ("It II rill W AlfM 111\,11 been _ "\' IIIl\'p not .. lI h ' I·I',1 t h", nl'i I1l ' LI ' .~' ly 11\ since tlJu fir lit of 1u"t wee k , but " Jr' . I.,t· .. ,: I...... , ,1\101 '.. 1' '- ]1 nt, l' flt1 11l t o UII,'! g r 'li t ":11'111. lIlitl it i~ hi now t'llIprovin" IIltgll tJv . l ,ut{lrl)"rt Oftbi ~,l lII onth'll\lll x lJn r.~ . I . c ~ \1IJ ( Il~' \\'1111 II It' I ''' ~ I I " "" I " . l' II . III 1" ,I th ut th ey willullt.: iN " .. I\' " " lI fl l' . I t o 1t"1 to I1Il ;v tnll "lid 1.111.(:0 U (lo~it. i ou 'I \\' IJ '. I ' uns MillS Kathryn AlexlI.nder Is vllllt· i' l·. "llI gl,'" , I,,I", ' 1\1" w .• '. ' . D\l"in ~ the pll sh ' wf'ok I,h (' Vull roy TIr,' K . ~, I. Ilge bold nn nnniver. t.h lin o 11 tl)lI1 1)111 II ('(\lI('(\,rn lI L'nU~ trll "I II" S~ 111 I , ,,, 1 'I 00 wi ing her un.b leand ,.unt Dr. and Mrs . 'I'h o s tnml lit- Fl' I' I'Y i~ OIlf1 .. r tilt' 1-; 11 1 \1 ... 1,, )" . 'l'elopll oll tl (),I. hU ll hll ll n "I IU[lIl I)f !I'LrI' hnnquet. 11I!lt week in their H Q. Alexu.lldllr.. ut Ellfla Ohio. ol(lll. t ill thi, ~ ,'f'ti l ln , II nfl r.h!'rl' Will Mr ,, 1111 ~I ,.~ . 1...'11 " ; 1,\ \1,; 11 nn tl 111 '>1\ e rocti ll l;( new p olt ~ 110w n t he Hu ll Westward to Canada. Mr . nnd Mrll. '1.'. O. Mnson and lit. 'l' hr1 j~!lK ter Market of the Lndies . II ,, illt e .. tl~t i ll l\.Ir~ R Ulli, .1 ,) hll" \\!, ." . "" , '[Iti ntld moi I ~ t. l·e et of 1111' t,iw n.. 'l'bll llolR nr oh\, III ~. b, ",))1"1Il"1'It) IJ U ::;l1IJtlllY I).v II I II .1 Ii 11 '" .I"" wif . to we r Ilhove . tllO Boll l'OmlJnuy 's Alii SOl' iet.y, of th M. E. Chu,roh, Ci~reuoo Berryhill hll.H sold' hili ·tie lIOn Irvin of Xenia ,ure spending it .. 1<111 1" . ."I r" li lli'll \ ,,,·d. '!I UI .l r .. • May p o los , Ilml o\' 0 o bo \' · tb e l!ollR helt! nn Fr'jdny p. m. · nnd eVil, W1l1J t"rm Utlln Ferry to Roy: (;ornell. of , II few d8.YII with rela.tives ,h ere. , W I ! h n m ~, ' " I\', ' ((A tl , t1 " ~ .~" . " . , tAster to ps. 'I'h e 0111 liu e \'v11loh exten,]etl w ell att ended . Milnor, Ilnu' hill fllther in·law, [;eon· Mr. O. 8. Ehoo~e of Walnut Hills . h l, pplUg III 1)11 .1' 111 " " II ""oj \ ""y. b . Ilrd Penny, of Uente.r vllle . Tbe ·St. Mary's Church Mr.-I! LldH I:.llll1 t . 1\ lu' r. I..-/l ( hlng buck of th(l lI ous son loh north s a le ' Mr~ . Maud MoCrl}Y's Millinery furlll oonailita of 110 tlOres lind 1I01d Olnolnnutl is visiting bel' mothel' Pari sh Meetin!,t "' llIlJll IIlCIl " H"n,I' " J1lIl , \ ."" ." , l. ome of hh o stre t. will he tukon np, ns it Opc lling, nt truote il the l~d les of our nlr t8000. . I Mrs. J. M. Thompson. hUII(l" ,\'. ILl WIl Y!I ClIlISillg trouble in one wuy 'villn ge llnel 'olllul unity lll!!t l:l8.tnrMr, ~rryhil1llnd his faJDlly wll~ Alisl! Kathryn Ulbbons SI)ent ']'he 'l1l11l1,d I", r\" h IIr hn"ln Cl"" go to nllar Edmonton In Aloortll Ruv . ti, lI,m!, (,f '1'/'1 ;1\1 , ,'bu rch , or tlnothe r. It is expeoted thllt the day . Province, Cantidll, Ilod If they are ER~ter with her cou81n Marguerite 1lI 000 ting of :-'t., Mllry', 'hul'oh \l'n" D,I,Y( Im , \\' 111 c" mllle r I nl' , I'I' VIl lIt n ow li ne will be muoh more satis. An m ter esting Etlster Servioe was IIIltlalled )WIth the oountry will prob. Thompaon, Lh a M . I!: h o rch ''" ,' ( HIIU ti ll I' . . • • h eld at the 111 E. Churoh SuncUl.y he ld Monn"y eve nin g : ' Mrt;. Fnl llk Ou k"; "'"" " ,,,, [l ug h l'!' f " '1" "' , tlili ll t certJllnly 1nl~kes our. Eve. . ably loo~te there permanently. The Th o repo rt of th ~ R t 'lr, Rev . Mr. Chas, A, HIn80h l Prealdent uf territory In whlob . they will locate \llIrtlllI H. l\ll'. UIlU M.I'~ . ,\'1 111 11 0 E lI l'n · l' l l l" l.: p I , .. " 11 1-., ' '1 ,0110 ' ,, ' ,U"II' ''''~ fi ll' 11 11 ,1 MI·'i. Will . 'Gu m wer e t he Cn d wlllltlfler, f!lt VI) virionI' ll o f " ullrt lit La lJnl) 0 O l~ ~ \lnflLl'y . is new oountiy and II being settled the Fifth NatIOnal Btlnk of Vint'!D· 1,1 II ('f, ba pl' Teo ipi oll t~ ()f Jl 10 pound 1lOY prlnolpally by ' emigrants f~m the natl attended a Board meeting of !luoo8P!lful yElIlr in Rpiri t l1l1l. work. 11'11-, lIu~1 Mrs. E I.Ill>' I· U." ~ U,I'I:! 111111 .1. 1\.11 Pit tTl t' I; , Il f L. phlll1Ul1, wu~ lu s t. f h \1 '~ll'I':V n ight. ~ Uotted S~t-etl. J' III' Baid ~hi.' 'Ii,. ;' 1 It 1 P h , lind liM,], (1" '1. li nd t hn t tb ohnroh In 1111 110\lu rt. ~O ll E rnc>lt-, 1)1' FIIl'!''v , SpUII I 'llUI1'1), !lOO person II from the United 8Mtee the Citl7.ena Bank of whioh he I" IL ill o l1 r Yill ll ~l1 . on Thl11'>\lln y in his gl l: UI' D'"'d l hy, nrt! makin/! I~ vj ~it At" tll (" 'I''' !!: fIll .. \V" " " "'l'i llr. m entR h us muue s tflull y glLinll du r . Wl1h Mr; 'hurltl~ .IJlr~ Jlllt l \~ \f~ .. settled In the Canadian North. Weat me~ber,lafit Thursday April 12, MIS>! CUlldu ()e BUlI'd II' II g lllD ~ol'n li lll! JlHt Il IJl () \) iit . ElA tlluk \Vul ter wl ~ 11 ~ O Il H' l' l\latIV') H nt, CincinnJl tl Schoo l BO'II 11 'I ' " J(J,,~, .. v, 11 111 , ' , n11 ing yO/n . , 1 0<, 1• ." -tli . UUlI it· Iii expeo~ that 60.: in UIU viUu!:o. ~hc ]lLll'pU p~ !Stnl" K urio l! f r II 1) IClIl~nut litt.le ~ pi n to arlfl P 'r t.~ll.1outb hi o, whero tbny A CHr lUll. I of finu IOOUIlt post!! f or t.€ot10herli wel'l~ roup(lllin ted for tlrH T'b O 'fren m'er 's !' port show cl ing lit Dr. Wurll 't! f ,1' S OUl t ' t.l DlO to L.vt ll' fr om 'W nynl' I' ill. From ull W I ll .. I"" Il tt,eud ,. wedding. UOO AmtlrlOMlj Oi1rIIG,,,J .. WIll K" tbere' Bille. W . H . .Mudd en Imd Gu., Gor Ihl .. . enf'uing yellr ll x e ~ pt1ll!! th A High th e churob t o be out of d ebt fl1II1 IL win . t . 11. 25 oo~~~: H ornce Whar ton l' ll1rncu to rop rtlts h o " It't h llr (,\'0, \ ' bu t Wlllter ~J r Ro.v Coruelluntl ff~ther"in luw Soholl\ f I'In il'lIl. ~Ir I-I nil whtl wus balnnoe in the Tlroll sury. u i .. h OIll' iu t.hi plll c,,) "'lIUfl:t y uvell · \l'U S [l ot t b ('Hred !lo e ll . ily . \Vuen M,' P nny. hav \)oug ht Mr.Clurenoe Mrs Edith lIBrris8.nd nelces, Mi88 not un llpplioUll t. un(1 t l ll ~ IIluo[' will The finanoiltl r eport of th e Lllclies Superintendent Charles . ing, ultl'1" h 'IVllI l-\ lil)l!nt. :-;u rurdllY he r at llrnotl to this pla ce' ill tbe Bf'rr.vhill 'Ij fu,rll1, nortll of Ferry , Ilod Edith MOI'hor, went to be fill&d IrLte r . Guild wnR PApecil\lIy on nnru ginf! uutl ~Ilnelu .v pl r.II "" nt is in !lu.,' tnll . 'voning he nll ow (\ hi mu ohln to \LOU wil l ocoupy it soon ' MI'. Peuny , A. Brown Resigns. Carolyn Cloclnnlltl Monduy for II, brief visit Following is 1\ Ii~t. nl t.ll£l 1IIIII')int, G T.O ' Nenl WlI R eleot.ell 'oni or l1. is qni! \) LIo n i · ,,, h I,, tlt ilt rl no lOI'S atunel in froot of U. K ,John!" store will 8,. li (lu t hi grocer y atune1 aud Wtlrden J. O. Cnrtwright, ,Jun ior lire lI"t 1I]1I11UOOIO uvu r Ylhlll J; . Dr. , . . Cbllrloll A. Brown who has been with Mrs. FrlLnk 'Taylor ~t Clifton' m ents Rud ~lIlnri tlH. W'lI'U if' II l'O llI,r[ IV II,h I~ i for II t e w mlot tes ILnd ROO? nbou~ tl See our window displuy of Queen C. E . BmM en , !-;up,:r intcn<1ollt Wnrnen, L . A. Zirnm A rmlln . W. H. t;,.p.,rinteudent ot tbe IIOboola at T he Librnry 'Inb belrl ll pleusant and·Or6llr.ent Tooth Wash. J . E , 195 UO It Dlonth . Allen, E. ' . B'lrTlbJlrt, lind J . 13. 1.11nm b Illlndng (\ up Jl ud ","y~ II.S score . of 1Jllo ple w ere 1001Cing Itt It.. Wilyne townHhlp for two years "!Sllther ed " Mr . Kilpntr i k took t·h e baok oover Il .. 1 well (Ltten(led meeting in the Janney . Mls~ 'lorn Lilp, FO\1l'1 II TOtlll1, Cu~kBY, Vo!'t r y m en. announced that he will rtlllign the Thu olllliti Ll t,u bl,; h (}ll~e whi ub off the mu.chineo ncl briefly oXj>ln.l ned K P . B'lll In st. week . 'rile question W. B. All en. L. A. Zhull1 ermnn Mr, Ha.rry Sherwood, of tbe Caso 160 a month . Jlf\8lt.llIn at the elo86 of the 8Ohool VII I 1Ilyars !lturtllll ffJ O() t In stg its working l)Rrt ~ to t.h e onlOOkers, f kin' d of I',onk Il 'O.~'~ t ne ede<lln tlle filII Is DUW h'lvlllg tilU I'I:n hnl shln Threshing Mllohine Co, Columbns, Mi~s EUu Key~ , thirll roo m *GO fl.nd Adelbert, Mc KIl;V worA seloct.ed yeur, owing to III bealth. ' os d l e~ u te~ unci ' . (.t. WiliiaDl Aoll , t a u h t! lJO>ltlH ed upi'l1 it by t h e Before uuotbe1' 2... years haR rol1ed L lbra r:.. \~n t' liRr llil cd. Fiotlon W('8 Oaring Mr. Brown ill, term of aer bas been 8pendlng u few dllY8 nt his 1\ month . ~ .' nround tbo Iwerngo I' r on will go g l·d.n 1 a .VI' j ,dly ull1on" .o tilllr home hert! be08.U8e ot riokness. E !:;. Flnnhy !lnd E. V . ,Bllrnbnrt, li S c'trJi" nterll. vtce he b"s brought the !IOhoola of Miss Llllifl BflTlIIlLm , l'eoollfl rO()J \1 Tho t,rllill~ 11 tbe D. L. & L.: . R. l~. DO furtlle r to look at ILn nl1 tomobJ1e d '''''e~ ot li tt rtl tl1rfl , l.11l t IL n ote f FOk RENT-Barn ou Mllin street in altOl'notel-l to tho Dl o!lesnn conv 11 huv o hlln~ 1 tim ll, t,l1ure buiug fo nr thun n pe rson toduy would to view tbtl township t() a' nlgh Btate of ero· Waynenille. Inquire of Mrs . SU811n $ 1\0 II month . !,itl n which !U Aets u~ Grllt>llYilIe .in r ounll trip dully no \\' ins t nd three II rnll r oll.t\ truin . . (. '11 Ij" n \\" 1: ~ i ve n Il!{lIinst over i n. oltlno\' and Introduced mllny oluinges Eberly . Mis!! , Fi r~t r (lom Muy. a s Imfor\l. The III'csont time itl \dn l~tJ n t In re 'lin ~ fl tlon Tho u.r. · &b"t bave been bene olal IIond help· '50 a month . essen tinily tbe , ume as it WIIS IlLst. · Mr. 8.nd 1dr~. L. Scbwartz, of rttU~t:U'J.tlUt for n. Leoture Uoul'se ful toll Ilupil'" and tellohers. . summ er. Spring Branch No~th Bide Uinoinnnt,i, were gqests M. L , Parshnll, jnnitor ~45 11 mont,h . no"..t sellson WIIS r eferred to a BUlLrd M r . TbomtlS Keuri uk spent se v· Mr. Beil, who hns be on prlnoip,d , Quilting Par·ty and of 15 m embers. at the bom" <If tbeir lion, Mr . F. 0 e m.! day .)f luat IV ok witb hi s Mr . auu Mr . Thomtls G rll blLIll Resolutions of W. Tp. An i n teresting and enjoyable proe..~poot!l to Rtmly low nt ' inolnouti • Rag Sewing. n e ph ow \Vult'r K enric k f t h is lind two ohildrf'll v il,i te u !' IfLlivos nt Scbwartz, t;nndllY, g rlLm of Illusic. r eCitations, etc), was ' , T. A. to Supt. ·Brown. Mr. Jobn McClure I\nd family of the oOOlillg yea r . pldCo. Al 0, Allot Mury Mills iR renctered. Pjllno Bolo by Miss Edith s t.llI tnyiug \Villi \Vult l ' ILIlli hi~ Mt . Ii Il y ' uudu y . L(L~t- Wmln esdn.y 1I.>l 'Lrge Jlur ty of wl fa. JII,. . nnll Mr>l . All Gu loll of WHh r Hatfield. Vocal S olo by MI!lII Uurrle Be It resOlved, thllt inll.lIl1. uoh lUI 8aleql ll'IIorm Uttllr Springboro, IIpen t Indies 1"IlS entertBinllU lit jho bome ElIlott. Buss Solv by Commissioner . Prof. 0 .' A. Brown 'ball tendered his !Sanday with Mrs. t; .. H . Ellis nnd' Tb fOrm e I'd 1111 v ILwaliflO tl with for' '\\'IIS t1w g tH'!!t, of Mr. oncl Mr R. Death of Jacob· Neal. of Mrs . J. D. Hookett,. noor Hllr II s ttl !' t fr om th I tllHrgy intl' whi h G orl(e url, ri~ht und fl1mily nt. O. W. BAines. re,lgnatlon liS Snperintendent of MIII8 Dor". Recitatlons 'by Misses Delln Pine veysl.lUrg, Ilnd t he time wos m ost !bn t "spell of wefltLllu" In MlIr h llrtluy ni glJt 'LIlli Surluuy . WaYlIe townllllip IIIlllonlll, n.nd Lulu Nutt lind Mr. Clifford MI'fI. E. L. Thomlll', of t,hA Upper We the te.oherH uf Wayne town· Word reached friends her e Mon- hllppUy ' s pent During sprightly t,brtlw the m Ilud during tbe ]lust . ship, dl!llire to tlXpre8K '01~r IIppreel. 8prlngboro pIke has teen qui tEl ill day of the dtlath of Jacob Nen l, oo nvorsntion , the nimbl e fin gers Of weok the .w ho le n eighnorbood llt.~ . !\lISft . Mutt.le l:Ic~s trlln~llcteel bUB Long. Mrs . J. T . Brown gave an interestiug sketch of Miss SUllun D, &&lOD or bUl 8OrvlO8B for thlt pall for fO'!1r weeks pa8~ and i8stlll ocn · which occurred at 12:30 a. m., Sun· prellont,ed the H'PI eurnn oe of n beo ID ess III 11. l\h~ rooen t ly. Aothopy. Duet , by Miss Lena. and t h e g uests were ILlsCi busy nnd uo · • wo yeai'll. . day, April 15, at Los Angeles, Cali. hi v, tlJU fnrm ertl beiug 80 iUllus· Mr. IlOtl Mr... H. C 0 ll·klu were 's lderably IndispoNed. oom lJlished It ver y oroclitublellJ:pouut t rion Iy eRgllgud io t h .!t. I>llrifl l;! ULldt~y ou1l61'101 nt the hnnl6 of t h e Mrs. \r~rn Montl(omery . We feel that he hatl been a oonge fornia. B. F . V"ugbnn supplied the C brisMI88811 Martha and Mabel Camp nt.J aDd " ympathtltlo 00. worker. Mr. Neil was for many years en· of work in t he wmy of ~e,wing curpet lutte r& r;i"tfl r ·M!'!:! . Clayt 11 FO!lter tla.n Plllpit at ~ra)lklin BundllY the · WtI regl'ftt tltllt owing to til h6llo"h too who hll ve plellHDn t fJnd o.greoll· gaged as prescription cl erk in the ra gs und quil ting,tlnd all did fuJI jus w('rk. 1oij0 !lIr • 1'1l S!nHb. of O"y l,on , 11.1,\(1 f'IlUJi1y ~ ,t Wav,nosv.[\\e . tlt·, f Q~ tl).lt llllstQr Rev . U. C . .Gar·btl hBta been oilmlJ6lled to ','Ieave the lIle employment in tftltntlton,. en' drug store of the late Jonah Sands, ollme to this plooe un tbe ear ly I:lnD . . ,. mlln. at.~ Waynesvi1le, and enjoyed the tice'to the ub undlint dinne~ !l6rved duy m orning t rlLin , Rnd he t.og ther, FrJln K work . uud, ,on Chll.'or d joyed Saturday ' and Sunday after· confidence and respect of all who to the following. wh o were the t;lgbild : with his ftlther ItIlel u\()t.u er , Mr . lLnd were Ltruanon vi sitors I'uestloy, MJ,' .' ,r l ZlmmermilD ILnu MI88. Iwa WJl<LlAliIII, noon with pllr8nUl knew him. j:\'uests : Emeline De HaVill:!, EII,. Mrs . Josepb lllit.h, ~pent 11 quiot. EVB M. Duvls, two of Contervllle'8 Later the family moved on their Noggles, R osa., Eldon and lind l)lensant S nn dny wHlI Mr. t;,lIl1 · RUTO A. OHA-MDLICR, 1U88 Emma 81lJ, of Wilmingt{)n, Pleasant Ridge. most popnlar YQung people were AI'I' A E M MICDITB I farm a mile Or two above Corwjn, e;i r es, Amltndl\ nnd uel Fonlks lind fumi1y. united in marriage at the bride's • OoWI''\ M. HAwu, bu been the Ruest of AlI'fI. Agnes but about s ix year!! ago m ov~ to Helen . SARAH BUBMICT, 'wright, M.,. A,DnR Tborpe.a.tll uti· ~8Con, Arizona, thence to Los Vedll BIli1 ey, AnIlIL OgleRbee, . ~:{ug. 'lil" ~~u rnllnrt. wife IInu little <lu.u. ·h. oine, .Mr . an, d Mrs . Wilbur B. D~v 'fb e Jlrilloipnl 'f om ~ohool ·Pl'of. C. L . Smith, is /I g r at lov AI' and • '" Aluu B VUDIlBVOORT. er frlend8 hereabout for a wOttk or Angeles, . where MI'. Neal passed gie MillS, Cora SI;elLrns, Kate Eclgui. urelent: student of Botrm y. ' 0 far ghte r Fanny ou ll e(1 uu Burton Eurn. IS, 1Lt. e1ght 0 olock p . m . onWedn6l. away. leaving his widow, who was JORIf P. CUMMINOS. 'more, ton, Ollie nnd Lydill Kennedy, Oora du y .evening ~prl111 tho The groom" R. O. HUNT, sister of Mr. W. H. Thorp'e , of .this De B~ven, Lo uiBll. Lllmar, Mrs. Chns. as hi s pupil. know, hill nly Jlur. hnrt IIn<) fnmily 'uudn y eveniug. pose in going t.o Oil Yto n t urdny 'ho s . Uruy lind wif \\' re tiUOP Wllll l1ttl~erllO the oonventiooal Prell. pro tem. . Isadora; lIt.tle dimghter of Mr. and viJIage, his daughter, Mrs. Mira Tooker, Lizzie ficker, Mrs. Frank wus the IIvowerl inte nti on of PUI·. l)in" in 'Da ytt,lU rClce otl."'. blllok, While the bride wa ~ hand. Mrs. Prank SqnirM, had AlmA Ricks , and two grand-children, Mir" ., I rl i l l .. 11 I Hquires, CIILrn. Mills, Mrs . Frnnk ohn"ln g Il VlTomt's 'omp\flle Bot"lIlY· iam and Neal ~iclcs . Sunday ~ervlces. Watl'lrhonse, of Corwin, II bel' Mr . Philip urfnce wtlll t he "1\0 t lIom e y go wne n il J.Jl, u over noo. Thompson, Mrs . mnra Mcwr Mrs. .Ono of onr Il r oc ' r .' ! It eJJer~ Cll-tlle ., TI b Id t d d b I gueat f;o;n Frhltly noon untill:iatur· le r e wa$ a tiln e y Ai 88 , DeWab Mills, Mrs. John Rich, Cor· out from ,\Vaynel:\\fill e ("1 f1 uft, TIIO OO of her ' Oil nmu Il\nd wife of nel~r tAarer, commemorative' of the day evening . hlSt week, with sc ven\! dozen crll ck~. LelllInon fr om JLllurduy nnMI Bun Corl~ Zimmerman who was al80 Business . Men's League. rinni e Lumn,r nnd Idll Mol ford . ·..urrection of our Lord,- was ob· dre8B~d in 'w hite, .M.~. Leo. Shoemnkid size rllngi nr from X to 2 g a1\on". duy . MrVed in a tittis, manner in the Mr. and Mrs, .1. 'E ••lll.oney flDd One per'!!on who eh tlneod to see t h n'.l Mrs . Lester Sl1tfnce mucle a flying r ~ILS th? best man . MIS8. Lonisa W~iIIe Churches Sun(fay . . The BURl ness M A~ ' Ii Lell!!Ue h eld , At the' II;,E. church the BaC~el!.t Dr. and MrII . •1. W. W Ilr(l, of Lytle, Start a Savings Account remarked that tb y had n o " Iul!!" ~rip to LebllDon ona c1uy III t w ek, DILVIS fl.nd Master Earle ORVIS wereof Hoi, .BaIJ,tlam ~. administered art'! phmninK to take a triv to CIIII an enthullio!ltio m l'pt ing Thllrsduy to them . Ele hlld . best get som e Ii If,! Miss Tren lL . Cornell WILl! t,h e gu est .rib~)On bOitrers. After tht! oeremo~y to & clUI of '86 candJliateaJ five of 'ornia and ot-her pOints in the west evenlng' ltnd D1nny IIll1ml ,;tf" A boy with only one grllin of for th 01, for !Icoordin g to th . lIew ofh er fri ml Mill AD un , 't o .101m of wbleb WIlS odnduoted by Rev .. A. D. them l!einiI bapti~ in theutemoon during th~ mO.n th elf M!l.v. r.bA welfu I'll of the ·oU1ll1unit.v wer p curn OII.n Maily destroy it, but if he rnlln~, t h e " tin must be on. " Leblmoo ~Il nrdn y ~ig h t nOll ' uo , Mfllll,lox )ltllltor of the Conterville by 'i~emon.t the Christian church M. E Cb~rOll, a reoeptI0n wn~ held TIle choir, rendered apecial music 'Uarry MUI'rl~y hud ttl'" 1II11'fortunl' AltIlIIl,t other IJU".I,A/'H diqo'up ~ed will phmt it ondl cultivate it, und . Euster ~el'vioos Sp ndny aftornoon du y. frOln t he llroduut keep On e ·tenth lit. t he M. E . ohuroh w ere conrl uoted ¥d ~e eennoriwaa.of course appro- to.1086 horlle &tnrdn.y. Tbe ani. Mrs. ,I olin R dUlon ond step . IlOd relutlves und frIends to the priate to the·day. · , ~ Imal hAd not been Wl1l1 fill" n 'IlW \lm's thRtnf eDcouru",rinJ.\ th e b_~n u ti . pBrt, nnd "Innt u,gnin ond continue oy the~regulnr p llRtor, 1'tev, Dudley (\lll1p;bter, MrA. Pot. 111'1' n ,i llt:! Milts nllmber of about 'slxty Sb~red In the, · In tile evening the children of the dllYIi. bnt blur improved !I.ud lind r~'lng of thfl bOOlflR of MIA tOWIl lind t.he prOCel!8 he will find befoTe he 11\ Sunday achoOl· gave a very prettY, been sent to tbe sbop to 1>'l llllOd !lurrounding country. To t-hi~ end fity yeurll old thn.t there Is Dot Irmd M,lUbews, ns isteel by h.IA broth r, Trenl\. Corn II RPUllt 'l'bllr!ldllY after O?lebrlLtion of the happy event. The enon gh in Itll the world to plant the R ev. R'9bert O. Mllt·t h ews . . Sunrllty nooo with · ~frs .' Burton Ellrllhllrt. gIftll were ~uIJlerous IUld very beau· proeram of Easter exerci8es whicll was witnl8lled by a lar,e audience.' when going up fob .. hi II n'N r, b WI· !In f'ff r.t w II be mude to bring to incrOll!le. evening Rov. Robert O . Mot,the ws' The Ilfte rn oon WII!I spent. ill (L sooilLl tl~Ul. ·.M.i88 Bertha Montgop1ery · .-St. Mary's church waa beautifully IdllllOO (If B. Call key, .he . Dflighed Wnynes'IlIIe a r fll)rttlle ntnt\V!l fr om 1:10 WITH MONEY, ' prosldeclnt the pl~no and pl~yed delivered f\. Aet'mon eSlJl)ciRlly t.o W1~Y nnd pulling WIIX. . d.rated ·With blooming PhC"t,.. and and rell to t.he ground .dl"Ld· the Natlona1 f'aiOh Rt)/!i!l I.Ar 'f). who If you put I!tlide /I pllrt of yOllr younj:\' peoplo, but it was thorough Mr . lIud MrR. P,~t ' urren sp nt tl.le ~edcling m lnoh. After oongrat. cutftOwUB. . \vill leet,ure and give vIew on tblll ollrnlogs ond llut it to good .n se in lyenjoyed by young fLnd old IlliK8. 8atllniRY ood 'nnrll~y wit,i.l· ti.l(l; lilt . nlutlOns the entire oompany !!Ilt Rev. J. F. Cadw"lad~r preached The Ilnwer thill, iR b.l rn t.(I .bll1~ h paying invest.m.mts, you witl soon an eloqU8llt IU)d achola.rly sermon on ImllOfm III of ju..t ttl' muoll vlllue t.o ~nl)ject If tllli Ipot11l:er 01111 bl sA~ur· find thrlt your m oney is making . One d!\y IIlRt wee k, Sido y Coon 's brothot' Mr. George Lurrlok down to lin elegnnt four collrse din-, , I1cl t.IHl !..Pngue ex po'Cl t tn h1'Jl1' ,III ex the RauI~tlon story. fbi .. world aft the "ull~punkurlljpt1nk. VOIl more tbnn yon lue maklnJ. hud Il rather .t hrilling experience. ond family of n IL r Lel.Jnnon. n ero The music W88 unusually Ifood; IIr the "unki"ftud Itill!' " 110 we tnk Il6n ~e. annllllLke it I\ ~t,iraly tree t,n bue dolll1r well invested bns tl It hILS. b een his .oustom to r ent SOUle Adlt Ey l(ll' nnd Mury P,IrieU we re Mias Edith Shute favo~ the audi- II.leIlHUI'flI!1 "nlU)U'nOlnll' to tbe \yo rid the IlI1hllo Thfl next, me tinlr will bil rhoutlJlnel times g reater dividllnd dienee with a beautiful offertory. t,IlRt. w" hlLvt! th .. .tll'lI1 lind mOllt H1It elUning power thun a million d ol. past ure Innd in the vioinity of Bell· the gu est f EthQI anrl Erma tokes Obituary of Mattie At tile Orthodox FriendS Sunday i8f1lC~ry IlDticeplio tooth, wllllh 110 the lIeoond Monday in ~ny , brook ILnd to suoh horseS ond one nigh t IR~t week. lars foolishly IIpent. . .' . phreys. IChool the lor tn. day ' wu t~y n llOtt.le ~r " Qul>en and Ore80(l11t. Tile Citizens Bltok, of Wayne8 . clltt1e. ns he hllll n o use fo r (In tbe read responsively' by the .SupeJ;'.i n. 100r.l! WAsh for IIuly luo, rtlul VBI ville, Ohio,lIfter ()orresponiling with farm , there during the t!Um ~Jl e r , 0 Wellman. Death of Eddowes tendent and pupils; The~ wai ' ~up 2')0. J . E , .llmne,\' t.h e ~eoret.tlry of Stllte, ,lind con8ul· the other eluy he ' fltnrterl out. from t with some of the most prom · t.atilln ' la' P~ te° ~~; an interes'tin Mr. Rlon HOI'll wall In Waynesville Kenrick. inent btlnkers (thoRe having ex perl bome with lIbout 0. dM.en hend, lIn.rt, MI'S. EIJa Ca r~on is spending so me tions an d d !oeue8 , In rs~nMOU ·Ut ex~tioully beautiful music fnr a ("w.:hl,n'" on Mon~fl .~ I110 kIng . In thi!l hnll uf bus ine S) ILnd of which _ weie 110.rlles Illld p~rt oow ~, time with h er father, Dennis Shana,. , ::nailtlne of' 8olos and aue~.: and. after bu.. ln/1/l1' illtertlll(8 ) 81n~ leiw· Rlllph Eddowell" Kenriok, sooond enee baing Ils811l'e d t.hnt our obs rter per · inte nding' ~t"ke- them to UIIlir han , while waiting for a vacan t house in Milford, wher e her husband ~ .mate~lI' by B.l? ~~well Inll Wllyu"lIv'lI" 1\ few w .. "kll RRO fion , tlf PIlt.l~n.c" Imd Edwn.rd Ken· miUed UM t,O includA 11 So,vingR De· Bummer po.s tur& B e enOOUn !fl r lld is now employed. pllrtment with otllr geneml banking , wl~ Us come~. . ', . ' Re . D '_ ' he IIpeot " fortnight wit.h htll !lister rioltl wa~ horn neat' L:v'.]e, Wl\rr~n M.r. 1m Hartsock, who has bee~ At themommg v. ~nJ. M W· II ... h T' , c6unty, Ohio, I:\eptember 26, 1826, bUBine!!s, have nrl'llng ed to do so . no diffic ulty until h e en tered 11 co,,· 7 , .. ..Jd- servIce u. w ki1l8 bore e.n tirelv "pon' .' ra m: WI 1I, .atuort onll.wltn. OUr.. BUOK ARE NOW OPEN ered bridge n eur Bellbt:ook , bnt. pre tty. closely confi ned in Dayton on ~~ . . . .# .. 1 d I h died In DtLyt()n, Ohlq, April 10, tIT06 the Irlorio~ resurrection. . , de, New York, st!Vtlru . o.ys . w t when t·h e IIt·tle drove was dbont, ac ount of nn oj)orution pedo~ed FO R DBPOSI'l'tl. In eveniha. Uie ChristIan ~- friend, In Dayton. and the , b~lllDoe aged 79 yelLrs 6 mont,hll nnd Hi (lllYs , re tu rn c1 to hiS faNo bow smnll IIll amount +.-vor '~ve a · re,ular Easter pro- of 'bll time In CinolnDatl i to which He was mnrri flil lIin.~ :-10, 1 \iO, to you h,we. brin~ it In Bnd deposit It. mmwtilch.waa~lsoveryinterestm&', ~\t.y he returned MondllY afternoon' 81lrdl P McOoy, wh" rii od Mltroh 4; Wo wil1 PIlY you;! intfl rest on It The .Cbtl8tian Endeavor' of the .' 1879 IInnlll.l1y if Ipft Rlx mouths . ' You · Frlen~ church holda ve,ry attract- . , Bolr. Ilnd lIrll. , JOIl. EVlln8 drove 'l'hArp. ~urvl ve.hlm film (10 ul!'l1 t~ rp, olin (le ]1l1~i twhen yuu plellse nnd oan lve .mt?l!tinp eaCh . Sun~.ay e~~niftlr over to Sunday to lIee iIIrs .lll~l\ph Chtlnlploll, Mr!l <.;hn rles dm IV lI ut oll you pu t in Ilt linv time. If Ii boy uudert;" k e ~ to save one tbelr. fOrlner IJll.-tolr, Elder J 0: GIIII, Itnrl Oillm Ke nriok; II IAQ;' (\olltn Ii week a~d stioks to it .for . comet.. EverybodY, I8 Reed, and retl1rn.e d morn tbrfl!'. t'illt,flrll IInci brotb er fifty :v aurll l be wil1 buve in the bank cOrdiall~ invited to attend. ' . . , ,ln~, IIt 18 J\ 8011ro,", Qf grlef to Mr A.l thollgb in fl\lIil'l~ . hen.lth f'or 15952. 9:1 i hA will buve into the . ' " •• " . Re8d ,s frlt!ndll tbat . ht8 health has btLnk. • 2600 OO 'anl1 the ~Ilnk wI)] pay , • . . pPvl'lrJl\ mont.hR, Yflt it was only 13,:152.93 interest . .~. E. Chu'r ch ext~nd8 ',,,ned 'hlm ntterly, Rnd wblle he wit.\Iln -t.bA 1'llRt two weekI! thll~ . he him Th'ili 8tm k is Inllqrpora ted nn<1 . ·th ks· ··>, . : . bitt! inade a b~ve fight 1Io,lIlnst }Is. W~R oonfined to hi!' lIpd nnri. bls -(II. .8triotllr by the luw!l of suoh lin outoome to t.ilC inOldent . an ." , _ I It Is feared that l~ will be hn· ne"" OOQAmfl nll\rmin~ His d p.I\.th governed the' State of Ohio, Il.nd we do. a gen· .. . , la 'beb"lt of tbeoftiobtl bQard .. a~d poiIRible fo, him to Bu.r vlve much WtI.R vp,ry JlIlHoefuJ, heln~ wit.bout erll1 hllouk i ng business, making 10/u~s when he perceIved tbat t h e c.ow wns non Monday. ru; only on ~hfl best seourlty, inolndin~: unllble to I:lo~ le tbe bonk WhlOh wnEl to . m eet the County ."'B m-. n bera 'I~; ~he .... . ) ·E • ."h · uroh, lnNfer 'ln.hls . pr6l' . ent co , ndltlon Tbe . 0" I ' tl f jl ,.,...... • au '" pI\~n or IIU erng-JIlRt ge~ Y " . fir Rt mor. tgllge!>TI real estate. quite steep at tbnt point Quickly . . we.·dellll'll··tO ell~,Dd ~Int' 'hanks aDd last vl8~f ·be made t9 MiddleruD inR asloop. ,If you ~ha.. v e no !Doney to'ileposit seizing tl line from the hurness be --'_ .....:. t the I~embel'll' of. the cburch waa at the time of the All. . ., come In Ilnyway . and have a talk .' . . _ '. • pPr"" ........ 0 . .' I I 1 8e te bar . ~e :wa" '" Tl)emoor of .W yomlng wlt,h U8 .. . :,. imprOYJRfld a n008~ und Wul' bnok 10 tJtarJ~"ID . obq~eb IUIIi ' ~Ptl.try, .OD . I!oo at on n . p~. ' . . . LodIf""No 1Q21 I 0 O. F of WayneB By otder Qt· t;b e J30!t.rd of Dir.eo· 0. twinkling . . After lleverulatteln[J~A A". lar,8 col1Rrtlga. . E .- ." ville, and Wfl,8 an boue!!t and nprllrbt toOrs: . . he 8ucoe¢ed In getting the n008e ~(lD ..,.B / pr8\l8Dt ~. wltu~ 'he 'Su~day xcurslon . . ott~zeB IlDd well known ~mong the R . F, MOSRER around the COW '8 horns. With this C. A. 'ibNBQR, JAIIllI:S . t;TOOP8) b" U - h led h I Imprelltv,aad I!ller,pn ier"ioe ot , . to. Cincinnati. ~Ider citizens of this oommunity. LicVI B. ·LUKlIltrl8. W. JI.. MICRRIIJ:"ll, 8erv.lng !laB "''''.r, e er II. oog bot, baptialp I4mlDl~ *«J (tvel ' . The " fune~a1 ser,vioea were oon. W. J . SRKRW-ooD, ' NA'1In~!C JOltlE8, the stream until he oame to a point paD! PeoPle. ·Via · Peuns,l~nla Linea, 99 ets dUoted at the Chapel ThnrsdaY after. FRANK .ELUON, C~B. UORNELL where the bank was leila steep, ""hen . PHILIP TaOV'l" . roliDd trip from :Wa'~eevll1e. .Boon, Ap' rU 12, by Re~ .' PhlJlp Trout J . N, L8IMJrlON. be led her out wet and bedraggled, ' D.-tor II ' ID CJi ·· h 8peolat train leavea 8 28 &. mOl April ~.•• w:o. 'JI, 180&. . putqr of the M:. ~, e)1uroh, . Uashler. ut eafe and sound. lr
" 1,,, ,;
.- .
:f:o'c~ ;~tu:~lc~J~,!!~reb; ¥r.~flw;ell'"
PU Chttilla Aroused. ' U11 people ~llIm I.., I hln!. th ll l :111\bltll\n INII qnlllll)' born wit h UH; rll.1l It .. Do l &ti ~N> plt~lc h I 11II 1'r<I \('m..r~ t. tbllt It I ·.... III(lth ln g Ih rn~ 1 U[lOII ,II, ' wbl II will lAke Ufl' or 1I",~1". HII It II n IlUIiIII(IO th at re..pnn rl!l \<'ry qukl.1y to' C'ulll\'otlon. lind It "'11Ulr('1I ollllsl.lUl car 1111<1 ~ U t'lUlo o . jus l u.s lllt' ("l·"II ) lor ruu ~t ~ o r art d ~. or tl will 'I~ ro JIb y. It w ' do uot try .to 1"'.1\I ~() (1111 am bition. Ha)'s SIIl' (oesS lIt a!,:lIz hl' . IL 'WIll nOl keep shn.rl' oud .tl'finltll. hI fa(lul l1cl\ bcooDle dull Rod 1IOll n IU5' tbolr pnwM It t bey "N' "01 C~ ' rd ~ ()fI. liow Cll n we xp...'<It o u ~ lI,mbltltlu 10 1' " maIn fr sb a nd \'Igoroll ~ Ih rou!;h y~ar ; of Inac1 lvlly, Indoleu('e or Ilulltrcrrurc ·. If we k~op 10LUugopporl llnl ll,', sltl' uy \1 11 Without maJc.lug 0 1\), 1111 UIIIl g rasp t hem. our Incl bllu lo u will ;"t) \\' d liller and weaker, " w h,it I nUH,1 Deed." lIS Emersoo snY8, " Is l'<JuhltxHly to mnke me do whul I Cll U." To wb at I ('JiO, ilial 1s 1lU)' problem; not wbat a NRpoleoo or II L.lnet:,)la ol1ld do. bllt wbat I CtUI do. It U1 n~c8 all tlIe dl rtereo Ctl III lAIe \\'orlll 10 DlO wbether J bring Ollt th l' be~ 1 lh ln;; III me, or the wors l_ het her 1 lIt\ll~e ]0, 15. '25 or tlO per (lOn t. 0: my flblll t)'. .Ji) ... ryw bere _ atlll people who bavo reaelled mld41e JUe or IDl er Without belug arowted. Tbey ho va dCl' elolled oaly a small J)tIT'ce ntnse of tbelr S,IC(lell possJbUl Lles. They /I re ~1I 1l 10 a drealll7 state. 'l1he besl Ih lug 10 them 11611 so d eep tha l It has never beeD &1Va.keaed. W.h en we meel tbese ;>eopie 'W e reel oon scloUII ' liB t tbey hll\'1) II great deal of laten t Ilower thnt h;as lIever been exordsed. OrClIL pos$llllllUIlI or. usetulness and of ncb tll\,emCUl ore" au unco~sOlo u S I )' , going to WdStO ·...J.thlD !.bern.
tlTt 1JTarm
as Observed m·-This' Country
pcrhap ' d ll~ ,' r t lll nl-ing la r J.!.·h· '·,11I . ',( Ihl' r (' U tHill/HI , pn l1ll< ' 11011' 1.lrlll('I, 101 1\,\1,1, 1t'.!i P" " 'lIl1l)' u l'h ' l h;I\'('
tll',,(lI-" wlt " l\ Ih" 01' Il ,\ ",,'rkll .. ' Inlll. 1
Wtillb the lIod1 11 weaked tbe blooll thi n tt il80meLhllal dlmoul~ w find lb. 1 I III CAUIl8 UU IIIl Awnlt ug u llllll bu pre. red ed, or &b o . ulTerer hnppeul w be •
1, ' II\II r1.I·' I WItIt 1>11)' "11 I Ilnr.,ltlltlll l .. 1""111\1 1 I a lri ontlll' vArlJoof wowllJlhootl. • i,lIll1l" 1,)- 01 t hr' l:"'111 111, \\ lu. IUII~I 1."" 1' a I·I" .. ~ To-clay Ranlu Recruited from All Classes- The' Influence ObllCnre 1110UOII C s. lIomethill g un· ~. I rl'. lll /l'I ,. WillI h (III I I II , n}~I1" wlll'u Ill> 11I"\, llo;.~'~ of the Germ-ft. Coudl'la'oDl Abroad. b ea ltllfllll' ll OII';'S8u rrou udl " l71l o k , . ,l" _, I I,ll II ho , .I.lle ,,!l il lie, 'fI", 1I IIlII' ul itl>ul'ln; ..... ....- reut worof• w l\y ItlIul to n ~I>low impoverisbw pll t ~ t hnugh t trHO his w Plk he \I I 11101 IH' o.:(llIl(lI'lkd In grllld If' IIlI ... 11 11- · I\\ IIJt'~I) "l1l1h l" II hI' 10 Ih ,' I"' I"IIU 0' tbobhwd null nil eufoebl em eu ~ of the Ii. <: ! 0 >un ~Cl [01' ~ 1l1(' r ' I illig. 1 n t L'1l ' I I't' f.lrIll i 11 g h I,d't"r 1It, IIl I It t! 11111) ,' \(I\IN tl l. II • 11I ,' reIgn ot " II u r I h,' whole body. , 1,1 ben n serions stage hA/l I I '. I I' . . , , . ,1 ' I . " __ , I '" " I1UII1('(/III, . 1I1\n" , IIr II ,u"p r Plgn n r I t'! b 0 11 r,'11 bed tbt' re sQCws to be u oLblug 1,)' 111,'11\)' ,"1 11 1,1 111 l:t~~' II \tll I I.t l l \1 ,1 10,1 '''g l .1 . ,11111. ~tn l .. wit", It'll" 1I11111' I,hutllllll) lot' >0 - 1 Ihll t :o;ul'l u lll<ltl Is flpre:HIIII): l':1 p llity a IIntllra ll t ' ll I lUll i ' . " al l~ll "l'OU I'l'I·II. l th t i ll I'" , t f ~'itl 1 hI' ' ''Il ll g 111a ll rl' tl 117c-: 111:11 If hl1 bll,l : a fal'lll ;11 PI', ' I II I jlrtl'Cq )ulll'n ltlj;. Ih \,,<111'11 III \;"1'111(1 11 hy th~ .• I:; l)r~lIY b n\!I' '' "~' I' 1' l/glll~('(J.lll1d th ut Uvo C'om moll wen Ii h." I'ull " ).,""'>1 I\ II{ \V " nF. ,uL n I Oi'r T' I W V dll(' I " ln~~ onco (' l id " I I Ibl 11 ' r . ...... . , egg. 0 Ip on . . a .• lh l r(' I, h hPly 10 he an IClCfl';ISt' 111 s('l hl11-!' \' :tiut" , 111 , l';J d 1,) 1 Iltl' grl'a t 1II'IIII(O rOI'. UU t" PII\I !HI \\" '1(\ \11' "~Iuj" ' . to Itl VI I 1I1 1 )O~S Y a tel' \\' h81'0 1',u\\' ul'll 13~ lln lllY ' hns found n suu\;(Jssful n lLlLhol1 of LrcotL1I'L' r<'n ,,' I\'hi ' h III \ I\\~d lhl' '1I:tIl"e d ,', ' Hlili u lh (\ t 1.'- ' :1 \1.1 ' " l,ltlo h"lcll l!l'II UJ!. " ,11101 '\'ilh~ '. till' 01 'ud, Illbl.d a r~ now Ull lI ~ l to d is, " Lool(lu.ll Dnul(\\'(tnl." I1 n ~ Ilwll Iht) Ing w unk noml aud bloodlcss~ S8, 1:I,e . . '" r~ a le w tlr lillhl~ to (',111Ilu r l1l1' l1 I III ., It l r t r<'~ , (,1I ,~I (ln. Peopl e of a ll ,' llI s~l's a r ll ll!l y- , ",o.'k th l~ aut hor o,lcOm JlIIHIII'11 III t he SIl)'S : y,', r~ la l,·I. to r II lI nw I'tlllg lll;; fr<l 1U 111'0 III 11 1h . l> I lUll t ht'l11dll ll'e.s wllh whlll I. l'allot!- ";'l11c·rlcII III1.llI lnn · of SOl'l UIl \llll," "I ll~od J)r. W illiot~S' Pink Pill s ~or 'rr:\'1l~t' rt :lIi, n f:lcil ilil'S h~l'e ~r\' lIll,\ illl pr(' \'('1 1. 1' h,' rura l [,.C' fi ve yea r . . wllh nU lllbel'l~,s IIIl 1'11' ta tlon - '0- Hell ry Gcol'ge'~ " Pro"r~~~ a ll li. Pov. W .lIlm ~s 'nnsod ~Y 1\ hll g r~u g malnrllll uri l1g':' Iltl' l." , lind If,uk II ' 1"111' dn n!' 3 ie w Tb e IlOl1r lS Inle r pret It b" onlllr po fr mlnln · IIIT"r hle I th a tt, II lkl II11)11l 1)1 . •• , th llt t hl' \'e r v Il nOlllto 01'1"1\,1 ' " VS III I Il no. unl. II I,e nn<l 00 SlI. ,0 relCII Il or g t I I' at ~~ I' ~\!II lIlII t' . , hou .r. ;1111'1'. Ihe\ I'C I'lll> .."1,,, I. J ht' 11l' 1I ~papl' r s a n ' "II,' llt t hI' 'T!' ,'a tPh li Ullhll)hl ' K ( I 1'1 '1 -. ' "I : 11 Rorlu llst lo-dllY ,111611 nOl n CCSBu rlh' 1 mi gh t be nW llllon ' t! · Roberl Hum r 'lI LI O'I III.',t ll ll1HI ~Lllie oJ my b lo d. pI wn~ ' . ' ,, ~ ,. !' . 1'(. ; \(' , . II PUv Ie . ' . .. • ." anIllIUI!!. ns tu c; d ootorll BllY. cople l" t tact ,>I';' III ou r pl't'. 1'1I1 111(' \ \ I' ):t·t thl' tlt'II' S [ , lll' lIo r ld :t it.\\, 1I tllirs 101' pr ll'a te fllI'lIlsbes 1~1'()lln<l lo r IIro,,~' i ,~eun unarch ), !(\111 lo og lill I!' ~n~ re, l , 0,'e ~'l Y, a nd" Juuk LOIHlon ~ "W ur fCI' 11 11I11y \\,ulIltl l'll)' t hat 1 d id n 't hav & :llt ~r il h,'cllll t'. I h~ II' , 'fhi .. is \a ~ lh' difl'l!l'L;11 1 fr Oll1 tltI' "Id lillt';; 'ulloll. c u rIUU" ly, rllll llroLOrlso lll re_ l t.edH los a nrt nIl I' U1CllbOrl e. 1hrco l- or lhc ! n~\I ij hnve ultra,· t ~rt mll ' h blllml ouuu\l h .o rtulIt l d idll ·t ht\\·o lh e . . I _ SpOil to II loas t LO th e ~n: tl ror ('O IIICI loge ~ t l1c1 (lnt. Ih ~o n of the mllllOlial re. attellLlo n. A Inrge num be,· or Ilerl- ril(ht .ld uu u( b l~l ; w ine wus t oo tlllu . . , ., ,,- • _ ,, 110.;11111;1 11 1 f, rtn er . l<'\)kl1np:trll~' \' lltlr ~ . I\11" had .1 \\'\'l'i-,h' a nJ 11 0 1\' 11", 11"1' til ls I I ro \' Is I n, flUe I -t IlC Iaw n1H)' . rrOllll hesl't h " "\lIllsntl>rOH ULllrccolI- odl(·tl llI In Hllppor t of so"' "I" I •~1U a re 1\l ' llull1(l(:11 I's ailllh verworeout ofortler • . •• . ~ '"' • • I ' b •. • 11I1' n tl ll' h ' Il'a s a dll lSJOll L)I tl1 (' ," h~I' npllnll ralc ~ :lIld tltt: lIapc did <I 'prl"e th e gll i lly I l rS n of II ny IlU \J I1 ' I; hl ern bl y I'l~c rul led. E:1-~t un d wesl they pll hll Rllc,1 In t ho n llet! IIl1 c ~;-l n \\ ll,q bn y nJl lloyed y. BOIl; r rtSllI gs . . . " rise Ilil tb e 0 " l 'Ith SIO 1M3 t hey Wl'1' 'sllm'lted at UhOlll 10 Cn llll lilY stomach . Tbere wo..~ a Rood r. ut Il'<!\,' h ~ OIlW of th e la l'n IC' rs 11111 11 It I"l ~ lIl'arl" a fUl'llli!-:'hl (l Id T he file ho IIlny be bo ld ,ll l; , Th e t rllt h 01 hi ' pn p II; I' \lo r " gu Th I t I I S' I II R ' I 1-' " 1'111 of pni u too in m y back IlUd nuder . 1 \. ' I [ r ' .' ~ . th ll nllegiltlol\ as In lI ny or Ii nar ' IIllel t el' \'ery De monllll ' seutlmonl s . III 't\{ 0 n I' rnll l OIlU oe U ~l 'n"w II .' h i ' II' bl I .. :'Iglt a r l1lc r IS 11 II' kn' l'l1l' lip IIlIh 1"(' PI' (t's, il,)l1 uod th e . I ) Q\II! C os lonll' 1\ "s lory "of t b Ir cou\'er- t he o r~a n of sCl,enl lfic HOl'ln1l81ll 111 l1'y\l1( t S loll ce r n( e. I' " . ~ Illt . 110 'ij 1I0t :I I or Ib o shll !luu: II hi . . , Uuw I~g d id these troubles last?" you ng 11 1~ n " no w It. wo ul d oll ly ~er\'e to Incr :, ' th onor- ~ Io n 10 Sod a ll&tu itS lhey <10 o f o ther , \ R 1:011 111 r)'. , " Iror ov r two y ears. F or tour Lo ng<'r li lt'. h e tt l'r h l'a lth. IIlort' r(;'a l l'O lil e l1ll1l ('n l 'l .)-lIo' I 'ct lu llv o f t he olTcnee YOllng tullllonn l l'e~ t h a l beco me T Il' <;l ull y st ream of I m m l~ rnn t!l mouths o( that ti me I wns uuder t h& ' I ." ., r I ' I ., , " gc S~lI r 'I' I Il weel '''asse ' wi I I ena mored of choru B girls. Iiourlll i-! In to our Illnll. ulsc'onl cntod cllru of 1\ phy sicillll. but bis lI10diciue dld t Ilat 11e~ can ue DU Il I Ol Ot l' Inl~' 0 11 t he fa r l1l f I' tltl' ;]I't:ra"l' ')CI'Son y t .... _ .s I !Oll l t le A t tbe meel ln'" of Soclulls ts Rt Ih l' xII s troUi RL'ro S lbe \\' II tOl' ouo 111\1 110 " 000, MClIllwhlle I I~t\rn ed or . I I 1 ... j ' notlco In Ihc press or fOll r or fl \' e trialS ., I l ' 1 " h 1 -> h b D r ill b d I couot ry homo ot J G P hel ps-Sloltes wall II t h Ink woulll lelld to gl vo II rei" l' 10 c ur~" I at Ill" lK.'e1l wroug t y r . t 111111 III I 1(' gre lll :tll( 'rol\'c kl t:C I1tI' f~ - t he s l' Ull.! o t 11 1' l'l' asu n:: are I" I I .~ 11 (1 C) ' s C R ucla r. 11 0 yel uo ot IeI' sec~ . " olll llonery 'hn rncte r to Anle r lca h so. W ill ituuy' J>iuk P ills ...· , .1 ' . ,,1\, \I l.tlC Lnr ll CI 1 1(' r I'l1cr .. "' . 'h,v III 1111 11 .· ••, II'n~ lion of Ih e cr imin al code I~. 0 fre"Yuu 011'0 to. tbAso pillR?. " cIa II8m: bllt t he dls content a nd mu 11 . YOllr cnro ' ~ yOl1\1~ m e n will r 1I1ai n ,...:L:"- . Quenlly bro ken , Even wll h loynl Gllrof t he ral'lal pr 'j udice bpcome "I C rlllllll& dO. and ~ alNo "UOW ~bllt h op(' m o r c 0 11 t ll (' [a r ms . ~ see mOIl S:I ,.gOOd · JOkO I~'I 1M emil r' r softe ned . aotl t h01lgh the foreigners ~~,~~',:~~ell:lll~lU~hOe~~1l1'8'l~~eW y i1~~:/e ~~t j vv ' bhldms I uCTblU ore f IIell oya I u e be.' Ruse h IIro rarc 0 f no s ma II I n fl nence In sp rendl ng merit unci I know ,of •n othiug that ,voold cu . I' 0 o w ng e ms ar, y a sot lallstlc \'I ews, on thl,l whole III In· tuk ll thuit· pluco. " tie c ba nge of ellp r ~ si on lilt n cro~ s her fml rf1l1 InRul l 10 majescy. s ince 11 0 tJ ll n ~ Ollen re Is no t 80 radlru l as mIght be lror fur th er i uform ntlnn alld valol\blefB ce wltb t he nl' Ust SIU ' ut h im II PI) r- I' more perSO llll 1 lllU fI Ihe ka iser' I)ro ' SlI tlposecl. 'fb prol1Orllon of forelgn- book lot ntl(lress t bo Dr: WlllluUlII Modi· ers 10-" Ame rican s hILS decrcnsed I'cry CllluCo.,Schcoectndy , N . Y. mu t, nnd ~here roro unhom lll'l'ell by t be pouslly 101' t ru \'el Is Irealcu. lIlId . r .t It Is Ill ways to '\ II b hln ll c·l os~ 11 ,1001'S. rap idly In t he last Ove years : It hos self, usclous ucl\,S of 100 11111 11 . PERSOlf.AL FARTICtJLAR8. T wo Ille n III a wa nde rlnl> sho w. Inlff ll become an Ameri can woveme nt. In " I reu d It In your eye ~ . I th ink ... bo replied, . Illte n mln su'cl nfTnlr • .lIf ter II dhlloglo(\ epeak ln g of Am rl~an $ o c l a ll ~ lI1 , 11 0' Ralph D. ~l umeDlleld. editor of tla. J ust lbe n l he door open d a ud a Irl m III which tlte fa \' or lLIl monoes of I1l1>1t I onl\,orlly on I ho su bject say~ It Is ma lt! cl'ossell the 8pacJou rDil I~' anll n'perOfij w~r\'l reh ea rsed. cum to t ho pl'o buhly Illore Map: llltl (Hr'le nttfl c in LondO ll Exurb s . Is an At:Qerlcan. h ovlnr IlIstln ' lI on t o tOlllnn' thnn !'oclnl ls m be ull bor n In Mllwa ukeo., He leu rnell s eatet! hers elf wlt b her I\'o r k I&t lho living. nntl tlHW on n~ l:ed for Ib e .~3 ' B, JEAN COURTENAY \'orltc Ul ux lm of 'Will ia m II. "G uslll." of th e o~h I' gren t ' counlrles uf th e ),lIs profl'5Hlon 10 Chlcaa;o and New' fa rt be r window. W be n E1'I'o ll I !I lhnL mor a lng be rnme t be rrl) ly, "pack up ),oll r trll nk." wor ltl. 1' hero Is III 0 II te'n d u . ~. II' York. GOI·. Guild of M.... ochusett.s has apellrrled a way Wllb him In bia b ' art . It ooslt h c rna n who mude Ihe repl y lay lesH cmphasla II poll , tb e 'In1lnedl· , Ie demands' or t he. re form s wblch can pOinted Mi as Mar ie nose Collins . a a pi ct ure th a l would never gN W dim, tllre mont hs In II rorll'e~s, In t llllt , !rhe :V:a1ue or Displa y, It was a yellow room. bel' sa nctu m , an d a ll II 'he th a t wou ld n e\'C\' be c ured l ime hc s tud ied ou l II 111enn. of RC) II IH- _ bl' ucr ompllsh ed wh llc Ibe fram ewor k daug bter of Fo~er Mayor CoIll DH. or J!)0II't take nny medicine of tb e ma n· and seemed to h old etern al sun 'b lne, Boston. as s la t.o pr ison COll\wlsslooor_ till he III1U WOII ta me. an d m l"b c aaro Ing hi mself wi th thOse wh o Ollloreedi of t it E'xlqtln g o rder Is rctalnell." ...~ 100m; at th e wearer of COEtl y • It .was aL tb e top 01 ' th e g roa t t own to niva ke n tb e princess. \ lhll Ill w. ,lnd wben the (Jerrorrunnce , "Chrlstl nn oclnll s01" Is a term ollce Sho has g.I\' n tbe 6ubject oCpr isoo wo rk jewelr y. 1'ho scofTrr Is probably toO b ouse. an,d eXlendet! righ t tb\'ough the Tbe s Itti ngs look ])I nce ret;Ulo rly. a nti ,were res unl , ~ '''':to IlIq;e Rull lcnc.' moro In nse I hlln a t present. r e fcl's to ruubh a tLeotiOIl . l)Oor or too lJlenu to purl'h 0 dla- bnlldlng Crom eaBl to wes t. \ IC\C ase - Ib po r tral gr w. and 80 d id Ib~l r d rawn by his sCI1 J)ntle- lhe fl rSL (\ues, Ex-President Cle\,eland has 60ld bl ~ J llSEP Il MEDILL PATTE R v I'. the tt'n Is It ' ld by ~ u c h men as th o lions were l'e[loo tc<l wh ile thO po lkr. ·noted E ngli sh HnShE's nno Ca non , to1'111 lyi ng a s bort di s tance outs ide or monds fo r b ls ow~ use. and therefore m ent windows with deep wind ow sen s fr l£' nd s hlil. opened out. on the ea st, to lbe parll ; Pa m la's dee]) eye. ga lu&J a glod ' g rImly wn lted for Ih o II mnx. How- 'lwhlle ugo, WII S )'ouu g J oseph Med lll Kingsley, The n th ere Is II )d nd o t Prlpc tOil . Ht bo us h t tbo fu rm soon grudges the adva-otage wblch be so thtH you l ook ed nWIlY Into g ree n, 1lE' s-ali ll nn add ed wls lfnlness o f e l' r, with th e meo tlo n or rh o presen; PuLle rson . of Chicago. u muu ot wea so(: l nll~ m tl~e' G r111an5 ' Iroul 'lIlly e fte r goIng qlt•.re tl). nve. and In ~en ded kno.we others derl vo Cram wea ring lIess a n(1 spnee, and mi ssed lbe lfll IDc wbl ch he Inew 1I0L. but whi ch en- kRI 'f';'~ nlllllt'. Ihe man nly lilliI'd :lIlu marrIed to II dll ug hl l' of tb t) rl Cb. s penk o f ns "soclullHIIJ ·ot lhe chait." to make It 110 In i\ustrlal fflrm for poor tbe m. Who d.enles t bat It ptlYS a man tha t lIurged In lbe rOB(\w a y beneath. hnnced he r bea uty In Ibe Il~'es of ~ r- Idlolh:ally, sr lnlch ~ d his h end nn.l As Mr, Pa ll el'~o n hlld JUSt ma de pU bli c a ll(1 Sli m!) lud lvl (l ulils call p rofetisor- boys. bllt th e proJccl proved a fa ll uro. 10 wea r II smart suit of clothes ? l a It The walls were bung wl l h old yr ll ow roll. tln n ll), 9'11d lha l he l ho u ~ht be h o:! proclamation of hIs olllanc with t be lal socla ll sm," In Am er ica of Int e the M\'s. CYlllh la M. Poden, of Montenot 'U eslabllehed fact tha t' tbe mere tapellt rles. and art t rea. ures obou nd d. His 'pictured Pllmela blld foued he r IOtoWIi th e ans wer to t h e C)llest1011 SocJalis ts. 0.0 Inlcr V'lower InQulreu of ~olleg Ilrofcl!sor bas bee o nl ore o r :r:urua. \ n., was .recenUy the onl y ·IUe.the new con vert how he :Iccounl ed for I I I appearan ce ot being rich greaUy h elps And sb e wb o sal tben In tb e qua i nt sou; (!Ss ~0[18 p CLIOUS n socialist I .proplI· tessfu l woman ca nd ida te In a clnss or I I lool;~ll o ut of h er g lorIous eyes t III' e mont bs be fore. bItt SOllie h \\' In to Il~ \'e ofT .povert y! Man Is a very gl Ided cbalr? She was Ulle some o ld· IIn ti st a rl lNI t be b holder by Itij pow I' t h meantime be b lld m l pl aced It. lhe s udd en luflu x o f youn g mlllloonires ga mlt\- nol intrE'C)ueutl y at t he x" 35 ellom lnetl by the !!t.Qte commis s Ion ot ' lmlfstlve cresture. If a I,rospecllve wo rld princess Or (airy Quee n- mollon- no d lovellu $5. a nd to E r ro ll It pro ph e. The Rudlen ce. c.ppar II tly well verserl Into t be Soc la llKt ronks, lind re 'eh 'et! peus. of hi" "job." SOlli e ca ll nam es, pbarmacy, Mrs . Pade;1 Is Ii molh er with customer th'a t you b ave plent y o C less and s llen l. Dreamlog amid beauty 81 d fum e. The real Pamela was not In what had been m lspl ted. ap l)r!) Inl' th is onsWer : "Ouly on t he g round that som e glvl' wa r ni ngs. thre!) lillie clllld ren a nd ber wor k hal In 0 se ries or articles wrllten by D r. n ot Interfere d with b er hou>lebolc1 moollY, be naturally ' concludes lhl;lt - hers elf Its very essence--ye t waitin g qlllle sn COnndE' n l lll l atter a li me. She ed lhe disco m tl lllre of tho police. whu lhe youn g millionai res nre a bout t he o nly fellows tha t bnvo time e nough lO R ichard T. Ely a nd Dr. Thomas It. duties, other people glvll1g you big or~ ~:a~:~fn~Q~~U~v:,lstrul ness tor tb e Wll ij g 'ni le Dud gr uclous nlwa ys: Lna t wore pOwerl ess to mnke a .cnse. Far IIw re sell'lol1s tllan t be o ll'en res 0: t hi nk. " And then Mr. Jiattersoo elllbrrlah. we learn tbat ono of th e cl,l ler WII hl'r nalu re. bUl li t times be would Ge o. Henry E. T remn the newlydera. a nd 80 be (ollows suit. It woulll 'Pu mela's fathe r, reali zIng tba t b ill' becum e h), and th e aCll O grew aDd t bose who merely repeat dlsres pectfu! o rnted bls vi WS 011 lhe uoct.rlnes oC b it! rORsons fM t be ' rallid spread of s orla l. ehicted presIdent of lhc..R"Jlllbllca n club not do tp 'oo rry YOllr b&nk-book rOuDd onJy cb lld poaseslld .unusual beauty. gre w In Ihe a rt lat's heart. s torIes about tb e ka iser. li re th e 0011' espo usa l: ," Muni cipa l ' Ow~ rshlll !S lsm over lhe grell'ler par t of lbe cl vU· Clf New York cit)". haa n splend Id war yonr .noole:. but yOU can. wltlIout n ny b at! de sIred an arUst to' pa lo t lI er In He Iinew that the princess was ready sta nt e \'os lonEI and violations of the onl )' 8kln-~eep Socllllls m. -I m (or tlie !,ee~rd, }Ie enlisted all Ii vulu ntee r antS: oBten tat lon, wllar a ' b a ndsome' dla - ber sanctu m. Pamela W08 no w await· to IIwak eD, bllt, alas ! t be poo r 1I1'In e law In lha proass ami periodi cals o t I Teal brand. ~u bll own ersblp of n il tbe r ose to be a br.e vet br igad ier genera l lit> mood rlne, . whlcb wm both please Ing lbe IIrst lilting, was delnyed . !n h is coming. Germ aor, wh ich are embi ttered e nough I s ources of wca lth. Not unlll we hllVil 18&5. He wa s one of th e found ers of tb. YOUl' elillomer's oye s nd put bl m In to Sbe was' 0 el1l:1'ossed l n t hought t bat He called ber II la yfuUy "pr incess " to use every op po rt unity fo r n tlln g 1\ t remo\'ed all forms of r uinous oom peGraod Ar my of l be Republic tn No,," IL COOd temper. Wea r It lUI tbougb sh e did not hear blm announced, aud In me mory of his Drst im pression aha ut him. Cartoo[ls nnd rema rk s must be tI ti an , by bt\vlng ull t be 80urces of :Vork 'lIlnte a o d al wu yti bas betln act v. )/OU bad quite forgolten It WIlS there. ooly bocame a ware a t his prese oce by be l'. He had made be r promise not to cle ver cnou gh 10 evade Ib ~ W3lchtu: wealth o'r oed un a operllted by tb e peoin politics. ' t he deep sigh of a r tilltic pleasnre that 100 1. a t ber pictur e till It was tI ISb d eye or the stille's attorn ey, On th·) pIe, 8bllll we rellch perfectio n. Then Patrick J : 1>fclllls h . of Holly Sllrln l!l'l. ' lad.,U ,1s bound to do you good. Again. escAjlOd .hlm as b e gued spellbonnd 00 " 00 I g row Qulokly?" s be as k: d o:~ o Uler band . 8UCCl'SS !\Ion~ t.h'ese . 1In~.1 lh~:e wll\ b~ a job for e~erYbotl )', " , . roU es.,. In ",:oy Ii! I.wlce au, Am!!rlCIIIL tile eflect of tbe rln; upon' th e wear-- t be picture bel ore b lm. A JIOII tor e,erybotly th n Is one Soday. " 1 wal t wltb Impatlonce to seo brings an enormous circu lation. Ilnt! citize n.. Fle camo to .thl s coun try ove r er'l lown mo·raI. II ve ry great. Tbe Sbe moved a llghtly. and broke t b e myself: 1 ce rllli n perlodlcnls owe lhelr papnla r- clllllst c hleal: It h as bee n Sll id .t ba t 20 years oso anll was natura lLzed In 1888... ' I pu kle or ,Ul. pm II an ever-present spell, .. You mus t not grow too fast. p rln- It y to tb e oon tlpent au d seldom dl~a<p ' tbe r ." 1'11 liS ma n~ klnd8 of 80clalls~ as Not long ago Ii building In wbloh he had " DoIl't move, please! Keep Just as 'cess, or yO U will not bave s t rength tc painted bellef o f their reallers rh :l: t he re ,li e Indi vidual tioclnllsts. bu t " robloy ' t/)' blm. a coutant reminder t b; l lome papers wa~ bllrni!d, hlB Da t urallzate baa acllJeved .... cel'talo a mount at you are. Tho' ]lOSe Is absolu tely p er- " 'Ie. Do I ti re you wilb t he si ttings ever y Issue CRn be de pen ded u po n to ably tbl Is a n IltlllOk by lhe Il nem yUC!n papers goln /!, with th e res\:. P a t rIc k sueCt>lI1I, aA4 a" ItroD, incen tive. there- reet," he said. 'eagerly. ud with a cer- ne all ded, wistfull y. come DB near 1\& ' poB~lbla lO hi.suIUt'n t he enemy t hnt ever uses r ldlcnle for a .t once made application f or a now set':' fo re. to forga ah~ and acfJ leve s tili taSn aW-horltY. aDd DOW Is able agai n to,l ve documenweapoll. . "Ob . no; Mr,. tlrrolL" Wag l he eager the kaiser w ithou t directly dol n~ so, rrestor .reIU.\t.l. SO<!IaUy. of courso,' " Tben you bllve co mo to palol m y repl ), . "They a re my-" ::One bes ltat ed. . , A1 l hOugh Ame rlCli h ns long been tary e \lldence ot biB American clllzell. B~lp. . " Your wb at, my prlo ess 1" His da rk SALTON DESERT TALES. known I\S home of commun istic experlIhe wearIng of . jewelry III mode ration lloH rtra lt 1'1' ft d I I , er VA ce .was so a n mllS ea , a nd eyes qu estioned eage rly, men ts. It was not \l ntll tb e coming o f t. often Of In~lcul abl e vll1ue. T he ,she 'h'l d a sligh tly fo reig n IntonatlDn "They mnke 010 ver} happy." was the Th e Formerly Sl\lIne and :Bnrren:& 1'- tbe Germa n l ofluence a tter the polltlcnl ,man ,whn ,,, k DO"'~ to bll a man of that was (j U1llot and prelty. It ClIm e shy an s wer. a nd .t be roses tba t only glon W as Not Unpr oduc, ~lslurbance8 of 18. 8 In Ge rmony, bad ~ea!Lb will ul ways e et moro t ha n his wit.h Il toucb of s urpr ise to the. Arti st . bloomed fo r E rroll crQwded Inlo her We could be virtuous If we prlcUee4 tfv8 of Yn rnB. dri ven so ma ny able men to seek a!lylum. r lgb.tlul shtl l'O of fa voro-au d b o does for ber fat bel' was a typical E ncUsb ' :race. _ _ In t his coun try, t h at America n socia lism enougb, oot lJ.ave to Ilsle for them. either. man, pro ud and reBel'\'ed_ " Wlerd a nd wonderfu l are the storIe. proller bega n, A01 0ngtlJe refu gees were " Y"OI1 will s pOll me for any oth er s it• A real Christia n doesn·t bave· to u . . . ; " [ had to Imagine It J>Os6 1blo le r, Prin cess Pamela ." said lbe ar tis t, wb lcb ho,'e come ou t of Ibe great Sal - radI cal leuders who se t a bout to eatabWord s co tell It. J . G. PHEl.PS STOK E S. Serious Problem. , -t1n .1. 81W yon... lie " NGw. you wonderll1g how much longer b e would lon desert In Cllllfornla ," wr ites .\I:d,(lir flsb Utopian condlliolUl here, . Next we A gre llt ma ny 'people believe that It ita '80m.wbat 'appalling oeW8 tbat frl,sbten me. " be abl e 10 crusb down tb e longing to j;', Howe In TI~chnl cal ' Vorld Magaz loe. note . the German gYlDnns l1 c unions bed world Ues In tbe ext raordlllu.ry Bin 18 0!lly ~ wrong rou'rid out It. . _tandard oC' female beau ty Is d~' "But boa" ',' Her wonderful eYes gp.t hi! r ber close to his heart. Her " It WIl,S ther.c, on th e lower Co lorado (turn,v erelne) ; In tbe early days activity oC the SOCialists In propaSo~e men lou dly Itemaud JUlUce . oll;,lng .fn America. It there was one widened wjth s ni-prlle. and be fOlloo lIalve , con fess ion made t he temptation rl\'er. tha t ·Ca pt. Smith ' found t be IllJUe ' avowedly 80eallstlc. hnt after ' tbe ganda )'Iork, In Oermany tbe SOCial· While lottly praying tor . mercy. ..ertJtude ID our .blttlulJ social ordor. tIlem deep gra )1. almos t Irresistible. ' turtle, I!nd 80' WOD Its gra titude by civil. war IGSlbg mucb of this cba~a~- 1st prell wi elds an 'enormou8 loftuence A. IIbrewd man may :be both wt•• lit 'w... ltllat ,our 'Womell wero not only ' "Becaus&- bec&l1lltl," U made - SM- He r ',fath er was deligh ted Wll h tllt , bea lin g It t.h,ot It re turnod 10 liter , ter. In 186,[;' In New York , t he Social and '11'0 lind ' a remarkably "coberent" and lioDest, but. tbe ' oddl are l.aJDlt party 'Willi organized. party. b ere socialism developed to I. bll being either. ,the 'lbeIt, bill .t1O·· the bes t-loOklDg 10 tune -of dl!ll pa.\r, " - ~yas ' wiU bold portrait aod ao:;cJou s for Il to appear ID years BDli offered Its serv ices 35 an : Democratlc , a olma ted fe rr'y when the captain was wblch IIOOn after becam~ alllllated "commanding palltlcal pol iti on." I III th e Royal Academy thaL yea i-, the ,world, ..,..' tbe N~w York Post. Jou! " The Jl.fOpbet who II al" roretellA little slll'lle Utted the co~rr. of " You hue s ucceeded wond erfully. on an Is land threateoed wit h a rising ' wltb tbe International Worklng- France 'the soclaJl8t~lar'e mucb dIvided ' tag dlsaalAlr never 1il!C!llr. "'1 ala", alld Oba 1lP we be wllliag 10 admit. bel' mout b ~s s he alillwered : " Ie t hat Mr, Er"?IJ." he s aid. "' lIh mor.e en t bu- llood. men's MBoclatlon. At a conveDtioD but Frencb Boolall8m bSB strengtlr and admlrlDI COD8Utuenll.Y, Tbe ,b~ aod l tuddy maidens wbo wear eo'! 1 did not kllow tltat I was 80- slas ru In his ma nner t han It ofte n "00 yonder mesa. s loplog upward' held In Pblladelphia In 1874. t he So- vitality. ID Belgium. 'Boolallsm Is one We, 108e more time 10 CJ'Owllng at _ealers .ad :thuuder down t ho large: you Trlgllte:l me DOW, MI'_ ~ s bowed. "My little daughter Is before trom Volcano:> Springs. Is the ' Inv :.n;le elallsts formed a SocIal Democratic of tho strongest 'palttl~l forcea, . In .pQrchea .of !& ;tlIouuod country clubs rvU1" me In all ber ,,' lnsom enes8 ; alld"-bll1 City,' where t he c langor of street car Worklngmel1·. part:'. and at jL con· Denmark we lind very · succeBlfuI co- tbe weather thall we dO In chlnldN aN ,cerUlol,. uDllke tbe· )'o~tbful par, The v;t,l!it w. rapidly makloc dte vo Ice sOflen ed-"ber mOlber looks :.t bells and nil t b e hubbub of a met rOpo- ventlon beld three yean later In New operative organlzatlont. In Italy t be the crackl In til• •butt.... w. keep 1& . aa1ta ,ot , tbelr motherll In boops and 'Dece6l1ary prepan.tlouB klr bcgtnninK me ou t or h r eyes! T bls p lclure w ill lis can be bemrd. but wbere only tbo Jersey adopted tbe name Socialist La· r evolutioDary pbase' ' 11 empbaalzed out. cblanoD ~; '. bIIt bere ,w e were told t~' bJa .!Geld!. He looked 'lip at ber words make you fa mous, I bope." ho a.dd ed gravelly SOli. Ihe dreary mountalDs. more or lesi. but tbe demaDds as a ··COFFEE JAOS." leak ,lor I,ropesa .and tbe e mlloclpa- an11 meeti ng her ,d rO'Il exp ression. kln'dly . nnd lbo Bcunt. dwurfe d vegetation can whole are not unreasooable. England Llou ,ot ·''W'ImlUlheod. Decline. DO ma le ••AiIiI, it Is noL)'our at ze." be !aIel, "j~ " I bope so, sir, And , If It do ell; I be see~. III In the s tage of " mul1lclpsl experl· ma y co Ule aael asllt 7C1U for I. tar " Nca r Supe l'l,Utlon mountalDS II tbe mentll." ft. Doctor Named Tliem Correctly. American baa been so lodlscreet as 10 IIH~urd bekaU:bl'(.': "' " .B lIT e816 'Wall 'uocnt o~ce IIIO're greater fa \·or." s pring of nnt)1TIlI glo . where the coyC:HR18TOfIlER WEB8T ER. Adm It.tanJl ~.(& · matter of fllct. the 101-, o ve r his CTt'.}'OL.i1 anc:! paints and Iw! Botae one 68ld :'Coft'e~ nenr hurll , ·· lnd~ed ! ·' The .En glish man retired ote. lbe gray 1wolf, Lbe tox Bod the wil d i ( , oa~PIllao .for the resloratlon an)/one.'· inquire of your frleull8 and hastily In lo b ls sbell. " I hope It ma y fow l are on perpewal deba uch; an d Spider Llv. on Light.' ··Jlf Amerl~n bttauty ,ls to be captained lie In my power to gran t It. It 60. li nt ,nell r hy Is Ibe ' b lll from wblch liows Little lIfiss Multet 's IIpltier was pel'- 1I0.t il tbelr experlencl!ll, A Palla. womu SIYS : '. ;1 IODe(t)t :tlle alllI'Wr If dete rloru.tlng t here \\')11 be rime eDoug b to tl lBC U8!l a atu ra l Ink: In the SlI me vldn lty Is baps not 80 hun gry a s lie looked. M. _ . '!rlle case ·QlUIl (be \\,ortie t han "During tbo laSt 2 or 3 y enrs I beiliat wh en tb e plCluro Is accepted. " tbe mlp!l ol cl'YStalB whlcb mnke pe rJ. H. Fabre has studied th e s piller's &nYOlae .hlll lmaglaed . •for two a uthors Th e plclur e was hung on t he 1I0e. reCl pells. lind tb e depos it of Il8beHto8 powe rs of fa sting. H e noticed lhat came snbJect 10 what tbo .doctor callecl 'IIf acme ~pute , 6r. 'mlkln g a spec ial ,It I' presented Pam ela as tb e ar tl st where 0110 ca n tea r o ff ti heets or. ~lol-lhe moth er .splder ~rrle8 ' Its little 'cotree j ags' and felt like I bave hearl! bad Ii (~I seeD hcr, si tti ng III t ho gll ued tlng paper re ady . made. ODes on Its bacl, for seven mont bs . and men 8IIy they feel' who , bave drank 't/.ip to Barla : to (fetch. o:;'\!r a'n apos tle. ch air. wit \I hr.r grcat dnr\<.. ! r es g;az lng " II was In tlul Supersti tio n mollDthat during tbat time l be 'young spld- . too m.uch, rum. ' It nauseated, 'me aDd: IIC the :beailtlfuJ: .abe , 15 fI rst to asoO nt Into s pul·e. And In::':PiLIn tlpg her tarns Ibat Ot·to SchmId t rou nlt th ~ 111en consume absol.ntely no tood. .I;f. J f~1 t 8S thong)! th ~re . wu 1I0th1D~ bat , ~ID Ithe IlIr88tDt atate or beaut)' hi eyes I~rro ll had succeeded wonderfully, vis ibl e serpents wl tb g lRss cups 0 11 t be con cluded from tbls observation lhat cotroe·'lIowlng t hrollgh my _ftlnl. ilmetilc:a, ;611d 'nut to ' take Stl Cb r\lm~ ' ''Coffee agreed . 'rell enough for & It Is the aol.r h llat I,nd right t hat 'tor for lhey wt rr: as evasive in color as t be l.u lJa t liat ~ev'J l ved IIUt! produced i180U' dial ,m;euurea D.s may be necessa ry. Ilvl !! g count erparts. But Ins tead of Umul, ruusle. It wos In Ihls de ~ert ; ,IQ(). them dlrectly .take t'be,.place of nour· time, but for I. ' .number or yearll l 'Ilhare ,18 1U: be no ;trl"11l8 'wlth : the doing 'm e ... \)~ llreamy, 'fa r.ort loolc. Ibere was t ha i un Inge n lolls Ya nkee fc1Jr~1 a l~bm0nt. In other ' ~ord8, the ' motor bave , known .' tbat It t\IIOblelll, ' Goetbe ' bas tol ll us (0 lI\'e ~ l!llw nlug recogui lio a In lbelr SOf l, group of c,w io!s. Bbandoned In early beat In tbe. e young animals, Instead Ilreat 'liarm, ' b~t/ Jllee tbe 'ruip toper, <. ftIIOiute ly,: lin the ~od . . bealllltu l a Da telld ~r II pUIS. US if sbe a lready saw <lays by the army. II Dd , by syphonlnr; of being relealled from tbe ' fOOd , mlg'h t I ~hougbl I CO~ ld not ge~ along wltb. true; ,bUi ,1! n ov... occune d . ttI him to ' be .utlllzed directly a 8 the -sun, Moure. ont It. It m ~d. me narVOUII, dlsor. b er PI \1I('e III the fa r ,\lSta nce. Ilnd ' wall lhe wa ter f l'<1ll\1 tbe lr sack s, wall able dered my dlgelltlOI1, delt.rored m Y' longjllg LU welcome blm. Jier droop- to Irrl gll le, a fa rm. wblle l be al\Jmals , of all lifo, radiates It. ~.-u tbe~lI~ powor: to ' lluit end. JAC~ LONDO:i. Bleep IDd 'Qrotigbt OD frequent ant) iug mo ul h was s liapell for II kl.llH. and plie d back and forth bet ween thl' river ,...18t.rate John Del&nl), . , of Jelter· very IIlstres!.lng ,boadacbei. , be t 1111) WIIS ruu of 1·lolets. Rnd t h.e fnl'm., ever kee ping up the wa- bqr porty, Thill party had, a great A.ddiijon by Typ!wnter: toiuIIlI~. ;IDd" annOUlWes ,ilial here, ':Wben I IJl?t . wbat the dootor clIlled It Willi caHed "The Pri ncess Walla," ter 8UPIII)', . deal trouble wltb tbe anarcblstS. A German genlns bas perter.ted & ~ lie will marry <tree of <cbn rgo "Now t he llTlm vall ey, rendered won- Altaln came to a climax after tbe ar- typewriter wblob . perform8 the ,dulles . I. colfee Jag' OD, I would.' give ' up alUl wa ~ pro "la lm~'1 t he crtJ'wnulg, ttl. . .<e~ ' .. I~roate eloplnc' couple. In derfully rertt:le .hy Irrlgallon. Ie . tbe rl~aI' I,n thlll couu[ry of Johann Most, ot an a ccountant througb all Inganloull drlDklnlr' It for, & fllw days till my " um ph of o r t lu tbe e]('h lb l1 lon. Errol I' round 1:lmsel f la ruous aDd b9- home o r 8. (101) tbrj vlog peo ple. Recent- wben the Socialists made declslol1 ,to ~rrangoment .·ot· wb~le. By th'e 118& regllned a !lttle strengtb. but . ~ , be 1&f1t tbat "'ffe rsoo ~lJe i8 IN l'O.lJll EYES. I U'JiJN K, " sieged with orll@ra. So be Bsked th~t Iy 'the Colorudo rh·e~. breakJng th rough "I."e no connectJol1 Whatever with tbe' 0f tbl 8 mac bl ne a. bill may be made ' J WI,! aI1l(ay.' treUu)' and worrle,l al16 ,,' tM mecica' or a U ttte elQ1llog coplt!s In "I Rt;;AD IT liE RE<'LJl::.IJ. "gn'aJer IIH Of, " \\'blch was nOl d enied ',lS old 1l0unn!l. began again to ' run into auarchtsts. out on the' typewriter. and 'In'stead nerv.ou8 till J wu able to resume tb. . tctadl!en. 'UlIoo'*, Keutuc ky. Inlihl nti .\ '. tbe YII I\t!y, \';l1lch It fOrml,lrly occupied. 'Wltb tbe candidacy ot' Hel1r1 'G eorge of a Iaborl()ns ad.dltlon, belni l'e,Qulred use oC ·tbe, d,rur; .oll , ~ ·;of" Oblo. Delitot.J oonfld entl y misBeCl t be rose-ret c.c..l <w.armed ber I 111m. "About a year .log!) I "wu persuade" Tbe n b e persuade,l Pamela ~o le t .lIm' but lIoW: greU s teel and con crete da ms (1886) f!lr, tbe maYQr411y ot New to arrIve .at the total, !I- set of Indl~ •. tlll~ till do a /J a~d .ollllle b UIl I ~s etear pallor: .nDd p.,r,bUP8 It Wlle 'as 'to . try P08~um. but 'n I gOt It 10 res.,I ~ ·· ua:. ialllrimonla: IInr. .;~ Is stall·~ d well. tor ' It would ~ ha..e deepl!II,ed talle '!;Ier to see tbe pl etur ~, Sbe' ""as ure b~lng bu lJ t !lntl by May 1 the river York"clty aud for the. governor.hlp of ~ton .t one sIde ~lIows exactly tbo taurants It wu :Dot~lne but .IOPP7- . . Quickly re ad),. and In a clinging woolen ,will lie ta reve'r shu t OU l , except 8S It is New York (1887). we come to two Im-, '8um of tbe columns 'of IIrurel. Thll upo. -ftlIaalie authGr lty til &!' .!ln8 J et- ~ s despair, ~er .smile g rew. s own of creamy li nt. wit h \'Iol ets In needed .ror Ir rlgt\t\on Pu. po·sea." portaat evenb 111 the blstory of tbe !Podding devlco III .not Ilew. but t he ' mess, BometllHS told. . l.a4 alwl'. te~.dlie Ju.tI~e II , the eo urll.O of lbll BelllJ lY Is bU l lik l • . de~, t be1 -.y. he r belt and a drooping white hill. she S!'claJlst' Labor party: In tbe mayor- means w~ereby tbe flmJres are l egl. weak,· an~ or COUI'Ie I dld'o 't like It. I, . t JJ "... bM __ rled D.e .-Iy 7.00t Your'as s uo uld be 1I\.r.(i).D& eoouc looked 1 b lm fa irer than ever. II'IDIII, I prep.lrecl, sojae ~f'elf. at H y drophobiA In Europe, . alty contest George ran against Hew· tered Is exceedingly Inpnlous. b 0 home, t01l0wlnll ' the direction. careto ,hola-me even so!" II. W!lB early In l he daY : aJld tbo room Hy drol1hob!a, wblch h", practically Itt and Ro08evelt •. aDd received a .llop ln, ot",~;.,IelI"",:='==:;:::=~~ lJncalhid-l!'or ,X q tton. , fully, llid tOUlall l t deJlolOul. . I perE rJ;oll Illralg hteoed bllllill lI !,rAlm bl~ was empty-:-bles1!'edly empty when 'lbllY been stsmped out In England. still ,larger vote ' tbaD the latter. In tbe .too.Pln~ w oltl oo aa~ lookAld a t .bls raJr Br rlved tllere, And ' !ihen Pamela ' bad ' lI our l8bes In mos t coliUn ental co un· cootest fer governor. " tbe S'y racuse . Hanging to a rafter In ' ea s bop at severed in Itl nee; qulllln! the' ollt IU ter. r llen h e laur;hed J'i'llllk\,)' apd ,gazed al her pic lured self t or ' Bonl'e trle~, Germany tops ttle ll'st wltb, an l:onvelltlon of tbe Union Labor part)'. Bourne, Lll1colnsblre • . El1glaotl, I~ a colfee enllrcly, 'and feeUne better auel I lII\d:, . minu tes. s be lurned to , tb e an ise and anDltal Hvem l:e or 2.G8 :! dogs and cats repudiated SOjllallBm ; and 'rom this leg of mutton 60 years old. . It was !letter eacli dlY. tin I , 1011114 It ,Iut. "A h, tbe bi!nllt y la Dot aiL ThUe II a.lld : des troyed for Uris reason. While the epocb dat~ tbe decision of tbe. So· bougbt from the p,re~nl o llOu[ller'Q to my sr,~ aqo:r, that ~y 1.11lJ!.ent. ~.4 tbe ~plrlt ~eh !f) d, t bat lB more ,dJtllclIH ' " YOIl said YOII s aw It In my eyes- ' Ilg ures of ' F'r, ~lice are 2,2GB. In Bel- cl.Ust Labor part>,' to ~avo no amfla- predec.alor by B gen£ieman wllo Bald ~Il disappeared &Dd Ul)' longlne tor ' ' . .. . to capture ; an d behind yet 'aga lu Is th,e Is' It Ihere lIow1 " giuln' Sw ltze lland. and HoI/and ~es tlon thereafter wltb any oth~r party, be :would cull "'for It" later OD'. " Ha Ql)tree ~Id co~. to In eDd. womhan 's_ bearl ti'at, will wa15eo onl)' Site ra ised her eyes to hlro rac ~, . Uu t ot bydrqphob'la Il re ra re. tb e total'nJr ,but to. ltaD-!. for an Inc:!§pendeDt ticket. pever dI't !!G, and t~ere It hang8 W- . "I bav,e h.reto~re. '~tr're4 InuJ;llfIo al ~ " comlQg, of ,bt:r p rloce, "1I1l't that wbat 'She fia w tb ere 5tari latl bel'. ror ill thr oe .countries combl1184 being 1111- Since, that decllllol1, orpnlzod pollt,., day. 1\ hOB so' ~Itbe~d. thal It resem. l)' trom utter ullaultton, besld.. tb~ " . : other allmeuts and troubles, bat this tID?" , 1\!t er a 1Ie(JlJng ' g}a o e, ber wblr . Htfs jcr 60. . leal SOCialism bu made DO small bles a shlllalal\, etrmmer, . ulinl , I'o~\JD\. I 11&,. fel* " 1- 1 thi n k Il Is." fo be sa id, w~Dder- t ell. progrtla. !Jere. , ' nDe." Namo ""ell '1;" l'GIt!Im CO.. A. Good OJuuice. 'i'h L'n Errol/ dTe'l- ./IeI' rlose and Uncle Allen, ' Let UII ,110ce' at lOme of tbe me&nl InSly, a n.4 , once more ~~e rare roses .' , .. lJ,loou' ed In bel' cbeeks . . JJut-lI~w IUd l")o~cr. aDr! ptooPl ng b l- d·' I'" hehll la l11 . Lots' of ·Dlen." aald Unclo Ailen by wlUclJ InclaUaUc doctrlDaI .have " T6b&cco-O,bewLng HUlbal1d (after DatUe ,Creeli, . Mf,,~ ~ -" " Spnrlcs. "'are IlJ!eless In this world bP., beel1 IP--" In tlrll 'couDtr1 - ucel1dln~ the stal... )-I 10m all out ." TIler.'. I. raalOll. . ' you k no\\' . · , a tender kiss on 'the Cllr v .... .... IIp ••. a' l, lla rouse t1l ,1V .I·e merely .wel l - Isberl 'rom ...-..... , t apa, .• ~ t Inft en . d b ••llI.U"-II" MOl;a teffiJ . FI e Will "&lan.cll ng no". ~fore bill he wbillperetl. "Wake I. pr: "ulosa, ' . . . .. ..... ... u ce eXlr e 1 bJOeatb.. 110. Wlfl-Tliell k;' .me, p)eue.-N. Y. ...tum 0 .... IIs~1 11111<)' a t 1Iork, wl tc;IJln, each lub. I "our " rlncc b-. com... . ' los tead of luiAu' well dl&,&61.,'·-OIl.l· BOCIlalllUc works of foreign authDrs. ,.. .... ~ "go TrlbuD4t ' • boolr, written ." ;WeekI,. . .I&IIoUI. .•...... ,III inf .pllO&N~ . h.l r d
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Flower beds or BinGle Bpe r 1I0Wl'rlDg Rhl'lIb~, no lUa tlfr huw bunelIOml' Ibe)" lUuy be, Hn' UIII or llla~e In thl' ('~UlI'r tlr Ihe Inwn . 'I'h,,), uood a LUII'kgroUIItI. A gl')IIP of "'0 rRy IbhLI IIL>l lullng ul li n" louII.8 tblD unrt cold . II4IUln81 tI baokgrollDd or Il l' rgreeu ttwy a rt' Rlurlo lls. Their plu c(I Is III I llO nlc l' with IlJe tall r hp- hln:1
bid "But underatand me ," hit ..Id, Il!'anIy. "It mUBt no lonler bl.'lIln aDd eDllln wordH aIOD\I. YOII ~1I1 have 10 ",U , up." Maid Siella. "Thanlt God," Imld WJ"IIII'ton, k lhlH,.1 hl K wife. aGain. And thpn. a ·I' he. inevllllolli o rollow 611. li e lIi1 hamed ot biwllc\t ror b~forehavlll!; Atl l>r 110 I\'~p.k or sloepiess tlighLa; I h" r donn I1I Uel' I u v~rtl ve lI"aloHt his wire. hlm - do ne \Vhal 10 I Ia .. rn urlh wall aDd let 've r 5,' It al ,d (h.' other '" mIlU ,' ih th o ll.:ht .10 11'11 I . n 0 • I to tile Itce rpt• ( r"I,t Jn w \\"l l burt OIl '~ mln tl thai II rle an · ot hpr peII h I hi0 II Ilrl he" JI rRon ·1 II , IJO' r hlllls, he \\'as ns mu ch Lo bin m,. d I n I "unllln of- 110"'..£11'11 1'f.)O IU lu WI C Iun!: H
Provident. ··Johr.. rl ear," salol th Inulld'lI ,,·It(>. ' '1'11 havl' to run away from you rOT an bour or 80 t ~day. I ba\"8 to ge t the O\at~ rlal fill ' a np,," drea that lhe rtrfllls mnkpr· - " "Out." "ompla illerl the , "I ~k man, " do you tJ,lnk It 'Is ri g ht to be think. aud 11)11' gl'U wlnll 111 011 1 In rl'(Jn l. 'l'h(' On ('I; e rtgc o t . III C borde r , ma y log or dreS!! while I nm so II I?" "Wh), . John , It wil l be nil ri ght. no ,.,'1'11 hI' Ht l'nlght, follow In): IIle d l\' ldltl ); , Iluc uetw eon IIltjol lllllg warlls or matt er Whlll h atltl ~u 8 . . It·s a black dress."- TIl·Blta. ' ugu In urlull oltba 't Cll sOlnstllt lta high h rII boa Il krd IIItCllr !l c c. OJ'' IlIx The Un a~ o e<:ted. I vlu es s hOUl d CVt.'IlIIlD ll y In nlrlt tlhI A pro fessor; whil e - Os hlll g wi th III I @lrn l"ln ' 1<1 II !t oe o f bea ll ty anrt " porly ot (r loods , blla t h ml s[o r Lu ll u" v I Lilrow Ibnc "rt"'ht fl .. w rs O f I he l)O rl1e r to tull luto tbe lake. s he was bauletl , In to rellt'f by SUPJll yi ng a rl,:h greell back Illto tb e boa l , we t a nd disgus ted , bllckgruunrl. tllO(lulbOI'de r a notber ang le r u s k e~ lh e louvllUble I tihuul d lie 'rb 1:1 'fl'u 1'111'lI lfilor l 1I11 "a l lng ' ~ llIy ques llo n : " elln' s , edgell "'l b . til lo w I ,.,I'ow,n« "Why. Dr. D., bow did ) ' O U , come to " ... ,'lh lc. boral,!1' sho uld lJe ta ll in1" 11"0 11 nHJ nll l'ed , Ih e "ull rl llg I wo feet " [ dldll 't." s n apped th o vlntlm ; " I I d eeII 11 1111 nl udo lin e 1) 0 lOp. \1I1' 1l Ilc rOIl - cnme 10 IIs h. This W OB uo ro reseeD," l Dlu ls pl pnty o f roull1 il llli "" III P~etry --.. , Cas sell 's J o urnal. .pnacs wllh HnIHl ul... l ' he ~I"r~ nd rea r
('hc~ll'rI ,)1l "\'e~, "
11II' I hi'll' Im hllo ppl abc. • Th l' fll'8t jUtl g l had taken pia 'e on ho,}cyluooll. 1.10 bud caugh t UII aI h.' s mu ll dlamond ·rra med miniature whl dl 1I 11n~ 60me tlm 8 rouna lIe' r neck, 11 11.1 h.HI fUj" l,ed hur wh y und er Heave n ijtohc,II' or ll e wo moll. co bl'ing Dr ath pi cture of uld a ma ll 110 herKelf d cellt WOlllu n Oll~h l to louch Wl lh tti o ~ nd of a l)o ~" e I.ole, His wo y or e l,rCSH III!; " 11 lmselr, wh e u rous~tl , ",'8S no t lh o Wil Y " 01' r,: h p~ l erO ~ld, I-I" n[-.olo>' lzcd fOr Oin l, ti ll I hJ~i'd out as uln a t hOI' qu iet a nlI wor ' " Hs 1M my fri e nd." '1' hey oum I I hUlJle to a ('hoe rlll!: vill age, an r t r II mllh:,"l a l' ' hes. and, 8poceh·multl n!; "ell eml rl "jolclll g no lha a.1 twell IU'I'un cd. u.ut I bey!jOone" caUl ho ntn hIlIhl "1I1111'1! 1I '; UIl IICt' lll e ijll r l 'II ~ 1ll gr it 0.11-
< Im pui\ I'ltl, Ir rlln!) le. ,Il rl.i all s!led, T hill n lgl1r W J;IJll rlo n II' ' Ill 10 hi s w ire' 1'00"1 10 he r now 0 1(1 h01ll ', a nd . ~hu w111 1-: nm,·t\ f li n " Ih u ll ho had lIve r 01 lu wpu h l rn~el r to 110 bofor • a~ kNI he r " 10 ' l' h"' ' "lcu ~- "ollvec U II oc 1111 \1' "I ha lUau ," • ~~~ c lor. all ,u,'- el l"~ ,!:r,·~."n"Md "- . b . II"-" uf' "o !lr.vreC la tlon O r Ih p lCI\II'eSQuc, 11 rev , (·r.enr of Il~\!, u !lnu u.1l' tlle~u lleclI 1 ,l u"eil UllO lI 'b Ib o che.el'lng vll lagcl'R, IbeJrlllltl ' u nyhes, , Ihe eX Qulsl t Iy beUIl · Il fui gar deua. ut t be 1;0Ul't, t be d igni ty,, tll El ~II1IJlle grantl e ur or, l he rOIlN It ell , ' F Ili ally. l.Jy the lI oa"eIlSt om" tremo r III Ihe vole or Ihe . dlnl hl -I)n keo.l , s ho rt-uul red. lIl unl , gooel-ioo ltl llg man who s lOod wlUI b ba 'k to lw l' "In sand luok ""('1' stl'all, ht III I h yes. hill' he r hnn ll 10 ki ss Sb e. hAJ a nrl hat! LII n presen t d him wllh It,c mu h-obJ lod-to plclu r e wll h the d lamond framc. \\ IIh n lig ht b eart. and so me thing III t il e na tll !e or a praye r o n hi s 11118, W ll bll rlon had s wung s wiftl y do wu to t be well , wb l h .. rose-surrounderl , lay b y tbe 6uud lul 10 t be wes t gnrd n, a ud b ad lIun,:; It .ID IO t he claar water. An<1 Ulell for Ilerhups a week th e . 'o rlt:t'htld go ne ve ry well , and tb e)' I,ad wan(fer~ll hllnd in hand thrlltlgh woo rls, • a nd ' plcked wild fl owers wilh laug hter. and Wftlllhcil the s un go down In s ilence. And tb en, amo ng h er leller" had com. lIay afte r day, r.losely wrllten o nes from thllt " runk And Wil bur t on lin o' I t slip sthig \ng .sarcas m Rnd bad beeD replied 10 ID a ~old, dlsdalclul voi ce wbl cb bad ,'S811t Idelea rua): lns up aod clown hi li ~ll\e. Aod lu this way yeus bad Slipped 8100g. No opec rupture haJ things to an aOgTY J3ss b ead. ' Meals . "'he n .,.ey were alone. J e.d wlt,ll commo.nplaces. m ix ed with 1!BrCa ti c Inuendo. No 'children came to draw th e ever-widening line togeth e r again , Th e underc urrent . ot d1ssatllBnd Irritation rROed on . some· -times s v>'!ttly, IIOme ti mes slowly. But ot lale, some s trauge Illdeflnable c hange had conie over hel'. She n o longe r qot h red. 8Jj at old , to put he rIt Inlo th e dazzling regalia o.r eve!!Ing dr !I ror t heir 801l\.8 r)0' dinn er s. hut toolr, Instead . to loose, fluffy, un· f'all hlonabl o nboml.nat lons whlc1i"mad e h er a ppea r uqe rly s bapeless and otrended his a r t Is t! ye l.Jy th eir s lov " lin 's. oJdn es8 nnd la k ot grace. Her sea med 'to have alte red ; til e 'Ol d tr ick of sarca m had s lipped a wa)' trom he r like 110 dIscarded maD ' li e B'nd In Its place had (lome a sltrlnk· ln g ,fea rso me ness; a seeming dread or hla a vprns ch- o trl k which sent the through his 811(ry blood h art, ham me ring nt th base of hIs broln, anll 011 0(1 hlll\ with a PlUIslon halt rage. bal f, tenr. Fina lly, OtI me that we k ot,s leeplessn~ss ' arid Wllburlon' 8uilden clut ab In g at th e h bll that tbe faull lay wIth hlni. .H ' would give her ' anoth er .: !IIln cc. He 1V011ld Jlull down his tourlh· wallo Bod l e t her sell Iota bla heart. He would S WI'IlP he r off her f t loS to lell.\·e 'her ' n'o time to think or ' that oad. Tha L ni ght he sl pl tor 'tbll IIrSl limo for a week , H rose nt six and roll e bard all day , returning wbeD tbe shall OW8 had beglln to fall . HEl ga\'e up bl l hortle. tumbled ~10' u Bwlmmlng bath , changed and mAde hilI-way to St lIa's . fa\,orlt e corner of th!! garden. . ' [to was n't , In Wllburto>n'8 nature to Ileat ahout the b1l3h, He strode to her side, 110d, lieSI) \[ he r ree It s ance, lo'o k her In bls arms. Lady WlIburton gove a IIt~le laugh 9.nd tried to Pl!sll him away wltb ber . II' deor. goo Elverard- ' hantl s. fie helc!' b r tlshter, "No, no. You're mJne 1'0 ki ss. 'alld 'I sball keep . you: Go'ol1 G'Od ! Are you , or areD't you my wife? I've 'Illm,ost forgotten." . ' "You didn't ,s eem to care very mUllh," she ;8ald. ";Ab,' , be cri ed, eagerly. "Voll've thougbt tbat, lIave, you? [t struck ,you that ' because 1 left you alone I dldn·t ClIre ?" . '''(ea, 'r tlllD.k It dill." t J dl "B j I HIs laugb rang ou au y. Y ove eb? 'Well!-Iook ,hl\re, Stella, ' I want to you exactly how It 1$ with me. I want to tqll you that although loved yon when -you married me; · ! love ,you flrty times more to>da;rl ' "Wbat Is tbls man to you? Wby do " you make promises to me, never to, see. <>r Wllltl! to blm again, only to ,~~ 4 them Ii rew daYll atter? N0 ' don:, 'tell me. ' I' don't want to kDOW. I 'jU8t want l.!> wipe this man ali' our ,map, and' begin , all over qaln"flo", tJae beginning. I hue d'e'i\u l'!:PP,.1 bIlgln again, He . klsaed bllr .,e. and an,! forehead : Then placed be, . bafli( among her cueliloDa kDelt at ,' ber
u ll a n\JI'OII111gh 1\ 10 U I: r ca u ~ dl'oppeu ,Ulltl I th e m I.JM k lionel t hem ln tu 111'1' Inp , wllh a gay laugb . AI(d ' ASI I hoyII t ell "I' t he e, " riot ot e r tolds of he!" ., IIh Ih o (Jolor n!>n nM! Ie Wur , lillIe whl gown . Hobsollt ()lidmBtbeorwaru IV lO bOX
olhe r bo uqlle li n J III "11.18 I"or hand. you . my lady !
Ca pi. beKte r " h Id a nd II just If 'lleft t lItem II bncl(" too's mlln , eroijailud. and , I 1101 bo wed I mse u a I " ~ ~\""V rl'om h is wen t h s way a g n ' wlfo IUId made ou s Uh,arp lu rll ro un d WlIl1m'lo u aWllng U ; t il e s unlll"1 ond il nWII lh e palh 10 t he
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- WI\8hl nF;IOO,_S_ta_,_, _ __
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a n (1 do not lIe 'l lI IIJ 110 \\' 1: 1' 11 III II J u ly , " My adv fl is il g ma n r ecogn ze n I' ill iF itI'ru /W eptI' uprJ '11I, 11 11 o01' f ;, fl1:1 II'U In otlr orrl Iloe I' to Ulak s ure Itpeo110 " III t h p 1111 "'l r,' ne l1 lo pionglI'iAgo. ll rpu(1 tl.y, w put, on , t ll O 1)111 nnd III t hc s tree t cars 111111 II w l,1! Ihe la WIl Io wl. ,.. n" l1pr t h.1I1
11 18 (,un no e n,·rOUR Ion gu t' ..-an
lE e dhJ'n ' l t t ure lrlu uh hl m.e U. !tUl wi ll I)' le t h'lli tn o n~y l1Llk.
A M, o of Learning. 1' 0 COnf':J:tPR 110 gnve mU Oh p"lt,
, gh'O! yo ur li n IIn lI11o\"rllploo.l , ia o uld tIU th o bed a mi "E ,· vI' ybod y .sy." hould read the a IItlle 0 1. " try ry da literapo. ry bloOin rr olu April 10 Nu vcmlJel', whe r" . man , 3 S IIIOSL [l nn ll ili. I\ l'e ni' ti ll " Ce rla lnl y." an s wered 1I1r, I Cumrox. d th t
hl~ II~ath-
,~ .
bOils . l he n s lo pn d and ca rne Im 'l. 10 h \,I', h is LI ' hl·se t 1l11I1 tw o re ,i Spo lS f nn g r 1J 131. i,,-; o u t o r I' h ". I IJ " 1\' " evo ll wh ile A ' ,. vm! cre ,AmiI Ihe '" n ,sl opped ligni n UU IL IIIlW !" wllh a Shal'll Inl[1ll lng 'Ie t ha br Plllh an'd \vll il n"e? 1111I·t I)" t Qe dl\1.zle oC I I 'h m f m ID 'J • J 'I li ght wh ich s m ek 1'1\1 II a : e heSho r uphat! , op e n '~ th e IlOX nr. , I I1 ~ 0, , 'w Iyl ll l; wil hln It II t'epl b a I.f Ihat diall1il1l11-1'1:I101<id no t n lAlura 0 f Iong u""0 . . L1n l- he Haw 61Or ' ! ~l u' s aw his Wlr£l 'M ey~8 li fl to his wH h' sll ch all cxI d I f' C Ol be C for ; SSWlH!h In, r slilI epn gelltl y fo l)r RslllU r n r wl... tl
- ------
I' I' ,, ' Ill stplld of In l.Jooks ."-Was hlngt a n ~ II I I ' Il r" s. "r llLl, e r "Ia n ls Iha t " " " 1 ke p t SUlr, 0\; ' I' Will te r In u g ...... 01' "j'lln r, IlU L Ih em ' n C>lI r Ih e hOlls(> . AIIOlh c: N o R oom fot' Doubt. (lO lnl ilKlllll hl II weI' bPdH 111 I Ul! lawn "It \~8 S u 01 0 l re ma rltnl) lo dl'cam ," Is t haL t hey rcqllln' 6 0 m l ll' I, ca re Iu s a Y8 ou ~ t rle ntl. .,[ dpamcd lha t [ keel) Ih~ l1I Ir lm . The " russ elll'I'Oa~t."', had go'n e to jlR l·ndlse." , a ('h'('1 soo n bo OlD~H n flI l! gcd ova l, "And," we as ll, bnvl ug in m Ind a. reo ASHAKI E Sl liN )N 1' 111; T n lllATY. I lin II n Alli r IOHOS on !! o r ILq no lnti•. T h" ce nt discu ss ion. "were th e an ge ls meo ull l lI she was Iweelin g a l biB Cpe l. UII U The ' na me Shos bon l to -dllY Is best while hill' ru na ab ou t tbree to ns to tb. hartly Lh)U rd r IlIl nf.lr01 nl 1.0 Willi or women T" ' the box ami liS cqnte nt lay 011 Ihil kllo wn li S belotls-Io l( lu a ~ma ll ba nd of lI ere, 1111111, whil e n IlUy 1" '\1 1, edso" wJII 0.1 :1 00) I' membe r 5 alng bll t on e .nn gel," g rul' I 111m, )nd lall s whoso In rHls aro SOUIl to , bl.! Su ch of th ea land s as ure uot ea s ily I t n II l1rntl lv" D t hey: fi re 11001 U(J - says our fl·l"hd. "R nd It II slled me Jr "P ul YIJUr h rel " u It! " 8ald. OIlCII d to sClll emr nt. On ce th e Sh u- Irr lgllleci mak e ex('oll e nl s ru l ln g la nd 6IJhl Lc ly lO Its gooJ ap pear- Ita balo v.:a s on Btralg hL"-?u Ugc. " Cri nd Il out 'rush It- crll s h e very- !>bonl wert n m ig h ly IllOO plo. tl ntl uo:o ld for sbepp. ca lli e lin d horses. Las t ao ee. 'Pride of Sta t Ion . lbln g co mes he tw een Ud no w! " I)OSS 9s lon or a domai n- the your th o 'tli ia of Wy om in g ra nl(ed se _I j;om of IInll 1mls Il re -(l uP rimA, Do nna (tlrOlltl l:iI - 1r that Is "Ste Jl!l!" . DIOlIll lll l1l co un try or well te rn W yu- o ntl ' ln t h n ni t tI Slll t s In woo l pro- dUl' lng. bil l II 1M I1.s l I' to get 100 IiW e t h e P r in ce or \Ville' at tho doo r, t ell H mo ve(1 10 11 ft ller ond a teh bel' Dllng, adjll f:el1t por llon s of dll etto n, pou nds belll g s hip: 6UII ' o n most of t hem t h,1 n 100 m ur h . lI/ h im, 11I1l, before hi s lIanu coulu Idllbo, Uta h und norrh eas tcrn Neva dn. lIed out o f th l! 81:lle, vnl llert Ilt Dig tb 1I0wer bctl den)) , t hat thi! him thal Lho I1l1 eel1 of lhe ollerntlc lo uCh her, s he rosc Rud ' s lood off. panl - Th ey atlrt th eir nl!lgh bors, the Ban.a k 000. T'here nre . ,500,000 s hee p In lbe roots will go down ql!lc k h ' and requ ire atuge hilS no d sir e 'to asso c l a'~ wh o m e rc prln es. IllS, ber arm s o ut tlun p , as 1( , If! e ~llco nn ll f1 ln te , wer e rreQu c ntl y )mown III, s ta to nnti I'be 'mille o( mUllon eirt)ortett':"le~s walerlng In ho t. V rr s p li s . i\-hold - Il Is nol Ihe p ri ll , ma'dA m ; him. wh ils t l hl'Y w8 rded him ott. aud , SU Ak ludla ns, a nll.lI1 which s tili las t year W \l 9 ' 6,000,000. Ple n ty of well -ro lt ed ,s tabl ' ma nure , In he r fn e an d eyes a glory lIke tbe clings La th e m, Tb Slloshoneu n Slack Th e catll e Indus try In WYOming' Is tbe bes t for U 1I0 wel' bed. I, It Is (L soap moollfuclurer. "Oh ! Ad ml l hlm ,"- N. Y. Weqkl y.. bri g hln ess of mornIng. wns 11 sroup or c()gnule trIbe!! whose Also ve ry and anolber pro llt. Ihe o nly uoI'lI lIubl you h a ,'o ror " WR Il ! walt! " s be said . In a vOI ce t er r ito ry str etcbed (rom lh e cen tTa l abl e a nd gro win g Indu stry IS the breed. the pll rposc Is wei )l lltl soSgy. UBreak, Etc! ' or ble nl lallg htr antl ta rs. "AI' you Rock y mOllnta ln country to th e Sle r - 'ing ot lJl g h-grllde horses. , or sotl s hould be du g OU L Ilnd sttllles. " How t ho wllv es 8 h Il n" mOlln aa thoy LJ ren k 011 t h e " h or e !" su ro. Ev e rard ?-or' yo u vc ry ure ?" ras, southens t Into the Texus pra lrl eR. OWing to th e dryness or Lhe fall and brOI;C:l cl'llC kol'y, coa rsc asb !; Jlllt In , !"r WIlO n r Olns lIlI c 1l", lrlon wh Ospoke.) " S II re. Siella ? Sure of wha l1" sou t hwest to I till s hores ot the Pacifi C. winte r mOllth!I, the g ra sses cure on tbe A, do ubi pu rpose ma y lhus bll why tlo t hoy do It ?" .~o Querlc.d onco "or YOllrselt-Qr th is ne w The prlnclpul tr ibes o f Ihe Sbos bonea n gro und wllholl t losing a ny o r their nu - In n 11 l1Ia ll lI y Yll r d where r ub blsb Ie. "A ndmore. whi ch bas l'Ome over you," ltock were tile Bana k, Coma nche , Hopi, trllll'e qu a lities and furni s h feed tor ha rd ' to dl s po or. T he 8011 s boulrt "n c:. u se," latd her C80or t, "They'ro brok o!" "Ral her lel me Jlul that ques tion 0 Knwla . Mlssloo [llrtlUIIS, PI ute, Ute lind s toc k almos t I:h9 e ntire wlor er, In fact be mad e pc rf('c tly fin e. It s hould be levelu.nd Lt-Il l1 er . YO II," h e made r epl y. puzzled not oll ly Shos honi proper. To -cloy tbey number thousands or 'bead of sheep' and Cfl ttle fairly "rnl bUL not , pucked. C lods th e by he r words, bu t by the c bango In he r. nbout 16,000. Ot the Shos honi pl'OJ:er Are provided with no food or shelter Si lO of 11 marbl e ,may ca ust> delay In KNEW HIS BUSINESS. " To me?" H r whole face lit and there arc left something lik e 2,500; the the entIre year exce pt wbat they get on th e g r o wlh or sre dlln gs lor Boveral mad e a gesl ure a s or castJng "80methl !llr Bnnak ond Shos honi of Fort Ha,lI the open ronge. the ir only s helter be- days. from hflr. Ihe n s tooped ond t aIling up agllOoy, Idoho ;- Ihe Shos bool a nd Ing the woods wblch almost lovarlably TIl e or le nder 'ma y t be lIo wers he had brlJljgbt her , hi I Bheepeateril, J.;emht age ncy, Idaho ; line slreams . lie sowed by May 1, but seed s hould De ha r fa ce In' th em ro r (m e second or Western ' Shosbolll "gency , Ne vada ; Cme of Lhe 'Hrst things to ,be consld- !laved tor" second plunllns Inler. lime. " To me1" s be Ilaid again, dntl Sboshonl agen cy. Wyoming. ered In se kt,ng a new bQme 18 tbe eCWIl.HEl:.M lI11.LLElt. wi th a sharp Inlaklng of lbe breat h. Ills of th~ Inod s of these laLter Sh,o - rect at tha cll mnte on mnn and beAS l . "Th r e I no need to Pllt It to me. I IIbones we s h rill s peak to-day , for th,eso Tbe mean annual temperature or thld IN TAKINC C,ARE OF FURS. am !lO sur of mys It-at llllit! It are lhe 'lallds soon lO be op /med to OUt- pllrt or Wyoming Is 42 degrees. 'rhe o nly YOllr Icellngs I QUBSUon-ilnJy siders. 1'he Shoshone reservation oIIpproxlmale elevaU tl ll outside at the lleforl'l Putting Awa y While Furs yo ur feellogs tbat bave a rig h t 1.0 be been oc upled by Shos hones aod Ara- mounlah; rang es.t s 0,000 reet. Til e el lOIenn Thoroughly a s Directed, andqueR tloD ed now. Of my own I bave no Jllllloes. each tribe' numbe ring 80me- mate Is much more equable than tbal , a Solution for Motb Eggs. lo nge r any doubt , Tb~y obanged. th ey thing Iik ~ 800 me mbers. 11\ April . of Similar la ti tudes In tb e east, Tbe , r aine, Ihe y grew wh en th e breecb hit- 1904. tb Shos honi nnd 4rapahoes alr Is always pUJe nnd dr.v . with a bunFurs nl'o su bJecl 10 bein g made til e t ween us was a t Its wldeSl-whe n tb e made II Ireaty with Ihe nlled States da n t s uns hine. T he bellt Is ne l'e r In - liepos lf o r y (it m ot h eggs, A tiol utloll ur very. I)reatl Lb and de plh of It s lcken e.1 whe rchy tb y teded 10 th e latte r the te nse. In .tM bo ttes t Bummer weatbe r 'H't't;ll e or P01UHh In of ,I s"mury and frl g lll c ed me and s howed m'3 Dorthero ' lI nd o:lstern bnlr a t tho Wind It Is always I!ool In th e ahnde Lhe 1-1ii /.:l'3 ln s 1(, \lIll i, wil l IleStroy whi t her we I wo were journeyillg, 1" ,1 Rlv r res rVII tlon. Our IllUs tration pi" IIlgh t!) nre 01ways CIlOI. The aIr In til S ' . by no IIt ro uger halld than A wp man '3 tures Dick Wi t Wash a ki e In the ac t wInt e r Is leOi r lind brneln g, the sila rkU,' IOfl: pu lLlog aWllY wh it" t Ur" aucll Actress- So mobody's been to my s hallo w vnnl ly. Th ln)( wha l we halt signIng th e t reat y, W as bakle, so n ot Itng dry a ir whlcb mnkc!r Itfe ha pilie r 0'; ' r tll llle or wbite (ox , th ew . Dip room 0 nd stole n All my jewels! become-we t wo who are and oug h t to thl'! las t hl et ot t he Shos honI. and mo re estlsfn elory thun It of,mld be " I, f'r f elly clean 0 1' new WhIS)1 I.Jroo IU Ho'l el Cle rk- Ah, the n' I'1I let the rebe o ne. No t good rr le nd s ! I htl,l Tbe lodhms of thIs rese r va llon 'ha ve untl er th e cloudell s illes of th e eas t I)Ure ul Cl IIO'I nnt! mu p t UI' we ll lo r ters know at once. ' los t Ih e -\' ry pow r to atlIa e! )'oQr.. IIhown th emseh'os goocl worlter s. a nll sou'th . The climate Is s imilar to with . tt, I' ll weltin g ott 11 , Ulltil IJi e 11I1' no tl • nnd a t a 11m wh e n I des Ired It Gco rRe Bird Grinn ell. a n nlllhority on thu t at th e mounlaln r egions at Itnly, III souke d. 11 0 " 6 r ead y lI lI u buu o.lll u c" uf, A PIPoWllble Tb..ory. llIos t , Th e garm ent s I co uH the Ame ri ciRn India ns, tells us of th o a nd Is no t, 6!1 someltm es erro neo usly 111UWtl l!I'old sta rch nn il with II Mrs. De Sweet- I caonoL understand Ivear call Qd forlb no :omment. Awok 'l , Shos h ne Indlnn 's s UPPQsed, el[traordlnarlly seve ro tn 01' otb el' pe rforo tell flll Ih e \ ot why 80 mnny cultured me n a re willno In )'Ollr eycs o r mlod . .[ erabl e s ucccs,", :\8 agrlc ul lurls ts. wlnler. Tile ave rage mean le mp ern- lI all'lj full of starcll , \101'1 11 g It down Ing to leav e a)1 th e happiness or home. mull renwnko n hi s In ler est,' ) sa id tl> The Wlnrl Rlvcr.' o r Shos ho ne India n turl' Is 44 deg rees , varying som ewha t to Ih wi t h , n il the bleBsln gs at ' civili zation, anll myself. 'I lu re him to noUCI!. r nsena tio u Is 10 c!I'LCd In Ul e wes t ce n . according to eleva tion . nnd tb ntmos W il u d ry po wd er II ga lll . I, nd lbld dy. s pend a It fel lm&' In explora tions hI' leall him 10 look a nd Ih lnk: nn d so- tml nart of t he RUlIe at Wyoming nnd (lh e re Is r nrltiled ond pure, wi th bu t few a lld IIUl uvln D box r r lWli days, Dcut 6uob countri es IllI Atrica. a n,l so I took to such o ttend log gll T- has nn or aUoul, 4.900 square miles. , cloudy da ys. . Oll t I be po wdor rh ' 0, In til e (,/le u ai r ColOnel Wnrmbrea s t- ga llnnlly- AII ma nl AS th ese. It wos th e lIIogka l In s ha pe II Is alnlost squ a re, ineaaurIn gener al app'ell_r nnce W YQmln g 19 wllh n sl.w l;erUIlI 10' thl: BrllCI m en, mad a m, I\ rc not bl sscd wl lh t r lok at R wo man , and See It. log a bout 70 mil es on a side. It com- mountainous, wl lh vull eY8. roiling uolll eif.'lIl' oC ij tllr 'h, " nd )Ilt t up as .),oll such wIv es ' or Mr. De Swec t,- N. Y. has bo rn o fru it! Bill are Yll1l SlIrll It Is p lacs th e centrnl 'pa rt of the uorthern plains and Jll lltea us, the luller cove red wo uld llll 'k a way ol he r fUI':j, Weekly. las Ung frull , Tt1" e rnrd 1 Are you s ure I of count.y, wbl ch Is rlgllt- with gr:18ses or nlllritlo n and To ' lean wlli te turtl, la y 1I1t.l 1ll on a Two Swift fOT E ggs. tha t you Clln ca rl.' to r m as you dId t!1 IIY CBlle.d th e ga rd on s po l o C Wyoming. furn lsblng ndmlra ble pa6tllre fo r Ih'e- tn hl c " ndl' u b weil with Olil ile mOis t Mis tress- W e ll. wby do n't YOIl holl , ho day ' Unde r the terms of th e lrent)' , th nl sl oqir. The Lotal IIrea of Ihe s lllte Is wll ll, 'YlU' lI l wlItel'. Hllbunlllllll il o dry_ lb e eggs ? . Th look In h e r him sl1 Dart at the r eser va tion lyin g nort h of 97,890 squar miles. o r wbl ch proba bly a fle r wa rd. us ing d r y bruno Coo k- Sure J've n o e1 0 ele In ' lh e lha t h e wI s hed to know now. He broke tbe Wind riVeT wlll be ltirown ope n 10 10,000,000 acres n re co ve red wlLh t11ll Tb wet " ro ll s houltl be put on wl tb t hrou g h th e wenll b~l'rler of he r OUl.pu t settleme nt In June, 1900. This portion I ber. (I ullne l. a nd l be dr y wltb u pleC!I q l III t.cllen to gO )Jy. Mls lrcss-Wl\y, yO!!, Bridge, he re's he Pll t his aTntS ronnd ber a n:J ot th e reserva tlQn con LaJns ahout 1/Flowing Host or west. . ns bool, nt ll Rlln. Aoorh el' me thOd Is to llns we r",cJ her Query wi tb t he ,1 5001100 ac rell at lond. Of this th e goy- their source Is on lh e eAs lel'n Or ' wes t - ca refull y rub dry plns tc r nf parle Into 11 cloclt III th e kit be n. Coo k- Phwat good II u t? Ut's Un he l UTn erl f-r om her aod . lItt.lng !1.(~ ern'ment wlll withhold ror forest pro- ern slope' or lh e mnln range o f th e lhe fur w.lLh Ih e hll nd!; IIn l ll all t he fast !-Clevela nd Lea der. toot, hcld H 8 0 tba t the heel was 1m· sorves, town sltes . cle., a bout 400.000 .. Rocky n!oun!lIln s, whlcb crosa the plllSt 'r. whI ch Is tin e lik e flour . mlnnlts How She Mi ssed. Him . • medial ely (Ove r l ho dlamond-rlmm cu d th e bala nce wHl be 'a vallable s tate t rom tlo rlh to . sou th . are nurne r- IS Sblll,lll\ ont. ,Wlp!' over lhe fUI' wltb Ge ra ldin e he re WI\.!! lion B.wrully minlat\lr,'. entry unde r th e terma or OUS s treams , ail ief o r wblch ore lbe a cle:\tl, whil e, <1ry loth. hand so me Russ lnn noblemnn slaying "May' ?" be looklllg ,lawn 1.'1 ' tbe United Stules ho mes tea d laws. North Pllltte. rIve r, Sllake ri ve r. Greeo 'fr y tho HU IQ ln \1 III fh od of r l II.n ln(( al lite "arn e. hotel with us. but nobody to 11(,1' eyes. , . tl r t of lhe reservation SQu t h river, the Bi g Horn, the Shos hone. fnrs. Pul Aom.e r yo ttqllr IDlo 11 pot fl n'i would Introdu c blm to me. "Yes. "l ea se." Rhe mnd e re ply, 11011.1 fll nt P rlvel' has been taken 111\ Ln.ra mle a nd the Yellows tone. NOllo at h en t It, Ull lo nl;l ns thf! h a nd cll n l.J _flT Ow ndo lln e- How s pite ful! crept up to him aurt In.ld h r heo(l 1I1lVn at th\! Wind In und m a ny nAvigable In a CO III- II, Th ou :l prellrl Gp. rnl dlo -Oh, no. Tb ey couldn' l his s hould er " W e have take n Ilo\\'a by th~ 1,IIdlans I y' , mall morclal sel\llJ!, bllt. lhey rurul s tl Water the flour 'lver til!!. r,,~ ~n(1 , ru)" woll hi nllllle, _ Qleveland all h 'wailS' Is no 100gAr hllv<l ,for th e Inle It. Brush w lth' a. d !'an prOnOunce any pl!lce (or Illctul'cs." . rormors. g 11/ b I etl to white t;OlIn l ry. nod In ijo me In- brush , or bea l g en t ly 1.1111111 lIl e fl oll r Is ,-,eader. _ _ __ _ __ . ' , lands, howarer. w e ea B stances lira 'u sed (o r tbe tran Sportlllloll r emov d, I" , n A .SONG,' OF DAYS. a t eve ryutrefUjo nable rntees · m U en t limber. ' I .t<"ht fur s,: hesillef! beln" RllhJcc lfl rt to , 0 ' with \be gov 0 " " Expln.lning It. r ' der all agr e rne _. I nGolfl cO PPllr nnd <: O il t mining, potroth e ahovo procesS, sbou lr1 ho rllhhM w"" To wne- His g rea t contcntloD 18 Th o brlghL fhl y"-lh Y ure no mnt· encti Indian Is ,require!! to r eta n " leum ;rotillc tlon: wool and the rai sing with tor Whllt t nll!' ~Il. t farmstead or at lellSl len per cent. at I thot all ml\n ar n borh equal, For · 1I~.a Il\ lh .mow iIf Wi ll I" IIren mft Ih O bla I Dd' holdings, nnt! mny lelllle tbe pf IIveslar k n re Ihe mos t mjJor~u ut Browne- Thal's ull righ t. vlolill or 1\1 .. ,., ,!II ' I bl '''' \Ii th SAnds or bU Jines8 . in loel'es lR of the sLltle, \ rb" ,. Orange eh',ps. TOlwnc- Bll t h o scernR to tblnk be's And HO Ill O tIm e, I'; lie Cutllrc,' llI the \t o lll o ll bnla llCll. n 8! 'oy, ou t :\rau o r kno wn coni lunds Is 20,OO~ P u t throe pounds o r SlIllfl l' over t he y oorR I" be, ' . ocrea Or land w\ll be Available tor se - S ullre mliea, ond the re a rt cOa l firc wIth , a gilt nllll n . balr lI f Wil t I' better th a n mos t men . BrQwn e-We li, be meana all men 'I'I ,,'0' 11 be blo ••oms " . Ihe .l esert, .end Ihe tiers, In addition to the, land to be I q ope ratton In ' e l'ery coutl ly In the and a firth of n teas poooful at "',,am IItr " RIO will RlllgIO 800 !, 's opened for homes lead e!ltr y. , bllt.'OIlO, aoUlO. of whlcb nrc pro- latta r. ' MIx ' oVer the tlre anu cook, o rc born eqllal, bu t tbat some Bre I'll bright )' "l'0 flomln g; ther Irrlglltlon dll,1bes , now being con- dllcing the hlgbeSl grade' of BOrt coal Se,rOI)lll g dowh the sldos occasiona lly, equal to a hundred others.- Phlladel· n (wInkle. \If lhe. lIght hndow8 on U.o Btroctetl by the gov e rnment on that known ' to ulon. • • until It bllrely 'r ea ches the .hurd crack phla Press. - - -+,---In part· o( the reservlI Uon retained by th e wb en test ed In' wntcr . Tllrn It out on A Fortune In His Pen. And HOIRe IlmO- hl the fu ture. when lho Indians are neorlng comple tion. so Life. Saved by a Map. a ' bllttere(\ illarble ' Blab. nnd. It Wea ltllY Stronge r- Yes; Ana [ mAde clolld. iu,," f"dl)d fnr, 'that tbe grealer part of the lands menSingapore. Straits ,. Settle mentB,add a rew drop s or 011 of or. ~y money, ' e ve ry 'fa rthing or Il, by my The Sun wl)1 greet- Ihe 'Morning And lIlo tione1l 'lis aVllllnble tor lensing from In- While ' a bela led surveyor , wl\S ridIng. ·onlle. "F:'olCl togqlhel' un ttt this Is 1)00 . NIght will n dlal18 wl\l be uDder 'lrrlgatiOn by the In a l'ika.sha In the 8uburbs a tew worked In Rnd thoo cut lh e lump In Admiring Youth- Ah! a oovellst, or ' TI.o brlgbl dnY8-\I\C)! ore Qomlng. In the tlme 't)le land Is opened . '. evenings 'as-o the coolie drawing blm two, Color one.half of It orange' color a dramotl st. maybe! . , , arid tho_dells No wor\( hlUl beeD dropped ,the shatt,S anrl ran tor lil s me and pull the other' untt\ It Is whlto. f h clUes . whllper I't th .. IllU8Ic rrom tll*~ . done by the , W'el\lthy Stranger- Not me. r used l'; golden !>ell.1 . gonrnment a8 to ,Irrlgale that part Into tho or the Jungle. Peerlns Work It ' out IQto' ,a 'Oat meSK on . a 10 kee p A s heep-farm In New Zea'And lome time. In the' tuture,. when tM or the reservation to be opeoe.d to set- Into tbe darkness tl1e ride r saw In the warm slall nnd flotten out the ora n ge- land.--'Tl t -Bits. oklee are bonding bill, ' t1eemnt, althOUGh bUl 110 small percent- mldd\e o( the rond what he took to be colored par,t, wrap one around t h" ol\l ' There'll bo nnlfols at thl' a nd age at tllese lands are sultableror ag- a large and ",'alked toward Ii. er. white . outside. and flatten out ExcIted Convenation. to ,you rlculture wltbout IrrlgnU?n. Govern- .when six o,r seven yards ali', he per, again with a belL butte red Iron If Hlcks-Tbere Isn't a man In town vy " .' " ment englneera aDd :aurveyors, ,bow- celved that It waa a tiger. He n'p, Ess nry It. 'Pull ollt, Into B who can ' keep tbe conversational ball ' Whet:. th. Argument Wu Weak. ever, buye gone to the terrllory bad 110 l>ut carried a large ribbon, 01lt 'Into chips anti ,lay on II roiling like ollr rrllmd, Ga:r rake. A member of tbll New York bnr ,SaY8 report about 500,000 acrea oC lbe. land rolled' \lp dl,atrlct aurvey map. , which cobl marble ;, leave till and break 'Wlcks--Nonsense ! He never 8~~ that he once a trial In a well 'suited to agrlc'ulturll' lr ,Irrigated, ID his ' deaperanon he unrolled . with • apllrt. anythlnlf wortb 1I8tenln~ to. . westel'n cit,. In:. wbl~~ tbe <;ounsel rO,r tbat tbere Is a 8umclent water supply ,quiCk flip, spreadlog It to Ita f,ull area Hjc~No ; hut be doea a lot or tbe deteD8e,',wbo was \lvldentt,. of ·eel. to Irrig!lte that area, and that Irrip- of about ft've reet With a 'Sclaeor. In ,t he Kitchen. ~hlnga wortb talking ' ahout.-TIt-BIta. on Uq extraclt , gave uttQrance to , tbe tlon can he accompllstjed at , a very 8111(Ie bound the tlpr cleared the A kitchen edDvenleoce which Is not 1'he , UnvCU'tliahed. TrUth, rollowlng remarkable ' otiserntiona: ,moderate ' C9st: The: condltiolUl are roal! ' add hllo tbe jun, gle present In every household Is a pll ir "No truer worda were ever spoltell the arpmept flf mr . '.omewbat ,lmUar to those ID low,r aa rut ... lite could,go. or IIbarp ure used to. tban tbese; 'A fOOl' aDd bla !IJClney trleDII" the , ProIBC!]ltID' .ttpl'. half or ,the reservation: ',w!1ere the , <!. p iilm :Ilm'pwlck!l-whlch is a .wrong.;;- Ill:e Parted:" Bald , tile lectu",l. anlt1 Dey, tllan • ali", land 18 being Irrigated at averase; Bean BaD. "nll i.o' cut papeD and string ; but. sel- ' "Sure thing," pIped a 'voice from It 18 BIilOkel tol,l to It I.' a t dr' f\'Om ,three to alx dollars JM!r, Tile IIHIIn mBD 'Was 1001dng happy. dom fur tTlmmlng ',!;aacon apd bnm of the ball; ''''e III gave ,u p JU.l,t:hlng. And aeire,, ' vel'J' low IIgure when we 'C01'l.' "Wllole r.eIlDIJII bave you burt IlOW!" skinning whlcll lill ',Cjj!nts a.p" to get In herel':1l;IUr It falill to the Ittdlalld .by , .tdlll' that the government hal other be .,.. pked: need 8klntl g, and, trlmriilng as/ads, Yonil!'ts " ln . . '. ," " '" 1I'Tflll\lOn projects utld ,r 'w,ay wblcb nepbew"," be saId. "[ bavlI ror Boissor&. and OverlooldD, 'JI:lm.. . .' ,11'1 {be far lllnglb'.' "'-Kill ·nttmi . In' Iltaourl. ijoa' ,nearly 130 per aCle, ad are stili 'jun .."t \1ilm, a', asking bhD to the u .. ,or labllr. , "l ,a m f!OI'ty tbat :),ou Ibould tblnk, enllet the paU, oUlwar.l lID lid . d doW'll coQldered a very (IOOd Investment. accept the enclosed ten-jlOund obect or sucb a tblng as w«nUnC to mul'J' 'into the 'lIun1ll.llt from the of tbl! 1 . ,. ::tb sweat 'T bere are many email Irl.lgatedfarma .. allttle )Ilrtbday gIft." , dd two 'JIll dau&hter!" bouse:, It. ' w's HohtKllj Wllhurton a tlg ,8P n r . ' p _ throughout thta Vicinity, where tbe1 "But wbere doe. your camplacencl To two cups BOur a b t l d n't believe man ""mlng' out to thllDl ' where the' :worda, ~legat~, tlo the Ind!!,x elxlpur , '1 Buppose ao, u a 'be .... 'aft from 30 to 40 buebell or wb~at. come In on suoh 'll propOBltioD .. CU,8 8l1gor and one teaapuon !\Orla. t • r t d dt t old Hobson tDrl\l' for plal. · c UEl!De al we IllI or , ... " 200 b b i t tb tr' Flavor wltb lemon or, caraway III 'heredIty, and abe oughlD't , d and & lit:, UDlfol'llllld' t 40 to..: b:"be:, :[ 'dldB't put III &111 cbeckt-Tlt- or hoth, add Donr enllugl) to thlokl", blamed ,to't ' wblt abe cu't IItlp."white bolt Ib lils 1i'a'IIIL - 18. way to btC01lle u mOlal tarte ' COM ..oil crop, Blta. I j'mll l\lin \lull," ,," ID a flUJok QYeIl. . BOIIItGII '(lIt. He ItIIPfId Mck, \lDIeI1l. at' " !abt or tOft faIr u PhLladelpJaia • to be. ,
r>1~r ~Iven
A Prombleot
"There I. a mao who nglll'1!ll .,omIDently In our 1Iu8inell8," uld the jUlilor clerk wben .howlng a frl8Dd who hacl called to l ee hlOl tbruugia th8' l'IItabllshment. "Tl'e man with tbe pen behind II.. ear!" osked lhe olher . • "Yes." "[8 be one q[> the partners '" "No ; he fa the llookkeetlCr."-TItB!ls.
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L~moD cOCl~~ea. f.f~am
"OOod lu ck, Ji"r:'l B2i I've round a t our-leaf clover! ,. " 0, leavo It growlo g, 80 some poo!' ca n, li.ud l.t.! " -~' lIegll ndct person Blaet te r. The Sate Side. "Don't you t b lnk It wOllld be a, flood Id ea ror' you to make another s peecb 1" " What for ?" IISk ed Se nato r Sorgbum . " If 1 dnn·t mak e a speech peoo pI e wI',.! tlllok I know more than 1 care to say. rt r do, they aye Ha bl" 10 t hink J, want to lalk. , whebher ,I know anything or nol":·"o'·Wasb,ngtoli Star. Upset the Arrang<!mmta. Doctor (vhlitltlg eboler(l, hOHpltal- I,. the mornlng ) - Well, slater., bow n;aanl, oeaths are there~ Bister In Oharie-Tbree; doct\)r. Doctor-Bllt [ 'lave up !out: ot tbell\ lut nlghtl BI~ter In Cbarge-Yea; bub ODe of them wouldn:t take bl.. medlcl~ei
"Hili wealth any special, privllege8 ID this counLry?" asked t)le tourist • . ' "Certainly." answere.d tbe A:merleaa dtlzen. '''Wealth entities a ' man to 'II'ellr a aUk hat evell)' day· In tbe week, and also glvea bim a. license for lbe use at IIgbt-colored galtere ,aa4 sCali whlskers."-WasblngtoD Star., . Flndll It Naw. BlloOu-1 see Goldrox baa bougbt all \lXpensh'e aeorchltght aDd' p~t It up In bls room. . , Egbert..,...Wbat ror? " SaId be couldn't a1for4 to ' 11)'" al) mucb time bunting In dark corners ror bls collar bullOD8."- YOnkera Statesm nn . HI. Guide. "Wby Is It that tho performanCe!! o( 80 very f w muslela'n s please you T" "We ll," ans wered i\lr. Cumrox, "to tell the you the trulh" I don' t knoW' muc' nbout ' lt. I a m me rely going by wb a t t ile ,musiCi a ns aay Qr ooe anotb e'r," - \Vns blngto n Star. The
"Say!" "Huh'" "It_ If you waoted' tD kI!is a gfrl an~ Wll8D't Bure of YOllr ground; what would YOIl As k her Drsb?" "Jr s be Urous ht Ilnyone WI\.!! lookIng,"- Cle velnnd Leader.
Very Natural. Mills Sharpe- I'y'e pal(l' this once. Dlioker-'-Tndeed, ma'am, I'm vet.,. aorry, tbat 'r didn't rooollect 'll Miss ' Shorpe-T dare say that 'TOil ' are sorry thnt you didn' t re-collect It" hul, 1'1/ take good c.are- of that. On the Run. She ran Into town to r thod l1.Yf But, I.nlt It runny '! An hour wns nil she could 8 taQt;
!jho rnn out of mooay. -Phlladelphta Pre...
. . . .001111. ,·In • I'ol..y'. til 1/11 hI IIW'", lin .. !lilY '.thar led ~e folkll they h"d'"r'" -'l'Otbe nwalt wa .. IImt mother 1If'("""ll11~led lIome followecl the direi;tlon 01 tbe BOund Itch. ROAt.hiM nr anll "1'1",1'111'1. ItlW .loRlll! .1 nr,...l tho Los Angeles It hall met. wlt,h nUJlRrplll'tl "u~e"M ..·. II'IHIIC\1 ..lIt~ tn Frl .."" .. Qaal1erly. "nd oaugb~ rlllhts. with Ilu-. I k·· lIubIlIUIII'" I\nd nllw 1 ~I,·.·tlnll in WI4 \'nPMvllle, Rnu left " tbe Roodll on oft. Not a In Iha treatmttnt !If t,hl'tlA IttMPIl ....... City of Mexico hllve no pn .. 1I0r""" III 1.1""111 and "1'111 11 1'1 lit "',rl .. 'n ("IIrll for UI4 IItt,l e. stltob of Prku ~Ii 08ntM 111lr hox. 'I'ry It, ~'"" 1 (et)l Iiku II.~.·IV IIIIIU It,. hllll .llIuo .. • I ClfJ1\Ollnlli lllly'en our bats were , .. II " ",,. ,,1111 t·· , ... ·t· dinner Ilr t lem eaten The In tbe olbth08 tIIlln by F. C. f\lIhwllrt:r. DIe flOIlO wurlh ,,' 1(, .u .I" ~'olt!y'lI 11" II"'I!' 't"UI 0 ,'",n of nor nelab · "nll-e' red in lien .. " " the II&lt thoy KiclDIlY Om'" WIll ," 11',. "\,,.,.,. form I,,,,· h,,'" ,'lIltlf' ,Iv,·r. Boh Sblnn Rnd sbould have had tb~m. and Des Moines III' kidlll1V ",," hl ."I1"·,· .II,;o'II"t' ... .1,,)' 1I" ,, ~ ,II.f' WI! b,,,11l Unw . 1111 the returns liver got wu In C . I',dl\\lI'IV. Louisville Fl." , 11\' WoO CUDl'lilllttd t.o "wim, tbe milk,. St. Paul Ii , ...... . ('''' 11 pI. '-1'1\' r" rlenlr"n tba' Sadly fonr ltttl18 lunllQl"ned boy" J)Lt1~ $ ~.oo· I" Way I DlI1"t not. . iArtt1r f d"lX't<lted our wended their 'WB.y to t,he-Now I 0 ",,111\'.('1111"'"'. Ill( ,. II 1I,·t·. trollllorli We h"VIl II. "t, 1-10 '"lfl 110 ooutoll II. For Round Trip Tickets 8 001 hOlm" 11111111' IItr.. w bltlH on the boy.. never get sllnbl1rnou ' before hlludroo . Boston VIA ' b ,"k . III we WIIllt.... n<1 w"rA lulY your'e ~olull to j;tlllt Iiokell. In JUIlIl! jOll{ II 1,'111" whtlD we helirc1 t,be rnt. O. R AIIDICIUION . I & t.\11 I,f ('/I rriH~1l wheelt4 r~l'iDIF rohe IAf"yotte. ,Indlnnll . b "It1IlI' ,,11.1 we hurried !Jut thinking 1'0 N~lIrl ,y All I'olnl . In San Francisco ,.. drAI!~ HIIlI I(et t9 ~b8 hOUl~e in II ~.......----'"III June jlnd July rnund'loout. Wit' through, or· A Luoky J>otItm~lIt,res!l' chllrd. Gee Whiz '! where are our h, MrII, Alexanlle:r, Cary Me. . • . . b. Denver olathe,,! We hlld been so bnsy hav. wbo baa foand Dlr. Klng'a New Life III July }lISSlSSlPIng flln t,hat we failed to notioo tbat PtIllI to ~ tbe bellt remedy Ihe eyer Fllr In,ormaUoll "bout !!i.unlon we hllc1llp1l(ltators. aDd tbere they tried for keeplDg tbe Stomacb. Llv. fare. and pllnlcula.. about PellDllyl· were for IIDre, rl,bt on alld around er and Bowela ~ In pArfeet order. AND LJE-'; IN vaDla Linea pass.Dler tMlrvleecolloult the spot whe,e Wll bad put our You'Uagree with, ber If yon try H . E. UOOT" Warnes .llle 0 olotbOll. There were no olotb8'i to tb_ painlll88 pu:riftefll tbat IDfuse - -Ticket A,j,"l-KINDS~ Bp8IIk of In sight, only a sblrt sleeye new life. Guaranteed by F , (). Sob· Willi visable . from the mODth of wartz drDggl8t. Prioe 260 "Old Lil" our tiest milk oow. aDd.. _ ..._ _ , . 'felepllOlle Iu his hoU118 wbere he pIIir or wooleD 8uspenderil dangling be called Ilt Nil hODrl, day or from the mODth of ODr old muley PAlNTE:OONOMY. THAWAY, 'l'lck.18 00 sale Malch ~OLh uilll 1\1,,11 elm night. 1 M aDd I Ttb , goo.! returning ~I Ihl," bull. who was ohe~lng IDdu,trioDL'. YOD mlgbt lUI well make vour WaynellVllle' •adi~g DeDtl8t Coaobea and ohair. supplied Irow IIUle ur suI. . .,·or lurlliur Inlor· ly to seve, tbe lIuspenders from the paint lUoney go a8 far as po8IIlble. matl'on. con.ull YOllr l"" a l ~IIC IIL or a~: more pala1ab)e paDtS. his looks 88Y· U!18 GreeD Seal LiquId Paint 'a nd oRlee III K01.· Uulldln,.· . . Main Slree Hn ve IDOV.eel to, room ~re •• Ing more plal.nly tb,aD words tbllt yoU WOD" oomptl'\D of tbtl dlstanoo. next to CrOSlj Br08. be flrew tbe 1me on RaII UStlS. . For ,!I&le by J 'l~ JaDney. WAVlIIDVILLIl, o. C. L. STONE, Geu'l PUI!. ARent 1I,\[N 8TRKE'!. B~b Mblnn owned the suspendera , . . iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;:;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;iCiiuJUiiiiCii°;i'dii··;;;iciir0i;;iu;ii;l>ilialliiiidiiiwiiib~Pi;;;1Diil'i;;;Ciii..... ~b.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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Some Remlnisences of . Sixty-five Vears Ago. like. ei.xty.five YOl'u ,. ago, I begaD to inyell~giUe thiDg8 , .fOr myll8lf. 1 th~n lived on tho Ol'yton lIuli Lub'H"'Q '111I1l1. kn uw n all the &n 13binn fHrm . F,lI,h".- linil mother hlltJ"goDe 10 yhllU:)ilHH \Vh"r t!!D (f.tl1er of Mrll. Ann/EnKle• .now In her {16th year lind I.Ivjll~ In WilY nll8vllltl) ... t nlll ,fruit farm one miltl 1!B8t 01 "Mlnktown. " Ruy8villpnow Lytle-let4yi ng.. t.Iul younger obl1dren In 'c harge ot flU older lIiHtel', 1:!lII'lIlD; now 84 years old, It ving In Davenport. Iowa. , he let UII go to tbe tlpring 1101llle, vllly.. and In the moat ImprllSllive \VOrdf, ailmonlshed "8. myself In l'llrtioulnr, to keep away (rom the oreak, Beech RUD. but Il few yards dl.~tant ; (lnd I promi. !IIld! ~ Wo played arollnd upst·alrs with nl uther'" wlfrplng b.. r" ••UI ilOoil'lt'ul "werry go ruund," SIIU jll .. r, lI"Il'"1l1 ~ I weDt 'below loto the " '''Ilk 1\"11';'" tq if'lt a driDk of WlltAlr, .md ini ,dell &ally to take a genllroulf slice 01' "lilt ,'rl8Ing brlllld Iylnl( inVitingly DIltIf; aDd there' WII.8 prtlllt.y 'Jf llioe IIWH'" yenow,bun-or; but, u'l knife to 'svrtlad It, with. 130.1 devilled a sc.bemll that worlted to my Itntire 8IItisfliOtlon •. llt leut. 8ere's the mode lind tb rll'~ no patent on ,It. I took:thl) .. lIut! of bread lind held it perpeDdlol;llllrly on the Inllde edge of . It pan of milk 01 wblcb lhlld delermined the' prnper oonsl8teDoy of the oream by thruet ·m g my fiDger Illto firet· one tbeD anotber, and Into t,blll ODe I had 8&lected went tbat slice of bread 'till 1$ ItrDok" hani pan, "Rnd then DI· IDg tlie edge of t·b e pan a. a fulcram I lifted at I. .t 50% of tbe ,cream In that·original manner, and I pat the mon of-lt In my' fa08. I waa then reaoy to II8fI where all the water went to, tbat WIllI ponriDg ODt of a lPOUt that came througb the :~all · and fell Into a laxarlaln growth ,of · lperament, and follOwing tbe inolln· atlon of the ""ter 1 wu not long In ftndlng a new 6eld of obeerva~lon, 'Beeob ron. 1 librewa oblp 'in tbe 'creek aDd the corrent took it down Ih'eam 10 1 down Itream fol· loWing my "i1aok".. 1 e».l1ed Chip, and whenever Ii beoromo IOOg. ed againl' a lI&oDe or IItraDded On a IaDd bar oE: rUDe, l w,uled to and lent UIlItaDoe, Comins to the -water gate · at &be lower part of onr plAoe, 1 noticed IIOQle geeMI -,reregolng through an openlDg In th.e plio, and 1 did the laDIe;after a deal of trouble. 'hav · tDg 'oaugbt, my drtlflll QD a protrud Inl nail au4 .. I oollld not get looiae. ,. 0 f my dreea and I IOID8b 0., got onli left it haug\nfl there. Und.1amayeel at iii mt1e tbinS U~e tl1at, on·1 went, tlironIb ,Ule'l al'pl of ~wood Mhinn. ODder the tit1dse On the Springboro road; OD' dow.. paroqh firm ' of II:Uja WUUa, to,bls M~ll P~Ddl aDd ,had'gotqultea dilltanoe into -the pond when J beUd my name Called and "... o~ to 00108 oat, by my
Whlla writing or oY~herlng the th IlUpnl .. UaolDg t h e d 08 • at-a II 0 • er timet' when not IlttlDg IIko a h olothes pin tohey lilt fac Ing t e ~n. tar of thft room. At! to book II. I 'reo oal1 old mother gOON. Davy Crook. etalld oiher similar text book8 obtIllned"and not everyone bad the good for~llne to be p08lle8l\ed of ev· en ono of tbom , Th0ge were for be· ginnora. aUd the older onee. young men aDd yonn& womeD. brought ,mytblng their fRDOY dlotat-ed, or t.helr library oontaiDed to read from and I havllBoon II ola88 of 7 or with bDt one bOok for the whole clll-lIt!. but it was 'P1l8!led frolll one to IInoth· " r H'HI ",bill! 01'"' \\'118 reading, the '·.... 1, ",nnld llt' \,tllllllli'b: on him or hllr." lonk l1( intlllligellOe, Itnd cri' .. • i>'II" wellt·. ohm:)' ! , "' Il let her voice ' .. 11 Ilt a (',oma '" .. He didt(l, !lOOp long e'nough to connt four!" My first teBoher WII8 Jane Sellera wbo mllrried. 181\t1c WOOOIl aDd died m W..ynNvilie. !:leoond: wall Sus" ,lUll MoNeil Third ; J. Warren BI.l omau. wbo booIlme II lawyer In :tn iDnAtiDowdead. Fourtb:&m. lIel BooDe. He tau~bt hi tbe Keenan ~cb(lol 'hou8e wblob stood on 'he Springboro aDd Lytle road y. mile 8Ilijt of Dayton pike. Let WI return t-oBeeob RUD, where we 18flrned to 8 lm...:Beeob Ran n.n
th~ IIIlDd and mud along tbe oreek. , ~ tbellt~je torn dreu found banI' Ing on tbe,.an at the flood gates told 0017 to plainly that something ;'wu dolD8" ,: U not already done, and ·ijle aBoDY <f) not that ahe oar· ed '80 mueh for " be ~xpeoted out OOJlle of my enliorprlll8. but you 88Il Ibe wall left in ob,arge and tbe Idea ,> ~!..clnerr'!!.e.!'~~n a' Of ' mand~Yoe' .Iboe el~" ro r · wrltlDg,a 10vI(I letter WheD I got Il· ;. way, wail iIomew~t appealllld wheD · ahe saw me and theD her prllllllnoe gave mtt new ooUrage.:"nd on I weDt. She MW the only way was to wade in .f\8r me, ana .. 1 ~u making for water 10 feet deep. abe h'Dl:rleel and I burried,'I got. stuok in tbe mud' and wail 10 water up $0 my nook when Ibe reached. me. I was 'biiarioul over the episode, and ahe :w.. about tbe contrary dl8p08UloD . It.W" ·1I greAt .. deal farther golDg •...home than .lt wlUi 'goIDg. more th"n :a mile, ao4·1·' ",alked.1 Dlil IIIUI·CII.rrY meP N'o t .on a one peroen'~ baals. 1 watud-~ ." . , :.. "lh8re are "two, 1l0W living ID W,"YJl08vllle who lived oil adjoining fanni, ADD Brelsford, ' mQliber .. of Mrs. ' Ba~ ' Murray 'a nd .Reb8ooa Jane Sides. Now my. ' memory of 'M n. Brellford da~ baCk more tban , ~'6 yeari, Ihe; al w~ll as ber'·hu.· . band. TOJn • .worked foJ' UB arid lived , .. in alog oabln on' libe Mpringboro .road. OD the oorner 9f the J8818 "WIlIIGD farlD. and well. do ~ , reme",. bel going to her bome. and wail al· .. ~ay.i 8ure ~ bt .. "oorn ' dodger" a~d ab,e macIe the beIIt on08 .1' eyer ate, and lOlUl now IIle the spot Intbat , cabin in whlcb IIbe .kept a bright \tin ' ~Uer and In tuat ~iler wal tbe ..'hltig 'in w~lob 1 t.:lOk the greatest ,d"li.llit, oorD dodgers. .' ,Doei.not· :J:aDe 1:I1d81 remember tbe attlo"of onr hODlltt'wben we I18ed · to ..u the Iheepi as we call04 It, ' when the 'obildren of the nelKhbor. _--;---.004. would ioome to play QU'\ of · the Lool )ow. of barrell filled ·wlth »Aple Sqar a hand 'uU "or two ill . ·p.laoe. Ind then we'd get down on :.• n loura an~ like- Bbeep KO' "bot.tlD ":;.I!~"';'.,::v.''''.,,, in ,', I Tboee wtlte tiP,lflll, lIure, Of ail' , the. buy. alld girlil of th"t; day wbo i\~" bOl'II to' Iltl 1 can Dame · ·but. .In . wb.. Iiv~ 011 the old bOWl!
pall"" 'lIiId IIh~' " MillY W\l1bt Wood . A10,,11\'" ' ~1t!1 Ql'4ilCtf II YRl' near ~lllbi' (nd, ft."").-, Jltue tildlll! III ' '\\1. n .. ilIe Ife .lInd l. aDd 'all ao lOhool lD wha,. wat .... '~.&ol"llIIoboolho,*, where k .... made by laJiq a WIde • 19" 01 .... drlv_ into bOred loto tile 19P on •
flY ....
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tileaktee bo&toID 01 aDd .... boIIr4
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* .
Nashville RR
AlabltmU, Gcorc:ria • 'UNDERTAKE .Kentucky, E-MBALMER pi,. Virgi nia., Nort-h . .FURNITURE and South Carolina, . OF ALL rrennessee.
DR.H.E. '
Chamb'8'rlal'n'S COUg!' Remed,
. We
have a rare opportunity for you to become H. .s tockholde in one of the best coal properties ·in the Central tates. 11 his investment wlll earn you 12 per ~e~t upon the par value of the stock" and for a short time only, we offer the remaining port~on of the allottment .of 100,000 shares at 25 c~nts. per sihare (par v.alue $l.00 fully paid and . non-assessable). 'fhis co~pany. is safely and . conservatively · manat~ed and you .cannot make a mlstake. Th.e markets nnd the sbipping' facilities (which is the' Ohio Rhrer and the railroad) are the best, and makes it an unparalleled in vestment for a stock.-holder. . You canno.t buy stock in any mining Co .. who are using the. water ways as means of transport~tion, for the l'eason. that the dividends are more than in any other i~vestment . that can be made. Rem'e mber, this is a dividend paying company, 1 per cent per month, alid you do not have to for your money to be earning you something. The value of the stock will be increased as soon as the alottment is sold.
~,!~ ::'n~.'leWh.?.~ .~tl]owleedft ~!
. . . _uuo.
........ ~_
PROPBR.T ,Y The Ooal Flelda of the W.tern Kentnoky Dlstrlot lie aoutb and weat of EvanBYllIe: IDdiana, ao4 aboat 125 miles Wllllt' of Loui8ville. oom· . ' Th od" f tbl d11trlot a8 pl',in an about I8ven oountl8l. e pr UO.,OD rom I IIhown by the MlniIiR' Inapeotcr .or tbe state, to' be over 4,LOO,000 tonI • . The 'of a wuform tbloknlllll and the grade equal to Ohio aud P I I I A On'" lOme of tbe large o....raton ID this dl.trlot eanTI'h vsa~ aBecoa 'M n~l Co" Helneoke' Coat ~ Central City 00&1 Co. are e.. rna ~ ., Co" m-... t 0 ....1 Co , National Coal 00 .• Ohio VaUey Coal ~inlDg ., u .....ewa er uow • li. fiI, 00&1 and Ooke 00., Wheatcroft Coal Co" Waverly CoAl 00., aDd numeroul small oompanies. There are no failurell In thlll diltrloli and "'hi tbe prloo of 00&1 at tlie mlD8li . Is better thaD In lOme of the v o. aDd bfltter thaD III 1Dd1a~ ~r Illinoll fleldl. The proper'700nUolJed by libe Kentuoky Ooal MlniDg Compan1 i ts ' f"'2 000 I ted In Ulalon Co Kentnoky, the heart of tbls oonll.. 0 . , aores, ~ • Th ' nil I district. abOat 26 mUea lIOuthweat of Eva~yllle. IDdlllna. e . no s Celltra. Railroad runa di~ly througb it and .It .Ia litOllted within II~ milelloftbeOhlo River. ' Thls property Is aorrounded by ooalmlnes aDd the WiverlY mines adJ~ln It on tbe west and the Corydon on he ealt. Tbe tat boles Ibo." foar veins of ooal upon tbi8 property; the t t i n t d th f 180 f ., 6 f . t thlok wltb a good Mnd.atoDe roof fifll ve a a ~p 0, ee, e e , . ' wblch II a very Impo~nli feature •. tbere belnR nO n8Oll88lty for .wood pro... wblph m~kell mininlt in a grellt many dllltriot8 expenilive I thll vein 11 known,al No. 11 and I. free from water and tbe R,r ade of ooal rauke wlSb thll beat biliumluoul coal in tbe market, burnl freely, makel a wbite allh and 110. olin ken ; it reeem\ll08 cannal 0"11 and. ·in fact. la oall ~ se~l.oannal by a ireat many: ~I men. ..The aeoond vein 1":.1I:no,,,u as ~. iI and ill found at a depth of Uo feet. T.bls 11 an exoollen, .grade of, 0081 wllib. rook roof...m~aa No..ll; jUBt IOUth of ua by ReIDeke & St. BerDard, atad w It by tbe ~ 'arg~ DeKoveu and Pittsburg ~mpanl08. No.8 II a vein very Jlttle known as ~ grade. not being worked IN tbls dilltrlot, buli the teet sbowl tbe vein to extend under thll property, O! 7 Is 8upposed to' be tbe tamoUB Bell (lOIl1 and III foand at. deptb of .about 500 flMlt, This III a flne Brade of glUl lind ookinK 0011.1 and readily bnDgs a priCe of 13.60 .too 14,00 per ton at t1ie mln8e. , It Iii k~own to uillt on thll property by the teats tbat bav.e been made. ! ... ~ . .&. . . . .1" 8.. . Thla'Pl'operty Ii.. a lirullk line of ODe of tbe lar/J08t rall~oad 1IYII· tems rUDnlng directly tbrough It, IIviDg ue a ma~ket by rail bOtb nortb soutb and enabUDg us lio enter tbe 1arg08t coal markets, of tbe ooDntry " .
tl I.... ...1"a••»o.....,a o. a
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a' a mlDlmum frelgbt raf.e, .but tbe beet featDre~a tbe river tra.n sporta. tIOD, the dllltan0l8 to the riYer being aboDt Ilx mil!la, .a nd 'be ohannel of 'be Ohio at 'thlllliJOlnt 18 deep enou!rh Ilt all lltageli and &eaBODS to allow barlZOII to be floated dow.. the llir~am ; thOB enabling UB to ,sbip ODr pro. dnot to Mempbul and New Orleanll. New Orlealna .today 1& ODe of tbe beat'ooal marketB for &e reaSOD that ocean IIt_ullenl take coal at this port for Europe. SoDtb America aDd UJe 1I1auch; and II. great deal of o'o&lla exported flom bere. . Kentooky ooal III eagerly lIOugbt tor by tblll trade. PittBburg coal baa been the ooal used principally, but the fact of us being a tbou_nd mllea nearer. aDilla deep ohannel an tbe YfI&r, eoablO11 011 to market ODr 0081 oheaper thlll[l tbey, . The googJ'1lphtcallocatiou of thill property Is unexoelled. l:lDpr plantatloUBare b.eavy oonllumen of coal lind bDY nver ooa1 exolnsively, d f t 'I I dWltrieli are IDoreaslnR yory rapidly ID thla part of aD manu ac uri nR n the IIOnth ; benCEI. the markets of the south lue good at a\1 timea re· ganilllllll of tbe lleaaoD. • It Is a knolwn faot by all 0;0&1 operators that prloe8 teoelved for ooal In tbe sonthern :m a.r ketllire far better thaD ID tbe n.orth. beo08, the reason PittsbDr@r conoornll '88Ilk thll market regardlOfls of tbe dtmoDlties enoountered In t,h e Upper Ohio River. Coal at t)l'B New Orleanl Port under contract tl1 ooean .atea~erB brlng8 $3.31i per ton. and ontheopen _Dlarll:et alI.S6per tcn . . ComPilre tbeae prlOll8 wllill tbe Chicago prl~ ot $111i to $2.21i per ton. Aa ' YOD 1I8Il, we make betteJ< pro~t. ID t,he BODtberD marketa. . An mllatr,~tlon of thll 008~ of produolng and !andlng ~1.tD the
Oil Ter1"itorw. Tbe oU fields oontrolled 'IY thill COU1'pROY CODHillt of 207 aorea In Delawaro CoUDty, IDdiaDs, lu what 1M known &8 a dtll!l) pHy" dilitriot ; with BOven prOOuoiDIr wellA upon It RDd aD average produollJn at 76 Mrre}. per dllY, aDd 320 aOl'88ln Paoli, KauBIl8 dlstrlot ; thl' IndlaDR lelUlO hu locatloD tor a' leut 40 more'w.ell& and i~ itt surro,uDde\! by good produolDg wells; ODe wblob Wall drilled in !I~xt to thlll le&1IO \lumped 250 barrell per .day for IIIx mODtba and it ill makmg between 40 anel 60 buretll ,PDr day on l18'tledOPllrodl UthOI"Odnl' tri f • n a a Qt la ound In Illne out of ten welll4 tllat fire drilled in very ftlW dry holes; 1)0 wild cattiDir ;: hence, no rlllk in tbelnYOIItment. . LeUll8 here 11811 tor Il bon'DlI.of$lOO 00 per'acm wUhont any produo. tlon. The territorY1n Paoli t KAn8IUIIIID 8, 'Welllleflned ODe.llnrroulldecl by stroDB produolng well II ; tnere Is DO prodllotlon upon this property &8 yet .' tbe OomnAftV "'V-rt onora·IODIi there In Il . uery sho- "Ime. .-- In~Ddli ·........ r- • .-. • Welll In thla terrl&ory stlLrt off . from 50 to 10<? barrels. eliob, per day and BOttle downirom 6 t-o 10 barrela. Tb~a territory .Is remarkable fOMbo reasoD libat the peroontBae 'Of dry holetlls 18811 than In any other territory ·Ia the cd'antry. . ' ' . The 00IIt ~f drilling weUI here Is very muoh 11l8II, u 011111 touDd at a deptb of aboDt 43a feet; tbe thloknqu of tht,' 011. bearing Mild 18 abollt 27 feet. thlll sbo~lngtbatthe wellswm~eloDghved.
Di ad
VI .D ~..
The oil boldlDgsln OOD1~ootiOD with the coal enable, tblll Company NewOrleanJimarket,andtheproft~rece.ived:to pay dlvldende at onoo, to tbe.stOOkholdeno, of 1 per ooDt, per month . ODe tow boat will take tweuty bargea of ooal from th.l s field to Upon the 's elling price of the stoot uDtll the Imp.roYemeDtB In theooal flelde New Orleanl ID,l make thr~ ronnd tripe In, slxt~ day.; each barge will are oompleteel. It if, the Intent-Ion of thtl company to .,11 ;)Dly enPllIh of bold 1,000 tODa, [DaklnR 60,OOOtoDS of coal. 'rheOOllt of mining 60.000 tou tblslltook to complete theae hnprOvementB. wbeD thlllRtook will pay more of coal at tbe UnioD Iioal~ of wagea ~s 127,900.00. and traUBportatlon from tban Iii per ~nt, Dpoll the par yalDe. . " tbe mbi08 to tbe river. VIII. electrlo tramway. at 60t per toD makes It $3,Wben it Comea to oomparlng the ooal ml,nlng tndu8try with oth8C' 000 00 ; lease of towboat and bargea at· the valuation of $200,000 on a 6 IndOlltrlllll. statiatloe wl11lhow ·v ery few fa\lDrtlS. Thl8 II reaornlzed for per ceut basli, il~ $12,000 Jilgnlling . . maintaining tow· boat and orew for tbe reuoD tbat It II ODe of the greatellt IItsplell jD tbe world aD wblob the Ilxty daYI. 14.000; Inoldeutals for tbrtll! tr!pII, $10,000; eatimated OO8t Of! wbeelaof every IDduBt..y ·is dependeDt. The'demaJid 'eaob year IDorllUlllJ mining 10000; 81ltlmated Qaat of tnlnlng 60.000 'tonll of coal and pla~lng to the extent of 10,000,000 ton8; 1)enoo wben Jon haYe an Ineva~ment In aD It In the New Orlleans martet ia 8166,900 reoeipt8 for 60,000 tou of coal Industry of thi. kind It.1a far better ' than BDIl!1lng ' Loan Al8OOlation or at; $3.35 per toD. 1201.000f coet of ~inlng aDd traUBportatloD 8I 66 ,1t00 aavinR'll Bank. It Is absolutely 8ilfe: tbe tlArDIDIII are mnob Lar--r and leavetl a prolit. pl~ ,144,100.. ' ' you bave the Inoreaaed v ... luatloDof your ltook~ .Thil profit, Is for ~ty. d.ys wltb the oapaclty of tbe property ,of I ' • 1.000 tODS per day THMe"fllOtll have been oarefDlIi obta.IDed and can be TJte1'e has b'8en }·OO,OO.O .''es .of-Jhitt ·.stook set depended ,upon ali being aWDrate' .The market ~I abaolute aDd Cbey seek 'aside to be sold at .ll)/j cents per sha·...e. 71ar v(J,l'~ D III. 00, for 1ib18 grade of 008.1. Tbts COmpany II putting In ,a lu't wltb'& capac" ~ , .,., '-' ." lliy Qf 1,500 to 1.800 toDI per day. wltb eleotrlo tr:amway from mlDIlII to whe~ the price w-"U be advanced. 1 per cent per mont"" river . Alllmpr'I)Yeme!ltB'on thll property will be modern In every r&- in dividends will be pp,id on the ma1'ket price the speot. 'stock.
8PPIOB~S OF THE KB~T1JaKY . a~~ ~1l\lIl\lG aOMP~Y. ,
i ~
Chas. A. Baker, President ant], Treasurer; . . James. StoOT!,9, r,tce ~res~il~nt; . '. Nwh,olf!s .Me~~, ,Secl'eta,:y'; ~, ~"ames ~oo'ps,. Jl'l..oe Pl'es~den~ of Oittzens .!Jank• DiRECTORS,' Chas. Q. Hildebrant, Ex. 1(. §. Con~re.ssman, 6t1't. Dtstl',:ct of ()hl!o! W~lmtntton, Oh'£O. ' Waynesville, O. ' '. W . .R. Stelle.. 'Capitaltisl, Indianapolis, Ind~ur.n(J, Elmer L. C,arl. ~holesale ,~ Retal.l 'Tobaocqmst, Frankfort, .Nwholas: . Met." Florist•. Dayton, 0.. Chas. A. Ba,ker, President,and T~~ec.f,S~7'er, Ind-"anapoll.s, Indzana. . ,.. . . PO•• fe. day. oDl¥, oi" a. 10••. ail the Allottm.8at of l~O,OOO .ha••• la.t, ¥ou c~a buW for ~a.h. 1 tlh ' ' t2500.000as11 5.000 8t1arllll. 11250. P"lb 2.600 ahar08 . 0.000 Sharee, . 26000 (Jallb ' 1i00 l:lb1area. 126. Cash · 100 shares 1 000 area ' , . . OR IF YOU PRlilFER THE MONTHLY ·PLAN. YOU CAN BUY: casb 6 monthly payments 10. 000 1:Ibares .$400, .Casb 6,montbly pay~en.tR $400. each . ~,O~ B,S~ar;:. $200. Cub 6 mOIl'hly ·PIIoy.menta 2 600 Bbares $100. Oaab 11 montbly paymentll tl~. eaoh 260 Sb&r811 40. CIUIb 6 lUoDtbly paymenta 'GOo Sbarea • 20 cash .6 mODtbly payments $ 20. ~b 10. 1000 8barea . 4 Cub 6 ",oDthly paymeutl $ 4. eacb , Th . the right to wit11C)r&~ thle St~K from the market at any tilDe "t the above price . . The "me .to·buy l$OOt. II when the OomJll'ny .18 startiDg. Yon canDot afford to walt. m~t~=:le r=~~e:be oompaDY. alld BOnt tc the h?me Offi08 to NlcbollUl Metz, SecrE,tary, o.r JA~E8 trl'OOPB, W A. YNESYlL~IIl, 0 ; . . .
. • 636. ' . ~b 15:00 Ouh 1200. $ 40. $ 10.
eaoh eliOb eaoh '
All· rem.t&anoe 1
.. Out ~Ilt thlll ooupou and mall It to· tbe oompany ~ once. stating how many I)larea yoa oODld po8libly take and we will mall you a neat prOllpeotlue. Tbere ia no obllgaU,on attaohed to this Name______________~----------------__ " P. O. Addrelll_ _ _-."._~---_ _ _ _ __ __
I mtKbt bit Ilbe to take____-;.,-:...___ ,abarll8 If I am aatlBfled.
11',-, . ""
th Me )N flA V, AP RlI •.~II. 1110/1, Rent soldiers .................. 50 00 h"lei llllitllt '!It 11 '1'1 ,"k, tl w f" II '1w. two yean old Plaintiff .110,88 tbat i II I( pr' ' I.~ r l v: . deteDdaDt h~ been Bullty, of every W. Ungletlby and Bons burl. 1101 of Indigent soldiers. .. GO 00 oruelty toward ber; be bas cursed a h ' ''''''. tWit Il l' "'hll'h n I'l' 'IrtLft h'''·M ' ·~. " ',, . ,. '" I!1IK ~ .\ l'ur" "hI li nd ber, beaten ber, held her up to COD. Jilmes Fo11en, I!lr. , 100 I~ fer. tllizer ... .. .... .... ..... .... .. .. 2 00 III~ " \ \" ., r~ " Jd ; ' IP . ,..., ro ufH'I .1 pur. telllpt, driven ber ' from their home, .a 1)0 I!' '>III hll r~e LtI Y" " r,.; ,)Itl ; i) c~ ril e, squandered her 88 vlnp and has Lebanon Oas Va. , glls.. ....... :s miloll cmV,. u" ,1 , \\'o (~ .t V "!4 i 9 been often in the oompllny o( a J. ,J . Thompson, servioos tiS Infirmary Dil'ector........ 61 70 If fl nd ~1I \\t~ wi th I'i ~~ ut, ~ I~' H. 1 nl tt](' woman ot questionable obl&root.e r. IIi!! 1'. I : , II :ti' ,.11 fI'l t,:, ; II ' JIHn 400 Frtlnk C. Anderson Is attorney for S. D. Hinkle D. S. bridKe work .... ... .. ......... ......... 40 00 It n ~II .. I>I " f (lltrn : fll,r ,"I.n Q Irllpl ... plaliltlff. . Corkins Ohemioal 00 .• G gal. ,,,, ·nl.,... nnll" l.l Itr B h'( I ~1l1 1 III.eel \ OURT l'aooll:lColiw s. · Insectloide for Jall.·........ 12 GO . k, i n lurm wll gon . 11 11 '" Deer iu!! Ill /o Wfll',:! ridin K ' Ij' n pl uw ... I 'I ,lew Walter B.~hlleffer vsTbe fronk; Yalley Tel. Co. , rents Ilnd tolls ...................... .. ..... . Hi 20 K rlln l' n " "L! dnA "Oil !'1I1I ; " II OW !-I II lin i'lllltlr Co , et 01. Third and sup. ..,1 1 W I U I . l . ; 1\1 ..,1 11 l>l', uJ 1', U . U.Ut·, I '" . J . M. Haynor grave). .... .. .... . 22 :1d ri' .r d l~ k fllr l il11.or whlllit 'lrill II U"' VIII', "11~"''' v ''ll 1,,"1 ·u<,uU"'lIt1U. It · 0 1:I WI ~ I' , uu" I. .. .. ..... .. .. .. . 11 t\ri Tiger to\.)IICOU l.runHIJllln tcr , ol so ~Il te r . tuule, o n to ,5U-toot.b hurrow, " IJllltrllJUtluu IH III·uCtlull .. to i Itu I'IW"· Juhu ./ l/ 1I1l". J111IU LII.I ~ 2 tJritI!;e sigUl" .. ... .. ...... ... .. .... .... . G 00 good 2 MeotiuD IlInd rnller , dou ble " I'll "t Ill" fI" " L I. w ~ 1 VU I \.u II Iii .ltt, iu ll'r,·d tll mp"ou, brul~ ~ r uv"irtl " huve! plows, t obacco c ul ti vutor , one ll " IH tl llll~tI. ur.ll" r tlu . !:)!!l uID ·to wll"hip ......... .. . 2:' ~r, horRI1 whoa t I)rlll . II tolJUUOO preH!!, oN y 'l'rut:lt CIJ , VH D . L & U. Ii.. I~ . Wtlotz, lul.l bur ....... .. .. H UI) fl. bout 7000 to bn.eca la·t h , :J set R of a \Ju . U.""UUUULli. Y ll uu~ Imel C6 tl wi~ BruM , 0 "111. .. ..... ... .. .. .. H "7 wilrk hllrnoRS. 21let!l of bugJlY hBr· YuU·UK . iii" uUeWtlr ·i io n CHH, ~ b UJ;l!ie!l. on e ./0. n ew high twll"r t C"llwfol'U Vri 'I' he "~ rtluklln LtoWlti Ur'Iti "xllr~tj" ....... .. . Uui"J und PUptir Cu .1 UU!fI!IUtl Ut tur Ruy Chilli Ulutle f ur jllil........ :! 00 grntle W (1H' Oll" bU~ K.\' . rllhtJllr t.l1·jl. tL corn llh oll.·.·. "".1' 1o"l iI'\I'~, bu y fll1'k , plllllHlft· Itl rlldoCtlIl f l'um . 40UO · t.o X,m I... C I Ly Wur k: fi OOlltl, tJ,lluthug prlslloe rtl.. .. .. ... 15 [,0 r ope un (lll11l1e ·,'H. ~ .... tn !I~ I 'k " , orOIilt! .~~1I0 ,,~1I "'Ilu pluHllilf tJy bltl lit . out RtLWI'. g "II I" 'l h"11" 1.11(1(1'1,0, !.I.hllo tUI'l'''YIi h.vlul! cu u~uuwu to s uid f..., llllUun · 101:1 Ilud COlli Cu. oulll .. .. ... ....... .. .. ... : ........ 9. 7:-l OOMPrII Y" r', I" t. lOr "IIullnd' htln,l I1 rt " k. r tlUllttuOOtl , lJIotluU for 'new t ri,,1 III 1'. O. i'1~tttll· HU tl . bnurdi ng UIHO, hnll!<l. h ,oI d t.:olt' l ~ . cllt , ,..I~l iu l!; In ulurruhti.l . _ . • prisuner ll .... ... ........... ... fi!i -no p!\rt of :! \\·'.\Jrl IltJll Bt , " V O~, l J L . 'l'rll6l1dlllu VtI c llft'ord P . oook Ht" WO . b 'I I I u.~, ch lll r ~, ~HJI ·tM ChuwlJurluln at 1&1. l...tlavl:I to Illlle'id Juhntlon IIUtl WulIlOlJ, (JIIU tl tor s urvllyor .. .. . ... .. .... .. ~ 00 bod rllllTll ~ Il i ' n. oouch , ou binet, I! UP·ptltltlIIU grllnted. btlllrri!!, lli !llt" ,. 111 111 IUfi n v o Mlor nr t l H. . L .;.vl&rt VII J uliu A. tit'ow. Mtukultu Pen Co. SOilplloti for Probuttl Juuge .. :......... .. :l 50 oles t oo nUrtHlt'Ilt1!< tn 1ll;· nt:iOll art at al t:!htlfltJ o~derlld tu luake . i :. N B1!l nlt V IIII~ I •. furtber llltttribul·lon ur $800 .7(/ to tituktlla Piln Uo, penl:! for Clerk: ..... .. .. .... ..... .... .. . .. A A . M oNHl 1. jt lll't-i llTl P-,"r 1 50 ~lvli Molluy . . E: E Ke(\\'HT. chlrk . u hluilltl A . Ellto. Co.. VII ' J . H. Stl&kliltll P en Co., lI uppli"lI for Rt!C'lrder .... .. .... ..... ... .. . 7 00 Winnllr Jury tludtt for defeudant . Stukaltu FeD Co. , supplicd PROOA1' 1I) QUilT . for surveyor ............... .. 1 H, 'I'he I:ItJndt1,'lm ll!lt, W o m en in Wu.l' . Pon Co., SUI)plictI 1l0!!l'ille . . In re Moreolti E. Ennis . Admit. titakillta for Court Stonogrl&pber . B ow II Dlsoul:Ision of BClI ll t.V ) to ted to HOdpi"'l for Eplleptloll at Herhert Smith brillge repnirll O,tllipolbl. I ~ liorprisi ng DI!<eOlvl'ry HtLrllin township .. .... ..... Hi. 65 Klile E. Nixon, ItoS gOltordlllu of A f ew Un.YH tl l{o II I{r ' '1111 nf t,llf' 'rho Ohiu Fuol S upply Co. gllve Mllry L . aneS tiltorrlett Nixon, min .bonu for 1111000 for tbe fuitb ful. l,er befit informed \lA" pI H II 11" 111 I."wn Ont. VII Geo, W . 8tanley ~ trulltee forlllllncu of tbo eonditiuOtl tlo t fortb were di llCURfl ill1{ t.h e C"'II IIIl Ttll.i VI' of Mliry Land Hltorriet. Nixon. min· in the frllo ohilio. beauty·of th l'! D1t1oy ohllrmlng Willi! urs. 'finalee rllq uired to file hili ao· Blind penSions tor Artbur G illet.! ell in Wllyn BHvllle. O ne of t·h" m e x ouuut and IBui!fer funds to the pie antI Ml&ry B. Bluir wer e "Pllrov preFlsod curl (t~Hy t.n kn ow w h~' t h .. j{ulnullton Mtnndnrd of f fll lt lLl" 1"1'1'1 1111."" II< ,·i... ed. W. '(' Vlton Darvller, gnllrdian of Inl{ flO rupilll \' in t.h l" 1""" lI r.9 ; \\Ih y Cont raot WtlB Ulllde wlt.ll th" Ore. Edwlu R . VItoO Daveer, imbecile, V!I oniu Bridge Co., for fornillillng antI oomplexlOn p .. 1"" .. .. 111111'11 nip-II rt1 r, l!;dwlo R . Van Da viler , imbecile, et gputting io 255 feet arch })llltoll on ey"!! so IUllch h.. i~h Hl r , H n rl 11. ·,r .. Ill. J llhu LIlnll, WllIlum Vanover tbe Ml&in !!trtlet bridgo [..ebl\ lIoll. wi t.h ohOi1kf! blo ~ h i o ~ l·i ,S.v r-tiu linu WUlIun Gtlbhlirt were IIppumt Co nt,rllct W"tI lut to Chilli . .JunoM beNltlt and vigor thlln wer e IlVt'r tl(1 uUwmilllllunerll to eXlilUlnll 'prem cuncre betwt1uu r/Lils ou ' .... " 11 in th f! oill e ll lIll Y" It, W il li ti n tllel! ulld report un the needed lin for IIll v up-olded til r OrAr ~b e m "t tor t o Mllin St-reet lmdgo in Lu blli,on . provilwentis • , J)r·\ll!lli .. t· Ju n nflY fo r hi" ",,' niIHl. E,tItote of W.Uer O . Kinder et III " Wh y, I enn 1,,11 .VtlU ," I'lt ill Un) winurll. ~mutll Fox Ilppointea drlUfl!l"t Innlllpty . I'll i!4 011 t he re Prescription for Iudl g~!!t i l) ll ; !fuardilton wltb bond of .~OO. " ult of Il cflr t,tlin Ilrescript,inn-the How !::!Corell of Wtlynetlvillo PliO pie EIIt~te of AShbnry ~irb.v, ueOtlllIl . m o~t wonderf ul I hll ve e ver know n Obtilin R elief. ed Report of I18le of pt!nIOnal prop .. in lin Iny loog experienoe The r tlm If It rel&I1y were known how mlloy edy is I\. ge ntle laxn t l ve tlho.t cootll lnR e r'y filed. ~t.te of Goo. W. Dunnegan, . de · Waynesville r68ident8 hllvo been VIlIOltobl ", tonio lind clellnsing prop oIIlUMid. i'rank Brllndon Itoppointed onred of sf·omaoh trouble and Indi , erties, t oget he r wit h cer t.n lll o t·h er gestioo by Dr . Dtlvis' Prescripti On 1I1terative effeots thn t tenu t o clen·r executor witb bond of 11000. Jilwes Felleo, D . . W Humpbreys it migM porhllPB surprise you, bu t up t he s kin . P imple!l or n blotch ed , wbat'ls more surprising is the fu'ot lIallow or mud d.V akin s Imply ~n aud O. 8 . Higgiol! Ilpprai8tlrs . In re eetate 'Of Rt, bert B. Corwin that anyone will oontinue to suff. not exist where Lltxacola 'l'oolo deoeltosed. Inventory and. Ilppral8e. er with heart born, 80ur Bt ()mucb ; Tllblets Ilre used . This Is s o s ore woter brasb. siok boodacbe, mentul that ) a m authorized t o poeitively went filed \ Elltate of Mary Itond Joe. L. MOntlh depr88Bion, nau_, and other d is e:na rllDtee It, aud tbe wa.ny wbo minOrA. i'ourtb IICCouot tor seUle- tresalng symptontl of dyspepsitl when huve thed It are uniformly delight tbere i8.a remlldy of suoh great mer. ed with the r esult. I tLm sellipg it nlent tiled: In re will Jl;hninll M. Gilpin, de. it. that It ,umuHt invarih<bly benefits Ilt :&5 cell toS a pllcku ge, and pay the oecuMld. Application lIet for hearing every 'lile thllt triell It. Pepsi kola Dloney baok if not 81l tisfied. Tablets are the prescription of Dr . April G, at 9 O·OIOCk . . In re will &r.h Patterson, d~ Davlll,' & phys icl o.n who devuted 0 !!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!111!!'!!!III!!'! lifetime to t he study of stoDllloh EDISON C8IUIeCI. Will "d'miCted to probate. PHONOGRAPH. iMtate of Sarab P.ttenon, deceas trouble, aod if your tood does not, ed, Ed ward' T . tlwlggert .ppolntM agree with you, if you are tired. nervous, worn oot, low spirited, and lidDltolltrator with bond of ' :!GOO. J:s&llte of Frank 8blrden et aI, ,our energy at low par, it Inay in minors First .ocannt for settle te.rel!t yon to know thot u o otl r pretlOription in this world hl&s ment filed. . IIlI!tltote of Eliza J . Probasco, de· grelitor record of cures beblnd it, 06II1ed. J Q . Molford appointed lind there 1M nothlog more oer tain to give you .re lief. Mr, J 'a nney will admlnlBcrtlt-or with bOlld of '2000 JIlOl811 Bellerll, Albert Oowtln Ilnd tell you that 'a lthough Pep8ikolll is sold on tbe fMreHt kind of a m oney· Bud.Tbomp8on, Ilppra.lller" . In re Jam611 W . Gray, a ' worthy blwk pll&n, not nlore tban two in one blind perllOn. Cirant4ld blind pen bundred e vor come haok fo t: their m OQe'y . Tilill iH the. IlUrAllt evidlm ce 'Iion of ,25 qaarterly . EstRt-e of &rab S.· Van Horne 9f Its mllrve l0:U1I ourM lve pr.o ,lertic!!, '. benefioiary. rtrllt and flnlll Ilocannt lIut 110 tbat the re DIlly .not be tho least donbt hi your mind as to whllt Brings ob eer nil the yelil', Every for eeUlement filed . . Pep8ikola will do for yon Ab:. Jan wlIi. T. Van Deneer guardl"n of ney body likes it, no RKill ill r equired will band yonr quar tor · ril(btEdwin "~. Van Dervtl8r, Imbeoi1el VB t·n reproduce perflll't.\y ,band 'mo,sio, Edwin-H., Vanderyeer. et al'. Com· baok to you if yon IIhoold fllit to . re oeive tbe' bimetlt you look for.. Mle flUARt voolll 8010s, lluet .. , and ali.ionere report improvement8 ad qUtlrtfltt 4l!! i tho fl no!l.t c llttracter v8ntatoonl and an order, to 'Qlake luob ill 18lued. WHAT DiD THE PAINTER SA Y soogll .n nll vllu:l1 ervllle akit.s . . 'Thus .Estate of Mary liIIxoll et aI, min· wben yoa told him you were go!ng t he Phonogrn.pb pro vides more fun 0;'. Fint and final aooount lor set· to use Green Seal LiqUid Pilint? tie and mosic than any other lIutomatio . ,Iement flied. ' . knew that be wouldn't- ha'v 6 the lob . Eata~ ;of Wilbur Morton et aI, of painting yonr bouse again for a entertainer, yet is wlt.hin ·reaoh of '. rumor.'. Seoond llooooot , for lIettle. ,long time. Bot you knllw it. good all . I t Ap8llks for \t.!lelf. ment flIed. ' . We will be pleased to show the thing so you lot GrooD &81 Liquid Estate of Oharles U. FORelmaoj Paint, dlllo't you? l nll'chlnes to anyone interelltec1. Diinor. Mabel FOllelman appointed , It's on 88le now lit .r. E . •'unnoy's. Sold on paymentR of 11.00 ~ week pardlan witb bond of ,500. Oblo I'uel 8upply' Company VII Plrllting Foley's Honey an dTar. Am08 W. WrigM, Noilb H.. Cbltop. W A Y NEBVILLE, JEWELER man and Jonathan Wrigbt eX60U Foley & Co. Chicago, originated &orl eto. et a1. 8e~ for bearing MItoY Boney and Tar as Il ·tbrotlt and luog U. remedy, and on Ilcoount of tbe great Rh(\~u\ tism M~k68 I~ife Mi8~rab Ie RIIlA'L 1E8'l'4"I:1Il TRAN8'1lB8 merit aod . poPlllllrity of Foley'!! A IIIlPPY home iM tile mo!!t valu · · Mellie i.t. Boder" to Cbarles Cole· Briney'T"r many imitations are able pOH!lession . that I" wlt.hln the offerod for tbe genuine. Ask for relloh of mankl~d, but you OIlnnot 'man; lot In Franklin i 800. .. William .... Elliott and wi'e to FoleY '1 Honey and Tar n nd refuso enjoy Its oomforts if' you aTe ' suff. Aleuniler and Reheooll. MoKioney i any substitute offer.od liS no other ering from rheumlltlAIl) . '\ou throw lot In Morrow: SOO.· . preparation. will give the ,,"me sat as ide blllliness oares when you en· · Horaoe B . Stok611 to M. B. Hyman illfaction,. It Is mildly laxativo. It ter vnur borne and you ~lD be reo contains no opilltes and Is lIt.fest for lIev~II fr om those rheumatlo pains lot In Lebulon; 6000. . . · Ann M . Or.bam ot III to Sarah J . obildren, tlnd delloate persons . F, Illso by applying Chamberlain '8 Pain Balm. One applloation ' will give Ungl8llby i Sf,58 aor611 .In .Turtle. C. ~bwartz. you relief Ilnd 'ttll oontlnued nse for creek township; 6638 . . THE MAKER'S GUARANTEE' a short time will bring about a per. JOMIpb II I!ltAOy aDd wife t:o Dan leI Am~ i 20 aores In Clellroreek Is bltok. of every. gallon of Oreen DlRnent oure . For sale by F . C. ~b .' townsblp i 1100. . &al Liquid ~~Ini. DOOlln't mllke wilrt~. flelrs of Jobo W. Thompson, de .. "be paint any better; .bnt makes ceaBed to "amea ·M. TbompsoD ; you aafe In using It. olaim t6 1 tlOre In 'l'1lrtleoresk For sala by .T. E. Janney. Iblp '; 1. MUton B P.oly to ChArleM A . GREEN ~EAL LlQUID PAINT' Pauly' flve lilts In M&80n, one· lot 'In Dayton, oDe 10 Ca.rbondal~, no1., I. oheap only In prioe. 'fhere is no eOOnonlY in things that tlre 0 heap and oDe 10 Hernt&od'l County, Fla iu quality. ''6I'oon ~l" III the best. 1. . Cbllrl811 P"uly to T. C e.tterllOn, paint. . CoI\ts .nQ more than otbers . . ,n4tee of Jlihon B . Plluly, flve lots For sale by J . E . •Tanne,. In 'Muon, one lot in Ua,ton, one In Carbondale, VOl ; and' ooe iO . Her : wm loter6llt Mllny, nando' coonsy Fl. ; 1 . . Every: pt\rtlon shollld kpow that Jane lind J()bu Wlilolllfbby to ICnnd beait,1l lit impolllllbl& If tbl,'! kid . La: 8t.nlft, C ~lIlotltfllb~; InUn ~h. oev" ar!, deranlted. Foley'" KidoRy .non 161! 113 OQ'~ will OUM kldnev Ilnd bladdflr 'Vhll""''' :' f·"l'l,,·, to. C]I,:,I'I"" R tll"I"I~ In ~Vft':y 'fnr,o, tLOff will . . - '. ,,'h,' ""lil ".'''.' '; I,. ' III ~I ,rll'l:f:b 'r" ; ;,II,,110111IJ Nod ~t,rplll{ rl:lpll thpl''' lOr I ' " ., " 1\ ... t.ii l·v will 1'''''( ' ~ fI\ Ili"l r. rl l!,n I I . ",:0 ', 1. , ' I "\\'1\ li"tI - flN"' ... ··I. N · ,I" 'ill"" "r " I, ., . : ,.... " , t-t · 10 ' M ,Ii .. ,,,,· , ,.r \lHtJ..I"~"' · F,.I !~ , ~:I '~~' " ·K::~ I.: I ,.' ~I'~:~~~'; ~;';" 'i' ". 'I&!rAn ill tilDe. .
aeal' BlaDoh _ter 31 The, bave ODe OhUd, " clAuRbter J . D.
~tlflls, buriaf
of . indl.
Ill-S , !SIO
kllfncy trouble. Kidney trouble causei''l\lj.-;k or u nsacady lIeart beats. 1l.nd make .• Q n~ reol as tho ugh Ih(y had hoan trouble . because Ihe heart I~ over·· worklng In pum p",,, hlC'K kld~eypOisoned blood Ihrough veins a n.d ·arterles. II used to b e considered th:u only urinary trouble s were to be Ira,ced to th e ki dneys. but now mode rn solence proves Ihol nearly all constlt utlohal dl.eases have thei r begin· ntng In kidney trouble. If yo u arc s ick you can ma ke no m is take by flrsl doclorjng your k,dneys. The mIld and Ih e e Xlrao rdl nary e,rrecl or Dr. Kllmer 's 'Swamp-Root, the grc:a t kidney remed y Is 1I00n re alized. It s l.nels Ihe hIg hest for li s wonderfuloures of lhe m osl dlstresslni: cases and Is sold on Its merils . by 'all dr uggists In fllty ~I., :::. 'c enl ' and on e. dollar ' I z . . es. YOIl may h.v~ a . • .. • sam ple boUle by ma ll I \Unl fJ o( NWAJlIl'-HlWlt free. also pamphlet ,e ll ing you r ow to rind out 11 y ou hav e 'kIdn ey or bladder trou ble. Menti on :hls pa per whe,n wrhing Dr. Kil mer ~ C o .. Bln~hamton. N . Y.
lei_phone oa, 'or Night. local No •. 1 . long olsfanca .No.• 69-3r
·WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch Office. Hane,sburg, O. E'
I\.::;,·'::::i' i,r , , ,,; ~'''n"k
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n. ,ltllill ,... .. , 11E · n" .i...
' i;N G:I ,o r.... III ,1!'lr"" . . ~ (1f.'t'1i I .. \· .... tll',; I ,, fl·... NNA·!:l ,~Ur:\1;'RO · "INI~B 9 ·cJ",.rl"'.... bu".. " ,,1111 wifi'j R In. -v.riat,y /If hftllutlflll' o,~lo\r" ,I f;IIIl.,. ,L' BltlnlEebtthlp;.O "cr8o\ In l}lear ill f.rllly wl'nderflll what. the I"dlps - ' . ne .dulAe , , . _ k IQ"nihlp i 3800. are -'lOOmpll"binlt wltb tlliA fiolsh . . . Gra.' "rao&D.,.. ~d wire to A~na U malEM ao old floor lco" llke Dew . I:OL&Y"S ~ON&Y uul TA...... Britbt ; '1 0' 1D I'raQkUD; 1i0j), ' Old fnm1tare IUld wood work bro't .& Telle. ~ .BefaM .,bIII".rolap ad ~ II. Cheaoweth to . to Pr....,.. en., II, . (WhuiM. Kee... .; 88 ~ t. 8ee ••mp_atl. n'.Oh......
ute.· .
" .Gra nd H OlDe ·Co ltlin~ nnd . Reum on of for mor Re!'HhmtH lit
. W a:v nesvi' 11e '\fee k 1le g ln n i n ~ An ~ n t-' t . . 1 ~JO() .
....., ........
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form n nd IJj " hin ~
!l'ill II~\ .. , ;,I is h. Il1i~ <]ltkkly <,r '" IhIJr" "l;hl y tI ~
D r. C a Id ' U's . we
S yrup p . epSln I L·Q..or a lIu I1 1
• . '
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'I. t~ . s r 'me,ly I~ ~he
lll M t ' :nl lllll'l one o b la!ntlbl" (or "II Itver "nu kll, <I .."" (rUtt blc~. pO!iScs~ 'l1g r-r pert ie~ \\' hkh drl l'e It d,rectly 10 t h~ ntfe~ led part s·. Better than p ,lIs .. m ls. S;,I ISH n ,lll:luseous purgu tl\'~ s ",llIch tl)!~ ru\, "l(; ,·o lllii. tl on~ . I~nd 1t'lll'e Ih e sulr"mr in worse cond Ition li m n hdure.· . Fu rm er IlftH~ t NI on .~, now w " nnd saud tro n!:, puy clo'l"c ,lt I ril II. h: I" it "(' I\icIlC Y p Ow er
D1CCA I ~ D \\' r::1 L'S S\' R P pr.-p"
". ' . • I ', ..., IN cnD be ~~~ ~l tJ~rl In " "tit t\ " I1"TlIl)d hnlr· d olla r Sl1.CS Inll" .nll ell'l" ·!.:'_:" . : You r mO)n~y wI II .be I'dutt ll cd If It does DO! beDe lit YOII . . Vour PO ~ tl\l l.'fH"
will b t lnf! h,· return
?ur .. ow b, .. .vl' ·I. " n it. (' \ I.I" .I' E I.I.·" Iitlll " Oi' WI I ' IJI It S" ",,<I r. . .•• II' 1>le 10
hI . 1t
t hose WIHJ hll n' I \' 'I t r i4,! , t 11l.a; \', \) u dcch&l nmedy . \Vr l! ' ''1 I! I"~! J " ,
PF.P 5~ " " n: ~ 'p CO. ' rt .... .. 1.(:0110. II I' k(ols
Cru s hed Corn, W I1 uro g r indin g crulllH~ ,1 ('1 11' 11 e very (ltiy. We 1111" )1 !,:r uutlll t t' l'd t o exoh nn gB if you h !l \'/l nOt tim I.. wai t,. V ur feed ex, hlln~ o I;; I un O il' a t oll or CJH:lh htl sis . . If ;YO U htl va nOl· t,r l pd nul' crtl~ b l,!d torn oull'lD ri ~ t1 1l it IInd ·.yuu wi ll ~HI' ha t it ill the Iin "~ I, 1', "-d vou ,IV t' l saw . ' Wllynf's vi ll e Mi ll "
It' .. I' f'u I.. . _
1J,I'. 1 ~~ . • I ANN . .
or di sc,~sc~, and
1':1 l1 tt ( 't
bC I t.l' r w ith lit as~i s tattL'(, .
~t; t
Dr. l\>lik;;' 'I11 'a r t Cl tl t strength ens weak h ea rls. "nri rarely ever hils to .clI re Itc;'I rt di casco T ry it., and :s r.e how qlli~k l y yo u wi ll finu rel'c f. ".<\ bout J,i nuBr~' l s I. J ~ O . 1 tonk \vlth wru kn ,q and d r l)!H' nnll grllc,lun lly gre w wonH.\, I W(US laid by m )' ( ll m lly Ilhyslc.,l" l h n I Ill)' entia
c'l ow ll
was IIO\'ft le.l4:i. M y n efg hh'JI'!4 hilt! (rll n. l ly h:_, gl V ·n 1110 up t o dl(lo My Ilmh. II n,l body we r o " wIJ II ~Jl . (' · OI1~ . t h 'rd l u"g~r t ho n' 11'' ''''0 1 \j 17.~. [Lntl W !l l (: r h all cp1l .('t('d 'nr'JIlIlf I my II p'~ r· t For (I t Ic;u; l t hr',I«1 m Ofl1 h'"l ~ h ' ,d't l) si t pr opp~r1 , 1Jl) I n 4 11 ,/1 t o I<L r l'I I01 riOl tH h ... ('rll1~~ 1 se nt ( Qr n lfJ lt l ' H or Ur. Mil es H eart lire, ',",d lIy the ti m.,. r h nd t a.I( ('I U thcm nil t W:t~ en tl rel v curc,I. ~ f c I bel 0) 1' lh n n 1 h lL\'O (.ir t w en t y yenrg, nnd I fi m n bl t'J t o do I\ n )" kind or worl, on "',1' !;Irrn . lily nttontllug IlhYHlchtn 1f' I,1 I'll " , ,,"l I( It Iwdn· t ""en (or Dr. ~lI i\'" ' I r 'n rt ure
'I 'I'
1 wuultl n o w \)0 In my RrH \-,'. '· , \ L. '1'. U R D. " ·lIlIIoro. ~ >'. Or. ' Mlles' H oart Oure Is so 'd by you r druggl . t, who w Il l g\(arantee tha t tho' fi rst bottle w ill ben efit. If. It fal ll he wilt refu nd y our money.
~iies Medical Co.. E lkhart; Ind
Cincinnati & louisvilr.·
P. Y.
. . , ('1I11 g-1i!
('1) )(1 Whilll Huii l·ill !!tl Burg' j'
,. I" I' . . . ' . (;ri p t~uick l ,\' \{ Il ,w k u Ont.. . .1' 'SOrllO weflk ... '1/.~" d ll"jlll! 11\0 1<1' .' Mr : \VU I 1 111'S . ~'Utl l'l rf.;IIU , proyi.o ., vere wi nteI' w, tll.II'·r h til 111\' ",lfU[ (\11I h ~1 11.11111 tit l.!lllplllltll . Ontm'IO' 1 Ilnd rn vso!1' 0 (,1111" ' " :0 ', .11 , eVp.f,' culd .. "'II ~ : " 1 "Iulghl, II 8f' V . 10 lh, \(1 ~vllll! whioh ~ JlI1f\(lilv li e 1-..1, p " li i,, ' ,1 tlw l ltlll1tlll lf II 11IIrg ltlf '" Ih E\ t"J'PRt. ;v,'r~t, 11111" ,,{ I'L ;,:r i)ll " '" th 11 ,1 it. 1 ~I' WI1I' I ~ I' . III.~ flli l fll'"I',tn p: /If ('h". t~1
' n l ~I" 'lIbh;) '\V .. lllf;tl r'tJ .. . .. :-11 \'!'4 ~[ " . •1 )I"r )11 ~ ~ 1 ' I~T J! I l{'; ll lP(, .V ', l frll~d If'_ L' E ~ I e:oa"I n n it 11\"I} II I )1, . I.J' ll h \.1 1115, 1O W II .. j ,wd 1 1:.1 , \.Va ua \l<lr 11l~l t nL! t \\',) 'mu• ll~ I h. n ttlps • 1
TO ALL IMPORTANT GITIE9 · South.. . South~ut, • .... ·SOUthwest. RDlIUEEKEIII' TIeKEn "I .~ ... "." AND THilO TUEWYI OJ! • UCH lIONTH TO MANY .• . fCllNn IDUTII.
l~rnp f\ pi \' '\IIT\'rl I hi li r"1l 1 I r.r 1!!I_1lon and·Rau. A~ !=Iir k hentIll nkp r .. ~. u!t~ (1' /1 111 " 11" " K" N'I' tlll(l i" il l I>' "l,IIi "1{ til tlf:lrlOI! I ~ OIrH . hl'II11 ~ t' PI"' c) " 1" f'v"~ lIn l l n Ode ed~' iSlOl'e ml pfl !'~ ll(I(' ItI \1 .\· fUI' ~~(1I~ ItIt R I rlln!!6ID On l Of ' lIP " In rn llC'h ',, "r1 i" 1· 11t1 l l i n g . " ' 11 h JI\I " r "" ;,, " I H' !I~ uf I1l1d oolds Jt ~1' 11l lIOn",:" IIl l fl l't'lll' vp .. PAUL BJtOWN. T. P. ACHAS W•.ZELL, D.!P; A- . cllr~'l hy ( ·III1,"IJ, ·..-Jui n ·" ·o.;( " rt l>'('.\ I . 11111,. li nd I"" M I " la~t.:tln IlsiJl~ II e ve r e ellitl Itl I ,·'_~t' t' l nl ~ t hlill Cinclnn&l&. . one! 1.1v.'r T u hl BI!! ~, . Id III' F . C . 'I ' b I \. . l' I f' 1 I I IIfly ~ l ltrll , t'rHII": " Hilt "" ' UU't( V, t l t 't .o1.hl1l· J ' t lf"l' .' UWLl't, "."U l A tl fu\'ol' .., ~Il c b wllrtz . W A. OAIUt.ElT, aa...a Mua~_ in" I,h e M.lIt .... w i l it " I\ " " blr' ,j" se qf 1 W l e~ vel' ItI' St1pOJ'lor xcallen,·r. 1 W. C,llIlIIBARIDlII. a"p.A, . I; h ll ll l hl;Jfhll" ' . ~ I· " · .. ,,d l /L ilt! Liver h,n!<~)I" 'IlT11~ ku own. For ,8111 (1 by l!' f Ttl"I"t.~, '"11 1 III' II ~ 111 ",,',01 11M" ,;,,,,,, . r l\\'~ll' 1. 1 QncIe..-IoQ;; no Wl l r~oi tlll'l r.ll '" r,e fl'il)l tl (lI~e 00111 )11111:"11' If .. "k ,·d"lt l· ,.hf' )!di"" ' !'!!!111!!'!!!!'!!!~!'!!!~~~~~"""!~__~~ ~~~~~!!!!~~:~:::! is PiI ,,!! thl\t .. 1Il!c r-." l tt.e LII ve.lI·s '0111 lay" . S n hwII I· I1. I. 1_.' TbenLwnillld\'iMedtn IIl,pl y ' Bu olt ' }'> len's Ar niclI ~a!l'tI . •l nll I'":ll' thllll U I::I() • E UW NER r. \ ,.t . l' ~'i N ' G 'lJr i, box perm",n uutly ctued m e, writes S hould pr0t ect tileir .pr operty fTlltll V E'['Il:H IN t\ [t Y ::; lHH~ [ON . • • •A , lYJ.. ; v . • L· S . Nilpier . of Rugtl tl~, K.v. l::Ielll!! poor., ; IlIO way of Rayi ng t h ut L,'bll,, ()lt . C11i'o. R ILlUII) ILLEI,OlnO all wound!!, Bur ll S IIlId Sores like t hey !<b oold SI)cc1 fy G reeD 1:\011 1 LI 'till lJe CIl llAl1 imy h oor, d'L~ or 8 1" £01 A L'flES : Dl8IDA8RS 08' W OMIIlN magic. 2(/0 lit E . C. Sohwartz, dro g I qltidl Paint in t lleir cont,rAots. ni /{ltr, Bo 1.'\ I 13 II lind Vlllley gist. I For an le by J . E .ho ney . Phon K: VII,· \' Ph 10( II . 2;1 . , ANl> OfULDIlEI)I.
acnes an d rheu.
cOlfle from eAor Url O acid In the '1 due to negl ~c!ed
who this ( 111'11; 8!i .·.lii,fli1lr~ Is you r pltl s e w~nk. 't no ',:u\\', . ..... hu dOll't kiln"" t1mt EleotrlO BIt. too fa t. or does it "I,;p n. "<'at F tarll [1ur( 8ell uuohe, Hil iOQnAIIS, II.. Do you II:wc sliorll'c' nf lnrla, Chili!! lind F v,\r. J atl ndtoo. \lv!l l 0113LII, ()i:<l1.hll\~fI, 'rorllid Liver. "~e?~h , weak or .hlln:::ry q':· .h, /< it l e ; cnmplu,int>!!" Gr' ner'al lJeMO. fambng l ~molhcnng or rh". ;:1''' ty aD I FIl IIllLll) we 'l.i{.ne!lsefl. Une. sI>~lls, pa lpi tation, nttt : ri:lj~', qllullel[ US II genorul ' rnoic Ilm l Ap. pa l11S arotlUU the heart, ill ~. i,J c . I e tiz ~ I' !o·· \\'('I IK pel'8111l8 n.nd (lsp80' and shoulder; o r hurt \.... \I e' ll , 1111 1.\ III ' f h tl' 'od . It Induoe!! \lound ' ly ing on left idc ? 'IJ.-i-. -~.Qa._~- Il'. ,(;J,..--~ ' II ~ I. t.. I~ ric o nl y flOc. If. you 'have an .... of t11(, ~ C SYl11plonil; your h c;rt i!i II'NII
b,v l
J ,\ l ' I Ie lc nel',
"vV L'
M '
an !Ullmal "Ir and laid down In thp IItraw with Utt' l a Hd eow. Sho bellowed all nlgbJ cauae tin! sacred bull, hl!r hUlband, had be.. n atta · hed for d4)bt Rt Vt c k ~hl\rlJ, hil t whl'n pn got tn tho CAr In bls shIrt SIC)(I""8 Rnli humpcli h is shouldt'rs \lP on account ot th e cold, the cow thought mAY bel ~ he hntt be n unnecessarily nlllTnl!'d , a nd. may bl) pa ... as her hu.
IItead XU BODBB ILL • \I !P'put A tb Ink8l' •• FranCis DaMn, SUCCESS. Wbo WWI a very learned OIIl.D, 111\111 III li n essny an UI I,atl'b "tblll "bove 11.11 IhlllllS (Irll!'r und dlstrlbutlun IIn,l aln· 1' gl\ug 0 111 "f Illtl·t ~ I.. till' Jtf!' of de~Jllill'll. For hp Ih u t duth nol rth·id,· III U) LM. III WIlI"n RoolD, Tnlk tui, will IIC' Vt'I' 01111'1' w~lI IlIto bU1I11l1!19. '1\. . ' 1 St c1 I ,'bf'''~., tilllP Is 10 iUl va 1111111, IIUel nn , _ If BON. OE~BOE PECK ~in glng, or Pel'!l npr. u Y !II; , IIhK~us(lII l1bie lIIotlon I.> but IJellllllK Ihfl AulhQl' " Peo:k·. Bad 50, Abroad." e ~ b~ n d , Make~ Un e 11row l<:7 N ex t M ornl l\ l~ u ll' t l:n e w II wl ~., n :on {h ili IlIlcl It So ~he Quit bt> llowlnll!, Rnd laid down -Bas te Will Up6et tile Clllm lot Cu r II by -wnrc\ whon h' ~IIW ' 1I le n blls - And' a True Story of How ·the Vegetables Compound ; nnd eh l' w d IIcr <'\111 ti ll daylight. WIlo le IIny- Deg in t be' Day L eis- I IIl n ~ fu n (,OIl l'iU S \c 11 , ~ tll y I' ll ll l.. T he n whc.n sb e 5o'l\\' lhllt pit W A S an· ul'ely-Tn ke Plen ty o( T i me to Ihal wa IIIIl Y Dllih lin cn ll Ihl' UO IIOI'.'· Had Its .Birth and How the "Panic of ''1l'' , otll l)r Jl TOlon HilI) got mAd a nd t'hI\sed D ress I\l1ld E nt Bren k fn s t . If $I) b'1'Ont :l rn:ln i111 Sir F'n\ n "'~ ~e Show DO e;J P oor Buain e&8 In the him ' 111' 11II0 ' Ihl) roften ot lbe car. Buuon 1I10 llg nl It ",,.11 l\I !lut with dl" It to b~ Offered for Public Sale in Brug Stores. South- Pa Side Traoka R OiI'OU& l\ nd h hnc) to rld p Iher e until t~ 1\ " I\.tAHU ,\ !H'; ~· !:: . ,, :-;c: ~ ' I' I·: K . IIh ~ ra ll o ll Il lld IIU(p Oll t h l ~ .IIl Y ~ \ Ith CIU' Filled with CredJ tot:S-A P er- traIn go t t o lI \ nmphis . . The hR nds rl'S' (\ "(1)1'\ '111 , •"";. loy J U" ·I.I\ H ~, ~ \, et .) fol't·t hulIll hl . Ilu Y(I\I n OI t hl nl, t hll t ~orm&nne Given' " tor the P oor," oued pn. liut be got away from th e P ' l1 l) lo)10 I;U11I9 III I'JI~ b I f,'u \\' 11 0 0 ~rhulllgl rl 9 Il k .PI' IHI\I III' ,11111 b" r ThIs remllrknble woml\n, / whose resl.ore tho fllmlly tortune . They nil righ t: creditors mn It! 'n nalUe ",lIS E,qtes, WItS bo rn in arKu'd Umt I he medlelnu which wa.s 1Nlls tho Treasury-A W,Ud Wen h r Ill'HW 1\ I' prolty fac~' v IS IIU" k- fr ll' ntls may a s woll ;10 110 .. ~ 1I 11'~ '! W e Ul ade .11 n w lo t of cr.t'd lt ors at ('1'0 11 . 11 r lllo ll l U tlrou lJcl1 III t h ~O l·- · Afl I' lilY tul k with bp I' I hll d it 011 1 1,y nu, Ma,s •. F bruary 9lh, 18 l1l , com- so g oot! l cl!' the ir wo.nnn f l'ia nlt s und lIlan Bun co .. the' Show. ;\1 (' ml1ht ~, And tll!'y' pr opos d \0 go uers. a n(\ s ll\' b,..1 IIlll10 t the' ,'ITeN of wll h m ~·se l t. I 88111 ; I ,\'IIIHIM If 1. ing fro!D 110 good old Quaker' f luuit y. 'wigb uo.r ~ W lUI eql\UUy good for tha For S O Ule ,V I'urs she ht Ii ·hool . und women o r th e wbolo world. ~. but th iS s bo,,' b as bN' n li p a long with U6 . but we shook th m orr. be ln~ 111 II ' (' I'), oad 1 ~ 1I11"'I" . l' ull ulullCl I Oil . "lI nnot t UI'D Ii n ('w I "' hAre. \V 11 ' bccamu 'knoWD U 0. WOIlllUl 01 uu ale rt Tho J>illld lllms bad no money 'and Gce. 1111 1 we OJad e n k ll1in~ In !liem' a gal nat H. t bo lR!\t weele. ~-o hll "an 't Is o ut' Hr wy !I I' all's t ( 'I"'"' llC' ~, alii I I o ldt! r penple ma y I\..'I woll b'; fra ll l.. IiLUe ered it,. Their firs t, mad e n pa ying sta nd a nrwh e r ~ . T he I1h l5.' atlll don ·t ~·o u fo rget It. Vi e ba d \Vl\~ SUIT), 111 SV '3 .lhal wi It h ~ r Itl!' " t' !l o lIo t al wll y,s ~!' I I h~ gll'IK Ih ,' wu" t ho Idtcb e n, , ...hero roots lind ahow business Is a l\ rlgbt wh t'n YQII bandhlli. on a ll th p wago n ~ In t be pa",illd w a III Ihe e;I... . " ",t,·"., "I .... Irlh I lw.1 oxn lllple w h n tl)" mutt I' I ~ f) ne h e rbs w CI'e teo'ped on the sto ve , bye 10 t urn Il('o p\e away, Qr let them riltle, tel11 a g th people t bat t he p rob n~ !iO U!' WI'lHII:, ~ l' de: r ?" ; b" id, "n x- I "r u II llIn lll j; Ih,' .Iny '. gruclually 1I111ng a gross o f bottles. I n 1)11 standin G r oom. Thcn yoU can ~e dll of t he af~ rn ooa a nd ,evellin g 10 IlSI ), . " Wll h Wh lllll II rc YU lL " P Ao li Th(,re Is J,; rt>lll r o m t orl tn doln" 1l1lT 'th e n clime the ques tion of 8011 lug ISllIloII YOIl'r fh)gc rs at fat!', a nd dri nk p~ r C D r m a nce woui ll be gtven to d e ~erv it. for 1101 ways be.1ore tlley had gh'oo · II l1fl wh y :11'" yu u uu t or ~o l'1 s '" hp~ t and 10:l\' IIIK the re ~t. It o.way lrc ~ ly_ They h irc.d a job f oolish wa tcr ou t of fou r·do ll a r bot, lo g pel'So ns, 10 cha r it)-. and th e Inten· yo u 10Ht YOll l' IJUI·S" . 01' y 0 1I 1' phH'e In ... ~ Lo ng fl' II11 LV slIY P pit h ily: printer 1.0 run pi! eome po.ruphl "ls t] S o't Il z:, Ulat has th e co rk tral ne tl 80 tlOll \\'a to lis e the .money to pa y o rr t be I'l al'~ . 0 1' fh il" 11 put wllll YoJUI' "T r a~1 110 rtlltll·~. hr. w" ·.'r I'h' n ~.n t . !lottlng, forth the mcrita of tho medi. It ,..111, PO;) Ollt 01 a r to t be top or t h,e' the hand s. 1.1)'. but bow t be pcople ('1111111 . IJ I' ;> \'[> Y<JII I'ullv llle .1 th a t yu u I.~' I Ih,' 1I 1'"d r"oJ hll " ) ' Ii >< '1 0'''1. cine, DOW · onlled Lydia. E, PI))klllun's lent, an d . mak e 'a nol e t ba t Inakes t urned out. T be t~ nt s were a ll fuli , Ill" 'el' will ('(111 11111'1' Irl'l' I; lIl nr ·"c rus. o r ;\ " 1. '''' t III II." 11l' 11I>! 1'1' ~' · r. l . V{'gotuul e Compound, alld tb c8e "'ero 7 0U thin k you .own ' tile I'art h, but a nd we ~a d more mo ney lba.o wo bave our bnrnbn ck bi ppodl'om hOrSflN ,. 111\ 11 w ha t 1~ the Il W t l tl r ':" l i N" l ~~l~HI~1 ~::~"'~' IJ":.'I " · dhilriuu tcd by t bo PlnKhll1D S Oli S io t hey were lJeln g I tI " rounl! Dnll ntl· " ,[, h (' matter ." _ai d PCIIIlIII P'. " I ~ m y lioston. N ew YOl'k, and lirooklyu . A CLEAR ' C·OMPLEXION. m lretl . a nll we ull luughed ut til llttio moutbl y I·ClIl' n . I a lII il wru lly ( tI ~ The w onderful curat ive p ropc rtl s of run ts ot 1nMnn [lo uie!!. IIn il t h In· LU I' Il ~tl ,lUll II I iI , u:1l1 ubhlllll ('11 til "ll{I W th e lDedicitie \\' ' r~ . to B great exte n t , I'ou n t!at!oll P eri cQ(. CII'c\l la Uoli W h ,dl. sult' lIc1ver tis illll' , f or wb ocv r used it. dian a got mild nn d p ck d t~e lr IL 11 , h<Hlll'. II l1 d ! ' 111 a llg ry 111 ~li s R ; ults from P ro pe r Bl'enth ill ,;' rr cUlnmcnd cd it t o ot her" , Bnd the de . ponies. __ . wh,l mit::ht bll l'l' III1Hi, it a Ill' at ma nti R'l'aduull y Inerc·nsetl. 6n d A sshnllnUo ll of F ?oci. Pretty sooo Ihe rl\ces bc!:nn In thlt deal I)c lt I' If 0111. ~ h,. hl\ll c·hose ll . bul I)) 1877, by combined e fl'or tR tho film".('ant lot Ju st ou tgide th e town. T he I a UI 1101 OUll uf h ~ I' pelS. t 1J 1l " ~ lm tl Il y h ut! Bn ~ <l<l t' n mlgh ru o n ~ y to COin' old sh owm nn w ~ hn d bro u gh t li p rro m !:llOti marl;" 101 I,'rell' to lIn ti In aSlronI!: ""ry wo mall ,'a,n be ' II(' 1' ow n Hi C. m 'nc n ewspaper nd ,'crtb lub' an d from Mem ph is wns I."ud~· Dla Rlnr or cc ro- l' II' ),. ill id!!;{'ul'll II ud !;ruIlI N ry . Strlll £1'\Jl'iall~l- i f ~h" w ill llltll! I h ~ li m e. thnt time t h e growth a1ld S\ICCeAS ot ilion I s: aliso bo cOul d tal k ho etu\\', ,l ays, .111 )' \'/11)' . If nll t '''''I'y li ll Y . 11 1\ ,1 1'h l6 ,tOl'S uo l 1I1l1J] 1I tl l.:ll ~ h \' ilI U~ 1 Ne'. th e ('nlerpris were assured , unl il tonn ll ~ rn n r : ~hl' , nn d ot hl? r 11I (llon ja r- li N! t iun UI;\l·ll p.] B UIIU . , n ll C tlsl d ('I'rlal ll hOIlI',; III CI\C'b rill Y til II n- and InvC6t1 ~ atlng mInd, an 'earnest dn.I' Ly dia. E . P inkham U.1ltl. h cr Vege . ~n n . an d t hi ngs (lot I.hls r· 'I'h In, ml nlls. lind I Iw"" n Ol 1\ !<tll gl .. A 111 1 ,I t h e 11IIsl'lli cf 0 1' wrong It ,' I 11K. lIu '. seeke r Btte r lcuowlcdge, und nbo\' e ta ble ompound hov o beeomo ' h {>u5erli nlls wOH1u n·t run ilie lr po ni ~s' 1II0l'e t ll,' wtw l" mOlll h . ~I y i r ha lld II I t hAI " h ~ IIvtl II l'n 1.IOUII I !if4! " CI'y hOlI" nil. 1'0S9cas 'd of Ito wonderfully lIymp"- hold w ord" ever y wb ere , Ilnd w ooy to ns of roots nud h erbs Un! used annu. Ih a n . nn el"lIth or 11 mil e. or Il Qun r- OI (1 lb lij "(, I'Y l'l' ljrll \'i n g l ~· . tlll. 1 8lth l l hllt ur Ibe .I"y. 1101' I'"wlt rll ,vII I h " (he th et le nature, In 1Bt3 she lIIarrled I sallo Plnl,ham, a.I ly In its ntllnu fa cture, ter. nnd we cO II~e llted. \l rcnIl S(l t be po r £1 111'11 u rell'H'1 wa~ us greHt a '1\('1 1'11 ) e'() \'et ~ tl ooon . II (' Iuul' n llll pl"xill il. Ly" la E, Pinkhnm herseH did. not ~l n ll Y II lIIi~ ell~ - IIKI'. 1 w ,n Ull l ha ' Hat'- a builder lin" 1',,1110 tate o pcrlltor, pnd little Ih l ngs elldll'l luok as t holl :;h tl t'il l1 nll lu 'hel' lis It {'oultl lIu ~~l hi y b. thoir early' mnrried Ii fa ",lUi mnr lw q b." lhe to 6 e the Il'rcl\t SlI CCC8 S of th la l hey co ul d r un n ul ock . th ey w eI' ~o 10 1111'. 1I 1Ic\ sh e 11'IlStcii I \ u\lld d bl' _ I' in,'nt!" g uti ~'(.l lII ljll'x lo n 1(1 huste Itl prosperi worlc . !She l'nsscd to h er re ward ycurs ty and happlncas, 'rhey hBd t hin, au d sle p>" Pa \\'3 S II rral d the t er IIlIot her 1ll01l th , urHI nO l hayc 10 JI ll Ihl n g~. S he 110 S no t lal(I' li m ,> t.1 four child rcn. th ree sobs and 110 ago , but n ot tilt sh e had provided bll mllne soclely would trave LIS a r· t n l s neh;) r{' 'o nt tw m li gn in. IJ rerllh o pro p rll'. to s I ~ t ber fll< ,I daughter. menns l or continu ing h er worl, M n8 she could b a re done it reste tl to r cr uelty to IInlmals. All ou r "'Poss lhly. 1'0 11 lope,' stl sn ili. ' yo l1 rnrrrU Il Y, lo lu uslicato It JJe rr~ cU Y , lJr I.) In. tho~e 11'00(1 old fashioned days it effcotlvely fellows wore p ro\'ld ed with mooey, ore gradetl too hl i\h n nll wnnhl better a djus t h r clot h Ing hy gl ell ll'n l\ ~'; 11Il.1 WIUI commo n for m olbe ra 1.0 mali c herself. DurIng her long und eventful ellp8IIn l1 tbe y flas h d rolls ot bI lls In t ho d rOll Sc)1U of you r wor k nnd fnll buck 110 1' 1l ~ i l\l uerullnlls lhil l Ibo masse ur u r theIr o"'n home medicines from roots faces or th e Ind ians , and finally Mr. In to n luwer C'IU5S',' Do you wonrt er." Ihe rle rll.\1lOlnglsl rIl IUO\'C t il Ira ('iI o!' and herbs. no.ture·s own remedleB- rJeol)e sho waa o\'er' metbodl Clll In her ' calling' In Ito physician only in specially ~vork and she '''us alwnys'c areful to pre· In dian would r.eacb down und r hl3 sto rm d P Cl ne lo pe. " Illut I aw (ul'lous ? hor OW II fo ll y. urlrent cases. By tradition llnd ox- serve .. record or every eaae tbatCllme 1.0 clot hes nnd pull out a r oll, lind wet \\'bo would n't be?" . 'r b t' foull dll tlon of II G ood coml,hixIO:\ The Sacred Cow Chased Fa Up Into t he Ratters of Ule Oar, nee many or thom gained 0. won- her uttention . The OlUlC of evory slok his t humb and peel off b ig ullls. Bnd Is 1\ perfeot c lrcl1la tlon. nocl perfe ci peri derful knowledge of the curative prop-. woman who llpplied to ber for adviee"1 hardl y se ' . tlea r cbUrI ." auwb,e n you strike tlle sout hetn cOllntry had In a mont h betore. !llld alter lbo be tor we k new . It we were Il\\' cs tl ng c1 rcul alkln Is th e r Cls ult or pr')ller' and thero were ' thou~nds-re celved el·tI «;s of the various roots and herDS. whel e tbe . white men bave not sold performa nce a t ni ght tb o mayo r a nd l~ tort une In t be rae Ing game. Th on Bwercd. " wh y you s hOllld be fur ious. brell ih ing. I)cr foct IIl1s llllllutl on of fa d st\ldy. und the details, Includ· Mrs. Pinkham' took a great Interest caroful the rnclng began, and tbe hor ses wero as yo u call It, a ltho ugh I th lu k yo ur und m Uoll lI] aX llrl'lse. Ing sympt<)ms, treatment and r esults th Ir cotton a nd tb'e negroes hav o 1I0t aom e gromill 'nt citi ze ns walte d on t he in tbe study of roots and bcrbs, their were recorded foriutuNTefercnoo, and IM!en. paid ror plckJ ng It, the audi ence managemeot an d a81led wben a nd Rent off at ilie drop or a hnt. or tbll ulJfortunate tea che r bas " eI'Y I'i gbl to The wornn n with t h e ro lo rless fa ce. characteristics and power over disease, to-day be Ind lg nnnt. Whn l Is Lhe reasu n t ba t these records, togetber with looks 1.lke a poll Ucn l caucus In an ' off wbe re we w.ere go ing to dl strl bule tbe tir ing or a IIlstol. . She mulnt.a.lned that just as no.ture so I was given some money to bet with YOll b a \' e do ne 50 badly? The wor k Is the Hn llo w s ldn. th e womtl u who _b Oil 'bouutHully provIdes In the harvest- hu'ndreda of thou8anda made s ince . ar" year. when there Iii nobody wlUl money to t be deae r\' llIg lIersons. pimpl es herll and hla kbea ds Ibere. 0,' available to sick .... omen the world Th e manag rs appol nled pa to stand the lit tl e Indians, cause pa said WII nol too mu ch tor yo u. your health Is re il b lotch es on he r ta ct nud pa rti cu- flelcls and oreh.ros ?eget.a.ble foods of over, and reprl10sent a ?ut collabora. :JIlouey enough to stimulate tbe votera. '1Vbeli the audi ences are small. and olf the commIt tee. Pa said be bad DO' wanted to get every dollar In tbe pe l·te t, aud yo u oug bt to be at th e la rl y on ber nOHe, should ' sweel> cos- all kinds ; 110, If we but take the pains tlon of Information regardllrg the hall the people In attendance g t In tl ced, In walki ng nbo}11 tbe city. a Irlbe. for If we dh!n' t get It the In. head or YOllr class. bringing home re- me Ics from her dressing table ti n" gl) to find them, In the roota and herbs treatment of woman'8 I\Is, which fop ot the field 'here are remC!dlcs e.- authenticity and accuracy ean luU'dly .on bill-lUcker's passetJ, and you can·t beautlrul park In tb e center or the ,d lan8 would spend It for ftre water. 110rts s Jlrlnld ed all over with A's, lik e below l he s urface of h er. s k in fot t h preasly deslll'1led kI cure the varioull be equaled ·111 any librAry in . .,. the help regularly, 'but bue to town, and he told the committee thaI Tbe firs t race was between one of our sta rs In t he s ky or da is ies In II 01 adow root ot her muggy omplexlon. Ills and weaKnelllel of the body,. and . .land them oft with promises, you are hla Idea was to ha ve the deserving best runners aod a sleepy IItUe 8110t- In June. ¥ou must be s hockingl y it Wal ber pleasure to.earch theaeout, world. Nine chances out at ten. she ha'l W.lth Lydia E. Pinkham worked hllP 11able to have a atrlko any mInute. people gather at tbe park the next t~d pony, and wben tbe bat waf c:a rel esB. or you WOUld. gel on In scbool n ever lear ned bnw to brenthe. Somn and prepare almplc and elfeetl?o medlcines for her o",n family and frienda. daughter -In -,I";"" the present lI~rs. 'The people yOU owe fol' hotel bille, and morning, w!ilch was Sqnday, and wait dropl,led the ' pony made a tew Jumpa all well liS .a nyon e " Ise. Where I th e Cblel of thue \11'88 a I'IU'II ~omblna. Plnkbam. She wa.scarefullylnstructed bone feed, and supplies, follow you 'there unlll tb e managers of the show and waR off mle a rabbit, and our loose plli nk.? Somotblng Is wrong In women brenlhe tbrough th e moulh ell 'from one town to anotber. tbreatenlng could count tbe mon y, and prepare horse couldn't see him for tbe dust, your wa y olr working. If we could lind cluslvel y. Oiliers never- use the lowe~ tiOD or' the choicest medicinal roots In ail her hard-won knowledge, llnd lobes ot ili e lungs . nor employ the and herb" found best adapted for tbe' for years she aaslated her in ber nat. 1J> attacir the ticket wa«on and levy to . dlstrlbu Ie It, honestly and Impar· and our . heJrso was distaneed. The Ollt Ju st wbat It Is nnit where It Is w e . on the anlmalM. It takes diplomacy tlally. wIth tbe advice of the local next race resulted the same. and all might melld It. Don 't you think I!O?" muscles or th e dIaphragm. Their curo or the ut. and weakneues peen. correspondence. 1I.dothefe m~lelleJ:,andLydlaE. l'inkTo her handa naturally fell the "YOII lire very O~OSB ," 5 Id P n elope, bodies s tarve for oxn:en . und Ibe ,!JO N!1 ' bam's .and unadulterated gall to run a sbow. committee. Tbllt seemed a\l right, and day long we never ,",on a race, and the friends und nelghboMl learned direction of tbe work wben ita origin ... or t he ir skin tell th e 1lI1e. We are playing now to get back the committee notilled tbe citizens to Indians took ollr mon ey and put tt "and not a single bit sym pa lhetl . and that her compound relieved and au red tor passed away. For nearly h iv entyin tlrelr pants and ne ver smiled. The I wIsh I bu(ln 't .;ome. Bul ma )'be t meet In tho park at nine o'clock the an& It became quite popular among BYe years Bhe has continued It, and 1nt o , tbe northern states, bu ~ we bave them. nothing In the work shows wben the to. teave an animal of some kind In next morn In!!. and recolve tbe money old sbowman we bad berrl ended. migh t get on. ' ns you ca ll It. a lillie FOR A SCALY SKIN. I I finlt ·Lydlu. E. Pinkham dropped her bett r If it wasn'l s uch lin rei wor k to the hands of a sherltr every day. tbe citizens had so klDdiy contributed see med crusbed . All thi s 80 far waa<lone free. y. '" \h- pen, ond tile present. Hrs, Plnkbt.m, Wben our ntoney was n early a\1 sta rt In th e mOl'lllng. I 11m so slee py Virtues of the 011 Doth-Bow fo USI out mou ey and without. .prlce, 114 a nOlvthemothcl' of a large futillly, took wblllh has been all right 80 far, cause to such n noul e cau8e, and they \Veot _ gone to tbe confounded Indlalls . an,) thllt I Cllnllot wake up wben I am and Make a Good Skin W1) have steered tte· sberjlh on 10 ele·· away. labor of lo.e. It up. WJtb wpmen lUlSillta~, IiOme as Our show bas got out of a good th e lIun Wall going down, be went liP call eel : I.hen I bave to scr11.01hl p F d "hants that Jrave cornB so they are no But In 187~ th., financial crlslsstruok capable as herself. thc present Mrs • . pa and sa id : " Un 91e, what does thl 'ough dressing a n ~ brenl<fasl a nd 00 . lr to many tight places, but we n ever' got Lynn. I ts I ~ ng o.nd aeye r ity were too Pinkham continues thlsgreut ....ork and good except to eat. one zebra that Wall muoh for tbo lurge realeatntelntorl!stll. probably from the office of no otber 'made up by 0 pllioter. who pafnted out of a lown 8 0 quielly and unosten· thi s al\ mean. I tbou!fllt your borses I fa irly fl y tel reaoh sohool In li me. Very A dr ' s 1 kl-i d l t tb of the Plnkbum family . . . this eln68 perSon havo 110 ma~omtlA been ad'ortelt wh en tb ore I fin d Ihat I lI a\,0l ) cn Y s n n ea es 0'\ tho strlVos on a whIte mule, and olle lion tatlously ns we got out at Memphis could run ! " Pa said : "Damtlno, never w_s De forgo t ten III book th nt I need ,' 01' m y I:.;n a nd ~~~iue$ ure In tlec ~ of Ild\rr- of buslnei!8 1!I\lf'rercd most from .,Ised hO\9 to regain heulth. SIck wot hat was so old he will never sell at during that carll' Sunday morning. pads lI ocl l~en c\lS, an d I 11 111 so Ull t menlo s may be S UP)) led Dy the fearful depression. so when iheCenten- mon this u.clVico·\s "Youre for Uealtb" forced sale ror enough to pay tor the Tbere was not noise eoou gh mn,de get· horse raaer, nOhOW," nlal y ear dawned it found their prop- frceiy given If you only vl'rLte to a sk Wben ollr money W8.8 a\1 gone. anil that It tnlces me rli Dlost n n hOnr to I \Ise or a good skin rood for th!! ra~CI erty b ed tea tb'e 8herltt will hav e to reed ting ou·r ' stult to the tratn to wak e up Bwept IlWo.y. Some other source for It, ' our horses were nearly dead from rafeel qlliet nnd composed 1\Iy dllY ~d nee k, a lld art r your bal h Il li 011 a policeman . and before dayllgbt th e h im . of Income had to be fOJlnd, Sucb Is the history of Lydln. E Plnlc. tigue, the managers all go t toge tlrer som how runs orr t h ~ ra I{ . e~'ery ·lI b. Tlle re Is nothing more bcn ellc la l \\'h n creditors In a town get too different 5 cllon s of tbe train bed At this point L ydia E, Plnlcbam's ham's Vcgetnble Compollnd" mado mod Ilnd threaten to attllc h tblngs, eros . ed tb e big bridge Into Arkansas, In the big tent ror a con suftatlon 011 .mornlng a lld floes not· get bllck lI nlll'l ~b,an a n a ll bath ; It w nes up th e w hOle Vegetable Compound \Vas made IID0wn ·from simple roots Md h e rbs; tho ono ' 1.~) S Le OJ. It Is not nece~sa ry to u e to t he world. grcat medioirie . for womeJ;\'s oiJrn nts, w e invite tbem to go along wlt.h us ror lind were 00 tbe wo y to' th e Ind ian Dnances. and It was th e IIlltldcst s ig ht the aft m ooo n!' Bbl ' I I' I ' _.. more t h811 t'll'O or throe tn bll\s poon fut s The three 80na and the dangMer. and tbe fit ting monument to the Dobl. ~ few day s. ami get thei r money wben Territo ry. Po and t he' o tlter man· I eve r saw. Pa tried to be cheerrul, . , " . I .. Y t s t Ole ene ope s scowl b.... of oil lit o lle baln. Be 'SlIre nn d " et n with their motber, combifled force s ~ womll.Il whose .name It bellrs. . \V II Mtr ille a paying s tan d. a nd W A Agers were 'O n th e plntform or tbe last nnd h e ~a l d. Well, we '11'1 I glY- thll vnnls hed a nd she (l implell nnd IJI US hed l . " 011. R ub on wI th t he h n n d ~ , nnd .'!r~ to furnish them a P ullman car car at th o last section . as It pulled out evening pe rformance , and when t!le an. d fI na II Y Inllg b Ole.I' lik' 0 th e sweet . pOre ' II i I ' lin, l R mo~.tly u~ o rbet! . dryt ng of! India ns are all . In tbo tent, we call , GOOtl-telu IH r.eU !lll'l sh e Is. turn out th e light.!! and turn llle bOY8 I, ... ' .: .wt UI n b IIV Y sott towel. .\Ins8Ilgo' lbe and msybe ' th ey ' 1 1' 1 11 • Yo.u tiel\! , I salt!. You h a ve put · /3k lll foci d well In Lbe fn t e u~ io~ t he Icase on tb em. . . .. vo ur tln "er ri ' h L o n 'tb e k I ' <> NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER fin rl 80m n or tbe money In tholr br eoh # . " Ii \V,ea 8 11 ~. co on bUll r skin rood. It cun he ensclout8.~' . . Your whol(1 IrOl.lbl o COnt" S frOm no t be- lI y p repared. and .I t prnl1 erl y user,! t be . " Yo u dun 't mean . to rob t bem, 110 gln ni ns t h 11!, y urlgh L res ults ar ve ry gooel . Prl!Jl!I re as (01you?'" slIld the boss cnnvassman, and • • • lows : LII IIOIIII . nine ou n ce~ ; eoco:! butpn sal~ : "No, no : far from It. We So ma ny s 'hoOlglrls b nve xneUy th e lllr,one-hnlt oun ce; ' whi Le wax . five ~I SCII!NT1FIC"MD MODERN EXTERNAL. COUNTER·IRRITANT '11'111 borrow It or tb em. It Is no barm .ame u'ouble t h Elt I wonuer v e!')'; Dluel, ounces; perrnnroLl, Olle-bHlf ounce : al A OUICK, SU R E,SAFE A ND ALWAY S READY· CURE FOR PAtN lO borrow from an Indlnn," WIJ )' it Is tlllli th clr moth ers and laRch - mOllcl a ll , six ounc.e s ; wate r. nino DON 'T WAIT TILL T He PAIN COMES-K'EEP A TUBE HANDY IT ' WILL NOT BLISTER THE MOST DELICATE SKIN Ju st th en the treasqr er came In with era tlo ' [I t h III thew ou t o r It, und oun ces : bora x. r,o grams; three drops IT IS AI-SO IN OISP.EN~BL8 FOR CHILDREN an eml)ly tin ball h e hilI! carried ilie tbUl l,hal.1' own good se n ~e does nO l of a ll n ~ rtlll . F'use tbe InnoJln. COCO" money out .ln : and he said there would co Ole to the rescue. . butler. whl re wa x. s permarell lind 01be no US II of bavlng .an e\' enlng perTh e t ru t h Is tha i a successful ' 8Y mond oil . helng ca retul not to get too tormance. cause the Indians hnd taken for a B hool1.1rl begins a t· nIne 0' 'lock hot: test by lOll 'hln g th e linger to it : SUPERIOR TO .ANYTHINO IN u!>s FOR CHAPPED HANDS their poni es and squaws and money tbo ni ght bero l·c .. · Ait th a t hour she dissolve b(lrax In th e wll te r. pour Inlo AND LIPS AND TO ALLAY ALL . IRRITATION OF THE SKIN, A SOVEREJOIf REMEDY FOR SUN-BURN and gone toward!! tbe setting sun. and should Hal' gpod nlgb t to evel'yhOdy the oils, Rnd bOllt with Dover egg pa saId : "Wber!l Is that old show, and g( ~ to heel. If sbe bas had dinner beater until creamy : 8\Id neroll. beal mlln!" and lhe treasurer. IIBld : "He earl y Iud r elK .a bit hur::;ry. It will uoU! cooL. a nll pour Into jars . hos gone w1th tbem. He Is tbelr legal do \J er ti l) h arm to ta t{e a 1' 6 1'Y s hnple .advi ser, olld went down to Memphll luncheulJ or urend a nrl mil k befOre sbe A GAME O.F STATES. to rope us In to the game." goes to h I' room . Then with out unKEEPS THE SKIN :N A SOFT ANI!I HEALTH ... CONDmON AND PRESERVES THE COMPLEXION. EACH Of THESE due d ~ l il )' , !ill sb ould undress. suy ber WELL KNOWN PREPARATIONS CANBI! OBTAINED FROM Oft'cred a Reward. GAme of States May Be Used to Pair DRUCCISTS ~ND DEALERS, OR WILL SEND BY MAIL llnl YCl·S. pu t o ut t he II gb l a nd GO to !',frll. Grumpps-Dld you advertise tor bed an d l O) stee p. It Is th e wretched ON RECEIPT OF , 16 CENTS IN MONEY OR STAMPS Partners 411d Is L\ Good GuessJlXCHPTINO ~"PHOR lOB. FOR WHIOH SEND TEN CEln'S poor. dear. IIlUe Fldo ? Ing Contest. habit of sltt! n ~: up until b nlf- nas l ten CHfSEBKOUliH Mffi. CO.. 17 State Str~t. NEW YORK Mr. Grumpps-Yes. 01' 11. 10\ II warm 1'00 01 . wltb th e fam" Dirl you give a tull descri ption ot Here Is a clever game wblch caa, lI y Hl it{' l1 g . sing illg . playing gn mes or 111m ?" th e pl lll1 l1. m' perlJa ps s tudying too n1 5<1 be use d as (\ novel way 10 pal " "Yes." t hut mnl, 8 girls dl'{)wsy III .the llllrtners. On cards wrI tE' tbe follow The Pony Was Olf Liko a Rabbit. "And did you say our address w..· late. In,; , the key is gl ven below. mo·l'IIing. on .hls s il ver collar?" 1. Wbat Is lhe mORt rellglollS Rtatl? Sl eeping In an lIl -velltllll teil room '. and. all tboy can eat. That Is rather acrGls the river, at dayllgbt. and even "Yes," • 2. What III the Illost egotis tical lIta Ie r b el ps a·long. Be very s ure tbat you templ ln g to c:oll ntry lIeople, so we had that early It seemed a9 tbou gh th e " And did you ottar a reward ?'; a [ull car load ot creditors wllh us whol e colored po pulation ot Mempb is !lave fres h air to \)r!lath e wblle you ' 3. The fath e r of s tu I.e s? .I Yes." E A'" 4. The s t'a te where tho untidy s hou ld ~or a week, and w e gave t hem plenty was on th e way to th e park, to Recur" 11 m asleep. and protect yourself agn ln st tnII trolll D)'Bpepsla. In, " Whnt did YOU otrer~" live ? i o drinl{, so tb ey had the time ot their good position s, so tb ey could rece lvc If necessary. by wearfng a g~ r cold " \ said It tb e tinder wonld (eturn tbe 4IaeIU01l8ll4TooIIaart,J RAI SIN G ii. The maidenly state ? 1Ivea. bitt the y dldn 't get ilielr money. tbelr share of Ihe money. As tho troln collllr he might keep tbe do&,'·-N. Y. meut ur outing flann el 01' at so llie 6 . 1'IIe sta te tor s tudetlts? Aft er goinG wltb us all . througb got to tbe middle of the river, and Weekly. woolen sturr Instead uf too IIln n nIght RANCHING 7. The hest state Co r n,lners ? Georg ia. they beld an Indignation safe' Into ArkAnsas. the wllole man· 1 ress. If 11 glr·1 goes eurly to bed lind • . to UIe · JlOIl\!a, CoUeG II. T"e most unhealthy ~lI! le1 m~tLng In tbe car. and between blgh agement brea lhed a slgb or reli ef. 'l'he slee ps soundly all nlgbt, she ' will be A Flourishing} ~ PIIlD In Ure IItdIt. 9. 'rhe Iltate to cure the s lcl,'! b alls ' and cheese sandwiches th ey got hoss clinvass man' said : "It Is like getFrlend - Ho'w are you getting Aloua able to rlae ns soon as Mhe Is called. 1I::===~-.lTORPJD LJVm. . ~ Hom.a'.act Lancia 0' 10. The decimal state ? 'lI lcepy, and we BIde track e'd tbelr · car clng mon ey trom hom e," and pa said: now? Hl1IIte In I h e mornInG IIp~e t8 one terI'IIIW8te UlellOwell. J'WeI,r veCetable. WESTERN C.ANADA H . Best. In time of noo(\s ? . i 'n t.l!e woods at a station In Mississippi . ,·It Is like lakrng money from' the till Shnrpfello _ . Ftrst ,.,te. 1\I1\'5ln8 rlbly, dnd IIternlly pUl'sues one like n SIIAlL PIlL ' SIW.L DOSE. SIIAll PRICE. .Illn .1I"lIIa .. o~ C\l"'~I ... hf1l)'" jolo.. lo, 10 Ib'lI. .• fi end 1111 tlle resl of the day . l2. The st a te ot uatonl shm enL? whe'r e there was a post omce, saw mill cup of a blind 'organ grinder," and money hand' over tlst. .1 ..... 10 ",.... Itldl. 01 1I0ulDur. ;'Ind eed! You told me some 11m" &nll a cotton gin, I guess tbey o~ tbe treasurer. ot the sbow snid, as be .KEY. RI!le In time to take a sponge bath a.nuinl Must bur .. ~I·& .. boaed III "elDoretll'. pltuod .,Ib I,b' t lle re yet .unless Mr. Pullman's 10Bt put the day 's recclpts In tbe saf.e In ago that your trade no uald tram bead. to toot. to arrllnge your 1. MasH. ; 2: Me.; . 3, Pn o' ; '4. Wash.:. 1" ~ ITT Fac-Simill Signaturt . ~~:.::.'al" 01 ,... PUI ,,,!'IOD·. ~".a", '.. IlAr ' ellperts ba\'e found tbe car a.n d 't he business car : " It looks good to living wage~ . " bttlr, lind to bav(l II fe'~ lI'llllqull mo- Ii, MIB8.: 6. Conn. : 7. Ore.: 8. 111.: . fl. I"~R 4 ~~ OM";'~ . . . . . . ., ,•••aall•••.-~\I, . ~ rlyen them out with fire ' extln,ulsh· me." Tben they all tnrned In to sleep "Well. it doesn·t." menUI for ·dolvot!on. Never think of Mel.: to, Tenn. ; 11, A r:k. ; 12, O. PI I. ,~ ~~ ob..o...........' . .00...1.... . e rs. . tbe bappy bours away, tbat beautiful "Then bow do you make 80 mucJa leaving your room to begin any dllY . 'I'bllti Ibe era of 11.110.11.... Appl, .ro.l~tonD .. 'YILbout kneeling In prllyer to th' Pa cam\! pretty near b eing left In Snlllloy on the way lD Indian Ter. mon ey?" BORDER AND . C ORNER, ===~.~E~f~U~.~E~.~~~!~I~T~~~ '~~ 110. 01' eaoadlU ""UO""TIO,", • Otla_ Oall&da, 01TaIIJ)S".. \0 ... 'bOrllld ~w "Teaching oUlers my trai1e."-N, Y_ Heavenly Fatber Wbo h as walch ell t hat ClIr . with tile creditors In Mlssls· rltory and Oklahoma. eram., l ·) ver you during the nlgbt, and .Who e lppf. He Wll8 IJelplng to elltertatn Well, sIr. yOU cal,l never make me Wleekly. Thill Sort of Needlework Is Again In a. ...ILLlAMI.La.~aIMI..,~O' ., 'ifill guard you during the day. Eat the 1tU,e sts, and JollyIng 1bem . up to I be:lcI'e tuat money ,ohtalned dlsbonest· .~tUlpq .... Vermont'a Biggeat Tree. , VOlUe and lIrtar Adorn a Va- . l our break fast slowly, glitber your 'b lJeVe tlll')I "'ould get their money 17, will stay by a person, or do hIm Probably tbe larges t tree In Vermont, looks and papers with dell beration and . rlet)' of Articl... .... benwe $ot to Mempbls, the next day. any good , and tbat was demonstrated Ir not In New England, stands In til.. 3et ott to. scbool with n light beart: when he nollced the car had been slJe- In tbe case of our Bhow the nellt day. dooryard of Jerry Richard. In tbe nortb-> HIre III. a simple deSign to. be used tra('lled. and he kn ew ttat was the 'Ye «at acquainted- wIth an old Bbow· east purt of tbe town ot Cbesler. The Hurry andl.worry devdar one's ease or _>' we were goIng to dispose of the ",an wbo ....·AS out or luck, wbo used tree measures 23% feet In clrcumter. mind and make It Impossible tor 'one u " border for any article luc,:b fA MEN . WA.NTE D ' tOllet-mata, tAllie -Cloths, tra,y -elothl, 0('(Id(tors. He tbought some one would t.o run a wllJ west show, bllt got bust, en~e two feet trom tbe grouod, and tlie to do jU8tlice to her own powera. . ] think I ean tell In looklllg around' etc" wbere a corner .Ia alsO needed. FOR THE NAVY; 't bill 'blm when ~o g(lt olf. bllt he "as' 'ed up, and S8 he dld~I't care "trere. he branebe!l spread from !llde to side about ~ • II ltttll, up .....·1tb a ' la!ldlady from Bome went, we took him with uS tbe l~O feet. Tbere are 'seven limbs wblcll the group ot girls which of tbem, arc Meehanl..- bet1IlIO '11.' ..n 0' I .t a1IIl '" In the hnlbit 'Of' 1l'l!glmJ~e day In ~ In Georgia t,hat w o·w<!d a lot of tralo. and a1\ day Sunda,y he tlliked U ,,1II1D1l.ood pooll)_1 OPID 10 lb ....,. measuro two and ooe-ha!tfeel tl)rough. and IGr 7011., m,,, liel". . . I, aDd IS. ..oney ror r... dlng i he fre~k s. arid she abQut his show nperlences, and tlnally and the tree Is estimated b)' woodcbop. 'tblll leleur'ely and Benslble· manner, .' wbo 001'''' DO "ade. alalr. II ¥100d , __ tbt'(!aten lng- that If she didn 't g(lt be said If we had Q~Y bOrs\!8 with our lIers to conlalll Crom IS' to 20 corda of and whlcb tllmble out of bed and Into oPPGrlaDll7 tor .......C...../.; ·It. ioU ' , oal61 of .tolblll, fr •• aDd llberll.,., , her money i ha would 'have the Deart:! show tbat could run races, wo could Wood, their clotllllB and lOBe their wits aud to eo...........1111< Call . . ."fle Na., • theIr tempers before they bave " atCROSS,-STITCB. ~oo " ot orne one. So pa WDII afrai I make a barrel or money at Gutbrle, Rlcnllrlo, Q .... P"'I Ollil. 8"lIdlo., ClaclonaU. O .... b...... O.c. B.. lldl." ~ ,,,,be for tear' she "I'ould Btab bill'. "here ...e were to make Ollr nellt stand. taoked the day's bualness. · The Corner II sbqwn at the rl.-t-band Writing for Cam. Lo~I..II\.I~'1 .... o. . ·~, O\I! when 1111' e.r Itop\HId on the 811\ Be _14 Lbe IndlaDB und half breed s An nncli!!nt philosopher ouae aald epd of design, the border being con· "\VlIat aro money orders. pa'" K. pa tboll tift "Is coat and hat and all had IncUan ponies tbat they tbou'g ht was everything In keepIng tlnued on the IlIOOnd Bide like the tint. "Your mother's I!!ttors to me wileD thal • aeel, "II" . II bl ~e ~cd bl WGuiot \ could &oJ' horaes thlt ever wore she Is on a vacatlon,"-~ndp, ThOM or us who have lit may be re\HIated to allY lenath.
10 bat, we pi It M we 118d t\\at la ' IJI)Od, alld money to back them, H is Idea wal to .198 out tbat owing' to BOme ae· ~Ident \\' 11 could not glYG an afternoon performance, anll ju st gf,t alit the horsetl, and wt th(l Indians til a RIRnd· stilI. and .w ln all tbplr monl'Y. anrt gi'e a free e'n'n lng tl bo\\, . M a 80rt of consolation to lh a l l);!!an . \\'ul1. It 100lICd goa t! to pa, a.nd he talkl'd to tiro othor man ~e"" . an d the result was wh en w got to (1 ut hrlIJ we bad mlld e lip oll r mlt\ds t ho t as money was wh nt we "-ero Il (t p l' , the as leat wny wa 10 I; ' t It DY rat'l ng our horses. So wben we got s ett led 111 Outhrle" In 4 Got I thl! lent UP. we an. noun ...-.!d tbat part or the show was In __ wreck "owo t he t oa d l u Ark nnslII\, and we sh ou ld ba '-e to IIbandon Ihe a rterno on p rll1rmance, but In t hll m a nUm e the re w.) u ld be n II ltl e hOTSe racing on Ibe side. If nnrbotly In Oklnbo m __ had a ny borses t boy th ought co ul d ru n sOme. W(' II. t t hougbt the re w rCl . n ~la nl a nd ponlos and squaws e nou gh Il\'f." r,, the announ cerncnt wAs ma!! '. but III le82 thnn two bou rs nl ore lIllIn 11 th ou· s aml po nlcs w er e b e l n ~ hroll ght In . and we got our charl ol racerq, nn d
.SIO.I H~,!~~!~ MIXED [,f.RMING CARTf:l{S '~: !!!:!!I~ . .
r~ Ii
,YEf =:::JS
A Positive
,. .
III rUke ttl othl1'll .1'0 for lh. gro~od II (lovered and 10ft fall of Ih'ap~rlell. Wblch as 'Well wheD' gratlB makell Iblnp Tnth r ,"omfortlng tor
a~""., ~~e.D
'!11th IIDOw III blowS green, just now autOij a re Ollt In great nUlIJl!nl'lI; and It !JehU()VeH Ih a"lolst to see to a Hultubl wardro!Jll. Fo~ town nou C8!lhloll rcsort ani' wears !'loth eB ot dl~orent order frOIll Iho s~ ~I' II! 'le u for hm.;thy tours, lilid lo.tlay lye Nhall dl!!I' II ~S drcsff t r tllo 1ormcr. (1 'l'a.lloIlH. Our IlIuHtl'll.tlon s how!! IL r~tc hln~ molor hnt or Ilit'ut etl /lray g lacu tr ltllnt 'li Ollly wllh wlngij. Tile ve il , slI l'h a I/roruln ' ut pa"1 of tbe . cosLIlme Ilr tbe a\-el'llge moWr ludy, III gray wlLh blllck d ot~. Th e nil Ilnvelop ln g w~ap I ~ u: I;rny ~:I o t h · of beavy mate rIal WILh a u<l llul' of ,glace. F'or outing wl/lt r ono 's ees ~O lll vory atlrnctlv e .costumes. \\,hllRl voll· t! ems tb IIISt (hln g In Ib e -"YUI'III chooee t or rough a nd really purpo" ~. It I~ to be rccommllnded for a ' ws!Y.· tng au lt In tb e city. wl1 ra t bere ai'a no fencct! to b' climbed. no Sl01l 8 wnllij ,'nulte. Il Is li ght In weig h I li nd rues In all sbadet!. Th e 101l 0\\'l ug p" oyetl a v ry des irable walk ing cos. t(tme. bOlh In r egllrd to corniaI'! a nd a ppoaran ce-a shorl plcat d sl,l rt of tan volle reli e ved by bill I' flu e o{ green; tb o jacket a jaunty artn lr, warm and SlI ug wb e n closed. nle tor a ' war m doy wben opeu. Jo"rom benenth Lbe coat peeped a sott silk blouse of g reen. Tbe bat was u bu rnt s traw snllor wltb fold ed baud aDd hi gh-reachIng buw or plaid ribbon. Sai lOr hats by tbe lime sum m.'r Ii! well bere mllY be worn nd nnuseu m, ,but there 1!; enough variet y ot ~ lrl 8 to give cons le! ' rable dlversltr. Those one-crowl\ d IHlts wh en trlmmeu are r eall y lice ' jltallle, and one sees SOIllC xcept!onall y ~ mart oncs. 'J'he olhor day I pass II ttie window of a s mall .exoluslvo s hop wb oso products a l mo~t always bellr the unml staka hl e stamp of s ty le, anti tbollght be hold" " . th e n ext 24 hours wou lll II alit throu Sh rose- oJ'ored glasses. hil t on II Is plny was of some ~ hnde of old-roS . In mos ~ cases toned clown wltb bla~k . Ono ot llle cone ·c r()wn e ~ s ort had 11 black ,'clvct bandeau~ and a sborL blnck Illu me that mad" a low na'f h 011 one s ide. QuI te a numb r of 'chic hil t's bav \llelr trlrnmlug to lit e rl$ht. de Ided cha nge from e ta b· IIslt II rul cs. Tlte bird of parad lKf! Is ev(' n more In vogue than In th o t r, nnd on a s mallis h black bat v ~r y e ffect! v . . In FarIs doe,tors disagree. th bll~ 1 gow n bulldel;8 not In barmon y RS reo !;lIrds mod ,s ; SO OI hold lo the s h alU-
her of III LlIl'r 11111'111.'; she neOlI not a1tt'mpt tho on ' riOw fllSh hl ll IIlnpo DO ono ra.~hlou obtains. I 'l' hl) Parisians have rou od a ('harmIlIg ('omlllnallon In lIt:bL 3PJ)Ic-g rceo aod uutumnal brown. thl" green ur th !)III 'H t tint. A beau l lrul ~ oslum e cI('s l ~Il NI for l'u ~ lno wear. W ll~ fU llluo ed of ap))h:. gl·~c n ('r Ill' d I' hl 'll!
When II Chlcumnn hM del' lIl(ul t o bU11t1 bllllKt!lt a houllo tbu fi rst Il"rson he 10n!!llftol! Is not 1111 ur"hlwl't, bllt a SOrL OI WI4art! . , Tbls Ind h' lilnal exallllnclI th o .. tte lind hl rl;~ tlto ,Xact ~ pot for Lit lront I door. In (lhlna fro nt IInor3 lllU Ht n p ~ .. r fll( 't! tlut! !!\lllth. tbQugh II Imnly sO lllh e rn :tIlP C[ I hlgbly d 5 Ir ll lll ~. Unly Lb e hou seR or lhe III1lr;lC"O" a nd Ol h l):b goveru lng o ltktnts rn ny (rull r u'u Ij()u( ll . . T bc wl.?,u·!I. or geomoncc r , ne xt pr ~ s~ r llJea tli u CIt:U(· t sIze of lila rrull t 'IOf'!'. A IJ Inch loo lUu cb or luu 'lIllle U1lg bt IHl" dl SI 'IroUI; 'uns Quelwell. A sc re~ 1l of woo d or uf brl(,' kR mlls t be erected n!Jom I hre y Il'lls in rronl of Lhe Lloor. This IR 10 lwe I' UUt lillY 'ev ll brea th. 1':0 1 hUllI on lIre~ tb , n t mUIII l'III, u r Il nll odor,;. bllt MO lli e: 1ll)'S t e rlo",. a rill fa Ul I N nWl h US \Vb it'b 18 o nl y LO e It pt om lJy l hl1 l "cree ll. Tbe wl?:u r,1 uext IOCIl I s Ih c kpot (or tlte I!ltc h n fir pia 'e. ThlH al so mus l nut fu ce sl)utb. l.Jeca uij(l the so uth rO\1,reseuts Ill' ; a ud th o 1( lteben li re Hnd I he soul h fire. work Ing \ogp th e r .... ouli'.l he EU Jlowerful I hnt t.he bOllse wou nl jll s l n allll'llll y llllrn (I P. . Having se ule d lb ' llllcs lilln or pl ar ~ . lhe wlzul'Il I!gll r S OUl U lim e Wh f n. work m u)' lIe b g un wll h Hll llle d (gr~e of safety. Fo r hislIIl WP, If tb e eurLU god s bould lle at hu llt e wile n th e worl,me n begu n dIggIng th p), Ill lg l11 ij lkk n "pade Inlu hl a aug uRt t r:II1IUID a nd then there would bl' , he lI c\'iI 10 puy . Tbe rllm lly 1I\'log In 'hill htlll ~c would di e out. 'Th e wOllld-l.Je builder n111 ~ t. al su IIml out Wh otll nr It Is a yeu l' when he may willi ~ ur(ll.y I.J gl o a n ythIn g. Tb ert! ure lOts or 'th o ' lICi lll ky ye"n; . Am lIn mu st 11 0\ be m ill'r le d. fo r IU ~ lUnce , '~h en bl ij age I.. ~{ or 26, ur a ny e ven n UIllOer. Ha \'ln g Ill pkl.'d Ollt a (avo ra ble yea r, J onn mu st nexi "onsltler h is two I II ' ky muntll ij, fO r Ih 'I' Ilre onl y t wo out o r tb e 12 wh ld, llrr' fu,'or »ble to hJ s IIn derll,klnl; II \V , h lll /\,s. 'l'Iw a bl s ye llo w road dnys o r '(hI d Ull es "' IIKt he de ler. ntln cI . T he re Ilre 1lI0 re blac l( road day. \IHII1 ye llo w OIl I'S, FO lh 1I\ISI11lous "' OIllP II' S rOl' t llll'll ll!; h is h o u ~ e n r IIl1 nlly I'lldllced I " 11I'c lty Ihulted n Ulll h I'. BI I th QI I~ n' ( a ll : T ho III IIY U3YS of Ih e wh ole lilru ll >' mu s t next be figured OIH. OllllJllr II wlt b .fohn·R o wn yellow rO ll'J doys 1111\1 (he r ~lIll bo il ed d wn . Tbe \1I'ope r 11101111'111 rOI' IlU lI\lng tbe tront dour In pln ee. [ U I' llulldlng tbe kltch ' n Ilre place and I!O on are th en declIled Oil , nn d, afte r wnitln g perhaps s e veral months for Ih e UURpl olous day to nrrl "~, JOhn pa n at lost begi n work.
!!emu.1 (lornp~r! tbe rt~l .cled • bie' m.r,rao f,', pr.Uon of I."b~a', wu the goou 'hat UnlUo. bad dun" f r worltt\lI(l"~Il . lh~
r Inlrng out
}~r .. uC!r,"
" In
lit! "Aid, "th .. re ore few
."d a Jft' noh l,.i,·k l'.I·cr lold
1I n1" " 8 .
t 1,.. otber da)' ·thu l ~ n lt l' ~ wtre. 'I I CUtl·
11" lucnct!, UJlrt"(lH :)JI li bl¥
l ow t br rto ,
"'I'll, brickLl ,I 'pr •• 1" wilh n IUll gh tbRt
fn tJnd ot .. lu .. in NICe nul of
wor lC,
hnu,hL Oil Ih,' '.\\·rnuo de I~ C;n re n ne"'. pop r. lie \ o~k II ' 11ftller home to I,I. ollie in the .qurJ i,1 Rue I'·cl' x. and h ,_ Wltc, nIter tll rnlng t o the ad",'rli t ill n l ~, •• id eo gMI " \'cry thing! mll,t 10t,k lotn I U,i•.· Mnn·el. IL ~ \' ,You a. ",,,,1 I" " " 111 001
I "'fhe
l 'a lni8 d cr 111 J et er. !I ud he wtm 't Iw work." to "patli, Hll tl \\ .11 be paI d
1 he
NlO ngh
\I re
Up. lde Do'WD. "So .ou d on ' ~ bellf,ve 10 CoII.,_
011 •
•.tfh e 111 M w\J r lnd .
.a.,. .
" No , . ir. Arle~ l!r'1ludnlion I .Dear" It ll l " <l lo tl c~ lb pro t icllllr law," .1 ' Yea,' "" i\l hi. " ,fe; '.nd poid enollgb " Illlt y() U h,Qk pro~ p e rou. DOW." t o lh-(! on.' . " 't' t''', ~I r. 1 w ~nt in to vuuuD"i1Je ••15 " li e Irowned . mati . a fortune Mlll OCing a baa 1.J)1I.....u .. ' Il .,' be ""id. . orne .. Ieb about I f ~ ,t \\'hll c .tonding on Illy ... .,..Oetl'Oit .. ' \\'OD 'L lJe
l ~r~(\.
wo ,' ~e d
ca t Ion 1;'
lh nt./ "
lo deo th t be mut-
ltree 1"', ~fo!~ .
..... _
CRlIc er, . Blood Poiso n a nd Rbeuma.tlsm_ ha\' ~ blood polson prodtlci QI: e n lp ,
I{ ),011 Hend 'C ovored with Humor Sores. wIth tion s, 1·:)I m5J11'A, UI''''' I'f4, s woll en gla nd ~ Loss or Hair-Another Speedy Cure IImnl}. 11".1 !'i. mlt" ullrn inQ. itching -kiD. by Cu tlcura Rem edies. ' COPIJt!r-ctl lorcd tllJu l M 01' rlLllih on th~ 'likia,. UlII CflUS p u t dWK 111 ttlon t It or throat , falJ. "_0\11 my life I hOll l!I!cn lrOtl blt',1 more iUII hail', h no r nin •• . old r lt e,unati. m .c· .... willl ,hull1o,' ' " nly scal p, but ' foul ~ ntul'rh , Ill ke IIlJ tonic Dlood Balm (8 ahout It " ea r 01(0 it L ~ rn m e w o",e , lind \ B. n.). It kill. tIl e Jluison ill the blood. 111)' ftCn lll- was covereu w,th Htll e orr., EO n all SOl'"", erlllll l ~ n 8 heal, hnrd . wellwhic h ilched so it ".arly mnJ t1 cruz)': 1 1Il~_ 6uLslde, Ilc heM nnel painA atop, aQd .. my I.alr . IRo bog.n 10 ge l <lry nnd filII p,·rf(·ct cllre ·l. made of lhe worat c _ OllI. I tri ed nil kintls or hair rco tMen I Of tllootl !'OiIDII. wllh no eifer t, nnd r w 98 nrnrl y d,scollrFor cn ncer, tumorl. r(nllinIl8: ~atina. ailed ; but one <lay T ,yao I'rall inll in n pn· sore., 1I 1f1.v IIlcers, pCl'Ilil telll pimple. of an \J r wh nt Ihe ul, cura ~ c m r d , e¥ had dOll e killd ~ , l . kc n. II. B. It d.slroys the caDfor .,.,alp diseases, nud decided t o make n cer in t he blood. henl. cancer of.lJi ("olin I 11 ' lmlllh von ) Ioltlle. Il l'phcw of the g r ' Ol ~ I oltlt e. wlto would t rial. ' I got 8. cok e of ulicul'll' ap. a bi nd •. cU ' et lhc worst humors or 8uppuratdlrcci '·,lm ,,1\11;11 s ho uld Will' occu" wi t h }' r:l nc . unx of Culteura Oin t ment and t.'u tirura ing "wel\ i""",. 'fh ou8.nd. cured by B . B . n e.o\t·cnt P iUs. 1 tI.ed Ih em Dccor'ling II. nfl <'r "II . 1. fuits. U. B. B. compollL'dI 10 di r r t iona. nnd Boon not i r~d r~ dilter- of pu ~c bownie illgl'cdi cnt8_ Impro\'c, lb. en cel the tillY soreN on my 8' "lp hc~n n d' gestloll , m. kes th e blood pure nod rich. GERMANY'S CABLE LINES . LAROE CHUNKS OF COPPER to Ilcal. th e it ching st "r.r ell, anti nil' hni r slops tbe nwflll i"" hing .nn(1 1111 ehnrp, n to grow I h i~k . I IU\'e \I ~ cd ouly lit e . hooling pni ne. ,\,h o rotl~hly lr ~t eJ ' fol Remnrknble D isco\1 f;.r ies of Gr eal Caroline lsll\lIrl Cil cul t Compl el es heg. nc cult" of Sonp . QllC box' or Q, nltn cnl, tlti rt)· years. Druggi. ls, $t per 11lr~e bot· Non-En g-II 'h Sy s t cm A round M D SS~8 of Ri cli Ore R e"lHI (l II C \'i,,1 of PiIIH, nntl now I IHive nn t Ic. wit h C nlIJlcte d irectionH for h o me A PRA l.:-TI CAL DRESS. hlll110r on III)' 6eUll' on d my hni r I~ .,,11 I (·1 1I~ . ~n mpll' fr'~ nnd 11I'epni" P)' "'fl t inc th ll World, ce ntl y Madl!. wHh wnlSl colit of gold en-brown IIanll'!. nnt! ~ill;v . 1IIi." ~1 11\' .i p I '. t l,i n-. UV! 111",,(1 lbl m ('0. , Allon ta U" . J) S<'I'ib" 3~. E."l· Urlcn n., lIta. i .. '_[ "I'. I', I!105,'·. Im,d,l" nllil frNl m dl III ~d,· ,c" olso " Clll rCllm lace In che mlseUe and f rill s An c n o rm ou~ DlUSS or plitt· nlt l lv Wh pn ('rr ul\ ,v. 1,'ld " I, ro!lo~ e d the III tol';Jlcd Idh :r . 1'01' Ul e shurt s l~e v es adued lO th e cOPP r 18 being II nco vererl at II ml u fI .·sl O('crILl ,·" lJl e hill Id ells wer ch 'lI'ucJUFl nholll I he li m. 'R man ~rt N r om · ('olor sclre me, os did th gr l) 0 bat In OntDD:I so n eQun ty. Tit bl ' LllU nl( It! I'lzI'U by ouuln I'S n il C) \' e r t he wor ld fodn hly li"ed ;n I". f:" 'urile /,1,0" .... Ih . One "'"l' I!J 1I "oi rl Ith' ;ng - Iimony i. too un rell e" ed by a ll Y 10llch of color. li es In \he te nth level at II potu l " ltOu t a s " Yflllk ee nO n 8e ll ~l'." hili lhl' l'lI ble th e ,. \rc ning- fl P,\\ ' flpRp ~ r. hi" \' ,r.... t hiul\ ..- f:l\ I~ r Oil!" \\ If., 11(' 1" share or the lamil, Tb gree n hot w h a,'p. hutl wlt b wha t .0 1O e cu ll er told hr r during I h~ i ll ('ul n(' i, ,)'UII 'U a long. An o un ce: o f p in· 1,000 feet fr om un of Ih e Ilr ln clpl1 l "'o~ Inltl , a nd Its sti Ce .~ a R [\ III L1 lulIl of dal'. 1lI 00 11'Y i. I\'o rt h • poun d or alimony !- AIIus lbeat! I bree years llnst, but It Ie s bafts. Se Ve I'll I la rge pl c~cs hll \'u fl l- 01 l,omn1lnl1 atl un b.· tw ~e n th Iw !Jan), i\ r~ u8 . a a ttractive os when Ill'st mak in g rea dy been lit fro lll It. nncl th ,es(\. w lt ll wo rl d~ was Imrnedhlla lind \1I'UnOIlI1 (' d . A ll Sonn :IS Spring Co'mcB appea r/IDe. 011 S t. Patrick's day OD c tb e rema In de r of t11 e m A8~ so exposed. Th e reS ul t. tiUYS th e 1': e w York T I' II)UIIC, thl' n.'!'!1 (If I:arfic ltl Tell ,. Iwr llly {cit. ot the s hops h nr! a wlndoiv vC"dnn l . weIgh full y 21, 10 DH. \l' DI; Ihllt tl eep sea cll bl l' ~ soou hecllnl " T llis wOllderful ltcr" 111 ·c1ici llc 1I1l1'l hc~ th e WIth hots lhe (:0101' ~ Ilere d to Ho w m\l l'l1 Il,or' Ihe re Is o X the big " (u"" with 0 11\' {lrlsln g cllp\tallsts, hl""d. c l cn " >c~ l ile sr tc· ll\ . "",oats 1\, /\ COI11 good SIlln l, li n d nol one b,,~ was r h nnl' Is a Ill ll i ler t (·o llje('turo. snyH anti to-da y Ih e ele(·frl .. li pnrl, lru\'e rse> "tilIelinn It lIut,,," 1 "", 10 11 u f e h \'f~r,fillrl1~ .l tlin n •• f:.lYlrcs ~ Mom:llIl, :I nti h(l\rt~ IM. \ harm ing. Au s pecia lly nltra cU ,'e Ih e St. Pall l D1' pntc'b, bil L fro lll a ll In - Ihe Ivlllzed worlll ihroll ~h Ih e wir eR .,1 (tood [ IJI' yQ~IH &; ul.d olrJ Ott ull }.l!UI'I(l Il!i. moas.g reen Illodel was trimmed with dl cl! tlo ll ~ Ih~ a!:!;rt'gll te w ~iglt t of Itl Iho s ubmarIn e cables. \\'11 \' 11 , from II ny notllln' cxuellt 11 I: r lit bun It of tI ll I muss will lJe fOllfl il to run 1)0 o r " CIl IIpr ldent. Ih e wIres Rrc \Jlork d a n,1 l:rcil l Ill in,," d0I1 '1 I'lln in t lte F.DIO Q bille for ge t-me- nots. au d one thou g ht 'I'l.cir ~n'illu c:ol!ol u mo ro tons . !ll n ~ses or copper ure pn · communlcallon ('eaSe!! te m)Jo mrll y ch nnll rlij I\IWO~· 8. how r efr s bill g tb ls would b on 1\ gn llged b\' t lit> ng ili'," wid, \\"111(:1, tluu cou ntCl'pu 50 r f'g ulll rly th nt one of s v· t he wo rld of b U81 l1 es~ CI,fT rs a s hoell lid su ltr ), tI~ y . ou t oi a ru t .-.J ui/gP. . etnl t ons x It " 11 0 t'umm eu,t. II Is which nlnlOS( pnr aly~es fis ene rgy, and All women, who 's~ffer only wben o ne or uIIu s uul size Is 10' lIntll til ~o lln ect l on Is ln ma de th e Ladies Can 'Venr Shocs from the disuses peculiar to 0 culed tb ul It Is deemed wurthy of 110· comme r cl lll com m unit y Is Ilrac ll clllly nc Riz 8m:lIl e!' nltc r usi ng AlI c !\'~ Fool· their sex, and endure the E. c. A eOllni ll urc for . wollen , " "'e~ l i n ll, li ce. . nt a s landstili. miserable, periodical pains. hot, ncltill l!' f'·ct . At . lI J) rllgg iijls. 25c . A 'Now · til \\'lInton lapwing get s him· the wat e r. II. had a mod illetl corselet Lorge a s Ihls muss wl\l 'doll ll ll ess or all th e natIon s of Ih glob Gcr·· ccp t no s ub. t itll ie '1' ... 1 l) ll l:kn~ ' FREE, headac;he; 1.ackaclie, side and self nnother c,'e t. now vnln womll n Altirt. so high nt tlte llack 8S ' to al· pro\'e, ho weVe r, il wll be a plg:m y CO ID - mllny Is ono 0.' t be most e Mf' S tlr. In i.\ udre.s fl . ". hns te'!.:.~n oy, N. Y. waist .pains. fall~i ftdJngs. docs lik ewise. Colo I'. color every· most . rellch the lin of the empIre !HE MOTOR OR THE HPRSE pared with t he fa mou s ml\ss fonnd III the wOl'k or s Inking elec ,'Ie callies ' In weakness, . irrlta;bllityt and Th~ trouble .bout nccumulnt ing mone\' wbere, ev rytb ln g gay lind feslly, s horl "' uls t; then nl th fronl It was t~ e MI ·hl&lIn. th e u known a s til e Mln - t h de pths of tbe 0 ean. She haa just t.h.t tU8t aho ut t hc ti 'lle 1\ IUIi Il be~iD' otber symptoms of d~ t'b'e somber autl sober. kept out of cut down well . b low the bust. Tho Big Aut om o)lliu Are Taking t.h e DesOt:!. lil t 65. This wus 12 ',1. by 1811.1 cOOlple ll\d a new lin e betw llD S han g- il to It t .,om c where · near what he wBnti functions, should do as Mrs. sight. Sucb flower gardens as riot skirt was of pInk 61lk , tlto waist -or Place of Animals All Ov ~r by 45 feet In ~ 1 :Le a rid welgbed 5~7 ·tons. hoi and Yap, in tbe Corollno Isla nds, he di e. and i. eompell.d 10 give i~ .11 up: on tbe ~als, s uch IIgbt dreascs, net, the n el formLn g a ~urry blouse S. Chrisman. of Manns.tbe World. It r equired 20 men wQrklug 15 montb s which 0\' rs I.h distance of more than evet'ybody seems having a holiday. and ' pretty puffed ~I ov I , Ihe puff with lon g- handied cblsels lO cul this 2.000 mllcs. This cab le Is lotd ' at t h N. Y., did, and take A COLD BROUGHT IT ON, '''here Bre lhe bluest blues, the green- t e rminating above tit lbow III. a wIde It will probably be many. Uluny .l'ea1'8 muss Inlo pieces s mall e nougll for grentest d Dth ot· any In tile "lis t sys· est greens, the r osIest reds -no one band ot laqe. Pink velvet IIrapI , In the fu ture, If tbe t)me ever comes. hoIsting, and 27 tons of co pper chlp ij lem ,o f -the world, nnd It closes a. gap Severe Coor,esllon of tbe Kldo cya Soon color monopoli zing th,e fi eld. 'paased over the s boultlers ; lhe stock before t he automobile will pat tbe " In- were made In doing thi s work. which mak e8 It the first contlm' ou ~ Cured by Do&o'. KldDey PUla. On the wllrmest days abbreviated and che ml sette wer ot la ce. This boring" horse out of busilleas. But the Counlles8 smnll , masses. som~ o r non-Englis h IIne' to enclrcl!' Ih' cartli . calI ces ot fan ciful' Bart hav e pII'rt In costume would be very crrect!\'o worn motortsts dell.lllre tbot Ih fllte of the Wblch. however, welgbed seve rnl llUnTlJe year 190& was , for I he G I'm all Richard 101. Penrce, a promJpeut buslthe afte rn oo n promenllde, bllt for wltb cortll 'jewetry of the pale shude, ca rriage hurse, an yway the City animal. dred tons, were tuken from tb ls mine, cable Indu s try , a most s ll(lIlll cant on e. that' pure pInk which has no yeltow ' Is n.ot so far dlsUlnL - They maintain, and there Is no question . that It de- Jl not only gave the kaIse r's' do mini on nc s m all of :!31 So. Ol'nnge St. , N ·",urk. N. J . , sayS : .. Worldng nighlS dU"ing In It. ELLEN 0 MONOl!:. and wIth some s how or reason lor lhe serves lhe Ulle of Ihe richo'lt copper a gTcat many n ew cables. \)ut lt abowlld bad w eaLh c r brough Lon a. hcavy ·cold. coot~ ntlon , that It Is ollly a matter of a mine ever openoll. 'rh Ca lumet Rnd ' that the p rocess of layoog tbes8 IIneJ! a c h ing of lh p limbs FI'O HTS PqLlCE IN MIDAIR, few years until the "!lm/lrt" cn rrlltge H eCla' Is a far more val uab le mfne, but bad advan cell wonderfully In Its WO~'S a.nd puln ill lhe baelc borse. with " bob" tllil . high bead and no other mine opened 'h as eVEir yleldod tcehni<lue, so th llt tbe work ClI ll n ow b. allu kidn t'Y 8. ' cv I'e I Demented Sailor Struggles with Ofll- sl h 'er tri mmed barness. will ha\'e to su cb enormo us Quantities o r coppe r (lone ~apldly , In co mpari son with tb e oongestion of theltid · to relJeve their mbery. Sbe seek somo other mea us of earning onts t rom s uch small openings us were fllr- records of p8 s1 a cltleyemenls · In till, cera on ' Fll1gpole of High Build1)(,,'8 fo ll owed . liewrites. "For five years I a nd hay. _ nl6h~d by the · best s lopes ot lhe o ld line or Inllus lry. Th e numb er of Ger. ing in Oleveland. Ki I 'CB th torriflc acn.suffered untold inisety from Kansas Cit y, says the StuI', 18 per)1aps MInnesota. Il Is Interesting to not e man fables which hnve a len gth of ing there were wh irl' serious female dilcases. ·My Cl eveland . O.-After rescu ing a de- behlod n sood mllny otlter cities of Ita that tbe Mlnensotu mine was . t1lsCQv- more than 62 mllos h as been Increased , in" heudaelfl:s, Bud 1 doctor said no mcdiGUlc could men ted sailor from a Wind-blown Ilag- class In III . motor gume. But It Is lrue e red In 1847, thro ug h finding an indian by thi s new .cable lo 13. Theso In b 'came exceed illgly cure me. Finally I took pole, three policemen had a hard flght bere as elsewh ere that mnny families pit In -which woa 11 six ton IlI(CSS of na- clud e lines to England.. to Norway, to w onl(. JlTy doctol' with the mnn on ' tbe roof ot a i6-story which ha,'e· always main ta Ined a stable th'e copper tht\l had been broken from Ireland. to Spain, to Swed!m. tWO to Cardui and now do Dot cOlllu not h ·Ip m~. bundlng before subduing blm. Tbo of horsee al'8 neglecting ond t hen grnd- Its mntrlx of rock li nd raIsed on sl,lds. New York, a dlstal) ce of 4.790.4 and and I turned to ba ve these bad fcdinp al sailor was from the btlttles hlp Iowa, ually giving uP. the anImals In prererThe skids ha d ro tled c en t uries before 4,911 ll}lIcs ; two to Chinn. to Conutan- Doan's Xjdney PilL8, wIth the re5ul ~ .forrrJerly. It has done me and recently bad been conlbied to Ul.· enee to lhe automobile. It works OUt and on the soli that coveted th e nug- tlnopl e anel to th e Ladronc Islands. lhut th o kidney cong~ Btlo ndl su"p 'nrct!, 110 . much rood that I recomBo'slon Insane asylum. this way: . get gTew a hemlo ck ' tree sbowlng nea r - Besides .lbese large o~e an cables. tbere and. with it" all the othe r j;yatptoms, mend it to all lick ~.~ Tbo man had slipped to the roof 01 "My dea r." remarks the 'head of tbe 11 ~pO rIngs ot annual growtb. The old are a greal number of s hort er ooea, 'Vhat Is more, i he c uro has las ted tor the WtJllalmlOn: building 'unob8ernd famll'y. "I am ' thlpklng of bllylng an :coml1all.Y ,8uspenl\,ed operatlon.s In 1870 . wblch are partly In use betwee,n Yarl - 'eight years." At all JraggIsts, ,,"00 Sold by all deal er s. 50 cents a box. an" had begun to climb the flagpole ,!utomoblle. juet 8n experlmeat, ~why, baa never been I!a tls fa cto rlly ous German seaports. ' and between C5 Fosl.e!·-Milburu CoO. , Bnft'itlo., N. Y. wben a ftutter' of blUe caught tbe eye you know. Of· course, We will keep tbe explalned~and s ince lIB reorgnnl zallon Germany and nelgbborlng countrl..: of Sergeant of Police Hannan. borsee' and use tbem prlaclpally." In ,Detro'll In 1899 tbe present company. Altogethe r, .Germany hus 'm ore lbim Summoning two policemen, hannan "Mercy! n.o, John;. we m.u stn't glveu!) operating under t he title cit tllle Mlcbl- 18,816 miles of submarine cable. of , " burrled to the roof. Up cllmbed the the borees.' \ says the wife, gan, bas been e ngoged tn developing which. Irowever. only abou t' 3,293 mornln8ll . 0,1 the average d ..y maay mlln, and the wind twisted him about For a week or two they are too bUll' the mIne anew. miles are owned dlrc~tly by Ih e gov50 &:-3~ well·Qttlng long coata are seen. We the pole, and seemed about \0 burl blm learnIng how 10 drIve the new motor The bIggest mass pt Copper eYer dls- e rnment. The total pable lengt h In w. L. Dou.... ' ••OOGlit Line bave chosen for our : lII~str ..Uob this Into the street 225 feet below. to think about the hOl'lles. Then some covered In the world was a . ooO-ton service In tlte world 1M belween' 273,cannot.,• week a practical eOitume of tbe mOJ1l..~Ina}jy Ibe polI~men pulled blm 3unday arterboon a sense of duty, more chunk found In the old Phoenix mine 402 and 279.616 miles, 80 t hat GerIn<< order, .. rou«b brown and blue down by a halyard that bad become than anythIng else, compels tbem to In Keweenaw county, tlie M.lnnesota many's percentage. notwithstanding ebeck ; . touchee of h.rown, you remem- twIsted about hie leg, and then. the have the slIrrey and. the pair of bays mOBS rankin! second. Th e PhoenIx t he prOgTC8S whfch @hl! hl'6 made In ber, we made BsaerLlon .ome time agO, ItruUle for the mulery illarted. Tbe broqgbt around to tbe carrIage entrllnCE< mOSB, wltb copper ut th e time selling t he last · year, 1ft ve ry modellt. Real]fa. to ' bo very Bmart tbla 88&1IOU. Dlall fOllSh~ fterceiy until beatell Into and they go' for a drive. Bul somehow ot 30 cents per pound, was wo rth about Iy, only about one-IHteenth of th'e total Tbo collar, button, and bell of tbe 8ubmllllon. they seem. !D poke 11101\1; and there 18 , $IiO,OOO. yel It Is ('hronlcled that 80 In - cllble length at the servloe of Germany brown and blll8 ' frock are of dark 'l'hlnklnll: be wu a delerler from· I 'IOmetblng laoklng nbout the ride. Nel- eftlolent were tbe p eople In control at Is . German In Its proprletorsblp, While brown velvet. ' hat· III one at those the navy the ollc'e n took him to lhe the~ one mentions It, but before lone 'lhe proper ty that IIltle. If B,ny, profit I EnSlanll . owns m,ore tlll\n two·tblrds eumliler felta tbat come In very· well recrulUng staUon. where It wu learn ell I anotber and then another motor COY'I was made (rom the magnlftcent lind. af It. Not more tbnn t w,o )'e..,.s n.go, on 'the cQol days, ~~~ haa for .trIm' hlB name Is J. Cline, and be re-I finds IIhelter In tbe s table n~d tbe however, Gormany did not own more , mlng a long osprey featber and scarf eently had been conftned' llI Insane. borses go oul through exit ~o. 23, Faota the Pessimist. than .on e-lwent leth ot 'the cable l en~th of blue silk, . Thill would make 1& ve..,. The speed craze In automobiles hae .8UUISLlcs sbow tl1at the ex pectation II IJOn wbl r-II she depends ,Cor ler. le.. 8ultab)e costume for' travellnl!, espeabout died out. Whot the purchaser" of bumun life has' heeu raised ~on8Iu ' Up to a te w ~ years al:\o no <!~enTi cabl.:! cially good If the travel . WBJI bY , wa. Pays Fare with Petticoat. , ' Norfolk, Va.-A pretly young wom- nre giving altentlon to 1I0W Is the .rell- erub ly In Ibe past SO rears. Thol peo- Was In a greater depth than 16.404 · ter. Coats of all lengths lore worn; sbl!r~ an wllb blonde wavy hair recentl)· ability of ·a· car and wba t will be Ihe pIe liv e longer now than Ihe y did hall feet. Th e Ameri can cable In the Paones, to be sure, In the lead. ,But .stepped up to tbe ticket ofllce of tbe minimum fO'Bt of repairs. Formerly t he a century ago a nt! that tbe tende ncy itk oceon ,W0 8 , In 100~. laid In depths. the long redlngole IB ItllI In gOOd Norfolk i: Western . depoL and asked Ilrst quesllon asked wa s : " How (ost Is toward etlll greater lo ngevity III un - 10 20,469 feeL. The cl\.ble llIenarlo-YaJ>etyle, the longish box ooat a . novelty for a ticket for RIch mond: Then ' sbe llln It go ?" Now the InquIry Is:. ';How doubtelJlr n testimoni a l In S',lllI)Ort or' Gunm. lai d 'by th e Oorma n cable steamthat baa found favor, fancy , boleroB dtscovered sbe hnd lost ber purse. ~nr anll how chellP wl1llt go ?" Thts Is the freer and bronder li re lI y(!d by tho e r Stepban. In 1906, s Ui'paased thl 3 very much the Uilng. For automobile She eat for a few minutes perplexed, especl~ll)' true In this vicInity, where modern girl . Our grnndmotbel'o and rc(lord. ' as It reacbed der-iila of 22,Shanghai· cloaks rajah aUk, of a good subStan- then had an Sbe approacOf!d an; Ihe roads are lIarrow Rnd t bere are ~reat-grandmother' , were dena', sweet. 9GG feet, and In la~'lng tbl) y tlal BOrt, 18 well liked; It shedB 't he othef well-dres~ed woman and offered mrmy turn s. Twe nty miles an hour 'B delig htful crea t ures In thetr wny. to Ynp ycnble. It wlIB.necess.a r ., In the vidUll eaal1y, comes In attractive Bhades . to sell a red ~I'k petticoat she wore lS Cast as anybody eares to go, Bnd al- wbom ulI bonor is du!!, but they would IOlnlt of the Llukln Islands, to reach no t co mpare In attalnmenls I~or moth . , depths of 20.246 feet, whlcb Is on e ot and In U10ee t blot etand exposure to for the price at a ticket. The pal r most any car will do ~bat. erbood Wll h the girls whp arc growIng I th e (I~epcst places to be found an),the eun. retired to a WRIting-room and when MOTHER GRAY'S up In greater freedom to tll ke Ihelr w.her e In tlte ocenns of the ' worlll . The Expensive!on, Oolored silk lingerie wallta are a they emllrge(l th.e stranser carrledl tbe SWEET POWDERS places In the world.' PessImi sts may new 11])le was manufacturell in Gcr· Forty years aflllr the Bodleian 1\. noyelty tbat appeal to many, and may garment over ber arm. wblle sbe wbo S' . FOR OHltDREII, ., Cro wn B!ld growl, but t he fact remnlnH many. by the Nort~ Oerman Sea Oable be had the,lal suit sbadel!. The had worn it but a moment · before ?ran' at 9xtord btd rece l vad a copy A. Ce rtain Cu re forWe1"trl."a" ... lbat ths world Is In Its best age and works. In Nordenliam. al the mouth c..:oosC'paUon. 11 • • d.eke. lJnaerle waist dtlfera little from tbat walked up to .the ticket ollce and ~f the ftrst folio Shakespeare- I bat Is "CD._eta T .. o •••••• Tee~ID. ".0 aay. In 1664- the !Ibrarlan ot that tbat btlm 'lDlty 18 not retro~;radlng.~ of the Weser. . JIII.ordera, And De.tro, of l year, eave tllat tbe back 18 bouabt a ticket. I .or ••• O.,T 'r hl1 a ..e •• u .. Co •.r. Savlmnab (Ga.) Exprel8_ . - -- - - - - Institution, clenrlng Olll some 'htr.. to l ' bll. l o~. buu r8. AL "u l~ru ••d'I •. ~ aL... now trlmmecL Striped Bhlrtlnll In tI_r.u:, 8010., 8anlpl. c ._lied ,.UKK. A(lI.H"8". P'3rftuous books." dumped ' tbe first M irrors to Help th. DriveI'. Sa:r Mlracl. Saved Oburch. ... ~.rkCI"'. A_~. OLMITID. Lalto"H.V. · tailored st),18II ' have r.e turned to fa. lct\lIlleh and Heine.. tollo .In the lot and accepted $120 for Drivers wbo are obliged in run PhUadelpbJa. - That Bt. John's vor, and are a gi'ei.t comfort. Tbe Th e tilwn council of Munlcb bas d&- throug b hellvy traffic to any exlen t the parcel. Now the Bodleian bas a A . N. K,-K 2120 plain wafat for mor.nlnp 'baa alwa)'8. Roman Catholte churcb, In the heart ! hancil Qt b\lylng It ba ck again-for ter mlncd to place n tablet of commemnnd It or cOIl~ldernble a(\vanta~e to athad a few adherents, and now will of the city. 'Was saved from destruction $16,000. . o ra ~loll llpon the house In Ihul city fi x a HllIall bl! of mirror 1llate 10 the bave many 81nce It be&ra the stamp by dYnamite by 'a miracle IB tbe beonce Inhabited by the poet HeinrIch rl /lht st nn ehlnn of the canopy just Gr ·fuhlon. . lief of the sexton and"ather Fieber. Overdoln& Things. Helnll. All honor to Munich for the ttbove th e dash so thut Ihe followIng Wash neckwear II : In hl«helt favor, Tbe sexton, In maklnc hD! rounds. saY8 "Wby do )'ou object to my eaUng H thougbt, especially II t a tim e when tram c may be observed wltbout turnand tbe Wtndsor .l.Ie will be worn a be b~ard a mysterious voke command- muc.b?" asked tbe gourmand . "You German cities seenl wraogllng to dlsdial, comtna hi' the brlgbtest. Ing him to extIngulslr tile candles In know tbe old proverb says tbat In eat· bonor one of their finest g,e nluses.- 'I ng the head. Such a devIce may be ver)' s imple and eaally conL-1vBd. and lead always. Send for circu. colora aDd In bOth poope and tU88oro rront of the alU\r. He lOught out the Ina w~lJ one pr..lses the food ." Pull Mall GuzelLe. . seneH to relieve tbe driver of considlUII'. Simple little lawn tlirnoOver COl- paBtDJ', and they returned toJlltber. "Well. you're 'Dot praising that food," lars de~cribing our new com· ~""---erable anxiety lind twilling about In larl .re In alteell.nt 1t7le; 10 dainty ntinguIshlng atl the lights · but oDe. said the llSeetie. "You're. Jlatterlng It Maleo Adopb Wireless . . bined Riding and. Walkil!g bill seal When working through close"Don't let that ODe burn," they hearll and llDe, and one .may ha"e .a number "rollly'. "-Cleveland Leader. Wireless telegrapby has bllen mala- I:; crowd~d streeti.-Motor World. Cultivator. It lias alJ ~odern the mysterIous voice lIIty, Tbey exGf tbem at small OU~)', Veils 01 two , tal ned for several years a(: rosl! tbe Dop Lost In London, IOrtll are leen; the sll1aU face veU tlngulsbed It nnd later found enough improvements, simple· in con· Glllf of CalifornIa aDd .now tbe M"el'I1bera were.:3,f64 (logs received ' at 1(:l1n goyernm'lnt baa concluded con· wblch ebds jUlt at the tip of the dynamite In It ~o deltroy the church_ Wirel ... In Germany. strijcti'on, easily bandIed_ Dose, aall the billowing cloud whlclr Ibe Home for Lolt Dog.. BIltterl8R tl'llcts iO), a plant that 90'111 a'fford com'Illle Wireless metbods of eommunleaPark road. S. W. during tbe IlIlIt month. muni cation over a c11811lDce of about lion are making more rupld progreR'" 111&11_ or tbe wearer a mysterious Eft.y.Job. Agents everywhe..e. · Write yelled . lady, . ,FlrIt Han-J)o you know wbat Bur- Tbe total admllslon8 dur.lng 19()6 werc zOO miles, not only· betwee,~ the va. In Germon), than else.where. "., 'new for full particulars, Tbe prlnc_ with double skirt effect rowI·.11 doIng jU8t now? 26,QU. as comlJar'ed with 26.197 durlng _ rlolls station.. of t be system, hut wltb s tation haa beon established a.t OberIblpplng. Sa the latest In prlnce. robee. but. Second MaD-Gb, he'. trneUn" wltl> 11I04.-Londoli El\prue.. Rchonwelde IVbleh will place Berltu = UoQld Dot be atrect04 .bJ, but the a tlircue.. and Dresden In e,om1pupleatlon over a I Ell.,.. Wa7 Out tall. 'rile unllentldrt· III lonl at Firat Jtlan-Ahl That will be bard IIxtremee. distance of 11 t mile.. Several other Nellie-Are you marrIed? 8RO~~ACI1JIIIfGco. work, J ·.bould think, the buk, lle8 on the ' Soar "WomRn's talte . runs to IImall s~ 8tatlone already exist. ' There are reS ..III_Ye•• to 11 conductor, . bUt I and larree hats," remarked A »tlni:_ coallllle4 with em· port8 of a project for lliitallln. at SecoacJ Uaa-No; all he'l lOt to do ZANE.SVII.Ut 0ItIQ. tllJok be lIOMD't IOY8 me. er of eventl and ' tblnll:l':;-YOD:tetra.INordrelch' a wlrele.. BYltem of lonl wu NeIIId;' _IaJIt fa Is '" stick hi. head. In the UDn'l "We,i, let a tralilftr,"-"N. Y. Tl..... Saat\!lmao. dlslonce telepbonlnlf. lO1ra orlal!l&Un, aero.. mollUa twice a cJa,,-Tlt-BIC&
of F
· ash tons
f the D ay
- -- J
- --.---
aeeD IUld L'reIt.enf. 'l'()I,)I·h \VII II lIever faU toO Iflv perft'lll I'll tI f,lI' UOD, J. B. jannllY · lire Ellr.abe th Yuel ""t1nt ~;II!1ttlr !:Junday at tbe bom )f Mr Burton Eamba .rt of Ple.tll~nt Rldgo _ Born,to 141', &nd Ml'tI ,Hnrvey Wb it ttk~r, nellr Lebano n ,' II t (\U p"n ud daught er 'l'olll!day evening. April HI. MI'II. Verna Kell Y IIllcllit tlc rlo)u.: l~ ter Mirlalll , of na 1 fI , were g \lflst~ ot b er fath r , J. El, • sk y , ovor SlWday . HI es Ua r olyn !lutl Edith lito luw, of' Bllrol)~rt Ball, Kenyon I.'o llege, are enjoyin g Il ten days vaolitioD at t,lle1r home In Wnyne villo. Mr, Edw~d Brown ; wife anq. · bnby 80n ot noar Ferry , were wei ome guests of t heir Bleak B ouse r elll.· tiveM Suud~y .
Frllnklh l Mond"y Rfterno on ".1 \v" (lond \\(!WlI \I:v It,,\· Phil.! p '1'r"ut . IIJIIlf,lr IIr fill' , M, E chu\'('l ,. tI~"' to'll hy n.,.\, B.·nj. n"",kinH. ,,!, til!! Fri('lItl~ ·hurC\h . ~rr~ . 'J' r"" t illl,l M r~ 1.. . '1'. 1·1" Wli l' lla n jf t1l'YI1rlli h"llIn~, nl\.I .M r ' I'rl\llt 1'011(1 till' fl" . In\\'il)~ nhitullr y:
li1~~~~~:~.lIhall' .f or
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thill, \V'oro O)lflllCtl witla I\m\ on t",'",1 11110 t.h b tlutiful Iftnd of r n!!t . At .tho oull of the MII.lar S Il e " I II III \' ro· 1'1;,1(1, \OJ 1111.\ rOfld~'" In .1 eJlRr t,i n ~ /lli e let f,h man tle of A AWe(·t . " '1' :." InH u\o ther,lov e ffl'1\ npon t h e lo l\, \1 OU s lingerin g lIellr. '
[)~: .' I\ (1'AI\~;'I"I'K :
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Wa nted
Mo se Co hen 's Ea ste r Sa le wi ll conti1;lue till Sat urd ay nig ht, Ap r. 21
two houn, TIME ABD inform ation EJI'rEC"I'J \ ••: PRIL III. 100•• pupils and stu,leD" " oonoerD ing the value and interes ts of forestry . Illld Trains paBS Lytle aa foDowa : the duty of the pobllc to proteot the NORTIl uotltlU SOUTH BOURD birds thereof , "nd ILlso for plaDtin g 7 :Ol a m 1i:09 a m tore8t ,tr\!68. 9:56am 11 :04 a. m t:.! :56 p m 3:02 p-m 7:56pm 6 :011 pm The 1I11l0K Perobe ron Stallion '
'HEN IER And the lleneru.1 pllr,p o e · hl/rse
Homan Blood MarIEs. A toleof horror "'lUI told by markB of hUmtlD blood In tbe hom,e of J. W , William s, 'a well known mer· OhBot of Bao, Ky ., Be wt:ltea :" ,Twen. ty yoors aRo 'I hu(l severe hemor· rhages of the lungs, and waa near ' ,delloth when I began t.akiDg Dr . King's New Disoove ry . It comple te oured me "nd I have' remain ed tlver slnoe. ,\ It cures Bem,o rrhages, ,Chroul 9' Cougbs , Settled Colds und Bronoh ltls, Rnd i8 ' tbe only known oure for Weak Lunp, Every bottle guarant eetl by F. U. Scbwa. rtz Druggi st. 500' n.nd 441.00. Trial bottle free.
Will maKe the lIelL80n of 1!lOB 1.11. 1/ 1 (1,,% At Wllynes ville ~t the W, C . I HIIII I" ,\'~/ 'Ir ',\·'P".'.... 1I1!:! \ A, urn l l1l' Ih.o;: P hillil)'S st llble. You should 11"1\10\, till!!!,;!. look .,IIKI' in I.ho ph,,' : wi) ~e 11. \ W. un'd 1r I ,h see those .Bor8~s beforo going ttl· j" '() ' igliT'A - ,ill)' rl)R !.If I,ll Ilh' u;·~. tI" I 11' \ I) Opl\: I lw.r t' eI8o~vhe re. EGU!:i. l t hn ., III." II go od lIInll Y )' ell r~ A nn Eliza. S~l\ok .•lallghto r f ,1.,11 /'II Ll ' , I l WII~ Ih tl ro., I\utl ,r. H, MARSH ALL, Illt th. pi(" 1 Wil t hour E:!!'1l • iltll aud Robeooll. Ittok , was horn I'rol t U ft.' i ll III .\' UlLmur ' ure ":< tho V, 'u' Proprie tor. pI i,)\i! plllel's wpru. wu n 1 Wit S un e 'l 1, 1 16, died Al)fil H, 1900. 'l'h B c.~ t. Iff E\,"I' ~'Ih ln!! b · \\' 1 " uf 1 ,1\t'l1\ Lut Lb . ~e " me lll or y pic ; M..v home in Wayne svill e [or rent. mfl).'rie(\ to William Pmter Main and Fourt h Sts. t fl e llt nt Fabr lll" Y tnros" flro 80 illlidlill ly fix ' II in my 1 \ Add'rest! t702 'N. minols t i nnian. 2nd, 184 0. The 'home was ll !;,l'.~etl I II!IU1 , t hll~ it ~I)e lll" ' t o lllt) t hllt. 1 Z]MM t-r. H.M AN·~ wi t,h ven childre n sL"I: of \.\,h"m are (l,ml(1 j:fi: tn ',111)' " " 'eu apolis . " pot IIl1d tiu.1 · . . . . . . . . . ._ • • •11 M RTrlA E. DODSON. , -~--~~.~~'!'!' -~ -! !!'!!!'!'!'...!!!.-~-~~~~'!'!'.~~ , '. • " "t'rytbl Og JII8t II!; It \\' 11 8 I·llf' IJllt A Tribu te to Duvis Furna s Mr. Kent P. Browni ng. of Wil- t,Qrlay left to ' mourn thr ll do uble Ill! d .,ubt 'lll l~ ohllug(l(\ li S them.;yah. I·" - - - - - loss. t h e fath e r ha~ng pr~e (led the I h ,w ll boen plIl!~i na,; ove r .I,I~ mingto n, ,a~d Miss Grace C\lrbin , 111. r,n.1 -_._--,m ot he r into the great bevonrl aim t uou bt 1 wor e t o s tup In to t ilt) daUght er of Lieuten ant Genera l Cor. half 'Ollvi" Furull~; IL hiJ.(h I,v rl'R)JE'ct f!d O~SPLAY OF a cenfury ago . ' o ld t o~ u t,hllt Is 0 fnll o[ s weet , bin, atwnde d serviCe at St. Mary's fll rlller ILIH! llu bllo llllell ke r of ,\Il l r mem or1 es, 1 hou ltl bo liS 11 ~t. rll nger , A~ t he age of four year sh~ moy d oh~h Sunday mornin g . W lly nellville. ptl!lsed f\ui otly IIWII Y Blltt/lri ok's 'April Shoot flays: It wus in Sept ruber . 'I li4 , Ih,1·t 1 t,urdllY. A lIril 7th, BUO Will! lllid t o 1')1:> . Mi. ~'nua Thomso n. of th,e Jacobs to W.arren coun ty, Ohio. wi ~h her LJIIIIt, :v l' til old town j:\oodbytl, wi ~h t h rl' solvn i n II \,\' ll li lhi t11 ~t o nl y \I f(lw re'st in MillmI cem et.ery 'l'\iIlSdt1Y. BUlli n .."~ '( ·"II t1j{... . Dliy,ton, spent p arents, making the jOlll'ney in wagthe l Oth . B e wufO ",evenry ' sev!)n & t urdllY sllft ~UII II II \. 1\.1, h 'I" )I" m t! ons fro", Pennsy lvania. At her mar- StlII" S lit Ih t! OIu!lt ~ b O llld jJltS" befOre 1 w o ul~ \'Isit It IIgllin But 01 111e , f' • YOlLrs of IlgO. A lu'r/!o con course of nettr Wllyn ~s vl)l". MI~~ ~" ... I W. I. d ag she co mmenc ed houseke eping th uh fort y YOllr" hll ve go ne into ill a little log cabin in which her hus- silent \lIlijt llllloe theu , lind it blls t he people frolll dill'orf'n t, pflrt,~ of t Iltl liamson , who'ip ,bilnk kt'''p fjr ""'1 .10 II n o~ country lUet nt t.I)8 Friends meet: d for ix telln been', my pri \'ilege to see t,be plnce DIIyton fi.r lll \ ".101" ~I)p nl '~nl\ll ,. y lit b m d had previoll s ly . in £: Mou ee in Wayne sville, lit II . ber parent<:\' homf' I'm Fnurtll "Ir'·.. I~ y ~l\ rs. . There he r en ti r e married IIgllin . M:J.ny of th e fri ends o f Illy you t h C lo~o lrlttil1~ tl flne ARSort· o'cl oc~ . wbere servine~ wore 11131.1. , 'rbe Ladies of tb M. E. , '11\1I'''h Ii f was spent. Upon hi ' death she hllve quit the busy scen es. ,lIld with , m ont t5 . UO liP" ftl IV u.t bravely and c'ournge ously took liP folded 75 'fhere wero Il numhe r of miniNte r ~ oleared betw~n t.Jrty IIDn tl,ft.r (1,·1 . bttnds nnd sil ent lips, htl vo Ii! 's burd ens, and fr om g dlll'eren athe c r08~ ring ed t ol\Uroh her over ~ th present o "silent" anLl str eam. lars' ftt the~r murk!'t, SH lnr. f am ily of' children tog t her, they SODl O of thelll are no doubt linger. spoke words of prlliREI for ttio de Q'~lto atyUlh day and Saturda y even ing. ing yet , and like m ysillf. ruul:I~ng I hiS Spring. u ited oeased ~ " A Ilbl'lLry'is not oomple te with , u nb rokein t ry ing to keep t he Iw me o '\' er otllllr dllYs, when life was Buttt1ri c k will t .. ll , .. U the way to n. Hard . inrleed was the . Davis Fnrnas .\VII R a mno of strik· mllke t.hem wlt,1I 1111 oVtlrs, Lace eto. ont a copy of Venabl e 'S. for 8A,l e by yOll n p; . Of' onrs I should b urden; many the \l rrOws that came ~e e all these old land ma·f ks l ove to Pait.urn trIO. J. E. J&1Iney , ' Ing Individ uullty, Il cloop t,hlnkt' r ' IIg uin, a.nd reasone r, towerin g IIbovo the Farm81'll, Call In Ilnd see t,b e Bran· but t he faithful mother -Io,v e was un- I\nd uluS)) the h ltnd or the ·friend s of c. ley ~g,ploW8,edRe drop corn 'p lant· dying, her God was sure and today my boyb ood. If, you enn furn tu ' On il'l&Otories a vertlge person m ent.a lIy , till well 'HI ~l h 'IV " shipped ... one aneI two row corn onltiva- h er ~i1dren u.l lite in calling her the flies of the yeu.r 1 72 or 1 73 you Ilhysiou lly. He WRS lin onerge will find sOUle letters from un old t io nil qUIt.e.1 nion It'4~tlrtll1ent but Uke· $Ora. , I allo carry a full line of Os. ','ulesse d." Qui t , ' unpre ten tiou!<, r eSIdent , who t hen fived III mber of Fri endR m eeting in Oska· nt ly too gi v" mu in " wonoldr fu I de· borne implem ents and ,a lll taking and f or many years an invalid , yet IOOSA-, 10WII, 'rh ese letters w ere Wayn \' ille. where be Wfts n. COli IIlllnrJ r'lr, The 11)1I ~ lftnlltli tmd med. · QMe1'8 for high grade tobltooo, corn inm hll8 IOlIda tllnlll ,lImuul t to · and (la\8 fertilize rs ranging in price p atience was one o{ her chief vir tues sign d " 0 " IlDd were from the pen stn~t ntt.encltlut from boyhoo d, IIn Ll of -your humble !!erv'tn t, wbo is n ow ~nd even in h e r la!it sickn !!S of inthllr" \vtI ~ not II. ,.ill~11I IHlr 8X' tn from thirteen dollaH up. for man ~ yellrs IlU earne!!t mluilltflr , on of the 'old re8 IdeuI8'~ uf Kn ox· ret,~lIl1tor" I,f Chi"'l~'1 III-Jt- mollth ' tense sufferin g, Iier on e though t was Ville, BURY JAY . No wellthe r W(\S 110 dr enry or. th o 10WII, anti whose busines s card . We O'lW IlJl VI) , ~11 '1)1or8 1111 Wanted . A girl t.o ,10 hOll8e work; f or otherS, to re lieve them' of care, ( of the t'eu 08. Attorne y at 8e"son 80 busy . 'bot t,h lS fll.milinr Leogth .. Oll\ t-;i ~6t\ . if DO Washin g or ·ironinlt . We are left to m ourn f r mothe r. Law, and Ins urllnce) IIl1pellrs 'ln tlte tlRure WRS seen driving to town · . MRS. C. M. ROIIITZlIlll. to !ligh o' er a vacant ' chair. to miss uppor left hand corner of this sheet. t~lce:a w e'e k t (l ntte!l~ meeting . , There W88 ohange in time of traius a cheerfu 1 smile but as the Ilands . But r must not let m !lmory drag As the remllin8 rested In the pillc me into remlnis enca no w, so I will ,OD' &be D. L. & C., effectiv e Bund"y , t.hilt led us onward . On six Glass Show ClUles'8/1id to be theflne !'t In I,he !:-Ittlt,1I in this world, so say goodby e. ' he bttd eo often trod In life and lo v · filII of API'\I 16th. th:v are today beckoni ng, come, Resilec tfully, ed to wor~ hlp, there seemed to. be 11 Apl,liq uo Pn S~IlDl cnt crt, Mot\fl\, EmbleD ls, Gll loom BrA()8II . eto. Our · lh.. H. E. BlltbaW ay ent~rta'ned come, and be at.hom e in the man!jion, I. B . GA.RR ETSON. hnsb of 811dne s, the 'very walls "0(1 City Dres"ll lakers d o nolt go t-o any other city. 'Onr ARSortmAllf. J;leiDg Knox vi 110, 10WI1 . 1\ o'olook dinner Thursd ay evening hrlst hath prepar ed fOI' thee, for benobe s ftppOltre(l to ,be in moumin~ Comple te. lin. N. O. Fitzpat riok of New Rioh· as t he family ~ircle i.. broken link by WB ' PONOR YOUR Tr 1t1CTll· Rnd the voice of birds and nature W' · mond, Ohio and JoI1'8" Weir; flunt,. 01. link here, it is being welded into a evo A. J. alder Marri.ed. ' without . seemed to lend a doleflll ~. A. T. Wright . l4r8. Fitzpat riok g()lde~ ohain ,over yonder. fnrewel lto the departe d friend A djRp6t~ hf rom Sprln~ eld wbich who baa been Ip6ndin g the winter . J. J. D; in Xenia Uazette , d appeare 10 Monday m orDiug 's pap. Six childre n. ',twenty -t.wo gran - ersonnodunced "tlb her da1llht er, Mrs. JOel Evans, ,t he marriag e of Rev . ret,urn~ to her home Friday morn· children and 'fifteen great' grahd~ A. J . Wilder , R ootor of the oburch (If Men Pust Sixty tn Danger : chi ldren and ' an aged mg. ' sister Beaven ly Rest in that city. to Miss More than half of mankin d over lb. Ell88 Blaokb urn, who arrived al' left to mourn het: loss, and 'we CarrIe Bowell , als o of . Jlringfie ld , sixty yr.1I rs of age suffer from kiel· Mr . Wild!'r ill weU-kn own I n-:.W~ here'Ta eaday of lilst week to,atten d as friends and ne igl:lbors h ave gat.h - n eayil1e ney lind bhlllller disorde rs, usually bavlng ip past yfla.r s .luude. lhe, ~Deral of hl8 flltber.- iD.\aw DIlV· , ered today to pay the last tribute of frequen t villits here flnd on one enlarge ment of· prostat e gltmd . With sometb lng sllbstan tlal to begin the d"y on. laUs every Qlemb8 r This is both painful and .danger ous, II J'arDAII, .retorn ed to his home In r espect to a good and noble woman " OOCIIslon spent the most of his s um· of tbe bouseh old these cold mornln gs. Ilnd Foley's Kidney Cure sbould be ...... -. MARY K. GARD. m e r vacatio n h ere , l'iahert owu, Pennsy lvania, t;nnday , Drug Store .' taken Itt the first siRn of danKOr, liS "Most peopie drink ooffee at breakf ut, and we can IUU the lover J4n. Blackb um littie dangbt er Way·nesvillt~. Ohio. It oorreot,s Irregul arities and ' has of l'Offee. We bave a8 600d a Une of OOFF.EESIUI you o"n find In ......._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. onred MONEY TOL AN . Those 'who tenderl y bore to e pre&o~u many oJd men of this !1isoo~e .. .wlil prolong their visit a few weeks What better tban batter cakes with PURE ~YRUP. Get .. Pancak e Rodney Burnett , Rock Port, Mo., cious remains to their last resting tonpr. l We have from ~l900 to 1500.000 to . writes: '.'1 suffered with enlarge . FLOUR flnd SYRU~ here. " . place ' were her grand-s ons: Harry 10ll.n on Relll Estate and Life In8u 'l John NUon wife Illld daugbt~r F r C."ale ' ad prostat e gland and kidney tron· We ean ftirnisp. the makeup of all meals: breakfR st, dinn"r r!inee PoliQies , Ilt tbe lowest Cornell rate , Will of Corn'en , John . 0 Hawke ~. aDd, 81:1P , . • Huel aDd TleQa Cornell 'all of n'ear I1le tor years nnd after taking two per, with all 8easona ble goods. ,. Harry Prater, Ed Hartsoc k and inter~t. . ' . I:Ilnglec omb Bro,wn Lejthor n egllR . bot,Nt1.s of Foley"s Kidney Cure Wayue. vU1e, Ved&' Spry of near I THill tiAYERS WX AGltNo y C~ " . . You ar'q invited t-o 0811. Thirtee n for·n 00. ]Dqo', reof C, F. feel better than I for twenty U&toa, Allce Mardis of near Lebano n Verne Hartsoc k., 4th n~~ Walnu t ets ,: Myers, 'Oregon ill', 'Ohio, 'Vnllay Tel . y"ars, althoug h t am .now 91 years ·T HE CORNER OROCERY, . jyU Clnolnn atl. 'OhiO; WllJ 8t. John andFra nk RIOb and aphono 237-6 Leblul'On exollltDg~ j n1 2 old. " ARD Of' THANKS. , wife of Lebano n took dinner with '., Proprl~tor To our friends and, neighbo rs and GALLO ;N of UltEEN SEAL . Wttnted :Tr8ve lUng Salesm an' Mr. and Mr•. ~t. John and PAINT Sale. all others who extende il us aid an4 MDst furnish referan oes a'Ild Invest a gallon of hellVY \lodled '\Iaint Sorace and AnQa Sonda-y . comfor t in the timeof our grief and and wluin thiDnOO up SeE'l\ p otut.oes ; EurJy Ohlh. Car '19000 0., In' first 0la8S 6)16 Bont1s RcC()rdin~ to • jolly-tl me. mon N r). :J, Qlll'en of the V ttlley JILl. &l"ry and Expens es pttld. Expo. bereave ment we Wish 'to expresS ' direct.ionM on overy packll~ 8. Is the . '. . IlO s'yVllet POtllto ·<l 1l,lrden plAuts j>e'rience 'not . recjuire<l. we teach d " most oOQnomica I !J8,i nt Illllde·. our sincere gratItu de an apprccl ftFor Bille by' J . E , Janney . bll~lnell" at oor mills. 1'he" WbeeliD jt in fl(1"~on. T, C. 1:1 AYLI>R: t!J'rl. THE CHILDREN. Bflll Phone ; R R No.4 XENIA, '0 Hnoffne; lind (;ornloe Compan y, Wlleel, ng, W . Va , ' tUll) "ARB & WBITE : a little .aD~ 2 oent.e f.o to.1 you about !lOme Canned pella my wife 'h ad for dinner on Sunday . The uDaDlm oos verdiot was, that lbey were better than PeM freah' bam thft \'lne. I hunted tho IUIh barrel and found " ~lae ~t'''l' on the empt,y 0Ni. 80 · when ' ynu sen!\ more peH be 's~re that it has ~tbe 8II,me label. . YOU~I\, GItORtHj) - -'
The same loW prices l prevu,i! in all part men ts.
1110 1111-:
• •e
MOf:?e Co hen
.----"'!al'"'-, ---ve ' --.
1 0 If
S '
25 '
ccn t
Shor t Jack ets are a Pere nnia l fitvorite.
The Pong ' Jack et Box sa
W· A I.... L
The Bolero
°lk GI oves
A .p
·Hu teb is.o n .st. Gibn¢Yt X¢nia~ ·O bio .
R . .A.T ·
sm~8 rtz's
. .
C. M. BBO WN ,
'.a.. time
Tha t
Blue Star Peas IOc. a Can.
3Ca Rs of , V •••tabl es. foJ:' 51& c 'a nts A ~rgalu in No.1.• gol)ds. ClUlned Peas. Corn and Tomttto es .
For Satu~d.ays " :- ; .Mar ket
FreSh L'rIsp Lettuce , Radishe s Onio08. Banan~, 100 to 160 1\ doz.; Sweet . liavel Orang6\ !, , New York ~ , Che81!8 F"esb l:akes ttnd Craoke rs:
F ARJR .& WHITE ' O~nge
.Prog ram. ,
Waynea vll!e 'Gran8'~ No. 18, ,will hold 'the next, l'lla-ular meeting . , grday ' aft.emQOn, April 21. Work
. in the t1)'St and ~l\d degrees. ~RY PRQ.ORAM. . EIIay, -Flo~, .'The Goddes s of
.". ertle"
Slater Mary Clagett . $Oq, Siateri lma S~ketl . . _ - -t&.tnct8 trom Granp Diliest and ~MiOUl Lecture r's Bulletin , Lee.
'.' T.he Wh~l~ matte r simmers. right down .to this: Clothing handl ed by us is good, because; throu ghout it is the work. o~ human hands and brains~ EvelY garm ent man-tailo~ed down to the smallest seam and, turne d ou~ brim full of fit, 'finish and ' style that no machine could ever 'pu( in it; . .'But the cost do~sn't even begin to compare with ·the avera ge custom tailor ing . .
'- S w el l '$10 .00
$12 ,50
Halld-Tai1ored~llits $15,00
'$2'2 50
Eac h and ev~~~ garm ent kep t clea ned , pr~sse~ for '2', two yea rs. ".
MISfITCLOTHIN,6 PARLORS, II E'. 5th', St., Opposite P~r.k ·'r,rheatre, Near Main St., D~Y~QN, OHIO.,"
VOL. ·XLVt NO. 46.
AND WA YNE SVI LLE New S. - - " , - - - ,. -
TOLD IN SHOR T PARA GRAP HS Wher e the Lillies Bloom Rural Route Patro ns
1 'Is the tme of the lecture to be On \astFrid ayonr friend WarreD Remo nstra te. I 'J Bunt WdS reporte d as beiog In the , . "r4l1nie rll in all styles lit . E. glyen at Bohool Ball FrJday even. The following pet.Hioo ~1 !(lled by Gem oity. It is to be suppoaed ,hat J,lIIney 's. t he ·rern!llndhr of the gradua ting Ing by th,e National ,Cuh Reglate r pr'U'!lou ll y. \lVRr.v Pll t~Oll on r oral NEWC :!Y NOn"E Dr . A . T . W,rig b....If an'd f Bm11 y .00. rJ oents will be. oharged at 01 &811 had best defer -.theh~ 181~ Ii dOoly ' II . '"' . '. S OATHER~D BY THI~ GAZETT~' 111 ,.11 r.ntLf '" N '. 4. wh o. 'nonclrrl ln g' to tlpent Saturda y wltb friends at t e oor, an it Is hoped that that oity. until the mercha nts ' the uh tl nilO lllllJ6D1ent by til po~t91 C()~RESPON DENT S I NEAR BY PLACE:; Bloe Ball. u.mple time to stock up &gain. hall wI~be orowded with an Intelli- u nt,hori'~, wl11 tifter J'un e 1, reo Mrs. Edith Ha rris Bnd Mr. and ge~t, The populaoe of thia vlllaKe are at de-awake , and i,nterestAld, (' ive l.hAir mtLil t roUl Lehllno n ' 10. Centerville. : ;M1'8. W.. H. Allen villited In C100111· andle~~ who at:e anxlo~ to Lytle , It loss to know what ~ do for fresh reoleve ~ tfllHl Otf W'lyu,,!<v ilt e. bll< been for nati Monday. p~aotlOll I~eas on the orname ntation \~,u'd t,o th e ~'onrth A8Rhoto/\ t;I'i P,)8t ment; all are ola~orlng for the apJ oho !;mith and family ' lately 10 tile sprin gtime Natnre I For SALIC-A plano box bUKiy, ,and 4 ver G pearanc e of a butcher. Where t. tbe W · . d Impr9vd ement moved ' - of their homes .. int J I 17,i dl ., ""4",ter Anerol. li t IUllllngton, 0 0 1O.n. no s JI!:oper.t fiJ'lltolll-88 make, rnbber~lre,ln .lJOod an gt'Olln s. protetltl l~g ug4lill ilt (lhllllAe. in ,a,gflln o.ftor II'H'ing lived in Westy bOIlY >ooou-rin g up the faoo of tbls Waynesville man wllo former ly pltl world of ourM(lillposiu g of muny SOI>plied UB' For some enterpr repair. , Enquir e at this om~. St. Miss Alexa nder and Jaing routA.". . ' . . ltrrollto lu I~ tew month R. un sightly 81ul u!l6je!l'l t hings and man who underst anda bls b08ineM lire. Ida ~ titokea and, dangh,t er . M T t t WAd '1'0 TO IC FoultTn AMISTANT Mr. JO.lnIlS ClllUpbe l\ ~lUI llt.rlok pp In/win g it In the ond 110 clean "IIIB Ada visited MraBtOkes'daughfind ,there is good opening for auob aD' r. rou 0 ~. MA8TICR GICNKRAL, Dlv. ~'. R POST D. : with pa l!'olyilill lu8t Wednellda~ hright thllt. we marvQI at ter, Mrs, 'Lee &J[er. 4lt Wilmin gton', Invlt.a~lons reading as it . .lust e@tabllahment as a butcher ahop, follows We. the pot.rons ~f the F. R . night and died on SundBY following, Mo~day . as this vein of oleim iog up lind 1m· have bIlen olroulated among tbe D., R. 4, 'Wn ynesville, Ohio, Mrs, Dora Ward was shopplDg iD·g aged abolllt 76 yoars. M Jlroving predom inates ID Dature 8;) Dayt.on on Monday. friends of tb., young people ' most learned ' of the propowo o Be wall one of our mo~t hlgbly the 8B me 8pirlt 8eem!! to enter mlln n, ('''hae, A. Brcwn W811 the iDteres ted. obange in our mail servioe estab~ esteem ed and .~elovod citizens Mr. Idd Clat:k is 8een again ming. AI· at t,hls 881180n of the yelu. At least I~"t of ber brother and other rel- Mr alld M~s Charles F Alexan der lishlng LebllDon lUI our cent.r~l oftloe , ways obeorfnl, kind and a.lvea In Brown oounty for aeve ral' ling with our populac e. obliging . Mr . Albert . Cornel) ' hilS , been affeot· ., cia a reoentl . ' . ' . . . ·8e will be great) . request the honour ofyonr presen~ I ed d · e hi l'nste!ld ~ ... th of t ~oYlles B vtUe h , do beg IAllve Mr. and Mrs . Chae. E. Jol1ns and y . , . y m 88 ,an Y '.. s "':' . ~ way . 0 a8 reoently b8d a at the • to ·rem.)D8t'fate, 'kindly deeds will be long "nd )II eM nloe II~tle portico IHerber t Warwlo k,.ltude nt at the erected In frollt or Bon Glenn were tbe SundllY gneeta marriag e , of thelrcla ughter ' FirAt-' l'he, inRI I' I16rvloe of Way. 'I;'utly rentembered. Eunera l of Mr. JalDes Johns IlDd family, Tues' hie home. . O. 8. U. came in ~on~y evening . Dena Mae nesville Is not exoellOll.liy any 't.own day forenoon ~urll\lln Waynel lvl1le In t,ravelin fora brief .tilt with ' W.)'Desv1l1e g through the Mr. Frunk Duke and hl8 'meD conn try to In the ocunty, atituated on the P . C. ~OIetery . the frlenda. ' 8weet 8cent w~re of cutting timber on tbe farm of the blossom ing M.r . WHIIHm W. 'frout C. & tit. L. R. R . with eight mail8 Rev. DE! Long, a. Baptist Ministe r, tree!, oalls undenia ble attentIo n to J . M. Ellrnba,rt JUBt this 81de of Leb. For sale-:Sl xtyfive ~h08~8 for BIlle. on Thnrl:ld!lY evenhlg, May the ~entb dlilly, tbe bulk of whloh Is ea.rly, In who has been giving eo me lecturetl' the faot th!lt there is an enor11)ons Ilnon on Friday. That IB qUite a dieInquire of p. ~ . RlcD, R. F. D. 3 Ntnetean hundre d anel IIi x' time fQr R.i'. D. distribu tion. This oq Catho\,oolsm .In the town h8\1 , amoun t of blooms. Almost any sort t-anoe to go for logs, one unhear d of Jardini ere from 160 up, call and !:;avou.thirty o'olock is v~ry . "reatly appreol ated ID tbe ,J>r68oh~ l,l\st Sunday evening itl the of a bush if It has any form or sem· one twonty fi ve years &go ~ut nowa1188 them for &hey are or superio r tlpring Valley, Ohio. rural d1l1tri Ol • . The 40 or IiO daillee H . E. Ch uroh . value. J. E. Janney . hlance of Ii tree is proudly holding days it is ·ne:oessa ry. At 1I0me from Deyton and Columb ns mostly The S\lInclilY soh ool of Owen 's 810ft 8 myriad of. blol!flODl8 t:!urely , Urll. J:i~ter ADD Taylor la In very ofter May twentie th are very popnlar. 8hall ~e lOO11~ o~ufch voted t~ hold Oh!1clre Pleas ant Ridge. n'8 ser · from tho outlook n ow tbifl promiSes poor, healthy /lnd her oondltt on 164(1 W . Fifth St t·hem ' . We are (lIO$o)y 'oonneCted ~ Ioe 80me time IHIlIly In June. t o be R grellot fruit year. OI)upl~ with extrem e ap ta oiulI!Dilyton , Oblo. wltq Wayneeville, onr b'mkin g lind Mrs. BI~m ue l Weller is 8t·1I\ Mles08. J8IIIIIe Marlat t and KUOI8 under tllg hpi' frlenda aiave anD'y . · Olle evening lust week B lady reTb~ grooll1 iw SliD of Rev and oommerolalln teree' are Smit h spent Sonday &f~rnOOD there. ' . 'the dootor' s oare. Mr . Cllirk Pine 1ft aiding In our village WIUI lleen hurryMt. "MIDl1le MoKID88Y wbo baa aMra. PhUip . Trout\ of the M. E. . We beg you , ooogbiao oar wishes : .BOmew hnt feeble, but able with Eleanor Earnha rt. to go to Ing with all possible speed np our ~Ition In Lingo's ,blt .tore a' Lob. Church, ot Waynesville, 'and has Uoo. E. Rl)ey, . 11\1)11 !-vlna, Chaa. . ~e Gray POt'chaBed the little )lost offi ce, nnd walk I1bout the main anon, .pent ,8 unday at bel' parente ' had 'a very reB~nsible position 8treet. 1'he shrill wbiatle of A. B. hlnl, ~, .. Ivlas, pony of Jaoob Cornell for bt. VlII~ Ge. . 'home here , the trulo ;. olose by explain ed the BltwUh the Conover Produc e Co. of Barry Irvin,' 1~8llalott, daught er, Min Mary, to drive to A o,n mp of !lbout 250 trenoh di ll' uatlon oloely . Despite that a great ~he Gem City for more tban a y~r, Minion Bogan, ~. ' A:, . .1. MII,rlnU , I(ora emplny8(! by the Gil!! Line Co. many BOhool. of tbe b~~~~.O:ntl. r Bllidentl l ran out to aee :plfe ai1(i haa8l'In ed ABplendld repnta tl on. ~. A. Krilmer : . ,J. F Grllham A nlli8tlDg or dIMtlanll, NHungllfian8, what was up f Floyd Savage and ' friend apont and plied her with '" as a h08tltDg bl,lilnel8 m&'n. Be . bas T. M. Mo(',an<1!e II, Theo McCord ; OO i CiootDnah y l11er canEI an 0 ber ationalitlOtl, host of questlonR, she gained to lpend· 8undr.y at bta already SundAy afterno on wl&b Ray Oomel l materD a. home, tbe flttad up a very Robert~. Pear", In .m.~. ...'.1I F rllnk Gruj)er, III looa~d ' ., ' w ood8 depot in tlme aDd and oomp1~ h home ,for hi. bride Albert Beel, WIL8 soon whirled Ubris. Klelnhe in called , on his , L. R. Uraham , .. bout ~ hft;lf ~ ~ Ie Honth at .town . away t oward JIr. PblllP Ilawke II 'IOJoumiDJ who fa a .n l- y eat.mable young lady Philip hl8 (lestloa ijon-Ce n- 1D0ther, Mrs. Kl~inhelD of Spring; Spence, Geo. 'w. Boger, 'rheY. are now digging about mld' jt-erVille . , . at &be bome'o f billIOn, J, C. Hawke and ~ne of hlgb -lItandinR wherev er Archie bor o, I:!unday tbe latter being 00 Malott, Obll. 'th~me , way betw~KlU bere and Bellbrook, OD rtftb I'reet Ind II Illfreria g from sbe 18 kno~. In this era more and more of our the II10k list. . Chaa. A. Gmbam , Arthur Pblllipe N~ tu1'8 lS now ,roblDg hel'll8lf adeblll tated at&ta' of health. in popnlation are 'becomlng vegetar i. • . . ... W Jj;d Y Bogan, n D M D wife 0 and B oldeet BoD . Norm al the warm ..... ,.- e ' • •. , . -'<7'lelollelo ber ~YMt attlre, .as it , MIiI. .R. A.: OrGIII .ndlliA ilm~a 'Leba non .', an8 whic h n a grea num ber a f '068- and Trena Oornell were Iboppln g ', . " Heber H BolI'ltr, 8 . ~. L~nl~jlrt,, 8prJn.gdays. fo~the' .swelllng hu~s etIl~ C.r&)If.rilht expect to D!a~e a vialt for the best. i'et eyen thOI!(l In Lebllnou Friday . . In ·Plnan cial Troub le. J . E. Bunnell, T..nolu!! Frli.v.e6\ Into, beautif nl blOlll0Jn8 and leaf, .Bnd who are not at.rlotly vegetnrl!lDS ."ro t.hla w~k "Ub 'heir former . nelsbThe famo08 old Nationa l Norma l N E. Lupton. Sam Ever)y of Dayton' was &he . Lewis Kirl'!' ~I. h, oherry a~d apple < tioI'IIt ·X,. and' JlrL O. R:, i'llJlIIton, Unlve bl09ml great lovera of froitn d v@gstahhla. gUel t. of Ed ,Sndao ni" a' Lebanon whll'b 'has D~vld Parlett, e aDd famUy · A. M. Swain, ~ the al.r wUh lla1r fragran ce . LAst spr-Iog early S: L. Williamson at YeUow 8prinp, ~n in .tralgb~ned 8o.noi .loir E Swalu . tiundAy; ," . : f ' e realto,ra1tlve power of ndatuhro'a for68llw thllt there would be . ' . a great orces s Q l 0r aMuran ce an Ern_ Hiu'tBOcll, wbo baa beeD CDlDltanoes fo~ a Dumber of . ~e~ra, ope d d 1 Earl Sbueta MId wife were 'he to man 'of the grea.t· Crea.tory emaD tor p anta of varfoUII oonftottc,l to bl8 boole for a Domber iB now In .the banda of a r800ive klo~8 gnetlts of AI va James &D4 wire "'. r, M. E~ Churc h.' '--n doe 'n' . c ~ d f il and he began ut ~'.8tlItat'bY ' lIn Injored hmb canaed _nd .the futore to prellare to meet the cent)y. . "" tl 4~ ' aD resourc e n neB8, d tbe BOhools a . and' ro~etO,kenlhiaownlmmortalit .. eman d , Th. e result har. . beeu '" ~ t.U from a aled,llI no ' . able to master of IUIOQr'of kln'y.. thllt John PhiUl18 ·and- wU.e 8n~raaID' . A chBnlle J1 of qnarter ly l ootlng , ill . ' . he oat;. . 1. he. is now .stocked witb many fine Owing to "dl_gr oomen t to ILDnounoed, from May 4th, to · .Tune Mrs. W, P . Sunder land bas ~en pl~nt!l8uob as oabbnlie, tomato pep_ ad company Sunday . F Sal A bat rteom 1 IIftlarl." bet.,voon tile hUltee l and lai. · . • vlllting amon. old . friends In the per and iD faot alrnollt Imy kind )lan';a lr:';p ~o ~ur'h:" ~rf: 'be ~erB of that tloo, .,he Therefo re, tbf.rfl. wtll"~the re~u .. village the '~st , week and reoentl r .. penon ~otild care t~ set put. ·He Golden Wedd ing of n, 81 eleoerio llghte have IUperoe d. entlre, f&Qulty resignellIIItitu d and refutJed !ar pre'lobing per"loo. next Sunday returne d, E.xpeotl to· ~~ke .~~n. will be apt to plants 88 long lUI eel is. ' -:, co eD~ l~to ,.aDY agree~eDt for tbe, morning, Sobjpot "Paul'llette~ to ville her borne, ~g Prom inent Frien ds. ., , . '. . . the 89&son l~sts , lInd those who· Itre .. oomin, year. t.he.Gltlllltlonll ," 2nd. ohapte r MI'8,.Po pen08 hal gone to Dayton in doubt where ,to go wUl do well to ~'1m:ma ~. .y ~te:)l ' saturda y. 10" waa flied IIgalO8t Epwort b ManY 'feaden of tbe Gazette will League and 8erU:on in for a. via~t:~lth lier. daught er, ~. give .10 ,. b Dna omorro ", an't him a 01l1l. It will alao be of remeu.\ oor Rev . John Benry DOag-, &he bnatee a of the ' inetitutioD by the evening. ' . nyder;. . . , . . , 80me interes t to ; grain ' g,owe. lpend • wee~ , Wl'b rela.lve e there P....ldentr T ' 0 n......... r and r s to l.l1s, a m}niste r In the Friends Churoh Count.. aud.' ~'elaD PH rn d p' . l'be CommlllliiqneJ'l! .or' Montio m- know that Mr. William son is hand· ' .,'!' .j :--"'''''6 (WI' , " ·.ROUT " 1I .. ~or . who for mllny J'e&.r8 bved . T' Audito r t!. A. 8t.l1weU, wbo, It 18 .. J ...... wn: . ,. , : . , erir Co· .....~e., reject"'" the Thousa nd lIog the. Boover and AIllBOn A I'8Oent letter from D. R, O\Dder· ~Id, hold mortga gea to the ~alue twine, mingtOn and from that point . weDt of. M f i · F .I Do1181'1' asked ~y Attorne y In the .made at Xenia, whioh has lon, wbu baa ,1;IeeD "vln,a $ \be IiI ; f26,ooo agalnat ;. tbe NQl'ma so. tllr all over this vioinity ~ol diDI meet- , l, and o~ey or San rane sco, Ball Case. . given good satlsfao tlon. inge. Be was eepeoiaUy well Imown diaDa, State 8oJd~en HOlDe, ••~ Jte~tatlve W: Z: RqU w.e ap LAlli week tbft allzet.t e mentio ned &bat be hi DOW lJieDdl n, a formlg bt po·l n ..... 'iGoelvet .... • abOnt Barvey'llborg and l>iew. BurJ . B. Jon~ hal been quit., bURY ' , &b B '. , bl B tel X. &t8 . . -... r., . . . C~rwln. thAt thfl Bu~ln"8" MAn, . f tl I" ,Lellgue had r lington t I . II d ~ e ' ram 8 o . r y~ . . '1'he Normal _a founclecllo IlCriG undflrt3ken or BOrne. me. pas eve ng II.n to ,,"1116 fundll for ' tbe 14118 He:nrl, tta McKinsey and grading his1ar d. U haa been a con- ' Some yena ago,·& ". " Donal"~~W. "':'::O i:::t.! b:!::, a!:.~ereO~'8. bY,' A)fr8d 'Holbro okand hd ~n Itn Ran Fr,,~cl~ "ntre",r~. . ;t, ., . ~ ... ' .. iD&t~tnti~D ,In whloh th.e people' of " ~ohllcrlfitlon JlIIpaTtI W8re left c\t MIB8 ~tell& Le~mc;)D .and brother tr~o.t but he 1& doing a nice job . a~d moved to California and iBn~w John were Lobatio n v1eltol'8 Bfttnr- when It III .at last oompleted apd Ing at Mill_id8ll1.e~~I~ ' fretDl'qbed W.~n oottnty ,bine .alway .. Bernard lnp, ' . '. \ tllken 't:h" Nilttflna l Blink, tile Oitu:enl day,' , b ome -..- ay rom er pride and ita preaent' trouble$ .. sown In gra'B8 It will be quite a ' de:. . MI:lI. ., AmOl (Jook bas ban!led 'be vi8lt of kin cl&ya wl&b frienda In 'be' m.~r of nera~ ret " . , sirabie location . .. :uk Bntt . E 311nn8,. 1\ drujf lltor" Mr. and lYra. Bert 8& Bernar dlDo oUy, and wu aooompanlpd b, IItaa Retaltok and I& la ulrtha& th: BObool Duty be Itnd np t.o I.IIt avenlng Gazet~ a oopy of Il n . 143 GO bad ohlldre n ILDd·.ra . ,Booth, of Leban· That little germ Carrie BoIwer th; of Toledo, who removed from Lellanon or whloh sooms to newspa per contain ing an aoooao lof elae, heen lu~orlbed . . ' on, were Stln~ay gueate, of Mr. and float around in spring and i,mbuM ·the golden weddin will remaln 'u her 1'-' &h8 reo abaodo nooent irely. g iLnDlv enuy of . WaYDesville OIlRl,Jt tp ', send nt Mra. H. 1!l. Booth. , people with the 8Jlirlt of Imllrbve- Rev. Douglu llnd wife. , aalDde r of Sbll weill!: . . . '. , Iflut lriO to San Franolsoo u every M Robert WU ,• " ht ment haa taken root ~ R . H. St. Ot"er frienda o~ tbe .Uoiv~rslt, oent that caD po'llsiblv 1}ft ,!ooui'ed The event WIUI 'beld, a' their ~ BOII. an d d ' III". r~ . There 't. nmbiilK that dn";a . cll,lm it wlll remAin n.t Leblmo t~~M~r John's brain. Be baa bad during the and also In 'the n,ana needftd to'relleve th~ IIufferinlf alld ' r: !~__rYF" "kn:tWpwl·ler~. r'~ ... ~ ' Oiowd~ qul~ly -a. a .ft~ . TGe.,d'a)'· tb.,t the /lcboo) will gnfesHso . r ·. paR~ wooll;, a.oozy little poro~ ereo~· wu · bold at thee:venlnl conti.nne . " . .Fri , ... a .nde , ' - ••-r nnnn wb';ou' abe' tire' . bro~e 'ou. " IDu DUll . ran ~n 0 arveys· ed In front of his home. In genera l ' . r.ebuJI4 ,;the crt,tY, fbe lu1)aorJpt~on ~qrR t!un~1 _ . . . . .- . . a ... · ' . . . ' ' , . . h 'k IIOOO~liC h "'Uloo . 1 k left ··h San Bernard ino, Wbl0b. . . . atv ,.. 'opan' a !lbort ' .. at BIlima n'l Milll s&reet T,eac,h er.., Electe d . . . . pore es mil ~ a 0Uf!O :' 00 muo by 'many per~onl. timE! 'lllnge~ and IIU who :~illb to Mr. R0t>e:r \ .Bblda.k er visited ' " rela· nicer and to 'b8 .i1mo8t d8l8r&ed but ' 't en 1It!0, appoor more like it hlld . , at .Ly~le Schoo l. help ~h8 OI\U8e;'e'ge,1) if o~lr a ,11Uie. ~v~~ l,n<B,a~veYlbur~ .S und.ay ., o~~fter ~he II~rm ~aa ~un'ded be~p. flnlsbed , " ·· Hundre ds of l&Uera are urKed 110. ... . . M,. Banj. Stiles and' daught er of It Is no doubt but few of us people ~e~ .wal'bllDg.o~' from al.l \ At,. Il\l!tttl~g ,of the Lytl~ who' I receive d from people tp all,pad iI at School ·. ' .' , " " Morr~w .ipe,nt .Sun~y, :with, Mrlj. k:now that. the recent' raUrO!ld legis, dlreo&lo~, , I , j ' . tbe country . Board MondaY.,evenln g C<!n'slde~able. Oasol lne'. Stove Cause s 'Hope a!ld dau,lfhter., . . latlon In this 's tate hu atf~~ even fl: G •., Willillmaon re~rned hOlDti of ,bn"ln~ WIIS t,rlln'!!lllt-ed. •• ~ .Small Fire;, '. ~r~ Marimi Gp~~nand famUy, our little ·road, It oan eacape the Toeada y mornlQg. fro~, a bnall181111 . The8nperJnhnden~, Carl L.l:!mlt __ Board of :Heal th No~lc:e h, , . ,. '. . . ' , ..~. . . of Blarveylilnlig, ap~ ;Mr. WIlLPhll. Intersta te"Com Vlp .o,f I8venat days throngh tbe (J1UI- o.f:.Ellwn, .. wiLl ~e ~m~loy~ inercel aw8 but Dot fo~' _Rn · ,An over6iIect KHljoline IItove was Iipe and ':Wif,e· ·...Dor, &pent ~~n. 80 thlll one. ~eprlce of a .found "'IIiOD of ~dla ... iflll'lnlf-4\~derl9o otli'e~y ~r ~t ,o.n ~vanCed .e4L1ar,Y. .. t,b~ ·~ tiu!08.·o'f a fire wbtqlttl1re&t8D4l:<i d.t:'y wit." ~ra.. o~~y~I" Gordon,r trip ~Iokett.o ~b~0~ . 18 ~s~h~aya . ~.n~ .o~er. olti8l!. ln. ~b~t .par~. ~f , t~" , , The IIOhll4.lll n !>istriot . No, 10.was, dellr.rnotio!t of tb~ homft.'9f. Olan ·Yr ..,() ~r~old and MIMM ata~. 'lie,,,;<>untryboo~..: abandoned. HUll t1ltr,Pl1IlI1@'II811 ay GIE!n:' ha~ been forty. cents but .tbe price . ll1n~d Fi'illmR.ri '<l~' Water tltroot.:ltbciut two nYt LebanqD'-'pent ,SnndaY "~' .. iDg. every~" 'bda>, · ",C1 tbe .m.n~ · .'to : .t,he: ~ytle ~oJjOqI; a~1l lIoothe of ~h of a ~ne way .tlokot is only . twenty oles from abO:ot. th~- preml r _ .aDd o'clOck yetiterd ay aftllrno op : F.)innea M~: and. Mfti. W:. W..Arnold faO$u" nl tllikblia bmeal ~1l runp1nlr de~rtlDept. ddoo: MIt'.. Opha.P ' ./LA opposed to twenty five formerl y. pal par.tlon1~r attent~on fl'9m hll. , f ' , b . to . tit thla I "'~ ..•... ~t · t h " . ,.. .\.,. .".... '" . , , .~ . . . e . ",. . ,I~ did , . .'?~ .t tls .. !eOllu~ not h9weve r affect t!1 rate to time the oondltl on 'o f' thai ePl!>p!lrpn; · Mra. ~ary.·ADl!ODi of XenUi, ~ ls DAyton n t IDe .. \,. . . ... .'. 't '. ·'.I~· ,1(111 was, 1'8Iemplo),ed aa ·teao~er ,alnce ·ltwaal awful. · . . ..... . . : ., In 'be Ad~ert;l.emen' of ,aut~~~. t1le· prl~.t:Y ~bool''''ld, Mt.llln of the wallll /lnd tbe honae W8B aqon lpendln g a few~ys with her dau h.'~ ' . . prope••3..: . Qle niled wl~b ~~oke" IUlU ~m!la, wblch " . , he heart@of Mr. and lIrs. . " Mra. HILky JobD., '.. eoD ~ ~bney,of ,,~,., &bt... w~)( .Duke of tlie Iu~rmadlate:80hool. . g Harry Tbe 8I'rb!l~ ~~g9P ~m ~hoa .. . !:ere pntunt',h y ':eerly arrlvala ' 'at :, '. ·...~'f .~ • • . , " . Laokey bave been recentl y gladden . ltar, .. picture of,;, one , .of .. ~,.~ .. Mla!I .E1jM~~ . Chandler(.ho {lDnda nerl.,~o~dlflY, ~~d.. w ake . '~ ~be ~oe with the aid 'o f buok\?t8, Town ship S •. S.eel by the .bll"~ ofaplt1m~Uttle boy. t:egular oollectlon du~ne .rooma In ,~ IID~nl8 ltore. ~~ ha.d ·ollarre .of No. ~O,'r~ "I,veil tbe 81ltn-, ' N;o. ~b,d tli!t le~vloea' of.t hls .lIre de~t:t. .., . . '. :. Conventlo'n~ ~ o( BatehlllllOn ~.:,(,tlhne, ta .t, <nsr Ferr:v., w~l~l1 Lost S~ndareve~ln~ I8~ Lo~g- merao arran Ire t9. have.yo ol' · . ~iI8 , Due' !l1~t ~bic~,_ i'~po~ded ' 11;omptly , wu.. ' : . .. . .' . " aore. and J. .)d. Staoy .were seen on mattElr. reltdy t9 ~ carried , unlq1ieolltba~l' do8l ·Ih.8 l~' . taull'i!~la~,year. , ' , ' . a~. .. . ' . ,:"alnoheq~lred.; . ' : . , . Mall8l eTowns ~ipwmb o!da .~u~- oaeofo ur.stree tsengag ed. ln. ea.rn- ,. 'J'h8118o,rderlla : ',.b08IIl.,.. of ...y fI,r.m .~ a .. cIty . ,0 ,. ' .,,~ .. ~. '.. ' ." re In th~ ' ID""" , . ". .'. :" : hlCi bouioe WU ooQBlde'r ably dam: 4t:\-Y .school .oonven ~l~p a~ J'buab II est convertla~lon. From 'heir. 4e. of pnbllc ·llealth ;Dmilar .Iu lD; &be ..al8; 'Th~.tOre . .- '~~ : O. '~. "':'.' I~"dent abd ,he "be.... ·'ap. . a ,.~rOl!~. ~~ ·by. ~~,'am~ke Il,D~' :, atef'. · Rnn B~p.t~st., ·.0~~1r0~ 'ne~t S~nday ~~~ it w9nld 880m BO~e doeo·b ualD_ in 8X081B'0 ( .,100,000. \y~y~8BvIl16., ·went ovet. ~o Ga~bll! aol1, of i~ran08 of··OU....t9WD aocJ ..,., ·troat r ~.. 'i ~fterno oD ~~.ll :~O. " ", . . ' a bulnee 8, d~l . ~8 u~ betwee n i the JJ8C!ple ot ,the . QoaDm .. ~ .J~r. 'l'hfa'dr m b~'m~ f~e~da .'rom .Oo~um,?08 Bun!lay .and ~.lty wt~l . P t . -.uP.Emma, Belll~ :-vay .ente,tA ln .. ,, ~v .' , ~cbam" ,.P "tcn: ~~ &b8th~~, U an ~ooment ,,!as everar- QO opera~ with ua _by • &lid .~ .pa~na ., am~1 . ~h~ tb~ dar' with &111881 paroJ)'D and ~ ._ ftl.,.. goe,,~ Tneliday evenJn,J in ' Cl1r,lstl~: ..ohnrch b..,Ul, . fQl~ · 'at WU~lt;1g~ rived ., !" . befor~ d!lrkn8B8 aettled ,tow~nR the JI8O&tle of W,,..V U18 '. ~ ~'Q" Edith M~herl alllQ . W.ayneav ,~geiUon8 QOntalliecl :ll~e 'cmnpli ment $0 Mill J_Ie Clarke 's wlll blllike·th 8 P~P,a l addreal , .....(1 down you ~aYllllfely' bet that there . herelD. ,~d ~ . 'Ulervt.d _ia\t~ for Joung ladle,,! .wJlo a,e itudeD ~ .., " rlend .KIM BplweHb, of T~l~o. tben .WlUal8O, ~ .~O~ ·· iD~retiUng ~.. 8O~e 010118 , ftsU.rtng qliaUt'J,'. aod 'f~ 48a.l In,. 8ar001U done by, I By Orde, of tbe Board of ·,H~b. '& Ball, Kebyon COllege , .. "; . . ~ . Jea\oie e on tbe ~. 1 ' botb etd.., . . . .'~ - .'
at .
wwe ...."
I' ..
. '" .,.. . . -,
The Miami Uazette.
of. the DaY '
Tecu:h Them Belt·Co ntrol, In.plre W1th ltf.eipe" for Se\'eral ToolhaoDU' DllhH Storl .. ot Heroic Duds. and An aatltQrlt y lells '18 I 0 s hort AI~cve rtmludl U8 turl are amo"~ Illi rlll\l Dr. Wllliam a' PInk Pill. the On. Thnt Mil)' Bt Concoated troDI ror 8t reeL - wraps \\' III la t no longer borl\alna. Xt'ep Tbem BUBY. "-'YNE"~VILL&. . OHIO. Rame ..,. Partlcul ert,. ~"'~a. For than tbls seasoll, but surlely It Is "cry Y e. t ~rda7's ROI\&t Fowl'. A i!()lVn of lIO[t wool II a nn In\'eslFeminIn e Ills: · W)i;.11 we think ot'the I>las Ill', en to a much lbe (hlng tbls l' ar" ADd SUrely .llltnt. tho sort of dreda ODe hus !tall '1'0 womeu who lIu\f()1' Dr. WilliumR' 1>0)- '6 nature by pre·IltILallnflucnceu-by SantA Claus tbla year brought many ·a , Illegibl e' Prellcrlptlo~8. Polted Tu rl,e), .-Take lIle·rem lllolof Tho Illegibility of many_prescrilitl onl lend nol s Inherjte d Cr 11\ noco~tol'5- 1\IIIId !lnd matron mcut \\; o lcom~ addl - for the )'ear round; and cashm reR an~ I/. coukud lurkey; (reo trOIll s kill. 001111 Piuk Pills ure \\·ul·th 1.1 II' welgh~ in henrleU8B mske f:j\nnot, w fear. yen In Ule r ~B of and by urrountl. ln ll~ Ul [nvorulJl to \Ions to th alr !lto ks ot lon g glovcs, Jt Our model Illct '!rcsup so ~aU~t8.\'\o\'lly •. and sin ew, anc) vut It through the mCIl~ gold. At 811OOlall)tJ riodiJ a WOlllau "I' ell! a prlnress or, apr!. grlU\l~r ~~v 'ral Um s with n haJJ; 'a Illodiui uo to I'ugulure hor hlOild supply ur ... lhe llUll!nl'OOll. b attribute d. eoth'ely ' dcvel('P01cnlof tlne character, wo wo.u ld seems t ncr never were so WllJlr I!(1J\s cot.·colorell cns mere, th41l d(ll\clotJ ls despalr oC aaylng I>0Ulld any (It U "old bulled Longue. puund W hllr Iiro will bo 1\ rOJlml at pllill nUfl huf. lpru l words LO 10 tho \ln8C lI Ktomell e Yll1bor~ t(lr plnt.r yellow now Jj() beloved; ~bQ s klrl rOI·iug. PI'. WIIliIlUI~" Piuk P,lls 1l1'1l a limo th I I"~ I !llld ~ d\l u Bonerou8 piece Ilrnchms (lnll Ollll,C B. Whctll' r ' tho lIIolh r~ llllt fur lhe [n t lbal Got!, who fnlls In sort 9~ told~ , and Is tleeld dly n1><!ulutoly Lhe IJlle~ t. IIIDIlicill O Lhat cwtlr gave the son tu bis molher, wIll s\lrely of bUlleI', \\'lIb II bnl f ~olls'poon ful \ll/.cl1 IOIl~; 1\ bpi TO or lace (B6 t~ns 11\, tho handw riting at the proCessIon hel(l /I wo/\/uu IAXlk. 'rhoy not,lIolly IIl11lle her cunscien tious \ lIort' lo ~ril1 n middle Qr the tront with n big bow at ot puwdered ma c , 8ul t !lnd pcpp r. aad UIl \V blo\ld. ~'bey nra good (ur IUDIl as II bo,ly Is worse than.' thnt at any bllll weI). ' hlO a slick ot cl nuatllUn . Wben It 18 qulLe olack velvet drawo t broug h n t MY other <'\lually large 1I0dy of men. , 1'0801'aoth lIlId well ,ml :.:ctJ press Il Into -!jnt th oy nt·o good iu " spacial Woy Do not r q\llre him to slt lhrough a 'hUGkle, the slecves or edged rur wOlllon. ~lth hlce m.. rks 'he I.,andoll, I~\l ncet, Wp do nol sermon 110 cllnno t OOl(lrel1. lid. ,'l' be reto corr~8po nd. It, dcalred, unders lce,'os 8111nll 110ts, COVOI' wlUl cla~ln d bulter, .. It wns Lhl'oo )'oora ' nltO lost Rprlug . Imow ; l rtalnly Its ofllclal wriling 8." sult would ~!i an elU'I)' hall'Bd ot c;l1.urcll· illtly be \\'orl1, perhll\IS 1\ would ba well lIud stare .In n dl'Y plnce. Tutl>uy 011 ves.-Selcct th e ulcest thnt Illy b Clllth failud III ." l;W.y/i Ml'ij gulltg, Let Sunday sellOol leachhlB auf· el ld enc~d by pI' sc rlptl qus connot com· '10 provide 1\ paIr IIlld LhllS vary the Artllu~ Ouulllll/. Qf No. G uld\\'tltel' (lIn\) wit h t lie clerICAl producJ lons o r fl ce In his early Ilte. Wheu bId cnoUgh gown as well as m(lke It suitable fol' sllc(!s qr turK y. 'ut lhin . and apren stre t. Bnttlu Orouk. Mich. "l s lIlflll'ccI ea to h mingle wlLh a with mix lure uther uf 'bol's, IJl'en,l Ilsk -crombs bim eath frol" lUll UrrbOll\ Illl.l other tl'OolJl tbe sister professi on .ot th~ law. In' a cold day, & ~ny whep 'th e I>a re arm8 und 'lhoPP'd oysters. Season this wllh UIIIt.. I pt'C6UIlU, woro CIlu8Ptl by the llle latter case, of course, business doc· C\:enID I; for Llle hi s tory or his dny. En. might be ralh er chi ll y. ·melle(l courage his colllldence. Make him teet OULIp.r. Hait, IIGlJper, minced el. \Vunl! u ~ j, Ilrodocl'(l. I hn,1 si liking The while slllrt waist II IYorn by evnments lire written largely by p rsons you ~ry ami a Iltlle tomnto ,·atBUp. Roll up spull". lIarvollti h cn(lnuh ulI, WIIR wIIIlI, are. his besl frlond und adviser. AIcrybolly In lbe mornIng s, we slnlply who ba\'e Iltlle olher quallflco~l on . lhan tow blm La bring b.ome uucl ""hnusuJd !\11 tho tiwe alld 10011 <!_ Ills frlenl1s, 'l'bue 'a nno l give up Ih'ls Irlm and dlllnly light \Iod III!. DU Nt with s ason lug, Ii leo 1\ wnllllllJ; tho p\lsScsslon ot a clear bondwr lllng, YOU may discoura ge noy bad assocla· skal tall. dredge wltll flour, nnd rry s lowly In bot garmenL Neck\venr (or lila wnsh·wa l!jl " ~1:y bnele (lllil IIl11bs would aalte QI. ObvIous ly. 0. medIcal man caonot carry 1I0os. Teach him to do nothlng 'he \\,oul(\ bu.ller with a golden brawn. matches . It tIlO Is !.rIm alld dalnt)'. most onlltill aJl(I there wore flay e bls own cler k nbout ~vltlr blm to S\l~ . blus b to tell you. nor bave any frl~nd he Turkey Toasl.- Chop cold til. rkey .IIM. \vhun. I WIISimlly W,\shal lieslack s of "arlons sorts are ' alJRolutuly hnlpless trom could mit and bring let home to you. It 91/Umel' tor Iii mlnut eH. willi Hloll h ~.ntlnube. J tried olle doctor otter sUt'ule a leis urely and legible writing llYPular, and Inany linen OIlIlS llavII Splf'CObtrol ,ls (UI Im porllUllles8on for ror the burrled eparacle rs of the lIusy ualitt·nlilde tu / n-over collars. It' 'Is to' jUst enough gravy or slock to cover Il, H!lot her hut MIIIIOL 8I1y thnt tbey h'll)'IJd Ufe ; let him learn it ot you by Imitatio n'. me~lcal mnn, so that tbe I)ertorm ance he hoped women wIll adh ero to wash· a lump of butter, and sa lt, pepJ)llr antI IlHll1t nil. My liver willi sluggiab and. Phillips Brooks once In a sermo ll tronblcd !lOlUO wltb cOllstilll1tion , nb.l e n ckw ea r, ' 11 'Is' Llie only rellliy de- mu tard to sensoo. Have rendy I!wall I wnll of tbe lawyer's omce \\'111 always Oll~' .. Olin dny a i Qluu )vho bUll uow warned his congreg ation agalnsl tbe et· Sirable kind. One 'reason Oll'n look tlQuare8 at buttered lOlls t, Bprellll tbe ftolll>pl'phy~ ah'l ne the scrawl from a vntlant' s feet at dull llctice nlct Illy husbalJd bomes In driving boyS elselurkey t)\'cr It. aud so rvo. neaLer lhan \\'dmen \)/1 af ler nn all·day, t,ho s'treot Olltl IlIqulrcd about lilY house. Yet tbe matter Is reallY ODe where' 'f or tllelr amusemen!.8, 1!:9callop~d Turkey.- I,'\lI a buttered and eddowntow n Is because ot tbt'II' dally lI'IIlth . HQ Mvlsed my busl)I\lld to g6~ admittin g ot sucb serious acoldent s vis d them to set llil blllllU'd tables at r\hih wllh all rnatc layers of c bopp~d ~O/llQ r~e~ b of Dr. Willinm 8' Pinlc Pililf 'or Ille. lI~en, because tbey dl~p1ay ' 'no that medical men sbOultl tnlce spelllul home. Such a "means ot grace" Ie only lUrkey, bread cr um bs. nnd cr ~ am sauce. Ilulll I hey woro 'l\ good medloin, so iled · lin~ry. e. beUer paios to ",rite clearly. Some persons Open to tbe ' rlcb , 'b"t I rememb er ahoma We llIay' alToct the laun dered collar II Ing one IIcant villt or sauce to ea~tl tqr my trollble tbnu bo cauls! pu~ up. r triecl large tliO lU, cupful boll evil 'Ih,a t prescrlp liolls are, .badly wbere the ' fatber 'and mothor de\'oted illlpro\'O of meat fl flteudlly , nnd seoson cacti I1IHI 1«>011 la~er on, and agliin take np th-e Wind, wnij pnt.irClly c!lrCfl. All 800n tho written on purpose, Ulat tlrey ma)' con· s6ver·al Friday morning s' In the monUI 80~ tie; thi s year tbere' Is appearin g a laYl!r to taste. Co \' r lho top wIlh but· I lll!orrht w,/\ to wn.'! the c amusem llred the ent bentlncb ofthelrb oll oys anci their \'I)y no meaning to the pati ent ; lhat Windso r wltb embroid ered nda., Both terotl , I!rumb~ . and billie In n moderat e 111101 other 11I1ilJ>! ~hl llJlfld. 10111 friends, which proved ot Immena e ad. entirely plnln And plaid effects ·, are In vogue In O\'eD Until nibel)' browned . faith In the. medicine, In fact, may well nn\V l) ut luh!llil to continue to 0 van'tage to tb Turkey Lege Brulled .- Plaoo ,be legl Or . l bls tie, the favored wIdth 'Is live not ·be Intertere d, '\'fllh hy too close a. tbe way bt homoewbole nelgbbo rbood 111 \vlIlilln. ~· Piuk Pili ••• " epriu g' training . niHI lh)ghs leftov/li' fr om Ihn tl/rlley IIU toulo. " PRINC ESS OF APRICO T'COLO RED Incbes, the fa vQred colors, white, nayy knowled ge ot Ita constilu ents. Such As soon liS you r boy can understa nd, a gridiron over l\ low nrc aod lurn every . The gOllnillo n r. William s' "iuk Pill .. ' and cardInal . CASH MER Iil. For lingerie walstll an object. howe\'or, caD be eQuallr wel1 teil him tales ot heroism ' lind aelf"sac tl' lhr eorto'lr mlnutes . \Vhen "'e ll hrolled nr 1101\1 by 1\1 1'l r\l!lIlI ~1JI aotl by·tho Or. acbleved, If It Is ever desl rabl , by ft.ce, Rememb er, "as tbe twIg Is bent, for i bese gloves, and abo\1t as Dlany there are exquisit e selt·emb roldered on both SlQI)8 take thew 01T1T. noll In Wl)lIn'" " Mo(iicinu OuwllIIny. SabflOeo . I1ngerle stOC·kB. J apanese embroid ery substiUn g elabQrate cbemlcal denom· the tree Inclines ." How complet ely lie wblte ones aSKed tor aa ~I sck ones. Ion walats mll BULI'd lIod brend crumbs UIId pour iIIlly, N, Y . , ' Rnd In neckwea r promise s to melted butter over them: Inatlons for s Imple and ,D1ore common - Is youra to mold ~hlle In your lovIng . Tba ' dealers are ofterlng Ii very good be 'm ore than evef _the rage; IIkewl8e arm.,! . 'furkey Glblet ~ with Turnlpe .-cut IQng black slll< glo,ve. ao t;blck and ot chomlse tlcs .Iose no Jot ly used nallles o.t tlrug!!., As matters Of th eIr popu· both .WIOgBof a turkcy lo to tbreo pIeces Tucll him tbat you expect blm to ' s ucb excellen t quality It Is a atrong larlty, but now preterenC are . at' I?f!!SeDt "e bave a sbrewd 8118' Il Is glveD picion tbat It Is otten only tbe sagaclt) ', make you ,proud or him. Try to set hili rival to tbe more extravag omt' kld. The tlloee llIallC of line t batl!!t. ratber enc b, the neck Into till' e or rOllr. 'and will In tbe tbe gluard Into three. MllI Cflan onion. silk Uts band~and arm 110 prettily. by [ban all,o\'or embtold and carefuln ess of the drueglst wb., a<lmonlU rlgbt directio n. 'I f he nlled. .nol ry and laue 1I few ~ preferre d (or other tban frllia. add two lalliespo onfu is ot butter In a on. take blm alone. reprove blm . , iJlapenBea a prescrlp tipn wb'lch prevent kln·d l, and ftrmly; a",y . bow much bl. economi cal reason. • : . Bils of sillt ·plcked up al to ·tl~Y 'B saucepa n. an" when 1I0t put In the gib. tbe concocti ng of s omethin g far dl.l1er. m condllct hili pained )'ou. Jt lIty, suoll bargnln s as are .temptln g bargaIn couDter s may be be repeats lived for 'lhe, Icts. an d ~rown , scaaonln g with salt n.n~ A JlOrfect 1'Il0leDt from tbat whIch the burrled 'a nd Lho taults, correct him; but make the one now, wao, l\ -llood tiling going for gray valle aprlng gown, for 1I0wl!re'd pel1pRr. Wilen brown drain out a little, DUilDe!IfI, NlltlllClI. illegible "'rltlng Gf the p rac,fit1on!'r I ' punl~hmeD l -ftt t.he llmlt ond 'U811 no un - Ihe proverb ial Bong; , It we' were nil R ot tbe fat: Rtir In B tab lespoonful of lllie go 80 prettily willi eertllin iI.,ft Orowa1DeIUI. D~ TJust.e due severity over trines In wblcb tbere muslcll , tiow well drellsed we sbould (Onel! 'of gray; tended to conl'ey. and Ibe comblna tlou Is flollr. molslen wllb a oIllnt or cold broth In tbO Jlooth. CooII)d II' uo mpral r 2sp'oDSlblllty In volved. If a ll ' !>e tilese January days ! The wise the' extreme of ttyle. ' Aprl'Cot c lo II or water . and keep stirring ' until IL PaIn tnUae Sllle, you noUce a. c.ror, plng up of nn beredl· woman buys now, Ir she Is ilt all abl e: ·makes a lovely oo'mes lo a hall. adillng one onloll wltb Food A-dul~eratJon. _ _..J'I'O~IPI'D ·UVRR. TnQ evening ,wrap, anti tUe , Tbe America n public will not , se-- tary trait. use every, meanl p08slble 10 s gall1st Ilext yeiBr's demand s; and to t rimming ' to use for such a "I'rap Is two cloves hI Itand alltUe pal'!\loy. Par, R'ItII&" ,.8otnlta . .J>veITVeptable" rlously ' dispute 'tbe stateme nt of Sec- countera ct It. If one lllim fallB, try an· add to. lhls year's store, too, ,for~1 hesvy lace; Not a few ,ot \be wraps !loll abotl,l 30 plebes or tllrnlpR 'cut up 1101 ' netrl,cU ng to !eek CGuns!!1 wtnte·r Is no", befor.e us. for ~any long ltre made ... It~ou,t s leeves. like olives; lh'm,try and br~,w n th!lm In retary WilBon that 'It, favors ' the pitrlty other, just. t)lg from Gail. ' . " daya y.. t we ,hall bsve lo Cling \0 t;llpes, nat unlike . those ,. huller. add t hom to the sLew, and elm. " ..rFrDS "'e of the markel Dasket. ' The On,ly pos, Must Bear woO!a and rurs. 'And " peakI ng ot .·(urs, rashione d fasbion pl~tes. \iea In 01\1. mer the ""\hole ror allout rin.bour aod a """. U\ · The mother Fac-Similo Si",oal\ift, , Sible dllrerenc e CRn hI! as to method. ,her ,grOl\'lllg tl. tortunat e who caia give boy .an . oUldoor , Uf-e; • halt. Silt. the ·, nucepan on Otle 81(\0. A _ ~Die adulteration' of tood baa reached pony to ride. a -1l'4tdeo to ski m off nn the Tat take out .be onlOD · run about In IVER /~N'~ O. tnt point wbere th.e . P'IOple bave ~ (perhap lJ to cultivat e) .and peta to keep. nd l)arIl16Y. all.1 g 'rYe t be glblel!! In a PlLl.I. t ; Jgbt to complaIn. PriceS bave rlaen But It her lot Is CIIlIlJn a city apartme nt deep r\/oh.-'-Ch\cogo Tribuna . . A woman ~Bld to me the other day adornlll ents: lhe ,ear has IUUIE IUIIYIJUTII. belln marKed -'-'. _--'-- enorm,ollilly within Ibe past tew abe bas "tll'e compenSll~lng Influence, al- - lo be sure ____ ___ ____ ____ _ __ _ It W88 a balrdrE !sse~-lel a by s~ngletl and It 6ubdueel gUtter uf TO 00 WITH Cl/T.FLOWERS ,eal'll, and 'adulterl ltlon bas become waya near, of museum s. picture gal· woman look to ber, hall' dresst ng and BUSINE SS lIIA-XIMa. gold and sliver trimmin gs' In dre"s ahel - - -more frequ ent. $Ince It la general l, lerles. 8tereopUcon Ie tllN/S and lhreat- ber bat and slie need no t worry. And COiffure '. _ __ _ d~cora~lo nl:l fdllow a Ull . I'lcal '{, bere perform RoSH ances-th aod Violets Need Obtlliog Mon! e latter sbould be there Is no IItLle ' trutb 40 believed tbat tbe purity ot, 'the arUcle T.p-s ru hQlv the otl,er fcllow s do ,'tlio state· are IIUver and gold .rOSet, all ... er 'I od ~ bosen '!"Ilb· d!B,e retlob . . ' Than Carnat lon_Ho w to Re' l th ins "I'St, and tlleo nn<l a newer aoel IB deslroye d ' In order' tbat addition al meat;' tbough 'tew tbere be Of· us tba~ .'/. " JHall,d lcraft ' ~oPer"t. Pau~H. , b It r way 10 nCCOlDpllllh th e re6ult . proftt .may go to soaie .one oth~r tJlsn the. tralnlilg baa all Importa nt UBe In. seem to p~ollt' by I<OD~le~ ", ,o r .Ihl ll "r.boys . Dr. Isaao WaCtB fact. ,.......:..;. ", )t'lI ~Ol ~ho mlln who tilmply does ' tbe ' 'CODSUJDer. It can readily be seeD UY8: " '. , \ Ro es can be put In lb,e lce .boaoyo r', tlt ings. 1JU't tbe mAn who d(lol '.fb'ls y~~r ' e 8pe~laHy the tbat the pcople loso ' at bQ'th, cods or r.olll:ure II thln~ For Batan tind~ .9me in l.chltl stitt night. hut perllaps tbe but w"y I" 10 beLl1!f - for whum' tim sometbl ng not to be neglected , and world . I~ ukF,or 141e hand. to dO. tbe ,b argain! State lawa bave been p.ut lbem In BIICltdeep,p[tche r, 'l bat tbe ' Ing': • every woman 8hould pay care ful altenThe wtilter knowB of a bome where a elT(1CtI~e In some JnslaDceM . ' '10 penn, s tenIa . will be IllImersed up to an Inl:l1 \t1~"8 ' brpf)d opportu nity. '11I'Uli IIl1ls ,~Ion sylvania many dealers' bave been pun.. aunny garret room wail devoted to tbll tbl~ Lte rJl.tper-::of bom tbe hluS60DlS: ' Anolber way 18 to hlpn'lI ll \IC l1g ,lOwer Whlfe -tbere-. and 8ltbaul\t III . no · oDe, Blyle b,oys r d l SB a worksho p. Tb~re once t bt:y ~oat .abed for seiling i presenved sansage. l)Jent ~n Lhe batbll. l b, and al!lce lbe, tti n men ta lity: The (orc,/ ot, cnlltOt1;a wbl~ . may be s&IId absolute ly to rul e, construc ted a rowbOat . Lakl~g the oid petals oUa:hl not to ))e wet., IIIs, hest to . 0flell ·· lllIrlilyal!~ progres" . but It Is l)~sarule tbt.t many otber:a . , Olle aa the mollel. One wlUler day thl'Y yet i.ri'lTe are certain things put a 1I0llril I\~dcr thl'm, or lay 'pme' bayl, Dol been brouCtlt' t~ Justice. . But Quir ll w!lrk II 110 ' a!Jlt8.:F(! and s urprised their mother wltb ;tn Invlta· 'er tl.ln otbers not. It· la all very Well Ilpon the s te lllA ?' othera. MONt rose~ . ,.,.,,'k. 'I'hlt halily DIAn , to assert tbat a woman 8b,Oul<l not sausage Is DOt tile only ' (ood adulter, tion to .1l IIlelgb 'rl6e on II nul always a' c: halr s loi! fulle wlLbl1l l'-4 h(lU rs from tbe tillle l!ley ' II k' Uoo/I work d"'nA ated. F'orelgn sllbIJ~ances are declared (with relll.belle on tbe hall~l t ) . all \liad. o bserve c hanging t~s h looa In halr' c<. UIO lall ' wo~ ·cr . are, brOI!Bul v Into a warm IIvlllg mOIll· . i'kl dressing . t.baL she sb9 u ld kE!ep to one U" It b~ cbemlst s to have ·foUlld· their way by ~helf own haDdl .~ N . Y. Tribune. ~lth tnr~ )'1)\1, r,an ~ep tbem four da),11 410 , Y 110 I' ,M Y IRI' "'hilt Is .... apleil. that ,bas been found ' becQmip g; ~k It by" ' a nolhl' ~. ~ ...- . - ; ; - ' - - -''c)r more. lrito mao Y"other a rtlcles round on the ',, ' , A s uoll . faln1ln, III . sbe sbould 'cerlalnl y nevei' go · III for '. _ U .YOtl, luve ,'/Dlets In. a wllrm rOOlD r.ooll 8:.le~ Olan ~'tl(J kn(lw8 , or~lnary . tahle. ' .So carefull y Is {bll .. a, tasbloo tbat Iii IIot :becolDtin g 10 'iler HINTS TO HOUBE KEEPE RS. bo_w lO PI,'t ov<\rnic ht:.rod hi Iheorlgl nBI bunch they III!, (Il\l'i! lIDsl vlln'J!1I .In !loj)Cr. boldll ' a aduliefa tlon can-iell on that It Is not'. Indlvldu al face an~( for~, but ybe may will bp. rulnecllo thp morning , l>ut Uyou' winning hMn.' . ;Ill IlItl ,ianlt: \' ~- ' alwaY8 'dhioovered · ilntll the parly Who adopt cerlaUl 'Uttle chaogea tbat will of tiu lnell~ WbeiJ , lonlt halr.,becollles so matte(J 'bes peak a~tentlon to the. wnl 'relll:0ve lh -Wires. ",B sa on .8,8 ,.. "Oli.. Sftln~~. prollts tiecomell .earele,ss t~rollgh can" mo·d e. . As' for . . get them. cT.Jt off the tbat IbjJired 11 18 IIlem8b dlmcull ovq to oomb , l>o y!lur; .thll wl)rl;. Ian. inetance ; .,thla selUlOD u.n,~p,i ·and W~IlD II1Ine tlnued Buc;:ces8 Wltltou t 'cop,slderlng ' 11\0 br\I\~' fauRNI by' tb~".'I'jre i ~nd ,pui JeL!~ !'~ nll,I~~d '7dt)n'l 'led ,Iocks,- they shOUld _blJ ~atutated' 'may ad\! some fo'r m for full ' dre~!I shl, ' of' armament to . l~ , !n tbe 'mol'Ll, pbllse '(If a practice Ihat al" 'w ith II.I00bol. Ih~m iln a nnt "'Ib Qt wa~er Inlbe . ,reo 'l:flhdll hlll ,10 he. lIonl\ all 1p,lve Th'III ' done. lhey 1'.111 her :,coll1ure. .~, O.v rr agal~. . lows a n:tnn, to Ch!la't hf8. nelthbo':, tbe b~aine amenab le til , Crlgermt or. you aJl keep tbemlo·r lb reil F.llllrllo~ the brush alln All a rule the hal" Ofname ms are gold fOliage, and O('.()asr~I . advance , eli1p1(l) \,~ evl! elfqcts of ,adulte~a ~lolI might la1I" tJao t1i1a dll)'l. or morn. tr you )have ,110 Ite bolt · ;',110 hillfcr8till,don't co,!.D\) ' as If bY , maglc. modest ,aod pretty ratb~r .than obtru· ot .hrt pompom. will tUI.olIs. be t ouched .~ conslil~,ed a .lI.lild tor "naUonlll ,with plI'L(hcm In a 1.\0 11ljcd wltbllor l,s t'a pa, . If , )'OU ali'~llI·\I.M , '8a,\'e ttla lea":ell f~,r Wallh \ng " varve, though ' oV\lr 11I, .:P~rla " l~hel ',hAVc ' C(lld or s liver. ' One of si mply because 011 tb~ pretties t latlOn. Wbat tbe Influence ot . tlprlnkl ll tbo tltems'and cloae.tbe b\)x, 10\'0' i nil /1111\10 o nll 111;(\ to nlabed Paint. When SUmc'leDt'leIo,vtin gpne In: tor long 'egri!ta handle t.lle and E'ven bIrds aull simples t ~odell Is .the, ua, of a:. ud P~llt Iii IL cool pIlle'!. ,I~ 'U.e IItate ~DY.1 conce,al It Is more have . beeo oollected, utile!) theln (or c.f par~lse ' feathers . :. 'A soft , \,' ~ardR, 'mu$t' any Rgr~ea~"t '8110w \\"l'U loW pam··' t.~Jdt' ot ,tln'sel' gauze 'lCfoR tb!l ': rr~ti't Carnatio balf an -nour In II till veaael and ns are th (\~eQsle81. , ot ~iorlat.Jj· do til: hlll ll -!...b.\It. It -rOil plIlY: to tban , p~bable . tb!' err~litJve ,wbrk POt;n, Is d~or!,>~ lve ,and bec,o bllng, also Of t be ' cb1J. ·\ Opo,d' .wlu / galli'! ~'straln throiigh a: : 'I~ve. Th18 ; tbe ·slnglli rose, and ',aI80,' ttl\!: c\llist,e~ eWllloyed, c)1.cap tln!el Ie s bould ; be ' lIowerS: lo ,keep, Tliey ougbt to I.. t at ,jou '1I!ill\.ld CII\IQ ~ .6. . !;llQd , parlri.';r: federal blllce will '~!nCO'l\r. ~ llJi!nl!: ' to leaRllI.' y.,e'e k: Belle r np~ put.ihelD In the, 'P,llOllle WHn'l,Ives" a t\'e!bl!~; ne,.,~r · appe..-a nce ta of amall, bIOSso", •. ' co nl41 lo ;3'011 Sometim es ffom , bll-I'avqlcled-. I . • " 1,\1), ' , . J; '~., l'~rrlger8to'r:r~)1 ""d'o not !ll!e\! "arnl.he d W,OOd tbao ordlnll.ty soau Ute balt tbe.rewl cbllllna. hl;h . QII,\lI";''' CQndll- lt yo.u .d?D: ~ 'Iell Jl 'arIse . ' I t may lie., In. piace. here to speak '''ot ,u.s roses . Barefoo t JIOldie.r.... an!)'; water. " '" !lo. ' , .',' . ' , .. . thtHn ,Y,nIl ':O-! ' got · '~t'm ',Lo 601l; YO\l !PIde '. sllort. ottrlcn . featller/ some; ' ,t.b'e arrang., ment ot tile Barefoo ted: sol(lll!.~ may soo~ form haIr. 'T~il low li'or 'Mlldtl1f Ie not geDIlrally alteeted bl! times tbe wreath . termlnn te In<hnt. coli and 'braid are not 110 niilcb hi fash- , gala 'Dovel 1IIIIIe Ill)coratlob~ bronn "/tll 't ,lncltl6 wh .. t Ii\.~ t hllro I. II d~· a novel feature of· tbe UI)Ite.d States chemica ls, tbough It , leavetl com bine bealltlfu ROmetlll\elI Yield" 't erdy bOwlI. IJ'be' single ostrlcth ~Ip' b-. lo'n DOW as the hair drawn up well Oil ;v(oIOltr (\\I~ I be hctrt ~bad lly wltb ullu"i ror &oorl~ until ),011 trrtcr a~t army. At any ml.e, IUllpOlltor Oll neral to their action. It lIlay cs of carDa. it. ('11 II YO\I? best be treal. been worn by' generau obs o~ women, . tbe .crOWD ' , . Burton h$e lIuggested that tbe e . . olen- ed Wllh a stlrr pasle .of tbe' head . ~he pompa. 1I0!)S, made by bolllni '18 again, ,In vogue; It Ie l). sort· of dour. a nicely mOdIfied one, cy of Hie Phlllppl oe scoul!! wOuloJ be down caatlie 80ap 811 Is tile ' Potted vIolets. make .pretty Q.vlnCtl, sl1 r eadlnl r.egal toucll to the lolletta. slIggellt.e - tbl\1g, e.ater·. Imilrovo~ If· tbey ;"'e[o ' reQulre,l to go a thick layer of th'ls nltbou·glL t)le psrt .Is ae'en I6ilte' pleqes. ' 811md J "IWa. upon tbe Htalli . COllrt recepUons. queen's ' drawing fr1lquenU , or . llIe 50.0QO luhllllllhnU\ of (l ~ 1 I, y and' w~~ becomin g Is, most without . sbo~s, tlspeclaUy' In tlte lIeld. aoil, scatteri ng ovet it JPolted 8Ira!.b~r rl!!8 In trult Ilrll some .onl, room-t bo, u gh "orn by a 've", hUJDble altr~tlve. fJ'bat would be a 'return to . the prlml - pOtllo~~: Molal'1n IdighUy our , draWD . ·up ror"t~e rlcll . al'lll even \bqn. lire har,d to .~ltltri ! w'o,t\JUIIII 0 ret ·J e wsl.. mltDy ,)t "u"'"'~'lIi'I''Q''''' IIlt}e girl at. ~er lIrst' ,danc!!; 'fhe !aoo pritt): ,W,\!11 {.Am .lpompad , D .tbe' ~ Ides , an.~ fallll'!C 'gj!~, , Tbe' mosl bei1~tlfu 'l .,ate tb'e ones hl~m 'I)nve IIli)!)'" )lIin·. , , . .' '.. '_ ' (Ind Jeweled butterfly . hae alllo bail ' a ove.r tiie middle. ,ot ' tbe forehead J , llve sfate ' 911,11' c.ustolJill of t " ~. ter •.n6 bl~ach, alit on the gra ss:' , I ~ whlcb have hell' berrlca·Tlmtected·l rom long ute, Just ",hy ' we. ~nnt?t say. :-~ .. a~ecttld . . -' ', ; , " 7"-. .and wbO In tlle···uld dayB .went . , 1\l\lre'-JI e:::z 1 l~f ,. be Ii ·I.lttle 'curl tli'e soU by a' s9l1a1e o'f Wire Ii.elllng. ,'· . .Many,'p eople · bpll eggs Newer 'modes. are upsland<l'llg sprays' juet a( th."mid dle. We ., lIy 'sttlred , ,wllh·. no 'n(;Uon · o( stock · lIis by 'plal:lng 'the epgs"lniqthelr lilt, ,recently ,noA few: llan,sfP,s ;llI a ·s mdll . VaA~ look , INCIPIENT "c.;ONSUMPTION, oold~at'ei'" of ' gold ,and 8llve~ 'whell.thea,ds Inter- 'ticed " ' a ' pretty ,arra ngemen t ' of 1' -' -.- _- '-. .' 4 " , ! Inga aod sboes, to ,Bay 1i9tblng of the wblch ' ls allOWed to' coDle ,,"cn , ' ~Ul 'It >:o u· bav.~ ~ lot or th'em : any. .f, • ~ lIow F"Qd lIead"d Olf tbe In.Jdlou .. m ill t";·y·, leggings ~blcb' now grace ,tbe Ing point. One hougeke 'to Lhe bOil, mingled wlfh graSSElII': ' ,and- we' IIhoqld acrosa ' th jl' back ot a 'sOrt kl!cit ilt·, bllir nJemfn~ 118 Illre to' mil lee , • "."1 ( . ' sliailks of tb at. valuable . ~nt· of the usc, tbe ' ~airie method eper at jea's t ipeak of the 1I118 or· other' 8hlmlIie rlng piled hlgb 'on, the head. , '" r. ~l\t. panaiee 'i\Od otber ~bort. · for poacbeo!\ , . .. 'l ',," ., ' • governm imt. ' ft may lie aiivanta geou8. eg~, ta~llIg them from ~temme, ti"nil,wQr~ hI bbwl, o/ ·s.·nd. 'a.. lh~ Bl~s ." , 1I"~ ' 8phagn~m m'"!8"ldetii! apbagnu m II water pertectly ()OOkel\. .· Sh~ 1t. is pOinted out; 'to have .;the SCOUt1 ' bollin, · , ' Avoid too bbL' all., oven v..l!e~ c~k. ,a .. ~Il . ~mi!"Y). tb .. longn 'IttDla In ll;l~ .. ~ulJ,lped wlLh a 'light cl\nvae sboe for ceQler and : .• horl'esl:,onell' ~roUlld .the 1).' tllrkey. Tile oven ¥hould be' c&rrlson USf). bul he · III ,'c oneldere d ,88 quite bill ~h'8n the 'blrd 'edns. . ,'; . ,_ , ".. ' IB RU~ In. No 'one would belle,· e ·· bow b' a rd the at .present altogllth er ' encumberel} . . f.ilDs/'es ,!!ave .~oridp.rfuFr!!~~~~r ..tlu lifter the outBlde bas beeD lIeare'" queen of 'Engl~nd ' wO~k. ;', .NQ' "orking tbe wclgbt or wbal 1lI0st people ''l'hollsalida ' f'>t bloslIlma ' 'ie . tbe lleat' 8bould be mddlfted. - .AlwaYtI w.oman· ,tolls more 's teailllY tblo : sbe. ~ r~gard 'a s. lhe· necessit ies 'of ute; a'WaY tb ,f t ~ouI1 'lntnllll:lly. re. rosst ·a turkey breast dbwn: :' .,'. Her object 'ls to preserve , hell' IIgure, clallY of the life In thtl fteld., I t . hi . wbet! they_see!U l, to .b~ bopo. Tired fe~t 'ab~uld te well .'bathed 10 make her ,waJedlt tle. ,Jliske her .Jlg~i'il .ported thal bey.ond tbe clothing on. the 'war):]' w.aler. to ,wbicb I~ele~. ',Tr,y " I~ . .Drop tbem" 'IL IIttle"ee a .alt taU ~il(r ~I!m and ·pr~8er.)'e:' gen.e~allr., Jlaek · at thi! Icout. : lie. doe~ nol need, has l:eell ·add a d, " I Dry' w"a~er ,n,r. lea". ,tli.~!D. ' the-re tI;,,'; tu ovhwQr l, n'nd '!il(lse cOn'lIM'm~li~ . 'borou,h l". anil ... .,Iem,!" ' , Juice. ~ more tllan a blanket In whleh to ~rl'p rub ' ~I~b a lI~tle tltO' out.1l~e8 Of ' h~~ bod)'. .. I_,n U,e, mor,nl,lIS YO, U wl!1 .be . ,. . ~lIo,d ",1'1(I~, ',Ill \'rr,Y lillICh, fe,nrtd bill ' , It I. , Ished . . blmBelt ,a t night. Altogetb er .there' Is wOliderful- ho~ ttlls treatme ( I , .,' ,Wilhelm . . . . 'Mill ' er;· nt 800thel1 ' S,y~'t~ Is , . t~e only. 'W~rd to de!lcrlbe ,;" .' ,roo sUOlpl 011 wn.llid ·~p.t In,}"<I, Mve~ 1 '1I,~ DlIi'r:e.· Doml,C&I ', employe, of the l/lem. S ' ,,~ . ~ , ' . I, IDIlIlUi'~ I (Mil ,une ,),Ind .flf m~\iIIlI.De , file qt!e~n of..~llgland'8 r~,:m, I~ 18 that , ...ove .... men't. as till' as l'equ.,lreinen ls of " , al, " room. , . .. i!'br 9a~h' t~rtat~"b " . . To 'properly Ifter '0 no.\ h~r. b\l~ "dtll .... o good (''tetl open. tb9 ,of . a girl" on9. mature .. 'u I ,", butnotm ' .ltronly . ,.' . ' '.....Ullt' be',,1_ ~18 a.i, 1l""-at.' a~. O)l!l. m, a. ,'::"I,n' ·rllc,' t. I R~';IlI' -!.I "0 "row tbe per·son are .c'oneerDed. tban tbl-s wlndGW at the top .IIDd bottom: tet/al develope d". yet '.', ed by no means old ~ Tbe . ,.. .... .. ' " _ft~~ -~~ .._ ; ,;' , . · , ..... oft '.h t )IS " :.,' . ' ,n. e ,n,lO!t suoIt. , ,, 1.'f. b'e n ~ I . d'el Dr'n!ln.f'(1 t' ,. , . . , yet not roundin g: . tall. ' "~~~o ut hi t"'~ Pb\Up~Jncs. :'· . 'rea80n" , ,:to quIt' 8,11 m' adl_ ~,., o~ , hla ar;e hJ .~o s . ~e_ allow 9, .. Impure ~~'1lnets ·alr/ . . ColQillal and' ., rlbe". ret ':' g1 \·8 . tIP.' ~rte('l and. see '!\Ilia not stil~ecfuo~·!d " ""hlcb alw~ys rises.; to el~ape 'at tb. . r:,llees~c;lO~ Walter OHrlstle,' B noted eastern IU- ,loP1' lInn ll~ sll4 ·i\~.~~ae, . 'Oro\Je',NUI$ 'Ood ,"" . ··o. w,b!le th,e -aool, (resh air will oom.; ItsT!rlce, , 1,.'cte~n~l• v·!:a9 l Ild" 110 . for me, 1,' (Ie III sott 11 d Cj!' . . • ,~ ' r \ creamy $, a es. OD la 'run . Cape beg'lIj ,1(1 (>Bt Orape'· Null\ wltb ' ' II! .at ,the .. frOllI . ..... ·f or· f.:,{ alia long ngo and jua~ .. ~tlsk "'a~ '~egln. White , cblffon, wns!tes ,per,~eC}tl.,.:. bu~ OutSide ' exerclsell arid nlDg ' ~ [all s1lscoyered .be had lost bls beHe~ way ' ~~ clean, ,It 'Is' by.. a , dr) inetlio'ls ~ tal<e the tcirD! ' , b.edrooll? ' and many ate the '~ ' :Thtltliteci. WQ~ n~irpf.laln~i . ." ay. ' At the .crouJng .of the roads be I bega\' '. U~ . two ' !lua , rtll at ftne\J,:,' P,O'I!" ·...o'rk Sbe. rows 'upooth e "lain lir ,Iptt d t-babcom e In I I 11;111 " d . I"[ b ' ~!-th till ' stopped, not knSlwlni !,blch to take. , 0 t "pOwdered '.bor al! <llll\ll1hiH. ,'. "fI~b~ ~r( \~e . ..: ; " , , ' .t.o <! o~e. ,:;n n . ~ nl/ stfl.'Dg • . ~: . a baDks , .. ' .. , . . .. an'd' shor.' l" , ~ bov .• app".o' ', drlvl 'n g ,a " '", ,my Inerves"1/1l1etf!d 110wn lind gre .wDO'-" ' ' th. e clil"on "on, B C.leau '1~1I8I1n \ ' drlv.ell · an Butomob.lI,e1?f. ,. • .~ J . . ' d ' 1 11 " U ' ~ .1 . "'ftd' tb I t I I 'cow: ' ISa'y, ' my lad:" '· Mr. Christie . ' " Ctlenr ' &up ~.. ~ .... mal ~ste~ . ., .1I,0 d: ~UII." . B~lte,t, .. IIIP,~I' ·" r.l!b;, e , m~, ute ~'We." n~ ",I.L sbe'.workll· ylgorou sly In '" ...-~ '. . " . , camll1i~ ~I~ "'1 ~ant tC; mch c.tJe~ ' ~); to m, e . In' 81X V(e~kl'! lime d Shake thIs out;. ~oj epHnlile Ube~nY a half 'mpt)ll, ot rlCO ' IIod boll ... dl~ 'hBr8~\1 the hired ·.Irl " Tbe queen.'w and r.out.' t, " • u . ay an ""Itb c1,eaD flour ~nd -.b ol'ax; c)~'Ver' "n~ llne:.f~r the alks lItJle/ yet "alklIli In lhree Pln,te. of , milk. m~nceit ( dOD.;t kn~w tbe, ~.. (0, do m, 'own bOUHWo : Her 'ma)ellty 'i s • ,. Tbe , ,Iea _ ye ·. pve,r olgbt,;, ,tD.e . next "ay' bru.1I ,litm .. ....:lle".er/lgute. 'Io,nead ti , " bead of,., flnel!'. 'a Tamil" "Of .8Ix,· ~hlJ.,· lwae two.r-k for .. II ,In. ,It'.- bu' t .b eln" : I I -~ tl> i' y.,,"" ., ow ea m ~ survey.... . ) g alrange : !lnd ' lIbalte ever,y ,l1artJ'c1e I ., d boll . J " of powder lame, ,.,.. J •.lle.B~)dom l~llfulgea ,ln ·I~.··", I-oe ery.., : ~D , , tel! mlnutej ."o,'ond I ato' ' ~t tJa~uglt Ibla teeth ~d a~sw'l~ed . . , the chlff~n. dol." It. sl,lII. a"d 'ao"', Tben atralD, an~ It ~bould. bEI : f~und p,a .. , tbf!)llgl: It ..... Name gl .. tD ' ''; 'POI tum ~ .•" ~t. ' If . 'J9U I~ ~.IItI.1r t,!r red~cnO D. or' . WeU, ·,m!lIter., • .),ou jeat f~now.. ~bll A~d ·butt~.~, peppe,r and , uti tie Orefk Mleb, -~etc.D , BUd~"t ID' I If, )'0)1 are ·a"tAlmObl.l.l.nt( ·~o~, thnt '. ' , ,,,. 1JiI."" da~_.~,. ~!,:~ 8he l~v~lI. , 1,BI&l:OA8po~eU; 'l'1t~ ., . tabl.~pooDrU'; ~''" a, ; . _ .. . , ·P~.2!.~~d~!O~I!: llOtl~ R'alS tb. little • -_ __ , erel'm. llOOk.~·Tlle noadtoWentw.." BIlOWN • Mel(, Y. hlllls_rs .
=== ===
SlillUILL 'IE DOSt slllU. PRICE.
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•• pql.
W eeM acgr eego r
at the Zoo
"1'vosc enplctll l'<'l; lIll H"I UII'II, Il' a~Jh, yes. II'Y a Poll>' lI bellr," UDod, ay! lL \\'11'1 I',j r y soou 'pollsb 011 you · an' 'me, wain a " Huld Jobn. lauGh· .Ing beartlly. "Dod, uy!"ech oClI Mncgr gur, "Ye'r e not LO Bny IlI tll ," ij Itl Llr.zle, "Wbat., JlllI.w !C'_ _ _ _ "Ye'r not 10 R n.v " d o ~:" "Paw an)'s It, mo w'-' "Weel , yer pa MUU IIU sal' 't." "Wby, nUlw ','" "Here, Lin 10'" 63 1cl .10ho: hRndinl Ills wife a ~ atalogu ~ whl oh he h ad JUSt purohused , "thaL '11 I'! II yo Ibe numes 0' the beas tll. Whar do Lh ey u1l tbaL
SfrRI~A"( FO('~I'. •
BRidG ES ARE UNSIGHTLV, l\'\\lolcl'S Somcbim'!II Leok !!'fore to Mecbanlca i Pcrtectl oll Than »ellUty,
It j~ the Illte lleclulll and pl'O( 'sslon' ¥Gung Norweg lnn Explore r Acquire . al habit of lhe enginee r saYII Mont· She Couldn' t UndorR tand N eed of Haste. gomery Schuyle r. fn the Arcbl teGlural Sudde.n F:lllle - Prov.s Route for lie was des~ r l bl\) g I he game. On illY wa), to I b o "iIlllge llle other IC.pylil(h., ' 90', by l0~I'b D. Bowl ...) Record 1I1agazln e, 1'0 view bls problem "I thougbt f be:! n clellr field: ' ho e~en i n i! I 'mot 11 ma.rrl ed Which Coluru.bus Searche d When friend rUDas pur Iy one of me chanics and not nt laid . " wu en suddenly he to ked me." "Puw ," ~ald Macgrl)g ol' as th' rAm· He BeRched A nlcricil. nlng hom e war~ 6 at LOll speed. wltb a aU as olle of o s thet\c~ , lO regard a II )' lIarlY turned .out 0(" Suucbl r ba)~ "WhIlL do you mean by thal ~" s he "urlaUd lookln g parcel, whlcb 110 carNew York.-C apC. Atnlluds en Is ex- brlds£!, liS one of tb~ , U'cet Inlo Oa rubrltl;:e slreel- "I,aw, . leade rs of the laked. ried very g lnserly. . ceedlngl y moclellt. ' allOlIt bls trip profession put It, a.s why do t hey eall It the zoo ?" "Wby. lu Ih ls 'u~e he cRughl llIe me rely "1\ tool ot ': f!t\lloiL, .J lm! " I sa id, " ~' hY tb1s tbrougb tb e nO.rllllve I&fQulld ," ' 0., 'd, Macgreegor. ye bool sl passage. the walsl. wltb both 4 '1'1»6 snt! hurl'Y "" lrame," . and '0 supply the tool mn An observa tion Btu tion W8.ll estab. lea lit costly both In mone:r Ulat Is [ couldn't mak e IlJm ',et go." . L h fJ l'(! ,~ ' rol uroe,1 his fath e\'. "Llzzl",-" ~ tl'lJ) ed - " and In He 1I1<1 not g~(l Jl . bill s bouted lUI btl llilbed by Ca pL "But why," she h t'lulrerl, wIth It. rnll : Amundson at King trouble to Its d eslt~er. Tbls wa, of , he tiIl"l to hl H wit ', "Macgl'Cegor'li as l,· "Maw, wb at's th e Jl \l1ll8 o· lh o )lpotlcij. WlIlIllm's Ilind. IDUIude ij9 d.egr ll S a nd looking' at tblngs Is; really Ing why they ca ll It lh e zoo." one?" cried Macgreg or. "New I,al fol' be wlCe, Will RUDforced upon 11gb, " wby under those clrcuLD stanc s, "Mllcs reegor's /ly e oslclu'," ijuld Llf,' "1'b'0)"re botb hyaenie.," I'e[illcd 30 minutes north and 90 de~reell ",est. the eugln eer , and It would be both :lId you walll 10 mnlt him let got" nlng horn e u cfo"e It'Y out of fliSlllo ..." Capt. AUlunus cu declur£1l his belief; futll l! c.ud unjusl 10 ' fllen sbe add 1l1r. " It they didn 't cn)1 It the zoo, L11.dc . after cons ulting ed, after pause: " You IIlJel blm for It. - T it-Bits, the numbers on ",hlW Wlld ,tll cy call It?" Ibe cages and tbe bookl I. "Tbal big bMOII on lb.e t wo )'eurR' DC obaen 'allon His prl~clllal e mployer ., 'tbe rallroi!.ds, WID Ill' S qu eer creatul'es."- J udge. by blm, ('hill tb e north IIIagnet ... pole ~'ould think hIm a. fool It he' took "Weel, thol'" tru~, " oll.l 'rv ' u Iwl' bloclt lJ ~all t with th awful FORCE OF HABIT . toe-nulls IS 18 wl l hln »0 mlflutes Their Little Scheme . husbond , ',' Bu l It'S a qu t r wonl; th e as wall or 810 111 Ilea of thai point. Th e more troubl~ aboul !be designs of his r." On'llle Turfnn- Ho w c1ld yo USe gU ys Observat ions 1.00 : Iln! th o more yo think 0' 't tile hllve hee n tulle n da y nnd ,rail road brld&;es "Ay, IL'II jist us wlIllll'. In jts calle," re· than wsa nOCA8sa ry IlIllnogc te r rRlse nil dlll dlsturbllDCO nlgllt for a llcrlocl oC lhree years, and to Il13ure lhel r slabillty 1\ 11 ercr It gets, I mind 1_ " mark ed her hu ~ balld WILIl a clluckle. , and a lunaUo In th e opinion " Pal\', will we Boon be there!" In . of lhe expl orer tb e: ac. It be propose d to Ulem to spend more ", ltlo ut gllt\ u' pin heu? "My! yc.:rc s marl to·dIlY. Jobn, 111 uggsy- DaL was u, W'e Lual po~il loll Qu lrod blH ,son . whoso 'philological "Itb yer bll.,o' joke!!. Uul wh ere's Mac· iJe deiel'llliu of th e illllglleli c pole will money on ,a bridge, than the Irreduc· we s een · a CO)) comlll' ti e gan nc\'C r g wou l\l d IlS 800n nB lils ob ~e n' f1- Ible minimum ot tttl prucUc!l1 e ra" l n~ WIlS appar ently ncllbe.· v..,ry greegor 1" require· give a coll ege yell. Den tie cop would sove re nor lasting. The, youngst er was d iscovered. aCLer tions co ., he ngured OUl . Evident ly menls de manded , blr way of Improvlo,g ' l'lok we was stude nts, an ' go u way." 1\ ),. ye 'U be Ihere In a mlnule. Llz- some soarc h, at Ihe o th er side. of tbe I be cbange rro m th e position mark ed Ita appeara nce. levelaud Lead er. by Ross has 'beeD very IlIIShl, da, a ro yo sure It's 011 right nbou!. Laldn' building , gllzlng wl Lh Henco, s uch tnsults to nature ancl o n expression of woe J 'a nnl ~ lu 10 see th e bcas ts? I' to a we n't a eouplo CI\ \)L A III Ilndsl!n. wlLh hIs cre w. of travesti es upon IU't as of ca nlels. the cant1le ver Put Them All to Sleep, seven Ilfralfl s he'll be frlghlnned ." men,' sail d from. Chris tiania that Bilans the Niagara o~ the other "Paw. t be wee o ne's f n ce Is 11 lillie II1l0 Flrsl CODll'd lull- D1d yuu SCOI'\! a bit Jun ")' l'lghtened? Never (enr. J ohn! Aunl Purdie." he obser ved, t' lp, ]903, Tll.e route s ailed was caulilover lhllt apans fl'om Chris tiania 10 Da mn bay II.nd And yet th e very Oradgrl lb e HuUson . wltll yonr l1ew s pe la lly? W e J eunnl ():s not that easy rrl ghlIlls falher gurra 'l·cel . nds who take Seoon<l Come/!la ll- DllI I! Why. tho ~ n cll, My no! When tho mlnlstel' WIlS lben lb roug h Lancas ter sOllud, Barrow this vie w of one class of structur His mOl her Crowned, "J ohn , l 've tell't es do audi ence gazCCI wHb ulbed In th house on Wednes day . wee J ean. yo afore IIo t to laus h ';strlllt, P eel Bound, J nmes R oss BtI'nlt, not a)ll,ly It wltb regard wh en Ml1cgreeto any olber. wond er before I wn ~ h nlt t brough , III wns not 11 bit r art- \\'(\S yeo m y gor SIl YS Imllude nl things. Rae s lralt.. Simpso n II st rait, Dease They reQulro thut the ir stations sball I wouder .tralt, F irst Comeuiun- Wonder ful! It Is ,la rll n'1 Sb jist laughed nt him , an ' a t ye! " Coronat ion g ulf and DolVhlu bave a pailltial a spect In large cities. seldo m ('hat au enUre audl euce ya wns pl nyed dab Ilt hi eye wtth lbe leg 0 ' "But, Li zzie, 1 cu unll help IllhlKli me. Ind Union s traits to .K lng pOin t , where !lnll a plcturesQuo EUlpoot In..,QIrlll ro- at once, her Iluld jumplo' )aek. Mr. Brown was Dod, I thou ght It wus very liKe yer the explore rs obtalnecl rommun l clltion gl on ~, all asp ct In ellbCl' caso con· mu ch 11m used , ali' gl 'eel ber on ~ o· bl~ Uro lber 'u good wire rn with tue' wlnter·b ound f1 ee\ of whalers gnlouR wltb tbelr Is ysc:lfl " urround lngs, and Heavy »ombar dment. 'ough 10:Len gers. No. no. John'; Jibo's from San F rllnClsco , "John! " tbey are willing to spend their s took· " Was your wlr an gry wheu you got 1'rouhl e~How did . ye~ :ftrlt nr,l L that cos y rrlghteu ed.';' ,Tbe passage from' King William 's holders' mon ey' to tllra end "As sure'!! dealb ! Jl's Jist t h face sho and ex· hOIl\.e ~o lale las t nlgbt?" come te r. be a t ramp ? " Awoel, yo know h~li t. Lizzie. See, puts 011 wh en .SII O·S · comln .Iand and Vleto&la lanll, S!lYY Capt. ' p ect the ir arcbltec ' out Lbo ts to take all the "An ll ry? Why, lilY ' boy, Ihe dear Fulle r Woe-W II . yer see, Y.bad er Ili 'u Il ur to n)(:," Amunds en. 18 vel'Y shallow nnd very trouble tbat· may be churuh aD a w eI Sabbath ." necessa ry to pro· woman pelted me with Dowers! " automoh lle, an' I Ilall 'ler walk home " Oh, I'll hold her till we gel illljltle, " Weill, she canna belp ber fuce, poor narrow. Tfiere aro more tblln 100 duce the required result. for wh.lcb "But how did you get tbat black eye?" so otlen dat I Got used to It.-PbU ... h 'lI, l;oon be walll!I) ' all alou~-wlll yo Lhlng! '! said Lizzie. blands there and at Umes th e 80und- trouble also tbey aro ' .. willing to pay. " Well, you see, shCl neglecte d to take de\J,hhl Bulletin . 1\0: ,hon ey '/ Jl ijt keep a I;r'lp 0' 1\1ocIng WB8 as shallow as three farhoms . "I nuv e ~ oud und erstand how er Yet tbe otber chUB ot otructur ea" tbe IIOWCI'S OUL of lh e pots betore she Il rf'eg or, John, or he' II b Heeln ' awa ' au' brother Robert c;ud marry These Islands were seeu alld mentlo~ed tbe brldges, bave, upon lIucb an auld the average , threw ·tbem ."- Olevelan d Leader. ,Formld able, eHln' run oVl!r or losL" by Rea and Clipt. Amunds en saYI It quite 1111 great an el!fect bogle, un' him wi ' s uch a braw alster," or As ln W hn,'o Iltllo tear, . u"on the as· " Pa\\'," said Macgr~g()r, "1 .u~ tbe "Hoota. John! Ye're Quite out c/ your \s now deftnltely proved that lbey are peota of tbe surroun ding nature or art 'B ut when Mllllldu.c llrols . The Value of 'Speech, 00." 'Wo re~1 tl:a ' head to-day;" saId L inlo, tryl:- ~ not lO tand. huve with u. here as the Btations, and ,In lome iDatance a "Why don't you cultlyat e tbe art 01 Tho worsl of )',,"er pern.: "Ay, thl\t's It. Yo novel' ~ap L Amunds ed Is a lIoorwegllin 8 ~ a- a great neal more. No station upon oratory 1" wild Brulle. '. " Washl nglon Blur. . llell8ta ,!Ifore. M:acgree gor,?" "Paw. why ' ha'e Lhe camels DO trunk. man. only 33 years old, HIs expedl- the line of the ros,d wblch crossed "My frleud: ' answere d Senator Sor· "t pretty near seen wild bellst" In the like the epbelan lB''' . , Niagara by meanB c)f the cantUev er, gbum. "orlltory sootlles tbe gallery 10 Had One, ~ howll Ilt tbe L:-Irp paw." "Maegre egor," rema.rke!l Lizzie, "yo "You' don't happen to bave a II. . nor of that which 81panned ' tbe Hud- slumber . and reads well In the newspa· "Dh yes; ye wU 'liillln' wit\! y I' aunt wud drlvll Solyman hldell mad! JIst Bon by , a like contriva nce, waa any· pera, bUL the kind o{-talk that cOllnls dollar bill about YOU, do you?'" Purdie tben , She wud ~ feart to go In look at ' tho humpbs on "Yep." tbetr backs. an" thing Iilce so conspicu ous and doml· II thal which YOll pour Into a ma~d where the beasts was." dlnna trouble yel--" • "Can I borrow It tor a tew days'" nan l a feature In the landsoap e. of esr with your hand grasping bl8 COBt "Aunt l'urdle'lj an auld tooler," eal,! "",aw, wby . ba'l I.he camel.. got "Will yOU promise falthfull y·· to paT none was It 10 Importa nt that ' It IlIpel."- Washln gton . St\U'. ¥aogreg or. " hUlDllItS?" ; . It T ' , ~ should be congruo us and 'present able, "Whlsht , whlshH " Interpos ed b l~ "Mati, ye're very$ln: "Sure: '· IlS "'os the case wltlb ellb e~ of tbese Fate. mo~her, "¥ 're '~o' to 'kpealt tbat way I;or," sald ·,Jo~n. ,"Maybe ; l,facgree· "All rlgbl.; here It 18; Il's a b111 They meL Thou"h perfect .lrange,.., gaullt atte nuations ataneJ:ing stark about nr Aunt'Pu rdle. She's a renl de. th ey ba'e 110 lr.unks. See, it's because They Ihslanll y JIOed sun. th ere's a \len· for 0 cord ol woo!1 I bought tlUlt against the sky. mvldent ly the all' c:ent woman. Jo\ih , ye IIholilCln·t. taugb oy '~ur y;e. ; AW!" tP'th ll F or ho was a l[ldy.-kili er. s~1I11 over yon<;ler, week."- Houston Post, plication ot so wldel:y differen t stand· A ud . he Wad dre 8 .~d LO kill. at Macgreegor'il tlllk: ye jist milk'. blm an' get some IJlscult1> fur the beasts." - P uck. ard. to tbe two clllsses cif structure s t bl nk he'8 SOlar!.'" , "I 'm goln' to.teed th pUelanus:' Mllc, The Divine AMatu.. has no foundot len In !not or r eason , "Aw, the boy's all righ t. Llnle. Weel, gregor uOllo unce(1 on Ills return. POOL- Have you sent th o bqyil o.ut ' CAME PREP.A:RED. The nat\lre of things dQes not furni sh we' ll cel across tM road now," . "'1' h'a t 's ri!l ~l! Soe, there the big one's Cor th e Il(ternoo n ? Ilny excu se fo," assignin g the design "How- " hegan the boy. hOlclln' Olll lUll trun k. ' Dod , a blsc ul L'iiI Wife-Yes, deor. o( a station to a doslgne r 'who Is only ·'Macgre~so~. lak' yer IIUW'S ha od . . nO lh!o .tQ, hlm. GI'e o b-a to Wee J(l nnl o POH- Hllve you spread a matfreu an artist Bnd tbe 6e slgn of abridg e ('m no 1\'llDlIn' yc t·o be ca t()hed ivl' oDe. nn' she;1I fo ed , the ilber Olle." . on the fioor for (b'e cook to dr'op to a designer who Is only a scientis t. 0' those elec~rlo. ars," ' said b ta "I s th e 'Phelan't 'l! mIDI, 11s( tb e"sam e dls hcn on? .mother. It Is tru e that tbe demand for arch I· ' . . If , a mu.u"s nose, pa.w,?Y IbQIlIr'e d {nu· WI(e.,..:Yes • t ectu.ral elations Is ~:ompnrntlv e ly reo , The .slre!!t waS cros~ed "\lIbout mls- grego r. Pocl- Well" Ihen. a ag the baby aDd cen,t 'nud by no m e'un s unive rsally' hap, and Pfes<!llll y the Quarlelt e foun d ' "i\Y, ,JIst the 'iame." 60 up ~o your room, Rnd I'll wrIte .,. lhe/ilsel vell. wIthin th e zoo . . tor a cau. recog nlzed eve.n ·yet. Pretty m.uch all ·"Why do !o~k no ' luk up things :wi' , \loe m. -Town TopiCS. lba pIe of II\lmltes. p~rhaps , tber pal,lsed', on th e lr( n~s.elJ. Pll w1"', , s tations 20 or 30 years o! age ,vera '. . . Ihe thresboi d, uncertai n whLclldl reetlon . "A:w, h OI.d ye r 'tOlllll ries lgned' by !be enginee rs of the se", e. Macgreegor," Art, with a »Ig ,;~,. (0 take • . iii n tb'~ abnouncemen L'm llde said D A~\ Ll\ O Blo; S_ eral roads with no Inore thought of " hIs moLher , "J ohn. bring wea Overbca rd Out~ l(\ e the PlqtUT8 tNo~welllail Exr'lor~r \\'bo VI. to"ered lt 0 Uielr npp earance than was the n or Is by an ' official In a ' foud volee to the cif- J ennnle over lO see thO. parrots. " ' . N ONh l\'cs( /"a os8g e,) .§bow. Sbe-W. -mtI3t. get a cataIect that a 'perform ance' by, IhI! lions anti " 'l'hc birds bn vlng,.be e n now given to lbe designin g of the dul y ",l m?red 'catalogu e, doal'. Ugers was aboul ' ~o take plitce on the an d commen ted uliOn. ' '. Macg reg r was lion ",as fi l ted olll with finan cia.l as- iJrldges. weet side of the lluUdJng Ben~ them .a galn djsco" (;r ed 1,0 be He (tblnkln g or'. the IIl!t1Iln g)-· mlsMIIig '- This . Jstance· from Ki ng DeeM, ·some tnnuWbot's the ' uso or tMt I tbltber wl tll "\:bo crOWd ,. j)1a~grCgor for tim!) he was· roll.nd engaged ' In mallin/; enllal 'men of Nonvny nnd 'Sweden and CITY liAS She-WhY, wo 8hon't know what 'Qnce 1ln his life being too overcom e fOf ' faces II~ a fuml)~ ot I 0000 HUS~A NDS onke~, . tbe .Royal Geogra pblcal #0 "eoch : SOCiety ot Lon." pletures to Il!hnlro unl llllS we lee who ----- :'Co'me Ilwa: from the nas ly ~blngs!" don, Tbe cdlcfilsl. weatber he experl- Wew York Showli Fc:wer Divorce s to · "Beyond sund", ejaoulat lons, . little ' 'rl ed ~lzzIe. ' ''J cnn nn'~. they'ro by, d urll monkeys. onced was In IIfarch 1904, wh en the P~pul!ltlo'n Than Any Oth~ qoover:;IlLIon look,phi¢e 'II'blle tbe train. John. Wh~t'S tha t b~.IISt ·t n the watur?" fue~ ury r'e&i9tei' ~d ~O d ogr ~s blow .ilr exlllblte \l.bls ,pluck 1U111 ' ''ondertu l , "Tho lIu,mller' s .1?9.' . lUg »urg. ' ·" , '.' ,Eero, ' Of Cc.urse. . , cit)mmal id oyer the b'r.nt~B; 'and, lt might "01), )'lis·90m~on ~el\l. !rom . ~ho' The exiStenc e ,Or a I}0rtbwe Re&lnald....,ChIlTml"g wtdCf'\', " lan't . s t passage Mor~ dlvoroel: are applied for &lid Uave ;been observed t hl<t Mact'i'eg'ot G er!)lan . o.~ell.n. Ab, IJtl .1I4e1" '1'b~y lIay she 18 g~~ '19 ma1'i7 011"01' once ml1detb eslllili s l\He P.t to .wee onil~ Tbe bl~ 1)11(1\ t hllt II betbo wlIII ·dlsQoYered 'long /a go. EarlieI' ex- more are granted In t.he,olty of "New 141'81 Nlx-J don't be llove you!' slory, again. . ' . S ,a CUllf{Jrnl~ pIorers Slle eeded III tl'llversl ng It. But York b '. than In any other large ~Ity oHho., 111'1 . ~tthdraw bls. tltigtrs fromte .tbe· fatberiy se~ I~on. MaOg~eCgor, he fo s a sea 1\11l h to, \10 ' lhla Charles- l shouldn 't 'like to ' ))8 a they had to Icave behind ,country "but tbe numbeJ~ of divorced ola'8p, " . ' . . ' .ft. 8 DOL v(lr) ntUC,h Jllle Il lion. mllw. tb o "e~~eI8 on men .' Llm tiet- I WIIB afraid so lldy' but w'tdow's seco nd wIJlr h~sbaDd. h t.bey b'ad, en te l'ea , residing In liew York IiI i'olai~vely mueb my ." . I'Merey m"! It'B most wonderf u!!" ~ see Hs ......hlsltOfS I . Wh~· tTl'e nd , Alfred Davey. ': re, h'C'8 '0: "Well, I'd , rnl.!uir be a ' haB lI ,no wool tho Arelle ocean wallt BOlli dl t T wld'ow'! l lecop Its 1 ftt . " " m",lIeJ' Utllll, In "aDY .( Itber' Ver-, large comm' Is"louer for oa"bs ' claimed Llule, . . wben it was all over. " , 0 s n • ance e~ R .... ~ ' for I . ' , a ' t ond . ' husband tb!1 , bel" Ilrat, . '7011 . , ' pver th e Ice nnu gOl nOOard ves3ell .. wer oon 01 y. , ,. , .w "Dt;Id, I I>eats ey~~ytl\lng! :' snld ' . ~~os . lhln~' Isn~ '"" tanner be'l\ swoo:.' m , mum! feet.,' ,'I'be y. re which bad 'c;ome i ro lll the oPws .•e. dl. know. "-({aase n's, • ~- h' ~ 'l'here were', by .T~hn; u tiu ~Ook'",ee Jeailule",er Hn.~ the Il\st enumera tlpll, '. .' . •• . .'" II ' " r,cct,on. Callt. Amunllsen .won,J he (l1a- (ew~r"tb~~~ U99 divorced men here, of • .' , ;arml(:' '. ..' " . '. "WhY hils It no wo ol on It IIns, p.~\V' , Ull'oUbn ' of Stungl being- Ihe !l rs t' man In tbe ~~bm 3DG , A Glad Fe.e-lfu$'''' ~~o. I ' . · AI);~ n. .8!fl ll Yol l'e >at hl~ Side. wbl. 0 In' Bmokly n, wbll,! In TheN y onoe w .... It bu !l~O~ nomed c6~lib'" , 11,8 be It cudQn s lvllIl willi wool on Its li!"~'ry a .Mlnlater~I made soven hl,larti hallP' t;lie \ vorl ,tl,nvlli'\lte '.t he 'ChlC'ago tlie tl\lnib e~ was nea.rly 2,000 . S '-perea, haartlely : . "I ~ wasn't a.rrald, H,n\s,' '.' OL W a ~ll l"nd he lho'ughl M would Ute."r, tp·ilay, " " .j .' ' ..' " Arcllc. . '" .'" region fl·. o "" ... r m Davia " s trai t Wh to B >h. ld Il and not .. swim In' Tndillna wlUI pa.,..!" wool i!olls. on '..'. ' leus . ," Du ( the c,:,t W\IS Lon 'b' , ' , "0 r \1 t " . .. • ' tbt' "tb · b which' h;,~ . \' Parishio dl ner-How was (ha't~. .,rtng. "' / s,liat t in ' olle Il~d And she lhe I c m sarue u olt ·d ~'es· oll t' nn PO\ Eye ; "MaOgre(egor's i ayln' be wBSn·tarta1d, . b " 01U~ awa. an f!~U I~ • on an t e bor>ough of Queen's, OIV M*.~ j U8t "nesa r a nd :loeijoU-, ~II ~Q,r ,~;~~ s er: ,He. hOIl t'e!\.m~ed till! drealD of e ges GOO, There I\UnlstP .r-Marrl ed tb~e~ <)OUllles: . Lizzie," said John to h'lI wIfe. werlJ only 3li In Queens. -'Ph lll\delpllh l Pr .~. east, \\cgrl!ego r, sa . z~ e. Parlsblo ner- '(1hat makea onll , .tsO . When CuJ"mbu~ slill d from ' Snail ,t'Ma)'bc bl! wRsn't," returneU to LII' book says It Is calleS Ssn Franolsc o. which bas almost ex· 1\ talllr.'· , n H92 It .was with lil lY nlm 'of IIndl I (lOlly one-tont b ot tbe ~l nI8ter-Well , do ' you think [ cU4 ~hi, "but 1 cnn .tel) Y9 t was a' sbakln' .'.'OWII,'YlltS ·tbcltnll,C'~laC·t.lIIPt populutl on of Wanted Som.cth lng EaQY· It for nothlng ?-Tlt-B ll.. I,"" r~mlaw"'d' . I .ow,a~d 'lie "''''''t · short~r ",nil saf~e~ N~vI ' I , ~ a 0.., 8 U urne York, had n , by tbelv,ISl " '..... census 800 dlwhen theblg' brules' wail<iu pln' abo\Jt Business Mnn-'W bal do y.ol1 wunt? .. I ' I I t I (" lb ' . I I "., ' : Appl\ca II ' It' i'Ollt~to~ndI~ anthe o n a~ollri nt-I pume to Inqulr/l If you .tbe mlln . I was won"erl ll the \"orCC1J men.equ va ell .n .. esamera eVlls,,~ llo 'I\Iere·ltl y, " n' wbat · 1 wu' d mo k,,~, • wllntbt 001' ..onEb 0,t 't• o IISs lstant. !le' of Good ""0 ,'-'e ttIo'tI"t' " h t ' II Lo ,SO,O,OO In New York" \vhere aGtually ,do wi' 'Wee Je,annie If,ony 0' the' Il8lS ' \00 , In:' Y"r'J down I' th ., "'6 ",~,,J;l . e. Buslnoss, MIIII:-V ole reached A:m~ rt... til t h h "u\~ en• tb~, numh~r Is only ry IlOrry, I do all . to , mout ~. .\ a . . 1,200. TUn; out of the cogel nn: comn!enceil, 1 nQt", \Johl"I" . , " "" "a. .. a ? ne .., ~ I ,, V h '. . 'j' ''the 'work myself. . eomplisb ed bla ' obJec;t. Year/l IlI'. <se:! ' .u fur t9, p\lll '!b!l hea",s au' legl .o~ tb',; ,;o , .,.,....u" ,alljl. rvas~ IIlg~bn 'are two • 1.t ) 8 l,bat, .. Bllt 1 wud bu do'Xn tbe /iof<ir'o-' It; l,I~calUl}< II own. AppJ'icant.- A1!l That would ~ usl S\llt ther c~tlea "{blch, have Ill} un\llluaJ I hat ,,'bal :h. '~III'." 9 . '., ,.>., ,', mouth .myself, L~~ue, .~tt,b ~ 1I0se "1" , b~d fOultll .. :'Yas..nQ~a 'new rout., to )y Ola.- Tlt Bits." , .' I'J ~ ' la.rl;l\ , n~mbJlr qf d~VOr(~e~ "lOch, l"qman', tJlel'jl!Jt no. 'tar 0' tltaY~1 ,~bat on n~c.,,, ~O:"l lu~ !Den In ,proIt ~IP )cr IIn,~ers, 8as.t, ,)Jut " ~e\. "!:Ilrld. lillto/~ ih.ClIo porllo'll l ';. "1f a be08.t- ~u f;0ln' tur .t~ p'uIVm~ ;~~,cgree&or. lbelr , ",helle pOP4 aUon. HI ttlng' ~nek. . .. ~' ,, _ ~elIll;" (p IIlId, tiorl~eal1L' and 'lW'lbwe st . ~ortlana,Qre"a !bead 911," tem!lrk~.d, Macgreg or; ",ho'bad city o,t 100,qOO, bas balf Hou~emalil- I.m.. goln. to. leave YO\l. "W1ty IIII~ nO!l.~ 89 ~b,~~\pa~?, lia&S8J;es ;,froftl Europe t' :Aala. Molt' as ,man)'j as PlilladelPI!! II, " c!ty grown suddenl y b\>ld ' "l-I- I-W'¥.1 -i ',' DOd , Mllcs-t.,,,gor. o! mum. I',ni.gdll\' t.d work. for Mrs"Monk, I m t Inkln , It 'Erlk Nordens kjold a 'Rtissl~n' com 1,250,000 .. Spokano bas 45.000In ll1lblt- an' woulil' wud II'e",t Itklck !'" ,~ ' " , kn~:w~ ),0. you glVll me a good rtlterence, ,.~al!~IP·. n~e ~t )'~" pleted , t~e 'p'orlbw~Bt, lI~ago . ill 1879,• •Ants; ! fi:oy: ,"Ye're tbe ' boy.! " satd 1118 fathe , . N. Y· . , blls' e:5.000: SiloJ{!inl' mum '? " ~u:. anot~, r It 0 btllcult.. •.: ., j ,..... " . The. 'first lP;Oa~ aervance .n lhe expl:lra, . hasJoo dlvorc, ed men ' arnong it' Inha)). "Ye iudna lilt btlIl ' boaat I~ke t,/Jat,. Mistress- To work tor. Mrs. MODk? ~obll, ?ald bls wlfo, (I t~~ wee Uon .of ' P1e no~th~e8 ~_ge w. ltant.e:, Troy; baa .16. ,.,JObD·," said 1;lule, reprovin gly, ' " .. J.~\~ntll ; all hare a selil-for a bit.. Certalpl y, I'll give you It slowing reter. . ,n»4e by Jolla llavil$: wtio d1$c!)vered 'Newark bb ~O ~() fe~er Inhablta ntl ence. I )late "Wbat ~ud 18 ~Q:~aclP'eegor ') aaked . A~~ , you ,~ell~y~ . Wud ye no like. the ' I~lt 'oimell ,or 11 tba~, ~~ma.n,":" CaBsell'I, llI86. Hon- I,han ,h&:8 MlJwauk~. w,bleb. bill! tbre e , Jobn,"1th.· lrln, r.~ltabeastWaBafle/ · d'~,h\ O I.te~.t ; •• ' •./hi,,' .. .!'lkBu4 ilm.10Uc br. · . ' n ,07 ,-er 1Ifa'W';' d IImeaa . .; s~n" 'dlyoree ," ~ :men,. n Ocb 'l l W- no p'e(l~ln tea, ~Ohn . 'A l Com"m llent.: ; ;a~ a6 ~~ t:ilu4e d~. ' Yar,loUB . exp~ana,tlO~B. ot ~hese dl .... MargarDoubtfu '1;-I-w Ud pul~ 1t~ tall," replied' tho et-I wOllder' It Mr, SmuLly '. p,lenty ,fOlk ta.~ It! ",:hen "t ey ~ ~ee8 45 mluule3 , a ' r ecor& aa. Btood pa~lUe~ are given, ~.UI~O'l natural one q1ealit' to glv'.valiant Maccrel Pr. "Aud'th en I w.ud-" no Deedln It. , Cpm~., on, me "" 'lett-han ded com· LI~zlll, '. o'nequllled ;ror ' 2~6 year's. ' , ''lf whl~ la lbat: dl~orced meD In New pllmentJ A ,Jtj!ld , a;.C)'ar frOm 011'(1 0f(.tbe· l!ona In- . Llulc JS{b,lJ!I>k hur -~~ · a n~ ~\Itterec l .. 'Iberfl W~B • j;ieat .EOth·al 'of Arotlc ~qrll el~~remllJ'l'Yi In;ChI~agOand lonie' Rlta""':W;hy,? ~.. tIi(..upte d 'hIm ,_.n d \la~~.d bl~to clul;i:b .~C!;.~ethl~. . ~bo"" ~t9, ; and explorat ion In' the earfy JlRrt~ ot tbe 6tb~r at ·bi. parent.l cltl, e s,tb~f don t-, , . a t' l~as£ Mar&le _ ' ":~ltrY: DOt·.to -Hu 8ald tbelle . " nlneteen tb Cennlry, Sir 'J oh! 'Frankll n thj!. same..Ilx lenf. "Aw' MaeSAe Iorr" Bud lilll mothe ~ ,. 1-, go,t .~b"ral!, In qIY N'ew. York.~ record as powers L !lm lJua\'lng JUlt "J'm ~frald ,.e' wu'd list run awa" IUI~ :LI,~le':,' 'IIal\l , el' Ii lIb~n.~: pay, to~a1" was ~ent b)l th British', governmen~ tble cl!y ".I~b' the Bl1)alh~st ·n.Umber of bnlr.-;-T It-Blta: ,s~dde~.I": . ;lth two, shlp~ ~ b' ,lZ9 ' m\lliexp ressl,. · d !orc;ed'm~n In ~rOPOrt1 .". . , oDn to .tb 8 WhoJ~ . 1e • .,-e yer,.inaw,' to be.ett." " ,:~" " \ : ,~~! YV:'~.\t Jo~:~~:.' I 1 '. • ,tq 1I1~lt~ he ~ ~\!lwe llusallfl ~ Notb. \lO,,\Jla.~lon Is ~?'" hero c1iallenged. . 'l'emPor arUy Silenced . I,' ' Tbe boy I under-~!p trembled; I . "')DCle~, 1- WD,s 'It ",RS mOH In¥ w.lllf ..eard . of til vallly ~ro/TI, 18t6 "Why diu ~·ou Inalst on lI~ndlng tllst W~,dU,d~ .tbllt. ~a~ he,Bald,1 ~le'l':nIY,. \b)n nQth,n' t)Lattlitnklll' , 'I "",as, Ilkfn ' ye ', eo . 0 .. 185i. wb~n .-'t , W8S lel!~ne'p ' ~.hllt~t young man to congreBB 1" Jt1 .' . WUd )'8 not, ~ dearl~? Bait] Llz- , . :IOkeY.lIke" sari! 'LIzzIe, !;! . , 11Ir' q1 t}:lll Ifellen. .. . , ';Got tlre~ of bl,s sPC\eeh. · wttb a laulb, bad NUlDer~ull :p'xp~lllons makln' ,1i an, King .al•• her yolc!! lIo!te'!lng. .We.el •. 1Veel, . Oeorg~'s title .Ol( Jdllg 91 till! "Come ~I'l, ' Little ' .Rue' " ",.ac'ree - wer~ .aent outH{OlI Its · Farme~ CorD tp8se J', "We thougbt rel~er,. amo~g He.llen,e~. I~ ,d ue, to ... :~~'\l say no IDl!r!l abouf\t\ W.hat.'I' ~er rla~tJtIlat ,wheD . swered 'rl" .. ,'\ ., t'lem .1IIat ,at ,Ilo)Jert IItclCI~re, who be w.a s ,~I ~~tc.d ~(l . the' w~'4' put 'hlm where the speaker'would paw an' we(l' JlIIllI.nle atter no!,!'l , , .tbro,nll he WM ~"Paw "':b~'.' " '. 'I~t'~, an el~.pballi. ~,.•• ;" satd &1~. ; ,';Aw,.:;e 'lI -;~e ~tli:beasts't" a'.•galU IDa pallti~d tbro.ugb Belirlllg Sll'flt In .1850 ~c~lan,,\ed ~7 tbll nll,pon as . kina, not keep him quiet tor a few' ),eal!8, "-Wll8h · l'ogton ~tar, 'and went eutwar d, u :far al Mel:yllle ot G~rece, but o{ tbe .3 re BOr.aB lhn overtpol i. the fallier .&I\d wee. C'ud yl!'~.t' a ,ple?'! .Greeks. -" , Tbe '.'. " " ' . .Island .. :H~re ,I~. w~ .n4!(lltssal! ~ aban-~ great J;o1fcra , daugbte r. w~o w~re IldmLrlng the etuUeil' . Kacgr:egor c1.rew, .• adml, t te.d the title , o f, king . . ' ·Her. Cholcl!. .lbp,&, .b reatb;', "cUd 30n ~~e , sblll, ' _' ~n tbe sp1!Jng, or 1854 'of . ear 9l S8 of a l.lUgQ eJllj)hant, tha !!Jreelu!; I\ut. ~lUtl OfC!ln81 ,d~rn· " Bl'Qthet..:..res,' . I like " . I np" ~ be e~olllll'(led ' ~limlng ..·. ' Jack well " .lind }jIll ore", were me~ and, lion' (or th,e BUllcelltlblJltles of t,be 'lul- 90ugh MlnDle: " .,' ~'He'l! not ' ~Ive,'" .foiln upln1ne d 'i.' , . ,. .'. . , but ho" did you ·ove... · " r~~c~ed . by ,McCllni ock's party, ht<;:li ta.!l, 'they adopted" '.iIW_ tbl-dne t)at' hqlllo be sJiot.w~1I1 for oft,'clal plfrpOse8 6 /lappen to ' marty :I),' man 11 !'lead short· .. XI~~ed Bl11 :rtTat.' · Il~d come v", rtQm the eOlt, ind liken' 1110 title of kfnl(- of,tl1e ·Hell!lnes. ago." , '.';' "". &I'dis· er·. tll",n fOP. are T . Ma),::-:George ktSsed ~e i!efore eT~t'J'- ~ back" ·tp . Eni~Ild. '" ~el;nqre . , ,WIlli .~u', tlng,JI,sI1 e.J ~m"tb • ",wby 'wo,s .,. ,ltot, paw.'" e Gffi~,' sUll und~r Mlnnle-:--l hJid to ,.choose, Fored. be· bod~ lal~ IIlg)tt. ' .. l "" . < ' ~e' .I~t to lIIa1<e t:hli ' nortbW ~. (14T~ ..~lab rule .., ,:. , "He wu ~anlero'"i:" .', ,t.ween a little wlUi ~. bIg sallir)" . Cbloe:":'W ell. i~u didn' t 'expeCt h,'d age• . ,.F or hili achle\"ll ment he will! ,, ' -------', "Wh'J' v.:U' be dan.ero u8?" and' a ·1-I1 man with a little wary." l ' t ·every.liody . klHIl yon bdote he "Id, h'-~ted by' '!be . itr-1~I!lh I,'Cv9'1UDeQto j ;~d~dnrt' watt 'to )'IJld .Qat. ' "1'm.D'II Jilt lIIore,'bu t a man'ODcet.U't' 'd ld you? , J Til-Bite : ' , , I , ' llro,mote d' to a captainc y; III th~ Ua.V7. D1 Ii w y-I " h ml e .bellJ.t. waa traw~~,~ OD bill ~.eep~ ID -th " . Ii' , i; .nd hlg1!l, honored II) scl~ntlftQ eocle- aer:vt:~t. a wltb el'll" an liiltD' ftiOba\ i ~I the folb' '~cnf t ~l~ 00 , . tlee. '. ' ,,' •~ , , lI~d•. " .. 8" . , . , .. " ~Qlhor Jones~A w! reDd ,mr new .~H ' ? ~r~Il~~ ilbdeO:~ e:!:;~t Just'·.. I "Paw, .. hal I boCik! , . ' Bl"" ~ea Go .. d. l!eaatT'. . k' 1 h 8 . , lila 'Frienel -Dldn't bow ),011 rote, , Cutvr-h llodnu!I ta ,"erl' rnely toua.. ' :':~, S~!rleU::per wu an!lOUD~~ . ''T~ tel' . De lOU bow, LIllie!" Dew .,,1LL III' P1fllOnt wllh blue eyes. .
by J, J. BElL
- - - - -- -
r .' ,
4 {"
---. :..-- -
Dr. H..J. Michener,
Meeting of cerlllf!!h~I"\I PERSONAL AND Notice of Appointment. LOCAL NEWS. Owners. ·:.. t ... t~ Ilf n""J_ '··utnll ~. 1\1 ..... :1".4.
Wua'«1: 'rravel)lng Balesnll,n. llqat fUl'DlIIh teferilDoet\Rud Invf,!Nt '100000 In first 0lft8S il'.uDOllclll. 'I'h\" uUlkr 'INIl'<1 h~M bc~u IlI,polnLe" Tb e aDnua I Olfletlll1g Itf In t, own rtI .,1,1 qunllllcll il~ Iilke,' utnr u r tllr will 011J",,'. Balary RDd ExpeulIllII (luld . ltxpe· of Miami oometery 'will be haitI 10 F'ufllu,' lI,te ur 1I""'run .I1II11'Y. Ohio. <Ie· perlenoo Dot required, Wtl teach .' cea .... buslD6118 at our ml1ls. Tho WheeJi ng t h0 offioo of Ihe Boilrd of UlfoctOI'll \)"""' thl ~ll<1 ""S nr '''llrll A. U. IUIIU. 00 the grounds Ilt ;& o'olock M,mtluy · ...I'H 1·'t ll.S ...." IO r. Rooltng .and Cornice 'ornpIIQY, ~C!tlt \\r, I1 rt wn . ~'u ·urul'Y. J UDe 4. .\I>rll ~i"Mav II. Wheeling, W. VIl. tU\ 9 lt Is pII rtioul/nll' wishud thllt tbere be 1\ rnul'lI ItL'rKer n.ttl1UtlilDOO Notice of Appointment • . ~r~E tban hilI! beeD tbe case in yelll'8 post Let everyone attend ,.hl" .moeUng t-:'Sl.ll te oi HnUOf,h Prtntz, D~ccnlle<l . 1'11 .. " ndr..,dl nell hu beQII Ilppolhted Ilnd who caD p088lbly dOl so, Ilu~lIt\ed 11. Aam lu lH~rntor o f ' ~be E8tale . of I ,,"no~ 11 Printz, '.wor VarNn Coun~y. Ohlu
BURGEON. J4flbI1UOD. Ohio. Cun be clllled any hOnJ', dill" Ilr night. Bolli Bell and Valley PhonoN, "lilly Pbono No. 23 .
A good line ~'t ar"olel lor grad. uatlng preeente a' J. E. Janney. III . '1'. D1tOW" " I E(lItor~ an<lloJanager" AoaLBllRTM . MO"A' f Mrs . •fOllQph EvaD8 of tbe Spring 111118. T . J . I1n "N. MRO lAT. &OlTOa, Valley pike WAIl on the elok lilt II .00 aye... .... . , . In ad,·au.. . 'Ial!t week, " . 2~ ~ "en It no~ paid In adl' :1nOO A spleDdld assortmeDt of books lLDING suitable for a graduatlDg . preseDt. . 'J. E. Ja'DDey OFFICE IN J ON ES B U 'l'CLCpflO~c ~JlIaIa • • NO. 6·~ Five cents will admit you to tille ~LLE' .-~~--~~~--~~~ ' entertaiDmeDt by E S. Thomas of WEDNESDAY. MAY. 2.' • ••..• 190U tbe National Ca8h ReilbIwr Co. a' tlt!(.' flUWd . ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!IBohool Hall, Friday evenlng, lIll" The success of a Bank depend upon the ho 1 (f i Y Run~Ua:"tt:~n~:)~a~~~~~~I!. A. D. 1000. 4. JIlIO. ~t.qo"" , Adwlnl.tratnr . t DI IU t:iome Comi~g Notes. , judgement and ,a~ility of those id'entified with i.t s manage-' Mrs. 'JudBon Bees who moved at birth itl herl~ 1\ predllpoGREEN ~EAL PAI,NT The time unt.n Waynenllle's from the ~prin'" Branoh neighbor. ~ItIOD 10 bodily 1111 and ail· , 18 u d by tb b t . te ment. Th~ personnel of the Board of Directors. of. the ment&-moreor lellserlO"I. e e 8iI pam J'1I grea' Bome Coming il rapidly draw· hood to DaytOD a oouple of years 'l'be Itomaph aud througbout the laDd. thtlY. a8 a rule log near and only a little more than ago. II reported u quite 810k and bowel. are the 1D0It art! dttlOrimlulltinll folklJ. For saJe Citizet:ls Bank ~f Waynesville speaks for itself. r .h. sources of ill· ,Janney. b ~broe !Donths DOW intervene e ore very little bope II! beld out for ber . by .1 , E._ _, _ _ _- _ 'We pay three. percent interest on savin,s depo~i~s. 'be evoDt. recovery . TIBey are the hotbed. For Sale. of dillease, and I it b The varloll8 oomm tees IV ng If YO'.1 are IDtero~ted In a grea'er .. _I t """ause ell a·· t;IDglecomb Brown Leghorn eggH. O."FICERS the work of arranging for $he .Bome and morll .beautlful Waynesville t~y .entlon Is ctnn Thir~oon for $1 00, Inquire of (), F. I , Co!Dlng are settlDg the detalla of and Inferet't everyone of your ~!~IDi!°:a:J Myers, Oregonia, Ohio VitlIAY Tel. :president, R F. Mosher; Vice president; Jas. Stoops; directly to thelJl ephone 237.5 LebtUioU eXObtlll~e. m2 Ule event worked out and from this DeighborH to IIttend tbe lecture. iI. time. all everyone IDterested In the In8trated by moviDg ploturee at tbanloanyother . Cashier, J. N. Lemmon; Ass't. Cashier, W. A. Merritt. 0raaal event may expeot· &0 bave their time ijohool Hall Friday Mill' "lh. . bodr. of the TBE RIOHEST WJ)RLMAN D. IN-THE OUR RECORD Pret- fully oooupied Wh- tb- 1- tli. I.. ..t ladleatloD of · ·s . · "Do I look aDything more like a troubi~vor;';;::re ,.,Hnl' oat of lOne, The rlohest man in the world oan .July 23, 1903 , .. ... . ..................... .. SlG.S*S.24 The ftrewo~ks dllplay will, from graDdfll,ther than I did?" inquired Dot kave hili kidneys repillood nor DEPOSIT.... preaell' lodioatloD:B' surpaes aDy Dr , Sherwood of tbe Gazette Friday live without tbem;so It Is Impor. ..Jnly :l3,1904 .: ..... ,., ... .. .......... . ... 11134,379.49 ) almilar eftor' ever made In. Warren mornl'n" tbe O-"4tte renPeseD6-tlve tant not to neglect these organ!!. If '" M"" ,..(L . . . ." •• ) Foley's Kidney Cure Is takeu at the .•rnly 2~ . 1905... . : ... ,. , .. ............. $Ses.M3.64: Coun~. ' . a88ured him he did not look a day firat algn of daDser, tbe sympton8 April 15, 1906 , .• . '" . .. ....... .. , ... . $ 66 692•. 50 .'n agellt for a CompaDY. maou. older at any rate, and thell he liD· will diaappear &nd your heulth will be restored, as it strengthenll anrt · flleturinl fire works who WAIl h~e Ilounced 'he arrival of a tino boy a' .bonld be taken at ODce:. . l ..t· weel[ promised the commlt\ee the home of Mr. and Mrs . . Fred B. It is the best prepar,. tion for the Itom· builds up these organs as ' DotblDg di I hi b Id omparefav aeh and bowels. olee wm : Oscar BowmaD, LebaDOD a IIp ay 'i'!' c. WOU c .. . . Sber.wond Thureday Dlght. Fred If they. are all out: of order, It wtU Ky., writes: "'1 have used Foley'" uralJly wi~h Ioh" famouil d~spl&YI!' Ilt was the h&pplest man in the County eradicate the trouble, tone up tl1e parte KidDey Cure and tI1ke great plOO8 tbe NIl~ion& Rome, DllytoD Friday and wore fl . 11m lJe that oatIt and restore them to their n~tural ~n· ure in statiDg it curHu me perma. A Heleoted list of pl90e8 will be BU}>· a shadow balf ~ block "heud of him. ~~P~iN ~:m~!!i~~JLI~~f St!R!: Dently of tidneyrll14euII';, whloh osr, mitt.ed to the COll mlttee within a . whole &y1Item and its beneficial and talDly would ltlLve Od tlt UI" my I,fe ,. shor t time. Farmers. oall ill.llnu see' the Brad· coratlve effects are pronounced and . I I ad d ' 1& t Inltantlyellperieneed. ~UR T Tbe committee 00 hotels anti eygllngpowlJ. KO rOJlllornp n · ·It.1I keepyoulnl~oodhealtb. " If LANG bt ... ,-dlng h01Ul88 bail not y~t mllde aD erB, one and two row ~rn oultlya. DR.CALDWELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN .IJ.l.. , . , V. • actualoaovltll foraooomod.tloni. bu. t tOl'll. I Illt!o Clury I.L full line. of Os can be obtained In bollh dollllr and half· RID(Hl\' ILLE,ORlO 1 k dollar sizes from all druggists. from llreeent indicatioD8 there will ~rue implements itOI' lUll til . lug Your money .will loe refunded if It SPICOIALTlKS: IH8"A8~ 01' WOllICN ~ little trouble in gettiDg aocom. ' orderll for· hlah gnule lob . co.,. corn does not benefit you. .l.IID OBILDBD. OO.Uo08. ODe \IlUY oft'eroo to boarti anI; outs ' tl t'Lilllll'fl! rll1lglng ill price VOllr DO.tal c.rt! ffiluut .. IU brl.... b, ,..1111111 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!~ ...n our DeW booklet; "DR. CALDWELL'S .. fifteen ""raODS. from thirll'eo dollnrt! up. BOOIt OF WONDERS" .nd fr•• ·••lIIP\. 10 ALWAYS THIN 'l'ME GREEN ..H J tIIo.. wbo b.". De"" tried Ihl. wo. . . . . Itl8hopedllumotbiDg definite lUI ,. IC~I\Y AY .,. WritelorltlodllY. 8EAL PAINT &oraUr~ r .. tes Onn be IIonDonnued Ht!v. Iloci Mre ClldwlIolhlder Ilnti 'PE"_" SYRUP WIUl pure LinHeed Oil for a\l within .. month . . Mr "nd Mrs S . Lev C"rtwright . . . . .... ~ IIlIIoIls outBlde work. Thill pain* III of heavy Everybody who expects to tIlke dn.lve tu WilmingtuD one dny Illllt.' F Sal b I . I A'N ""'Y body aud needs .thiuning: It thu .. or Ij Y·· . .... . ., 1Jeoomes more 9OOnomloal for the part In the parade ' 8houl.l be~ln weok whure I hey wllro glJ8!ltI\ IIot tbe oonsumer. For 8ale by J: E. Jan. plaDlling their 1101&'" DOW. To make 0 intoD ()ounty ()hildrell's Bomt! 11r .oey. FORTUNAT~ MllSSuURIAN8, ehe Ihowing th.e pafllde' lI~ould will Cartwrlgbt iH ~ truStee of tile Wl&r . require CIlretul planniDg and Dot &1. ren County OhildreD's Hom~ II.Dd l'When 1 w"l\arllll(~I~t,. lit LlvoD. For Sale. ai tn th I t ted I I id la, Mo.," wrlt4llil·r.I L)w~·\.Ir. DOW . h loweveryt IDg to w t un e W88 n eres D lM1Cur Dg any t!t&8 of OraY8 vilIe, Mo ., " lhrul1 of my Be~ Pot..t<l88 i EarJy Ohio. Unr. la.t moment. that ·might be belpful to otar own eu.tomen were pttrma,ntmrl,r .<?ored ~oD. No. 3, QueeD of tho VaUoy i al. The people of Way.oeavilJe are 98· instltu~loD, 'l'hey report tbe UlIntllD of ouns~lllp~loll lJy IJr KllIg's New 80 eweet pot.a~ IUld garllen plantll T. <;'. ~AYLOB, peo1ally requeated &11 tbel oan .Couoty Bome.e a . splendidly ar DlICO.v ery, and tlr~ '~ell 1111.1 ItroDg in eeuon. .t o improve Ule appearallce of their raDge. and eaoeUentlY managt!d today. Or;te W,,1t tryUl~ III lIell ~ Bell Phone ;·R. R. No.4. XU(A, O. . . . property and, move to Ari:':"Dla, but -:-:--_,_ __ own p~pertY land of the 'own In I B'o me aDd the oh~ldreD 198m happy. after 1UI1llll New DIIiIO"vllry a s llort Not if ai Rlc~ u Rookefeller. order t1!&' the vi8ltor8 wbo will/alld oo~"'nted. ,~ tilDe h" found it. unnllOt'II""rf til do' U you bad all the weaith 01 Rook. throDg the &own may gel tbe bee, . Ii.... Wlnul" t!hieldll .pent ·tt1ree 10. I regard Dr King' ", Nf.l,w DillCOv. efeller; the ~tIUldard ~I magna"'. pouible Impr88l10n of the oommun· days 1aet week reonpeNUDI at 'he ery All the m~~t wonrlerru! rl1 etUclne you GOUld Ilot buy a be'ter medl. . ' I ". ID exilltence. ijurtlflt UOllgh 1 aDd olD f bowel oomplalDtiII limn Ity. . . • home o~ her grandmother 1Ir1l. 811". Cold care arid Th.rOtlt- nod Lung Cb:m::;'laln ;s Collo Cholera and . A mUe paiD' will qlake a won aD Eberly, aDd r8wrlled home SUIl heal~. Guar.nleed by F. C. '&h. Dlolrrhoea Re,.pedy. The moet ~mt. Dtertor view ot-one room In Butchison & Glbntlffllimmfll,ll\A dry ~c 0 I~ derfullmprovemen' 10 'he appear· day to ()'lnolnnatl. wllfb llrngai8t. 6001"nd fl. TnKl DeDt pbyelolan can no' .preaorihe a I~te at Xellia Store does a business or more thu.n 8100,00.0 IlDDnallY. ance of apiece of property aod ':he KII8 Carrie Grothe apent ~tinday bo~tle fr 88. be''''r preparatton ~or eollc aod a • GeIleral Uommi&tee aqgeete thd In Dayto'n with herBistftr. . diarrhoea, boUl ,for OhUIlreD uad wherever poMlble property lleediDg . IIONEY TO LOAN. • . ~uItiII. The nniform IUOO8llll of Uils ,. . We rerre' ~ men&ioD 'hat 111'8. . . remedy baa ahoWD 1& &0 be enperior . pain~ be giveD a freah coat. Carl Smith, formerly :MI. :Mary We have from '1000 &0 1500,000 to to all othen. , It Dever falbl, aDd B 18 I til h Ith loan aD Real Eatat4t and Life Inlu· when reduoed wUh water aDd .wee'. 11 very sa. . raooe Polloi_, at tlie loweet ra'" of enell 18 pleaean' to take. Every. • y. Just Escaped San Let every ODe who II at.ll Inter· Intereet. .. , famlly .bouId be aupplled . wi&h u. Francisco Earthquake. eeted In 'the appearance of our vll. SUDlt ~Il AODOY Co.. . J:told by'. C: Schwartz.. , . laKe or 8uburbs atteDd 'he lecture 4th aDd Walnut lite • The followiDc ·leUer will put · at Friday eventDg at the 8ohool Ball, jv 11 ()'lDolllllatl. Ohio. FOR·.!fY BUILDING reat the miDd. of the many frleDda whloh will be both .interea"DI and • Init~e, or out, It doeen'~ matter.; lin. :M. H. Allell and her eOIl8, illitruotive ~ all who oare to 1m. Green Beel Liquid falDt II the P,llilt who~v'e beeD lor a year or 'more prove their pr.o perty. . . : . • for you. ~~r 181e by J." J~nney. in Ban FraDOi8cp. . · . The leCture Friday Dight at the TIle' CiDeiaDM J!~ ... _ I lire.. AUeD II ~D& of IIriJ~ Bohool Ball wlll be mDlh'ated. with IIsued ~e;,V.1IIi)i ap to . . DR. H·.E~ HATHAWAY, W~ARS' · Lydia Gordon at Corwin. and h~ moviDg plotaree, and wlll be' well =.~c::.~~~-:.~ Wa~ee rille'a LeadlDlI DeDt1a' mallY oUler r:elatlv98 tD thll com· worth attendlDg, Tbe adml.tQn fee The tint ~ tho. ID eDIiriIy ' olllc;e 10 Key.' B,lIn4ln l'. • • • .. elo 8~e The ma\<ers our Clothing have achieved the mODlty who ·have beell anDoD~ for o~ IS cent., 18 simply to be Ueed to New IIap of Ohio; Ute mOlt beautiful I!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~, Uaelr .fety a04 who will rejoioo to pay 'he actoal eKpellBN. IDd euct ner printed. In briaR well merited rel>u~tton of desi~ers of the most team of their eeoape from d1Baeter. daiI Map up to dale. aD oetr towDe stylish and producers of. the . Sa ' Id h Only fi oeDts to 188 'be lIlutrated are located, all BIedric ADd TnctioD " ~~an, a 0 lecture Friday evening, May 4, at Railroads are IbotrD. aD Rural Mail . April .t, l .. vv. Bohool Ball • ' . Roala, ~ portra&ta . of aD, die Miami Galllltt~ ;. ' 1 will wilte on08JDo~ii to ask . Mr. A. L. ~/Irr. wbo hae been vel',. GoYemon. '..', 100.1 PPED WITH. in the nited States JlP'ILs YOI1&o,ohange ,*he ~dr~ of 'II!Y UldOrinRtbepast..1"Dter, took ad. ~~~=-of~b'!iJ:== ·1!"P!tr. I oaD~Pt get along witbout vaDtagl! of the fine weather Matur. with pOrtraits of aD the Preaidatl. ~~ ItI 'I .m 110 interested iD the ' Bome ~"y. aDd rode duw,n ' to~ for the Map of Panama lbo.iDg ' c..I · Com'i ng aUhough 1 dOD 't' think DQW l1ret tl~e ID maDy .w een, aooom lODe, with data ;elatiye to the pat . Our.garments succesSfully fill the deep.chasm thaH wi~l be able to get there, but' .~Died by blll rrand.lIO~ Guy_Dakin. Ship' CaDaI" DOW ' he~ built bJ the between ' .'. .' , ' • It, IIlDterea"ng to read . the letter :MIS8 Edith Shute WILlI takeD vio. Um~. ~tates, ODe the .greatest from others. I. entJy In. SHnd.y mornlDg witb oon. enterpnses ev~. attempted . A topographiCal Map or tbt.RUIIia 1 have epeDt a year lD tSan Fro· gBetlon of the tUDP.and f~r a tilDe Japanese War district with data ol~co and had luoh a nlOe "me aDd her caee was ooD81dered al.rmlne, detailJ of 'the two great Armin IDd .U8t left there SDDday nigh' before but waelCOn relieved· ~Dd Bhe IB DOW Navies, battle fieldl, etc., iDcl~ ' . and m~e paasible a most stylish ap~I:'ance ,at '" ' :he terrible dllaater IhAt , reaohecl bet.t4!r the lat Naval battle in the ItnitI fiI ROUTE --.. . . mode....te, ~t. r I ' " ',. " tha' 1!eeuttful 'OWD. lIy . ·80D8 'Are . :Mi.. Elesba Kelley. ofB.rve1.... · It~e:;.p or the World, with N ' " '.' AlIfD 8ttll there. I bad a letter from them burg attended 'he eDtel,'tal!lm~Dt at Rulen. Of'MIDi. J1Jap 01 today) 'tbey ~aped &h. are /bUt tb.e'he 8Ohool bouse Friday Iift.arnooDi all Nation.. Steamship Roulet, 1ritJl -SOUTHERN R~ILWA~ earthq_e shool[ t~ ·up, \ 'l'hey 'and wile Mrs Jaml!ll S~l1te'e guee' data and Statistics of great.worth. ", eay it Ii a lad IlgbUo ... Uiedl8. oDtll Batu relay , Other maps the PhilippiJl4 aU fuhionable coloriJ1g8 ~nd . sh8pes treu aDd lhe ' b~rDt aDd otiarred • Mrs. A!Jn ~e1l8Y who I.a a boarder' Islands, Ha"aii, ' Alaaka and PorId bQc1l~.' There i8 great ideriD.fl for at'tbe Friends Home, Is' 10slDg ber Ri~o. in all nine distinct b at we streDgth very faat An index will loCate ~ wa"'r r e. . ITh e pJ ace twas desired • ...... __ lived IDthe. wheD WAIl there tdl _."d II' so l1'mple a Weellly
Wa),oentlle. ObJo
OJ? 'VA). NE
Syrup 1Pepsln
M D·I' M '
co. . .." r. .
Whl·te . Goods, Silk Gloves, Corsets, Linoleum
Hutcbis~n Et.Oibn¢y·, .X~nia, Obi~ •.
".ASK the' MAN ,that
Best , Made tr
., 'Buked up by .,.... .Guarantee,' which ~eans 1~~ own protection.'" ~ '.':.' 'We keep eVery prment bougnt of .us, clean ed, pressed and in :repair for tw'~ 'Years. .
."IIIIY........ -
CtIIcI..... ~
.·• .10 '12.50 ·815 817.5-10 820 . '25:'59
understand it. ~ . Chart·. Dew, correct and up to mu~ it an invaluable .educator, iIld~e . for the Home, Sc1i(!Ol, ' ~ibrlfl, 01' , ..College. . , , . ~iIlg ~ce, i • • ~ ~ ill .worth II ~)', tuDeI ~ . The BIInuirer ' Com""", . IS looI...... , dais ":La!" F .,....,.. .:..~..!::~ th ....... lee to e weeld, EnqUirer who r_t~dolIar . for 'a ,..... aubta!~ 01" b' • no ·MftlOfoldaubecripaOD. ~tac. . ~. a ricb ~ iIOlicjtiDi . . . . III ... pand q&r. ~ _ '-'IRER g[MIPANY.• '
\. .
deetroyed by fire,l j1Ult .made iny MIB8 Jeesle' Marlatt has been giv eeoape . , . g V8 lnab le. as8l11 tli·noo~n .' . YODrs .. truly loDm the post f th t f , :Mus. M. B. ALLU. ~ or e palJl : ew uays. . . , '. Mr. Alar~ .Davia !las caught tbe ~ABMONIOUS OQM~INATIONa 8plrl~ of Improvement/aDil I.sllddlng Of Colors are. "aeny secured with niany ornaments and hixDries to hie Green Bee,) LlquJd Paintll. Thl1Y are h . madeln46dllterellt&lDtlJaDd8bades. om~ all north Mllln strapt. Be . a cement ' 01.. E. Jan~ey. ' h as commen....,... _.... bl' I"YID~ F or'l\&le by . ' ~ ' .' fioor fO,r ~ la~ge front ve~a, alllO The paiD' tbat IllwaYI a&tl!lfie8 ._ other ooment paving i w~1 remodel It ooeY ~o !Dore thaD the, other the Illterior of ,he boue, 1.....11 • IDd. n a KOod becaU88 It e pure. electrio lIghtlDg aDd 8Ji1eh up wiSh For.rale by J. E . JIDney. . ' . a f' reah 001..6',0 f paI" n. "
Ready-to-w~ar and Custom-~ade _" Clo1hing,' ".
.............:a...' '~·~T.P.A. , CIIAI w. Z8LL, D.:,P. A. ,
. (Jee!n .....
Misfit. Clothi·.ng 'Parlou" Wm.
Wertheimer "& CO. Near .in St.
Warr en Covn ty. Court s. Board of Healt h Order s . Comm ission ers a Oene ral Clean uP. iilljw IIUl'1'• • Proce eding s.
D4TfG1._ 1
tJtoniaoh 'Prouble s
MrB. Sll,a Martin. an ollill ud high
J UG.GLl NG WIT J LJYN AMITE Is no more dangero ue than to neg· leot kidney disorde rs. -foley'e Kid· ney Cure oorreot/! IrreauI arittee and has oured many severe oa888 after other treatme nt has failed . It ~ullds up the worn out tilillnes Rnd r!lAtor· es health a nd vigor. "I was troubl. ed with kidney oumplll int for about two yenr"," . 8 . Davis of Alt. Sterl1ng l owl\. "bu lr two bottlell of 6'oley's Kidney ure effeoted a perml\n ont ou re .•,
Iy reepeot ed residen t o~ I,' "h.onla, ~lImAnl The people Of W'ayneevll1e are reo M' H Otlwllld, burial of sol· MiIII .• was slok with stOllllf'b trou· w. ~: . MOOKIe. Rec~lnr q06l\&ed to olean up tbelr. propert y, ble for more tbllil 81 . ' montbs dler's widow ...... .. ..........• 50 00 remove all Un oans and other artl· C Mount~, Oltuk, oourt Chamb erlaln 'l Stome-oh and Liver 008t·S oles from abOut tbe premlA811 and Tablets oUred her . She eaye : " I OI\n OIllle No 10213 ........... .. . -12 60 1'IME (lARD pll.y I,l&rtloul ..r a ttentlo n from this Bll rrMtt Bros bill oks ..for now eat any.thln g I wlI.n t It Q,l 8 m the t~ F'Fl!:ciT I VE APIt!I. 16 , 10.0K. time on to the· oondUi on of tbelr proudea~ woman In the 1i\ orld to Auditor ......... .. ...... ....... 2 50 I NOIl'l'HIJ OUND. propert y. Or~goolll BrIdge Co. oon. Slallnn. No. 1° NU.~· No. 5" No. 7' flnd suoh a good medl llln " For The garbag e wagon will 8tart on sale by F. ·C. Schwar tz. trltot.JI No 7 Ilud II .... .. .... 195 .& 2 A . M . ' ~•. M . P.M . P . Iol . Ita rounds next Monda y and milk, J obn W" lfe bridge re pMlra.. .. ij 95 LebMaon J C. Ar:; au .10 2fi 1 30 6 26 regular ool1eotion during the euUl· Laballl'l I PIII,rlut , letter bead.. Shaker Cr. 7 ~7 10 ~ : 1!7 . 5 l!1Z mer eo arrange to have your W IIIIW for Auditor .. .. .. ... ..... .... :I 50 nos,lo I 7 ~~ I 10 l'i . I I 2t '5 17 matter relldy to be carried away FrduK 'I'bOIDIII I, g ravel Olear DO NOT BE IMPOS ED UPUN Bempatead ~ IU 10 In 1 19 (; 16 ThMe ordere are in the Interes ' l creeK townllblll ..... .... .. . 48 Ceot .. Foley nllle & .0 0., Chicago ,' origina ted 7 I ~ 10 O~ I I~ 6 or 'of pubUo health and tbe better Il,P w e Turton , COlI) for oourt Honey and Tar lie Il t~roat and lung Maoor ' t 7 00 "liD 0 1 n 06 +6 01 pearan0 8.of our town and we trullt bOulle .. .. .... .. .. .... ......... :111 ...,tlc and on aoeonn t of tbe grel&t 7 01 0 (,8 1 01 4 :;U &he people of the oommu nity will W l:t Anders on e,), )It W Tllephone Day or Night. ' remedy lW~e .. ood merit ~nd popula rity of Foley's ~ 58 l~j "u :111 61 , . 1.3 oo. opera~ with UI by beartily t ..l. hooks for Proeec utlnl Bon~y and Till' mauy lnlltatl ons ILre V.oabl~ Local No. 1 16 6.' : 0 4~ U ! U W 411 10wlnR the eUJ(geatlonll cont.. ined A tturnllY .. .... ...... .. .... ... t6 00 KI\Cboer olfered -for the genuine . A8k foJl' 16 1) 2 1:tJ 47 tI! 6i W 47 bereln. JOIIl!pb <';orrln8 t·oo , luwbltr. Long Disianci No. 69-3r Foley'e Boney IIn4 Tar and rerule 6 511 Ul 46 12 60 4 45 B,. Order of tbe Board of He..lth. ElItltrprllie Ptg Co, envel.. 50 115 ~odds any substit ute oll'ered as no ot her t.el.od +0 41 til 36 " II n '4 au opes for Audito r ... .. ...... 2 50 Lebanoo-Lv. 6 36 II :10 I~ 36 t ~O •• prepara tion will give tbe ume sa$· Truetee s Bilmllt on townsb lp DO YOU Gft t;JP . ilfaotlo n. It Ie . mlldly luati ve, It OOUBT PBOOIiI: DI.OII, Branch e n" OffiCI, 0 D.t HarYlws l~ l ' D.t burg. X T C H&D 0, grllvel ........... .............. .. 60 68 Oal oontain s no opl~tee and Ie .feat for II &0 lOO II ou ~ 00 0 00 '!'btd41 Ilmhlbn ri' B. & .L. Alldn. " I ' W1~B A LA.lim BACK t Trustees BllmiU on town.h lp ohlld.r en and delicate persona . 0&X1' D.tXT gra.vel .... ........... ....... .... 6 32 l'rbiuilill A. CIlmpheU, Judgem tlnt. ltI4uc1 Trouble Makes You BANN A'S LUSTR O F~ISB . 8 00 e 00 )UsCrable, Trust-ees 8ltmllt on towneb lp The m08t beautif ul finish for WRF.N ~oti PAINT TQE aOUBE tor plalntil f In sum of ,2100 wit b grllvel .... .. ..... ....... ..... 28 71 Almoat everybody who realls the new.. • SOUTHB OUND. joteretl t uult)$! paitl Ulortl(ltllil or· peper. i.. silire to know of lhe fiPOH and woodw ever on the &Ie that the work Is done witb wonderful Tru.tee s Masele towuh lp ..... HI 51 A. M. A. M. P. II. p, Iol . market . Bee the ork finished sample l Green Beal, yl;lu'l1 profit by it. sO ft----'I cures made by Dr. Truatee e Masele townsh ip..... 9 77 Lute deled foreoloaed. . 2" ~Io.· No e' No e' at .J. =-' ~ Kilmer' . E. Janney . Swamp- TrUstee s Masele tOwDshlp..... '115 Day too : C H" '" No I will the houee . For eale by J. E. Id~ H6l\e &Iore VB F .. &tie Bow D G 00 Rool, the great kid· GREEN SEAL LIQUID PAINT . IJanne y. On motioD tbe Audito r wu In· Oa,too : O. x,' 7 uo U.OO 2 yer, e& aU . Amend ed pe&itloD . WAd. ' , QI\ r. UO ney, liver and blad· BtrUOtfl!l &0 purchall8 lbrough UD. Leba DOD Je. 7 40 :10 36 ~ :13 ~ t~ der remedy. WllIlllm ~penoer VII Eva dpeDOIIr. sleeby and tIons from &he Globe SlIaker C1''.l''slor 7 41 10 07 It is the great med. ! 37 r. .. Cue diamlli ed. Ical lriumph of the Wernlo ke Co five II8Cllluna of AIIDg BOIII,a '747 :to t~ '241 ·"5411 0&8eIJ. iCdwln I B. Weatot VII The Fr ..nk. BemPilelicl i 110 11040 nineteenth century ; Z t5 1\ 1111 Pllln8, lp8Cifi.oatlon for .. oonore$e c..oleryllle discoveredaftuyeaJ'1l 768 \0 63 lin Board & Paper Co. Plalullf t bas t iii .\ 1'>8 of acienlific researcb proteqt ion to abutme nt to a brid,e lIaoor " S 0& -D O liM \' 2 .\'1 " 604 leav~ to file motion , demure r 8r re by near Dr. r8lliden Kilmer, oe the af Wilbur Jeffries L~~le 8 09 11 04 . a 0 2 6 Ov eminent kidney and were approve d. ply ou or before Kay I , Ed,~,.ood '8 11 ~11 0 7 bladder tpecialist, all(1 is wouderfully 1B or. ,e i2 o L Bendel' M, W. li:arnba n i» re.appo lDted .uccessful in proutpU)' curing lame 8on was awanle d tbe veoable '8 16 '111 II II 09 16 18 back, contrac t for bulldin( membe r of &idlel' l' ReUeI Commi 4. uric acid, catarrh of the bladder r &be Snyder Kltcllner ~ 1~ In! 13 .3 11 .6 I ~ aad ..:_ \ of ... ~ til :0 lIrigbt's Disease, whlcb is the wont pridge on LebaDoD and FrankU n Do<IlIs 11 6 .Ion f'o·r •-.... :J 1:1 ts 21 ._"pike at an ea&lmate t16 fonn of kidney trouble. LelaD<l IS 29 24 111 22 .. 30 In &he m ...... of tbe eetate of J. Dr Dea&h and Dr ' WUllama, poel Lebaoon Arrive 8 ar. III Dr. Kilmer's Swamp -Root .is not rec· U 30 U 30 0 ~ ~ P. UII.o hrlst, dtioeue d. A ppeal I. ommenlled for e\'erything bllt If vou have mort'3m on body of Mary B llall Dully n oept Suna.y . t SlOp on . Ilfoa!. kidney; liver or bladde.r trouble II will be 20 00 Inquel t on body Qf M..ry B. dlemiBlped wi thou' record and _me foulld jUlt lhe remedy you need. SUNilAI' TIUIII8. " It baa . remAnd ed to Probat.. Court. Ball, coste 32 25 been tested. Tnlu ill lIa31 LyUe as folio ... : 10. many ways, III }tospltal eA ., work aad an prn'l&te practice, and W Norlbbound LilUe C. Guttery VI Wilmer A. proved 7 :;ea.. m. 6 47p. Dl . 110 successful in e\'ery case that. A ~ount .. in of Gold Soulbbou od Clattery . Ulvoroe panted . CIlII. ' .pecial arr.. n~eDlent l!as been 9 O.a . m '7 03p. Dl . made by could not bring tad .. of olilldre n. A. alimony phalD. which ull rea~ers .of thiS all . muoh happhl6118 paper, . who ~~ .• ~. have MOORE, " not alreally tned It , lIlay have a sample to Mrs. Luola Wilke, of Carolln&. G~Dera l Pa.''''''K" r ACeot. Lebanon. O. 'Ift ,i:!! $Q rt!08lYB ,I$\e &0 112 IUrtlll III boule sent free by llIull, also 0 book teU. WiS .• 1I8 did ont) 250 box of Book-len,1I !!!!,!!!~!!!!!!!~,"!,,!!!!!!!,.01!",!!!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!,!!!!!,!" Deerl1t!ld wwnsb lp and iloilO oert..m ing ilion, uUout Swn.lllp- Root,an Arnica Salve, wheu It oomplll tely d bo""to . I· ... f fin.loul ih·ouha\,c kulney or hI adder troQ· oured "runni ng t!Ore ou l'6l"1Uual vrOpllrt.Y OOD8 a •• htlr 18K, ng 0 ble. w\ti:n wrltln~ lIIcntion OF rending thil wbloh bad tor'ure d her 23 ~a~D,llulJ lu.plem llnts, lI'ook. etc. 10Dg geuerous ofter in thI Spaper !,llIl sencl yo~ Y8&I'8. Greate et antilep tlo healer of The more M:lgazines there are, the more PBOIIATIC OtJlllCT. address lo Dr. Kilnler Pile!!, Wound s, end 8oree. 250 at .., . . .. .~ yo' d PC.US & l e.oo Co .• Binghom lon, · '" ·"W ul Vii.......... w.. ODS e N. Y. Thc regulnr ' - C. BIlhwartz'8 Drug.J:!tore . Indisp ensab le is The Revie w of Revie...... "".... tou. &Ie btU 1111111 . fifty-cenl and ou~· For Round Trip Tickets "" "The ofte macazifte I feel I mu.t ~ • •t. ut 'l'n . )m~ Uagll:lllt, y, ttlt dollar aize \JoUles "The loIfe world uader a 6eld-lIla ..."" An education in publictake." sol.1 bv ull good dntggilt afflir. anti via fl. Don't make ~1fUd luvdu&o r l · .. ud .pp ...111.. Ilny vii.take, IlIlt current lit~r.tur e."Ih_ .rc tome of lhe ~h r'ues one hall 110m oeted remember the name, meD~ tiled. people :woo read the ~w of Review.. Th. more m.gazine. there S",amp-Root, Dr. Kilmer' . SwaDip-Root, Louisville &; Ne.llhville R; R. ."'. mOl'C -.eiw')' is tho Review 01 ~•• bee."", it bri"IP l!:!ttate of ICdwafti 8otb. deoeailed. aud tbe addreu; Binghamton, logether lhe N. Y., OD • in .11 the Til Nearlv All Pointll in impotWlt monlhlieo of II.. world . . Sud. is the . e\'ery bottle. periodical litrrol_ IIYt DOwoda)'1 people oay I h l !he ollly",.y 10 ' I'tl'll' alld flD1L1 lOOOUD'. for ..We . Don·t "1111\8 fln·Y.mi8tllko up , but reo wiIh it ALABAMA, FLORIDA, t ...d the ~w 01 Review.. ElI,.rely 00" ....1 .bo.., this reYJeW. wlln, flIed. U. __ it hu _ orici...t _net .nd iilull m6mbPr thto IInmp, Swamp Root, rahonl lhan moQ m....u.... and GEORGIA, ENTUCKY, 111 r. will Corneli a B. LuptoD. de , Dr. Ki!'mer 's Swamp Rooa. \he _ 1iMe11 ucI a.portant priDled in .ny mbnlhiy. andthe U1tued. 1Jepc»ltton of Sarab A. Probobl,~he ..... uoef"ltdioa of aU io Dr. Albert iltMthle4 .. LOIDSIANA, MISSISS· &4dr8ll8, Bhltlba mllton, N . Y .• on r_ 01 the World,~ whcte public .-.u and ~ua.f".utSh.w'. boritoJi..,ly ud RlltiIum •• wt'Deai" relome d. n.,w-t ia n..ry iuue. Muy a ...bocriber wrila, .. n. cltpar!melll ...... IPPI~ VIRGINIA, NORTH 10 re 811kte of Reeve Bolland , d&- every . bome. _"" lIIOI'C,thu tLe price 01 the ....,.zine. The unique cU_ ~ ~. BeartD ,"& for May ·2~. .t .. depictU,. ·AND carftlll SOUT h.y ia eariwlire, ;. UIOIber I....rire. fu 1Ii.1", '. ' H CAROUDeath8 -f-r-o-~...A-ppe-n-dloltee n ••.auID . I ..t... cOYen au CIOU•••t., and y", io Americ.o 'RI. and f _" t o'olock . Men ift poab\ic life. lhc _ .... 01 < prof..iooal\ --. . de~ In tbe ra'io thllt 'he "OL~T'& BONE T _cl TAil II .. ~A, TENN ESSE E. ....! !he pat in re Barle ". Niebel, an alt.p4 UI8 of' Dr. King's New Life Plllt! a Y.U.w~, RofuM labaU&al caplaiM ef iad..-ry who .uoi a.,," with !he lima:. Tloltet~ oa w. I It 1104 3rc1 TUe.· -....u;..... _ UMI eIo " ' _ all __ tillane perIOD. AdOn '" w ' Slate InOl'eUell. 'They sue ,.on from Ameriea, 1Ia.., 4ecided' L ' ; it io "iMiopeno olole~"'" da" mill Ma:, to Novembe r In. , dan· , gel' aDd ·bring qulo~ and peinleu clu~l.e. 1;004 re'aflllD I ~i days 1l0llpilai .,. o.ytoD •...,. oe...... cn,~ relea.. from oonatlp atiotJ and tbe . trom dale at ...1e. For rurtber In re Maipre S MIller, aD allapel lUa powlnl J oU$ ot n. Strengt Informati on . coolull your local b and ~~~~~~~~~~~~ lDlID8 penon ' Adml~ &0 Hlate ,.llOrollway.. follow tbelr~. Gnar It ill Oetnger oul to Negleo ......&... 1·-0. t 1& CollS. aDteed - I ' C Bobwa nz I Dn:tg· 8 -"'--a. ... - - - o J J. B. un.u&..,,,. P. A. LouIIYUle, KT "oJ • . of' Wm Bow BDrioD often d_1e do we d hear rid· U 2150. 'remark ,Try . Ulem F. D. BDS., D. P. A. Clocillna". Oilio. . I I ld .. d f J . E. DAn.POaT. D P. A . 8~ Loula, Mn. In,.nlO l'J aD4 apprl&~' ~e4 8otatioa Cured Af$er Twenty Yean ad: .. is on y a co. an .. a ew r! ter leluo that the man ....a... W B Co BAILIIT. N. W. I'. A. ChlGqo. m. dehil baOK with pneumo nia ThoillI. on With ltQmetb lDl8ube t4ntlal to begin the day on, 8uite every meJDb · In " --_.. . . m ' , of Tortur e ir liuob ocmmo n occurre n08 tbat of • C . L. tr'ONE . Oen I PaBI. ARent. of the' houeeh old theee oold ulorDlng8 . • oeued Order .or pnva. Iale Of, I'or more thlUl ,weDty' Mr. oold, howeve r slight, IIbould not be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Nat .• taa. lined J. B. of 381111 ClintoD 8&., dlere,ll Idl'd. Chamb erlain's" OOllBb Moat peOple drink coffee at breakfa st, and we can Bult the lover . ..... ~A:n ft~. of co.trea. We bave al good IL line of COFFE ES all von oan Minnea poll., M~, w .. &or~~Y'ftd by Remed y OttUDteract. aDY find In tow~ tendeoo y IOIlttna. The pain and IInflerlD, of Il oold $41 ' resul$ ID pneumo Wbat' &hln batter cakee with PURE SYRUP . Uet Plouak DI., IllaW h ·A Klrb7 to lamet B wblob be en4ured dnrin, tbll ' e time ..nd.has 'gIlIDed UII IJrNt populari&y . FLOUR ud SYRUP bere. , Wins.: 1 . I D ~k ' &O"'D. II beyond ~prebenIliOD . . ' . . ~othtng lod !!xtAriatve .. Ie b,. ita prompt lid, II . him auy permll. nent relief un· oure.. flf thll mOllt commoD We can fumob tbe mllkeup of all meals; breakfa et, dioner and ailment . .up ..... I UDlllll by to ~lll J &1lbilu eedCba mberlal n's hln per, witb all seasona ble goods. Balm (talwa y. Ourell and . ·!l1I '1)IKlllla nt 'to --.:....... '10' IDTanl eoreek town. Oaelppl1~ttoo of th .. t Iluimen~ re· &aka. For 88le by F . C. Bobwll1'tz You. are Invited to oat1. -.uNO • • aoree . U.ved the paln and made sleep and lII'p ; ~ . ' relit poaIlble: and' leu tbn n one bot· THE CORN ER OROCERY, -TO.. ....... .. 8lia. &0 A.... -A l1li1' tie bU efteoted I • permaDen~ onre. Loa Angel O~ es 1baU' two 8Ort!II in .-wa,..._YI11t1 If trouble d With BOla tics or rhftuma · "Ii . ·tt.m why not try 1\ 250 , bot,tle of City of Mexico . ~ . ' Pain Belm "lid 18ft for youl'8tl\f hnw In. April u~ Nay Spbrtam K Suook to Bonae Il quiokly It reUI!Vetl the paiD. For 8Dook; IIi 111 801M lD ~rtleoreek' .le by F. 0 Sobwllt"tz. . Des 'Moines tOWDlblp; 1160 When you feel bnguid , tired. ' lAMIiaviDe It 8D~ to Alfred V 'BOlS ON PHON OORA PH. nervou s and irritahl e, your vi.0<*; N lOr. ill Tnrt.18OftI8ko St. Paul tality is low-yo llr of &owul hl,; 110 111 Way nerve energy exhaus te , and Oioar 'W Wbia. &oLe '" 8 ONDt your. system runnin., Clown for . wub lack of power. Boetol11 . 161. .one iD B.~toD to lp 1 . :rile organs, of tbe body .re X Saoot ... al to ADDa 10 June ki .. I Y' Saoooi.. Ifta · . _ iD Tnrileo re8k 11 . . wor nr poor y. or no~ ~t a • &.I '. vu - , -and you are not getllng the toWDlbtp 1 ..~:. . . • Frane ileo Dourilh ment needed . ~ This 800n s.~ Oil Col of 'KeD...oQ to la' JUDe uti Jul, impov~rlshes the blood and inStaDda id .Co, of Qhio; tnot iD Leb .tead of throwi ng off the imanOD ' l " . Denver ' puriti~, distrib utes ' it all ID Jul, S~mm O' llle &o~~ . n~ . ~~ Fnr Intor_alloa ..... 111 C1QUnJon ~~ ~, disease and misery . . · BDlldl q ~UQD; . ....0* iD fare. and pant""'. '" about P_,I· Feed the nerves with Dr. rlulrU D &o......lp 1. vUlI. LI_ paaMlller IIIlnlee CoUuH Miles' .Nervin 9. ~ nerve food. a . T" B. E . 1IOO'l' lf !tUrUt . to John Brlnp obeer. n the year. Every nerve W~JHtI'Ule 0 medici ne. tl)at 'nourish~ --,,«:t .t ApE ~-" y CHIllI; '1 ~ lD 'I'utIeoreelr body lik_ It, nfJ ulll III ~tllred and .trmgt hen• .the nervel, and tOWol lli,; IIf1 ~ ~prOd- per'eC~l~ bluld m~o, lee hOw qui.ckly get . • . ±--&he fio8l<t y00II1 .1I0108, duet". andlt rong and VigoroUyou , s.; '. J~"" Y oOadeD .• t to AI q1lar~Uetl ; ,be finlllt . oharact er "If,. WIre lUlreNol ... th __oun_ '--'~ ......... _11 a_';" In "·lem · LI Th ....... anuuu; 100' .... .»revioul to a ........1\& att.clt ot t-lIol4 ... ,,'nll aD11 vaudtlr vUle.a $(I. re .. r, but after~b... "-Vel') ' , ..... th. . " . toWDl hIPiUo o " ., . ' . , " he PhODotJraph provide e more fDll ..:nr~·~~:..r"CA:"!l(=~ , · .' ... . '''''' D Smltll to" Iva aDd llao· aD'd mnala &haD any oUler au\Oma tio toel,. -... nervo ... "bea til. ...... Ibe .. .. Yell' .... u.. .t Illellt, a.1l1! o.bcml, i ...111 .~ 'In 80iatb eutert&iJler. yet .0 "'hiD re.ob· of liner ha4 • iIoocI nlPt·.....t. ~ llUffn: r;.ell fIooiI , IUIrYOUa ,..4. . Leb8D()D; t . . \. . '. . aU. 1& . . .q fOl' l~f, . tr1.~~~~~:t .AND U&.u.JcB IN :::;...--.:-. ...::;.:-.- . W. :~UI be pl8a1!&4 to' Ibow the ttires 4 _ .. ... IIa4I a ~ lIIPt'a ~ rut, aJlcl " the en••f th.lIm ....... . ,..~....- - ..,uU.-a . m,'ohln68 &0 aD10D8 InMrelllad. " . treat",en t Ihe ".. won4erluU,. , •• D. ' . . 0 \ W, I'ODU. ~...... . -aO ' _1'81'. prov.~ ' ConUlluecl _ of Nervi. 1Iu Bold OD paymei lta of 1100 . a we.e.... _plete 4 tier . •• Un cure." . . .aut ~,-rly ~~181if. &Del ·W.I , . . . . 1.11 ~ It., ~~«!~nd. nlJlI8II 01 all OnDimn, "1[UIOO1dlDr 'reiepbo ne In bis hm". when he DI'. MI.... II ..hi ~ - r llal8~. wblob lap.:. ,'.'~ SO ,.~ 'JEWE LER . ... W AYN£8 VILLE . tlrvf~lct. wile Nef'¥lM will .u.,..".... t"at'iii. I b8dobr9ll1o'Uverobtnp~atD" wbiob .....:.'_. ___._ - '_ c»n be· called I' an boanl, ...y or _ _ _ _ _-'- .. ~fl ~:~ ~,.~. In, f.u., ,1Ie nlgbt., lMl to iaob • •,..... OII88otjaundl08. . 0_ 'Ni I . .that ....i 1e.·M... Ila_I,.:. . £' .... a .... I_...: . Co8ohee aDdol;u aln IUppUe . . . 1DJ' D.... larDed . > ...,re pp ea. , , il . ~ - - . . uu ,.Uow,~ w.... 'IDY dcdor s--ortbeil A ouia may be eftfllted , by apply .. Bne reeeoti l 1Il0yed to room . . . . . Bit. ;· wtiloh r oured ·me iDg (]bamb erl.1 n's Sal,.. as loon ucllUr. .,. kept me ...U for ..81.... tlie obUd 0 dODO Duraing . Wipe at I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!I Qext to 01'. 8roI. .U GR.EE.N SEAL SPREA DS .~ 1ftD'I , WA·... _,.I~ O. ~., SaN OQN fot BWo1 llD-' off wt*h a 110ft olo'b before allowio g It ooyel'll'a Rl'Mter t\urraOft ..tIll .~ uul all atc.;' ·tbe ohllel &0 Dune. Man,. trained fl,itnrll v ~blln "q .. oth"r pain' OQ 1IIIa. U ..., cJe. D1INeI U88 tho I... with &he beat tbe ma-rket.. Tr",' and be OODnDO . I¥% . ,...... A, ~ ToaIO, At .reeul'" Price ·.. B per box. ed, I'or IaIe b,. 'J, JII. JaDDey. )II O. 801l~' DnI __ ,1O oil• . ~ld byr. 0,
'lib" 11~11l(It ' " Fr!,olr lin VII J. J . UlIlIiKtlr ~'ur 1lI11l1lty nuly;' IllIi 11 20 WIIIlIUl tortllu . 1'1"IU~llf oh.tnH tbllt "" ,1110 It, 11106. dtlfend ant appru· jlrllt'-l\l LO 11111 I'W.. ,Ullt! lIIlid ~um . wuwh WIll' duu til" Vllhage on tile 1111 II Itl,,1 liulIl III vllt" ull or LIlE! ineol· Ytlut ) ' Ifll\ Nil tlUDllJ Ibllk uf Fl'8na· liD , Pilt U~ynor repr88eUl8 phdn,tl f. VIlIlllLe of Frankli n VI! The Weh · oltr 8re""ill g CompllDY. Pr.intU I ll~lttI tbll~ jlldjCtlmeot asalollt Chariea • lIoillooy ior fioee. . ooll,a, etc, and ..mountl&.\g lO '411r, m~y 00 deoJare d aileD &pin.U ot .507 in Frankli n, whloh defend ant owns and whlob hid Ob.rlea Macey OOoupled, Pat UayuOl III Ilttoroll1 tur !,llllntlft'.
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'W"" '_ 1D4IIeI-..-.aa.
Soh..,OlD. ... ' .
Ita I&ld t<l lIle: ""I'tlll ~ II Going to be ' on lile aquar6, and YOu watch 'ID' IlIIoke. Do l'OU tblnl, I would let thal red·b ad. ed dl8h ..... " sllar beat ru,)? Not on your life:' ' Tho play Is to ha"e a IIttle'bo:r klse the male drl"~r KQod-by . and a lillie girl kIn the fomnlo drhcr goOd-by, as· thougb they were' talliog tbelr lives In tllelr hands . Iliad cllmbed up (0 pa aod PUt my armB IIrounCl hi s neck, and kissed hIm. and n alr,l kissed the C mal~, ., BON • .OEOROE W. PtCI wben tllo Gon~ Bounded , &nd 1I0tb tuurAUIIIor., " Peck'. Bad 80, Abrood," I!tc. horse learns made (\ Julllll, before I (''Ould get out of the cbarlOt. 80 \' lOt rlgbt In tronl of Il" and IIcekcd over tbe dashboard of tbe cbarlot. and , gee. lJut Tb. Jk\d Bo:, and Ria Pa Drive a Ro- dldn·t Wfl talrlJ' ",hln by tho poles, ahd m ..n Charl.o t-'l'hey WIn tbe Race, tlIe audl enl.' " look od like a panorama . 1'8 _got tho pole and kepI It, and we _But.-Xut _wIth Dlfflowtl_The B8!Uded Lady to the llelleue-A went around thfe~ timcs, and (ound tho temale c;harl ot allcad or lie .. CIlU SO P<l bad J'armer'. Oart Breaks U'p the Clrgono around twice to ber ooce. Sbe eua Proc.alon. turntd out n lltll fl rlglll by Lho ban(t. sland. aod Pll. run hi~ tcam right Inside Ohto was • hoodoo Lor the clrclls ber charlot and call~h t h er wheel, and busIness, and Kentuck)' sot uic wbole wh!HI ~", yellell tu bls t Cllm, ber cart., bunch ready tor a long 8'tOY at DWight, team. and all w~fu thrown rlgbtllll o tb a 111.. but Ule agent ruuled us luto Pe nn· \Jalld, wllich scattere!1 over tbe back. sylvanIa. and 'pa bas bad nothing but or the BOll IS. ' The, hol'SCs were nil a series of dllllllltor9 s Ince etrlkl ojl tho mixed u:, wlill (lIe Instrumeots, an(\ the Ita to, . ' fomale drlvllr IVII ttlrown Into th e air PIl gav e iloUce tbnt wlten . WI! got to nn rl cnmo '1101 II In B s ltllng positio n bIll old home, at ScranloD . whero be rlllht luto t ho I) " drum. ' SlIe wC!nt 11 9 1ld when ha ""as a. bo,)' , he \\'llntlld to rlkllt througb ' tbu sbe pskln, HO hOI
a en of 10bslllrl. Whn tillY 'lot Ih hoI met olloned , an pa eouhl come Oll t. bll' lookud JIISI like a bollnd IOb~ler, Ilntl wb,'lIlhe nllt", uwner Of the clrcl1~ CVI~l(! up un Q run. ilnll &!IlIad If P<l. \I 3S den,l. fla "ILld ! "No t .lIIu ch. Mllry A lin; d III I wlo 1" a~d tile l11an· agor sai d it Willi It plly 1111.'1 fiver oJl~neol thllt helmot nml let pn out . 'f hl! mlLll t old pa he won In a wnlll . bUllhe chief of police of SctllDton was801llgtoarrcw~ Da 'llr exCe\'lll 11g the !lpe~d 1I011e. . Tb~y look I}a to Ihe dres lng-room, on a pIac .. of oo'lIro, and wh cb the womlin tlr i\'ur sa\ him . I, flc I:ot nn all , and wau' J 10 elcllve him CI'om h adlo Cuot. but III tr~ an\ed woulan slePlled In fro ut of her UII<l 811.11 : ;'1'>Ol on your 1If ," and shu ~ 11I ~l d c d IJII Cm an death with her manly (uran. "h i'" 118 Sllr~ hu s hall oever (orget. Pa'l! ol!l rrt ntis III S~rnn tun /;11\'0 him a banQllcl thnl IIlght , bllt lIa cou illn' l eat ,lin) t h lnl! CUU s!! tl ie l'IUl ot the brass be lmft ,,111 1\ l;:'nsh In hl~ Adam 's npl,1 . Art ~ r th e clla,rlol,' r!,, ! ~ th ll mlll. ngOn! c.on(;lllll II tbey wouldn'l IO,l pi. hll' ~ any 1105111011 or ~mptorllln,'e a g ain v"ry SOOlI, lind I lI)a.l r 1111 1\ly Illind you wouldl1 't ev.!r catdl 1110 In nil)' sn<ne Ih nt P'L was In : I'"l In I h e :Ireus. LJII ~ lll ess yOIl ca n nevllr tell whal ,III golll£ to hUJlll ' 1I rmm one day ~o ol10l her. Ou th e t mln ' (In tho ,,'ay to wl ikr Dllrro lla ere \\'8.S n hot box ou o ne (l( the sl ei: Il(~r'l. alHi III cll r was slde·trackell all night.
Wll cn we arr 'lvell :Lt the town Ruout 40 wils on drll'cl'S Ulat wer hI (ho ca r <lId uot ~ how Iljl, and th ey bad 10 pr es] everybody lhat C!OIl](1 drive a t am Into tbe ~ ervlc'1 to 111\ ul th e Sluff ./0 the IQL, and (la drove four 11 rses so well with a 100.11 t:!C tent pC/ les t hat tbe .mannger colllplimented PII , and tbnt gave pl1lha big hCA.II. Who m lh e pa rade was all read)' to s tllrt t1lrollgll lown nnd tbe dri vers lil..l 1101 hrrlved , tll ' manager nsl(ed pa If b e (boug h t be could llrll' e th e te r, l:rR), horlies IItl tho bantl wago n, to lead. lbe III·UCPIISlulI. anti pa said tlrl\'10'; t n lInrsl'!! Wall his best bold, lin d he gOl Ill' "n tho (Jl'lver's lIeat, and I:alll/Il 1lIP. to get U('l with blm , Ilnd I Irate a boy ' that "'m 'dlsobe}- a Iisrenl . so t climbed up and began to jolly ~be , bau,l auollt the ella riot rACe. and I told 'UleDI pa wouldn't do a thIng to them lhla time, ' . ' Thll manage r (,1' tile s llow III.w ays rldos ahead ot the para~e. WIth tile chief of )Iollce or tho tOWill, alad the band l,or8es follow 111m, so It Is ta~y enough to drlva ten l)orscs, CIIUSC all YQII have to do II to 110Id on to rbe 20 lince. and loolt savage a 4 t~,c crowd 00 tile sidewalks. 8,!i1 th e hursts 'til) t alon g. ao d th,e Pcople thInk Lbo d1rlVl:r ISllfwondcr, So whcn tile nlnnoger stnrtl:d In his bugg 1)11 lIull ull up un all the lines he eQuid 110111 0" to. 'which Oiled 'bl~ lop. and made hIm look lIko It barnes s mnker, and h" yelled : "Yc-ull," unll the procession 1Il0ved. und lbe. len teams (It! WIlS drl vln!; we n lnlong all ... I&h i. and 118 IlIoked alS lhough lilt own~d the s how and tbo town. We gOl downtlllVn, 10 Ii wWe s ~ roet, I\ud Ihere was u nr· alar m ahead,. or lIume,blng, and Ule Ilro~ ~ssl on slOPped, and lh,: ruo.nagC)r nnd : hle~ of IlOlI 'e dlsappellred, aQd thf rc was a wagon loail of grl!en cornstalks r lghl bflllide ibe' I~ad toam, wblCh a farmer was taking to ' a alia. bllt 110 bad stapp d h Is team to see tho parade. Tbe tlIree teams of PIl'S lendera, Sill ;horses, begnn .' to eat tll to cor,n . stalks. und the camels. tl\at were lJehlnd Uti. worked along up tly (hi bllnd wagon alld ~Jegan' t6 enl, and tb" f.. rmtlr gil t SCUf"tJ to see !JIll corn slalka d~,a(lpea.rln"" aa b drove olt on a side I\t:rc~t; ."od teIll .tJie !dlo, and by gloger, ",n'lI tcam turned onto the side Iltttlll!t 1I'W(( , tuIlUIVE'd tbe 1I'agon of coru ' stalk8, anil lill c\ouldn't hold them, and }he blind (.I"re d, .. , n the Good Old Summe.r 'rim!!, 'I'h re "111 Be 0. Aot Time 10 tho Old 'fawn:' The camels kept UJl ,wlt h the tarmer's lVa go n, too, lIilll the wllole parade f.ollowctl > lIIe ba.nd. Tho farmer slarted his , horses Into a . rnn , and 't ho team ot ten borses ' tbat waa drIving P>l' stil rted to lOlling. and I looked' back, and tho elcp'lIall~s >verll beginn Ing to gallop,'and flll Lbe ' cages l\'er,~ coming wbooplng. and It was a plculc. Tho band slopped (l18yl,og, aod 'the plnyers were .scared, and as we were 'cq}sslng a little IIrldge over a s!pall ~Irenm, on tile edge ot ' town. I tUTll ed aro und to tbe band C
Jler Cart; Team and All Wera Throw n 1llght· At;a.lnat the Blind, 10rt of run things. &0 hlB old nelgllbora would lee that he had gOt up In we world sInce he lert the old tllwn. So tile manager 8aye pa about 411U free Uokttll to dlstrlb)lte l.IIIong Ilis trlends. an4 ar-' ranged tor iJa to sbow 1111' us tbe leaellng clUnn In the .ahow. cHt \Vaa ollerlKl a c bance to take the place ·o~ tbe clown. tbe ring master or,a.llybody wliosedutY bfl ,lbought be coulll perform. I'a Ill~ectell tiie place ot l1rl \'el- of Hie'RoQlBO oIIarlot with lour horeea bbrellst, in place of tbu Irl8h Romao who Willi aeeustomed to dr:lve We cbarlot In the ralle with thfl f~III"le cllarlotellr, a musIlular girl who used to clerk' In a livery ..table at Chicago. ' The cbarlot race I&,a fake. becau.elt. II arranger! for the girl to win, 80 tho audlel1ce ",III ' go wild and cbeer ber. '110 8bo hie to .cOme b.o'\Ylog all around the ring. The way tlIe job Is put UP Ja for tbe ,two cbarlot8 to alart. and Co ,around tWIce. On Ule Orst turo tile in ..n driver Is ahead, and takes tbe pole, •
head and hands and reet were all of ber tbat remaluect outside lbe drum. She yelled for 'belp, Ilnd the elflu. haods rolleu Ole drulII, wltb ber tn n. Into lbe dre8~lng-room, wbere they baa to 'c ut tbe sides ,! f tbe drum with an nx. to gel he r out, wblle. others caulillt IIer horaes, and rlull~d tile "barlot out o( tbll lJo.nd , and tlie music 'a/'oJlPed; ' but plto went on lorcver, lIe went around SIll limes. yellltlg Ilk., an IndIan at a green corn dDDce. aUd wben , he tbought It was tlUle to lut UII, be:caU8e he had mIssed the other caBrlot, he lIulled so hard be br.oke the 1I0ea on tlIo two Inside borses; and tbeu It was a ruoa"'IIY for Bure, lind tbe audlencII Btood up on the seats and yelled, loud '\folDell fainted. ' ' , FllIolly lhe cIrcus Lands grabbed iom. hurdlell. anll threw tbem acr I i~ track, uear tbe main entrance alld w ea we came' around the lut tt~o two of the horsos Jumpod tb e IIlIr,d lea ~li rIght. tlut Iwotlawblelliloll fell down IlDCl there
, :~.~ t~~~: otl:'~T~dl; t~'~t;::p ffO:r ~~:i;t~!~:: 8'1d the air wlls (II I o,r unlrorms and ·trumentij~ IH,d lb'b), landed In tile strl!am a II r Igh l. ,W e we nt 011 UI I a bill. aod were In tha country . and th e farmer, turnell Iota :• fahlly ill'd. !lnll (be band wa gon (ollowed, 'and the farmer JUlJIped orr the_ cornstalk WII ora and rushea for (bl bouie, to • and pa's len-ho r,e leam surrounded-th,· 1'" 'tru~ ·.,n JriI Head AplDat • "1.800 WlIHl. ",allon, and nery horse "'~ eatlng'()orD, ' ' . :' '. " stl4lkll. and tbe t am WO.Q all mixed uP; and on U1~~l8cond ~ th"'l ah~ lI'U a. crull; IInd . l dlda', know u,- The camela anl,\ elephante crowded' 10, and Ibfl taltee tbe ",II, ~d pn,tb,e tljlr,d WIll' uaUll felt cold water on 18Y'' - for tile ,Dloe, IIr ..., IIlllob. -.G,d tbe far,lIItllJ'll man ra abiad. _nd the', beglo that tleted40lIf. and colored my sblrt , er's wIfe came ou l.'l' lth her aP'lOn w"y~ to whip the hones"'t!:~o Beem cruY,aDd red, and I found tbe lemooade butc~er I"" IlId ilald) "Snoo." but one or thl on ' the lut atretcli the man holda bl1 was brInging 1110 t" , by pourln,,. tiay an1maltl lioold" worth a ceot, and pa team back a JIltle, IUId tbe glri PIeBetI of lellJ'onade u\'er mo:'; ',I pull~d 1!!1 Ihe 1I1, ,and )· ell~. wbUa iltm and comes out a t.r lfte ahead, IIld , Wben my eyes, o~n~ ·f law a 81gbt tb<t '1'rl}'~ of ~he , pa jtaile ~ame fnto the the crowd loea Wild. . that I shall never forget. It leem" Uiat farm ap !! 1I1'e~ up. Tbe drl veljEl yelled :W'f111, the D1Uter of ceremonies wben tbe horses· te,11 do",o, the cliarlol' at p~ to k.nolV wh~re 10 tbWldet he wu eoached pa about tbe bualneaa,and told and the 'other t.wo bonea aDd pa aDd I golog, and pa said,: "Damftno." hIm wbat to dQ. :rIle), knew he eould had landed. all In a heap rlgbt on top Just ~hen tbe ma nager and chiff drive four bOrBea. because he saJd he of lhe lemoDado ,and peanut conce8810D, lice C.lVl up. ,nll ,t be. way tliey was ao ' ot'd Itage driver, and wben lie and carried It IIp onto a' row of le"ts to ,Ila, Willi awful. Pa couldo 't, exJilalo !Jot In the cba~lot with the ROlllao lult near tbe main Il'IIt~aDC!e from " the (bQ.w t wal tJlat be, 'UlOk the parsde ou~ on gleamln, 'II'ltb gold. ~nd the br,,!,11 meDaBerl,!!. Tbo alepballll that" were Into the Country. and ' )'pU neyer .." llelmet. aDd the cloth ?f gold gaunt- to CO DIe , on next were In the door such a- tim!!. .. , ' Jell, 8.!ld ItOod up like 0. senat.or, gee. I , waiting tor tbelr IIllIIaJ, and tbey By this time the reaular drIver. had Willi proud o( him. and when he and lbe were tlCared at tbe <:rllllb, aod : arrived on a .pecial. trom w/lere'weleft female droYe oul of the dresslng·room tbe), callie In bellowlog, th.e keep- tb"m "'I~b 1\ hot bo,;.. a~d they took poand halted b:rtbe aoor for the announcer era bavlng , lost' all COntrol of tliem. ,'enlon of the teams, an,d we got back to to announce the great' Beo' Hu~ cbarlot 'the "lIdlence W8J! s~mper!lng, and tbe ,the clr.cus lot In time ror tbo .. rteniooa Tace. I got Into tbe <:barlot behind pa, clreul men ' wei'e tTo/IDi 'to airalgbtea performaoce, I doo't kao" what tbe,. and $.Old hIm he n1uat wI'! tbe race. or things o)-lt, c· , , a,re dolllg to pa. but l~ey bad the peopl~ of Scranton would !;Dob hIm. Pa struck on his heacf .plnlt a Wacoll blm In the manager'. tellt all tbe after:- ' "'or they knew thl)ll,e races were usually wheel and ~Is brass hellll,.t 11'&8 drlYtn )lOOD ' with 80mll d!lclors, wbo 1\xed be~orclland , but slnCJl be wu to doinl 9ver bt'! tace;' 1O(.IIe1!' be :rel1..' Ileem t~ ~ 8ltaml,qlltllil.l!J f<#, ",unIty, driY'l one ot tbe t"81l1~. all hl8 trlenu to' be' pulled out of tbe hellllet his voice Everybody about tile ahow thInks Pa. .,er~ belling on blm. and If he pulled t'- BOunded like a coon 8ODg, coming from a has hoodooed tbe ag;gregatlon, ~ut pa team and leI tbat livery. stable lady will pbonograph. It WII tba' cloaesl call laYI sucb tblolJl are ,alwaYII bappell1ac. the ractl, they would a~cu8e 111m of IIv- fr?m deatb pa e"er bad. caulle the, bad , aDd It Is wrong to blllllle blm. \ng them tree tlckets·to gllttbem In tbe to cut Ihe helmet with a can opene~ Tbe farlller sot paid 'or bll coraIllow_ a'!,d 'kiD t~~_Ql 011\ ~ nhe)r IPOIlIf, ~ _ l,!t . l!! _~ ~.. " OU 0,.. ltalk•• ud Ilsi .t.odlAl'ltdllp to ~
IfJs t()ry of the Prlocipal. In the B.. clmt Cru!IIlde Agai11Bt Anfcrican 'l'radflrll,
MrrchoHit_ of thp p n.n Displaya Genius Worthy of a J!igber Cnlllng.
The leader of 'the boYI'Olt mOI'c mht, One Tseog Shaoch lng, oLnerwlde koo ll'n as Tseng hlJ, Is a (Jroruloeut man , fiom Ih tl Fuukleo IITo"lnce, tho\lg b· hIs adoptetl hOOlO Is now ShanghaI. He I~ 11 r.l ercbllut ot some litau'l1nS', de~nos In good~ tl'QlII Slngand other places adjacent to the Siralts Settlements, ~a)' S t ho Joul'Da l of the Am erican Aslattc assoclalloll. He dOOB 110t deal In Ame rlco n g90ds: Il~ bill 1\ lJ:uropean In nomloal ' llutnel'sblp wlUI him- a Dunc. He hal purchasoU the rank 01 a Haotal ., He Is a ,'e l'Y onergetle po rsoll and llkcu to take tbe lead geo ra lly In good objects; fol' In~tnnce, ho was a leafIer In sccllrlll!; a ooutrlhution ' ot 35.000 taels (rom Chinese lor ' Ih c fnterno.~Io ual Insfliute, glylng as his ow.n contributIon J ,500 laels. though no t !IliUM to many otber 8ubsll,'lbers In wealtb. bas always been regard ed as a generollS mnn wIth his ,mon ey when It Is aouglH for philanthropIc objects. He Is ouo 01 the truliteoa of Oui lulernotlollal lost\tute. He lias al ~o been 1\ Inder In the 'Red dross work taklug a promlneot · pa.rt III that ~Iove m ent Ina~gurated In t ,hlna during tile war he tween Oblna and Ja';>all. nnd t he recent conlH et, be{w\lan Uilssla and Japan; ~ud he bas Ilecn olle of Iha 'Ieadm's In tho an'U-footblndlng mov ement. Ho Is regarded by h ill countrymen us bolog a. lItUe vain. and IIkcs to ~ave Ills good deells Bound ed abroad. 10 thi s respect h e Is mIt unlUlo maDY Amerlca,ns , He Is '/\ member of th e Ohlnese hamber of coU\merce at Shangbal, ana , beln!r a ' lender, bll naturally took a lead 10 not only proposIng. bllt carryIng out the receut bo)'cott of American goods. _ Formerly c :steat trleod oJf AmerIcans, be 'hllS oow worked ull a reellntc of batred toward Am(:rlcans. He baa 'more thlln once, sllice tbe inauguration of the boycott movemett, In spltl of bls s(atements to lhe contrary, showed a very anti-American teeling, aud "a: even does not feel townrd tbe Intern~t1onal InsUhtte-whlch Is sided over by Rev, .Dr. GII)l e~L Reld. an Amerlcan-u bero:·e. Ho has from UJe beglonlng of the boycott movement agitated ' tor not buylni; AmerIca~ $'0048, thol/Cb the Chinese chamher ot /5ol11ll1llrce mere~y voted for not making any n ew co!'.lracts. • At the ftrst . t;II,cetlng held of ' Ille Shanghai chamber of comlllerce. wben lhe boyeott was first propos'!d, maoy ot tha m embel'll-though approvIng of tbe movement as a retaliatory m easure &g&I:tst thll , barsb tTeB.tment ;to wblcJI 'tlie exempt classes of Chlneae' hnve been , lIubjeoted In AmerI ca - wo1'1I afraid to ta~e Ule ' Icad In - the movoment: but 1I1r. Tseng announr.ed lhat o'e 'WOUld take the IBad ' JjJ. tbe moveracnti fhat ho would telegraph to all tho treafy pOrts, ,to tho v,arl.ol,1s n IlQmrtJer!1ial gnllds, a~ktn.g ,theIr Mslstancc. and , furtber;nol''': ~hat h'e w~a wll11ng to pny all llt th~ ' expense :>t telegr.l\lhlng hImself. Tbe m embers of the chamber of commerce agreed to U1ls proposition; hence Mr. Tseng was , named as tho leader aDd a sort or ' general tbaoager of lhe titoveme.o t lu Chloa. He has bad varIous conreren~es wl'th !be AmerIcan mercl!!lnb\, Il8 well 8B the AmerIcan conBular ' otllcers, on tbe subject 'Of tbls b9YcoLt; but be bas been immovable_ He has declared hll Inten'tlon or car.rylng the boycott ' to the lIltter end. a.nd tbls he would han eucceeoed In accompllshlbg were I not tl),at , P~!I ~ad , beep decl.,,~ed betweeu Japan ' aud RussI, w41cb t1~UB .opened. the northern. and liarttculJ1o~lY th Mancbu,rlan, mark.e t !-or ilrljla • Q9Ug,n gO(lds, and wblcb .resulted In the , boy,colt ' IlracUr,ally about Sep{emlJer H ' last ' ,
.'1 II1T, \I 1V ,11o ftlarrwol ~'"}' t},e. '\'Blked I h,' hll~)' tlo'\'n LOWta "tl'cd, "lIn.." I HII~\ I l lJ):('r\' l u~ t' \ ~r.\' I:tllllt . Stllttl"lIly he p. IlI ~" I. t IlI'n rlifi l wd \ow~lrd. a t'nin ·p pu nl .. I IWII ·~'\1 tu II O,.IIIIII'l( nl1,,1 rumrnCll 1111 ~un ()
:11111 11;
jnl u ' .
m'H":41 I,u,_
n~h,... IUlIIc.~1. " :O:.Ir, II d,tel', lhot ali" k t.o't 10111' (,11 f)" ~h! " .Ii'lut ,!\.l a ' 1Ick. llUY. .. \\I'Jellntly ~t) nno ~re L II t.crriu/o l u g· gr:-\('d nll utlH'r,
Ull tl
1·:,." I\,,,tly I he P "'''CI' uC the .htewd groy 1:'1,1 "et d,·.l re lI, h·ler., hul inlended t 11,.'11 \, It l1 Ih :lt f'tit nc:rol'dl n~ lO hi~ 0 1"11 . r,, " c~· . 11< l'ui,II,OL Ih. o!h~late" L ~tt f' ''lt.l". h . thl! 1'''111 11 I'kH:. bUl conttll u ~·d \"t:1"" 0.·.,,,. 1)' III 111l' 1110 I·UI... . . "" .1 Io,~'" WIIIU Olll and then sot tho d,,~., r n! , . . . :1',\" )'0 111' h~nd III lid gr~lJ hllll by tlac \ 11,11 '" " . ' JI', whv Ilon'l )'1111 \lac the bi,l end of th at ~'n n , ~,\ ' ·HIII,. "1II0ke up th" " i" e'" Al 1",\ I hI' MI,"' I",rfvrl,":r gl unced, (J\' 'r
' . . . . . . ., ft.n'-'&'-~. ,"'4
h is ;" lhi Uldl'I~-- the l"J'uwtl WilY. pn ck(;ll alld
inlllll"''' Iwlllnll hilll . nnll ~\\' " P Oli llClIICII " " lla" ,,"\ . Iml. We I' .tru . ~1illg t" IIIl\ke .n "(lell l"jf - tla~ "1'" )l!hologll'lI l IIwm 'lIl" 11'88 Cellll!! . The IlIII" r ' I1I O" Ooi nm eth)ng frolll bet ll'ei'n hlR teet h, 1111\1 I!x l,,""e..1 il to\\'urd tl," 'trow,1. ' . " 11 ~lc ylltl ur~ . ~ 'lli.lclI\on!·' he .cried • ,,,,.he ~ le\'o rCtlI ill\' 'IItan" yet ","de-Wll kins",,\, wei l',1 nn,l .\\"m""I·[ull'lItell t wh illlle. h OIl J IC$ c"cr}'\llIn~ rrblll;a tnL to . 1\ IhhlotC!'Oti ' ),. III.hrn,cc )' Ol1r Oll(lorl!"" ly. cll lcl'~,lI lI " (lUI' f," ItIl rl. IItnl;,,- til "'"1,1~~11 hunlJ)' . Onl ), It f·w ICf • IIlId th loso g01D1: Ill.e wildn .. e, fit tun "cn\" Apiece/" t
r •• 'ftP....,,-,
I·i8 a posltlvo cure for all ' --.... -those ,pnlnful
nilments. of WOlllen. · It will ontlrely cure the wor~t forma of Female Com'plnlnts. lnfl~inmntlon Dnd Ulcer tl l!....llin d D' I ' > a on. t lrS Rln 1 WI"P ,lIOOments a']fl conBeqlUm p na ca.rness -and 18 {IOCllllat'ly' adapted to' tllo Change 0/ Life, It will surely curo, ft__
B'~m I • ' d' t"'l i ef' cIne ~ world htl.'lcl'crknolVn. It III !Llmostlnfnlli\>lo!ll suob cnses. Itdll:lSOlvell nnd cxpl.'ls rumors In an early stage of .devclopment. ~llQt
It bna cUred. m ore cl\.8es ' of
WC'11mcss than IIOY otJlnr r ,
-Il ' .. ' ."ring-.. aw" Fee""g,
eh.lIsiu~ pain. weight and llea(laohc is instu ntly rcll " Q<1 !Lnd perntllDcnb cur'c(l by its u 'e Und 11 I : • or a c ronm ~tnnce8 it act In harlnony wJtb tbo female sy~Lem . It corrccUl .
lilive an I Aqvnrlt.age. . Irregularity, The '{l"SIIinll ~ t",l(\JitB R~ eln to hne Ihe n.ivnrllol,to uf Ih ~ AflI ~ ";l'i,n ,itudenlij, all Suppr IIscd or l'aloful P 'rioda, Wonkth ,'n~. ~v"'i\lcr "I. A re\'Qllllioll 'i... l uI .. ncg~ of Ule Stomao.h,lndlgetStlon, Bloat.tnutinll), M oj ; tl'rietl ug ~nd bnltal ba Ing. Nervous Prostration, Headache. . funl lMII , nl1c l th ere j!('l1 t t. 80 IiItrolll a laiut Generu} Debillty,_ Also of lorol~~~io on1i"m 1l1'Il\l~ it,-Lif...
DIzzI"""a, F. . . . . . .,
EXtreme Lassitude ... don't-care" and Commer'cln lIam. .. want-to-be-!e ft· .. LoDtI" feeling. exclt"n., you .1I,ial'l; Ihi_ gOI'!!1 nllle'lI L i. nblllty, h'ritablllty, nervonmeBl, 8leepanft'~"' · . ' "OtiC or 1111l IIt" l, inv I lIicnl~ T 11IIo" 1" sness, fI.~tuleney, 'melancholy or tlIe nf." l' u. w"I·t ,1 Ih. 'ol'lli,I pllliti<ifln. ' "It. ,. blue ., .. aild bnekac;h,o. The8fl are l't,,,,.. iIUliti(,t' (.'r 11l1)linl&: di \lidendlf ' hn"cu't SU1'e indlca.tlons or Femalo Weakness, W " II .(t' It he,1 II yCt.~.hilll;\oJl "tnr, some dCr8nll'clJient of the organs, For
it"",.y Oamp"''''''
. A Nell' lIeln" ShePRrd 111 .. J ,in 8th CS{lecial).-Mr.: ond 'Backnche of rit1leT_ the V~geta. Sorula to:. \towe wh" i. I'esiding bere,8.,s blfl Compounl'l is unequa)lcd, ~I,,' Cecl. Ilk ' ''A Now nOill8," althougla ahe You can write Mra. Plnkbam abou~ 1. in ber lifl)·-tif\\'. nth -yenr. ' Wby t be~BII ~~ shc hna tllktn lJodd·. Kiuney 1'1118, )'oursolf in strictest confld~nce. th A ~ wl·1I known medicinc that IUI1I {'u( 111014 I. PIUIU. _ED, ClIJ,. II;" ...... ne<v ,life into .(lId baIlie , oud hns como Ood'dcnd iulo Ilolllcs of 1It1I·ro,... ond Shc ' sl'Y.:• _ . . kuo1\' whnt ,1In-ful torture I , Rheumnt ism tlnd Willie), ' 1 lint CIII'Cll b\' Dodd's Kid- I IIl' y I'il I. grond ....III~y drove the Hh 'U)II.0l ' (lut oC my body, nolhing elao CI'~ I' .I ,d mt! nn)" "Md. 1)l)I1d'8 h,.dn~y I' i ll~ al''' worth one humlred timea their I,riue. 1'111' they liftl'e modc me, though r be am .1(tV '~C \IQn :vennJ o~ll , tl . n,el\' . b~lng, I nlu .Il buLLer ~hQIIO lIQI\" tllltII I .. AVe uecn We haye aCt uiae rill' nlRl'!\' rca"" Gild r owo it nil to Dodd'. K id n.:y ·liill ~ ." ,_ _ 'ItOOO~ 'T to \x, spent fo.r Inlonnntlon and 'Ifill Quite DUl!ercnt. give five dollari for ,a PO$TAL CARD, giving Ihe first reli.ble ne\V~ of a "1"'" wbnl'" IIi!! flifference betwc n ptn ri'''ro: rU\ nnd u. trlld ?" chno to atl, • lK"bOiU.t '11£" ea,lna CIt O\l r Itt Its. witbln 0 .. , tint_ 0' alr.u. 'Va do "Th~ lII.n who ' Wtlrkil at n trade quite qoc ",lnt ID.,lTlta ot Ihl. I.... I,,, .. ;,1.... lVhrn his 'illl,e hOll rs nrc ,up,' ''rhe IIInn t,.wo,D01 C•• CD ltl Df:I. wi ... ioll""," " J'rolcssio n hOll to kee.p 00 unlit I.i~ worl; III doue ." - (:hicugo Ite 'uri!l1 er~ ltI . '
To 6118a for RellabialafDhlatloD
~~~Jl~~ AND
Rn!r FinAlly Rad to Be Cut to "'e Any-Scalp Now In 'Oood CondltiCD-Oured b;y Cuticura.
"r u~ell the ~utlfur3 Eoall and Ointment for cr discR"e,1 8enlll, \landl'UfT and ton. Ktllnt r,llling of hair. }'i nnlly I 'bad to eut !ljY 1m ir Lo SJ,t"c any at all, JU!it at' that II no" J I'ead aoout I he Cuticurll Bemedle., O!'~" r vcI·\-. '~'eck I ebumpoocd mT , hair 1\-! I h tlae 011 ~Ictlm ~Oftl>. Qod I ulCld the Onllme"t tWlre n week_ ' In bvo mOllth ... I(II'~ my ha,ir. \VII. IOllg '~nouBh to do up in frQncb t\Vl~t,: Thnt 'a qow tho )'ell1'll I'!;I), Oll~ I !an,:e n lovely bead DC bnir. Thc cnllLh IS .8I~ 1O(\lt'8 brlow lllr ''''aieL line, nay ~r'1.l\l I~ III Vt)'r y gOOd condltioll, Bnd ,DO IIIOrC dlllldruif or Hebing of· tne loalp ' I uKed " th er remedies Ihat lVere . re~QIil mrndcd t n Ill\! n. 1100<1 but wHh' 'no refulh. Mf~ . W , ]0'. Ond. Oll1v Center • " • Neb" 0 01. 23. lOO5:' --e~
, ", , llot to ~ 'l'reated Lfgbtly: "TaIS' Is 'our, latelt novelt1," said the manufActurer,. ProUd'!:,., "Good ' 'lI'orlir, ., I• b 't It?,1 . "Not bad:' replied I,be 'vltlltor; "but you can't liold ~ canalle tbe goo,dl • I "Ob, .. you In thla line, tooT". "No; we mllke aunpowder."-Strq Storie!!. " :,
. Simple Prooces, Sh~l'JIo-WaDt 10 borrow, my pi, tolt Whllt rl.r? 1 " , Simpl ,,-.T\I 1.10w nut my brolh.. ' "I'~ \IC! 1\ IInir of \Wllo"s will do tba.t!" -N. \' . N.. \w~ _ __ _ ~bbe4 f Church. ' ,Tnot ihinl;' wbllt lin outrage it .. to l'"bbrd of nil Ille b~ndiCe of tbe ''1Jer\-;cee by ~onli~uoUli1 r.oll~l:i"g thrQughout ' tbe cOllgre""tlo~, 'wlle" Anti·Gripinc is /tUnr' n.l'lrrtl to fir-e. tlolol e\'ef)"'vh~re, W cis. I _ ,W. P ,cm.:r, M, D" XaoufQctnrer, 'tipl'inglield, Mo, . . -"-~-'"-'1'h~ ime .e..f~,1 IICOlllu .no.w~dnYI are' the refor".e ...... remnrk..,.1 the I'Ilhibt'e citizen . "Yea" IIn§wcI'('t1 !';en!l~~, Sorllhum, " I he· Beva 'H,.t rrrorm iit 8clntllly 'gelling llround two II ilt•• is .wher.. 'j l ~pn bu lIIade 10 ,110), ." ' &luln\l\oD tit~t, • ~ : ' N. W, A)'cr ... Bo'n' Phll....lelpllia. ..tbo \I !(ceplng-Eve'r-LastlnJ!\y-A\,.l\'· 1Ii1v'mtlIn/!, n!\'CDts, Ilovo lIMIt nut lladlr C!aleudll1' lor 11I0Il \YhlL~ . . USUIII la,B very h""diome 'aDlI lI.etlll onh:oacoe8~()ry. 'rho.lUtlqn lallinltflil, Wlitlo 'hey lan'C"I,toa mllY bo tinoi by IIlD~ 11l.¥~, ~plS to ~lae linn 11;1UIl~ .aboYo. ~ .. ':. - ---+ .,., Nnhoc.1Y· rv'e r '(ivell BO lonlt hut Lhnt he I'eould r~olOnnbly be expected to live 'ten YC~ "' 1 Ipllger, 'I'~ i~ il nnrtil'ular!y tl11, .~f:o ._~-:-7'--=--'''-_'-'-''''':':_ __ _ \1' ~nlt.1v c ·'''IlCna",. ,1 unt le•.-St. Lou,,', G!obti ..j)rmocrat. , !. -, - -_ ~o Cure: a Col.d In Oft... Day TAke CU:'A'Tlv8 Bllm\o ' Qtllraino Toblet.: j)'~"I!I. I'o~un\l money If It falll' \0 c~re. ~' " GIIOY.II • 111I~o~,::,e 1.,011 Cl~ bo~ .\Iq!l. ,T!JfD, Foirtjln9, tu~ llul. whoel . .. ,bottol ;w1l~lI. .b~I'd"''N. 0"
\ ')'~De,.
Don't PJootat 'T oo .uch. '" • man beglDI to thIS lie feels as 1OUII8 as be flyer did 1111 friends bfI&1n to IUlJI!IIlt that be W~en
At ihe :Plano.' "Did fOU Observe tblt I dropped lIot., In ·tbat last BOO,?," Ih, Bald. ,. "No," 're;1!6d , the BllIvllle yo ling Jpan, "llu~ ef 1Qu'll 'h old th" lamp I'll look ,under tbe planner an' 'see, I IOlt • ft~doll&r DOta , llIIIt ye.r, an' J h.lo't lOt ove.. It yJfl"-AUanta COilIUtuUon,
tiIOIID'L-Cl,.,.lalld Lea.d tr:
rch,tt's Youth'!j Compan-
All '''"Ighl"r. ',[ t'~re 'I'ilhin heerina JIlt.<1 thcar .kll·t. a nd Ilud the Illace. !I1ull ""d I,. y h~""11 lu cto .... 4 "rOUlld. .'001·1 ' ~" lII r fmlll ACrO"" tbe I tf\.'OI1. Cllrla
, --~--
Minstrel, Not Mlntater. Woll, ' well, wouldn·t that Jar .,o,,! The Skagway Alas)(an, under a bIg beading: "Is Dead!" and 8ub-heatt nr;: "Well-Known Toronto.' DivIno Suecumbs," bas the followlog, ' w,hloh 'II cl.alme~ to be a ' specl~1 dispatch to the (1a1ly: , "Toronto, .Oct. . n. ~Cool Burgess, the 1I'ell-known' minister' died In the geu'e ral bospltal .bere to!o1ilv of he.r' dIS-' , , ease." , , Now. the facta are: and I speak 01 .tbat \I' blch I 1tnoll'l [0 be true, Cool B urg'lt8s was a well-Known mlnltrAI .., ~ ' (not ,mlnlater)~ wbo tourM the "co!1ntry In hIli bus'lneas and lived, the greatet ' part of ,the time, itiTorooto. In ,Ute Bum'tper ,/11o,rltha be kept, oP,en ' Il "aloon ' !Lt tbe ,n~raDce. ~r P.J;qllpect pJi.rk, "Brooklyn, ~. Y. 80 D\u'c'h for " the ' vdue of '!lIpecJaJ , dlspat c h e .. Sitka, Kiaskan,
w. ·make~!'ra ·
'1'10" ("millnr fllucnlillil of arlit
l·11I' uh',
OUCf.ote. Who Are Grown· Up., in Ooatume and Everyth iDg Sugges tive of Belo-ved 'Chlldho o!l Rhymes ,
PR]S O~ • r
HOM. ~ •
BELATE~_ ~~__ ~c)YAL'l'T.
d.:ll e Of, Abrllzzl IK reported to ' . .SUFF~! , Cute the Kidney,. and the Pain Wilt OFFEN DERS RECEIV E EXCEE D- ~e ur!';l1 l1lzl og an cXI.edlU u n to explore From Conlltlp lltlon, Jlo'flel and SLomNever Return. ' eUGGE STlpNS FOR WELOO ME INGLY' LtGHT PUN'I!? lU4ENT . Cen\ 1'1 I Afri ca, aeh Troub~. I '1 h ~ ,kaise r alre,..d ~' bal! six a,lItos, , · NOVEL EN'rER TAINlII ENTS. A MDther Goose parly t r gro w ~· , __ ' 1 Oll lyouu1,,,I'O wily tp CU1'1l aU' lIcl.iulI' allll no w bas ordared so vtln mal e In ups Is 8 vcry amusing affolr, and Ita Q. Whn j!J tllo,1Jegin ni nB 01 8i~lme86? I hock. L'u.,o t he Cllllse, tile II ido ~YII. lot. Me'anwh llo Il!s tto l'~e 8 ill'S A. COlllllilllll;o n. , I 'l'huuIlaDds tel ~ 0 I 1 = ...... r.m'n l!jel r benels 011 In t be stable, Gues ts Dress Hair to RepreeeD't a Q. Wbllt is t;on~lipo t iOo! Ing Inlo splrl t.. of til occasion , 'I'tle I, cnres ronde 'by D.9I\n's, '.. I lh II ~ t Lei r d EI A . Fnil tll'e of l he bowcls to c" ....y 6fi' the I I , r/ od or PerBo" ;-l'reHy Color ' bollte s Is l be ' "Olrt Womon , g In cams ,'O)e e (r<c wnijto Kil lua t ter which Iie\ ' in th. nllmenlory W;:iO , I ney P 1'll II. J 0 1In 0 • I' I cse'OIdan t of Ul Q mille Hue, ot Kin g e:lIIal where it <l OOB) 8 ~ n u l"lIsOll. tbe en. " Scbeme -Jolly Tin WeJLI vcd In the Sboe," nlld ,I be g11 es,l s IH O ole maD, u. promine nt , R(lb ~ l'l t bo Druce, whose 8\\'or!l ancl t ic .. 8) tem. ];vcnt unll.\' Ih ' reRtll" ore her mnny hlldren, din g-Coru Pnrty, nll!r.oh n-nt of Bwu.lnah Imp.( ora kept a t Droomb ll ll. He I s deol h uorl r ihe nomo 1' lIe Ilos t way bo "'Old King CiJl ," /If eon)c other dis, W a ll hl'n glon,- : l'h eril 18 nal hln!,; 111-. b oro, Ga. , liUys: "11'01' , I ' f Q ' ease. N9 1~ he d e~ lh. , l ro ll\ lypl' ih l l.,ver iul IO RJ' In Lbo l l'l, UIIII o t uee u VI to r I ' A , Colffw'e Dinner, of lIu l leo} a go, on 0 , and nppcn(lictips, Bt,on.'DcIJ anti bowel,ll'(lI!'Jr' deSirabl e, masks may , be WO(ll for Sl a.rcs !I'veral years mJ.I 11.2 l)rlso uurH In 1110 pcnlLcn. l arhls Bn. n Prollay, a mlli lun alre mem- bl,c"~ t ho. pre.ent L ... Here Is a s ugges tio n ,,;bleb Is de- the IIr~ l part ot th o t .llle. II1'YS w l'ro nJlectcd , c idedly clol'cr, 'rhe bos less se nt · £haracte rs are o· ma ' evenin g. "fh o und jnil~ \l IUlf l( Ifl g 10 lIle go v()I'umoIH. ber <.I f Lbe Hunglll'lan IIppel' houee, hns Q, ' hnt cautics C-ol I,ipn tiou? ny In, "M'o t her n nd m y buck ached P unis hm ent IR f ar 1IJ; IHer Ib an m,ost pronllar o Lo give a WIlY Ills enti re forA. Neglect to rCllj1on.1 to tho call ,!f nlV ' la vllatlon s to ten g'UCijI9 nsl, lng tbem Goose" tl1a l' there s ho d ny nnd n ight. 1 , uld be no dupll- w en .th llill It ou~h l tO be, , • I tu re r rolllptly. L, 'k of c!<erOIRe, }"l:~C"' 1 nn d if I! prl: - tunc. except abo ut $3 _I,_ to ulaner ; s he also asked them to cates, ,. a l Cdr eae 1 slve b.'ni In'l n-u id nexVOJ~s.,.&llUL~_--"-::-::--:;~ n work. M elli I cnl<,il,oll and iu\. ' " Dn r IlIllt WffY I.mbl1ves hillisc\f he Is for his wlfo and d ~lI ~b t~ r, La r COIiIl p rQper dirt. • • ' come willi tb olr h enll ~ dressed to rep.. , 'I~,me In For reCroshm cnls w rve " tar ts," ourI' b lter t:urN/' fur and more tllO m orn ~~. g, DOlLn 8 Kidney officalls who ,are dl3U1 lsseu for rctuB' kin dly trea tQ. \ hat a rc Ole rc ulis of neglected Con- I Ills b el1)()(1 resent 80me pe),lod or persoll, It waB a ~reat big pill decorate roo r. gh t aw a y, ,ano ,the d wltll Ing to pay th e t a~es ro llcole(l In to Illc sl ipalion! . . blac ~ ott. tb nn Ire would lie 'Utltsoue IhS> 'rf!a~ ve ry Inte res Lln g wh on all were Seated birds, al80 1\ small er ' grllllt nli ' [ tbat follow d hus- beeD A. C n.ltp:lho n caURe. more Bull'er ,mg pcrll.nn ot th e la ble to sce Wll " t a cllllngc had the bistorlc "plums, pi cOlltnln !'ns i tont) walk gove rnm ent treas ury. ,t.l .. , (hnn 0 11 ot her i.!isew:e. It causes r be\l~ " ~lll ch In t bi" ~ , • " , Th~ ca rl of Lytton will tr y the ex· nllllisrn, )' colds, Despl e l he fu r l ~ h a t 11\0 aV(l rn~~ been wrough t by ltlo unus uol hlla(J, case will be bonbOn~ fcvcr~, . l"mnrb,' bOIl'el, F /?1I1(1 ~1\1~1l d c~c l~ ,~o IceNls ~' 110z..' • perlmen COdt l ot IL giving day to b fr ls ed tenants II \lri~I)I\ er :it Fort an op- ~fdn cy , lu ult,flnd Il e~ rt , t r()ubles etc. I t 'ostor" I tu gear. TIle bos t wore a perllke lInll a n For roolD dllcorllti ons mak e I ·o~ te ra lA\a venwort h I ~ 11 CI!IHS ., U a 0, • • ' 18 tloo Oli O d, ~~ns" that . t.rts nrI Olpel'l!. nnd at Allau t u )'I01't ll nlty , ' , , tiloel' bow on lIla whlto WIt; : he Willi, lIIus l rollng "Mother , to , live on , th ow n fr ee· l nd iitcslion, dyspepsi n, dilll'J'boen , I06!l o [ 000~6" !lubjects : I1rl. on 12 'e nlH, lho i1a lly ,ti lll or f!U'C ~o14 Inll d An d wlLh , thut eir ot ~'Ourse. hAil ed a s "Ihe Pni her ot His th ey will be very elTe~ti object ve. or cou r~e Is rM alo(,l\'o l li nt rOu nd In ma jlY thou. sold a l Rucllo n 107 plots on blti be ti ns slccp nIl'!, strenglh nt'O ib symptoms- piles, . , ' COlllllry ." Til e bostllss' was "'Martba ," th e Little Boy, Dlue will Kn rb- ll'ppen,d ic l ~iB And fist uln , nrc enused, by co mc with. bls sa nrts ' or homes In ve ry I;LJLl o ill th o wo rlh 1lf>lIltc on easv tel'hlS, Kn ell- Con ,~ t . pnlfo r·. Its con ~q ll cn c~s nre kn o~'l1 With, IKlwdered hulr dr(!BHed III IIwOOUl white "woolly sheep" , anll his ftOl'o . coltntry , It equalH Ib a t. at Ill e avorns;e ,,'or t 1 ARE SURE CURE S, . , to 011 plaYH,clnn$. but lew 8uJTerers renltzc ,hns been llle nom or " llan js a ud s high enell comb. t he I.y .' th eir conu l~io n until 'f b e "'qwl " a nd tbe "pussy ' cal" wl10 'l'o rk l n s nl an '~ hqme. il is too lote. 'IVom. Tho chc3 110esS is ton s Mo r e t he Un,e of H ~ nry VB , They arei not an Expe rimen t One lady bad bor hair u rnament ed went to sea In the " P f Q cn become confirme d in,-atids u a ra.t ult g~eeo boaL" ('on due wholl y ,\0 t be fact Iba L l ho gov., D,l l on AI(lhollsl! De R,Olbscll lld gan of O<ln.tipn tio~. wlth' llutumn leav es ond tiny ' bunches be dOlle lIy wearing , . , r.nlmlll mnlltts" It el'llmtl nl raises mllcb of Its own vego- I ' . ' 11 9 I -, , 'II Q , Do ph ysic.ons or artlll ,lid grullel!, She was at qll£Jl til Jl(it necessar y ,to dt;scrlbe ~? egll ~o men dill YiOn1(,1I ~ ,0 A.Ye8 , the fi rst recogn,ze thl tbe CDS· tnbl s nud S00l6 of I t ~ mea l and Illoi ,ha ve"les your doctor (lonc thi ngs to I)ellf'fl l, t be won!! 1181<8 you 1M "ore YOI',(Ilfellion It\lbbed "'Autum n." Anoth er wbose tumCll. tor !& Math ur Goose bo'Ok 'l'1th tbe ccmsl ipaledY" 'J'bnt wO'I'k Is all !lone by I)rlsonp.rii. 'in \lne way or anolh" r , '[hesll peo p!o i. 'the .ecret. haIr ,wus rnven bla eli. 'l'Ore a coronet colored (IIc tu~e5 will be tbo only g'u lde On J\1lI 0 24, l!lU5, t he I)renl(fo~ t Il t ha ve now gOt to"e lhe r a l Parle a a1 or gO ld "lll rs, with u crescent moon neecss"r y, Q . Cnn i t ~e cured? h the: A t lanta penl Len tia ry, wh ere 3 & ~ pubh• 6h e~ a book 'i' of A . Yes, propel' trclltmen t. 'r h e ind ~ ll e was "Queen of tbe Nlgbl : : elil o les on t e cornman A prize may ~(j given for th e bORt , men ' ''-ero cor.llne!l error i. to T1!8ol'i to pby. ice .oucb for varloll~ ""," m Oo' R. dead banl<er. In 1»1; ..., vr h is geu- a8 pille, ,,-alta, Dlineral wn tel', CI1stor cos t ume: aetl ma), co I,Slat Qf a "'ulber conSiste d of bolng ull in· ga usage, po tal»CS, ero\1s Illl tl'onage of Ihe a r l~ lhey a lso ~~etIQII S, ('t e •• e."ery, one 01 'ybieh i. in. GOQse lJoo~, Card Party llefreatu nen te. breall, hlllt l'r allcl coace ; (01' 'tll ouer Wish to put up a monll illunl 10 him lu lUI'1 us. They wcoken. • nd mrreuo AU !!r Itle grand m'lrch Cllrds may be I llie b Ill ()f fllr e WR 3 ECU 'fh lll very (lreLty color 8ellemo malady. Yon know thIS by' your own 'tho II, beef, (lola- h ' F' rc' n ~ II cap I18 I. e lI ' pCl'ienco" carr. ' II ou~ In Be r\'I ~.J the refrestl. play:u) It th e h08~~ 8 S deHlros,- Ma!lnm.s toes, wl, eal Ill'ead . Ie.. wa ter, anfl COt , The du 'hess ot SutiV, l·lllod. wbo 11 :19 Q, What then ahould bo'done to cure it? Merrl. ments at a cartl ,art7. , Atter tile HIIPl'ICr I ~ Willi hrl'llll , Ilu tler. nnll collce. re centl y had a piny produce d on the A. Get; " holll e or Mull's ,Grape Toni,c g ame was ,fini s hed, th o gu~s lS retained ,. II Bu ~ fOI' UI O mille' an rl vflgc tnl)lll~ ral scd 4>011011 a~ I'nec, :Mu11 6 Grape r.l.'omo wnJ poe 1tllnge, Is lin . lI lh", as we as 1\ t ivel y cure tion- nnd Stomach Ihelr sunts : daJniy lace Bud elD. TO TRIM EVENINO WAISTS 0)1 '{he fa rm l ite (o ~ t WO I\1!I ' 1iavo ~ )(. dram,lOti!. Shll )legan ra rly wIth a boq.k Trollblo in, the' ehortest 'BPnee of time, No ,-', , ' , ' . cee.led 12 r~ II L~ l'\ tl di'lon ~ r all tlial doy. IJrOltiere d Cloths were spread over the on "'HOT" 1 Spen L 'My 'l' wentletb Year:' o~h cr ' rem e?Y lB hie:!, alII) I'ulld les of either red, green 'rbl'ee Ways in Which ' Tear', On .rllnt! 22 Iho 1.111 of fa re at each Sinoe the~ she has w r ~e n one or cure Co~toPfl ~as bcf~ r~ bc~n Known to l:iQl\ pOol.t.I' and 'permaDently. ' meal W U G as ta ll ows: Brcilkro 't , oat- two- novels • and (!Q~ e . hod R or f"IIC/w were placcd on I)sch U.blc, Bodice MIly Be Fr~.hened Up torl es , and Q, Whnt i. :Mull'. Grape ~oniet meal, milk 1I11t! lIuenr: bread. billiei', bas (on1rl\Jltted various arti cles to IIceordin g to t~ (, color decorati on or al!d 'lItL'\de ' 1II0t\Lsh. the A. It is (I CompoQn fl with 40 per ccnt. thl! r oom. colT e; tl llfn cr. fla lt pork, Ilotui'.\C8, ' lo- dlscuIIslou or eor,lnl 'flllest lops , In of the juice of COnco'rd Grupea. It eJ;crta It re lire ~om e Iluggesti ons fOT dofng matoes, "'helt bread . Ice wute r ; 8.Up.. whl ah' sIll! Is 'rn'uc.h Interesled a . peculi!lr 8LTI: ngth~nin g, , heal ing intlu· \n th e green room dellclou s fruit , • ence upon PO tho inteRline!', 80 _that they' COli 1111 l'. F1tES SAnPL118 ' II I~s vel'. t wlntel"s bread, \lvc1110 bodlccs; or tor bu tter, colfee, All •• salad was s 'rvcd lp greeo apple sbells; Orl nd Ou bess Marie of RUSSia ,e do tlfcir work unaidO'd., The prooea. i. .YOU ARE ENTlT LED TO klJld s at tn l'at8 at - " Rcll d ul'i " g carih th e 00'1)' daugll l ~ t of Ornnd ONE 11 sa rlilwlch ot browD broat!, c,ut cres- trImmin g now, ones: Dllke Jl'aduol , but fl?re .• It ia n O,t n,phy. lc, but ' ~WB WANT EVERYONB' TO TRY _ No. l has chiffon draped round the plOni.h utid lhc n ll 'mpt Is mall e lo Paul.' brolb ~ r of the la t Grand Duke It eurca Con. bpahon, ('cot sbupe, and a rOllnd sandwlc b of Dy"!!ntel Stoma,eh , THen AT OUR exPENSB . OOIC:'II I I hecl and Buwel Troubl.. H ft\,tng n'Y,, Whltfl breait wJ.~h two olives wera on lop ' ot bOdice and IlUlfe d oul well on tbe have t he bill of fArc vn\'y 'l1& \Dll r b us SCr,q1 I1 ~" ,TI' 0' rormer w8S rlcb, [rUlty Ian 8 , grnlle .tI~.vor, it iJ! r.le3~lIDt to tnKe. As a Jf -troln R Uh 'la IInel' ~11 8 the pla te, In tb e rcu room ' 11. ' tiB lad top of a rm : the drapery Is ,caugbt in Il08s11tle , econtl mar· ton.c.t ,. uD equa: ed , m . u~lIIg tho sy"Lern No pl'lNouel' Is prewmle ll fl'om 'gel- l'tag , which was rega rd - d liS a AlIthma, Heart Disease, RhllUJDlttam, 1m· WILD served from r,,11 apples, willie In at ellc lt side and In cenler front by a lII e~ · .g"in~t d iae~I!e , I t st renglhen s ond bunds pllr&-Slugglsh Bloo<1, Nervou. ' J'roetratloit, tin/; all- much Il~ bo wlln ts. . A!I prls, alll a n ~ , an,l his 1It1le <l nll g hJ~ r co- up "'n~ lo t. ~ ue. Ih~ )'ello,,' room orunges hollow C!ll o ll t rill!! lormed or rucb es of IlIMlcd rlb, . ' Female" held t he salad, There wero sail ed nUla bnn edged wllb the tinies t lace: the nners nrB 'Eell ted In ono d inin g ,lI all. c:lm lI,e ward of Grant! DUKe Serg!nd, hn~? bere cun Mull. Grape Tonto be lion, Dyspepsia, Kidney'" Disease, lodlaea. and tutti CruLU ice cream s~rved In color ot cblltQD aud ' rlbboll must, at ~' h ~ lr )I0sltlon s must be /ll·ee t. I beh' wbo. It 11'111 lJe J'elnemb red, was as,A. Your dTUlt~:lst sen. It . .The dollor II «or ao,.1 th ... maIatIk••11 tlah' arlDS fnld ed and t hl}lr eyes to i'he frou a"9 i llat ~ d Rome mo nl hI!' agO. 'fhe bottle cont ains lIe11rly three times the ~o· down and WTlte ~ for a l:;u,.pJe of our JapantM ~.m-. ljI:J g\u s~ell , Red ' and yellow tullllll, courHO, be seleell'd to !locord' WILh tbe untl! tile til, ~ I gllal III given t,O com mell c~ youLlJf,,1 I"" yOW' "..',,:ul dress •• dlseue,a.d wiD be _11, It Is to trim , with IIlirays at Inlgnone lle, .... cre the gra nt! d.wb s III 16. vory ce~~O~zfOr nil log nhlldrco anll lIuralng ,",*..d. d . ""'Iultly I... . It willilnot cool YOII 0 ... ' , No :.! has th tell de,:p palnta or lace eatiug, SU'l l:!t slleoce mus l lJu 011- prall Y !l1l'1 sweet lookl nlt, only pennr-J)o n'l deJ.y : flow t>rs u SCQ, nn(l sh e Is mothers , , ' . I....... y 101' I.. uampl. and '-k1ettelU ' {'llllnl! (1" el t ne ~r!1nt ; {oll\ s or IIUO 3crl'ed during the meal. Starin,: ' 0 ~ ea l' rall Y deRlgllut d t nl , ((nlere:l a, A' fl't'C boW" to 011 wl~ o hove De,,'e.rUlO'd. aboutW,h our Japanue Rem~dle •. · To .. eryoee 'WritJ:e, vls ltorll. lalk ihg or latlg~ln g or l;a7.111 or , HII ,<;\e n f)r lncoRHoM, · ..h"'~ ' I~' nO.\, .hlny, day ......Ill ....4 • lapall_ It becatlse we kno,v It WIll cure you. !jou. etllt. An I,... , Add..... " abo!Jl are ,fol'blddpn . . Eall ng or drlnJ(A Tin Weddin g. HQ Ing before FREE or BOTl'LE nfte r Ih o bpll lItI«) sounds, '1'eu yea ... brings th e \In wedlllng , I'nRIO, flena Ibt, ool1PQn wtlb , ottr1ttuue- lutl nslng vln egnr In the Ilrluklnl\' water or RUSSIA N RIDDLE S. .ddreu. 10ur dnurr'll.'. name .nrt lOc. f.O pap: and lhe very Jolliest kind of a lime pUI~lng mast on th e Lo hle o r~ 11I,)) hlb· 1)0111,0 an" wowl t "U~J f l on a utD.j,le,te e. It R If. Y. may \lu urran g~d by tile couple who :r,~o ~~~.~:~ C'ClI~\:,.~::':nod°~~(); .,~ !ted. A n au whp wSQIS more foo d Whnt wallIS fl p, Jcle dOWn over. wlsn to ceJellrat e tbls annlven ar),. :f'::::'1'5~b. purab.aae Of ",ott) !iODtcJrom ,our mllk es l1ls want R kuown 10 lit e many head? A Oy, lovlle le n gtlfls tS or ,mortl, but, ueually wa flcrll ht s ig nals - If bread, holdlr,g ' rh ere ore fOUl' brothers unde r OOtl MOLL'S GilU'B TolCJO·Co. , H7 Third Ave, ..Lbo tew Iried anll trua. make tlte most III) I ho !'Ill hl, hnht\ : If.' corrpe or water , hnt, LEss , Rock IIland, Ill, Ab.olutely frec From ,All POisonOjl.lnytdlalb ot tabl e. atrrfleab l!! compan y lor an Informa l Gl~. Full .Add,". Gild wrU, PI",,,,,. holding up a CUll; Ir meat. a fork; It r bave lour loga IIn<l 'feulhers, hut , evehlng. "rh o I nvllatlo ns are written ' A SURE ~ua& . IOUI), a s poon : I( veg ·tablcll. Ii knife, am 1l1:lt ::~~~,~:OIt,~~l':t~l~r::~I~~t her beasl nOI' bll'd, "or Durn •• Sore 'rbro, I, Corn •. So'.', ncu_ F eather T:;t.&t~ 00 , curtlll Incl eQvolol,es bouu" wltb • •• the. cent. an. abOut. It It la neCes80ry to speak 1,0 ao officer bed. three tlmea as Rhl!uuJlu.i~ m. U lc~u. Pile", lliood J-Oiton, earvery .. al·mw Un bant!. Now for the :';f~.i: ~~;':IC~~~'mt!I~. TIleN I... Ire." bu • • I .. . ud . 11 Wouudl alld Skin DI..,.a •• ,about til l! fOO I\ or sl'lvlcll Ih e left hand 1"'OUI' hr(Jlbers :A'un ~ lal e by s ille. but (Iecorali ulla. whl h ar.) ",onrierr ully IfPia aoz " ... A.Ea, * . . . .. Is held 1111 ond (be omcor goes for"arll t:eV6r ",11"J_ tM. ' .. .I. cateb liP with one onoLb I'. Cart i eatlv e In thl! e\,l!nlng when tbe ' I:U aui! IIs tenR to what Is s aid , ,wbf'eIH. • Is lIghtl'd. Otlt t he tinsmllh to @UI WnstoCulncss In food Is Ilrohiblt ed , A paok of ,,'olves rlln 'by ; o,ne was It FF ECTrv& TRIMMINGS, all bls tin s bavlngs , !tull wlhd thOllI lnrl a priAonll r Is requlre,1 lO Ilr~vc nt chot, how many r"inilin ed '! The dead Renven WOIl' t be n~n ,'l y ~xd n. i ,". enq\fgb PI'ouy s aroun4 l he r.handpl lcre; ll'll w a t( ~.r plaeln~ morll food on his \)D e. lo . ull 1l lot 1)( J,euI)lc,- N , )" 1'1 m"". nling Illem os drapp. ry helm the I:rllls, or cJllrron arc attn,{b('d to ach arm- pIal tllan he an eat. Al lhe conelUI om blind. hUl how 'o lhp rll tlie wny. fiver Iho curtllins and eVtlr:v place tbe, bf)lo, and are passed IHrollcb locl8101l1 a:lnn of tbe menl !l1 p-cen f)f brear1 mll~-t A Gunt'an teed Cure for Piles. dl'llf aDd dumb, bill Itnow 'blow to count. mafle In the RIfle po'ntH. th en carrIed be' lert o ~ rt will ".nl:, [!.ching. BIIIlII, Bloo ling. Protruding Pllcs, Ride 'of the pla te l i lles tone, ' down JO · eel 10 , Ih" c , OI'UIU!i . tJI nr~ .\lIth l\rlzed 1;0 )'Orland mon ey If !l'O' 1<nJ've~, ff) rlis aUII spoons un Ihe At a trlnlng ,expcntle a wedding bell .. alst. P eoplo pray fOl' me alld long for .1' A.ZUO' N TM _NT (ulle to llUro 111 14 \illY" tiOc ~ul~p.rOy 100'111'11 C1lmllosP.d of rJi\lit side. _0 bp. rQRd.! of lin Uud~r wblch the' Illalled tulle or cl1l"oll ,are !hed · 00 So lon~ as a con,'let ha ~ II good reo. nay com pany : 'h flt dl rcol1ly I appear L ife Sf n-ctJ BUrne ' 01 lI el" d lild,.en delumr t ClOuplo WIll otnntl 10 ',p.CPlve congratu · each sbon lClcr : the ba ck bas ODe 8borl· 'rll anti obeys the "fllllII he Is f)nll~led Cloy hide tbemse!veB. Rain. for every coursc, I1P lations, 1\ b'''III t lor Iho brld!l, tied or palDt of tar,e 00 r,a~h side. 10 ono ralion of che wing and amoklng wl~ whltll flbl)on '. !1 boutonn iere 'for III No, II ,here la " )lolnt of em- lobac;o "ueh week , I\om cll!nt to isst Ibtl grO<lnl, 1\' lth hair l,rMmen tll. also IImlder~ d sille each ~ Ide the Iront lliat blm nil wee); : to 1.leI'tnlSsl oli to wri te brlll\., lct .. aniJ rlns~, tn'ay lIlI be mad.., falls ove r a drapery of 'tUlle knotll!d In oncrift n lwo w~n ks : 10 SCI! (rieod!! once 0' ~'~.I'~fI rMreoiimcll,ts trom a front Rnd continue d to lho ''1''alst. Two III fonr weeks ; to 'r c ·Iv new:;pap ars, III) _d eColr&1Ild IAbl ll. • 8 tr.ap~ of llll'k eros. Ibfl lop of arm; mnga!'lln lln. book~. 011: .. nil moy \lo' IlP' Tb!i, hI u good ml'nu to serve, ODd from thl'se fall pla!tlng ~ or tulle, ~he prn\' ed hy lho wnr~on; [0 rCCfllve falll . • little olll or tbe f)rdlnary : Croamed lowor one about twlce ·the dllpth of lhe lIy l)ho logl'Bllhl<, I :nmll~ , \lrll !!h ~s , 1)0"': 115h or Chlr.krn III till p~Uy pa'ls, sand· upper ODe, A bow or lullo Onlsbes tbe d ~ r. G{)R n, looth hi \l 6hea' onil othor .. 'cbtlll, ollv ..~ -lind I'Orrli~ III tI ,n C;UPS t (;traps, ''!Iall MIII' I~. 0111) fir Ihll Orst pun. f IIlllall Cllk118 ornal1l1!ntl!d wllb slivered Isbm cro ror d j ~ol,edl n ntc or 'rill B Is a 'C\aucllcR: chI) fllale bonbons Iud r.1g'iirs ' AN ' AM_ USINC PIE ~ARTV. ' r01l"IDlnIHI. 1'110 nlllo I~ th e 101111 of tile , wlapped III tin fflii. CIt!!Ir (\r !I rrllll 1 0h~ l : r.o f)rlo' lh~g(l; Ih n til "11 . tORS ot 'the punch ma,: 111) Sftrved 'rom ~ ,llllOllb ' , - - -E I Die leLter 1;'I'!Yllc!;I ): ' 101\rlh , IfI~ Of gaM . The c14s.~ of, druggis ts, everyw herej tlre n'l en of scientific attainm bowi CQueealod ID . a ~J1ce tin IlIIn; ule ' Aft~r ' ,Partntr s fOl' ents anLl high ih~i~ , .ven ng limn ; fifih . _ IllIpl'is flnm .11 1. In s()lilnr:\" who de\'ow their lives,he werfare of the ir fellow men • dipper fo'r 11 "adle. 10 c:bo(,Rlng ~rtb"ted Pan PLecH "f I'ftperP !nt.. in supply ing the best of rewed,les and r.f')nlin em nl1l. on r~~ 'r\(!\1!11 (11 m: t iXlh , - parlnerl l (or sUIIIlr.r PIUIS Un nlal's, dla. 'p ure4 metiicin o.itlgel lts of , known value, in accorda nce' willh Ln~eled lilt to Pie Filling. phyeiei iloi' prescri ptions a.nd hnpllflOnmf!111 hI ~olltn r,\' · lIIflllfl lIIood", squares, ole.• 'w bloh havll hn~n scientif ic formula .. .Druggi sts of the botter cla8a manufa ' cture many fJxcel1e nt remedie s. but· on • ~Ir) IlIp.II {lie!. hnn,lrnr r"d LIl tn9 " ('ut In billf, ~ ~ the p)ece~ fir') ahvnys under ol'igi,na l fir officina l nnmes and they never 8ell false brand9 InYitati ons ror a pie party were seot dunr ; iI{)\fa uth. r~clllr.ti~) ,or imitatio n mediojn~, n , 10 grado : matcbe\1 . ,lOrlncrs are foond , They are the men to deal with when in need of anythin oOt on trlan8ul ar plllf:e. of cardboa rd ~1gttttr,--rrdu~ llon 10 g in their line', whioh Ilsunlly inoillde a.. S\~I)lell : nin t h IbM 10 six f)O'Jpl~s. atl h,Umatj! friends. , r all s nod .Inl~. all standar d, rellledie s' and corresp onding adjuno ts of a ~rst-clas8 ph8.:.fD18CY , , ' and th~ fiiJest ~,d ", When the '"uests a~rlvf)d J~e ~e'u ere " 'beSt 'of toilet' IlrticLes and pre,p oTution s and mnn; ,useful , ,~,.,.- " ilCces80 riea ,end 'T etylooial nppH4~ol!ll. A rea!ler ulul bll,w to _tel'tal n a auctione d 011 bY ' lhe hOst, Who 'i'he was earning ex, FII\jO ' of (I.rair, ' S~t:JRI li~ing, AN ,with WAS ME the 'satisfa ction wbiQh., arieeB from ,n knowle pgo"of't llo,bene ,pa'rly of l00),a and 'girls, "bet'wc;en lbq' .cee.llng ly IOr,li r. flta Th !) 'Doctor" ws~ cotlCarr ei! upQn 'thl~ir patrpns nnd aEsis\an co tq the ~'edicri , A,vV. 'sgl!ll ot 1 and' 17: li>rofe/lsio'n, i fibollld tblnk Int mr;luced on tbe Ill.ock . In lbjs' ~an. ~b~l\i: 71,000 - p~" reward fo~ , lorg; of s~udy, and ~Ilny bours · of.dJi.ily toil. ',Tobey is u , tlally tpeir ~greateit C.l nim ed , fOI' lbla "'<::orn Pluty" would" arrord a great ner: "A mlln 0(11\11 aWkoo )\' that ' wanted!' thongh . L ars!! 'A ll ci~ nt. "lol,l atel' 't;y Figs is an , cxce llun l~ lall'litiv e remedy and 'that it !;i\'es univers der,1 or, tuR, P..u.vlclil Almple refrr.Ah , muc1i a'al~tlX! to Ihe, al, satisfac lit)n, and • "',n9a,rft,,,. bon Ie:' ' 'fhe. bid· ''(,lIleSOlc'!Itls ts. n~ 1Den~8. whljlb are alwaYII be~t, not ollly dJng · Willi ~~l ' selling ' lUany million s cWbottl es' annual ly to the well Informe ' and lllrlou~ ~nil . 26 ,OOO d ' pllrch~ ~~r8 U'''~I,U'CI'''' -'-'-_ tor, l'ulln~ lleuple. hIl t ~helr elc1o~e, IB: t1C\ana brou'i:b~ .1M mati t:e medies, n.nd, they always tnke plcnsur o in hn\1dill g Qut to hla purcbal - ":~ NI)\~ Hnvon , Con'n,·_" , r ' In t" :restlnl5· t,h e genuine ~'riicle ,. ~""... ~.:~t> '. ''''''-'''·'--H''' allo jDv\latlun~ :on corn; colored pllller,. " r,o' name of t!le' Gompl~n y-Ca.liforriil1' Fig , Syr'up 'Co.-pr inted' on Jbe :tront ~oa,l deal ~r ~ aB:, d,ese~lbe~ III (>xDCnrn (\u·t, hn s Inl .. I>' lir on (Qmlll ted wrlUIlD 'II) whlt,a I/lk, ',r . a "COrD ;'lhe ,man ,~e tbln,k 'l'hey ~110W' tha;t in ,On8'38 of, colds and hcud!lo hes n~ten,d ~ll0U, Wbep (he ilt I lin T'rnllod y ' 1I)'ri. nllm , fI( Y:\I fI/lled 'by bi1louBneB~ ';," Keep ,''"bur plana to ,your-' It ,8,1,IOW 11Ie!!. f \V1I, en &I!: , ha.11 s,!cu.r!ld Part, 3 Qf 'Veakul) ss or :j,orpidi~y of the liver and bowel~, aril!ing from ir.regnll ,. , 'er"II" "" '\ . ' ll' h ' " -I,' tt) ' ;1St; rl ~ Jn ,alid ' Y\lu will I\av~ the whole nelgli~1 ,the ori f: luil ' 'Il.rluerl l tbl! lallt~8, were gIVf!,P plMes T"f1I,:hl over~e(l. tiilg! thn.t there i,sno other remedy 80, pl~n8~nt •• promp;t Rnd b~rl~fici IV,h nn Il/lvr, of tlnA,of I boot! w(lnd(lrlnli< w!lat 'It Is going 'tQ of ple',' oi~de I.~om two', pl8¢e~ ll i. Ir its, >,"'~~ '-: ..- " Syrup of F)gs, an\l , they ar!) ot paper if~IIr.lan!j, ' t he ,i'o~~1J ,I'emRln s, or: \l'Jl t~h to ,ael11t becllPso It. gIves ,u mvepin l ellbsfao tlonv ' , I !)it: Decorat e, the hp.llle , 'wIth flarl ~fe plates (lIucb \UI ,bak((rR l~sel ,\ fa8teo,:" '!"{\I'O , fou iul II) Iha Jl'ld ".aod s of Wy. ', Olvhlg to" thecxO ':elle,r ice o.f ~'igit. ~be \l\livers nl 8ntia{ac tio,n <iJ' re\l and .lIblte /!Oro; they are very ,ed , ~oge~~e~ ,.~Hb rl\lbQ~. it gives Tb~ !itlL~1 (l~,l ng ' by thc lale Prof. O. C. ~fnr~,ll.'. :imme'n se demn;n d lor it; ' i h&~e be'en mnder, ~ried ' 'all~ lIretty', frQ,m ' the gall J~tll, grill, b,ut" a JlI~CIl '.?tjla~~. ~~~r.lng-'~!I,~~ordl. ,An Pltoet mOIII\) 00 ,0 $1\,qll individ uaJ! drug'gi sts to be ~pu and ' doo",a" s , U8\ld .1 ca'ndlesUolu!' Cherry. , i\!1!lca, le was here therc; who ,do not mar Apple, p,n~ ' -. ' ~UBI ' 1'1' tl , • ( " Wit · of"l,he , p~otessi oll ' and' whosel rt 1)1":1 0;' . .. IP ~lilt lan, la ~tl !'Plln ,tbe , .Q~, If 'YO~ wish" 1.0 take WI! ;tlm\!, L~~d." . , BteVp.r 'II e , w ~~ I I better of ~heir . . {ep gna 0 ,' !,kel<, and 11~lng : : to;recii mmend authr" t\> seU LIl,e Ul>lplac.cil .. a.• '80ft,O, 'IlDd .theD,str'U1Ji;on IIneD 'thread tbo m.n ,hat! .to '1!1,~ ' i l)." , pr!l,p~it'4.~lipQI~ ,;'-( (or ~t. , fcr f\~ I. nn,d ~ar.Q· rn g Ollt til l' (Qt\1pii: ;ilometi mes have ~l1ti, :~am~4 . alt'efn~tlpg IIla"V beaita., 'l'bes~ w.b~le ~hO ' lal,l1' Qlarlc eIt'. Iqrl!clpe ,p antomim e;. tlItion orl ~ lnel ; we l~t, ~ ivns ' l\ ~rfil'- , lnake , ~Il'UlI!ul ' pq1'1.ll'res, and wllllaat T~19 ~aa ,mos.t, amu8\~g j)r Iicthioti8 fig .syrup co~p,anYI for~ ye.r8 , Wh~" the. gue)~.AI1 "IU" me~~ al~ ) 'Iod, . ot, , ~ for ~~{rC~": "tnnnt~11 ,RfI ,(lholl t ' (,1)00 IIOUn,'lI: 'or :I, Yo! the Cdniplm y;-Co.1i ifol'Dia. Fig ,Syrup' pie: were s~rvetl~ t(111 ~. ' ~ r. " " " \'I" .. Il~IJI ,l1an.i, of corn Ued:· :".It~.rI~, ,wltll eolt~e ' a'!,d &anfll"'lr-ll~IS.-: , should be; reJccted · .be'cIl)1Be they are M~'I(\ID' , '1'1,1.1 , ? eall1<1y , ,1I,)1I~eUm : /)1"',118 ', t~,' , bOD to fa~~," lIOd .a )yOQdeD dlli~ !loeb, M~r~I , ., , ' t\ley ftnd 'it , rie~('ssary ,toreio tt to misrlar:ireSe,ntfltil)ll .. . [ ' , ' C!1),,1J1,l e \1l. "pe(\m(' n ~f' a Gli<-)N(ln, nn'd, u 'srocerll ' use (or ' b\lt,Leri " requeet: ' ",.;, , " " ,oft 011 a custom er iI. preparl\tion ,,' ,,' hilS nlrcally . !'lbun,lcil ,Llln bl l;1l !lllor(t't . " n •,that: eac,h" per.80rleo!Jti~ the' graina ~~ .. , ' A C~!l'ity LU!l~~eoD. ',. ,aoes 'not. ~li.r tne. .1uW'na .me of the C~iornia' " wni,~ h : ~ fh nds 'to a lielgh L' f)t "" Olnl1: [ til. C:1IJ1, aDd ke~1I the ' nu:t!'bel' ~O, blm. I. qbarU~ luuCl,heonll are. '~'l~y ~JlUI" wha~ ,m~() !hn;!l ,'Il ' f(l~l, ',h~ «aurlab it' fa attemp'ti(lg to deCtiivtl and rilisiiJtid ,:the, " llelf '1Iotll all, are couDtejl: , theil" col.' jU~t' oow., .J"'l', ~burlJh, :80c:lal!, clu~' '?' ,,1lC!f 11,I'lng n»otlt ,?3 ,teet :Jong " , ' ~t\'biiBlim~ri~ :wh~'the,r It ,be..JiI.~ge 9r Bma~. , r I~ct . th,!, I<e)'o,al. , an~' pull~t"~m ', lnto, oDe, Qljarlt~ organiza tion ' ~.Ivefl 1\ luncheo o, ' TII'l IltllSe\lm ' n1 ~ : (lwn~, q lBrl', ,f ,u . and ~~ceJ?J.lOn In.- 91l~ :0IUIe he Will qo 80 Wlt~l ' , reeeptacl!l- ' , TileD pa.a" ~cea , o( , ~- It Is Qu~te ~tlie . lhlng . Ip.r a - lady to 11(~ll\lofl 'ot ,n cO~s l.l e':libly 'II\ I'il'~ r ~Pf()I': ;" p,hY81.~,~nsl pr~~rlt:!tlo~S, anel ~hoa)d Qe a.v?ld~ ' hy, e\'~ry .'per, oDJ"blc h eacli ~lle ,mij8t' w~I~,e ,bra ask, a few,:' frlend~ , to', be , na1D8 aDd~ a auesa 'al to \he DUJD!ier or Bending wor.d lri ad".nce .,ber guea~ me·n; w.hl('l\ , has ,,1St IIM-' l' C~ beec ' , ~t10Wll1g th!.\t tne(gre .t m..J~rt.y ,of d~ggt8ts·,. al'e ~~bable, "~~';!IIP to \;he , chair. mqllnt'e\1. .. • I))~,~~I~e l'iiml~'nse ~~~h~~::!~) , '.,aSDI, ot'''Climi' 11\ th~ bOwJ.l. .The :tllO niao ·ofth. 'alfal~, lo , ',for oilT exoelle nt te-1T\.'edy' enttlely ,throug h the druggls r~lIerve the,-plac ea ' ts,of wh0l!J . ~_ . __ ._. _ ii' ' " w.-o C!lfi, nearelit tb, ,~rrectDum,~r Or & lable, " $Oclety 'whe~. in. origitul. l ,paoK.g e. oolYI the regular pr.i~ , o( ,~Uy . . , people are dohig, , ,"'6'8~U"" "t' tht! ,8iio~,dow'n. Ire ! ,,1'111' 'fblt'le may.; be thhl. alld ,0\Detl'm ~s lJ , ' Dst jli necessa ry to iilform ,llle' p~blj~ of, tPe.}!lcts" ,jn. ord~r Uie tn~le~ : aro ,,-~ MlslIollrl Is. III ~Jl1g" a h!l!ul : \ '. 0 fi ' tbel1lloJl\et~r. faaleo~ ~o 'ears Or corD, served ~~f the .1l~\1r I\ny ilni~tion which may be lo.l d-to, them. If Jt doel , Do~ appolDte d. '1'llla New YP,r~ Inllur-I.n!'e Invt'ft ~jJ:nll on, :~r luaIMnd ed II)" rI",bon, After Jhia P,411 l"l"rea a cer~~ln sum. Ca~ifor.j1 i\l F~g aDd ' 'inlp· ,p1akes Co,-pri~t.ed ·on tpe ',~nt 'of every pa,ckag e; , tbe, , au!' when ', NF!lso»rl lakes a ~nt.;t' In lIeeltl&l!es \Dade by _willg POPQII~D 00 lunob,eoD a., C\na~clal as "111, u a 801'Iai any'lhln g It II! , alwaye WP\I .. t(ll' 'be nrbcle .and ,t.O,;qemtimd the nturD of 'Y(lur mj)DB)'; n,nd in futu~ ~" lIurow lIaby ,ribbon to tile ',Irll, and ~u(lj!eu. ~De 'l'h!!r,e ' Dever . Willi ' ,to tIlue oiljei playerg ,to l',eep theIr .(OY211 , dr,unl8~whowilll,m 1~\I whlit,..r0U wl~h and t~e beet pi ~Veryl~ g lu,,; . w.~1&.(!hJlll1l1·to ~be __ :. wheDlI,nel!k· wben 'tbere wu so !¥1~ l ,~ ,b~8 ~iD~ .'f l"'1! ••UII,.UI tDuela need for OJ)' tbe luhi". " . .f! . ,I' ~ 1_·Ii roun'd to· match . ' watcb chlUn, l!llartty work, (I~t!.ially fa\' WOIDeD' , .. f' .'_ _ _ _-".,-.._ :..0., two, ..,.. partnen , for l~p.,.r"I&IItf ' Clll1llr.eo" Tbe, rolll, c~k~.. I' Dr. ,O,ler,. Job.', ", • TIl• . tabl; 11\&)' l1!I prettily decorate d ,bJ' and Ine&ta are "nerall y bome cooted ' ,rQ,1'III1D, trU. 1o"''''', Iuao'ta, out of tile It alralr •• 10 ' 11 ·lhere II a IUr- , Woi shtJl Doll)elle ve In Oslerldm llll" • til !lie lIaYo. some proof thaI 'Dr O.lIel "JQPeOrD I1b~.. St'ry. muah alid plul thl thlDl1I are BOld, a Illl'plr. ot madl! as brllht 'a ejleeeb on hL~ ror. , 1D1l1r ' (I meaD creamf lD , blue bowl I. paper',b qabeln < . ke[ll Iii wt'!~b tli. t1eth hlrtbde) ' a !!.' Mark TwalD d\4, "1 _ ,corD ,ealtes alld maple 8lrup,do \lill· arIICl.. ' ml)' ... ......,,::...:....:.... ......_ ........._ .......... _ _ ......... ......... ...__ - ' carrle" - &......... - - - ...... -ief -~ldl •• .... aD. eoI•.-Jf~cllJl ' ,' lIt1ttf.tIIaIl l•••rrJ, , 1ItrrL . - - - - -........ - _...._ - . ~" b&:l 1/e\·snll dh. , - - - - - - '_.".. ,.;Ji _ : ........ .t~tlleltIletllJII......." .."' .......... ... ·lIPte ........ ....... ~" . .,_ IIIJfJqR o, ,_1i..,..iiiUl~."'iaiifi[:-::':J.\
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Jnpa esc Medi~ Coe
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CARNIVAL "l.f"l"DE A JU.\. . . '
The local lodl" enjoyed \V \ a pleaaant funotlon lut evening A th -h.n Mr. Herbert War-10k was no er WRynes'\'i\Io hoy Is win . ... ... tnl"-ted tnto tbe mysteriee of the nlng bonon at, college'. Herbert !-\.' $h'~ degree. After 'be work s,up- Warwlok, who g'linod f"me In the _.I foo, bail eleven nt tho Ohl'o Stnte per WII serv..... ,. ' .. i Univerdity during tho p118t 06upll1 Mr. Rlon Boel who baa n n ' ., Cinoinnati for several monUu. ~ of SeftSOllS, hilt! brnnoho(l · out In 1\ newrol llllnil b ht' . again iD Wayneeville and will prob, ( illS roug , IoU 1I uo abl- remain here for lOwe Ume. .At ,c('!88ful con,olu!liOIl n Go\loge Carni VII} J - - t atthe Friends whi 0,h : wOil , ucce88fu1 In liftlllll Ii pre8ent he 11 a . d ebto f. ·1 BoardlftoS Bome.' • ,000 f rofU tb(l nivertlity 0Mtt A thl t f d d h' I f re 10 un nn wbloh wat' u !lUO , O. Phill! will". W 'ua1 pe ....veI I . 0 ~ ce8S In every portlonl"r . a i ce cream open ng nex JDI ) anD s..,urday ,venlng, when he will be Mr. ,w"rwiok lin b en sptmdillg I.l ~-~ to eerve loe cream in aI· day or two a~ his llomo hore nnd moe' an,y flavor, wtllhed for, besides bro~ght WIth him 11 PY ot th e a new r8freehmen' Uua' he baa nam. "Carnival Oope d,ont-," " )lllllur edWa.... -villedope. Try it. Ro toadvertl~ethollirlllv" l,un"whioh JI f I will hav'" good and every 8 nl of tb~ l1 ~l1 al oollego hm IIUI,! '
b ' e e
s'r U D ~J N '1'-
-- from the piotnro, Mr. W,•..rwlck III extromely hnnrl!lo1l1n • 'l' be cut reprl.l!iontl! Mr. Wnrwlck In tho oot of hllvln'·.flo idl:'l'l. ., Ih tbe collol;e Il.nb rt 18 'known A,. "Dl\ve"IIn11th (\"DI)Jlolib(~et" oon · til inA . thi!:! ~tllrt411I1ill" I JI'~rllJ.:rHph , .,
I Horses Sellng for High Prices
E I( ()un nlnl! b,,'ii,: II, we11 k nQ\\'JI IlflKltW in hOl'!,"''' Will! l ' I "1 1 h l'r~ Itlr II f II .V or ' P 1I"'AIl. Y 1\11( lIOulth t Loa 11111111'1' fi!"' JOIIIl! of gruy" nn,IIlIRo II hhi,ck rl rl\'ing 1101' e from W . O . H\ I!< , ·H Or!lOi! . are liollln!! III hl " 11 fI~urfl' jll'it. now lind .. .. not onllllgh oll.n l1e !I(' ur ,i to I'up\lly t111J uOllllm ,\. Ml'" Ull nnl llgh aml'J\:' ill (It·,. 10 retn rtl . to Wn ynosville I 1. f w t, l1l1 II ew weo l;-s nmI b uy n~ rnlln y gom1 genera I purpose I ' 'nIe r1" t;e w lit' b e hUr!lllH n il. Ie Olln. 'I(lv"rr,I ,- ' ~ II I' n tb"" UIIIIllt"A . . .Ilr"'vl'ous .. t(l IJIM i'ollling So 1011'\l ll n willi \\ Ish til /le\l II\IIS kIlOw·. ___ ._---'I
~~~t!~'o~ :1~IYo:~~):~~,s 1~~~tI~\~:~,t::; ~6~ o~U:(J~lc~~:~~u:.~~=ll!:,!!~etI/l,;~
bls letter, whloh RUYS: "For 20 yrll . ot-hoJl t,rl'l1tllumt hAil fnlled. It l)\lilda 1 hlld ohrollio livor comp lllln~ , will h 111' tho worn nut t.lJ04I!U~8 n.",I. r8l\tor. .1' led to -flnoh u Rev ro 01\11 Ilf jl~unulqo tJt< hlllllth IIncl vl,gor. "I WIIS troubl. hl\t ven my fingor 1\11111' tnrnOl.l bd with kl(loay comp)aln't for auout' yellow: wh'n my (Ioctor I)rl'!lcrib.(l. two YOllrll,' , writo!! A. H. Ouvl8 ()~ Eleotrlc Bitter8~ whloh cnred m Mt. !:!terlill" l owu. "but two ·hottleK ,. f I ., lind hlLVe kept me \V 11 or e oven of ~'oley '8 Kidney ure elIeoted ' n years." ure oure for Biliousn\388. p9rmn.nent core. " ,~.- - - - - - - ~ Neuralgill Weulmess unll 1111 Stom· ' . . K dBl II d -----~noh, Liver, idney 1m 'II ( er e· rnngemetitB. A womlerful 'I'utlio, At, DO NOT BE IMPOS'ED U PUN F , 0 ' SohW/l,rtz's i.)rng Store 60 ota . . ' ' .. Fpley & '0." 0 1110ngo, originated B oue y I,..... 'n" T"r RS .. .. tltront . ""od lu'n g remedy, !Lnd on l,oooun t of th,e great "'tomnoh Troubles 't tid populBrity of' Fole-' '" tnt'rl 1\ '. ;3 " Boney "tid Tar many Imltn.tloDa are Mr8. SUI) Martin. an old Ilnu hiltb· oITel'o,1 tor the genuine. Ask for Iy respected ~8ldllut' of Fllisonio., Foley's Roney nnd Tar, Ilnd l'etoslI Miss" was siok with stoma.oll trou· B.ny S'l"stttUte oITerod "R8 no o~,h"r 'Y " lo{· ble fo~ more thnn SIX months preparation will give tbe 8Uwe !lilt· 1\ I e 1 Ohamberlai n's Stomaoh nnd Liver isfaotion. It is mtldly In;iltlve. It · Tllble· t I OPI·~·'to..a "Rnd 18 a;'fe"t VE'l'EltlNAHY HlJllHIl: N . ' " oured her. Sbe aays: "1 on.n oonunsno ...... f or I l II' nowolI.tanytl\ln 17 Iwllntllndnmthe ohll(iren nndde\tMte "'""'ons . ,II mUlln. I "; ' , n , 0"".-: .' '1\1\ .110 oll1\l'clBIlY honr, Ilav or proudest WO'lll\n in the world to night.,. Both Bdl IIml Vn)1ey find suoh B ~od mediolne." For PhoneA. Viley Pirone No. 288. 81\Ie by F. C. ' hWR,rtz .
writtell. f co utilI', I foro the ',\I·nl · " VII I Clime off. I I il 11 i n lis uSUl\1 Jlrompt I~n ,,1 'on t k t./ll I WI~y , Dnve W IIrw I 0'. ~n tl er ll 1 ('un i rmnn of tllt! t:.. "U' '''" 1: hil" III r IIjy prepnred hi,. ,.tl p 'rl. Ouva' dilll.l"t inlend t o ""b lls \ · tllt' r port until IIftor tllh 1:" rm \ 'H 1, I\~ he t.ll\l Il"lIt· if. wO\l1,1 l""k holt("·. b But Ul durin ... (',Orl'''''I)qll(hl1lt. f ' .. & the " Dnl.lO Sh ollt. " fr om whonl tlUng wU1 be done for the oomfort roal 8: n"thlug tltllt IIhonlll not btl pub\i!lh. of allIUM". ' Together with u. very excollent od esoapes, m'llnnged to '~~!t h01l1 of Bey, Phiup Tron' vill&ed Dr. L. picture (If Mr. Wnrwlok the follow · this report, nnu lIere we prQsoJ\t It ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!! C. LWteDl, who hal been at Christ Ing sketoh appellr8 in the Dope to our rooder8 for' t ho fir!lt, t,hll!' thinks thllt the Ullrlli Vit i HOap".1 CiDcinnati lor several Sheet: weeb, one da;y reoen'l, . and found Thl~ is the· DlBn who ie running hl\s been /l, hug!! succeRS, snd ono him yer;y much improved and the CarnlvllI, or thllt part whloh gll\noo at the fiOIlDOiu.1 end of tbe lleadily lalDiD8 In . heaUb alid re~lliD8 after the Facnlty got I repor.t will !lhow thut O,IVO blUl l&renr'b. Tbe Dr. expeo&e .'0 reo through with it. One look at thtS\ reason for thinkioG 80. The turD bome b;l U. 9OW'fIO of " few fllmiliar face at onoe recalls one t-o total receipts were ' 13,62l.4 the weeu, ,be boep{tal Mr. the grldbon, with the Scarlet and expenditures tB63 4, lellVipg n bol Trou' .., af' dfnbet 'beIIlde the- wtfe' Uray battling in the middle of the Ilnce of 1074,63. TheMe figures show of · tlov. P.Ut.oo, UI. Governor field. hemmed, in by thouSllnd8 of tb1't Dave is a finanoler of no 11Ieall hA'YID& beaD a pa&tent a' t~, hOll- loyal supporter8, Up from the ·o,billty. In fllct, it i8 8aid 't bllt DBve pita) Iince ~e ,left Columbu.l , and bot~m .of the bleachers oomes 1\ hllil already IIcqnlred mosli ot Way. 1'81Jflrll tba' aiR. P,,&tlaon, and her plnintlv~,-"Wba~'8 u~!'l " ~tter DeElville, while home on. hill summer UaQrJbter who WAI with ~er, aeeme:t with YOll fellows! , Why d?n t you vllcations, nna thllt he fully intends eDoour"lfOd o'Yer Ole Governor. yell? <.;ome on,,~ow, 01\ together, to become owner of WlI.rren county oondit~~n.nd too u"Y. *ong bope with a W a · boo·· , dter he get.1! t,hrough ronDing the Of hi. oomplete reoovery. Altho0§ll it might not be Inferre~ University. . o
JUUGLlNli WITB DYNAMITE PostmaatorRObbed. . 115 no moreoongerous t·hau to nel(> W. Fonts. Postllllll!ter nt nlvor. loot khlDey ,1IsorUl'rII. 1\l1ey"8 Kid·
... v_.....
I') J Dr. '\,. .
un e)',
Cuanmenument at Oregonia.
The annu.l oommenoemen' exer· cillee of Ole Oresonia High Hobool wll1 &aka plaoe J'riday· ev~tnl. May ll\b, wben a olau of three, oonaiat iDe of lIiM BerUla Elbon and Mee·· In. J~ph Phelan and Earl Thomp. .lOll, win pad1l&te. Prof. L. o. Wt1kenon il 1\lp61'in· &endeD, of Ole aobool abd MiM I'.dDa Stoat prlDotpaL '!'be ac1drea to Ule ola. will be "v~~7 Bev. "cOw, D. D . , ~
A full Ii ne of AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, of aU kinds, also the ' famous . "Scioto" make of Buggies, SUl'l;eys and ~unabouts. . Dr. 'W right Surprised A feature of the occasion will be 'a BAKING CO~TEST by FOUR LADIES, on his Bilrthday. TWo on a steel ~rid two on a Gasoline Range, the,two Ladies receving the largest Frlua;v, April 27, ~1I11 th,B annlver. .' . sary of Dr. A. T . Wriglllt'B bIrth, number of votes will be given a prize,JirsIss and Mrs. Wrlghtcooceived .tb6j~ea A PARADE of Farm TeaQls, having lmplements sold, headed by the band, win of celebrating the 00casi01l by enter· start at, four o'clock. ' . t!lining a number uf .hi8 h'lends.
New Garden Seeds Bulk Ilnd Paokages, t:!EED POTATOES Early Ohio and Eftr'l;y Rose Seed Onion Betts Beat quality, R¢ and Wblte New Cabbage . Lettuce, Onlon8 Appl8l!, Ban&nll8, Oranges. The Best Cream Cheese .. Vlotor Toy Oatil . a toy tn every Paokage
Jam. campbell, aced aboD' 10 "ean died at Cen~rvllle 8nnd,a y , • morDlDa· ' . Mr. eampbeUformerl~ owned a fUm Dear o.kIaDd whioh beaold a few 7.... &1 0 • moving from 'bere
Zest-It is fine ..~... 0 k __ n"fnl bina In every p g. ,000 doi. elf
__ -=-=~
" alld ~amlly are ~fe..
M W M'll f'N I 'f rl! . Ill . I 11, . 0 Ort I ont wn.null, New York, btlll fll rther cvi . deoced ber HU,b !itrt ntill I iotorel!t, in th~ Frlopds · BOllrdlng fI " mll by writing to Mis Conrnd, its 1I11,lfron. that If it seems necell~u.ry t.o pllper or deoorKte the ·w,dls of the oorri. dera 'hat sbe 18 rPlldy QI~d willing 'to bellr the eXpIlnl:!e of th,s Mme, !Ln olf~r willoh i8 greatly aJ)precialed bV all frIends of the BOn'lA lt wtll be remembered thl~t MrR, MUl81ave the corrlder doco rrlotion8 when the HODie was stlLrt(l(1. .
generous· Offer to Friends: Home
We are pA.:vlng . . . ____
A lOll and • daqbter, both mar. EGGS. rted, IUvi.,. blm, Watch our Egg 81gn ru...".. I8n'Ul8I were. oonducteci from tbe 11. II. ObDlClh a' OenWl'. The Beat of ii:ver;ything . k) eot at y11Ie, .... putor, Bev. lIaddox, , of. ~y . morniDg, burtal Z 1 It MER 11 AN'S tn IIiaDU ~tel'7. " ' ..
18raea Satterthwaite
' AT NIGBT--Counting of Votes & Musieal Concert.
co OeDwvln..
free·Souvenirs, free 'Lunch and .'free Music
l'he gU68t8 !lrrl ved wUhou' the Ooot-or's.knowledge of !lny unusual movement!! in tbe bonl!ehold, but their pr88euce WIUI none the less 'weloome and they wore made to feel at bOUle.
Flnal.Entertainment • _. W. H. S .. L. S~clety. Concerning Friday,
Former Re~ident~.
a gala day in th.e
'lI"-h ~ bad been leI' b;y Wa7nelville ecboolll.
Dan' R
Anderson, of LafllyeUe,
, the maD7 frieDd8 of 'Jarael SaUer.' , 1lle · afternoon 11811810n of the .Indlana. haa I!e~t tbe Gliztitt6 .. copy 'u.wal. aDd 'ramlly,~ who ,are lPend~ eohool:W&ll gIven over , to a .display of the Tacomn , Wa8hlngt~lD; Spada)"
tall alDODUl ., Sua j~, caUfomia, of the work of' the popill dnring the Ledger under date of April ' 16th Jed tbe7 bad falln 'YlotilDll to the pas' , tbree monthl and a program wbloh devotos !llmost an ontir!! page t ......bIe .u..iater Uua' reoen&ly de- b;y the Wavnesville Blgh School to tbe 8tory of how 'ShemlllD '" am· ~ 10 maob JUe and property Ltwrary Booiety that IUrp888ed any munition was ~ved by Lieutenant alOO8 Uae PMUIc COIR. ~revioUi efrortduring tbe;years. . lirubb and D~n R: Ander80n, at ...... modl_, lin. I:.ydt" Baiter. , A number of vleltora were pr68· Resaca, Georglll, during the plvil abwalte baa ieoeived' a, letter from en' and beetd811 g.r eatly enjoying the W~r. him. wiU.lo',lbe ' 1M' few day. ~ e~erCi~ ~Rtned an idea ~f the work The 8tOry ~8 lIu\>stanlt1alJ'y the wblob r he:' "'urea' . her they had beln~ ~rned on In the sobool:' 8amo as ,has appeared In ,the GIl7.e~&e "eic.~ 'Wl,boa' a ic~toii." ',. • - .a.a rold Bowell presided as lIresi on 'one nr two .forme~ OOOIl@IOlllJ. . . " . '. ;.\ , , den~ of tbe Sooiety and Ethel.~tok"ll Lleut,enant Grubb is no w I~ rl!f'li .• '8S '8ecretary, when thefolll'wing dent-of Tlu!oma and althonu.h 1111 progra~ was rendAred, IlII who par:' v8noed j'n yoins still retaln8 "'on in. tlciJlllted oarrylng olY their . Plut8,\ tet:est in offalr8 , , exoelleDtly: ; ' . . _ _~_~ .' -, Wire Screen ,Paints. Debate-Uesol ved, tbat tlie U.· H. WARNING Biacik1and Green IJh.o uld at once prohibit foreign, em ... ,. -' h Wl 4 d Yon olm not hl1ve flood hen.ltll un, .or .... Ire. '00' b ow lUI Igatlon! Ie88 your ki d neys ure lIouod, 'qr the 4°o~ 8oreeu. .Praotlcial\ ~lIy ap. 4f1lrmativci ; R088e1l Parlett, Ray . .k.idneYR fllt,er the blood nf imlJurl. ~Ueil aD4. 4~ble i will ~t olog tJle mODd Marlatt, John StrRwn, Mary ties which otherwise e.c t OR '.. If t it" m ..... ;'~~ by Lowe Br~. Gray. i Negative': Warren EdWards, ting pplsons and break dow" the .,'\ . d~licate or gaDs ot the hody . "'lid . [ AlaY 6tr~wn, Bally H~thaway, Flora caupe Reriooa trOUble, If· you have ~ .', . If yon .• an" ·to ~, look Uke Be.rJ·ybill . . kidney or bladder trOllble .aDd do "ler a: eo., Ctilcaao. , .' 'Dlnlllnd" Sept. 28.. 1802. new- YOtR 800n, Your wood· work I The jnd~es deolded In favor of n~t 'U8~ Foley's' Kidney Cur~, ' .yo\'l '. . ' Oentlea.Q:-FOLEY'S .HONEY AND T R i:,red me or conlu!t9" , ,..: tb ti wJll hllve only yourself to 'blolme dOD iller., t bill IqlPelll!d tirO .)'eati Ind .1. almolt d..,..,ate. Tbree pbyaJcriln• . Your waU." IOU picture , framee, e negg. , ve. . .' (or results; aa if, p081tively outes all , .' 'Iiled to Ilyo inc In, rellef and tbe I..t·'o ne ..Id he could do me nu!HiL 1 tried "foJlr flower po&8, Your Porcb, Yonr LITII:R~RY .· .for:ms 01 kidney Iltld blfldder dl8etl8, Ilmoit every ,medicine I belrd' teU of' without beDellt iuntn ,QLJrr'S HONEY ' Lawb .8Wlug i . We can shoW you In8trumentftl Bolo, Ste,la Lemmon eSi .' ' AND TAR ,"II'- "c~mended .., me • . tta·elPeet rllii. 'ro~. 1!I1 ltart wu ml,lcll. I Im~oyed 1t/la4Ur:lrom the ftl'lt dolO .nd 1m _now aDult Ind "'0, and think ,be beIIUblng (or tbe PUrp088. Recitation, Amy lIay .. r. I'OL'ET'S HONEY AND TAR II I QI4"IO~d to Ptoplt willi rtuol' 'Illd' Luna Soa ' ,'. Read!ng. Raym~d W,llllSllI8oIi ~!!I!!~~~!'!!!!!!~~!!'!!!!~~~ .' ,~lIblO. ' Youta ':tr)' truly, MrI.' ~~bi'c1H. · '\..' '. , ' U. ,p. ' ' . , ' , B , " ':! 2 CUM 250. Recitation, . ·Lorz:alne Bapltlton
F ARR "&
·!Jo"keepers .
. '
'!'be oDe 'Yery best' article for . ID8~mmentai duet) .B. ~oV{e~l , . ' " , , ' .1 R. Marl!l.t t , . .Ol« -Carpetl. and all · kinds of RecI&a~lon, . . . 8yb,1I Hawke i InIt; woolen ~ goo4ll and eltterin't., Re!lding, ,Mr. H'eil Datia« ' ~ha. ,· " .Clarinet Boloj Reyoie'r Reed FotSatuniat's Market · . Reoitat~onJ ' Lei.h, 8m~~h I'nab 8trawbemel, Lettnce, Readln~, ' Olive Pa~8bsll ~~, ODlo..., Orangll8, ., a~EEN IJEAL SPRJIlA»S ' BLa.I_. Lem~, Applea. ,. It cov~rs a greater lurface ntis .faotorlll,·thananT ·other paint 0Ji &; ' . the market. Try 1t and be oonVlno. , . ... . jed. For &ale ,b Y J. E., JaDDe~~ .
.. -"
, The w~lth ,t hateoal .·has produced antlJtow '., rapidly it has , been ' , done. ' An interesting :, book on tlt,is subject -, free. '~ulford & Lorig1400·U. ~~ Bldg., ,,': Dayton, , Ohio.
....... :.
·....lIIpu... '••
;,', ': '
FQ,L EY'S t:HO'! f,EY A,N O'. TAR . ,~ontain~ , nb I opiates, al1~. does:.n ot:con-
,: 8ti~ate likeJo~din~ry ;~~ug~, ~~dic,ine.s. . ·.-" TH~E.(.IZE8-llo,\.00 ..... .. ~.oo . ~,The ~~~ cent,· abe contains 2: ' timea' as much .1 the ' <
1ID8l1-~ ~d tbe'$I·. oo'. e,a!moat ~tim.... ~
" ==~~;" .. .......-~.: ..~.-. .,. :~
~~~~~~_ ~ _ ~~
WAYN Eli'VIL l[:..E. OHIO, WEDN E.'DAY APRIL 2.; . ! '!')(\
San Fra'n clsco Destr oytd. rOLD IN SHOR T
~~~~~~~;~_ ~_~ ._ ~--
~----~ - ~~~~~~~~
-$ 100 000
\I "'~
~ _~ ,_ ~=s~~~
u Ce~terville, .PA~AGRAPHS The grOfttest disaste r fn til" Itilltory ' ~ Il " r"1J ' I' u .. ,,,,, .\' , l :,,"' "" "' k , of t,bo Unl~ tltlLtes oOOorrHll 1n.l!t Mr. ~ Ul l ~ t .. s 1 W ': :-;111\ Ill " (m il •T T 1,,, 1,\ , '~II'" ,I ,',~ hl 1\ , ,,.,<'1' ,',1\ " trm; , c ltry-t-ol , ' 1r . VA'l1gb, ,, liu belln kl!pt wuoll when pruotlc allv t,h" ,' ntire Wlly" .. :"·I !)" \,1 "I'\1r Y(I. tH fntnll y or ll Loll r Bp l'tlL~ " tll'Y WI'I'\ ' -;\I /1 ,I,L\' . " ,' ( t; "11 111 1! h . 1/" .1 rdllY. I , ,, , . I" w \J Oin n 'f E\ w 11111 R, with . Flfty-o ue olirh)lidll of tObltooo hlive. beeu tlhlpped froll) tbe Lytle 'unrIuy Sllv,;i>l li t ~Il''' , L1 (1 1)1' :-;II!<-S " \'1'1', In I It,· """II III ~ . ' cl tJ of ~n Fr... noIMOO, C"IIfMII ia .JHrrl\lIi f'rp, ill 1111 ~t.vI H" lit, .J. E Mi~" r.yllltl Wl'i j:fM wl)1 i'e~urn Wllre Bouse 81nce t·be first ,of Fe brtlury. 1901l, over t,he . n. L . & ... nd many smaller 8U ''''''l " ,1 ID~ .Ti/nney'/j. lincl daugb t"r. " M .. " ~1111' I!II I't, r .1 ' 11\ 111<" "h. r\·I· , M SOlt U rrb n I) ,iengtb ¥ vi .. it .~th . Rnllrol1 d . . towns were de8lroy e4 by Iln t!llrth Rll iph JIl) ' of WIl,VtltJ:lV llll' hlillut ~~ Il ~· ,J 'e j h SIII){,It, II I ,\\'l llllllll:t( MI~ .. ' .1....,.. ,; , CJlurlq" il< p el\l1in~ A llI, fti olldi!. ill HlCagol lnd Roo~ 181apd . '. BOYER quake, quiokly . fonowe d b,v II terri Bnhll'du y Ilud t:)llltllny wi llt h is ~ p(lnl /I 1i1 ""~llIIt " Ulj(lll ~' No , POUl~DS AM UNT "'li lt I illlJllu tl e (If wI'"k.. wit.b fri J'l . Mariuol a.t ld . hilS. Pope h~ve "nd" in ' Allen & Wheelo r 0, 'I'roy, b,1e fire. fri eDd Lee LemlOon . 61 S, 3\)15 $&6,098 2.1 for lll t" lI ud fll mily . UI II I'I rt nu.ti , tile cout,rnot for ' road bUildirig 'tn W W Crane bough t for Newuu rg '0 Bundre d8 of thousan ds nf I,.. r~onll Mr. Alvin S lI'lr:l o f rulll r lill Ytun 117,621 10,7G7 a2 '1:111' ,1I1 1l/1 ,, ) IJll~ "Il'~" HIl \! li t,ew ry the oorporn~lon . P'!'lIe [UCNT-B" , II "II 1ttllin !<treet in W 0 Joslin , for Alllllriclln 'iKIII" 0 bave udered homel" .. " liS t,he "i ill'tell . hi' s ~ i tel' ~lr8 . W . \V: AI" 77,-4 :1 li,!<2-l Oti IlJ .t1tl ll g' [l r Ih " 1!. p\\' ol·j h f,Q'Ig-U " lId nllng Bros Dayton , oalamlt.y and million s of ,I ..llurl< ,,' <l WIl~' llj Hvil lA 1/'(IUi" /I of ~ir~. nsnn Mr ., &. nold ll.' Pine one c1 wil I1Y III rei'nrn t W94'k , , 7J,:W(I O,:I()\t titi (J leveuga r, Bllwe!O Bro , Duyton being oontr1b uted by pG'O(>ll' "II liver 1~lwtl.'· 'MrA. .l nmo!j Hlliuo t.tnd li ttl E' pI eli' ''1 \) 1' ,,11\(1 r,; WI\I 'tuko pl uce week from her visit relative l\' riW ,'i"!loJ [j.i ' 1 !}l Miumi Vull(l~ the oountry to aid the Buft'f>rllr t< nt POrL!!t;lloutb, 0410 .. ' uenf duugh Toulloo te r8 H ' I n lind .EIlH:l1 "punl Fr itlu ,v bVI' uilll!, M'ly ,k o ' 0 A I'f,r 1""ri flf fiJI, III('u~t, jJ "St.~ fnr '. ,02G' -! .1I70 -15 t:;honp & A" " ti' r Oily/on . MH ~ t" 'I' \rIll/til' The BUS1Delll:l Men's ' U ' IlIlIlt' of sll 'e. W H . MI\l1{\C Il ,1\1111 (0., C II I' SlIndu) (.I\('Y, sou , with of Mr. HI1l'vey Mrs. ffimery 8ru~trelit: is tD 11. . sburg re lll li v . 10, !!CI 1,lHl 0 Oh"rl e" I)IU " , O" .r I"'/I W.YD8IIvll1e .18 receivin g "; uh, orlp. win Mr.. H . E Booth Sile n t II fe'\> nU ll Mr~ ,flICI'\) Lucy . of Ouy t,on, oritlc,ll .condlti on, ser imis' lung trOu., 50 t 11. 2& ti' 50 Leste r K'·III'lI ·k . fill" R,,~ .. , " li f! nry '0 , 6,5Hlbs trllsh tlODB whloh wUfbe forwa,'(\('(\ I,bro' dl~Y B last wo"k w i til her brot,her Mr'. CII IJI t) uuwn (m the . [I'll in lind ;p nt .bl0 11 3.ving develop ed.. . I,lIG 0 !Jr. Maoy, ilentisl., will , lie nt, Ch,,'rl(;1,!ol '1'41"'ro. 1..,. · !ljI tl J1n , the ' proper authori ties ttl ' ulll I h e Arthnr l:)to keot 11 nil fn lllil y f ( io ' !::\uncl llY w\fll (,{l vi Lu cy .. nil <lnllgb . , ,:.lOG Ibs trus h . I :.!G Gi lJ"rvt!.v i<bnr~ 1111 next weok . tr . M Prof. Ewing, ·Pr\ncip a'1 of, . ny. center· , 8trloke n oity. Money m'IY he \.. ft, , cinnnti. Tlltul , vil le High Sohool, has been emp 0Y'. 1.027,010 %94,(\1 6 1-1 Mn. LIn" 0" Vii.t. returned' Yf'~· ",t auy of the ' foUowlng plllc,··,,: 'l'hO • MI\'8e. Ltlttie ,ID(\ .Te,·!'1 A,mw u 9 f Irs . Ma r ,\' Bro\vnl lndJ iW . dllllgh. ed by tbe Sohool Board for anothe r ' .' E, KETTF.M tardilY AN , . M~nnger uft.arno on from ,. plenllll,n l' W.aYDe8ville ' Nationa l BII"l;, The Xenill w ro r eoe nt g il st l' f M.r, t r "'I U i '1' 0, (\ ,. D lly tO Jl , llllVe been yenr" John' 'MoMullau hll.8 '· beeD vi '\Il' ng Citizen s Bank, J. E. ,Jaoney ·,. IItor!' . .. Ix week .. !lIllY 10 Imlinnl lpulls til ant\'Mr ~'- Barr y ,J O tllll~ . f ' t S,. Mr . " UI' Il\",.r '" hir<.ld ngain as 'janitor for the'Hlg h Mr. A~thur Zell i ~ t,ho J10R~l:lSSQr twu Mr~ , ll ruu k Burnettpuren Jllrdinier~ fr tim 16' IlD, cllll /lnel I~\any Chan ges Amon A 'special oontrlb~tion lit' ~t Mil, ullring the l::iohooL g Ii E. Hull '. W. to the Post I' 1.' . I r>U B ~ week. I ry,~ . ohnrch ..Hulld"y w~lstllklmfor .. eBthemfl~rtlloy ' are of 'lll1peri Office, X m 0 u new ulCY(J10. or Rural Route s. A Mr . Pntrlck 'lark I!! ,,\lllin g th.e 1 Dr. WA I"lunuwifenre bu~ily troupe of ple.yers from Bpr-lng.; Ihe ,11"" of I,ll" Htrlek"l1 ohy . value. J. E JllnnElY· pl'e. Le tl f t boro gave a well rendore d enter~ln . . Unl8hin~ t ou(Jll eR of hit! )j a w r Ol\!· P"\'1'iu !::' for heir proj ected we Mr.. Arntl,nil a I\Hep , dliught er of Thorl' 11m. b~Hn It ~hll k"UI) in ,lJ}e I M1'. Ilncl MrM, W. B . AII fln sl··ent og 1 0 :rou 0 , 2:i>;; m tern , .., d N . b fh Mr.. L~dl .. Gordon , of Corwin , IIml ",un "don oe by Bddln ' /I 0 lit Of. \lllllli . Ily ID 0 lIyton anti uttende d rur,,1 rllutes of 'V,u'ren '\lIlIH." I,he trip , If /Ill ci rcnm tunccs will illlow meUl II t (.ur 'L'own Ball one'eve nblg Ulll . 6r·o onsell, I:,r, J P I IUllt w,·Ak . 'rbo ' Or ohestr.a ",aslcd . 07 h "r two ,"lOll, who left WRynlltlville lIervlce Ilt Uhrl~~ E pl9copu )118t W I! k. th o llIost importn nt re. ' Miss Kathry n FfIIllle Is III1Villj;!; n they will IOll ve ou Muy ill!. opu ation served, l ohurch . 1 u M.iss , a numbt! r of y';lIl1I ago. are the only II ige of the mllmJl MI88 Minnie MoKl nsey, of Lebu. !lult 01 whioh Is to throw t,be "indlloe Bllirel intonds k eepmg hUll e by PI'l)f. Ke lll an, J:'rinoip illof the Rldgenoun: NO . 4. per"ontt.,llvhitc In SanFra ndlsco who ,non, 8pellt ~unday with ber 60ho(ll:< nt Springboro. The pro· MiMS Apphin. Miller visi tod b er for th om in th Ir Ilbsence .' ptirents , ville territor y h'orn t h WilY DI: !l ville Beginn ing at the Post:office, ' t.lle pllrent!! Mr. Rlld MrA. I N. oetldt\ we re to help towllro s"'":"t he pur:are .. ubsorlb ertl of the GII1.1ltte, lind Mr and Mrs N. MoKin8 l\l'~ller 'I' ue ei!;hth gmde from Lytle ey. nt Glen to t,he Lebano n Pust ( m ee Unrrier will go 1'heooo : . uPOn referen ce to a list of names Pillce. 011I1 S8 of II. plnno for the ~. 91 9. of gnrvAy~llu ..g . utul'll tty IIml , un · chool took tho Boxwel l eXlLrn1rln.. Residen t·s of \he viuluilV .,t Ibe ' N E nmi N . W , t o Cotpofl lte dllY. Five Points 'tl an,1 arldrel!888 of former reslde,tit8 on at chool L ebnnon S,\l,lll'do.y. The 'Lodg of their ' village. A f_l, athnlllle Will umler limits , Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Robitze r lire .y'm tenulLno e was lJrCsent . t.he new regu111tlolls be supplill d \V . to Dliyton Pika, n.f ,tbe oommu liity kept by the G Il' rejoloin " over the arrival Mrll. I.ydln Gordnn hi ~ rel\.tly I)uger ooes were five in llUmbo r: 3~m . of I\. flne • fi f W ... ill , ~tte we do Dut ,dnd any other8 from girl n,. tlle!'r worrlE'rt COll cernln'" h(ll' rl!ltlg11tt'lr }teva \V'illinUlson. Bln,nche COlI slderllb l~ of aotivl~y of Ufe !lynesv N. tn W. \V . 8 111'11, 111 fllrlll , h ome "'-turdu y fl' on! rupol rou"e ve P lX m Dyohe, . Tbe ol\anl{es have hC P Il hrou~ht I:l to Burl .. n I orner l\nel flHnilv u!! tb eir b0m '" i.. ill SLln Wm . Duke ' jr., Stnnley and IlD bllQ imprOVements are seen tlils vlolnlty in \bat olty. eveDlng. % m Lomb nnd ' about by ~ dllOiflirm .nf tl Po!'t E. to Lytle rond ' Mr, ~ud M .... Israel Satterth wllite DOW in the neighbo rhood of. ~ur ] 1. 01 Franai CO lind III a hllR receive d no Harmo n Lewis. 0 n ohlldre n. ~"n of Mrll Lyd!- ' !I lId t Mill8 'orti MnKtiY, of Xenia, 8pent Iliee uutbori t IOll 10 !;ivliI L Ii word fr om th em - v ~, e 'Ilnml S, t-o I:lllrfnc '!I corner, Mrs. Jennie .L Rmb's fame IlS a villll /!a. The rond improv ement OD 1 }~'1II "'-tt'~rl, bwlli.-" of " ' -ynel!v lll'-, and~ Sunday III Wllyn'-l 'sville, J 01 k f '" . , e d "'" ~ and dined linothel ' rout,o, MiPR IIn "" A , (II' TY n 0 Aen\(ll " "'p n . dress mnker hns Spread with great the Ellst, 'leadlng ~o the railroad . 18 ~ . W . t o Ut.ioo Pike, whn I~ft Snrln"fi elel a few weeki< lIt· the hNue or her former l y'm I I' It I 1 Ilome ' neigh. It log i severu IIlI IU tbnt I lJllUl Y poopl e of th E! ,S, on Bllid plkll to Kirby's lIy R W , I If'r rco rupidity in tbe last yellf or so. Or. alrol\{ly well' under way, and the COl',· _1 8"'0 f r the W8l!t.. were wben In/lt bortl, .Mr!l. Mllry y oung 'Ind dllnj1;h Rid gev III . I uo r h d s 10 -Iv OrtlRhed Rto ne IR belns placed with a .. e n~lg I l "/, .m fU1k 00 , ~ ar IlR . ner , dcrs from many points have SUOOes· beard froUl at SeQ JOlle, Oallfornltl, ter, M.islil Daisy. ",. . . heavy ·coatlng . 'rb gllll pll)l'A' are n b'l ec tt<? lIIlVlllg . I,IIe Il' mill I rouw' N . E ,Oil Million }like to Inte\'Mr. Wlllter J,i1hon WIIS ,L Sundny si vely I,oll red in I1pon her, so In bel lJ whloh Wtllil ollnORt comple tely de . 1f 0 W e It YOIl Ilre intflres t.ed in a greRter oounge. ~ ni"Ill'i1;u,t II Ill<ltlJr Ihe lin" I h ~ m. lI>yn IIV iIIe to I~eb ' visitor In Dnytnn . sectlon w t L e b Anon unt] order to fllcl htllte mlltters they have IItr()y.ed , anll, 'm uoh anxiety II! felt lind more beal1t1ful \VII,v neavillo It is p08slble t hllt II re nnll ClIIJ1pln ~ IJlu cc!I of men wfth \V ' II try linon an d ' k . ' 1 nl . r.1-r. Otbello .<\rt;tolrl , pent one dllY decide(1 tn' hflve I~ t el I)hone box put ." . e PI e, fOr tbelr I!Itfety , and intere9 t every ouo of your n~ODH t rlln Ce w III be q~e n t t tIle Pos· .., W aynosvl , t~/lln " , lind 'Il~' I !r" ' tr ncli gtlll~ 'd pllce :. to T ree 'ntly I) with bill . ' '''. . on alii lmr pntA Mr : IIn(1 \D . J t Ull~Y be necessa ry to .tll). l)oint . "mes Tbere are a nQmbe r of Wl\ynell. neighbo rs' to oUend tho lecture, ihor)' tle~ Tlle hrlnge )'s' to lire Jucuted near by. 1"" II· Office rI U • Mr~. . W. W , ·Arnold . ~. . n. rocoive r 1.0 Inke orders O\' er the oorner , . ville people In CalIfor nia, partlnu . lustraw d by . movln$ plotnre /~ m ~ IIn.t!. s ' Ilt tub p)lice Juno 1. A severe elootrioal storm, aooom'. W. to 'Morrill oorner. larly aboue Los Angflles. but all ijohooll :iall Frl<1ay lillY 4th. %m . Weg~ve below tlto Ilmende d route9 N. to Burfllce" corner. panied witll l\eavy ,rLli~ and hail. ' ~m SNjm to b8l1nt of the danger zone. Lytle. I:!atnrduy ' Wtls ' tho date of the from Waynel lville lit! t,lley ' omowh nt Qtl t h 8Ilme pln.n that passed ov:or this section lo"t will be E . to N . E . to oorpor .. te limit-s, 2X m Friday _ _ __.~:--Boxwel l exftmin lltion at Lebano n dter June 1, If the prese nt " the wilJd blowoth whew it \l1I~eth" ovening , doi,ng 80me damage . piau!! go N. ·E , to the P ostolfi'oe, . Mil ~ ll) Mu.r1on UI8,rk WitS tr un sllotiug st) . cit) s tb \i~htning 111 Ilnknow n foon heehkn . T.he Class of 1906.. and 19, childre n from t,)le dI8tr.i ct, Into effect. hnd a vllilua.b)e yonng bu"in(\~! 1 in tho Gem City Welillesa~y nnd Ilnforse eu IJlac~ , 'I'herQ is no .. 1 f W ure only Ii few slight cbung hoI' e killed by t,he lIghtpiD g, In • 80..00 tI 0 , arren County too k ~he I'!I There " Lengtb of rotite, 22~D1 Mr~. "orn .lollllS "'I'S "hOI'}l'ng in luw known to p1iYSIOR tllltt gOVtlru~ route two a.nd three, 'I'be jeroat' OCClllllnn nf the IIObool "xR, ' but t he Numbe r of b ouses'. m lnlltlon and it 8uccestiful will nthon s lnll.l) btl' rn near to 0 a '" ' WII, ~"'ere he .Dd n, er n three , routes /Ire gi ven in fuil . YMr, tn ffto& t.he . grei.t.ellt oCcasion be Imtitled to euteran y Blgh,80 10 "Dn.yton Friday. .. the flulI HnCO of the electrlo s.IJllrk· II me Q~herl! had'tak en - refqge hool " Popula tion served, from ' -191 (to Noh QIIUJI ftt 18II8t) in the IIcbool in the 8tate, tuition Dr . J. W . Wnru WIIS In Duyton fro Ul the 10ilds to tbo eurth free. ' Tbe next e~(Jept the atorm. Mr. .. Oharley Weller 's , ROOTIC NO.1: . RO UTE No.5. 'lif (JornmeDOfIm~nt.; , wl,th t·be DUm eXllminlltlon will Saturda I\Uendl ng t o SOllie n CQll&llTy busi , t~mt it IR tile outcom e of oon<lltlOllS. barn 'WIlR'_Qck and y, ~IlY 12. Beginni ng ut t·be P09totll~, the .. oon8id,er.1Jly, ' Begin ning at the Postoffi ce, the nells Op Fridily . arnn'" events IDoideQtR,1 tl) It, 18, rap· . ' 'I he . tlrllt relLlly violent eleotrlonl dilUlllged. Mr. Weller ' .If Ullrrier will go Thence : 'll'BtI ID the Onrrier wlll 'go ,Thence : tillY approao hing , " ThA oounty . comml8tl~onerl' IIr~ .N , E tQ cllrporl lte Iltuitl' ~orm of thl! s n80U occurre d la8t barn ' at the time arid % m N.. E. lind N , ViI. to corpora te wBtl" 8eie~ly All ()ver the lilnll "the sweet girl ' plannlD g. to.' relJIIl.o et e Mt . Letit.ln :Kenric k /lnd :~'1rs, Fridny afterno on Iln~ evening )lre!len N E to (;bull. Oornell '!lllOrne r a m , ne . shooked . :A stone honae on Qhal . liU;its ~m Nettlo &0'" Ep erlClt d I were th in bo prlngbo d ro compan ied by c(Jnside ra.ble IlIli,1. d brldge acrOllll the 18111 mce on Uor W. to N. B.lrt>lllok·s farm ,~UAf Sheeha n's ftlI'm WRli\ atrnok and haD : ~ 10 .. ,e y gra N'. to B. 81:des ,c orne'r , a'venne' with I\',new and atr lng. . " L~ .FridIlY · .ou,o W am, IOlnenOW we 'd 0 DOut' winMrnq 1(. 0) ~B_ ""u A ' . te n ijj; 'l:OOi'if.r m'tte"'1 III c lind ret,race, fI ... .&Jlry B.I'ow",IIufely oconple s ~he oml> ourloU8 Ughtnin ".. N . . W . ·illld"W.~fo Litle Pllst g- frellka. werll ....·1In!ar quite lla ,Qluoh, ani tjlling Arlit: : built a1: It 18CO~:: , 'I5r.)', I' w I first rank in the body of ditoller s . plllyed, ght 0;~~1 wb N Jll. to Mt, Bolly, t~rlng a Ieee fro Yom the ollice, 2y'm and l ememb er ec\ by her L~tle Be hall w eIl ditchin place i~ 'he publte Inter~t , more Rtl8fao tory than the old sty 1 W, to Frltnk ' mlth's oorner g f~r F. M. Olark Mhoe o,the .I.lldy "wbo oooupl~ the 1 m W., N . n.nd W. to Dayton . Pike II 2J{tn fl h 'nrieollndrBvl.lillsn. ~oTrl~llrCSodrnDye.lI, WIlS see n lind io 'a fruotlon over sovlln . floor8. '8 ~ a t W IlYQellVI e we . Ive ,!' .wOOdeD , ti . W. t.o ThOR Uoss's fltrUl dll-YM baa bOUSA, and 8ettlu.g the darpet OD fire .~ ..' I::l. to -irraduatlDg QIB88 of . d\"a boys . aDd , Spurg eon's fa rm, .. " /1./ .m lJ U~ 1'0 .... ,. - 0 f dltoh,Jas 1 Idall Iu.yl. . . d Ilg .' tffid eo d esoa n,nel r e.trllCf',. . - pod lin. I X ",! N , to O. J . Bur'net t's farm, % m f01lr,l(irJa, the mllmbll r. of' the 01_ IBlIno Longa.cre was lit home I:lun · lind tl tnyiD g tile tile. 'rhis, Mr. , Bowar d Biaokb urn of ~Itoona W. and N . W. to Mieldle Run at 1 , hnrt. nnd 800n extingu ished the 1 S . to J. B~des corner, % m ·day. are lIiuN Stella 'LPmmon, Olive f8nn.ylv(l.~iR, arr.i ved at ge has been wo.rk,ing in tl~Q p' r r od,' hrOllgh t BalTY the nont '. Tbe Wayne~ Uhu r 9h , BC)a~~ 'IlPPOI~ted bytb" .Libra~ ;Xm yr. to Five Polnt'·SChoolbollse. 1X m Gem OIt,y for s?ll1e Paftllilin, ~· B.ID(!II. Winifre d Mer. ,v ille lIonday !lnd after a 'few time, lind hIS 1!111l1 of 11426. 10" or , ",uout 1113 75' p~r ry '!nn to dl\Y!I N . t,o B 11 brook Bridge, IIrranj(e for a ~nre .l fII N ortbeas terly, ' , l % m )Jresencc On C6 lI~uin 1l)ll kes it II PP,ell.r dllY. Al tltou~h ' tIl eclit.~, MIltiRI'Il RUIIIItIll Parlett e,8a.r . 'I tay w\l1 aoooll'J>K!lY his Ilunt Mrs : QirOulD dtanceH C(1'll l:le, ' rne~' last Eridny .evenin g at S , W 'IIml W. t o Hurl", 'II bl . to.Cro!l by's corner, r '" 80-"11, ' % . m Warren mor.e, .,.. natural .. w.rd . .. , Dav, Davill FU1'nas 't o Fi8hert own ' P "nn: ' or..~.. \vel'e it; hill fllvClr tl,lII t oertnlnl;y: w~ tb" hom . of ~be' Llbrarl GAl.. '. !l% m Sl)ntb to F. P. Benh'a.1D '8 fn rm an\ Mit1t/ .. N cnrll 11: ~r James Lew,' s hn~ ~tlcently 'm ovod go'od wO,rk . f l .. I'UrD• .-""d Ray Sawke 11' ay!vlni •• where tllie wm 'make her . . t... IItptt· .. flrlll. /~ lll and retrllC13 Fannie , ~ilson, i\lld oontr/lo Tlte Cmnme noemB'l It, exerolRel! bome wit,h two of her neioel:' l~m into his newly purehn od proport y The fntnro present.s with 8uoh ~ vast ~r. 1IIlrris'o n, J;e(>resent&tlveted l;! ' rd · WntkiD · ... CU l'Il tlf, l U m re. to Montgo m ery County of, the cnst of Lvtle, which Mr , L vi LoOY', field of }lO!lSilll1itlfls tbllt wUl be b~ld Friday evening M~y, 18. The ba,m pi B~mnel 'Fpx ~n , no . mlln Redpat h , L-yoenm "Bureao , for 'Ii , right.' El,,,t, ', X III line' rolld , 2l{m tbe former owner, h,lS va<\llotell . Mr . darRS ventnro too fllt,ColDmeDcement .. day 11,nd8\ de or pikA going from ~pring into its 1'eOel\889 Q(lu rse of foar 'Ieoture s and eo,ter. S. 10 Kl'ever Il l) Irllur O{ m Ii. and M W. to W. CorneU'M hils ~l_ '011 Thoma y, but , ttl : t\ie boro to Frllnkl in WIl8 bnrned 1-'/1oy bns s'e t!led himself In ~be hOIl~I~ kno\~lng. 'il,S 'he doeS thllt 1:U\t E. 1,(, MurruY '1:\ ourlU,r l but fe 't'lllnme~tlj.. ' -wllich promise gr,~~ 17/ : farm, . 1%1ll ,owned by MI8S Candace Ball'd. Alnmn i ,A.ooI. lioD hill poetpon ed Sunday evening Mi- F~x thl n~1l tbn.t It , bimtllinEj oun ije fore' Ilottml).tIv8l1ess. The t'oilowii)g boqQ . 8 bad Just N. 10 J E,'ant\ fllrlll, /8 N . ~. t~ .Ferrl', ' ' ". e.eroiae ll.nnltl tt,e Home C(1mi~!!, flnlahfld hla evcni!1(r feedh; l %m Mr. unll Mrs: S. L . Wi,lHlI.mAOll 'toJd wli,lll.DY oet:~ain~.r. , \let. sut: ly jllll1i!t e: S "lId ~ , 1..:. 10 • 'l'IJlJI'lltot' ve . 1'~en~ly beon pl~c8d .in ' the e H. E to oorpora t6,Umit t, 'a .m nn(l daughte l' Reya went to,DGylon I t Iii pernilss lble to judJ!,8 1&' w.~ diH1lded to la"ve it' ,t he !till" tnrned to ttie : house . 'nnd t h e fut~re Librllry : "Tbtl ' Mlln ot. tbe Bbur,'" 'while·· li ,m IL". 2%D1 R, E an~ til ·W. to Postotli oe, ,Xm ~unduy mornin g to , . d,~lof the week" ' ,'.' tflke pa!;t in the b.y tha oon~it1oD Of the prosent,. by Ootll '. . ~I'mll)g h18~ hanM .'R mOIll'be r - of Vtl T~lInet; "'llbe FUgitiv e , . lebrlltioll of Mr. Bnd ~r9. '. Tbe bi&ooalliureate I1eJlmori to the the 'limn, loo.ked frnm the rbert Well, ,t,bell. jodll:in~ thl) great BI/lOKllmltb,' 8tewltl window ' '; "TIi~"liIiiJ[':'" R'l~ F Length of route, 01"" ~I\l be prellehl !d b, Rev . Floyd Ilnd difloove red tl)e dameR bur!\t,jn 21y' m U lm 's weddlrw: IInniver 8liry. A . n,llloun t of (Jeach bLoom tbe oroul'rt1s il1j{ f tl BI-atUllmlln," Joel ~ O. Hllrrltl ; Numbe r 9fhous es, 1 Hi PO!' 0' tbe Ollmbe rland ' Preeby.te. tbrouifh the ruof. very pJea~1l11t Sunday WII.S t hen of .J. M_. SliIl.oy ulld Will.: H, 'IIrruony' "Uncle &i:uus "sam\l anthor i "The . Populn tion ' 8erv,ed, 1i31 passed ,.,.s..' Churoh of Le~Dnn, ennda:v , ev nWIlY, the {!artiolpflnttl reo will 8urely hellr tbei r bllun~r ' orop Mnkln At a mootin g of the Expcut lve of no ~merlcan." .Jogob A. OF THE turning on the evening ~ruIQ . , ~,DlDl " ..y 18tb. this yenr . B.llt "'l'he.i e's ·' m,lulY , Rels:' Tbe Divln.e Fire,'" Comm'i ttee of the Busfno811 ~en '!l t , 'May ~hi , MIDD ILE RUN. . . 'l'b , mump~ are . ~omew,l.!a.t . ll~~ n. ~lIp betwjlen the cup lind t ile li(>,." cllli.r ~ Sherb. • ' '. .' • , LeIi'gUe.' Wednlll..ld~Y ~~eril, rio Q I!' ilr~'l1lg l irn~ ' 1 SerIes, ..1 AmllDd a' ~ . 'r ·:'t·l I ted 0 r I " B'" ' k · ;. , " .• eleph one ' ne- ,.' , . ~Iu e ar ' ."" :D~~n,ta:w(l~e 'lomp e. or : 'lrl?g In~ Iol.' . A 'c ertain gentietilUn Is U' groat')o v Ooo·gltl.tis ;' -''Tti~ lIT't800 mg" 8)}urk . 'of. 'fire, . .Iny smould " 'ering . Poet ,'. ' . a t'tlle . ' -Ureak'. . froUl the cblc~el(l VOi' . IS rccover : , ' , , l~ ~ , ' , ' , M 'a n Injure d.' ~o WaYJ!esvll~e ~J1~ . " qUIte .u t lillO nnd ' ., ~ '.: ?, y , b~r"'tlD!; ,FIr of Delgbbo rho~u .news: ! Fo! fea~ tll-llt 'fn.ble. '0 . leo,t~re, f frQ.n\ . . , ... ' "" . W. Bolmes ' "·'oow. ,. ~r. Daniel, Co,x; of Lytl~, spent out ,w ith re~~we d s~ddenJ '\ ... , ~. . , .' Vlgor. ·, An e,t;ltlr.e,' jbn.t,Rorne would I~, ~oUlem'ylitorlou8 el'I '1I . the N.tlon ..1 O"eh Reglst~t: U;o' { of At W,l,y ne8villtl, in the Com'plet.e P~tiOI\I , WOrk&'/ j" State 1y' new set hAve thelD now 111,1100g lUunne r escape hllll '~o hal' Dait~zi, ~'ho ',wlll tell us. holl'f tc:' (: OhiO, Ilt the clooa of :Uusinoss of l:)unday ~ith 'MI~ Jacob ·Soot.t. r eoently "The', Jrl.n~hi,p .o f Sl)lf ,Oontro},1' v : : '. .. f . whom i!rWnrr . e ~ ffu~t, After betb/!; luid!l, t:oleph qne box ,ins~nlle d in bls Jor:dlln ; "1'\11' bellutlf y QUI' .p~,?perty .n~ ,o ~t: ,town ou the lGt~' dny, of Allrh 1901}. ; Yonng Man "Il.nd ,the . MI~,8 Ruth !Iclaltwe I s pent lus~ Invu)ne mble, us It wero,.fo r s·o lonli\' house. It- is' rumore d thu-t he WIlS wa-rld,'" Benat(,r The , .entert-a inrilent ~i11 , be . glvliln' .'" RE~COUROES . '. ·~veridfi(e.'· . '!'bursdllY nlgbt with , ,?41~ N orn. he Itt jast I~' their viotim. . rllOry Win 'be ..aen in~ by tbe/Co. , ~a.y >t', Tc) ~ver t,beco~t Tlie worst somewh at doubtfu l ' w,h et,h r he R n:(1mln.~i Loanli ,on r l'eslUU}: .. , . 6 ' lc .' 1 1'i 00 &ott, " , . feutnr e iOj . the opn8eq uent int~rfer . oould ' IIlforti . IIlloh 'I\. aftem\l 9h; ~~~ry &ntb, .admhl~~on fee , of ',Ii v~ centll , will be conveul enoe, All OLber )oans una .dIMCOU"lK . } 1.~ fJ7'~ 0' · Tbe,.jadIOll oookln~ . rolub Will ' ': Bchool 'work. Ol(e~raf.... . ' whe'n ~he happy thollgh t ClIme to Nt' .m~loyett. ot 'bl!'~mpaDY, wblle 0h a~ ed"1. . \ . ,,' 8W 4P llIeet Bt MIBHIQn:aIlS Berryq lll's. Sut, enuo,, wi th hi!' " ,. , .' ' t,)th r 8W<:l<ij. bona•. and , ~lort gBII~8, . , .' . , .6,U9,0 ,uu nrd·&y. ,:; at ,rork~: Q.IOIldIIl" 'Palee·. ,' '.. Dr. A . T .: Wright .' . Tbe, StlrVloe s . at t he M, K church ~Im that he ,co .ul. d' " ou~ .' " !lu,d ' bill Nni.f1y I)ue rruln olbH b:inka lIud hUlIker., ZJ.275 ,2 , .. . ~ f .'..r . l'ourtJi . 8triltl~ ill. Way. ~rl1 now oo.ollPylng the. ,old . on IIlBt 81luday tt.fterno on were uo· 1D~ t\Jbuooo nUll thus snoU~. cl\l1w, ' .E vans .Furnllure and ii:xture. ve enough , . ~di;s :17.' . MiKS ~n.r~'ai1 :_of Dayton is spend· cler tue directiO l'8B'IIl)e. ,' " atruck ~y a pole 4Dd, h()m,est. n of R-ov: ()we'n Sei. or p"rt.ll;ilY·E!Dough Il~ I.eal\t· to P(lY "'hi~ toh.? !, recentl y .pur. Current eX\lCnI«!R, . " " lng .1l fe-iov~Y"· t he ~uest of MrR .. 'lel's _• ..eJ7- liIJure4 aboutth e·hl!ad Ilud ob"sed: ll!d Trinity churoll , Diiyto~. He t4e,. lUJnu~1 rentn ge. ' Tha.t. Ullly ·Dr. Wrigh t has overbiu~led Q~.h Iw:m/. b~ Mr~ , G~,?r~~ .~r!\.tt ~181ted Wlt~b .J~)\"e ~I~d. : . ... delivere d a deep. ' ye~ thorollg hly. all ' right" : but It, wo1llld 81" i.D),ri~1 whUe :8e~.,re :' IIoDel ~emodeled' the, . propert y, ~n.d .~~~~:~~; not be the relative!! II? XeDla , " .' few :' daiYs ~r ~~, ~~~ ~.~ 'Fr.o ~ ~~b~ tall[ wit~ t~.~ Home Tel, interest l,n g serfuoo to quitO a turge, be~t for ,.; . . . ._ lUtopa ~d '~resilm~' not l-yet. thro,u gh ·. with every ·tb'e wor~ ..~D one to Ildop.t hIs 1)}111I' In'!\t wee~ .where her h~b.",~d jol,Ded . . , ' . ' . ' 1, 2U1 00 ep~~ne Go~p1lD3r in ~'.8h.ort time w~ ~ ". k .. , . .. . oongreg at.I()D. Re., Sellers Is .tt. or .tho tObllOCO industrY "'. , .. ' '.. ' ,; it ' ,The Dr. i8 &180 halVIng .~uIU 'an Natlon;'1 bnnk not , .,lJ.Ilght lie her on Friday and tliey returne d 2,;100 00 oC\'ri S!I;y, He.lo, to . o~r .nelgbb or~ . nll.ti ve of this seotion , find mllDY of injured I ,Tale ....'uIed·.Voung mlUl'e faUleI:, omoe.. b~ndh~g ,.elli.'rate'·· from his Unlt.ed tatO!l nO~eR. " Sl1.turd,IlY ' , ; , UOd I 00 f3e~vICet l, at ,. t ,le Ilaptillt c~\lroh our oiti~ens dis'tl~ctly r elDemb er ' 1dIIed wbUe at 'work On tbe reelden oe Iond fron"~g on ~In " ' , . ' . . " " Mr. ku!lMr :1" s, llldw.rd . 82 .UQO I~ Bat~r~y 2 p, QL, I::!und"y 10.30 II ., m, COok ~nd · .L •• , . . " the t ime when Ite lived Ilbollt here. L A Zlm ' Is 'I he M ? Em Inhab.l f ed ,. OTAI" lIIli!llbOIDe llDes tD 'he ~u'born plirt II i re et:-. Mr.;, and .Mrs dtlugh'tel1 Glena Were t1ie' ~\t~t8' of , '. oonduo ted bv Elder WllIlamR . , " ' . ' : ... . . I ' , LIABIL ITiIDs, ' ~olenoe hilS pro\;en thllt the \I100n the former s 81ster ':Mr8 Litt.le Bober Thoma s '. wno fell . ' a OOD~!I ~f YM,I aad. merma b have ~Ov,ed, from It III Qarl !:Jarvie"" 11 cowmo n ~[ly ng ~ruong , pep· flat 11liS Oapltal liD lIiTJI " l ook ~:J!iph paid ere. In, wl,liol;t Dlllkes 1r..OOO UO " ". ,.:, , . . " .. '. ' ," " ,.. ' ..' pie over t hi8 conutry ,that ·" Hhoe. lifo in /:,01116 ' fonll Ilol'l:'iblQ I N I~ -the Nationa l, ~~k , bu~ld~ng, !,o SlIrplus hinil, .)'". , on , tllll t nnd lIu81111nd of W/l.yn~svi1le' III\'It ~Oil 00 IIncl :ht~ke hl8 arm s?t:Detlme 'ngo Is' mll-kor's ohildr~ n ).l l~nJly go • I.rnl~ Ceme tery Lot ;· the ~eeidence th~1, p,nrehailed fr!lm ·Un.llvIU(lI\ \lroll~. less expcU8es bare. ~t1t(lllite ; but.not for humnn beings, t:!un,d~y , ' .. ' "'. ' ... ~ .nnd g~ttlng along nl(lely, y.e t it onuses f t L Somawh~t Illong that ; . • '-', ' , Dr, Wrlg~t 'i theY'bav~ ,8dded to the.. ' line who bave: Il, hnrt'l enougb time un Mr",. Fr~lIk Bal'~oo tIIlCO I,ald. uor U2 hIm 1I0me snfJerln :Ow:n k ', Wlll! . the ' g, ers .,Nptle e. v.lue 00 et or the propert y by the IDl!taJ. IndlvlUtlal dcpo~IlJ<. , . to ' this etirth' . of OIlI'S; e/$pecltl. lly 110,0112. ,,0 tll08e The Box Boolai. held .at ·the Sugar 8 the, tHe bUSI,n&ssk' lln thIS !It ', d' r u f f •I ' sect nei wlto don't kuo\v t h!tt 'Electri o Bit,. ~ue t 'O'f I11e: b~o tb _ __ G ' " ....._ ' h ' 1 F let , . "lit t ' . . te' ' I ht k··~ r. au ,U-IU 1. ell When the ·old' tlle I n WILt! opertlte f,ers latloti of ' a fumaoe ,'and other tm· oure B \lndllohe ~ .... lotow,,8 l'II 0 . Bilsloun es9 ')1n.. ~".\IOO 1" t,rtovededso 00 -:1 ' aYtonthg W "8 Wi by Hou"'h and Sweeue ny on ' ~ wee . ' ' , . oe~e ry ,.. . t" ' . 'o -tueate 4 CO .. amnotlOe 'l'o·rAt,. , y, ' ~nd h~ter liulLl, eMHs' and Fever, Ja~lII'dlo \'!1 n. . " ,a ·en t.h.~ , ~rovementll. aooo.-.. Ilg , e 8t orm n ., tleveral of om: ·n~i ..,hbOrb hOd hAve ' ";''''"''',~;;.',. . .. ' I ' F . Dy "e''''11I. .-d . DI'''zlrle ., . ss -Torpl -" ' d , r'lve'r bv • ' and ~ . . . ' under the dueot on of . M. If> l' I, J . ·N. Lem·Dlon, C~bler of "The tb~ evening . ' Eleven dollll.r!! , ;:iii.'..... , ~."":,,m~Dg 0' 10,' on . u , been. on 'the Siok lIat the PIlst .' ~'. SUlCDi Y,' .ExouitiIIOR 'TO OOJJlJIIIDU8 being w~k "' " ~ 181)" of olloen will &ake mttde town.rds ~e puroba se of nn .H am lit, on !tb e ~ nn.i n part ~f tbe out: K,idney compla int's, ~eneral ' pebili M Ad ' o~" '1 ~' ~ I d Oi.ti7.A!n t! .&nk. . ty anU . Femule w.eukDesses . Une do Holemn -, • . OIl." re.. 0. /I; }J;1 an,. .. n, ,tir ~.n ,: put wns 10llUed aboard the carll nnd. qu"lled via ' PeDnl!y lv.nta ' Linee, '1.~5 that ,t,he IIpOve ,1I141t.em!lnt Isly IIwear " ' as a genernl Tonlo ~nd Ap, ~ INt Mrs, true Ml\ud" to uoud., I !lrgan. :pttk;ln . tn June. , , Wtlr8 ' , ahqppt.l . 9 roon . d ',... lil' . shipped to 80me ottier point, But patlzor for w8tlk ()erBODS , ... ., '. t f my k ... p f rem W.YD~v . , """ille' April' th and es)JOO in Xetllt~ ~iurd.ll", BD~ · rlined wllb ,Tonllth.'lln 8mlth . ~ ..... >", !I 0 now led ~e uu d be . , Mr-. a'aklOl" bl ~be ~ft8,l'DOO.D,." at t~e' ·211. . spec . ,; II Y f'or .•·b e ad It 'l d .' Mr8. oompar atively few were ' lal~ralnl8ILv8t!I. 9:13. ~m. . d used ' ImmEllIet ' ~"'.J"iJI." 1 18 ~ J . '" LEMMO Ilg. , , 'If N Ul&8liier II uoel< lIoun,. Chllrlea~1e.Mr~I.-;l'lm \ a;mlthJ Mrs. J lllllil 'Oht\mbr.08 ~q'l ,(tlniHv 'li. 1 . d h • ~'. , .. 'BI th 0'1 Hleep, Fu\Jy guot<auteeel bv- F. . Mrs. • - • • KTATIC QII' .OtIlO I t I CoUNTY Ol!' W AItHJC'lII illlmll8 S mlth a~l1'; d.1lIhter Pearl, dlate y II.roun _ " " , ••• 'c"'I:.Oo mp!!ll'a tl"el,. ere. . Doe ~ e . 1 e D I . P , ' I 500 h till ' .. f Race. II l . " ' dehwllr tl\ .mgl( st. rice (lO Y . " I Mre Jaoob &ott BOD.lara el and dau. faotory lUI '" en nt0dlsuse, "'!IllDb.. ,,, theloto wDera have ' Notic e of Appo intme , , ' ' eovery nt. a;worn ' to tlnd I!.ub!40rlhed before ;ht ' NI ;N RU.m or lIays we are to b~. .'. Dew ,~ II .' , UlUrOrd MIl ,. 11 spring sever"l oar loads ·of tile are . , m'il tht.. U:ltll .r~~ f>f April, 1906 MONEY WAL"J ,' rr ~r na., 1'8. brtclge tn a Bhort , . xwe . :t~ltII~ilU~!8d~o.tcl~DI,cl=:: : ~Ie or Davl~ !")ira..: 4_",e4 shipper l to this pillce from 8uoh . . '1 E K«vs ' NOTA.RY PUBLIO and dau8 hter, ~11 Itra. John But. point.;> Btl Qreenv111e etc. , . .. 'l'lIe ~Q4.nlined b" "eo appolnr.ed The farm We hBve frem ~, .1000. to· ttroo,OQO In i ted I ....1_ _108 lIbla 7..r &0411I\ al'* u 'IIISIlcUlorof tbe .111 01 Oa\1a llook Itllrte4 o.ut, ~ru.8I4&7 afterDo on . n l ' ke ed to th 'lOaD aD Real EatA.t& and Lire JUliu ~nlr ~S' noorpll ra . ' une and all haPJNm ed etopat the lame ere have su , i ~1bl1~1Cl &111111 Jl'urlJu, la.. Of Wantl! 1:0110\, 0,,10, de- 22,Thl. y .a~ D . e r&oce Poltot 11103. . . · .~· under the 10wMt ,race 1l0~ qf Free ISa:DklDg, .1 , oe __ .0 6"'e -a'''-no oD 'use of tile IS 'OOD8ta~ly ~iDg at lDire,..,.t. ample up. Dated Ult. NIl day of April A. D: 180'. pill... ... ' " .• .... 1815\. "nel oomlDBDoed boa D881 .u Iy 'wltb tel _ 6 . . . . . • .... b _ •••• lira. , .. - 6'" Bml.b 00 d 80 rap, & ...... v • e . '[~~:=:J.~"'~=: ....g Tall IDA-V.' .,.u,d .....X\.~ BImII'Va !rAli BncIlIOJ ', " '8 11103 r~ ACianI'" &II faotorte e are . . . .17 .ble ~ CIftDOIIl ' J.. N. Lmu.~ •. Outhl8l'. .. daUlb~.. "b aJlCl W~~1l' Ita • .11 tbe 0Ide1'8 wltbo,, * IODIe «1....,.. j71l ' QDOID__", ()hto. 111tr ,, \,
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Im~tpilt. In Demand. A '''ll nt but dlaul <,: strl\ggl/1 Is nilW --n't TII.-~le "an )n between t~o graM I!conoqll c torc""..... .... a TIr--' "'" or II. Hungrv, Al " with an Unpahitnble Subject...,. In tbl~ country. says ' Urou",hton Utnn· Nevel' Bru.aquely ContJ-ndlct Even d ~lIrg In th Te hnical '\Yorld. lind ' . l'hou"'h He lie in the Wron~-Defth~ bOD,Il , of ~ontcnttoD Is tb E l l r o · " 0 '~Il IIlUl\'granl. It tJI\(t'e ))00111 to .~nce la an Ad?rnment - Tbe work . ell,e thou8an~ or gro!l t mills In Rare Art 01 Llvi~g Oomfo.,-tably tile l'nllIlS\,rlf\l , .Sl'll'tlO~\\ ot ·th nortb with Otbers-llbn ' Should Be Fe(I, .lid aJll: ' and labor tllaL I (\het~p r Starched a nd MeDded UnobtTU' . I ' ,l vely. l~, III au It /I maud ~ , to be powerflll Y _ _ .. '.'ct";d .· , The ' va·' llnd vclop d at.. ~ ~ ~, BY M,\flOAJ{1t1' B S.\ KG TEfl. a • ot' th;' .Autl. UD· I IV 8t CIlDOu ,' AUt Ir' 1 re··ftb ~ y \4 • ,. \ I!S Of. tiC , IID eMI II e Dot, be m...d,1l 1 'to btlCQ Uls prOIlIH!t\Ve ,,'hen 110 dnrei LO spenk on so d o Hclll O wltbou't pOl)ltlallon. $0 UiAt from th,' · a ~nbJe I a~ the nlnnngem cn t or IIlJ ~' va1nCuard of 1h na tJon builders I'Omes bandl!, YOf ever" ,,,Ifo Is Willi ,.1 Ilru th. ' unceasIng t;rY of " People. II 0\11~. tb!)t ~ht!r Ire perrectly I gltt nult (I ud 'm ore peoplel" A r.o\l1'(llld I hume- () c dJn -Iy lI11bUe ways or OIltollge. • m n~ which ahc doi's not explott 10 .' 'dlat ly ".lntllrostecl In tb,1! trll ll 8110rta' public, yet wb1eh Rbe l,ra .tlces wit b. ,tlOI\:: of ~»Ie .. and thel1 b.!!longln~ wore or less ' suCl:ilAA hI her horne. nnd , " trom' ~steto . nt~rs of popula· her <lally routine. Thn s tronger lItlX tlon ~hlCI_ U'(l·:.h'e '. polnlll or .lngrcliS take. klUdlr 10 good tl\ lfuagemllll(. or EuroPeaD j~mlgr 'nts 'to thQ dls - 'Motbers loa rn this wbll e their buvs t~ 1 t. wbe~e tIley are /tol n!:' to lnak. are ID klll$. a no.! If tb yare Wise a ~d , lIabltat'l'OD /. but It 18 mOfe prorounll· dl~creet lliey d(' 1I0t force Is ues an t! Iy tutertl*ted In , pormanently esta b· precipitate quarrels with )11110 meD ot Ilihlq &- thrifty ' stock III 'the ferUle th~ and rour yelirs old. Th I,IOY Is ~~Ionll whicb Ii 't ops; InllSmlJch ; 118 fHb er to th e .mon. In most cn~es JU. elver" 61~;" or' ;'roOTes8 the '-soW r ll dl clous band ling proves mu'ch more ~......, •• o· timclenl with IIOlh boys Ilild mea thuu '1IIue rll.lllea t1!e-' val~ ot the railroad "cllement urgln", dlsa"re"uble ' om.. l·e-a"III" 1-busln Tbo trllD~ . . . . . . .... b• - I Q _ . ' " ~-. ' pll1lnt allej atre:lUous opposlilon, . OOslUne1lW haiu III 'lI u n,tolently profltIt III part of tbe nature of busbllnd ~ ,'.ble only ' to ena1ile tlte rallronds ,to to presen\ botb sides of any question bold ·.thefr Clwn In the ' epa ely popu· .nbOlltted to them r• • settlement, and , , .. .. ' I hated strip lying betweeD the ....lss 's· lUI' a rule they prose/lt Drsl the s ldp In''' ~.n .... and tbe, PaclDc col\sl. To that 18 coD,t rary to tbe wlsbes of Lh Ir ..... - " ' 7 bJ"Oa4en an"le .. linea of track- Into BUCb. Wives. 'Tbey do . not mean In tlle end .~t .four-track, rolites all the New deny reasdnnble reqllests. but Ihey "--t-I. fo ..! Instan~ft. It Is nel'- must have, thelr'1;1tt1ll-:n r81,lmel11. JUSl olll VWJ • after New Year a 8k~1 uppilllred In ,I elsar.y tli!'J. the railroads .rnverse as JlOnO"'u. and nto-perOUS II country as 'lIew8paper illustrative of thla 1\lmost ... ""l' '" ,. UDlvElTlIIlI ' masculine tendency: ~ w York atate. Ev~ry railroad man , "Bills -to tbe rlgb t f him, ~no"'l thll, but the' Pllbllc Itber tor· Bills to the II'U of him. pta It '.or hili never thoUgbt of It. Bills In the front Of him, " 'pat Is ' why t;he ru!lroads are the D d de.eply 'VonC)ered; , lead~ra , ln ,tbe lra.nd bil,tlle to wrench Frta;httul l~e cbarge Lb llY made, 't.he mmJgrl.nt out of Ibe hands of Senselell$ I'hl! price YOII .p a ld. the tWtern emploY~llg Rgencles, whl Ii Theil on the t,nble laId . Checl< for 81x h.undred ." ' pt -fcal l ~on 'hIm wb~1I lie lea~es !!lills hiland. and which have ' the tid. Of rourae be ' did , 'rh1l.~ Is tb sort 'of thing the · American', hlil!banll I by van~ge of rea~, Cash Inslead ot glow. wuy of doIng 80 long IL9 h& has a dol,Inc opportunity .to , offer him,. lar 11\ his pocket book or a n UccplI!lL to "G bls credit In Ull!ban\!, H get.~ ' t JiIl "By Their Frult.':;/ beavlest end' ot life In bard wo, rk . r' promlbeQt ru,bllllller 10' a ' great yeur In and year 'Ollt. With tow, 'bo) l, ' , clays, bl;'" nIixteiJes Ilnll sbort" IIlIm", r ' nIt}' deplored the" exlBtlng corr\l~tlon" r acatl911~. ' ..AI!! wife hll~ ri ll Ite CU ll In pUblic p11U)e,8. and ,N!splveil ' to place gh'e hAr, Ilno ne , ~rud"oK hO~1 no, .'lr.f. dl '" 0" " . '1 • ' 1I1mlle t be~or\! the peoph" all Ii can , .' ace. yel he mu!'t ., havo. hi ll bIt or r"III"• date (or pure and Untainted govern. fllidln g and hI ~ occasional fU RS and H.e aaplred (or the ofJle of rr t because bo III hUDlan tt,nd he I\ti5 mayor. »Is journal spreat! liver {be be Iii Ii IllDn IIn'l· becnll8 • ,being 11 tUllO. , eJty a. a bu~, white bls~kel ot h, IIk~ to ally no ti~lgIPall~; Bnd' .IQ bo perBII8,lon. which on S'lInda>,~ 'tfil\)' cbaxed " I~~o ' saying ylls. ,by the peOple le(l In ' tblc.'ule... The publlsher'S 11'0 IOV~8: ' .. '" Wlt.llO"l sayIng t h" .. •• , the sort ~ ... ~ .,UPwrtllra ·lIurgl!(l from ,houee to boulle. , I'Y g'OAS . , , or managem.8 nl; that suUII 000 · mhn &II,d'..endeavoreil til ' convince aft Indlt· " does not ',!lUll a~OlpEII: ' It cver ' ... terent pepple or ~helr opportunity at Ilved In , the Bluograas countr~ . aM the polla , Magnetic)' orators beld fortb . to' do ' wl~ borlles, you ilPow lb~t u.w ~!liulB In ,apJIOai Bnd.• swaycd riding or driving- hor~1llI are nOl to, be &rC4t a\~aUlilces Into re'erbe~.Mlng. ap- t.rellte,1l .1' : lhe'y wer!! , mtlCDhICS: AOn
Tbeworkers lut shotbad been rettred; conftdent Wit on tbe ' morro~ ballot'}MIXjlS .would 'bI! II11e4 , to ;tJurating with tbe ,"otll'd! aD aro)lBed anllincrtgnan ,JX!O. Jlle. .Re1u.otantlY; Olftbe night of ~lIe
~'. 'i:iiou8b JI&l!iotic lpUlt gen...... uti &I~ oVt Upon die world . . tMIJot ~ &lUliTerllarl.. to .aola"pI~ tile ~'I'''', ''_ or'natJ-"1 '
mended so unobtrualvilly. ~hll' tbelll! COOd thlnp would ~fleOl II) them '11& In Ille order of dally 11"l n~, Ill{e tb••'!';•• , Iblne and lhe a1r. '-'I"' I .... ' . . . . . . . -When ~. led J . . . . III belq II) loudly called few. • ar) marr obll It W.. la ttf:;;r':l!ll*1n"Ife:Ir1i:lltHt~..,..I2ItINHriehta-l;;th~e~~~~~~~abould ~rnlah tile • on to keep honlll!. and .::=:~~ 111 OIII ' ln"""d or beIIia , thlU thp bouse .liould be ke " b .1 ....,roe II would 110 the _ Ii.,.,. He Ibol11d DOt IIlId bolelPIli b~ ~ ripe In ble 110VA lI. . ' _oQIII DOt atw.,. be ClOmpeplId to ... . at a tailor" If' a bQttDIl 'I
·w.Itt Who
mallaJrflment tbnll wi I ber neJabbor whoBe hlllbRn I Buffet rom trlvllli Deglects, CONP'IB.lIIATION OJ!' If II IOUl: bill! preference~ a ~ to the STOBT OF FLOOD, I. 1114'. I'r~tl\rrlng 1101\rhad 1'!II1~ to frillu. HIHI 1lllll4'rdone 'ol'et 10 R rolls l\t\ It> rtlRS. l.hese. mUltors . bo\lld .&.ntedlJuvJII.n JIan Dtstroyed' by 1\1)1 I.o~ ~.·t, 10 u cC)9k, They ,Ire not Greftt Olaclal Chnn e5 _ St _ b"IINII h o w I..... 'u "1Ip-r\' I-\hll. g u I . Q. V • ,. p~ndota Forces at Wo 11: 'l'h~ wurd . mtcnllgemenl savo rs of I r 1Io nu'lhln " ~ Inl Icr. , I Wl8h to Pilar., : ill Nature. . " " It s 111<·o.nlnA ItS II toll h ~8 the redllro· In cunn 't, --. "nl Inter() ' t~ or hURllll nd nn,1 wI( It 6< 011 wltb lhe ntltOulllhlll;; ~ h, 1Iid h~~": r h. u,ell III II low, .. ~rdt(j revelaL~~~ s oollcernlng' [be ";IIlIJl t Or unkind end A IIU ' \lRIIII who had periOd I n(l\V IUlow thnl wiLbln n 11\' orl nrnrl ye'lT'l' In \lllnllnye~ ; i'(I tU1>arati'vely' r.!W tbo usand ycnl's. bll s.q willi Ihe wl rl,l ~r )lls vnUl 1l IQOk (!tI pl'olmbly ",llblD 10,000 yeurs. til I t! IItlor h'" 'nne iJny wllh ~ ~Illile il~ ~ b(! i llRl'e lIocn l'htingCI! ot IIwu I vel In Lho • DOI·thern hemisphere duo to forca l~rt Ill« ,'rJ(J l1I, url,1 t llrn lng 10 II " '''bl 'll b" I' UOW I'as d t 0 \let IIlId r , ..Ihon. h a ' kln~wnlllnn . ..-,,1<1 , S p Ik .\ durllng. \V"l el, "r" 0 t "f II flnd I lelll)\\' bow to mnllltgr her:' I ' ll U ~ v ,t1 v U lu'oPol'lI"" 10 Ihoso now IU operUtloD. pa l'~ G I'l"d 1111 II hl dy Mill olle 1"(1 II ,'dec! gentle I'I'lck \\ l'Illht In Lhe Derrolt ~ '~'e So mUMg1'1Il Ill. Ilu~l It W11 her /,II' "t \:e uerully huv'o thoso earlh Il;o\'en~ uts J; od 10rllll1 to hav Io;tven her h~ll rt , been pro\' d t<;l have taken pia '0 tl urIIIHI Iland to a mllll who lllllh1l'~tOQ\I I IIIl:' lUlU H luc,~ the glacial IJorlod Ihnt I hl ~ •• nnd Imew. how IQ IlrnNlrll tnau- lhey may (1I lrly be supposed to I'\ · ,Ig ,0l~1l.1 wllb t',,pdp-r noss, u rr~C I eel th Illiro ' area eonnellte~ wJth ... lfzllb!'1.h DrowJllng, ' pe ki ng of 1I0r Ihe ~arly Blttllcal hIstory • hl\~b~.nd . ~llId : " r know his . ,~.very Uurlllg tho g lacial Jlerl~d 6.000.000 Iholl ~ht , I live Ins ide h.l ~ b.ear ,. It cllblc miles (Ilf Ice were plied up o,'er ,Is IIIIn8, Inside a mil n s heart Bnd u. limited ares In the Dorthern he mlIlIIowlng his ever), I.hl:lUght thn t mllke~ sphere, Tho wel8ht of Ihl 0 Id parre I. beautiful and e"er ' 'n"urlng UUlOllut to the .stupeudolis' su~' o~ ~I~ ge nII managoment of a good OOO.Ooo,ooO,OOU,Ooo tons, Which Is equul (C~ll)' r'I'hl. 1900, b)' JO~Cll h 1~ Uo"'I" ' ) to lwlce that of the whole conunenl or North America and to neal'ly t.hat oC O ' TH Ibe whole of AshL Tbe anow to conELABORATE TRAY CL . 8~ltute tbls II:e came frOm water e vaporllled trom the oeel\n, all of wbleb A Cream·Colored Cloth Embroidered W08. 110 to speak, locked up on tho IcoIn Blue May Prove a Pleas· bOUDd coutlnents. Tb amount of ant Cb~ng'e. waler thus a bstracted from - the ocean IIlld locked lip on the laDd '111118 sufA <llllllly' tray 'cI9tb. made of Rqullre .. I u C ent to lower lUi whole level sbout hocked linen. and embrold red with 3 . roolor d cotton or Ilax thread. comes 111.1 feeL. Tb liS. not onlY wus this VIIst amonnt of pr essure udded to the '.otta~ , a n I tl cbange to lbQ8 made or or· I dlnary \\'hlt~ dllmask o·r llnElli . 'rh I nental IIrea. t' ut an equlIlswount was nImh '" ~ how !lere Is 011 lhat may lie IUlk!!11 I trom the bed of tbe ocean. '(' hUll t s ealiy to ecc that there would have malIc. \ 0 Oi. uny Iray, the Ilelllgn being I b 0 e 1\ very' marked readjuslmenL In land levels. ·The contin ents. ver)oad · ed with Ice, wOuld settle down. and even tho 'vlUlt .Aslatlo continent o n wh. cb lhe Itle ·dld not accuDlulate to uny greut w( lent would ' ot'lts 0'11111 weight si nk to 'a lower level becnuse of the remo val ' ot pressure froUl t b8 bed of the neeaD. As tb e Ico melted oIT ngl1ln : nnd ' roturned thl& ' vust 1l1ll0 UUt of water ug:lln to tt,e sea level, tbe orl,l;1l1al distributIon Of pril8' ' SlIrl! WIUI r Eltored. With such st upendous forces ODerut. Ing sl.ace, l11U. n '/lDlI) Into ,ihe wGrld. we do not .u eedl to prove dlreC(1), from NO. I.-TRA" C L.OT.H . sclellce thaL any uataS1rophe Hlle tpe u, <' I,nple, ',DUc 111111 cau be. " "u "'ap·t~A ' 1.O lIood overwboEllmcd lhe human rlll'e: It " ~ ~ .. nny HI'z,,: Is enough that we ha),e p)'Qull that lbO'.· physlcnl I!.o rces Il P cesSRI''' tQ. pro• Tb~ IIl1en u Sed here Is oream color; ~ 3 tb e IIn e~ I hal form th checks are duce such u, eli tastrophe wefe In t be bllll\, Th e f! Dlbrolc1er)' Is worked with fi eld a nd In operation dlll'ln'" " , riUltI'8 (\11 of til pr tty mercerl?ed cottons IIrly hlsto'ry, 'I'b sclenUflc taots tho ' are now to be obtnlned. 'I'he ho'w nut oll1ly tllaL there 18 nolhhlg (;-i'~ k 11t'r- . l>a~te rn '. 1 worked In .1 ,.,. Impos~lble In the' Ol)cUrrlln CE) <;It .l he tWll , atll ch Ii. clleli" o'n ' Oiling ,11 /lood, but t~lat It Is so fairly prob~able sqllaT~, Til dIamonds ' 'below are, I.n thal l(s 'reaHtir ean be, established ';Vllh it 'nlodefllle amount. ot \!vlden e, As ..~tllI "tUl,ther onfirwalory of the ,. ,ot th d, deluge • we may , B.lblJcal RCQ.9unt note that frilm every .ban<l thore cilOllis eyldence' th'lt. In connection ' with lbe lose tir the glacial per,lod. there was 1\ great delltr\IClion ·or species of land
Th. Dla.... VI.leled " . .dill' to Dr.
William" Pink Pilla After Oth.r Treatment Failed. Dr.Williams' Pink pm"cnre rhenm.. tl ~m becaUIII! they Inpply the neceuar, elowllnt.a to the vlUased blood IUId fill. alllo nntare to cast onS tbe imPQri&lee , allll etfoct a CD.N. 1Ir.. ./i.. Baker, of No. \19 Fltc'b street. Syracoso, N. Y., wIU farni b living .,Iden·co of the truth of this stntewollt_ .. Tbere has been rhen.i, wlltlsm In my family ever 8ince I can ~ lDcwbor, " fibo sayll. .. !)IIfgrandDiother \vIiS Il gront 8ul1e1'Or from , Dluscular rh\lultlst,lsllIl\ud tny 1II0thel; also ·had the disellJiu in 1\ mild tOTln,. Aoont a "ear ago 1 blll\ f\ ',b am (10111 !lnd r)l uwatlsm oUugh IUO ill Illy lett knoe. There ,vere I\hlll'P p"fus, couflned to the n eighbOrhood of t,ho knee nod they 8oot;l!od to go ', ' rif(ht into tho b ono. '.£hel1l\.l'nIlIUtfered witS int.euso Dud I' als\> hru1 dizzy spella. .. '1'110 d oc tors cn\1ce~ ttly trouble ndatio AWl Hei1\tio rh0I1111f\tlsm . Wk en 1 di"I~'t get bl,tl er ullder pli ir treatm')lIt Illy brotl\cr· 1I11ggested thot I Iry ))1', W11lilll1l H' Pilll, Pills. I boDght !.\lroe 1I0~<IlI; nncl, by tho time I blld tul' ·nll.1 '\I, tbo.pain ,alltl dizzluo~!ll!ad lII,tlo' Iy loft w e. I wnntCfl to ' nlOke suro or n cur 601 bought throo plore IX)J:es. bllt! didn·t take quito all of them as I flluml thnt I WI\8 ntirelr ourad. " n OfMO 1 t,ook lh\! pil18 tb,e pllln w.... 80 SIlVCfa Ihat III/Ill to cry I\t tiUl(lS'II1111 wholl I W,III cllred 1 WM 80 thankful 11.111\ grateful 1I1l11 I 11111 glnll to ro.\oorumell/l tlll'llI to' overy ouo wbo . 8utrQrll witb
Tiley tlpprollehed tn with defe.rence . to be tempcraDlen~ heredity, aDd to Lbo rolen o( ,the roa,.. ' J;'reclae(y the ~am" rules apPly to Illee, and sklliflll management' of bllllal. A tired 'anll bllDgr~ alan not the '· man to whom 'o ne 8boald 'tIlection tile pnbllaber , was cOlnpeUled,1 bring 1W un~ulalnble subject. If yOU to InlnoUllce Ills defeat, ' . To sympa- want to plead " tor the, lxiy wbo Is , frtends "'e Te'cc'-d candidate golpg wron~. , ' c ' " 1 ••1·lnl • ~. .... who Is llS mllcb hls. falh, "pre8$ed bl. ' regrets, He", sincerely er's tp! ):lIR mO\ber'8 !<On, wllit for 1\ 0... ~eplored.'lbe fact .ttlat the ,people bad tlng· moment.. If, you I1re assu red ~h(tt lIot ta~en. blm "and bls ' clrorts more thert) IIhobld be a cbango for the beJI wr10u I" ,~., "HoW' • )'OU pcr~ua.:le ter Jil household onOmy. do not is/!:· 'Ure ,.publ1c to be Berlon .... qu e~ Uol!~d leot ·'a .tlme 'wb'e n ,th markel til 3 lin Intlma~e friend, 8lrly. :when tor panlo. 01' thtl merchnnt lIeprl)ss'lld over Ibelie . many., years ljou ' hay~ been /loot.!. \lllCertalnthis. fO forCe the thing on hili , -In.,;' thll commUnity zw.ltb comic' 6UP' ~o~lce, Ma.r,~led · p~ple ghould remem;'lemenl81J• , " ber tba.t In double harne8~ 11 team , ... t ' . needs to be JlIlrtectly inllU:l\ed, Thore is a nnvel 1!y Anthr,my Hopo whlcb ' Iberll nre mbre DlIs'llt couples n one' ,often llees jffOuped · toge~he. One and aJl they mlsundersLand ench other and PlJU the wrong way. wllb the reSUlt of ,~ont \nua l, friction, RI1&pl. cion and Jealousy. A book recently ,Iubllllhed gives a plqtur 01 II domea. tic tyrant who could hnve boon mnn · aged only by Uie pMmltlve. m~lbod or brandishing 11 club. This melhdd Is 1uexpcdl.~nt apil no't to be lhollgh i' or bllt the few ,. men wbo by .nature nDii practice ,trl1-mpr,~ rO,ugh<shod over tlre lr wives lind chlldrori, who fllrger , t P1"lnclples of" the , I<Qdc tbat ob· tllln!! I,mong selltlem~n .. ~re not ilt fot trlatrlmony, Forl,unalel y ror Ihe ' bu· mUll ra e $ 11011 de$ p6ui a re Bee n. In clvllhat.lon, • ' ~. A wlf who bas be ·rime mistress of the genUo ort ot ~'/Od m.llnngeDlent ne,'9r bru. cQueiy o ntradl 'ts ber bus. ttBfld. Sbo D1 ~IY . be <lIIILe aware thaI tll (I) 1M wrong, but $he walts unthe rlgh.! 'opporLlllll ty '('011108 berore se tll[lg blru ri ght, Slle .Io.os 1I0~ !pllke lun '0'( lllro 'ln tll o pl'csellCe of n'ls rdeDaS. nor Ilolnt It jest at lils e:l.pensc, Sh,e un'dersUllId>l. Lhat. cleterelllle Is In Itself a ll adornment IInri fhnt s he may m·. lnlaln·' hEl l' s rolln(\ a s , 'Ir fully lind will tmCCe&Sfully 1\lltbo'u t, dl ~col\rlesy a8 by \'epemence atld cll11ilor: A little wHe. ,Iy ta ct. tbe ex-prosslun or ge Dulne nlj ,It. <:\(I1.\\.n of Colo,radoliii. olfi!red $2.600 leelloll ond lh e lavishing of small lite :ill pl'heJJ .tor growing UII llt-re cit gralh tell.tlolls go II long lOll Y In keeplug Ii 11'Oil) ~oe !lelecl cil SHed., cnn>ilde rlng home p.e acefu l and hap lly, and In (JlI.tuil1tr ana ·\!u,l1 l1ty . tu Lhe ;; boys' making 'the !'Pen ul Ihe bead or 11 oit I;1rI8 ,(1£ i.ha[ Sla le unde r is J'~ul's 'ol pleu3etl with }j ;wsell. l,t Is ' a rarc nrt. thl't ot II vlDg cQm,ill": 1'l\~ JOUr-nill of 'EdllClltloll SOl'S atll >18 : ~he Orst. ofter of lb 11111". \lULU forta,bly wltb others. In. order LO 'II, the b II'lnlllngor 1\ IfDe or Ins\l1!'I\llonn) taln It. pllin must be taken bnd lieU wus t: sometlme~ be Ileniell. ~.b:ell· thil t 18 IJ'k(lly , to ~~ome COlllnlon There lire ,r.ifles in 'whl r,h nlolit III\!n .., or. ldug, ' are I'Iltber b lplelSl. Thl'Y , nre Dot " , Jot fa, 4\.old ot a Ne\Vlon (Kun.) man' adepts with the needl e. Ilnll Ihe 'few las neen stullylllg u.rt 10 Europe stitches by way of ' 'repalr tbl11 , their need 6bouIli nil" , r be ~r, ~.. won '\three-goltjmednlll IlDd wardrobe!! 1.0 Intrutle upon bllir noUce. .• ~rlC\.UII 1Iv.1q, "~ . Men sbould be fed antl ~t.rCbed '.nd plause. and.....
tlio~ laraer lltraln t!lat require lhe I
Trouble COlter, The small Iloy bad just smoleed Ill! IIrat clga~. "B089," he gllsp 6. with a troubled look. "wbero WIIH d.:t cigar mllde ., . "Tbllt cigar, my lad." replied Ule man who had i;iven him the weed. "WBs mil de In Snnto Domingo." "Oee! I thought so." "Wby did you think 1I0?" "It-It started II balf dn~en revolu· UOUI! In mo slo.mnob :"--Chlcago Dally News. .Tuat One. , "Now," sRld tbo manager o( \.he gus comp!lny," who wall quelltloulng an ap' pllcant tor tbe Job of meter Inspector. "I want Il understood th1lt we don·t tolerale drinkIng In our employes." ' ·'No. IIlri I c,1In' t drink. sir ; one drl~k alwnys mllkes me aee double," "Well-er-w might permit yon to take onc drink each dRY berore you start to Inspect the melers."-Hous ton Post. " EH, WHATP
• Big lIlte. Ham hat! been lIshlng 9ft the s len. of the ark s ince brcaltfost . Suddenly be &lIve II lurch und shouted. excitedly : "CoDle hore. pop , I've cllught New Jersey," "What! '. exclaimed Noab, Incredu· 10UBly. "Do you· nleall ~o lay you bave rh Onlllllti ~ IIl, II ' , malle 8uch a cRtch 118 tbot~" Dr. Williams' Pink Pillll hnlle onrml' "Sure. pop. H'ow Is this for an oc· soyero CiLSCA of nnOOIllIIl. sclntica, n l'VQI,IR' topuS!"- Ohlcago Daify News. 1I0RS.PIIl'ti,,1 JlIlIlllysi~i ,locomotor ,Itn,,!.. alll1 St. Vituli' dUll Q l,bnt bny~ II0t re- \ Habit of Yean, ' Mr, Reddevlo-Here. 'JIIOlU! Why fiPQlId <lll til 01 ber llIo<\OS rIf tr II ImBII!,. All <lrugglsts sell Dr. WilIl\III1.8' PillK dldn·t YOIl stop the Illito wheu. you saw Pill~ or tlloy ""ill 00 80llt by 11111.11. IlO1It. me On the I;Oruer .wa vlng mll hand to pnld. on receipt of price. 60 (l nt-l\ llel' you? );'ou 'Iooked ellret~ t1)' at lOe Bnd box. silt boxeR f(lr $2,110. by thO 01'. wltslmilly pul on more ''!Pello.!, What do Medicioo Co., I:!obenoot.ady. N. Y. you mellll by It, sir? hLl lltt' ur-Beg ),0111' pudl)n, ~Ir : It OVER THE OCF.Al'l. was force of bablt. I used I') b(' II mo· A ncw pri ze II[ $lO,OOO II! orrer~ d ID 10rm~lI Oll a Irol1~)' ca r, !.Ir.-Clev'eFrnnce for tho In\,e ntlon of a dlrl!;lble lanll LeMer. bnlloon, . Not ,Dlacouragld. , Sir Patrick Kellh MurrRY ha~ llre"A great many peOl:1le ~art! wonder. 8ent~d to Ihe British nation " " c.lcI Jng where ) ' 011 got' yOllr money," "Yes," lIflswered Mr . Duuin Stax : cusblon on wbl ch tho 'ro wn of S\'ot"hllt thero Is still nough Interest. In '1110ot rl)sl~d. onll It \iajJ b01)1l 1\11\ \ld what I um going to 110 with It tii mako in the jew,,1' I'QDm t. Illdln bu rgb ca,~l,e. The m1.1' , Florenr\l. h iL~ RCexistence comvarat!vely (o lnfortable." Qulrlld .n CO llcrUon of 11.(100 )li)rtral19. -Was hington Stllr, ' eICltin~. O Krn\! llIg~ lind coilper platee. Counted Out. , r~pre Ilntlli g COle liru t d hl$torlc3,1 ]ler"11rulb crusltl\d to CUI·lIt will l'lse: !;(Inngea, ·mon!lrChs. Popes llnd brtl"ta: ' agnln." said [bo elll'nesl c1tl ~en, , A ..oml\lI~SIOn , a ft er Inq uIring intI) . ·' Yell." Ifnswe.refl Senutl)r ' S()r~IIU t1~. th nil g~ tiorl tbnt thCre is 1\ t b'l 1) "The. oQ,ly trouble Is th~t. It somellmes mono pqly In 'Aus tr1a. ,;-rllnts thlll a ~ ao sn·t ,;-el. to Itil (eet unti l II Clel' th o 'com billes do s exl L I\nll recommends rore r I) IUlII cOl/nted (en,"-WlIsblng, that lh~ r.omfll onwealth take ~ ~!Irge or ton S tar. • . th ll InOus!ry " , 'fIJ I} InstItute ' of Archneqlogy or !be hvolVed, Hnh'erslty of, LI\ll'rPQOI blUl til, pll.tcntH( :111118 I..II cey- l dQWt fe I o tUr()t'1 ubi an eX lle.l1l1<;1D to maKe eJ;plomUo:18 un III this walsl at IlIL eXI'II\' nllo"s in Iho vicinIty of EimnT~ Miss AsclJm-Why not? Miss Lacey- If mnkes me te.\1 1I11- In llPpc'r Egylll, The tunds bnve beeo prll'ately lI ubsarlbecl by 'Llverpool cltt\ou1.lU\JI'U U '''' be auee It feels lOO com" ",' . fort:able to be ' a gOOd fI 'I,. - Phlloc1I·1 ltla & "~ ~. fhe Brlll$h committee on ,nav1l\ de-I.'rcll5: I Signs hU8 reeom.:n nded tbot no wore Dleappoln ling. 1011\11 prolll ted cruisers be built. TheWomen wear n ...I1\< fo.r (lrc"'1c~. WI:" n et o'r. t rlHur~ Is to consl~t or Men n ll W wear lIeIU'BJ)~18 ' for "r,I1l,,\' lIo ttll'$hlps nnd armored cruise ,. tb.ct LO\' (>Tlf dUnl fn ncnr('UrtH!l5eK. torll ~do tlon!ll-Ia ~ a)I!ll\lIllmQrlD'\lll fOfm," ome n wenr lICarplul1)tH on I,flts; :ng ,ae p!\ro ie ';'('Ir-cont:llnod ror ces, ' N.o1' 'ut gllUUl 18 80l.\ tor .(llll &IO M~.
, . I can ,t think wbnl mukes Father " , . tbls contolln<lel\ ]lazor so dull'• I', was • '. nU, r.igh~ yesterday, . T.qmmy , (unCOn$clouely)- Ye~. pa'. nn ' It wa.1I e\·er . ~ nICe un' shatp tbls Illprnlng, when ' I was Dlaklng my
N earbQol(! gOes .OJJ booze, )'ou 'v.s!
Anal In. t nl#ltl wll. n eO\IrUIIIT pally In.LIT ~B¥ MA TTEBS. .. . t boat. I 1\'0ll1""rkl ••• 01 (or n. kla•. Take Any'Itiak. -Houston P"" •. Ru, slD. has ISp regiments or mountMr~, 'IInton Stre ler-JObn. wake Id COlll!llCkS. .. up! The coo~ III 8crellrnlllg "Burglara!" DOMES!I.'IC NOTES, Cannda' s tandlDg army av eruges Mr. ClIllton Slreele'r -Great Soolt! Z6,OOO \!ftectl V/1 wl)n . ,1!1\ g(~ r,l/Ih} Ilpwn,", • The D)lI\lII.ry , rlbunn\ llt~~nJ~~. Mrs, C, S,-No, . doD 't- lbily might SbOOL ~.'ou, " Pru s6la~ rocently· h~ botore..Jt a IJeutenllDt. only ~O yaors old ••, ..... bo , 1& ae. Mr. .,C. S,-That·. · a small, risk to . , ~ woman: Buppose. r.used of ,mlill relt.\meat elt 801dl.er9 In 70 -TlTCII DESIUN /i'OH take-my 'g oodness, ,pe1:iflod clllles. , ' '. .' NO. 1. they should steal tbe eook!~Cleve. , Rene,!,cd eftorlB 'Ire beIng made to In.lld header. lo.n~ 'stl1cl,PS,' 't~e 11)1,g IItral~ht tlnl's _ _ _ _ _ __ raIse wone~ 'K!' 90,!\p)Ate tlle ·t~nd for ", tbe erection oC 'II ·mOllument upon tb. l1el,\\1 en bp.lng crossell . by s mall .A:t the Concert. , ~ave q! Rea~ !\dmlral Jnm es J. Jouett. . r.TOI\!;'l\lItcb,is; 1\ Stlio.lg\lt line Q~ Mrs. Nonole ()",lIO III an enthusll.lSt~ U. S. N" at ~A'rllngton cemcterx" ~, 1.~vlathal1 .stltchp,8 Is DeXt worked. -JlIst think. Beetboven, who, ,wroie A\l<?tbcr "French mllltan' Inv\lntloa th II " lurrettell Hne of lonG sU.IClle8. this I1lllslc 'wns perfectly ' dellt a nd II on re~ord , !l'Jl11! tlmo It I. "o~ Ih':. T\1() edge of tbe cloth may eillier be 'cotlldn'~ h~nr .hls' qwn' ecimpI)81t1ons! ma ch ine gil/l r hu t the army r IDe, lind " . " tUFned ' ~IP wtth 0 ' doep he!ll. Qr way Mr. Nonote (,,'ho ' ls a ,Plilllstine)-f lin va n nu.rrow b m fini s he d ,tlth lpr, see where he was dead In iuqll.-4::leve- . Mr, Polnr-Dearest, I'Ye ,lirought IJ' , agalll ~be Inventor 8t PI . ollt from lb • ~e! .bome 'tOr dltl1ler.LOhlcUgO ranks, ' ··COrpoml Orl/!8olan~.o, the clion ' lace, lanel' Lender. . . . ,I' Dally News. , Firat oolQnlal ,lnfnntry. blls ' devUid ~ , " _ _'_ __ lII'thod of gteat ly InC/reaslng , Ute, caHllr Oonle~oft. 'CLUBWO~EN'S ATHLETIC , S~ EVuy TJD;lO. , ,,~tJ 'pI '8.lIlIlll arn~. I for , ralll~ lim... Maude- I felt like 1 ought 10 Cry Which " I' way It·a ulowh,,,. NAVAJO SUPERSTITIONS. wben Jilek told me he .wns gOing l\wny r WI!Olhor old Qr hOI. BITS' ,1 tV 1'lIE WAY. Way In Whlcb Buey Women IIny for II. monU" I~' "0,,'11 lind tM lilt,! grip lI'erm SI\':!red Meftl Necellllary ~ Bring Luck ' Ke~I' Down Weight Without Clllra- Well, \\'lIy (f1dn't yon? I. l'hlht tIIore 011 th" .poL Many .rlllnllrorl\l ar holl ow. - .\ HOURtOJl Post. Oymnllsium Work, ' In KuntiJlg and Protection Maude-Becaose I don'l h ave my The Capo Colony carthworal' ls &18 - • to Home. wn'terprl)of coDlpl GlIlOn on,-Oblllllgo T~p. Flrsf'OlltalogUo, ' (ect Ions, Some 'o ne bas Invented as 'l of utb· . Olllly :News. ' Allam liRa jUlll .got\en fbe job of Miners ~owmlt 8\11clde least of oil , leUcs whIch for II)-ck ot l)..lJetter" u~m ' The mot,ner-In -Iaw joke ml1st ha~e J. nllmlng tQe anImals. worklngmon."'· ." oro (!!l IlOd dlul! women a IIthl,e llcl;. orlglnatea with the Navajo for" Ilft'e . Oa.use llnd Effect, " L.uc\(y :U\e), nfQU't rlf;u l's," hI) cl·led . :' . Q ueen EII~/),bOc.b' bnd 300. ' drllS8e' They 11 r aUlle tics to be tal}e~ by tile ' Ina rrillge :l Nu.\·OIlO 'dure no l loo!.1 Int.~ I.lltle ,lr.ap. 'or wn'v,r "tor (·hort! Is nobody 10 name them ' when' ihe died. '" '.I Mixed liP with til ",111, : wom~1I whp Is d(! v~ted to club work. tbe face of hi" wlC 's molll r. says the atter. .. One mabognny i-ee~ · when c;ut Inu. T he mllkl1lnn's QIl1l8hl r and who R[lellc1 s !Duch IIf he r time vis· AI13uqucrQ ue hlill nn, H by !\hauce he Gowned in \vu.tared silk. H'~'e\yt lll ; he ~iu.rte4 hl8 task,-N. logs" '1"\11. Bometlmeli tete)! lllucli . . Itl ng ,lila. clubs that sb~ onnllot join a cnleh 11 g lfm pse oC h er it . lakes mltch -Chicago D\l.II)1 ~O\\,II. Sun , . .. ' fl0.000. , . , ' gymn,asJum , Even If sbe, geta , a r~w fasllllg nrlll Dlttny prayers to feel se. , A gen\llne ca~ bn\ere "sbawl reC\ulr.. OBVIOUS, h(lUTS !\ wee ll for IJ,';-mIl8slulU ~work . cu r. IIglllhst i1ul)ltel'UlIs results rt Is m;p;';;oriptlo;'t~n gonts' nec:e.e n~d three qlen's wor~ , ahe la so hurri ed that s ho is obllg-ed 0(1 uncommon' slght to see th ~ , 1Il0s t ·'.Yes, jO\lr honor." explained ' tho for six months. ' , . rush. throu !';b her e.x,e r<; ls!!s WILh.ollt grnve nnll ' r'evp,relltl chlet 'l"alk back. lady. , I, ( 'aDl troubled WIth .kJeJltomaIb m IJropllr attention, ' '\lard. 1'1111 like, n sca r~tI do!!'. ot' hid;, nlu; I WI h to kno,!" what to tI\ ke .for It. tI ' : To r~'luce the '-:elgh~ ,ot 11. olub wom ' 11::> faee In the depths or h is 'blunket nil there a~ , only th.rlle' courses ope n. to avolll lhoe droad ed l{lht. ' "T!\,ke, sillty' dnys." a(lvlsed his honThe "I'Ht Is , dieting. Sho must eRl To hn\'o luClc In huntIng It I~ n eceso~. -Hou/lran Post. . l e~s ond her bill of fare [o-ust be 11m' Allry In scatter Ihe sacrell Oleol before One Exception. Ited \0 II ' I)arrl)wed ran ge of toOd,H, Ihe h Oll8n. ~o plnce a sma ll ston e on " "'All 'the world 10\lea 1\ lover." I'e, Sbe , mu st IJrp.alhe air ,either at tile hellp Ihe trail Dnl) to ' otter · a ,ml.n,.m , tho young man who was mak. op~n willd')w ' or lIy laking long pIli Ole to ·I.he mother nbo,'e. Ing his Orst Cj1IJ, , ' , • Walk", It must not be Ind oor all'. To comfort' one In . dI81.r~ss or 10 "you , ha.YOf't met l11Y tatller )'et, Tblrd. ~ he must go thr<;lugh. very wnrd o~ pl'Os pnt tll'e dlslre$s tlle WOOlbave 'yOU"!" askell tbe yobng lat!y. lillY. with 1\ ~er\es 1)( '1I.thletlca. ,'1 1;01" e ll nnll chllllren wear r~ d wrlsthands. Cassell's J oltrI\al. . ou ~ til Ih IF tlsture' Dnd of.. 11 .!lo·rt IE Ihey wl ~h " to be ' protect,ell .b;; wblr:h hrlng Into IJlay the mu~c le s ot. those ubove. on entlll'lng tit Ir hom e Tale 'o t Valor: lhe hlr' ~ IInti ~1I 1l neck and CILlI » th m they IlIln~ a pInCh or sacrC!iI ' meal from ,'Ounner~ 1 understa nd that Ibe lJl8to lose Ihel r rat , Fat Is l'elllJced bY , n bo.WI kept In a In the \~nll an ll' Jor says te'o horses were 'kllled UDU er qleDns uf muscles whlcu may Ile mnde ~clltlel' Il to the nOrlb. west. south. ~m? • to w01'11 :10 vigo rously I.hat Lbe a\ill~oso , 1 CRst. liP nnll down ;' meanwhUe saying . Guyer-Yes, tho ' major used ,· to bave tissue IR hurned away, so to speal" somQ prayers. · ' . n Hat over' lI ~RtlSnge laC10ry.-Oblcago The 'mOh\ convenient gymilSSIUIn To bring harm lo tho guilty· It I,. Dally News. : ' ., suit, lor ~he club WQOIOn , o'r tbe hllsl· only lie 'Msal'Y II) bury two b\lIlCbea of n ess woman. or tlle, " ry busy dom es. C1wl qr Tn en feathers nellr tile plnce Smelled Funny. tic wOman. Is one whiCh clln be easily wh re thp. RllspecLed one sleeps or IIvc!l GII!1ner-What are you tllJkluS' tllken orr !lnd on. ahd "' hlcb cau 'be .uUer .!"'t'sl~lIl1ng It to th!! . s lx regions. , about. mlln? ' Wby. tiils elpr iii ~ ex· fOllnel In every wardroue,' Tho Iblrd bllMh of feathers Is burloel : Tho . Man-Aw-what 18 yoar ' CO.- pens Ive It c,llt1le8' a cellul~id ' nl:l1t tbe o,w ner's fireplace In tha l ume, pray? . Guyer-H m! II ' that ' the •cellUloid A Ribbon Holder. kitchen to protect him or hel' from InThe Mald-jbe sen, case )'ou are 8mo~lng, or tbe clgar'! vaslon enemies, " , . Tbe Man-H'm! Of course-low, Ude. Tlt.Blts, A ribbon . holder Is a pretty' trille . Da~k colorC(i or blue eol'n Is con.employing ribbon. Take tbree. tour neeted with e\lll ,muglc. Tbe 'pOwor of ~Q'eIl~i. . Wouldh;t Call. or five lIat boxes. sn mclently large to speech 'Is ' attrlbuted to 11. Tbls corn ' "No.1. don·t care, to caU ~on her, 811e M~. 'Wade Parker-My dear,. tllil ,11hold ~ bolt of baby ~lbhon ea~h' 'Place . belo\lgs to' the witches. and Is said to gosBlps ·110 .. ver 'IOOJc;8 88 It It hadD't heeD, r/i!aned , . ' . " In the boxell. then bore a bolt~ In tbe , 8peak In mbsence ,of Ita, 'o wners \Ind to "But .he doe.n't tell anythlDs tbat cellter of olle jlnd 01 each bOll ,alld Lell tllelr wbereabont. or dnlnl8. ,,{ade P~l'ker-:But U hu beaD Iah't trn.... ' dra., perhaps a couple 9 f Inche8 ,of the Should a ~raoll ,sulferinl from • two glrll -.o.-Clevel"nd Lead"I ItDOW It; tbat's what makes hel;' A_. ~bbo~~hrO~ghlb:·t tnOu~b to show sDake bl~! ,look . uwn woman tt1I!- 10'. UTlIOm.e,"":"Houlton POIIi. . . •• e 0 r n L coataln .. · then ~ . nlsblng Jloqrlahment to an InfBll' tie . all toaetber wltb ribbon. a pretty death wo~t1d be the ",ult. .A. PIo.. Pi..errptiOD. , Appropdate. bow comhr, 011 top ' of, th. DeaL Slip '; "Doll~r. I· have a clresdM9Dld III "I' m IUIUI to ba.e m,. POeIlla 1Ul1- beall; what would you ad\l~ ' IDe to &JIOIlpJe of Bllver bod)lnl In tile rib. ' ... 0,-'bo th d . cl . .. .ro._ ""'-"-Ioh --~-. rormt,. boQnd, can 10u au_at 110m... do,1" II . on e al II atl 'OU have t h e " tree near Cballdler haa fhlD' approprlate1" I~ Irttle ~memlirallce at a 1D00t •a ville ~wtD' throqh tbe "Blow )'Our DOle • .lDadam; blow ~r "WIIy, ,.ee :.- latJaue Dom De ClOSt 0 mODe,. alld· tllllll.. The .wayllli of the t .... n~."-Hou.toD Po.t.' OJeyelasld 'Leader• lad kept a Ioole 1I!)le wom throqll IlYe ,tree. . ~ Il'lpeylll' II IIIOre .... 4I8iDeter ad
anltpflill oyerl ,North Amerlllll. EurOPEl Ilnd 0:11 C.mtra )\s·IO. ond tbt\t~here Is mllob evld ollee to sbow tha t In large 'portions ot , his Area maD. hlirl llcJf shl,red 111 this destrll'tlon, ApPlrcnt· Iy 1I1l111e01\l:blo ma:1 la rgely. If not whllily, dls£,ppeared Jrom Amerl QI\ a:t1 Europe dUI'lng thl! 'd oslng stages , of ' th e g IBe Ia I per I0 d • S I111;0 h'Is remains ~I .assoela td arO' ll I08,,)' ,e wi th t h ose ot the vtlrlOUS animal specle!l whi ch beca nla extinct at thM time; It Is therefore 11 tbeor)' which can be held wltb a fnlr degre or ~onfldellce tb,at antedllu\'\110 malli. lifter bavlng spread 'lver 1111 the nOT'lhern hemisphere. was exterminated by the, ' glacIal \lbange In all ~e outliy lng provinces. so Ihuc I.\le , culminating cat.astr!>phe ot th e No- ' ;tc~lan fOllnd him limited to' thl srea~ centors of early civilization I'll tho ' ·/l.lley I )t the Eupbrate~ ;
By J. J. BELL 'Author of "Woo MacOreelOr.")
, t'u lU'.rhl'lU, 1M. h, J b'.ph
n. U9Y.I • • .)
"[loth r!" lIuld F'lo to h ersel! ' thlW "-"ltld:' " I thought ),011 wel'e soing to pl".I· foollla ll t uls I!tl er noon .'· "1- 1 ()hu II~erl 'my mind." re ~lI1· lhe ~o)· . whu I\i.(lll loo l;\og down upon bllr, or ~n u l'li(·. 1~011 ,Ion'l \\,11111 mc. Fio. nl "I"u l OUt" "Oil'. YUU "0 0 s tuy Ir YOu !lite, I doo 't mln..l,'· 101\\1 bald, a ller 11 ::OOIllCnrll beliIHl lo li. . , " 'J'ha Dk you." 81114 Jimmy" with g rllll · III or 1I i1 " rOllo I lOll to h ~ r UD ' grlll'l lI" 1!0UCC·li,ll 0 .. li e S flled ljllllS I( i Ihl p
Ilf:sl'!II lJer, alJlI IlU ' aW!1 ward s llelJ ce t'\lllow oJ. Flo ~ h ok l)Mk; h er dork hn lr . and Ilr~ w h ~r ~ hol·t sklrl ovor ber t rim ank\~s. wblll! s he wIs hed (\lr. th e tbou· .~an u l h Illn lh ut s b<i wern 18 alOd \lUllhl'P.(lr ot uQllml l.ell Ilalrpln s ourl lung t1~611' I. A~)6 ',Fllo tel t s he bad ,cu lpcl ,It<) h ~ lghlH an(\ RO ulid ed th e ~ e lllh ~ Qr htl l11UU joy anti s orl'Ow - so fnr. a l I fl~l, (IS lova Will! eoucerned . Cec il H ~I"'I ~I( Wl9 doubtl e 5 r s pons lble for lhiu, I hOI 8.h ILIs ll')~s llJl ' thaI uny o~h e r e(lli nlly go. tl.loo l,ln:; young malJ at 26. 11011 ' 1\ ura Ihe Slllll~ Illl nUo n to tile J.:I rl ' i lllrlllg t h" pus t 1110nlll as lI errlc lt bud (lo np. woultl n 8 1'C Dwr(\, encd Il sHn· · 1101' Sll n_tlt I()n in .her Ilr 1\st.· Flo lid ~I " 11 h ur henrt to llel'r1 ok r OI' \'er 11 II ev r.a nd ~ b e bello\'od th at t1 efl' l(' k's 'I' II~ rOt tIl e ~ IiUlO, til · d"l\nl l e pMlodl Sl.IlI. il L til" IlreilOnt tnOm ~llt> be ~ns not IIlU I! Onlloyell ~,, 1t11. hIm . f ll r noJ ke t>ln j.l hili oppolo tm e u~ a~ 'th accll<1toD1 ed trystIJJs- place, Blil ' oJll ~hlng, 's bo al'l;\ d. must llal'e uehlyc,l h im . • As rOr JlmOly •. lhe boy a l ll l:r sl ,I(I, 1\ wos shl'lI)I), dl sgus Ling ot bltn ~J1f 'Ihg Ull wl\ 0 •. ho 'VIIS' !lot 'Vl,lnt ert.
Jimmy aged 18. or til , bar<l muscles
a D.1 lho soft IJllart. Iny looking b)ankl r acro~s th e heather . and wonde rl)lg wb:tl 011 arUl h au ld sny to Flo, He remem\,l r II the arternoo il II m.qnth gu wh en h a!ld ~ h e hud ~e s lcd In lh\! s ume 1100\(,' he lind been very klntl to \J Im 't Mn , By c ban e lie bad tou hed her band ,II ott ' plucked l tll)' a t th\! M slher, aod,-o h. the wO I'iderful e~e rl e ll ce! I t lIad s lipped Into hi e aDII Illl n Ihere for be res . of the 11ft rnoo n, Dill tbat was Ileforl' He rrl It clime'. f . . " 1 JIlt' tbat. chap Horrl ck I\s ' \ wal . coming nlong," ~l1ld Ji mmy, presen tly. "1-1 osk d me to-cr - IlY good·uy 10 ~Ol\ fn r htm ." .•" bl\ f " arled Flo, 8tllrll~d In spite o[ her8elf. . " A '8 g Ing .1.0 town wltb tbe rour (I'elo k train, YOU kntl\v ," " Has Hu, Md blld news. JIJ!lm)'?" Ibe n.~ked, an;xlously, after a pause. "Ho dlcjn 't suy_ OIdn't look like It, 1.IIYWB1· . HI! IllAld he was Ured of Dov e<lala:' ' ' . , Flo wlDa d. gre w pale. lind bllli!hlld. or co urse. th ere flItls t be lIpmo 1ll1 'l'!Ik . P l'bIlPs-uerbu.llsJlmmy WOB oll l y tea 11Ill: her, .;.;1· IlUtlP08 Mr, Herrick will -be bacle to·mnr.row." s be said, Omplacell,tI)'. " j sawall bht.)ugG3 II on tbe wa y to th.l'.;.8tallon." ,sa l!1 Jimmy. now too mla· ('.r ble to l ' Olf at lIll! (!Otllpanlon . "I'm !,I.orry r ,(old YOU ," be blurted aut·" "Mr. ~or rl k seoms ~llde. " s aid Flo. cn lmh'. "but ther 's s Urp to lJe a sood reosoo for 'hls gO!llg\ w.ha t 's tbe lime. Jimmy? ' . li e ex t m Qted h is I'lIver wat ~h . 1111 alb.elk prl7. o wop. durlog his Ins t (erm III etiool. "T«o, minut eij to rou r." • I' "I \llll n't thInk 1\ Willi. ~o I U1~ :' 8810 'Flo. HOU1!l,~bn( s baklly:" ' . " Wou ld · YOII bave Illted- " beglln
"Sblll ijp 1'011 young Idlol!" erled Herrick, ftyloK IJII<.· a r,ge. "Are )'011 I'umlaa back 1" demanded Jimmy. "'NCI. I:ertalnly nol: " Jh,llIDY'S len al·nt ben L all11 alr.algbl I!lIed , Rnd Hal'I'lell went dowu like ' a nlne· pltl I1 n t1w flon\' A mOlll('nl hltl'r ,Jimmy stoo;1 on I h ~ 111111 fOJ'lt) , :llnnllll~. ohllv lous to tbE Ill .of an eltl I' ll' 0lg 111111 1 O\) ~I' I' \' a~lo ll purlc,' who IIl\rl ne rvously t;ur~ell 10 9 ' 11 lb o hOY 'b fl yl n ' lenp fmru tbe Dluvlng trill)\. 1'1" !tl'u ru iOOI SICJ1S sUo IllY SI til. He l' LJreath camc a na wen t morll rnpldl~' Ib :,n WII ~ uDluml . aod ~ h Il nc\\' h e r rhe ck~ "'erl' srowln g wa r m, ~tw 11l'dd d 0 r"ig u ~ I ec pl r o l,ly 10 ~bow • qll Ihnt Ills I\Olll lnJ; We.lI !Jot renll), px-' Il~ tml 1'/1(' 60ft ,r. I'a c~ tng Of heather SOllll lled lI ~lll ' r. nnd !the s hllt her eyea tl g hll. , uo rl \I'IQ. I 10 coOlmant! her breath, 'l'hl' rools leps s lowed and , Slolilletl. " Pl o! " aald .l l mD1~·. ¥oft ly. Sh ~ h"' !' r tI , IIUI prete ndcd not hl'or. li e re/lea led b r noin e: so, con t rolllu,; hers It . s he sa l up anrl stared nt 111m . BS If s udde nly rOtl~ed from 1l11llllb r . " I' m a\\,fully SOI·ry. \<~ I n ." sahl tbe \loy . humbly . " I wa s afi·,, 111 1'OU wOllld \) 0 lllo lut e. " re l llrlJed, COOlly: yet fove rlsbly IIn tl. ln{: to Ib e lust SHnw . " I wllsn 'I Ion IlI(o'," li p sa id . f\ l illie Indign ant 01 rhp In,;lnllu tio li n gaj ll ~ L hi s r un nin g IJowe rs. • 'X' he girl Ra id noll1lng as s be look II slfllight In n'on l or h r. " I sow R CrI'l l' lt, but he wOllldn ' t WIIH ." said Jimm y. 1I0r\'01l1lIy, .MU n;; hl~l) selr III a little i1hl lan'ce. "So mPlhlog Bc r!oua mu s l have call ett him 10 lo wn ," 1I111 Flo , III hor mos t lUI yIIk p 1'0 i(' . " Y f;~ : lie's ~oln~ tQ d in e with a mall ." s n\,1 Ih e bOy, ~ lI rcaslll' (or t he fll'Hl li llie Ill' h l~ IIf!' ' "0 11 1 And (\III ho oy anyt hin g ?" s h a
Vanities at the Spring
WINTER Of.ENS THE TRAILS Seuon When Gold and Fur Hunt~ in Al f\s k~ Can TTAn8port . Suppli es. •
The Olympic 9ames Past and Present I-
11IU'l ur lhl ~ ('ou otry 'tllo III 0 1 Willt r m e:Ul s III IIllll t· IllS or Inll· ... II 11;; tllIJUlllc . HIIlI "I L ~ U ' I Modem Alhlete Compnre! Fnorably with Cla.,lo Hero-"'aralJloD rellilerij jlHl ru o) y~ hy mouu s u~ I he Bace 01 Pbidlppldcs- Amc!lcanl Show lip Wen.' CI'ud!!I' fUI' IIl ~ ut . traollll9rlutioo 1111 [)u~ · I Mlblil. Hllctll s a re blouked wi lli ,I ~p suow. lIIultlug weulll I' ,'I'CLltOH h ig h· wuy~ or hllllumiess ruud lllld nUII IS or Ille ~Lr UIII II Il vu lOO Hilleh Ice to uo 1 ' I'U ~~ Ud uy uoal.; anti not ~ 11 11 I1gb ' to lIellr 11[1 "\l lola l>! uod v\) 111 ' I~. III A wr lll'r rl l>lI'u""I II/o: \' n rl llll~ ph ases le a lllll!; a nil e of lb e sprlnter B. Tile Ahllilm 1I0WIi \'llr, Ih e " r .. C~,' III' '' I~ o f th ~ tlIy m(}k ·al1\"~ . renwl' \u; th a t :.ta r,ahon race was over u COur80 2& 111 0 Ul~gh! kl'Y wli lt' h Ol' uo'l wi lle lho olle r 8111\ IIf hei r re "I\' ul hIlS h~t'n LO miles long, nud It wns won by Splrilion 41l'lIils to overy \'all~y lIlIll IlI iitaut ro u lhe Rlldent IIt hlele of IIts reliawn. Lauls, a bumble s hepherd of the little IllOII HIUIIl rll ~t ll ·6~. It Is rHltlll' '" uu- AIll t h II JlUlkcM gOll d hy !\Ivl ll !l uom- v lll u!;e of AnHI I'ousl. LOllis ' covored l 'nUll to,1 frlllll'hl~o 10 t he "~ourltough " 11 llrillO IllL \\'0 a i' Infurm ,I Ih"l Ib se th e dilltn ll e In lhe re mnrkaul e lIrue Of Il ro~ 11 ClUl·. IYlio. with a sl ro ll!: buck lnuch Inudell youlh" r Illw lt'llt (ou- ~ hOlll'S. 51! mln.\ltcs,". Tbe a (lp roa l'hlng Olympi c gll mo~. to I aDd u weul' lUllld. I' BI)o'n(lI! wit •• tlr'- dcal'or WOre not ucarly Bu r ll "I\ourl l c~~ e ffu rt to lb e gOlldl llllS C>t Ihe go lll m n" ns OJ!' heroes of lo-day. Wh ic h he he ir! In Alhell8 ·f rom April 22 to le\-er ' wll hln . his vcln s. It oxtellds n il ~eom s I' ery rl!Vo lllt lo n01' Y uUII up- I ~I ny 2. urn ullder tbe dlJtec.t..llll.nwW!.\.Q~~ ~_ __ _ ";".,--:~~ Olill ll l prll'll oS41S to ~Ilc Cur hunl er "s lBeUlng 10 til 1'0mUllllI'IHI, lJIIl ve ry o ( III tluk \! ~ SpRrta. pri n ce of I he follow s Ills Inug IIlle of tral's allli l)uton t tl1 u ll yune Ihot ItB ~ f IIOWetl \ Grecce. l ; nd e r the head of uthletle .1 to I h e tol.' lng freight '1' aud t h s lI om- 8Po r ts, '1'b llhrus e " s wum th o H lI e~- KPO 'IR t h ~ 1 o· wi ll be g iven a !lerlel! of l ing lrll (1 '8 111I1 n . each. of ' '' hom wus~ pon l" HIIg!:U~ts blgh ~t courUlle, r· 1 nve lin t H\(' s. gprlnts at 100. 400. 80!) b u\' oj hl ~ "nrcl' a Dd uot IIlwnys s m a ller u Hlrkublo en d uru n C- Ulltll folll fl. ts ;ln tl l,5tll) lllAters , the series 10BIng are stated . nntll une learn: Ilint lile wi th the m nll ~larU l hOll race. 'l' bere s bare or tho earth's rl cll I rlla~lIre . Urol\d s treams Ullit r u~ h lng lOrr nts . Hellespo n t ho s n min imum wltll h one · will Ilc hurd lo races, jumplug. poll) $ ny ~ CU lll. George ' S. UllJb~ . ot t hU Rlxt c nlh thn l uf Ih e l!:l1 gli Rh ehil·nn o!. '"<1\1 It Ill!:. throw ing th o dIscus. ruttI ng United SID les s lgnll\ corl)S, In lh o Nu- l ho chuun I cros~ d In Olod r n t lnle .blll)1. r.1C. AI ~o tllbro w.1II be hurling llouai Geogra phi c MUI;a.zl u . ore by 'HpL Web\) . t ot lhe j;\Vc,lIn allli wres tll ug In thll 1.n·\J~ed Wllh Itc SI-roug enough 10 bear 'rl1c n le t " " lllke {b e cel('urlltl'll :\lfl r- I UyerO- I{ur,nan .. ly le ; It tug o( Will' beup tl I'ullru'lll t rOl u. 110,1 Ihe lUUijhy II lbon rnr • wben Phitl lJlplrl . rnn fro lll tw ec n t UII1~ or Isht: and ropo climbll1r1 (\l'lI. wJt h 118 ro ugh tillrfnce cn tln)- lhe ball I lIelfl or ~h lr,Ith o : I lu Alh'enn i n);, hand ,·er hand . nga lns t t,Lme. Iy illud e 11 \1 uf [tllemllt e .water h o l e ~ 10 tell th o gr III 11 . \\'~. lind IIrrll'~1I 'rh pre a rc 10 be tootUlI1I ~ and I !l W1l au (J nl ,;!;er b eRd hUUllJJocllH, Is le voled t hcl'\) onl l fr·\I dea tl fl'Ulll lJl< hIlIlSlll)ll. tl' nols malches. As sociation . foo t lmll u1\' '\'lIh In IIrtel' lar l' 01 wln(\ - In 1 9G Ih lJ willu r ot Ih' Ma ralho1l II loTl o a(i lllitted. llu ~by a nd Arnorl a ll (1 1'1 \'ef) S Il OW ; Ev I'Y atr Illll beco w es a rn(;e 1]1 thu .. HI \, ,I Qly ml lll'll gam " , excltlll NI. T il l) fen 'lng will aurw;:t highwuy. No I)u rt or t il b roal ex· mllde III P III MI(\lW(' lll~l \\'ee1\' Mnrlltboll mueb 8 t l(!llI Ion. In uUllts w ith foll 8. 11iI1I ' I ~ no lunger lJ\lII~SOl1 bl e , lIud Ibe and Alh &n'J iu I . ,~ time Ihnn il Is <,st! - Kwol'dll nnd sailers teams of four wlil J ! ATS UI" I' ll E 1). \ L 11ISll'llJlltlon ClI U now begin rrOID t he C IIlPl'le, Qlu'h lCu m co mposed of men It Is hnrd for II mel' womnn npt (0 . fasblo n. ~tlO1C exquis ite on t.. w r e BtO ' kS • ur, s upplies. cUllb cd U~ con l' enor tllll eame nationa lity. T he nauLl~al fall 1l~[0 t~ mJ) Illlon Wh U ,«he ' goes notl'(l: IL plait m SM lIlIIe titled 1.0 th e le Ul 1)01u t8 by \Vater Irnns J)or l.l\t1un to s pu r l..'i will bp or g reat Inlorest. '1'bere to lhA g reot "olll\nlu gs" wltb Whic h wul~ t by smo llls lt UCII!:!, with IIppe r tho wid ely scat.tere tl places whel'6 will h s Wllllllllng match. o( .100. 400 Ulln 1.\;00 IJJ~I rK; div ing eroru a heigh t wily ahem, 'mCl'c hnnt Iln(l mllllner lu re pa l·t or . oft. 'ree my radium s ilk , so l hcH sUIIJ)lles ure 10 bo used. r fl'''~, ll1 ., to 1"- melers , nnll n number T IIO ' 1111' ro"u Ion 'or t"A rloru s tie hat In tb day WIH!I1 'vo rythlng s he fin e onll s lw C! r a n d li g ht tI by the raln l. U ., ~ hn. W(ll'n dnt lng [Ii IIRst . 'asO Il b. es l \)Iu: h f I'OS~S; a li OfL lllu~ I' rppe ' relndel! r ·lu l.O Alus ku haa glvcn Ihu~ ur l Owing e \'~nIB oC 1II1llBuai BOrt-l\. fl lns tu 100\; 11011 Il'"sly ,.hnblJy. A ll tle chin £', \Iw ~kl rt \)onl" .. " , I wi h cou ll try II ne w a nd usefu l. animal. mea or pulr·oared Slgs. lwo OlU"BlJlen til valllcl cH 'Of Ih felll ln ine \"orld are I lbree lllr/:o 1lI ks. It ICl \'t' ly no wer"ll w\J lc h I~ nil' a ll y IJ romlng II ~olu'ce of 1111(1 r l xKwn ln . ove l' a slrnl gb t course spI'enl l uut hefore I:(! r : s he nnd~ slI c h ' organdy milch' f r ill ed. 11 l'ol' lvul of a ll co mful'l a nd mllloYlUen l tor lb na · uf 1.01)U met t'rs ; a no lher raCIl O\'er II a lot of lllin gs just !!xa tl~' II r s tyle. old ras h Ion. romln din g ot rosebud II\,{' In III II 11 , whose co ndit Ion Is ,10 s lrulght cour.o of 1.6()O meters; gl~. jlls~ 10 h er las le-a la ~ not to ller ga rdens of 1; 11'1 5 on d iploma day. evcry way de plorable. These Ilnlmals rour OUI'>I wtth cOJo:Hwaln. over 1\ purHe. But just wb cn s lt Is bllgl nn lnr; In the millin ery section on e $It W will II dl. how ver. become nn Impor str aIg ht ('()urso of 2.000 metors: mnnto wlah s he had not co me at nil. a il e l)eall llIul colors IIn,1 on oug ll ali -bl a ck 1;lllt lIIlj lltlCI 10 Ih e transporlntlon ta oC-wlt r'!! g igS, s ix ali i'S. over a 8lral ght \Jg hts upon w hat appenlij and yei 18 haUl to Ive pl eBs ln g COlllr1lS1. l1er e r llllles o( the m un t l'Y. Tbey h ave c III'SI! of 2.000 meters; lastly. a race uor out or ' nll reaso'u n's to pr.lce: (or wn s n 1)lnk n\essn llll e draped turban. beeu trlPlI fol" \'urlou8 kl nd~ of work of 1ll0n·o!-wll r ·S long boots, maximu m Hi l1ars . u'· ·r U 3,0 -muter ·conrse. to.dny th ¢r at est varl ly Is otJe r ed. th e only U'l ntmln g a couplo of mOSil during II perlo(1 of sev ral yea rs , lIu L nnd If on e but be pa ll nt nntl pelld rose.ll ll us . Here wnK a hilt atlorn e rl h:I\'8 been untru s l wor thy In co mparl_ Th e bi cycle rac e Will take place oft lime on e can get a "ery f;ood warm · with a doze n different kl/llls ot pos ies. sou wlllt horses or dogti. Th o ·Ia tte r till! lI'a ' k lit !\ placo Just BOu th ot Ath· · ~n s . Amoll g th o eve nts will be n po aeci wenth or outllL witho ut grea t el PeDdl- g rotesllu o wh n off the h ead. b comlng pluys lin Indlxpel1slblo I1I1rL III Alaskon LuI' . ~ wh eu on. Th el'o W r eO6allors galore. lICe. and for him tillir e Is 110 ~ulls tltut !l. mee or 12 mlre8. 00 motor cycles ueed. For Ins tlla ce. toile I' Ilro really goo ll I mOSl o( I he m trimme d more ban Ui y Ue IS' particul arly fllt ed for nrCLlc Tbe 'elll of tbe bi cy c le contest will be . 1I0!;erlo wal ~ l!\ to be had at reasonable II bo\l \(1 have bee n-on ~ had sot so uSEll1 1.1'3 ve l, t ru st worthy nnd fnlthtul In bl s u grl1 l\(1 mee Wllbou~ pacors, oVllr t:l)e t)r ic It, an(t'r a dy-to-weor hatS In v ry , to think ing of a snUor as a Impl e a t- ,wo rk and .devotedly a ttoched to th e hig h ron (I r rom · Attle llll to M llfU~llo Q good sLye, Yesterday as we stl'oll el) fair, H r e were hats that looked as h nnll lha l feeds hIm nncl [he vol ('e (t llll brlC l,. n d ls lJ)n ' of 60 mU es. lb rouAh the aisles o ~ a Il tore whose Ihou gll t h \lY !tad \l een used for tOOL. wllll'll command s blm l)y ontreatl es o r In t.ll e s hoo lag so tlon Q~ the proreputation Is world-wide, we snw I balls, a de at bere. anotber IlIoglcol Ii. c urses. '1'be d og~ ore fed onl y ooco g rnmrue we tfull lh following num· gow ns wbo 8e cost s oared pretty hI g h , one the re; and pu t It on the bead, It il day- at Ihe dose ot l it d ay 's work F . B, LOven , 'n ] A. A. A . b rs: J , Any r.ecognlzed army rl~e, Iln ll alao tbe mos t fetchIng bargaIns wa s ebl c\t. very unlike tb!! battered af- - and under ordina ry ~ondltlon 8 of :)00 mcters, standing or kn ee ling. 2. III the WilY of 8hh·t -wals\s and pl:elty I fnlr o( a mo~ ent ago, And that I. lond und Lrull ca n tra vel 36 or 40 mll e!f' mated t he fllmo·us mce of hl s LOr y was Gros a rmy rlno l 2QO meters. Stlllllllnl IIRtS. And stuffs on dlapla)' I'1\nged wl1nt we bav'e to say allont hats : thai In n OilY. , mill. \l nd though g rently fn t lgued at the or knoelln g. ' 3. Any rifle, 300 me~era, P I=-:. all t be wa)' from a dolled Swiss lit '\ th ey look awfully quc'e r olf. rcmll'rll. .nill sll. !leclared , utte~ nn · b our'lI reli t s la ndln g 0 kneelln~, 4, fnlerunttonal t lIn t h 0. r0II "D 1TQn g enougb 10 -In standing "' s l', ·d ,. Ilua ble 10 ro., prcss (he qu lIlton $2 .50 a yard to a th in white gOQ(\S il t ahly well on, CARRIAGE ETIQUETTE. .. tell ms. a n y r III e, 300 m e'•e-' '4, .., • lo ng r, t 5 cElnt s. and In the latter we rellJ{zed Agalo wo are to Lil t our h eadgear . lignin. kn eeil ng and prone; teaols ot fivc ot "t- l an 'l re mem\Je r.' All)' bo\,,-;ti8 th re were wonderful posslbtll'les- not quite 8n mudl forwllrd 8S lall l All interasung fellture In our cdm- Bll me naLlonaUty. 6.- Any recognl~ed • ,. e a IllS), .ong le to ono l'l'oper Pro~edure of th!' I.ady Who pnl'lFOn Is th e part tl4ken by ~m er I- army reVOlver, · 20 mete . ' rs. 6. Arm, • year. but. gIv r('!llse!l lo ' ume lln uk, I1n d - I- I b Ie d hi a Hne ,Iuc klo .... a bit ,of ram Insertlpn Goes Call1n g In Vl.ctorla d I I d I Cb ame I0.LDe'l1 o S~ . Flo: ' . with frill s "or whit lace, tl modis h pat· !llde. Oh, the vanltlds and tll ,'0rf\IIS. an inte nBuly rno ern POOP e. u ~e rvl ce r l:wo lve.r. mo e "VQII \Vhfll '! Oh ,,_ ·· Shll l rn \,lse·(\. I n ~he lit. and n lln J;l( rlc ga:rl ~s or fashIon! or Auto. tbe gamea of olasslc re noWIl. A ,ni ter lolgne J873-4', 20 meters. '1', "niY .revl)l. tllrn N.l IIWllr, nnd h ili ber (a '" lu he r blouse evolved eciual to t hl! one lil tbe YeL anoth er woril abol1t bills. Tho , In t ile 'N~w York Tribu ne says: " 'rh e. · ver. 25 meters. 8. An,t revolver, 50 ~ 11ItUli<!. glass ClISe ove r ond er . F!)r Lh o (bird 0' Paradl Is wlth '1lI\ wltb n ?".rl !age etiquett e IS r lgl(! II lI d, pre· Grecl:' o r to ·llay · a t all events- b as meLers. 9. Duelll\lg pfslols. 20 meters, " I don ' l care. He 's a I'nd! " mull red lingerie \lloulle ot lbe s enson. the 'It, ngenn c • Its ' trllll everywbere. And I_ h;~. fn.lte Ihe rua.tter o ~ g ltl ns Into , pro,ved hlmselt Infer io r to the Amerl- with deliberate aim. 10. Duelling IlII1t b buv rebelliously. .Then h whls- should er seam 18 mod rately s hort ; pea cock lo nes ore with liS 10 a .s trength . .1 ,I _(orla. fo r. }.ample, snys tbe New en n III th s port which Homer s peaks tola. 25 .metera, nt commaJUl, 11. pc r~t1 ~\; r tl g oily : ~'l say, F lo. dOu', sle8v modenH Iy 1'11 11 anll Ilulte flho r~ '\ 10 millin er Y', Rnd , In .l;o~.n s. On s el; York S,un . , or os the dellg bt at lhe most ancient Spo r ti ng ebotgun. cln~" lifgeoos, lie ml~~ rabl abOli ·It.. '" a nd cdg d wltb trll) : tho .. bacle whole w.ltllloWB DC pea cdc k ;bluc The I'oot ma o s tanils on t'be Sid w,ulle. He Jl eJIl c jllogs. Greatly dl so ppoln ted 1Z. ~portlng ~bolgUD, way JlII~~'n;oo.~~__-:-.....!:--''-::..---'iIIi "F'Jo '/ II \\"h lsDore~agulo, waIli ng tor ~rll\1mQd , 1I0 t. how e \'e r ; '50 elabo rllt ely rl r 95es , . ao brilliant UB to be vl s lbl e ' H mUY . lla\' lho Inp robe oyer hltf by t,h e lr fnll llre ' ~o "nplllre Ih e .font . her 10 's pe,nk. · -.,-.......--,--,----+_ -ttm-'fT.rm1'.- "Pt.P- flu~e-i!t ve ry a efY-I~ng way off. Tn con lra~L wi t h a rm. ur 1l may h" O\ ' CI' l,h9 fronl of t he race · llrl'l.e~. the Ol'cel(s n t th e Alh enl a Jl Sti ll n nc·ll. nnd p r slllllly Jimm y. charm lug worn with a rO'l:ese le~ Sldrt. ! l hl s garlsb I.. 0 tlew ':,O: tl l cn\J l> rl ca l'\"Ia!t ·. gl\m~s of J DO we ro, cert/lln orvl<ltory wit h u aor t ru ub le d ullin g. h Ili h n St tbe kInd high a l t h ba II o.b \l cut out "banana," or whi ch t her e ar severa l The Ind y I"PS In lO t hn vIctoria with- I 10 t lll'OWl ug Ille dlsCU$. Th e Gree k Cy a. rIJ!le n o"er and bo'r led his rnce lu In [ront, . shades- the runge goes from pRlp~t ,Ollt llOllrl n ~ Ib rcs)le !,ful Wlty III eODfc~ln n ljl, who pr.e ced9d lba torolg n In" heat her . \;lalf an ·bour pal!lerl , It seeJlI Qd to us a ll th e. SRl rts on it l!!- I cream to bl~r ult lind reaches Its ,ell. whi ch lIe to u~b 8 ltl ~ ~o,' knderJ lUll,.. parti r.lpnnls . made Ih lfi feelln J; or IrllJ'h vl!llOlI or· etJlI J:lerl'irk wll h a P18Y e xcep t tbose or st rl tly u t ili· In tl pale mus larc\" '. Sile s ·ul!'.-S ho .. ~e1f eom e, dubly !Iown In IIml'lh In thfl hellrU! ' o f th e AlII nl a o 1lll'UlliuIl l\ ll"e 'I u}(f p roved too much fo r tarlnll 5Ort. ,,:~ re o,acl e poreselet &r.1.1!;N I)S·!l.10NDI·:. u) e r'lIB bIOll ~ . '1'h e n her Il lll 't L ' 1.1011 8 ~pel'll1.tors a ll the more Bure. 'j'hey FlO: r oman!.1 pn d. artIstic nalura; l)ut - ...- nnl l IJI nnrt b~t.ln s, BU'IICil! 8uoh • grac;e rul 8 ~tllU11 08 , hilt s tili : tboll g ll ~ n e lo voq him no long~ r. ~or 11 III bls l!lslt to 1uok We la p robo ellc b r lle,III-" llle benuUCul ~tnl\1 £1 ot . s be I\' a.~ (icl'dci,l ly unb II pJ))' , b e felt 1. ' , ,' ,.... 11\)" 111 )'011. and h en PD~S bool, or the th e DlscoholllH, wbl('h h ila blJe n "'alled very 10J\.~lr , fro r ks : a pretty fas blon. tor (ihlldren currla '0 IInll see th ;\( It Is properly 1)1 B yron '(1 \loom nf lrOnglh .' Art ~ r T he bt'l&llt llu millf' I' sky do Zl lo(1 her always \Javo . s uch Morable arijust'll on t he other · s l~e. All this the clnSs l llf,rt'II I'lflllU e o r 1M Oroek" pye. 'I'\len ~ h Il r~L 111\ ' ovo~etl thom . IJUt. Ilrms. 1'11\1, t be 1I0n o willi lhe gr ~ntest de!l b- Ihe UW1(\vf\r(1 nn ll cs ot , l hu Am ericfi n The sn llot' 8ult for Bmnll boys llUS ~ I·o llon. wero ~ rfl 3lNl wllh lI1u cll I;ood -n ture d .Ibro u./lli u Pd!\l sbe l! rc~ived tllU! JIm· my was ~tl \ 1 t110re. Somehow s he ex· r e lllTll.el1 to .tuvor. anll the s t[eelll a r!! 1' h ll ' fonllllun flJlu lly finish es hl ~ I ugbJ r, Yil t. Ollf!plte . hIs IlI cl( Of pori en d u fccllll~ or re lter. She shoo k to be 11110<1 ' wlth dl/lllnl\lIVIl sailor work. und' phlces him self o n' l he s ille - \ll:~ce. capt. Gtl rrelt, or Prlncelon.. wh o ' 1>10. The regUIR t lonB governing the ' hack I\er !lair, u\Id urew down h r men . · The Norfolk I, aa 1.l an" adbe r- wnlll b y til ,-(ctod .. to rece h ' h ln bad never h ud a dl sc\ls lobls b a nds UIYlllp11l 1l gllmes IlrCtvltlo tbftt CLmll~ Itlrt, but · h t< (orgot 10 \'l'1 -h {o ~ hairp ins e nts. Is as popular as any mod ' ls Oll 'm ls tress' orM rs. It Is tM n tbat h i nnUl I hreo Iinys \le tore lh vellt. wt) n leUI'S o nlY lUUY Olller. Tbe prizes a re II n (1 I()n~ d r~ !! ~, . Ih marlleL Chnng(4) I.n ooy~' fn s h· ml s u'&ss for Ib o nl'~t li mo sn)' w)1 ro Lb e con t s t. He throw lhe "Jll\iUer" cup~, m~dal s, dlpiomul!. etc. "JimmY ." s lle Whi spered . Ions ar seldom r n ll (·nl. th o' mother6 ~h .. Is go ing. T el uo rc::\ II~' elega nt, 29.1 ~ TIl t !'S, or Cllntlmelcrs be· 'rhe old time O·lymplc. garues were ov~ r Ilim . do nO! nav o milc h trolubl' In plunnln ll th e Ilidy m uat s1:iow no s ign s o f hurry, yo ud lila lhrow or th e Oreo ll ohum· Ilboll~lfcd In 394 by the El»pel'Ql' Thea· "~'Io ., he murmured in a I'hol(ld voice. desIgns f'Or tit m . And Olen. too. SO~ Slowly nnd dellberutel y s he turns tJl I)lon." (lOs1UB, ' I'hell' origin Is los t 10 antlqulItlll lll'd lll t; his shame ~ ftus)leti ttl e, man y tbln gs can \) bou ght T ady th footOlan une! nl llnllons the d f.'!i?tlllllThe 'New York Trlblln e rece ntlY ly, A legend altrlbules the foundation ~ f i r I~rk halLsI made. even ~or i'\tnsteJ; Three.Year·Ohi. LIon to whl It she will be drl\'no. It ~8 ! gn \·I) a most Int,eres tl ng ser lcs of pic· to He rcules Pelops, who 'jII\l:3 rever· ~ ~ ~b~~U~':. ~: If (het w~en h ls'le:l~b'~o·':'w::"'a~=n'!d+---;·· ~I;t-+'Ii--+...J.!711 -;'ior- - I Tho' \aHors-prov ld e (Ivan hIm with a res arde ll as II sh adll more !e ·a nl Jar t ures 01 11113 "vigorous YO\ II1 S s peclmee eo~ed Wli h s pecJu) ,honol' at Olympia. hiS cheek, and lIuge re(l., there. Aft I' a n atty a.prlng s qlt: be may go for th- tbo Indy to 1001, dire tly In fron t o f ' ot Ame rl cu n m a nhood' choson to up- It Is s nld titey tell lotO negl ect tor a lillie wblle , he moved $lIg)lIly. but th9 or bls moth er- allt! ~Iurcbase trou sers her and. no t n(il le lng th e wulU n tooL~ hold Ihls eountry·e · athl l>~lc fame Lime. were r lo WPUlar Cavpr. r~88 Iny 00 bl ~ lips. He pn.t ou ~ one and <:on.t or fine gray e lonl; join the 'mn n lit all , to ~peal( hc r wI sh s ns It ,'lIgalnSt nil (he ' world n~ the 1l111)1'Oac il - uy Lycul1,"'lIS of Spnrta and KiDg Ibltus hllUt\ lIHndly . And . IItl"alli;' Iy enou'g I. prOlll.enad e wl~h the proull coosclou $- s hl) worc n(lllre3s lng til wind , I.nll as lu g Olymjllc Gllmes ill GrM Cc ," lI11d III of , EllS. But It was muoh later .tbe It 11)1Im\ the g lr\ 's nl1!;ers Immedlq.te ly. oc~ h e Is ·'conee l." · To be sure. Lho It· I t li gh t to b .!! I~ d to obey h~r . looking u : the v<lrlolls pl ctuce!l. or the 1o ffi cia l lis t of vlc~ors bogtln, about 776 "Are n'l 'we · trl ends Ilgaln , J immy ?" trea ij uro(l ~I'oaser!l al:e Illmogt hIdd en III 1'11111 01; th e Illd y do 8 nOl Icav e "IJ;orons ,:pel'im ns w o felt ol1r reo 13. . ' II ill tbought .thnt for long thl) "1 Ilon't know, ~-I o." . by tbe upper gnrm ent of "his Sl1ll," ber ea rring JII IIII Ih o tootmu n h UB lironch I ~ b illg (ullen a way, Ihlll we COOl ~ !lt was tho stud Ion or s hort foot "W'by , " "'Innocently. but they have real pockets. make tbe rung the (loorheJl nnf! loorned It th o Yank o ' 9 I, ra nut Ille Inrerlo r t o lk phy- race. Lllte r the dlaul08, or TIlOO or lwo " Ob, yo u I,now wha l I meall. Flo." IIltle one ' fo I ve r)' ilroud and man· lady or th e ho use I~ a t home. rr sb s lca tlv. ,John lIull "I~ ed to so y 'wo ,ve re. gUldlll. WU S Inlroduced nOll presently Jimmy slghCI) antI lookerl liP nt ber 'Iy: Apd nothing 1;lv 8 hi s 01(le:- ts 01 11., he len,, ()s llie curd lI lI d r et urns . lhe (\01 Ich08. or long filII. At tlte time a 'l Illst . brother mQru p)\ljlsllre t hRIl th e raIny- llJ tl w \'eb leln Po' oruCI'II. ot tho 11l~l-nll med the cont st.tnla .• She Cmnetl awn:Y her b,CDt!, "Olll you day coat "just , \l Ik e: father's." · 'rhe '1'h ~ !;Aml.' thing Is rell tllrcd o t t h abll ndol\ od th e loin cloth nne] IIlJpeared lhlnk me horrid. JImmy?" oth e l' dol' wh n stiles were lower ing. r h nlltTel\r r:t Jlrl\'ato mOtor. The 11 1'nalle tl. a Cll sto m which wall to prevail. "I could ne\'cr l blnl t Unr. You were we bOllllell\ld to be ' ou t nnd ol\ld n ot r iva l 01 II Ill'lvn[ o molor III rro nt . Of II "00111ell[( on wa s OpeD only' to those \\ilb. ~lI.P)' aUoul-''' •. he lp notl elng whllt 8 mllrt rllin cOlll3 h')tl ~. h ,, ~ hlrl ecll com o to lie Ull IW Cllo f llUre Gr eok desce n l. "and f ree trO!ll • 'l No . no f 0. bit ." h"BfS Uly. '~ Io was r.. were' worn by bttl&: o~ vaTlous a ges. s lon o f c remony. tuint ot Imple tl)'. b loot! gullUness or nnxlm;s t hat no turtner refer encil On bpy oC 13 or lhc I'eahouts had oo.n . Th e \. hid Ilrill~8 lip. Th e CllOllf~mye breach o[ 1:1I,!~." '1·1)0 ' conles t- ,_ fibollld .be mnlle to the epIsode of I he str aight b\IX ~ont 91 !lnrk gray, liS tri g I f UI' nllghls, 0\' (l A ,0. 0 door Il n d r~lints tra ined talthJ nll y for', t.en 'lIIl!p(hs enr1\er part of the . afternoon. " Jim· nnd ne nt as eOllld h E" and \l,e lrudsed ('~ive~ Ih c 01\1'11. lJefore tho ga mes. 'rite openjng da y ·" my .... be s nld , " I bave \leeDl jus l borrld. alon g In It. proull as a cock. H ~neH up lhe . stells n nd rlng~ th" wns giv en oyer to s octlti es. li nd ere ' bitt you w01\'l renllnd loe,about It. will 'l'Ht: PR A "1.'1 .;\tJ O :-;U.- L' U';C.E FR'OI.'K. C . II r ll. Th r Illdy Is at home. He h lllltla t be coutee,l s begun the judges mado a you," '1 ORE OF THE EARTH METAL III t he (!ul'Il li n d relu rllS to 'th e motnr. I;Olemn "OIV 10 judge tu1r:ly. lhe, COD"Never! " be repUed , lIgbtenlng bll Atte ntion was cnlled late ly to the . ---II~ occlipun i th ell nHght~. It th ere testo nls lo compete with !nlrness. '011 ~old on her ' tiand. coats offered for .glrls. un.d. 'loB we' Great Den~lty o~ F Ol'm1!t!on Sugg.ests , Is a fo otn\an, h e II 'compll nles b e l' liP l be last day tbo Victor' received ". "Y6u're n'wrully good, Jlinhl)'." rlooked af . 8~yerRI mod els" ~e thou!l.h~ · tile PI'Ob~bUi'l'y of Sucb th e s tellS to r lng .the bell lign In Ir ncecrown of wilt! oUve. Ule .· on1y prl~e. ' 'Rot, Flo." tbe fashions mos t oommo,ndallie this Condit'l.on. essary , in II n y 'ase, lui m i' sl ext rlCll tQ " CH RISTOPHlilR \VEBSTER. year. so s't mple and senslllie. They the ucctlpnn t ot th vchl rl troto · h Qr .' Clothes and Conduct. were, all of light weight eud lI~bt 001· Is ;h ~ middl e oJ the earth mad o ot rul';S before .h e Ililows ber nllgbt C . ~\. DI\~n:LS , . NE),W YOftK 1\. C. YEAR~ OF LAB'OR JoJ'/ llry nlau ant! evory womnn teela orell wool and all mqde on tbe box or· metal. $!:xper/me ut s on , tbe gravltn.. ' fl' III t he motor, _del': , loose and 1com'fortBble. easy ,LO tlonlll atlrllcUon betweeD 8n1l1,1I mIl S$e~ E!t8t lind w est gatb er the me o for tbe the Influence or clothes lind 'a»!lell~l\n ce The Stng'u,lu Experience :Bela ted ,by 'get Into and 'ou~ ot. For a gl~1 of 12 give us the means o'r det rmlnln g \be OlympIc gtllues, ror even tbe ell:it now upon conduct. You have he~"rd '", th.~ . a. Xan ;W ho Once Wrote .. there 'WIl8 a. tbree·quarter l(!ngth coat '~verage .il'ensl t.y of :the. earth. llull It Horse Sbod with ·Gold. ' recogT\l7.c·s lI\e ' w~8te l'n athlete. 'I'h\lre loneil' mun In the AusLrallap bu~h ~bo • •. a Book.. tan cloth plaldeil by lines of 110ft· ball alw,a ys beCII comilci~·ret!. r emark. 10' J . F. HogHn's " Hl s lory 9r lhe Is Ar hI e Haho. Mllwallkee Atbletlc olwevu put on evenIng dress Cor dirt· green. culfs , 8nd eollllr Of , green el~tb. able that. t~e Ilens!t~~~ tbhs 'fa un!!. flve Iris h ' In AI1~tr.allll :" · a number, of '/lssOc\{\Unn, wbo w!ll' t'Ompele' In the ncr. ~o tbat be might remember he' wall' "". A twin In design waS of tan and red. Bnd a half time. thll,t of w.ater Is tar frcalt R of Ruddonly enr!cll ed lucky gold' 100-meter . clash. 'Rnd F. Ii. MoultoD. a gent:eman. Addison could DOt vnlta For an older gLrI was shown a semi· hIgher tban, tbe meim ' denslty ' ot the di ggers arl! .r cOl'tletl , "ut on e of lhe Ksn $lIs Clly Athletlo assoclatlon. In hIs best unlesa be Willi well (lreBStI/I. loose jacket of tan covert: ()Ioth~ ,just roek8. wbl cll CODsttt\lte those patrts of queerest Is loli! of n fijcotsll1ao namer! lhe 400-moter run, . F: B. OIover. Clil- Put u nllugHty girl Into , he~ beat ~un the thing for. · cool Bum'mer d!lYB snd the earth acce8slb!e to liS, · Tbese lat. Andrew arocron, ",Ito died In Mel· cago Atbletl c nssoclaUon. Is reoogUlzed day I'ICltbes and sl\e Will behave QI1JtIt ' ~~ry ' I1ret~Y w.lth a' sallo)' at .Ilarnt· tel' have not'more th1Ul tWQ and ·a half bnurn e Ihe otber dllY at tlle a ge or IliI abe of tbe best 1I0ie vaultera In the nice ly. Put a blackguard, Into- . khaltf atr • .,.,.; . . or ·tltre\!' tllnea tb,e density wS:ier. 87. 1:10 .was returned , In , 1856 by It. west .... and tJ.e 11'111 be a bero, 1. , Lingerie. bats. wasb bats v.' h~~h .can It does Dot 8eem lI1'obalJlo that : any consUluell,C'y Lo tbe IIrst' parIn the Olympian games .bejd In 1896 \lus c'lnductor Into unl1or~ ' &Dd be '.. 111 he eully ~uUed apart 'and put· to- pre!$sure In the ' lilterlor, however ,·u_._ ..... of V'lc torla , und the story goel! lhe Amerlflans won all Qt tbe .bort 11 ve Ill! to bill . c1otbCII. · lndeed, lit a sethet' . -"10, are In evidence livery· ellpl&lD ~ Ireat a dafter- tbat h"l! rode 100 mlle~ down to Mel. foot races, and 1,'bomas Burke. Ot _BOB- mtuenr.lum of free clotbea of' the taU-Ie Where.., .~h~ are of whlt~ p(lIue, of lUll.' bf UInImeci t"t the boul'llt! ali a horse 8hod wIth gold. tou. ·had. Buch an,..u!Y time at It In 'the tuhlon we shall all be arcbaD&elli '- " coloreG ~ah !!Iaterlalil. a~d t~ . ~e of totally dllf....t The gold~p IIh~es remalJl'ad .,on the '400'meter race t'IIat he .I~cke~ed his LaMO!! Ohronlcle. . . , lOme it " I~ " Tbe ,beet ·dreaq4 clilll·II:m~te'rl~II: il:rola':'l1e The ~ b01'1I6 (or thr.lle da,.. Then t~e native last few _tops to i. walk, AliIed W,h, c1ftrI •• ~ ' atmotit Invarlab)r· . that l~ . the Caledonla,n ,.ailserted tba Gree", tell heblad. be ..-Id they p. ~ellts; w~"' , ·ftoc~! (If a metaUlc ltllel~ tbey wen replaced by- baa ., ~r I .we~ U](CI hlgb-stepplDK IIOrtl8l . • who tr+s ' __ .,.b18 of I~.~n .11l tbat tbe 1IIe. make a 'wond~rul17 IIno appearance ':-~dMnd IIWIf'~ o;r.. bodl.'?1lf . -. but 1fIIste no little ot t~elr fl!IeI'IY In ade with thll . iD Ylew. l ..te1'Iol\ .. ~. CIcIie ,~ ~ KOInc up In tire air :lIItead ahead. TJuj ODe-piece frock COIltt.~ DItt of It CIOU\llfD CIlIJIa"marltllla~rtJJat But If the modem Greek ,bowed . ror ., ~hat th.,· himself iDferlor ID short .I~I!II rUDI, 10
1& • n ,aler
~Illlil ll !;
'Pur an ".....
tat- ':
a.,. are ..
-::~'''''''''''" ..=':...,-".;';.';.j;'jli.~;': mlallu~.
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Wl~[)OM. PAl • Don't, Olt]flU~" with CUl1IllIOn ·8 )o.juJ,:l .. emub Brown Lej(horn eg~l4. lllU1 IIllthorl/.{III I" ""II I,,' P.1hh, · much "" "Ore n '1'1111",'"" for lIO Inqnire of U. JI'. dalnt, It I!osta Allot,iotl 01\ 1111 ' 111'('111 i>'1.'< , Fhtry, (). ;\I\"'rl', Orl't:olliH. nhin. VlIlI,\V Ttli. f;\eal" before uising, all(1 DgrllM lienl -----LINES~ ---:Sutllrlln ,'" ,\pl,n ;!;o, th, 1\)(": ' 11111 fol f' I,hn t\l ' 2;\7. J I.JI'Ii,LIlon eNohlLnge. Ul2 more rifier. ril,t!d I" oporty, yi? For sale by J. E , Janll!!Y. ~j,:'::.:-J.'"(l~''' f tJI1\torti .11101 ~t U. ~r. lowillt: clfl~ , , : 1'lrllt,Ulf,{ Foll y'>\ HIlIIOY ,uld Tllr. FI rst : All 111111 "\I'btln pice LlI' '1'. >I . u ........... o\ ....,K .Aor1l ~; ''' T<.' " . H llIun.1I\ Blood Mllrh, '-TOUf'1l1 E!lh'lII INlon!{l n, t'l) C, W ~'oloy & Vo, Chi c~go, originated A tale of hor:ror Willi tolti bY .lIIl1rka tl ,OO " ,car · . . .. In " '4I\' IlIl~< l:iqllires, c.OIIro\ ning 'l 1" 10(\ nor e!'. H ollt);\, IlIId 'fflr II II throat lind lung Los Angeles of lmml&n blootl lu til hODle of J . f1 , ~~" elr 1/ no~ 1':\ld In 11<1 va til'" Ulereonl'r(lrf('(l .. 11,'" room (!o ttllj!e, '·IIIIlP.l I~·, "lid 1/1.wC'onut of t.he gr lit W. WIIU"ms," well ku own Iller· m Ari t nnd popnlllrity of Foley'R City of Mexico ,)F.FlClil IN ,JONES BUILDIN . store. room, fl' j,·,1 lIl1l1. ~tnlhie 1111,1 HOII IlY IlIlll 'J'ur "'llllj hnltat.\ou9 olln.ut of BaCt tty , He wrl tea :" TWlIl1· In Allrllllllll MolY frnit of all Id l1 (lp. Illl'~ ri t,I' Illnring f!l r t,hu It nllin , Ask for t.y yoor!l DKO J bll(l severe hemor· 1ElllEJ'JlO~El .ekLL .. 6·~ ~ooond; \lIH' H H . p , Gn .)Jiu.· "~"n't>rt>rl ' 1 A.\' · R Honey tlnd Tar ond refuse rbages of the lung8, tlud WRH nlllir Des Moines death wh"u I begull t.aklng Dr Engine, FII(Oj\ IlI il1: ".Ii l1i lll1ll'n', phlf fillY ',,,bill·llnt,a lllT!lr tld us n o oth6l' K'lUg's ew 'DI!lcoverv .. It oomplet•• Louisville WI!lU~ESOAV, A\'1l1 I., Ut. , ., · · ,· · 111011 for 111 8C/IltI~, hor,jO,. "II W, "nrro,\-. prlll"lrllti llll wt11 gil' til Mine tlllt, tlncl I hu,,!' rnm ...i'ned l~ t""II " " , It I ~ lIIi1eJly 1I\:Iml,lvo. It Iy e llred St, Paul bu~gy, WlI l!lI111', hllrll l)~s. furll'lin&r (' lI lItlll11 S II Il OpilLte!\ 'LOd i9 81.fest for IV 1\ vllr eincl(J." It, ures BI'IUOI'r· tQoJs, winet 1111 11, pUlnps, hOl1>1ebold nhlldrl;'l1 lIud rlolinn re persons , }'. hlll.tCll!, Obron'lo Ooughll, "'ettle!l ~, Hoel Post O. A. R, COldlO flnel Bronobltlll 0011 il! t lw goods. aDd mil hy othe,r Il.rti c l e~ URf'· . ' Nlh wllrt ' . only known oure for WtllIok Lun~!I . Boston Ii bout"' home or tI fo r ill. For a yea'r or more ', the memaers Every bott.le gmi rllntf e<l b.v F. t' , In Jun" For Sale. t;ch wa,rtz DrtIIggl at , liOo I\lId * 1 00 Tbird ; ~ I OC'k of gr()(,llrilll' linn or W. R, Bool P08t G. A. R" of 'Prilll llOttle 'free. WayoBlvl11e, h~ve not been 'holding generril m ol' h" udisf', ooullt!'rf!, Ro n Pot,1I t.oes; Iilurly Ohio, 'ar. San Francisco r,'R lll .. r meetlnp o\vlng toO the faot shelving, 801llt'l< "'1(1 hlludrcYls "I' 111 0 11 No. ;1. ueen of ttbo Valley i ul. l'SE_GREEN..SEAL PAINT. Will oover hettor thnu 'other · - - ~bat IlIallV o( , the members have other items mmully fpuIlIlln 1\ Ol1n , I"J H\\" et Ill)tht,o lIJ1rl Ilarden 1)1811t8 III Jun ~b'47U1 in 1<011>\011 . T. " ' AYLOR, 'reached an ag when it Is dlffioult try store. B(1 11 Phone; R , R NO.4. X E~IA, O. llUint.s. 'rhis I!! boollu8e It lit Ulade Denver 'for thtm ,to &8I!9mble togethor, es· Terms i $ >i.OO ond uuder, CM h ; from best materillls, ~O July pecially at an evening meetin~. For over *5,00 tlnd under , GO. 00, six For stile by J . E. Janney . Pnr Information .. boul ucureloQ 'ham ber.laln·s ,Sal ve. tbls ·r lion tho matter of giving up months cirenlt ; oVl'r *(,0.00. nino (Ilrea ~n(\ \'lllrUcul~rI! about PHuDsyl · 'l'hiM Mh'e 111 intended especially Wllllntere'kt Mlmy. 'be ]'Okt's oharter Ilnd disbruldmg mont.he ofe!lit. Appro"e<l 'oourlty \' ~"Ia Llou" lIaSSeOlllr !lervlea cOI\ll IlI~ E"ery pers')1l IIhould know that for sore nipples, hurnt!, frost bites, II , ~:, nOO'l'8 Wa1U.,.vllle () waS oonsldered. ' required. Speoitll termt! wlll be glv. chllpped J.lI\I\ds, Itching pilei!, chrou. I;ood healbb h' ImpoSlllble if the kill· - -Tlck. t ,\HertRect'n'ly, however, word Was reo en on the Renl Estate lind wlJl be io Bore eyes, granulated eye lids, old neys aJ'e deranlted ... Foley's Kidney celv d frolm Depllrimnn I, heltdllnnr. m ude kriown Oil duy of sule. eb tonio Bores and diseatle!! of the Cure will ourla kldDey and bladder tl1\'i:1 advising thtl mum bel'a 1.11 kl1 II our presence is earnestly reo SklU, suoh Il<1 tAltter, salt rheum, ring dlseasA in ' every forul, IIUlI will " organjl.~lltion, ' Ull tbelr eVIlII if tlw qu sted at ' this !!ale. Saturday. worm, 8081d head, herpes, bllrbers ' build up nnd etrellgtheu these or ltob. scab\lles or ltoh and oozema. gans so they will perform their func· meDlbCrII of the Po.'1t wert) not "hi .. April 28th, 1900, Coino. Bring your H bas met with unparelled suocess tltons properly, · No dlluger of to holtl regular meetillg~, Rnd iI,) pelghbor. ,Waynesvllle'li Leliding Delltist· in the treatment of these dille&88tl, Bright's or (lIlibetesif Fol· ,he W R. Bllo) Pust (2 , A. a .' will Price 250ents'per box.' Try U, For ley'sKidney Cure Is tl&lten In time, olllee 10 Key.' nuIl4In, . . . . Main S l ... ., EDWIN G. ORn F. C. 8obwartz. oontinue to' exist as a remiUtlnr of Selling Agent. 8ale by F. C, Sohwar,z, the day!! thllt t,rled n)"n'~ RoulR ; 11 , ~6mindel' uf the oour'll!: • the htltf) ' iBm and the Iit,ruluzltlR, nf Ihe rner~ who fought fol' th" preservatiun of the ~tiOrl and agllin~t lI"oeSlllon and I]avery. ' , A G, A. It.P''8t In tiny comm.u ui • 'y hallltn IlI.ft~ence th'rlt CllDnot b8 overes"mated, and a8 the.yetlrll roll by, and the story' of the Rt ru~'glfl of OPllOl~tunity 'Ill to 'OG heOomell I~ raltl b>oCl"U~1! e~rn ~or f.,Uler awa~ from 8II0h generll.ion, the preeelloe of "he PotIt will · coo Rntl;' teach thl! 'le8s(;1D \If true PII ' trlolilm' and 10yaUy to oountry, ~nd ~ake ,3 Let us hope and trust that al'4 long .. two memberll remain W. R. Boei Poes G. A, R. will continue to stoc~ ' ~mt and tbat th~ day wben we inve~tme1\t abaU o8ue to Bee the fa~iURr 'l'(} broDS8 'b utton thatdenotEIII the com· ~elhlp .of th~ G. ,A. R. 18 fllr in
For Sale.
wru be lOON l1ome1ike aDd altfto. c Ir,' 11 tlve in a new dl'8llll of GreeD Seal . ~"I Llqultl Plllnt? I'rlll ... lIl" 1e· Liquid Paint, c"uMemClllt. "WllllrM III IMI "I",n ,u . For 8&le by .J. E. .Janlley. FOr $lilt! by J , 1'J. Jnnpey. A Thouaand Dollar Worth or Goodi. L. 1 have been aftlloted 1Irith kidney EDISON PIitONOORAPH. and blac;lder trouble'for yean. pull. Ing gravel and Itonel with ell:orU· (liRt·lng pain ... II&YII A. B. Thurnse, II well kno,",n coal operator of l3 uff . . 1110,0, "I KO' no relief from mildi· ('iue until I begao taking Foley'a Kleiney Cure, then the rEIIIuU' was Nurprtelng. A few dOIl88 st&!Hd ~e brioK.dust·lIke substanoo ud DOW I hllve no pain aeroas my Idue,.. and I feei 11k" Il new man, It ball done me 'lOOO worth of good," Foley's Kidney Cure w1l1 oure every form lit kidney and bladder dlaeaae. F . I~ , 8ohwartz. WIIYl'
Wb~ ,III IIUII,I Illtlllt"I:!, u~"
Brings chepr 011 thy. ~'tlllr, E~erY · body likes it, no silill is rl'Qulrl'd • t.o rellroduo(' perfeotly blind IUUldo, the finest VOOII\ solos, duettl, ond . quartetttls i the finest oharacter 80ugs and vauderville skits. T~ulI AND UEAL~R IN the Phonograph provide!! niore fun and muslo tban any other 8utomatio . entertainer, yet Is within reaob of all . It spvakS for It.self: Telephone In his howie where he Wo will be pleased to sbow the can be called at ' all houri, day or mllohlnea to anyonelnterestOO, night. 8o1,d ou pllymentl of ,1.00 a week OooohEill IUld ohalrs lIupplied H"ve rooentlr mi)ved to room" next to Cr08ll BI'OII, JEWjJLER W AYNEBVILLE.
WAYIfIllVIL .... 0,
\Ve haive a rare fo,r you to become a stockholder in ODe of the' best coal properties in the Central states, This inve tmeut will you 12 per ' cent upon the pur yalue of the stock, 1tud a sh?rt time only, we offer the I'emaining portion of the ~llottment of'100,000 shares 'a t 25 cents pe'r share (par value $1.00 tully pUld and non-assessable). 'rhis company is safely conservatiyely mana,ged and you cannot mIstake. :he marketi and the shipping f~cil· itie which is the Ohi,() River and the railroad) are the . best, and makes It an unparalleled Investment for a stock-holde.·. Y<!u cannot buy in any mining 00. , who are using the water was as mean8 of transportation, for the rea~on thnt the dividends more than in any other ,that can be made. , . ' Remember, this i a dividelld paying company, 1 per cent per 'month, and you do {lo.t have to wa,it for your mon~y to be ea.rning you ~omething. The value of the stock will be increased as soon as the alottment is sold.
""vertlslng WaynesviJle.
. at a mlnimu!m frelgbl:t-att), bot the heat feature Is the river ,iran!,porta. 011 , Tal!'.Itol!'W'. tlou the diatanoe to tlie river beinS abon. sill: m,lIes, and 'he obannel of ' The oil fields oontrolled h, 'his ('..owpany oonlll' of 207 Aoree in 'l'he,Coal Fleld8 of the W~tern ~entuc~ Di8trlot ' lie south l\nd the Ohio at ~Is polnt IS deep enough st alllltagEIII' and 88IUIon8 to allow west of Evansville. Indiana, and about 125 miles west of LoulS,ville, com. barlleil t.q llCl floated d~,wn the stream; thus enabling us to ShiP, our pro.. Delaware County, Indiana In whaUa knowlI aa a deep I*Y dl8,t riOt; with . '"'od f till d1 t • t duot to Meul'ph18 and New Orleans. "' , seven producing welle upon it and an average produalon of 76 barrell per' prlelqg In all about seven countles, Lpe pr uotion r!=lm 8, BriO 88 Ne'W OrleanB today 18 one of the be8t coal JDarketAI for the rea80n clay, alld a20 acr8B ill PIWII, tranM8 dl.,rI9'; the Illdiana lelllu'hu 1008,&101;1 fjbow~ by. the Minln~' lnspeo~r for ,the 8tate, to be over 4,100,000 toni. tbat,0C8Il~ ..t~mertl take coal at 'hill port for Europe, Booth Amerloa for at lelUlt 40 more wella and It iii lurronniledb; good prodnclng weill! ' The veln8 are of a uDlform thlokne.88 and the grade equal to Ohio and and' tbe Islaudll ( aDd a great dCIRI of ooed Is exported f~om b~re. , one whloh W1UI drUle<l \n next to thle leMe pumped 1150 barrel. pe; Penns,;)v8nla cool. AmoD" some of tbci large operators In this dilltriot ' Kentuoky ooal is eagerly 80ught for by thi8 trade. PlttsburR coal day tor sill: montli.1 ,a nd lUll ~1&klng between 40 anll 60 harrell! ]Iflr d ..y ou· h f t f bel th d settled produotlon. ' . ., .. . ' 11 b s,~ The t Bernard ,'00,1 Co R",lneoke Coal Co Con.tra\ City Coal Co . bas been tbe ooal used prlnolpa y, ,ut t e ao a us ng a oU8l\n Onln this district isfound In nine out of tAln welll1 thltt ar" drilled ill Natioua' 0::,1\100 ' Ohio Vall~y Coal Mining CO" Tra1ewater ' Coel 00. mllEill neare'r, and a deep o~nne\ all the YNr, enables us to market our very fuw dry holM i no ",lid cattinlC; benM, norlilk In t.helnvestment. La h II f , , ., ' ' . ., . , coal oheaper than they. U. 1:1. Coal lind Coke 00., Wheatoroft Coal ~., Waverly, Coal ' ~., . and , The I!teograph,loal l~~ C?~ tblll property Is llneJtoell~. 8uaar IUI8I! ere se or a bonull of .tOO 00 I*r aor" wilohou& a;tJy produo nomerons 8mall corn , panles. There are no failures i!1 ~his .d,iptrlct anll ftlantft, hellvy coiuJUmerl< ot coal ~rllOlIl exolullively, tlon. The tAlrrltory 11,l Paoli. Kn.n8lls 'hl"ln a well d"fiDed nne,l!UI'I'Oundod ... lid t I I i Idl i part f by stronlJ i there 18 no produotlon Up<lD this property aB . ' the price of eoal "t the minEill is ~ttAlr thlln In 1I0me of the Ohio, lind lind maoutlwtur nil: n UM r e8 are noreall nit ver·y rap Y n 0 yet; tbe Companv inteDlis to start opera"o~"'there I,u aver ••hort time. ',ott th 1 di ' 11 '1 '1 ' fl Id the south,' : h e~~etll of ",,-tbn.JIo.uth are ood at all timfts - 1·. ..., er an ID D ana or nOJ8 e s. ,. ~1 f th eation ' ' re, We 11a..1 . 0-."hiII .""..r .... ry s tar t 0 ff ( tom 50 to 100 barrell\, eaoh,. Per. ilaJ, ana ,The prOIl8rty Qonirolleel by the Kentuoky Coo.l MIDi~g Oompan1 ga , : ~ a :p~wn (a~t by all COllI operlitors tliat pri088 reoel:ved for ooal I8ttle down from 6 to 10 barrell. Tbls territory iii remarkable for'1be oonpll!t& Of 2,00.0 nore", located ~n Oniou"Co, Kentucky, tbe h~rt of this in the ROcu~hern, markeb a,rl! far better than in. t.he nor~, henoo, the ~oeno=t~~ peroentalje of dry bo,lOll18 1888 than In any other t-errltory district, A,bOut 25 miles southwest: of EvanSVille, Indiana ' The IIIinol8 reaaon Pittahurg oon~rull seek t,!18 market regardl~s '!~ the dlfficultietl, The ooet of 4rtlUng well8 here Is ver' muoh 188tI, lUI 011 i.,ou-'O ... 'a deptli' enoountered In the UpJlllr Ohio RIver. . . f bo ... t " .... ~ _. , . ' . ' . , Oentpl Riulroad runs dlreotly through it Itnd it 18 Sltua~ .wlttlln six , Coal' a' the' New Orl!38n8 Port olJder oontraot to ocean steamers 0 a ut ..,!ifee' ; the thlcknElllllo the oil beBjilie /land IS about S7 feet tbtll milt'S of tbe Ohio .River. ~18 property i8 Bur,rounded by eoal mines brings '3.35 per ~OD, anti 0 11 the open 'market 13.65 per, toD. Compare showlng'hahhe well1lwill be looglived. ' "ud tbe W!lverly ' miuell adjoin It on the west Ilnd the Oorydon on these prices with the CbicagQ prlOOll ot t1 76 to 'Z. ~5 per ton. ~. you Dt.vld d the east. 'fhe' tel!t hole8 show four veins 'of coni opon thi8 property; the. Ree, w,e mlll,ke bettBf profitll ID t.he southern ttlarkets. , . . ' . eD B. . ' dr' An i li lostrat·lon' of thft 008t of proouolng and landing' Ooal In tho .The oil boldioglln connection wUh the OOCil enablea tlail Compahy fir~t vei,n at a depth' of 10Q'fe.e t. 0 ,feet thIck. with a.. go~d ~an ,8tone roo , , New Orlea'p lmarket, sud the profits r8Cl6lved :; . to,pay dividend.,at on08, to tbe st.ookholdel'P, of 1 per oent per month ,' whioh is a~ very Impo,rt~.t featUTe, there beiuR no . necesllity for wood ..One tow bOa' w.l11 ~ke twenty bargell of coal from tbls field ~ ,Upon tb .. selling prioo of the stock ontll thetmprovementa In"beooal Belds props, Whl0h makes mlDlng In a gretit ml~I,lY ' dl8triots expe~l~ve; thl!l Ne~' Odea!D8 and nil\ke three round t,rlpa il! sixty day. ; each ,barge wl\1 are co~plet~, ,It u. the intention~' &h~oomJlClny &!l. II8Jl ;)nly enoll8h of v~ln i8 known RS No. 11 ~n~ Is free from water Rnd the I(rade of ooa1 hold 1,000 tons, making 60,000 tous of 0081. rheOOl\t of:mlnlng IIO,~ tonI! tbllllltock to complete theae Impro:vemeoM, when this atoclr-trm pay more ranks with tbe best b\tu~1D~US 0011) In the market, buroa ~reely,mfl,~,ell of coal at t,h e Union scale of' wages ijl '27',900.00, and tranlpo~t.a~on from than 15 percent, upolI'tbe par value, " "', ; Ii white ash,and no olinkers ; It resem blEill cann!,1 c'lall'nd, 1D faot, i8 call the minell fto tbe river, vi,a Illootrio tramway, at Sot per ton makes it ~,When It comes to'oomparing the . 1 mining' Indna&l'1' WI,b otber ed seml·c8.."nlll by a great many coal men, The second vein is known lUI 000,00; lease of towboat a.nd barges at the valuation of t200,000 o~ a 11 Industries, statlstlClB will show very few failures. TIlil Is l1!OOIrDililld tor Nt). II and ~8 found lit a deptll of 240 fee~. Tbls Is an excellent 'grade of 'peY' cent ball."la '12,000 manning. maintaining tow· boat; and O!"w for t~e reuon that it Is one ofthe 'great8llt a&&pl88 in the world On wblob the ooal -wlth a rqok roof, same as No. It; lUst lIou~h of us by Reineke & St. sldy days, ",000; inoidentals for tbree trillS, '10,000; estima$ed oo8t of wheels of every Indust.ay ls dependent. The demand eaob y~r loc......s Bernarti, and W 8t b~ the ;liurgis DeKoven and P.lttsbutg OQIJ'panles. milling 101000; 6stimated oost of mining 60.000 ton8 of coal and plaolng to the extent of 10,OOO,000'tons; henoo, when you have IUl lDe'litmeDlla an No.8 18 ~ vein very Jlttl,e known 118 ,to grade, not being worked in thiS it in the N(sw Orleanll market 11' 1\168,1100 ~ipts (or 60,000 ton8 of 00&1 Indlltllry of this kind it Is far beUer 'han Building Loan Aiaootadoo or distriot., but the test 8hoWI t,h e .veln to extend under thIS ,property, No. 7 Rt 'S.35 per ton. t201,OOO; oost of mintng and traDtlportatlon '5~,IIOO sa vl,n p ~k. It ia absolutely safe: the ..rningB are mu<ih Lar er and is II~Pllos~ to be the tltmous,Rell 00111 a.nd Is f9und at a. d~pth of a bout, leaves a_prollt of 11.44,100. . . ", ': you bave the inCl'888ed vilination of yonr ltook. ~ i. 500 f8t5t . Thi~ I, a fine grade of glllund ookl~g ooaland read~IY b~lngs a TIlil profit II foralIty dllY8 wltll, the, ,caponi , ' . ' ,' , _, . , . ~, .' ' , The1'e lias been 100,000 xltarea 01' thi.,<1 8toQk~e~ ' prloe of '~. I\O to 14,00 per ~n at thll mines. -It 1.1 known ,t~ exist on tbls 1,000 tons per day These fllOtll have been (lllrefolly obiainoo ~d can bel property by the tests that bllve been Ulade. depspded OPOIl as being.accurate . The ,m rirket Is 'absolnte and they ~k , side to b ' ld at t5 ' ts h 'I _1: ' 'lJ.1 '0 0 .~ ' for tbis '(O'Iade of COal. Thill Company is p'nttlng In, a shaft wi&h ~ !Japac- a e Sf! cen p,er 8 ,ar,e. pl!-r v(Uzu 'If!. , Aftermath Tho~ghts £ l!'aDB'PO.l!"a OD D .Ioy&aJ.' a SI Ity of 1 500 to 1 800 tona per \lilY. with ,electric tramwaY from Dilnea to when; the pnce WtU be advanced, 1 per cent per month This. property Jias & trunk Ii~e .of on.e of the largest r&lIrolld aYII· river. .AU Impkvemen~s on t~18 proverty will be ~odem In J, every 're· in dividends will be pa,id on the marlcet pr'ice of th~ , . of ~aster. tems runnIDg direotly through It, glVlng us a market by rail both north ilpect " st ok " ,,' /' snuth lind enD-bling us to enter the IlIrgel!t coal Ultlrkets of, tbe ~untry . ,• 0 , " The Qll~en of Christian Festivals with it" "solemn joy" has passed, OFFIOEBS or KENTUaKY MINING . , ~Dd lilft 1M memory of sao red music aDei'l"eehoonted fiowers, ItS well Cha,s . .11. Bake7', PJ'esident a.",-'d Treasuier;' , . Jaimes' StOOPll, 'Yice Prea~dent; Niohol,as Metz, Secretary; , .i. lohe ,revlvar of our h~pell of ,' life ' .James StoO.V8, J::ice ,~eaiden~ ,of Citizens Bank. DIRECTORB: ~ Chas.. Q. Hildebrant, Ex. U. S. ()(m~ressma."" 6th Di$frict of Ohio, Wilmim!ton" ,Opio.. ~YQnd '~e gra~e. ScientiSts milv Wnllnesville,O; · W , R. Stelle" Oapitalist, Indiana,polisl, Indiana. , Elmer L. c.arZ. , ~holesale ~', Re~"l Tobacl{onr.~t, Fr(lAkfort. Ind'£! . i .Nic1to~ vainly ky tb d,!lve 'into, the saored Me:tt FlO1'ist~ Dayton, O. Chas,.I1. Baker, Pres, i dent and 1'1:eatSurer/ In(l"anapol~s. I~r,ana. , ,iDlit.eftllll of God's mlT&OleB. Skep a fa.. da¥B Ol!' as ala ••a you oali buW' for oa• ..,. tioia, may doubt 'and unb6llevertl 1OO1r" bu~ 'on the return oreaoh Plis . 10 000 tsha~es ' '" • " ,. t2500 00' Cash " 5,0100 , Shares. ' . , t1260. " ~' Ca8h • 2.500 ab~rea ' • 8211.' ". t Cl&l T..t "h.e Chri~tlan ' whOse faith, I' 000, Sbares" . 250:00 Catlb 500 ~bare"" ~ 125. ~Ih 100 sharea . 25.00 ,i lb,~t o(tbe irea.t apostle who OR IF YOU PREFER THE MONTHLY PLAN, YOU CAN BUY: t~, 10, '000 tshares UOO. r..ash' 6 monthly paymenUl S400. each . 6,000 BharEIII .~: Cash .8 monthl,. payment's · . aat' at the feet of Gamaliel, 1'1898 a. t ·tO. , r.oo S'h ares "100, Cash ,6 monthly pa"mentB *100. ea'ch 1,000 8harEill 40. ' Casb 8 ' ~on'hly payments 2, Jx);'e tiie:C!badowy ' arohives , where , , " ' . . 250 8har88 . 10. Cash 0 montbl" - .. menta. t 10,. liOo Shares , 20 Cash 0 monthly pIIyment-s * 20. eaoh ' ,..., ltOnMllhe dUBt oovertm scrolls 1000 Shares 4 Cash 6 monthly payments • 4, e~h ' ~ ,', ~ ,phlloeoPbe~s and 8&vans, it.nd', by 'fhe company reserves the rlgllt to wi tbdra'W tbj8Ito<:iK'fro~' tbe m~rllet~ at &nlr time at the above prioe. Thel!,me to buy tlt;ook.11 when ~he Com(Buy ilstarting. You canndt afford to wait', ~11 " fiJtb plants hi!! foot upon tlie very must be made out to tbe oompany, a;nd s,ent to the horne offioe tp NI0holas Metl~ 8ecl'jltary, or JAMES STOOro, WA.YNEBVILLE, O. , . , . , .Alp ",lpch'o ver !ill other Chris: , .' . 't~ ' F.,.l1yall and looks down upon Out, out thla . oou~n .~d mail JU , to the ' oompail, · onCe, the ,rtoh 'tu1611inent of the 'promise!! TBEIlE, H.!l YE BEEN IGO,OOO SHAQ,E8 OF ' T1L!S STOCK SET .!l'SI,DE' ,. ata' how, many Iha~ 10~ oould poIsibl:r tl;'ke and we wlJl , man ' .. &bat,came to the ~aiting, ~xpeotsnt BE SO£D '.I1 T 25 'CE}; TS P"ER SQ.I1R!£, P.I1R JI'.I1L'l!E/j1.00 fER'SB.!lRE' " , you a lleat prOl\~tlus, ,: There III no obJig~'I9D attached ~ 'bla ' , ' world whlin the 'f-elEilltlai ' IJ el!8en. proolatmed a &v.iour born. ' AND THE MOST OF l'H18 H.I1S .11EEJV SOLD, '4ND' WREN .T H1S IS ,SO~D Name,__________~______~__~~__~----- IlU!ei' coQie" in the glad Spring. ' I n! ' T HE PRICE WILL ,BE .J1.DY.I1JdJED l~ER. OENT. ~L.I10.E YOUR wben reviv,ing nature greets P ; O. Addn.s__________~~~,__~--------~~~ .;. 1rtdl the reminder that after 'ORDER:NOW. , '4tI..b . . the renewal of life. In 1 ml~ht be &ake,________~, . . . . . .,~~~ Nature Sp8au In ~,. ~. sweeteat 'on8ll, and ev. , itrt_foldl"g !e., , ~nll bunting bud aa , ald',olf'~ ~n~ AIpinl> 1.I"I~bt to ..... "~ori ' morn,lnK who" ~..)Jt:lhle IIIUI\I on
, -C, G. Wll1tamlon, the
real estate maD, baa had printed on th~ 'h .ek of Ilia basiD_ envelope8, a n~t O&rcl "Jilch 18 DOt only' ortaillal, but ~e ,-14. of whlol1 oould profitably' be foUowed l,Jy every oltlzen inter. eat.ed itl 'farthertng t.he progr888' of Wayn_vUle. The 0&I'dkt reII.da as followa : ',' H08tr ling Wayneavllle. Pret.tiEillt vmage in Ohio. Bome·Goming an4 ,reun. loil of former nieldents• . August 8; t aDd 10. ll1lM!. Located '.1n the Cin. 0biDat1 DlvilloD of the PennsvlVII,. Dla. a&tl "J1Cl&d, only , 18 miles (rom Dayton, on the Little Miami river. 'Live B1I8ln(lltlll Men'8 A8800iation, i!plenclld llitea for '.Fa9tOries, ereaJD' , ery. two fiDe Baou\ ' one fine Flour 11111, ')lne Elevator and 8&w Mill, CaDnlDg Factory, two ' good 'BotAlls. ~ 8to~ in , the , cou'n ty, two aoocl aohoola, s~ Ohorehes, a 8yetem of Pun Water, Elootrio Light Plant, 700 ,ho"" pQwer, owned by ollY"Flne BeaI4enOOI, A Model Re81dellce Town. AddrEIIIII a letter to O. G. WiIliamlOIi, and Re' action." Aa theae ' enve]opel will be sent allover the United 8tates"they will mak8'a splendid '~v,ertt88meDt tor WaYDea~me , 8a well a~ tor Mr, W\I. lIatneon. ' , ~
k t
10DIaS ~he AUott~allt of· 10.~,OOO
'; ': Me
at .
"~-=:;,,;":="ii~",,: 'moHirl!lb~1'1irt-+P~''Ii ' it IIII'
W.rren COvnty Courts.
toJVD8hlp ; L .lobn B. Hall &0 L'1aude W. L ... ver
".W lIuiTII.
N.Dolfl ·W1JlIlI VII John W. WU\ I. 01 v·lra... Crll6ltv allc\ abl1ll6 . Par. '1811 were married lit LebanoD In 1!IIiS and hav Il tbree ohlldren. PI. tn· 'II!' IVllrl tbat deteDdant bu Ipng. led an Indolllnt. dh6llipated lite and IIbtt ha. beeD oompeU!'d to lIuppor~ tbe r.mlly by laklnK 10 welblng, taking boardere aDd working out; that be bu IIlapped and beateD ber, ha. thl'elltened to klJl ber wltb an Ill: and hu 'olroula ted vile And 81~D. deroull 8toriel abont ber. She uks tor divorce ond alimony in ~be lIum of t200. Dillon 'S . Wlltwn i88tlorney for plaintiff. . William U. Spencer VII Eva Spen. ' Divorce. N~I80t and extreme ornsl&y. Partll!tl were marri8d at Le~non iq 18115 and have tbree Oblldrtlll PI"lulllf olalDltl defendant hu, 11.",1 prA/It/Ilt! ,,1111 III .. UltIUI! Irtll!(IIHItM .t"wHNI him; ,,11 .. hllll IlhlU rldl ..11 til IJI'rrurm hAr bQl1toehllld tlutlM~, hili! frllqueutI .y 16ft him fO,r d~vf4 .t·" ~\tn& an.l ~IDOIl April 10, l11U6 hu left him IlIVl re'fu8e8 ~o re tom Plaintiff "lJKII Ilulltody or , (lhlltl. R.ymond HtimUtoo and Br.,w" art! .ttornflY;o 10r IIIMntlff.
OOUft'l' PHI)()II:ICDIlIOS. III Ihe m .. tter of the ""1... 11'1 of . M-I rill U Willi", rlOOt\lttlflCl. Mntlon IIf W. )l' Elt?;rO~h, IIltoou'or. Ito Slit ""Id.' jodgement aDd BodlnlCa of thl ..· Ooun, overrnled . . Exuept10n takeD , Roes Honey VII Charl811 RoliOh. C.I4..,olllproml~, HeUled and dill D1IR~ed .
lot. tn Ba'lervllJe ; 150. ChristiaD and LoreDa 1l111er to LuclDda J. Sweney; S2 acre,. 10 Clearcreek &oWDablp ; 1. 'AmbrOl8 .1. Miller and wife to Ida 1Irl • .laln811 ;.Iot in Franklin; 800. Ida Y. Jam811 to Frank Jobanntil! ; lot In Franklin; 1. MAry H. alid D~e Bone to C. L . ftnd R. A. Eealey ; lot tn Lebanon; 1. Eva C. Keever to Ernest aDd Kli' tie West: lot in Alonza A. and Minnie E. KU 'lynn &0 Minerva A. Jonee; 137 &OreS In 'furtleoreek tOWD.l'blp ; 6100. Obu. B. Vandervoort et al to Benley and J088pblne Condo; quit clatm &0 BOrN In salem town-hlp
loop. "
William P. Vandervoort, euout! r of William Vandervoort, deoe'ltled, ~ :o l:tanley 'D. and JOII8phlne lJouden ; "" tlor~iI IU til1ltlrD tuwDllbtp; 4000. J U. Rug.m!lll1d ,wlfe to &lllry J. Finoh ; ~ IlOI814 In Hllrveysburg; 800. Kllte &{, Housh" ~nd Leor~ J. Tilylor to W . O. and Jennie MoCnr· dy ; S~ . 05 Borell in Tortlooreek town· 8hip; 600. Charles Ed warcl MoOurdy to Will l!lm D . MoCurdy lIud wite ; :I:l~05 'acres In Turtlooreek townllhip; :100. George B. MoUurdy to Wllllalll n, Mot-'urdy !lud wife. ::I2.M lierell IU 1'urtleorellk t,oWlllllllp i 300. N~nilette M.. Anderson to Mary E. BalZilhillr; lot In Morrow; 1. Kate B. Whitten to OIIoar D . W.bltten; quit olaim to lot in Mal~. v\l\e; 1. A. W. Mardis to Kans ... Wharton lot ID Lehllnon ; 1. Anne Corrij(ao to WeRt Glenny; 111 aortle in 1'urtlecre"k roWDIlb-ip; t.
Stllte or Oblo va, B. E Deleney. Bood tor appeRr"noe in 8um of tliOO at'flln.and dl1fenrlllllt ill dlBObarPcs tro~) c11lItCldy of Itberllr 81mI'. lJllI'e o-tottnnNi until nm Commissioners lerm of Uoo~. . ProceediDlts. J11ry for lIrl"y terrn of Court Is IIrllered tlrawu 1'hlllt_ of Pubilo Affaira C Ibrll Flll6twOOll VII Rbt'~fJ1lm W!l~r .. ' ......... ......... ....... 3 Ci3 1'1...." w,.Iorl Olvol'(ld trrotnted . PI~tn· 1'rUIIWtlOI of PllbljO Alfutrll ,lIr ht I(rltDted ollstooy, of OhUd; l!,ht tit court huutotl...... 6 53 PROB"TIC OOURT. '1'r~t_ ul Pubho AJl'u I rll, . Elltlite of Ueorg9 W. Fnrtlt'.V. de light. ~t jtlll......... ......... <1 US Clt!IMt-d . FirR' lind 811111 acoonnt for ~herwllU '1'huwpeuu, 1 8tl~ e8tt't!nlt!nt flIed . O.k. tlt.I&~IlLtlli l11U6 ' tur w:.... of Edw.rd Lonl, minor ooD)millllluDer. .............. 10 00 .... 8.,.. LOD' appointed R1la,rdlan with D.yklb tllltluull WuU IlSaWIJtl bo/ld of 150, for 'J'rlMaurer and olllrk. tI 40 In re will or Corn(lJl~ B. Lupton, Ww. ~nlt'h, gravel Un~oD 4BOO1U1Od. Appl!08tllori IM!& for bear. ,&ownetilp ......... ............ -1 flO ID~ ,April 21, lit. 1 n'uhJOk p m . M. H. OM.ald, burial ot ilUl of ~ve 1:1. ,, d~~. dler ............,... ........ : .... : 50 OU Kadh,on MoXluMY .ppoln\ed .ad. illlntral Union '1'81 Uo. renb:! mlnilltraSoi witb bolDd of ~600. aDd Wllil .............. oo .. oo... 14 00 I:~... te of Peter p. Ban.. deoeaaed 8 P. Smith, ortlO~lon uf J. LeWn' .ppolnt8ll admln\atra. guard rlUiaI fur Ory Ku~ lor "lIb bond of "000 Obo. WeJ,.b, 'brldl" ......... ......... ........ I) UO JOIIOpb tJu"rlWll and Barry at. W. B. ADU'IIW, p. bl., 000 I!o - ' ae(d. .,prallen. ' ' . lltiLIl)&* ~ ''''''M , .......! ...... 10 '00 t:ont~ WI&II eD&I!red in&o "uh . . ... .of Permella Doarth, df·. ~tieCl. tM'IOOnd lIod 111\&1 .ooODnl.,for t.he Ore8ol1i~ 8rldge Co. f"r l'tlwu v' ~tMI"I"men,t. 81ed. , IU" 2 apa.~ of tbe 'rwlo lJr~k . I.~ "III Blmi", Y. Uilpln, de. tsrllllCe r.n oeaMKl. Comml8ll1lln IlIIIued &0 . take of IH .S8. 4epo.qUoo of sb" WI$blMllI. Artbnrplao. for Dew 8Woe abutments Relh!8II. &0 • bridge on Mlddle&own and rn re will ElmlN II . uiiplo, de Clarbville Plkt', nt!l1r Leather EIIr oeaaed Ucmlllliollll,ID re&nrDed .Dd IOhool, bonae, Wti"biDj(tllll ' MWI1KMp will til Nobottt!, were approved ....t .. of lilmt~ M . Ullpln, ~e. lJontl'lWlt Dllule ..... lth J"hll ,....a. J, O. Miller "p"lIln&8d Wolfe for IIf1W .. ton" lI!jnlment bl\for 'lliolUr&tor wl'h bood "f '2600. ....tdeuoe of Oitlll .. , UUlIllIltbo-B II; .Jobn. RnbilUlOD, O. N . Peooe 'aDd .....18 &ownshlp at ,ID 6II'101"te of " 'Tbomai' "pp~,.eN. : 48.00. " \ Bltafe oJ R W . ·UUobrill'. deoeu· ' •_
Preparinlt for Memorial Day. At the requ8$t of t.he G. A. ~ .• the Edn~und RetallIok lJalPP, Sona of Veteraoll hos Dndert.llken Ilrrllnge. mtlntli f1lr Memorial day . A ootnUlIt,tee from the lJlUUP hall lIuthorlzed to Uluke 1111 art l'lIogtllU8ntOl, 1\ "uud ' llpeakllr wlll 00, Recured. lIrlu~lo will probably 00 furnished hy OOIlU
the new Waynetjvllle band l10d ev· ery eft'ort will he made to give Opt .dllY In " OOI1Ol1er befitting the RIte red dl1Y. ------.~-~.------
c. ril' Qull'kly Knouketl Ont . " HUIUIl wllekll I1g,) during tbe 86. VHrl! wlnt.flr we"tuer bl" tb Illy wife Ilnd mYlililf ooot,rueterl ~\fvere colds whiob IIpeedlly developed iDto .tbe worst klml of III grippe with till its misllrable symptom!!," 1liiY. Mr. J. E Egl68ton of Maple Uinding. Iowa. "KueeK lind jl)iutll ltobinK, mn(lOlell lIuie. heud Ittl 'Piled up. eyes and noee ronning, wit.h · nlt.lrnlit.e Flpel1~ of ohillll and ftlVM . W I!t b tl~ttn u~ lng Cbamberluln'lI Uilugb R!l llfl1UY I "Id· Ing the SIlUlIl with II doublll dose of lJbll.mbtlr)ftill·1\ I:it.(llIll1ch lind Liver Tablot.., and hy Itll Iibt!rl1l Il~e ~oon compltlt!dy knlloked out. th" ~rip. ,. Bold by F 0 ,!=\Ob wurtz.
A GALI.ON OF Glth:EN SEAL PAINT. 18a gul\on O)f ht'uvy bodied IN&lnt and when thlnn"l1 D" ,, (JCtlrl.lln~ to .. di'reotlon8 011 eVtlry Plt0lluge. III tbe 1lI0llt eooDomlo"l ollint made. For lin Ie by E . Janney.
DeviI'1I11llund Tortlll e nu worse tbliD thl1 tun'lIt h" nalla of Plies that, IIffBelatl 1111' 11) YOlirs. Theo 1 WIlH IldVitll' U ttl tllJl'ly BUllk. 16n's Arniolll:!ulv.. , aUll IfillI' tball 8 ' box permanllntly ol1red me. wrlu's L. 1:1. Napier, of Rngle!!. K,v. Hel1l all woond, \)urnll. lind I;(lres like mllglo. 250 at, F. U Sohwllrtz, drug· gist .
eel, lsem of 11150
CIICInuU ,& lDIIs.llfe TO lL IIPORTAIT ernES S01ItIa,
FUN ERA l 0IRE ClOR. Talephone Dar or Nigh\.
lJI·. l{' .J. 'I t ic hCnel',
Long Dls'tanca No 69 3r wAYNESVlllt Branch O.
I Dr. C aldweII's
Syrup . P epsm .
Navies, battle fie~lda, etc., including Mr . Wm. 1'hnl' ~Jflnorll'llo, provl!! . I the lut Naval bllttle in the straits o. olAI Con"ta~Ifl fit. hllpIAIl11,Onftirl", . "IIVFl: "t ollojrht. .. IIPVArfl ooln whU p K orea. ti Ill! a b nrll \IIr In . t I f' f or'", I ' . Name. "h ... nn A map of the World, With IImp Inftt fuJI Hp"r',,!!,. Inf n h"m • of Rulers Coo".fI .of A.rm., 1i1__ "'. bflrlain'R C'nnell Rf'mf'lrlv . 1 triprl It. I. . • all Nations. .S~ellmshlp Routes, WIth and "pina twn IImHI1 hoUlp" . 1 I data and StatlStu:s of great wo~ • Wit!! onmplf'tf'lv on .... '1 .. 1'hl .. r" l11 Other ' maps ,a re the Phlllpptn,! Prlv I!< i"lfmrlf'fl pI'pl'ol .. lIv for oOllllh" Islands, Ha.,aii, Alaska and Portd fl.ntl 0011111 It. wilt 1110 0 1'0 Anrl rpll pvp Rico, in aU nine Ciiitinct. maps. ' fl. IIPvprA ('.oM. In t,imp t1'l1\ n ltv ~ index willi ' locate any poin' IIny nt,hAr h 'Plltmpnt nml iI. n' fAvor desired and is' sc) simple 4 child' c:aD itl' WhMP'Inr ItFl II\lpprinr pxoPlI P",·" . understand it The Chart ia ne",. hRII \wCOD)P lc)1own: for PilIp h.v \j' correct and up .to· date, making it, an C Bohwllrt.?; invaluable' educator, indespensable !'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!"_""'!'~_~_-!!!!!!'!_!!"_ ~!!!!!!_ ~.:!!'_'!!!! for the Home, School" Library, or CoUesc: ,' . Tbe telling .prlce is $'.50. yet its wOrth .is many times ~ . ere The . PI.US ,c.on Enquirer Company i5~ giviDg tbia chart Free to &u~cribcra Of the For Round Trip riCKets "eekI, Enquirer "ho remit ono dollar for a yean aUba<cription or for .. re· via newal of old .ub~cription. ~eDts CID ~eap a rich harvest IOlici~1 ordID Louisville ~ Nashville R. R. for tbiI grand ofler. ,\ddrell, , Tn NMriv All Polt)b In
~QUIRE~ OOMP~. I ':facia..... 0IIIIl_ !
.IIIISU..... 011 ULa: nm . . nllD l\IlIIIAYI or UCII 110l11li TO ~ , NlII1IIOUTH.
1IJr ............ PAUL AOwH, T. P. ~ c:iIAI w, ZELL. D:p. A. . Onaln,*,-
HOrtEYI.DTAR n ••.t&llll·
w; Co 1UlIIIAUOH.0. P. A.,
IwSrlt.4.01r1 • " IllT l~ 'F'j. ~I:.IClQOClrtTcatY8.IOO tQ _ • 0 1 .. .. ~.... .. ~ showIng the moat """':p'lele line 9f h'·~~~ BI(lYCLES, TIllES.n SI1NDIU88 at ifcEiOD BBLOWanyotll'"ermanufaduretordealerlnlhewodtl """ DII . ·'OT . . . ,.,.v . . . !r aft~_""l,.,"!"'u .'.. 6~ ".
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...~ I'onk and Ida 1I00Dd. •• <'. , iI.._ .... of Le.... . nuV. D. ,,~ CBOsSUAIIrlINE , ~ou-lIltF. .' 1eiL uu_ _DOD, 'looper. ~ . WIlUam D : 'Bob aDd lin. )ll'ry DoeiI the honae Deed paiDIla. and . A. Parker, bo&b of i'nDklln: ,l bve 10U mad~ up yourmlDd to.Q.18 ·D UaleIB. Bakbar&, )lld~JecOWD. abe ..l ....' .. tood" variety. in order iaad J'lora· Bcin"Bro,",.IA"'D~, lO,"".I'; dollar or '"o? No", be. ~·'!I8pl(.C;.·. Olde'nburr, j. fore 1oo'lake the ' GDaI ·..teP~ ju.& . ,~ ~t~nl4t:.. 8hoe~e'r; '~ PI~n" paule ~4 ~id.r ~b"lieeda .of .tbe P.~. 8wl.lpH• .. No b~. : YoU .I~ j~ie...,.'~ Will • ' . prom~ 700 to bee Green Seal .Ll. .~ ~ ~r... qUut.hiD" ."a ai_fa tJae . ....u1t Laella CoIowiD BaUerman _nd o,oarefal aftertboqb.. " la.lIIDd to Chari. B. CorwiD qaU . '!'or iaJe by .I. B: ·"~Dei. two ICiu lD Leblliua; 1. . . .' '0bUt. B. Cdr.,tD an4wit. &0 . II Tb. Moen IDbablled? . , Laeua B...... qu" olalm to ~0D081l...proTeD tJu, 10 . . ._lb ~'Ieo.re8t towDlblp ;.1; baa an ahDOfpheN, wblob D.o." ... Sa 1 L. 'Pal IUein 10m. ,form .poaalble CIiiU. . ,. ...", ..." Dllll , • ."I1IIe; bua Do& for ~auiaD. ,.., ~,...~o~ 10 ' ~~k. Wbo Jaa,e a' bard eDoqb "1'Uf.II. · I . '" ,hlleaetb of oan; Blpeoially .,. Clark at &1 to ~." an4 who' 40D" knOw that illeotrio 81&0 oIalm ,to ~ '&en oote .Be.dao~e, .....c;Hm8l8, I\rlao ............. . "~W' l ' Cbll1!••u,d Ja1lDdtoe, UlUID.... TorpId Liver JIa1a4I1111Ulor to Allot JI. III. Geller_I .J.)ebill~ ......... ' ~1: 8.78 tone lD . remale w.r.beaaeI. Uae ......" . . ~p: 170. . , qDalled u a pDenl 'foalo aDd Ap. ~ . ....".r for' weak penoDR an4 BIp!IO< If. C. , ........ ~ ur, to Pecer hmy fur tbe .,ed. I, tnituCIUII ' !!Cland 8amtltoD &0,"" sl~p, r-ull, paraDt"" b, 1'. lJ. _ ' , ' ''''I1 ..... r •• lJniPI.', Prloe oDly GOo.
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. THEM'~
M. W.LANG,M.~D; C.M.. . .",~0Iu0
Neuralgia And 'O ther. . 'P '1l in . All
pain 'in 'a ny disease ,is nerve pain, ~he result . of a 'tur. bulent condltlon..of the nerves; The stabbing, blcer;Hing• darling, burning, ' agoniz~ng ., pain tha~ comc;s from. the ,prom-. I lDcnt nerve branches, 'Or 8ea~ sory .nerves, is neuralgia, :&114 , is the "1)1g ~rotl1er" all the ~ oth'e r.'paiits. · , »r. . Miles' Anti-Pain PiU. ' rarely ,ever fan to ·relieve 'these pains b~ ' soothing, th.ese larg~r nerves, and . restoring thear tranquility: ' :. ' '; ." . . . Dr. Mitea' Antt-Patn PIUS leave aD bad after~eKects, I,ln~ are '. reliable.remedy. for eve'r y "" kind' .f pain, sucn as beadache, ba~kache# stbniacbache, sc~tlea, rheumatism 'and neuraltra, They also relieve Dizzine,.. Sleeples!\neas,' Nervousness, Car-Sickness, .and E>istrtSl' after eating. ' " "1'01' man, ,,_"" I ""v. been a _ . ntan\ .wrenr from 'noural_11I. ~ headache. an4 ba\'e ne,-..r been ..... to oblalll .n relief from vanOll" , ' cJI\eh. JOti' eta .114 llIl~ulu, pu,,~~ trt'ect Dr" I~' AnU·1'IlI1I w.e, "'wan OII"..'.'-t heUitohe In II"
"J ·U S'f CLOTH'I NG +
The Whole matter siinmers right down to this: Clothing handled by us is .good, becau8e~ " throughout it' is the work of human hands and brains. . Eve,ry garme~t m~n-t~ilored down to ihe:smallest seam .a nd turned out brim full ·of. fit~ finish' arid '~iYle that no' ma:chin~ could e~er put in it. B~t the ~ost doesn't even ~~ln to.-co~~' ~re with the'average custom tailoring. .,
U tl lL'C ~~;t~~~~~~t:1 ~...,&:a!~ir~:r~t.~ ~::.~.'''R _
'" . . ."' ~"la ... .
m'l'Q.vkSiD,p'INNSO .....A;~. NoUee .... WoIrnbbftt.. , """ ead pcu>ot1lft IItdJIII"O" Serious punctures, , ead " 0," at... ...m _ . "11/' be vulcanized like any tire. &0 pnnn& rfIa Thla Two Hundl'lll Thauaand pairs lIowlII actual u.... Ower Uri .au oatlna~ othe.. Seventy.llve T1Iauaand pall1 laid lui JIIU'. ~~cf lel ....d ALABAMA, FLORIDA, ,..",,,,,,,.; Made In an .81.... It "Utely aad eay ridlnlr' Yet')" durable ilDd lined 1... lde .rtll...~I qwint)"of rubbl!r. which Dever POl'OOlll and JOl.lch c100e:s up .."a\l puncture. GEORGIA, . ENTUCKY, without allowlall'. th~ air to escape. We Ita". hUDd..."u of klleno fram ..talied ~ .... olaUnll' thatlhelrtlr.. hi""only been pumped up orit'e or tw).,e In a whole ......... They . wc:lJth. DQ mo~ tlJ~o _ an ordlaary U~. the puDclu~ ~.I.tlDg '1ualltles bela&, Kiven by _~ Iayen cillhhi apulally LOUISIANA, M.ISSISS- prepared fahricotl the In:ad. That "Holdln&, JIadt" ""aaUoa commonI7'~1t -11m rldlnlollaaj>h'lIt IIofl I'OIIda ta overcome by Ihe pluat "1IaaIt.tWeave" t~.d _hlth ~Ia aU air 'rom ~Ing IPPI, VIRGINIA, NORTH ' or agu...ed oul bet~a Ihe tire and the road thWl"""""""lag all auctloD: Tile rqiular prIt'e of Iltd e tlr"" I. S8-so per paIr, hut for advertlllDI1 Jlurpotlell w".~ maklDg a apedal r.<Iory~ 10' the rid. r $4.80 per pair., An ani . ... shipped am" dIly lelia ~,recrlvO!d. We IIblp ~O.D; on approval. AND SOUTH CAROLI- ofVouonly dO nol pay a ceo< uaUI you have aanliaed and 'ouhd ",em atrk:tly as ~tod. " We "malloW 1IC!Uh'd1l1OOuot of 5 per ceat (lh.~bY. ,maldnr lh" price .&.6G·per pur).U,ou ""nrl NA, TENNESSEE. rUJ.L (lIUlB WITII ORDEU "nd enclOR thll IIC1vertJaement. w~ will allo ..... d OIle' nJckel plaled brutl hand pwnp aDd • wo Sampaoa m_1 puDCtu", c:\.,..,n 011 tulllleid ordent (lheioe m. lal 'I'l ck e t~ pn ."Ie 1. 1 unll ~r~ 1·ue.· pu"etu", el_no In lIe'uSed In en.., of Int"utiona' knlf"cuta or h~avy p,, Tirft to be ...turned .1I'v~ froOl Ma~ In N~\'COl\)C . In· al OUlt· ",,~ If for any ~ason they are aot ~tlaf.etory oa e&oiinJnatlon. " ', . your 1'<lItoiul-er , We a", Pfirfectly ",liable ond money,....1 10 Iia 10 . . ·...fe .. In a baak. cli"lve, ~ 60rl re luruh," !! I rl il~'~ I lIAnkn. lto<pmtaorprelglo!.AlJ'!ntor Ihe Rdltor of thla ,",per .bout us: If ,you order a J>IIlr 0; , • Irllm ,1nle,oT 0.1 . '111' f"rtMr I liner til_ tires. Y"" will Bn!! .ha( th., will rid" ....r. nm r..,.,... wear beU"r. lUI \oncer and look , U1Gn aay II~ you lIave ~r uSed or _o,alaaJ' priCe. We kao.. lhal you WIll be II() well pl",,8(.'iI ·tllromm!lon. con. lIlt your loml I lbot when you want a bi""le~u will r!ve WI your onler. Wc'.....t JPU to Kod ua • .."an trial e tlb':I~:':P..b_" ....dlef, . - . . . ; ~ and fttlaIn. and ' agen t. or acldre.. I °Ordo.~r,: =:':~BRAthla .1. H . MH,' .II<EN , ,1. P. A. I,'11 I8\'III ". 1( .. _ . . . . .~Uilarlathe .blcycl"lI\1"a",lOlcfby ... athaJIlheWlllllI . I prlcea charged deal ... and rq>aIr mca. Wnl~ fQ, our bl&, SUNDRY ""talOrru~. F . D. nUN" . O. P . A. r.ln tllllluU. Ohi o. -UTby--'JUT but write ... a potIlIIl loday. I)() NOT TWNk or BUTLNO 01 J 1': . DAvr.NrOIl'T . n P . A, S ... I.(,ul •. ~l o' l DO ft' ..,., blc~l"or 01 pair of U...,. 'rom ...,one untll,ou lfDow,the Dew lIad
. lari.
.v.v.... _.
~ .......n'd"wbav"
Sntlwut. .... Soothwest. . _-
a..... ........
a.duau,o.. of M.D PlIsI Slx,y lit n"Dger.' e "DdoD, BDrr and hilDa ia redooed 1I0re 'ban b.lf of mauklnd over I'OL&T'S 110,,,&'1' _d TAil tala 10 11000, 118m ot 111110 .*torM" fee IIzt, ,ean of ap Raffer frllm kid. a OY:ellew~. R.tllM autJ.Ut1dlli. of Blt.roth aud llap,le ia nMluoeil &0 '.nd bladder dilOrdere, uRnally 11000. BalaJlOfi of .IIIIS 05 II , fp~ of prOM&a&8. gland Pr.IN.... eftl, It. ' PAINT IIrlISTAKES C. 1e-eo'u."'n' banda tDltead of Th18 . bo'b palnfol aDd ooDgerona, • ...,.~""'. 011-... au ... IOU , .Dd Foley'. Kldne,lJDre lIboukJ be Are eaally made_ The way to a_ 'lIlS.OG. takeD the lint al. __ of daDpt, a8 void them il toa,,'k tor "Green 'SeaI," .....Ie of LoulaalJoudeD, beD.flo· It· oorreo&a and- baa 'be paillt that's OlWI,l-Y8 p~re , .> I'iDal .000nn& for /Ie"I"., O1lred m~; old meD·of tbia dl.....e .· For sale by ',1• .E. ~aDney . AI-' lb'. ROdney BnrDett, Rook Port' 'Mo , ~\ writtla: "I aliff8red . wltb' enlarK1" •', lIlICace of ~al.. lJo~de~.·· 'ed pr:oatate glaDd and kldlley ·troa. oIatT. ' John W. Coaden real_IDr, ble for yean and after taktD, two BeDle)' 8. 00nd81i . appoll1ted ~rna- bottl.. of. Foley 'a Kidney Onre I boIld f t6000 feel 'bet&Br ,&han I have for tweDty , - witb 0 . .. ,ean, altboulb I am DOW 91 yean
I l"I • Il UtlUO MO Il!'t r lS"U\ •• .,111 ~ . " "' ·' I"'llt '" . Ih' IOtllUUlIlh . tul 14 Mil. I C'lll'fod II,· . II IIIlbtl1'l"in ' ~t oml ,
il! Mrs . AlllxalHtllr, of C'nry, ,who hn!'l fOlllltl I 'f. Kin !:,'" N~ w Li ft·. ('1,,1 , ' v l' ' L'" hlllts . t!uld l!.V 1;'. (" The many fl'1 nda and admirers P\II~ to be tll p. h PHt r C'm e(l~ "li n ,,(Or ~ " l'h", .. rl l'. of Ilrs. Esthet Elrame will be grlev. tried for k tl jJ1I1j.\ tho Rtllll u~ch. Lh' ...."""'!""!!"_ _ _!!'!"'~'"'!"!~~"!"""_~. II rand Buw III In Pf'rff' t IlI'Il -'r. ad to learn that she bas been oom· OCI nO. 'You 'l1ngre Wltl1 II r If yll lI . tr." II thelle pulnless purifi e rs t h ul. illfufte pelled on accoullt of ill health to VI~ 'l' I~ 1 lNAltY fS Ult~E rettre from tbl) 1J)lnis·try. lind will ' new life , Gl1ufl1o teed by F. C. Ii h· I~fl bull un. Ohl . OHIo I warM" IlrnggiR t . P ri c 2(,(' il O to 110 sanltnrl~lm for tretltment. J' I,...J CI' " , CIt l ft l'll ~n:r honr, l1 ~y or du th Bi ll ·I\.DU Va lley n il' llI For many y'ealrs Mrs. Frnme hall office, HanBYsburg. M( I~I~ \, I"ILII I\ N Ph UP. , n,~ y 1'U OII I1 , I ) . '/.'''. been an energetio and eloquent. .........."""'_"""'~~....._ .....""""...,....",..""'" evangelist In the Friends ohuroh, Th H d ~t E-; " 'A hA W' fr l)1f~lllt1(l tit *.-,00 ill) " d bll be b h ' been In e an some mn f' 1l In ny IO'ln 0 11 ' I'! e>11 EQlll tll ,tu d Lilt' I".,." i ---------~·------~~I "n w e rome I1S b ' nAllvi lie . r,lD I' I'lIlicleR. 1\ T Ih" l \Jw~~' I'll II' " Richmond, Jndiana. for a nnm ar How I DI80118S11nof Bel lll l.v Lutl Iu illl.prest 1 of years, her 'mOlnbershlp remains IL 13ufpri s ll1 /t Oll'o"vj;,·y . Tille :-h Y~, Il" L II'~: '\.' II~S' · Y ( '" • in this Yearly Meeting, .where it A few oayl' U!{O It groull o f til ... · ·lIh li n:.' \~''' l lI l1t ~ existed while ber bome wns In best informed Jlllople I1hOlIl t,f) WIl jy II 1111 II1 n/l tl. ( 1\10 .Jamestown. Ohio . wers dlscul!!llog I.Lu C4 .lIljJIllt/t.j v.. _ , _ _ _ _ b6autv of the mllov nlllLrlll l ll ~ W OUl . Rhenmt· i ~m Multes ' Life Miserable en In Wuyn~", villll.· (.)ne ,; flll"111 (lX. Prr.~(\rll linn fll r ln d i!.!l1.~ I:il m . A happy home i& the most vnlu· pr8!lsed ourlusit-y til know why tI ,l' B ow 'atll'l'~ f W'IVUl'fl\'i ll u Peo(lll'l able pO,Illlession tbat i&, wlt)lin the stRl1dard of fe male 1l1Yfl llllel' iK ri~· (Hlt,d n Rulltlf reacli of mankind, but you cannot Ing so rllpidly In this loaullt!; w h.1' 1f it rU1.lI ~· Will'e knll wil how m ll ll Y Is a comOlOOlloddistreSl· enjoy i1ft oomforts if YOD are 8uft'. OOml)le:ponli "re An lUUOIl nleurpr Wn,vnOlly jll. I't ~I(l DI,~ jug complaiot. III It is Natures's w ily ot ering from rheuUlutism . )'ou throw eyf18 so muoh brlght,er, and llJ /trt· ourei lO f'it.ulIlllllh t,r C) Ilslde business care8 ,when .you en· obeeks blushing rosy ret\ with ges ti ol1 by Dr O,Lvil<' Prescr iptiull prolesling Il.~aio ~t 1m· tar your home and YOD Clln be re o heRlth nnd vigor than we re ever might p orh lt p~ !-4urpr!se Y JIl . lmt, \ ~:~~~ C~~d to~U~a~~; lieved from tbose .rheumatlo pain8 !leen in t.he olden dUYIl . It Wlltl fin thltt i ll lll Ol' Illll' pr i, i n ~ is t,llc fll ct I meals, and if the Wllrn. Iliso by applying Ohumberlaln 's Pain aHy decided to refllr the Dlltt.t.e~ to thnt ony on ~ \\'111 con ti mv to lm lT I lug is un hc,"ded serious BILlm. One a.pphoation will give Oruggillt Janney for hili OJJlIIlOll er, wit·h h 'l r t hnrn , !inur Htoll1u o h , results will follow . YOD relief and ItA oont-inued use for "Why, I oon tell. you, " Mill tile wotor h m~ h • . ick lJ unlll1cho,' m e n till Whoo you r stomaQl! Il short time will bring about a per· druggist prOmp~y. "It Is 011 the re Ile pres~io D , IlItll~e u.. Im u othe r tl is . rebels at th is nbu • manent oure. For sale by F. C. l:!oh · suit ot a certain TlreSorl)lt.\lln-the tres.~in g lIy l'llptoD!! o f d.vs pepsi •• wIll 0 It becomes' in llctivc, your food fer- . wartz. mO':lt wonderful I have ever known there is IL, ralll Eld .v of s uc h ~ r eilt m(lr . menl s,lI'nscs {orm,nnd there i s trollbl". IIhend. Th .. quickest. safest and surest . In all my long expe~ience 'TJIe rem it thnt it U ltll ll~t in.vru·i:. bl.1' be nelits way '10 conquer th is condition nod edy 18 Q gentle la.xn tl va thut, cOlltllln~ ever y 111\0 t lltlt t ri OS It . P ep!tl k olo. prevent its ret urn is to immediately vlllul\bl" tonlll ond cleansing prop· Tublets Ilr c tl1 pre c rip tloo of Dr . com mence the .use oI ertiea. t ogether with oertain other On.vl!l, II. phY!tloln n who cl e votet! n I The Cincinnati Enquirer bu. jlJlf altarative effeat!l thnt tend " to 016l\r lifetime to the s t Hll y of RtOllltlOh issused a New Valuable up to date op the ~kiD . Pimple~ or II blotched, troubl e. nn<l if yo uI' fonll does not I ( £,...<ofl". ) !lallowor muddy skin Almply CtLn - agree with you. If YOIl lire Lirl)rt , Wall Chart -of three Sheets (aix pagel) not exist where L!lxllcolll 'l'onic oervous, worn out. low spiri t>\l{l , a nd 1 e h 8 I'Dches 'de 3"'" hes 10 ac :I WI • v me ng. Tablets tire \lsed. This is 1'0 Rllre vour ener g v ut low PUT, it m Il\' In ' The fint page showl an entirely that J. am A.uthoril'.ell to pOl<lth' ely terest y OU 'to kn o w thn t n o 'n tha r \ :t'hi~' .great remedy will Instantly ppt !'fe" Map of Ohio ; the most beautiful IrU8rltntae It. Ilnd the ID~n:v who presoription iil this world hils. u, ., thl~~: j~s~r~~~t your stomach, needs. and exac~ ever printed. In bringing have. trIed It ILre uniformly dellgb~ greuter Teoord of . oures bahl nd It,, ' ne trl ul oC tbis wonderful preparlltio,n thia M.p Up to date, all tOWI» ed With the resDlt . I I1ID selling It , and there Is n otlung more certain will convill~eyou tbntourclalplsnrefounare located, all Electric and Traction lit ~5 CIlnt.(l II, pnClkllt!il', un rl lillY the I to give yon relief. Mr. ,Iunney will dc(\ Oil truth and upheld by experlenco . Railroads are aho,wn, all Rural Mail , monfl~ llllolt if nnl. ~"tl .. f1fl(l " tell YOD thu,t although P epsiko\1l is Dr. CaJ~well'a Syrup Pepain cab bo Routes, ~nd POI~trait$ of all the !sold on the fu,irest klnll of II n ~oney, obtnl ned III b (llh d~lIar nnd balf·dollar Governors. nb YOU K N ' )9.1 , I book plun, not m Ore thlln two In o~e 8iz~~~0!~~~~~~~fiIR~~ refunded If It On other pagel, of this M ..... lllc:ent . I hundred ever com e bllok for their d t bene fit you ·d ..... Sta.Till' vlI\nA of"Hnnnn ' M Fm. money This is the 8urq8t e vidence ocs no . · Chart are M aps 0 f .th e U nlte -.. . . . . Vour poolal card ••quo" will briar by ... l11"" with po ' rtraits of all the Presidents If'l h? It. m~KI'Fl ol tl11n "r~ . fnrnlt.ure of its mllrvelous oUratlve IlTopertioo, I m a ll our new hOOklots "DR. OALDWELL'S • DQt. be the BOOK OF WON DER " anel /~o ",mplo to Map of fanama showing Caoal lind woOOwor k I0 I k mllre L." e llU t I' r U I but so that there may '. d th ose who have n. ver t ried thl. wOlldem.& zone "ith data relative to the great th 111 wbAn thev Wflrn nflW And it least doubt In yonr mm a-l! to whut ~.m edy. S end lor lltQday. • I •• I • . I Pepei\tola will do for you. Mr. Jan. Ship Canal, now heIDg built by tbe lH.Flt~ See finillhocl StlmplllFl nt, J . E . i ney will band yo or qoarter right. ' PEPSIN SYRUP CO. United. States, one of tho greatest J{\nnflY . back to YOll if yoo should fail 'to re o 110.110. IIIlnol. enterprises ever attempted. I oelve tbe benefit you look for , F cor S":I I:! by J: E. JANNEY. A topographi~1 ~ap ~f tht Russia Caught enlrl Whi!a Bllnt.!n~ Il BUrg,,! ""!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!~~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-!!!!!'!!'~~_""!!~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!"'~ Japanese War dUltnct WIth data and IIIr == details of the two great Armi!!s .and . , . ( "
W A;;' CIAUI!1T.
I A Lucky P Olttmtstr(' II
• I
, Swell 'H aIld-Tailor,e d Suits. ,
I '
812.50'. ·8i·5..00 . "
$:2'0'.00:" $22 50
, .. .a.c,h aD4 .".,.... B."iD8I1t kept clBaned, prassad fd~ 2',.· t'Vlto ¥_-.r,s. ·. ..
' ~
fiT . CLDIUING PARLORS, : II. Wertheimer' .& Co.'
y •. :.-~
'111. cowarel .hoot. wl~ ahut e:ree. Fellin, ocr III .umber Kept b, Small tblnp ~ 10" to the ll1dlal1'l Farmlra To-Day and, Beatou SLu g l Hnl l! by M)'1'orll Good BlU'llaol0 Scrap ..... P _ ' . •.. .. ' ",e. Tberetor•• Hqllters. Them. _~ No 11141111 evlr 1014 ilia daapter tor a In nlt_ndlnt fnrmel" s' Ins tilutla _ II Dame. AII tlxinlUl'llInnl"Y urJ\"f.nture b~rel1 Wh en a na"al arcblt t plans an Itn. ,' I, ., WheD I to:a "alka lame old rnbblt dlll'ore at I!art.s or Ibo s llite, 1 am lur· f Uhud~ K nud "'tl llnw '1' beobuld nt My- p(o ve ment III marine Cou Rtrllcl lon bll _ ,,~ . ' ... _ ' ~\Il' e w hile !lilt I!hOOllng g. nt, for til e Gll n ra lly h&ll little thoug bt fOl" Its at· - - -~----'--~--~ prl ~e d to lio,1 how mnny ra rm6rs lhere lump .. The pilletace', arm ~IODrer than hll nre who formerly kepi abee\) tbat now Larc,r IbaD emaletl !aro,IU Dalllt Comblaed- Tbe emat J.'r hll'll tlf Wil les, \\'I'l t es u I\ln drali ctl r- teol on t be cl onl zens' at the sea. Tho GOOD LAND LEVELER. bave nOlll'. I find tbat 1D0at of these word. I '\ . CrotOIl La';.- MaMAr1 DUll. oJ tOlDpanlinl, IculIl 0rillla. I' ~po n lll'n t at h" .London Fh]lrf.>~!I . man WhO lIIIvented bilge keelll, how· .. A sQuaw's tGOlU1 runa ruter thaJilb • Cowloll 1I0rOSS 11 cavity lu tbe banI. ever, says a wrltor on 80llth Am e ri ca. Bo w to A rrnuge n Pole Drag Wblch ru e n \Voot o ul of s hee p during the depreijS IOD of thc "olnetles" uud hnve wlod 'il legs. ' .It 0 1111'0 m ull e I Ihem p 'epNI lu a ud provided the whules at t h Bmzlllall \ WU~ Pulv erize the Soli Satn vcr since h a d Ih e morl1l couruge to Tbere 18 nolblnllO .Ic:iquen ~ as a ratIl \\' tio lue (hlug lying Ih~n' , \\'1\Ic" COast just the lIort of buNI s~ rt\t c h ' r l~ r1l<!lorlly. StOclt up. Til y almost unl\'orsally !\d - l1esna ke's tall. I nrt r II r w l'onds wtlll rpcog ul1.ed lUI tb e~' needed . Tbe' l od lalllfClitDlrtnI enemr,1:b'C pole" Vylll(\u . I ns c~ peste aunoy the wh ale aDd For mal\~' jwa.>!o n ~ I hU"e fouod a mil Ihat they Doed shee p on lhelr Til dam jmll mplet<!11 \"hl eb 1s ' t,) "8 •. rec l ..... · .. .. · T .. · .. m 'rh e III ClIUh q t t hl) bole WI\S I'n- barnacles Ilnd a hom e on II large I1 nrt polti Ilra !;. s lIl' h It" s hqwn lI urwlt h, to fa rm s lIod re 're t I hil l t hey are now so faco ski os h rs friends. . 'I'b ol'o wil l be bUllgry palotaooa s o 'long lid ,I 34,OOQ,QOO,OOO,O()O !,;ufions or \V"t er T~~~~t,'~,'\ \~ ~ . ' Qr' .. ~.~ . m.~.I~~ 11 I larged Ip ""mit Ibe ha n,1 a n,1 1)1e oC hi s booy. SOUl tim 's III mo nswl'>! b " I'Y II rdul In I'r Ilu g IIlld 1llIlv or- hll{h lh I' dou 't dl1re bill'. T il WPIII of " h r, p" I!! · on almos t a s lhel'c Is O\lY Indian land to 8waJlu:.v . . 1\1\' Yorli8 Ity·s wllter s upply, Is ,'lIh' kll . " III ~rl ll\V")' t Ol l, 16nAII Il'8 t:li l was seized nllrt botb men may b seen rOiling on It s hallow l ~hlJ.: thc: ~ II, writ S ;1 MI 'hl g" u CO r · ~ l/lr eal " ' Ul 10 th ," orlrt W Il l r~", .... , ...... .. , .. _, .. . ,., , 10 lugged 1\ It till the PyLhol1 \VIIS drng - sandy bottom to dl!;,Pla . (l thllRe 11t'8tll I' "1lO Ud clIl or 1110 Furn.1 n nd !I0 1UO, ev~ry Ilroll l'lltntJlO nllll al wuys onlls o~l t Wheo n mlln Praya one da y ood' ljleo le I(j g ,~, ., . L"t1~Ch '-'c 1 kc r rnt \I it)' U t 1'1 I ,' • 1:I1I\'e beard A ~re!\t deal o( I he a~ uUIII ,IIICll. nlll<' . .. . . . .. _........ . IS K·3 ge a u . IPn L .was 80L1. d lIy . Ibe or rubbing themsel\'t's 011 th e rocks '1'I1Il t! kt'l\!h ' glllJlv$ l.hO arr,\II gc U1 ~ nl II lI lmllletl dl. Q II 8~ I 0 l1 s. Man y; Inen h nvO al.x, the Oreat- S'p lrlt ~ bundera ond the cO me lO 1110 'wlth the &I.ute ent lllilt Ilvll o lle lall!~:h s . l:l~nI 111 illl;Yp t built to c nl MI Ihn Ir- lll ~(ro,"h' whllh Qr IRk" I hea d, IlfO tloci which a piece o f doth of lh e reillti. .tile,), na vc made Ulore ·money anll have ..;tglH Ing Il 00 d'8 0 f the II c, I)II I II Ie Il lun lu .. ·lI !lI·.."R). m\l ·....... I "'ns 11t'1i. 00 000 oc:clIslon tho Dlall Kteamer 'I'hci'e' fire lhree thlng8 It luk en R & doue Il .. Itil less Inbor. willi sheep . s troll ' Illa n to ho ld : A young warrIor, .f\, Ullro Is roore ot n 9tk(l lIlII n a 11 I I1IlJurative ly r ecenUy m a~on - , 1'hc Thpo\lnlds bad ~ noth er po I> 10- Orl8sa WAS s lopped durin' n Ilc llse tog th nn willi O ilY olher fl tock. Farmers u wUu h oroo lI od a baodaom~ IIQunw. ~ m " Dnd tbough longer tllnJl the ' rll- 1' )' JaD1~ Of 1I0lab ie slzl) hnye boen co n- 10, th e 'h ol o aud were surpr ised lO so n few miles otf Snn lo Marla Islulld III 11\ to ,r I'l;~'t tll91 wh en thc Ilro ducts' tu~ dQDI Its bell(h l I b" ~ 'I t~ N lt1 RI tit ('d. rhe, nr o'll -tootllre of the de- I l\n o har pylhon . hit! also was 80no th Pnlllflc. Th e cons L holng dallgl' r, " More J!un. or l he Sheep \Vp ro low OIlier rRrm pl"Odt e 801 teet of Ih other. \'oln p01 ('lI l r lU od rn eoglneerln jt. 10 cnptured n nd plnced wi th Iho flrs l, OllS ao anc l ~or Wil li let down GO fa h"Ol~ )'ou Imill fpr 0 0<\ to malte YOI1 U CI.8 \V e r equll lly low. It 18 not 80 £nglnnd 11M tbo notll ble Yryny chl tl1, Ih' Flxtt!enth c ntury thero were 10 1 They were about to leavo t ho plnee oUia or s o nncl the ship 01 10 \\'011 to dr ift g ad bO~t1 " I luu;,; a~u t hu.t wheal was soiling lit 6t) r ' Dce tho .Io'llrene, B elg luu! th Clllel)- {' xls~ nce UlU o ory d a ms of gl'ellt I when n m nn enlted out ' that t h ere lfBS In s mooth water. ··NullO. I p,ruyt)d ror Him 10 let ma ce llts per uUijll c l 1,lIal WI! should rorgot ~, Lbe throe grent dtlw s oC Buro p!!; hetghl, \Jut Ollly In (he Inst bl\H of th e yet n notb er python In the bole. Thl About s Ix o'clocl In the lIIol'nlns II, nnel yo t peo ple dtd 001 Quit growing be ' a 'bll{ 'boy, but t\l ItQ P YOU fl'QUl ('be new Croton dow 18 1,11'1;'1' Ihnn nln'te 11 t h II l ury we r e th ey (les lgn - one, ntle r soro tugging, was pullM Ih o s ptal n heurd !\Omo heavy whalo SI.lIL I' UL "ntZ~: 1l Ai'\) I.EVI'; I."; H. IlU(\'lIl' 'It Out."-Hou9ton Post". ..' NI III II"C rdn n 'e with Ille grenl prlu - ou l nod lied, and , t.o the surprlst' at " blows" or "SllOlltS" nppnren tiy rlose . tll nt s raple. ,thehe Ibree combln d. c· It blis taken N )' ;\r~ II) n~tnlct !'I r los ot I\n~ln erlog, Illaxlmum th e t 'vo YOllng· m n. they fo un d that nl ha nd. Bhortly nflerward II (l0 ' " hlLh t\1 ndSUI (I t Lh r," hU I·,lwo')II \lui 'ti AS lo ug us p o pl e' \yea r clothes and tlll wQrk anI! cost $i,7Ulj,Oc\(I. In t ile 1 ~lren~tl\ wllh minimum at mo lol'llll lherA wa s st ill more lott, Thoy h nuled t'lnu 'd IrllOl llr of ~lI e sb lp WIIS r It. It Ix '" r h~~ In ctl :III1I'l,'C ' all'l (l lgbl rout Cut m o~, saYIl thO Ohio F llrmor, tM J bnr ,)r cona lru tlon therf.> hi\:! b tlll a Clllt! cost. In lIIuso nry dunls Ib dansol' t bo re mnlf\ de r a li t ' with t.he exce ption was too genllla Cor an cllrth qunll nod \ Jon r.. 1 hc I'olus ; II C I"s tem 'II 10!,; llJ ~r p rodu lS of Ille.,s hecl1 .,wlU lIo In d oZJ~t"'. hly SlDftJi I 6<! (Jf lire <'Ol11pure tl I lie guarded agai nst Is crus hillg. of one, wh! h rtltrealed io ward and "'0\1 v nrl ed with b umps. SOO Il 0 huga I !C bou onC! foul II I':lrt UY 111 II ns of s horl 111 11 11(1 , li nd ~a o bo pro du ced at l\ p rollt, llh olhe r und erlaklngs iIf th l ~ kind . I The ..I' is Ih e pres~lIre at tho h l, lgh t of cOllld not be. reaclled . wbllie roso s lowly out of t he Wilt r ' pll!CCN .i '1' cb ll in. i\ b :lr,1 I» 1l1l!I Nl l IIml ;\ C a ';0011 111'0111, too, 00 t he 1\' 01'OJ'' I' \','. ' Soil! men were kill d b~' pr()!IIut ure l wator h hln ll Ihe d:\m to be III t .by 1<'1ve pythons wero ca ptured In a ll, nn ll floll.le d Illoogslde like a bark bot- L11 0 rtl lli /01\'11' a n'l I1llnwf'ti In e xtcn ,1 ugc Yn rlll, by III inart whO hQS IIn1 elll'lo Ions nil .U\l~re )"cre u few othel" 8I1 m ~' 1 'lIl re~ l s tllnc li nd th e cr nshl ng nnd Ihey we re wltb dlm cult y carried 10m s Id lip.. t t ngRin descended and I UCYO IICI lhe Chl rd. 'J'o lb l~ LIIlIII'd I ~ t:,9 for t bls brunch at stoOk rol s illg, ,, \('lden /.3; but. ~h·. Cole ma n. the "hler ' of Ire wllt'n t he ~pr ln g f1Md COlli 1/1 to a dog cart nn d brough t lo to MY- I he tremors rC<lomm enc d. rnsl~n ("ll ,ltl ' , Itl mo wlll!: !Il U 1I1 11C 6e~ 1 "" we ll II!; tho n~ ceS& l1ry. ;knowlO'dgo t lie firm of ('01\ 1"(11'1 1"8 wh k h lullt , l he li e\\, 1'0\011 dnm which Is th e ell . so re. 'l'h IlY nre a ll youog and about 'fh n the ('rElw noti ced \Jarnacleil on d I w hl h f rm~ a «<) ", IMl nU le pltl!'e ror au,1 s kill lor h'o n(l llng. It 18 su rpriSing ' conllllg to tllo s "rface 8n·'U 1 1110 (lrl\,e·1. Th~ Clllll llle-t reo I~ b'nt- hl)w lII any fa'r lllors ru s liod ali t ot Ihe ( "" aam, I!lIYS I Ile rl'l bas I1 en If)$SIItI fl X 1) r mil ollry dlUlIl!, t II 0 lIIOSI [ .11-1 "'. 10 12 teet loug ' . ... J '! or lit In lh e wprk on ~h 'roL 0 1111111 en g in e I'll hllv baodl ed lhe!~11 th e !\c~rct W!\II out. The "Whale was IlltUCl1 III 1I,~ ("lilt IIO IIl by " S 01'\ ~ lI r~ 1 1 lIU S ID C~ as soOn as th e 1 0 d 1J~ try d m !..II/to on a llY ot her simllnr w rk 1J rUV II'Hls. " While tb e steps ot ~tOIl(l s cra ping hlnB selC- cu rrylng hlroselt- (·ba ll.. , boco lll l! dC lIresRed. An o ld malJ wbo 1 the hlsrory ot fl uCb o pcr.1l lul:s, bclow the 1)llIwny top are rOllgh 111111 JAPANESE WOMAN 'S HAIR. on the ahar!) plat e whlch proj c~ed as - -11 tlcndod I\ n Ins titute sa lll to me: "t Ul~ lhe wor k \v. ' 1'e11\rded n ijhort unev n, the worll Ib Elr e Is, If Rn y lb ln~, n 8t ~a(\l er trom t he " essel's hllge. POTATO SCAB. " CI'), well re member Ule, pertod of '69 tillle hy a Irlke, lin d for th rec wc ks more unre[ully clan th nn III th e m ai n It II X u Crown, Xer Vell and the Not oa rl n j; to hnve h im 80 nenr (n ---~ IlIld '70, wlleu I was buyl.a g s loc lL L 'Th wondorfu l power of L~/IIl\ E. I! 6e\' nth r egh u li t w~s kept bus)' Uuul. Tb roug h SI<'PB 01'.0 . mud III Hark of Het' WomannaSo 110 s hould sm ns h tlt o boM! th o A ppllol\t\ou o f COl'l'os1Ve Sublhnote to · IJull gill tholiSlIndB of sbeep Qnil s laL1gh- Piulduuu's Vegctab~e ,(:1owp.QU!1U Oller t he di ens s of womllllkl~d ~'1 tiot betb dam; li lll 110 Oth or Rerlou~ d ls - s r III blocks (If s lon o rrom lwo to !lV(' hood. c:' lIlnln had him polled wlth pO~Loes I SQed Will Preven t t he Disct\se . IClrcd \I\(·m Cor ' theIr pe lts nlona. Cllo It ill J) stlmula.n t!'hot lloel1u 0 it (lJ,r bli nee Int r (erefl. ' I I(l ns In Wolgl1t, a ni! Ihey arc jol nc41 on .l con i, h\llt he tool. n o ' noUce at IL A ppearing. bough t II lo rge Ho It oC fin e Morino is a paHiBtive, but s imply beca.u80 It Is \\" I'k was beguu 1.11 the a ut \lmn of willi th(l Ilnest pre\"lslon. 'Wb oll III ~ "Of all her ea r thly poss esSion s a till a pi co of coal wrnt Into his mouth ' ijlle p or Otle ma n I\t 15 con ll! each. Lhe roost wonderful ,~njo ap!\ reconl ' ~ [md on Mar·1l 10 at til presen~ . l1 ods or arly Silti n g brin g [\ ~~'cnt J npanesc womu n IlIOst values her and was sWltllow ed by mlstoke, Then Th e elrcct of orr()sl vt' s ubl\n\l1to In t\ Her I bnll boug h t Lbe ~h eo \"l bll 8nld: structo r o\'c r a!sc9vered to Bot ' dlrectly ,. ilT the work men la id down Ihel r \'ollllu of W trover the Itl1 III , It wIll holr," writes MrR. Hugb Fraser, nco h e dre n hed th o \' ssel thorou ghly, and preV Co \lng sea h will tlc mud plain 'Now you ' \'e bougbt the whol" UOcle IIpon tho generatiYe organs, ~t1.cly h 1 tb tlom was fl nl 6h ecl. A Irlp ue full 01 foe , g ia nt hl ocks nlllny 10Ilij cording to tb o Chl cngo :!?nlly N ews "st~lIm e. d" n way. a last fl ou rlsb at hi s wh en we ulld r~tll n d lh . ItU ot en!) hut I II' 1'0. 111. I wnn t to s ' 1\ hIm La cll r\ngdI6cnse and.rcstoriq,/lIla.i,th,and , '. . Ov f fbe ooos\rllcdon railroad W1I" In w 19 b , wbl b mUSL bo c n i b d lUI "It Is h er I,,"own, he l' veli, th e mnrk o C tnll In (1\cntlng th a t ho was seeklil ' t o be II III IIIU lo 11111.'101'01110 IIIJuI yo u: ' W ~ ll: 1 saId, ",,' b :\t do you .,onl ,'Igor. ?tfarveloos oun!! ate ' repqrte4' f ro1l1 01, e by .Ir. 1 mllu, th engine rs th(\)' d ro p frQnI slop to r.!ep. below. ' To her womRnhood , Ibnl wblch' tells ber quiet In tho greater depths. Wblel! ' I'CUOl NII !!\! tb sk ill or t be IlO- Co r 11 1m ?' Ho said: 'H e cost m e $500: 011 th work , ' II nd the Catholic pr leSI meet tllelr sboCk nnrl 10 reduce UU!1lI a nd oth..'!! what she Is. Th e country t nto. lives on Ih e auiJs toll ce ot tbe I'll re ll him fo r live d o ll :\ r~.' I sn ld : all pBrt!l of the COUn:.t fY byw.on~ 'who have beeo cured, t~ d , ~ur8e\ who .. b b . tuber a nd malu res li s S CIt th e r . •, d d r.harg ot the two e ha l)- t llOWdl1r th e big SlO ne blocks wore UUo for the house mi stress Is ' 0 K a ml PREP:CHED TO EMPTY SEATS 'T ha t ·s mo rC)'.t hllll 1 en n give, It you· h!'VI) witnessed cu res' and pliysici"ns el 11Ullt for the , th e n lhe p\ll In t he fa e of tno ttp\llwny." San,' 'sh e of the honorable h aLT: ond ' • When sca bby \lOlatOe~ I\t IlI. OICO "'Rnt 10 lot t!\tn for $1,0 t'l\ taka who have reoogn1zOO tlie ' vlrtue of T 11,., wel1l toro ull ' an" all 81"1111 0 lh e T h la ." Ulnn I!I Ile rb l'S beuer IIble t t th bJ dl ! '" III hi h V I '" tted H d f HI 0 1 I wlthollt Irea tmOllt, Ih s 'ell or til (,ydiJ) E, .. Plnkbn~·s_ Vegotl\b\e Com : , rk {I( ronslrUCt1~~ r en':oyed tn nllllre 'I'JlO 1n 80 m s mall degree Ihe ~Se~be 0mlU'~ 0; m~~e~ty,""neO~I~gWfS ~t ' anr oOYCll 6 or 8 II Y {uogull Is a ls(I I,ilmted , nnd wllU tb e htcLl .' "" ~ c ll : he Bnld , " That":! quite a pound , Bnc;1 aFo leUr 0l\ougb to give q ui k l>' III! sslble. li lll I' QuI!' d, th e co r ti n l' ·essary. In sucb Importance os t be cn r e of tue HIIIU'8l" : Dau ~hter. Who KUled tl CW crop of potatocs nn III'creased " - ' r Dle. rlllwn . bu t yoil may· h \lvc him ,' I cred it ,,'bere it \a due. ' If physicians dan\<l to lie Iranlt and Tbe g reut slretf' b of land below II 4~flllsl,ructloo o'r 811ch n wo rk. I1s ' tb hair, 1." sacrlflces so Great . ns tbo B"erself. . ' crop or lh c ruogu~ Is prO~lIe \I , un t il s l,\U gb l rccl \ IUll rll\D a nd .sold hi s pell open, h IIndre.ds of thero ",ould a<!knowl,l1e w. daro beloogs to tbe city. , u nd UlllI dllOl, by ' g lllriol l1l; n l gre:!t rell nqu1ebm on t nt th e " nroper dress'n n . , f the m n rk e t 0: Ill~ or. t.l1e polatoc>; I h ,., ~ ..... The " lranl~e and uohappy state a o.lmo$t d()s troyecl. Il has ~ Ilell ruuna tor f~ , r.O . I.n I\\'e ycn r" f 9 111 tlull tlmo oage . t.hat. the y co~stantly pre8l1rlbe lIeen graded 1.11\\1 will be mu.!.e 101.0 built e lijQwbe l'e tbat have LbeJtof.. nll'l1lra whlclll exists nt Stokes Lyne, 10 Ib a~ a bl\tll of th r aeed 1)()tnl.Oea JII iI 911 h $110"'1" lIS t (be ll hOlJglH tor s u U Lydia. E . Pinkbam'8 Vegetable Com".AJJ for. dreSl! ln& ,h e r hair herselt, no Ox.t ordshlre, has beeu brought ~o IIgh~ sOlullqo oJ "ol'ro$I\'O ~\l llIlUlat 1.111 5 rldlc: ulou Iy 10'" 'prl 'OS wonld ' r endlly pOllod 10 lievere.cnsca of fe male Ills, .rClPlnese woman c:a n do tbat, oud all, Ihrough th e traJ;edy w-bl eh occu ~ I'e4 tbe' SliO U f1J oj;ul\: an d It th " . soli 110S tHlV U :l1) ld at li ve o r $Ix dOli Irs per thoy kno,v tSy experience It can be re• . Iied upon to effect. .·cure. The fo1101'l.f except tho most miserably >poor! have lately at thEI local vlcllrage, r lates 1I0t had ilotoloeH b'TOw n ll pon It r I IJ~ I<!t\er proves I\, . been In l be btl hlt at paying 30 sen (15 tb e London Gropb l ~. The vlc:ar's ceillly, tbe lIeW CrOll will I)' quite frell Dr. . 0 , Bt:igham, of , Brf,b&ID conts) a month to th e balrdresser to dnugbter, a cle\'er glrl oC 14 , com mlt- from tile dl easc. Tako lhroe o\lne s CHEAPLY MADE SHE'EP RACK Park, Flt.ohbu\'R', M..... , wrlteA: tnke care oC It for them. Sinco th e ted s uicide by tnl;lng 1)0190n , IIUri at or corrosive Bll bllmRlo lIod (Il!lSoh' e In beglnolng of th e RUSSian war thi s the Inqueat . her tn th er , th e R y. 'ViI - t eo ga lloos at WOle r, usi ng -'I barre l De 19o Which Haa ·:Much . to Recomm enll I~The ]([aterlnl N eeded Bnm h IlS been almost unhrersall y lai d Jlllm Brynnt~, declRre(! Ulat tbe boy- that you (10 noc uee Co r an'y o tbe r pur. and How It Is M; aBide to hand over to the war fund , cottlog ~o wllIch h e had been Bubj e :~- ' tlOse for Lh e sO,ll1l1on. Pll t wbnt . eed and • .comlng · regulnrly froro millions e ~ b y hi s pa,,r Is hi one r s ' b a d ~rOY8 d IIP- po at!lC!H . Ul Is ,!lIter will cove'r lo a \ Vltho ll t d ou-bt 8haep rnl$crtI will" ot WOmen, has , aroounted, to a very on the chilli. !Illnd nnd cilused be r to thin bn·... unci IAt tb e, m Icm,;ln III Lbe inte l'ested 10 a 'plan tlla t ,bove or resl>C<ltable Whole. tak 1 r IIf .. y ., e 141 .t" bath I IVO )1o~r8, I till ve t~e(\tPd Seeli ·'The result has . been a curlops Tbe ~oronc~r rerused to accllpt Mr.. sutllclen,t Cor 1<11'0 u<;ros wltbout ' re- cons tl'u ·\.I lIg a s be p rn·cll. n , m a)' I· AJ~I~:::r,~~,,(lC~t.e change in tha app6Uanco' ot thC)so Bryant.s 8ta,ttl m~nt as evlden<! , a nd newln g . Lbe, wl'll Ii a corre. IIc,t bo 00 11'01)' orlgloal. 1'16Din Wbat 1 IIk c nbout 'c\lIs re ding rack, Jeot, and endofWlOOlllI." sturdy ·lIttle l1 at l'lots. Wben ' l Wll8 In In consCQuetlco tbe v Icar h as comrou- spond~nL o f the Country 0 otlem on Is I ti n I It I ~ \'OI'Y eas il y 'mndo a nd doeCi Wom!:u who ar, tron1)lcd with painlnpnn be fore I 'hardly eYer lIaw a nlcnted 'Yltb tho h ome ,o mce wltb a We. sometimes e ut Lbe pOLal ~s h\j ro re woman with her haIr down ; no'" U\ rc Ylew . to a fur lh er InQuiry. \lte hllth , Hometl'meB utlef, wl rhoul nut 1" Iluiro a great deo~ of IUlllber ful or irrogulnr, perlod,. bloa.ID( (or are hundreds In th.e streets, t heir silky Tho positio n I\t Stoko Lyne appen 1'l an y ,j\lfer61I'o In resul ts. DO 1\ L fo r. ('lIctll1 lo\ ..· In foct sai\ can bo dla- , Illltuleno y), weol(nesa of organ., i11l5locks bIng mllrely turned back frotn t o be .f·~T wor s'o th an m n), I m ~gIneuA g t Lha t corrosiv e 8ubllnlllle Is (l plli. ' Il 11!" cl wilt! f\lmOSl entJl'cly If ·tha placem~tits , iDOammatiollor1ileer&tlon, ca n e res t.ored to perrect heallh and tb o foreh os d wHh il . 6m h, and ha ng- rrom th e In!iues l re))ona. Mr. )3rYB lIt Ilo n. l\ cep th e lr<!nled PIllDlO'r. :t"ncl lJ"a r(l~ a rll made tUlle proper WHllb n~ ~treDgth by taking Lydla E. PLD~ba..ID'1I till' pinn in g mill. ' fng clown In- a bf1a utl ful mlln l le tar WII appoln le A vICar of Ih a I I helow the ir walsta." ~'" 0 II ,1' 8 J III th e barrel COnLulnln~ th ~ solution Ou\ In Ihc fil' st Illn ~~. e;x.,lnlhR th e or· Velletable. Compound, If adrieo " , nucd ed ~ rl~ t,o , Mr8, Pl",kh&/p. ' e~ . 189., and In 1897, dllfer!'.!l es ~Oen'l to <iC tllo r CB h or u:)llI1al s. I m') r Ih ~ n I'cilll.O n/lr nt o f lbe! P ra lrl ~ Fa n 'lI c .. ; t Ly nn; Mo.tjs, Sbe ilS daughter-In-law h :!" a~18en between blm nnd so me IiU ' peet tb~t tb e ro t fuq g \ls. II n llY lu ke LI'{Il-!!JIHIIl two hy two ~lIts IN THE PLOWING SEASON. at I\ll! Icalll nl! people. The strained reo lulhcres . to lh l) sellet potatOfj~ . Is In Ibnll 40 III r. hcl! hig h a nd fnsteo th oro at Lydia El. Pln ti hnm !Uld fQr twen.!,y. ave yenrs . h!\ll becn !Wovlslng .rek Il\ lI ons grev~ worse I.1nlil abqut two largl;) mea·s ure dQst roycd hy til s ba t b. log-alhol' \>11th Ii t l'osil piece so Ib nt womeu' fl'e 9£ Nq.otbeT l"jn8' 's llulil lc Jlllrk. 'J ben Ihe city ol)ta iu- pro~ed In some v 11.1.1 point weak , 1:1 ' YQIU'II ' ago Mr. Brya nt fou nt! h l m s~lf MUllons ot Plows Are in "Us e Turn - wl eb o ne Bulpporte s little daugh tb C)' or!! ubout 28 Inebes opnr t. Thl, person 1las h~ tile ' ben~Bt 01 ._ c1 l\ollseaslon tJ! Ul e (Tact coycr"d, by I\(!equu te. wIder ' experience In treating -ffmal.e ing Over the SoU of the 11' dam and lake, ml1.ny :ronit.a .nnd In. loOkI ng o v r Ihe $"ubjeet of d llm ter. RETAINING THE HU~US . . Ills. Shl! 'haa guided, ·thonSAnd. ' tG l1nlted Sbtes. ~rllib~ hal) to he ' dun e . ~w ay with: b\llldlng a n d tbe g~ea t dams o f thl) Sundny atter Sunllo.!' has . pnsR \1. hellolth. Evcl'Y iJ,ull'c rlngwomaQ hquld' T be e buve h en r '1Ila<\ed by the ' con: worl d. th e wrltor comes ' upo n tbe ' esl\yal b as s ucoeedod rair, nnd 'Mr. S>;p05u r c ' to Sun Afte~ Plowing or IIBk for and follow h er ' advice It aha ' '$1.r uc lI9n ot:l n;lI ~tJ or ml:\codll mlzed chrOlilcle ot what 1$ sJlOK eo at '\s I t's J)lowi'Dg time. Two hlLndred Bryn n t has gone o n c(J IHIIl c:tln g hi tile A ppllcnt\on of Lime Apt t'o Be ",ants to tJo'strong'n:nd well . ' II n.long thl! 8hores ot the luke. "dam fa ilures ;" learns tha t the com- million acres of land wlll he plowed services In 111 Ilhul'(~h emply bu t for th Destr uotlve of ~ts Elell1en.t, Where the Croto n WR@ OLCe bul n roon cn uses Of tllil ur are, elid Ing on tbls year In the ' Uni ted States and li t tle g irl and au dc~,ns lonfll slra n ;er. to Health Durro~' riv er, Its hlll'act I' bas been tho bnse 01' on some borlzo oll\l Joi nt; aboll t 9,000,000 plows nre on tbe farm s H e , Is wltholtt. botr 11 nit o rganlRt, \vll n.t Is Imown a s ljUlDliB In tllc ~fI • \ haoged It becom\ls n W ilt la l(e, overturning: trn ture d ue to t~nslon; to do ' the work, Bays Farming. The has to u<;t us hJs OWII bell rl uger n.n\l Is ,' egel'lbl llI ul ter In the pro.~ss a( 2, 101) ,eElt Iwroti6 or the da.w brcllSt, cruehlng, In the ca se or mnsonry cn))1 til I jnve ~t c d In plows alone re p· c:n n find no ooe eyen to Cllellu Ihe' deca y_ . IlI Il,or Ili is VOj;Cl a ul e Ja i le r J}llIn L!le ~'a tloy achln4 It ,for ,nellrly 1r)nms; and, ra r ely, the brea king up r caen ts ,SO,OOO,OOO. · Such a multltll de buildIng. III Mar h, 1 ~04 , 'Lhe lise <if d ~caYli" III a fl)w wee ks . whll otller~ 'lO ..n1!1I1I a,na Ill)!' ,Id lllg ut llunt er '~ ahd was b !ug a way from the top down- Of tyves of plo wfl and plowers : cnn be tpe sabool bulldl ng \vas :ret~Relf to the r ~ q tl lre & ~ \'c ral years 10 l"i n ~e I hell' 6wOk La lui extl1m ne wl~1l 1 ot lW\l wllrd, :rhe mOR L tJl SIIBl l"OUS r eser.volr found on this old conti Dent ,tbat we Vlear ~Y a mectln g ot tha. n Bnngel's ' r~rm , 'rills m uss nr Vl\!;el~c b l o Dl lltLer .lull . :rhroe oHI e r~omit h e <lew dnlll tallure at rece u t dnys wa~ t hnt gan- <;ao but name Ii tew. ' On Sund(ly' ilie \I lea," co n(tucted the lu th o so il a dds bulk to '\I , whlcli bllik Clfm API,y Ute C)ld Cro t n 1\11: tl1 , onCle regarded era lly ,, \Iudecl to liS 'the J ohn stowu In tho great southwest tbe ,[obave sort'lle R ~ 1l$IUQI , IIl.1lLlierl!. was no ono bo~h h,e1P\) to let In. the 1111' a nd t() rea ""oodartul lItru tu re. ...l, lm tbe Oood, wh en 2,00 pcoille lost tite lr with bls tbre e' or tcur 8QuaWIJ startl present, to JoIn hlm, the II(Id lo cldent t a in ruols tllre. Thn dCOlly llll; yegelllble orolls piece (l ISO Co rme tb e tOl1ndallo~ White~B th~ \ teeth ...... purlfia mouth ' iocll!re:ath:"" eurUI~ w.. te r:s bav ~ rl~lln 1.0 the to)) at .tbe lives a ud bNwe 0 ,a,ouo,oOO nnd ~H, tor t bo plantIng ground. Ea<;b woman n tbe " lear'age boylng de pri ved him mall et holtle mo re mois ture IhUll tUo for tbn bottom ot tbe rac k. A Ilv eat3rr1i, lore tbroa1. lore ey.., p w da m Lile. tOil Q( ·tbe olll Crol.ou ! 000,000 worth Or property WIIS destroy - carries her digging Btlck; the &011 partit!lllli. and Il . bl1 ~ li ce" shown Incb baurd Is sot ad tbe bol~Otl1 /lod mos t of hi s I)uly followe r . and by dlr't'ct· application ~ (fam wlll be ~~ fee L below the 8ur- I ed,. The So II III .FOrk cln lll. nn ea rt.ll primitive of all 11101'18, ant! tho man tba t sOli rich III lI ullIult hn, a IAI'I;8r luslde ot tbl!! post. Nelr t the sla otlng .:...---- - ;Ul Inflamed. uicerated 'i ud fac.:e..." I dam buiJ t nbollt three ml1 ea above .staods guord all day wblle ~he "01'11. pe r Ce DI. of mo Is tu re ilL .111 times or pleco IK (11Il III to ""bleb tile ~ldCa or cattu"fhal conditions ca~ b Mirror B Gtter 'l1hRn Medicine. The new dum 18 dly lde'd In to Ihree ! J obnslo wn , \Va a carrIed I\ W ~I Y, and tbe ferolnlne ills. • , I' . A warll phllent lu Roosevelt hos - tlie rear lMq dollS so li oul or whl oh Lhe feedlot; rack Bro aUncbod. S paCQ, a . '!l01l1l, 'l'h e ronln <I R Q) ol: te ncrs i,- reservoi r empti ed. Itael! 10 abOll t · 45 Inal farmers'" of tbls country dl~ tbe the humus has beau cXhll ustlllf. ~llImos Is le f't al the bottom SD tb "t Ibe roush, , Pl1Xtine fJl.'besses utradrciiDa'rY OHal grew gTo(ln nlly weaker wi thout .()\l/eet frow !;hI! lWu Lh ~I de at rOlOO 1IIlnl1tos . T he failure !icre wa s a n I~_ land nnd plant t~elr gourd aeed,B, cleansirilr; heallni' and cermlr In Canada but for the Interference IB n y a p paren. t r ellSOn. "Slio's fretting Is ' c1es lroyctl no t o nl y by- Ihts nil 11I'al' uge 'au read.IlY he .rencb.ed by ,. the ~ . Ile.~ to ' II \lolnl wherll spillway. a nd slIflIcleot w\lslewo.y. The o riginal cid~ QJl;t,1lties ,\nllke yljilllJ, teodun!'y ll? lle~ay. IJIIl b)" 11 11 II~POS\lrll s bllop. As I.lle bay Is ted out It filii. "',~Idge Sptlll be·IIl. · The s pillway . s peeIH"a tlo lls tor t he d um cll l! ed tor a ot the government wo mlgbt 8ee ~be I;e rselt to dealh about 801llelhlng" to ' th e s un when ' lI has I)o ei, IlIrned \Ill to.w ard tbe bottom ,wltb - th c reaul't '", ~Jje. " At-a~ d,hi~llItL 0 cents · DoukhobQr . ~omen ,drawing the &!10W; said th o nu rse. "'it sbe w~uld ~ontl de ..... Mch cu ~vell a way to th e easlwlI n\. Is w!lterwll Y 1M fce~ .w l (11' ; at t.b e d Ole of t:dOlI ' TRW; "'plcUda .·ntJii by We fllOW It III alSO. II Rl5 rroy ed b y , tbat ttierl) Is ' SOlDe before ,lll e s heop liS ~.M~ .t eet . In lerf:;l h. A s leel dreh tile dl&ll~l r Lh e \Vnl' wa~ but 130 ree t In ellactly th.11 Baroe· way that tbey ha\'S In DIe 1 tlll "k fi he would get \letter." Qlllc lcllm o, whic h '" dOin g I;U Iltlc raielJ ·lo IIS . as (liere ,s aoy In , the rIlcl(. I . Tha R . ' " r 'l I _ ." done tor centurIes. . I, ' By and by' th e pAtlel1 t Ilid open hor brld~ 20\> ~e(lt long C?1l0ws Ih e In WI(ltlt. ' In New England the oxen are being, mind Rod· heart. " IC T cOII I(\ only s eo tbo plllnl ( QOd, I~fl"'. t1\'(~ re.l\iQ'IJ, snY.ij thlnl! , ~bnl rellders wlll. bl! nb le to , strai gh t · line o f the mu ln dam, 1I0d (11 1 '90 the Wa lnu t 0)'0"1) da m In Ih e ' j"" 1'111 0 1'11 ' fI Cv l,,\v . 1.lw 1I\lIJll c3l'on 'iullte au h n rack wllho'ut turtll er ,deover t his and ,t he lop or Lhe main dam Arl zonn, one o f t he hlghost rock- Oil yoked, and In the J1)htdle west· tbe , m yself," SbEI W (l lI e cl , " I'd feel ' (Hr- of fr esh 11m 10 KIIII . I ~ fr 'l,iitllllly rl b- ' 'ticrIIlLIt)o nft er fc rorrlng to Ib l,) draw . ttl a h.lgh,Wuy 21 ~ N \\"Io e. Af t rUl e d!\U1 S evor bllll l, fall et! . I1nd mll ny tour-horse. t~fl,11j nre . r~ adYt. . In ~h () tllreot. , I ko.ow 1 must look IIlce dllat b s\ruc Uv e In lI s r Rl1l1 s. 'Tile 10'SR o t log . . .." IOcr pnSRe tbe 811111wl\)1 It fl ows lin · itvcs we re 1081 t bol'e hl'. A 0 Imld e- south th e negro boy sits on hi s plow or you'cl let me h ave /l IOQld ng g168$." bumllR In t'll!l ~()1I w"all eua Ie Irl reg ard 1 . . . ' atilt to watcb tbe tr~n go by. " It wa~ against th e rnl ~.s (0 s upply p a_ ~ r the brltlge. \\' 111 I' Ih n( hn, risen qunle .s plllwa y Is tho ught to 'lIave I L~ a bl 1l \y In rersluL drolltb ' II n tl lo' BUiLOING ~p DA~RV' HERDS. w· t h e top f 1\1 .SPIllWIlY will !le. ) 1; taus d tLn a dl sllIl1.e r. 1' be Walnu t In otber parts of tbe couotry we Hnd d ents In that WRrd with mirrors, . but 10 pro du~(\ crops , .. (eet belp w th e Ie, I or lh /l h lg hw lly. Grove ctam was 11 ' feet 10 ' h I ht tractio n e ngInes ,a t work, plo"' lng 40 ; Ih o. nurse, r ocogn l:tln g ho grtl\·I.lY or Tb e Only Suce_ful Wny Is to 81\vo :Tb.e dept.h ot wat",· In the dllm will "ijollL l e n reet Ihl el! III Ibe enp /;110 or more o.cres a day and 'requ ir ing but tbat particul a r case. s m uggled In a ' the !i:eI1er: CAlves ,from tpe ' . sm ~ I h nnd .gl~ss . Tb o r esult w os b ! tflO t e I. , (I'el Ot h !l l)(Is . Qra ni te bl ocks ~'om - t \"o or t hree roen to do It. FO.R SHEEP ,. AND LAMBS. Bes t <lows, ' . ' I nilra UIOU 8. !'~rh y . dea r IDC," allid tho When Ne w ' 111'1; . un cl e.I O k thll con · po "(1 on II I IIU~lI, i h " (Iry·fnce wnl\s Ahead Again. . elr.k \VOnl nll, "T dQr<'L look h nlt eo 'ba ll .t.l:ran gement o,r Feerl lnlf Rn el{!! by tr uqtlo n of a nfw Chilli co os lderab le 2(J Ie l IIll cll ~t tII hilS!! 1.l nd II\' ~ lit The Wily , '1'0 1>'ulld tlp ·our. rJaU·y h~rd, Tb e (0 II owing Is nccredlted to fhe as I 8\lllllO ~ccl J dl'1." An!! from ·.tba~ }.lm~ w as ~!l: !I ' In ,I II vitally .lmpor t- til tOil A .c'ry lI ell vy I'a lr)fllll ' anu Wh le t! the L!l'tnbn A ~e ' K~Il' Out .' e xpluln s~ .' F., ·Barn'os,. dtlltl:~uiil t.t Urti li t Inl\tte l r ~l!l ~c lOll o.r 1\ Sill). . L t he In lldeQ.llat o kplllwa y worked Ihe o ~nBtor HOllr: At a Fourt.ll of Ju1y 'I hour ah e bcgllll to l'l1proye. -N. Y. qt t.1l ~. W rty i,f tb ~ She.;!'. ', , l'J nlv cralty ot 'l'eollc8llea', 18 by ,lllavib 6~l!t a s ltllll mile r~ lId 1111 e l~h th ,fn rc ll l!r r u in . l1",r ,,' tl\'(\ f(I IIIII1I1lIQO a 'oll . .celel;1I a llan In n Cnnadlan tOWJl; wlllire·! Sun .. . "r-. ' I,,'" ' h ~~~et' ; c:\! ~(Ht' .(to~ ; il ll _ Q r"bur . ue'Sto 'I,I ·, ,dg wu 'stream W lUI (' bO~e ll . b\11 tl O !'On· hOll v)' J',IIol'RII l;1 ~llllg se veral II both Elng lls h and· Aroerlt;:np guesl~ , Tho 'co mmoo 'fO\" d Ilr rucl Cl'm(lll l ' tor C Q.w!l~ IIU(l l'III ~ !ng them:!' Ah a V.t~4jV tr.\l 1I n was e,'er b gl)tI III UII A poi n t. c'nll ijc,l' th e ranu~ of Ihe da m 011 ' tb ~ were allselll11le d, the flags at the ,two Set Ca ttle Afire. . II pl1l"lIIll~ Ihl! hpnbK Co" l,its~ ITIII~I" ~ li lll besl mil b CClWtl 111l8Slb18. ~orlngs w r' ·1I111 r1 .:1.11 0\'(11" Lhe va lley. Oo loro'i o r 'l \'n r "l ' Au'a tl ' T A few d ay~ ago. two cowboys on tho Ihron g h ' Lh e ./ s lnts · \Y.e' r e ll t'lI e m" all~d ( nre. for' l,h!lfb 'ds we ' r II ' I d II I d <. .. • ,n, exa3, OOllntrlell were used. In ' deco'raUons, ' A tie are , n il e;; "on was mIll e , au . wh kh cJcr urrerJ III April. ]900. [rh' ul ,)UR youD¥ English. gl.rl" loyn1 to !>iufadp f ra.nch n ~ 3 r Channing were OU I" ' Hlunci on tllo I.Illu K' da Iry 'Ilulves ,shotthl tie, cnrilct tOt. !)r)L began. It " III! found n eCes9~ry ' . tbe -qu een , but with , no love 'f.or th!, dlpplU~ catlie In all. They found 'one ~-:. . IIny Ih \! sheep al:ol A~ ~Qj \.~ ~ 'WilY tbc obber;;dll;lry.m!i~ 'I~ ' tr) lIetJetrsre (u I hI) solid rock for 11 Chaneo fOI' -A- m - "-e-I'-Ic-a ns. Stnn und St~lpes, exclaimed: "Oh. unbr.:md ed Sleer anti , a[ter dipping II , ( , ' . (I ,ll ~ III S , s ollln'g this secCfoo do. 1. ,a9.l . s0.(~y ., ~0." uy" tho ~dutlo n , au ,1 nOl IlnLn 0 deptb of 8,; The II1 \'eol,o r wllo will cI \' I ~e no eill. wba ~ Ii sllly-look.1ng thIng tbe Amert brand(cl 't. The b auL of the brnndln g ,l . . th t! r<!ccl nqd majority qt lpe lli ,dO n,ot '~I!Y n~ ~ tte~et ,\\' Build n ct; r a ' bed .. On Ihl8 vlenl mol bod 0 dl 6)J clllh g fog PI' coun- ca n flog Is ! It 8ugge,lllli oo ll~J og bu\ Iron net flre· to til e ha ir at the nnlmal, , . . ,.00ul(lo.s the f,' ed' lion 10 Improvi"nll ,;tlielr :Ifa~ds 'ut III I, tirm ()lIjld 1t1() 1) hn~ beeo relued "lhe ttinlcllng 11.8 elTecl will reUI) u great for- ch oc ker-berry candy," ' Yes :' r eplied which was soa Ked' with all, and It Im_ 'JI' 1\ ' g raal ' 114\111 UIl,(!. r.l'ally, 00 £ kno,!, ,* ,ha,t tboy a"", m ~l enormolls pl ecf< of nLU~Oo ry 10 a 'r e followIng 'lui ' worl d. lot III. 2,4~ O t e t lo og tro'lII I\lUC> s'~Y" Tochn lC;41 . World Magazlnn. Senator Honr, 't'lle kind of candy tlIat medlntely da sbecl 10.10 R bunch of ....t . trouble , 1-bp. <:111 shows a", vllry (lOlli g'. ' llu ~' tIOlUci or rul/lmple nnd . ,reple'nlshlng 'tbelr t1I B tl \"A n n nf tlltl 11\11ln tlu m to the 't Is Sltld lhtl\ u weel; or the fog 80 co m- has mnde everybody ' sICK who eve I I!teer>! wbll!ll had bee o dipped In the exoe\lent ' urral1gfl moul:"'Qlls ·. l) o.'Og a " ' ,s ame, fluid IL f ew mlnu to, before set- crcjss-sp.el ion nn'd r adlly II ' wl~k YOU~ltillltc'ri ':"wben their rth 'e nd ~l f Ihe ~ p!ll",RY . . At li S bllse mou 10 Lon ll on ) eij lleCJIIlII ~ In 'lh e la t ler tried to lick It... lIng tl\ero' IIflre, tram whi ch 40 diell.- '1'lIe bollom . at t\;o·· sbeep ~~cR out( .r l tbln,i t .thls',", real[ l Is,'.216 f~ot \hll!k, a nd Oils ta pars to- ['Ill·t or D ()~e Olbel', OQ::;IS . lhe railwa y 'l'exlco 'J:rul)1lpet. tight. and } I'o de r; 11)18, .tbroligll '{ nar· 'bellt ,metb/ltt "of 'bulldlOg .~I;I ~Il 'nrd~ the ~oP . wber!! It IB leo feel. oompl1nles Ihel'e .$ I ,OU9.0oo, IIlld tbe cabIndiana "All In.1I row sluts a lid. ~penln~~ hI' rro~t ; . Ib e .' lI.s '" here 1ft ",wa.:rB a chance rOI\ $~ ,OOO a dlty , wblle Lbe J088 to mer- . The l'ottawattam1.e . (/ldlana 811 .v,t t11 e;: lO P .of lhe m ll in II 11m. are " , tis milY bl! !~ In Il s~ul/ .lto u~b !fIUelti· crt:Or ,'n ch~O!tln! , a~\ilt'ea~l1o for rlie slope t)f thli · Iuner wull I!I very ~huo LlI ls heyolld ,cu.hmlntfon. Tbe ex, ahout all In. The(r' Jande 'a're ' being . RIval of GIbraltar, tbejr · ,'wu. Tlle.y .aro Ibnl'i OuL or. tlie diliry ' IlUrpQ8eL ' flf;h t, " Th:u I he reader' may. h ave 'CBB ot gas usell on :i. (Oggy dOY ' would sold rapidly, ~elr annuities frQm tbo Tbe Straits pt Olbrnltar are .t pres- . ~ny of the sheep, 80'ys the FII'l'1Il JOllr' .' ' I19me ,1IppreCIIl)lQIl of the IIlzc of the sup!)I)' Ii town o f 40,1l0/) peoplo·lln e ntire government nre decreaalng. and wllen' ent d.o mlnltled· ' .by Great Britain's " , ~." :~U&:' J ) !l ew dam, we reprod u e well sn m- year. II III, I!lItl mnted that III conse- tbey do draw theIr head-rIght money frent fortrells, Glbraltar Rock, The nnl. 'RO,d CBO, he fed tbelr owo rotjoo tnll rl1ed Inform \lliou eO/l Ce rnln ~ the quenoo o f fOUl atmosphere, the people the young hucks hnrry. to i:hB ' Joint aavlgable wnlers of the Btrnlta are ~p.&tt trow 'Ibo IIlIee)), ,.. 'l'lie "trap nell '18 ri &ood' thlp. 1n thl u'peJ\t!QU8 en gineering ~ellt. The or Lbe Brlllsh cnl1ltal ' are put to from town8 ,nnd squander It ID· drinking and about lI\lI:. mlJes wlde at be narro~.8t • r -.--- . cleprlment Ilat\1l1l aDd . on the I~ , t bl~ .,')!ellred In lhe New , York $1&,000,000 to $20,000,000 lu uJlneceslll1ry gnmbUng. Alnady the lullian '' tHE LIVE STOCK. poultl\Y f,mD 'whero It', II . d8llired to point. Opposite ttle ,rock they are World. ' expense nnntlally, a~d In winter elljo; who formerly the red mao dll- about six mll811 wtile at the lInrroll'eet , --~ keep tracle" of what ~ch 'blln 18 N'1i:~ t'I,Nt),f)C)O R TON ' 01\)1 IT!! 8uu8bln ~ 9nly .one-tourtb at lh" Ume. tQ limited oredft, are tlghteDlng the relna the rqck lIel Oeuta,',whleh the , SpaJl~ Boote ror · brl!.edlDg ' e1l'e~: are slmo.~ On ,tbe" QrdlDllft ~m, '!lo"ever, Ize. . which tbey are enUUed. The elfec~ of anll eatabllshIDI _~re cif a cuh neeel8llY. , I f If ' larde have 'OUgtit to make an Impreg- -- JUI' l1li 'lk"IY u DIll lbe piC Pen ' tr4P lI" ,t B 0 ,.!l~ !I!- ue(ror the' ,..IIIlD r;.1W.~ "the fog Is aggrayated·by .tbeou.tpourlllP In their deau~p"......,.QoltoD (XIlII.) nf p,,,4h' ueU .. ,,. y ....rtl.. Dallle rival to froWIIlng bellht. th\l.t. .f~r tI, n a la,,,,, lIO!De OU IDUI~ of 8moke-ladeJ1 chimney., Which Infect "' ~Y'. water ~upply , uncleun, see to It. be at ' hand to releill,,: the fOWl u~ .... aOT0811 the•.• .. .. :", , . • , . , .1t,0000,UOU"O,00(J the' air. bt'IQgln8 periodically an alarm- Reoorder. A aheeJ) Iii a fine anllDll'l to b.n ,e ''ilD Cllrd' her btrCltItt. U ·Of. fatmer I ~J:.~;ol;:: , ... ... , . . l,tOO (1Jf\1 .... I .too Iq Increl\ll4l 10 tile death rnte tbrollllh til" farm;. bllt It .. beat to keep QII Ito; "';'!l~ ·tIIlSl."al 'record or ilia I~ Whel1, 0e8~ ~cred. ure aide Ol a booIIl, ' pouJt~ Jle WIlU.avli to W\)rk tIp .lO_ l .tIW acddent and trom d tse8.lleb or the .8Tile, were at thl thea\.8r to&etbe... splrutory llrpbE, . '....I'0I0II OIO"r. doe. IIOl baYe ' au other pU~1l'nthu dau tli&t 01 tl!e trap ud coDYeraatJon 104. A~ lut, du,.. .,...81 .a1i1'G. : . .. ~e.t,...,.ollto ~er.. . ~c..,«~~'-'1"~~~ In. the eDU'_\lte. lie tumed to her ud t1M 1)'1'" oullllle .. IIIUOIl ' U V8Jltured: Five Blg P ;.r(bon!l Dr!lgged p ·om
The New·Croton Dam One of the Wonders,of.the World "t..
I! Btlga Keell of Ocean IIteam,re . a .
'r.tf1 lIUO
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''DoD't-40n'ti'JOIl @JIlJ£ the
tI.1mt are WrT,IJad'" SIa8 111l1"1.:~~~~:i;~:
IICIt ·e • . - - the..
toilet~ntisaptic' ,~
PEC,I'S BAD BbY ' WITH 'THE CIRCUS By liON. OEOaO£ W. P!CI AII'IIo,ol " "odl'o8ad IIot Abroad."
The OlroUI, Hns Bad Lue~ hi l'ridian '1'err l~ory-A Herd · ot Animals ~ur'ned Out to Graze 18 Stampeded by I~d lans--'They Go DaShing Over th*1'11\1n8 1 and the CIrcu s T ent Follows, P~cked Up by a Cyclone.
No more borse raci ng for tbl s clr,
cus, Tbe :IInoogcrs beld & mep,tlO Il nt o"tbrle, Okla., afler we had lost o ur money, horso faelng wit h. tho Lnd la ns. aDd pa lAid the cooseD8US ot opinion Wall that we better HLlck to tile legl t l, mate abow blls lno88. 'and not lry 10 work In any side 1I0es. Pa says he made a epeech It tbe managers' meet. , Inc, In which hI': ahowed lhBl tbo bUBI,Dellll !!'Ian ~bo atten~ed strictly to the
J bll 1\.1Dd reet and beld up two toeli. T,be, BauD bad the wbole buncb uadel IlIke So,s In 8Ilhool bold up two In- control, aft" we all got tocotber to ' " ,el'l' wl1en they want to go In swim. It anybody was burt, mln«. aod Ih e t'1t' phant starled tor eWell, pa was Ihe worst lI1r;ht of aU. oreek and weill to Ih(' ""Iller, and thp It his bult haa hroke he nev~" would whole herd followed . and Ih oy spat. hllve 108t hili pOOHl, C311,a more lban tercd poeh olhe r.and dud.ed and rolled a .ml ll lon (Joclus I horns had gOD!! arou nd jU8t like sf'hool bo)'s: Tbe tbrongh aod pinned them 011. We hall Whole I.opulallon or Ih e town. whites to qullbem olf. and 1'lU1i 1)11 1 tile loornK and 1I1!IIan~. ,amI' 10 the honk , Of th/' wtth pineal'll, on ll at n tIme, Rllll pa riv e r In ",ull,h the hln. yellin g murd er fol' n iry thorll . 1'he Pa .... aa holdin g hl ~ ulk hy ' a rope, bo"" 'u n,'uf\sDlu nwB s tn the same 8ll, and Qlle -ot lh managers bUll n rope n nd ve l'ybol,ly thaL tl'l~d io hold all a~ound thl! nerle ot a glra"'~: tllp animal was pinned logather with Irellllure l' and ,(11 t lnket to ller wa s thorD~. \lnd lb-y hurl g l'nv el UP their ' leading ~lIe l.'hr . allrt ~\' eryhody was trouserR from ~l1ek lng theIr· heels Into "U,;)' wtlll sam I' kInd or II l1 lmat, a nd lhe 80tl. I had a ruuo OI'OIlOil au autelopCl, ood Everybolly was mad, and III y threal , ~otne O\1r In c n no horse'l)L1clr wern one!! ~o lyn Gb po wn en ~h y g ol bock herdin g I he ll;Jffalol!s. It rlldn't 2eom to t be tell t ro.' BuggcHUng lelllllg :Jle II.!I tbl/llgh "u~·thlllg w.roll-g I:ou ld bal!' a nimal s out LO graze. We ~ IOl" ,c u ha C·1t lIe D. 'rhc ,Cle PI,II.'IIlS wouldn·t come oUl to ~own, lbe cowboys and mdlons ,II'lv· of th o creele, '-\0 lit\) boss canvaSijlllllll Ing th e ""lmals, and tt~e zellra Mnd Wllnt over LO wiler lher WI!re ubout glraltcs kl<: klng liP and seli n:; as 500 cowboys unit Indians 00 horse, ih9ugb they harl got ou t of adloo t on ballk. anll asll ed IIl1lm to ride 11110 lho;! accouot ot the ,Ieoth of s dear l~a hl' ~. or ek' aod drlv('. tbe e lep!ltlnts 011 1 like sc boOlboy \l. 'l'bcrr~ tbe res t of the anlm al~ were, all Beforo 'I'll Ilot to lown a wlod da Dl4 tho pratl'ICl. up 80 s trong lhat we had to walk edg&Oce. ' but tbat was the greolest ml s· '1'180 to go against It, and finlllly we take be ,could lIuve made, The meD. III t the lent com ing out 10 meot 118 , on ' bors ebu cJe dlll n·t ,,'ant any beller ca use a cyclone bad tallen It bodil y lIod fu n, so tbey maLIc B. clnlrge, In lIn jl at .... as blowIng It a ll over t!!1! prairie. baltle. Just like S heridan 'S cavalry. Aod wlien we got to town ,the aDlmals dQwn the bank. Into tbe croek, yell· In tbe cagey. that can't cat gross. were Ing and wavIng lariat ropes. and hovlog an i ndlgnallon 1'I, "'.t1fl~. !lnll ~ llapillng whIps and the elephants got howling awfu l. Pa was tb ~ ftrst man to get back to " tbe lol. .'Ilnd he asked me wbat r lbougbt be better do, a nd ! told him be better get In the porcupIne cage, ca use he looked, wllh the ~aelu s thorns sUcldn g ollt of him lik e lhe father of all poroup lnes, · H e s alrl r thou gh t I WOB s mart. an(l he 8 ~ k ~rl me It I WIIS hll rt ony, a nd I la id him all I coulll tlo~ W88 a , aLono bruI se on my 8\) lm'. wbere I fltT ll ek a praIrie dog house. Well. we gol the anlmnlfl Into 011\" or )' barn . 'a o(1 It lool, 11 8 almoat th e whole week to hav e lbe' lent hllul Cld bocle ant'! s ewed together . and ~' e bad to ray the ~OWhOY8 and Indians (I1ore I fla n the anlUlalH were worlh 10 hrlll !; lhem bavle. and leI thlltn 1010 the s hOW rTac. 'I'be manngllrs had u meeting ant! resohed to get Ollt or fbp IndIan ·1'er, dlory onrl Into l'all "a~ jllat li S Quirk '''' pOi;8lble.
, tlVlBO DBA.~~
...wJ Delcrtbe4 by a
CltllJeD,l~eI Sloa& Awfull1Cht trom Tbal Dreacllul Com- Th'1 W ... ~ CkedJton aDli ••,
Valla, 80atJI .......a." Andrew Johnson, .11 Wellt. Twelfth 8t., Slonz Falls. S. D., Ba.ya: " Doan .. Kidnel' Pills And my lUe. lolly doctor, from a careful anlllylis of tho w 'ine aDd a diagnosis of my OIIse. bad told me I could Dot 11 ve sbc week!!. I waa IItruck d own in the street with kid· Dey trouble~ o.nd for a whole yl~1Il' could not leave tbe bousll. I lost fiesh. my eyes !oUedmo,l blolltedat tlmcs. my hurt and lsuffored ariving deat... There Beemed no bope u ntU I began USllllf Dolln's Kidl1ey Pills. Then I begol1 to Improve. The pll(n lett ~radulilly, the .welliDgs SUbsided. I gal lied appetite and ,veigb't, and. to mlilio II. long stOry short, 1 got weill" . Sold by all dealerll. 60 ce;nte .. boL·lI1l1burn Co., But!a.lo, N. Y.
ONE. ON "FIOHTINQ JOE." hd He Chioittly Pald for 't he E:attra Work Be Jl[&de as RepreaentatlytI. ,T he late Oeu. Joeeph Whee~er, when a representsth'e io congreaa, " '1\11 j m\'el. ing in B bullllY aloDg a country road ill biB district in AI& He overtook a Uloi l carrie r groaning und.e r the weigbt of 11 0 enormOUB of atut!\ aod iDvile!! the man to tnke a , ee.. t neside bl:n. "Why don't you ba"e I horse!" aaid the G~neral . "r ha"e had tlbree at dif(~r nt lime.," replied tbe carrier) "but Lhey die.!. The 'I'Ork wao too ota'l'." '!t' 011 mCAn I hat the .burden of tbe mail. "'' WI 1,00 Brut!" " Yeti, that!a ju. t ft. 'rher. '. R fool repre8!'.ntlltive from thi. ' dislriet "ho 8!'ndp out ouch 1\ lot of truck that tbe mail. are londed all the time. Tbis bllg iB full of l uch .tlllTi books and l ueh." "How mu ch OIon ey would buy you a borsef" ulied tbe g~ n , era.l, i'ccllnl; ill his p"",~et. "llor&e8 lire ,high' now: alllwered tbe ,(!lIrrier. "1 coulrln' t ~et n. good olle fOlr Ie.. t hnn ~II, " Fighting J ~ counled Ollt ~. "Thnl'lI blly'yollr hone," be lIllid. The mlln ' UpOll the money in oslon;. b. ment, anc\ could not fiod a ...·Qru' to lillY before -,tbe lIeoenl drove olt. Cur~
platot, Infantil. Eczema-.ou.. Prala. OuUoura. Bemt41e..
on._Bnr Got a oet J)u Th.m.
"Our bab, bad that dreadrlll coml'Jaint 10(an tile El!U!mll, wbicn alUieted Ilim (or aevuill monthl, <ommcociDg at tbl till> o( his head,,-and at lut CDVCl'iog bls wbole body. uil luJrerillp were untold and eOllltant miecl'7, in fact, there 11'88 noth Ing we '\Vould not havli'done to bave , Inn h im reUef. Wo !inall)' procured a fun act of thl! CU~icura Remediea, and in about throe or four dn)'1 he bc!gan U! ahow • brigbter fi\lirit alia really laughed, for the finL time 111 • year. In about niDety days he wall (ully r~ovl!Ied. Prwe for tbe CUtieul'll Remedies has alwuya been our greatest pleaaurc, nnd tbere u. notbin\t too good tbat we could say in tbeir fayor, for they ce~lain ly la\'ed :our bab)". liIe, {or be WlIS tbe most awful sigbt that I ever beheld, .,rior to tb e treatment of t he Cutirura Remedies. MMI. Maebelle Lvon 1&26,ApDleton Al'e., ParsoD., Kan. ,)uly' 18, 19O:!." ,
"Did you ner lit do,", at a tlble wbere there were jud 13'" allked a !Dill 01 hia ~ompanloll in a railw&, carna",. "ODee," replied the latter. "Well. you oever oboerved tbat " ' bad ' luck followed it" did lOll !", ':~by, yea. Bad luck (qr moot of th, of them die '" tbat J kilO,., of. Nner beard of tbem dyl0J'" VIctual. to 10 roulld ?" about yictuals! There 8n' t any . , "Thought you you ' lilt do...-n to • ta 10 IIIh ....e there were 13,
ino;~·~:~:~'e;.':~tffi~e. "i~: . . h: ~~~lTng"~1 '1'bere were 12 of them , 1 &8
my ered ,tc1ra.
- -.-
uSOm~li mH,"
re:mark. " rUTal philo.o·
ra ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~•• ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
pher ·'it·. a mighty ohort road hctw~ea tbe lust rabe Ilep an' the lart dollar."Philadelphia Bull.Un.
"U it tool< & lIIan at 10111( ta ci t InU! debt:' lIIid Uncle 'Eben, .... It docs to git out, dar wouldn' be ni~h 00 mucb linoD" cial , worrimeot.'·- W~6bJn8ton SlaT.
Garfleld T(,1l 1 whl h 1ft mode wholly or berbs, cJrulnK the fly tcm . r1enl'~ tile co,o. plexlon lLnd in.lIre.. 1l1l3lll,ratsvuon of Ih'or kldnoys. sr.omllcb olld bo""~. It l&the \)est blood'j,urificr knowo. -~--
U "e don" h ed prevention, .... "III need I cure. The OId.l\lonk,CuTe
Signature Of
.O.ef TIIlrIJ Yaal1 lbe Kind You Hate Alwars Bougbt'
'AN 'D
.ell.......... !'tlllld wftJi Xu • . •" MonlM'8 Coow.," "RtlmIDtacenoea" ,II a IItOf1 told I by ReleD ,Ta,lor. · til' et.epcfaud_ oC Jolla Btaut 11111. DIet. JU 8eotiall~;
, .-c',....,~. ~- ,
Don't Be Nervous la~ie5t ,bot get rid 01 the dfs... 'ease which is -the causcof
most of woman's oe"ouliD~ v~ female troubJe. 'tl W~I very De"~" write. ' ~ JO,Ilea,', of Ga~tm.
T. L
Tmn., "and suffered ~ years 'ifitb eVery. disease pecuJ[", to t5tL I ,had ' hcadach~ ~kac:he, aDd '. acUte female inflammation. I took tluU bottles of Cardui and1t c:uKd me. I raiDCd 35 pounds iii weiiht. I teU my: ' huatwld that '
r,i ndiVldua.l dru!ggis~ to be foun tl, here and, there, who do not maintain ,t he dignity nndJlrinciples of tbe ' profetls~o!l .a nd' whose greod gets 'the better of their judgment, and who do nut hasitat /) · to recommBnd and try to se11 the imitation!! in ordar to make a larger profit. Such preparations ,80me.times bav!'! the name-I( 'Syrup of Figstt-or "Fig SYl'UP" ond of so~e 'pirotioal concern, or fiotitiOI1ll .fig 'Y.fUp' company, printed on the pacbge. but t,h ey ne,ver have the full nam!) of the Company-Oalifornia ' Fig Syrup Co.-printed on the front or the package. The imitntions IIhould be rej4,cted 'becI\UBe they are injurious t~ the 's),stOnl. In order to ,sell the imitations they find It DElCf'IIIary to reaort to, misrepresentation or d ecoption. nnd wh Dflver a deal er ' pn~8es ' off,00 .. caStolDer .a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs" Or .~ Fig Syrup,." which does Dot bear the ,fuU name~of the California' Fig Syrup Co. printel.1 on the front of. tbe pE.cknge, be atteJil~Unl to deceive and mislead tbe plltron who has been 80 unfortunate 08 to ~J1 ',er bis "~b!i.llblril~D,t, "bether it be large or amatt, for if the dealer r esorts to mil'rcpreaentatloL nnd ~~~'~:a~J~n~~~C*;"~88 be will c;lo wilh other medicinal agents, ,and in the timng and abo~ld be avoided bY;'lIverv one who value8 heallli and hnpt=ineas. m.,;ny';lvof druggists are reliable, we aupply ,I,he immense ' de.Dand ~~'~'~"T througb tbe druggista, of whom it may be purchased e,,~ry· pack.pi only, at tbe regular price'of flfly cents per bottle, but as exception II to inform thll public of the facts, in .ordfr th!lt all Dlay decline pr retul11 be to them. HIt, cioee not. blAT the fuU naDIP of the Compan;y,a o'-JI,dD.teci OD the flOBt 01 nery do not b.nta1.e to re\UrII '&he 1M fn to (me Qf better of :~~"~.~;~IIw:_lIICItIuI·...It,oI' ...II7&hill;.JDhJallD.-'rutOD.blepReeI.
: :
womlln 1\'ho re ..lly 'I\'enle 10 limn, 11' CIJIIllS 4LlItB TUB WaOLK LOT. : age " ma o , fU'gt pe1'lluadea bim be " , , • _~_ ek _._ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ --,_._._ . _. _. _._,_._ . _. _, _._._._ ._ •••••••••••••••• ;. •••••••• ~ ••••••••••••
I. ready al"'7S (or aU form, of museular aches 01 p.a~ll!I , frem
. ' ElxcbangC!d Worda. dnrlollll \lxe"angeil , or wonta lIome· times lake place be tween two lan!tulges , Thl!s E n~l j Mh bOB ,borrowed t he Frencb'S "poseur" and hRS " given :0 Jl'rRnce "uob" 10 trade, Freneh· !Il8n lIaYQ 0 WilY laktos a' ~ol'I)'J. 1Ill11e ""~rd ond uBlnl bl,lf or Il ThUI of ';8teeplecb8lle" the, lIave allProprl. ale~ "steeple" and ,n ow the Frencb "spQrt.maD " llpeakl .of "mollnUns a steeple'.' ""l1en b. Jl\8&n. ,to rid, Il.rue the c\llltOm~r, ' o~tMl" , A .,..bk· Inl ~acket Is wl(b 111m if"s1DokID," and a lleeplog earl., a ".I.plne."
• .-
•• St. Ja~obs Oil .':---"•
, If rO il hol's blood poiso~ pr,oduci ng prup· tIV II ~, lllmj'lics ulve"" Ilwollcn "landA. Gi t l Who Wand ered from New York buwlJs uml r ig(npJ burning, it(lbing tikin, l!Q III"! r· c ol or~ d 6pCltS or rU i ll (1n tI'e skin, ~t Age of SI" n ". r.overed mllcc,u' Jllllobea ill moutb or tllroat, full· In the W e5t. W en t I n t.o" Caotul. i lll! hnl r, booe paine. old rhlllUllJ8tiSm !)r f0 1l1 0 tnrrb t t~lto flotonio Blood Balm (B. tiultpcu wltl It Ite 1m ow hll about: out Qf that creak In' a burry. rIll! cow. Albuquerqo. , N . ~L-Hester Ann Il. 11,) . It. Kills th e ,PoiliOn in tb" blood; "ould ·malte money. wblle tIle moo hoy" threw las nas o,'er tbe hlnc! feet Alexander SmlLh . for llO years II. wan· 800 n 1111 ~Qre~, erur.wonB hcal, h~rd 8well' h" btl d b tl dId h Id 'Ilerer on th tace of 1.1,,) earth. \vltbollt IngH IiUbside, achc~ and poi,,!. stop, lind II ~ p new n 0\1 \ fy goo M, ' pt Q( be e rl\ants. n n , H II 10 0 Q liv ing rellillve known to her, has perf~t cure is mnde of (he ,~'orRt cuses worked 10 1\ mUlioery SIOrE! or a s toel! 1 Il!pm, lind Ihe ele phAn ts bellowed, Bod of llIood 1'o\!<)n . ot tloware. got lt III th e ne~ k, .,.~ ul'Ilggcd lhe cowboys IIl'Id their 'ponies Jus~ b en ,denUUed at< lhe dau ghter For 'can oer, tumon, IIWeUings, eating I!Orea, ugly ulcers, perdi. tent, l~imprcB of all would .eIUI!!r get stuclt 00 lbe he8!1t rIght among,·t ~hp oth l' snhnal", a nd of the family ot Pc.ddooicl!. weollhy tnke B. B. B. It destroy. the can· mllllo e~ 01' buy a stock ot tloware· In about 1l mInu te. a8 tba bos8 co n. farmers 11\'lug near Worwiclt. 'N . Y ., cer poison in tbe blood, bealtl CAocer of all that. wo'\T1d, not hold ""ateI'. r va85man sold ' wh e n h e • me to. and \\'ho for hal( a c.eotllry have been look· k.inds, eurC!! ~Ile WOMlt bumors or PiUppurllt· ' I' So II re,l\Dlutlon WBS pas8~cl ,to (be they .... ere pick In th e cactus , tbor.OIl IDg 10 valo tor the missing daughter. log swellings.. 'Ihou8llnda allred by , B. B. etr!!ct tbat hereafter DO I.e inplatloo oUl ot, him : 'H,e ll was lust pillmll C ;llIt T.he s tory of Mrs. Smith's waoder· 6. after all e)se (ail ~ . B, B. B. compo d pure batonic ingredienta. lmprov 8 Ihe eoulll be grell~ cnough to get'loll r sbow tor nool,) !' , log8 18 B. good d eal stranger tbao Ue· o( dlg~lIlion, makeK tb l! blood pure and ,rich, to go luto a.nytblng ou~ldo of thu Tbe ~ultalQes s me J\ud the Indian!!, tlon. jo'j/ly years ago. while a cblld stop' Ihe owful it ching and 'all sbnrp, lIulllo.es8, 00 matler bow good It looked and tbey started to "tampcde, like they of s ix yuarii, sbe followed a wahderln~ ahoot ing paio.. Thorough ly I.c.t~d for . . a get.rleb.qulck alflill'. So we galb. used 10 do wbllo they li ved on the hand organ mao away (rom he r bome thirty yeaTS. DrugglstR, 81 Ilcr IBrge bottle. WIth complete directions (or home 'e re\t' ''P ' our shllw ODd played a wbole 1>laloll, ,.od a ll the anlmal~ follow ed, one mornIng" The buod organ Ulao cure. I). mple free , ond prepaid by writing ",eelt ID Oklabbmo, and 'Inld ~ tu ll d r~gglpg the men who, b'ad bold of hud a mODk.ey oud, attfacteq by t h e an· B1pod&lm CO., ALlant", 04. DCiCriIJe bou~e. al) thCl lim, lind made mone)'~ theIr'. ropes , ond away we all wen! ove r tics ot the 11111n1ol, the chil d followed troullin nnd Cree medical ad,'ice also 6Cllt , .noug)! to reClellllJ out aDlmals llIat had a rllio Q,t ground. tbe zebras 10 t be lea d (In I1 Dd 0 0 \InU! lhe I1lne1'&nt musiCia n in sea led Ictlllr, NO MORE MUST"RD PLASTERS TO BLISTER been .• tt.c'hed b, or edltors. We bave Bl)d , the e lephants ' tetchl ng lIP lie took her up 'and tnade her s ing tOr ExpeoUng to Be Stuck. paid up our debt8, and we get out of rear, 'the cowboys and Indliln3 \)elllnd, him as be lou re d tile country, • The Wi! l ' see by this ,'nll ~r tlult lhe O)rlaboma wltll fI,lng c:olora, yell ing aod kl·I-lng. 8.n d more thao The wh~le chuntry aided In , tbe caC Lu ll i. comi ng into fa.hion 'in NnGltlnu ....._ _ . , .. .,_". , ~'ad ' ione rlgllt on 10 Kal'l l\llll ' 500 InMan doss barklns. ' scarch lllr tllo cblld. but wllhout re- alld t;onnany. A , a~rmao ,,-riler main ' , " tClillS that eactuM blolll!olllll 'el:ool ol\, othelll we 'W~Uld ha".e IIhownaens8. bUl 1191l\t Well. !)Il WIIS t h o rOOllshest lI:Ian It;l SIIIt. \Vll h the hand' ,organ man sbe TI.I-SCI ENTIFIC AH DMODI!RNEXTERNAL COUNTER·IRRITANT towbOYII (rlllD be Indian TerrJtery til e , lot . caus he had tied tb lariat trav~led westward and Un ally found ill variety Ind in be~ut,y ilf form IDd A OUIC!$, SURE, SAFE A",D ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN color. ' ' DON'T wAIT TILL TOI. PAIN COMES-KEEP A TUBE HANDY told PI' IolI.(\ tile 'C)thor managers tbat rllP.e that be held his e lk by. Ar/)1!ntl he r wny 10 ~e l<acillo COll9t. , 'fhe HusbllO"-I suppose tho milliners IT WILL NOT BLISTER THE MOST OELIOATE SKIN It we wo uld lake th siTow to th!! In· 'hilI' helt, a nd when tbe e lk weoL over Thero s be grew , uy. forgetting ber ..ill SOOIl be Irylng to stick ue on t be IT IS ALSO INDISPEN SAB LIiIl F OR " CKI LDREN ,'dIan Terrltory we couldn' t ge t C4f8 tbe 'hilI pa was only hilling 1M hi g h nome and the namqs of ber re latlvos ellclUII, ' (bell.-Yonkers Stn:tcamao. , enl)uCb (0 ha ul the money ilway. Its thll plaC08, aDd be ' W4S velllllg ror ' lIle to I nDd 0111y rotalnlng a d im memory ot Foot ~ It Aga )D. locUlin8 h", cl "ot f,'OUnd, '!I,boulder,e. II aaU , "'ea" nff hi elk Bu't I ... ~a bu oy l r'" lbe 8ce\l, sorber IJlrtbplace. , "" "I ., .. U '< ' ,' Q, [t ' was' this' \lIm memory wllich h as "So ~ll e '& engllged, eb! That meN! ly SUPERIOR TO ANYTHtNC Iii USE FOR CHAP-PED HANDS ~e to prove the truth ' of wbat l have 8nally r Cijtorell lier ~o, lIer relatives. alwlln AND LIPS AND TO ,ALLAY ALL IRRITATION OF THE ~..,ntendeLl -thnt . 110 matter how SKIN. A. SOVEREIQ.NREME DY FOR SUN-BU~J'l wbo bave never rOl'gorten' the mls~ lcg Ill~i n -loolting a girl m~'y' [,:,\ tbere i. n mn\e ablld. Mnl,Smllh llns becn twice 'w a r- for her I!Omewbere 10' 'I! w:de " 'arid. \ hom i. ehe to mnrry!' Tloa . "Me l" -\.ibicalio Jourllt 1. ID , 1884 abc ame wIth her fa mily lo C::llver Olty N,. l\~" \VlIOre dIlle burl nd Tba world', gre~l'l8t ,..alOt ,.,at nQt ' KEEPS THE SKIN IN A SOFT , AND HBALTIW' COIWtTION he r ' h \ltlba nd and .all ot her four chll- filled u'1l1 leomebody Inven t 'll mirror thll AND ',PRESERVES THE COMPLEX ION, EACH OF THESE drOll. F e llng t tle yesl'S <)~eepltig) 00 rort fPeak .od tell womll n out loud, 1Illit WELL.... KNOWN PREPARA" ONS CAN BE OBTAIN ED FROM Bbe 1001;: (I t OI' mOrQ RnOw1e(lgc or her ab" i. l>eautitul.-CbiclI&o Doily Ncw~ . ' . ~RUG ... ISTS AND DEALERS, OR WILL ' SEND BY MAI L ON RECEIPI' OF l 5 CENTS IN MONEY OR STAMPS, ' o\\'o II oplC). Three ' yea r~ ago :: ~ha' ' axOBPTltlG OAMPHOR lOR. FOR WHICH SBND , T BN CENTS gOod m~niJlcoJ)l~ find iit cosier to .i~1I ca me lo Ali>uquerqut and begim the CHESEBKOU(iH Mffi. CO•• 17,State Street. NEW YORK am thihe, 0 ,Lord," ';vhen they ho,'u aearol; tor h er relatIves. Sh e od.v er- I M~ tbeir p\lr~e.8 n~ hOlUe in unothcr ilo~r{{i~. I . ' • f • t ised widely in <l8s.t .eru newspal!ers, de, ~ 'bi DltO '1'ribOiIQ. · SOrl!)tDg the s~(mes I1S pt III r ed on b.t memory ' of he r hlldllood IIIlYs. ' The result WI1 11 leller (rom 'rhomna C. Paddo k, of Vernon. N . J .• lIer cous· 10. and another from . her hrotller. James Padllo k, ot ' ,\,arwlck, N. y ~, ''i110, Is stili living . a . tbe ol;i 'Ilo'tpe· Iltead. \ CO'rr~!lIlOndencti began '.,at OUCE and · Mi's. SmIth, (B' 600n . to , f.o to the home 'of ' her' ~'llldhOod : Sh " learned I 't nat 'lie.\' llar.en ta ,h,llil lJoen ",dea a 101 \1 ,Yeare .,n. ud th aI' of ~er b'rolb o.ra an d '" ' ,,': 8~er3 bU~ one WI\!! II VI I\/:. • HCJ' ~ rela' ( hl e~ fu N \v ,YorK are ' wC!aJtby a nd ' better Cl1lS9 or druggists, eve;ywherc, are men of soientific atbinment~ nnd hi gh integrity, , ,ha"" ' wrl t~e~ ber' that ehe n:eetl bay' ,who devoto thoh' ,lives to the of their fellow men,in supplying ~he beet of remedies nnd no fort he l' e~~e f(j~ .lhe tu~urB . pure~hl1eQicinal agents ,of know I) . value, 10 accordanco with physicians' prescriptions and , ' ; • '~ppl'op~l\lte Time. sciontitic for~tll a. , Druggl ts of tbe bl)tter clri,ss maflUfacture, many excelJellt Te'medies, but '.i'1!il charllaln a ' llrilish wareblll ' ~bl'ays ~jl~er,original or officinal names 1).nd they nevcr Bcll f(11 ~o br:uidsl or imitation tneclicine.s• •vas Slrlng,,'a maple , Ion torn' lect,nfe, ThBY are the nrien' t~ denl ~'ith when in nce,d of nnything in their line. which usually inoludes, t he eul)j (it ot , whl!)h, 'wlis "S e nes nH 8~ndar4 rElmedie/l anrj correspol~ ding adj,ul!ot.8 of a first-class pharmacy and tilO fine. t and F'rom t/!" Bible.'" 'fIc ' nrrangeU with best ,of toile~ a.r~icleS and preparations and m:l.ny u se ful oC9cssori s a.nd remedial appliances. 'a sailor ,vbo 1I0sse~seu II. ,grrunopl lOne 'rh~ ,eartiillgpf a fn:ir liviQg, with the. satjs,: action which. ari ses, frol~ 1\ ~nowled ge of t~e benefits .to , •dl~co\lr6e il pproprlate ' m'lls le he· lween t he "QU'dPI;. , 1'h' ·flr's t ", picture conferred upo.Jl' the~l' ;patrons ond assistance to the medlCal profeSS ion IS usually tbelr greatest dhOWII was Adam' aod Iiille ,n tllO' ilor· reward {or.' long ·year.s of, study nndmany houl's of' daiLy toil. . They all ' know tlJllt Syrup of deD of'BdeD. ' Tbe sa ilor cudgeled lIls . Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that 'it givt:9llniversal sntisfaction, Ilnd thp.rcforc they 'bl'llIn, 'I)tit '0'0111'11 , think o~ nothing ~ro selling .mallY .,mi11ions of bottles annuaUy to the w~ll ilJfo;rmell purc;hasers ' of tho ohoioest s ll(table. ' "'P lnY' up,," wblspercd tbe remedIes, f!ond they always' take ple BSllrB in hanr1ing out the genui ne article bearing the full c holllilln. ' SlId!\e n.l y II, 101'ge Idea na.IIlP' o~ ·the ,C<)mpany-CalifOl'n ia. Fig yrup ' Co.-printed on tbe fro ~t of every packnge. t bo ;laity tar acd. to tbe great " Thoy knnw thl~t i~ cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and ccms~erllatlon, ot ' tbe ch nlllal,o and the of ,weakneSs or' to.t:pidity of the li-ve r and bowell;, arising from ir,regular habit@, ind igestion, or , de li ght ot the .QudlenC\e, ~he g ramo· ~ver-e&ting! tb.a.t there is po other roti:le(~y flO plea9~nt,. promp.t llnd ben~fic ial. in its 'effects as IIho'/1e b\lr£~ torth wltb the ~tralll~ or Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to 8e111t bec;nuse It glyeS una" ~ rsal satl.;factIOU. " ' ' '''s , Only . On e Girl 10 t he Worl d , Qwipg to thl8 exce) lence of ,yrup of Figs, the, universal soiisfnction which it givc;s II;nd the tor Me ." OJ co urse. h : 1l1 1 ~ht hav e played "Wearln' ot tire Creen:' imrneqsBdeml!l.nd for it.- imitations, have been made, tri ed and cond l'mped, but there are
SICK HEADAOHE .m.;.' I CARTER·S o-:.-.!., . . .--.. ....... .....:=:::.-;
, the other man." I . POIltlRlrean'" ' " beH Little Thero W~8 !' 10?8 PI,UM, and then Iho firsl apeak er anqUl red : ~"In what way did Lhe me.tina: prove un, Anoth.r'•• lucky, may 1 asl ?" LE w~ , .. wlJl"'3·i"'_ "None of them coer lot a cent !-rom dIgestIDliandTooD-w • Elderly Mlin {greeting former acquaint· Inee)-I remember your fnce ! erfcctly, me ," nn8wered the olher, bu in\: .. deep 1Iat1or. A pert8I$milO, but your name ), •• escape me. oillh a. he left the carrluge. ed:r1or~B_ Tbe Youog Womnn-I don't wonder. It DI'OWeIIIeiII,-'J144 . . . ftC4ped me three yetii'll "110.. 1 am IDU' No Kor. for Him, 8 , In the JlmrtII. ~ ried nO"t-Cbi~~o 'Tribuol. Tomson- l pioked lip 10m, wonderfu l ToDgae. PaIn In~"'" antiques while lwu in Ellrope. I'm 1I0lnil TORPID J.lVKR. ~ During D evotIonl. to .peak to old Prieel.I' about tb. m, feiIIIaIe Ule Bowels. PIlrelJV~ Stella- How do you )..-00'11' .be ia old, John. -'Don·t ! mtltrfed OOB while ' _1Ir, f.uhioned ! you >I'ere abroad, and ~ot d"'!ully ""ld. .uu.Io .uu.Io IMUo r~ Bella-Sha octupin tb. ""rmOll in plan. He'a aour 011 an tique.! I- Detrfol t'" rel ning • IOWD inal ••d of an auto,-N. y, l're.. Must Bear tiWl, fac-Simils Sig~ . Of eoune "0 .. II r.opect tbole wh" ~mlL Don't Get Footsore! Oet Foot-Ease. know more tban we dOi hill flo fcIY 01 A wonderful Ilowde~ that cure~ tired, hot, us. can r emember tbllt we uu met t b."" Preu. aeiti Dg feet .lId makeR new or tight ~h oe8 -Pbiladelphia----.~e• .,.. Ask tootla)' (or Allen's Foot-En ••. IEPUIl IUIITITUn.. A .tory tbat is not fit for IlId,e. 10 hear Aceept no SUbstitute. TriAl pnckOie FREE, Ia uofit jor ltIotlemen \.0 lell. ' Addre.~ A. S. Olm.ted , Le Roy, N . Y. A . N. I<.-K 2121 . WBi
WOMAN'S :RELlE~ was wofth its weight In gold, to me, and I recommend it to all women." , '.
At all Druggtsts ..
e ll
European Trip By ~~oung ladies
Publi~. lnY/lted
to Schoo ls Frida y.
(.011 A NIHCI,I'!" , t' l.n'OIl ·1 April I i , ] 110(1, 'I'he rl' will btl lLn Axhl hHion of the ~':l'I1'lm MI MI G A1.ItTTI': : wo rk 11f t h o Wll y n .. ~vtl l l' HOhvuls lit The success of a Bank depends upon the honesty, ,l 1l01~1 '('u l. (or n UI II ~' jf'II U " th" 1I0hllOl h ll U lIt! F rIlIA ' Ilft.erno on, ANT" " I<J, DI ' PliOIf. ' iti tl/.en "t Wli y nes \·llI." ( llllll, o led t.o.t) at thl\ {lIlIIUI Ilt 'IIrwln , ,I whic b th p\ll>1I0 i" ll f\lI!1 l1.v invited judge ment and ability of those identified with its manageI ii 'hl~ C'ity UII "'mill .\' "'''I'!li ll l!, I(,th Enterp rising Newsp aper Prep&r ea clutah h amlller. uU ll urgerl tu I\Hl!OeI ' lfl ndo r 111'fts III .. WI' ('''\I I nt ' im l ,of hl'lI rl f"ilurl' -n lll'rim. ment. The personnel C?f th~ 'Board of 'Directors of the Trip Withou t Coat to l llllt'u leave with H, .~, Bo th , F lI{lwin g t,b e .. x:hibl tion the (llirfl :-<lI l t~ \\' 1 tn' li n 'II tt 11('1. oJ In IL rlpl'l\, Travele rs . H igh ~l, h 01 r.II,lrnr y 81)oio t y wlll Citizens Bank of Waynesville speaks for itself. <l In ,, 1>' <, 1l11l' l).I t Mr!!, 1Ilinnu b R gar , 0){ f•• l):tUnn, MI' Neal h u(1 , .... nt, II Ill onth tIt, rl,ntl"r it" ft nil I I' l'og rn m f r the , r I'" 10110: " ,lIn ()~ till' Vi lletd ber dallgbw r : M,·, .J l. Il "hlfl, II r l )(of''' n PilI k, IlIlII ylltH U 1'l!{.11l It," n t hn 11 Ivot",l lIIlIulJ (or Ill .. ti We pay three perce nt intere st o~ savings deposits. C&rtwr ight" nndtt : Ilull li ed UpO Il ll1\' 1,1) fl~hin~, POPULARITY CONTEST " t, h t' r ~ t ., T (,:4 ; IIll 11t~"llpn I iOI1 whl('h 'I'll I'lxll1hi I lluu uu u . t\w olher frlendll hare, , pr grftlll nffonl< cl h im DECIDES ONES TO yO. li t. l lIIl ~s whnt. ;sou mn('ll pll'Ill'\ll'I' r e Ilf'!'i!! .... 'rl "0 I,{i ve t 110 pu ~I\o at Ri~ e lHh n>:liul!lll OFFICERS A good line of tlrtioJes for grail· len st, Ull Ielell of 111 0 01 imll und the 'Irril'o bim t llll rllr In t,hemll t terof wllnl , 1'l \l' 1 it~ Wo will ~ItY n , u.t~n g pre8ent.s at J , E, J'ILD ney , Reside nts of. This County Eligibl e work of fh o ROh()t.ll l nrl it I~ hOlled Presiqent, R. F. Mosher; "~l)QSUff 1-0 IIII' 1111 r1 ~' s pring ~ h o w . Vice president, Jas. Stoops; Mrs, W b it,ti r Burnett, !lnd buhy "hll ot l'I"t-h!!, Ii niHil, HIlII ~ to the Lis Party Will be Gone t hll t IUIIUY pl' I'HO ns WIll Hhnw their H. tllok II tlever \l 0(11) w hioh .Iylo, If n nr f;.lO lllt~: wfI' ll I flIIV \, rl< Cashier, J. N. Lemmon ; d(lURh t;ol', of \rlWdnlla OhiO, l!J)ent, Ass't. CaShier, W. A." Merritt. About Two Months - Points to hI Hf' r tlSI, In the " ullo l ~ 1).V being h ('0111,1 nol thro w ntr" Everyt h ing jsa turday a t the home of b er PlI ren tl!, YOll t o judgo h w good t.hl'~' 1If(\ thu t t',mld b IIOUI) W preso n t , be Visited , I ill! do ne for b lM OUR RECORD W e 11 « 1; .Vl!n t,(1 lo.)k Itt tho ~12 nnt! Mi'. BurneH . 'n !lull IlJvel'tis e,1 by ot,b er con, Tllh f, wi t,holll, n wli l. . and Mrs, 0, J. , DEPOS ITS, J Illy 23, 1903 . " . , . . . . , ... "., .. , . . , , . . . ~ , . , 11115,848,116 Mr, and Mrs. Wal ter O. Chandl er l'O rD '['han ('\lin II re 1l00l \,Jlr 1'01 ,Iard\) 1 enl "'"S hOTn l\1uy :lOt 1 ~40: .lVlasons' Notic e. 'l'h Dayton J tUly ~ w~ hns arMr . Phe~ Ty ou a nd MitIS I~n.r: I, I' XH . July 2:1, I~t' 1904", . , , . , , , . , , , . : . , , .. , , , , .. ,$ ::1 4 , 879,(0 ,111)11 ' O I,\I \\'U , (hio, F or UlUn,Y rangell tn send II II ll inbur nr yolung !I I,m !' on rs Inside li nd ou r. , . lotte Tyson drove down from Day· ' on will 1I00n IJ c'omll onvi llel'd Hl')gl1l!1 r Comm u ll i III,ion of WilY, Y"lI rll 1I1 ~ ftl tll l1 r ltv t1 lu 'o lumbns , wOlncn tu lO:u r(IV ~ t h ls ~ Ulnm ~ r. .t\ ,Tuly 23, 1905 ,. , ." .. . , . ...... , .. , .. : ,. $~5.343.64 foon Sunday lind spent t he dl y t\t the. tbl1 t !l(nR 'olll'u's H O ' uitfl lire 0 ne. vi ll L" rlg~ b~ ,~A , M / 'I'uesdn y .' Ob it>, wb r he h llll t h e rlfl" l\nT Il,.;es po"ulnrlty co n lo'~1 hw. U'·"" Intlugu· home of Mr. ThOUl 8S Zen: April 15, l Il OIi .... " .. " ....... .... , .. $ 66 592,,50 ' qUIl,l t o til *te IITHI Uti Ru its sold of t'xooll nt, e b" oll! .l ll t,he Int ' r im, rnl . <1, and "' htl ' It 10 but I~ \\' 'ok ohl, e v e ll i n ~ Mu,\' I, _LIJQU, 'oj " urning Il promtse s \ A splendi d assor tmen t of boal; ' el!! "'h ra , H uJembe r wo II b a 1Il0~ t l:xOIUng brethro n i n viteel. Work VOl' Iu M. M, ch ool ti m es he wna em· Slrll l,(glt>. It I" u( Inltlru"t htlre be, snJ t &ble for n 'grndu" t lng )Jr~ nt. uy fronl a n)' lmt .first olli1', r lin- ployed in fllrml ug Iu U~eene conuty, enu.' !lilY fOl' rull1 rC's hlen t uf thl. dogr ,J. E : ,Jnnney ble nJnnnfn otur rs . Eve r y I;tl it un t il lb'tll. He en ter ed 8 E Room , \y , M. tbe a rm y In county, b tween hI' :-.,;c_ of 1 and 4r. Rev, and IIfrs, ~ VI Mills, of WiI· boul h t here il! full .v ~ nll rlln teocl to tlllltyea,r IU! 11 me mber l. E . KE Y!!, SElOY, of Uo. A 'j4t h yen,,,,, Is s llglbla. 'rho Pally ~ e w .. 1'11,)' 6 all e><pons '~ m lng ton Mr . nnd M r eth ('oak Rive YOll tho best of 8er 'l'ioe , "Vo nr Ohio u lfAn t ry . Hi 1:\ Of\ rcer us 11 .01. trotn t h o Un\ l itH tou r hn Icuvc..q h l! lo nnll Mrs . Am o~ 'oo k wero DI~yt u's Role sellors of Alfred B D. dl r w as high ly oredltll DI PLAY OF ble, S h ortl y hom until 1111 III back ugn.ln. 'I'll .. Farm ers Grang e No. '3. b os t ()( ate 'oJlnm odu.l lullS are cOn t raot· tniu6l1 , 1:)undny I1 t t,he ho. pitll ble jltlllin ,Ill '0 ' Finest N w York ufter t il olose of the WU I' h e e ngugod ad (or. 'I'h trIp to ;';cw York will bomo of Mr , Im d Mrs. J . M . IlOk , \:I Ih ~ fo r Mon a nd YO U!lg Me n . in t,be d r ug bu.s ine8s i bo maO In PU lllnlLII Ilala 'urI:!, allll n Wl.lyne syi lle. thero 'At t he r egnlnr meetinll: of tb e 10: I3nHeri ok'R April Sh eet ~uy !!: wlU a stsy or a day or 80 In ., • Lost-B etween W liyncs ville !lUI' T hl'l llr ic R ar 'Hi to * 35 H su b eq uent.l y chAnged locatiou s !IO'ew York,bu 'l'h Set, l rlll trom NOw cnl ' run g Itll rdtl y ",fte ru oon tbero Th hast makos of S bi r ts, Under , a nd for l\ timo lived a t Milton 'Yo rk w ill b In th e bIg Whl1~ Marior a b uggy boot fi nder t>1"II~r lIud ~tn.r liner, . "'l'llu 'olumbl o., " which WIlS " \tuge nnd In te resting g il t,\J e r r leave a t this oUioe orretur n to W, wear , Hilts Aud hHd r en 'II' Ulo th08 at Day t on , H e finall y rem o ved to MI!B J uty 1 \ , T ho fi rst SlOp Is In Ire· Ing of the Pll tr on!!. An at,tmori va Tlloon , Arizona , wher e he r ellllLiue d Illn.,I, 1\1 ,,1 t h oln t ho b ig boat gOM o n to A, Philllp B,. Mauor, 0 , nnu inl!truotlv e IItcTllry progt'tLm ScOll (lIuJ, 'rh e tou rlllts Ian.! o n Sun · f"\ V T \J N for some years, II.ft-e r w hioh ho day morn ing, .July n, a t Greenoc k, Five oen ts will a (lmit, III rho WIlS gl ven, lind !,l~o 0- brief m emor· olllne to Lo, An gel , wher e h bad nil II 1';0 by ra.ll to G II"'iOW, where the , enterta inment by g, "', 'l'h . 1 1tl1 1 ~ iiI' I\th ellrnl Pu rk, Rontll nlcul Gar", 'os iam to W, W, MIller waf1'f~(I , The Ii ved 1\ little ov r t\~O ... Cl ., UT't, vhdted In cn r HnglJS. t,he Na.tlonlil Cash RHl;!lS tl r r;" , Ill, l\ll"l\n · local g ron ge is cO IlRttln~l y luc rell R III 1 ' 70, h e was m lLrrlod to Miss fillY , July ~3, the PMty l env ~ Qlas· e lO!lo Fitting a flue Allort · Sohool Ho11 FrlollY t'v nIH)!, Mil" g OW by Ill<lrJl lng train tor Oaltllck. iu number s Ilnd Ilt. t bls m eet,lug the ,m"nt '1i,00 np a few ..t:13 75 Mnry ,H . T hllr pe . 'Th e fru it of th is from wh loh plaoo by ra il and s teumer -t, ' follo win g m em ber !' \VAr n tldderl to Ih tri p I" mne) Illrough the bNtU(1 m rinillge 11.1 in t.tle 1) rson of Mr , tul '1'r09.'\ue h8 to Stl rllng. Here u the Illroad:v long Iis I. : Zimri Hulnos , Mrs. Emma F, DlIki u WUll IIl~t Wed 'ou)lon>! I r gi ven My r t.l Hicks, wit h whom Mr, lind w ll1 be m l\d~, to th o Camous enstl , o-nd wife WlIlte Qf1lte styUlb nesday badly bruille<! li nd r!'lld r .. d wi I,b ' I pu ~o h l\""~' Te n other r Wtl R n Ilncl wife, t h nee to Ed inburgh, whIch w ill be OllYthis S pring. disa)lle d for severlLI da y by fll iling ' Ill !Ju n' hllnt~ ul l:lo gh~e Gold Bond Mrs. Neill bllve m ndo t b eir hortle for reachetl iJu rln g till: evenIng . 'l'ue. · J esse Ha illes Rod \~ir , BllI.noh e aml Bllltflrl ok will tfo\1 ynu the, .,,'a y 10" day, Jut y 2 1, will b o Qpent In Edln· It num ber of year8, mllko I,h em \vltb till OVtml~ Lnoe eto. . violent ly on the 1100r from t rlppln :,r t' o;Il1pqU!'. A!!k for t he m when burgh, a c.u n·lage drive being made P erle RI,l ey lind Stellli Dnllghe rty, m ilk · 'fhe f nnero11 er vices wer O h eld on to th o castl Putt-ern Ilio e. Holyroo d JlI\lacc; house George Dllugh e rty and wife were aplnst a sac k of potatoe !l wblle she III!; pn rc h "!ip~ . T uesday, ]7th inst. , in Los Angeles. of J hn l(noX, St. 011011' Calh dral, W68 oarryln lt a. pan of disb es i uto r elnBtuteel fr om II Gru.n ge t,bllt for. Scott'" monum ent, Carlton H ili, eto. '1'he remllin w ill be sh ipped Ells t T h" border Is cros.~ud Into E ngland ' lJ] ~rly hl10 Its ~Hk the pantry , 0h '1 ~~otort61 Ilxl!lt!ln co M Riilge . I.: , ~ve 8hlp~ for iut rmElIl t nil(] will be IIccom· Wudn""lla):. J 'u ly 25, Ihe c!l opa rtur" , from Edinbur gh b Inli made _Oil tha t villA, Farme n, C)!i\l in I\nd see the Brllc1. un qmtfllL nice t\lI04.lrtmeoC' bllt 8_eZ I MM E RMA N ' , panied by tlle fllmlly , con is ting of day by rail, via Ihl) a rll8re and Mid· ley plow8,8 dge dropoo rn plant. ly t., ~i Vil Ollt In, ,, wonder ful de· Inn .} r J>l lJro nd. th e famous sce nic route Mr Neal, Mrs . Rioks lind two ot England . 'l' he tlrs l stOll In E ngla nd ,,,antI t. r, The )1l,Ildflnllt.h and ...eIl· ers, one and two .tOW corn onl tlya. Tbe Han will, g d80m b a t BIrmin gha m. Tile lInmo e .. t, W m en In 'NIlY i ldre o. Mirit\m a nd N eil l 10m h " i! IOlttle ~litlm "'im,nllli' to pt New Garde n Seeds tore, I a180 carry a full line of Os · e\'enlng the tr:IlV I rs go on to Stratn('~ v!ll 0 Ri CKS. thllre w,\.O\ Ill 't. " "\111;1" ,.,.ir 6}( In fo rd - o n ~j\.vo n, WII r the borne' implem enbl and am t.aktng night Is Bulk lin d P llokiJ.g , re tl~11 .. tor,e lIt C hlo"L(" )II •• t 1Don~ "pont. On tlJ e nexl morning Sbak.cs- Ho w 11 DI~ cn !l8 i nn of Benu ty Led to Mr. Neill 11 veIl II simple lire. He orders for high grade toll'.t,OOO, cor,n ' , pcnre's blrthpl l~co w ill be VISited, and We nnw li llV" 81\ C..lon aU II- Surpris ing DIscove ry. "IllS (J reti rin g, m odest 1111\11. , and ~ h o tn 11 gocs 8EmD J?OTA!l'OE on to Ox ford a nd LonLength and oatil fertillze rs ranging In price il ,,\I i-li'l,e,o , , A fe w I11'Y8 ligo II g roup of the . , praferr ed 11- qui et" unosten tatious tiull. , 'rom thirtee n dollare up. 111 th e greut be~ t irl fo rmetl people about toWII metropo ll8 , ot the .Ellrly bio Bnd Ea rly Rose life, ill matters of busines s, be world will ,bo IIpent l;'rlrlny, Snturda y, we r6 discuss ing . the ('.olllp!lrilti ve H IlIfRY olAY'. ' 'eed EMHHOID~RIES 'l'R ~M:M.INGS too k t he ethl'c al si de in , dealing s, SUllday, Monda y atll) TIl sdAY. Mr. ',Natba n BlAwes and family; ' On' the evenl-ng of 'l'u ed"),, July Sl , belmty of the mll,ny obarml ng wODi und On , e Wil n six III l! ulwoys Wliyne U111!1S I:!bow- CII.8e8.lIald to b" thll Iln f)(lt;- III tIl" ~t.nt+l 'nil ,th svil!e, known party be leave" liS of II.n thpm Loudon ex· ex· , Onion eUs b)' eltpreaa who have btWn 'living m ost of the of train tor Pa~ , ." th /lhqrt BOil -1'Outo pr ad curloplt y t o kno iv why tbe Appliq ue PII8Pl'm (,Dlfrll' ce. dlogly 'f llir mim . H e w ould uot being Beat q Ollli ty, R d ll,n(1 Wh ite , Motif", EllIblf' Illl', «.. Inom 8r"d6ll . .. to. Our tnk n vi.. Folke.. tone nlld 13ou- 8t111;1dard of ( I11l1.le l<l\'e HneMH ~nter with Mn. Hawes' m otber, 11:1 rls. kn owing take uUdue advan tage of 1011'11 " From 1'Vednesday, Aug, 1, to Dre8811lllke r8 d u l1<lt go tn any o t h er oity . Our A"'Ol't'IIlAnt. betng lira. Mary J.ewls, have moved into Aug, I;, Ihe tourtats remain ~ ng 80 rlApldly 'i n this IQcallty ; why New Co-bbug e omJ)lnt. I\ny mlln I,n a delll. B e was the BOn! Sunday, e. In ParIs. Th o to mb of Na poleon will c mpl Xlon!! I\re 1'0 muoh olearer , .,. the house on Fonrth 8*reet reoent,ly Lettuoe, O nions At'ples be vlslled, St. Cloud and Vera&lll el!. eyfIA !to Dluoh hrlg1;tter, und more Wx P UN R YVUR TI KK~ of integr iJ;Y, BanllDll . , ' vaoa~ by Jonathl ln' Baines- aDd Oran g~ , It wO \lld requ.lre a book to narrate oheeks blpshln g r osy red with Among those present at the s erv o all the points or Inlere6t 'lile B ~ t rel\t11 Ub ee: e In the 'famiiy wb'.D' they took poss88s ion of Vlot,or Toy 'Oa ts (cies held over t he rema ins" wer,e 'r , F rench metroPI)IIs. Five ot the busi- heAlth lind vigor tban welle ever their own P1"9p8l1;Y ' on Third street est days ' wlJl "r.ent here. On two !leen in t he I')lden days. It was ,fin · a toy in eve~ PllIlka ge C" and Robet~ ~oseo btlrr;v f ()rmerl y days, carriageb,) s. \Y II b used tor alt- lilly deoided t o refer t be matli6r to whloh the, purchas ed frorp James tnps, of Dayton ; Cupt . E , A . Ro~tbe ILnd ' tended A gllmpee ot Swltzerlnnd tben cornea, Druggil lt Janne:r , for hi opinion ~st-I iii fine Shute. Flora B. Routhe , cou sins of Mr. Monday morning the etart Ie made Beantif ul, 'hinl!. in every pkg. tor "Why, I can t ell yon:' 8Ilid the ~er ulI6880re are n ow mllktn ~ ~ druggis t prompt y. "It is a ll the re .N eal; 'also, Mrs . Abbie Pleroe and L\leern Tuesday will be 8pont In Lucerne , of ~ certain pre80rl ption'-t lle their rounds and finding out h Qw Mrs . M. J , Wlld(l who were oousins , nnd vtslts \Viti be to tile cete- suIt m O'Jt wonde rfoll have ever known bral\ld '1gery iiwe, &\1, ~he rlohest , of \Ion ca r ,~ed out ot solid' rock, Col. J . J . Stl!8dm an, Bon . J . T , the old monum ental buildIng In a.\1 my long experie noe , rhe relp, s, eto, UI Iii worldly goods, po88e8I'" , The ~T ~v ln g On Wednes do.;y morning, AU!r. 8. the edy ill a g uMe laxilti ve tbatcon hAlns With Someth ing snbstAn tlal to begin the dllY on, sUItA' every r. IChll.rt Ilnd IL numbe r of other s rlelightf mem~ ul trip on Lak e LUgerne Is vl\loa,bl tl t onio and law, lUI amimde d by the ,l ast legisla ole~nsj of of nl I!oohil the prop·· househ old tbMe oold mo,:nln gs. promip made, ence , CII'llt. R outbe the steamer going to Vltl naw, FOR " Wre, is piitrtlon larly "rigid regardi ng ertles, ' t c>getber wher willi th certain tra in 1M other tak n t(> the s Ummit oouduo ted tbe service s a,nd deliver ed or EGG~ : Most people drink OQfiel) a.t 'breakft.U\t. ' lAnd we OI\n adit the'" Ihe R Ig'! . All r lu ncheo n the trip Illtfo..rativ ll i>ft'eots that tend to oleM oter the llaUo'g of .doge, and many 9Wn. a brief 8uloIiY to ,tbe memor y of the goes n to ' Zurl,oh and' Schoffh auSen, UI) the IIkin , Pimple s ,or of'coft'e e. ' We bave tl8 ~ ullne of COFFIilIilB~ von oan , ,a blotohe d. Watoh oor Egg Sign find In '," of dop 'who in yMrS.. n&lIt 'flllled ~.II the ,latte r the Falls .ot the Ithhu!. All sallow or deoel\sed , Wbat"b etter tban bat~r oakes wit,b ,PURE SyRUP . ~8t wU<!-,d y skin simply C!'n· R, ot ~ hu rsd l\Y Wi ll be sp li t h re, Piu)oal te ' 't o ' ..y .tu:~ on' them ,wUl Hnd I~ , • On Friday tho Dlnck Foreoot 1'I111road not exist wbere Laxaoola. '1'on\o FLPUR and SYRUP . here, The B ost, Of Everyt,bIng . Qui kl K k dOt (1 rIp Is tak TlIblets n .eIther to d9 80 this year, to Hcll1elb lire used, rg. Thl. ThiS Is la one so ot sure 0 y . noe e n " to ellt !;It the most beaulleul trips In I!:uropo, tbe thll.t 1 Rm We can fnrnlsh tlie -ma!reu p of all; breokf! lst, dinner and I\uthorl 01' ,""poI.e of tJie dogs,! " Some weekR agq during the se. scen ery I~I\ tho way , ' being of match- ; llul1rtUi~e It, !\ondzed to positive ly per, with ~ll s0ll80n ZI, M ·ME,R MA N'S I t able 8004&. t , the h " many who ' cha rm. .',' vere w n er we li' er uOth my wi f e lellS Attend thlHllo vIng pl0ture entet· Salul;'do y in ol"llJng Heldel.b erg, the trIed it ,al'e uniform ly delight . You are Invited to call. Itud myself contrao t ed severe colds llima maLer q e OormanY~ great men, ed with the re801t. taiDml! nt at Bohool Hall', 'F riday ev· I am ",hioh speedil y develop ed Into the. will b vlM Old WlUe and at ~5 centll a paokage , and IItllling it THE CORNeR OROCERV. " enIng 14y. 4, and learn., how our wO,r st kind of III grippe, with all its other pointsltcflQt: The ' pay the InterMt will torm Presori ption for Indiges tion . a mlsei:ab le sympto llls " sAys ,Mr. J, pa rt or tba t dar's lIlght-s money bll llk it not satisfie d. homes odour town m l,\y be mnde r l , ~. O!IIIg. ' W els· .E E L. ba d en , on e ot F!U r OJl 's most fn mQu 8 £lOW i::klores of Waynes viUe' Peop'l e ' glelltoq 'Qf'Maple Landin beautlf ul. g, Iowa , r 80rtij, whOrQ faHIIIOllllbl Ileo, . ObtlLln R elief. . ' 'Kne,e s and joints Ilocning, mo~oles IIpiCulth ml\el e"''''y yellr, will be vIsited U it ,r ea1jy ~erll known b ow many sore! hcadst opped up., eyes and nOlle Sunday, tho whole day helng SPlint at ' SEE, ,v nesvine r oslde nts , I._AND .....,n runnln"...', wltb alli6rnlL te Spa ' lis of this cents ,Wa cbor~.t _ "gb,,:d" Iliac , all ~ I ec l rl c car Ig : From ~v elk oured of stomao h' w ouola' and 'Indl . obm and , ' . • fe ver . We begftn usinl!' tn kllll 10 .Rlerbrlll k,n Ilnd Ihen by M tcllmgestion by Dr; Davis' Presori ption Chllml.>erlllin 'R Cougb Remti' d y, ulft Ilr begins \h~ I;'llI rl "" tri p down t'h e , The Cincinn t per h ,IlPS ati , WheD Wantin g , Ig h O d ble d' ' Bur pr Ise you, but, I e Bllme it"HI1jll ' to ' 1I Iug" • . ,[III~ will b Ono' o f ", .~ ~r~8h I'I~Pllly of ',high grllde m ,II a, ou • sed a N ew Val~inm ose 0 f tht) ,ho.l (lolI!l hll~ul (rip" of th ' wl\Ole!SSu ' to ' to t h at Is more 8urpris ing, is ,the flLQt Uhu.mb erlldn'sw St.omllo e up h and Lt . to ur. Portlan d Cemen t '1'he . mos t de · t hilt' any One will contin~t Wall Chart Qhhree (six pages) . :I to suft' 1;lI.blet.~ by. Its It'beraJ nse IIOlln Tue"uu-y, Aug. H, thtl fa moll .. church eacb 28 incheS' wide,Sheets ~rable br8.nd for aide walks, foun e r witb heart bnrn , s onr stomaC h, comple t,..!lnrl 3' inches lon~. lv knocked out the grill" of ·t. n ;u la, til •• "<Ithudru l and other Thefir,t page h plu g Utha t muk ' ColOSI> .. f!l l>IUU>!, will dlition 'walls o~ cement fl oors-Ca n wllter brtlSh, s lok headac he, mentlll S 0 ld b y F . C. !:;Chwa,r ~ tir • OWl an.:n ey tz. be v l" It ~r1, " n,1 III Ih" eVlIIIllIg lh e party New Map ofObio ; the mOlt beautifu farnlah any amoun t frow one BlIck depres sion, nll-uaell, and o t he r di . l goes 1) 1> to A.rngt1 l'lh,l\l. 1:Iolla nd, aD4 ~ In and eu.ct ever printed. t resslng In sympto bring; lls ..... of dyspep sillo wnen &0 car lote COrnt:lf IItrlpii for boxl,ltl for ..Ie, Speotal prloos on IIl~ge there is II. r e m epy of sooh great "o rne re"J)cr:t.~ ,Pourolle: lhe most In t ~el!Ung this M . m er . au 11 " ., il date all ,,"" enullt ry In nil , ,,'11 1 bl' reached ap Up to lote ., , new IOWIII (he 1I e.~t 1T"~ rnrllg, '.411d a cI,rr(lig drive are located, j t tha t It II.lmollt invArlb. bly benefits Electric and Tr~on H'" , wil l b lU k e" lti the mu ~e um ,', parks Railroa ds areall&bown, very one t hut tries it. Pepsikoili. all Rural M. ail , AIUI If untl o,tll r pnln t" Of In tlltilJlt, ,It Is 50 Corn, 6 centS a 1.'lI.blets afe th pt:!Isorl ption of Dr , J Dr Mil '\llnut II rI fle l.,.'J'h u Hugue, the' olty ot Route., Davis, a pbysiolAn , w, ho ,d e voted 0 rand portrait s of. all the W. 1'1 , MO \l RI:l, !leee/y", ' "ca ce. Wll ,'e ' lI>terhlltl na l Govern ors. ' ~ (1I"l> ut (," "'111, It,. 11I", fulur lif~t.ime to the study of stfomac b h" I' d, ylold 10 the ' On th '0£ tho ..r..... ;.:: -, - 'l~blt,'n'n ' nt or """ lIllln $';1> .... Here " "., " ~ 'l'he unl;'ers al , verdiot fro!D onr trouble , and if your fo od 'doos not page. , II '''-e-ce Dt l'IM~ CARD that ·,W,~:A.RS ul~" Ill'!> Ih e Pu lae!! In t h e Woods, old Ch~ 9are erldapa. C1IIItomers til" that we ~ " sellin g og rne w Ith y 0 u , if y ou .are ti"ed of the Uni.ted States Purlln,u enl H OUHC, ' "(l n l~ h 'I>rlson " . and E(;li'ECT With portiait J.\·I', APfll,L s of ·t I aU C., d the 1110", Presl'de d ' n'" nOlOr 1 '011 t" r I I I I l' I lie 8 ' vou ihe be8t,:Ch eap Suga r 'Corn ' on ,t h e , worn OUt , I ow tiPIrl 'e ,an ~ 0 I ~ or a OlHSO ' lt~o n. . ... ·ap of Pan~ma . ,showm' NOn1' H.UO NO Belgium will I ' lhen bl! 'vlsll The makerS of our Olothing ,have achieved the your ene rgy ut lo w PIn ; it m ay in , . taU o,n. No, 11. Were ...I" ~~~ek-~ve1:y oan gtlrante ed IIIe houl 'v'~I'd H, tho Roy,,, Pa lace, Ihe lOne, with data• relative t r p!<t you to kn oY' HIM no othe r \ ' to e great .A, ' I , rl Gullel'Y, (hi' Wl erls AofuHcllm , Sbin Canal, noW', being rl tl I tb' well l" merite d ' r eputa tion 6f design built 'bw, ers the pre!'c of the hallllJ p on most : ~ ,' , or n D ~ p IS u li e!!. wor.. to .. are to be UI! 8 Lebanon Jc,Ar.'O ao For Satur day's Mar~et. 1'_ I , Me n. g r pt1t r reoorl1 of oures, behi d it. United States, one of tho greatest styli~h and'.prod~cers of the 'rh (> trill hom" will b lIl a.l" oll 'lh o ente'rpri ses ever ' ~1i l~ttn'~ ~1 Radish ee. onion!" 1I ~t1 there Is notb:lng more oertaln attempt ed. Shakcr Cr. 7 ~7 , Holla llll"J\ l1lc"lclln ~o g ive II II "r you Ihe ItYlldam r&llef. Mi . 'Janney wtll Rosyln -, , 1 7 22 A h'ca! M f th R Ban:a .nae; Orange ij" ~mons, Fnnoy ~nd "lI"m lO Agll.h ," with th" "!$UJ.i II ytJ U t hllt , altho"lg h P enal·ko') .. I' S, HempSlead topo,g rap . • ap 0 f uaia 7 III !'p!lnglc(1 no nner" Will co m e about Japanes e War I,distriCt' 'ApplM , o1'e'n e1 Sweet Potatoes, Figs t , • <'" ~ with data and \ ul> ' 0 Bold on ,t btl flli,res t, 'km ' d of" de·~:I. nlon of ey. the, Centervi two .great lle Arml''I 1° ~ 10 and 07 " ~ " 01 : \( cabbag e,eto t. 0 \C) 0 0 0 t -il 01 • , I II ''''' I'O lh:l' ,d ' I I' h a., iJ'·,1Il plnnlled Na1ci,es bllek pllln, no~ m or e,than two ..,. ' I " battle fields, etc., ' l'ncluclin anor , II" I , 1, : 1 tl " " ~ " Il'"II ' '' "I' tnl; "" IIbornl li " ..!!, , No hondre d 'e ver "oome blick for intheir M I r.yll~ 70 1 Q M l III 4 GIl ' · KI"""l<.~ I'R~ b ou ll . I',n,,<.\ III providIng the,' 1St Naval Ulo m 'Y . Thi s hi t,h e BUrlIs t evideno e Ed,;ew oOll 'battle in .the strait. Of *6 fi 8 ;1/ fl 2611 H r.3 ,'t;::" ,~ ::~:r,;I:,~~'III." "hi " l OO /ll e!' a nd ,on Korea. • t' \ , . . ' of its ultlr vel Ol'lS'cur n.tlve propert ies, VeD ;{ble '" .• :0 r" ~D 4~ 1:1 54 .. 40 Th ~ ),.,u" g 1" ,11 ,tI who wi., lh e popu- ' A 'map ,of th" World, with N~ hut ao t ha t t he re 'moY' not be the lil~hner 16;'2 W 047 *1Jl 62;4 41 " ,.",1)" 11 1." ,1 ,.• 1. -"'! Ule onth'c trlli .1 withor Rulers. ' Coats ~ Arm., ' Flag. (;JI o'no " Wanted,: Trave1ll~g Sal~smap , Ieas tuoll bt·in 'yo ur mind" 08 to what DodllH l It """"y' ,·,," 1 t!l Ih 'It , I ID ~ ij 12 nu • 4fl, ' \l 'I',,·u all N a' U' OUI S ' ' lO" ""1\ , ,',·r, ,,. buy ur;, \) ne" from • • ~eams h'IP ,R outes," WIth 1I1l1t farnisb referan oos and inveijt Pepsikola will do fo r you, Mr : J an ",olnnil i fl4L :O 30 ' " ' I ~ 41 4 :\0 , ~\I '1 \" ("11 "; '.\', ','llI iI"y, ,u " (,,I ~ e of Day~' ,~ta a~d Statlstl,C,5 of great w~. , , ,1000 00, in ' first OIRSII . 6 1 6.B onds ' n ey \\~11l band yonr ' q nflr't er right L eb(ln on-;~\', 1I 3G n :'.11 I!! an .. ~II I' ,, ", """ " ", " 'Il l' , the Lllat r. IUI ' made Other maps are the -Phlh~=' --., . ~ . ~d Expens es :pald, Eltpe- b no k t 0 YOlll' f y ou t! h on ld f nl'1 to Te· ' 01 ~lIcllo\' ·.ml. Charnna lgn ! Isla '0 h II: 0 ' 0 ", X T 0 & X T i" l &: I> t ' I ,,, .. l,.. AJaslt·. · · I': .t ", ". \\. ~ I'·ten, ' Butler, Pr"bl~ , • ~ .. ' H' aW:!lI ' pertOlW8 not _ require d, we te8~l1 caj ve t he b enefi t y ou look for , , and ' Pay t on U 40 11 0 0 !l 00 (f 0 0 ~II , "" , k,' ~ "'"' 11 1'1<, ' " • • RICO, In all mne, diatinct maps. , bnetD611 at 0'u r' m1l18. The 'Wheeli ng o &. x 'I' 0 &: X T .- -'- ---An index will" J~ate 'any./ point . ~oo1Jng . arid : 'Cornice Compl\ ny, R 0\1 ,I 0 0 For Sale. desired and 'is, sO simple a child caD I Wheell~g; W ,' VIl . ' t1l19 SOml'l!B OUNO, , r~'lle , ,J;nngle, comb Browu Leghor, n eggA, underst and ·it. ,"The (:bart 'i. new, ' A. M., A , M P . M. p , M , , Men ' Pa8t Si.lty'ln Danger , "" t an d up ,to, . ~orrec ' dafe, mak'mg It, 'rh Irt een for *1 00, Inquire of C. F ., Leave , an No ~ ' ' No 'i,' No O' No 8' inval,uab le, educato r, indelpel llllble ,tdxty Mole thali balf of man~ihd '. over MY!lrs, Oregon iu. Ohio. VlIlley Tel· nay to n : ,H , ]) yea.ra of age "utI'e r ' from ' kid. ephone 2,37. (j 'Lebt1~on exohan 00 DAI'L~f for the ,H ome, School;, Librat)' ,' or ' ge. m 2 PI'VlOII : P &. X l' 7 1)0 I ~ 0 0 '~Oll -, r.fl yO I " uey. and bladde r, disordel '8 , usulllly .College . ' • ' , ,I.. banoa .I e, '7 , 1 0 1 0 au 2:\5 I r. .~ , eidaigc imeot, pf prostat e g hlDd . ' Piratin g Foley ',s R T.l.e'sel ling price' is $:a,S"" - itl ' ouey lind 'l'ar. : bal,.r Orossln g r 4~ ,1 037 f} 37 U 44 Thla .eboth p&lnful'tiDd dong(lr ous, " .... • :F,oley & Uo ,' Chiotlgo , o'r lginated Roslyn , . .., '. tH7 *10 ,42 2 '42 "5 ~\1 I ' And worth IS many '·ttmea 1.10 Honey and 'Tar as Il t hro!lt Ilpd 'luug 11 cm e p.llI!tl/l 750 10 ,.4,5 , 2 45 r. "-ken 51! at t;"'e fln ,t: slRn· of dan/l8~ ,: us rem edy, Bnd on aoooun t of t,h e "relit Centerville _ , "l II" B1viDs tbi,a 7 (>8 to 5:J .. 115 1 " 5 'v S . ' It oOrr8oU Il'I'egul aritl08 and has merit and pllpulln ity chart 'C'ftqulr, F~e , to 1IUbac ri~ . Of.. - IIthe -eelt1, of Foley"A Manor e r'who r,emitODo "~ 04 ',i o f,U " ,: [, 7 " 00,4 _ .. ' qarecl'm any old men of t his di8~ . ,Honey Bond TI1l' many Imitatio .. ~ ns are uu....r.y"e (I 00 II 0' ~ 02 6 1l 0 .Ill'. Rodney Bar-.ett, Rook Port, Mo" o~rered for the genuine , for a ,yean sublcrip tiop or (or .. r• Ask fOr Etlg~w()Q11 11111 "Il 07 II 05 012, -w1'tklll ; III . ullered ~lth enlarge ., Foley.'8 Honey and Tar aeftl Of old lubacriPQon, .\senti ... ,and .refnsC v ,mill. 8 i ll 't\llt 'iJ ov .~ III .• eel proe&ate IIland and' kfdnoy' troli. R,ily substitu te offered a ricl{ha neit 80lici q ~ 08 no' other I·Klltullner +8 Ig Ill , HI _ 13 11 .0 18 t,le for ',ean and after taJrlnlr hi'Q 'pl'tlPllrutloD w ill.g,iv t be same . . dliI grand oft'er. A~ sat Oed,l. ., bot.._ 01 l'o1e1.'8 Kidney Cure l' Isfaotio n , It ill mildly t tl ~o 11 16 a 1(1 1ft 21 ENQUIRER COMPANY, , 11; ~l a"(I. ~~ ::y m I!l t3 !l.2 C6 110 t..a ......... ,~l baYe. for twenty oontain s no 0VitttOll IIond II!laxative " • . ' " . .nn.... C*-1 safe8t for LebaDou Arrive 8 ar. 11 00 a 30 0 , !) ~••1~o1llJh [ ' am now 91 yean qhlldre D and delicate pa1'80D8. F. ' p ally e ~cepL Sl\ndr>y, i Stop on Mlgnal. ~." " ' C : SohwaI :t.z. . oIUlCDAY "'1U1"~. '
Shor t Jack ets are' a
Pere nnia l favorite.
rrhe Pong , Jack et ' Box The Bole-ro
Glov es
. X~ni",
6t', Obio.
. C.
'huJ:UIt '
D' "Q"I 'IDA."a"
BB. OW N, Pro p .llIi to.
SPE NCE R MON ROE ,Ore .onl a, Ohi o•
Port land , Cem eilt, LambeJ.., Shi n.le s, and all Jda ds of Co at. DEA LHB S ' ID Plo ul' Pe. d Gr~IJl.
"INC""'ATI "," "'M
"AS K the MAN
A ' t
" '_ _ _
Best ', Ma,de .
< ' is
A d th
.B.E. fUTB A W A~ ~
'W.,.. .JiD8' . LeacUng Deu.&18', ..;. -
' . - MaIIlS&IU
T ratOll pa.. Lvtle as folto ... , Siok headtW ke r(,lIo)tti from 110 de· 7 lila. m. Ii l7p, Dr , rangem ent IlJ the IItomao h and i8 Nortb bouftll 0 0.. . m _ 1 OUjl• .DI. oured by l."hamb etlain's ~tomGOh SouUboDnll cmd Liver Tablets , old by- F. C ,
llJoh~~ ...
"-n. sreate1· ,', BnQuir~ ComRi1ny ~,
GAlfTlf \
For a year
12 .
Dr. R.J. :Miohener,
VJ:TBB lN &\RY 8URG1!IO~. . LltbaDOn. Ohio. ' UaD be aalled.a ny hOar day or ght. Both BIll Uk Vat~,.
VlIeT RboQe No., 288.
PIloa. ~
ta m ,
W~YN.·ESVILLE NEW S. ~~--~--.-------~ ~~~~~~
~~(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VOL. XLVl. NO . 46.
\.. Buth B lin" and Deaf,
'i'EDN E. DAY MAY Il, !~ ')(;
Mr. hnrles OJo.rk wnfl 'in Dayton PARA GRAP HS Is Mrs. Bank s Dakin . a lIttlo more t1um . three Mo n dl~.v with t he view of buying somo -took cattle to put on pa,s ture i,\;~;~IilOllltllls. 8~rvice as Ml4Y017 of Way.. Jnrdlui era ill oil st,S'l SLIt .1. ]~ '1.,'0 be un ubi t.o bQhr>l!l III hClw Ihis lIumme r . ·';:;.,'#I1 I1e. W . O. &'per present ed Jill' .rnnnf)y'lj. . tios of nr.~ure a they uu r,",l in tlli" IelIIrD4tlo'n to oOtlooll ' Monday even· MrA Orl\ F. H .. rl'l" 1~l1 l1 11 i110", Mr. JumeB Lewi8, who reoentl y NE WSY NOTE S GATH ERED BY TliE GAZ Ff', E' moved ~Ii !IA RnHsi lJ l 1l II l'\: . il f IIlh I' Hurve,I''' utm uti fo l RI, u 011 11( thH Y;'II I·. I,ll h to bls new puroha se on thQ . take .ell'eo~ at onoo. . . nn uule to h O)lIr thH voices III I'd IIU . W!lyne svllle plkfl, receive d a second CORR ESPO NDEN TS IN NEAR BY PLAC ·1Il!::iI':1'l'''~''iiJII:.I,.~'.~~' n.. Sherwo od, Preslde nt burg, 81)Rn t IU I< r, ~''';\ I I! ~· III X,'uill. I~nrl , neigh ho'r,,; llnttrlle til ('''11111\ tllli · Btroke of paralysl B early this week, Fat' Stll('-1:l1x t~' tit'll !<hl)l.. t ~ for !!lli o cate with sucoOOds ~r . Raper 8S those I~uout hPI', ex pt by from wWch he has oontlnu ed to Inquire 'of 0 , 1__ B.iok~, R . B' . D; ;j 8igm.; suoh Is th condlli "" fIr Mr,. Ce nterv ,ille. . ink very rapidly , and thiB, Wedne s· Lyt l e. 'r B Custer · lilt 1m nnu -uall y BanKS Otlkjn, living 1:I0I'II,h nt' Bllr day, mornin g is reporte d to be as Mr. Jtilll B Lewis of n nr I__yHp, . ~ nloe lin e o f jtl',"lnll.nillll pri -.'nt. \,flysburg. . low . "'~ possible to be alive . huu •• stroko of :l}Jop\ex y Il f~w (ltty$ 1I1 r IlOd Mrs. Dilkin hll Vf\ hi en ,lr, IIltd .Iln,. tinny :'1"(, nUls tbl!! y""r nnd ('lin Hult. t.he rl itll" B III ago, nnel i~ .. t,ill UJlcollsciotl _. Innll lntl doprl\'e .. (1 ,IUt.!!lt d Tho of .... the! ra ther unexpe oted trost ~t'"I1 r hettrm ILl I. . " I<I'Pl !!', lf hn,. Sun· u 11 bi~ . , . II y 1III'ul<1I It t 11' I\'tr,h ro ,lItl,·". In was so plainly viBible last whioh Thero WIll be n tlDlOIt plom. c of 1I11. 1131'1Ihro Monda y P r f lJ IJ , Y .. t III! i.lJ.l \V ifA, of life. lIud alto tll gr elltcr ,; 111 rt of hor nk ' ' mornin g did some damage to tender life. During tho Pilst fe\,· ~'''"r '' ilr ,. tho s uu distriot !lch otl ls of t.lw t v wn - I . . Ki ngs M,illl.l, "' '''''' l! It .. ~t. uf M [~ SIght • . . hill holtl In th g I'OVf" ,I' Mr J . 'L'. hus betll1 grtldu"I1~' fnlh og. M r \VII lt.-r 1' ''1> I'l('\' " .. (I wlfo O? ga rdou plauts, suoh as tom~toes. It Young' s mothnr , Mri< M,\J'.v Young Brown, n XL F r idllS Muy 11. aud r eoontly it wily .en tinlly . I I ~ rt,.u ",,'\1 ~ I r 111111 I\J rt; I 1~V1d ill not likely tliat it was severe uO(lu,y .' M' 'I k p . . It Is llllrd to concAI VI' C)" fl, more ' t f bl t I;lIlH\UY lutrrno illl .1I11 oven· enough to injure the frnit In any t. nr MIR8 Rhea R ': l.!t< I·~, .of Wu.yne s I ne lij lltll e eo e yet, IlJ:bnglt iug WilY, though !some;f ear is enterta in· Denf, dumh lind Be htl..'l 10. t t.\w sigllt of on vilio has been r,' upp nlntp.d teao1 Ilr po,t hetio Oil e. eye' l '. , . . . , II for the safety of 8trll.wb tlrr!es: ut Ih!; Count.v('l ti l l1r " ,,'~ HtJIIlll n '<\1' bUnd. l:>hut off fr om !'IO IIH.IlY of Mrs. WAller I S :lti)! oonfined to th!! PI OI. C. L lSullth ~i> n & ~lltll l'dllY the pleasur es of t he wol'!cl, ' unll house. Mr s. Emery Bl'Ild!:lt reon b Illml .?n.l/lY Lehu.llon, the Ch !nlt>l! V' "H r ,with tho hOIl1~ fol ks Tile und f rt.i1l'zer are what mit ke should not man or wOlllon with somowhu. t Improv ed. Ill aur hutou, 10' Prtlulo oounty . It t.ob~ co yield n. thou8an JRrdinl eJ's fn'lII Ir", UII, ,,·.11 'IIII'U I\. healthy Ully d Dds or .mlnd a nd healthy bpdy '1'1 f I I I "'ns his uoly ehlloce to g t hOWl! more per aore. At least,poll 800 them ftlr t hr-y 'I rll Il ~ . l porior and sound I , un om tlerv ce of Mr. E~ . for some Wm. H. fuoul ties be tbl\t it il! \9 it,ll tinlB, for be Illr )OSe8 value. J. E . ,JI .. tllI ·~' Ja,rruon y thlnkB so, and ia baving them as it i~ tlml ketlp a cheorful wnru Sellrs wero held ~t ~l~e .r e. I·lootH ing Roho 1 himself II~ t;jo~n II 150 r ods put in . As 1\ genera l thin" of We brother . I::i LII I . Itt he is 'hrough tf'.n 0 11 i 1.1 , horo . MfS . •r 11' Mur!n I t 1t1lt11itt.ltl ua ngll he.urt io. the fllQe of the pet,ty obsta· dellce F ny, on Monday tiling nnd fertilizi ng pays dividen ds oon, May , g ter Rele)) were gil""I~ N ' tJl'(l> ,f Hud oles· which distu rb a·lld disheu rl><m 7. co'mluo tetl by B.Mtel'll F. VIIUgltIlO . Vill. Myer h'lS re utly mooh nnd Borne whose yield has fullen the ordinar Sunuu.y of Mrs. M"j'hltt ':; ~ll$ l or. Mr!l y Ii ves. Burlul at Center vlII . ll11tlfi d tbe n \V unUl x to lIlR iJelow what should reasona bly be J .' L. Bartsoo k, u lt the l:>pring Vu lley '1'he steuUl roller. with Hs ,ltl encl. hourio by !\ 0 IIt.-1f plll·ut. Cbundl or wa reap· pike. · Bow x peoted might do well to try· the . Start' s on Long Journ ey !lnt ClUttlt, ILrrh,ou 10 QUr villu/.; lllHt IIH10h. dllfcl'onoe o.n ly u. few gulloo experim ent for them8elv~. Mr . G. Gail bl nrphy, of ·Dllyton , ~n the Mt BoHy school. 'l'bUT !lay Ilnd is nowat work on tlto ll1 f P lllLlt. WIll Wll koJO t:he IqJpOllnlOce Mr . •~nd lIdrs . Clnrenoe Berryh ill Eu t· ronu rIling tho rtlAh Mr. laranoe Berryh 'A.l1na M()relH tb WAB also reo wa.s the welcolIUJ gn st. 'IIturc1oy d ~t,1 no ~ l1m otiol ~s .e\'~n:ln th vttlue of little c1aup:bt er started ill, wite and \lvllnlng and SundflY of hi!! f tlltLtive!:l and lit,tle dau ghter Clu.ra, of Fer ry. for Wester nou tone rim t ll, r.d to tol; the I'O!lti . ," lJltw. It SOl ve II two tha \Kibool ut . ugllJ' Grove at B1ell,k House ·fold pur, Cunado. Monday mornin g. On n . . stu.rted ,MondiLY on ·their Ipng jour 'I'hi will nlltke u fioo r oad ~e· bod uod P( 8he 'bal:l 'tIlUl{h t t\V p YOllrs. ,~ :. It n(\d~ l~tUO? to th ~ b fl Uty of cotlnt ney to thoir new h ome In Edmori ton uriv For Rent-Pa t llul!c1lng'~. wIlli I t ul 0 hell" WOIl - l3errybiof hl8 falling health, Mr. .,John Oumrui ugf WIIlt giv~n Millllli Cemete st-lire Lnquire of Alpertll Provinc e, lJunadn . 'rh ey ' Thewl1Y whIm oomple ted, U !lold his farm and all his ry 'up rin t nd.:nt. WOIll~ID went from Dayton to Torontr) whem "'0'1 'yof -.b 'SM ~'L'o ra,i ~'U Mi Ssi ,(It' r f ull .\> IV 1'" fle rv" t.llP.IU fl' m the fn rming implem ents and deoided to . laJllnlrJna Branoh sohool and R, C. A tirst 011\8S cow for LLle , Robert tb I b '} un ,IdtllCIlH 0 1 Ihe Oll}llIPtltll to k . I I try the olimate of the' North West, \"~ . 1'''. C lUrO " " e.y 0 II. iii etlon n u. 't ~ ro ng h'"veryU".in t, r Ol<tlll:,: Shidllk er. IOhool at Green Briar. til eting Itt \t "/lIUI' At. last, onr ti ll till' h"" I.-f t ll~! No of whioh suoh favorab le reports ·trUin and-ex peot to r oooh t.helr do . dn), 1I11 erl1' " 1I1 lit PUgh Wll8 appoint ed to .A good line of ~rtlOle8 th pursoOIl ;.: . tln nhl be will ' htl gr Hrl.v Ill i /l, ed In hnve been made. fo r grad· tiDlltlon in abont a week . He purpos es \viU. ' P i:UIIJ]' mo,I' .wu r~citll tlt l 1> , Ill~ t. h~11n 'f' , hnt hi" Of 'UlUe,r& Hpl Dlstrlot . nlltlnl:t presents at .J. Ill. Junn(lY. Il .V pULlenhl !It.u.ying there for iL year or two and On Saturdn y eve?lng Mr. and foll l'''' 'I wil.h I·.~frt'"hm. litH Mr'xI ' -I"'tlld Hot uu~ rutlc: o I'm; ,,,, ev r if tbe olimate agrees with' him MrB. lJhllrlos Elzey "(IIi hrig h i ~r8 . ~harlet! ~ab~m;t aud' ~bo!iO 00 i ~'}W 1111 tllvl t lng thllt! for Ih" IH n ' ud.v trll'l1~J1t lIll tlrH! llttle boy, of Spokuna, Wu~lllngton, uhli g. " to Dr. he likes the country in general . be ome ley remn ne o ,er t 1 r ow n in MI)'''II,J nlll'Y ., nler"ri . Wtlrd. It few wook,,' vlloutioH . All bo will invest there. are gneBts of her fut;bor. jn ltiW h ome,Wtlll broken up U.rWr . " , Wilfred E17AlY and eXlleot to I'emninI welcom ed o;lurge nu.mber t heir 81O !0 ' wish him Mr~ WIt.rd /1 hltm)Y of their lb . U I~b NJhotrl 'olllllleu o <l] nt 'und l1l'ofltLLIInel here'ab out t.wo month" . hl l' tl'ur llrid o.l'lIfe retu old fri ends and neighbor8 t bid thA P.1'1· I> 'j; WIll hll Tbnn;lltl~' • l ul;t, ",bl'ln It i~ vel' travele r bon voyuge ' rn whiob no- M ~ •.v 17, in f,he TOlvn Bnll I'I\'(lIJ 'l'ber Harve ysbur ' Mrs. Annll. Blaoltb urn , of Fi her .. cllijion joy and III\dne ,s on , g . were cloilely I WIll btl Ibl' e IIftt l11ut !l R \ ' . 1\1(1 town, Pennsy lvani .. , wh o \\las call d miJlgle d. . ' h Ull SOCll WOllkH ttgul 11110 Long. aliohll · 1 I; to \1relloh th BttcctllH[t MlcJelra'ble time and dlsoa88lon here by tbe doo,t h of her fatber, r a IUIIIOIIU d to hill fri ends t h u.t Now it is Prof. J. B. WrIght wbo ' , rt- u tIl ~."'IJ' 1 1U t:iuntluy ,v ning MIlY Wllf! golnlt t Ollyt(1I1 Beoure u will take the prinolp alship of our apP9lntme~t of a D8via Farnall , ret urnea home Fri- T S h i E' d 13, iu t,h.! III E chnr'b , . .i" b somewh no one h .ld but Aobools for anotbe r year . 'l'lte Pro· ~lte~dI8nt but aotion- on tbis d!!,y evenin~. owns~. P c 00 s n I ::;Olll ~ ~tli·tIleril Llt ve filii II d plaut, ' liLt! 'ielell, th.Rure. I, b w nld 6tuy 1lI0re fH~so r is r egarded by eduQIltora Il& A aplendi d aSSC)rtn1 Rnt of l>oo~ A Succe 'dllferre d . ssful Year. d ug CorD Oa r;;. J(rn~"llUd wbeLLtllro than forty.tJ.I ~ht b ourl! !It the gr Ilt~ ~he most soholar ly mun In ~nthel'D suitabl e for a grat!mt't mg present . . IOll klDg fill, tlud not \V1t,l1~t,I lnez .Wlllia ms who teaohes J.E. Janney ' Seven of th eei ghtdlstrlct_chrj' ,l~ ,Wjutt!I' luger d lute Ullel lD(Ung I,!'t, lind o)\,on be wus somew hut Ohio. Yenrs iigO he taught in the CUbt, it. dulJlolI s u.1.ont It. Yet, for some 80hool bere aDd there are 80holar s '.' Bed Oak 'Dlstrio t, MIS!! &rah Woo C. Phl Illps , II nnual ice ore!l.m in Wayne townsh ip 0011,1 I -ted tb Ih!l"vy IID OWS into the lop of !:iIJrlng, lrenson he stno.k, '" I ot Barmo ny ' Grove and "d beglLn work who have and Btill declare as a demy.ears w(lrk Friday, I yet i wheu t the ~"nia\ m y I, r t.lla UII on IL bnildlnf.! u.nel open ng 00.. p Bce ,-,litur uy aven· b&lng e reoted by onstrat or thoy never knew h1ff The school at Harmo ny Gl'nve ; hnd melted tho 'VI\Dder~oort of t·he Rialust Un .(o ring elrift~ t.lw N. '. R . When ing and Wilt! atte,""I Il.1 by Ncores of taught by Miss l:inrnb BUT d et}ut11. As a man and ott.lzep there nat.t " lJ now. t.h o wild pr lnl5 dllYs clIll cl lJ.~me t l' spend n~dnyhehe roturne Wbre not alllllloantli for ::::~ brollgh t ure none better . Prof. Reynol da. pr!:{ l~ t~~tl r:;~:lI :~jo~~~ tlnue!l ill session u I\h <.'lrt t,iUII' hl.'!!t'I· HI husbuudulilU fort h wit h his tea m 101l2tJ:nelll'- 1'be bolLrd and 8Up· ble part of tne . oCCtl.~io I Wl lb· hllll suoh g lowlDg ril~orts t hllt tbe retiring master, hUB left a good n ""tis the IU' tbe 80hool WUB delayed iti ~ntl· t. Illir, id, Ilull l)longhid)!, ",rJ\~ing n,n d ,bl bl'(Jt;~er Ertwurri W~>4 iJld uOPd were well iotltlstled with IIplendid mnslc fnrnish ed by Mr. Ing 'at t he beginni to murk tlnd hlB service s have been ng of tb ll )'1\Ilt' be pluu,\ 'ing hn ve gall OD uDi J1 t!l~rn[Jt. fn110w Ill!' xu~ple, \Vltb t.he re~llit nui versnlly aatisflio tory. We hope of -a 11 . teaoher.1 in' the Frank carma~, .• OAUl!e of r epairs t.o t,h e build ing oelly ., . :that. he bill. d.eo~rl ed to move to Oay. he may (If not already in poII8essioil , Almost _all of the sobooll:' h 1.\ Tile \VII hlllgton To'Vnsh ip Sun· I ton In u . hort tlme. ' But th r,love of) snoooed in getting a good and , Dr. ~oy, d,entfst will be at specilll exercis es on Fridoy . doy 'obool CPIlV nti will be held 1mell t did not oud tbere i 'l urence Iuoro. ti ve posi tion as be is al toKeth· ~rveyaburg all next "'eek... ' At the Mt. Holly'sohool MoiBS R utb in the ~1. E . ohurohn/SuodllY , May lMor f.CIrd won t 1,0 Duyton Suudny er worthy . . 'Ph,o mu J B ow hUB urchllse d Cbtl.ndlel"s pupils renderod •• from Rev. Pbift ; ~ri>nr. ~ strill IIf grlLm. of dongs,. Teoitution. Il prfl ')0, nt 3 ;00 .1). Ill. The gener ill @Ilb. levenm g preplL~ d t fl oomm nce w?rk Prof. Ed Hatton ba8 transfe rred' , .01,0. A I j!<ct will bo 'The Real IIud tbo Idel~l ~onl1uy lll' rUlOl5 l on the Bum b Ullel- tbe buiJdin gs of his late- pureb lll 1~ feet of land adjolUl ' ..............~:.-- ng hit! proper . )~leuslDg aUrprlE\e Ctl~e 'vh~n afttlr III ll u (lay. Burg lary bool Work ." Mrs J. ; g on Main street to Second street and ty op the Wel!t, aud ha enclose d It tb Program the . patron! ' of , ':h., T. Browl) w111 p~nel' on " 'fbe j R p. v Robert ~. ~n.ttho will fit it up in fine shape to· ren'. at Kings Mills . with 'his own. . sohool brougl\ fo~th ' .dl'\lolC'u:; ICP Ht/lIlll.s I bav(~huvell fouud It," ~ml Mrs, ,Cffi1uUOt the servICe s at t hew8M.WIll Mr. and M'l'II. 'L . H. Vincent ." of oream and caket whl!,li E. it is needleR s, Ethel Ln.w 'on on " The ldellls ~ve .011 ':lrc1l : next Sundll Y oft ruoon . Dayton are eipeoti ng to come t he to Nn:y wos fully . enJoyed Frank Hnrrlsw ho has remode . ~hould s\;,.,k t o uttuin. " Messrs. IThls WIll t KI a Mill 8 lli8t of 'this month to Wayne sville llJost likely be the IMt the tllterior of hia residen ce led lIh8K Donna Bawke and h Ie r' pUJl t;llUrl y IlUd George Wllicbe t, of p~ivilege tbat . " nft " 8 un· and oooupy thelr summo r r e idence I1s of ~ha 11t-go HlII B!,bool UIHt' .D"stou will adrlreSl! the onven. l fn r spme time' \'I'iJl be giY\ln ttl us I\wait!n g the velveto arpets for lloor and 8t.t.empt:ed to brM~_ south of town. to Come of hell ring adornm " 8pe!rt the I1ft ernoon nt lIli s nh,Ill(,l lil .n . All ure c\lrdia,Uy and one of our enter· 00'8 safe. The kDOb of the invited lo !Re'V . ~utLbewI. E,:ery one should I,rising ent ' ler a Bohopl. . . :young men had .O: double t1tlencl. torn off but they were no. Ido :helr b st to sel\<;e the ol)Por~ll ' deok oar of ,furnitu re unlOad Sllver noveltie a, plos , ew., make M,iSS A.nDl~ Me red.ltb .of . tho 8u~ur ed 11.\ .... d . ' jPlty so gru.tefnlly extende d to them. his recently purohu.8ed . nioe gradua tlng present aj make a Growe DIstrICt. had iL I'lon)o ()ottage on ...e oor. 811(1 dm· , Pleas , selectio n at T. 8., Cnster' s. nt R·d 'M T ' r M per for the .o bildren uOel thAi!' par I Main ~treet and it appears to a . eeoarecl' a horse and . a. . I ge. ' r . , . , or ford bon rd~C\ the casnalo ' ent.s und friends bserver may be mia · G S 'h . wa on belonM n ' to the , tllu.l n olle dl~y I.u st wo k gomg, be tletoe boughs . 'icethere Mr George D. Mill", carrl(\r .on ten in the mornin.g be~inn'inK u buut oream, MICe, 'tnr • I . ml t wus ~he guest of Ibeamin glY 8/11(\ , to Se hud lr tb 1 roral' route 5 and his' 0h 'to ' d a' d key. wife, u.~d J:!Iarri8ge llcense to : com· wel'e Mr ;John P "'u'mulln;',.; of t', l"",' ~~:'Irl,es Glr~y lll~d f~mlly Snturdu o f • ell re an ma e e r Dayton ' , 'f'i8ltors Tuesda. , .. y been ub ent, on ly II. short ' tlme until plet!! the fixtures of tbie , Branoh . .., school V ." y. ' Ruy. Spring. ant Ul.l! I\y. . oozy home. 'U' !<lu'prla , nisI. . . • ' l . and Lucile Boersle . . I'" WUl! repor t,e d t h at h wu!'' rna,rrle( MUla of Cor,win took hiS, pince 011 lid b:v the people of tbeWdi"tr1 rand eon return· t.t \\,11 .. , Burtnu ,Ellrnhl lrt and fAmily wore 1t Nv wonder be the mall route. seemefl R~ hllPllY ed to their bome In Leblmo n last . , ' join d with blm Rlld hi" ]l1l1>i1!1 i ll , 111l08tl1! of r alnttves Sundny,. , when b o I ft . Who wonldn t lJ fore week nnd Mondny Elmer l£arnha rt !lnd Wlte., A. t) 1\'0"11 day plonio ItDll tbip W\lS W1Jl Antmm ~n.8 t)1l" MI~s ADnll M r editb Il,p ut Wed. tho !lxroutl on of snoh Iln oventt It reQeiv.lng oongra Mullen and WUlI, Frunk Curllllln or phllll'U~t III. of th e tulation s fr.o~ old ,lOlIny 0,,1 • ne !lilY ni gbt with h r pnpil, Opl11 hll!! b~en lIid by som who bHve friends wife and duught. er, James Mll llt'u ohn.itioila of t.hs dllY. who were maide glid wbeD 1.J on III thllt stnte l ~ rflv . 1 and wlte, of' n~r Ferrr, 'tool; . dIn thn.t th Br e lire the o.nnoun ooment waB made' Will Inez WmIUI~\ 8 qf Oi~t'Tir·t :l'Il M"l!.s E rmlL Stokos and l~ frie nd JlIS~ Ill.l'y numb~r o,f good lOOking ~e II800nd aUemp t to rob ner pn ~undal .with tQeui. ~ld ft-l l'lId>4 .1, MIIl& waB P. M .. at Lebano n, ,notwit h . arrange d an I1I1.dh:y vicn ic f' ·t· tb .. t ca lled on MISB Mary G: rn y Wl1 & ' l!oQl lJ t:!ond ••y Itrlilldtl nnllbw~dOW, who are al , and Il~tghbors Mr. lind mrs . J I)I_on ohlldre11 and.tbe ir friends , 8tn.ndin ~ the efforts put ·, fo~h. to . • ~D . oveliing ean. Sc!li.ra atCente rville. ' ., . . clIBtln~ II. nt for u mate. ._- , . '. . . Llzzie: Sn-oup ,b a8 '. . . . enti . lI'rOll ver,1I1po r ons abont.o urtnwn defent him .f ront, of tbe , Mr .. and Mrs. Aaron eeal'~', lIf ten feet front df the i>~r . '. old ' , . S , Klelnbe nn wils the sundtly lwbo might · stand · ut ' away but the burg. CeDterv ille 'are till! ' recipien ts of a . Ienst. lt h~ir Bennet propert y and .added to her'· Notic e ·nn. t of hi.; alster , Mrs John t:iljltrS ohun.ce If t h Y wo'riltl get to the atrong beautif ul ~ok dl!!t\oriblng ~be V nlt : . ' . ' . IInd ,flltl 11 .lY;' of Di1y.ton·., . . . . w"ke or Mr. Morfor d. foHow' in the possess ions, and Wllso.n Bar'Vey baa ed States Navy, I!en~ t,h em b;\' Mr. . boen conl!ide rablf better for 80me ·rhe Tru~teea <;If Wa.yne Townsh Ip Ba~d' b~.!'~hker a young .~Jtln .wlhtho ~1~~~O:~~:~lpe~o~l~he1JYJ:p~~ft~:gS Mrol ' N. Balch , of We Il mAn I De !lite t he filet the Inol ml\llcy du.ys past and we hope' may 'recove r !l.l)eu" t l'hurl1diLY wltli ber daugh tor. lof Mn ro~ w.(~tithor lJ~evel'lt d ma e ... ome f or aowe tun V{ ,. 11IlY 11i!l former heal til, and Harry Cline . , Mrs G ray . - . Mr. ",nd ,Mrs.' ~ars, Tb,e gift is of the tow,~sb f,Lrtn work bomg done In thlOt m onth lItis fitted np ip fundI! ing t() . . , . . , ' . ' llI (1st of tho fnrmor~ \lltva b d int of ness room on tbe James Elli8 btu!i: highly prized by them : sectlou 1613 o~, thEl revl~ed sta~ute.'1 street ' and has Mrs. T,rll.lonu ,', Prater ~S 'Rl)andllJ~ , h.Lrtl upp1icatlo11 II nd Jlcre~ve rnnce lin hllnd n.t 1111 Main MillS ' Minnie Hatlia:wa.y ·sturts Ohio. All bldB to be 1D by seven IL few , days Wllt.h , hQr SIster, times ioo oream,O ilke, M.rS' ,·On.t'lgbt up Ill1d tlTe If possibl e more fOwoetmeatfl, etc., Tue8lia~ for N orfolk . Virgini a, 0 olock p . ~< May 14, ·1900. and the town Is' Frunk RI)~e.r~, of nOllr Lytle. fOJ'\vnru ' witll th ei r work t h )Vhere' .he wil1a~t uS·O~(lillll\tenog. · By order, !If tr~~es. . • ' Qlled wlth " doet Bix days .ln the . Rn y .. or~oll ' I p nt Sl1~dl~y wH)l ,fl1w;lYS tb e ' onse. Tnklng th:~\I~~ week"":"lt comes from old rapher to t~ePresldcnt of the "James-, _. t;. B. Ulem e~ts, . his ,cousln Flond &v'lae near Lytle !r oarpets .. 10'...... ' til" ounding' oountry ns u whole un(l anu yield8 readlly to the I' ,• .t OWo...,.. .,,081't!on,'. un Townsh ip Clerk luI< oose 'Mrlj. Chllrl OL , J whip and , . 'e ... · '. . ' . a, lllr or 'por oentn ge'.of OOrll b room, et;l Surfoeo vms shop , there IS ' the grea$ fair In tb,e fall.<?HO~7, . Id d b th ' '1 yt.e e y e' m gh ty h a.nd ping in Dny toli r lloentl y. . pll'llt.ed pow thun there geoeml ly i~ of the female WOlnan ,M'1'8. Eva MUleI' and rlaugh,terfO, Dinn er will be.serve(J . . ' . Mrs. 'Leslie MoCune und Ruth imll ut t·hls ante. . Mara I..Barb eau, of BataVi a,' ar· . . , . Marie. ~eregaefjt!l of Dayton...relt),. -----."... . . .. to. Cotm~y T~~thers.· '~.mJll,ecJJ&'1II grade at a lI&lary Spr.i nIl Branc h '-_ f A'Hen Emel'lolt thou~ht it nece : rlved in the village . Mondil . Id ... a.ooom' . d OUt . "-bet thG.... dOl: -iver!\- !loY-8 reoet~C~I <7 sn.ry to 1111 \'e w hat he ,terms ... 'o:erk', pan led by her boy Byron. y We " y 't ' . .~e, , ~ndies la\ Society , ,of . 1. B : ' an are D k' ra uat on pr!l8en t,s 8 . us er II. the Orthod ox Indu!ltr f ' 1111!t WIHl k wbioh of oourse l' t8d ' t... 118h .... .1 .. is FriendB Inter. not Chufoli .very far amiBs will i r. t . \tum t~ In 0 Xelllll. who Is a guess ~hBre .. ,., .. • t i '1 d e eo " B 0 t e . pr· . A dispatc b from d B "i~iti n WUII g at the one home "old of hoOO\ Columb his llnole ' .us made !:I' \lre e( , 11 11m , glad serve dinner ·in e secure 'dining bu.,11. HI c ' I)' k' " d f ober l!eJllltt'Dle~t"t ~h~ , ~1I1e ,..1. announ ced tile inoo!,porfttion jfrldn.y '1 I th wh o plowed In AlIon'l:! pluoe of ,t·he aooOmmoo!'te·thtbelr when the ' two etellCh ersauen dlng. r t (l In IW I1IUI Y ~ o~ : e iii I0 t:!uiith arid be w111 ' > . '. : When'u. c1LLY or so hu.d elnpsocl dur: be.~caroewhtlnarrived Van "Wert "pu.o~lng . Uo, at. "v,tJ." ,~.e., WM'ren'.qo. It,1stitnte the momen t. arrlvea to be h eld l~ .,. " . . iag ",l)loh Rober hod been stOlld!1y. fur Wert, Qhio. Ca~ltal stock ' .25,009 .. her~ May' 10, 11106.' ~atrona her to 'take her departu re. Willgq . 8oliC· ,JI 11'. Frllnk. Cook . an(~ .fllmll y'. of plowing , yot n othing hud Tbi~ the ComplOny in ~vh.iob: JI\1D es ited.,· . ' '. . . .Mt ,Bolly wo~e OlllllDl:\ 111 our nel!;ll' of Allon . 'olO e begun to b9lln' ~oen ing to receive but'loa th to give, up. .. .\,' . $110 StooP8 'ls, tb~ Ml\d~ The Inoorpot"ll.; be curi,ous Ed Lukens has a CliBrle~ Puroell '. . ' . ! hOthood last /Sullday . .. ' . ~aryeyilbu'r~ : haa , t\1e t~r/l;a~e ,.r J'. 8noo)[', of South Lab.. to kllo\v ' WllU.t be WIIS doing. Vllrl· eoit oo,!l1lng two years' old ,in July Mid(JI ~i'lln M.lss l!:v ilnR of W'est Jeffel'. ous oonject ure!! h.~ve been o.olored IOh~l In Wa~re~ ?Quo,' .~no~,~.ram"8 Stoopt! of Waynjl syllle,, for Which he has refused 'three ~Oll is ,. v ieitlug '. reltltlve '. s In our violn '. I · the ~ost pluUslu\e of whioh Is thu.t hundre d dol1~rs, and anotbe .. ,Es:·CongreBlIDlan . Hildeb rand} , and Mr J!l8se Smith iB the owper of It Ity tJJ)B ,~ee k . , r two . pe. ·18 . ... t~ot;ldln g to his. calves, of' weeks old na p'rop!is Postm~8t6r W .. F. ,Haln!l8 p . new ~abber tire bugflY'. . lng as any ·we . ' . Mr ; . P .ellvel' of ·Pleu!l[J.tit. Ridge Iwhl!lb h e IS s/tld to have 1\ goOd ever mlbgOOn ~nd. ~: W . .a,olme8. · . saw at the age, by the Sal,De , The Su~ar 6rpve lIohpol w.\U ololle hlt!!.b en Ute gUllst of)lflr da.uglit~ r B!lPply. · . .. f· SOna of ,rvetora n8. "4tten~lon.~ .Fr.iday , holding sire. . their ann~8<l. rs Mass. 1.f :: Fra,nk ' I:1RI't:8oc k for ·the· Pil8t .t f1'ha~ pooulll\r\~ .titled oonoern , ,Membe rs of the Edmun d: lWtalli ok .dfl,y at.Bell.b,-oQk on tha,t a",y. The fiJw du.YII . '. . ' tllo ,nd, ba s. been tbe 8ubj eo~ of 1\11 The finny trib, are bolding Jarge Camp, ' ,Sons 'of V!l~r(!;· Ine reo Clxerois~s wlll b: tTen:;r ed b~y t ,the ' ~r, Ed (Jook n nd family ~ere the'j Sor.tfl o~! in qU6llted to:. ~. 'l1r~ ' &np att~~d ~h~Se;t~!:bEfal~ 'He ~~ooli:~c6rl~\ t·ho lust few d::i~i:;e!!::: u.~~ m~n~a:go::ag~ ~oolf~U II!lttll. Of WuynEIt:l\'ille roilltive e ll18t woeks,. SInce Its presenc meetin g next Wedile iday eveIling , e · hI\.~ b~en the svortstn,an'8 ~opk. Th~re 'a1'e . . Ii N" I3c<ilt w' ~h . 1 I!lundl\y .. . fI, que8t19 n for tho e who find It neo: :May' 17; wben ievera~ candid ate. ~ to~hureda' ere g , ~ quite a numtie r of the latt!3r linea s oPlJln ~lr. •t nt! Mrs Willter DlllklD roo oSt!llry l'ILrt of lite to will be' m~tered Ib'to t.he oamp. . MY' ,u , B N ''1 I ' pl1rt, of I u'p eaoh dl'Y In the' week IUld 'Sun: d' . Ii turned bome SnndllY "fter a few lit llltlfillg, as to wherespend Hon. , H. :y ; Speelm an, NatJona:l they might .dlIV r. ""' . ' orr S . ~n son Spen ". , '. , , cOmma ndei.ln- olilef. of tbe . order Sunday . h ~ , .,.tfl. But ~nture 11M com!) ., - ·to. near CenterV ille the ~uest dllY8 vl!lit with . t, a I.atter t! futher cODgreg to. the rescue with weaCher whioh hn been lIeQured to deliver tl1e ~t Jils daught er '~ra. Rill. , If I jes e~d hev ·my wlab , Frtlnk Maple ~U(iI family who rooollt· will permit st!lytn" out of memori aladdre llS, Md import- , New.. ia ratJJ~r. soo,:oe, or doors . -It. Wundt d~ a hate but tleb R:t least ly mOlferl to Lt!e18D. Js most' Likely that the town pump Jes oud aet all day i.jin ant ~tevery melIl~8l"be present ,tJ!~~ep<>f~r to~~, Irtir~ty 0f mue~ Mr . Sol r~noa8 of Mt. HOlly was Will be the oynosu re tbi~ aumme r Llsnln at thel .next. meet~g ~O. aaalst · tn tax::. §~~iI nBa'I~::' tew th' WOl'Wf 8~g- . ~ visitor the Sunday gtiest of lIr. George unless the obnoXious Jid IB knOcke d Ruther' ftah than 8nn y thlDIj; pWlS. for tne da:r.. lD Dayton 'l'hand ay, PrlLtt ariil tamtlJ7'. . oft'. . Ruther Ilah tblUl eaU·jiD l. '
broke on l\f't, Mey~r, -su~, JVII'r. 1OlJ:5TlJ'IC ITJIJU. III Id!-fol' ')GI) a " eck!" "Oel!. wl1 ·7.. Isn·t Ih81 rid!!" The Pro~, Ko cb I, Aid to ba.e decl4~d t.! BROWN 6: W, Publl sh.t... girl I anerl' over Ihp mlnnter cnllllden· apply the Nobel prlz~ recently award· tinily. " Y:" Mr. Mcy,)r, ju~t for a I eel to blm to the Ilubllcatlon of a co 111(1H10 WAYr'ES\ I LU:. joll , YOll wrll t' Ille rl I lIet orrerlng ' \>Ieta editio n ot Ilia sc ientific .wrltlngll.. ( " DEPART~ENr S TO RE f.'TORV l -- t m lhnt job at 6 \lcr, H'i just such Sir David Gill, who bas been liS . 8, H. BARRETT SMlm o llwely drcam I wllnt W see how It tronomer royal at th Cape since 1879,. Wlfe- :s ~nti ng' Ch ec\{~d CAu'''''r of "8,1 O'Cl'<lno,'S Hohler." Elc.1 look~ In prllll :" Is rcslgnln g his (lost and retUrJllDS to Tb ' I\'hlppln ll JlO~ 1 Il\w l'n noted by " 1 wrldt h. dcr j\r~t thin!; when Emglun" tor the New Year. Many n~ l hl' 1 ('I:I~ inlUl't,l .)f i!lO ~ I~ .b\l go IHi ck to der offieo," tabl astronomical problems haye li«ll 11,,\ ,tl Ill' It~ fl'iemlll to hn'l' aCCOln · "lJou'l rorg' l.·· warned tho gi r l. Th N tu 1 F f f f rtif ti d Mod T soly d at the Capo ' observatory under ce AIr, Meyer, ot Ml'yer &: Le\' y , nll .bl'li Its pUi· JlO~l? Wit .. Iwati ng, r Oroulls III all hi s b ~lslncss C&rt'er e a ra rOD le,o r!VI - 0 lea OIlS III em ac ItS SIr Pavld Gi ll's direction, InclUDIng he hall the h ad oC Ihe Hrm r M yer < [A: V)' III l' say, is n;ulUsl slo)!I) II In ·Url'glll!. rou sl e plllJlI,;ll er~. thu u ht - The Annies and Navies- Man Behind Ihe Gun, the delermlnllt\on of the mInor plan'I'll In \I' ll' III 1.1110 efYl·('t o n ~11l.~· 1:1 never S~t'li Ii mor!! r'nlhn ~ lns \lC 011- II(' V.· nJoY1'l1 IIU ('fra T!, ot his p 'n ets VI ctor In, S8(lpho and I~18. lli e ll ~fl. 11 W ItS c()mpo ~"'1 ot lhe IlSULlI Itl';l ' ,,' '11 Y IU8h's is lito Turullllum QUill! liS IIl lw h u. II dill Ibe let!~r - -- Tbe (lro'blol):l of the Mcont of eaT :ro\\'d "f ,;hol'llBnI and Idlers. He bad' 1I1'1I~I\I ~ Illnt I'an It" Itll\lO~ <I . I ~ I. In trees, un English botanlat points tll<1I1'I\ wll h In{'rest I h" glri I h t wrl l ( II by rCl]I1Ps t. H e fllirly cbuckl. t' l !' ~ rl'\'I1'\ (lUI' geogrnphy kUOW'I- 1 "B~' th e recent Impnr'lal deer 0 It 18 oul, ta yet un solved. It IIIJII~ars that !)111i n,,1 \\ lih l ilt' ourt wb 111 r I)n· )Iny d Ihel1lano. Sbe ' was cbildl s h· I 11 when , III glow ing eolo rs, he de,'Iet'. II \\ Ifl' lwnl r6 ~lt nll bl.' Sl'ntl' uceoJ Ilwlll ng IlUi.: Lhlng In b I' .;heli ll. li l- sert\.) d Iho !ll rl wh (1 played lhe p luno cdr £! Il Iili ll'. t; lnn c at Ihe In n,ls bar. annonucaoJ that botw en I'he pr sent In tbe hIghest trQ 8 tho totlll prcssuro t e> tIll' l\hipp ln~ J,,'Sl or collllneti In 1001,.111;; ulllfo rm M IJlllck alpaca, but a ~ "u n IlIcump:lrn\,le artiste:' aud I derin'- un Iht) r~ publi c ot F'l'tln e, look I llme nnd the end of 1917 Germony In- woul (1 bo 'n eorly 100 atmoSphOTes, ami julI. TIII 're b:l\'G b 'C ll ouiy lIlr\~e tn- . .\lr. ,\1 ' P I' was Itot th lnHIII!; ut t he wlll'n hll (!r' IIiNI'd In h oart-breaklng \J Ihe Ir.ont. '~ r o r Ihllj counll'Y now I l enrls 10 Imlld 18 battle ships, 1~ large I AS W CAn not suppose tbat I aV 8 ('au ·t.,.c.f\I S bis ' rh'£ I\t not b Ins able lO titrrn ll II JI by I\- ~ el g hllor of '6(I'eo h, !!ru is r~, - !lor sman c~ursers , 24 dlvl- e xorl so lUI nSE) Q8motlr.; . suction, tbO' t\iCt:l,lll. ,T Ih I> uul Y ~Ince tu c In \\' i\lrl'tI I oks. 'For hr l' unulIf nOllve appay her mol' lhan "r.0 psr," h a l ilt' 1I 'I~h\Jor ~·I h whom WIll' was 1810118 at sIx torp edo boals ('nell, to allY only 1)leory nt aU probllhle ls -that lhe 1't!liI'llIlC(! Ih r e wU j< ampl Qm)Jen 1IVA 11,lnc,\. A me ll t h afWr IIle law w (It r nl t r nr~. wn gcII \l:l rk In 1 70. I nothing of slIbmarln s- whl ch rOll s ll· 11\' 1'11& cells exert some 80rt of (lumJ)\\,I'nl III to Io!rf(!ct a l'ol'l luud wlliter was 110 11 . :'llI g npli~ ru was In bl'r 10liCh . OWin g Ihe pressure or An nil horlty Irlls liS ~'rao ce pos· I tu t 8 . a " I'y prell' prog ramme nOlI Ing OI'tlOO In the wood. Shl' r oul,l draw n crowll to tho l'O UII ' M. !llurtol, 11 Fren ch explorer 'who arr sl",] lor IH.,,, tlug h ll\ w lt~. II I.' waa tr r l\'b ... r shtlet lU us i was sol d- nnd n. w'ok 1)lIt~ed betore ~Ir . ~I ~ y(lr oall oJ ~ (,~~FIl natural l)ouudllrleR tbr.>ughoul oIH'ns an ern ot brllllan l I>ros perll'1 to s .p Iho trcct of his ilia lersfroke. to n \l IS h deg ro 1111 Inll !!110nden t phys· COt' th e s blpyards. hns devoted much time to tbe subject 'eUll'U('l' ,1 l rl','{,I\'e 20 lasbes. He Ihal wa ~ all ,' h u \\'1\9 lb re for . li e lile r 1I Ihe departlUcllt buoyant [' irnl uni t. !lawn tllI'" b tw een lInIn "1'he RI)proprlaUon for new sh l(ls ot CRVPS. Is ~onfldent thM th e aurfa '0 Wll ti Hi~l'n to th e ~l ul tlloUlab couuty ~I r, i\leycr listen d to Ihe mllllic. ja il, thl' IIPI) r PItTt [1.U s 11 dy wus he )\ntch d l h t, !,(,\\" l. nnd he rcll nml '11!IC-co nH(l cnt; btlt to his BUr- lind J.'rnlwe .. In'lllhes the lInbTllkcn rea ches tI !!llrly $'00,0 00,000, nor Is this of the eartll Is fns t wearing awny by nnd allnoyan ce he did not seo I wall or the Pyre nes. To the) wos t Is the filII ' :xtent ot tile (lroposl'd outlay eros ion lind corrosion, In s lIcb a man loarell ~lIall bl:: b nti s wer band4utr II Ihe ro nCO r of III appointmen t. Ibe J;ri~e t hp "hlco r'nparablc arU ste" a t Ih e t he br ond Atlullllc (Ie ~[l. III EIl j:llsh ror by l Ot5, . it not earlll' r. It \\'\11 be ne r that the lovel at wblch water III . t"golh",. tlOII tied \0 the lop at a e ll )Ja n ,if thwarted umb ltlon . Rosen . Illa ll . H ha stened to make Inquiry l·t hnllll l'l ~1I!lnrat k fl'om Ell (;illn(1 011 n oasary lo b g in to build BUll ncwrr fouud In. th e (>arth's crust Is bein g lo,vmpany- MeyPr· & L!'''y's greal-' doo r, Th cll the ja.1I .. truck hlm 20 lhal of a you ng wOlllau he snw al tb e rack lhe norlh. Oil lho Rat Belgium , Ger· f' Vl' ~ ela. and by 1917 these, at val'lous <)r d. He thinks that there wLlI be l imn; . Th \vlll p lIS d WIIS [I. IIho:rt cst I'I'lmn etllor - al,,'aY8 maoll gert to Assor(lng lUll Ie. man;-, . wl l ~ rland nnd lIaly are se(l. j s la es or constru ctIon. will occupy the 1 dlsnstrous sr.nrclly of water nvall1'(I\\'h l" ~I O I; \vIUI four bucks kIn maKe IIrranJ;ertl CIlI S to turn ls h mos t " ay," h call d to h IlI', "where IS8 arRIP by a glrrl iB or mountain mn ges, ;-ard8. nliN' surh COlullllo11S one ahle for drinkIng R ~ew centuries t ho ll ':~ . This malle ve l'Y ·hlSh Teally of Ih l1 LUu ~ lr . Mr. Meyer eherl s hl"d d r gi rl "hat mRltes dClr moo 'le?" th n Alps, the Jura, Ihe Vosg 's, Rhen- I may IItlmlt that 1he normRI yourly h nce. . TOllr hlo ws on th tl \jOlly. Th whip. hra rtJS" "II11~lIt In s ll nee; Mr. Mey er . out ·, for " hlp·bulldlng w\ll 80011 ile Oold bns been easily dlsOlle[l by " I IIln'l here ro nu sw,el' questions." Is h hlllh\nnds nnd th e A rde Llu es. pin', the first o! lis krnd In the west, was n diplomat Rod rarely sHowell bis an ~ w red Ib yOUll!; womlln. loruh', But th re or some brenks In h r thnt pro\'ldo.d tor tbe mlddl of the Henri Moisaan. In the eleetrlo furDnce, grlevllnc to becom>! a·, warenl . llut " Adrtross yourselt 10 " nE' a! the sale!!- fr onti r .holn. III Ule mountltln that 1> rlod jusl mention ed- nam ely, .sO,- ils boiling polat being hIgher thUD aurael d wl(\(> atlil uti on, a1\l1 It made b h . \ rOUlJleSO m ~ hl.sbaull s Ccnr!ul. 'rhe Ihls mo rning, wh en e turn ed 18 ladles." Thcn all ' walked haughlilt R" llarat(' from ·Germany, tbere Rro 000,000 a yea.r. thnt of cOllper. but lower thnn lh"t ol bn k on tbe crowll lind J10tlced ~lI HS UI IIle plllno, null Silt !lawn and be-' thrpp. all nlngs. called b); tbe ~'re n ch "As ol'er ngalnst the enor mon ap· Ih,H'. In a cold tUbe, !.ho vapor conmlln wblpped loft Portland as loon . McCnbc, tb e beud'llf-swcll, slIlJHllng !;:I n 10 lhump It mechnlllcl1i1y, trou e~, througb which an Im'Rding proprlatlon, Franco bO$ on t h"t ror dense,\ partly In the rorm of mosa as he was at liberty. An Elmploye of DeaT blm, be could nol regillt tJl ~ II', Me )' r slored s peechlels wltb army t'ould ente r. Wbe n th e firanco' l len yea rs has hovered ur ou~d lhe gold, (lartly as microsco pIc crYIltl[llI. the Soutberp Pacific car sbops l,ll lemp'[atlo~ or aayl ng : rage. Germa u war rcs ulhul In I S7l In ne\\' $2.000.000 point and has attalnt',1 that Ihe genern l propertIes being those ot Portlnnd was seutenced In Augu st 10 ""You s bo uld 'half b II cr illuoo "Sit y. wb o Iss dot TILlie-faced \'0111- dellmltaUon of trontler, the Germans n ure only "lth dlmculty . An effort nnely dl"llled gol\l . · In alloys wlttl r i ve ten lashes, His wHe sued for blaYfl n- rrare. " Joll8, ",ollds bad the can· 1111 vl\a l aCIR as et sbe ow ns der flaw . to It tbat they obtain d a\1 Ihe I lhat would brill::; us to $ 2 ~.OO O,O~O , as copper nnd tin, the gold dIstills over dh'orce while he was to jail awaiUDg" fldentilll lone used only to an 0111 uc· SlO r ~'I" he gasped . whim Miss ~lo- l 9 lrOngC S l II?SltlODS. Nnn,r)', ou th e bas som limes be n Ilngg s ted, would last. On distilling an IIllow at tin 1In11 abe "Pllenl'"d a moment later, ~'r e ncb Side, Is looked II po n as tbe I g h' 6 us ouly two-third s at III G r· jl;old, a purple of CllSslua II obtalllecS trial, hut atter he bad received !.he Qualn!nnce. 'r be head-<>f-alock , prolmbl e point or Invas lou, tbe most mau appro{lrlatlons. ThIs · Grrmau In the dry _11'_&1_.:..'_ _ _ __ " My ~ou8i ll. " whipping IUld wos at Uberty he ef"Sure, w s houltl! " Tbo Uend-o f· fect ed a reconcU.laUon and ,tbe wife stocll .isllelltetl readily. 10 I1IH sur· loo k II s he'l or Mr, Meyer'S latesl "ulneruble SllOt In th couutr),. It lies outlay COl' n~,'al pllrposelJ WRS tormerEVERYDA Y lIoEFLEC'l'I01lJ8. wlthrlrew her complaint. The wife prIse. "511e haR a PUll," MI~s McCabe musIc fr om a posiL lou or prominence. wreneh ed tbll music InlO III ace wllb a ntI rel egated It to I n obscure cor· beater was dlilcllarged from hlB em· unnecessnry vipo r. Monday- No man bas a POC!re~ out..., . to t .. ncr. ploym nt. nnd being unable ge " You dondt ~ay!" This crue l act, alld>!.\ to tbe slartlook than he who Is on tlls lookout fol" otber work, left tbe city. The oul;"But I do SRY!" The hend·(l r.slOek ling inleilige nce. so UPMlt Mr. Meyer blinsolC only. . otber man to b wblpped was 11 tanner lpokn lll'lgressively. "Aboul three yea rs thnt bls habitual diplomacy forsook Tlles<lay- FrlendRhlps !own In youth JlOstmaster of Baker CILy, Ore.. and nf.:o the old mall wus pa ssin Ihro ug h hIm. furni sh the swc.etest fruits fo.r, old agll. !.he penalty was ImpolS d In Bakel' here ooe eveni ng. ' jU8t liS we w r'! " Vbcre IS8 dat girl vlint makea dat Wednesday-Use not to:dllY ",bat to-, cauDty. He 'rece lved 20 lasbes. An rea'ly W gu Iio:ue. nnd ro und b'r moos i '7" be blurted, morrow may want; ne.lther l(!ave tbat atlempt was made unds the terms lad y~bl p playIng Ibe 1I1nnn ar aJl by "Oone," Illlswcrell Mlsa ;lIIeCabs. to bazard whlob foresight lJIay »ro.l " \;on~! ". MI'. Meyer'll VOice Wn.l vida tor or care. prevent. . oC thll 1I1""lD whip a _ who had as· her 10lieRolllc. H "A stops' anti listen. - recla sq rry r ~ Ilueh a kld7"ask, lI er ~mHII . "Vby goes s be?" Thursday-Your eoncern sbould ~ saulted his divorced wife. but as the qUCl1! Ions, ! ben ~end ~ b er 10 a pIanller .. ... ..ccau·su~., sbe' " 'a8 onl)' . pettln'" . . . " !lve 110 muub be what you get u . 'l'l'bat )'011' woman was Dot then his wUe Ihe .WU M r, and pays ro r h . dollars II. n, bere, a .n d Rosenthal er I e9~ons. ., uuk w~ do fur what yod get. courts beld that the penally cQuld 1j.ot "Illk about lu kl Why. nhu has a company III lIaYln~ bel' $10 to play Frlday- PolitenellB ta· tbe golden IUfT. be. Intllcted. He was Benteneed to o n m" jll lt h ore...,an<l I've got a <:ou81n Ibelr mUSIc UII at the Mammotll alore_ that unlocks the door to m&1lY aD OV-r YO.• on the rock pUe. Judge Oear Ihlll .. lin III twld AI good." i hear tb e! ar!> gi\'lng a concert tollortunity, J_ Cameron, ' or Pie mUDlclllnl coun Of " So, o ! " _aid Mr. l\1 1l)'~r, nnd al tbat Ilay. so I suppose sbe Is put.llDgOP lots Saturday-Tbe beet h.lp is. DOt l Pbrti8.lld.. 8IIYS thllt men we r 'fre- ItIOllll!nt 'W" hfla.J-<>r ••i.o k's etten(\on of lugs-thin ks slle hu a sweU job." bea'r ·the troubles at others Cor them quenUy charged' ""Itb wife beRting a Will 0110101 d by II uJltomer, 'Mr, I\Ir. Meyer co uld not put bls teellnp but to Insplr~ tbem with courage and tew montbs ago, bUL now it Is a rare Me ,.•r Will I rt ~o ,Jllles t tbe valuable .Into wurds. :\liS9 1\ 'bad no trou· energy to bear theIr burdens f~r tham . 8elves. . occurrence. . He b lIo vea tbo whl\>· ' hlrorllllllt nn ' 11ft lil\(\ 110 unexpectedl)' ble lu that respect. sbe . s aid, vlndlc- . Sunday-Thbrlcbeat people 00 eartlaj ptog pOst law Is responsIble for the re ./llvllt1, hlln M me buu behInd blm l\~~~~~t "It I was f,'xy! She bad Iler s nJl low ft no bllt\) Iy : " are tbos\! who mnko the moat or what cbange. " ( want 10 be. au IIctor lady up on eyes Iinil 'e urs ovec all tile time. Sh. they bave and tbe least o't what theT Broadwny." wall d yl og lei get With Rosenthal' comus. lIodern Mutt2.1 .A.1d, Mr. Meyer tarled ODd turned . He l!Bny. I uuders land sbe applied for a There has b~n much 'stress lald by cease<l ellnklng hla watch cha ll\. The pOS\l!oo B lao!; tllqc II.go; but tbey 'l'AR'l'AlUC 'l'BU'l'HS. wrIters and speakei'll on the taut 't hut dIdn't pay any attention 1.0 h er till abo 'poverty-even with us III th ese prospel'- . llltl~ pianIs t was looking over IIOme scnt tb em letter she got tram a big I "Kh\d heam are more than con.mUKi e (In Ihe OOUnl!lr, She Will; oon~ manag er. on erlng her alii engagement nets"-and about as learce. , ous times, aa wo()a\J tJl~m-ls exlre~~, sclous of hl9 prp.s~~cc only lnasmu~h In Il oncer t tour Sbe ""ClS tbe fre sh. ; a little dlsta.n ce below fet %, tho strong Ily only two·lhlrds Il.8 Ia.rge as oura; · , . , It ta said that th.e re are mlllloDB In thbl ss ahe wwi alwaYII glad to bave an au,, , ' I tllrtress now In poosess'ol1 of Ger. the raUl' would stili be re\·ersed." A man Is never too old to l~rD, }rut country that ar.e near to starvIng, while lllenee. . ~s~leve~t ' II Ih~ " 'ay down manr, and tbere could' enslly . pour It was utte r the tnll ot tbe empire be may be too young to realise it. . the pllradeol Lon'don's half-l\I:trvedan'il "You blay grandt." said Mr. ~toyel'. th~e~ 1I1 :~~~ o~a:ta~rs; h(! ' rusbed dIs- :1owD ullon It troop8 from aer9~8 the the 'French ",~nt to W'IJf"k with: such a. 1 The tellow who sbootB oft hi' 1D000th unemployed ~as been ,commented all. The girl glanced al blm ~ulC;kly , tracted Ibro'u g h tbe slo rEI lind dashed border, An army corps ot abollt SO,- will to build· liP a hIghly ol!\clent navy. never seema to run out of am~ublgalore. AJnedean MedICill81\aYs: .ICh '_ · tben smlle.l aDd saId w,itb jocose down Slxtb avenue to the Mammotb 000 men Is statloned at N8.IICY: Back and their SIICCCB9 we ba,'o referred to' I· uon . ' ._ . Itore a little trom tbe German frontier are or late .yean specIa l attention hal ' Wblle aympatby ill an ri,bt In Ita .mzaUon Is unjusll,y blamell tal' pOverty. I' frlen<lll ness: tor InvestlgnUons inW lUlcient condl· " are you gl,'ln' ' us ?' , " He' Cound tbe recital ~, v~r, and tbl tbe French fortltlcatlonll of Vsr~\ln, been paId by the nation to sub-marlDe I way, It makes a v#.ry poor lublUt1Ite done ' lIllow uiem , to . be far worse tban . "I'm :;Ilfen hi 10 you stralgbdt. I m . ~udlenC9 tbat bad ilstenled ' wllh rapt Toul, Belfort a .n d Beaancon. Be:. lnd bo~ts. Tbe German , navy is ot 'lom· ; ;ro~r~b~e~e~fs~t~e~ai!!k.~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~. present oDes. Even ~ Jate 88 th'e lime Mr. I\1s)'e r vbat s lIPplles mesl ot der attention now stoM 10 groupil around' Tllul .Is the great Frenoh camp ot Chal- paratlvely recent origIn, 1t Is on 11' . . ' l!Iooslc, and, say, listen , nc.xdt vlD- tbe sbeet musIc counl~r 18lking a lively , one·sur-Maroe, .bout half way be- s Ince 1890 there hll3 been stead)' progA PERFECT HAPjlD. ol, Henry VUJ. JlO~erty WIlS , ISO ter Gur firm Iss ~blnken olf senden Inte rest In "D~della" !Lnd "NavaJo;;~ tween tbe frontier and ParIs: Paris reSB In st.a:engthenlng the ' German and Ilxten8ive ,wJ.t.h .its accompanying o ud ~ n concert combany on der road I 'What a BIgbt met bla bewlldered ..aze! Iii fortlned; tbat i8, bu " rlDg of dis'T be Freneh navy II recr lllt~4 Ji.o';, Ita Appe&raDc. Bleam. 4l8ellSe!I thll.l UiE! a-n!l'I\8e duration of -real actor lad les! . Ef our lilans Tbe glrl~Mr, M~yer's ttyell tlulged- tant fortlft,catlon8, tbeM derense8, \ 50 par[ly by, voluntary enllstmeDt, pamy . to the Pu~uc.: ' lUe Wlls ouly ha.l.f what 11ft! now, Mu~- comlls omit as \ '0 expecl., ve "If you lb Irl tbat pla),ed the "lano w.. no miles trpm the ~lty. ,An Interes~lng by C9nscrlpUon; and lbe I\overnmeut , ---," erp laborerS Uve in. a cOJIdJUon '~bi~h l" 5~' .. veek for maken d el' moosic." ' Io!g:r aUlred In tbat III-flltlng alpaca. l article In ' tbe New York, Sun s~ys I~ keeps a 'lIst of all the men between Th. atory of boW" probabl; the moat. _ .ould then have been. considered ex· When the , gIrl took bp,r seat at the A cllnginc black!UI showed eve: an Inntllng army cot Palt them . a~8 ot lS' and 50 ye:lr9 who are en- perteCt feminine. hantl ID AmerIca be. trame luxury. , The only difference ~ plano, she noted. as 6he rlln . ber the 'graceful outlines of a dainty little It would ~tl ~~le to, march lDto Pari", gaged , In Q . Bear.rlDg Ute, ' these COD~ came kili:nm to the people 11 RUier l.ween old aDd new limes Is thefac~that .i IIng~rs OYer the keyboard, tbe lool! Ilgure .. On top at ber' bleatt ler halr and ~lld8 . ThcBe forts of tb!l de- sututlng a naval reeene. iD Ger!Dany Interesting. , . , tormerly there Willi no be)p extended to · o f 'ex pectancy ,on the ' fa~es about h er ; was plied blgb, lhlt great dually masa felldl!lg army wOllld lie directed to pre- servIce In the navY, Instead of tb. · A" the ItOry ,alii the POIMllOr 9f thoseln'tempOl'IU'YAeedOflt whneDow l t:hen s he smiled at her a.udlence ~ ber . wae caught up wltb a wlllte chrJ&aD. venting tbe Inndlng army ge~t1Dg ID- army, may be made obligatory upon the band w ..· wlth lOme. frleDtla ID. , . ' . v gaze fIOugh~ ou.t Mr, Meyer ; she brOKe themum, an .eDormous pOllllpllllout' top. sIde the rIng of· forte, for Par a Itself tbe maraUme populatloll. pbotographer'. one dar and :wh1I. tIIk. it Is pracOcaily lmpoBSlbJe to 8tw'f~:'o .Into. lhe melody, aDd limultaD!!OuaJ)' pl,d toward ber lett eyebrow, wblle I '1. not a .(rong 'polltlnn, like Port Ar- • fn Franco all able-bodIed meu are lng, beld up a plec. of CUldr, Tile death except by the slow pr.ooesa a ....- everybody kept lime with tbe Infec- cloud of 8[11all curia CllSt a shadow over thur, and neither "ould nQL e,ol Itl liable to military service for ' a term po.. ,at the Iyuld with Ita .,arteot CODproper food. In IIIlvnge ute jM!r~Odlc 1I0us strains ot " ber d emure piquant ta~e. Mr. Meyer otrer any resistence. But an InvruUug of 25 ,.1\81'111 three yeara active een- tour ~d taUlUI\II .~ attraoted the periods of starva,tlon are the, rule, In"I've got my eye on you-co·oo-!" gazed at the apparllloD. Ob .. lb. mock- army ~uJd ,0Dly, t;lenetrate wltbln t~e Ice, beglnolDg at the age of 20 Teara, attention of til, 'who PI'Q~ deed, In ,isolated higher communltlll. \\fr. Meyer turned vlolenlly T~i1. He cry of It! He dlt! not v,ls b tbe girl tD rIng of torts referl'Od to afte~ It bad, are reQulre!1; ror atudeDU thlll period to photogrllpb It. ,n. rewlt .at • a18o. Clvll1U1Uo.ll.t:sJlcompiLC1Ol'aanlza- thought the snllr\! audI ence was look- see 'blm ; h'e was bolllpg ",·\tll wrath- beatell the armies of France. . ,may 'be shortened to one ~e~l'. In Oer- J)eauUCul plctur.e kept :In .the famUy, tlOD. for pr~ser ..!Ag Ail 1lIe unIte ~d:O In~ at hIm. He nt've r, for a mom ent longing for reve n·ga. AS bl!.l!tood Lhere Atter t~e last war . wltb Germany, many all , Ible-bo(\led m~~ IItc I~able unin , ODe day, ~~er' readloc .•• 'lttal' bind cbe wboleDl"r.e IlrmlY together, It connected ""ve ,got my ey. on 1011" I vl Dg 10 aevise 60me melln. ot givIng Francemalleallhaltl!tocreclstr..ongtoservJCe. be.tweentheuges. ~f..17-:lDtlfromllOmeonelDQnlrIn. . . . .. to ,..lao ' . . •. . . 'h l h r. . . ' <, .5 years' tbree yelrs' no!t1.\'O sorvlclt .,.. 18 not exactly cilildty whIch does tblll, with tbe concert In Ihe air. to 9. . C expresSi on 10 hIS oUlraged reellngs, Mr. " " d f I oJ tit' wrote the Postum and Grap..Nuta ad:" . but modern mutua! ald through every he tad In trod ue~d the girl to re~d \teyer t.came conscious that lome one .a re ,requ. re dOt cava rym:n tabn IlT - Yert1silments, Mr, POlt -Mld:.- to .hJa lerymcn, uo . " '0 years 0.0 erS; 8 t u- , • , 'b tl c\ th " by gain bel' . : 11 . .. I kl d' . ' . ,. COnl,'eh'Llble form of operuUon, whl~'~ er e!l'o sm, ap . e, e . . WllS walt I n~. blm: 3n" .00 og aroun , denla may 1I""e th eir term reducQ,1 to W:lfe: :'We recelye , 10 many 111_ . . 0 'oes to the noll1t . of presen' lug Bood will . To Mr. Mey er Ibat- .non· be saw Ro.e nlllal. orl Hosenlbal com· ,. . ' qUlrle~ t,>f thta ilJDd, th~t It 1. eve I': el!r~ dwas but a bappy Ihought Ibat paoy r.cardlng h Im wllh an amused one yer.r, . . evideDt .some people are curlouis tt> ,burdensome unIts, wblc.b. A::lUl neyer Ten- . I pose 81..... "'as rorvO\"rl'a ' II' ID nllmbers;. It \Voultl Beem GermaDY k ' I ' " serU'1 IS Py '" . . ' sm e. .j d th b ' I r t . now, 'Suppose ·we . at , Ule IAdvertlalq I del' Illifl!lrlnl lUlsls\.rulc.e.. but h e never losl 61g bt of h is .cheme "So \' Mey ii r " sold MI'. lb al, ~ tr' °hY~ ~, vaulT ge, ut ele rta n I eald1irbes dOllartment hays ' that picture'. Of your. . h i ' cl b ' ., . , ,0 I " .. rene prellure( neS!! s IOU e . " , Oeronlm~, th.e Apache cblllCtnin.. re- to Rtla ch I h~ Ir. t a l p al e t e " I He n you Vl atc!:en her-vlaat )'OU bron ht forwnrd . Since the (HsasLromJ ' hund to 'print !lnd 'lllm!J It · 'A Helplac - I' - es 0 " muc.b. mall as u . Unllcd Stale" p inna 10 .Ih" Ineree s ct tbe ' bouse o r I. ~ l1lk~ 01 dfr gal vh I plnys dcr 1Il00' war ~f 18.7Q'1 tbe mpllbl lc InR roeon_.II H.R;nd.''' ~MI'8. Po8~ ' hal ~sslsted Wul' ~, ,~ Meye r & Len' Ie' " .' , ., In PI' par tI f . f tti mon f ' sen:1l0r. Tbese letlers ~ODIO !rom a il . . - , , S" . s trlreted hel' army !n ~ man'n ur notbe a \In a 0 a, aHo ,lr,O(lped Inlo the d~pa r , :nen t (1 .. 1' .. be glrs m" a calC.! " s ai d Mr. ~I ey · ing short of mUf\'c l ou~, Ili army 'ma- l mous advel'tl8ementa.) , , '. pllrlll u (· the t:llltcd SUites IW'" [rom All dny and ~ 1\' I r.~t\e Illanlst a lO:le .. r. wl : 1l :t: Of P, Ir UIII ' IOliC lib iq lende(\~ no euvcrs or r~ceht YOM!; .Il has h~(:n . There '.Vas a natural, .br~ from \'Ia.Il~e~ or peopie. , ·Many oC t1)em conta.ill I;\t t ~e .COUlll~r ~ elecllr.g m·.:sl c. M! 5 ·' Y ~.~" asi:e'j ~l r . ~O!b ll\bal, piay', s hown th at Frnn.ce haa ' reaily n body I tbe . p:Ubllclty,. but with un"'agrileml\lit ' .. tor plwt.ognljlhs, lllJUIy WUlll Mc~al:~ WIIS n~Whe r ~9 lJe $~en ,. ;\l r r~: : )" . " . . or me n no t only l'ceptlonull>' well thu~ DO' nnmll WOUld" aCl!Ol\l~lUl)" , tlie m ere ly GllI'onlmo's lll).togrupb., .some ~l e )H s h ~a rl \~ a t fas t Ne re,t he " Y ou' h",r ll ea nll." said i\1r.. ~I cyer. "'1 .lrllle'l ~ [)IIt .men ,ometiling ,more .than plclure, Ita UI" W'as ~ted. . wan ~ bort. a ct: u nt~ of his i:Ie, a f!'w hnd n"l a mom ~ nl In 108e. w i~h In,~r ~ i\,.l r.g· u rllanl\y, "tblll they , ml' r o milr lllnns ; "till'. tl'l)OI1.' h,n' a nod T~e . cuse ,W8ll pre.,oDteil, In .the ligbt., desi re t'o assist JJ1m Ju securi ng relense The g! 1'1 paw IIi ~ coming gre eted ' g \[ til' , 'lI e~ be,, !! .. uc,wadl d ~ r st reed" fortl'esaes : on ber troutler; but. tbere ' as ll y II.O ned dOlllii.• rnil nS()l!ct, whlcb ot ext~Ddlng. n wet'comlDg , ~nd . to t.!1e: fi'~ru Jnlt'iUlrr cuSWdY> others want blJU him . wlltl Il .~m lle, 11 long s!<! el" lsE ,. "I ' m ~ \Ir~ yo') tIIJI\ ~ a. mI3Iake·. ;\-te,· hav.e been such ehanges Ip nrtiltery Is PC I' I", I t1. :Jot ~o · Ilretl.\' troln tile ' trlends o~ 1'OSt\ltu· and G rape-Nuts, ItO ' 1.0· po. e us un .illraoUon in eustern .ex- look, sj\ld: "Helio," n!ld ..oon :I(j :I~ :J ber er. ' (\ 0; la~1l , 0 'I ' mi t 0 !Inc rtc· 'a nd metho~s ·of warCiue, t4ese ono- I pt;rel.):, t;p~ell\~'ul,ar ~~:nl 'o("lcw', .bnt Ul~ Jllat~re ap,Ponrod aD. th Q ~~ckO?\'. hlbltiollS, 'sume ·wa.ut bln:l as a )cadlJ:1c "~IP~t1\> n . O:1: I::e:1 I) " time s.t roo ghplds now , are practi ea Iy . whIch. one can lrallgllll) I ~ hi: ~el"lida"t ... [I'IS,~t IDllny, o~ , the ~aDUIlI'1 ~d polY! : ha rn lei' in wild we.sLshoWSUJld.all.lul" V~lI . ho\\' you are fn · day' " "I 'm 's':J rb ri$e!!, '!':osenlhal;: tllat you valueless. 'Tbe. ' wrlter' just 'Quoted · cd to thp surprlHr.s 0'1 (1 !It.l'~;;S of 'war:' rUllJ'\)' Ulogazlnes and became GI!",nte» . IlllHleut olher r equilStll w·e.SlI\Ckci! away "OUl." o t sl "III!" Sbu b ~ g e !l b b Uill are so ea . j' tall ell, in . Don tl t you know . calls att&nt\!ln to the fa('t that the .· Th . mlln bdl lQ(i ' tho 'g u n•. Temnlns 0' mllll01l8 of people_ , . , in all old·truuk. 'The liwlJ: iI'as reached an air SOD1? .~~ : ;!I(i wroll: Id' lor her r • aim. o~ the .m odem tact.lclan Is'· no t ' to Impo,.~ :leo c,lo!n : In" til III un,l 'hili" li!;e; . MlUlY artists have. cqmme,nt.ell UltC?D' ". ~ ~ ' . l}.'." ;\!I' M p)'ui' iool;oll 1J ::':'~t. oa \: · , :,' \, a a., a :! .~ nll!<I ~OS:Il,~ h al . ,' Shakln!! . defe~d a fortre:u" but to occUpy ,POSI' I WO S,bOIlI", ~:i)', 'T/'melllber lllli\ tho , I~R: It llS ,probnblr, the !poat perfel1t H,lln" , Ibe o(ber day \\'JIE!II a m~ in Mlclllgu.n, Uo usly. " )' 01 1 f hOllld lJl . y Dl::; re :J ~ ~~ ,. ,'JI .. I SUo Jlre~<~(1 mil lh, some mana· I tlons which nre s ~rong ' bO lh ' tram a. sons o! .tb' nUMO .•JallilncRo \\'n1'. ot 8U' ID the world" ' :;er Vl 'lt v:J'JI'! Sit llc r $50 l'eek 111 '1\ pbys lcal and . st:ate~lc ' pOlpt of vie\~' l nr\lme Imllorlnu,~p'. . . , . T,~e advert1!Jlng d~Pt; 01 the POHW1~ !;{\'I ng 11.18 US" u.s 45; w,otl' (J.IId asked moo si~," Ceronilllll to tlnd an IndIan wlte tor b.lm. " Wlly sh.nulrl I'" , ~O :H' H O\lr , " ' . Let U8 make &pme eo mpstl~on at .' "' mbe Frc'ncJI are oCI'O ulltcd to f)PSSes8 Co. dl~ .no\ ~eem :able to resist lblt • The I,,(lll l' W OI' wfine D lnall...e,rJousne:lliI " Be, a use ," said Mr. M!,j·pr . eo1rr.. " ! \'!l\l ! ~ :l ' I, !:t C her Iblr,d ty cend!s !" tbe nati onal defense o.f. tlie t"!'l.o nS- l tbe tln'cat nrtlll~r)' Ill ' the " '1)1'\(1. anti temptation to enllet the t:u~lb81\)' o(uu, .. aDd asked fu r I nl~elllatel'~,!IY. estly. ")'.ou know rOll i;~ ~ Jj ;!o c c:~'!! · ~I r· ~1 ~ )'ClI' vehcm'e u·l ly.. tlons. We . learn . t hat. France has • tho meohanlcal qenlu s Ot' t.h~ nntlo.n III public, .by retraining from I;lvlng tb .. U8 der fa " o r " e l'oul<1 ma ke 1:1 "r~b R>.e:l·!I,a! ,:xp: olled. ~.b.o~t 2,600,000 men a\'allabll! for ,. 0111· ),-cknowh,dgCtl. ·: F rnnc~ b'lIs )~d III all- ' , of . the . owner wbeu ~bel l>ibl\I\'O " Au IlUlla.1l l'eiJaeill or- Telln~ hlllJ YOll r irlll\(" " " Oll ~'I oy.e r! ·Ho .. 110. !It,!y er!·'' h~ I' Itary d~ty. Germany abont . ' 3,~.OO,qoo. I t.omoblUllg. n~d,, 1 nu t: Ijl,lbmllri!le nav- appeared, but ,stl\tM thl\t : the 'DUm8 lIet'.I1 hayi ng' u tol/Meo ' d(sp utfl 'VIto " Otl. · nn. ye ll wouldn:t." 8111J Ib n g~r'l, !l?lyle ll. ''' \,,,. ~,o , ~Ieyer!" , Th& Davy or F.rance . has ranked neXl I iga~lon. 'I' lln cllnn1r : b Idt l!nsely ~ould be gLveD later ID one oUbe Di'i WIO:ongr '~~mllJl John \Vesli!)' Galncs" and qul l'ldy. ~I r '~loy er wn. P4qllc. He took on ' thu of Grelt BrItaIn , b)lt recelltl~· o"r' [ Il\OdCrn, OSlj~A~eS n a-or,t IIro~ra~s!\'l'! paper announcement., thul ileeklp\J to .Ih,.eatctl ti ' 0 l}efea t .tbat gentlelll&ll at . \'h,y vOUlrlu't ve ~" a s k ~ d ~Ir \f e~" hi,; I: a ~ nne! mOP.l>e(1 hIs bllld head , mon)' h'aa boc)} takIng ·suco ·. gI1l8nll\: army. , Induce the renders ~ look forllnd 'J'cntl Ib" neXI ~o ngrI!s!lIonal .eleClIDn. qu er. hll:-:lo (I!OI )' - \I : ,I~ :;lj 0< ;'cuil ze,1 tbnt (be musIc strldp.s In navy tJlIbulldlns (F"8n~e NO.t tbo lel\st part ot her progresll In the fortheoinlng.dvertll~meDtstO\.ellrl:a \le:lrl ll~ u! tllis Mr. Olllne!j ..e:uarketl 'f.l ~ca use I wouldn't let r'jl! ; ~ e!" II ad s\o:l::ed , HI' bad forgot~n thai I k e(lt by flnnnc1al ressoDs ' "from lII(e I tbl! Ilrt of war !II hor p~I'rCCu\)g of the the name at the OWDer. ,G0IIlJy : "n",feat mo ? Why, \C !luu lipSbl' ~mphll '!'~ed her. \\'ordJ wit h a b.! III 1l0 ; wish the g Irl t~' lIee hIm. r rapid' progress) that It . seeDl8 hI . a I'OID mlss·nrlot department of t he srm,., This . comblnation d art aDd ClQm. I ar.llioll .1\1 ~,II'S ill my dtstrlct I Will ·n"~I.l:tnd ...~n i~f,p1\d e ~ 1 Wblnl, .r'" 'fh f !l hr: h ea f-,I II , brllll :ant prelnde, few .short yea·rs the Fren~h lill\,), ,,:\11 In el.cvatlng It to Itl' (lroper vlll.t:e. An . merce and the multltud. · of, Inquiries I kill bl I . IIr. .. d'· "eyer, 8 C CODt ou..... He i tl '.\' \JJ~ 'Grow:1 pre8s el(),!\e and sbUI he o.utranked by' her 'lInci4mf o(\'l.'my. oOlcer In ch arlie ot ~ upplles can glvl! furnlsh!!s a~ excellent 1Ilultratlon OUM :;hoo! hlul t u\! ?f il:.'iC>I ~n( . m. wI b moek liObr!cly. "bow's : b,) on- her in Iro m view. ;\lr. ~,!)'eT made a A recent nrtlele ID I,a 'Revu c AI,oue 8et8 com mnnrlS C:'\'ltb ln "ertnin limIt!:!. 10 Interest the public takett II, lhe.peruona.1 will Ilhllllt luJ} of IKI.lIs uud kill hlf;11 leer : lo!,,. [l .. tlll1~ Oil ? " 'lash ro ~ t he ' elevalor . 1'09 I'I~! HE t,o rth ' in vlgoronll t ermi! 11.11' cuml/lJ lJe SlIrel I to" ,a ll offir(!1' r l)mmllllfllng" otld tam~y nfe ,of large ,,,allu(4cturet:;t ' ('\'o!ry oJit Y Cur a week It t. ecess:u·)·." "r "!)"r ~o :I' I' !oor ?" Ja81 11\! 5sed il. Anrl Ihe I!"lrl' !.bllt played tor.m!dablllnl'!s o.f th/! . knl"SE'r's · l1 R';'V, lig hting ' torr~. Th~ Ii' re nc:h comTlI-'3r' whose nD,tne8 beeolll' hOllsehold ~ord~ ;;~,,·t'ly C(Hll rnlsera e lllC geo.lcmnn uf1~r I ." YOII k. o\\' .. " ' IC h B 'nor!, "~ha ,oild lbe J)lan6, wiql A tnu.' b ne~er EO nv. the relat!\'e "'Aa!men ' or f'onnr... A illt ,Il!partment of t!lr :!rmy i~ u! blJrh. through ~euslve aad IlODUIIUOU"· • hiI'<I <I" y," ~"I rl C,,. It;:·'!I!SlDIlU t~mn pnll"-""Il'J I in It?" IdOI;~ IJrol:e IJJlo: I trllnslatlon or a \lO~ti\lJ\ ('( L!''i iIIilcle "t ••fl!chmry, Donncem8ntItIlIDIWlpapera8114parlodloo , ~(.:ou~ I "~, Wilt) ~ lvull nead,y, . • Ar • .)'ou In Id 1"-", ,reat lIallt "I've got eye 011 'o:~ool" I II blTewlUr glveD: 'j t.;HllHITOi'UER WEDIS1'.c:H.. kalI.
, The Miami Gazette.
The Girl at the Music Counter
IS the' French· N'ation P d repare for War W1-th Ge·rmany 7.
Peril alii lie WII~ ' a o!!\\\ ,Stiver. hope MA V NO a~ ELE~l' NTS. I 80. for his 8111{~. 1'ho Little Woman ' ~ IHtlllment Wll8 'nterestlng. Facts About the OI'iIl'Ui ot no aVllil. He wa~ good · naLured, of T wo Most P"Bclous ••JaRln OF 'ADEm "OMEI but ~e was fil'D! . ' He W:l ~ ulso IngenJ. Metals, OUIl. He suggested tlUlL another check ' By' ALBERT BIGELOW PAINII Mrs. PInkham.. AclYlc:e Ssvee ~ny for Ihe correcl amount ' woul,1 eet About, lWO yen ~~ l\g~ l~retlerlck Sod. , . From $hia Sad and COIIU,. kpertence. cverYtblng Htral ~~ht.' If the mlssus dy. ·uu lOuglisti physlclsL, observed (Ooprnllbt.,I\IOe, b,.r_I,1i k. 110,,1... only had ano thel' cbeclt .!lOW. slla.. LlulL.lI. g u.a...IiUllch pr~.ved to bo ooiliu It Is ,uRil butOur Ilew a~dlllon \\[ilS complete, bat could wl'lto It to Ut the IlGures of tile · wa~ given 1/11' [rolU mdlulU under elr. lC!ll,...tJlln fact th at we never QUite seemed to get tllrough bill. Cum6.lnn~es 8u~geij L1ng thnt It WIl8 c-ey year Ralera Thall Bleed ·the Peop1e - One That Shared with The.-. I. paying tor It, - A Ilumber 'or .tImet, , 'rho Little Woman b~s!tated. Sll~ Benol'ated by lUa diSintegration of tile brillgS' a n I D C7ea. •• I.n the ~1l"11 we t~ougbt w,e had settIed tile bad nover beea sllowed to ' perform laLtel' elemon t. SUbsequontly ' Sir WIIIn nat f~e Laud Cost of ,Liying Made hcu,in. nlDllbe1:'otope~ · lut and final bit at OUI' lIabllltles, a (hl$ especIal and Raorod rile, though lIam Itnmsuy mllde Lests hleh led ____ I. tio_ performed DBW demand would be presenteu, a she had sIg ned almos t every other ·klnd him tli the same conctus lo . Slnc, upoD women ill n.", hydra head to be SDwlteu olf, ,a of paper. Crom a recell1t for a load of tIlal limo a number of lines of ex perl· our hospll.aJll. n6,.. WOund to be sea;'ed over aod for- coal to a firat mortGllge. wll h coupona. went bearing ou .. tile posslblllty of . Morelnanofthree~ A, wrIter who b,UI l'e81lled In the r e- low Blnnl'o'H eXllmp l~ or dharln g th~ gollen. A bIg brace tor tbe 'tall new A check sCtlmed or lees Importance lralismut8tlon have been opened . .01111 public aud made c'a rerul study of oouth e peOplt' . ' Jiylng' , chimney WIIB an "extra,," of course. tban these. Besides, a" new cheek ot these was designed to find out Cres po retired trolD omce In ravo l' th0lll8' snowLikewise the storm windows and a would leave a llalallce a. a starting whelher radlulll waM derived trom dlUons there. reportli tha~ Venezuela new pat!lnt dllmper tor the rurnace, poInt ot a lJew accoun~. We were u , urlln!\1m. A second Is described by ought to be the rlc:hest and most popu· of Andrad tl. lout Andrn'le \\',, ~ nOL III· whlte .belle ant women e.lld g:irls who guaranteed to save anywhere from one. why not? Mr. SOddy In the latest 1lI8ue or Na- lous country In nil Soutb America: lowed to mall1l.aln the pres Id ency, i\ an: a1\l1tItID8'wrecovorlng.fTGOl>~ a ccollnt of Its varied climate, Ils rev olu tion broke O\lt, and CMlio rn ' III! tions made negleot. . ' nlne to, nlnety·nlne per cent. of the Slle told me IIbout It ,wben. 1 got ture to reach this country aod grew on welllth Jor tropical and subtropical bold to tnl(o tbe lead. Conco rnlnr: Every OIIe of these patlellia lIad · coal uBed. and to supply at lea8t dou· home: It seems' she had certain mls· · oUt of his suspicion that gold also ~ectyof warDhl'g-Cn that bcarli:w'dowu ilia the heat. The flpark·screen. and· glvlogs ily that tlme-proilably the might be both a product of a dillerent products, Its e xcellent position In the Castro nnd the prescnt Olltlnoh for f~lInl!'. paln.t tao left or right.of the extreme north of the conflucnt. But prosperIty, one Is le,1 to conclude nlltt abdomoD. nerTOIlB olrhaustlon. pain ill irons. and olb~r adl\lIicls for the ftre- promptlng8 of a sub,coDsclous .mem· element a nd the parent of tbe otllel'll. It Is not llJ!1 richest undo Illost popu, Castro's zea l to pile tip for pcno nal the BIIIaU of the- back·, pelvlo clilianb. "lace-these, teo. were outside the ory of banking matters and a OIIshler'i . TI:e first step Iu 8uoh an Inquiry. ot · contract, and a good deal essler to .buy arbitrary requirements 11;1 the matter COU\'ljI). would be to accumulate a ault- loils country by Dluy means ; "011 the gain a greate r Hu m tban tlie eom· 1 e\iuruess. fiatur_ey. ·dlspla.cemamlll or contrary. Ven ~uela's tradc and popu- billed Blun 0 al)rl Crespo s po·Us. Is Irregnhnitles. AUl)f these lIylDptOms than to PllY for, even when lhe buy- of cbaracterlstlc signatures. It WRII able amount of gold and conIIne IL 80 latlon ha ve In ' rE,cent ),eal's qctllllily equal ed onll by his ability to mBko are hldi:catiGD8 of an unhealthy eoning meant mousing About In dusty an- tQo lat!' to do anrthlng that night thut II 'gas were evolved tile quanUty deciln ed. while 11 ~lr rel1utnt!on ubread bItter f' lll'm les wilb foreign nstl'oo><. dltioD of the {e-.Ie orl!'aos. nndU nottlquo stores. and the paying a simple Toe bank was closed long ago, . and I anrl character could be determilled. " . . h eNe(l Ute trouble may mllko headway dId not thlnl! It wl\le to spend tba I SOf rapid Is tbe transformation wblch has Bunk so low that neither capital Not cont lit with dCfylng 11)(' u!llet! until the penalty' has to be paic1iIPy'a, · matter of drawing e. aheck. ner Immigrants oa n be alll'Bcteli ttl powers that blocko derl the Venez uelan dllngeroll8 oporllotlon, and n.lHethue of It Is easy to draw checks wben tbe night In I.o,!klng up tbe president or ra d!ulU .'undergoes that results. can be coast In 1003. 11e lias forccd th e Unit · iml'lI.~ed U8e1ulne88 at best, whU. 10 .accobnt Is replelll- In fact. It Is raeher eveD the .cashler. to explain. hud III a tew Idays. · Inusmuch as .gold her shorcs." It wns In the (lnY8 of' Oen. Gu zmuD' od Stlltes to IlI ke a ction to I1roloct tI'e monv cases 'ho results are fatal. . a . pleasllre to do 80-1 am sure the I don't tblnk s he s lell t. a gre~t deal. Is uPIJar'lnt1y not a rudio ' actlve metal Blanco for eign capital recelver1 Invlta- rlght.s of her cl.t1z~ftS and, 60 fnr trom l\lissLne.UaAdams.ofSeattlo, W'aeb••. Llttlo WO~lin used to regard. me with She Qad some Idea Lhat an officer It would be safe .to ussume that If It tlon to Iltart enterpristl!l In Vcnez ucla. r ~ a r ln g n 1'l1 ptllro with .ono Or 011' of writes: .all admiration aklll to aIVe as I care· would ' be waiting .d own stairs In the dlslnLegrates ut all the process must Giln. Blailco was 81 man of gretlt for e these powers. st!e ms almost IlillC loU8 lo Dear ?>lrt!, PlniduuD>- . Icssly filled In lhe ligures and name morning, and that she would never , be extremely slow. and uliller him V,enezuela enjoyed an renew hos tll!tl ~~." . Tho lolest CilRtro "About twO'yoo'n ago I ",.. a gt'OIIt: m'· 01' paye~. and sfgnell my Damo wltb a lqok on ol}r Precious Ones or her sil k , Ol",·Jously. then. the more raw ma- era ot wonderful presperltY. He be- aCl Of fl lp lomncy Is the mo ye all aln ~l tererCrom a. 66.. ,,1'8 temaletrouble. poJllS 8IId Ileal Oourlsh on the lillc helow. WAist again. I onsoled her with the lerlal Mr. SOddy Is able to procure to , herulacJtl'8. Tho doctor preacrl bed Cor me nnel gan rule In 1870 nnd rul ed about 20 the F'nmc.l . l!nally told rile that 1 hrul a tumor and must I sllppo&e sbe ' wondered why I Dever· s~gge8t1on tbal. while Ignorl\n c~ of bogl.1 with the sooner he may hope for years- a long rellgn tor tbe heall ot At present conditions In the cOlin· undergo nn,.,perntioD;lt I wll}lt.ed to get , ..ell I ~ L her 'do It, and .very likelY consld· lhe law was regurded 118 no excuse, apprpciable res ults, and he alludes on- a South' American land, or COl1rll It y arc In a deplorabltl state It looks r Celt tl~ this WWI my dootli WBrl'nllt'jbllt I 'erud me 'selfish In 'conservlng to my- the~ were oertain extenuating clr· vlous ly to lhe stores of It 1.0 tile vaults of dolltrMl tor niedloo. help but thehWlllre<1s tumor kepi! growing. Fortllnntely I In tb e end be WEIS deposed anLi cne- 28 t hOl,ll;1h th e Dill. prneperlt • could be• IIpOnt sl!lf this Important and ratner agree- cumstances-that I tbougbt tbe Pre· of lhe .. Bank of England. ml es heaped 'call1\11ny on \tI s head . I'e ' Itlr ~d by nothlns short ot a mlr' corAl8)'1Ondlldwft;bo"",auntlnthcNewEnglt\ud IIble duty, thougb I did Ijot'tblnk ot ClOU8 Ones would hardly be grown. r Mr. Soddy gives to the readere of but talte 'It all In 1~1l ·Blan co did mn ch IIcle. OutsIde entorprl se · tR dlscnllr. BIAW., Rnd &ho ndv11!etl me to take J.ydJa l:.. lh .s at the time. . and tbat the S.lIk wal9~ might he In Nat ut'f- no hint of lho element from for the progress ol~ the country. . . Ins Ide en t erllrlso . l'fnkbnm'a VagolAbl& Compound, a8 It ...... .aged on every hand. Bald tocu.,..tumOI'8. ldl!\aollntllmmodlately It presently became lells agreeable. fa$bloll a~aln by th e time sbe re o which be tuncles that gold has . been His llrat Btep ,wns a most wl~e one. see ms to btl non:extstent. It Ie a' fino begnnto.improvo.lnb\lJ\ltb,nndlwlUlontirely Wilen the tblrd 'figuro of OUI' balance turned to gladden our hearts once derh'ed, Wbat Mr. Soddy did In bls seeing ' to the stl'engthenlnG of lhe OIlttlc country but the ' cattle rulser II ' eurod\ tho tumo~ dlaapltO/lrfng entirely. witbwan~d Into the l1erspecUve lInW It more. Stili. there was 'an uncertainty Oth~l' experiments was to watcll tile , . . out· nn opern~loD_ I wish ever.!:' 811!1'Orln~ · h~came a tbln line that would bllcome about the outcome tbat mado tbe process of 'evolution and try to esti. '----:---·----~---=:;;;r.:~::J.f~~~:.w.(1'\·;;r,'i!i'!!.r:llr,r.)i:J!'~n womllJlo would tryUlis ifrent preparstion." r Just lIS surely as MIsS Adam!' was ,a yo.nlshlng point at the leQ.llt · toucb. bright morning, lhe new. waist, and mate tile rate at which It toOk place. qured of the troul/les enuweratc.d 10 the construction of a cbeck beoeme a our general lISSortment of . furnishing He was Iliore successful In bls obser- . her letter, jllet 80 stirely wi1l Lrull1 E. serious matter. It was no longer.llgllt· goods lIB ash es .to the Lltlle Woman.. VatlQUB ot Ibe genflratloq ot helium Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cure 1y 'conceIved and carelessly put , ' t,o- Shoo was sorry now. ,She wlsbed shs tram radium tban In those Which othel' women wbo suffer trom fegelher. willi decorative scro.1ls at the had let me buy tbe chair. We . had ao sou~t evidence o't the production of male; trou1)les. infia.mJll.a tion, lddney end. like a spring lyric. It bo.\!ame a oarly break.fIlBt. ' / rUdlum from uranium. but In neither troubles. uervOu8 'o:lloitablUty o"·ner-. VOllS pr08tr8ltion.. " l\tlns ot roretl1dl!gbt Md reOcctlon- . The banker regarded me r,;,tber cusl) did he 'appear to Imagine lhat' he 10 ' be wrought at last wi th a grav", dig· doUbtrully when.. I had finished mT coulLi huslon tile change. He does Mrs. Piitkham illvitea all young' women·VIdloal'e III to write hor tor free nlly that savored of the· ej lo's solemn ;statement. He had kaown me on ~th not show any faith. eIther, 'n the posadvice. , She· is daughter· of t los_with tbat feeHng or · sadness ·sldes of tbe ledger tor some time, but . slbl h ty of hurryiag nature. even It Lydia. E!. Pinkham an'd for twcnty·five . und"longing tuat marks . the end of th,l.s was a new phaHe. the ancestry of gold were once dIs. yea1'8 h8.s )leen adv.lslng sick womCD 1!\oh and every waning bl,lance lo ·the You say your-eh, houselteoper COvcred. hClo of char~e. Addre68. Lynn. III!I-Bs. bllnkor's' t'tll: . . ,. made a Qheck, wltbout a full :know~ . Hance tbe only praotical result of . As I· was lIaylng. ou~ balance became TALES 01' THE .TOTS . • feature at conSideration. even dla· lbe IJlQulrle~ wblch . he now proposes, ~uaslon. Tbere ""er' 0 . a good ·mIlDY· sUPD(J~lng them tp be successful. would . ~tbln '"' ""e sUII .DftftAed .. In.· the ...ay ot pro ba bl y ",,0 t 0 In f orm t h e war Id "Dear! Dear! Willie. can't ,you ' ba ,,- ... an'd ' decoraUo """ . ns. now tbat whoth ~r -t bls me"", •• , Is be Inil' .ma",u facgood for II quarter . hour?" . . · furniture , of' a n'" tu rell In the "nr us t of th e IIa r th as fftat ""L Clla. fa. n a ' \lUli,r ter of a dolla~ mao ~ur bllbJtaUon:.wae our liking. We .... 'a IM . 'n,!!eded nlo·l· hes, Whe, n we . sat as It dtsJ~tegrate8.' If producUQn ex... , ~ ' It Fned (11.1)' tlifl' concert)-T.h at manl wn In our. rather Imposing' rooms (n ee ed ed d II cay. It wou I"u d" e"reo Iate. · ·"0'~ ... must ba'Y,e' a. taste ' (or music. ~nlch tbere were a · few good old I ..the re was no Cdo 8pIcuous diN.. erence, , pUIlII. " ~cnS ot tUl'l)lture. and sOme ·truly; an- ' hftt . which the two Papa- Which .man, Freddie?" JlI "" wee II t h e rates at 1.1... c . ... . '·)II"' '''' ll ST·O IIL' .'; . l' ~ .~ • . proCllllses went on Ibe vallie of tile • ~ ~ " .. '" "Why, the .one who ./11 ' try ng· to. tlQua rup, the tact .hat' our apparel metal would remaIn unaltered. .8walioVol tile trombone." 'Was , al80 good and old ·.dld 'Dot give. I · __ . The Queslon whether or not sll. ~vernmeDt'; alld tbllt b·ls work was greatly balD'\)ere(! by'the several. . ilia.. plell 'u re "- tbe T 'I ttle -oma·n " , W~·-e OJ,ailmoi· n· disagreeable , ver ! . • I . I ' .put on 601ld foulldatlons 1/1 proven placed on each 8nlmal; a government Mnmwa.-oli, denr! 9 a derlvqt ve has recenUy . . . Margl!' •. It dOll't She be , ~ ~ been under discussIon by correspood, by thO . length of IlIille lle wes. mnslcr ring cll ntrols the export trade. the bellev8- ~u. kD()W wbat .It 18 ' to be about It one day, when I .was arguing eots ot nature. Dr. Donald MUrray -not .all the 20 years prllsldent.. but breeders often are forc ed to sell be. • ood: 'for Ii new ;c!lalr. all(l declared tb • .t we and Dr.; Norman R. Campbell regard all .t be Ume hIs the dlreotlng h'oad., low cost. ..mie , planter Is hampered./ Utllo Mnrgl&--Yea. r do • ..m8m~L ' .Iooked Uko t.r amp.s tbat had .gcit In the a980clutlon of that metnl with ,lead ; Tbe gov~rnmenl IItable, Blauc,o Invlt· .lIkewlsa. hy the- tax·gatherer. and! the ' I:t's not .dolng the tblllgll Y!ln i~t to , 'hlle ' the tojka"weri! away. til gale~a ' sug~estlve ot. 8ueb·.' " : pOS81- ,led the forelJD cal~ltall.t t~ enter the p.r~gresB· ot h.Ia 1ndustr.y kept. bal!k db•. , 1 'atlll uiged tJie C)h~r. I said tbat bUll-y. Unfortunate'y. the ratio be- rlch. lleld ot Vene:mela. to 'explolt t)le Iiy tbe frequent revollI.tlons and hig)I .1 do~he. were a lJIat~er ot dlaplay. 11Il~ tW.llen the amounts f tbe two ele. minerai rel!Ource8, hu,ld railroads. ' prlco o~ la~r . . The trader and I 1m. Mlimmai-Why, Jobnny .. ' YOII' "v. "IInlty. AIM. that they were tran8lellt· menls f ou nd In th a t'. Q . o~n· cons·trnct ported cannot ,tell from day to daq. . eaten mOJ:o than your sbare. of tour oro var Ies enor" .banks, . I " public .' works. d fi .. ' . lh h I . Id b and tleetlDI': while II car wou e moul'ly . . It 18 Ilot un tbrm. like that enpl'lI In an.y PUr11U t tbat aeeme t. wbat ta.rur modIfications may be. berries!. . • . . ' the·rt of, a lIfelJme . .W,bereupoll bet",el'n the tltI \ . f · ·t I tlng. He grail ted lIlleral concessioos, made. The. mfner brtn&s In bliJ' ma- l Johnni)<'-'Dbat. all rllht, m,lIIm .. tbe, ·Llttle and ra dl um I·nQuanlt .....- capltDl1 poured In. . Vene· chlnery -eat 'COfIt and dlsadtall. IlJUnnfu, ate' most. of the. ' cak8iJ_ .tol • •. . . Woman' /ltated th .that tb~t "S . HE'S ' REALLY ONE OF ';''''Ii ....~ p ch' beISen dOe. uBranldum es es. j. and forol . .. e' . . • were certaln prmeota at· were no FA JoHLY.'.' sliver. as well as gold Is tound lri . a I zuel,a saw ' good times. , toge-the transportation .facl"tlell'lll88ter~.. ,. .. ' ustd for eIlap!'ay, 8lI:cep~ In m~azlne ' . , ,' i . " arle ' • . . Detractors . that ar08e In courRD of are wr~tche!l, therc,are only 600 mill!. _. __ , . , adverU.,e ment.,. and ' tbat ·theBe as ·well . I.e.d~e ~t th.e. s,~ r ou~nesa attachioc to v t) ~f combl~atl~nsi .' • '[he;e facts tlme pointed til tbe personl\l gains of railway ' In ~hc country-sets IIp''lIf1. "w'h;y; dt" YOU want Ii. IICItti .left In. :as. the chat.r w\lre mattei'll of comfOrt, t!l.e . s.lgnln~ ..of' names In. that 11l'Omil!- ~e.;:r ~PSC no t!tl~ ule ~ ~tnl b tp enjoyed by tbo I,~ader. and delilared ·machlnery. brfngs In hlB sklillld' la' r'c)lIr room. when yO\l go 1;0 bed;, lIfarY'. ,!n:d needed a B<!Od deal more. Sbe 111- c.u~us ~ay. . . . :. tli:y '8~~:;iy a::Cre.dlt I~ S~II 'as that tlie conces810n:! ~e granted were b.o~. 1!:I .abollt I'ndy to begin operatlbg 1nsked. ,,,ElJiIe'1i m(jtl~er. " . YO,I& ( . • Istoo tbat we ha4. laid out enough on 1-) es. that R about· It. . ' . • altogeth!!r too . IIbsrs!. But , Blanco. when. lie receivel nollce !If a new min" alrald.1 "1lI0. lDlUDmu," .replled 'El'sl61; '" wallt •~xl"'neouI: l,*urlel!" tor. one' year. ~lId ... 1 was , c~verln~ ~he ~Ittle Womao. ~11~ektd ~urth,er r~:ar!lh, ~ hint at It ho dId become rlclter by a Bcore of Ing cod\!; . "1'earlls to his disgust that .' 1l\atltllere were _ fe" ..thlnga we ~Ight ' 14enl~,ty .!l0d -. .l",Qk ot. knowl~ge, not ~J( nl s tn9t tl out va~e. .' ~ mlllfons SPCllt lavlshl), and with will' a hlglier tax bas been levied UPOllI t.he It BO, D cap see to 11'0 to sleepl:" ; " oreSO·· to \Ie decently c;lad . al.together. unnatural to lbe sex, but i d p:rb~;: 8 e aldve to e r~gtn dom fo'r ' bls natllon; be estahllsbell , output. ~'D'd; per.h aps the very porb ofl __.';;'_______ _ &ylng the Amm\U1itloll. , . To do the· t:lttle WOmall -· justlce, I . w.lllch· , ~teJt t.h at ;be. u .a.. b.anker•. an . 6 a . y 0 go are mor~ n er- schools and colleges, endo"fet1 acado Bhlpmeltt' clianged:'" say tti t I bellen ,her, genera/· ten. mlg\.i~ rel\ard ,w.!th scorn.' ,. '. . ' estln&. If .1;101. more promiSing, thall em~!l8 of sclollca anti,·· art. IIhrarles. Venezuela 18 rloh III mlnee ' and, miDt ,l Ihe: <ilandldate-And ,. t4>UI ,mlgba .. II ... .thaJi • "Of. C()urse,'i·.! he " pro.eeeded. '/118 thO"P e,e h nature of :::,- hOllpltals and (ll!l'orcnl eharltl)ble In· era I!!, hut ali prelent these are IIttlll l ilend some eggs around ,to m)l . botel. ;. · r Iment-.-:.thls helns the true cplleetor }Iot dlrt!ctly r~lated .to you til!! m~tter ~~d "'.n .1\1 lI:d tob 1:" - oped th IItt . etltutlona. The d,IIY8. ot Blanco ~ere developed'. Gold, sliver, ,copper; Ironl VlI1aga: Elect~r-Yes" air. HoW! .plrl '. anCl..tO be commeniled. She had appears somllwhaL more serious, Had y w t e mealls to conduct lIays ot progress. some- coar. make up part oC' tbls many would YOII like? .motbered ber better Inclination, lhla It been rell:J\y one of your family no~ tile researcb which he contemplates. 'B ut ",hlle the ,mctltor was away. wealth ; there' are rich depOSits of' as. "I-I! IJUnk ('11 take a1l i,Yeul'Ye I .GL" 0ur Sister" for Instanc.e. ~r your- ;~~ther O~I ~~: I and Dr. Camp- ove.: III Paris. pl'aylng the pecullal' phalli, excellent marbie and' granite: -L.ondOn; Sketch. time; and was· ready to "acrlllce tbe b It for a silk watllt arid somellllllg Oh, 8 iuat tbe same, ytlu e "ro~ w t ere or not role or IImbasasdel,r extraordinary Lo Th. sal'll mlnea of Venezu 111.\ · which, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ agO 'Ulldel',' It. She meant to . bave," r 'put In. me",n, of·· courae. Ellgrave4 Diamonds; bave been- worked since the. Bfxteenth> A NECESSAR-~ Il'llL. . . .rmen[a: w"a~ever . ·the qoSL ' Yoq, tbat ~h~that ahe II . really ~ne ~t thll Verl' beautiful ellects are DOw .prouentury; II'ro a government monopol~, ne · 8ball ~ 'bow she waS punlahed: ~ f_'!1II y-,.tha.t ,~s, . of co!1 , .. It.· al~ duced by engre' v lng tbe surface at dlaTo sa.y I'll Venezuela thatt one Iii: riot...... ft.clm . De of.. Xinilt . " eI'l'_ WU . _·.. 'rriecl .. ,. • . , ',.,', ;.. . . ' . _IL ' .' right. I : mean. ·· .' .'. . . , ~h blil I __ Wo "w~1\t tp&~the.r. N?IUler: ~))I~ ,:J. 'bad l"Qt explained J;IIY ',llral,l .to tile monds. A, French jeweler: , Bordljlet. wor~ . !la t need not lIa.... e tfu! . :D Thln~ ' oIC_.... '. / , ,4!oul!8 ; ,,,uat . th()., otb ~r, ~lon,.Jn .the de- J:;ILtle ' }VOID an' before slnrt.1ng... t had hIlS·' !nyell~ed tools for thl" purpOse, meanmg we .glve tho phrase. tort IIsH .'!. , J\IIrti!'\eIW etore re.vel -that wa~ ~o., f<;!l •. an:'undercurr.e'nt ot wonder, DOW. what \Vhlq,; It.\s . ri~ld. only ' hls SOil Is 'perI,., iii very expensl\'o luxury Ulere: LI ....· ":4, ~eridant o ff lb:~ , llliDM. a ne> ~}o.Jlt;~the ~pui~Ii~.e,, ·of the, ... aI8~7. '''fh.e ebe' woi.M '81iY, : W·sli.e• .~u. hi ove.r~eal'. mltted to, \lse. ' Among tho3 surprising Ing generally Is excess IVelY ItIkb' t4Dn. of collce drln\l.OllB "I. ya.ed coffee, if fas.eln~tlon~ of ~i de~aJ;'tment etore ar~ lliY ' ettortli gilt her illlctlnUy ont of ·things tbus produced Is 11 diamond S'u~r all'd salt both bring exorbitant tr.ecJ3; Un I w(\s1'2~ , y.earNQI4>" \V~lt~ · ~ .gr..e"t- ~o , !'~ res!ated .. slogly. ' ~~en . the pl ~C"i1 IlItO ' w)llch ber pride b.O:d 'cut :Into the form of a ring. pOlIsheil pTlces, Ilotb products or tho countt!J.. · ill ~I~mlln from 10.V(ft" '::A.t. tb.a~ time , "'0~~I~g: t9g~~lier and,] In ~ull ' a.ccor~; tumbll,ld·. us . ., \lope'll she wa.1 'InJoying 'on ,t ·l)E;. Inside. 'O:lId (lovereil With dell~ If. monopOly. frem which, bot11> ~stM, Ii was. a. student' at . !lumbll~ watitnle, ded , ·~e ),1.e1 ,.ott,e ne.r than 11!~ g~d·. for her new lhlngs': . " .~ . ~i.e · engravIng on' the upper Burface. £In\!' tbe "Ice prf,ls ldent reop ben-cftt... 1IOlI, wadonly becam.e aW1Ulll< ~t the fact.. ~ur ' bal,a,n'be ~tiel't" p~ tOI' · t_~q. pro~pect . ,A clerk I)rQught 'the check .• t tliat ~nother ' \s an engmve<l dIamond ftah. l'on~rO'!J the litille I,!f meat; ami: It 191 ·tbaJI my nerve~ ha,d . QeMme del,liot~-. , ,. ·;()fi · t~e , new' ~ba~r. ay'Y t~me,,:wI,tliln ! moment. It h!ld ·'coioti . l,n from ~bl DIamonds ~r'e ~, also engTaved ,' with ' ncedles!t 10 n.ld, ·t.IC prh. I~ · hl~h\ i lZe.rl.. my b\'l\llI d'ul.~'l.. ~glsh all~ ,I Mrlod .wb~n Wo ·mlght re~.on~bIY 'clearlng ·)lpuse. ha.vlng tr.a~eled aafely · ar.m~rlal bearlng1l, . . .only. ill the paat Frll1t$, I\'hl oh grow In 8\10b, t,ropllJ" flha.t lIisomnla "4" ' tl~ .its hol4i ' I ,nbll'll(\9'Oce. arc spld a, though . ~'m; ago. me. ' ..' , ~ope .to ·need COD\f~~ for l:ill .lIes,hi . tl!rQ~gh" eeveral, miles of ~,rcumlocu- '.tew yeaTi! bas It beeJi pOse.I\}le to 'bore ·.We dldll't .p,a y ..aa .we '!x'Ul!!b~. - Il',h.e re tlOI!. Tlie B.lx Inches". ~llt""eeil· the h01es through dlllmon'!\s. but ' this feat ; 1\lxUrles. It Is Ii wonden' tha~ .Illlo' " loat\i, to , ~~ . ttJat ,thl\ae .~8 .~eaJ !lavl~g: 9f . time In . g~ttl.n~ a baDk~r;s hantia and· niIDe : woul~ bIi the 1l0W 'accompll!lhed 10 m.Rny cutUog commlJll people are nhle· til , buy- thJtD,ge came 'T~ i thjlj uaee I waa '. ~raIi~fl)1': card, a'n~ a ~reater cerl.lilbty bard!)8t tll-g. .The bankers~~I1t1nl~ed f!l!tahJl8h~ents. The bOreil 8!Ones are : c~Othell at all, eVllr)'t~lng· \cOllt&; . SOl d.cllllktng, but to t~t. 'iif ,lll' del'v~rY ~~ b~'lng glX!.~,a the, siin"ture ' lI,ever~IYI '''' . 'tben. strung together w1t~. otber lems . .BTRl!:ET ·':-I CARA.C AS. . Itmrell. _Iuslon. aad ,C1\1It1 Iti. ' . .. .. ·«Imo .0 1 O. :D" W~en we got througb "Rilther" de\Jcato . hand fol'- ·a- or wtlll pesrl~. .. , lllurope aDO at 'tbll gil/lie time end_ ; Altlt.~ugh agrl~ulture I", ttio ~lItell "1 was 80 l.WJ.UIl\l~IIdI1D · ll !l.0t tl!J)l~ we .!Ii d JIoueh~ !~Ol\~ !>~ ,th~ thlngs:w~ JioIi8ek~'eper. · How long" dld. 'You aa)'·. ' .. orlne to direct . iln~Q'!rs. 'a t . home bJII. ' l1Iriustry. the. metbode· In, use. Ri'e' 1111> leverage Bllll , f~k tWll _II . ot II:f 8Q · ~ul.!' :t1\lnk .of, :. alld • ~ood Iml1o,nY we sbe '!Iad"lieen ,In Y9~r · ~e~Vlcer· .,.' , . Irtlgation in Ihdia. cable. the nellIe ~ollle roso as alnst benewbly Ilrlmlilve, . {;CtlS , t'hanl a lDucb. thal. ane.rlllll~g . 11'Om . co!:The' most extensIve Irrigation works blO1; the;,·, tb",. down t1ie IItntU~.. mltlt '~om. CaraclIs and '..y.ou mo')' ~~ i fee tor a dIDO u.ndI .~yerillg ' JJl'" · n.s yer wo~la. h~!e , thl1ugl:i~ of wl~hout ., 4 :: named .tlie ' Iatge" t num~e ...·· of .:' 'Jlee!nf;' _th~m~ a~~ ·. that ~, . oouldll:t .y,eiu8 . wlthlf1huni~n 111I\1~e•..ali'd ,.. f!1- In tho world are In India. there an erected In . 1I1s hOllor. lore .po.rtriLIll. trlll .... n., done wIth a polnted t lIt1Clt: "ea~, 1 'Wflnt l.t. I !l!d; thl~ I . thin~ .?f. a~l~ when: ~~ gOt ..oUl\ll4e· ·yIC,w d lhe . lotere8~ . Ibo.' area eciual .'to ~o;e ,!-ban, tile ~ntlre sur.-· from tbe Pllbllc buildings: lootetl hil< .Cb1ree. the . chlet So\IrM' of . wea~bll tit I18veral t!tUeII•. IUL a.I.~s 1!tth ~I~_ '.. '~nd .~ere th~ trall! .J~I~~ ~om!.. . ' ' bad alwaYII ~elt' In ' o'u r ,.a~a!re-t~e fac;e ' of lhe ~tate of Maine 1s 8ullplled bouses aBd ptolltlatlonl!. B'ilt VlllU!z' 1IIf. ~ very su[tt.... lbr Q\lailty. bllt pt!'l'g' trousreI!1Ilta •.. l(. ~tl! JIIlM)!1 e .p ~y . . ' .t, Ifad no.t . counted ·the -exact .mount· amount ot , receipts ~nd . thIngs . alie .wlth ·, water {rq~ r1vere' lvhlch aJ'!l Con- Mia lost b B1itnc(jl's downfall a ' HUOtTg ' rCII1/ In thl~ 11',41u~try lit< kept bll~k ~ mind ' tlllii colle., _ a ' neoessa!1T ev11: ..''lI~,·'-.r';",,~,r.,''''J '{'.·~,,; !'Ot ·ou~' d~baulih,~ bllt 'had , rliD' We ' IIJ- ,wta .d).IIY call1!d .ppon to Ifldol'lle-.-and . ~~:\~~~b . :r;tar~;I1~~~ : : :.~1~rtTg:~:dto.k :' lea iter, ,9Iltrered Ileverel'y ' from ~la.t tlt& "rim IIhe menns of- cmnmu,-' "'AboUt lbla, ~" a frl!,nd 1»ld .m. < i ~re.i' upli.lOOiel:r "aDiS ·lIberally, iUlcI' gave' anotjler and Im~roved vc:rslon q~ . . ~ , I loss. , ·VeD~y.!le~nlls.. ' now ·count ~ . \111m. In tho Illt\l~lo;t· all IDere.h~UM! that 1 wauld. tAd! l'ostuin .Foort, eolree ' ,. ,. ieaU~ ~i '~ha~~ dj~ end .wU ~w loe~I. , .the el!ll! ·w.lth th~ . lnteIl!g~nt ~\,Iv'r prlvale enterprlell!i or .from tank~, :rhe "pIDCO Blanco." . .' . \8 c:arrled by pacl! df)nl(o~1\: ur '1,110 muh' ' very fjl)f.'. aJlrJ Iho maDY ,. re8pe'lts ~~al'. ~tile. ~'''; a:. cbeck nellt mornIng fp" wbo waa 1I(1II£ng. to give any al1lOunt value of tbe .crops ral~d on land !Ir- , . Aitt 'Wbat has 'bee!l tbe hlstn~T . , ~rts. ' , 'ahea<\ot ~~. So I bOUGht f41me,alld,. ~ . ~r,·tlill. ,lial!!iiie.'· .TbeIL J ,;,way; gOllds filr'my c.h!lck . but '110 chang~. rjgate~ " by the: govll':llmllnt ' l,8 about the , c:ountrT '"I:tce ' 'the~? A wrlhtr 1'1l ' Wben ~hGJl' muet,·18udl'41 bWo,: Boll· makiaig · lt · ~ carefully a.c'Jllrdlng tllo 'jeaniC '·t)'i' <ibeCk tb'ii <o~IIiiQlllea. I a~llsed . tlie ,.drlv.el'-'-there ~a8 uo ,'135.000.000 :r~rl~. :It, Is· h~f1l!v~ tholt the , timar;Ti:llI Ftl!il~ilzln'e n\\meSl ~ drov~ Ibo ~panlards·. ?".t of thb the dlrectllti;. ..~. were ·tl'.1lllgbted IJl ", .Sa Ole hand. or .~ • . Llll I.·Woman. It "aria In doing thal~"'1! ~~'l t thl~e. if 1)011 the taDkA..anil ·other small 100111 period a pel io'.! lit graft,: uot 'sO> Dt1tei!l . ·J'I1II:t of LlloHn A~er.I~. lteo thollfbt he ftn .. lbnJ. ll.lIi'li) not exagge,.Led In the' , -ttiB 'amoUIlt'·WIUj ' tlot.. Quite' ~Dougb .Iie and ~t :wou.1dn·t havlI ~'lrt ..hlm, ~ny, 1I0ru~e& .o t Irril'n Uon wer.e ta~e~ . ln~o gIven OTer to ennruhy as W I ~ was .cr~au:n~. !I ilalld ot ~om; .. but le~t. k'bat day ' tp t,AIs, we. blWVe " . ,,-~u tq m~e I~ ,!p·: oU~·. ot b,'. r w~ItIY , ' bo/lf. .. . think the drlve~ saved, the 8Jt. . .'he r~ckonlng the area wat~red, wo".d sal" boodllns, A'tl~fI\LJb DIani::O's. n~ er.e hC ' dl~ he .. cllme to a rea!l~lItipn ot I:iled ,It bttt&r than the old klllC1 ot. too Ii b Tb b' k t k h d Itb be Il\1arly as great :. as that pf lhe ~r:aot l':OlItiC1!1 a~BOI'Ii~18m; ~ retnnJ, 1;IIs peo~1! ,: ..~i"1'11lS_ 11n" (Iangers. 'tI)lJt1II. QI' anylllinc. else ,. ~e wQf 0,. lP~rae. , Itchanle. It ."'''' t . ·mue . I • II.. wal to! -uation; '. e anhlQl. or 00 all . ~er. w . . BrlUsb fsl_say n. region . not for -';'r :\ . ron.rtltullonal .guver..,..-....... did' Bolll/ar ",rotc ........ k. bep tile; at. abusing Thena we , I k I . I 'Our e().lIstlt'ltlo(,ls nl'c a '-b\A Ul · ." '/)1' IOm~ 'QuirK of fortulle [t was too" unIted against a co.mmo!, en~m'Y. and , from three Umes .as lI~tonslve as Ohio. , .at enntnnte .In 1ilcac'l lIl).rI ' ltI'OltJl8ritl'.. )00 !I. ' \'lllr , a_ papers, /Jllr l'l cctl ()n~ ' "Ita use gay'o me, Iii» a 'very $P1!t, . . tn~s a fil'm hl"lld to IIftttt Jo'II'D . a com bah , nnd ti~ It.-elf n 101'm ent . time. an tn~rellse III .~trength : olen.n• . .m,uQii: It 'liu 8everal dollats too much. the LIttle Woman w~ safe, ., " l 'he Little Woman 111.. .eiated ' until I thoulht she would be' ·fearful and ' .LI~lI~~1f Natural GJ'-I; . boo;, of ·'_n~ln AUlorlcan~.· A eounlry We s PIn \l 1tn'l'Te . at lIuch a stnh! !hal neBS of Druln RIJd ste..dlneS3 of, nerves; tbl! dl'lver , reguded ' 't)le' cbeck ".tlrer. ~.Qtrl.te aild Il'rate~ul wh'e ll I al-JI-'ftd Wolsld, an Austrian exporllD8nt'!T. ~Iw'll ov;;~ ~o "rlltl~al \2llrC!l~ ' and II? ~\tro\ n · nlltlon ~11I IlUllllrs.cp.l111 \ ·a nd .. llleep. restful n..d rcstorl~, QlI~~ · dot:\btfutly and decld d , that. . he' ,,,Ith ' the neW8 lha~ It waS aIL rl~( has receJItly. Plltented a~ro~G&Qt IlQae- . I!pot\a of. tll~h a. I)onflle4. tlas boon the COll.lI'lIer " .\3 and ~ 811:111 he gp~ rlltl' badt to me. .. •'L ', '" ue w . ouIet' an!l that she wu to remain with us, . tying natural gIls, whtch, I~ lIItnPllrte4, "111m tbankt.\ll '.that<. w~ hA~d , ot • ouldll"• a-1·v e ' lDo·av"for - .. bas beell Bu-rully cmplO:yed III til. . tntc ot V-~ n'er,o ela . lhe Ill!), lG . . )'O" I by' ' petty .ty.r:tnte. ________ .,.. S!~e ~Il~ gOOdl freely · aiml!lh. ,. 'I1hll l luppoae 8b!i really was grat.ful. and 'K ar thla~ oU lIel(ls. 'l'h~ lIquid CIlII be BIzur,r. may bl\ \'A boc" enrlcho~: ~y I ' . POlltum, und 81\,11 be I;ll~t ~ t~,. amonnt.of them was fullr"ten time!, as I IlIlow t,at she was cla.d. for she saf:kept tor ,torageor trallsportatlon '~ ..•OOll.ilI'Il) hll ...,Ip .01 .0 A. Amended. .t any tlmo t~ tho golld .\t hIlS ~• ~bo'''1n hOVl_II~ ~ave Kin.d Lnd1-Poo.r mall, 81'f" 3'011 real· 1 lIle:.·· Nnm" ~"en by Po.~ ~ ~'" .much AI th. chaD,e ,coml. ., .but tbey "'I!ot and put o.n atl hel' ae", tIll1l18 tn c:i~lnar,.soda watet".I\>lIonli. 'Amoll" ;re3r, btl" ",ere .o lllrj lI0.0 de: Mooe1"" '. dlthr- and wu 80 PrQud alld bad ·auc~· an tb . 88 IUggested fo~ 11 elled natural ,tbe mor .oy hili CO·IDt. '!. Ge.. Iy 31lxl011S to eArn 1\ gooll dllliel'! f tie Croek . ~"'h. eDt ~tt.r. He had probabl'·Ja....d of ' atr t1i.t I ~Idn't dare tor tin I·~. Clf "ara: ':re tbe IIghUnp' lIf l':lated hou.... I Cl'PlIIO, In hrl1:e~ l·olgn. I'IIC- Tl'\Ithful 1'hnmftll-·J~m m<lrc nllltJ0\18 T"ere'", a . t':tsoil, "",d ,,,. \~\\l. iIOpa ~ TIlIa .lDlP,t lie 0&18 of me WIlber the "boaHlleepln,,' 4etatl. alld Ule drlVllI&orr~all enWlleaa1l4mo- e~"'l lD II to hi" fortune tb,~ de IUnnel' dill 1 (1m. t· r,al'l\ ~t. 1 boo;:. "'n,~, 1l01l1\ 'to' WllllYlU.I" lit tkem. lie nq"anp'" of IU lllterYl.w "tt). tIaa ~:c.I', alld _ ,/ ~ , ftlll Il' 2114 . tAII~ to Co\· IU.·I\IA-Cbl~.o ()aU~. ~"'., pkp. ~ IDr . . . ... ~ .... !IOt mntfAiu4 to. Wl'1llll ..,. -. • •
The Housekeeper's Check
"- -'
· ,Vene2~uela To-day Is· a Land of Graft .
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Ha.-veysburg and Waynesville High School Base Ball.
Thousands Have Kidney
How To Flild Ou t . I'h,' 4Qtlt.·r~)~ Ih.'t ( hH~ Ih f' l1 ~\IlIl(1h\t t ' C' ' OI1l111ulI ).tl.l1..~ \\ it h . '("I\1r .\mI41u.l"tit l l' ~ t·h,P("H ldr- nf lh," "III OJ U r\\'l.~ " wntcrnu\ll ~ lit :i l Hn(l lwo llt y.~(u ll r ll(J\Hd: I'~ urn,'"" late - 'If \V.H lt1 n t"Unt '. Ohtll. ,h-~ .1~l.~linll:11 lor"' L' l.. n · ... "",·,l tlin ~ inL1\l~~'tl't'U" ltnh~l t hl" ':.h-I tln · "f ~\1 1I'11 \ P. I Utlll, I1 :-'''. 111 1" 1 II~' A... . I':", ., l: l r. ,
Fill (t 1 Ule or
The bl\so ball wams of the Bnr· Eld hors .. nd Maung r8 veysburg nnd WAynesvlllo High M'II! . , •• J . 11110 " ' 11 . AS"{'O IA TI EU1T 1\ , l:!cbooJs engaged in their first bllse -------~------- baH gnme of the S61180n. Friday af. 11.00" yo.. r . . . . . .. In lI(\\,unce ternoon, at Blu"eysburg, the Score t' 1 .. 26" year If 001 palO In ai(1 \· aneo. at tbe end of th e ;.tntn " sta nding 10 \)Fl.~E IN JONES BUILDING. to ,j ill f/ly or f W ti y n e~vl lltj . . ~C. 6:j The gnme ",n i! nlllrked hy t"oe1. 'l'E:~ElPr10~El <?:JiLL hllll' pltLyi ng on hoth sid!)!!. A UUUI. 001' of p(3rsons from Wtiynesville, i·¥· W!!!t!!!:D!!!!!!!i!!!!r.:!!!!'3!!!!D!!!A!!!!,!!!!·.!!!!!!!lIf!!!!A!!!!\!!!! · !!!(/!!!!.!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!19!!!!O!!!!U, cludlng Ulany of theyoull-Indlos of tile Ui ~h 'ohool a oompaniod ' th Israel Sattethwaite Des- 1 00~1 teum t o the gRlnO IlDd "rooted" th e victor s, cription of Earthquake. for'fho line IIp of tef!Ill.§l WI\S ~s fol Israel l:iatterthwl\lte wrote the lows: Hnrveysburg, Wilber WilSOll, following letter to his mother, Mr!!. Third BlIse ; has, Grey, left fie ld ' Clillt Groy, short .. top; Olen Filley, Lydl~ Satterthwaite. two dllY!! after the lerrible earthquake at &n Jose, second bllSe ; Jo":lI rl (;ltey. center California, jfiv Ing t·helr O~D experi. tield; Curl t;lollv r , ol\OOh; 'fom ence and 8ensations at tho time, and Weloh , rig ht field; Pllul lieason, d880ribing some of the soo,n es of pitch; Ed 'Ilrr, tlrst base : Waynes. ville, 'hilS. Uook, right field; Ray. devastation: . mond Hawke. short stol); Joe DEAR MOTHER AND ALL: Thomp80n, catch i Abe DllklD, oen· I knOW you have hoord of the ter field; RAymond DaviS, left terrible 08rthquake here Wednee . field; John Strl1\Vn, third b!lIle; . day morning, April 18, whioh de· Gerry Cllster. fil'st bllse; Howard 8troyed 80 much lite and property. Trout, seoond, base; Raymond WII. We got otJ With a terrible shaking UIl1ll80n pitoh. ' up. 1 thought at firs~ it was 1\ gas Raymond W11llamson pitcher for explosion in t·he neighborhopd. I got up at the 'first shook and heglm tbe lOOllJ teum distinguiShed bim. &0 dress, but almost immediately self by his splendid oontrol of the IUlothtlr dlloolt Olime, whioh threw ball, and struok out quite I,~ number of the men I1t bllt. Wil ovlir the toot bo~rd of the bed,
o ,ulllh.'n 1. 1)'
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Y o~~ tl.. lIl~e".. IUCuUl '-'
, '1'11(' ull tlL'rM&IIt'.\ Ita \) un I\I and i n (he \.Jnck lS', 'I U'tllhl'd II A-~1Ulnl lrnt'1r qr Ihu 1·~-.(t3L· nf pr f lhnl tblJ kidnlJ)'li ""n" .", I· rhll ~. law " l W. rr,' n :'QUilL), . n hl" III "f uhler. ,1\"'011 ,-.<1 . Wb n t To D o. t)atel't1I1. 'lti clUJ' nr ·,\tJrH '\ . n. t !lU,s. 'th efe is cOluforl il1 t he ku()wlelt),!c 54' 1 Hun yu., \ ~lll,nJ('y . ,-\UHrll t'Y'- ,
ftell ('l::prc.., l!tt', that ,D r. Kittner's \wH1n~Root, tlt . . ~rt:1 Il ,ku.l uc.\· fuhllt~ C\'cry ",i.,1t IIll' lIrlll~, rh ~ \I)11nllslll.
J .UlWI"! , ' tl'OPI'" J\"-!wluhurUhJ1'
L U,
V\ A FtNI . l;I
pai n ill Ih" \X. k. 1:1,\11 'ys, 11\ cr, biG 1,I!!r , "Itnd c.,·c.ry p'lrt of tilt: urinnry p:;t SSll~(!. . on lin ~llIt bavC' g oat h nlth un . rt corrcds inllhili~y ltJ hold walcr Ile.ftq .\'l'llr kId n y" 1I" a ~tllIIHI. fur t.ho null scnhli nJ.: pllilJ in )la~~ing, it, ~r 1>:1<1 1k~duoy:\. liltcl' tb ilIuM Ilf infpnr i. elTe.;t s followl!I~ \IS' of h'ltHlr. w\IIe or tIe .. w llloh ntb ('rwi:'e " et ,ill irntil beer. !lull o<'c~COtl l<'S 1I111lllulll.'II~a lll lie· 1tlng Jl nl~o n ~ li nd bl·I'.II( clown til e ces ity f bCI!I~ COIllpelle,l , to ~o (Ofien c1 liolLl OI'1:lIn" flf til" body nnel dllring th.' .IIIY. "'."\ to .!~ct up ~"'lIIy I Cllu~o !'ori o u!! 11'01l 1l1 If Y'Jl1' hll VI' tlln es dUrin g the III ).; ht. ! he lUnd 1... 11k 'd "I ct 1 II • lh e ex l rnonlilloryef"kcl of Swamp-Root 1 n y or un, ( or" t r Oll J e. Ilu(, d is SOOll r<:nl\zell. lt slIlIl,ls ll he highesl not llSe Foloy ~ h .. ldney Ilre, ' YOU for its wOllucrfl11 cures of th'" most di~- wi ll h,LV(l ouly yonrillJlf to IJlulllO tressi ng cases. If you nee,1 II I1IL-dicine fOr T!~~n l ~, .u! it p OSit i v,' I, ...111 10/1 all you ~ h oulu h(\\'e th hcst. Solll b~", lrll ~' forms o.f kidul'y null ,blllcldor dl ~ .... !lists ill !ift)'·ccnt IIl1d one·dollnr . ,es. ' You w ny hll\'e 0 $Dlllpic ·bt:,ltlt! !lilt! I' book that tell s all I ---~-aooutit,bothselllfrcc I 'fl:ll!; P l 'nE81' MA N 11 Tl:lI!J by IIIl\il. Atltlrcss Dr. WORLD Kilmer & Co " nillg. " ' b l\mlOll, . " . Wh,m I [llfl rlOhw~t III" n ill 'h wC)r1al ('ri m wriling mClllioll this paper a.lld don't net bll \'s hi,; kld'n Yl! l's pl 'l ,<1 m I' make nuy 1U}~ttll: e: bllt reillelllber the 'l liV~ -.;it ho.nt th alli , "0 i,t is i mp r. I nl\ltIe. Dr. K~IUlc r ~ WIIlIlf.,.~OOt. nllu tllnt not to !legl t th,.'~ CI!·r.'>IU S ~bc uudress, BlUghHwton, N. '\: , Fole.Y· s Killn a 'ur ill 1~lk \I ul, tltt. Dou·t make I\ny mi stn,~te, but re. fi~St<ll g l1 of dung r. t he l:Iympt o!)iI member the nOnll1 Swump Root \VIII disllppenl' IUld YOllr heultb WIll . , " ' • be res tored, a It s treng thons nnd Dr. Kil mer II SWllmp Root, Ilndthe bnild,. up th ese ',rgll ll~ Ill! nothing oddre~l:I. Bil1ghllDlll to n N . Y., 011 els will. SOllr B,)W ltlIlU , L hunon every bottle Ky., wrlt-OlI: . ( hit v, n il Fnl,,:v s KlUlwy Cure lIud ' flllHl ~ ,. lit, ,,1 ({It:! , or III stil ti n g ir. cu red m e verlllll . neu t,ly of kil1ney dll!eilsf', whi oh eel'. Meeting of Cemetery tll1n ly would Itll've !l !It Ine Ill y life. ,.
I j
Lot Owners.
:U. W.LANG,:M.D; U.:M.
IJ IilAL ..
11 ' " ''Ill ,. '''' IIp,d
I"' .
JIlItI~~1I 1 1 ' n ' III' d, I fll " " ,,11 11\"" ';\' ,Ii\' WI .1t 'hl l t ~ PI'I'/""'" U::I· ... " It .. ·"I, , i l lo,1 II II " ' 1' " ""111" " . '/1(,1\ ' "w rt'p ,. ,'III , nll,,' I,u , ,~ , ... ttl '''''.)\ " I ll ht~ ' ' ,-1;" . 1'1 nil \ "r, tt Hlll .·II 'Phi " 1, ,'.' :..'\1,,1'., _,...
lIeffr II1lhfl 1",..11 I., '1 1111'1:1 ,1' " ' ltl',\"" ,,',,01 1"11'11111 . inexpressi .. nl\!)ll~t ,', ,' 11 ,Il l h+" I n til \ lI, 11·('l1 hll't-l. bl" ltl rtll r es tflO" " l' I h ,' , '1." 1,, ~ ~· I\t,·tr.. '\1' , ' III',," occasinnc~ if" .11111 Vl'.! " , Itt 'l l.'- " Of\urtU ''t ,' lIH)rp, c On st1;- ltH ff\ VHIII ,l t v ",,'t h llt1 U 1 -j,- \",, 'uk, and ., Ie' au'cnd- \': " II T " ","I cl ""IJi'"II"nt 1,, 10 t" JoIY , nt Ills. u11- I,,'" 11 I ~ . Cont inlll) the use of this wouderful, if \,I!I 'Y ti n I,,, t c: nr{l yo u ~lf. h on rt . ~medy for n time. , bllr n , 1'0\ I' " t ' tllI> lC h. l r tS ~ n f "Plw, It will soon set your system right, when an occaslo!!al dos~ of it~llI keep your Internal organIsm III the very pink of cOlld!ll~n . , .. Well IIlSI~e, you re well nil over.
"'Itl. d i:'.~IIIt!~ I: h .. " t!un h". l .. ,.,lI tn.ll', 1I1lCiid i " III, '" 111I1II ""~r "'t "''''Ilil i.. n,~ , II rl"lI1l.' f l' 11m i ."H oI"lIft " n. ,,' 1 \, ,11\ . hll \'! ' I') II" i.. til ~I''')l In ro '1,'/ .f,, ".II t' I' 'k d I'll/! Kt'"' !' Ii !tIl Lt •• will I ,~y
I.ll'''I \' ~' D r.. CaldweD's .y(l·I1I' Tit .. I" iI'" I .. It nl ,\' ~r.~ if tbfl.IT ourfl . Bnt ' up Pepsl"n ." h .. • '""u 'r j'IIII ,\1)' .1UIIIHW will Syr . 1,' 1) t.1 0l(tm" (if 111',111'" ) 1(1k
fhl'v IlI tl lh l\ ~ ,, ~t I,. tl lI~h il~
)" '11
" 0 \1
II tho best preparation obtainable for I, un\\ It n VII h" .,.1 t tll'f1n< lti .lI,ud Il)'i'd 1111 the mony Ills aud oilm e\lL~ nrlslng .. t' illlli ~ , ,I ipn IltH\ II ,I ' l'illl. III by ' Pop. from ovorworkod or disoru<lrcd diges- ' ~\(!(l ill Tuhlnti>, I1 l1il I hpl' will !!Ive Uvo org-nns. YOIl U""C]lllLr ' tiQnl " No oore, no plLy It acts qllicldy (Inti ~urcirolllne cnuset , - .-, - -- - . .of the trouble und Its bCl1cficinl effectll - - - III'O instantly perceptible. ! . , It w ill cure tho most obstinale cases. r Dt. Caldwell'a Lax..tive Syrup Pep.iII Clln be obt.nined In ·both .lollnr and half· , , dollllr sizes from all druggis ts. Your money ,vi,II" be refunded If, It docs not benefit you . Your pa,tnJ card !'e(l!!est wtll b ri ng b,. rct\U1l I~ mAli our new bl>oklct, Dr. Coldwoll', Book 01 WoDel.,a" an4 fre.o lumplo t t hOJu~ wh" hl&v. _~r Wed !.hIs wonOezlol rctubd)·. Wrlle to<1Q• .
Montloollo, ,llIInol. F(tr , nIp hy.J. E . .JANNEY .
Playing Cards.
Cards of quality. In beauty, style and finish. no ot.hers compare with them. I": Found wherever society plays cards. Gold edg~!J. .. I ~· "0_ , IALa IV
FUN ERA l 0IRE CTOR. :. Telephone Day or Night. Local' No, 7 Long Distance No, 69"3r WAYNESVILLE, Harvevsburg. O.
The nnuuul meeti ng of] t owners of Miami cemet ry wi] I bill h eld in RID £VILLE,OalO th om ' of r-he BOl\rtl of Di rectors on th gronnda Ilt, It o'clock Mondny , SPEOIALTIES: DISEASES OF WOMEN J, E . .TANNEY. June 4. " . AND BI'LllREN. OHIO i It II! partlcnlol'ly Wls lhtld tbat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Branch Office. " I' 128·r;;at.nrelA.idl lorlwaCon~.. tbere be Q much lUl'g r {I,tl nllduuoe Not if as Rich as Rook efeller. oy e I'ack wrap"".. and Nme 01 dMl.r than hlls.been the ,000se in yall r Pll8t If you hlid nil the wClIltb .of Rook, frum whom 1JO<Ck. worD boURI". Add ...., U. S . Playing Card C'o .. <::1nc'ln".U. o. Let tlvery cine lI.t,tt'lJel "bi.,. me ting ef ller, the tltundnrd 011 magnate. who olin po siblv d 0 you oould not bny a better III dl· Cur... Cold •• Croup Bod \VhooplolC Cough. , cine for bowel coml,laint thllll FORTUNATE Ml~ 00 RiANS. Chamberlain'S Colio Cholera and . Diarrhoea. ~medy. The most emi , ' ~"Yhjln 1 wasadruggist. at Llvon· nent physioian clln not presorite 1\ . , lA, Mo.," '~rites T. J ., Dwyer, now be,t ter preparation lor oolio and of GrnysVll1e, Mo , three of my diarrhoel', both ,for ohlldren und cnlltoDlers wer parmanAutly oured adults. The uniform i:luocess of this of 0lln8umption by Dr. King's New. remedy hilS sbown it to be superior DIslJovery, .Lnd tire well u:1\£1 ~tlong ' to all others. It never fl\n~ and The success of a. Bank ~ depends, 1.!pon the honesty tbduy . One Wus trying I, sell Ills when reduced with 'w ilter and ~weet. p~overt~ unit D10\'~ to ArLv.onia, but ened; is pleasant to ~Bke. Every judgem~nt and ability of those identified with its. manageafter Dlung New DI.~o,wery t. !!bort family should be supplied with It. Hlllo h" fonnd it unnool' karl' to do !:iold by J!'. . Schwartz, ment. The personnel of the Board of DirectOl'S of the 80 . ' I regltrd Dr. King 't4 'EIl W Di oov·
Chamberlain's Cough Remed,
0 R. HER • • A.THA. WA. Y, Citizens Bank 'of Waynesville. speaks for itself. ~~~~e~~rGUIl~~~t-e~~r~;t F~n~. ~o~~ Way?esville's, Louding Den i!l,t..•=li~~"~"""'~ three.- percent interest on savings .deposits. wartz I'lruggist . .50c nnct lor. --r,ml on1eeln Keys' auIllUfi &, . . - . , Malo S ery us the lUost,won rJeduf llI edloine in exiRtence." Snr , t 'ough Mld
S1t88loN.. 1 :30 0 'olock. bottle free .
A Mountain of Gold . Miss Edna Zen .... MONEY ~O LOAN coold not. bring I\S mn h h llppll1B!1s Cornet Solo Addrel!s .. Bon. O . T. Corson, ' We huv'; from ~lOOO to ~) 50 0,OOO to to Mrs . J;.uoiu WUke. of Carolinn. President, , of Columbus. 10.LD on Relll m~tn,te .Lod Life lOBO . Wis" I1!! diu one250box' of Buoklen,s Cashier, J. rance :Policios at the lowost rate of Arnioo &the, when it oQmpletely Misa Edith Shute. interest. Vooal Solo ' , . our r1 u rnnning ppre on hllr leg, BusinesS', SA YI':IIS Lu,'X AOEN Y Co., which llilei tortured her 23 , long 4th and Wlihiut !lts. . yeArtl. Greateilt nntl aptle healer of DEPO ITS. ~ " jv 11 Ginolnnn t.i. Ohio. Plies, Wounds, lind Sores , 250 at Personal and F. O. Sohwartv.'s Orug,Store.
Local Hapenings.
foundations. ' A. L., tUdes, of Spring V ~lley, :was San FranoiloO Is a complete ruio. 10 WaynesvUle 'l'hursday . . Since All of the baalo888 portion gone and Linool~ 801!! hi!, farm north ot Way. ",ree-fourtha of the resldenoos neeville to A. Ma1lLtt a couple of burned and still burning. We yellrs ago, he hae been engaged in could aee the lIgbt at our bonse last the real elltllt.e and insurance busi nlKht plalDly, and we are 80 mUes Des!, and reoently has added dOli I. from Frisco. Ing in fertilizer lind wire tenoillt Il's 1 was talkiDg witb a mlln who , aide li U68: and is finding tb"nI U 11 to was out lD the field whElD' it hapened: : be profitl1ble. L.Lllt whlt.or w)al'n lie _Id there 'was a roaring 1I0Dnd ' t·he I,:rif unll lY.lIj covered wit,h ""11~, like Il 'heavy Wind when he first he wa~ husIlIugabliut ~"Jlillg u "'I,l'IS b~lt.rd ft. The trees ,waved, a1.eo ' f~r fern!I:'.!!r und h lHI " ,e., .. 1 ·;.U , grain, like 'It dotlllin 1\ breeU', tqen to deliv(lI"uK i:I\I~II , /Itl tiJ.lI·lill;' ,." m,d it threw him oft' lIts feet twice. ·T he up Mr .. SHI"" i" !lll!'l d'"'k '" I.btl ilhook is felt ·le88 on the ground than Spring Vull~y 'Schuu, B",lrd," lJlO'il hi a buildinlJ' 80 you olln imllglne b <ldy II .. " be'11II t,b" I'r ctlon IIf a , . ., . r I i what It wall ~p four or five storiet! new "'(J.hOIlI hUll, wI,:. 1I1111 t k ex· Ban Franolsoo hlUl over 350.000 , P ot-6d It wiJl bll cOlll jJleted e,.~rly 10 people without home8 and maDY j ~' p\.ember who were rloh are DOW ~r. I Mrtl MIlr.y ,Z ti l ,~:u ' l Il' r,lIl I .1,Ll1c:h LI wif ... ne v' OhA nd "he ! t tlr Mill,. Mil q ' HII wl!e , uf lieu r ...y e", very r ""', a , . '. . . ' rest ~re ~11 right. " , ' '!, SprIDg, YHIl,<'y .Ilt~,vtl , ~e,m for, ,t'l=lD With love to !lU, will Olose. . 1d",ys vl." ltmg tll~ fuulIl .1" nr, Jarnohl ISRAEL S,ATTlliRTRWAli'g, neai' Mllf,',rd Mr, "1Il1 M'I·~ . Hllw~e . . ,' 'UWU iI. fllrm flvo mileR' from tbo Farmer8 ea.ll io and 8ee the Brad· vlll.Lge nnll lit\9ij \he h ome of Gn v ley ~ang piows,edge ,dro)oorp plant. er,n~r PAttl80n whenever they drive ers, olle and two. rew oorn coltlva. ~Intu M.ilford Mr. Hawke h'l i! 110· '&orll. I alllo oorry . Il full rIDe 0 f 0 s· Ircepted II. po~itlon in .t,ho 0. moe Of t,IIO borne impler;nenta and am taking Queen.& Ore8Cen~ Rallrolld iu t;1? " orders for high grade tobllOOO, corn cionati • .being lW'!!o.oill.teu with .h18 and 08&11 fertiltzer8 ranging In ,prioe relative. Chus,. Q Zell, DistrIct from thirteeD 'd'DlIa~ up. .Passenp;er Agent, who · ill~s .' been HENRY JAY. employed' by the Queen am)' Croe. _ _......._ -'--_ cent for many. yoor8. ' ,, , , Wanted: Trll~elliug , Salesman Muat turntsb 'referanoes and invest ONE WELL PAINTED BOOtlE tl000. oo 10 first clue 6% Bonda, In a neighborhOQd oreates 8 , de. Salary and Expen8es paid, Expo. lUa.nd for others i leads ·to generai rl ' t I ad tea h Improvement in publlo tasta And in. pe enoe no requ r ' _we c Orell.888 property value. A liberal bl18ln881 at our mills. The Wheellng 08e of Grean Seal Liquid Paint is Rooft'DI aDd Cornice . Company, sotind boslne!!!!' policy. Wheeling, W. Va. tmO For Bale by J.E. Janntly
~l .I UJlfll,\Y ""11\' __ P'\iJ""ik •• ln Tllh l'-l f hv lH '!'o' " I)· ,.q hl. · dl u ~l f'h ' l on Whlll, "II, ~11"II Il " II ' I' r''' ldpu t.
j"" ', 11'' ' we 11'. Syrup
()( Dr. Card.
\\"111 1;i VQ
N ot lCC of ApPollltment. _ _ ,.>"" ,11 HUI1H"h P l"llitY., Ih~ct., .. ~ ..~il
'i "t.
and 1 guess J Wll8 gOlDg some. Ed's PAINT INI:5URANCE. boy wu 81eeping with me; he tried You way hllve fire. accident, tor· to gilt into his l*reotB' rpom. a~d he Willi thrown into th., bath room . Dado und burgll1f insurance.. Wiry not tUBure your bniltllngs against It hr<>lto the WIlUS and foun~Uons deoa.Y? Green Senl Llqultl Plltnt will lIor;ne, aDd brobtbe obi~oeye; with do it. For sale by J. E Janney. that exception an!! 80me broken dlshel!, we all got oft' without II. Much interest ill Gatherboratoh. , ing or Teachers at But tl1e 1088 down toWD W88 terri · Waynesville. ble. Three aDd four 8t.ory buildings, ___-:-_ _-:-were abaken amd aettled together 'J.'here is u.n inoreasing interest until they lOemed not more. than e8pecially among the tOllohers of two e&orles high. Thllre were nine. Warren Imd adjoining oount.\es in t~n Idlled ou.tright, and no one the meeting of the Warren CoUDt,y knowl how many injared i we 8ee Teachers A88oolation whloh Is ~o be them e'ferywhere. held at Waynesville, Saturday. MIlY ' Two frame oharohes were th rOWD 19th. ' aorou the ' .treet; it shook the top ' A 8pticiallnterest attaohe8 to this off tbe bilh eohool building, tbe meeting 11.8 it, is the first 'held out· sower off 'he Poet Oftlce. and lever. 81de of the County sellt in a long al dwelllnp look as ~f they had 8l1d ,time, and espeolallly strong program down an lnoline and ooUapeed when' hll.8 been prepared, as follo,:,"s. ",ey .'mot the bOttom. The State , , MownNfl SE88JON· ·10 o'olook. Alylnm II a frilM. It i8 larger Muslo ' . Qurtette. 'han ",8 oD8 at Dayt.on'. About [ "!:!ome of th~ Needs of our tjOhools" halr ",e main baUdlnl ' oollapsed I Supt . Cha8. A. Bro\'I'o . and piled brick, l&one and timber on IClarinet Solo Raymer Reed , the Inma~, tilling 110 , outright, 'James Whitcomu , .Kiley' and wounding alreet mauy. There Prof; D. B. Bell. are many Jape and Chineee there.
I JII'1 I'l'l' \.\I', lt not""" '( II '" \11) ill I lllll!!1 ·nI H.l h." [1~)lj~ik:" I.It.
.\lt U tlh'\" .
nlso t;oll\'incill~ n';I\ hlmlt!'r IIrc
Appointment .•
Trouble and Never $uspect it.
M, , .. "!l0 "'" • ( A U.I. DIII T M . Me " .. v f
We went out ~ Be8 the rains thl~ morning. It happened they had the yardl ' nDder the tree'8 covered , wUh dying, dead apd w:ounded, aDd went lUll taklng,them out. It was terrible .ight-blood everywhere. 8tanford UnlversUy, one of the tlneat In 'he world, la a wreck. The ohapel, wblob ooat · .12,000,000 to build and furnilb. Ie 'In rulnB. It moved five at.ory bundloRIL oft' their
R:.•F. Mosher; N. Lemmon;
Vice ,president, JaB. Stoops; Ass't. Cashier, W. A. Merritt.
11103 .. . .. , . ..... , .,." .. , .... , .. .. 1!I 15.g4S.24
.luly ~;J, LOO" ., .. , .. .. . , ... , .... . .. ;, ,, , . .*;j ~ 37{) *0 ,'Illy ":j ,11106'•• •• ~ • • • • • • • ' ..': 1 ' • • • • ••• .:. • • 4 "" . ,.~~ """,.4 0 ' . . . , ~ '. •• J'!'I::
April Hi, lOOt! .. " ....... , .. " .. .. , .,... $ 66 592 50 , .. '~ J • issused a New VaJilable ,p to 4ate. Wall Chart' of three Sheeb (six pagel) each 28 inches wide, 36 in.:hes long. EQUIPPED WITH The fint page show. an entirely New Map of Ohio ; the most beautiful and exac~ ever printed. In bringing this Map up to date, all new tOWDI! A~PETR, 'GOOD~, are located, all :Electric and Traction ,Railroads are shown, all R.ural Mail '~~~!~~or:.nd portraits ,of all the On other ,p ages of this Magnificent ! Chart are Maps of tlie United States ' wfth portraits 'of al1 the ,Presldents: j' Map of Panama showing ' CaIlal ·. zone,' with data relative, to ,the great Ship Canal, n~ being built by the Untted . Statesj one ofdth!" greatest AND enterprIses e.ver attempte • , A. topographical Map of the Russia SOUTHERN RAilWAY Japa.nese War distri,c t .with. d~t:J. and detaIls of the twO great Annles and ' Navies, battle field~, ',etc., incl~ding the last t'Javal battle ID the ,s traits 01 , Korea. . , '. 'I 'IMPORTANT CITIES , A map of .the World, with Namee . " \ 'of ~urers. ' Coats of Arms. Flags South, , all Nations, Steamship Routes, with Southeast, data and' :statisrics of great worth. '. . •• " Southwest. Other maps are the l'pilippinq " IIOl/dEIKEli' TIeKEn ON SALa: Is!and~, ~aw!lii, ~l.aska and Porto 'II'T AND TIll." TUESDAV. 0' RIA co, I~ ad I oln711dlSlttnctt maps, 'nt IACH MONTH 'TO iMlNV n In ex WI oea e any pol '. ,ollm IGUTII. desire('l and is so' simple a cb.ild ~an .understand it '. The Chart is' new, rw:brGrmatioI> and RAIAw A~ correct and up to date, making- it an PAUL BIlO~. T. P. A. ' invaluable edupator, indespensab)e , CIWI ",. ZELL, D:.P. A. Cino'D~nt:l. . ' J .: 'for the' ~ome, S~h<X?I, ' Library, or Int,,,r!o~. \'iow e,r ,(llle r ll(itn in I:1nto\aj,'I,)Ll ~ ·(.\ll ' ev.:8 1m l\e'l"Ii':'lrY'./:l'l)n~~ , WA'OAR,Urr, Q.-.I M~pr. 8to~'llllt Co~ege. '. , . • $ , . 1("nlll. tQrft .does/l, hl'l8in es14 of ,more t,hu;n JWO,OOIl .. hnur.ll~'. The ~lhn,g pr!ce IS 2.50,'. yet Its w. c;. RJNEAit&oN; O. P. A., worth IS' many Umell greatc:r. ' The . CIodou.1I. O. Enquirer Company Il!. gi'ving this chart Free to subsc~bers of the weekly Enquirer w~o.rel'llit4I?Dedollar for a yem sllbscr!p~on or for a, re-· PAINTING A BOUSE newat of old subscrlptton. Agents can Inoretl@es it's value out of ull pro· reap a rich harvest soliciting ordell portl9n'to thll CO!\lt of Ule job. A ooat far this grand offer. Ad,drea, or two of'Gro6n &Ill Pnintis an inENQUIRER COMPA.NY. velltment thtl.t tl.lways )JtIys big dlv· 'IPelaa.... 0IIII: fden4a. For sale ,by J, E. JIlDney.
1,'he-. Cincinnati 'Enquire:r baa 'jUlf
.Cinoi nnaU&lLLouisYille1:
of I
White G~Od8, Gingham , ..',. ' . S.i lk Gloves, 9orsets;' Linoleum'
tI'uiCbiSQIl $ ;(jibn ~y" ' . ' X~nia, ~biQ.
' --.-_..-
Warr en Co.un ty Court s.
I Is t, wlt'h bond of flOOO. Frnnk Let us Look after Postmugt(:l~ R 1.lbel1. R . ~·urr. hllrl" I:f. . lelllenti l and Do oot be lruposo u 1;11' .'11. NIIlW dUIT!, 1'.: • •r,411110Y . I.lPllrlL iserll. G. W. Font!l, Po t.rnn>!tlir IIt1tivo r. ' Foley &: (;~, 'h iCIl go. Orl l!lD Publi c Prope rty. ~tIl,e- ot Ohl · " tlu~ I o.oxre I!; nUl. II ..IIUUU . , .ton lit. nearly lo!!t hill IIff) lind willi Hom1Y lind f ur IL~ "thlol\ IUDAJ, 1!.'tj'l·AT~ 'Clt.~N81i'Itns . t It-nn IUII I,: Wn, .rr" vs u. R . WilliullI ~ . J Il" " ''' 'l ~INCINN ATI, ~I rob'bed 'Of a n comfor t, Ilcoor rli ng to rem~dy, Ilnd ou 1I 0PO~lIIt The pimple of Wa~ne8 of . tho P euoo for I:llunlil Ou tl' ' II . W. ~; . MOOR". Ree ' IV(" his letter. whio h RnyS: "For:)O ;yr . m erit nUd, pllpnlanr.~ of ~h ~ I:",:r E.llen l)u· lii~ ILlid bUllbnntl t~ AmY genuinely IntClrestod in v ill e seem improv E'nky >4 iu' g I.Ihlp. WIl.rren oouuty, Ohiu. Mlu l.Il I-I-&" P •• rke r ; lOT! In Frankli I hud ohronic liv('rooD1pln int., whiob HOJ;lAY !lod rill; mUOYH lIlo~. / , n ; ~1.00. t,h I\PIWMRno . 1)( t h eir pronert y led to sllch /l severe OIis .of jnuodio e offer erl (01' ...he !!:en 1l111c. ta I10D::," ru 1I1~18 to oompel dll(OI/ul4un to Qurr\lU~ Ask I nr rum ARD Levi Luoy to Jumoj:! Lil wis; ·24.6!) nn d till- nppa nrlt'n oe ,of tbnt eveu my finger nllitH tnrn ed Foley'l> Boney Il u~l 'flll' t h u t l1 w n, at hiMreourd JO OU!lO tri",d o u Murllh ~tI ' ,.ortls In W'Lyntl tOwuSll F~FFtJ ' \~ ;-\P1UL I ii . 1I'('lI. yellow ' when my dootor pre~oribed nny ut 1.,thlr NI Ilnrl rern~e ll' ; ~2 00. ~,re!len l., und tho t~u7.ette hn~ hear~ Il~ (11' IIlhr>r •'1I)j('l'tI UO SJ). Iu whiob plniot,ifi' in 'tlll:! .J • •'U Iv. tI J<Jl ect ri~ Bitter!\, \Vbi h cur ed IJle prep'lrl ltioll will !rive JuUl''; A. l'tey n\l)d~ to iJ unl o R. '1 numbe r of r ml1r~" tegll t,h!' !:IR OI A ~ f\ r. ' , ,, U ons rdiu No. g J Nil, ri O the :\u. 7 1) N'~ ' ;jV dtlfend' lUt. W . A . I::limd uillu UUII R"ynolc l i Ufo 11.1 LubiUlo nnd havA kept me .well n'lIn. XIl 1". \I t! It lob·ot1i h e st.n.Jll11'I PIl on Oht1pmlln A. lIt. A. M . P. M. L' , M . YOllrs . " ' ure CUl'(\ for Co r e le von lsfllOt!OIl . It i!lmiJlI ly Brilndo n BU'rr &lvinl lnrqll,t'lru I'y ti BilIonsn eRII, oo~t.jlln!l no opln.tM ulld S !I» fest fot' ' . ' It) :!r. ~ t,reet . I 30 ~ ~s ,r .M ' 'l'bvmp sll u und 'wil'u 'to J en Ne.ornIJlI!l., 1Vellklles~ On lilt ::>tom. ohlldre ll a nd delicate per .. OIW tor p)aintUr. (, !?2 10 :!2 7 27 I :!i ' Illl' 'l'hulII) lsou; :1\10 i ll Deerflell! nob, Liver. Kidn oy IlT,d fIlll'ldf)r d e . Thill l~t is owned b'y , t h e village l!j t!:! 1 10 17 II .~ :: 1r. 17 rllngelll S. A. I:I tllwoll .n.nl1 .1, 0 . 'r';I1~." r "I' llllbi P ; :f:lUUU e nts . A wonder fnl Tonio , tLnd Is fur from Ill'log;1 or rdit f'() tile , i II' lU H, l 10 ' :. lr. . AtF C. ohwllrt7 . 'sDrug Stor e. 5,Oj1 VI!. N Utl oolJ,1 N orml. I U u.Vtlr" 1t~'. town . At n vfl ry !lml~I1 ' e Xlle nse it. Cc nler\' llle O J' I:! 111 W. I 07 5 Morri>l 7 0 I 1 " tu'1'lIom u8 Uougbl ln Mo I .. d Iley; l~o. Ount 0 1I1me , ~ ltI~4 lhJ ut ill' ; l ut iu Le lJlluuo ; $1. t;. 01 on nld bo leveled olf !lodded . [los3i . Man o r t 7 Oij " 10 01 ~ I Oil with loterest fJ:01ll2i th ,I. •.; " f April fi r,u 70 1 I ti l 4 ;,1; sib'l y u few vines or hllrd y tlowers f_y U e Hnrry l'rillt7. to Nellie l'rlotll n ow tl t !1) u:t ; I ~ (.8 foreoIOtlUl'~ of UlOrtgu g J' uUll ULU I' J:;UJ;6wood .J r,a ill r.8 I' ttl tt t ' 1 . 1U reqmre I e tl e n I ::t P ItO ted I ~ ~4 H 4 11 ;0 M lO 411 Ie II e f . 1> clnlntu f stat.. tb u N .. tluuul B/j I'r'Y, llnd .LOIlI!! N. Printz i lot In nhout. it-Ilml m url a .to he o n e of the Venable -E-~tBALME1t I(llch ncr 111.,2 ; \14 7 ;d 4 47 N:o~wI11 Univer snry ,~ is u uuqlul'n l.IOIl WI1V >r tl t·tl' e !It t.S In · ·"nw I1 . J RII 't tIl' Dmlc1 1'O , ll\lsville ; $ 1. 0 fiO . 111 .. :1 12 I r,\I ANI> ~ .. IJ"A L),JlI J'N "pn ~, 1 ~ Imd owns lot No . .14.6 IlUI!' IJurtli "I Ellzu Ii' 1:1ll1u611 tu FI'lInk !:S . Eillon wort.l! while? L 1I11111 itl41 ; 11' JfI " It H · '.' 30 loti! NOB • .145 nnd 14.7 III LtlllllUOD./ lot Iu Wayne sville; " [. oha llon- I_I·. 0 !Ii' I:! ':IC, 4 :1 0 . lHO·1. l!5 . . - - . • -.-'riley further stu.te tllel'l! I,; !.lUll Ililill ,J uggling with Dynumi ttl. C Il.I:. I) lI, · X'TIL'l. X')' " kD Ll1uru 0 : Corrlog tuo to George M D,yloll 1I11lHltltftl ou ntoe promlt!8 0ry n otes 'fhoUl}> sou ; q uit oillim b .': ~11 '1' t o 20 uoros \u II 00 · 2 00 D lIXO~ Is n o moro dnugeJ:ons thlln 'l'eleph one in his house wbe rt' ho loot kidn ey disorder!!. FoleY'!It.f) n\lg. Cllpltl>! \If whioh Ilre tLttllohe U to pe. l)etlrtle ld towntlh lp : Kid· n ey C ure cnrrect s irrQgnhtrltl e~ and II 00 II ou CIIn bo culled at all h.ours . c1lty or titil)u thll Mo.-n $1li2H.2 0. '1'0 !leoure .l ohl1no(l, DelfllDllllbl nnd husban d bUll oured mllll'V Revere ca!lAf\ RftAr n igh t . . so "l'H IIO UND . lJUJlllllDt 01 IIlllu uottlt! U UJOrtgul!e to v hurlet! 'l'ownMend The ;enuln e ; 1. H aores in ot.ber trentme nt hllS fllil ed It builds A . M. A . M. 1'. M . P. M . 'ol1ohes und Cbu.irB lIu'p plied . hllll Utldtl, ~Iv\ln . I:'huntl fts f:ltllt!: Deertio l d towo hip: FOLEY up the worn v ut tisAu e!' ond r e .. tor. Leol'c "S HONE Y and T A~ lelD No fl o $UOO. No ~ · NO 4 ' NO O· . Hllve recentl y moved to room eB health Bud vigor " 1 troubl . Day Ion : C II U t Im' ~hB relll 6titllttl 181uHuIlIctont to [. 00 a Yellow package . Refuso 8ubstltutea. Goorjte to t;ullllnu h Moore ed with kidn ey complu n ext to 'ro!'! Bros. int f'lr IIbo ut O"~lon : 0 &. X l' 700 lG 00 V"Y 't!LUl! nl ort.guj:B inde btedullt lllllod lut io .l!'rullli Prepare d only by " 00 lio; *1<100 . MAIN 8TUll:Et . two ·yen.rll. " writes A. 8 . D,wis of LObanoll Ju. WAYNE 8\' ILLH:. O. 5 .f ~ Pole, • Cemp. ny, Chlo.... .. 40 lb :i~ IIlIJ u\Jrporll tlOu I II insolve nt : 1'1I1iu. !'tIt . StllrliOA 10WII . .. but two. bot Shaker Crt.8Hlng 7 4~ 10 ;. 44 Ctlt!!;Iiu.. ;17 EIIIIIIlIU " aUu wife to tieR of Foley 's Kidney tIIl'1'I '!~k judg1pU lIt uud thllt tUe ure elfeowd lloHlyn ECONO MIC HO(JSE,P~INTINU t7.7 ; 10 4 2 "r.4" DelltlJR fr om Appeutl loi V1urtglL/<tl llu t'ortlolodeu und LUll prop UJlHltHUU''''I'Y 1:1 . Wur.."u ; th)' ~o u ll6rlllUn ent oure :" H U nlp~~e."l 7 r,o 104 6 r.!! decrens e ill !,be SAUlt' rllM thtlt. ~1'IIut:l III 'l'u'rth:O I,.,uk tow/l~hip; tot. t,h l' DOes uot (lepend upon buying the \lny du.ltI '1'hllY ul~o Ill:! k lhut ~lIe Centeryille :. liM 7 ns 10 r.3 chenpel lt ValUt dtomno ll Trouble tl. Mallor It!! .1';' flU IH nse of Dr . g '/; New Life Pill~ q.t luli ty. There winhou t r egf\rd to "8 04 "10 50 UUU l't appOin t I~ roodl v,II' t ,) mltu t. re some pldntll A 00 II 04 !J 0° d Oll inorell~e!' . They !'Il VI) ynn frnm dllll· whioh cost less than "Ureen Mrll . Sue Mnrtln . Il.O old a.nd 111gh . Lyt.le ohllrgu of "aid ·proper ty. ulIlgdu lJ ~ommi8sioners Seal," ger I\nd bri ng q ui k nnel pnllllllM s H 12 "11 07 Iy r eR)XIctecl rO!liden t of Fuisonl n , Etlgt:woo d a or; " 11 11 r e leu se h . i th om oon tl p'lt.ion lind th e . b ut t h ey are Dl,ore expens ive UUII Uuuhull t IU'elltto llllly tl t\lt IJltI.(O VO llllble n 8 e I Miss. U • 11 II was Blok " " Oil with III 1(1 I<t omuoh Proce t·roll eding . s. lo ng run . . Ills 'rowfng tit of It. Streng th' llull tlll';:,. tK la III 1:1 ble for more tlmn six m onth!l Chal11· ICitohncr .:1 ) 1 III I H "ilC a lwllv s follow t h eir ll~e G uor or Fer sale by J. E. Juuney . +8 t o 11 In berlain 's tltC)luflch lind Li.v l'r :mb· Dod". a 1:1 I ,. !! I COURT PRooICHiD1N6l1. Hoteed by F. C. ti E: Ul'ullly brhlgtl IUIU.lltlr hWArtz 's Drug· • ~It t Il 24 let'B our!'d h e r I:Ule SlIYS:' " 1 cao Leland '0 22 ~t' ao Myrtle Jrene Wolf VII Peter E . \ lllJd l·tllJl.lllt! ......... . , ....... , G tiD no w ellt anythin g I wnnt and 8.m Lebanon Arrh'o 8 an 11 30 n ao 'I ,~ gist. 25 . 'try th em. Wolt. 'CuUile dismiss ed . lIull)' except Suml",.. :t SIO)l On KI~ 1I1l1. the proudes t womon in the world , W. 1:1 . IStuouII: e lind Co. II UV to find suoh /I good m ediolne ." For 8U NUA \. T ItAINY. fJ t:I. B . WOoUw urd Vtl Mary Anu vlie:. for Auditor ,........ 3U J5 su.le by F. C. Boh'Wn·r tz. "ral11o vas. Ly tle as follow. : tlnillf. On mot.ion of plHintl1 f amend UtlO E. Young, ~ ~Iary un, Northbou nd r. of ":' 1). rn 7 .;fla. ru , mentto defelldH nt'e.nns wer i8 s triok. G dtl,r yOld I"w AprIl The wealth that coal 10..... 14 21 It is Da.n gerou8 to Negleo t a Cold . Soulbhound 0 Oin. III 70;1 1'. m . oo . Anpllou tlon ' for ' eo E.. unug siliury uod er 00 from the fil "'" has produced and how H ft ,. d ~ It E:. MOOIH:. ow 0 e n 0 we h r emn r k · oontlnu ance of tbie oUuseo verrule d. General P A"~DKerw. Ageul. r.ebanon . O. ntlW hl,w MI1Y 1. .......... . 77 7'7 ad: "Its only 1\ oold.eur rapidl y it has been ' ··· ond n few ' ~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ . Injuno tion dttl80lv ed and judgem ent ;::8C ' Turtun flUlll hlr NjUIl~.. 9 2J rlays done. later An intere sting 101&1'0 t hllt the man it,' 011 1 = fur dllfend ant o"Hinet plaintif f for U. . ' J U IJ "~, OOlIlru l)l o. 0.. 40 00 his bUOK witb pneulllo \?lfl, Tbis il! of book on With pure Liu.lleed Oil fu r 1111 11111. this subje ct .. . JIlDletl Folieu t:!l' 1'1 Illrv >I suoh commo n occurre nce t htl.t n· side work Thl ~ ' PHlDt oosts. ,Appeal' bond fixed at 150. is .,t h llu V.V . . ... • lL free. Mulfo oold rd & Long , ho\,\,eve r Slight. should 1I0t. be "b ody nnd netlds thionin g . It ,.bus '. jnnitor .. ....... ......... .. .. .. . liD 00 dis r egllrded . Chorub erluln'8 . l:3 .... te of Ohio ex rei eto ve Chas. D . finrsh" . (lugh become .. tl)or e econ omica l fill' the 1400 U. B. Bldg. , . Arger, 1I~l ury ~II R d ~. un u e m e y oounter ncts /lDY ten d enoy COn 8UII'I I'r , · E . King et ai, AttOrn eys fee of Mid Dayto n, . Ohio. Il8sl!ltant-.. ......... ,........ ... 3u. 00 of d. oold to result in pneumo nlo , For Bille by J, E . •JanneY . Gao: Young for I18rVtees arid expene· S . A . Stilwel l. pilrt puymen ~ and hilS glline(1 its grE'at popnlor ll;y ~~~~~~.~ 611 In this ()8. 88 fixed u.t S3:15 . ~~~!!!!!!!~~~ and extADsi ve s8.le by it.. prompt I 'U • on fe6M from August .. •.... 150 00 ourp!l I1f this mO!lt oommo n lIilrnfOnt. I, John Clarke VB · The Clnoinn a.tI Bea,l ed l)f('posa ll! for the super. [t ulwltys ourl'~ Imd itl pi llu IIUt. t il SoilltiOll. ured Afte r Twenty Yaora Nortbl)f D R. R. 00. Demur rer to Iltrnotu re . Hnd su bs trootnr e for take . For sn,le by F C. 8ohwHr t.z . I1f Tor 't ure to petition wlthdrH wn and defend- bridge on Mill Grove. road In WaBh \ lint oompan y filell motion. For more. thlln twenty YAar s Mr. ingtot:' townsh ip WOII let to the low. B. Mu@sey. of !J32~ Clln t'on St., For Roun d Trip Tickets J. P&OD&TIIi OOVItT. est bidder all follow!I : tlul'lers truo. Mmnen poJis. Minn., WH!I tort nred l,Jy In re will Corneli a B. Lupton ' de. tnre Oregon ia Bridge Co. sointir,ll. The IIlll n and ' s ufferln'f.l' at *213.1-1 via · 0681100. will admitt ed to probate . Snb8truot~lfe. Charles w hich h e e uE:lQred dnrln~ thi!l time Htibhs '49.50. Louisville & ashviUe R. R. ill hayond con;iple hension . Nothin g Wldciw er eleots to tllke under pro.. Plans and speolfic ationB for ~ stool gn va him flny p rmttn en t reller uu· vlsloDII of wilt. To Nenrl30 .A!1 Points . ' In tl'U88 brid~e over tbe rnce In Way. !.il h!ll1~ed Ch!lmb erluin 'r,\ PAin Balm "'-'-te "f" , 1' ~ B L to " d Olle R.J.\plicat,i on of that linim. nt r eo ALAB AMA , FLOR ""'... 0 vorne.. .. . np n. · e· nesvllle were aprovet 1 anI! the AUd· IDA, __ .... ~. ' N E L to lievec1. the pni n Ilnd mude .,leep upd Dr. Miles' Heart Cure has ~. . . up n appoIn ted a d · itor was directe d to advertI sed tn . GEORGIA, .' ENTUCKY, ' r eet po~sihle. find le!'R tbnr> (lne botmade many hearts well arrer minisU 'ntor. Wm: Croe Geol'lie two paperB. Sealed. prpposa t.le bn 8 effected a permRn tlDt . oure, . ls, to be they have been p tonoun ced LOmS • . IANA ,' MISSI J SS-;' receive d Bnd ope. n ed a.t 1 p. Ul., 1f trouble tl with sciu tlca Riley and Ohafl~ GrahHm , apprais · Pol rheumn.. 26 1006 t C I ' • hopeles s. It has comple · ers. · IPPI, V1RG)NIA, NORTH tism why not t l'Y "' . 250 orbottle . ay. of , II omm Blioner s : cure d thousa nds, and will t ely at" P ,1in .Balm lind see for yourBel f how office;: '. AND SOU THC ARO U- quiokly 'm ost invaria bly d,re or benefit . Est.te of Frederl ok M. HuoliiD 80n I.t r elie ves tbe ))/lIn. For Contrao t was let to Doug Rol every case of heart disease . fIII.l e by F . NA, TENNESSEE . Sch wart?. miDo~. ~nven'tory ~Ied. . lings worth for oonoret e proteotio~ Short breath, pain around 1·lukel. dn Hule I HI una :I;\l 1'U •• , In re 11I8t will Hnd testame nt of to abutml int near resldentl :U-~*-it-fleart, palpita tion,-ft lIftCfin g, rluya f rom Mny to Noyembe r In· Dlt.vis Furn~, deoe~ . .. Will ad. Wilbur Jeffrey at 127.60. dizzy, faintin g and smothe ring c1ush' c , Rood ret.uru1ng 2 1 ~a)!8 mitted to probate: Widow electa to Contrno t WIIS let to " Bebert spells should nbt be trom a:lle o[ Bule. Por hirlbor neg lected. take pro,!18lon of wil~. WitJi' someth lng BulJstan tl HI to begin the d'a y on, suits every lnfonnatlon. cOIIJ\ult your' locol Smith 'for ' new stone abutme ntB Take pro Miles' membe r Heart Cure ngc" t . or .,Ieiress of tbe houseb old these oo,ld mornin gs. and see how quick you will In ra wlll \It MiUon R. Plluly, de· near 'Leatbe l' ~r &ohool . house in be relicved . J . tI . MII,r.IKEI I. J) . I'" ,. . LouIsvill e . J\V oea8ed. 'W1ll admltte cfto probate . Washln gtou townBh ip, at $36 .50. Most people driuk ooffee at brllakf.a st, und we oau ' 8uit the 'lover It can not make a 'new heart, 1". 0 , D USH, O. P. A. Cl nclnnMI. Oh!O. of coffee. Estate .of Il>!lvle Fu..nlUl, decease d.. Contrao t was made We b"ve I\S good 1\ line of COFFE ES. a" vou o"n find in town with Benry but will .rest!,re a sick one by .T. ),J . OAY".II/.'O ln. D ~. '".. St. I. nul•. ~Io. · Seth l!'nrJilai' appoint ed exeonto r Rolley for 18 feet 15 inoh What botter thon bllotter oaken witb PUR E SYRUP . Got JI O. DA.II.KY. N. W. [I. A • . Cll'lcago. 111. Pllnoak e vitrified strengt hening the heart nerves Iaaao Willon James S.· Vander vor.t sewer near Pleasan t Ridge' FLOUR Ilnd SYRUP b ere. sohool and muscle s, relievin g ' the C . L. I:3TONE . Gen', Pass . Agent. , " a~d Mar~ili G(lns, app~ai8ef8. We Cltn furnish tbe mllkeup of nil meals; bren.kfn st. dtnner . bou~ at '~O· SO. . unllatti ral 'strain, and restori ng and sup · " , .' por, with HI! 8et\sOna hle good. its vitality . EiltAtM for ""qm ent. LOuisa .', ." .. HANN A'S LUST~O PAINT "I had II. very bad OllIe of hellrt , . ". YQu aJ;'e invited to oall. Longem an, dooeaee d •. first and ~nal W. BAT IS WORT H PAINT ING Beautif ni and dnr..ble. Used on THE ~~~~.le. r':'f rj~\~ r'~'.'~~"p?o;r~~d ~~~ acOOun \ ,' v _ _ E. Hn&bbi nson, de~ CORN ER GROC ERY, 18 wort.h p"intint r we·II. Then 1)(, and t~ellnlf bAtt 811 day; In the AJlorfloors and other wo04 work:•• IMade ....... " ~ roo noon in plowing one row ' hod to Iny ~aed first and final 'accoun t; Jon. oon~il'tent to on" The only way to prop and u ee Green 8enl Liq. ,Iown. or tall down. , Ih roo thl1clJ. My Id Pai t aUlan' J. Mull, deoeal!lejl. seoond 00- u n . henrt throbb.oo ' nil fl rly finish u door. See t·he tinishe( l It would lJU l'1!t t\,rollgh. Dnd I ~hoUlfh hl,d dim ulty In ~ "mpl e!l oonnt: ~aorge E. Rboad8 l!. minor sellin" my lJren lh. I purcllu"" d - _ __ ~ bottle pt Dr, Miles' }J'Ulrt Curo. nndIl At J E . Janney 's lJefore 1 hud u cd hi, If \lr It. 1 cnul d' flnt aoconp t; Edwin R. VHn ' Der· EDIS ON PHON . OORA PH. Iny down MI,·cp nil I11 &h t. Preyl1"1\ ,","Iy I lInelAnd veer, imheel1e, fourth aoooun t; A 10 g t up rrom 11"" 10 ten MANY OF YOUR NEI61; 1B9RS IImt./JI ,i. /1 ';:-111. I litl\'o 1:<I<on ·. eo. Co' uden, . partner ship "- ol'lll N· . a' nd ·Th > b .Ill·s. 1I 1l0.l Il.y henrt I...s ,·. gu:O .. III .fu(l g~ v HI by t.he appP"l'/ lnce' of clllulLwu rk. I f uel III 0 Il new 'ni" ". fl' ..... t·, Mary . C. our house. (he"n EjAltl r.lqulrl no" and ' final. acConn Paint. . and c~n \\'ork con~I<'ler nble tor uu old mIln, 84'At year8 old." .l1iJ~nith,. deoeu.8ed,:'~l:st and final ltC, . allo~" drlll.'l>4Y ~PI)9I)rl1.'1nCI;l ,to you r H. D. McGILL , FroBt, Ohio. hO~lS - I , • • ,"'rft-ot f\nl~h . " count tlHruh ':A.. 'TholDp8011 benefic . Or. Mlle.' H•• rt Cur· I. lold by .For Silk. bV .1 . E .I"""A~·., '.. " · lary, 8t!l)e Robl'nl!On. illlbl)UUO, fir>ll r~~rfi~~~ '!;' ~ ~:,'e~MI 'i:~~~l~~r .A LW·.' 'I.' TBI' N n'E' lE "REEN h. w ill refund your mon o!'. wy~ ;~I~! acovnu t i Pliwr W. t:l1l1) •.· !1~.cetl.>lctl ., J J . D uflJ .....r«, --the -'':Ilt end U ' Miles ~eilical Co., Elkhar t, Ind other iiiQ,,1 I~' ..1iid.70 othor ,' . Sb': A 6 P'\ INn:; UI&lpb J!l. ' 't'btlinIIKon., minur, fir>41 poU~thloi.ncI !lc.t mUch val... '. c...:_.C:7.~~C.L'-"""'O"'''''.''= """ry a,,4 can 'olrer OpportUlllt,. .• tluCtlu>I" ,I, .. . R. · ..y. LY' How IL WnIH"n HII . .. ,I; , . ' d'ootl~ 'l;he Jirllt t,iOOUllllt. "'! 0(11(7 . > '. .' . (,If the ·B,.I n1 ., ,f 'l'hn El ,,;..,o••I~~~..!fiO~. "" • . Inllll)' 6it1d by W . J!' J!lll . zrotb !lull "1Ii===E;;;_;;;;~r •• PIII 'PAlR . t ·W" rl.nn·tll · ad t.H"I'Pltk b e Ho~~.rtl. W . .Ivett", tI, XdQ~wrl,l. · 11I ~p. Brlngs ·,.\lwer II ' ·.l, , ~·"ll;. EVI1r\ ~I.h\.i It , .1 II 11 IlY IIl Ht V\lfleIC III1I11P, " \. NAIL8 IAC"S " 6 'til 1fC1l: \l1.'U·.11 .n , ' ~~"'1' W.t'l me .. n w h lln y .. n ,IW,X t. ~I''' lIr' ll(qd., .. u~ fb"y hUV.I.l , 1.0 l.llUIIl, body . li.kllll It, .' no sll.ill'.i!04 rf'qnir,' rl Ith.nnw . r Whv, we ilflvl'r OUT THE K'ne'v AIR II ", II ., .-·.rO~n93 . 05 IUlltwd ~t !jIG9:! Oli, ..od tbe til reprodu oE' perfect ly' b~nd IlIll;;lo.· WITH .... l1li) , Ttlllll'f\ llliliellr,H n08 .1 :;, lle dO (1 •• "!',,,' ' " W G . 1\ NO ' · exoopti ons .,0[ TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES• . ...... ~ . ' , II~ rillt lI.nel th". fI ,,~t. VO(l~ 1, ~ril()N, 'lll ~lt~, . ,lIilll ,//111 imvr,\v ed . fif'r colllplex i"l1 I. Result pI' IS ye&nI experience in tiJ;e City J.PaI,11 6I1ohri ,stt1rel\ llld tor Dl1nghl f.l'llIt''',I:tj';' ·; 'the ' fi!~!,flt. ' 0.' f M. exico mttk.iug. No danger..frorn THORN S. (lh'lrnot , e r ·n ",. .. ", 11~ . fre"h 'Imd . beluHf fnl " , ·TUS. PINS; NA'LS~ TACK S' 0': ·GLAs s. I'; kit" '1'hl1~ YOlltl!! girl'" hel' · l'tt'lpi'il I'I""t.iCl ri~ !:,:,~ F:c!cate of - William ~OnllOn y de ~ ('II !.!~ /I nfl v '." ult'l'vU ::':'be~:r:pe~ ' II· " ,l In A I)rlln:~·(f ~~y Serious punctur ·wtelltio n . / h e r 1'."" hllll tbtl !)nup amll:!pn rk'·,. _ ..D,"aIM ......\rIp ..U.. · oelUled. luvenw ry 'a1!d It.PVI u'1~llmtln l II,,· PII, '1 1(l1!1'/lph 1!'·O\,I.~t . -' - -._. be wlcaniz ec1liken ny olhcrtir e. '~ I1Il1rfl . fnn . t ' 'l'lt, ll!'tI:I to~'d with aioQ' perfeot UD.. T.... ~tl"lth ,' And Des. Moines . .ft\.,d. ·· ,'I'Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In 101l1li Use. Over "Il mu:~!c. t.1''' 11 "." .1' otb~.r .lll1tnmllt.i11 ·w", II h) partly rellpo.n.S :"":..~ 01I~ ,"ber lhlA ·· for. ir,. ". l ' ,. ' ' .. . '. .Sevenly.ftyt TlIouuncl ' pairs ,." II-,·t ,o w er . .\'Ilt. '111 wir.lnn I'(lllell III oonf.)lll1ed th,;, .dru~~I JII!'. . . EASY 10 .en~. ~t. t.or we I'll'. \ ... Iu I'll .wll. 1 1lO1I1I1. y),1, Stilley ., (l~61J1I ' 'III'. .[_, 1I.",,,·kll fl.)I' It~ '\lf. :. Made In allah .... JlIsIl""I~ ';';d ~ rfdlu~ ....l7dn.:.ble.Dd 1iII~:Iu.ui~ . oOlllmeTjderl wbAt . trn.nSf. lrmedh t'r " 1"__ .. , St' P ., ed. App1i~tlori !.IeMor hllt,"ng M.~y ' I' ... ,lh .. tp<dal quii1t,. otrubbor. wbicb , .. W nnerbocD , . ill be I aU! mes parow. .nd from wllllOUI ..lloWiog the air 10 ."'""'~ We \lave IiUllcS....u 1 ' 1 ' I' ,,"Ids e1. . . . .p .....1\ pbiie\lIrea' the from IL woman of fort.y to 1\ ~Irl of , . of ;letlOf1! e \Y atillk4.CUIIt4aJcfa elating p en.ROI . 0 II lOW :a; 'IL~ 11 o'olook H. nl. t t thatthelr. t1ffi1billConlr,beenpumllC<lup.onee01' tWll:eloa Whht j it? · W II 't ' .~ '. wholelltUOU. .'r'bqrw'eiJrb·liOmorelhall ·· In~~t".v :. wen y . " .' an ordl~ tire. the.pllnct ~ • s .' /., llre _~tlna: .quaml.. being Iri~ ' by KftttIl. e , I 'IS '. nl 'Obtl\A8 to anYODe interest eil. .. . la~ Of tbln ·ope.iUllly . prcp4}'ed fabri<:on Dr. Dnvl~'fl lheltad .. TIuiI' tlDnUII .. l1oTillngll prfl!lOM aclc .....!U!&t1oneommonlyrelt,,;blenr ption. LIll<. ,'...P\\..11 . Estate of Ralph ·B,ebHn ey\ ·mlnor. . : o~ oort T'OIld.l. ~e by tbe re~l :·.Dallltet Sold on paytneri tR of SLoo a weat! a.oelft. Tonio. Tublet8 , ~nd v.:~~" ~ wbldi prevetJla al\ aU rrom bolng whfl.n ·,w(1 Bosto n .Firat. ~)1llt for I16ttlem ent, flled. ·m~~ , i ,'p., '1;.f r:'t! !'lef ... ~:i::"~~~~S'~~~:~~\~~~ .. hellrd of I twe Immedi ately. ordered , In ftt Helen' Townse nd deI"n Jll h,\ ~o~J~ ~';t.~r~t ~~:J"1.':j.,P~~:r~C;-l41::'':d~bem ItrIctl~::=~?~ ... • - . tl huge 8~ppl~ : And the way ~bey , . . ' . JEWEL ER . WA YNESV IL·LE. ton~ up the ~yst.em , olear th" O(llll· W.brilla llow..... .. . '""ofspe r..",qlhe n:by:ma klllglhe pricee-,'perpalr) a"provaL oe~. ' WUl •.d~itted· to probate . , San. .I', Uyoum,d D ' • II'ULr. ClASO WITU- ORDER and ' en.leee Ibla aC\vcrliatm plexloil ' 1\.. nil rejuven ate the 'w1\llln enL 'We will '.100 1e114 oile nickel r anclsc q • Jllatate of Hannah· I'" PolcKinll8'1, pla!ed ........ ban4 piunpao,d two Sampoon metal Pl!n!;lll",~"on ~ ' f ull peJd9nle punelU", tl (Ih_ elotnW metal ' 10 body be uKd is In 8u~prl8 rose of Inlcnllooa lng They llLnCfri are a ~en cut. or b....,. .,abm:-J.;..,T.Iria to be rftllnleil In June un<l J~ 1 1 . beb8flo~ ' "ohn F. Bowma.n makes at 011& ... ~ If ror any retUOn lhe)" ""' not ..u.taclcrj tl 1"1 • Sore Nipples . '1D exam - - -, ' .. e aXil,. ve, promo ti . W.e ~re perfectly ftllable , J ,. . ng and an eASy. ml)1lOy IeDt nil" 10 , . Ia ... are .. lD a ~ AaIr: ~ ....t....... .. . ' " lI"ero' BII~ nrAl Or PrdRllt.A action appUoa tion to be rel~ It Burety· of tbe howelll RnlJ carry lI1'nt or the Edit.. of ·lbla paper 11li0ii1 WI. U you aider a pair 0; Denver A O1lre mhy bfj effected by Rppl i thele lirea..yOu will 6ntf'tbal lbqr ..lit . "" . to mil tte b t ride· euler. Nil ·ruter......... better.....1 longer and 100" '. . . y ng 0 jJ a /I ~l' elW'tIiaD ...y.UreJ'l!Uha..,~ruilr4ore,ee · I' t a way Oa·U1e bo~ of tl'118tee . In . July Imnwthai J01Iwill be ID_Upl e..c(1' ing (1bam , tbal'"heD berlatn JOl! want •.blqclt;'yo uwm.l..,n.lanyprl 's.' Salve , 88 Roon at insteatl uo)'ouroci!. of r4er.Wew<;waDt letting tb hth)'" the ·youto _4,111 a iJmall trl81 polson d oome t . ~ WI J . on 3b<,ut , ia.tate" of Hannah 'P rintz deoeila. , e 0 .ocder· u;mee llRAlh",maltES.rlta . Pnr InrormtlU ls bl~tJ,~.?!er. s r.:.r. one " . (lxun ' nun heel r .. ~lc\ ng. :... n .. ~._ ~ pe .. ~ . . -.uu through _:.. ..~ . . . ;. the an:d' tlkill.. There Isn·t,. . ......-.u--.. ' o f f with 1\ 110ft oloth before allowin g .woman ',in .tilre. lind pa."'l cull1rH aho"t l'.nlloyl. • .. OO . town wb9 oa.n lI1foid .to . tICI. Jam. Stoops 'appoin ted admln. oblld 'to Il.nrae. ·MlIl1y trained ' everytllligJn the.~~e IlDe ...... . , !tYlJaa' ' the ......1 prita cbartr~ by dealen ,,_ withou t 1'.axAkolH Tanio ...... ble••, , and . Tepulr men. Write for our blCIlUKD . BY \'apla catalciotrue T.ln . lA pa.senle . . . . r IIClrviee C<)1I18ult "" DO .nT .... _ .but write WI a ~I today. 00'1'10'1' TUI.Nk or B1JYura .a , ' H~ tJ. BOOTH nnl'll88 tl88 this aalve with. the, . }Jest tor '. W,,"nosvlile 0 -.. tbtly cost 25. O!lQtII a 'box.L..'~nd "" .",.... bl,,~lror ,. palr or u_ frOm an,one unUl you Imow tit. aew aail t ~ . . ""nderfu~e.. ....ldnB'. It OUly OOIIS a~"'1D lelirn ~Iu., write 'UIOW. result.. Price .at) oent. per box. they don'td o all that is CIInI~c:rOtap .... ~C8qIt. . we ,,"-~_-_-_"I_ ck~ et_Afl_er_I-_-_ _ _...: Sold by". O. Sohwar tz. pay hllr ~on.e;y ·back. ,, ' ~J. .' •
a" "
The original LlUTIVE cough remed,.
.Heart ' Weakness.
O. M. BRO WN ,
~L'CIJI~II "'~rllU1llISUIt01J· . ,: r:~ r::u~.:ao'f
'GiIOh~i ;"I" 1
WliynA~villll ' 1\
RE-,iii,. oFiiliuo'N '4- 80 .
80 ' .
---- -LI NES..·_ .... ,EXO·· U·'· U8I( )N S,..
Los ' Ange.les
Louisville ' .
Chamberlain's Calllh Ramadl
I ".",,, ,,,,••
IUD.... C.YCII COMPUY,'" D... ,...... I!.lel.ID. I.LL pH Ill;
I lbrunlth ble StUDI so oft~tl I tboup:bt ep uld Imltattl him . and of co urse I here' WIUI no tillklng to do, but just 10 grullt aLl~~ In awhile. the WilY Den· Ills did , and hit ~ an animal look. Well, Sir. tbe keeper who traIned tha OU,9.llg outang look me In band, alld III lUI hofl r I w'lIe perf ct. I had rub· Iler lIeet and WOI' black "..Iovos. IIn6 .. tall fu le ned on wl t\l a. safet), Ill n. that would .de alve the oldest I!.howma.n In lhe busi ness. Wben tbo By HON~ OEOROE W. PECI .'rll wd W&8 the biggest'. In the middle ring, Ihe ko per led me oul at the Au' h,o' So, A _," Etc. dl'~SIIl lI g room with 11 chain . The annOlln<:e ment was Ill_de \)y tbe bllrker Ihat I:>ennlll, the edllcated ourang Qutallg. t bllt had' performed before 'l'h~ Shaw Strlk~s Virginia and. ~h e I;rownea heads . In , Europe and BapEducated Ourang Outang nils t h " heads In Newport, the only ma n· lllon· Whaoping Cough-The Bad Boy key In tb e known world, would now Pisys t he Part af a Monkey; But ellterlaln the most 8elCi)t aud ience t hat had e ver been under the tent. Th n They FOf(let to Pin an .. Tall. I was dragged Into the ring and (lil t . Well. I bave broke Ihe s how all to on the platform. JlI~cee. jU8t lJy no t belllg able' to s tand They dldn't put on my drell8 clothes gI'l r. El" ery th Ins , Ie all balled up, llL IIrst. hut had a little screQD on the I he manager. are sore at mil, and plalform for nle to' go behind to dl'es8. afraid at lJelng sent to jail . and pa and [ appeared first .In th" natural t (,Inkll' 1 oUl;bt to be .mauled . state or the ourang outaog. with' a suit It wns U1ls way : \\ hon we left of buITa.lo robe stuIT that I()o ked eXllclv nAhlllg too we cut loose from every Iy like bl~ monkey. 1 bowed and die ce chee red. aod I slood on hOlM lie. uno plulIlled Into Vlrglnill. .1 be nnll the lI'ollble beglln 0.1 once. We met m hallds soratclied nt· an Imsgln lAwyer 0 11 tbe traill. on the way to ry Ilea, and -. w bo was leaning Il k hmond. alld fcd h im In our dini ng aga lnsl the platform. whispered to me rn,·. nn d go~ him QUaintI'd wllh a lhat 1 WIl.8 making the bll of th e 8eaI he Ilertormen nnd lreakB. and h t d SOil. liS lbat we wollid hU" e 10 be co. of III Then tbe ' attendanta aet tbe table In Virginia, caus all the whi te p ~oJli e and th. ke per took ma behl.nd Ihe ""ere first fa milies alld . arlstOcraUc. screeu aUd dressed me. and lbe old
I .
8·0Y ·W IT·H
THE CIRtUS 0' . _ ·.'....
. an,. moment to lee Virginia seclcle and go out ot tbe un:lo n. Tbere wu nothIng more for me to do xc pt to d.·ln k tny cu n of afto,.. dl nn r colll'o. Rnd sm!oke my t l ~ lU'atle. (llld Quit. anti I was patting m)'s olt on th ba k at mY' sueCOlis BUll !iqulrlllln ~ around In the cho.\r. calise the pin In my tall blln my bR ' k, but I never 6111d a word. The a ttelldant brought In t he l.'Olfee and I took. a \Juple of 8wallows. when I l' allzed tbat , somoliody bad PUt cayenne ,)el)ll.ler IUlO It. a nd 1
w~ ho ~ undn \he collar, \,tUL though .
- _. ...--
IMPRESSED WITH . WESTERN CANADA. la,.. Our Pra.trlea Will Be :rWac1 V, I .in Ten
Good tor Trade.
~ Ranway Ornelal (t raveling Inco •. on
his own ' IIno}-They say tb ere haa been 80me tault tound with t he lat:npe on these tralQ,8. Do you see any. thIng wrong wl~h thom? ' Paaaenger--No, elr. On tbe can' trary, tboy are e'ncUy th!! kind of lamps I like to Beo used. 'Rallwtly Omclal (highly pl eascd) I presume )'OU are a professional ' man~ Passenger--Yes, IIlr; 1 am an ocu, IIat.-Royal. I The Supreme Teet. "You . Bay tbat you would do Ilnytblng on earth for me?" th.l fair girl ailked. looking Into his 'earlleat race. "An).thlng, darling!" he wbllpered, pa8slonatel,.. "After we were married would you 10 shopping with me?" obe continued. With groan at anguish he turned away. lind s he. sobbing. llld her taco among the pillows. In the supreme t est he had falled.- Judge.
. Force ot Characlet-. "Betore I' 8'Ilgt\ge you atl a carre-. 1. A. Stockwell. of IndlanaP,)lta. a s pondence clerk," suld n busln_ meJI ' UnUed l:jta~e8 land man who ,!!~de \1U1 to an appUcant for a clerical position. r exleD8lve tour ot ~J1Bpecl1bn 10 the "sllow mo to Inquire why y011 wr1te wost, wrole the iollow/Dg ' arUcle, unbetween- the -ruled 1ine~ li:aB~e&d of· on dar date of J~tl. 8, tor an Intlluna pubthem ~" . . "Native and oharacterlstlc' Independ· li~~:~~8." In tM, le't ter ~ proPa- . ence. s ir." . ... · . "Ind pcndMlce?" to show by extracts from my note book ' "YelJ. Sir. You don't suppose I am lbat tboUllllnds wbo have cOme up hare going to allow. any obscure paper mak- rrom the "States" have 8ucceeded tar er to dictate to me which way I .hall beyond their moat aangul~e expecto..wrltel"-Royal t10nil. _ ._ _ _ __ _ Dellnltion. . Mr. N. E. Beaumullk, or Brazil, 111H you llie detlnttton ask diona, was earning ,100.00 per mOllth or (hilt small wor(l, "mt.take:' with 0. coal company. At about . th • . It· • • o~ethl ng qllltll mY8tertoue age uf .0 he hnd saved ,about .f3,OOO, Thltt oth er p opto mBlt". - ","'hlnglc?" Btar. Four yeans ago he lallded near Hanler. BWlk.. He now owna 480 acrea of I.a nd. AT 'l'lIE REVIEW. Ulilt fall (1906) he thresbed 4,100 buah. els of wheat and 3,100 bUBhell"ot Ollt". His' wheat alone brought hl~ .ovel" '''.000, whlcb would have polcJ tor th" Bcres thill' It grew on. ge .Ia to-~ worth '15,000. . . Thll I8 Making Money Fut.
1 was ,burning i:1l inSld.C. I· n vfir peel/Cd, bul JUSt ellol,ed and tool.< a s wallow ot wa ter Rnd ,-a\ved to kill tbe perso n Ibat made tbe ~(l!fce> I kept my (emller' till ' b~ trlliller handed me the cigarette anti "watc b, atld the 11.1'3 uft I .1·oallz d tU t th ey had 11IIed t he 1'lgortHl with ''G·dt. and after blowing uut .the ·smoke 1 ''-'0gan' to sueeze. a nd Ille a udience falrl,. wont wild. I sneezed abo\lt elsb t times. and at every Isaeezo tho 1)111 ,. my spi ne hurl like thlunder, but I never los t my te mpe r, till llbout th se" ehth s neeze, whell my monkey ma~ k tlow of!. and ~hen a \l9y a bout my size, rJ gh t In. troot of me. yelled : "It ain't a man. key at all, It Is a li tt le n igger." and h& t hrew a rip e pOl'sl mm01l nlld hi t me I'i!;hl In Ihe eye. 1 said right out In Proof to the Contrary. plnln En&lIsh: "YolI 're a 110.1' and 1 coo kl.lOck Ih e Btu/Dn g Ollt of )'ou." "No," she said all sbe glanced down I I)ullcd oft my d re:ls coaL and started the l!olumn oC mti rrlagQ nollcl!lI. "tt In Feb., Itl02. J. G. Smith &: ~ro. for h11l1. bllt po. . .."rubbed me 01\ one Cllnllot be truB Ihat marr Iago I.!J a were wellveMJ In. a big cot'ton Co I mHl h I~ Lancush!.re, England. ' m ng ere. si de and the monkey U'olller on tllo latter)'." other. and they t l'll!d to get me 10 "Alld why not?" QuerIed tbo young they arr~veil In Wapella. Sask.. wllh. I'eturn 10 th o monkllY haraetcr. a nel mall In t be pa rl or Bcene. ooly $75D.OO between them. 'fhey wer\) chRtt~r. anti pa p\l~ IInY lIlookey llIas k "Because," s he replied. polnUng Lo 80 "greeu" and Inexperienced tbat au on me. bllt I struck · rlg bt tb ere, and the cQlumn III II1ICSUon. "lhere Is a they could earn tbe fil'1ll s ummer .W Il.8 pullt'(\ it orr, and told him ond the .la1!' prohibiting tile advertlslug ot lot,6.00 per monlh. and tbe first willter tney had to work for their bOBrd. The manllge rs. thot ' l 'yolntd not play lJion. tories- and just look ot thls."- Ohl . koy any more with a tail pin oed to cago Didly News. next ),"ar, .1903. they wok h? me]JteacJ,s. my s pine. my stomac h 'lu ll or cayenos and liT working for n eighbors theY lOt pepper and my nOstrils lull or Scotoh One on Him. a to.w acrea lirokeD out. uPon. wblch the sn \I 11', a nel my fJlco 1111 pucI,cred up Redd-I underatand It takea 1Il0re to "HoW dreadtully ItOUt the general la next year th ey rul", d a rew hundred wllh persi mmons. keep that au tomobUe at ,.oun thau It getting," · bushell or wheat nn:! oats. They al»o "Yes.' Isn't It fortunate! Otherwise bo" "h l a team and bro" e nut about The crowd yelled : "Frnu d! Fraud! orlglnall,. cost. be' wouldn't be able to wear 0.\1 his ,-I ... 1905 th y Kill the bald·headed old mOil WllO Is Green--'-That'. right. ' e.... ty aHes 11 . ' e ~. medale.......;.Topeka State Journal. • "7 00'", b··· .. e!· • h t t th father of th e . ml~nk ey ." on'd they "WeU. ( don't want any tblng tha t thr~ahe .. 1. .v ...... 8 O~ W ea rolD Wt'r lIlaklng n. rllsh to clean out the takes more money to keep than It does One Comfort Left, If, and 13,001) bu!,bela ~r oate. Their sbOw wh n Lhe drl:8slng-room door to' get." Tbe retired merchant '!faa loo~ng SUCO~811 being th~n a&IIu,red. they porovened to let th e h l,ppodrOlll e charlot "Why? ' You've got a w\te. haven't over hl!J old ledgers. " . rO'Yed Saine money. built a good hOUS8. ro cers alit, anti ths WRY tM charloLS .)'ou ?"-YQnkers Statelman. " What ~atl8raCUOJi dou that alford barn and llIlplemcnt sbell l and boQ8bt you?" nsked 't be (liller, ' a cream feporato,:. etc. ' They nQw hu,(o Beatt red th'e crowd was n call tlo n, 'fhat ~n\'e d us from serlou ~ trou.ble. Longing. "A beap," he anS'Wered. "When a <\ozell .';IWB. some .full blooded pigs .tor the char loLB run n lo\. of lie- it. ChBP oll t ot work up In 1I11ohtpn .somebody calls me n'n old 'B!iibntnt.1U111 and chickens. good telllntl. nn!! Implea tnJser It do es me I;(.'od to look at 'the monta to ~latch, and are all the h.lgjl groes. which pl e,aaed the ,audience, nnd ' BIlI~ ; " I wlah 1 hBd hlY po.lcilisan : thoy let U8 ott wltbout kl1lfng • us. ~~~~I:r~:lf~~ ~!~~' " Ill\pflld accounts ' of my 41) yearl\ In ' rond to prosperity. 'Here are three They got. me back to tbe dressing-room And coutd buy aU the thll1,. thllt 1 ,..Ichl- bUSiness and refteot tlult, rile given cases selected from my note book trom and had to lake a pllir of pln chers to sun." · . away IIlI my time. without CQllnUn. ·In. ·among a 8<:Ore of otb~r8. , Onl1. a mine gel that sarllty'pin I)\lt of my s pl ull. - RouBton. po.l. tere,8~ U7491 .36,-Chlcago Trtbuue. boaa. one a farmer. and on~ a (aoior,. and 0 the way (0 t he dressl nc-room NECKS PLEASE, ' • operator. With each or tbem 1 took some one W'nlk d 10 my mQnkey ta ll Tempering Wind to the Shorn Lamb. tea and listened to their ptory.. .., fta ~eeper Trailled the OUrangoUlallg Took Me In Band. and pull~d It olf. an d thal \vn a d~ad Mr Llttlcrest- Doctor, wlu,t did yon bope~ to better 01)' I:9nd.ltlon,'· salcJ 10'Ss, Pa sat by lI1.e~d faDned IllS, ten ~e WIIS your spoola)' treatment for ' one, "J thought In U~e 1 mlsht mak" .. nd If any man about our BhoW Ihl>uJd (0,01 torgot to put o'il tIIy taU. He I~!l . 'cause I was [aln tr'8;rrd th n be sn hl: sleePlessness? ···· a' hom~," .~Id another; . "I .~ad hllh . . ,Medico-We 8,rl\~e at the ~au.e .o r expectatloDS," sa,d the C!thor. and all fall 10 be poute to tft~ white peo ple me out and 1 sat up to the lable. "My boy. yoli ,played , your part well. l hey would be I.b ot or Iyn. he4. but It bitched up mY t uffs. put a napkin un· until thll persl'mltlonl phlt you. and the origin 9 f the trouble, r,. 8II1d- that. "1 never ~ecJ It pQl8lble \Viii wanted to sboot nlggers the game der my ohln, tOOK a knire and tork 'th en you r!lrgo~ 'halt .yOII were no Mr. Llttlerest- You don't say ' so. to succeed .UB I h&~er ~ luws ware not ' very Il.trlct Ilbout .It, ·nnd began io eat. 'just like 'a · ilumud . ' . ,. (',sule tbe" open seaeOn on nlggers ~\In being. Th,audlcncc cbeered. and actor, a~d bllca!pe yourselt. , an4 I )~Vel1; ' you ft~d ~e bab1 I,n t~e LUte Arabla~~.irl1ta. ' tbe,ear around. but ·you CQuldn 't s boot. the clreulJ people crowded around and doo't blame YOU faT v.' antlog 10 punob otb~r room:' Onl, 110n t spallk l)1m· ~, Evcr,wliere, all. the- tralua. at the n , ' hard.- Roya.1. .botela -nnd In fn. ~I'~ . [ "AY ' II "ee .~ld. white people' only t wo monLUe ·10 the suld I WB\! jU8t Il.8 good a. Denuls lilm. th at boy ' wbo called yOIl a '1I ltle nlg· 'OJ' _ u ~.., ' }I Id tb bl h If 1 hr h b b I f ger. aod i ald I w'all' yo ur pa, After lIueceuel 't bat remtDdtd m.e more or year. a sa ano er t ng t at /I e . went t oug t e'W a e a Den· this charlot race Is aver wn will , go Otherwille the Same. , Iell bl'" bill th '!Ieared po. and tb8 · man&3~r• . He. s"td nls' performance and naver eklPped a aroun.d In front ot tllle s'eals. and And . ' ''B~ 'living In , Oie 's ame hOUle 2. tbe s tar J Il, the,Ara BIi •• Ig an. If a traveUng show dJd not perform all note. unUl a smart white man yel1ed ~ " yearB, ba've "au'" . of thll matte.r ·or-act world. It allver. Used tbe ownen were l\able "Where Is the tailor your ouran. the boy. and you ca n do him up. .. Yields at wheat fro. 30·10 63 llliabelt! .... a'" d ta ". d h d b b" Your monke)' busi ness was th e fea· ';SubstantJally the same. Of course per acre. and ot op,'- ~ :·-m 60 to .1 "" 10 go t0 a ta t e pr IIOD. ,,,r v years. an 011 ng . an t e crow egan to · e r th h t d " we've had to enlarge"lh:" aUlc two .or. ... ~&IV , "" l.hll:t eacb town .bad lIlen on tbe look. susplClou8. and more than a tbousand turl! e s o~ o- ,!ay. ... b\lllhel". "are nu~e,01M ia evelT localout to see that ·abowl d ... n·t advertlae yelled: " There III no tall on your We wen t out and found a" boy that three"Hines to accommodate the worn· Ity and well .auth. enUcated. .At MOOH • 'out-turnltul!e''' I00 ke d -'1111. .th e.--,o n~ 7'Ih II t sasse d me. wbat they didn't ~ out. monkey:.' ....:~ , -. ~ alld the old books, . ''and . .:Jaw. Letbrl.dle'; oaJ&'8rv, . Ed . monto" .' . . . but be must bave bE!8n his big "roth ma. "~ln&B, , but th . a. t'a abo.u,t a,11 .t "e .-" ,.. 'Pa and the mallasen beld a conaul-. That .rattled the trainer and .tie ra- er ' .cause .when I .went . ' .up to" him• ", .. .,... Aac1na. tirandon, Haa\eT an .: d inanT'.... " 'oh'a nges ',we have , ,made!"!.-CblcasO . .", . .... , 'Trlbu·ne. . 1. '. , terpled,lI\te PI~cae l J iIa. ··.ca.LUe ..· an• . lotion. ' antt couldia't Gnd that we .ad- membered that he had fClqlOtlen to pin . • ' verllsed anylblq t,h at we dtdn't have.. . !~e ,t all on me, so wblle I w~ using' and awatted him. In tbe ,noae, he 8av~ young b.o rlea ~at· " our' lta!n·fed r.DJo -except the ourana oPtang tbllt we took tbe Inger bowl b6 went to,'lbe screen D1e a black eye. and . l am a 81~bt. p,ee'a~tidn. f'.' ·mal. of tbe "S~tes?" . ~~t. had ' Deyer Tha,t· evening. at . tlI e .performance. "Thll gOvertlln<,.nt does pay &DY- ,U,ted sralD, ~nd wbo'l\e '4\Oft ,to thelt . .on at N'ew 1'0* whlob eate and and got the tall and came out and WDI ,drea8M 'Uke a mu, cause tbat anlDtal plnnlrlg lt on to m), dl'eBS 'panta when we cut out tbe 'educated ' ourang authl,n i Uke !tbe lalanes il,lat foreSp owneralmolt IIO~.... At )I~ .Iot w.hooplnjr cotCb In. Delaware and the alldlence began lO ' yell: "Fraud! lang, and the lawyer .we me.t ,on the claI8· recelve." , . . omln .l ...... a trainload of 1.400 .,eera .lIad to be sent to a , bOllplta,I" but we Fraud! Kill tbe monk!" and a lot ot cars came to the sbow. and 88ld 'We .. N9 ·.. · a nBwere'1 the cit 1_ wbo reo' ell route to Englan~ thAt .hakT :heard he was well aPln : and would stuff. . would all be arrested tor not perform· fusea iobe worrjfJd. "We don't ~1t• . tat. . rallied &8 !lbo~.. I~ . If th~ join the 111.011' In a _k, Pa uktid tbe Then pa got on a barrel the elepbantS 10.1 0.11 ..a ad\fertlsed, but be could needl8118 cbance. In a man'. helnl so oMer ,eneration of 'wmen ' ln"'lld~ .' Rlcbmond lawyer how It ·'would be If bad been performing on and got the ~ettle · /t tor a ' /lun,1red ~ol1ars. and want 100 ,.ard8 of 'm uch occupied· In Invesijns hie money ,.bo have lpent. tbeIi liTea In a conhu.balld,. . He b~ BOt a that be forgeIB .1 abou . 't lilll patriotlo duo tea . -t W ,rth ,1.0 '1 and ~KIIJDPe a.\cI1,d .h~r ono of Ibe animals that .... advertised attention of the audience and told pa P~~ him the money . .an·1f ./l1! went ~a. alck.. and couldn.'t perform. . and them not to ba ul!reuonable. 'H e laid out a~!I . got a Jag and c"m~ In tba . , . them. ' , ct?uJd 'see til. ....... ' . ,bow and waa going to make trouble. tles:'-=-W:lehlugto:l S~ar. Jathefl be(o-:e when pa took him to t\ie" cage wher& .& .mnt to Same BooterJ. . . ". '.... • . broad pralrlel dotted with coDiton.. the 40-fool ' boaconsttrlctor, '11'.88 " uncoil: A little 'sentuR brouj{ht to light . . ' A. Candid. :"pllllo~. ". . able homes, large,red 'bvDIi: dud etraw,' ' . Inl" Itsolf. anll tbe Virginian "I!>\' · " Will make a college shine 'fDon,lt. you ~h,nlc the rR\I~7. wQUl4 ' "ptles .•hA~lJI~rable~"an~' th. ... thrlmic !· lD?k at 'he snake . s,nd wern', 't brougb More l,lrlll1antly ttlan a.IUbe IOtd take' ul\d~ advalltase of the ~Jlc ,~: tqwDa wlth · · their to~ .elevatOr ' , 'thl! side of the tent lreijlnlf "rYe got In )(J!)ndtke' B rlCl1el\ ml,ne. ·tb'8Y got -tile chance1~' " jammed:to. i.b.t ·rOOt with ·'No.1 hard." 'em again, Oatch me, somebocJt," -N. :- Bup. "Well:' aDswered farmer OorutOSllel; and then remember that four ' or DYe iWe gal out at tOWID betore morolne, ](ade No DUrerellea. •"I shouldn·t be sllJ1lrlBed. It·s . olll~ ,-ean ago th8le plains were teDIIDtlesa "Mr. Molder," said ~hll eeUtor-ln- naturf\l ·to retaliate. all' everJbodT I but for tbe badlM' aad oe))'l)te, tbe,. and nobody was arrested. except tbe negroes Ibat lot run oller - In tbe chler 'J,o the editorial writer, ."you ma,. kno" around ~ere thlnk~ It's all nght would marvel at the triUUlformation.. ., prepare a column leader on the quea. an' prope~. to beat a railroad. "-W!'Ib· Then · I.f tha~ followed ·'the crowdJl cbarlot race. Uon of the' territorial and ClvU go\fertl- tngton Star. tlley ~m.rged from ,U1&' tralnli'and burThe Reporter , lSI' a Soldiez:. . ment of Olllna:' '.. .' .. . W f T ;'. ned to ~e la~ o1Ilce8r@!ldlnr hi. live , . Love. ' Thetheya,. - ,. M,l~,.' unUl 'w''. elr. r~U·· .. tn An. Item In Kansas City papel' "teII I . !'But . .I . do";' .. ,t kno~ . anything about ot!ll'ugh ""Y. 01' "Will'!V'O. find t,be ~~- ~..t1Iiiii ~ ' hi, wal. t·o f · tbe death a re porter In 'Wlc,hlta .It.·.· repl!l!d :M'r. Molder. . ; There's on\, thtng mILY delay It: .' ed 011 CaDle. and·.." ,Wltb. .wha\ rapid- . " Ihrough Injuries ooDt.racted 'In th e per. ~'Th'at's .all right. N.e lther does IIny- Th'e tovar's nlthd I. t~lted to ru'-4 ' . I~Y' th~~ 1~ ar" laeiait ·tak,en. thei ;, bls repor-Iorlal dllties. The bodyelse...;-Jud... · . . The wherewltha.l, 10 pay It. · .. ""auld. ~ertalnly ,. ca tch . ~. !"'dl~" ·.. ·1 tormance , . . ' I h " ; ' ' . ~f .. l\tja~elPhla fr~ ... · .,' . and -ant ..:r.;..,. ~. f It.. .... n .. I), U , th""'-,'. reporter was ,'sent . 00~ t a.t Bote our ~ _ W I" ~, o'r ·the night to "cOver". ,a ,shield!! alld When Publicity Doe.nlt Oure. . 1(L~ASO• . POR ';TOY. landa !lr&,bUlltlfw 111. mtd.,nnter, ~lth : teil over a p1\e ot- brIcks 10 it dark al· ' "But wbat .dllforenl1e .c an It 'PQe8\bly ' thelr ' loq litretchM ofY811'OW Itubble, 8tandlng,.hI&h above tlie i~ow. :wllat: ley, ,l IDJU ~I!lg hlmsei'f Internally . alld make to ·you when a. public library In dying trom the effects . at the tall .. a some obscure little tOW,ll retuses · to· aduiUBt ~,'. . In .ummer time.· "fl'hea.·\ yottr 'boOkB to ' Its shelves?" tboy. covered ww. .•1:0.'\ or1i' rlpi!lllDC: few days later. This man died a t hll ".. 8raliulr. S~~ of ,,~ter, remln~ poet of duty .·a8 ,ruly a9 tbe firem ao or a$ked blm,' policeman wlio loses 'lils nre In any . "No difference at all/'Bald the pop' me th. our BOQiiIlIr rrlellcll ' ahruc; , gr~at c:atutropb" tbat brings b'll ular Ruthor. "It's the publlcatioll of thelr-a\ioQklen WileD. th,y ~a!llll,. th• . CilicacOr.·u4 'lQDaeapblllllaUleJ'of th.·,. duUel Into play. And lbt deatb of tblll tbe tllOry:.that helps mil."...:..m,ICaBO .' youDI man ought to Impress upon ' the TribUne. ' .• .~ttde · 1U» ~. >. FOr "tliat'1 " ....,," ." lie . HIt Xe ~Igbt I. tile Bye. - . . tiew8P~per.rea,dID~ ~orld t~e ,s~crillce ' " .por His: Stomaoh' s Sake. reucm 1 ~ bere, t.Ii1J ""fl'lnte.r.'· :llhtj .. , ' . : :. . and otten the herofsm tbat till! new.- ·. ,'lO;" ..what gro ' 'unda do you ex""'ct 'to' Pl?!ladla . ' Ut~b,J~ ;j;rltl!iUl :p~~~ be ·told' pa Lbe' peqple would : mob ..the the managem~~t lIa~ fOUD" 111 elparl~ 'gatherers on the dan,. '~pers " .b.U401Mit ~iH stau..Uc.;'· C!V811 a PDtt, show . If· anything. was lett out. . eO'ce that arter "tbe .oun.llg outanl h~d capable ~t. .Tbe reporter II Ii. .oldlO:r ,get ·a·dlvo~ce .~r:om you.r ;;lte?'';alike~ Illea.. cit l!i~':'~urces; ' but . thlttt 011' ), ~'beo ' ~e got to Richmon~ ' tl!e whole .been trahie'll to eat11ke a ' man an~ "'iho neve r dlsc5beys 'a call to duty. even (he r.rl~nd . ." .,' . '. "...' ;. " fOl't7 de&t~ balq:w~ ~nr~~'iulclllni~ .~~ population. prlnc\pa\1y nlgg8MJ. was ~t. wear men'S cloUi• . that his tall 1'11'.109 tbo'ugh If be to' taql ~eii.tb lo ..' a battlC\ , "Incompatlbplty.. of. tempe i." " repUpd , .pro . us fa . • _ ~ . er.··.w.b.0 - ~_''''. . the lot when. we . put up the tents. a.n.d In. t!te . ~ay. ,,0 ~t a great elpenel! the or enter a .burnlng building, or a night , the. dlssaUl!fil!,G hUBband. ""slie Is i l--Ii , e verybody wanted' to catch a: light of· manfl«6ml!l1t · hall cauaed ' ~nnls· . t~Il' run on a 10cOlnottve ' or to ' enter .a den. ways Quarreling ',wlth the cook, alld' 1 .' Ireezo,l III a ~Mt~r~_ cit fly,~ 8JIor8j;;, . . ' : ' ' . u~ec18.lJ.J ~ .~mpa~ed, bTl-i' 1II't': Don.nls, . the ourang outalli. a!ld the .to be .a mputated at a Nell' ;:York hoe· of In order to glve' hls paper clln't a·trord .. ~o loae the caok."-Clilcago Jl(l9tel'l! all over ·;town that IIlctured pltal, and .wl1l1e w, alwa,. car". the and Ita readen tbe ' '.. new .....-benver 'Daily' ·Newe. , . SqullbQb-Tbere ' gOoI ~Ier BU7:uni : ~ .• .'~ e(tlJD l.a. -but'. e_,.\ i!t6,,; ' D iDnla »moklnlr cigarettes witb a tall alODIr It W&ll 0011' UBed w II. '. .. ,• do.w n tbe atri!et cbuckllq~~ himself. wha~.'" ftl'J' ieol4 ~ere,'lt -Ia 1lU1l1 ~cII. ' ' . d~8a lull .o n. aa.d .Unr with aknlte .critical a~dleDce 4emAlldeii Jt. b:~ I~ New.. . . - . • . /... ' ,. r The New Dance. Bome bJg Ilnllnclal' coup. eu (." .. '. 1II1e. .... 1IiikIc .1r7. \tlie col,d tlI ;llDt • ' and (ort.c, anti, a lIapkln ' tucked uniler this. refined audlencs aO. desired tbe Beftr' in W1~mlng. '. . ' .'. Sten~Wlii1tilqUeerwalt8! the part· ' ·~linlillg..D-Jlet~';' · than:' ,tbat , HI. l1li. ~ ,.11' lA Gu ~~r ~at'I~~d!lllt; . .' his chll!o. were. • urrounded by crowds. tall would be attached' 1.9 the , lnte1l1. "B"arJI ' are. io Common out In ollr neMJ ·all· tramp pn E:ilcb other an4 tem: doctor baa .·luat Illformed him•. &II a ~Ialt,. m;, ~ It. wae plaiD .lbat all tbe people cared glint animal, .' . ~. , , . countrT,... said' MilK' Frank Foote. of : the,r' clo'tbes ; In ' douhle.qulck. tIm,,: . special favor. that b.e cOuld halle 't'1llo pbere. J fUll' II,: al1d I 'liev,er for was to 8ee tbe monk: The cro1!'d yelled.: "Pia OD tbe tall: Enll~ton. Wyo •• "~)lat clveQ the ~·u~t. ~~Ie-Tbut .B 'th,c newest. thlu, .dear; . soda cracker. anti 'a cup of !DUll' lor' 6uI-"1llD.lp \baD !.he [ElL·.• II*I.......(l Tbe. manaaers held a ~uiloll. of 'war Lbe tall lOes with t1Ie' ,hide." '''!Id the era "pay but \l~tl~ ILtt~n~on to ,them, It 18 th!. Stepllve,ypl~n~e.-N. fY. SUIl. !llnner iloWI..::.cbtcago ,Jonrnai. . -:, ing up karL ·· 1 . .and ~eclde!i lb .. e ·.• how would !M rula~ t,ralner began to plD II on. ~a.,., I 'and they .roa.~.the 1!).ountaln ·slde.8 un.. " . . . . ..··,-atrimo... I.I. - :., " . ,- ~: .' .... . " .. :, <.• Noy, It,. .~lfhaYenot ,- ~ bl· T!,l~' . ~· O~' if we dldn't ,ma"e Uu a t h ayIng ·an, cou Id h ave kIll e d tb a. tr,alner. He .ruo molested. One reallon of ' thelr 1111......... , .... ·0'" er·.... ' "s ... '·~e· a'lttln'- at , GI d .n~or M . C!f•._the ... ~Jt~'?~tlg 'd " '''1:i" Qt ' ~"'I """I . m aD WBS -uurang oulang. ~ .at wu decided tha,1' that satety pin about an Inch' Into my munlt,Y Is Ihat the Btale pays ' no lun'...c..h··eo .....D · rece" o·t· ly. anwcJ"'. -ere o:v'e' rhl'iea'ril ' 1 .al, ~sq.. ra" hUllh~ee•. delet ., ';.." ttan~ UDdlil' a"., cl,OIiI~HI.;iik'i·' ,In Dennis' spine , and •I jUm pe .."1 no t th ear I a bout bounty on t he Ir .1I klns. an d..... t . roul .'" . er . all..., ''''' , a•. lld"';'" ·1.. .... ai~·gha ·' 'Il1l!8.rl... I .· wu .to be d re' soled D va< ·.g .the sa~ond ~marr' la'g'e of . a . g ant;l n.dg ..... -L.. , . k' . .. t f d I' . . tucre s no d'e~I~ln •. >'~ nther, r.:r . 11'h eli a 'IvaorOUII ""'!!"UIII, . ....... i t. ._ a...: ........ln..: a. . e..-' ·clothes. and put on a mon ey· l\Ias .., our eet. an Willi go ng to Use a eUS8 Inducement to kill tbem. ' In the pasC mUt'.1al ,friend, ,when one of them ret clr b r I lbl ..... -,y;o .",,_.... . _ .. ou_~.,~· :and go through hIs .tunt at the afler- word that I learned In Philadelphia,' .year I sllPposa r~e ellcountered 61) . , ' s'd:!t!:t;'hat :,".ortha:t~· " , ~ ..". Sto~o' milion~ bawe DOt I[oat a.:. noon performance. . but I bad presence. of mlDd enough to bl, sttver Ups In ul1treque.nted loeall· · ~~k:~; :yOU Yh·a t. A man ;icat mar. '01'ad,.. -+8b6 t/:lund '~ tha~ "Ittftfte" 1t.~ "ume 80 ~ar thll. wln_~ 8IdIct-. Gee. but t' bated· tp do It •. but pa Iald ~unt juat &II Den.~1a Uled· to. and C1la~ tl!'8. Ilot on'.l of .... hleb Beemed at 1\11 ·...Iev de.' !leco~d . time. don,'t ~eaerVe tA came baCon '~r.rlage:'--J~ . In. ~ an Jt!l1dS .lfoOi. rI~\ all.. IlL ' tbe fate of U;e abow dell,t!nded on It til' like a monkey. ~d tbe da,. .... elXlllr.r~lsed by the meethig. but troe.. ba\, loat ' bl. 1lrat vlte.'.'''7t.ife. . . . ., eye". alijr 1).114 h llmW·l. aall101ll)l ""'''' . and If I dld~'L takl the part he would Ir.v.ed. TIle tall w.. '0 0 alld I turned ted.1I i with dlllliftad deliberation." ZYen Ther... . , ler ~r8' b(I""t.~"~; of. hava to do It blmaelf. and I iulew p. my back to ~ow tIlat It " " . on ' .Alil~tl8. ,. Ounillir-I wonder wt.-t Yrlil be tht ,lllforiDa~on "'~;'rn~q 1l0l'Hl~ 'Wuo't til. bulle!. .o f man to plaY' the Itralgbt. IIlle a woman'. bat, whell pa Hot Educated.. ·Mrs. Kalael'-'I think 1DJ Ga.t.r lint tblDI they Ilaht ' at t~e Dortl! 'l&Dcl~ 3D Wellar Oana~\ monkey, 'a nd III I would do It. Balli to bUIT)"' tlae ,perfoflDlGce to .a Dyer-Has Mae" had·. a, IIb.eral 'edu~ I. too JOulli t.Q ~a"1" .' . ' pole: : . ' . troai all)' ~ut~rIZ"do~l&r. • but 1' .tII neft'·. do It qaJll for.,. conclualoa • .lIeealllle lie could see that &Ion" )I.... ''Jodm,'--What a pltr. Bhe JUBt Ou),er-Wh),. Elt1rl~CIII BeIll!!1 1011' !Dent AP,nt..· ,rh0le iAtYertlHiDnti ..... • bow. f t• •ar4robe woman !lIed . . then,,... a .plrlt of Iluraet In thll' au· R,er...Noi h. !DUo pta JUUIIpI' ~1 the tbbe, la.teat! oC 'YB'Alr poilal ·· eardl,of C!O\U'M.~I, IIIIn .1M~.bir.... UaII Di...,. ' " . ~ EtD~ ant!. _~ b~..!!!II.lIla" ,dlen", anll.J!!.~~t~_.ot ~.!r'lIriM4 rlt4.,....JlId... . otl\ll'Owlqlt........ Y. 8u.. cap Daf!l l1awl. . '., (.
° .
thAtr,. .....
... ';
tl\tQla"'' '
I CUl'es
Bheumatlliiin an,4 Oatn1'l'h- WORST FO~M OF ECZEMA. . Medlelne Sent Free. ' Send DO mOlley-simply ",tito Dud iry Black Splotches AllOver Face-Affect,,. cared b,. Bo tnnia B lood Jtalm at our eJtlJe n@o. Ilo~' ed PArts Now Olelu' a. Ever-Oured .' tbele Linle PUI •• I 8nie llioo d :Suh" ( B. Ii. ll. ) kiJ'! ' 01' de· . They also reUe,e DISby the Outlcura Remedies . • J.r1),8 the p~ i.o n in thl! Illood ,,-hit'h , treI!B rrom Dyapepslll, In· caWWK th!! nwtu.i Debes In ba~le and houi· d\'!' bJu !ts, ~h i ftjn!l pllin , difli.culty in "AI out four )'ca1'8 1,0 1 "'os otllieted dtteatlonandToolleal't7 mO" ing 6 ,,~ I'IS, t Oel! or legs honc Iwins. with bln ck 9 plul~ h e8 all O\'el' ,Ill' face 1tatIDif. A pcrtcct rem· swol1en n'ltl~ut4 nnd jOlnt8 of rbcu nmt.iHIll, an\1 " f~w cOYering lOy body , which proed,forDtz:zmces. Nauaca. or t ho' fou l brea~h. hawki ng, epittilll!, ilroll' dll c~d n sevcre itching i.,.itnlio·n, nnd DrowaIDe88, Dud Toste p in~8 10 I hl't)at, bad boor,ri ol:, l'eclU! /I)'i nK whjoh rnu~cd me n 1ll'~M .Ieal of annny· • • Iii a Cont.e4 bcfure lit' ~l'e~, 011 plnyccl out feeli ng of and. ~lI lTerin", 10 tueh un extellt that 'l'ODIrUt,1'IIn In tlloSI!lo, catarrh . Iiot,,,,,c Bloor! n"lm hilS curr.d uuc" r \\'U8 fIIrced to oil in two of tl,C lendi ng T.ORPID UVER. ,'l'IlO7 hUDdr ds of Cnl!CR of 'SO 0 " ~IO YUlI"g' 811l1ld· pl' )'81 01~n s of lilY town, ~Itcr n l horough ing' n flt'r dllctors, hot 6pringtl nll, 1 pOle ll t eX' lOinntinn of lihe dread"11 ,nl,lni nt they rel\llAtO tlle Dowels. i'W'eltvegelallle. m diein.·, l,n(l nil fail ed, l't1 o t of l he.u 'c.1 it to be skin 'c.emn i n :ta cUl'ed pltticn t. I",d \.rI1' ~1l ]ljo",\ linl", n~ a annoull worst form. 'fhey trenlt~l me for thu lnst. . .... rt. Jt i. ep!,~cillllv ntlvil(".l for ~lI l11e fOl' Icnl'tlt oj no YCll r, but t be Genu'lna ' Must Bear ~hrollir , ,h' JH('III0d 'n~ca, lm po8'lbl for lrrnl menl Ihe dill me no good . 1,'fllolly m~' hus·
Points to 110 Observed In Oettlnv. till Be~t .Results Durillg the Winter.
for bls mll 'lI
c:ow~, II
l{Qud fllJW ur roui IH ren ully pI'Odllt;CI! w ith 11I'O IICI' ro" ul! man ag 'lIl ij Ul. . II
til e fUror !!r hUij COI'D Jllluge , t,l~ I h u\l l ~ tu I' U( "11 tbe be~i uad c!wulln,; l (illll 'Y rution nlll.ulnllb'l e , W e I'(!cll "o .. ~ on full Huw uf mill. f rom 20' to ~ r. JlUlJDti ~ ot s llal,;o Lwlce a tillY. ' l)1o r ll lol;l ,Ia .1 A SmOleehouso IIko t hc o ne shown Is nl g hl. A l IIQo n .. bright. eleun ' <;Iover 0 1 a gOIlc1 thtng to IIII\' \! on ove ry rarm . mllh,t Ctt Bulhl of 'm lIL 'bod lIoarda wlt.h s hingle as w il lb uy lie IseUlg l\'n on,up In ~ Ieul\QU!1.I11111 . Abou root. SIx root sq ulJ r e II! U good a1zo, thrcll po u ",I>; ot b" llll 'Is ~Ivell w ltb Build clQSO to It Hide bill 50 t hnt U sll a,.,) La 1IlOSU 0 11 full fl o w o[ mll k, email furn Rf!". A, may UII mndo or e:la y, whll" olhllPS r ecel\'o prOJlorll~\ain" ly briells or SbcC11 Iro ll or 11 la rge 111 0 les's. Th O teede r mus t ro us lllully mar be uSOfl. '1' lIls Ilb o uld 1)0 con · wa lch. Ilt N a n lmlli e. >Ill to, h o w th y ro' Ilectert wll b Ille 6w <lkehOllse by Len fee t 'spo n .1 lu 1IlIe rai feed ing. II lI d " II1'y bls I1I cUlUd~ Wltli different aulmal ~, s aye 1111; 1,llrwl!l's ' Ile vlQ w. WillI sll uge l hllt h aa n il ebundan ce ol corn ttl " t h ' 1''3 I ~ Du n oe d of felllllu ~ g ruu ud
Which Oan B e Built at SOla.ll Ezpe.nso And Which WlIl Do GOlld Work.
of e lgt. · Ine ll llie. 13. A 1)leqo o f s tovepipe " hould leu.d ~ut throu gh Ih e root, having !L damper at J) tb ut elln be worko" froro lhe o ut s ide of Ihe hOlllle, .Hung m ' at In th e hOll se. explai ns th e Fnrm and Home. build a {Ire at tho ~rnll Cfl of gTeCD birc h ('hi Pfl. turn t.h o
dllRl!Jor so All to let the draft ont th roUGh the Kto\'O plpe till the lire gets KOlng well. th e n s hut the rlamper nnd rover drllft in furn ace and the s moltelIou8e .wlll do '\)\18In0ll8 "tor !Ill! boul'!!
at 1<lU8t.
~li ss
milking Press.
:lalt th A cow~ about eVllry . Ullt" , duy. I;I\·In.: 11 small h a n dful o f f~cd Thi S will Itee n lh elr bow p. l ~ 01)<) 11 IInll I,rm'on t dl~ ortlerH ~ >f Lilt! dl l,;e~ l l\'e o rga.n!'., wh Ich occur Qulle freQucnt· Iy w it h uutmul R blg hly fed . Wh ere 110 s ll oge IN ol'lal nllbl p.. a good Iin w '(I n i)o mnf nwlued by fecd la g gO(HI clO \'l' r o r u:lllm h llY In thl) morning nod bri g ht Nhre d ~or n fodd I' nt nig ht. "'or tho grain ,·a tl oll . feed a bOUl fo tu pounds of bran :Uld It \VO I)()U n dH 01 corn- mellI, Dr fou r 1)()ltnd s of .;orn ontl cob-lII eal, twI ce a rla y. AILhough n I 88 !lood as lhc s Uo go r~ lI o n , 81111 , In the abs~nce uf n s lio , It wlil pro ve vory satisfactory. Feed. wll ter and mille tho r.owa reg ulnrly ; Hell to their every comfort. treat them IdDdly Itt milking tim e. and rest assurod t hat you Will receIve your rewan1 III • good floW or mlllt.
'lDable, ' .' . , Wblle UMI mows are rUIl . Qt ha" It .. a 1004 :&hlle ,to dx tbe pulleYlI, In " the root >Of ,the barn tor using. the bone !OIik 'nclIt' yoar. Not su mucb .' daacer o! filling alld le~tlag tDJu~ed, W~811 it geiA , 80 that ,..e 'caa' dI g • bit 'Of hmaeradlsb with tbe pick or , crow ...... Jt :1. a lure II&n tbat spring ,Kee p U]1 your eplrlta; ~~eradIBb 118' t/le Buro fOl'eruriaer ·ol , aprlDe--ll'ar,m .,;Journal, '. . , T!tu ch,lef .eoemle8 . of wbea,t are tbe Rea'ui, ,~~i I cltlncll.buC ·,'Ilad crain. pJapt Iouf!e. 'Tbe chlnch·bue 18 orad· Iteel' wltb anoual ravalfea to tbe IDtel • ' C)f '20,00II.000, wblcb' (. pnitiabl, .a 10,..
nUmate, '
N a'sal
In nil Ita ot&gcll.
Ely's Cream 8alm It. -t'
in I!CCds nt bnrgain p rkces.
I i4Ji g);l !Q;rl The enOMnous crops on .our aeed fa r ms t he PASt 8ell"on co mpel n8 10 i""ue th ia speci~ 1 catalogu e, 8Esn
!l0~ .""-~ ~~~
I a...y Il cold In w. bead'\·u .
L di C W h , !l os nn e~r S oes. . ~II ' .'~C F.mllll ~1' nflrr u"",~ AII"n s F~ ot· . ~tl8c. J\ cerlnm (°y, rn fur li\\"ol! e ll . ~)\!enlmJt , hoI. nehlll~ f~c l. At nil J)rugglsl ... ,,-,c. " c, t~pt no Full. t itute. Trilll l ill 'kogo ].'Il EE . A"d ..c~ A . '. Olmsted. Le Ho)" N. Y.
' ,
Cream Bn.lm I. placed Inlo welloottU••lpreade OVer tb. me.ub,un. and I••h.orbell. Uoll. n.l .... medlAlO Iloll acuru tollmn.
tti. noL
tl rylog......doot
I 1 '81 '50 <entAl at Drull' nuLproduc•• llee. ng. .al);c te. aIIIAlO'by1l\Alt; ·]' rI4I SI1IC, 1UCCllUl.
RLY BllOTllERS. I!(I Warrt!D 8lroC1. Now Yo,k.
:Mun who command the mowt bl"'C ~ h c IcnsL I,h oughl of ~elf.
..... ped
""'sXOT' CB TO-DA T .
"nd recei\' e ' th o rauishes and the wonder· The SufferiDg' of a Citizen of Olympia, AND · It. D •• perotely Silrlou. Ca.e Cured by ful nargni n Book free . Wash. .' Remj ~ 4c and we Add a packugc of COBDr. W lillama' Pink Pili •• rna» the most fn hioDn ble, Ber\'iccnble, L. I'. Oor hnm, of 516 EAst 4t h St. , i3rought to the v ory verge of starva.- ben utiful annuul /lo wer. John A. ,o lzer Seed Co., Lock Drawer Ol y m pill, Wu It., sass : " I:jlx yars ugo tion by tile r ejection of nil n ouris hmen t , WITHOUT CHANGE J gnt \\,(·t an.1 tuo k c01<l, and wns 600n her vitality all1lO t d ostroyed, tho re- K .• LII CrOllse, Wi8. fiilt lU bell, sulterin g tortures with DIy covory of Mrs, J . A . Wyatt.ot No. 1189 vl~ lJ ypocr i.y ·. [,\\' orite role i. that oC • ba ck E\, Il.·y mOVIISevolJth street, Dos MoinoH. Iowa, fellow.- 'Olurda), E"olling l'ost . m ent caused an agon· 6oomcdhopeless. H er physioinus utterly izing pain, nnd the perRobbed In Ohul·ch. fllilcd to reach the Beat of the diffioulty Nist ency 'of it exllllusted Just th ink whnt .An outrage it I. to be lIud denth ruust havo resulted if she bAd obbed of all t he bellefits of the' lervice8 !pc, 80 that for a time not pursued an iudepelldent courso 6ug- rby cont inuous coughing th rou g ho u~ ' ihe Ever, D~y 'Fe\). 15 W Apr1l7, I was !lazed and stu·pid. gestllli by ber trister', experience. 1900. Coloo t¥~ ntcs '" ~\1 congregation, wben Anti,Ol'ipin e i.' gUO I" On tbe advIce ot a. poiDlos In Lbo oor~bwen, from Mrs, Wyntt IIIlYS: .. I had pain in the nnt eM t o ,cure. Sold e,·el')·\V here. 25 ct• . fr ie nd , I begau u sing !'eglon of tbo heart. polpltatian !Wd F . \V. Diemer, M . D., .Ma nufacturer, Doan's Kidney PlUs shortness 6f breath 80 that I could not prina/ield, Mo. ~---nnd 110011 not.leed 0. ,valk very fll fi t., ~y hcad ached very A bigamist i.o a roAn convict ..d of malri · chaugo f or tho better. badlyoud I WAS seized with VoJlllting many ill, the .ecend dCgNe. The k,idney secretions aHOAT ROUT. ' .. "aT TIM. spells whenever I took 'a ny food. A doc!tad bel'n disorde r ed 6MOOTH AO"D • • D tor WliB ,'called wbo proao~ced the A Guaranteed CUre f~or · Pl1es. [tohlng, Blln,l. B icc<IIDII', .Prllt.l'l1dlng Pile!. aDd Irrc j!'uhlr, and colltalaed a. henvy trooble gastritis, bot he gave me DO re- Dru glll !t..~ oro Rl1thorize<l to refund money If Sed iment. but in u. week's t ime tlie urine Tour;\8t • leeplng Cars. peclalty lief. Thon I tried a aecond doctor with· P.lZOO'li .... IlNT lailnooure In6to14dlll'S. 5uc Wlt8 cletu" nnd naLuT1i1 alfllin nnd t.he ont benefit. By this time I bad become , ' Inquire 01 Vilry weak I cOuld not k eep tho most Whoe-:er ~eard 01 a hUD",y man talklllB pass nge. r eglllnr. Gradually tho lull' nnd soreness l e ft my back !Lad the n deliCl\te br~th all DIY ltomnob, and at ~ Ib!lUt hie heQrl! ' , W. Q. NEIMYER, G. ,A ., t.h lalllenel:ill. 1 \lscd six boxes to !Dulce the e!ld.of'a mouth I wrui scnrc lYlpore Bond tbla to GBrtleld Tea Co., Brooklyn , 120 ""CK80N .OULKYAItD. suro of a. cure. and' the trouble hIlS , thau,skiu aud bono aud waarealJy, ~tnrv. 'N: Y 'I a~d J'CCeh'e III return a 8!lOlplo p ackOHICAGO, ILL. ' lDgto d eath. age 0 Gllrlleld Tea"the h erb cure .tor con- n£HTcr ret urned. II old by aU denI ers. 60 cents a box. •"Then Irooa11ed bow much benofit my stlpatton aDd 81 k headacbe. 8i~to: had got frolO 'Dr. Williams' Pink · Shut I"bur eyes ",;.en you · look at the·Milburu 00., Buffalci, N. 'Y. ' Pills nud deoided to take · place faults a a fri end . , of the doctor's medlolne. It proved a . '. 'wise dec~sioD for they b elped rue as To Cure II. Cold til CIne Day 'nothing else bud doae, Soon 1. could ' TIlke IJUATIVII BRO~IO QnJ.lllue TBbl~tL take \veak ,too. and crackers aud steadily Drugglsta r efuud money If It filiI, to cure. more Dourisbmont. lu two weeo'! e. W. ·OIIOVS' S 8ilrllllLUre 1» on ellch bOL 2Sc. able to leave JIll" bod.; Dr. Willialll WHEA.T Piuk. Pills . were tbe only' thiug that; . A bad mnn I, naturally ~lSl'lIe,ous of cbeckod thovomitiugnndAll 800n All tlmt nery good man bl'. med.. ' . . RAISING \.
--_.-.....- -
&00' 1
Chicago $33.00
witl, its wonderful . nrprisC8 nnn
)'0\1 n h.ulutcl)· frco su'mclenl r~di.h Recti
Press. .
Device for tha ,Feed Lot Which Will Economize the .
011e-1I1l11: Of ,tho Iront hi blngod qo that all the contents can easily I'eacb ~d, eveD wbeu the ' grain Is nearI, uocd up. , For Umlled. qUllrtor8. tlae Fom Journal, Bucb blus .011111 CleIitnlnly 'provo ~ery ueru\. ~---'
Fac-Simile Signature ~'4Jtt'
D emol1in ~!lt
Buy oeed COIl1l uu the ear. ,..bea It be obtain ed In that wa'/. ,.' . See that ' the lie iI. cora Is. all germ·
. __
Rich, Juicy B.nrllshes Free, In vifW of lhe ~r"ndnI8 nllu i",mo rnllli~. 1 cl""n.c"lIOOweeandbcai. E ver.\'bnrl)· lo"cR j uicY'. te nde r rnd i~"c". in IlIg h lire it f~m, ibnl po\'crty i. the dl"".. r.d m.mbrauu. &' knowg lhi K, hence 11 0 uir .... to senti 0111,1' "" fe ty ,- Halc. ~ h (N . C.) ~ew " lind IL curl!ilcnlarrhand<lrl...
For Borne people Ulere Is comfo rt 10 Dot leltl ng olh ors have any .- N. Y.
, A I!rIIln bin som ewhnt s lmllnr to that Tbere are \'arIOIl8 pllmB for bulldlnl .bown In thl!l .cut was r ecenUy selln cattle reed~1J~ rnc ks ,for roughage. by the wrltor, nnd Here Is one tnat Is used by Ststo SonCOOl t SII Its e con 0 iii y of n to r A. B . t. 0 I a wass ee COIlO' spnce 8tnlcle him ty. Mlchtll'un , with considerable . s uc· favorn bly. C!Cl!8. Senator Cook saY8 thnt nil lhat Its thir.ItDess be expects of this rack Is someililn!; (rom lbe' wl\lI out tor tho fee(lIDg' of roughnge to ClIlt Ie. When stalks"'b a y or straw aro thro\Vn ~_-.-.IL._J- Is not more lbnn ol1e foot., yet because It reaches ID the Into tbe .rack there 18 no 'danger 01 th~ IIoOr nnd can be carried ftiur fe et ~be l r being trlUtlplecl on. Wben . II'Om tbe Ooor, Its capacity Is large.
Pert - You hadn' t 8utceedetl In him " IIOP."- Phllndelp hl a
lIIay: - YonltCl'lI S aLeSntan,
I"lan of 01111 Which Will Economize Rough
Spaea, and Be EIlay of ' , Accesa.
Oct. 28. 1005."__
t o ltrcp yon in tendel' rodibh e. nil 8um· Met His Proposition. Dll'r long and hi. great H ~1 ' 11 jtlKt lov e to klRS you! SLUEn' s IlAltOArs ' 8B21) nOOl!. Slle- Qh. well : If YO II lo\'e tile. yo u
Ill'" .,,'" It) " "fru,' lh e ag(,nick v" Hl'lIlp lOIll" (J( 1'1llmmati;': 1II or cutn rrh, ' while. ' ur nfl0 r ~"king .111" "11 Bnlm. 11- 1Ila.l: c~ I ho hlood PU I'C nnd rich, I herehy Si" ill l! " hell h h)' blood HUI'II!)'. urcs nre ormnllent ,,,,,I not "l llil tt'hillJt up. Drug Hloro, 1 ller lorge hOltle. ~1I1l1,,1 of Hlood 1I11\tn s ut fI·cu nnd prcp" i, I, al.o Riledn l metiical 11,1vice L), .1CI<{·rihin;: 'ou,' lI'oub'" bllll writ· ill ~ B1oll(1 Utll", Co.,. :\tlaufll , Uu.
bnlld II rc h n~etl" lWt nf ~lJe ItlCUru Rem"IIi s . unO uft c,' using U,e conlent. of tbl! I1r8l bot .le of 'll ticu rn HC8oh 'ent in co nnl'~ l illn wilh th~ e u ic u!'> (,a p onLl Oint wellt. the breaking alit entirelv . topi)cd. Not Like Cbnmpnglle. J c(uni lluod the lI ~e of the ('ul ir'uta Heln~fl K~ Vern r-Mr . Sloman I ~ SII h an .d ics [<n' M ix mOllth • • ouu rule" t!tnt e\,er!. eXc!IJ.t lJl In<11\' I,l lI a l, so elI r vetl·enl. liS "plll t,' h wu" entll'uly gone nnd thr. 0 It w cre. . Cected pOI (6 w~''j) I ft ns clear os ever . The ('ut icllm ) '",cd ic not only cured me MlijH Pen - The fdell! I shou \(] thinl. of 1;I(lt "rcII,Hul d ',c •• e. eczemll, but \\' ho nre the (lilly WiN lW o pl~ on cnrl h! ,llher compl1l' lI lc. I trouble n. well. Lizzie you'd be th o Ill st pr r s n In Lho world \ Vh)r, . 1h n~1! wllo aQJ:ce w itb lUf, of COUl'f:t.e. E, I r l~e . !i~O Jone~ AYe" Selma, A11l. to cn ll him ·'e tre rve Ncen l.'· -N . ~ . PI:CfI.!f. :\1I ~s Ve rner- Why?
'l'uk nt: It lur grnnll!d lhu L lb! d a h 'y nl:UI hms w a rm und co lu forulbl e Will wr quarll'I'S
~ ..
' .,
aWl! !lWl been.uBed In mllkln« tbe rat:k. This Iii It good paID!, hiasmu.:h '" map! farme,. ·have plenty pt m ii.tertal abont tbat Is aood ror little else ,e,,eept' t"" purpoiles of ' bl. Idnd. Sucb II rack as this , I. V\!ry almply mllde, alld 1<\ wurth aeveral tl.!D1!l8 Its collt on., . ,CCOUDt of tbe, .&vIDJr III l"9~,bage.
~OWQ~" ~ ~
Hom••tead Lands of WESTERN CANADA
W~OP .
~O~~' ..
,. ....le ...Dt tlllma~l'..rmit1l plo"I.1I to 1~l l r &bin Ille'J08ln "bl adddle (It NoY.m~er. c• .a.lla", bDUnd 'a lit ..0':' ,bail p lealed wllb thl IID~I _.1(;0 01 ~\I.. ' _ , U .... lllOl<"..., B:l\ra.ct.. . ' .. COal, "~' ~ter. _ , ID tJ:tual1&Doe--acboola. DIIurObel. .arleta COo.eD"''''
),1 fOWB (ca.~fWl.""
· P I ".,re•• == .
.."i.IS\be_~nUlO.-'. A"IJ f~rlof_. N ew Prlze uzz 8 P.r.d~"·,.U "on o. 'ltl1.GUATtO!!. Otta",.. Cio,"· )'un (orJo un. aDd olel. 11.,110"."0008 8t:r"'~W"'T.mcD"NT
Canada, or 10 &1llbQr1ud QagMlaD
.nunlat. ."D'. I
II .. W1LLLU." r..... BoU411111, Tolodo.·O. Jt[mI.... l~u j,.;n.
Startllll1 Oelery. ",.·"e ra~.m'r WbO.' wlsbes to . 11'9" a , little oeler" for bls own UII6 will not Ii"ve ttle large facilities ' for lltart- ' log It pouessed by tile ' commerclllol grow,,",. He ' Will find It llecellllary. bo'Jt!~" to llaJ't bla' Cfliltr, In the bolltll!l if he ft~tJJ ID haY1l Ilny tOI' IlUmllIer u.e. ·as celer, wben small Is 110 ~ry .)ow crower. al1d e ven 'tlle
JIlIlD la .uter Df the Lend. Tb_ _ ·ao :1011 c:oadltlooa tbat annat he .overcome by maa tf thoBe e(lDdltlo.. . . such that lboy later,' fere w1tb tile aTowlq t;lf crope. Wbat ,a.t:eIb8' lml!ll"'bl.<I10w , ~tIl . be: J)O.~lble , • later.' . . . . tIbe ,YaJue of land has rteen IIeecI 18 aklw la ' gerIllIDAt!Il&'. . tie ('.:An . . to ,Ule ' PO\Dt_ whera 'great operations IIOW his .lIIit!d In' n boll III tbe bousa f '1'"': wl!J pat': l'.be. saUdy,' leacb, .BOlis can ' ~ad ))tIt t he box In II ."Iadow, 1l1"!l9ided "'oj.'. • ,~ ~ co~ . w~~b ,a I!lyer ot cl~ aod be coveTlI the boll with a glass to 'pre'\ .tI\e be&v, ' laada .t;Bu be ' aaaded .. 'rbe veat the 'drylng out or ', tb,e top 6911. ' ••Kmp ;1aII4 _D· .be drained and 'the _The! p lants may be ' ,t~a8rerred . to. WflO!e fOOts an> briSht CiS hI:! laft!l" .'~tered. " t,lme wilt IIlZ'PT ho lIeS .In the course of , s monlb • 1b~ve' fIlm~ned.werelndl:\Cf"ect. , rolbu wbtitl ·man. ,will · put into : use- or alx weel"l from tile t-IIIKI the need I'brrOlll!lwouicJlhenoQ3tllinloolmeoJ . ev()ry ' t~t ~.'llln!,- ~.I!t ,.c)osed uP .. ~)' .IS ,sown, It fhoy ~w thlei(ty enough AndMh<'brlsnfer:l!lfrode ukllCM'. t!tu{ ~tI'r~t ~OU ' a~oun(l ; tl\u . ]1olea. , tl! , beoomll cro,!,ded. , They ca nnOl, " Il!!hln Wilt! ,' . yo , .:J!lvun :111 lbe , .(al' 'nortl!, glaas gnrd ' o s h\lw(!v .... b,!' Jrlln"rerred to tbe open ~1lO g " .. ,sAPOLI O. will ;,yet li!\.cuJUc DUpierou8 RDd hoat grouD(1 uo ti l spring IA "ell ai:h·l\nr.e d. back the ~rotrt. llne. ' ,<~ , ~"7 . ' '" Jlllarm' 'l1hnt ' Eats Cnnada Thh;tl e. ' Alfa1&: ' .l!otnters. Ii Js flU id lhl\t 11\ som e sed-Ion s of ItlllrpII! 11 ~ ~oOted, plall~, h CIl<le the' COIlD.t.r-.Y_ thcl'o, hn~' I\PVenr<~d . n ',requlrea 80111 >in .•w.b.\ch l!te subSOil' III WOrlD Whloh ·...\·cs o n Ibe le" ,,('s "Of 1he '.'~f .. 8ilr.1i .. ~UIIIU ' , the ·, roo'\.8·· ~u CaMda , IhlstJ e. n.n;, 'Un,s till~'len!l readily llellWA1.!I Jt, It mllst bo well 'to . <:Xlcrl1ltnlLto this ,gre'at Wll'ld .peSL, · ~!'UI'IIl() to )1. ·,\ell(';' ,nt ',nt. lcast .twlI 'eel 9a)'s fl':u'aJers,' Ouldo. Tbis, nnw pam. \' >CIr : the n.I(.IIlta· w)lj "fit prosiler. " :~ I[~ . ~ ' of nh!! C'I.lerpllI1Lr - t.yl.e; .about , '. An, tlelol Ill(,el:y' \0 ' be u~der ' waUlr· ol'le lind II' hltlf ..inchIlH' loog. 3n.d 111111 ,· !for more , tbaR~ ;3G 'hours , at n time IB ' DO dc,uut be .I Qudfi we i t om.,. lUI fa~ 11 5 'Qul.te ullliu ltabJe 'tor .u.lfalf.a, ".Tlle SB~O t h e [arme r~ Is (JO)lceruM. ",', !;OreJ". , It ' ..·\i.rue ' of, l!o,cie'l~ w,it.l) JIIIl~.IJinn, .u\l8,,11 eveD ,:l ' wOl'm L.:ue iil ~ \V'IIl ' Ilt'lp 10 de•~.~ ~ltblD '~l"o ' JMt· .oI :th~ ;tlurf~ce. " . "tr.'~1t'tit ~.t)"po 0f1i1ll ~lIe. wbat ,,,,blesslnll ',. (.'" 4',0 ·s<!t a : .~,,~, _. ~,!fa, !lOW ~111B· ' (0 lcgrlc nlt.. \i .It' would b '. We DliI, , • <, ,f,lIl!pt ' gOOd ,iIel!d ~4eb~0!! ~tnow. will be BIII'£ thill ,the .:far,mer who' /8 . :1l. III I J: .. ' . .ce;o1inato,tt11\ IRl1d W:en ·pre- : 'lcQua':oted wlJ h t.he ,Canada , tbls lle ... , ' ,.,..ted a,}d I" 'R. ~d · I\!-iU.e ~r r~htl, wlll . du 1!\1 10 his 'p t)wer 10 ({ ~~u(1llf:e , '. ,:,.' :dtY,;' aa!i. be ·'lflre"th.llt, tbe l.! !'ld, I ~ 'well Iho w\>l'lotIng: or thttl ne w. s pe , \:'Ies "I
~~·~.~:I'::::.::.."I:.=: , :.,
Superlorlp mustard orany other plulo .... and will npt bllstor tho most dellcale ski n. The paln.allaylng and curative ' quali ties ol ,thls a{!lele arc wonderful. It will stop Ihe tOOl hache at once, and relieve Headache ,andScla!lca. An extcrhal remedy for pains In 1\\e ches t and stomach and' all Rheuma:lc. Neuralglc and Gouly complaints.
'. A
~'\ . ~
Iw~ .topJlt;<lm~otberd,ifficultiQIIlertrue, I ~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' . W L DOUCL'AS '1'1__
. ,. I have a V1goroJl8 appetite now and am " wlUlle, m~.I l!r,al oecome~' COaelderable able to Attend to all t , duti es of my It 18 forked out IntO tbe yard lIud Is home •. 11lmilO Dr. Pills. . • worked Into lbe manu~, , • for Pale P4!OPleto~1l my , '3~ o. t!3~ . 1'hla ' flick Is 81x teet wid d I I 0!ll thoroughly conrin ced of '" built C D pastil of ~he'. sa m e lengtli: Dr. Willirun.' Pink PlIltllue aold'by Illl e nn It8 . m,e rlt" can bu built 8S ~ong os ae,ed be. As dl'Dlf8'.!sta aud by the Dr. WllliaDiB Medwill ~t !11?t.ed. a considerable roughage Iciue 06., Scheneotally, N.Y.
to a tt ~.l.,.r .... bo WOQ', GD.r. . . . . . .... Call lor I'our IIOIVE'!' B4.1l 1L II' ....."DOlI·T. Cll1am. 111. Jf'• .Dlealer••• D •• ~utDO~urer.8m"~ . . .
1 "on'JHU A ... "O~I ..
•• ,.
oj ..
)!llraJned ' ' . '." ~ .I. ~
,. "
J'arttll_" , ' qPdJ,l~~n'tNe nlflRt RlIpn'y Is the r'111O ,A "'I!1al\ ' ql 1l s t . utie , Cflrt..l1I_ ·lntIlUI· ..t 'IIOtDe (If tbo crellmerlps. A room ~J" ","' be 'wUi"tbrow trW:lliY Jl ' great .Is elvElll \llftil' tae <lOlthag' nt the .m eat, • . . .·1 of millie), upon Ihe in , ~;I Is ,all· :nil' RatrOn!! furnlah l>l'ef. mlltWn lind JIM,oI'.ct for ,. ~I\ .rtbj!r to 1HA~.eba8e, • . ter. pork ,011 .. 1'1'0 , h ~~ f. hire , Il butcher' 11M ~II~ JUo\Ct "l!ocll,ule It t~ 11 v,uuable l'ell ' lI Il (Ine · prlce. !'<I 1I:Ilrol1l1. unrl /It. '~tH.l""r ~ , put It "PCHI lilatJ "tbtU! '. btgll(~r price ' \U "oti~j<ll!rs. Till.! ~ d~ ~ut ~clw I,JQ8I1a . [,e~l1l7.eAl . A profH" lUI' .:Ivll,le:d amona, lbe palrull. wan allQl1U! nol .u lpen.d n dollar ·.Ia !III dlvldllnll8.-Fal\1D JfllI'rnal: ':,.,.
fertJll&erit till h. Imo\VH \vbal I(IDdli· ... ' '1I8OdJI. If bill I"Hh '~ rhih I" a ('.er. CI'I!~n, panly rl,,<lnrd IIl1d 'parU, t~n llielJletlt be "UJ bnt tbrow .woll'li" fresh "'-11" Dut ,·buru IV~II lU~elbtlr.
.' a . ,' tf he bU~8 r~:lIIzer. /0 put' lin H/tl'e IMDII "Jlke. , Wbyn lie." <,,.enll hi. I,\p". \Vnltlnn mOl.!e)" jft Ihlll ~1l7 I. "u ~ lilt!;' r:h~' Jnr. ,!111! "llilJII
-. ,GIUt ot UI. peDallleli at uot, IUIOWIDI,
' .:lear 10 tU';·DUtLOIII. w ..ta il .,ell.
.~After. Suffering for
~tes Mary
Three'Years" 'W.
E. Shelton"of Popilar Bluff. Mo •• "and trying tv(o doctors for femal~ ,tro~ Invaln. I fio:illylald up ..jn bed fa., about five weeks and was near to death. when I b\!gan to rt:lke Wlne cof Cardul. In a ,week I 'w~ 'l iP; and h'ave mended ever since. I have only taken three bottles and now" am In good h~th and .can , dO my ,housework wlthout · ~: pain" My custom Is now ~~Iar, I can truly say that carow cured me and I 'cannot recom- ' mend It highly enough." " For headache'~ backache. fallingfeeUngs-. dlz tIness. ('nmps. ,fitful, fwlctlons and
WIN&-" L
periodical pa1I;Is take .
IT' ALL IIJ8aasJIS . " ,110 BomB I .
Of · .'
t '
e Bottle Dropped in Sears Caesars Creek Found Died at Dayton. After 2 years.
Edward Sears, nged 41 years, s,On oft·ho late Joh~ Sears, wost of Forry. died at Dayton &t,urday night, May ~ of &6nsl1itis from which he had ~en ailing but two or three days. Bis remains 'were brought to the home 0; his brother, (JhBrles Sears, at Ferry, Sunday afternoon, tit which plaoe the funoral wa.B held Monday afternoon at 2 o'clook. ID· terment in the fami1y' ~ot In CentervilThle· o following obituary was pre. and xead at the funeral hy \he !lev. B. F ; Vaughan, of Center· -"lie, a long-time friend of the f am. YO
Nearly Every Man \V Ca.l' ," ~l . e Cohcn Cloth~ '. ,. .There ' a Rea, on!
'MIIY 2. 190./, Me '''r~ . Grover Mere. dlth Ilud lSI\110 Lillcdln IlroPI)cll II ~n\all bottl lut 'U Otlllrt\ 'r ok. llud in. ide of lib hot tle, writl on ou 1\ pug torn from a II te bo k "' 8
' "
Concerning Splendid Entertainment Former Residents. by N. C. R. Representative. Dr . ( ' QII S. A ., Ho ugh. Il r Lfllmunh WI\i!,<.I 1 .(1 t o Bl'l1 IOIH, IWu.r Dnytou , IIh' Ii: . ' 1'11 0 11111", rl'l JI'f'8llll til \i lll> I,he ft rRt of UI WI" k tv n Hand h i th,· ' II t,iolll\l UU',11 l1eglster Uti of mot.hor, ?.I I''; E Vil' H ong-h, wb o 18 III 1)11 I' tou (\Oli Vil1'l'd 1\ I LtIl· iII l1!<trllt· !\t t.ho hOl1lo of !I r da ngbt r, Mr~. d 'b y mfJ v l l1~ pI '.ure~ lind 8 t " r~op tl t' lIn v in\\'~, lit i'iI hool I:Inll Fr hl!(y UUII'II I'L1 .r. IT. [J~ i l\ t\. . W\ll I n /.'( . whl It wnll enjoy (l ·\).v ,~ I . IU,'H \ I,h 1'\ ' 0 II uncl "I-d JlC\r~O I1 !1 . Th, '\ lIri! II\imbor of tho F lll'ln 'I' he 1 r. tnrll \"IIR !til' l\ Iltld qr - Il.e
Z I M MER M, AN' ,S.
'Fancy Tennessee
STRAWBRRIES, received fresh every day · Or~nge.'f.
BanunB~ Lem· ons, Pine Apples.
. ~hl s : N. Y. Crenm Choese, " l>tIlY '), 190'1, ~l. T . Mere(lI t b. f t,lI(, atll'1\ n l'SO'I M IlI' !! ~1 I1 n\ \v Mll k~ r, puulibbed a.t,' ( in iu- tI n " l)in.,~ WuYnl' ,,1lJ , Ohio, R F . O. No. !l T hore uro so\'ornl rOiH!Cl DR. in eli ot. )l1I t-i , I'''nr()(luco i n fnll n. VI I'Y s: I Lo Ilf,: 11 Iii,,}> t,b e t, bj(j( , In bring" l1e~1l1's r k. I ' V: Lin In, .Ii" ne r enljOu Is b t;lCM I H .If ~tOi:Lt ' 0. m g t,hl'llll lf" l·r'LLlJlI lt'llI. !l Atll wu ~ to h111 t IJa[Jer prepllrud I~nd .r Bll tl by '1'. O. N o. ,'1.· l<~iu(l r r tllrn IlUd r r i V(J .I;en l: l lth ~ " nr I! ",1 \ol~b~. I h ill 1tl.I O L!)" Adall1!! , r KllllljllS It.y , Mis· o.nt)OUl·/i g ll fh ,~ I"(lul Jlultli n t.ll \1",'nt ity th eil' h "!1I1;'~ hy pI IH,ing a " w· :111 () . ,. fu ll o!\t ulcllllln ' IIf t;hu W O I'l U'." "( 111 milt rlnl, g oel ill :< r~' l l' , ~ " OI l lU fit. "" llI'i , ar. 1\ m eti ng of t he' M.! ~~o uri o r~, !lhr\l hlmr v "',t, IllId. to s tlm olnte B t.b ;; ntlemen had forgot ten all . !l pil'i t of t hrifr Illld n e ll ll 'S~ ~I n· U7 . god' 10 \\' ('Ul I;' ' r h, ), ' ('( I 111 11 111 hv til , II l\ey Bor tioultu rul Sool t y III tllll ~ 6Ih1· (,t1lv j -'-__ Ity 1nruh 17. - ~;Edward Searst youngesi son of abou t t be incident llntil they l'ecel ~· b,."t 1I111I1Uf"I'1 11 1'" r - iJl 1.1 ,. '901'1 (1 Th o 1"otnrOWill' rrulll y n. hl ~ t ry of John P. and Deoorsb Sears, wa. 1 en IL letter (~ few days II I! Mr. A(lI\:tU S' topi Wllil " Whnt Veg tll( NntilJutti Oil _It Rl'gl!!t.t'r '0. , but Y f h B t· .. "186"II, an d d epar,..,.. .. ;...~ Jinoinna\ tl reading I1S f 01~ows : . A n o th t' '·I,} lL"" ' 1l - . t\ ~ o:- tl 'n Utn1 bol'll AagtUIt I", It B o ~ Icu1t,llri !lt~ lI o n ltl P111Dt" iI, ," rl M 1ll 0 . t in tol' .. 1.lug 1I1"'f""','" All ( tllule ours or t e . es ~ 1906 age '"'0 years lothe!l " :;e1\ l'"r 1I1111,i!. less ilio n .v thia lIfe ..... JJJ.Ay u" "' May 3, 1906. Mr. G '1' Mer dl th, o J' Ihl:J \'le \\'H WM " 11llll",llly 110,1 and Goods and 8 montba 20 days. t.I l11t~ pqulLI q\ll1 l \ti e ~ .'1. t\w h ll l '(' B uy . I~nd it wus hundled in 11 m OAt. Inter· th.· lIro~ r (> i>l1I th .. t blli! lI' Wll m lldl' in . vee one Inater and fou r Sir: Flnet enclo!lloll the slip!! fo noll . f " f nlld pr(lfit 'lul nWll oor, I\vi · osting Be 1.... ing lh r t TI1I11 tu o ll llllrl O n{Jlurer (II nn'.!ill)! Oil " 1)1' t1t " 1II0.t lln ~i l' htly LOWEST PRICE. brothor8 as t.b e remajninKhmembetbrs in Slllu.l1 vlu.l while fishing in th ~II ves w! Mle mitl dlt)lIInn ';; profit ·. W(j dancin g the ncou rll te kll')\\,! (I ~ · he 'PI\"~ In ·Dlll·.lo n; ill t il ' 1) lI fl or the , of & onoe larllo tumUy, t e mJ or Miami riv r. l1\)out two' mile" from posNesslls ill til s I CtiOIl II nel oul 1I1"" r btlll ll iHn l l'lu l'lI 11) AUItII' u 11., IB . ZIMMERMAN'S, Ai ' d J 22nd 1897 ' ., C li ll IltTortl 1 ·0 II ntl do A en for I ss I h av ng .. e anuary , 'Lynwooet on ."., ~ 20th of April, 1906. t ure of v'egettLbl S . tl'l d v r"lUll r ka l1\ . Of Course. ' and the father Deoember 23, 1 99. " 'Ill tbl\n 01lY other st re f 'L'li,~ WOl1 ()r' l'rul S ll 11 !O~ " f thfl Na . .,._ _ _ _ _ _• _ _~. . . . .~ Edward united with the Snllar At your requ6!lt I ret urn snIDe, Yours Truly, tillllnot·ller l' IIsotl- M.o. 'oh en 10 1\ reoent issue of , th e E\' ,m lng tifm lll 'ell ~ h R t) g i ~ ttl r 'f), WI1M ll X· I Creek Christian oburoh December J eff 1' boOJ}180n, of Oinoinnatl, 2, 1892, and waa baptized May 23, JOBB J. Hull , 5395 Miami Ave. bll tbo lnrgest litl'lok fl nd pl enty of 'rribune, published I\t lt roonHeld , V11I .fne d h,v t il(. ",y;;t III uf ,rnljlo~l ed 1896, by Rev. H. E. Butler. Be 'Wae Lynwood Ohio, CinoinDttti. dl\yUgh t Iii ills tor · - whl()l ~ 1!lI tL Indiana, iEl n. deSC r iption of II 20 1I 0ro1 1I Il Il employer s working fogethal' for ~p .. nt severul dnytl rtllJ(1n\1y in w,ay. ue!wllle tuning pianu8. Mr: Thomp-' a fai\btul and devoted member of ' . great bolp to the boyin g publl wh n farm two miles ellst of (jr'tieu/iolrl. II '!\lI uruon !)nd. Bon i8 . son of tbe )Bt.e 'Ih~ore tbe oburoli. attendlng and oontribThe dilltanqe from the point lD mruhn si ng olothing. which bali recently ohlmged 1111ndl'. utinJt to It regularly all long as it Crl)6k where tJ.le bottle was I Mllny ·lIer. oM were oWI.lkened Thompson wbo~e denth /I. fewyears was poeelble to do so. Be ft:equent · dropped to the mouth of. the' river OUR--- . Rev . . B. F. DIl'iley bl'llllllliu g It./! ,.bout midui~bt Mo ntll~Y uy Bn ex. ngo resulted from a fllll from " IY bo re pubIt 0 _ . mony of hiB love wbere it w~s found, counting nll own or. It is said to Ij Oll ~ of tlie plo_ion of cne of the buildin gs i n oherry t ree while 1!vl~g ·on Third for ~he Savior. TEN DOLLAR best Improved lurWII in Hancook t hu big powd er mills at Goo". II ... trElet In tbe prol~rty now ocoupi8(1 The iDtereat whioh tbe father and ' the w~nding of the river is certain· county.. with n. fine $3000 nous , ,Ind slllo lI plnce ~VO Bt of X( ula. The by JOllflthlln Baines, SbMk is Rllid to hB,va bntlll felt 150 '-~-'----------- 'mother took in his welfare. w1l110ng 1)' not over 75 milos und it requir d MEN'S SUITS other mo<lern improvem ents be 'remembered by these brothers almost 2 years to a day to mll);e the mil from Xeultl. No one wus ioand alister, and ~he ties of kinShip. journey; If the little I!orap of paper Are as' good ns the $1.2 1,lUd '18.60 . Mr. Dailey IS bl'Otb r.!U.III.\v of i nj ured.. Cure. Cold., crou\I aDd \/(b'&;plDI Couab. ~Bi~~"bstyresnugchUlmenel)dmoaDri! u;wde more could only tell Its hi tory of t. he pnst kinds sold elsowh ere. Mrs, Roy Ha tho way, of W"yne . r ~.,.. OUR --ville, his 'Yife being formerly 1di~8 . The pll88ing year8brln~ many SAd two yellrs, tbe gtory \yould no doubt Mnmie Thomo!!. d'lORhtor of Mrs. ohanges U · they oome and go, ond be 'Very entertilining lind lt i~ iuter' TWELVE DOLLAR Chnrlptte Thomos,' wo- t of F rr.I', nlany unfortunate ooDdit~ons in tblll estio'" to flP culn.te ns t.o how fn.r it I> and formerly h ad OhMg of tbo life seem diffioult; for us to under 1I&aIIlI, but Us experiences may ' mlgbt hnve gonn hl1d It,been permit MEN'S SUITS Christilln churob Ilt th ut plnce. ordured u to tealoh us in the end ted to continue its jouTO y . Are " f;n 1 1111 thl) '1Ii kinds' sold In speaking of Mr. Dailey tho 'l'be undel'l'ignftli will oft'~r for lillIe Rt publio auction on th,,~ "All tbloKsshallwork together for goOd to ~bem th..t love 6od." Law and Order el , wher~ Tribune further says: THURSDAY, McAY 24, 1905. Beginning at 9 sharp, 4,'lle SQperlnten~ent of the Mont· OUR-" We will sny without fill' of IIn y nt t.he hl t,e restlltlpc ot Dllvis Eur,nlls uOOOIlSed, in Wayne tOWnahip, League Organ ized. . one contrfldiotl~g the IItu.tewent tbat Warren ooonty, Olllo, 3 milell of W 'Lyn~svil1e, on the Waynesville IOmery Co11Ilty In1lrmary prepared the fono~ng tribnte 'o f ~qod feeling , . , -FIFTEEN DOLLAR Rev. ' B. F. Dailey 'can out· preach, a llll New Burlingtho pijlO. tbt! f(Jll owi llg oba ttel property: ,. towarda the dooeued during t,he At a. meetin~ of cihv.'an!ll Of , Way. , any farmer and outfllrm any llrellch· Six helld or hortles, oODl!illth", of 1 b.L. " ware 10 years old, 1 bro'YD . flve78Ullhil home had beEn aU'b at . ' MEN'S SU][TS ., Instl&utlon and took pl0ll8ure jn nesv!l)e and Wllyne tOWI11I.11lP held , er in tl;1e tate, Htl Is. a gradullte hOl'se 14 years old, 1 btly hurll .13 yelLI'1! 011(1, 1 bay horse 17 yeaN otd 1 t , &elltifylng tha',Edward was the beet' at ~he Orthodox Friends CwhurCh . Are ns good n!ll the . *1 n,nd 120 and post graduate of Butler Col1~ge. grllY mare 13 'y eui's Old, 1 yearling oolt ; , "onteen belid of hlgb grade Inma&e he had. tmder Ilis supervls- &tnrdlLY e~ening, The ayne sni t!! elsowhere. · and ,ranked a , one of thll brightest DU'rharn cnttlp, OOllllillt.inf(' of 6 CpWt:I. 2 r.o be fresh soon, " two,year,old IO'~we, the ~uperintendent, family Tow'nship Law and ' Order Ilgue '1n for men wbo gradua~ tbere. He Is lite(lrll, S yellrling s teerll , 1 ~QIJ{I bull, l IIf ; II. fo,,\, sheep, 17 lamhe j 5G and em loyea or the Montgomery was e£lablished . W'e Ilre sO.lo t1.{le'n& . tllc ll~(ll ytbt~ m i I11so a graduate of Yale Divinity hend of liogs oonsil:!t,lng Of 6 !!'OW$ wlrh tlUlll ll pigs, 6 brood BOWS, 4C1stock ~u t • • . I Alfred BenJllmin a j nes ..La· h I d h "'_A t f e • . CountY lII1lrmary d6llire to extenu The LeaKno will osist on .be $1 ~ t $30 80 09 an 8S .....,.,n pas or 0 Bam h Igs' Flum Implenllllt8.2 f rll\d wn g,)ntl, "ue iron wheeled wagon, one '0 tbe friendll our'.iDoere sympathy. enforoement of laws. lIar Mn de Cloill l' -. .J 0 - '. of the best ohurches in the state. grH.v~1 bed, on hellvy ~prln'l IVII"rlD, ,\lDO h gnt sl)ring W~gOD, four wagon In 'he 10811 of their ~rother and .. _ • 4r.!'&MAIN DAVTON He is now ' pastor.. of the l;'le!ll!ant, tongue~, 1 two hnr.;e otLrrlal!!t!, 1 pboo tln, .1 box: buggy, 1 ~ew buggJ,1. friead, · . . T . . VI . Ohri tI . h cb I buggy pole, 1 storm front, ;a IIlel ,Iill, 1. "tm url of baIJII,. 1, Deering ~nder, . 0 Th~ trJend.i'are grieved to.bave .9 cts a ~o.und ·rlp . e~ s · an a nr n 1 wheat d rill. 1. h uy ·tedder, lstdok rllk,6. :& ' ~etB of. hay lll.d\lettl, S two 1 E!lward \aken f(om their .. midst, ' . '. . to Cincinnati. t . county, a~d f.he ,.NIl.melfJAA ~ortle. onltj-vator~, 1. ollIln pi IltE'r, i coru b,l,rv.Jfl.ter, 1 D~rinl( mower.' ooe · ,,\ho baa. been eu~ a good .nd faith · ~ , ~huroh i~ this oounty. ,No bo~ter gl'nln trnok, I field rollor, 2 pUll,b\e burro""", 1 .A: 'harrow, \arge platform ful frienllin eveor '~ay.. . " B d M III frOlh WaynesVille Tlle .s I:iHI/'!O:l. oountry ohurch can be found than c/il es, 1; stlu:1I1~ Of heBlt. 2 brcI1k11l1f pl","'''r 1 tollaoco 1l10w, 1 sloKle plow. Edwa¢ ..... not only 'a friend' to ,e un ay I1Y ct.O " _ . either of these char es," .. l one horse corn drill"rldin~oult.lV\i.tnr, 1 d~() harrow, 2 road 8OOOp8, 7 • ODe bue to aU, and cUd anyt~ing be, Special train leans ,2 Il. m . . ov'!r Gol~ B nd Conpons wll;h nil pur· . g . ' If\rge S llg 'lr 1r6~t/e. 2 .. ugnr hl1g~he,~dl'\, '4~ 'u 250 I!upr buokets and s~Ile8, • could to help another. Be always Pennsylvaniil Lines. clHl se~ , . a. power wood ~o w, 1 sweep h"'1!6 Vlwl'r, rabber powor. beh, 1 doubie wore a amUe and Wall always happy . ,. , ' Mrs. Raabel R, Collett Is a" deeply hl(i(ler, orolOa out. s uw: Itltg lot. of 'ClI,ro lI &or '" Bnd blaoksmith's tj)Ols, O!l& ' and 'WQuld ky to make some other Chur.,.ch Notice. ---interested in theiHome-Oomiug in. .ll1lger,l P,lilt .holAtliKger, '" tle G.. (q'lrk hHm688. 2 lIeta baggy flarn6!'l', oUlar Ad hear'" happy by doing i Off A ' August as any of the many who are double lIet olLr.riHgo h.Lrnes", Ing utillin!!, 2 wagon jllOks,,, seed Bower, The Lid s . gam. anxious to come on that oocaaion. 2 tOns 1I1\.Y, .1 Bll(ldl~1 olle Clirt, OOd wlnll mil l A ' ql1~n'ity of mll108llaDe. .ome&htnK for them We feel the loie of Edw.m, but i' is Ule Lord'S 'Mlami Qoarterly Meethig will be . ous .urtioIEls. ' O(lnsl~tlog Of '" lot of f~nolog wire, 40 Rraln'~lrl, Itupr will, Dot oUrs. Be was a goo(1 held in th\! Orthodox Fnends .O~nrqh Aner R fe\v we kll in ', whi oh the Mrs. CoUett.w,as well ~nowlll\8 Miss oistern 2(101b mel1t., hams and 8liOllld"l'1', .151) Ib 8ide meat, 20j)1" laTd, 30 Ohrilti_ boy iUld wu Ii regUlar liere ne~. Beventb Itnd- First days law n'/(alnst ' und(1,y -olosin~.1iull been" Racble ~brigbt here where ebe,s~t chto.lte~~ '" turkey!!, potlltbes and pottlto bi'x tI, a stOv..e feed cQOker, grind. attenc1ali".S "the . ~nn4,ay. aervioes. < '. • 0.180 the: Christian observed to a greMer or :le8s extent, her ohUdboQd ~d ·, ;voun~ Wnm~n stOne, wo'r k bench. Musllge grinder, . (J~ o,.rcls · WOOd, 1000 f~t lum~r, . The 1088 o~ him will not only be felt at "" f~ th " Q' '. te r ' "the lid" wll t jl·k'iln '. o:ff 'S.i:lDdaY1 hoild, a:nd ' Uved w(\:h ' h l' " po rents, 1000 fee~,foDoing, 1760 IJh\agles, tot of pf)pl~r lnmber, 3 )barrel\l ~6flal,'. by oue"of ~,bu' by all of ~ia 'friends Endeavor . yo .o e nar ,r y seqe'I\1 s tore8 being open.. ' M and Mrs D n Ebri ht iu the 2 ll)wn lIi.owers, 7 tin buekets, 2 . clot,h"lI \ivr;ngere, ~mnk ~pamro" 1 andoomr. ~' . .' lI4e,eting on Firat dllY at .~-;JO 1'. JD, It' ls piobl1ble t hlLt. tl\e Itew1y or: r. .. .' , 8prt\y pump nnd borrel. 2 }J~shels eo&l corn, 40 Qans fr1;lit,lot of, old lroll, "I All' are cordially, Invited to tbese gaulzed Ln-w'llJId Order t..el1gpa }!iI1 property ~n Ma~n n ,?w owne~ It collection; t.he ulldl ,vlded qn'e-,ll!~l~ of 38 II r6t\ of growing wpeat. A l.~t , .. 0& or THUD, loes Insist· u~on tha ]0. W8 ,eIlLfl)rcement, by Mrs. Alethla ' Ale~nder. ' , Ber of household ~oud(l: 1:10 Yl1rdtt of (.,arvero, l" lnslsting of 40 )'ar4& parlor !\ The IlIter ud ' brOthen'and other serv .. home is at 'p~nt In 10";111 Oitr. oarpet, 40 yo.r<1l:lin~roln. 30 Yl1rde bodtllitlu ,~rpet, 20 yards ra~ oai'~'; reliatlT61 of . -the dece8eed wis~ to Iowa· where her-liusband occoples /j rooking Obllil-S, other killds of!>,,1 r.h'Imber settl,lounge, a boOkf .... I . to ' ' . h 8 t OiISO "nd burehu, II dS!lk and book cuen, /La !I'nn bed steud and a numbl:l,:: take , .... opporfnn ty ' tb" . ohair of soienoes In t e tu P. of other bedstA!ildH, 2' . 6tul1il'1 . 'seve.. gk8lll'." ,·1l · their lftltitu~ tu their frieDds and ' 'Univl,lrsity 9f Iow~, corn~r c.upbourd. 6oorot4lrr. nndtiiblb b'lUk'CI"'~" one light colOred bI;!4-~1D Mrs. Collett·writes the .Gazette liS 'springs, lot of bedding, pillOWS, bolstere, etc" dl8tiOB,
For Eggs.
. .
Chamberlain's Coullh Remed,
lll XV
L ' e
O '
~ COMM~NCf' M~NTS :~:='oo-:~:::!: ~~~;:!~o:. : ,..
::',:,',':l=7 ~~m... no:,, ·
>. ...
NEIGHBORING .VltLAGES~::~='=~' ooop,
Dr aome-.Com~g. l;1~DJ-ber, and ~
. MrI~\Mary tI.(Hunt. . . '. your . ~ UtRb' '~b~Ol ~"Il at W~Y~e8~:' ..... . ho;ve .b een wanting · to w~ite to yO\\ vine hang,'be portraits of two noble MORE GIRLS ' THAN BOYS GRADUATE. SMAL~ ever slnoe to tell you that I 'want to women, I'nn068 JIl. Willard , "nd . share In the pl688ure or tha.t .. Home 111'1. Mary B. Himt. These piO. CLASSES THE RULE. Coming" nl,lxt August. tures were plaoed in Ule hall abou' . Dear old Waynesville! Who tl1at a)'1I&I' ago by the local brauch of Common '''l ent. What memories HARVEY8DU:Ra has lived there 110 mllny years as I the W,, (J. T., U. , db1.'\$(1.... ' .... th'"Bv.~rage " ' ',,_ bl ed' n~",n n'rIA'H lfa':lY readers .q r the Gazette wi?\ h e ,vor,. .?'lr." . 'Mias M~ry Qll'Vj~ ~(l' Mr. Carl did does not ,,,,,ve .' ~p~ . . ' learn with regret of Mrs. aun~ s .on. .. .. . 'C16l1ver compose the .J:raduating· arise at ,the. mere. ~h~u~ht or men ' 'Bolton April 24. 0. ·· Bowevor m.lob old,e~per80ne m?,~ ·olass lat,' Barveysl,m rg. !The ·Com• .tion of " the time.tion'ored,~~d ~nl)lC lIf~:;X:n~~ Ms:a~;~ T.::ro~ ~ lnollned to regard with ,I\.~ OSE!'. mence.rD~tit: takes plapn .f" r.llnes.¥ y. But those ~ho ·m ade. It nOM ~ ,t? ·mY' &lI8OClia~ "ditor of the. lM,I~mi G-. .~ent· ~h~ attempts. of the ~mbltlp~s eventng, M~Y' 2~nd , J?rof. E.'L, Men: !yOllDg girlhood 1I:re al~o"t ";11 g,.)~e, sette, who in all the 10Dg '7ea 1'8 that but iDl!xpe~ienC8d students. to feg, denhll~l, Bo~erintendent " o~: . the and many more of· thc!,r .. dear (,,)rm have pall86d s~ their happy Itu- ulate the 1I1Je.lrs of tbe · world at sohools nt! ' tbe Ohio' Soldier!! an~ at:rest I.x! tehat: ~ai,lent v!)lllge over days at the~ODoe farrio~IPotaf pe- C)mmencemeot time yet .t he , oooa-- BailOn! Orphans' Home 'of ~eni!\ the ri:ver on the bill' ',thlln walk hllr . dent 00 Female·lnatt.nte ten .nil 88 roni . . ~. b . . - , . " . , the oity of Bltaimo~e "haa oheri4hed ,slon reoll\lns just ~he same t .e w1l1 make the clll.lls 1111drl~!I~, '. st·reet~ · now-g~ndflltber, . uTlcles, the wanneet affeotio~ and higbest orowning event of sebool life, ·the Rev, J , F. Cudwallllder, of Way- at;nts, cousins, frIends-how, fe!V. esteem for hllr brllliant fellow stu. end of the most oar9 free and UBU· nssville ' Will deiiver the Bnoo~lau. the old .timo faces remllin! . dent. , '. ' . ClUy h.qp~iest period of 11fe. . reate se~Jllon at tb\! M. E, Churoh Waynesville herself" risep Phooulx· ~e ot OQl' ,older oltlzens m~y It ,is an occasion of }) in ' Harveysbnrg Sllnday evening like out 01' the 8sh'!.B, wears a dltTer.. recall the faot t~t abo a ,utt·~'We.?atyfoOrr old and young and the ma.jority of Ma;), 20th~ ent 'fllc~ whol1y unfo.mill.l1r '; almost mQre,),ears ago _no un w_ . .' i " , ' I' Th'" th , several d~ts the guest of. her old .1>6OPlo m. e'V~r~ comm~~ , Ilr~ In . OlutaoNIA. , n~. In.nd -~IlJ'k re,??B ns, . e.w.e • BO'hoolfrie¥ -in ber presen~ ~ome. ~horo~gp. ~'y~path,Y ~Itb t~~ COIn" The Oregonia ,Commencem~nt ~lSt a.nd tbe ,Q uaker ~.hul:o.hes . I1nd at the requOl!t ot ,the local , W .. menoemeut Idea. and IU their heartll takoB p"1 c'e 'a littl-e eaither .Ib. n nny' . stan!11n the.o~d f"m. 111~r plac61t Co T U . delivered two telling ado' Ii ' 1 t . ', \t to . It . ~ ,, a . ., '. h ' ... d d~e~;':'; the Y. · E,,· phurbh· wliich hope for eao ,stU( oJ;! goIng a t other sohoo} in tQi~ ' vicinity . .os ft M,y eyes/, a'Ve: feaste ~u many was filled' to overflOwlng by highly fa{l~ tbe stern r~lIti~s o~ ,Ir.fe ~L occura, Fl'i~lt.y evening, May. U. " boautiful views' during th" yeall!! apprl!O\&Uve ~dlen~; :Mrs. B,nnt . pr~per-;m8 I1nd 8ucoes8fu~ Journey . l'hore are three pupils who 'will that h~ve passed since I ~lIed old . hlld j1l8~ me~ With;' BOm~' sore disap. · AT 01l:NII'E,RVILLm finisb BChool there MI!18 Bertba Wayneilvllle my ~ome; but. of them \ pointIi18D' in' the aotiOD of tbe OhiQ. , . ' .' ,. 1\ taods out morll olear pr General .A88embly thAt had emphat· A 0las8 of three bright, young lad, 'ElbpD, Messrs. Jo~epb PhellUl f\nq Il , non~ ~ . . . Q k ' loally defeated a bill introduoed tes will graduate ,May 17. The Earl. Thompson. L ,'C. Wilkerson is beautiful than thatfro~ the uo er Ulronlh -ber. lD1luenC8,lI~yIDgf~r a grildua·tes are Miss Della. Pine, ·Mles Bupertendent. ohuroh-yard. . Nevertobe. . Jaw providing for BOie~~Q I~t~o. -Mayme MiHel' nnd Miss Lucy' Laok. SP1UNGBO,"0 are the days o~ the frie.n!ls ",:hich M L B 1 the thought of WarneevUle recalls. tion in tbe publio BOhoola ' of Ob,~, e.v, .Prof. ~ .. S , Ew,in'g 1s snperl'n on ~he ill effeCts uP9~ the h·u man iss ucy E. ormel: lind Mr: , After" ear of irlv'a'HIl.I!lp1. I 11m sYBtem of a.l~hoUo . {!rinll8 ... Sb~ tendent of the 8chool. Ro~ert J ... Whlttemat;l wllJ ,complete n oin ~ome to pi'~th~r Ebright, had Ulen bnt ~lIn h~r arduonl:' THill L'YTL'E SOllQoLS the course 'of study in th,a schooJs of' O'W g . g , . . 'Zc- • J'ork. and'bad suooeeded In but two . ., - .' . . at Day-tQn, to. see. If 1 can;l .or 'bree etates. 8he Jlved to aoovin.: Will gru.duate II. cla.8s" of ' fo~r~ SllrlDgborp, T~ursdIlY, M.aY,24th. 'health and strengtli. t! .lsuooeed plish her ~ork, and to ,106 Georgia. Friday Jnne 1. Lytle 1s an exCep· '. Prof . ~. D. Keljiso.n ,has been I intend being numbered among the lallt state to yield, wheel into ,tiop. to mQst schools, os 't~!3 Ipale lIuperintiendent of ,this .,sObool for "Bome.Comlng in A·u~t. " U til tb 1 wisb th old' Gazette Un8. This WIUI . tbe triumpbant persua8ion predominates there be· two years aDq will oontllOue io the pleasure of her oon~ra~ ~ife,\ing three touog gentlem~ll and on'S 8a~e pO!lition 'next year, ' ( hni h i BIn , oe'',1 eyed ' ' wlt'h ';",; • - ~ ' . . ' 'fI 0 8 a ways re, II • - ..... For Bale-A haodsome parlor yOUDg 'lady, ~ss L~ra Burnett, a.nd ,BELLBROOK . 61'1letJs) and ita enterprlZe tbe, ntmoe' haoatol lamp No ~urther use for Messrs. E . J, CarmoDY, Warren ' In tbe vllllige ' Blgl\ Sohool. two .,. it, .. eIioWlo Ughta have euperoed. BUnt aQd Bert Gra.ham. PIlot. " CILrl y,oung ladies, MI88 Edna ,m. Dlnlrid. suooeas~ Ve~ truly; . :II ad It. Bmltb is superin&endont of .tbe die an~ ·M1ea Ct\.rrie A. BAOBJIL 1k. lBJialQBT OOIoLlJITIr. Go to OUlter" , for . ~uat.iOD school, Rraduate. . PreIIIIl". _ . .
fl .
VOL. XLVI. NO. 47.
Schools Close.
·P·leasant Event was
"Nomore80bool, I1OQlore books, PARAGRApHS Reception to Mr. Heil. l ' The road oonstruotiOll with the No more teaCher. with \hclr looke." sterun roller is oompleted from the The bappl6llt time of the year to I J . .t. Duwnlng l\ad daughter, MII!~ M.r. D. B. Hell. who bllf4 been Railway Station to the orpor!\tion Ilverage boy-il here, for S Ulll . ,1 I" DtllllLDownlllg,uf Xenia, were II. Prlnoipal of the local Bigl) Sohonl NEWSY NOTES ' OATHERED BY THE GAZETTE' liue. The G8.!\ Pipe line Is all laid to a over. The boy who really hktlt4 l\.I m (mg the vl8ltur~ lit ,Friend" QUllr. the ll!lst three years, WIIS tundured go to BOhool does not exl8t '~tHiJe terly Meet·ln~ t:;ullduy. Il reoeption at the home of Mr and CORRESPONDENTS IN NEARBY PLACES point l\boot one and a half miles of story bookl, and the 10 'g dllY J', ltdinlere8 from 150 UD, 01111 aud MrR " F. B . Farr llI.8t evening by , southwest of town. A branoh line when his oberlsbed dream "of 00 t481l tilom for MIas ",re of tluparior the pupUs of the Higb Sohllol, lind ,f/ will be run Into our village. j .l.h h I t i t f J . E J Ilaney. II_ ytle Inti olls t o tl Bny I,helr " IlflNl ,.II ·,.t, t,li ey !IO 00 . 0 n er ere ' w 1i II. IW1m '1n value. tho 000lL810n prove d most de II gh t f u I. . Don 't for~et the Township 8un. h te 1 · bl th b \ . left tho r') I1(\ lind rlln lI !<tr hl., " r a " t ood e 000 wa r. or ram e rOll\t u r . JII.lnes SIl ute met with a sa· M,r .. Beil WIlS given no hint of the . dny sohool Oonventlen next sunday .---. Iliy. ll..... . 108S one d~y h\st weok by t"o eVllnt before hand . andw'lR t'lken oom Mr and Mrs Sherman Dyke and telo"... h'll tl lJole whi oh b~' t h,' I, " CO uftornoon " w T.I1 s, ·.....,."mea a rea vere ." nt three o'olook, sun time j -'ty o~• tb e IIOuOO ' ''- ' 1S i n doath of one of... hill tOllm of fine ~ pletely by surprise when hi". pupi 1H family were Elunday callers at the of their w;lonir y WI~" kU IIC K, ' ll ". tJ'lot the M. " E . ohuroh. Everybody · e ma 0... · . , tble viotnity have either ololed or work horses. whO 'had gathered at t.bfl home of home of Mrs, Jfllue Dyke. four fe tlt. fl'om th e vtlrtlcul l' !I l tIClU: ou"bt to come out and hear Charley . Jessie . M Ilr1att on F" urt h street, Thore 18 . 0. vlI.gue whIsper . I'll p wus ... YI III end th e year ' s work .~thln tbe Mr . F. C. !:!oh wart2 ' nnd sister MIBS that t I1e Nothln b k ~ but It . a l"'ellst ,. 11 k st I ' ho II o. Wuichet talk. next week or two. . Band marohed In to his h()u~p.. lid Is not held down liS firmly as be. 1'0 ell . , \I [\lI 111\)1' () > • • Wayneeville lohools praotio"lly Miss Agnes Sl.lhwurtz, spent un · Refreshment!! of. Ice ol'eulU Ilntl fore . How a.h out It ? eNf",I~.; t.o got ,IIl OW wheel for h.lllph S R ev . M? Elwmn, pastor of one of. olosed Monday. . The balanoe oUbls ~~c~!~~~l.hoDle of theIr varent, In cake were served. , Mr. T . J Morford hRs recently 1.1IIg o) · . t ho BU,l)tlBt ohurohes In Dn.yton, Make that home of yours more Mr. Hell expeots to stndy law at returned to Ly'tle from 10diRna with llIent whioh ttlkps place ~'riday even- II.ttraotlve by ullng Barrett.'s house Clnolnnati the oomlng yellr . his newly IIcqnlred wife . Corwin es to hill, ohurch the ~eoond and IUK, Kurt -otll8r DlKtter8 whioh will paint the quality i8 the bast and • - • Mr. J . B. Jon8s apd wife were tile fourth Snnday of eaoh month. rtlqnlra t.he&ttentlo~ of thl) ttlftohers prices lowest, tloe Thol!. z"ll eust Church Notes. entertAiners of Mr. Tbomas Dillltlld There was 8. meeting of oitizens 1D olOtlln& up tha yel\r'8 wllrll: . Fourth St. wife t:;unday, besides several other Mrs. Hope St.i161:i spent 8nndpy and members of the.G. A. R., at the 'l'he Corwin "ohllol!! will close Fri. Rev'. and MI'8 J. F. Cadwullader, Rev. Ulvi MiIlli. for many years guests. ~it,h relatives in pring Valloy. HJlll Monday evening, to urange day . W. H. AlIt!n alld C U Williamson pastor of the Friends ohuroh at· Miss E~ta Staoy WIlS quite III a. Mrs. B . E. Booth speDt several for Memorl",1 servioe, and pecora. ' Tile oOlllmenC(lrnent /I t Oentervllle are In attendllnce lit. the IInnu,,1 Wilmington, will preaoh at the Or· few days last l"eek from stomtloh dllYs Illst week In Le bUDon with tlon exerolses. t-llktlti place tomorrow, Tbur8day, oonventlonof th.e Epillcoplliohur,?bes thodox Friends ohuroh next Sunday tronble, but WEI are happy to slLY is her brother Mr . Fra·nk Stokes 0111\ Mr. James Lawson bas . gone to IlvtIDIllg. . , of Southern OblO, In sosslon at morning. Mr. Millll baa bot recent· out again. fUUlily. \ . Chattanooga, Tenn. ,to aCllept a 'prof. The Bellbrook vl1l..~ lIohool oom· Greenville t~. week . ly returntld trom a years sojourn In M.r. and Mn. Harry Cornell and Mrs. J . N. Lemmon 11~d son were ltable position In IL oreamery . . menoement .took· · plaoe Saturday Of oonrse I IIIll using Barrett's Cl&Ufornla, wbere he hlld charge Bon Carman, together with Mr. and OilY ton shoppers I:!aturrlllY. . hed n ble evening. paint for It gQ811 fllrther lind IIprellds of a large and tlourlshlng-churoh at MrtI. Frank Carma, and Ilttle da.u gh Miss Alma. Watel'lIollse tlnd Miss . ~ev. Mt,?M~o~~~r:':eate ~er!on ti~: I~yt="~d:hu~~~~:~~~; &vener than any I.I'lint J ever used Whittier. . ter Graoe, of Ferry, we'r e the wel- ~dll Furnas were LehlLnoll visitor@ b~fo~;~~~~raduatinag clus- of our June tD order to make up tUne 10lt and Zell has the price right. Rev; Philip Trout B S' bas been come gaests of Allen Emerlok IIn.d ~lIturdILY· township High Sohool last Sunday duri.n g 'he iIlnesli of the superin. MIII8 Martha Oqmpton wbo hall 88leo~d to preaoh the Bac~t$lll.urcat'6 wife: .F isblng seelUs to be very popular evening. tenden' at the beginning of the year. been at ,aamllton for II. year or more !!Ormon to the graduating clus of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wheaton, Clar- WIth onr small bOYR. Robert Werntz 'l;h raduatio exeroises will be The 8prln6boro oommpnl',l6lnent ij~hatCobomrnpet'oll.n"linltlhnl~S bweorrkraatsh~r:.~!1si: th" Lytle High !:!ohool on May 27th ence Croll81ey "ud wife, and Mr. and 18 tbe most suocessful one he llll-ving Thur~:ay eVenlngg May' 17 ~"'" 11106 ' Mnl. W. F . t'lark and family spent ctlught s~verlLl IRrge onel!. , . • , oomea next weak. lor" " Suntlav with Wm . ClI.rmony and Mr ChLrenoe Mullen vlslt.ed his A deaconess.from Chrtets Hospit. For a More BeauMrs. !hbel Dinwiddie and MI811 Dinner will served wife: molber Mrs. AoblNh Mullen t; und'lY, al Cinoinnatl gave a.n ad,dress last. Sarah Burnett I\r6 8pendlng todll.Y, . J68lle Mryslllle'lI brother. wife n il hi~ ~vny to U'l.litdrllll' " . Sunday In tlie M. E. · ~huroh In the I .. tlful Waynesvll e. Wednesd~y, at VI~nrtlllla, wU·h their to County Teachers. And little boy epe.n t SUDdbY -with Mr . ·'hll!!. Reynolds lind fllmily interests of the hospItal work and The 'lIe88lon of the BQlllnees Men'. brother, Prof. WhJtUer Burnett I\nd .t he former and hill lIt6p·f&ther, Mr . tLttended the iruns I\.t O"yton Thnrs. solicited· donations for the same. League Monday eveulog waa devot. family. Ladies Industrial Society. of Jesse Utton, . who lives on tbe farm dilY. . ed mainly to a dl"oulIslon of waYI Mrl. J88le Comptcn, of Xenia. at: tlie Orthodox - Frlenlls Church , will owned by Mr. Henry: Sides. Mr. Alvin i:leller s of Dn.v ton was Mlddlerun and meaDS to btmutlfy and improve tended Orthodox Friends Quarterly serve dinner in their dining ball. to A sbow ISlLslwaY\b~Und t~ Ilt.traott 'L i:lunday guet:lt of Mr. IlUd Mrs . W . . the town. Meeting l~at Satu!dllY and 8und~y, accommodate theteaohersatt6ndtnl! pome one. IIvera rom. ere a . W. Arnold, unday. Tbe Leagne blLA decided to olfer and while here W8ll the gnBllt at her the Warren Co ' Institute to be hl-Iel tended t·he Ringling Bros. olroue nt Mrs. BeDj , Mfils Ilud tlon Ra.y were Sohool 0108ed f .r lday, Wi~ thre: prizes for the srflHtl'l8t Improvements sillter, !fn. Mark Davll!l, aod alllo here May 19 ' Ui06 . Patronage lolic. Dayton lost Tb.ur!!doy, among whom Dayton visitors ThurlldBY , pupils th.a.t dldn t' miS~ a. y ~n ited. ' were Harry Llloke.y IlDd M.lnor Rose were never tllrdy. helf tooo er madeiD the a n""'l\llLn08 of nropert..., called on o'her friendl. YO" dower 'beds, .. .. MillS Florenoe Olark visited her ...aave "" ~ch of to rem~m - " "he ...-~ made 11l-08, MIs881! Clara Bawke. Glenna • _ _ . Mr. and MI:s. Robert Hunt und . them nw book . • """. ,. , • Illittle Bon of ' near Oregonlt.l. svont paren ts Mr . Il Ol'1 Mr s J umes lark; . bet theS. year. three were M.isse" The detaUB for this work were Hmlth, Edna RlIbln80D, Et.hlyn Death S ' Nom cott, The Marle Hartsook Bnd ekl. ummo.n s Sunday with the folks ILt home. 8uodllY. 'l eft a ~mmittee and will be an· Jonee, Elllie zen and Wlntf~ed James D. Lewis Mis8 Lidu Hunt was aiso at borne •• Rllywo~d. HII~tsoo~ . . nounoed In full t,hrough the local Davll O8lebraf.ed the ol08e : ot the BOhool year with a pionlo near the lind hRS been 8lnce·the expiration of .' i B h . Mr. Thomne Berryhill and fllDilly pl'Mil when ~orked' out. • · A Dumber of needed repairS' of • tbree bridKee louth of town. From tlnte to time during tIltl her sohool term just recently. Spr ng ranc sptmt Sunday IIfternoon with Mr. Mill Lina Wright ,vent to Day. palt feyv weeks the Gazet.te lIall Mrs. Lizzie 8mlth .and little son I Clifford ~axwell and ramlly, and semi·pUblio na'ure were d1acaaaed and it waa decided t,bat I\. oommi~ • .ton, TUesday where IIhe met her meJ)tioned the llIness of Jamt!8 D Walter, of Wlhnington , spent. 8at· Mrs. 'Charles JODes IS o.n the sink cuUed in tbe evening on Jacob Soott tee meet with t,.e Oounolhttta next Ilater. Mre, Clyde Bitltt, of Win·' Lewis, of nellr Lytle. urday nlg ht . nnd SuadlLY ~It,ll Mr . list. . and family. . Last Wednesday eVI Ding he and Mrs . C. E . John" returning to Mi ses Altna. and Ruth Maxwell Everybody is busy oleanin!: hoase. meeting and urge that all of tbese oheater, Indlana, who '"m lI.p en4 a repaira bemade at once in order 'hat 'lfeek or more at her home here. • pa88ed away. the home of her ·mother. Mrs. Anna 0111100. on Misses Fay Rnd Glee BesB I:!ervioes . at the Baptist ohnroh tbey ' may be oompleted in time Mrs, Hannab Antt:am la antlci-. Mr. Lewis WILli a man wbo hIId <;Jook; southo( Wlly~esvll1e, St;tnday last Wednesday afiernooD . aturday at 2 p. m. Sunday theit tor She Borne.ComlDg . . patinr grllat enjoyment at the m~r- the retlpeot and the el'teom of all eVenlDlt, thence ,to" IlmlDgton Mon· Miss Katie Evans vlslt.ed with yellrly bask~t meeting, oolnmeDoinl{ . M.i886s Leah ahd Ruth Din widdle of I1t 10 II. m . and lasting all day. Gon MeDlbel"8hlp Mokllt!! may be aeoar- riace of her niece af Greenvllle. ' in who knew him, and his 10811 will . be dILY· ed from the~r:etary, J W Whlte the near future, and will probl~bly keenly; felt pot alone by his family, Lut weeK WILS a stunner t'? far~. near Ferry ooe dllY last week . ' ducted by Rev. 'Lewis and Elder on the payment f '1 .00 whloh wil l remaiD 10 that olt.y with relativel but by all who bew him. ers . . They were compelled to plant .' Dolby. Ever:v:body hivited. oover tbedu. for one year. moat of the Inmmer. . The ;nnerlll of Mr. ' Lewis WII@ corD with thElir overooats on, aI,ld Mr . ~ell8e HesB, who Is occnp,ring • A lpeotal meetinlJ. of the League . Mill8:Minnle DOdlon, of lndlanap. beld from hl8 1"te home SlI.tllrday when It caml~ to w~tng tobacco Il pos~tloninDayt0't.l!pent SatU~da.y will be held MondlLY evening, May 01111' waa jolned 'here by ber brotber afternoon and waa very ']urge!y bedl! they welre opmpelled . to bring a.nd ~undll.:V With IS parent·s ere. Death's WOfi~ 2l<th. . Ha;ry Dodeon, of the O. S. u. &t- attended. forth their .wlnt,er underolothing, Mr. Frank Oook and fllmily' spent ..-'--~-<' ad ' ' urday and they spont a few b.oUrB The Lytle CastJ!!, X·night.. of , the and failing to ' keep warm by that Snnday:. with Mr. Frank Dakin. ~nd Stephen Clevenger,. for many' Se~lIIo~, to , ra Uoalllng on their . friends. While in Golden Eagle attended tile funeral added whatever other 811.p erfluool family. .' a reeldent Of . the ' yJCinity of atlug Class by Rev. Poe. WaynenUle M118 ' Dodeon dined In a bddy. Tbe Centerv~ne lodRe, olothing tbey could acqUIre, witb Mrs. Smith, ot JlI.me8town, was Springboro, died at the home of bill -~--'-'~- Yo' WIth Mre. W. H. Allen. Knights of Pytl)las, wae; all~4p at the result tbat; a man weed log tobao· recently the guest of hElr daughter, 80n, Usoar Clevenger lallt Thursd&y Rev. Floyd Poe, ~tor ot the MIaaea Jennie DinWIddie and tendanoe and ,their . lmpreIMlv~ rit 00 bedl presented more the appear· Mrs. George Oartwrlght and fllwily. morning. Oumberland Pn\IIbyteNan ohuroh, Minnie Dodaon, "teaohers in the nal was o&rried out at the ~rave. &ol?e of 1\ stnil'ed pt&ddy than t;h~t of M688rl. Frank HeB8 and G. W . Mr. Olevel,lger was very widely. Lebanon, delivered the anonal aer· IndianapoUa BOhooll attendf!(\ the The Way~e8Vll1e Caatle, XDlght~ a real animate being.. . Ge~tis visited with the fopner's .known . Be has, nntil within the ' mOD to tbe lP'Mlua&lDg Ola88 ot the oommenaement exe;d\88lI at Bell. of the «,;olden Ellgle met the fnneral A lar~e nuoaber of people availed brother, Mr. Walter BesB, o[ Xonit>, last fow yellfs prominent in th&' Wayn8lville Bllb I:Iohool at·the .·brook BI~)l So}JooI Saturday . even-. prOOeasioD III it came Into town and themselvee oJ the opportunity to 1ll.8t S~turday Rnd Sunday . Granga when failing health made It E. oburch Sunday e.ening. . in wheo Mill8 DinWiddie's nieoe marohed to ~be Cemetery . hear Rev.>' Robert O. .M~tthews on .' diffioDlt; for blm to get about. . The "baqealanreate ~eervl~ ia al: Ja'e·.Edna DinwldcUe wall o'neot th~ 'n.\e following obituary ,WI\8 retld Il"lt ~unday aftAlrnoan. Tpis, hl8 Mr ....Jordon .Lake, of Dayton, was . He WOR a pl118.r of strength in . ~he. ""'~. 'litioipa\ecl by tbe publlo with .....;l:dtt tee . . .' . lit the fn,nera.!: ! ' . IIAlIt sermon before lenlng 'for hie last week the goest Qf h.!I'I . m~t~or, Ul1lversallst ohuroh. at SpringbOro. ,peolallD~I'8I~,.aud aa usnal a lai'ite II~" f ~ 'I ' . . Jam6t! .0. the eldest Bon uf Pllql new field was reobived;if p088lble, M~B. C~arles .]OD!l8, (lr t,~1tI :viClDlty . Two 80ns 8urvlve him, Osoar ot ludienofj,waa pr~.". .: . Miee A ~gu.ta Hammell, of OlD- and Hannab ' T.AlwIR, waf; . horn III more enthnsla~tl~l1y than his to~mMr. Hiram Dakin, of Xeula.. while nellr 8prlngboro, and _ Elwood or Be.. J'" 1'. C~wal1ader offered 1 oinnati, it tbe ltDetJt of her relati'Vf'(1 Bt'ark (Co. mtn()18, &ips. :lOth . 1806. er oneS. His fine metbod or manner making a viSit lit the Ilome of his near Mlaml8burg. tbe openmg · prayer, aDd the ohoir JOII8ph,GeorgeaDdJohn Hawkeall!1 and departed thlflllife at hj~ b" tpe of delivery, linked with his deep ollole, O . C. Dakin' I\.nd, flunily, of Mrs. H. E. H"tbaway of Waynearendered • lpecial 881ectlon, after tbelr fam1liee, and wlll remalD f"r near Lytle, Warren Co '. Ohio May ! 8ermonisjng, hal oompletely won thJs place, was taken violently III ville, lit tended the fnneral 8llturda.;v which the IIOrlp'ure leuon wal read a week or two longer to e~joy Corn, 91,h 1906 having o'ome to t btl age of the admiration and respoot of re- with allthma ILOd last Thursday WIlS whioh was one of the largest ever by Rev. BeDj ..BawJdDII. .• ' Di~qoemeot ot Waynesville liilCh 49 yrll. 7 mo. "nd 9 days. ' sPOOl- of the Ly'le oongrei.tion. removed to the Miami VaHey BOil- beld at Springboro. ' By requen, Mr. Pu, Anr "The BohooJ, at whioh her oonain.- RayBe was married to MillS Olorll. B. It has not been a great WUl e ago pita I lit Dayton. His relatives have • _ • . · Boly CIty ", and, bia ren41tl'Mf'B mond Hawke, Will be one of the Bally February 5th 1880. 11008 a O8rtaiD youug man lu our little bope of hi8 recovery. Base Ball. uceP'lonaity be. lJI'...duat8ll. " To tills nnion were born t.hree v1l1a 'e was trhl1nphantly proolalm. . Rev. Poe'l- 'es081leD' clllootin, Mr. Erneat 'MartiD and aunt NI(;11 ,lion I and one dllughter. They are In Ing t~ Inquiring frlendl that he was l;lr'd G~lh ~~enowe~h'h of ~t'~C!L. The BllrveY!:Iburg and Wo.ynes'W. . bued10D 'he eobJect.of "PqMi. Georgia Frame, of Dayton, _ttendfld order ,ot ~ir~h Elrll., Ethel, . wire . of mump proof. n anyone bad seen ~lil~. ~t dl~ pa~en s ere a ur· vme High Scbool base. ball teams ' bmU8I," 'l'hIaadclNtle:"&8 unques. , F~ien.lll · Quarterly MeeUolf ; htue Walter Clark, .Ralph Ilnd Herman. him In 'the lalt few days they would !'Y IR . I\~ t~n I\y. . .will have IL gl\.me at Oakdale Po.rk ' . UonablY:Qne of tlle bellt , thta' ~ ~~urdayand8andaY, an.dwere .a.IICY When hewasll;yoath of eighteen roodlly 'hllVe(l\lICovered 8ure 'proof Mr . Otie Woollllrd .18 snttering Thu"sdaYl\fternoon at 2 o'clock, . been de11~ OD" II~UIU' OOI1l~~i109' .gnelt. of relatives It, will' be a grato he ~nlted wjth. the Methodist- Ep!B . that he was milltakeil. : Do you fro!» rheulllntism nt thia time . . Edgllr Bergfln, of Dayton, will 'In • long time: ' -. ifioatlon to Mr. Miutin slJlany frlendl o~pal ohnrCh in' Cen~r.vll1tl, Ohio. know him? l'hey leem to be a dis· Mrs . 'Clara Wool1t$~d Ilnd I it.t.J e· on.toh for the Harveysburg team. ' The ohurch waa t8l~efully deoor- to learn that be hu recelltly beeD .T hrougb th~'Yeara he hal reo eaBe that ooml~1 with little warning hlldren called on M·r s. Ad!\. Dllkln Admission 10 C/l nts . • ~ with balidlODle plAnte. tendered a very dne poIltlon at mained ~ memherof.theohurob and tbough they do .'no' always take t F id fte ' . - . :J ' . Barney Sm~th'l Car SbQp8 at a very for qnite a part ~f the tIme 8erved their deputure 10 qulokly An ea- as r &ya . moon . .. . Oradua,tlnc- \,;ilass band80me eaJary, an of(~r whioh the Ohur~h In th~ capaoity of Il. tirely' new set at ' patients' has been ' Columbus Exc.ursion .' E rtal was estended as an Iloknowlellge· member Qf the Board' of Trustees. booked the 'past week They Reem Pleasant 0idge ' " -' '-, tile men' ot hil w,orth. , . For nearly li,x weeks he had beeo to be bound to make a' olean sweep. "' • . .Snndny, May 20. , . rather iDdilpoll8(l and a 'Wlrt of that . . LInes speCial trllin leaves 9 :13 IL. tn. The graduating 01... of th~ Way. By-an advertlaemeD~ of the well. time .luffered intenlle pa·l n. Death When, on lut Frlda.y RlLlph LeWIS Mr. Charles Grtlham Ilnd fnmilv . '1 . 2.~ rountI trip from WayneSVille. ~D8Ivllle BiBb ~ool ,,118 .e~t,8rtain. known Miami Com~~roll\l qollege, .0000e to blS relief and he peacefully WIUI drlv.lng In ~18 r~bber tire bugl1;J f Rid evl11e s lent Munday Itt tile . • . 811 at tbe bome of .superintendent- Of 'Dayton} whiob appears In t,h~e II· and quietly fell &Bleep. • . out to :Walte~ C~k s to m~ke some borne ~t Geo~ge[ Daugherty · . St W t T 'h . Bntten Tburaclay evening. . . ,lOe, it wil . be Dotlced that more , Hia fatb r ' one brotbftr Harr n6Oell8ary· arr'augementB with hl8 .. one ' a .e r r~ug s · • delloiou.lupp6r W8l&erved and tba~ .18l pclfllitionll bave opeped · to 'o~e elster ~u wen,t betor~ him sister, he encountered two big ~lIg· C. B. Klelnhenn aad family s~ont For Sale • pl~~ IQPlal e~Ding. f~lJ.owed_. ·gradnaw.of the .:~hool slnoe ~~e the Ipirit,''liorld/ . '. '. • on8 Dear ~muel Foullht' gate They SundllY with his parents at t;prmg. .. , ~ .' , ',' . " ' bglnning o~ the year. ~hlllllOhool ' HiB wife and oHlIdr D n:ln-l w were goiDg in ~he lame dlreotlon ali bIjIro: . ~. . . , • . Is' In'Soclety , ' :" .. haa a nu~~r of g~uatea ~n Way- danghtef.1D.iaw, 't,v: ' ·;and80tl! . .he; one beln.s Mr. Borli.C?eClark who Jacob Coroell and ohildren hnd Iw!~~r :h6t!:ta.1~~ti~nOlf onr.w~l~r ~ -', ' . t ,. neevllle and violnlty who are, a· . hie 'mother one brother' and four ' wal drlvin;t a coU whOle repatal-lon IlII thei guests Sunday< Mifl8el:l Edna '11 oo'~ th tt e ar 008 0 . Mni. lanel Wrfiht :ento~a~ed a mo.,K our'moat I.UooeaSflll bus'nels 1I'''~r~ tiur';"'e him. '. i8 being quite .fl.rmly'. 8lItabli8b~ ~mitli d Anna. St. J~llD, Mr, s 8. u e own were a b an on ,mall oom~y ot 'ladiee.t ·a diDDer meu. Mr. A. D. :WIlt Preslden.t of Hleep tby lalt sleep free from hilreabonta, .ttteother 8lmeOnBrown, 8t. Jobn t$nd Mr. Raymond Dun. Th ld t t ' he ' plriyTbunday andof .'l lonree ·tbe 'heCollegeii . ~nllarly·. ~tted for oare'andeonow ' . both .wlth empty ,wagobl. Ralph"ham . t ef~h s onellwa ~r' ltro;1l It.~ event llte1Jlf ..oOtal " sffail'll altva,s th~ poIltlon ·he occupies arid ·· to..; bltt • ~~ where ' n~e weep, tlll 'the wtahed ~ pall8 an(l dro.v e almost I Mils .Annll. Mer!ldlth sl>6nt a few t;: Gu~ti~8~~:80s~~deon!.0!0;~i~d a~ at 'hla bome; w.. mOlt enj0 p8flonalitt muoh of the I~eo:eee of eternal morrow. . I!n~lrely off the road in hil effort to days last week I,t the bome of Bur. street near the home of Mra A nes ble. ," , ' ..' . ' *he IOhoolll due. , ., Thougb dark waves roU o'er the do so. Jaet all be W81 oppoal. ~ Mr' ! ton Earohart. W I ht h b I ft tho g \' - , .•.., ' , The 'lplrtt ot improvement whioh' lilen' river. . ' . m.rk'l . team, . the oolt trom lome .' . r: avo, een e on e Itre!!t 'tT.'pa" SQund for baa 'been inlplred by '.be Heme Tbytaintingsoui JeSue can de. oauee became frigntoned and despite ' MlslI MlI.y~trawn was the guest .BI~. B I M" , Le ' i · . . . , OoI:pljag haa talen firm bold and .all liver. ' ., _ . the taot that be wal on the oppoalte of Mila Milry (;irf'Y Monday nlgbt·. e u~ neag en 8 ague n .its . Ed Printz. over Waynesville various improve. ' .. ' lide from tbe one·Ralph was palSlDg : Ueorge Larriok and family _of oll.'dlpalgn Ilmpfovement, t!:;.P&~.~ , ," , .. ' . qa!ante are being made: It. illmpal' . on, he ju~ped olear over hll mate Lebaoon spent , l::IlInday witb Plit an genera 0 oon. n8,' Bugge8 t ....t · Ed Prints, a vet8nm of , t~e CiVil. aible to m~tion all q that' -would . . A O,ABD. . . al!d hll;1ded with luoh lolpaot agll.in8t Curren Iln'd wife. these troughs be ,removed and coun. War, "as Itrloken with "ralyata.~ be't ..... ti th j ri· . f i ' We wialt to expr888·our deep grato thA buggy tlltat the wlleel on the 1f h' " 011 has deolded to 8ell thl)m lit ~no. the bome of bl. aleter .un ·DlaD·"'''' . 0 Ulen on e ma ~_ .y 0 p eoel it d d h t' It . th ana8 L - f .'" ' i"-' Id b dl d . d I Se"era rom t, 18 vlcimt.y .aU,end tlon to the hlghelt 'bldder at four ' • . ,<t"" •' of propedy' in the wwn but a· u e an ear ·..e or .....e OpIlOI! ... 8 e wtis a y amage , ad Ringling 8ros 'show at DlI.yton , k B d M . Al;Iama, WedD8I~ILY .. He' llDl~I'· mon. those ,notiDed thll w~t may lervlOll8 given to us by our kl~d tbe'diah all beins: tak,en out and' put I Frjdll.Y. ' . 0 0100 , tl.tur lI.y ay ~6. eel in an· almOit UIlOODacfo1ia ~ta~ 'be mentioned that t~e reliden08 of, neilhbors and frlenda, in' our be· in in tile OPI)()tIite dir80Uon, &!I It : , ._ • Glltll~aya"erDOOD wben. Uie J. :A..l'tmkeyhubee~treehly· paiDt. 'reavemeDt;to the telepbone ex· ~el'e . .Slmeoll, seeing thepredlca- T¥rs·C~lvairamesdaCiLI~edt. on :rise Notice. ; . ~ oame. . ed, 10 also that of Banj. L'pplnootf., chan~1 ot Way.neevll1e,~prinlboro, ment, olamb6red hastily f.z:om his , rena orne one y- as w~. The Owing to the High Boh 1 Co l d~ was • aoldler of. the .the Pace bllndlng bu been repaint., LebanQD and C81lterville in their walron and went to right matters. OInW Wu ~ ~ ~ell ~~ .~Q1D8 ed, Dr Sherwood been repair- oourtelx.and klndn888 l)1own to 08, He ~lid 80arcely done 80 w~en his TWO PAINT RUlJES. men08ment ooming Il'rid&y~etll ID· at QIlBIyuae ~m_' a - lUe. . \qI t-b da, hi h ' d .~ the lAbanon ohoir lor their bean telm It.t.rted down the road at break ng, J'rf..da, wUl meet at lui late'Nil. ' e yeran a .• ome aa. UfulelDgln,: al1d to the Knights of neck 8Peed, Mr. Mllrion C1a.rk, who CleanlinelB Is . the first and fore. tbe regular meeting ot Palee~lne cIeDoe OR llaia lkeetat t o'ol~ ~k~: o":'~lijlfoyemellta, Ma~ Pythl.. aod KnJghtl of the Golden bisp~ned to (1)8 ooming with a load most rule for every palnter. The Custle It. 6. E. has_ beet?- poltpqnoo tomorroW. 'l'b1il'ldar.:afterllOOD aDd ~ ~ G . nr e: conore (1 .,Ie Lodges tor lhelr heSlI.tifnl of woQli madla. luoh tnn~ic geetlou- B80Qnd is: Use Green Belli Liquid one wABk, to Friday, :May 25. • .~ p~ from thare ~ 1IIami_a oem~t e="i:l ' 'heor~:-of ~l irlbutea to the depar\ecl. . . Paint. For 8Il.Ie ~y J. E, Jan DeY.. O. M. RoBITBD, N.p. Chapel where 11.. _ _P .~ .Mal. OLARA l!IIWUI dO B'.UUIlY. ' _ . '
n. e ' d
f'ti I
. '.
\ '1
The Miami Gazette.
B\tOWN 6: Md'''Y, P.bllallcn. WAYNESVILLE,
. •
By J. J. BELL "w.. MoeCrecrar.",
Truth About the ClUlles.. It every Ame ri can coulll "Islt Chin"
1"lItho. cI
yean nco'" be Idded, Willi a feebll Iluch. "It- It 11\ quite a dilfere~'t photo· graph," eb r(lp\led, turnlnl away her
you never guesl!ed that t bad oue of your photoa." he suld. ' IIlo~ly.' "I Ilav r OIough~ you would bnvt slollll'. It . Jim," s he returned. with Iln nl14I!1lJlt Ilt II smile: •• " ueOtl to lormenl me soDloUmea." "u o u woren't wlllI'o llt a .:on9 lel:. e after n1l1" "I m allt that I- I alight to have let my llOor old ~hum J aok knll w thM I had It." Miss (,,-lie Btnrted. "Wha t bad he to do with It 1" ahc demanded. "Oh. well- e r- "' hen a ma n"s enJ:::tged to a glrl:-e~" "'Vh at nrt! you tnltpng about. Jim 1" "About Jack Cunnll1gha m nnll- a nd you, Hilary." "Wsll, thel\' YOII are . talking nOll. sense!' ':You mean there was DO engagemenl? Forgive me. forglvo ·me. Dut you sec, Jack tolll me, just beror We were ordered to India, that be had nn ,understanding with you ." "Oh!" "And later he told mil he hoped soon to be form ally engaged.. [was going 10 write. congratulating you-- ~ wanted to be the first. you kMW - but he begged me to rleln)' II. lIttl.. And til en came that night In the hit ~ wh QlI we were attMk d and nea rly Cllt to pieces. and J ack saved my lire. and- nnd lost his own." MoJ, Carrutberll 8loll\led speak ing n~d walked o\;er tel th e wIn. dow. . MIss Nevile hId ber facn In her j..l!.ands. Her heart was In t1 turmoil. Could ahe tell h er old trleDlI- her olt
CRO~.IET. ..
Cro3et & So the Bare all A~ trlctive Design 'WIll Doubtl. . Find WelcoDle.
1t!aterluls.- Coats' colton. No. 8. Penelo pe croc~ bOOk •• or SY..--lst gralle, 10 ell, miss 5. 4 s ingle, cross lhe 1 eh lett, and work 17 tr In the rIng. join to Illslof the • slngle.-2nd rouud. 18 single. AJ· wnys Ulrougbout thepnltern work In the . back thread only.- 3rd round. Single.2nd g..ave. Work eneily the S1l.lll8, and joln wben finish ed by 3 single to lst grape.-Srd to 7th grape. Work tho sume, but In 1ll8t round work 3 &Inglo, Join to IlIS t grap . 1\nls h Ihe. round. lind work 3 single on 2nd gTalle, and work as betore.- 8lh .grnpe. Work S single on 2nd J;TlIlle, join to :lrd BL itch· of last grape, • si ng e on ~n grape. and"Work os hetol·e. Work 25 ell tor a slnlk. 1 sin gle Jnto 3rd slltch Qf tQII lert baud grape. mjss 1. work back 6 s ingles. Gch, joIn to' top rlgh t hand grllpe. miSS 1. work back [) Single, and 9 single along the stalk. . The Lear.- l st round 13 h, 1 single Into 7th SUler. turn UI ~ work ovor an d
Awful NeuralgIa Caae CUNd ta S ..... Cured by Dr. Wllllame'
Pink Pili ..
N.nralp .1n any form I. painful when It attack. the heart Itillfrequeutly fatal. Complicated with indigestion of a form that aft'eoted tbe vital orgau " threatened lIerlonll cou8equonOH In ail in· atance jnlt reported. The cue flthalDr Mr . .F. 1;. Gravel. of Plcll8lUl~l1ill, Ln.• who tells of hi. troubl. IUId. cure as ·tollow~ :' , " 1 traveled considerably, wa. exposed to all k1ullsof weather andw.. lrregular In .my Ileqpiug and eatin,. I 8npJlOl8 thle \VIIS th_e CAllile of Dly liokne.., a. any rote. iu Muy, 1005, I lUId iIo bad that I wue compelled to quit .work and take to my bed. I bl'ld a good d.oct.Or and took bie medlolue tal thfull,. bu* grew worse. I gave up hope of getting and my neighbor. thought I w.. enrol,. going to die. .. I hM 8motherlng .pellll that It II awful to recall. My heart fluttered,snd then seemed to canNa beatlug• . I co~ld Dot lie au D1yleft siele at,all. My han4. and foet IIwelled and so did my tace. After rCAding about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills In • newspaper I Cleolded to 'try tbelu and they Illlted my cnae uaotly. Before long I eonld Ice au improvemeu* aud nfter takllli • few boxes I wall en· tirely oured. I am gl&4 to make tbl. statement I\nd wish It oould caU118 ev~ Inffer r to try Dr.WUllnms· PiukPlUI •• Dr. WiIllnms' Pink Pilla do not simply deaden pain; they ellre tho trouble w.hloh CAUSCS the pnln. They nre gut\l'Iluteed ~ oontuln uo IIllroot!o.lltimulautor oI,>late. Those who take them rUIl no dallger of forming any drug habit. They nc. dlvectly on thebloodand Itlsonlyt\lrougb the blood tJlllt auy medicine cau reaeb the n orves. Dr.WiUJl\mB' Pink Pills are eold brall dtul.!Rists or wiil be lOut, postpaid. on receipt or price, ,00 centl per box. sis boiea for $UO, by tile Dr. WilliaJDd(ed· ,tciJla 00., 6cheneot.'dy. N.Y.
A. GUesmng Oontest Which NOlle the qu estlon of 1I1ncse Immlgrntlon Should Find Very DlffiClultlrOuld soOn be ,settled upon . n ·l/erma· 'Co.~rI,bl. l"". ~1l0.. pb Il. DowloO) Easy Game for Young Dent basis, ror no on can 00 orne ac· On the tlQOrstep of Lavonjlcr Cottago People. qualntlld with UIO OIJIn()~e oone wllh· Mnj. rJ'uth ers show d sl~n8 of unOllt recosn lzln~ the Impossibility ' of soldlorly hesltn.tlnll. Instcnd bt plllllhg A Guessing COlltest. _ Ench O!l~ or these questlolls III to be Dpenlng the doors of our conntry to , the bell-handle ho pulled . hl8 8'1':1'1 answered by the name at a city In the him wltbout Injustloe to our ow n la· : mustache and looked back undecidedl)' United States : boring men. demomllzatlon to OUf so- : at the ga rden gate through wbl ch he 1. " ' here all have bean. clal Idcas, InJ tiry to Cblna's r epu tation had passed ere his courage failed 111m. 2. The J;Tcoles t engineering fea t. a",'ong liS , und dnngor to 0111' dIPIO' i, "This will ne ver do," h said to hltil3. A military derense and a Paris matlc r Intlons with that cou ntry • . self. and with an elrort h e laid his tindressmaker. says mam J , lll'y , - Sucress ' gers-on the bell·handle. A taint tin4. A city whose end and aim 18 to It] .. , nnd presen tly he was asking a go. MagazIne. ' n mrl'ld, who glanced admiringly at hIs . I, made It a pojnt to Inqlllr:e amo g I brond shoulders and bronzed -counten5. Our board of clly fath ers lind II tb e Chinese wbom I met. In order to . nnce. It Miss Nevile WIUI at houle. precipIce. ascertain the real scntlment back of Maj. Carruthers found hlmsel! In a 6. Named tor II \lIng of France. t be boy~o t l I bod beard at stUdents , small drawlng-roolD , lbe, furniture of 7. A deceased rormer wllo was twice ' , dlel tor.,r Rome. being subJeoted to h reb regulations , which was o.ld-fushloned yet arranged 8. Named lor an ancient city whose at porls or cnlr)·. of trl\vclora bumlll· without primness, A dainty touch wns (\own(lIl1. after II. long · siege. avenged ated by confinement In un comlortnble c'verywhere vldeat.· nnd. though the the nb duct!on of a womlln. IIheds. and ot mercbants treated rlldo- i seas!ln was Inte autumn. flowers II. A place for lIngerers. ly. and I supposed thot lhese lblnga "bounded. He noticed pholographs at 10. The fa ther of bls country. had aroused the resentment. I found. II80plo as lie had met them 20 years be· 11. A blgh plnce 'a nd what all cbll· howeyer. that the thlngfj compl,lned , fore. and ho ohsen-cd with a sigh thut dren love. of were more dIfficult to d8Cl1 with h l8 own III1en8S8 had no place amou g 12. A supurlaUve a nd rushing walers. th e m and the concessions demanded I~posHe'Slngled out one on tile ma.ntel: lao A glrl's nume and a Romnn gar· ment. IIlble to grnnt. In order to unl1erstand piece. It was that of a hrother officer H . T he grea test surgical feat. the boycott . one must know somethInG: , In his first campaign. "Poor old Jock!" 15. A small stone. of Cb lnese )llstory. As China hall sighed the major ; "she has forgolten 16, The opposite of old Bnd a royal n ever hnd' repre~entatlve goverrimetlt i me, nnd she haa remembered you, French tll mlly, the people bave been compelled tQ though you've been 111 your gruve a KEY. brln theIr complaints before officials seore of years. I wonder If yOU were 1, Bostor... by \leUUon; ·a nd. where the peUtlon really engaged to ber before-" . _ 2, Wh ellng (West Virginia). has been Ignored, they have been ·ac· He turned Buddenly. (Qr the door hnd 3. b~ort WOrth. ()ustomed to bring such pressure to opened and MIss Nevile was coming 4. 0hlcngo. bear as was wltbJn their power and forward to greet hJm. ' 5. • unell BlutrL TALBS .ABOUT W1UTEJUf, bo cott h." of tell beell resor~ed to "Do you know me. Hilary?" he stam· th G. St. Louis. Y .... mcred. The lale Henry Ha~jalld Is aald to as a means of oompelllng ~Ion upon "Know you? or course, JIm!" was 7. Cincinnatus. Ila ve received '70,000 'from on. of hla 8. Troy. tbe part of omclals. They. therefore, ber rt!ply. as she held out a frlelldly ONE OF THE PRETTIEST I'AT1:ERNIJ. Dove Is, but hi. IlIIUlller of worilin. , eonc Ived llle Idea of a boycott against band. 9. Tarry town. 10. Wasblngton. work 11 ch. 1 d. a-times In 1001). Turn kllled him. Ame.rlcan gOOds for the double purMoj. Carruthers wall surprised aud 11. Mount Desert. M. Jusserand, the French ambusa.the ,work to Jlght slde,':"2nd round. 3 pose of urghig their OWIl government relieved. ' He . bad nntIcIpated an awk· 12. Gra nI! Rapids. d; 10 tr, 5 tr. 3 d In lIrst loop;' 3 rl. dar to .thls countr)'. Is a yolumldou. ,to favorable action and 'of call1llg the wal'd meeting. and at best a polite rec) a. SlIratoga. '1 tr. 4 ch; '1 tr. · 3 d In !lecOnd loop; 2 d. author, Whose work. abun~anui Ihow attentIoll of the 'American government ognltlon ot blmselt llI! -an old acquaint· H . Lnnsmg (1I11o.hlgoll) . 5 tr. " ch. ~O i.r. 2 d In 3rd loop; 1 dill the thoroughness of the writer. ':0 theIr complaint. Our oftlclais are nnce whose . appearance wos a sort of 15. Little Rock. ce.l lter ring. 6 single alnng 6 ell, cross the ' Dr. WUllam Henry Drummolld, :hit elQlng what they can to ~onvin~e the resurrection. but here was RIIary .16. New Orleans. center stalk with t ("h. lind wprk another pOet of the Frenell·Canad..... lIu ()hlnese government · of the " Injustice Nevile recetvlng him as though be had leaf In 'exaotly the' IIIlme manner, an.} Civen IlP his medlCfJ practice lUIiS 'lOna ' . parted from her only. yesterday. . ~d folly, of the boycott, and the Ch~. " It's uwfully good of you!" he cried, "A Reader" requests some me ns of work single along the stem. fBllten oIL ' lDto copper mlnlnc 111 the dominion. entertaining young people between tho Jonl the patterns to one another by the Ilese omcleols with whom I collverse,~~ boyl8hly. and then laughed. He could A yolume by the "eU-kDown,ltallall , leemed 8n)!lo.uB to cooperate wltlJ our not help It. .. ages of 16 nnd' 17 that will not reqnlre chain of the middle cUvlIlon of Ole leat tenor, Slenor Caruso, oontalnlnl carIcThe Edge.- l d III ch of lower divisIon ature. of memben of the company aa mu ch bard thought. Here Is a game mInister and consuls. Immediate nc· "I should have known you by your that Is eaey nnd wlU be a gOOd Ice- of the end lear•• ch.l din ml.ddle ot 1st weI! as the ltaff 'I s attractlnl touch attlon UPl)n the[lGrt of our collgreee. laugh. anyhow." she saId. smiling. Ilnd breaker : Pass cards wllb the foUowlng grope, •• 9 ell. 1 single In t h \lb. 9 ell. tellllon. Tbe singer will Ilve the protwhetber tavorable or unfavorable to motlonlng him to a seat. wrItten -o n them a nd tell YOllr gu'3sts to 1 Single In 4lb. 3 eh,l d In middle sUtch Its of the .ale of the book to the itathe Chinese. will remOve the· exoule " And 1 should have known YOU by of ullxt grape. ' Repeat fropl • In \each lian Benevolent (DIUtute aDd Ita ho." ,m!Lke out :\ nlenll : for a bo#ott; and OUl" government your voice." . grape all round, working 2 burs of p"hlotil pltRl. • 1. Emblems of silence. • hOllia , nof be Illftuenced' 111. Ita action Then he' tiecame grave. "It's ' 20 2: Tile penalty ,of lookIng bao~ard . 1I;a the lowest grllpe. with 1 din lbe 6fu , BIIIIJ Perry. editor of tb. AUanUe by any threats" affeCting trade,- for the years: ,in Decembe~O years-sinae I HE TOOK IT. . ...... . . and 10th stitches: thEm 4 ch, 1 d In chain Monthly, II appointed to a profulOr3. Mad" keen by Its motber. ,_ubJect ' ls too grave to be determined .last saw you;" frl.end who might have . been, eo much ot leaf. 1 picot bnr 111 IIlde of next Iblp Ill'" 1!l0CllBb lllerature 111 Harnre 4, Boston diet. . ; commercial considerations. 1t.::]S It so much! I can hardly beHeve more to 'her-that the man who ' had division of eame leaf. 9 ob. 1 single I~ eollvp. a cbalr whiCh has remalnecll ' 6. Forbidden to Jews. saved h18 lUe had also decel'ved hlm4lb. 3 00, 1 d in side of next lear. 1 picot .,.CaDt alue 1866 aDd whleb befor. 6. Emblems of s(upldlty. t1nRlmiahed ·O«endera. "Neither can r. when.I look at you. that the hero had !lod and ltolen a bar, r d Ln 4 ell of next division of enme , that time wu occupl.d by Gaorle 7. Universal crown. There 'are things which to senslUve Hilary." double happlnesa? She cou).d Ilot tell leaf. alld repeat.-2nd row. 9 ch 1slngle T\clnlor, Henry Wadsworth Loqt.l8. Largest part of the foot. lIOuls c;onstltute a disturbance of lbe " ~You w~r.e always abrol\d any tJme him,' and Iho -would not. Had it not I In 4th. 9 00 1 slngle In 4th. 8 ch 1 d III low ud J.a m.. RIIIIIIl Low.n. . 9. To shrink from danger. PeAce, and yet tor which there Is no ade- I happened to be home on leave," . < been for Jack Cunningham IIhe would the stLtch before ench picot of last row; 10. LudIcrous situations. The ".,oat'. coi-ner" '111 the CllIlIetery "Yes. For years I had a desIre to not have 'Iost Jim Carruthel'8 for the '!iuate punishment 'preBcrlbed by ' law, then. after' working over the last grape, .f the AJaxaDder Newakl cloister 111 St. 11. Tallor's tool. . wry truly observes a writer In .the ,St. .tra,-eT. Now. ] ' 01 ralber tired ~f It all, best yean of her life and. hi&-how she work " ell 1 d before next pIcot. 9 cb 1, 12. Country of the sublime. porte, Pelenburg hu beeD aUl1lleDted ,by tb. LoIJIs Globe-Democrat. A man In a and am ' quite content to vegetate at· hated tl\e lIar! Yet . , . Itlad It not shigle In ,4th. a ch 1 d In the stitch n(tel' eran.of 1t!yrrha LlchwWtaya (ylblrt). 13. Olle of Noab' sons. Lavender Cottage, [suppose the , con· been for Jack Cunningham Jlhe WOUld '2nd picot 111 the n~xt picot bar. ~ ch .tbe 14 . .A Woman's weapoll. 01141 of the few Rllnt. ., yomen who short coat and: silk Jiat IB an olfen ee of te~L~ent 1s a sign of age!" she eald, have loat Jim Carruthers for.!vor-how ' I, ~re.J1.lcot In next picot bar. and KEY. bave attatned emlllence for their poet- • onsen!lB'!·~atmed -her Isttor.: .s he bleaisOO tbe hero! And now she . this kind _pnd a fat :woman In .. "tal" - . repent. jolnlng , the patterns by ·next 4 ry. She "faa the dauchter 9f. proml- . 1. Oysters. elay" skirt and peek-a-boo waist IJi He .was forced to admit that time hadniUBt allow the man she loved to .beadjoining piCots. 1I.llt lawyer 111 St. p;etenbur•• where ot~er. 'Ther;; are le~onso~the~. They 'changed but hi" heart crl~ ou~ Ueve that her beart had beeln hill old 2. Salt. The Border.-1It row. 1 1 lr In side or .ha ~as born 10 3. Vinegar. 111 18R"11er 1l1'I&< ' o'lfen~' ~b,e 8.rt.t8t1C, senae, and mar lbe that she'. was aa sweet and desirable to chum'l even the latter had 'sold. leaf, 6 ch, 1 slnsle In ' mld. d le ch of next 4. B.eans. yolIlme of poem. Was IAUed; 'three face of nature. Now' and thell lOme blm as ever. The major, ClIme back' !rom the windivision of same leat. 6 ch. 1 lingle III 6. Pork. , otber Tolumu follOWed. H.r Tene 1. ". I aesthetic person. made desperate by "I'm a9.:· sh~ salll, blunUy. thinking dow alld touched her gentiy on the etalk. '6 ch. 1 single In Bide of leaf. 6 cb, chancterlzed by oriental toucll... J)ld' 6: Goose. tb~e ah\l8es. takes the law intI, hie own to shook blm. shoulder. 1 1 tr In neltt.dlvtJllon of same leat. Gell. ber ' .. orlte 9'eme Is 10... . . 7. Hare. bands lind Inftlcts pUnishment, u8ually "Not till JaIlUary." he returned. slm"I shouldn't bave 8poken about It, Repeat.-2nd row. Dollble.-3rd row. 1 8, Sole, at 8e,'ere coat to hlD18elt. For lnetance, ply. ' " And t'm 60." he added. stoutly: Hilary, I'm lOrry, very sorry. that I've tr mlas 1 d. 1 ch. 1 tr In Q6l(t·.-4th roW• . 9. Quail. Hered1t)'. ~uble. " , . ' if the mall -who stabbed Tbomllll Reed The maid entered ",lth the tea tray. hurt you, and I've Wlsbed otten that I 10: Plqklel!. "f Inlow I'm loslne 'illy hali .rly III f I 'I _ iUa I d tskl .and on ~er departure they dropped Illto could have cbang4ld places 'wlth dear 11. Goose. lIf.... I&yl the young PiIISIII' hla or p ay n,; a .. u r n all un er ng : a convereatlon I)n the (!Bltt-the .. past old Jack liow I'll SO.. . ' .12., Tu.~key. establishment Ie caught, he may lie sellt al It ha.d Inle. reeted both of them. .It, Sh . d "f ed h' l Ith t I' TO SOfTEN FINO.ER ' NAILS. hand. over hll bare .Wp; ~'but m,. th It I . S h f ' th 1 j • ui e rose an ac . m w e a r ellS 13. 'Ham . . father and &rlndfather becam• . bald --:--"7" . to ,e pen ent ary. uc .8 e n us- ,. was;l0Ugh that .t~ey allo, d ·eyes.. 11 only he would , unllerataad a. . . 14. Tongue: '1'here 111 Nothing" B~tter for BrltU, ,at 20.",: .Ilce of o.u r laws,. 'What Is needet\ls Q . come tq speak of .Tac!t Cunnlllgham; lIttle-not. aU",""wlthout I being . told. MA.DAME MERHI. . Nailia '!'hall Prequent Solld~g : . . "Air." comml!llta the piekll'nosad IDcorpa qf armed c!lnsol'll ClI lblllg1lln g~n- but the maj(lr was a . little .surprlsed And all! If only .be. had .boon bold and dlYldual. who II alwa,.. thlnklnC up , -i'n 'Warm o.U.,e OU. eral •.lOmetblng between a, poll~anda ,that his ~DlPanlon. referred !-O hel', aeked her a queatlon 20 J.eanl ago! lueb CbIlI", ''thell 1.0U are the belr to OIRLS IN ENOLAND. bumalle SOCiety f~rce,_ and vested with 'dJ!Bd 'wIthout ~eat endnesB, She went with hlni to 'the door an4 their halrl.DD..... - llapala. af - - - . : .' Tbe~' Is nothlng quite so good for authority to arrest olfelldel'll agaIIl8t tlJo,u gh with nil gentleness. Her fln- walked down the garden patltl toward. Fun. . good t.aete. A special court tor the lrlal gers dId not tremble 8S sbe took the the gate. Thelr ( tonguea seemed tied ~ ;Deolded Contraat tD the AJrterican the nails as the nlgbtly soaking 111 Kia_Do Not Ape '!'heir :Elder. pure olive oil, warmed. A tableof such olfendel'll could be provIded. and photograph from the mantelpiece and until tile major. halting abrupllYI A BUSY WOMAN Bpoonful l'hould he ulied In a Imat1 aa Does She. tbe keepel'll of mechanical musical 111- handed ~t~ her visItor. pointed ~ a · rosel1ush and eald qulet.truments the Btreet-ear whistlei'll, "Poor OlQ Jack!' be saId, softly. ~'I ly : "Will you give me that rose. 00....1. which Can b~ set 111. bot water CaD Tift the WOrk of a .... ~ lfWeU~acI. ... " h Ik remember the day he and 1 went to- Hilary T" -MOst girls begtn to assume .the !lab- to keep It jUlt at the rlgbt temperap Iatform chUmps and pers.onB w a ta tb h ' t Ita ta" , r . AIa. ellerpt\c YO~~' wo~an , l\yln. . .L cl . , ge e~ to ave. our por ra . .,en, "Y~. It )'llu wish It. · But 1l8rhapa I. Ita and manners of their elders and to ture; soak the nlLlla of first onll halld· at the play et al .•.vul have justice ThIs -II a cap\tal IIkeneea." He W:.o n- call· find yOU another mbre , .. IJtrfeet.'. I .lfact their dl'8l8 far, too BOOn. ChUCi- then tbe -o ther. tell millut~ eaell, 111 Just outelde of N.w York, """tee· , meted out, to them. A810~ 'a8 Buch of- dered .,Whot else be could eny. After!,- Sbe looked abOut her, and tben 'shook ! hood 18 anxious to mimic 'the appear" thls; 'aillt flPe ':11th 8O~t ' cto I; If ~Is .. ~ am 1,t p\'!IIInt dom.:&1I' ~.liou... fell,dt!rs are le.It unpunl8hed by law. so moment he went on: . "Jack Willi qne her head !in.! slglie·d. '·No. There are i' ance' of maternIty, all\l doel it sO well Is done ' at bedtlIqel alld the 011 not work pf .ca datri 'fanp, qarlna for,S ellll~ 10llg wUl there b4!."unexplaJl!ed" mur- olthose clever fellows :who. would have' no more. YOUlI)·u st 'havll thilB one. It '!, that' lt ceases to he elIlldllke. A gteat w~hed ' olf. tbere' will aoo~i be'a decIde.) ' dren. & TtiJetable IUId jIow~r prden'. a.. 4era arid aasaults, ·fOr .they I'get on the ' come. te the top If he had lived. He .Is · tbe lal1t 9f my' r08es. Jim," Bhe 0'/). 1 many lltUe' grrl~ are .longlng to wear Improvemen,t In , the appellr~nce of the larie IlUID!I6r ,of fo.wla. beald. IIWlq. ," Derves" o~ . »Ilj)ple who , kave . artistic g~~ abead of ~e In eve.r ythlng, HUary." 8erved. with a ·thln smile. ". ' ' their ' hair Ill . s · I?Ompadour and dOll most 'dlsoon80lit.te . set. of, nails. In.'' lUI utelllin uc.han.e JbuBlneaa Once a ' week soak the ftngers In wa~ thrOll&h 01, maIla i.Il4 pumllq' ~ aenslbll1t1es. and, these people become I think· you are nnilerratIng yourShe broke It ftom the Btem and gave long frocks years before they, IIhould aroused to dcsperitte deeds. ' braVIDIJ · lIe!~. Jim .... she said. kindly.. I~ to hIm . . He took It and her hand , do so. and as t)1e Ame' ·gl rl llSU'llly suds mai:!e by dleeolvlng a ,half cak,e recular a~tJoD .. a writer tor 'IIIfIV~ even martyrdom for the holy cause of .. No. It a the truth. But! only once with It. He looked at her . face an4 { hBll her own wp.y. It Is the reasoll why of pUre white castile .sOap In hot wa· eral Ilewapapan . 4 mapBlnIl ,'(degood til.Bte. The world .ould welcome was 1 ,1ealouB of hili IlUCCesS." sliw the lInes that Time had begull to foreIgners BOmeUme~ make the re- ter; thUI makea a · Jelly which «?in be Ilplnl fancy .'"ork for the latter) and' .. lIucb a dcparUhent of'jusUce as we have There w~ a allence. WhIC.~ Will trace. and JI6 loved her more for every mark that we have ' only IIt!le cbll- kep~ In a wlde·mouthed Jar and a lea- all the elle~lllld :abUl~, to dl(~l I .J • . th brokell at last by Miss Nevile. Would one of ·them. ' dron s.nd women-no "bread.alld.but- Spo<'nful . In a ' ftllger' bowl half rull owe to -Gnpe-Nu~ .(004. , au geated It Bome one would take e Ilk to th I h _ . • "(t '~ Ilot alYln 80. and a ,lIllY • . you . e see e compan on p oto .. It was good of Y~II to give me you\' ter mlBses" at the . betwIxt-and."" of warm water fOrDls a IIlle Sl1dB.. Klich . ' mlUatlve to ' secure the pro~ legl~a- to Jack',!!.'. she asked, with a faint last rose., Hilary." he enid. gazing' at twe!lll stllg~. · - . -Ii and should loak at least : ten mill- '-.0 ' whell the, iahoOlc .fof 'lilY 'Iluratna tJon. Here Is the opportunfty for some smile. . . ber III a puzzled fasblon. · En~Ish ' gIrls ~ar , balr ' ILOsa utes and then the fllllen f Ailed , wl~ , ~lIy" death utb!rly Pl'Oltraled me alld ambltlO\IS reformer to endearhlmselt· ~ "Yes. I looked In vain for It on the ' (Oh, Jim." ehe whispered. breakIng or ,In braldai , dowll their bacl!J! often cold cream. whlch lil worked lntQ the. derajipd m, ' Itoinaqh IUId. 80 ; , t.b!l masses qnd make Folk, Ba~le! an •• · mantelpl~ce." , down, "my first roie and all my rose.' ullOI their elghteent)l year; ~hlch '11 nails'. especially the .ba e. and permJta t~~ . 1 ,COl1ld lIot' «I!Illl,llla,t e ., 1I1uch • .Jerome to pale their Inelrect\,lal fires . "Exeuse me a momellt, then. and I'll were yours,had YOU asked for them." One ot,the reBllons why they are famed the .s~ln , to' be " gen~r ' vu8h~d back. . u!l !D0uthful of .ollq fqo.4, and was .ID \11 ,Lhe .brlght light of hls 'cewua. get It for you."' . "Yol1 mean. If I had Come In spring... · lor theIr abundant loop: A '8'[rl Ihould UBe '1m C1range~ood stlc~ that ha.. - . evell worse- cOlldltloll melltallY,he, "Stsy. B,llary.... aJd the major. tol· 'he stammered. _ _ 'Ilot ~gln to ' pu~ .her halr up except, flat, smonth tip. I and run tbll u,~d" , "ould ~aT.e . been a. ,rUh prophet· whol <One of the largesi. retaJl toba,cco deal- lowIng her to the doo.r. "la_ l~ the same "If you hod come In sprln'g!' '.'. on particular occlUllona until Ihe Is the IKiflene4 c:i1Ucle, bu~ be CAreful ,tOJ woulel haT.' predicted ~t ~ It ever _' . ':.. en In the Ullhed Slates BaYs that the as this?" And he took, 'a worn ItB ther The fnll meaning of her words 111416 at leart, unless she ' 18 u'r:l;usuaily not 'press, bard on . e.ther the nail or wo'liJeI' 40 eo. , , :,.., "Prior to· thll <great crtst I .. had .uf~ c:onsumptlon of chewIng tobacco has 111. case from bls breast pocket. "[s It the not reach him-how could . It? Yet lie I tall and -mature-looking. or hell hiltr 18 the 118sh. ' , 'When this Iii ftnlsh~d the I!lLlt~ ~ fflre4 for ' rears with impatr,4 ·4lpa.. creased almost 50 per cenL In flveyears. same as th!8!'~ .he asked. opening the- understood enough to make ,hlQl glad; ,vel'7 sCant and- tbe · pauclty of ,: her lie .atlributes this Increase to the auto- case. . he understood that In some strange tresses Is ' 't. IOU roo of I1'Ief to· ~er. and be ~rlJ;Dmed ' wIth a nail Bcl890rs, not ·tJOIl, Insomnia. .acO~lnl C~PI h~ .JIloblle. because· It 18 Impo,sslble to enjoy . Miss Nevile I!tared for a moment. war she ha'd kept a' lmall place In -bel' she . would rather tnlst two black 'tiled while so soft. . A good b~t~ wltb the .tomach. palll In the .lde, ·CODIU• Her face flushed crimson and thea heart for him all tbesll .y~!aJ'8: that .' talreta boWB to hide the deftclenoJ'. .a moderate'y sUff bfllsh and almond paUOll, alld oUier' bow.. deranpments, . • Cigar or pipe while wl1lz.z.1ng ruong·!.&l turned vc:ry pnle. "Oh. no. no!" she somehow she had g'rown to ca;e tor ' And speaking.of boWs r~mlnds ine that meal. nb ~a,p •.alld the .proper rlnslnl, all. these wer,- ta~lUar to mi l d" lly,' . a .IlIolI>r enr. TJieni Is also .dun/;er Ol 'w~lspered, and Hed, . '. him In spIte 'of Jack Cunningham'. the huge bowl are no~ ,oo.nslUered aty- ' !lnd drying .l ea,88 ~em nndy for~. life, . Medlclll" &'aie lIIe no reJlprtiplLTksDt I18hes .J'l'Dm the lighted dgaror Wha.t have t done'!'" he muttered. memory. and that abe would :llave weI.. Ush except lIn cotles wherlt -neceDIIU' p'olIsblJlg. I ' . .• .' ~ : notblqg ) c!I4, until a few .mOllth. ato. gUtlng into.t.he e¥eB. "Have [attended ber.?" He lookl'd COOled him had he come to her II. few ' 'bomm'a nds them. Horseback rl~lng, , ,' . . ' , ,: 'at",. frlelld·. aUIPItlon, J bepn to U8.. . _ longingly at the faded photograph ,11\ months earller. .' ' . i for -illstance. for o.ut-of-door pmes . ' .ew... ~perl •• ,. ' . . Grape-l~nlt8 100d. · 'an4 al1bHquelltly , Dr. llWllel a Ne.w York miDi.. his h:m'ls~ how often. In many Il t~r "Oh. HlIary," he 'cried. when the,. ' wbere hatl! are not wprll aud hair, ., Amolig the new draperies dlsplsytdln gave up Coffee eDUre), _nd adoptect d t .'r. 1~118 .eD.mpl~omlSed h.Is·,c.lrum ogamat i land • .he lI!t Sl'zed on tbe ~r1l811 tace! . were In the drawing-room ,a gain'. "I ; pIns are IJkelY to"'be' 101l~. And . ot ~he uPhols.ter.y: d8lJarlJp!ln~ I~ a :lew POIItum .Food , Co,ffee lit alll my meall: " the !IIew Tork Ceol,.,aJ l'aUr"nd tor Ib.. i -nnd r~turned .It carefully la Its calli! could nev!lr have hoped tor t.hls!" , I cou~se they are lIecessary when the kInd In orepe elleet tbAt Is ' beautiful. "!l'o-da.y I 11m tree fl'bm an the troll(til ·ture at 20 bones -Ill a vlo~uct colto hll '(locket. "What? 'The last of my rOBes?" 8h~ , hair Is wo~ 111 a bral.d. But the big .On. a lOild blue, pink, gresn or. orelltpy bl" I have enUmerated. My dlpstlollo IIslofl lust JaJJ. Flgurlog on the baslsot His h08tess waa ab.ent foJ' several asked. "For It'e All [ 'bnve to give you. bow IItuck on the . head at random. aDd ground are gre~t pink. red or y~lloW Is simply Perfect. ,I aSsImilate my fOoIt' . t i ,\lOti 1\ bo~. the ' compan"v hUB agreed , wonta., an,rl when me ret~raed Ihe dl!flr Jim," she added. balf gnYly. · half \l81111-IIy , anytfllng but etralgh~ Is a roses and . 011 olle side 18 a llOrd!!r ef- 'l'ltbout the lelUlt. dlstre8ll; enJoy.weet, •• pay blm $20,OUO for hfsln;urlea. ThIs ' brought 110 photo~pll. . "tdly. thln.g of the past. fect. Baell" piece III lOVelier tbon · th. ' restrul sleep, and have a buoyail,~ feel ta conside red to bl! qilite sl.ep In ai!"1. must let you lee It another tim.... • The major took ber by tho -shoulderi _ _ _...._~_ other, and· 10r summer cottag" be~. I lug of pl~lire III my Tarled dutlel. In 1Ihe \'aDce In regard to Lbo basis tor 'personal 1 and .book ber teni:!e.rly. "Tile lAst of lrud. c8.T'Cle8sly. al~t spreds and di'aParlea- It ' Is exqulalte,; fact, 1 am a new womlUl, !IlUJ:ely mado . ~ Br.eathtnW· ~ cost 1ft -!~ cellta a yard. - oyer. and 1 repeat, low'! It all to,. tIlJIJT), claims. I/h"lmhajvOe .u~e.I~'Il~iend'~I~lhl er." It,hJOU&bt your r'otIes II tlle flrst.,f mine, and .(]Qd ' It Is' a IJOOd ,·thlng for w,eak lungs. The e 1\ r. m 86. y. rem!. YOU., knoWil 1I0w sweet It' -Ill" he c:rled and • . , ·1 Onpe-Nutl and PoatUlll · 3~olfee.''' You call learn It by practicing It dally'. Hilary," he said aloud. trying til slie~k klued ber: .' . , A Spring doat. Namll glT1!1I by Pciltum eo., Battle Tbat II The order 01 the g"r~er seems to be obt'erfully. "Wns ·It . tsken lifter the ,But .waillt thB ' lal~ ot .her r,OBp.s? Of Take 1011'. dC!!ti breaths. . One at I be lIew ,spring ~atl I. ' All CJ'tlek, "'lcia. ,'about all there Is to It. 'J1brow back ••, "Y Irllitln. Brltnln hUB just COli· on~ I IIhower! you Just If?w-the 'one [ courell not! 'Yo~ can't Iielp 1m woman grn-y ond white Invl.lbh, dleck, aall 11 'J'IIere'. a r88lOn • . Read· lb!! .'Utl Ie,out sboulders liM 01/ your lungs full "=11 Qd 1\ upon Ihe emperor 0( cb'lla, stole trQm your maUler a alblllll SO makin, a foolish. I'IIII&rk 1l0w and tbeD. trl~med WIlh wbltt, \K.ok. "TIl~ Road tA WanYlll ..~' lapk..... I' all'. l'MIi _.aUl' •• Del ,t he ~•
\ I
/ I
• lo,
--- -
.~ a LOD, 'l'Im..
C.uf'1' STRA.IGB'l'EN UP.
. JIJII wu ten reara at aso and of . . lavagee Whoso Skins Are BroWJI . E1dn11 '1'I01Ible Waat Baob ad adventurous spirit. Inetead of golne with Pink Patches Found a .lI1tit1l41 of and .uh.... . tp lobool be started out t~ Join ·Il by Exploru. , ___ band of buccaneers, leavln, a letter 001. It. S. Harrl5on. Deputy M.a fsbal. of farewen for bill mother. He had Jilbaid 8UI'Uiles nre amollg lIle ·1n Lei'" 'fl6 Oomnion St.. Lako Charles, Iia.. cone preUy tar afield wben be WI18 'lstlng people nnd things oC wbleb Mr. &aro: "A klok !rom caught In the rain. Growing miser· A. E L Prll L . r!~ , j aY8 t h Lundon a horse first weakened able and bungry, the young adventurer Mirror. my blIck and &trected then up his Idea. of a piratical Papua i9 a lan(i' of w ~ lch, 118 yet, no my kidneys. I be- career and came home very late at tlXl)lorcrs, not C!vQn Mr. Prat t und b lit elaIne 'tery bad. and I night. · He met with a ohJllInif recap. ~ on, who accolU)Juu\ed him 10 Ill s ex· had to go about on flOD. The clock ticked hJs father'lI ~ edlUon8 In lbe "Irglll lJIountallla Bntl cnJllobea. The doc- Ilewspaper c'rackled and 'bls sillter did lores ts of the land, know very much. lora told mo ' ~ ha.d ._ not look up from ber book.' Even hla "F Ifty y.e ats oj;'o schoolboys, looking ClUlIe of chronlo rlieu- motber did not lIeem to caro whether at their map of Africa. blessed Uie dark mm,tlem, but. I could be had returned or not. Tho cat. how. eontinent for an easy place to learn," ~otllbellebe'ge them, ani d ever, not being In tho conspiracy of uDia y gan U8 Dg II ' b saYS Mr. Pratt In his openIng puges. "AI lew names fringed the coast; Inland Doan's Kldne, 'PUIe 'for my kidneys. ~e enc~i~am e and .rub ed IIgalnst hla If· . stool,ed and petted It, and neaTly all was comjJrebended under the First the kidn~y lIeore~lonll · came more (reely, then the left my ·back. I then In a desperate attempt to open up cheerful word 'unel/plored.' "Such In great meaeure Is the CRI!tI went and got another boz, and that the con~?rsaUon .he remarked plalna cure. llun heen well lor tlvely: Is thIs the same old car that with New O'ulnea to·day. Its 300,0110 comploted two years." . you had when I went aW&7t"-Ta~· square miles of territory, held by Great 8o~d by all dealen.. 110 c~nt,! _ box. tler. Britain, Germany and the Netherlands, F08ter-MUbW'D llIuffaIo. N. Y. . lamea :Branch Cabell, the ' author. are destined In the course of the next las been so annoyed lately by Inquiries , bul f century to enrIch the worlds of commerce and of science to a degree lhat HIS KIND CAME IN BUNCHES from atrange", as to how he works '1'II1II ·that he has adopted a form of reply .a.tat may to sOD1e estent be forecast by w'h at /.II already known of very restricted The. Bubby Wu Sorry Be B&cl Which he declares to flo eMcac,ou8. "I PalDID tile m.s. find I do my best work," 80 runll Mr. _ _I'rilRPlD UVD. '1'JMt areu. tI • T~.ln A~1 Interut ill Cabell's statement, "lying at fun length rqulate the ~18. l'\nlJ"veptabIe. It Ia a dlMcult oountry to explore, a.nd Dreanu. LI In a marlHe tunk filled with gold .!lsh. that for several reasons. The moun· SMAll PILL Srw.L DOS£. SIAU. fIIlel !!om. time 110, ia ' ,Now Yprk city! I wllh the water at a temperature of 80 talns are numerOUB and steep, much of Genuine Must 'Bar thc soil Is broken In a fashion peculiar- man wu wak."ed iA the nillht to hnd to le&sen the heat of Inspiration." As r __ " "muo Si.... Irritating to pedestrians, and the na- hi. wife w.ep lnl, :uncontrollably, rela~ea a matter of illact, Mr. Cab.ell lI.d.m lts liarper'. ~·Iazlne. th b d ~...,.... "Ml . darlinll," b. ..Id, ia dit lit e oes not know bla method· ot ITTLE ~ .' ~ . , _ Uves"wllhQUt whose aaelatonce praoI' the m.ttn l' " • n! .... composition furlher than tbat he raro,aVER ~ 7~ "wbat tlcallr nothIng can be IIccompllshed, aNI "A dreaml" .he ,nl ped, ". ban bad Iy averages J,OOO worlis at 'a sitting and PILLa. ' 4d' ~ difficult to deal with. cb II .horrible dream." that he works only at night. REFU·' E SUBSTITUTE" You are enUrely In the bands or the w Her bWlband beu:ed b,r to tell it to natives, Without whom you cannot stir him, in order that -6. millht comfort bel'. n foot, Ail your Impedimenta, your A fUr lonl peraualion Ibe wu J nduced tbi.: ·tood, stores, sclentlflc Imple,ments and to"IIllythought I 'Wae WlLlkini down Brold· "trade" (mllterlal for barter, the equIva- WRY, and 1 cnme to 1\ warebouse, where lent tit rl!jldy money) must go on the there was a II\ rg8 plat-ard. ·Ru, band. Cor backs of your cannibal friends, a people tin Ie! You could lIet beautiful o'nea tor $1 ,500. and very nice 0"",1 for .. 10lf U without organization, wbo are hnr4 .to ,100." '. collect and hllrd to. pers uade lo tollow Tho hueba.nd uked, innocently: "Did 1 . you . )'ou liee I\ny that looked like me'" For Infanta and Children. The ·lObti became at rnnglinll. ''Dozene The ~!lXe reJi t tribes ~hlch populate of them," Rasped the wife. "dolle up In the Island differ language nnd bunche., like a! paraaUII, and IOld for ten clm racter. but all appear to be more or cent. II buncb." I ll!sS warlike. The men are well· knit. 'Jtrongly-bullt fellow6 ,. calmble ot im- RUNNINQ ~ORES ON ·L1MBS. mense enduranqe, and-at odd momenta -Of D1uch·hard work. . rattle Girl'. Oblltinat:e Caae at Eczema Amon!; them are a Dumber of curious -Mother Saya: "Cuticura Rempeople wlll~m I4r. Pratt 18 11Icllned to edies a Bouseho]!d Standby." take os a hitherto lIt1linown huma n CamIly, althotlgh as, will be s~e n (rom the "I,aat year, aIter ' ho,.,jng my . lillie girl (0110v.1ng j)88sage, he I D~t yet Quite treated .by Il very promn,ent f'bYHiCillD lor nn oblitmato clUle of ecr.ema r ... orteu · to cerLl In ot thIs: the CuLicuTn Re.nlediCll . on~ WilY 80 well Promotes Digestion.ClI!erf'ul"An Interea~lng ' (eat\1re of flu)a wa9 pleased with the ol[noat Instanto.nooUi ness and Rest.Contains neUber the presence 'there of,a plebnld people." r~lie! afJorde~ t!lnt we d.i8c~rded lhe ph),si. Opium,Morphine nor }fiu£ral he ~llYB. "For the mOlt part thllir bodlea Clo.n 8 preacr'phon anrt relted entirely on lbe .Outicur,a Sonp, Culil:uro. Ointmcnt, and Nor NARCOTIC. wero brown, but they were marked with Cut umra Pill. . Wben wo comnlenCt.-d witb pinkish unevenly distributed. tbe Ou ticura Remed Ies her feel and linlbs In This murlilng might be dll8 to a disease; IVO"" ' ~vered with runninll -IOree. .,,;,. .,t1IIl~.fiINlID./fIr:IIDI contra ter! trom a too 'constaot fish diet; about 81X weeke we load lier corn!)I."'ly well, ond there haa be~'n no recurrence of but It It were n dIsease I cOuld not dis· tl;1e Ir,?uble. We find that tbe Cubcura co\'er that It gave any dIscomfort. Rcml~ !es are a valuable hOUl~hold etand. "Against thll ~lteory. ~l1It JIll set thla by, liVing na we ,do tw·elYe mile. from II nnd where it COIlts from twenty to tact, that I observed one man tn whom doctor, t",cntl'·five dollnre to · come up on tbe lbe 11gbt markings predomtnauid. Ill' rno.alntoln. Mr.. Li1.zie Vincent 'l1boinae, tact. bl1 WIlS quite fresh colored. 11118 an Fn,r.noullt, Wolden's Uidne TeDD 00. 19, ]806." a I - ., '"" European, aDd had light· hair." . Aper!ect Remedy forCons1lpa. Merely a SuggesUOD. \ non, Sour Stomach,DiarrhOea Wb., not 8~se mble nU the euthl\naid" , Wonns,Convulsions .feverishC,OMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. atanka wbo w,i.b to killl ott tbe old Am\ ness 8I\d Loss OP SLOP. "incurable" peo»le in one iDclo.ure a.nd [n AU8trilt. The), MWlt Pay TlP[eB l\Del 811 th." crnnke who produce IICh~mel tor the abolition of. deatb in ~nother in· Are Classed 8.11 B.egular closure, orll'lnize thom into football leallli Tradesmen. nnd then turD them loole and let them Ptoc~d . to utc~miAatll one anotber in r I Commercial travelers III Austrlii true footbaU .tyle1~ lh I Cl\p;o Ohronicle. have to pay' faxes and are therefore ,. GO<!s the J:.Imlt. consIdered regular tradesmen, even If !bicker-II b. s refolTlJer! they have no oP4!n b~lness pilioos or Boekel'-\"ee; Ije ad"DCIIlee the Ilmpl. sample rooms" As a rule, .goOa agents, 'PdIi1l& ud ·pboDetic· Ut".-N. Y. Sun. '~lH!clally If they have busJne88 houses of their bwn, 'refuBe to rep~'eaent firma ftC _ _ _• _ _ .....
Picturesque Career of Maxim Gorky
Earl)'~ Life
of Nonlitt ODe of Extreme Wretcheclaeu - "11M Bitter" Chace • tnmp - Idol of the RlWlan People.
'lIecenlly there lJae com. to tlila cOllll lry 1\ Ru.slan aljlhor whos8 life baR heeo L picturoBQue 811 aUl cbar· l oter by ' hla vlvld vcn portrayed. Gorky, .1·The BI.tter On ." lIaa blmHelt - Awalt In the "cellar of lite." the flles lage be brings (rom tlie uuderworlt.l9.lft1 the 'underworld In RUBsla Is 'Very deep down Indeed- cries from the lieart at things, from Ihe ,80ul . MRxim Oorky, whose r~1.I1 name Is Alexei Maxlmovltch PyeBhkotr, JourOeYI to thIs counlry In .the Il\lereats of th e Rus81i1n revQlutiollory movemellt. li p IIrrlv es In III hea.lth, relult of laBt Yl'u r's . Impriaonlllent. s,u lrered becaU! 8 p r ,Iollllcs I 0lren8cs , . Whon Lho R)l8SI;ln government s rrcste.d Gorky this last time, laid hands of ,-Iollnce on the DIan ",hose g~lIlu8 WitS beeomlnl reqognlzed In many iii lids. II united protesl Wllll rnl ijed In g ,!roJlo. In lhls country Gm'ky Il!! ye t I ~ not well known, hut thos,! fam ' lIar \\' l1h hili worle are most el\thuslostlc Iii Ihel r hom·a se. " On th e aunposltlon that generally Il\ ~ r lclln readers . are unacqunloled wllh Lhl9 most modorn member of Ille body of great Ruaslaa novelist., let. U6 I' !' ~ ~e nt a ~Ist of Ill' published works.
domed town8. "The boy now dreame d the wlltl dream of entering as stvdent at ~e UlllverJIJty ot K~aan .-hl.l t-when he made Lbe aUempt waa but laughca 'at. . BlttC)rly dlHIlPpolnted, forced to work. bo settled down 'to toll In a slllUng bakery . But the ml8ery ex· porlenced tbere. coupled , with lin In· nate restlessness, drove him fortb again; he peeled apples, worked as ' a gardener, a railway watcllman ,nd porter. aDd for a' Ume waa clerk In the omce . of an at.torney. Restlells. un·' ·huppy. he finally took to tbe road. be· caUie a tramp. He wandered (ar ~nd wid \!, here .and· there In southern RUs, sla , Into Lillie Russia . and B ess· ·arabla. tbrough t.he Crimea and the Ku ban. district of the Caucasu~ . At Tltlls, whe re he worked for a sea· Kon ae a navvy. he publlBbed Ills I1rst IIlOry. ChrtRtlirn Brinton, writing In Lbe World 's Work, '8a)'lI: "It Is 1m. p08slble not to reel that tbe 1Iitte r IlrlvMlona of this forlom and shabby ·Odyss y, tbe cel\selesf\ b'e~rt.ach e and bodily aDgul sh. were preclsel)' those factors which contributed t~ Gorky's Ilevelopment. The young man who blundered Intn tllO ~ft1ce or-the Tlftle "Kavsky" In 80lled smock an" mud-
m . ." "'. CA'R S
The Kind Yo'u Hava Always Boul~t Bears the Signature of
· It~
For·.Ovar Thirty Year$
In 1~~2 appoared U,o
"Majut."l,I ' stained boots knew. little of lIt.e rature,
~um;~~dthw~~ed~r~a ~a. years ~"~~~l1~ ~rl~ull~~~~w~~~~~th~ ~u(JfeIl810n "ElmIlIYflU PIlYIlI," "01141.1- th08~ of hopeless. hamed effor~, can get contributions and warehouse , ~~~~~~~:;::;~::l~~~~~~~!~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!t -
k(lSh," "Konovlllauj" " The Orlov Coli· wben he tramped over tbe sun· expens~l. 'They wllll\ot run any' rlsu pi ," "Tlie SteVVa," "M;:\lva," ..(tQm- lIeor~hed , or · llnow.drlven , Dlpanlle qt tolr firms which are II'nkno~n In AUI\rael' "," Rlld , ""j'\ron ty.slx und ODe." aU8sla he ~ad been 8 udylng ' human tria, and, aa there' are many ~ms ' .~o "SI " ry DO:OV lIuceccdcli Ntory. IIl\c/l.lltark nature l\t IIrst ban". :l was not mere· \\"111 poy lIberal salaries If they ran;get anu brutn'1 IA Ir.a sotllng, 'yet ea~~ an , 1y .ohserv.a~on but oxper~enl1l\, t~ .be Ihelr services. 'American firms ~nd l lt Ill/n th 08\a ot pity .and at po!,erb.'"' hlmselt knew Ul'e btackest miser», Itnd .dlfficult to obtah~ ' the~. ~. " • WI h "Fonul Obrdyeilf" Gork) caflle .to de~pnlr . .. On ' one occaliion be ev~n M!lny Austrian i ~anufacturlnll 1h!ms Inl ernntlonlt l fam , "Foma Ool'dyeer trIed &Ulclde . but ' WIl1l unwlnTngly btl...'e branch. )louies at the capltala, eaWild to 110 wed by "The Trio," and bls nursed back' lo life on a Ilrude bos· pec[lllly !let \'I.e nna. but some lllllflllllh Jl' ll11l1'il511~d work "Thll PeuanUl." < tn (Jltal cot Iii KIIZan. The bits of 'color mnnufallturlngs firms. especlall)' ~ the Ihe It ·Id (If, I~. M411 1qa Gorky and of character wh ell caught his eye agr.lcu!turnl Jlne, have wareho\l~es and ha~ t:'I~~I'pII~d, produced :'~h~ Bour- or burn.ed thomselves In,to his b'r aln 'even facto~hla throughout Austria, a."d ~C)t~~m' II~q Nlaht· Ro~~ge. . At ~he fOfl/led the raW m~t~rlal or ' each when I tra,eler. for' Inataoee, leavell .. stbry. cach slletch that nO,," Ilowed ,80 the rallwny station at PrR8\le, the . .u nJamln De OU8sqres ~rl.lljlg In th,e freely trom his pen 1n Its ' out.wRrii cal,!tat ot' Bobemla. he wl11 . libon no" ' I'1t l2 '\ Gor~y II!. "~1(jro than trnltfl ' Gorky's work Is rellol(. a record , tlce ~. ' ~lgnbOal:ds of well-ltIlown T L8~OY. ,more lhan rt:.rgeIlIJff, lbe, ~n lll 0" ·Ithe. life lie ,lived. Wllitlu 'lt Is a Jllngll~h manulac urlng ';firms wlio do 01 ~~ Ru~s lnn ' , II lid IIIlds : ' fhe , nrtsslonBie ' nrot~8t n"'alntsl ' tile condl. large trad~ _In s,t rl'a and hav" theIr ph lofto.phy .of nou~ ro8lsUml:e to' blm Is ';"1 , " .. , . , • - ., ... ,. tb 'pl\POllOllJjy 0)1'. <;owllrd : In hl8 tlOn8, ~oC!,al II,nd . economl~ of his ~a. warehouses even l Jn prov~nQllil townll; . ; ttv~ 1~llId. , " / . Trave~en jn ., Auatrla nre mostly -" III i t 0 he h«& oh:l'nted the"slorl.!lr lit 'Qn'lo"lh-\ls Q 'le "11Il: Sllen .tbe .~jlor-tly. a,Ctef the pu~lI~ , b~~ti to ,hard '''1'0rk.!p~ and TI!Sp'eclable men,. I: Ii Clf wenlm.csg: '1\e[1 Suaday' In 81, re~d Oorl y s tales, be ~eeame ,a IIO!)U- very ,tem era~ In ' thelr Iiublts lpId ell- · P t!lnburll ' mllde pr Gorky. R world-ng- lar I.d~j. lilach 0 , the thtee leadl,)g tremely. dlll~"nt. ,+senrly nil I o( them . uro. In tllnllli"lbat try mell;" ,ouls, tile , ~lt\«;1\1 \l!lrtle~, tbe NI\.~I~naIl9ts. tfllvet thIrd "o)a88 o'~the r~lIw,.ys and 'slI(1I und Nnc' ,n, tb .cOyer· ' and-' 1I411M1.lijts and Conser"a\l1JJ!I, claimed with the exception, perhups, of those thank . beawcn~or~r 'I. ' ~ther !safe. "1m 'llB~ Blade use ot h works tho ' 11l .. ~e wln~ .an~ apiI'I J.lni¥J, they are "of·sane. lIe '~,.plae.·~ IIplrlt or ,r. Ofl\t·. parb ' agaInst the 0 '-..:. stildom ~d~cte4~ d!lItklng. ;, ~ trar", li':':)I'p'a.hI;!lo'~\f3thc " .B~on·.ot Russia'.' 1/041, .read ~III stories all eler :who drln~ ·tOI!~ . the respc.ct ot... , Qork),!II·" eJUldliOod atid ea:rly mali- ple~lIi11 "if S,fI8Jl ev~ry ere, h~ tellow lravelerL .' " h6t>d wete Bpent In bltlercBt' povemo::' . I~' all,!~~ari~ ' Gor"y:, ~~ " t811 and : ; . , ....."--~'-,"-..."",....;,.....,.. -He -,vu borD at . NIJet Novgol'oil In .J:t,:w . bo\ie~:,· wIth a radi· Qf 'marllctl ~ 80. "",0£If '.. poor·.. . holslel'er. ljlarlY. : atre~gUJ. , 'A r~lldls. h ~U8"'.cbe droops: , . '!)tt:a~ 9rphan' and t. ~1ie , tendo~ ~mer- <o"e~~ ~11<"lar!f~'. "rm IIIb!l~' bls eyes del of a 5110"11:. 01d grODdrathm:~ are.a k~1!D. '....,. l~w«brp~1I are mis err _.wa~ , lit. ~ .fltant a!l\lDdant. ie~ !n, I\, ?Optln\!'''I '~ql P4tl'hallB the f ,Fllvt?, ~on~i';.ot tIO~liOlbut 'WI'S ~I~ t"a' fancy Is ~t an I4le o~e tb~~~ 6.hoOI(S " v,as ' allowe!i" a~" ~i- th , a~e of ntbe. hIB , par t . 'l'he BIl:t~r <?De, Doe tb~t. Dllnb'~' IlIug~e4 :It ~Il. he tUr as tile ¥y~· 'Wall: a.. W:e~t1o~d ~ ~. cobtile ..... ,bad .druD.k ;.dllep of "\Ile 'g at\ In IlfIj"s re'~ o·f l.U8. J ' ; , Hla ~I~ erllldt1y\ '~el"o nyt' ~boll! c p, or hlmaelt- and hl l . co·~orkers ,"Dunbar, t~1far.d tb~ cIa J! o~hla ',... e~ft.a" to tJa'!' ,~~ fQr •. we a~{ql\l the revojuu.o~~~ mpve~e,nt he ...~kli. a~d: . '" " , .tbat ?ne d.)' he ,~ II!It to ~~~!nll ~"e ha:s t~l~ to 8ay. We, ~re ,not aD~~; i, 'And. my Iltlle frlendll, If 1.C1U do cab.b*,ae I!~' ~~ .~e f.mlly; ILh.~ , Ii~t, c~t.t.-the ~op)e ~terested In tills III these thlnts Bome d~y yo~ will !lC?t very -deft; the 'y~\ltbful cook got. m.~v~ment of whleh I am a 8mall part . . wear a ~Id Cro~D. Yes. eaob .. o, you part -0(, tbe conten"" of the kettle on ~ ,We are '.lIeekln~ reforms, that . n1U!l~ ' some . da;t' ",111 wea1j a go;. cro'll1l.' "A t1ftle eblip ' ln th. front": row, ' 1IImself, WllS ver.y badl)" Icald';ld: 'In and will com,e. ~he Russian gOvern· aoger tbe co~~I,er lent him ..forth, t~l. ment of to·day IB 'n othing less' lhan catchlnJ tlle poet's frlendl:; 810 plped,! J)0\l~ IIttJ8 R~.alan Ollyer Twllt- JlU~ an~rchy and I}s 'members ~na~18t8.' .. 'My· tader ' W~rB' one !lO*;, I~ , 9U\ ~Q 8t~u8gle . aI! '~e mlg\lt . ·. . ll'here Is no I!'w, no order; It 'Is. IInar· · "'Nol' said the poe.:; .', HIs nextemploypumt 'WIlS wlt~· .a chy p,u~e on lilmpl~ un~e" tbe gul~e , .. 'Y4lS, he . do......on hie tCfOt.\-.ald mechanical draftlJmun. anll IlIter be of organ~zed governmen,t, In whloh tbe little' chap,.... . • , • " 'orked with a pllllite.r , Of ' onll tbose litho are not ab80lutely debased _ _. _ ......._ _~ ,<sacred plcturea); tben ' ono dny , ,be ur.e kept In entlro IgDoranCe of the What .~e Wo~~ Thoug1a~ Tan away. Nelet· we hell of him as' true ®ndlUon or &!falra In oQr dis· 1 ' l1hey 'were 't alklng about th .. new JCOOk's boy on a Volga Bte~mer. , rI'lle ~resBed eounl ry." ~'''r .In "oclety. o<:ook, n frlel:IIUy ~ell!lw, g,Ue hi. 1rtlll!" , . In 180\ GOrky wits lirreiitell for par' "Sbe 'ne~ laughai'at Jokes," hid ~r book, to, r ..d a\ld 'elklourag,e d, hlm qc'..-ttlllI tn lb,8 .tut!0a,t trouilies. but Ibe man. ". ' to torm ~be readIng habit, .tarted on account Qf II rOken health was ' reo "May)Je abe 'bu. no &ense ot huKdor," OodQr to pore over any u4· _"" b1~ lealed , uel ..-mltted .to tio to the I&ld lbe other man. Il! writing Ja~ could 11;1 Il'. blllld n. OIlIM.. ,Io rKuper ..te. In 1~02 lbe ::Mqbe ~'" t~b." 1&111 "Treatl1II8 on Freeml~nrr. Livel ot vernm.ul rCilcln<1ed !II~ election to' the 'womiul. Aa'll th~. -,the conversation 1a1a , tbe BalDh', Gogol, Duma., ·etc.. \Vere tbe Imprial ,acadl!m),. Hha ruc""t trial til.. Indl.crlmlnately dei'oure!! wba" &lad Imprl80DmeDI Bre wen know ... 'bl IUIa!J.I4.-Lo.lnllll CourIlr.Jouraal. IIIrIaI n ... _.~- ...., ..... 18 ~_ .. worlcl·~ D.
,To sweeten, To refresh, rfo.~eanse the system,' ,. EffectuaDy ad Gentlyf~
1 . ."
. tlta
." .I
&: '
There is .onlY. one GenuilM
F"I:: , to get itS<be .
• SYJiIp of
,,' ficial effects ~
Dispels colds and headachei whei . b_lious or con~ stipoted; For men;.wome".' and chUclren·; ;" .~~ I Oft the .· kidney~. a , ,·d l i v'e 'r t stomach aDei ·bowelst
7:hs CIa-zeets. lV
. ....any re~der~ of t"'e "a"-tte will PubU.lleeS Weeki, lit W n,.ne, vllle, Oblo W "D'" U"" - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ~emember MidI! Marv KiDIId~n. wbo N • T • allo...... f \( f,dllor ao~:M~nn en! "ttended ayneev 11'1'e sc h00I many ' ADltL.81!KT M. ~ AT yeaI'll Ago Rnd Willi pupil of P fO f ' 8 . T J BROWN ARSO I ,..n EOI-rOIl. III R II. . . .• ' . McCli ntock and Peter ~lIerll. It .OO a' oor . 1.. . . . . In ~IIVBnQe . MI\ry K . An. ~ .bA is now, 118 M fS. . • I1:15 l\ year If DOL \laid 10lldvanco _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _~ dorson,lIvtnl( ill Corning, Tehama ,)FFICE IN JONES BUILDING. oounty. IIl\fomlll, aDd her 80n 18 in Bltn' lIrd Lllw 8chool,·. Oambridge 'l'CLEPtIorh: ~.R:I1I&f · • ]'lOt 6·! MasSllohullet.t.... Mre. AndersOn il \ " int retlte'd In ,tile Rome Coming, 81Id WEONESDA Y \ 'MAY. 10 • . •• . • • 1906 b el' old .friends are hoping to wei. oome her to Waynetville lit· ·tba'
Notice of Appointment.
Jo: "IIII~ .. r l)~vl"
Fur'a:.... , .\t','ua"cd . 'I:bc up.sertl1ln~d hllJ! Wrn appoh.'Cd II 01 IIhed Ii: ...... I rIb III I Davl. ~ro"..q~ Iollr a; '~a~'!...~ro)couorc;. O~IO. dl'
A. MAf4'FIT :DR.H.E.HATHA. WAY, Lead1ng~u'iB', UNDER'f AKH
· 1 Waynullvl1le'• . Il omcclQ BulldtOI. · .
MI .. Don nIL. aawke (I.lid Mr.· Ron. EM 'B AL I aid Hawite were liUtl!.tII of tbelr ooUllhi , Mia SwlllL Collett Itt Dayton ""•• 0Il tllil '!:JII O..y ot April A I) IGOO N DaIOd ANO I J .'AI.ER • the latter llA.rt of 1&8& ,,,eek . s 11TH rco UHI'I"s.• E7eCU -' • .... bor. . . E h f Set" W. IIrown. AUonoe,. . MI88 va Da.vl!I III a l~ ome rOm April ~1I 'Mu O. New Burlington wben:lllhebas oom· ' 1 ted ... f I .. ~ h N 0'tl ce 0 f A ppoI t p e II SU"CEllltl U yOl,r all "",..0 ar n t men. Telephone in his boulI8 whore be in the publlo 1!0boo18 &Dd has been can hi) called at . all .hours, day or . re·employed there for another year. EflLale (II Hl\unab Prln~. Decoaled. • Th o ullclendcned bu b un appolnlrd and nl,ht. . Mr. Gladman Em8 of ·the Bell· qUdlllled •• ""llllnlnral4lr ot Lbe .;.tate of OoaobeR ~nd obu.lrll lIupplied brook pike baM been b.vlnR qu)te a ~1e'::!:!s.I.rln.I ... ~."~f. ~arreQ Coun\y. ~1I10 .Ha.v.e moved tQ room bomber of Impr()vementll mllde to Oal"" tbll 26.11a, of April A. D. I noD. next to Cross Br08. Run, ..n .t l:ltanl.,. AltorM,. h18 attractive home, ~ddlDg a na.w Jallle SlOOP.. AdmInIstrator. L m 10 IIAIl' IJTIUIIIC'l. WAYKIlIIVIL~II. 0 tim~ . poroh and other Improvements. Miss Sue Thackera - Mrs.-A-b! Ull.in814, -(If--B~'Y~OD, Wftl-'+- Married. oel~th8 from A-ppeDt1IOlt~ Lu, ...... ,. w •••, •• Ho04_' pntOl,_ _ Memorla.1 Day, 81110pg the nUl1,ber who aUendl!d Yon can not have good' bealth un· lRwr al C:.,"'UlMn.\.,h 11. . aU ..", 01 liM .~. '. deorea8e In the same ratIo t hat, the ."" ..) .......,1" .. C"ol"~ •• (..... ",", i"" tf.-~"'" . ,.' ,rieDde Quarterly MOletlng here the 18811 your kltlDeys art? 80un.d , fQr t,.e Dee of Dr. King's New Life PI1I. _., .... A44t_TK&M<CAUCII.o . . "'" Miss 'ue 'l'baokera Bud Mr. Wiq Arrangemente for Memorial day 1 t f th L t I h kidneY8 illter t~e bloq4 of Impuri. . e married U 0 e wee. re urn og ome ""'I whioh otherwi8e .ot BI Irrita Inore&8es. 'fbey save yo afro m dan.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!! N 11 f S . bo u ,0 prmg r?, wer are now almost oU,mpleted. . ' Sunday afternoon. Mf8. a.ln88 is til .. polaonl and. break doWll pr lind brlul qulok and palnleu , 10 Lebanon Saturday eveni ng, MI1Y .... releall8 tram loon8t1p..tloll and tbe Solaticll ~ured After Twenty Years . Mr 000 r !Lstor of Instead of . bavlng tbe I8rviOO8 at recovering trool a long and seriOQl delicate organa ~f tbe . body of Tonu1'8 5, by tbe Rev . . pe , p Miami cemetery grove &8 has been UlntIM O&U8ed by the Inflammation ca11l8 18rloua trouble. If· you bave lU, ,rowing out of It. 8trengt,h anil vigor .I1wa.& follow tbelr ~\J8 . Guu· For more than twenty Yflarl Mr. the M .. E. churoh. . 'he' oostom 10. yean p88t, requlrinR o.f tbe organ. I of the bitlid, . nkto~~!.. °Frobl'~adeKr Id'oroe!bIOeuraend .,~ou~ antoed by F. O. Schwartz IJ Drug.· J B MtUlaey of 8822 Clinton St. ',Mls@ Thllckera is you.n geat daugb· • ...... -" " 1 " .... a long walk from town and a walk M A lOB db wh hu wjll bave ooly you1'll8lf. ~ olame lJlai, 250. Try t~em. . i Mln~eapollej 'Mlnn\,'wa, tortnred b; ter ot Mr. Rnd Mrs. Maroell)l8 Thaok. baok to the oemetery proper all the' rs. nn e . ' n . ory, 0 fOr results at It po81tlvely corea all 8otAtI~. The pain and an1rerlng era who formerly lived where has exeroises tbis year will be' held In beeo a boarder at lbe .F rlenda Ro~e forma of kidney and bladder dieeu. . whloh he enilured during thla . time Frye now lives. , a mile. west of t h e op\ln IIpll.C8 I f . f tb ' for 86veral montha. 8IlHa oellt Fn. ee . n ron~ 0 e oemp. • Y k Wbi' ".TIPATIO. ~ '& beyond oompreheDllon. No~hlnl CO n WaynASvUie, and 1& a graduate of . . day from New or on a . te lave him any permaDen' relief uo· tery ohapel. In caee of rain or un 'Liner fnr ICnlliaDd w:bere IJhe will . II DO rapea:o $n he Ulled Obamberlaln 'a Pain Balm THE RIOHEST MAN IN THI plea8llnt weatber-«Jf any kind, the r I h' h d her t hi8 8Ohool. terota,,~4 tOoeapplloatlon of 'hat lIDlment reo Botb young people are 'Very popu. I '11l be h 14 I the chape ' I vielt her nat ve eat an lei? . .WORLD. . It Ii JUI' .. Illeved 'he pdn and made Ileep and . d ellero 9es w . e n relatlvel and former frlendl once lar amonR a large o1r~le of frlen e and large tentH wi\lbli put up near . . The richest man In the w~rld Ottn ~lldl::DD a~ reet poll8tble, and 1881 than, one bot· who wlah for tbem the largeet t.h e ohapel and 118&tl provided 80 more. . not uve biB kidneYI replaced nor mOilg ,hlld. tie has e"ected a permanen~ oure. i ' . Tb hIi I 1 lin wUbont them eo it II Impor. reD aI' It II If troullled wl~h eolatioa or rhftDlDa· mealure of happlotIM aod Pl'Olfper ty t ha·t all may enjoy 'he. ellerolll8l For ·&Ie- ree DR ng ILmpl, '-Dt not to neglect theae orpnl. [f with tholr tlam wh, noHry a 250 boUle of In tbe voyage of life. witbout ,inoonvellleoC8 or fatigue. one an eapeolaUy fine lamp Inqnlre "oley's .K f4ney .. taken at 'he parenti. ' Pain Balm aod ..,e for yourself bow Rdn 8 V Speelman CollUD&nd. d the Ga~tte omoe. fin, 11m 'of danaer, the 8ymptonH The coadl· quloldy It relleves the pain . 'For' . ' • ' . , >. _wlll dl_ppear and your health will Light Headed, tion II far '8ale by F C. Schwartz. er·ln·Chlef of the SoDe of Veter.... MI',II. Ella Graner Blpent · Bunda,. be reetored, lUI " atrengtbens aDd more likely I ' . But all ~Ight. of America, bl\ll been eeollJ'8d ~ with her parente. Mr. land M.... Wm. bulldlup theae organs u no'hlog acut. Ita c., ! . to dellver the memorial addr8llf. R. Blaloe on Il8B&r8 oreek . . Mn. elee wiD. Oeoar 8owmlln, Lebanon develop aerl· A poiIt card from' Mrs. Dr. WIud, The new Wayn8llville band wlll 6 ... l118r hu charge of the oloak 'and Ky •• wrl~: "I have I1lled 1'01"y'8 oualywltb tho Cure and take grt>at· plNil. L y tl ~ wr Itte non, ·h little folk I • e 8umm It of furnh!h the In8trument.l ~Q810. and sul'department of ,,~e 001 urn b ua Ki4ney in Itatlng it cured me periDa. , cau .. of tu The wealth that ~oal ' Pille 8 Peak May 7, gives us the In· a chorus of ' male voicel wtll reoder Olo'lung Co .• anri tbla il her fint Deutly of kidney dltleue whioh cer. tllBc:ulty in detllCtiag It. . has produced and how . Many a child h.. dl.d from coDlitipa. .f ..... dlltlon ihat she Is "an rigbt. but approprlde v0Q81 selection8, viJJI~ at home 1I.lnne Febrtiary. tAinly would bave ooet';'ewy Ufe." eoD, or iIIne. arlalnl from It, when It rapidly it has been ~ little Iillht h8llded," wl1loh is not The oom~lttee having arranl8' Farmers, ollllln and 886 'he Urad. " mlcbt have been laved by the tlmelt . done. An interesting ... of . . ,.urvrblng since the altitllde of the mente In oharge baa eent an Invlta· ley gang plows,edge d~opoorn plantbook on. this subject Peak il 14, U7 feet . \Ion to tbe ohlldren of t,he WaYDet en, one and two 10\11 oorn onltivafree. Mulford & Lone But Ibe further adde tbat they ville and Oorwln 8Ohoola to maroh Sor..; t ablo carr, *' 111111 Hne of 0.. (&.our~tI •• ) 1400 II. B. Bldg., w~nt "up oil the first oar of tbe 116&· t.-, the oemetery with the veteraDli borne Implemente lind Itm taking 8On," whioh seems alittle strange and Sona of Veteran8 and every orden for hl,b Il raciEI tob4000,oom Dayton, Ohio. 'rllli II tbe pateat remedy known foil when we aile by the oard itsel.f a ohild wbo oati posal bly d~ 80 18 urg~d and oa51 fertillzAI'II fIl.nglnlJ ID price _n.ctlD~ conltlpate4 condltlonl. pic'nre·that might be taken for tbe to march. from thirteen dollars nil . Don't walt uutU yqurclblld fa al'lICled. 000&0" ~mlt .aated aD "MIl.nd" .on Contribntlons ot dowers lire re. ' . '. BlCKBY JAY. ht admlnllter a dON of tb. II*1lclll. _ _ Iouall,. ~ : "A ~QUARI DEAL" 'he InmmiS of. the mount..ln With qU8llted for the 'day. A O9lUmlttee • _ - - You will Dotfee ti' peieeptlble cbanp I • opera 8laMes gl:: .!O hlS eyes. will OIill for IIOY dowera 'he morn Meeting of Ceml=tery iDr tbe hotter. a beAltby co"'r and a 1How Preeldent RooIevelt'. 110"<» la _ • •__ ._. Uftller dilpoililictn. . 111ol&rated b1 PepitikOla. Birthday Surprise. ing 0~· Mem9ri!l1 ?,:y, if notitled . ' Lot Owners. •_..... Dr. CaW.ell'. S~ ' .... II a roo4 . . .01.&'I"a BON&Y . . . TAIUa" thlul to bave I.u the hou .. , becawe It ! J. Ie .Janney 11&11 PeJIIIlkola Tab. Do Dot be Imposed u~n. ~ II ...........rue bIU.... II trOOci for tbe whole family, . letH hi the belt poiIIIlble' mWltr.~n Mi.. ·Laura aalnee, danllbtel' of The annnal meetlnaf of 10' ownen· • .... III .Dr. CaW ••ll'. ~ ...... un be or what our ."8OuOUIL Preetden' Foley &. 00., Ohlcago, orlgina&ed Mr. and Mn. Welley ~. Hail168, willi be held ' in ' ~ Clb~ned In bOtb dollar and baU-doUar m"an .. 111' a Iqure deal, Tbla reo 800ey and Tar as a tbr08hnd lUDg of Miami 08mete.... ." ...... - - n l Oh~ - from all dl'1lgJrlltl. L bl ' ...... '" Id to. every· reaohed her 'fourteenth birthday remedy, ~Dd on &OOOunt of the (lrea' tbe.omce 'o f the BOar~1 of DirectOn ........, - - • . You," money wID be refuDIiecl if It lJlllha e rem....y .. au .. 'I k..... da !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..,.. DOt benefit .....D. 'I bod, wlth the exp,:-~reem.nt Saturday, and Friday after· merit and popnlarlty of Foley'a on the groDndlJ ,,' ~ 0 0 00 _on y YRr DOatai ca,d :...;Q..•• t.wIII ~~r.J tbat If It dOlI n~ do ,. .1 rep noon ' after the :01088 of 8Ohool, Roney and Tar maDJ ImUat10DII are June 4. Not If u Bloh .. Rockefeller. el-gp~o~l'R'II::~!i f:.L .....~L;. rf'lWnl ..... tbe buyer'l mOIleY will be offered for the genuilie. Ask for the event was oelebr~ted by anum· It II partlonlarly wialied tha* .11 you had aU the wealth of Rook· "II" II... B. '" Irtod lilla "g •••rfIII cluMorfull, reflloded. Tbe, aN .....• . Foley's Honey and Tar, and refnae teed to qulotl1 rellev. and penna· ·ber pf ' ber eohool ,rlends who gath. aoy substitute oftered' ... no other 'bere be a muoh lar,er attendaDoe efeller, 'be tJtandard on magnate, ~. ""lIMn wrll. to4ap. • you could no* buy a better medi, PEHI" 8YIUP 00. neatly oure an .klmaob troubJel, ered t ' tbe home of Miaa Clara preparation Will rive tbe iame la' ... t....... ...... I tone up the wbOle a,lsem, Id.e .... Hawko 'on Fifth 'street, and tOok 18f&otlon. It is mlldl,. luatlve. It 'ban h .. been ,he caae· in 1ea... pu~: oiDe for bowel complain. than For 'Sale by J. E. JANNEY. If, .ad rilor, be..... oouap, ID~ . M1ea Laura oompletQly by 8urpriee ooatillue DO opiates and Ie eaf88t for Let ever, one attend Sbu- meeting ChamberJaiD'1 Colic Cholera and who can poealbly do 80. Diarrl!-oea Remedy. Tbe~ l~m;oet;'j. ~ ~~I.!!!IIIIiI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mere vIWi&y, and brill. 'he . . .ltJ when "he arrived at the house on ohildren and delicate pel'llODli. - -..........._ .Dent physician can not 11 . _ " and dea~dl!at haok '0 10;1' an errand, .ECONO~IC RUU8&.P4INTtNH .00;' no' oure you Ioe" cream and Cake were served adult.: ' T)I,e uniform lIuOO8llll.of tIIll rJ U 'J' lmJ'D, IOOUr'-ltom&oJa, 10M. of aPlll'-' and a' pleuant eveoing eojoy8d. D088 DOC depend upoo bu,.lnK the . obeapeat paint· without regard to . reaui4lbiaaho.... Utobtt ltiperl'o'r .~' !it;ii~li~;::~:=~~~::n.{ TbOle present were Mlaaee Clara quality. There ~re lome palDte from IDdtcea&lOll, Qawke, Winifred ~ Davie, . . (Henna wbloh 008t 18Il8...tban "6reen Seal," Kidney. trouble preYI upon the ~ ened Ie pleuant to aile. line to do II to Iklp ln~ Mr. an. "" 8mith, Ruth KUlel', Ellie Zell, Eth· b~t they are more 8ltpen8Iv~ tn tbe diacoarallaaudle_~aambltlon; '-uly. famil,. Ibonlcfbe IDpptlejl . • neY'1 drug noN and h. will pay ," lYn Jon88, Alm~ ("1ement8, lAura long run . . . ~i1eU' :~ JI~ Hold bj •. O. Soh_rb. your mooey back. . ; .Batn~ Fer eale ~Y J, E. Janaey. rJ rr• The price 1a onl, HI if Utey OUN: -~--..".'when the kidney..,. . . ·\·If,.l1eJ fall, 'heooa' II Do&hlDa. ; " out of order or ~ , A Mountain of.GOld .. II U r ealeCl. . '~8ru,.' 1~~I8Y .I· . ·~non·~_. ~ d:'rlJ_ _ · Kidneytroublebu oould n~ brib, at mnoh bappln81111 ., 18" _ . _ _-lIII ( tn 2 e "o~ . .. cvaCol.t., C1' ft~. eoqb. f . cva~ CIoopud ~ ~ becO:meao prevalelJt to lin. Lacta' Witte, of Oarollna, kaow line been heneIl and on. "lI!lill'thati~ianotuncoal- WIe.,udldoneJl5oboxofBoolllenll ) . ," of'llld1lfft!l&tonaDd d~~~
...,. .
OF ALL . KIN D.,.,
~ · AA I~:='
.HOIEYai.,TAR .n.......... -.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
WIllIE ........,.
en"'" .
, _ u Well • I. Are .... ::::~~r:JiUOf~r f~~I1~~~ IbeIUIt ., . lIRe, 1M
.,.t .... j.•
Chamberlaln~s COUt.. Remed, · Chamberlall's, COIIIh R.~ ·
Om,•• H.r'"•••r-
·' rPE'RSONAL PROP'LJ:RTY .~ . '. PUBLI'eSA'L'f lO i
The undersigned will offer for ..Ie at publlo auotlon on
f906, ..Beglnnlng at 9 sharp,
=fO:;i~:ld~l~ ~h1Oh a=nto~ured &lv.~ t60of~::~r~~:~:~~~ ~~~
'SETH F=U~NAS, Executor.
C. T. Hawke, { . Auotloneers. C.R.Surface, \ A. B. Ohandler, Clerk'.
GREIN 8&A.L PAINT .Will GOYer better ,baD oaber paiD". 'l'Iila Ie beoaaee ., Ie made hOiD bid maletiala. ror e&1e ", .. .laooe.J.
all!.;;; ,.
lOS:; .I!.!'~~~.!~~ ;~":l~"'!!~l~d~o~no-;'';
A:!to& wt:e U OO:'Pl"\,,ty clli1d'urinat.. 2;r the Bah,or if, when thechildreacheaaD yean. G~_' ptlo bealer of aJC whell it Ihoald be able toeontrol th. PUee Wo~, , " HorN. 260 a.& .-...e. It t. yet aIIieted wi~ bed-wet. ", C. 8ob~aw:u I .DrotJ ijtore. img; a~dupo. it, theca_ oIthedUli- !!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!'!! cI11ty ia .kidney trouble; and the 8m . ONI~ step I~ld be towarda the trcatmeut of IhelClmportautorpDl. 'I'hiIaupleuant J lilt: trodble'" due to a d'--l C!OIIdItion of' tho ·kidne,. &lid bladder and aot to .. . b.bit .. ·moat ~lc IIU~. . WOIIICD)" Wellalmeu an: made miller. . abl~ ~th kidney aDd bladda- trouble, WITH and,tiQth n . the aame arcat remedy. The.,Jiiild . and the illlJlllediate etrect .of . . ranllzed. It luolel
a' the late realdenC8 of Davis Fnrn,"" d8O!lll~ed, i~ Wayne townlhlp, . Warren OQuniy, Ohio, . a miles oost "of · Wayn8ll~lIe·. 'o~ 'be WILJ'1Ieeville and New Bn!~ington pike, ·tpe following ohattel pro~rty : .' . . Six betld of, horllOI!, oOD1llltlng of '1 bay mare lO'yean old, 1 broWD borse 14 years 0111, 1 ~y hor8,e ,I3 yed:rs olf! , 1 bay i!0ne 17 ,.ean old, 1 gray mare 13 'flitI'll old, 1 yearling coh.; &veDteen hi!M of hiS" llrade. Du.rhan} OftU1A, (lllnl:ds~ln~ of 6 oows , 2~, ~ freeh iQOo, 4 two·yelr.old Rt-efli-s. 3 yellrliog steen, ~ 'good b~ll, 10<11 It. f,w: \lheep. 17 lamhll; 58 bead of hop, oonsil!ting of'l) lOW' w,ith !lm~l.1 pigs, 5 brood lOW', 411 8took abe buge; Earm , ~mt>lements,:J road WlJgODS, One iron wheeled wason, one bave ,umple gravel bed, IInll heavy Ilprlog wagon 1 \lne IIgl1~ "pring wagon, foUl' WILBon by m~'trcc, allO a a- . WOgUIISj 1 twu hOrtle o.. rri~ge, 1 phwtoo" llbolt buggy, 1 nllW buggy. 1 ~mph1~·le11lng all about S_m~lloot, of the th.o _nd. 01 teatlbnggy pole, 1 .stprm front, 2 s,lelghB, 1 ~tr"nd of bells, 1 Deeri~g .binder" including.lUlIay m.onlal let~en receiy~ from IIUfJerera 1 wbeat drill, 1 ba.y ~~der, 1 ~~oo!l: rake; :! eet,8 of 'hay ladden, 3 tWQ c:ured. In' writing'. Dr. Kilma- " Co., h . cultivators 1 ·l.lOrnpl~0tji!r, 1 Qorn hlUve~ter, t Deering mower, one Binghamton, N. Y.• be 11U'e audlmentiOD I(raln tro.ok, ·l neid roller, 2 double harrows. l¢A harro1W, large platform tbi, paper. • Don t· make aDY miatalr.e, lleales, 511ta&nds of be8II. 2 breakloF: plowil. 1 tO~~ pl~w, l .sln(le pillw, but remetnber tbe name, ~W&lDp-Root, t one hone corn drill, riding oult·1vlltor. 1 d!!lo t!ltrrlllV, 2 road 8000pll. 7 Dr. Kilmie(!\.Swamp-Root, aDd the ad· lar,e 8ugar kettle, 2 sugar hogshe"ds, tt.bont 250 "1l~r bU\lketa and 8Pllt,,,, dre.,' BiJlr~mton, N. Y., o~ eMr'y .' .... ' . . r ' ... powel' 'ftbQd.~~, 1'sweep bo>rse pqwer, rupber ROwo.r b.l!h, 1 dOllble ~tlc . , large lot. of.carpenter'lI alid blitokllmlt.b's tpols, o.oe. "'!!!!!!!i!!!!!I!!!!, ' ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ladder, OtoM..Cllt saw Y . }J08t tt.u/Cer, ,I 'poet bole digger, 4 lIets work barne,ss, ~h 86t8 buggy hArnl!llll, ~ 1 dotible~' oarrillge hllrnesll. log ohains, 2 wagon 'jlioks, *' seed sower, ~ORTUN\\~ID M1BBOUm.NB... 2 toqB.baY; lladdle, one otl.rt, one wiod mill . A Rilantlty o( ml~llane· · "Wb~D 1 drn'lllt., at L\yon. OUl! artloiea, conelBt.lne of 8. lot cif fenolng ' wire, 40 grain aa,oka, lugar la Mo.," wrltee 'r, J. Ow),er. now " cistern, 200 Ib mellt, hams aod shoulders, 150 JIl Bide meat, 20QIb laId, ~O Grayullle, 110;, USb", of my QblokllDlI, 4 tnrkeys, Po.tat~es and boxes, a stove feed ooolfer. ,rlnd. .coltomen. .• tlre P*rmIIDen"F 0~r8d . atone, work benob. llausage grinder, 6y' 'oor<1s wood, 1000,feet lamber, 6f cool!umptloQ bl <~r,,' RiD New 1000 feet feDoing, 1750 shingles, lot of poplar Inmtiier, a barrels, v~neg ..r. DIBOOvery, and are well an 8.001. 2 lawn mowen, 7 tin bookets, 2 olothes wringers, .. milk eeplllrAtor, .l to4lly .. One w.. tryln~ fo "11 hie IIprtt.y pump and barr~l, 2 bus4els I!eed corn , 400aD.&frliit, leit of old iron, property and moye to :Alisonla, bu' , ~ collection; the undivided one· half of 38 aores of growing wbeat. A lot after u8il)g New DiIOO,Y err a Ibon·. of botUl8hoJd~&9oda: 139 yards of ·carpet, ooos18ting of 40 yal'ds\Parlor time hI! found It '~lI!M&f7 to do «mrpet, 40 yard8 Ingraio, 30 yards bedroom carpet, 20 yards rag carpet, 80. I rellard Dr. Kiag'l. New DiaoovIi rooking ohalrs, other ' kinds of; 4 oha~ ber setll,·lonnge, a .book. ery &a the mOIl' wqndlllml medlclnl ca86 and boreao, a desk a..n d book · OIl~e, ~n iro.n be.d. stead and iL namber in 8xillteuce." 8u....l~ Oough and of other 1;I.edsteb.d.a, 2 bureaD8, tables, .stand!!, 'severall.o oklng KIa_, .a Cold cure iLDd ThnIR' .nd Lun8 corner ouPh9ard; 800retary and book caM one light oolored bed. room healer. Guarantalil by 1'. C, Soh. IInit. mattrees and IIprings, lot of beddlngl pillOWS, bolstel'll, e&o., diebel, _rtz OruntA 500 aDd II. TnaI InUk fixtures, fl'11it caD8, wash tnbil, ltoves and many other tblngl too bo"le frtoe. tedioM to mentioo-the collection of a lifetime. ,.,
~f b_~.~'
FTUliERADl DI.RI!'tTORi ••,.... ",.t~' Ltc.1 10 7 · ., Ltic Dlat.... ·It; 89-3r \ WA.YIESYILLE,. OHIO
:~::::" "::&110:::" !:!:",
. . . TflalL
Cllol....f, lIiiIsdII· 11111 • •IIt' IllES
...... . ..........
-- ......... .
.111l1li ..... ,..... • ,. IALI! NIi _ _ ..... • .
. . . . . . . . .. . IIIIIY ..... IIUIIL .'
PAUL ROWN. T. P. A. ~ w. ZIILL. ...,..A. ,
0 . '
w • ......-r..... ,.....,• w..........~A.. . OF
.. Go
Interior view of !'IDe r:.lOm 10 Rntobhlon" Glb~ey'llmm8DIe·drr IrOOd8 &0"" dOAI a billl~1IItI of mOI;8 tban 1100,000 annuli, I
White Goods, Gingham Silk Gloves, ·Corsets, Linoleum . "
.Hutc.biaon· St Oi'bnc~,
. X~n,_a, ,O~io.
.. '
.. --- -
Warren County Courts. { ~1.I~t.e of Emily E
Bt-aley. deoeall. ed. F I'ct CHnden "I'poluted .admID. l.trlltHr with buud "' t5000,
BI:W lUi,... MU.IAOI: LIOElISII . • AnliDr B. 8eymoDr n Mattie IMYraQDr. Dtvoroe. I.bMDOII. P.r. . , _ were married 8ept-ember 10 1901 W,lhalU 8. Null aDd ~u"le Ill. ~ , .re no ohIldreD. A;thur I Tha ,1Ier, both of ~pr'.Dgboro. Rev. III'JUl& Ia .&&ornel for plaintiff. Cooper. Upton VI Edw.rd... Upton, Georgo. L . Barri.& and Minnie DtT~ and oUlltOOy of ohl''''-D. GI'8gJr~tt. I of tlprlng
.... v
Lebanon Beaten.
Jadr.. ........ .........
ed OUlltod, of ohlld lind II rea~ Donahman Tyler, ' hluillllK 10 her malden n"mll of Eillabe'h from Coon BOul8......... 6 00 Lon, • . XebSa Ott.1 Work BOUIe N~l'diw.teru LhbOl~llpblDi Co., keeplD, prllG"e"'clDriD~ .,. Th. lIorrow Ale .BrewlDI Co. April ............................ G 26 Jlldpmen' ror plaintiff In lam or . Wm. B. Jaoklonand Son. .80.88. mdae for ConI" 60ue . 8 GIS ~vi4 B. Denlln,. " s.t.... TruMeI of Publlo Aff.I...,
.~ ~~oroeGaruwted.Bo
DeJD1lDcBL .. • • .......... .,.
h,h'..-t J.n ....... .....:...' WIDIUI; TrUll.... of Poblte MIAII'II,
-_. . ..H. .
...... OM
ADDie C. B~~nry, extr. etc,,, 0buW. a.wtbarJ ., ill. App~
men' 4u4.t tUiiO. 0rUr print. .Ie for ClUb lined. Sale made to
I'nDkUea.., •••ppralsemeD& g • PIJI'O'geCl u4.eom8rmecI and par. tlaIdlatrlbu&toD made.
. l'8OBA-ra 000117. ID . . . . . . . I'ftcledok ....1II18II, Gaardtana~" fIGID
._1Id .... Book..,. .
rori.r Va. U ........ • fOl' .... ·dM.b ~ ..-.I ~. In re ·..... AddllOll Loiit deoeU.'
fOl' CouDt:)' 'AudUor .. .10 00 P. P. lluwell, .ewer pipe... a to Bebry Boll" work ,M per
ocatnG'No. ·17 ............ »030 Geo.1I. Yodb,-, letal adYlOie . . ·to Oomtty oaloen ........ 180 5~ 8. D. Beakle, Dep: Sur. tT w . ts. D. Beakl.. Dep: tlur.
..... .. _. 'WOI'...................'. 48 00 ___. . '
'1'he aoooung of ·th. ,.., d.poa. 1 - , ,he ~bandD N."0II61 BaDk .Del ab. N.tlonal &nil, for .... m~&Ia. or April, were .ltllmiDed . foun4 ao be ClOl'l'eO&. 'J'be IDancrial .ta.m.D' of Auditor and ~Jil'8l' .ho~l- di. balaDoe on haDd In eub faDd and' &h• .betl9IIhlK or the moa'h wu IDblnl'Mil" ah• •m., . . . ~ p1aoed DB • • .Ap Item" acooon1 of Ju. () MI&ohell for..rrioel .. In~h ~ 4ino&or ... fJom J-.Duar" I. ....,-'-_. to April 7 .... ~Dted anel l.... folio....' amoDDhlJowed : 111.,&11' fOl' ~ tlO,O\) : IMI' dielQ .. lUra
~ ~ 0'..:
.ppraiaelD8D& 1~,~~1r. ,.Id land fr" .... .' ". ' ., ,he 4Ilpl~M. ", Be.... of II11to'D a. ¥awJt- deCookIWI'''. IDlde "t&h the Or. ... 0hu1el A· pa\aJ. appolDtecl . , .' . a. " " . CODla BrkIP 00. fOl' "IDlorolil'" .-bDI.Ia...tOI' ,with bond of .~. . .teel beam. bHc1,. on t be LebanOD P. 8 ; 'admlDlI'~~r eeo. ~f .ad IIlddl.,'!D toad In Tur&leoreek W. It V"D Borne, d........, " ,l'Ion towUhIP at _"maM Of tGa. •. Van Bome., OrC'ier 'or 180 d ... tl . '._ ' P'__ '. G ' . R '. ....• .epeo • IIDI aD .,11 ma... 1 or ~1 ..... ...~ . eorp , . for a ooeior... &oe and ~ntlDg up ' 1IoIImaD, B 1 ", . . _kill', a~ Jbbll .bD,inedg 'or ' " bridp Dear 'he W. Vol ..... PP.OID... ,. PPI'I'I!!ft. mnkll. "all' paonel. were .pproy. I. Ie will ADD Ell.. Crelin AD· .-II _.. nUllO' let to Ollut I:Igll&on ..... win _..mi...... to ........ 00 ' ~'. deoeI!-:-. " - . at' H"ma" or 18.10. c...ed.ID'geD. . ~.
.. _
ra ...wUl ....,. .. ....,.. ~ . III. WIII~'" to pro......
.•f ! 5 ,"0' 0 0
i $ i
.......... onre."
OUIt Sw~1I
For me~ an·1 ~rOllllg men , handtal' Iored th :,ougUh.Out /. _ . . 10.00 Qiill' 12.'50 Ill!fiI' 1 r...0 0 ' $17 • 50Cl1!20 00 til'CI1!2250 . til' • • . REM EMBER THIS--Every suit is , .'1 kept cleaned, ptesse~ anu in repair # .for 2-twd years , • '# /
For Round Trip Tiekef.s
$ $
of opium" chloral, m o r p h i n e , ' , cocaine, ether or chloroform ALABAMA, FLORIDA, in any form In any of Dr. GEQ-'A, .... ENTUCKY, WM. WERTHEIMER &. CO . . ' Miles' Remedies. OOtllBIAl'lA MISSISS No. 11 East Fifth St. near.Main St., Daytou O. . Thisreward is oftered because , .- ~ j'THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES" , ccitain unscrupuloui persona IPPI, VIRIGINIA, NORTH ~ ~ make false statements about AND SOllJTH CAROLI. . ,. these remedIes. It ia underT NNESSEE ~~""""~ '. stood th this rewmLappliea . ~A, E . . only to goodl purchased In the Tlcltebl on ale lit and 3rd TIle.· open market, which have not 4&ya froID lila, to NO'I'ClDber 10' b een ta mpere d WI'th in any way. ·cllIJIl'I'C. 1(00/\ !'e\uuloc 21 da,. .& D M'I' edl b from dale 01' aale. For further With something substantial to beglu the day on. Bulte every mrupbel' r. I es rem es cure y 10tol'lDalioo. cooault YOllr local their' •aoothing. nourishing, aleal. or addre.. of tbe hoo.lehold th~e cold mornings . Itrengthening aDd invigoratMOlt people drink coffee at breakfast, and we. can .Bult the lover inc effects upon the nervpus J. H . IlnUKU. O. P. /I. . LouIavllle , Kr .yatern, and not by paralyzinr F. D. Bllali. p. P. A. Cloelooa\!, Ohio. of coffee. We have 11.8 good Il line of COFFEES all you OUD find In 'towD . What better. tban bat,rer ookcs with PURE SYRUP. Uet P~n( and weakeninc the . nerves as J . S. D........ POaT. D P. A. SI.. LOIlIII,lIIo. would be the case if these drugs H O. BAIL", N. W . P . A. Chlo.l/O. m. FLOUR and SYRUP here . were used. O. L. . STONE, UeD'1 Pale. ARent. 'We can furnl8h the inll,keuJl of Bli meals ; breakfnljt, diDn'er and snp For this reason Dr. Miles' per, with all seasonable goods. . . Anti-Pain Pills are universally . You are invited to 00.11 • • POImiIll$er Robbed • L'
COJ;8:~~'::~ cp.:i~=;~tt Sf rant . .
G. W. FODte, POI'nuu&8r at RiTer.
::.l~~ ~:r:",,~~'1~4 ton, 11..• neDrl, 101' hg life .ad W&I ~J~~ill~' Alltt!
PaIa PIlla. I lIIIIaNll . . loq .. tl IIoIIn It a ~. Willi .uoh,.. lbat· I feiiJ0e4 . ' .ould I.- m, ..In«. 'I'b. AaU·Pa!D .. Ptlla Ira"• •a nllef .. " - 10. to I. mloute.. I do' palM
ban to ~ JiloIS~·lh':)'aom;;::a
. .
r: -R.Dr. t1"Ur' ..r.J.~II "I~;:-.!r.'\1 ::lt::-.....................
, II:.!':..,.-:::.....
J.DJt.7~tweelr,foryoD ~1I hex'_ ber: . WhY. •• ,~e.ver . knew a. wo maD'••ppeannGe to be 10 ob.nRed
ateU IC
kD~w.we" mean when ,.00
.Dd Improyed: B.r ooml'l~lrl"" I, IIOW '.. fn.J;t aDd ' 1a""'DI at! II J~If. atr.~1 h.r .tep I••'a1"~ aDd her eye hu . Ute .~.• p l .nd Ilpar.1I1f' ,~t wi." ' pedeOtbealth . . And w. ' are pani, ~bl. for I~ ." OODQo1l8d ,be dJ'qtrllt tor 'we ~". OOmm8llded wilt&' trau'for~td her from. WOIDIlD of 'forty to artrl PI 'weat,.. Wha' Ia 1$' Well, " II
M. DR'O WN,"". • .....::...---'---
Villi!)",,; w~en In1 d~tor pr~i):led
Elf-otrlo Bltterll. wijloh :oured me Kn" hitvlI kllpt me wel1 .for eleven 1"K"" " tmw 01l1f1l for ; ~\Iloullne~" .
Ntinr"hrla. W.... lm_ ~Dd aU tlt,om · IInl! Bladdllr de ' ranlfemf'lIh' .A wondl'1 tol Tonic. At II' C. tol()h~· .,.tv. '" D.-rg Storp. ..5~~
Penns'ylvan.ea· . ...,.......
Los Angeles . City of Mexico . In
A,pr'lI acid
Des Moines . .' Louisville St . .Paul III Way
Bolton ia June .
San Franci800
• :~_:A~,2 ••
·· TO·
DaYg'fIJllOQII~p$tOlJ ~
robbed ,of all', according to hla let&8r, wbloh "For 10 yra. I bad obronlo ltlverOQmplalDt, wblob IIId to aDob a .. vere oase of jllDndloe Ihlt ftVlln my :Bnger 0118 turDed
'"We4ou'&DM4~kbenll~A," ----LIN~~S...~--
i...~ . 80b, Liver, KllillS,'v
. llua-iltdkaI .Co.. BUdlart.IDII ,. , " 8BIC 'LOOKS 20 nABS Y OU,NOICR Bow.'. W~in.v111e WomAn Shoo' . 011 tll• .au~ of TIme. '
There arc still sist in paying' t!lp On tOln 1.'ailor $25 I to $40 for a suit, while thel'c are oth- , er's who think th a,re cconOmlZlll$ # when they rctail clothier $7.50. , . It isn't i hie r i ther one of them to get tufl value. It's just as serious to tOll little as it is to . pay to much. ' . Let "Misfit ', bc the medifor full yaluc lind entire satisfac. tion. Misfit nrc ever the 'standard of what is the in quality correct in style.
Tonto Tablni;Ul4 wb8n we Jftba.... . , . . beard or "we Im~~"'y ~rdere4 , . JIIIa~ Wilbur W......' _ _ ied Japlln, D,naml.., a \UP auppIJ. AUIlIhf W117 the, mula Wrllll,.ppol.te4 adlDIDlI"-' . 11 DO more daDPrODI than to II•• . ·ton. "p Ute .~, o1eu ,&he oom· tor .wi'h' bOD4. 01 .SIO . , . ' 1_ kld_ cUIOI'de.... ~l.i'. Kid: pluton aQd. reJuYeD." 'he whole, ~ OOI'reotil·lfflll'GlUl". . .Dd bod)' I. 'DI'prlSl. .. . They .... a ••n , Be.... 01 TbOaau UDiISIIby d.· . .. bu onr8dlDADJ' ..,..ere ca. . ".lau",", JlI'OIDO'in,.n n~' .....t. Jlllie bID tUed. . other VeakDent 1tN faned. n bollda .Dlal ao&ton of 'he bowell aDd ~rry . . . . . 01 ~ Dl.. 0.-.. AD· up .... won oa* tt~u. and. ....tor. lq off .U ma"- tbat WIly _ _ , denA-, J. ~. lilliIII' .p. • baa1", and YIpI'. "I " ,M uollbl. lDitea4 of ·1.U1Di tile polson ",!mf' --a ..tecl""''''Wlth boad oI 'tIOO. e4 wldJ kliln., complain' for abou'· throqb' ,~ Uln . . 'l'tie~ t.n, a ·- - ........... B .W ... . . two ~ " writ. A. B. Davl. of Woman;1n &own whO can afford $0 ~ - .- , • • . • M. IteI'IlQ low.,' II •bat two bot be wl~ Luakola ToDIo·T.ble... ~ ~. of roleJ". Kl4Dey 011... "-"14 tor OOIt II 0IIIdI . . . . aDd .'
R. R. "
ed. GuanttaD .00.&* . ' 80.00. ,he dea'h elf . ."aid ~tt ,..,. l' Ttae ....... -I'., 8Drv.~()r " S D. ' Beo· ... .Baok.,. Po~dR ~:~:." W kle reporie:d . ~at .• '~ ItII,IOU' P. B. ·a..,., .d~~~ Ib- . .rob or ~, record.: &be, tb~ laud 8. B~, ~ YI l'Ion M. bOlllh' aUllx,• .I41l1l,ary I ; l8~8 V~ Bom ...... Alwu ~. ~WD ap by J. 0 \ Oariw'1lrh" '" biob ... .In pjII.s.1 ~n .cflltfm of. Frana 'he name Of 8. ,8 , Tqfw o"''''I.t~nl , it.u4 HeIeD~. ';lome, _min · or '''.0 ~(il not. .,lll.. ' Tbere mw. '. f.,... IIr. C ...,,,n,bt,. • 1(11 "ranted ., . Beg" ~ El~II'It' II. Gilpin. cI8 ",Uile.r 'oI'.1I1W aq.1 til., . AD.llwr
~l. W.LANG,M.. D; C.M.
:: $
I: ::::
Wltb pute II.InllOed 011 fur all ont IIde work ThlM ,*lOt 18 ,.f h"avy QUlllItY--GI'8I~ Seal Llqold PaInt. body lind n6tid" th~nnln". It thus . Q For aW·now.t J. E. J'iDlley·.. beoom~tl~"~! eoonomlcal for the ~ .... OOIlIDmer. IlUiTCO~8UtTA1"'GOOuPA1N-., Foraale·b1J.Ii:'J.nI18Y. tel' ID reprd $0 " .. vlrtua of Greell ' , Seal LIquid PaIDt. Tlu!lr "ton8ol • will be the 18m.. . For ..Ie byJ. E. JanDe, . ' • PLU8t2.00 ~
~red ~ 1891; and I. nQ~ dol'· W . B. ADtram P. II ••tamp.
Cold .
'[~'"E~:r=:~E.-::! ~~:~~.~?~~~ ::: ::,:,:dw:~;'~·.:'!.:-.=~ IWuta,.:n~:~7~~~'!·.. be revived. - Ambroee T .. Deartb •• IIabaIa A; !inn .&1. Wtn. A. Null; 1Ia..,. Ill18IlNDllaDdEthel Lalo NQn.te . pan....:_'"to 1111 . • DlWe&' OD 01' "-fore "'I'" __.... ..I. , 'lI• • I'dwana~. ' WeetoQ y. Tbe ......k· liD Boa~ ~Dd P.per,Co. OlDIe .... &led' aDd diamilled. t:Iarab A. S."lOffI YI Albert Dill. I &. - _ . . . . nal'- ..W. W. a.....o90 "" 1_ . . - .... -I .... ,.da.t and fb... aDIWel'. . ~aoob Palmer v. Alben · Din. ' ''''''':'''-r fOl' ...... ' ..... ff in - - ~
How often do 'we pellr It re mnrk . The Wayn..vllle""" School ,U,U 1(H l \' ILLl1:, Of\rfl ad, : "Its oaly a oold, " !la el 1\ fow team weDt do~. to LebilDon FrI. DI 81'1AS~ 08' woal J;; N Bp l'lClA LTl lCS : ter learD that tho man is on ltaye1a W. 1<1 . MOOR E. Recei ver d.y.nenaoc. aod met • t84m of ' hll bacK with pDeumoDiu.. T bill iR of AND F111, OR~N . alleged ball pl.yen from tbat staid suoh oommOD oocurrenlle t h (l t n old iOwn. l'IME CARD . oold, however sUght, shoul d not be MONE TO TJUAN . dlsregILrded. Ohamberlllln 'l\ Cnugh The game W&l too one elded to be t: f' Ft:OT IVE APRI \. 15, ilIOU. We h ave fr om iflOOO to ,fiOO,OOO t o Remedy oounteraots !lDy t. Delenoy tiIIville team- _ NOR1'S IIOUND. Slallon. N", I ' No. 3' No . ~· No 7' of a ooll,i to resul t 'iD pnf>urn o·D1l1 . 10lLO OD R eal ESIDtll 'ancl Life 1u8\1· P ' M and haa guiD ed its grellt l>opulruri ty rance Policies, a t the lowest. rate or 81mplv l1MtiD~UlII Leba,Don IIggre. A. M. A . AI . P. M . gation wUboo'lUJyeffort whatever. Leboonoll Jc • .u:; au 10 ~D 1 au ~ ;)~ and exteDsive sllle by its prom pt nterest. . ourSll of this m ost OOOlmo n uilm out. . ~ . SAYKR I J u ' lC AoeN ' Y Co. , Whep tbe game fiDally oloeed Shaker Cr. '7 27 10 ~t 1 ~7 4th and Walnut !Its .. 1 6 17 It always ou..rel! and i8 pl ea.~!ln t t o the IIOOre a&ood 113 to 3 an" tllll only R 08J IIl I 7 ~:! I 10 1 7 I I Qt 'Clnolnnati, Oblo. " 16 take . For II&le oy F . C. Sohwartz . jv 11 reaRon LebaDOD iot tbree rnn8 Wit Heml*lead 7 I '; lU 1(, I 1~ ' Centerville 'i 12 10 0 7 1 I~ 6 0; heoaUIie the W.ynSllpllo bO~1I took Maoor . 7 OU "10 01 U 0 0 t j 0 1 pUy on lhem and decided to give L)'Ue 7 01 ~ ~o I 01 4 btl them a few . Edl(ewood ;e 611 ;II f>ij H!! 38 4 ~3 •~ Yeoabl e ~.a 5' ;II f P 1~ ft ' . 4 49 TBE U1i.EEN tlEAL PAINTS KI'<:hoer ~ ~~ ;~~ 6~~ ~: " i\SK THE MA NWHOWE~ THEM"_ _ . ~od thlnnlD" wl~ .purl' Llnlleed ~~~~ ti U ;1! a6 "I ~ 11 'S6 Oil, .nd are &hereforemore !!CODom· "ebauoo-Lv. II 3S II ao l Jl 31\ t ~o RO m e m 11 who p'el'~~~'~~ne'~:~:~. Read dlreo· C H. D D. X'l' 0 & X T C n & D For ule by J. E. Janoey. " Da,too U 40 II 0 0 !! uO II 00 •• D. X 'I' ,D &: 6xO~ Sore ·Nlpplea. 8 DO A oure IDAY be effected by .pply SOUTHBOUND. IDIL OIaambe.,!aln'. 8alvealllloon at A . M . . A. M. P. M. P. M. y the ohlhlla doo. nDl'llng. Wipe .t$ Luye No 2' No t ' No 6' off with. 110ft oloth before allomDi Day too : ell ." D 'pay- a the oblld to nnrM. "auy . ,,.Ined Day too , D" X T 7 00 Ie. 00 ~. Oil Dur Hl UM till. nlve with the belt Lebau01l Jo. 7 40 10 86 2 a~ po~ f, reeDI.. . Price ,35 oent. per ~. Shaller oroelloll 7.: 1081 I a7 Sold b1 r. C. Bobwart.. . • ::::.~~ ~ ~ ;1: ..~2 ' 242 DO YOU KNOW Ceoloe,.,lIle · 7 ~8 10 fi8 pay . Waoor "8 04 " 1'0 &8 The .,value of "BaDJUl·. Ltl!Itro L,Ue II 09 II 0' F1nllb" It mall. old 1100.... fnr. £dl".ood ' 8 II " 11 01 Dlture aDd woodwork look more Yenable U 10 '11 11 th~ labc~ beauUfnl ~ban wben they "ere new Kltob~"r +8 I~ til 1:1 And It laata. See tinl.hed IIIImple. Dc!dd. 111 '0 11 ' II at. J. E. J.nney.. <-la.8 :l1l .1124 III :II! In :10 ....... - - - - -.:.. lAbanoD Arrive 11811 11 30 a ao U d CI~thcs dtomaoh TrooblS11. Dall), UDt!pl Sunda,. S SlOp On . hcnlli. II.... 8118 Marti., .n old and bl,h. MUIMbAT TaA"'M. I Iy relpeOted reelden' of raISODI., TullIS pa .. J.yUe all follow~~ MI., wa'llok with Itomach troD. J%rtbbo.od · ~ liSa. ql. II 47p. m. fInd ble for more 'b.n.1x mODthtl Ch.m. SOlltbbouDd g Oh. m 1 0 8p, m. berlaln'. t5&0maob md UVfll' 'tab . lete oued her; She "yl : ."1 cau . W, E. MOORE. now eat .n1 tblD,1 ".Dt and am . GeDeral PIl_Dl~r Aleol. Lebanon. O.
~e onlelt1 and neglect. Par. UAL UTATY. TRAlf"J'lI:RII .... (were married June 211. 18GIIIlDd Rao~el Tam"ett et.1 &0 Arl.ndD8 GIere are two ohlldren. W. C. GI&henl. 2.9b aortll! IU' Wayne TowD· ThomPlO"".'&orD81 for plain"1r. IIll,; limo. ' .,... rd' 6 D........ E OOURT paOO.cliPlaOtl. -.w. ... .UOD to uar ..... ra . '. ADDle G. Bradburl, .x.... e&o. SUoup; lot In 6ar.vey.burjJ; 45. CharI.. Bradbury et al. wm ClOD. Ableal R. JeD1I1~ ~ Barry S . .b1Jed tbac .-Id,. Aunle C. Bradbul1' lI.yne; lot III Frlulklln ; 725. haa power' of disposition for her Charle,' TOWJlIl8Dd to Mlohael Noll . o8Olllll'Y DIe, ot all real alidpenoD. Jr. md Benry W . Nall ; 60 aurea 1.D at propen, devlll8d &0 her .Dd .DOh ~amn&oD 'ownllblll; 100. SlIt. . . . . I. nnexpended OD hili' Geo. Lalcur &0 Mary F . Laaour; death Ia &0 10 the Dext at kin of qnl' olAlm \0 6.01'81 ID Turtlecreek Juhu bradbury lind Annie C. Brad. &owDlhlp: 1. bury. IIbllr6 aud Ibare alike. Coort IIaI'y F .. ~lIOur '0 Fred J. 8t. empo;eN ~XecUUI)DII to have John : a 1.01'81 In Turtlecreek 'own. Ihlp 800 ; . , . '. praill8d and 801d acoordlDI &0 law, IIIlld rnl t!lltate. Jub'lI T. 8pen08l'. qdord LoaD and BullillDIC AIIO· y ' P tJteddum alld TIIOII. 8penoer otatlon &0 Uuy BllIore; lot In Frank. are app"l,",r~ liD; , ISOO· . tit. te of Oblo ex reI Slmon&oa, Jr. John B .. XeD$er &0 a4iimaa aDd VII r.. R . WlIlIllmA, J . P. lito. AI ..I'. Frank KeDter; 5~ aor611 In 1'1Irt.le. UIl,IVIl writ of ullmde&u,uN III.ned reo oreek towDlblp; 1. ,urnable May 7. rred J. ':It. John "nd wife &0 ~II~ Ii. A. tltl\well et.1 VII 'Na.'on-.l Davl'i II aortlllill ·1·nrt1eur..ek \own. N ... Normlll Uaivenlty. W. Roll 18 .po Iblp; 1. pointed reoeivor Ilud hand I. bed Jam.,. B·. WIlIil4 tv Tho Dodde To· lit ,2600 " baooo W.rehou.... e n; 1 aore In John r• . Stuber, Ildm. eto. va The Ole.......... .... -._. ·--lIblp· "".... ,1 ' C 0 C and 8 . L. R,. Co. lIotlon ! haao O. Rodllf!nl to William fOJ' new t.rlal ovorrnled Judpmept Bmlth la, III F,.nklln ; 1 for ftoo,.and ()()tjtIJ tluetaiaed. De f.udaD' esoepta. . COmmissioners of Ohio ex Geo. 1:. Pr~eedlnO's. • Yooq .to. v. J . J. 1[..1\.1 lit at. I)e. Ju. O. Ml&obell. I18rvl~ .. fendaDt hu teD da,. to ·81e .newer Infirmary dlr8Ctor .......... 60 00 or otl1er pl..dIDIA' . W. a. tttanal••II"l Co tll· ' ~be proudeat WOIlUlD ID &hI! :~vorld lCllzabe&h Bln80l VI Joeeph BiD... I toI6Dcl.uoh 1000 medlmoe. For eDveI0"'"" r ·.r n-. ..-.... b r C • u-h--Dlvoroe granted P .... lntUr is ICl'I'D'· . III ... ~ IB e y • ..,., .._.z.
It Is Dangerous t o Negleot
In June .od lu'"
Dtmver III Jul)' IDror.·aUOD alklul eacuraloo far...noS pan!ClIai... aboll& Peau,l· .aula ........... r cOIIIIlll, Fnr
'D.. _"I••
" .aa)
10 .0llE TROUBLE . . PUNCTURES. 'Result of 15 )'ears uperie!lc~ in tire. titakiDIr· No~.r from THORNS. CAe.
SenOIa pUnctures. like intentional knj.fe cuts, can be wlcanbed like any other tire. TWI H....... TllllIIUII ,aI,.1\OW In 1OIua1 use. Ottt , """".... ·nousud ld
Iaat,..,. ·
No.... &be thlek ~bber '''';''1 MA" eDd ~Q" .trlp. I.U "
IDCI "0." ..... dID aUl.. "II" to ~ dID -w... 'l'bla Uri WW Oll&laoo' -:r other
; . err t8:r.;,:.u-s
'W.,...vllle 0
and "
of ooly"'80 pel' paIt'. All ordeN IIblppecJ .....e day lener" recel.ve4. W.e IIblp ~O.D. 00 approval. YOIl dO DOt pay. cmt'UOUI70.U hive " ... lDIntd .nd foul1d them Itridl,. •• replUeJlltd. We will alloW a _ _all& ofSlJerceal (tbereby tI1akIt\8'lbe priI:C ."113 perp.jr) If you ""1101 rVLL OAIIU WI'IU OROSa aDd enel,*, th" oClvertlarilout. We wlU abo ..n4 OIIe nlebl pl.te'll _ hand _ p aDd (WP ""'1*'11 me~ puncture cl ....... OIl full paldordera (thue melal P'"ctUft c~ to be ujtd hi...., of lot...llo.... kJ1Ife Cllla Of h ..Yy ..... Tifft to be return ... at oua es~ If for l1li)' ftUOII they are IIOt .tIaI~ 011 _ I t ! . W. ere pft{«tlJ reliable and mOlll!)' ..... to UI q U Mle .. It! a ba11k. Ask)'OUi' l'cIatmuter ""n...... ICspnae or PreIorht Alr'!D1 Of the Editor or th"paper about ua.' ,If )'011 ...... a J!!I1r 0' lh... II .... ,.... will 8Dcf'that thl!)"wlll ride euler. fUJI futer•.war better. WI loafer .ail look lnerlllall.."lIft,..,.. ha........... 1Iied or .....t ""y.prioe. We itJIowlhal ,,",will be .. well plea.e" lhat .bee you waat • bIc:7de you will " I I I your onkr. W • .Wlllll you to _d . . . _ I I trial . order .. _ . beIIce IbIa _ b l e lire offer.
-"- ·......r..
buOt-opo.h• .". ~ ........ II&Jt8 aDd ftDain al111 ----~ everythlililia lhe blcJde IhI".re ..Itfby . .II. . .t ball lbe;""'1 pn.. ..... b:r dea1en ucI repair _... Wrlie for oar bqLSUltrOay cala\line. - - .., .. but write ... • ~ loday. DO !COT THI" 0," BII'I'Il'fO • 110 - _ . blCJCleor a pair "f 'Ureslro", "")''''''' DJltil)'Oll ItJIow tile lIew IIIId
--t-t----·-' IEII ' IICLE aO.UJ. hpt. ••.. L·'
.' ,th.,.cloD"~""ha',~ ~ we ..___-_-_,.._C'"'~'l".'-. .. pat .... 1DOIIef lIaolr. '
. . . . . . . , • •, .Klllle hi a" 'llm It """"I),.and easy rlc!hlw !ftY durable and lined lu.lde .lth • op!dal qUilt)' Of rUbbet'. which ,n ever IM:comee poroua aDd wblch cl-. up llinal\ pUnctureo .. lthOlllaUo.nq 1\Ie air to 'eDpe. We have huadnodli of !etten from atJa6cd cutomeril .latlul.: thaUh.lrtlrea hiftonl, _ pumoed.upoaeeor lwice III. wbole _ . . . They _lab DO more .h." .0 ordlaary 'Ure.~punctun! r..latlnll quallU ... bellII' .aiYeJI byoeveral fa,.,.. of tbln . •peclally prepaNd.fabrloc ... Jbe lread That "1I01d1i1W _ " oeuiidIco cotomoal), felt whaa.odlallon • • phal t or IOfl toadII ................ by Ibe paten "lIuk'" Weave" tread wblcli prt:geJIla all air from belnll' aque'tlecS OIlt ~ the tire UICIlbe ....t ·thu. """rcomlt!W all ...cifOll. The rqiu\er price of thrsc tI_ pel' ~f. bat for ...... rt1aIall J)\l~I'" anullikiDK lil1ledal factoc'y Dri&i: to the rld. r
are ....... 1.... II OIIly ~ a poalallo learn CftIJlblt!'. Write .. KO••.
.....s.rtuifI!- -
.~. Ial". ILL
Well. MootlllY mornln, the "tBtte 'and lie ~aJll he pul be THE CHOICE OF PAINT. -'-MARIN!: NOISE Pt1AKERS. aad alonr about w e mIddle had a hllnoh tbl' those 2:ebra8 would ot \110 , llarRde. just abead ot the cal- make toJ' running water Tt tl\ey ever J'ttt.T yea,.. -110 I well.palnted bOll" ria Sorna, Kech!'nical FoC Born ' lIopu, was Ila anti hI. alx 7.ebra leam. gOl beyond tlOn ..:ol. WIl.:I. tbe crowd wu I rare slg4t; to-d~' In unpainted and Oth"ot Koderl1 COIl- . his frenks alI<I r porters, end pa ban· follow erl dowu LO th rlvelr. alld overy· bonae Is rarer_ If people know ;the trivanc8l. dlell 'th e rlbhollR Ilk a 1)lrate. Tho body was rC ~C lled. lind thl) rost of the real 'u lue of paint a bOlle. 'tn need rat: woman , t · on th o drlv r' s seat Ilarad>! went over lhe route. IUId In of ~alnt woUld be ''scarcer tbln hen'a Tlo borns, such as ventlers bring out wli Ir J'", tor ballast. and lbe rest ot tll afternoon I he I lit li M so (ull teeth." The~e was 10m. elCUIIe for Ill' the wlIgon lond In the Clty'l! streeta I he fn.'llks Wllrl' sandwlcbed Inri' be· Ih l' wer thousands sta.ndlng up, our forefatbers. Man, of the,m thed on election night. are etock w-ticlell of t w e n t h report ers. We went 010 g all When p9 cllmo luto tho matn tent, ,In housell bardly worth. presetvlng; sale the Y8llr around In tbe s tores IIf rlght Cor blllr a mill!. the circus IInlldli ,\\ Itb the zebrlUl. In ~he grand parade they knew nothIng about palilt. ez.' daalers in marine 'U\IPlIeS, 8ay" the wDlklng besI de Iho ze bras, to Itlll Uleru arOUnd the ring, Lhe qrowd gave him oept tbat It was pretty; aad tq get a ~ew York Suu. . It they trl 'l1 to jump over a . Ilouse, three cbeers. \vhlch 'probilLbly caused house painted was a aerlous anI) cO,st. . T/Jousllnds at tin horn, , at various By HON. G[O~u t· W. PECK whlh! i rot! tho, hell mull!. If 1 .bad th e manRgement to r ' fral!n from ills, Iy Job. The dllforene. betw4Ien their sizes nre IInnllally sold to ftsbermen, AUIh.Gr OI · " .eti"~ K.a Abr d • e lC", Ii"nn plnn uln!; th e ze ura bus iness. 1 cbarglng trim on Ihe spot. Pa Is like 'case and ours I, that when thex want- oystermen and men using boats, In many \\' ould have picked out a ' i \'0 1 town a !lB.t. 'cBuse ho alwAys :Callll on bill ed pllJn~ It bad to be made for the~; waters, Iii various pursuits, and Buob III try It on, but. Kan~n ~ CIty Is ~1I teet 111\ right, and he thln 'ks the zebra wherea, when we need paint we can horns are sold, U well, for boats IIsed hlil M nnn r\lvlneg, nnd going up hili lally·ho In Ihe t'lIlrat,le WllS tbe fea- go to tile neareet 1004 store and buy for pleD.4ure. A big bol'll at thJa kind Pit BI'cllk lu I he l'ns lIun DI'lv&S tire 7.eb rlls' tfl lly-ho had to b pu 11 d l ure thRt Ca ~, d the crowd to visit It. In any color or Quallt, ready tor mlgbt be heard a mile, S i~ - in - f1 nll (l 1'(-ll lfl In Ib~ PI\ by n ro uplp nr I pllanl s, 'cRlIse th e the s how ; hut he soys hh '1',111 Dover use. We know, or ought to know. b;p For larger vessels, sucb as schooners ra d _Th e FI' Illt~ H ltvr n Nurro", "ellru wouldn 'L pull tbe loa~, anLi drive ~ I1 Lorns again. on act:ouot of the thll Ume, that ,to let _ bouBe stand aa11lng In open water anil"not~qu\pped going . dowll hili we hRd to lock tbe xclleL' ) lit, • . ' E SCApe t rolll n l'o wlIl lI g . un'palnted, 18 most coati" whUe a rood with power with which to blow whIstles; ....h rels. lind !l1l(le dow.1. The 'at woman talks at hal'log Ila coat of paint, applied In season, Is the . there lire provided mechanical Cog bor~ Pa I. ~ l\lt'k 0 0 II'" I." Lorll~ (10 , When WI! got all tbe main street. arrested for br liking onll of her rlba bellt of In veatmeli'!i. If we put olr the that can 'be operated by 'hand. lInd'that 11" 1 knu\\ \\ hUI I h~ r~ I ~ ul Klut 11 ~ebr~ , wh er th crow.1 IlIled hoUI sides. al· wben he held her down with hili t\let; ,brief vts[t of the .Inter we 8ball 10 can be heard tbl'eeor'! ourmlleslLway, u nle~~ 'I IN I h~ \I nil p~p~r "lTect~ I" o~t up to the Il1nm, and the people but lIn DRYS his fe el dId not sink Into due time baTe the carpenter" COOlin, WIth ,t he mllltlplloatl,ou everywhere III.' ~"IHl llr ,\I'cora Io n thnt ~ Ilc" I.tlilun to chl'llr . L1w 1.01.0 ...8 began to b 'r · mQro than a toot or so. and lie to pay liS a 10D, .,lalt at our upensll. wl~ln recent year.S ot, pleasure craft nl/lKe II 11111" 1I'1\Vl' all tli ' cot ll r ,' ,,-nllz a nd klelt. aud try to jllmp over couldn't have bIt a rib. n~lhow. Lumber 18 'c onstantl, aeUlni sCarclr, there have been ~troduced stili other 0131 6 :J J\!1 ('Iuav' 111110 th ,· 1,~b r" , , ~r h uthe r, but Ihe Imndl! got th em ' Well, I nm glad to be hack In tho deirter and poo,rer, wblle . prepareCi aorts o( noIse makers, One of these Is n 'Imongled. aud _ wo ,worried along. sbow. 'cllllse there 18 mOire going on paints are ,ettlne pleatler, bettllr an4 beJ/oWli horn, wltb he hoi'll 'a ttschllll I'" hal< til'" '' 1'11111 11 [0: HI hb'; ' lel ~. tltnl' nil ;; ULlllll r r hr":I I(\ Il!: Ihl' 'I. 'III, Ihllul';b pa W6S pal , arid looked Itke lhan tber ..... s 10 the hospital. where lell8 ujI8nslve. It I. a Ihort·elgh~d to the top board 'of a trlmly-lInlBhed Iv II I n ~. g. lIun oI rl\' llIl; 1i1l' m ~ III " • wall IIDloklng a cll:1lr wblle !lltling I put In 'a week while tbe doctors wen! plaa to let the valuable , lumber of our bellows. at oblong .hnpe, to lbe top Mnd ' luuble I II lil(> flU" ,IIMay s .' 11 RII open powder keg, The tat 1111111ng thc !:actus pIn feo't bers oul 01 houses go to pieces for the want ot board of whleh also 18 attached a handle. paint. . II UIOIIIl Ilrullbed pa overy little while. Pll tbat gTew out on blm In Indlas: Tills bellows born can be Pllt d,own any,lid ~"re8med that sbu wanten to ~et territory. Oee, but If 1 'had to leave For tbe man that needs paint there where nnd operated simply )ly pressul'e. tbe clrous business nnd go back tO I are two torms trom wbleh · to chooee; Thougb not as' big as the mechanical fog s 'hool, I knuw I should, L1le of lone- on Is.. the old form, BtllI favored by horn It can be beard for a considerable UPE·RU·N4 WORKED .' SIMPlY MARVnOUS.·· sumeness. certain un.progl'esslve palntera who d,lstanC<l, " I got Ii cbaDl~e to talk ' with: pa at have not yet caught up with tile time. A sUlI smaller bellows 1I0lse maker slipper. and asked him If he was real· -lend lind 011; tbe otb.e r Is tbe ready. has In ~Iace of a horn an all' whIB~le. ~ulfered Iy era7.Y: ;u; the hands sal~ he Is. Bnd for-lI sC paint found In ever)' up.t.llate Another ....hlsUe coo.trlvance ' hAIl • how he · liked 1.ebras. anyway. and be store. The ftrst must be mlxe4 'Vltb small upright motal cylinder In wblch said: ' "Hennery, zebras 81re Just pea- olr, drl!lrs.' turJl.llntlne and coloN, be- air Is comp~d by meaoe of a bandle _ Unable to pie, tbey stampede JlIst like ' poilU'. tore It la ready tor use; the otbe, .. worked Ilke a plunger. Tbe whistle; - clans a'ud l>unl<ers, -Md ' b'llRlne88 men need only be stirred up In the (lal) Which .m,a y be ooe:of n Iln~e ,toue. qr a Mles Luoy V . McGivney, ~, Srd A .... geoerally, II-od never know enollgh to and It Is ready to go on. To buy Brooklyn, N.'Y., writes: . hi I ttnch d t tb e o . 0 tsld 00 fth e "POl' many lfIonth. , s.lI.led .N, let we'll enough III one. 1rhe mule Is lead and 011 . colors, etc., and .' mil - l me. 8 II: verely 11'O~ helldaches and ".In. In tbe only dl'l1ft animal t'hat always them Ihto a \1alnt by hand Ill, In this ey 4Ider. slim lInother modern noIse mak~ III tbe .ld" 'and ' lNIek, aometlmes beln, plllls straight, Ind ' gl:ts 't hore right .t.WO:lt1 cth century, about the same Ide up," , as retllslng to ' ride In. a ' lJ'olley car an air-blown whlslle with a light con- unable to attetrd to my d.,I¥ WOl'Ir. " 111m better, now, 'btI"D fO Peru. It I was goIng to run a clrells fOT be allse one's grandfather blld to wllik trlvance .attaqh~~, "'I~e~ t,Jlo whlatlo cord 1a ,pulled tbe lIgbt shows 8S the n., and.mllslle"r. . . e"' casy money, nnd a picnic. I 'wouldn't or r\de on borseback when he wantilA ... hlstt. blows, Obviously the light at. 110 m~", headllche,. have any menagerie conrl('cted wIth to go anywhere, Prepared gahlts have taohment I" for'u e at.u1gbt to locate thO ! "The WilY Perun. ",on_ '" lIq , It. 'CI1I1Se Ihe anImals make' Ulore trOll' been on tbe ' market less than Ofty boat frOID whlcb the whistle Is blowlng' l ~:: ")'. ' a/"'lplJ' "'-filllnG/ou" OJ t f " ble than all the rest ol! tne show. yoars. but. they havo proved on tb. , lb I to d d I .. e lave n our es maDy gra e u. Wblle ese a r ,solln II ro, 1;1 \l-rR, 1 e- letterll from women who baTe lIuffered The, ar ,just like 111 Io~ of oblldren whole 110 Inexpensh'e, so convenient In ... retorm IIcbool, t,hey don't want and 80 good that the conallmption to. sIgned more 'espeCially tor: yachts nd with the symptoms named above. LaW. tQ work. and they a~e jllst I? Oklng for day, Is somettilng over allty Ul!llleo launohes Dna ten'dera and othor p18118- of space Jlrevents Qur !riving more thAl1 a chance to ·ftgbt when 'Your 'back la gallons a year and stili growing. Un. u ro crnft, Ine rather more elaborate. olle;testlfuonlal bero. it ' I8 Impoealble to eYeD approxilJlate turnl'd, a to esca'pe: ' 'Tbet' don't less tbey -.OOd been In the main 8atls, U1ey are used for PfepjselJ tbo :llBmG purposes liS the old ,tin .!lorn nl\Dlel" to the great-amount. of 8Ujfprillgw.hlch Peknow where tlroy ,,'ollld ,0 It tbeJ faotory, It stands to reason tbere 'f l I rUD~ has relieved, or the Dumber 01 , I iii f dId escape, but they 'dpn t wo~t anJ- ' 1Jo~ld . bave b1!en no suc~ stcally gvew:'}r , ng IDease or og. orsgna- womonwhohavobopnrestore4tobealUt . lnr In orowded Walel'Wl'lY9, for blOWing aA4i1i\re~!r1oh by ita falL ... a1 .... body o\'er them. to leacb !'bem moral., growtb In tt..;lr use. ~'her8 Never W8S Suell ft· Runa way Since the Day. of Ben-Hur. M1J:ed pa,i !ts are lIeceBllarl1y "beap. , for landings or for brldgee. tllou&h wben meaJ time com_ the T1!tQrm school 'boys and tho me.nage'rl ' er tllan paint at tbe ' hand-mbed ILlnd, us. I ba e trle,l to n'ru!O u 1111 oul ol l".1 and .w3lk, bllt pa told IJDr_ lO husb lInlmals oat like trsmpa, because Ihe because th\lY are .made III a large \fay KNEW HOW TO WORK "pbp' bill unnatural InrlltllLltioll fo r :t. hrn . up and try to be a man. tood Is 80 good, and UieD klok 1>& by mllcblnery trom materials bought but you might as w~1I llllk 10 a , rje~ \\<011. as we were gOing down bill, ca uso It Isu't belter, If yotllr perf_ 1p, I;U-&e Q\lIUIUtiea ~ .ahe 'manufac. lGdulgpt Pater l"lxed tha Oloek to old "man who get!! stuclt oro a choru!; by 11 pa~ •. nellr Lhe lIfldland hotel, ers In the clrcua Ilroper do not' sult turer. They ' ure necellSarlly better S~p Kaggle ~ecelve Pargirl. Bnd glve8, her :tll ,his mOney, and wat confounded 011.1II ope had .got right Xpu , ~at;l d!lI!lb arg8, iA'I!'D., , !idd It tmiy than J:ajnt~ mix d b~ hond. becallse , tlcqlar Mil. ':" bas to go and IIvo a the ' poor housl!. up behind the tally·bo aod t/le o'r uro sick you can leave tbelli tn 8' tbIlYJ!0 Onel ~oltnd nnd more '" __ A zCbrn t lllwllYS looks tome _ 1II~e gll,nls~ cut her loose. ~Ith tbe tune : hospital. and go on wltbl the sbow,' tlit\'rOU~l* ml e , qn calise tQcre '~HaVl fa{h~rl Clla'uio;ed, do YOD jOllO lhnl na'ure has plRreLi . Who, but .. ~ Life n the Ocean Wav,c," Every d f t be h 'ttl th t. 1eS1!' chance r-t e raw materials 11\ . .. nnlure. would e,=e r think or layhlg out zebra j1-lmped Into the air.' the brats :~ow o;:e ln a a ~ce0lm. t'::'; ~ale :~ them . tielng adulterated. No painter. tHlbk!" inquired the old ·mald steuola plan (or a z~br:l, and paInting It In rootpjec~ o,lloapcd pa's toot, and the gbosts. aod weak as cat.!!. llnd demsnd bowever corefll) he may be, can ever raphtlr" just after lUDell. relatos m,e • strl pell, like a barber's pole, ,nd ye~ tally-ho run on to the beel!! .of ~e baci( salary; but your anImal bss to be IIlIre that the materlalll be bUYI are CbloagO In~er Ocean. we InUSI admit t\jat few human 1lI1I~ tl< wheel ze~rIl8, and !t was all olt, Tbere be. take., along. e,ad petted. alld wbon not ad,ul\erated, but the , Iarg.; ,paint .. "Why?" ukefl the . IIIDart Aleck could paInt a mIllion zo bras anli gl'l never ",as such a runllwllY s lpce tb(r 3'OU give him IDe~' 'Inll ao lave bls tnanlltacturer 'does know In eTel'7 ' boo)d(eeper, "Does everybod, I he stripes on M rerfe<:t .as na(llr days of llen Hllr, Pa bad ' presence. of lite he win try to 'l\lt!!.' J!our liand olt. 0.11:88, llecouse' everytHil& be buyS gooa but'tather' at your hou o?" • does 'with her eyes shut. The mul mind eDougll lb make the fat lady get , An4 yet rOil cat(t ,b@i>} &~tng, stuck tbr9ugh' the chemls: . bancIB before "Ob." repllea the b. ' 1.1. S., "It l8I1't' ..lid •he :r,ehra are .1Istant relativo!s. down olr lhe ~eat. and h.e put his (eel .on tile 8nlmal,. IlDd II;. mat nts etllck he acceptS It. ' anytblng lIke that, but I 'eat at oae 'callee late ot mules t.cve a few strlpell on, her to .bold her down, tbe ero ~ oJ ' the klod of ~nlplal 'Uiat~1I most Of course t118J'o sre )oor: paInts on 01 those 'g irls" IUDOb clubs where yo on ~ he ir legs, but the zebra Is the yelled. a uri ollr :r.ebrllS rllO Illto tJ,1e like him. The 'g rlazly [qllf , granger. ' tbe , m,a rket (wblcb are generally belp YOIU'8I!If, you .lmpw. To-day I ol~eat so u who Is ,arIstocratic and In- eage ahead. containing Lhe bebemot who never buttona ,tJl. c,~ lar of bIll chea" pllnts). 80 there Is poor 1l0iir. lug In the mlddle, of the \IooC' harlts lb ll sluff, while lbe mule II tbe of Holy Writ, anel ·knO<)ked oft a hind ~1I1rt. anil ",hose ~dam's pple 1001<11 poor cloth, poor soap; bllt becallse 'of wlth m, tomato soup and caran:'i~l' )ee )'oun ger Son who oever gets a look wbeel. and every )\'agon ahea,d was like a hen's head. 11'11\ lltay by t/le tbat do we go b~ck to the hlUld.mJ1J,' oream" wondering wbere .to alt, '~hen, In for the IDoney, but bas to wor~, Ilher Upped over or dIsabled. The co,m ela. bOllrs at a tfme, tbe pious the hand·loom IUId the II.Qa.(l-kettle ot I 'saw two 'luob sweet, IbnO<!ent; ,oun, ,for a livIng. So It lij 110 wonder to mlf p!lQple fairly "'en,t , wild, thinking lhe churcli man feels at bomEI "mOng tbe tbe backwoods No, we use O1Ir com~ IOokin, thinga that I cou~dn~t. resIst that the mule klck~, Thll 1.ebra Is hi" rU~llway waS apart of tbe , sbow, I!8cred cattle. the etronu.arm bold. mOil aeillie In cbooslng goods. We-ftnd sittll1g down a"t the same table with _dude of the family , and tbe m~le look" T~e glnnt Calnt d from frlt;lIt, 'cause up man will IIngcr by ' tbe' grizzly out the repnta~lon. \It the ' dl/lerent theta. I Jut wanted to bear1thelll talk, nil to .111)0. when hi' ollght to kick bl r he ll'wayS was a .c oward; tbe bearded bear, the prlze-ngbter wUl bauDt the ~rande 'of 1\onr, cloth and eoap; we aDd to' lliagbie myself 40110, Qga1n,N 81ats In, and ruh nut his sL rlpe~ With woman threw her arm>! around are- , \lons' den the garroter 11'111 gaze lov- take Icc~~nt of the , Iltandin, of tbe ..·{t 1{u ~. ,WOrkJ "1faan't ,lU'; Inporter, Blld 5crBtcbed II/s face witb Ingly at 'tbo tigers the sneak tlilef d~er that handl .. them, we ' uk Qulred ~ ~ _ll~ bookk\,eper. . ' mule eboe crUller, , " "Well," lI't!Illt on the O. M. S., takWhile I}B wall fn ~he hos pital tit ~n- ber whiskers. while ,the Glrcasslan seems to love the h~enas:' aud tbe bl" our nelgbbors. •. SO .... lth plillit; If the 88\1 ally hl' rormed " plan to pliraly&e girl got her wblte ~tg caug ht In the Ilame hunters watcb the deer and ,01~ m~ufactul'l'r bAa a ' good 'treputatlon. ,I u, AO . DOUCe. "th18 la the , con"ersaT th e town "y drivin g six ~ftUra8 to IS brancb of Il tree and lost It. and she Some of liS wllo .have brailn!! Jove Ihe If tjle de.ler Is , responsible.. ' It Olll ·.JoD I heard: monkeys. tlley are 80 human , D,e lghbors haye had satisfaction with ,. 'Did 10D ~ ,to the , It, tbat ougb~ to be' pretty good eyl. night, M~&"'T' • f TH'E,' " He MAD . E H'il;~SCAPE ' dence that tiie' palnt ·ta aU rlglit. · , • " ., 'Yea' and e~,* a -;.: "Msny men of many Itln"s.....l.. :ma e'l' could~'gO, and ...... 1 b d ' Many paints cif many klndB; , " If,1 gQtt .ftI.,~,. 12 .,pa Sad an -Idea ,we. c P.rove 10 but wtrlle prePared palnta m&y differ tbls ..oifJtt,'rW the V8'7 ' , Be Just Wh!lt "IlVas ' l:On81derably In compOSition, the bet· ~}lou:ld Jo.ttQ. J ~!l-' I .~;bhln" ~. ter grlldes of them aU acree ~efJ.Y home by 'mtdnlght. or ,,,iv.foAl" elosely In t8!!ultll, "All roads ,lead to It, b'ut t dldn·t ten, ma OQIi' '1 ,1'iIIr .. ,>t This may not be 01. new "ay of gel- Rome," and the paint ,manufacturers, over anll ' got LizzIe' and we tlng rid of a peTlils l('ot caller, b~l It, ltalltlng by dllferent paths, have 'all had ilie swellest Umel And bas certainly not grown stala by ap' the same object-to make the , I!bst got ,home up"t tour o'clock ~ pllcalloo, anll bas t.he Intereot. or an paint possible to sel~ for the lenst morning. I tOQ.1t my sbpes ,q tt aclual recent occurrence, r l!latee ,Judge. money, and 10 capture and keep the, 'thi! 'door ' and went In .'the 'back way. 'The- falll r's busIness , tI\lles. blm Ollt trade., '! . •~ h I ' , But'. tbey had changed the' futntttlH!' of lown a good dea~ _ and th.e daugb", ~lIer, 'Is scarcely" anJ', other a~lcl, around, '( gue,8ll, for I;'(ell over l:\ ' <!halr, , ter bas II, caller ,whom there 1:1 of pneraJ u,e .' oo ' t~, UlarJ< th~ . cl?ck l stI'l\Ck' fOUl:. aud' but , ~oIDe aon luntl/e rBLabnrdlng·l'bth.~t ,It Is OnltY' ~l1b~ .lhat ,cap \1}e bOught with anytblng ;lIke, pll.• f imJd: ·'Sb. don't tell mo.... nn. 5 age e qre,. I)' o.ngagemen , J , l' t~r aB~!Iral)ce ' lI gettlng, 70ur' money's ' pa !laId: "Yoo JUllt leave It to othilr nI ght , l he Ca llter lSe ned gen- worth as ,the 'establlshe'd brands ot pre. So what 'dtd pa do btIt turn' tbe .' eral uottco tbaL be I)ll!st t~1>1l earl! ' Ql!J'ad aln . ~ palIK you buy to. back three honrs,. and ',Ithen tral n. and DllIs t ,ti9 callell (or l 'I'be day may not be like a certaIn patent one. "Wha~s tbat noise ,. ma ho,UIiI'ed, sap.a evenll, oa,11! , til • \lute medicine "tbe 'same as yoll have al· "Oh you're dreamlnf' '' ' pa yo ng rna r. er.r~ , wayS bo~gbt:' but it not. It will be ':WI;d time ta ' 1t11l 8a~B rna. ' ·"0n.' By ten o 'clock the c1d gen eman bad because t~e manufactllrer has fOllnd o'clock;," pa .,.JII. "Is Manle In +': ma ; u!'!'ill!~~':~d tJl.e Dd~ til.' ,0 l>' e . ~, tbe a way of Btvlng you, _. pet~er artlclo says. . "Sirel abe's In," I" " ~" SO concl USion t'1l t comfort W~B a for your money. !lnd BO ~aJtJng more I "ent, to; bed ap,1I. PI!- got UII a8llln minor con81~eratll\ll In . tbat lIollBe-. llIre ' of your next ortier. ' bed the clock right aflcl : ma pav. hol~ , This I,S nOl t ue. liut It. Is a r p,f 0, knew 'anrthlne abduf; H.t i t8"fl Y01I\ '1Ii~:::'~~~~~~!I~'~~~(~t,r;::~'l;,~~~; convlctlon lhat frequelltly , seizes the , '..' ' pa~ a I)eIlCb. :.> ne ' alwayt ~taJid. k; r' he~d, or a fam~IY, wi en be Is out , of , On~ Too Many for ~eJJ1j • me lfk.. ~at/" " , ."" IIOrts. He slaimneil sevett.l doora ' '" I' A ,ebort Ums !lgo 01 gang of rJvetel'8( "S: . b knows bo~ 'to wor;k 'fatMl"" I\''''!j.'~ The Zebras TurDod ShQl't· and Tipped the Tally-Ho Over Into the Water, rllDl-inder to the ~Uer· He raised, the , W~I sent to do some' work, on .. brIdge ' a)1 " ;~h~ ~'l right: ,d08't he '.' sarIS me noIsy w.lndow tbree tlmetI. IDC III courae, of .conlt.tucU,on. , 'Phe , ' got th~ hobk'kee.rier; aciinlrlngly, t )' 1' : 1;..IIioo'''I'II.i.~.''u: , " . , It IIlways makes mo~e noise wber be- i lodgtnga ~d started to board ' ~m. . " "', -, ,. " " ., .i tnlly ·ho coach, In the parade, und t~ e IIVIIB as bald as ~ an os trich egg. Pa lug lowered. He ,put out lights v.<her-· .elves; tiut they tiegan to thln:l'ith&, . , reporte rs Interviewed I/a. and lhe ps ' .ook out the whip and " larrupM the ever Lhey were> not hn abAblllte' ~'~eB' landlady was belpln,pborietr to thea . , , 5" .."nft'lDe. pers werl! full of It. an d' the people were . zebra. ' to Ilut some uri\\" ~trlpes on · alty, call ~ 'LO ,\te 1, ~«1unger cbl rell ' food, 80 tlie, thougbt they WOUI~ ~ t~l' " :.ti Bolla)«) ~ 8~~!:~_ ahne'WliIIlo,~,-. "'!ill with excltemen L, nnd eve r)'hody tlleDl . , , I . • that It was ll1gb\ time lbey werll and catcll ,her. Seeln,: new -potatoea N_ Tort, 1I&...... g, . .,.,., ere! When we passed the -c:,amels tbey , a51~, ' aud droPI>ed a Ethoe ever~ exposed ' for .11.10 ,Bt a ~cer'8 ~ :.-aD. to ftnd ,th.'!. B:I~k oatlqna,l ,baDlI:. ""(toLed til see a sJll-ln·haud zebra· tt'am. drIven . by Alkali lite. ,.OM of Lbe I ,hought they ' were In the race, and tllree 'or four mlnUleq wltl)i a' bop ' tbat bouglit ', 80m,a. 'anll ', ~lI.vln, :C:O,u~ted; ,1'11: gIV~;flu ba,p: a ~01!1UI; ~ ~O\,,~ crelllest western Bt:a«e d river:! that '~a$ ' they 11lIcki eLl In to kee p II\). and lhe It would een-e as a hint; " th~m,.- they gave 'tl,Jem t,o the. Jaadlad7 PI& te;. IIi , ' ' . .. ' e~er lJ elc1 up by n 'lI!1 agenl8, Pa charlot hor~l's gOl lhe , best , of the drlv. ""I:cn e er,vtb.l~ else bad r',led, to 'cook for th 11' illnners.i ,Each/ maD V(llh ,," grIn the"boy replied'. AU was to be A.lkall lite. Tb e how strUck ers and they Join ed In. My mul~ kept ., ¥ I D "glit come alopg And he lett mao tb' . bnlldlng 'ball' a ' ,Ka l\!ia~ CIty Sunday LIIornlng.,and the up all , rIght. and 11'0 wellt clown, the and tis p tlence; was about, exba st:cd. W~ to',oo~nt bow ma y ' be BO&~' bu~ Bull .• liell ' "tbe, '~ecr, tbe a1'li' ,a 0 '. ~ ,. ' 1l18ua"emenl wss ecared at wh llt [la bad bill on, to lhe level ground tbat runs be 'W6nt LO· tile top or, tbe s,t alrsl aDd to, thelr _.~e, ' I ' .l.L_ '1;ll'enised to do. lind Ih e-y a ll w,tinted , to the ' r.,'lssollrl rlY,er. ,Wben we ·got s holtted : , ' J' , colter , 0 .., the ',dllib. 't}ieY ',- fo:nnd ...... , ' . d l " ~~ !:BflCH to (;'11 olr tb~ zebra' ~tlil\! . bul !is -snl(1' to Ihe ~Iver lhe ~ebras t\Irned 'sliort , "GI1\dys. dlll.- -cir dljl ': 1, not' ell you 1i.llIllail, had,'lnaslied the J)O~~t ! • !)lhe /J.rr:!l~ ,,~.~~~ e ~~m d I:' It tnt' )' cut It OUt_, the I,e,ollle would a nd lipped t1(c ' tally:ho O\'Cr Into tbe to call hHi at 4; 30, 1\0 tba~ I oould get ,'" .", .•, I , ,re~r :r~ed '''''n I, was ~ a . 0 ,r m ' train?'" "TaklDW ThidJol)ut.... eas, y'e .,·""'·It I r' 'h.m!} " lhu shllW. 8 0 all , day Stlhdny we water, and th,e \~hole bunch on tbe t ' Id ' me papa" Mrs .. Stockbonds-jo!ui ' We ,',,111 : , ;'Su[8!'" 'r/.l!!po~jJed dJe lall, "but ¥ou' ",,;:y ~n ' cre..J.t6n d!dA't ynu ,RUenl! aaT.e to get _ lIe';.'.lr . ~ge Imm~ - IDU~IJl't r~Nr&'\ttyli ,.tkb~~\CA~~"" ts 1lllltl hook ed "£'0 th e six 7,ehrns, nil II the , cosch was n~underlng In lhe mllddy IJB n{l.8 leu tlHim arollnd the tent wI th , water; , but there hallpcncll to be a h ~, ' '. dlalel,1 , . ~ Illg",, !n I 00- all' .• -;- .e,.ceq Speea mule wltb a b II :011 rIdd en In Lhe sltudbar untle.r the water. so nobody to It. l en. ' . , ' " . tatnr ' , . , For IIISS tblll • n:lnute there WB' . Jo~-WbJ, mJ dea~, .... 01l. we ... r-' ~ I .' ' , IAr.. 1. They NeeDled "to go prett y well, was drOIYI!ed, though we , bad to hall bllt I tCluln ~eE' £In's nnlsh wlren ' be out the Cal woman. 6b6 s wallowed IICI some tall, hlllltling' I, ..lo"" atalrs ' ant'I ba7e Is practically o"w. •• •• A ~ " .\ ' . NO Wd l Oil t\lI! strPf!t.9 with Ibat Cra1.Y : mueh~ ot the ~uady rh'er, Til- ~jant. one could have beard a pl'D drop fblle . 'lcan't. help tl,lat; . Wh. . I ,'was out , ~~,el'-:'t" \bOn.h, ')'0\1 . . . . t_ Pa \\'antell 'all tbe ,freak s to I ,,-as senseless aatl t"o rsporters got tbe caller 1\'U Dlaklng his loaaki Intd r thIs ~tn~ tJae Vart d!!rl ~ ~ ~::.:!~.!~~":~I: -rltle 'on ~be ta1!y-ho, and he han 10' asttlde of bim. tMnklng It was a rail, ou \er dal'knen. ( BII 'a ~ 'walit ,'1it 1~ le.O feet, ,,::~,a=~~r:-BO 'bnt' ~ 400 ~~f.~~~~~~~~~~i~ "I t" " nloe newflp,IIPcr tello,,'>; to ride ': and drifted asbore. _wbile PI laid aD --' -.' ""ber .... mine _Id ~., .de. tor olrem. me .uoh a lonly barpl1l "',"", 111m. Pit t'll)ught. th ~ebra, t~~ 11;115 ba~k and ftoate'd Uk~ .If talul' • Etiquette, In Genluall.),. • IIberately ke.,~ ~,elr .h~ow OTer me ,In apPlIl.ucltie-ollIJ Ii.GOG,-Harper', " 'QUid follow the bell mlil~ ahl'ad. \lke wJntn w'l got IJlm out we fuund , ne . In O"l'mlny L .II! th~ lIewcolIMrl tile w~l. tlmal .,...Amerltlall SptCta' &liar ' , :zo.aauJ. borb would~ bad a _ ure·preaen-~r .UDde~ ,lIla' coa&, ~uty to Qlllke lIie 41'1\ IOCial aall. tor.
Seve.-ely • With HeadachesWOrL
#' ••
m......... ;.
ih '
I t,;..y., r, o
Imitation l!'ollBill Are Quickly tected. by Expertll I'l the InIItI tutiODA.
TIle Dread Volcano of
•• ,,4
"'l'rimmed" thll Old "Craft" 8hipehape to l!'alllllt.ate .aTlptioli. ' .
A Time When Women Are .suaceptlble to Dread Dlaea8es-lntelllpnt Women for Two Relate their Ezperlenca.
Man1 AccordIng to Dr. W, D. Matthew. asWith .an,. a hitch o( ·hl. ll'OllMn ..d BlI!tant Curator ot the Amel'lcan Mu- p",lll at hi. forelock iD ~ecLfIlI .. Iut. ~ n Ileum of Natural E1lstor?, there Is lillie Lo jW!tice, Jack Collin., able ...maD , wu forgery of fossils and sucll tWu8s, Fat' ftaYipted "'P to tbe court·room railinl by Ito • ,IlolicemaD ea a charle 0" cn..tty t. "Ontrreason the prIces p&-ld- for arl\cies animal •. At ... Taae Pompeii Herealueam Were Buried L~ked Upoe The "ohaugeoflU."la In thlB city a ra, not hlgt enough to "He h.d • pnlDS'ltone tied t. tb 1.&11 te t r ' of tbe horse he ""U rldi"l, 10llr wor· the most orltlCAl perl04 .. Extiact-Succeediq Oalbarab- IDcreum, FrequeDer. mp orgerB or even to repay Ihip," the ofticer wb,o had arrealecl of a woman'l exiltence. work necessary to produce a success- him. aDd the annaty felt by Cul tDiltaUoll : "Wb.a t "U tbat for!".t,tnUy a.ked lho womell .. It near Yet SOln'! ImltB.Uons put 011 tile .... istrate. . is not without reUbD. , market. Tilere Willi for instaoce the "W~II, admirel , .lh.t "Icm't no cru.ltr. to .DlmaJ., U tina officeI." IaJ', at all,' . Every womu who ~ 'WrLMr dwelllug on the beuutles l merous' pallsag08. Wblther 8hould they tho care of ber' 01 beDuty · ramod Nuplell 8lJOuks ot the Oy ·' Some. AntlclpuLl ng U secnnd fraud of which Prof. Cope was tor a ' blurt.d out Juk. "I hirod that bony eraE' lleglec!AI ouhide fn a lloort cruill' ubor.. l:!ooD health at !hie time 1Il-j)mlnOIl8 grandeur" of VesuvIus Low- earthqu ake. hllslened to their Ilomes tq Uma lIle victim. "itell disease a~ pain. '. }1m. Cope made a speclni ty of toa- after gettinl IInder '11'&,. I f.wad . tb. _lng over all, You remeDlbel' III s lt- load tllemselves Wltll their mos t costly . bloomin' old paoket woulclll't .tear • htU. Whell ber By.tem lalll I 'Dation lot the vOlcano-on tile elllltern goods" a nd eSCU lle willie It W88 . yet II , 8 and In ooe ot his treaties an- bit. I:>b. wit .11 dowD by the beed a deranged condition, ~hore of lhe Bay ot NOllles, aoout ten time; otllers. dreud lug t he shower of nounced the dIscove ry of the ~eno- aud tacked about the .treet "beD tbe or IIhe I.e predlspoeed to 'miles trom the clty. The follOWing de· nalles ~ Ilat now (1111 faat, torrent upon taSIlOl,Is tremopllgeru8, tt new "lIrlety wind ':'•• rair aBto... Try .. I " .ould I apoplezy, or ooDiutlon of mlllltotlon 10 a note In A sul)s<:quen t couldn t ge;t .tud,. ~t«ra;lIe !fa, - her. of aDl orean, the tell.o~lPtlon gives UB fa cte ,ourl Ii picture, torrent, over llle 9 ~reeta , fII alied under : ' .. , .nd .be drilled to wlnd"ud IUlt •• ortn '1.OO--"lt Is a Il9I1Lar)' moulltaln rllling the roofs or the nearest housos, 01' tem· edition he nclcoowledged he was mis- . . .be did to leeward , Tben tbiD k. J dency la at thla period taken and lhat no such anima l ever .be'·. 100 Ii,bt by tbe .telrP, M her beel; likely to become autln :tram the plain of Campania, willi 0 pies, or sheds-sheller of ' nny klndexisted were constaDtly liftin' a.a raoinl just - Dud with a bost. of aero 'base . or about 30 mll cs In clrcumfer· for protection from tile lorrenLB of tbe . for .11 tbe world Ilk. our propellen OD "oua IrrltatlOli1 mIke He wns I II Into error by l}llr.clluBing the .hip when ihe ~OlSeil on • bi, .... lIf. a burden. At WI 'enco, aud ~ urmounteil by two s umtnllll. Olle n ulr. But lI lI/l lal·ger. nud TIle hlghor Of the!!!! Is n nenr!y p r feot mightier. sp read tile oloud above t hem, wha t WII S I'epresented to be a ~OOlll or 'She wllnt.. more wti,bt d e,' "1. "0 old time, a)so, Gallcorl aDd pm&te.f mine th~t I IDlt, and t~en iumo.. aNI mora lIabl. 'co ne, khown UII Veeuvluij proper ; the It WIIS U· SUdden nnd more glllLSUy a hHherlo unknown berd, Pro!. Cope ~bi I JUlt got him to help lllle eome to 'other. of ridge-like outline. partlully Night rushing upon the rea lm of scI. out to discover lile animal to anch or wbilo I .bipped .. Httl. htU-It aft. to form and be8in U.alr Inclosing Ille central cone. 18 call ed Noon." Whi ch It hail belonged . . nnll clnasl6ed 'fhat'l all. 10ur wONlbip. , All .bip,bnp. .utructlve work. !,Iuch warnlDW .ympSomma." In thI s eruption Crom "CSIlVIUS no It. among the mllstodons. It was not and abon·board and DO realOD In lb. t.olnll 88 aenBe of IUft'o"hy tbl. blue Ilnd ]bruJl·bound corOnce Lbe volca nic origin ot eS\lvlus lava was elected, but II raIn ot IIlIhes. until after his publication of the fact world .eLLe her. .bould bu• •verhaul.d ma cation, hot flashes, bead'wall unlSuspected . the people dwelt In mlld und lupilll (clnder8) f ell on t ile tha t he d i ~covere d the fraud that bad . t all." ·aehel. backaches. dread "UI@ milled," laid tb. jutioe, after Jack of 1!IIp8lldlni onl. thDld· 'slght of Its forest-olad sIdes In perfect towns. Pomlloll was burled uud er 20 beel} practised 'o n him. Three teeth ot a familiar variety had had agreed to jettill\lo tbe ballas~ and take IV. souDdllln the Dars, peace and , security. Tbe mountain feet of loose aJ'hes, H ercuinneum h ldthe "craW' home in "towt whicb meant palpitation oUbe heart, thell ,wos truncated; IDalead of the den under torrents lit mild. 'fhe In pllll be en glued togelher In a. woy tllnt lead tbe ancient need baoK t. tbe .table. .parka before the ,eyes. , one-sbuped lop there was II deep de· and aahes settling In very crevir.e. could not be detected except by micro· pressIon In ~o sum mit. Wb n the PompeII wna ns It " 'e1'c hormetlc(l.lly llcoplc examloallo., Prot. Cope worked Our.. Cancer, Blood Polson &Dd Irresrularltle•• constipatlon, "arlable appetite" great ptlon overwhelDlcil PompeII, sea led, and nflel' tlle roll of centurIes ou~ his animal, nnd It was so meljllng , RheUJllAtillrn. weakD.... ~nquletude, ;Herculaneu.1I;I ond SLobl ..", th\! wllole th el'c wati disclosed to wonderl!) g ' eye s even larger Lhan a common or garden 1f you ban blood poison, producinl ernp· and dIzziness, are tiODS, pimpleR, ulcen, 1W0Uen aland., oharacter Of tlle region WWl cbulI J;Od, mucb of tbe story of classic a mastodon betore he took to Ule mipromPtll heeded by In! bump' and ri'lDp, bU/'llllli, Itchin, akiD, telllgell women who are ',rile Hver Sarnua., at the mouth 01 wonderfully Interes tin g reprodu cllon croscope. copper·colored IJ)OtI or r...h on the .kin, approacblnw the period whIch the onclen,t city of PompeII was or tile cllltivatlon of u pluca exls tlug In the came WilY a 1I0ted Eugllsh mucoue patche. ill moutb or tbroat, fall· situated. was hurled trom Ill! 'c oune by III the "haughtiest 'days of lila Rom a n nutural18t was several years ago made ing, JIlin., old rbeumatism or ID llfe when WOIDBl1 '. pat ehm,. "I wro!II yoa for adnoa aDd a be e ........ oted. tr.tmeut wIth Lydia • . P!JIkbam" . . . catarrh tako Botanic Blood II&lm (B. m y the ' fearrul convulSion, the se n II nch empire," . -rtabla Compound III you 4Irectecl. aDd J . . a vlcUDI ot a similar decepUon, A foul B. D.). It killl tbe ,Poison in tbe blood ; Lydia. E. Pinkham" CoID- hlIppJ' Io ..y tbahll lob_ IJD1 raised, Lhe mountain trUJlsCOrmed 08 It wns not unUl the middle of lIle curIous aDd unprecede nted Looth wal loon all SOI'el, eruptJODI :beal, bard Iwcll· to shape and surface, Ig h Lee n ~h century Ilny Pompelion ex- sold to blm by a mlln who, declared ing. Bubaide, lebce and ,l1ln. lLop, ud • pound W88 J1repared to meet the need. toma lert me IUld Ib,..)IU!IId,. of woman s system at ' thll! trylDi clwll" of ure, a Wa1l I 10 tile year 63, A. D., uotb Hllreu· cavatlons were tl\nde. )1\ this hllter that be had found It III a part of perfect cure Is mada a tb. ""Orl~ ca_ perl04 of her Ufe. It In,,~oratu aad recommeudinS In":f.. -Udu. 10 all of 1lI0od POIIOU. laneum uul,l PompeII were InU 'h dam- II~ rlod tbe Ne9Wlll110 govern ment too k F'rnnce especially rIch In fossils. etrengthens the female orianlam aDd tr1aDdL"-Kr.. .. g . B,!aDd, 1"0.1 C8ncrr, tumors, awelllnp, "aUn, The scIentist hnd mnde exltnct var- .or08, u.l,. ulcen, pUlIiatent pimple. of all build. up the weakelled llenou88y.tem, lon, lid. . For apeolalacblce reprdillir thlalmAnother Wo••,,'. C.... t1lbrates hIs speclni sLUdy. He wal klDd., 1.&11., B. U. B, It d1eatroy. tbe can· \VorJ<.lng hard over thIs tooth; and Willi cer poleoD in tbe blood, bleale cancer of an portant period womeD are Inylted to C-"~ chan11lU''' ,__ UI~y'l'Op~* the worlt hUlllors or luppuralkindl. cure. .whali rr.... ....... pre»ared to »roduce almost nny kind illl .welliD,I, 'fhoU88Dd. , curcd by 11. B, write to Mrs. Pinkham at Cynn, M..... a caucerQl1I t.bat.bat One da,. CClDdJtlOD J read _ . of ot exotlo and ell,tiJl.C 1Ull!!:i.D - hen' his H. after IllI ell" faill. B.;D. B. composed and It will be turnlelled abilolutel, free ~ oharge. The present Mrs. Pin ham mOniall of women wbo lwI been cund b 8usplolons were awnllened I1S to Ita of pure bobnio Inllredientll, Improv... the of di."stion, make. the blood 'pure and ric.b, Is the danghter-ln.l.w'o fLydla E. Pink- Lydia E PlnklWn'a Vacetabla ComPOIJJI ' aut.henticity. ham, her assiltant before ber dece.... and I decided 10 try It aDd to write t eLop! the awful itcbing .. nd all Ibarp, It wa... then 1I1ecovereu Lhn t It: con- ftbooting pailla, TbbtouShly tc.ted for .nd for twenty-ft'fe years alace b.e r advi~ Your moi:Udue lllada ~ a Sisted of tllree teeth taken from the tbirty >:ean. DrugrPsh, ,:1 per lar,e boLo advice h .. beell freely given to .Ick woman. and ell 1Il1 be4 .,mpwlDI d.Isa~' _" of 11k remuJns ot prehistoric fish and glued tle, wlt b complet" direction. for home womeD. " I a.t91te IInl'1' womaa at tbfa pert.... clIre. !Sample free and pn! . by ';"';ti nl1 Bead what Lydia E , Plnkham'l Com· to bike your ~olne aDd write ,.011 tor Ui Loge the r. The teeth of t.he fish , were Blopd Balm Co" Atlanta, Ga, Describe common enough and IIlngly could have troul1l .. and free medical advice alIo .cut pound did for MI'I. Byland and all'll. vtce."-lfn. Llule HInkle, &lem, Ind. . Hinkle: ' ,What Lydia. E. PlIlkham'l VegetabJ, . . been recognIzed 1mmlldlately. J It waa iD eealed lett~. CompooDd did for lire. Hylud an~ Dear M .... Plnkham:only th!! appenrance of the three tG.. I bad been W«erln with dlIplacemeut of Mrs. BIDkle It orUl do tor other W~eJI AppalllDg Effect. gether unll attrIbuted Lo a mammal the oTPnaforyeanan~ wu paaainr t:2:'oulh at this time of life. TIle ltrua1ing all thor oreft.ld tb. lettllat mystified the learned doctor. til. cbaDp of Ufe. MyaWomen wu badly It baa ooDquered pain, 1'Mt.Qre4 ter 't he postman had jUIl1~ brou,ht. Tbe Indlnn relics that are now dug It Wat from bit pubh. b!,r and con1.&ln"d ."ollen· mlead~ Will &01'8 ' I had diu)' bealth, and lIrOloDred Ufe In apellA, m'ck . elI..,.n4 w... ~ery uno.... utte~ly baffted phy.lolll1ll. up In the llOuthwest are noi bellilveci a cbeak ' for a la",e_ amoclnt. . "Well" he cbuclcled, ";I 1ft'; t. ha,.. bdla Eo .... to be forgecl to any co'n slderable ex~ 'WIIen etIICI'I ,~ fond Ute aeoret of write !iViDC '.t Jutl" lenl Every pIece that Js bought Cor -Claicap Tribull8. " , -, a ltlllSellm or any pretenSions must be It Cur.. W.h11. You Walk. properly accredited, Md if Its pedigree ADeD'. Foot·Ease Is • 'certain CUrll for NO MOR.1t MUSTARD ..LAaTIRS TO .LlaTltR contaIns the Dame of no repuo.ble bot,· eweafinll, l...tloDII, .and lwollen. acbing scIentist there Is little chance l.ha.t It f~t. Sold b,. altDMlQi.t., Price 250. Don't will be a~pted. In case It haa Buch ,accept ••,. substitut•. Tria:lllaelc ••" FREE. authenticatIon' :tbe testimony of thll AddJo_ AileD 8. Olmated. La ROI. N. Y • • expert will be sought. 4 Tbere have undoubtedly been cases Sha W •• Chl&lllAtIIL ... scmNTIPlC "wn MODJ!~N J!XT2~NAI.. COUNTI~.JMITA~ OlIlCIt . SUR~,SAFE ALIilAYS RUDY CUItK "OR I'AI Ili.tre.-Abe 'aU, 1 ,....t a Nr?Ut &10d bY a gHat earthQuake. tmt it was the work In hand, and since hale con- in -whl.c h art.I~·Jee dug up at the homo v wbo ba• .oIDO ... reline_t. lli'T WAtT .. L TH. PAIN COItlIUl-KEKP A TUB!!: KAND • TWILL N BUSTER THE · MOST DI!LICATB SKIN JD 79 Vesuvius burled ~ deep away t1nued oP.8rations on unearthing bur· of former dllr dwellere were depositApplicaat.-We1I, . .daftl, r.a ben epo , ITSS ALSO · nrolIiPE~SAB~ -F;OR OHILDRItN trom the eyes: of ma.~ a. b~lal ·tbll1 led :treasures and reveallDg tile rich ed tbere In advance, but 8uch frauds anted OD for appeDdieiti. and h.d pto"Was to last rive centur~s more thaD a seQl!lltli of ! long hidden Pompe'li. - l'iot have been detected and the , money mai.. JOieoDiq \wi.:.. - lIeuculiclrler ' tlaoulland yonre, Here.ulaneum lay dl- many objects of great Intrinsic value brought by the~i!.q$bjeets Is not lIum- . Blatter. netJy at the foot or' V~suvlu., ~m- have beep come upou. and It Is tbought elent t.o make ImpostUre ,on any exlen, Didn't Worlli. . pell a little beyond, Pom]leU had be- 'tbe people 1I\U8t bave retu::: rn;;e:':i-':;aj.rtet' .~~",.,.,...,""';'rt...-,ortll Whll~. . ne ' 11111101'-80 ,0111: .14 ~ hu come a rl'SOrt of WBallby Romans, a the -erUPUOIl and by means ,of tunJlelIndian dreBS, . arrows, bouseboht Itruck. ~ placo ot conltderable tN.4e. port town IDg down secured not .... few or their goods and IIlmllur relics are manutaco ' him Tboto Sopbom·.re-Y"p,; 1 a.k..d dl' up Ioe ...d h.wla.a l)IeiRd he'd tOl' the inland cities I~. tJui valley treasure!!. I n the ,Royal Museum at tured by Ihe IndIans tor ·sale jU8' 1\8 10 out with the net .f the min,n,-N. of the !Jarnu8, Stablae was .. water- Nilples mny be seen mllDY Pompellan they alway-s have been, and they ore Y. 8u. • Ilig place 0' few mUes _til -or PompeiI. objects. and ttt Pom~1I Illelf the trav. ' oot sold aB antiques by allY }lut the ..1d Tea Ireep. the dICC.U... orp1lI !JerculDneum as shown by riel! work.' :eler may gaze on hOuse' ~Ith all Itli amall dea IeI'B. Tbe same holds true in 0erfj ItDPS THE SKIN IN A SO" Am> HEALTH" CONOa condition. It cures dieea_.of 11".1' ,and AND PRESI!RVI!S THE ·CCMPLIIXION.- EAC. H ()It T I!S of Brt uncovered In modern t1mell. W81 eqQlpment standing .just as ' It stood ' of the Alaslu>n relics that are begin· Iddu~.ud inlUJ't!l • II&tural Ilction of \be 'WELL KNOWN PIU!P~11OHS CAN •• OBTAINED PItO ta,ored by Romans of wealtll I\nd cul- 80 long ago. Only about half of the nlng to bave an Interest for Amerlc~ .ta_cli. aud bewelel i~ pllrlfie. tb, 1I.Iood, DRUCCISTS AND DI!A~ ....... OR WILL SIIND a.Y MAlt. cleaD_ th. I)'ltem uscl clea:re Uii, 00. ON IU!CEIPT 01" II CEln~ IN MONaY Olt ITAMP&. ture. )..Ife was proceeding an Ita &C- -CIty 'bas been excavated: It will take collectors. ' " plexioD. ,. IXCKPTING CAMPHOR loa.,rQR WHlOH smm TIM OPTS cllIBtome,d round In the throee towns on many years to complele the ·' work. T,hey are made now in larger qu~no o . at~EBKOUGH ' MFG. CO., '17 State ~trut.' NEW YORK , Ihe mornIng of August 24, 79, wheu Stablae ' lias ~n ellca'vl\Led In , part. titles than eyer, and are always w~at , I'laIhiIlW.. , down a"ept. witbout lYarnblg; de80I~" HercUlaneu~ excavations bllve been the shopkeepers represent them to be. lby-Hlae id ~~ba ,a t oaa ti_Now .hfo ' ... ~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~ tion and ,darknels. Bat let us to that un,led o'n wIth greatest (llmculty, the They ore toO orude and toO eafjll:y 1m; dnl Dot eare 8bo';'e to .ia.·..i,D choir. . book whIch faacl!1ated ' our youth, let <C!Ity Ha" burled so deep. and over the Itated tor the temptation to be resIst- ilIe _me 1D0r, thaD aDllioUi. Eva- YeI; Iba hu j",sl~ bad hu teotl! UI to tbe atory-teller's picture of "The .ancient site has risen a modern village. ed, but there Is no trouble In flndlt1g filled witb IIOld.-Cliicalo DalIJ NewI, .Lut IJaJI of Pompell". Y<ou NmemYou temember that tbe celebrate4 the genuine relics In sumclent supbel' the people w:ere satlH!red In tlle 1\oman naturalist Pliny, "The Elder," pUes for the museums. Even they are n. pure-fOod law will be Imperfect It it cIoee DOt include the Iabellal .f col4 amphitheater, tila excl,ted mob nlsb- at the tlme of the erupllon ' made all not 80Id at very blgh prices. lag down on tile Egyptlsn, when the hast. to Venvlus to study the aotloa "It Is the cheapness of most of the Itorap I!IP with tbe date ot embal_ inS.-AtiaDt.a CoaaUtutiOll. latter. making use of bls craft In hour ot ttbe _Ieano and to relcue tbe dle- artIcles that helpe to preven.t ,lmltJl,• of deadly peril,. crIed out: MBehold, tile tftaae4 " nilabltantll~ and Willi hlmselr tlon," Dr. Matthew told the Sun reo A _ hal to uDcleflO' • lot .r IIltter area of the avenglo« Orcus burat lI1I1rocated.'by the PlIes from the mouu- porter. "and tbe money paid for 'them ezperince to pin powleidl" that teacbel b'. WQuld heen better" ••' witIItortill" • , taln. e eUera of Pliny make the Industry ·lIim ~ it. ' "'l~e 81M' ot the crowd tollowe~ t~ Youn;er"gtve a graphIc acCount obbe profltllble on any . large scale. PaWre of. he Egyptian, and behold .eru,pttou. , , "It flnybody sbciuld 8\lnd to the lon'WIth ID8ftable dismay a !fast vapor' Mll11Y have been tbe,'eruptlons elnce seum here tbe teetb tbat deceIved Prof. ': , ,.boodng from Vesuvius, In lhe form of tlI1s most not!lble 11M, o'nd in the IlllIt COp<l we should not pay more than 'tOIl HE A1rTENDS TO BUSINESS' , a Ilapth! pine tree: the II'JIllk. black- cetlturles' tbey ~'ave Increased In fre- dollars for tbem. ' 80 you see It Is not who 10011 Itralcht 10 .... ork to cur. ID8Il-the branches, Il~ lire, lhlle qUeDcy. In the yelir 203 one occurred. worth whllo to make a very elabOJ'II.t.e • ..hlfted 8.nd wavered lit I~ b~es wlt~ ftlld In 413 asbes were carrIed a8 far al fmud tor" that." , I every 'JIloment, now lIerceiy lumlnoua, Con&tal1t1no'ple, Tbere were qutburste ------. DOW of a duU and dylllg red. 'tbat I~ 612, 6~6, 983 and 1066. In 1631, 18,000 Labor in Old Times. . 11M of .apln ",lued terrlflc~Uy (orth wltIl 10- persona were killed by a tremendous Tweln hours In wInter and 14 In sum· toleraljle glaN. ' eruptfon , fl;ODl' the apparently extinct, mer was a flllraverage day'B work. But a ~' co ''T,bere was a 'dead.• ll..rt"8UllIUI!1J crater. long slumbering and qulte ht Lyona In 157,1 the printers worked ' . .n.n.....througb which tb",T'8 suddenl, o~r,grown ~th v~getaUon. In 170T · from two o'clock In the morning till : , . " .~ , . ,', I 'broke' the roar of the 1I0D. wblch wall the cIty of Naples was panlc.-Btrlqken " elglrt or nine In thJ! evening. [n aDd Ava tlma, money and ,etl out of mIN" q ulclcl1. echoed . )lack frcim wIthIn Ute building bf ' a midday blocknea.s like that ~e. other trades lhe working hours, were ' " 1»Y t sharper 'and fteri'er ),ells of ItB sor,lbed by L?rtl :L:yt\On In "The Last often from tour in the morning Ull . ' " .Ac:&a Lib Naatc. ~. lIk. aDd 6Cklo
=1 ,.ou
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'VAS~tINE ' ,..n
.Hurts, Sprains, Braises '1."
b S 0 1-I ' <,,-lifIast. l1eerll ",ere they DIlY" ortoPo~pell." ttl' 185~ lava nowed at night (rom. live~nerall1' _ ~ tea" '1 ' j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~i~~i lOr, the 'Burden .Dread'. or· tlie Atmospliere. Dnd I,olmost the very gates of Naples, ond . Dine ~orkers In ' the·or same, metJer 'fWth' ·proplieta' of the wratll W cOJne! ' ,much propert~ In the Intervening re- : lIv~ together In tbe same street. ,.".,.. Ja no .......,ac::tiOn rhat AId to:Healtb
"ll'hen -tbere al'OlIII on bflll tbe ual· glon was . destroyed. [n 1872 there was _ a i Ibl1ek.a' of · women;' Lbe meal a mOBt violent , erup~lon, the cmter. . , .nared at _cll oth.r, - but ' were dumb: , half. ~ mile III helllht, was ,cracked In " At tbat moment 'they. felt the. eartll ' ,all 4lrectlona' ,bloCks ,of stone 45 feet In .bake benellth tbel1' feet> the walla ' of cl.l't!IIm'Jerence were burle(l down the ilI.1'I·eam· ,trembled: 'a~d. beyond In mountaIn, nve.ra of lavn rusbed lIown " flie .-iltance, th'et heard the crash of 1n~o tbe. all<\y. 1ft 1902 there was ' 1allhlI1'OC!": an)n'8tant more and ,the nn eruption ?f note, and again In 1903. lIIOunlldn cloud ileemed to roll ·toward/! Tbls present . dIsaster runks wltb the t\ae'm•.dark , and rapl!!. )Ike '~ torr~nt; . Jl\ore notabl~ ones I~ the woflll historY , At u..,...,., time It ClllIt forth from lis at yellu~luB e,n lpl\ons. . . \ , CHRISTOPHER WEBSTER. boMIm ,a IIho\l!:M' of aahes ,mixed with ,...t trajlmenll dt b\lrnlng"tltone! OVl!r· ' _ ctiUi,IIS\Is' YJ~" ~ve.r ,the d,e,solate , ,....... 4 ,8cimethlnlP to. Llv. 1'01'." . ,..t~ver 'til, ~phltheater ItIiIlf~ ~ .. , . flIt' auet wl.d e-Wllla lJ}.any a mlght1 ''W1ijo are ' yoll so (lertaln that be .dld eplll,1tI I. 1"0 Ilgltat.d sea..:.rell tflat not Ilommlt . sulcltle?" aWful Illower' ' ' . "ThMe's a ' quart bottle neerly full .No 10Dct\r' tllougbt ~hl! crowd ot of wbleky . ln the oupboartl."-Houatoll , ,niItJce 01' of, Ai-llaew; 1I8.fety for them- POlt. , Mine ·was their Iole Ulought. Each '\II'lIed to f1Y-'-each dasblng, .prellllag, 1'elepathy. ,('I'U'''I~. ogalliit ead! otblr, Tramp- Tlttuml-'-Tba.t. a1rl haH got apeakln. JlDR; reck.I'!II!IY ovei' ,lh,8 ranen~Qmld8t eycs. IalUln't sbe? . I{t'OBDII, R'nd oath" Bnd pro:YBI's, anll Trlvett-Yee, b)' Jove! ,A nd she .qdden Ibl'ls"', " he eoo/moul! ,crowd Ulel tlldm sucJ:! a Jot W. a wontlvr ",alt" ....If ' fortb tlIroullb the ..Ia. tIl"'r. lIot boarse,
IIaxtme ' DeJicbtfb!
u.nw.., .." ....
'But tbe maltre·artlsan bad his OWD I COIIIfoI'tabI ~·malaon. Tbe gro'l"d noor was bllf l , '_ _ h ~.torn: sbop or worksho'p; above w~ his bed~ I ~ "~~~ :~' . .a,. _,.',at ,~OU·'O· .•wua .. . room, whlclr waa ,also the Bitting and ~~~""" &. ~Ing room: a Bma)1 reom adjolnln« accommodated hIs 'cWldren: and' , bov. _' / . ~ . ,. b ~. was a garret where various comm04l\.. YJ.~~-""""9 TOlo , tI.. were 8tored.-WO~k and ' Work.ra. ! :\.." '~ , , ' j, 1 I ~".~ WhiteD. the te.tb-p~ , JIlatch PrieN Advanced. . ~: . _ . . mouth and ~b-carOiliasal Owing to the troubles In RussIa, the . ~ ca~hdt~ lire cyea, Au.trlan manuf!'cturera o( mstchel 'W~---:n tJiU:~. :fge~~~d C:~ ftnd It Impossible to proc.ure. the rieces. .., , - - - . cat!U'thal coDditioill cauaed b, Bary quantitieS ot RUsslalJ poplar .wol?Il, femiulno wIth which th!! lo·called Bwe<Cllh , RAICK."lIUOW . ' Putlne~H:u.traordhwy mlltches are mnd~. • QUjIllIlIllIl-Ia!." cle~!JII, hea11uc and cerm1Tbe largelt Aust.rlan . mlLub taa. I.NIII~~lA. cldal qu&lftiOi aDlik. aaytbloc torles have bien obliged to' !'8duce lc.IWWC . Lea e~ At,a1l~ta., soccnll theIr production on tbls account. , AI, ' L&JtGa iIuU. .~ na In addition to tbll!. , the eOlt of other MOTIIEII ORA."S The R. .~ materials required In tbe manur-cture BWE£T I'OWDEa of matche. hu Increosed and the • FOR OIllI.DREll. A. -,. K.-a 2128 'iIIIo.r kmen demand higher wages than ~.. cl.ap..,1 ror r"rmerl)', all hnvemade , 1.~"='''::'-':i-.''':'~!:.1 1M ITOCI AD PATENT'I:I'.r~Y!I!l I In Incr,eue Of,,'l ,02 pe~,l,ooO saalps In 'I"':':':'·K~:.~::~ III.aLWUOI 4" ~I the price of Swodlsh matchea.-N. 1 "!F.""~~ ~F-.':':J"~~ t'$~~~"£:::,!:'.r:=.=11 !!lf.llli~:/~~~~: KM~~ . Herald. r=l..rQ~, OUftJlID......, • •W. iNiillle... 1:. . . . . .
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Pancy Tennessee 'TRAWBRRIES, I'eceiv d fresh every day
Clotlhe.' . ' l'C "~ , al I:>.\. fH~ O 11.,
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111' 0 ~1' \' t'lIti rt'lI ~un. , ill fnl ' t t\ ul' 1'1 '11 &1111 Jr, hl"' lIl1~I' '! ~I ~ i\H l', I I h£'Ti 'It ,t lll'~" II r, ' \.t.,. ,,1 ('llll ht',4, In t,h!' ' full(\~t mPn lIin:.: ,·f Ih,' \\'''1'1 1 1.7111 1(\ ill
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Mrs. Lou Beach •.of Xenia, spent t rardd.Y lind t;unday with her II.1l1t ll .lr Mr~ . B6Ilch of the Hllrmony Or .. ,'\ neig hborhood , Bllrrett'@ paints are made In -14 co l" ..:<, of pure-lead Ilnd oil and guar· IIIIItl(,d to oover. SOO "q , ft. two coats I. I be gull on, See Zell for prioea. Benj Pllrker, t,raveUng represen . c'ullve (or the Amerlclln Tobacoo o . lit present 10000ted in ColumbulI, "pent Saturday lind Suliday among Waynesville friends. The M. E , Pllrsonage lawn Is be· ing beautified and fixed up for the Bome Coming. At the foot of the IlIwn Mr. Trout has erected a large vue which is to be filled with blooming fiowers. The vase wos donated by Amot! SIde8 & Co. Graduates-Either ' Patterllon or Bigh l:3~hool, Il speolal low rate Oil photographs to you if taken during the monthll of May and June, Open Saturday only. . SPARR'S STUDIO The Dayton D'e'r ald has the fol . lowlng 'to say of Mr. Etlrl Everly, formerly of Waynesville : "The many friends of: Mr . Ea.rl Everly (formerly with DeWeese) will be glad to meet him in Tbe Elder &, Jo~nston Shoe Department. .. , . Miss Minnie Bathawo.y who left Wiiynesvl e as wee 0 aooept a 'posltlon at ~he, Jamesto~n Virginia Ex)X'sltion was in a bad wreok near . Mo.ysville, Ken~uoky, Wednesday night _ The car in whioh she was ridIng was derailed and severlll per. /jon8 seriously' injured. A telegram from lIrlisa Bathaway annol\nced that Ibe escaped unhurt.
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We are paying
I:lInd 10 fit. ('" h,m nHl l1 f' .V ' J't' Bn )'.
ol h,' r "t',If(' ' Stilllll1l1tht'I' l'I\JI ~IJIt - M 'J<I' U OIt ('1I 1m til I 1tlr~ NI1 ;.. I IIl'k lIml l lh'lI t,~' of 'Illylig ht. in his ~lllnJ-wh kll I" II
'I'he (Ju;rt -rlY Meoting h Itt hy ~)~();~t;I~:~m;o :~~h~)~~'iU~ I ublic "'hAn tb rthod ox Friends SlItuJ'un.\' nnd . ' nnolay Wllf' Ul or e lorfir ly ,uM udell OUR--thlln 1111\- h eld in II lon g ti1l1 'DOLLAR Twenty. five o r thi r ty person ~ oalUa T.EN from Xenia lllone. UITS 'I'he MeetIn g was {avored in bavMEN' In" . t mllll· ,. ... w itl1 It fo ur proUl1UOO Are a good I1S tb e "' l2 lIod $13 .60 terll, Rev. R obert , W. Doug ln , 'TO Welft Milton , Ohio i Miss Adll Lee, kinds sol(l e1 e,vhere. of ,uba, U1e f!vo ogeli t who oon ., OUR--l1 ucted the profitable series of meet. Ings ·at th e Frionds 'hur h b ere TWELVE DOLLAR hlSt winter i Preslden t 'AI bert J . Brown , of Wilmington College i and MEN'S SUIT~' Rev Joseph s B kl .., . t n, ",uperlll en · Are fts good I'. S" th~ to, Ii kinds sold . • u. os dent of the Evangellstlo Work of .. .. ~ Wilmington Yearly Meeting, any. elae,where. one of wh om is I), power within OUR-bimself, b\lt whoso unit d effort hud the elleot' of 'coompJi!lhing n FIFTEEN DOLLAR vast IIm ount of goorl. . unday afternoon I1t 2 o'olook MEN'S SUI'.I\; . there was held a 'hri sthm Endeav or rally of this QUllorter ly Meeting. Are as good as the It Itod 1 20 and an enthusiastio seaSlOn was the suits elsewh er e. result. We are solo agen tB In Dnyton . for .Alf red Benjamin & Co. Finest Tai· Oregonia High School lor Mn do lot.b eo-$tt, to *30 . .
Yours for the Best Goods and LOWEST PRICE. ZIMMERMAN'S, Of Course.
-::::::::::==== '!!
- --
lll!l llulR ctnrl'r
thlm Ilny
IOrthodox Friends . . PERSONAL MENTION Quarterly Meetmg
Mrl!. Dilln thll ' AdalUS hn been quite ick the past week with whllt hilS tliroat.eosd to develop loto pnen. moola. A good line of articles for g rad· Dating present/! a,t J . E . •Janney. Mr. and Mr8. J . H . Caskey attend· ed t-he fune rlll of their relative, Mrs Ellen Miller, at Sprtngboro MondllY. Mrs. Miller w~ for some yelirs rna · tron at tbe Wel\terville Ohio College. A s plendid aS80rtment- of books suita ble for a gradulltlng present. .J. E . ,Tanney
()rn n~es . . B,mltnn !>. r~o m Oil , Pim Apple!!,
..J..JrJ..JrJ....~rJrJ~ ....~~~....rJ~. ~II \... ,. .\I~ I IH' wi ,hll"I1"- " " \It'olit~ . IV •_~~_~~~,!!,!,~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~"",~!,!,,~~~~_ _ _ I C'lln " ITOI'll In 111111 li lt ~ t'11 hlr Ip!'>1 ,
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Comm¢ nc¢m¢nt
IR H, ' OILR" TURPENTINE. and BRUSHES )lll goods Guaranteed.
AF L egg e d Ch IC ' k en. our
. A four legged chicken at Sohwnrt~ ' 1l drug store Is attractin~ muoh Ilt.t en. tion fr om the cuplous nntl those interested IIi oddities. 'I'll fowl i perfeotly formed with the exce ptIon of the extra feet, the wings ure ~vell dovelolled and the botly is ooverell wUh feathers, ahowing thnt thu little freak evidently livecl sOlli e little time a f ter it WAS h 0 toh ert. The ohioken WIlS brougnt in b y Isaao' Jonea. . A thrEle legged ' ohioken, while .very uuusnal, ,Is still ooClIRlonl1l1 y seen, bnt II. oh1cken wi th fonr leg>! is very unusulIl. .
For Sale by
Waynesville Defeats Lebanon.
ncpor\.ed lor tbe O llzctt<, . The Waynesville Big,h l:!ohool boys added anoth~r viotory to their Commencemen t. list , FrIda'!\':. when they defeateu the Lebanon 1Ugh Scbool boys, the The Commenqement xercise of score being 23 to S in favor of the the Oregonil1 High &hool took local tellm in the 9th Inning . place at the U. B. Ch urch in Ore, It WaS B "clnoh" from the start, " . I..... " INO.5. tbe toys' '0.11 got In thE' gnme lind r,{onill Fridny venio g LI nd the oh uroh n nT II S. H . ' " Wit cr owded by on InterB<\t d audi · Gold Bon d Coupons \v\lh all pur· played their po itions like the workH of a good Elgin. Raymond WiIlillU\' , . e nca, oh nlles There were thre grndua~es in ~~~~-_~~~~~'!..!!!.~~~~_~_~~~~ son ,certainly looks like the "goorls" Therll bllA nHV r been 110 gre!1t. Il df'nlllDd on me 'for Bookkeeper8 this year. ~e report-s his IJltchlng the Iii S ; Mill Bertbtl Elbon and . a,rm in good shape I1nd is mixing hiS lind Stellogrllvhers tl8 now. and with a largO 'attendllDCEI, I am unable ' to 1\J s r , ,Joseph Phelun anll Eo.rl t . ., .. J;: Thompson . , TiJ11B? twisters up 'in large bunches for tbe ~lJlp l y 1\11 OllilA. ' . The sobj ct of Mls8 E lbon IS nd· boys. dr RS WIIS: " VRlu of time lind This team is one of the !ltrongest R; nowl dgtl . " , high eohool in t.bis pn,rt of the "Tb e young ml~n of 'rotln ~v . " WflS country and we 'bope ~reJit 8ucce s dl outlSell by J o eph Ph lan, !lnd the coming season. Opened since the first of the year to 'Graduates or' t h e "Unit·s of tho Univ rsity" Wfl t:! ably t rOlltoc1 by Eflrl Thompson . The Children's Hospital. Hev, -H . H . F ot te 0 D,. of Dllytlon I delivered a plendi(l nddr s. to the \ THE ollls!! and th 11' frhlJ?dl' . ?" ::YouQg The Rev. Boyd Vincent, Bisbop of Lire Knd It PO'~ll:;lhhes . , Too Southern Ohio, bas issued a oir oular M~ny of the'm large e~tf!..biishlllelltll, ,a nd at ~oOd .la1arlee. ·.'. m?cb ellDn nt .be.sllld IU prlLlse of letter to· ea'oh : olergymon -and con · thiS addre s, n. Wtl!l both sc holarly gregatlon In t'be DI " cpp~ of t:!o.ut.h I1nd praotlCl11an~ the 8p~tlk er ba10 em Obio, asking tbn t lin ntl'eril,lg be E V. BIlrnbart,' .J. O. l'ar~wrlg~t., Joe: W. BI~y,. the olosest attentIon ot hI S audlenoe made next Bund.a y. I'ltIlV 20 for the Miss LeUa Githens, E!lna AloKiotitly. RidS8 D. C. RldSe, ." ,throu~ho ut . . . benefit of the Children 'p ·Bo. pital on MUS10 was furnlsh tld by LewIs' lIrlt. Auburn, Ci~oinnati. . t:lamuel D Hinkle, ' 980 , A . FllnJ(t;y, B. Fred Wl1lte .., full orohestra. Thi8 HospltiLl bas long beEln .an No Investment of so mOClerattl tm "ml~utit of time and 1D0ney 88 •• Prof. L, C . Wilkerson who ha s object of ,e special pride Bnd interest been superintendent of tbe school to many of the people of t,lIls violn· r:equlred owns np so mllny good oppo~tunlr.IQs for protitatile employment the past Y611.r and Miss Edna t5tou t 1% ' ity, and espeola)ly so to the cpnl(re . tbe Ilrinoipu.l bl~ve both Ilccolll\1lisbed ' Unlesl! yonr watch hits lHJ.El n thor· gatlon of St, Mary's ohurch, as sev- 11009 rapid promot.ion. good work Ilnd IlS a result the past oughly oleaned and oiled wit,"tn 18 eral obt}l}ren from thlp ootrl1nunity Students .llre allmltted at any timeand ea'~ypaymentmay be made. year is counted one of the oost in m(;mtha ,lt clln't be a bs\)lutely depen. ~~ve recelve«ltreatment ther'e whlob Enamels th~ school 's history . dened UpOII . -We Ilre comJ)l~te nt ' to lias restored them to normal bf'ftlth The tratning whi~b bill done 10 innob for othen may 'd o mnob you can enamel moet everything, , , olean Rnd replLir t,b e mo~t ' compll-' and activity. aDd its doors Ilre still you or 1.ourll , . . . I now-If it , is the Stove Pipe or Miss Irma EllIiI who hilS been in , 'cllted movements, all nur work is open inviting any , others who arf! sewing maohlne, . Coal B ' k t St. Louis the past year studyblg done thoroughly Ilnd on 'tlme and afflioted, no matter of what ureed, , , uo ~ H, and teaching kindergarden work, ohllrges will be no more' t h ll,n you nationality or color, to recei ve t reat Grates, Braokets, use our BLACK arrived home Tuesday to spend the would hllVO to pay wben less skill ment from the most skilled pbysl. , and less OILre Ilre exerolsed ciand and nurses the country OlIn ' EN AlIrlEL. The Iron Bed, Willow summer. furniture Bath tubll and many Lost-Betmeen B 11 ' t We olenn 1 size 7 jewel" for 76,. produce. at no expense whntever to II ore · M , 1 SIze ' ' ' 'I Jewe I f 01' 7Y.;), ·h t- t f ' d other hou8ehold Ilrtioles -·n eedl:! only 1h f M' al1 owe . i sH dd am sprlDgs. ~ epa len or rlen a: , aDr om~ 0 19 eOlg a _ a . en, CleanIng 15 Ize 17 jewels for '1.00 Recently the Capl;l(lItyof the hosLOWE BROS. White Enamel 11 1115 00 bill and two 11.00 ~Ill. Find· Main Sprin~ Hi sl~e 17 jewels for pltal has been' inoreased. whloh 481' New Teas. er please return to Bowells store $1.00 . .1 necelsitated a greater expenditure -, of mou4i\Y. a~d in order to &8SI8t. In 150 quarter lb. paokages. Hlcksite Friends _ raising ,6000 by Ootober !Itt next. Fanoy Oolon~- . English Breakfast ,I , Waynesville Ohio. the Bishop a8ks that a lihernl offer Quarterly 'Meeting Cylon and IndIa ; Young lfyson anti ing be made In each Epi!\OoPfll , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!'!!' church next Sunday, and nil oontri. Imllerial TellS. All put up in n eat The (~aurterly Meeting of Biqk. .Tnralnleree ln -all styles nt J. E. butions, not only from, tnAtIlhers of Uauisters, either , ,"elltniriely or site Friend!! held I:laturdl~y WIlS ve~ Jnnney's. the o~urch , but from nil otbers who riohly' blendetl by ~ha8~ and San. largely attended . are intereRted in the Hospitlll, will 10 lIudition to' the visi tors til at· born, The Boston 'rea and Coffee be gratefully acoepted . Field Day at WiItllnd t,he (~uartarly Meeting, the HOUBe . m i ngton College. Hepresontative Committee of lnui· Strawberries nnll Ycn rl y Meeting Ilnd the Board Please show me Next week wil.1 be f\ll~ o f bo~h Fresh every day IlDd suoh oboioe of 'rruSlces cif t,he Friends H ome Your W~ll: Paper at stock liS Lad y Thompson's Exc 1· Ul t, here at the saDle t ime and meut'Il'! a nd phyHloul 8xerOl"e at WII. th ere we re many visitors from tDiI:~gto n Cl,l ll e!{6" In addition to Before we could oomply, she Elior 's an'd MlChae l's . RiChmond. Pendleton and other ' ~holr [lnn~1l1 Commencem ellt whioh sllid she wanted Hydran t Bose. poip ts in Indiana, IS alway.!! Illter eRtlng and profltl~ble Mrs . Eliza Morri s, Cl. minister in r.h9 r e WIll be d~bnte~ , lectures eto. She bought fifty feet of Sun proof tbe Socioty frOID Riohmond, was ,Besides 11<11 t,hl>:l, heij' lnnl~g tit 10 Bose. ooupled ready .for , use. Theu the principal r Ilt Sqnday's 0 clock next Wecln e!!,d ny 2,'1rd . will for her invo.lid mother, 'Ilie got a DI e t,ing . be /I day fun of field sports . A pro. Bed Rest/to prop her up in bed, and Rev. and Mrs. Trout . gram bll8 been arranged for foot and save 25 per ceJ:1t Entertain. races. jumping eto, and there mBY a Bedside l.'able and Wheel Chair, County Sunday School pOII>!ibly be one or two good games one of the kind the IIrm oan be tak· • Rev, and Mrs. Philip Trout enter· 11all. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. en off, so a person olln be ' lifted Convention ·at Har- ofThese tllined a large oompany inoluding sports receIve considerable from bed to ohair, an Air Pill,?"" memberll of the family aDd intimate veys burg; of, attention among the students at fr iends Frida.y, in honor of their the oollege, and it 18 aI!tiolpated Invalid Rlnll, Bed Plin. Feeding ~on , ,Mr. Wm. Trout, of Dayton, Sunday :School Workers are very that the oontests will be very inter· CUll, t:;yringe. For herself she got and his Qrlde Ilt a three course din. muoh iD tere~ tod In the linnual Cion. estlng, and it is hoped that as manY' a Bathing Cap, Rubber Gloves, ner ., vention of I,be WILrren (J n nty Sun- visitors as ]!08l11ble will witness Abdominal Supporter, Elastlo Stockuay Sohool Convention which will them. ing., AI\kle Supporterll" Shoulder Young Ladies, Market. tak~ place I\t I:!ar veysburg, Mlty al Bracel', and a. Red Lion' Water Bag. " st, lind Jun e 1s t . . .I Said' she would sond her father for MtI~~et din t",~~ Slt~ohvsl bUI' ild!Dg 'fhere will b e three ~efl!:!ions 'l' hnrs , next ""tnr ay ..... y .. t leg nnlng . " Crutohes and " Truss, ~nd .her , dllY and two se,s.~ l onti.E rida?, and the [It 9 o'clook. brother for a Kodak Rnd II. pair of A olaas of girl8 ot the M. E. Sun. program .prolnlses to Cf)ntalU some· dllY School will hold II. market OOD 1thing of lUterest each. unll every ~es, Rubber Boot!!. 8be bid us goodbye, For Well_Drilling sisting of the many good things of ~Ion . and said she was glad to know ahe see the I!eason, also will serve ice c reAm S S R II 0 . oould always get what 8he wanted A P.LEA8ING EFFEL'T, • 'fHE SEAL THAT 8TAN~8 i'9.R ~nd • • a y ay at Lytle. at the J. F. HECATHORN I Is hoped that the tired wives A gown of Green 8eal Liquid PAINT. HEOtnlITY. , and mot,hers after pl\saing through 'fbe M. E . t5nudllY School at Lytle Cl)as A. Oump's Paint on yom hOUle ' lDakel your U . you know tulle OJ' nothing the very laborioas task of hODse will hold their uunual Rally OilY ex. Waynesville, - - - Ohio. • r about pttnt, ,"011 had bettter 1118 DAYTON olell.nlng will. take advantage of this ercises next Snnduy at :.! o'olock. home look stJllsh and Invitiug. t'!y . Green ~al Liquid P~Dt, ~d pC aU aturday morning mtlrkot nnd en· ' An espeCially Interesting program RUBBER ~OUSE it. For sale by'" E. Janney. thp. ,name ltaudl for. joy a day of rest, Prl)CeedB tor the bill! been IIrranged and nne m'usle '. For'lale by J. :m .llmnoy. 31 and SS Second Street benefit of the church. l'rovldetl. II!l• • • • •
--'~ 1 OO-'-~ \
Have vou the Bight
is! 'P OciITIONS
Miami'C ommercial College ;h
.' RESP.ECTFlJLlY, A. 'D .. WILT, Pl'••ldliDt.
T. Btl Quster,
_Dr~g S~?re
Waynesville Post Office Again Rohbed.
BIO. WE ONE. DAY, M.AY ,23. ~ n')l\
yt: e:
- ---- -.-!\lr. an~~tr Kenri r k ltlr . C)I\rk Pine 1a rapidl,. falliog. Our vI1Iltge Wil l' I! rolltly ex! ittltl ~lJent quite a busy day ~holJping in and the paralysla is Itradually pro . .Iardlni,eres from l uo \lU, oa nnnd la l't H" turclny ni ' lit wh e n Ill n 'r,· fir Dayto n em Tuesday of las\. we 'k. but s e them for t hey are of ~\lperlor 'tir" w ~ hellrd.lhbflrt, MII11tl1j.W·M theil' labors :;0 explmtl eJ wert: nl. t gresslng. I t f r uit l liS linU they returned tl'i um- . Mrs. Emery Bradltl'~t ' ll ab e a value . J . E . •lIlDney . hoos b ·ngon·flrll. ~u Jl\l ·)~p, 1 t, lan " " IJhunlly home with a nn' drugg t be up and around the houle and . Owing to the Bigll School Com· cl\ugllt, fr(111\ II >I"llrk fro m Ii 1lI ' ll h . for lh ~il' Hil ling room. yard . m encemC'Dt oo ming Frhla.y 0 venlng, By prlllll Jlt III!!liRllinC wil.lI lJUfl l\,. , II 11'. bmnc Longncre must hal'e The Townllhlp Sunday Bohool Can. PUPILS GRADUATED F~ONl WAYNES1 . t P I t' !lnd Ure extirl"lliMh or ... It Wll~ IIl1nu g(llten h mes ick fo r Illmost before ~ent\On wae fairly well aUeDded the reglll ar m eeting a a es tne '" . an y Olle knew it and app ar ing 1'0 'nat ""nnday afternoon, ' and Mr. VILLE HIGH SCHOOL. CIl tIe K . 6. E. hilS been po tponed under control. 'l'h l u~s Wfl~ pf l)hll 'JD U Im nw whell. hn sudd nly la.nd( d 1~ " ~ ODe WAek , to Frldtly, May 21). "~ ~ lIol1').ewhat mum Ch1l9. WuluI het. of Daywn, pve a 1)1:v Bbou t ~r,0 . . in 'JUI' midst. He is . prnotjoll.l tn k. C. M, . ROBlTlll!lR, N. C. Mrs of roncerni ng his. purpose in Ieavlng The following ofticerll were reo h ill! suitl ' t.hllt enola Call) · OHve Muris PBrshlLJi WII S the Itlst· Farmers, ctlllin and see the Brad- been gpemling IIe vflrtl l with work in the Gem City but snys in a eleuted : B. F . VauRhan, Preli4ent; lIIunoomuut Is be ttl r th,m IIn.v other. Ill ilmber of th e clll!!s to ap Ilk . 1I0d her siRter. Mrs B . E Boo th. vhagu way that he is going back J. M. Nutt, Vloe.Prellldent; IIi8I lind ,t ,hill ttl ill 11 lII ell lluro t rue. Iwd ber eS~ILY a ll "'1'he Broke n Sword." ley gtlng plows.edge drop oorn plant. ~ or y. Lou Nntt, Beorebry; Geo. LawlOn, the oxerolse!! IItt onojing t,he thirty· \VIIS fnll of beB utiful thoughtll, ILDd er!! one Illnd t wo row corn cultlvB. MI~R !JIll /o Nnrlr.v iM vi!.itin g 11IIr Evtl lholJgh the notice g iven was TreMurer . th ird 1I1l1111111 GomnltmOOlll lln t o f tile her deliv ery Willi exceptioDl1l1.Vgood. tor~. Ill.l tlQ cl\r~y IL (\11111ne of Os. nlpoe. Mr~. IN . Hllrrl ". in n'l;y t 'lIl somewhat short 4 ui te II conside ra ble OIilford Long gave" good reolta. WlLyngavlll~ B·I". II "01,1 001 whloh Mi ss Pur. sh l\ll nlso tOok. occu~l\Jn to, k crowd .L'!8embled at the M. E. church tlon. and .ol 1n6 Manuel reDdered ,,~<'"' L~ borne implemen til 8ml BfU til lUg thi~ WOAk. • I f t f t l I'Ily III took plnoa lit School Bll ll Friday r efer brt elly t o the hlMt.oryof tl!e 0 11. lint ay a erl100n or le ...... a 8010. Mr8. 811 Rilla Brown gave a e\ Anlng, wer e I1nciQulJteill:v t itl) mos ~lass of wbioh she wn~ a metlllJer orders fO'r high g raile t.ob·olcoo, oorn Mi ss AlIn ~nook. of RO!lth L"lIn. Day exercises. The weather wa.q so good paper. novrt Ilnu iuterel'!,: 1I,\lu ill I. long lind npply t he 11)850n contlLlued in and oats iertillzers unglng In pr ice non. WIUI II rocent ,ruest of her superb, neither too hot nor too cold The County l:)and6Y Bohoot Con. timo . the story of th broken sword to from thirteen clollnrs up. fri end. Mi ss Ste1lK Lommon that many could 110t resist the temp- ventlon meet.. next t;atarday, the Hur old A . Bowfl ll \Vns fir st · 111 the them elves . . BENR1' .lAy . ta tion to hitc h uS and go to church. IlrogrRm , Bnrl held Ilw 1l1l(\lvillt·1\ lit· Principa l D. B. Beil, in I\. hri ef Work blLS begun UI)On the oenumt Mr: J ohn Zellllnd son Arthur at· I MI'. RhH . St. ohn hasrbel ent hom € 2[lth. lit Brookv ille . th tentlon 'of hi u ulldi"nc(' wllliu he bu opprollritlte address, preRento(l t llndod t he Bal)tlflt ASllociRt.ion HKt. turing t e g reater part 0 .118 wee k Tlie /lireet improvement on e .. tl orwest of Il veranda t.Q be Areoted npon I has b een d evor109, h's timeh toh te dll forward perfurmed Il nnmu,.r (It the of t he 011l8S with their the nnd north sldllll of the M. nrcls y a nd SunllllY, which hlling une tlnYI ' lIhed .bil' mY8terious felltll II!' 1 ,.,~e l·ctHlI1l1ln . diplomas. , improving his house and lot w ic ~ " ~ ~ • HI's performunce of "IAight "f hlUld The benediction hy Rev. Philip E. parsollage. helrl in Dayton. thanks to his toil is growing to be week. WllS eq ulIl . we be lie , i' , "oJ thH t tlf /Lny 'l'ront 0108ed the evenlng's exercilles ' For Re nt-Good hlue gra!U\ pll 8 Mr. Leo BllllllJhrey, or IArbvllle, qu ite a desirable piece of property. , ff protesalnnlll tllnt htl" "v,'1' II PIII'III' d ture . Inquire uf Cblls. E. Michener , villitlld hi M r AIILt.\volI. Mr . Charlo8 Miss Heva WillillJllson attended The grlldllatlng exerolllel wiD~f bere. BI .q I" ut IIml 1II0~t ui fll \l lllt OO~[}lENOIC!IENT NOTIC8. " the commencement exercises at Cen. very c rllilitably. Tbe young a Be .., ll t, l g NW II h"unti. WArntz. nnd ftHIIII,v ROIIII'!,v . . s ta' oratlonl, undertakin~ .•wn Tbe music was furnished by WlI.yne!!V'ilIe, Oblo. it. F. D. rl. tervi'11 eon Th u rsd ay evenmg Ylng 11eliver dwell prehlLred ,eli I ful flower of pink white und ~l·eP.n. tllokes' Orobestra, of Lebanou Bee Zell's Plilnt lill on ILnother MrR. Ett.a RaIlAr Rnel Mr . Walter all night with her aunt and uncle, and Pruf. EwlnK's brief p om:' a the 011t8 oolor~. 'I n I.hl~. he ' 1ll nced Owi n a to t ile unusuallLmount of B • P i t ullbon Kfe t,nnrovlnll tbAi" "'''o'''''rtv Mr. and Mrs. Mason Williamson and talk -Will! a gem. Prof. Andrew., a small nseed in- II. COlllUlCIn llow(,r pot "Pllce r eqnired for t be }>BrformRnC8 paae '" and then buy Itrrett II It n ~ 1r tt returmng 0 r CIn , gave 6n interesting . " " ,. l 'w . h orne on Frid ay mortling . oln nn.ti and in a few Becoul18 it hlld bios· of the various experiments, thl' lltull:e and get full v"lue for your money. hv nil Ine" n ClArpAn , JlRVAmen . n on the train. olallll addrellB. somed Into B large IJI.tnt deoorlLUons were not all elabomte all Mrs. Rlltta J . Bopklml . of Be l. I frnnt. nf their The high school at GLytdle had' alMr HlLrry B Brown and llUte I d in 1I0me former years, but the sim· mont . nellf DlLyt·nn'. ·lIlii' been RIDC'e 1>1"" . . I N Lmnmnn Ilon !Ion at ' m ways been Second ra etheuntl a 'daugt'lter ..... 'n"rl , of Day taD. l RlLym ond Hawkfl. 'le HrO n D , . nth or 80 ago when State """ ha"e J y e of on tI'lI m"de a v?r pretty III wfI"k th,l' goe.t t·pnrlPrl th" Bf\.nttllt AIIRnOlfl t.\f'ln at School Commissioner Jones, saw fit !reB at hili father II, _r. • had for 1111'1 sohJ" ('(: "Our .. 1~lte Tbe olalls, "Climb tho the of herllitlte r. Mr .. J Kpy" . ' Tln,·t,. n ~pVl'r111 .11IY" I~."t. wpP\{ for some reason unknown to the . r . r ocks be rn gged." W88 IJII1ced Ilbove . 1>1. RiCA (!ow!!n . of T.AbRnon. majority of us to reduce it to Third B. r . VaulI:lw.n will be ..baen' t,be stnge, lind streamer .. of tbe CIAR" MrA Burry MllrrH .v h Hd t.1 H1 llio.,l< 4nAnt FiAt,I1Tlll1\' Kn.l Ron.1A v with Grade. The amount of work dd0ed ThursdllY and Friday thil week, on n lUY, 1 8 1>' . •• oolors. pink, .whlte Rnd green, e x· ure MOD(lllv II vl/.it. ' r " 111 lwr and the number of branches stu i ne attending an Institute of the M.iaml nlethods in the tre ll.tJllent of cm n te nded from Lhe cen te r of th e 1111.11 ltrnthllr In itl W IInll "i.. lor . Mr II lilt • hi;! Hunt. M.q H . E. Boot,h . is on a par with other eecond grade Cbrl~tian Conferenoe at Laura 0., Inals. Mrll Fllx of Millml"bu'g Mr M V. Hlitll'. of Inlllnnapo1is. school. and 'being illltructed 81 to and SlI.turd"y at the County SUDl1ay "Our State w[JA'r THE CLASS WILL DO Mrl' f,;.ll1 B"rnltllrt, Rnd "lIl1jlblllr Tnrllann. IIAvpra,1 rlAYII la8t this and seeing the fallacy of hThiB ardc. School Inlltitute It Brook"me. . dory" were trell.tnd a ly BVIB BBrold Bowell will fl8Bist in hlR On _ tion Mr. Jones recalled . the i Rev 'Uuthew. of SllrlMlboro, will Furna8. Obio hlL8i'hrt .e intl t.ltutloos fat·ller·s store . \Ii,." Rnth . of l..ehHnon were &0118"" "'PAk wlt.h MI'II. BO]>ll Stllell, Grade charter and restorea the Sec-. d 11 . '="b'"e next of a reformatory, the Rnymond ·Ha wke 11M t"k"l1 II I" Mr .11111 Mrtt . Ro y Iron .. t:!IIturday Onr 11011001 olospd IRllt Friday with and Grade ever • Ch h Girls' Industrial IHlolueur D Itl positi on in his brother ·in·IBw'lI "tllr.. !lUll Hnnd/tV . 1\ pl onlo in tbe urove of Wm. Gra. Mr. J. M. Stacy has recently cut SundllY III tbe M. E : uro . ware, t.lle BClYs' l'mll lory 1I1lllr in Da yton . , " ·.r . H . V,.,lllml\l1 lin !! removed the , down and burned ' some 'seven hun. Mr. Johu T. BrowD hall been ap. LnnolLSter, Bnd th e Obltl Ref Qr III 11 Dn VI!! Farnn Will BRSISt hiMfllther . flmol! frona tllr! IcIUilt lind Ro ut,h sides bBm Mond",,v Mr 8t.. fford II IUlhool dred peach trees from his large or- pointed to lIucceed Clarll: PIne . . tory at Mnnstield. Hi~ doscrlJltf n aD the flJ.rm . . . . of his Illwn . ~hillh glve~ it IL very went, t.n Da:vton til Anjoy the 81ghtFt ehard on the old Stokes farm. They Clerk of the Bohool Boald. . of the objeots Ilnd work of I.hese Idll Bell e B'llnos Will rOlU8111 wlt.h t,H>lty and. att.l'llotlve appellrll.nce. lit thA Rolrtler,,' ROlnn were so infested with. San JOBe scal.e Mr. Norman Bro'WD, Wife, and institutions was very illtel'u,'!tlng. her ptlren t8 lit hUlUe. , I W that Mr. Stacy reahzed the frUit brother Henry. attended the '1'own. Irla BelJe Haines t.r lit. d Ohi?'!! WinnifrPll M.Meredit,h is pln nninl( &turWlY Willi a bUlly day n I1Y· H b would never mature on those trees ship S..mday Sohool ConV81l$lon, Btate Institutions froUl II til lru to It bospitlll l~t Ciuoinnllt.j 11/111 nellviJl e. In the morning the 01a88. arveys urg to be. salable and he 8urely au,?pted Sunday and made a IIhort ,,111t with 8wndpoint,tbat of th A ffic\uontl tJII,,1 study nursin g. pr\1hllbly nelCt. full of little girls of the M. E · the fIght plan '."~e!, he ~est~yed their Unole J . T. Brown . Ohio' Is proha.blY .dolnl:! 'll ore , tlluu Warren Edwurrlll will relllili n In ..cholll held a ulIu:ket in tbe Stoop~ R A\,. J . F. <Jndwa,lllLder, . of them, thu!! prohibiting their far,her ILlmost' any other Stllte In Ule Union E. V. Burnhll.rt·'s IIh oe storti for II b lid! from ' wbioh they reoel ved WaynellVUle, dfilivered the B,H)CI\· spreading through the orchard. The campera who were workin, t or Its people In un eduC>ltil)olil time, Bt loost. u nil: . laureate "ermon t.o the gra.d1lfl.tinll: ·Ha.'l anyone noticed the more on the (jail Pipe line, h lone and a good Idea of whllt Is being 810til iB Lemmon expeots to linter a·bout 11117. The Indntltrial olasR I)f tile HllrveYflburg Blgh than ordinary amount of vegetable from Mr. Dearth '8 woods to a poln' done wlla given hy Mis8 BILi ne~. oollege in the fILII. probably at Dolfi · Al)olet:v l[)f the Orthodox Friends life this spring? Early the woods near hanltUn. 'Iho tIlto&ution 'Will Winnlfred M. Meredith deliv r ed IVllre. churoh Willi 81110 IIctive preparing SChool Snnel":y IIvenln~. The ad· we re fairly teeming with all sorts of all!>e replaoed a'8 loon al Use plpu a.n exoellent oratioD on the sUbjeot.. Rus~on Parlett will a pOtlI dlnu er and "ervlni It to the teaoh·· dre!ls WM ~iven at tho Frletlds wild flowers, m'ore t han has been are te.ted. It III a 'great hlBdranClt "Publlc Opinion. " 'l~he pOlVer uf I·iutl with t.lle Bullook Electrio..1 Co. ert! of 'flu!- connty ",ho we~in at Chnrch lIocl thA bulldlnR waR for several years. The . prolific and to farmers In oult1val&Dli'he1r Geld•• pul1l1o' opinion o!lp~clally If t.ho lit. Norwood. , , ".... , . ... A i tol orowded by ao B.udionoe t.ll8.t fol . healthy gTowth of leaves on both · . III to h ve had & oauee is ~ worthy on , WIlS I!troDl4'ly Oli Vll Mario Parsllnll wl1l rClDliln tendlmce,,~ the (/onn.,oI' 8Hoo.. on forest aftd fruit trees is plainly eviOur v age II ree a U emphll.slslld, and It WilB the ~pell kel"" ~t home. . , . which y·i.t9lded thom q~lte a neat lower'! the Ilpetlll:er'& remarks with dent. Last bu t by no means what- :~~ h~:-o~~ lI::oet~~e Idell,.. tht.Lt many of t,h e grel1t, Datlonn I VI!lITORS. Bnm for their the The entire ever the least is the' crop of weeds. With two or .t hree hundred of qUllfltions of the ) will be th I addrellll was tull .of inspiration and They' are always plentiful enough men near U8, and the foroe workiDl IIBttled by the wei gilt of publio . Among the gnests in W aynesv1l1e. . The afltornoon ~AI. e regu ar holpfullne~s. not only to the mem o but one particular speciee i8 in pr~- with the steam roller on tht' ro&c1, OlJitiion . , . .tlorln" the Ptlst...week who clim e to meeting of Farmen UranKe, beII h eminence this spring and that IS B I unpr au, "Chelllistry ' , was •th e so bj· eew 0 f visit ..friends und to enjoy M ID 8i,les many .v l8ltors ,belDI/: in town bers of t·he 0Ia~8, but to a W 0 white top: Pasture and other uncu I- together working tnwith the the IIton~ quarry we Warren F . EclwllrdH 8ddresR, Ilnd mencemontw flr : Mr. Wm. P..lUl8um trom atte.n dillg commenoement the were prlviJ egAd to lIt1ten to It. tivated ground are fulr of ' it. Are have had quite .a Itlr around our he illustrated his talk: with 1\ nlllU ',mel son Gn.!l , Mrs . J . W. EdwRrd~, evening before. The funeral of 'rhe exerclse~ 01~8ed with I\.·duet by any of the readers botanists em~ugh Village for 80me wseks. Bu~ as we ber at experiments uud Margaret al80 Itttract. Miss Mary LeVIOY and Mr. to Prof. explain the olose o.ttentoion and IOtorest of wlt.r d,., 'l'rlltelln. Wilson Edwurds, MrPl ~;Ed· P Mru. Geolrge C. it? L. Smith, 'Mr. and 'Mrs. have no 86loonll, there III very ' UUle
For the I.h ird time·htu ··' ,)'1'llr tht! Wllyueijvllie POl>lt· om ,. Willi hroken tnto nnd robbed """tllI.l· night or elLrly Mopday 1lI1J1,1i 1l t(. the burgllLrs seourlng" , . lCi. 00 in pastil I cards 48.00 iD cuh , NINE 230.00 in stlLmpe • 288.00 in all This is the smallll8t am'lIInt /IV r secured ID a.ny of the rallleH 1I1IdU Is about 1111 ltttle 1L1I18 .kep t in tuu ul ou at hllY lilll l1 . Abllut $ 700 worth u/ titll.III\l~ hud , belm 1IIIIOIHI in t h u Llllllk by tbu Pust., Ol11c.....·.,\·IOI1H to Ih., rulJlJury IInu I:!u.tlll·c] Il Y ·R r"uuillt.• 111111 UUI! U d AVOS. Iwrl I<h",·tl.v Imfol'B olol!lng SIltordny. . 'l'lIt, bllrjtlllrll osed pm .r.iOllll y the &allle tliollo" 118 0 11 PI'fl VhIU" OOCIl· , Bluu!!. Tbuy forced un e ut.ranoe 'hruugh t li" rellr ba kdour. hlloled th.e bl 11ft' " luto , thu o . r ooUl. It 0ptln. ~ook IloBsell~loli at tileew con· ~ntll lIud I.him went throllgb otber 'I1 boUks lIud 1 I,erll III the office. The rouberll touk their time lind evidentIy w"ra III little felLr of Interrnp. tlOn . '1118 Wnls whioh Uley uaed were obtained tr~1 tho . hlaokll.m ithI Il,hl)p of Charles eyuuh.lllllt Uurw u. a n entrauoe to t llA !!Ilop ..alug forced throueh a rear d uor. She A rwood horseund belonging to Or Fred B. a bOll"yof ~her· Wood 'B "",e;e tllken'''irow Dr.' Sher· wood's barn IlUd III t·hls the men drove to whel'u tlley ILbandon· ed it. . ' It III supposed thlt~ four Ulen were Implicated in the job. At Israel Wrigllt's wagoll >!hop tbev stopped and 1180nred it.notber oUriblon. and muhlng the top buok two of them 9n Ilnd .two ad tbe sellt. The rig WllS 1;Iroullh~ howe Mon· day evening 'anll the horee S08ms U'tle .~e worse for its experlenoe. Post Oll1ce Inspeotor (j1~lne, was here Monday afternoon and .went over the Ilffa'irs of the oll1ce. There III a flrowlng 8ullplolon that lOme local party Is Impllonted in $hese robberiee, BIl they 8eem to kDow eXllOtly ~ow to proceed. The . Rwe parti811 al'eov\uently responsi. ble tor all the burglariell , .
-Want a Night Watchman
' Th~robbery of the P(J8t Oll1ce
b&e created a strunK lIentlment in
favor of tbe IIppolDtmll1lt 01 a night watobwlln .to 'gulLrd ~b9 town. It III probable the llllllotur will be \lrought belole Counol,l Il~ Itli next meetlllg or i~ may be takall up ~y oi&lzeD8 Who will unue rlit1ke to mpet ,be payment, of aalllry.
H. Farr Will
be Postmaster President Roosevelt Monda.y sent . 'lae nomination of 'F B. Jiur to the ~nate III P.ostmaster ILt Wa1.o88ville to t.ake effect June 1. . Postmaat,er Stoops' term would Dot have expired until MlI.rch, 11107, but he i'eIIigned t.o give hl8 'atten· 'Ion to prlva~ busln8ll1. l
TownstJip School Boa , I'd " In a Deadlock, "Shall the lIohool8 of Wayne town8h1p have a 8nperint.andent or .u1l elloh 8Ohool go Its lIepante way without a superintendent?" Thll 18·the qU8!ltion that la ' Ilgltllt· the people at Wayne township ··aDd whloh baa resulted In dividing the hoard.of eohool direotors. .' . MI'. Frank Elbon has !>eeD a member of the Board hILI! moved from the tOWnshl\, Into tbe Wa.y. n8llVUle Bohool Dlstrlot. ThI81MV8a four members ' in the board, iwo of whom believe tbe beat.lntel'8llt of the demand a i two are Opp<;l8ed to a lIuperintendflDt The new wem· ber '0 tall:e lIr. Elbon's plaoo will
iuperintenden~ BChool~
Lol"~D"m. dl\:V~ 11Ir~
(Idnc\ll~ u~ld
m~lDber ~be olBs~
proll~l1l1l, ~~ee~:.oorations
Institutions-Ptlllilor~",' lh~ "~ dpr'eSrtede~lt prtn.~i{lIL,\h' t:~~~' t1:~:)1~~.~
Institul,i "n'f~-1 RorDllrr~
~nad!lt ~R'lolllllll,nrgh~epllsllbea
me,~"orlal ~;rmon
wbio~1 olnitu~d Mi~8es
olo~est lL~tentlon.
the ,ti.udience, a.nd lLided ve[~ mtlte, Everly. Mrs . Dr C H. TillE>. 1141', ~rl Il largo ooncourll8 of people to I McDonlLld. . . Wm. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Rolla rlo.l1y in Inteillgently followlOg the Bllrry FrotUm. Mrs. ,Tohn Frnnlln tJ'e vtllllge Amon~ the vlldtorll to our town Phillips and little daughter Zelda, I!ubject. IlIId Jittl" dnn~hter F lorll VIIMlflt'ine, , I . • . . during thi~ Commencement 9pason Alteh Eme.rick ami ' wife, Blanche Stell.a ltUtiBDl Lerumoh's eSPIlY on Mr . W b . t~r PI~rker an(1 Mr . (h .. v Tl:!e KIl90D llroperty n.t . Corwin Bon Wm . Grime" IInil wife, of Cornell and 'Mrs. Matilda Emerick " Arohlteoturnl . Deslgnll ~nd Em. ,'r Mflrelhth. ~iNS M,utha P"rkfl r. ' I", helng g reatly improved in appellr. 10klllhoma. Territory. Mr Grim'e8 were entertained Sunday by Mr. and blems" was uliiO 1II11!ltrtl.ttld bYilpll!n \11:;!! I!Jtbol W.llli nDlt<on, I'll fr ..m " is IIldew!llk \ Is 8. lU"n of whom t he ppople of Mrs. Wm. H. Carmony. . did drllwings of her own tlbe ~I~VU I)lryton; Mr. B. F Pl1rker. hOlD . ulloe by a uew oooore Harveysburg are jnstly llroucl. Mr . . ' Mrs. Jane DYKe has been qUite Ii history of Arohitecture of Vl1rlOtlS Mnwblls; Mias Mullel Ct mpto~. · whloh been. built , In front of Grimelleft llere R number ef YOOM .i1J'the put week. Many solicitous .oot}ntrlea in both ' anolent and m od. 1frlllU l:illmilton ; Mr . Imd MI l< ' \ !has. the store. ILgO, going flrMt to NebrlUlka and friendB have called to see her amanaern times nnd her pr(lsentnt.lullllf Mur ro\\' of Sablnll' Mis!! LouiH' AI Ii\ter on t.o Oklabomll. A few:ve,u'lI whom were Mrs. , WIl). Cox on Wed. the tlobjoot, with the pi c .HXllllcl r: of Spring Valley; The 8chool board and ad· ago he W/"I prominently mentioned nesdayevening. She is better at the tnres •.madEl it very iDterestlng . I Arlit l:!nook , of South Lehanon; M'r . I j .. urned Monday e"ening. Another 88 n canaidnte for the place as Gov . present time. The Dext' number ? n the prug rnlll ' OrlL GrneJIII , Dry Ric1l1:e. Kentnl k,v: ! IIIpetlng will beheld tonight and an ern or of tbe t.errltory. Mr~ Grim(ll! Mrs. Florence Donahue and' little was also of lin ex perllllen Ol~t~' ': ' . trs L6nl~ 'roons. .Mr. lInd Mrll. I f'trllrt will he made to lelect IL prln. hilS prol<pered nl140 in a. finfl.nolill child have been spending a short by Russell O. Pl1rllltt. bit! r I hltn fI\I .)!'. frOUl Wilmington; Mr ' l I f am wav apd Is Influentlll.l both In the time at her former home. . being I nnd Mrs. Fronk Bowell. MT II nd.' Oilllll for the BIRh BobOO . r political aft'llirs of the ,Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Williamson atWith thorou ghly arl uuged 1IJ)).lllrI1H Imd Mrs. J . K. Howell , Mr. 'harll!!! thelillt nf' ilevenor eight oandldlltel!. Wetlt tended the Washington . Township be U1ustrated vnriou" prlnolple" nI" Howell, Mr. a.nd Mrs. E. Howell, aU I Miss '111rll Llle who has just . Sunday School Convention at Can. on whioh the Bclence Is bU.!Ie[l ll ud troUl P ort Wimlllll; Dr. BDd Mrs. . . ork In Rev. and Mrs: C'ldwalllLder nnd terville on last Sunday. Is lleceil8ILry to und'!Nltllnd 0 . E. White, of Indlllnapol\s; M)'. asucco:tsful yoor s w MI@s Clnra I"yle were entertalnall Many pe rsons of our village hav;e iD the llucc8llsful mllDllgement of IlLnd Mrs . J . H. Linton, Mi8s Cath· Room 4, lIf the 11011001, at the h ome of Mr. Ilnd Mtll . MHr. received letters from Mr. and Mrs•. maohinerY. He till! aline Osborne, Mr. alld Mu . C. r eturned to her honle jn Xenia Tues· shal.Stont SllndltY eveDing. J. W. Ward testifying to the enjoyprinolples npon whlcll IL !!te llll\ 611· 1Baines, of'Cla.rksville ; Mls8, Donoa day after making many friendl! ment they are finding in traveling glue workM, showed the pO..... 'lr. of Dllvis, of Cinoln!lati i Miss Rhea ""hiie her,e . Miss Llle .wasreappolntt hrough the west: Pro!llinent&!f1ong air pressure, etc. • Rogers, of Lebanon. h slUon in II other things recelyed IS a paIr of ell to OI'.ouJlY t e same po Kersey, CIlrrler on one of the ma Amall donkeys lately received by ill nllxt yOllr. .routl's at Oregolilil. will 'be Interell· Mrs. Walter Kenr,ic. k. "The Lid" is the Cause of Farmers ' 0 range w .our ted in the followi ng invitations reo .. H · Mrs. Mattie St. John who8e ' hUI! caived by intlmRte friends ;)f the Resolutions of Respect. Interesting appenmgs Give a Box Social. band Frsl'Al6. St . .John W8S drowned contrlicting parties : There wt\l be a regnllLr weeting In the Little Mhlml river nell.r Col. "Mr. ILnd Mrs J ohn W . '! 'uoker T o tho officera and mewbers of Putting on t·he lid, or closing' the orthe,Patrons of Husbandry at their lel'e Bill yellrs 1l1l0, wlll be plelL@ed to hnve ynu Lytle Gnatle No. 122. K .. G . E. Q
Mi~s l
~ubllj' .Exp~rimen t~ ·:
eD~~;u~::: :r~~tslt P~~O~~:d F~~:
I school~
disorder, and no arr8ll1ll. Work ' on the LebanoD pike from Ceotervllle, north' mlle8, will be commeneed this week. ThlB work Is to be IIimilar to that-done on &he M8t road, whloh oonlllBtll of a hea"y coating of cru8bed stone, 8haped ILnd graded off 80 no water willner swnd on the road. It 18 top dr8l88d with layen of tine iround IIWDeI sprinkled and rolled with the h_V7 8team roller uutU 'lae desired shape and smothn. . baa heen completed. The 8wa4ener hill Is to be . out down and gra4e4 similar to the Ahner Harrill hUb • This work when finished. wtlJ mate one of the tlnBllt road bedl .In the . oounty, for a dl.tanoo of about foul' mile" or from thn 8prlng Valley road ;'ell.rly to the north end of the Town8hlp. Muoh oredit Is due to Commi88ioner BaineB for this road improvement. .-..:_ _ _- -
Pleasant Ridge. Mr. Frank Rogers and wife of near Lytle lIp6nt SundllY with the IlI.tter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Catey.
de:r:~:e":;C::·t~e. board Wed· ::a~n:: c!~::e~f ~~D1~ufn~~~e!!t~~: s~;?ee~~~:::tl~ga~!~' ~~!~~I~~f~g I Inlmied llI.8t Wednl!8dny to Mr . ~~;~~:"(f~:~:rf~e~ht~r ~~~~~~e~: dr::'r!:I~~I~~~~~:el!~~I~~: tO~:~i~~ ~~::~~ro~r:r~~~g1?:: Deiday whioh lasted fl,r into the happenings during the past w'llk. this there win be a box sool"l held LIla Mo~o.rmiok of neBr LeblLnoD . Kersey WednesdlLY, May 1 decetUtoo brother. James Lew18. wbo Kleinhenn and fawily Monday . WI\"
Dltrht, Mr. Warren Key8 W&8 Domin. ..ted to ml 'he "aO&ncy, recelvlDg vo\611 Samnel Mehr. edith aDdof Burton Earnbart w 0 f ..vor the appointment .of a super· intendent. · . . . The oppo.Ing IIlde nominated AM Whltaore who received ~e votes of ' members Wm. Cornell and C ... - r Iee S ~Ith ,... , . All thrun ..h the evening the vote . '. the tbe lam , eBoard . .ItOod .In Olllle cannot agree &be q1leltion before it will go to. &be 001lDty CommISSioners w h 0 11'111 ha"e to render a
Memorial Services . . .. Next Wednesday
Kemorlal Day comes one week. from toc}.ay. The program arra.nlled for the day 'promlll8l to be of iDo re than ord~6r'IP Intere.llt. ' " d ,,I The 8011001 ohlldren an fra_ma orden have been IDvit.ed to ,march tD 'lae parade '0 the Cemetery. Line of march will fonn ..t town· alp honae at one o'olook and lltart to eeme·'- promptly a~ oDe· thirty All 'h;":x.,roiIeB wID be beld a' ..... Cemetery, eUblll' In 01' near. tile Chapel aoour4inl to wee.thft. DoDatioDlof ftowerauuoUol&e4. BrlDIT to toWDlhlp ho1ll8 &he mQrD.
be enforolDg to the Jlmit and there Sund"yafternoon. 1 1f ted. Is no doubt b~t t h e d. eaferll 0 ec Members of the . G. · A. R. an d
by the law WiI.1 Mv.e theml!elvllll trouble by obeytng the law . • -
Important Tax Notice
The reful!I\l of the 0 Warren Oonnty to 8end UII lax re oelptll IlL8t Deoomber 811 hall he en Use ouat.o~ for yea.rII,I.lIlvlng CIlu8ed 10 muoh ' oonfuslon Rmt dlil8lltillfM· &lOD the undersigned h~ve d"olded to dI.;;Dtlnue the pr" C!lot· or II" Y" bat; taxes. The Callbler. • oommI.... wtn W~'9Ine N..&I~ Bank,
== ~au!.:~ ~~ -"'fat...... ..... ~ -
. Certain persons hl\-ve heen in the banquet hllll adjoining, to Tbey will mllke tbelr home near in tile hlLblt of keepi ng open on whloh the publiois'cordlally invited. Lebnnnn /llId IIlle hl18 the good Sunday afe said gtlllA nn to' box Eaoh lady is requested to bring a .WIS . b esot "Jany friends Iltunng Ga-. Lebanon recently consolted containing hmoh for two, whloh eminent legaJ a.u thorlty au the law will be sold a.nd eaten by tbe pur. zette reuders . bearlDg on SundlLY olOiling. The ILt· ohall8r and ·the onll who brought it. Mr8 . Allie Hole, :who lives Ii mile torney whom they oonsulted told An ' Interesting program will be them t~at the law was plllln , on Riven, and It '18 expected that thl8 north of Wayntl8ville on the Sprins the 8ubject, it said must close wlll be a very enjoyable event. VlLlIey pike, hta been very til foi' . 'here Wf;'re no Ifs or an d sa b IIU I it . ten,days or more, f rom aou t e indl • Ano'ther dealer has refu8ed to sell II I d h Memorial Se~moi1 Sunday gostlnD, Il1Ilt 18 now ra y ng sow~. goodll from his store urinK t e l \I I d f week to member8 of the Law a,nd A port ou,nr y Sli ea ture of the Order League, the Lellgue hlL "I~g On tho i nvitBtion of the G A. R ., Mae ill thlilt her sister, Mrs. George J D . Ca d wa11 ad er w ill d eli v Hartsock taken'a prOmlDent po.r t iD In81stlng Re V.. . , WIlS strioken With herf fa· upon tlie law'lI enforoement. er the Annual Me morlal lormon to tal illnel\lI while Itt the home .o a . . A8 the matteJ' stands at present memberi' of the ~.A. R the SOn8 neighbor where 8bo wu inqUiring 'manY'person8 who were torme,rly of Veterl1ns Bnd t publio at Bt. over the t.e lephone about her clllle Indifferent on the Munday questIOn . are now demandl~g thlit the law Mary's Oburohh!lat tbree o'olook .Mrs. Bole walunll.,le to Ilttend her
~ .,0. OAMWJUOII'r,
nt 8 o'oiook p. m. At their bome. l Ohio." . BarveYllburg, The WlLrren County SundllY Bohool Conventloo will hold Its forty·tltlrd annnnl Convention I,t BarveYllhurg, Tbursday and Friday of ne,x t week, MILY 3t , June lat , Itnrl a very plel1sBnt and prolltahle time 18 an ticlPlLted. Prominent Sundayf . Bohool workers from alJ parts a tbe County. 88 well as several state workers 'Ilre expectlld . Co n t rary t 0 aD Impre88i on that has gone abroad . the people '. of wtll HarveysburlZ Ilncl MII88le township give freeentilr. talnment to all delegBteB ILnd villitor8 who' will attend tbl8 Oonventlon . __ •
Secret Orders WiII Dec'or:ate Graves June 10.
IIIster'8 funeral , Mr8. Eatiher ADn Taylor, who' hllB Sons of Veteran8 are reqneated to been failing in health aDd I. U. 0 F., ,will meet at their ball In tbe Farr and ' J . 0 a dlLY for U1llny weeks paBt, continnea to observe Sunday, une 1 , as White building tlt 2.30 and Mllroh d h diU II nOWlto decorate the grlLveB at Its d 1lO8IlII. h ' decJine lin er oon on ed membel'll and has &8ked Cove. to the ohorc . very Itlal'llUlnll: and dl8tre8lling to nant Lodge. the ,J . U. U . 'l'he public Is oordially invited to her frlen(i!! . A,M the K of P., lind the K. of attend. Special mUBic hy the choir. ' N .. _ f th G' E "to jOin them Ilt 2 o'olook Cuhler .1. . .....,mmon a . e on' 'hat ullY ILnd " pr(ljlBtld W Miami Rebeka h LocIge Will . ~... k d J a mel 8toov th Cltbtlnll ~_n an r- oe'metery to 8trew flowel'.llupon e Serve Ice Cream with a pa ty of men from HPrtnlJ·IIrIlVBII of t.helr d" eparted brothel'll • field aDd otber pointe '918· and ailten. . At the Dext regular meeting of lted'the of the KentuokJ All membera of theile'Order!! and Rebekah Lodge, after Coal Co., .of wblob IIr. their friencla who have tlowera 'Will rou&tneb118lD8IIs hal heendlBpOlMld · 8toope ••' UDloD oonfe:; of, .. hmoheon.of IGI OI'eam aud 010 OoaDtl. ,lad ." .1£. ~ CID that day.
Rebek~h . ~Ith
..w be~.
de(II'rted thl8life 'May 9, 1900. would respoctfully submit the .foll qwlnl;. : Resolved, in the hll@ dealth Bro. Lewis , that tbls Vastle ostofa fll ithful member and Bn efficient oflioer, ILnd the entire oommnulty an honored a.nd respected oltizen. But sinoe It hILS plelLl1ed the Bu. preme Chief of tbe 'Heavenly Castle to remove frolU our m Id St our be . 10veA brother. we must bow in ~ l1UbUllliSlOn . th '11 f humble to ewell. WI a Him " who doeth all thlngll II that our Olosttoprofound lIy!upatby ex.tended his be.. relwed fll.mily, trusting they may be led unerringly oDward by the guld. Ing hand of the Hreat Creator of all thin..... ,,- in thill. sad hour uf ad . ve.r aity. 0 f t to Re~olved: 0 castle respec hall . and our brother that ut our chal'rer be draped in mourning for a . d f tho t d s I tiona peRes rio l°ed ITr y t a ,yh' 0 V : h a t ese reso u be 8pread upon our minlltea that a copy be aent the family and that one be sent to the locill'paper. Respectfully si&'1led in F. V. & H. E. J. CAIUIONY W "'Iilft. KBNRICK AL, JIO=E FOULKS PaSBed May ,1 •h . l: , fr:lnlr, Mr. =111'11. Wm" Hotilett, Mrs. UritbTbomuanclMiIIi Mollie
!~ !i
!::~db~,:~I~fe'l~~~' WUaon.
Aunt MlI.ry . KIllII, of Lytle, was t llo gue8t of Jacob Cornell and cllildren from Bat. night utJtll Sun. dBY. . Johnnie the lI"le 80n of Mr. and Mrll . C . H . Surface III reported So 1)e slok with the meallle8. . ulBS Lola Stokes was the gUMt of ... brother 1::ral'ry Btokell and faml. her Iy 10.8t w~k"" . "'" ur. 'and ....._u .M JohnE Mareh t B were ate the , iuestl of r. rnea u r. worlh and family. . Mr. and Bbs. EarnhlLrt mad.e a business 'rip to Lebanon one day last week d from 'his violnity &'teD .. edSeveral the oommenoement at Waynell...
. .. .
ville Friday night. Walter Callt, wife and da1llh_, and Walter Botts, wife and daqb ter Edna were 'heguea. of Mr and M~ Lewlll Frazer 811DdA.y ' Last Wedneeday waa Mr. and Mrs . Burton Bamhart'll tw.,..tleth wedding anlvenary. It. bout. flny of thllir retath81 took It UPOD thlllD selvl!II to Wl their baltee. wUb ood. d ._.,~ everythlDg g w ea. an __ MI' ~Dd Ml'II E.rnhart ~Dd ohUclrNl by lIurprille. ...... r.l'Dh." Will.
MrUI~~YWJ;!. ~~~ ~:~.n:=i:: c;! -:::~=:--a
the iood \lme .. neq- Oft. lure to _
~_~'''• . ,
I" I;a).. U lor.e u YOUI tC)ns~lrnee II I ar, aod your pGres "pen; IHP Is one &:Iad, s",'pet lIung . \\'ell , I dou't PECK'~ know, but If pa'l ('OrJ\cil'llc" Is cI"llr ~ b mu~ hav~ I!\ral ne' l It tho WRY tlley do ruIn w~ler. ttl tle~ the wlggler~ (lilt.. o r el~l' ill' has uKed 1111 f''''1; 10 ~el ll o bls cOII~ r lcn,' ~ . 11I~ WilY , I hey ~elllv \'QrT~,', I f hi s 110rq or\1 OpPlI, he bR~ opell\,ll (hem In tho old way . with II corksrr w. Uul, with nil I bav hllll to coa t nod with ID t hI! \\ I'~' u f u rrlg h t· Bv HON. GEORGE W. PECK .ful (\tnplu from pc. I am nut ~o worsl'. 110\"1 man), bo y ~ 0 1 m y II~I' do )'0 \1 ~IIIII)O~('. l'Oulo Ptlt in 3 QPOs r. n wlttl .. ,LX' r.'lli" , ", J , I~ Il • • I' .. 1 (l rrll fl . Rntl hnvl' all th e facilities I • hovl' hnJ to 1;0 wron g, and !'Om 011 1 ... " l~ S~nt to a HOSlllt.'\ 1 to Becuperl\t~ u \\" toll as I hl" 'Q? The wa), the [rt'l1l, - Th\' Rod Boy DI ~ courl\ges Othal' jus l tln wd on nIl' w"ul,\I hl1v o turn ell Dlly from Running Awn ywlu. the thQ hea<l s n( 1l10~1 hOYl\. lull whrll I Cir c\ls-l1u :Biekes,Them Wlltorth~ found out Ihnl wI 1)( th c m, [ro m th CI\n1 e\s. Curl:Y the Hyenas IlI.1<1 i-ut fl\l ",oman unci th p b"lI n ll'd woma ll . to lns ec p owd e r on _ the lluffaloes. I tbe Irnf\~7.'· I,e rf rm ~ rs. nte on [ons I hrp~ lill1l'9 n da y. I ~ nld : " Nay. II l l , Th ;~ I ~ lhp ll rat l imo since "" e s ta rt· Il rlln r y wil l I'IUIIII wll h tb IlnlnJlII ~, ~ n \l nt wllh lh e clr,' us In the s [lrlng wh o) ~ p s ml' lI Ib I1A Ulrnl . anti no t ae· Iha t r a 111111 I l1;1vl' not b en two Qtllr~d , " I "'J.,l: ll l\ll'~ on Ih o 1'1 I," ready ror n.nySa y, ,10) Y II Ilw\\, . hn\"I' ~u \·r.1 hllll ' Ihlnli that Iho IllR '13jters to ld us to drl'oI a uf " )" 8 Ihi R HUmm 1'1' fr" OJ rllln , du, Okloho mn . I h ~ lI !:h . and lh e In. ·ca u,,'! In el' pr y to "'n th pn ' nrp lots o r ,lI a n Ic r rHo ry , Ilfw " be!'n too mu r b bOYII wh o wnn~ 10 I'IIn awny rrolll f r pR , aTHi Ih py ~e n ), h im On to Kiln· ho me IHIII ~o .It w!lh 11 I' ll' lIS. IIltd ~as 'i l )' J O recllperat e - In a 11051111al ' rau , I ll rlon gl'd to t ile !lhn w Ih" y all fIJr n week , '\\' hll e Ih' . how does [(nu · r rl1llP to m e, und I'll ap\lOl nt"d m e tll ~ns to n finl ~ h . an il maltes R Irlumph · ,lI sconroj;1' th e boYR , Ull tl (I rlv e Ihrlll 01 (' nt ry 111 10 l\Il sgn u ~ ; . Il way frum the Rho\\' . I k now In VIr· I woncler how th ~ h ow will gel I ~ Iu l n all Ih e boys wlll1t pd (OJ run nwu y . a.long w itho ut 1I~' fo r n week , ' aus •• 1 fi nd \lui tllr me the Nllltt' \\,o,j ld ll 't
A Whl- te Season -Promised
h)'l'i\u. Malt bOya . ould IOnk IIOrt or dubloU8 about It, hit t "'''tl ltl tlJlnk It wu IIfl to llleru (0 IJ" ,~nme . &nd Lhuy . at In lWrt Ion ". tth pP. fbBI", - .., P d t a H., We W"r(l rI' [J~atol1ly a"~lIrllll tbe s '"ral rOWR ,. ,. Mlchtgan Mo\h reaerve w,lull1 ltlk lhe ,'ul' ry ctllub and brllHh ~ o ulll l( I'lImmt' r was to bo 1I1u rk~1I by a ('Quple o f rrlll.!l DC In"I' , Family by Dr. Wllllame' BROWN • M,K~Y, Publl berl, a ll Il gl1l . \ I won"l I lllll them to the J.:ny ('olol'tl. 111\,1 now the Hliu ... "OI(1hn. TIJ(lrl! I ~ vcry IIUI I"hrllt!'\v 10 rel'ort1 Pink PIli •• "A.YN~VIl_IJ~. OHIO rngp . nu,I tl'lI th " m \( j ll ~ l ~o"lh - '. I ~ J~ lal tl ~)n the ftlel thut white Is 10 In Hngerl' lJlou~ of 190~ . The tn· Wh n ~hQ blood Is Impoverished th • Ill!;: lu th ' h)'~IIU'; IhroJu~h lh o Imr~. rillo, . \ \'orllt' on,'~ b\ll\\I,1l tlowu thl' blll"k aM nOI'\'e~stnnel\U(1I1enmJl;inor6olUuLtlng OVILI"~n .arvQII. a n.I whpo til hy,'uo l{ ' I"'/:U II t.) I\al 1'111' s trl ~t1y tnllor 0 while IIn ('o In l yenr, tllo t<'~ve I Yllry 81,."IIRr. DlIJrO 80rillus 8wifL!Y f lluw~. N ervonl 11l1II1' anu uet RS Ih()lIl~ h It \\'onlO /: !\'Q frocll 1\1 a styie U!a~ hns mil ch In It~ I P .. rhllp~ 1\10 'lder 11ft r nee I\ I'H In t!J1' pMple 01'0 gon'rnlly pale peoplo_ .By A rec nt (\ count loforms uS thn t a eWUln (N. J .) mlln bns I,,'.ns tblll 1 y Ih e m ,,1 ~'lI\lIro to ho currl\,,1 " ft . IlU II IFur. nnel WOfn ,,-llIl the jonnty ] ll nud.worlt. leils Olll'nworl( IlUrl nlO N BUl'Plyillgt\u:onght.ho b lood thoso 'l' "1l1tB wltbhllndlos on lbem. cnllbllu~tba Ilor of the duy ond elo brol tll\rlltl of whnt IJ< 1'1I1,lc~ fl\l~'.1 "'orl< . 8011 ,1 elulII 'nlll tbut t.he nl'rY~S urad, Dr. WU· luld dOlI II an \1 rollo,1 ,o,·,'r. IInli 1>IlII'l'd ,'ourer to .I\srm!lse wllb I he eu tomory IIlw a cot thaI "'" nIP,1 lu "I, scrll t, hNI. lIM'n lor !!91 will ronstl lut u us fr oKh I French, cmbro l~ (' ry. 1' hl ij Is vCry lil\l118' Pink Pills f or PIll People hllve . nod It I ~ ,I U~ tlw u;,;" lilly wUlll tl N il 011(1 chnrmlll g 11 S;lll11ffi e r frock li S I)r l ty on th ~h I' r s: urr~ mploy erl. p~ ..forJlw'l tllO~e n l l11n1'lmblol oures t hu, asg up: \\!bile ~hls Is wond~rrlll It I out o f oue-'S hand . Ill., t.JnYb Ill h: ht ull 'o llld hI' Ima~luvd, mnc h h llci' Ih an ~h'll$ 1)lells lng contrn ~ t. Th e mntl'1 l· IlIlIko itilll pOA.lbloCor rUl)- u ervons 8nf· on ly In lin '\\'Itb olher oIlH 0" r ll'5 II Illg 011\. l,n,l I WIHl ld ha \'" Iht' n i h' opel! 'rl :<0 ml1 :: fus siness , The OIit ~ n8 0 rul' nl~ 1I10s t III u se ar ' lIIul1. I'l\ rs lnn la\\·'.I. f er r to lit gll10t ~h ~Il\\ f M P t lllA.lo b): H~I nUfle men: notably Prof. allll I Uey cuulcl I;\J II< :1011 ~lIrry tuow nre ~h() I'L o ug one~ In was h matcrlllls lmlisLol a.n(1 very fln Ollllt! orA mo.l o M!rf~~~It' •~f'N~~ Sl~ E?t.v ,"~r; Rtl"~ef. Burbank In "~g I, lIud Prof. Lcwb In 011'. .. A ml !'t akc; the flony ja 'l\ t Is lie \\, r. of ho\1tlkel'~hl r II nco. , .AlllNIII uh . , who writeR 11.$ foJ llow~: 81lIn\(l-llif. A prof 880r of ('hcml ~lry \\ ull It \\, O'l v J Itlll )' 011 ,l l" l1l IlJ ~ee I hut ' 11'" ~ton Iioltls Illi 1'. ')' 11 . TAilors SllI"b prelly thin gs Olav ll~ ras h· •• My t~l1\lh l o stal'l It Wilh "hlli!hlrLb . In on ' of the hlcago ('oll eJ;(,H. wl\O $ (, o [uo l w y s ltt" u\I tv II nr 'nll l:11j:~ ann fn.'or 11 nrlt:lIy lalloreli wlo1to li n on ' 1011 'ol t1f In· rt· hl ~ f~, A w'i lllan of Ollr .Afl tlr 0110 Ilf lilY hiltlr 11 Wt\~ l), 1'111 hrlll modestr prev nts hi Allo \' 1111; his I\~nl (, Ir y to ltn' o"I I~'l III (1)"l1a lJy 1.lud hid wnIR·. hul frlvolouA womu n go a O"OIJalnllll1rt' ((1111, ,\ Un/' Im·p·tr lmmed (l klll,l of 1 !11\'l\ly~i ~. I "'liS very wCllk "I bo Imbl! h' d U1ltll Illt er o n. hilS, we wu r d and .. plOUA l' xlun l, II' , ~ u y l r.8 In l or LII. 'rl,'o lltlBIH'S8 of Ihe IIn glll' l mull hllllllla'f( hl pf anil 111[1110' n ••l\lIrl11 · (Il11t' my 11I\1I1tl~ WIIA 1\ Iltl lo orool. cd , 1 suoth lng word~ li ke ' . •~"" o/ h Il SS," o r j blo u s~, . ' Inl; de jl ro lhu 11)" CUll hI I; It (\lagon- WII.~ 111"'"yS t'nli! IIl1d W illi 6 " ferv 118 nre Il)forOl d. 'lor some 11m , bl' u e ~· " 0. oo llle of! ' n w. 1I 11t! be II !l lull r ·l· In I·O llt ' I1Ft 10 th~ luilor \1 1I0(,n , lillY !I(' ross nnd JOI IIIII ),\ Ih" brlel. seam tlllltI 11"!lI110~ bCllrt~~ Ll~~I~I· (\l\b'I I?..g,bnl!tk porlm ntlng with fo wls. 8 Ul ~ wbu t U l I I te" or IL bo I'lng-BVI'1l uO I. •• IU II . I I ,. Itl w, nll l cc th h yella Rn nr th IIn c, bo\,,;evel', of hn,n otl s m. E,' ery III". Gull Wtl lIu v" nftr noolt Rnd El" EIn lnl la s uc h n wuy Ill' 0 t; y " 11 110 0 u ('III( w on III 1\II110y 1110. My b ' nr~ tint. InrlUtlr's boy knOll' s tbn.! be ns lire vc r)' s llOw II Is l "' th 111;(' ,\ :1 n na rt'h I ~t ,b ut a t Cl'utl n grrnt 110111 II ml I hod dizzy spells. ", ,,ltI ·uIllllo nnl r (, 1l1 h;; hl t r)" lO t a m 1 WII ~ lI o t IIhlll t o bo l eft nhmtl. eus pUblo to by.pnoUc \nfll1(lures, nnll sv b e wu nlt! ta ltc a r" l1 of m O il Y v ul "b:(nlootllr f(IWt'll1otlilru r()1I kimls of It 18 Quite' common In tb ou nlr)" for <l r I1I H ha nd wltb(l\lt bI tin g Ih e ba o(\. I1I pdi 'ill,,,, cunll!-(jllg i t- tiul' crnl timel. boys to bold II. hen firmly In Ih el r hll o,18 I lIa\'c ha t! boys ~ la l~ O lu (runt uf a \ VhclI it \VI\S vl,l cut t,hut h e ooulil no~ Il ud. looking 'cross.eyed lit It, t he fowl h),.' na cugc wit h a ur rY.r omlJ an 'l h ul l> III It I<nid he !lift Ullt und erstund hr', ~h nil IInl' try lno; to -~ct on gonlt lil Y CIl~O. Tills WrllI, thr e ),eM alga oud will soon begIn to 1001 ro~s·"~· II unLl I:IJ . I WIIS very J1I\1l:h fl l:t'o urngll\l, W 11m my a bout for dnys In tbBt c nd il lon. The t,' rl1J H with th o hy tillS. tlll il OCClISI() II' \)1'OIb o'·. wh o hall ttLlte u Dr. WilIinms', IIrst experiment made by tbe pro· ally th e hyenns woulll fOI·gl'1. to s narl, l'illk l'ilIH l'orOlllm IIded th 111 to lUll. I tossor was In feeding to b ti s jlcppc r nud th. \Joy woul d thillit l ile, an lmuls kh,e1 I'h (In: 11111.1 uotic~'l n ohllnge 1.)r tbo a n d salt mixed and hangJng ,llcro rl' hen s we re beg inning to " "li ken , nut! th o bo y bet tlll' ," " I1Iwa~ lnhhl sth (\soCO IHlboll . wo uld worlc \II' close r 10 till' elise. an ,1 Dr, W illi,lIl1 R' P iuk Pills cored me I\u(\ I all lind pepper box('s, so thllllhc), ooulol Ray ' " Pretty puss y ... · 1I1Il1 haiti 01lt his bll"o \JOIl I1 W ·11 ov r slile o•. 1 Un '." flo ~11 be plainly seen, 'lind In a few oInys the hAUd nnd SIlY: "Gooll f llow." 'l' b clI Ill)' OWI \ hOll. wor~c, ~owLIJg (lud wru;il· eggs j1roduced were all seaso neol relll]y I ·1 i . r I . b YClIns wo n 111 inl! for seven of li S. ' for IISC. Going sUlI (urther In th e ru nt· l ill ,' I JO C case u 01. Dr. Will ilun:' Pilllc Pills bnyo niSI) ma lte a r \l s h for h!lII. ho wllnll. ~ nnp· CI1 I'U!\ diMl'nsrH Cll1lBa.1 by illll)lItO or im· t cr. he fOld the he n on cummlnlll eol hum, pIn g 111111 ~crn lc blng, wltb III Ir bl'ls l Io' s ll""cri ~h\'d blon.l filWh nH rhclltlluti.IU, lind the next doy tbe he n T,rorln t'cil a n UP. and Ih e boy \\'o \lld rail lJaclt wards uua'lIIi1lllllllnfl(1r·c'O· e tll of til" grip. egg which. on bolng cooked , cou lrt llll l ho (In ' r B sat'retl ro w, ' Allo ul tl)16 1i11l 6 I Allllrll ,[!j:tist~ fiell Dr, Willi~I1IS' Pink dlsUngulshed from ' tho ordinary ' hum wonl I ''O lli e nlong a na II sll Lho boy If PiIIRor thl) r I1llllly wl~1110 mlllled, post· lind eggs ns serveol 10 restaurUUl!;. r xcl' jll h I! Im.1 hil t t h hy ellns l! ur r l't!LI. ·CUU S., pIli,!. ,0 Il rl!\'c!pt ur 1)0"1 '0, .50 lleDJlt~ p~r \ )()lC RllC blllll'K for e2.r;0. by t,lIo r , W)l t hat It '\I'as all 't ogetber, III,c It pa nctlke. II h ~ 11n,1 . I wn n tc,l h i m to ~ urr)' Ihe linlU S MCI]iuiue ., chou ·!lldy. N. Y. a nd It lhen ocourod to him tbo t possibly /,: rl\I'1) rObbers-til e ja~ k aI S, TMn 1!y applying. tho IIlred I"OYS of (h e 5un III ti ~y woul ,l l'Qhnc tanl!y g-Iv e up RELIGIOUS RpM OR. his Iools, a ud say If I wonted t be 'to tbe hen It might. prooluce 11 coo!;ed hy enas lind Jll cllu ls lI r rlcd ott I Qoulil !.til, a nd alter eX'l)erlmelltlng by pUlting Tbe New York (ederatlon of church110 II ' m y~ c lr . ,I wo ulll t ell Ibe m the hen In a glnse box and exposing It to es. wh lcll h ;; becn In exls tonce tor ten th y wo ultl II ver dll for lll o Circus the Bun the he n produced a cooltcd egg, yeurs. Is ali t or debt for the fir. t lime hlls ln o8s, '('auso tnlnt hea'rt c e ror wall In It ~ hl ~ tory. It Is I!pcn~ l llg mor. nnd o ltbollgb'tbese Ullugs n18)- seem reo fa ir hyel1lt. Th r n th ey woul,j go thiln $1 6.01)0 a ycnr In !LS work. markable to the un sclenllfic mind, the hom e nnll A II I heir mOlh r 's co pper Ind lunupnlls will have Ule Int rnaprofel!!!o r wenl sUIl furtber, o.nol reatlU lI '! r 10 t; t money to pay tbelr wuy tl onol mop ting of Young Meo 's ·hrls· soned oul thai helts could as well pro· In lh e Mho\\'. Geo. 1 ut I have sa" eil tlll n nSROrintio o soc.J e Lles. wblrh brlnga duce two eggs per day liS one. He there· 1 0 L.~ of boys from II ('Ireus :a[l). togel h r bctwl'c'n 800 II nll 1,000 wo ri'ers fore fed the ben on sulphur a.nd lI'm , Pn 11119 nn a w(ul t Ime III t be hos· from the nil II Stotes, Can adll nnd ltnd also contrived a box willi a spring 1)ltnl . 'CAuse twl e FI dny tbe doc· Mexico. n ~ t M::ly. tors etrl" him lind IIUIl Il mcss of cacbottom. 80 lhat wben Ihe first egg was Nvtl,'e Protes tAo t Cbrlstlnns In InIus thorn a out o[ h im. and he yell. laId \t was dropped to a cusblon below, dill h''''8 formed a national home mlsanll don·t tallt ve l'Y piOUS. Th e docnnd 'theu !.he hen , as us nnl , tu'rlling slnnnry 60 101)' to evaogellzo their own tor told me I musl lry a lld think of llronnd to see the egg which s he had countr)'. Tho soctety wilt be adminisso mothlng to divert pa.'s 'mind from tered wholl y by Inollnn nntl ves. la hnrIuld IUld It not beIng vislhle, In iess than bls 8ulferlng. mony wllh extsting Ohrlstlan cbu r bes an hour \lroduced anotber complete egg, So I go t some lelc!g ra.pb blanks anlt In tbnt la nd. but It Is only ' fair to say that It was of envelopes, and I hus written m8STHE S ' M M1;: R lRL. The Congregationalists are rn lsl n~ the ClI,lmmon variety. lind not Quite IlfI sages from the show managers. twlca gowns of very elaborate el:jllro cter. bACk and tront. ThIs eugs; ellon IDay now nlloul $~OO.OOO n year for hurch large as' usual , but the professor thinkS a day. The morntnlg message wouhl Trimming Is plied on trimming. plaIt. prove welcom e just now, wh n on ef· Tbe Bull Tossed the Bol' Through th e Tent. extenS ion : hut not 6athined wIth that "'Ith.ln a reasonable time be wlll pro· tell about the busIness of the day he- Ingll of sil k and frll18 of lace. moltlll g (ort Is made for tbe low neck e\'e n on are sturthlg a moveme at to Insure duOll an educateol ben that wlll lay tbey- sentenced me to go along wllh have boys enougb to grow up and shoot fore, lind how llley l:nlssed pa. Th en doubl e adornment. WIde tucks are street blouse. Ohemlsclle3 and curr~ '600.000 bulng raised, The re lire 500 eooln!cteggs with ham,orother mat.erlal. pa, so I could be handy to bold his tbe negroes, But ,..'hen 1 found boys I would add 6Omethlll& Uke thIs : "The to be a feat ure at dresses of 80ft rna - may be mode of nne kerchler~. aud l:Ongreglltio ns of their denomlnallon III hand's when lbe doolors are pulling wbo ",'anted to skip !tway from home. farmers around Olat:he are all .lnQulr· terlal. and Iltlle fancy coats have de· many II. Illce tre~sure Is to-dny lurned thIs' cOlin try . rua~ all ready tor U88. ~ cactus nNd.l" out of bls hide. I I ",,' auld give tbem a job, and ,1h"eY Ing for· you," or "Th,e farmers around elded vo~;ue. Th ese eoaLS ore not 'for, tram its ' former lUI to h elp ant '111 1'berc I\re more than 2,OOO,(lOO OOSTO guess pa' was 1\'ll1\nl onoueh to Jump would bave slept In the strow Top9ka wish you were here, 'cause warmtb. but transparent alfalrs whose trimming, Sometimes tb e k rehl el JllghW1\7 :B.tghtll. Baptis ts In tbls country. wHb 60 Inetl'The public highway should be .lJI&in· Kan818 10 the nJlht, from what .e "dth the horees, and eaten at lbe sec· tltey' " 'ant ,to give you a reception," lIole oxcuse Is beauty. 'On the street need not be .cut, may be cunningly dIs tutlons of learning and 45 dl\nomlnatolil ua 0_. ood table ar.ter the negroes bad beell or "About 200 farmleMi at Parsons a woman likes always to weal' 80me posed without this sacrillce. ~hado" tlonal pallers. They have a llat10nal :talned tor public uaes, Rl~ts OIl tb. He said wilen be wat! a younl mall fed. If they could only sbalee tbelr thInk we ougbt to let them In ' free, little wrap. be II but a ftutr)· !>oa. and embroIdery Is ellectlvo on sbeer rna· orgnnlzatlon, wltb boards for mlsslonl. \publlo roads when granted to privat" be IUId a railroad brakeman cot b~· comfortable homel and loving trlends. on account ot beln!; old frIends ' ot the trans parent coatee of the presenl terlal , And as 1 underatand Is not very bomB and foreIgn. education, publlca:part1ea sbould be for temporary pe' cd at Tlltpeka, and they bad an order IUId join a traTellng cirous. youn." The lut on.8 ,~roke pa all up. gives variety from th~ ubltoU8 boa': IlImcult to make, Cro~het la ce 01 tlon and the )'Qunjt peollla'. aocletiea. rJods and as non-e.cillBlve as JIOBlllble book printed, IUId went all onr Ku· Well, I alwan Po'l" such boys a job The metlaalle said: IIfany farme~ . Cape like wraps are try In! to PlIBb every kind baa been reslored to fa voi From SlImotl'll. 'tbe Rbe\llsh Mlsslon111 their lerill8. rtaese points need ~. au ta!dna order-. for OSiar wmo_, ",aterlog th. camell, and after tbey trom Atohl80n are g()lng to come wl~h tbelr ,,'ay torwnrd, but may not WiD w'ftb a vengeance, and ooe sees beau, a ry BOclety reWrtll a r,ear of ba neat be lnallted upon. and DIOst pIIOple 8M which th.y wuranted to ~'" _bllb had carried water from dayllgbl un U8 to Kanl&ll City to conter with you ' out, Utul turn·ovel" collal'8 aod cntra 01 lucb 08 It hRS never before seen, 'rhe Sleeves are a IltU "tonger than !ut lrllb CrOChet. the foree of argumellta tUrectlld alalUt 10 two years they would malle "ncea duk, aDd ba4 leeO It dlaappear down on La old mattar of bUlloe8l," PI numher of pngnns bftptlzed dnrln,; Ibe We would not be Interpreted 118 )'ear WIIB 4.112. besides 136 Mohammo· the cranUng of perpetual franchlBft. for the farml that 1110 anlmaJa 01" a camel and u.. '"limela 8rum~lInl jumped like a box car oft tbe track, year for cOllte, but for' blouse and even· 'bllzzarda could eet oftr or dlf'oUlb;' ' bacaUI8 they 41dD't hrlng water fast· and wantell the doc:tol'8 to Blind hIm Ing dreslI they !lre mucb abbreviated., meaning openwork embroidery 12 en· It II t4le, ho_nr, aa)'1l Ole Chlcqo da.ns. The tOlal ot Obrlstlans I!I now IUId make abade for the hou.e. and er\,~ the boys wonld ask me how long to a bospltal al Sl. l[,oula. and he told ' Recently we noUced a cbarmln! model lire!y out. lIuch by no means tbe casco G1.76~. In 301 IIchoo/tI. 14,519 boys and Dati,. Nllwl. for anT Mwspaper or 1&Il'Y tbe whole farm, it wu tile year It took 'to IIJI up a camel. an,.a1, 1 tbe doctorB the reuon. bul , the), whose sleeve was a mere nothing. a It exUltIBlvtly IJA"d fOr walB~ again I publiC man to rall NBlut the IIIIIt wheli the oaler w1l\0w ctalle was on. ",ould tell thtm tlillt If tbey kept rlgbt cheered blm up by !lAying If any mob ruMe of deep lace left open at the thiS Bummer and t)ulte the thlllg for Ilrl. are under Instructloo. The ArmenlaD churcb , tn Fresoo, pracUc8 ot the ltaCle· ln . .pect of ,lihe alill every farmer 00 tile plall18 wanted at work, the camels ougbt to be ftUed came to the bOlplul1 atLe'r him,' the,. shoulder, revealing tbe arm trolD coa,t 8etM_ Heavy Danish cut·work. Cal.. under tbe lead .R ev:-u:- K . hlgbwa~ID P'I'tq perpetual .rJgbt8 to tran.form hi. ' prairie Into a forest, up full along 10 tile fall. 'fhe boYB would hide hIm In the pickling Tat. shoulder to wrist. The allProved or Hedebo (Hay·the-bow) embrold· Lnntlklan. on a recent Bun day made a ; ot 1Ifa), to ' street ear ..... 011' acluety. h .... ya the farm ..... foueht with each would reluctantly resign .. Onr camels and make tbe mob bnUeve he wu dead_ sleevE! for lingerie blouse enda just ery, III very elleeLlve OD outside door free-will olferlng of the people tor the rillita fol' a period ot. l'41arB. 'l1be other to .Igll order-., and lOme paid In have been tbo making of bundreds of That II the way Il stands now, But above the elbow, and Is ftnlBhed b)' wraps. bUilding fund. Tba amoun~ contrlbutto pa la oat 110 dam bappy u I hava state In Ihe put _W 1I0t be 'WIser advance, liD a. to get tbe willow cut· boy. by their tank· like capacity pd by 61 membeMi of tbe congregation than lUI)' of the people, and it ~s only <tlngs In a burry. W41U, JIll. aod the bold water . ODe boy a.t Rlcbmond. seeo him. lhougb I try' to do all I can WIIS 11,340. which they elpeet to raise of lale that anJ'bOdl'has begun. ,to .rea· Tallroad man cann8led Ka'DuI, and Va ,. got It on me by gettlog a ~p.ctlon to Iteep his mind off Lis trouble. I tell to $2.000. son wltb knowlellCe of what the future IOld more than forty thousand mn- ot fire bOle and hitching It to a hy· him os lung as hIs consci ence Is ~iear'l Generally, a woman looks at b er hat of trltled la ce. or flnost chiP. ' or soft. lie IS 8.11 rl~hl. but he says : Bnt, squarely In front and at her bchaUcd esl horsehaIr ; and a /lully black bat I, AmONG ABTISTS. of electrlll r&1IroadlllC' ill golUg U) 'bo. . t \ Hep ne ry. Ihat's .tbe trouble; Il aIn't sclf from that poInt. ot vIew, when renl· almost anyone can wear. The burnland ho"" Importallt a part ·.me hlgbTen emlnenl JapnMoe arUat s were clear. ~~II. let u~ bave peace, at Iy ~hat Is the least Inillortant to etraws are charitable, too, to an un. waYs aro golnl ,to-o!' ()()u14 be .made aDY pr.lce. , "onslder. Most of the people that are certain coloring, and are tbe belght o[ busy tor mooths davlslog a seal Cor the to-play In "working out tk!l :problem. to gaze uPo.n your helldgear wIll l' lo", ,fashion. The very tashlonable old. ),ollng l·town ' ilrlnce of thei r, country. what 18 .Pt\st Is pa.8t; the bLnnders .'a l· Sham Lov~ ,of Nature. It tram tb e side or baclt. To-dill' the ro!lO Is more tryln'g. to be chosen by 'j hIs Is now put on everrthlog bu ready made are 'ma4e, a.ud 't hey repPra'l sl.,g tllll genu ine love of nature milliners til! m to realize this fact, for the few ruther thsn the mnny , A light wellrs or u ~e8. wblcb ex is ts In vie hearta o[ so in llny to·day most of tbe Irlmming ' ls piled colored ch ip tI'l mmed wltlt one'B most ' A rece nt ex position In Am sterl!n m resented the oplnloll of Ule\r day, not qUi et peopl e. who have Il real dell:;l1t In the back and cUI'ls liP rrom tho side, tavorable co lor would be l1lodl sh ' nnd of' 20 new palnllngs by Juse f Isrnel,. , only In the leglslatu ..... bu.t throughout 10 the s il eo I 'aud EIXQulsile changeS'. One set!s not 8 few plumes coming attractive. Without doubt thero Is a bore witness to lh e fact thaI tbls I'mltbe provInce. It Is the blunders that tbe Inllux aod e tllu l. or IHe whlcb we aut from one side. fll llin OVl'r the r;e ncroufl "arlety to chooso rrom tbls nea t J cwlsll llnlst. at til" ase oC 80. have noL beeo made tha.l need to be prjl.Jcrves the best trolts ot his ' man· call I Ill: seaso ns. an anonymous lUng· hnlr ot the ba k and thon moun lin g SI'DSon. discussed. People do IlOl ~et put bood powc rs. IIs b writer say!!: "'l'hotie who al'o >n the other lild e, Ynrd s anrl yards Some onll says In r egard to Ih e enough vo.lue on the public blghway, lI eIOl'I('h Vogel, B welJ.llnown GerfOrLunllte enough to FPend Ibelr lives of ribbon adorn I h ba k lin nd au. an,I wallin's of a dress, when In doubt whIch Ie under coll trol f the lllUnl clIn tb e Qui L counlrY- Glde hnve mucll lowers are massed hIg h In the renr. choose the empire; which nd,l e.. w' man portrait pnlate r. wbo. ho w ~ \'er. pal lUes and ' the prl\vln:e. ' Que tillug r lhl s 1,I'anQu ll an d "auttered 10"e of do not hold very good. Unl ~ij S lhe h as Ilot 'lOll any worlt for Ui r/W delltbe people klIow Is th:!t tlley waut uoture; a ll tl otherd , ngaiti. wh o ar" gow n Is made by on nr tl ~t. Bn emnlro all es. has left his, ,,:hole prope rly. ,'u lelectriC . railways, and WAut t.beOl· now, r Oflll e mll elJ lJy clrcuUls,lnnce5 lO spent! Is ' ve ry upt to look llk e a nls,ht gow n m'.,1 UL $250.000. tor tho fouodlog or a li'or cbeapness IlJId eOllv cnl nec they I h ' Ir "U l'a IIJ lo ll som u towns . !lnd yet and the "Ioorer to presen l a raU, r ch urllnlJ le Ins titution for a rtists, J nDancBu postll ge. s tamps um . raied ha YO t li e I us tl nc. . lI erlv e.1 perbllps draggled appe!1rnnce, 88 t!lon gh lIOt won l 'them on the h1!;bVo'IIYH. 'rheyex(I'om lun g £&n p.raliolls or cOllulry fore· rlgge(1 out tor public ga',e. Tile IS I he mo s t" artl stl c In the wDrld; pect th(lt they IUld til clr children oftc,princess h nOl snch a difficult 11101. l here Is 'l gr at ~ 'mantl for them In rut h"rs, re~ 1 Ih ls b e ~l1ty. In the abort them w\ll .use these IlneH perpetually, wre'I\:\ wh l' " I,hey a,re ona bleu to ap· ter. the r,rln ce~s o[ to·dny ao lUodllled Lon ,lon "I pr sent. Tlie fll'~ l s lam ps I But they should get the m Uy wise nnd It en.n be mnde -to s uit every IIl;l1re. w ~ r Issue III 1971. Tbl' re are rew p rlla ch It. more polg nnn t l)' s tilI. Tba I Dol by fooll sb bnrs uJllllIg., T h£l shop~ now offer fan oy bol!!ros ra re On s.· tho hIgh es t p!"l cc el'er (act , e mil Ill S. bowever. that a love of Pu Jumped 'LIke a Bolt Car, whIch help In gl~ll';g' the fln ts hlng knowlt to Iluv" beo! u jlalcl for one bena.tUl e Is a part ot tbe. 'Pllnoply ',f Quill1I)IIilh to this Rtyle of dress-nnd afton Ing $50. 110 118 q( O' lel" willow clI,Ltlngs, and put dran:. a.nd lelll ng the water run IOlD \' t lo .] wh ic h al th e. present Ume peo· hell' In concenllng Imp rfo.:tl ous of In , th e whole winter. In th e 8prlng' a lrough at I he cornel ~la n,1 In tb e IlloJ aLOH B c c rtal~ 15001111 stnlllllng fno:1 form . wh('n it wus Lime to delhi r the goods. l menag rle nntl berore 1 kn ew It t h e boun,I 0 AS urlle , VI) ry few ordinary A WOMAN DOCTOR Shllntnng ~ l l k . Homel!me since calied they wenl Into the rl er bOlloms and 1camala had filled 1Jl> u,Iltil they wer~ persons wOIII.1 r.nre lL' ayOW that they t\1 880re. Is \\ Illt liS 'oven more than Cll t a wbol e Jot of " pussy willow" swe\leci tour tim&:. as big as (bey LI)ok 11(" Intcres t In national politiCS. Inst year. It will be ve ry 'polll1lar fo.r WIlS Quick t n S~e That Coffee Poison cuttings, deli vered them to the farm · o ught lo be, Ttlell lbey lold t!o wn, In ~lirll e5 ,nnd sporls In' II Iern.l\lre. 10 WIIS DOi ng tbe Mlscb lcet. Wrtlps. light colored evening ones and ers . Rnd got theIr money, and wenl ' ond llOuldn't ma.rcb In th e grand apprr"' mllotl or nature. or In religIon.. tor plaluer weiar. A.lso It wlli be, lI:c(1 , aw ~y . When th\) pussy willow cul· ('nt r oo, and pa Bent for a pluDlber to ,As , 'l mull er Il f tnd . I be vital I,nler es t A Ind y Iclls or n bnd CO$C ot C')tree by tbe autol sl, Is a most lIu ltab le I1Intlngs died In t heir trncks, or g rew up ha ve the camels flx ed wltb fallc~l~ that I ~ , tal, en In Bubj e c~s, per· pUlso nln g n ull tells It III a way' 6(1 slm· terlal 'for her; 8h/l~ e~ olf the \Ius t iHlPS In "nmr.s and sJlorUi. Is far below just plaltl flUSSY willows tbat never gol That boy was a genius. and w~ Itepl easily. comes In loveJy colol·H. Rud I ~ pll' .\tld 5t rnlglll torward tbat I)tenl ry' hIg h nough to hId e a jack ral!blt, tbe him nnd put hIm tb o lemonad e tbe Intc r e ~l I hat Is expressed In them. light wel gbt Shunlung mnltllS all EIWI ~Olll t\ 1)0t Improve II. farmers of Kansas .Laded thei r guns prl vl l<1ge. You can !lll a camel wltb a A nerson who sl1ld Imnkly that be " 1 tJ o J nC}lru lg lC n tlll,dncllllS for Ideal summer day dress. eSl>eclal\y In and walled for pa and lbe brnkeman hy dra nt ' all rI ght. but If yOU brlDg Ih e I ho~'-;ht thnt any of tb ese Bubjecls were the city where w(\sh atulTli RO sooo get I~ r·~n r~ . • s he Sill'S. "and hllve 8uffpred to 'co me bac.k to Kansas, but tbey wator In palls he will beat tbe gam e ulIlnl e res ling. t1re!lOme or absurtl. Boiled and lose their tresbness. For 1I0to ,a ugony. Wh c n I IIrst began to never went back. I rnmember one lloy at WilmIngton, would be thought stuplol or lllTected: the COlin try wBsb atull" are to ' rule ha"e tbem • w'elgbed 140 pound" bul Probl\ l.:ly most of tbe An eastern publlsbl1lg nrlll recently Tbe brakeman be.-ame prasldent ot Del., v.-bl' Insisted on goi ng oIong eve n \Irutal. I ond , the simpler the morning frock tIH!)! Drought llIe dO~' n to 110. flUt out II new edllloD of Sb.ak.espelLt<e·s a gr2at rnilroaiJ. but when ho has tn wllh the ~ho w. 'callse bill mOlhe r peoJ1l~ who express 0 deep concern tor ~he better. Olle can get such pretty wenl to muny doctors ond tb~y ~ll"e ,\ Dt.;M\j REl MODEL. ...orka. to be sold throudl subsnrlp- go across tbe conlln(lnt In hIe special made him work after sebool. Bnd my Ih~se things believe Ibat tbey are giv. materials for 8 few cents n. yard . and IDe o nly t!'Dlpomry relief , So I ,mf' . tion. A few days sInce they were car, ho dodges Kans." . and goes across 'heart was touched . 'cll use I know bow Ing utterance to a sl.nccr!' feeling; ilut, Hats tnf8 lIeason Bre designed wltb If at all clever with the Q~edle mako rered on. till orle day Itl l!j~., a woman ' not 10 !,~pBlIBte on' th r em(Jtlon~; wh l h r(fcrr nce 1.0 tbe prevailing empIre ,stsrtled to reoeh'e tbe tolklwillg le.t- by the nortbero o r ·lIouthe.r1l rOllte. a boy botes to work atter scbool, 51, Ilo,c tor t old me \0 drink Postutll .FOOd P.a hos liD tar doolged the farm ers, bul. I 'faye 111m a j:lh HI/rln l. llng IOFerl I hey ml Lake ror rcal. emotion In he Rtyles coma In delicate qhades SliP' them I1P for n Rong. ·ter from a Ne" York bwdDess ' man: 'I1he I!l!lrl waist gIrl Is, golllg to look Colfee. Silo said I looked IIk~ I Willi money wouldn·t ha" e hired him 10 powtler on lhe lluO' Rloes. lhlt. wer~ other departmenls. there are problluly Jlosed to b!! particularly sillted t,() tbe fresher nnd more trim lhan over thIs conee poisoned. ' '\Dear Sirs: lA~t week 1 ordered " atay with the circus. and meet thosp sera; cli Ing Ib e mselves agulnst the tenl Q good luan y peopl.) who mlsi ako for "So I began to drInk Postum nn ,1 ' set or" Shakespeare In elgtli.'· volumes. t8Tmera tbal they Hold tbe willow gold poles so much tha~ I r"lt they bad a love ot nature tho pleasure. of tresb lady wbo affects the empire mode, seMon. for tbe, shirt makers ,,-0. In ' for But, alns, 'not all empire gownlld dalntlues~ and platpness In t!le util- J ga Ined 15 pounds In the Hrst ' I'ew pon re~el(lt 'pt sume I find that I.he brlclt. to. And yet, whea I bUD 0 B':)m~tbJng alive concealed ibout their aIr. pbyslcal mo,·emer,t. and cbange at maida imd matrons are pink and whlto wQrka Ilre dramnLl zed, What I WJllIt anybody I1J'OlInd the sbow, pa lakes persons, Thal boy started In wIth scene. -Many worthy goUns. for In- beaIlU.,s. IIko sucb tbe "fomales" ot Ity wnlst.- perhap$ as a . refreslling wceks AntI ani BUll gqlnlttg. but not contrast to the much rurbe!owed BO fllst' all at IIrst. My beadache ~gBn t • .Shakesl'eare In prose. Thla Is UIJ- me one ~flle and tells me that ha n· his '!an or Insect powder on a llunalo stance, who do not Itcow that fhey are by· gone days wben "hort walat anG lingerie blo,u8e. Thll "ery mornlog to len"e me atter I bad used ~Post\llU do"btedl)' ,\11 ' error uf your IIblpplng eBt¥ Ie tbe best policy. and to Deve r calf. ond t~·I!!l he filled tbe cow 's iialr Biking Insincerely. nttrlbllt~ , In ron· Clinging skirt had reign , In the good w. saw one ~t the oo.w mortals, a flnc about tW:l ",eeks-Iollg enougb I (OJ. lie, . ' o Cau8p, my characle.r at! a .mdl\ full cat th e 1\0wder. and wuen hI! atll rL· \'ersalion. the pl~a9ure Ihl'Y feel In old days_ we are told. all womell looked 'Ierk;' ,Klnelly make tM e xchange til whJte dotted linen lr\mmell with self. peel to get the colfee polson OUl of my trill 6epend on the starl t make ' as ed Oil the \Jull, the bull took a snlt! Dursulng th eir gam'!! If) tbe a.-reellbla like tbe pictured women on the '(ans, )lour ,Jl":rllest col\venl nce," • boy , H~ don ·t wont me to go of lb.1 IlOwder on th ~ cow. snd got It surroundings In' whlrb It Is nllraued; ore amy 8klnnell, c1:eekB plnk-lIuBhed; banda and machine stltohlng. It 'Was 111', Jl:bcn Appleton : of New ·... orll thro'lgb life regret ting lbe (lAlit, aad np his nose, aod he held h lh bead but my secret beltef Is I hat th"v PBY and In memory of what tbe Iacllet! of excellently made, an Ideal waist for a - "Now tha.t a few mooths have hot day downtown or a hot day In the p!lllsed since 1 began 10 \lIE! Poslnm ('I~. ~ In bls P088es~lon the famolll belng 'afrald o( the car!! fOI" t~r sOme up kind of sOared like and turned b la marc aUcnllon to t:bp li e ot fh~ ,little tbe empIre per-Iod were repl,lted. the country. Food CorTee. I can gladl), ~y that 1 "Star 8.-ung1ed Bonner" that In armed aet of my younger rta)'8 will become upper I~ ong,slIle o~~. and ' began to whlt~ ball. and to the charact..r at milliner to-\lay of'fers aa accompanl. EJ.LEN,0811tONDE. n wer know what a Ileurll&tc beadacbe koot\"tI, IUId queer me, I guesa (III. paw tile ,rountl . Then he matle s hunkers, than to tbt! pa~eanlry , f ,f loa ment of the revived tUh.lon8 hats In Key to !be writing of the mucb -ad· 1ft IlIle an), more, ,nd It waa aotb- . ~harsc on Lbat boy. aDd tonell blm and eky." A Prof~onal. ' the most delicate abldell, lovely plDlca mlNld naUo ntll !!Ong, An effort will knows how tt Is hisself. lrag but Po,tum tbat cured me. Be'· W'!II. It there if! ooe tbln,; I am tbrouGb the ten t. and I looked tbroll&b and Impollslble bluel!. And t1l8 001), "When a man datter-. ,ou It 18 with hortl), bfr IIIJIde to purolLUe lhe bOllse At the Hotel. proud of. It I. that r bave alwaya the bole. and uw lhe bOy scratchlol com tort held ont to poor creat\lres tiro! Inteollon of deceiving )'OU 10 some fore I, ulett Poltum r oever went out Ut BaIUpio,. In wblcb tills flag W~l been «ood. When 'I grow up to be a grayel lowards town. Ouest-f)tdn', I U"c~lIlr"mo' tbe lacking pi ok alld wblte complexion. way; ~ when.a man lelIa you you are alone: i would aet bewUdered alld It be II oot .ad &lid _ It aa , II mU_1lI or pa- mao. ,prollperoUtl In bUSiness. &Ild be- runnIDg yel. he Is probably doln. best room In tbe bouse? would not kllow which w.)' to tarn. la go IUId get one. We are, told oolt beautlfnl, don't believe him." • ricII.\c eb rille. Clerk-ret. atr. longing to • eIlurch, and marrIed. and chores tor hIs mother both before alld to try th!! drul store, either, but to "Huh! a mlUl flattered ,.ou tbe oth· Now 1 GO eloal Ind my ,I I •• ...e It for look to dIet ecrefull,. an\! lUured 10 er day ud )'011 were 1I0t onl, pI_II. clear u , belL By braID aDil DeI"J'" Ouest-Wily ban cblldren crowln;; liP B.rllund me, aCler scbool. , are Ib'oIIJIr till. they Uft DIeD ror time tbe better eonaplexloo will ,.. but you II&Id him eaah for dolog !t." ' . A. JlOGnl, of the clL'ntraJ I can put 00 H Inn'~ent face and I I blve discouraged mOlt of tile boys me? HI•• 11ft. ., 1IWt1Ua Clark-(''I'e 111 tbe mean.bUe empire Itfl8l1 ....." . . . • ....00 IIPIlIlrent'e. IUdla'l 11014 front. aod point to my put with who wanled to n!n Iwa)' aod go wltb "I'd Jlke to lcaow to .aat ,.011 un Oreek, m&') 'l'aAJab and ._ ,_.wol ClDDIlU7. H. hU bIfJI D1'lde, II I bould to Jin amoDI the eho",. by ""ag ttem a curr, comb room In tbe , 19 lad "rusla HI! tbem they could nlgbt. aDd
The Miami Gazette.
.=_ ---.. "-' -,.
ot Ill.,
Ha't s and Ot'her Fashl·on M atters
"11'' .
87 LESLIIt THRALl:., ltot. br ~ ...pb • . 1I0WI •• , Villa Blanca, SaD StetaDo. Ital". Marcb 6. 19DaBI' Pblllp: Flow you will wonder a t my addreSS. "What are you doing III ~\Icb an out-of-the·-way p illce?" I bear you mutterl ., . Well, I IIlwaye make a cillan br aet · ot thins_ to you. my only correspond ent, 80 I'll expl ain ; tboulh, 8S Is us ulII with my explanatlona, wbllt I hav o to eay dOBS not redound particularly to lilY credit: . About tllree weeks ago I lett Lon· dOli on my annulLl pilgrimage to my Mecca-the ever acoursed yet ever tas· cln utl ng Monto Carlo. ' I plunged henv lIy a~ tbe Oaslno, ,and tbls Um o met with tblt Devll's o wn luck. At the ond or IL week I tq~nd t,b~t I'd lost- weI! , n v r mind how much. let It sntnce to BllY tbat I noat In excoedlngly shl1 l1o w water Jus t at pr~lent, nnd that Only by exercIsing. tbe Btrl test cconomy sha ll 1 prevent myself . tram tnuchlng hottom during tbe next. t ew mont!lIl. r Roo n saw that It 'lVas tml109slbi e tor me to lIqger tn tbe dominions of hill h ighn ess at Monaco, and I was rather at II loss to kno\,\, bow to Oil In my ti m . as 1 had' no desire to return to E III; lnnJi sooner tban I hnd orl~lna !l y In l " ded. London In Murch n evnr did nlilloul 10 me as a place of r cald nce, en rt, (rsnkly. Pblll}l, thero are other !-eaRons wbleb mnke' my flhsenco rrom Iho metropo liB hl g bl), desl rll bl Jllst lI nW .
I wan aaaU ng /lbout In my mlntl ror lIonlllwhere to go when I Cli me lICl'OSB F'1'r,d WII8on, wbo gave me t be nrtl1ress nr t hi s place. He. sa id bl8 brotb er h lld 8 8;'ed hero nnSi .poke blghly of ItS m[ort. II. Is a vi lla on th e ltnllnn Rlvl ra , NII'''(' 20 miles P.a st tho fronti el', kent loy nil italia n lady. Sn 18 Ibe widow or ~n. Eng\ls bmnn and ekos OUt on Inntt ~l'JlIate IrJcome by laklug Il:lylllg ~ Il "~ts-wh en 8bo can get th e m. wh ich .~(\ a r ntly Is nllt very o rLan, fo r the 1)1ne-C!, an old and typIcally italian tI'lwn . Is Mt mu ch V1el( d by tbe English . l L 16 ('!Iea,p enough: yoU would BCllrc Iy hpll.,v me It I told you whllL I (laid. un,l Co r thllt reason alonll Is n sultuble IJln"e ot reslilonce tor me. As tor · 11111 11. monts. why, (.her" tire none; anothor polnt'ln It/! favor; 110 tar as 1 am concerned. Amusement8-especlally on fh t' · .. \· . . ..'~~ns t mODey, Bill you must.l:l t Imaglnll t bat I 11m cllIt rely wltbout consolations. It 18 a loyely spot, even In tbls la nd ot b auty an ll color. The vlUa Ie perched hlgb. UII among tbll olive ter.rn eB, and blndB ID n gardlln tbnt. town-bred l)roOlgnte III I a m , 111 a .ourre ot pllr· ~ polual. joy to me. \,0. 'Thero a re nowerl\ in a bundnnr~; r08 6. violets eVerywbere, and gl'ent mO}llIea of I1Ilgnonett.l\. He would be n strange man Indeed who could not derIve some pleuure from such an 'e nvIr itment, eSPeelall)' ,on daYB s nch lUI tbl ~. wben the pun 8blnes and sky and Ma lire a blaze of exquisite color. I ,b ave routed out a few old Engllsb books from a 'fcupboard In my room
thine trom you: tbougb It Is II\( ~ yuu.1 doar old man, to sugl;e~ ll, !lU ll .\.,," know I 11m no ~ IIngl'lllCru l 1'01' yuur olrer. But, th a nll g"l"IIl"~~ , I IHIV8 nov r yet j opttrcll7,I'" ollr [1'I'Dds hll' by borrowing JUo n ~y of . )'1'111, IIII c1 I don 't , menn to Iw!;l n nflII', Aftt'l' all . lhlng6 llre nol liS 1,... 1 ns thpy ml!;'h t be. I shall pull rOllll d 1111 r l>:hl In l llllf' 1'111 uud rgolng no I,"nlsh IV he re. cHil i .n IIttlc e nforced ullbti 11 ,. I) el: from wllal I bove com to lonh Ilpnn us u, .,;nocJ tblngs ot I(te wou 't du n,,~ any li urlll. Soe wliat a vll'tuou ' s a(' or mln ll my folY weeks' r(! lIr~m('nt land "Kw"eel l'O Illmnnlng with nutll""" burc InducQd In me'! Se rlouijly, 1 a m \'~ry ha pll)' he re ; spending my days cntll'ely OUt·ordoors ; rendin g a lillie. learnlog It li ttl e ltullun ' and slIlok ln g Inordln ulely. Now and th en I go ott for loug rambles on the. nel.,;hbo rlng hills, vl sill ng quaint old world , 'Illuges and oatchlog s tray g il rnpseR nr the sno wy Appennines tbat bound t ho fUI·ther vnll eys. omellmew I ha\'O a I)o nljlunlon on lUy eJ( curs l ons~ tha dnus hler ot lh e ·house. I forget wh e th er I Ill enlton cd In my lus t leUer th a I my hostess had a duughte r . Such a n engagi ng cll!lcJ! Barely 17 and has lived all hllr lite at San StetQno. Thin k of lhut. We're strange co mpa nio ns. ~he Dud I! Her mother. tile guoll slgn ol'll. iM carerul to tell me thllt she on ly Illl o ws lbo >:Irl to 'IiC co m pliny 111 0 IJ causo 1 am Engllsb. The l'e'M II 'ol1l[lllmcnt to my follow 'o uutrYI1l ~ n ! I CII Il't take It to mysolf, al us ! I feur Ihat If tbe alg nora kn e w more abo ut IllY I'oputatlon sbe wou ld s 'arcely U'U8L hor dll ughlel' to my care 60 r cad ll y. NOL t bat Ihe girl Is not BoF wllh m. I'm no St. Antho uy wh er e WOlll n a re concerned- more's th pity- bu t I ran't :o ne:elve n ma n who wuulel b bu s~ enoug b lo barm anyone' @o fa ll' anll Hwe t us lhls ·b l1d. r'resh (rom h(',· I!f , lit. lit convea t schoo l, s he 11l1ows til mpl y nothing ot th e world . I ' sll ppo~e I urn 'th e onl y 111 11 11 with wh om sb· hos ever cOD" orMed wll h .any rl' edom·. Tb er e Is eo mct hl ng <l lm06L Hur l'~ d (0 m about h ~ I' SlI llf.'l'b 1I11loc'enco Ilnd (I'esbness. I 1I0n't milld telling YOIl lhllt have b n tlmell la t Iy wh on ( wl s hell Ihat I wus ~o mCthlng Nlther dltrcrOllt fl'o m Wh CH I am, BUI It wo n't beo r tblnklng abouti bes lLi es. It Is no nows 10 you, llnd. wha t I morci Il's not fol' wa nt ot YOIII' belping IlIulIl lha t I'vl' ne \' I' beon a hl e to IlI'I 81mi g ht on nl Y I 1;'; aga in. Ynu rs always. . A. B.
t,E1'TER THE THIHD. !';on Steillno, Mar 'h 25. D eor Philip; I howe jllst r eceived yours nr the 22d. \ '0 11 n ell h uve no mlsgfvln gs. t ne \' I' tal' otte n so a t wh a t you sny. YOII are th e only pr ac he r wbo homilies I can read witb out wearln ~s : besid es. uuder any oth e r clrcu mstu nces YOUl· warn Ius ]et. tel' or r e mon st r~1 nce wOllld ba ve been jUIIU ned . AS It lB. bowevcr. It Is un· noc·ossnry. . Lot m begi n by tellIng YOIl tlHlt I nm . lea"lng San ' Ste fano thi s afte r· noon. Do you r e me mbe r my brotb.e r Art hu r. In Ceylon. wanted mo to go out. Ih ere some tim ago and h e lp blm In his t a plantation? A day or two baek 1 bad anotbe r letter from ,him. renewing tbe olfer lUld urging me If I could accept It to star t at once. He says h(l bad ly needs asslstapce, und tbe proposals be mak es are most generolls. 'So I'm ott to Genoa to·daY .to catcb the steumer tb ro. I GIlII 't stay he re any longer. I love be r. Pblllil. hon s Uy . and truly, as I ha \'e ne \'er loved before, and I believe that s be In her Innocent beart has ,come to care, a little for me. Any· ho w. ber mother came to me yester· day snd nsked me te my a ttentions to , her dllughte r m eunt anytblng. Meant ILnythlng! Tbc y only meant the wbole amount of pure and unselOsh love th"t. I'm ca~able of fee Ung- uut I could not say tbat. I collid not ask her to a llo w h er daugbter to marry me-<:ould I? YOl\ know some tblng of wbat my lite has been th ese last tew )'ear8. Why. I've bardly a docllnt· trle nd III the world save yourself. nnd there Is not a s ingle wom,a ll ot my acquaintance 1vhom 1 could hea r to seo In tho samo room with her. Even It I cOljld alford to marry, and pasS m y 'Ume readlDc and -smok- wbat sort at a liu s band ' sbould I malle Ing In a lunny corner ' of the garde~. to a sweet c h ild III;e that? It Is ter· o ccaAlon&lly,b.y way ot variation airing rlbly true sayin g tbllt one can't tOuCh ,my few 'words ' Of Italian In ele- mild wltbnut ,.so mo · ot It sUel;l ng, nnd m entary coDveraat1oD wIth tbe , gar- I !,lave dabbled too freely In the min dener. ' , . to 'e scape being besmirched . SQ that Js what J am doIng I~ San - So I'm going away. For onc.e In m)" Stefano,. A queor .sort at Itfe for Bucb life I s ball bave tb e Hatlsfactlon ·o r a one lUI 'I, but after ' all one must knowIng tbat I'm dOing t he straight psSB ope's .time ,omewbere. • • . ~ tblng. I llkf;! to tbink tnat my de vaSuch 0. ,trnnge thIns, P hilip: A!J 1 ,tlon to ber has kindled within rne a .wrote the foregOing seDtence I cbanced . spa.rk or aonl e thing less bnsc. SODle: t o ~1\ 1 1I4) m! eyea [fom ' my wrltlng p!ld . thlllg that my ntterly ~el Osb passions a nd there before me ' slood the sweet- bave no\ .altog thor co.nsumed. I~ la ,est and .daID'Uelt ot malden!!, belLrlng but a more ni cker. thougb; It will noed In ber Ii glorlouB buroen ' ot muoh fannin g ' ~o glow with a IItllady ban),1:\ . rollee ah~ making agal~8t the Ollme, " , background IIf \lark. olive t~ee8 tbe J..ater. -l write tbls a t Genoa. wliere most charmilli' plct~n!l Imaglnilble: ' 1 have just arri ved. . ', 1 ·got ~p '·.llnlJ. taliled my bat. . She ,I 8\lW ber once ngaln an~ ,Ilald good· s miled \ and bhllbed lIellgbUully, and ,by Quito j estingly and spoko lightly tben llpolcialzed .In lame a nd pretty ot our n ext m eeti ng. God knows wbat En glish ,for, ~I"tur.blnl! me" We , ~lkM It cost me to do JlO. There were tears :101' It minute together) .llalf Jj Engllsb,.' In her eyes, Pblilp-tears because 1 'bol f In Italian, )leI ping each otber bllt · was .Iea.vlng hor. of dlmeuJU8lI. SHe III tbe naugbtsr of It was hard then. but I did 'not gin 'm y hOlleU. _ JUB~ ret~rned ftom scbool way. S~e saw me lut wltb a smile at the cony.ent. Sweet 17 p~rsoDlft"d,! ''?ll mY IIPB; no 'doubt s be thi nks I've Now 1 m\lllt . olole tble iIoui~what ~ heart of atone. But It mlgllt mal;e lengthy'e , or I'U , be bOrlnlll you. her more unbappy to t hink that I Let me have a )IDe 800D aDd tell 'm e all cared. ,your ne",l. I 1f1Sh you could join mo I bav,e not prayed for a score of Ib ore. 1 thlDk you- would like the .1Ife Yeare. but I tblo,k. tbere was some'and at all e've'n ta JOUf lLe. thet/c tastes thilli liKe a prayer In my beart as I would be ll'atllled. Yours ever. . . drove away: A vague and s ha dowy A. B. petition on her bebalt. to ~be Olver of all good . tblngB. I don 't SUPp08e I LIt'l"1'mR TIl. SECOND. . Iball ever see ber agalft. • SaD Stefano; Ital,. Kareh 15. Well. I'at 011 to Ceylon. 1\ly boat Dear P .: ThaDIc 'yolI fcir )'Our leU.... salls In aD hour. Qood·b)'. old fri end. . ,!Co. 1 . . . _ UdIIk of takJq aQ- God ~l_ Jellal ~ B.
The Fashions
of the
:;:-/ ......._.a ~
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y>: 'J
J..n Enterp.,·lsin.g Trader Sees II. Chu nct A llIong th P eople at lndill.
railed • t Last .Throu gh V,la, DeaD',
Th e (ollowlng Is lIu 'cxtra t froln a lettor a tlla lly I' el\' d by a bUlIllt: llo lllg IlUslness with for Ign co \o'n~r leH . Tho I ltel' .cam · frum Kumbhll kolllllU . South IlI clla: "As naL!I'es of In dia II r ulwn)'~ worship rs of ull gods anll Idn ls. If sou cn.n favor me wi th il list of Id ols. their I)rlc 8 and somo sum pl Idul K I' wi ll be abl to Bl' ml YO II :\ larl!:c whol~~nlp. (ml ,. r I' the \ . g0119, whlrh wll! tak e liP <)X'C clla!; ly w ' 11 nlllon~ nativ es all over Indlfl, nnd If you all ,,; t 111 0 lhe Nule ngoncy from thnt fa(:tory tor Introduc ing th Ir Idols throughuut Indl" I alll sura to mllk o their hll s ln 8S a thoro u!;'h sllece5s' h ro tn tb (I V nt of ttll'il' unde rtaldng to give th e sol ugpnc)' throughout. I 1111 la, Burmoh anll yloll, IIlul al So n Uxed tnll'ollug llll ol\'~nl·(', . s:l)' $25 II. mou th • Illc lll dlng, Ball~ til one or my cler ks to b 'gill with, " ' ho will go throughout India lIud IICI'II!" onl ors fro m lIaU. es, rl c b und J)OI)r, m rcballts and nobl es, e te. . " If you cun 1<lnllly see your wny to get me lb o Rvle u!;{'ncy on the abo\'o IIneH I can IUnl II It a gT at sIIccesR nnanclally for ' both or li S, you und er· takin g t o supply me wl tli Idols and I ' underlttklng to sell th e m UN ru sl A S posslhl . 'I'ht'r Is no cO lllpe lltion for tbl s lin e or bushl 68 h r und h nr' 1 wi s h 10 b lh Or s l In th 1\ hr. 81111 natives nr Buch u "lgC)l d P 01 I tha~ th ey will sell th \I' SIIII18 Ir I)U8stble t o wor ~ h. l p 1m 11101 of tlHHr ow n."
Kidney pjl/a. Mrl!, 8 ,'lI n& J tIUl'I<. of 20D Malo St., AIIN>lIlu. Con D., snys: " IC it h aA uot b eon for Doao's K id· n "y Pil ls I wo uld not 'ft.Jh·~ L.lc1ay. S vo n y 'III'S n~o 1 wns ~o bud wi th pnin in th e ba.cK-. and so weal, th nL lhad to ke p to In,)' roll ,n, ' and was In b t' d somotim"s si x wcoles at a ISpell. JJ egin llin g with Donn 's K ldoey PilllL the Id eln y weakneM was soo n orrccted . 8ud ins ide a week an the ptdn WII8 gd no. Twits nl so re-- ll o.~d o r Rli headiu:hes. dizzy s pells, . 01'<''' OS9 nud 1eelinlrs of IIIDlfUor. I str on~ly r eco mmend Do an'~ Kldne1 P ill •. " Hold>by all d enlers. 60 cents a bel:, Fostcr · ~Ii!burn Co .. UulTalo. N .. Y . . 1 'h ~re
narIM nltnl!.
~, :
art oocuiou wh.. 1& it perjll1')l forKel . -_.
(;nl'firld Tea pu rifi es t he blood. Ten cures flicle headac hes.
fi ~td
".ISO _Do....
L ir ,.ould b. ,tal •• fI,t, and uprell. able without ita iIIu.iona.
Ladles Can Wear Shoes One ~IZ. "mailer oft .. r using Allrn·. Foot. E MC . A rcrt n.i n ur. for 8wo!lr n. sweatinr, hqt. nrhi ll l( rr et. At al l', 25c. Actel" 11 0 ~ u b· t i llil r. Trial PAcllnllC FREE. A. d,.e A .:'. OhllAtcd. Lc Ro),. N . Y. --
A wam" n br • • kfn.t in
era lu f' IIYe lAItt ot . ~.
- +-
tb l ll k~ not hing of' ~ Ih'e-dollnr k.imona
1t'otlld rnisc nn awful
w h u:b
eatina but . to ..
if h er' hu"ha nrt
aPopeal'rrl in bi. 76·eenl pnjam ...- Atchioo. (; I<lh.·.
ohJllf'l y
A~'1'1:: 1{
By now the Slyl s are wcll IIsij ured . on n eed no t walt longer to decldo abou t gown and WI'UP; n.nd or cou rse by now th e ne W bat tl! a t leas t nil pln'nn ed Ollt. Ha ta ar purchas d earli e r than III y us d lo be. oVen whe n I he r are yet a r w flurri es of s now fl ying on sees 0\) fl owered straw s bra vi ng 01<1 Bnd wintry a Sll ect. 1't Is u ml s lak e' t o set the s llrln g bat lat . tor nothing 1001,s sbabbler and warme r than heavy hcadgCtlr on t he occasional s ultry day In Mar. 'rhls year ·n(lwel's aUlany bloom In tb e mi ll ine r), world and. too, th ere are very good hat s who se onl y Th e a dorn mont Is lIowered ribbon. luller make pe r baps th e bes t IltllllY hats offe re.d. ribbon keepin g Its fr esb· n ess It1Ilg r t11an III most lin), othe r trimming. Very trim sailors matc b the street s lIlt In color snd t be t rimming of rIbbon repeats tire prevailing ton " , while pleas Ing contrast Is shown In tbe tan ~ lful border or flow er des ign. Ribbous now are as atttactl ve as t hey were In tbe dllye when your mamma was you ng- you all mu s t have about tb e house scraps or tbo so really b"'8u, Ut ul golds aud blues thll t were t be delight of girlis h hearts 10 llg years ago. , We noUced a simpl e aud s mart hat recently that might eaally be cop ied. Lt was a blue a nd gree n combination. l he green used In s mall toU tlheH and \'ery cunningly dlBpo!!Od. Tbe frllme was a dark blue sailor with large Tam O'Shanter crown and a very hI gh bandeau at tbe back: tbe trimming . lust rous dark , blue ribbon wltb lIny buncbes or green leaves whleb but peeped out bere a nd tbere; yards a n'd yards of rlhboD were puffed up on the bandea u. Tbls "creation" was worn wltb ,a blue silk walst and cloth alllrt, the, waist trimmed wltb tiniest green
A F ~W
cl'ystni bllll.ons. In us ing gl' n With blue lh e ndvl.ce Is to avotd over mu h of erda ncy, jlls t enoug h t o gl ve 1110 IInrl m re suggestlou o! color. Thel'c Is notblns In s prin g stylea more chic t.hl! n t he Rnlllrt!\ttl E lon ~ . The y IIro as lOatty a s ca n lle with til 11' s lae hed-u/l I18Clls and roun ded fr'o n . (ldged " 'I tll Accordion Illalte(1 sllle Cr ills. We bsve In mind un 'In exp n· s ive Ru lt of v.ery sooa st.y lb. a gra y mater Ial dark In tone. It wall mad e I\'ltb n ski rt. tha t fi lle d close t o th e fi g\ll' s t th e waI st a nd lhen 8,,'lI n,,: Ollt In BOW myst.erloils fashion In to d clrl d fulln ess abou t the ankl es. The jacke t was one of the IlllH looac Et01l8. · gay wllb frill s of dnr.k greell s ilk. mos t err cl ive with tbe. slute gray. The hat w8.j II black cb tp poin t. ed III front, dented In elsolvbere. IIn ll trimmed wltb damask roses. A, 'bla ck veil, one ot those affairs wlt b but two or three I!lrge .dot6. "beanty patch es ." com plet ed a modest yet colortul c.os· tume. Actresses set tbe IIlyl es tor us an d It may be well to r hronlc1e tho cos· tume worn Ilhe othe r afternoon by one of the moat dl stl n gu lsbed wom en memo be rs ot the Rlrore~slon. To speak rhap· sodlaally . we would cal! the costume a fl prlng soug-or at least a poe m. It was of that lo\'ellest olive green. tb o green ot ulnopened leaves. Tbe rn a· ~erla l was Sl)me silky trans parent stuft. the skirt b'at! a long train, the coat was tight fllUng with very long hasques; S14!eVeli came jus t below the elbow. wher'e th ey ",'ere met by wblte glov s. Tb bat was lon g a nd nar· row and a :~Ingl plume added to t be length ot line at lbe s id e. A ·vell ' matchlng tbe gown e xac tly was draped over the bat and tell abon t the eboul· ders. Tbe charm ing enaemble be· spoke a Pawls c r eator_
· ·In S tyle N' 0 t es.on Wh a,t IS
A1tbongh every ot'ber woman you l wash silks, and pongees are not so meet wesrs c nt·off sleeves and con· I very expensive wben YOIl con sider 8plcuous long glo\'cs, It really Is 'IIot the ir wearing Qualltles. Pongee du s t Incumbent that yon feel troub,led If a cloaks are most sallsfllctory. especia l, few \ValstR bave aleeves coming Quite Iy useful tor Rumm er and arly fnll down to the wrIst. To tell the truth, days. A pongee sh Irt waist s uit l'lly folk s ore a little ti red of the mnkes an Id 11.1 l\ravellng. dl'(!s$ or wom an with arms ak im bo to show s~ e s trce t dress foJ' th e ci ty. hos on a pair of expensIve long gloves. In s pite of assertions to the . eon· a nd It scems so me or th e. belit·dressed t ra ry. ehem lsettes ore to continu In womeD ba ve concluded tbe tblng 18 s lyl e : It Is a dainty and becomin g .. 'Bs11lon anll on e we ~il n g t o. "Lo ce-work stockln gtj nre fovor ed over embroid er ed ones, and may be had In ail l'Jualllle ~, (rom Ihe fin es t III< down to .;h eape t thi ck cot.ton. White ancJ hose will be even 'more In de mand than Ins t year. Wh ere <II) the IDtrl ale ero het Incell nil comc ~ lCrom. The other day wo were almos t mov'e d to the rull eness ot ask tn g a strn ngl'r where sho had dl ~· co'\ ,cred th e lovely Clift' and rolln r 'sct of 'rocb et she 'o,:ore: H er (rocle wa s vc ry plain but given di s tin cti on by t he elega n t nel:kwear. 'fbe coat sets now J\1fect d look so clean and g ive JII ~t th e right limo nnt or adornm ellt to ,Il s treet sn U. ~nd . In e ac lI lette r we fe ~ 1 Iltle emphllslz[ n g t he ir desirnblll lt)'. . E I.l.l:;N' S ~I O ;>;t)h:. L ltera,l Iy True. "I'm al! In the dark abou t how th ~c b\l!s ,ra to l'!e paid." said Mr. Hnrd ull to his .wl f'. .. . "' Vell, Henry ," said stie, as sho pull ed out a co lored one und l alrl It on t he pile, " :VOII will be If you · don't (lilY 'A SMA RT AND SElnVICEABlJE·HAT. thut one. ror It's t be g~ blll."- Royl:l beIng nm lnto l be grounll. It Ig, time !<Jl,lgndnll: to b ~lJ a bait. For 'l he linge rie ' waist lind more e laborate clotb costume" ~t A Dep,al'tmentnl · Oon yersntlon. Is well to keel) to tJio s bortened alee va " Do you ih lnk Metbuselab was h ap. but don't bother about anything els~ py In his () Id age .... tor ord inary wear. "Certllin ly. Nobody cam e 0.1 him Par1l801~ are exceJl~lonally pretty with ony I,nthn a.tlon thllt he o ug ht to this )'ear, and none prettie r than the be reUred ut 10:' -Wa's hlng ton S ta r. • embroIdered I,nene- unleue It be those that trove) nnder tbe name J;apanese. E lully .A ceompllslled. So many t blngs t~eae ~aya bear the OraClt- '10b, aear, I wish I kn ew nil me of NlpoJi thong)! allo bearlDg hbw to get Fred to propolel \\lost boldly a United States. upect. ~pelt-'ThaeB ea,y. JU8t wet some But tbe Japane'e InftueDco baa worked Qne to tel , ~11lI. you bave declared tba& ror podi we DOW bave opportUDlt7 to YOU would D t marry the lMat. mIlA on JluJ ..t a I!Ig~e~.! IUal Iuob p",", '~-CU~II'I .1ol11'11AL
en ufte d by Desire tOI' Breath, Says a Pby a:i cln n.
The Sigh, whl h fr om limo lmm&morl al nnd by nil (he (l oets whoeve r Ru ng hilS b ell l'egnrd d as a mntte r or sentim ent uml "onn ectod with tbe e moti ons, Is dCda red by physlclu ns lo be as purely a physica l phenomeuon as 18 tb 1\11 'e1. 01' r ough. A well· known docto r of ihl~ It)', Rllcak lllS!: or Lhts the oth ~ r duy, cXllla lMd that th e s igh Is n atu re' ~ method o( IDIl king on e tuke a de (l br 'a lb . Wh e n t he lun gs ha ve bce n Get ting Ins lltll rlcnt a ir n sigh Is til mea ns by which lh 'y are r e p1 ulKh'd. or wh n tho air has been Impure th sigh which on c o'fl on tskes In sl ep plng out In to til open air Is from the same calis . Tb doctor adm lttcll t hnl people somellmes s ig h trom sorrow or other mental III. but mai ntain ed' .that t his Is partly beca use It bas bee n acce pt d as tbe express ion or b'1'let lh rough ages as long as lelssl n g and handshak· fn ~ ba ve Qcen accepled as sl.,;ns 01 affection or fri e nd ship. Another rea· so n why a SiSti tollows a sorrowtul thought Is that suell thoU l:hts nre often co ne ntrated Bnd Inte nso enou gh to ca use Ins lIfficlcn brcat11Ing. When the Illn gfl su tter fo r a certain lime [rom thIs Ins uffi ciency. tbe slgb follow s. SigIlli aro orten caused. too, says th e slime autborlty, by certain sorts or Illdlgestlon.
He Knows It All. "00 you lJrlie"c t hnt ODe minI! eftn ,bIOrb th • • um total of humon I n tcll i lle o e r~" " Well . ( .dUIlIl O. I've gUl R looy wb., Is a _. nlllr III colle"e. )'OU know ." ·--Clev. laud 1' 1~l n Lleiller.. _ + 4_
Hootsl ''Thty tell me, " IIIIl d Tbomp. on ' ,h" )'O U aP l'cnrcd at the fnno)' dro... b.. " •. fu ll·ttedC"d Fli~hlando r ." "Not ki lty,' I'f. plied 13i11inge. wh o 1, esleomc<1 a. a at eat wit.- l:lc\'claad 1'Ia,'!a Vuler.
tSl....,. 1" ;'/1.1 01 NIIV-",2'
t o thk rurut'w
Detlll'Dllnation, ''Yeur dlou,hlere hu,·. had every ad_ ta g. " .... id Ih ~ old friend. '; Yel." answered Mr. Cuo~rox. "and l'Of 1 0 111(1 t o keop ~t iL unL ~ they get 8 0 culo t llr.,1 and rchned t hat the' en D k ~p lro~ Inughinll at III,F milltaloel,"-Wllli hil\&l.oII
-.- -',
What HI! LeArned. "I learncrl Ihe gBllm of love onot." . ighed l he ,'oung ma n In th,e hille waiotA conI. " , ·o~ " aAked bll chum . "Yo.' t h roll~h D !ehool of correopp ndence. i tllok ten 1"!OIl8." ~. A.nd dill you realize . an)'lhlllg;!" "Onl), that I wa. a lob.ler. She kCIlt the jetters and lued me f~ br'Re h of promille."-Oetroit 'l'ribune,
ER •
D . l_ , .Del ,aI.
Anhnnl8 Chosen to Lead Royal P rocesstons In India ~pl entU~:7 Gftrbed.
n• •
Elepbants a re fond ot On ery and de· . light to see Ulemselv S deck d out wllb gorgeous trappings. Tho nni/yO prlnees or India aro very partlculor In Ch008' Ing their sLate elepb:\J\ts and will glvu r--------..,POlltlftJ., l!ure4 •• these LlIUe I'W" I fabulou S Bllm B for lUI animal tbnl ex· aclly meeLS the somewhat fan Irn l standardS they h ave e rect d. BattDg. It pertC<$ rezao F~r t hese tbeY' have mn de clolha of ed)'torDI%Z1lIea1I..NII~ s Uk 80 bCD\'lIy e mhrold r il wlt'll gOld that two me n ar e hardly abl e to IItt ~~~ them. The elepl)a nt whloh Il Runliy I d Tongu., PaIa til tbo 8tdQ, tbe stuto procosslon of a rnJlL10 belog Ill . th e mng nln ccn t trapIIllgs 11' rt' ':=====-_-JTORPID lJVEIl.. 'l'hI!I placed art one wh lth had Ull to thai ftiUIale We Bowel& I'urCI.T VIIP!I\I)!e. tim e ocr.upl e!l o nly It Hn bortljll otc placo, Th e nnlmal. dellghl el1 at Its fin ery, Genuino Must Bear s howed Ils glee by s ' mnny lII'tlo squenlls lind kic ks of pleasure t hai Fae-Simile Signawre ITTL£ ,,!'nlml a ttention was nltr:lI'ted 10 II.' IVER Not long nfter ano ther stOIc prorQ~PilLS. s lo n wns rnrmed, and th previous REFUSE .IUBllLlUTEL wearer or t he gO ld ~Ioth s, IJPln~ 1'0' s tored to henll.h. tOll k I;s IIcpu slomcd Ill nce lin " tra ppin gs. wh en th e now deItradod beas t. Imag inin g, perho lls, that h ~ W OR binI; de rl'lllllied 0[ his prolllolion, was wllh grcnl IlIflh'lIll y rcstrn'lned rrom nttn cil ing the lolldo!' or t he WHEAT pllralle.
IVER' =:.:a::: I~E
Water 122
Qu eer Town O·r der. In th e Uttl e v llla ~e or ElJ\pl1llllHe n. n r llr Gottln>; n. G ~ rmony : there hl\s bee n nlm os t a re \'oliltlon owrul; to the )l1I.,II Clll lon of nn 0 1'11 I' ro rbid lilllg any YOlln g II nmnrri ell IIIIlIl to . 1'OI·t 9 youn g WOlllllll hOlll o .. rter lIark. · This l rel cr wo ~ Ihe wo rl, (It til e dOIHl lr town d a rk . who' is not a lad les' man, an d ha (l be~n m lllio th e twtt ror III. nnw rell jolte.·. II tbou!;:ht h , AA W on opportll n lty for r 'l' ngc whe n tho r<,l ns of pow r <:u m" tcmporarlly lut o h is h1ll1l1 s. Dilt llis act. lon has cos t. him his place. - -- -- - . . R OYII! Gift-lh7oks. Kin,,; ' Ellwnnt !laM roc: nlly prosent,. ed to .Ih M tropoll tnn ~'I ll'seum of Art twtl boo its. "'1'll ' Ro}-al ,A r Il) O\'y o.{ · Willcl sor," hy {lu), l.ak lng. Ulh] "T'JCl Furllilurc IIlI th e Ruy:lI Palace aOll In the RIlyal l'llctra ll Gall 'ry," hy Ll '.!ll i Cust. They ltrl'l hound In wblte ' 1 ~ .Ltnt'~ wllil gold !.I coratlons lind the royal se~ . of E.'tII:lnnd.
t.hrno 5[N3n.t pUJ"f!i n lU h lH " 1l.,;'lI l n
6tl uWIL
wonderfu l
I rvtu ILS ou· t.b.
Homllsteartil J.ands of WESTERN cANADA
.ll n,nlneclI' IImn ........ ,'A MII ..... ",ow l... In tbell ablrl.'ocv.ol,, <tiolU lddlo ulliloyOlUbIO•. " AI I ...o hnu"dtl> ,b•.m. ' ......"", "I_wltb tb' D".I ..,0,,1 .. 0 1 liIo V"" .....0" .. 11..........- . Ex tra ct. 1'.",1 ...(KId, ,,1\141'. In. Ab _ _ De6-lobl)O .... olIo'"I;". non ......."" •••• ;.· .. Thl. I. I.b.. """.t,aI.OO .......... A)pI'rorln IO. m .. 11 0 11 <u s,at:" I N"'~ I,.r. "'t "'" " ""OILATO,"'" Oll~"o.. CCU..l .. l fIo. ~ r to """borl». ClAnu.dl:Ln uU,lo O""",o"t."..,,. : ai1rl.W'~J.,UII!, L&'IW~""IOIIo.O.
you th e
Asll lio ul t OI
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Town Owns E!treet O~ n. ' . The town eonn~1I of sOUr,ollnll, E ng I d \las denied a, lI ~ense (0 un omnl . \)~~ 'eompan)' because tIt .1! town owns .Ithe street car system, '.he bus lnBlls of , • hlcb mllbt be I~er~erell wltb by tilt •
J/.n~~W& P""" ·
;;;;;;;;-;;; -;;; ~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. .
FOR TH E NAVYhhohanlea b<!IWI"I!Il the areft 01 11 an~ :u will 61111 wood v(u.!lions ope. to t hem, a nd for youn" men bC:l'vccn 17 and'I S• ""bo pm.!.a~s no ', .-adc, thor. is (food opPQrlunil, for advance ment. A full outSt 0 ' chrtbio8 freo and tlberlll pay t o Cllmmln-)e ,,·hb. Ca.ll or wri le Na ...
~ir~cl~~I:t'. ~':r:; ~~~~Z~~: :~n~l::
LOI;i.. ill •. Ky. , Pall Olli". BulWail. Indiana""li. , loel.
I .._ _ _ _.._ _ _ _ _ _ _. .
The Miami Oaze1 - BROWN , M.K~V. Publl b~r'.
I E,lrly
OVlIJ'lan Karvela. A recont n ollnt Informs UR th: NeWlno ( . J ,) mil,!. hns b l'M 111!1 'glfll with hnIHUos on' \lUll». ()IUlbllll d voul'cr \0 !llanense wllh Ih t'\Ie;IOI gg CU ll." \\ bllo this III wond rrul onl y III lin wltb othl'r C\I ~l'O I" I' 1 s I 1Il/llhi b)' Rei ntlfic III ' n, Ilolnul y Burllllllk III vogel-aile nntl Prof. 1.0 lulmaillr, A proCell, or of ciH' m III Ilna or Lhf' hi ngo ('O\l C'gl'6, '\ moill'KI), pr I' nLs his UHOlI' lllg his I to 110 ))Ubl\ ~ hIld until Inl er on. lin Ilre Informed. fo r som Ilul bee pcrlmouUng with fowl fl, Ro m e~l'hn Uie line. howe" ·r. of hYPuClLl l'm, I (arm r's bo), 'kn ow,S Ihut hl'us o r ~us cpUble l hYI}DOLlc InfilluOl'CS It 1& Qui to commOD ID Uie oU lllr boys to bold II lIon firmly In Ihalr I '\Dd. looking cross-eyed nl It . I hc WI\I soon 11 gin lO look cro s-l'y('cl:I ,lbout tor days in thn t ondilioo. OrsL e xporlment made by the ressor ' was In t ll('lIlng to h cns P' and snlLmixed and han ging h" forc salt nnd peppe r boxes, so tbal Ih('r be plainly B cn. and In n tew dn) csgs produced were all 8 aaoned lor use. Going stili furlh er In tll ter, he ted the ben on mmluul ed and the next day the b n prorhl<' egg whlcb. OD being cooked. coul d I dl8llngul8hed from the ordin a ry nnd eggs as served Iit resta u ra u ts. ~ that It Wlls all togelh r, li ke n par llnd It then oocured tO,hlm lhnt 1101 by applylDg Ihe dlrc('t T11YS of III ~ o tbe ben it ml gbt produce a Cl Ilgg. nnd n(t llr experImenting by pI tbe hen In a gInS!! box and e>-1I051nl the sun lhe hen produced 11 cooke nnd although lhese things may sec markablc 10 the unsel nlille min. professor weDt s tili furth r, lint roned out that hons could as wei duee two eggs per day as on£'. He I fore fed th hen on sulphur nnll and also contrived a oox with n E bottom. 110 that wben the first eg, laid ~t was dropped to a Cllshlon , and theLl the hen. as ul?ual. tli around to see the egg whl h ab laid and it not being visible. In leBi an hour ltroduced another complet but It Is only fair to ~y ,that It 1 \be common variety. am\ not QU large 8.lI usual, but the protessor I _IWn a reasonable Orne he wll dnGe an educated ben thol '1'1'11 ' ClOOkec! eggs with ham. or other rna a1l rond~ for l1l4I.
TI fi Id I / d 11 . Thl' Wll y n Hilio ~ Inr BIlso Ball ' Ab !e D I'ie ersk p ayeI we. (·onlor,. . ICUIlI (' rtull11.Y 111ICI !:Iury Yl! burg lLt , tlot 1,1, M lng 1t .1· in hi:; t I'ntll '1 1 r y ~o m U t hlltter y' I 10 IIOn'r I, t I IIf'I I' IIHlruy '1 1I11'"IIIY tltt.OrDoo n . . , ' .. .. wllh il ;;c.) rtJ of I.l to (\. l on.o good Im.1I pl\~1:! IUlll. hll ~tIl~ It ~ I ('b )" c' k fl t I t I d IWlt I g rf'nt. JIlY. wll l ·h ulwuv::! ~n\\' rll to JIl • Ollt him " OUI O. . . t1 IIrl{!-t 0 11. 1 , t1 1 f t n l) u . Wt . 1 U 0 C· S ill !; c ·., , I t: II I.! l. ,' ' reilobin~ hOUle with (\Jur s cltre fol H.ns.·mouu f)1I vis. ri g ht 1Iu1t1u r . l b II I 1 lowing. 'bol'lie \) k IInti Etlgnl' runDln g l1p on t 1e a !. III1H It !fO lll Bergllu pJnycd a 81llooth g aUl t'. Co k sweep, tlnl1 t hrowing I t til Ll iou ll ut co"ering h is t e rrit.ory as !!bort s t OI). ii rtlt, who t,rllpptld it UUtll",).\' f,' r tl I nlway t! O~ timo whe n' ue dod, rllck 1 r\lnll r t,o r et.nrn 1t)1l1(1. log ul' soco nd OilS Ulon. aSSIsting J o hn t r nwlI . ll R wll l!ttV "Ilid he· lefi field e r It[)(l 1.1IIckl n" UTI thlrlt for e, cnugbt tlumi Iik tl footli n g )IElIl · .. basemull . Bing IlPl'y 011 hi~ f 01.. nllts to tin e IHp hllllt. I{/lI' h lili onu. he 1l1&Ylld u. victoriou:! "tlme lind b il\ II III II le W I' 11 I·11 k U 1\ II . .. wl~ fllvored him with ~evc ru.lpllt. Uo vllrc! ' I'rou l. :;e'oll,1 IltIsl'lt1all. out. IJllLde 1\ ~tl lr cll tC'h with OliO bUild . I'nd Ile l'l l il I tl '" b II II t k' Ed-r . .. 'v r n!; I" II 1'8 mn mg "'w Bergan had his fly trll'".. with blm. tilklng th e balls off t h e a I\oubl~ plr•.y ; b~ plU Yfld go, d tluli bat. leaving the vlotim to strike tbo his ullHmg WIlS (mo . I ol'enair. l>eing u.Ureekspo r tsmall l The Wlly oe!l ville hnRo blLIl'tOlilll . I.l ecou uty , and hammer thtower. he used his I s one o f t, Il cstron~os tlDt h d ' nmsole 1n ~hrowlng the ball to sec· llS goo mnte riol now. Th ey uro ond, stunning him Ilt every tbrow, all e qnipp d lIDli in good oonUitiou. ·the results were t·\.Hlt the runners \Hll II gome wlt.llall loon l te .1 I ' I ,. I h 11 d t 0 OOme home to r est . UIllS unu IIg t SCuoo 8 . No one stole tllird, IlS Rupert Bal. Fo llowln ~ is the Ii ne uI) llS it f1lnyed ley .bad his eye on the ball Teo.dy to Thl1rsduy : I tonah the runner, Bailey alwllVs I ·b,.rlle ·ook ...... . ...... .. sho r t- stop IUlllr.ltlg CL sure hit' bringingUook in I Rnpe r t Bllil ey .... ..... . : .... third bnse II .. Itllldtl good on t.hird , stoppiug ·hl1·rl ey (~ltmll .. ........... . fir!;t bllM!l t·Il.· 11I1I~, Ilnd by lenn's Il8Sistlllll ·' Howord 'l'roII L .... .. .... ::lOCO IIIl I1n ~1l WI· .Y'" Pll out the runner . B e will ELlgnr BUl'glll1 :...... ........ .. Oul ohur II UIIet; lllurel::! thi!! y on r . I 'Ab Dllklll .... .. ... ....... .. cent.e r field .. C oarlld (';Ien n saved the sco re . .l otin !-<t ruwn .. .. .. .... .. ...... Ioft fir,]d .. 1.'" .0 being tied in t·he seventh in , . R uym ond DIWIS .. ... ..... .. rig h t fie ld ntng by Il sooop o n first. putting the Ruymouu Witlinmsoll .. .. .. plr oh r runn e r out ~nd plaolng the bltll in : H e r e ill th e team J' ust orgl.ln izell the OIltober 's bancls, wu.l~ing for the I ",'ltO will 1111 whut tll oy hflv jn-t runller from tbl.· rrl , . making ll li !lllid, will g lll1rnntoe IL gnme wilh 'lily double piIloY · He 'YtUI ulways reucly loolLl team 01' hi g lJ cbool t /1.111: k> pll1Y hiM part. made I!everal grund I .loe Thompson ......... ...... ... cu toher s.tl1nd piaYR i h e covered fir t bas e I Bllrry BIIOliltou .. .. ....... .... pitc her well, lind will mllke It 1\ uoces tbi Churley (Joo/{ ....... ........ sbort s top HOlUlon . eh I "I ' fI Rllymond Williamso n, tbe pitcber, I\,r ey G enn ............... !st bit 0 blld. his arm well trimmed for the l Ru,ymond Buwke ...... seoond base purpos.e , h 0 Idi ng t h em d. own. to a Rupert Blllley ...... .. .. .. third base fI t N to ti db t rl'ft~ ~frl~ W~i~:e we':: !ell ~nde:~ Raymond WllIilll!lson right fielll were hl't want to Walter Smith ...... .. .... ceuter field bi. control. few th ~t ~ ~ the outfield, only one going to left, Abe Da klu .. ... ............ .... . Ioft fie1d but tell like a rat In a trap, oaught 'Bowlird Trout. Ilnd threw it to pitcher ready for Anyone wanting 1\ 1(1111l 0 write to the next viotlm. . Williamson pin yell the ball. hlR eye always on the pl&y ~. O. «.alper, Mnnuge r , Wu.ynu~vi1l f\. er, no one stel1ling bases. By one who was present .
JUghtL 1J'be pUblic blghway should be 'tat.aed tor public u_. lU8bts ( \pnbllc roads wben panted to II lparUes should be tor temporar rloda and 1\8 Don-aclisatve as II( in their terma. Tlt.eae fOlnts 0 ' be Illll1l1ted upon and IIlOst plIO, the force of arpmeala 4lSrectecl a Uie creating of perpetual fran, It I. Idle. bo_rer. ")'8 tM C. Dally NewlI, for aD7 aewspeper I public man' to rat! apJaat thc practice of the BUb! III . .pect blcb_78-ln proal( perpetual of wa, tD street· ear II.aee or al rtabla tor a perJotl Gf :yura. atate In the put ___ Bot be than IlDY of the ' people, and it 'l of late that anybody baa begun ,t. lIOn with knowledge of what the of electrIc raUroadlag Is goiJIg and how Important a put .the · ways gOing ~ could be 'w-play In workin, oat Ute ]>r Wbat Is past Is past.; the bUmd, ready made are made, and' the resented the opinion -ot their de only In the legislature, bllt thrOl the pro,,;uce. ' It Is th& blunder have not beeu . UlIl.t ;need dl8CU\lsOd. People -do DOt yo enough \'nlue on the public 'b.IE whicb 18 under contl·o I of 'the 11 pal\Ues nnd the prq,vmce. One · the peopte know Is Illa t ·tiley electric ra ilways, aud wnnt th en ''''or cheapness and co nl'enlencE waut them on the Iilr-bwnra. 'rb pect that Ibey Ill1d tlt cJ r chU M I them will use these lilies perpe 'Sut they should gci 1hem b,y wll not by foo lish bargaining.
An eastern publlshmg IIrm ro put out a Dew elll LIon or Shakel\J works; to be sold tbrou.&b Bu l ,Uon, A tew Wl,ys si nce che)" l1tar:tled to recel ve. tlie followl. ~er froID a New York bUS1nellS 'lDear SII'1I: Last week r ' ord( aet of Sbnkespeare III elgllt va l.\pon. receIpt of 80me , tlJld t11 works are dramIlLl?ed. WhaL I ' III .Shakespeare lu prose. Tbla <loGledly lin error IIr your 1111 der.k. Kln<\ly make 1119 elichal your .l.\lIrlle81 cOnvenience."
",t. ' Eben ,Appletoll. of New ('I\.)'. ball In hlB possll$~lon the r, "Star SS\llngled Bannl!r" Ihot In Ke, to ..e writing or lbe mu, mlred oBUonnl song. An error Ilhortl, ~ aude to purchase the 1f-'--'-- ' - - --urlla-llllD!IUftHa-wblch thIs ·flal ",ade and 11. It as a muaeulll ( ~ 'r1pC.&C brine. ===.......,,~===
It is Dange rous to Negleot
"Wb~~ 1 wa8~drnggI8t. at J..ivon. \
How often do we heur it remark' now ! ed : "H!! only u. oold. ·' I1nd II fe"" of Graysville, Mo., three?f my cln.ys Inter lCltrn the mun is on customers were permane~tl~ cured his bllCK wl~h pneumonia. Tbis iM of of cunsumption by pro KIng B New . 8uoh common occurrence thu.t I\, D18COvery, and are well ulld strong oold, bowe\'er slight, should not be todl1Y. One Wu8 trying to se.n hlB disregllrded. Oll(lmberlaln's \111gb property Ilnd move to Arizonll~, but Remedy oounterllctt! tiny tenden cy l1.fter u8ing New Dlsoovery' II. I!hort, of u. cold tu result in l'neumonlO, tUlle htl found it u~m~eASary .t o do I\nd hUI:! guined its greu.t popnillrity 110. I regard Dr. King s New Dlsc?v, and cxtflnsive sGle by its prowpt ery as the mO,~t wonderfu,l mediolDe oures of this most oomlllon ailmeut. Ib existence. 8ur6l!t .Cough !tnd It &lwn.ys cures and is plelllltlDt to Ooldpure I1nd Throot and Lung like . ' For I:!ale by F. (J. Bchwurt.z. hMler, Guaranteed by F. C, Seh · wl1rt~' J)ruggist. 50c Ilnd Truel bott·le frt'e. ' . eur....Cold•. Croup alld Whooplnl Cough. ~a, Mo.,
"l am nn iuno1l611l- U.IllIl . Yc sentencing me to II 1I".\.ug gra only hope that I may live w see wbo ha"e wroDgetl rue Ul lhe gT aJeuth.;· So spoke TI nDer J I when te wna seutBllc 1tl by Jud g' Jobnson. or Skng\my. Alaskn. s months ago. La I" n ,ytl~'" ,l or I! Ou tb e SlLlDe da,y .re, President lloosevelt pardoned J, · Imd Judge Joh1lllOn dled . Wbeth· mlly be taken Ill! an evitl.e:nce.of the tDnocence or m~reIY"1 slob"lllAr C deuce ~e rcnoor ma,. ~
r. J. " ,Dwyer.
Histo'ry of East DO YOU G~T UP ~'l)/ n~ Township. WITH A LAME
Waynesville's Leulling Dentitlt .,ntocln Ke)·.' l3ulldlllK. . . · Mal" S Lr ee
" '\llI i,lll1l1 J{ hi ' ·I ·!.: /I"I I .. lit.·· f11'~ 1 KI~IlCY TrOllll)(; Nuk l!$ Ylltl " "C'I I'I'II I1I 1' • I' " 'III' 1 "\I· C1 .~ ltiJl . . II-I'hllp); :\1:110_1 '"'l'/'\'I",,''' II'h.• I" 'I ,I~ I he 11 ' WH- I pnpcrs i ~ . 1\1''' ' 1" k;II"1 "I Ili" WIJlIllcrful ,\ ' I' ," ,;,\1..' I : ,'\ W ill 11,,1 "I' '"11 " I ,,10 "'01"'11'. " I, . I' ''I " l H l'':\ 1I1U1 IC I .y .&Jr. I Ihllll; 11111 1 11 II" .. 1tt'1'" '''' 111 (,'] . ~ l'; IIII"'r '~ SWU1I11" l l r ( wltI"lIl l (l Ull l, I '11111t .111111111 I~nt oll th.· Iot""l. t he ~ I"n t k iil· I I II'·~ .rt'III,·,I\·. !in'r I(nll blat;l- , IIIll hUllt!'!', w illi 1111(1 hi" hunting .•~. .Ie·r I \. J \.r ' , I . J I" ~ Ill'" 111 '<~· ..r(.,lt 111".,1. ('11 1111' Il f'Ct I' tll r' m Ollt , o f • ')I1U 1 ,.nn ~ iral l rilllllllh " I' lite 'l'ellll~UIIUI\ III Ill>' 11 " 11",, ",111' 1'( ' I" In 1I1 1,,;si. '1\1\\' 11;; 11111 Wit H Iho fir"t I 1U1' .... ICC! 111 I I CC lllU rl" CIl Il 1)0 1'1. 11 tl Ill, 1111 It , '(1/'". dll .\ ' ,I) n nl ('~s I.hell"" ' wllO l'l l'lnlll t h o lit \IiI\CQ.\'''''~'!"flcl'r''~r~ of :1.-1(:11111 11' l'I'scllrch lI ig hl,. II< 11 "1,1 tIll \.h ,' "hi .I"",,,~ .J ' \IInlll~~ , by IJr. Kih llCr, lhe ( ;,lIlollc's hllll Iwltll "lI,'IJI I, '11 f'lfJlI "''\\, Ihl' p!'l I)J.. r t .\' ;)1 A i\l "lUlt - ' - ClllilWll l k i,l llcy tl lIll ~111\'\ ' W')I)<l ' r ru 11 Y t: roe 'ft ntl y I IIU\'l,d h 1 r , ·"11i IIll tl ')('I'll pilJ,1 with S"(I"'I,I ~roJw lll hlndder specin lb t, 11 11' 1 I~ Th ... . . . . ,.. ' " Ruc cl:~s fu l ill pnllll)lll y cu ri lllllllllll! hack, n XI. til r ",,~ BI·".. s ..... ,h." ollk t.lI llJer.\\ ",,, ,, "r"'\1\Ill.,o('~n(.ll ll1t· ' llrk "ci t!, cn t arrh of llil: I>I(Illoie r II l1d IAlN H'J.' ll~:Hl'l. W .\\· N ~~"V ILI , 1ol .. . . «oonl ol. . bt 'S D'lsc~~. Re . w Iut; ' I1 !S tl lc wors t Me(! nll·. !tin" l But !"'u fa r a !"" 1 lI 'n in ft Il"I Ilill 1 t ht' I HTlg nI Qre 'ub_{l f~ '" Ihll ., au),- Qlh er , forlll of kidll c,' t rolll,I.,. . y.. ", •• b. ",,,1""1" ".n'b...I.· ..,.. llif ' " f Ihut c h'llr lllg' hll~ III VOl' hellll , Dr. KilllIer's Swamp· Root i ~ not rec. Ilc'lI t h " fr ulII ApP'"l1lilC' \l I:', ~;~~b;:r:".Ol!g!::mt:':.u:,b.crlb" tI~l"'rlll i 1I1·t! \\- 1" ' \1 I Ii 1'-1 "II \\. fh n1 : QlI1lJlemlcu fur C\'cry l bill ),: IlIll if ~'Oll h ll \'c Ii (1I' (J1\~(' In t.h" " 'IIllII rllol in I It II I 'h II 1.,,<1, Ann •• Wnnl"". "·~ 'In.•• ('."II~::·d~ tit w l;Ol tI b" lIt . I : . l' y, ." I' 11'1I:1. Iho kiolu ey: Iher or hl" .... '·r Iroul>le II \\'1)1 be n ~" nl DI' Kin !!',.. '.,\\. I...ifl' l'i II" ",......t' "",t l~"'~I:,::"'':i'.I~·~~·l"l.q.l~~"~~: I"" "'."") ' . fOllndlllFtlhcrenll·,ly}·o n. n~ ~ll. I l!\3~ i"I'I""~" ~ Thl" '~IIVI' I" "l f l" """"" ' ~;~~I·'~.Ij.'·...· "'THiiIolC( ALLCO .• N'''Y.'''' trl'll~ n pllt ~ ln.d t" 111 1' 10 hll\'" Il1lu lit heen lC~lcd ill ~o Ill lt ll )' \l' nys, III hOSI llnl . 1-(1 '1' 1,,,1 )lI.illl! · qlli ok ' 11,,1\ 1J1I 1/l1 .. ~s __~~~~_~-!~~~~!'!!!'__~~~ I l' u~t II g r lJ wt h "f t\ lI' f r .1' PI\l'~ . P ur · \l'ork li nd in l'rh'nlc prtlclice. Jl llll has I . :d ' fll l ill C\'C\'\' C'I"! lh'lt tl 1'1' , . .. ~., II'C>I " ntl l1"l,i""t.i ~ "l IIml t he Hl'llltiCII ('u r ed Aft er 'l'I" out,y Yeord hILI'S Ih llU llt ·,t ji ~ I'I"t1lli'1\ C ~' l'~, IS:lr,~.c l ', ~ nl ::' ."r·r""\III ( I · ~, .:5 1 · l s I" lll l~,". ";"·'I · I ·lln, I.: IIY III~ 1( " " I\' I I1 ~ " nl , "r It. ~r,r"'l1 " (h IIII C \ f '[' ~ . ...~ "0' ''" ) ortllrO UHIII' \VIl .\·/l"l-\,ill\1 \\' u re ' I. \1'" Hurllllul whic h 1111 rc"dcrR " fl hls 1"1 "'. \\ hoJ",,,\! \' IL!CIl' ,t\ "'" \., lol lu w Ih Hit· US., j ~I1 I1I' . c · flll1lll lO'; IIl1ll1 e.1 ~ lnc l\'tJltJ"' I' 11IIti 1l01 a lrl'tIIlyt rit:d it, III:IY n ~lI lllp lc untl·' ·II I I.\' I~ . C . 'CbWIlI·t Y, ·" Urll~ ' : Fl1 l'lIlor thunlw Mlty .vnur~ Mr . . . •• bo Ul e Sl'lll fre ' by I1 l1tll. ,,1""1 """k Ldl- ·i!<r. ~f\(.: , Tr.Y tIHJIII. . .1 Ii Mil 8 .Y . uf :la2:! Cll nt.t11 , t . ;\IIIII' r , u n tho Mr h.11I8f1Y f.ll'lIl. I he l ill f' IUOrC i,bQl1t SWlnllp-Ro l.u",l ltowto "11 ' IIC'lll',oll c, Mlnu ,w"" lAln,lIr. d 11:; fi r ~t. un t I16 I1I I I nell \' I IItl Jlr ", ~ e l1 t rf'!:I. fi lId "ou '. '. ' I II II l ", iOll. Tho ~ t If you h~ \·." '''.' \t >Y ~r 'I", ~ r rO\~: "I'i,1I p1l111 II net ' fOil t1 PI'Init Id oco of (:l eO I'l~ ' )l!llllr. t.h lui te r hIe. \vh '" \"~I tll' lf \twll lIO Il r~:~'lI llg ~IIIS . I wltlc:h h u nt4m't\d c1urln/.( thlM time . generous olTer III tillS paper :lIl1lsCIlU) our Nth ' ill th o bo t to m o)PI ")~ i to t hl\ 1I111nt,h of Indd ress lo·Dr. Kilcucr I j" h ll l ' ()On omJlre \l1D ~l on . 0 IIl g B eighwn YlI . filii I HIIII . ( N tlll Ultlr/ '1! & Co.. • Jlill"hn lll\OIt , _~ ':~ • r , gl1\·(· itlm ·llnYPI~rn'lu.n(ntTC\lIC'r Ull_. t.i1 h All!!AU Clilllll1lerluin's Pulll HIllin Ruu) glvi n " th l'rosdlll!!: u t tlint. I N. , . The" rc~ul(\r ., ..... ,, fi ft l I One n pplicn tlotl ,of thu t Hnlml'" t rl'· pIn e, the nllmu li t th e Du tc h Forl1 ' I 'llIl{~~ ~11.(l· i'~~~lcsO;,';~ Uon,o.' 6"""'I>RooI. lilwed toile puin 'und mu(le IIletop lInd Mille r <Ii 'd tilt 1'0 of IIguo 8tlldy. ~O l~l b~: ~ 11 .":.0l"1 tlnc~gi~l~ .. .0 011:[ make r l'lI t. P()FlIlbl • flnd l~~s tbllll o,,~ bot,. b~ k r sold o u t lUlU Wtll)t· furth e\' 1 11:1I~ II1l stnk' , IlI1l .~CI\I~III I)~1 th e mlltle. ti e h"" . . /,f~oted 0. porUlIlDe nt cure. , !:\womp.Rotlt. I r. kllmer's SWll lllp. Root. If tronhl d with EI"iut.\cn or rhlluma· \ es t, IImint II mit UII U ul bls ' IIUS II lId th e aclrlrcHs . lIi ng ltnUltotl . 1\ . V •• Oil tlFIIl why n ot ~ry y ~ 250 hott.le of. D ll viti WU $ kill ed by 1Illll C\'cry hOllie. Pilio B,tlm Rnd see for yonrself how .To n,,·h EfltOIl WI1~ I~ be llrhuute r til. C2 SulIering the misery (11l1 (~ kly It relieves . the pain , For IlDd ngony thut come SO IL de r. s illyar j It WIIS Silitl of him, from r our liver being 14'11 hy F. ' Sobwllrl7.. thut. he hflt! n II It where h ll nwllite d out 0 .order - trying lo benr u p in the be· tba cO lll ing of ~Illll e. !::lUll":! iiI' or 1 lJef th nt >,ou w i ll bo SIX Y "' "\'~ >li ne·'. I hnLl 111\ Int rv le w all righ t III II dny vr OU wltll I.ho IlII IlN nlhlln MilCV, twoI-y nrc ddibcr. . uf Hllr. . ate neg)I'"cting tho The wealth that coal v dy ~hul·ll' , 11 1111 .1 lu tl tllm 1,0 tllll m il . warnl nC' of oUlrnged h:1S produc.ed and how wl\(~I'e .I o ll uh ':I lIok WI\.~ loolL t ecl il l) n , Nnlu re. - cqllllnil:i llg the bl und.". uf beliel'" l' pidly it has been toll III tbllt. h e lt'IId <l re"n ~e t! n it! log that }'lIU don't done. An interesting whiJ 1·1111 bli n (l~ lllull.· by Ih I hUD . lleed DlcdicillC? t e r:' were stIlt I'\ l-ill l\:! IIUU tllllL the It you are, thesoo ner book on this subject o )'ou comlUenl'e tho lic k 1.... '1 · ublJll o n \! JlIlI!, south 6atll The ,enulne lISe of fl'.ee. Mulford & Long u r Hllrv llY.ib l1 l·g I'OLE.Y"S BONEY and TAil t. to 1400 U. B. Bldg., 1 will DalY , IlUtlU~I OIl ~llln f the • Y.llow pack"e. Refuse Bubstltutea. 1 Dayton, Ohio. ILa.ratlu.) first settl er s 0 1 EH,t \\ uYlIe. George Prepared onty by MuKl nsey . bougu~ · tit , ' t lldybaker . 'ole, & Oemp.ny, Ohio. ... wSW ~ . 61111 r Fnl·lll . 1£1. kid ' le liVer In the tlogle'betw eu e ll S tU s Creek llnd the better it will be (or you. Not if us Rioh us Rockefe ller. You can' t n(fc,m l to fool with your . " A R(-.lUARE PEAL.'" the Millllli Lnp tu u Imll Fulkner al 0 liver. nnd YOIl CU rl. illly clln't nffo'rd to tl.H 1·,re!'identRoo:le",,"I.t 's Motto 18 hud Iuud i n thut vicilllf,y I cnnnot If you had all the w eulth of Rook· be without grelll r",""(I,, if your . f II th "'t d d Oil t " llIustrll tad Uy P pRikola give th u I:'xu ot dlllO wb llu \~T illiam e eel', e '" Iln ar mu.gua ,~ . liver Is out of order. Don't d ulAy . .., . ' . . . y ou could not buy Il h!;lt.t r llIedl· Both you npd your live r will better .r. ~ .1u.lIne~ Rily!! Pllpl1ikOla Tab. 0 Neal I:Ol1l010 n 'ell hIli Improvement cine for bowel coOlpltlinta thn n "livers" thnn ('ver. . I.t J" I hA llt' ~t ....'"lIthI A Ilhlstru.t1on on the f"rm n o w OI:O UjJh:U by hill I'1h nmberll1in 's Colic, 'bol ra a nd . DR CALDWELL' SYR P F'EPSlN ' . , . " Y' , ' '::" can ~ obtained IU both dollnr nod half- , "I wlcn t our !ttl eUO c)ll~ i'reahient son l:i org~ 1\ hut 1 thin It it was Diilrrboea Remedy. 'rhe most emi . dollar from nIl druggists. " IIl "III1~ hy II. square deal. Thill roo u.b(rut, l Oli or 7 . Tbe original owuer nent physioian c~n not IJ\,!lsoribe- II Your money w' lI be refunded if It I 11 111rkll hie remedy Ie sold to every· ~ . . , better prepBratlon for cohc nud... b I' t \ h ~ 1 1 t h the e p 8" ee t WdS Ju.lIlet' (J() PllUk.. Bt!I1JIt IUI.D But· diarrhoea both for ohilrt re n lind "oes Dot cne I you. .' "C .\. IV X re ., IIgr men hit ' Yo"r poalal rard will bring b y ~rul'll ' I h" r , " It dl108 not do e'lIft tlif 8S rep I rwot:t, IlI/lII) ta t til \' ,oinity in adults. The uniform tlUCCe!!lI of this m all our Ile w .booktel. "DR. ALDW.I>I, L·S r .... 111 . I tli .. buyer's monev :will L._ b > '1'1 . H 11 d h' b ' t to I. . BooK.:.op WONDERS" Dod freu ... mDlo eo - ' iI . un t 0 your I · 1:... . IUl!lIl!l 11 WIlS on rem e y as s own I u openor thO I O wbo hR Y. Iluvcr tried thl, wllndorflll ll'h ,." Ttnllv refllnded. Theyllteguar. th Abljuh O ·N tl1c1 fnl'lIl v\!ry early to ulI others. It n eve r foiltl, Ilnd remedy. t;olld rodQY. rl III qulokly re!iev~ !lnd perJD&. in lob ·enturv . Joel T Ab d when r~uaed with wllter and sweet · PEPSIN SYRUP CO. n"nlilr,l' dur e Ill), stomllch, troublee, " . ' . n r &n . ened, IS pleasant to tnke. Every h h ~ Mordlcul. lOUd were II! u enrl .y Oitl' family sbould be supplied with . .0nU.,.1I0, IIl1nol. t Oil UI' t e woe system. ~lve new zens. There wl.s n Mr . Moo" y too In "'old . by Ill. C. Sohwnrt., . It. Fo,-Sn.le bv.J E .TANNEY. ife unll ~lgOT, better c~urage, more, 11 '" S 1 " • • • m o r e vtt~lIty. and. bnnR tIle wook, thnt neighborhood but be WI\S gone ____ wp .. r ,v IIud despondllDt back to j9Y'
H.N J T l HE
0 ('
J L I 1N 1) ,
iii ' L' zy L.IV .
...) .
HONEY,IIlDTAR ' The original
UIITIVE cou"h remedy.
Dr. Caldwell's
Syrup Pepsin
or Wlll\ deud u.nd 1 o nl y know of him nn" th. ,;,.. THERI BEST MAN IN TilE [f IIP,ll t by here ny. 'l'be Hisey f.unlly cume t tl Ay d 0 not oure .... "on 0 f h ear· later. R oberl, ~tew'Lrd nud dntch . Th . h tWOR~D. . bUTn. !<our .stomaoh·, J088 ot apJl4\. . . e rIo es man In the world olln IltA. (iiZZlDe811, beajJache.laealtude, Ja. 11ll Smlt-h no llplell. two of the not hl\,ve his kldneYB repinof1cl n Qr ~ I '" ,111 nit other unplee.ant . oondltlo~s lhsey furms ~lt. thllt tllnu Eust of Jive without them l so It i8 lmpo r. Ilrl"lDl" from In~UgMtloDJ all YQ~ the Illst meutloll f'!l WOK th e Hllmuel tant not to negleet these orglHls If hll "11 tt> do 18 to stop into Mr, Jan · Weloh trllot lIlot oleared ttllllrte r the' Foley's Kidney Cure is taken at the I IIf'Y'~ dr ug store and he will pay Hurrioune In 1 2& first sl.go of dl1nger. the ~Ympt(l~ll' I ~Ol1r Illoney back.. . . _ . will dlsappe&r Ilnd your heu Ith w lI I' ' Thl1 price Is only 25, If they oore. Ell&t of Corwin \\'u.s Phtlip Uaneti be rest()red, Ill! it stren~thel1R 1tn.1 . I It th y full the oostil nothtng. But !lod Bosw ell <Ioode Still further builds up these orguns ' u!! n c thins ,' Ihe.v \\,QtI't fall. Mr.•Janney will nor t.h ellst Gubriel Orllne. 'l'be n else will. Osoar Bo\Vrnlln, L ehtluon t, ll ~c)ll tbat ·dozens of ' P\'Opll; vou Ky., write8: "1 have used FnIIlY ';; kn(tw h,lve been b8l;leflt~edand oured came the two O\ark . bro ther~ Henry Kidney Cure a.nd tllke great plells . of if!dlp:llstion aud .dypepetil ~y Pep. una J onllthnn.. It is II ' w HlIknown ure in stating it cared me )1flrrna.. fllel'ol 'l 1'Ilblete, aJld they w1l1 give fllct thlit the O ' N IlI 's /lun Kellys nently of klclney, whlob oer · CuruCold •. Croup.nd WhoopllliCOUlb. :v nn tl "'qnal;e deal. No oure, no pay we re th e very first til e"tl>h1ish taloly would bave cost me my life. " , . hamel! eu!!t of the ri ver. Ed wl~rd K:lndley'. Ezra Boswell The nndersigned will olIer for sale nt public auotlon on and Thomus Perkins are rememberTHURSQAY, MAY 24, 1906, Beginning at 9 sharp, ed Il8 among the early settler . The question hns been IUIked, wbo at the late residence of Da,v is Furnas, deceased, in 'W&yno township, .Wllrren oqunty. Ohip. :J' mileB eust of Wayne~vil1e. 00' the WlLynesville' were the Ilrchltecls anl,i builder8 a . m ong the earlly inbllbUlInts of Wo.yand New Burlington p ike, the followiug chu.ttul property : . $Ix helld of hort!efil, consisting of 1 ba~ mare 10 years old, 1 brown nesvillll and 17iclnity. .John Cruft 'built the barn on the horse 14 'years old. 1 bllY h orse 13 yoors o ld. 1 bllY horse 17 years old . 1 gr&y mare 13 .Vl'''TS o ld, 1 yearling colt.; Se\·eoteon .. head of high grude '0111 Boswell Uood e fnrm ubout' t,h e Durham caul,., oonsistlng of 6 COWl!. 2 t o llc fre 11 SOOIl, 4 two·year. old y eur J82 4, 'And the house · /)11 the Kteers. 3 yeurling stee rs. 1 good bull, ] Quit; "few !!heep. 17 lamb~; riG p\!ICP, n.!b.out· the yl'/I l' 1 -;·Hi. Imd heud of bogs, CODsiRtiug of {; SOW8 with ~mllll pigR, 5 t>rood sows, 4G stook tbere !'tllW ,101m Urul'l ,11111 h"uni him bugs; Ftlrrn [mpleme nts, 2 road wagon". ou o Iron wheeled ~ngon. one mllk e the I!trrtpllIellt. I.IUI t. 11« I1ll1li gra.vel . bed, une heavy IIpring wngon, une light i-lpring wagon. four wugon tho 'bRrn CIII t it" " Iel Al>ij 'ch O ' Neld tongues, 1 two horse , 1 phUltno, 1 box buggy, 1 new bnggy . 1 fll I'IJ I ll<lW ow nl'L1 ' by \VIll , Frnme buggy pole, 1 storm front. 2 slelgbs, 1 l'trund c>f bells, 1 Deering binder, 1 wbeat drill, 1 hay tedder, 1 stock Til ke. ;j set.s of hUy llldderp, 3 tw o 11'lll tll ~n tlilLt. I", Illcd dllo tl till' join. horse 'c ulttvator!', 1 corn pitmter, 1 corn h,Hvll,·, I De,ering lIlowtlr, .'UH \31' \V . " ' k "f tl", () 'NIlIlI 1" '11><" The bl·,, ·I; II ,n- " It II I II b.\' 'I'll "lI lIi.· ·.1 .. II op trnck, 1 f}eld roller . 2 d ou ble hurrolVs, 1 A harrow, Inrge pll1tr.orm AND tlw \\'11 lilt III 0 N ..",I fllrm 1.1" tll the 140u.les, II stu.nds of heetl. 2 brellking plOlVll, l tobllcco plow. 1 ~iog l e VI ,~ , .VHur I l4. Will< t.b>l tJ,-~t tln ole t'nuse SOtJ11IERN RAILWAY 1 one·borse oorn drill, rluing cult·lvstor, 1 diso hurrl)w. l! rOlld 'sc 0 1J~ , I llLrge l4ugar kettle. :ll!ugl~r hogsheud1:l,llbout 2t,O RU6nr buckets l1nd spllo>,,' In PIt !olt . W~Y[)P~ ullll'.11 II ... (J Nt'1l1 J'BOII h"n~ t:' II n 1,\1 tI II t,t·'" i I II. puwor wood snw, 1 swoep h.>rSIl 1'Ilwe r rUhber p OlVer h e l ~, I · douhle I wt\i to:u lt ~ t,>ly by H l'. 0 Neill hLdll~T. orq!lB cut Su.w. ht~~e lot of cnrpentilr'tllll1(1 blcLc k~mith ' !\ tool!!, oue loulsvm~ \ post. uu/<er •.l p0st hole dl~ger. 4 Stitt; work hnrn tlll!\.~· !lBttl buggy ht1. rn e~ s , I hilt t UP tint britl !! c> /len K" tltt! 1.1 i.' 1 ami Ilt W'tyne, s vllle wu:\ l"ulLted op· 1 d"uble Het cl1rrlllge harnes!', log chalu!!, 2 wIIKon jllClttl.'l seed Rower, po's ite t he fo ult of Mlnmi !:it, If thllt 2 tuns huy. 1 saddle, one cllrt, on e wind 111111 A qurLntity of mlsceltuno · oos lutlcles. conSisting of a lot of fe n ol ng wire, 40 grain Backs, tllIg!l.r ftMtem e!1 t ' be true (1111d I do n nt South, Cistern, 200 Ib meat, hamB and shol\Jders, 150lb side ~eBt. 200 It> la,rd. 30 doubt it) the loc1l1lty ' "'/ll11d IJtJ in Southeast. . tho cu rnfill id tlOW o wntHI by ,Mr>l. chickens, 4 turkeys, potatoes nnd ) boxes, a stove feed cooker, grinu. • ... Southwest. I!tone, work bench. suusllge .grinder, 6X cordli wo od , lOOO 'feet lumber. Wlltflrhou~e. ahout one . hundred 1000 feet fencing. 1750 sbingles. lot of poplllr lumber,:l barrels vlnelCur. yu.rd!:l ellst of t he ra oe. D'M'hl Mllrg:'Ln hu.u... tllDyn.rd in IIOliElEEICElI' TiclCm ON IALI. 2 Ir~wn mowers. 7 tin buckets, ;Z. olothetl wringers, a milk sep'lrlltor, 1 t,he' vulley of Dun, IL short "In AND THIID TUESDAYS 0' sprl1Y pump and barrel, 2 bushels seed COI'D, 40 cllns froit, lqt of old iron. IAat IIONTH TO ... NY dl;j!ilnce "buv e the l'..etianon Pike '.' t> collection: the undivided one· balf of as uores pf gro,ving wheat . A Ibt POlm lOUTH. crossing und' Mr . Keys futher of the Interiol' viei." I)f 0I1I! r"nlll i n 1:1 It t.ohl !Ion & Gibnev's Immense dl'Y gooda of bOl1soholil goods: lao yards of carpet, onntlisting of -10 yards pnrlor K eys f"mil.V was hil:! tannor . ollrpet 40 yards ingrain. ao yards bedroom Cllrpet, 20 ya.rd!! ru.p; ollrpet. lIt.,,·e I~t XU!Jtll. Store c;ll I'S II hn"i 1\8!4!'1 ~f nj ore than '.100,000 au~ually. I'ltr WcrmaIion .aod Raleo Addreu Ii rocklDg chaiTs, other kinds of chu.irs, 4. cbamber sets, lounge, a book· OEO . 8 . t3AL!ll, Uorwin, PAUL DR,OWN. T. P. A. CIIse and bureau, a desk \lnd book CIItse. u,n iron bell steud and u. nuwber CHAS W. :lEtt, D,:P. A. 8')re Nip»16s. , CIIlQintiaU. of other bedsteads, 2 burelluB, tables. stund9, several looking gll\s~£'s. a corner cupboard. seCretary nnd book clise, .one light colored bed· room A cnre muy btl eiJecte\l by apply W A.~,ae-JM....... , Iluit, muttress l1ud springs; lot of bedding, .pillows, bolsters. eto, dish et!, I ng llham ber\·s Salve ns tloon .at . w. Co IUNEAlSON, O. P. A., milk fixtures. fruit ol1ns, wasb tub!l, stoves and IIII1UY o.ther things too the child is dlJne nnrslng. Wipe it ClDclautall"o. I ·tedlous· to men~ion~the colleotion of a lifetIme. off With a Roft cloth before lillowlng Ute child to nurse. Muny trained SETH FURNAS, Executor. 'nurses ;]S9 th1is salve with tbe best (J, T. H~wke; ( Auotloneers. results. Prio'B lfi cents per box. C. H. t:!urfaoe, \ \ Sold byF. C. Sohwartz, A. B. Chandler, Clerk.
"F UN ERA l 0IRE CTOR Telephone Day ,or N!ght,
Local No. ' 7 Long Distance No. 69-3r WAYNESVJlLE. OHIO Branch Office, ·Harvevsbu.rg, 0,
Chamberlain's Cough· Hemed;
Chamberlain's Cough Hemed)
DR. H.E. HA'fllA." rAY,
Cincinnati &
0' 1
White Goods, Gingham . Silk Gloves, Corsets, .'Linole'tlm . .
C~~!!1~~~~~~~.Dq~~l!'piD~!!~' I.
HqtebisQn 6t (jibn~y,. X~nia, Ob'iQ. '
. - ..,
Mr. Printz Willi II mlln pOH~08sed of Il od Ulltlll'ILI ubility IIWIIY a bove J ':::1 t ilt! averllge, 'IInd had he ~I}ua:ht 8 ~ -L. a. R obertson ILlld wlf to 1m . pluM III flne of the profel!!'htlhl he 1'"),II"lte.1 Weekly ill \\,a,." ... llle. · hlo ey J. I:!hurts; lot in Dee rfield ; 100 might hl1ve been 1\ bright /I·n d shin. - - - - - - -ing light "lUang his fellows . Be M '1' UItOWN .)I1S. I;l. WonthrolV Ilnd \vlfe to Hlb· WU.R II lover of books .Ilnd relld a 'l'iOI·.lI • ll·" M. M I,,'V } ~;.\lt or. " ...1.M al1al!~ r~ !:Ion LoWfI " l\ 10~1I in Mllliou ., t[jO. n \, grelLt cIen.l, lind hl1 vl ng I\. tine mom·' MI1~ . '1'. .1. n"OWIi. " ~H" "'A'I' K ta,,·rull . I' AUDle l:. Brullhllr.v t o Frunk I I" t' Ik I'u'elljuentlyon
I/ ~') J:l,,(; l
. : MICbu. I Donohoe 11011 wife to A. sees. '\ship; M. Brown; tr"ct in Hllmilton t ow.n . tOO . .
' DN 'sideWith pure Linseed Oi I ffl r 1111 ol1t- 1 ""'1 W L N 1 '1 'J ~ Al1 work. 1'hi~ )I!llnt is lIf h ea vy i \'. • A G, MD',V J' • DA',TO"~" "EB' A,", IIIIN"I"'' TI ~ ~ body and needs thinni~g. It RIOOI£VILLE On ro "lUI iii 1iI1,., .. I ~ __ becomes more eoon 01l11cll1 f o r the ' 0
'I.~r,,, year
III .... ,' .. ,,"C IIOL Imltl In uo vnnc
• ~:f;~~~b, t ~'Ot in
Moo n !!:. R ceh'("
con sumer. For sale by .J. E . •Jllnney .
I'lU E~ ' ~ARD III • , . L'F' FL'I" I'I\'''A I'llIL I' 11 011
~1.00" yel.r . . . . . ..
~r~l~i!t:~~;:'~~.~td '::I:':Ui~ f~~g
WUI'I,!.in 'ton town · Annie C. Brnllhlll'," IlXeoutol' of quote it. exten~lvely from our lead·
SI<ltl: nN
r· ·:o. I~~ II~~. ~~I;'~o. ~.· No. 7" ~""'''''''''''''''~~''''''''' \ "....., A. I'. iJ ~ M.
.\ . M .
P. M.
i CHOO~E VE this DAY $$, $ $ $ i $ .
~;~~:~:aJ~~: 8~~~~; J~~~~l:};;~:,:::~:w::::::~J~ ;~~~tt~:~~t~ °TI~:~:'~U~ ~i:.:M:W:I ~ :1:'1: ,:, ~"I~ ,iii ~ -~~-~--~~~~.,..,~--~ WI~rrI:l U
in Leblluon; 1.00 WI!lDNESUAV. MAY. I O ...... . looli .J I! IIIlIIlI,;HIII~ til flJI'wln WllgDer ; trnct in BI~n)l l l " n tow1Is hi\J ; 1 00 R M. a'lllll Ii It I., t,n uf Edo Warren COlJnty Courts. 1ollt.iQII of lell r or f' pk towlI!'hlp ; y. UlT I llora i[l '1f'lu cr eek : 50. NlIiW' 8 S. StLllIuel t:; R "'1tI1lt! ,mil wi fe tn a : M. R "bluson vs C. A. Crookett Frank Bowmnn . 06 lIore8 In Hl1rlan . Appelli plaintiil' juugernent of Conrt ItownShiP; L Olt.' . of S . •1. Wit-ternan, J . P. Ciearoreeli: Heury C. Low" At III t W ' e-~ township. Patrlok Gaynor iB atto1'- l Eltzroth, exe.oll tor I quit ohtim . ro. nev for pluintiff !lnd Runynn ~~ d ', 66. 70 nores III If run kiln township " . f " fl ' t 1.00. _ . l:!tnnloy 'II' ue ~ U( I1n . F rau k 'I' . Wh 1".. lor e I"nll WI'III' am• Comm issioners B Whltaore. p,U'IllIlrli 1111 Whlr~loro P di M . 1;"1H1,,". Error . roc ngs. Bro "a . vun FMUnk •• • \V oll d , III L
from C" urt. uf J . C. orr " 'iilll, .1 . P. W. B. Stll.ubge Ilntl ~o., mdse ' 1 1 \llJ t A f A di I 9 00 Fl'lllIk C AIIl UI.;<,HIII.I, , ,·r. n· or It tor ... ' .... .. ......... <1.· .... ,111 ." til II 1.1or "lty" rilr Il ltl.ilttitl'\ ThO Ru~~leA Gri lli C:n., .t ype IIlId \\'111 M" I)IiUIIIII f,,,· Iltlfundent. St~!:~;;~~:~: .I. ~'.~.. ~~~~t a GO M"l l tI~1L ~l u Ki "jIlW 111 111 Alb'rt Mc ' The R ugglEl8 0 11 ,. : .. mdse [{ ' IIII ''y VII ,ruhu tr b " wlU'ln . Ap . \ for Probllte .Judj(O... .... .. a 00 W HAd d ,."'" I fl mn IIIl 'i ..~"u I,r ~I U l'W ec1 , J ' j • l:)~tut:8 el I1probaou: P . fi r Hurlu ll tuwlI~hlp . Wm. Mo· Judge ... ... ... " .... . ......... lfj 50 DonK 1,1 i" IIt'fOI'riIl.V fur ,lllfuodant . Tile Laning CO. VIII 17 Cir· !l/p\lil' Muy Kl lOk V~ 1; 1,1)'ence 0 . , ouit Dec .. .. .. .. ... ...... .. ".. 2 60 Kl lok I')\vorc·;. Ext,rlUIl P orueltY ' IThtl Wellt.ern I:>r... I·· pl'lllting Purt.i"" w .. r.e 'tlllrrlllll lit No rw ood, . bl1r dooket,. .. .... .. .... ...... ~o I)() N,iV ~\J, 19ur. ,P hlill tilf 1111t!~e!l de· tllrl Ll1w, p~l)(jnll~ a.t f;her.
~nk\';:I~:: '~~lll:'~~ ttl~~~,~lt~~~te!~~ iJ. ' ~~'RM~~~~~~II~~pi;ii~ "'f~r 14 ill h e 1Ieg1AoI.,·0 her . Sh i' \IHkl <l to be I '£reasrirer .... .. .. ........ ..... reMtorlld to h r IDII hlen 1\"ll\e of I J . 1:). Morris supplieR for Pro· Nellie Ma.y ~' tlI·mlln . RlIU:VII~ an? 1 bu.te .ludge ..... ..... ~....... .. btanley"r ntl>llrlley ... fo r 1,1,lIutift 'CIiUR L Bendflrlluo .:u"trllot ( N l) 18 •.'" ..... " . ... .. .. . ... .. . OOUK'r I'Kt 10 IUIIJI/IIS. l:>tl\te of Oh io "I< ' Hurry Crist.. De· P . B B~nhom. f:! 1'" , 111 Uni o l' l I t lilty Reoog tow nship .. .. " .... . " .. ... felldlln~ p .OII! I' "", ~I . . \ Benton Scott g l·.1" iI Utll " tI 1l1l'.t1110fl fixe(i ILt $2., Tb 'l'owns hip ......... ....... .. ... e 000. W. Carey, Inqnli<!t liver •Jesse E i:!purllnl( lit 111 vs Adllm8 ElCpreij,. 'ullll'nny . Judge I Infant, oOats .... ......... . J! .. Ulent for plllin\IIT ill .. am of 1\1750 T, C. Patterson, lJol\rdlu~ with Interest. frulD 000 9, 1905. prleonElr8 . .. ....... ...... ...... I:Itate of Ohio VB ArtHur Smith. Central Union Teleph one Co.
ooncerned for the future, I1nd WIlS ~n honest s eeker after Trutb , and we bope that h e WI1S IIble to e nte r . W I his \uto andin rest.. e IlV a nd body light to rimt Mother Elnth
Cllo\cnoll lc 'Iaoor .. , l_yUe
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l&lve his life's r ecorl1 with God . 'fbe funeral was oonducted Thure· dfty u.ftern oon frOlD the ohapel by by Rev. P hm]> Trout HIR old comfildeR in IIrms. Benj . Lippinoott, 0. B . Smith, Wm. Kin~, Mahlon Ridge. . John Everhart and. Wm . Bpblett, bore hl u~ rer.ll"l · ns to their ~ last resting plaeo.
Of course 'you w i lrepal. l 'r ' before the Home Coming, All of u8 lire anxious that our townsball make the best possible showing before t h e muny visitors who will corne to the Home Coming . Almost ever.V property .owner teels thllt there I1rll somll repairs they 8houll1 on tbelr own property. It is our b uslnes!' to provide lUI\terlal for t be8A r p.pllirs Ilnd we olln ti i supply you with almost Ilny I ng for building or rebuilding whioh
!~: :::II~:~g !~e:~~~s ~:~!r I;;~~~:r.
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DdT ' T' kets or woun rIP IC Meetlngof Cemetery . via Lot Owners. h '11 R R - -- Louisville & Nas Vl e . .
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Bu. h n w lIIu ,,'h 1II\lr)P~' 11fl OUll !lu. ve you on your suit of olothes OJ:! the fflllow t I... , 1'<111 ... nd bllUIR y<)u around first one olerk tries ,. , . 10 RP !l :v oullnd lw fllll ~ "ud b t.urns you over to another a little RlIlonth Ar tIllkfH' II nrl CIIIl jolly you along by a sking you about ~'n \lr h,mily IIIIlI y"or "II WI! "nIl the pig8, when in faot all In ,he \\'o1'ld heil:lltlt arf'!ltell in. III your dollar, whether he !lIves ...iI y U \} IIny tltilt l! in r t.llTIl or not. We have told you tlmt the . . ( 'Io',billl{ BtI~iltl'R~ with US Is ~ salence, and we want your Bna •
110 00
Dlvoroe grllnted. ()!llltody of chil· General contraot WIlS mllde wit}l on the grounds at 2 o'oloo~ dren given to plolutlft' JOl!6pb Corrinlttoll for luniber 16
~onilay GEORHIA, ·. ENTUCKY,
H~~~':'t~h~~.F(I~r~!:,e ~::.:::. ~::General ~~~ ~~~~r2~~g~ per hnodre~\ Ju~e ~ pa.rtloularlywi8hed thl1t con t ract. mnlle with tbere be lUuoh Illrger IIttAul1l1n ce
Order of Court t.i lat title of plu.ln· till' to real estute be quletel1. . The followln K lIi'llIgnntent ~r orlm· Ina-l Miles h~vll 1.M.lell millie; !Stllte vs Arthur Smith, ·} hy. II! ; tI~te vs B . E . Delaney, MAy 22.
Geo: Robert8on t,1 rtll,'lir brill!!,,,s on t.han hl18 been the 0081l in Y"l1rs post, the r iver rOlld In W Wllyne town. sblp and where dlreoted cost not Let everyone IIttelld thi.. m litlt,i ng to 00 over 10. . who OI1n possibly do 80.
fl.SlJ Rf(2
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IlIfls/I utl!i In t.flnd til get it legitimlltely. Our p,atronage is largo, lInd we 111'6 IIIW/1~'8 on lookout for anap8 to share w1~h OUl' Ollstolllflr s by hn ving
f( on(IIIIArchlllllllse uocl er price IL1Ill by watohing our advertise III
T:::::~nt~~e;,~;,i E ~~~~ae)~Ug~08Il~e\;e e:e:. ~VI;o~ht::b::i:nnl1;~g:t~I:G:~O~::.· clt
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'1'lokela, 00 lillie IAt nod :lnl'I'llci<' ""y a from May to Nov mber In· Contract was made with l.Iu.rry . dtoma.oh Troubles. clu8"'c . Rood retuning ~ l da)'s 20 and 22 East Third Street, P800ATIII OhOltT. Bayner for 8tone nrch on Stubb· fr om date 01 "ule. For fllrlhor "'· on road e8tl' Mrs . Sue Ma' r tin , an old and high. . th Le to wn an d So u · ""n "'u"ate of Floyd tSavage mino1'. " Informn~lon. consult your loe,,1 DAYTON .. .,..." . Ia mate 1'1\ 50 ly respected resident of ' Faillonill. .. . . I ag""l. or address Cell A. SilV'....tllll)polnted gu~rd n Contract WIlS mude wi th 0 , C. MislI, waslsick .wlth StODlIlC.1 t.rnu· ~ ~ witlw) bond ofl100 .J. H . MtI.I.II< 1tN. 0). P.·A. 1" "1. \'111,,. I( v '-· h I iHed ble for more thu.n six mont,h!! ()h~m t 8 m lnestateof R . W . Ojloilrist de CIeavertor 0 f. c vtr . berla-in'lIl:!tomaoh I1nd LlvAr TnbF . D. n UlIll . Il. p . A . IlI cl o",ul. blo. .... .............. .................... .... ool"led ' &Jtecutors I1re · ordered w Mewer near residence of .Iohn J obe lets ourI'd her. I:)he say" : "I CIlU 'J . ~~, DA"BNPORT. D P . A . s~ l.olll~. Mo. ~ ................................... . H C. BAH.BY. N. W. P . A. Clllca~o. II I. l1illtrlbute bank 1I1'IOk 'us follow8: on Oglesbee road . In MtUlS~1l town · now eat anything I want I1nd 81D ~/ !lhare of L'itl~eut! &nll Ilt.ook to ship e8timate ltl .2fi, . the proudest woman in the world P A / . ./ T: J.:eut. It. Wild8 Gilohrlllt. ,-. Ahore ot Plans,.speolfication !lnd estimfl.te to find suoh a goOd medioine ." For C. L. ~TONE, Oen'l ass. A WARM BREAKFAST to J . Pu.ul Gilobrillt. y. share of for a 15 inoh 111 ft vitrified sewer lillIe by F , C: ~hwartz. Poatml1ster' Robbed . With something 8ubstantilll to begin th~ day on , SUitB every member lIft.m e to J. Cu.rl GUehrlst. nesr F1'enob 's ' farm in Turtlecreek 'In re estate of WUbuJ' Wright, de· tQwnsWp were ftpproved . . G . w. Fonts Postmast,er at River· of the hoosehold tllese oold mornings . 00fI8ed. lJllI.lm of ftdnlinilltrll trix for 'plana, 8pecificatlons for oonoret.e ton, Ia., nellrly 10J:lt bis life und wns M08t people (lrink ooffee Itt breakfilllt, I1nd ' we OIln 8ult the lover robbed of a;1l comfort. aocording to death of deceased against lbe Big abutment neal" reside noe llf Doc Four RaUway Company lIettled for Dakin on State road in W. Wa,ne his letter, 1l,hloh Rays: "For 20 yrs. of coffee WelllLve 118 good" line of COFFEES 0.8 VOU ou.n find in town' Whllt bettor thA1I batter cnkes with PURE SYRUP. Get Pllnoake 1 had ohronlo liver complaint, whioh 1150. . . . township were apprcived . B68le(l led to !:Inob 'a severe O>IlIe of jn nndioe FLOUR tl~HI SYRUP h e re. In re will of John Br~dbury . de· proponls will be rt'OOlved aud oon. tbat even my fiDger n!llls turned ,. COIUIed. Widow elect8 to taJi:e under trllot let May 28. We Ol\.n furnisl\tlle nll\keup of all; breakfast, dinner and SUI" Yfll,1ow; when my dootor presorlbed provislon8 of will. . Plana and speoifi~f.lon8 for a oon .per wHit IL11 1l01l1:l001l.1>le goods. . Elpctrio Bitt81's, whloh our ed m e In re e8tate of .Reeve HoUllud de. oret.e luoh n~rCltlrltsviIle In Wllsh You are Invited to oa11. , 'I nd hu.vA kept me well for elev~n oeased. Proper distributloD of nilwlI ington tQwnBhlp were. ·u.pprovec1 Vfll1rs." ~ulI'e oure for BiliousneS8, THE CORNBR GROCERY, paper containing publication of no·. Betil~ propollft18 \'till be ret.~ lvtld . '(linalgia, Weaknesll and all t:)torn. ti08 of ~denoy etc. ma4e. and contrllot let Mu.y 28, 11106. Dr. Miles' Restorative Nerv- !Ioil Liver Kidney I1nd BlaQder de · Eetate of Mary B. Ball deoeased . Plan8 for repair of substruot,urll ine has been 50 successful in rnn~em(\nia A wonderful Tonio. Inventory and appral8ement filed, 'of Morrow bridge acr088 Llttl'1 Mi curing these brain-wrecking ,I, t F U. Soh wkrtz'8 Drug Store. 50, Eatate of John Bradbury, decea8· ami river at Morrow were a.Plu·l)v ..1I diseases that there is every ed. Firat account for settlement Sealed prop0881s will be ren ·i v.·rl r eason to believe that even the filed. .a nd cpntraot let May 28, 1906 ;OWing the moet compl.te Une of blab:trrid" most . hopeless .c ases ~an ' be . UIVl'CLE8, TllUC8 and 8UNOB1£8 oat !'BlCKS Eatate of John. C. Foley, deceased; A petition for a foot. brlt;1ge .lJof!''' ' benefited, if not fully rcstored. BELOW any other mauufocturer or deale, III the world. the Little MIllmi river, helow th., · DlIItributive aooount filed. We will be pleased to refer DD NOT BUY have A BICYCLE "!:::: Estate of Davis Furniul, deceased. month of Todd 's ~·ork . ~01"'"W, anyone thus afflicted to many reeel.ed our complete I!'Ne C,;,tarll~~ln.~~tlll,.ii i/ d9mb.inor )dad hlgb·!rhd. and 1o..•...d<Inve.nwryandftJlprlllliemeu, filed. W~8 prOtlented .u~c\ on rn ••tlotl W"H who now 'enjoy the blessing of =..-=-.::..·.co.__ · learn or our rerqarltable LOW Eatate of Anni\ Ellu CretorB An· plaoed on file. pooolbile by ..lUa, from f&dOlT health, after years of bopel,e si dereon deceaaed Inventory and ap - - -suffering. . tJ ~ dq>osil. l'aytbe I'relrbt and -'['0other lIt>c:ral lduuo ..hlch no olh.r praillOIIl8nt filed Obituary of "I have a .on that 11114 bl'\lln feftl' I.arn """rylhwil and ,el much valu· ... hen two yeare old, followed by flta of In re Halina MeKlnney, Tru!ltee . Edwin R. Printz. the woret tl'pe. and he wae pro nounc~d UI. poillal. Lus Angeles. Incurable. I apent hundI'M. of dollal'll ~';:.'•• .:.,:r..':C~'. In every town and eaD otrer ... opportualty Trustee ordered to "Ive a new bond )loung men ..ho ap'ply at once. ' . for him, WltILout relief. Alter about City of Mexico · of 11000. . • E<lwln R PI'i lll?, \V.< ,·he fifteen years he be~m. 80 bad that wo .cnt h im to Lona;clltr b08PUai for tho In April and M;lY IIARRIAOE LIOIIINI\IClI. 80n cif John u.nl1 ..IIlli·' ",\I h Hnliok lnaane. at Logansport, Ind. H. WIl. "DailU N ·L D If" there nearly threo yeai'll. but tt. eon-, Wllllam' T . Brynn and BeI1sie Print?, I1nd wI'S btlrn ill ., ' 11, pr '''.. tlnucd to ~ow worn••0 we brought . Des Moines "' ~ r. I it t' him bome H. July 10 1909 In an awful Monfor', 'both 0 r LabIInun . F ~th e r 01110, Oc tob er 12, 1":'., li nt ," 1)"1' N, c:ondlUon. had loat bl. mInd almost Louisville Mayerhofer. . tblll life Ilt t he hODl Il of hi", "1~ter In entirely. lie hardly knew one of the Will William~. RUll8ell . Rnd Carrie Wllvne!lvlllfl, on MAY 1[j. 1900; /It Ule . ~.:l\I~\of:lul:I:c"~ eI::~r;"df~'":. rt~ •lor 811m"''' . OUT ~ttN'TLU' St . . Paul 11",y THE AlII M.. Biltfield both of ~hl1non. P.ev . ri~ old age of 80' years 7 monthll ~r.flt!i'II:.·d~~i-vI!": ."ri~r.y,.¥~rlh~ofl~'it (caaH WITH DADE" " .!I') , L"ampton.. . , . • botll. WIl. UHed, we could aee D. "hnngo NO MORE TROUBLE FaOM PUNCTURES. , t-')lTln...4leld . 3 d1t3B. . for I.... beller. We hnve elven It to . LeRoy T. Eln er rbo"IL" "I" blm ~yer alhea. nnd ho baa bud but Result of IS years experience in tire \ Boston anll Hetty V. Ultima" .. , . Lebanou Be Will! " 801dlel', hnving fln,lillteu two very light .pella alnce lut AUgusl, DI(lking. No danger from THORNS. CAe· .! foUee&be&blelo: _ _ ... U i Be nos. and then he ... a8 not well bther 1n .I unt ~ f f or t.h e d e f enlle o . "ufl n on p (oo)ored), Rev . I sabel ' ...ay.. \VO pronounce him cured. a8 h. TVS• .PINS, NAILS. TACKS or GLAss. ""''' aDd . . . - - IVI... "8" · ~riOU8 punctures, like inteill1qnal .knife cuts, can ..... "D," aI.Io _ .....p "B" . • . tJbarl8tl E . T'" "I.AIb I\nn~, W u. rren ea.n work Jr any ono UOl!:er, Harveyl! bn rg , te m b IIr "~ I 1 61 • a!, wl.hea to and.o .... k anyanywhere. que8Uone concnrnl0tr be vulcanbed like any ' other tire. to ~'riID eaUla&\. TIlIII and M ..ry W. uth, Lehltnon. Rev. \ county, Obiu. in Co. F. Reg. 36,' 0, . thIa ....they. are' At llbert)' to do 110. " San Francisco Two Hu'ndred Thou..nd pairs now In aclual use. ~~~oo,:= .". a BUNNELL, Lincoln. Ind. Sevenly·lI" Thoulllld pairs lold luI par. ~r BWDrQ, , Cooper : V 1. The officera were Oap t. Oliver D~. MII.a' N.rvln. la aold by ycu~ 10:0 .I~II uud .fllly M.d~ In all .Ires. It S. II.....,. and "..,. rld!nc ftrj durable all4 IIIIed boald~ Lee McCormiok. ~nd Mrs. ~ttte. M. Ptu"sbllll and Col Fred VttnDer. g~''I!:lt':~lIw~~":~~r·V/~ l~f';lt~: -wfi h a lpec:Jafq..ollty of rubber. which a..".,r becorites JlO!OUIaad wldch eloaeo up email ~uru ut John both of Lebanon·. . III , d Denver withoul allowing the air to etICIIpe. We have huadred. of letteh from eatlIIied CUItome. . .l&lIa..· " . L .. to W lIle and veer . Be Wt18 dllloharged from cbl'! W . . un )lOU~ money. thollhelr lire. hayeonly """" pumDO<! upon~or twice In a ..hole ......... Theyw.lab DO more thao .... 0 I ayne8v, I t C .. Corintb Mile. Medical Co., ~lkbart, Ind . In July on on\iaary lire. tm, puncture r.allting qualities beln, ...""" by _ I layen of tblll, ~lIy '. TUlle Bartsoolt, Waynllllville . Rev. 80rv oe a IIolUP,. ear . ' , For InlOrtD.lIon "bo:.Ul excursion .. .prepored fRbrle on th.lrHd. That "tloldlng Back" tIetI. .iIoo C!>1DIPODI,. felt ..beD rIdboe or soft roads is owrrome b,. the patent "auket w ...... tread ..hlch ~ aU ali from being HawklnB. ' . MI8IIt88~ppl, for di8u.billty, on the fares lilli' (larU eul.r. nbuut P'lIln8yl' IiC\lI « .cd oul \>dWeen Ute II.., and the road IhUi OYeKO\Dh•• all euc:tl0ll. The ftlrUlar ~ of thHe U r<~ hI sa.SO pC. poir. bul fOT advertl8la,l'urposei .." are mj1da,altlel:la1 f.doiy prIcie Io'tbe rld.r . REAL J:8TA~JI: TRARSI'II:R8 13tb day of Jnne, 1~62: His reoord Do not be Im~d UpOD. ,.""1,, 1.ln". I':I.~ung'Jr ser_lee con. ul L of ,,"I), k-Bo per pair. All ord.... Ihlppe<l d'!y leller S. ftCdwcl We ablp ~o.D. on approval. ' H . I':. 11001'11 Wayne. ,·111.0 : h A all ~ soldier was good . You clo nOlopoy a c:eDt unlll you haye ....mlnec\ and found them .trleU,. .. rep_ted. . W e will allow a _ _ 00& or S per ceat (Ih.reby maklD&' the ~ ...111 per palr) If,.,.._d Lebanon Gas Company to Jo n ' . For man .... years ho hlUl lived in or FO.I.e y &. Co., Chicago, orljllntl.tfld _~'I'I C~O l A~c[ 1_ _ PULL VMH WITH ORDEU and onel_ ths. ailvertiariileat. We wiI1 alao ...4 oae nlcla!1 !lhomPllon; quit ('Ialm· to Iota . In .. . ' goney and T&r aB a tbroatand IltnJ? plal.d b..... lIItad pump a"d two Bampson m.tal puacture c10eeta on full piId ordas (0.- metal Lebanon; IlItOO. . near Waynllllville, ~nd Binlle retiring .remedy, tl.u,.t on ~unt of ~hA jlrllllt,! ... punclure'ctooe ... to be uaed .In euc of lateaUoaalllnlfe c:uta or hea.". ~a~TIrea to 'be returued at OUU ."pease If for lUI)' ......a Ih.y are nol ..tlIf~ on .... mlnaaloa Baobael A. l:lndgel ~nd hU8bAnd from bn!dn818 be h~8 been a famll- merit and populintty of FoleY'1i - --O~'l'() LUAN . W. an: pcr(c:ctly n:llable and money seat to lOS S. . . .fe .. In a buok.. AaIJ:,... "-tmuter to Wmtam E. ~rroll ; lot In Leba· iar figure on onr Btreets and in otlr Boney and 'fai' many imitations ar" M . Banker. Ul<prc.. or AgeDI or Ihe 841101' of ths. paper about _ U,.,.. ordn a p'olr 0; ••" lira, you will. Bnd lhat the, will rid. ealer, run ,uter, wear bdler, LUt IDa., .ni1 loolc non; 1150. Bto1'M and he wtll be misled. offere~ for tlie genuine. Ask for We hllvl1 from ~1000 to '500,000 to th finer lha" any lire you ha~.,.... uJed oroeeD at any price. We kaowthal you will be ......l1 pl_ I!' Be . nd wife to Foley B Boney and TR.r sna refusfl loun on Real Estate and Life Inau- thaI when you want a ~I. you will Kin us your onler. We JOG to ~ _ a -au trial John, 8' a o ' = ! t ~l' 611. acrell Be belonged to a family of six any subatitnte offered all no ot'-I!I' T~ll oe PO\lotlll8, at the 10wOlit rate of order at Dace. beace thS. ft1Darkable Ure ofTer. '" _ .. bDUt-ap"wbeeI-, ................ JJ&rta ..... ftDoa1ra. and Bamue. hi • 1 00 ' . ohildren, o~Jy two now remain, prepa1'atlon wlll give th~ lame Bat· nwrest . 00 ever}'thiallD lhe~ Uaeal1llOlofl>\oalltbeu-1 'p rIen cJoarr<d by deal .... aDd ~Ir men. Write for our bIIf.!JUJfDBl'c:ataIcifte. til a.dan toWlil~'vrit' t i t O Jobn N. Printz, of 0r0n0R&, .T&l1*I' I.faotlon. It I, mildly lua'tve. It . I:!AnlR8 LIFIC A.oEROY Co., -OT ...... - but wrile ,.. • poetaI today. DO MO'I' TIIIlfKoW' B1JYJXO a . . DO ft' . . ._ . bicycle or a pair of 11_ trom U)'ODe aatU you I<aow lIIe DeW and .T.8. Gu'twr 11' 7e e· .. i Connt.. Klalourl and Diantha H. ClOn.ina no oplat_ and iI.fett for j th and Walnut Ita .. WODderfulf.a:en We an: .aklnl. II only CO!1I a poeta1 to learn nGJlhllol. Wdte" Cella A. 1I1U'ft . l' aorel n .. , hla l' . children and deUaate penona. jv 11 Olnolnnati. Ohio. Wuh~.toWD~hlp: 1.00., Adami, of t ~ .&06. . ., .
'. ~
dSlal.l'. ·" " :t.",,,
$ ~F.:!i\:!':~~:YEd:o:::: V·Il:r.'~ii:~~~.:~.:.;~~i~ ~: :: £~i:D:~E'i:~~?;~:::~ ~~1.All ;~~;DA. $ "d h"'i"!~m~k'~~~~~f"~O~~~ ,."..IM 12 00
i~~:: O~.~~~d~~n~h~,II~ t~~:e :~~!~ ~~~~~~: 'tal;;~sra~~;~I:~ ~ .
. ::. ~$
not, s lLtis fn ctory YO\1lvlll oney is 1\1 w"ys r eady for you without l,rg U1l10llt ~r fuss und t.hus 00 person tells another that
Th ( I' 6 od PI t T d e ag e IS a 0 ace 0 ra e $
29 50 Come over I1nd lIee us or telephone =~:~:~~~: ~ ~~:: ~ . ~ ~)~~:: el' ther to Seth Cook'tl 'offlce or Ar :! 50 W . ~:. MOOlnl. nold's Hotel at Corwin . We wH he Genoral J>, •• cn~rr Agent. l.elJ'''OI II . O. . !!!!!!"'-~."!!IOU II ".. l>lelUled to gl' ve you prices and IIUY ~~~~~~~~~~..!!!~~~!!" --inforUllltion lleslred. II 58 W. B. ·MAOOKN&<:n. .1.'111 CORWIN, 01110 . PI,US ~~. oo 5 .04
h')' VliU \\" .' 11 I
unde rstllll d Olll' busitw!lK ju~ t the Hllm o IlI1 y ou mURt und e rRtund ·fllrmin g . We chLim ton know Ule ' Iot hin g Business from A to · Z ; it ·s n ot IlU e x:perim nt wi t h I1R. it is II. solen e. While you ore .. tud y ln g ILnd plnunill!{ h o w to rulse t~e biggest orop, we fire !ltudy in g UOW to ill cr f' nso our bU !:Iiness, I1nd we are doing It ' , oaeyenough w e ·kly. dAilY . Y(, A h n nl'l ~ . El- o wd o wedolt~ Its we do It on bm<lno8" principl o/<: \ye ke p our store neat Rnd nttrnoti ve; we IIIl1rk our I:\' in plnln figures. We t r e ut e ve r.v one alike ; y our dolltlr ill w orth just 8S much as anothe r mlln 's; our 1:18IeR'1> I1l1l e hllve to be oourteous; they dare not misr epresent a n y thin j! ; if It'll wool it dares not be Bold a800t.
Ol\o,T E
sq unrl' th io" In p" pr y ,., hUJlP 111111 tllflnnllr Ma . FA lUI1£ It. hr n . i~ llnr pro pnsiti on: W e nre In 11 I~tn 811 for th e "nrn e rell on nll tl p\lrpO~Cl t hllt you Ilre fl\.rmln g, lind t ho to is t IIIfl k e m one:-'; ' t n ue ~u coss ful we UlllKt naturally
P"~' I.\·\lcM
Bus in ;:" Ilk ,' 1111111111" '. "
Dayton : ell, J) r, OU ' D"ylon : D,~. X·1' 7UII 10<)0 '! 0" .•• Uo LIlblltlq" J r. . .. ~ o 10 :0 ;. ~ !I f, r, ./~ Shak "r 'ro fl ~ l ng 'j <I:! 10 :1 7 .• Ti ~I 4 .. Hoslyn +747 ~ I U~ ~ . ; ~~ .:;. ~ " Bcmp8Lend ~ roll 10 ~ r. ~ , :, r, ;,2 CeD1.e rl'llie fuN 10 r.ll ~ ;.1 ~ r,~ Manor "s 0 1 - 10 r.u .,.! ;,~ " U V ~ L , ll e yon 11 01 ;J O ~ II 011 Edgl:,,"ood ~8 I ~ "II 0. ' a u;. ' 0 I ~ Velll,ble III ' 11 II ' :a \I~ >01 10 KIWltner t ' 1" ~1 1 1:1 1:1 II ~I\ J M ~,l"s tS til II I:; :1 1:1 ¢II 21 Lei amI ,~;!h m ~4 1:\ '!~ III :10 L ell .. n un{l r r\'·~ ~~;, II :10 ;0 :01) IO.~ UlIny excepl SlIlId"y. t SI"I' " " .I~ ",.. MU>l IIAV 'rIlAI"'. . Train.
fI uu :vou.r BUSi,Il t)Ii" with II rill t.hflt i. 1I11~"lnl l'I ." T"hllhl,'. " fl r ll\ thnt; 11 06!-1 Buslu fl ~ Iu a
\ VI
Convulsion, Fits, then ' E.pilepsy.
D V. LAd lID,
:a hili ~
.n., iDI.
.• a!i, 122
O. M. BROWN, Pl'op:L-leto:L-
!!~~I!!!T:!!! . I OEN ~I!te'~~rl!
Pennsylvania .
& .
_.--.-_n_. _It-.
you t he
A.k bo ul f '; r
no .
The Miami' BROWN I
tVA YNE..'!VU ,I,P'.
'"The Blues" I
OvarIAn II . A TI'CO" l ac Qllllt 1 Newlon (N, J.) man ~gl!1l wIt II hlmd}<!11 on ., ~ VOUI' r to dlsp OSO' gg CUP. WbllD this Doll' III 11110 wllh UIC mild by srlon II ftc 111 Burhnnk In veg labl I.nlmlll urI). A pro[OI In 01\0 or tho h lCt\g motl~'SlY lIT Vlln18 hIs 10 IJ' l]ublishM unUl , al'tl Inrormed. for SCI perlmooUng Wllh tOl the JIll . 1I0wev ·1', of I IlIrm~r'ij boy know I BUS pllbl to hnlDo It 18 'lult common . boyS 1.0 hold a h<!n ftr aod. looking croRS-I'l: will soon begin to 1001 a bout lor dill'S In Ul Orst experiment m 'r S80r was' In f , din and salt mixed and ill sal t and PcPI1 l' boxes be plalll,ly 6<!en. and eggs produced were I lor usc. Going sUII I ter , he ted the h en on and the next day till egg Wh ich. on being c distinguished from t und eggll as served In ' that It was all toge!ll ,lind It then occu red te by applying the dire t o , the hen it might : egg, and nIter experlr the hen In ~ glnse box the s un the h en prod and although tbese U . marknble to the uns prqfe sor went stili floned out that b ens duce two eggs per dal fore fed the hen on nnd al!lO contrived a bottom, 80 that whet , la Id It WllIi d'r opped t ODd theu tbe hen, a around to Bee the e laid and It not being, lin bour produced anc but It Is only 'falr to the common variety, Jarge u usual, but tl 'WIthin a reaIlOna ble duee an educated hf eoohd eggs with han all ready t9r UIM!
San Francisco, Beautiful for Situation __e:::::o::::o::=
T «> Become ., Scc.ond Ilples- Simr1aril ' 01 Natural F eatur~ and ow 'lh" Sim~ I (, 1 Similarity 01 N alure's Violence.
"r .n l l~"'l ~fl n l l . IJlall~ W 1'" [fw llhu: I,ll II UII . II. 11111 Ifill . wh ~ n dc,:
horro r an ,1 wa illn gl In un In"t~ul th Ilow r. brl,.hte ned slrpels ruln et!. H" l\,lotl "", Id.'n .1 $\1 11< 111111 IIIHI Ilealh.j lhe , rose..w reatbed houses hecome I Illl \u.\ I, Ihl' ~I" .. n ll'h II II .'1$ no 111\1'1 1 hOIl MS of ,mOUrnlnl:, the, jOYDIIB llcople of tl n' ",..,.1,1 ~11l1 h,' 1l ~1'l nre , 1 1IIIIIIun,' crazed wl~h grler! ' (rullt dan"." oC el\rlhQlIlI k~ >lhn,'kR. yt't I Never bliforo In the history ot thl~ t lll'r Dr ",'rluln rrg on ' k now n as ('ou nlry hall th ere bee n 11l~lctell NIiCh " j'lIrthq ll lll" tOUlllr les'-Jllnnl1 . 1IIna. ' all ovcrwbelmlng enrlh t\uak e catas, 111,II8 n 111111 HI ' w . tpr n ron" of 'olllh lropbe any place within lhe country, A ll ll'rit'lI hrre lh ~ r "- hn\' ~ bl'en fre. Three uOlnbl earthqua k es. but In de. (pum! 'vl, lIallons. ~cal lo~" or 11(1' -- s l ructlon of humao lite no t lo h, COnt, lIu'l 'al ito rul a uRed to hI' ij llul\en or \lared with th e terrible llresrnt. ha (1 tl . au IlrllHIURII' stol e. II was not workcd rulu , hi 1811 ,12 th ere oe. II ntll re 'CUlly ber ci ti zen" hn zanled Cllrred a s trango disturbance In lh~ t.ltl' bull d i n ~ ot lull slruclurp.R, 1"01'111' Miss issi ppi valley, a series \l r stlocke NIl' tt IV 8. • town of low dWCll ln !;s.! covert ,,); a spn e or l~'o yellra, and wllh II till ~ t(\nB or brick uS d In the ir , 6<! \'ere ntsllirestatloos 0 cllnlng at IIoM ru ,'tllln, .A short whUo ngo I s hort Inte rva ls for several moulhs; nt hel d rOl y.l r, LIOn with a mall from Ro me time during lhe period of'dlsturb· t,lle HR wsllau Is landlJ,- lo th (leOI)le , an ce, on or'ea over 60 mil s In lenglh o j Ibe t~ l an(ls San Fra nr lsl'o I" th e 1 and ubout 30 In breadth sanlt rrom s ix gl'pat mel l'opolls. 1000lH to til III mu ch to ten fect before Its rorm er level. hi 'gll r Ibs n I..ondon or Pal'is 0 1' New In I 72 In loyo Valley. Calltornln , an York- and reCerencCl was mad hy hlll\ t eartllq ual<o destroyed I n villag and 10 the marked c.hang now uoU cea hl!! kill d one-t nlh of th e population . In San ~' rQ uCI SCO. lire IIprp urlug or The harles(on earthquak e. I 6. d . mod I'n lIk y sc rap e ~8. Ilcople e\' llIl'ntly s tro yed proJ)ert~' worth millions lind t~t' lIng solfe trom ('arthq1l a k menn e. 1 kill ed 41 \leople. , liS the I Wben one learns that s om ethin g lik e p utting 11I1 Bueb atrllcl1lr f' \l r onlcl lmlldlng ten lItO rl e~ · hi g h. , 250 earthquake sbocl($ In Snn Frail . tho Sp r~ekl (l8 b;llIdlng rising l lj piSCO ha\'e b l'n recorded In lh last illMles, hn lf cent1lry , one und e rstands t1l In , CommeNllal progr 88 LnkCII care> ot, I hnlJllnnl S have h",l rause to besltate San 1"ra" ...18co of late bod b , II In- JIIOU~ 1'ul 'lug plies of slones th ol
I 1
An eastern publlsb put out a new edition works, to ,be BOld I tlon. A few ' clays E lltartled to 'r~lve I ter frqm a New Yor 'IDear Sirs: Last 'I' lIIIt of Shakespeare I t\pon receIpt of S8 ID WQrks are dramatize il ,Shllkespeare In , PI d<n.bledly an error cleN!. Kln<lly mnke your oOlirllesl COl\v~nl
Mr, Eben Appillto In bls 11088( "Star a_ogled Bnnn K:e~ lo Ule 'If1'IUng mired naUonlll IIOnl Ilhortly be IIllIde to PI 1. Be II 11110,. lD whl ~ade 'and _ It lUI ' .~ .tirlne., city, ba
tbo left I Is wcal' cr lim n Ihe rl !;b l. a nd, 119 In all l>Opulal' b· 1t /'5, Ul re lij, mudl t l'U h In tbl ~. In mOBt ~llS s. IIIIYS th o Grll n1l )Iall.lz ln(), th ll rlght~rlll Is de' cl ~ed l y "tro)lger lhllu thll "-left, the b u ~ s a rc larller II l1d tb e mustl es m or~ villorol l~. , . Wlleu we l'OIOO \.0 con lder th ll lo w ~ r lim bs, nu w VOl', we fluu II preclillly opto: •• ~ pos lt l' S OH or atta ll' ; Ih l! s lronger IImll th e rlr,hl In thl! grea t majorhy of cas e ' . 'J'hl<l wan t or !I),lUmet!'y Is notl c 'a ble all through the body. Ntne lI m~s CI Ut o f tOil we see bet ter with one eye tban wllh .. ~ho o . h r. and h ellr better wllh I he lOrL th ll n with lbe rich , eor, or VICd versa, No. only 8 • nn Injury to Ibe botlya burn or a ou," for Inetau ce- cll uses moro pain 0 11 ono shi n than It would Vi re It In"l cled on I he alli er, E ven diseases ntt:l ck one side on their llrsL ons2t In )J rere relh;e 1'0 tb e '11.\ ... . .1:. 'Z91Da. "nrlcose ve ln~ , sclllllca , aDd even tuhen:ul osl j beglu , ILwa rlably . UI manl· fcst th( 11)501\'os on our weaker "Ide, A bl\~ lel'lng plns t r, 10,1. wltl l)rDvoke nn er up tiOn only It npI) lled to III rlgbt sid In cenaln ludlllilluab; ID otbers, only It IlJlI)lI ed 10 I he lert side, The slmlll st way. ap lla ronU I', ot dis· covering whl II Is 'Our wenke r s ide Is to obsene wili ch sl ,~e w lie Ul>On by preCerence wh l!n 'In bed, as It Is certnln (h a l we will Insl lnclh'ely adopt tho a ltl( ude wblch Is most IIgr , eable, 0 ,', I·al il er. whIch ClilUSe8 the least Incon venience : In olb,er word~ . we will lie UIlOII th e side Ihe muscl es of wh lcb. b. lng n:o l\o vigorous, are I'ss s en sible Co lhe p ressu re Upl)n them of the welghl Of lh hodr, StaU5tlCij lind ob-se n 'nUoll go to llrove tbat In aboul thr e cases out ot four It l is the le ft sid whlcb It; lbe weaker. tbus givi ng renso n to tb e popular dictum. Curious ly no 11gb, how eve r. pneum onl l!, It bas been no, tlc ed, unlike most dis eases, usually attacks at Orat OJ() I'lght- thal Is to sn)" th stronger sid e ot th e body,
Skill Required in ' Construction ot Blver Floats to RWI Bars' and Rapids.
SCENE tN GUl.Ul!:N Q, \TE 1" Rl< .
l cneely tll teresLe4 I'n making of lho t own Iln(1 ol\ugly 80 bapplly situate. a !)Iacll IIlI II 'I\utlful as tar tllmed Naples, wl,th whl< b italian city tb e ,Oallfornla c ity hnll brten been ' compared In , r egUl'Il iQ nlltural features, eaeh with pr clpltouH billa and wonderful wa~er vl ow. SilO FranCisco WIUI built ()n a J;leniris uili. between tbe waters .of tl)e b llutlf1l1 hay and the Paclllc ocean; tb e bl18111eM pori Ion ' o'n what on ~e were sand dunes, but 'just north and boldly, pr ~ rll1itouBly. Plans were mak, Ing tor cutting the blllB Into elfecUve t nrl'acell . ,nd adorn ing tbe terracC1! with floIV '! ra, that. they mlghl resemhle .!'lallIE'/;' ~ t roets ot IItep8, But mor~
any mom en t might tOPille and add tbeir tbrea tenl'n g to the terrors or an earthquake. But though 80 num r· OilS, eartbquakes hltberlo cnused v ry IIttl\! damage; npprehenslo ll retired Inlo tbe backgroWld, ' Tbe city has surrered vustJy more trorn fire than from eartb quakes , The abundance ot tine timber and tbe popular belief that tramo dwellings ,were sater. resulled In San Franolsco becoming a efty or wooden bUildings, easy Ilrey to the fiames, From 1849· 51 there was a series of most dlsna· trous conllagrnllllns . $16.000.000 worth of prop rty deslroyed and many per· 80n8 killed , In 1898 0 r un '<1 an earthquake SOld, to be moal IY I 1'0. of Bnr recorded In .. ... the city '" bl@tory, but resulti ng In no 108s ot lire. Th Illst earthquake 00~' urred about Ihe mhldle of January. 1900, like Ihls draadtu l one or 1906, taking place "N'y purly In the morn, In,l;. Ther were s 'veral , s hockH, ot s l(~h severity peonle' were' lhr,ow n (rom their beds. tbe well-Imown St. Nicholas hotel. tbe cliler buildin g affected. W8~ severely shaken. buildings 01\ over tbe city fe lt the v,lbrllllon , ' Tbough not a Na[lles In lovelin ess, San Pranclsco was \'ery ri ch In 'harm, Perhaps at ftrSL one fell disappointed. sllli carried- It alTh' lng by lI'nln- the dust ot tire desert In one's mouth sild In lined to criticise a certain dry a nd lJanen aspect bere and there, But' aftel" a Cew days. a Iltlle \vand ring ' about the str ets, en tllu sla,sm grew apace, Not tbe enthus iasm fill' plies of brick and slone and 'alt the signs ot gold and mOlley spent; but tor lhe Individual. no\·~ I . locnl tasclnatlon. uch fresh hand some women . rrilrly radiating health, Tbey did more than mnke a plct\lre. Ihey bes poke ou t·door II ving. a ollmnte 'kInd ly ye t with twang erough ' to s,tlr one'H , hloo t\. som thing ample and rree Dlld gr per, OU8. ' . lJoWI1 In l hp ~larl(pt stroel whirl of hu ~l n esk and Illensure at e very corne r flow er \'en d 1'~ offered th l' lr rragrant \\'a res. tla' t JIlpc rale easter'nel' co'u ld I ~ t IrO)llr'a l IIIxlirlauce of blos~omc for ' a mere not.hlng, , Th n I here wore addell oth er e nthu. Rlas lll , POI' Gold en Gate (ia rk- now, nlas. 0 woefu lly clllinogE'd; become an Il ne.nmplll l'111 rtf bOlll Pless nnd desolate. )0'01' Ih ;' trlrl1 houseH aud well·kept \I :n .~t.." ',., !t,," . to /Ii.pi ,, · \', " 3 '0 ' i:I'OllU'I.~ (I~ tlw Pn'sid lo~now \)eal'lng IIo",;- !1 :t, ' r'~'n 0' 1;1''' ''' ' i, jl n'\~:," .,Igl\~ 01' n nnll r tltln IItvl as ever befell ~ !, i 'I d ' ',' ' , \: 110" ~"i ,: I ,. 10w,, 1 wl'ell'h ·,1 hUI\\II Ulty. III : . " ', r .0 , h n I' A ." r!~ken' 1'1'01lI Illc hel:';" l" one may atlll look \\,\i 'l . .: ,, :," r.r !!, -~', l,·r.I n~ upon a \lpw r (,lire beauty, Tbere Is ' · .. ~I1\·.·.· . '.' : ' I I, ,' II,.: d' Il~ lh~ I h: 1I1 lhe wlJ" n"t:I1I1. the 1"land,dotled ~. ,r :,1 ~ .. ' ,, " l. o'i.). 11'1'1,,' .' 1" .r:dUf: Hny, l h" I1IH ~nt mountains. San Fran, nl • II. ' I " I r. '" I'A' " " " ". Itl ,'h ': : r Igco I.> ' I ill the- ,;!I!\!'\\' ay ,t-o th orl~nt. ~" 'I) I:,.· !' . ' :rorn·:lg· l .!'I nri the spll' :t whI ch bUill up tbe ,.\"'r,,·boa " ,' ' \' ,1" ' " " " . I <plenllid clly has oat beon IItterly 'rb. cl" " 1' I:"i "'(I:l~ "~I I'Itr, ! brokf>ll. oyea "'Il}\' tbey [lIon und la· ",;11' .trunr " i ' ~,;t il p: ,' hvpt, so I lJor tor r.&tortllfon. Yes. how ' feeble Irl'ln,phAt: ' " r 111 ." • • ' I'" ,i.:,' , :, :r, '."~·l ! IK ru .. r., "Ii how IY'Onderful. ho,... b. uud V!('lt'l , .... . : .. 11 'II I HI ~ ( I) \1-'.)1\".1 .. : role! ,JIlted :.'" II v" '!: ot ti·~o . .. . .ad \ XATH&tu:lIII: .. o.a
;" :
1 --
Both Symptoms of Organic Deransement In Women-Thousands of Sufferers Find Relle!.
Grl!('IRIl water worlll! ~ 11'1' 11 lUI Groclull pON ry hn \'c s lIr\' lved 10 ~o rve ·the prp8cu t all'>' Prof, DorpRold. wbll e [lurs u l n ~ ar chn ologlca l r eo lIcllrch ~ III ,'tlwns. with th Ilurpoao of un nrlltln1\ the fo II II tal II IIr PI~ lfI' IralUS. d iscove r d a number of s mall wul!'r galled s III th e \'Icillily of lh" a cropoll8. More eSllc lally bCI\eath III. roatl le:IIJ!lI g from Iho llIa ~k c t plll.'e In Atht' lI ~. nnd ('rvl ug (I I< III Il routD ror lh e prbc!'ssl (lns of Ihe PnllllLhenea, be r~c os nl ~e tl a series ot co ndu its oom· 1I05ed ot a pair oC pi lIes ot po ll ry plac d one over the oth~r, J'')'O III the eame Ilol nt. lbe azom, olile r s imilar pipes ot a squnre S I't 1011. covered with slabs of baked earth. rollin t II I~ the directio n or tbe s mall er. II' els, The aJlllqulty of t his a r ~ 1 m or canali zation Is beYO lld dou bt, Ins omll ch us the chora Illr or th works III l·on· lIect lon with \I Is li S old ns th o Hom an and ByulIltinc epol'\ls, Mu ch knowl· edge alSo wOS obtnlned res pectin g the pUIlPly ot "'at r to lhe InhabltaulH of the '''pltal rrom the many expel'l· mental cuttings and tr enehl!ll , The Oqllcl hl ·t of Pls lslrotus . sur· nam d th e Tyrant, wns found to pa s~ lbe Theatl'r of Da ('hus lind thell ter· mlnllte in a basin wher nln conduits discharged their conl ent,8. "onll guous to the rountnln of Knlllrrhoe. sl lu· oted at Ihe .,Puyx. Th is rountliin In· cluded a couple or pools. one abo\' o ground . wherefrolD wat er could be drawn 1I1redly, and l\ 8 cooll belo\v, n c tln~ as a r eseTl'olr. and nlso II an overfl OW, allowing Its s urplus wat r to PIISS through a pipe lulo the city for the use of the IlUbl\e, 1n tb e aque, ,Iuct ot ]' lslslrntus the water was tran S I)Orte~ In muml pip s of pot· try. wltb joln ls Cll l'ofully Otted ,. rt this aequeduct ehould fall to be of tur. tbl.'r s~rvlcc, that ,Of Hadrian s~~\'~: at the present time ror a 8l~PP ) lhEt Athenla" Inhsbltanls,
Bow often do we hear women say: lilt ~m .. Vecetable Compound. When 100. lCems WI though my bl1ck would break," rueuNld t&kinlt the Compound I 5Ulfe~ 'l"iLb bA klUtbee. bo&daob an or "Don't speak to me, I am all out of ~vcrythlng fomalt> troubles. I alii colllpletcl'l cu:':4an sorts"? 'l'heSQlSlglllfloant rowarks provo eDjoy Ute beI$ of boalt.b, and owe it that the syatem rcqu Ires attention. to),"oo." Backache and" the blues" are dirret When wamen are troubled with Irrer avmptoUls of an inwllrd trouble which sooner or lawr declare itself, It ulllr suppressed or painfu \ perlodl, may be caused by diseased kidneys Or wenkncSB displacements or ulceration, 60me derangement of the orgBns. tll ..t bearIDg.down feeling. InOawm .. Nnture requires osslstance and at once, tion of th& temnle orf:laus, backache, and Lydia E . Plnkham'sVegetableCom- bloatiug (01' f1o.tulcn co), generlll depound Instantly asse.rta Its ou ro tive bility, lndig stion ulld nervous prostra.o powers In all those peoullarailment.s of tlon. or are b"sct with 8UC~ B.I'mptomt \Yom n. It has been the Btandby of 118 dizziness. flloiuluess, llUl8ltnde, Ilxcl", Int lIigentAmerican wOIDcn for twenty ability irritability, nerl'OUSDCSS, sleepvears, and tho best judges agree thllt l essne~ melancholy," 011 gone" and It Is the most universally $uccess- "" feelin gs, blue. fill remedy for woman'e Ills known to aud hopelcssness. they should remombertherc is ol1e tried Ilnd truo remedy. m edicine. . Rend tbe convl,nolng testimonials of Lydia E. Pinkham's Com· pound at onCD removes suub troubles. M1's. llolmes and Mrs. Cotr Iy. No other medicine hOoS sncb a record Mrs. J.C. lJolmce,of Larimore, North ot cures of female troubles. No other Dakota. ","Ites: medicine In the world has receiv d thl. Dcnr Mrs , Pinldlnm:willespread and nnquIlliII ,<1 pn.Jorse"1 bn" Sllfl'OrOO eve!'Ythlng wllh hackncllo ment, RC!usoto buy any aubstitut.e. end r mnlo trouble-.:.llet the troublo run on "\'slem \\'as In sucb.a cqndirtoll tlmt FREE. ADVICE TO WOMEN, 1until ,-usmy ullA(,le to be about, and then It Wall I , coJlltuenced to use Lydia Plnkham's V\lg6' table COmpmrnd. It I bad only known how Remember, eorcry woman Is eordlah.1 much ulYeri ng 1 woul.d have 8DvCti I sbolJ1d Invited to write to Mrs. I'lnkhaiD rt Dove takun it mont-hs 8OOoer-tor a. fow there Is anytblng nbollt h~f sympto~ 'lOCks'trentment, IJUIdo mo well alld strong. s he docs not uudorstand. Mre. PIn ..,My bru!kncbl'5 and buadacbesaroa.11 gOll and ham is tnednughter ·in·lllwot Li'dlQ, &. I SlIfI'tlr 110 pain 6t monthlv rlads, I <_ t be! d .. • b6l'(lllll botore I took Loydls E, Pinkham'. I'iukha.m , ber ass 8.... n ore 101" "~ge t.UbloCompou~d I aulferodtntellIIOpaill," cOlISe. nnd for twonty.flve years since Mrs. Emma Cotrely, 109 12th her advice hll3 beeu freely an(1 cheer. "'t"coi, Nuw York City, writes: 1111ly gl"en to o"ory ailing woman \Tho ., asks Cor it. lIer advice and medicine Mt'!!. Plnkham:Inr:mmcra.bll Donr "Jte;,lItmvdutytoleUal1suJreringwomen IIlI ve r estored to healtb L M of tho rullet 1 have fOWld in Lydia E. I' lnk- wow n. Address, )'1lt\. 10M. PIDkbaII', Ady\c:e-4 • WomaJI'I _ ___ _ WOlIIIlD _.. -.. Best -!. 4...,..lladerstaDds ..._ _ ___ ilia.
"I am an Il1uoceD 15entenclng me to a only bope thal I ma) who have wro~ell n clea~." So · spoke when be was sentenc Jobnson, ot Skagll'I\1 months .ago. to ten tllaughter. On th !U President Roosev It , nnd Judge Jobnson d rouy be ta1!enns an evl Innocence or merelr dell e tbe reader ma,
. Til., po pular be1\!\t Is lhal
Means ot Supply of the Anclell& Acropolis Bavo Lately BoWl Uneal'thed ,
Oue nAlf of We Dody Is AlwOlYs Stronger TIul.n the Oljler, W. Are Told.
!{". ,
BJghYftT ' 'Tbe public hlgbwa tal,n ed lor pubUC) WI( )public roads when t 'Ipartlea ebould be t nods and as DOn.eJ[' lu thllir lenna. n. be IIWlIllld upon an the force of argumea the KrIUlUnc of It Is Idlll. h01nlnr, Dally Newa. fIor_y public man to raU practice ot tbe ~tII bllbwar--In atylDl qf way to etJeet ear rllh ta for a period 8~te 'In tbe put 0 than any of the PlIO ot late that 'anybody eon ~Ith know!ell&'e j of electric raUroadfi and how lD!portant ways are going tot.?-Play in worklDjl What I" P!lst Ie past ' ready made are mil resented the oplnloll on)y ,ln the iegtslatUl the proVince, It Is have not been III&dt discussed. People ci enough yalue Oil th ' wbleb Is under conll palUles nnd the pr<\ the people know Is electric m.llwa.>-s. an. J''or cheapness and wnnt them on the hi! pact tbat they ,lUld tI them will use these Bu t' tbey sh!!)I1d gel nbt by foolish barge
At the mills tbey made liP th big rorts acco rding to a certain system, A crib was lUode ot b()lIrds. suy , 16 feet long, and was built In IOyer8. cobbouse fa s hion . until It was l)erpnps a couple ot fee~ deep, a 11 fastened by long hardwood pegs: Seven of these cribs made' a "piece;" and three ple\!es, side by aide. lasbed togelther by lines tastened to the boats, made whnt was called a "Wisconsin river r ort." Tbat Wae about as large a8 R raft could be and run safely lIie 'Varlous 'dums Bnd bars nnd rapids. SOlYS Outing, Afler they got to the mouth ot the WI~ consln the men would shift these pieces ond ' bunch up a number or Wisconsin river rafts tnto one vast. slow-moving snake of sawn Umbers. II thing or terror to all tbe steamboals on the river. until at last It tound \tl~ destlnaUon. perhaps tying up at BOlme bayou for doW'll toward St. Louis, Once such a ratt piled up on the mid dIe pier of the Dubuq\le bridge. and Tltn UP the abutment to the bl'ldge tloor. frlgbtenlng halt to death some 800 gaping tolk who had come out to see t.he wild men ge tbrougb, But that was merely an Incldenl. It was merely an Incident If nt night the men, asle,ep and forgetful ot the green IIgh 18 wbileh ollght to sbow that they were running, awoke under n volley of profanity and saw looming before tbem the boJV of some rIver etcllmer, whose tallltnin and pilot objurgated them by aU tbe saints of tbe rl vcr to ha ve a care for the ob servance of the laW'. .
Why It Is, as Andrew Cnmegie Says,
Either "Prince" or
The steel 'corporation, II II\ce Ita formation ft ve YClIJ'B a go, blls paltl out more than $300.000.000 in bond Inter· est nnd slock dividends. and more thall $560,000,000 to Its Wl1rkmeO , out of gross sales of more ·than $2,000,000.· 000. wrltC1! Franl[ Fayant. In Snccess Magazine. , T,be etrect of declining prlcO!! and consumpUon on the ' proflts of mel' I making Is to wipe .tbem out In a short time, It a steel company. tor exam, pIe. In "good times." makes a ll"lI1loQ NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO. BUSTER toOn8 of Ilnlsbed p,roducts at a cost of l50 a ton, and sells Its tonnage Bt an a verage price of $68 II ton. It nakes $18 a ton, or $1 .000.000 on Ita out· put. if. In a reaotlon In ,tlra steel '1'11& SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COVNTER,lRRlTAttr 'business, \!be company's output dc· A QUICK. SURE. SAFE AH D' ALWAYS READY CUREFQR PAIH DON'T WAlT TILL TH' PAIN COMES-KEEP A TU BE HANDY clllles to 750,000 tons, wblle l~rlce8 IT WILL NOT BLISTER THE MOST DELICATE SKIN IT IS ALSO - iNtlISPE.NSABLEl FOR CHILDREN tall only 25 per cent" with no veduc· tlon In operating costs. tbe' proitls oro cut from $18.000.000 to ,I,OOO,OOD. In 1902 tbe steel corporaUou !'Co c~lved $560.000,000 for 8.200.00 tons SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING IN USE FOR CHAPPED HANDS AND UPS AND T. 0 AI..LAY ALL IRRITATION 01' TRHB of products which cost to plloduco ~K.lN. A SOVEREIQ,.. REMEDY FOR SU.N-BU N $'420.000.000: rt had a profit, tberefore, of $l40,OOO,OOO. Two years lalAlr. al. tbough Its outP1lt bad fallen olf only 17 per cent., -and the average seiling price per ton bad declined onl)l 4'>' , 1t£I!P'S THE SKIN IN A SOFT AND HEA1.TfN COND!T10N, per cent. and tbe average cost had I ANI) PRESERVES THE C(l MPLEXION. EACH OF THESI!rlaen only.,>, per cent., tbe prollte de- ! WELL KNOWN PREPARA110NS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM DRVCCISTS AND DEAU!RS. ' OR WILL SEND BY MAIl. ellned to $80,000,000, or a los8 of 43 , ON RECEIPT OF 15 CENTS ' IN MONEY OR STAM'PS.. per cent. The steel corporation I now , IlXOBPTlNG CAMPHOR 10K. FoR WHICH SBND TeN OENTS. producing 10;000.000 tons a y~ar. A CHfSEBKOU(jH Mffi. CO., 17 Sb!e Strut.. Nf~ YORK. variation of only llve dollars 'a ton, or seven per cent.. In the av erage ton price, of Its product. If unaccompanied by a variation In cost. means a varl· aUon of $60.000.000 a year In Its profits. This IS enougb to pay ten 00 per cent. dividends on the halt bll· lion dollal'1' of common atock. This w. L~ DOUIII.. CUt irdse LIne Is why Andrew Carnegie says steel II cannot be either a "pr lnce" or II "pauper."
p , it
AM .1'8.
W~fL. DOU-C~g , '3,&0 & '3. SHOESflE\
Scientific ot Ute Day. Within the last few years mucb I'Irogress has been made In reducing Winner of Marathon Race. farming to a science. Tbe Un ited He was a ' poor mall. mark YOII, wh8 States depnrtment of agrlcultllre has bad to live most economically to II~II long heen wqrklng to tbat end. : The at all. They ottered him 25.000 fralles IIll-to·dale rarmer no longer works In In gold-25.000 frllncs In a ~Olllltry a hnpl!azar,I mIlO ncr. He has l earned , wh "e 0' stout labor r earns less, til an to S'l lidy the nature ot bls soil and as· t';'o rrancs a day. He refuse(l It. To certain i he crops t.hat will beat gro\\' sustai n the honor ,of Hellas was, ;n It, The .rt epartment or agriculture h Id I, constantly searching for the new enough (or Loues Srllrldon. e SIl • productive lliants whIch will til rive and only thilt be be given a watet under all the "al'ylng conditions In, privilege In his nativ e town of Marolls' 51 thal be be allowed e ve ry morn!ng : the country. Or()p~ Can now be cUItl- to' fill his goatsklus In Athena and vatM profltahly In what (or ages bas I been waste land, 'The farmer luis a drive his IIltie team to his \lwn Ittle !
to,women.. Doo."~
nate. 'Take
"t" e
Ely's Cream Balm'
JDlnst this
I tf
commun ca OIL.
any, d~,o' y~ Datural , futictions?-- Sum symptoma show that. you suffa ~ from one ·of. t·be: distascl peculiar
I::!!. Dallr New..
The Blues Db you 'have a fit of "the bluest· every montb~ Suffer fiom, headach«. lIackac&CIf.. ·loW'waist.pains, aeep-' mil sansatiOns, ,n enOusnta, irritability inquiarity, or
wider range In selecting what there sell slIcb care of tbt9', e I he alrall , produce, 'He also bascrops tbe village. water lUI and his own peopl e mlg,ht benefit of many metbods of Qultlva. buy tram him . The, mon ey? 'J'hey s et tlon lrom whlob to choos,), Jl Is pre. It aside for the phYsical .lralnltlg of dlcted 'that In 1910 the yield of mucb tbe boys of Loues' vlllnge.- Jam es B. land. per a crc. will be t"'lce what It Connolly. In Th,e OU(\lIg' Mogazlnl!. was In 1900.-Cleveland Lender, Bill Orders. WldoW8 tor Sllle. , "See bere. you! t ried tbe cronk,A' Chinese newspaper. the Cbung diner, wh'o' had heen ml\klng num erHua Pao, prints tb,o followl~g: "A ous compllllntll, "no maller what D special ,,,,,respondent nt F engtlen say to y'01l It·l seem, to stir writes tbat about the beginning', of nIl at Illl ," lhls montl\ a Japanese ImllOrted some "No, sail." rellll ed tbe, waller, . "Do :1,000 Japanese widOW/I, wbom he or. b08S tell me wbepebah 11 gem mon fered (or sale either liS domestic serv. talk lalk dat jes' to humor blm,"nnts or as secon dary wives. at 60 Philadelphia Press. cents a catty (pnE! and tbree.quarters --'-----,-pounds a,volrdllilols,) Ph~togTaphs RetQrt Cou,rteous. are first shown to Intending pUI~has. "Aw-captnln. you used to IM! . , 081, IV era , who then mall a their selec\lon. whaler. didn 't you7" , , CURIE FOR , and tlle womnn Is, weighed and ner "Yes," . value cahmlated, ' ,'l1'ere IS no eo',I1I"Would you mln,l lei'llng mll-IIIV"u..m'lil tlon attached saVEl that she mllst bo wbat kind of bait YOtl U8e In catchlD& __ allowed to return, bome once f ,v ery a whale?" three years." "Dudes, whon we cou ld get 'em, . . . .",u.otIrM. YOllng feller, "-Chlrago 'Trlbune. alvll RIU"al~_ Dl Wherelu ' ~ 'IJidon Lacke. ------n ol_eII, lootbee, 'filii In some rcspeC!ts London Is nn Harry's Advantace. aDd prOlecta muoh bebln6 ma:,IY Engl(sh villages. Pearl,-Helen married!> Why. sb. ~e dlMUed mem~. It e\ll'H c.turll Practically every rural pollee atatioll told me that site woulda't allCept lh' anddrh.A..a~OeN hi tblBeadqWCldfi: haa Ita telephone, but ,Scotland Yard, !;leal mao that walks: • ha' ..~.:. ~eta. ~g~~~~:'18~, the head and of London'a arlm Rub,-Well. Harry don t : TrIallllelOct& t. maiLlIInal detecth'e sYIItem, Itlll hold. ou' He owns all 'automoblla. Ob" ~ B,.. T_
rn_Dn&Mn._ VTanen "-wv.w ,
\ M-s. s...b Go Butts, . of , ,'White Plam.,. Va., wtites s
~ui ill, ~ a .pana. cea.1or suHerma women. ,I ~.. sunk: in dapair.. Deatb ir. no WGltse .th~ t~ ~ins 1
suffered penoclbDy. Nothing re&Ted
me. until 1 took
Now the pam, ' B,ave lODe. and 1 am stronger than in 15 Vears." Tty' 'it fat Tout tIou~lcs. '
At all DnqJ storea ell
The Redemption of -8 Hunchback By ELEANOR H. PORTER \ OoV1 " . b L; 1Il0II0 b) J ON.II U. lIowiCl I I bo ua;bt a aut lons old desk last wee k a IItlll more curious old s hop on Tb lrll ,a ,'enue. T bllt n lg hl, as I wa s gloati ng o yur my new t reas ure. I chanced u.pon an Inner sec ret d raw 1' ; lind there I l oun d- lorn 8l'rnl g~l ~ a crOBII Irom LOll to bOllom- a closel,. ...·rll len ma nUijori llt. Oare rull y mat phlng 1M jagG ed edges to ~e lh e r t'~ R\I tb ls: So b er na me 18 Alice ! It·!! a I.rpt ty name- but wha t Is lh lll t o m 7 W bal hnve I to do with I)rclty lI11 m u o r pre tty races, or yet wlt b III'ell Y t a n· <:le87 Re member? \V1m t Ind d, do I not lemember '!- ah, yes; t her urn Ho mo fe w t h ings, nrtpr all. - I 110 nol nl mem· ber kisses. save t hose oC c o m,, " ~~ lolI: n or ' s mU t" , ea ve l hose of pi ll'. I Ito n ot r c m(Jmll I' ro mps an d gn mes, sav e th oso that ror me bO I't) defeat. r do re mem ber eyca. my motb· c,'s eyes. a lwaY B mou r nfll l wh en t II ril ed on me; an d olh e r eyos. my fothor·s. ul wll Ys QuIckly a " rtr·t\. If by ch an ce l hey met lilY own . 'I'll re WC'I'C s tili other ye9, round . wl dely-opo nell. 1'lI rlo1l6, ye t t rlj;h tened, m y IJIIlPI1UI '~ yeR, alwnYA foll owing me abo ut with fu ~plIHl I <ll1 hor ror. \V IIH it th l' eyes t hllt II rsl lold fli P I 'ns 1I0t IlIl c olher hcYS? Or WII S li th e ~lI r rol' ? Th e Mirro r waR a f al'fu l t hin g 0/ fi hl/lln g lI gh t8 all d s hadows. H I'eul'll rl tr011l floor lo cell Ins In OIolb I"S room, an ll It Ba ld t ha t on e "· a~ . SOIII II a nd u,:ly, and Ow t o ne's henll 8~l fa r fo r\,; unl on s ilo ultl" I's t,hut wert' b lgh a nd ijqu ure!y cut. II said tb al on 's ba r l( was 1I0t Blra ls hl a nd slrod e r 111( 0 T om's or Dlck'K or BIll'~, but lha t It c rooked nnd I' urv d nnd bu nc h d Into a g r a l rou nd IIDot below one'K n eck. . Scbool? Ab, y es, I rcmemb r schoo!. rt ~1\9 n t hi ng ot h ard . ,h igh senl H. li nd of boys and 'gi rl s. nil taU. 80 bO\lclc'ss, Iy tali : a thIng ot large, rounet eycs. aU mt1'rors, an d of romps und raccs In wbl ~b 1 al one had no pRrt. cboo l was t ollo wed Ill' coll ege, a Dd ('(llleg o wall but school In t nslllM . \\'h n It was over I took' UII law. An d no w from ea.rl y mo r ni ng II nt l\ late a t night I work a n d s ludy . sa ve Ihat at t ou r oach day I wal k tn t be park. It waa In the pa rk t hll nfter· noon tbat I qaw- Allce. Sh e sa t a looe on one of the sellt a, Bud I slood for .. long whil e wa tchin g he r from behind a screen 01 i brllbll, Her p~ tty head wal tilled back .plnat a tree trunk. and ber brown balr nubed golden In the 8unll«ht that came IIlantwlse t.h rough the tre. Some dainty wonted Btuff ot pale blue liay In be r lap, while he r slend er flDl e ra toyed with two lo nr knltllnr Deedles of I ,or,.. By and by a rtr'1 older than himself C!IIm £ hurrylnc up. " Did 1 keep you waltln«, A lice ! " . be • ald. Allee! But "bat, Indeed. have J to do with pretty lIalDtll. or pretty faces, or yet wJt h prett,. taneled
....cbed the r lltter. As loon u IIOS> alble 1 was OD my feet lI1!d lit Alive'. i lde, s~e('lInl: mrs It to mt!~t \o4a look I k new I s hould li n d 111 Ilcr eyes, "Yo u I re tl ot hurl ?" I fa llered S h turned Lo wll r(\ nl ' , 11 r hlu ; .Y<'I rr lghloned nnd \\' Il''''y o)lono;!. "!IIo--Do- Oh, no- I' m n ot IlIjl'l, ' <Ito Equ ll ll y I ~no rl\n t , Kn ew H erSIBif. beguu t remu lous ly: " hut t h!'\'~ WII ~ 1\ 11 "A lla lll, " Hil lel Ii:" ~ , IIt lor I,h e rllblJ ll l rn ll gcr (at t he c1oo r) - r am ry· aColu ellt, was t be ro not T I- I shoulo n'l hod hepn named, "w hy tl oes be wa bble lug to 1ln d Il la dy whosE' m urr l ~d n ame be be r . \ wil l go bllck t o the seal " bl M n o~e ? " . I hll" f,)r~O It ('Il , bu t I I,no w sh lIveA s he added, rea chlnJ;' ou t both her blill ci. "H ow cl o you BU rrOS I kll ow 'I" an· In tblt! nelg1lbol·hood. 8ho I~ a wo m· a n d st a rti ng tlmltl ly I'or",'ol'rI. BlI/ered Adam, wllh ~ olU e l rr llo tIOI). fi ll 11.'I lly desc r ibed. a nd pcrb nns you And l heu I Haw. Alice wns blin d! "'I'h Nail" Yo rk lJal)('rs ha,'c be n tr y- know her- a sIn gul a rly bellutl ful CI ~:l· Wha t I sllld IUHl di d I hurd ly kllow. Ing ror yeurs to fhl d 0111. lind not ' on e t llre, wil h pl nk ·a nd·whlto 1.'0111111 xlo n. J onl y know lhat my .heart lell.!'ell of V~l hUH e"olvcII II 1!ll1ls Ca\' (u I' Y sca '6hell IUS, lovely I~YI~~ Rnd ha ir wlth ln ,me n nr! thul illY hruln HU Iller! Ihcor y. pvcn ye t. " - - - stlrh rul ll goddess m lgbl ~nvy, on II rc. I th n' w "II ~I Y he' d an d 1-1 'on II 8C nll ·d. I lo \\'~ ve r . t il ex· ,S.'r va n t- Ft ally , s l.r. I <lou 'l k nnwwall,ed on ai r II H I Ipd her ba rll to ' tbe fllul n lh at IllIl r~UJ'lon Wily t be Rnl· Yo lcu (from hchd of ' ,; l all'~ )s at. I ij(lIith erl no el (j ul clr tl ' her; I mal's tnl l wu s 1'0 Hh orl wa s tha t a ll th e , ,lane, l ~ l i til ' g nllo mau III b J !lOW" luug hed, jokerl, t old hlt~ of ~ lorl 9 , aod Sllo r e ma c r la l hnd boe n used In ma k· In a m lnll le.- K. y , Weeldy ,. dre w h I' I1 t ll' lI l lon rrom t ho pasl ,In. Ing Its t.!u l·~ . -Ch l ('Ugo 'rrlb une. Caloula ti ng Miln. pl ea ~ Rntll S~ . And 0 11 the willie m y --- --" I do n' 1I11(l young Dr. OlJ rn t s." r ehea rl HS II JI II !lOtlH or jny, God Corg l,"u H is PRckRge. me. " SO li'!; "r Joy beeHu au Ali ce "ou ld "Every )lilY dol' ' 111)' hus band brIn gs marks the lI m ld young Ihing. " No? Anti wh y'" not see! ' j llOn", 1\ l)al'l<8gl' and mil k 5 mil gu s "The 0\ 11 \' ' v~ llln he rRlI ~ d . Hnll \1)' Wha t ~a re I now ror lhe mlr ror's ' It~ eo nH· nt ~." :! lI ll by he s<lll~ezed m)' h:tnd on d ~ "Id r yes ! I WUIlI "IIr'orlll a nd Sl'orn Um m. " AI" yuu it goo II glle~s r " " Slll'~; Il 'S candy or fl owe rs or 80 m \b lng sentin,e n i'al. a nrt jllgt II~ I Do I ' not Iwow wh ero 10 10011 to meet ' ; lovC!. or 80llll'\hlog II ko t ha l every WU ti lJ'y l n~ LO look II ' n'1I"0 a ll tl 1'1 uo hateful IlUage or Illty? hlnsh I dl ~I 'ovf'red lba t he hod his I ha ve Icnr lt Pfl Irom A lie lan y tim , DOCK YO II I' hU HhilUd ('V I' bring 1I11gl'r 011 lilY Ilu is . to ~c wh ~ l h cr or t h ln g~, I hnvo lear ned I hnl . t bollg h hnme a llnl'l(llge?" nOl I W llH renlly nit ded b)' hl ~ atlel1Ih n ~trn n ,:; Oll rl r lt'll AI'o,'n to hll vo th e " Yt'~: he "rl ll g~ a Ila cka;::e c,'e ry lluns.'·-J udge. m lSRha pe/1 h Ulwl ll.Jnr'll 1)lonll t heir lillY. too: bllt · I ,luII'1 have to ~ u e!ill . _ ._ "nRC In I'o ur t, th,,; Ihat a rA poor' of what II' Is, I !'o n I II li on Ills I. rentb." H er DillS r or Course . . pll rse w(Jul rl r.ln:l ly clal in h l ~ a ld. - lI on8lon POSl. T o k l!04R 1\ Jutl~·· ~ h u tu.l h; t ill \!. And til')' l lll " O It- th ese 1100 1' ; m y - -- -Al ruHf4 ut\ t! rull (J f gru,'r' : A Ques tion A nswered . b ~n rt llll l'll s a t t hei r lil l S ot wrong r .·t ~lIt.' h u )( iH~. 1 · 1ll 1 \ ~. )o'IU \'e . Lect llre r \ \I' b IlIl e lltl ~ 10 Ira ce tho 16 rul h~ I' OIi L or (lin e ..•. Ilnd Injus tice. nnd my tongue mu s t be .. J uti",,",, t 111\led wl l b firo fr om I he leal' n t hn t orlsl of "CI'lI1II1 lII H!1 'H :.t il ,I !;IV' ;lll'll' ra,'orR t h\! r ight eous r ll ll sc, ~o of t ell hlslO rl<'ul Hlgn ltl cII II CC) - 1':U\ . l .t : IIt·~ NO SECO ND·HAND CO NSEN1', (11)11 "I'Ull cnwll, 1IH1 11), or YOII wI I I 110 I w in Cnr Ih" m Ih e vll'lory, AmI III I Lb o ~tl)'R lilY heart Is sIng· 11011 lIll S~ !J . SII !'IlI'lse d II I I he que stlU Ii lug-for Allrl! Jg t o lie my wlf. And I 11111 a lll) 11 I tt) t1 ~R: " \\' hy do we eat why 1I0t ? r will mukl' her III", a th ing mint' IIIe 1" V oir" Ifl'01I1 It (iY Slle llllr iOOI; III!; all of lo ve nll li pellN' , a thi ng M t s pa Tll tll dll ur\ - UC' cIoII HO ' I" nrll rll 18,-1'\ Y , from ,'cry care, Ami IlOW I a m gla ot my Ini.l c.'IIcci wrlllt.h, ror mouny will Wee ltl)' , bllY t he ~ \\'CPts of Ilf ro r my Ali ce. :tf o Rl lI G' rOT Hi m , So 1111 lil y clll,Ys Ilre 'll song till JUlie "00 yOIl wl ~ h to h:", th e r lll g ser vo "':'Ju ne, 0 11 1' \v elldl ng mo nlh . I",'?" II IIP ti l h mlul ~t er , Am I ma ll or n n~l? HavII I Blluk "Oront IlI'n v.l'l1s, no." replied til 1·ls· so lo w as lO lie a Ihlng ot sco rn even Ing yOlln,; IIoll l lt lan . " 1f l he pOpe I'M to myselr ? flJund OIlL nliolll Il t hl' l,'d n cve r lel UP It Is Jun e. Allee hn~ IJpell a wny '101' on lII e, TI't' rln g'B all r lv;hl \V h 11 Il weeks. A Il'lter In her dea r, la bored ,'om' t o gerth,' I'ot e . hut m and Lh~ ban ll 'recQl ved lo:da )l says: gi rl are goln' t o l runs3ct tb ls b\l sl n ~s8 . Darling ! 1 llil ve a su rp,rl~e ror you w t hotH un~' h ~lrL"-L. h kago Record-
w. L. DOUCLAS· '3· '3. SH BU .. A w r iter t eU. t hls . tor,. of old·tlme Ir dlaoullolls : "Tho peop lo living nea r a veteran PQrk ' packer 's ellwblls bmcnt st.ood th o smelll a long ti me, but at I, t en tered a compla int. The case I\' n~ brou ght u li ,In a squlre's court, nnd t he defe ndant, '/lIt er lis t nln g to lhe cbarges attontlv ely. r ema rked In an loj ur d l oae: "W II , It seems t o mn limt an )' man who doesn 't li ke tho pmcH ot a hog- I~ just a leetle tOQ good l or Ind llloa,*,lIs.
lie w ent Into a druc ' elare ant\' bought a bo ltl e o f so m pat en t sWIr, ".-fllc b WR S lld\'crt lsarl th lls : "No 1o10 re r oughs. No Morc o lds. 25 !lnts a Bottle." 'fhr 0 days later b o went to th o d,ru gg ls l co mplal nl nll l hat Lils t uroa t wail sto pp tl up, a nd t hllt he l'o \lld scarc<lly breathe. " I' vo drunk a ll. th nt patent cough m Ixture," be "Dr unk It !' yell d tho ma n ; ',,'Ily, t hat 's an I ndi a rubb~r solution to put on llle soles of your boots!"
ao &
w. L. DOUBI • • cannot be
hear a powe rfnul r cpli l o~ ed, nboll" bll t her .she II be l' ,"d the womn t I ; ha ,'c mu m v hllsband's II rst vd fe."
--- - -
'4.00 ua lled
A Positive CURE FOA
OATARRH Ely's Croom Balm Is "uic kly ob. o,bed .
man'" " Th ere Is no slich t hing. E ,· ry mil n has his luulls, pl eoty Of . them ." T be r~ I·IYDlIst contllIued: "W ho ever saw a perfec t wo mun ?" At t hi s j un cture a ta ll, t hIn wo ma n a rose. " Do you mean to 511Y , macJum ." t be e,'an gell st nsk ~d . "tha t I YO U ha \' o "cen n p ~ r fcc t woma n'!" ; "Well, I cnn 't j us t say t ha t I b a ve seeli
Ci,es Relicl
~ t On••• It d !lnR'''' .. E(tofhos.
l.a eal~
unt l
l ) rotl'd~
III Ilj~t" Li! , 'd lliclilhrollr. H r urrs nlflrr b n;" I .lrlwshwlIY o('old III ihll lI enll 'luil·kll'. ltlliltores t1w S('n.,· r 'I'II. t" nn,1 ~I1\1J it . FilII 1li7.0 50,'1 9. fit D tl1 ~sla ~ Or by I1Il1i l · 'I'ril11 slz 10 c(~. 1,,' lnni!. • Ely Dro thor~. ()G \\'I\l'f u StroH. Nuw York:
Backa'c·h ' e
REWARD 10 anyone "ho (In
dltpMI.t thll " .tement.
II. could )'Ou Into mY Ih __ ......a r. rt nr_ at tirock tun, M• .\I •• , and Ilhow you the ."Unl ta ""r. wllh which " 'cry pnlrof . hoce I. m ad • • YOtl woutd r.n.lILe why W . L. Oc u~l ... $3.50 . h ..... colt more to " lUke, ~h,. they h old their I h ape, lit better . w eur IO"R'c:r . and Are of ,reaW In t ri nsIc v alue 1han any ot her "".50 I hoe. W. L. Dougla . Bfro" Sh_'~
Mon, fl2. S0, $2 . DO. Dqya'lIchOOI .
Ore • • Shooa, .$ 2. 8 0, .2. $1. 71J. $1.iJtJ CAUTIQ.N. -IIl.I" "I~'" "u, l n~ W. L.DoIII'
tnl' lI hneB.
fUl b..,l.It.ute.
:;':I)no aen u!M.
w lt h l l'.H h ilI UrllU O lwei -rrlctf MtA.tnPt"tl on Mlto m . Fwt Colur EIJr!lll lB uu·,J i OW!' wfl/ ITOI Wfla, bra..".
Wrlt.o for tU Wlt rlllt, 1 Gatlilolr.
_ _ _....~.... ". L.1l0UG L.U1, Drookl.,u a, X -
on s ul Smll h . ot Mi.JSCf) W, 'Wr l le~ Ih nt t he Imp;> rl" o f ul! r h",Il Il t'a 1 mil hiller y gives woman so m e of h e r m os t lIull IlllJl!~OI(! ntll Int n UBsln con Inu o misera ble a nd wre tche d hours. IIl ,. :tn4 • p rodn ' t i. l lnrgc, :lI ntllltlt lll J; In 1905 to ove r 20 ,000 "JfJnctt , 111 rto U:U-!I ot Along wllh t he backache, gene rI I () n ~. Th e t hl er IlOrls ot ~ n l ry for th ll " cr "lei per ill; r(" , 'I ' h fs nn IRnd , " ' hh:b ally c om e headac he . wais! ps ln, line nrc No n rQ~ ' Is lt an ti Al cxuncJrowo. 11M c: o fil I he rnruH" la iling feelings , Irrita bility, ne rvI The (orlUatlon of the In t tll ll tlon :ll lICl1 h t lll! , bUI l h lt r,""e or UllIlIJ; h . l el • h. GUSll ess and t he blues, H ave ' I ('on I \ ltlllng' comll nnr Is re por ted by \lw n _l o ry . . you t h ese pe riodical t rouble s ? ·o n ~lI l · (j e::c r ,II ' UII n ther, of F rn ul,rn rL The CU I) I I~ Ii ~3tio n I ~ $3, 0 ,000, t h II so, you m a y k now Iha t they stocll IJelog wllnn Ill' u gl'o up of t : 1'a re due t o dis ease of some of m~ 1l a nd VI' I\('h hnll l,.. T bey will exIhe m ost lmport a nt o rga ns of ploll th e ('onl r1e p ,. IUi III th e g r" ud your b ody, o rgans that s hould <I 1u'hy of 1.11 x ~n l b llrg . get h elp or. In ti me, through (,;on8111 Brlt lnl n, d Krill. cX ll lnl ns weakness , will wreck your Iho ncw nl 't hod or Itccnlng clcn n I h e h eallh a nd IIle. H elp the m to con,:;csl cd Nt rpots o f the large r (; I'm nn hea lth with -th Ilea resl, 1Il0st wond rnll Hllrp r ls8 lI erold. cltle~. Mrln l ta uks IIr III c rl d a t In In t he worhl. AII tll eso weel19 I h""" lI e tt le-Wha t d id H ill ro irl SII Y wben I ' TI'a IR to thl) Ie ' cl 1'1 d :£'q uator on " T eal'. . . f' eI I I 'J " 0 •• c st r CL lin heen IInd er a /amolls oCIIII Kt 's cu rc. 1 m to yo ur ~lo lh c r . ('(J\ered Iron lids. Into th ORO Iho They W f'1'O h ult l lll ~ mill -yea r eX!l ru - ~ O ll I ~ rrr and, !len r hea rt , l' m goin g to see ! '1'0 Agol hll H ijill d It 'I~'" s n \ my mot hulT~1 Is ' a~lIy swe pl, In lh o n tgh L tho 11I(ll lo lI H III OIl U "r 'lhll IlItbll(O ~ ,·ltofll s. Be: To seo! tnnlls are b uu le tl to tbe d UlD p ln g el h e wish \I 10 m n rry . -J ~ s le r. T he Kl lhJC(·t W U~ ~"ogrlll)hy. Une II r I'm holng hOOl E' lo· morrow. Come - - - - - -- grounds . t o me. Come qu ic kly. for I ahull IV ,Ill' lhe qllos'llo ns was, ': Wh Hl Is t he IItHlHuma n N a ture. 'onsul 'ul l·cr . a t Lon tlo n, eanad:I, the bao dage lIerose nlY fnec un l ll yo u to r ?" J.ttB t w int e r who II PgJ{S t'n~L HI) m u ch " Th e eQun tor." read lil e nnswer o r a r~tlort s Ibe !tll'cntton of 11 ball · bea rl'llg you r self r emove it. I wan t ,l he tl l'O t \V o uJc.I fl 0 1 do wi t hoU l ' m : ouju ~ luh le ax le n ut by R. C, Wllli aDls thi ng I see a t home to be th e joy nnll nln e. yeu r ,olll boy. " Is II me nage rie Hili. now til y'r plentifUl "lIIl.cll e. p, \ Ve do Hot ca r e n lJou l '"un, lion r on nlng a roun d i.he ente r or the of th ol (' 11)' . wh ich will preve nt " ehlclo lo ve In yo ur eyes . 01ll 0 . YOIII' olV n. - H ouslon P os L wbeels' rl'om "bnck lng o fl'." The Adoarth ." - Ju dge. AL I E , Says Mrs . Blanche E. Stepb.nou. of jU5ta bie Axle Nut co mpa ny, ot Lonllon , 1228 S ; 42nd Ave. , ChIcago, "I suf· It Is t he end. Once more I s hllll Tb eory aDd ' Pract ice. fered miserably for fiye ( 5) ye4f'S Cn na da, bas been tormed to ma.ou lacThl) War y Wor ld. walk alon e. Once morc I s hall wa tch Mlst reBS-Mercy lin me, whnt a with a consta nt pnln In my back and "I;>OIl' l you ca re to be kn ow n as a kitc hen! E very pot, pa n an rl d is h Is ture these nu ts, a nd 'Will proba bly n eed my darlin g tram ala r, tor neve r a fter right side and alUJoueh my busband a m achi ne' s bop equ Ipment. tbls day will I thrusl my lace b.e tweell I'll o nteur ?" dl rly. lhe t ah le looks like a ju nk s bop, employed several of the best doctors " No," an swered S enlltor ' Sorghu m and- wby, It will tak e you a week to lIer new-born slgltl and tb e beautiful. In this great city. not oa. coIild give liEN AND IlAl'RIllONY. thl._ It Is gettin g s o nowaduys th at wh en · " beautiful world. . me ,reHet. At last I took WIno of get tblngs clean ed lip? Wha t have Jlu. 110 mist. -It.. tbe ldncI C.&rdul, wblch reUeved my paIn. preeve r you tell a man " fllnn y s tory he you been d oIng? I go now to Allee. W ben a mao s tri kes bad lu ck , be ' In. that'lparant0e4tokeep,oQ dry vented an operation and restort4_ t h inks you a r e tryIng te get Into bl8 IIId llOIDI.rtable III tbi hard"1 Servant- Sure, mum, the young dulgea I~ tbe mOlt &Iowlnl of good to health." It Is a ",onderflll cura1t0f1ll. Made III madl or Y',,). Aod tbere tbe manulic rlpt ended. I good gra ces ror tb e purpose ot mak · ladi eS' has ju st been do ..' n bere s how· resolutions. , low. SoJdb7aUnIIahIe~ tive medldM for aU 'WODItIIIl' lIII. turned Il abeut and t wlat ed It Irom Ing som e kind of a tlnanclal play."- Ing me bow they roall t a potato at l he The engased gir l tabs delight In Try It. CJ A • .I. TOWEll CO •• Was.blnglon Star. side to Bide, but not another word cooklns Bcbool.- N. Y. Weekly, ' t ell ing bow long s he will be awa,. 011 ""'0". V,LA. could I lind. h er brI dal tour. At .U DrUggIsts "'00 .,...~ I could nei ther work nor sleep. At Then She Grabbed Kim . HI. SeD.ltlve Point. Men are extravaga nt to the Torg. last, I bunled down to the little lIhop Tbe Love r-Charlle told me t hat bO " John, have you gOl e ve ryt hing?" of r eckless ness lor at least three on Tblrd a 't'enu~ -and loulbt the prO- proposed to you last o lght . tenderly InQuired tbe billionaire's wife, monlha atter the marriage ce romony. prletor. Tbe Belov ed- Why, lbe awful fibber. as he starte d olr on :a journey . 'T boulbt a dllllk here a woek ago He dIdn 't do any . ueh tiling. Arc yOU The' billionaire burst Into t ears . -an old deak 'WIth curloue car vlnl!lll, . uro he said ' It was me? "There YOII go'" he exclaimed : " al· and odd little drawerll at ~be-1tlde:' I The Lov er-Well, 'be Bald he wa~ ways s aylnc things to ,Ive me pain. bepll. "Qan you tell llIe t o whom It going t o prollOse \0 the prettiest girl You know very 'Well that, In s pite of . 10 town .- Clflveland Leader. !tI1. brain Is Ob /11'6, m,. hands trem· belonged'" my elrort., I baTl!n't ye t succeeded ){achanlcLbet....n tb..... of II ancl "'Tee. I remell!ober," returned the 01 , .~ will 6nd ,oad _lIlona OJ>tID 10 lllia., ble, and " can .carcely breathe: but I In geUlng everytbln g." - Tlt·Blts. aDd for :rOO III mtl,n be'wela 17 ud .,. Terrible Threat, mUlt write. even thou,h l am forced man, a peculiar ,.. mile on his tace. " It wbo poelOl a no trade, ther. . . load Cit y Suito r - W as your ta tber alarm · oppor<1InU, for .dvaocement. A (nil to resort to myoId trick ot u81nC m,. was once the property of l)enl,on. tile Dlsagreeabl,e HIlrldng Back , GUl6r of ololMa, fr •• and Uber.1 DU hunchback la wyer." ed wh e n yo u t old him I would jump " lI ere, Tomm,., did n't you IJromlse lett hand-my rllht 'Wrl.t 11'&11 10 comm.... o wllh. c.n or writ. Nn7 " He mUll be a 1I'0nderrnl man ," I down t h' well It you r etused me? Recruit"', Olic., POSI Otic. Solid i ne,'e r to be ba d again II I took you tD ,pralaed to-da,.. CIDcl •• • II. Ohio, Po.<1 Olli.,. Bulldin" Rura l Milld- I s bo nld SIl Y SO. H e t ho circus ?" I must put thll thllli Into worda , ventured. All pronts J)QI~ In II lvldenll • . Olhe rs haYD Lobl ovlll e, Jk,. 1 POll Olice BulldiD" ", • • 10 ono bundr ed per .,.,nl. In .... me bu.ln ..... " He Is-all thanke to the de voted said yo ur elgoreUeB would plzen th e In dlan. ",,1 I . loci . " Ob, well , Why not let bygones be then look at tbom , study them. &~d !:lure IDcornu lor !lfO- IIDd vuluabl. le. a", for encouragement 01 a goo d wi re." wa l eI' so It woul dn 't b nt to drInk fo r bygo nes? I heard you t eill n' ma lns t rnmlly. n eal . "/Lte duell ed to Pblladelpbla under stand wbat they mean. l ru s'," compan y t or pro \.tlct. (on of InveNtors, My h ea rt leaped. six mon t hs [Itle r .-Cbtcago Dall y night thn t It mad e you Urad to ' hav" I When I reached the park to·da,., OCDuLltully IlIu&lrnt. d book leI nnd paper lree. "Then h e'8 ma r r ied: " I talte r ed. ~ II lways brln gln' up wh at you p rom · Write ... once. I . L . and 1.1. Co .. Dep~ A . '1:6 'AlIce was already there, lau gblng a nd FmsT,-Thn~ al most e"ery opera tion Ure. 1 .Build lUi . Pb llu<l ~tp" ln, Pa, "To tbe beel 'and trueet IIltle wom- • 0 '11'8 . b rore YOI) got mnrrled."-C hl cn - in ou r hospit.als pe rfo rmed u poll women playing wit h a kitten. The ball ,""as H is .N ew Say. Into go Record - Hera ld . half unwound 80 that long colli of a n In tho world . I know, l or r'''8 b(> eolDcs necessary t h:":lug h n egle ct ot " ft seem R Ha lllm hus dc , elo ped ~:~~~F;,:::.r" .":d 6\1 <:h sy mptoms as c, Irregu lar bllle lay loo~ely over Ali ce 's dress nnd 'I\'ntehed her from bttbyhoo d uP." 'I'he · ·1'.................. t hen 8 ler ill re r." Thn t's th e An s wer. nod pain/ul periods, d isplll.ccmen ls MtI.U U. tL\ol 1 1\:. & <.0 .. lO , ub l ll b.d 18M. ove r the graBS a t her t eel Sudde nly old man paulled n moment, ", \' ho t old yo u \h at?" "How nr e )'ou 7" e f th fe milic orgons, pnh~ In th e side lUI It' h dL. ." ... 10..... D. c. PENSIONS tbe kJUen , with the ba ll betwee D her turn etl to mo, ,a strange 1I ~ lIt In htl "HI) dill. Ho lolel Ill!.' h e w as d··l ng " Jo' eel li ke an emp,ty IUn." b11rning sensa tion i u t h e rsto m(le h ' Dr_eke. . , (Jb'e.. .o~ CJI•• • ' ••4 , Detro... t eetb , jllmped to the ground . hounded faded blu e ~y~ s , " Huh " b nrio g.dow n p nlns, n Cln'ous ness l d lz: " Alice. his wlte, 'Wall bli nd when pllltform wor k no w." --------~------aeroS!! Ihe patb and tho liar ro'll/ str ip zincs ' Ilnd Sicl'p let;!lness. II rs!. k new and court ed he r ; and " \ os, b 'II port e r lit t h(! r ail road staOr grass and Into the roa dway beyon d. he "Boss fi rt.!d mc," " P' ro/1s he '. Id n '!: k-nolY yO\l ,,'ere .-ECOlfD.- Thc m adleln t h a t h olds Alice, w ith Do lau glrlng protos t , because she rou ld 1101 aee, he ahowed Ll on , "- l' h ll a d ~ l rlhl ll PreBIJ. loaded." t ho re~ord (or t ho I nTI("st Jl um r ot Ipra ng to ller -feet, Bn d, passing the t o ber- and to be r alo ne-t be dl'/1 tha R ulmd. " T hlll's th e trouble- be dld ." n bso lulll CUrt'" of f'llllUlll ill" is L ydia hlue thread band over ba nd. Quickly ot h is r eal selr, Wh en Ali ce's s lg b t B. Pinl(hlllO'" OoID)Jountl. was restored. ebe In sist ed t b al h er Ayr. tltl t' tim I \\"~~ "~l'Y r'~ h : Cle"eland, Leader, ] r !!1I1ut.c's. t r ulfth DS and cur s 1 kt~ I" It fn~ ' l nFf "I(\ hl (·; le,'e r Rhoul d be th e one to remo ve t he lli Mm~Cj; o f th o fOlDa lo organism as 1' lw nuest tfllv'l!r ,uuLcU I ;:; l n stf fin al handllge (r oOl I,or eyes, and my 1'\11\1I"1H..' \I my nlK('Wood t lt, ,1 ; A Fin !' Y ell . no tb illg e1sIl CI1D . wife-who was la the room I\t t l18 1 hntt n I Jlr~o p nlnl ilt l Yllf'l1 t "Tho l co lhigo ~'e'll CindyI' TIW Nlil For th irly yea r s It h os b eon llolplng time-sa id s he n ever saw a man WhO EI \v!t1l ttl" lllll 11 )1 at " "1' <Inr i\: wro to IR fi ne : r wonder wh ere she btlt "'OOlen t.o be st"onJ:: , cnrin g uti 'leu · h~ . It. WH ~ III)' w i re \\'h O nliJH!cl m e. face e xpr essell suob hop el es~ Dlls e r y Sh . 1 11 0d ~ : "I't 's six O' ,' IOt· k ." tb e In s piratIo n fo l' 11 17" ue n :oll [)~ SS . ld tl nc·y t rou lJlE's, iu ll a mDelllon 's at that mi n ute. B'ut Ali ce - Jl o u :-; tOtl !'OS l . "She "" Hi mll ili ng fudge o n e n l ~llt, matlon jt ~I.' O t c malo org ans. w cnli. looked at him : (l' long, lovl nll a nd wh n !'he ren he ll Inlc t h pa pe r 11\'59 n ~1 ISP acc mOllts . rcg nln lillg , t hat n vc r falt ered," \ Ih (j periods perfcctly and overco miug HE U NDERSTOOD. ba A for t ~ O cboco late t h c l'~ \l' n ~ a the ;" pllin s . . It bas 111. '0 p roved ilsc ll " And he?" m Ollso lhAre. "- Holll>lO n Po sL InnJ1l1uble 1II TIl' ' PUl'lIIg w omcn 101' "He took her In hi s nrms with • ch ll,d llll'lh und t he c hnn ge of life. grea t sob of joy." " And t hen ?" I promp ted cilse rly . A SlInse of H umor. 'I' rtIRo.- Th Il"rpnt '\'olnme of \ln soLSC H.T DRAJrT NEVI IN CON S TRUCTION The old man turnoLl wll'b a m ild reo "1)0 you tb ln k w6mcIl hll l' P a ~f ' l1 ~e nnd gr:lt e (u l t cst imoll 'n,ls on !lie Pl'O,Ot In hi s ey S. , nt tll l' inldm m r,~ lI orntory nt Ly on. of h umor'" " And th en - m,. w ire lett th o roo m ," "Certain ly. " an s we re') M is~ en}, IlIl P, 1II 1I.SS, , I1lUll ~' of wh Ich a re trom tilDe to "B')I we have '.0 SlI )J pr ss II. K m all LI me )lll ul.ish cd b y porm issioll . givo ab· be said , gently , Do ' 1 buy . Fa rm woul I Iil,e to I;no w Ilo w rl dl 1I 10US h '? I ~' ~ c eV lde.n c o f t ho "'nlno of L yd i!l F" I".nl<lmtu s Veg etnbleCompound nnd W"l:o n un it! you SUNDAY' LAWS IN VIRGINIA. Is when h e I p roPt)~ l n g lO a gi rl! "Mrs . 1'inl(hal1l '5 auvlcc, lI1 ves llgili e t he Wa s hlnl:lon Star. ' LiquId Refresb ~lents Not t o Be Had, B R OW N, As k ' Mrs. Pinkham'. StandlnglnvJtatlon I to\\'omen.-Wn mcn s u fl'eri ng {rom nny yo ur D ea le r a bo ul Unleel One " Know s the A C ear C~ e I)f DlIl1 dozln I!', , f I' m <1f fumnle '\len lm css nr e illl'itc d to I t o r s e nd f o , , B.opea." JlIlI ge- lf . li S )0 11 .ny" you foun d Ihl s r.r01Dp tl Y COlnlDu r,ielLt.cwi t h Mrs . F'i n k· h" okl el glvl:lr fu ll w!>lIIan so viol en t e nd h pa d s lr o n~. e . en 111 m . a t Ly nn, Mass. All lettel'll n rc , " Down In the Qu a int old se.a port 01 p tl l~ ulars. du r lnl? Ih ! ~ lI g'jge m e n\. wh y di ll l O U rccc i ~c d , opened. r ' nd a nd IlD s lVcred Norfolk a t ew days ago I BaIV a beau, ,' f! LAUOHED, JOK,lilD AND TOL.D BITS tltul e xample of' th e wm-klngs of e ma rry her ? by women only. F rom s ymptoms g ive n, t Oll' STOR~~S." Ab\lse rl HtI!;btl l1 r\ (1IIol'l, I\') - t f1irln' t Y°!l r trou ble mny b e located nnli th e I... atrlct Sunda y law." I;ald W. . q lllcilest nnd surest way of recovery tteaehBd the 8lr'lllllnr, BQulrmln, bit Rodpra, ot Baltlmo~e. according \0 marry IUlr. Sb e m a rrIed me -N , Y. ndvlsed . Mrs. Pinkhnm Is d au gb ter. lot mlllChlef, and droppod on ber kneee tbe Waehlngton Post. in ·lo\V ot Ly dia E. Pinkh a m and l o r W eekl y, t we nty· Ove yenrs ,und er lier d irec tiou lat ItII Iide. ' "It Will' not poBslble to got any liquid Ol d T ar- W ell , when we s ot lb e old n nd'since he r decease s he bns bec n lid. I 'It WP then that I heard the wild refreahments In the hotel8 and the sa· Driven trom H ome. ~h l p on t be Kls rboard tnck she fe ll off viylngs ick wome n trceof cba rlte. Outof lelatter of ali unguided bono's feet, and 10001 wen! hermetically seuled. "Jin x h a d to put up' 0 1 Iha hotel l o~ t II co upl e 0 ' ,po in ts au ' a ctod Ilwfu l un· the VOIlt volume ot expcrieqee In, t reateaw; eomInr arDund the curve above. '''Strolllnc along one of the ' principal nI g ht ; Ite ha d QUll r reled w llh t be Ing female Ills Mrs . I'ml<hllm probably a drl,erlesll hOrae aud a awaylnr. streets ,my attenUon Will attraoted lO a eusy , bas tho "ery knowledge t hllt will he Ir Lemuol- I know! Whe n pa RtePII on cook ," NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER :empty car.rla,e. crowd of men who .8warmed In and out :l tac k h e ac t& thnt way, too! -Oli lcllgo . "Wby. th e Idea ! 'W ha t WAll MrH Jinx your case. S UI<aly, nlly womnn , riel, or I Alice pv-t a trllhtened little , cry ot a place as It It poss.Bsed a magnet. ,poor, Is v.I'!'Y foolish 1/ ~ h e docll not t.u.k e doin g, 1. 0 Ala nd fo r u Ib lllg like t h tll ?" Dull r Ne ws. , . ;and rOIl6 to b'l!r feet. The kitten acur7 Sure enough It dtd, as I fOund by jo in. , "Mrs . JIDX W;lS th e rook :" - Ho llSIOD ad vnnt.age ot this g eDerous 011'cr ot assi swnce, !rled IIC1'OI8 the ruad into the bUlbN, ing the croWd. Tbe plllC6 din gy and Poa t. L ove'. UV' and Downs. ~ut the girl stood Irresolute, unattractive. but It had 11 ba r III rull " Well , bKS a s ullor for your d&ughIn on{; awful moment I realJ%ed that blut and tho man behind th e counter 'ter turned up yet '" "'IE SCIENTIF IC AN D MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTt::IN RRI TJ.NT lIotive. A QUICK . SUR E. SA FE A N D ALW A,YS R EADY CtJ J.lF. FOR PAIN tbe ' on I,. tblnr lIetWeen her and pOBal- couldnlt. dlllh DDt ·t be liquor falll enou gh "Wha tever st a rt e:!I' t he ' .tor y "Y8II. ODe turned up lut nlghL" DON'T WAIT T I L L T H _ PAIN COMES- KEE P A T USE HAN DY I called ' tor .& drink, too, but the bar· ble death Will' m, own puny nrm. I IT WI L L NOT BLI ST ER T H E MOST DELleA' e: SKJN robbery wlla lh e moth'e 0 / t he " Good" IT IS ALSO IN~.SPENSABLE F OR (.;t·U 1..DtI£'N could not reach the clrl, but I might tendor. Instead ot waiting on DIe, 88k ell " IL migh t ' have been. but he nD Ing?" the horaa. Oh. for the broad Ihoul· !JIe for my , ticket. I to~d hIm 1 hall so oner turned UII tha n Bne turned hIm ·' Well. yn u kno ...·. It looked lit IIrst den and stronc &l'lp ot a min-not Done and he proceeded ( 0 ellplaln: as Ir deat h h ad ,reiSul ted from 1111 <.I OWII." - HOIiBlon POA'_ .. 'ThIs Is 1\ clubroom and we don't the teebl ~ &I"'P of a pygmy I eration fo r append1ettl s.'·-Llfe . SUPERIOR TO ANYTHINC IN USE FOR CHAPPE[l HANDS . 1 dulled acrolll tbo crau and hurled Arve drlnu to any' u.cept mem beMl, !I'be' Old-TIme Quest. AND LtPS AND TO ALLAY A L L IRR I'l'ATlON CJp 'rHE Howevor. there II thesocretary and you .,aelf at the bealt, wbloh Hemed 10 Iny. SKIN, A SOVEREll':iH REMEDY FOR SON · BUR" " Why are you going abotjt ,, .Ith a ~opel-''' hlJ'lO alid untamable u It m\sht uk hIm.' "I thought you lInew ber." romarklHI , Ia ntero and a cynical ,mile?" a sked "At thla the perlOn pointed out as t01fered tor an lutant above me. I Mis. PlaDeley. "She IIvea ID tbe the bys tander. ml,ht &1 well UTe tried to check the lecrelarr CIlIDe up and repeated Whllt thl "Don 't Interrupt me," returnlld Dlo- BaJlle square wIth ,.ou ." lpeed of & cyclone. 1'be animal .book other had told _ . "Perhaps," reml\lfked lIl.. Woodby : enea. " I am the o~lglnai inv.alllatJug me oft u thou,h I were & trouble. .. 'We baTe to complY with the VI .... gcommlltee." " but s he doe8n't mlDve In the sa me clr· KEEPS THE SKIN IN A SOI'T AND Hl'.ALTtfY CONcmofil - Wallhln.wD Star. law,' AId he. 'or rlak &olng I.nj&lI. AND PRESERVES THE CON PLBJUON. EACH OF' THESS IOmefl,.and duhed badlonr dcnrn the c\ • ."-Phlladelphla Pre&ll. Wl!L.!:,. KNOWN PRBPARAftONS CAN SE C)r.AINED FROII ne4. But that oae blat'Dt or attaok BuL you l~k all riPlt and I can make DRU",,\STS AND , OI!AUllLS OR WILL saND BY' MAIl. Plni8blll. ON RECJDPT 01' Iii ciiiTs IN MONEY OR STili csue4 blm to Iwe". e ...r 10 .U,htb' you a member or the club. The (oe III 30 " So ,.ou b ave 11I6D Bernhardt f'UUVTIIIO CAMPHOR 11m. }lOR 'WKKIH nIID ftM u 0011"" and GDI, the wbeel of ClDtL'
- - - - --
For Sick Women To Consider
-- - - -
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. ' M m Il'UII4 AIioe'I dr. .. bI
"Yea. " DoD't
CIIl'JBII&OUGII MfG. to.. f1 SWt StnIt. NEW
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W~att a Trrim Pat.ent lJdat u 1'0 Wblt,
'"nval' ,Ir
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BaJ1nbattt's. ~....t....I."'~J~~.J~~.J.J>JJ~>J""""
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\\·tl r Wnyu :.vitle \'Itlitorl! Huoll"y . NlltwltbstKudlng - Mr. Oradll oo k lives but II r '" ullios frOTh WII.yoe . VI 11o, it hl\8 b eo milD)' yElI\.r8 since 11 hart vIsit d tho v illng , I~nd took pI 8~llre ant! sl1 t illtllotlo,? In dri vi ng OI'Or. (.ho tU""n Vi wluA' the m lloy hil pr ovemol\t~ IIncl ha ng s thl1t hl,,' o taken plllco.
Death of Mrs. Oeorge LOCAL AND Hartsock. PERSONAL MENTION A good Iino of nrt klo!t fo r II rll . uating pros nt.1I at J . J<J • •J"nn y . Little RaChel Shellbao Is Slland· tog &hll week witb her !\unt, Mrs E . L. Thomas. Mr. John Zell and sou Arthur, of Corwlu were In O"yton &\~nrll"y Sonday In a.ttendan oe at the Na· tionll.l Baptist Associ ... tlon. A splendid fU ortment ot book:. 80tta.ble for 1\ gmduatiug lJre!en\ . J . E. Janney . Mia Jossle Clarke SIlent a f(l w inolon!\ti. onm · daYI recen t ly in UininJ{ bnsln6811 and ple~llre . Mrs. 'rhom"s Zilll ",11,1 :\1)11 tln ll . daUl{hter, W II.rr n ",ml I!: I ~ie, \' i~ lI ed. frleodt! ill O",yto n fr,111l .'unrl,\ .,· morning until AI ncl" yevenin.: ,
Kev . ttud M;;. F r ost, who several yettfll aKo lived in WaynesvUle where :'Iir. F r ost, bad p~Rt,orn ! cba rge of tbe Chrlstlttn oburoh, pll9secl tbis wily r eceotly on their WilY rroru M e l1lph l~, Tenu saee, t o thei r home in WiD O Ill~. Mlnne~\Otll . Tbey ",'01'0 IIcoum lllllli ell 1Iy Mrs . F ro:!t'!! brllth or , Mr .• 1. H . WILtkins, who II! II. Il\rHe munufu 'turQr of prq. prietory t1I ll ul cill e~, extracts, lIeI" fomes. eto, nnd thei r ml:!slon io Mowp'hill the pIll:lt wiuter ' Wll8 io est·abli h B southern brunob of tbeir businest! In tbnt olty. . During their brief 80journ In tbls nelgh.borhood tbey visited their oouslns, J os. W"tklns and family a.t Morrow i Wiokll!l'e Morris aud fam. Ily, nellor Ferry i and tbe family of the late Wm. Watkins at Dayton. All'. Frost appears a.bou t 08 he did when he was last bere, but Mrs . Fr'ost I~ uot standlog tbe passing of tbe yettrs 80 well, ttlthough sbe lias grown 'some lIeavler. They both made affectionate IOqulrle!! concern· log the~ r: old fr iends in Waynesv~lle.
I )ur c0l1llllnni t.y WIIS ' greatly sbocked IBSt We,lnesd"y a ft rnoon wheu ~he ann ounoement Wlloll ' nlllClO that Mrs . Geor ge lJartsook had jo!'t died, when It wa& not generally known tll .. t she bad been slok. She had been in her ut!nal health until sei7.ed with her fatal ilInet!s Mooday vrhlle at the h Olllo of her nlliK,b bor MrS'. J . H. Caskey wben It "'''! \~ ith great dlffionlty sbe was ramov"d t o h er own home, !Iond rap. Idly sank "WilY outil the eud ~me, Il ltlvmgh IIverythln~ W"l! done for her rellot t,hllt medio,, 1!!kill II.nd lov. Inl! b "t'rt ~ oo uld lIuggest . Her J tll, th w~ indued a "ad losll to her f tlllIlI.v a nd her removal w\ll ( Milts ~ N u~hil ~. \I, tn"ohllr MUile ,I lI.rlt I',LII tu relit Over II. large at. the O. ~ . & . HOIII" :l.r, X'~ III11 , ol rol(\ , ,I' frieu 1:4 who loved and ad. epent S&turda." "ull S lm ,t LV III WIt.I· mirdli li er. nesvllle with hor fn ll ll,l , Mi,.,. Alln.. Rf,., I uner,,\ Ivall lArgely at.tended S .. t,ur(\IIY IItt-ernoon I\t the AI . E . U. Brown . Van Wert Canning Co. Loat-A gold tillod buuting O ""H oburoh uod' WAS feelingly conduct ",at~h, W ..Uham m9vement. R'l efl by her paAtor "nri frieod , Rev . The Van Wort Ca nning 0 ., Vlln turn to Jesie Burton dr 1\)1,,'e at PhiliV Trout . Jaoney't! drug IItore.. H.lDlh ome and Kppropril\te !iorll Wert, Ohio, otIpitali zed at 12G,OOO . emhl ems were Beot by ' Covenant has orgll.n izeu by electin g JI1111eS Hn. Je..e Burton, of »Iddletown , Rebokah Lodge and RI\lO by other "nd WM Nina Antr.m, of lAbanon, frIend:! all a &hgbt to koD of their reo Stcop~ uf ' WlIoyuesvllle, President and Generlll Ml1nnger ; Mr . Stoops' were In Waynenllle S.. turd"~ to iard for the' dec6&ged, .ttendanoe at the funeral of lIrl4 . Rev. Philip Troutdellverod nn ap . brother, Frtl.nk Holmes, is George H\IIrtlook, and returned to proprlate and soothing dl@course Vice President; Hon. • Q. Hilde· their homee Sunda.y afternooo. upo~ tbe bope of the r esorrectloll, brant. of Wilmington Secrelary lind ~radua~-Elther Pattereon or alld relld the t~l\ o wing tribute Tre~surer. Besides Ihe abuve the' High Sohool. a special low rate on whlob he had prepared : board of direotor s will oonsist ,of photoltrapha to you if taken dnrlna 1 . ,he mODtha of Kay and June. Open !t rs . :Vlelll" ,gebC(JCK Hartsock, J . F. !;nook, of Soutb Lebanon, IUld Bamrd&yonly. the daughter oC Frllnk and Sarah Postmaster H . F. a" loes of Wil· SPAHR'S STOIIIO Tlu)ma. was born In Greell Co., mlngton . Mr.Oharlet ti.tterth",.tte 1& .dd. Ohio, February 20th, 1866, and The Co. ol1n corn, tomotoos, toga'Dew veranda id hil hOlDe on dep~rted this Itfe at her late bome ,-hlrd e'reet, alllo will make repairs In W'a ynesville, Ohio, .Mav 16th, catsup a.nd !Iucclitash. aDdaddane",colI.'ofpatnt all of 1906; at the age 0140 years, 2 Mr . Stoops will give 1~11 his time whloh wUfbe io keeping with the months arid 26 days. to tho mBnagement of I1fJairs at Iplrlt of Improvement whloh pre· She was married to George C, Van Wert the coming' seDson, bot vaUe 41 our vlllap . . . , Hartsock on Jan. tb, 1885, to baD't be deoelYed bot buy a paInt them were bortl one son, Ernest hill family will continue to live at &hat will not dab, cbalk or peel, Eo, who With his father i ~ left to W lIynesvllle, orack or ohlp olf, Blrre",s lit posi mourn the los~ of a faithful wife &tnlYauaranteed. and a l.ovin){ moth er. A Card President Charles M. CarSwrlaht In e arlv life she was converted, of the Waynesville Hlgb Hohool b"ptized and recei ved. into the Alamni .lI8OOlation, writes th\l,t he Sugar Creek Christian Churcb, The family of the Ia.te Edwin will be in ~ayneeville in .June, ~24th, 188t,dutiug-t.h,·... · '+1~rrt:z-d'e1liflrto extend ttreti--thanks when there Will be 110 special meet· torate of Rev, C. W, Gl\routtCl, d lDg of the A88ociati'-!n to make flnal 'and was a: ftl.itbful metnber ot to many friends for klndneases u~· ananlementll for ~Igh t!chool D"y tbat ctiurch utltil 'abe with her iog his last, ilIoess and at the time dUriDg Hame Comlni ~eek. husband tra~srerred t beir Ulember. of his death. Penons wanting . the Dally or ship to the Waynesvill e M. E, - - -.....~---...- - Suda,. Cinoinnatl Enquirer are Church Otl Apdl 28d 1905 atld In Compliment to DoHfled that aner JueL1! they will WI1S ah honored and Inte~e8ted have to order their papors in ad· . Miss Opha Phillips • vanoe .tt no' regolar t!ubsoribera al member to tbe day ot ber death. the~, ez:peots to send onl,. Ilnouah IS he took qUite all Interest in Missel! Flora and Mary Tibbals of papen to eupply orden . ~ til e last protracted effort. ot the D. W, M. . u, Aor. cpurcb, and rejoiced R'reatly to near Lytle, oDtertlllued a smull . see the young people uni te With comPany &turday ennlDg In com· Ilr. I .. E. Keyt! W&!l taken ·. ltok the c hurch, and her own son pllments to .:\1ias Opha Phillips, ~ho whUe at bl1 pllQO of bUlloee. Thnrsday morning, and' wal remoy. among the tI~m~e r, .. has taught In Lytle IIchoolt! the 11118' ed to hi. bome where he wal seized III her chrts~lan It fe she was two YOllon, wi&h a eevere chill, but from whloh I modest and tunid, yet Always The gnests were : MI!ls611 Perle he waa suffioiently recovered to re. , ioyful. liVIng cunstantly . in the Caru to his business the followlni SUllshine of a bright hope, It and ' Blanohe Rlle.v, of Ridgeville, day. . , wa ' hera to have the happy rac- 1118& Llda Bnnt lIud Mias Phillipp, Mrs, E . L . Thoma!! of the Uppar ' ult\' of alwa ytl IUllklnlC 011 tbe of Lytle ; Dr. 'fruax, Mr . Paul Hprlngboro pike who ! ha~ beon i n ' brtl(ht tlidc of 1111 th e little dark ROIIt'on , of Harveysburg, and War. "fer,. til h~lth for severtt.1 wee ~ . experIences n f life anel thereby ren Keys of Waynesvtlle. hu 10 fllr Improv" d a~ to be .~Ii to brollj{h t vi ·torv out of (Ideal. ro ",Ith her hus band und ohlldren Aside from reltgion and her 'olpend lallt Sund~y wi til ~er rela family her chie f intere8t ceotered Fire! 'l"fes, Mr. and Mrs . B. P. Kln<Ue. in h i!r home. rllr whic b she was 1Ir. Ind Mrs. ~ . H . 8eller~ .. or alwa ys working ' and planllin6r 'fhe fire department was called Colambu~, came ~ o Waynenille how s he lIIight beaulil rand adortl out Toesday morning by a small 8a~urday evenlnj( to lee $helr f"tll · the sa m e - yet ~ h e h ll rself, with flre I\t the home of Mias Mary er, Mr. I. E. Keys, "nd other rela. h!!t bnght facll and cheerful Lotohem on Third street. MISS tlvee,returnlng home Mond"y after· '.. . . . noon, aoopwpanled by their nleoe, sp m t was itS own best . adorn· Latobem' had gone to a neighbors lI&~le Miss Helen Hawkins, who will ment. . and In ber absence the gasoline mllke 11. short visU with her rela . A a neIghbor und fnend she set fire to 0: quantity of wood stolVe &IV88. W II ~ alwav ~ helpful and true, Ilud .near it and when dlsoovered tbe t:.evl Mills, Mini ter of the UOlpel', tro~1 li e r h~me an~ close ' neigh· of Wilmington wal' iree'ed by a' bOt s s he WIll be tnlssed more than dames :were eating throngh to the waHe and roof. The bloze was ex full honae both 'm orolng I\od eVln words ca n tell. . tna Bnndav at the Orthodox Friends It has been said that "Death tlogulshed by neighbors, but t,he otiurob, whon he preaohed two pow. lo ves a s hiolllg mark," atld these ho'u se had" narrow esoape . . . erlnl 8ermont!, Mr . MIIlI .howl word s are prove n true in toe un· - - -.... ....- -'-renewed strenith and Tlgor IIlnce expccted death of our frieod. his year's re8~ from aotive l.bora. Today, th ere is ' Ieft to mourn SHE LOOKB 20YEARB YOUNGER He and IIrS ..MIIIII vrere entertained tbetr 10 s, five sisters, otle brothHow a Waynesville Woman Shook b7 their cou!!lnll .. Mr. !loud Mrl . BIl\b e r , father , husba nd, 50n, many off tbe Hani of TiPle. Cook, durlni .thelr' st&y In Wayoel. ktndred ones and a great host of
Lette'r Shower for Mrs. Bradbnry. AI Will mentioned lu t be Uazette lut . week Mr8. Annie Bradbury .,.Ued lall& Friday trol11 New York Barbor for a " Islt to. ber old home In Englaud . In ardor $bat tbe moDotony' olthe voyage mli M be brok. en and Its pleaeures inoreilled • large number of her friend!! from 'WaynellVilIol Or egonia nnd Leban · 00 wrote mellllage" of cheer Ilnd af · laotlon '0 her " to be opened on nie high eeu. Of It wal a happy Iboullht whloh prorup.oo the&ct and eaoh mlllilve oonve1ed t o Itll reolpient the tender f.lIDC11 of th wrtter. wbloh no doubt I'OOOlved " hoar'y reapoose
~~~~r~t~~~~~ _ .,.
C;hurch Notice,
Hartsock Married.
H~U Ln
Z 1 M :II
Fancy 'I l.!J1 n e ~' el' TUAWBRRIES, ree iv ld fre h every day
Ree th grand .'xlllbtt of SaltlO In qn r show windows. A look will ~n(l n con vince yon th t tbe \'nl uos It I'll nnlllllt{ hnlll e. Mlln 's Huttt! lIIode by Mi ohuoll', Hle!'ll & Co . , t o retail for :IIll! tl.nd
$9 85
lIIla .50.
Mon's Suits lIlllde by Mi blLe ls Ht,ern to r etlll1 for $1 11 to $11i . IMen's Suits Illlllle by Ml chap l~ , ~tf\rn , & '0., to ret~11\ fnl tHUiO to $1 Men 's 8uit~, mucle by Miohaoll', ~ttlr n & '0., to retui! .for *20 . You oan save mor e tban a day 's salBry by ooming to OilY tOil Ilnd purohasinl; .o ne of tbese elegnnt suits.
Umnj.(oR. Unnllnn" . LnlU ons, .PIlle AJI Ii1e!'. N . Y. 'room ( 'h New
obl~l ~p.
$12 85 .' Co. •
I'RP ,
$13 50
14 ,
We are paying
• •e.
.For Eo·gs.· Yours for the Best IGoods and LOWEST PRICE. ZIMMERAN' S; Of Course.
Your Hose Be fore we could C'o/1l)lI.v , be said Rbe wllut,eel I:lYllrllnt Hose. Sbe bought fifty fe et (If Suo .proof Hose, ooupl ed rendy fo!' l1~e , Then for h er invalid mother, Rhe got a Bed Rest to prop her up in bed lind tI Bet1"lcle 'l'ILbl Rllrt Wheel Chair, one of th e kind the "rill clln be tali:. en otT, 80 1\ pe rson ell ll be lifted from bed t o olulir . un Air Pillow. Invalid Rinl(', Bed Pun, Feeding 'o p, Syringe. For herself she got. a Batbing 'up. Rubber Gloves, Ab.dominal Support· r , Eillstio Stock. In!!'. Ankle SupporterR, Shonlder Broc8l', IInd.'l Red LioD Water Bag. she would end her f"t her for Crut.ohe!! I\nd R Trnll!!, and ber br otber for a Kodak Ilnd a pair of Rubber Bllo tlt. 'he bid us goodbye, and Mid sh el WI\S f.(hLd to know she could always get wuut she wBnted tit t be
Chas A. Gump's DAYTON RUBBER HOUSE 3L 110d 3-3 East Seoond Street
Have you. tha it~ht
The memory of Harley's sulfer-
iug alld your mitllstrations unto
hIm, wlU ever prove a benediction to you. For who does sorrow "Ill'ath i" but a co'vl·rcd war. Wllldll,,",I'I throuj.(h " at s of not cIraw nearer Utlto God'( "Dear weepitlg father, mother, 11!!"t, srslers, brother • Whell uut a chll d IUUV ~ lrlll', How could hI! longer wait, I' mill oul it'! 1""1 h <, r's .... gilt." When .leslIs calls? HIlrlc\' Moorc IWi ". ",'con d . on From J aspo' walls 01 an\l; ,I A. nnt! Alic' M. Ellis, Angels, SWltlg wide the: ~olden W;tS IJorn nCAr Hal'veysiJllr l' , 0" gate. " I\lav 24, J 'J. He S" e fell "And so be left you. Winging asleep May ·'th. 1'/IIf,: Co uld hi! His upward flight afar. l ~ ') hIH'C ~ta 1'011 wi til II ~ 1" da I' " long· And now h e' ll stand er hl! Wllulrl hllvc'f,'a ' 1! 1!c1 Ill S S I X' ' At Goel'a right hatld-_-."_ -_ tcclllh bir thda y, 101 11 J esu" r ailed, One more radiant star." . saving; To watch and wait for you. 'Forbid 1I 0t tI,e c hi ldren A duty of 10ve ~ .. !'errui t th e m 10 cOlDe IIUtO rue." C. A. '1'. 0, to·da\' lie's takeo our Harlev; ' For. "Of lUI 11 I') the killJ!.dum," • - • says he. WARNING We can bu t lU otl rn Inr th e 101" Yon oun not lIuve ~ood bel\lth un. ing c hilli so bright ancl jOVOUH I()!!!! yo ur kidoeytl Imlllound; for the who !ta~ gllnr hom e ju st a mom ent kidnoYH tho blood of impuri. be for e U B. No llIore . will Wli be ti e~ whioh othorwise uot us Ii-rita comforted by IH S WlloL person· ti Dg pnitlons I\nd brol\k dow" tho ality, but we wit] be blc ssr d by Ile\toate orglln!! of tbe body and his memorv. CttU~O sorlons troDble. It roo have . Harl ey's every day life was ' killney or bll\.~der tr01sble and do )lllre and undefiled bv any thin t; n<?t nil Foley s Kidney (lure! you H" . WIll \tILVIl only yourllalf to olame o.f a com mOil nature. 1:1 asplra- for re8 1l1t~ . lUI It positively OUlell all lIlllls were of th" n!,bleHt. I COli' forrlll' of kidney "ud bladder dilleall. sidpred hl8 fr. e ndHhip a privile"," es . His forgetfulness of self a lastiog ~~~~"'!'!!~~~~~~~~~ exalllpiv. 'rhroughl1long illn ess, I
!II------------. =
Please show me
~bitua~)' _
the memon of his patient enduro lince, hIS kltHUy Inte rest iu ev"ry' body and tl ven~thltlg, wtll b.e a lessotl to all who knew him, Always a smile to gree~ vou, It For Well Drilling }'OU asked him regarditll: his hn]th a cheery repl V was ever lIee ready . ! J. F. HECATUORN 'I'll you lovi IIg I ather and Ulot her i ~IOS E we wlll!know "bow the arrow feels liol(l8ond oupooswith PurohMes. wb'm it ent e rs" "xlond the hlllm i Waynesville" - - Ohio. '!'!"!!~~~'!"!'!"!~'!"!'!"!'!"!'!"!~~~~~~Iof our sJmpathie~ . . Warren County Teachers ullday when we \' is itecl tliitl home, Iia1'lev wa s h ertl, II Ilvinl{ Association Holds Inbreathing rose. filling the circle • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•
teresting Session at III Waynesv e. A t the March moeting of the Wllrren Uounty Teaohers Associ ... · tion It wris voted to permit the Exeontlve I.,;onlmittee to ohange tho osual plaoe of holding the ses810ns . For many years these meetings been beld in , Lebanon, and never very largely attended or given muol1 interest by the people of Lebanon.· The sessi ons are 6I1u· cationnl and often ver, interllsting to tbe pubUo at large. Mr. Bratten of the E.x ecntivlt 'Committee Invited the teaohers to meet In Waynesville for their May. meeting, whioh invitation was a o· oepted. . Pillns were IDttde for an In teresting session and many pa.
with the ex~ulslhl delij!ht of hi s '!"!!!!'!!!'!"!!!!'!"!!'!"!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pre se nce. 'J oday our I"Huts are . tortl lind bleeditlg to tincl the s te m ' Juggling with Oynllmlte, broken atld' blossom gono to make I IN nil mllre clangerous ~ban to neg. heaven tlwee ter and neare r WIth .loot klltno.v dlsordors. Foley's Kid. i~s im'D lortal blootn. ' ney Corll corrects irregnltu'ltlel and . Bereaved ones let the know· \ttL~ ourl!ll ma.nv ~ verI! CUK6S "fklr ledge. that ~' ou baJ' the vowe rl other treutment bIlKfuned . It 'builds and tl ... strength and the will to op t.he woro out tiSIlOet4 and I'8ltor· do evervthinl{ earthly p"renls .". bRolth ,,"d vigor . "I w,,~ 'roubl. . . Ad wlt-h kidn ey compll\lnt for abont cou 1d, be your oonsu latloll iii thls , t\\' O vearR Of writes A. H . DAvis of hour when your c rushed hearts , Mt , 1iIt-l'rling Iowa .. bot two bot. can sCllfceiy litt theruselves In tJ F\R of F,,"'Y's KI(ine;v Oure (fected prayer. a ptlrmllllent ollre ."
troDsof the schoo18 desired to II.ttend but Saturdny, the ,day set for t he meeting, Willi filled with so many other mlltters tllat only a few oCour town people were out to weloowe tbe teo.o()hers. _ . ___ ·I_ _ _-I...... ~ A D The following very interesting ~-ft L~ program Will! given: Pre8. Wilker And is complete in every degree. The gOocl&''So . 80n o... lled the meeting to order. After A sODg, Rev. J. F . Cl\dwalJl\. greatly appreciated by my customers of last 'year del' led tbe devotional exercises. are .a gain ·at your command Then came another sOllg Supt. Chas. A. Brown s poke on BARRETT'S MIAMI VALLEY the subject of "80me of the Gretl.t Liquid Paints. est Needs of the Country 801100111 ." He dwelt partloularly upon the neeel ate guarenteed to be absolutely carbonate of lead of centrtl.lizatlon and uniform 80 petvlsion and oourse of study. If and Zinc Oxid ground to the finest degree .in our country scbools are to be kept abrllll.ltofthe tlmea, tbeymust mBke Pure linseed oil rapid progress along these 111:\68 '1'he oountry people Rhonld lI~nnd Jf ybu lire to puint your hOI1"e \Vhlt.e cowe Rnd see me. for progress and see to It tlJtt t o~n 1\ lnd! of Barret's Hppclul Ont"lde white, wbloh II I will btlokwlI.rd step is taken In tilt! mn n· Ilgement of their schools. two I4hlul et! wbiter t~ao any Sri call(',1 White paint- 00 the ~upt. H. D. Ke1li80n discl1Msod brieJly the "Req ulrom II ti:l fur MllrkHt, Ilh"ol\lte kMI,dnotion guartllil .. ,·,1 or I will ref1;lDd entering aigh 8ohool." He It r!;lw,ll your lIlon Ar (liv .. 111 1'1 n c,.lIllnd let. m, t!llk paint. that the prepartl tion for the Box well eltllmination Wll8 Dot In rel\lity It prepArlltioll for High Sohool. 'I'h e iC01..0R OARDt; lind PRJ('E~ 011 upplloatloll . fir!!t prepnrlltion WIIS a "o r(lrnming" wtth words ant\ rules and it IIhou101 For Sale by be 11 broader training, not for test day Ilt Lebanon but for tt.11 time to cOUle. . Reymer Reed gave A Clarinet 11010 whioh cl111ed forth an eucore, ' WA~NESVILLl!, OHIO. Prof. D. B. Beil gave a sketoh of the poet, 'James Whiteo'm b Riley. intermingled with oholce read· Ings, showing the churacter and nl1ture of Riley in a masterly ml}u · nero His rendering of "That Old Sweetbeart of Mine," IIcoompained 00 piano by Mrs. Zell l was excep· tionally fine . . Tbe ladles of the' Ortbodox ]."rlends Ohuroh served 1\ bountiful uinner to tho teachers. . In the I~£ternoon the teacbertl were fn,vored with cornet solo by Ednll. Zell, Her m118to and skill greatly pleased the teachers . Then followed the tt.ddreas by the Hon . YOUNG MEN AND O. T. Uorson, ·ex Bohooloommi88ion· YOUNG WOMaN er of the Ohio Ed . Monthly. ae Is one of Ohlo'8 foremost educators . There hILS never been 80 greAt n dpUla,ncl on me tor BOokk88R8H His subjeot was &ome of the and Stenograpbers Il8 now, Bnd wltb II. lurge ",ttendanoe, I am unable to "National Charaoterl8tlo8 of the Teacbers. " 1 t WOI full of sound snpply all calls. wit, sense and Inspiration. Such 8p66QhBII ooght · to be heard by latKer a udlenoes than greeted' Mr . Corson. Miss Edith Shute then very charmingly sang a. solo. , The next meeting will be held at Opened since the first of the year to Graduates of the Franklin Chautauqoa and be in session ono week. It wa& voted to raise the dnes THE from GO cen ts to $1. 00 I\. year . This money (S . med to proonre IIpeakert! Many of tbem In III.r8e est~blilhmeuhl, and at good salanel. and inlltruotors. ' Tbo teachers then adjourned feel· AMONG THE MANY. WHO HAVEATTEND~D FROM WAYNESVILLE ARE ing.that It liad been a profitable and' E, V. Barnhart, J. O . Cartwright, Joe. w. B11I81; . pleasant meeting. MIs8 Lelia Gltbeos, Edna MoKinlley R11180, D. U, 'Rtdge, ~muel 0 Blnkle. Geo , A' ,Funkey, H. Fred White A Monntain of Gold could not bring 11.8 mnch happhl8118 No investment of 80 mooerde aD amount. of time Ind money .. t. to Mrs, Luela Wtlke. of Carolina, required op6na op 80 many good opportunihe8 for proB&able emplo7IDeDt WtS.,BS did one 2Go box of Bnoklen/II Arnica when it oomplHtelY "od rapid promotion .. oure4 11. sore on her leg, 8hld8lit. are adml&ted a' .aD), ttmeaDd euYpa)'pleatima,. b e " , which her 28 10D, years. _181' of 'l'lie ltalaiDI whlob bal dODe 10 mDOh ror oUlenmar do
Uulellll yo ur wat(,.}l hUll beon tbor· oughly cleaned Imd oiled witbln It-! Jnontbs It cll n ' l, be "bsolutely depen. dened upon. We are competent to oloun and repair the wost compJi · cl1ted movements. ttll nur work i!'l done tboroughly and on time and chllrges will ·be no more tban YOIl would ha va to pay When less skl1.1 lind less Cllre are exorolsed. We clenn l R' slze 7 jowell! for 'j'5 ~ Main springs I si~e 7 je wel for 7Ci, Ulen!ling Hi size 17 jewelHfor '1.00· Mlliu Spring Hi size 17 jewels for $1.00 .
T. Ji .. Ouster, Waynesville, Ohio. '
JardInieres in nil styles ut J, E . Jllnney ~s . .
" We don't need to speak be name," sn.ic,lJ E. Janneylitstweek,foryoo 'll Harveysburg High kuow we mean when you next .see School Commence~ent, her . Why, we never knew a wo o man's appearance to be t!o ohanged '1'lIe flfteent·lI annnall.,;ommence. and Improved. Her complexion itl now al! fres):t and beautiful a8 a Ulent of I;he Hurveysborg Higll youn~ girl's her step Is eillstio and Sohool was beld Illst evening nnd was her eye 1108 tbe snap and tlparkle one of the hest comtnencements in thttt goes with perfect health . AntI 't,he bls tory of t,lIe school. we are pl1rtly responsible for it,." Th ere W\3ro ' two gradu tes ' M oontlllued the drnigist, tor we re. a , r, commended wbat transformed Ijer Cllrl L. ())en,ver spoke. on the sub· (rom a wOlllan of forty to a girl of j eot, " Westwar.d I,he Course of Em · 'wenty, What Is it? Well, It is plreHoldsUs Wny. " Dr. Davis' f"'DlOUII pre8Crlption, Lax. . liThe Loom of Life-and Valedlc Protective Association aoela. Tonic Tablets, and when we " . heard of It. we Immediately ordered. tory was disoussed by Miss Mary to meet n~xt Satur,d ay II. large supply. And the way they L. Dovl . tone up the lIystem, olear the com· Prof.. E·. L. Mendenball, ~uperin . Last Hatorday WI1t! the date of plexion Rnd rejuvenate the ~hole t,Andent of ./ohooI8 at the O. S. & ~. tbe regnlBr meet.lng at the W . bod'y Is surprIsing. They are a gen. v TOWllShlp, Prote'c tlve A'ISOI~laIIO~.1 tIe laxative, promoting an ealY, nat. n. HOUle Alml n., delivered tbe cltl.8s
_ _ _~b~n;t;Lie;~~t~a;e~o;f~~~e~;~=~::~u~r;.~~;~it~~;n~O;r~t~h;e;~;w~e~~;a~n;d~OO~H~y~.nd~~~~~a~~~~ . mmrtltMm -iilncoUtR gement:-
of letting the pol80n oome Tbe mnsio WBS by thfl Rigio Or. through the skin. There iIIn't a chestrn Springfield and Wei woman Cln town who can afford to ' , s be without Laxakola Tonic Tabletl1ll flne. for they ooat 25 oenbi a box, and ir After they don't do all ,bat ill olamed we AIUIDDi or PU~ nay her moner baok," aDu_loD. C.
Millt! Till Ie. Unrl~ II('k, dllll!{htm of l\lr . Wm . I ll\ r t~\ll'k . nn t.ho Hprill" '-t.OTHe N I5 H1NO" . "nlley pik " W t'tllII"TrIl" \ '1'\tur~da .I· . .1 ,t ~O,,," ('" enlng 1't1 \IY 1 U, 1 \Iilli, to Mr. Fo.. · 1 <- l~n"'\' J t el' ~t til, by J1 v BC'njllllliu. Hawk . Mo cohen pU'r chased 1I1 S o f tue F·ri ..m(\" 01lu l·.,I1 . Th briel" W II~ tust 'fn \l y ntt.l r cI the urplus stock of Spring in a hftod 0 111 whitt' f; i\1t go wn Ilno and.Summer Suit from MiIlIokEld VAI'Y cllll rminl!. IIull tilO cha.el ~tern & CO., of I-\'n~l1II1 WU!I n}Nu 1II1ntl",,"wlr llrl'~t! · , ', ' N v k t 11111l n(\ th e \llllr III'hl!" tI "pry IiltrHl' Rochester, . cw ~ or , a ttv npllelll'u IH:, 1'h,' ,\' ,ll1 ug ('ollplo will nlllk Illolr h,11ll" lI utl) flll1, about twu·thuds of the regwith tit .. g ro"m'~ plI !'!'nh Mr lind ular 'wholesale price. This handsome lot of suits will M 1'1>1 . Ed "'" n l ~\, II" \\ b' l 11\'" n il 1\1 r Edmund H e ltll! l('\; ' ~ fllrm ~ <l nt h uf mo re than please' men who Wllyn s\'1l1 11 desir first-class clothing..
friud s . It was God who gave us this be&u-llful and helpful life and it is God wl10 has takeD it Utlto hitn8elt. Perhaps some day we . Will u nderstand belter wby God re-ca ll ed h is own. We clln not bring ou,r loved one bllck again but we go to her. Thankll be to God who giveth ti S the victory through our l.ord Jellus C hri ' t. Philip' 'I'rout, Pastor._ -
The robbeMl' "be 'p'nil" l .... oe .......... • ..,.-0 "" aDd hone and rig of Dr.8herwood o.y : Then will be aDi lIOn Bnnday ' nlllht will make addl'8lll and Bolr mo ,e thaD ordiDlU'1 bWn8118 &0 come o'clook ~orrow before tbe meettDIT and a tall .,. b1 Rev• .1, F, teDdaDoe i. d_red.. ___ '::11' QIQh. . l. 0. llAwu. Beo.
'rHOMkS' ·ZELL,.·
--- IOO-~
Miami Commercial College
2110 at
1·:1'1111 .111:
~\l .
\\' AYNg!;Vl~~LE, OHIO, ' WEiD E.'I)AY , ",1AY 3(l, !I>'l!1 ,
_ _ _ '1""""3_ _
Relics for the
Mra. Eunice t:!hutll Is ILt the h ead of the oommit toe to prooore and oarll for relios to bll on exhibit ion during Bome 'ollllllg w'eek, nnd asks all ~rson8 who Ilave ullythin g thll' II of ~he nnture of II relio that would be of inter est to residep ts or 'Vlslt.ors, to report to hor by phooe, . No !j·2, or postnl. , Mrs , Shute suggest s that II.n Interostln g feature would' be SOlUII wearin g apparel thnt had beon worn t o thu Wayne~ville sohools mBny y e:, r~ II ),!U, t'l (II' II It o,,:oId be ielen , tln ..d ,
Miss Mu rl) 'l'IlJb H I ~ will go ~blR Neek to ,J11011l;OD , Ihio, I u $p(' lId til e 110uth of ruHe \\,1 111 Iler hrot herl!
The Pas s ing of I Mrs . 'Esth~ t Ann Tay!o r.
Lytic;:. -.folr R, H H , .I"hn \ :oi l :
nl' ~,· iIl l·
,," '1'1
v o g in. the boy Wu8 going to wbip 11 m lInri got IIngr ,V 01:\ that aoooun t. Hnlph RO 111" n over to have been ( ,.,d frl'encls wit h the doS as they ,:, ,1 int·o I roub1 ' on ce before, Boys ' I ii~ should IIIl n wl1rnin g to yo~no' ',11 I PoII'SO dogs needles sly. t, t.
... nll In WilY
Ilt~ ' II( ,\ 11 11 t'1"'") 11
Estl:i oT lun T,IY ,"', Ullo!.:hll\l' <lr ,'L','urlll fl'''11I . 11 1' Vll1ug ~ 1 'f' lIl BonjaLll in !lna Hu l'II b JUr I!I' 11 , \\"11" • '1111'\"" III 1'1'1('1 111 n , i nIl I' • ' 1'11:>1 1'( b UI'n .I ul .,· ao, J ~:'!:'!, l ll i n f.-tllI l \ ,.,,1 L'XI I,. II·t ilill Mr, lIud MT '. ' . h:, Brulten lire uf Lyl,h: llOIi I' tit \ 1 )1l~' ru n pll' , :;11.. ~I I. Ad l .. 1."\\,1'" n ' W(' ' J'.' III 1", ,!nj oying 11 viSit f roUl MI' , Brul,teu 's It""tu kllu ', \ Iil'l MI~ " 1\011 11 1 '1:,,1111" ". Cente rville . , )tL~ents , Mr , und Mrs, Brut,ton , of Wll8 r.hflQltlL·!l 1 (jl t!" I'I'lllldn 'lI I II lid Zlllil tillli'l1l~ "., ' n·1Il \ 1,)11\. Hh WII IIIllrl'i o I to i';itl..-ut! 'I'II~" ' IIh' 'I hl1l'.(" \: Bet,hlll, Ohio , Mr. ' 'ltuk Pine passed aWAY Sun· 101'. ~O\"f.'\llllt·r H 1 ':i~; 11 111 " ,,<\ to , F rllll l, I ln~.' Il'l~ it{'PII !'IUssell Murglle rit(l Tli ollll'l!OIl II\HI 1",l'irlV' dll.i'-r tbo 2.;'IU1~..a.t;,~ bout--O~I~l)!4IO(I&..-~;-"-7,;''7-?1 r.hll flll'1I1 on 1I'11i(l1l Iii " It'd '01' 11\'11 (I'II!\' II ~( ' r l!)1 ~ 11II1\ ' Winifre d Ma cy hn \.... hl1u lI \'I~il, int: \\,1111 n l'I~" <II He was nea rly 75 years of age. A 1:1 ,llIrs 01,\' All uf hol' hI\) \\' I\~ 1I t il III 11 II I Jl., ' litI. 11 '11 ,1\ , I t111· II , u!lcful oltillon hlllCl been' called away . (bolr uunts, Mr ~. '1', U . Milson !lnd "pout ill IIml ti r ollud , lly n !'l'illl' , Y r hy 1111.1' m e IIl ~, I'll II til' Mrs, Mtllll io S(' 11" "111 pul)lic Ol~reer of '!i(l year~ ttUlllliil l!R " t X 01" Th hellutH nl \; priogtl nH 1. till Mr .\l It'n 1<::1 1111 r I(' k " n" 1I'\f1·. or III I'J'I " (hlrin~ wliloh time :llnce Il\st Friduy II ftor n\lun: he h.eld ' e of I"ll·gh IlI00II\ , WI1~ t,ho ti l tiui II lso M b~ UI,,"('he l'(~rul\1I -POIII ' "'lIrl on,. " lilt (»01 of t rust In this townt:3ee ZI311 's Pulnt lit! (1) unolhor ph'"snn 80 tl t:iOn f or t JIe I IlI~H •l1lg 0 f ~l rt<, ' I'ItJ" - :-\nndll HI!l le"ul Gllrll " il"'. \\,11 " II IIclt l\, ;UII " lsHIII!:; Ull rl','" sll il) iJngllll nd thon lluy Bllrrel t '8 Pilint '" udvloe a.nd bUlllnesll 1u r , ,vllt osel Ilt' l' ro Il' fo wn" " 1){' 1I 1 i n witll ~ • II I' ' I WI'I'O Ilncl Mr" get ohtl rll.oterlzod with full 1\'11 I t' Vlllu(' ,I,!IIIl fol' " t um Y'lllr rl",\'n money, 'I'll t.' (\h ll lr 'I\"", /I~"\Ir!!~ n'll wbo 10 tunoh with IltLtUI'O I1n(l WUIISl' hn ,.y IIqr " " U'S :ItIlIlO~ .I "h lls ,111 1,11(, !':iun h () ll e~ 'y,' f IlIIrpn~ell, nd~oundt)ess ,or ~oorg \l R py n(,ltl ~,,, ( ',.r\\'ill huy . \""I I I'I'II(\"II I. lh l. t h.II ' thll t ~h oy IIt1UlI::l h ut.! n l!co IllJlIi~llc I t su mudl ill (Iu ,)' IIl"rrtin::; train ~hll ~ tll i J 1"'111' jn\l~e Il Tl'll l Bo WIIS weiland favor willi,,',hrllll~· o,,"~' l rill' h.V trill! .vh o eo lhlt od In lJlI'l " ::ill lll ' ~ UII V.Y til W/IV of hellutlfyiur,{ hpl' II 'J l1l e ~ n ll dl(,v ni!:; lll fnr the PUI'\)OSl1 I)f ubi " 1<1",\\111 thl'ou ho ut the south, ' .v kl"l l)c'!'" h" tll ,I.L'· 111111 I1J l!ht, nnd IiLlit filII , hilS \) ('('\1 "1"' I1 III1Ib! I~ I'll\\, un(l glt;dn eninl" t,h y et! of IIthers Ii ellring tlw 1,)IIC,culllurel l:e ~e rill o n 01'1; ,,"I' t lit' the l/ounty, aud will be Ih .. ,v will Itll i'Htn ru PII 10 I hllir l)Wn days bere by t II ' Cll It I' vut i ?n f t 'Ii I" VIDOti , II' . •J. M , • lucy lll U] llttlo grand "r . u,th' IIIi ~H fl III! i\ oitizen 1'111 I " <ill and legal lig ht III', Estll, Wil fl! In D(lyt.)JI .. " r. ,II 1,IlI< u l "~1l oi' fh ll "xh lhit, l n us Miss ,Verlln Whill ">',, r, of UllytOl1 h und r ure n o w e r~, , '\'Il"~uuy liE iUllt WCOR, 110(1 MI', ad vi ' 1' 1' , ~'unertl l S rvloes .1«0, ,,1 (l'Jlllhli lln Il ~ w l ... n (lIIIO(1d in hll beon for ten Rt t e ' Hfl l' loug life 'WII!; no t s pent ' In Albert SIIIC'Y nnd fllTllily , e~ce 1111 ,\ '" vl> i illl; hr'r }ltioJ.\ &pti ~t ('hnro11 'ruesda,y. 11M ( 11 11 r j!1) sister Mrs , .J o~( IJh lI umlt'll Illi tl vill o-sho Iiv (I f r olhor>! IIIIlI \\'/I t! I~ ta, sj1 n t th o UllY nt Lebuno n. , A' 1If"nv\' rain storm Pa8S~ over ..:-.--.. ~~- -" Id fri llnd!:! In UII lllq lP.1' in Inilidug orbe~s hll}JllY· i:l r lIelir WIlYll l:!l Tilt! poles fu i' tli private tele till" ~(,Cli;1l tlu nday Ilfterno on, with Band Conc ert and h Oll!! b old wn t! h er ohi f artl Ill\(l JI~Jo ne hnll on the upJlor vlllll. Wuynlls . 1mB I.. HP mo locali ties, full owed by "1110 pllw 1111\'0 s(' t r ocl'ntly , pI IISUl'a, but her kinu ly nuturo WII Il It, ('xttHHJ~ fr ulll lJeon Lawn Fete. G rnduate s-Ei I Iwr PII I tll r~ \ 1Il or tho cross r ou~ls in cool, r,llIucJy wouthe r. The rlli n f e 11 a1wn ys tlluoh e(l by the uoo(L~ uf I,ytl wb r It bruuoh es i:llgh::)chool, u~p 'o lnl l IV TIIte on fl ow th e iu torr n t!:! nnd did some dam&g!!-b The n ew WII ,VDl1ri vlli a Bund I ~ (Ir, pbotog rephs other !!, No [orlorn Sll",plia nt ror IIll\ in IiDil to Iho h01l)1I of io you if tuken duriog Mr. Eli wasbln g, There Wllfl a lso sharp BON FJ ' V , ' 1' ~; I~L MA N, aIm wn~ over tu rn ed empI.v froni BurD tt., All it! 10 rRnglng to I!I ve II n I'c orp/,rn , re~ li l' IIdiness fo r tb e light,nin g Ilud thuode r. the months of Mt~y nnd JUlie, UpeD \\' 1 rOil ULld ins ulu tors. 'ofllll1nndC' r in 'hit'f r,;O Il . or Vr>l pr llnf' of &\ Jll li en, vRI, Thnr sdll,.v f'vening , Jun e l 'lth, h er door , pnd to sh ure h er bou n t.y • 'OI~II litt Ie tob'lccu 8/~tllrd hilS BY beou only. set 'l'h e Elliott School Dls~riot will when DIlke, ioo creuln pnll !It,raw who will doll vcr the ME'lUtlriUI Ildt!r ,~s ut Milllni " 111111 r y tlli with h er n eighbo rs Willi on o,uf I,he !lnriug til pnst we k t,llough ' nrt SPA IlR'S OTUOl It- i hold unol,ller Ilnnual ' reunion pionic berrlell will be scr vod. rnoon plenHtu ell of h er !i[ :o l1Jltl u~ ~ l,ut littl e 111 0 1'0 thlln IL MIBlIes Mllme Brown lind &101\ wero h or kindly (leells to ul1 wll o ,Ipp •• rollt frpm tb mpidstllrt. It ill Sntnrdu y June Ii in the grove and . A tree llubllo bU1\f1 onnoort will be ZlIll were g ueetll growtb of h II ' of frlenlls n t tb o , All at the [om 111111) orinl in tc,Q h WIth hor. During t hll pll10t th/lt' lllite II. gront !'(' T\·ice. thl!. Uf ll'rn o,ll\ wi glTen at the t!IlDlO time. 1111 t,be mus· 0 , S. & . 0.' ll bp I\ el(1 At 0 deal sc 00 lOuse , Home lit Xllnh~ F~I . the MIMni CIIlllute ry 'hu po\. ' b t ' . tho 'Ivil k ' f \"'"r th h er kind Th ly ('o!lllll fpel in g~ Will lttul! ,ill Jc to be ,n ew uud up t,o (wto, e set UIS (JorulDg wee I e 'l'he OWlln'sohoTohS undllY 80h 00I dllY afterno on Ilnd Suturdu y morn· worked hurd to Ilrl'unge ful' hll r~e hfl~ wOI~t,h e r lind other fuotors ' Vill will hold ohildro a fiLtiu~ nbs['rv ('nc!' 01' tb e oc t"inn worll ~p oiu ll ,v llrll 11'11 out to \\,llftl !! 1l1\UW. n 's service Suuday . The testlvlll will' luke place on i ng , , ., I k Followl llg is tho pr g r'llII : Ih" hfl1 v bn.y s w ho t,n r nAd I,h cll' 0 oors uro II I k d Morris Roger's IILwn , Ilnd the patJune 17 nt 3 0000 . Mr . llezelrlnli Bully, 11 promin ent IL 00 e . bflclrs tlpon home. tlf com fort I~nd ronage of the )Juhllo is solloite d , Keys, I uon't know where, PI~rIldll will for~ li t To wll~hip !l ,,,,,,!' in ";'I I'II ('~"iIl ll nt. 1.00 P,I1I. Memori al s, e rvtoe business muu of Cinolnn ati, stopJllld Wllfl held pl eot,,'" und \(l out fOft h to Ilelure So on the por oh we Silt tlllndllY in t bo M. E . ohurob. Rev. off In Waynes ville 15llturday on his llunl~ ll i Jl~ I1ml fllCI clotlth io tb Line of ~l1nroh will s t"rt t I) III 'ltC'"v pr ' tlt\l~II' 'I t. 1: '1-) Itl t h l\ mlst,y nir. Mat-thews, of S)Jrin delivere d' way fr om FriendS Quarte rly Mllet· Boxw ell Orad uates Horvic of th alr count.ry ; HOcl wh en On tlOOou ut of th e' hard rain 8un - IL urio r, h»Jlr ojJflu't.u gboro, B rle ' f und Interelt ing f t ' II ,w"r" 111 oorllmo n y 0 s rOWIll!! ' m.!rn 'ry n r' I\1\VII II I0 r,'1OR ing at Selmll, Oblo. !.Lnd , apent sev· It rnce " , P P II OIl '~flS tl tlO I.In·c I IInc,• tl10 r OTli nRll t, tlu y lIftern evening whnt Ilnd '~P\lollroon ell t uud bo prOSpll "I'nlon. Speollil m .....,aio At the fi1'8t Bux well exnmin ation erlll days very pleasun tly ots of 1\ t,n flJl lorl'lll , ,0~~ with bis bridge, th WlIyne s \'illa vul unteors oo their llall night It\a,n y wer e nnlloble to at WII!; rn ntler~d py Vummi l!sloner there ",ere 1114 ll"pIiOllnt.s and twen. oOUIIlns, Mrs, Ava Ebrigh C. t and Mr. Progr amme at Ceme tery. l'ctnrn iuodm1 nt -'urwin , Mrll , Tay- t otl tbll bllocn:lltUr nM serm ty t hree pll8led. At the Ileoond ex· E . t:i. Bilily und fUDlil y. on. it W . Blllnes, Prof. Ewing, MH. Ida lor ilut.! just lini ~ h etlll' biLtO l! of bilk. W/lS II Ii ver II by Rev, Phili~ Trout Elliott, MU8ic by IlflD<1 M iSB Carrie Elliott, Ilud Kn. amlollt lon there were 174llpp lloants in".' lor Il er f/llllH,Y nlll", but 10Rtenll , Imtl proved itself of grlltlt FarlTlllrs, cull in IIntI see the Bradpenlng Prnyer Int llr~8t ClRro. Montgo mery. .. R(~ v . Phil ip Trout . . and fifty five pl1slled. M"klng Il to· ley ~/ plows.edgu drop (md benefit to t, b o ~ e who heard It. oorn pllt nt. i:!ong, "Ameri 'n" hy ILQ(lil'nC'r, IIC'cII IIlJlllnINI hy hllnll. sh A l<prellcl it 1111 b f.,ro t.ho l\l) ~R n,nfl '1'ho f},lIove shoulu e~plltin the dl. ~I of seventy eight. The followi ng ers, one and two r ow The Decora tion Serv~oe will be 'co rn c u ltlv:\IlI'IIII.llv ill\' ited Ihmn t\l tllke It 1111, lomn a- in whioh All en Emeric Rondin g of Linooln 's Gett ,nbn r~: 'p'pol! , Mr.,. LAV, Ca rtwrigh t. ·trom Wayne t ownMhip pURsec:l ; Ona tors. lllil:IO carry ,L full k [ollnd h e ld In the oemete ry Wedne ldayat line of 011 whi r h . tb oy uccepto () with tCI~rflll himl<elf M ul'lo. hy 11111 l'horuH on Snndny evening when be II o'olock .U:Y.:IIlr'''', I). tAtrawn, Luoile Uornell , Myrtl!l borne implem ents und ilm IlIklDg thn nk .. , r el,urnod homo lind disCQ vcre(l tho t Aduress, Hun H , V . 'pcrolmu n, . gtblAr, John W . t:lt,ruw n, ' ElMnor orders for high grade tobllCOO 'rIll!! WI!!' bu t, all Instllnco of h er t,h e key Wll8 nowher e t o be found , corn , Nil tion a i Uo nliliA nde r in cit lef, of I:L of V. , tlf AmetlclI 1:irnha rt. Ha wlint uII to and OOtB fertilize r s rungiog in price Kenrlok's Sprin g. Branc h unlil,intect, gell ero~ i ty, But bom e pnd b or rowed biBWalter M \1s lo by 1\11110 'ho rus. RkAleto n key, the The lJOUDty ommlm oement will from tblrteen dollll[s up. WI!!' b er kingd om; to liar onl y cb il d, rast at Benedio Uon tho fnm lly meanw hile enj oy, Rey . J . F . lid WA 11ndar. held IlUhe Univer sity Ball iu Mr. anfl Mrs. Dauiel Woolla BI£NRV J ,n . hlrB. Dr, El1i8, ,,ho Willi ever 11 tendor ing themso lves sitting on by Bu nd the p urob ohlldre n tlrove to Da.yton lut Sua. )~~non June 9 at two p, m . There David A. Brown 11'119 solzed WIth pooorn tion of Mou nd in honMoru!'lo pnd IIlTootionute mother i t o h er wntohio g t he r ain. of tho unknow u dAlld , , dtl.)" to vl.slt their Bon 'George Wool~ will be' g~ sVOllklllg an~ good a spasm on the street MondllY morn, gr llnd ohil dnm sho w'i ~ Itn iclolll The long hoped for rllin made 1\ ltl.rd and family of thllt place. M nilie by BHnd ,, Everyo ne ~rdlBllY lDvlted ing and fell to t hll gruund ' I rllthllr B\ldden uppell.rance !:)undlloY . Frioodl:l grllndrn oth er i nu d d urlng .'. '" a ong e velling. On level Docornt.i on of S hli o r '~ GrnvII~ , land the wllter to attend, WaYDII rowllllh ip ought went to h is IIl1sist,un t'e und Mr. and Mrs: , Frank , Cook an4 witlo\\lb ood sho folt, tbe su~ta'lnillg co mplatel y inuodll ted It oarrled though tho danght er Maude, of College Bill, tit .en,d a large delt\/tntion to ~nconr. him to the h ome of hili danght power o( n hnppy b Olll e tLtlllosph er e gr Qund WIIS glltting so dry er, tllBt it lind Mr, Albert LaOY..olUlp&!lIijflljtld-T~"'M''::;i'i>::;l al8 ,these grlldnllteB , Mrs , Tnylor M ill of Bturd.v QUIl- soon found its Mrs. Wosloy.-H.a.lD6I!r9 n Malo stre Memo rial Serm on below the anr 1New Centu ry C.lub f h . kilT "took und th o 'prluoip les of thllt, face, The good Wt~y thl~t it wl\1 do ~or were the guests 0 t etrlJare,n'_. Ilr• where he was taken clLre of un t,i1 ho to Memb ers of G A. R. I both fruit aud fnrm orops Farm ers' Orang e will is o.lmotit nnd Mr.s, Elect s Office rs. Sooiet y ruled hllr life, s Lao was a.ble to walk h ome in thll tlrte l' Dd fa~ ~ beyond estimllt e , One hnd fentnre on SundayThoma last, Give Box Socia l. noon Miss 8uruh Brown , s lste l' of Mrs , wu s t,bo gr /It numbe r For a number of year s it hilS be n uf sm" n At the Tllgulnr llleetin Severnl young men from our vi. cust,om ary [or I.he lmr vlvors of th e Nllw 'ent,ury lub held g of tl,l e Taylor , now th e onl y s urvivin g obiok llllS thll,t were overwh elmed by I 't tt d d th ball beFriday at membe r of the fllmily of Benjnw in it,. Dr " Lukens who hu been wUl be a regalBr meetI ng II. pa - Olvil to IIttend 0 m .y 11 en e ' e ser vino in lL I tIe lI&JDe I c hIlrruing coun l,ry h ' VUc" tlnd SI1--") i t Il t "h orne o. of lbe 'Patron s of Jiusban dry' lit ten Bromn, ".1l I'n CI 11~,r n olnnatl 10 11 0, 1. " " Ber" ,f t:lt'IIOY'u, v r I~ t B OSP 1·"1 U 11 ' ttle "'" ' glrls, Rilftn ~ n , body ut one of tho l oonl oh nrChp,l<. \ W ", fI'ibbul ~, wellt of " . twelln,t be Waynes ville 8n. .d Sooth ~"' _ i'_ place of meet,I Waynes ville. g rief, hu s th ll sY lllpl~th y p f , h er de· Z e Imil Iln d CI ~ d to Way. nit a t, 7 0 'l 110. 1mVII b oen un d er Lebuno n teams Bt Sootb Lebano n ~ 00k tor twelve weeks , l'eturne j I 1 ' f II I , th ffi e SundlLY prevl I ted 118 cell~ed to Ml"lIlll r II I I Ie tJ uw ng a ,cers wllre 0 eo Sa(,urd ay evening , June 2, ane) fol . nesvtJ1e Monday lI~ternoon onro of Mr. but Ohioken pox during Inst Sundny , ~ Slo'''f ~ .., 'S hous ehold nn(l s hures th lind hll~ l Our .' thlle 1}nst week , , well 1 t , l serve during next yellr; G 18 loW, this there will bell box SOj)iBI tRken up his ahode ~t lItIl with t bem t ho sYll1plLtbi es () f muny ngnin now. 'I.'helra rll1 almost ,rents Fri e\ld:l I LIl!lt Sunday this R}lt:' Inl llH mor l" II .Pre~id n t, Mu, The surpris e 00 Mr, rimes' It l1l 0. T. H.llwke, • held.. In the banque t li~ll adjolul ng, Home, The Doo,t or 8 fr iend. n ot IIvell the faintes t idea where S nnday was well attende mllny rrlend ~ eerviee WUII held a t ' t, Mllr y's , V ice Preslde d , A "'ble ot, Mr!! Linn. DeVitt ....; i d ' 11 i Thofun erul o f Mrs , 'ruylor 'vu t hoy could huve hlld I\> ohance are rejOiced at hlS oomple te rllstor w whloh the put>l tor H flllod wltb 1111 t,lle good things of 10 I 800r I la I tl y n, ' d k ', ~.. I h ohurch eld llt her , m IlltCi elllller" hOll1e nr tit t, It' 11<:11 l.:lq o'olook atlon aud will be gIn to now t lilt on" l oeorlltn ry, Mrs , E, V, Burnba r t, If a st,rnn ger hud driven dow n the !lenson WAS tbe most enjoyab le ' Vlted. . . . of Voteran t I" st "' ntu rdu y font'u re of,the day an!! ,all p~4nJ.. tiull tln ~ nftornO 11!. .... 1II.d Y i Ol1 tmd wn s ver" our Main Stree ._ .. he wllJ r esume his prnctloe uf tIlod. the GARs UIIUljl nttond iJl~ ,,,nh r 'l'rellsu rer Mrs. J. W . White , ' " J ~ ~h J eveOlng sr,e ques,""" t 0 b r Inc & iolne , b e • ....., ~ would , with . oft' " l 'ce , , in AnI/In buil(ll ' ,}" , Illrgely ntt ended by fri end s wllQ whllt mystifi ed litho,va ,been eoUlO . . .. , , I I I hf t , 111u lDMtulllltlOn of Ule officers Will , , , fleeing wholll re port a fine thUll , lIoi: ~nta n ng uno or wo, w hi c h oomple f tely overhaule<1l1n<1 reu(nn d , mlnl-(lel1 thE'ir ' tenrs with h t 'rbe ohuroh wn~ prAMil,v (11'rnrnl (>fl tllk.e pluot! l!'rI!l ~lY, .June 22, ed ' 0 grouIIs of porsoos s tRndin g with wiD tie BOld aud eateD by the purMr, 'harles Austin as tit Mrs, til ;' b 1'01lvQ(1 fumlly undt hose urn wIlO>iO the ir fll oes t,llrolld south eastwll ' h ' with fl owers rd to hl~ h ome where he ",iiireremain flns!! whl( h ILlWII ."1! 1,l lIe l Evllns' home, \vb ieb will he the obaeer and the one who brongh t It. Mr, A, B'. Sides, hill! H',n un uhl p form 11 mo~t lind ti l tend ell to th III It might have oalled to his mind thi!! su mmer. phllulin g oOll1liill'Lt,i on 11I:!1 lilt!oloiilg of the, Club before An Interes ting program w\ll be to be at his Illl1('e tlf bl1~luos t h eir sym pu lOS were ex . Ul a Cll!ltom o f th e Moham me(lous s t or The mnalo by the ouoir Will! uunsu- work is r osnwed. ~--'~7~';';fI In t h o t,utumn Rov . ,1- F , 'tldwll lIncl r rector ot who iuvprill bly turn th I ""'ftD, 'and it III expeote d thllt tuls I d aYB o~~In".. to 0. S(1vere 1i0 severa olr h ces ' ally -fine -. A quartet •• te consist ing of DCte 15t. r Ma th pir ry 's s umm church er vlleR,tio n. , Tllnd the l ,lth towllrd Mecca when worsh ipping, old t hi h h et 1 I 't Pleas ant Ridge "11 be a very enjoyab le event. id . ekn wWhlol e Imkl o?e If ~~y ~tld' Mrs. W , U. Allen, Miss Olive ' • chu at I;t , ,T lIhn lind IIlso the Again h e might b Par· e s urm se Mrs. - • W. B, Allen hus wee invited . the e wa ng lD 1l~ yllr shill I Mel!lIrs Fred Sherwo od lind 23 rtl Ptlulm , whl oh was folluwod by they were di oU~8!ngIl"some , his foot ollnght In a YJight it C1 pr Ill!· recent I Bl1.r.ton .Earnh art aud-lm~,liY:-f'at--..:-":":"";:-.-:-=;:~1R " ..... " -- S' . t 1 , t upou furth er e ~nlll lDil lub to loll vo It.. /Lnnutd recept.ion of u prllyo r by Rov. Philip Trout, a Fred Hender son sang /I. very 1111 rwo.. ma II T rees pILM. 6V n , .... u ' ~ Ion and he was t,h rown . , I h " Tb forward d ' tlnct wife SIlent Suqday with , ' 'Ith eir trlend~ Ill, leI" orne t ion he would hlLV found thrm liS- IOurren "ca~se La w Su i t. bsdly. wrenoh lng find urs ,"Y t or of tllll M. E ohuroh, Mr. Cud- sti , , II ll nnd !;Iilen t liS sta l,u s, Yot it Geo. tearing the, pressl ve selectIOn. . J LntrJok 21 nnd film y O,f ' Leb&. IevenlDg, one , ' II.l1d' ross \VIIS only I \Tn tIII dor t h on mil d en.b rle. ligamen tll of his k'nee cnp, t' le popu IRce un d II fow non . Rllv . J . F. 'Cadwa llader spoke • In whioh he dWlllt upon the 10 1l g n ei ~hbori!lg c~\In tr y U\ell O nt, in "he No;th.e ll8t 'oorner of . , IiRtenin g I C', B. Klelnhe nn nnd family 8p8nt from a text taken . from r,b e thi rd Laure nce Sht~rwood -.,• Mtss Emma' Uelghw a y l'3: pect~ to socl usetull ife of tbll decellsed of to I,It ? n ew t,ltlkll1g Illllobin ~ r ent , ' h In f E ' the owners of• start ,.... ayne t 0 wn-hlp SundllY with his parentB at I:i,pring. .. , tomorro w, Thur!<d n" , to J ohns- dvllrse the Iy Jlnrchfl sed by Clem BnrrlB_ t,hlrd Ihis c npter xo' l Grad uates at Swar th_ "of Re ..... ember duya II nnel her illlslIlf1s hnoss , Ulld devotio n, t o Joining farme ,have olashed Rnd gone town PeoDlly lvanln where All o'r lit Icuet" Illost of 11-, IIr ' II I bor o. Rhe us. , ~ I.U a f I ' fI t more June 1J. hOlllo, loved on os find fri ends, of fUlll One'of thelle tarms Is own ed' " ili nr witl! t he clroums tunc es I Alv,/l James Bnd wife were M his sermon , WIlS One a t 10 ties ,I ' " will be the gnest guelts h er frI ends r. ' the t,oils lind tempe:itllllh e hud en , ~u rrount1i ng tho, N, N U, lit Lebll n· 1of Frank t<byMrs. M,B.l:i llver,an d the other and Mrs FfIlnkLof onnl ohuroh on n on'" for n. fort ever h ea.r d i n a lW""I·" Rogers and wife o~ near d i' t 4 fi d' d ' -11 F riollrls E L Th of t d Lnureno t f A e oho Thomll s oouot~re n te I . e, absenol yen rs a Jer on, Ourtluj1 el'ln Oll 00 a 8 similar OooBs\on Is owned by , ' 11,11 It omae. res~ e( ' , ~r- night Dnrlng o~, LytleSu ndtlY. , l her -n· 1 tll " ellutl' ~ul lind oon for t. 'L, ::Imit,II, o.ttonue t f tl 'llI' rW llot! 1111 "'" reoei ved iu vitatiOtl8 , IICo,' "" titlon fenoe div~del the t.wo traots, bome' will be her tl n. mooti ng of _ ' v U oconple ll by Mrs , primari ly to t, le ve ,emn!' 0 ' • , N. U, stnucnt s Ilnd townsm on itl l .1l\cob c;urnoll Bod ohlldre n, were II' tt) 1It.t,orrll h i comt:1lll noemen t exer. iug though t thllt On tho Ilno, Qr very 010S8 to It, t~ere James Clarke anti Miss J now onj oy, t,ho )ll'rll Houso on 'l'hursda .y evc. the 15nlldllY eRllie Chlrke war, Mr. Clldwallh,dllrhsts guests of HI\Try Cornell add[ re!!!l ,eun I ~I'S lit ~\\'UrthIllOI'e Col1e~e, Penn- ing r est fr om }lILln , !! orrow !lod trou , Illn~ •....od 't 1 ntly , Tbll Lebn non pllopl e lIeome(I ' lwd fllmily of near Ferr,y. - , 8uu , un I reoe , two Inllll1 who will have the plensnr'e of a vis , tllined helpful tlbug or ,O \'ery " D S 'h th ble , ' tI t I ~y h- 'ILlill, waln'tit treell: It seemst bat', B fe~' it from Mrs Clarke 's un' or to hflve rellli~ed wllllt 11 g reut , rth IlY , Ix mon I,wo little person lin the. :~ngrec~.()~.' '~t:cnld ~3tli , lit IIFou II pnd 'benofi olnl Institut th llY hut! rrllnn. fI,nd Graole ,,_ ,'olook. . montba aKo Mr. Tho~as <;lut 'down vurne OIl lIed Sbe hlld ILlwuys beon u 10l'cr , uf ,In t hoi r midst un til itiou nd ohlldr~n from Ol~olnnati. lag the eSBon wal! ul m Ollt 011 Mrs. PILt Onrren one d~y last a rue ptl 10 18 11 ' , I 'e of these trees. Rnd thllt after I!;ra flowers , und mony , to bo snftteile u fr oUl them . und w ee k, InspIrin g ' his heners towllrd ,000 ' l.UDrl' nOO bO il. 'gliven four years decorf1.t ed h er bier. h uodsom o ward it was agreed, &8 ,he olaims, The two old stone water troughs tlnued efIor~ In the OIlUSO ,'en th on t hoy seemlltl rathe r ~I ow of conn hard lubQr t o IllS work while ILt that he should ktlep the tim~r of whloh have for years st,ood Her tired lIud pai n fll oked 10 ta ke 1ll0/lSUr es for .rnl sing t.ho ~~~ neaT try, of tho home on,earth nnd of thll SWllrt bl1l1~ro, 0fn d hps ~~~~,~~~~~~~ won the lan , \VaS Jutti In tilll F r iends' burying doh t undor ."0 tr 4e •... /tt he had out down, and ~he pomps at the GU8Un House Ilnd home beyond , which , t,be institut i on Still Great er Impro ve.... I rel s, f or hllnsel ~.... whioh his , friends "~oulJ(l to awnit t,hll r esllTroc ti on hllll heon Inhori,n g , Whou fit ,hat MrB. Silver shonld ha.V8 the on Third street wereeo l.1 Satnr d the ment s AdvO cated, oy , '"mornin •• ILDtwII>IIted f or hi m . recent lIl tile lItudeotll deollll" 1 other tree: Now she has sued , him, aft.erno on at publio auotlon ' g, otl t,hem8e lvcs tlbl e to raise $10 000 , ChaTles Form er Pup~ls of Schoo l by' Le,ague . li B hilI' receive d n fl litterin g offer ' llr, K intll e Tllylor /lnd wife from Illuong b'efo~ Esqdlre Edw&rdll, 19r '100, SellrR, of Ferry. bought the on~ nt to Plan their d wn ru,n ks and pro _ __ _ _ __ for Home -Com ing. l from th ll fncult,;' " of \,h o ~oh~ol . show- DlIytuu , Mrli , Mnry Aun Mlltb cr lind du fQr damage s in outt.l ng the tree an d the 2!i Bnd D ced ovidenclI Ihut they 1~1I.d ue·1 Tho meeting of the Buslnes ' Gnstin Bouse for $5. I ing .Jl I ' ll' h B Men'a •. , I f \v ' 1 I'O I t,but, alIa for interfer ing with tbe root.8· B .'flocke tt bought t,he one h R () art,s posit.ed I~ nuclells ulrendy In t,b,e I live ueco dtlughl,or I!)SI leI' 'r uin ' I III Il l! to n bunk; on Third t,h e \looplll wll re somow hllt ' Lengue h eld Mond/:l,y evenin~ A general melltjng o( memherll nf ,l npPT" OilllOd by tIW111 . was" "th ' lind ther !\Ir!!, tree Delh, whloh Foster (rum UlelJ urUlll'fl(\ nnd d onution s begau com. do voted she'cla ims street for ,5,20, This sale , brongh t the H.igh &lhool o eo, \lllllost Alumn. flntlrely 1 Assooin h to m lion a di80USI I ' t . t tl , tS he out aW6Y toal}ow the fence to be, into t e,v age roa!lurY ' .A ftor /I vl.1 t o f .w for't,nlgh~, lit dnlo, wero nw ong thos w hO' "'lIre III" in fr om tl:ll sieles . 1t is qu ite ion of WUYR JUs I lInd meanB t,o beautif '" <' d d b;'II· on the line. Both of tbe par. muoh olear money PS the troughs and ex· pupils of the HiC,h Soh ool, h Ol11o ~fl or I'ho cl os of Iler ootlege prese ut ut the funeral . " IIk (' ly F , D . Rockof~ller n~ An rew IIml improv e the appeara nce, who aro not graduat ea, 'WII, I bo hEll<1 .Ireot II'" "'111 rl'.tllrn lind .,. • ()f' our ~ake _ ro I t th t 'iel have been to 'Lebano n and have bave be ep 0f IJll ruegill WIll contrIb c ute ~ IIbernll •• y If 'no ,, va ue ~ 0 e own tn , the 'l',o wnsh!p 1:10use, 'fhursclllY the pi lin nf Iluil cling n new , h ployed two or three lawyer s since the waler works were osition J:lPOIl' the stn'ff of Knigh ts qf Pythi as I IQWn . , est.ab. evening ' June 7 Ilt 7 :3,0 o'olock t.o s p n~ii}lo P tiun liS is now projeot ed is Inst-it.\) eao em , oarrled ' Thre!l pril,os have been offered by ' Ii hed ' I " d , I lJeco" " atl',.'u , •. . " ne 17. ' f inHlruo .more or lel8 . The parties are in a ,s . tnrs wh e re 118 mllny 1I m r , w' I , ... m Cnd t Ba d prepare for ~hel fes 'lvl tlllB 0 , m g fr ion.Is wish hiJlI tLhundB t) ut, th e Leaguo to the persons fair way'to Jaw away money enoogb ut suo' The new aynesv e U omo omLnst &tur<1/ ~y liven ing whon I,\ta greutestl improv ement making e n " Alumni Day" durn~ fli' the . ·to }:luy a dozen nice walDut trees, or will appear in publio the firBt t,ime Or own Lodgf1, No. r): K , of P., Rnlph Johos, .11l111 eS .T obns' yOllng appllllru Ing week. ' ' uoe of tb\lir propert y ' dul' . ce~~. will decorllt e tbo grn vos of th olr o. t bQY WII !! drn~ging £lome two IIU.o farrus,- Lebtl.n on PresS. : toda,. Memori al Da y. Aild little ing t ho present snmme r. Th'e Jirst °lf the The PreRldo nt of the Assoolnt·ion l Wan ted, W 'h Ite Corn. decellsed brother s tillnrlny. J llne 17, ~~i:.~~:I~V~}~~r i~~e~~O :~I~~~( •• ' membe rB are exper ence p ayers Mr. ' C. 14. Cartwr ight, of Ohloago, l r"~~::~ pri~e is 00 tn gold" the 'eoo~d at 2 '11. Crown Lodg'e K of P :All neighhorlng lodge,S su!'poc ting no dllngor ai nil. b \~lIS and the muslo will be excepti onally will mllke a lpeolal ', trlp prlze·'S ,.OO, the' tb'rd prize to " be prell' BlghpI' 00' . t mllrket . , good, New uniform s ha, ve been re llrice lJI'id fOr aud visiting broth ers n,ro oordinll y suddlln ly °nter talns sot upon by Allen Ellll)rOounol1 w'lll make ILD eUO'l't to put I::; I • oelved this week and. the orjtllnI7.A. ent at the meeting to oonfer with Whi'o Corn . I ' ok's clog. If Allen hlld not be(m inVited to partio pille , , WAyNItSVI ...... E M, ... U:I . Lad • tlon will make a ShOWlDg of whioh ~embers 118 to plan~, '"d rlghl antI bent him off von" II p~ bll 0 Pr aporty In I ha •. PI! au The membe rs of Crown " - -ge the t.own will have reaSI'D to be -when h e oaDle lLt him the seo()1Il1 Cllllllmlt.tllll from th~ ~lI!ue It 18 earnest ly deBlred tuat there will no. - v "'ven a treat llIolIt Wedne sday proud N'ewt "'undlln tl'e t GAR Sund ay 'Excu rsion "'me It might hBve fared bud wlt,ll denake to olean up nnd fb qp , band hRI be a, large attenda nce. n_ " State Enca mpm en the fill to Cinci nnati ~he boy. AII\t Willi he bit him about pa:rJLru e'f8llln l after Lto4Re by bei.,g ,,' d engage• d to play lit p(Jrt. L--m.ut the It.ndpi pe whloh hq' WIJHnm All former . the heatl breakin g the skin In a few pupils af the fllgh, OhiO, a to l!ith. 'Up with loe Cream at Pb1ll1p8 Ice for a Memori aJ , service , and . , IPllloeli and BI80 on the IlrlU In sev been an eYNOre lor &10111 , , tht'Y Bobool, grllduat eB or Dot, Ilre oordl Parade JUDe 13. ttDie ' analD Parlon , Tho brothel' ll that ha~e been aSked:t :;0 cents round Via Pennsy lvanlB Lines. o play the follow· ali,. invited . &.90 erlll plucea. He 18 gett,l ng IIlong nlC6'1 The oonditi on of ~ It ree,, .. . . _t borne r.1w.,.. mill the goocl Ing Sunday . 1ll1O. round trip from WayneSVille. Speo Iy Ilnd nothiDg. serlotl8 III apt to Illao & 8ubleo ' of dlloculi\na. MA. . T., B~aWlf, Sea. trip via D. L. '" U. \ial train leAves 8.28 a. m . June ard. come of It. It II tlUppos ed the dog ,
. "
"'lli1~'i?~, ".'r.l f) ,u I£JINUUl!J
-cro8er Linking of the American Republics
l'be)' Ar e ElUlllo),ed In Varioull b'jell to Utilize Power of Ourrent».
TYl'lcrll dlnll
... ". :'1"\
A PUBLIC DUTY. The Providing of dOo)d Hlghw"y. R esponlllbillty the Oovemmetli Must Reco~z~
Butrt red Bevuel)" with Bcsema AU Over lIody-A Tho1U&lld Thana to Cutleura Jl.emeclt...
!' I'lln lit OI' IVI\3 • fl In I h., ,1I.,'u>I.lon or Ut(' uw rlts of tbe "For Mer thirty·five t W" a . . Tl1 e J) \!\l1l11l of 6),1' 111 find '1'1"15 ruake oIU' h 1I 1lll ng' us u jll l "llIlu ,~nlll'L, H uuy ~,~~ Bluwnluw- I.lIl1 mcl'l;( tl IUUtll< bill bo· .el'e .. ufT~rer from oczema. Tbe eruption .bol l' ~u 'm 1ll8 do Lhlngs tht\.t Amerl- of 1110 ' wa~ IIrlt'wl'lt III Ilnll ""I' lo r fl)l~ (·" U''''\IIlR lit "llry t\1'~t fad ttl b4 W.8 wU nil 110~.. vcr <onfinad to OilY place;' It , " .... my body. limb000 •• and e'·cn on ; UUl! do nut seom to) b aH' lea.rned l'O Il ~ltJe' l" I I ~ Uwi !:U<Hl I·ollds IIr~ Ih~ ru y hClld I ant six ty yeura old Bnd AD 3C ' r l of 11~'I'B u 'HlIlI g thtl wat llr cour.;e~ lIU1'II, Il l' II'I~~ hruUl\ hl lutu Ibo A MANURE SHED. g l'elltest rUl'W ,t; o! III't.lfll. \'o m(UI·\ nnd ..101 ",,,Iellcr. lind havo been exaIDIJ\~ b,. !l( thlll t QUnLry til l1or{orlU. l;Uy ~ tbl! ~rlllllnnl 1'1)\1 11, I rl~tJ 1I" a 11\11/(1111", unol l be tOlDla, Paa-AmetiuD Coacrell to be Ueld at Prtropli! - A "Solidllled lit ttl Jil 11 , II" :len ',,1 U 11:110 uf y ar~. UOIlI' UIIlIlC~ " ",\, ~\H\t 10 \jlcijij the 000- th ' Oil" rnmcnt DOBrd over hfteen times lIembphere"- P•• t Pan-AmericaD Attempts. Nl' \\' York T rl bu uu. , ' , Re ., I R ow Tt 1\'(rt" BI) Buil t 011 E n d of Bru'n t I III nlUl lucv ..«.d th ere wns no curo 'for me i III Inn)' lllntJ. ,lu tl Ihll l l I Y CO il I' • hove IlIk 11 ull killdil of ItIOdlCme and h~v. A t Tlltt l! th e llnlh es bu \·e Icurned uur 11 !\, whl rh 11,. 1"III'1I'll lhl)I'u1I \; hl)' t h s ' II'aUIl whl h h(l hud 1,)1'\1 11 n '.'oset,! III Illyand Made to Proville Sttnw Stollo ut alJ\lll,I:InU,' to e nh 'IIIt'1! lilt' 1111t1nllul ~pl' lIl Il1r~e 6U1113 o f money lor docto... hillY to U IIUz I be pOlV er or lho urngo and Cattle Sbelter. II f!! 1I 11d IU O'Il" H the Inll\I~Il' C~ that w'lholll nl'oil. )\ . horl t lUlu IIgo I decld4::d r\!nt \1! lhe HI\' er Kur wltbouL ' buU,I- Ino:. \\'11I'1l h ll W,,~ 1'(' lll:I~"'.I. WIlt' 'i l<'rnllu,'~ ~lllUh' Ulm'l 1111: 11, Itl t il" Alii 1.lel1ll to CQlil ulrntc IlOltllllltlUl1 111lel1lly to ll1' I ""'J Lhe enkl'K uLicura Remedies. !'Ioap and aft.r u' '''11 of Cutl~urll two lug d mi>. Wlllit t h Y hayu II com 'J'Lltlro Is IIU 1Iu l.. IrlJl tl III Ihn "rl1i -, ~"r Il r!:lInl!ll i lOll of lin Alllr r lcnn ro nIcu u Mllnlll\y l~(! " h'w 0' 1t.<' I'I ' W S. ht) A ~ lr "W 11 11<1 n"lplll·a SII NI 1 ':111 h e tn L ho Inr!,';' dlll'H'W Ute tllscom rort l)u xu9 ot ("lI tll·'II'n Ointmllnt, nnd Iwo uOl· ,_111111 lit It. (o Ii: 1'1IIo. h Ib,\I w'· ..r Ih ~ feeIN'II~ ~' 1: , r~"I)' F"t 'In f\1I11 hr lSlmon 1111 h otl poS~llI l y 1Illsh ~ b dOlle hy nn !Jc!-'n n 10 jll1ll' lIcl! In en rne~ . , II wa~ built o n II no s id' or 1110 bar,, : Ib ~ :I ud icllrl 111 lin t "r Ihl! llHuDlunliy III lI e'. "r ' ul,clIrn Resoll'ent, tlvo trentn\cn(s J 11l'II 1\ t'~ PI' ~HIll W\II'II II'Il oll l HIIII\" lr, II r('5I,11)11 I of Colombia, Tho AUWI'I.l'al1 furm ol' 1I"l lIg 011 the lIJ1l1kll rCUr rONL(}rl. 11'1 '1 II'llnltleO, nOll, art.1' a ~1 1 . lI' 10 lo r' !'lit 111 111 lIull,111I1; 0'· r 1l1 1'''e 1111 111 ,·" pr!mnry rue! 18 tlllll inurNnil, I ~ 1I1 11QW well and compleLely pI Il 1\lllltJ ll11J\·llll; HlrCll ll1 n u,l 'Ielsl du ); 'I'II C . ~ " , 11 11 · I 11J' I c !. ~\ Iltmumml t bonl<s LIl 'utic urn 1 t h tihe I with a wl n'l l'l 1: I' .",~• •))Vl'!l AII I'rlrll lls, 1 11 I dolJllr l' lIltetl Sta W II~ ' hll'ltell to ~ellll Ile l• • to. I' _. \\lI el "'''lll t l.. 1 I') I) Hne 1U1~ gen enllllot "lien I: tno hillhly of tho uUo~ra n s mnll. br,\\) i'O wcr, ']' b o 'UU CII" S co n II "rill . lurll 1 IIIJfJ~O U~Ul ll , n 11101'0) ~JI lIolt tHll y (()rget th lll tlill l 'l\lIndl:t 1l N.'1ltcs III Ihe C' n gre~" lind acce llt..:n~e Ill'CUIlIIIHs l! eO 11I1rl; llIl' lhll n b rore. A ~,c .1 II UI'I' KII'IH' 11 l(o ~(lI I' l' Ihe TUllO I III~di\!~, ,Iohll T . ROBCh , U iullluondolo . Ia ns build Il\l~ ~s all th e sllrface or the ~ . l " l hltt rlatl l,. llut lh II WII be loW1 M the IlIdtatlllU wllS, I'II\Ored II )' Pr'sQues tlun I h .. lI gJ! II·H111~ " .tlu 01 ,,1·Op· R WI . 0., 01110, July 17. 1005. ' • , rl Yer. Inlo lh e m ale sut wuter wh 018 fe w months ugo hr' wns s hot III by (1i6 he. l~1 hmlu\ of Pllnau\ Iher ' Is n 1 IIII'nt ,IJI1I~ o}ld 1l enry 'laY. sec' rpllenvtl r pollee III In utt olllplio e~CI\ lle a "NY hll ~ bCl' 1I ",t .r, 'n tly 111 'reBIII',1 IlY II ~y hll; terMlo i), wb ~"P('l llli bn"e I In' M ~I.ltl', When the pr slUe, ; In Th e whu le IIlTal r Is fa te ned to Lho Ihlrd arr s t, lIe~ WllS ca ntul·ed nn I gou,1 roto'oI a l h , L It lij It.lposs lblo to THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES. r~ I;unll rillht to ('011 11I~1\l~.'I\'<:~ I hIs !\ll nll II lUossa!; u llnoun \'ed n In- ban k lu au 'h a way thnt rt will rlso brongh t In lo Ih .. juvunll e cou rt. stili · /. 1.ll'1~" Sllm,llll II, llnd full w ith a llY 'bunge In th o level tn dC Ill . Of Il\te w IlIlI "~rll l 1~I('r", would b (,ll mOlIs lon~d In ottI l!:I'el·)' " " 11 . from ('Ity il w~lll)r t o And .. Mere Representative .Waa No of th e su rface or the rl rer. so th nt tbe lIIel'll thll.1 Ihnt .,ug ht to hu,"o uC1l1I ;':0\lth.\ uo I th e . I~l,'n " ~ II! Sol;lh ttlnd t\J \'I' r,.llCJwl'll n 01051 h ~OIt'l 1 LIeIlIg to Rl' huol. ' Sl.~'" z.n, f a ,'m o wn er ,1lJ0i l.trlll Ill r. hil S t r,d Orent Shnkes Among Them, , on,r IL Is Qull., pr<lblllll~ we ! hiltI" In ))Igret<; alTlllnl\ IhU I'"nOIl! jlower I ~ a bont constan t \lcll the t ime. Ju tlg~ " Uen '· U. Lindsl'Y, who pr $1(1 'I Q'·I·,,"1I111 I blo'~!! III ra IJ f tbe 1m- I Anyh(lw. In i-I.ama to a n cleDL "entertng In r ell Ii some .Iay \I nit ~\rnJsh l ""HI1 OlJjel'l lons r AI~e\l \\' IIS the on Ihnt lhe Ill") ' em III or 11I'lag coll,U Lh1nlJ hroUgh l Il nmlllb ." the Syrtaus bave oocom· O\'C I' t h tl'lbunnl . W tlS .'onrron leli b), . 1 Se nator Il em 1I\\'l\y tcll~ of an incident ::tIlr 'ye wide opelt. nll ed Ht \lr~ Hho"I II b s lo\l' to ,'!Jill1IIJUIlI 10 )' wull -uullL blg hwa ys. 'J'lIese that occurrt!d dUring a political Cl11l1\lll1gl1 IlIIsh tld a fl'ut t hat mokes one tblnk b 1(1, h:lrd &IIN II nllllnnnllll'lllly ~h ll rll [1; tb lJnllo.1 ~U\\(, 11'11 nCI\IpOIPII 1 1ll1t It self I Ih 11(, 11 Y c nUlll latcd In Cru. 9*.';·" arc s ln' ll lt IIIILI CIOllu ont o hjpct IESSOllS Ul Iowa .. f Ilrilug o ne' self ove r II fan ce by you n!;' IlXP "t In crime who hull JtlI'~ tI )111 I AmerI ca, t he7e .111' Olber CA'UII - \he MOllrot! DoctrIne, a lit lIu ull )' IWO I n one "r the lown. it had boen arH'''I'.I.1 to 11I11Jr1!S Ih e trulh upuu th e Ulln6. t IIgglng at ope's 'lOQlII l raps. Tltey ned Ihe [lollce by tolliug balr a dozen I'lIn gCl.i thrlt, when the bi~ orlllors of tbe trll~ hal hn" e no t- nl\n\o' l~', Gernlll ll Y, c n " oy~ wtlro n p polnled a nd on "lll)rO, ~.\l'WIlE S Il[lJ-{'no ~ S SECTlO)/ , lI ( ,wllry l1,m -Sl IUQu lrer, hal'e h orn esscU th e hlstoJ'IC Oronles, (lin: r nt ~IMI ~, Ju dge Lin (1 ey be!,"lIll tiny hud II~ ,I lheir illY With rufrlrClllce to r II Brl lAl n ,\0 (1 1I1l1~ ' We; : lII\"<.' nl'l(ltl n , tocl ror th ml ~ 11lI\' lIlIe \\' t\ ,lI'e lo ng UAt) gollon nwu y from Ilolit;·s th re were to bo 11 lIuln ~e r of or Nahr 01 As I, tho Syrlnn s cull It, by tili ng th e b6y thnl he d ldn't bOIl9\·o Qc>otJl'~tea C()mlll i1r\'I" I ro·lntl" ns with or tbe 11 \1 ys d leel o n th' jO Ul'1I0),. t ho Into tho worlt of lifting it solf ma ny him to be hn lt ItS ·'to ugh u kid" itS the fih ed lIl II)" IJ 11 ErO fo r HtO(\ 11~ 1"\10 · " I'liun .1 0 11 Whi ch th e conten tion cnn en lort u1l1mcnla of the slde·ahow varIety to ' tilt:' .·ontb AlIlerlcl\lJ 181"~, we h.we "ther c,lld nOL n rrll'e u ntil oriel' the reSl Iha l I' lId -milking belongtl excl u- be helo.l 01) I he common [ee t toward the 1.onltb and 11'!llned It poli lie h a,1 nUld him out. un d Ihat hd wn~' lIud 1.I:wC' 10 t'~('d rl)l1 ghl\ ~C, A P " llljJOU. polllici Bn ... ho hnll servcd a n ... ~l,".ted ' cemenlln~ fr l ud blps. e'los" or Ihe con tercnce. , Only fdur t hus to wa ter Ib ell' fl'lIlttul gardens wOIlI i' not be" e.nt up" If he was" (Inure ' I h l ~ 11I11nllre ~he el Will 1l1Ol 0 111 I'r~'· l ~ Ive ly 10 local umlJltluu, ollvanta ge IlD el t el'n, in the stllte lesl.lature, ' nud "US by t J uly Pnn-A morl 'l111 eo n gre~s c:ountrl s were rQLl r C~ nt cII 01 the P un · ,I nd o r chards. with tbe c urL'· lwd made u cl eA n br a t t Nt Ibl! 1llll llllr r 11 1111 SII" l11 C ""ulllb l' I o.:1(, lI' l h. IJccu uBu the hig hways are of rt!I\lIOn of thllt fact on exit-crnely Iloo d 11; to IHI h Id In Sr:llll . (I t Po'l ro poll:;, nmn f'O!JgI'CtiSj It tllel not IlIrn out ~ er m witb bimself, while endeavoring t ('I lIl~nl . lJUI , will All· !;Ollll, ..,)lllturt - \ IIUll'rl Sfi l " e. co nl1"lbut!ng 10 r,atlonal As for size the waler whe els wh h' b ot his tr ouble with th o '·CO IIS, " eit.:pnJeU 20 nill es fro III IUD ,I J unelT, . ucr esa. This ne w lreUllUellt got fr III th o uoy ullie QU ll n er s to ytlun~ gtol"; ,I UI·11l 1( pl'ullt Hnll rOUl'elll c nce und t hey nro witb n number of IndiCA to mll.!:e hi. wily do l hls wor k nre ns to other wa l r t hrougb n dense crowd Lbll t surrounded Til ' l' nit ,I S t1 l11bRsSodQr 1.0 HI'Il1"0110\\ jnS th IS fo lluro ,'orlouN Rtwh eels wbat Nlugl1rn Is to othe r wnter- hI!; rORI SIOI'V, 110 bnd b e uled In tl) his th u col lI of 1I'11Iu:r. u nd will "n'u ld " \ th" I'OfUlI' universal In 'Ihelr good re- one of the ShOWl1 Counu bunself unable t 1111, LloyO Q rIS~'(l m , will rell re ' n t Ihls temill s \\!~re m nde 10 b ring lhe Amer- tails. As o ne by ono ot these first I!Ten "I) loy a deS Ire ror n knlfo \\ It h 0 I 11111 cl'l n tb o hent or ~11111111rr an ti . ~lI l1 s , MO! Il have censed to thlnlt be-' proccI'd furdl er \)CCU U a of n !Jurly indl· mmry. /l od the con terell ce Is 10 be I CUll r D\lbllcs In ct,ln foren ·c with a (;n mt woode n frall1 C3 r evo h' lng upou wld ch to make n kit e. Ills fllthe r re- th e lOft will ~hel le r fll1lte u III 01 C9 UHIJ 1110 elCltn nslon of our nntton(ll dlYlllunl whom he could not tbru st •• ide. llnnur , .j b.,· t be ntL~nd t1llve of 1~lI hu view to blllding Ib ill Itl closer lin Ion. Its woodell oxlo und looks up ut Its ru sed to ge t him o nl'. n nd he broke IIlLO Slrnw, f'ott nble r e<I I'l1 c t; s nil \.I " IIIlIhle" hnvD d l ~p rov en s uch conten- Vrn wll1g hm1l;elf up to hiA lull heiibt tb. tap{led ~be o\Jend,"" ono on tb. tll'IQ Bllcrpl nr), of stote, who (iOIlIl UOI In 1847 II con g r ess was h eld a t Llm u, pl'rlme ter 40 t oet above ono thinks It a hn rher s hoO li nd too l. a r llZo r, Ar:- pi llcet! In hol'o nlld th ere . 11011111 :.1"0 11011, Ih nl 1111' hurd n ot rond cons true- pohLlrinn hould ur, ""y mg 1I. be did 60 . "Here\ ' II a tQrnll'll de le&llte , bUI (0 pay delcgnles 11re e nt trot!] fi\'e ' o utll large ond Is osto nls hed when h o tllru s o rdlllg to thc lel ler of th crhnlnnllnw. bo a wate r (a u k :lnt! l\ all iL \)fl X, )M li on l3 hem !1I re~t all the lo~al com rou- M ilke way therel" " Wbo arc you. that JOU . I,<)ul(1 push me vlldt to Brnz ll un d III I wlLh the Anl c rlcan r e publics; tnlS resul ted In his gnzo upsl realll 10 see thM re lati ve- tbo boy bad committed a burglary. As fnrltlBl' WIl O h as s uch II SI11'II. fmyg III Th l\1 I silUply a traditIon at round that way!" aemandeu the oIL11"•• r 1)I1~~ll n t~ t II' S ITom Ih a VU l'lOtlS rc- trealles ot confederation, o( coln- ly It III not a grell t wheel, tor In th e Lhere "'us no 'Jil'"eullo·· Iuw lit lhe time, Ohio F Ol'm er. has ju_1 tJllls ll ".1 hAIII - \ 1I.lIlnllll l "OIl CI', "A fCprCllcntAtive of tbe people, airl" IJII , Wh en Se e rlA ry ' Root !I'rS! merce and n a ,'1ga UolI , a postnl trea ty, dls lan ce looms up one 60 reet ID height, h W AS dea ll wi t h as n prof 5slon nl In g out a II le 101 of 1l111I1Ur , nnd W ~ Honel bllll lll~ g Is undoubledly a pub- exclnimed t bo politicil\lI. lIld linl\n~ly. Jl ud kno wlI b l. Inteo tion to attend l he II consul a r c:ouvontion , A second 'on- Eveo the n he Is not prepnred ror tho hous bl'cal(c l·, A Ii d abou t hlij first think It I~ wonh fi ve limes liB III l1tlb li e d ULY whi ch rClSI ~ llpon t he gorern'l'he man grinn ed. "Oh. thnt ain" Ingress, It WI\8 roadlly r cogn jt d gress at LIUla In 1 U4 arrived a L no 80ecl ncle of one 90 fee t 10 dIam ete r. It'ln l, h c sul.1 10 Jutlge LIndse y: os mnnur" IHlUICCl fro m a n O J) n yurd . lIl e UI In SCIntO Corm. Tbe bills beforo 1I0t bm'," lIIIid be. ··We foln hero air tb. h move waF pi co o r dlol nllley, pm t1cal re sults. Al a Ihlrd congrllll!l, g runting nround on Its cumbersome "Aw, d e g il) wid d whl slcers. wot s nt I lind wh m Is more. Ir Il were In 1111 1co ng ress IncHe nl n reaslbl e wa y to a pecpul tbci'JwI1'ea!" Dllt It Sge01S rc)!lel~\l diplolllals hu I'e beld to 1 j • trcallas o r extradltton a nd 1\xlo just outside the town. up o n de high b'lII h looked over a t do ope n Yllr,1 It wou lrt h ilYI! lJ een ' lib ' 1· ' o lulion or the long-vex<:d troubhi und thflU1!t1 t ",'el\ to Ie san Its nlue. fo r Inte rnalio nal l a w we re prepared, (I Life In F1nma tor so me people 18 cop,' lind de ' cop ,' he says : 'DI~ Is a fro zen so rt co uld 1I0t IJ IHlu led or tl)C It Is gl'nU f,.lng to 1I0te the strong sen- Cures Onnce~, lIlood Polson and SmlUl"rl ' WOI to b e hondled, t lme nl In 'e very purt ot th count.... Rheumatism. , lI~e th e likI ng at o Lher,s tor olives. nn "ery bnd klCl; he bro lte In to barbe s ho) d lool dh d ., If you llnl'o blood poison produci ng enl\)' nCQulred IAste. because of t h ese very I 0 11 ( a razo r , nn a - I . for lhelr <nnaclil ie llt Into Inw, 'I'hll t 'Ions, pllnp . Ieo, u IceN, ~vo II en 8 IunlIa, t r FOR - BETT wnte r wh Is. A cord ing as ooe feels ml B It. yer 1l01l0r De n tic g llY 011 chI ER ROADS. proposition alTers a 11611cy or coopera- bumps ond riSi ng", IJUrninll, itcbing akin, lion un d secks to bring In the genera l coppcr·colored GpotS or msh on the IIkln, a bout It, It Is 8 mu slclI l city or one nll- hig h bench se nds me liP widoul tl ,,"l o' What Is Bpin g Dl'n o in Illinois Un · go, l) l'ume ut liS II rn~tor to wQrk In t'On - mucous-plllc bc. in plouth or thl'04l. filII .....~,..:;... ...... e,l wi th n erv e·melt lng j;roans . Dol' nnd me It 11lt a n ct lo fia Y:l wold ," dor the New R on ds Comm isne 1I0~"'Vllh nllY state or s ubdlulsloo inl! hair. bonoloke P~1n~, old Blood rhollntntleh, 0 ni gh t without ccnslng these maSSive, I .I th hoy wus well stlll't ed on 1\ • foul cntarrb Bol=ic llnlm (B. IThlls t slci w r evo ll'l ng strn clUres utter s peech. cr m na career befol'e he wnll ten yen rl4 slon Lnw, I l h!>r!'O!, thc linlteO SLAtes to pay on - n, B.). It IHlia the 'p0i800 in Lbo bloOd, ~'o r those who hnve acqui red tI taste old. Fortu nately, h e fo llin lo 11ft) II nntl9 -, Imle Ibe C()st (j C Improvement and tbe lOon all 101'''• • ruph oll. beal, hurd ~w.ll· Jl Is Inl Slres ttnll 10 nole what the ~t.alc or s \lb(llvlslon to Ja tho other inge Bubslde, uehcI nnd al oa stop, and • tor t heir ompllnlons hl j) th e ne ver- of lho De n ve r juvcnlle cOllr t, whkh hall vorl ous d s tows TIt e 1'"n I8 e lY perfect la IIIlIde 0 Lho \\'0l1l~ cute ceaslD g tones arc soothing . r s~mbllng been establish ed In th e Inten-ul !Jet wee n I lb f bnre tI(jlllg to 11I1 1Irol'~ h'llf <. very reason Wh y th e of ilIoodcure 1'OiIOIl. Ihe ocean roar or a slo w fug ue pla yed his seconLi and tblrd arr s t, Will i be c rol,l so t (\ 'ollntry 11Istri ts, \l001)1 or th count I Id I I'-or cancer, tilmon, ~v~lIing., ealinK It I t r~ 8f~01~ rolce I'e lore., ugly ulccrl!, pc rsistent pim ple. of all ' 9n some yc\opeDJl o rga n, T he dia pa- was still nble to "pull 1111 ,'· Ins!E'lId o r l ,l Il ools· I slslaturc at I t~ Ins t 8e68 1011 thI s 11 Ip tI ·G s no, I: .\ ~n dnno - kinds. take D. U, D. l~ dcslroya til Clln · son tones nre deeper and I utle r than tellin g 111m th a t he wa s 8 bod boy nncl 1I0ssed a law Cl' ClU ng a highway CODla nd nllllfopriallnil $ 25,000 to vIhae ~O nolmOIOtYl~.renlrmnreen,t s or a ne for ccr poison in tho blood, luml, ~~D(~cr of all lb e deepest organ ~top . Now Lhey are ~cndlng hIm 10 Jnll ago ln. Jlldge ·Llnd- . ml~slon b d I I I . , kiods, CI1<CI the 11'Or5t hlll nol'8 or 8 UI1PUflltIn unison . now repeati ng the t heme, sey ,to\(l him Ih at he was !L ' ·bully fol. I e use n em p oy n ~ an e Xlle rl whose Tbe cons titution ot II e U It d Stil t ing 81\'elliu/lll. ·l'houlIllnd. oured by U. B. I n e ea B . nlter nil else l~iI •. II, n. lJ. compOled one ntter nnothe r. now fo r a brief )ll0- low ' Rnd sel him fl'll - no (lrobllll on , I bnslne s It s it nil be, III)On r (l1l E'st, to Ill ent In a ub llme b ll rmony n e\"er to To-dny that boy Is sllli ~olnA' u phlllllll 1"1 81l nny cO UlOlunlty and gll'o 'advi ce btlns be:n ~~llInd to Cnvor opproprla- of pure bot~nio io~redient •. lmpro\"e. tbo wos gOi ng downhill Itefo re. lUi lo t h e !Jes t mea n s ot b~tt ri ng CO Ull' L°t '0 Iltl Ie mOlldeys tolPlromote prt- dlgcllion. ltIok " the blood pure lind n oh. b (orgott ell, acconll n ~ to one (fit veler , fast liS he _ _ Iry roads, TIll:! n.i"lcc Is g iven o.lth. va ('utelllr se an s pec a Interests: ltops tbo awful itch ing ' and 011 .harp, Ihen ouce more t(l,getia r In n tre,. to build up Ihe ReacollSt s tates t hro h &bootinll pains, T boroughly IClted for d h b ' I' ug th irty >'cars. Druggists, I per tartlo bot· m endolls chonts. The sounds are de- NOT A RE AL SAFE PLACE , out ~ost to the commulllty alld can ~e I ~___ • f rollow ed or not, 10 other word s any I' ver 1111 a r U)' mprov e men ts at the tle, With complt!te dirl'CLions for home sc ribed ,os a BloW m\lvoment Ill' tho ' Sectloll has th e r ight to lhls · udv lce expense oC' Iho Inlund slutes ; and to cure. t$.~ mpl e free nlld P cpl\id bl' wr.ti ng scale, followed wl lh a b envy drop to Th ere A 11pea'r e(I t 0 B e T.... 00 .w.any Op. . la ke or t he pcople's ~reasure 10 build ijJ OCId BRim Co" Atln ntll Ga. ·DI,lSCi'iI?" the keyno te ns: 'Do ml sol, do do do : portuultle:s for Oetting In without enta iling , allY expense wbat· d d trouble nlld Cree medlcol ud"lcc ailio sVftt t Tr bl e\·er, The state. blll bwoy ens lnee r e m. roo ways I\n other wise ImlJrove con- In sealed leller. ' ! elo~ sol la, do do do, This uneenalng t! ~ e. played by th e com ml&slo o 1$ A. N, dlHons ror hll lf-clvllIzed nnd unSisyph ean mllsll', It Is said, hOB been . Johnson now of S I'ln fl eld III clvlli zod Inhabltonls of the Islnnds ot Total FalJure. ' ,1 ~o lDg on tor n cenl ury at l enst. "heo Mr. T ront deCided Lo buy a . ' p g " " a Lhe sen, Surely tbat constitution cao"Jr, Fel'll1llOD WIL. io a hillh Itnte of i. bome In the SOUUl In whlt' b h e ull d his I man er wldc expe ri ence and good jutlg· b d b , . m t It I Id d t h I tl r nOI e Sl101mOnC as n nrrler ngalns t dignntion. "Laura," be .aid. "whet bave you bee, fa mlly cOltld s pend th e s pring mo ulil s ' I ersen. n rm· I he progreRs a nd dov lopment of the PUT HIS FOOT IN IT. of tb c~ so s tate. an can 0lookm forIe advice doi ng to my new ""fely l'Uor ~ It'. d \1r I ug W I1IC)I I be y h ael to\lnd -1! W I e pl ' l O o t Id ruinud.H Englaud winds en d weat h e r lO b e trv ' \ anli s uggestion s at any t lmt', ~ ~II~ : L 101~~'1 \'~nl~~~ tl ~o Willi What tho Dude Did, That ·'1 dIdn't know it " ' 01 a razor, Oeerg.... lng, he took II journoy of In \,ostlgn Ho'u The commiSs ion ju~t appol nL (I lJ' 11 IfI UI!,,1 S I~ 11 IIlr~acN I 9 rledn 8 answ~n:d MA. Ferguson. "Norab tri4d Metaphol'ic,}Uy to the I t y tI . C • 001' Den een Is composed of Pre:!hlenl I'On nue 10 Slru It . at on" 1 IJ to for half an beur to slice potatoeB witb It, re lla es,], Q U I S o lllonnio ll. \ E j Jame~ of the Unil' ci. Ity of l ill. blghway ImprOVeme nt Is a Ilatlonal ob· aod "thcn an,'e it up, 'be uY' Wa of DO Oilicla1'11 Ha t. l r , ren t · W(IK accus lomed to be . , II I b ' I Jlr I account." -ChicollD 'Trlbuoe. IIlr J Notll McGill was· walkln" f nl tr eated as Ir hi!; soclely wer e e mln nl - ' nol s : J . R , Fulkerson, n progress iVe! gU llilo",. I ~ all e IIl o Vel hlghw~ Y8 • . .. ro . yo ung farm er ot Ihe SUIte and wou ' ur ns nn tl anal b lesslogs wh ere To Olenn Cane-Seated Chalra. tbe poten t a m e to hl~ o wn otnce wh ell Iy deQ lrnbl~, und It wn s the r efore ,,'I th ' L . tl F k b I • no w xl" l c01ldlltons that ore hurtful - -.· ( ' -a rrleLl ,'Lu- and engngluOO' s II th I lI ya) e e un, w 0 las ror mllny , Cl1llc'Icp.tcd chau·II ml\y be clellnOO b, lie ca me IRce to Il ce w a nor wes ter, d I " 'd' .. . Ol e at 19 I ~'cars figured In all th mo\'e menta to n:t tlonnl IIte--,md ros~rIlY_ wasblng th e ClIne en both Bides with wnrm relates l he Wasblngton Pos t. n t resse a mEilnuchol)' pe rs n who 1\'01}' 1:)0llP Bud", elld then Put\iOll' lhem Mr. McGill Is not of the Bxcltable wa s 10llnglug 011 Ibe plnzza of Ih e ho, looking to bet ter rural condltlous . ~EACH TREE PRUNED. out In the sun to dl'Y. Thi.. tttllllmcnt not ,kind, but when that nor 'wester s truck lei at bIll Itr t southe rn Slopping Illuce • . only ndd. to the clcanlil1e8. 'Qf th~e blm he lost his head-or ratber bls ."I'~1 lhln klng of bll ylng II place do wn NECESSITY FOR SPRAYING. Ali Exomple ot the Beat Style of but Cl1 U ~8 it to sbrink. whicb improv~ta ~ppC\1rllnce lIud makes it more wCIlr-re iathnt. bere, so lei Mr. Tren t, In a baIC-conll' Trlmmillg ot TWa Variety 1111· ELEANOR R. PARlilin. "Hey. there," cried tbo ex-reglsler, den tln l to!,e, "Now wh aL pa rt of lha Buccenful Orchardists Are ,the Most of Fruit Tree. ' " stop that brand oew hat or mine! cou ntry would YOIl oartlculnrly r ecom Fnithtul In TI'Ep.tlng the RegtU'dlng WIDe IUId Ken. Won't ROme one stop 111" mend ? Th e lundlord tells mo y u're ~ Trees. HOl e's a ptclnte 0111 properly. pruned "Some ftleD are like 'fine, t )acy impro\'l OUR , \l\1 BASSAlJOP. TO I3 IU ZIL, There was something In Ihe llrot08- II vett SOllUa for mllny years." , YOll n!: P 8c h tr c. set LWO years pre- with Bile." "Yeo, !Jut the likenes. mUlt bo perfect." so r'~ voi ce thaL nppealed to a dapper '·Yos, \' \'e lI~ed so ut h II long spell;' Tile tarm jOurnals have b~OtI ail- 1'lollS LO Ib tl lakI ng ot thl!' j)holograph, ' 111.: "; tlre,,('o l It loolis as tho l1~h , hi. · J SI Lh e re utrn l stutes Issued 10l'lta· looking strange r, wllo mode iI hinge ut admitted Ibe melnncholy mnn. " th ongh ''i~l ng ru rmCl'S lur mony yen rs La 'I' hl i lea Il"~ been Clll !Jllck, [lllnnc(1 "lIow do yo n meao r" "WoU,' no wine can improve with l''I,un tsy ,; belug "Que red" wltl, I tlons lor a o ng ress or American re- lhe headgear, bllt could do no bette r I was r aised nt>rt.h , lind ('nl willin g to udOlll s p rnyl ng us II mua ns of co nLroll , thllt i. drunk too ofteo."-l'"illld Ip I. ~":It " mer"'.. by mellns o[ 8ulltle In - I pUbliC!! nt ~·allhjngtou, the purpoise ot thnn put bls foot throug h It. Coase- say ri ght h ere anti n ow lha t you Ing th e ,fllll,1:UII II und luseel pes ls th nl ou t, IInrl t. llo l> s ha ped for tuture usc- 1'rc8l. iJllmUOD9 of her I·e pres enllltlv ~~ 'rite s uc h 11 oougress bei ng th e "conside r- Quelltly the brIm was tbe ooly part ree .. couldn·L li n d u ma rc favo rable nor u desl roy Iho rOll ~ In their orchardS. jAp}n -Amerl cllo wtmUi to t,c Cc lt 1I IlIg und d is usslng ot me thodt; of pre- ognlzable after the fatality. An Aocommodating Wooer. lovelier Hpot III this wbo le stnte. sir. SlOWly auo llt ull ou r orch.lrdlsts ",,)rlel pOl\ er b lwself. docs n o~ os pe· venllng Wllr belwcen tile nations of aer }o'n lher-Tlie fact ie that 1 cannot "Well. )IOU cartalnly bave put your t hnn tills I·ory lown. I have lived here liav e camp. Into lin e, bllt liB yet tbere live my dllUabter a dol'fT)" jut .t prea· c luil y reI ah t hnL Un Ie Snrn f ~t.' I . him- Anlerlca: "but a wnr In progr('s'O be- fool In It," shouted Mr. lIIcGIII tor 1\1·e yenl's, and If I'd had anYlhlng are a good m a ny formers with smull , • \If uecessa ry lis protecto l' nnd de· t we n h Ue. BolI\'ln und Pent ..llIrI "Beg pardon. what did you sny?" 11](e n fntr show I shollid hove e njoyed .orchards !hUl are lakin g t llelr chan ces '1'111' Suitor-Tbllt·. all right; I Clln 10" encJ\! r. The La tl!l-Amerlo:a n IIk e~ Ihe the tnllllTO o f our 1111 d States con- Ilslied th e dude. her for be1'lelf alone in tbe mCIIDtlm.,el'er y minute t>C the Ume." . wltb the apple scab lIud nth r pests • .11 .1'1 1!lurovean na tions mlnls l r to hi s press to s rll n t an RPoroprlnllon, callsed AicllaeodorCer Blaettel'. '·1 BIlY )on'\'O put )"Ol1r foot In IL·' "You hnven't had a ralr show!" :We do not believe ~h8t It will be pas'nll0 or dignIty, doos n\> t l'ells h the Ibe wl t hdrawul of th e Invitations, A.ud "By Jove, say not so. old chap," asl(eO t he Ne w Englanrler. sible. says the 1,'arme l'S' R ev ie w, 10 One Good BeaSOD. :,y In wbl Qh t hO Unlt ol! StlJWS ha s 1I0W we ('ome down Lo the) conS'e~a "Say not so, yourself," growled the .. 'a ," said the melim choly one, ·'1'1111 ge t ,the very bos t r ~s ull S Wllh "Uertrudo ah e blla ICveral rC3Mln. UlOre or S~ ig nol"~d hl ~ exis tence, IInder tho presldoncy °ot ¥r, Blaine. tor r ~ mllininll lingle." prorossor, "you surely have tlxed m1 r Is a lov ely SPCllt, and It l 'd bnd a fab sprayIng till we ha l'e In lltu'ed every W\u>r rore, what ecret.o'lry , Root. deIn Octoter. 1889. a congress repre- bal up all rlgbV ' "I know one of them," sbow ('d have enjoyed Il: 'but the firs t man tha t h IlS an orcharll to lake meU8"Vid .he tell you'!" 1",.11W tn :lc"flmpl1 sh by hIS vlil ll of f Kentln g every American republic save "I am uwfully sorry- weal1y," con- year ( bad fever and ague, and the next l ures to Orlltcet Ih ll.t orchard from the "No: but I've _n Gertru!k.:::-MUwaa. tale to Br ~1 1 -tru.l' e ling on a tl nlled San Domingo, met at Washlngtou, A ressed tho, "Let me 'ave It year ( WIIS bit by a shoJ:k. alld !.be pests thnt llssall It from lb e time 1he kee !Sentioel. C. - - ~hl les trA!] pOrt. nnd es :Q rted by a number of rocommendatio ns "'ere mended." • tblrd year I h md an awful figbt wltb a buds bcglu lO swell In th e 811rlog till Shak'e Into Your Bba. i"lll' tlr D or flrst-cl;tss crul sers-Inay be mude re1a trng to tlie free navigation '·0)1, no," said the ex .. reglster with Bnalte, that shook up my nElr-ves, and the lea\'es fa ll In the u'ltumll, We Ilave ~lIen's Foot-Ease. It cUreII painful. awoneo, rus trnted b) t he foreigners' Influen ce : or ADlel'Iean rivers, a uniform syslem l!arcuslU. "the brim Is not worth u last yenr- " wateb e() l he practice of s praying S lbc~ Imarting, Bw.utin~ feet . .Make" new sh~ WUBhmgwn (. r rospondent lust Da.. of welghl s and meas ures , n unIform c rown now." , '" dOllbt It I sbollid like lhls 10enll- the process ca me Into vogue Dnd nre rosy, Sold by nil Dtul!l{ilto Bnd Shoo Store... robor wrote of I!. ·'hemlspbere solid I- s tand a rd of value, a common sl.ver Doo't accept nn)' 8Ub¥l1tute: Sa.mple FREE. '·A c rown? I s hould sn y It Is! Why, ty," said tbe New Englander. brls sure that It Is n process Ih at the 00," as :1 Ilrobable res ult of 1\11:- Root·1 coin tbroughoot America, an InlernllAddrcu A. S. OJ_ted) Le Roy. N. Y. tbe blomln' thIng Is worth a so\'erelgn The m eloneboly man looketJ at hIm farmer cnnnul nttord 10 Ignore. If urnay III Brazil, a he mIs phere ~olldl " tlonol banking 6y~tem, reciprocity. at least!" With mild astonishment. ' every farmor will take up lhe study fulneSB, Convenient trimming toola: Odd, lint True. etI againat , EuropetlU uggres~ lon ; bu t uniform sanitary reguh&Uons, the os"Why, you lmow It's pretty danger- , lint! practico ot spruylng In earnesl, Narrow pruning saw: long-handled "Book, are not like bronn." i{ looks uoW 'IS lhough the Europelln tBbllijbment of a hureau (\{ InforwilUoD OUB Iiv1ng ,anywhel'e. stranger." he the fruit crop of tbls count ry wHI be pruning sbears (hand lea about two "Go on ",ith tbe rCAt of it." ~e s lon would have considerable to PrInce or Sergeant, •• hallower " book .h, tb .. horder " snld, slowly. "Ie tha.t's what you'ra eoormously Increased thereby. feet long): band sbean for small I, "'fb , Y about solldlfylng. to 1I\'ade tbrougb It"-lJoui.vllle Couri.C9 The Gi!rmah papers are t clling n story tblnil lng about," twigs, Other toola. says the Home ,In d IsclIsslon of the subject.s oC thl) .I"urool. of the Germnn crown prlnre , The SELF-FEEDING CATTLE RACK Journal . Olay be added to the 118t. If elAl rY'f:! "V Isit with our South Ame rItaise r's heir bad occasion recenlty 10 AI a blood·purifier Ollrfield Till bu "DO desIred (Ree oursery nnd Implement '>:UJ neighbors, the followin g wern ~ p e8 1( to n s treet s weeper nellr Lbe barWiant She Left Ol!. ,upelior; it 18 Il nBturll1 ",moo,., heiD, catalogues), but lbe ,tbree mentioned A teneller In a certain 'EpIscopal SlInAI'I'llngement Wblch Glle Farmer H~B comp""",,, wholly of herbs. It purifil\1l ,,\\1lled: To. s how ~he South Am e ricans Tacks of the rHlemen of the g uard , Good s bould provD eQual to the needs ' of all tbo NOlle! , clennl!('8 th~ ~ystem} eureA )iver , Teot~d and Finds Orert S".v~hat the Un Iter! States does not aSSUllh) mornIng, s~rgcanl." said the s weeper, day 's cbool bad been Illlpresslng on ber and \tlc/ncy diaeue., CODlbpaUOD alia &10k ordinary pruning requirements. LIllI\, role of protector. but cons iders Ing of Foddcl', who did not recognize tbe prince. Ha girls the need of muklng some personal but nOL least, do not torget a can of beadneLfo, at the states or the new world s houlel said that hl ~ son was flghtlng In south- aocrlfiee durlnl!; Lent. Accordingly OD Thl k - - bOlh Q.J ;y a bsolute e QlIu\lty, To gh'e de mInside or I blck Jll1lnt (any Idod). and a brush west Afri ca. but he hoped soon to have tbe first Sunday of thaI penitential ~ea- ' out n ~dr~~lIt:~n 1m ~8ed I ··!'omelime.," .... id Unele E~n, "po-.ert' uny engt) to s ul L For wllh wblcl. to apply It to al\ lar&e .In near u much of a bandicap to' • nn:rtmUon of frlendsblp of th e lilted 111m buck safe and sound . Tbe prince, soo , whlcb hnppened to be a Wllrm young m," I I knowm' bow to play da WOl\ndS. spring day, s)Ie took occasion 'to nsk ~ ~hn llprlll hl~ use rates with her nelghbol'l!, show s uch banjo or belli' • favorite wif de Iajli ...· each or the class lu t urn whn t sho bad ~-2x2 In ·h s tuff, all tllntion a..~ Is common bet wee n the W.lblDitOIl Star lh e reli t one-Inch TO KEEP DOWN , WEEDS. OI..UOU8 'of Illurope, personally exthe old man's hand. But the sweeper, gIven up for t he sake of her religion.· ' IUlJlbel. Ttle upThe trouble witb people who .,. 10m.. IO\lklng wlstrully ut the coin and then 1!:\,erythlug wEint well and the answers 1alo t hat the . United States hal! no rlg blS are made Fight Which the Farmer Hili to tbmg by for. rainy ita, j. that the, at Ihe giver. banded It lw ei., sayIng: were plOvlns hIghly sllllsrnctory until ....1.1 me or te rritorial aggrandizement. Make IUld How One Farmer Item to take lucb delillht in -ilia otb... " No. no, sergennt; r doubt you have s he ca me to the youngo~t member_ tW'l feet six Inches ut bllCk n lid I wo feet " '10 J.,atln-Amerlclllls, being assured of DOM It. people out ID the wet. ·'Well, Mary," Inquired the teacher, tn fronL The c ruRspleces IIrl! two (eet nunE! too mucb of thaI yourself!" frie nds hip of the United SUltca, ~-.wbat have ymu left off for Lent?" six Inches long and Ih e upper nne Is The nerag, young fellow i, 1rillioa to be wtllf'll acknowledges t heir equality. to "Please. mlll'a m." s tammered tho n ulleli on ona Inch he low Iho top, A 1n I(eepl ng .tlolVn weeds I find , It a IJrne! winner. b~t the tfOuble it be t> ... n ked to ~UJlport the Monroe DocStanding Up for It. child, somewbnt coufus ed. "I- ('ve left 1.x7-il\ch boo.rd 15 Het In und nailed to lhe best to cU ltl"ate as long as possIble, Itnerally marnn • IJr l who baa beeD VoIeCI , t.rlpe, to recognize the obllga tlOIlA It The orc hestrR, consisting or a violinl ,off my leggln8."-I.Ip'plncott's, t1pr r ,ts, 1 he blltLllm Is mlltl .. Ug h!. and BometiDles whe n the weeds are so pl • •-Puck, ruIJO.~C3 as well as the benefi tll. Thes!! lSI nntl " pianis t, stopped to rest. nnd _________ The ' l',lOlt 11111'1 Is buill liB ShOWlI , Tbo) ve ry persistent wo 80W cow lIe81 10 Ibj ' CLS were pa rt ot Il well - Iuld plan. COncerning tbe commoroo and roe. t he c hait Uliln or the meetlng toolt occa .. ' Ollen spuce Is ~e ven Inches wide. which the corn nelds, as tbese cow peas are A PRECARIOUS, CONDIT-lOft. ott ",oll · lhl(1 l,blDS, as we aU slldly 6\lUrceS of the AWllrlcaD republ1cs; but ~ Ion to e;t ep lO the Cront of tile I)illtform Orie:\n of " Slave." permits plll1ll1ll out the h ay My s beer) low growing aRtI Imllrove the 8011 kuow, gung Aft ag ley: Rnd It now ·The word " slll\ e:' whIch Is happily to upologlte for the poor v\mlilalion of rllc i~ ~ Itrl! sil m o ~ L yle, only lowel , I huve f.'w of the r eco mmendations were ever Man, Wom .. Staller Dall, ~1..riel,aDa • • ' ms there Is Sllgbt prospect ot tho udopted by th e governments Imer- the bull. used Be ldom I1nle8s ' metaphorically In used Ulcse racl(1l for Ihl'CIl years anel some b'y adding nitrogen to It. says DoD't II:no" tb. lie.'IOD. J . R. Fnlkeryon, of Jersey cOllnty, illi111 18 t.s being attained. Certa In recent ested. ··Gentl emen." he suld •• " know how lhls country, Is a word of brllllunt l1ls- for feed ~n"ers I nover SIIW ~bclr equul, noIs, In writing to tbe Farmer's Re~'("re. I ns trom represenlallves of lorlcal antede donts Its original. I be for the lastlG we h!lve nil been Burterlng suys an Ohio correspondent of lbe !Cum Our @,'O ve rnUlcnt suggested hold !ng ;~ . l o-Am rlea n Nltlubllctl s uggest the Russian "slnva," means glorlolls, nnd anil Hbme. It more feeeH » given thon Is vIew. We have been troubled 80me the collg-rt1s ~ which met In the City mlnules. ThIs blld air-" with the morDlng glory or bind weed. ,,,t)) 1'11i wtll oo l be allowed discussion or Mexico In Oclober, 1901, whl cb was " De IIlr Is )'oost liS good 81 de ag- Is tbe title ef tHat rlir.e which sub- eaten, thllt wblch I'erualns In the ru~k u thil r unell humbers, That seeds really Poa .. Anlerlcan. The work h\1re gomponlment! " Interrupled the Indlg- Sllrnell thc Russlnn people. But when Is as freb ~9 If It hud jll"t beon !;tven. We dud tbat a tborough oulUvatlon keepA It down, but anotber means Is to t ' \1, pI Non bll'-o been sown by trans- conslsteld of Ii numher of protQcols• Mnt Violinist. glaring at th. plano the Germans reduced hosts of the lurn 'In sheep wblch will keep It SlIn's to servitude. theIr name, from . II ntlc IIge:n~ '$ pretly well under- treaties. (;on veatlons. resolutlonll IInll pl!\yer .~ Cblcal!O Tribune. THE qaCHABD. to the root. This reRults ID the root mali ce or aCCident, as GlblJoo Bays. berecommendations. Men Uon shollid O\OBO atttmUon 10 weeds Will keep dying, We have very few wcede 4n came sy nony~oons with " servile." made of the protocol of 'adhesion to ~e ~an Language. the platlU growing, our BmalJ grain fields. but freqUeDU, The Hagllrj convention for settlement han a good many In our hay mead. Altoglher German Ie nowadays Appllal to the Cur. Pr<ovlde drolnage tor orchar'ls \\ et If th .. of International disputes; a treaty of .poken ny Ilbout 70,000,000 1I80ple t:eet wlli prociuce heart dhlea~e In I be OW8, ey are so .",undIDt In the Rumors have rcuched India througll conl&>ulsory arbitration, whlcb Will Oe rman thua ranks third In numbe; , bay u to redur.e Ita value we pIck 1 ea en bg Iangual fntlt Iree liS ccrtalnly us tbe miasma theul out of the IIwartll after tile cut&1gued bl ten delegati , a Afghanistan . - - - - that the MohaUlme"anl - ,. favoring construction of a PIUI-Amer- Europe, the ant belDg English, the ' of the central ,Asian Khunates Ilm1-ad- of lite awamp produces ague In man: Ung Dr pnll th .. m out of the fteld lOecond RUBBlan and the fourth French Idressed n petition lo the czar through only It may take" little longer tln ,e sometimes before we cut the baJ. leaD railway. Several trees are averill! to Ira",. Tho latter PfOIleBB la preferred. TIl, Tile work of the Pao-Amerlcan con· '!Dese figurea do not Include the Dutch I the amlr of Bokhara. praying that thl lallgtJage. For although Dutcb. from promhl88 lI1ade them by the RusalaD plaDllng. and r.relJ. do well. til lbpfJe, mOlt 8troublellOID0 weeda la th.. 10gM!III to be beld In Brazil Dext the ttar mllhl be Ul9 WnlDllt, hickory ' aDd eIl.blut are cam)' are cockle burr, lOur dock, wm be Wlltl:bed with dOIMlBt. tmlreat, Il 1I0gulstlc point of view rePNHDl. governllleDt replied graolollll1,., DOtable _Ilampl... 'l'IIe DUta or Ulese thistle and plaDtalD. 'rile Itate la. the people of the UDlted Sta,,, DOW the low German branch 0; the Fran- tulftUed. .......... or Soutb America. cODlan dialect, it Iaaa deYeloJ\ld a ltt,. bU~ the beeomlnllf ImJ)A.bould be plaDtad wbere tbe lr8U are r.prdtD!; wlld8 II .. W. 1oOII1t, .lt~~1~;i;~~~;1rJ~f~ ,"uoy 1qnaa of I~ Oft. . tIeiI~ at th, of the local' • c:aa18TOPHJI;a BaiT. . .~tlld. · du•• I.oIaII,
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~:I!l~,n~~:~I!~se~':~~e ;::~I(l p~!el:~~
ot,lare tlv• • ,00-
er or ou r 11:1) ,'rI6I)n. Po! f ..orgl\lllle~ THE WHITE PAINT OF 'THE PROFl'f IN WINDOW POSINQ our . d.renS s unci Ih9 hlJ~t.ralld!llg or ,.. . t'i'ofessIOfl ..f WlIO Can Ketlp t\le Snm. our resou rres. unUl 111 6 .'l ldler~ cn me WHITE HvUSE. AttItude ALmost Two HOUl'a to 10llk ~ o him for onlerij, IIn{i less and Tbe 'Whlle Housa at Wublllgton, at a '.rIme. 1!:S6 to me. All Lhl s I 111~ ~;'1 hal' emIu l'ed had !t wblch has bUBll the "Ki ngs Pnlnce" or the many cu rious waYI of mak, not lieen tllr I he dully lucranslng rllYOr of tllB AmerIcan P tl o~ l e ijlnc .It was BJ RArAEL SABATI"' SIlOWll lhlB..ll!ll..~d 80ldler of tor - fi rst occupIed by Prllflldent 1lldlson' Ing a 1I\"llIg not one Is mor e un lq u(l tllne lIy th e prlnceJ!R! I wltlleHsecl thl8, In 1809. bal r eoently undergone a tban tha l whloh a St. Lould juan hall ' thorough courae of remodelJ Ing. reno· a!iolJled ai; a profess ion. Ho HI a win· lha growlug col dncjls where with she Pre..ntation • TryTnl ~d•• I - Court Dr... and Procedur. SI.rictly (CQllyrlghl;. 'b)' 3080('l1! D. Bowie•. ) lreated me. an d thc Illdln erenctl sbe va tion nnd rel)alr. Every American dow pose 1', and has made lIuch a !!IIe· Reaulated - C,h Anle. Inlroduce'd by Kina Edwllrd. clllzeu Is oiv ner ' ot an undIvIded cess of the work lbat hIs wife and a , hp 1M I here lblll haK not heard of lIetraYfld [01' lhost) vers H of mine to Cllgb ty or elchty . lI.,e mllliobth part 01 aev~ n-y ca:r·old daughter assist blm. h . bei\\1ty or the Prlil 'e~s YOhl? inti whlcb It little whl le ago ~M had lent the While Houae. as well a u of t be This m:Rn began to pose In tbe wIn· I\'ho th at h ~ 8benrd will hnve dlmeulty :lO reatlit' B U IiIH, und I cursed th e day other Pub"{: Buildings and ~lonumentil dows of bus ln l)811 bOll s'es nbout ten III loeLlav' ng tbat I Wtl8 to my heart r hud suggest d Slarke nfels to lier! In tiro Call\(ol CIty. An lIem In the yea rs ago. But his work was com· The Alllt' l·\.ollll gil'l 1M hll rn III Inao" 1)lIl tl1I11 U. whu became riV ra llnglte·1 liut I was little prepared tor that aua not !(l my IlwbIUon., tbat I Cell ~ renovation of the remodeljed Whlto whlcb ' l chanced to overhear bel ween Honse wlis repainting. Elvery visitor monplace cnollgh and be Bhn~c lt tbe ~rIv Jlege~, an ti III tb t' II gh or t h e 1>1' '- w ul tln !; h ~r IIInl- sho 11"1 1I0t ha ve Ihe , II'Llm? honoT'S or It with many others. e nt talt' UbOlll ({l1I 1; F.'I\\'lI rd ·~ first t> U II~ t' II ntl IlJIfI tn co m!' III willi thl' EOt.!' III IIlhs I worshlpued her from th mane el'eulug when th siege was to Wash in gton know8 why thl! Wh lto But one nIght In a dream be saw coun. or th x t\ ~fl n II n(\ Ih .. ollmlle r of gune rHI ('olllllllfly- i hni s he R iil ell untl i\ month old : Gbancl ng to bellr tb ell' :" ftlr. Ill! pIons ollee WOrship n sRlnlHouse Iii 80 called-becaulle It Is lit· hlms eH strIkIn g attitudes to display AmHI I'uII W,)mpn tn 10 .. I l r ,· ~cnl 'd. W. W il~ rlm' INI a way 1'1'0111 til' t ruwll, llIh! ('''''(lr fi tly. ecst ntkully. 0 sp tiring, volcell, hel'lI ldlng t heir approucb, 1 ernlly a "While bouse". The exterior weal'lng apparel be tore II. crow d. The reel In(,]llIell to In "ltll' l\ m ()llg lh ~ Jlrl\' l - 1\1 ha l'l' I",r IlrE-H8 f'l Jt 11111111 <lawn II SllplJed behInd tb\! daly that stood at 100. wn my love rill' her. realizing pllint must ther.efore .bl) wblle. Now drealn ' Imp resse d him and b e bega n Il.'grK- t holl,:h hl' lou .l lIlnl: \\' ~ 1II 11l' .. f- 1'01'111,. I f h(lll rs: II WU N nol 1",!\~ lbln Ihll t wb llo she wa~ helr03S 10 tho fhl) further end of the hall. Percbnnco while lhe pure white su rraces and s hn lbe poses. H. round he fen ll ,·" ltlnlng rerubl i<' u u l ~ II' - t h al or III gl' l II ..T KO ' IJ III I'lI ,'K II droll of lell : liS I hrono oC Llt<hl nSL In, I waij but one YOII who I'oall th eae linea will dClSpls o pIe lIn;}3 of tbe WhIte House, s ~ t In cou id 1I0id some of them a long tillie, ell glblllly 10 make :, ht'''' b"r H·C'. I hel·)' In \'11'1111'10, H "" y "" ,. fl 'li hmenlJ< wer me {or n il en"esdroppol' ; bethInk yo u, tbe mld ~ t at gr,elln lawns suq beautl· tI~ the mi nor salelllle!) of tbe ourl. and the more be pr.oellced tbe more . Engllsh Ill nJcMlI l'll. A wl'llf'r III 11111 I\lyp II. [1,11 Illl' 1',,8t Tvelvetl Ih e girl My prIncess w~ s chosen Ily lho Ihollgh, how much r hart at'sUlke. ful trees; produce a ve ry sati sfyi ng flx Ilert he beCame.. On 1111 1111111 Magll >. fn p. uf I ~~ II" I!I' II. I'e· Hn llll~ whlll. II IHI her Slonrfu n IIlttlh'lr dp"Helg h-ho!" she 51gholl, " we shall >Il lites at n bsenherg and LIchtenstein .effec t or dlgnlfled simplicIty, wblt!! Finally he went to a clothing I\lOre murl,K : "'rh e l!nl, od :O;lII tl1S lIlOl her 1'1111'11 lIml , IIH Ih,' IlrH\vlng-I'orlln IlIl'Idly ... nil , die hO I:o toge thel· \0 becomo the wHo or King Helnrlcb paint trom a practical polnl at vIew. "To Ih'e a nd die. prlu ce8~, beslcle Is sbout tbe most IInsatldaclory kInd ,and offercd to pose 10 a wIndow for plnonln!,: ~I\" l'Iy fur II' I! ... ,1'1111 "11 Tl·l',. 01 10 11 111'('11 (,,1 1\1 h I' II hmll Oli O 11 1111 lllN e " f !;Iaeh nberg. FeW were tbere Ilt her (hlll~h te . ·, r"llllltll lo cl·H. lW"h Il IIR with W I1H ),('1 lim.· . 10 hll l'e hc r c1 1'!,1\lj reo 1\, ccrtaln wage. ' He drcw a crowd. Ill\! Caurt of Vaduz tbllt wero not you." he answered, Pll8sl01liltely , "Is tbo of paint that could ba,'o· been selected People ""ere perplexed to know whelh· reller. llllll n il Ih" ,lnll !,:h llll'H of Ih e 11111 1'('(1 mill Ih!' gIrl gil 11I 1'O llllh Ih~ II l'lyy to th la. and tow whom tbe greaten goort hea ve.o may ' Bend me." by tbe original designers. i·lr.;t. be· cr he was a real nllln or an Irullllmnt g renl elit 1'('pu lJlk nr~ ,1Itgllole-- nnder l'l' e~ 'nln llon . :IIP IUrt . recl' l\' e(1 Ill .. "How. HO? " 8he asked, faln'ly , cause (lny wb lte IIlllnt Is eanlly dis . model. Tbey tried to make b lm laugb. III va l' o f tlw l.. 1I 111 1'Il~HU ~ (I " ." USI flrl t - 8 1111l11l I hilt 811 .. " b" l unl;~I I." IJrlm:oss' nul refu llal io enLer l nto the he begu' " ; th en puu1\ed na . "Because." ,tlllan c did no t flll with consternacolored by smoke Ilnd du st , UQd ec· They 'tapped on the window. " AI the enll'lJ l1 <"I1 10 tb.., II Ul;II SI a \.lnrt. Ish girl .. III'C .by " Ir tll~ of lltlpa/>I' or UllUA . and, because , or41nary \Vlllt o~ Il alnt lion. Slto bad n ev~r seen tbe king of one 111 fear. . mar rlllf,(tI." In Plll . th e "PI' n t! nl'et:l ol\~ rll rd IR tl e ll,·- ' 'I'hl! boY5 particularly tlollgbtCll In " Dacanu?" she murmured. Itsel f gradually turns gray or brown· IiIl ths l!ll~erlf, ~Dt1 she openly ,"owed ,\I1I C1nglhe Am r" ' lln ~lol"' lJr esl' llt t!{1 cretl lilt to li lt n it nllaul . w h o IUlDtl s It mellUl to necenaln wb. •. t the cltperl "Ludy, b (lJIl"!O I love you'," bo wbla- Ili h yellow from expos ure. I hilt she never ""sbed to ieee him ; thllt man In tbe window was lik e. The I1ll k ~eIlROII two y tl\ll )~ ,.om tl lIl'a I'o n- to I.hp IQI'!I I'IllIlIlb' l'll.Iln. .T hls rlln rBut 'WhIte the Wh ite HOII Ke h ' ana "he would not be bestowed Uke UlltO a 'pered: a nd faIntly ~ caugh t ber a11- ' man saYl1 they did not dIsco ncert him II I)l cIJOIIS: Mis, Jean H..lrI . tlai'l.l h uf Uult ur.,' In II lou n olce Il llnOIlIlI!eS "'" 8werlng wb, 1 8per : ",'hlte It mllSt remain Ilr It won II no "battel t r purposes of state. Amb<\ sndOl' Held. IIlItl Mrs. NI c.: h'JliIS nll lll CK ~r r1 (' I.II11.llU\ (, lI.n,1 Iat\}' preflC nt- ' In the least. ' " .. As I love you." longer bo the "While Housc". So tbe 'l'bflll' did It occur to me thnt baply He 'ex I~laln'8 his motlouless periods IAngwurth. <lulll:hl ~1' ijr Pre\;l" 01 Ing. With h .ar t I hl'o l) b ln~, " fi lm 110. Amazement and dlsg1Jet ·In'etfllbl. renovntors, making th e besf. of a d Is· I he prlncoss bad already glvjlil her Cflre .1 ho . ey!'". Ih(' II wA. rl r1P, bIl1l11110 by· s aying that bll Qoncentrates his ROOH6v tlolt . lItlarl to anotber. Could It ·be. I asked !lank In t.o my 80ul logetber with thou couraglng s ituation, sllught ror' the mInd up')n whnt Ilfl I, do l!)g n.ntl docs At 1\ ,flntwing-room the IlI l1 tl er of mukes h r cUrlsltls and . ",lIh what best kInd of white Itlllni. procurable. mysel f. tbat my arllent Billn 'es had word!!. eo~tll lll e Is 1101 I rt ttl 11I (II\'1t1l1 a ll ll~ l r: g rllce s he Is uille. re tlr(!~ . Fili'llI I'll' "You lo\'c me l" he ' cried. a 'Kreal The average cltlten If nllllod to gl,ess not permit It to rove to anythln/r clse. t~ert ll ln relltnres lire Slrle tl)' mg ul :H d. she hlltl lu hnr'k Oll t ot tJ1 C I·oom . II ve ry I)ot beeu In vain? . He says lie has donI! this 80rt of th ing wbat kind Of paInt they .llna lly deohl· I ,will not dwell hero upon details of .. COUl'l Imlt. Is OliItSlllul·Y. £rol\llhro" d ifficult 111 1'1 It ,. wlell Ihnt '· lllllbe ,. llI~ lid on would probably anslVef- "whlt6 nntll hi s wife and oven hla lilt c SIlV· a nll fI hll ir lU r01l1' ~' f"'d o; In l ~ n l;lh , dc· IUllg lIlll . (OUI' YI~rd.s In le ngl b. Tbft I,"r. fli ght; t hey searce concern my ~n-year·ol d girl cnn Imitate bl u and lead and 011," but he would gll~fl9 p nd lng., rl'(J1Il cme ' 01' bOlh !lhoultJ rs, :lrtlel III ltl C,1Ulldlull r-lngu1,lne In, tnry. \ Bllt so well dI d I contrive tbat wrongly. Tbe paint selected a s tbe do Lbe tl'lclt 08 well as he can. III tbr e de)'S mletrell8 sat Bafe 80 nrrnllg (I thot th o Wllnrel' upon ret lr- t(,ron s liS th a i rOl'merly un nt.tentlant The "a rUst" and bls wife gu to' a best · obtainable W88 a ready m ilt ~ Ing rl'OIll Ule "pr Hcnce" may carry It (Julplled wit h a rod lIft ed the lon<: wltllin th o wa1l8 at her CIIstle ·of Starkpaint, auch as can he hougbt In aoy store at ten o'clock and s tay till four . over her Inft ar m. A whIle veil, lUus t trllin lind PUI It over the lady 's left IIf Ill. Wtil ' '11'01' IIrepared ' ror a In the afternoon. During thlll tIme furnished ,.,lIIage 8(01'0, slIcb as well drooll tram the hair. und th ree whi le arm ; " the llebutanle shau ll! keell he .. ~I ge,. and I · hR~ Tictualled the place II ule4 lIy more than hil i! ot tb ~ they wlll aSSlIme a number of alti- feath ers stand 11Il; white gloves; s hoes wits II bOll l hel' lind hllve her arm reudy MO . that a 'score of peoplo might hold tudes, boldlng lIome of tbem &s 1011« eIghty or elgbty-f1ve million own"rs Bnd stock ln gtl mllst be worll. Th e bou- to receive the truln.:l S unwary li nd uno ut for Ii yea r, If need be. of the White House on tbelr own ' s one bour and 40 mlnules. . qnet WRS alice un Important \lu rl of thll rortuuate del.Hl wnt l!Mhllve berore noW' On the elgbth day of, oilr coming to· homee. Tbat one ' brand of mlXf!ti toilet. but Queen AleXa n,e1f11 hus de- ll tl'rl1l.1Y re elvor! the trlllns over th eir Htark enf"/B I htlld parley wIth Olle wbo' paint was used JnAtead of another Is FORCED TO ~AT BOOKS._ old cd IIglllnst \lowers as tnklng up too berllumed hellds." rode Ul) In hqt hute to tbe very e.d.~ mer ~ accidental detall tbere are a mu ch room. For Ellwrlld's seL'Oud court there aeCIt the .moat. ' . .' Orty or a hundred brands on Ihe Peepll! Who In Thla Wl\y Have OonCourt dress for a man cO!lRlsts of cOIl1\lll nled th e Invitations 1)llrUcular !!,rom. tbe baLUemenlll 1 Inquired' on I)lBrket that mlgbt have lieen selected trlbuted to the Destruction black velvet tnll coot, decorated with ' directions RR to (lltl rll. nnd thlsl\dvlce· ' ..... hnt armnd Ii was come, aqd In fln1n other circumstances. a nd hl fact. of Literature . . wer he pompouJl, nnnounced tIl'at hI,. a different brand was used In paint 'b usln8IJJI wns with tbe prlnc. Yola tnl the CapItol. . . Amob,g the ca ulMIII hat contrIbute fie U nhtenllttlln . . Tbim !liere came the . Ever7 property owner. therefore, to the deslructlon of .books. says an rustle pt Ii gown bealde me. al!d the ....ho palntll his house wltb a b l~ b italian writer, AmeriCa Sca rlatti, princess wall at my 'Ibow, 'gazing grade ready·mlsed Paint Is follOw Ing th.ere Is one very cur ious one that may down upon that lellther-clad clown. the example 8et by , tbe Government be calle-d blbllophagla. No reference "Who Is thl., Gerlltaln T" Authorltle8 at Wr ahlngton. ~bo lIs ed la Intended to the mice that once de " I know not, madame. It p\eall63 r eady.·mlx ~d volnt because tbey co\114 strayed In Engln.nd an entire edition him to be m,aterlollL" Ond notlitng olse ,4 good. of Cll8toU's "LexIcon H c plaglett6n ." :'Dnt be II wOlUlded I" abe ' cried. a look at ol{Y 'glorIfying bel' ~atchless but tc!. human beings who have lite r· t'YOIJ, "And:tOll leave IUm at · the all y devoure d books. In 1837 Baraabo Vis anti compelled ptel" "J3EC AlSE!" Th.e. graceless etog, perceiving her, Do 'au that fhe wort1 "d utle~ 1'11'0 paplI! delegntes to eat the bull dolled hils grey beaver, deckeli by II wonder In Ills vOlce-ns well there eomea' from the Eni\Ush wo rd "duds " DC cxeommunlcation whIch the!' had . Wlllcb menna cloth es? Hen e, fA dudo brought hIm. togelher with Its s ilken broken , goose. qu\ll. dl8cl08lng ' a' face mlghtbe-"ine, II simple ealdler.'· " I CIIre not wbo or wb at you are. I III one very fond at clothos. fhnt was very palo. cord s and leaden seal. As the bull _D~ YOI'. know tbat tbe exprGSSion was wrHten oil parcbment, says the .•Lady." he began, then s topped ' ab- ~n,ow you to be hrave . and honorable l'UPtly. 'l'De .hllt fluttered from his and true. Because of tlils~ aud ·becaUII~ "Sure B8 eggs Is egPi8," was never SclenUtli c American, not I>allel', It was grasp; he sank forward upon Lbe -becauB~ toreoolb ' you are. aueh lIB meant to be as ungre.mmll Ucal as It all lbe more dl mcult to d igest. withers ofbl8 horae, Lben rolllog from you al'e-l love you." .' soundll~ 'fba original Wlia lIure " 8 X A slmllal anecdo~e wos related by b Saddle. IlIl' Inert upon the t.urf. "Yola!" So great II joy "IUI to bll Is X. Oelrich. In bl8 "D1sertalion do ·BI\). "Sae d " Lb e pr Ince~s .' voice tbat It bad almost the rIng df r'_ . . , .tn. him • my Ior. IJU you Imo,w wby loolsc ... p pa"'er ~. " 1I0t hecQ,rum et L\l.)I'Orum FaUi!" erled .'" .1... d H ave bl m pain. He urgtld hDI' ' <;111 . h 118 faint e; ~ .wltb all ettronter.. , ,so ea:I,ed? ' Vh,e n Chsrles 7( ' v;osv Illng (1750), of an AustrIan general, who I, g ' bt" l to .h t1 ,. that turned me sick wllh r . a "e to wee! . ~8 cas e. .. ,0 ' Elnglaml , only cerlnlll nc,pnle were bad slg:ned a nole tor 2,000 florlus. and "rou n v •• . hIm fn that very CIISUe. T here waa allowed to manufacture paper, Tb e woun d WWl a mere Bcrateb, Rnd It , when It tell due com pelled his crfdlhough much "lood bad fl.owed. aB his Anselm. lhe »rleal- 1!e would perCorm all bad 'to 'bear the royal nr. ms. "arh· Itors to eat It. . ' ''d on at ell" "'" ' or· O!O" yvre w.Itneaa. WIth her the ceremony al 800n 88 ' might be. ament made Si -Ort of Ule' law, and The Tartars, wh on books fell Into cut-steel buttons. blllck silk s \ocklllga "LllIlIes whu PIIS8 the presence ut Lhell' ""'11 korcltier'..he bound It up..' But as I slePlled from ~ehlnd the dured a fool's ~!lP and bulis ' to be u5ed tbelr possessIon , ent them, that tbey lind buckled shoes, wbl le glo\'es. cocllM maj ~ t1es' cou rL a re reQuestel1 to be _ "Poor lad:l 'Ihe IDIl~mured, ' ''he hath dRla when Lbey departed I reglstered Ins tead. may acquIre tbe knowl edge conta ined hat wllh u steel buckle. A sllIilll sword kin d e non ~h to reinelll bt'r that lbelr , I Il ' 'ow " n acorch forever if I th warted Inst much blood." . . .., Do "au · kno\;' '''e o· rl-'In of lbe 10 ·them. t rulns, which nre 9pretl~ by tbo pnge" . Is al so worn. II ·· k h I A not thele nuptials. ,.... .. .• A Seandlnavian writer, tbe author ",a a e spa e e at rre.. ; a ."h ea· [n th~ evening the "'eddln!!: took 'P hrase "Up Salt River'" Betol'e .teRm, A presentutlon Ill, '(llJl'l Involves no on entel'ln g tht' t.bron e I'oom . sbou ld raped bJm. and he "opened"hlll eyes, to , navIgation along the Oblo Wall carried of a PltUtlcal book. w08 compelled to litt le ratigu e lind Is U!lsuredly an or- be kepL do wn 1101I1 Uley are pi ked UP '1\nd the prlnceaa mIrrored 1.0 tbem. place In the gl'ellt Rltteraan\. The Inb 0 tb 1'hen from, thOle eyes of iiia tbere matell of the castle ~ere all tber. &1_ on y a oata, whlob were row ed u" choose biltwee n being baheaded or eat· cloal. It Is by no mea ns ea y nown· and resLored to tbem by tbe pligOHwh.,. . aembled, with the except, lon of on. atfeam. 'Fbls ",as particularly ~lInl Ing bls manuscript balled In broth. days tor the American- In llplte ot the wIll be III att nd fi nce ut lbe ex ll t100r II aahed 'WILb retumln~ conlclouanell work, especIally up Salt river, • dliD. l Volmar, who wrote some spicy ellgl blll ty - 'to get lh a "fa Val' or lhe ror that IllirllOae," To-dill'. we ure told, a look of auoh wonder _d. !,laid ad· len try and Ql)'self. That .entry- with gerous .. crooked bra~ch of the Oblo slIUres ogalnijl B l1rnard, duke of SIIX" ambaSSAdor" an d win t.h e coveled tho debulnllte "may abso lutely trust IUlraUon lbat my IadY'8 dlgnll7 was' my dngger at hIs tbroat-I caused to ' " aroused 'by It. . throw down hIli ·'1JIlrtlsan. Then b, rtolVeber,In Kelnhtu~kYth' IWhen .1a.v6S wore any, :Wlla not allowed the cOllrtesy of cards ot Invlltttlon. If favored, Iw lo th e exquls ll e and ce rem'onlous care din t of tbreate anll ~romlses 1 played ' . pun S e .., s was a common tho klU!hon, but wnll forced to swallow cards Ill'e ' reCelVell. ullOn whi ch IIpll cn r whl!!h will Ilttend hel' every fools tep all M I 11 ' • b ' 1 _ .y. h a '11 ,ro,.. Irew dark, and upon bla feelings hls hopes and hla method employed. \iy. tbalr t owners, them uncooked. the nOllle of the Illd)' wh o Is to preRent Ihe WilY tram the pRluce tloor to their fj",,1'JI er eye. . ' .... tJ ~4!8. peol"e reCe: . l Stili worse was the rate of Pblllp the dellutuntl! an(1 the n01l1e of th llIttJestles' IlreSllnt'e," .• fears unUl he consenled to help 'me Hen c e,a t 'e Iec"0!l Queen Charlol-t e held e ven ing dra,..rll- debntante. Now Ihe Qu.eRtl on af go wn ~me you on bebalf \If Klilg Heln· lower the bridge. . ~ sendlDg tbe !l~reated' cantlldat•• OIdenburger, a jurist or grent rlcM lJp Salt IUn," as a penalty no~n, who was ,condemned not only engrosses ottentlon. lind nt Inst lhc tute· Ing-rooIJIN ; WIlliam IV'. and Adelaide " NaT. )'our hlgbneea, OD my own, Across It marcbed as IIOW,. as tbe7 • to cat Ii .Pamphlet of bls writings, but tnl dllY arrives. The stllrt tor Bucl{- prererred to bolt! Iho m by day, oa diet IUld a aorl'J' traltol' do I hold myself migh t 1I0me lwollcorll troopers of the also to be Gogpel 'during his repast, Inl:ham palace Is made du n el1 rly. Ih ut Queen Vloto rln. King Edward and A Strance Story. Yel, madame, that whIch L. a roo~ prince', army, headed by a young oMlire. 1188C W. Austill, of ChMlout wltb ordere tbllt the flogglng should Ibe experienced conchm an mllY Uno Queen Alexllnclra h eld no druwlng. _meth to me 10 foul a tblD!!: that leer. 1 placed mYllelf besIde hJm SDel Ridge, N . C., tells a straDI~e VWl"Y at not cease uutll be bad awallowed tbe np In a good place. 'rhere nre c,'eral room during Ihe year of mourning ror bad uo longer esteemed myself' allin_lied tbe way to ~e Rlttersaal. without sreat sulferlng. "I wall In bud ('on- last crumb. en tra nces !o the poInte; the ga rll on Vlclorht. a nd wh n a t last forOlll1 110Ueman hBAl I. Anthony :Von TurpD, wattlng tor Ipeech wltb hla bJl1:hneu, entrnnce 18 reserved tor the royalti es nouucement was promIsed of" resump~Itlon for montha. bllt &!'Ot Dt> le :~ t!. not rh.deD to wam yol.l." . 8lnce, time preased. , ollll tbelr equer ries; by Plmllco en- tio n oJ the cel'cmonlous fun ctton. a ll My' perloCl't had stoPIJlld. all 'but lbe Very pale. yet ca~m, the prlncea " . CHEAIP COAL IN AUSTRALIA hance lind state entrance th e company 'were II gog· to see whal. cbances would g paIn. Atter taking part of a boWe Qf ,What II thla ,:,arnln that .. keeps · etood bl)neatb Lbe dais. and beside 'hv lie Introdu('.(ld. Tbe foll owl!lg were Wine ,ot *ard!ll., na,t ure 'Worked prop- So Ab~lnd.nnt In N:ew,SOuth Walea It Iii admHted; one Ingress Is HocrOd to made : Ohange from nrternoOll to even, you a ~ntle~an Yelt makee YOU a SW~hllu(1kl,!~g brldtl~roorn. , the COl'1I6 dlplomuLlque und those thal traltorT . . _ ,"Loy down your arm8, my frleDd ..... erly and wllbo~t pain. I ndvlse Ill! Sella for Fl.ftJ Oents hold the e ntree- wives anel daughters Ing. an yonlllg court; atte ndance IInel "~dy; the. prlnce, ,our . father, ae- abe coIllmanded. quleUy. ' liull6rlng wOlI)en to use Cardul." /I. . a TUIl. at nmbnssado l'san!l other dlstlngnlshed Ilrese ntnUon by Invltlltion only. pure speelflc reIDedy t.:;r women's Ills. companied by the Jdng of Sachlenbel'l, My hour wall come. In lhe old daYB tho c;ompany used let for olgncl'8 conn e ~ ted with ihe legation!', ,100, at drugglsts. la on h1a wa) hither wllh a thouaaDd, md:' "So. pretty. lady," Quoth 1 from th. Fifty cents a ton Js the price they and wh'c's and daughte rs of hI gh at· f~ lnt tor bIL e IUIiI Sli p. In Ule 1)J'~ent ' 4ool';W~7, "meseema 1 have dlachar!!:ed pay for cool In New Sonth Wales.' flclnls ot the court and government. rul e l ber III ijUPPCl', a 8111terbly served ,..u ~ moment'a pauae, and ' ai, debt. You ",ere bold enollgh bu l'ELEPB_ONE '.rIDING'. Coal Is 80 abundant and cheal) In New To bold enlree means not only the a lralr. Quee n Victoria did not care ,..blt. ....w the Prlnc.a YQla'a cheeka. yesteroay; we Ihall Me If th~t bold. for residence al Buckingh am, bllt Ed~ ' "Bat deapalr not. lad71 You ma7 .0888 IIhall avail you ""hen presently Liverpool haB trted and abandonee! South Wales t~a t Il can bardly bo courtesy or a speclnl enlran ce but also ward ,nnd Aloxand ra resIde In the (JIllsaid, In plnces, to ad4 to the value of in ellrly prese ntation. .' 7.l t "pe, leav1lll JOur ' wUe car-: ,our '''8IIbbuckler sa:~tru~ Il~ wlth- a penny·ln·the·slet telephone &en Ice. nce, and t he kit 'h ens are In pracllcal Al the afternoon draWIn g-room the re 1Uo'D~ B/d 'l'ou, Din bold out, for a oUL" . " . ' : . . London, with three times as bIg a the lurface. rt Is drawn put by ponies . working oreler, g uests at a" Clvenlng Beside It are an Inexbaustlble field of would be 0: tedious wllit lIerore lhe pul- cOllrt SUI) delicately. Usuall7 by one alODUI. , aa4 thlll,· etuTe~tler th. 'DlP~ "Fear not s--t ........ __ .. I tl ""pulatlon ns N,ew York. bas only tw~ ,a. ..t to tbe prlace. Billad", 'wou, ... '-net ~on ' TurleD . . .. ..... ~. e ..thirds ~ lIm esto:ne and permanent water, bolh nce, tbe grnnd lactles at the mercy or o'clock the general company bM de1, " •.' aupportSlIt'·· her ,..Itherhla the number or. lelepbonel-:on a 'nlllway line. Rates of the cockney come to looll' his till at the ,hUten, IOJIhe· dra"a nearl" . . arm,. . I'T~e . treacb.roU. dog !t..", Dam,ely . 811,000. p(trted, mnny to · make a visIt In the on mlnl)rnls are extremely low. Tlle,r e 'Tola put he.. Ii~licl llio.ller beart, and , "SI,1' ),OU .~?" I , him. "Here TM ftrst long·dlstance telepbone are eno,rmou8 deposl ~s of Iron are of IIho'w all,l sharpen hIs wits a bll. "It wee amll' huurs td phQtographer's, ",ho 18 a wIt which embra~lls every phrBseJooked a)JoUt ber ,""ltIl "yee that for a comea one ,..ho lfIU prove 'It otherwla. cable In this country ..... as tbat be",m hnv e flu shllght all teady to "l:IJke" ~~t toI4;,of tar. ,~en- " -the IdD.«I" . .'" -" ",/, tween Liverpool -and Mancbe.ter. II rlchnesll varyIng from 60 to 110 per ology (rom the sporting slang In wblch the wond e.rtul PrelJelltl\tlon C!ostjJmli:" coster 'acQllalnts bls 'Ara bechecked cent. not a few to finish 'thti night at p'artles '.'Here wUl I remal.n." aha UJd, "nD~ I ltood aside, *-;lId ~U ~. thresb- 'was opened In 188,0 . The chemicaI' composItion has been . rlet with 'the fact tbat In hIs opinIon given In honor of the p'r esentaUon oc~ theae"' ~" " Iaal~ baTe. atan.d 014 then , atep~ a CODrtS,1II:u,", Wireless telepbony hal been Love." ... , PQ, JOU ,aft JOnnelf, air; aad ~ollo"ed b7 ~ atteD!lant& To my ' 'ed by Mr. Tb~maa Gladwell. ot N.,w· fouod satisraetory to exPerts In sucb .nnd such a dowager (IndlDilted by casion. Formerly grllndafternoon tens, Europe. and tbese depos its usnally arC! peraonnl description whlcb ' admits of called peacock or , u'aln teaH, were t,he ~'J.~~rll tun." 'fOUF hpmr and the ~eDt of all ~ port (Mont.), who claims to bave bad . alongshll! 'd~P ,water, tbus faCilitating 'no doub t a,s lo .Identlty) shonld be cus tom-the fair debulantes arrayed In "- • ..., nt, be f.ll· apoll oal-b ... before the aucceslful reaulta up to a dlataDce 01 transport. At Burnie, In TaslD,anla, 'scratched because sbc enrrles too mu ch nil lhelr ·glory. Still farther back "'Ile , At the "rlDeeM' commaDd . a ·fr..h . it~,..a1(t IIDldter ot.fortlUle; andr . ten mllel. ' . "1"I"'d " ......-..1 • The 10nge,l t telephonl! 'c lrcult In Lbe deposit from water level up ,ia es· weight' to the poetlo panegyric wblch a custom which seems to us very Engborae w" broUlllt 1I1~. ID thll Ulen ~ . ---""-'a·,. -"~ . -h · eo a. Jut.e ··k .... UTe 7Our, .... -171': -he cried. . timated, as 20.000,000 ·tonll. 10 Ne~ describ es n blonde debutante 88 II lish Inde~, driving In. state In ~yde ..,. _ _ _ u~ _u.. , • • ''Wby baT' , 10u Vlek.d me thua' ' world II Ulat· between New York. an". 'prImrose DantIn' In 'y er pat 0" beer, ·If . Park, a public dlspluy of costume and , . . . JIlounta4 It' ·~ ".d too late: The .Wh1';·tbll decelU" erled 'the .PrlDcela Chicago. n 18 9641 mllee long. 'Fhe South 1\Vales the deposits wlthl,n sight you lolke." . fa ct of COUI·t l!resentlltlon. . W'thID a eou". Ilf To... ' ' longest III .Europe connecte Lon~on are 60.000.000 tons. Tbe ' deposits At lost the plllat;e gate i s open , ono known ali the Iron Knob and Iron In the early days of the reign or . lI.bed. nrda,"aad I' eollle! DOt' "'0-' . "Y~u would not '11IteD to 1111 IUIe" ,wlUl Maraelltel, the.. placea belnR Monarcl lel\V8B . one's oloak, 'dellvers one h In South Australia are stated QlI~e n Vlcto rlll very splendid drtlwlng~Io~ :~e 10werlD~ ' of daa' 'brldae. · · .,. althou«h 10~ kne,.. me Dot," 'h. an- 660 ' mil.. apart. card and mllkes progress Lhrough ,'orlrooms .,.ere held. But as age.and sor. With . ' canle.. l a .· V:OD TUrafn, I'and becauaa of It. 1 . came' ~t la now' JI08!Ilble to '''rlD« up" the to contain 20,000.000 tons. The Illrat great demnntl of Australia ous npartments. 80 m ~t1m'tlS lbro\lgh a row tleAcended. ,tlte Qneen , wont to ~lUlte~ and .Gun, ~,. reiD' to ·. blther to woo lOll aa a simple Boldl... Deareat raJlw&)' ataUIm from 'a movlnll much hlnd er ln~ and . heartre nding 1!8fftIlt. .. . of fortune. and b'a d I . tailed. Yola. I train, an4 to teIGp,hon". YII!a~lon, has betm stated .as tbe comlJrebenslve crush wherein chaperon and debutante retire ntter recelvlbg the corps' tor a month. At the 'P rlnce of Ucbt- ."ear tIIat I should baTe departed aa tp an), luj)lIeriber. uperh",an~ ",u ' production of Iron and steel from her Ilre' sepH rs led Rnd It wOllld seem. never dlplomatJque and. .Lbe entree people. eut41n and the King or Bachaenberc I . came,. and' the alep had ' bee. conducted aue;ceaalull7 QD ' &he Hllh· own ores. These bas iC arti cles 101'111 could be bronght together ngaln. Bul relegliUng ber dutles·to Prlne_'Alel(then bEl available at bal( tbell' present andn.. 'It wwl In 1863 Alexandra held bealeglng \la, and, In ~ ,..hole IlbI I . andedl" . land rallw&)'. ·. , ImporWd cost, ' JU8t as Australia no,,' Ih y nlwnys get together, somehow or ber lint drawing-room,. at the ,time a eaa. recall no other mOllth In wblcb 1 She amlled UPOD him, tears ID ber )Iher, In lillie for tbl! entrance to tbe 8upplles hersclf with the lJUrcist of all bride of 19. It wal1 'R great occaSion. tl1ttered. hatf eo lDucb. : ' qe.. and u I loolted [ vlt m7 teeth . Itruck bT U.btDiuc. .ballroom where t.helr ma~eetles ' of to - for fnur hours Lbe young prlneeSa un. lJraduaU,., almollt IlDpercejUbl,. aad called m,~lf a fool a d021!n time.. lin. Nancy Cleary, of #J;re;fere, N. /l&lt. nnother basic arUcle. at les8 tban huM court. wearledly bowed and 1l101'led , to 'the tJaat .lIe rdler oat of ....cIaaft~ Theo bold"'l1: out ber hand to blm' 0., .utrerec1 as .1f struck bf ·Uahmtns. half th,e prIce, Ihe formerly paid tor , dayMme. Wllddfngton, In her charming thronP; over 2,1)00 ,..o·men.l\nd Several .tor p-ol ,1 ever ~ve: aJltl ' •• er llaa1l "H~lnrlcb'" IlI,e murmured and 'hl She 18),.: "I Willi allllOll p&ral)'&e4 ~~r IIDJporte~ona. plct\lrell ot a diplomat's wife at t~e " hundred men , 1f6re ' Pre&l!Dt thai ,da;1. • I from ~)' ....a1at down, and mT ~ott '11014 111m. to 4>e-wormed IdIllMlf b,. a aDderatood. court of SL James. gives WI Itn Idea of All aang pral_ to the. loveiy 'iaclr :He Dliln't Vndentand. 8I11II'I of wU.. lato ,~e .pod of "~t the Cer_oAl Procetd. fath.'_ j lll1rt me CODataD.Uy, from r~DI.le tro\1•IWhm·e· did Columl,Jus tlret IllDd '" the w ~arlt!om~ nes8 . nf' a draw!~,-",a!ll rapr_nllns · tbe Queen.:' ..... lone .... ~ prlDeeaa. IfF Yli1n ec ~........ tuJ'lllq to UI. 1IIAIlk. bl... ~ "all headacbe, eeemed alw/l)'ll tlfter ODI haa· aeen the ahow a ·number membered the 'pIcture made that May fa"lOl'·aIIl 11.)...4 lalm-weak, ...._ TblI ii ' Ut:e true r"aUOD Ot ,..... ..Ured, anti, r"lt as If I ".. dttn.. · 1 took aaked l~be teacber. "1 d(tD't kilo,.., Dlum," wall th. "" of tlmna; and It 41110 of the ordeal It dR, by. the prlne_ of Walee ID hel' _ WODIaD tllat ahe " . . . . . . . _ ~peD" . a& 8tarkeDlwl.. · aail ..... II I Wine or CardIl1. · w"lab . , . . IDe, apd proves to Y01,l01 girls. She tells of ODe 10'"' of brldal wblte "DOped. up "tth or the 00U'If . . . . .,.' . . . ~ 01 .., nun.-t ~ DOW I . . . lib a '" , ,....... C&IMJ .panllt! ~ ot _lIttl. Johnny Lefthonk. '" y~ng English «\rl, a rragile I}I'88tUJ'. IPl'a1a of lilac blClllClIU. llt ... ra4eatl blalItII tit 00........ . . QoIIrt 0' V.... nl~ perlodlaal lI,IJa; ud mabe 41da't 1~ de aeoounta of de 1D1lL"- belDe DIll Illroulb ber pacts ai)' ber &LLl:N TBA Y.a. , . IItIl YOaaeII. ftII. ILU at IlnllltortI. l)etrolt Free Prtae.
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It Is Dangerous to Neglect It. Uqld. But IIlayed fare j Branch t;, MAIN I,)H''I.\'TO p.. How often do we hell.r it remork I cd : "Its only 11 cold. " and a few W ulled fo 1I1a y in Il "bull " rin~ i e . ...liOU 1)layed }In,ttlug wbdtl vtlr ( L\l'I~ '~'I) ' I)l~' 11~ ~layslllter learn tbat tbe man is on ;J. 1 b 0oommon witb neoulouill. f PLlbll.heil W. .ltl, al Wa'De.... llle. OhIo number was agreed llpon 10 tbe Miss K~tle, ufl er Ii two ~'I sqoh oo<; urreuce'rbth~t B center. of the rlog linll til 0 "I~g " weekll visit with r elll.tiv e!! 10 'ollr 1"UIlNll5ttlNO:!i !oJ. cold , bowever sUglit, sboold not l?tl ~~;~.'!!~~ IIlc K AT f. Etlltoru nUbDiliera for flrllt ,sbot. It in !!triking the vioinlty, lllst l3unduy r eturned to (HV ' 1 • 0\:-1 1' 1 1~: ,\I . I·: 11 I:>:. • dl sr egll.r(1ed. Chamberlll.ln·s Cough ' . MRS. T . J . OR Of". ASSOOIAT8 EDi'rO R. pile and f~ilIng to koock any nt" 1 ber bome n.,t W est .J efferSOu, ' Obio. Remedyoounterllots .aoy tendency or get y our "tt~w" strtlok whoever A oumber of our people attended MOISe Cohen purchased of I\. oold to result In pneumoulO, :t~: 'Ii ~~~. ~~1l1 :: : ; : : : shot next could Mboot from IH1Y Basket Meeth!f ut Buptist ohurch the surplus stock of Spring ~ . :~~ ~~~e~~~~:d !!~e If~;t;rap;~~:r~!~ , par.t of the ring, lit any warble Ilnd at MlddlerllD ~n 'nndllY ln~t. and Summer Suits from Mi- '1' 'It pil I/II" i n lll~ h ml~' whu' he oores of tbis most oommon aUment. ,)FFlCE IN JONES BUILDING. Isrll.el Wrigbt was m08t gencruHy . . .' chaels, Stern & Co., of. 1 ' 11,>11 II I 1111 1I ,1lI 1·H . a llY Ilr It tllwoys oures ood i8 pleasant to and WIUIIn posiiioo to bang aWIiY Mrs. Ad. Dnki n un(l fl1wlly en· Koch t N Ii rk t CUll 10 Hl uke . For s~le by F . O. SchWl1rt'6. '1'£&l1Pylori£ .eJlLIa . • rio, 6'1 in short order bnt IIbout nine ~ime8 tertulned tbe Mi~sell FU Y,MaHie nnd bo eSt er"th' edw - f tOh ' a nigbt.. _ _._ _ _'-'-_ _ _ _ _ __ . , GI H " 1 " 1 ' 1L " 0 a ut WOIr SO e reg" lIloh II 1L1I11 0 1111 1"'0< ,.nl ll'll ,I out ofa poI!!lible nine Israel wall oe el!8,uO u e nnc DI1 ",onn r, ' . Th' lind Katie EVllns of Wtlilt .Tell'ersou ood ular wholesale prlc~. ' . Bllv e r£lcButl y JII (lvUll III ..""n ' ''1 ' IYOU given a ahove by a r~l next Israel ooold laugb It oft' J' ust a~ e88Y Maudc Dakiu u t di'uu er Ull TUHsday handsome lot qf BUltS WI next to Crotls Bros. . a redeeming trait in I Itst. I W Y lit.:lj\·1L, and tbat was mo~e th an pease men. who MAIN ST RE K'I', As a Boy in Waynesville, i8. Be . wonld have mllde 1\ firs t Mr. Ii, C Dtlk ln·uu\l f"llIl1y en deSIre ~rst~class clothmg. fQUI RPEO WITH 01088 Democrat. tertlliued 011 t:lllnu.~y IUti t the follow· See the gra'n d cxlilbit of Suitl:! in DOlL tlls fr ol\1 Appendi 'hes J!4.y iatlH)r. Or. Wm . ·B . Andersoll, I tII i' Mr . E.'u WlIru ,1 ' k IlUu .• OUl' show wl·ntlows. A look will decrnllse in th e ~uUle m t.lnLt, rhn t P t.he I w ,. wyed illwrble ng gues 00 R... ' If any boys Who pl .. moved froUl Maineville to W aynell· .. use of Dr . Kin g's New 1 e III S RI"ge, Wrigbt or wbo fll.tllily. Mr . 'l'\lImltD Barton Ilod soo' n evince you that the vnloes f tl " ll ville io UJe fall ot 1849. to give the A. H. Po'"b, .. u incr II se~. 'I'h y lin ve yoa rom n • WJl end of bis tweniy oblldren a eyer, I will ohallenge them to play family of near Ferry, Mr. Frank are unmatobable. ger lind brillg qni ok :lDd PttIUlt\~!I better educatioo. a game of '<keeps" I w.iII use t,he Cook and· family of College Hill Mr. Men '8 SOlt.s mllde by relell~e fl'OIll e"D~t.l putloll Ilnd Ih o B~K IIIlme "talo" I WOD bushels of mlu. Tbomas Hess and family, Mr . Llloy Miohaels,Mtern & Co. Illll l:fr owill g n"l· "r It tlt.f eu gl,h IUlIl On lhe day we arrived my father bles wi-h . But there most be no Cregg of RoxlI.nna. MI89 Pearl Dill ' to retall fOr 11112 and vigor ,\Iwt\ .v~ fo lio w I,heir ~se . D l hlur idd) ... !" "'IS . 50. aD teed by '\'F. Q .I Soltwnrtz iI rl1g· bootrh ' a bag 'fish of B e B . B ay, .. finohen of Mt. Holly , Miss May Laoy of Ly . ... . tie Men'~ Snlt.s madeg _.i8.t•. • 2.'Ii.O• _r.Y""t.... ' 0"'"1l..1.~~~~~~ 'Who a' that time bad a grocery -h' ill DAN R . ANDERSON D and Mr. Ollcar Gibbli and l!·rll.nk by MI bae lsStern !...-_ _ _ . _ _ ,_, _~ .___ _ the mlddle room I n w hat was ~ cn aklu Ilnd fll.Dlily. An Edison • • & Co. to r et-llil baWD by the poet.ioname o~ "Broad Pbonogroph furnished lUUSIO II.nd for ,1 5 toal Ii -A to '11 b I Juggling with Dynamite. i d k Borll8," aDd yon h .... , c m (\ x 00 c,r eam , ~u Oil e were served 9S Men's Stlit,s Il'ladu or eIght stepa to get In~ U, aDd 118 I l~ knle.. mor:lda~eroUlFthlayn ,to ~~~. reh:esbmelrJts. liy Miolule ll" ~tero ·thie . will tend 10 tIOme degree to ~~ ..ney so ers. 0 e s . A number from OlU vioinlty nt. & Co., to rilt~,il for , Dey Care corrects irregolatltles and t16 50 to "'18 SOUTHERN RAILWAY hlltoriC16I facta, I may refer to u ba8 00 red many severe callM "fter tended tht, funernl uf Mrs. George . • 1'8011 later on. IbId B k I MeD'S 8111tt1. mil de o~her treatment baa failed. t ul II artlloc Ilst l:latm'dIIY aftt'rnoOD by MiohaelR~ SUlrn 1 thinklt waat·bel.'8Oonddar atter, up the worD oot tissues and restor· Mrs: lillrtaook's former home wusln • & Co., to r erull fOr I w.. aom'a dOWD IOwn on an es healtb and vigor. "I was troubl. oor nelgbborbood where she Wall t20. .. ...... ed witli kidney oomplaint for aboot errand w the 'store, I m t a boy two years." A. B . D/lvls of well respeoted aDd will be 8Ildly You oan save more thlln a aay '8 wboee ootrDomen wa, John W. Col· Yt. Sterling Iowa, .. bot two bot mitlaed by all who knew her. The ea.lary by coming to OilY ton lind S01I", leU. and be I18ked, "Alnt yoo one' of tIes of Foley's Kldner Cure eft'ected bereaved busband and son bave purcballln~ one of thflll8 alp-gllot S01Itheut. old Doc Andertron's..ooy.sY" I oJald, a perm~nent oore." oor despoilt lIympathy. suits. . aDd back aches. that Scnathwest. tired feeling. nbsence of "lam." Atthatheklqkedmejand Mr. JobnGeotJsafter ruakln(Can appetite, aud extreme If my memory III not ai faolt, ·'go.t LOCAL AND extended 'vlsit lVith Mr. Tom HeBII ..O.IIIm.. lIom ON Uut nervousness ' th(\t so' nmict you. "In lllD 1II1ID T\IIIDl YI Of hi.... There were three of tbe CoJPERSONAL MENTION and fllmilir, returne(1 to his bomeat Gold Bond Cou~ns with PUl'obll.tles. frequel1tly mean I hat you ore UCII IIOIfTII TO IIlIIY Utbll.ntl- 0[1 I:l"turd",y lAst. . ett boy- an t al~o three of th,e An · .llIIm lOunt. ' bilious. Biliousness Is caused Prof C.~. Austin bas olosoo~. Mr. lind Mrs Geor~tl Prutt visit· A Moontain ot 60111 , . d"rson boy., a1lsbou& tbe same age. far ~ IDd RaIooo Addn. and war w&ll deolared. We lived .0008sfnl YMrs work at tbe head of ed with rE,ll\.tivt's Rt Mt. Bolly last . . . ~ ibauly disordered or Inactive liver. PAUL BROWN, T. p, A. where O-eD Bo. rne" now lIvea, and the schools In West Ollrroltoo and .., a oould not moob happll18f18 ,.. ",on ay . , to Mrs. Loola Wilke, ot Carolins, CHAs w, zeLL, D:.~_A. Cald~·~Il's 1& large bern· stood on tbe,baCt of haa retorned llome to eojoy tbe ' Mr. Ottie WQolliU'd Ilntl daugbter Wis., as did one 250 box of BuokleD." CIIIcIn IIIIIA. ( La.ora,,- ·· 'lbe lot. Collett lived ou Third St. aomm~r vaCAtion. Anna Ilpe[lt Son day with Mr. EUza Arnica Salve, when it oompltltely W A. 0AIUtElT. ~ ...... I n ·b - - . I th'e'l r ,--ble D r. all d M1'8. 8 . E . H a tb a way hod Camel of Bar\,eYliburg ooredb abronnin'" Ie'". • e tblrd h~---. ..... . .. @ore ed hon bfU' \IS 1 .. w, c;. fII.IHBAIUOH.O' ... A.. _... - ....-hed elOod &Or_ the alley b I f ha i th i . whlo ad tor&or er ~ ong Ond,..IJ.O. ;;::.:'-::; ftCIDt lot, ana'U my t e p ellllnre 0 v ng as e r Mr. and 'Mrs Duu Wo liard and yea1'8. G.-eateat antill8ptio beeler of acts Instantly and elIectively on \h.e liver goests l/I.8t Wednesday tbelr cous ohildren 9fere l.b e undllY gQeet of Pilell; Wqunds, and tlares. 250 at -relnvi~orates nnd' strenS'lhlltls It and nstoreS It to perfect cond ition. bMIlere s.w aDd IlU and .myeelf in8, ~1'8. Hay~er aDd Miaa BeleD MI'8. M08e Surface onti of. F. ·G. Schwartz's Drng I:Itore. . Thoremarkablo virtue of th i~ wonde .... Y , wen . t*JiDI I" Ule ,Jot we were Hayner. 0, f Urbana, and their . • . UIl6llllr8 Greek. ful remedy lla8 belln demonst rated in .I}. ~QUARFl DEAL. " eland to oome-civer and ,et! Mr8 Harvey Bornett and Ii ttle thousands ofJnstances. IUlll ir will work Bow Presid' e ntRoosevelt's 1I0tto il Weatariedo.f tr, when,Sam Collett, dao,hter Catberine. wonders In cleansing anti setth!ir your "hole syslem aright. Illilstrated by Pelll\lkola. a twln bro'iler to· Joe, beCan to A Dumber of frienda of Ailsa Dor. " .jgh Sc;hool PrinIts good effects nre permMent. arpe Ula' It 'WODld not do' to fight otby Dilkin ~f W':yneavdhl have re'l clpa. Elected. J. E .ltlllno.v ..I\.Y14 PepMlkola Tab. D~ . CALDWELL · S SYR P P E PSIN lets il' tlttt b(ts t poMlillblA Illustration on tbelr premlllM, al their fatber oelved invltatlon8w tbe coDJmenoo. can be obtained in both doll ar Ilnd half- of whll t our sttenuous PJ'8IIldent woul4 be apt to hear and then it ment exeroi8611 of HotImer ~.1I, St. MI88 Anna ,B. tihlgley! of Xeola, Kidney trouble prey. U~!I tbe mind, ,dollar sizes from all druggisls. m Clln~ hy a sqoare deill. ThIH reo Your money will be ref unded If It woal4 be a "lore Ulhi," for thenl. Lou\a, Tbursday evening May 31, of was elected PriucipltJ of the WaYDes dillCOUrageaandleuensaDlbltton; beauty, IIInrkll.ble remedy is Rold to every· Scbool Itt. It , of t70 1 vigor aud cbeerful- doetlllot benefit you. So we went over iDtO barn and whiob Miss I>I&kln iI one of a olllss ville Bi'"h .. ness soon disappear Your pOltal car<1 will brl n~ by rettu.. b od.v with tbe expra88 agreemeDt when thekidneyaare lIIall oor ne .. b ookie•. "DR . A t.D W E I. L'S thnt If It 11068 oO,t do axootly as rep . .Ired 011'. Ham Collett "Dd I ·belng of twenty yoanK ladlae to ,radoate. a montb, illt-Il me<-ting of rhe School out of order or dia- ::'~::",~~-~~~:.~~ ':I~~~ ~l~~ ';~~:~ rl'lI.m t",1 tb'3 ' buver's money will be Ute blgl6llt • faoed eaCh other; Joe After tbe oommencement lhe will Board heht Wt!'lllH~(lllY" 1!Y"~ nlng·. ' eased. Wrll.. loday. . . ohttt'rfnily rehoded . They are goar'ana my brotber' Sam; JOhD W . and cOme to W.ynesyllle to spel1d her Arter OI'.IAring \I·I.ld Ill! bill. trom ,Kidney trouble baa . t t ll/·el! 0 qolokly reliev~ !lDd perma. Ell. Joe declared be could tick all .,~.tion with ber graodmQtber, Comlllenoilment, ~ !r,IlI.'IIce Qt I~bout become 110 prevalent PEPSIN SYRUP CO. n llntl:v 'nra-I111-sterl'la~Uoubl88, .... ~~~ thallt is not uncom6I three of u at onoo, but It 'wu de- Mre.. AlDhoda Wright; and theo it III QO rem~ined frolU the . a81e of" ~ mon for 0 child to be Montloallo, IIIlnol_ I. tOIlC )11) t"'ue .w h 0Je sys""m, R ve new oided tbat U would be foaght oot ai iI ber porpose to enter Va88lu 001 ~e"tII aud. tbe BoIlro uuthol'iz611 that born alllicted with FIJr BtLle bi ,J. E. JANNEY . ite "nd vigor, better coar~e, more, IChedaled, and Joe aDd Bam ~ot wenk kidneys. If tlte ~e'!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~~~!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!~, more vi!." lIty, !lnd '{ ,rlng wealc, · this aUlollot be ' tornp-d over. to the . lege. '. wfll\ry IIl1d desPQndont back to'Uoy, child urinatestooo£ten, illhe Ilntle I\Cllldll bUllY, whUe the rotIt. of ne loodly Mre. J : D. Clemente and grand. AJllmni A88OCif\tion to IlSSi8t ill pay. Ule flesh. or if, when the child reaallesan OUl~' hcaltll. lenia word of enoooragemeili. They ing t·heir expenses dnring Bome age when it IIDonld be able to control tbe . 'U they do not oare yon of beartdaoghters MII,iBIlII Alina and AnDa IOOD clinohed, aDd !Mm ruebed Joe weage, it i, yet .eicted wilh bed-wet, burn , soar stomllob, l08S of ap~ {;oming week. tiog,dependl1pon it, thecause of the diffitil e. dizztDesa. headaohe~ la88ltnde, aplu' the ,reat .doable d!lQre of (,"lements, started 'i'horaday evening culty iii kidney trouble, and the first IlIn<1 1111 other nnple880nt oondltlon" tile barn, whloh g/tove him lOme for a sight-lJeeing trip ~brough the IItep ,honld be to~arda the .treaUllellt of !g , theseimportantorga~,. Tblll unl?l~aS/lnt arl~lnp' from lnctlgeRtlon" all yon leverage, braclog ' bl, foot again"t East whlob will extend overa ~o~tb BlILVe ¥ou the trouble is due to a dl&elUled condition 0.' ha \'e to 110 18 to stop lnto Mr. Jan . tbe door and making a g~, puh, or si.z wee~lI. They will visit wlt~ the kidneys u 'd bladder anel n.ot to a 111'y 'R drug store ·i uid he 'W1II MY :ight the bottom of 'be door aprang out I fri~nds In, .'!aah{nKton, Barpel' 8 habit a. mOllt peopJe suppose. ,. your money baok. Women as well as men are Uliide 11IIserThe Ilrloe hi only ',25, It t.hey Dore. eDoDgh to let Joe'. foot "Ulfollgh, ferry enid Charleston. West Virable' with, kidney and bladder t~ouble, If they fn.i f t)Je 008t Is nothing; But .nd·held him faet. ' glnla. . and both need the . aame great remedy. J ill The mild and the immediate effect of Harvnsburg, 0, tlley won ' t filM a. r. aDney" J. Milt &ltcy, of Lytle, was 10 the ;Swamp-Root i, 800n relilized. It i8ll0ld I t~1l yon thot dozene of people vou I took In the IIltnatlon at • glaDoe, Gazette 'office- E~iday and reports .. ~ . ts· ------.-~ - -. --- - - knolV hu ve been benefitted and cored by uu,gg1s ,In fift yaDd &I qolokly roehed to the hook... tbat the prospects Ille good for a cent a11(1 one-dollar _ nf illdilZo~tion and dypepala by Pep. • tba&, b~ld the aoor. knockecllt 10088, b&DDer peaoh orop in Stacy & Ket size bottles. You may I Bin Illk " l" '1'"blst8, and they will give ~nd for that piece of tbou,hUolne.. termans big orohard. Owing _to bave a aample bottle CurnCold•. Croup aud Wh'lrc;p'Utr COLIlh. ~' I/U " "' q lilre deal. No oore, DO pay by mail free ••lso a _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!"!!!~!"!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!! the 6ght wal decl"red ad" III~d a ' the San JOlle SOllIe it was nece'4ssry I .pamphlet telling all .bout Swamp-Root. 'C!" 1.."OC peace rllllolted aD . never ' . lDelndiug many of the thol188l1d8 of testihad better or 'roer fri~nds.· ~ out down a nom ~e.r o~ t~F, but monlal letter. received from 8uJIere"s .'j" ""_ '. . . , . . tber~ \lro 'MtlllsotfiCll?ot for. Il huge cured. In writing Qr. Kilmer & ·Co.• Sam Collett die,l ·over. ' ~rty yeuF OI;Op . · . I I Binghamton, N . Y., be 8ure oml nlention this paper. I;)on't make ,any "!i.stoke' l ago. lIy brot~er ,S:l.1!'l diEM;' In . 1861 1 Mr: 'Oll.vid 'L'holUutl .Jf the Upper I bitt remember the name. Swamp-Root. \RP~rl'~, L~CE In Welt Virgini •. ; ~a8 Ii oorporlll in ' liJpringboro pike, vllII:ed bis brotber, i Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, ond the addreSl. ' Binghamton. N. Y., on every Co, A.. 15&h Indlltna E~i , served I J . Benry 'l'homlll!, at Sidney; ' Obio.! ~INR" bottle, Unole I:lam foar YOlin; was Capt. 10 ! several dllYs lallt week. Co. B, II!O O. V . I. Bo tiiad In 1875. . . ' John W Collett," .lIoldier in the ' ~ UN HATHA WAY ' 711'b O. V.I. and wlUi ;Q'aarter- SBE LOOKS 20 YEARS 0 6ER . Unles8 your watch has b~n tbor. .... . . i ,1 te lie li i . t M Bow a WaYDe8ville Woman Sbook ougbly otellned ilDd oiled Within 18 Waynesville', LeIldID!( D.'lIt I't. mal r rgen, DOW ' V ng .. a· off tbe Ban:! of Time. montbs it can't be a bS.Jl0.t ely depen.- ollceln I(ey.' UUIlCUDC. · ' . , Main 101<.\ t rie"a, Geor~ia. dsned op~n. We arA (l/llllpOlent to' _ __ -.;.._ _ _ _ __ ~_ _ "--,. Aboot this time of tbe year "Wedon'tneed to speak benllmet olean and reptllr. the luo.4 ctlmplt N t if RI b R k r II . ...~ h h I wu a bo 00' 88ld J E JRnn6Y last w!l8k,for yoo 11 '\ cuted movements. 11.1\ our work 'is 0 a8 , C 118 l.!O t' I' tor .25. w eo , .. Y Y know we melln when you next see Idone t,holroughly and on tlmc· and If you bad Illl ~he wtl,llth nf' Rook ooold have heard If you 4l-,been In. her Why·, ,we never knew a wC!' ohltrlCetl win be no more thun . you efeUer', the. ~~llnd8rd' . Oil, lII'!gnllltl. or .near aay of the old wagoo sheds man's appearance to be so ohanged I woald t,o »,111 when 1t'1!I' akill you could not ,buy II \lenOIr lUeill .' 'bat Itcod back' of 1:he Uammel and improved. 'ller complexion Is ,aoclleR" Cllrfl Are (ixflrclRed otnll for ' bo~el oOlnl'fllhit~ thun BOQl8' "fere everys ,... .. "Fen '" now aa fresh apd beautiful all a F We. oleH~ 18 "ize 7 jew!!!!! for 76, Cnamberlai'o'l! .Co\l~, · Uholllrll snd . , 0 __ ' , .. " D bs '" "All hot!" youog girl's h.e r, atep ia el~stlo Ilnd I MUID ~1[lrlDg!llS. 81ze 7 jewel for 76/1 Diarrboea .R em.edy. Thfl mbllt.. eml nuuDHI : O . Y s hel' eye bas tbe 8nllp and sparkle . UIl'lInlng 111 SIze 17 jcwelM for 1100 nent phYsician can not pl'B~orlte n "'1'bat'l my taw I" ..·Let ... · play for th~t 'g oea ~ith pedect heltltb. And J. Mllin 81JriD,J 16 size 17 jewels for be~ter . preparation fl1'r 00110' I1l1d keepe!" . Some of the · 'bOys - wh~, we are p.a rtly : respo~81ble for It ... ·l\li ·oo .. . , , diarrhoet;l, bo.t b for .ohililr.!m ttUll played ileepa in &hotle days and were ooo'inoed the drolCglst, tor we re·· T Brit adults . .The oniform ",uceeNS of tbll! , 1 ImOllt commended wbat transformetl ber . • . -. ~~B e1'". remedy hll8 Ilhown It to hf,l IIllperiClr ' from a woman of forty toagirJ · of Waynesville, OhiO. to. ll11 oth~r8. It nllver fIlil~, und ' • No. 1 .A lf Hamme 1&0 a oertaln8hotlnd'fln~tplay'er eve~; twenty. W,hat is it? Wall,ltia , . 'whenredooodwltbwlltp.rllnd.,,\\.et!!.. John Dabbe, Mart.. W"'!I fair j "Pug Dr: Davls'.flllpOOR presoription"Lax . ' t;lDed\. la plea8llnt. to take. IOv~ry Phlllipe. Heo 8paDlfle, . Milt..Rogerl soela Tonia ' Tableta, and when we. 8clatio", (~ored . After Twenty Yeara ·( aml y eboold be sOPlllted . wH.b It. A H 'Pugh Hen waa quick and ~ea~ of. it we immediately ordered. " of Torture '. t:;ol~ ~y, E. C. ~~war!,z. ". , . . . ' . . , ~ large supply. And tbe waf they . always devehllb. and , "Iway' had a tQne np the tiystem, olear the com· For II,lore than twenty . years AJr. THE iUCHEST MAN' ni THE ltaok of marblell, and would play plexioD and rejovenate tbe whqle J B, Mt,iJ886Y, of 3322 Olinton St., WORLD. . 60 pIaltere at a pop, 'Wlt~ · two mar body Is 80t'pnslng. · They Ilre .. gen M1DneapiDlIa, Minn., waa.wrtared by blee one in each end of , ~he ring- tIe laxative, promoting an easy, nat- sclatloa. The pain . and saft'e~lng The rlobl!!lt· mao In the world can L' ..... h ld t Itl aral aotion of the bowels and carry- whioh he eni40red doring tbls time, not liave his Indneys ' replaced nor I ... now bat .... r~ w 0 woo ao. e log oft' aU was~ matter that way is beyonll oompreheoslon. Nothing live without them, so It II! lmpor• .Interior vlew .of one room io HlltobhlOlI,ll!c Whney'slmmeue dry gocXts Hory to 'heJlmit. Hammel. Bol, Inetead of letting tbe pollOn' oome gave bim any permanent relief un· tantnot to negLeot th68'e orgAns . If ato"e at, Xell,IH. Store.(IOflS a huainlll!!l of more than t1.00,000 annully. 1aod and - .A nd there ___ 'Mahlon Ithrough the akin. There lan't a til be Ul'ed ChamberlalD 'a. P~ln Balm J!'oley's Kidney Core. is taken at the Ridp with hie wlld dook Scalp for \ 'Woman :tn town who OIlD aftord to Oneapplioa~loD of that liniment reo firatlign of danger, the lIymptoDlI kle dablter . be ""tboot LBmkola Toole Tablets, lievedtbo pain and made ·sleep and will dl8&ppear andyoor healtb "ill 'k a 0110 • . for thuy cost 26 Clents a box, and If rest posellble, and 18l1li than ono,bot. be reewred, &I It strengthens and MahlOD w:w alwaye very careful tbey don't do all that i. olamed we, tIe baa eflfected a permaDent cure. bnlllle np theae orgaJlB, as nothing I with whom be plaled aDd W&l rea· , . .y her money back... , Ir trouN.led with sciatica or rh!'ama" eiee "111,.. Oaoar Bo~an, Lebanon I 1 . " tiem WhY'DOC try a 260 boStle of KY,""'ritea: "1 bave a.eed Foley" -~ eare to 'Win and Jut .. , . . . . Pain Balin and see for yooreelf how Ktcloey Cure and take It'eat Pleaa./ . . . to pQ11 oat of • pme if It Wat r C~.mberlala COIIIh R~' qnlokly H reUe"... 'he~ln. For are In etatiD," oared me perma.: "SO ho.... c:.neCoIdt,Croltpu4~. . eoup.· _Ie by F~ C, Schwartz, DeD'~of kidneydl8Ml8, whloh Ger. ·) ~4 baftooetmelD7llfe,"
:rlJ. ro
0 ' 0
!l: to be held In Brazil . I .'Wllied ZO miles I'ro m HI
$9 85
( nU e.J ~ la l es :lmbn~! "". r~loyil Orl$l'OUI . will I un lr)'. :: IHI l11e coufl!r blll)l)r d by Ibe att endul t'l,O)ut. gec r~1 I'Y of state, . !:O s a forrunl clehignLtl, vl!tlt. '10 B rn~ \l 'oDd 11\ r 1)I'i~S~ n tll hl' ~ from tbe 11 1( . ~-heu e 'ertar made knQwD 11ls InLllnll D ~ , ogreS8. t WRS null tbu m'ovll w at> a p Ie ( }-1.\I It ~mi.< fOI'.clgn elll tbllll1i!,ht \\'ell to Ie seu I
$1'2 85 $ 13.,50
Dizzy Spells!
$16 50
Clnoinnati & louiswOle 10 iL IIPOBTAIT cmES
- '-
.' Dr.
Syrup ¥epsin
W. . . Well '. lea Are ... IIIIerIbio 'y Kidae, aad Bladder Trolbla. .
Il looliS ,unl.ry wus belug " ql • ...,"" Am riCa: l>y means Slnmltlon8' ot her revresen u fUn ·Ann:rloun wan til l w·••rlll power b tmself. d • tIll }' relhih tha ... ' n ~l e Sa ~~If • neceS$nry us protect - u,Jcr. The Lutl!l-A\11 erll YIl Y Eluroj;ean natio ns U11 .. nee ot dIgnity, doa. ti C w )' lu whi ch Lhe U n!t el 'Jl lor or le'd Bored br, W I' t ra I\'ll ~l' eore Lal' ' \ll:J1\ld tV :tceolltJlllsh by rMal to Br a'L II~ ~I'llve lt ng ~1il.L~ t ra!1 ' pol'l n nd e " •.:ql! tl r;)n 0( first -class c~ut f rustra t ell by . lhe f orel gnel . WUHti ln gtlin ' l:orrcspoDd /D~~r wrote 0 a " heulls 11." aB , .~' probable result [curney ' to Bru1!U •. a bemls Ju,:L ~~ pre~ t'D
/ted agrunst Europellll aln II looltS noW as though :s:ggrellslon would have COl . aoollt ·solldlrylng. . In discussion of .t he sul 0 \1' ta ry'J! v isit with our 1 1.::,1\ nelghbol'l\, Ute 'foll imwl!lI : To shoW t~ e Sout I..h ut the Unlt.ed States doe: e ,role of prot.ector; bn , ('h ,~~ ' th tl' state!! of ,the new .~nJ')Y ab~ol u le ellllulltY. '! " ~.rat\l;m Qf fri endslill) 0 , , with her neighbors . ·,Hou tion as Is common b a....uU118 or ·Europe. perl \oIl LI n that the nlled SI.II ~h IlI I1 or territorial aggl Llllin-Aruerlcans, belp ,!.It . fri nllshlp of Ute ' Un •....hleh a know ledges lbelr 'nil ked tAl tinpJlQrt ' th e ' ~ . ( dn • to rooogntze the n . '110868 as III Il as the ben l, l~
cl;» WSI' Illlrt of :J we 1.lans, Ufl II, lin w. gaDg (t(t ligle)': I • 'mlJ there III sLI ght prol JhIec:tB b JDg 1\\ tained. C< ure lons from represll' . I .~ lo · Am rlcan repnbll cs " tile 1lI will not be allowE B \.be <lolJncll chambers. tlllP\clon bn ve been !lO~ " lantl IIgent'!' Is prott)'
'b" .
MOIl" , ' !.At U ~ 1't!\'1e~ prevIous l) conferllDIlO>l nnd also
..."mlltA . that did nOI bring \lO
it IS PQpull1.rl
, 8\110(0 wita 'lhe falber . ",n_. but bero ~ his !.N' ... 40 w brIng about ' 1
of ChIP Amart tbere _ . held 10 dele. . t.1 ."
FUN ER'Al 0'1RECTOR, TID aephona ay or H' ht Local No. 7
Long . Distance No,'" 69-3r·
Branch Office,
C b I. , ham er
s COU2h Hemed)
Dl{'ES8 GOOnS',
t '
White Goods, Gingham SUk. Gloves, Corsets, Linoleum •
~· Hu~~b.i."n
-- : .
6t .Gibney, . Xenia,. Obio. 'i'
_ .. .. I ... ~ ..... ,
,. Earfhquake. ...... -
apan roal "'01\1 for malnle12.000 flOY wberot lturnl e dll~uII Y. relUlo n or goo-
nguu s;e facl.lty fe h Uk ,·t/Mlllle!. • :olll'ge, wh e l'. ! lust ~ Il( yen l'S
Warren County Courts.
1,;. ,",.,.' .. , .JIlIlItI~ D. LewiN deceBe. NltW IIUITII. ··iI ~:II·.V L""' IH IIPI'Uiuteli Ilrllll nill· 'I'be MlUket' Nlltional HIlUk , of ~I'"t."r WII h l"llIe1 of 111500 Milton CmollJolloti. Ohlo1, VIj I\lIlln A Wood "IIJII.I', Mllriuu (ItHk Ilnd Wlllter t or money olll .Y. AIII'JUIIL ollllllled K"'OIlriok tt\,pr"i~"r". $650, Mith Interest frulII Uooewbtlr '1'u~ Olll" Fu I lIudl:lupply CO. VII 10, 1905. Krll.Uler Ilnll Krttlller and An~u!t ·W. Wright , exeoutors : of Brllontlpn, Burr IlDcI Iven8 Ilre .ttor- ~h.ry W. Wright, dooellsed , /lUBe dh' l1Ii~seu. ney8 f or pllllJititf. MI~uae VII Kllrl Etlgle. DiE~tate of Ulll)lh III1U Hormun P. vorce. Cruelty and neglect. Partiea Lewi~ millOI'll. CIllrll B. Lewia illllop were lUllrrled at Col(lnHton, Ken. point.erl "ullrtli!!n ,with hond of $500. tuoky. on August· 5, 11103, tlnd there E!ltate of LYlhll Carey ul!C8ll11ed . are uo ohlldren. BIUllilton and First Ilnd fin,tl lIooount for 81lttle ment filed . ' _ R~o\Vn III'Il "llol'lIeYII for pltuntl1f. L' hll~ A ,.",1' 1111' v....) L Teasdale Estate of II1IlOOIiIlo Browu , deC6lls 1<'or the reouvery uf money Amount ed. l'roor of publlollot.ion of notice of olalmed $400.85 with interest from Appoluted of executor filed . lJ.. oPDlb.. r 11105 W . J . Davld80D . lIURRIAOIt LJOltlfSEl!. Ilnd J. E tlmltl.l nrll IltttlrDtlYIl for WlIllam Edgar Pummell, Maineplaint.lff . ville, ~!ld Neme Knoot, Kings Mills Willillom Ollatu.h VII AI. O. BIlker REAL I:8TATIt TRAMS1l'1tB.8 Hu"ltlvln . Ilooort .J . Shawhtln 18 F W. Baarlammert and heirs of IIttoruey for plftlut.lft· Carrie H . Baarlammert. deoeased, to Josephine F . FlIote; quit ola.lm to (' OUIlT I'R()()XEDIIWS. 19.92 aorea in Bllmlltonltownshlp; JltlJlalt 1:1 Bllrtou. tit Itl extra, v. Chllrle8 Furd at ui. Ctll1~1l dlslIIl88ed. . Herbert W. tim!t.h ' and wife to
·t)'~U8t\ .
The Commencement exerol88s of he. Springboro HiKh 8obool were held lu the K. of P . Hall at Springboro TburlldllY evening. 'fhere were t.wo in the OhIB8. Min Lucy E. aormell delivered 1m exoellent orotlon 'on the lIubjeot: "Wbat Next?" and Mr. Robert J . Wittermn.n ~poke of "The Coining Kln~doDl . " Hon. Frank M. Fox, of the l!lIopi tal College of Oratory, Columbu!!, 'dellver9d the olus adtlreti~. Mr. Fox IS an orator of ability nnd his addre88 was unusua.lly fine. The dlplomRs were presented to the 01&88 by Mr, W. C.Penoe, Pres. ident of the. Board of Eduolltlon.
Many Curios Offered at Furnas· Sale.
}I. W.LANG,M.D; q.M.
HONEYI.DTAR Thl orlll••1 WlTIVE cOUlh rlmld,.
three mootha ne molbers t(I
soole 10 tM musllY. be feet outalning lh.
~ come ood CU ll
factured fo r & are stated aa
:Uy ulges tlble»
and strengttl Is In co mmon . owo fomillea !. nud can b. ,ry 1I1'8 t-claSlt lndon Lancet
Itura of thIS lao Amel'lcan ULS' Is derlvecl , prelm rulorY'
'!lrts tb e fooll
.ore dIges tible
cereal. Tbll
knbJe solullll-
le8~ than one-
If we 111m 't, tell ns and we make'tt rlgbt.
The' Eagle Clothing .
rnnee ·G,rnlle· , -crumbs. The _ _with R plea~ I¥ burnt mnlt. the following
' 20 and 22 East Third St.,
C. M • BRO W
CENn .D, .
·Grape·Nuts: • Inernlmalter. ent; pro telds.
With something sub8tantia.1 to begin the day on. lults every member of the household theae oold mornings. . Most people drink coffee at breakfast, IlDd we oan 8ult the lover of colfee . ,We hIIve 118 good Illlne of COFlEEBatl you oaD find In town Wbllt better than hA.t.ter cakes with PURE SYRUP". · Get Panoaite FLOUR and SYRUP here. We can furnish tbe mnkeop of all mellls; breakfast. dinner and-'I up per, with &11 Bell8onable.go ')(]s . You are invited to 0011.
nultered cur-
&.97 per cent. . tin Ihls analy. >rUon of Pl'o-
I solnble·
,Lncra l mutter .cld. 'UraPe-
110 und nerve e, Our analyt It Is a nutrlt contains tlie ~ tood In very
1Ot'l10n oud h~
- -- he UanndlaD -;0 shows t hat '17 ten urnes Ita/ned In or-
P:i'Op.s.C,.!!t"""o~r,---=-_ ,
t! 1 11-1:11_J!!
'howh~I\.~ moot
mmplete lin..
' 1111 order that ,act (acls up,nor ond wlJl
oiber mUllradllr..r or dealer ill the worl4.
:Is money that
will put uP. ome of the.. .---. ..or AnanJas. "
lIfE' ~rAL ~ II"",~• . . , . . . . ~ .... iillOw 10 Dal. I'Ne TI'Iala,,4 make otbu Ukral _ whJcla D4I otber In Ihe world .will do. You "w ....... ~1tIAc aotI 11ft . _ wal..· .ble Info..... lfon "" slmpl, wrllI",1U a .,.,.cal. h W .. offiJ • " , . " AIIeIItIlu eftl')' towa uti ... 011. aa Gpp!)rtaaIt, mo,Ite mOlJ.,,-io-iUllabre ~ mea wbo .pply at -.. .
_ schoolleacbrt that erUler
'ltf",~_ · :A~T2 OR
(CUH WITH DE" ••• al> 110 MORE TROUBLE F/IOM PUNCTURE.. Result 'of rs yean experience iD tire making. No c1an,.r from THORNS. CAe_ .......... __ ......... ....:.~ ...... . TV5. PINS. NAILS. TACKS or GLAss. ..- - - - SeriolU punctures, like intentional knife cuta, C8II be vulcanized like any oilier tire. .................. TIaIe Two HIIII4II,.. Tltollll/lll pain now'" 1IIIluII ..... Owr : :.. Cl~ Snenty.fI.. Thollll/lll pain ..III IIMlr iiDQrQ. . ~., .. ade In .aU II..... Jt 1I!he",.1I4 euy~. ~4arableaa4 uaod ,••14".. .fib a a)leCial q ....lty 01 rubbu. "bldl _ becooDea ~ .... wl1ldl-~!It> IItIaII PlDdIl"" wl(hOllt allowliia Ihe air to .,..,.pe. . We.ltaft bWId~ of !etten " - . . . . . . ~l&IItin lh.LlMlrU_hi... oal,_pUm~ap .......,... twlttillawllo"'_ ~""IIO.o..etl1a~ .b.ordinal')' tJ",.lbe ptlactll~ rnlatlu' qualltJa bdne ~ 117·..... ~ ~ Paln."~U, pr~po r«l f.briCon lbe'........ TItat "HoTdl... IIadI"eeDiiIiJoa~hIlw""rMJ._ioipb II or 110ft roada 10 ......-wIe ItJ' lbe D&tent " w..ft" treII4 _1aIdi ~.. all ali'f1!lIia beI~ aque..u.! oul between lbe UrelUldlbe....s IbuaO'lft'CmDlnc all _ _ "nIa . . . . . JII'M»I1lMW II~ II J8.5O per .-Ir. but f... adftrtlaI.. ~we.nDlilWla.-...1I11Ctoi7 ..... toQw·r\dItr oronlys..Bo per .-Ir. All crieBoIllppe<l ~~4a11ctter'..ecil"", ......lpCdD.c.,ppwaL You do DOt '-1 a ....t aoW ,.,.. Itaft CamIt>etI &tid 10IlII4I tile. Itrtd", ~ I'11III 'NCd, ' ' . . we ..III.lloira ...... dIaecia.'ofsper_t(lben!I!7..~the~ ......... .QC~. *~ rVLL ClAIIB WITH 080IIIR ...4 .,.,.,..,., thla eavrrlWril....a. We will alia !tttlt IIIeUI pl•• m _Itaad pouopaotl two laml*lOJilet.a1 ~ cbeft_ faU ~ (.... ~ puuclu"'c...... 10 be ule41D ... 0I \litaatloDal kAIIe'CIIlaor hea~ .."'~TllWkI_~ . al oua ~ If , . &II)' ~ tile,> are DOt atlaflle!Ol7 _ I·~ • We are pftieetl1 reUaItle 1IUl-e,> _ t .......... 'aIe .. ID a IIaU. . . , . . . . . . . . . . " .ak.,... ~ ... Jl'nfPt ,q"al or tbe BdIIar 01 lb. JI8.... .ax... If,au _ _ • ~ "!i
=::,v:.'..:. '=:::: "I.#a::. . ...
bd"tbet thCJ' wiu ride .... er. na rUler. _ ................... Jook Iner lbaa UI)' lire ,.ltaftewer Dietl ....... al &II, ~ We Jaaawl'-t lOwell ~ thaI "bn JOII .....t altlqode )'OIl will ....... JOlII' artier. W. . . , . kI ........... I11III arde~ at ~. Itrtter tItII _rkable 11ftOIfer. . _ •r • ~~~ - a a 4 ...... ..J. tII_
urea, JOII trill
OOASJIDI-. . . . . . ............. prka . . . . . . .,. . . . . . .~-~=;rWrife'r~~ i.,.~_at~~~ - . ..... - but write .... ,~ ~. DO . . . .or BDwIllO • . DO _ - _ . !>IcJcle ... a ..Ir '" =f"" __ 1IIItil , . ~ ..... . . ...-
'IIOIIIIerfve--:- we are,...."II. .I' 081)' CUfU. ~
'. .
\ made ot anY' .. printed on say they are ud ·address. ·ttnesses. ana Qugh .to get a ,~ that wro~
eu ..
lc. practically, 1: In America
TIB&I aDd 80NDIUIIII at ...ClU
and nearly
110 dls b. TbeD at Sugar is fod be most salislilby bas rood md will go all
I ................
'fba CQncht.iOllB here lire sooh thAt it makes It a pretty eafe 1)lltce to trode. Ollr goods lUll new, our stylell are liP to the mlnutl', our prices' Ilre t·he 10wlIs·t. Considering quality and mAke we qon ' t cllt.lm tbot we give you something for noth· iDg, we oan't Ilftord to do it . But. we do olalnl we give YOII a bundrAd oents for your dollar u.nd tbat is all you uk for. tbat Is Illi you expect., all ",e allk of YOII III
(0" make
A Living MODument.
better than
- leeR
Ullttlltr of reoonvening the jury. · GraUll jury ordered to rtlOtlDYl1ne uu Wellllellday . Ml&y 23, .. ~ Vu.urt liotllltlllt 10" m . . The New Yorll 'I'ruMt Co. va the D. L . & C. R . R, Alfred J Beoht and Ba.y ard f4 Kilgore. A8 admlnls. tratol'll of the 88t11ote ot Charlea . B , Kilgore, are made partl8l! defeodant. and have ten duys in wbich to plead Loui .. C. Newman VI Robert Y . to;ewman. It appearing Robert O. "roceedings. 88. PI,(J 12 .00 NewmaD Illnlllm" Robert J. I;lhawLebanon Gas Co, glls .. ....... , 2 63 Of course you will repair; haD II appoiDted ~rullttJ8 uf said per· w. Unglesby & Sont4, bnrial before the ,Home Com~ng. For Ro~nd Trip Tickets IOn. for Utll lolt. , of Indigent soldier .. .... ... 5000 . I via . Kate Newman VB Barton Newman Charles Mlmpaon, fiowers for An of U8 are an:d oul that nqr Lo' & N h'lI R R Dttore!I of dlvorOt!gran&ed and plain. oourt honstt......... ........... .a 75 town aha11 make tbo be:lt p..lble. U18VI Ie 88 VI e • • t" ",&Greel &0 her maiden name of Poug. HolliDgsworth, brtdRe 8howing before the many vlll't ora To N'Mrly All polnt'8 In Ii ate 1Iaoey •. repairs Turtleoreek town who will oome to t.he BODl.~ r..omln g ALABAMA, FLORIDA. tiemuel K. Dearth, a ..lgnee etc. Ihlp ............ ,.. ...... ........ 2000 Almost every property owner GEORGIA ·'.ENTUCKY "I Ell_beth A [)elidb. et HI Leave ClInt8tanton,oontraotNo.16 19 10 feels tbllot there are aome reptllral · ' , Lloyd 8tOOlnUAn, work on they Ibould make on their own I LOUISIANA, MISSISS· to furtber plead graoted. ford at Twin Creek bridge 7 25 proper~. IPPI, VIRGINIA, NORTH Village of Fran~lIn, Ohio. VB J. J. It Is oar bQ8IDIl8b to provide m~ AND SOUTH CAROLI. Gallaber. Defilndant h .. leave to Ju. Corrington, brldge Inm· ber ....................." ........ . 40 12 tAlrlal for th8118 r"pIIolrs aDd we can I NA TENNESSEE flle alUlwer· within 20 daY8. Co. Coll· supply you with almost Bny thinK " • Jaoob Cilofelter VII Thfl O. D. & OrO(tonia. Bridge Tlokels 00 ltale lSI and 3rd 1'ueR' rae 0 . 10.. ......... ,..- ...... 96 00 f or bu Ildlng 0" re b u lldi.nll w II I 0 h i, N t t T. Traotlon Co. Mlltiull to quuh <lay. 'r(lm May to November 10' you d eeire. W e 11811. good lomber ~Iu.I"t!. Rood reLurulu1C ~I da~" aUu eamJDoUl overruled. Defeo· OreJ(Oola BrtdgeOo ,oontrllct . !{o. 3 .• : ............ , ........... 467 .15 Rnd balldlng materlJr,la at filiI' priOO8 from da.&e 01 B.. le. For furlbur dao" ha. leave t.o file demurrer oil 00 motion followlog appointments Come over 'and see' WI or ' telephone InformaLlolI . . conKult your Joe,,1 or before lIay 2&. of Bo&rd of Trustees of tb'e O . A, t!ither ~ Setb Cook'i oIBee or Ar. age III. ()r atldreljll IlAry Clinfelter VII Tha O. D. & and C. B. were approved: Teaoher. Dold's Botelat Corwifl. We wll1 be J. H . MII.uu". Ll . P. A . r"ulovllltl. Kv '1'. Tnotlon Co, Same ent~, a8 pre. Rhea J. Rogers at $40 per montb. pleas8d to give yoa prloes and Rny .:. D. RUSIR. D. P. A. Clnclnnall, OhIo. 'Wloo. 00118. SnperintendeD' and mlltron, Frank informati.o n desired. :J. E. D.\\'I1I"PORT, D P. A . 81. Loul. , ~o. W . ,H. ~bDDJtJJ & Co. II O. D.ur,n. N. w. P. A. Cbloago. '/n. J. W 'Folt v••Iane Uoonon et a1. LudlalD and wlfeat 1600 ~rannum. Coawllf, OHIO. C. L .' STONE, Gen') Pa88. Agent. ladpmim' of W. M. Gorwiu. J. P. M. J. Butohinlon, olerk, at $30 per afIInDed. year. PostmlUlter Robbed. The-Uool'le WIedeman, Brewtn. The fine of againat John Ho· Meeting of Cemetery G. W. Footl, Poet.ma8ter.tRiver. Co., va AdallDe Keever e\ .1. )10- gan who baa been oontlned In tbe Lot Owners. ton, 11'., n,elllr17lotlt his life and was "on to mue, petition more definite Xenia wort hOOM ·" .s remlt.&ed on ----" robbed of alii oomfort. aooording. to 'l'he annual meetiDg of lot OWDerll nIH letter, w'hloh 1I&YI: .IFor 20 yrs. .overruled. motion of the BOard. and the Board ~f'MJaml oemetery, will be held In 1 had ohronlo liver OQolplalnt, wtiloh Loai.. C. Newman v. Robert II. of Dlreoton of Xenia work hoW18 the oftloe of ~he Board of ()Irectont led to laoh 1111 I18vere ~ of jllundloe NeWDUUl. Di'Woroe pan&ed. Ous'o- are .Iked to releaae him. that eveD OJIY fiDger palll tarDed Cootract " .. elltered into wlt.11 on tbe grouud8 at ~ 0'010011 Monday yellow; whoen my dootor preaoribed dy-of obl1dnD to plalntlfr. .tune 4. . Elpctrlo Bitters; whioh oored me J. W. Lamar w furpllb brtdge lum P&OB"'1'1: OOU R'I'. It III partioularly wisbed thlll HDd hllvll kept me wall for eleven ber 111 ft. at ,a.60 per 100, 18 feet or ...."'te of Saunah Y . MoKIIl88Y, over at .2.76 per .100 feet., 20 ft. guod t,here be" muoh Illrger IIttt'udllIl0t- yeU'll . " ~nre oure for BlI1ousne88. Neurlllgia. WeakDes8 aDd all 8tom· benefloiary. Third laooount for I18t· oak at ts.OO per 100. tblln bas been the cat18 in Y..llrs ~"I Itch, Liver, Kidoey and Bladder de"ement flied. . ' No. 211: Contrsot was ent~retl Lt.t Ilvllryone atte .. u thi .. ntl!etlll~ ranllement.a A wooderful Tonlo • :~t F C. 8cbwart.z·s Drng Store. 110, • uM ·of Sal'llh' S . Van Bome, Inw with O. C. Cleaver for repltirinl( wllo ollon poesibly d,. f40 beDefletary. T. (). DuBois' ~ppoiot. wingl and making ~rioJ'8te p~\" c ed valtee·wltt. bond of .1,000 .' tion to abutment btl ok of M "11(11 Ia re eetate·Marta U . Wild". de· on G.:eely road in oeerl1ttlfl" t v wn ~. EltOCIptloul here: to· rore tiled Ihlp were IIopproved 'a nd oontrd.ot held for UAUght and all aooountft al let to V. J. ZentmeYllr at OIttitnatlt Wed by the executor are ooofirmed of '57.80 aod approved. Btllanoe in hauda of Plana and speolfi(lHt,loDIi Vo ure IIp If we were to assemble ' all ·Special Low Fares eQOutor, $2888 15. ~ .. proved for furnl"hlng. I",hllr .and those who have been cured of ·TOPaul ....t..te of Marla U Wlldli. deOMs· ma\erlal for doortng t.he !In''J.I8nsion heart disease by Dr. Miles' Heart Cure, and who would' May 2~ to 30-Woo,en·. Clu\) M".II"" eel. FlUh and 6uIIllloCOOuqt for I18t· bridge at Franklin . ~ltid · dOllr toO to-day be iD their craves had July '3. !!4 . !.?6. ~aenKerhun~ o(lmdet' of 2 In. pilln k II nd 3 In ort! 'lement flied. not Dr. Miles' been successful . Boston EDt·ire ltmgtli of OIote wood blook. _tate of 'WilIbull BeIer, deoeaa· in perfecting this wonderful May :II t.o Jupe D"Wedlc,,1 and ~'h'~1 ft~r 388 It. by· 19" It. Bids wUl . ed. Arthur D. Spenoe appointed ·ad. heart specific, they would popCbur.b or (!llrl.l ~Ch·lI1I81. 'onven' be opened at. CODlIUI,,;'i,,"erll· 9 ffioe ulate a · large. city. ' "OD.,,:!topovers al Ne", York. phil,,· miniltrator . . Friday, June l,.t 1 O'OlllCk p. m What a remarkable recos:d<Ielphla. U"I'hport. W.lblllll'OlI. .... tate of Georg'; ·W. Null, deOeala breathing, thinking, moving . New H_ven . eel. FIrat and flnal aoool1n.t lor· 118'· monument, compOsed of human June a Ul 8 .. 1<"ll/btA of COlumbu. 'lemeot rued . . lives,-that for which every Loui8ville . l'A&ate·of Banoab Printz, deoea~ other earthly possession is sacJunu 1.1, I:.!, lU" Home'Ooallug w e~" ed. 10veDtoty and 'ppralll8meat rificed. Portland, Ore .. The Miles 'Medical Co: ' realed, . For Well Drilling' JUlie 1M . to 21 " llolel Mtlll·. l\1,,,,lImr ceive thousands of lettere from In re lipplloatlon for the •.ppoint Sll~ these people like the following: Omaha, Denver. ment of luardlan for IIlIlon ' R ''1 feel tntlebtect to tlte Dr. xn... .July /1 III· D.'~ P,.U. J.ujy II ·U.U·P.O.t;. Pauly . MUtoD R .. Pauly being de Burt Cure lor my lit.. I to ea11 J.F. HECATHORN · tit. attention or OtItera .ulfel'lq u I oeaaed appUoa~ioD 1• .~ithd&:&W.~. cIJ4 to tit.. remarllaW. reipe4y fIJI'· tho I~ilwaukee h_rt. For t& Joq tllII. I 11&4 .ullereel ID re·.tate of MUton R: ~o1y, ' Waynesville,' -: - • OhiQ. ,AUPA' 10, III. ""!la,I'" OraDd AerIe from .~ Of ....tII · atter any 11~t1.!P.114t1011 aI·the bMrt: c)eceneed. IDVen~ry .od app,i'aiaeanti at tlaD_ ",mill. pain ID tha Mlori illinneapoli8 01 til. h_rt.· /10 .....0118 that I ~ m.... cUepeD.ed WIth. tIIat I woaI4 80111. UaIe tlf'!'P d ... UpcJIl A.UIUIII 10, 11. II· O. A. n. tit•• treet. On. da,. I reatl one o«)'our lf Inttlre.~ "ok ell'Cllla.... ao4 hDme4JateJJ' .I.wellt. to ••~ or Peter D, &Dta, deoeal · my .~ and purchue4 ~_ · bot· ed. JDnotory ' and ' appr&ilemat . ~q ·t!'_~~n..u4wtthtopu:! lied. '. !!!!!!!!!!!!!'~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!! I'H\1lt Ulilt I iua aDUr"" curetl. "lln08 l Defti' IDIIII all op~t,. to ID re wlll of Ellen A. IItIler, . de· ,-Grand .· Home·Coming aDd .theD . - I D ' " 'ilia NIII~ to IDY f11Uda bart trcMablt: ID f&otoJ . . MONEY TO LOAN . ........ A~tiOD.' fw· beartna ReaDIt'm of former RetlldentR at who ha~. !....'!'ltn llq ~.!!.t, ... I . . We b'ave from f1000 to $500,.000 to " ... C, 0'01_. . Wayoeovllle week beIlDoln. Auguet bo1na .I D r~'" ..... aDd Life InIO· ........ oi ~ 10il0 on .... ~pol pa~ ... 818011. lfubVllle, 'l'eIuI.. " naoe a' &be loweet of 0 - . 1IIIiIM. Appl. . . . " ~ r. I Dr. . . ~ ...." ,fiUN 'I ....~ Aouoy CO •• ~r~'\':tTIl.~, -"" ........... Ior b4!U1al,)ue 8" ~wtll """... , . . ....,. ' aDd WalDO' lte~ 1t~ at 19 o"'uok. OIDolDaati, ~ o. . . ...... ~BIIdiIlt.IaiI ~r .. nd
Ill':. III (:110 II 'ra-
nmlt I l IlC·Kle. l:l'Jrll Nipples. lebl ()I' ' 11111 .0 tl. A ouru' JlI"~' lIu t')r~ t d hy 111>l'ly d th udo wRWUI£VILLX, OHIO iogChIlUlherh~iu ' s Hnlvell~~ un Ilt ~.IXCJmi'TI, t.llll ohil11 i~ 11tlntl nil r!411If,\' • Wipe it SPI«lIAL~llC.'1: DISII:A81:8 or wOlllllltc w. E . MOORE, Receiver _-,-_....!!. ng!i>:o ~l~ ·a:t. , <:l ulll9S0 nlf With I~ Mort olnt,h 1 I, rnre ullowfng vembcr 9 willI the ohll(1 to nl1l·!'lfl. 1\1l1ny tmined AND ORILDRIliN. Mell has 6tn o. norses use thi!1 Rll lv ii wilh tIJA best TIME CARD trom til,. m (s· I' suIts. Prico 25" cent!! per box. FORTUNATE MISSOURIANS, EFFECTIVE A~lUJ, 16 . lU06. be first " ' hool Sold by F . O. l::! hW'lrl:r. "W)len ) \\'11811 Ilrngglst,. IIot Livon' Q ShUll v, II ~ lu" NOR1'IlUOUND No. t o rjo. a' No. r,. It~J Mo.', " wrttl!~ T. J. Dwyer, now pr 'j\l(III'o In 1\ -. M . P . M . 1'. M . A.. M. and th ere Is of UrllYliviJIe, Mu , " three of . my [) ~5 t all ove r t h .. cu stomers were lIertllllnently oured 1110 Lebanon Je.Ar.' ao 10 25 •• thers I n good of cunsuDlption hy Dr King'. Nllw 1 -, fi ~!! Shaker Cr. 7 ~7 I un y IJrovlslO ll 17 Discovery, 'IUlU Ilre well nnd I 7 2~ I 10 17 ' 1 2~ Ros},ln Hempne,,,) b 111 7 I II ... H, I III totillY . One Willi t.ryilll! to 8ell se, as n Iso In C., nterv·lII ~ IJrnpert.v !lilt! move t.1I Ari~.oula. bot. 7 I ~ .10 0 7 I I~ '" 01 vunt of traln~ Itfter using New Dtscnv .. ry a short t 7 00 " 10 01 H 011 f~, 01 Manor .es. rime btl fount! it. nnullC/\/osary t.o (10 7 01 \l fi6 lUI .. fin Lytle ;II ~iI ' ; 12 nil .. r.3 "01. I r egllrd Dr .. King ' ~ J: ew Discov. Edl':6wood I1 rv U~ the mo~t wonderfUl medioine ;.u 4\' n2 51 H i ll Vena.ble I . in ' I'xi!ltenoe." liurellt Cough sud Klt.cbue r &8:'2:W 47 : l~ 5 ~ t.-l .7 Uolcl onre lind Throat· lind LUllg Dodd. a 60 10 . 5 12 [)O t 45 beAler. Guarlmteed by F C, &lh · LeIBDd tu i t • f9 au .. U U 4 36 Tho .onulno Trllll Lebanon-L\·. U a~ y ao 12 3~. 4 ao I'OLltY"S BONEY aDc! TAil I,la wllrtz llrugglst. 501J Ilud o II I~ II D& X 'J' 0 & X T C H&D a YoUow p~obf.. RefUllo 'U~UlIl_ bqtt.le free. u 00 11 0 0 !! 00 OaYloo 'r.parod onl, by OAt )( 'I' A Oom_an,. OhIo.... Do oot be Imposed upon .. A '00
Foley &. Co., Chicago, originated SOU'l'LlBOUNO. c!tomach Tro uble.'I. Boney Ilnd Tar 8S li throat lind luog One ot the mOilt largely attended A. M . A . M. P. M. P. M. aiI'll. Sue Martin. Itn old auel I1lgh remedy, Ilnd on aooount of the !O'eat; pabllo ealesever held In this vicinity Lelttve No 2· No. " No O· No S· Iy re8pected resident of Foilloull!. merit Ilnd popularity of Foley's WIUI the lale of tbe eftoots of the late oaYloo : eEl'" D 6 00 o.., ton : 0'" X. l' 7 00 1(, 00 ~ 011 1\ 00 Miss •• WOII slok with s t oUllloh t·roo . Boney and Tar many imitations are Davll Fllrnall. Thul'llllay. Lebanon J.. 7 40 10 aii =!In r. i~ ble for more tJlIlII six 1lI0nt.h fl Chllolll- offered for the genuine. A8k for Edmond 'rbomp80u; lot III Avalon During hi8 10DII: life Hr. Furnas Shaker Cro8.lng 7 4~ 1037 2 37 r. H berlalo's /Stou\lIoh anti Llv .. r Tab· Foley'" Boney Bnd Tar snd refUse I:Illlght8 ; $!i.OO. had aooumulated a large lot ot valu· ROAl),n . +7 47 :10 4 2 ~ 4 ~ "~411 lets ourI'd her . Sbe says : "1 cau IIny 8ubstltute uffered a8 00 other Cbllrles ~ Suukul' to Fi'oo"rloa A a:ble bo01:8, Ilrtloles of ollina Ilod HemPll~e"d j r.o 10 . ~ ~ . ;" r. " ~ now eat anything] wltnt !Hut am preparlltlon will give the same .lit· Cenlervllle 7 ro8 . 10 r,n ~ ~.I r. r.s ~he proudest woman in Ul e worlU tsfBction . It 18 mildly IllXli.tive. It &o':er, lut. In lIMrr .. w ; $1. other things prized by lover8 of the MBnor "~0 4 HID r,~ ...! ' " "004 to Hnd such a gond m edioine ." For contains no oplat~ and is safeet for De881e H. Horlll~1I to 1.'. E. Drake antique, and all of these thlugll were Lytle children and delicate perllOns. 8 00 II 01 !I O ~ 0 O~ snle by F . C: Schw/ll'tz. lot In Lebanon; Ii! I OU '6Ilgerly lought after. The bidding EdgeWood II 12 Hll 07 a o r, II 12 W . Homoo lI .. ppilll/: In Frtlnk on almollt IItl articles Will! 8pirited., VenabH! 8 16 II II :I OY 10 IIi KI Whner +~ 1M II I 1:\ 1:1 II III I ~ Ma.ple; twu trltcl .. III G'Wllt,uwn, $1 I Dedll.. +8 ~() \I H. a I: . .U ~ I J&me8 F'ord el '.. 1 Itl 'hurltl:4 Furd. WARNING Leland ' d 29 III 24 13 ~~.6 :10 qUit olalm to Heven I rllolll in HIlIII, :I 3(1 Il .~ You olln 'not hue KOod on- Ltlbaorm ArrIve II ar. 11 30 llton t.ownshlp; Dully exce pL Sundtl}'. * SLOI' on .helilil. 18811 your kldne,s are 1!0unt1, for the Chllrl1l8 E 1<'llr.1 lind wife to kidneys filter the bloodeof Impurt. Il UIIUAY 1·HAIN H. Charlell Ford; three 10tM ill MaJUA. tiel whloh otberwill8 IlOt a8 Irrlta Trains p ..... Lvlle as follow.: Not evei'yone is wearing our clothes, ~e don't tlng poison8 and break down t~ Northbound Ii 4711. In 7 aUa . m. ville; $1. delloate orgaoa of the .body and SoulbbOund 7 0111'. 111 . ' claim it, But we do sell some Clothing, and 11 Ola.. m CbIIorles Ford uml wi~e Lo Jamfl caUII8 eerioWl trouble. If you have W . E . MOOIlI!:. Ferd et Ill; four trllets III Eillmlltoo kidney or bladder tro.ble and do some mighty good people are doing some tall Gelleral Pa !!ClDMH AgeliL. l.ebanon . O . not WI8 Foley'l ./Odney Cure, yoa t()wnllhip: $7,000. talking for us. There are other . Clothing will bllve only y01ll'll81f to blamt5 f !!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~ n - -Stores in Dayton and good ones too, but none for resulta, as it positively OUI ~I! ali i Commissioners· forms of kidney and bladder dllOeas.
Wtlliam Burtoll et 1101 ext-I'll, ,.. t!burlt'1l Ford tlt 1101. UllUt.16 dhlllllued Illlli iujllllof.iun vllOllotfMl Mtllttl of Ohio VII Arlhur i:4mitb Prlltleoollnlf attornlty enwrll ~ ool1e p.lotI6qui Iloll jary Is: ui:loharged trum lurthtlr 0 ,n8Itler.lti·,,11 of thil
Springboro High '~nOM School Commencement I
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wbolcsome .
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WANTED FURTHER ORDERS. ~l."N 'THE PRONUNCIATIONI Thoy were. carcel., IMt.d "h.1I tb .lour fir the OUler omra sIRmm<l,I. and 1 Color ot lilli_tach.. to Be BatBed Waa A Cor~C!t1on That Failed to Correct . l' u ~ halr ~'ae- overlurneU in Ihe hurrluCl ' and Oalled Forth Commellt / (lIihl o f ~om o one !.broucb the depurt- I thCl QUllIItiou fit Immont. "h ~ chlet Quic kly opened hla 1 Jncorr.ct. . pcn'trallce, .' . cloo r lind looked 0111 . HII wi s Ju¥t ta OI!!PAR1'M E, ,~ .!\1'O Hl': . 1'O R\· limo to ~ee IWI, men disappear Inte SUlnlor 'flllmllll WIIS lIolluslllg a Capt. WiIIl.m .~ l1inllf! r, the !lOteli 0,-.~'I.l1\nl I n II \ tic By H, BARR ETT S~lTR" • • Ihe aud ll ing rl)O m. ' One or the Dlen ' politiclIl leader oC o\'orbcnrlng, a rbl· _ler llro""er of (jb C.KpC~ ke baT, .. Id r .. J!Clltly: . I In III 111 ' En!ll\~ 1 f. '" his a~tiI SltUl\, th e ot bol' the 0 s lHt~ trury metho(ls, 8[1Y8 tho MU y;oukoe "Tbe o."ter bUlioeSl i. iD II bad ~Jnll<'ol S <lINI pl'(>~11 ~.,;"~"",,,,~~~,:->~,,~~ UIII !l udllor. ' Help Wh.n Warnn, "Elemente 8rin, ~erin. a. Well .~ In Tim.. Sentinel. Oy.ten at'll leLLlnl acaree. TheT .... tfr.q'l vas Afn \rh'ltu tCop);rfghl . ~)' Jo.elJh B. Bowie•.) IS4 Wft8 8nrp'rl~l!d l\l her wOl'k . 1rhat Nation. War-Practical Bu.lne•• Method.. " Ho goes bo far." eald the senator. not planted In the 1 iRh t nlanll ~r, altd the, 'No: Hoi o nly r""ger I '1'1\8 dl'porlmp ni W 't~ In lin IIllrO;]r, " Whltl are YOll duln g 'here, any· "He Is like th o mil lUll. ca pta In tho, are Dot latbered 'D the rillht ~aon~r. ~bl IOYermoent Inu.t loon .t.ep IU and lIve tI :l\'t~ IIlIn rl'l ht., b" l Sure •.wome n nlill <lrdar·derke Wi\re un· wny?" said Ihe 1lSIIIIlblu t cas bier. uSed to bave In Concord. ua a chlup. or f'YcntuaUy. there will be lIW l. 1111]1118 of I'll " Looking up tilat allortage." Sbe "'1'11 18 man ca me to Conconl wIth no oy.ten lel~. Tblng. are .. \1 Wl'ong a• . /lbll' to ropp wllh Ihl' crowd thu~ (I y lIlg terrlt ) ar_. wrong a. the Enllll.b wltb tbe., I'll 'h ~ d 10 la k "d l'ull lnge oC the adver· 8110k quietl y, a war record, and got a copll.ln·6 np· ry ,,;(tOll 1'1 II I tn tbe letter ·b.' . II~Ptl " "pechll Sale-Groceries." . " Wba t rlgllt have YOIl to toul'b Ihese Ho w rull ot mea ning the words orgH nlzol1 Wll ~ seen. mllrt! Ihn n uve r polntment III tho militia. "Once,. in . Banbur" 1 dined with all l\rtl \'I'I\'ll n~., or In\ "Ho was 1\ marti net . 'rbe nrst da., Engli.b farmer. We h.d bom lor dinner• . " II'olf Ibe trouhl e bere Is uused by booloi without my permIBBIOU '!", cle· "Red '·ro~s ." They bespeak lIumuh· berure. In 1904, com llarlng If '~IUI olh · ,!\t lff ti p r, rile ,. Ille cWihJe rs. l\0( (l ne lILten CUll malee mantled Ih a8818\;8·n .audltor. lI.ul'la lllsUl, IhoStl w arlllg ' Ih e bnd ge e,' 1.)I·und let; or Ih,! 1lIl ,H'nu lio n nl .Ret! be re,'lew his company he e;U\!Ulne<l • vel'Y deliclou.. bRm, ilaked. !fbe farm, m. r lClI , ~nd It Is ;'huoge rapidly. LtKlk al erice six !" W(18 " I' ,'e lieen wa'ltlu&" for a long \lnle to " ro given rl glH 01 way wi IIm ! \'e i· mer,' 1'O~8. 1..elll'ln g U\l I 01' .·lIkulll tl nn overy hair on their head8, eNry bUt- er'a aon loon fl nifthcd bl, portfolio IDii 8bah ntno <l ny ~it . bIt plote n~nitl . lhp rom01ent ot UIP ,iepartUlent mann· get lit Ihose books- without yom' per- A"lI oy cull /;! for Quil' l, r II r. r ady reo do LOrt;. lIurSI)R. h ll S IIII III ~ 1II111 mute·· t OD OU th eir coals. It ' '£liS n'l ordeal pe8led " 'More 'am, futll er: be .. id. • 111' 'yes wid!' 01> n, !:e ~ all be pol nled to a larl o double mission. You I1 lwayw ftx.ed It lIo that spo use ot meu lral ~ I ill a nd nurse's riul M . In lhH fl um or '1IIHis II1 0 n ~ t h.. for th em. 'fbe farmer frowne:! . r:t. tho United SI. 'le~I, " Here. you:" 10 " )'oung womlln you we r /Jere to go over tbem with ~"I: W hear lhl' Sltn 1t·1·lI ncIHt).. n~ II l1 l1nll ~oc l '(Y rOIJllI'lpll III tllI' l ), 0"" ' ''On the '\\'bolo, the captal.o was ': ' Dou't MT 'am, aon.' be ..Id, ' . , -s,,), 11 AllIcrl('n, I.he • -.111 \ wu.s OD h r "'nr to the elevl\lor, rue. TO-da., I saw my cbance. o\lId-" wen! lIuHI wh ot Irr·i!a l.·<\ Iltul P resi· 0\' .. $ UI'.UOO, Ihe Ge nna n soc! ly OVE'I pletlsetl with bls Inepectlot\. One 'am,' did . • y 'am,' the lad proteeiA!d, •• trw. Ihnt Ill'" llO I" If 1 find a nyth ing wroug b ere: ' boo d ent Roosevelt hQuld h llv~ d u uIJll~t\ $!IUO,OOIl. Ih e 'Au"l nrI IlH,0" 01' $1.700 ,000, thing dlBBatisfied blm. lhou~ll . Hie an"'1 ' ''' hy are YOII 103 vlnll the floo r ? Injured tone. rt)fIl 13rlt ••ln 1\1\ 0 Where nre yo u going ?" gan the os~ lstan l audlto,., In a low t he peoille of Ihoir ij ll'Il'lw1I dly' wd nl!l 1111' FrOIH'h O VI' I' $1 , OO,OuO. ulld Ihe men all bad Clean,shaven Uillie,. lipB. "');'ou Mid '.m' cried the (atbll', 0",,11'," 1\ mm n' be liqUId 10 organizlIiion allU cUtltinct ·.la,,:l 11 (>58 "V" I' $~ ,OU\l,OOO. Uurs re llon · Some bad lilde wbl8ker8. emne bad fiercel, . • 'Am'. wLlt i, abould be. 'Aa, "Tn report ' 1'1 III)" d~rlltntllel1 l. I'\"e '·ulee. IH' !-; lIt.h Amerlrn Dot 'am.' . II~e n relieving clIge ~. ,'he ras ulor ."Oh . you won't tlnd ull yll IIlg wrong " f I'ell r wurk. ror II III(l UlCnl lull un · ('II SI .702! As th p. Jllpa nese so 'luI , mutton cbop", Bom~ &ad 10ate'lS, Bome "In the midol of tbe 8Quabble the ferm· 'Il"1:1,"1 d ce mBn ll n~ "~6 h ier has j ll ~t rp.lur ued." Thr young "':il1 Ibe tnture everything w ill be all roady 10 hid We lt'Ollle lo Ihe Hejj 'ruSH Wad Iu rgl/lit lit nra lerln l r0811l1rces . jj() hod patriotic chin beards. Tt,ere "'U er·. wire t\lrned In me witb . IItU. eX l J "I}' II P UII....Olllan stanCtl 10 go. l'ighL" 184 snllled d orl ~"· elr. "I bilve olH 'llI l se nlo ut 10 Illk.] ehll rA: of W I1 · it WII K II lsO la rgcst 111 nllllll berallill ' not one who. bad a mustacbe. dell reelltory laugh nllel said: 11' 10 lJe· hoiII in HI" "'l'bty bolb thin.k they're .I.,ine 'am,' .. trll)\f tIOIl ~; but tll c p rc~1I 1 II I ill1l1l1 - ovel' MIIII,t1UII nc'l he.·(' nt K: filiI' LlI mbel" "The captaIn complimented bls earn. The d partmenl ma nager rim his eye Coun!l thul lenll." slhllltell _0 m\l e~ f li " er her, look io ht1r NII ghl f orm , car· " Wh at!" fairly lIhoUI II botb men . dllllel)" go.,·e IISSli rHut'" . IIwl lUl'uln g Is,hlp wn~ l2~ . 0 '81,11 ilS II erul wurk pallY In a abort lpeecb, and c1npluded Thl' Vnlle,! ~ll\tcs n An Intereatl ng Letter. ro ty -r ed hnlr, SII'I'I· bill e fyes, thi ll, "I find In lOOking o"or my vouchors •. o ver " Ihorfly 10 Iho Itc,1 ,ros" !I~ ' Ihe Amerlrll ll Horl ero ~ WUR nili only lJ,V saying: ' Mary Bngguley, of 117 Peac1l St., )lIt. Llord Grisco /U, rompresNfd lip. nnd dftl.'rminerl chin : t batl btl" e 11 rel'Ord of , 211 In cllllh !.bllt t;llciution '!VIIS LIler ,I)' 1111 lldcd 10 till II00r In rllnd~ 111111 III mher" . lis offa lr·. " 'Ouly one tblns la \Ilck lng 10 male <''< '(1 1\ Iry , und Ille () Hod h e noted thA'1 ullbough Iho girl I nev r lurnefl 10." , II gll p, Ull emerg n !'), m U~lIre, the 111'- hn(1 beeu !!I lllI 11'11111 lonijoly o'Ol1fllll led. a crock, martlal.lookln g company of lIy~aeUfle, N. Y .• wrlles to tell . or the b",t.,red br III lit KlOOtl with ovenI'd loo k, there W itS " YOll !tel" ~houted ' the IIl1Slslaut Ilunl'llllloll brons h i lO the rore lhat By 1111 II cl or o ngr(,6~ plI. ~ <I Il yeu r l·Ou- musta ches. 1 want every man terrlbl" . uIrerllig ot ber slater, wl\o, Wmt. e erelnr), of t for tbe PIlSt 2!l, hod \>ee1J lor· ~oD.le lhing In her ' nppeullnc th ol s ug· cashi er. "I cOun t..,d yo ur t,a s h when llllOJlle migh t foel. theh' '(fts We I' LO tIU!:u \1\1\14), lhe "merh'lIl1 N.ll l1onal .Tacit ot yOU to raise · mus lacll,lI: , !i! 11 t()rmn I del geslBd nn alert kera ness 10 lh I)res· you turned Il In. Your aO('Ollut8 bal_ l lJe dl~b1Jrse(1 hy e:~PI"'it! n ceri ba nds, lJy Re,l CroHK wa~ u ow ty orgu nIM~ . it "At tbls order the men lt41keil at mented wltb Bide nelle trom tema le a. vl~lt. 10 13rn. 1I a elll altuotlon. lie Sill !! ab ruptly : anell!! oven" bu sl ll e~H·II I,e me lhods. ThlM 118su r- Is . nuw ill cuqH)rnl II ulld l"r Ih .. Ii. .... ~ one anotb er, aud a young farmer Lrouble. kcei)lug ber weak and aili ng. n.' [I~'8o nl ntl\'e~ frO! tr'mblln 1111 'e, nod Ihe 11ilitUi1 of Dr. Uev lne. or lhtl OIRlrlct IJ,r Oolnmbl ~ II lid III stepping 0\lt from the ronlls: saluted "Sbe look Wine of Cardlll and la now "Tnke charge of No. 6, I' ll lele· ' The lleSis'llln t a Uditor i)Uh\t . Wh n e well. Oa.rdul hils been a Oodscritl to "hone your dCllllrtm(',nt . . Wllo\ 's YOllr wltb xcllemeno as be reall thll~ II er: t hb Hed Cross rORlrese nUHlvl). lit one Il ro\lgh t dlt·cell.1' llncl f'1' gOl'e rnmen t and IIIIld : ttl lile knbwn hIS Inll b , .. b hold In bl h d P P PUUl mnlter~ on un omlalJle footing . SIIPol·vls itm. Among oth r IIIClllhRrtl "'What color "III you ban . them, liB both:' · she writes. For all "OlD ' Dum er . e"y b Sd Illlnb ' I city und lied Crooy '\fe to n~t In hll r- or Ihe bOIU'd ot 111 orIIOr&tol'l', Ih s lr-' " .n·1I troubl es, O(lrdul Is a safe. em elenl, Jn~ross, it W{l ou ~ve e erate 1 YOIII' mon )". cha rier provides thn' II",. IIrc 10 b ' " \ 4." th move w a ~ p reli able rowedy, At ,druggists; SI.UG SOI Wi l bou t wa ltlug r" nher ins tructions YO,~\chVberst:lfbel b h . Id II MIlM:! Clal'/l 8t1rto ll , the ol'!!a nl~~ I' nf chosen from file dep/i, rtme nts of stllt,l, HE CERTAII.ILY WAS ..... E... N. Thl t it e 'ms forel! ~ho walked toward t be desk. • , a , a.o 8 0 ail coo y. th 6rsl Amerlcu ll R d '1'0 a Foclcly , WOI', II I1VY. tr 811ry alld JUBlle'e. Thl!. ,. I'" .. . Tile !l'ore the VanJ... UIIII/ ~ht well to Ie' The be .... llderm en t of the cllJ!hl er lu ' I TO only copied your example, and: , Is UOW woll up III YJlUl'ij, li nd 80 llle Ha ll Wlllhtm H. Tnrt, RCil retary 01 "I want 1.0 introduce'You to a ,0ullllad, rharr:e chllng ed to onger an(J suspl cloD n,ow that I acknowledg-: the sbortage. , time IIS O It wall t h ught II eSI tbnt II Will', li llY)', tr tlasury Alld l UKlice. The, Made Btll lIrag So Strong :1Ie. Em- _ 'UJ nice I\irl- and . be', wort II ber wh-en Ibo l1li" the "reltef: ' 1M neither III ndvlall YQU to era:e tholle fI~lIr08 younger persOIi assume Ihe res ponsi. Hed Croll!!, rlud SUI'gaon G nern" WII .. treilht in ' Golrl . ' bat'raIIed tile Oredulou "6\.0\1' airl. I booe,"-'nM Tattler, lOOKed at or npok. to her conl pa n'lon, you hal' added to 212 B vouche rs. billti en of presldcnt. Tbrough It long lIam 1<. vnll HeYf\en. t . S. ,N., rc llred. Operator, IlII t wllnt to "ork tit once In a busl· " 8 careful "hat yOu. are saying," . el·ll's of conl/lOlgu s--beglul)lng wlth.lM th o ohalrmilu nt., Ihtl central ':om. 1"11'8. St. Vilu" Dlance lind III Net.ou. lI uslikfl 'manoer. warlled the UIIletant cR Rbler. . the fO,.. l Urea III Mlclllgll u Olld end- " 1II11t\,e. A d l, bllrslWi: omeer o[ tb ~ WHr There Is an eltceedlngly sulllble DlIt!Il1118 pemllloently onred by Or Klhlll'. " I know wbot I'm saylnl." .. It'! the Tbe head floorw a lker looked noD · .,oun~ girl wo~klng In a Denver Grant ~erVQ R""IOI"r. end for Free t2.00 plussed. Did bls ma nager kuow tbe Ilrl , qui ck ly. " Wben I tuwbled Co bra ncb telesrapb Omell, IISY8 tbe Post trial botLie aud treati... Dr, R. H. Kline, alcandals ot tbe cash ier deparlment ? your "a me of graft two yeare alo. I of that city. Sbe Is new at tbe busl· 1.4,. 931 Arch St.. I.'bilodelpbil, Pl'. Ooulp bail It tb lu the entire CIUIhler tbougbt It would only be ~ queallon of . nB8ll, having telegrapbed 10BB tban a 8r-1d", of \lnlrl~ IIlpe rien~: 'thfll" oorpa, at one LIllie, demanded 184 's tlwo befo ro yOU ",ould be trIpped up. montb. Tbe other day • young maa 1. that ror ..,m~ people of diocoyerinl t!' at enlo)'lIble evening ma.,. be .pent wlt b reelpatlon. TlIeT IfttllIted s he waa Bllt rou work 80 well togethllr and approached ber desk and expressed a a" .Ilt "",ltlll a word Ila!nai .Qbody. "erooked" III relief "ork. ' 184 cover your lraclul 110 line" 'ou are not des ire to know bow tbe In8trumenta a,ke4 them to prove It : they could even su spected," worked. With a noti ceable .Ir of IU' Garn,ld Tea C;U~ .i Ic·hul\ltcbe, biliow :'aot; 110 .he declarod that ahe WIIB " no " Oot \I s welled bead IIluC8 you trOt perlor knowledge the slrl expla,lned III &ottacu. liver troublo and collltipa tioll. qultt,r" and tbat ehe ....ould neve~ reo the resulor a!l8lgnment!" uked tbe g . ttetall. Then sbe !lont . a mes8llge. April 8howo'" .100' brinK , fortb borroW... ~ I,n untl) eb. 'a"1lI "caugbt wIth tbe ' slstau t CJlsbler: earcaafical17. When ahe bad ftnlabed th.o young man umbnUaa.-lnWanapoli, liI • ••. ~d •. " That wu two years alO. and 184 s napped ber IInlera at tbem. tlanded ber a palle.r bearing sometblng here wu 184 counting cban.e, . "You I"aklre! I trOt th. regular Job . bo bad written. But a week bad pfl.llsod Inee 18. reo In lI plte oC YOIi. You two dtd all I. "What wll\ It cost to .~nd that !Des· UNITED STATES SENATOR ' I'elved btr UIIIcnment. your power 10 " fie p me OD r:e"ef worlc, loge?" he asked. FROM SOOTH CAROLINA Down In the casbler departmen l the Do you think I' m lOin, back to It? She looked at It and blusbed. It was cblef cashier mopped his brow ""bile NOI on your life! Whenever you al· PRAISES ,PE-RU-NA. , re production of tbe message she bad he read the audltor's repor t. tered llle vQuehere of {be' cubler I ·relust sent. He bad copied It from tbe Th~re was a groan in the chleC casb· lIeved, t ho blame thrown on me. Instruments: ' ler 's big voice I I It broke Ibe allence, I could.n ·t openly aCCllse tou, no one "So you are Rn operator, too, eb'" " A shortage or ,ZG-cll8hler 212- wonld believe me, and I bad no way Ihe said. CJ;Ige 6- groeery department." . of pl'ov1ng- It; but 1 "1lII Dot Balile to " 1\,y dear little girl," replied the Tbe asslataut cashle, was a ll aHen- resign, or ackliowledJIe the Ibortag•. ( fouth without crac1<lns a smile. " I am lion. He turned. fll~ed Ills t hier, bu t !.bought I "oul1l1sbt It out to .lhe end.' IIIr. Monse, tho' man wbo Inven ted tele,. IIld not Bpeok. But, I've chan Sed mT' ,mlud. I've got rap by." . Tben be left. "No. 5. ~cel'J' deparlment ! Why, wlee. So. underetand, oCter thlll .wben "Ob, be embarrassed me 10." uld that belonp to-" )'011 mako a shortage occur Iii my deak. tbe girl, talllni of It later . "Just The cblef scarcely PIlU d, bllt ble I'll ulter my Youchen!, claim t be lolli. tblnk. there I was ellplaidlng telel' Dlld pay It out of my own pocket. You aalOClate IIlied In promptly, rapby to tho man "bo Invented lL" "YIIIJ, sir. I8t ." see, )"ou -won't be out anythIng on tba "Blit 211- " transllction. aud all 1 ask is to lie al.aOVERNMEN:r PUBLICATIONS . ~I1 b.r r.II.r." lowad to be a cu bler." lnie chIef stared ut the wall tor a "1'1\ bave you ftred!" bO"IBd tha u· toluDlb~r of Pap ' Printed lnereaa.. moment; then ,tepplng to Ihe dcsk ot slstollt casbler. L:\rgely1ritll the Pa.. hla Il88lstant, he >!BId : "Oh, 110, you ...~o~'tt iS4 lallgbed Inc Yean. "Wbat do you kn ow aboul lhI8~" recklessi)f. '''I'm too mueh ' of a soft "Ob, I DO" nothing, but I bne a s nap," . .' At tbe beslnnlng 'of tbe lallt ceDI tIleor)'-" "Ots~ outl" yelled the nenoua aaalllt· \ ~ .', luty tbe prlntlnl ordered by con. " You don't thlnlt It la 212'" nnt Olldltor, "Get out, before ),oll're ,rells In tbe cpnduct ot leglslatlvl) "Nol ;or a moment! My tboory ' Is tbrown out!" ' busIness was pracUcally atJ that was It WIUl bere the cblef CIUIbler loomed "equlre" by the . "0'.ve-nment. writes t bat 184 IIlea tbe relief'. number to . , U J .. ll!;t .It pre,,£'nl. It I "UUDP her own chtlcks. niSI! the voucb- up in the door"ilY. He beamed O.D the W. S. RosB I ~r. In Atlantic. Congres. c.~,unt.ry was be firs on the reller s ftle, and pockets tbe three, , \' ~lonaJ printing, moreover( was limited 111 I Ameri a by money. ' So wilen Ihe aasilltant Iludltor "Say," be aatd pleJUlllnUJ, ""by ~~. to bills, reports. olalms and journals, . "DilAtions of her r and myselt com\' to cOIIIPore IIccounLS don'j you two tellow8: start a get-rloh, I'lo ellact compar!lon. tberefore, II po.. AlL! n -,A mertcM , oe blUl a record of money 1 never reo quick Iyndlcatel" . , , alble between that Period and our own, wurltl po"u h im! 1:8lved," "PI1!.Y. w.bat commot!oll Ia thll!" OK. DE;V.lN /i:, IU:O eHOS!! .R!!:t'l'<1!l IU£N'J'ATl:VE IN UN FRANCtICU. Iinee modern I condltlona bear no ree i/. Iy relish that t " I bate to ' do It," eRid the chief said wome one beblnd them., It "'I!-' •• mblance to thOle, o( a celltUry ago. _~If uoceSl'ary a.~ \'uhler, elowly. a8 b, turn ed away, tbe (Ceneral manager, UlS wltb tbo Galv'lston deportment now aUdits tbe account.. A oomputaUon, 1!o"ever, for dl~erent .JI ·Utler. The i.aLl "JUlt a little ollalr tbat ,011'1\ eDjo, 8artoll bad dlrect!!d the actiVIties ' ot of .......... .. " but J'lI report tbl8 case at once to ft D It W8S nh Swlas centieman. tb tHonrl R d ye.ars tbrou .... .... the centu"', 'J .. " . d ', I~ ""urupean nll t IItralsbtenlng out," ,lausbed thl depart· U1\l 1I~loty In R wm'l( ot mucb belle Ilnant, 'Po' 0 founded e sreo e gate pa ..... 'o-ed, at I---t roulblv II. • T '" I ha lenera! manager. . to C t" C Ii ,. A C ltb be ,,- ,,",U J _Me of 1I IgUIl~' , ' ment mana,.r, " and I cue.. It'a 'up cellce; "I~rp IUIllII 0 money, contr .... ro 8 wor". man 0 "ell. luBtratea tbe rapid expanalon ot omay Iu wbich Lh( Tbe excitement caUlled by tbe n.e "8 you to make It square "Itb 184." j lltell by tlte lIullllc', were useCully ex- was traveling with bill serva.nt lu olal requirement. ,.be total number 'more or less gil' of the Impending InveBtigetion bad not 18"1 faca llamed, and ber ban~ ptluded; . buman "~Irrerlnl ' wae allevl. , nor!.bern Itilly ot the time oC the of prInted pagea of all clllll888 pubW I1«r (ore whal : "Ime to subside "hen the geueral man- trembled. ated In UlIiny "Idlll¥ separated lIeldS.; dread ful lIattie or Solterlno (June ~4, \lshed by the federal covernment I" s igned to accnnlJll ager, followed by tbe chief coallier, ap· "Well, "hat', all thl. to me'" laid Oond lbolllall!19 0' 1IIIO»le !lere belped "l8~9), wb on 300,000 lIlen Caced each 1880 waa 4,582 ;, I.n 1820, 6.,618; In 18~0. · t&_ , . tal ' to Br 't\l~tr peal'ed 1q the auditing room. 114 aggressively, ' tu aet ou their f,e et ~ter lbey hod otber In dc:ldly array. ,,:ben France .8 1 I 1880 U 007 16'80 StI_reA,.....Nr~"o The Keneral monl\ser clluSIlL sIght ' Tb~ ..eneral manaserfro"ne<l been IItrlcken down by calutropb.1 bought ber victory at the COlt of 1, IS; n ·. , . ; III. • 72 laN'IIoftlu a. _1,T/t,riftW, .. $U\.tea trnu Il\lrl .of s red·balred young woman staod- I" 'bu'-t --Id IU' awel.,.. ,_ . . of natuie or t,h~ oporationB of ,war." 117.000 men, the killed and .wounqed 1Tl. After 1880 the Ule of prloted mil. Rqrudy For D)I~Ii4. . ;';Qllall roD of firsl" ,. • I I I I tb A t I b d 20000 Til ter .. of all cl _ _ I~'l.~eued at • Pl'oi" · • Ins III tile doonj'ay, Rer e1es "tre "The mailasement YlII 'reward 'YOII' While. by nq m~~ns., m n qJ I .ng e us r tin. num er~. , . ~ dlgloUB ,rate, &,lid, according to tb" re! ' -nl8lreted hy Ihe I Wl1Shlugtl)n l:O, ftxett on hilll. tor the lenlcel you hare rendered ilie bcncftcltnt o' of ·tbe work done, crill· morning atter the g loriOUS victory , port ot tbe pnbUc printer, the . tota Bon. ltf. O. Butler, Ih.U. 8 , Sen. " 18&, you life about to be 'Investl- IIrm. We have d.clded to move )'011 ' elam bt~n to be beard of a laok of tbe sun rOBe 00 a slgbt of Indescrlbator from South carolina for t.wo lD.ber wrole o( f ~atefl." to be ~auae4 by blllluesa metbodl In tbe Reil Cross able borror., ambulances and doctora Dumber of pages or all clallSes of prln ' , 'terma, tn .. ,ett.or· from W:uhlngton. dod ." a8 ..I. probnhl 18& sho"ed , no aurprlle. · Tbe gen. u: to ~11 t~~ ,~n~:e ...i.tant (WIII- 'wol'k, c hief :among the criticisms tbe 80 fr w .IIWe Ilould be don'e ~o. relieve lag In 1900 amouDt.ed to 81Z.6Jf. . 'D. c,. writ....totb.'Pef\lDa lIedlclne urooy to Brazil, maDager did. He, cleared hl8 t e .re. gna :0 0, ' '. cl ..c1llratlon t the lIocletY'1I failure. to ' tbe 8uIrerlng, dead and wounded mllSt ' Co., .. 'f ollowa: / I ed agai ust Eurol ... lbroll\ and beCRIl again: ler:. millul aod ,ubllsb pl'operly audIted be uncared , lor. M. Qunsnt WUII so . EllgU.h Women :&atnlp.diDg, ~' "1-=-11 NCO. . . . . 1'wII. . lor It looks now as t ~,S4 e:ud, OD t'" he itatementl. ot reclllp f-!! and d!aburse· ,. lmpJ'eiled~ lII'Ub. tb dreiUlCul .pectaell . . A" writer 10 the Btandal:d of Lond . dy.".pi,J. ~"fI .• a&'12;rellSlon would e';~~:Si:e t~~~d ~t ~::w~:~IO~~!~~ Don t YOll want thlpo~:.... 1I8ntl. During tbe. Spaullh war a be Iletermlned to take BOwe Ilep to IIoldly aileeN th,t tile '.Hntellectu h.... bellq I •• for Il.Y about solldl!)'J "Ith auprsme . lumber oC 'budu,s8 lUen In New York. I waken tbo' natioDl \A) the need of or. level oC 'Engllih "omeD haa been lo,,~ ·. ,!I/!,!~J», rIiIIOfl/••~.'1!ll1~."~H7n!!'lI~uh, I " we '1'111 transfer you pencllng the In- ukfl<l. "Nopel" " .• 'w ,~~WU, "" ~.. ", n' In d iscussion 0 ,tI I f W , .l.hut wl.blng to coop'erate with lhe. Red ganlaet! volunteer ald. He travele<l ered In tbe ~t 60 or 60 Years and -'lid".. ./0." ~,.ela rY·B " Islt" "'I gat on 0 your accounts. e feel The gonera! man...,r _tarecI aa . OroslI ~ork, l olfere,d to slve tbe ·lO. from court to 'ce rt In l!Iuropc. aild at baaes bls conciulloo on a statement ,, ' " '/ h :,ul nelghbol'll, ~:'~r aa::1~em~~~ta::d l~b~IV!:n~~: 1S4, turnIng to tbe pnaral manosor, tlelY 11.11 the moneys collected'tt Mlu a result 0(, bll , eIrqr~ a conference that ' EuSllsh women .nowaday, read CATARUlI of tile .tbmaoh IUhe.cor. " l Ull d: To hn,,' iald-wlth a gToa.tor shO" or frl, ndll- Barton "o"ld allow them to send': "118 held , III Geoeva 10 186lh tbe tol. only tbe lighter forml of . Uterature ,l'eCtDame,.formciBtcuesof .4,8peP. bat. the UlIlled St meut to put )'OU tube neS8 , u _ ratl. The" . rend Fren,ch novels tuid plaJv '. ' 11a.· I'D order to ooi'iti I!&tarrb lot 6_-' the work. 11M Tiledecided department will to make I dtbaD Ihe b~d ever befor. , dl8- reprOM.utaUV. W. ~:uba to 'Ull,ervlse ' IO"1D&' year the con.v antton ''' J ~ ............ h..... role ot prote ' a u:pentlltu~h' ·a.nd audit acco , unts. ftcUon " -n. etomacbthoeat& ..... ... e._ 0. eye~y effort to tmce this latest leak. p a.,Te Y : Ie It,II like thIs • Thera."re · .Iei!, by the blgh liP. alory powel'll:' uel .ens"Uonal' Bu."ab .. . '. 1 w,:' m ...... d t.haC the stlttell of . o>u B . " propo.ltlon was declined, and .provlslon mado', for reforms In t be erally. ,. '!'helr Cr&ndmotbers, be dOo ' On., all .nterna, ea,b1rr.., re I! , . >.! ujn), a bsolule eql IJf the meantlm& yOU "III look over lot of cuhlers that baye be.n I~ the tho bUllln'" men dllclded to orgaDlzll treat'm ent of the ~ui-ed' In blltUe for ol.arel, uBert to read Reatt's .......mll and , auch .. Perun.. III aYilna'1! e'~"i tl ~" n'.!~· Uon of trl e. )'OIIf ' sll"'" and voucbere, anrl"~here se"'1- lon·'er l1 nd are lIiore .ISe"lni ... N ' y k b I . b ,. I ' I ' , i r,-v ,. ~8rWla' elf"C!tt:r ",~j.A 'be I~ ~ ona. .. ,~" :;,. ~w r .. " what became known ~I' ...e e., or t 0 protect qo ,0,. , osp ta ' "ark, ' all romances,..o4 ·they 0.110 read . history ....." ~ Ii1&. · (' It.eS Wi th ber r ",.. a ' slgnillcaul pauae-"\t II tbe of promotion tban I: am. 80 U I \tell C"ro•• Auxlllar'y, tho organl~tton boapttals to lft ' lndloa(ed by a certaIn' for lUi dW1l Illte. ' sbcIB "IIrtll ' nb,.. ':0.. , ' , • • ,0P-.1"T- 1,,, ., ;'.u.untloll ' IL~ Is ct ~,lulon of LBe mauagement that It YOU tile ,ob, Il would be one etel'1l&l Jtlck, contro\1lnlf It_ owu expendItures and lIa,~ 11 red oro .. 0" a "bite srou~d ........... --'--1 ..... J'r ~r a number,.!l' l~'!.IUreq:eatl, ll.4tfu1u1 or E uro tIT you ,,11\ be abl8 to tltld the Ibort· lind lire wouldn't lie "or~ IIvlnc, But 'It (he entl publlllning a detlllled ac. Sbortly atter the ItnIUt",UOIa of tbl ' ""Fr-oU<le, C::i;~d Btubbs, • eeman. IlaYe. come to' m.e .~m, • 1\11~ tu e 0 llPo:' .,... I guesa, after tlill tblngs wUl be a Itt- COUllt thareot. ' Red.1 Qrou Ita beaeftllence Will called J ,ra1eru! ,frlenc1l; ~rilDI, · Peruna . ) I.n thul the U ,,1M aulled a look arouud the room, It." I I ' • • ' be ' Ittv8D' , 'IU,bt ~tlY8 ,ciuallt)', I Cb me 'uf t J'I'lIe 'tille sa" 'the eyes of tbe IJlIsl.tant tie dltrenmt- an.,way, "1lD .....e g r I . It "lIB at thll tim!! the auaeltlon Into JlJIT. ,, ~. tbl :war of· 1888 n_rly . JI'_ 11.. for BtudOD.Pla. . . . ·' b'• .,.,'heD ellperlm~ilttnl' "UII a Ina Tile Latln-Arucrlc . eal111ar and the luuillltl.ut auditor were to know that I've b~en trea~ them h6 made. with all ·tact poiilble, 14,000 "ounded AllltrlaM , cared A ' smart, up-t, foun« '' 'Olilall, Uve ~clltlon ,for Clu~~e , a IItIlat!a 01. , .he frlend '1I111 of on tbe level all aIODI~ Tba~, all the f that ¥I,I Bartoli ' relign tbe PQlt Bhe for bl'( tbl' Pru.8~, ~cletJ' lot Red . asked the .. ru· ('"-'r' a"00- o· f h..,,_: ,tI,m~, aDd, no~ feel Ira~UIe4 to, a~. --w1deh n Imowled 'O. b~r, Tbe g'lnel'al manager thought same, for orrerlng me tha ,job, But. bad 10 lonl h'ono~ d and ber place be ,Cros., I ~~ . 1.11 ~eli .tf:!'aaco-Pru..lan " IV . . ..bounce to tbe rrlen.da of Pii'runa that b~ aB kcd \.0 hUIlP .she . was about to ' 8~ak, bu t no eay, you know .,oheo It com.. to count~ taken by ap ractlCjlI bUllnllA min. war ' the ~ed OMjit liacs' ~5,ooo. .bed. 10 Ion pluters., It caull4!d one to .Iook I, liave hlcorperated rlucll a ' .._lItf II I.r(1)8, to rccogal came from h;r' 'lIps: 1IJ1!: the rlsbt In Itl .On the Min IIpponll'ed . think favor- to"nll QUueld t f ,-nd •. mllOlies IlS well a " on II~ 11J18igne to lu ~e G, III the 8trlct Q . T. tbat 8 the thing I lII~e to ably- Clf 'lhl IUlflelltlon at ftr~t, but alone, It "1Ii1 WIllIe, halpln«ro on tb. ..... ~ ~,t "" .,. ) III cUI w r' Ill1rt ·baMmeia.t. Repoi·t there. Ilt once." do .best. So, It ynu won,t a Btratlbt Up, ,ater dllclded U!jlt 't o retire, obtRI!,e!1 a battJelleiddn the Iut nam.d *ar ,tbat tios. " 'I'oat b II ne" trlci," Qte .dru. Iclal1cDraCter. . .• ' . !,lll w'ell- IEo ld 1110. '''' ~hange came Ovet 184. Again her YOU can 888lgn me to No.6. In the JTO- charter from ooqresl anll I',urgan· .Mln Bartoo, '~n~ of tHo 'beat nunas clerk explatn~ "h,D ~e ~a'4' ta~e~ " ;a:~ii ' ;;,*,~~B:1'~lIu'nI:llfliri · IiJ.('iJl.iiiiD.ii·ii· "!lOW, gnn g R(t ..nee lIOugbl thr two ItBBlsllllllB, eery department , I kilO" It'!! bot stlill. Ized the ~or.I'ty. From now :l}n the of our ,clvll "ar, reall18<1 tb,e Deed rol' bel' unemba~ wa, taothe .treat.: ,. _ '1,\11111 there Is s n glance or bl\ ft\ed rlllle, bl! tred, but I'm dud stllck on It." public were made 'aware ,<!t "rlo'u l otWsnllln, a . R~<I Oro.. . 8O.clet~ 10 "A ready-made' tie or one ot tho.e new '" ft hJects being Ilttt·revelltre· , "Of course you can bave ~o, '." Tbe Incr.alo or frtttJolII~i1etalla need not .Amerlca; ,and on btlr retllm home ahe low pumps' is· likely to' IUp" 'lIP and ~ OU .. - ,. l'p r~jons fron The culliar de pl\I·l men.t deserted general manager. paused abruptly; he be Iln tered InIO; sulllce It to eay tile laid thelllatter bef!jlre 'Presldent Oar. do~n at the h~1 or bind the nAkle, 80 E'I"~ l ..ut u· Amerlcan wben , tile srocery manager and rohl.f felt be was liacomlnl colloqu\al, !lnd publlc I·.joked when ~Iilcord cea.sea. a 1Ield; blmeelf a soldier an4 cognlauat , uaat It, ~et ,,~ , ~, SO•• lad" I 'i llbJe 'UI will nol aaallle~ were returning from lunc'b to· he etrusgled In valll to relaln hie pat- bill WU plI~'i!'l Incorporating lhe of· CQnilltlonl In tIme 'O( "ar.. Wlth- ' genius stuelt a bunion plaster III the ·Ie . . ." ......... &ether. 'As t\t(:), pusled thmush t he ronlzlns veroo.ltT, u lie aald: Amerlc.. n 'Nlltlonal Red "ro baclt of lIer shoe i114-the tl'OUlIle " . .....""" 1'0· Ibe council cI v •• aslO:- ont undue d.lay the American , Ra.. IN . ' aucUtll\& room, th~ grocery manRser. "The mauapment cOfttlderB. bo,,· daUon. .' .. ., ·«tou lIQalety ~a. o~"nlzecl. "BnD au qyer ..,-litl" T, SuD. 1 It cl"". 'f Wlplclon hnvi ..." a pi at l\ high lleak. absorbed In eVlr, llIat It la the belt Judse of the . AD OIIlltorlll . ln tla. Outlook. cullJoa outalcle tbe mlser.lell of war, thl8 or. . .... hII rlll.n~IC "gents , .,. task of looking ovp,r recorda, ~plbllltl.. of It. emploT.. So K YOIl attelltlon to tbe n ll'lt . uDul meatiq gtI1Ilzation haa f~ Ita prime object Jl'ot to . . IllIG Bull7. . ' . GlI_eo.,: ~tood. ' ·"Wb~('. ,Iff doln~ h.. r.'" he nake4, carl! about recooalderlq·-" DC the reorgonttod IIOclely, mak .. cbll the rellef oC the lUtrel1Dl, Mlllketa He-Can you uplalli to me.. the 41t. Let Ull ",vle'l' , 'llbe elalet cuhler .ta~d lncredulous· "Non. for mlue!' lutemapted 18.. comment of tbe nj,ed there had bee,n aDCI Ilannou ilia, be "~IIDt fOr ."bll., ference bet"eeD ""ball" mel' "YIn!" r 'LU \lOnfe 'IDcC8 . ., b, 'hut "'(lcn'er~\I btml!ell u the!(ro- ' ll'11e ........ matl ...r ..,.. oo.penall for reflrlnnlliltloQ: "The American but the "arrlns lilemeata. it" " I'or eumple, If 1 I&J': "Wtll 10U marHlmpta that did '. " ..n man...,. alarted toW'.ud 1St. to I'IlII to eo.,... lIe tooll to tha at.., ~Roetl (.\1'0111 "ai orlounlzed In lb.. Por IUId wiDd IIlU ~.... autrerba, at ~ "," ID~ aIlDuJI . , . . ~ I'''' ~ J:'~n..,. It la hJ)on" dla&urlt hlr," bo eald, "Come Y&tor. more tblln 20 J'eare ft blUl \elLaD lUI- time. With UdI ID .taw tIIere .... at ." I1Rut" '· 't .-,., t .' .. -'-....Jl~ l).\l1lDe ••~.. a.a.1I_-,"_ _~:--",,; , .. .Jae~, I "an IOmetblq to .y to ClIIIaler 114 " .. ..., muck lor til, live nllitenee. Ho" far ebol't It h .. beeD 1,"l1li to , ,t ile ortllD" "Ila& II ' 81ae (cold11)~t 1b0lll · ..DIrt .... nr.ell, -but be .. , ' .... ;: ".d II" 1..1 tile..,., to 1111 o.ce. PDeraJ IDA • ...,. nom!! of' th.e o1Jfactl for "hlch It " .. , ~t4. . t.U: 4~ ' . . .d ....t... wOD"'''-Stru...... : no mad.. to btl
t be Coillinl Pa.
, The Investigation of 184 f. ,.
40' ,.
".'n,"o".I1" you:.:u''1IJ'''''
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·.a' • ,...reOr rill' 1,)eOple
of d wittiktl. . . .UOII
I",.BaI '
Spanish .• English ... Matrimonial Alliances Allooso', ApprOichlllC "eddln~ Leadllo Reflecllon 00 CbaD,a! Worked rlasAC. 01 Tlme- A Gllnce Ilackward,
Inf Earrhqunkp~ ol ... ·lrlclly
lire 0111" tn dl!lPhargl!l1 EDUOATIONAl. l!JOT~ of I;ood - -I oonrlutl!vlty 111111 jll ~lIl::tlIlK Hirata. like l'hlu (\ ~Iu rlpnts In Japan c'081 rrona grllnlt!' lIo,l ~1 1I ~a. Ii< LII" ,'luI\' or Prof. $90 10 $20U It year each ror mullltlltn 'JI I' > 181111,,11 . rh p QI Hchal'l;~ .' ,!:I!fIornte nnnc(', lI!luln , I ,tlO\) to '2,000 anywher. o 1-\ ~ ~ • ~DSP~. to \Vbit'h thl' ObSC I·\'I·t! ffeets In mnro/lil. '1'01(11) 1ft n llaturlll educlltlve For ' tb(, WOlUun to whorll nature Tiny w"l nl,ir~ Ilt th c ' corpl'r!< ot the IIIt I I~ 0111' !If I hi' 11I1I"t ~ l mculI , aI'" IURlnly Ihl". (t!lllter · for ('hl1ili;liY-rell~on 01 geo- ~-"";~-"""--=";; hos bCI n 01' n';l!l\ertlllM III th wny at ~nn- tho ro,' I'unn ra ot now 'lI feel - ~et~l n \'I~ l tnrl~'" 1111\ hy Ihl' I~H: 'I'll ... e"q,losl l>n of it l'mllulII tube' re. I-\rllpllll'al 1J1~lxilulb·. languo ge r"otllty tJl!lI h, lilid 1\1 ~ er wlw.w Nol ~ deslrll III IIIUY be lakllll 0 \1: by tbe nl lJs~n"o ball, 0 L W {l e '1I' I! l'III'lIIl1't' I I'A II 1"'ll lill y I porl ert Ill' It (J prr llnn Inve. tl gIIIOI' "'lv Ol:! t :lfld celllolllS'. t " he s t 110111111\ II I Ih(' !t'lIIfw '''lllI ru of .. o cov r up bOllc~ DIIiI 1111 OUl wr!teli ~Im c. lid\> In tbe Gl ncngo (u· abam 441111 dp - fl'l'" P~ hr ;1111 il J a il Id a of Ih ~ rorco tho l1Iil1etl gait He,'. D I'. \\'.1 11111111 Dll wl' hllM "()lII lj l~.~_ hollows, lllC "Ill' uk fl1H t hnhlt" Is l. tur-Oc lIn . 011 II lho eye fUll an d w l.10 • J:; . Q ., lIIay 8101'0 lip wh n 1'0 II fl "1'(1. A Sm:lll od 1I111 work wllh Alb io n "oil ~c. whol'lt alike a mutt r ror He l'lo ua co us lllcra· !ln ll ,Ive th .. ball 0 moti on whi ch will ·0 I'('fll I l~ijl ij 111:1111' III a I, Qrmal1 J lulle glIl K. II lIfti pth of nn In oh he ha s been 1111 ~llt g lho last ~1. yor» lion. lend 10 sp read Lhl! II Hb at the cornors, w~ 1I whl"h h81;1 b'r ('11 drl ll"!1 nlor thUll IhlQk l'ollt;lin~11 hair a grn)n of , th o l und lhl' tl Illonths, havl ll !;, In C(J<')DOrll' IDxtreme~ me L lu th Ir coses, nntl wOI'klll ~ Il nuull l lI" hlly mll,l dc xtor. n 11111 ", !"III thc "nrth . ~hQ:\· that tlIP I IJlII'!!s t l'n ,llullI II'Olll ld C', 1111(1 oft I' hav. tlon wlLh Proglt! lit SUfilU ,I Dlck l. th e WMlllln of avoll'llU\1ols mllY stret'r. olls ly. T he holl mll~- nlHo he cnrrl n,l 11'l'rngo rise In t(,lIlJ)elRtlll~ II; aboul l ing IJ PII sQa lo,1 Ill' 11 mun ths It hno R\I('cesK( ully rul~ed l ho del1t or ,lOu,QnO fo rth II s)flll)'lathlzh.g bnnll to h e~ , ue'l'os~ 'be IIj.1P{ r ,'11 1.\1: of the eh ~k lI li e d g r 'e l~tlhrl' III\t'lt for e very he(ln 11( 111 "" ill 1\ hat h at IIl)uld IIlr. ' ulld some $7n.OQO lowll rd the ~Ullow~ 1IIIIIIruily Ihl :. s iSle r, writ \I DI'll l bOIl(' .so tll at .!i.e' IIII' ",·ca.i\l '·c will bp t ' l "I dr lllh . TlIn'~ mlnnlu>! (trt ~r r('movR I e II e ---------''---:--.:..;,-~ ... Moo 1'1'. In tlte New York ~Iu l l. 'rt,,~ ('XI' I'INl IJ n Rth til yeo . 'I'h~ If ill' ce lli col or~ In \l'hlll Is blll·SI. The gillS. and f i tra di um wcor e A ,:;Irl ~' Rehool nt Slngorn, !;lfl mealJ luLI ·I·. t il lul n IVomn u , has nno lI ol nt '1'0 prtlve lll 1'1' motll!' wl'lnl, III1':; 011 1~1l1i t! "pento'k COlli" nrp till I to thl! ~cntl rct! IIhout. Ih p rUtl s or th e Mnlaya, \\'a~ openetl NovembCl' 9 w ltll tli e belloI', 811' la "en rally moro com- the rorllhenti \11' IIttl ba ll Is II!ll!S d I fI !'l'S nee of It film oC " 'on uxld u. It laW'r s hining In l he dur - 1111 a star- 47 Jl1tflllB, a number whloh ha,s IiIllC. fortabl c. Extr m thinness may not deftl y back lIuti forth irolll one t ' II\.! IISUAJlY mellns the loas or a parl Qf th e ry siIY. :1 II II Il hi sllm at d thnt a PI" B- In vr en:sed to ti3. Apart from . tilt. mJs. sillnafy schoo . tbls IS lbe fir st .. choo l be slgbtly, but It 'l lot unconrCortallle. /Ile to tho 01 hor, with it. rlrCI,llIr mo· vQl ullJl' lIl att el' In Ih I'o al , un ll b - 1!llIre or 20 atmo~llbllreJI W(UI ell;e r (Od. "You arc g ttlo g aClually ra t," con- tlon. Tile frl ctloe cali s d by Ib, tol, ' II '; ill~U I' lor qU llll t)·. ------ror g irls to be started In Slam \"I(I:I I([rt shl erately declllres an Interes ted Imobs Htlmulates lb oll'culnlloll 01 Dr. Gustave L e Bon , at Pa ris, hns INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. Bllng kok Th ere Is no preJudl oe In tl'l end, and tll ' lI worn' bllg lns. The the blootl allli maln laln s t h IIP'll lh\' rco he d lhe onclus loll thot mallor lurn ngalnst O"l,, ~atlon and lhllJ'e I oiJjcct or's'o lloltntlo u I;c.e rs anxious ly co nditi on 'l r the 'Ull clo wh r " II j'.. filially JlIJSS~S IIwa y 'by SPolI'llI neo li s IMO \ I'IIU~ lO,OQU .l'e ~so:I\"re om1- plc nty or e,' ld'luce thet 1111 over tltlJ In to It er mirror. Yes, a doubl e chill mos t Ilk Ir to s ho w the OrsL s lgn 3 l'iwl1 ges In it s mol '!:ules. as lIIusl nt1 · I' o},(', n I te 1'01' k ~a t uluslry n I' to uutry orn c l al ~ Bud others j J} g oo b g1 nH to aPI)ell r. She 1{I11e5 a reef ot advnn.,h ,g y ars. ed III tlce e lec tron s of rallium. a nd A',I ~trla - Hllngn ry. •. positions wOlllrl welcome an y Ilrovlalo,n III he r corsets and Hetl:! out to st.ane AtltlltlolIlll plullIpli ess muy b lin. that (be . result of t hesn hangeR lti I he nltl'1\lo Indu sl ry of hili yleld ~ of 'ducalion for tb 11' dCllIghtora, 'rhe berae lf. 1'01' tWCl wbol Ilays s be lakes part ed to th ~ l'hccl(K by g;\' III1> the "substn llcct; whi ch :,re Intermeilla ry tile gO Vll!':"l1cnt Ihe enormOllS ann ulIl great dlm culty, oC co tl~e, ns. also In uolliin g bllt lemo ns and crackers. By ball an upward li nd 'outward 1I1 0\' ~. between ponel rabl ' bodlc.~ nnd 110- s um of $_" ,000.000 In golfl Cram tbe ex· tb e case of hoys, Is the want o f traJn" tbat, s he hss become so famIshed ponderable ether." port du ly . I t Quh ers.-Batl gl(ol. Tim es. that s he decIdes lo ent thi s tlmo aud :::."=-=-=-=-~=================================:::.=.=.=.=-::_========= slart a ve I' agaJ n to· morrow. Th eil she eats everything III s ight. Th e IIbstJnenee bas don e her good and whett t! her allPetl teo "For goodne3!l silk , dear," says the other woman's rrl nd , "w hat ha ve you lIee n doing to your~e l f1 You are no lhIn g bnL a shadow; why don 'l you s e a doctor?" And the ~hl ll woman IN alarmcll. "NothIn g hut bones and hollows," lIay!! th e mirror. aod slrul,rh'twny to tb e. lI(lctor sll hi K berself. Med iCine 81111 a di et lIat 1:01110 hom e with ber. and rOI' two days lhe thin girl religlou !ll y follow s tll Iloctor's prescription. ' By thRt IIlIle s be hAN de<*J ed that she'd mthe .. be RS tbl n liS a rail i han to do wlthon t plokl S IInti lobste r Newbllrg. Dnd everythin g th at Isn't In ' the list s he craves. Teacl1er ''It make e rlou sly, tboUBh. the bl' akfast Is con~ded by t h most od vnnc d physl'$ I' SI': .\tASSAU I~ U.I I.I., ~Ian s \0 be th e Imnorta'nt meol of is the day. That Is. to breakrns~ or not ment, at th e some time continuing tho to brellk rast. accord In g as It Is fl esh clrclllnr mOI'em nt wIth the palm at This blll. t o[ tru' Arn l'rl!:an g1rllodlgthe milk t.o the boUom a rt be dish. 'I'hen prolluetion cir fl esh reduct lou tbat Is th e hand. Apllly pressure ' sently so that the hall does not si nk too for natJn n waR caused by tho teacber 1i :~Y1ug THIRD pASTURE. this mUll charged with Post Sugar Is fed required. hollow of lhe cheek . Let to the Infants producing the most sutlsIt Is not advl ~a bl e to g nora . lhe Into Ib Now we cOlDe to n [risky lot. the th ut Gr:l pe- Nuts, the pUlllllar pre-digest· tnctory results. for the baby bas toad mornIng mca\' enUrely III eltb er case. the telld ency rather he \;0 pus h tlte "Labor Union" etlltorR. You know ed lood, WUR made or " ta le brenc! Nh lpped tllR tIt can lliges t quIckly ana will go oft but the s tout woman who wi shes to cheek gonUy ou t and up from th e duwlI In TOling a. weed ca lled la sleep well fed lind con~ented . regaIn lh Sy luh-lille proportions oC corner of th e mou t h t" :II point oca r in ' a nti s weetened. "Loco" Is som etimes eaten by a Wh en bltby gels' two or three Dlontbs 'rh e teu( bel' colored liP iutd c.bangel1 her girl hood days muSl d e8 1 ~ t rrom the co rn .1' or the eye. old It I ~ tbe custom o.t ,somo mothers to steer lind produces a dern ngement For t reat men t of til. n ec\{ roll tbo thlHu bjerl. an ything mor Ru bstamlal than 8 bill· allow Ule Grape-Nu ls to soall In tnt» or the bratn that. mak.e~ the steer rlill anll :c glOM of bot wot r, fruit ball upwnrrl from th e ,coll>lr bone Th re I s qllit c ..'In assortment or travel milK a little longer and become mUShy. "batt y" or OTllZY. Many o[ thene n.long the tin es 01 the two L a rge mil S, It rles lrctl. Also, she Dlust pay lIt rl ct 'o,: hel'eupon a llLUe of tho food can he red to!; a nd s lII),-ut .. home membors of tIIo editors are "Locoed" trom ha to of In ndd ltlon to tbe milk contalulng th8 attelll ion ~o Ihe nllre d lel, and for les that join In the hollow of the t .. llla at Annnius who tell their ralsewlISbed Ofl ljIlSllr. IInyone who will not Instantlyol:ley tbat th ere Is 110 hard anrl rllst rule. throat ... Continued mass3ll' will ell m· I.loods ror a vurlety of reusons. I t i s by I~O JDCanS manufacturel] tor a She m list find a lit for hp. rselr or from IlInte wrinkl es It the re be any , and the "{)emanda" of II. Inbor union, 10 the s pring ills the CUll tom on a cutbaby food, but lhese fa cts are stated as be l' ramlly ph)' s l ~lan the things frolU will rende r n e~k ond thrllat firm anti nndltluUleunlversal habltorRuch an illustration of a porfecUy dlgcStlble t1 e rnnC;h tQhll\'e a "round IIP, "u nd bmnd well roundClJ. wbl ch to abstain . wrlterstOgOSlrulghtinto asys tom t60tl. For It pr tty hln be ball shall 111 tI e Cl\ ll1e, so we a re goi ng 10 ha,'c a The WRY ot the Btout \\,omun wbo It furl\1 8h~s the energy and strengtll at personal vlllllcatlon, mllnufacwO\lld be tbln Is more dlUlcuil, far, be used regularly mO"nlng Rnd ni ght. " round up," and brund lhese cattlo ond for the grellt athlotes. It Is In common turing uny 80rt of fal sebood t hlln thnt 01' lli o toO thin womBn who Bend the head sligh tly bReI> aatl place tbem In tbelr proper pas \Ure s. \ISS by phys icians In theIr own fumlllca through WhIch toventthelr s pleen. nnd IUnong their pallents, and C.UD Ii.. s'gh s: for rounded Ch eeks anl l dlt, lplod manipulate the ball with It r(llarr mo· W e assert tbat the common oitlzen aeen on lho table of every first-clcsi chin. It I ~: Irony of tate llmt to the Uon from und er tbe point of ,th,e obln Qollege In lIlo lanel . has :I rlg h ~ to live and breathe all' form er the good things of life mell n t.o the tip Of the ear. Tbls tr atment FIRST PASTURE, We Quote trom the London Lnncet wlUlOut asking permlsslQn of tltO mil ch. Slle is ~ond ot luxury, and will '\)e found eff ectual hi redu ci ng 1I auulysls as tollows: , : l\l xl1rles lor her "<llff\lse their pleas- dOllble chin and will go a lonG' way Cooking school teae,bers-thls lu1,l01' trust nn d ,tbls has brought "The busls of nomenclature of this ures only 10 dcst~OY." She Is· fond of toward preventing flabbiness by devrlIncludes "I euch llrs" who bal' Uf)t10wn on us tho bate of i.hOse edipreparntlon 10 evlden Uy an American en 1'. :md easc Is her 1·lDdolng. and or oping the muscles and s lvlng them Illietl to us for a weel, ly pay Ir ther tors. Wben they gO far enough ,Ilensantry. sloce 'Grllpe-Nuts' ls de rive<! hi gh Il vl ll ~-goo d eatl ng- "her. over- firmness. solely from cereala, Tbe prepnrnlory )Vould snY' ''SOmolhlng nIce" nbotl t , wJlh their libels. Is It hnrsh for us powering l;ne ll." .. . vrocess undoubtedly converts. the fooll Grape-NuLS anll Pos tum, and when to get Judgment against them ond constituenlllinlo a much wore digestible Bllt (or tb o thi n slrl th er e Is more THE FARMER'S LASS. we have decllnell to hlro th em 1 0 tea ,'e our laW)'cr s watob for a. condition than In the r t\w cereal. 'rhlS hope. To ho Bure. she mu s t change chance to nttac'b money (lue wem tlo th!R Ih ey get W:lS Il)' and s h(lw Is evident from the remllrkable solubil" pr ways Illso. She. too, frequ ently How She Gets B el' Prettily Roun de:] from olhers? (For tbey are U8ualtIl elr true color!!. Ity of the v.reparaUon, no less tb!ln Ollehas a fonlln ess for th e wrong foods. ArmB, Bel' l"tne Shoulders aud This ll iso in 'Iudes ''llemon stru1y lrros ponsible.) -hal! of It being lIol\lble In cold WaLer, Sbe dot~9 on sour plol,les and sad II Splendid Health. ton," ancl"lecturers " Hent Olll hya crnckers nnll ten lin II toast. and n ever Kee p your eye out fortbe "LoThe soluble part contains Chletty dextrl/l and no stllrch. In appenrance 'Orll/leflats any hreaktnsL at all . That IB ce rtllin SanJtarlum to sell foods coed" editor. Old you ever notice tb,a well·round Nuta' rtlBBmble8fried breatl-crumbs. Tb. 'wlwro she mnk es /I mlstilke. Breok· mncle Ihere. and ihese peollie In cd arm of a little co un t r)! faWI lussle gralns are browll'and crisp, W1tb a pleasfll"t sholiid h th h eartiest meal of stru cled by the small-be· whl sNow let. nll these cbolce specimens ant taste not unlike sllgbtly bUl'nt malt. as sbe "worked" the trelihly churn ed Ih e drty ror one wbo wishes to ndd the head of tlte In kerell doctortako notice: According to our analysis the follOwlng blltter- throwlng It, Pre~8 lng It, pot· fl esh. 1t do sn'l s o much matter what We . 1II deposit one lbousllnd or Is the composition of 'Grulle-Nuts:' slltutlon- to teU l.Jlese prevurlcasort Il Is, so there's plenty of It. wltb tlng It~t hrowlng It deflly with her IIfty thou dollars to be overed. by Molature, 6.02 per cent: minerai mnfter. tlons (you can speak lIle s troage r n glasH of old water taken 20 min· wooden paddle? Or ha','e you ndmh'ed a like amounL rom then" or Ilny one of 2.01 Per cent; fat, 1.60 J) s r ce n~ ; llro ollds, tbe b ~a ttty and strength IBf her you ng word If you like). ThIs lIame IIltt utes before. Almost any courRe break· them, and If ~ re W ll S ever one ounce 16,00 per cent: $oluble cllrbohYdl'lltes, arms Ill! she ho ead d a grcut batcb or d(ldo r conducts a s mall mngatlno of old bread 0 any other IngredIent etc" 49.40 Ilor cent; lind unal tered curfa Bt Is 8uliahl!! If It Is palatable and bread- foldln" It, pr~s8l ng It. tossing dllTel'ent lblln 0 r selectod wheat and boliydrntes (Insoluble), 25.97 pel' cent. 1(\ w hl~h Ihere Is 11 departmenl properly assl milaled, ealen slowl)' In It : !lunching It \vltll ber plllmf) wellbnrley 'wlth:l t Ie 8ullllnd yenst usc!i TMtellturoswortbyornotClln thlsllnaly oC . IIlIswe rs lo corres[!OndenLS," goo/l. ('heer [u l coinpany. Avoid the shaped fi s ts till Quite satls Hed thal It III tbo makln at Grllpe-NuLS. we will sis are tile excellent proportion of pI' solltllry hreak fll st. nltlD)' of tb e Queslions lIS well as " needed no more kneading ?" . loso the mODe . teld, mluerlll matters. and 601u/>10 Cll To lie bungry In t he mornIng nutil answers being WI'ltten by tile OUr pure food:taclarlcsare OPIlD.atn\J, bohydlltes percent. 'l'!Je-mlneTIII mutter Do you SUllpose 11 r arllls would be gtlrs :;ood Jtealt h. and "(a be or uot to ·tllDes to ylsllot·s. nnd I.housands pass was rI ch In .phosphoric acid. 'UraveII fores nld doctor. tIS well developed, her sbou lde rs as he". IIhould he tbe guiding star of \loth t brough ollch Dlonth. Inspecting evel'y Nuts' Is described liS It breln alld nerve In t h is coillmn' soml'! time I)go round"d onll bel' health aB perfect If tbe l ~a n' nnd the stout. tit former to she sat a ll day by a window In doors, dellar lmen~ lind every process. Our tac- food •.wbl\tever tbat may be, Our noaly IIIlP ':I red tho s tlltllDleu t : ".No, we lorleH are eo clean that one could. with sIs. at nny rnte, s1l0Ws tba~ lllll a nut I'. 88't lllh' h.!'r hunger unstlntln gl)', t he sew in g. or l)' pewl'illng. or perchanco recommend the lise at IInnot t1ve or a high order, elnce ItcontalllS t4 .. good r elish, eat II meal from the !loore. lotl!'r with as lItU e rood ss poSsible. In 0 crowded schoolroom teachIng? ' Grape-Nuts (or II Is nollling but .pile 'Work Ileople. both men and wom- COIlSt! tucn ts or III complots toad In verT The farm. with Its fre,slt air, plain hl'llfl d wllh glucose llouretl o\'or It." en, lure of the hlgbest grade In the state satlsfllctory nnd ricb proportion and Ill. NEAT EMBROIDERY DESION. food but gOOd, freah eggs ana milk; of tdl 'hlgan, and accordlns la tile stale an oaslly assimilable stllte," Rlg hl then he s howcd his badge as the Corm life with Its duti es, every I~b r re port.s. are the 1I1ghest paid In A,n analysis made by the Canodla1l 1\ lu ~mber of the tribe or Anllnlus. If lK'lklng a Dony, Use Fine Linen or ono lIeccssltatl ng som e exer els or the the sta:te for al.mllar work. Gove~nment some time ago s bows ~hllt He ·may buve been II membor ror phys lenl powers. 13 to. be thanked (or Nainsook, for Handkerchief l~t us tell you exactly what YOU will some tlmc before, and 80 he has see wben )IOU Inspect lhe manu[aoture of l.irIl Jle-N ulrl contllins nearly ten Umes her splondld health and vitality-her Oet a Large B~m. Or pe.Nuts. You will find tremendous ' the digestible eloments contained' In or enused Ihese "lecturers" to de.Iresh strong beauty and wholesome de· ele alars containing the cbolcest wheat dlnllry cereals, aDd fooda, and neart,. • veldpment. the wnys ot tbe tribe s('end Into . The design shown bere may be an' barley possible to buy. 'l'hese twIce the amount contained Slle dally cllmhs tbe ludder ) ntc wberever I hey go. •• food analyzed. ' workcd on' the corners of J;lockel hand'gra n e are ca rrIed t hrough long conveyWhen tbe young lady In New er.s'to grindinG' mills, nud tJiere convert- . Tlte unalyslsl.8 famlllar to practlCIIIly, kerchiefs, dollys, etc. The parts s bow- tbe bay loft .to hunt lor ,.ggR, ebe . ed Into flour. Then tbo maohlnes make every successful phY81clan In America Ing black In tl;1A Illustration are bolee peeps uDller the ~:;1runt IInll raS!lberry 'York pu~ "tbe "ll'On j on" to ' oilS selection of lhe proper quantities at this ' and .t.ondon. . worked round wltlt sewlng·over busbes for the same-·sh e BWCOll8, "tencher" und branded her right flour In the proper proportion and lhese We prlat this statement la order that stItches; the light parI.!! are satin· dusts. bakes nnd eew8-Bhe weeds th e we sent $10.00 to tbe girl rO'r1iei" parts· tiro blended lillo II genernl 1I0ur the public may know the exact facts upstitcb. flie stslk parts In ~ordlng· garllen ,. !lbe harnesses the horse. and pluck lind , bravery. ,whlcb (lasses over to the lilg dough mlx- on wblcb we stake our 'honor and wJ1l slltcb. The scalloped ~dl;es are oh , how s hp. enjoys lhe llong evenin gs Ing machines, there water. so lt nnd a II t- back It wllh nny amount of money that when work helng over sh ~ may revbl tieyells( lire ad ded and the dough knend- any person or corporatloD lOll I/ut up. In 1101' fa lrylnnd pf bonk S a nd res t ed tbe 1)I'OIICr length ottlme. We propose to follow lOme or tlle. the tired body while the mind trav· Remember that J)1'evious to tbe barJey eboke sl/llelmcnB of the trilleoC Anantas. SECOND PASTURE. els afnr. bavlng ' been ground It WIlU passed Wbenyoutiearll'cooklnlrechoolteach Lh rotlgh about 0116 bundred bours of er or uny other perrIDn ll88ert tbat 'e lther Erlitora of"Trnde''''lUpen; known Roaldn" In waleI', then placed on warm Postum or Grape-Nuts are' made or any JAPANESE WOMAN'S HAIR. liS groceI'll' paper!!. (\oors and s(( ghtJy 8proutell, ~eveloplng otber Ingredients thnD Uiose printed oa the dlustase In the bnrley. which changes the paek,ages and all we say they are Remember, we don't put the It Is B 6r CroWD, Her Veil nr.d th~ . the ~ taroh In lh,,' grain Into 11 'f orm or made, send UB the DUme ud address. Mark o( Her Womanbr:rud on!!.!:. by ony means. Only sugnr. also name of t'wo Qr three Wltnes8es. and hood. Now 'urter we hbve passed It into It the ev idence is clear ellOugll,to get & . those that.requlre It , 'fllcse memdough nnd It lias ' b,e ell kneaded long judgmelit we wul right Mult ' wro~ bem of Ihc tribe lin \'0 dl'mn ntlec! cnnllg h, It Is moulded by machinery Into qui ckly. "Of all her earl II I)', poB~easlon s u that we cllrry adverll slng III I,helr loa I'es about 18 Inelle\! long and 6 or 6 Ourbual.ness bas'aJwnya l:IeeDlconduct... Japanes woman most values hs r pnpersonll wben we tlo \lot co nli lrtIrlc bcs, In diameter. I t. III put I~to this ed ali as high a G'rade Q~ human 1ntell1 balr," W,'lIl' S :'1r8. Hugll Fraeer. u bl r nd s hap eroI' conve nience In second cooking. er Iludvlsablc they Ins tilule a comewd lng to th e Cb lcllgo Dully Ne wn, ' Theso "reut loaves arc sliced by ma- genee aB we· are tapa eo.a we .pr.~ FQR Kli:!RCH!E)F Oli I'OOILY. pa 16'11 of vituperation lind slanl,ler, .. po~e .to clear we' deck of tJlese prevart "It ,Is her cruwn~ h er vein, the rn aI'll 0 1 b lnery Ulla lhe sHcea placed on wire cators lind liars,whenever-and wllereve~' prlutlng from limo to tIIne manu - . I mya. theso trllya. ln tlltn, pillced oa great they can be '{ound_ worked In smaller lcalloP8 or but~on- her woman ho6a, tbut w'blch lells h ai fucturedalurso n Postum orGrallflsteel trucks, Bnd rolled Into th e secondnn d ot hers \Yhu L she Is. Th e (:ollnt,·, ltol13:slltc\l. . , al'yqvlln8.each perhaps 75 or 80 feet long. Altentlon Is aga.ln coUeeI to the genNulll. When they go fnr eno ugh , It tbe design Is for a bandkelchlet, title tor Ihe houS e mlstmss Is '0 Kaltll There Lbe i'ootl Is 8u bJecled to a 101lg low ernJ, nruI brand Invitation to vlsltor8 tOr we sct our lego l force at work an..t It Is a good plnn to obtain one rJf goOl2 San,' 'she of th e honornblo ha ll',' ·8.llrl heat lind lhe Iltllrch whlcb has not been go ~brollgb our "''Orlls~wb.Me they will bit Quality, the wIdth of tbe hem larger n ext to th e hlndlng or the ohl. wbl ch 'hulo them to tltc 'judge to answe·r. beretofore transformed Is turned Illto a shown, tbe most mlnute 'process and de thnn YOII require the . finished bnnd. is th e mlll'le ·of rnodesW, not.hlng 18 of . I r the p.nce has boeo hot enough to form at sugar generally known all Post vice In order· tbat tbey may understand: k ercblef to be. l\1ark tbe design In such Importan ce as th£ ca r o of Ule Sugnr. It clIn bo seen gllslll nlng·on tile 110'1" Illire unit clean ' lind · wholesome throw 60m(;) of Ibeee "collie" ove r the corners aDd tbe scalloped border hll lr, rew Ror.rtncea 80 grant a8 the grlllluies of Grape-Nuta If beld townrd Grape-Nuts and Postnm are. 'on I heir Qllcks. Cect lied aDd" belThere Is 1111 ol.dsaylq·among b118tness .. reoi all l'o{md, thell wor-le; ' cut a",ay the rellilqllls hment of lite pr oper. elressln!! lhe 11 gII t , 'Ill d thl II sugnr IS no t ,.ou th llt (bere ts somll chance'\,M low.lng,'· do you tblnk \Ve s hould over or flU t 011 the food ns tbeso prevarl.. material beyond the scalloped edge. Uiereof. clltor!! Ignorantly Ilssert. On tbe conf<XIl. bllt there- Is no room tor a liar, ror l!e blam ed? They gombol around For a dolly, line linen or nalnsooll " As ror dl'e~slng h er hu ll' b erself. no trnry tbe sugar exudes (rom' the In~erlor you never can tell where you ~ a~, and wlili·tllils held high.lind JumjlsUIt sbould. be used ~or tbe foundation. Japanese wO,m an CRn rlo thai. lind 1111 . of each little granule dllrlng the l)rOCCRS we hel'elly serve notice on all:the mem legged wllh II very ' "cocky" air except the mosL miserably poor, have of monufactnre. and remlnds 'one of the bel'S at IhlsllDclent tribe'o f AnlllUas that 'For Chapped Banda. while lbey , have full raage. but boen In th .. hublt of paying no Sl)n (IS little white particles or sugar that corne tbey may follow llMltr call1l!g Ill- otherout on tile end of a hickory log ntter lines, but when thea< put tOl'tb, ~elr II~ To cilre chapped banda always care- centll) a mon tb (0 tbe hairdresser to whon the rope Is thrOWn' over It bas been sawed olf and aHowed' ta u'bout Grape-Nuts and PbBtum. we p~ fully dry the buda "fter wasb'ID" take care 01 It for them. Since th'l t\1 em "It·s dllfereot." stllnd for n length of time. pase to glve them an opportlUlltrlO BA never allow the m.o lsture to evap· beginnIng of .the RU8slnn war thls Sbot/hl we untie them becuuslI "'hls pnst S\I'"'r 10 tbe most dl<nlutlbie sV(e!' to the proJ)el"tll~tboritle8. orate;: this Is a caU8e qf tbe trou· ium 'bas been alraoel unlver$olly laId • y ".. 0 ..- , Tho New Yo~l girl wtse~ said tbat tbey bleat soft and low l' Or shoulel ble, Before going to .bed rub bands aside to band over to the Will' fund. (oar) kuown ror human use. It Is so per- If a pertlOn wotald lie about ODe Item, It put the Iron on. so tbat peoplfl well w,lth boi-Ilcle olntD!ent, vaseline, and. coming regularly f,roln millions fect In Its Ildaplllbll1ty thllt mQtlIers witb bJ'anclll the whole dlseoul'lleas abl!O.utel~ will know the brand? cold cream or IIlyce~ln. Tbose who of women, ball Bmoan~ed to a very very young Infants wJII l>0ur a Uttle unreUable. Let's keep them In tbls puture. warm milk over two or three spoonfuls Keep)'Our Iron ready . .d braatl tb_ cannot alford medicaments will nnd a te81lectable wboJe. ot Orallfl·Nutil.thU!lwaahlngthesuprolY "lIIavetk:ksu whenevet:' )'Oil IlIll1 UieIJl.' anybow. hit of mutton fat (ullcOl)~ed) • .,., "The rCllult hilS beeln 1\ from tbe granules and carrying It with nJUllqg loaae. electi'e. Ora. on In old pair pt c:banp In the IIppearal~ce CIOY!1I alter allolntlns· . !lturdy little patrlota. Japan before , tI for _no. with herIIlnJlla!ld.·1are h tlnelr. In
8I.D'8 OP SeIENO!!:, I I . k I 1 t1 r '<t,l~ ~ r 1)' 1' ~ rll uJw:t~1J ()11 /I ne rOIll Hr'" (.I'n" I Ill: I til he' ~l1t of 1 a qUfll'Il' l' II :, 1111 1" nil' \l ln'n: fi b 1111 k lt "~ '0 hl " b 'l . EI
1I1·.In 011'1 ][ust Go III -for Bell1V 'Breakfllit and lb .. Too-Stout Mus Not.
b ~twef' n ~tl~lu
',"llIIu wns when It "'Quhl I1I1\'Q crPIl -I lnrll d Dill, a mO"lIlIlI1UPPY_cJlolce, OIl!! eil ~I,l ~ r.e~ toHl furor rtlr It Cn lh l'H,' Ib ll l I, dded little to IIUY hUI'Ulony lIe1'111 ~1 ltI 1t.'I11 rOr qlloeu 1\ I'rOtunLlll t ' t wpo' t h I WQ nntlollH. \;'rupOSu.1 ot )11'111 '1) S. 'fo-dIlY Ih o. wPrhl Is bruad- HIICh \ lnurrh'l;e nrou st!!) lh I)eopl ~ It III iJu Ielll , o r Itl Irrer~nt-!t~ ~ III! .11l1l.Y WIIS :lIU~ l IlUI )tJ llUl n r ; so bitter was
10011 ht It-IUl ~1 1111 S not lJolher. To be sOnllrllllll1 Ihnl Ull open r e bellion br.ol{e IIlIre, Wh.!!n hu yount; Spanish .mollllroh out In 110111" e Mary and IltIl Elllzal,1(llh m(l~O kn OWn his l)rcfcl'llU e fo r Ena or In lI el' plu c. After t he mor.rl!1go Bot ('nll rl(, (hMe Willi enough or th Pbllll) l'Vlllill\le,l e tremely unpopu l:1r COlise rvllllve ele lUellL 1 ft In conSllrVII- wlUr lIl e Eng Ish lI nd not only din hll 11vo ~PII ID to. holrl out IlllOs IIIOII,; hut wenlten nls wlfe'~ bu1d on tll P'!1 111 e this VR" uSII )' pu t nalcl , lin 11 b ho ld hut he rC l1al~ lI er adlll'nth)JI by tru el Ul\! Spauhi h ('()rteS1)I'IlIIIJ)tly, ge ner 'Us, Colfln!!ss nnd negl I't. Sh waM unIy lind r;ra arull'y Sllll ction tI th lJe. ! woal'l d In her errorl S to pl ease Plrlllp, h'(Hhul ,fir thei r king t tho Engll~ h cvp n went so rul' us to Join lu n war Ilrlllclm;. nnd gl'lJnted th eIr tu l ll l' I ngliinst 1,'I'au ce whl .h r esult t1 In Il\e QU en the lIlterlil a llowlIlll'e of $50,OJII I .los~ 10 tho E ngll ~ h at Ca lols. Mil:'y ~ yeaI', OVM In fi:ngland th ro Is I Tudor's IICo was n , 'ery unhappy aile; hll rd~Y a whl spor of dissent to Lbe In hor r hllilh ood In daugor, In hcr wllrll uge, on the conlra ry I(lndl y In- : girlhood mUI~h heReto In h er wlfehl,o d te.r : tln lhe younG' I)rlnecss 80 soon to I mOAt torl o rn: 'Yell rs nf.tor Mar.v's lea~ l' hl'r old 11I11l:,-1: fOr n. new bomo In uell ih Pbll'lJl mati wur ng:1ltlst til a d!8ta ll iUlldrld, . wlfl"~ lllnd, SCn! I h fam ed Spanla b A ,'ery lutores llng IIr tic lo In tbe !\ew AI'mlldu n:;a Il.IHt Ent,;lulIll. Yor/< II E' r.ll<l, hoi' II writer wbo If;' d An ntt emJl'wd royul Il ll !uncc It mllY 80mB tl lll e In SJlAln, r emllllls ' u ~ tha l he In "lace to r.hronll'l o h ere. In th., ·'Jllnu ta u Ka y with Henry IV., 'A cro wn dayS of .lnm II I. (1603-26) nOG'othl1lolls tl! well wortb n rew tIla~~es: ,. Thi s Is wer currl tI on for th e man'lug or one view la talle o r Ihe rondln oss w!t h J:.lIlit'S' Ron Char!cs wIth II SpanIsh Inwblrh lho J,rlnceS!I has l!hu'l1ged Jler runl , Wh u 0110 rends th el tbe nefQltll. 'I'h r o arA others: on • that shO goll utlolls, whl cb I1nully rOSI111oa In 1\11 her 1,If has becn more or less undl' r nOlhl ll g-. \\'ore, w:ltll sll!,le Interr upCalhol h Infl llenco, being nlll ch In th LllIIlS, II nc lng II llerlod of 12 ycars oue (l()nlPIlUY of 11el' gOd- mo tber , eX- li;m - 1 wa nd I'S what musl hnv e been the ij lnte Jlr~IlS Elu; ' nle; anoth er, th nt It er 11Ior- or mInd or t he prlnclpuls in the proJ'lug(o wl tb Alfon. o Is II trn e love I llo~e I n.tUrrlo·ge. J.llntCi! ' YOIl rememmate h, th , t It Is n joy to her lo a ccep t 1;or. was called th " wlEest fool In t~e , ~ellglon oC bel' ,te(l'Othed. T hi s l~\lr pe," He was a learned mOD, bllt lall th ~ r ildlng publlc will be Corslvcn weall II nl1 pedantic anti abs urdly 1'011;If tl1e)' IIr "lJlt cy nknl over, lhe I" nfl - lI, nllll h I' frIend nor rc e to anYlxltly. iDa publl ' ba vlng become accll8tomell, 'T h SlI llIe yeur lie lJe:;un negoUntlons at t I h ne w lJetrothal oC II roYlIl t:1l11', fo r tbe lIIulTl nge oC his sou to a Span~bat t his l)Rrllcular aile I IHb prill e88 ho entered Into all nl1lm a rr l a ge ~ s rcull y a tlnce wllh th e PI'otes tant IIn\on In Oermntln!,! or 11011111. politiCS ,no I .I bo rul!a ll' u)an y. anll ~hortly mllrrl ed big daugbter !no l II-p. Dllt let u ~ put e,'on small 'st 10 .Ille heud Of we \lnIOI1 . J ames r e-
55 1
Rise Liars, And Salute Your Queen
Ho, AU Ye Faithful FoDowers of Ananias <GIVE EAR! A Young Girl said to a Cooking School ia, New York: Yo" One Statement as False That, All You have said about Foods 'Ahsoltltely Unreliable."
...•~ ... -"-.
TRB J;'V'l'URE Q 'j,;r';N
F' $PA I N.
cYalclsm 8sltle, and bope king aue! bullecl plIJ'llament aM Jnedllling When prine 35 nro fond at CUl h other Itl Lhey sent tn a petlt:on Aga.l r-at papery Knod . r omanti c fushlon, that they lI1'e :lud the pl'oposed Span!sh marrla~e, and when parliament tias ' cll t he great IUlllPY Iwer oftllr. ile,'ernJ . times .have England aD.d protestation declarlDg t hat ma~ters ' SPl\ln Lce n cnllee! UflOIi tJ shoY( bvor wlllcll c;on cerned Ihu klug and realrn 01' dl $tnvor Ilnent a ' lOpa nlsb-Engll , h were proper subJeet., ot di!bate, the I)clrolhol. VmS'. long ago oue of ,·bo king tore the ·page concerning the ,ro . Edward ~ married ' u Spaniard. Princess testation f.rom tbe Journal or the com. Eleanor of Gllstlle, sis ter of Alfonso X. mona. Bllt to retullltll the negot:ll01 CaRt lle,' tbut Edwllrd whose Bur- tlon ~ Cor a olal'rlage treaty. The final lIiuna wos ' ~ Longshllnk s ," and t1Ue Ed- StilP In ilie long balled arrangement" ward 1. ThIs English Ittug ruled from was taken when a ' Slllentiid Ilxpedltlon "11139-()7: 10 1264 · he espoused ElellnOI' In charge of lhe klng 's tavorlte. George of OllsUlq. Now, when the papers ure Vllllera. sel forlh tor t ho S,pilulsl\ I!O full ' or the approacblng ceremonlllis cour t. VllIlers laad 'persuaded Cbarlee of tbe Spanish-English nllluncll. It to presll hiS suit In person, 80 we may be of Interest to thlnk bllck on sholllil mention that th e Ilrlnce of the waddlpg powp tbnt ~ttonded the Wales was allO a member of lbe exjOining In 'wedlock or Enf;lIsh EdwIlI'Il pedi t ion. While on Ibe lil1aslon Vll-' and Splllll 'h Iillollno).'. Edward was bul lIer.s wus created !IlIke or Bucklngbam, Ijtrlpllng .of 16, a youth fill bride- bu t the nonors accruing to him l~en groom to l)e SlIre, when he journeyed lind Illter were no L becal1RC or the 8UC, . to Spldo VJ cl"lm his bride. He was cess oC hIs efforts; eltber Charles IIttendell , we 'ore told / by a s plenel1d ar· "roved a displeasing wooer or the duk e I'/Iy of Imlght8, by 1111 the trallPlnge of of Duolt1nghum was too arrogant to tho dn~'s 'o t cblvalry: a nd l.Jle wedding snit lhe I)roud ,SpanIards. al nny rAt!> was. affair at slIch magnlfii:enco t bo nego t iations ror a I'llnrrhige treaty the'y toll ot It to-dny In the ancient failed ntterly. the ml ~s l o u nitnrr.ed city DC Burgos, once copltnl 'ol\y ·ot hom e dlscomfltte;i. It would 6£em . Oalltlle. It wnll almost 20 years after ,fumes I. .had arrived by Ulltf, Ume at his marriage berore Eilward became the PQsltlnn, '\J11arrlage or war," for lel.n g, the SlIR111s11 princess ruled liS wben' he h!)l1rd aU' bop<8 were bla3ted queen. But she Qccllpled this proull at Chllrles ' bavlng Cor W1r~ the IntauUt position ' a good ly nU11lber ~f y.e are, aad Murla war was declared on Spain nnd , 'Wheu at last death ula lmed her, In an alliance made with France" })re , 3700, sho \Va~ burled In Westmlnstet long Charfes mllrrled 1\ Murlu' ; but It was Henrietta ,Marla of Fran.ce. abbey. To·dllY there !Ire still Surely Enll-or. lUI she Is herealter eat-taln or' ilie 12 "Elleanof, cro~ijes" .aId to mark the fun.ernl jOllrney of to be known. the Princess Vl ctorlll Eugenia-must delve somewhat In tbo , Eleanor from Hordby to London. Cnthllrlne ot Arngon. dllllgbter of past In study at the hlst.ory of com· Ftrdlnand oad Isobella, ma~rled Ar- peers ,that lIave mllted with Spanish thur, prlncc of Wal es, and Inter Wftlj royalty. It Ja la be 1;10ped sbe will not 'Wedded to Henry VIII. Mary Tudor, be Illilheartened by Mary Tu~or's III of Catherine of Aragon and .Iucjc. but talce henrt ot reassUrance In the mucn-wedded He~ry. In 166. es- contrasts; In the attitude of her pe0poused Phll,lp ~t Spain (later Philip ple, Bnd In tl\e 1Danner of IIIlln. KA'nJER1NE POPE. II). VariOUS alliances for Marl' • pl'OpOsed ; when bil~ on Infant or two :reare' ahe,wlIs Ilftlanced to the daupbln, In Oklahoma. and a few yeara later to her cousin, Amber Pet~So tbar wBI'a real dude Charles ·V.: Ittll later. an attempt Willi out here from Newport! made to marry her to Francia 1. But BlYJ...Bill-Yes. an' be was ilie limit. Ibe escaped matrlDtony until R".,VIDI' " Wh:r, when be went to ahake handa at the advanced age of 2!1; ililll escape with me he beld one hand 'way up In by realOD ot the JIlIIld chances In her the air. ....."""" ..... torelp ~d beAmber Pete-What did 701.1 do! was trt4. Bid tile
ru; '.
"There's a ReasOR
IConcerning .
l\In1l~· r "lI '\"r~ III'
If you nOOlI I\nythlug in
Former Re -Idents .
Thore wil1 h time to ~('t , It \)o(lJro 1. at. whi II 't,inl wo wUl olos(\ \'l ur st r
0" ·/.,,(1,,
THE E ..t\GLE.I o j~ O T:tIIN (j-
'"1'11(, Ill"'l1\~ fla,l utl~ ot Mr ~ ( .. . ('111 H"I '" I .. r llll'rly '\li~~ ;\IIll1 n,l. . Ir,"I'. wtll ".'IllI11lhiz,' wlt ll bl'I' In
' Exclusiu~ Sbo~
co ·
CO . . 211<1. t,llOu!-Ia.ntl, of (lollal.'~ w()l't.h 01 ' '" r!c';:t ll (1 t !till' hll~h:1IHI \\bl hi . 1 g·ood . h011C t, '1\1 )'cliaIHIi. e ha\'(, hCl'lI ', DA YTON, :::;: . l)('(' nrr,," Tlll'~uny. \Ill \ ~::. t, f ltl!lIlt\II'1 Y"I\H\' -- - -- -1pH l' wa," l llld \1' Y (d IU' f. r t.llis l'('l'' 1Death of Mrs. Ann Kelly . t·h.,pldllg~h" !lW Bll qpll ll N , 1 111 :!:"' , \\"" .111 :,<I~ , I . Th" fUllI'.u l \l' 1,!, ltC'It! i l\ UII.1' . Wll ~ l . -1Il!- III I.I II \I~'·~ ~11..I'!\ I I nd,WWl"II I· . , l'llIin Blue. MENTION At· ~ o'olook In tlw tlfft' rnao n of tha,t, plllc" II I , " ',,1,, k ~'I' lIln)' II11l1 1 1 ' I'
I' U
single II> f1"enth DI~Y. Fifth ili on I,ll :!(i. 100f> . re lir II reeu J E lllnno : th gentle spirit of Ann K 11." t OO!! 35,. ID Ii Ib plloknge8at . . • . Y its flight to Pnradiso IIft er !\ vnllinDI JOII8ie ~~I. h~S o~:~e~f ~h:~W:~ warfure ngldnst trl'It1~ 'nnr1 tc.mptn . . tiout! for almost 7 yeu r!'. 1111 "In~ 8h op 11 t.,..e nOI r building. been born !:leplember .t. I ~HI, nOllr Barrett'8 paLnts are made In H Hllrvey sburg,Oblo. oolon, of pure lead and 011 and She was lnnrrir.d t o loses R ('\I v guaranteed to co~er 300 sq. n . ,wo In the y ar 11<·. 9. Ilnd t th(,lll on'o . ooatstothegalJon.&e Z Ilforprloo8 I'on. Lc"I. wns born. w11 0. togeth er Mr. Jeaee Compton. of Xenia, with bls fu.t-11er. preccdrd h l.J r to hi ~ apent Sunda:v with his brother . Eli . rowar4 i 11 r husbnn(1 iJlIsSl n" 11\\'11.\' Joly. 1 70 . Bba Comptpn. . Pure ParIs Green with no 41xoes ~ Out of u. fumily of ten brother!; 'of "Free" arlonlo . For MIa by J . E. nnd ~iste r" of the decel\~eI1 , bllt ll" Janney. l' 'main : .J ervis .and Georgo Bllt·ton PdroDB of the Pennsyl"Bnla rail · lind . Dehom Dnkln , of Hllrv .vi'~t1q:r. road Co. be gllld to knllw th 'l t r~V I Hnt.ton, of LI~c Oln . Illinois. the old pilltf lrm " fI til .. ,, ;. _ -1.1,. · ,1 •. I ~l l1r\~ r.uli'r':l'r. fl f f'hl.enl!o the stati/)n lit, 'Hrwl n i. i" 'IIII-!' ''' 1~"1 1I' fi " tl lv . hrl">vrrl tln d placed by I~ rlfH\ " lnlel " I'. . .1 . l ·" ·" II II ll" I \O pr ll/! II CPll . th" (Ilic I) . , ,,,,,. .1 t it,· n 1('I:.~ lIe FI·wnd-. II nil G. A. :a. EO OIl Il1i'II ~ "" I . " , !I . in ,... ·"1'1 UII '" with h" r )lr t\ f ,"r ll l'('~ . Ohio, JOD i> 1 ~ t'.'. lrl, lIl u l ll.:' \· ~' ." IH. r IlIn(f rll l "'"" Illlnl\ nf't fit I 111 11 (' cente rouoll trIp Vltl D.,I, " l "" r. 101'1' w i II Ih llir ell, lotlO's r-Ill v AIr the Ar8AlI\o ml AI'1I1 1· I' h," ,,,\' int.! I .... 1\ II lIh'llIh,' r of the fumily fi t ally combined with O')JlI)"r \II "' IJ •h l~ 1'II\IHI ,. B Olli fll r 8tWerill Parlll Ureen. J . E. Ju.nn I'Y . 1 1l ",,'h ~, h{'r fnnllrrd t nk plrlce th re Herbert Warwlok, hf t,1l () ' . MllndllY Ilft orn oon 1I0l1 WI\S quit o wa. In' WaynlllVillfl from ,ond il .f hi rl{(11y I\~t('nrt ed . Liberty WILS ~I Villi until Wedn08day bu.vlng mne ov.. r M n~ who wi!lhC'( L to sponk . lI orl Rev . from Dtt.yton whero be hud b n ill ,I F . '"dwl\l1l1dor , Th om ll~ Th orpe. attendanoe at tbe onventlon of the (.f '(lI mn nnd Bot.hill Furolls. gn \'e BroUlerhood at ~. Andrew. u llpr ()" ~ll)n . to their Ceelings of 10\'Q, The Literary will be hold "t tIr "lImlTntion n.nd Tovoro~ oo for t.IH home of Mr. and Mrl\. John Nixon d oprLrt d one 1'0 ILJlprnpl'rnt e roll1 ~lrk June IIth,11106 . Ladle", bring a box • Ho~ hody WU!I Inld nWIlY HI 1\I11LDlI oOnsatning londh for two. Please b ometery 8ure and put your name Inllide of - -the boz. CQme one. (lome all. • Pleasant Family OathlIr. Georie l'unkey 18 at homo eri ng. for a .bort time a buslneM _ _ __ , kIp Ulat carried him as f~r west '''' Mr. Fruok B ~mi tll lind wito of DenTer and north to Mmneapolls o!'-Ilr Lytl e otorhlintld o n ' n1lda), On blB ~3': bome Mr. Funkey stop soyorlll ot Ih elrrjllatlves 11m). friend!! peel at JIlokionville. ~l1tnoil!. and A t.llbl Iud 'n with gnod tblng8 t.o made a ywy plMent. vlett with hit! nllt WIIS oojoyl')tlilt ~h e noon hour. lister Milia Eva Fan key. who holds The dllY WIIS spoot in so 11\1 oonvor. an ezoellen' (IOI"lon In tho publlo " .. !.ion (lod flluo<i o furni shed by Mr. Ubrary ~f tbat olty. Sum Smltp's EC\i~on Phon ograph . '1'110 ru.ln in t.he e veutn~ wu.s l~ hln N otlce to P UpII S. drl\noe to them ~ettlng sta rted home. There will be an enmlnu.tlon for yot IIU wore ~Iad to soe n. good 80u.kall .puplls who are takibg reviews Ing rain . Those present were: Beo, for promoUon on Saturday, Jano 9, Cbllmplon Ilnd wife, Frey Champion a' 8 :30 a m. wife lIod 800, Hllrry Champion, wife C. E . BRATTEN Supl. and childron. Mux Poet.tinger, ~ife - - - --.:...and clllldreu, Mrs . Alfred witb. .n.n. .. " 0. to p E ~ t er' tai ns. I5mith. Mra. oyder and Mr. Willlllm F . all of [Juyton i Mr. Blish lin. Lillian Bot/)p, of Ferry en. Pope and Mrs &lru.h Rooder or Uen · tertained &turday evenlog eeveral t~rvl11e; ,Jllmos T~Il?ey I1nd. wlfo of Qf her relativ68 and friends leo l'alrmont. Mrs. ullll UU . Sot» a amI orelun and oake were served, Imd !Inn. Mr . He_nry Botop /)f Ferry. alll!p8D& a pleatlaut. evening. Mr . &1m Smith. Frl1Qk H cathorn ThOl8pre.ent were: Barry Cham. nnd witI') u.nd Mr . .I oabul' Oheao pion, wife IU1d obildren" Benj~mln wl:lth . , • Champion and Wife, Frey UbRmpion. ' ONE"~110 W At:\TRERE . wife and BOn. :Mrs. May Poettinger ~ • and three obildren, and Mrll. Alpbu. Ice Cream Social ~mltb, all of Day~on' ; JIl'mes Tru.oy a:t Ridgeville Church and wife, of FaIrmont; JOllhau • The It,dies or' MI A U niversnllst <'-'henowetb, wife and daaghtor. JOBhua Fieher, wife and ohlldren. ohurch nt Rld~evil1e will give a Frank ·Hecathorn and wife. Fr~ok socinillt-t.heir church I:lnturdu.y \lveu , Rogers and ~1fe. Fronk B. .Smith. Ing. Juno (). nt which thllY will wife and ohlldren and Mr. Beber sor ... e Ice cream; strawberri es I1nd Smtth. all of n8l1r Lytle. cake • ONIil PRIlSENT.' Everybody cordil\lIy invi ted. P
llifihil(n·s, ·t:l,l'ts ~ att1)'(Lny mOl'lJing .fllll'
"r .
BARRETT'S PAINTS And )s complete in .every degree. The goods so greatly appreciated by my customers of last year are again at your command
are guarenteed to be absolutely carbonate of lead aRd Zinc Oxid ground to the finest degree in . Pure raw linseed oil If yoo are to Pllint 'your hOllse WhIte come anu see m e.
I will open Ii pail of Barret's 8pecI111 Uutside white which is two shados whiter t,bu.n Imy ao cu.lIed White pnint- 00 the Market,. ublolut.e satisfaotion guaranteed or 1 will refuou your money. G!ve me 0. oa\1l\nd let .. us t.lllk pI1~nt . jUOLUR
and PRICES on applicntlon .
·For Sale by
t il
\\' I'~ In clulrHo liT lh l' ~I .c!',mi 1.0'\1;11. ' inc!' t1w ht'f!i l l!ll n ~ lIr thl ~ ~' l'I '" II hn ll hl' l'lI \1\'11\' IIl .Troy . wli('r~\ ho WAS "lll plo,Yl'l\ '1 ~ hUltl'r lIl:lI11' r 10 Frl'ncll 8rll/" l 'r t' 1I11lt>r~'. HI~~ illl1" hi,. wlfC', Il n o chi hi snr\'i\-cs him .
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Fancy Home Gl' wn TRA WBERRIES This We k
St-llple and Fn,n cy Gr.ooerlec, Fruits Vogetables RDd
annerl Good .
(liltars !lnd Tobnoco.
c. 1\1. BROWN, Pr.oprietor.
t'xn,'{:I, 11t-0Jlle, tn Cll""'
II. ·,·..
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C""rtC lI, ;W- \'ulll' 1',>1'
fr lllll r'l l' und 111'11 r HS th is will I r u\'" IIU' ,,1" ' 111 ' ';It Ih II IlI'.,. "it "III~ ~III .. for :o'(IU.lllIll tbo g rellte~t, IIlI v ·rr.iSB IUtll1t fur t htl ~:Il~l e 'lothlul:; i-if,.'ru " ,~ r known in tne hl!lt t1l'Y of DIIytr1n n "m pml,cr Ibis i" nu fuko sulo tlll!l I~ Il !It mi ght (11~r, hOllul'ill ~ft l !, III!' k ill~1 t.h i~!'tI is Iltlt.-d for.w~ 11 ~!lu re yuu 1\ U "l!lll "f nn.f\ f"Il I'11I "lid In I'ulII(llmttonCt'!' on e. huff of t,h 0l'i l;i1l111 vultH'. thu I 1'1 (' ,·" l!i,l uw will ~ h' you II, IIttll' irleu of nlllHJ!lt Im w IIwl whll t l'I " ll l1'li,,,,~ .I'IH1 1'11 11. xpeo l, o f dlllll'I<O wo ('n n 't '1uitC' prloe Oil H\·!' I'\·rhiJI ;!. \Jilt YO Il wi ll tlinl1 111·ir .. wu ll r.hl'l>\1!{h 0 11 1' "", I hh" hlU ttllt . It 'will pay you to
.. . B \' ' kn" o PUllt." worth :iGJI,1I1l
. ,Ii"'l'!' 111\(1 olorp.llt.
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. -- - - Bnv. fl' Brownl" Ove rl1l1". tIle btlHt ".. rllde!! lit Hi, (liloh. only two pllir 1.0 ri. person , at
· tn IIttl'lIl I I I11:<
. C)J u~t won,101' f n I m onoy ' ,.:LVill!C ~n I 0 Dun ·t. f ll l'~(\t the ullte lin d p I lIee. we WI' 11 \\: I'Bk~ hllt. ellrly cO lller~ will &;et tlr!lt oh 'lle"
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Try Ollr Hos of hnron ~OIl P /,aUlers In th hnrtl st wllter
GRE' \.T
Bring us Your Egg ' Highest Pl'ice Paid for Country Pl:oduce \ I! ZIMMERMAN'S, Of Course.
PANrrs and of all kind. pall t: that are well made nnd worth double the pri (' , iu som~ cases these o,·crlook don't though you don't need them !lOW <.Il't) in a supply anyhow.
'l'llo \ Township Prot ecti\,(\ Assooi'Ltion lit its meAtlng ht.urdny Iltternooo, /,duod se" on members to Hs' roll, I1S follows: Jume!< Criswe\1. Z eplr en h~h Uod rw nod Goo D, Mills - - - - - - - - ---Artbur Thowns •. ,"V. B . AlIen, Cllrl Bov!! ' wnists lit 1 () worth 2!)~ und Sherwood and J ohn 'l'h omp~on .' ~ mud e of good P eroal . Mllrldras!:! It WI1 deoided t o ollnnge tbe Hme ml Uh viot!' In blm"e or button . of meetIng fr om the third SlIt,urdllY of eaoh qua t o tire fourth..SntUl'duy of the qUlIl'ter. Mee t,ln~s herenfter will be held ot th.e t.own bill house 11t 2 o'olock the aftorno os uf the fuurth ILturdays in MIlY. Aug. U:lt, N ovearber nod FeLruary . An members who hn ve 'not 1)11 id iI _...<...,-_ _ _ _ _ IISSCSS!1l nt flf $l 00 nrc r eqnl'steel to plLy It t o J . U Eln wlte. eorotnry. unci r ecei\' r ceipt . \\' rt h
. - -- --
Mens tailor made 79c pants at 1.75 worth up to 3.00 the e cI)nsist of fine 'fwo hundred pllirtl of 111111 bo ·'.f!! working )lILDt.'! 111\ .Bi"'{!1 ~t rOngl.)' ~ Wl'tl wo.· .ted. ~ cassimers in tile wort.h up to ,,1.fl O, I.ICJ prr ' •.U5c l'eO'·uLar mu.l{c- or peg top. Mens worsted Pants, h mitlr ,I.' of Pltlr'~ Itf Val ue ,'anO'eR up to 3.00 re!;ulllr 2.00 grl1des.SnI pric'e olll .v $1.35 for tbis -sale only 1.95. lII e lll;
One tlron!:'llnd poir of fine tlliior mltde pu.nt8 io fine outing wor8t d!l Ilnel cu8si moreR vall1es range uI' to 4.50 Sule prlcos tor eboloe •
S2 50
-----------~--------------.----------. l ~ Ilo"'8n boY8' GOisulrta i~·plaln. white or flillOy. Choice oniy
Lot. No. 1. At $3.95 worth up to $ 7.50. 17 5 ~{en's 2-piece suit, eont and pants; regular valu~ 86 00 and $7 .50. Sa~e price while they last, $3.95
2 --- .,- - -- - - - --
10 Il lw.on wa8h !!ulta made of Cambrio ~IIU Chevi.o ts . . $1.00 val. ue for
Lot No.2. At· 7.75 worth up t.o ~.,....·_c '12.00. 125 Mens and Boys Suits in fan~y cassimers .a nd wOl'ste<.lH and black · thibbets~ Regular yalue 10 aDd 12.00 1QC Sale price on ly 7.75. 25
In Appreciation
~ ------------~------------
- -_ _
Mons wool .Tel\ns P'lnts In Bln ck ftnt! UrHY lill Iinell ' II oel WE'll mod "I :?!i. BillA prlea.
Protective As·s ociation.
The ft . A. R. 11ncl ons of Vete . l'llnS hnve reques ted tho Gnlletto t,o !'xt ntl thoir t,hnoks to t.he R v. J . F. ' lid wa IJlldll r f ur hi. ,discourse " ond'l Y lIfternoon lind expe!\s their II !lllr.· III ti 'n tlf the sorvice us n whole.
An OpportunityN ot t,o be Overlooked-· ~·
'ee onr n,,-.)rtUlPut or' lllLIlCS Ctikl's
Meo 't< Work Shirts at 87,., worth !i00 dozeD men's work Ihlrta ' tlnuble front ' aDd baok, I~rongly "ewf'd, full length and sizell. The he!lt. GO, yulue at
uO, .
MOn 'A Underwear at- 35,.. worth fiOt· 200 II oz. Men'a aalbr!ggan . UndorwHIU i a180 plain blue or fRncy ~ i l k. mixed i bellt 501 value for nn/ ,\'
Lot No.3. At 9 50 worth to . 16.50 225 Mens and Young' Mens uits . con59c sisting of the lntost gl"uy mixtul'c, plnin At 12.50 worth up to surges and fa.ncy enS! i meres. Val ue B uuelreds of fine Imnd tail · Buits in blnck tbiube t, worl!teds ranges 12.50, 15.00 and 16.50. Sale IIQnr/'A" lind fine clUIslmlre!l wor th UUiO, l ODand 20:00. . ~19. 50 price 9 ..50. l'ltt Ie prloe fj;7 "'" • -- - - . -- .__. meo '!! f,LOO Ilnd $1.25 •. !!lightly m tlssed i these nre b . t tl1l1Uarc! mnke. Wblle
-------~------- --- ~-
A Great
Me,,'~ flmoy OrelIA Shlrte "7,. 2!i0 .1rW'11 men'l fanoy dreas ahlra. thfl ho~t. 76, IIhillt on the mnrke~. Full ' 81",e and beet styl8l. Sale price for only _ _ ~ :--111--_ _ ~ -. - - - -
I?urchas~ . S.a le
Wnynesv lllc showod Sonth Lebl1 nOD that they know a littlo nhout bu~e hall 1'olenco, Rnd plllyli<llin ox. citing gUllIo rr o01 sturt to fillilllt . 'rhe 'nine WII~ cbielly o. pltobers' buttlo. in whi cb Elilmitton JI!tLYElll At l eu~t OUIl thO\1~rlnd suits bought at a grant sl\orlfice you Childrens Suits lI,t :(05 worth up to (1.1;0. This ino)ud81 oUr the bust,. mulrlng the scnro G to .l elm g ,t t lHl' \J n etit of our purchase if you' wIll note the prlcop U;O WilliI' Proof Brlmu mllde with 110uble !401Lt and knee Illso blue flerges A tight gom e IJIIl! been expected U hi1dre~1! n ovel suits Izes from a to '17 values range up to :! 00. by the on looker s lind they wore not strictly all \\'olll not IL suit In ~ho lot wort h lot18 than G.50 up ~ G.50 Llu;l1I>pointed . Hllrry HUltliltOD, AS Materlll,l!! lire lllliLin blne and blllok ohevlots u.hlo fltDOY tweeds ",nd -,' Choice. usun.1. \\'n. 10 tbe 1)0)( ftJr Wnynes. cliP'si mues ~hi\e th ey lust your ohoice ,at . vi\1e Bnd kept np h is clmrnctorlstto at.ondy gllit ~hrou~;h out; whilo bi s Here is uuoth'or lot better unu hlgger bargains becn.ose mater oppon ent. hnd pla yod wen ulltfl the iuls nre hetter, these childs suits range in value from 850 to 4 .GO · sixth iunlu g, thon blld \loor Illl l>o port nnd had hits bnnQhetl on him ' YOll 'CILU buy them Bt· .wbe n runs were needoLl .- BlIlIliltou ~tol e h!LSe~ to R finlsb, bo WB!! up • lind on hi'! toes half wily t o tIm bl1 es before the p!tcber stur.ted t,n deli vlll' the l)u Il s He ll\uue sovern l ~ a c11 stplll!'l Ilurin g th e game: . .J OEI Tholllp~on cllnght tht' gU lIl A to pprfect,i on fI\"·U.V!I hurl the blln nt ~I'con;l buso wb en needell mil d. r lIovenll terriflic t,hrowM to first from Imuted bullS, not 0 hnse !ltolon on hll1l, 1111(\ nll Thom pson 'Il throws t 'l bnse!; were tho best TlIl1de t.bis sen. I son, I\nd wero most 1111 rewl1rded by out!!. Jor:nAs BergllO mnde a tltnrtlinl( pluy wheo rUDlliog from center to rlgbt fielr1. catching n, fl y IlDd dellv· ot the Wnyne!lvll1;e people fr om diso did it with quiok work, JettIng no whloh proved Vtthill~le to the ~ellm hue /lot. pIlst being IIOar~ at rec. orin~ it to the pitchor; he hus provo t Q exhuberanl~e . one take two bllllos on tbe balls Be Is !:IteRdy tn hlB plu.ying lI·nd ords, Hnd want o~her team8 to do "n himtlelf t o be a goou judge of HOrllcl' Prlltt also wa!> on Itunrd knocked his way. (ilenn always knows the gll.m e . the sume and give tbem a pme of hl1118 and wOI't.!.J y of his posltfon. ready for nnythln~~ oomlng hi wuy; does olean field wo~k. .When I,t George Thomp'lon held first bAse fllst ban. Warren Dllkio. the quick short he moda 1\ good play and showed oome8 to billie 8teallng he Iii the one, . down wltb hiA .sklll and IlC0I1'"0Y The following Iii the Une up: stop worked liken magnat; nH bllll!! /o:ood judgement when be waited for lie made two tlafe ateals , wblch . were w4ich DBually his piny. WlI.rren Dakln,.u. knocked to hiLdel'rl tory were dra wn the .knocked fly aud got it on a plainly soon by everyone bat Ing; he madtl Rood catohes RDd 111 . Otho Cnl'roU, 2b, to him. t.hrowing tu first. nnd Dev~r bounce. the map only seeing tint umpire and pitoher. . waY8 on bl8 baae IlS nO balls Wllro .James Beraan, O. f" faileu to mako outs i he cQvered- hiS'] hos«;z thtO\viilg It 0 fir8t lrA pAventOtho CIlrroll has put li\.mBe}f blgh knocked to him he was rree from Pratt, r. f ., ground weU II.nd made severlll good l'tl ~abh tobano~ trom scorinB'. In the minds of hia ball friends and IIhowlng bis .k1l1 In trapping the ·J.'1I10nIPlO11. 0 . , ' l,lllY8 on second. ORkin won t.he ot'berwl~e It woalll have boen 11 safe won a name as a fine aBOond' baBe· ~1l8, whloh he eurely po1!80888II. f., game by II. two, boso hit, knocking two or t.hree . Pratt played manl he lias managed aeoond bue Waynesville people are antlolpat. two me~ in and scoring himself, tbe game. the beat nf lLIlyone this IIeUOn. he Ing .. good gaDlofrom ,the boyasoon: making IICOre 6. to f. favor of WayOharlie UII~DIII,'1 bows where to stan4 for ev81'7 'l'hls team haa .. record wblob lndl.
of Children's Clothing $3.95,
.lrl'l'Jlll'lldou. PUl'cha'c 'j ul£' of Ml'n~ Bl>,rtoi a.lld ~) h il(lr '1t. · loth i Il~" and j'II)'-
DAY '"_l .ro~.\.T~ . 0
IIIf'lIlht'r thl'l\ ilSlllIl ;\("1'1'llIIt;I1I1'I' [!l rllll'll wi th .1 (" .Jl. DIH Il!) ", hl'l1 hI ' WII" TI·t·I·1Yltli~ 11I~ 1 nwti lit< In pll" r Ill/. r \ - ill .1 oft; .IU llLH'Y · ~ t1rn~ "tllre 11 )m 1 t 11·I'u t,· f1 w' \. 111'1\ L1y ,l. It will nu l Ill' ~ 1l1'\ .ri"'11 to t hr'm. hU I 11 ,'111' t I", h'.'~ :rll til'Yln!! 10 "'1\1'11 lhflt Ihl' , ' hUll' .,[ l'rllf" . sor or It'''1 lll 'l1\ Lilli' -11 11,1 U r. ·rtlllltl ' hll~ ],.'L·\1 f P ll{PI tur hit!! in t\l .. l ~ni\,(l r . il ~' " a\l(·h IVlltl.l. t , 1111 J\ rllli r. :\J i"hl;!1I1I
20 22 East Thhd Street;
besvme, Se ohanged the feellDp
h~ JlHle
bAHer.·llemade ..vent IDe pI.,.. oatielbard'WOl'Jrtobel.t*ham, Ther
VOL. XLVi. NO. 60
It Is Settled. TOLD IN SHORT Impressive Services Parr to be Post Master. PAR",ORAPHS held Memorial Day.
I The old sohool bell has oeased at Inst. No more.....doe ita merry'--_-.,.-'- ~ I·-. • Mrs. W. W. Arnold i~ spending Mrs. llie D;]ke wus in Dllyton oommanding tone fu.ll regularly The United' 8tatea !:Ienate in exeD~bss AIda CustoCl:, is vl81ting reill. Seldom, Indeed, blu'! Memorial Day thi~ woek wi tb her dllugb tor Mrs. Thursda.y. i upon tbe en.r. . No more are the ntive lItItI8iOD ..t WtUlhington Friuuy tivee In Clnolnnt4ti. boen observed Itt WaYlli. ville iu 1\ 1:1 . l'rngl1 in Pittsburg, I:'onn. Ed.wn.rd BUl'gdltll \VIIS II I. ~ he .Mo II joyous shouts and merry lunghter night, oonfirmed t.he nomination of Moe Zell's Puint ull on IInot.her rnore IUlpre8!1iv8 or r VI r nU,,1 MIMI! I:l nri llttt. MoKin ey and morinl sorvion in Corwin 8111111ny . of the ohlldren heard on ~he old F . . B. Farr to be Post Muter at puge and then buy Burt'ett'l! Paint rnllllul:lr tllliD it was llist IN ' UUIJ!SUUY . Mis:.!. :::!teIlt4 L OUJIl)l) tJ nl'O Rponding . . 'chool ground. ' Its only wheD ones · ' ' IJ b' or t vO ' II ott Mr . Malllu!\. Emerick pont . so h d raw Ing to a OOOa810n wus very eenllrll 11Y severa 1 dnys WI' tl),0 . . Wed· \d u.y8 m 00 iare . Waynelvllle. an d ge t f u II vlllne for your money. 'I' eb The appointment of Mr. Farr wu - The Gazette is nnder obligations p"r~iOiPl\ted in. prllo~iOllIlY 1111 of t,he und fnmlly n/3l1r. ~arveYRbnrg. ~:~~~!v~;~ Thursduy "llIltlng In 1010se that he reall7,os how trnly a eurprltlti to many of the Repllbll. to J. T. Liddy of Dayton, for co'ples bnslDe8!\ honses oloslDg lit noon . . Mr . Bope Stil es lind tln.ughter . I valuable and fasolnating have been .. o.nll o( tbtt' oouu$y. JllIt how the of papera conta(ning aooountsof the All morning large bllsketll uud visited relnt-ivos in Xonin. !:iunday. 'l'hMIS~ Minnie D.uke wns in u/lyloll tbose y:oors spen~ among friends d.,.irl!d end WIUI reaobed will never Memorial day observanoe in that ..... "gon leruls of flowers 'ero recoiv· Mr. Arthur Zell wus (\, Lebanon Ul'!! I~y. , nnd sohoo lnmta4 working out the. be lI:"own to outeldera, but the Inl1u- City. .' od at the township bOUll8 where n visitor Friday. . MillS Irma Cornell passeu 'l'hnrs· rudiments of II.n eduoatlon. That eDoe of 0 8 Bi,gins who llimaelf ui E H I h 1 ft TIl oompanyof patrlotlo ladles worked 80vern\'from here Ilttended tho dllY afternoon with hoI' little. ceremony, Commenoement, . , . ... 81l mma e g way e . . I:)ohool Con.ventlon ,. . 1ll.I!lS U'. Bl unoh e Cornell. I . lODged •to • IOn tbe pOlltal carda at dA f J h t ' p I n1's· ' to arrange them In boquet.i und Sunllt1y lit Rllr- OOU~lD, whioh is 80 rightly no.moo, Is gener· LebaaoD but failed to land la orb °lln8 OWkD ennBYtevandlad' wrellths. vey bUrg'I'hursda.y· tlnd FrldllY Mrs. Hannnh Lew is ' hilS boen ully IIcoepted ds the orowning tea · " , w....,re sew l mB e Iln ex n e ,. . , . oredlted with having mnoh to do visit With her frlond, Mr8. Frunk thAt onde at olook blDt tbtbe afternoon, B Ml~ ' .John S.P~IIYdllMnd "'1!;INter o~ :New spending sevoral da.ys 'with Mrs. turn of a High School education, with the reenIt. La f that ·t . 'lIe parn e a marc o . e Cetllete,ry til' Ington Vlslte rs . aoml Har Cluru Lewis. yet It l)ringll n. l) of regrot to its 'rben there ts onr own "Jim," ng, a 01 y . formed at t·he tow,nsbipl,1ouse. First Illn :::!aturdlIY· Minor Rose has been on the slok I>tlrtloipants. knowing IlS they do A pair of kid "loves Wt.U! IOBt duro oame the Waynesville Clu,let BlInd, Mr. Phin eus Collins nnel family of hilt for quite a wbile but is improv. tlia t tho olose acquaintance they wboae anxiety to give np 'thls '1200 ·0 ,UiOO t ~ hi Ing the exerol8e8 at the Cernetery then a diminished 111e of the G A Morrow visited Mr Wesley Biggs Ing at present. ' have formed I1S olassmates la soon p~e are :':1:dlUlen:ulI:' =~~~: MemOr~u.l day. PlellRe ret,nrn either R., aftor thom a detail of !lol~noi and fliwily one dn.y 'la t woek. to be brok en as their ways In life dooed him to ''-lIe 'a baDd In the to tbe emetery 8nperintil D dent or ehlldren carryin~ I1ngs and fl owers, Mr. Alvin ellel'I:' and wife of Hllrry MoGinnis and wife unel ulverge. UJatter bot ~hh! ' be IItrennoQllly the Gazatte offioe. next the me\l1ber9 of Edmnnd Retnl. D,lyton werere() nt gn9Rts of their little dnnghter, Leona, spent Sun· Centerville. day in :::!pringboro. denlee.' C. B. . Lewis arrived home Mon. 110 Camp!:lonll of Veteran!!, n lI!lluRtly dllughter Mrs. C: All. Reynolds . MrB. Margaret Everhllr!lt hus Anyway, Ua all over now, and day ev~nlng after hll.v~n.g spent the a ,l arge haQk contllining memu.arR of Mill- Alwa Waterhouse spent last IIr. l'arr "'Ill lOOn be able to elan wiater In the west vhlltlDg througb the U. A. R. Ylho did not flleillbl e week with h er friend Miss Josie belm 8pendlng IL short time with Mrs. Emery Bradstreet bas lmd a bi. Dame witb the Inltiala P. II. llUnoll . .MllIlIonri, [{anlJu!!, Nebl'l'sku. to sta.nd the muroh to the cem.etery. Ogle!lbea. r elntives in lind around Lytlo. rela.p se. . follow lag. and other sta~ . . ' Following tbia was n. procession of Mrll George Htl.rlalJ and children Mis8 Ceiestio. Austin, o'f WnynesMrs. Libbl.e Vaughan, of West Eli II. King, formerly of Wuynes. oarrillges hllif a mile long . of Htl rveysburg spent Wednesday ville, was the guest of ,Mr" . C E. Balt·imore, u.nd dnughter, Mra. Wag. yille baa been appointed Post Ma8 When t·h llline of maroh reaohed with "heir relatives Mr . Morrison .Johns several dn~s Illst week. uer, of Greenville, visited friends - Spider'. Bite ter et Cllmp Hagerman, Ohio, a the race bri!:!ge, the imprcst-llve eer· Vnn Du ser !lnd ~i@ter . Miss Floro. Tibbals nttended the here last week •. Death of Lee Prater. amall atatlon In the 80uthern pIlrt of emony of st·rewing flowers on the 161'1' B . E B,10th wall a Lobanon County Sunda y !=lohool (JonvAutinn Rev. C. H . . Gunter, of ' Dayton, WarreD County.. , water In honor of the navul herneR vitlltor utunluy fmd !:lundIlY. in Burveyslmrg 'I'hursdny .Uld a former pastor of the Ba-ptlst Lee Prater, 10uDger Ion of Mr. . Graduates-Either PatterllOn or oUhe oonntry wasol!.rri~ ant under MI'!I EHII .AIl/IUll' vi"i tuu Mrs. Prof. Carl L. Smith Intont! IAnv church in onr village, preaobed mat and lin Benry Pncer, died at bie Hi"h.&hool, IL IIpeolol low rate on direction of Ca.p t. C. B : Smith, Com Etta Ka lil-I' ,,-ev~ral OIIYII lust WflAk tU!! ' l.,ytle thl .. WAflk fnr LHblLDon, t:lundny to hia old .... nnrishioners. • D parenta'· home OD tbe 8prtn, Valley phot"'""'pbs to you if t.aken durlog mander of B , oel Post O. A. R , Mrll . Mllry AIl~OIl un. IUld d.lugh . Prof. W.· I . B"*tleld, P"'u-'''''loa ..... __ whore he will enter th e Nil tional '" ¥ 1'1 UlrI pike ,.bou' mldnltrht B!atorday Ule montbi of llay and June. Open Th~ exeroises at the Cemetery tel' of ..tentH. tij)uut Wudne"dny "11 th Normnl Oni varsity: Schools In V&nBuren townahip, is ill' Pnkr bad been In ill h ..1Ul 8aturday only. opened with mnslo by the Wu~nes· Mr. nnd Mrs. t:1llrr.y J ubns. , spending part of his vacation with . • lDoe Ju' 8ep~mber'. At that .t lme St'AHa's STUDIO ville band, followed with pmyer by MI ~t:I Kathryn Frllme visited ' Johu Applegn,te spent MI ~lIorlnl his mother. he ",u n WelkIn KaDtlU, and one Mr. John Franey and sister, Miss Rev . Phlll P Trout. . rritmd In ' ' BIl rveysuurg soverlll dllY in Lebtlnon nnd reports I~ fine allh' wu bltten by a apieler, whtoh FraDey, of Columbna, enjoved MeAmerloa. was sung by thl' ullulencH aaYI:! lIllIt week . . s peeoh nnd deoomtio'nB whioh he B. F. vau~ha~ wentti~:ro! Tnes· _---" b'ood po'llOa, aa'" for a "lme . ' . aooomruanied by the blf.nd . never 81l w the to"'n of Lebanon oa.y to mee a oomm e to make - - .• '.. morlal day and severAl days after "'. " . ---~ ,. f h t I wutaaoriticaloondltion. AalOOn ith · ... I" t ~ . A "--k Mr. 8 . Lev. Curtwrigbt read LinMI'ddlerun eq ulll before. . out Il program . or t e nox S688 on bit b1 ' ned w ....e • ann , .lll.l'II. nna vvu , • G i '. ' of Miami Chrlstlu.n Conferenee, u wu. e he.ta home. He and family at Maple Bm Farm coin 8 . ettysbnrg speeoh. n II most ~r. !lnd Mrs. . E. Johns enter - whloh meets at PiqUll tSeptember l. " .. compelled to remaia two weea lOuth of Wa.ynesvllie . Impressive Olanner. 'l'OhHOOO ~etting &nd chioken pox tamed B·t Il snmptuons dinner Sun· al Ran. . City, bu' u lOOn u he . A ohorns oonsistlng of . MesRrI'l. are tbe ruge In this viol nity . da.y,- M.r. lind Mrs. E. J. !:lmitb, of The rare Jnne days, with late had irJaed aUUle lD lUeDgth oon. Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Schwartz are Fred B. t:;herwood, Fred Benderson, Wilmtngton, Mrs. E . R. Randolph, refreshing shower8, and a tem'laud OD btl way home ","ere he rejoicing over tbe birth of " eon WJlI Mo. Kay, Raymond Mllrlt1tt and Mrs. Ann Wokl13y of Wllyne!lville, of Dayton MISS Celestia Austin of l>erll.t~ of medium warmth, fllls . "I' Th-_.oy ' nnd..Mr. Walter Lewis"'" , -'I' ani.ed November 17 .uwuay, u_&y s' 1. This 1lttle one 18 Rupert Bailey sang th&t gru.ud old spent this week with .Mrs. P er r W,lyuesville, na t ure wIth a 0 h arm an d qut e.t Darlaa the I.., few moa'ha oom. thrioe weloome as it is th~ only son patrlotlo 80ng" "TenUug on the old Bartllook !lnd on l~ridllY they spent .' . beltuty, whioh bivltes us to l~fe In plIoatio~ .., In aad he hal been wbere there are already two little <Amp Gronnd," Mr. I:lherwoOd cur the day with Mrs; Jacob Scott. Mrl:'. Adtili RlI.ndolph, her wh,om tht! open, and 'brtngs ns lato olose · fatltDg pdully a.'Ilrch\-y mOl'll' daugh~n, and Ia alao the firs' rylng out .the 1I010 part. Mlsse.s Ahnl!- an.d Ruth M'1~x.well .we formerly hulled liS Adu.h Lnmb, touoh and frl'end.8blp with God's d the Y caine down from OilY ton Thursday out-:uf;duurs.- - -- - - -- -- -- , te.r ta,Ine,d Thu lDlbeal'Ol8.and4reued andaeakd Jran d '80nm'h e f am il y. Han. B. V. Speelman, Nationlll en . 1:8Club Il~ Mesdames . oung veulng' to attend the Comnlenoe· Th M i t t I LadlO Cooking t and w . t . h tm~f In. cha1r, aDd wbeD • IDem. lIr and Mrs E L RorliddLe. Commander~In.Chlef of tbe Son9 of ~. . . . d ' . d . e II. n 8 ree, eas es , .... of ,be fa II turned to.......... · " ~ ~ . 'Wm. Penewlt Ilnd Ellu BerryhIll ~lent ~xerolS&l an IS. spen Ing a ·hll.ll been oover~ with: the orushed 1..., . _ lI&&le IOn RuueU, of Dayton, spent Veterans of Amerloll., dehvered the d U ' N' ' S tt . d i 't 8hort· tllne fl,t bOllle. stone nnd "oIled w1 the s.nam m y him he wu fo1IIId \0 bJt llDCOuatOU Memorial dlly with their parente Memorial addreea. Mr. Speelmlln : JUISS IIDa 00. he~oye C~'; Rid ... ill ...... IUId 'he ead came a' mldDlaht Mr. aDd Mra. Phtllp B~pklna, Mr. baa the faonlty of :expresfing grent e 8~me t, me W\t r . I or Mr ~LDd .Mrs . Barry ·Brown. ')ond roller. with the ooatiDiot top dross· The' fall ....1 W.I. held from btl aerid&JI returnlag home tbe same Itrnths .in plain, 81mple lBngullgil, MII~wel1. .. ' . ollllrllllDg h~le daughte1', Marie, of ing rolled smooth, until we have a lak home T\aeaday. afternooD, and evening, but lII1'II. Uergdall ";nd and he Is thoroughly patrlotlo. ' In Miss MinDle Hllutsook IS enter. Dnyton, . were preRent at the Gam streot of suoh smoothneee and solid. wu ~ ~..~ a'&eDded. &!rv. BDIIJI811 remaining for a more pro. his address he gave full oredlt to tbe tainlnllaI~y frlEmd from Da.yton. mencement and Mr8. ' Brown pur. ity as to oompare well with the oity toea were in oharp of Bev. · PbUl, 'racted viii". • noble men who offered their Ilvils I Miss Ruth Hartsook spent !:lun. pose!\ a short visit before returning, streets. . . .' Trout, lin. Trout ·and.Mrs. O. T. ·.. and tbeir fortunes for the prelUlrvll dny af~ernoon wjl~h Norn SQott. . t~ ber p!\rents, Mr. u.nd Mrs . .F. C. The Memorial nay ~XerOl8e8 paBS' Bawb'. _ ...enllll8leotloaa. · . lira. LoI\1U' Woolley, d anvhter tion of ourn~tlonlll union nnd Odlled Mr. Fra~lt Bart.sook and fl\mily B~1rnet~. ed off quietly, with tbe beautiful . " , ..... ... _ ..::-,...... -.1 .-rent ~ w",", 001111la a o f lin. .Leakr ·Clane and 1I&&le 8On' of attentton also to the varlOU;! p,~trl oa II e d T uesd I\y a' l't , ernoon on C ar 1 The two little . 0 Ia 5S r 00 ru S . 00n· und impressive ritnaliatio services tbe and ,,~: John .!pld ~rbana, followed theIr aDnual one 0"0 orders tbat are now 'WorkIng to ;herwood tLn(l ·wlt'e. tained In the new. addiUon to' the held over the grave of a fBllen com· V _ Bawb, 'Luther and Ve~e tom GLoom.l og W W&yn6l"me, to keep alive the prinolples for whloh Mrs. John .Findley and obildren M, E. Churoh have reoently been rade, and sonle appropriate alnglDlr 1larIIIoak.1'ran1t Bradd~ an,d ~oe apeDf. d ~~t~~~lIdaYI adUd.. remJatD~d these men ' oontended, not-llbly tll~ of Bellbrook a.r e spending 8. fe: fitted up and were u,sed by two of Ilnd strewing of flowers as the only P'e"'1rU, . or a...... ........ t. an _ra. . g . G f .. Re III II. dnys with Mr!\ Lydlu AU8tln the oltL8Ses In's t Sundn,y. They bid servioes of the dll.y .. ·TWa Is tbB • . Colema rand Army a tue PIl ) 0, 'ul! . ' '!'be foUowID. obl&uary . . . n a c l : ' " Women'a Belief Oorpl, tbp tlons of fair to bo qnite nn improvt'DlElnt l1rst year we bave been without an .' !'be )ad . . hoar oame, after . :Mr. and IiR. Chilli, A. Brown Veterani, Daugbters of Veternm Spring Branch. 1\1;1<1 oonvenience over form or meth. orat'o r 01' some.pnbllo 8peaking, and _alai ~ rallllll heal'b, weeb of were lhe hOllpl&able .h oat .~d hos· Rnd RlUed'orgllnlzations. oels· it is to be hoped that arranllementl! pUDfDl annat, an41ODIdreal'1 cia,. teaa Sunday to. par'y of frlo~d", ' Mr: .8pee1DlIlI;l uludo II. mO!'lt fnvor Miss Anna Chel1loweth has been on Tohaooo lIettlng hns beon the will be made B!'rly enongh bel'ea.f~r DiBb~ be'WeeD lI(e aDddea~, oom~ of ~e. followinl[ perllons: able itrq)~.lon by ~18, arldTe8S and t~e sick 1illt the past ~~9k. order of the day the past week. to seoure 'some (tood sJ>!3&lI:er for the pa. . . . .afreIU LeroJ' Pra,ter, 1Ir. and ra. . any erwooo on all whom he met~onlll1y Rnd ' M "Th H h" Muah hilS been put out, enrly a8 it oocaslon I for the aervtoos of Memo· , . _ O! a~~'h ,aDd' ~BIll7 Piale.l, .IIJMeII Borthi. · ElboD and Sadie no p~e who" ]i8tel)ed' hiil" ~oul . Day~rt la:tT~esd:.:: !"h8~lrh~~~ is In t.he sea!lon . w.. F. Clark l~RS rial Duy sbould be kept. tip to help ~ aw~- at 10 mlnnW. put/.1S ~her."ood, Melllra, I~II.&C 8~out ; F~ed Ibei p bnt be a Qetter and U}ore 1m.t,rl: I.visited with her , Mr. finished St1lne ten aores ..Well,lts foster In the minds and hearts of loll , o~~k. Handay mOl'lllnlr' Ju~e S, Elbon aad Ed. Hathaway. _ o'tlc oitizen. ,. I Judson Hess and family. ~. good .thing to be Ill) on tIme, but, loyol Americans the .lip~rlt of trna 11108, He wu . ~ ApI'i~ 17; 1873, . ' Farmen, call in.nnd see the S·ra.d. The ne:xt nnmber on' the program Mrs, Hess who h~ been very ill tbose eurly setters will not receive patriotism, with ~ love aDd re8pee' aD4 ~ 18 Jean! moaUl. and 7 le)! .Rang plo,wl,edRe drop corn plant. CODS'Sted of mnsio by the mille hfO !: l~efv~radl .wee~s~~8 nfo better and the final cOUl peusntion before those for our departed loved -ones and "a I ' , . er I e IS I spalro::u 0 . 1 ' bl littl 1 I' d d -YJ oJd. era one aa,d two row corn onItlva. chorus whlob 1I1I:ea11 of thelr-8eleo. w 10 lire POS81 y Il e s o~er. lerOIO ea. . . All .hla I1fe .baa Ibeea epea,.at t h i ' t II n.. ' .! . Mr. Perry Pence, of Waynesville, '. d,Iloyouugman • .~ . Iahlocarrya u11 ne (~f VB- tlons,waa fine. has the con.tract. of building our ThAZooln~IOII IU"r'(l ~ nBt einoln .Mr. W. D.Uilllltm 'h~ .pa,,~!-1.home. ~lie 17~b of 1;ut bome ' lQi'plement8 and Ilm t-l\lung .. Rev. J. F . CadwlI.1\~c1el' pro· bridge and we hOlPe sOon to see the nlltl iM annually nn n.ttrllot;ion t,o u of promise and 1\ graduate of tbe Nonmblir. , B~ • . bealUl ,wu. Ulea. o~ra for hlllh ,racle tob:.c:.oo; oorn noiln~ tQe benedlotlon. . work in progress. . large number of villi tors . :Mr. nnd U ni versity at Delaware, Ohio, g~ve fIUlIII, ~,.t ~! .h.~JH!d wl~ t~e ,kI1ld aDd oatil fe1'ttl~zers_ ranglng in prioe After mnsi. by the baDd .. the large Mr. Nathan Austin is building an Mrt.l Wm. CllrmO~Y &ncl grllnd~on, I.L. mis8ionury talk last 8unday even. a~ ll)ril:ll. ~e of ,.,fa,her, mother, fr~~ thirteen d~~1""8 up. . \ mound neartbe~eas~.entr"nof) til the l a~di!iO~ to hjs home which will beau- Everett Cia.vk, Wm. Whellton and ·Ing in the M. E. ehuroh on Mission 1wo__ .aDd .~, belDi8b' .reoov _. . ' " , (-JIII'!RY ,JAY: cernetery was .strewn with llpw.e rs tliy It very much. . wife. Cltlrence Crossley and wife , Work in South America. Ria de· •. He' w", an' elloapUoallly ~Ind ' Joseph Bleey, or Uorwlll, ,who In memoir .01' tho unknown dead, I His lif~ is fast ebbing away a".d ~r. and. ~lrs. U,Ilrrett Clevenger. sorlption of tbe oonntr1IUld people broth., ~ ~ friend. , Nu\hlDl b . bee I tb il OIW .. rvice the 'combined ritOllI Qf tho Q. A. R 'lt~e end .Is probably very near, but ~n8ter Ellrl Roberts tlDd Mrs. Pet WBS given in the oholcest langu&lle Uaat he 'oou14 do for a friend or l1li . !l D e tA r .11 . ' d' S 'f V being us8d. . . hIS relattves hope for a change for t ' . b 'tb f M" Ib Il.ud was highly ' interee"ng. Bla ' . " . the better. . Igrew. 0 rom lIlUl S urg, '. . . , . . I mnnlnl{ between X61Ji.. and RlIlb an _ , 0 nelgli~( " ·too ~~ to do. f mOD~ fo~ 10m tlmlt ' ill now Ulak The eX!3!eiees of the day olosed . .' boarded ' o.n exourslon t,r!lin at f ..ther was a missionary for a long · ~e h~ tanl'.lt . '"':' he "'u lDB an _~nded. t:riP~ tliroulIll the with mulo J>y ~he bund" Ilft~r wJlioh Le~ff::.~~ 1~=loft~on:te~nu~lat~:t Fran kiln SundllY morning and time )n Chm and Peru, u.nd the , too ~u, ~81leotlng .h~ . own ....t Iln!l fronl oards the one bu~dreci und ~wel.~e /ltnVAIl la~t Saturdaynight about one o'clock Aptmt II plelLBlult uuci IJrofltlLbla ·do.y son w~ born In Chill and brongbt lakreate.IOI' thOllG of _Doth". Hft _ ...... h ' b n ( . r oelvoo ' of Uniou soldiers who eleep til MI He Wll$ of a kind. 10v.ii1~ nature at ibe Zoo up nmtdst tbe BOOnes, onstoms aud " . ~ ,an d '. 8!I~1IU ~---'-" b y a II 10""· uw er "mem rll' eN U. ' k ami oethetery, were etrewn with an.d lov ed lln d .t:ESpected :r ma!1y ' . . .... ftIIgJ8O.,... . " .,. lJellples whlohhe deeori~. Roman "b~ II:~. bllD aod were aoq~lqted b~ ~l~ttvee hllre, 86811\!! to be ~ . 110werll. '. . f~lend.s and · who Will mlss i Undoubtedly you notloed In this Cu.tbo\!oism hu.l! 110 long . domtn"too,. ' . hIS bright face. :alJlon~ them, but coluwn sOIDn weeks IIgo tht4t Ed the people In Bouth .Amerlca thu.t wlUl :btl ~il, ..1904 qulttl... ..He IPII ~n @v~r~t~lng wo~tb while to . bad. '.~ ~PP1 floOn"y of maklns seetb'rouRIi tbe big WOllt . . Gael knows best,. Hu.l wlll be done. . Longncro purposed movl'ng to .. DlLY Protest~nt mi8slonaries eno~unter fl1....1wherever}~e. .. .n'.HehadD. .R. An~deraon, wh() Will! . t.illt Attent~on, Water ,~ ' .. he~~:fel~:~~~~iy t~.~~:dbere~~: ton. Not liking life Ilnd th~ entnil .~ greut barrier In,t~at field . ..treNd mach, bQ Ulr0ll8h" a!lbe' first man in Wayneevllle to enlist Consumers. famIly. expense In that oity and StlU wish· .... al",a,. 'he._ e GluIerfnl. hope.- ' In'fhe Clril 'Ia alau t)le' tIrst H. C. Dakin and family had as Ing to hold his job which il! t,hat of Pleasant Ridge. IDl ~': " made ' a bald flah' formerreeideut of the vlllage .to re ·- Water aud , light rent. not paill their guests and callers last Sunday OIIrpentor tor tile N. C. R ., he nnd . O. B. Klelnbenn and family spent _.Ue; bu' whe" Ule !lUcI came U tnn. to Ule 'Some Coming. It J~ne 12 will tle turned o~ &D(l not the foIlOM!!g: Mr'. T. M. Maple and bl\! brother, isaao r~ently pur\ll\~s . ::;un'eluy with Jess Hu.rris u.nd fami· ... urt .....,.rlli. GOd'• . flapr tiu beeD' kD Jeara li1l0ll h" and turned _on until all rents are paid famIly of .Leelan; Mr. ap~atr~f ad IL tllndt'-lD on whjoh they declare Iv of near Lytle. loaobetblin&a4he.lept~ . Kn. ·AnderaonlenWaynearilleand and addltionaloharge of n.OO .for ~ynrg!~n~np~~re~f:~dand Las-- themselves' resotved ~ RO to and M1'fI. Cht.U!. Rooney and obUdren $OCk np Ulelr reeidence at tbe state tumlnll off and on. · ter Maple of PI.eaaant Ridge and from work oooh lnornlDg lind even· C~!~~:~~:;:~~~~ gneets of Jacob A I'BlIe.o. " __.....: ' 8ol4len.Home at Lafayette, Indl ~ W~yn8lvi1le Wa~ran!1 Light Plan~, Jesse Thomas. • Ing. It Is . muoh . nicer f?r the Juhn. of Mt. Holly lpent .AOABD ' aaa, _4 he . . . ll'8&t ohanl8l tn . Mr. and Mrs. H'. d. . Dakin, Mrs. folk!l at horne, bnt II. rlda on such 8. WednesdaY of-last week with Bnr· . .. . ' .. 1D&DY'~ Ule people whotn he has . Fine H~rse. for Sale. Frank J:>aki~ and lIOn Carle and Mrs. Dl80hlne In suCh weather!ls we ~re ton Barnhllrt and family, TP ....... of Lee Pralel' dllllre met ..DOe lit. return Bia time will .. Walter Dakin wel~e called to the .bed- bound to have Is not t-o be hankered Misl Trena Cornell apeat ThDra· to . . . . . ~ alae ~- their be oaonptcd mutDa ~ Kreat nriety J:or. 8al_A fine driviag Pul'Otlll side ~f ~he former's nephew HIrai:! for. Bowe~er, tbey lune mllde dliY nillht with ber friend MI88 Ber. t1aUb ~.maa~ fItadI' U14 aeI8b. beantifnl and u"tque IOIIvealre hor~. ~rR8, fine oolor. Addreu f!~~l?~U!'%e~~af~~ ~: several successful trlP.8, though It thll. E1~?n ofnea.r W~1neeville . . 1MIn f . . . . . . QIIlpatb7 u4 DlI· of WaJII••lUe \0 on _Ie dar. ID'111lriea ~Uler ~ the Gazette omoe Valley Hospital of Dayton With all still remains to be seen If they ~ol \ f~:ge~ to attr~ ~e N~' . _ _ Jdad••11II '~ IDa the .Home eomlog. Be will be or call Home ph~ne..4tiO Oenkrvttle his Buff!lring he is patient inaking no 0IU1 maint-&in t,h elr purpose. ~':o: ~e n~~c~e 0": an4 ...... ~ .. till .... aC lata"', • •4 la_r bj lin, AD4enon. Ohio. . complaint. ---
The Miami Gazette. DROWN k Mck' Y. Publl berl.
Ili'emlnlne Distr... That called to:t the omC!e. of 'I I Member of i:he Sa..
In the 'Warld of Fashion .
Region Wn.ere F,veryonc Is Judged , by BIB AblUty to Grow
The Co..n
ISSELJ.: t1.s.
at t be cornel' of ' 881mu antl There's the cooperat.lve 1(l eu In valley. You cnu see It when tbO dl. Judicial Repression. Spruc streets, "where the wind reolors of the I'ult Growers' uuion , J us t ,vb),. In It cOllo try In wbl h thll blOWS." tv.'o , prelty gltl. of ' the bold their weekly me tla g 10 the Ut· "1l8t majol'lt.y or judges IIr 1'1 elect 'by ~t!lllogrnpher t~'pe were making their way al nl ghltall toward th bridge lie s hed which forms thulr IwuOQunr. papillar \'010:. Ih~ " ~ho\lld be ex· through the drizzling rain. holding t e rs lIays Harris Lloyd. In Oulln g (all' J)rcRserl In law ,," ~b a SliP rAt Itlou~ tel'· onto their hnts and tbo slngl umbrel. azl;e. Hore Chris lind Haluk a1ld N d ror Il'St B jlld l;.t! 51\oulll g l ~' tl Bny ex· la' between. tb em with 1111 lho I\nd Jim sit on apple boxos 01' the l)resRlon ot his ow n lIe l'~ onalllY la PII'Z ' 6lrellg~h they weru capablo ~. Sud· manager's desk or leau against th 7. 11111; III I he ('x t reme. In OIRny states, denly, relates tho New York Press. window !jill whlle "lIiey discuss t iJtl writ s OeI>r;:e \\'. AlGer, lu Atlantic. one of tho girls IIl1ered an I'xclama· buslues8 the manager presents to th rill. '1'bey are merely tbe half doze ll grow · aud pnrtl rlliur ly in thos In wblcb a tlon at dlsmuy lIud above the roar at e rs who have been selecl d to !lollie 1\ 1'Dl Ilnd 'I ~O I'(l\l8 aumlnlstl'allou oC tho wind almost shontod to bel' com· the Question of prices for tit co m· jl\ li re I~ .,( llrge nt Impol'tancCl. thQ Il .III1J1l u. sentcnoe) th e hlijt '-\,ord of munlty and whero to ship tho hol'~'c~~ jtld~~ who I'r~Rl d1lS at Il cl' lmlnal trIal will h y, "\s "brole II." They suggest lO tb e manug I' what The 1,,1) 1,;11'18 too Ie r fuge In the lee , ~ nol ',MI'mil lecl 117 Ill\\' to be a'lud e th y tilt II I Is best. then hur ry o.\\'oy ot , Ul!~ 'l'rnd Society bllllding f nel h Id fn nof r al Ill' rlUl.! SOllse, He ltIust llo consuilatlon. !I. tream 01 ' POOpht to finish 1111 plcltlng or spray lug or ""t ~omlll~nt 011 the evldenc ,h mUllt WIIS passIn.: along Nasllll u strllel. and whatover clso there) Is on hlLDd , lellviug J101 l'e,·le\"; th fa ots anu /jet th em III the nature at the ollshup tie'lmed to him to do the l'esL Sometl llles thero's thll Question lI'b out tho best kInd 01 cohe r Ilt nrder before th Jury, ho call for deHcnto treutment. Tben, fruit to sen d 10 a certnln place, Will IllUH not Rlfl lire testlmony and sepa· while (be girl who had s110uled held It stanel the c1lmo ' e? Will Il l{cep long rala tho materIal ' from the Immaterial, lbe, IImbr Ila turned toward tilO rush · enougb? . be mu~t, abo\'1' all things, refrain from lng tbrong, the other girl knelt L10wu "Let us leal'e It to Old ;\Ion 'fn clwr," "xllresslnll In nny wise a per80tlal on the wet sidewalk und bega n (UOl' says Hank. opinion OD IInythhlg fl'om the start bllng wl~b her companlon's sh irt. In comes the old man. oatless. his Of the trial 10 1(8 clos . lie musl: cScal A dapper young man stOPllel out of blue shirt unbuttoned at the U.lI'out. ou t Ilbstruct ru le of law , ftnO I~ave lhe tile pa'sslng lhrong, "Pardlln me. his fealllres IItero.lly gnnrlell by th e :lury to tl,eir own devices ';'Ith euch MiS!!. but enn I b of any aasl 'llauc 7" GO years he lias been tnllidug the world he a sked. rlllsing ,bls hut. blind guidance In ellllcnvorin g to apply Tbe remlnlnQ rOllalr t1 Ctlll'tme llt give him a \lI'lng, .He ,doesn't look exactly like a mlln who cnn tell the "bllt law 10 th ra ts, If he sees lhem came to an abrupt hult. " Nfl. thank nice points of an IIllple as the' PlllmIlw\1yed by misleading e.loQuence. 'H'+~'OL..,u.-etltlU'ft-lin- ebol'l~5-·tI'<Om ,boU glrle, ' -", ; SOME I3M ,\ TlT 8'1' 1' 1..1::8, 1st t etls the lineS ot your hand, but must not set the m In the pat.1I of rea· "But. really. you should not \(\\('el III If yon , 0 .. nny nlember at r<Jllr' "lin· In ctllow Ir {:lh ror one Ilollnr. bllt n bls word Is ,lhe final juelgment, for he flan for Justlcp's sake. He Is a pilot th e l'aln IIko Ulal," pursuo\1 the YOllng, lIy. nn .I ~ fin bnndwor!; , )'ou ur" raw ti ny 11';-0 we fOlln(\ I,bu Ilrlce had has never erred yet. Ask who II 18 who mil t not touch tho wheel. Tbo man. "00 let me I1x 'tbe >lho lace," ,' Igorous, r.o mmandlng IIb'1lr!' of tllB "Pleuse, pleuse go ' way," Impl!)red lHos t rOrtlln:lIe Ihls yenr, 101' lh l~ Is been l r UI.I<1. 1.. t liS hope tho IlIIL~ and you bear: "Why, he's the on e 'Engll h Judge If< by Ia.w exclud~d from the kn clln;; ono. " It Isu 't bor s hoe· ~he dllY wh" n UIP Ilus hI11 ·, bOtllltfll1 will III ( rollow : 1I1t; we want to k p whose Newtown pippIns are ao good ~ wlng- Ill U" hln nlllst tnk u hncie l h cillOII' .' te(' eH, bllt do uol cnr to t hal they go to Europe." AU II Wylde I bo grell t fIIajbrlty of 0111' criminal lace-" • nt. li a nd · ' wlug has" 0010 In " HI' nd 111 1 ·,11' ~nbst:l nl!e on "hllml' him the college graduate, eyen lhe ('<IlIns. The sumlllary or facts In th And ~he young wan 10>it bl:nself In mayor. bas to take Ii bACk scat. Hero WII h II ,·oIlIWH ll eD. I'etl .... w mil Ch,lne· 1 t shulle," . ' <'hnrge whlcb, for ~x ample , Justlc.e the eroWd._____ _ __ mud!! wo.rll hllo Iho bUCkgrOlln.d wllh WUh Lh., ulilored ~ ll'eet 01'0 ~ ..I herll In the valley bo 18 one of the blgg til 81llgham ga"e l\ few yellr~ ago to an UHI ColK ;jllll ' SOL the pA 'e ' tn ' II' .'~, Is nllth lng In I)c\t('.r Rlylo lhl1n II men, pven If he docs com to town In ~'llgIl8h j ury In ~he sensational CBS oC INFLUENCE 0F OREAT MUSIC And so Ib') modes t 111(\(' WOIllBn wllh slmpl... 11 1101' bat trimmed with pam· his shirt sleeves nnd I'Ides a hlcycle sk UI In hor fill ge rs may mllke 101' b 1·'l lladOU,. 1'1 b:.lCn , The hlf;h crown II becanse he hasn't time to "lIIlch nil," I\'hlltol' ,' r \\-rll::ht.. Lhe great swlnd. ling would ba\,e meant an It Can Move More l"tofouudly T1.l\n Qwn worn.!n rolle , Ihe fU Ahlonubll' aliorH Ill' , IJrrferr ,I, 'nllhough Ol ny Eve rybody Is a9 goo~ as hts n IghlJortroelHI IIn,l hiouSBS of lhe duy lhu l will sma l'l 10\\,, <11'0\\,111111 onel< are seen. The good enough to be called \JY hl~ IIr~ l Any of Nature's Great IUl'vlla.blo 1'(>1'1'1'3111 nnd n w trial for "(llH pnrO wl!h th \! S3U lIu,l $20 lingerie pellmcli r "IJII ... ,. crllze has heen ('a l'I'1 II nnme. NQ matter wbere OIlC bns come Voices. "p rror" In lillY \):nch law' sllIte In thlH wul ijl IIt\rc hn ~ed at the s llo\ls, A good pretty ftll·. hilt (.f IDle heltor In te hU8 from or how high his tonDOl' standing. co untry... " ' I'II11ern sec ures lhe rl~ht (lU I. l he ,,,lnll· b1\(\ Its way. a nd III ptnee of Ihe ynnl· here he Is mensu red by on th ing- his Great mu . Ie Is 0. psycblca l slorm. work I~ Ihe") tho wbole t hin g. , :::z , lonl::. 0811elll\' lilli , we lIee !>OI'ICf ability to grow fruit. agitating to lin'l wagln;tble depth tbe Defects of Criminal Lllw.' ~ven lb'3 ~ aws J\owndays ure mud\! fellthors Ut; c1. 011 a grill' allor Illf ' mystery of the past "'I.thln us,. sa)'~' TblJra ar twa reasonu why c~ lmlOal by hund. 'lind Ule sewi ng at Y(lrcls ot >r 011 I1cncuC I eYe>4 Ibat stout! out Just law rerorru Is 1\ presSing problem to, Lo.!cadlo Hearn. Or we mlsht Bay it trlllln' oiul In6ertlon !lnt! \llce,' Y H' n littl e tl'om Ihe bow ot tit Sid!'. r lilly THE MACYARS IN HUNGARY Ilay, One Is tile r pression by that reo Is 0. produglous Incantation. ev~ry dlt· tfll'dny W In w II 10" Iy white nlull made II tI "UI', t\\' e f1'e 't thllt WII A \' ry flow Ule Emporor Brought the R .... rorm ot Iynrh IIlw, "rhe other 18 Dot fercpt Instrumenl and voi ce moltlo ~ trimmed WIUl reutU-l!o lorecl In plOllslng. separate oppeal to different billions 0) tractory Element to RIIiI llIuen lIJ)l'lDl,l we wonder~ lr mat ~ I'IIlIR I sa Imporlllnt, We need that reform prenatnl m marl s, There Ole lonelo ttnrl Inse rtlon. I'ery s imply IrllUm!!l l. TeL-ma. hnt .tlle work 1\0 X QUIKlle. III de· ever wen! !'O . »o~t 111111 1I1lht au.1 prC(tly. 118~' S au Atla ntl' writer. because tbat call up all !lIe ghosts of youth ,!oellli condItion ot our day Impera. and joy nnd tend enoles-there arc s ign flO b~cOllllng, we "oted II III prel- I but surely the I\ j)rlng parad e thla year \ie~t blo\I'; nOlil'od tip..; (ilr, q'he i"s 111,1tis II ull,l' elegll nt. 1'be dnl'l, !'O8 ' Th~ New York Times Urul elucldule8 Ill'ely demnnds a substantial Incren£e Ion s Ihllt evoke all Ilbnnlom pain ot wellre l"s wh olp ostnllle WIIS worth tiline Iii tn" ex 'eptlon. old und young , the leeent triumpb of the old ~ m· I n the SCOl18 and po~er ot crlmllllli perl shcll paSSion-there are t(lnes that menllonlug; n, while Olohnll' IIklrt. !l go In for light l,\olol'~, n~ well 118 \lFllt peror of , A\lsh·la·Hungary aVM llll! 're: law, a syslem strqng' enough to nJ et res urrect n1l dead sensations ot rna· long black sill< c1onk,. IJI JII!IIUU rnl OIut rlalR, Ot only In alllo an d :111'" fro tOI'Y lofagyarB by hlB thrcat. of In· Ihe new aDd Increasing reQulrement ~ jesty and mIght and glory- all expired white oslrich featber bell . 11 hln l{ rlnge al'e Ihey Reen. but they , 1111 th trodilclng. manhood lutrrnge. , They exulllltions-oll forgolt n niug nanlml· of our cllvlllzD tlon tor correcUvo and luI we mu t chronl 10 the have acquiesced In hl.s aut~cratlc rill e hlp hut wltb onf wblte plum/!, btll Y lItr I , liking tOI' l'e'l-n ('Olor u~\l tllly (,()lIpld. In the army becauee of It. Tbe threat I'epressll'e (' rlmlual law. A ~)" tem too ties. We ll, may lbe InOuence of music \)Ia~k 8ho ~>l Ilnd groves. seeUl inl!.~plIcnb le to the mn·n who Idly Bluok nn.l Wlllt.e looks (hie ll~nln, ered tOO worm lool(\og for wa,!m dayp. 1 was the subjection of tbe ruling ~ompllcated 10 deal out certain justice dreams that his lifo began less than to common ottenders. Ignorant and ahundred years ago! But lhe 'mysle.ry Is Pllrtlculurly ell'ecll ve tor u WOnJan All-red Im t il l'e I\.rrected- but It trllth cJaS8e8 In Hungary to the majority ruili they are most IllibO' ' of the population. through manbooo.l brutsl, POOl' III purse and Inlluence. lightens tor whomsoever lea rns that with Ula~k eyes, seems 10 lntAnslry be told as j{ccenlly we ohse n d II suffrage, This says the Times: ,'an never udequa.tely deal with our the su bslance ot self Is older Ihan the' their darlwess. A lIeHl lillie "luck (.'Omlng. nuel white l.osl.ull1e. easlI)' reoroducQr1 , blonde· ha lred womon of onr 1\ I\u{\ lnt. "or the 45,OOO,()OO population 'of IDew cla8s ot big buslneas criminals, 8Un. He Hnds that music Is 0. NecrocOna llltell of n plaited clotb skirt, whit E' IInee 8Il0rll .I'; Que or th e bnl.~ 0 1111ustrla and Hungary, some 12.000,000 wltb the ruen Who get ~Ich by_ l'raud. mancy; he feels tbat to_e"ery rIpple of Illull blouse, und a mos l nttracUV8 relleve,t ga udln St;, nnd remnrleed ' are Qermans,.-and nllout 9,000,000 are 'the corporation Inllatera and wreckers, melody, to every bUlow ot harmony. girdle wr. p, 'I'he deep girdle 'fnl! what a mistake lihe ' had mlliJe. :-'he Magyar.. The Gijrmans are. though 8. lhe falthl es8 Iruiltees and gratUng dl· there Iij1S"I'ers' wltlaln him Ol1t of the !II most I, coat In Itself, anti really be- looked 1;1I110w, flllied. llnll 116UO. Ily ~,bO minority In AU8trla. the most InOllen· Sea at beath ond Birth some eddy log reclofs. the exploiter! at munlclpall. tlal element, as are the Magyars In lime one' 1>.)' , lhe addItion or nn upper- IIppenrs as fresh tiS II J.len·~b . Not u lItt1a golll and sliver are , een, Hungary. , Tbe Immediate caqso ot 'tIe., th e mag-ulltes wh'o gl ve bribes Immensuruble ot ancien t pleosure lind s houlder jllut which W tl~ more Ihnn pain, s ho\\l.ler sl.rups and ye~' not II bnleJ'o. used lor 1I'lnllnlngS In both dre ~ and tbe recen~ trQuble was the claIm ot aud Ihe IJOS8~ wbo take them. the truit operators who s in against hoo. Pleasure an~ paIn : th e>, r.omm!f\gle The dl\llIty wrnp was ndol'Oed \Vlth millinery. A lIitle gieam here nnd t the lfong,\t1ans that their language alwllYs In greo.t musl , u nr! theretore rOWR of fl'lils or mlrrow bl ack ri bbon, Ihere ~ ort~ 1\ lulds to Ibe OOStlllOII, hut IIhould be used lD the warda 'of ("om· esty In' husln e8~. who hrenk tbe law It Is th a t' mus Ic can move U!l more pround looked (tulte e1ressy, 1'·01' ilie or- ttIo JOllch ' is tawdry. Oland addressed to the Hungarian IIgalnsl monopolies. who give aod take found'ly than the voice or 'ocean or dlnnry summer dflY such a dres" would Mlln y chcclte(1 nmterlllii are ~1I1' troops In the Imperial army. In both ' l~rbldden rebates, How can predatory I than auy other voice can do. But 10 be !\Ist rlSht for comfort. [h e liP per plo)led wl lh good reBult.!!. The uew Austria and Hungary the conditions wealth. powerhU . Inlluential, otten In· muslc's larger lllteranclI. It 115 ever PRrt belnl> luju8table, easily all Piled SU's lltllder [rocks nr very pretty III of suffrage-properl, qualilleation and trenched 'In ofllco. be punl8hed hy a aya· the sorrow thal makes the undertone. on or ore. I hesIl heck ult 111~. the bl01lse al· t he right ot person8 In certain OC, 1eOl which creaks, groal1ll. and fl ften tbe surf mu ter of the Sea of Soul. 8l!\~k . 11k gloves. of C:tl1lfSC. hose way!! 011 Ihe lingerie order• . Later we C'111atlons to vote. together with tbe bl'eaks down. In bringing a border rut· . • . Strange to think how vnst tbe gon!! up In prlr;!! now thaI thl) .heavy tlball hn\'o sometlllnll' to InY ~bollt,on of power~ I!:I; tbe upper Oun to JHallce? sum of joy and wpe that mUlll have ,ltWl one!~ lIre gotll ng a blL warm Time a check eel silk Crock antl , mnl' branches of the P,IIrliapulOt-llve to ~ _ beerr experienced befoJlQ th e SBnse ot was. wncll oDe could 'pt • nice pair gulmpe, thll Germani In ~iJl\trla and to the , • Magyars n Hunpry a dech\ld . ad· Intellect in Sex. music cO Uld evol\>e In the brain ' of The common Imprel810n tbat the av~ manl vali~e. It '\Vas the po ..lble ' ,...Ub· 1. I ~ drawal III part o~ thll advantage that erage man III superior to the average Spring dtly~ BUrl co nslderatton of Induced tha prBS~nt "compromise.'· woman 1ntellecually at Il!lUIt In orl~. UNIQUE IDEA IN POCKETS. Tbe lolutlon 18 extremely sallSfactory InaUty. InventlveneS9, rcuonlng pow. HanllS Clothing, Even to RIll 80okll, folk nt th'3 8prlngllma 01: lIfe, How 10 far &8 tiro Immediate future 18 con· tb e mOllle r loves to plan tho ,lolhes Ilr Blld the like III beyond doubt due cerned. But .It ' Is plain that an elefor 'the woe lads lind lass lC!s-nt ).> IS\' Provided with Receptacles La· to the common habit of judging each It should ne a pleusure rlltbor thnn a ment bAB been IntrodUCed In the gov· bled and lnd'eli:ed. asel(. by Its most 8uperlor represent&ernment of the t~o nation!! that may burden. even If the POCklllhool{ Iq nn tH'es. This sepmli falt- en\luj;h. and produce t!erloull changes. The Ic\ea of One Detrol t mBn lias e\'olved an Idea o'er slim 1\0, Such dear IIt.t1e thIngs would be tall' enouglr, s8ya a wrlJ,et; In pockets. unique , dnd useful. rePorts can be mo Ie ror II IIOng, 1'p.l1Inn11t K be' manhood sutrrage once lodged In the pIcked here 1111'\ Ib ~nJ nnll! turn lld Into pOPlllar mind , Is not pasl!y dlilml~sed III the Bookman, but for the difference the News. from It." • , between ' tbe sexell In variability, that , He has lour Inside pockets and eight gulmpo aud blouse llUll (IVOn wl:ll le la. tbo I'ange of lipreading down from outside pocl{eta, vlnceil in eacb waist· fro!:leH . DemocraC1 VllrloUIIJy Dell.ned. , , and up the a va rage. In Intellectllal coat. two Inside ond elgbt outSide . Children's millinery tills yeur I!I very There are varlo.uB del1ol\tons at th e bonnets ab plctllre que, the gl'onny trousers one (lockets In eocb llalr of 1ralttt at least tlu; male sex Is tbe more word democrnoy. Greece Is often and . "lIrlable group; the ,'ery highest and pocket In each sock, 14 In each' coat. qnalnt arltl becoming 118 ()~,n he, I·'o r not unren80nnbl,. Called the most demo very lowest marks 111 a mixed college Including ou tside, Inside and shoulder gtrls entering lhelr teens there ure ocr tic C0lclntry In Europe, yet It bas pockets, OIlU (In eac h shlrtslee\'e o;td half.lIo nneL aiTalrs IIk ~ the nne s .wwn elllSs will commonly be given to me n; two in each Bhlrt bosom-a tolal of 43 10 the accompanyIng .llIuSlratlon, '\'~e u king and shows no Sign of wishing ~he val'labl ll!y found amollg bOYB In pockets. to got rid ot him. Kossuth was the whole costumo Is designed for a gIrl tb e numero us mental tests which bave leoder_of tb'e Hungarian "democracy" Each pocket Is Inhaled, with letter, of 12, tho rlr!ls.~ II dl'rk hlue fle.' ge, been 11'1 ven by psychological Investl· ing In silk thl'CIIlI. thU S:' In Reeking to esUtbllsn 'a republic. but Style Is glve1l by the amllrt collar :lnd the Mogyars are among t.he most arlS. gators Is trom five lo len per cen t. "Tobacco," "Pipes." "Bills," "/\c. lie. and dlllullneR8 In the Inwn rr Us, tocratlc at people. . England remalDli greater t hau that !ound nmong girls. counts," "Personal," "Poems." "Odds whlClh may be either or pale blue or loyal to b~ hereilltary ~onnr,O hY, yet OC ihe thousnnt! most eminent Intel. and , Itnds," "Miscel laneous." "Hand'. or eC1'1J lairu, The hBt Is trimmed only wllh :-11 bon , whlcb IA dl'tlwn I~ In s0':De re.!lpects · actUally more l ~cLs of history 97 per cent, are men, kerchl et&," etc, d~ocrutl,c tban America. : So tbese Each porket Is numbered. The num~ through a cnt. III the rim: In front ~nd lhe "arlnhllfty which causes tho mo· fllShl01l8 Into' II large rosette, ribbon po.nst!tutllmal .,democrate, In RU8"la are nopoly of genius c'au~lng also the ex· bel', location Bnd llse of lhe pooket 18 fait s over t ho holr at tHle bnck, Ell· not Imlng at t1l"e IlIimedlnt~ establlsh. lslence oC ,t wlce liS many male as f~· reco rded lu a Iltlle boole hllug ' on his , bow s ~ev eij ure nsed rOl' lillIe glr!s' Dl~nt of R ~epubllc, arid they 1\ e .not watcl.! chnln. Wben lie wonts' to retor male Idiots ! likely to organize ' a~ attack upon Ule fo nllytiling. he 1001.8 It liP In this dr. trocl;R evon lIlore thatl lol' the mam· crown or uPo,n' the monarchical prlnrectory anti Is able to sec ure It wlthhl ma s~ lf pos, lble everybody now 81)DecenUy dressed alwuys and cheer. an veurlng In Gut·olT slee'vlls: IIIpie. They are .!Itrlvlng, for a cODStl. bour. ful In maul)er, John :>. Robinson, of M~mmus KJl'ccl short C(lat8, I\lso 1'\0 tutlonnl system uuder which the Pilo. Suu Francis '0, \'eleran o f the Mexlcnn Don' t 'Like Autos, ~malt girls n'l1'ecl the jaunty jilc ket, pule :will have a ,voice In llie gove'!'nW il l' nnd 10l'merly a millionaire, BI ~ Ilnllnn PCJlSBlIls are bOl!omlilg de 1'he re efer~. 00 popular fot· 80m" 11m. ment. anll that Is, 1!0m~thlng Which tlley now seem ,reasonably slIre at at. lowed noua ot ,hls friends to know fo~ cldedly hostile to lhe drivers of auto , boele. hoHl Ihelr own sU11. A re~rer talnlng by . peace Cui aua ' amicable tWO years Ihat he WIlS IIvlug on his UJolllles. Only a [ew days ago a rl oh I CIlSY to !;et Into. has w:ll'mth where menns.-N. Y. Tribune, A NEAT OU'l'F.I T•• "ensloll or $t2 I\. wontb ac,1 hod no Roman wom;1I1 autonl 0\) IIJ ~t ' wus Hhot nee'led, lij not bl\l·dens<nn . :rhes... ('Ih 'I' I' 90111' '08. Bllt 1Inllll y . he nnd to I al by a funller bet!luse sh e bat} 01- ,marlt' 01' ('10'.11 fl nll trhllOlcti with wll ll l' ,ot falley 1111 1.lIre 18 'I l'1 U\ISfactol'Y gilr. Japanese W tah Contractors. ' gl\'o uJ'l the t;t~ uggle UIl(\ now he Is , mos t run pI'or hIs (log. The r~l'mer'R .!ullu I'S U,"ll tulTs ;l.l'e In excelle n t mQnL Cor 'll lil.plug On O\ler a \\'IIQb. By night or !Jt lillY. whenl!ver an ordylug tn SI . t,ukp's bosplta l, surrou nrl: nlm was hn(l, howevcr. Qnd the wo'mUl. .:\tyle, Nv rytllllig Il h olll~1 bQ luhhubl dreas or on eventng, (tnil II~ mt)ltI~h ell. tou IfllC. \~Ith every pOK~ible COni. escape d IIU )ltlt't. The oC\iupal\ls of two , ullll, the hlld 18 Old .enough to I{~('IJ ones III\VIl 11 cerJ;aln amlll't nlllUIlISh- del' Is ,In Course or execution for thO molor cars returning fl'olll Genoa to C I \l~lI ,w llhOlit COll!\tallt l'emln'lIng. n ess th nt U1ls~ no 1I0hb~ !lVIII'oves Jnpanllse · go crnment, tllero ' In til e run, • Al essa ndl'a I'ound the road batt-noled 'I'h,eo\p 11\'0 lWII P~ or reluly-maclo ro l- bl"hly, ve ot ., :workshop Is the I'epre~entarl a t aU 1Il'!t:CS. o!l'ered (It Ihe s tores , Llhgerle \lDt.~ milieu the trOQk I' J I I ' t It, '\ni·lte,- iiinbllssadnr. ed u· hy lel ogr~ I'h wlrl;'s ~l l'c t heil lighLly 11\1'8 Anllre w , I t II I ",l o t . h ' I II. ' annn superv s ns. es I;cjecttJlg ~ I\ ' C , 1 II u a onne·m:l( e g'lr· color wllil II, phil, cllilmbray, II pink ' ul) that Is noL llbe\'e the s t'lgbt est s1I5C'ator lind aut.hor, . <ie C lllr~'8: "Simply I1cross It. J n, lI\C l'esJ.lling SDlUlih 1'0111' me-nt wOll del'flllly. , embroidered hut: el '. or cour~e rhe plelon \>f defect or Haw, When ·re. uK n III II Lt t Jf fllct rhe United States "ngers wel'e ~ut frolll Ih e hUlld ill , \\'omell FOlld of uee\lleworl( will White wllllh·h~t w~U louie IlrOtty with d h hI II Are. among· !III clvtllzed na llons of tho olle ot lbe travel(Jrs, II young Italian 111111(') IInll"el'l~ hills for U1E'l r Illlie glrlR , any sllmme\' coattlme. rolored uats lIeye Y s coengue · he d<ies ' not lawyer. IILIII , In nrtdiLlon his face was world, lh(>l C(luntry In whlcb tho crime ruish out like 0. IIchoolboy trom III:!b,OOI. bailly slllSbed und the lise or one !lye allli embroidered lu wn (la ps lo,' Ihe are merely a bit uewer. of murder I;; mosl lrequ8nlly commit. lost. baby. Designs for the~le arc enslly Even quite ,Iall gll'lli will Weal ,)D.. 118 If relieved from lin Irlesome ,tllllk, procured. a nd th0l!gh they talte :'I'n' piece frocks. nnd ft pretty iIloliel h~. 8 The twain 0 serve together until the ted aud J8ait frectuenUr. punished." Iltder.lble time to COmpIE!te. tbry al'e box plaIt Imilledlately down the ir nt newcomer has picked up the tbreads Borae S-:'n@e. In rJ:ll- exuindlng from a .lI'hort yoke 01 e!ll~ nnd can apply himself as minutely Il8 Oyer-That 'horso o( mine Is both !he IIretilest tblng A Pennsylnnla mau round a Kan. drl!n's millinery, broidery almoal a IIqunre, Ban(ls or bill predeccSllOr to tbe details of tne IS" girl's name on an egg. made a deaf and blind. ,?ut be's terri bly AfI'ald Long.walsted linen embroidery lire attached .IIJi.r side bllllneB8. Ind.fatlguable aDd Incorof automobile,. ' the In.nUon •• forming sbOlllder Pi..... I'\IplJble. wqrklq heart DUd milld. for matrimonial yolk. Eggaaclly; bU1e'-aa.tJy~.4-=:'-M,er:::"'W1Ij';1i"w·" 100118 on tbp. outer edge. 'fhe 51 ..... th. 1l0Dor of .'rapaD, these 'w atcbdoga a' 1Ii.1I pme, ,aDd noUilJl, to crow "Hla seD lie of ISmell Is jUst as glOO are tlboW lenlth. of the mt)(ado ha~ contribUted, un.. It na •••. "-<:blcalo V ..... . IIILLE%'I oeJIONDIJ:. IHD but colletUnl)" to the .,y." Ne",., wh.IDlID, triumPh 01 .tllelr counU1. JUR(
, Few women in fhll 111" believe lhal Ibe broom il betler than Ih" BIIMlI IweepeJ, but there arc many "bo' , tblalr It II more economical. . Just figure It out for JoufJelf. Ii.. Bissell will lut longer tban corn brooms Ibat COlt not Ie.. than 15.00 to ~20.00. wbereal the h~t can be bougbt mt from $2.50 to $5.00 Beyond the areat economy In dlrect COSI of Ibe BiISdl, just CODiidcr how It laves time, labor Illd bealth, cloes Ibe work io one·quarter of the time, ..Itb 95 ~ lees . ffo rl Ihan Ihe corn broom requires. m'mkl!S no nolce. niles no dUll, aDd an invalid can use It,
Buy. " eno" Bu rlol ' BJ,sen oaw. lend at, fhlS lill. ' UP, ,n4 w. "It) lend )too . fru ot Ch.afV. a bc::auIUul Qenulne IOlbu C!.U'O cue .,Uh 00 pri Utlo " on It wh!Jteyer.
I\lss eJi Corpee Sweeper Co,. Depl. 17 GroDd RapId •• Mich. U..arlfC.n SwtllDU .. aktJ. I. cb, WCfld.)
Ask your physician
.. bal belhlnks of lbe sweepe r i 10 m • Sin-
ilory point of view.
LIe tt-l e' On.aa. Fa's' hI·ons ' .cor the I
0"'. .
PE'RSO ~ AL PAll'llICULA '&8.
Ro. , EdW rd Everett 11alo, ' Ie Bo.· · Ion . nttr lPi.lles lItR "xcellont Il 1111 n~ I he lI&e o r Sol to I h" lIereulty ", Itil willeh n" I nll.'~ 1Ifll, u'l sleel'll nIno U..... r8 ftv~rl nlg llL ~onll U. n,)cl;l' r lIer IS to I1re ·ro\" tW I, ' montns or Ih\l year at P88aden • C.II, Uo P"l'cl11l8ed ' CarmelllA, tile UlHr;nnlc UI bome where Helen Hunt In\'j( lO U WrNII " RlI mOl\A." l118 VII'S lila ,!D, mand, Wl(lOlF of " SII\' r r III 'k" I:IllInO. hIlS becomo oue or Ihe most \Il'c(lssful agrlQullorl ~l e a nt1 hClrrtcull uri t!'l III tbe country at ber pi I 'C In Lubn non, Mo. 'I'lu!O(IOre A. COOl" brolber of. pr, F'red rlcle A, Cook, of Brooklyn , , Is building lllr e motor can at' hIs bOlUa lu aillcoon. N. \' ,. for the us of til\! Illuln 1>018 exp dllton. ",bleb II [0 !lt3rt lu I~() , MIs8 K UJ Pr Wh itman, the strongl'St Woman tn 'ew \'tjrk. !1M marrle.t lIerm an HYa m . a I-Iarlem real eSI le " , mau, Whom she re ued trcm drowlI· III~ three yeu rs IIgo. ' She I. an ell' r, rt tiwlmm r. nud can ItCt to dead Wtll41bt at 600 1l011l\ds. nr, J;-rldJof NUDseD. tbe arQt1c ell , plorer WIlO tlUS 0000 Iijlpoln~C/l' " weglon umbossador to Great Brltatn ts Il tirOl ' uellev r 1IJomBll'a rlgh1 ' He and hl8 wife are almost equall y prollclent tn nil that reln.~es to all\le~· lea And the 81 reUUOUB ilfe. Apa rt from his faDlO hi! au nPl ()r~r. Or. NIDsen Is \\,1111 koown u a 'w tlter all sCl~O unc toPics.
'Wh, not .gh'" tli. Ch~~ WOt,d , thJ truthtul .... ord tbat wJII brlsht~ ,the load of a fellow burden I. bearer: Do we nol deprive the wbrld ot a loy we might have ,Iven wbell WII do ' not hasten to slleak tb. pleasant trutb? There are truths which ars 110 JOT' OUS tl1ai It la only IladDen to speak them-truthll ~blch .eam to bav. DO unpleasant side at an. : , HappIness la a Qnall~~cb WI might ' obtain a lars,er ahare t~ usual If we determined to. cSl,coYe r the 'pleae!nl side of tbe mOlt, ua'pl'" Inll truths, , Now If cne side li ,alwa71 more pl''1slnB tban the otber, why, tbe <lues. Uf>4 Play be a81led . Is It not more /Ion. OfAbl" to choose always tbe ipleasant side to· present ollr friends, ' rrbere Is alwa,. mors than one IIlde to a truth: Two IIldes, at leaSt can be seen, by tbe most slmpl!! minded per. spn and those who!!8 minds are com. pin CRn readily Bee many ' aides to thll 8ame question.
~E~~I!yNO BFl~tN A Certain Way ',by Food. Every minister. laneI'. 10urnallst. physlc;lan, nillhor or ' business maD 'II . rorced under pressure of 'm odern eon!lltlons to tho acUve IIDd ( 80met~me!l overactive \18e ,of the braIn. . . ', Analysis of . the ellcrota thrOWn ~ ut by the peres, sbows th'a t braln work b~enles cJol"n lhe Pllo8Pl)llle·!)t potash. separating-It from Its heavlor companlou. 'nlbumcn, nnil pljllil.common sen Ii tea 'bos tliat lhls elemetltnl ·,.pi'lnc!p1e L\l'lli t 1\ 0 IntrO(\ull'll Into the 'bally IIQlljT e:Jth day. If we wQul1 ropla.ce tb e 105 and rebuild tim lJrail; t,188UO: ' . , We Imow tn(lt lhe ' phosphate ,ot 110!a !lh. as pl'Mented In ' CG~ l.8ln l fielet s ral,ns. has 1m affinity Cor, albu'm~n QnU (bnl, Is' the ollly WilY gray ma tter lu til hrnln. cnn bo built. !t· v.·1II 'not answer, to talre f-be "rude phosphatQ of JIOtasb or ~he dru~ sllop, for natnre ' reject It. Tllc elemcmt:U mlneri\.1 musl b'j PI'/!' l!entM throuSh food directly froUl Ull. ture'lS Inborn tory. 'ilht!se facts have been JDn~e JlII8 01 In the manuf~c~tlre. of Ornpe·1'/otll, an~ :If y brain workef can prove tbe Vall1l1 Clr tbe prop'er lSeJectloll of rood bf makIng f,," UN of GrallB·Nut. (or teD"n or two weeki. Solei b1 ItIicaa .nl1'. wbere (and 10 ImmeDlt QtUlDUUea) • "aoufattorecl bY tbe l'otItuDI Co .Ba&o
U. Creell, IIlcb.
LIlylng Out the Roadb~ aud X~epo Ing It in R epair-U se the Xing Drae.
C'laDCJ lI'Md" 'the Bum to Lubrica te th. KWant ..., of Bara
~ew. Ineumb mt HIla Grewso m.
&eheRI' sals of RIB Un~nvla.ble Profenl on.
Sct'8ral CX(,ClltlOIIS took place recent.It Is ooe Ullng to build a aood roa,l. f· , ,..h~B OM . . . . . . . 1!a"raJ !.Iala••_ar-h k~p .1' In repair. IT al Pl' nlonvllI e prison on tbe--Acn ,> to anolher s I. It and l. talk te pel'th e scene ot tb. boe:! ·..aallJ hard or hilS ch whi fold ' Bug. nt ImI!o.·ta Bome gives Mapes W. O. _" At lel'lll. oa. "Mil' in the neiabbors N noto rious crlmgestloll8 on tbe work o[ .bull,i llng allli fin a l ex it or num e rou the Ban,or . ewe, tb. ~ tim., Ma ll. I.ondou relates Inals. t mone, firs 'l'he witliout dODe Is _It .,erformed repa iring roads, as tollow": A STOC K FOUNTAIN. Tb~ executio n r· was Al ec T a yl or• 1Il4 ",thollt prl.... uoept tll.t the 'bo,t by making Work, the out Btake to Is step . . . t. p~ovI4•• bl1lldlnt refrnhm ente, botll newly a plloln ted co mllOon hau gmsn, At lucll Autom: ltic Wnter SUPP',v · tor Poult'7 , a ligh t fur ro w on eacb s ide o[ tbe pro· tbe Dounlblll& and refr..binl. the s ubject " hunged" In set form nd .. auy If apart. feeL 14 cut i. or' 12 ood .. . llre work, of posed suppl, CI\t~Ie'or winter tim,," tb, Sheop. RoCla y li gures f cloth and sand .. were 'lrlthcomes turrow,s first ese tb tb. tilD~r f.U,4 .and piled. tb, fra me. ... ot part EMily Built. . or 1'(Jllr~c. csscfltla l that tbe Is, bllUdlnp rsiMd. . Often tbe bOtlt h It bard, Is It where track, In the ueulen kollbl. to and IDtcuicant.. Maine bein, at has to cnl"1' ou t the last th official n3 lu son a r afte just Tbe automat ic w a ter supply toun- It should be done a <b7 .tate. sent nee or \.lie l a \~ s bould Ors t Tbis .... Oladcy·. dilemma wbOll be .... min s hown In I)lcture r an be ur· rain, either with a plow or tbe point of t1read learn t he Le(': hnlque of bls "red th. lit, aglDcy It Banlor. Stralgbt r unged to wute r n road mnchlne. Next put tire wheel th oroughly I-. front of bim a 'ilD aUIII : "Liquor . furrow, grcweOmfl profession to Insure that lIgbt IO'thl& ine mach , p road e e h oLt1l! II poultl'y, n il the opera· · 80ld for 1.7... in Sickne.. 01' for Mechan ical hold lb e po int ot tbo blade Ormly down~ -w.h en~(L tim COID\l.S . hogs ur cattle. Til PIU'pOH ' Only." y and In or· derenll hapllcn will tiona tha which h. tone s l'lIM," ery e" old of move re very a ce, In 'Illn COllRt rllrtlonl "'1 W'Dt two aallon. hnngmll n now each herefore T .der, out nnd down ~uouD""d. work 1m point ~trlk e8 and . simple tlnd ntment , 'uppol his nrLl'r tely Immelliu ~ The .. ~nt pointed wearily to the . ip. bring to I Itt I e materlll i until e n.o ug h dirt Is secured of Ollrse ti s "I aa", that," aid ClaDC,. "1'''8 btea renll u gh throu goes roa,l the . ueee) be hought by good croWn to the center ot ....dlnr it," ce of Lhls policy. HDd Il !,,'a nd .gutter on enc.h side, mnk. trainin g. In pursuan "Are YOII .ick?," au y rurmor l I' t be gui da nce of ex· "No . " complet e II, suy~ lo g s uitalli e o uU eta from all Jaw poln L~ Tay lor, lind offi c ial s who have as· son pri (1 "Got • pr~lIcriptiOD fN perlence QUesil only Is This (I n h'llUers. a se 111 Lh In the Far "No." ne , Is now ser vo executio many lit ~ted sl power enlU t cient suffi ing Town, you I~ Homo. 'fho uarrel. l io n of apply "What do YOII ... D' It for?" qu.ried til, Thil Is the Kayor of Spotlell8 '1'oWll, The Cook of Spotless hip. s prentice ap s hi Inf; r Interler tbat ' .,ent. you'H a"roe, a& a, may be u ny co m - lind I'emuv lng nil atones q>.ke, the takes Who around, mlles for The brighte st man . SHeral san dbags Bbaped to r epro· "Got to h.... it," replied Clancy cbeerwill IJ.Jld water. Th" with mnklng u good gulter. On POl" She holds It in bel' now, can wisdom of wer light lghls shining we The rent dill' or en m fully. "f.r me chaniCl\l purpose. . h. ro- 1U01l lInrr I Ulat ~ent 'l U will give n 'lsn't light-b ut anyhow pipe, c, rUllnln g liP from trough , e. IIll - tions of o ur roull t.hls ulone polished man, I. . to raiN .• barn." cnre In honl"s sUllplled for Taylor's prl.'ctico . H e ",liS Rtflect from such 1\ 'Twill brIghte n her domesti c woe. mlts a\r to the barrel a nd p rmlts wnler u good road with proper low and high bullda to ng says yl I'ar he so of II m And runn el (Iuwn nft I' euch heavy rain, and ra k . Instruc Led that at sort Any . \ d pipe, ~ cak. of plain SAPOLI O. Into run o t SPARE TO V OLIO." ed ENERO SAP use pl'escrlh HAD st HE "The brIghte Other por. euould be 81 v n cer ta in Dl ny be used to fill the barrel os ~ how n In g uut nil loose s tones. h. denl , s lbOU Inst81ltiU effect to drops" ~ 8bal or gravel little n \.D1ma1 of the ProJlulal~. POliterlo l' Ilt b. A close Otting plug III Inse rte il tlons will need road. There Tben .a sandbag made to th e rou g h In d, to exclude air. 'rbls plug Is chllnsed ul ~n g t he crown or the Penua.d ee Foolish Man te can be se . semblan ce and weight ot It. IDan wa.~ this re e wh ' s hill severtll ~~ nre . flllln n e wh , eI pipe, ot end from b La Philoso phize. haul s. A placed on the scaffold nap . Taylor shOrt only g irin requ t~ red eel cll retul'n Is plug • ba rrel, urte r which wagon 111 WlUl told tbe weight, the n oose wa~ 12-foot a on ell hillll Yllrd e e th ('ubl b. When the (l lr ente rs through " II\Ul . . the oouthw'e.t btd so mocb dump- properly adju s ted , the r eqU isite drop by cEl/I IIlu worst th for hi. h when ono1J).I .orvO\l.l InerrY to opare th.t Illpe" c, the wate r run s out through pipe ,erother arrange d for and tbe le ve r [m lI ~ d . to Intried and be ce, pla It croslr!d In hi. 1Il~le' . will and d until It r each es th e lowe r uJlenl ug of Ing n full lopll In IJ. This e:rperlm ent was perform ed a gai n 101l.d n .uade tbe intelliaen t animal b, a firm. at third o rr tho a ll' :tI1i1 pia s a l llllr or n weig ht ,I well·placed kick locaud on the mule'. a1>- pipe C;, wh en It s huts fi nis h tbe crown or tllllload . and again with dltfereDtly .010.11. "lat•• th~ Minneap oli. Journal, the wa ler stops ruunlng . Th e trou g h . pl nce will bags. not hollld s 'hlne mil he t with wlLh ,.me ng ',' ber', lIlU Gradi allot ci un play Qv~r n leveled .ho'!ld Y .Otl c , s hould be IIrofully T he other part ot the h a ngm nn 'M 111m Il1d eltpe<lt to . how up well I\t tb. be malle o r such a del)tb thut Is s lIlInbl e 0 &1 mo re limn $25 per mile. nor dralv ' , the pinionin g ot n con· training ro~.~ Ania. '1'h. mule is now only a Pb. D. ia lh~ of wn cro o th on ravel g h t !ng •• for the kind of s Lock to ue watered . the Braceful art of kickinl' but h. bID' prisoner , wa. even more realdamned ThlJ rd. cuuleyn pel' ll; rl 'e more th;o" 40 tbe O(Ii~Dce of it by h~redity &ad by the time belDg stalwart For IsUc. weI'''! mile, r pe $200 m"kes tb e cost ool y jo,ment of the .a me. ned murUe r. When Ioe telt the kick he laW with tb. PEAS AND OATS MIXTURE, u ftlllioau of gra"el pIa ed on t he ('1'Ol'(n 'W.a r:!era posed ·as coudem nco'" ·el'll. T~)'lor, practici ng on t hi/Ill , wnij \ . wid'" of "'"' of tbe erel the IOIlIl wny. tbe all road e lh , or he lDenmost etrect.lve era, from ·tJa. recoil a the kjck, Is Righly H ow a bout the aftel"cll re of s tIch n Ihown tbe Quickes t .Jld and A Combin ation Which a, moved au. left r~r corner Ihrhtly banda and feet. tbe curing .. Farmer ot &< way by· s8. ended or'succ:e Recomm !!everc· secret 10 th II; owner re tbe He on .road? .tubbed hi. boof Who Haa Tried It. ., that tbe man I. now in the boopit" Whe n tho Mrs l rnlli come~ , pass ing aDd hal bid 14 .tiu,h.. takeD 011 hi. puddle the ror.· DEALINO ' IN CIQAR BANDS, will les hl e " nd a s team __._ _ bump of p"..... icacit'. At th o Mi chigan farmer s' Ins til ut e Ie rial ulo ng lhe c'r own of Ih e ronll In Tb. focli.h ml" .ita ill .t the mule'. Quite .. Call for , ..... pme, but tbe wiae m.1I perluadu hi' roundup Peter Voorhee s, of Pontiac Lh e heaton trnck, tormlng II, hard crUSI Tobacco matll Have Tbem as Besult; of ' mmd to try It and wBtcbe. nault. frolU gave hi s e xperienc e In growing Can· II !; It dries, wblch '\\'111 be aomewb itt l Town a poaitloa 30 yardo to the left . . ," Pad. '!'his brillian t maa wallclu p anddoW D This fa tha butcher of Spotlea adlan peas' and, oats togethe r, on his rough nnd ven. Be rore It become" 'Who.. too.. are bright aD hll renoWn ---A.. Upo;n the streeta of BpoU_ Town. farm' last setll!oD. He sowed 12 bush· too dty and hard , hone the surface perAWF.UL SUFFERINO '1'0 1~'911 'them .ta1nl!\l w~ ind1~Cl'Mt He "1 want a packllge "ot cigar bands:~ The glitter ot his abining star els peas and one bushel oals. fectly smooth IIn(~ true with a IIgh: afar. year1l Forfollt li would th.nabs ta1n.fro mm..t I 12 from n the about ot boy attentio acre faced per Arreata bright· hels a bus thresbed (n bo\lt Ove or sl>: feet long. OM .ald show to ~_ and And 10 he brighte n. trade you kIlow, beat From Dreadfu l Pain. trom Wound OIl mixture, one-haH ot w)llch was pess. hOn e, a the r lighta It count.:: old , as he trtepped up to the By poUllhln g with &APOL lO• Foo~yateni All :Run Down""'.t naught can beat SAPOL IO. He tavors putting In the pellS wlLh In 'a tobacco Ihop. Kiracal oua Cur. ". CuUcur a. .. IIrJII anll burying the m deeply, and " Teo or 25 cents " asked tbe proa week later p'uttlng In the oat.s less prietor. for "W..,rde, cannot Ipei.. highly enough ,""v. "Ten " ' returned Ule boy, os be lIunc deeply. This helps to clean the no,v am J o. l,temedle Cuiicura the chance a crop the gives , . down q s dime, tool!: his purchas e anrt .ty-.lwo yea ... o( ago, My sYAtem hod ground Bnd bnd to grow In balance. It the oats ure rusbed out, been aU run dOWD, .My blood \1'118 ao th.t blood poiaoning t.a<1 .. t in. 1 hod IIOwn at the same time as the pelUl "Yes. I do Quite 1\ business In elgal eClv(!rnJ <I""tera a~tc.ndiug nle••0 finally I tuere Is 80me danler that Lhey will bands," ,said the tobaccon ist, accordl nl went 10 the ho pital. wbel'll I "'U laid to the Chicago Ibter Onean. "It Is TilE KINO DRAG. osp tar two monlhs. My foot D.nd Dnkle 'choke tbe ~as, Dark ThIs experien ce I. just In the 'lIne WeI'e olmost beyond l't'cogoition. Quite 11 tad among cblldren to get lit hunch a rr o hone can blood flowed out of w"unM in Innny ot what I have been advocat ing for mnn anll tea m bands and paate th9m on glass plates hlo nds I place., IIDd I Will 10 dishejttten ed tbAt · years, says Prof. Tlromas Sbaw, In ·road In lIils wuy. If he understa ad bowls. I sell about II.!!. many pack.' .. l\oll'ly ... w chance t .. I sbould m, e thou,bt lurely Farmer, nrid It Is In, uusln ess, at slight cost, H' or bands as 1 do or Cigarett es, ages &.avioa me. AI the foot did Dot im· Orange Judd hone, und guid e It by stepIs more proAt In It. The Can re.dily . lma(ine how J deed r efreshin g to note this Instance s tand on tbe tbere nil .. ~ve, wu .imply d i'IlUl! ted ODd tired of Its correctn ess at tbla limo, when ping t rom one cnd of the hone to tho youngeter s do a thriving bUSiness fett. woe This whic.h e<luties. r pllln thl. occasion .tood the I as of life. ' are looklnlf a,bollt ' for protein oth er ..long the line ot barter and trade .. dreadful , for ai:x !DODth., ana during Ib is men did Is very Inel'P!\n slve und s hollid be reo time I w.. Dot ·able to a .ho(} .. nd .. nd balanced toods as they never acre 'peated afte r every big rain, iliough It Tbey take the bands to scbool ' and aot IIbl, to work, Some Oll~ epolle to me before, a .yleld of 46 bushels per swap dupli cates wltb their schoolt.bout Cuticura . The conaequence.JI wero of tbls mixture turnlshe s II grand lot will never sorten mu ch after the Ors: mates, A l' band comman ds a blgh ·c. loose stone 1 bought a .. t of tbe l )uticnra lUmed ot . too . The mlln-wb o_gets 30 to 40 puddling. Now rake 01[ any premium and frequen tly Is worth half fill olle of 1111 friends who w.. a drullg lst, , aOlI YOII ha,'\! 11 beaten traok 011 tbe satisOed be hould s acre an 8ec' the bushels after aave I tblt le dozen a tlfe mor'e common varieties . ,. a.d the'Prail blcyclll a ch whi over rqad, the of :'e~pUcatio:l I. bey~ild descripti on; it for It wJII weigh about 45 pOllnds to " rowII younget ers ke,cp on the alert for The on ItS y smoothl as Reme· roll a miracle. for the Cutieura the bus hel and will make a grand or a n 811tO will too, and taey are atter every bands, wlISbcd I elY, which on immediat Ii... tock elf«t cattle, s heep and the bes t m aM(\am toall. and · 't h. f(jot with the Cutieura S'ohp berore ap· grain food tor borses, In balance an,1 YOII can dri ve' II clean buggy an hour one that comes trom the cigars or 9biog the Ointmen t, and ' 1 took the Re· Bwlne_ It Is Virtually 'their 'fatbers &lid uncles and big Tht. lean J(. D, 18 Dr. Brown, . Aner two even though · ted freely Is not likely 3rU~ r a slimmer showe r wlthont haylna lirothers . ,Thill i. the JI(ald of fair l'8110'IIt'D, _..1"ant ,at the IDme time. ot.her only 'Who tares but ru "in Spotlesa To1t'D. com· Tbe Town. healed .. holes. e was mud foot ofSpotl my ovoid ent floors to WMks' treatm to. do harm. It makes grand tood tor " In so me respects tbe new fad Is Who scrubs th. to bo will The to'IIt'D t. 10 confoun ded cll&D, . road a D1euly. l'eople who had seen my foot uch s on through ts and furnish es ellre needed for tlte Cigar trade . '1'0 ' find a Ipock when .h. allrina ~ iIIneoa .na who have .cen it dairy cows ted green, It Is po wonder he is lean. a ,'ery lItlle good gr avel, s hale not a bod thing prinkle s D. palr of specs or twO. take acre. per Would to yield their ev~ loss large be\i • dead a hardly been can • iDee the cure, In the center ,.,1 The bands bave He'. Io.t all , ..U.nta ,now you know bave to And her employ ment lau't Blow own eyea, Robe~ ·Schoenliaucr. New· Tbls crop has eminent adaptati on or eve n hllrd\lnn , right accord· tobacco nists, wbo In the end ally, Becauee they l1IIe $APOL lO, occaSion truck, tclI hen lO. U~o chl&APOL "-ih, N, Y., Alii, 21. 19oo," Ml . 0[ ds employ ahe two.thlr For for the northern I pay for tbem. They are made In ~r· I , road, e th bn wear of amount tbe to Ing the for ~gan , and WlsconsllJo, anel many, at least all tbe tancy varieties , S_UI Too Swift. throw· tilling, tram gutters the, keep nnli Minneso ta and North tbey add a IItqe to the ~o s t of ~ ,oun, mas from l'hlladelp hia w.. rlin. northern halt of sLuff s~oured out of tbem away and cigar. TrlOlng as It may be, the n reotnu· Daltote. It would. also do well 10 Illg. the each It. en. with a frielld In a down·tow Into bnck of Instead rOlld thlt New York, 'and In trom enable . RIIt . Amonr tbe thinp th., Ne .... Yorn· northern Oblo ODd There ha','e been some question s nbo'ut sum In the aggrega te wO.uld l'hi!· certai n areas ot tbe New Englanl l \Vhenf the were mn'hn.' . art m Ya.cbta Ind stea .r ordered keE~p to " us sucb of nny Otting In use " d' hom " ib nroper the d LI .- .. e • II p o · . _' h' " In· states, But nowbere will this mag· .. • 4"I' lADw.._ecreatly Butomob lles, By ' seiling the banll, at. DO equal fol' plell.~d. be _ It Is a .0Ud. handso me cake of .couriD lr .oap whi'c h hu better than In road. A plcturo' oftthe King road drag tb e rate ot 26 ro.' t en cents. the cblar -q n.... r had aoythinll that tastN. . nlO cent mlxturc grow thli laundry . 'to u . . U i. to v ..lue it.. ezcept by a. purpo. designed g was It . clesnin all uerewlth haWl! s la ln ~Vtacons back 011 cloth8 the counties of i.licblga n, 1OOd- i. m, life," laid he. D. Ward KIDg: of IMissour I, ond has !I.anurll cLUrers are able to get What wl1l8A POLIO dor Why, it will clean paint, make It "don't t d "Why," the New Yorker, some or tbe out'l ay that has been a the floors, tabl •• and uelve. a new givo and Mll\neso~, not distant from the bright and " ? bi" PhiJad~lp in trains allllili special e .... h tbat 1ft Yon prove so eUCC8U. u i8 true of OntariO . tho ·gre .... off the dishe. and oft the potll tbem." take to lo&s will dead to King Mr. "\'8," .. id tbe Philad~lphllln : ',',H, w. Jakes. Tbe same enable to run been shine have can 'COIU' the' Imin. and tork. with It and th. MTe anaill enoucb •.1 IUC", but the trou· ca rry the "gospel ot good roads" to brlghtJ l. The waah.b uln, the bath-tu b, even the III. ia" tber-0" nobod] over tbere that C&D.-t_~____ Town, t ~'N'mon ~C k!!ln~g~lUl~d'+-tItln~Ri:B~to:r:I t:E HAN9 ROIot.~I-:::~~~~c~ti~0;n~8i-1t*OITr~m~a~ ___ s the most peculiar ly catoh a I . - N. Y. oun, a a _ will be w.oleaD ...Be all... .Ink, usln& tbe drag are as followa: .111 prove and POi":'D B~OOd. Interes Llng pt all Vernlon t towns on soms .,... <1JaIlcer, at r, dlumele In Incbes 12 "Log, llrove WlII Bome-• •d~ Tool Which nl associat ions Soft wood; oak Is too heavy. Slabs seven accouut o[ Its hlstorlc InvalW \ble In Firming Sol~ llheuma tiam.. heauty. It, Is l pictoria Its as well as tteam. erupl, welghto prodncil sucb to han blood poison t.o nIne teet long, If Atter Plantln g. southwe stern ,extreme the In situated " Inche. tIaeti, pimplea, ulcers. s\'I'olJen glnndl. 30 labs s , tbe 'bold CrosB sticks state who ~e l \beautlru tbe ot _ _ pe aDd rlam"" bumini, ' iu,hing Il;in, porUon should boards Inch Anyone "bo hIlS tried It knows th p. liP art. Plntrorm at ~r-dllored IpOLI or r&Ab on the skiil~ Two-by -twe"'e- name, dcrlvod (rom two words, slg. sticka. cross on lie'laJd after soli tbe Ormlng of nce Jn." It mucolIII patcbe. in mouth or tbroat. faU· tmporta be used I'n stead at log. nl1\es " .."reen" and "~ounta or. II Ian tI ng seed. Rolling" In truth, ' holdK Inch plank can ism (D' old rheumat pninl, bonetake iDI · prllle,sw ollen Bur· that Blood Balm here was Bobuiic bet. Is It catarrh, llll!d .oill hair. are pllUlks wben Hlabs; e by breakin g up s eye on the s up· B. 8.). It kiU. tbe poillOn in tbe blood; the surtace motatllr ter to reenforc e the middies wltb e, goyno cast n covetou ..,.. .a ll .0_. eruption s beal, hard .well· The hitching ' plies and store s 'gathere d frolJl tile ise. lengthw piece 2x4 ' , tItop. anil a lind to secure iap ..beida. acbH lindofpaine tbe _~t · CIUieI ring should be two or two and one-hall ' fertil e prolific fi elds, i. made "erfee' cure <ls be . ~ lihKId 1'oOOn. ' or the drag. After eacb which ror Ills hungry m e rcenarl tront In feet ~ canoer, tumon. ....eIJiDP. eatin. one sIde of the wheel Belh ou't on army early in Augual, U/l llrl"e rain _ . lilly ·u1cera. ponisten t pimple!! of all other alde ,wlth 1777, uncler Col. Bnum, compose d track lind back 'on the • the caadeltroy. II. B , It heal. mila, _Iut,inB,·the 1\11 of cancer the earth te chiefly or Ge rmans with a scatte l'l ng ·blood, throw to _ ,poilOlr drag In position ~•• cutu'the WOMlt hurnoMl 01' IUPlluratHave &II ,o r Brlti8h.- From "The Charm at HIli· ~rag, the lhe ,cen!er. Ride on tortc Benning to n," by C. Marlon Bur. .... ..wet1inp, '.1'boueand. cured by B. B. 46 degreee. " of ungle N 1FT B, -aftoer .n ~Iee fails. B, B, B. compoeed . ROLLER fT70ND L BARRE THE the . ton, I,l our· rack e ws . M, Inlprove eI IIIH>e ~nic IDI(redi~nt.. KBBNE LS OF FARM WISDO 4i,eortion, 'makea tbe blood ~u~ 804 rich" lumps and prealilng the soH closer abou:. . Ga• • w{~ i&chin, aDd aU .harp, "AdmIr al" Not English , Air must get ..t most seeds Ir the, 'I'hla ap))lIes to JI\'rdenln~:. eboatimJ ~.j Th~rou~h1Y • U!lttil for the seed, The word "udmlra l" Is 1I0t of Eng· t11 :J are to ger·mlna te. thro.ugll rod steel a passing by and ..... Drubi.t _,' pel' Ia..... bot'hirtY" the Arabic I ~ rih ,complete direction . for hon.. The United States Is estimate d in ll sh o"lgln, bu t Is from keg, 118 IndlMte d ::1 ~, ..... tlample free and prepaid by 'l\'riqnl; mldd e ot a StrODg Cl1t. It 'Is possible I') have produce d about.. 41,700,00 0 pounds "Emil el Bas h ." or Lord of the S ca, .:.r ....... ~ . 8Seod I'Iabll \Co., Atl~nta, Ga, DeKrlNJ the accompa nylDg that will meet 8 n or broom cilrn In 1905. Captain comcs Irom the Latin caput, ero for everywh Itandard the roller are' they band a tbat make tif·ttme test lIIit the .Ieo .tood ly advice uccessful have . o s 1Uld free medical to any on the .. Tbe exports at lard from the United but male Is t'rom Ice landic, which tJae requirem ents Ilbout any bollif'. trenrth and utility, ' SprinS TriD usolute Jy rlsht ~. qerlor .. ..w letWr_. ______ ted .5 per cent, mean s a 'coml)ltn lon or equal. (;OX, . •market, In Its equipment, ts epresen r ' 1905 rovemen In lalestlmp States the the All saYS . ",heel.. heavy ».tt.nched ' Good hudle good !l WUb of all hog pro'dUCtl! swllln WIU! orlglnltl ly th o ma n wbo ~t Http 80m.. '.It ,our 4•• ler aboUt It 'or wrtt. III for compltt. IDlorlll.UoD, . Pratrle Fllrmer, It Dlny IJe enslly pUlhe,1 ot the total value oar In the cllptn.ln·Y left . 1he . pulled ZANE SVILL E. OHI~. exported ground, tilled I)' sh iI '<ttlliDl n.ryon. tba& I f.ra rACTU R'pilG CO.. over MANU N pulled or BROW tbo CoCk· as It I,nown when was ground which the bOllt, plow not Do oyel' mouDted h_ .ha taD thitd and by means ot the box T_- I .......~ t _ ' boat. "rrhls In lurn Is " 'corruptl on or the kel! . weighte d to wbat- turnR up In wet lumps. Uie center u boat . ' y to , 'perform tbe ' Grass Is a greal moneY' '!Iuer all tba tbe worll corncle, a s mall rounel n_M tfTbaak ~u, ever .. us ed on th o ".)'" and Usk I'IverH. So faces, 1OIl'4 MBe.laue If you had two IIlWII northe rn form . de new-mn a Even . deB~ work eftIaIM oDl,"-Cl ..n.lnl, __ the Qther Wet g rotipd dries out \Jetter It un- cox81'1aill co mes to 1;1 8 trom tbe Wl! lsb, can tllul be "&mooth ed" wlt.h It u well Lsader. mado ono bUDdre<l per cen\. In ~.. mo bUlIDe... . 'J than plowed. plowed . J roller. e eXile_ly more a e. 810, fot with &8 Sure locomo for vaIUlblel Pitcher. Little The Reat estlte dee,t. d t.o Plllladelpbt, famll,. Be bra,. aad plIIldslt. Inquire Int,o tbo •• l Vegetab th,; g lI1vefttor'& of Handlin o proleolto for crUBt .0mpallJ Qnallty Before Quantit y, WID of tile repair bill. paid by tome of ·'Now." salel the rnn (1 fath r to hll and pape{ t ...." BeautIfully Illustrate d bookDle(Co Never ball Quality oounteel 80 m ucll ,0111' frinds, ... )'11\1 oCt.II prObably I bak.. tber vegetab les ID the ' llttle dallghte ,r, ,II mu st go to town .. Dep\ . : '121 WrIte .,t once. J . L. an" !lB not Do I(Ot m&lld Juat de e peQple' yoU/ba:r thoot More' ' .' ob8Nlioa Off that I'll. •• It does Ila, P~tladel~l BulldlDll', Drnel bread hllY to ey earl, and · earD sOFne mon to ha"e sa aute...,hi le tbis ~ .....;In4iIA· QuaUty tban ever berON, aad the iliaD afternoo n or eVenlDg, but In the ' Into the cOlISum· ..nd buttbr to'I' little Anni e." ' • .polis gtar. who ....I... or produce s JlISt. +ordlnu t" ~rnlng. Get tbem 'pastlble : you "And to buy yacht s (or dadn," reo get top p~, era' .hands as SOOD Dever w1ll thJnga ~ild. is •. 1aX.'tifJ befb the 1'. Garfield a s.llIng by: the' chlld. who seemed to .l i . l: atl'ythlnl sponned gain never wtll .IfKti.. . belltb'li villlJ_ faullllilt pl't!p. Quallb' eonate In evemll hllf, t~ alve It to yoel' sraeplll! tbe hnmlllty of tbo situation . • IItra",be mea to IIv. stock: eull' mlll& stale "e&'8table.. Bett!!' uatlon . It Ctl~~. '. -SportJ ng T Imes .. .tock. 161\ on Its merits. .,--- ' - -- Ii fa suler t.e 1.",1 tllin.. ~ __ pug. Accorell ng to a ltaUstlc al report, the liII dcnnI lllaD it ' would lie .,. lNWiDt Will Change Statpp. II.ppllan, ws nood not be 81aoo. DaIry 'lip. has destroye d a~ The Fr'~nch "p08tage stnmp, which nle nor eXJlj!DI\IYe: the s impler the cotton-b oll "'(levI! hales ot cotton .hows a 80 \Ver sowing -.,'lIlnst the 2,000.000 tely proXima buc.k011 Un, for that int remedy lieUer. it I ~ Impol'U GllAeJd Ta is Natllre'. tile last six wi,,\1 a\lJ pd ki4IIq clJa..!"___'.,__ Itb the' wroll,$ loot ad· etl, etc" chould be o;ade U8 smooth ID reull during MIl ,'l'lWtq J.... ~ tbIa eou. Ie ·" ' " at nncell,- Is tq, lip rerorm'l d, the reform . . . . . r.' tit . . alii poIItlll" . . J'. . ...,~toJo wa\1ri1r'i1tit,.. . . IOnaenr, '100.000,Il00, beldnD1D~ w!ltb the two IOUS .tamp,
.........I' " ....,a
UP ! !~~~n~f~!~!~~I~.~~!~!! HO LD.sZg eJan" ·con
- --- -
~..:..._ _~
- '-
lidence Rnd affeotion that Is dl8play. od by tbe patientll, illl ie evidenced ' by word and look, 18 he palllee
lUIlong tbem, Ind hal a kind word for each and every Olle, €leanJinen, abundalloe of food lind kind treatment are the predow. Inating featnrea, and Mr. Bmit,h t~tiflea that he I" obliged to exer ' olae the olosest vlgtlen06 'in order ,)FFlCE· IN JONES BUILDING. not to bo imposed upon , by persons froU! other oonuticli who olalm to '1'!lr,!lP~Oj'lE ~J{LL • • 6·~ be r~idents f .)Vlu£ell tder " reoel ve thtl ,bonetlt of hili care, WEDNJ:SDAY, roN!: 6, ••• , • • , lVOU Mr. lIhnith lealao a praotlcal fluw , er, and frequently recelvel premi. unui at the Watren County Fair on , EDITORIAL vege~ablB8, frultl and Iraln8 t'h!,t he thom~ands " PerhaPl! t.he leadera of the war· hae produoed upon tbe 180 -aorea of faotlona of the Republican party In fertile soil belonglnR t~ the IDflr~. Me~chandise this Sixth dlstrlot will awake to tbe ary. realization aome time tb"t the pee. At one time during Mr. Smith's Bargain No 1 at 2~ 1' , 5'01. pie .re becoming tired I)f their ever: lIuperintendenoy, his attention was Boys' wash tlui t s in bloulles, sizes Ullderwe~r, Plain Blue, ' We, expeoc people, to oome bere luting blokerlnga and , greed for drawn to the huge nnmber of .rJ.. n.'H 2y' to 8, worth 50,. per suit. CreaRI, 29, value for only o16oe. 8Ojonrnerll there from Wa1ne town , price, , from far and near aa tble wtll prove the greatest money Ilaving sale , ship, and upon invtnttlgation found for you,aDd the greateet advertiaement for the Eagle Olothlng Store l ____~__________ "POlltl08 mak81 atrange bed·fel· there were twelve, whloh wae more . -- - - -- - - - - - - - - ever kQoWD In toe hidory of Dayton, Remember thia 18 no fake 10 dozen WlIsh IIllita made of Che, sale thll la a Itraight,atlt bonafide Mle the kind thl8 atorl! is noted 10wI, or One 18 remiDded somewhat than trom any other townahlp In 80YII' knee panta wortb 35',IU for,we aunre you a aavlnlf of one fonrth and in IIOmA in8tanOO8 one· the oounty; l!ot Wayne doel not iot and 08mbrlcs. Good 'v alues lit half of • movinc pioWre .how by ~he $he original value. the pri06tl belaw wtll give yqu Il little alzellamloolors,' at 00. Sale prloe for clnly 8c idea of rapid OhaDgea some men In Warren now carry th18 banner. of almoet how and what reduotioDIl you can expect, of oaurllB oounty are making from side to After reoelvlnc every oourteay • __ _ - - - _ - - - - - - - we Clan't quite price on everything. but you wtll Hind entereatlng pri06ll all through our elit/abU.hment. It 'will pay you to Iide of ,the potttlcal roadw.y. Aud from Mr. Smith, the party drove Iii dozep wash aulta _t 95" ~orth ' Boya' Brownlll Overalla, the belt aHer all, .. What proflceth a mIn WB8i of tbe village to - the ~unty to f.2,O(I , Among l~ht11!6 you will travel miles to .t~nd thll moe& wonderf,u l money laving sale 251 grftdes at ~5, flAoh, oDly two If''Children'a Home, a plaoe full of u\)01' euitH, RWlliliane Ilud Bue. ever held in o.yton. Don't forge\ the date 'and plaoe, we will Browna worth Ull' to 82.00. for oonttnve the ..Ie for ,two weeks but early oomen will let 6ret 011011:6 promise for the futnre, u it pre. pair ,to .. perIOD, at It I. Qnl". el,h' weeb lrom today parea the yOuth to beoome iOod un'lI tb. gr&Ild Bome-Oomm, aDd ciUzena of our oommonwealtb, Reunion .of WaYDenll1e'. former The oooaalon wu ~he . regular reaildent. t.ak6ll place, ElgM weeks I onthly mootinc of the Buerd of 110tl1l nut leave,muoh .ime for prep 'rruiltee~ of the Home, where, be, ..tlon, Rnd it behooTe8 everyone tildes Mr. , CartwrigM, there were inter8llted in 'he evenS, and every prB8eu~ Mr. Mat. Hutchinaon and per~"n in th8 community II Inter, Mr. J , M. JohnloQ, beeld~a Dr. E. tlIttool, to !Dake t,be mOltt of 'he daYIl C. 'l'hompeon, ' th" s;byalcian who and weeb InterveuinllO that there looks ~fter the health Ilf the ohlld .hall be nothing Ian qndone when ren of ehe IQetttut~on. 1-t thie' point the hoetl . .'her from cie I four cor· it ml~hHie in place to'illy tbat death _ _ _ _~~..:L~~_-_:,::...,.,-;-----'~~~---:----:-- .------ ~--- --:... --:--'- -=--;...::---"-nen of tbe oountry' th...eek begin· hu not entered 'tbe ranks of the nlug AUl1l8t 8th , ohlldren of the Bome' for . ' period of more than eleven ,ear., ' Building Oood Roads. ~elarge bnllding'~hioh oontaina 'MeDII wool J_1lI Panuln Black and Gray the Parlors, reception .rooml, 0160611, I A repftllenytive of the GueUe ' all llDed , end well made f1 25,. Bale price, lpent lOme time r8OI!!lUy mmin. dinlnl rooms and dormitories, Ie an ' InBUle pablloroadiabout Center· IDlpoaini ' lookin, brick Itru?ture .,' l~ENS ~. ~ ville, wbeN ale ..Id'to be tbe beet orowninlf a high knoll overlooklnlll • roada in ~bia 'par'. 01. ,Ohio. ' Wbtle Turtleoreek valley .aDd'ltI adjacent , d,e~criptions · , , Two 'liUDdred ,pain of. 'lUeDa and bny' I . ~bere altKi we were ...IHowD the hUle, M productIve a ' region ae llee t 'Working pIlnte all !,Ilee IItrongly I18WOO metbod of bailcUnlr dae: roada, A under the lun. , . t~1 worsted~, worlh up to IUiO, S.,e prl~, piece of road aboat balf a mile in ~r. and Mrs. Frank,Ludlum over· , I lenath . .allieD In oour~ ' of oon. see the oare of the ~birtY ,ohtldren " ' r~gular .trGOtloD. J'tm:*be road bed waa rangin, in age from .one year to 18 covered with brokeD Itone to ~ yean, and 188m peculiarly adapted Men. wonted Pan&a, h undreda of Pall'll of depth of 6ve or atxinchee. Then to the poeitioo they oooopy. They 00 'regular 2,00 .rn.dee,Sale price only an Imme.uteam roti~r wu '''rt. kkepenonallnMresUn ~he welfare ~eed eli over tbe roa4 and &he muae. of of 81M ohild, tbe ree~t of whiM ia One U10UADd pilrs' of 6ue ~lIor made ltone .e.... into lhape, over ol_rly manUeaUn the freedom and now,d,ay pantaln 80e ootID, WO.,ated8 and,caeaimerea' and over tbe ~, the roller bappy ooDptenaD06ll of ~heir little valuee_nge np to uo, and ,In an'lnoredlblY 1III0r' time the obargee. , " ': _ " any Bale prlOOll tor oholce ,9 • muaea, of jqpcl l&one, ha(l been ~very ,4etall of ia~"ary la~98 and . ----'-'-"'"---- -. - -- - - - - " - - - - - - - _ _ _____ _ --:___,_,_---,__---''--_______~,-----_ _ _ _ _..::.:..._. Pllbllalle4 W. ."l, al Wa,l1enll1e, 01110
-~ .
Tremendous PUl' . Sale of
~{ells Boys and Childrens 'clothing' and furnishings, starts Satnrday morning June 2nd., of dollars worth ot goods ' 'h onest have been purchased way unde." value for this record breaki ng, sale.
' 19c
pair of Mens Fine Trousers .
An Opportunity Not to be Overlooked
'GREAT SALE Mens tailor made , ' 79c of PANTS pants at 7 5 worth up of ',all and 3.00 these consist of ' fine k· d th 11 ' ,0 s pan . ,a are ,we cassimers in ' the 95c made and worth , double make or peg top. ' the price, in some cases 1 k th don't . over ese 81.35 ' Value ranges up to 3,. 00 , though you ,don,' t for this sale only 1.95. I ' , oraabed thein in a supp Y roact ' h 02 50 ow. \ OODverSed In~ a aiaooth 'roadway. physical comfort la olosely gnarded ' BoTe' waletl at: Il1f 'wortb 26, and L t N I At 13.95 'worth up to 15 dov.fIn boyli' GO" .hlN In plain Theo Ule I'OIId .... ' covered with by the Board. ~perintendeu~ madeDf 100d Ferciale, MaddrM8 , O. O. • 'White or f~noy , Obolce .only, It(ID8dllltand*his . .a thor01llhl, IUldMatroD, a~Hhebulldinpand OhevlokdnbloueaarbuUon. 87.50. 175 Men's 2-piece suits~ coat ..tora" with water "nd the ,road groonde kept In the beet of repatr . - - - - - - - - - - - - - waa oompleted, " and ' atttaotive appearance" The Boya' BOH aUO, worth· 15" ohtl· ' aod pants; reg~lar .value 86 00 I:\i:id 10 dozen waab .ulte made of 1 ' to &i , farm and Rardena, ndet their per. ~1'8na fa,t bl!,ok rib~ hOlle, regno .7 50 S 1 ' . h·1 th 1 t 13 95 Cambrlo IlDd Cheviots, tUlO val, oDeno::::~D :.,::;:,. ':: ,'::'::t 80Dai .upetviaIO~, lI.uoe In 'bun, value llif · •• • . a e prIce W I e . ey ' as, . , ne far 48 on the ned'eaid ~he ftnt ooat wi. da,n ce of lubetantlal vegeyblea ~d Boy.' wllah 'lultllln Ii<IlUorbloua, Lot No.2. At;". 75 worth u· p 0 h_vt· he'· did not ' bave ~he .0hQlce fr~ltI, whllet~e dairy 1Ul~ 2X' to 8, worth, 60, 25"c: , _ 'II Work8hirtl ~t 37';,,~ ftgn...., 'bot tn 'hidoigr ron _tacb a ~uaryy!,rd areamplefortheDeeda : 12.00. , 125 , M , bos .and , j Boye Suits , in 1i0"Men500 dozeD men'a work Ihln. road wu ehe M_~ tha' eould be ,of 'he ,inltlt.utlon'. , ,: :' double froD' arid ~t, Itron,ly bUilt. The road' .. tro:od io all kinde The tao, ~a' WaynBftville is well SuapBpden '.t 1/ijt;;;:..worth 2Go, fanpy CRssimers and worstedH and black I18wed, full lengtb and 11181. The of w,..tller .t aiJ tim811 of the ye.r repre~teil at the Bome adds great. dozen men 'a fiJi" sUlipenden, '·R I I d 2 37 it coati praotlDaIly nothln, to keeP Iy to ita lOOI\!interelll: 8ealdee IIr. el""lo webbing, wortb 260, thibbets. eg~ sr va ,ue lOan 1.00 beIIt 50, value a~, it in repair and the ~ ell.durel Ca"wrIKh~, wJlo I. a m,ember of tbe ' lac Sale price o'oly '7,.75. for pneratloDl, Board of l'roateee, 14~11 Nina An· • __~_ _ _ __ _ __ _~ , Men'lI Underwear ., ' Sli~ wa,aa ne Gasette bellevee thati ' ~b1a ~ram la ,doing valuable servibe a. 26 dQI8D mllQ'a 11.00 and 11.26 " L" N' ,. A ~ 6 5' 500, 20Q dOL )len'l : BalbrilPD me~of roadooDlllt~lon would a ....tan'm.tro,p and houeeteeper; ••h1pta alhihtlYmOe8ecl; these are ' ' , ot, 0.3.. t 9 ,50,. wort to 1 • 0 UnderWIl&r;, .Iao plalli ',~blui!l or be bCllh praottcal all4~1Q.1oa1 Ill' Ill.., Rb_ ,Roge~ ~... tau,bt tbe best atandard mllke: Whtle 225 M ' ' " d Y' ' ,.. '" S "~t' ' , fanc, ·"Uk, mixed; 'beI!t , GOl'value Wayne tawDshlpan4~e :h~pe ,t be ' ~9m8l0Jloolthe pI,.t ' y.,.r~d h~ " , ens an ou~g lJ.1,eos , ".UI. s ,'cO'n'f or only 3 time Ie near wbe~ it wi). be ' adapt. been tbatoapaoity lae~, " 59c " . e4 ~.. ''h " , " t h e,ohlld reD,., ' . _---:-:-:--..:......,..~...,.,..----:--- sisting ',of the la,test gray ', Iilix'tu',re,' , ".plain' _.. _ th I i f· for nezt year; among - . lUll' r...... e p an • wor. y 0 b h ' ld " f N ' 1'.2 . \ " . , oarefalltudv. little Am r~, , ~ 0 er lon , 0 0.4. , At , ~O ', ,'up to urg'es. and",-, fancy' cassim, ere, s. ', ,Vat" ue ,.'250flnZl'n:1II1lD'~ Men funay Drn118hir"a''''7~ , t.'harln ~UmvaD; il one who enjoya a~lndreda of 6ue hand taU. . , faDDy dl'8ll ,ahlrtl Bmoklnlina~owller""ga.lne tlie care 1Uld . pra~ioD of " that 8~ltelnbl&Otthtbbe~,worttede rang' t-s 12.50, 15.00 tlnd 16~50.Sale thAbt."t, 76, Iblrt on 'he market. Ja oow~ipg death ' more andd!lnly Borne, And onl;! of ', the _vlIIltors .llllrg6ll aDd flD~ ~linll"8l lVarth ', Full ,1I1'ze and , beat • ,sale ~uidDcnoC mdl~rdllnrelYF'ho1an ~egKleold"'" ~uraday wae~IUle AI'$,~ur-~t1Upe, :..oJ l~rlOO aDd 20,00. Q12 50' ,price .9,.50. ' , , " prloe, for only '4 7 ey ..... en. ey • , ney 'he elz year old SOn of ~ ' Pbllllpe, .,..!e poe ; 'lI' "
',io.I • •
·S ,
Cure will oure a aUJfht dleorder ID "few daYI and itl, ODDtiliueduae wlll oure ,he moeC obitinaM call8ll, 1$ baaODred many people of Bnlh~'a dlseaeti and diabetes who were though~ to be Inourable, It you have, kidney or bladder trouble, oom, mence taking FoleY'1 Kidney Qure Coday, before It .. too late. , F. C, 8obwartrt. - -- --
_' , ' . ., who w~ a ward vf tb~ ~ty un· der the lIupennt8ndency' of Mr, and Mra. Batee, who, upoQ ,heir retire· ment ,'from th.'po,ltlon a few montba ago took tfie , haildllome ' , ,. ' , ltttle fellow' lnto their ,ht'arte aDd home and givlo', him lovlog care as if theii own ohild, Before leavlog the City of Cedars , At least o~e thousan!J ,aoltl bouiht ," t a , ~r8a' laCl'i~' yoli A Visit to two of,our tbe Wayne.vllle party dr,ove th.-o' . note' the ' . ",50 can get th,e benefit of our purohue if, you ~111 priOO8 County Instlt,u tlons. the beautiful 'cemetery, abd v'ewed Chlldrena bo'vel I.uita slzea froui 3 to 17 valnn range , np' to 300, To drive Iwlftly aDd oomfortably with ,admiration' the velv~ty greeD Materiala are plain blue aDd black ohevlotl aleo fanoy tWeeda ,a nd over amooth coun*11 roada, to in. award and, carefully kept 'gravea of ca8llmirea. While they Iaa~ your MOI~, at ~ bale .the fralfrllnt a&moephere of a thoee who have paued away In that brlSht sprtnK morning, &0 behold "vicinity, Beret. another lot bethlr and hlgger bargalnll!,beoaWle ~ter .nd admire the fertile ,Belill and ' It III" lameD table fact ,hac com· la18 are better, th8114~ ohilde auita , in value from 3,50 to . :60 . ,rlob pa8turage of &he tbrif&y fa~~r, parathely . few per80Da'~ U,iDg In ' ,' , YOIl can buy thenut WM the privilege of ,,"GazeUe rep· 'Warren oounty ' an,iDtelligent r.enatlve lut Thundaj, wbo, In ideaoUhebighatandard,malntatned eom))lUly wUh Mr.• Dd II~ •. B, Lev by ,these IDetUuttona , within our Canwrlgbt IUld lin, .J. O. (Jart.' borden for the protectlon,and main· wright, drove to LebaDon aDd apen, teoaDOI .of thOH ' wbo tb.-ough mla· a dal' full' of lnterea and ~6" ' f3111me are unable CO provide for The party wu' "rlt pVeD a oor. 'themaelvell, aDd before , wdging cUa1 welcome a' the doOr of abe them ~wiaely, we would ,'au iJr6llt Iiaarmary by Ule 8Uper1n to-all 8uoh to viait &b. . Bomel ~Dd HDcIeD', Mr. A. D. 8mUh, wbo baa InveatllaM, thereby lnformlnlf/ baeD &he emoteot head of &hat bultl- *li8lDlelv.. of the Irand work Ula& wUon for elueD yean. Mr. 8mi~h II aQOOmpllahed DDOIlentao,o.tIIIly by Iaaa pro'feD bllDl8If worth, the ODD ~he JOOd people of the "_~ ~I~IIIII!_~ ~
A Great ' PiJ. r ,cllase,,',sa.}e
ot. Children's . Clothing S1. 95 .
" , , '. , ' Childrenll Sulta at ;i.1I6 worth, ,up to G.60. ~II lDOlD4. 'o ar wear ~oof ~rantl mad~ :,wl~h, doubI8I1Bat and knee 101,10 blue .erge. , It:~ro:l~ wool n!?t .agjt in the lot worth 1688 thaD G;50 ', ':3~.9'''~ t! U
" Q.HIO,
__" ______ ___ •
20 22 East Third Street.'
___" ______
Havayouths ' Rigbt Time? :_.
Lytle Hig" School M. E.-Church services . \';ommencement. for Si;tnday June 10.
,~ , oo '" 1Mr . , . . • • , In IIdvDnce 'Uft • year " ir not pnld In Gd.vanCle
fUll ERA l' 01 R'£C TO'H. T.I.,. •• 01, ir 111'1. UCII 1 ' "
lIll. 01111111. :1•• ·69-3• ..' . ,WAYIIESVIUE, ,·OHIO Irl••• OHIII••' ~
"IM-,b"" .
til 't ·17
!oil. Curle Grothe vleited reI,,· ilv_ln Dayton &lld Celina B'!..nday, Pure Paris Ureen, 401 single lb, 35, inlilb P.okalel a~ J, E. Janney . Ill'. I.od Mrs. Lee Shutla wbo have llved for.a time on Mr. G, T, O'NeaU'afarm, bave moved ba9lt to Dayton; . Ba""U'. palnu are made in •• ,oolon, of pure lead r.nd oil and ,aanntee4 to cOver 300 sq. U. UfO - oOite~l&jlUldIl. 8MZell for pl'loee lin. ~ "at, baby aDd dauab " . ., 'I1IelIiIA&, of Wllmlqtop, al'e ~UDir'" the bome of ber mo\her, MH . .IdaS~. . !lin. Frank Taylo,. lof <mfton, CiD01DDaSi. oamB_up . Su.nday ,a fter. noon. for a brief vlalt with her mother, Krli. Edltli ~ftrri8. Master l;>ao1 BalnBS Is at home after a very pleasant vllll~ of alill08t 'wo w~u wUb hl,e unole. M.r. Fr!lnk Tbompeou, of ,Kingmll,n. Jamee Stoops ba8 ordered'iln a uoomobile wblob win be delivered bere 1OOD.1l1', Stoope'wlll be the'1I6ventb automobile owned by penonB in ,)aa nel,hborbood, Ill'. L. K. Henderaon 'wbo bolda a p1"onln ,~, PeDalon Depart~ · ment a' Wublngton Is spending a two weeka VJ'O&tion with his bo~e folka here " . . • '. Kr . . W: J. Hherwood wbo baa been ooD5ed lUI home Ule put two mOD~ by I'heuma'lam is 1mproyiD, .Iowl,. . Mr , O W .' RinlOr, who'isinobarge of the iVanay Telephone esohanjfe bftre vieiYd,at bla bOllleDellI' I'nnkfori, OhIo,' from Sa'nrdaY''' untn Monday. I ., ,; .. Itr. Harly Sberw'o()(t' W/UI -at home over BuDday. llr. 8kerwOOd Is trnvellbll'lOl' ebe "CUe' Thresblng Ilaobiiut ~~b1lJ. and tff. oentlriold to the -oorporation df .&OD, 'he fln'~ I'Qld roller eve, aold to aDJ oorporasion in Obio, Ail the Al'II8nioUi Acid la ohem (). ' aU,. combined wUh oopper ,n oar ~ J &. ..Iuuae;v• •• The family of (Mr. Samuel lIere· d1\h. of~' \fayne, '- IP'eatly .• f ;, feoYd b7 · mn~~ hia .little '",enty mootba old WlnPter hal been ,a,fraRile U~ o....~ aU 1'!i·tUe. ana of late b...· U&en enD 'more ' delioate tbaD ....~, hope ba"'''( ,~A ".!R'ed Qaat Ille 09 .v er ' ~~ive ' t1l, aD4 lIN. Mere. dllla whOle ... ~ f . _ ohll:l Iau taner dar , Qr it, lI01I'~woet ~fro an ~ ~ E!..
PURtH11---SALE ---~------:;..-~--~--'--~~~~-.--:--~-----:---
A well and fa~orably . known mercha~t ---THE'--of Br091dyn, N. Y.,· and to set.tIc his tlstate qnickly, his executors deCld~d to sell his stock of merchandise by pn va:te sale· it consists ot 834,000 ~orth' of Clothin'g Co.. Clothing Co. Me~'s 'and Boys' Clothing ' Hats, . Pants 20 and 22E. 3rdSt • I 20 and 22E. 3rd St \ . and "tul~nishiDg8. A,ter , so~e (lic~er. Men;s B 0. n d . ~ e r· .Boys' . tiO ·oont Dretil! ' . in 6t.. , we ucccedc(t in buying, the' complete ' stoe~ aft 4tc on Inyolce Price, oh iels, flillOY bOrtler. belUstltohed, - f u I 1 t • h' h mean --'" ' " Sbfrtll, t)~le Prloe-':' W IC al ~E5, 0 value, tor30. .- TRE-
WORTH, or'flN~
, j)
Boy.' Waists in blouse' or buttons, made chevipts. macIras or pereale, 25c and ~c ~nidea. 'S.le ' Price-
Hundred Dozen
., ,
and ~ W 0 ve'been ID e·l\A· It or,raIDlln .,,~r."lD ~ mnt .
quaUty. Sale
noe~laln ellbrqr pu.e""~nr"" ...'1
$1.50 and $2 l~ants ,,95e ' •
GOod Strong:' Well uIllde . Pula. in .:: ClIlI8imel'ell ',nd WontedB, ' worth \ . tip to '2.00, for-
1,000 Pair ' of Overalls, some bibs, ' sOme without;, the heavy fiOc trrade. Sale price-
IFiue Ort·tiII Trousers. In PI'j(·tul) Qr . \GonserVlltive . stylell, ' worth nJ) to .
"OO'fi2~95 ,j,
. One hundred Umbrellas, ' paragon' frame. hom handles,.the rea-:----=::.,--+ulaJL-76e~ Sale ' Price while they lut-
· the8 ,, ~ JeIlJ .......'for tbmifn_p.pbUe , pla(leII ·pf 'hla 'klD4, U II JW'Ol*'6fe t1le~' offenlllave. . . ...u.eI ...liOw "..Mit Shq ~' be~ from) tbe . pnblid blab. .y. aDd II ~~ ~() ~ ~ ~..JI8A aD?~r spot ~l.1i!~l~mf~ ,,
\ '$3.50 and $5 Pants, $2.,~5
Some G~"~d Patterns lil tbls 10~. . pleDty to. ob9Q88 from, worth S3,00, fot"- .
90e ,
$2.50 !lnd $3 Pants $1.95 , ~
- I '
reea s1tirtB, all new . .byles and best pat-
· 5c
All kinds all styles all prices· f~om the E~el'yday Working .Punts to ~ .Qel~ine . b~ess Trou~e'rs . . We 'bunch . them all at Tbre'e Small Prices.
69, j
" 8',c '
.~ " 2000·
. Pric~(onlyc...U ~' ''''''~.
Men't:! Work Shirts; full slv.8, the best GO known . in~Dayton. oonts , gl'l\d.e. \ t:lale • Price·
Men's Seamle~s Half Hose in blac.k and tan Ten cent ' quality ~ S:tle Price. . . .
sizes, some slightly l>oiJed & price range up to . 93 ;00 . . Choi('e for' this sale . . 19 ~
Men'a Black \!~nt Belts, all sizes: Sale
,2<Y'o Fancy Vests, all
Coll~rs, ':n~)t ~ll's~yles and sizes, ~llt .if X'o ut eize is lIer.e:· tyO'u co;ri buy it 'for t
. " 190'
. ,',
.,M~n 's .Lin~n
C,~lt ' ~U&:
'an~ we :.,lkce, 8ame· .on, Sale" at priGes th~t WIll, mak~ . the bIggest event ever
;::b~' Sal~lI Pri~~ .150
. : :',
. 15c.
~ .
to.. : 1 ; "; ,
" ' 3 " 000 :~.,~ :;~, ,~, &,,'
iUal.... lilfTroaand
......,........ ..... au'Pare " Part. Green wi'l,l no. ~
oI"rree" aneale,
1'01' eale by J. E
.JUlD87, \
. TIIIa Qnqe'beld aD open _ton ' after the" bulD...·!peeitug Balul'·
~. "beD, 'h8 members .of,
~ number of . friends , Boz,. SootaJ. FUty. $hne
a Damber a~ &'OOl'l'8llpODdlng nam-
bel' . . . pl~ ill _ "fiabpond '.' from which ibe p,n&lemen filhed w~at Dambel' tbey oould and eacb one a&8 81lppel' willa \he ~y tbe number of........ box·oonwponded. · . ~ .o.I~t,
Lot No'. 3.. .;
JU tbil lot you
,,1'. ......
Hannah B. JaDno,,' J. , C. Hawke" 14,1:. ~d 1J.n,.A. ~. '8Niiii ~i.• anillln. Weel., S. Bain_, 1 I;Jelllid4l1Bc!1len and' perhape othen
Is made up bf ;j20 MeDs BultA. aDy, one of w].loh Is notu· ally wQrth double what we 811k . Tbetlf' we can sllow , you I~ all the 'v ery .Ia~t ahadlls and atriM,) i' OIl (,lItn 't . .gQ eJaewllern and dress yonr(lelf nlofe IIt.yl , Ishii ,,? ,tl,t .t15 Our·prlce on ·t.helle during thl" great "Pnrollaae &Ie" iii only......... .,
$6 90
' - , . wl\1 '~ shown Suit" eqtlal to the ones for "
t,' l
Dt.Bulu wl\J' IDtereB~ !lOY mllD ~who ill Ulinking of Roi~g to blR ttlilor for a '~Ii or $30 a:;uit, '"' tbllv tlTIl 't be equal in e ei:y Tlla~ot, tft Rnd ' worktlll.DSbIJ) rheln!l ... ,ed;' IItr,l ·, ba~d. IDIt4A, and dll!d~ed 'by one ot tho t wOl'ld's iireatest desljrnera. In ·t.hill, lot vna will find" 11 , t1ie ,~~,I:()J'i,,~lA GrIlY"; Blnell. Bl~nlc I\rlll tl\nqy ¥ix,t.llrM . inelndlng ~be liupst o( k.. r~'·8jlllld Thl! etlll , io l the IIlt.e ·i(' l,ODg~qnt8, FiJbgle and lItiu'bl'" Vl1t1tjl No hotter Sul l;" mn,de "' anyprieo . ure ,C\imll PI'i OliO 1 • , vJ~ t1;iat' . they . thll nncl <'SwAlIl'lit" t:lqlttl you ,,?or~ •. eVAr olT.mld ri,t.· "v,en' ' . U9nbl&r~~e prioo, CbpfcQ , for'thl" III\le: " , ." ".
"S'12' 90'
~V8 ,be opport1lDl~. ~ m-~i
larp Dquabel' of ..IaU.... iuI ·that t. a ,.UoDI bold bf 'he li:ii,le fudily. '
$8' 90
!lave noelftd IDviiatiODI\' &0 ·.Uetul' 'he Fourtb IADD"'I B8uphlQ of t1JIAI1.~~ Dozen Pure Linen Engle famUy ._t" Winobester, ~dl· ~, J,,~ 1'7&)1. I • .i. 'poI8i~ . tbat hit e Hemstitched MIlle of 'heti8 'avored on08~7 ~t. HandJterchiefil, . 2 6 e tend, and '!lll wiah.tll.' .• _hey ~1fI' and,35c gradeS. Sale do 10, . . iD &bat w.y .'liey wobJd Price .
.1 ..... 'to'
whioh .others have been BalduS' you Slll.liO,td S18: You )"'lUll', 'bow can ltbls be 'JX>.88lble P" 'haf- "'The Eagle CaIJ seH 1Jr8t'cJ.~goiOdl 110. ~nob : ~he8per. 'h~ 1h.* · oompedtorlil. .• \'Ve re,ply to thiB by DIlllingyo1ir attentlo~ , to() the mllnner .i n wboloh thls lot of ~oods walt p11l'ohaiecf ,We 'pU~(lha8e'd these 'at eo ~'Barlrain', and are gOing ·to f alve OUl' oustomera '·the benefit of it, So come 8Dd".aeleo,t l YO'I1I1 ' oboloo of tbls tlit ' .. . at ll1~ ridioulous 10'" price of ..... ; .. .:....... '.
III', aDdM:m: N ,B. AnI1l0a7~~.
S5 00
ue U to tliJ.:.~lul.,e:,.. ~ oeD" ...... tlip via> u. L. & O. - , .
, ..liell for At! much 811' 111010 alid 11.2 Amo~g t~8119 y~;1U will flpd all slzell: Pl1t nClt alt'elzllR 'of eaob pat&8rn. " '. Come aud look tbem over:, POll8lblr your atze II one' of .~b. very patterns 'You (aucy mOlJt ' If 80, If. ~ youTIl for lea than COllt to man. . '. facture. On'ly ......... ......... ......... .
'Fi'ne 'Dress tShirta , full standard donar shlrtB. slightly mussed. Sale Price
Ja4IeI brought ' boxel DOn"'in~nl lllDOb' fUr tWd. MOb box wall given
,qoDSl8ts of lBlI Men lEI suUs,· Broken 'Iottl. or In ~tbeJ: words l "Odds "pd El~!lS It Borne of tbll8E1 ",ere made to
'b, oi1Iu .nd enJO)'ed a
.. ,.
Deadloc:k. Continues ' fn Township ~__rd. ~t
~ ToWlll'hip School . II~ . ev~ and
Board met
appoiDted .. t.Mehen iii the lchooJs' where eifB existed. as fol\o",s:
: ,Hisey tlitItlict, Mise' Man-: Fo1ey'j of Harveysburg. , ... COl\eae'HUl: Mi;ss HeJim McClure., ,Harmony GrQve, of, Mr. ~aJl, of
. Leban°li_
The ileadlock in the Board over the appointment of a liucc~r to J'ranlt ~l»on whQ a:esl&'lled recently• .ulf~ntiftuM. Two m~be~ wre
' lifted up OD , each Bide. .: The State School Comm~ion~r _ give it .. hill opinion that the . YlllSDCJ '~
not n~rily have to
be filled until the next election, and J
the four members In the Board canl
traDIaict b~ ~ UBUaI.
20 22 East Third ' ~.....~~.:~
/ .' (
. ..y "" An' " " rol ill )lv invlt.Ac1 to tit ---; TBREE PHYSI CIAN!" Tn li:o\TED It Does n't Cost G.'IIrl 1.1" , ph-lile 111\ c'n Ht ttlll ";llilltt. · 01111' I BIM WI1'80UT ' \ 'UE o. N&W. I:IU1T8. ~"IoIJ" I , I 11"',1 WL Nil. 5, touK.. r urOOk~ Much to lmpr~ve. It Cbrillto pher Fry V8 JlIoolell Burto,ll r. >"' " - hil', i.iJ...Jeua uolunty .. Junll \I '1Iow To '~laJl OUt. . L. aLancy.l 'uLlull iJ,Ky , WrI!(S : ---- -LIN .:Si It--- -and Luoy BurtoD . Fur mooey only lllOI) '1'1111& III to be It reunlun 'i'he pro~f potting YOIl ... prO. "1 whad 8everll (111 .. 8 of klLlI ,ey of 1111 Fill n botlleorcommongl"s~ with your L.o:water and let it .uud twenty.four hours; perty In shape oonfroot.8 you now. Ill.eue aod tbree of tbl! bet4t "h .~ al. Ilmouu t olalmed ,150 witb Interea t Ll1l&ut..",,", aoholar " anu frlend8 of uedime ntorset. Prlctio ally everyo ne In tbl. vlolnlty oian8 tn Kentqo ky tr~ted me w\l h· from Mar. ob 17. 'lIl05. Run.v ao · a~d H:ll intt 80hool Rod 81) lUake ·tSpeciaJ Low_·Fares I~ known ont (lUOOes8. I theo tlingilldicates'a.. Is doing lOme im:prov Foley'8 I II I ement anll re Kidney Cure. The firsttOllk Stanley are attornoy~ .for .fplaintif f. a8 W II -TOI. t b da unhealth , 0 y all 11,'1'18 j e. y cou· h.>tlill ~h ve t. e .y dition oflbe kid. palriDg tblB year.. ., Immed iate reilef, mll.Y and be II. UUUlvl"loil >luccaill . . Any three bOI,tles St. Paul OOURT PROCEEDINGS. neys; if it Itains Probab ly you bave been oontem . oured . me permllonenUy. I gilldly Mar ~ 7 w 'Jo-Wouc"u'ij l lu b M edlll~ ijtate of Ohio V8 a . E. DolaDey. J.I.proprlate nurnber s for the pro '1 YC?~J linen it·. is recomm end thil wonder ful rem edy. . .1 uly :!:i . ~4, ~5 1 Saunll ...·rbu nd ; eVidence of kid· plating makinl ctertaln repairB for ~pecial venire luoed. Verdlot of II rllolll wHl be Ill a dly ~cce pted , Please lIey trouble; too 80me time. JUBt Ilu*1t off"from F. (J SohwIl year rtz Rend any 8uob to the pre~ent teaoh Boston not guilty retllrne d. frequent desire to yeat'. Now tbe time hu arrived or Mias Ethel Oolver Day too 0" May :11 LV Juue O.. Medlc,,1 auu "'h'ot ~opn ~lI ilorpa~ n , In re oonveliiDp; of Grand Jury. " Cburub • of I:hrltiL !fulcnll.\. ConvOl " In the back ' I ~ wbeD It oUlllit to l;le done . It really ,1uhK· ·Stopo,·c r.a lit. NeW' York. l'lltl ,, · Report ltatee' lI8IBlon lallted one dar olso convincing proof tbat the kidDeys will not COlt all U:luoh a8 you ,IOlpbI3. antlol. Uollhnure. 'Vn.bln~LOn Obitu ary Sketc h. and bladder are out.of order. IUld aD indlptm ent was brough t In U8~e . We can " foroish you any WUt '10 De. (R6I&d at he funeral of Clark Piue, New Haven OUd 0 l"'l:", li d ullhdl' Ud.2H:h4 U,uute 000 There i, comfort in'tbe knowledge au k:lnd of lomber )'ou ueed a\ very May 211, 1906.1 of teo expreued, that Dr. Kilmer' s tI\der8l1 I t wail lIugge"tet.i . thllt ~ re/lBOn able prloel. Oomb over and Swamp-Root. the ~reat kidney remedy. \Iud cowpet eut plumbe r be Tho Ufe aod w,)rk of Mr. Clank fuUills every wi,h I.n curing.rheumati Louisville let our prices, let U8 8bow you what sm. Juno.ll . I ~ . la·· Home·Comlng Week employ ed Whttn fpur head aches, there Improv e the heating Pine wal too well knowo attlong paiD io the back, kldoeys, hver. bladder we have. or el8e telepho ne DB eltber and every part of the urinary passage. !4y@tem In the oounty jlloll . you to Dlled any lenRthy oomme nt It corrects inability to hold . water at Setb Oook's office or Arnold '. is a storm in the nervou s sysPortland, Ore. tem,. centeri ng in the brain. Bod acalding paio in passing it. or bad Botel. . June I ~ 10 ! \ .. tlotel Mell', Me"lIng Charles A. Browo. IIoS gu"rdl~o. or under. praisea a' this time. effects follOWIng use of liquor. wine or 'rI'his irritati on produc es pain lito , va Carolin e MatthewlI. Order W . B. M[ DOEN & Co .• For nearly GO yearl! he has held beer, and overcome5 that unpleasant' ne· Omaha, Denver. in the head,' and the turbule nt 11I8uerl thll,t the Ilromi8ea.1n qU,flIltlon otl10811 of pobllo trullt In this town cessity of being compelled lO go often Corwin 0l1io. July \I l e · l). Y P . . July 1\ · 14. 1) P. o . t~. nerve curren t sent to the stom, during tbe day. and lO get u~ 'many I be oon veyed to uid Carolin e Mat- Bblp. serving aa townsb ip ~,-.-ach causes nausea , vomitin g. olerk for timet during the night. The uuld Bnd Milwaukee Feel lmperld lng Doom. thewlI. Trullt la ordered termina ted over SO yean, aod aa Jllllttce tbe elttraoro :rhis is sick . headac he, and inllry effect of .s ..... ~Root of 'be i. aoon realized. It stands the hlgbest with no o)aim eHoh uvon tbe other. Peace for a long period . is danger ous. as ,freque nt and The feeUpg of Impend ing 'doom for its wooderful 'cure, or the mClllt di ... In tbe minda prolong ed attacks weaken the of. many . vlotlma of Minneapolis trelliog Stace of Obio VII Arthur ~mlt~ et Casel Ir you neet! a medicin e Hla le~al .career was war Brlltht' a dlaeltllf\ /lnd diabete s baa brain, resultin g in ' loss of AugUSI 10. ,' I . I~ ' O . A. R , al Defend ant., Arthur ~mttb. plead8 etlloleo oyand lutelrlt y. ked with you Ihould h~ve lbe best.. Sold brdrug. been ohange d to tbankfo lD8U by gist8in fifty-cent and OIIe-dollar Ilzes. II loter~ne<t ABk memor y, in8am~at'iorl; epioot guilty aod re~gnlz. "nce fixed a' the beoefit ~erived from r.aklng Fol. He lOulht to advlMe ,.od lulde you .may ha,'e a lepsy, fits, dizzine ss, etc. " ey'8 Kidney book that tells a Oure" U wiIJ core In· '500. in the legal dabs of hili olients lUI aboutit. AUay; this stormy , irritate d, botblen tfree clplent . Bright" ,1I_8e a.d dlabe· W. D. Gollbe rt Audito r of State to keep them olB8r from tl'le entan by' mail. Atldress.Dr. tee and even In tbe WONt (l888II acbing .condit ion by taking eto. The YaIIo~ Baolt. Cue d18: slemen te of llLW IIond of JiriK fttlo n Dr: Miles' Anti-P ain Pills. be ~=~.~.<;; ~~lll~ __ .. _ . _ - lI'ivee comfor t /lnlll relief. Slight dla· wined. defenll aot to pay COIn. They stop the pain by soothorder. lire oured In" few day.. "I fore lohe ooorts. writing men~ion tbi8 paper and don't had dlabetet ing, strengt hening and reliev. t In Itl worat b form." l ' d i make I Btate of Ohio VII Barry Crl~t. Jeto: any ml8take, but remember the wrltel:l 10 la long a~c varle e~per Lee, of Donrea tb, Ind. . ing the tension upon the nerves tlon tor new triai overrul ed. Defen. In drawin g legal doooment.!, ence name. Dr. Kilmer' . Swalilp-Root. and to I triedMllrion eight physici an. ' withou t -not by paralyz ing them, as willI, the addre... Biughamten. N. Y . dant Bentenced to Imprlao nment tor deeda. morcgagell eto, he relief . Only tbree· bottl811 of Foley's uaed IInoh do most headac he remedi es. Kldoey Cure made me a well man ... twenty d ..y.lo tbe oounty jail and clearnOllll of deecrlp tlon,an AND IJEAI.ER IN Dr. Miles' Anti-P ain Pills do ri oorreot Comm ission ers' F. C. 8obwar tz. to pay tbe OOlitS of prOliooutloD. not contain opium, morphi ne, .nee8 of verbal expr88~lon a • . would Proce edings. chloral ,cocain e or similar drugs. State of Oblo VB Arthur t!mltb lit make suob , docume nts and tltle~ "Sick bea4aob . la heRelI", at Verdlo t of not luUty rendefi ld. olear and unqulllltiona~le. m, A~L tamllT. My father ...lIered ",a In~eal Lennie Wbltaore,lum~r ... 1 56 60 MUWI , deal ancl tor man, yea.. I have h&cl . Hla lepl manu80 rlpt! were writ· Jame& V. Hawkln Bon, Inm .· PROBAT E OOURT, .peIl. Teleph that one Went in hla bonae wbere he .0 ·.evera tbat I ..... . unable to .ttend to my 29 bu.ln8lla .ffal.. can 'be mlled a~ ap teD In a neat, uolform hand with a ber ......... ......... ......... . tor .. II. day or . 0 at a time. .. . ... boU1'8. day or . .1 8 Durin.. a Katate of Walter G. Binder ot at oondeoll&tloo and preolilion very ""ve,.. attuck of h ...daeb". I took whlob. 8. K. Ste,hen aou. lumber ... nigbt.· 86 . , Dr. Mil .. ' Antl-Pal minor •. Invento ry filed. n Pill. and ·tbe,. was unuaua l with suoh paperB. A Oregon ia Bridge Co. con· l'elleve4 almo.t Immediately. Blnc. Ooaob88 and ohaita supplie d, · Eatate of Davitt Furnal . decease d. larle then 1 tak. t" em .. hfOJl I feel the lpeD num~r of tbe willa and of colDln. e>n and It IIO~. It al once.' ~raot No. Have r~tl';' moved w room 1: .. .......... ..... : ... 213 U Proof of pubUoa tlon of notice of ap. TIME CARD lORN 1. JlcER I.AlN, deeda for real 8II'lIot~. In thia town · Orelon la Bridie Co. COD Fr... B. B. Bnl'. Co •• 80utll Bend. Incl. ned to Cr088 Bros. EFI"~:O'I'I"E APRIL 16. ILon. pointm ent of ~1eontor filed . ship were written by him, N.o . ooe traotN o. 2 ........... .......... D •• ,..111.' Alltl·Pal n Pili. laid _" BT••ItT. WAYIII: 8VlL.... O. . 238 71 SL"tlon" NORTHIIOUND your drulllllltk whO will D111~ante Eetaio of BaDoab Prlotz. deoeu· WU more familia r with the IllY of thl tlrot pac eo. wIll 1IlnlnC. e Ifthat .. " No• • - No. GO No. "o No. 'O It C. C. Cleaver , ooot~ot No 14 · 16 2G hili h. will return you. monlY. . ed. Proof of publlos.t1on of no&lce ot farm. and witb 21 dO ..I, 25 clnt.. N ... I' .old In bulte. bounda ry I1n6ll. C. C, Cleaver . contrac t N.o 26 20 50 Lebanoo Jc A . M . ·A . III . P. M. 1'. 104., Asthma Suffere rl Sbould KDOW Ar.; 80 10 2" I ao 'Ii ~6 lcfUea Mecliw Co., Elkhar appoin tment of admlnl .trator filed. Ulan be. t, 1ncl r O. C. Oleaver, bridle repaln 20 76 Sbaker Cr. , Tbls. 7 ~7 10 2~ I!T ' 6 2,2 In re will Jobn D. a.rner , deoeai. Mental ly he W.S · oharact erized MoCune & Doater. lum1:ier. 112 Foley'a Booey and Tar bu oured 27 Roaylo I 7 =~ 11 10 17 I 1 ~ I ~ 17 ed. Appl1oa'loo 8et for hearing lIay 'With oleam. ,.. of thoqht , qulokD818 Cl!llrlss Stlbbll .contno t No. 13 139 tt1any 0a888 of utb~ that were 000· For Sale by F. C. Schwar tz. Hi HempillUd 7 IV lU lfo I 111 6 15 niallt" of J, J.? Taylor. two bridlill . "I. at 10 o'clock , a. m. of d80ialOD , .. .·nd lm.... stdered bopel~ Mra. Adolp~ Buee· Ce olervlll ~ Unkoow 7 I~ n 1U Friendl 07 I 11 l. ..Ii 01 .I 0 ....nor lUll. 701 Weet'!: hlrd St., Da)enp ort, t 7 on -10 01 10 re ee&ate· of Buahro d SIDgleton. j~dpment . In tbe many pet~1'. and U 06 t t, 01 1I110S ........... ... ..... .... ..... :. .. . II 0 I.ylle There are w':uy people wbo hne 7 Ul g r.u 1 01 4 61\ 1I1ed ChaDib .... wri~ .1 ~'A Bevere C!!:J-' oon· HearlnS w revoke le"er8 of guar· dimool t queetlo na of dlffereDOe be· C, £I Bender llon, contrllc t , erlaln 'a Collo, Oho)era 10 Ed~ewoOO traoted twelve ', ean 810 W~8 neg· tII"8 til 5:1 :12 r.8 , . 63 tween peopie wbo .oo,b& bls advlOi ~Dd Dlarrbo dlanahl p ..t for May 21i. ea Rcimedy w,lloh splen leollld until it tinally grtI., No . 15 ........... ........... ........ 2lG 00 ~~n.llbl~ til 6( 41 HI at ,4 4" did reaultt!, but wbo are Dnknow into he wai able to.o /ldjuat tb6118 dlf. V. J . Zentn;leyer. bridge n IUItbma. The best medioa i Iklll reKILChner · ...... for ."lem ent i Sarah 8. le.- ..... as .~ ma~u 'b""t few ,ij;;2 til 47 :at 'iii" . 47 beoaQlle tbey have h8llitate d about eoemle n s .paIrs, Deerfield towDllhip.. 18 25 Oodd. v"llable oould no' live me. more Van H orne, be ...... ,,-.... ._....... 6 ~u 19 40 .... "v" t2 50· , 45 clving a 'te8t1monial of tbelr exper· tban neuu....,., ...... v - .d ."d Leland tempor ary relief. Foley'. Hon. it U til <18 ' re ...... 08 be. Jaoob Sh08ma bridge "'_-1 " IS U "a& lence for pubUoa . t Wllb II ._- et .., ... ...... -lly to r-tu tloo. ~",. Theee .people, I e1 and Tar waa reoemm ended and .......ClOO'IID • 6 10 Lebanon-Lv. 8 35 g 3u l!.l 35 t l!,4l howeve r, arA Done ur or...... .... tween nellthbora. Hi\! 1m patr tl 1101\ t '1 repa th~ r......... 1888 friends .......... ........... (IDe fifty cent bottle eo'lrel~ oored 0 H" 0 01< It TO" X TO HAO of thil miDon , aeooDd accoun t i Ge9. G. .nd aim toward jua~loe. remedy . They have donll meot were . 'be 1:1. D. Hinkle. deputy .urvey · , utbma 1"1081 , deoeel8 d fint .oooua '; had been Iffow· \I 00 2 00 II '00 muob ml loowar!1 h malting t I -108 f It a bou_ illlr 00 me for twhioh or, bridge work... . ........ . n...-e1' n..... ...b d..... . 36.00 ' Daylon ..elve yean, and if I _.l moat pro ~o T n~nt 0 ~ 0 X .. 'I' rac er II. ....... - - ........ 0 hold word. , 808....... aeoo.... II Pi ' by their ' perBOna l recOm. lI& If b did 8 . D. Hinkle. deputy lurvey · taken It at tbe . Itad I would & 00 and final aoooun&; Anua M. &uaae r ' r . ne.... pereona y'i 800 mew tiona to frtenda and neigh. bad bave lJeen laved yeare of Buffering . bt or, recordl hl road .plata... .. i2 00 A ______ ... fi Ba h Ii not thin .. a peraon wu ntbeeg bors. It 18 /l good ri medioln e to have s.pUTBIiOUND. F. O. 80JuNAaurt~ .....-.- ., ~ aoooon t i .Z~______ Ip re- he would f.r aukly tell him 80 and J . W. Du n l1am. de maIM f A. M. A.M. P. M. p, M. In the home and Is widely known or haney, minor; firat accoun t; AD1 d II for ItS . t corea d f of d diarrho I' th ea and all roadwa y ........... ..... ......... . 1Ii 00 Le.n doon e 0 e en He> 2' No.' t'lo 0' No a. De drew Baird deoeue cl, .V8lltb .0- wou 10rma of bowel trooble . For lillIe by wro ll8. Wltb him it WSB belwr to B. ~iolnkuld,, damage e Oayion : C H A 0 G 60 F. C. Sch_r for tz. CU1lDt; lIary 1.. and aarrie t Nixon . Da,loo , 0 I< X T'I t,)O Ie. 00 ~ 00 6 UO t I I tb rlladwa y ........... ........... ... . minora fint .nd final aoooun t; Bel. 10118 in tbHe rll b t' t ba 7 40. 10 311 f nQ 0 ~ n D , e W. Unglee by & Bon, Gling 50 00 Lebaooll Jr!. :: 36 0 ward Bouth. d 80MSed • ...urllt . an d ... ua Oro"III,7 U 10 '17 u·\ W1'Onlt· d eh W&8 :t 81 (; . . . .~----~------~---- ---' 78 ()ku Sbaker f..... paren, cabinet for Aodl wr...... ..... ----::---------. D__ Ro.I,D B II d ' ''--1 ... 67 *'0. 42 U 41 "11 49 S&I8 aa t e on ...men_ pri noIp I88 uaI accoun t; AOUve W 0 al\ . UUlI J in.i ........ A. tilled I hi HelDPlloe Jobo ad . 1 60 onea, 10 66 pa • : ng 46 6 of lill tbe " ...en... were loe n m . aoooua t. f 1\ 50 Oeo~.,.l1Ie I hlldboo d b 7 58 10 53 a devout II 61 Ii 68 1100r of jail realden08 ...... ORN~R . rom ear 7 0 ManoT Y MARRIA O& LI ENSI:8. "8 o.t " 1069 Weeter "2111 - e! Ot n~tar blanb for Pro motber and altboog h be levered L1Lle ' 8 09 II 04 • 02 • oe • .Alex JODee, Dayto~, and Martha be bl bate .Judlte ........... .......... .. 2j 00 Ed,ewoo 4 U U " II 07 hi. blrtb right mem n p WI' th Americ ,. 05 'U2 an Surety do. balance , J. Dearth , Frankli n. Venable 'hem ., the time 01 hla marriag e, ye. 18 10 ' U 11 U 01 · IS 10 . ' 18 18 til 13 .3 11 .e 18 Baahro d 8ill81eton "nd Mrs Mary be an hi. llf& held w many of tbe . old aocouo t .. .... . . . • ........... 10 80 Kltobll~r Staple and Fanoy GrOO8riee, I'rulta Dod4M "'6 11 Iii 3 ltl ',a 21 prloiple e of tbe J'riend i and to tbeD. J.mel Follen. Sr., IIIIlary ADn SlOne botb of Harvey sburg. A8 Lelaa<\ 18 ::1 III 24 ID 22" 30. bat hUb hi b lnt Vegeta blea aod Cauned·,..Gooda. j/loltor .. ........... .. ........... . 50 00 LebanoD Arrln 8 at; 1180 teaoblo jt8of t II 90 0 . , . , w o . R Barsbb erger II&I.ry IIoB IltiL aTATIl TBAller&u. Dally eJcep' Bu04." culoate . e : slmpUo 8cop on Ity, II,nal. kindD88 Cigan and Tobaooo. 8. '~'h .a_Iaa_n" jantt~r............ ... 35 0 Albe.., Bobnell to John d - • ell.DAT TIIA'.S. . fulne&l, an peace A. Stllwel) , part paymen t n e8 aorea In Salem to..n.hlp i ,,70 . Be wu born In Warren Co . Oblo, 8 .feee TTalna pa,.. Lytle all follo.l : for Aogult settlem ent 150 00 · LJdla Sattert hwaite to Wllllam a UtUe north of 8prlDlb Norlb 00lln4 1 61'10 at. 6 up. m. Phone 79. oro. Dec. La~yer Cooper "Uve PUb. C. M. BROWN, Proprietor. SoutbOODDd Ba&&.enhwaUe; traot In Wayne 21 1831 and wonld have heeo II 0••. at. 7 OBp. ID. 75 ylM. . C y_ ' Be rt V I townab lP. 11. ' old Dext· Decem ber Ihad he 11vII.\1, ' . 0, .-wyor e , PO .Oelleral Pall8el1lre'W. E . MOOM, 0 5' 00 A.1nett a B ..nd Cbarl~ H .ClemeDte Hla ~e0eas8 oame Sund8Y. " lr Alen', Lebanon. O. May ~'1. 69.. .......... .......... .......... .. .. . . M. .~ ..... -rlee Brown '. nult olaim to 31 11106 ••" the a·1nl 01 W. Earhar. t, expenlle ll 74 yn. limo. 4dllo. l' J\eJlef Uoromltteoo acrea In Wa1n~, k)wnablp; '11100. He wu broultb t by hili parelltli . t il Soldierl . •"'-.Cuu nt.. when betwee n j amI i, 1 year ..... ............ ........... ...... 110 00 L. W. W"ham and wife to JOtI8ph ...... J h f 11 ID ••be for ov iJa wUl ....,~Cu .,.~ ttl Ii 0 Trust68 ! Turtloo reek to.wn · PLUB .~.oo _I.~~e . _ caaDlfte llae 01 II~ Balaton and William ·Thacke r. Jr. yeara Of,"I''''. tbe ..m y.: II her~ Ihip,.lt RlC1I'0L a0 'I'Ia.a aa4 .11IfD. . . . at .ucu one and iravel· ... ... 220, 8ft ~ For Ro1:l d Trip Ti~.kets B&LOW ...,..u.H .....f~ 10' In Muon ; ,1. or cIeaIer til tile ~ the farm In & i• tOWOIi P W n Cont.r" ot wlla 'let to Cbarlel l Slibb8 .: I.. Edmon d to l..'ba •• B'. Glanoy ; Mr. P1nellv ed uDtU be movAd tu for labOr aDd DIIII DTS UYA I materia l on th~ Clarki via . . .2. 7I1a9' . In Olearor eek towDllblp i ~~:r~~~ :e~:~-.!11l!=t ~18 a:~: ville aroh o~ ~he Clarkl\vllle and Louisville & :NuhViUe R. R. '1. _ H tbe 1IOO0nd 01 ild aod Sprlnlb lll pike at "76:70. · To Nllllrly All Point. in Apell Van and hnsban d to Pet oeue. e ~ l ' f II 'hlldren ('~ntraot W&ll let to Peroy·. Pence wit...,,, ....,~........ ~ .... -'I V , ' 10' In Lebano n; eld88t ~n na arlte ~m y, c . for cOnore&8abutmerit on tltate ·rOl&d ALABAMA, ,FWRID ' Y ' : ! ~a:~'"::s -;.,~.:.~.: .. A, of Simeon and &rab Ploe 'i'hree 080aI' W. White to Mary Flaber laio wrtUq .. a poIIaI, . d t I ENTU b otlier!! snrvlve In Wayne townsh ip at t1n CKY . GEORG A, . •• __ nell' Iow1I aacl ... DIrer ... opport.....,. .' ,. ..lIuppl,. ...... 'lIol'ar land i 3 traettl in' . Hamilt on ;:om 11:1 61 1re. ; . Cootr : w... LOUI SIAN A, MISS ISS&owoablp; ,1. ....... Mr. PiDe tauillt 4 'Ir 5 N aLoY . or repa ns . nomu Smlt.h to ,Ueorp B. 'of . IPPI VIRGINIA NORTH in;b; Schoola 'of ~he TOWnllhip Yr. . be Morrow bridp. ral.l~g waU. _ .t , f , sniith, iUS aorea lo-Sale m town· fore biB ·marria ge. • . AIliiI ".60 per cubio . ya~; faolng old AND SOUTII CARO Ll· .blp I '1. ' UlLL T¥.i " w •• married to Mlall 'rerela ...lls.t. 05 per aqnare yard. NA, TENN ESSE E. L. W. DeChant to Suaan B. Thon. Kelly in Nov. '1858. For Dearly u'l' 48 yr Cooha< lt '!Vu ~niored into wlt~· E . Ticket. 00 ..... hI and :lrd Tu ••· Fr 'ltl! 12600 . ' . OU!l'1 rd for 16 feet of Hi Inoh ylt ..n: lot In an D i . d.,~ i froat tbey have journey ed life'" Pl'thwa y Pumfo May tn NovelD~r In' Ifl8d t4, F n h' f . . I clu.IYe. 11004 re,cirulnlf 2 1 . day. JIUIl8II J;>aul tJllcbri .t. et a to 'ogethe r. and now sbil talelt PUIICTUHL to ilom, r rtl=: '~:,: ab~e: t "1IA~:::t el~ from d&~ e>' ..Ie. For furlber Wm. F. "'Hot b:. 7•• 07 .oree In plete the 40urney alone. • ~5' JellS e;~:THtg~ CAe" ': "Hamilt on townalilp ~805 . ~n . P. . ' . . 10ior... ..Clop .· coplnOt Jour local ~ IDT'Vk !a,_ ........ Nal~TAc;:KS . Unto tbem were born 7 ohild....n. '»j·l. ....... ....... ............ . . ..., .-,~ .. i 0 . , I • - • aBellt. or &ddre.. ...1." ....._ _ >6erloIia ~ like teD~oaal kDiIe ~~ CI.Il . I . Contra ot wu made w tb bar ... . . . &OQ....... _ "H'; Ii of wbom are lhln, v z: Edwi YDlcanheilllke aDY olber tire. . . P. Jonee for OOIIoret Reun Ion 0 f Teach e 'Goor Delli' raoe .. ....... _ . . . . . . . ....... ~. I~. MII.l.lnl l, .'" f', A. .L1ulnll1o. K, belwe farmer, ' Hobert M., merobll.nt. Lew· bridge ••t KIDgs Mill.; ........ TIIIiIIaM fIIrs.. ........ .... .... ::=, "':0 ~ at tbe eetl. e_ F. D::nua •. D . P. A. ClnclnnaLt . Oblo, "......,.... TIIHaatI ....... . lilt , .. er. and Pupil s. 1 farmer , t!amue~, a8lla"n~ . in maio••12$, . JIir••.t... .an am~ C IIIId .. .. J . E . DA.nnO.T. 0 P. A. B" Loul •. No.. .. Tr ..~f til no. --' to d u l l . . . . . •, ..,.dcI! q ~dIInbIe""''''''IUItte . Coua 'y 8&1. 0 ce &.IWy n, all H O.·BA.JLU. H . W. P. A. Cbloaro. III . ..u1l.. ~qanl, ...... ...._ .alhab __ ..lIk:11_ . ...., year a re'l;1nloD of former u ~"";"I eIIic'-!lP-. ....-tl Wl'-~n Day.':'o wil"""t .I~ tII<i air IDbn, t.._ . pe. W. line ." Fol1owlJl.. ~e • ... i· -. . ~ r - IalII6ed _ n,.IIC C. .. n. L alal1.1 _ STONE . . ....., G4In'l .PUR. 1 "". b Altent. tlIallll Wb teaohe....nd ptlpllao f Elliott 10 00, ... elrtlrWl Ii~"'''' ldl ___ t ' t apo .. Cuba """.' . ~F.! HI '--f "'il" 'I:IMJ' ..... ever lIl1O_ rememb lh.. , t!r aD .....u.n.1 eu In. our tile , ~ ao era wen h . · . . . J -'II 0 "'7 MftIaJ Is,... of UlIa, epcdally w, and tbe Pblllp pln. health wu ~ra'brtc_tMt"'" n." the .......~ Deal' ~erry, wu bel~. and t e oooa · bl. parenta l kiD4n811 . lllllrtcllq o. . .Pbalt i _ ioft ~ • ....,..,.... ~UI. 11 and ~t fatllerl. .. It v . :or ...... mOl'lm ! ...... portan t ooilaldera'loD. W,U. The VlIry BeIIt. Reml'd~ for Bowel. wIUcIi ~ aU _f.- klal alon wu fouad to be ao 8Iljo1 a ble provlal on for them He ·m:=';'~':'-':-~~;::'='1 baa lett III T Ilortran retired Comml-~ 1 ~~~= 1'roull11e . ·., " &bat it wudeo id ed to b 0 Id a.ImllAr them .110 'he imperis .. I' ...... perpair. ADol....lI . B Bo~~ _ .,..j,," " 1 .....lIp . . hable 1~!l1 88,..n ' U S. A .• of oral D.OII~I. . Y. . dO - _ . _1..u1, .... . . . izaaalDe4 tlte'l, _ fOIIIIcI ~r tIIea M F ~ , Bnrroul rhll, I&b old and' . w.w\UaJ lDir ........ ...... ~-t~1I!~UleJllt!ojMou niIo-ale 4. ' nODlon thla ,ear, whllreUJlOD 'be l f good name aod m.nly " UJ:'= Ihlns: ~oord N . H . If,.ond . "I .... ""llltn own r4'llldllrit of BlutrtnlJ· ==..::.rc.:~=':"",=follow lnlin.v ltation hal , : n = 0 ":::,,:=, ,,=_" "'-:. . ~=l will be greatl; mIMed tn tle b, llila Co1"8I', 'be Prea:... 11 b oommu Dlty. and m.ny wUl .. feel oold •• I took Dr. Kln._ Ne .. DlBoo~ edy"'" the very I,", ",med, '01' • ~Jb .1 ~ oJ .the IC1hool, hopinl t a w. P more aDd more the lOll 01 a 'frielMl 8I'J for Oonaum ptlon, :.m~ Aanlor 11Ie,m'tGr ~' UltI.= "':"t.':i.alf which ItQt bowel trnu1)le. I m.!le tbill .tat.. =~lbe,.. ~ 0; are.pen oIIaUy lDterei ted will ,mOe, d .af. ootlnaellor. The funenl me~n_pe rlect _lth. And DO", III m"D'aft.r~"IDlqtt'cUhe remedy rlMtwll_~_ ..~~-:_ar::~ ~,....=::r-~.= 01 tlita opponl lDll1 &0 meet aD a =mwlllr.:l:~iInIIr. Ne.. Hampa bire, we 1Dd" tbe. ~t ale i!IM • .• ..autrW teeaben ~ eobo01 .rviae· wu held In the '. . my famU, fo.. .,venal v....... I' , ..... medloiJle ,lJI th. world fQr 00",,,, hl lllatlre~....... . _ ... &III nttVer wlthou U til_ former ... Thl~ remecl7 . . . . . . . . . . ." .. . ohurcb fuelda 1 tbe ' St. oondoo ted ooilla, broDob lal trOIlb1le , i~"at L:r.:.'-= aDel ali l.. almod a,," to be Deeded before , . . ....... .,..., ~. . . . aDder de .me .... tIIIt. by Rev . .A. D. Maddox aDd B. 1'. hlDl4l .'""1...~~ a" DO Ieue8. Gaano tee&l. ". O. &be IUIlUll ..... YrrI r... IlftDO a Why DOt 110 WAIr ~_. pair a( ~"*..::r:: alii )OIl bow ~ .... tIlem In ,.an Vaq_ . 1Oote. arac1 for .noh
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The Miami· . (jazette.
·1 WAS
lona at a Kad. ot Nl\vy Blue S erg.. with BlOUM Dr. William .' Pink Pili. . . . .tor.d tH. Such Charmi ng L!ttls Jack,eta .Are Suggest ions for Decorat . PatIent to P.rf.ct Health or White Cashme re AdGrne<i Weddin g Feast-Abouf.Arran~e:. '1'o-,Dll y-Tbe Var'iou.8 h,' Oftered Str.ngt And ... Publish Y. ' McK It BROWN wltll Blu. Dota. meJlt of the Table• . Styles and Lucca. Mrs. Mary GIIJ!:ner, ot No. 11'16 Bon WA YNESV ll, LE. OIl IO. SUGGE STIONS F OR S.OME SEA, of lhls dre~8 Swill,l Ier street, ,Holyoke , Mass., 11111 brolellcs nnd skirt ho T Just ons decorati bouse antl Tnble As tills Is a s noon of Inct', Ule lace SONAD LE ENl'ER TAINlt tENTS. In the minds ,of are of nllvy-l!luo sorge, uml will be pUS8Ca througb an eXPf:lrle'nce whlob =.....",,-~-----:~~=== doporlm enl Is ot jlurtleul ar Intero~L now are very . much bles..q. _ ____ !. l.nvesWM brlde~ who wlJl ' founll · very usotul tor wea ring with provos thtit IIOme ot t he great~st A Word 'With 14. woug the lIlany charmluG, novelties the llIany prospect ive t colored hlousos. Our mode l 10'g8 of life IlUlY l ie' within fIIUIy reach dlt!oren tions recep and lnis wedd . There Is a class ef Inve.~ lors who do horne huve "'bleb jackfllS ohllooe. y t be f ounel uoly by Ulere for lin A pI'll sl own aro lbt> III Ue lace months. Eacb Is of wblte cashmer e s pOtteil In pale lind lake cia e . and Intel li ge nt account ..:>eooratlollS lIDd Menu (,romlse to rorm an IlIIpurliUtl rea ture wltbln the next few s this the great- blue; It 1& Quite pluln, s imple tibupe, A f ew yeaTS a go while ~bo WIUI eluployed Luncheon-Old Mny- Dfty CustOlllS consIder woman young 01 the conditio ns of a mark ct .. nnd are sUddenl.1 BoLzed or the !jenson's toll IS. 'fuese 1I1 tront, r.JId III tbo mills she WIlS l'retLil y R evived -K eep the ot her lire, anll sbe Is nnx- a m Ue fu ll at the ueck grcat woakne88. .. I MU event. est dizzil,e88 lace, with IrIsh and French nd· tor reol In wnlch hown to s Is plan wbose flxe(l Holiday s. ot \.40 tu.n c-. WlIS so W CIU~ nt timos," she aays, "that c mlJlned wllb butlsle al"1. bnnd em.- lous to ltnve every detail ly cu rried l anel effecUve could hnrtlly stand, ll11d my head be"Ilo tog~ous moruents In which to buy I beaulltu tlon Quarter :UlUl3 rucefur g wllb , broIdery An April Luncbeo n. came so (liZ2:Y t bnt i t ,scorned ... if th. . or sell. It I Impossi bl e, sa ys Al ltan· ' out. und b Irls baby In are Others "A pril \,howers bring Mn), flowers," sleeves. floor WIlS muvjng lU'Oul1d, d'H O. Noyes, In Atlant ic, to Iny ,Iown A pretty arra'nsei nent anil ' ado I'Dhave u s mall- heavy croC1H1t, w:Ifh halr'sle e,'e8 and .. My coilHllio n nt lust became 110 bad to g verythln . hay, tables rul e!; for Il' pol ley In Willcb s uccess de· 1 0 Cor tbo centerpi ece be l ot ment thnt! WI1 9 olJlil!'C ll t,Qgive up work lu tbe , or a doll's slashed up Ihe buck. The s me style nce. appeara good room's pent! !!O largo ly on posseS!l lon nf a sl1.0d Japuues o UI;nbrellu 81iOWD In th e,l r baUste do wllh tb will, nud h\to.r still I bocnme 10 toebl, Neither pal'u801 ; uodorne a lll put a low muund of Jacket l!! e shu po, ~nrt ot fln a nclal I n ~ lllIct. that I could not evou attend to me "Val" COlIlbluii'tlons. Collars and Small on ~s, set Qut In horsesho nnd crocus, as sucb s. blossom pring s of suggesl to that some brides ra V(lr wo uld It be useful or wlsc honsebold II nMos. Alter the slightes t 1' loy' ub- chemlset~s. with cu rt's a Dd hlLlt 6)eove8 malIC a n 0outline gement. arran the exertion I bud to lie down and relt nntil of omen wbal times should be eh05 ' n Cor slicb t rolli ng arhutus or tulips. 011 11 the ~c;e~1 1 place, Dlay h~ve to ma!c;b, In all tbe fa s hion a ble I regui nod strongth . nding understa poetic purposes by people ngaged In specu- brelllls, op~rled at each with me one en t on a card LInd lO the ure an other feature o( Lhls dCllnrtm .. A fdend wbo had tued Dr. Wl11laml' e truU, that ·th e wlfll Is the th ~t ~ ' eCI ' p latlng OD a "margin " wltb borrowe d lbe name written s l beau(ltu SOlO' re a there . nnd lights. trl,: Pills 101' Pille People DrROO me to Pink handle. U i he houso h'a elee a8 ld, bouseho a ot IIgbt "warmth and I boug ht n box and begl1n to tbllW. try money. With such ad." "Dturcrs, tho open a good-sized Ja l)ancao umbr Iia ~ns 'or lbe new Point d'Auvti'rgne. Its II Ule rouped g center, simply Ol1e m ay sel ecL fro:n a la rge variety we as tullo them. Th o bonofit Wl18 80 positive IiCcldcnt ot an bour may otrset the and tlo It to tbe gaB or IIghl Rxture bride's tho about the hearth, nud so qui IcJy evillout thnt I con tluDed then 00 el\cb rIb ot beaUllful white wa'lsts here-an d ' tables the tasuund lit reasonin g adopted with a Ula t Is over the table; to use tbo pills Dntll I had takon alto1111 wuls ts lire' white lhls ' belJOWt nearest to , It. PlaCing y ll pracllca wben IIgbt; trlr. ele RmaJl very a teD tns " Iew to · basic Qondltlo ns. The bonagother six boxes. By thnt tlmo I W.1l1I . l \vus blee. on a ci rcle, with the brlde'S In de mo ve 'll rn ;lll Ono so·Bson. ta 11gb be 1 and l durkene< entirely !lured, Itnd for t wo yen.r. I have woll, es pecially when Ildo Investo r, bowe"cr, will do , well ,th e room Is ot accordio n . plait d chltroo , wltll tb o cP. nter, looks mo~ t pi Ils lng. hnd 110 r turl) of Iny trouble. I am 110 '" Ilnder the chandel ier dlreclly to keep his eye always on tho rale..,tor turned o n the etreot Is Is hers n lusertlo l" a V ", Oarmnn de handma lu tho bost of h ealth aud able to a ttond S rve elt ber a frui t snlplCl<'h ' ot orlatter the ·trom radiate money In tbe Wall street market; begarland8 d an rm~ Co ns medallio tn all my !lutlos. 1 am glnd to aoknow :. d bl\bll nns, In (bree large German This . tables , other the cause, while the rlso or fall in ratea anges, pineapp le lin of each to a nn,1 sleeves short 0 1'11 yepe. tbe ben fit I rocch'cd IUld I hope tl)e edgo' Ing brand good ~ ; boulllon m cla howevQr onl y decorati on 'c an be ue ed, many makes no dlttcrenc e to bls 'own ca- glasses, or Another . salin stateme nt Ulay be tbe'mll!\us of' wllite my of thnt were girdle or fouud be pol~ts wlll .too bonlltou. not when tbere are. II tb ot the can neil k . d .~' oth 1'8 wbo mny sulfer in t ills, Illtlnciug N. VE It Sit I IJIIII TO e with FIVE a lIet, e FROM ma nil-over OIRL may fo It I>OR IInc y 0 Dvest, hleken mo. e l WI!8 to ry. SW,eelbrllild o r In- the circle and wben tbe ent th is wonderf ul I1lodlolno." try to attaclrrn way lcur.erpend Rnd l t1l1ference In the world to the mlUls or Ilutilllac InserUol sh Iri IAUon form b with peas and potatoes In some • tOU yokD_ "!irIan. d8 are f t cne d t.0 t b 0 Ighest Is IIntBbeil with a small turn-do,,,,n colTbe 8(luret of tho powor of Dr. WH. poln a (urJlllng If, tUl!ks, spoculat ors on borrowc d mO ney. come neXl, then a' lettuce lind tomrii.o lar tbe . chanlleller. It there are la r ornpme nted with a bow In tro nt. limns' Pink Pills in CllseB 01 debility li nd a mze n The sboh sleeves were fi/lls hed w,lth a part ot the fao' ror Instance , slocks are a dvlUlclD I ~p. salad with cheese wators been servc~ ruffle ot nel and the blgb neck with a , too many strands, or ihey are put too 'T be walut bae elastic l breadl!d In the sucb 011 Mt's. Gngnor 's 1I0s ill every ornot skirt tbut tb~y mnllo U W blood , 'and The t. wais I~terter. ild's ch surely the will lit to lb~y Idly. ond the rate tor money slmul- desserL If cdll'ee has )lem down, w lo charma pretry Engllsb ruching ot Germa'n ·'Val." nud yen C\' ry ti ny nerve in tbe gnu . stllched Illalt~f deep In rllnged nr ~ I party. t&neousl y rising to hlgb fi gures, It II Wi th tho repast, It Is bridal the f ela the stir or a n ow tide 01 In th e drawing 'Ing chl ua silk wa lMt bad tllcks and with p dlsad,'an tageous markot In whIch to custom t~I -e~ rve It A glnM vase complet ely wound with down Jor IIbout \l lx Incbes. Tho waist- hotly and Qerman "VIII." Illsertio n sl mlll nllng a In hrought being "ltlh. stl' tray I be l 11 room; II t ' rata b U I money I wi tbe 00 ot wltb band ' . buy. Tbe action Dr. Willinm s' Pink Pill. OTO sold by all saUn ribbon and OJle(\ Ie 10 e l'1I ~re xe( , ' CI Sma ll cups nre boloro Jackel. Tho sleel'es were whl~e s or will b sent; ptl8tpnid, on sweet drnltl!'ist white Rnd iant g tront poas. of t swee bears witness to the fact that r eservel il)e. lloste S llOurlng. center Ihe wblte In icular IlOlntecl 18 perpend L'Ould llrecede a trimmed with bands ot I" .c(lipt of pric , GO oollts ll<ll' box, Hi ll . makes musover ferns lr U,il a made be ~nldenh ot loanable capital have been straIned used . • 'this . Iun hoon and bould s It ; lyssum a ba~k Insertio n, with a outt ot In!lerUo n, and a loyely and unusual ce nterpiec e for n mUlllcale . bolteR for e2.00, by tho Dr. WiJl11l1ll& ' to bring stocks to the h Igh prevaili ng curd party or an nflerlloo Un anil IIneil with s ilk or sateen. amall rumes of ohlna sUk weddIng the to up dicinG Compan y, SohonectaJy, N. Y. M ghen e tabl tbe cs fabri dress nud The summer Bults the lace oC Is cloth lhe Unless . °rurea- whlch u6ually means ' that be. party r o nance" abow a strllll n'g pre<loml CURLING FEATHERS_ May DIIy Doings. rore long some ot the speeulat ora mus t e s g ruy ~nd nee shauld be set on a lace do\ly NATUR ALISTI C NOTAT IONS. Tbe old cUStonl ot kceplng tll\! HI'st gray-iir lde's gray,. princ tern laid about lis tbe of bit a nnd let go \.belr hold through Inablllty to '!" and-Ho R ~1 Done III ly Work espeCial The revived, beIng Is ' comman ll turUler . "'sourel s _ whlcb day ot May '>ehecks CarrIer plleons never eat wbell tra,.· strlpell! te graY ·.whl andhig' black glv to di sti ng uish It more clcarly cou ntry. who small In liase ' e rrect. . Some Are :BuIlt Up--Ab out tlle a nd figures. . ' '"' lldJIls-"tme nt ot price's. bY'people Ivho live In the sling. and r sleDde vase. The .. dolly tb~ brln.,_ fl'om ks sil dln 'In 1I,"lrod Farmin g, of surface and at blul eye, are almake a . practice of sending baskets tlte foul ard •a n,i . "smooth with ely call lut abso White , This conCluston Is 80 obvious tbat It 1\l\ed ends with wild flowers to lhelr fri l ten Incbe3 hIgh. sbould 'be' close: deaf. lUI to be de- w~lch ~h!ly. make a .lIpecla l'Y 'of here. 'Ieast Curling u, uly.ruyS dODO U, bli nd. ~'ak ways I h r Ibb on an d nd "wltb t :.rould bnr.dl y Deell to be repeated. but wh o nre so unfor tunate won Iv at· arly pntttlcul be .to Domesti cated dogs only-w ild ODell seelI)s Ol0t: thIs Illperson 1\ Ibem like g , ' 1 1 ' 0 - nc gatherIn rumenl l Ins from' teel s barred small a very Ipg the are those tractive thal . ror the Cact If fancied a bow 'may be tied low down never- bark. . . .• . obs rye the (lilY blunt kDite, the operato r carefully occas Ions wb e.n convicti on tbat prIcea Iy. The cIt)' peol1leof fruit and lIowA sheep dOl has the. hea,,:lest braiD In hoSIery. but on the s,tem. A little Otting and a rs appea alsp Gray and ther fen the of baskets frond each are going to .a far blgbe.r level us dally by In ·tew stUcbee are needed to cover tbe ta kes color _ any dog. ot tlllg a n predomi t~e Is white I WhO and ' friends linger a tlielr to with or skilfully presses It . lip of tbe vaSe ~elzeB on Wall street. It Is much · to .erll to tbe sick, The amBllest quadrup cd In tbe wo'rld hlldren th Is depn.rtID-enl, as elseWhe re. IAee base nnd t be ent u'ntll the Instrum and tbe rrow, so ID against be mb thu may speculaonal overllow protessl ppe; ot sU wblte saUn the Interest II the pygmy mouse ot SIberia. method ot , hOSiery Is ~ taRiler a~ln, bu t. 1he ,em-' 'A IItUe lhe rib curls out In a gracel'ul bow. tors to create .uch an impretl8loD. ]f bave revIved the English lhot ~\l8 In suoh Ing with blossom s and r esllng on a Patlp.Dc. and care make, or' otherwis e · Glralf 8 Snd an t·eaters each. han osl~ry d broidere door tho on baskets "May" hanglns: they allow the contrary view 00 preDearly two teet In len&th. bed of them Is a dainty decorati on tor feath er at this slage tongues ends aDd then run- demond Inst season Is seon no .more, r:D. all tbe tables at a ,wedd ing reMt It one mar, the ostrich va.l1. whom would they ODd to 'pay k{lobs of tbelr frith The only 6sh tbllt never slecp are 'i!elllgn8 spe'clal (~w It In, e!,cept . . d Answere Is rlDg e e. before existenc of lIS , n lng awaV to buy so mnny Slippers. Bald to be the aa lmon, pIke aDd gol llmilde at home or Ihe same way, the blghly eOlore~ cares Aqotber brunch ' of the hus lness Is IIsh. .hIgh prIces tor Ihe slocks whIch th\lY Tllese basl:ets lOllY be Again for the bride a trlple array oo.nsld· ~'ore · -thU plaids' Qnd strIpes purkind •. sive ' , cture" of ostrich foatiuir .. .' 'lIIay .be of an Inexpen t e ed co r.ree t In men .8 h 08 Ie~y I ·tJlelnse lvls. e:re forced to sel\? TlInll ~ l s th ree mIl es long are dUI as sea· ot flo wer baskets Is charmin g. and 'the the "manufa ' cbased 1<?'I' a trifle. They, shoultl co n ~ r ;.,'f"'~ ¥ car- The b~Sl bits or t.he s maller varieties by certai n kinds of South Amerlca D' bo can Bcheme ve decorntl same l replacel being red, 1n band by skIll ed female aDts. talD preferab ly wild nowers, trult, a so~ have dl sappen ' Oontorm lug to tJie Law. rled ou t In Bi ngle baskets on the otlter ,\irll Inken hostess de- by tbe plain colors. and black. li, wbo cut aDd trim them up opemtor middle e tb usell Tbe ant. In proporti on to Its IIlze, Rev. Mr. Parkbul' llt, of Ne~! ork, s imple g irt: 'and on~ Is tabies. Wben this to" ns rD' this novel needs a CBrfltully. nnd then Ox the blls p~d bas the larloat bral u. of any IIvln, tbree of groUp the ot has beeD wrlUng of the deca y qt posl- livered ber Invitatio one . STAND FERN OME HANDS needle woy. banging the b,asket.8 to the door Obi t th rather hlgb, slender handle. To tbl8 gether upOn a s tock With h creature . Uvo auth rlt '. "> cago by a loop ot rlbboD. e .." o y, w erea and the end8 thread until a pertect looking reather bow, 11 In tied Is Birds, when perched on t rees or ribbon a for Used :Be Mal" Part Upper The pn-i-ty: nre \\lay n bous at pleco teather center a Ostrich 'For made. ls about; low.hansmaller to li re natura l weatberc ocks, ns down TrlbuDe says It lB tho ?~tter way bushes, brougbt nre Magfor Plant, the LOwer Inches blg h, eup- " made ou this prlDclpla from .the IIlleat they lnvarlsll ly roost with tbelr and sIde eacb on. by that with aU allGwanee ror the rules h.avo a llOle 80me so close baskets dIed azlnes or Book.. base atiout Ill' ers. beads to tho wind. th at are broken the average man of ported on a flrm, nat !,-gatn tied In a bow ou these. Tbe small feath ,'110 e ribInch-wid FllIItel1 acr0l¥!. In tbe early days ot ost,rlch fa rming Inches ' ona InJun<:tj positive more mIdThe green/ln ch Is the earliest 'rl s r the tace to-day .obeys should baskets end two IIdd. lhat gTetln" "livIng of s note Tho Featber the m'atle, al, were shades pastel forlunes begreat delicate ea tb~ of .ometlm bon It of tire bIrd fam ily. thlll his ancestor a were compell ed to al right angles. these a few , ')ID' decidedl y to the attrnotlv ene88 ot die one polB._ O wore th en worth £100 per llOund, the gins to pipe at one o'olock on alumobaerve In the days ot tile heavIest tOJ)-Of....tb apart. 'Other 9r zIng library reali !!n room, 1Jtrdott BlttlDge Bing of a them ,to 'each mer mornlnl . Tb.e blackcap coma tyranny . It adds: "A man cannot t'W 18t~ and then carry THE HAIR. ' plumt:e , £20 to £30. For a ~ood pair of breed- Dext, and tben tho blackbir d• tIed 00' the ban- ' ment, Is In troduced often.tlm es In the H<?W TO WEAR build a house 'ollOn 'hls own land wlth- plsce, where tbey nre to lernery. a thing by D Ing birds It WIUI no uncommO bearing. tb jl mos.t satisfac tory wny out complyI ng with the ordinan ces of die of miniatu re baskets holding the In a ' room where tbe ColorIng Is ve r,. Velvet RIbbon s and Omame nta of Va- pay as mu cb as £500. But none of INDIAN l'ROVE RBS.- of the guest, also " dl y w I't h out 0 b ey Ing name . Fuh. th 'Ily, ' an d' 'Ii'ur the rious Kinds Are Again lIalted nuls. t heae· prices could be gol DOW. From e c Wben a fox walks laml old rabbit . lou . for , My Lady'. Treslea. To . choose partners for any ' enter8even to eIght guIneas a llOund Is the the dIctatio n of a ~umber of 'trailes host~B may l1avjl uallal price at the preeeqt time, for fine jump •. unloOl!.. He mu ~t adopt the 118nltary .talamen t sch eme t he make a "tUlip, Somethl Dg In the hai r Is ag~ln one ostrich feath ers. The mOlJ.rDln g plumes Tbe palefAce 's arm la longer than conveni ences whICh seem beat .to .the in mind or tor cards, . . For day ' wear tb. used by .unde((a kQrs are of tbe largest his. word. ~th' box nves_ h wooden must ' the Iill~w l ot 6): a 'ill, .• bed." ot I~ house the It -elly !!,?ver,nm enL g to variety. a nd Bometim es cost a8 much beginnin Is ribbon for r green' velvet · daughte with hI. black sold covered , ever , sand or hidlan No sawdust a certain belgh t he must p~vl de It rIval t be elaborat e set of combs. It Is 1\8 £300 a set. It on n taboll,re~ a name, wltb IIre-escapos. Arrange ments for crepe paper and place put on two ways, either as " ' lood be. oa? tul~ps , realistic Tben . Swall , tblng, talk loull to thl -In· 'a~d. on nce accQrda In be IIlr : and ligh t must It real ~t tb.e Sides of tlte low roll.d paper, hidden tl8sue crepe 'rrom made eye. I Ian's d With th , the"end hair, or It Is tied around lbe high knol VOILE IN HIGHEST FAVOR. e rulos. It he has a ch Id be ' ones cannot be lIrocure d. On tonllle ruD. futer thllD ' squaw's A · " . ll we, some (ronl. ot In half wltb n bow cannot d(.lclde tor blmself wbether t~1! ot ea~h stem wIre a leg8. wind's · tbe Back Coml! Hits l Materia mixed Sheer Inter ~ Thll A buncb ot little curll He linown Quoultlp n. or the title of ' ' cblld shall be taugh t .or not. There Is nothing 80 eloqueDt &II • lnto, Styl-S ome Good Will'S or tbe quotatlp n Wllb a pu!! or LWO Is .. tbefash lonabllj must provide medical attendan ce-; tor booK; the other half rattlean ake'a tall. tecl a engger un ng. nt done Trimmi lit It ot nd a boQk not, .k the of author e tb ot tbe member s ot bls famUy. He cannot; and the -nltma Tbe Indian scalps hll enemy, the height a nd In the even ing Is tied her tulips. Ea6h .• put his cblld 00 wor k under tbe all:e must be wired ·to ot 8treet for &kln ~ bl!! friends_ used ibbon r paleface again be velvet to Is rolored Volle a · with around .• and pro~:eells to was malle of H . \:Ie ca~not give bls dllugbte r In ' guest p\llIs II. flo wer h!s be t tbere 0 will came It ight s and The pnleface . gowns, tbe gown the house Before a nd to match He hUnt his .partner . The en~ .I,t Dne o ~ marrlng e und er the nge . of 16. ha lrd res.s lng Is 1\ welcome reller from ' Into . blou~e lind coat slIlta for children . no polson ID tho Indian's com. a drawtplt of a ve ha will tulips he l Withstreet the on goods rolled sell cannot Braiding Is a sa te a nd tas hlona ble the low dreSSing ! w.lto the Tbere '1'\11 be hungry paleface s 10 orOWD on Il ; th e perllOn gatherin g M f In the long as tbere Is any IDdlaD land t~ useil garland combs. a be of with will line d" alld anil r g ou "crowne be trimmin llOmnnd must one busl, maDY are out n license, aDd there Ano the r a rra ngemen t of curls shuws sha des of the ma(erlal . Don' t get the Iwallow. or arUflclal, and 11esses h~ , Whlc b he cannot engage wltb- ot flowers, ellber real . a t the, bai<k of the b ead Iinder stiff 'weavos thn t I1sed to do dllty, but n's "I Am' them Tennyeo read ODe some hllve When a man praya ODe dar and have musl carls His license.' out a lend quite II !eJltlval air llteals Ilx, the Great Iplrtr thunde~ . hat t weaves . Mother." May, the or QueeD be to , carrlllge His Ures of a certain wldtb, to tb e soft wide-me shed kind tbat is and · the evil one IAUghl. U an .aull>moblle; ,must bear a number, ch prettier. Coronat ion ' braId Is a , '. There ~re three thIn.. , It taW ' a mu arl~ ewsethe and friends Intimate lor, wblch hI! Is ~ed. In a tbou. 'attract ive addltloD to a: sImple 'l!~Dg man ·to hold-a ,0UDa ..arrloi'• e very tb day, May on otten exclu'tng e gltts , sand petly ways bls persona l liberty trock and can be cnslly done at home. a ",lid horse and 'a liandaom l .Qua.... d' In a box ... ,,"' .... . . . FURNIS HiNG FORA S ITTINQ conceale belnl . tokens IItUe ' lB restricte d, In the , Dume of' the ' 11(11'. 01'1 baaket , or ' flowers. One hus n design stampei l on tbe fabthIs busy - - - - - - " -,R OO M: II. member of the Is re the 'Jf. The perll at the' present day lB' D~t a wqrkada y "t;lrld, It Is !l gOOd , ~hIDg.. to or ric Expect. to Much Too tand bright or ornate. an ~rnameDtal I tam lly cleyer with a piece of chalk growing di sregard tor positive autbor- rememb er al~ these speclnl days tha t "You must give up and innsUgatft, tor the BOtt green plar.lll II a deslrahl e emcacy sl'roll or slar design ca n be draw~ John," she repeated . ' 'II heard Utut tbe a In com· tbe" belief· a ot y as' mucb Ity so w.1II vary the monoton It may be all han dsom • . ADd . addlUon In pink or white which wlli easlly rub noIse again and I'm convinc ed It's a ' of legIs lation to cure all Uls. .A:lmilst monplac e; lIentiment' Is ' ln danger or as tallte aud pune will permit, An , oil'. Tbe hra ld IS' overcas t along the~e burglar! '" every possible reluUon of man to m~ being crOWded out and tbe revlnl or example ot .uch a stand Is here lIlus~ ·casbme re. and vollo tbla IJi On ' the Unes. or Qno II , sleepl\y , "yoU grunted felUvals be world old "Htiil!" an tbeso U8 law, II ot serving subject shelf trated; the lower bas been mode the a s,l mple way to gel a smnrt ettlet. most hoperul SlgDII ot tho tlrnel. , Ma- excellen t resUnl plaee for book. or don 't expect me to .have the courage RE. COI1"FU but the flood stili continue s." MODISH dame Merrl tru sts tbat every · moth,r magazln H. or your convlcUoDl, do , .ou'''-P bll· ' . Hedebo Efll broldl!T7 _., . Press. adelpbla trouble e ,tb 1I'Omen take 1II0ny will thal aker fact a borne-m Is It and hat. reathe . . One of Mr. Carnegi e's declared practica ble to be nOl would to lO look up the history and IYlYance It view fear. a I b. t wl solely hair their dress ' . .Hata and Col,ftl1l'88. all the .'~ecial' .ODS for rounding and munUlce ntly .n~. that 18 coDnected wit\! exigenci es ot theIr bats. put In the pattern as you suggest. tlme ' to . Parls mlllln'erB deserve to b. com- meeti ng the from ed butFOUND men'tioD nre tbat days gton Wasbln a! on lusUtuU dowlng the 'tbe ellpert · milliner , Ihe hat 'II Hedebo ombrold ery has a close Cblldrlln enter pllmente d on ' the 'success of their et- WI,th and ' tonhole stltC;h· work ed around the large prollle, the to e referenc tha t bear~ bj8 na?!e was ?at "t):ie ex- · ' IIme In the ,departm ent. With tried sbapes new ' Hur.;nlB~ytnd the for 2!raJnecl of sucli oc- torts t~ls seasoo, oro to b. cut out, .tbe A. . ceptlona l JIlIIIJ" m.1ghL be dlsCO\'eted heartily Into the Bplrlt e to .next In order thel back Is scrutlnlz ell, ligures' whlcb promls' but. , prettier only !lot ar~ Eft6'.lt. . tu ,. . e~rves, ,'er workeil wbatsoe being · nd ana developed. His purJlOse more cnsloDs, a tbe tront I.s passe~ over with a bUltonhol>3 edge always 'Tbe · No one I, In be~ter' polltlon to know seri'es, ' ~o ma ke be more generall y -1Ieoomlnl than' thoso while IIgnre. also e tb of happy center tbem . tbe make. towllrd ;deep: · the !:h.e ' bat lated the from oontemp Apart a~IY . particul uf ' last seat,pn. Bu.t the hat Is stili brlet glance. ' . linen Is cul awuy ' and • fancy lace Ule value of tood and drlDk Ulu a UODal m an ID sclljnce, but h~ l\j' an.:. tllem good. " ' wltb the coUfure: anil the ' coltture Is otten IWllOsslble.· d Identifie " are, Introduc ed . Among lIiose trained nurle. 'stltohes id lously awattell and warmly weleoJDt The wreath Is stili worn for the theto, the coliform ly abllOlute of,WUk e .. must alld nur'IIe latter crOSII ' coffee'll or ltese g Ma Hats., tbe tn SO.eakln are circle. a Oolora used with most l'opular Velvet bows mIxed wbel"ev er found In ..very ' .i'elatton.'~ot bat If the toul ensembl e Is to be suc- ' atjlr. of roses' or leu ves with natnral cberrles the SPidel' stitch. Mercerized cotton Barre, Pa" wr tes: "I ·,uled to 'drlnlC . cessful. 1!-sb viOlet, SP~I~g greeD, mauve, or a cIrclet of mIniatu re bolly ICOYe! from 26 to 3U Is, used for the ,work, I1C- . at.rong cotree,m yself and liUferell creat- , life. ~mtll!les he appears when DO burnt stra w are spec!lU conditio ns have been· prepate'd gray, .red, corinth and arid red berries hall a black soqulncil . cording to the Wei ght of the ma terlnl ' Iy trom head~ches and ' Indigest ion. . In dePland . Few hatE bow for the front. Loosely malle ro- yoU lire embroid ering upOn. ·1f you will Wblle on Il 'vIsit to my brothera I had . . r~r blm, P~rhalJ8 WI often as nOlo he ' 't~i§ coloi'll most . Remedy eckle r F. ss Harmle tenlleDoy bwng to ot sort sntl n are popular anel are get a · sbeet of reil ImpreSlilon paper, .. good cbance. to try P~tum rood settel comes to the tront through , clrcuIU~ I re .one-colored, thecolore, ara ~ ve remo rrecille .the of many So Mmos t any hnrmonl ze several ,, ' , with oue plnned ID frunt toward . Iay your patte'm upOn It' and tile bl uc k Coffee, tor they drnhk ' lt altopth er in on put ; dangerreally' are they s poisonou d, It artlstlca lly very an ti the other at tlte nape pongee underne ath It YOU C&D take ott ' place of ordlnuy collee. In two weeks rIght, , St.lln ~ r.. ppllrentl y tortwtou s, Dpt colors can be comulne the tbe girl lillie ·,.our For mode co'mblne~ oue to use. but on the hnlr. Th is II th\! desIgn by dm",ln,; over each line after USing . .Postum , I found .I wlU~1l nf.vI· rlhell~sB call out. resllOO!J,ve managed . 01lA!l Paris l1ecll, the of be would ot "deep reel. SOIUtlOD of lemon 'and sugar thollgh unsuspe cted qualitie s ID blm. mU8t bea utifully' . shades . ! a ~ly l e particul arly ntrected by young with R ha rd, sharp pencil. In lemon a . of ce Jui mn$ beneOted ,an,d finally. my headUse good. very . ' The 81.ceptlon ul man III Dot made to pink. violet aud blue, l1'I S, wI th whom tbe large bow ' ot g ssol'·eil dl .ugar a~es dlllapPll8red· and also the .In(i!~h mu UR I~ ere th lcb wh , . , IOs11oD; . contlnlall'ela or saUn ordc( , . .11;1 ra~t_ lie I.ij not made at '[Ill; white or blncll : It . solutIon ID hold will as the Juice The Coraele t Skirt. Glov.e Etiquett e. on th e gown any Poltum. Eor uBed m. a w. .Ince be to have b.ul..c0ll!es :t.o hIs :OWIl t.brough . opporI ' ueti lly aIr ,lNatura camel-h ,a wltb ' A lady does 110t remove her glove to amoD.g my patients , and ban noticed' • A « rut ma ny corselet skirts ' are hould ,be nl1plled ' elilplro order tbo ospl'ey. I ~ worn, and l~IlY . . dully. tlme8 several brush It ry' lends necessa mode not Is 1'hls It and . prosen't. at hands " seeD one ot th e mo t· becoDlln~ angloa, par- shake marked benellt where colre. hU"1IMA hang , grace: remove th m . at 1111 . lert otr aDd Po.tum uaed. I t ,fJl now Ijullo rhe correct · ~w.,it eU best lO fabrIcs wlllc\) ~IQularly 'w.Hlt this style ot dress. I. that shc s hould e Ul lIS e. uch s FOl' .' , Mc,aSur dny ' Reducin g Waist ot ,~"'ew Cully and with eleganoe 'ribbons unlcsij she Is spendin g. the among tbe glilled )'oung ~.IIle to set I~ hDrl~o ntally. GaIiE,e. , :'1 observe a CU~IOUB fact ,abQut PoIIt... A sh' orl thli long glov,eR or .nlmbst p"e r popul a r fnced CIOU1. l:Iendlng e.xerclBeli lIre excellen : ror tied In a twlul nnd IIntsned with 1111- a lorge dinner, wbe Yurk city ' to ba ve ""r~' I ro h urn used among mothers . It' .greatly WJ of reducIng Ibe wa ist and the size of the b one , well looks rely lady ra a . skirt eaI'm t ,'orselet ng ,...:. ~ ,, cover ·'mlred worn, " wbl te haIr. So mu cb ow" lbe Ql\1U lied In: wIth are of- milk In calell ..herelong, ,raceruI , hips and abdome n. Tbey should te 3tanolng160ps, a re amoDC the pretty takes ofT only tbe hanll of t he glo\'1) belli• . the /low ribbon these " premulu rely. ~ray" folks De- 11 K 'esse nti als bei ng the A ludy cotree II Inclln'e d to ' dry it uP. ' and. wrist. the to In It " d llllR s U and ' also are. anil' shops e th In IiDes. c"lng Is "0'" . weeplng ' coWs ot IUle L1wL halrblun prac ce overy morn,ng and at night tblngs seen " 19 never well dressed tor the street, :Wbere te~ caWIQI nel'V(J1l8D88L - .. PrllctlCI! . until YOIl turnlshe d by Ihe Ilest coslul\1ers 10 go to. s before retiring. eerv.llt enter. gottlng. In eventng aDY troUble for ISbd r ns. " receptlo for IU ' to putthe rted For rel;O . Dellrly ilH cowllIo nly beglD to leel tired, The mavomeDt.I 10 with evening gown,there h a new' talnmen t, without alovel, Olt ak m · They y, 'prol)(lrl Slp,!vcs. Poatum Elbow make iPp.utcu.r lng. tlllg In of alrgrelt. es ways aerve It befote It baa been boDell , Tbe COWD dre.. I. made almolt unl- should be mod'erat ely 110... . lornnnte nt, It cornel In a HUle jl)\Vel~ .' r--'' ,TbU Hand •. lleeve. Chapped elbow long enough. rt Ibould III boiled .Ol'" For the · with I lonalll 110mb. moon A jllllf or hurror: IWU1 n .. er cro anolh . Here '''' CIder for "lIagesalbume I J() , lII\nuta.. and served 1fIt1a 0NaJII,. ot recklesa extray- . egg piece a ounces' like two . ;eems GlycerlD ' . top 8torJ' clro~jped 50 (eet froL I t.he At a meeting In So~e England . Igrince tor we all kIlow tllat the 81.. , two ollnce;; 011 of rOR~R. two dropls: ..hen It Is certalal) ' a tlllIc10DjJ benr-. We Know It .. ot Ii CluchUlIiU 1I1111dl.IK thlB week 'ow II leeve will go out of date IiooD. It wu alated rbal, a1t11loullh Ulegal, the Rub the mixture 'into the aida Ii,eral ' 110." UDll1 ':onr .troubles are not· rDtereatl 01 glrtq dder •. -llild WU DOL hurl III ' least. ,Tllei In tbe other blDd , .It ·18 fa.hloea llie custom BUll prey rtIoIOlI." for PoItuIII. Um.. a duo rich. a178 YOU \UI . • 11& UIII of wa.1I. pip' fl!QL ... &114, jt II UCeedlY lgl, JlretO'.
. --- -
,,11' .aw,JI
. -.
"nere'. •
Old Style Way SJIIWI, [gnorance of Foreign R4l.ces and Con· But Surely to the Mor\! ModcUtlon. Ie Wldes pr~d eru 'Method, in Ohina. _ _~_
.en and Women of Eve", nCCllpation Sui-
- ' - - -Fl'Il~lng Giving
fer lIIlserle. from Kidne.y Complaint,
WllAT GIRI.S SHOOLDN'T DO, Place l'llllonc' lu tllo drawlllg quail·
t, or a graoeful
Talk about tbe cxhmt ot lhl\lr ·wnrd· robo In public Jlll1cl'x. . I R egllrd It prl'tty to jlOlll when .. m an ralls 10 noUce om plilDeols, Oarry their Jeli lo us)' so co ns picuous. I, M to be gcnel:lllly u Oll :ed,
J. ,Lightner ;03" uuih Ceil,,!, St., Much ' ot Lbe bi d ratl 'fence Is stili Says .. writer In the Peking lind Ahllll ue, KlinSlu;; ison oj! Ih · thollsnnds In use fu Dlony sections. 'fhough nOI 1'len~sln Tlm4ls : "ChinE e Ignorance who 1I1I.1l'"r from kltlso nC'nt .and ntll'n ctll"e as fhe wIre or Is 9ne ot ~1I0 bardest things for the nt'y koul,lcs llrought bourd feTlt!e, Il hils some poLnt.s .o t od- foreigner wbo Is not ·8. Chlneso student 'v n I)y duily \\'orle • ." 1 firs t n o t iced it eight vantll!;e ovor otber kinds. Tho ralt to comprllbcDiJ. Those who lay tbem· J OJ" tom ,'enrs ngo," bi1ld Use Ih rorrlblo r l'T ,~slon~ II'hlcb HOW TO DESTROY OOPHERS ~cnce ~n bll on811y olienod to l1as_ selves ' out. to stlldy .ll1e people and Mr. 'I=ig h(n"" " the so ClIH ll y Clin be mlsl'oJlat ru ud. throush ,(rom fi eld to /leld With blntter tbelr Inngung Ill'C not 10llg, 110 doubt, .-I tlll )luln In th o back Show a destre [or all pxtro l' tit .ethode Recommended by the Agri. or olhel' lDacblnery. AlsQ rull s malc. In dls covel'fng tlJ e SOlldll.y of tbe brlclt 1u;"lv mmlll m Riclt, di splay ut a socIa l nssembla!;l'. culturnl Department at hand y ros~ te:lces or 'hog lot ten s, WIlli wblcb Cilinese 'al)sence of knowl. H "';IS hurd to get lip Attempt to force " man Inlo Mavy Wn s hlngton . belDg llilSlly lakeu' llown an,1 (lut l1P ed{:'e' represents, The 'o rdLnary r esl· b. ' (II' Ilu\\' II, hurd to expe.ndlture f''ffry lime t1wy ure t8k' il again, aD all· 10 cllllUt;e Biz or, or tlen l or casual vis itor wbo only CQmC8 "lmlghlc n,I H1'I'tllf (10 out, Nl!nrly. ovory \IlSll'lcl wos t or Ihll ~ ubcJlvl<\c: 10l~ or 1101<1., About ' lhO ,In ,contact Ilerllaps wllb tho Engl19 h,' ulI .Y 11'11l'1, Illatlu'o ught Glvo nwny Ihe Il tP lly III1Io trlllllel8 I MIHslssIPI;1 rll' O\' \e more or les.s Ill- .lI rst 1'011" lllAd e were s plil out or sV/laldn g onfolal or Intelli ge nt, )vell· ' ,,, Ith tho wlilLo onl( nud many of th Cl!C, 'at er (laId cl rlt anel tonOde nlial serVnnt. II. ~ I,ruin o n Ih bll\:lc. 1 I,d ll frC'quullt (l roHl'llted to tllI'nl liS 1!I'WI' nce or ((Qot! I ' I I)oollet gOflhol', 80 40 or 50 years' UBO, are l'ct Bound. T he cannot reali ze th o nbsoluto In'a bility a t l,a ('ks d! C'1'ItVl'1 111111 tho u rill \\,aR r cling, I I' ry Il'slruCllvo sam muy bo sala of chestnut ralls, 01 the Ohlnese poople 1m masso to dis- 1)1I';"'d t t I) on 'n 'o Jl d Wilh I>uill. \\'III'n Tortul'e of Women, ' to crOIl~. Go· bill Ihoso molll) or blaok oolt arb. n ot lingulid. between llutloDnlltll!S, or to 1 1l ~llil 1l1l1l1l ' S 'I, idIH',\' I. 'ill ". ho\\,e\'cl', nil tr"c,''; of lit o tr,l ul,11l tliSU Plwuri't1 1I \VI S U lerl'lblC torl\l rC lhnl ~lr~, ' r------:-~Po sltlvcIVonrc4 by )lh <11'8 m y h e ' Lie· so las ting, Siocit, es pe lally hor, S, 1[1'1\8 \> wbat other oations r eally are, an d IIlll'C not l'c IIlTe,,,I, 1 11m cl'l'tuinly ",err\.(' 1Ilcl'lll'lnnd, 'jf Kin g's ) fO,I,ln HllD , thc~o Ll nlo PIUs. , s troyed by pol· nTO II IdoOl 'hurt by .ra ll fcn es, yet ";Japnn -they lIDOII', Il.od Ru ssia they g'l'ateful." N. ., ,l escl'lh R,. "" folluw ~: I ~1I 1· Thrylllsorell .-eDlSbY trUII S IlHlny (ll'~ rllll~l!d 01' \>lemlShed fOl' Ilr knoW, tor both lie wilhlll sight !md 'sou, Suld ll V ,,1111<'11\('1'5 . 1;0 ('t' nL~ 1\, hall, f!!rc(1 111'Ju clfli i perl dlen l pnlu , ll l1 ll betl"l.'~ l:'()mDYl!)lI' p n.ln· . nud by .\,he ' lise lJy ' ba/'bed wire (luts. trearlng. 80 to s peak; [jut the Slraltll CAme 1;/'1 w.>al. I WIlR g ll' Pll Ull \0 til , t d:';~311011nndTool.len1'l:r Qr carbon bll.u I· Tbc bl;l)'lJed 01' woven Ivl re r 11 10 Ie Setliements noll hpyonl\ £Ire the Fustc r-)Iilbll" ll (AI" 11'"f1'ultl, N, r. wllPn my hUHhanrl 1(0 In!' \\"In~ ot I EuU nr. A perfect remphldo. 'Polsourn J.: (I n ce8slty In placcs wh 1'6 lill ie oilier 'Is londs of the ~o~llhe rD sea,: nnd guor"ul. The IIrs l ,lose 1';0 1'(' I' lIe r, :11111 IlIlj' lorDIutn'C!1l!/ t\lIllo'iea. with sll'yc hnluo UlntCrhll' Is [0 be hnll. und eVC lllU:l lly. ropelln counlrlall' and peo),I!) m erely lhe CA~~E WELL RECOMMENDED w ll h ~ botlics I alii Hil uolng my wOI'I,. I Dro. ! ~,~, Dud T ns(l) . - -- -, ta t: 0 1.!OUlb , COlIcd Is tho mos t' ct· wll(>n lhe wootjen tn nc:es )lo ve all I'ot- barbarian trllJ<!s wbl oh I'obel, Of lIe Was Not Like Some l~ew nnd Un - I (,U ll llot ril Y nOll gh III praise of l1nt'- I TOIl!:\lo, l'c,ln III till) , Ide, fcc llvu mea ns, n!I lM ' c\!)wll we mU!l t Ime the wire, wh leU ourse thI s IgnorflTl ce Is dully dlmlnItllt :' A wOlld cr(1I1 'rem edy for WOID!]'nnPlD Ll\' EIl. Tllo;r . tl'ied "Fellel,1I Among the Il may Ilo dOM Is neul, I~oks woll, lallcs up 1I1t1Q rOOlll 151111\1;, tbanlls both ~o t he missionary ell 's Ills. At dl'U ~!\ lsts: SLJO, . rcgulato tuo BO\1cls. l'nreIyVcgclnbld • • lit llle. lo\\' il. l aUd fOWl,lr posts lhn.n tlJe ruU fell c , It· and governm ent schools, but It Is s UIl Girls, C'ORt, A s recum· \\,1) 1 s talld liP longer li nd bener Ilgllln~' sufficiently bronll 'sat-onel 1II10ly to re'I'll<' fUll "btlUl I U;'l illll en8tle~ in ~,l ,in I SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SM~lL PRICE. m c ntl ell by th wlO(I (1 nll proves nn etrectll'e burrier rua ln. 8 0 for DlBay yeul's--to render hi, Tbe bu.,olll m"1(1 hAll ' ~ p u h i nl i l\~ lhlt l iF. I hh \ '(H l t.I11t1 -.:hnnlle th· Il", htl\ll;lllru l '. nOt ·1 1.111 1: I",,,'h ul '~l\d .. J111\ u,n . .I,c did \ nlte!1 Intes (le· 10 pat's:lge of fsrm stock or Mme wll ~ flammable move men ts at all tlllles plan. uny wne ' rou " \\'ill1(11It 0, 11.1 GcnulIloJ Must Bear and lhiri HI c~)I>n I WluHl wit II ,lie uifo(hl ' 1lllriDI or a Sl'lcultur , Olssolve DnlmAl s, ~;TTlE ~fa.c- s : m~lIe S lg~alure ' 11robable, . Iy np "",nt O l ,' l nl l"'I' . hCI'Vi"!1 ~'(>UtJ l! illl; & penn)' to th:. one ollnco of s tr)'llhnlno .Illllpbllle m nn lie\' 1111 \rt'l,,, 1U1I,' h Ul'l)l l... jh,· 1J As fmll as ueeded I\UPlllallL ralls with "Tbe name of Amer ica has "ecom~ tU,,)) " cntl I , I:ndicl li Telt Cu., 1I".. ,I<1.l n , N , IVER ~ '/:: ~ , rW I\('11 I'!\' cr~ h(j U ~' " ~LlIguzi ll(,. , In ono ,IIlnt or - boiling water. PILLS, /tI"~, ~. wo ven wlro nbout 117 Inches hi gh 01 very famili ar thrPllg lr l he boyco tt " ,M urtha , i~ It )'llt.... lhl,· thut 3,)11 a n ' \' .• i,t1· " ."" I"H,kalte ul (l,t1'li~lrl 1','1\ . Ihe add a pint of th Ick Huga r sy rllJl liel'b e UI" fOl'I'~~ui~'I~J !i,'C!' It''Hlhle, ~ REFUS E 'SUB:' TlTUTES.) nlae s truudR, Two In ches nbove II propa S'llnlln, but no Id el\ xls ts a~ to tll i nld ')g nf )t('tll1\~ 111£l" l h' cI ?" Ilod 8\11', Preser\'1) In n lose v sse l. "Y ' ' 111 " "dmilll'll )110·,I,n. 1,1I1'lIing. This qllRnll ty Is su fficl ont to polson slretch a !Iarhed wire. Tbl ~ will Ilirn what or whero Amerlcn Is, neither Ie 'I'he' f"IUt '," h.. Iii tI \II .lore for t ho. e·, "SOL 11Ifl' yq lllH~ f,,'Ouw whl' Ja l\" \ ~n ' ho l'sl', . caLLIe, hOgs nnd ah ep. bill 'lny clear d lsUnotlon mall e be'tween 1\ Ill) 1I ~ltlecL tit. pr~£cu~, ) A , N , ' X ,-E (1 008- 11,)) one-blur hUlShel of shell cd r orn. or "" lill~ on you la ld , ~'. n nOlil r wire Iglll In cbes 111&1101 /l.merlca and Sou III Afri ca, and only " \'I '~' m, Ill"f& lIW Otic." • otb er gr/tll" tecIl th~ corn In h .. ' " Hut you h~ V ll kllC:J\,'n him "I), ~ f ~\\' ""nrer on ll allOW It to SOO lt over Hi g h t. ntllit : It 9[lfol' for horses or u'llruly tbe othel' clay we Iward tllat by tha dnys ," Then' c)raln anG a ll )w It \II soak for Slork . 1;£1,)'" lhe Fanm ond Ho me. Ptl ~ lf 1100111e generally Ule boyco tt pia 'ards " I hreo \\'~t l" cottle 'f(,,,r,,rtIlY," CI,rl·(iC ~· 11 \teral hums In th pol Ro n sy ru p, I:!ltollld b'e 'pln e t! "bout 'el lit reet oPllr' lVe-re understootl ' os Signifying that ell ALarihn. "00 you 1111 u l; tl wt III I OIl~ Ptlou ~ l1 tOl _Corn may lJ rubllr d 111 mCIII I ,re mov e nnrl allerlllll OlleR noed only rell It 10 'some foreign cQu ntry' bud ll\·lI'ca ted taP or ivov('11 wire, a nd Ibese mlgb'i t)( the Chin es ," . Itnr,w It HI 'II IIOiu l"H t."l1t)~\ "ut h ti ll III!~Jor t the excess or 1D0lnllr . IlIn l ht ,, '" - ------, 'rhlll ))olnon pd corn m il Y I)e ,1I1trl)' ot -ole) rnll~ cut 11 \' 0 feot lon g. Lont \\',,11, " hll"" 'c)'e' } ~rltr~ lin wit h fOpi, It . ..... I ,. 'tt, HI 't, ' p if he \,\ \.. lilt· )U'W f,· lIc:r. J1 'it du ced Into the run w:tys hy the lise of pOllta s holl !.1 be of beavy whIte oak , an,l x IJm! one-bait 10 seveo feel DAILY WAT:~ BIG Ra::1.1 BA.L \l'c'll nlllllll",cl~t!; II peried ly I" , .,1), girl a dlpp\o IIlld Il .lloon, This dlppl. 1 1\1\ W wJi cngJlt;cd 10 )ibn fot' . lODS .hown hi nlc Ill, t 1']1 , m llY be mlttlp. 101l g', Inll'r lOII (11'0 10 two and oue-Mit E mploy eB of €h.lcngo City Hall Much wll Ie." Intel'ested in II N ew Dl. fran!, a spntlo hani\1 1) whh mlllol fQPoI In g l'o un!!. SI ~'el~h nil ,,{I rcs tlglll· I "II0111t and II stl'out bar upon whh:1I Iy " nil 1I11'lifl r Clld or corne r I)()sts ~e ll WORST CASE OIF ECZFMA,. '\"eralofl. to place Ih e root In rorclng It llW) th e with h (L\' V Ilranc s. Such a rooce w ll h Iwo Imrh 'd whos ""III ' bd nbollt 4 g rollntl. The b ~ r sbould be a bout '15 City boll omployes have a lIew t!lver. S p l'Eatl .Rl\llldly Over Bod y.- Llm ba USB In r hes from tbe polul. bole 1;) ninde. hwhe!! .hlgh nncl cost ror wire ,:l n(! P OSI., alon since tile .d e8~ru cl Ion ot thc old and A rDl s H ad to Bo llanciagt!da 8ponn[ul ur l.lo l ~ontl!l orn' drQ)ll) cd frun'l ~ 1I to 3~ ~ fit!! pe'r rod , c;ounly bulldlnt, r eport, tho Ohlcnso Marvelous Cure by Cu tlcU1'4. ln lo It I\nd tll hol e left open, 'rhe ~ nally News, It la' wntcbtng LllO big ('orn, or cour~'o, lllusl be pu t In Dr DCIlI' r d ball which every nonn IJ;lnlt~s a LOCUST STUMPS. ")Jy 80 n , II'ho is )1('1' (welll)', lw.; yen l'll tbe main runwa)'s, . "ull1k BDtI 'lIensaLlonal sll ll e <lown a o( l\1l~ , will'" ho \\'1•• !t,u,' mondl. ",,1,1 I . , Trallll ltl" Is n good method If fol , Bow THey Msy Be Aemov~tt by U, 't pole 30 [ t 111gb on top or nle Mo· ROil to h \Ie t'tt:11111 on hi (ac:eo 8pre:HJJ1If. 1') \11 10 l'''J,itll\' \l iltl1 h' 11'011 ''''''rl,' CO"CI'(r . lowed peralst nll y, It Is adnpted 10 Use of 1\ Bome-Made Device and lonl '! t mpl , Evel'Y 110)' Lwo or tllTeil "' , haa IIlf th e d (jClOr~ "l'ullu:1 UM, UIU) Wi t hout DI!n~l n·g. . ml r,lItcs berore ' noon the I'l1lnlng globe ",!IIIC from 101'1\_1' pl ttC"~ ' but n." U1IC holppd h!m (\ pnrl cI~l. T ha l" lbmu WUA tiomeIf' hol!lted to tho top 'of the pole, 'and IlS t\l~~,bl~, alltl th' <In lors l!llitl il '1'110 b Illl way lO rC1m'ove 10 ust' on ttle stroke or-- 12 d roJls, ,At the H.i \l'dK ,11 c ,1\'I.r. t ~'II they' m'p!' F."' . '\ 1 stUntl'II ' without dlClOlllg Is to usc 611."lIe ll'lln\lte the ha/1ds of lOt! 01' more t ihlcil hi. wlllll~ hodv lind £ol'e ""~re 0'" stullIp-llulle r BUll pull them out, u· wat bes In the city bl\n a re 1\1\' 1 hed CI"·O. 1111 Ullt hi, (coi. l hut! 10 hO"II,,/;, h, • 1;11108 and nrm.: hitl scnl)) Wn8 JUJ;t til y nrc not In r!:t', ono can rig lIP' a to Indlcute exact midday. d rril,lful. home-mode lever puller . or (wister. It' haa b en only slil ce the old aoun. .\ ,l ri~lld t '3 prl Illll to try CIIHr lll"~. Til IlCOOfnponylng cu t sllow!! a IlOme- ty bulldlog was razed tlln Lbo workers nhd 1 ·b gnll III lise nil II,rec of till' CliO' n" WON hClt(1r in two mnrlc de"ice wllirh 'wlll answer t he In tho city hall coul(1 see the time ball cura RCIlIOOic;" purpose it ~~" stumps are not t oo 011 lhe skyllcrnper neal'ly Ulroe bloc\{11 lilt/lith.. ; Bl\d itt pi.x mon Lhs IIc wns well, 1011'8. R , 1.., Itt.! y, i'iormon t, N, H,. Oct. large. The uprlgbt. oxpla.ll1!1 the Ohio away, /l:IlW dep~\'tment hO~lls, stenog, 24. lOO5." _ _ J;"Ilrm er. l!l1ullld be ot 'sood mnterlnl. rllJ)hers, cl rk~ nod ~b mis ts all Don't Get Footsore I Get :!i'oot-Ease. elgh f Illn!;" SCI'IlI1 Inchos thlck at tbrough the city bundlng hguge dolly the butt anl\ loperlng' to tOllr 111 bOJ In watching tbe ball's l)Orrormance •0\ wonderfu l powdcr Ihut OllJ'C" lir.,I, hot, fe ,t Gull mllkes new or I ij:ht "l)llc~ at the top . . A ~ lbe butt mortise In nand selting their wat c hes . by Its tall, aching enoy, Ask lJo,duy fllr Allen', )oool ·}1ns~ . Shoot Strong and ~venly, t piece ot plank, thr 6 teet long ond To see the s pher e let loose Is an veot A ".Ilt no 8u h~litu lc . Triml pncJwl!e FllEE. seven lDcbes wiele, At 2 Y.,'...J.>J!...4J.U.J<.II.-Hn-- Ute 'day aud tbe wIndows tram Addrc81 :\ , ,'. 1m t~iI. (..e Hoy, X , y, Are Sure Fire, teet (rom the linn bore hol es througb whloh gooll ,,1ews ' s,re ohtnhlabl e are Well Able to S,lRnd It, the upright and Insert IIell"Y hohlll as crowded each noon 88 the stollo n' Will Stand Reloading. "Rut. doNor, I Ilo,n ' t beli."e he eAn pilittorm ot 'a Montaoa on the ' I'OOl{F.'1' GOPli.f,;,R AND l'l'S BUR~OW. IUD tt another OP!!.':1tiOfl!" IIrrh'al of a transcontinental ft): or , "Oh, ye$ I,e ' 11ll : 1 luolttod him up in , Alwll)'~ email fteids, wbere only a [41111' gopbers "Oh, J)\Ibaw! " aOYl! a disappointed Brudrtrecl's," 1I0udoll l'ost , are present, ' A small 8tC\8l trap oJa,y young womon- ste nographer sometimeS: be employed, but there 8re a number 'rr}, Gnrlidd troo! It purities 1 he blood, For 5alo Everywhere, "[ looked away just n secon,) lind now of apecial gopher trapa . 011 tile mlU'o len n ·s th e .y.I~IU, 1..-l ngK good Ilea lI h, !.be b,,11 Is gone, I hlllle r ha've better . , ket. T-Ileao traps m,!st ~o eet Ie 'Ule hick to·morrow." 'fbe troUble with the. dead' beat w that mnln gopher ·tuDnel. Some oC the city ewployes who have " ' Coroon blsulphlde bas bec:! u scd the habit of watc hing the ball con t ess ' be i. 00 "ery lnueb alive. extensively ,for klhtng gollhen, lC the to nervousness anel dIsappointment If bu'-o""s IIro lorge III .d ry 1011. bowever. they fall to ' get a posilion from whlcb the gIlS e,toporaiu 80 rapidly that to 888 Its descent. and aay tbey /lannot m.uch of the Illluld ls r\lllatred to ktll work as W!!11 a Hemoons. or rI\lYs tI\ey the anlmills uad,,t b /lIetlll,iie 10 eXllen~ deprived of tbelr noontime gJlnillse Increasing Amon~ 'Women. But ~i • •• nblfOl \lI.I.l' l'1{u;n cannot be ,,"eli at . alve. If Ibe burrows Rrt IInllli\ !n ,},1lE) S'l' lIP I'l LLJ::R: Gf tbe des ending sphe re, '" t Despai r ' I .. C:\I~ ry e.tt1er Otle 1D018~ soli, an ounce ot the liquid to wi til' h oks 01' yes 'al one end. On the Sa ff ercrs .. nee 11 ,,0 1I ' ltulrtd oud Sixt! A CTl"1I of •• ,...u in 'Vesl· each burrow Is sllftlt>l ent. , Pour the ollpollte s ld~ pUL II Intu Ir II 1111lte n~ ."/1 LJ:Ulndn, arbon blsulphh10 ovet n Mnc... of qQI- s hown hi A uUII ~crew Ihe bolls liP PROBATION THEN MARRIAOE tHt: BEST ADVICE IS fREE ton rags or olher WIIS e •.molerlal nnd tight. Alta ch u hOOK ns shown, ot I •• ndJoi n lng Ihl. 01 all thodlse~wn, with which C':t ll be, pH rcha~rl f (om puah !.bIll Illlickly Into the bllrrow Bnd 1%-ln«:h Iron, two feol lOng. \\ he.1 Surprlalng Departure In Matrimonial' the fOli1Ulo organb... is atBlctcd. kidney T:tU wny add J.nd com· close thr op nlng, All tb.e fnrmers In really to lise ( stell Ihe hook over lhe AIl~ance I*1l1tJtt'ted In. dlsellSe:is most [a.t&I, and 8t.atl8tics pa" I•• at (ro~ Sb 10 s~acl'.. 'I a ClOmmupUy. sliy!\ tbe Oraoce Judd top or tile. post, cB~~-ho'ok ' style nnd ' Texss. s how tha.t this discase is on lobe inorease J!"llrmer, must cooperate in .order· to bitch leBm to lbe toP. e1' le\,er,' WOalell. On th la hH.c1 ,hi. y ~:tr hA .. he:eH p rotlucrrl upextermhi'jlte ~J.1e jlotJ<et, CIOP~er. Uri, lil Teus, where Ifeeple dOlourlll'Wnl W'ard"oftwcuty •.th~a bushel, Qf wheat.t o the (lcrr:. leaadhe)' are .tadlcn~ed trom Ule WHEAT As POUL TRV FOOD, and original Iblng~, tbe Institution 'qt II 19hborbood thliy will lOon come ID -~marriage Bfter p,fobatlon bas been In, It 18al.o I h e ~st or gr •• lu gl .lld IIl1d ~ot tt1,lze4 fal miul it bas itO superior dn tbt CQu tmeU l. ILIld · renocll. the terrllory.. Reason Why ' n Is · Bettf~ Than th. troduced, says tbe New York l\la~L , . _, Soreenlngs, nil(l In Lim.g Run ')'I:e thing was s tArled by a l'leh far· , , FARM' ilOTES~' ., . I. Cheaper, . mer, ,wllo a'd vertlsed Cor a wlCe. but Sple'HU\l c1imate. to w t RxeR, t a ihv.),fI c onven· itlt' : t1c hool.&n4 churchta 010 cO , h nn'" . .. mulCh VforiuJ well \lrf/uud lhe , -specified tbat the · applica n t' should \Vr4I~ for "Tw~ntit!lh Ceu IUr}' CA.ulldn .. nud 1m .. rail WRy nllu t o SUPKllI!'i'TF.'NnRNT 01' 1101.\1 ' c008eb8J1I") bUlbi! . ' ,. Wh ~l Ls a V'lfY go~ , jJOllllry rood, se,'ve all bls housokeeper Cor a certain GRATION. ur lOD.ulhorb..c: d Cu-na~iRti A~rcut l : !lave vour own ~eed. or buy.. t.b.e beat and It I~. lIS chl.'~p to .huy the, whole Jength of tlmo.ln oreler lh~t he sh9Uld B , Y. \V1t~ LU1HJ , Law Uu ll d ln • • T OledO, O. # h t I I Ae In I tb bave a chance to . proyc lier ability ileed at fOur \twill! the C08t, U : AOcea- w ca ',as ~ reen gil, UII 088 4 and temper, It , IllIllpe hec\ ' that lbe lI.nt.... lh" p" ptr, ' . ~~~~~~~~UJj~~~~~~~, anr)" I • , ~ • l1\i~el' can, lJe ~\lrClia ed .0 \'Ifft'J . , 'Oet 'Q lI tlItt wood Ilshea ' )'''11 <lDD IWd low prlc ~. FY\!Il.~II:mtly when wheat b far.mer waa satisfied with bls th'st liPThat Delightful Aid·to Health , ., 8(!l1Ing at 'S() , aent.OJ per bushel, tbe. pll/lant and" mal'rled Ule lady after " a'pplf tMIlI ~ ~he g~rden .,~<i track fArmer mua ' pay from 30 .to GO cent, . b~lqC perJod ot . bous~keeplng probll' palcll, ' ' '. , . J' ., • .. , ti ' , "I ' , p t: bllslte.I tor screenings. T~Ile , on. , ,Don t buy 11 Ot O( tltloga. y?U do n~t 'screenings . (!Ontalp a . great 41'081 ' of It Is to be hoped Ulat the pair ~'III ,Deed, lI)en.I)" lIeclluIfI lbe . 1lgel1t .~ , weed Red : :~onle .6t wb~cb, Uke corn Ilve ' lmppy ,eyer utter. But the real ton&ne " bU~ ~n ,~he IUliJ~jo and ~ ooclde;' ',!I~,tnjU~I\lIl,,! to the pollltr.)",' tact , Is ,that tbelr ."prollRlI~?" begll~ at IlOtn e~ t ,·~·tio 'to 'The wbeat · ~cteenln6l's ~nsltt rlll'gely onll' after. thel' welo mnl ded , Mal' OnloBB earl y nml corri'ct is Anti~eptic No:w, ~tV'!U\Li" iY '14 ~,~d ~cres '" of shriveled whw~ ' W~lch .',hOil In It nab"e Is n:n ItlStltution tOI wlh 1.1 -"Ita- applied .the' 'pat-i\ nt Soo ldom SII rvl v 's t farm WI1. ~ p; ~to . , !lnd aee. S, O~d.:;e lilt! -ill/stag 0 a &d ' lil very mauy cess · ID mere' }\Qusekeel)ITlg Is no ·.,~t wheo on~" thG disenseil~ f"stet! iI \lJ1Oll \vii itcns the teeth-purifies , "bat he ,wtu III kt! Ilf IL tWill ma...e ~ " " 11 A 11 t housekee{ler II lIY "" moutli and breath --cures nasal Jllm reel 'ilke a m Ull I\Dd 'blnd bini' to 9J!!IeB .thl!.' (armel' \,;HI ' find It chenPllr at Ilk ' n' exceoen ItA ' and n g, d bel', We, believe ,Lydia El, Pil1kham'~ catarrb, sore throat, Sore eyes, . . to . buy gooll ' ,,' heat for bls pOtl1 try, tlll\ e a v ry -p or w ~ coo Ve.getaole Compound Is tho most ·flland ,by direct application cures !.be' ,tllrnl ,-"t'arDl .~O\l ro n l : .,.,.,. Wheat Is s.,eclal1y servleenb!e [lit 81!1IHo)'er doe!! not allVo),s Dlul;R , a ci nt treatment for ehronio Jddney :111, tolla/ned, Ill'oer.a: tcd and other. Jy .Ren. :;', , ' .S lIll4tl Cbl.c ks, OR tbe grafns lire llrllall . \lood ~U81Jand. troubles or,vomen,lInd is the only mecl .. cat3rrhal con'd)tioDS caused . by' ........ , \cinc espetially ' pr p,ared tor ihis • ",,' bll )Clvlcs: nICer lIlali II , 1II11t111~rl)',. uod t If Ilc;ilttered . In , Rtraw, llre :cblelni Br.lISories of Paris. ' purpose. " ' fcminil)G m!i. ." ~ . , . ',Old . helL I/toOd'II"" ller 1I ~:Ie ,oncll; wlt,b, 'Ii~e comllei.lolI " to do Q·.gTeat d.811I . of Whcn B.woml\n ,iRttonl>led wi t h n.qill ! Paxtine 'pos~esses extraordinary . liill! .,. "There. · wn~ · (I lIinb." SU l'S Le :" ' - t. When you blO' fivo ll t six way <1\H, I1DC\" IH1~[,;.)i ""I\~' IVor\. fo . get ~ , mcra!. 11'\09 t of our or.weightin loln8, L ";u.I!JlIlcho , frc'l',en . cle onsing, healing -and 'gertht. WET UnclOr bar Wings, U ro".. ~t IIlebllY Ito " d~ (armers, aUYll~ ~he 1~nrmer8' Rev1~\\'. Pllrls lell, " whet!" tha br:lsserl e~ ,Pninful or flCol<li ng uri ll atlon , R""'11lng I cicli\1 qualilies unlike an),thing· WEATHER · 1/ IItl klns QQf':' lufd ,wo or lllree up qu II11VO' wllent they grow on theh' Cl\~D stlt,ut{\d th e r'nll ? \'OU!! or ull IIa O UI'l- , ot limbS or f('ct t ~w llillg \lurl~" Ilw clse, A I all drug~ist~. 50 cet'!ts h II 1( ~o.dlhg wll)! II (tlngo ot forms ' that all accouut of hay-lng ' II Is ts , writers an d IHJllth~hlus III F llrls, CVeJI. an u n usy, tlrcd -fcollng tlJ lh l' / CLOTHING ~~l.d:I ~A~GI! TRIAL PACKAGE t'RJiB you want 'I, , .d:~WII;~I!~t1e t~1I0W!; Illlcltell \II' a IlIUS . 1)~Or' ~olor, ' wIIi srllllt a loW prloe. It 1'h1S' \fns SQ~ dllll:ln g .thu hl aS(tl Y III'S or ~e~~I~nocn~r i/ltb·Ct.~dc1~~i~~~'?:h~ot!h~~,,~ 1 The ' R. Paxton Co." BastoD. Mas.. complete , ' tbelr pnllt' n~ r.!H"t .. ,'lI~(lr.'' I,• tla.~ I Is' ~O\ wll I I f " btl ·· t 11 I \1 "'<I r" I Ihe tlnt'ood ClUP r ~ unll t e r~ t ye/ll"s" ,u ". )0 01U1" Q Po r 0 a (n .. ~ I , I lose TlO tint' In COlOlO IlIcing t.l' ntmc' nt _'_____ - - ' - - _ protection: . ' plrtl\r.e ot 110Ull!Iy comforl. wl",1 Is1 such" wh eol Ihl\!1 to tllke lhe l,l'ouble or tl',l) th!rll ~ (!I~UbUC, II~ Ct~ I 1l0~' with Lydia B: Pi,il<hllllll'" y" c J t ' MOTHER GRA'Y'S e..ndlong service. ' ). -Jo'orm Jbllrllill. . " or m at'kell ng It. ' , 110 IHo rary br.\l;J;ol'le. , HCI I' nuel lhll. () mponnll, 01\ It llIllY 11'1) tho lXlo:lUOS of , .........'ET 'O ...n . TheSe an4 tninY. • , '. 1 1n OO ' t\O ente th 'lI1'nbl.<'I1 oJ oll,,' r sntl ng ber lifo. " ~""'" r' .... , ..... ~ . A Common ·Mlsta ke. Food fOl' lue Plall~s. Um es, lho "fnllures," ""a wa ifs of tlul I For. roof Tllml what Lrilin. El, PinkSFOR OHILDREN. other good polnts , ~:lD"'" 6l"e combined In c: I.lo IlUI he I! fl'lIli1 0[' r;elllllg IOU IlIl11q I IC pn!l t, try to ClOnllmll! the trridl- , bn'l n's ~ege~!?leColnpolJlid did for Mrs. ' . I t . . O&r!aln uto fo, Feye r'.(""." So m "~ny In'uke tho IOIDtnl,/)' of tr ~v I ' t!OD"'p.'"on, H«t. . . . . olle. TOWE~S ' , "' ...... eh Tt·..... I~ .. Tee"" •• tn " to IH1.tch Ollt lUor , olllnl,lI lIlDlI, nlll ch C:O!l\01 ~,T1,:lill 1l10~ 1?,hnl'e UU t l~r Ihu \lOllS (' 1' IIrt at ·the i:1rasserle, .Bil l II IS Sawy('~. .. I r I II h " I \l j "I t'L I . 1',d~ .. ", n,'d De.&.o, they hllvo pln r.e. rt'll'. I con "~fder two ' 'rol), elC t1' llI II ITa I. ..SI)( n, WI .. bau clJstom wb eh hus \Ill. 11.8 dq),,' it~~"~Q::r~~~~~~t11~~ .000tiOllIl.~Y ,1'''0,. Rre .... up ,V.h... tOO-ehlck bropdel'>l n!)ne LM muCIn. for shplIl<I bQ UkO~ as' " top dr(!ssl ng Oil 'lil ..--" b!ld to d ..,~..I" " ,.td ~:.~r;. &aR~~~: :::.~p~~u:all~~IIUNg~'l'~~·~~"" • i20~f.l!: Inoubator. llrovlillfi{j tbe In- pulverlzell piau g, Plant Fer~U&Bl'II. I 1I.".VorkCII,: A••• O"MIT5D. N.Y. '. . _blltor Is R good one. • Poultry P...... Nl trogell Is so vital to the , growth I Ts
-- ...
For Uver Thirty Years The Kind You Rave Always Buught
"N'U,RlACK "
Loaded Black Powder Sheils
(jet The
KIDNEY ~OUBLES T~.c~!~!.~T ~~~t;!~!~I~~~! I
.....--.:til .
" ".' .
111&'' ",
On$D8C£01mNG t~-== I .-..
Poultl >' . qli IIIIl tnrm caD be mndl pended. for fertlll~elll rIch In that ele· ( .B8H are .upped to fly ilDd cio. moat to pay - belter thlln any olber stock, ment. 80 fAr chemistry baa done pouDil .. or dlll' oollectlltg w(thln a raclltll· qt v~lu~ cunl\dered: bnt It II nec:I!KSar, notblnl .lrectlve In th~' ""., of obo ¥:~,I..ll",IIIOrb" ._i'two mil": lind ~lIblD ~bl~ el... th~t proper care be Used, t&lnJq nJtropu from the atmosphere. .... d. fbDt mUll In dlalUeter, '2011 Yet it II calculated that th .l1lu-oc.. , . PlDJrha. III •• llitalna4...;.rarm As lOOn alone crop .. out put.. ,n tile atr well" .., 11M, UlaA,. , Wdmea I ac1dre-. ,.,.., 0\)., ID tbac llle leaaoD WI:! IOO,QQO,oot,OH ~ . , ..... of the Bee.
"'.o .... IWtornl
n. ITS OOLtlll!CtI
B~ Villa
~ ..
g ~ .T'."................... P~I E. u.,... "J.";"
lc.r'ePlt_'&D¢ I!IIIIII tar
.. c. N8luna :r1lL't........ el •••, u.
. . ..,....,...-""-""...
Oxfottds In~
._ ~'-. ~
_, ~_
Interm utt' fourteen 8]ate vaultf! "'~.!''''MA'N and two Iron rur 18b d o~r. patron", ton l'IH I1 OVft I1:1, I\ud 1.0 dllte. in tbe . cem lltery I)r per, eight hundred lind twenty lot uwners. 'Ye hRve sold t,;LoTttE~. 10tsIlud grave rigbt,lI . We lind '. tbroe thousand seven bundred lind GelllllllC fifty.three gravea In our grounda, liud about tbree hun.d,rliKl and fltty · two In the old Metbodlst; yard, mak· Ing near1y· five thousand graves to be ORr d for by the ASM Kliatlon. The '{'rMsurer Is presont with bls book. I\..DlL \V1ll.J'~PQr_t to'y~ slL~he funcb received nnd plllc1 out. fhey IIrO 1I110 n for in~11 tlon aud we til · vil,e tho olnHWl t soruLln .v . In 'Hltli · li on to thl the BOMI! htls I16It1otetl
Fancy Home Grown
Ba,rgain ' In Men's Clothe
'}' be immense amouut Ilf
'l118t nre 1.1
-"--' _
flattnbattt's Exclusiu~ .$bo~
This Week New
Orl\ugoR. 8Im"D"'. Lam· . one Pine ·A pI,les. N . Y . Croom 'hoose Drlod Deof 1')00
illlnd ill U 1I1'l1 .. t OIll I\oh disorde r!! with Its. For th o lut,t,er howo\'er t,hern III II 'sure remedy : E:leot,rio B l tt ~ rR ; t.he ~rellt. restornt.ivo tll llcltc\m' , of whtoh S. A IlTOWU ~ or Bllunott.llvt\le 8. '. S I1 VR : " TbIlJ re.~toretl my wife t(, 1>00·f(\ t II f'Ulth , lifter Y liT!! of !luff rlug with dy~pepsill lind 1\ obronicllll y l.orpid liver." Eleotrlo Bitters curo t'bill8 IIml fover. rna· jllrill. blll')11 n liS, Inluo buok, kid ne.v troubles Imd oltuld r (lIHorders. Mnn '", tlui til 1\1 ::!old .on A' hy It'. '. Soh. by Miollllf 18 'I rn wurtz (h'uGl>i t. ,Prt e 6Do & Co. 10 rotui! for'lb lu *l U. 'IT
$12,85 to be in a prosperous .f inancial
ab'bage, New Beaus, New Peas New Potatoes, C1;1onmbers
Men'M 80 ItJlllltlde
Mon's Suit!!,mudo by Mlobllelll Steru & Co. 10 rotAil tor
U~ t'III1lUlO n IIUtl li vor
by Miohnels Siorn
ollr 'HI!!ortment of .F'unoy Caies
Try our Rose of Sharon Soap l"Ithers In t.he bflrdest w"ter
Bring us Your Eg ' gs Highest Price Paid ~ f' C P d or quntry ' ro uce
i_••••••••••_ .."
Croquet. S·e ts·
& . Co. to rela iI for ,1 G (,0 10 'HI
*20 .
TKI'.:AI:IUItKlt·S I!ltI'OIlT.
You can save m')r th ,," " (1IIv '" Bul. 0/1 hand Juna 1. 1900, '4 , 3.37 sS)lIry by 'ominl! to Illll't fl n ,;",1 RR 8 C : d ffur !!Illn o~ )I° ts , '\17 0(\2'050 0 puroba81ng one of th ns~ (>\(>I(IIU t eo d rom burlli 8, " . suitll. Iwo'd fromsuleof planitR,5 00 DRUG STORE, l\\)t nluklng (ound.~tllln~1il5 . 50 From pllYll1ent ~'t note l~ Gold Bond Coupenswlth . 111\11 Interellt. 327.88 ~'nr 1JIt11dng deed 1<, 10,00 ~' ur rebllte on IntiurunCl~ ·.SO ~ncerning For II/.\Ie of carpet, 4,1iG Former Residents. Totsl recelpta, 2184.71 Total to be accounted for, . 2(\511.08 Barold Holvel'lltott, a voung man RobertShidaker. Superintenden t of Miami Cemetery. ExpenditUres; . who lived at Waynesvllle with bls The ~nnual meeting of lot owners [YMrS l!Ilst. The sequal to tllls.ll! ~uperlntendent'8 salarlr, , 396.00 grandfather, B. F . Zeu, and attended 01 Mlaml.Uflmetery, was held at the that we bf\ve been erecting perma T..abor, ~56.71 High Sohool here BOveral years ago; cer;netery Konday afternoon . ment bulldinga for our oonvenience, 'P lants, 811.00 spent Memorial Day here. Be HI now Re~rtB 'of the offiool'llshowed the pleMure and proteotion, whlob were Prlnilng, 16.25 In the railroad 88rvloe. at I;Iharps. And is complete in every degree. The goods so .AlIOOiatlon to be in 11 J>~peroua completed and se'tt!ed for In Illst Telephone, 16.40 burg, Pennsylvania, I\n(1appears to greatly appreciated by my customers of last year OOIUU~. . . year's reoelpts. We' feel now ~hat Insuranoe, 31.IIG be dotn, well. .are again at your command . • FollOwing 18 gtvlln the' repert of abont all of the sublltantlal'a~d neo· '~t{)ve, 18.00 - -the Board of Dlreotors and of the e,eBBary Improvements have been Uoal, 19.15 S, S . Feobhelmer, of Cinolnnati, . BARRETT'S MIAMI VALLEY Treuurer, whioh show very olearly aCC?omplished , wit~ the exception of Paint, paper, etc , 64.« wu in town ·on. Monday. He saila Liquid Paints. what baa been acoomplished during a perch to our Superintendent's Crupet and mUllin, 58.88 from New York on Sunday for are guarenteed to be absolutely carbonate of lead . tbe past year'; oottage, whiob Is being oonsi4ered; Altar, 11 50 .Europe, where he will visit his old TO'TRIII ~' OWIlIIRS OF MI.un CKM: aud a neat and sultlHJle-aroh over Supplies, eto., 50.27 home In BOuthern Bavaria. This is and Zinc"OxiEl- ground to the finest -degree in th~ entranoe at Ra.v1ne avenue. Tot"l expenditurea, 11328.00 1u1' 1l~' vilit home since oomlDg to ETDY.-GIlilJTLIUIEII: Pure.raw linseed oil 'l'he President haa aBBlgned' .me With these two eXClI'ptions, whloh . ~658.08 this oountry tWjlnty yeai'll ago. ratber a diftldult, but pleasant ~uty we .hope to iIOOomplisb' by future 1328.50 Atter a vialt witb his sis tel'll 8t1d to perform this afternoon. receipts aud not enoroaoh on our _ _ other relativea, he will make a bUll' If you are to paint yo~r house. ~hlto oome and see me. ., surplus. Cash on hand Jone 1, 1329.58 Inees trip throu;h e France and Eug 1 will open 11 pall ~f aarret's Speollil Out.aide white, which la It Is our privilege, It Is fitting and , ' proper, to revert baok a few yeai'll I am safe In saying the ,polioy Notes on hand, 1107.00 land, returning to L'tnolnnotl about two 'shades' whiter Jihan any 110 cII.!Ied White peint ou the and .oonslder. our fionrlllhlng.oondi. of the present BOII.rd will be Cash antlaote., 12296.58 I:Jeptember 1.-Clint9n Rl!publioan. Mjuket, absolute satisfaotlon guarant.eed or I will refund ~on of today, oompared with five strlot . eoonomy , .with a view of J:LIW1'IOIt OFlrICERI!. years' hard etruggle trom 1895 so aU.R menting our handsome little The lot owners prell8nt and thOM Mrs. L. II Raymond, who wn.s your money, Give ~e a oallllnd let us talk palbt. 1900. The. lapee of time is too brief aurplus whioh wUJ be sh0v.;n y:ou In wh'o voted by Pf0J;Y electro oiDool'II Krs. Thomas ~ysllt whon she COLOR OARDt3 and PRICEs on applloa"on, . tha' youbave not forgotten the today'& report. Before going 'nto as follows; 43 votes were 'CBst for lived in Waynesville, and 'Yhos e apIal that was made ' to you by the figures, tbe committee. on ground" B Y. Oollett aud Joh!!1Taoker, both home baa been ~n R?l era , Arkanllll.s, For Sale:by Board to &88iat in relieving '. burden 9· T , Hawke and B. Lev Oartwright, Ma88le townabip, to lIerve foil ,trDI- for BOme time, writes the ~lIzette to ot over three thousand doJlars In w!lIh tQ 0811 your attention to tbe tees for three ' yell.rB i; 35 vote. for ohan~e her addreu to Cherokee, debtedoe8s, oonslatlng of promieebry rapidly inorolUliug size of many of· J. O. Cartwrigb, t.o · I~rve III trail" Arkansas, "as ehe does ~~t w!1nt to . . note. pelt due, mechanios' olalms our ornamental' trees, making It uror for one yOfU' i 141!or J. tf. 0 . . ·mlu a single number . , Bhe 0.180 WAYNESYILLE, •• • - - OH~O. aDd leina, demandinlC immediate imperatively necetlsary that IOmeoof kev to IlO\ &8 olerk for one year. observes th~t Ihe Is wrltln~ on !Itt! aUen$lou and not one dollar In the them be trimmed and others remov· ~tte th 1 ti till Board morial DaT I In that Southern oonn· ed. ~l1zjng how preoions from . r ~ e ~tbecJ He P I try, and not muoh is done. I I treasnl'Y'to meot the obligations , . " long years of lUl8oolation these treell' orgaJUze ~ . p. ra m · rei· . . We oongratulate you and fel1ol· h beco to l t d dent: oommittee on grounds and ~'e Gazette Is In reoeipt ave me ' our 0 owner8 an fi ' , Ha 1. d'" 1'~ • , tateounelveac:;nbeingabletomak'e f' r Iend i l l prooee' d· w itbthls na.nce, 0. 'T. Wall an Beaoh A, we w . Ig,d" uopv oopyof TbeLong ' . (CaUlu,rlllll' , . .C~RPETR, 'hla our . fortieth annual report a ld. ' Ith 'h tl . ", . Cartwright;oommlheeonbnllnga, Preeaandotherprlntedmlltter'from n.y w · muo cau on anu care. B C II' d J h m..:.. n. " .. . , . . . • oomplete ohanlCe ot lront in the b f th i t d d " ·Y. 0 ett an , 0 n ... i W ·. H. Gard, of ·t hat oity, 'l'bis . tlnaDotal ~ndttton of our Auooia. '. oetho I tit D.IProvemthen .a mll_ e ~r. ~ommittee on avenues" O. J. Burnett iune ofths 'Prell8 oontRiDs 32 pages' lUg ~ ~s SIX mon s was,anornlDlC . ' , . . . 1 . . ' ." ., . a~d Is gotten o~t w th a 81~~ohl! VIOW tlon .. I wlll .lltlk your·attention f9r our shelter houses with two coats . a tew moments in milking a rOO8pit'pilint also tbe gat8st~ oaoh en . A.l:Jafe Headaohe Ou~e. . of giving to. the public u· 'l~ ttel'l.l(>~ ulatlon ot the buslnees traoted by trIl.Dc~ ·· and tbe fenoos along the . '!Y e uk our OIatomEIJ'8to,try Ake- of "Great.e r LollgBeaoh" It" your, Board of 'l'ruatees. in the past ! . bl' I h . lD ·tbe·Head · t,jlblets 1for beuralgla teem w\th iIIu8trations of A(}IIIII'»', ill yesr oommenoing June 5 190G ,pu 10 1ig woy. . - lind he~daoheswith tlile oni3erstandl that !!eoii.troplcal ',lIlJ1d \\hi :h , " It littl 1 ing that you mllllt get ImlllP.dlate . . I " , " , W . ad ending today, June t, 1906. e sustain qu" a [ e 08a relief or your money buck &te, q.Ulte allnrln/( to nort.herll !lrql f·.V'·' , You will find by o;lmparing.flgures· from tbe. flood!! of IMt year to our sure, and alx oure. for tt'D ' OO~ltS. and they seem, t.o hllV(1 "" ~1I0t"'1 . with last year, that the volume of avenues, which ~av'e, ceen repaired .J. E . Junney ma.ny tbithor,' .f9r, hO,II Jrdilill t" Ii • bl15iD688 relKlrted tbl~ yell.r will fall Iby II shg~t deposit of gravel. •• orellsCCOmllltnylng, t)le lIopulal1, n short~ but in tbe aggrega.te; our net .. l. . -I find, from the Superintendent Former P~PlIs of School·, of.. that oity blls. sexf.I1I,llld · in fi~e earnulgs WIll exoeed that of many thflt thore have been sixty S!lven to, for HOl'il,e -Coming. years Mr ,(lord i~ oll,I/1UII1"'&! " ." flourishing real eslHte Itn!lllllllll In \ . A generllrmlletin~ ~l' mell!Q.era of, 'Long ~h. '. tbe Billb I:Ioh001 Alumni A811ooiation .' ---.,...... • Olarence · Berryhill and family, Ilnd ,ex pUpUII of the High SChOOl, wbo are not 8raltuatel~. will be beld who BOld their . farm near · Ferry in the 'J.'o,wnllhlp BorilM', Thul'llday about a ' month ' ago. and" went e\'enlng, June 7, II.t 7.:30 o'olook to Western Canada, ;were not sufficient-. prepare . for tbe festivities of ly.pleSs.d with' Alberta to' make it "AlumnI Day" during Home ('· their home. and have. retlirhed 'to ing week. . . the United S.t ates and ar~ now located at Petoskey, ·Michigan. where' Band Concert· imd Mr. Berryhi!1 can ·receive the S:Rme ' l>en,efita to ~18 health. They had a , . Lawn Fet~. very. enjoyable ' trip to Western ' " . . ' , The new'"Waynesvilile Band Is ar. Canada, had good train 8e~ce bit~rlor view of one 'Nom in Hutohilion & Gibn~~'s fmmenis'd:O- '''~I ' :' rllJlglog togl~e an too orellm felltl. fo~nd sociable.traveling companions, atOte at Xenili. Store dotl8 a bua i tJlI8s O'f ' mOl'e than 1100,000' ~~D~llY. " "
Val.'Tburactay evenlnlJ, ' Jllne 14th, cream and atraw. · .berriea wit ~ 118"eel• A free publlo baDCl co~cer~ will be given at the sametlml~, all ~he mal· i.o to be new and up to dat.e. '
Iwh.en (lIlke,1 106
Scene In
Mia~ Cemetery.
The feetlval will Korris Roljtr'IIa~, 1'OD&III of ths ptibbo
Many of the readersof.theGazette . be 'th' I ' M M remem r WI p easure rs. . ~, nerva KeyaKills, lister of Mrs, Eva Jones, of -W8.Ynesvill~, who has for many years lived ilear 'Poplarville Miaeis8ippi, wheN her ·husband ·and
plaoe ' on two BOns,He~in and Fred, were the pa$. engqed veiylarpiy in the ' lumber ~ bualnees,and' where they were U~na
W . hite Goods, Gingo. h~m .' t:;) Silk Gl. oves, Corset S, 'L·.100Ie!}m ' . ~ ~
e. ~.n , ~ Gibn. ~"", "gut"b. 1:1 ~ <P~ 'i7 ~?': , X~n· la,· ~bl·" ~ . .
, ..
_. -..-
WAYNEf'VILLlll, OB10, WEDNESDAY , JUNE 13, !9,)6 ..
Special ~ate Covering En- LOCAL AND Wayne Township tire United States, Se- I PE~SONAL MENTION Commencement Exercises I At M 1J I lted f cured tor the HomeThe anuual O"mmenoe m ~nt of rs. ory pp, V S rlends at I,h e Wll.. . ne Township Sohoolll tool! Co mlng.
Mr . 'Jobn Kindle is repairing bla Mr. ami Mrs. Chus. DunhaDl and The f,lende of Biram DllklD Jr. ohildren, of Dayton. were Sunday resldeuCIl and building a veranda son ot Elias aDd Sarah. Dakin aud gneat,s of Mrs. Ettll 'Hilder Clnd Mr. aorosl! Ihe entire f ront. nephew of H , O. , Dllkln, of '-Spring WaUer Kilbon . Xenlll. last week . .J Mrs. Davis, wiftl of Tbomas Branoh will be pained to learn t.bllt ' . pillce In 8chool hall Frill.. ;v evening A special nte of fare and II. tbir(l after several weeks patient 8ufferlng Davil!, Sr . was takeD to the State paased q_letly to rest at 9 o'olook oovenng the .enttre United 8ta.te8 Mrs . ~dwln ,So Furolls Ilrrlved Five pupils who had nttAnded th Miss Alma Wilterboulle 1l0U lxotl1· has been aeoured for the BOinA. bome Friday evennig from her stR-Y Dlstriet dehools of the to wn-lblp er George are visiting relatives 10 Inllane Hospital at OilY ton ODe day last Saturday evening. Cominl( of W.YDesville former res. in Doyton. and successfully passed t he Bnxwell Rlohmond, Indiana. Bis home wu Xenia, but wblle last week. Idents . e.][o.minatlon delivered tbelr final Mllster Ralph Biggs spent ~atur. making a vlelt at his ,u nole's home Mrs. Dr. Keever Illtely underwent he was taken Violently III and Wall . Tbis rftte Is much better Ibon was Pare Parle Groen, 40 ~ single Ib, eS814Y8 and 14re no~ eligible for ad da.y and Bunday With his unole, Mr, a very 8uooe8sful s urgical operAlion Ildvlaed by Dootors to go to the antioh>at~ed b;V Ule Committtle as It 35,. in 51b p,okages at J . E . Janney: mittanoe to any II1gh School In the Phineas Lollins. ill Morrow. at tbe Miami V14Jley BOIlpit1l1. '~he MIAmi VII-lley BOllpltal wbere bls w~s not oxpootP(} we could get a Min Rhea Rogers. of Lebanon, Coun'y. Miss Ona O. Strawn, dll.ugbter of Mlaa A:pphill Miller spent Monday is recovering very nloely . ru.te west of Chioago or east of dftllth occurred. Pittsburg , This, bowllver, open" was the ~uest of her' sister, Mrs. J Mr.aud Mt'S.Oran t;tl'aWIl. delivered and Tuesdav with frlende here. Deceased WIlS born In t,he ~8Ilr of Rev . B. F. Vaoghan had ' a very 1 59 near Oakland O . and departed the wa~ for everybody. Full de. O. Cartwright la,st week. an oration on "'fhe Birth of the Mre. g, Roberts,' of Morrow. ie Flog" . , tllils oonoerning the rato will ape 0 ' H ' b th J h W St visltlUg bel' niece. Mrs. John Zell. severe attaok of pleurisy Friday thl8 life June 9th 1906 at the Ilge .of pAIlr In next weeks Ga1.ette. Mr. haa. Dunham and ft\.mlly of er 1'0 er. 0 n . ra.wn. 48 yelirB and some monthll. ' Dayton spent Sunday with their spoke entertainingly on tbe subject Mr. J . N, MoKlnsey. 'of Morrow, evening whloh prevented him from BiB nesrest living relat.ivea are ' relatives W. J . Kllbon on" M-. of "Base Ball ", a subject wbloh ' vlsitqd his mother, Mrs. Alioe Mo· flIUng some engagements fo r Silt· his unole B . C DIlkln, Mr8 . PrefI$Pn u ", oontains l)()sslbllitles Bulfioiently to Kinsey, one doy week. Fraternal 0 rders Holds urday and ~unday . Ellis of Bell Oenter Oblo and 'MrB. '. make t\.lmost ony boy grow elo Mrs . W, W. Arnold retnrned Memorial Exercises. Etta Rader, at Oorwin. Mrs. Emery Brlldstreet Is stili Amos Mills of OaklAlId, aunta of t he Barrett's paints are made In 44 quent. . bome Saturday evening after a very weak. with pulmonary trooble deoool'ed. ' .. MI88 Eleanor Earnhart. danR:h,t er delightful vi~it with h er daughter, W.vomlug Lmlge I. 0 O. F: the colortl, of pure lell.d and 011 and 'Fllther, mother, sister and brother 100ttllodge.1 0 , lJ A . M '8 I\.nd -L)'. gU'lrll, nteed to oover aou 8q , ft. two of Mr. Burton Ellrnhart, bad IlS Mrs. Gertrude Prugb in Pittsburg, and bnt httle ohance of recovery. have gone on before blm. . I Me OMt-le K. G. I!l togetber wltb bel' subject, "Beautiful Pllgrlm~ge. " ' The children 's service8 at the M. Be was of a friendly nature mak· members of tbe WIlynes vllle, Cas. ooats tot}Je gallon. Slle Zell for prices Miss Myrtle Kibler daugbter of AI· Ill. Churoh last evening were ' well ing friendll where ever he wen' 'a ud_ Lytle. tie K .' G. E. united In Memorlil.l ser. ., Bee Zell'. Paint Ild on IInother len KUber, delivered an addrel!8 en· in all hla suffering never murmv red . attended. nor complained. . lit thil Milllnl Uemetery tiun· p"ge and then buy " Blirrett'!I Paint titled "!Secret& of Success". vlolls IIIIV,tlftprllnoll ; The lost of the gradnlltel\ to speak Mr. Mluion Chnk Wltl! tl'llding in Mrs Malinda. Bradstreet WIlS , A b08t of trlend81lnd relatlv86 are tbr e order" Illl.t~er9flllt thelr 'l a~d !let fnll Vll.lull for your money . wos Mis Luoel Cornell. daughter of Doy tOn o,ll ~'ridily . oPerated OD at the Mill.wl Vlllley left to mourn the loss of a kind rl'~'l8Ollveloc1gll 1'01"08 Ilnd..t ~:SO The Zell FtlDllly Orohestra fnr Mr, and Mrs. Wm a~d ber: . 'Th Cornell, Bo f "Mr Chns . E. Johns attended some Hospital, pllyton, a' few da111 . ago frlenrl and loving relative. subject Bortal in Dayton Cemetery lut 14t"rtft<1 to lile Ctlmetery, headed by nlsbed the mnslo for the Turtlecreek Will' ewer 0 "",n· removal of oanoer In the br8llst . for til!! Mprln@' Vrtlley BII..Dd. , toO h B . • ' tent . " neee!!Bary bURinesl In Dayton on Monday afternoon and Was well at· . At tbe cemetery Rev . · Pbl1lp JI' wne Ip ox we ll CommeDcement Rev \ Philip 'i'rout delivered the t!atnrday . Sbe is getting along fairly well tended. Trout otrered II.n approprilite prayer rldll.Y evening. ' ola88 address. The keynote of Vr . since. Trout's Inspiring talk was this: We are, muoll relieved to Bge Mrs. an!! aft!'r a lew seloottons by the A pleaaant family gathering oc· Band Concert and band tbe orderll 'sePIl1'3ted, eacb LeRoy irons was one of a party The Ilreatest wealth is good ohoraa. Dyke In our midst again after ourred at tbe bome of Mr . Sa.muel decorating the Ilrav6ll of their of gentlemen who visited tbe Ken· ter. All that we may att·aln wlth'o ut ' a nther !Severe sioknel!s. Lawn Fete. memembers wbo sleep In the Oem. tuoky. COlli Mlnlog 06'i! property in Is worthless, t:!trive for oh"rlloter It etery. _ . U.Dlon Oounty Kentuoky, lut week. Is the most Important of 1111 thin2S Mr. Albert Staoy haa been some. Weller last &turday evening . . It The new Waynesville Band Is ar· After the doooration wall oom. ' wbllt untller the weather for" week , was 8 weddinj( anntveraary of tbeir ranging to glve an loe oream . feati · plet8!l the members gatbered to . The WilyneRVllle Cfldet Band fflr- ~eunlon at la'lIIott School. past. . youugest daugbter, Mrs. Mttrl:llrAt val, Thorsday evening, June 14*h Illlten to il brief addreBli by .Rev. nished tbe mUllio Ilt Port WI1J1a~ All en E:merlck IlOd Wm . Carmony Campbell,ot Dayton. when cake, loe oream and etra w ~ 'Pbillp Trout. were Rtt~nded by a SUJ1ciay the D90,)ratlon The:exerolll88 es of the'for KnIghts of Pytbl exerols l i d .· 'l'he old scbool houae In Sugar tranllllCl e d bUIIIn&ls Iu the oounty There were two graduattls tron) berrl811 will be served. large number of persons and tbe a aD a. Oreek township No. 5: !1reene ooun. seat on WednelidliY· tbtl diat·riot 8oboolll t bill year in this ,plrlt of 'rue frlendahlp Rnd brot~. Lebanon Tuesdav for Field Dt\.y en· ty. wall tbe 8cene of a bllPPY gitt,h Mr. and Mrs. Wal~er a ()lark are tllwnshlp. viz Mi811 Edna Kelsey, Bishop Vincent's er.bood upon whloh tbese orden tertalnment at the N. N. U. erlngof e&pupiia, patronllllnd tellob mucb plelltled by the recent birth of Dlt!trlot No, ~, Mitlll Cllrrle Elliott, Annual Visitation. are foanded wcUt well exemplified. Mr. Tbomas Hunt, Mls~ M",ttle era of tbe same on SatnrdllY, Junf' B nitltl' httle daughter . t\mober; Itnd MItiS Mltry Wtiipp, Waynesville Pastor Runt and nephew and niece trom 9. I:itl Vllrll.l · from here attended the dilltriot 4, Mr . Clifford Henger, Rev. Bisbop Boyd Vlaoent ' SSe 'Kennedy, otnoinDllt\ came up SUU. Much c~edit'ill' ~ue tbe.prn2~ul'~1 ,., rU\NII " h1 iJ OOUlmencement Ilt W~y . teaober. 'fhe grllduattng exerolaell ofRight the Diooe88 of Bouthern Ohio, .. and et1l01eut MillS Etliel ' ,I1I"e,. " Talked of for Congre day In. ~ oouple of hours in a 1a~ge, teltobe'r of tbe ,ao.hool for toWIl .Vtl"r~ u~.. \'i\\" trrhhl.V evening, and rePort. were held lit tbe home of Mr. Bam will make hle annual Visit to St. , uel Weller, Tburllday p : m, Jnne Mary 'l! 'Obu1'<lh at Wayneavllle.. SuD, Rev. Phlllp Trout paator of ' the Rutom;)bile' and oal1~ on lIeverlll of· PI'"t for the energy Bnd entll\l~hl.Jml ",d It I\. g r'eut lI\looeIlS, Wayaesvllle M. E . III being frlenda ,among tbem the fam . she displayed In . bringtng tUl(eth"r Mustt'rtl Ralpb and Carl Johps ·7, and were 80mewbllt I,' d ..y June 17th, and admlnillter tbe prominently ~entloned all a caDdi. Uy of W. T . Frame amI 'of Tbos. ,J . auob Il g~oup of.ooogenial I~opl" !lIlVd beel~ sUlDtlwblltinconvenieDQed Pr<?f. JOIleph HlI.tfield and, wife, rite of Oonfirmation. . date for Congr98IJ on the JJemoorat. 'Brown ' ' A ploDlo dinner oooupled the noon dur'l ng tile ....... t w,eek by B~ a"'-~" of Milford , Obio, are llpendlng lOme 10 tloket. ' . .' hour. after wblob Mr. Wl1bor Bel' ...... •....r a. When Interviewed by the 'Gazette If your lltOlD80h tWllt>le8 you do n:hill entertained the dUII.lenoe at the ,?hloken pox. '. of their 'VIlcatlon time with ~r. Fourth of July regarding the Olll.tter, Mr. 'i'rou' not oonoillde tblll. t.llflre III no uurll, wltl1l1. number of selectlollll on hi" Mrs _Allen Emerjok and dallghter, Hatfield 'a mother, Centerville. at Fair Orounds. _Id that he WliR uot II. candidate and for a great many bHv" hf'pn 1'Pl'ma grRmaphond Bhlllohs togethur with Mrs, 'fhey expect to stllrt toO woul!! not make 11 tlghtfor the Dom. nently oured ~y Ohl\rnbllrlaiu '8 When t1le meeting WIUI OClIIH<l 'tt, about JunA 26,where Mrs. Halfl,ld'a There was a meeting of the memo lnation. Rev , Trout .ha811ved in all Stomaoh and . Lh·ftr THule!" T~y order a bellutifol hlator,v (If t.b .. Matildll Emeriok spent Tku~I'Y bere of tbe Fair and Park A88oo1,.. ,par'" of tbe lilxt.h 'Dlil.trlot and ball them, they are oertAin,to provft twn .. 8Ohool building and t~ob~r" w"" plea8lln~ly with Atre C. M . Bough, fatber Is engag~ in mlnionary tlon beld at tbe oftloe of M. A. Jam. many warm frie~d .. wbo would, DO .efioiaJ. Theyonly COilt u qUArt,er . r~ by Jolrs. Rillll MillIOn Brllw.1I or nellr WllynOltville. work at Palilldenll. doubt rally to htll support sliould be 8o1d by F. O. &bwartz. Venterville. Il former teilober, for u W . The sohool pionlo, or reunion of Ison, In Lebanon, On last Friday for decide to make the race. . , .. J1ev B. F. Vil.ugban, who hlld witb M,r . lind _I'll, m . ClII'monv. en , tbe parpoee of arranging fqr an The op sitton to O. Q. Bnc1eb~t ~c. M. Oartw.r!,l)t, Pre~tdent muol! care prepared the 118 per, but. te rtllined on Sunday Mr. and Mr8, former pupils and teaobers in the 888m. to Kt'owlng Ilteadt1yand 11 o~ 'he Alumni AtllI9Oil\tlon, wae .,C. WIlS unav61dably ,a bsent owing tu Iln George Wh8llton, Toney Geisler, Elliott School Distrlot last Saturday old tlUlhloDlld-CtJrot-;July to~.r r on the Fair ground. There wllJ be he remain. aD 'be tioket a. the ~ oom~nled from Cbloago la.i WftA~ attl\.ck of pleurisy . Wife and little,daughter Nellie and was well attended lI.oU 8 m.tly en· hone racing. running raoea, ~· baIIe publican ~ndldllte tJlere III little by liill tittle lion, ' ~~anIAv Lav~iftR: ..,. .paper Rem.inll109noes at 0111 Air Wm MoGee all of riayt~n joye4. Several ·teaohers 'of tbe 18st b~n, fanoy turn onh, foot raoel, doubt but tbe Silrth, ~I!\triot will be h " . ' ~obO(ll Days ·WIUI read by M18" 'An " .' Y ' 26 30 t \) 1 danolng and everything to., bring represented by' II Ot!lIIoorat. . ' w 0 will apend the SUmmAr wltl. nle U. Brown of Wllyn.esvllle be~idel! Ml'. W. F . Clark, lYlfe a,n d neor yeal'9 were presen. n y lbtt Denval' of WUmlugton his grandpllrente, Mr. and Mt". S. The roll 0 1111 of fonner teltober~ family . 9 or two of the early te/lobel'lJ·.re back recollections of the old " aah· who was reoently htrHr~ A plaoe o~ Lev. Cartwright. . . wall Ilnlw~red: by alll: teaobert' Mr and Mrs .jaoob Laoy, of Day. IIti1l living , it le just about 55 !frs. lOned gone ' by daYI. Ever~y the boar.d of ppniteJltirr, lJIan ..gel'lJ T . who spoke l~ on entertaining ~Hn tOil, callie to this pilloe o'n tbe t!l\t. einoe t\le present building wa. , 10' Is invited to at&end and help ,make by Gov. Pattenolln. is oonsidered bere will be a market of baktnll: ner of tbelr f'xperl~nces and w!'1'k of nrday tlvenlng train and after bated and the work of oonstrnotion this a day long to be remembeiecl. P. H . SURJ'AOI:, PrealdtWt. by polit lolan, 1111 a lI:ood man to.. ran and other artiolee of cooklul1.' ' held· other dllYs In Di8trlot No.5 spending the nenlng' In Way~. began. Bome Interelltlng papers . ..-iolt BtJdebnau&. . . by tbe 'Ia11~ of st. MarY 'lI oburel. M.r. TetJo\v.the townahlp Superln vtJle, atteljded Deooration servloes and talks were Iilltened to, Satnrday Jane 23 j tb AU t.~ndent of.l:Ioboohl. gave , a ..te.eIiDll, at Oorwln Buoday afternoon. The work of outtlng down the Some Cherries , . ' .n e en and interl!l\tlog talk donll the . IIDe , . . Sw&den'e r Bill and grading and . Still For Sale. building for wbioh thl' ladl811 in of tbe teltober's work and respon,,1 The Children s Day aervloes at t-be macadamizing the Lebanon pike Serlo~s Fire Narrowly oharle ~liolt a hberlll patronAge. blUty in the s01l001 r90m And Q~gl\ll r"'Vl~e M , E oburoh Sunday eveq ng .Is nuw under way. ' 1 fiud 1 have more oherrl88 than . Averted. . upon the ptlrelita "ym.-thy Imd 00 were a ciredit both to tlie ohlldren' •• 1 an&lolpat'ed. A. number of ,$reelt . . Gradnatea-Eltber Patre1'll(ln or opt1J'1ttion with tbft teaober ~ho parltiolpllted and to tboee who . have been IIOld I>ut can atm lIopply Boward Trout. olerk in the I'arr Bigh School. a special low rate on Mr. Spencer Morrill,'oreA"'!!1 mucl. ma.d e tbl~ 000&8ioo po88tble. Tht;! eVe Spring Branch more. If yon want diem, l~ me & Wbi\l!b (p'OO8l'y wdlUl badly btll'Ded pbotographs 'to you If taken during m f) rrlment by r8lldlng a.n "8"" v on tlnlng belnll a plealant one It WIlS Mt" FI ' La 8.A.IIUI:L SItt1a about' 8 anns an taoe by an ex· th h f 14 d BOIIII prepared bv bim and re,,(1 dur well attended. liS orence oy of oUr vlolni· know at once. WaYll8aviIJe, '0. plOtlion ~f galOline a ,IU18 after 8 e mont II 0 yan June. Open Ing'bls aoltool bov dllYIl t:lf)vtlrlll ' C Oh th I b II . ty hall been spending a few daye R. F. D. No, 6, o'alack Satorday nigh" \LIld whloh Saturday only. . 8 u nltS were sung by the R88emblod d".' enowe II JUs ~ ~npg- with her alater, Mrs, Frank Cook Burial In Miami Cemetery ~reatened to 88t fire to .tbe atore SPAHR'II STUDIO people the aooompanimllnt belD .. pttlDting R. B . 1:4t. obn (\ oUBe.' and family of College Oill. and aurrouadlng property. -.-' played' bV Mt88 Carrie Elliott. 1ft Set ,tooaoco Is all t.hat tbe fannel'9 Mis8 '..ena Connor ia the ,guest . liIe bad lEOne to an outbnildlng Mrs! John l'I'omm and ,l ittle dBIl'lh- \Oentervtlle. . lin tblil sent\on think abou', talk of bel' Ilont Mrs. Emma Grubb. and where plOI.lne la. kept to 611 a ter Catherine. frolll Dayt,on. WArn A per~lIanent orgt'nizatinn Will' IR bout or' do tbOlle daye . The weath, husbllnd of Dayton at. the time of Mn. E. T. M. WllIIamll, formerly Imaller oan. Iu lIOIDe manner . ~ls In attendanoe at tbe inllpeotlon Of mllde Ilnd the dllte !let for t-he 'nex t III' durin I/: the pelt wl'ek has been tblS writing . Mi88' Mary E. Wllkenon, dled.t the lmall ~n expl,oded WhQD ., alm08t the Eastern Star Loo M nd v meeting WOII "the 8econd &turnllY qnl~,e Indl\1olve t-o tbe starting of the Mr . JeB88 B.e ss transaoted busl. ,a ge of 66 yean, at ber ':home .full; probably from the beat of a g e , 0 11.. in June, 1907. . plants tbougb on la.t Monday mOrn · nel\8 in Dayton lobe ~oremer part. of Iantel'D whlob be had with )lIm, nlgbt, and remained liS jlU8llts of " The follOWing ot1loel'9 were elect in.1I It WILS 80 cool 81 to be jus' a last week ' ~ between {"'larbvi1le and Fort :. Ion. , The young mlln ~ the pl'tl8t,!noe of ,Mrll. Fromm'a parents Mr. and MI'!! ' ed for . tbe 'oomlnl year: Spencer ·little un,obmfortable. Mr Clitrord Maple of Leel~n re olent, and W811 burled Saturday mindout to of 1£101£ aDd aman k un'tt', Tn etI~ayevAning. .1 MorrIs,o' f, Da ' t ' P resIden t ,ames ·J o&n thethe walant.ern and this roba, J . C ' H. awe, , yon, Edwal'd ,llnd Iaaao Long80re, who, ! turned home Tburl!d:a.y ~fter ~. 11 few ,mornIng In MLami .Ce materv . bl II&V~ the lar ~r Wonk BJt thill . . , E~Uott, Vice Pretlident; <!eorge 8S you will remember, )lave ,been daya visit; At tbe bome of H . 0, • - • . glt t 'h ...._ If you knew the valua of Obllm· Brown, Treallurer i 1I1lls Culver, going bllCk and forth to work in Dalnn and family State B . ncampment 0 ,A Yloded th exp e resu. mll8 ave """D be ran" I I ' Sal ve you won" I" never Secretary. , . ~... ' Tery I181'loUII. Davton on a tllndem, h~.qult,ea Mllster Roscoe Cartwright 'returDDayton, OhiO, Jane I f. ,to 16th. The, 8~ departmtlnt rMp'lDded to wish ,to be without It.. , Here are dlfIRl!wr to befall tbem when they ed to his honie SlI.tni'duy from JlIomes Parade June 13. 50 cents round the alann of 8re wbioh wu turned aome of tbe di88Bl!I!II for whioh It 111 1 Notice to Banks. w.ere riding .dong near the Fonr tqwn . where be has been the guest t,:lp via D. L. &I'C. tn bat tbelr aervioea were 'not re especially vlllilablft: lIore Dlpplea Mile .Honse on their returo trip Fr~, o.f hili grandpllrents alnoo tbe.ol08e qQlred . . ' \ day evening. It, was a ','blow out, of IIcbool . Be waa aooompllnied The Board of Eduollotlon o~ Wilyne a term quite IIlgnitloant to blo:vole home by his (lrandfatber Mr. Smith .S llver-Thomas Suit • . ohapped hands, . bnrnll, frOl!t htt.f'II, . Vested Choir at ' _ ' obUbaina, ~hronlQ lI'ore eye8 ltobla.g townsbi'p will receive "'It:d bldll'tiy riders. WishlnJ{ to get home, tbey' who apent ~tnrdl\Y night and Suu: Compromised. . . p!lQs, tetter, _It t:heam Rnd ~lIeml\. the banks of said township for tbe walkell the entire ,d istance to, thiN dllY with hiS daugbter here. , . . ,St•. Mary'S. ~ioe ,~/io. 11e'r hox. For .Ie by F, depo8~tlng' of the townahip Nlbool l place,l\nd arrived al)ont 11 :S9. MrR. 'Thomas Be88 and dauibter " . ' --'_ _.;.....'....... ' 1 . SObwartlil. . tundl! oooo.ding to aeot.lon 3968 of I It, III amulling tbousb 10m,e Umel .Florenoe are tbl8 week tbe weloome the OII.8e of Mn. Mary Silver 0 Arrauem .. nOw being ~el '" . . " I quite dlllCOlloertin(l to bear different ' R:Ue8ts of her son Walter Hen, at vs E. L.Thomal for damap for euu9 re at. 8$: ~'a Mr. W. H. ~ard a.ud , niece, . Mlsa School L&W~ of Ohio All blitf! til filrmel'9 Altprellll their, oplu~ons ClOn, bls home near Ken!'a. for a v_ted ~~!:~~:gd"wn ~~alnu~:-r on the boir Oburcb. ' Milry Hard, who bave a ' home in be In by " a olOQk, June SO, 11100. oernlnll the UI9 of commerolal fer. ' tl f ne ween e r retlp80: Tbia will be an .Innova"on in ' . I tlllzeri. It is Rtoted by tbe leading Tobaoco 1It)tt.iug and strllwberry . ve anna, on the Ul'per Spnngboro W vill In' f th Ia Long Beaoh, Oallfollnla, wbere tbey By order of Board. I I tltl th ItI toda · tb t plQklng ara tbe prlnolpal order of pike, was compromlaed Jut week er tb:::!.? have spent moa' of t1!pir time dur . M. A. Oornell, abea.J of t:e the day: . ,. ' requiring air. Thomu to pay Mn: ilftnomiJiatlono ~he ,m~mberll of tb~, iug the last tbree 'or four yef\rll, aTe . '. •, .I otber nllt\oJla of tbl! eartb In the in. , Mr ; and Mt'S. Charles Jones spent tillver '20 and the ooetli in _the 08se. oholn WeAr v08tm8nt,.~ , . 8Xpeo,t ed to arrive Ip WayoeRville I Chll~ren's D,a y at . , I vent,lons of "U kinds of m80hlnerJ'. Saturday in DIlYton. . FI H • • f A Vetlted adds very . greatly very will . remBln' dtlrlng 4the M E Sunday S h I Yet in Europe have been Mr. Gibbons Ilnd famUy lind ne orse or Sale. to .t~.e impreulvenetlll and dlgnUy m08t of tbe IIUDllDAr taking an aa. 1 ~ .' . C 00 • . used Illrgely for quite a long . 'qtlm Mrs. 8eker; of neor Bellbrook, were of. ohurob ~U810 '. . .i . t I ;'b B '. n_ . . btlr of yeara. Wby 'he dlsorepency gueste of Thomas Hen and family For SIlIe-A · fine drlvlnl Purcell . The l~dlee of tlieallurch wl1lho~d , ,,ve par D. e ome"",mlng. ThP regnlar order . of I!ervloe at between 't,h e two? One reason for on SundllY . hOrlle, Large, floe oolor. Addreu a ,market Saturd_y, Juue ~,CO raise . .' ,. . • the M. E. Cburob Sunday evening 1for Its earlier use there la the great. inq'uirlell eUber to the Gazette oftloe moaey CO pm-ohlls\, tbe mat~tla1 .tor Mre. Jane' Downlng, Wbll88 bome was dillpen.ed wlth 'a nd th'e. 't hne er' lllnjrt'h of , tJme wl1lcb Jand.there Mr. James Chenowetb and famUy or 01111 Bome Wtone 450. Centerville veaf~entll III with her d~ughter, ·MI'9. ' Matilda giv~n Qver to the . c)li!dren to b8 hilI! heell tilled. Reporta sbow that gnela soolal little danoe Saturday Ohio. . ' Underwood" neja;r BarveYI bnrg, regarded 8a one of ' the best and moot- Mlt.lllfflat,o ry re~ulta have '-no.even ng. • - • '0 A R. Encampment. went to Xenta lut' week for a brte f mOflt lnteree&lnll oooaalO1ll ot · tlie obt~!ned, ~e •. •,he I'lJIount Ulled pAr A Safe Beadacbe Oo're. , • I h J J ' 00 YPBr. · · aorA wOlDld ~reatlr .tartle 'be .ver, Clears up tbo Complexion . . . , 'V!ie !'Ilk our aUlltomel'lJ to try AbAlarie namber of penonll from vis t With er eon . , ~in,;c The eaerclllOll were In Ohl\rR:A of ' all A AmeriOlln . fanner . The time Brl bt eyes. a rudd Y . low and a In·tbe.Bead tableta for, neuralgia WRyne8ville and .vlolnlt~ 'eltb81' are ,and ·family . . She W811 accompanied Mr C~. M •.Robltl8t::, tbe superlnten I h." OOOlIl w.hen Wit mUlt pay more loompfexton free,from :'mpies, 01· anJi headaob811 with ~e andenWond. In,att.elldanoe now or expect to a.. on t,be oarrillie drive by her daulh. dent of 'be lIO~pol, II.nd oon.llted of "ttent.lo~ to I"'" 088 If we upeot to ' lo'w _ and moth spotll, may be In~ tb!'t you mUllt get immediate kn~ the encampment of die G.A B. tell, lin. Dr. Maria Romine and ber soojp, ta"o:, ete., aU of whlcb ~1P U1) ourd:::i, ~t::.m;, ~~~. bad by eVllry womlln wbo will U88 relief or ,Y01l, mcmey Mak. &fe and.,,1114111 orpalsa~oD. of , the W. ~ Mr. DnwufDg aad enjoyed tb, wM~ W~~I'ri'Fn::&' rendered II. "" m~:'tq buY!n, fertm..,.. tban L&DOO\a &ablete, a positive cure for snre. aDd Btx oarea for teD oeuu. • , J. E.Jau., :ii~Ou :n~;~:=-:"k~tO., in ,rip ve". mooh, ' 1010 In hII ,:...1, . : t v e maDller. to " ~em t.cib'o1. ROl!! brlok. o~ro__lo oon.tlpattOq. J. E" Jauney.
t.'h e
C1Ark' I ~Ae~m~ri:~s ~~e::,
The Miami tiazette., BROW
ci Md('H, Publf ben.
V iolated Confidence. t No one who rCl llows t.he no'vs or the dar or reads poli tical and dl plon\atlC hIstory cll n full to note t be (r~ Qa ent un pleasa nt !lIt II , tilln s wb lllh IIrlse f rom vlolut~d cc alhll'lIce. 'o moUmes It Is th .., spuke n word wh ll'b Is made Jlub11c WIUl lllll ,mthorlly, bll t more often It Is " leller, says you th 's Com· panlo n. '1'bl3 Illos t (,,,1 writer, It hi have tboughLless or unstrupul\lus _rresllondents, mal' IIni! h1ms('lf tl!us _elden ly embarrassed. Nor Is it a .utll clenL s u I"h to say tbllt It serves hi m I' gh t; tint be ougM never to put lils opinions on paper It he Is un\\ill· , lng tbllt Lltey should bel"Omo known. ,A public man mny otLen sa y 08 a »rh' ate citi zen wb al prop riety would n ot allow hllll to say In his official capac ity. The [au lt lies In a fundo· ". lIIen tal misco nception of the nature ol a letter'. Every le~ter not es'p cl:il· ly addressed to tho public s hould bo ClOnSldere., C'O nfldon lial . un III tho ,writer slves per missIon for Its p~. . 1IcaUon. To treat It otherwise Is . to .bow a lack of sense, of h ono r, of eonrt.esy, or of all three. The most despicable ac.tjon of all Is the publica. tlon . of a print\! lelter for the sake. "cf ' vlndicatlng, or tryfug to vindicate, • 'oneself. 'Iais Vlbole matter .0C conldences ~ nd . the, 11i~ lolablllt'T of hItters Is' one wbleh touches good taste lond good breeding. , TlIe real gentle· I p.1a~ \V1;l 1 ,no more gull ty of a breach at. honor In thl" dl~eeUon tli'tln he will be guilty ot ualng agalusl on opi,xlnent · a piece .of . Information wblcb was given to him In confidenae. Yet-bel'e Is a curl~us thing- many A Jlers on wh.o holds himself to a flgld rule In sucb matterS as have beeD mentioned will 'regard the affair Quite .Utrerenti y as 800n as ' death steps 111: ,"Slnce the "W~lter Is no· longer aJlv~.. there M n be no . harm, and S9 forlb," II the common iDtroducllon to post. humous leIters which ought Dever to have been mnde public. It the c(eael ltaand can keep U.s .rrlp In the affairs IDf cbu rcll nn d state and land, shall It loose It Ln ma tl ers ot honOr ? '
Grand Opera at ~ome. Grand. opera at bome' , 'Ia you r telc. . ' »hon" receiver. fa a New England Dnd New York scheme. A central Power
Plant' III to \le,.establis hed wh erefrom music by eleCtricity Is to be trans· mltted 'th rough . teleptiones to t!l.e A tilt. Jiou688 of the ·subscrlbers. . &ery ot 111ter'n ato~8 la to be Installed "h! c~ -w,1Il tralY'mlt musical electrh:al ....av~~ . an. ~ . th .' CB_e , ,are ad~usteil to .:1,8 "';~.---.,-----IIIan¥- d\treien . '\lratfoD aU-InlS or ~ plauo. To piay the Instru.' " uent ' li phino keytioard Is uBed. 'The 1'I'C8SLng o[' a key will o~rale a t witch whi ch Will close the circuit leading to Ule ,alter-nators adJujted: U, ' prbd;Jce Ule note 'thalltthe (llano strJng would ~'lI'o'duce: . But t he n.o te win be , ~ound~ • d~ In .the ea~ of thl! operator iroth tDe ba.t_te~v -Itseit.. The 'vlbra"-ns wtll b.... ....., ., ~~W1icat!!1 to the ma l~ wlres,whicb wi I transmit them thrqugh brancli ,-:lfe8., ~o_ the ,other end ' of the lele. p.h ones. Tbere the note will be Bound. ed. One of these recelYlng telephonos will be connecled wltb th e ope'r ator 'so that 'he wlll kDo h hi I I . 'II' ow spay n8 , 1II9~n~ to aU others connected With ,the! main II(lres. The receiving tele' . phones will be fitted wltb a mega' phonel1ke device 'warranted w carry the 1I0tes tbrou gh th e room as well a. an organ WOUld. ;rh! wootjwlnd, brass and s tring tones 'if tbe orches tra art easily produced by mixing tbe r e Q\llr c ~ harmonics In tile l'equlred propol·tIOIU.
Of AID TO HOSTfSS SUGGESTIONS FOll NOVEL AND PLEASING ENTERTAINMENTS. A Oa k - uessin g Contest-All Attrac· tiv e Lily Luncheon - ' A Flower .
P arty, tor th e ChlldrenChOOSing P artners.. Cake Guessing Contest. Th is Is It (' Iev r lillie s kit to fill In ' n fow 1Il0nl'nt~ thlll might las. Wr lle l bese questions on :;II IIS of paper nnd pass Ilelll ' II ~ , 1I1111Wlul,\ 16 mlull tea for t he l,\u sslng. ~'or a prize to th o ,per· SO li who hU$ the most cor r ec~ nusw 'rs , g lvc a I re tt lly del'o rlll ed Ill,e. Wh itt kl ud of cnko sbou ld II jc",o~er ellt? Guld Il ud silv er a ke. \'\ 'h llL 1" 1)(1 fO r a Jlolltl c l n n '~ Elec· I lio n ('n k . \\' hlll Iclo d tor:\ lI llIn wll o 111' s im , h is fri ends '? .$ plln ge cuke. Wh lll t or 11 w nller of slo " cs~ Ulll y
DAHLIA· BORDER DESIGN. Very Handsome and E;I!eat!ve Border . Suitable for '1'rlmmj~g 1\ Tell. Cloth or Sldebciar'd Cover. A " ery han,le.o me nnd erice 1,,1' b l' der to r .1\ lea dolh or slldeooll.rd lolb: ~IRt o tlnl s , OAl 's otto n . No. . . eh, jOi n rOIlIlIl . fi ll th o rin g with 16 d.-1st rounel. ~ ch, 1 lr In e(lC b dou ble II I Itc h: -2c1 ronnt!, 1 d In lho tSL hol~ 1 t ch, turn . Dlj~S ttl!' 1 st ~ t1t(· h. I s inGI lu en h eh, 1 d In ~h I,e l(t ho le, 1:1 cb , miss th t. t tII eh. 1 s ln~lc In r acb of th 12 clI, r<'pcnt n il IIrou nd. Turn th e work ou Ihf' \\'ron g '< Id 3(1 ronnd. 1 tr In enc'lI of Ihe 10 sl n ~ Il' stltr h ~ . 3 tI In the point, ulHI t l' e lJ1~ clo"' n the the r Ide of Lhe p 'nl t, corrl'~ pond . 1 Sing le In th InNt s'tll:r h of tb e 12 s ln l;lp. ru tll ' n e~t p"(ln't, 111 1 s~ tltJe I) tal, kel' pi ug' It ilL lhe bacl,. nnd worle 101l lHI (' I' ry alt e r nnte I)etnl In the SIHll e mann r.-4th rOllllld. Tho NQ llle, bill wo rk I ~ tr 1l101lg lh t) pOllll. In ~telld 01 l Q. TUI'n tho 11'\1 I' I,t to th e fron t ~hle . - ~ lh rOll nt1. SI111 stit l' h 10 the 1(1) f h· Iwol jllht fini s hed. t d In
\ hill 'Whal What rnke. Whal cul,e. , ,\ hnt have It aches.
for '8 gardener ? FTlllt ·~Ikp. klntl tor a 1 0 ~'e r? K I · ~c~. Iel nd to r a l)l1 g\llst? I'
l;lnd for a
gCOlogl~ t ?
kind or a ra l{e "'oultl n i)e rso u' he ale a ll oC these? StollJarll-
AL1 y'Lunch eon. 1'bls n Ifulr is 1110St. IIt(mctl" . F or the ccnler plcce IIse .lI In l'ge IJU II h o C .whlte lili es ,with l ho lllltU rtl l folia' : ~b Hie \b CllJidles wlul while; \ Ull glnlls bolders, . wln1l lng Ulem with I!lllllax. Tb e plac cards UTe In shall of IIl\es willi Lhe I tieri ng In gold. Of co urso· . t.h e bo sles~ will wh irl), nnd U lhere Is a uy RIU8t be yellow. n 'e ihe regula tion lu n beon menu, bu t the Ice or crea m mus be froz n \n . " Illy" torms or served In II renl calla Ill y: This 1$ a d cld ed nOI·ellY. lmt Is a II rneticlti one, Whi te ca ndies should be lb e onl y anlfi clnl light In Ihe dining 1'0010 mId tlley muk e the proper selLI ng for t111~ uu· ilslll1 l1y p'l'etty affulr. . Party fot; Childt:en. A . mo ther, Know hns planned !lu ~ h
Illus trative lnatance pl th e Work A lIIbltious But Incompetent Beginners.
[t Is 5u r prll; lng to discover how 1'01', differen tly peoplo who ha v play ed purts ull their \I vos 'd~porl lhclUs h 'es beror th o footll ghls, wrltcij Jt{ chllrtl l\lanstlcld , In Atlantlo. I WIl S n ' Quaint· ail W{tll a hldy in London who ltlHI b en th e wife or a...llee r of tb e rea lm, Who Ilt one time had been a r Ibnl ng be~uty , and wllo camo to me, lonslllg fo r a new expe rience, and Imploring ' me to gll' ber an oPllortunlty to Illlpell le upon the stage. In a wealt OJ menL I co nsenl ed, nnrl, as I wa's produolng a fllsy, I ~B l her ror a parL wbl clr I thoug ht sh would aUmlrnbly s ult tha l of a society woman. What t lln t wom\l n did a nd didn't do on tb e stace pnsses all belief. She becam e en· la nlll d In Iler tmln. s be could neit her s il dOWll no r Hla nd u p. sho s hou t d. sh o coulc! not be persUlldcu ' to re mnl n at n res pectful llls tn nce, bllt Inslsled upon s hl' leld ug Into the actor·s . nrs. loll s ll(' commit ted nil th e gn uch rl s / )' O U wO llld exPect trom an untmln ed ('ollutry "'pn h . But because ~ " ry· hall)' I acting In pl'II'at e IIfc, eve ry one Ihin l18 be ca n acl upo n the stogll, and lI lCl'O is 'no Ilrofes sl~ n t hnt ha s 50 1111111)' crit ic. gv ry ludl vldunl In lh e.' a ud ience I, a crillc, IUld Irnows all abeut the or t or n tin t;. But acting Is a g irt. It canno t be taugbt. You ron t01,I'h people how to 1I0t ActlnglJu t YOU cn n' l leach them to nel. A:ct· Ing Is as much an In!>plratloll ,,' tho maklns of grea t poetry a nd grCln t pic. tur s. What 15 commonly ca ll ed actin g Is aeling aellng.
Stric tly Dusl ness, Ol d Genl- I I1n derstand, si r-I n ract. I Im o w- lhat you lind my tlal1gh· tel' aro edg ing I'o=y ra pidly towanl II1 nlrlmony. POlllllless Sl1 lto r- lt Is lrll ', 61;-; 1lU II, nlr h ugh I .lI m obliged to conress l hal It will bave tQ be a case ot I ve In II cottngc. I hope"S:1), no morc. Love III n cp tlt!'g IR Ihe t nle Iden.1 or IHipJllness. Y u hn 1'0 my COllsel! t-" "Oh, tbtHllt you!" " Providing )'011 ('I' n show the eleet! for th o cotlasc. Good dny."-N. Y. Week ly.
th e c n ter s lltch. 9 cln , 1 tr In lho pOint Or tIle nexL peta l, 9 clt, rell<!! th r ho 3 d. 4 ch, 3 d, 41 ch, 3 d .. 4 c!b, 3 d. ltnder ach loop of I' hal n. J oi n the pOll I'M to cach other t ",Ioe ' by II. mi d· dl o picot. . Th lI C'ad lng.-lst ro\\', t tr I'n the fit . It Incilldes to ur nl~ W Qlll ck,firlnG middl e plrot.or Ihe gro up nex t bllt one to t ll c jolnlnl;. 11 eh t hrelel 6 limes round th e llC(l I\l; t'nselrt the hoole III llle mi ddl e pico ! ot th e uext g rou p,. work oft 3 ~tl lc h es. Lheel 3 tlm es .more round ihe n die; Inse lrt the hook In tho ml,ldle pi cot or 'lhe next group at tbe next paltern, a nd \\Iork ott all tbe s illehes; 11 cit, t Ir, Iii the ilext group; ' 11 ch, t d, In the nexl ; II eh, 1 d r In the nex t; n cb. 1 tr,., ln the next ; 11 eh, repea t.-2d row. Double.- 3e1 row: Cotton 3 tim es round th,e neeelle, Insert th hook In n double atlilch .of la8t row', \vorlc ott 2 8titcbes: COtllon a gti Ln round the needle. miss 2 IIl1tchles, Insert book In nexl atltch, work 011' ail the IItitches, 2 ob , 1 tr, In lbe' center of tbe group just work ed, 2 elt. miss 2 stitches; ra; peat.-4 th row. Doublc, taking liP bat!lc lhreat! only. Tbe Eldg'e..... lst r ow. 1:\ In t1)1\ mid· ;/lle picot of ,a g roup, 3 ch, 1 Ir, In the" same place; repMt. At tl\e JoIning. 01 the paltern worl{ 1. t r In, the tree plc~t,' 1 tr In the tree picot ot the next' pat• tern.-2d row. 3 eh, 1 d r In tbe .1oop ot f, ch, 1 tt'. betwe n tille 2 Ir. Ii 'ch, 1 : Ingle tn . tbe loop or ' ltbe treble just \Vorked 3 limes; rep~t..
uoJl]ue a flernoo n \llIrly Cor her two h IIdren, aged eis h t and ten. if the weather Is (a ir th ero wlJl be gam s out of doors. 'and the huu t for flow ers \urlili cial one) wiii be most r a lil!tk; Each blld Is lo be given a ba sil tI with a bow ot ' rJbbon on tb e han(i1e. ' ·The qno who Hnds th~ most b108' soms 'wl1l be given a box of ma rShma llows or bult rcu 'candles. Whi ch Is npt lQ. Ile olleluid' until th e 'cblld gots hQme. Arter L-be hunt a wrellth of Howefll 18 to adorn, each child's head , and tor t he rema inder ot the time tbo guests wUl be called by the na me or the flow er <"omp08Ing' the wreath. I t any.' one forgets and calls Ih e rea! nllnie,. a torfelt Is to ·be paId of a.. flow er fro m lhelr' ,wreath. At the end of a hllle, hOl,r a r.ount Is ta ken and .the one who' has pa ir! Ihe fewest fortelts Is lJe rmlt. ted .to choose the . games to b e " I>l fl Y ~ d for Ule space ·ot 15 ' minutes. . The dining room Is 'golng to be very prelly wltl,l a la rge glided bosket for the .cel)terplece, pink rib bons from It leadIng ~o t bc, places {or tile lillie girls and green for tbe boys. The basket will conta ln 'l\ flow er for elich' wi t h' a ' tin~' gltt tied 10 It A si mple menu Is to be served, consisting ot clam boulllon, wtlfers, lettllce, sand· A LAC'E ~ACKET APPEARS, wlcbes, Ice erea m in tiny basket s. with ' II ~o,.er ti ed on 'the hR1ldle. 'lac\y nii- It I s Quite Short and Hlllf Fitting aDd May Be lI{ade oj~ Heavy gers a nd lDacca roons so delJ,l' to chil d· . lah hea.rts. Embr,oider:y, B
Even Then, l\!ethu selah wns celebrnt.1ng blR Flve-Year· OId Wns Pu mping In the eight hl1ndred nnd nluety·nlnth birth· Questious Too Fas t for dRY and cOllnting his pres nts. Sml· ~other, denly UICl ro WR S II. g rea t co mmotion a nd his t rl enlls 8 a ltered liKe ' leaves. They were s trollln~ lh roltgh one or "Whut's tbe scar 1" gasped the In· tbe Irptown J)arl; s. pla inly mo th I' nnt! terv lewer to r tbe Slone Age. "Enrtll· da ught et·, the Intter a ch lld IJcllVeen nunke?" live and s! x years of nge. Tire da ugh· "Oil, no," r eplied Mrs. Methus lab; ter evidently 15 I arn Ing llle lett ers, "my Ill1sl)a nd Is just nbout to tell wbat ond bas th e re!."Ulur orfler of tb e al· a mild winter anrl rain): sp ring· we ph abet well In bel' IItt! ,irlnd, re lAU!s had '00 years ngc."- Chicago Dully ' th e New 'York Sun. 1\:e\\'s. Passing IInder a big oak tree, tb e mOl her stopped nnd plcll etl 1I f! a hand· K ade Sure of It. ful of acor ns with their .cups Iha t ball Mrs. 'i'oimghll band'-:"'no you notice {allen from tbe tree. a ny ditrer tIre In i.he milk. (lear ? sh e said to tbe "Loole, Katble," ~lr. YOllllgh us bnnd- ( should aay 80. .chlld, "yoll clIn lake ' th p~e horne . r~ r Tills Is 11 much \JetLe r QUllll ty Lban cups and sa\! ern for <Io \ly .' ~ • we have been .. gelUng In:t~l y. "What are th ey, mD.illm ll 1" erll\tI th e ~JrB. YOll nghllsbnnd~ln d\led It Is. j delighted child . gol It oft' II new man \vbo s a id he "Acorns," ' sald the mother. woul d ' guarantee It io be perrectly "Wby flO~ a ·corns?: aid t,he In te r· pure: so I bough t e nou gh to las t for a couple of weeks.-R oyol Mn gazille. ested lillie one. "Beca use tbey gro", on that oak A SURPRISE . COKING. tre~," sn ld th e \l(lse mOlhe.r. "1'hen wl)y nol O·cor ns?" queried tbe deep thinking little ont'o " I'll spank you, darling, when we get home It you ask me any · more Bll ell 'fooli sh qu estions." anllwIOred the alTec·' Llonate mother.
Industry That. lIas ' Surpassed Flahlng And Agricult\U'e in ' That .Oountry.
" How's the water !" Bul r gl1e, lIle 'Ii':' bnr 'e a t tbe ' dodc does i ."-N. Y. Hern ld. "Gee, It's colc! I
Bad, ·
tlln (It tor:
'I'hn po
t her" Higheli. n w ll\'~I" tllld ,II 'd, And n~"l .1.1), rodc h'Khl ' or 11 Il - Jl uutitun .'ORt
Two ot 0. ' Xlnd. Able E tlltor «( tl IV dra ma II' !'Tit I ) - I lke )'ou r w ric, sir. I Ilm \t ~lIg Il 1ufl '" with It! N nluHor how y ullg. o nd love ly, an d pre: y a new nctre~s 1II,ly be, )'011 don'! SUoh o"o r her . Dramatic Gri lle-No, sir . . "Thill \s Wha t I like nbon t you r 1\rll-' oles. With a ll ny 'former crill 1 WIIS In hot \Vnter 1m !': the limo. Tbe 1""-1 1! all young fenows, onil eV,ery 'M ( n'Cluj ni gh t tbey' d lIti .1; In a lot or rri'b h glJ s b abo ut sQme new actress, a od every time, wl tbout exception, Wy . ",'Ile su~ pect mEl of writing t,ho e ar· t1 Qles myself.. See 1" . "I see. Well, . the r~:11 n'e "!!. '. .n:t' SlIch trouble While I'm wl tb yon. ~O.vil a wife, : 00, nnll . she Itno w'l write ',e m."-N. Y. Weekly. ' ~ ",1
Crafty Oount. , R~ h . "Do YOll re!uemlJer how CoU ll Mr. Mopk, . Jr.- Gee, but won 't tbe olel man be whell he walies naughl symlla l hlr.ecl wllh A mer lc" when ' \1e was wooing t be dn u bler ·Qr .' upl - N. y , Sun . the New Yorl, mllilonalre1" ':1 should sny so, . Why, be used 10 • An Estimate: ' , I'l\fer c ,,'orr18." he softl y Mhl , "can"not. :1[.- slng ,. ' Ylinkee Doodle' two or three times every 'lny." " . pre8s ' ~t)· 10\'0 for YOIl- n ot C\'cn IC 1'lrleU , "And 1I0es h st lll 'sing 'Yankl',P 000· With dicUonorlc8 trillion." , '. di e' now lha! he hus wb'li h ~r 1 " " H word. ,': 1I11>m Coyne' r6D1Ie.1. "are POll" " No'; now ii i!' singe 'Yankee Boo(l)e.' .. erless, • . uppose your love (or m e were slllnino') - Cblcago Dnny News. By figure., 'thUB : .I ,W(J,0001·' -Judlr°. ' Hla Own Jl[ug. O'Toole- Gl I'e me a ~ha'Ve. The Prophecy Oame True, New Bprb e~- R!'..\·e you your own Jingle-I knew thllt ~elJow Storm!!, mllg? , ' tbe comedian, would co me to', the "Me own mug" Is II!, Ail' do ye? Lhlnk fr.ont. ' I'd he nrtsr g, In' 8NuIDti wid a no~~.;,:-.....:.'--,,,--.:"-,...,..:~ WC'ller-And he has , has he nat? relJ'yS face ato p mc sbowlder6 '?"-Tlt~ Jingle-Yes. You. remember be BUf!. to play tbe. part ot the hind fl!gs Qf th e elephant In the pantomime? 'We Never Count. . :WelJ er-tes. . . , Tbll Teacber-,- Who was the Jln~Ie- Well, now he Is ployl!lg the man? (ronl Jegs.-Royal I'tfagnzlne. . :rhe 1.IHle Glrl- Eve's h usbR n'l - 1 torget his Il.nme.-Clevelanil 'Leadel'. . Skl!ptlcal. ' Benevolent Old Gent (to fellow pas- HER FACE NOr · HER FORTUNE senger)-How raut we travel! . 'Bul, nh" young lIlan, have YPu" ever , thought Of the lIight of thr.e? Think of the fleet· ,Ing !lours of YOlitll, tbe golden da}'11 t.llal .8wlftlY· l'as& aVlay, Have you eVfl'1' countEid' the mlnu:es' Batter sby (unregenerate and 8116pl. clou!l)-}vhllt a~e . you t~lng to do? 8ell me ' Il 1V!l,t r,h ?-:-Roy~l.
Seaweed' seiling ' Is . tbe prl oe ot cer· hl.n Norw egian prospe ri ty. Tbe ·gatb· erlng ,of seaweed In sOllthwest Tn Nor· way has a llS llmcd the llroporlions n ( a large Indust ry, whlcb has s lIrpassed IIshlng and agrIculture 'In fortllne bul'l dlng. .. Farmers ~collect the appar· ently worthles/l growth, burn It, mill sell. the ashes to reprllsentath'es of va· rlous m~nufacilurlng Institutions "In· otlier countries: Tbese a~hes contain valuable obemlcal properll s, Includ· So far the only nllvelty tba t II Ing Iodine. Old debts have been \ltlid 11'0 Choose Pllrtnel'll, The nlcknnme CIt s tates provide a promi sed fo r Ille s um nlfir sea~o n Is lha and s mall farm s tbat were Isolated lind s urround ed by unprodu cthe land hav e good way to select partners. ,Wi'lte lace It Is II charming IItt.le ntrulr qlll~B had their boundaries extendcll by the numes or tbe states tor th e girls, and .l be nloknames tor th e men. a nd short II IHI IlIil1 fi tting. It Is Illade of ·lJl'ol!llng or mnrshes and cleaNns of t ben let th em lind eallh o th e t·. A li ve- emb roidery Quite as otte:: all It' is of ·roCky wnstes tbat have not II p ~n ulll· ly time Is likely to p.nsue. · To sa ve la ce. HI1 ~ d ~ome fro cl, !! show. I ~ a!ll (?oed or proiluctl ve fjlnce th e' slolle (lge. {be ho!!tes.~ rrom ' wracking her bnl1ns well a~ Sillll>le ones a s an nccessory. Twenty years .ngo lhe.ra wa s not a ·mow. the IIS1 fo llows: . . Therc Is eve ry reaSOll to believe It 'Ing ma chine In the di strict, whil e now will be pppular a nt,! usually becoming. th~ re are mowers , hay rak es, .ha l'l'OW9, th Ca rollna"Old North," Nor 1.888on trom .Flguree. Il rerl ee ms /I ' ~'ery plalID gown t rom and 'o ther modern machinery on nearl)' New Y6rlc- "Eml)l re SLa te." The United Sta tes every ye!lr ~X. being too severe ror afte rnooll OCC:t- every (arm . . Moll'l irn dwellt ngs lind SOllth Carollna- "Pahnetlo State." »ends about '.140,000,000 . In pe usions ·SIOllS. Tbey ('1111 be mad!! !It bu rne, barn s tor grain nnd. £tock l1 ave ' , re" Rbode 18Io\ld-" Llttl e Rhod y." Ohlo- "Buckeye." , 1J\lI a ll tb e shop ~ are s howing so many "placed the anCient hut . . The trnq s· for wars that are past anel somewhere Connecllcut-"Nutmeg St:lte." ·or th em that it Is (losSlbl e th ey will he rormathin has bcen so s-reat t.h at ,{arm. between .IBO,OOO,OOO and . 260,000,000 Dela w'n re- "Bllle Hen." l'el'Y reasonn(lie lu IJr lCI! wbe n '.the bot , Ing In tbls locality h D-~ beco me veri· In 'being prep/ned against warti of the wealher co milS in . New Hampshlre- "Granlte Stnt e." tnb le American. . ruture. IIi the la ~t fi scal yea r there Pennsy )vanlll-" !\:eyslo ne Sla Ie. " 1'I10se l\1ad.e of' ,hea vy embroidery , was paid ou t to r tbe naval 'l.stnbll~h Loulslnna- "CreoJe State." TlLklng tho First ,Step, mixed with ' Iris h 18t,e al'e ;'I'vely "lid ment '122,000,000; for the support of Illlnols-"S\lcker State." will be WOrD o v e~ n il I Inds of ,tblti . Th e Bashf'JI- Ah! j am so haJ)Jiy:. I the army and the ' mlUtarY academy, Indilln a-" Hoosier Stat~. " wh ile fro olts. 'TI1111'e .a re olliers of Oer· · wouldn't let· rT\ys,elf ' even hope thnt '17 ,000,000. TIlJien altbgether, pen· Massachuse tts-UBay SL'lte." man lace edge!\ wl !h Irl bboll or cl\e· yoli would accept me. IIWU: the navy and the lIeet .<;allell (or Texas-"Lone Sta.r Slate." Tbe Glrl ~ Well, you s ee 'a forlune nllll! III faint color~ tbn,t are fetching. Malne- " Plne Tree Sla te." Th ey 'go o"e~ the very sneer trocks teller 'told me yestilrday thllt my secf3.0,OO.O,OOO. A comparison between VIl'glnlll - "Old DomlnIOD." tll ll t are unlined aud show coloted rib. ond )Darflage ",vould make me ' happy oosta o't the ' aiota ~f ~ar and the .J\f :i\ OAME ~1 F. R.Rl. bon througb.' The ha~ or Itll ' fell~hers nnd wealthy, 'and you li now, of courst', arta ' borne by tbe government Is af· mal cll In cOlor lind the wbole co,stuml I ha'd to get my nrst marrtllge over· . Over heard at ·the Garage, ford ed b'y tbe f~ct that tho agricultural Plctllre ot Health . , wi lb.-Brooklyn Eagle, mak es · for arllstlc ·effect:. "Yee," 8~ld '~he p~lItl' deinon~tra~orl appropriation tor Ihe last I fiscal YeM A woman wbo ' Is' t~ picture or . Of· cOllnoe lnese jAck'e!s, no matter "bere IIr an nutomohlle ,Intended tor 'Wis ~,942,04 0. '(he 'compartson ' 'Is health gives lhe following recipe tor wb at made' or, Bre . unlined". Tbe . The Jl[odem Sunday, IOllg', lours. WhY', hel'e Is even a place" made eveu more strIking when ",e It. Deep brElathlng. ,Plenty of pure slcel'(Js are sbort and C),ulte full , Not . Mammll (returning from cllurc'h) tor knIves andtorks." . water-£.Ight glasaes a . day:, , Fres h nallze tbal t~m '1839 to ~he present 'thal ' th ey Ilre 'ga(hered but ·tbilY 'do "';by, .Wlllle, take your·.wbeel InlO tbe "Ab, Indeed!' Bald (he calle~. ",Am1 day, counting the prllsent propo ~ed ap- vegetables illld siliads. Sum~ l e n t" 8Ieep '8,,, lll g . tn a wld'e e1r'cie ' trom th. back yard. You must not piay In ' lb e "wbat· would you call that IllUe ma. tront yard on ·Slinday. . . . (,hlne ove~ there Jusl built for two?" "roprlation, the . aggregate approprla- to keeQ. the nerves Quiet. o.utdoor ex. ~ h o utd('r. ' erclse e\'ery day.' Little or no akohol . Willie I protestlnj;ly) - But, mamma, ' "Oh" 'lhtll's a pl nee for apoon8:-'tioll tor the department ot agriculture tea. coffee or drUGS ·of any sort. \'l llr. Stand WeB . Iso't ,It Sl1pday In l\le !jaok yard LOO ? Chicago Da!ly News. ' are IG6.7u7,272.12, 01: .12,000',000' leu tlcular!),' he 'powclers ta llen tor ner ves The woman \\' 1)0 ~ t.atnll ~ well mnst . -Lippin cott's. Gibson Glri- Thot h01l1'ld C. ,Il'ra n ,Ulan was eXJJcnlljld on the a rm.\' laSl an d InaoDlula, -'-~--learn (0 holtl he r H hould e l'~ bock nn ll Two Papal. t,lIally haS, lIer phOtogrAPh fOr anle III yellt. Yet we a re a peaceful nlltlon, liele\,el ; shc..mllst acqu ire th'.l arl of re~ t. Two Forms of· qonrage. " Uppe·r·Ten CbHd - My papa Is' :;,e shops I . I ,C OIlIrII~ t c,lo auch a . lhl n& Shampoo for vr.rhite Hair . pen,dlng large)y 011 agriculture for our 'Tom- l can 't1ml1s lne unything more 'abroad, Is YOllrs? ing IljIon th e bnllH of I h p, teet : ~h e '.. . :. /, t· aoylhlng! 1I1'0,pOrllY. Shampoo toni C fOt· \v hlte ba lr : ~I It mu s t I arn that UII' cb in ~ ho u lel 'he ', IIIUcult. (hnn ' ,to tell u g li'l th a t' yOU LO~·Cl··'}1eu Cbllcl- ·Yep. Mine Is at "NO, YOII h:\V !l~ t the tace to bll\',e .==~=~=",,== a ~ m a lt bIlr of pure casHle spa p In Ii held up and the. head a little ' back: ' love her. I tell you It take~ co~rage . . large ·a g' III.- N. y , Weekly. yo u, dear 7" . , ' Dls pa lches from P~ S. 1;1., tell qllal't ot water, . boiling down . to one a nd that the bands should be main. . D\(;k-Ye~, 'b ut' of the courage of tb e hlgb winds all d du s~ s torms: pint ; pool and ' add ~ne pint of bay laln'e d In some ea sy, co[)ventional atU, -It takes to tell a girl that you don't After the Race. . No Kick Coming. John Carlson's tar.mhouse was bom· rum, ao gra ln~ of blsulphate o~ 1]111. "leI'e , Whe n "he has learned the~e· Idve b el' after you',va. once told her Owner (Iralely)- les, Jf you hadn't Man-Do YOIl tli.)lIk . f'd heUer ask baFded by' potatoes during 1.he lillSt nine and one tabl es poonfu l a t pure thln g~ ~h " ('a n sta nd w'e ll. But to bl , lha'! ' you dld,--".~tray Stories, stopped to Lab lIP that girl ~n Y9ur ~rour ta lber tor your habd this mor n. .to~m and ever'y pa ne of gla~8 on tile borax. ~eep In n s lass ja r an d use 'cat d well Is nnotber malter. Evenly "B ad Temper.ed, 'mnchlne you wOI!ld have won lI~e rac.? lng? " . IIOn~heast s ide broken o~t. Th e hl!?b wh en s hnmpoolng, the hair. ~.-You ""erl\ beaten hy .a mUe,.· . .G lrl-No. . Walt· Ilntll til ls eYll.lllng Qhauffeufl-WeJl, yo u · ~o~ A mlplj !~! I\' lien he has bls sl1p.p era Cln.- Olllve. r.,:outil Wallh. Mrp, w.hy~e-:-b your , hustialld even wLnus after denuding a t1eld recently For Blackheatl•. Peroxide Is cxr.ellont as a moutll te~~pere: ? W 11 .. I ' as good M a mlle.-Chl.cago DG ~::" I' ;,IDc.\ Leader. plan led ,to pol.lJtoll>; lifted tbe lulJer. T~ e c~mplex'ion brush 11~e d eJlElry wash and tllro at g Brg h~. warding otr . no. rowne- e , )!!S, suppose News. ' tbelJl.lel yes and .hurled them vloleu'.!), nlglll with warm wa'~ ~ r ' and castile Mre throat and generillly cllrlng It SI). Sometimes he'8 even bad tem· '. ' . . A Bupp(>~itlon. Ulrql·Cb. the air. , aoap will kellP the cofllple xlon free evel1 nfter It bas · a foothold. pered .-Somer~me JQurnal. . Sho Took IIIm. '. .' "I" laying (Iff t,II I,ds we , make 1t " \I, I "",=;=""",,,,,,,=;=!! from blackheads. Twite a wf'ek apply Ueed 'onre a w ek or 80 a face lotion Pit7 'T!!!, deorga-Ra ther ~hl\u remain flll)!!~r, I nIle to loy orr Ib'! unmarried·' men OnIon juice 111 said to be a curf' tor a satnra1,8 solution of Rulplllite of It ha s a whi tening lind nslng etreiot, ave most ,of our generoull 1m. would you marry the biggest tool ';rst." , .." ~. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _-"-__a~l!e"'n~d!.!.I"'c<!.lt"I"'B~T ..............JI.J=....."_'......~_W>_t_1r1111:r;n:ttta:___'l~'1"II~~ · _of__tbe diet. eat". bUT Irmust .. trr:: I>ellt 1inw-nn cr pul~es at'llre Umes When we bave a earth? "You mllllt II a \',c some daugbters YOll ably now cease to be either t lsblon ' Ing plentr of fr sh fruit s, t1rlnklng ('yebro~·g because of. bWllcbln, , thl! .me3n8 to put them--inw neI!Uu:u, "Clara-Oh , Geor. ., this II 80 1 0 1 . : :or(l trylna to Dulrr,. oll."-ltIou5lon I tliree pints of water ada,. . alii. or In I.IINllt hr.: QuallUcl. -N, Y. Pre.a llelll-AIIBlI'ora j :'os&'
" ~t n n t. wClr *rll ttn 1' \'l1 h (l r ~ l orflr~. tf ~n In \ f
r,r. ,
the bell tor her maltS. lihe lIew to hn' foUet ~ilbill . Dick Onrilon mar<:bed rupldly and gloomily corner saloon for a braner. As he entered the place. be beard B man 8ay: "Seet 1 lea\'es It to Mlk • h re. It I aIn't right. heh, lfllkc? YOII lake a illlvor coin and twirl It IIko thnt on Ita "dge; and DIM time!!. 'out of ten It ~m fall tAlla up. Suro; I've sp un It II o::on limn her e." A hend tell upon hl~ 8bould~r; ,Cat'· lIOn's band . "Excuse m e," he ulc.l; "but [ am moro than Interested. Eare, barllee,Per, a drink fOf- this gentleman. What Ia th" renaon tor thla babavloT on thll part o'l the coin 1" ·"Why. yOU ; eee-mixed ala fot' me, Mlke-on one illde of the coin there 18 this h ere hen:d, with more weIght In It than Is on the o.t b er 8lde. Wben you twirl It, wby she falls heada do."n. See?" . "I certainly ~o. Where IIi your tele· pliqn8?'" cried Dick Oareon 10 the bar· keeper. And h4 made a daah for tb. machln.. . Tbe telephone bell rang In tbe Cal" rollton houlle juet as DalBy· Oarroilton rnn downstaIrs, and sbe went to tb. Instrument. Just a!Jout that moment, DIgby 1'0'118 waiting In tbe receDtlon !'o om, Is .tbls tbe Carrollton "Hello? bouse?" "It Is- why, RI~bard Carson! tbought you were comlog up tho d rl ve.'1 . . "I was In too mil cb of a b~lrry ," 8al d
to a
~ ~~_ t1l1! mQr nlog. 1), ; you h t, .' w !'lnl~3 • • mora 0 .. 1:" 8:; lha'u rOil lo v~ A( 1' ~lI lh; ? "
: On
a ,Transatlantic 'Liner·
"Why shou1l1 I like onl; or th ' olher mor 01' IC:Irl?" ' "tVell- a wha le Is a· mnmmnl - an1
.. .. . _ -®:!>
• i so
Is nJfin." "~Ijl.u Is a h
1." s h p. corrert d.
"Ye~, I l\\ll'll0~e h j ', Anll u worn ·
: By PHILIP VERRILL M ·Gl-rE:LS. • . •
fln - WOmal) Is a c r) le r: ' "rrha nl( g~ I WD S ,, ( ra Id YO\l WO\ll d or Quie.t Lake. and Still Forest - The. Old Days and 1\J~l pyrI8b" Joe".1> B. 110,,\;,.,) (t; op),I·lghl. by J o"cph 'B. Bowlea.) tall WOlOau either. 1111 Bu g!!1 or a .ner . the. f"rese.nt- Fisherme.n Lure.d Hlthe.r. On tb e, trall sl1tla nti c li ncr there lUald.': ' As fi llUuaom cab sloppe t\ lit tho gate· , 'wuy In II Hu\lUI'(j'au town not far "No:' hll r pllell , r efl ctll'ely. " 1 wel'e two cabi n ' Ila, 8cn::ers ,who \ver e 11 Itb r 9 'Dlllcll nor lovesl k, and . all nev-e r took home Hllel' f('alh rs or from . t' w York, Q tToll ey car CIIDle t o It tbls III Itself we re not sufficiently s 'a l e~, on- on my o~t lapel." SPtlng on'J rail , Fumlll r anll winter. cablo, nnd hlthcr one "Iorio us May I hal l be.tore tb sallie bOnae. From r mnrknbl e, Aria was beautltul, clev~r "You can a ct \}nlly speak abou t- lhat I huve Rt Inn IIw ay lo lh e nOrth wO() d ~ , IlIfY La dl'h' s M Iy a lld mo. Shy May the hn ]. :: m cab th erll lledat Iy sle pped and YOllng, whil o Sewn WIl-'1 manly, afl'1l·lr, and- love ?" Sh blu s herl as and lIe\' r ollce flJl:m l th m Wli lltill g, h us kh)dly I li Ponde l1 to illY r.cquast a t-8 l1 . I. \'e-f'le811 lYOll ll g· He wholesoru an d wise. IIhe oparly mlsHed III'e 00 tho final Th o long Inhabltunls liP tbere anHY to r a eOlllllKnl o n, II ncl nl on e with Osanwa a c:u tully, even el nborately dressed, Grown wellry or be r reartlng. Ada word . compla l!! of unUm Iy l'O ld or li eu !. gec's grcal, gra ndd:tll g hl er I puss somo In 11 (Orill a! s tyle. A cal'oatlon b1oome,!' glanced across tho deck, A man tllere . "Why lIOt?" he InquIrer!. '''1'be sea r Itnrellso nubl c depth of s now, Ihe IeI' ,'ery hrll111Y hours lI eell In tb e woods. ' III th!! la pel of hI s co ut- g h' lng the las ~ Ic'Bned against tbe rail, smokIng. ' She Is doin g ·me good . I sball tie myse lf too slow In brenl,lng up ; bllt ~ol\l e P'rll aps wu [~ Ol a IIIl lo noly Whb~ str~l touch to a IIIllstOTJ1lece. noted th e baelc of bls heall and once more In il we ~ k ." klnrlly fale lius eve r nlteodecl me. I wa n Leo drives a wa y and Icaves us, ''I'll wallt to the bouse. Return In thougllt, of a boy wlt.b wbom, on a "And begin to regret YOllr unmlt!· hllve hRd Illtl e to 00111 1810 of 'a s to bul ~1aYh[\p th bit of fellr gives zest In bour," he lIald to the driver, wbo lime, s1:\e had, prayed at a game en· galed bache'l ol' !\ole moltles~" wealher _or view o r pleusures, to Ih e expo rl en e , 1n lhe long twldrove IIWay. · As the young man' UlIol.I: "CourtBblll, Marriage . and nl"Cortalnl y oat. I'll like to see the A rocellt sojourn deepens the ImPI'cB' li gh t of llle LaM SU ll orlor regloll 'In . tll r l'Cd, to\i'nrd tJt.e gn teway' b'o ' met an· voroe." girl who COlt ld make me reg.r!!t Buch 31011 ; I 11 m tempted to an eternal gOOd - l'elll~ln 0111 ot door~ . the bOtter to cealother YQn ng man, 'who bad jumpet! The man, wbo was Seton, tlJrncd a sens Ible step." b)' to l\} WIl life, lind In Ih e Hecluslon Ize Ihe lon eliness antI think how o r!!v" l brl.8kl~' tram th e troll ey car ero It about. ' Then she s'a w that h e wns, H e look ,I 50 deeply Into Ada's eY~9 <Inti beauty of tbe norlh woods Josc I w ure. Btll when IWo 100n8 rise elllly ~to llped. . Thu second youog In vcry fact, that selt·same boy. ex- nil be IIPoke that Sbe BIlW lbo whole· my self- Tnther, Hn :1 my~ c l r. · An d no ~ f.rom th e wa ler , nnd high overheat!' m(uf a coo t wae a sack, worn with a panded and sand .paDered ,off, accord· .some, hon es t boy s he 'had known so a lone llJe .woods a ud beauty druw me , g l\' \'OI I'C 10 thc l un ellnc~9 , I lhlnk a 'rarel e~" aIr; bls sort felt bat would Ing to a plan of civi li zation. Their happily., once upon a tim e. Th n he but tbe ns pect of the people. Such lilli e lon gln&l), o r the mu ch -peopled Ila ve b( n the bolter for e. brushinG, glances met.- He oscillated where h e pre3 ntly added : brlgM eyes. slIcb glowIng hcallh. 8urb city . Dowil l:y lit lal, some Ilee- wees e8pecla lly now. wb en placed a longside was tor a second, and tben came "BeSides. tbat's done-and there's nortllerD Vitality. One ~ees no ol rlpeo. holll (\ d ny's-cnd ('hnn r, nll ll likewise of Ull' fi l'llt youns mlln's s hining s ilk. leisurely torward , raising hIs CO D In an end to It." \lI e, o r at least no feeble 10o l, In g olrt g lvl' \'ol rc 10 Ih Ip llclln es~. RowlJVer. "W~ ll- how arc you , Carson?" snltl salutation. Something happen ed In Ada's teml· people ilOne lhnt nrc 'Qoutcnt merely the rrogs answer lIn k with hoa rse deh of thE' tall hat; nnd nn In torprcter "Wby, It's Seton Lowe- Mr. Lowe," nin e mind. She 6alrt .: 10 s it ' by' lhe fire I1IltI leI the worlrJ Ha nr e . .,:,11 w!l h t hem I sny : " Wl1o'. , ot thl' pub tler tooeB of humil n s peecb "That -sounds exactly lII,e Ibe thlngtl ~o b r . At SolOn Springs- t hat Inter- Ilfrnlrt '! " Ilhe 80ld , " r didn't even know YOll wOIl I.I hay ~ald he lIIeant: "COli foun d yo u !" . wer aboa'rd ," YO Il IISEd to soy 60 long a go. Just he- I estlng seltl ement fO Bt los ing Its I. lImBtll nt In~t Ih~ long Iwillght I'nde~. "No I came a II tl unexpectedly." tween our childish calm!\ a nti storms." her ' J ncl, hnracter lsll s und de,'c lop- It gC I ~ dnrl , I h I ~ slI tJdcnl), :Ill Is 1.I1u It. "Ii ''0' !I re you, Digby?" responded he l'O~ teBllell. "t took tbe trIp ' to A b right li ght fia ahed In hiM , eyes, , in g (he n .'I th eOc, ol l mctlvl\ ottag e On a ll s ides the w oodll IlI'CSe nL -1mlhe t roll y pnssengl1r, alld th e bypo!lvold my frIends ." ro. r a Recond, 10 cotinter tbe sjlarkle IM,w n by lhe tr.l ke, g ro\,os ns cn re full y penol ra ble.. Olll)ress lv c :I:tl'l' ue~s : lime ht' lI ~ al r ader of toU tlS would bave tie"Oq' then 1 tru~t YOll will be. &IIC' In hCl'ij. tc nde li ~s un El n gll ~h dee r parll; lI ur3 tQ go Induo rs oll'l II ghl th e C-ll !ldle~. clal'ed ] l l ~ rca I m a nlug to be: "Oh . cessrui," she nll s wered, s omBwbat "Ada, th ere's not.hln g poeti c or II I~ now. woodm an . spare thine ux F r l lltt:t lt' ly, 1\1I1Y I un l mprc sed by th e de'J H t:llce tho luck!" Illy. re mlnlscellt about me no v, " he coo· ",h crt, once It W:18 ~ut down evpry mel'- 'N lg hl 11 1111 Ili st UIl Nl fl'Om nelghb rs , nnd An d I h two youn <> mlln stOQd ' slock He mlltle no attemDt to reeonstru t till !I, " bu~ ver~hlnJ; teel ~ to me de. , I' hnntubl II' \~ wltl: ln. ~ Ighl, ror DPH \I ' In hc l' ~ 1I ~ n l 81111'11111 'ss nen ' nre Mill f I' n mom nt or " two, In Ibo bls o\l~~rvntlon, '1 hey werG .silent (or cld edly III)ll Slll'lng." " , ' ty tan s llecome mor h ant :thll', nnci mlls t qui et d : Ot) till, It , all'fI wcll. In artlpni. ~ lln 8hl n e or the rrprlnl> aft r· a moment. With a not! she t'on cpr! ed he ha :l . he pi scrvell. I call on I h Old 5t In. t h e \VoolI~ a l'e~lru l , s um el ' nr compll n1I00n, I ring ruetully, blnnltly, ODe nt ,'ft's ,"olng to be a smoolh, tedio us paid hcr bllclc. lI\everthel eSB, s be Ig- , h.ll hllallt , I! II 01 find him Ihl !< S[lIl n;,; 10 11 Ihe gre,tl -S l'on,ld<ttlgbl er Qf O~auth e ot b r . . trip ," he I"eseotty s taled, . nor d hIs ,?cllfle repartc!l' Silrycr Ih a n ever, his UA' 511 11 proll- gec. . "LOOK here, Digby," en id Carso·n. "'t look tlint way-at pres nt," sIll) "Wu s IL s pring lhe whol yenr lCllI nll r:. It mu ' t I; rltllr-(H'ore UIIII The n lll hl is sar Ir li ved thro\lgit, hut wit b 111'1 toek broker's enel' gy, "Lors agreed. ." ' . through, when we were two fooll b '!lor, :l lItl fl ulU Ills ~tlnl,e n t hes t a mi III co wa rd .I'UICr..lCc c(\n uellber (all -tlll~ t h ;e thfllg ove r for a minute. It He g lanced at h r furllvely. after children?" she querl ~' (I. . ,. • T> hot 1;0 In- what's the use-no tbn "[ ncnjr tho J!l'ht," h e admitted, will II s he nbrUll Iy !;cnnned hIm over In t ho tor eltber of UB, Am I cor· ,"bul- hang- I.t nll- [ loeUev..o IL WB S." With a keen er lotere3t. reot?" "You 'o,re not a lon e?" s be Inquired. Tbo so le Ilprllose ot. mak ing un ocean r"YOn " lIrtalnly are. olrl cbap. ~ut "Pra lIeally, y s." voyage eo llrotracced Is'IO en t rap th o . .... Derbn 1\ II. wou ld be tu n for - for Mls& "W'h,)', I thQugbt- [ read":"wasn·t It In.nocent p&6 cngers hito vague IIttl" CarrQll lotl." . trne? ShOUldn't )'our weddlng-" 'sIghs of ItI\!(lUsequen t r gret whetl lit "Oh, no clouht It wOll ld - hut l. for "Should have come off to·day," he length It 18 finally ~ U(!ed. one, nn . ratber ttred ot rurnlshlng 3111\Plled, ~richalantlY' "AIf o( it ' Both Seton und Ada .were apostle ; o f Mi ss Oa rroi1lon tbat klod of tun ." trlle, so fnr as It went." I Inconsequence, "~n d I am, (or another," . "Oh . . . R eally? Then Thlit an I eve ni ng t bey Bat on lhe "In f!Lct," went on oarso n, Intently Miss Scbtly~or-" deck o nd b held tb, 'moon arise like erlng tbe othEr man, " I r ail on t to· ".Exeri!lsed her dIvine pre(ogaUve of n red-bol d l~k tl'om 8~1U9where ovor day to r. We up my share In tbe fun , cbanglng her mind , Sbe Is wearing 'the ellge. Arla 1001led at It steadily. Ofte. ,\\'ny or tlll\ other." the othe r man." "Tbe poor old tblO!,; Illust tl1ke UI ' The 11t be~ man ' stll~ted, alld r 'lplled " w nrlng1'~ "ery ' sel'louslf," 'sbe sa id. "for look at wIth ~ livelier nlr than , he' had ~lIb!'r"Ves. Tiley put ' us on and off IIl(e tbe wrlnillea on: lier broi.... . (0 !lhol1'n : "We ,apllenr to ,b get1ln!,: hatS. I trllst be will find It wearing:." "[ used to Utlnlt a s llller thing than ionfotllldedly eonfldentlnl nnd , ex· Ada's cyel glistened, somewhat that-wbllt a lol of I'ln&B It wO\lld plannlor y-b ut nil rl!;ht- lel .1t go at fiercely. " I have known men who reo make, eUL out , ,one nn slde tbe other." Hiat. I came out · with precIsely tile newed their tles' 8s often n8 we ohoose He wus sll e1lt for, a momcnt, men. lalDe o~;IeeL 10 \'Iew," " I:lEL.L.O. 'IS T~~ ~~~, CARRO r...L:I:o!'O 'between aur hilts." s be sald'_ "Tbe fad t nlly carvhig up j he unsuspecting MOI Il mjln." nlcl 'Qa rso n , layIn g bla of cblnglng ·til bea rt ' lB Quite as IIlp· planet. Tbell he observed: bind on Hie other's ' Bleeve;, "bonest Oarson!s voice, "Daisy- answer me pant as that of altering the mind." "Th ey would all .be p!alu Jnjtln, now. what do l:0u think of >·... ur tbls Que~tlon-tbo most serious thing " Personal 9lIperience III the hOtbOU8!! rlnll.s. " , ~ ~ ohanr ?" I e\'er said In my life, Allawer me of rancor," he told b er, " 'and J am .. Yes 1 know. TllIlt was part o( tbe a...,.- .. , , ""'--'= "Tell me ~bilt . you think of YO\,lrs. qulok! Will you mlrry me, dear!" Ittll under gl~es." •• _ idea. Bald It 1'0'118 woefully sllly,l, ' C"rt~.. aliI'! 1'\1 !>e, In ' better shape to There was .. pause of balf I minute, "Well, do you tondly , ImagLne you ' "Perhaps you Ihottlgbt you would ~ .... II VI.! '),' u an ·answer.'.' ' Then-cam the anlwer: "YeB, Dick," are all alone In nn enjoyment ot ran· like ' one of the r lns"?" , - .- \ ' "W- n, DigbY, ,r , lIDO';', this mUllb- sold ·Dol'sy. co r'" . "Perhaps I' did," IIh confessed. h[ ort belie,'e ·I t":"tbe qhancel ' lie between "Hurrah! ''0 bawled Carson's voice, "M (ault·llndlng Is , at " lint }land," .w as very young." WUElRE LIm THE SPE ·u.s l":P" No '. others In s lgM." makJng- MI..' Daley's tIIrs tlnlJle agiln, he answered, "while yours should be H I! sllppreB.(e!.l a 1I1l1t11tll'e fee ilng ot '''I am inclined to ogree' 'wl th you," "When Harry Digby gets to the bOuse' '9lca"lous only; at the lI~most.'" excltilment. hacl(lng cough ODe judges be ' long hn'i nSleell nor go to s leep- a play recentsaId Digby. "And. to CO 0. !leD farther, - jllst tell him tJiat talill don' t wIn, "Indeed!" sbe said. , " Of course, you doo 't wlsb for any- been deHclent of luns; bul hi this fil\ll Iy seen com es too \'I\-+dly back to ret,be chiill ~'ho gets hI's lIul!stlon 10 first, otter oil-will you, .dnrllng?" He looked ot . lIer sharply and tblng or the sort any longer?" be Ill- all' that seemB to make small dll'ter- membra nee : "Th e Sublne Womall," jb8a~wt!l1-the lead .M ·nn)' nite.'; . '·' Wby , of courser' cried Dilley. "Here blinked througb tbe smoke of his quire/!, ca lmly. once, he promises to ,hold out for' mOrfy Il nd ~he s tOI'.Y of Ih e girl alone In tl1., "dul! yo'il're~ht about thllt: too." Is Mr. ni'gby 11,0W," pIpe. . . ' "How co uld I, M '. Lowe?" yea:'9 to come. ' 1 find L'Or up on t b A lI;olaled cablll In Arizona Is not such ·aIIsqntl'd Carson, ' Mr . OIgby s tood In the hallltstenlng. "See lIer e," he hllrted, "you were "Y WIl S trying to tll1lnk." stee p roof of hIs coltage patchlog the n one a~ to Boothe to s lumber .. Wltll a Slid den ,gleam In hI s eyes, "H'm" sai d be. "1t seems 1\ case not tb 1IS9 La<, CavendiSh who was "You wero lryln g to think what?" shingle: polilely, and wlLh co lls lder . woman a lon In an IsolAted catlIn 10 Dlg\l~' trned ~Cl . hi, rl\'al of lalls' Carson wins- heads or tall I, . engaged to- Home (ellow from Oxford?" "How W Q co uld botb get out of It. Ilb le ' ngtllty, he desce ncls to greet nl ~ WIscons in. Not till dawn comus In "140'1< ' here. o.ld ohap ; I'll toss you I lose, Sorry, Mis! Oarrollton, but 1 "You nre neltber ·a oute nor cQmpll· I mean~how l- we -.w.e U, let It 1."0 th3 vlslrol' ond chli of la lO- news, old , days. through blnlls . In ille logs tloes ttl. 'to ser who' goes fi rs t. Man who wins must be retu r nIng to towu Immedl mentary, not to know--or to assume wny I saId It first ," III fnncy I travel '!Jack with hl~1 cowan1 pale(nre s ink Into all exhaust-Wily lie-why h pops tb a QU stion ate!Y." • so li tt le interest." Sho looke d a t blm steadily, 'and Celt t hl")ug b the chuoge~ of years; where ell 8111111b r. Bllt t he next morning aU 'W,It h alIt .... ny .more f \I~S- rl g hl 0'" "H.'m," he mused., "I- I always h ersel( g row pule al<1d warm, niter- sOloo SllI'jngs now stll utls, seo , tbe t earn nnd weArin ess II co aWllY. .orb .. tbe n a~• bat, n il t be ' SWINDLERS IN, SMYRNA. called )rOil . Ada. I no\'er. supposed thaI .nlltely. L'Or homes uiad, " four rorties." alt joy th e s [lul'l( le ot 'tho SlID on the lake;' Cart n starell; and then B sm ile t/lllow- " "Oet out of what?" she munhuretl. 'forest covered. And I b enr of roug h hidin g behlnrl the bus hes neor the ranbrollll out over hIs flsn'dsome fa e. Englisb and Amel'lcan FIMIlI Taken lle glolic d at ' Il er ngaln, eatn est, "AII'll, w CIl U't set Ollt or t\le tad raills ana or Inl1lan trlmbles, lin II , IIN- III'IIY to 1\'lIt.!!1 the (! or come down for 'JSur ! I SDy:""'yoti hA \'e morll snortlng lity a B3ud of Shrewd Iy. "VolI ' were always a sensible girl," that we lov e o Tle allo b er, devotedly," tenln g, look about In a)lpreelat.lon· or ~l1elr 'mornln g drln.k ; to follow tbe> blDod tlllln l . g8\'e you c redit 10r," Operators, he observed, "Sboll I tell you 'what he nunounce:! .wl t ll n I:oldn 55 th at tbe Indi a n ntmosphero Over lhe Illnll . tralla bluzed by Leo leatllng on a nd , I've done~" . ' bel' bre t ). "When we • ''0))" I lIa\'e a lIble, when ~ orou. tooll awny BCllutlful Lake St. Croix Is so QUIe t. 00 lu the t Im IJ er. 0 u t w It h ,can an d It." £8111 Dl8by, wUh an sir of mod· The fact tbat one of lilem Is still "Not It you wish It ke pt a secret." 'used to pia)" as c)l ll llren, we used b RO breothless, tbe !!lIrrountllng WoollH foolisb "Si)lJt o p. Woma n, " tn broad j ''I' ve joined the 1\11 oe latlon' o~ Un· lillY we loved each other for tbe ,court.- stand In a silen ce fllll of portent, Ilks Ilayllgllt Ute ro Welr d PII I er <6!Ity. 1-1 :) drew: n 50-cent coin froOl his born e vety m Inu t e hn s u st "" een forhl ~acei b s 0 Id 1Iock t. ' "Let's tOS8 tb',a-best .wo of bl~' IIlustrate!1 i. the case of Amert· mitigate d B!lchelora," .he Im p arted . lIb1p , and that wo 10\'811 ell h ether for the lull before !1 tempeRt. Tbe ' only us it SQURW. Tb white winter forest Is tlx Qljlaltl', ·Uircc·wlns." Slltldenly he paused anll can' Rnd English firm s deallog with a "I've tak en a solemn vow ne" er to a sk the marriage, :Inti tlllen , after the dl - sound In harmon y wllh 't h e pla<:e 'lo0k$\t1l\rou nd. "13IJ..\,Jook here,.Carty, band or 6wibdlers recentl y oDer:Lt}ilg any ma1tl;""'glrl or "woman on· ear th ~orcel we mado. Ill' Ilnd saId we loved wOlild btl t h e P8(IUI'l of 'a cn noe , the r. ~U lll nHl.I' the Illn woods lire all, ,w0!DBY be.Uild r .observatlon (rom the troll) Smyrna, The mat ter, . sar,Bthe ' to b~come my wl(e. " • eAch other agaIn , !Ill as t~ pegln ·tne only figure III h lirmony un IndIan pt\d . ab loom. lu th'e auumn the colo ring I. I .'\Iouse ; 1'1lIher ', riaIC\l10IlS to be .sej!n . Wasblngton ~j;ar, hilI }leeo 'J1t~~:I;O~e~~d~n~~ hlln ~ddIY. ber .t~ce game All oyer. S we 3n 't got ou ~ of dim' or (hilt cnnoo. I wnlh dOWI) IIn- Incomp;ol'llble, bllt May lioys seem ed - QcUng . like, 3 ,pulr o( newsboys . play : lQ ,tbe 'attebtlon of .\l)e.' ~tat~ 'del?a.rt: " I've jOined. m~sel f ' . she' mUrmured. , thlt t, now CUJ:!. we? :The -OI\ly ql.l e~ tloI1 rl I' (he outspl'onlling w,bll a 'pInes ntlll to bo pre lly' good . . Then Ule wild-hay , lu~ pit 11 am! ~08S" li e re ,:l'lI show You P1ent oo)y nft.e r swIndles ' nm0u,ntlng "Not tll o bachelors,:" , ," is how to:get aro undl ·our. 801~mu. vows ' Illumcd Norw3yK to the lulte Rnd !ltep mea'tlowR, whf :h brcpl, t h e ll'e Bpncn "No, the Bache lor Gjrl s. We h.ave to th e b;. h,e !or IL3S0,(}lllllon~. ROftly ,no t to brQa lc . th e spell. WhOli Ire re Bil l! thoro, nrc groen (ulmost) 08 ,\' ""rl nlll. 'Y9] "s)lln lhe, coin on thl'll ~o ,s omething over ' 60 ,01)0' lll~d been .-:ton !)en h' here,. and call .Wllat , la co wor ked on English IIrms, whllo tbe~ eacb of us laKon a g ray'. and raverend "BII"'- . oton-" , rell r- h th e shore 'l medItate. how IIk o. ri ce 1i~ldH : lu lh e midd le unll ul ong I O I b f '''Us Ull"·llrii " ·'· " amou nt taken outd'0 ArneI' ca as ~ , ;)bllgatlo~ never to wed IIny ' lad, YOIIt b ', "I know " . , l'l'e !Ilw!l. Y.- saId YOIl are" bow 1III e Ih !! 51111 for.e st anti linnea - th e Il/) rfl c l's or . th ') wood 'ij fO a lls tie "'I'h Br~ 'sood enoll lfh tor mo, DiS yet ,be n compute. '" a man wtio may can. or must ask u s sweet., sOlJslblu girl. , H you udvlse It; pled .wl1 le.c's of tlj(lIie Tmll nu tRlob of hru \' o pIISqll( nowel'!! tl(lra l ~ll ; ,'ery,,'you ~pln-Y lei Dame Forlune' The operaUoJl of tlle IB'1lnln~rs as t~ becom ble wire mate 'or 'partner I'll slm ll!y ' bren k my pledgr .'· Ill }' l!II ll l'tlss lOl1able yotlth . . }V1tcr e tile (ragro n ce o( III'UIIIU5 tills -;'at her ' go! " simplll and ettcctlve. T IllY ad~ ertlHe~ , for life tf 'w~ live i~ be 'a tlfousand" "But I don:t a~vl~le It, I d n't I\d . SelcCrlng 1I boat lI ell convenJ cnlly lIl e all'. An,1 uf our~ ' tile co ns tant ' 'Beg'' you r pardon, Oarty," said. p ig- 8p.1),. ,sent out bunUreda or .c,lrcular let~! "ou ' don 't say[ " bo exclll imed, ,w'lttr .vls~ anythln l,'. 1 cerLllln l)-- ': . nco \'-:-Ihl s I s .' 0 hOKPlta,bl '; 'Iand : tlh!! W1nl llr!ll'COil s give t\lelr nOte of Kreen by" gr\lvely; "hllt; as It I~ my cQl n" t~rs to ftnPort~ng both here rrLlnlt admlra.tlon, "I m mi ghty gIld "Don't )'ou lm'o me, s.~\'eDUlcart. just ono mllY h elp on selr- J cross over to anr! reli . lIul It Is the air tbat Is lIest I'd mu h llrefer ' t lot you spin., Hr~ t- QlI~ III Eur-ol?e,. ollerlng va rip smer· to bear It ~ ~dn " we shall IWt ' along .enougb to hell> me out! tbe other al('te wh re th allmmcr peo- or' all "lI nl!I'Olith ed olr, IIl1mHllb le. lool,li, , t .e'r~ doft~t ,01;1i know:': ' haildlse, olill, hlde~'I' W?OI and 11rJ.Oit lhls voyag~ dellgittrIJl,Iy. Let UII Rhake ' She 'Was sl ;ent n moment. , He 1pill hllve not yet en camperL Back 1I clellu," Sll'lI n contrast to poo r, dust~"'. iW ~n'JI)U. li.A;,Dl g'7bul all ~1!lhL ,fr llltli a~, ~ucb . lesl tba til e marl;tlt-" b~nds~" . ' '. took h er bonel. n WRS ~re.mbllng, bll t wn)~ (rona Ih p. I!hore ( 'come tl P'111 ~ s wept sluoke.cho'ltetl hleuS!?; ,Wh!ch, .HO)'<l' shC \wlrlll"'"w..h~t dR, yo,U cry,?" 'luoia, lona. ," , She placed h er dainty" Ilnn lL In .hls, It ,lay. 1\1 his wJ.t b:, il t alol'm. Ha. trio of bht6I(-~yell, nul-brown children Up hUllPY iOIVn 'Ge llo r"ljlld doubtlcu " "r ~p1. Lall :' safd),?lgb'r_ ·,.: rtre .sl1 . ' ManY ., or tbe .lmpgrUng ',.lIrms ,here. for . a lunnye little s. Ill'nd: ' and the ' loo~ tl In · her ·~yes, and, eve~1 In the goUlerlng'. ,1.r~lItll!" nn,d find a 1110 nI.: bad In mind wh en he SUlll , ve, lJ!f ;tut ncd , Jlke ' • .~b'1b~le""D the. D.,lld , abroad lilt .~ tbe , blll.t aud , sent 4 Jl'lance that pltlyed b~tw~en tlieln met mOo~lIgb~: s.a w· th~ IInsw~r btl n eeded . . hem s hy 1:\OHPl bll ll),. "hll~' stralgbl "if 't,were r:t't lot Sig ht 111111 sound an" , . 'rbf)n ftllal~y ..SotOIll, Ill'~SBhig hIs fi st , amI ' very hl:\ Ck hiliI', l hose k~ lind . smell. ' .. , lIuuaHln' .: qilil. , f~lI ~tll. ,.11. ; ,m 'l,SIr..1 ' ortlert ,joIning ' bank credits (~Ir$. as, on ,n eutral gro.llnd. -1IPilll. , ,~"i'ou w i:!., \J)~~~" cr(o'il ,d ar. much all 1I~ per oent of tbe vlllUe of . Of 'all tbe un~tabl ~, neutral grounds to. hts !beart,1'I' lth 11111 'his slren!l'th , tlls- , very blnck eye II be!!pp,nk the o rfgl nn.' l'd ,lII,e a r.lty prett v welL" Bni fortunate ly UIC tawnsDlan can .. , \soD . a'.ftu9' mqu.\t}n _IntI! his 'Qbe.~ks, the: i:t0 0cls ". T~e .sood!J w~re shlpp.ell In ,' tbat Fatc ' hi. yet. dev ised for man's coverell be was .g!lz, !n~ In rap ture on 1\ merlCll n, the race -,th a~ 'r lllet! !/ofor& ~'NoWi 0 ~1St ll"~ .. ';~. . ~ , ..... due ,w.Jr·~ ~~d , ~o 11\011. Y couecte~':'l confusion. the sea' I~ Ile,hars' the 'moat 'the mD?~' He t.botl:;!h t 'II\' beaut!ful Ihe wh ite mon tOflk (iosseSsIQn. Th& qnl~lt'y Whlrl ' llway from town ~I$ht, ' DI-g .;~Id so, " \Yill take a ~Ilrll at bl!~ .~ijell ...tliey ,1I~r'~,e~ he conslgn' oonlplolloUII. For tbe \ ~,!-te~of ·'thllt., plain gold ring be ' 11Ould , Cljt from tho chlhfren uro ~ an'lod 'May nntl ~lJ(l,...n nll :lnd sounl,! imd ~D1ell to . seek re'ItiH~~jtl8t fot NCk::" 'li!il~' C, SOD , A'lUJ \me'l~s were ,fquoll to be tatapy <~ltrtr , ~lIY gr:ouud whatB,oe~er~ wben., ~~ ~plendor of tb'l .~ ISk, mlv.8 Y, hnve n ver,)' con siderable: ar! - crentldD 10' the r a-crctltfng .'wo'odSl and 'Ule-' o!o :~utAdJt ',talll!' lp. , .. " ,' cot trQ~ w~a~ had .be~n or~orl~d: ,T a . QuellUy employ~d, Is perilous to .mel!t, ~ .,' , , mlKtllre or wliite mnn ' blood, but overy lime, I.a k e the train for Solon Onesl lIeece ... IIPOIl. forhave : !. ;t'len t7, Indulltry .. ., ' . their . grellt-g\;mlllta ther Wl\S 9 sa uget', Springs 1 find fel.1ow truvelers bent , IOn tbe.,colo i:wbll:I IDg~ once IIgt1ln .. . IIlt'r~ ,,!oolen ~gll. I cil ~e~ ' ~i~tK~ p~ft!lted ,much IIgalnst ~1\J!1gal ell, ¥r. Qulller- olleh , certaInly c~!,no; a Ch!pp e\\>11 ilhler. AriQl~er anceslpr. this guest. 'frout IIshlng waB. olI , . '~b I lI(1ck "to' l 119" II Id-DI~by- flgJ! ~ould' be thl' Ja~ tetlin ~" .• ft tlilgYemenla. . .",'" ,be acc~sed of lack ol-·lndulI~ry. It 18 no\ (belr ' grn1\rIf~thl)r, Is .L'Or. · .ben 1 wnil til) there ' lllst time. aud all j;~e,'~; ilke 't~ hedgq y~J. kIlOW," -\,n'l , p~cklnj; . boullel, and 80 OD.. rt;he '1!I~,'t- Ad~.I noieger, 8S ( lied.• Y8"w~nt, b,~ long" slnee:he .h,rOugl1t out' "'!~. '1 wn(~n Osul,lgee'c . grandcbildren 01 about one 80v.! reminder of hopcf\ll ' h cOi n tumet dute,tip:,;.. . .~ ,ter Wail i,pl.aoeel In t.he bali.d s of,. ~e was conlldent of het '~"'II ImMunity" Mayor ot 'J)roy;" )le.llt.lI.I, t1!'O serll! bol'- thllir task nl1 d mark Ilow lIttleren! hi IIS!lermou. I cnme ,u pon one ' that rl til ' D1gby-.,.goQ' ,ari',,' bad local . and' on their. c:bmjilillnt .fr!lr:D 'and' Setoll "as r!ll,Ining \n lie II pre- nrbutu9 freSh pl/lelled Irom . seemed te>' bll ' fl ahlng wbere theN' W!ll ,All ::'. iUlld' Carion wheeUllg ,Ilome' of. tbe ..dJer.a In 'blll own . Iron mall of' de-p..... ng publlsb a ,collection Of versel '80111 on Chlcai;O streets, The chJltlren. Do water ,at all, the Infinitesimal. luok ~o },o., : ',' " . . . ' w1!lIf the Pt~~~1 lied. But ,the ,frau~ 'termination, ' .: . ' . ' I\-IId"lttUc esiJ.. ya bDder .tbo tItle of "A EIre 1l:1I't\OlIIRI', select . only the mORI " stream" well hidden from .vlew; aoct. arQ~~ .'. 'irrifle ~ltlYlng Oddj~ about !!,as adverse!y affected tb!3 c~edlt.C?1 "W~ntle'rrui went her ~e'r~ , bavlng' Cornish Wlntlbw," lind be 18 at work w~xy hlossoms or those deepest pink. W'd S t.old this "118' R lIkely spot. ..,11111 : n'wtflln . fits . broad -bl\ck -was many reputable houselllt;l the aflel! Ill ." lie '!lIl!d, a:t on school of I,tenl- RIIIl, IfI'ced for gaIn. as beyond another mJsrepre8en u, hi r ct), solemnly mlrched III/on . . chllr at IWlt, be bad walked' tlie ture Ilrrllllged ,on a pla n of his own, aa lockln.!': ,Jllpanes Idell oC 1I0wor nr- ed IInder the "orne oC Mud treek, tempttu n bOllse, " . ,Ct!IIItenariaD . deelr by himself for. half an bOllr. , rangemen!, sll'lp olf IllIlve!! and ed , tbe. trout fisber. to a , long tramp., a pa'r ,-, llhre eyes bad Tb/l1'eA Wnllilln. wbo cla!Jll. to .. SlIe arose, dropping her ·rug to the :W.bfoot Hamillty, . eaeh posy n. compact nosegay of nnil Ox creek should not 'be watching the young mell .from ~ the oldea~ c!aneer ·1II ~ ~ .00Dt- ·dI!Clt. He took It liP and adjusted It Crocuses are fn bloom down alOIl& bl(J~scmll. ,Apd la! !", ,I , 9nd .• ~¥reTet' Not for olf winds the ;Brule. rl~'8Jf be,. -, aDd ,a pair of ' l't!dllDS' 1I11d ber' nlnel7-n1ntll ,yl!l!1' In IH'I" about ber. aboulders, 118 IIbe the lxllumbla. Itose shOOts are several I In ,Indian ,Ioyed of tr:out and lure for lIeherm. . 110 dlmpllng ' llIlo IImile!!, and a faIr feet aDd .plrltll. mell 0,1:y l<'aned agajnl\t the rail aftd watched lucllee long. Spl'lnRi beauties are biOI- la~~ wfilt pt ~lbe ld~, _'!.r..:.!le\~ on f.rom tar and neal;, ' Into " puz'zlad Httle nine,yea1'll old aile beIU htlr the !lracetul hlr.ds 418 tbe.)' followed somlng In. tbe wOOjlls.. Farmers are th,e <;r,olx, :,;.. ADtl now l hat open season tClr list\.~ 8 "HarrY. anlt Dick. Ind to- Morean ~reer, remallllq ·a l.. dlnat.beilelme~: . Plo.."lng.blrdsa\.8l1lnglng.aqll~ean-bOUQUetldelif.DO . green of! .leaf',. t\,,!.,.bIg beglus, -what man Is tb&!"€J DO\ ran tb'l! lJpi In ballat "I' love .. ;CUlI.... . . he hae a 'many fto'l':JII3: tempted to shut ' ..dger With a' BnaD. , P Dr head' "aDd :to-dl1'. .,heQ , I, abe fl!tlred wtth a ' . 26 de!lf!IN bo- oup: Rnd t"'lt t1IU' 'lfi , Office dest wltb /I IUI<t, bt far airay. ..,.ibat a9!!S' Quite "ell ."Then 10Ye, has not,, · lINn e1itlrel1 of our blell8' of the Indlan'lI deooratlve is to starl forth on ftshcl'man'll luck? Wb\>, : QlI:'il1" lier b,,",.,..helJ8J by ilia, .,Into In 1813• .N4 t),l. , !IIlln1nated frOm your he "en· Inp! , be clREsed with hili drawln" nnd cares aoollt BtockB /lnd bilntls, 01' : !II . ." thlnR Wet .." cll1 'o! tIla PhbGh tured. . • , forms In bus ketry. roll In tbe lllarket? brook an(1 potll anti. IIOtb 1QUn, milln, a,d ' Of ,laDees rlYeD . '. . ' "'Don·t,. be In.,. Beta}!, If JOIl pY..... Before the .Mites el\st of tb~ Big lake II.. well lake al'9 call1ng to tb9 Wood8, t n • ." boi.b--SOO1l whl*P8nd a nuon lor You'd better prv lD Mel tlJu bill -No. t .ftIit. . Bu...1 . . . . ~ball DO 1I01101l In the aeetutled Deervt:IDt la~ aud Deerprtllt w()(,'ds. w.y. , lC.A'1:,lt;RIN& 1'01'" I tIIaIr aDDeaI'aDce. JbcItedJy ' rlcah.. oa a ~ and ~
' ''~st: 'Hme;' 1?IB'''' ·'sll}f:oa~IO~;· lIe~·
W;~1ild ro~e to .~ I
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:1~1l D1~by tb~tI;Vhlle ~~ow, pillte~ ~w wrlnlrl1n~" Irt::~·· nH,81I\tJi · ln·· t.ho' lI~t. the wh~n b~'OW tbe~ ;8,mllD~etB Q:ru~.l:D
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wc~'l 1l1'1!6~te~. ~urely Le~E.
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--~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~---~~--~--------~----------------~~----How to Break up Il Oold. county Courts. THREE PBYS l JA ' ~ 1'f:'.,.,\TIW In re will of Ann B . Kelly, de J. T. --~ Uddy Married. Nh:IV KDlTK .
08aSOO. Bouring s t. for Jnno 7 III o'olock ft. Ill .
Mr. J . 1'. Liddy, old or esl !:lon of. Mr . und Mrs . M: '. Lldlly of Way. nes ville ant! ouo f tll(, I ~t il110'l'l' of W,lynesville 's '{ormor r Olliclentll \vRS married at Dayl ol1 III : t " "e(\· Desday nftern ooD. Th . Dtlyt~n Ef'rold hodt,h e fol· lowing to !lily to the v n t . J obn T . Liddy anlll P nrl E . DRv· Is were quietly Dlarritld tlt 1 a 'olook today at the hOOlO oWR V . LutshllW , pastor of the t . Paul Methodi t ohurch. Mr. Liddy is 6ne of Dn.v . ton's populllr pbotogrllphe rs llud the bride is th e· h i~li ly Mtoerned dRughter of ,r. u. DflVi", the woJ1 known briok oon t raotor. Mr. I\nd Mrs . Liddy left Immediately for a trip amid shower s at: ri ce and best wish es. They will bo home I\,f t or July 6th, at 1·17 E:{i~1:I ' tr et.
Malinda Pnllen, on behalf lIf the IIKAl. Eti 1'AT ~) TRANSFERS , \ lIlage of Leoouon, YI! John E . Lina Taylor t o Oarolinll,M. Dllnn ; Bmit.b, et til. Board ot Library lot in Deerfie\:1 , $1. Trustees. aud J ohnstaD and Monroe, . . • . ~nlllr Dunn to Cllrohne M. Dunn ; a par tnership. InJunotion a.n d equitable r oli ef. The basis of this Jot In Deerfield . 11. suit Is the ooh, trootlon of a Carne· Lo\~18 and O. L. Dunn to 'arollne trO library building on the Village M. Dllnn ; lot iu D e ~field; 11propert,), adj oining the rellidenoe of Jes!lie 'rant! to 'urollne M. Dnnn ; plaintiff, The oonstruotion bas be- lot in Doerfl,' ld ; $1 . g ilD, And J ohnston and Monroe Are Philip Trout aud wife to Thomas the oont ractors. Plllintlff Il vers Ihllt J . Brown ; lot in W:aynesvilJe; no levy for tht! oonatru t ic)n auo SaDlllol A Master to Elenry Gus. m aint.enonce has been made tbllt no tin j lot In priugboro; $150. • poirt at t~e .1 0,000 to be pllid by Mr. MA'RRIA O l!) Ll 1I:NSKS. C.u~e8ie has been paid and tbat tbere was no e UIII t ar payment of !II RltlA O& LtOENlI1!: same in the t reasury . Plaintiff ·Carey R. Penny and Annl~ Troob ~borefore fellrs the villllge will be man, both of Kings Mills. held liable and ask t.hat the defen· . Leo H . Gill Booh, Clarksville, and dants be enjOined from oarrylng ant said con_ractAlbert K . Dwyer Is Bertha U. Guinn. near Ularksvllle. Ice Cream Social Rev. Hligins, Wilmington . attorney for plaint·lff. at Ridgeville .Church. William U. Kersey, Ore&onla, to M08ee B. Hirechwltz 'Vs Cella Florence Catherine Tooker, Har. The IRdi s or to" Univer sali st Schmltkin, e~ al. Partition of f.rm churoh at Ride:evilile will give a veY8burg. Rev. &rgent. of 140 aoree in Deerfield ' township" sociolaf.their hur h t:>ntnrc1uy eVOD. Ueorge i. Uhlenbroolc, and U1ady ing, Juno 9, at whioh t.hey will George E. Young Is attorney for M. Brehm. both of Frllnklln. serve loe orellm, st.rawberries IUld plaintiff. take W. Kaylor and Ida. lIfav Rollle William J . Anen vs Anna J. Wilt Everybody oordially invited . kerBOn, Hugh Michael, Louise Mloh. Snell, hath at Bllrveysburg. Rev, Compton. el.Belen MichaeJ,RuthMichael.l!'lor Chllrles L. Bawke alld Helen M . enQB Mlohael, 8 minor. Edwin Beck Nettle Beck. Nora Beck and Karl P"r~liall both of Waynesville. . Beolr, II minor . Partition of 61 8eres In learcreek township, Runyan Great Traveler at "ud 8t.l1nley ftre attorneys for plain. the Age of 95. tiff Mrs Ml\mb lifton, 9:; VellrA 'of EllIler Kibbey va John~. Kibbey, oge. WIIAIlt th e P"n ElnndJe depr\t Ml1rv Eli~bet.h Alen·uclor. 'Joseph Klhltlly .•Tr., David S Kibbey, Alloe on FrldllY m orning. Aconll\pllnied Humphrey", LOlliI' Kibbey, Eddie by hAr grllnddllughtor; Millil Fllrna!l.1 Klh "tly, t:hllrltlil Kibbey, F~nklln abe came over from Dn " Ion lin 1 Klbbev, t:litford Kibbey /tnd Liiy wall on bllr wny to Wl\vn. ' ~vlll" fflr ,\Ih<t ok. Partition of eighi trKcts of tl visit IIno (rom tbllt l'''lnt wi 11 laud iu ~Illem Ilnd Eltllnlltfln town I.e ave the llltter pllrt Itr thA mont.b, .. hip IIflprl):DDlating 400 horell. and for ber olri beime II t PI"lnfiArcl , N J '\\'o loti! in Bntlflrville. T. P Breed Mrs Clifton. who hilS resided Ilt Ing and W. A. Joseph are attorneys Waynesville more ur leRs for II nUlllber of yellrll. i8 a very remArk for plaluti1r able woman for her age She baR II f-2471% OOURT PROOm&D18G~, . good memory .andean hear fairly Unless yonr watnh has been thor In the matter of the appointment well IlDd gre",tly enjoys villlting lind oughly olean cd Ilnd oiled within 18 of JU~1 Commiulon. The follOWing trav~lIng, although of conrll6 get. months it can't be absolutely depen. UpOll. We ar!" cpmpetent to are appointed for .the term from the ti ng very tired on a long trip. She dened olctln aud repair the most oompU. fourth Monday In !lAy 1906, until Is able to get J4bontfalrly well and cated movements, alll our work la the fonr~b Monday In lIay 11107; H . when at home needs very little at. ,done thoroughly und on time aDd M. Clark, Viator Worley. Theodore tention. oombhung own hair oharges will be no more than 1.0u Bageman, Alva Bill. . and looking her own w n.~ to would !lave to pay \vb.en leM skill " ."nd le88 care are exerolsed. We olean 1 si~e 7 jewels for 75, Am!n'088 T Dearth vs Mabala A' a very great elltent.-Xenla OtzeUe Main springs 18 size '7 jewel for 75~ Null 'fit al. Perry Rne Ie appolnkld 'of AppOintment. meaning 15 size 17 j ewels for S1.00 guullian ad litem for minor defen . Main Sprinl! 15 sl~e 17 jewels for dante. Margaret POI&rl Null and ljll 00. George 'Earl Null. Mr. Rue 11168 an. Estate 01 Au" Kell, . Decealed. .T. 'B .. Tbe under.IRned 111>8 boon allpOlntc<, and awer a8 8ucb guardian.
Have you the Right Time?
aals ter,
QUBllded a. Executor of Ihe !'lstate of Aon Kelly. lalAl of W : rren County, Oblo: deceas.
Waynesvillle, Ohio.
It. IllIlY be a snrprille to many to thllt Il tleVenl 0111 can be 00111 ' ple tely broken up In one or two days ' time. 1'hl' firllt. symptoms of IL col(lare a dry, Jnud cnul(h. a pro(ulle wllt,ery <1lsohRrge from the nose, lind IL t,hin , white co,ltlug on the tunguo. \Vh An ChRmherlllins lIugb romedy Is tokeu eVAry hOllr on t.he first Ul)' ponrllnce of thOl'o ~YDlpt,om8. It oouu· terocts t,he effect of the oold and r estores the system to a. belli thy can· dltiou within a clI\y or two . For sl\lo by F. O. Bohwartz. I ~ aru
It Dosn·t Cost Much to Improve.
!:lIM WITHOl 'I' ~ LJ O\t:. '. W . L. Lan cy , I'lI dC1I11. !\y . \\ rlt!·t!; ' 1 · htld u sovur" (tll ~tl uf hl\lI " ' ~ dlsoll8e aud t.hl·(·" "r Ih ,' llt·!"t l'Il." · i
- - ...LINE!iS~--
ollln" 10 Kentuc ky In'ult' d I.. " \\111& ont ~tlC · 14" , I th( II hu ,k ~'" In~'~ Kitlll t!y ' nrA. 'rh H iiI'S' lIu loll, · (:11 VI' imut aillt,e rtthef. IIUII ~bl' oe lJuttll'. oured Ol e llti rlllllllt!lIlly 1 glutlly reoOmlJl nd tblll wau<l(\rt'1l1 1' ~ II' l' d.,' F. 't:!(1hWilrl 'l.
Special Low Fares .'1'0-
St. Paul a ungdbunll
- --=-------- - - - -
New Haven Jun II to 1I .. ""I~hUl
01 0 01 umbUA
Louisville JUlie 11 .
'S leep.
I ~.
l U.. llowe·CCmlng WL",k
'1'he problem of putting your pro . Portland,·Ore. J u u o I ~ 10 ~hHol e l M e u'~ Moolln(C perty in shap!l confronts you now. If .yoll cannot, it is duc to an Praotically everyone in this violnlt,y irritated or ' eO'ngested sta tl! of Omaha, Denver. is doing some Improvemen t and 're the brain, which will soon ' de.lul)'11 I ~ · II . \, 1'. , July lH'·1l P.O.E . ptiirlng this year. . vclope into n ervous pro ttat ion. Probably you have beeu oontem . Milwaukee alure uemand s .s lcl· p. a nd t\ UJ!IIRL 10. ~ I . I :!· . ...!agle Or~od A~rl~ plating making 'certaln repRlrs tor it is as important as f ,I; it some t,lme, just put It ~ff from year is a pa rt o f h er bu ildinf; :I n(1 Minneapolis sustainin g process. T his pt'ri od to yel~r . Now the time hlUl arrived l\ul<.""l 10. 11. I~ ' O . A. n, When It onght to be done. It really of unconsc iotl ness rcbxcs the If In lereslC<I AIIk mental and phys ical strai n. and - - '1' lolle l Aeen- will not cost 8S Dlucb 88'YOU antioi. allows nature to restOte . ex· ~te. We caD fnrnlsh you Ilny h:iusted vitality. kind of lumber you , need at very pr. Miles' Nervin e brin gs rOI\80na.ble prices. Coma over anll refreshing sleep, because it get onr prlOO9, let us show you whl1t soothes the irritation and reI we have. or else telephone us eit.her moves th e congestion. lit Seth Cook's offioe 'o r Arnold 's It is also a nerve buil(ler; it Botel. nouri shes and streng th ens evW. H . MA.DDKN & Co. ery. nerve in your body, and creates energy in all the organs. Corwin, Obio . --'~--Nothing will give strength ANp UEAI• •~ R IN Feel ImpeDding Doom . and vitality as surely and The feeling of Impending doom quickly as Dr. Miles' ' ervine. "During the pnat wlnt.r r hftll 'wo in the minds of many vlotlm8 of . ot, LnGrl"ppo wh ich It' rt /0 0 . Bright's dls_ and dll\bettll! bll>' att"ck ,'c ry " weak. 'altd Sn b ad cOI1tl h li,n. I w~ . 60 n ~r"ou. r could not at. cr. My been obanged to thtlnkfnlnellt! by ,,·tre. oftor tryi ng dltr crrn t "r "-wd l _. 'l'elnpll one in his honsa where be the benefit derived from 1~lktng F..I w ent t or 11. d o t or . Th o d OCI",. w r.!:I ou t, n od 1\ n eighbor r ('onunt'ruled Dr. ,eDn UO Clilled Bt 011 hours, (my or ey's Kidney Our.... It will our" in 1.; I.''l' N e ..v!·' , ~ f\ 1 ! .. I . ~. t }:0 1l:0 olpleDtI! Bright's dillet&~e anll Oillhe n ' ,,,t it. 1 hn ~1 no t. ,.1 , Ii ,';." 'i nle. n i ~l\t.. tell and even in the worat UIIpel' o mJ 11 3(t t e r'I'Il~! 6 1' .'1. ~ in !H .t u .... ' d. I , ', "f' ht's tmd ohnlrll IIU, plied. Afle r' l ,tkln:; Ii rr w d •..'1"'" u( ": ,,, \ '1:10 gives oomfort tl.Dd reli"f. Slight el\s t! (} 1 1 \,,-.~ nu t g il II " t! rC'. U I Ht I U, u recently IllOVed to roo In orders lire onrM in a few. duv!l "I , slept . : n.:n ('I W t :l!.!. : t ~ U l.o! co nd ~. to Ih .1 liin , "V 1*..' · · .. · I\ ·UC I. I ' HI S I· t ', r ~s BroR. . had dillbetell in Its worst form," bt ,~H~!lilNnY M. S.':ITH. U ntl rlilll. Vt. W AV N ICII VILLm•. O. writes MArion Lee of Dunrelltb, Ind . 0.·. . Milos'. Nr "vl no II lold by y our I ,,\11'/ " 'I'IUI)K'l. \ , who \y , U gu.rant eo t f)3 t -t he "I t·ried eigbt pbysioillnll wlt.hout. df"IIOC.: tl ro t bottl. wlll "'nollt. II (t falll, he : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , relief. Only tbree bottlell ot Foley's will n :! un d your n' oney. Kidney (Jure made me tl well mall .. Miles Medical Co•• Elkhart, Ind ,1 A~t. lw"~ Suff ran Shonld Know 1 'rbis . ~. C. Bohwllrt:&, ~'. tI .;y·1I Hontly Ilud Tar baa oored For Sale hy F . C. ~hWllrll'l ru ''' Y O. ISIl" of 88t.bn1ll tbllt weN DOD. Unknown ~ri e lld" "Idt!rtlf \ b"I)t!IOI<tI M ttl . Allolp.b BueeTherfll\re mlilly vermI n wh ., h 'l ,'I\ ! Inll, 70 1 West 1'hlrd ~t, DaveDpon, used Oh:llmberJHln'" '''lil' ·hnJ .. rll luwn, writ,llf\: "A 811vere oold oonand DlorrhOtlH. Rt'III f'cl .v wl~h ~)JI ... n " Lr 01 ted twelvtl ytlAl'8 agu wa~D"· W. E . MOORE, Recelvet· did reRult!!, but who lirA lin kIl OWII . I('ol"d un,til It lin811y grew in&o beoonAe I,hey btHt: 11I'I~i'H tfod II b""t 111111111111 rhe best medica! dill glvlnlC a tesllmoni,,1 flf t.lwir tlxJlt1r 11>\'1111111>10 could not give me more TIME CARD ience f,)r publiolltlon l'htjtlu l~plo thun IUlllper/lry relief. Flll~1'. BouEFFEOT[VE APRlL 16. IGOO. howevt:!f. IIr" IIlIne !.1111 III~s rrl A lld ~ u~· and 'I'tlr \Vus recemmellded and NORTHPOUNtJ S~allon No. 1° No. 3° No. r,· No. ; 0 of thi!! r AIll f1c1y , Tb o." hu Vtl tionA "ne jHty cent bottle eDtirely oured A . loft A. N. P. M . P. )/ . mucb towllrn n,"kin" it. Il bouse lIIeof Il9tblJlB wbloh had been grow· e, 25 hold word hy thAlr pll r~nnl! rl1unm . III~ Oil me ~or twelve yeaH"and if I I UO LebAnon Jc. Ar.~ 80 10 25 7 ::7 10 Shaker Cr. 1 27 622 mendt! Uon" to fTlmul!! lind 11IIil{h. h ll ,1 1'1' eo It at the start I . would bors. It i~ It. gnt"lll ma,lioin" tn hll Vll hll ytl \" eo SIlVed yellrtl ot 8uft'erlng. 1 1 2:l 110 17 I 1 !!2 Rosyln . In tbe home 111111 I widell' kllown • F . O. Scbwart •. '1 IlJ 1016= Hewjl8tead or ts oortl" lIf IlImh'h.,. · 'tn,1 'III 7 12 10 07 ' I lil Centerville t 7 OD "10 01 ;1 00 tc. 01 formll or b WI'\ IrutlLloj. 1,'ur ~.d" by Manor . SchWRrlll LyUo 701 or.o I UI 4 66 ·F.
r." ""
m emmA!t. L I
;U uH Edtr:ewOOd til 08 On May 28 the Commlnionel8 of Venable ~O 411 tIIM L!ft' 1440 ~' ____~--__------~____~_.____________~________~--~--. jlU'ora met and are duly aworn and edt 1052 ~H7 ;W 6t t ... 41 Dato IbIs., tlay Of JUDO A . D 1000. aaJ1S ul'!!N' . • ·.3alPlltlQ .ala·}! ulaalllo KUehner - " in8tru'c ted to sel001 tht' names of Dodd s 660 1045 12 r.O 4 fII E. B. DakIn, Executor. 18J'ln9(J Sanl1i 9'J 9.Gm.l89U.{1IA\ !32 penons for in In.r y wheel. 'leU 11I3e Leland "1.2" '4 38 Lebanon-Lv. I 311 930 I ~ 3n .. 30 Rober' Crawford va The Franklin COmmlsslone~s' 'A. V.M.VH.LVH ·~frH eRa: D D.t X T D &: X T C H&D Board aDd Paper Co. Bill of except Proceedings. ( Daytoa g co 11 00 2 00 U 00 tion Ii made a part of the record. D&:XT D&:XT Smoking in I\, Powder ~1!tglllline WaUer Voorhis V8 Wilmer A. Gut. Elmer Howell; bridge repairs 8 00 8 00 Is courting deRt·h Ulore suddeuly tery. Cue dlaml88ed . . Staple and Fanoy Urooerll!fl, FrultR Clearcreek township .... : .• 26 25 bnt not more bnrely tbtln neglectlug SOUTHBOUND •. Benton Soott .v s W . A. Gutter-y. Bert Reed, bridge repairs, A . M. A , M. P . M. P • .M . kidney disorders. Foley's Kidney Vegetables and CaDufld IGpotis. No 2- No 4 0 No 8 CIIII8 dis_mi88ed. Deerfield township........ 43 25 Cure will oure II. slight disorder lu Lea"e Oigltl'll anc) TobaO<.'O, (, 00 <ieo. E, Young salary for a. few dl'Ys IlDd its ()obtlnued use DaytOD : 0 R &: D PROBATE OOURT. M 1 ' will cllre the most obs.lnllte cases Da,ton: D &. X T 7 00 1(, 00. ~ 00 r; uo ay ••. : .................... .. . 116 661 It 111i8 cul-ad mllny people ot Brlght'~ Lebal}on Je. 7 co 1086 2 :lJ) 641e In re .&ate Qf Reeve Bolland, deGeo. E. Yonng, IIervlce8 nu· dlseHse o.nd dl"betE!l~ "ho wera Sbaker OrolSlng 7 42 10 37 % 37 1\ 41 Phone 79. oeued. · Claim of ts800 with Interest M.. ,!-ROWN,!Proprietor. t7 '7 *10.2 '2 ,% "640 der old law In Wood Cole thought to be incurable. If y .:u Roslyn allowed, 7 50 10.11 2 '6 1\ Ii~ oue ......... .. ....... ...... .. .. 50 00 kidney or bludder 't ronblp, com, Hempateatl !! "I 6 68 • ________________ 75S ' ~063 menea tIIking l!'oley's Kidney Cnre Centerville Es&ate of Rebeootl J. Runyan, de- LebanoD Pldrlot, publishing Manor "f~ t,T ~ O 04 "80C no 59 before it is too lote todllY. oeaaed. Firat and. flnal 8000unt for notioes to cont-raotor..... II 86 F . O. Bohwllltll. Lylle a O~ 800 s 00 II 0' € 80ttlement filed. Edgewood Lebanon .Patrlot, ' pub1i~hlDg ' .8 12 "II 07 a or. ~ 12 Vonable :I 011 16 16 U 16 '1111 Eat.te of BU8bod Singlet()D, imnotlcell to bridge Oon. 8MT Kltcbner t8 18 . II J 1:1 ,:1 II IU 18 to write for b.'I r ... DI~·rE becile. Firat and final account for Ii 08 traotorll .. .. .. ... ........ .. .... Dclliis t8 20 1\ Ii, ahowl~ _tJ!.e "'.oat CCCDDIcte 11M 01 b 8ettlement flIed . DICY,!~ TIB'a uti al/liIb. .a W. B. 8tauage Ilnd Uo., Leland 08 2U til 24 . JIIU.O", any alba- manufacturer or dealer bI lbe _IlL III OD !llllnks for Andltor........ 23.. 00 Lebanon Arrive S a" 11:10 ' Estate of James D Lewill, dec8&;8DIINOTBUYA , . ' Dally except SunllIlY. SlOP On Aillnal . ed, Invent.ory lIucI apprllisemsnt W. B. BtllDage ·and 00. fQUI PPflD 'WITH HUNIlAT TRAtNf. ' bIllnks for A\1dltor and ,,;,,4 . haft 610!l. 'J'ralns paRS Lytle a8 roll"w. : . Treasuror liquor dnp)j. E!<tl\tA of D~vht!, deceased Itrorlhboull'l 1 ;;6a. m. . r. 4:;p. m Cllte ..... :... ........ ........... 10 00 . Proof of pu hllc" Mon of notioe of ap S ou l~ bou nil 0 O'a. m 7 03p. 10 . O~ho ' ae Illorson. brid"e reo pointment of tlrlmlnilltra tor flIed. W. f:. MOO ·n;. ._ p lirs. Wa,y ne township .. 20 75 General Pa~D".,r A~' ~nL. 1.I·h;\ bon . O. E~tllte of Jnhn D FJllrner, de T. N. Wilkl1l'8oD, bridge .re. oe"~Ad. WIlIiIlIll G Thompson ap , . Vliirs WUHhingtOn town. The Very Best Remfllv '''1' B" ..... el pointed executor with bond of $200. , . '!lhip .. :... .. .. .. ........ : .... .. .. 6 50 Trpuhlf' . . U: W. Stanl",y. 'Wljlard J . Wrlgbt BJ)eD08r apU ·Monroe•.lumber 1~6 63 Mr M: F. Borro!lgl,~. lin nl.1 ano and W. Z. Rqll appraisers. R. B, I'mit.h cfllil for Court. well kn!>wn 'reeillent ot R1i1ffton, , In re eatate of Wi1~ur Wrigh\ «Ie . bou~,, : ....... .. ...... : ...... ~ .. . 10 00. Ind ,Hays :'''1 relf"rcl' ( 'hnm',,,rlaln'tl oe88OO, Adtpinhitratrlx IInth0l1zed .I. J : Tholllp.on. IlflrviOf'1I lit! .(Jollc, Oholera /lnd Dlarrho"'1 Rem to ~Ive and relea!lO from all obll .edy 'as the very hp~t rell1I'd y. for ' Inflrm~ry D6rt'otor ........ 63 00 .' gation'" The Cinolnnatl Northern R. timte V8 Arlhur l'\mlth 'At III, ' , bowel trouble . I .ma1r,' t'II,~ IItAte- , S~;;;';l~~~~~~lN~ SOUTHERN RAILWAY 'mont after ,bavlng usrd tb ' rpriledy . !!!~tg!.~!! CI R . tOr all damage" for the 8um, of ooatll ................. ... : ...... .. 28 50 .. raOK ' In my family for ~V, "PIITI' I 1150. . . am ~I:!ver w!thou,t it , . •., ,~ '",. ,,,. '~y V;. B. WorlA.)", !lervice!lIlS .Iu. ttl I'lm08t 8nrA to be n .... ,; ' 1... 1'011' 1n ra 1!I'1ll John 'D. Barner, deOells· ry com 'l\lnllnnllr :........ . .. 9 00 the lIumm~r Is over. "I,'" I" t hnv ed Will admitted tQ probate . Theo. Bllgamrln "ervices lUI II; now alld be .prepar..,' I· ,. ..... ,.1\ lIil f'DlArge~~y't . In re. Mtate of Bnebrod tJlDgleton . Jnry C,lInrill~lIiooer8 : ,.... 9 00 ~ Order for qle of note Iuued. GUllr COD.t raot \\"ili! till iell1d Into With ~ol1owlng thA I.;: . Southeast, dlanship terminated. . W', W. Rogertl to furnt.<h lun~ber 16 Whpn '91lr soldlllrll 11\'" ,.' 1 ('I1~ " ' •• ~ So..th1lved. Estate of JamM AileD, deoellseO. ft. or leu I\:t 'i. 50 per hundred, i8 ·Hnd Ihll. Philippine!!, h ,·· ., ~ , Wit. !I ... 1Il01Ot,'lmr)(I"fant onURltl,·· ,·' HI. Wit ·W . J . Allen appointed admtnlatra ft. at 2.75 and joists 'spooial ordel' iOllnlEl(EH' nCl(lm ON ULI! lis 1'. M"rca'l, rAtlred ' ..... 'III".lIr " . ..." AND DIID TUESDAYS 01 t r wlt.b bond of S600 Thomlill 'w, 3 by lA!' by 20 nt, :i 00 UCII IIOIITII 10 MAllY Hlllg an" U R .11. ,'If R" ""l ~ .. nl(' I. Miller, W B . RIAlrtrlAo nlld ,J .• ,,~ ... POIN1I SDUlII. Notice of AppOintment Ccnc'T'IIN H. 8"~ : 'I '''I~ " .' " Wrl/lhtr Ilppraisers In rA Sarah ;!,Pllr!lilI.OnhL,tnd t\V,. ' .... I " lit .. , . Iafarmadon &lid BalM Addmo Ie 'k"rt It worth v !Iii ",I 1';' 1'~flr, Phil ;1I '''''. " ,ill 'et ,... tI ,' " t, Ena~ of'WIIlIaID II. Stulleld, l>ec:eue4 PAUL BR,OWN, T. P. A. cnltl ·., .r t. 'nk "1'1 r Ki nlli; 1'1 · . ' t J. , ,\'''' &rllfqrr'tntll(l~ blind pAn"lau df 'H. '1'111 tIll(le!'tIfGe/! ilia !letll aJl>OlateCl ..4 CHAS w. ZEl.Jt. D'.P. A. v f· r l)n'tI'nmp iill', v hll'" 1"' \11 a quarter . quauae'u&uOu&orof~. £mlo of wn cm..:nnall.. er. mu In pp,·r.'ot. h .. "lth '\1 , I " "', in JJam II. StlllllelG, I.~ . or Warru COIIat,. • W A. 0AIUtJ!1T. 0..... Mruaroc-. New ElHrnp~hire, \Ve fiuc1 ' r. IliA h.. ~, In re ;AUhea Stokes an alleged In. aIIr. ClUeueit. merilcine in Ute w.'~ld fltr "lIlich" laDe pehoD. AdUlIt\ed to tJuite Hetl 1tItIII0II7GQat.IIlll'" P,IVO&. w. Co IUI'IIWUON.C:I- : A., CJld", hrllnohtlli troultle.. IIll1i /IIi ~ ,C harit, ADn ltlaDn~ld, Executor. Inug dseallOll. Guarantt-ed ot F, o. 8ohwa,tz druggist .. Price 511ct.•. 'a nd ' tl,OO. TrIal bottle free,
CE.Nn·'s ILLour IT WILL '
Cincinnati & lollliYlUI TO ALl IIPORTMT urnES
pl." .
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N . 'I'. nKbWN Ab.l.uc ...r M. MOK.u
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High School Day
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A .o::::::::i:~n:7.:: NOS
,11I1II:oo u e te Bill POllter's As slloiat,io n at Cinoinnu.ti this week. J . I:I Cliskey aooo mpnni e.d 1\ party Ilf gent1~men from D,~yton tbe lat ter part of Inst waBk. who visited the wines at Union County Ken .tuoky ownell by the Kentuoky Coal Mining Co., I\nd be reports a very . pleasan t trip. Beg.nn lng th11:l'Week, I will bave special Mle on all rcndy .to wenr and trimme d hut!!. Au endless vttri ety ·tochoo se from and prioes the lowest., you oannot fall to tue ILlI · vantllge of these bugaln 8 . Call and learn for yourllel f. Mr8 . U . M. Whit.e. Mr . and Mrs. U. M. White Mtarted 8unday morflin g for Ii visit of a week or more wltn Mr . White's par· ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wbite at Owensb oro, Kentuo ky. Mrs. White will leave her milline ry busines s In oharge of Miss Booh and Miss Edith Sherwo od, who will lack after her inter4!8t1l, and MellSl'8 Frank Holmes lind Otho Bender son will band Ie the maill'n Rural Ronte No. 3 during Mr. Whlte'H ahsence
Notice to liJlnks.
Worth more than their Wel,h t 1'1 Gold Pep8lkl )la Tllbleu of Prioole u value in relievin g Indiges tion. Healtb Is everyth ing. Many a million aire would willing ly part with bulf his fortune ' for perfect dl. gestion . Riohes. fame and the real. ization of every desiz:e oannot orellte oonten tment if indiges tloll Is mak ing one's existan oe miserllb le. When J. E . Jllnney tells you tllat, tn 1111 hiB experle uce he never knew any· thing so sure to relieve lIour sto· mach,o oated tongue, dIzzy 8pell~, poor IIppetit-e. lassitud e and fa. tig ue rlue to imperfe ot di~e>tlon, there mnst ue some good rl'lIl1nn for their conllde nce and ther!' I . . Doz. ens of ohronio old dYi'pel'til'~ riKbt here in Waynes ville whll ,1tl8palred of ever getting relief i1dove tried Pepsi kola Tl\bl ts on Mr . Jllnney reoomm end and to lillY are oom· pletely onrou . Moreov er a drugglH t could not Rlford to keep on rE'oolll· mendin g an indlgeH tion r emedy un· lear:! it r enlly will cure, for you would mlgbty Boon lose . oonfide noo lind trude at some ot·ber store. Pep. sikol a, Tablet are a grllnd nerve t.()nlo, they will give you new ener· gy nlld new nwbltio n, Improv e yoor appetite , Rtrengt hen your dl. ge thle organs and unleRB tboy give you perfect digestio n Mr. .Janney will g)udly pay your ·.q uarter baok.
The BOlLrd of Eclne:.dI Utluf WIIYlle $ownsh ip will rae ive Mell ll-'(I hidll hy the banks of t<aid t o wl)sllll> for hr' deposit ing of the tqwnsh ip II boo) fund s nocordl ng t sPoel ion \i'i j:l of revised stlllUteR of Ohio All I,i,". 10 be in by 4 o'olook , .Juue :10, IU O\i By order of Board . M. A ('orll>' l1 , ( ·IArk.
lIs of WayneR vlllo Blgh School rod CLOTHE S. 1l!l,lltorg lind Mao'"tur. Preside nt " M. Ol\rtwr ight of the MU8. '1'. J. BIlOW". AM"OOtATI< EOlll'OR. Aluml)1 Associa ti on at oKllOO '1 .00 ~ ,~r 1n udVADCI.! meeting at the Townllh ip Bouse '1. ~5 II y ... r II ao~ paid III ..a v aace last :rhursd ay evening lind a great RIDount. Of In terest in the "uecells of dFF.CE IN JONES ~UILDING. Mose Cohen purchased the rOlluion was TUanift'lIted. t k f S . 'l'EluElP}!O~El ~.R:LL • - riO. 6'2 'fhurlldl iY AUIPnut 9, wllille Known the surpI US SOC " a dS SUl•t.s0 f prm~ liS 8igh Sel1001 Day Ii 011 if the an umme l' rom ~I 1- AU t' W t weathe r Is faVOl'lLble the 1I0hooi ollm chaels, WEDNESDAY JUNE 'la , . . . • Stern & Co., of IV06. en lon, a er Ii u h t1 I York at 1'U8 1111 een!l ollen /IS Ie P II oe for Roch ester, New Cons umer s. • b.oldlng the exercis es . ~Granll Homo· Coming. and about two- thIrds ,!f there~All wllmbe rs of the A~lllllni AlO80. ular wholesale prIce. .Ren.nlOn of former Reslde nu at ThIS Wllter ond light r e nl, not pnid clalion ore expeote d to lIleet nn . the handsom.~ lot of suits Wlt.ynesviUe week beginni ng August will .June 1.2 will be turn d oll' ,"lfl nol· cumpu!! at 10 a 'olock in the ruorn· 7, 1906. th turned on until nil relll,s II re paid I . men who . ' . more a1l1 . lUg, wben tbe exeoutl ve ooruml t,tee, desire first-cpease and ndditio nnl chlLrge of $1.00 (or lass clothi ng. oompos ed of W. H. Allen, Charles turning off and on . eDIT ORIA L COM MEN T A; Brown, E. · V. Barnha rt, VI(lla See tbe grand exhiult of Suits in Waynes vi\1e Wator ILml Ligh t Plunt· --Keys Hawkin 8, Anna 'fllylor Ellis. our 81l0W window!iI. A look Only seven weeks until th~ will Ann!1- Lile Cadwal lader, Clark Mo. soon oOl;lvince you that the values F;armer s. 011.11 in aocl see tbe Bratl. Home-Coming. . Kay, H . E . Ridge, 1'J'\1Ienll Edward s are onmtttc hable. ley gang plows.e dge dropoo rn plant. Our AmeriOftn Institut ions are Anna SeUen Stahl, Minnie Dodson . Men's Suits made ers. one and two [Ow oorn oultlvaanll En R. Orew wi11 /lot in the 01\. fOUD!llld on patrloti sQl and It)ve of • 'by Miobae ls Stern tors. I ulso enrry a full line of Os· & Co . to cetail for borne ooun&r.y. Patrluti 8m and love of paoity of. a receptio n oonnni ttee and impl em ents aull 11111 t'~kmg '12 and '13.60. ooon\1Y melln respect for Jaw, A take the lead In tbA gener..1 hllnd orders for hi gh grade tOU'olCOO, corn laok of respeot for law makE'S an· MAn's Suits made and oats fertilize rs funging in price sbaklng that· is eXJ>ccted ttl onntinu e by Mlch~el s Stern from t archlsm , AI long as a law i8 in tbe doring tbe mOJnin g. hirteen 1l01ll1rs up . & Co. to retail .1 .. W . Whlt(>, Vice ' PreMldent of statute boots it. Ihould be obey~. . Mr. and Mrs. E . L. ThuUl08 were BENRY .1 A'f . called to Smithfi eld . Jefferll on ooun · tbe Alumni A8socla tion will for tl5 to I1G. No man or I16t of mell have the dellv Want ed, Whit e Corn. Men's ty. Sqite DllLdo !!!"!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &turda y. all Ileooon't (If jer an !Add res!! of weloo~e to al1 rilM to deliberl ily dilobey a law vis Bighes t market price paid for by Miohae ls Stern because It happen s to Interfer e with death of Mn. Thoma s' 11I8t1lr, Mr8. itorsln behalf , of ail reshlen lij of • White Corn. & <':0 . to retail Cures Colds. Croulland Wll<JOpla, Cou,b. 'II llr oonven lenoo or tbelr buslne u. Oarrle E . Dovall, who Illl8lled a~ay Wayne8 ville and vloinity , which W AYNII:8V I LLIIl MILLS . fbr ~i6 . 1i0 to '18 A man who disobey s the law · mu8~ Friday, mornin g ,..fter a lingerin g will be respond ed to uy lIome one \lInellS. Men's from oonsum Sulte.m ptlon. ade at tbe not now livin!! here. expect to snft'er tbe oonsequ eeoea. by MlcblLels Stem age of 37 years. Mrll . Duvall lesves The 01llS8 of 1906 will be formall y & Co. to rotail tor Preside Dt Roosev elt ' recentl y besides her husbl\n d, one little weloom e into the Associl ltion' and a 120. atareed an InVesti gation .of oondl· daught er, t",o obildre n baving· died respons e given. You can more than Ii daY'H Uoal ill 'he great meat packing e8 "bont a month ago from dypbth erla Eleotlo n of offiOtlrs of the ~Iurnni lIalnry by coming to Dayton tablisb measea t Chicago . hom the and MI&8 Irene Unnneo utt, of Wit . tor the year 1907. and the tranMC purohn sing one of those elegant ropod8 made by tbese tnepect on to rulngto n, died June 1, 11106, at Or. tlon of general bUBllIess of or 8ults. Conire118 It .appeal'8 that the boal· Hall'8 Private Bosp\t.a l In Cinoln. ganlzat ton, oolleotl on of duel', etc nll8l haa beeD carried on with 11&'18 natl, where she hat! gone for treat will oonolud e tbe exerolse ll of tha or no rtlRard for aanUar y regula.- ment . Miss Hunnio utt wtll be re- Imornin g: Gold B"ml Coupon s witli PUl'obnfle &lone, and tbe produo t of tbese COD membe red with much tendern8 llB by In the afterno on. aillo on t.he !!!"!~~~~~~~ oorna 18 oondem ned a8 highly dan. ~~~~~~ many friends and admlre ra wbom sebool campU1!, the exerols es .w ill lte ' Kerous to he"ah. A. a reeult of won In Wayne sville and vicini. In oharge of former pupl1!1 tbe dIaol08 uree Illat have been made "he of the ty 'While conduo tlng aerle& of meet· 8Ohool who did not gradua . to. wliE'n , " 18 iald the bnllnetltl of the l"rge tnlrllin the Friend s oburoh here !lev. there will be talks and Ilddrel';. e ' . And is complete in every degree. The goods so oompan lee, especia lly in foreign eral yeara ago, and deel)ly dltplore and 8fterwa rds an experit' no,· m~ el. marketl l, haa fallen off one· half. greatly appreciated by my customers of last year her 10811. . In". when everyo ne will f,·,·1 fN" And " .should . Tbe publlo 18 enti· are again at your command Mentio n WaB made in the Gllzette to mK>ke a few remark s of" rl'llltn tied to mea.a ,hat they know to be a few weeks &«0 of sOme pen oil iscent oharact er, inquiri ng Ilbout BARRETT'S MIAMI VALLEY olean and free from any danger of .ketche s drawn by Cftrl the elder non residen ta atO. oreaalDg or .preadi ng diseaae . The Liquid Paints. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frllllk E . Bart· Iu the evening there ,. ill b" a larger oUI8I are mostiy affected by sook,' who live betwee n Ferry anll general receptio n. whioh are guare nteed to be absolutely carbonate of lead &he diaoIOlDrM. In tbe alDaller will be In Bellbro ok. It 'Was our prlvileaa re· the ullture of II trjbnts to UfA Rlg.h to'WIUI almQl!l' all the meat ill boqbt and Zinc Oxid ground to the finest degree in oentlyt o InBpect 't.wo (Ilhr.r ploture s School, to tbe teaohel' 8 an,l from &he farmen hylooa l dealen tn 10 tbe. '!I~etlyourl~er~'etlal'1at:!~~~ Pure raw linsee drawn by him whioh Indeed display oommu nlty at large. d oil Rl'v .1. F ' appetlte fallayoJ '::J and the people know remark able talent for one so yllung. ('adWlI llluter will rellpond in behltlf rou feel as though well w ha' 'heY' are.8ft ting. If you nre to paint your' bouse White come 8011 see me. The plotnre a in qU8lltion Itttraotf 'd a of tbe oommu nlty. ' the bottom had dropgreat amoun t ot fa vorlible CODlmen~ I will open a plIlI of Bnrret'l l Special Outside wbite, whloh Is JlBdout of YDur you arepayf DI Lytie Peopl e Dissa tisfie d a' the recent Mass Day exoroillell of The receptio n 00 .mmltte e for the the penalty nlr abuse you have 8uglt.roreell: Townsb ip IIOb()Ql~ lit eveniD g Is OODlpolled of two sl1l\c1e8 tlllln /lny 80 oulled White paint on the W. H Al IDfllcted upon r,ourself by hastUy-eateli With Mall Servi ce. Bellbro ok, and it til prob"b le tbey I.m, ollairm an. 'J. E Jaun~", &OJlII" aD~;':P Ma.rket , lLbsolute satiefao tlon guaran teed or I will refund ~~:tI' . even thougll will be pla98li . on exhibit /It Grel'ne Panoua of 'h, Lytle Poet Omoe County . n, r.rlna te. WI"II I :'!;rgllns r Hill In. BlIlghw d I t f . b-ay. Ida Fair thl8 0nmlllp. Dakin aa,wke yonr money. Give me II eallllnd let us talk p~i~t . s au a 0 0 servIce, .. are.,8I' )' maoh dl...tlafiOO wUh the IIhuoto r, MIllS Olive . MorrlM. hOB II Wright , Chl\s. M. Austin. ~tiura they rotent llI·treatment. mail Mrvioe to and from tbat of: IJI'88t faith in him becomi ng COLOR CAROl:; lLnd PRICE S on applloa tlon. II. skill. Barris Mosher . Minnie C. OodllOn. fioe. . .e d artla'. Elizabe th Chlludl er, Eva Fuoke;,:, (La ....."".) . For Sale by All mall for Lytle is haDdled Mrs. Prlcllla Hutter werth Rnd Wllrren Keys. Susan Sides Bawke , through &he Waynt luille POlit Of· Mn. Dr. John 11:. Brown. drove over and every .. ff.ort wil\ be made to from Wilmin gton one day last week mAke all feel welcom e fioe. The mall is tak'en out by the lin . Browu remrne d home t,be fol. II tbe gieatest remedy lu the world for . carrier on rural route five. Pre· 10wlnR day, but Mra. Bntttlrw ortb There will be no meals tlerved by correcting and curins all forms of stOIDWAYNESVILLE, ach and dlg~ti,.,e trouble. .,IQUS &0 Jane 1, mail Wall brough t remain ed for .. more extende d vhllt· tbe Alumni OHIO. , but all wbo wish to It Instantly imparts now IHe and vigor oat in the mornlD i and &he carrier with relative s here, "monR them spend the day on tbe campus can to these parts and keeps them In prime her grand dauihter • Mrs. OhaP, . called for return m"U later ID the Frye, . I i aDd perfect working condition. a~ her old home, .8unny 8ide bring their lunoh Ilnd eat 11;1 ,p cn 0 DOnt't wait ulntll you are In tbe grip of day. !'arm on ·the upper Springb oro pike. style or they can be aE\rvtld with th_ torturin gc:omplaints, butg"ad o1.' 81nce the cbaDge In Jontes ' 'WeD~ Jar or half·dollar .ile of DR. CALDDr. J. Em" and Mrs . Ellis and meal's lit boardin g hont<p.1I whioh WELL'S SYRUP PEPSIN now at your iDto e!teet Jane tint, tbe mall il Mias Irma Ellis have moved Into will be made known later by t.he druggis t's and forestall the trouble. broulb~ OD' and tbe returD mall 'heir OO8y new oo\tHge on Thlrrl Borne Coming Commi ttee un ~our money will be refunde d If It linter does not bene6t you. taken away at lhe Ame 'Ime. Tille 8treet, adjoini ng tbe M E . Cburoh . ttllnme nt. Your pOllal ""rd reQuOibwlU brlnlr b,. rehlrD ,h81 no opportu Dinty for patronl l of Mr. and Mra.Ch u EmR will oocu)1:V ' Ollmpe tent man committee~ II ., VII 110 en BOOJtoar lIew bo,oltlel." R . CALDWE LL'S 01' WON[)E'RS" and free lamllla 10 the' omoe to eend out anewel' 8 until the homest ead II.~ tbe Intertle otlon of gt ven charge tIlOlo wbo bavo ..ever Irled tIl'l wOllderflll of the music fur botb the Upper 8prinRh oro . pike nme4J'. Roll.' Do 11110... the fono'W lni dIlY., oaullng ,tireat Daytou pike, and"Sld EIIl.- will reo d"y and evening liP-lillian .. , anrt 10 iaootl,e aienoe. Tbe people of Lytle main with them PEPSI N SYRUP CO. thlll lIummr" IIn,l el ..tllil hlt.i bf,en overloo kl'd f .. r I bl' feel a ~t om£'e In a toWD tfle size 1U181st in tbe care of t·he f"rln •••UHllo, IlIInola .IlOOHK~iul oulmlo ation Ilf "" tl VClnt Fllr SlLle by J. E. JANNE Y. and Importa nce of ·thell'Jl III entitled "bleb mORt t.ruly t" II... hl'IIr' to better I18vlce. . II nd tendertl tlt feelinK" ' of It II to"i They would like tu I"l'elvo Ihoir8 d.mts of our beaut.if ul little VIIIIi l\l' , 'Over &be D. L & ('. r"i1r, ·"d. but· ft~ It will 'lecall ~o .memor y fril'ndp, It tblll Is no~ llUI!..1ble they woulll o4OOue.s and inciden ts in their \lVtll' IJ Ki4DCJS Make Impure Blood. wbich were Impre8lled ul like S'lme arr"'"~""U!ll t th ... , woolel UDllcaUI CHICKA~AU6A, 111ll Ih.,O\ It used to be COl\ t~'lLt only . ' be an tmprOvlllllHnt on tbH Jlre...eul. urinary and bladder troubles . w(:r~ t~ be before tbe llterner realitie s I.!/IV.· Chattanouga; 1 September 18-20 , eervlee . , traced to the kidneys, tht'U\ c"nd 1I1"£'e. 1 06 but now tnodern ' , • • On ~~ Ilt e mbl'r Ut 1110U. ,,·111 oc(, ur the ~;JQ~~rllJ science pro\'es that CunY 'lhlnl a"rh·,,·r.or)' ,, ' III.: lJaLLI" ul ~ter Ivins .Re-employed. ~ ncarh' all disease. .Dellth frllm Lookj" w CbIOIl"''''' """ IL I. Ilrol'(lo",11oO ( e lcbmLC • nH.lll1un~hle t.'VI nl with a rcullI(Ht nr th e bU\'e their begitiuinK n~' rr followlI "n .Injury , ,tr" )<,e<l Lnhc . 1VlIlK. who II .. " &lIngl, t · vu,l n" . .... ~I"II" ' L. III~L ,,:lnlo Ip 11.,1 III Lili A in tile: <lisorder of wllh BIll klAn'" ArniM 15 .. lvn the IIN'r llllto\\ II ""'1\,111 n ·r tbnl' l" ItMLIo' ,,",1 Ille x"rl.,u> hulll <8 these most important IIDti weptio IInel hl'nllng IJrollf'r t'U... mo,o"m" fuuJIIL ",.,ulI.I e:III,IL.II'U"Ku. Till. r"IIII'u" yeltnl. Ii.. bfoell 'II, mf1If\~ cd fl r organs. : i' I l't ()., ",UI 1Jt, heU! at l ' blc.lRlau go Natl'lIl1~1 'Che kitine\'s filter \lrfl~'·lIt . II.... Parkl Dl'lIt', \'E'at lit II h"l,ebolllc' 1•• IVBnc~ I \\("' po ~Oll n!C. 1 11111 . :!IuI,I ...,"I,,,r IK' IO ;lllil ~". unO Lit o"""1 10' and purify the blood- walr1. Illerl:hn nt of Rf'n88f'III"r"\' ~lIl' : dl"u~"IO.: In IIItI~ry . . lI c ~ltilL It WIll lJoJ Lb e lurg,·.t 1I0l1 _ 1 that is their work. N . Y , wrlt .. ~: . It cured Sa'111 BUrl' h. UlIl.L ""Lllhk llaLlh',lng ev . . hel.1 III Llle 'llilA Ie .for. the wt·lfarl ' tbe I. II ..." .. n' !>,.,.III. ClII Ule ulx"·,, ~tll,,,,. re when your kidneYlare wea'k '1 f I I IIII I'I hC". 0 f I~" Ih < r6:11noull.• \~~ est· ,oh".. 11I al ~t'11 HM tn ..rlll·d on",· orTherefq f rum Lht .rmleo of I,.,elve .tU.M. coin prJ.lug ont o,f o.:der, yolt Clln n~tderstand bow bi,/, h~k J e\,I'1r ¥.W. Ou",~· II " .II U fOllO"III, Penn_yl"anla Ublo. Mlc "'II~n . plhnen~ to "'" hi .. ~ . ..... hi,. work <Julckly your eutire . boU'y. IS affeded Won nell!. Rllrnll HIli' Korea r'UII " "l Inellan . Iliinol •.. \\' ls~'O".liI. Mlnne.o Ie . nut onlv " li,,,,"ul"t4't1 b~ tbe hQw every organ ~m. to fail .to doand ..... IONa !ta. F : C f40hwllrtz drna etore ka . MI ••ourl. KaliNa. " ...1 Kenlucky. f('hN .I IIQII.rlllt ut by ~b .. plIl"'ln8 1111 .i will lUl'tl!rnble . many tor .. he nrst. "od 'aNt . u:t~.Ou are sick or "feel badly," begin w.. l1 · LID.... Ince tbey marched t~m . It_ 1)10l.1l.I' the great kidney ren.led),. ' Dr. ta'··ng ... .1~lnu,\ "el,I •. Cort)1Lbn><l rea ... ag u • tor NG , ..' Kill1let~. Swe,mp-Root, 'because ti ..Il I. line oC tbe ' ' '.. L opportun ~1l, .,I). . ' A. . ; • • Ihe ,oduraLlCIn of Ih. ,,,.sb . uoa'SlallillLo••Lake School Teaeh en. lUI your kielneys are well tbey w ': ~ ,'. . . your chlhlr.n :lnd . how th"n. blB,orl" <;h"~La all the otber·orgaDa to health·. AUla RIDOICVILLIC Onto hanlla ...llh .alllu olNlorlool c:ooncoLlO'''' I~· A 1 to I·.·.t.! ; .. .. r II., .:II11K .. ,- tbll ,C or will convince anyone. . I>I8I1ABIE II OJ' wO.14:11 I, Lho 0PllorIUI\I.ty M .. Ill_time, Go anll Hell If you are sick you .can make ,!O ml8- . ~I'IC(JIALTIEII: wh,l-lJu I 'UI H. "Id Tla"r~day even ·tbe "hi .... ar genoralo aD,IIl~".r 01llco.. polaL ' In, ' MI' . B,·~.rt' WI) ..on. IIf Or!' take by 6rst .doctorlng >;our kidney. . • .. DORILDRII:If. . Oll~ Lhe plac,'tI of IntereaL on Ino balLlc·Helll : and the extraordinar)' effect of . 11lI',It; ",. ,,~ ' ... njll"y,·d I\~ prlnoip! ll The mild er'. let them Kh"W .' ou aud uplul", III poMlOn. Swamp -Root; tb. e great Lh" m ,,rk .... "rect.e<l on Ihc bl.. ~lell.1<1 .bow· IUI~rlu'"~dell'. f 'r 11106 (f/ at a Al Dr. Kilm I zed It log Ibe 1~ .. IUon¥ 01 lbe "ppo.ln, arml", aL " ..... Cli .70 IJfIr IlIlltlt,h, lllid MIICM Ap. kidney remedy, i. soon ,ea I . ~II. Lime or haltle I~ will noL be lOOK unlll Interil'l r "lAW of onf! r,10111 in H.ntohld on & Gibnev 'slmme nse dry goods standI thehigheatf~itawonderfu~cure. "hi .. MIII"I'," t' H..rv ... "bnrg. wail of no,, will he tbe most diatreui ng caaetI. left 10 do Ihl.noble ork. sto,'e ",t X.. rtl,l. StorA does 8 husine!lll of more'th lln '100,00 1IIIOId IL will lie many y"ar" . ., over ....wain. ,., IIIIlI,IIO.\· , ·d IIIr 1.1111 I"urlu )t'I1r . , ouJt. 0 annual ly. lila by aU ' ,u.·It.n oPlI"rLUnilY wlllpre"ent \.....,.,. !!ee ...... 1"r1 of ~5 1 .. .. , ,our tlukeL. ~ad via ~be l..oul "11\0 '" .... 1 N".II,·lIIe It. R • Ib~ llatUenuld Roule. all lellphoal DI, 'Dr (In yoor ne.-reMI railroad allenLlor Cher.rles For Sale. and "d'....I.lnll[ matter ,penalolDILolbe reunion 10. Itr "'rl~ n"",relt rep,re..,n ,aUve or Ihe (.oul.· Forty of flne oherrle a fo vUle " ~ •• b"Ule R. K.Ie. Will be ripe the latter part of b ·-...... er trOl1ble. 1110 J . H. 1111 ..1>1& ..... d • .P . It . Loulavllle. ICy DlltlRCI n • pa~r . . . thi.we e. or the 8n' 01 Dut 'Weet. I I writing to Dr. & CO' I ~I~'·l F . D. BURR. D. !P. It. ClllcIDna~l. Ob o. lDqalN of tlamael Smith OD the bamton ,N. Y. Doo·tm akeanym pUUte. _ . ' J . E."\'. D P. A. 9\. LOUI,,· lII°· 1 ""tl. and W.p8l 'fllle pike, B. F. bat remember the name. Swamp. lloot, OffI.a. H O. BAlL.... Jjl. W. P. A. OblO&lol Ill. Dr. Kilmer' . Swamp-Root, and the adD. No. 6. .... I . . ... O. L. trrONlC, Gen'l PaIIB. ARent. , ~,BlagballltoD,N. Y•• ODerterJboWe.
... -. ..
Gen uine Barg ains In Men 's Clot h es
$12 .85
$13 50
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
$16 .50
._u Dr. C:8 Idw ell·s Syr up Pep s.-o
--- --
Oltel Tbe KidDe,S Are Weakened bJ Dter-Work.
M W L ' MD C M
._ ---
lacil 1 69-3r lang WAYIESVILLE OHIO
Wh-itc Gouds, Ging ham Silk GloveR, Corset.s, Lino leun l
6t Oibn.~V, Obio•.
I wlnf!ow,
nild pa's ~Ircul Instr nct told hIm lhat If h cOlll d ftnd 8ueh an ani· mal nllv e, nnd CIIptllr It tor tbe show, Ollr forUm s would bO, made, W st red th r nil nls ht. and PR' ft&k~ I\\t pstin ns nbout the [lNbnbllHy ot th ere bei ng Ruc h animals alive at this day, Bne! tho sclentlm promptly told pa th esc lI olmnls only ' existed age!! a nd a ges Agn, when th o cOllntry ~ It!! royered wllh water and was Ii part . oC th o ocenn, a nd t hat lhe animals II \'cd on thc high placcs, but when tbo By BON. GEORGE W. PECK water receded, and th ll ocean bccnme 8 deser t, the diIlOsaU l'U1 die d or a brok en heart. and all we bad to s bow for It was these petri ned bo nes. Pa ought to have bcileved the sclen,' 01'1\, the Bad .Boy and a Bnnd at Cow- tists, 'cause they, know all abou t hoys Go in Search of a Live DI- thei r busi ness, liut aft er the scientis ts n os:\u rus-The Expedition Is Cap- had gono to bod th cowboys becon to tured by a Qang ot TraIn Robbers s Iring pa. 'l'hoy told him tbat abou a hundred miles to tire north, In a :lod P e. Is B eld for Ransom. vall y In tho mountain s. th e III· Whe n I saw pa cli nging t o tbe nd' l nosaur us s tili existed, alive, and that die wb ie' h ha d got loose from the no mall dare go tbere. One cowbo y horse that he was rid ing when lIe ' said he was herd ing a bunch 'or cattle las oocd the bla ck steer around the In a miley up tho re oncl', and the bell y, and, the steer was running away, bunch go t Inl o a drove of dlnosauru so8, dra gging pa Bnd the saddle across Ure tlnd t h e fir st thing he knew a big plains, I tllought I ne ver would s dinosB llr u8 reac hed out his n eck and blm ali ve .galn. But t~e cowboys picked up a steer, raised It In the air aald they would bring his rem a ins alNut SO feet , as eas y a s a derrtok back all right. When they rode away woulil . pick up a dog hou se, a nd the to ca:>ture tbe steer and releaso pa, dlnos811rus swnllowed Ihe s toer whole, I 8topped c ryIng and laid down under Rnd the otbcr dl nosn urllses each 8wal. the chnck wagon with the dogs, to lo wed a ste r, The ('owboy said be. tb lnk over wbot I would do, alon e In tore be knew It hi s whole bu nch of the world, and 1 mu'st have fallen stee rs was sw 8110w (1 whol e, and Ihey Mleep. tor t he next thin g , I I( new woulrl 1m,'c 9wnll,)w'1 rt him Bnd hls the dogs barked and woke mo UII, Rnd horse It hiJ hadn ' t skl nne,] out on a
we slarlM n orth 00 th e blllles.t tool eXPI1c1I\ lon Uillt ever W!lS , but pa was n ~ earnest and excited a ll Paory p(nn· nlng II n or tll pole Irx[lell It lon, alid as bllsy n~ 'a buy le llil ng s llal(!', Afler tbo ro "' boys and lhll sc i ntl sts had tried to Get lIn to make bl~ wil l beto re h went, an d got the a dclrllslIe" where pn " 'D nted Olli' r ma in s, lent to In case of our beI ng fou nd drl d up on ~he prairie, and OUt bones polished by wolves, we wer 0 0 tille m'>'Ye, and pa was so lmp[ly you ,,'emit! tb ln k be hOd already COlmd a IInl dlnosaur us, and harl him In a cage. For fonr dllY. , \ve rodE' a long \1[1 and dow n fOothills, an c! dh'l:l cl'. and s mall mOll ntllln3, nnd a ll th tim e pa was telling t.he \l,lYS ho w, after we hoc! 10CRt('rt o ur dln osnuruses, we woul rl go bacl; eRst Dnd organ ize an ex pedition wltb derri cks and cages B!' big DB a house. and como I)ack and drive t he an imals In. And when we got them wi th the show peu ple we wOllld rUIi trai ns hundr'eds of mil es to Bee the rares t Bnlmnls any sbow e'f'cr exh ibited to a dls()r lmjnatlng pub. lio, ond we co uld charge fi ve dollars for tick ets, anci people wouhl mob each other to get up to th e ticke t wagon. Th en th e boys would wink at I!ach other, and ta ll tl~el r t oreheads with th eir , Hngers, and loo k at pa ae though tJ:ley expected I:re would break out "Iolenlly Insane any minu te. Fiuolly we got up on a h lgb ri dge, an d a beautiful, rertlle vnlle)' was un· fold ed to OUr \'Iew, and Bill, ·tbe co w' boy wh o had bari hi s b erd M ste rs cn lE.' n hy Ihe dlnosaurus, sa id tha t W8S the pIne , a nd be bognll to shl\' er 111(0 h e hod th e a gue, H e said he woul rlu't go any Cnnbelr ,,' Itllollt an· othe r h \l ndrcll do llars, .(Ind pa asked th e othe r cowboys If tit Y were afraid, to o. a mi th y salll lhey we re a little cnrell, hilt for unoth er hllndreil do l· InrR Ih y woul d 'rorj;cl It, rorget thel l ram liles; nnd g o dow n In to tb o dea t h nll ey . Pa palrl them tho) money, and we wen t dowlI In to the valley, and rode along. expec ting to jumt) a fl ocle at dl nosaurll es anr mlnUl(', bllt the val· ley wa s a s stili a s death. ,an d rill said to Bill : "Why dOIl'i you bring on your dlnosBuruses," and, Bill said he gue sed by tbe li me "'e got up to tbe far end of the valle~' we would see something thot would wake Ull stand without hit chin g. We "'cnt on towards where the val: ley came t" a Ilolnt where there seemed to be a holc In the side of the moun tain, when aU oC a sudden fOllr or five gun shots w,e re heard, and Cour of our horses Ilropped dead 10 • their tra~ ks, an<:l about a dozen men A boy DinoaaW"lia Bached out Hi. Neck nn,d Picked up a Steer. come ou t of the hole In the wall and I looked ott to tbe aouth aild the cow· gallop.. He said he could hear tbe told US to hold up our haolls , and boys were coming back with pa's re o df nosa urllsos for mil es, makin g a noiSe when we di d 80 they t()ok our gU1ll1 mains ' on a buckboard. like distant tbund er, wbeth er from away and told, us to eome ' lD OUI ot • I went up to lbe wa gon to s ee If ealiDg tho Iteers, giving them a pain, the wet: We went Into. a cave lind found tbat pa looked natural, and he . rai sed up, or whether bidding defiance t o blm like a co rpae coming to, IIDd , said : and his" horse, he never could make we had been captured by CurrY's gaDg "H.mnery, did yoU Dotlce how I roped oul, but he Bald notblng but ,money of train robber8, who m:ade their head· 'Utt! oblack steer?' lind I aald: " Yea, could ever Indu,ce him to go Into tbat quarter8 In t he hole In the wall. The leader seuched pa Ilnll took all hi. pa, I saw tbe whnle bu siness, and saw valley agaIn. J'OU litart south, cbaslng the ateer. Pa asked the otber cowboys If tbey mone,.. and told us to lJIake ourselves armed only with a saddle, and what had ever been to that dln08aurus val. at home. Pa protested. and said be 18 the news tram T exas?" .ley, and they winked 8t each other a,nd was an old sbowman who had come Pa said: " Look·a·h ere. I don 't want lIaid they had heard ot It, bul to tbe val ley looking tOlr the sUPPolsed· to hear any tunny business. I dellv· was not money enough to hire them to·be·exllnct d lnos aurulI, to capture \ orad tbe goods all rl gbt, and It the to go there, 'cause they had heard that one tor tbe s how, and the leader of .:lneh of the' lladd Ie bad h eld out Calth· a man's lire "'aa not sate a minute. the gang 8ald be was the only 121· till to I he end, I would have tied the Bill, wbo bad told the story, was tbe nosauru s there was, btH be hadD't Then the leader steer In record time. but man proposes only man wbo had ever been there, been ,captured. and ' tlle r 5t YOll have to love to and' tbe only man living tbst had slapped our cowboys (lDI the sboulders and told ,t hem thoy had done a good luclr. t was otit of 'luck, that I, all , 'seen a live dinosaurus. bu t the r ide 1 ha d across the pra'-Je The.D. we t.u rned In, and pa never job to bring Into camp suol! a rlcb bllll g iven me some Ideas about ftytng slept a wink all ni ght, thinking of old codger as pa was, and then we macblnes thnt will be worked Into ollr t he rare animals, or Insects, or r!!I,I' found lhat the cowbOllS belonged to s llow n ext year." til es, or wbate ver tbey are, tb9.t .he Cu rry's gang, and hall toped pa ID Pa go t u p orr the buckboard and expected to lond for t he show. He In order to get a ransom. .hook hlmsel r, and he was jus t a s well whlsperell tb me In t he n ight and 9&1 ~ l Tbe leader asked Pli!. about how and hearty B3 ever, and the cowboys "H~nn o ry , I am on the trail of th o mucb he tbought hili frlendtl at th. aut aroun him, and told blm be was dlnosaurus, and whil e I am not pre- east could raise to get .hlm out. an" • wond el\ and that Bulfalo Bill pared to capture .>ne olive, at tbl. whcn pa found he wa'il 10 tbo bandl ot bandits, and tbat 'the d'l nOllaurul mine was salted, and he bad be~ .. made a tool "t, be said to me: "Hen' nery, now, qonest. between man and man, wouldn't th is sklln you?" I heglln to cry and saId: " Pa, both of us arc skun. How are we going to get out of this'?" and pa salQ: "Watch me," '
WHY CHAMPACNE IS HICH, Trouble Involv ed In the Mill! .Makes tho Wine Worth Iu Price.
~ hoot 011 1.
" E\'cn now the champagne 18 not dOlle. It Is ' rnw ' nt till>! stage. To It a liqueur ot branlly ollli BuJ;tl,r must he nrlli ed- four !leI' cen l. of Iltwer for tile driest bra nds, 15 or 20 p lr cenl. ,f I' the s we ~t on ' . "AI tog th er, a bot tle ot chn mpos ne g0l18 th rollg h 200 different OP'II'lllloh8 nntl cons umes In II~ Jlerfect ln,; 2\', yea rs or time. An,1 still It I~ often k ept t wo or threo yen rs longer In tb r \'ae II. mnturlng." H~RVARD'S
Principles Oovernln, the E" ....actJon ' ot the Butter' Fat from the Milk,
P!'Om egs nog!: tbe tu lk l'iln mpnr.n c. " H's worth the money," sol d rh e Ilart nd 1', "consltlerlnt: the trouble It lakes Lo mnke It. "I,ll's( tli ero'l til e blending. 6f the I; rape ju ice. Th ree pRI· t~ .f hlack to one of white g rape juke are blund ' d with I ~ III ndou s care. ~~xper t, bl gh· prlcod I.Rsicrs do tbls \\·ork. "'rheR tho tlnuld Is put In ensl(s "nfl r(' nned- A lon g II Dd dlmcn lt process. "Next It Is bottlc(1 ant! placed In B warm ro om to te(ment. Wh ile rer· mentin g It mu st be watched dally, At a ce rtaIn singe In the forme ntllt!n.1, 11 0 soon er lint! no late r, It goes to a deell, 001 \'at un dergrounll, and t h re It \I 1 months 1n a temperature th"t neve r \'arl II 011 9 degree. " Now the bOllles arc placed In rad(s nnd tu rn ed !lve tim e< a 11ay ~tor Ibree weeks to bring up th e sed iment. ' "W Lre n th sodlme nt bnH 1111 mounl ed 10 Ihe neck of tb e bOttillll, they arl! o p n d lind tbo sediment Is allow to
Cast ,Oft Garments ot S tudents ' Distributed Throu gh Chnrl tllble S}:'Btem. E ';ery s pring tit ere occurs al Hnrmrd coll ege .a curi ous C01I V nlion or the old olothc.'l. 8S It might be rolled , nt wb lch tho castolt garnIPn ts of hu ndreds of eoll ege und rgraduates meet an"(l min gle t or tbe In t tI me befo re sta rting out 011 on odd a nd practical philanth ropy. The altair Is corlductetl by 8n under· graduate orga niza tion known ' aB tlre Stud nt Volllntcor nSBOclntion, E\·ery· th ing In the way ot clothing Is In· cluded; un derw ear, sui ts, even nil occllslonal dress coa t, s tockings wltll 011 th e varlegat d spllmdor tbat clings to under graduate ankles , plain nnd fRncy wais tcoats anci ba ts. llteral,l y too numerous to menllon. ' During the we ek of the .collectlon, saYS' Mollern Women , tbe 016 Har vard YlItd is (uH of moving bundlea all tendin g toward Pbllll,a Brooks House, where th e vlU'lolla religious s oclctles ot thl' collego bave their. heat\Qllorters . li e n! tlIe bundles nrc opened, th o \'a· rlous artlcletl 80rted, arranged and 'finally di stributed lo loefll and di s· tant charita hie centers. Boots and shoes, for example, are what 'ml ljht be called the Tuskegee s lleclalty at Harvard. Several boxes of th em go allnually to Booker Washington's Instllute whore the shoe s hops ore Immediately useful In mend ing Ihem up ond starting thelll on a new caree r of uti li ty. "rbo SI\\vatlon A rm)' In Bos Lol1 gct~ prac tically all Ihe derby hats.
CHANCES IN MODERN BATTLE Fig ht ing at Lont: Ennge with lila. chanlcal Weapons Reverses Old Order.
T bo force tblll Is used 10 SCDGrnte the mill; Is 1010\\'11 as ce ntrlrugn l t ore., ~H y~ Edwin it. Webst 'r. 'J'bl~ fo rce mllY bo t1 scribed ali th e pu ll th l1t Is' 1 ~ l t wh n Il wolgh r IItUl ctled to " CEMENT TROUGH . H rln g Is whirled nilout tho h nnel. It I ~ Ih Jluli ou twlIrd , allli Ille las ter lhe A J ob Whi ch Any Fnrmer CAn Do- wel:::h t It! whirled tbe stronge l' the pull BeHer o nd Chea per Thou Olle bccomes. BuHt ot Wood. 10 Ihe olrt system ot crllllmln g, \'Ie R~ I)!\ rntlon Is ca used by th e II tlo n o f ~blllty· to do things well nnd In \'1ly. The tilt g lobulus, bel li!: li ghta \\orkmunllke and substa nti a l ro nn- (Or th un the o th er por \lon s of tho milk, ner Is not possess ell by e l'o ry fllrme r. live forc ed to Ihe top ; th at Is, grAvity Yet to ma ke n co mell t wa teri ng l8o'111, . acls s tronge r or plll1s h arder Ol\. the does not require tbe mecha ni ca l .~dll hOllv lcr portions tl,an It doe8 011 th o t hll l It d:>es to con stru ct one ot wood. Il " b ll'r a lld the milk Is gradua lly il rThe lower illus t ration on tbls pap:e ~n n gCd' III Inyers, t be li ghter porllon ,at 'hows the stave mold Cor a 35- barrcl, lhe top nll ,1 the beavler portion a t the bo ttom. ' The torclng ncllon In the separator hnn precisely tbe some a ~ llon on lhe UIIII(, bl.\t ncts outwllrdly trom lhe conter at th e bowl the aome as gra vIty acts downward Crom the s urtace , only m~l')' thOusn nd times stronger, ncco m· plls hlng In II fow momenta and fa r n lorll completely whllt It ta lteS grnvlty sO l'aral hours to do, A s th o milk goes In to tb e bowl It IS. lit once th row n to the outermost pllrU anll Oils tho bowl co mpletely unlll an 0p&1I Ing Is rencbed where It will tlow Out ngllin. T ho surrnce-of t h o milk Is on n 11 118 llarnl:el willi tile ce nt er, or axis, or tb~ bow l, lind Is exa tly 10 IIno with tlt ~ ren m olillel. A rosB·secli. through tbl! b;«2wl . rrom this su rface 10 the out si de pre· ~c n ts mu ch the sa me nppoo rrm ce os ST AVE 'MOLD F O R CE,aIl'; 1\T THO UG H would a pan or milk otter tho c re~ nl AK O 1'HE TRO OR COMPLETJ,;O. hns r nlsed by gra vlt)'. rcund tao ll, lole ly made by Ir, ti'. M, The er a m Is on tbe surfnce, whl cb Ocodwi ll. Oehlw llre cOll nty, Ohio, s ay s m !~ ht be ca lled tile top, and t he hea vIh e Ohio Fn r mer. Atter excllva tln g, le i' po r tions of the milk 01 t be IlOlnl lho fou ndn llon was built to about the t n!'thest from tbe center, wbJch would leve l of th e gro un d. The st[\\'cs were represent I he bottom . th pn put 111 pl ace and IIIUng with c D- , With thi s unde rstn ndln g of the nrcrllto wns continued to the top. In r:lIlgement oC th o 'milk In tbo' bO wl ord er 10 slrengthen the la nk. sevefill there ore a nllmber ot Ihlnge to be Hri ieal Iron bar8 were Imbedded In I c b~el'\'ed wblch Influencc the separath e ~o ncre te during cons'tru ~tlon; tion . ' Whil e aroun d tbe clrcumte rence 1\ n um· "h e dUl'er\lnce In . leng th 'of time It bpI' ot w lro !loops were likewise 1m· witcs to se parate c ream by gra vity and bp.dded. Tho ma lerlal was mixed 3S by ce ntrltugn l torce show8 plainly th:rt [c,t\ows: Crus hed stone, elgbt parte; Ihe tlmo va ries with the amollnt of san d, thrOB parts; cement, one part. force applied. The sborter th e time thl! ThIS upp ,r Illustration sho ws tM lin- grenter Ihe rorce must be. . :shcd lallk. Sltlm· mllle from the separator contai lls less fat thnn that s Cured by J;'rnv lty s),8te m, sbowlng tbnt tbo grei\? BEETS AND CARROTS. 1'1' ft'rce olluses more pertect separa' Both Are Excellen t, Says Prof. Thoma. tlon. From th o ahove statemen t the tolShaw, But Too Expensive lowin g conclllsions regarding Ihe un a Feed. oC Ih o sepa rator may be drawn: I. It Ihe amo'u nt or milk that A dairyma n' oC Abbo lsford , Mich., Is desirous or findi ng out the value at r:nsses through the separator In. 1\ !iugtlr bee ts ond carrots fo r dolry g iven tim e 18 a ftxed quantILy, any co ws. ' He also asks tor lh e experience Increase In the s poed ot the machlD8 wm le1}d to cn use closer Ilk ImmIng beot othllrs who hnve fed them. , Sngar beets lDake aD excellent r;lOd ca ufe ot Ihe greater torce exerted. 2. If tbe amount b f ' mHk t thai for daIry catHe;-buHbe- cost of gro.'ng {hem 111 mora than the cOlt ot !,'lS56S through In Il gtven time Is InCI't'Vo'lng mangels. hen ce where; roOts r r l:::.sell and t he s peed remoln e thl! are grown to'r daIry cows, mongols SO Ill C tb o vklmmlog will not be IiCJ"'po","---, are usually preCerred to augar bl!erK. fet! , for the cenlrltugal torce la not Tho toonage of mangels Is con sider· )'cned o n the milk 10 long :> t1me.~ If Is ' evident, th retore. ~bnt tft. ably grea ter, anll the labor Is nlso con· slderably leSS. 'For milk production, ' oioseness o't skimming Is Ihe result or tbe dllrerence In value of the ~wo Is two faclors-time a nd to rce. If either no t great . pound tor pound, but t:Je ct th ese 1& deorensed, th e result will V,'l: U C ot tbe sugar beet Is more In I)t: poorcr \\·ork. If eithe r Is Increased, \jetter work wlll result. (dllcnlng n nlmals. Carrots are excellent for mllcb COW!. bl\I' the same ' objection appUes to A BARNYARD SHED. th ern thot oppUes to th e growing , of 611gar beets, tha t Is, the labor. As wltb Should Be Alwl\YII Accessible tor til. bellts, It takes mu ch time to thlD them Cows 811 Protection trom and also to hilnest and slore tbe!!J. Storlnl. The labor, bowever, Is mu ch Innuenred F f' W ba rnrn rd s ~ re. compIAt~ wllhn lt by Ihe va rlety g ro wn, the Mas tOdon. a I"rge white \'n rlety, being onl' or havi ng a Shed urider wh k h (he C'J W~ c n lie duri ng BlImmer ni ghts a( l r Iho best. tt,~y ba ve b-eeD driven ID from the pn••
In Homeric duys l\ balUe was a con flI ' ~ ot I1rm ed mobs, Tbe nearer you got ' to your ussallnnt tbe better W IIS yo ur chan ce ot Icllllng or being 1, llI cd , says th o Scie ntific Am erican. Tho bigger lhe mDn the betler w ~ r e TWO DAIRYINC DELUSIONS. his CI\ IIIlCeS III the strlre. In Ihs se piping times ot me banlenl . wa r rare Jlliatakim Idea. Which FIlTmers Bav., lhe s Hun tlen Is reversed. Buttl es arc Regardlng ' Poor COWl and lIIar- · foug1i t lit ranges or a mile or so. The ket Quotation•. Fmall er th e man the les s lire Iils cba nces ot being hi t. An In genlus' Some one says tha t It 011 the cow~ PULLED OFF 'HIS , ARM. m ul hemnll la'l) has' fi gl,II'Cd ou t t hat wore Iirou ght ' liP to a hlgb stundard per h(lJ)s th e cnsual lle"3 on the Jo pa n· of pro duction I l would hrlng down the CO/,;VE /,;IE/,;TLY ARRAN GE D Di\; RN. Quick Presence of Hln.d of JIIan' Who ese 1'.1e must hn\'e Iwen co ns iderable PI' ;Cfl of the prod uct, said W . [j Hoa rd. YARD SBIl:D, WDS Being Otushed Saves less t h!l ll t,hose of lhe Ru ssians in th e nf Wiscons in, at the late Illinoi s state rece nt Wil l" if. It be aJisumed t!la t l he fa r me rs ' Institute. Keeping 1I00r, un- tu re, anll thu8 be 'sheltol'od trom an, His Lite: rual'ksma nsbll) or each was -equ lIy fit cows ror tbe plirpose of holding up e l~owers Or sto rms tha t ma y qoour. i .. Cl nclnna tL-TI;e , quick prese nce 01 &ooll. · prices f bulter and milk ·Is hurd on win ter such pro tecllon Is e\'en more O!" mlrid In the tace of a terrible accident Th e od \'an tllge of t he,rapunese Wall t llt' cOM :i tutlon. The 'surplus of dairy ' .een tla l whe,:c 's tock Is accustomed to , IR all that saved the lI.fe of Frank P. genl1 nl lly ON th e cubes oC th eir height pr(luuc comes from 'cows that brln~ nm out more or' less thr!>u gh tbe d y, Thomas, manager .>f \ i1e P ea cock dis- na d \;r~"dt h , The D"erQg lu,rgeui pC· nn prof:l to their own ers. Ellmlnatc n nd It Js also ' jU,s t tbe Illace under tille ry. The ,aCCident ,o ccurred at the Cered by oac h to th e e ne:u)' are li S th e th e POQ l' cows·nnd there will be no Bur- whleb to feed s.h$ep., T~II ~ut, .tu lt e n plnn t of th e P eacock compauy, at Kallio fube s . or I,ns" an d ~ . Il42. o r as IOU to II hls . , . rrom th e Fa(m nnll Home, ShO\V8 h , w . 'fOc." m~ilY farmers keel) t heir ~yC8 on a ' sbed ror . thi s purpo~e mny be bu ilt. e rton , Ky., wbl ch Is tour m pes t rom II ~, as ad\'fi nl~;;Q In fa vo r of th e Ja r' Paris, ' . a nese of about I ~ per cent. ,. ' the mnr::zt. 'fhey ~anno t aRect ti1(' It co n b.e made elaborllte. aD tl '.nlce, I)l Mr. Thomas went to the plant sever" ,,,,., I price on e dot or tittle. 'rhey ' clln It I course, but when conslru cted of plnl!!, al days ago to superli1~end the plaelng Oalm Life of the ProfeS&or. ' [tht)· reduce Ute cost or produc. 'malerlal Is not near 10 costly a::lt!' , of new machinery and prep,are to start Tb ~ atmosphere In WhiCh . th e col· t(on , Lo ~s of money IIlto be made by jU,6t as servlcelfble. i , T ' We Were Caphu'ed Dy the Curry 's Gang. .' the distIllery for Ita lleason rUD. A: legl1 p ro f~ssor 1I\'es proves rasctOR.ttng. 11 wl3er adniinlstrotlon ot tb e farm onll , , ' . \. rl ew macblne bad Just, been '!nstalled.! .HIS soc ial po.sllion Is assured, says the or ' lhe bus iness. Thill Is the only en(l COW 'BLIPS, I, ,::o\lld n't bold ' hold a candle to him ! time, I am going to that valley and which Is used to crush the. gralD tor petrolt 'F;.e~ Press, His dutie,a ,may lhat Is w1\olly 'within our. contro' , -48 an all·around rougb I'lder and co w· ~ee the an,lmals ' alive, and make plans Ita mash. The rollers of this machine oe ,but thoy are conge'nlal. nlj~bt bere reign sUJ,lleme the ' milD b\tIt jJays to be amiable In the '!ow boy combin ed. So Pa blred a hou t a for ' tbelr capture" and report to the are adjusted to cruBb tlie gl'''.ln dOWD an d thero C'O!Des the realization that ' L'lntl the cow. ' . I!Itabte. f , . • doz';ln ot th e cowbQYI! to go with' our management ot tho show, 'Wllat do to the thick nels of' 'a newspaper. 'his, In<;umb ~ncy , Is dependen.t on\)' 00 ' " Sllll the butte,r·tat aDd t~ed '( ht . While teeling lip the grain chute Whlob his ste ~vardBblp, ,old age bringing tb~ .sbow, and then we went Inl" ca mp you tblnk about 1t1~ ' sklm·mllk • . . Water 00_ Often. Ifor ' t he nl J; h,t, a?!1 th~ cowboys told [told pa ~hat [ ~ought that ~ow. teeds this masher Mr. Thomas, 'who prospe~ t of decreaseil ' .labors .and, an , Nt!v;~r stl'lke a cow r'lr ver apealt The best pra'ctlce Is to let COW8 get roughly to her. ;)r a pl 1ce a ~,() u t 2~ ml1es , ~wBY, wbere bol", Bill: was the \\,orst liar that we wore a glOTe, accidentally got too close ' annuity that will lJermlt passing his 30me sclenusts hall a camp, wbere had ever run up against, and [ knew to the rapidly r~v~lvlng rollei'll. and declilllng yenrs In co mfort. 1'he worltl a the 'water wi often as they like. For dairy cow~, lover hay Is .... or-tlr, hey wllre exca vating to dig ollt petri· by studying geography In Beh"QI that hili right hand was draWII Into It. .and , Its strife bave little parl In his rhla Ii! not always practicable In win. more than timothy. 'n ed bo!l!l9 of animals sH JlPosed to be the dlnasauru8 Willi extinct, anrl had Hel arm was belDg rapldl,. pulled existence. He ente.178 the protessJoD ter, but they should be . watered at A ' good, properly kept cow , stabl,' ' e xtin ct, like the dlnosl1urus anti the I been tor tbousands of years. Pa said: tbroug~ tho mach.lne, ,wben, wltlI rare realizing tbat cerlaln sacrifices are In. , least twlc~ ' a day. It the w.(Iter III has no ofl'enslve odor. ' hoday. :I n:l pa wa n trd to IN Ihere anti I "So they say. tile , buffalo Is extinct. presence of rpl'nd, and. with a pow.... volved and he 19 wl,lIlJ111 to ublde by warm ; tbat Is. heattld tic! tbat the chill Land plaster , sbou h'. be .used 'f teel" see abolll It . and ,he Dex t day we took but you can IIlId 'em, It you have got tul Jerk, he ,pulled olr tl)e crushed por. thE' conseqlll1nCCS, O!lCQ" t.eache r 01 · I~ takon olr. I hey Vo'IIl be· glad to drink ID'the stables to .IJs,o rb odor!!. baIt a d07.e n or t he caw ll!'Ys pa bad the mOlley. Lots ot thIngs are ex. tlon oC hl9 arm,' the" roller8 havln, ways a: tea cher Is a rul e sel,lIuOI vlo· twice dall)': even during ' th e coldest Pet the 'cows: pet the ·helfers,: ,Iv• . of weather. There Is 'now no ques- tbem a IItUe sugar with thl' _..t. >tIlred, and w~ rod to the ca:mp. tinct, till some hrave explorer pene. reacbed to within a ~ew Inches .>f bll late,d. ' tion all .to the ,alue' o,r warm water Oee, but I np\'er bell,e ved tbat eucb tratee the tllIItneNea and IInds them. elbow" , SUSll'r w\11 help ,entie all1i c~W tb&~ Lowest nll~. for d.lry cow., The , animals drlDk IB Inclined. to: be Dervo\l8 aDrI wild. -a .. lmals ever (lId ex ist In this coun· The mastod"D 18 e-xtlilct. according to He wa~ ramoTeti te lUIe oIIce 01 ~ The '~t rate ot IiJlteracy,.1II the '1JlOI" , the pr04uetJoir .ot milk .fJj Dot Try, It , try, but th e ~elentl ~t' .h'ad one animal 'Ihll 8clentists, but they are 'allve In company. where medlcill aid WaR , .. ra· ,,,Iclure lhat ~I,owp!l tbe dlnosanrn s as Alaska, The Dorth pole Is extinct moned, and hili arm Willi later rilDPll' world Ig' found In Sweden, Norway and ehecked by the anlmli' being com. UBu small tin ' palll or buckets rOk Germany. In the , two ,ft'rst·named pelled to drink lee water. and the re- tbe ea Ives, and '!tash and 1It..tld tb. ' h exi sted wh 'n ollvc. an animal over but some dub In a: balloon will find tated near the IIhoulder. cO\lntrles tbere III no penon above Ihe turn at tho pa!1 II much greater than palla dally. ' '70 reet lon g. that w.>~ld weigh IS It all right. I tell you, I am golD'g to ____ age of len Y6ars who cnnn"t rend and wben heatlog of water II neglected. much as II dl1zen of our large I ele- see & \lve dlnosallrus, or bust. You Bonut., Are you feed{Dg a eheeeo cow tryIn, to 11I~ !Jutter? Use ,.Our lH:alel and ,!)"ftnt~. with 0 nerk as lon g a J hesr me!" Dnd pa hord them cookln,,' The Reporter-Do you thInk' toot. write unl osa be ,h u fo~gotten thoile ec. compll9hments or his mental facuille! For Calv .., '1l\lralred, an,1 th r n they show ed us breakfllllt, aDd we got lip, ball rules should he rllvJeed '! Babcoele t~t and IIDd out (or lure.Oatmeal. boiled and malle Into a Farm Journal. ; bonol at tllf'sr ollimaia th81 th .. y ""II!: Be-tora noon p" had org"ntzed a pack The COach-Sure thl,D"! ' You ma, are so feeble that he b~s IIPt ~eD able to a, qulre them, 'rhle tnct II so well lfUel.l,nd nided. to tbo Bweet skimmed out li nd 0111 to\; P IN. ond tllp. complcl. train and hired three cowboys, and quole meliSatrongly eoMerii1lTll8 More calvell die from .coura cauna ..., IUP s of .boll" ~ showed th'l t the /,:ot some diagrams and plcturel or I' Ing ID clinch" aad kl(lklDl bolow the trDderlfood that . tbe census enumera. milk, I. one of, thl! best toads tor by drinking from - tlltht pa~r. where tors do DOt Inquire IVbelber a Pfi rlO" cal ves. Add , a lIlttle ftaneed Jell,. all eons of germ~ millUplr, 'baD fro. 4I.lnosaurua cou1.l ellt .>ut oC a six story dlnosau.rus!!.8 f!OlD tbe BcleDUat.,- aDIi Decl4.-P\lIllL can reid or wl'lte.-Waabluton Star. aDd lour ce.!vel will Irow like ",a.tlL all)' otber cau.e. "
Eie,'ated tR8Aervolr H oldi n g V aat A W8lit Virgin ian's A wful D lst rNB Th rou g h K ld.ner Troubl es. Quanti t y F u rnl ~h e& t h e Cit y W . L. J a cl( son , mer ba n t: o f Pnr k· Plentifull y , e Nilburg, W, Vo" says: "O rlv lng :I bou t ' - - - - -·'--l.- +-.m>'!TnU-Tnl... ,,r-t',I'1S'' '11lOK:'' I- -___ In bad w en t h e r g lncc rlll g II1 llg ll~l n ~: Th ny~ t e m b rouc;bt Iddney lrOIl· r'b n s l ~l e d of Il maIn ImpolJ ll t.! lng res er' bles on me, a ll II I voir. at an e lavatlon ot apPl'oxlmu te ly IlUttpl'ed tw I' n l y 23r. feet above thc I v I of Iho sea, y ears wltb s harp . eOlllnl n l ng en ough wa l l' lo ~ uPllry the cramp ing polns In clly of PUnlllll1\ wltll 2.0,00.000 gallo ns th e un el! n lld ur lllnry dally. nn ,H'e ra SIJ ot lito bas is or 30,·dlsorders. I often b ad 1.0 ge t up a <Ioz000 (lOlltlluLioll , Yl h leh wa. a l I ns t 60 lIer cenl. In cixc c~s of th o presc ot n um· e l) Urnes lit n Igh t 10 b~r or In hab it ant;;. This water was to urin a te. R eten Uoll be conductcd l o Ihe Itn' mclllale vlc lDBet In, a nd I wa s Ity of Pan a ma t hrough u. 1 (;. Inoh oblige d to uso lhe main. und di sc ha rged Into an aux ilia ry cat b eler . ' toolc t o m y b ed , a nd the r~s rl'ol r of I,OOO .noo gal lon s capacitY, doctors fa ilin g to b elp, bega/l us i ng s ituated nl a n e le vnllon of ap proll l· Doa n 's T<lrlney P ill s. T ho \l rlne soon mnt e ly 1 40 fe et a bo\' I h e sea leve l In came freel y ngro ln, nnd t h o pa lll g radl ice Imm ellllllil vicinity of Pannmn , \l ally dI S!q ,pc:ll'cll. r h ave 'b een ured from whi ch the wuler "'u.s conllU r lel l j e lg h l years, nn ll tb ou!;n ove'r 70, alll th rough a ~O· l nNi pip to a 'onn cllrr n a.1I nrUve as n boy." . w ith the u lSlI'lbntl n g sys t ~ 11J III l be Sold lJy n il deal er s. sn ce nls n. box. elly , C B ff I •• Y . tile F osler· !hllourn 0" U a 0 ,... . , NumHous d lays occurred In r ons l rlll' lIo n of tlt ls wnlc l' SIiP llly s ys. S ENTIEN T SI'.N 'L·.t:NCES,
""1\'....."===. .
Hotel Man Who W ns Not to B e Overa w ed by D igllit:ules of
Thousandll Wrlte to M rs. PInkham, L~ Masa., and Receive Valu a ble A d ~
They tell thi s or;
o n form r GOT.
Absolutely Confid ontial and Er..
T h (' r .. cn n h e DO m ore terriblo oraeal Oll ce ul)O n u lime. In l11e mid st of a t o ,. d ~ l\c:ttc, sc n SiLh"(', r e fl ned w omllD · campa lgll. :'11'. H Ollilly~waJ3 to dclll'er thq n to bo o h llll'c~l to answer certaia 11 IIPel'ch a t a li llie lUII'll In t b grent ql1~ st i on s In r egard to he r prh'o.te ilIa. IIl1 d glo rl.o ll s Suel; 'y ... 'tatc. W hen he ' ,,\'~ n wh cnJ-hose ( .lC tion a Ilro aAl( e ll rcacholl [b e 0110 hulel t.lte lown boasl· by h e r ! o.mily p hy aiciaD, and ~ tI h e wal k tI up to tbe re~f l('r allll w rOle his nume. Tit pro prl oWr·h elldporte r ·stewarll· h eut!willter.depot - runn eT was behind til cles l, In ' hi s s hirl slecI'cs, hi s hat on t ho bn k Of b ls h ead, :mll n clgur Slump holt.! bel lveeu h Is ll!6lh . \ ben tb e vis it or b au Pill tl owu lil s J o bn Han cocl;, tJl e fa ctolll m t ur n tl th~ reglsle r nrountl, reall with· ou t th e nIc ker of o n e~ell.~ lhe nome lhero written , wrote 10 besl du It W I,~h a I ad ~ : nc ~ l . and s~ld: . You ~<l 1l Je s t .l.dle y?r grip right li P th ut Ntnl r wu y th ere on bnel, dO.'1'n th e h ull cl en n t o t h' end. Ye T r Oo m s ri c in on th ' left hand s lele of U,' hali, In lh '
corn c r- nl1fuiJe.r 1 .'" W t'lh cOll s hl orablo n sto n lllhme n and . nol a littl e Injured dlguity Ohlu's r.hlef con tmu~ to ~ nfTcr r~t.h c r t hnn submit , \.. ,. , to e l<nm'"lLtlo.n s \\'llI cn so mllOY'. p11ytd. cxccull\c pointe d t o his uum , s rull "d I inns pl'Op se i n o rde r io intelligcntly (alnt !Y, and ' sn ld ; treat t he tl bC:lHC : un rl th is i~ Ih " rca."I O · LI dl " I .. f 'l " urn oo rge , on y. son '" ly s o mllny p hY SICIans UJ - ,. "Yell; I lIotl ce," snld the r us UC cure femnl l' tl be ll se . , w llilont l1trnlng a hnlr. ' I,\n' ye r 'f h ls is nl soLh rcuso nw hy thOllsnna. r oo m's r ight th re :tl ~h ' nd or tb ' l tl pon ,thOIl ~"l1d~ of .women 11 )' correb nll - numb!!!' 10. a ll't Ul I~s Lt. " ~ pond ln g w I Lh.Mr~ P I,u ldlllln,d o.llg hterIll -law o f Lrdm h . i>lnldHtm . a t Lyn n . . Wll h 1II0re h auteur , alld almo s t Moss. '1'0 h e r l it y cn n con Uel e very e qll iverln g wllh outru ged IlIlporlUne , detail of t.h e ir II It-'o"H, and from h 'e:r th o guest sa id hDp~e sll' el)' : g rea t k noIVl cllgc . obtlli n f\cI (,·ou] "eRr.,. " 1 Irm George Hoad i)" go\' rllor of o f xp<, ri ~' nco in treating f IUlLl e ills. t he eta le of Ob lo!" M rs. P inkh am Clln rulvlRe slcle wome a T u r n i ng t b en with a look of ex. , m oro w isely tho n t h e loca l p hy!:'ician . liSP mted 'Impnliencc 011 his face, t bo R elldllOw Mrs. IJinldmm h clpblMt;!.T. b tl ' '101 . ell ' C, WIlIfl.\\sen . f Muunlng, ln. be \\'rl1.e1ll 0 e m,\O ex III . D llr Mrs. Pink~nlt\ : " Well, what d 'ye expe t me t' do"[can j,rll'lyt;lly thnt Tl)U h ll"e m",e<t 1:168 ye?"-JudSo. li fe, Rud I ('I\III"I~ elf!'!" 111)' grn~iludl) I. word ~ . D&roro 1 wrotc; tn 'o~ 1.'lIll1g YOII , Charitable P1a y cr , how [relt, I hnll docl.orecl fo r oyer tll'O ear..B y Ro m o meun~ a mutheranll da ngh : RtenrlY,nnrl "pentlnl.or III nnoy i n IlIL-« tc'I. - , . heslill!!!, lmtit llil r"lIell to d n tn ou n n~t)Od , I t c r ma nBged to gaI n :~ CCCllS to l'ade- I lind romniotronltle nn(i woll irl rlfl ilyhnl'O fllintrcwskl's sanc tum . T b e moth I' w as I Lli g spell •. hnrlcllf'.lIe, beo '·lng...lo\\~'l'ull\'" lind "ron d of hor daush ler and th e dau gh · m y l11ol\~hly perlfJllB werl! very IrreJn)JuT ,mol , ., ,. fl llRlly !!UlIS()11. I "'MIA! tu .:-,ou for YOllr adte r h a ll as plrnt lollll. S b e desh II 1 ad· vloo nllcl 1·e<'el"1lC1.8 la~t<lr fnll or ewskl's opin ion ot her s kill. P ndi rll W· just. wh(lt In .In, nnrl olsa l'Olllmel1('e<1 to i.nlla, sk i IIste netl or a ppear cl to, wbUe the L 'dl" K · 1'lnl< bnm'R V c~t.llh l" nmprmnd, , IInil [ h(\\'o ~n I'C!ItOred 10 perfect lloolUl. TORTURED WITH ECZEMA. molh er beat li me npprov lngl y. Al las l. H ad It lIot been fol' you J would bn"1> ' with a fin n I crash, Ibe girl rose from In my gn1l'0 to-i1uy." Mou n tain",o r p root c:;t~b li sh tbe fDCt 'l'renl en dou s Itch lllg O\Ter W hole Body th e s tool n nll the moth I' flu sb rI wi th Illeu8ure. "Tell me," " lt e whIs pered to 'tllat no me d lcln II? t h \\'orl d eq nal . -Scratch ed Uu t ll El ed-Won d erth e nrU Hl "tell lIle la cO ll fi d 11 ('c. Whnl L yd ia E. P luk h nm s V g 'u>bl Com.· fu1 Cure by Cuticu rn. do yon tillnlc of he r? " Am iably t it \ p o un d fo r r es\.orlo g womon' s hea.1 ~ . "1~n"1 ~'enr r .lIffer"d ",Ill\ a t remendous a r ti st r nubed his hands loge lhe r. " I i' I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!!!!~ Itdur", n .In.\, bnuk, wll il'" g"cw WOn<h li nd l h l'u k she rI\us t b e v ry hll rltable. ' WOI" C,0 nllt , It hpr ncl 0' Lll. e wh ole boily. nnll lIlIly Illy ra ce aOll hn"ds wcre frcc, Su r Iy s he I ttclll not h er le rt h unll k no w w ba t h er rlgltt hO nd doe ll,." Jo'(}I' r ur 11I01lti," nt' 3U J 6111fel'elltorlilcnu 11,.'1 I II ~" to "cl·atel. , · ' r" tc·ll , ·cr" t '11 , 11111,'1 u J ' It l d. w ,",A~ n ight whell' I \\'. u~ ' (0 bed LnCO:l1C. Ih ill~. B"~ wotsc. ant! I hnd nl l illl cs Bhe wrote: t o Gct ul' nud ~crntc h 1liiy b.ut!r 011 o " e~. h nve "Circumst a nces over which u nl ,1 1 was as sore .as couill I.e, ~ntl uutll no con trol co m pc l me lo reje ct yo u r , I Gu(f"red excruclat mg ptlltlK. 'th~y toltl l ilt: th nt 1 was . ulfer, 'ng frol11 CIl1. 'l11a . oft er mur ringe. You r s, et c," 'fhen I mnde up my mind t hn t I would use He w ired: the .cutlcur.a }{clI1<:t!ies. 1 lI,ed Ih'm ':Ie, " W h at cl rcu m sla ncelI! R eply precnrtl '''" 10 lI,structl onM, nnd very soo n In ' deed I "'RS grea tly tcl l~\· ed . I co nli lluL.... pnld." u ntIl well , nnd now 'I am ready to rccolll' She wIred : mend the ut1cura R emedieR 10 filly nne. "Y,)UrII. Collect."-Cleveland L eader. l\lrs. :Mnry 1'lIctz"cr, ~wcet\Yn tc.r: Oklfl" The Mi ssouri, I< tinsas & Texas. Ber L egal statua. . June 28, 1905 _"_,_ " _ _ __ The Domln lne-Are you your moth- R'y has recently inau~urated addi-
t Ill . ch IC' 10 lh e ract that lh o IU~l j; h lp. Close Quarl crs- th o IlIlsc r ·g. m nt oC Ie·l ncb pipe ro r lIle wal r A clltfc rcnco III te rrns-congr a nd m nln IIld n OI nrrlve on ti ll' 1 ~lhmn~ IIntil :'I tn'·. 1905-e l"ht m onths or: r ,nll. ' " 11 01111.11); a m cc l ln g does uot deter tit ' rCClul s llion f or. It had bee ll 1 ~': II {'tI . Th e fiyalc m was In fina l rell lll ll S;I; fo! It Bc~~,~~~~~'nt bon lls-In the o iled the (Io llver}, Il r wat nr In ' Ih o d o)' 0 1 . " St a l s prison . Pnlluma at t h ~ clos c of ,] u n '. IIJ"·, , Ev en n IIIll rl"y stream ca n loa p cl ar OllitOll g lr (lte allxl1lury 1''' e n 'o ll' un tl ~ ve r t he Calls. It do cRn 't Inl; mu ch cultlvntlon to t il e filii loca l dls lr lhn Lioll lVu ultl El il l r ell llire sm'orul mU!l th ~ for ·nolnlll . lio n. raIse u. big ho\\' 1. E\' cll In lit L nlled _ tll t('~ It I ~ IlIrc A lJurglur Is IIk el)' to pul ou t lh e Ind l'cd thllt a wol er ~ \lnpl" or I II '~ I ., I' J ' " ~ht 8 wh en he I g hls o u t. mn ' lIltllrl e Is COIIP II' . de!l1&lIed aurl 'f ry nnd keep plcasa nt e ven w hen exerutt!\1 III so s ho rt a tlm- . amI. I·on· vou come 10 tho c ross roarl f~ s ltlori "g th de la ys In : rc u l'i ng I h ' Bum Restn ura n~ mUll' rla l nnd e ~ ll ecla lly Li)l! IIl llk"ll), expe ri en ce d In obtalnl n' I II prollf l ." Pa w, whu t's th at orches tra pluy l ng . q tl nlll~', IItl ll "nU ~"lll lty ot lulJor th e 1" ', b er o fo r ?" I Id ' l Bult or [hI s partlcu lsl' In stu li nri ull WB~ "Mone)" T ommy. T II!Y cou n po~e rLlll n ly gratlfyln". Anll 11. ..,. I'r"ti il slhly be playing fo r l h,e kind ot meal , Illey would I!et b ore."-Ch lcallo T r l· th er~ ro!' Is ,h l(' trr ~lr . 1l11 !: I!> n I. <t Oa vl M nu d hlR IIkl unl s lllrr ur ai\~ l bune. Th e man wbo lollts ubout ci vic . r Ighteous ness ougilt Lo> kee l' bls OWII HAVE BEEN kiGHT, btlcltyu rd cit'll n.
- - : - - --
~eorge 1:101,,11), o f Ohio ;
'fhe II nUII 'ra tll\ ~;or wI' g III lUI dcsll' it Iii ng it ~e lllod thr. Ilru lf! red r" ~ llon ll l IL demol·rtllit' kI ll ", a ll d _1'()\l liI 11 :IV' hlllll~!!, ~O I ,'rll n l y ~: W( I'e Itl !!UP llClrI Ih r' ma dc rltl wb "I' d llll c(' th a ll lil llI 01' IJlI s lit lll lon o f 'Ill'wny , an ll a" 1(ln /'. Prl n c t:h al' lt' ll o r J) (lII nwr lt·. now 11,1 :t Ho lI \' 11. lI f'~I IIU() h 'u d o f tllf' not · lIu.l krll VII. . 'o ll1 pllr a with ~ W C" I'to. 11011 . His lu rllln i 'orl)II:1l lu lI tHke~ Uc nma r l, ' is \Ot'Y ·dHl lunl'at lt' , as ~U I I1 II phu'c J une :t=!. ()JIll Ilh l'll FCS II. in 1)01llnal'l< lilp arl sII nu l;on I'; a 11:"01 Ih n l h n~ II no r 'd locrary h il~ ~I I\I C IU bl·C'11. " 'I'll ' ' uIJjWr Ill ar ' III Nol'lV g Inn h lHlo rl'. a n ll Ih ~'. daij~eh 'll1 Kln ~ Ch ;'I ~ lillll '" , r'u llli ( 11 1/ ',\' t h l ~ 11111l hould. hllve bee ll !'I11I5 ~1l Is Klll g 1" N' Il " l' lI'k '~) n r ~ hl rW'ly IV nllll}' " ll: nlll cu nl IJ ( Norw, y 'S n al lo nu l pl' lIl . mer, 1t~"l1 lt il!"l fa n l1 f'1'H Il~ .Ih u '~('I(,I:-I Th w lfp "' "ako " VI I. will Iw 1<!IU\\,1l tlll c t;O rt. r ili p. or nllltlill ' ar 11 11 a ll Qlllle ll ~"'ra g r c tl lll . a nulh e r na l11 ;, longe.r I ~S Il "' I I I II O;' l1IlHlrl;. a l1 11 lit ' II' w hl ~ hl y bOil I't-d In 'l\'orwel;luq h ls\IOI'Y. rC ll1alllln ~ ' n' )uIV I1I 11 ' III Ihl' Ittngdo ni It \I'IIS Ma r .1S I· Ihll (I ;1~~· 1412) wh o a r 110t IIllll'h "'en lit COll rt. hrllll g ht 0 nUlUrk , jI; I'way 1\ 11 11 SWf'!le n It wu ul d U' plpUJlanl lu h'lIcI'e Iha l n n tl e \' lIllP I'UI('. rOl lllod a gl'ell r nlIlOl, no l a ll ro ',Ii lII ul'rlllg('~ III' 01111'- or n it th no n 1\ ' r n r·ou n tr ll's. T h· I I ~IngeB u r 1' lIIv('n lpn e, n ll <1 It IR h IU' r! III' (1 n CJf Ih e I,r('s lit 1;111 1; 11 11 .1 <IUl'e ll 1)11 1111 >lith'S LI·, 'lI lI!lal\l"l :11\ 11 hl R q ueml Lbe IO'r weg l n ll ~ hb 'C' r qun ~ l t"l Rhu lllc! m Ull o til" 11 lo\' 1I,:lIt'1l- IJIl I Ih l~ s rl l ito " n ll eel Ola l , " rme VII; III 1{ U:I11I('. lIf Nlory 11\ \' (' ry uill H , bc 10111 C\'f' 1I u( 1 1I :II1I\O n \' 1. (i nll Mnl'nl!:I' Ih a h at! a II Ih mOHt 1)0\111), ""rrall!l('(I" nffalr~ . l ie ~o n Olnf. Who dll'll Wh Oll 11\11 fl l'p Bu[ (1 11 111l' ~ 1l"11Uli l lu lI Ihl~ r a lly IS all ~'(!lI rs olt!. r rtl' I'I'('(1 iii ,hy .. P h ras e of n S tore Clerk. n I,~n" ex. 1)11 011. h" li S !!.I~c lrNl nlll )' 10 11lf' ! wr li e r 11 M "Ih' I ,1,,1 alill 1(1)-1 edly U sed , May H ove B it t ule of th o ('O nl'l ~ hlp of Ih' llllllis h 1(l n ~~ IlI' INur\\'ay ." t h e M ark . IwlrH \ II n !1 l;; n l;lI <1 il Ilr l n N's~. Th e " KII1 I; ,1-1nil 11011 n nll Ql!l'l'n mel wh e\) . lh " In ll or (m e 11 1110 "[·('o n:· /0: 1' lIul! H itII' fol. '· "w .. ~' Ihl'. (' 'A cieri, In a cloth lm; SlOl'e In ~(lll'h . Imol tl h er III II! .. 0 11 a 'I slt 0 11l'1 SCf;'lIl fr III 1111\ 11I'(Ir.tll>lh I'·nlu r )'. ftll & II I I I DjJtll~ h r·I'lu ll,· . II \l'a~ 111 Ih' ,\ 111:'- \ Illllrh'rn mal'!ll nu :>1'0. 'flit' ), ~II'!/o:e~ er~. ' e w 1I i1 I11Ps.\ ft" li l l ' 1111 :I~"I! ' ". ' I I h au lt or us ing, 011 1\ ~or l ~ II ,,1" '.1' IIen bo I'g, p3 I a ce. Jpr n tallo ll . I \ ol~ dll)'s nn,l III"pd .' . Wh'l1 N rs u~ 1'1 11 sl ons, t h e express1 O il ," 1 . I 1::1 " pl!n p rllll'c nnt,l 11I'h,l'tl:S lIIu ti e u('fJ unln l. we I' 'g ia nt!; Inc l '· 1 ~ nd I'ont l IVUIlI,'I' BO 1II1l. " IC n cuslomer 'nlll In .1l111 ,LU(' O, IlU ~. su Ih ' s lory I:lles. re ll I~ I were olh e r Ih ~ 1I nll!'C l) " url' lI od ~. Let t I I r I tt r 11Hi I' II III '" omu a 8\1 I 0 I' 0 )(:9 0 I\II' a t r~ t ~lghl. 'fll I'rl ll g~ I ~ I u R I r.l\· I Un l·l; rhl'uu"h 1he ce nl uric" ~ palle rn. even tlOug I II I Il C P I' i ('e was Ihrae year. Ih9 ' J)r llll" s e ll iot·, bUl a n ti II'Y [0' " Ic h ~(f m " lhn llS I r lIl"L t oo h igh rol' h im 10 t b ln k or \)uylll~, t hnl ~U H 11(1 n~ al\e r , Ih p. 1'O:II'~e o r lru ~ IlI y.- t rluu s rl' IlI 11 l1liC P'IS t. Ih e le rlt wou"l u l t er lit e r.o n ~/lll n ;: Jove Ia n . s moothly . tile lou plo IV II " Flrs l I I lIS RPP:l" or N r way ar Po wO I'ds "Thnt h ol f'~ ·o llle. " If Ih e wa rr!!'11 III th e ro,'o l chal,el '11 Il l' It ' . '. ~ " - Ilf Pn 1I101llC'r I·ou nl r r. 11m iJlg Cllo ltg h cloth es w ere cbea l' eno ug h , bil L II' r~ Ill g ll nmlrn lnl·c . \\ 11e lh~1' Ilr III) ( Ihl) lO Ill'C II a ll Iwr :<lJ\l S and d au g hte rs t .. eve ru l Silo'S too lurge or 100 s mall , lIlal' rln!;,c Vo'fL'I a po lltl Cul " lit!. It I ~ . h om. bill ' I!nd lll g Ih ~ m fort h to helll BUll he wo ul d' fe ma l' I" "Tbat b Ips r UI Dor fOrtllnule fo r H Ulllwn, rul rr I' l)eO ill O otilt'r IIIIHtl . 10 ICl'ln nll. a n d sollie ." lJ' I1 I II n l'lllln y Vol I I a oll g COMt n In llo- Nornlll llll y, II nrl Ilr I' ll 1:1 I1 ll1 10 S l'ut la n ll Ou e lI elY II lady ca me In tO th e store le nd, IQ buve >iucll .. powilrful all), ~ ~ ;c n cl II·p lll llll. Le[ " " PlIIIS!' 10 cOlllem. anti a~ked to b allo we d to s ee an ;LS' lU tU! J,;dward. !lIMe I hlr,tlrJ jo',drl lal r . he w ho IIn lted sor ttllent o f necktie s. Th e poll le Jerk 1'0 be 8urP. Kin " HOll kon h tl s Olhl'r hl H rOllll l r y IIn de l" I,ll ' hllil r! a nd made s pread o ut ' nn array o f lh ese gOQtls ro l' )'011 \ H 10 11£'11010 II II. Wh ll'll II lUIs si n e her Ins Jlectl on. alld while s he ' wa s ALMOST A CATASTROPHE. oolllle tio na (., ( du o IllI po r lunr . I IlI O\llbc't hill j:,rnlo dfath pr , Ih l' lanll'lIl- w n t'fllllCII. III h l ~ YOII III Harul r! m nllln g he r selection b e noticed thnl. - - - -·'u 1<1 1l1l Cllrl ~ ll lt ll o r Dellm al' l; , was 1I ~ "lrl ' d Il> tn ' ,r l:¥.-\.Ww.~o\#l4H-GT'Il II~~Jib.Llru:lliJw....e;WlJlJlll.n1tl:U5llil.JlliIILW ~· buberance of Love Spllsmodlcally c:nller! f;lIh er·l n -law I)f EtIl'OIIU. 11 1111 prnu ll JlI'11) ('($S, , II'ho ful. ' Th e d e rl( I'en t llrer! some co m· Mllnifeated Results In MorHIlUkoli Is re lu l.,,1 I i1 ll1\o ~ l a ll , . 1\1, WOIlItI nOl . l uOll to ,I IIII' re J :tI'I ; If he 1II0nili ace l'em u l'k, whl h le t! lil e womtiflcatioll. (' I'o""noll ~ cud!l; Ih ry.IU' I Ir lij I'I NI wo u ld hlll' c I. 'r Il'l h im du ,I~ Oo rm of an 10 e xp lal ll lilu t h e r burden was a l'(luslo , t hl! ki n g (lr Grel)ce hl N u lI<· I. OP ll nltl rl" I~ ', ir r ' W' de n. Egb r t o f ve r y h eu vy one: Ib nL s b e wns letl wl l h 8he was sea te d III t he gloa ming, a ho Is R gru 'HI-n l1 l,hc w of I<III !; Os il l' of Jl: ng la n\I, SU UU II Ih e 'o ll ll'ntioll~ J nr l ~ but IItli e mO ll llY a n d wllh severa l bappy SOllie all h ~r pr elly, pe ns ive tace, wh en be r elder l y /l unt e n tered. : weden. Itlt; q lle a i s (.'Uu ~ l u uC th ~' abo ul bl m :c nd l.Ioo ml.! a Ill' a t 111m; sOI a li c lllldren 10 SUllpor t. IltI lse r. Tbe ll Il aral !1 IiWo l' a m lg ll\ y .u ulh I ha l " ~Iy hll !il.Jn IHI , ~ sh e s u ill a llas t , "'Iall Then, IlS Rb e look ed upon thl! ki n d old . I til t a ce, a f ee II ng rUSh e d upu.. , I\lng HUllkon Is 1)O IlI1 1O r In Iho b 9 1 be wuu ld II CH 0 11 1 hi H ha ll' 1111 h hnll go ne 10 u ~ c t l l'r worlt! ." ler at deel,l y Bbe mus t s bllre h er wonde rful ne ws re llOO o r III wo rd , not be nll se h I' lIf 0 1l1 1ll1 hCeI Ih e !lllhJ P' lIo n o( Ih ~ "We ll ," ~a l d th e ,' Ie:r k , wft1 ~ I!O m ebody-s h e III U ~ I le I so meo ne f11 Il Keli 1\ bl '] ror po pu larity , 1,lnys Lo Ilthe r I;) " S. I,n lll Gyd. w a~ h l~ OWII . m o vell, " Ihllt h ell'S so m e." Into the s ecret till tb en bad f he /ln l1cr ll!s. bill becntl r h I. u oll:rll l· Twc' l\'c rl'ur~ lIa~ ' l!d ere Ha ra ld 's OROWTH OF SOUTHWEST. b~cn :, lie No le 11088essio n of h e rse lf and Iy Itl ntll y ~ lId guOcl -hUlIlorNI. Wb e ll man W II ~ ~ hnr n, Uy da ca llHl III hl ~ Hurold·. . She sprang up lIud fiung b e r i he lI e "' ~ '\' :Jl< flus l1etl a bronrl 11111.1 Itl' IImh,.' ; 12 y aI'S It 100 tp RUlllhl \! l he WILli [0 ('ICCI IIIY Ine t h ro " e or Nul'wuy. J a,' ls a ll il coufJlII! r Ih e Vikin gs or Ih e, Gr eat Increase In Population Shown arms about h el' aunt's n eck. ' :011 , ullntle," s h e crl e tl Impul sIvely, in TUIlB and . the ~er n Paris pUller . I)Oke thll s Of th \.Ie wl '" 118 Carj}' le OlliS II IO lll, <lI1l-ls land" . "you do fo ve me . do n'1: you ? Ki ss m e . rltorj.ea, I cIerI SlH ' reIgn : " HI ~ w ife lI11o re" The n H~ I'a l lt 'I'P III "uolIl ijO yellr S 10 auntie, li nd t ell me yon do- k Iss me!" hI m ; llll t ··..·h o docs no l !" A 1I10S1 ,II" ol'gnnl zl ng a go \'~ r llltl nt tOt h is t'O n But ollly an alarmIng gurgle ca llle SOUtlIWe& tWUI·tl 111o cours e of em· VOl rI lIus bllrt d, t'sson tl:l ll y II t1om c~ tlc q ue"!. - ll ura ill ~' lIl rhnh' hal.1 u rl\ l ~I' mu n . tI rll\'o rlt e :1I11011~' h i nWII Y IJI·Ol ll · Ill n\,: II . hili rl' lI u wlINI 1\1 11 11 • Aft ' I' h im pl re Is lllld ng Its wuy. That n' glon '~ from the o ld 4ady for £1 mom e ul. Then o rfl an d " ISlC r s. Ilrlme r~vo r llo 11' 1111 1 ('n ml' IIIH sou I~ r k " " H"llI Axt' , who 11'(1 . ex pan ~lo n Is gr ntl' r 81 m'0 l!WO th nn ab e sa Id , 'gospln g Indl g-nantly ; "KIss YOll, If you a i n ' t careful I'll h tll [lI lh l' I·· ln- lu w , KllI g Ellw:lrll. we " 11lIllOpn ln r 111 NQr wuy a nti wa ll <u • It WIIS prior Ih e l'e lo.· No t onl y uro lil\~1 by lit e dl!l11ocrlll lc nan ~, II I"~ 1 ' ~l'I l ell uy Ih . tlr~ 1 11'''''1011. Il wIII un T cxlI&I and lIs two ·ICl'r llo rlu l n elg lJ~ ol'ri shake th e lJfe Oll t of yo u . \'0 11 v ry on til norlh 1,t!(' IJillg til' thd r uld neurly m a de m e ~ wa ll o w m y. l euLb !" r~ lI ll1 l y ~ 'e ll h 'i 10 nHluy ruell Ih,' 1:(" II. ____ _ bil l Ark u lI ~u~ , Ar l1.ona and N t' \\' H e D idn 't 11.lse, (If III I1 I1 Y kl nd ~ . I . Hlln Boll Ihe GOI"I ha d . bee n brough l gall. , 'hll r l{>R w:!" n fllI llo r prln ('e. ~ lI iJ thl ' li P at an f; n gll s h ( '0 11 r! , '11111 wh cll hq Mexl ~ o Il re s how II, , U II Inl!rf nSu 1I 0t "Indl'ed: ' lh o lectu re r we nt on In R fa ,'l (l I'OW!d 'very ag'l'peu l) le 10 l\'orwul'.! "~ ~, a Tl Ills rul e Ol',~r Nor way 'Irl ell II~ JlI'CV IOIl ~ ly tou ched, ,;a )'s tht! Melro· qul zzlcnl w a y, "I blll1c'Ve I a m jus liOOll polltall . . wll.b her lOTI" linfi of fll11l 0llS ANI Id ll !;H, l~n c l1 I h ' 1) ,llpl c ~!IIl1udl ln g o f Chr is·. In' 'lI sserlin g tha t nln£! women o ul of I'ru m th l;! Ch lt:nllo, S t . T.ouls, I~ul\ sn~ 10 IJr:J ctl clLlly I,ropose to th e men tbey No do ub t. th e 8l'ho()lIn g he "I' I 'e l\'~ tJ 111 11:lnll y, n"" pra c tll'lld as we ll lIa C it y ' IInil Ne w (Jrll'all " I(Dh! WUYH. by lhe l:! \. I'C rll sclp l1l1 ' o~ iI. Irul llin g ~hlll l l,, ;.a dI I! II : 11\ (1 nO lo lik e hi s rut h,(,I\ r(l rl'\) be o me e ngaged t o. As II. lest. I would wn y of lhe Dl on y l'a llroot! ~ whi ch a re hud nu 6111 Ull 1 1If1I1~n Cp. III h i. Ile veill il ' l h., IlOYH I . 1:0 {II ijC!a. /lId IIIlI :a ke 'BJlk ali marri ed lIIe n In the IIlldle nce iOOstt. A for tner I'a il c l, III I h ~ 1),, "IHh , l rom Ih e m itl grep/I . Kill ':: HMllw n ex tpn d Ins th el r OIJ C rull o ll ~ \l Ith er by wbose wives v irtua lly p OIlI,ed the lIav y 'lIlel 11 m p~SI Il O l e o f Ih tl 1"' lnre ' ~ "1J(lllC III Ih e' pell !,l u nS.·elJllll cri rei u l engthenIn g th c lr IlI ll,ln lili es or by nn· Question to the nl t il "rise." n e xlng hrall ch s runnIn g In ali dfrec· There was u 6ubdu ed rustle In the "ocentl y w m le for Mu nsey's MlI~'lZll"! I T h lll g (a surt ur Ilnrll nnll' UI ) of Ihe lion s, th a l'e Is a VRs t Ill r ush ot peo pl e auditorIum , and In tbe dense " lie nee II spi CY nrtl l' le o n tltlH periOiI In Ih p Orea l W hite Chrl Nl, anll ' 1l1 th o \lex [ th ese . day s ' Into tb e secHolI hl!l wl'e n It~e ot th e n ew kit! ~ or Nnr way. T il e m eelill /; li t Yule rerused 10 d r Ink 10 Ihe. that en s ued ' could be b eurd s lull a n t MIssourI':; a 11:1 Kan sas' som he l'l y feminin e whis pers In c Oll ce rl, "Ju st wrller, Hrolf Wisby, snYR : " Uu: 1111' god ·Pho r. 1' hl ~ m de n g rea t Illlb bul', bor'lIe r nn'" Uti' Gult or Mc xl r,o umi be· rou dare to sUlnd Ui> " --Judge. f,d ready rOllr~(! fIr lra !nlu:; hUI Ih e I,eo pl e hlltl ralth In fi uulw r. Ih e tw rOll gh R ee n the Mi ssIss ippi alld th e lto!'I;)' Ibrough whlt' h h e \lfI d III imsR on " hl'l i' 'Good :,"d begll D belfrve !\ lillie In A Mo,tter of Cou r tesy, Merel,.. mountaIns IHld the Rio Granlle. lIoll.Tll , 'Wlle re .ll o hmJy I:are(l' it II" rur "I ~ !II ' ChrlHI, litOll gb they rorred 80 mo or Mr. NerveY- Tlt e ollJed of m y 1'811 rlUlk , a nd wh e l'c h e ha ll to ~II'II [hei r hea the n o l.lsen'Il Il CO'l on tbe klll t;'. Snail's Senae of Smell. upon you this evening, Mr. Go ldroxJ'fOlllllt Itnrl ,lmpUcl; ,) b edlel1l'r ·10 01'1- The la,w s or, Hankoll mlltl e III 11 Thlll l; Emil .I u li t;, " Pl'o'C'~l\or ' In th e ITnl. Mr. Ooldrox .( st e rnly) -:' Yes, yuu've cllillne, ll e le rmln ,,11 hl ~ clllil'HC le{' 111 lit <;ulo were good lows. Itntl e ver lo ve r! v,e rsll Y of {: en l' vu, na y' Ihut ~ nall!. Ile r. come to lell m e tha t YOll wlsb to . tit-ltlr Ufe. I mpre~sl r)tl ll bi c' os [h H lu jj "earl y by I ho N<)I'~" rnlk . . Whll n 1-1 11:1 celve the orlur uf nlllllY ~ ubs tan ces. bUI marry my da ughter nlld I w ant .to BIlY ",ru;, h e wOllld ba ve Rhrunk 1.0 D. "ilo re ' ~Ol' ' di ed' he 1'1118 lamented hy l'<J lh only whe~1 lI ot fllr a way . In orde i', to rIght here and nowprIncely llupPQllf h Q li nd heon le ll 141 I'rle nll s Dud e nemlcs: they RaId Ih AI prov e thl ~ It I~ ne cp~sary U1e r~ l .v 10 "Purdon me. I come to tell you develop . 1ha atmos pberp. . of ne ve r a gula would Norw,l Y ~ (l1\ s ucll iI dip R glas~ rod In n s troll g ly ~ m e liing th ot 1 am ~olng to marry your dllugbcOu,.t life. In~tea d , lh t h\lman slrle kin g. It 11! told IIlRI Ih e year Huukon BnlJiltanru allil bring It nllur ,th e Inrll e ter. I convinced her aDd her motber . the 'boy was brou g bt QU[ hy COlllac' : wll" 1'1I08ell king the blrrls buill Ihe ll' l elllaele N or n slloll In motloll. If It IH tbat It Willi no more tban fa ir to put . ",IUlbls l'Olilrad e~ In ,he navy . :tnll un · lIeSH' twt ce, unci tbe t I'eoll had I wo Pllt cl OSe to thpse horn N, Ihe t enln 'Ie~ ! you ·wIBe."-Phlladelphla Press. de r the prl!ssltr!l of t .h elr ri g id ('('Ide he cro(l!! (If applf'8! are vlole nll y drawn bac k . As Ihe The re Jollow flflf'r lilllllWlI Ih e Goo d anjmnl I>' r rp ll' ~ 'h p od o r. It hnngcs 'Waa taugh t 10 wnrk IIn ll 10 pla y.'o e nd\ll"e a nC! to enJ o~' " \lkcto l1lc~ ..... 1(11) Uarlllrt' I~ra ~'ell : ' HIlOk o ll .J u rl ; Ol nf ·II ~ I "' \lr ~,' :'ilwll s UINO s lUell by ulI'on ~ I~" of III" age. II ""a ~ n II'~KO U thllt 1'1·Yl\S" <'SO ll : . J ll rl s Eric IIl1d Sve ln of th ll l· .s lcIt.. Conlact I" no nrces"n ry
. j'
Travel Right to Oklahoma
er 's little darlin g ? Bu by Etbel- Only b alf tbe time. You s ee the court decided th at papn was to have m c for IIlx ·molllli8 e v!'!r)' year,- Tbe W asp. .
tional dail y train fo r Oldahoma Guthrie , . Clevela nd , Coffey vill e, e tc, Wilh servi ce the M. K, & T . R'y is the logical line betw n t. L ou is .a n·c! Kansas Cil y and all principal pointll in Oklah olTl a , Chnnte 0' ran il\ o ne Df Ihe crei1t.,... . Incon\'t!uitwc:f': o r tr~" el . \' ou d OU' l
POIltlvel,. cnrd IJ,.
:~~'~fli~ ·~',~~i~c:n~~~~ ~ ·f:~'a:' "~jllW~t~~
lbele LIttle Pili..
" lIrouwt.
TheT a1BOrellcYe J)W.
t ral us tovcr its own nt,jI" ', ,
b ,wee .. . ~ , . LCIU IN "11d K nll AS
tress tromDyBpep6\a,In. 4tgcsUonllDdTooDeart'J Erlllag. A perfect rem, edl f orDIl21lIess,NaU9Ca: DrowBlllees. Slid 'J'as1Al In tho )Iout.h. Coated
Okl l1 homa - II ),.
n~lI u .
I I ~'
Fl . \ Vorell, S.m .
AU l o nio and Gli l veAl o n . All Ihr II ll.!b_. t lnins hiJyu ' ual r Cars . oJ 1' llll llJilBio S Ic::cpcIJPJ, •
Qow to , Go
Tongue, l'olII tn tile Side, 'Vhen ),011 have occasion 10 ' Ira,' 1. lise lb., E::====-_.J·TORPm IJVER. TI1Q1 Harne dl scri mln aliop in buy lug a t ic~e rthal ' "'IUl&te the ~elL J'UrelTVeretallle. . YOll w(luld ill buyi ng a nyth ing else. A.-s.\Ire .your,el( in ,,, Iva nce of what yoU mny " xpect I in .he way of comfort a nd couvenien e. , route. If Ih 're i5 a oy informalion you w nn t ' Genuine Must Bear abou t a prOl'pc ' li ve trip, wrile Ill", 1 .will Fac-Simlle Signature gladly give ),ou Ih o Information. Addr.".
A _ ~ /~.4#'0 REFUSE I~BSTIT"TE"
G enera l l'ass 'lIf: ' r AGeoi. M . 1<. &. T. R ~Jl SI. Lo ui", Mi!l.,ou ri II . ~•. II UW HU KII . cos T rDC'IVII UldJC .. t: hu.:i u naU . Ob lo.
w. ·L. DOUCLAS ·3·80&·a~SHOES~E\
W. L. Dougl ••
' .4.000Ilt IdS. LIn_ at.
.MEN \VANTED FOR THE N AV Y. l\I ee h 3.,i c~
bet,!r..en the ale" or 2' 2n'ti
35 will Imd Rood PQ!.ition s op~ n to t h t ln . and f or ),0 1101l m ll u b cn ve e,1I 17 aut! 2 ~.
wh o lJ os~ mSS 110 1I a .... e. t here is iOcxf
o vuo fl un ity lor ad v"uce me nt. A tuU ou t fi t ot t:i o llilu a f rl! e An d lI1~ f ~ 1 11ft)' t o co mme uco w it h Ca ll o r wri te ~avJ' HeCl uit LJlil Office. POtU Office J~ulldhill .. Cinoih nall, O ld a ; Po~ c Offico Uhild ln£. Louisvil le , K,y.: fOl t OBle. Jd uildul'l • l udia nllpo lhl , Ind.
::~~~::otO~o~~:~~,I. mable
Ilj~ . ~q~~! ~,:t:~~IlI~ ;Ia~~~r ~'!~~r8TI~~~~~~~;
\Vh!)n tho propos ll'lo n wnt< , 1I111r111 ,'" Ill a r Ihe ~n lnl : Magnus the Good ; ( liar J't'hH;O Charles Ihal he becom .. ruler .Iie T I':mqull ; M ;I/1; IIU S Ba refoot : Sig ur d of flIe "Idependent nation or No rwlll'. l th 0 (' r \l Meler : i\l11 g nu s lh e' S lInd; .Hd r tbe prln Cfl IIltmUonll1l Ihree objllc llo n ~: olel Grille. ~ nr! now the "1'illrb !tlr~" biB pove rty-eomJlarll!"'e, (,r ('(,urs; "'1'::0 a lno n!,! tllcmselves anll herome (,Jr. ...e fll I ~t.b .. t 'l1hl wil e was avol'Ee to nN' tin a t. We hnve lll e t'1 ~e of Sw ert'I , Who IlUmln ..."lhe burllen s of II Quccn;' Ih a t ' lpll Ihl! w rell'h :d Blrl!hlegll In ' '1I II UY be ought .10 . be e l '('ted by Ihe peopl e ,·tclnl'ie~ UI1.1 lJel'ame lIto /: o r ., OrWilY; rolher Il,an bV pa rll umllnt . . AN II! w(' 11 f("'lInM II h e w dyn n~~)' "' hi ch WR S lu kllown, the obj ectio n s were \,vercoIIIO. Iu s l ns IOft g I\Il Norwa y ' l.eDl he r 111Prom IRe 'was g1\'c n Ihnt Il fund would de ller.rlence. 11('1 pro"' ldect (or' tb e pro ner mn lntenan~ I" It 111'1 of In! ere~ 1 thnl th e new It ln ~ or illS fnmlly nntlJn (l,'e nl or Ilpj'IOSII.I!l1! or D(' wl y In cl" J1 ll1HI ~ nt Nnrway Is (j tluU 1\ life penijlon . WI) I.l ld be grail ted Olllllch 11I'ln efl nlld of ('Iolle 1,ln 10 th~ blm. King Edwal'd perslin(Jcll Prln\:ohK "Q~' :l l famll)l 'f SwcMn ? :'Iny lhl! Malld to oont<hlor WIth favor Ihe 1)Or. I- Oanls h-Swe dl sh- NLIr wr/t la n kin g 1.1 1\112 Uon or QIIBtlO o f Norw;IY: ADd popnl,,: 10 pt'a ce lin d rl'lll c r ~:il [celin A' the p ~o ..018 rntllled the ('holce of the nil" pIe of 8tmnillDllvl0 kJIIS, All \\'IIS IIl1l plcloll', the \le w l'UntS'N I"II E R Wl eSTER.
for Ih \! 1I1<:rl' vl cl nll y of a (l~r fllm~ 11 11 Illd e ni·allllo c! Ih e s kin .
u ' l. e~
Eus ~l a'8
NnvRI Loss.
.,h.., 11I1~~llIn
V Jol IS~ o~-
Aus trllll nll Rllbblt Trnp9. In Iwo) \ (,!lIlS. sot nt a Amall Wlllllt hole on nn AII Sll'OlIOll nllH' h . Gao I·[lb. bl u. I!u \'e bt!en ca ug ht alive 111 one .lli ght. Th e trnp~ used \V re In';;!l lllolls devlces wbl'll leI Ihe rabbit ;> lIul, onp by one. 8 :1 tnnt aM thev ure . tro pPl!Il , Into /I Rmnll YOI'd CIl3de · c! nor:"bI8 wI;\) !e",·I II~. ' .
The tlltn l vllllle ot war. fihll1~ e ltb"r Slink by · tht! .ilwant'lle 01 raplllre d II), Ihem In th e recent war bil l been fOl1l1l1 h~' tbl1 R1I8~ llln mlalstry 01 1n~ r ln ~ 10 omonD' to DO 'HI .• •IIEr Iball '138,8~O,OOO.
It JOl1 bu y f""lI. ua. o.Ulorn l a bomea on aman u.c Dtbb pa J wun l-a. trom 16.w Ufl, .ilhaul ID\e..
or ' •.ze.. i!e.autJr,,1 1't!, ldl100t . t1oe1, GOw.., ambowered boruel. orchard un OIs. 5. an .,_nh), arad ll e. wber.e t-bere I. no troel, . no,,~ uce.el ••
8l\ [i.
cJclOUU Ilthlnln. ~ r lenl pella. Kl't' ry dM,
.. June da.,.
AI. &u Jllewo. tbu
en' Am erlcaa
l'Qr1. nor t h at th e I"'anama Oannl-AnO Ib ohie"c p-
ul h of t-h~ acn:a&.SanLbwt!1It. ,.'bl" I. Jonr opportUftll,. tMtl.e n•. wrttelOodD,. In...,t ... le "a.
101111110 III.... EIIO' COM'.."", .... CIIifor.-
,.......~~~,..,~~~"'W'''W'''W''w-~.,....,...".,.r'',.., Inspection of J
Monday nlght/lt the regullAT 1111101· lng f the local lougo of I he ~J,,~t Tn HtIiT. the lodge WII8 visitt'lllJS Mrs , Phebe May Kruulluo. of 'In iuouti, Distriot IIl8peotreils of the In.ler. After the regular :routlne' of 1)l1~i. Dess had been di spo~ ed of, Mi!!.'1 Ly. dia Conard, Matron at the l!'rlencls Home, was given Il oordllll weloome IDto the looal lodge being udmitted from II. Toledo orgnnization , lAtter which , light r efreshments were served. There werl;l quite 'I 11 IlI:Ilber of visitors preeent from Hurveysburg lodge, and aD unu8ual1y llieasimt evening was enjoyed .
Ha,,~ Tho immenso amllunt of
'1'llllt tire beinl( tWld III.
.Battnbattt's Exclusi"~ Sbo~. ·
Eastern _~tar Lodge.
omethin New. Ro t' of Sharon now"'lakes Its New·lts Frcllh und Crisp \ Oc: a Package A B 'uutiful 56 Piece Tea Set Free-Dont fail to gci n Package. New Potatoel!! New Cabbage Ne,,· Beans Cucumbers New Tomatoes Cherries Berries of Kinds
- Baptism at M • E 'Church ••
ed for five years on u farm . Not being satisfied, the year 186t found , me traveling by ox team to Callfor· Roy Zimwerman, who woved , nla, and from tbence to Oregon, from Elwood,lndlllDa, II. feW months wnere f met and In 1863, murrled . I ted t Lo Angeles my present, oompanion ' II.nll 'help. ago, isnow ooa 8 R. . . California, where he is assistant mate, Miss Barah Gibbs. We r eo
Concerning Former Residents.
DuriDirthtl~ !frviceatM. E. ohuroh
last Bun'day morning Marstoll. tbe little HUeen montha old '8on of Mr. alllI Mrs. Robert . Bunt, of nenr Oregonia, was made a m elllber of hrls' by means of Holy Bnptism administered by Ule Rev. Philip
MONEY TO LOAN: An A,\tlrllling oitl1ut iolt We have from ~1000 to $500,000 to frequently reKults front nOl(leI t ,.f lMn on Hool Estate and Lite lnlu . ologged bowol~ Imel t orpltl 11 vllr. \l1l . rtlnoe Polioles, u.1i t,bo 10w88t rate of til OOtlstipurioll I eoul\l" ~ chrtllllc merest. HA "KRs LIFIil AOJtN Y Co., 'fhl!:! ('OOllit.inn II:! llnknowlI 10 ttl 4th Rnd WII. sts .. who u!< Ilr King '8 New Life Pillll; 'Cinolnnntl, Ohio. jv 1l tho \J"!lt ulltl • ntl n!< t. r egu l~lt.flr!l of l::itomu h II JILl Bow It! lJ-uurllll t flt' cl
. Lemons
llananas-Pineapples-Oranges The Largest AS80rtment of Enameled Ware 'vcr shown in town, and prices the lowest, Everything you want in Enamel ware we have it. . Enamel Cup, Pic Plate, oap Dishes: 5c each. Bring us your eggs, we are lPaying - - ~... Per - - -. .~ Dozen
ZIMMERMAN'S, Oregon five yearll. reo Tr~O~u~t~ ., ~pas~t~o~r~.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!:::::::::::::~ Calttornla, and in 1 :f
teller in the Farmers and Merohants mained in Na~ional Bank. tnrned to loome to Waahillgton .
i' I' I i
' JUDe
Sale oC ·
About seventy· five single and double breasted suits. in relulars and "stouts." Materials-all-wool cheviots. cassimeres, etc, one or two of .a kind only. but voursize in something. Regular values $10, $12 and $15
Jun::.~~~~.~:~~~.~... :... $7.50 ,
Thlrty·five suits in black Thibets. Blu~ Selges and neat checks and mixtures, all sizes.and many hand tailored. $14, $16 and $18 values
Jun::.!~~~~~.~ . . . . $9.'15 ~oe
Sale l~ Bo)"a' aDd Youths' Sulta
Aspecial purchase of part· of . the surplus stock of Hackett, 'Carhart & Co., about 50 younA' men's suits (14 to 20~ yrs) sin,le and double breasted styles. Neat grey worsteds, blue serges,black Thibets, '. etc, $12. $15, and $18 values. ' Choice durinl June Sale '
For Sale at
MeD's Two aod Three Piece Sulta
Special June Prices on Many Sample Lines
Ii' ...
Vani. h by the use
It Will be good newil Waynesville friend!! of Mr. Frank \ Miss Belen Oglesbee, of near \ . Un Paoker and family , who bav~ llpent tbe past five years at George Bl1rveYlburg is home fram Oxford I!!obool, Pennsylvapla. to learn tbat C l\"lt~ fllr the summer vacR.tion. • tbeyare oontem plating returnlult . Mrs. Roy anthawtloy hall bear;1 1 .• to Wayne8vllle this summer. ill from .the effects of outtinEr her . ~ Mr. and Mr... Paokor went to wisdom teeth, but LI 80 muob 1m. I ~ George t:!chool for the. purpose O.f proved that' !lbe i8 b.oPln g 10 be out ' glving tbelr daugbters the advan ' ngain 800n. tage uf more Ildv8nced educationtll MlsR Dorothy. C ~th Ilrlne and R 'l8- ' •. opportunitle8; .durlng their stay amond Dakin, of Hannibal: Mis •. tbe~ they. bougbt proper~y and en BOUri, are expected here tomorrow .. gaged"in several busirlesll vestures, til "pend the "ummer with their •• but now their heltrUi are yearning grandmother, Mrs. Wright for their old bome and have. Bold Among th e vi ~ It,"rs In . ...., . .. "ynos •• off a part of the~r ptopert:r, and a8 vill~ Sundav was Mr . J. T Lldcty IJ90n as they Mn make 8&~lraotory and bill bride, of Dayton, alllO Mr . , . disposition of all. they will turn aDd Mrs . C. Lee Hawke and Mr. • their fl10811 homeward. Joe Printz of the !!ltme olty and Mr. . and MrR. A . W Baines aDd ohl) dran of Xenia. Mr. Haines partiol CRIILAN, W A8RINOTON. · pated In tbo Memorl111 exerolses M ,PUBLbIRIIRS MUMI GAZXTTIl: .the 1. 0 0 F . in the Ilfternoon . ' Througb the kindullll@ of my 'i te Eli M Co f F kll Farmers, oaHln and see the Bract· II II r, ZII. 0 mas, 0 ran n, \ I d Obio I received a co of The B . ey ~ang}) OWl!,e ge dropoorn plant.. py pea ers, one and two row corn oultlva· , ial Home·Coming Number of yonr to s I I f n Ii f 0 interesting magazine. . r . a 80 carry 11 u . nEl 0 s borne Implements 'Bnd am takmg . Having been born in WayneSVille orders f or hi g h gra d e tob -':000, oorn July 6, 1835, and reared to manhood and oate fertiUzers ranglng in prloe In ita vioinity, many pleasant recol· from thirteen dollars u . P laotion8 oome to me BI I read ·the H II:NRY J AY. let~l'!I of tbe dear fMentis of long Stokea Silver who will oom I te ago and I loni once mol"i! to meet , ' pe anotber year s work BS student Ilt th em an d t a )k over th e ear1y d a·y s the 0 S U th " blldbood I h d h " . . . IB week • comes h ome .. . 0f 0 . Ilv:e reB t elr within II. few dllY8 where be will .. 'letters . many times and tbou~ht mllke a brief visit with his pareDts, . •• perha)JII they would enjoy jr:nowlDg... ' Sil ver, th w.r. a n d MM rll. IlUrlOO ' en beoome ot t h elr ' 01 d wbat b 1 hlld re t urn t 0 C0 1um b us w here .' h e b as 10 00 mate . been offerod a position in an office . . My. parents were . born, raised and fa r the summer 8 t a h an d 80me •• marrIed In ~btl VIcinity of Waynea. uia'r . "me where tbey continued to reside y until t.he deuth of my fatber in 1879. ,ThR co.?dlttoD of the health of My father, TboDlI'S B MoComlls, Count~ I:!urv~y or Walter. Benkle is followed the trade of n blaoksmith. very dll:ltreB8lDg to bi&·frlends. M.r. I received my education entir:ely in . Henkle has spent most of the the Waynesville 8chools. hty first for the last yellr or ~wo ~n tbe pine teaoher was Unole Cbarlie Mills. reglOl)8 of North Carohna' boping who held sway In 11 log hou80 block t~ereby tu receive benefit, but WI1S cif 'tbe graveyard .near the timber . dIsappointed u.nd returnod to . ·t·he My second instructor. was Jease But. Uome of bis fu.tber, :Mr. George ' W. Cerwortl1, who .taught in the lower iHenkll' e a fe\v weeks ~g() where ~e .. end of tOWD on Gravel Hill where . 8 obI ged .to remaln.1D t,}~e open IlU . . ' ' day and Dlght, and, In Spite of every we enJoyed tbe snows of winter by and indulgence possible he Is ooasting. Miss EliZil Bunting suo· rllpidly failing, !lnrl bis friends teur ceeded BnUerworth a" teaoher. the eD.d is nl'lt. far awu.y. . Mr. . . 1300n atter.the founding of. tbe Acad· Mrs. ~rllh Blaok, of Fosters, OIsemy I' beoame a pDpll under Princl· triot 'Ins))eotre88 of tbe DaughteJ'8 pol Burson, who.Impresse(1 ~Il with of Rebekah, yls.l ted Covonllnt Lndge his g~tit.le Ulanners and enoonraged No. 181l, at their regular meeting U8 wit·b kind wor,ds wbleb I often Tuesday' evening. After ~ profits-. called to mInd In later years wben ble talk by Sister alaok wblcb WI1S the Jl1~re serlons problelDs of life liatened to with great interest" " prl'lIented tbemselves. My !ich601 light lunch of loe orellm and cake Ulluoution WII8 conolnded with II few was enjoyed in the banquet room. IIhllrt UlIIIl tllti in 114e Academy. • - • In FourulITY l SuO, I b~lped J . W. Worth.. Knowing Jillliut.t print th~ first newspaper in If "0111 1 II ve linT \;\nl\ "f ~CBlp Waynesville. In 1855 1 lett- tt l ' ""Ii.j ·, " ,. '" hUlIlur, eIJt.1ID , ...eer. lOeDes of oblldhood to try my for ' '. " ", I p"~' cut- 01' uld founln" . '. , · "l' I "",,,'Qbar that we goaran&ee tllJle In. 8 western land. I wintere41 &.I",·uI"kol" ointment to relieve you in Indiana lind that year wen' to or we will pay your 25 cent. Iowa, near Bedford, where I remain- \ J. E. Janney.
1IM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .··~·Je
•••• •••••(1."
In 1888 we
Mr. Herbert E . Corron. who went landed on the banks or the beautiful ~e""~~ to Lookeba, Oklahoma. last fall , bas Lake helan, well known 88 a 8dm· written friends here tbllt ne likes mer resort. Here 1 bave a comfort I tbe Wel't but thinkl prboably he able bome I1nd no de8ire to travel will retnrn to Wayn88vllle next fall . (elsowbere, except baok to the !!Cenes R.ead BaY8 the ooDntry be islooated I of m'y ohildhood, dear old Wayne8 Thl. 18 very prOllperous, orop!! good and ville. Ad plenty of work for everyone ~ J shaulll 11 ka lin muoh to be there • . , to the Home·Coming this snmmer. It MrtI. Ella Fnrntls and obildren, 1but as I tim I1nable physically for j •. Will who. moved frolD ' Wavne!lv\lle to such a long journey I most he oon· ., Pa7" J)l1yton llbout ' a Yflar expect to tent at home, aod t\m looking for· I YO\1l ,'n to ~he family home at Plainfield, ward with mnob plARRore to t·be NHwJel't'6Y,soon, where they will ' aocoont of the Bome.CollllnR' a8 reside. ·nrs. Fornas' mother , Mrs. given in the Gazett.e. Sarab ("11"on. Is now at tbe home Witb best wl8hC~ for t,he 8ucoeS8 I of -MIB8 Elizabeth Moore MrM . of a hllpPY Home.Comlng. I Fuma8 and ohildren expect to .visit I am , r etlpeotfnlly yours, 8t 'Waynes~l11e a short time before , .JASPER L. M UOMA9. :
Priu ,'
Young Men's. Outing Suits ' b piece) .a limited quantity. .June sale .
$7~50 Huodreda of New
'KDee PaDta Sulta
Straw Hats
Neat:lyone hundred and twentyfive suiis In this lot. Double breuted and Norfol1c styles~many with' bloomer pants and ' every. suit of all , .wo~l'materiaJ. Valu,e($5,~. and $7
In the: smart Negligee andYllcht shapes
June S.a le Price .,
to ' $5.00
\ \
Stor41 filled wlt~ ,apleDcJ,dlmfWchaodlae a~d ..m,a""" tapeclal val- " . 'u . . .durlDg the . . JUDe 8Ji1e
Blou.e,,vaiata ~Dd "h.~ ,for Bo.".
'50c :'
() WAYN El"V[LL F., 01:110, WEDN E.'DAY , JUNE 27; ~ !' 'l
o. r,:j
Allen Emerlo k and wife linter talnml on Sunday , Mr . l\mOll Hougb M. Bougb Mr. Allen ~; lII e ri o k lind wire en of Harvey sburg, and C. A very pleasan t r eoepti on wns wife. Bad on Kline lind wife er , Mrs. beld in tbe K . P . HlIl1ln~t'rl1llrsday t erttlin d Rov. Legget,t'~ i?II'rb (~rp"n ' ut Rud er's IJf MrH Elli l'ltt IW.e! tillllght II rtion of Wed nes · n Mr. and 'Mrs. J. B Jonee were ami y POI't: MUlltl1r , tcwp~ WJlH in Mlum. TUIlHd1l of honor iu g evenin lind urnoon IIfl ~, I Ruolw l Lon l', arrivod 11'0111 I unv .' Sundll Y hoshl of tI ~ . Bunner . the week. Il\St . of lillY l!lhurg 11I~1_'I'hllrl!lllIlY in con!leQtlou fltore . L~ml)le er, nee "lltm llln, -'nDday U1 0rnln K uncI was Mrs . Nellie " histl . . . It\ving vening, e who it! II si~ter 01 .tn. Jonel the in lIlun. !loke ~ lind l wit.hl he hlte r ob\Jery of ' the Way. wife Sovern th Ilnd III iok ut ICe t.l·ui" e Ih WHiter . {lSK ElSie Zell I.Me.Il J o,Y ll1t,; 'i . for t · I CI)ll VI'Yf'll f"olll ill \II In he r niece and Iflpbew Mr. /!:VIIOS. ei 1\180 J Ie, pi ' u.sun t reminil:!conCEls of the · past, LestQr Kenric k nnd wife wero pr e~ · Ilud "And l, Ulgbt "visit with relutlves unll frh'nll~ 11" l11 e of hlH un D8&V e pOtlt a ceo · OI'I)O~ol i.,.. hor. ,.t ... Moore. of Dnyton . en<iH fl'i Mrs. old CLOd his Miss ooll of ern 11 lUI' r ny nfl e th ceremo ""v in Dnyton Ilnd FrunkU n. nnd Mrs . vVhist.le r · IIDU daugbt er ent at the weddin g . ., , . , It " , . , " .IJH . io mu y mer Montgo ent . Mrs. GhBIl. I!l .1.)bn8 and Mr all,l excell . Bnd k Mr Itf twe·nt.v Wi\l'" n,.'ptllrt 'll "r'tween OIllO ve Kenrio gn NelUe where The Legget t brand of P'.lri s Gl'e 11 eu lit t,ho mortml ry cbullel Jlhllrnitlbllrg unll W ~ ~I, UlIl'lt"Il . und ting do. held lit t he h ome of Mr . Uhllrl08 sou (ill': " , ~lient Bunday wltb Mr. luteros very n guve !:;hc wore oes servi fuuarol rilito eO'ectulll lIiud, IlpprOp IIn"llloio" lit uncil led the lIuI,borl . Is tbe populn r unll store. ke at !:;an Kenr iok, t.lIe bride's fa ther, on last Eltnor l\ '!'vtlr an(l motber . 00 D d II ot ed b ythe Re v . 'T. F . "-d Vt\ • 8oript,lo n of the earthqn a For sule at Ruder's lvillo tit ~ to con neot tbe W"ynel co. tfhurSdB Y eveni ng. They all unite Frullois were The I l.,"" , Telepho no III being Pot 1'13, Barnh Clifton Is recover ing wulludel', unel several hy rullM Post Ofl\oo r .>bbery with tllem , I~nd t Miss happies he und t y was mer it Montgo saying in Elmor . Mr tn ll"" l of iu our vlulnity . which muoh uftor home Bllng by 11 qu"rt Ue. , Omi of the mOil formerl y IIvod 'in from u serloull illness at· t,bo Kenriok were 'United ill mnr. nicest Ii ttle weddin g thay ha ve !Jeen Severn I r~,, " u"'j unito to maktlit a ellie MI. in re!lt to Illid were s remain the of Miss Eli 1'.11 beth Moore. this neighborhood. dORlrnblo cU'")Jllny, to be In am, II)' und riuge last Thursd ny evenmg . An In. eonneo ted with for II. long time. MI88 M~ry Michen er, of Lebnno n 11m! Cemete ry, a spot he lovod Dayton in also \VII~ Mr . Stoops Mont. la8t Mr. y at b. is given llBe WIIS wuebo supper which aro It~ luwer monthl y OOt4t Lytle faro 'rhe await ones ·low where IDnnv of hill deur MI;lIIday whore the IIlsn uro now spent I:!nnday with bor sister·ln has it· t . pllin of purents 's cont llUtting I II of IIn68 $0 tboee Wll ... gomery The nglthat rocelvi g. mornin l'on. eSllreot the r n. loclge4 In jllll, lJull in oonversu.tlon Mrs. Ella. Michen er and childre being I~ It . si8ter nee(lIng live olf tho road free, and It Is so long been Mrs Wm . Hltt.fleld nnd AnD OJ;" THANKS, Prof. C. B. Young lind wife, of ,md Wlilter . with B deteoti ve lenrned thllta nom· on Messr8. gone by olulmed by s.)mo thllt their ooxee have ls applied YnrheE l Mi ~ RelJeccl 'W e wish t.o tnke thl8 meuns Lhis week 's ljer of tools nnll I)P~tllgo st"inps Kings MiIltl, nre s peudillg . Hatfield Inll of a higher standar d, U Ie not Kenriok Mrs tit LestAr it vis hy alollgt to o Mllry express ing ollr sinoere gratHud Une Ohio. wero found in their pO!l,,6IlKion, and wltb their mother, Mrs. Solmo., 'fhe averllge hOtlsewife in t.hls lit all unlikel y that $be BOUIe ollr friends who in every wily aided daughw l' Bo>!sie netlr the In plaoe thl8 to' d {hlll1 they oonfeBBed to some rob· Young. extende be will thll in head her viClllity will t,urn us lit thll time of. the bnrlnl of our Tho interi or of tbe M . E. Obnr oll husbAn B. F. 'lIughtLD weUlt to LebAno n . hedes. d nnd father. future near ment,ion you if n direotlo o R~I~e oppo!Ut lust , ut urdny to look after ' has been greu.tly improved by II 14188 Zoe Duke 8pent lu& Friday Mus. S E. ELLIOT lJencfici 'lry propert y left tbe · Old " oherrieli " to her. The IRst w e k as Thom Ben) was of Death • hand80 me new Olll'pet, which . lhe • In one LAN.: y . bu 11 in Lebano n, tho guost of her ooueln MRS. RAORt:L k .. Fell owship ohuroh . Be nttended I.\n hus truly been - ,,--- -- . it wee frn past thllt the of InLa ng Mrs. di8posl of Ilncl Mrs. B. D. Henkle . brother 8, piokillg Benjam in Thoma ,dl,IIIY Ba ke ~ Meoting on 'undoy erR L6g'lltt'8Pa rl~ Servi ces in M.emory of of nt hnoki:lt. and shipme rs new A keepe ry William Groe Ft. Mrs. the and on Epwort h League servioo s wtl1 bit Murphy churoh y EIt:.\I~ a t t,he Bethnn profited 111 thut thoy held at the ullual bonr next Bonday r. IlIlve lly Summe oiR Dr. osp v. Hoblett , of Wllyn.e svllle, died at Gr een nt Ruder's IItoee. Re rnao. t Ancien on. Pattis rnor Gove , . bis home neu.r Sprill~ Vlilley Monhflve sold suoh fln enormo us q U/ln· night ..u'd will!Je nndor the emolen ' of Xontll, . who day evening after n long illn ess, nnd Raymo nd Spohr,t at hell prellcbe d in th e tor enoun, nnd an Wesley he t st.uden I\. been hll.8 f s ugar. It wall no uncom mon l{)Rder8Wp of Ellnu!:! (' Irmony . In ntPJU III lot y ic6!! fllmil sen' al the In Memori Union will be burled gfH'e Illl lulrlress In t,he IIft.ern ooll . A tity u Unl versity the past'yel lr, I:Illlm t Silt. ory of John M. Pul ti8im, IlIle Gnv· e ven in onr little village to @lght Centerv ille cemete ry today. .. present Mr. and Mr8. lIn' .. u Lewis enterWIl.S e lorg ornwll .of TlBtlpl Oil his culling o esvllI D WfJ.Y. In urdny his M o ur wore men mllrol!rng tained in a duligbt tnl manne r at V b. tw the in Bee Mr . .Thomll8 i8 , urvivlld ernor of Ohio, werA held d ill/WI' \VIIS en'ed In fnl tl boun A ~ e the down the strE'et ~ith II. twenty fI ve their ooontl'Y home laet Tneeda y evwidow and a Iu.rge fltmily of grown old fr.iends . 11;. churob SundllY evenin~ Rnd wore> Iho Rilok 'cho\ll huus opp08it I th ntlwber beIIld large a by blld in ponnd Bllok of !mgar on their Khou)· ening the f"Howl ng guOllW: Mr. aDd Miss Annie U. Bruwn retnrne d IllJrticipa.ted etI wn~y o · or re aobnrch . oren , d I fl . rs lIdlllire etic h cle n.. nie Ie of syw)JlIt ttv. 08 and ·lrlenda . Mrs. Lester ~urfaoe, of Wayne eville home Thursd ay hn ving Re v Dr. K(' tch nt, Pr esidi ng 11:1 over b soon her year 's work a tCt1cher at tbe 0 will t.ting ;" 'l'uba culJ Mi88B8 Gelleva RoRertl , of LebanOD, Benj. Bu.wklns, I)u.stor of del' of Ih .e Dnytllh Di lltriot, III the ~,&S . O. Bome.I",where she has theRev. oon Death of Mrs. l'ulled s and Mlnnle Duke of urob~ bl~ve cb Rhli1l r Friends yM ox Orthod io oinunt.i M. ~ (,Joufur 'llce, pronol! unlillin other few have yet Iv spt Zilla. Githen SOllle . !:Itokee of Dayton , . nround Erne8t tit Mr. . in Lytle, rvi s y l (~uu.rtAr e th Catha rine Comp ton. taught for elgut ye"rs. t. prl" s a duoted tho devotio nal c.x ercises tlans. beell 1111.8 ptlrt "reu.ter the but S,lt. st lu in \1 E. ... IIllTCh thie vi.llnge liddre t's Paris a roen go to well liS mnklng a brief pnrtiol1 The funer.1 of Mrs Cathar ine For Legget ll\rl l 1l I'II"y ufr orJl oon ohIO OD u'ndllye vo. planted .... This season hilS W , n an Maso nic Lodge Ob- . whioh he clwelt moro &der'lI store. . one to lltu.rt serve s St. John 's Day. Compto n an aged and highly elL "hnnd bit' i .. "" ubi u.nd 1'1 a ain g I!peake r , exceptionu.lIy good Stanley Custer , son of Mr. 'r. B, upon the higb Rtan~nrd of 1l1" hot , litt\ 110 unJ teemed lady of New Bnrllng ton, darJIlJ 0 of t,he Govern or nnd nf his III.rilll In !l oti h .. . pnhJlKb erl II volume. (It his plllnts. -t the Friends ohuroh In Custer: the Wa.yne svllle j l'l weler, 'l'he membe rs of the local Muonl o !!unl:!hlne to burn them. 'rhe uuly W oe held ~"TIl Hlllti t egrl LY und devotio n to duty wbere ay Thursd Loul!' St. to started and inst. wit.h 19th y, oontenn dtende d lIervl068 In a bod)' at to Tnesda. hod lodge that vtllag8 Mr. (:1~Tenc Mo 'my anll wife enemie s they Re v. Phtil p 1'1'011t, Pll litOT' of th~ curpent er Churoh Bnnday mornin g 'unns \ Mary's cut St. qud wormS henrt was oonduo ted by Levi MillS, of he will engage In the were \' [ rpd 1\ ,'I'ry nbl.. ll,dd II vl"i t to 'In oinnll ti last Sun. eli d churoh, E. M. . !! I . dedi n ma,u y p ,ICas and joined witb the membe rs of ~ Wilmin gton, assleted by Je!lse and buelnes ttl" Zoo.' vi It.ud Mr rtlly . TllulO. l life hiof por t.he politie'l ~bioh In e addrl.'ss on or on ~" Patters .. itber stes-E Gradu oon· ulenrly lng la,rge ohuroh in a fitting ohllerva oce of A s. Indicat. , n Pntt·ison t Benl'llmln Hawkin I I I ' h I a stil l wrough~ hu.voo with the pikul .;. . . purpose und olefin rec rc1.!rorr , . The Hom e 'l'eleppo n8 CI) . nTO of Ity .o e rH ow It speo Il the day. 00, 80 lily Igh · snd·r"U lfe w ' hDmedl her Dolce, Mr. F r ank ooorse of peo~le from pn,tiDg in new phones, they now dur1l\g 'hi8 entranoe Into pnbJi life jnst y Saturda n '!'he 18880ns for the day were . f1$· 'Lebilno t.o drove ate nelgbbo rhood 11. 8 well as from photog raphs to you' If tnken tIl II Rev . ,J. F 'lIdwnl\o(ler , r" r lnr of huvo In boxes, it being only upen took thenoe for the oooasion and the Rev. from ting lind nooll ' about es. WJlmln gWn, Wsynee villo and oilier the month" or May und Juut!. tlY tb sillce yellr a !:;t. Mary's p. E . clmTob 111111 \.IT'll II mor IlIAn only. "y Tbey . · Saturd nnntt · their nol · CI lader'M addrellll was an feet to ' Cadwal tomanl t trllctl"n Mr. the pointe wu 'pr6llen I 1'1 db ' v for Ih .. /IV Iller heking ttEl P!Lr(ld SPA IIR 'S ~TUJ)JO hlS t.h eme " l~o\' e r III b I 1e t elr exc lango. forAd~re"l!I se on the life and ohar. for mllny years dl800Ur enlng, Bun· able Rnd oti respeot for one who Mterno urdny spent Sllt • Man," John Baptlat , the fore· !:It. M.r . and Mra. J . E Janney are Itt nor Pllttl on nil I\, Ch ri stian of flne a acter epott r d n . R , city hat t in dllY was olosely: es8ucla ted with t hem. . Pleas ant Ridge unusl1l111y urelu nu!' lin to owin8 hnt., of tion oonven Staw ' Saviour , who Wall the onr of ,tending in runner . time. Her remalne were Inte rred e to bp Drug Clerks nt Cfl(ln r Point, tbis da y, Will< pbysica lly unabl of MIUIODr7. Patron . a be to Uu.yton of ph, Rftndol Ca6l!artl .o reek burying grounri . Ac1nh Mrs. Mr. pellrl BoiO! r~nrl wife, George enjoyi ng present IJt the service. Impr08lllve very was service The . home at Monday aud 'rhe followi ng ohlt,nnr y was read: week lind are Inoldfmtlllly !:lunday OOUghtn1l1l lIud WifA spent Satnr· speut g rapt a"en· outin r O with to 81l1nm It of listened ions was !tnd attra<lt left for Bulflllo, N. Y .. O..therln" Compto n, ullught er of the lill Y night. lind Smndlly with J ohn She thAn BANK S1'4TE MENT. . pr686nt all side. by lak'e tlon th", at born .her g wall , .meetin ThoDla s and Ann Morgan where sbe · propose s Philipl! Ilnd wife. Mr. A. B. Bides wlto has bl'en In Ohio. prollRhly W~rrl\n Co., hUS band. He bas a. week 's vaca· were wlCe ullil Surfucu ' lip Phi ~220, r esult of IJ s· April BO, 1 UI nnll I11~pl\rt.rid tWs confine d t.() blsllOm e 118 n tion, Bnil instead of his ooming to Josia h RogerDi~·. Hhopping in [)ayt,1O ButurdllY. Sund ay. able in now him 18 g go, .. meetin wee~8 Intends Reverlll 8he fall 1 OhiO, fli yeR 8~ n~Pll 1110p, ~ life June 17th ,~ hopes . lIm1 orot:oh ildren a oh on l1 ut nn get.abo ThoUlIJ8 to spend Fronk will Mrt! they thllt place where mo. Bud 17 dl,yt:l 1I0rr18 I of fat·h,·, , . me t Rogers hort l! II. Josiah time. No I:!he Will! th o f" nrl,h or I~ f.llnlly a r to be 11.\1 right in s pent l:\Iltll rdllY with he r br othor tbat time hllving II. good - - F-Son· ' tored tb 'L pleusan t Roger8, or Wayn68 vlll.: . died hnve will they doubt five ohildre n, Pli utll Y Ehzlibe th, Herber t Wn,rwlo k bl\s en lJeb nelLr nf wlCe IJlld nrfllco '1m 'l'BE WAYN E VILLE Summe r ln Mioliigl of from ity n UlliverR J.<!IIlI.DO In ORoh , home ohn .l his at nnd IlA i day !tther J C' , William week togethe r, for thoy recentl,y .non Il\lHoiti l of a atroke ul paralyi 1l, of wbom liven m ol''' thlln t.he three ~OhllOI where he. will tnlte rty , \rife lIucl spent n week in Ii 8lmiln·r W'ly in tho elYects DtllIgho nrgp o) n , Wu.y. to lurn rll WII brOoKh t to tbe tn body ftlCpeots his · bllt and work. ~core ~' ellrR IIDel tl'lI, nlottlJd to man . with Y Ouug8to wn, Ohio . ,1 1I 1I ~lIll,l l· . t:lto])n 8 unlliLyod cemete ry Tueeda y· MiamI at Cnm ohapel .some. (.11/, very for Is fe II' tin"e n i' tlll~ of uellville part to lly lBrge A fUJll the IIf laervio ee Elh WUII tho 11I~t. th f h 0 1 Will Rloh and w'\fo of nell'r UMoll. ft ~ \V,ly n(lsvi lle. in t.1I 1-\1.,1.10 At .. I tl I " Ohin. Itt, tho c iu. n nf hll,d lll'~'" u ernoon were e nDera . olroum hll t lire liS well lln,1IA Ing. uncertl . il gnEl!lt e th Ullllllnn WIlS nil II IA t ontlwer Mi"ll Trnnll Corn .June 18, 19(1(i , . it Tbelle were conduo~ed. If ,your stolOAoh t.roultll'l'I yo n II" AI< Willi oustom ltTY in I,hollo early '.1 Mis!! Emmit IJ'l rri ok o f uellr t.eb. stnn06ll whloh environ ~Ill'" of the late not son It! was thero tbll,t R~ger8 l Mr. couolm fllots Ilre dllily tmpr688ed UpOIl uu.r llaY8, IIh6 WIU! e~rlv t hr'lWII !'I n her not ..onn ~nhird(Jy night oml 811ndl~Y . RESOU RCE . ville, aDd Waynes or lI·I'r~uo: Rogers, ,",1 1t" Wm. ! bnv, 'lS y lifo mon of grent ings Il ill' f nallpen the ratlrlng by IL IIf minl18 ' own resoore&! . Thn hi I ed !oI UII ~ "I I ~ , and III. ounlA L"aM 111'" · httmhm by e ~pellt llrl!cl CD wife Iv IIlld t Mr. "" lIn Bnrnc:t a few years Ilgo .. JUlturll. Mhe wnl' "l)ri ghtly III dispo Stomac b anel Lh'u r Tllble>t.R 'I', " , n ...·nl rnflJ<. so u,·c.1 t.bem . Such lin Irnprell8101l until' south meet we . be when village oftblll :lr.~.11 _ f ,·curc,l. "". W n,,'1 f d i 1\,." provp to , h oer'nin are erwort hey t Ill. . arm 0 ': 1 iiI, , 1InrlHY wlt·h Ern ost Butt ..11...111 . IIltion lind mado nnd lIluintdllned them , WIIS fo r'cocl \\pon the III n 4. llond. llI scC\IT,· circII llI lloII IIIi, !u:, II , be has 1\.8 remainr le r !Dlllved to Lebano n wberowell pflOlttl;' They only nu~t. I~ <til" r l , ' f' 1I0nll" securl \lc~. l'le. II R , ok lCenri frlelld" bip whernv " r "ho WAnt. . fllmily \lid 111/ """ '; . . ' Idad de. "nu 1I""klllg l? ticbwllr . SI'''" llt H,l.turclllY of UIO flllllliy, on Friday afterno on SIDCO res l~llm " 0 Smith In the earlv rnrti ft .. , "he WII ~ 11111r· ilold by F. O. ' nu e from a l'I)To\' ~'1 reAe n'c "gl" III.",'! 4I "; W • I " ~ . Itl ~ ~' \, " C'I,,'r.k~ ;,",1 "lher <:I" h It e ", . . F Ho lea.vel a widow ane! f Jur eonB hO\lse, their 8tr:uok )ltlling whenlig ~rllY '111111. riml to 'W .In . 01!1,0I' l ,ompt,I)1I w J Mrs . ,Tnhu UPI) 'LIllI rl l'lnt with IlD(lu.y ' 111 ,!r.O 1111 night 11 1 hlltn • ill N"I"~ of olher NUIoH.:i1 linn". ht. als$er, tiI currellcy. III ' k c l ~ ~ r.\l III JIll u t.I1I whom she hV" I) lllltll• Shill IleMh, daught er ret.urnect too l,hl'lr wll1 0li 1M situ uttld jus t wel:lt of Lytle. to mOl1rn his 10118, b6alcl',. I,'raellm,al paper .V. o cetUS :Lilli I II , at I•.vUe; bla lln IIItPI'nll Cornell O. . W Mrs. WRS bot flre on sa.t Wll8 er rnfl \ he t ' o whioh ooonrre(} In lollb. 1\., wnR II Mac'l wuy Wedn08dllY en IInll wife wor Pu.t sey Curr .... l~A"". MON"Y r(tC.~lItlVE 7IN.U4" _ rs UI11J'S nillth LAW.III, no "17. : ter, Mrs. Allen W. Balnee , flpecl devoted and. 10YI.I .wHo nijar hl~1f a II. week's " visit wlth.M t:!mith nnd f,.m· SOf)l) ex tlngllis hol1. no <1nlUlJge beiug hnlf.llis o Cillreno of 'uests 00 1l0 nol".3,0 en,lcr lH l Lea,' "horg, BII.rvey r nea ..nd hlB brother , WID. J. Fisber, Mrt!. Xenia; or, of to born rlither d were century . No oblltlre n !:lilt· done eXl10Jlt tbllt 1\11 reooive 1I~'lemllllon fuml with U. S. Ircn•.ln,lllt, eo 'ily of nelir Ule telegrap h lIIill here'. l' Chattan ooga, TeDDOIIlI88. relative of ) other Rogers and . !!hook. • n ils home. . Il ~evere 00 llruaya llll ·unilay. n.r,uo Umlj clrcub of c. · I' 16 urer this Clre Ith 8m Ray 'M;8. Mr . and J~\he .wl\llnKly a8silted in Im.prov Mr. Milton Stacy left lallt week Mrs. I:;urah Frailer IlUd: Mrll. Anna 301.HIU 64 . . 1'01'.11.· Sbelby ' oounty . After staying A Oood' Dally News paper for Botts ing the hOlDe, whlo~ l'equlred many week '!lnjoylng ' Mr. Smith's Gruber ca lled nb Mrs. Wldter · Penn th!' "'t duties his from tlon ss wentdays of toll and nlght8 of wearine I\, short time nt th~t 1)lace he ODO (lIlY Inst week. LIABIL ITIES. . I\nd are Mesus. Hooper and HllIia Iof the 0h to SandUs kv where he made ar. r\Luge IlDd greaUy , enjoyed entel·tain~ng sylvani a. station at Corwin . 00 r,O,1I00 t In were paid • e "tock family plt-I nnd C' nhllrt Dnll I' En.r . III!lte Journa l Ilrll oanvUII OKW .... I Burt,on Smith'l Dayton . ~ vl81ting Mrs a largo Dum. slng purobo for ~ ~ '.' ents m her frieDdll. or 1 . te I th ioinlty ~r.. ouu 00 rplus fuutl Su Q .. H . Mat Mrl:l lind Mr. Dr. ". , entI:! par bis of v brotber e guests ebe n the 8 death, rou d'8 After 'her hU8ban OutllVldc(\ pT!Jllts. Ie.. eXI,c!,se. n:t.270 \1:1 EII ~n Lla rt and wife !:lunday . ber of peach bll~kets . Mr. Stttoy'l! rura taxcs pnld . nnd week . tbis ' . ' · ne8ville Ohio some , Elida, at penohes er, of full Alexa~d qnit) ldnely are . ; trees . . lived prin~pally .by. herself the Brad, NMlonnl Il~ nk noteo oulatnllll\ng ;,(I.OIIOIHl I t·urn ed of them even bren.k ing down already Persona lly, the edlt'()f8 of ~be Ga· M . 'I' . II, enCl. P r8 t Indeed it must have been, for .near . 'Farmer s, 011.1.\ in nnd see Dividends uuplIld 1'e IllS or rl . . rs n31 NtlUo OU1!!r to e u D' .· pla.nt ru dro)Joo dge plow8.e oon81der the Daywn Joorna l ~ang ley y zette. y I~flrmlt Saturda ly six yesl'I!, untIl nge ·ana John Appleg ate spent !tome lifter tlpendln g R few df\.ys 8.000 001 , :]::I~dual d"po.l~. vD onltl oorn tOW the beet d ...lly newepa1J8r8 two of and ouo one wlt.h n ers, to Lebano ft.y in JtOOeBII Sondll.y ely and tDftde It absolut h (lr ~Ister Mrs. Fraok Rogerli . night h wit~ J70 .8U2 '.; ~ chook.. to subject Os, of line full It: 08J:ry 1.11.1110 publl8h ed. It is up to.~ate, it J& olean . leave the dear old farm, to ber the tor8. r elatl ve8. H J ~O~.8flO 111 of uear Lytlu. Ui U .I· e· ~cr\lqCal ~,eii'e~l tBklDg am and ents Implem ttl strong edltorl ally.nd oombin e. It borntl al. oenter of many ·fond I:!Ope8 .' She Mr. Emer Olll Earnha rt WIlS kl ok. oorn , of the de~rtment.. thllt are n60tob.\oco 11.11 rada g wedded high for newly !Iud order, Oo~ and Clyde . . fondellt Mr with' It but to waytfaU uded. aO I,lno M ed b.v It ho'r86 one da.y I'lst week To·fA .. , price in rlinging rs fertilize ats o ' to mako a good newlpa per, and eS8ary e plea8ur te~derjl8t memorl ell: '. .' we .111'0 glud to sny he i8 IIble to be -wife \Ddulged \D a short 01' OUJO,. QouIC:t'y .<!r \V ARIION. 8~ : 8TA~" . ' will be made &0 Bee evup. effort An dollllrs t:!lItur· thirteen City from abe Quelln allo the In ba)f ion ,s. expedit '1'h1ee yoara and ..._ the out Illld aruund no\v. of Cn.hler IOBT, . CARTWR ·0. . J T. I:!unduy Y. and ~ J dllY BKNllY uut . . ",,"cllr thal ery patron' of tbe rural routel, ' ved 0- the vill'aDe of New Bur. . ' aooyc named bank, do 80lemnly tn . n -'_" ' Su e remo 'of If beRl e to tIU (rue 18 &0 tem.nt ...... .. t . or above the mlll88d are who IIp'ent any nn wife, oase aud in Kleinbe Miss Edna Mr. Jobn B. Uard Lester KenriCK ' and w eF 'were . . belte,. ' k rooms in the hOWle 1 Id lin' gton '!lnd "00 • -tr, though wit.h great went ' foor years aio from their my knnwlcdlJC;. O.aDdOARTWR be may 008 & dny wltb Grace Cornell . 8ub80rlp on, IOBT, Cl\~hlcr. later send present lit the r eceptio n on r ay' of .W Illlam Bl .. . ed and 8WOp! to before mo thl ~ Gaze'$e SubJIcrlb 'he ' through Oattlor t? sent ton ng ~orl~nR orowni tbe New ~t was hom~ whioh , 8teadily evening ·h88 rolaotan~, . ye~ sh~ Rll:\' (' oruell called on 11is cousin . ville nAxt In . t day of Jun., 100e. feu.ture of tbe event, consnm ma ted maintai ned aD~ expres!led qeraelf nlll, ' wl.1l retnrn to Wayne8 u vl\ge ~unrltly. Floyd!:; PUULIO. NOTAIIY July l{EVS, . of E 1. h Fourt ~D here visiting e f b remain . and th mqnth. M the:~8t h one d . t '.bad 'u bellevln "; ehe. e evcDlng cor . anor Wllllt hila b... oome 0 · t, e t ' B orne Domlng, Th oy OoUUI;CT-Att•• I :. WarreD Oounty , 01.110. . .. at Ridge ville. . 8he 'became tll'aUel ' .he A great mauY' Lytle folks \\ ere 1 'blng for .J1e..-elf. ' t? n corr 'sponde ie.ID't'lte the . w. 11 AI."X" p~os· Wdl8vU lit have people and Tbe hearth 8erv. good to Day are n'll Blair, Cblldre tbe ;18ter i ' at to d prellent l~oa'l! ~ttaohe thetDeVIlD, 111. , DIT~QI.O I to their vU.... CD world HAwtu: r. o. I honte. ~ew oel. O their I~ Ulem d- h 'f 'ofteD e--Jda g·i.Jf ·the ·help and oom· .pOred ( Ferry on I:)unday even ng Ing of July tth to· Join at ices s . L £ \· . CAJn11\'RIOD'I' . ure e ughters d HC d ~ (! t:!n A F ' Ell M e. _ • ..r ' . a . n .. g, urnu ebratln a the rI. .by for& ' ehe n~d been to ' her, and to . We u!ik oor' oustom er8 to try Ake· and nil were muob plooBod Clears up the Oomple xlon. living 10 There will be fire worD, &i~~ renderi ng of a unique and at; Illile la nearalg wbom eheeXp te88ed ~eree1fae being' who for a yee~ have been fQr tablets Head the in a and glow rnddy a eye8. Brlgbt mak 8vtlle t;lational aln aDd a peat ebowo f of Wlt.yn6 in are , . Daytpn deraedtalnd- trac,t1ve program . ready for the ChaDgo, headao hes with the Qn patrioti sm. l mOl ate . oomple non free from pimpies sal. and thAt rein their with vllltt l farewel a Ing the Ket all•• of mUIlt. m~mber you . .:.~ .. - ... ' b ling h d S, L. William son and wife attend. ( The la4ies of the Urilven hid fri cia 'b ef 8he ..... """"n a . J.lpots, roDY e relief or your mo~ey baek. &fe, mot 0.,......, . .ke an ioe 8 88rve 10wne8 will. e r e ohurob I t ore meeting . nary en annlve and tlves MalonlQ ad the I'ri8lld& ohuroh for at 1. . . Ulree .. by every woman who6 will \lSO I lure and silt en res for' ten cents. we trQ8t It ma7 be p6ltnre to PlllinHeld, New Jersey. had a posJUiVE cJ'IU'e f~r' and ·other r6lreah lDeD. J. Eo Ja.nney at Waynee,Y1Ile on 8llnday . tt tahltete' n and °la X80 La their 781o make to anney. IlSJ)8Ot , , they QQ. where lpa d-'" 00008 "'he ."e 1 n ' '--ed ' .'8 o , b r h of lOOI'8 o b ~ . _ r, e . • id. . uture ome. _blob cUe lD &be Lord, "
I Buria l of S. E. E lliott. LOCAL AN 0 Post Office PERS ONA L MENTION Thl! btlrly of S. E . Elli ort. in churge Robbers Caug ht.
riO. OfI
Repo'r t tbe Condl'tl'on
-- .
a etart bll felt tbe strlUlU [!loth blun· THE NEW HAIR STYLES. der Inlo hIs race. ' It wn s maddolllnl;. .He had 110 'Iow to Make tha New Vienna' Bun" OROW 6: M ", Y, Publl- hers, • IIglot.s. It he ollenee! the d.)or of the with Its Chou - A bout }{, fr room th e thins \\'ould get away. In Dreiling Generally. 'IVA VN,E SVIU.m. OHIO. tbo darkn s he 8U W l'.nwldlls qultu dis tinctly, laughing nt him . P:twklus 'rhe Vi enna bun Is IC lo w fo IITIlr<' Rurn1 W ater Su ply, had ver an oily la ugh. He ltY'oro ~'lI h 11 'tol l> cllllll at elll'h hid'; of It , re· Wh ~ n .8urb srtJ,.~ t slims at money n re rurlou sly and IiUIm pod hi s fi)Ot on tho purts Mme. Julie D'Arc),. Y UII lalle being eXllenlletl by Ity gOI'CrtlU1t'nts noor. YO ur hulr nud Ilart It, 01' pomllnclt)u!' It , I!:....--~~,,_....;;J Haphl 7 ve ry sud dllnh' d ,~c lc l ed to , If t\\'l~t it 0 "61' Ihe c' ar~ , just aR t ~ Ibnt the Inh, b1l,lnt8 or (owns may (Copyright., by J oacpb B. 80'",1011. ) give up t~e molh an ll to bed. But mO~l II ~ollli ng to YOII . Theil you b ri ng . hn"!l n ·n.ult ary water ~IlPI)ly. IL 8eems It 111' to th r.rown (If til t' head nnd 110 Probably you Ila,'(> II ani Qr t he 1111' wus xcItO(\. 15 ra ngo ·tlmt the SlllIl'ly h ) rum1 towns 'I'he n he roun d th e motb era1l'lIns . Ii. 11(("1' whl h yOIl I\vlSI It nnd tur'n ' houlo] rec h 'e IIl ll(l O~ 110 atlen tion.· greal teuq bPI\\' 'en Hn\l Jc'y. the OQo"er his ()u nterp l1ne. H e snt ou II 1111111 YOII ha ve a ulg h.. 1V ull fa r 'I'hll! lattel' popula tion may seem rei- tomologl5l, and Prot. Pawkl us, I l b e ~n n year,; and yearo! ago, \\' lllt a t h <'\1/,\0 Or the bed In 11111 'h lrt- down 31 tile blld( <If Ule nll('I( . It Is ntll'oly In :l gllUlcnul, bUl acc()rtlln' to ml cro lepld pl ra 81 \:.'~ all (1 r ell _oo '(I with hitll $~lt . IUlIn ' Ilsely ll't'omln" fO n urly all I h Insl ('cn ~ us It compri ses IIhout 40,- rC\' I ~lo n of {he (whate_v r Ul eso may be) by Pawldnl!, Was It pure hallu Inatl on ? 110 100~W rn(' e~. Bul t he nnl ~ bln!'; 10uvh Is wh at OOO,Ot)() r:'O ul s, Tbls. mC)allS thllt • " In ""hie I 110 exti nguis hed a new Bpe· lie wos sJl plllnll, tlDd he b~lIl d (or I n~ecl II. An ti Ihls II! ,1!To rdpc\ llY Iha OPO,OOO 11('Qplc arc drlnk.lng tbe \\'al r ci ~l> l'l' I\ lcd by Hapley. Hopley. ",b o hi s p(\ nit y with t hi! S.1 me en rgy ho llig ~o ft ~ hlrroll l'houx whi ch IIro 1\ part 'Ill t availa ble, w1lhout a thought ot W[lS Oll' IYS quarre ls ome, re plied by a h nd fo rmerI~' ct l ~p l:l ~' d agai nst Pa"'" Of Ihe "oll1ore. , To mlliw' (be "h"I1]( (or t he "ll' lInn 11 8 sanltnry (ondl tlon . Tbese vuriouf stl ngin 1l Im peachm en t of the enti re l;f n ~ . ' 0 . p~r sl J,'n l Is m ental habit, Ihn t be ! 'It a s I( It .Wf' rC . till (\ strug· bUll you Ilike ,'n<lllgh mll'e or rblffon 6o'ttrct's of SUI' I>ly, wbether wells, c1aSSlllcatlon of Puwklns. 'prlng'S or ~mnll Streams, aro slmllarl, It was a lon g s tru ggle, vlc iou l tram ~ Ie with Pawl(III ~. lI e wns wl'll versed to mok c tlVO big ruN tics whlrh sh llll ull rclisble (or fll 1'lllshl ng drinking wa· the boglnnln g, nnd growing al Il\.St to In ps y c h olog~'. He . Ilnew Ulat· such Atnod Ollt fil II an I rl't O fl'OIll Ihe h elld, "1 ~ lInl IlIu~i o n s do come as Il rosul t TtI!)c) y 11 hal( tll e~ e nlSCIle8 lind pin ter. T be : llI llsUcs of mortalily Iu tho pitiless antagon lsm_ In 1 91 Pnwkln s, ' wlrose h ealt ll ha d of III cntal t rai n. But t he !Iolnt WM, t1u' m t the hiliI', OU(' htlC'll Qr each ear. ronol.ry Clr very ludeflolte, but even h dirt no t only sec th o moth, ho had rrpsslll g t he C'honx InlCl Lho hnl r. You th e e R.bow Ihutthe rural populaUoll Is b en bad for some time, publis hed hen rd it when Il Cou ' h('d tho edge of ('"n u~e white or shell plilk o r cloud some wo rk upon Ihe "mesoblast" o r not as tre fro m Illness as It sbould. be. the D':ath's Head ~Ioth. But the work th e lamps had , :lnt! att er waC'(1 when It hlu e, Jusl according 10 you r ~ty le. Abd A nel though every whero t he rural was fll r below his usual s tandard, nnd 1111 ap:a ln8t the wall, IIncl h El had f It dealh !'nle Is lower t ban the urban gnve ' Hapl ey lin open ing he hnd cov· It sf rlke hl ij Co,'o In th dDr![, death mil', yet tho lowering In the eted for years. I I "'lUI R c1\m , "ray night: an almos t coon try hns n ot been as great as In In a n elaborate crlt Ique he ren t unbrol en she t at wale ry r,:loud WBS tho c'lty. An examination of typhoid PBwklns to . tatte rs, and Pawkl ns mado 8wee pln g lI~ro ss Ihl! moo n, a nd the Illntlstlcs shows tbat the dealh rate ot a repl y, halting. Inetrectual, with pal o.· hedge an,1 Irees In (rant at ·th o holtse other diseases Is generally lower ' In ful gaps of silence, and yet ma ll gnsnt. were black A'ulnst Ihe pale roadway. 'HllpI I'Y's landlady, hearlns: slrango the cou nt ry thnn In lIle city, but the Tt' ere was no mis takin g his will to no I. e~ , look d Ollt oC her wi ndow and Jlrel'alence or typbold Is almost equal wound Hapler, nnr bla lo capac lty to SILW Ilapl y, lik' a shost In h is shirt to Ir nOl ~r,ater In tbe rura l dl slTlcts do It. But few of th o ~e who heo rd an d white trouser s, r u nr"lng- 10 nnd tr') hlrr. realized how III th e mil D was. tllan In tbe citios. Sevcral Instances Ha p'ley bad got his op'!Hfnent down, In th e roael and b ~ntln g t h 111 r. Nc,9/ 1111 Ve been reported which show tbe lin d. meant to finish blm. He follolA'ed he would s tbp, no w bo would liart very rurru tY'pbold rate to be ten I/mes with a Rlmply bruta l attack upon ra pldly'at om thin' ' Iovlsl bl <l, now he greater i ha n tbe urba n ra le tor the Pawklns, In tbe form of a paper upo n would mo\'o IIpon It with stealthy IlUIDO distrIct. 'ro pnrU~ ulnrlze, n 'certhe developme nt of motb s in ·g eneral. st rl de,~ . laIn distri ct In central Pennsylvania The rejOinder or Pawk ln s I\'as to catc h . "M rs. ol vl ll ," said Hal>ley. clllIlng pruves this fact. It ls mado up of a fhe InOu enzn, to proce cI to pn limo· ilow n I he s taircase n p ~t mor nln/:, " I hope I tllc.I not nllll' lI1 YC'l1 los't n ig ht.. .. rural JlOpulllllon wit h 100 Inhllbl ta n ts nla, and to die. " You may 1\'1'11 as k tha,!" snit! Mrs. In hi s prh'ato thour,hts Ilnpl e}' t o the squ a re mil o. Il Is a regfon ot Co l vill e, could not forgl,'e Pawk lns for dying. fin e fa rm s, wild mounlalns a nd woods, "Th e (act Is, I am a sle 9j)-wa lkt>r. It lert Hap ley's min d wllh a qu eer Cclllntr~' res lclen ces nnd pi 'nle groves. gap In It For 20 years he hnd worlled There Is · nothing to be a In rru ed about, Au d In tbls "olley there bns been ns bnr!!, ,som etimes far Into the nigh t. really. I am Eo ny I mado such an CR." mu ch lY~hold , fe,'p\" all In lhe r.lly , or and se" n days a .,.'eek, with mi cro' IISS of myself. I will go ov r to Shorfto Pblllldelllhill. Sad as this condition Is, scop.e, Bcal ilel, collecting-net and pen, ham , and get some st ull to make mo JOIl may be Bure It to you. there seen,s to be no remedy for. It. and a1 moFt en tirely wllh refere nce to s lcep soundly ." Half.way o,'e r the down. by tbe In fectur lng UPOD \111' t'otftllrll I :11The s ources of a cl ~y water supply are Pawklns. It bad kill ed Pawlclns; but wa ys lilk e pal'll 111111' noLe as to lhe tew, and I be ' tty go,'ern ment easily II bad also t hrown Hopley out of gea r. ch,alk' pl ts, tlie moth came upon Hapl.ey agnl n. H e went on, trying to kee t1 color ot th e hil iI'. There ti r e cerlaln nll'ols Iho conditions affecti ng It. ~o to speak. and' his doctor ad,'lsed hi s mind IIpon chess problems, but It colors t h at 10011 well In c;crt.llin ways, a t ime and h im (0 give u p work for But 'whnt' can be ' done when 1.1e was no gootl. The (hlng flu tL\lred Inl o Tllke red h ulr 118 an RlIll mp1e . No aile .aurl'8 of su pply are numbered by the rest. So Ha\lley ?o'ent down I.nlo 8 hi s face, and bo strnck at It with his ever saw I' 'c l hall' Lo.l lit loolled woll qul ot village In Kent.' and tbough! thonsands. , A mln't of money and an d:ay /lncl ni ght of Pawklns, and or bat In self·defense, Thun ragl!, the old drawn straigh t bllek. Red bllir anti a ll a l'my of' hemls ts would uot be sut· good things It was now Impossible to rage-the ra ge be bad so ortp.n felt hal l' upon t ho red cllsh sb ade looks b s~ aga in st Pa.wklns--(a me upon ' him wa lv ec\ ond dres~ed very foil arounel II Clent to g11'e 'tbe 8ame care 'to the Bay about him . counb"Y eti.Dp).y U\n't 18. dven to tbat of , At last Hapl ey began to reali ze In agaIn . He went all., leaping an~ tltrlk· tbe fuca, thl) fu li m' th e better. It I tbe ctty, wbat direction the ' preoccupat ion Ing at the eddy in g In ect. Suddenly had red hoiI' I woultl wave It well lind tended. He determined to make a be trod' on notblltg and fell heatllong. nurt It arounc] my ta 'e like on Dureol e. There \\,'a s a gap In hl a s8n8nllon9, It Is llle pr tueal way lo t1re8s balr of Ilfite'i-a te Irumlgrante. fi ght for It, .. ond started by t rying to OIs cu ~ ln g llie Immigration bill now read novels, But be could not get and Hapley round himself s itting on that 00101'. Now, when It ro mes ~III(:II b alr, beCore congress to r nse the tax from bls mind off Pawklns, while In the the beap of Btonea In fron t of tbe open log of tho cbalk·\lI ts, wltll a leg lhe situation Is reversed , Choose two to live dollanl a head, tbe Phlla.- fllce, and making his lout s peech. something slul!)ler and pla iner. Don't It was on the third day afterwards twl ste(! baclt under hIm. de lphia R eoord says Il chief complaint Lat e' thnt n ight. after his brok en leg wave It, bu t try 10 buil d U pl c;ture calfof tbe .peLltion s Is not that tbe Immi- . thllt Hapley became aware of a novel wns set. he was feverish. H, was rure or It wil hoClt 1making It klllky. I addition to tbe local rauna. He was grants are physically weak, but that working late at the microscope, and lying nat on his bed, and be began often tnke blacle ha ir and pa rt It, their are too stronK. It gQes on to say: tbe only light In tbe room was the 10 run hi s eyes around the room to roiling It ba II 11110 1\ the Side, In 1800 " As for the educaLlona l ten, wblch brilliant little lamp with tbe- s pecia l see If the motb was stili abOut He Casblon. Do you l'E'cull th e pi cture of tried not to do this, but It was no 1860, tbo ~e wart ime' s tyles, and do you prescribes hat every Immlgr~n t over form of green shade,16 years shall b e able to reacl~~ .. One ' eye wu- over the instrllment. ...&QQ..d.. He soon. caught s lgM of the reme lllber h'Ow "ery becoming Lh ey perlen ce 'sbows that thJs small degree Wltb tbe other eye Hapl y saw, as It thing resting close to bls b'and, by werp, to t he bln<;k-eyecl beautIes o f the nJ ght·llght, on th e green table- those duys? Wen, r am dressing h all' In of Clulture Is not necessa ry tor la bor In were, wlt bout seei ng. cloth, Tire win gs qnh ered. With a wlU't1me style a nu doing It with mil ch Suddenly his atlentlon' drlrl e d from tlie field s, In railroad gT!u'llng, tunnelBudd ell" wave of anger be smlllte at It 8ucC'elll. Ing, street clea ning and otber pursuits I treAt blonde halt In n stili dl r· with his fist, and the nurs e woko up With wbl ch the lDlll!ses of Immigrants ferent manner. Wben hair Is very with a s hrlcle. He had missed It. ' ''fhal moth !" he said ; and then, light It Clln be t rea ted with scemlng begin life on theslrshores. To ward of! ca relessn ess. rt. look!! well nylng. I " It was ron cy. Nothing!" the pOlitica l evils at IIl1lerdcy ' lbl) All the time he oould see Quite clear· took n "ery bloncJe head the othor cloy IItates most elfected by them (PennsylIy th e Insec,t s olng around tb e cornice ond 'wal'ed It from' till to root. Th en 1 , 'anla, fllr oxample), have only to proand darling a cro ss tile room , and he turned It ba k In eomet hlng like . , 'Ide, as_Massachusetts aDd most at the could als o see that the nurse Btl\\' notb- pompadour Cashion', pulllng ont the so utb ern states bave done, against putlng or It and looked al him st:rangely. !!troy rlnglc ts. r cyen' added· C\ ringle t ling the ballot In tbe ·ftst s of· people "He mllst 'keep himself In hand. , He or two arou'nd tbe e~rs to hlcl c thern In who ca nnot read It. 'But by a curious knew he was a lost nian It h e did arUstic fashion. Tbe back I tlVlsted cont radIction tbe u t mpf) t facilities for not k ep himself In hnnd. But Ill! tbe hi gh. seltl ng a wide comb bolow the night waned the fever grew ullon him, lopknot., .' The effort W HS purllcularly enabling IguoTUnce, nnUve lind natur' and the very d r-ea'd' he had 'OIC seeing , glrl lsb and gOOd . . nil7.ed, white and blnc k, to exercise the the motl] mude him ~e It, About five, surrrage lITe atlord ed by Pennsylvan Ia I 'Jiist' a~ t he dawD was gray, he tried to A RAILROAD COMPLEXION. and other states In whlcb mos t or th& get. out of bed and catch It, lbclUgh his )!lIterate Immlsra!)~s ftnd lodgment. I[ leg was anre with pain. The nurse Practice of Riding llack "nd Forth thest: stales s hould a pply the educaha d 10 s truggle' wltb him. with Face Unp.ofected Damag. tional test to tbe elective franchise Because or this t\ley tied ~Im down Ing to Good Looks, there - would ' be little cause for oomto the bed: A t tbls the motll grew bol,' er and once he fe lt It ' se ttle In "Mercy, no; ' I nev-er bother with a plai nt con~ernlug tbe Imm lgrutlon 01 his h~l r. The n, becnuse be . struck \'ell," she slIltI , As ti he said .It, she illiterates rrom ·E urope." ou ~ violentl y wltb his arms, tilley t.Ied rubbed be l' handk e.f cblef brls!dy over thele ·olso. At this the moth 'came ber fll co wllh the tip of one tlnger. Out' Army Is Small. and crawl ed ove r bls race, and Hap· And the korch lef ct\me ott black I NoW, In the sense In Which the term Ia ley wepl, swore, screamed, prayed un· she thougbt, wh eu .. sbe · l horougbly used In Europe . thlB cou~ try has . no avallin gly for them to take It ott him. scrubbed that rnce she woul d get 1111 FAR INTO THl£ NIGfIT. military rese n ·e. The two military Now lIapley Is spendln'g ' t ho . reo the dust aud grime . Ollt 'of t he pores, for recogn'lzed by law and cnstom qno eye to , the other. The · table·cloth malnder of his day s In a padded room, Ellt wby get It In, In . the first place? . ·lIre t he regular army and the ·'mllltl!l.'" was of th e materIal called tilpestry worried by a moth tlint no (lne else Tb ere 16 no pra(~ tke more damaging 'rhe regular army Is a comparatively oy shopmen alid rather brightly col· can see. The asylum doctor calls It to goo d looks tb at tbe habit or riding small force. Taking Into oonslderatlon ored. Tho pattern was In gold, wltb hallucination; bllt Hapley, when be I back an d torth on ra ilway trains 01' a small amount or crimson and pale Us size, population, and position amollg blue upon a graylsb ground:: At. one Is In his easier mood, and el111 talk, througb dust y city streets wltb the n attolls, t~ill ~ountry bas tbe 6mnl1~stpolnt the pattern seemed dIsplaced , says It Is the ghost of Pawklns, and delicate skin of. tb e f~ee .exposed to all Gtandlng army In th e world, For many and there was a vibrating movement consequently a unique speci men and Lh~ soot and grime In the air, says well worth tbe trOUble of catching. the Pblladelphla BuJleUn. Careful , years preceding the war with Spain. of the colors at this point. . women never do It. They alwaYII C!ur regular army numbered oUly ab~ut . Hapley suddenly m9ved his head ' KNEW WH.AT SHE WA. NTED. welir; when traveling, 1\ plain chillon '25,000 .men, With the outbreak or 1108- .back and looked wltb botb ey!!s. . His veil-not one raney 'or lace or "mesb, ' Anc\ "Relented Presumption on the ml'nd you, but a Cl0811:woven veil for ,Ulltles wltb Spain came n very large 'mouth fell ope~ with aatonlshment. increase. After tbe ClOS8 of tbe conIt was a large moth, or ' butterllY, Part of the Obllglns reol protecllon. Tbli I. tied over tb. .tIlet, however; there was a steady, rndl- Its wings spread In butterfly fasblon! Saleaman, hat, drawn Snlllly under toe chili and 'Cal reduction unlil' the American It was strange It should be III ·tbe tastened firmly to tile baCk of the haL lt bas a certain trim air, but the , , room at all, for the wlqdows were I . d. d I bl k d A ta I woma" , resse n a,c, an sUlncllng .army to· day. numbers only closed. Strange that It sbould Ilot ",bout 60,000 men. or these, about one- bave . attracted his attention when wltb u very busineSSlike manner, most · Importsnt thing 18 ' the service walked Into a well-known London es- It 'renders In savlng· lh. face from acI h 5 . tou rtb, or In Ihe ne gbllrJr 0011 of 1 ,- fluttering ' to Its prellent position. tabllshmeni 'and, declining the servlcll ' qui rIng a~ unneces~ary and appalIi'ng ' 000, ure In the PhilippInes. A s mall Strange 9110uld match the table· of Ihe s hopwalker, made directly ror amount of dirt. The. complexion 80 protected wlli' forcp. Is maintained In Alaska. and a cloth, Stranger far tbal to bini, Hap: the crepe counter. Slie had rather a f b d I ~LlII s mali el' ' In I~awa lt, leav ing, in ley, the .great entomologist, It was al· thougbtflil all' as she examln.e d the ,roun d numbers, 40,1l0.0 soldiers ' or tbe toge~her un,k nown. There was no de- 8tock, 'and the obliging young sillopmall ~~lc~~~rl;~8h~Uel~n t~:~~s~~~~ ~~~: regnlnr a rmy In this ooun try , or an In- luslod. It was crawling s lowly toward remarked alfa bly : . nn who rides back and fortb Into the city. dalIy ac!opt this 'precantlon, lest I "We baVe~arge stoe~ (.\1 · crepes, 'rellse of only allout 15,000 si nce tne tbeLofokot or the lamdP. hi sbe find herself the unhappy posscsaQr o l ng aroun m .or some h days precedin g th e connk' wllh Spalu. mean8 of capturln, the molh, he r.ose ma da m. Just III'o w me to s ow you of "tb.e 'r oad complelllon." slowly out of his chali'. SlIcJ rI enl.v. the Bome new Fre ch goods. ver, pop.ular Rev. 'n10;:;;3S F. MiliaI', a prea cher of Jus t now fa every kind of mC/iUrnlng. Automobile Novelty. Cnln~vlll(>, Mo., unno lJ,llced to his con. ' Insect rose; struck th e <!dgo of Ihe Now. Lhes~ light crepes are alI the raga For the automobile, woman, comlampshbde-Hapley he1lrd Ihe "ping" (or Ila lf-mourning for cousins. M ' ayI I gregnt 00 aS l. un,IIIY morn 1ne; ,t Ila ~ a .!...and vanished Into the shadow. bination hood, sCllr! and veil. By pull: In a ' moment Hapley ha(! ' Whipped may I a~ ll , mndam," he added, heliltllt- Ing two buttoos It maltes! It Into a coli eUon for foreign miSSions' was about to be tnllen uP, but lhat be or!' tbe shade, AO that the whol e room Ingly, "for whom you are In mourn- straight scarf; by puillug t wo at rlngs wanled no m m ber 10 b-i"e 1\ ,cont un· ~'all illumInated. The thing had dis. lug?" It Is transformed Into n' hood with a 1e!\~ be hit/! already paid hlR hut cber. appeared, but s oon his pract.lced eyu ' " Husband," aald the 'c ultomer, veil, I!I!llph ties under tbe cbln to fu. bnlter, grocer ~nd primer. "Pay your detect!!d It upon the wallpape r near brletly. ten the veil. "Ah, yes ; theD I hava JUlt the malocal debts fll'st," he sa id, "snd th en the door. He ,w ent toward If. poising tbe lampsbade for capture. Befone he terlal you require, the best stTl1! 18-" The ByebJ'o"a. "'y the debt "au ow to lbe heathen." y '" ltd h ...., wal wlthlll Ilrlkln. distance, bowever, .. oung man, n erpose t • woman, . Olive oil may be used on the eyeReport h .. It 'that the mlsslonllY col· It had riMn aDd wu lutterlol rouni! "I am mucb obliged tor your explana- braWl, and It Is said to encourage the Jecllon Will! amall, . but th e respect ot tbe room. ' tlon. , You may know a lot about fash- growth. 011 shotiJd, howev!!r, never be lh.anerf~.,.o_n..::·._re_ga ~t:.. .Io_n_Jo_r_tb_.e_p_r_e_ac_li_·e_r_w_u-t,'..;T;;h~e~thi;''tr~d;-,;tI;:!mll he ."rtunlllil tire JOD, but a8 I burled my fourth. hU8baJ1d app) · the e1elaeb. ., a8 It Is npt 'to lamp, 1I'hloh ver, luckily , went out: yesterday, you ma, be IUft I "e lOt • irritate ~. e)'l& 11apll'Y was left 10 tbe iJark. · WK' &TIp 00 tb? subJeet.. ..
The Miami Uazctte.
I '
BECOMINGLY DRESSED. No Matter How Old, 11 WOIllim Should Be Oareful of P el'sollnl Clean!.ineas and Drl\Ss. To ' be well lIud ba('Om l ll ~ I'y tlrrR sctl does n Ol II p,cehs :t rill' 1lll'IUl \ II! j'gO' at! I· IllY or e hh e r tl llI e! 01' m Olle) i ue lth pr tloes It unll ' Cor (he lut'e ~t "('rent loh" uf s tyle O!' mnt el'llil. rl~il, I II ~I m pi t ' IIn tl mos t In . 111'1181"0 lIInt e rl ol~, Illude III) wlt b t·Ni,! ...1 to lIle 8u llnblo, 11 s s or 61ylll, 00101' !lull fn llrlr, Ddaplatlon to Ihe llglU'U lind tu tlUI uge, ure tho' mos t beco mlnlt Ull il bITe tlve, A SlmJl le IIl'e-cent clilleo or lawn call be Wilde 11110 .0 ,. ry dro!lsy nnt! befumin g giu:ment, while II bll or I:l l'e or IIn ulI about IlIe fle ck , a nd u tou ch o f 00101' Ilt the throlll, combined with duln ty pe rsonal clell n lln c~~, wlll'mnko Ibe plai n 5t or \Vom NI altl'llClh'e. no no t be In tllO bl ~ !I hllrl:y lo "clrc~s Ilccord lng to' your 11K ," fOl' one will gro w ' old fn~1 e noll!;h, Illal It Is Jils t (IS well 10 hll ng o n to n. ramnunt at youtll n~ long :is olle ell n, e'ven It one has to reso rt 1.0 simple arli lt lui ll1en n ~ \.0 nccompll Hb . It. Personll l cl8llnll· ness Is au adj un ct to good looks Iloo ve I've ryth lng e lse, Hn,t Il wo mau s ~cmld g ive Il roper alie nI iOJl to tbls feature. It Is 1111 n on se n ~c ror It womnn. to clul m t hIlt sh e Is "too old," or too llOOr, or loo overworked to cal'e for lIel' perso nnl tl p\lcarll nce. She should. resolv e not to grow (l Id ; not to ' b too poor to lise soa p an d w[lter lind a wash ru g, or ltn emo llient for the clenns lng of the face, ne rk nnd h ands , or ror t he proper dressin g of her hair. Sh s hould lukl'. 'Us her ri gh t, a rew minutes evcry ~II}' In wh ic h to properly o ttpncl to her toilet; nnd learn to rega rd i\ Illeaslug II Cr!iOn'll . a pllt'ar' lI y os th e nnc as mu cb of Il n gelli ng ull of the ta mll y loculs. 'l'b ls duty s he OW09 to hel'S It. lt Is not so muoh whn! "oth ers say" nbout U9 Ulil~ sbou ld Innuence us; Wtl shoult! Il I't)ruVQ of our:;elves. Deny It ns on C1 may, a beco min gly dressed wonliln Irresi stib ly com pels our ntt en· tlu n uncI l'ulUUlands our l'eHllocl, be 'h e young or o ld, and neaLneS8 III per. on nud l\\Ipar I Is u passport In to re lined so'l Iy. We Inall nctl vely POY homngCl LO a woman who res pecU Moreover. ,il(JOks" bave a honelf. morn I and ~ plrltlllli erre t llpon one, a nti Lhe wo mun who' 1 nows she It 1,Ieasan t to tooll lit tell ls plensllnt. and Is Illeasa nt. because In aU1'llctlng ap· prav.lng attenti on from oLhe rll, sill! teels respeCt for harkal! which nolh · Illg bu l tile nssuran ae I hnl s he "lookR well" call e" er give her .-~Th e UOm· mOiler.
Pe roh 'al Olbbon, woll·l<1Io"'ll auth or, begnn lifo ·as a c/lbln boy, Bnd Is young ye t, wltb n ob:ll1ce 01 addi ng M. p, to his name. ... And reW r,ang once wro te to ISTa I ZUIIgwlII to a sk him to t n!.o part III 811 author'ij r end ing Cor th o boneRt 01 a ch:l r lty alld Teeolved In repl y the follow ing laconic mossage: "a LaDgwill- I. Zangwlll." 0 0.0 h ll udred pounds wns gIven _In , London for II nrs t e dition at Oanlel Oeto e's "Tho LIfe and Sur prISi ng Act· I'enturl's of Robl ns()n Crusoe," 181g. together with "The Fartber Ad,'en·; t ur cs: ' Issued In the snIDe year. Thomas Iiardy, tbe nov elist, was a , 1Itt10 boy wh eu his 100tlior ga vo Illrlll a copy ot DI'~d en's' "Virgil." She took: gren t pnln s with h is Muca tlon, nnu had 11 1m to ught Latin at 12, and' nt the age or 15 bo received h lg flr s L lesson In l"reoch rrom n gOl'ern ess. . Bliss Perry, editor of the Alla nt lcmonthl y, . bas been appo inted to Ii' professorshi p In Engli sh literature tnHarvard collegll, a cbalr wh ic h b a~ remain ed vacant Since l SGG, Bnd wbl c b berore that Ume wa~ occ upl d by George Ticknor, Hen ry Wad s· worth Longfellow and James Russ II LQwell. 'Lafcaalo Hearn Is residing In NolV Orl\lanl &nd doing some work. lie writes: .. , am IIvln. In 0 ruin 1.1 oreole house; damp "rick wolts grl'lJIl wltb age, zigzag cra~kI r,unnlng down the facade, a great yard with torchon planta and cacti In It; a Qu lxpt!c horse, four eate, two rabbits, til reH dogs, five g eese and Ii seraglio or bens- all living togetber In ba r· many."
Bnnk (It. Iilng lllnci notes cost a hn lf· penti y apiece to prolluce, T be Chllrcb at ~ngland bas lUI 10 (lOme oC £1&,000,000 a year , In the IOdlan Ot'eDn only '130 OUI 16,300 Islanda Q,M Inbabl ted. In Marcb 1,6(6 Japanose I Ct tilt flawnllall Is lands tor the Paclflu con. L A walcb taken to the top of Mou u\ BIIiPC ",ill gain 3G peconds 10 ~ . hOll"~ .':., f ay ot light could move elgtl t tJmes Ul'ollnd t h 3 i\ldbe bet\\'een tbe li ck of II 'liRtcb. llaln :9 usver Itnown to fall In I !'I 0 region between t be flrlt and S"l'O !ld catarllc ts or tbe Nile. . . :Ne flr In the blstory of parllume nt baye tbo tUIi numb'!r of mem bers be~ 1l present at one 811 line. Wood IntendecJ to' be m3d e . Into planoe rCltulres to be kept (0 years l!J be In perfect colldltlon, It Is estimated ' tbllt .£ 80,000,000 worth Brltls b tl'easure Ilea S Ullie A NEAT EMPIRE JACKET. along tbe route tron:: England to Indh, There nrc more Accidental den tIl~ This Model Rae the Fnshlonable 1:1(rom drowning c,'er7 ),oar In 1Il 0~ : bow Sl~ e veot and Fruiliionable co u.ntrles than from any ' otbror ca u!u , Silk Frllli. 8TR.A.'!' 8TA~TICS. T11ls Is n n ow variety of Ih Iloj.Jul a r Tbe a\,e' r ale amount of slcllneils In Empire jllckct; It Is suitable to be made In One fa ce clolh to wenr.,.J!'llh Ilumlln lICe Is ten days per ' lInn unl. Only one CO Up l,) In over 11 ,001) IIn!l any dress, or mily be modo or thll sa me mal e rla I· a8 the ski rt to oom- \0 celebrate tbelr diamond wadd ln\:. Brlll ~ h 'oulh _~frlca h as a populaplete a costume. The shol·t IlOd lce Is Sli ghtl y c llrv~d tion of 1,133,766 white ·people IIQd :'.Al the I() wrr pdge, tlnd turns back Wilb SOS,355 negroes. Whll3 'Europa lias 107 people \0 the 'Quare mil e, Asia bu'S but 58, Afrl ';" II Ind Australasia one and on<:.h ~lt. . During the lItelllllP of a hea lt hy' he,l ~he wIll loy Crom 300 to 600 egp. Her besl laying ea pnclty Ia durng hPr ¥ec· ond year, In FrlUlC8, out of .every 1,000 Inhab· ltantll t23 are IIIOfA tban 60 years olef, as against 73 III EUlland and '19 , III Germany. It II staled tl1M there 'n re riboU l 225,000 miles of cllble In all at the bot · tom or t he sea.' ElIcb mile costs a bou, '1,000 to loy.
Preparing to Oet Even. "Yell," be sa id, " I wisb to adopt . rtrl." "A little girl ?" "No, a gh'! old enough to· h ave energy and pe rseveranclI, and ant' WIIO ' lias bad enoll,;h expetlenco wIth tbe plano to make h er think sbo knows bow to play. And If sbe thinks .b8 'eat! Sing, why, so much tbo bette.\' J tell you I. ,a'm gOing ' to get even. wl t b lIle people In tile next lIat, even Ir I '!aave to adopt two 1OIIsiOO i prodigies." -Llpplncott'8 Mai:8Z1ne. His Own llueinetL!l. Tills anecdote, W ~IS told by Jobn Orli.. \lam Broolcs: "One of tho brightes t replle~ , ,ever beard cam~ ' fr.o m "n. lucJ hi my neighborhood, wno' Wal bolllg quizzed about his 'talber'l! accomplish· ments, al1d Willi asked: 'Wbot d005 your father know, (lIIyway'?' 'rh l\u was no Ifeeltation In tJie onswcr : 'I \ton't bollClye' he kn.6w8 much or any. tblng except hla OWQ bus.l nes.;· bu~ '11' know. tbal.' ''
rever.. The lower part 0/. Ja.cket ls tucked where It joins t he bodice; tbe fronts are fastenecJ by lurge bODe buttons. The elbow sleeves · are finished with turn·up cuffs and 1\ rutile at 'ploated silk'. Mat'lrlals j'equlred for the jaekel: ; Two and three-Qullrtere yard!' ,4S ' Inchell wide. _-'--_-.-_ __ rRAN~FORMATIONS;' Whom to Serve. Tbe questlo.n of who Is served Irst OurlOUI Resulta When Coffee Drlnk, l ng Is A ' b' andoned.· .... Is a somewliat ' dlspute,l 'one" A . bostess who Is older tban her guesh' ., It Is almost bard tor an old coffee sbould be eerved before tbem, but ' toper to quit the use ot cO~ee as It Is tor when sho Is younger It Is more cOIls:te· "whlul,y or toliacco fiond to brel\k all', ous to serve the guests tlrst. The Idea pcept .tllnt the coffee u8\lr cart quit 'Cor; pf serving a bOlltess first Is tbat where fee · nnd ·take up EostulDFood Coffell elaborate . dl slles. are passed . It Is bet· without any teellng ot",a loss Of ' Lbe . ter for ber. 10 ' take the Initiative In morning 'beveragl', tor wben: postuM 'I" helping, herself. and a18o ' tba't alte ma" well ' bollf;ld and served wltll cream, it observe that a ll aJlout the dish Is cor· (8 rcally bett!!r in point of lIavor_ ~han rect, but In geQera) onte.rtalnlng ·It II nYlst. of the ooffee 8erved nOWadtlY9, better to have ~he women guests and to the taste of the cQnnolsseur 11 served before the hostesH. Is like tile navor of fine Ja,'a. A great ttnnsrormatlo,n takes pla~ III the body wtUlln' ten doyS Qr two w'eekl Late SkbU. Skirts that fit tightly a'b out the hlp• . ntter con~' Is lett of! and PostUln .Fqpct are the only ones which ~roml8e to be Cqffee UKdc1, ror tbe reas,on tha.t.tbe P61,'ery good all', I hrouglt the season, aDd 1011 to the lierves hill! bean dl800ntlllued the exceptions are tewer than e,er, and In Ita place III taken a IIquli! ibn only an occasional veilIng being made eontalna the moat powerful e1ementll o. . with • bit of fullness laid Inlo loose Dour,18bment. It Is easy to makll,thls test and prove plaltJl upon the hips-loose, but so theM ltatllllleDti by. chaql~ from Clar, cl8ft~IY cut and laid that tllfF he to Poetum FooO .. alice u thollib .moldtel. .,....•• areuoa."
...A Suitable Monument to a Lover of Trees
I '
Thoug h t- to Dc One of the Most ~UlIlZ ill g Attainments of rbe Last Centu ry ,
The de (:! JIII'ne ul ot the 1:0llJ l uI' Indns trt eH, Ibe .N ew YOI'i, TribUDo 1I1lu k , lu one of th e JOOSl II llluzlllg ' oa lll or Founder of Artlor Day ,.nd the ArboNltum In His Honor- Morton We ce nlllry. II says: " Ho.beste.d Example of Science of Forestry, . ' ''In lhe d is overy of \ t he propor I)I'OC aaes ror the lDunutacture 'u t lh stie ~ 1I Ileum "es many' men nod sev ro I coull l r!es hnve bull u sba re; bu t lhe , 'ot nil of 118 go so far as thnl I)a- Inl t I'U!i cultu l'l'l- It IIII R b en II s~ rilw d pjonee l' wa a Wlillum Henry -Pol·lllu. an /Hill . Na tur a wors hlpel' .'amell HlI ~ se ll UH a IJfm ll Ufll I ffin g ll Kh e6lal~ lI'a ns, EllglI ~ lirrUlII . lie created u p ~o to llnd I.nwell , and al'e mi nd ed to 1>cllevo n plHnled to th e Am "I"U11 nrl'lll·Ii.·... sCIJ 8ot iou III 1866 when be Il"oduced Il'fOC omang our tnr \lrogenltorij, \Hlt H ll re and Ib ere Ilrc !;t lll 10 h : round · the til'st or Ihe untti lle co tors- :ua uv c. II I'co< tllerll a man with Hau l 80 delHI rem l,.. lpr" 01' Ih f roull!!r d o)'~. Ihe Its bllll)!!), li nd chellpneHg excitE'<! gl'out " nQt to lov!! a tree? Ami you reo "c i'lm'" , I II )' ~ . the ~ ... \I t "Oltllll lVooci ·n dnll l'fl llllll . cs pccillily all1 o n~ those on- . I11p mlJr' r whnt Lowell saltl ahout th\l jJPI'!la IIS ,:hl .f l'emlll(IPI', Ih ' CO II Otl - gnsm1 III supplying th e Ulurk et with I)Pllefi ct nce ot the mon 11'11<) Illnlll ~ a wood Ihe pI O'lIel> I"s fr 'lpllrI : nnrl tho ro texti le ruurlcs. The Ilchl eve m')u t wus U'l!eIs nil old ol'c bn rl l 'Ihut . be" Il r.ltI,s tit lIu'n lc ll hll'ly brlillUDt from U sclen!l Of: " W.ho does his duty III a Quel1ll oll ill'av!! pl oure l' ITol'!. The old hom9- !Julut or \'1 IV also. because sj'ntll ~ l lc T oo comple:.: 1'0 be solved by III{' : , lc ~HI hll ~ no t bOt II ,I "s l rll~· p d . hil t It or CI Jll ~ Ll'l l c tl\' • Cbernlstl')' is far n, ',rl! 1111 1 he. J ve nture th e SUI;[.I ~ 11"n . rlor , IIn!\ he ll gr ' utl y " ,I III' ll 1'0 ; t,,·!II1 Y lhe dlin r illt th ull anal yti ca , cbe ml stry. The part or hi ' I'l'a l l' l~ h 01l1o! I; 11 !illl tl'ly ' r Oll ptry urI Ie' \(' II'hlrh he madt; had Ileell, k'lIlWtJ Wll0 I1l a ntij 1\ tree. " hous ' . Arbu r IOllgt! Is I' leasa nt 8rHi 10 pxl SI In 111I1Igo. lI ud lUi COtiS : lt li ~ lIts Now t1 a t our s plendid [o l 'c!; I ~ , nu r I'O"1UIlIlIc for " lIu,II lon. In t hl' 1'11'11 '" 're 10101\'11 : Ullt no une berore . bl11l IIllParen tly Imllleas llrll bl lVell llh ' or \':11 Ie)' o r I h " :\'I )" RCl tll'l, 5011 r l ~h IHIL hiltl /: I'!"; Iltll U,eUl together In 11 lab II' ('s. hllve h C~ 1I so rRlll eU)' dim lll l ~ II, 'C I. 1101 It ,1\' ~', l ilt' I'lI lnfa ll favorabt e 10 ',,·allJ l'), . With cOlisplc >1oUS I" ) pllely. " I'e ll II')'! wa st Cu i AlIl r l·!t:lIllfl or!! h ~ - "I'I) jl HII(l 11'(11' [.I 1·oll'ln/l. II l ~ l) rUll" H ~ ri 10 ccleuratc the fifti eth ~I llll i n g lo aplll'cc!ute the WOrk of w \\'11('11 MI'. ~ I OI' I')11 f\ 1·~t belllln 1m· " lIol l'('I',;:lry 0 1' lhls wOllderCul l)lo ce ·oC "IOn Hutl thrl!ltl y looks lowal'd ro l" pro l'.lll)( ' hl " <1I1U I'II-I'·s,·dIO I1 , lie I'lulIl- w(.rl<. A lIio velUfII\l ba vl ng tba t (Ibje ct ., l PI' S rva llon, pro ~ ldln g Jl O ~ I C l'lIy ctl lUI (l 1'I'IUlI" \ IIIHI R~ t (o rel't I r e~~ In III 1'I 1l'1' WII S ~ I:tr te d ,iu England a f ew with t.ho IJless l, lg or tr ,e's. lin d Uri 1'1· 1;1'OIl Jl" 111101 11 1I 1~ h01ll'''. IUIII 11 dOllll le) w " q Ii li S" . Ah'clldy t'b ore Is I,n 118,11'll ce or thi s wo 11'0111 ,1 In ~ tnu re th e I l n {~ 111 0 11 [.1 <) (1Ilill'It'I' III II > dl' ll,tlway . . l< lIr:II I1'C " I' ~()- OLlera~lon In q er ma llY. memori als to J . Sterllo g Morton. To-!I ny III,·H.' " \' 'I'cl uil l ,!I 111 011 1'&" ha l'o ~I "I J H aI(' 11011' lIol ng lalleo ' 10 0l'ga nl z8 fO\l o der ot Arbor tll\Y. Tho£!! ,mo· g mwn 10 llo hl pl'n t10 1' ll o l\ ~; herf! .a ~ 11 1 1:l l)lo I)x pressloll oC Amerl vnn ap· lIIurl nls aro s ituated out In that IV ~ I · IIt RI,,1 fl Pit' IHild \I hili' IJIIl s. po t 'h I"'!!,';"II QII " f Perkln 'g s er vIce ' .0 1(I 8 U . "rn cou nt ry II'hero' Mr, Monoll Ii" d . pill rR. ~ I I Ij H. fl KIt a nd ' 1I11\ 111c l1'od. h ind." ~r III.' O1llln t\ w Il1n ~ th'l tl' ns 111'8 Ih., more I mpr ~88 lv e olle nil , ar· l'Orl'tIIID , lo c~ted just without No;· 1101 r a n g~l l 0 I'U!(llltlrly. t hoG abou t hmska C; ty" Neh. 'J' he Mortun rum - III hUli k 01 11'l mm f' ll h Igh . l hOn" INVITATION TO MATRIMONY il y hns gi ve n to th o villugo fnr a purk Irl nl1l1e,l low whit-II ~c r e cn Ih Hla- au lt il fi cn tio ns N eces t.l\l'y to E nsure I' nnturn l ravine thnl It ell I, tw een hl e~ li nd ~e rrant~' '1 uu r tcrs, All Abnul Alli llll c\! with Exacting 1hl' lr SUIte and th e town. Qud In UI I ~ l I ~JOrll e l'9 or Ih ~ CIlI'm a Rcreen ot Cand tua te. pArk b~ heen plorod a IJrol)ze II tatue Ir ' o" MO I'llra lPN (rom tilt< hi ·hll'll)'.
A f:'C"l luus lodlvld ua l exte nds 11 0 In. l' lllll!cm to the fair sex to scnd 10 pro· I,olm l ~ . gll'lug tbe fo llo wIng s pecillcalIOIlS: ;"1 he II ntlel'glgned, feeilng the need of BO lli • O ll l! 10 find . tall It wit h and grum111 0 at when blls lness mat ters go IV1'0 nl>, IIl1tl lIelng loue ly. wi th no ooe 1\1 hule hll)l. and h avl o~ , arrlved a l Ihe propel' agll. b os therefore now dete rrllill ed 10 ' ~,o me out: · l:Iea led propos ll,l ~ wlil be rec cl\'ed unlll12 p. m. on th e 31st ut Muy . " AppIl CIIIlt S must possess \leauty, or Itij tlqulvu lell t 10 !:urnm c), ; lIIUSL llut frequent ~ wi llI; circles, 1I0t gll ' round llegg'llIg for cha rita ble 11.urposes. liar se ll orr ~n y clot hes to wa ndering ·1t,.IlUll S tor tt o we ~ \'nseR. nor borrow monI!),. from m y \'CRI P ll ke t wh li e I gleC[l. " A IU(/ )I 1)09se8~ lng 1M fO'regO!lIg qU IIII Ucuti onR. pO~ IU vc 8ud nllgatlvt!. CUll heul' of ROllIcthlll g tu her adva ll !<'ge bl' lJd!lr()'IBlllg Ih e lllltler81~ne (l . niHI Ill c l u~ l n J; it stlllill" A 1\ proposals m URt hu Ill! ·., ol(lllllled wllJ\ sllti ufncl.Ol'Y tl l'ltll! nce or tI1 e uhll lly of tllIl a :lpllca nt to SlIIIIKJI'1 a hos bund III I.he s l yle 10 whl l;h he htlR lJeen accUs tomell. " ·
· '.'''1''; i"I.. UW t;1{ GARD E:>!.
In hOllOr of the Arbor day' .founder. With a background 'oC greenery such 118 the orlr:inal loved, .tho statue stan,ls I)n II we!ltw.fd facing 8101le. 'These words 111'6 caued on thll monument :
! .... ...... .... ....:... .. ... ...... .....:..,.... ...';' " I_ove ot Honle II Prlmnry Pnll'l(lt1 m: Olhoi' Holldll)," R CV05 P Ill''' '' the PlllIt ; A ~ bo r Oft)" Prol'oSes ror tho Future.'
80me pines, ash. InRl'I p and elm : r.!I\f llatnlpas grow neol' tho rOlldway "114 along tbe drh·e. Back of I he dou bie line of tree, bordering th e drive a l'e ne w .plantings of s mall III1Ie8 ami 'shrubs, There Is a 40'8cre planlation of ' oak an d asb. In lime this grove will iJa I'ery beautl· flil. 1'h eaiute. which hilS grown ' froDi th o orlglnlll quart er'sectlon t.o e1ght limes tbot extent, now has more tban 100 ·acres In timber and 25 Bores In orname-ntal planting. It was just two years 111>0 11 landscape gardener began work here , t ho, ftr st ''1ar was spent 10 pr paration. this season .0 specIes of trees and over 400 omll· mental trees a nd shrubs hllve heen ·set out.. The unsoPbls tlated English· man looking fo r the wild and woolly In' tha t vague . regIon. kU!lwn a s " the west." would be surprised to Rnd. him·
LUNCHEONS OF FLOWERS. Buds ond Blossoms Tbat A re Qulta Com mOllly En ten by Mankind.
llt'ought Into Use for R~n si) u s Wh ich nl. a Glnnce Aro Ullde.I'st:ln da b le.
E I'eryhudy pii .. Ibe telephone r '" col ve l' tu th;; I,eft Bar. No 0111>. lil ' uelllg l he telephone, ever IIl1leQs wltb Ibe right Bll r. II~ Is IllwaYB the le tt "Do we hear ' 1Jllller with the 10. ( car ? Is that, wlly we alwUY8 use It telephoning?" Il mlln usket!. , ' ':No," Ihe Llre tly tcll' pboll e g irl replied. "But .tbe receiver. you sec. Is hUllg on llie IOlt t alele of th e pholle. Hence you have" to use the lett al' In ta lking. unl ess you wa ut lo IncoIIvenlen ce yourseDt. "Bil l why Is Il huu g on · tbe lert s lel 1" s ho went: on. "Was It hll llt; Ihere originally bccnllse the lert OUI' had beeu fou nd laculer than th e rl gh l f An, 110 . Tne receiver was h ung at the left . so that tbe lert ha nd couill manage It. Th e right ha nd, In th e enrl y da ys o f tel e phon ing, had 1111 It coulll do to t urn th e cran lf- rOUlIlI a ll tl rO\l 1\ ,1 an cl rOIH I( I - dln !~· a - I, ug- a - lin g ·a - 111;;don' t yo u re1l1emh er? Snl'e TeHtllIlonlnl. "No w. Ihe rl ghl hand 18 hll e ill tell'Ilholl ing. T heretrorc , fOI' any one daR!r · 1'hey hall ': 1' 'ateli a lIew Eg),ptlan Ing H. It woult~ ba posslhl e t.o ho ~ d cigarette. "Now 10 ~p t II on th e .m orket " ~ 8id Ihe rec lv ll l' to lIle rig h t ca r. T .te I'o mpan les s hOUld tllk e Ibis fn ct In to th e manufn et ul' r. " we must pl' lll t con s ld cl·a tlon. a:nd th OY should ha llg .SOI1I goo ll I.l!s tl1l1 0ulah; trol1l fa s ti tl l o u ~ the recell·e r . not on Ihe le rt or rl ' li t of 8 11l011('r~ . " " Th al'~ ~us )' ." replied th e l) r eS~ th e Instrument. but dire ctly In fre nt ot It. Th en 11' 0 c:ould use, In t elephon- agc nt. " We'll jusl BUY th at our brantl Ing. wb le h e l'el' ca r we prefer red IU." was smolled excl usively by Cleopatra a nd Mn rlt Anthony." "lsn 't Ihllt ralll or 8 .brood nsScl' Ion ? BEAUTY OF AMERICANS. \VII may gct III troub le.'" . Secret of It Lle!1 In Freedom froUl the "How t~UIl we ? Wb ll can as k th m whon I.h !!.\' arc lJoth d a,17"-Chlcago JllIerceonry Spirit In Oatl)' News. M·
'£he beauty ; ot the Amel'lcun rnce ha.a for R 10nA Illme been th e wonder and Lbe envy Of tbe · world. The lall, lithe young ' mel~ ot America. w lt.h th eir bold. InteJlligent faces. Rnd t he tall and graceful young women. 60 pretty Rnd cleve:r. hlll'e Impressed foreigners profoundlly. It remained for a dls tl n gu l ~he d foreign er, Dr, Emil Reich. t be HUIISl\rlan pbllosopher, to tell the world the aecret of Amen can beat u)·. Or. Heleh. In ,~ollversaUon with an American woman In Ne w York; said:' "The beauty o,f nlltione dUren! very mUCh. The Latin. are less beautiful tban the Anglo-Baxons. The ungulurll1 of tb e Nor th Oer'man woman Is nolor!OU9. Money-bag iparrled money-b"g, and lbe result lit a people of leverely' plnln aspect. "'1'he Amerlcanll are a beau tiful race. 'r he American marries because he lovell tiie woman, and Ehe loves him. The Ameri can 1,8 Insulted If a ny mention of do)v ry Is, mude 'In bls wedd ing ar1'llngeme n lS. Hence th e Ameri ca n people have become exceedingl y beautifu l. "LoVA Is at Ihe bottom ,o f It all," Or, Relcb e nded. "'Love malTlages 1I,Ione . produc.e beauUru l. healthy ch ildren, America Is the Olne country where 'lo ve ma rri ages prevail. Hence t he American Is the wo,rld's mOllt bea uttful ra ce."
Succeeded. ., " J' aUl nru llzed, s ll·." said the gi rl's mothe r, "tha t you should propose to my daughter. YOII have not known her a wee I: '! "Quite tl'll e," was t he youn g man's reply. "bu t I have Itnown you for ~ome timer and everybotly 8ay ~ yo ur daugbter tal<es atter you ." He was successful In big sult.-':'Cassell's Journal.
"III Ihl ~ lovely Allfll wcatbe" with lIow.ers growlog everywh er.e ; I OCCIl- ResponslbUltlee of CltlJ:ensblp Are slona lly 1lI111,e II flo ra l melll." said t. T.ught (\fl Well as Kome IlIllllralisl. " I flntl 11 luncheo ll Dr flow. " Ere~tetl by the Arbor 011)' lIiemo .. "" lDuUta. AlISoolllllon In Memory or Julius erll les\!. h 'Iillng tbu n ODe at s lrong fIterlln" Korlon. ~ U A1"" . " . rich meal. Studen IS at Ccmale emancJI)ation ma~ : : , ; "What lhi wers are odlble ? Well, be Interesled to learn trom thll report th ere Is the nu,s lurtiUIII see" , 'which of the Nutionnl Coullcll of Wom en Iti Mr. B, O . Northrop. wbll e seore18ry tostes a little 1111 0 cress. lind Is excel- Norwny tba t \ba.t country has recogof the OQnneelicue, boar~ of education. lent 111 II, le or a anl ad . back In 1805. suggested the annual ni zed the ri ght of womlln to lilt on a . "There Is ·t be clover blossom. Chop- jury ; t bnt Ihe s l:orlhlng recently nom. planting of trees' by the people or this IIP.lI up with 0 11 Bnd vl neS'H r nnd soi l. Inated 1I woman lis the wlllDer of ,tha colmtry and was especially Zeal01l8 In c:l uv l' lOa Itc~ " sailld of very deltca le Nobel prize •. imd tliat a school hilS been tryIn g ·to Inte'rest 'cblldren . In ..8ucb 1\ tllll'or-n snJud popula r In Norm:lDrly. work. I met· IIfr. Norlhrop oul In started to Ins truct young girls In the "Th ere I ~ the ch rysnnthomllm. This rcs )JoDslblilt Ics or clth6nsh lp 8 8 we.1 HawaII when he was 11 very old 'man ruu (' hOp II lie, Slew a nd sorvo /lower aod Ihought wh.t a s plendid 11I1Istra· ItS tn the 'care Olt children. II Is also willi Ii cream dressIn g. WIIIII. do ..s It learned th at thle number or women tlon hB w.a of the value or. outdoor wste 11I, e'! ·It ta9tp.~ Ilk ClIUlillnIJwor. ' livIng, A~ the time' MI'. NorthrOI~ IVll8 who voted Cor th e Se(lflrH tion of Nor'''I'hel'e Is lho bUd ,)f the Cn llP u ri ~ , a way from Swedlln wus g reate r than what many would call an . 'old mau W ~ lI o illll blng ptllll1 . l.Cve r)l bo'ly ~ H ts live and IJllventy years or ago; but IIll1t or tlle mell.· Ih ese b lld ~ plcl(lcl1 . Th ey comfl In u Ihere he waii, trav:ellng .tothe ends, of . Tilesc and ot. he r facts o f similar ~lll e, OI~Jle l's t.hey nre Q~ II p. ~ . " the earth wJlbcint Jiur,so or com~an, 'humcter were bro ught out at a r ece nt' Ion. and alJ _much .In love wIth' bls meetiug or , the Women's ' los titute In .. , . , I Cu rb ing Butch er· Spol'tsman, trec project as ever.... n· .hls ear ~ ·1O·a n· 'l'ru e Sl,OI'lRlIlen ·el'eryw hp. re will be Londori. wh e re one oC the s peakers, il g la.1 'to, l\.Iiow· l ilal In EnS'la nil a ll un - Mrs .. Fltzglb lJon" who cll\ lmed to -behood . . He gave lectures In Honolulu writte n raw, lO lbe elTef't , th ll t ever}' tong- to t he race ':of Vlltl ngs at Brilis h to Ure scoool clilldren "on tht): duty and . bellst ':llall bll'd of. 'gaDl" sha ll bo g l,'(,11 Norlll Amc rl cil," 'asserted tllnt ca n a~ ple/ls\lre .of tree 'pll\nU\1g, \.old · tlj~ m of. the' value not alon~ t o chllilren of n' Calr chan ce Cor his life III s lQwly Iiat dian wo mcn were In a position lo n Jlo the futur'e but to the\hselvcs; that In . ' tI,u rely comll.l S' to eS~ bJi S!l m e n t. itl' - Cantlda oW lrig to thilli' advnnclld views h is "outh' tbe pb"slclans., bad . con " , early' grave. 'not of co url S bu t 'Of a'od perfect o'I'~a nl zaUo n th e mo,llcn l demncd' him ~o ' an bnt ' ce nt · d er:iKions. , an entering wedge could be made by ·\.hat he waS ronl\' .Ife.· 'uld · deCided high tribun a ls 'comllOsed or lin e con which they mtght gain the power at. force scie nces. : linve npplled' wit h sucll to 'try ' to oheat tbe "doctors"'7tbe cu.r e· sultrage. was 'fres'1J air and. outdoor work, plen. to· tile. Rilling bf. plgeoos Rm! to rllblilt coursing tllnt 't he 1.\Il10 occupations arR ;ty"'of vIgorous 'e.xel'<llse.. Tbe.n " he TtnRl!,v aal Gold·. drew f$ .'. pIctures . o'f . what no . longe'!' 11110",'11 .IIS -,s PQrt!l: And I!le . Squth Africa claims for' the ,Trans· \each . Individual, :no ina,tter '40w hum'starllps or stngs In cages' to places ' vaal " th e leading position among Ihe dC! towirds beautifying. aDd· they a re: set. at lIbert'y nn!i .thcn . gold-prOducing countries of ~h e wqrld,:' 'hIe. '. maldag morehil'I\&ble bls, particular .t or,m e nte\l aod I)utchered Is declared to t hAt colony haVllng In 1905 produce!l .tractlon of thta f!~rtf1; and at le~8t Q!1e. 'b8:i pasUnie tit. fOr ~he Sto~ky3 !-ds . a~d ,104.010,3.70 of t:lle '378,180.370 ' of golit' . t hI' h ers w"a 'aualgb't""ay , Innot for the .pleflsur,e of gentlemen . So output of tbe .. ",'orld that year. l;he ~uen~ ::rgo: to" wO!.'~ -at 1!~r p.rtl~u. . . "Idely Is thlfl sen\!:nent spreading, that world's .gold pro!lucUon ·In 1905 was ,th1l '-'J', tr~tI n ' to ep,fead' the gospel of E; 'Mt)HTOS ,MU1'I 11M!!:N·1·. It Is believed .It wllt not ~e long belore larges.~ on ·:recortJ. lIxcecjllng thlit of 20 ~Dg baekyarilr and' ' unsightly self I~' ~uqh '. beB~t1tul P~~k" ~b. .the,rll wl,lI be laws to fqrce those . who ' years ago by 4001'p'er cen t . . The Unltad , t r t v:~B r;~t8 .hitofltlltel~rpl.ces orver- one · .t ~rbOl' .1o'dgc. ' . . hold less relined views Il)lo ,cqnf~rmlng StRte~ produced ,1I8t year '86,340.000 of dAnc:r ' !llld bIOO.p. I ',' ' ., ' . . ' Imagflle: a 12·a~ l·e II10pe sti'etchlnA . wl,tb til? att~tudo Of. Lbelr, p small lot~rcase over ' 1904. ' AUB, Loolllnc back C!nr'.tbls el(perlenc~ away frllm II ' comfortable, Inviting 80s\on fr.a n8crlpt. · . tralhi shows a 'sl'oall decrease Dod Caa. ada,'a large one. . :.;,' th~ ; 'irtter 1" ~bl"'ttt , .re~llze · 'lIome' l co,tlllfry houlle; uear tho ,dwelling . old Gotham'. Debt.. thlnl nf the Immediate lillJuenC4! ~.r. plnl!s anI! beeChes; a s",eep Qr·. IIlWII. ,. .. t ' . ' , 1 '1 Jr ' ts ,' . t have had blue "ras~ and while c:lover. .Then tlhl (he gross In.d tb edQl!ss .of New York PIi . ·t to .811"p by "l1Vheel. Morton a eel' y e Qr . mua D. . . r1 t th Ihat 'o f th ChI I . ' Oll . ~ "elghbora out tbere · I~ Ne .. drlve",sy planted ,by . the pioneer, wltb , " , gr~a. er 8n e neBe8~ An .lngenou8 ', lnventor bas produced "braS y wllen he took' his quarter·sec- Its tre~ or "arlcd beauty, An" now plre._ fb e ~ost ·or operating ~he city 8 :a mesmeric machln,e ~htch be expects tlon ' ' ent ·to ork ~o make It a we see tlie work- of the landscape ,gal" gov,ernment for one f e.a ': almOfl~ ~q~al~ to be ~C cons!dElfablo Ijenlce to ~bos8 ' rd .~ 'of 'be'a~'t1 . . And then we ' dener, the carefully studle.d beauty; , tbe annuIII 8xPobdttur~ of bb~h London·, who are unable to eleClP. The Inslru.thlnk , t bllJ l.ter , "ork. hie ,cru1l8de against a .background of ' dark Norways . aad .Pa rls co~bl~ed, New Y~t:k P~Y.!l . ment Is compolled o.( lrregui'arly placed ba . all :'a~nu'~1 day .• et apart for and pines . Ughter ' . foliage .' sbowlng; oul 'In :salarlell aloDe the ,yaat aum - of and curiously l!hap8d ",'paddlerS", at- ' ·=t~e 'of' t r ee planting. I? 1872. grO~P8' ·o.f ' graceful Ilhrub,s and£ $65.000.000 '"early, or a~ muc~ II!' Lon- tached to a slo",ly re'Volvlng wheel. It the ~ "' om hiltltuted In Nebrask.; o,n tbe lawns. !rlnge~ · with Iris, doo spends for Its, enUre ~dmlnI8~ra- 18 sumCient to lo.o k .t this Ilxedly wnen to-d,,9B!t'bor da, observed IJI 'Imo~t alth~. ·r088. and other bloc;~. On the tlon. At (be presQnt tilDe there !,r,,-46.- the In.tru~ent 'f8 ,hi moUon qulckiy to very atate and . territory-In aorne. w~ole plal\e spmethl,ng like ~O,OOO 000 men and _omen on New York's be "me8oierlzed.~" II. word which In lbls ,.!l ,., • 'h 'l Ida" In lome as 'a scbool J trees, and Dlbre :1o be. added e.cb:eea· pay roll. Of _every $.100 tbat a New IDBtnnce means merely to be maa. SB. ald".~ o . ~' . '. . son. \ ' .Yo·r ker pay,B In ront. It Is esllmated drowsy all.d 8leep, hOI at. " ' . J. In t · . A yeO . Interesting a!!tlcle tn ' tile .And the 8clentlllc farmJng brln" tbat .lU6 ,~B. ~. he poeketa of Co~III1'. ClInoher. -" Y~ " 8UD e' ... , .. a det-llel1 ' de:. Its r!lturn •. Arbor.. lodl8 Is nllt rnerl'- muolclpal .se.n ania. " u n ., ,. . Colum,bus~ ~~·s a 'wrlter In the N.w 8lirlpUon of Arbor lodge,. ·the Morton ly •• bow place. an e~pen~lve toy; .t,h . The Kodlrn Idea. York Tribune. 11'811 arguing \bat the lIom.,ea4. and .pun. of A.rbor ledp farm P!lYe for Itself. If . the !'tIortoD .Small Boy-Say" Ohlrumlo, glmme a world was rounel. ' . "o~erwlee." decl81'efJ. "!!Ome 11'0u the "west'1I flneat example of tbe chlldren desJre~ ~o p~an a IItting 1!1& . bite , \IV dat apple •. will yllr? eclenCll or fereetry. From an un· morial to tbelr father. once leoretnr, _ BI B ·.:....8 Ch ' b t If I - Id ' have made the S'CO'f6red cl.lm, a tron. of igrlcultUre. It was W'ell that pracg , o~ orry, auncey. U I . man WOlt _hrokeD. 8!1llI b fJ I 11 b t1aal farming ahould be conducl4ld Iide ,hould begin ter be charitable folke ' tour cOrners tier venture. It bl1l . ...e::.~ ~~e ope .., b; Iide with tile arbo........ tile VII . wOllld Ny I WUK crooked. , l·ve.,IO.t "quite truel N . . . .rdl,Il.:nd. clflltrl, I'are aud IlkIU lllto WRI . ...... . eump 0 Ial. ' . look out rer-me OWII repertatloa ,.• . tonYlQcid. .., 1.ll.lltll'll'. au QPpcMh ' lb. Dlam. nUoa bow. of oralmon, memor . ,aa,Qw,-JUdse.. · ' UOa." '
........ . .................... .....................•
I' I
:0', Ne
Wnl kl n g ExercJ$e: " You appear to b mu ch lUore mUItpula l' t han YOIl USC(I to be." , " I am ; ulw ays III tl'Qlnlng aOlI ti t to ,1)lIt up thc nghl of illY Jt!e: I la kin g a Ilitrer~nt line of e.x'ercl~e titan 1 (IVel' Irl ed b~fore. " . . "That's so: what make exerclstJ do YOII lise?" "Come tiP to th e house s Ollle even · lug and fie It ; It Is harned a ft er il)e all '] has eycs Ilk Its moth or."B all Ion Posl.
DfUlger. "11 s h no l 110 f ollies 1\8 they 9' J ' 0 0l1e1,, ' 1 lilt ·en. Ir r irled. And If J·should. I Ctl ll'l d CIIY It mlgh, b fl n iOlc h like . ulelde. - W ns h lng lon Slllt.
Taken at His Word. Lon g- haIred VI ~ ltor (enlerln g tiwldIy) - I have hero n li ttle Iloem wrCUcn on ."Snow," Rnll JEditor '(Interrupting hast\ly) - Wrll.len 011 snow! We clln't ' usc anyth ing t hat I ~ n'l written 00 poper. Sorry. Turn the kn lOb to tho rlgh !. Thnl'S It. GOQc1-mol'nlng-! -Royal. Made Money. "I've made quit e a tt tpe money out or bumor," said the woman. " I dldiq know yOl1 were a writer." said her fri end , "f' m not. My husband gives me '11 quinter every tim e I laugh at one of hlo j·ol<es."- Yonk ()rs States man . The Time's Oomlng. 'rhn t l5 ur1)' r r y wo' U henl' uo m ore or " hU I Ih e door!"
The one cry 41
0 11 .
800n .
':Phlludelph I~
the country o'er,
th e s c ore?" Prp~
Mallel- Old sit e marry ' well! Oruce- Wby, yea; splendidly, Sltfl di'lIn'l begin \.0 Ihlnk of dlv'(.!0~r-"c",8-"rO",t,--_ _ _ _ __ --:, nearly six montbs.-ChICllgo 01111, News, '
Division of Labor. Voi ce 'from BeloW-A're you cltlld re n ali In hed '! Voice froOl Above-Yes. mamma." VOice frolll Below-Well I must say It dldn 't take YOli long 10 Bay ,your praye r/? Voice from Above-We ' dlvld ed 'em up an' ellch look a aectron 1In' Bftlcl 'em all at oncll.- Cleveland Leader.
:A Oomblnatto~ Snte .J!lan : "What 'w e wan I." said the practlcl\l polttlclilll. "Is a safe ma'n ." "A 1\4 wbat Is your Idca oC a eaf. , man?" ~ "One wbo won 'l give liP anylblnl except In response 10 our comblna' Uon ."- Wasblngten Star, I
Eventually, H e 8nl(\ he dId not t~ar the beel, Mother (1.0 Kitty, who Is ~umplng T hey kn n w }1 o Wqff thclr rrlend ; . angrily on n ne w 'doli j\lst · preseiticd to H e wIllk -<1 llll10ll g thei r hives , s eh dQY, Wllh .nolhh\1: to derend, . herJ". You IH,u/Ohty girl! 'Y ou're spoll-. And Bom tlmos would Mi t down on Ihem ; Illg I hal 10'.'llly doliy. 011 1 he &,0 1 BtUlig In (he ena: Ki lty- Boo-ooh! ' Don't wa nt 11 borrld - l lou.lon' Post. . WlI X buby. WUIll a nt.e nt !la by like tbey ' ~'o gOl at Nelly Slillth's bouse. UNALLOYED CO~CEI'f; Know All by These Presents. , Oyer- T hero. Is ooe tim e ' In the, life of cvery ' m1\r,rl!:d mllll IV ben be Is an ad\'ocilto of fr ee s il ver. . Mye r- Wheri Is t hat ? Oyer-Wllcn hc' was all l he verge of ce leb {a tln ~ , the twenty·flrtb annl ~ er. sary of tbe day he fa c.ed tb e parson.Cblcago Dally News.
4matllu~ ' DramatiOll. Dora- How hi It the pilly you 'gave was 'not 80 well attended as tbe one you gave 'a whlle ago? , .. l>o\iy-Well. you soe. · we went. around and sold , ti ckets to. all 'our frtleuds for tbe drst performance. and - cr -,.after that we had np frlen!\8..Tudge... Pride. ACQu!,lntance.- Wlty ~re YOll wearIng tb!lt beavy overcoat on such a warm d.y as this! ,Ardu·p -Bccause. by George.' If"" wa8n~t wearing It you~d ,~hrnk It was ~III In . the pawlisJ:l.i lp!-Chlc.,o Trlb; l.I ne: .
" . ' ,. .. ·Mlss Asklt-Why Is ,it that so ,lDan)' : people . do not care fat: Shafiesiuiim i! ' Mr. Concelt"':'~y ilear- Mlsli Aekl~ 'It Is , a phYlilcal h OpOssllilllty fpr. ,me to show everybolly In tho world just how Shnltespeare should ~e 'Iiln ed.~TopelID Slale Jo.unial. " '. - , . -,
'A Sure Thing, Tlckel . Seller-Tllere Me no. lower bel·th s :Ie(t. . Fat ' Man-Oh:e me an , upper, , "You' ll never bo abie to get Into ~he ulipe r.'· "1 won'/' have too. When the man who hae th t) ,lower looks me ' o,er Ite'li 'be more tban wllllog, t9 chlnga:'
lfo Place for Hlm. . "How artistic!" exclafmed\lltas Gusch at tbe musical, as Miss Kr'ee'bh • .flnlshed her Bolo. ,, "What lS /'1out 1a'Vorite _fro Mr: Crabbe!" .' . ']Fresh ,aIr." ,eplle4 ·C~~be. aa be went, for hl.s . .;-::P.h\ladelplll~. Ledger.
~ L~rc. ,.
• •
Oirctmt"tIal "'dIllM. LawYer-HQII there been &n'. III&II...., Apt to Follow• . . t.y In your fainlly? . BIII -Afler hazing "hatT Wltn-Well_r-I ha1;e a dauB"Jl1I- Wby, the coroner'. laquelt. 01 ler wbo ~ lIted a vlumber and I'IUl otl t co\ll'fIIll - Statllllman. wtUl a PQe~,-Jud&e.
. rIt) hs ·Ga..,Z sets ~
W~kJ. ....-"II.....4-.. J
W:l10m tll., Ohl , EdUo .. and III aD alC u
A,,.L •• IlTItI . Mu K A" I Mill T . J , BRO\l. , AII80 UTI EmTOR.
Lytle Castle will Serve Ice Cream . Lytle ('us tle"Klligh tl.l of tlle Gol. ' uen L' ".!l gleH '" IIi h 0 \I1 an lcfl c realll (ustl vtl l tlt t he ho m of Mr. ' Ilfld MrR. W' tllter Kenrick in Lyt.le, to UlQrr ow, 'l'bnTsday evenin g, ,l Ull!'
1\ fORTY -THIRD ' ANNIVtR ~ A RY 1:1 ur oltol BenjulIlln M el"1(11 h. t ho fUN ERA l 0IRE CTOR, 8ATTU CHICKAMAU GA, y un gest child of 0 111111 I ', Im el Telephone Day or Night. ·, Chattanooga. September 18.20,'06 s,".lllla "' -"it,11, m'l~ horn (let. :lml l oca IN 0 7 ".10r "'-' " I 1904, a nd d opn rt ed t,h,'-' IIfu .l\1n6 · On 10\"1'11'111\ "' '' I' , 1\'\'1 ;, \\ ,Ii " .. ,."r 1111' . ~ l g O ' l st"ncB No 69 3r IIMII' ·, hh·.1 ,1111 111',..,11 I "I Ih" 10 ,1111" . ,, ' I"t,h , 1906. at thA It (\ I,f t yf'nr on a • \r'hh-II'''"I1 UII' \I , . 1""11""·,1',, ,",,..10,,,,,, mon t,h~ lind t:-~ dllYs . I WAYNEt'VlllE OHlAJn 1' 1II,,",omhlo' ,·,"'IIt " I'h ,I """"":'1' 1"II1 :~;: \.... . \l , " ,~ rl l "l li r t ....' \ p Il1 Ut 1' tl lill I lllrthulI.H fI 'l'h i!< litlle slHlrt lifo \'ru 8 fn ll of , mll","r"hl,' 1I"Lt\ •. ,,,,,I L111' "", I"", \'1\111. ' un rest and sufferi ng never njoy· Branch office. Harveysburg, O. fo .. gh L IIrulI".1 l'llIl\l ,\""')~'" 'I'h ls , "' ","IIJ~' , w\l1 bo h·I.1 :<1 " III C,lIlIall ~ " N.IlI,,",,1 IlI r . Obituary .
J::. lIILC uf WIIII" III M . l>l"ullctl , [)QCC,' 8M 'I'he un,l rolg llml b". been apllOlnled an,. .. '1IIalln e,1M t;xe<'Ulor of lhe .:.Ialc of ~II . 1111111 M, :-1""lIohl , 1~1oc nr IVurr" 'Qun lY " Oh io ,
oIr,'e" ••·\I ,
lI'"·~ l hl ' 7,'ur"f Jlln.A . 0,1000. (,harll )' Ann !;Ianlleld. !:lxuculor.
Deadly t:lerllOnt Bites. . Uro I\S oommon I~ I nll1lu .u" nr·llt1"t.,,1Il There W'ill be' fi ne in~a or o·am uud uoh I\nel It ver dl sorl l :l WI , I 11 ing even ono llay of health , n.nd __ 2 _ .-- - - 'I"I,II',"lIl:" 1$ III :,," 1 ~I·. 1111,1 till ' l'rc ~""1 Illi FOT tl1 lutter hnwllvc r ttl r e is II NEB BUILDING. " good time for vervbody, beoause of this h e \Vus con!ltnntly 0 uth fr ullI Lool{ja w IIlI'IIlI""".",:,,",LIII,l c ...... '~\I ,I,I,: '~:\:~:" I:~'t'ti~: '~;: :, Ii llN l' medy: g l.,. trio Bllot r H; th{f OFFICE IN J O Be Bure and Ilttenel mH~t. Ilu I .., .: • d· " . In th o cure of olli e mom 1 of tho lIev r f 110ws n n inju r y lIressPcl lsonll'. (lll Ih ' "'>\1' " ,\'lI e- II", "" "I.""' ~ !;reu t rt'>ltOl ot,lvO lI\ IUIrtI , . 0 'l'lluEPJ{O~E ~JllUa 6·i . . .. ' Ill " .. . . 1' ] ~ rn.lltllh c .lIm ll· .... o f t\\ eh t " tu tt.'H . ~'\ JllIl" ll,IlI\ l:. wbi h -. A. 1:\,'O \Yu . of B ullot td vl110 famIly, both da y olld Illlght . • 118 With Bll?kl n 8 Arnt~11 u" t" I II" follu'~I" ll l' i'"I1"yh ,,,,I .. ' Ihl"" ~"I'h' ~''':: . , !'II V ii; ' Thev r e lor ed my wife ' LOOlees, g r eat car e wbioh "'liS a loving ono. antlseptlo al1d hClI \lng Jr opert,1U8 1I1111 .... ". lI lt ool_, \\' " r"'hl". ~11t"''"!''''' 10\\ ,' . , ' , I \t'l ' atter YOllrll of WEDNE SDAY J U N E ~ 7 , ' . • • . . . 19011 ' . pr even t blood pois ning . 'bllS , O~ N~\,,·"'k a . ~II,""'"' I' .• " , a- ","1 h"I1II1 " k \', til 1> r re t 1611 , I, .' . gr eatly endear ed lIt.t1e Hor llch o\ to Id h t f R col e ""Hlp .\111 ",'clIl"le , "'''")' lI.r ,he IIr,' u lI,1 1.,'1 s\lll'e rlng wit.h dYMpeJlslI~ and \VtI , Ulero fID , 0 en s~ " 0 r. 'I ! tI n 'I\' 'he,1 fI\lII' 1' - hl" ... 1 II t . 1 II' er " E loctri over y member of th fl\\II ily . N Y wr ites· "II (,1If( d 'oth BU"I,lt <\II I "',c" "'"\lnl"c l"I" 'rc,'),' "I)" 1' IIr',",),O''''" ""'; ohrolliOIl .V orpH '1/ I 'f ~ -. . , , I '11" nl o\'or 1Il 1~ ' Our Move. F rom aurly spring t·ime. h o wos of this pltloe, of th e ugli est ~(lr\' on , 11,'<\' 1.l\ne o ( 'he ~ f\'''1 1l('\lnr,""It"'. r.... Blt l r.r~ C\l~O u " . II b k' kid I l ' fA a 1 11 of th e li s neok J ever • n w. " 'urp!' l :Ul lI, l'h ,' ,',hll'al lon \I f Ih,' ),,,".h. " ",,', r" \I I:' t Ik,' IlIril1 . hlltlllll' UOH". \nmA a.o . . I ed t its ' f nn d 0 f ou t (oor I ... nt II r., ,<,ur chll,lren :\1111 sbow ,brll ' hl.,.... '" , hll\lll' 11 ' trouble" lI ud blt"lder d I 80 rd er~ . AI~ having beeD iood a . animAls were objeot" of !tr eat In te r- ,Wonnds, Burns IlDd ~rcs , .'.'0. li t, ;,~,,~ .I . I\lth ,II It. n!,,,,rl,·.I"IlI'"C,'lh,"' It 8o~tJ on glll;Tll ntop by l!' " Bo ll " • t d lD Ute Jon88 Blook for . 1 d F . C. Sob wartz drug storo I. till' "I'llorlonlt)' of II IIlellll1(', U .. :\'"\ <c" • 'p \ ' "0 . preMD. e an d~ es t, to h im. Bo WI\S olwllYs g 8 Ihe "Id "':lr 1:0'lI'r, l. allli ')ther oOI<·.' r~ I' 1111 1wur tl'. \l r nggl ~t . r OO u 0 more &han twent y yean, with 'he wh en his brotherll Clllllf'l lu f rom t he ' "II' tht· .. Iarc_ or 1111' re.t 0 11 If' " '",,, lc,,,<\,I : f b It time followiog · . . . '1 ,' t l1\. lll lll11 ",lin \\, s·,u . Il1lt C!(·111ulu . III _I III 1' ! IIl , \ . • esoap'ion 0 a I 0 • fi ~ ltls. with thl' h OT~ S 11\111 woold L AN G l~.l . • \.J .1' • lite '" .« 1..., .... en'cu,! III' Ihe IJ:~ ' LI\' " ~' I'I , ""'" N . t' of Appointment. 'he fire of April. l !X)O, the Gtl'l.ett.o ttl ke bilo to rid t his gll'el' ~ ly pI 'lS" ," IlIg "" 1_"II IHII, "I " ". "1'1 ""1111:' "ru: 'L' " ~ 0 Ice i to qaarters ' RII.lOIC.V 1LLtC Ouro Lh e tl lIle o f IJatl lc I L \d ll Ollt hi ' 1,,1)10: 1I 11lli \ --~-oftloe wll\ move n new Pick Him out from the Hun- ad him. 'rhi!! little bud hilS beeu '10"" ",I II \)c I 'l l 10 lin Iht, " ubk WII' k. 1;"lal" II I ,\' " ' ICclly , Decca.ell, &hI. w ..k. . 'dreds of v'oung Men Who' ta ken from t h ellr tb to bloout 10 SI'\llOlAL'III!:S: 1>ISICA,j\CIl ,)", WOMICN "luch It willlill HlIllnrl uc nlUlI~ ',' c'''''1 1111l lr,,,,or 1"1~ [~'.'t'; t~:~ 'I'''e 1I1\1"'r"l ~ne'l h..., WUII to'aVllOlntlll1 an'fI .1. 1 , UIl l Y w e'4c n ~C , . t f It. I .6d i n 'he Tbe 0 ••"41 ,,111 be~.., 8 au ven . AND CR ILOIt I'lN, t haI YOII" Ih,ke," r."d \'I" tb, 1.",, 1,,'111<', '1,,"l1l1c,1 3S 1':~. C" lor of .he ,01U 0 .. nil "lIen b"'ldtn" wbioh hall been fit · Will be Capturing these • God lent bl m to t.11 0 el1Tth' jUl'lt :';",h\·llIe n, It , .h. i13UIo",,1l1 110111" . \ a ll " rll v. 1:<", IIf IV :' rr"" 1Al1I 1I' Y· Ohio . •I euea~· 6& ... .. _ _ . - "" your nCllr"~t rnltr .. :111 3~CII l ror r.ur" n"'I I\ e,l -.4 Up and arranged in a way to Special S~it Values long on ough t o win II pHnoo in .the Comploxloll Seo rl:' t,jI ~~I~;:t'II~I::~n'~:~~I~'~I:;~::;,,,I"':'I't";C'~:I~~, rj:~:::f~' I'at,' 1111' 7 ,Iay ..r Junu " n Inno. make" • prlD"Dg allloe. at Mose Cohen's love aud 'lI ft'ectio us of t be h om . He ' To r elllove pimple!' m qth sp t ~ , \ "Ille • 1'1"01,,'1111' Il, \I F. , II. nall lll . ~:",,,,u lor. The Oal8"e will ha"e both 600r. ]08Ves to mourn their los!! his Jlar . su llo wne!!s. bl otoh otl olelll r n p the J \I Mil ilKS" .J r' A Llut •• \1 .... 1,1" ~~_ _~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!! of 'he bulldiaK, whloh will give WI Y M 'Vh fi d . . oomploxion aDd Pllt tho ltlontll of . . ,. , . . : 011 I -. . 11 ry To oung en: en you n ents, two sister s lind SIX br others youth I'n t he cheoks use LtlX ,l kol'l \<'. IJ. II UI'I" . U , P . A . tncl nnlllL I, '" I<'Llllowing the Fll'lg . llul • rna' 4eal of room .. we a8 ve a quarter on-the street you count While he join the li ttle lJr otber in tablets II positive onre fo r cOII~ti .1. E, U.\\":NI·OIlI·. II I'. A , ... , . ~I;:, . ooo"e.lo' quar&en, yourself lucky, don't you? This t ho b ome above. pation.' .1. E . J unnoy. II O. """.B' ·. N, W . 1', A. C' 1l ,'all" , ' ,\' ho n ou r 8 Idlllr s went to U~I\ Tbelooatlonil a oentr.l one and h rt h If d II C , L. STONE , U n 'l I II!;!!, A~e llt IInlitboPhill lpltl el!, hellith w68 tue we will be slad to welcome all our ad a, a qua ere a a , a 0 ar Tender Shepher d , t hou hast stilled _____. Ul rtflt iDl pu r t~llI t o() D ~ideNtlon. WIl · or a "V" for you on almost every Now thyiittle iamb's lJriof weeping : HA'fHAWAY ! --lisT. Mur"lI ll. retiracl COUll1ll_ u'Y I friende and pa'rona at any' me . ed ... S A,. of Rura l Route 1, item mention • Ah, how peaooful , pale Ilnd mild, ,.,_ . . , . ': ~er Rellnt, • Spooitl\ lots of 'i\oung In its narrow bed 'tis sleeping ' Woynes ville s Le ndmg Deu tis t.. CODcorll N H , tlnys: ,. [ Wl\~ two Oeo. Dodds It Son I . • Men's Suits,sl.,.es from And no sigh of ang uish ROr l\. · ., meeln \{cys' Uulldlct;, . . .. ""hI SIr"" I ' YpO~rS ~n Culllt t~vo y~~~flj:t t1:~ New Monumental Works 32 to 38 t)ni ts thn t ~!jrtlll1y sell Hoo ves 'bllt lit tle busom mo re . 1 I blllIPlllltO"'k IlOIl ( IC'I" ~ ~NOW' Ol ~c() v . for '1~ t o $1 3.GO, Ilp60lBlly prioed In thl9 wo.rld of an re lind pain . I co ( H. 00 r. 11.... , - -t. - -' i-v-e- o-f- -'-e Ut Or.ze'$e now at $1 0 to In llnre quiok lIo lllng .. Lord thou wonhlst no lon ger lea ve Smoki n~ in 11 Powd~r M n glllllllll' ory fur ('onsumpl,inJl, wblch k e pt A reprelHln t:ipeolal lot s of Young .' 18 cour tin g- death mur u sudrl 'uly \ I me in perf ct, b plIlth And n ow, 10 had sbe privilege of loing through 0 • m on 's tllllts , COllts It., b nt n ot more bllrely thUD lIeglt· tiug Ne VI Hllmp!lh irl', we tiad It the . best kidney diso rder s. ]<'oll'Y '!j Kid'l1tly . , Illl'dl (linl-l In t.ho WIl I'ItI fO T ooug b", dill nllw building beinK erected by out extrtl long In Illl the nowest T o the ~ unny h l'n,ven~y plb ln: . Ot"Or,ge Dodd!! & Son, proprie&ors of gray .effects. Suits of !lqun.! qUlllity 'I.;hOU dost now WI th J Y rece . v~ It i nre will cur e "" slight tl istlrder in ' c,~ ld", ol'oll ohill i tr ou hles !'Inol tll1 \til' Xenia Marble and Monument will OOlIt you fr om 'I." 00 to ' UI.50 Clotb ed in r 0009,ot !lpotl p88 wh nc, a few days IlDd its cont ilmell use . \llD ~ dRetl~Oil , Guurun teed nt,F, O. . .1 -' t&t any other st or e. t3ee t hese SUlt·8 NOWr1,t dwe lls WI th tbeu In II gbt , will core the most ob tin ute oases, JI I rhwll rtz arllgglllt. Pri e GfIot8. and Worb, r808D.Y · 'iD onr show windowil. Ah r~ J.esns gr aqt that WA. It hasouredUltl1lY peoplo of Bnght's t-1 1i0 Tr illl bOll I frl'A, 'rile firm of Dod:1I&80n Is too Young Me o's Sul ts, in W herelt hvl!t' m RY 8ooll be h vln g. disease and d iabetes who were n e' .enulne , ._ _ A Ga Andt hlovely Ipast ure,!!, !! e,I I thought to be inonrable. 11 you have l ·OL·""'''HONEY 'a nd TAil I. ,. - W-a- 'lted. White Corn. Willi linowf) ... re.... er. 0 f "be • ' . si ngle or double Th food ~ 50 & .,. --"-"'i do ttl enven y ar e g v ng : kidney or bladder tr oublo, on01·\ a YoUo. pack.". Nofuso lubltltul.e&, , H Il,(h .."t m ar kot price ]mid ,fo r _'- to D88Il IUIY intnlUUU. on , brMated styl6ll. PlAin g rllY W ors- Th en the Ra in of deat h we p rove, m enee taking }'oley '& Kidn AY m e ', ....,- 01 &he , 4D..~ mODumen&a in teda or Chevi ots. Two or t hree Though th ou take wh at DIO t we t oday , before it is t,oo lu to. Prepared only by W h it,. \Jorn. beautlfuilliamt Cemetery pll'C8 styles. You elln'" mawh ·them ' love . F . C. Sohwttrt z, . Pelo,&Oemll.ny, Chlo.... W "YN""" t1. t.IC MILLS'. ~~- ~" ' b 'hi 8 nd their elsewhere for less than '18 to ' JO w..... po' up y • rm. InvetJ&lpte and 868. __ . _ ClOIlrteOU, fair and ooDlldera$e iouug Men's new shalle . , :.1
11 .00 • ~r . .•• .• : In ""\· ..n(l~ ·. \.~6 • rei.. If nol pal4 10 ad.,ance
Young OO You Want a
. ,,"
frugaI Husban r
D " 'l1-
$10 00
Q12 00
Thl orlglnll WlTIYE cough rlmld
S1'5 00 95
t,.\mea' of all wbomany deal warm witb the C soft and TeletlCOpe 8ats iD col all· 'bam baa made 'hem newest most popular IrieD4L ora, Sa&8 of equal quality will We bad heud of this new ball:.
bar bat OD an lnlpeo&lon, fOUD ,
98c 25c
wlll be made
Compr ••led all' baa 'be pJaOeof'batedlon.ehand W01'k In t.nenn,. poll.blnl and o'h81' work. By &lat. lDoc1ern,iDeau ODe man can do the work of three men a wonder· fnl eoooemy in l.bol'. WbeD abe pHl8nt balldinl is com· ple&e4, alia, a de'ricle for mo"log IDODUID8D". opnw.&ed by oompreuell all' will be I.talled. Tbu a mon· .... amp' ...."biD' . . &onl . 0U1 """ pl0ke4 np by thla oompreaed air . . . monel to any place in the balldlnl or plaoed wUh equAl eue OD a --oa or 'rook in tbe rear of
., .,
$ $
0 M
$. ~
$ M en'' s
One lot . One lot $7.75 One lot $9 75 One lot. '$11. 75 One lot $13.7,5 ' One tot . . ' $17.15
L. C.
Bualne.s stop. during Oove'm or's Funeral.
From two to fOJ1r o'olook Thun· · day .fternOOD, butn_ in all parts 01 Ohio wu pr.ctioaUy 11lIIpended, .IaUe abe fll~l oaremoniee of the Ia.. GovftDor Pattison were being lalld ., IItlf0r4. a1m_ all of ,he buln... IaouIe wen oloeacl durinl the two
An Alannloll::ntuation freq ueo~ly resnl&a from negleot of clogl!'M 1'0 \"1'18 liDd tor" ld liver, uti· til """ ..,11'" rlon hf'oum (/s chrnnio,. '11,1. "mllll'i on i" unknown to those \\ h·, n .... Dr Kin8 'II New Life Pills; \lI P IteI't lI.ud gentlest regulaton of til<lmlMlh and Bowe]s. Uaaranteed
PaIlts Suits-' -:-.c
Young Me,n,'s '-t S' U18
i i
$ $ $
We are ,o ffering especially g'ood hargains for th e mQnth ' of .June, in o'ur mell '~, ' d h' . young , men s un oY8' suits, ~lnd all those · d esir~Hl f;) of purchasillg a ummer suit th pract·leaII y th e {,D t ne season 1)e f ore th em., son hId no t f:' ) t 0 see our stock Wl ltl • h ' ' . , ~ Wl th t e marked d6 wn prices.
Worth more than thelr Welg bt in Oold Pepelkola Tablets of Prloeleas value to relleving Indigestion. . Sealth i, everyt\ling. Many Il millionaire wonld , willingly part with half his ,fortnne 'fol' perfect dl· BaStion. RiohetJ. fame 'a nd the res1. izatton of every deaire Ollnllot crelit e oonten'ment if indigestion is mtlk ing one's ex\st-llnee miserllble. When ~J . E. Jllnney to1l8 you that 111 all 'be buUdiD,. his experieuoe bl' never knew anyWhen It is knOWD 'hat the · irea~ thiug so sure to relieve sour sto....spanN in tbe monumen&al bu· maoh, 'c oated tongue, , d]zzy spell!!, in... IIOm_ In the DOet of labQr, 'he poor tlppetlt-e. lassitude and fil ' i Ugue clue to Imperfect digestion. ,rea' ••Iu 01 ,baile dev 08IJ may there must be some good reason for readl~y be 188D. their oonfidenoe and there is . Do'z Thta bUat_is in every w;",y' • ens ofohronlo old dyepeptics right ored" '&0 Xenia. and some&biDg 'hat here tn Waynesvllle ,who deslll\j~e(1 forever geUiog relief ·bove trIed .be people of tha' otty DaD well Pepeiko]a Tablets on Mr. Janney poln'to wi&h p~de . recommend and · to day are coIn· The baalDell of'Doddi & Soo ta pletely cnrAd. Moreover a druggist oould not afford to keep on r eoom oodMll to 'his vlolDlly alone bu& mending an indigea\ton remedy un e.tendlt aU onr 'be ' ooun~r7. and leu it relllly will ' oure, for y ou tlaey an eepeolally nice b~ln.. would mighty soon lose confidence iD \he ...... IIr., J. C. Doddl hae .od, trade Ilt 80me otber store. Pep f Pttta IUtala Tablets are II. grand nerve only recent 1y retnrn ad ro~ . tonio, tbey will give yon new ,e ner burl where he .nperl~&eDd8ll 'be gy and new ambttton, Improve ereo'lon of.Hverr.llarie monument. yonr appetite, strengthen YDur dl · .Del moee181lDl1. ThIlY have also getltive organs and nllleRS they give . plaoed lOme fine work a. Cle".land you perfect dlgestioD Mr. Janney ' 11 • W hiD.- wlJlgladly 'pay yonr quarter baok. ~n"y .. we .. a. .. ,oun C. S .•nd' o'ber poin" nearer borne,
J U NEe' LEA RAN C E . , ,
. \
~::'YOu $1.50 \0 ' 2.00 a~ any other ~ . Y M' Roll Bot. • 83.50 toc:::n~eg C:;o~ ' Trousers
llk~ &he rcni'laD q1lOOll of old ,hat .. ~ uU ball Dot been told," and, iD neat plain effects or fancy pat: we haft e'\'ery reaaon to belie" 'be $ems, 'Trouaers tb~i you ~uall:r made tha. wbeD oOIBp . let· pay 15,00 for, ~peCIBlly prtced at eel 'hla will be 'he fin_t DlonllDlen· sa.50. tal .~u. DO' only in Oblo bu' In Yonog :d:::~:~C:~ ,ba -$I", Vnited 8&&., from . 1n all the prottlest Tbebail4ingisen.irely of ~ne and best patterns. You , u4t. 70 f.., wide by 170 fee& In ' C&n Save 2&0 on a s~irt I .ph aD4 four .~ri8l1D helibt. bere quicker than a wlnk . e 1'h. eD"reftn,loor wl1J be uae4 Special lot of new Fonr·in , . hand \1e8. Compare them by th. firm, in addl"on - to • two wl'Ul any sold e]aewhere at 500. .tory ollloe building whloh hal been Oold Bond Coupona with all, pur. moyeel back from 'he nrea' to , Kive ohaaee. Bee the grand' exbibit of plaGe to 'be new .'ruo'ure. TIre premiums OD the sooond floor.
~"'''''~~'''''''''''''''''''''''''''~'''''''''''''''''~ .
One lot
$1.85 $2.25 $2,J5
One lot
One Lot
Oue lot ... A.ut.ll , lUI ..,..:0
In ' boys' knee p~nts .suits we
'~ "
a large lin'e, and ev'e ry 8n it m ~l.1'ked· down-:to , ~ a price that 'l eaves IIG argum~Dt. If the hoy don't Deed a shit now ho wiU, when , he 'starts to sohool in the fall, and now 'you can .set it youI' own pl'i~e. '
Haller, Haines, . & Higgins 33 East Main Street, Xenia', Ohio.
........__~I ..~........ P .~.. ennsy Svan.I'a
•~~~_..................~~.wK-;~""""~"~""""""~~"""",,~~~~::~:;::;:::~,,,,~"~~~~~QQ."~~~"~~~~~~~~~~t:.~~~~~~~:: County Courts.
1'1'''1\ 1'1'1'. " ,H·I'I'.
I" r,· ' :"III1'rillll j ,1'I" fllll"" I,·"" .. w iillll..' f ",,',11 .. ' II ~"I 1, h" 'l i' I'W .111'''' ~l1. l\f I'U II ' loC!k .HInnie R. Otllliu~or VII William ~'~. "Ii ,. Yon have Ollinger. 01 VOI'nfl. NAgleot. IIl1rl r. I" r,' "I 1\ rill r.j "'a ",r1\1;I1r A 11111 r more or less oruelty. Porth'" Wtftl mnrried ni' ilr H '"~ Opc u"ed . .S"I, hill iHpcl trouble with ColumllUs (Ill Nu \,., III hOI' 211, 10U4, 1': ,I" tn of MllrY H .v 'lI', d Ce'IlIlSE'd . your stomT PltLlutifTaRkstbot ,<lit' 1I111 Y he r · I ir_tllTlfl l1nlll III'C"'Olll, fot' M8U.lo· nch. your storell 1,0 h llr mnitl \I nlllll A of .l on . 111 ," 1. 11I PI1. bo wels nod ulo R. Niohol",on IIn,\ IIl11y h.j l·o F:~tllt,> "I' .\1 111', 11. 11 111 YeovUerrylibYoer--dY (or ~"I illl t Oh .,t. hIH i ~~\ln I. reasoll&ble Illh.uony , E". M. t.: llnnil,g. t.Ioes. And bam Is nttorney for plaintiff. E~rl\t{l df ElIflll A ' ~li'l1j'J'. d ueeaM . \Ih en U1CSO dt:licn le aod Walter D . Bllrlllu va Robert ,'fil(\fl(l. lny nto r y 111111 Up]lI'Ui::!lllllunt. easily-dlsBridges ILDd Mary A . Britl!t~. MOD orden, d or. E~ tllte of lJ ullr.1' Bul'll", iruhecl1ll. gtillS do get oy; HmuuDt ohurned '2:J0 with Ill, Firtlt uucl liuul 110110 0111, foJ' ~ettll' out of order, t, .. '·.·.. b froUl Jilnuary 9, ' 11106 1 11180 m e ut flied ' Ihq are the rlll'I,, ' I" ~ I \I'" " I IIIUII ~"Ke on lot in Iu re will Milry C. ~ent"loyprJ 11 _ . wurst things 1n the world to you. l! y ou tuo k the /·l n rY,'.\ \' .IIH 1'1" ,',,,,· .-;/l hltl 1M 111,· oort~ed. Will Il rlmilted t o probn! . right killcl of careo( them,yullwouldn't Widower el eut·~ 1.0 t4lk lll111et· tlw luffer. but rOll llon't. to rllPY f.·r "I'llltiil' 11I'ovision of I h e will . The only way you ca n corrcc t Ihe trou. Albe rl Anclpr~on VII '(,hinn 'o ttl o E~tllto of Mllr.v '. 7,ontJlleyt 1' , <10•. ble you do h'avo nnd IHC\' nt the~epnrts Fnr 1Jl'''''''~' IIrlll I'qllitllhl!' roll a f, u OOrlRel!. ' . N. ZentllI Ayer flJlI.l0illl.oll from getting out of ordel' is 10 use lII11nntdl lllilll l-'cl *30U wilh intetorest Ildminlstmtor with llO[lrl 01' t :IOOO, oheura r from Ftlbrullty :a, 1901 PlrLiL1 tiff Josoph Shawhull , AlbArt und Frank C,uroH IIJlPrtliset'8. ( L ..... allue) nllflKe~ tlti.,. IIlttllunt ill tin e h im for Estate of George Cook. irnbl'\c ile prIJftlrlSlonll1 Hp.r vices r e lll1 urCll by Sooo nd nco()unt ·for f.I Itle m ent I11 0r1. bhn to ,lofelll1 l1n l in ClO nn oot!oD Estate of Raolloel E'urnll H, et nl. E\'erybody kllows that PEPS IN Isgood with th!! eolleol,ion of Il ol/lilll of II · minOt·". First oooouut for s ttlo for Ihestomach, but in cOl1l binatioll witb ment fil ed , certain plant drugs by DR. CALU, hOllt $-l~18 IlglIlll"t t,lill \ .d.nlo o f L . Estate of Anni8 Knupp, d ecens 11 WELL' S formuln, its nnlum l value A . ·oU.ln W . U Tholllp!lon Is nt Is highly illcreased. Fiunlllcollunt for lIett.Jem nt tilOll. l,ornflY for i,llliut iIT. DR. l:ALDWELL'S SYR I' PEPS IN M IlIU lito L" : I'lN iU~ Is th e best th ing in the world (or cor. JUhD W . Fletohor. NI \V Bnrhng . "\lltT 1' ltOUIt IWINOll , and curieg all form~ of stomach recling ton, lind J09Rie · Dni~ .\· Ynnll~. WII,V. ~Ily so wh en YOll try It. .1 W . Rl'Houlzer V8 R Vo nover . riesviJle. Rev HAO 1:1 . f)rnilh, 'i u trouble-you'll DR.CALDWELL'SSYR PPEPSIN M" tlon to strike ~iXlh r1oflll1Ao from olnnat.!. cah be oblalned in both dollnrand halfn;lswOl' I,lvflrrlll (Ju , Dewurr rover A FlIlwr, (;i ll 'innllt,i, nlHI dollar sizes at 1111 dru ggists. nnd your rnlell us to lohe third defense Ilnd Alvll MIlV Reyn ," d~ r.. b'"""n . R tl \·. mOlley will be refulldcd it it fnils to bellefit YOIl. sUlltalued ttl fourl.h Rnu flfth de· Do viti G. LIlt hl\w. Ull ,·tlm Yoar 1>011.1 ellrd reQuul ",III brh'!: h, rol u", fAJlllflf;I ItillAL ICS1'A 'I' ~; 'rlt ll NHFh:lIl; ~~lt°':)Fn ~;o~"D~i~'s:"~~~ T;~cL~~,~~;,L;~ Charles A . Bruwn. g n nrllinn of lholo wbo hue oov« Itled Ih l. ",aadorM Idll B~1I0 Bll!~"rA V8 Nettle HUW- DILVid Mason. 1t)II)I1I I i11 I,) (~II rolinn l Ne.dy. M.n your po"ol lod.y. .Vflr, (.t al. Deinurrer t o 111Itendod ·)le· MllttlllIW~; .lot ip W" .Vn(>~vi1lp to1. PEPSIN SYRUP CO. titi:'!n oVl'rrulod. . ,1 . C. Gruy et III ro AIIlII nll,. Urn.v i .onlloollo, IIlinol • . J . W tlherlzer v.. The Vllhge of two IIcres in M"~Ait· towlI"lIip; to1. F nr \lIe by,T. E. ,I A ' :>l I~Y Allen W . HntnoH . til Lnc:y ~, Franklin, hlo. Iujunotlon mnde HIl!ne8, lot III VI llyn ~vil l "'; perpetual. P . H . Rue, Ildmini",t,rntor of Wm Notice to ~~nks. John Clurke vs Cmclnnlltl North S. Viln Horne, dAOell!! d . t,o R qsn I McCutobeoll lot In Frunklin ;*95-.l I . ern R . R Co. Motion to make petl T . C Patterson sheriff to Surrth 'J'be BOllrd of Educut.lon uf WIl Y l \(' tlon more definite-overrllled : A. Baysore, lot In M'llIon ; 1M400. towD ship will r~c ive senh,d hid!l by tbe blinks o f ~UlI l. tOWI1RbIP fill' t·b, Barry Spurling, at a1. VB The . • depa!!it,l~ g ()f tba t.Ilw ns!tip ~(lho,,1 Adams Expr 8S COIll)lIlIlY . Motion ' Commissioners 1 fund s /l ecor(1in g to flN'Lion a!Hi~ .nf for new trial overruled Rnd jndge· Proceedings 8 011 001 LltlV,'" of Ohio .AII hijl!! I,· 9 '75 nnd - 77". beBIn 1Iy.j .10, )9 (j Dlen't a 11ow ed I n sum 0 f .. d 0 clook f B , .Jnne ., til Walter MoC'I ure, burial of Y or r 0 ouru. 008 • Edwin Printz .. .. ......... .. ~ riO 00 M, A 'Iflr Ii John F . Stoberl Ildm etc., vs The Franklin Ohronicl!), publish. C. C. C, & St. r~ . Ry. Co. Bill of ex· ing notice to oontraoto.r~ 7 GO oeptlon of defendunt allowed. Dayton . Blank Book ' IInrl ~aveyouthe Printing Co., ullirohun · State of Oblo ' vs Lennie Ross et dise for treasurer ... ..... 18 25 a!. PrOlleOnting dtorney Ilnt-e1'8 Thomas E. Corwin. roplllr of nolle proaBqul. bridge ......... ......... ..... ... 1:-1 05 t;~te of Oblo vs Chas. Johnsen. E. W. Dumfora, bridge r . plllrs .................. .. ...... . ·... Same entry. ' . State of Ohio vs Frank Pierson. Lemuel Whitacre. bridge r BRIDe entry. ' pilirs ......... .. ....... .. .. ..... I\) 47 State of Oblo VI! ClartlDce t;idney. Western tar, billul;t! for Same entrY'. sherIff 1:.l r,0 State of Ohio 'Va Cbas. Bennett. Weatern B~~',"~~~ ' i;;p'~"r~; &me entry. reoorder ..... .. ............. .. 1 'ill State of 'Ohiu va Frtmk Pie1'8on. Oregonia Bridge '0 , firt!~ .a. Same entry. mate on Morrow brldg",·I, (lOll 00 tltate or Ohio vS William Banker, A . D . Sbultz. brid~e rBlitlirM .7 (1) Same entry. . ~- .. ·L. F . Oo lemlln, ex"roK.'!tI.gO... ~., " State of OJllo vs James Dakin ot W. B . t\t.anage & Co , "up 81. BKme entr!. plies for olerk ... ... .... ... .. :tu ' ~u 8uab A . Bayso,re Vii Albel;,t Dill. Barrett Bro .. suppli"l1 tur Bale to daub A . Baysore a.pproved soldiers' relief 0 JllllUi!:l . and confirmed . Pllrliul ctbltrlbntlon slon' .... _._ ....... ...... . .. ..... :l $5 ot proDeoos mad~ .. , . _ W.. H . Btanllge &. lJo., s up. State of Ohio .v s Hllrry Crist. Deplies for Iludlto r .... .. ..... il liO ,endant pleads guilty Ilnd ia sen, W. B. Stanage&Co . blllnks Unless your wrltoh bas been 11Io!'. tenced to pay tl fine of $LO Bnd coati! for ooroner ...... .'.. ......... 2 46 oughly oleuned ILnd qUed withill ) of proeeoution ~ . 'r. D. V. -8tace, bridge repalrfl.. (I 75 months it onn ' t, be nhsolnt.ely d )l e n David Lasbley va Tliowu8 Zell et Central Union Telepbone Co dened UpOII. Wa u re oompetent t o' al. MoHon \0 sl1bmlt to a jury the renta and tolla ............. ~ 11i 41i cloan and repuir tbe most · eompH pleadlnp,reepoctlngSneatben prom · E ; W. Dumford, ' work..... . ... 24 14 cated movement, all our work i. tllOry note overruled . . Conl't . finds Contract let t-o E . E. Sbeets for a done t ho(onghly and OD tiUle unCl defendant ahould pay to plalnttft oonoret.e a-rch on tbe t;prlngboro \Jllllrges ",ill be no more tllun YOll tbe t.lan08 of ~3.17 and surrender road, tn C1oororeek tuwnQblp. llOa;lO woald hll \1" to PIIY wben l,' sil F11ill1 to bim the la.t will and testament Oontraot let to .John P . MpUBrty lind less cnre nre eXttrci~ed wblch "'81 P1'04?nred by u~,dne luBu. for a vitrified sewer on the DtJII~ush . 'W e oleRn I !liz;e 7' j ewel!' fur 7i,' en08. Mortf{age to I4da. I. Ze11 and rOl&d, In Union township, '~7.68. Mllin springs )8 s ize 7 jowpl foJ' 7ft, Mary W. Cunningham allO declared Contract Jet to the , Oregoniu Ulllulling 15 Size J7 jowel. 101"1 00 void fot eamoreaaon. AfitodSn~w Bridge Co., for a steel drowbrltlge Mllill tipring Hi siv.e 17 jPwt'l,; for en no~ of 'U)7(~ Conrt n s w e a n the Kirhy rOlld ill Clonronek '" t 00 . it wu obtl~lnod. by undue Inftuenoe, townsblp, IS& 80. -.- -' • --:.. '" . I • atd tlnQlltben WIUI bonafide bolder Contract let to Bri'b\ls & Dunlltun andahould reoover 88me tram plain. for a concrete bridge .fi oor Oil 1{irby W '11 Oh' tiff who. In turn sbould recover a-n road In Clllilroreek tuwnship~ '~~O. l!O aynesvi e, 10. equal amouqt from def~ndant, Llda Contraot, Lewis & 'L'nI bllt fO.r _ ___ _ _____ . __ _ T. 2'.en" It Is ordered th~t .pl~intUt stone at fa;om ~U;1i tu*~U.. HI .",er P~Y' COlts· of defendant, RIQ~ard perch, to. b e dehve rod on or .h ll lor" t!ne8.tb~n aD,d ~efendllnt6, Thomas March 22, 1907. . Ze11 and Lida Zl'll, pay all · otber' . 008ta. Appeal. bond fixt!d at 13600 &.rab A. Btl.Yllore VII Albert 0111 ~ SberUf ordered t.o puy from tile dis 'rlbu'lve amouut of . 8ltiel Albert Dill' $10ti.SO to Dlok Phillips i &4L7 Y The power that g-i,' s you \0 Wallaoe W. Bowytlr 1~lld ,3-l6 t 7 Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure B!ood. life and mot ion is the n('n·c· belbg ' the ba.lllnue in the bands of It usec.1 to be collsidcwl thnt ollly force, or nerve fluid , located iti abElrlff to Jacob Plllmer. . urinary IWd bladder lrouhles wcre to be' the nerve cells of the. brain, The New York 'l'rutlt CO. va The '. , trllcec\-to the .ki,lneys, and sent out through lhe D. L. and C. By , .C,l I't Ill. Plain, but now fII<l\l<:rn nerves the 'various orC:), ns. ,61ff bile lea ve to file forbh with its I scit:.IICC :pro\'e.~ HUll , . If. ) ou are ' tire . d ~ I It I . Ilctlrh' atl dlscases , n c rvous, ans1/Ver to the Inttlr.v en ng pet on ha\'e" tlleir l\cginnit.'g irritable, cannot sleep; have of the Obio Rivtlr lind We~tflrll Ry . it~. the ,lis?rl1~r of headacfie, feel stuffy, dull . and Coi' : ·ltIl· reply t.o: tIll' IIl111Wer an~ these ' Dlost ' luiportant I . I I I 1. or()&JI'P!ltttloD"~f ,the C . L on<!: N . orellns. m e an~ 10 y, .or l;n'e neura r,"I:I, Ry . . and ltll . reply toO tbfl nnllwer The kidneys ' filter rh (,l1matism, .b:t.ckache, 'p L:'i,and .orOlll pe~ltioll of Albert .1. Becbt and purify tllehloo4-' . o dic::Il p:t.ins, indigestion, dyset &L admlniatrn.tor. ' that is th ei r work. pep. i:l, stomach trouble, qr th~ t;,':te of Ohlo,ex Ennill Simon · Therefore. wllclI your kiullc),sOJC ,veak ki(lney~ and liver are' inactive, '" WIIIllltll J. P . or out of order, you con uII<lerslnlll11tow l'f' t" t_ . , ton. jr., va C. n o.,. . bod I CTccted nllll your I IS .:weaK. . ·Defendant. ia gr.anted_ (10 (lays in quickly your entire y s n. ' . Pd' f . d how every orgall seems to filii to do Its . ower-pro uetng uel tS nee whlob to demnr or lllead. • Juty, · - . ., . . ed , 'something to increase nerve ' Tbe Heorge Wiedeman Brewlna U yon:arc irick or "feel hadly," be¥;'U ' -"'Iicrg-y-strengthen the nerves. 'Co ve . Addilline Keever et til. taking the great kidney remedy. r. . .Dr: Miles' Restorative Ner" .CI.~e dlsmltlsed. " .: Kilmcr's SwaDlp-Root, because !is soon . ' I fl ' I . ' Minnie Plak~rlng vs Oho·rles Piok· as your kidneys are well they Will h~lp vine IS t le ue you ne ed. . t erlDg. Divorce gr8nted -with ous ·· al~ the ot!lcr organs to health. A tnal f~eds the ,nerves/produces nerve ' tody of ohUd' to pJlllntllt. . wl~.e~~v!~~i~k,Y~~:·call mnlte 110 misforc e. and restores vitality. In the' matter of tbe allpolntmeut. -.'keYb first d,octOril .... your lddueY~.1 ''When I began taklnr; Dr. Mill'S' of Connty t!u. l'Vay,nr, Mllmuel D . the mlrd Qnd the extrn6rdil1ury· effect of '~flf!O(il\t!;:8 ~~~n!:'~ ~dm:nJ!-rI1 Hontle la aPl>otntocl to bold Ratd Dr. KlImer's Sw.~p.Root, . t~le great ·hud 80\,oro nen'ouo .poll., th .. r.~ult --08 until bill IIUOC8llt4Ur aball be kt'dney retltcdy, is !loon rellh,7.ed. It of 1"-0 yenrs IlIne •• With malaria. [ uw d f lITadua lly greW 80 weak th tlt I w ns elected and qualified by law, standa the higbestforlts WOIl cr n! cures untthlo to Bit up. The .pella would .'... Up·on vs Edward U.,ton. of the most distressing cases, and tS sold cornm onco with ~old ohms. undo [ R ""'" II would becomo weak IlIId "lmoat h"lp• b Divorce granted \lnu Jlltllnl,if'f 1M re, 01,1 its. merits y n \ leo.. JlIy olrculntlon ,.."" I>oor, [ - ' " .~ her m'a iden name of Rosa druggtsts In fifty-c,:nt lind dlldorcd rIght along liut greW .tU"",,, IN d l e-d II SIZ!! weaker lAnd -"ellker. The Nonlns Bryant. CUatody of obtld. ZoJa L . ·boD"leos.t yOaulll' may ..,cmnd to slrengthen me right ld •• ond my clrculatlou .... beUer. I h\lve UploD, to defen d an t ,and 0 f 0tu 'have 0 SIImplc bo,Ue u_ o!IwaI!'p-1Ioot. taken In 0.11 .eYen boll1~a of the Amber Upton,. to plaIDt,ft. by moll fr~j also a pamphlet telling you Nen'ln~. nna I Am entirely well." ~ ri how 10 find out if yop have kidne), or . ROSA Ill. \VJtAVlm, Bluartsl Ia. Wl1llam Klohbe1 va Th e rer ne bladder' trouble. lofentlon this paper Dr. 1.111.,' Nervln. I. aold by YOUI' Paper 00., et al. Demurrer of Lou- when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co .. Blng- .~~''I:~~t':'~lr~~n:Xtr.~;.~ ;~rlt '::: 1M Leary, exeou'rtJt of I....t will aud hamtan. N. Y. Doll'tmakc any mistake, will rwfund )'OUI' money. ~'of JIUDH LMry,d.e oeaeed, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, MUot. Medical Co., ~1k:l1art, Iud to a..ameodment and IUppl8llUlDt Dr. KUmer'. S_mp-Rool ••nd th~. toGte peSlUoD p1&lJlttff,I1IIItaiDecl 4~ Blqhalll&oD,N. Y.,oaeYCr)' e. NItW
tjU I'I'll.
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin
Right Timo?
T. B. Ouster,
You ' r Ll-fe C urren' ' .,o
Often The Kidneys Are We8 kened bOD vur-,Wo r.k
[J uwtoBrcnkul'll
' tll ' l~ 8 IJIl\'~It · ,,\x .
It Il.JUY ' 1.\1. 1/'Il1t'1I t,ilul,hu !:IIl ..Vul'pril;1l r culdI.,)('nilmany bu COlli I t I
TI:I' A'I'I~ 11
I \\llIL1_ 1Lt\I\',l,u'.I.· l'.Hl,).,,·\',[.';,:-l·\l t 'll~,;t'I!:,'·\',i:)_·" ·lt s: '
L,. N'I:~"""-"--
e e, Y. . 1'0 ~ruh UIH) 111 ono or \r,,0'1 hull tt ~(1 ~'[' ro ,'/1",' ~I In II, y ay tllne. erst symp'tolJl 0 It diS .us bnd I h n !ll (If Ille IWllt ph YHi coldn r II dry.l~u(lcough, a I>rofus oinuilln Kontl1 c kv 11'I."t.,11 1111 ' "',Ih. wutl' ry dl ~r hnl'gll from thanoso,an<1 ont ~n('rr'l'Is . 1 thl'Il ' t p" k I"\)lf'~'~ IIthill. whitecont.iL1gon the tuugue. Kidll l'yC· ur. 'I'll li l'~t looll11' 1,(11 v,' 'Vh 1\ 'hnml.l 1;loinll cling" rOUl Acly inllUP(lililA rplipf. 111)(1 t.1I1'!'1I h,1I1t1 t>. i~ tnk en overy 11 UI' on tll a nl'!\t, 11)1 Ollr (1 1110 Jl~ rll lJIIWIlII ." 1 ).!ltllil y pellTltn ooo fth lI13symptoms, Hcoun · t'(loOllllllond tllis wo ml('l'f\l1 I'l' III oll. y . t ern otFl tha ell' ct of th e cold ond r e' 10r aH thCI sysl rn to 'I 11 IIIt.h,Y ob. dillun Within n du J" UI' tw o . For sllIo lw ohwlldlr.. J F. U ,
- -- -
It Dosn't' Cost Much to Improve.
'tho problem of pnl,tiug your pro perty ill ~hoJle oon rronts y 'OIl now. Prll ticn lI y eVflryon in tlli!! vioinit y is doio g sOllle Iwprovelll nt IInu r A pairing thl y ear . Probllbly you have been COlltern pluting Ultlldng e rtuiu repllirs fOI' Ro me time. jll ·t )lil t it of! from yell I' to Y('n r . Now tho I i me hl.l!l nrri vou Wh e n it ought t o ho don . It r e nlly will Dot co, t II lIIuch ns YUlt anticl · \>I1t.e. We cun fnrrfi ~h you Il,ny kind of lum!" r yon uecl1 lit very r ell 80 llllblu I'rlo ~ 'Olll ll over null !{et o nr pric s . I t us Hhow you whllt w e hll ve, or B I ~p. te leph one us eitber at. I:;etll 'OOk'~ otTico 0 1' Arnold 's
~~I· , ' I
i\U I-t I
"ll1 t h .
...·a r c fl'IJm \Va )jh~:i\ Hlp ~ U t." r(I\lIl ~lt rI IJ ,
l,C# Ot I
Ilj"I I IIII J f IU~
'-'l lIII:':
ti lt! 1,,1"
tI~ i::~ \' I IIIIII / \ ' u d lljl,
.'il l II I " I. jl' I: cluln · luI./: 11'1I\' lui; AlIuli l lt ,'vt".,1 nOl ll!,. "I It tl liater lohJ.1I AU~K U l :!a. lIHW .
Spe ial Low Fares -'I'n-
St. Paul
Omaha, Denver. .ltll y" 1~ · Il. \' 1'. 1' . .rlll)'
11 · 11 .111'. . E ,
I\ UIJ II .. l I t} , 11. 1 :! '· I'::q~l c Ur ~tn 'l
Aeri e
If 11I\I' rrstcl ' A sk
L-______-_ _-_.I_.I_Ck_.<_'I_A_~_c_ rl___ _______..
1- '
Cincinnati & Louisville
H. MAI)\) ICN & ·u. \ ·orwln .
11011)' I Ir. nl~ ll . "1,1111 I It." ~.' ll l )j \\ lh l wmHI. N. ,I I( , 'huhto l ll 111'1 , and wIn ttl' rtln I"h u r 'd .lv ,
O r l~:J n('''\· . f\1t1 ..
1:1 c>te I.
~I'I HI t\ Ullll a ",.' u'""hf1rc I Pi! r i uo III .' 1 l ;tllth' ( '( l\: , ("ttll!' 'I ,t 1\ 1 .~h\f! l ·n .. ,\ \, I I II!i
hi o
South, Southeast, .. ,," Southwest.
IlI 'flltlulillg Dnll1l1 .
'rho feoll nJ.; IIr iurpnmlill!! rloom in thf 11I injl~ (If III lmy vintimM of BrlHht's 111t'OI\~1 1 ttllll <.hllOOltlR hnfl hpPtl clrllngeLl fa til ll nkfillne s by tho 111'11 flt, d e rived from t,n kln g F ol . oy'~ Kil1ney ·m·e. it wi II cur in · oil'i e nt,Q Bril!hf, ' ~ lli~e,, ~a lind clillb. t esn nd 1\\'lIn I II t h e \Vor~t cll~e~ givPR l·Olllf"rl. ","1 r l'llilli f. Blight di M. fJ rd orf'lIr c:nf'i'll iii II few UIIYB. "I hud ,h " llI·t, ·, III i I II WOI'"t fO \,IIl. " w ril> '" ,\I .. rlil" LI'" \If I)nlll·I' III.II , Iu d " 1 tll l' rl ,·i.!!lr "h~~ 1.'1 1111 wll),ont reliof. Only Iltrl'" 1 "[ti(O~ \If V"I .. y '. Kitlu y I!lI'r, lUu,ltt IllA IL WAll '"11;" II . F, C, ~ hWIlt:I'"
Telephone in his house where be . cnlled at all hours, day or night. Con-ohes IUld chl~lrB IIUppUed. Hlwe r ecently U10\lOd to room next to ross ,Bros.
(,lin 1)0
lnlormstion and RAt.. Add_ PAUL BROWN. T. P. A_ CtfAS W. ZELL, 0 : ,1>. i\. Cirlriunn,i ..
W A, OMtR£1T. a.n.ral Man •••r. W. (;.
O. P. A., ClodnIUltl,. 0,
As thmn. Sutferers Should Know This. Foley's Roney n.nd Tar hIlS oured 1>'0 1' 'tile b.l' F . ( ', ~ h wllrt",. Imany oases of o!liliQ111 that were oon~ I 'nkn o wn Fri end. flloe r ed hopeless. Mrs . Adolph Bnes· " bllO, 701 West Thiru St., Dtl.venport, ~ll~~INNATI, ] bor~' III' Hlt,ny p 'O l!lo. wll ;1 It!lVI' l(lwlL, writes: CI A sevore cold oon . w. I·: . MO R I'; . HOte[v .. u R~1l . I1l1mbl rhlltl .o h e', bOI rn trnCltecl twelve years ago was ~eg. null DUll' rh" 'HI R"m edy with s)lJ en leCted nntll It tinally grew into (11(1 r ~ 111t" bllt who u r e Illlknowll i ust,hllla . The bost medloul "kill l'IME OARD b~C~II1. b .v Ittl vo be IIl1t~d IIhout. u vo.l1l1-ble oould not give me more ErFE 1'l\' ~; AI"tJ.L I .• , 11,00. gtvlll~ u teytirnolliul (If theI r e"per _l ,hun temPorary relief. FOley's B on . NO WI' 1\ Ii tiN /I illn ee for puhli ILtion The80 JI~opl . I ~Y und TILr WI~8 reoommended lind L!lllnn ~ .'In. 1 No. a ~ No. r,fJ No . j A. • .M .,\ . M, 1". M . 1'. :'01. h \V(:V~I', .Ir 11011 .M,. less frtrmc1 ,. one fifty cent boUlo entirely onrell ~ It Y. bl\\'G ,1 0 11 (1 me of usthma wbioh bad been grow. (..It'buuou ....Jc Ar:: :\O 10 2ii J:III i\ !!:. (If t1l 1~ rom rly . ._ haker C r . 7!.!i 10 ~~ 1::1 r, 2 '· mu ch t OWRI'(J IIIll1nnL{ It. II hnn. e - lng o n me for twelve yoars, anel if I lIo~yln I lfl 17 I I ~~ 1 6 17 h oll! wo rt! U.l' th el .... JI rsolllll rpcoDl · Illld taken it nt the start I would Jl c mps t c:Hl j HI 10 I;". I 111 ;, l r~ lII e llr1l1ti ou~ Ie) frlllfJc1 s lind l1 Igh . 'hnvo boen suved yeltrs of suffering. borl' I r. i~ I.L g nori '." IHl ic:-i,rw t o F, ,Sohwartz. (.nlc[\'llIr -;- I ~ 07' t ' l ::! [) 0: in th l'l l,tllll A uII ,1 1M w1l1,~ I .V kllOWII .\ lau Hr t":' 0,$ ." I() 0 1 ~ I 00 tt, 01 for ItR o lll' e~ of rlifll'rh ,' U 'lUd 1111 '. ytl tl 'Z nl . \I iill . 1 III I ~" fOI'Ill!! o f bll wel ~ l'll nl,1 . Ii or s llI o hy I';d~ ' w~\(~1 IJ M~ :1:' + I ~ ;JK .. 1\:1 F "chwllrJ ", . Cure. Colds. Crallp nnd WhooplnK CuulJh. \ ·C Hlhl.... ~ fi :•.;. tu 111 \ L:! M ;; ., .. ft ({I Ld\llur u; ;I~ ;0 -ii ' ~ I ~ ;):! ; ... ... 7 DI,tld, !l 61, III ·1" l ~ r,u 4 4~ ~ ~~~~ '_~_ _ _ _~ r. 'lunLl to 41 :1' .JO " I ~ 4J 4 B,I Lebanon-l. v. II ~5 n ao J " :1;' -l au
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Ltlhanou .Ie. r oftldng 7 ..*:!Rolt ty n +,47 lhunps t..oad i liO r'e nt.erdllc... 7 JiS ~tanor '· 04 I.ylle H 011 t+:{! gcw()(,d t( I:! \'nul1lJlc 1M 10 (,t t(thn c r M I~ . lS ~il Uc<I,\. ~ , ~!I r.oUallfJU Arrt",... H a:,
S hal( c r
1 G 00 10 3:1
P. M .
Rt-aplO IUleI Fnncy Urooeriee, Fruit!!
No 8
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V,'getllbl eH and Canned. Go'o ds.
,i,:tlns anll 'fobacco,
;: lU4 2 ]045 10 n:J "tOr,a I I O~ ." 11 0;
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Phone 79.:
C"M. BROWN, Proprietor.
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IUlC'ucfI illuslrailug IUlet describing every kind of hlgh·grade "nd Jow.gmdc biclc1 CS. old pOlle nls IHld lates t mooels, And learn or our remarkable I ..O\V 1'1 ICES nnd wUl.ulfJrtul .IOW oiren mnde po:;.sible by lelUog from factory
dlr«l to rlcler with
nil ",, ·1
T rOll \lio-
Borrl'\l1~h~, I!n l't'~i ll""t.
mlddkmell·. profit.>.
IU}.SI', . Pay the FNI,ht and .1I0w 10 O ..y. IJ·"", Trl .. la"d make other liberal terms which no olh« hou.., In Ihe world will do. You will learn ~l'tblng .nd get much willable Infonuatlon by simply wriUng usa polltOl. . We ueed a Rid.,. A".Iff III every town aDd "'n oller 10 opportuolty mnke mouey to s,.Jilabli: young men who apply.t OD«.. .
I.Pim llon . ( ' .
WE" .",,. 011 APPROVAL willt .1I1 a ant
I':. M ~lll l': ,
, ' ~ t' llI .
ollter manufacturer or denier In Ihe world.
DD NDT BUY A BIOYOLE :1"1:::'/"J':i::: on allY /:"',d 0/ t ertlts unlit yo u . hnve received ' our complete Free cfat4'.
' I' ll A I N!'!.
'l'r!1II1 A l' ,lh~ 1.\' 110 l1H ro II Owtl.: ~fnrl
Chamberlain's COUGh Reinedy
0111 un ci Blufft on.
Inll. ~'I V~ tat t"llllrrl f lll , 'nt l ~ I ' lIfHl l~ I'll '(11(1 I)llIrrll l\('" It .. ", i lw V"'I'Y 1"' I' t. ' ·ElIll.pd" 1(1 1' hOI.·..1 Irn\l\)I (\ T 11111 \(1' tlt;lI ~illle· Dlall f lafhir It" V In'I-: ' I1M·.. ll t.1lt' r nOiedy In 11 '''' fl' mil" ("r 1'1'\'1'1"111 "I'II"R 1 11·11\ ,;.·\·,'r withol1t, it .. 'I'ltl)l r l· "I ';(lY. i~ nllll il"t s tir" III Ito IWJ>l!"d lu·fnr", tho Rlllllm"r hI 'W· r. \V h .\· . nllt. 111.1' it. n'tw II nIl 1)(, l,rp)lure.d fn r ~ 1l 011 011 il m Argf'l,o "'?
" ' 'I r' (lh i."
",t.- ,;,.
.80 rAt::
... as)
NO MORE TROUBLE PUNCTURES. Resu1t' of 15 yearl! upenencein tire' . milking. No danger from THORNS. CAe:;TUS. PINS, NAILS, TACKS or GLASS; ~:~:.:-:=:~:~~:~~~ Serious punctures, like intentional kuife cuts, can. aad "D," ..... rim a'rip "II" be vulcanized like any other t i r e . ' to pl'eftnt rim oaUID,. Thl. Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual use. Cher _ tire wID oatt:,t othor Seventy-live . Thousand pain sold lut JtII'. , . ~r:;,0. ICl ~d DEJORlI'T.II, MAde In nil .izCL II Is lively ansi KIIY riding ~ry durable and lioed in.ide wllh a Kpoclal .qiulilty of rubber. whieh Dever beconu,s porous aud whkh cloeeoup am.U·puncture• .' '.()N"'Y 1'0 I',() .' , wllhOut 111o\lfln" the-air 10 eSCBpt:. We have hundredoof leltel'll from aatlatled CUIomen .tallor\' ., '" " that tltclrllrcohllw:only I",.n pUnllled \lpon~-.:o.. twlce In. wboleoeuon.They_t,b no morelh.1I .n ordtOQ1'y tire. Ih. punclut. r",,[ating <lulltltlcs being !riv.n by Jlew:ral Is,..,.. 0 thln"ll"!dnlly ,~. " hll '''' fr-.un )! I non t,rr *600,011'0 to prepnr"" r"btieou Ihe trem\. Thnl "Jloldl,,1C nac:k~' ..,,,..Uo.lI:ommonlyfelt wben rIdIolon .'phalt ....ft rood" Is o~""'m. by the p&1 ..nI "llruIkel Wea~" t"",d ,.hleh preVent. all .ir from bc:1 .." Inll n ' ,(111 I'. ..~, I Ii',. t 'I I.,' 11111 I I .1. f'0 I II J l or "'1"eozL'tI out bc:lwrco Ihe tire and the road Ihuaoven:omlng .11~lon. The regular prlceo. these rIll"' " 1',,\I"i,·., lit IhA I" wllf<t rllte "r tlrcJIi.o S8-!IO perlJ8lr. bul for ndvcl1l,lngjlurpok. we a... maltlolli ••oedalr.ototYllricc'e to tbe rirler of only ",:80 peT pair. All ord".... shlpped .same day leiter Ia rueived. We ahlp C:O.D. on • ' 1Il4 I ,·~t :You dQ not pay .. ~t unlit you have e""mlued ."d found them .trictly u _ t e d . .' A n(fl~ I.IFJ£ AClI!N OY CO .. We willAtl_ll .....hdllOOunt of 5 pc:T~1 (thereby making thl!pri"".&'1I5perpalr) lfyon..,n,1 \V I • I I FULL CASU WITH OICDIilR and enl!'fo&e thl. advertta-ment. We wiU .Iao aenll ODe nl""el ·\-1.11 IInl 1 " n n •. " ". ' I' plalCd bra... hand pump and lwo Samp!lOn metal punctare doeera on!don!en {tbell! inelOl ('inl innll t.i. Ohio. , punclurc: to be uSed In ..... of Intentional knife cuta or \leaYy pah~TIne toberdurned j" I I al OU" ex~ If for nny reuoll Ihey .... not _U.f~ 011 eDiDln , --~-We' A'" pedo:<:lly rellnble and morley """I to ua II .. afe u In a baok. AK JOUr ....tmuler. . JlRnker. f,.'xpreM or Fm.llbt Agent or tbe BdIIOC' of thla r.:-per about.... If yon 0I'der iI paIr Lr 'i orth Hn.~wing 1 the""tlru, you wlll' 4nd thai they will ride easl«. nul utC!', WMr ....Iter. lUt loopr aDd look liner than any Un. you b'"" ever uied ot' aeetI .t lUll' pricl!_ We Iul_that yon will be 10 Wl!11 pleased If ,' " )\I IIHVO nny Idnd o f ~r... lp thatwh .... yon _lit ablc:ycle vouwl11g1veuayourorder. We_lyon to_d UI.amalltrial onkr at once. beo"" thla remarkable tlre ottC!'. ' I . . t,ronltl,·.,,]: I n b nmor, eozem" , 11 '.' r. 0 0 ' ' ' - ...... _ .... b...."'u....,. ....... _ .............. .1JUtII and ftII&In, .hd Willi "" pill'!!. out· l>lel rUIlD 1111{ ~. Cft-____ ~, .......,thlol In tbe blcyde line aft ",lcI'by .. at halIUlI! aaual AOrr· TPnll'l1Iber that Illlnrlmtee priceaDO C:~TbY=~~~,~,,:I,.'j::~ .w~~:fr~:.'-:O"":1,~e·o.. 017Y11'I0. lellllve you ft... - _ _ blc~leor. pair 01 t1~ from ",,oDe naUl you ....... the new and n,,"II,Hkj1111 ointment er we \,\IU1,ay your oont!' back wouderf~l!iaWl!.remaklng. llootyot'".poatallolcana-rtb.... wrttelurow.
E. JlUlney:
lEAD CYCLE COI~IIY. D......" L" .,11110. ILL
r _. -
girl, " hla 'rillth! rootlnl14'd , 'You 1 •..•..................... 0ge The 'F ashions ,of the Day 0111 (0" ht' lIl . yO\l kno"." • • WO III to look ,'(lse hla nd began : The Little: room III 101lf;', Irr,egulw• • : Geisha :
H 111 0 " pocl nc tlr ~
fl,.t ·..
'............. • ,............ ..• •• •
lC'o pyrllrh l , by Jo•• pb B , 0 0" '1•• ,) , J •
" Don 'l you IUlllJOse I :\01 0 1/\ "n'lu,b lC1 lJ~ proo f aga luSt su,' h Ihl nt;s ' " " W ~II . I rl ou' t \ln ow . Klllon. to to ll y,m t he truth, You I e , Jap'nn os W(1 1lI n orr 'lI ff~ ,·e o l. " flU'TlO oo ly Ilumao , uft er ul l. I'd II dv \s6 y o u to mtll' ry her- fo r a wh ll !', ot l'(Hl r~p , nd you dl rl t h!' other one." " I hllve nn Id l'a," IIl1 tOIl 11:' ''1, w illi some h ~8 I lll n c )', " Iha t I ' I\ m 100 o l ~ tor !lnothel' ott,lir or th nt kind. I thought of solUln& down- t hat I" I Inteod ed returnlnl to ADI ~rI NI , IInder- mo" r yln g," "" ' hat a re YOll 'wa..lot!ng fo r. t hen ?" He ftun g himself r st:tlssly 1\ I'OS8 a COUCh, Hln ring moodil y ~ t I he tlls uma, . " " ' h at do YOU In~' to o'.lr ICQ "lnj; OCl:t w r\l ?" "Good," " Beller keep a w" y from bOUS6 In th e rnPllu whllr." ad,·lsed. Hll lo n 1I 111 nOI iln ~ w er .
WEICH INC OF ,THE MAILS. COlU pu tn lion by !'ita Railroads 10 Ord e l' to Obta in Com p,<usaU oll tal' TI'IlUSllortnlion.
Miss Bnrro... Telle Bow Mrll. Pink. lie· ham's Advlco Belpa Workln8' 011:11.
I obtn lliPIi rrom tllo IlOlt oll1l'e partlll ' nl II NIIlI,'utc nt ut tllc wcl~ b l ng ot i he ",a l1 ~ lJctwc D Quln !')' , III., D Ud SI. J o~elih. Mo., " v"r ilia Bul'llng lon " 0 u \('. wh ic h run8 lh ruus h th d18trlrt. In whi ch 1 UUl SjJCC llllly COli C rDed, ~ al d ~Jr. Llo yd, or Missouri . In t he hOll.1I It re[,resen latlves rCi'c nt! y. 1 lind from thllt stu tlluient- they r Qu!r' w a II to lJ o we l~h e d [ 0 1' 60 COtl~ CC ll Iv. daYB-lbat lho,e WIIS sent OUl 110 aggregate II 11I0uut or mall ' from Qui ncy, ~tn r ll Ll g townrd SI. J ose ph , or 811 .(l 0 1'0I\l\(ls. NoW, lbere was Ilut 0 11 a t W c,;, Qu lnc)" wh k ll Is th e fi rst stinlon IIfte l' lea v"t!,; Quincy. l,:ltiU IlO lIl\(ls In the 60 clays, lo onIer In uhlnln the com p('lIsaU ou, t bey 1II111t1p ly Iha t 811.00 llO IlIId a by tile dl at.w eo brlwceo QUILlI'Y li nd West Quln 'y, whl ' h lti t wO nud II hidr milos, 1'b;'ll lhcy Ulhl Ihe J,:ltlO po nuds wul ('h wu s pul o n li t W e~ t (l\l hIC Y. Thal serves li S R basis for eOmll Ollltlon lJolween W ~sl Qulnc), III1lI Ihe next Ata llon .· wh ic h Is Pa lm yra. T hen l\tulthHY thut s um by th number ~r IIIl1es whi 'b Interv ene b twee n W sl Quine), aD d r ultu yrll , That dol e~ ll ll n 5 th o weigh t for l hul dls tu nrc. At Pal myru thore was IL vcry l lrga nmo un t of ma ll pnt on und B:l l1l C 111 ,111 talicn 01Y. They l1ud the elllTereoc between Ih two nnd add Ihat III lhe alllOUO L oC ml.l ll (ba t WIlS curri ed I)eIween W cst Qulnl')' ond Pulalyrll . They ItO p up lhe 111'0 e~s 10 lhe encl. 1' ho snmc course Iii pnrsuecl ou Inco mIllS' mal l. 'flleo Iboy add l heso se vol'l\l ~u m!l togollulr, Incomln Y and ou tgo In g, an,l di vide It by the wbole dl stLInce. or ~ 06 mil es, lJel wclln Quln(' y nnd St. Joseph, Mo.
Girls who werk r e partlonlo.rl,., susceptible to fem n I e disotdera. es~c1aUy tholWl who aro obliged to stnod on their from mornnlg:bt \Q or fae~oR
Oklk usan waA In \rDublft agai n. ThiN tlm~ 8 b ~ had offended her mRSI ~ r bv rerll sln g to dAn ce tor tIi A\)l ert ~lI n ·".hO th rew his mon e)' 110 ,Iavl~hl )' • bOIlt. H e har! , sp ~c l fl lly Rsk ed that , I h~ girl "'Ith th e red cheeks, large .'YP i nnrl wh ite skUl b40 uked to danc. in and da, • (o r h im, . girl toils, The d ftnr ln~ ma U were thrown , the oCton tho bread·winner of ,"uslc I ta r ted, lind Kl k ll ha d lhrust th o fll Whethcr sho Is slelt or for ward one !l tlle fOOl Dnd ha d cour\\' ell, who;' it rnlns or shines, 6he Ie tl'd to \.he tour \'orllers or the earth. \Du st g et to bor place of employment, l ' btO shl' twi rled cleAr a round on t he p<.'rrorm the duties 1l11'II\ltod of herlip, of tne toes . or ono II l tl e foot. h er SUllie nnn be ngrc enhle. . Among thlll elnas the Iymptoma of hl\ull tapering oul lowllrd t h e A.mor. C mal l! diseases nrll carll' manifest \lY 1 ~lIn , She bad Qtfl "\ d to (\I\ n 0 wlth'" 'III! rind nchlng baclcs, puln in the 'ut one. CIAncln&: at I.h e ,vls\tor. By low"r limbs and low r port of the 'hance ' her eye . hapf.ened to tall on w lItn 'h. In'coll eqnencc of In·quant • • blm. and vd t h u 811dllen wblm sh e w(' tti ng of tho feet, periods become He tou nd her In a fie ld blazing wi t h lIansed In lier steps and allbsld ed to plllnru\ and j,'r"gulnr, and freqllen~l, ' he mats. ber II tLle feet drawu u nder Il vi vi d bli ruln g (;1 0 1'}' of natlln and tl ..~ re 01'0 faint Ilnd dizzy spells , w,th a z n lea-blo~so m ~ , She Sil W' hi lO com · loss of o.l)pe ~itt', un til Illc Is 0. burden. b e l'. 1\ \l I hc ~o sy mptoms point to 0. de· 'fhe Am eri can was wa lr h lng t he girl log lowllrll h er, :ln d slooped dow II 'mc ni o[ t hc female org D.n l. m rnn!:, .... Ith amused eye . T il n he crosseli to a moog Ihe loug gralls(\8 t.o bille f,' OUl wh ich cu n ho cutilly n nd promplly hi m, T h e ma n wus Into;dClltcd with wh ere she sat on th e ground . CII,' '1 \ by Ly dia E. 1'(ul<bun1'8 VL'g"e ta" Why did YOll stOI) d a ll d ng ~" he h is h unger rOl' he,'. lind canght he r In Lrl 'omponnel . his anus w it h ull h is pen t-II" love ao c l "ked b er, In ra lrly good J apanese, lIIiss Abby ~' , Barrows , Nelsonville, pllsslo n. · , Atl ll' II ' 0 .. Ohio . tells wh nt tltl g rc nt Sbe a09w f,! red him In bro ken t-:n g"Kl ku ," IH' whispered . " I tried tel med ici n e dicl -!or lIer. She "'rilcs: IIHh : Deftr Mr~ . Plllk1lllm:" Tba'! account [ Dod JIg' to daozc stllY a way. ( t'ou ld nOl o Don't you " I r..>()1 It IIlV uu ty to toll yon the &OO'! nnderRta nd r ' lie WAS hOlding ber .Cor YOI1!" she told hIm, ca ndllll y. 1.,·,110 E, l' III "uulll'~ Vcg;,luhl u ' 111]>0111,,1 Tile girl s Uil Ila t on t he' tiUll, look - close to hllu no w, an d covering her ~i\l l Il IQOl I Purifier h"vo duuo foC' me, Derol'8 Ing stra lgbt on t lJetore her, h er fU Cle face wll h II pas~ l oo of Idl\ses. " I lo"e l t '~l k th ~ 1I\ I "'n.~ vory 1Io n ·OU8. hAd dull hon,ln"hl'S I'ains in back. Rnd period. " ore old Ind ifference. you! I love ~' o u : I lov r oil !" be nul' adable In its Irl" :;lIlar,'r !tad been to aevernl doclors. uri Hilton ('ould . no t understaod h er. Sbt! bega n, m ur muring In her cu r. U\CI'V 'lilt m no 1tOOd. . was so unlike any JapanMle girl be Th gh' r~ eyes w Ilx(ld full 00 hll "'your mediCi no btu! made m e well lind rtroug. I Cll II dt) most any kiml or ""ric blld ever me\., tor they ,enenlll y were tace. He caugh t th e ollish. se llr~.hlog without con111141111., and my perlod5 are all sO willing and eag~r to plellse, Art er full gllze, ond for II mom ent released THE BANQUETS OF NERO. fl .lrh~ II lime be broke the some~b R t stralDed her. She stooped ' to pi Il up tbe scat,I am In bett~r bealth than 1 ever ... .., Slid I know It id nil duo to your remed ll'!l. J Rllance to S8Y, In his 80ft. drawling tered blOllBo ms I ha t h acl faileD. Were PIlI·tAken of Reclining, a Pon,.-onllllemi YOllr ad,'leo ~d medicine to a\l tallhlott ! The g1,'l Shivered, aud her tact ,"" \vuo .ull'er . ~ , ~I ti on Sln~larly Appropriate "Would )'OU not like IOmethIDs- a .. It Is to such girls that Mrs. Plnlr· suddenly whit e. 1'WO ,JI A NI)1l0 'r.J t:: 1-11 .0 ' MI'; S WIT H F.M R R41ll lv.l! \· \\'1 '1' 11 1 l': 1:!~ _ "I' I . AI ' ''; to the Occ&liona. -to drink ! Shall I fateb 1I0mething ."00 'Wil Y! " ~ lie cried, wltb .alm08t ham bolds out a helpiog han,t nnd C lI M OTa·s. .for you 1" an Imploring note 10 her voice, " I tends n.cordinl invitation toeo.rr.s J)Ond "When Nero dined," slll, d fin nctor , The Question walla absurd Ihat tbe d9'o ' wanter \ (11\ you, I thing It b ~j' Shirt waists ' 011 snowy ...'hlte, slleer l athers with tlt e round Out b aeckrecently, "there were Ittree courses, with h ... r. Sho is dallgbtf.r.:n.\uw of Ilrl's studied Indifference broke dO"D. nod, No, J nod tell you- aeverythlnlr. ",alsl of mowy w,blte, all womankind also s tyled th e Ali ce Rooso velt All ealen lying down, and dancel went 00, [,yllia E . Pllllrhilm &nd, for twenly-flve F':-~ hos be n advlalna- sick 1"OllIcn "TIl8'. Dod )'our plaC'll to .ald on Besides, I nod II, you ""ery mucb. Irray d In summ.e r stulrs. It Is hard sleeve. are s bort. or co nt ests of wild bellllts. or even Ir.... . of cbllt.'l1e. R",r long record 01 we!" she wd, lofUly, rlaing to ber Jus' lIdle bit now. At liMIt 1 hate- .0 tell where Ih e Rhlrt waist stops ODe sees Such lovoly shades 01 1\g11l8 of glndillton, and t.he vulolis 6\tCC S$ in tre atloR' womlln'sl1ls lDnlcca (eet. "I ·thlng thad you Ug sometblnl hate with all my beart ! Now ( ver' In ,1 lingerIe waist begins. for ,thay green this yea r, and tllough greeu hau dl 8 be ~ were brought In to mtlelc by her letters of ndvlce of untold valuc 1.( , to drlnc, Yes! Thad r glt paid to S8wry-ver' 88wry thad, tbad [ bib lre 80 closely I'elated. ' "One sees a cannot be said to retalo tbe popular' slH\'ell wbo danced al they approllched. evc ry nll ing working girl, Addreu, · WOI'l' here. I lhln, I beddsr bring nnkln·. Tha's account yOIl unkln' too." Iharmlng negllg'e e sblrt · walet tha t li y of a couple or years back thoSt "The ftrit course woa composed of M.ra. Pink bum, Lynn, Mas." ;ou 80methlns to · drlng." ehe added, "I unkind' " he repeated, stupidly. ' oolls like a boatlng shirr, tbe sleeves that, are abroad arc generally extreme, bol's d 'ocnvI'eB- eggs, British oysters, sum,. "Bud I nod lIl1 to "aId 011 you. " ( doo 't tlndeMlland , Klkn-ssn 1" ,hort wllh turn·back CUIl'8, the collar Iy pretty, Tb green most approved leU\lr ~ , olh'es and so on. To begin a Senlonable Hour. I prefer .,aery much "aid on Japaue,e "No, you nod onderstan'," ahe 8ll1d. , lay·down , easy bi t of ne kwear tin ' Is a 80ft gray Green, not the brllllani meal with eggs still Is popnlar in ( Iern Pa r nt- Wha t time dId thllt f llunl cents." 1U!l Il lco vcY In despall"l' "What kin 1 do ? Ob, sbed with a soft. eas,·looklng tie. eme.rald, obtaining earlier. , '1;'here Is Italy. tt y lJallllht cr-JuBt when ,.nu A,'t There was a sibilant IOttalllll to her plutul Kwannon! h elll me! (tbln& ~ hl s promls~B 110 be a t eatur.. ot no color cooler .looking In summer, "The second ,'colIl'se camprls d all hOI',· fmm II,,! lodge, Ilia relurn",1 fro", voice that wu bewllderlns in Ita 1 tell you. 1 bin mOIl' vaery onbapp):, "alslN of 'the 1III000Ier ot 190'6, and one more retreshlng. ,and when becoming ' the lutbstant1al foods . Turbot (a ll ln(l h"rlll\;Ilridgtl l'arty ollll Dridllel ume hac k ('bllrm and aweeUleaa, aDd ber broken 100& ,ilme no~ . beeaule aeverybody a~ readily see It has considerable It Is a wise choice, tor a warm weath~r 'of Ith\nt flounder). pea oc.k, fhullingo, 11 0m hrr n, ~h t ul.- N. Y . Sun . EncJIBh 'w&8 prettier thaD aD)'tblng be bate me. Account 1 loog lig Amer ~ o reco'm mend lit. perh\lP~ the chief tra ck. CharminG green vollies are no, Buckin g pig, bour, veolson nnd trumee Not 80 ' Stingy. bad lIVer beard., lean, You nod' onderstand? No T My hlng the immi!ltakable air of com· tic d; and some charming gl'efln tall'e- were lJ rought In upoo a huge round She-Did y elll ever beal" th~ ~. ifi • When .lie brou,ht hol, "eake" fadder' · pauaed a moment-"h. 'Ort. The pretty eallor Is 8 " cry ap· taB. tray carrIed by rour or live danc1na "~I\m t ~ck to him her face "u sllilling above lean my madder. We vaery onhapp, Ifoprlate \Iccompanlrueot , ' For e'l'enlns wear crepe de chine II .laves. 1J ..~NIl . 1 never balll Oil 10 • dollar ·the datnt,. tJ'a)" and aa she knelt at his, 80 . thad sbe goln' to die. Then ,,'eD We must either very IIllort waist· In high favor, and II. fa\'ol'cd trluimlnll The tl)lrd cOllrse was ,tbe desserl- thal tilthl.- Dct roil. }' rt!'ll P rc.c •. feet "hU, be drank -It, he could S68 Ihe die I worg, worg bard at the fao- 'd I.o·day or very long waisted and II the new rlhbon embroider)', candles, frultll, pas trlee. Youth th ploslic OIom,nl; of l i£~ . ,. lhat her former ' petulant "mood ,,&8 tory, an' bere, Nobody 11& me account lV elle-Emplre !Dodes 01' elonpt e(\ TOll cll e~ ot lllat'k vel vel are much used. "The guesls at Nero's dinn ers pul on tho time ... hon we ,oust do our ~IY; \ "', gone, and tbat abe was ' now using my tadd!!r American. an' 1 thIng ac- lodlre. The models shown In the \1. very pC'etty willi summer gowos, It Ie dinn er (\ressetl of brlJ bt colora. They "ork ill oharacter·building. If It i . negle~ted t hen. 0 1' Pllstponl:d , 1\ "i ll I~ e\!ery elforl to please ' and conciliate count thad I goln' bate all AmerlcanB uS,trll tion beloog decidedly to lb\l lat· lIeen rather on evenlog oaC8!1lon~ thin lay on couches on lhelr sides, tbree to ... ell·nigh impo!si hlt ,to mold a perfect blm. foraever, because my fadder vaery :er clo..."II. On tile lIngerlp blOIl8(\ of ror til e s t.reet;, where there Is obBerv· a couCb. and lhey supported Lbe head obancter.-t:uCcell8 MRgllZine. "No" you look like a Jilpaneae sun- wigged, bl\cause he mek· my modder ' ,atesl st yle we lind tbo trimmIng able more harmony than contrast. on lite lett ar,tn, ...·hleb, from practlclI All tb ing may come to thO!e ,,'lo a .. olt. .lIghtly dltteren~ from last yeai'. the And speaklnS' of street cos,lumes. grown muscular, endured tbe long, bllt haam" be told ber, softly, looking un- lutterl And me? I suffer, too." by tbo ~i1n (! t hty tum lip w~ 1:.\,.. jhl et novelty. p,erhaps. tlte U H~ or everybor1~' Is getting weary of corselel ha\'d work of auppol'lIng tbe bead utte~ble tblnge at her 'out nf 'his deep ,,,tller.lI), lool ou r npp.tito Cor H,"", A graynesl had crept over Hilton', loavy lace and embroidery on s heer skirt and abbreviated 'bolero, th ~ without faUgue. Tbey ate wltb the .sra), e,es. face. He relt suddenly "eak and old . Compioxiu,ll I .~cl ? l 'llnguc coaled ! Lh'u "Tha'lI account [ 'frald gltUng ella"You still nod ondel'lltand 1" ah. naterlal , used III narrow Inset lines. shorl·walsted jackets tbat extend lJe· , tlngf,!ra. The table waa over a foof dls- -deranged! 'J'a'ke Onrlicld Tell . ",harged:" Ihe told him, calmly. still asked. Her handll hacl tallon from bll It Is a pretty Iillea. empba~ l:tes ll!lJ low th e wais t line are In belter style: tRnt from them, and It was necessary l.ol. of U. 'OOlV to the: iDt..U:1lJlo ...·il h· IImlllng·. "Mr. Takabasbl tell me If now, and he had slagger,e d ba Il a fe" Ineoes8 of the materia l, ' Not a ,rew oue flees numool's of excellent · ones of wben tbey wanted 1\ fresh' handful of )f tbe new ' IIngE!rl e blou s e~ ore quite tlrls sort, th ey ' look ao IIlnlple and food - anolber bit of ftllmlngo or of out a formal introduction. I nod vaery kin' to you be gain' to pactl. ,ow 'In th,e neck: there ar e Rom wltb nesl , nOL ambitious and ohtrllslvl' like 'Peacock-for them to roU over all tbelr lI@nd me long "ay from bere." "Not yet!" be said, fainUy , ~ . .a square neck. 80m ~ " ·sbaped. and , the tlgbt·lllting corselet. stomachs , In order to reach It. "A.h, I see. Then you are only preWASTED TO A ShA:lOW. "Th'en l)flll yotl," 1!he said, IIrml,. "The ...·Inea were line, Ilnd tbey were tending to smlle?" . "I nod tlg you because v'en you com@ !lied too freely. In fact, 80 moch wIne But Found 11 Cure After 'Flftun Yeare Sbe sbrugged hor little sboulder• . here someone tbad kno" my modder WitS consumed at Lbese Neronlc ban"Ye.•• " sbe said, InIUfferent1,. "Tha's .'en she alive point at you and sa,: of Suffering. quets that If the glles~ had not comThe matinee girl and tb@ mathleo"org for geisha girl, Wbad you ~I~ A: H , stotts, messenger at the Stllte 'Thad you fadder! '" locket girl need not be al nil alike: menced to dine lyIng dOWD, they would CapItOl, ColulJlbu8, 0" BaYB : . we' golo' to gil paid for? Account we Tbe silence tbat was betweeli them one loves to spend sentimental bouTS hB ve eDded In that atUtude . undoubt. "For fifteen yea..a 'rowD? Or a ccount' we IluSb! 1 thlllg I t suddenly &1- wltb a' stage hero" one loves to ' loung~ ed!y." •tba', account we laullb, ' Thad Is my now W88 horrible, I h ud kidney troulld In budolr privacy and ~omforl. sumed a 811VII«e mockery by the worg, Wbat you tblng!" bles, and tbougb I )[exlco liow )[odern. singing of a nightingale , wblch , ew But In Bummelr there nre clays wblln doclored falt1l(1I11)', "That you are a philosopher." he The modernizer of Mexico Is Par· ovor' their heads and trilled aloud III we are all matineCO\Jaoket Inclined. 1 could not find a lold ber. smiling, and added : "But IIrlo Dlaz. Wbat a quarter of a cen, when even the rn o~t e nergetic la, glad cure. [, had heavy ... bat a eyolc, too ; I IIldn't expect to Bong of gladneis, tury ago Will a loosely linked federa· Tile man could not apeall, He slood to lalte 10 r.omrorillbic 1009.. lIegllgee back II ehes, d l7. I)' nnd It among Japanese ... omen-eyn' tloo he has transformed Into one of looking out In front of him with a and cOlllrortable pillowed oouch : I headn hes and terrlIclam." the strongest and most highly een· plUful look of horror, aod only ball whcrl'tore It Ii' wcl1 to 'presl:nt a little !tIe urinary disor The girl smiled 8 trillo bItterly. trallzed governments In tbe world, on his race. lnll! all lJresC'oHlay Atyh!!\ ,to negli gee ders. One day I "Oa!" ahe said, "you nod On' thnd comprehensloo Tile great J)Owe.r tbat haa been placed After awblle the girl oontlnued: CORtu mo. collapsed, fell In-','mong Japaoese-onl,. me ! I dlll'erent In the bands of lbll remarkable ruler "Firs' I thing I will tell you. Tben One may !\pcnd Ii smllll fortune on sensIble on tbe .aldefrom aeverybody else," She set the be wlacly used In a paternal SPirIt Walk, and then t ray on lbe ground ,and lat do"n at I remember uiy modder and how on- lea.Ja cl(et Anll le u.gown . and one may for tbe good of all classos of ' Mexl· bappy sbe be. anll bow hard I worg attilln ve ry ottr ne ll\'l) oneR foC' only wlIsted awny In bed fur ten weeks. h·ls fe et. can cltlzens, Railways and telegrapb., all ttiose yean w'lIe you laave so mucll Bmnl1 oullllY , Imllort ct, hand 'mad e "How old are you!" Hilton aaked penetrating every part of the republi c; ~ tlor being gIven 11(\, [ began using rich. an ' t Ilen [ b a l e you to r never and'• -IInge rl' arr"lrs l:oM , ,,,ay up , are 1m. bar, c'urlou sly. rapid transIt, J)Opulnr educatiOn and a' rJOfln 's Kidney Pills. In a couple"ot bury all sawry for you In my heart. an p08~1I.l c for the' IIvcragc IlUrsc: \lUt ':,1'weoly-two ," sbe told 111m. strict vigilance exercIsed over ttie montbs I . regained DIY old heallb, 1 hate all menl (rom the west, for- on .. may throw 'togel hc r oneselr, Ir at " You took like a ohlld," states have transfigured Mexico. The nnd now wlllgh 188 pounds. Twelve aever so tool or conceit. Toa's a liar ,11 cApalJle, some \lImy lOtulT nnd feel It was two weeks later, With" re~t lhad ( say I twenty-t"o years old. I Quit e contcnt "vII It rc~ uH8, There Are eilmloaLloo of tbe profeSSional poli- boxes did It, and I have beon well • "'S8 fascination ho could nOI uodertician and tbe demagogue, and the eo- f:o.1:1) years: ' thing now lbad my lime come to fool. Hgured swlsse~ lhllt that nl'l!d bul Sold by nil dealers. 60 cents a box. . land. HUlon wept e" ery doy to tile I thiog I ' revenge m, modder, I little trimming aOlI are IlI&xpen!llvo lIstment of every man of energy alld little tea bouse a ll the hill. Always be thing I mek )'OU 81lf[er IIg her, and very apJlroprlate tor slimmer Intelllgence bave assIsted In the mod· Foster-Milburn Co., BI:lfa10, N, Y. . ,;oll&ht out Oklkusan. and would spend You nod understan'? Alwaya sbe baYi lounging rohe an(1 r;nck; tit ere nrc erlzaUon. Lawyers of emlneoce, banktbe entire day with her, totally obllv- paiD bere! " Sbe Clasped ber hanel w88b silks that arc likewise Inexpen. ers, ' educators, englneera lIa ve beeD iOU8 to atmost aU else SA\'e the gt'rl'a over her heart. 'a nd then continued, sive and pretty lDulls. lawns, hsndker· sought out and ut,lIlzed. / 00 beAuty and rbarm, wearily: "Tba's account you ~Ich bill chlef linen- any number of materials. The British Cenipl. Aod Hilton {orgot bls mission In to luf you. I nod on4en~and thai Empire styles are liked, the short. L. Dot,at ••• To tRke t.h e census of .th~ Brltlsb ,iapao, forgot that Japanese women IIddle word vaery mucb. Aeverybod, w/llsted p:lrdle Oln,le or Insertion and COMF9R'l'ABLE AND PRt;·L"!·I. empire Is a matter of dlfllculty In cerlIad iliway, been merely ,tne pll\ylblngs say I nod bave aeoy heart. All hard Illce like that ",!tb whh:h the garment of a moment; Ibat he bad tI~ed of lite daed. Tha'a acconnt I lut only m, Is trImmed. The loose , sack, loose pains to dreSR the hair In pictureSQue, lain distriCts. A native ofllclal was _ver¥tblng aa:ve the de!lghlrul, Irre- modder, an' sbe die. , AD' I alRo ,hatt from IlJlort yoke down, tl stili In ra. hlgb fashion, I\nd with a careless ordered to take a cenllla of "hat waa looseness In hl\rmo'n y with the negll- known to be It, pqpul9ua "III age ·.In sistible feeUnp tbat bad awaJte~ed In .you thad you kill that. modder':' vor, nnd the other day we 'saw a nov- gee cost,UtM. One 'can be comforlabie' Uganda. He returlle,d';wltl\ ,the reP,Ort blm. Wbat was It1 Hlltoti waa In Tbroucb tbe mlsl8 of pain and hor. elt, ,In the way ot one meant to aliI' and at the Fame time bave regard for, that there W88 DO populatJo,n , i1le exlove, aod wIth a JIIPaneSe woman! ror that had overcome blm tbe memo on over tbe heAd. This II ad a IIqullte Yearl qo be bad marrIed one In ory of dead daya were co!1l.l~s b!lck to neck, the openIng larK!! enongh to go appearances-and If thla Is adherecl to planation being tbat the IDliabltUla had lied on bearrng of his -aPPI'Oa.oh. .Japaneie fuhlon, aod bad left her. Hlltoo. He could not thlJik of Klku· over .the head e.slly. lind there was we shall" 1I0d fewelj crltlclem.. Japan 1lD,1 China, landa wbere, wOID- Mo~ precise InluycUo_Ds "'.\ls;e gly~ ~ She had been a KeaUe, c)lnging little san now ne hi. o"n .chlld-ble ver, 1T0ided the usual problem or bow to en lire supposed to speod their daya 1111 Mm aDd be paid aDother \I~lt to the woman, wltb wbom he bad P!LBled a oWn blood-be would nOt! keep a loose sack closed-BlI a rule uninterrupted ease, lend us sood Idea8' village. :rbe result of"hi1 1~4l!lr.1 wal dream" sleepy suwmer. What could "You must be millakelll" Hie Tote. alway. unflUltenlnt; at the most awk· for. negl.lgee 'oostuPles, ' and we bav~ glv6n thul In Lbe taliula:t8d, form: be do wltb Klku! Bile ,,"U unlike any BOunded atrange, evell to hla OWn eare. word moment. borrowed UIA pagoda sleeves, rLOdllled Number of bull, 267; Inubltants, men .Japanllle wo~n he bad ever known- "My child dled-tbey told me so," or cour~e, aleeves are all ,sbort, tO,r the klmona to 8ult our Ideal!.. W~ over~!I ),elirl of age, '0; me!! ~ndei 18 unUk.e any woman he had met. Sbe The gIrl lauched bItterly, coolnees, end to give tbe dressy look also borrow tbe foot gear of the orlen~ yeara of age,O; w,?m~!lI · O. , cbl,ldren, I); "as the one ' woman In ' tbe world hs "Tba'a bedder 1 daed. I ,olng a"ay, desIred, Sometimes tbe sleeve wlll to a certain ntent, tbelr' cool lIandals total 0, lIad loved during nil bls long, eheck- Aevery.body thlnglng [' daed 'cept me. be a mere rume" a deep frill . The . <Ired career-a Ilfe spent In Idle pur- I know always. You ~hlng I" 100, II, ftowered dimities snd organdies are Rnd all ken Shoe." Tb. tnellpell.lve· · · , • Turkish slippers, whlcb come 10 linch lIJot~. , ..QrP..rYlng, .ult of his OWD pleasure• . 'Japaoeae girl?" . preferred b, loole. tor the reason that delectable 'bl\leS alld bronzes, onen' Ire ~r. Nervey:.....I· .U(!W.~~ you know tIM , Hllton'lI friend. who had a ccompanSbe auddj!nly loosellscl ber hatr, and there (s le8ll of a night-gown appear· just the tbtu&" to acoompany a 10UDI- object of my call, -Ir, ..To be , brlaf, I' ied him on lhe VO)'Rge. "all beginning It fell down around 'h er Ia thIck, sbln· ance tn colored materIal" Made up log costumo-ciepudlng at oouree want to marr), 'o~~ !l!Ulbt8~to reel ol1l(loua ab\lut him. ,for. In· tiplte ing browo curlS. wltb three tiny frills at tbe bottom. a upon tbe style and OOlo~ of the gOW~ ' Mr. Roxley-lIlh! What,? l'm IQ~ of bls ndmlulon of hlJi nwn lI'eakneS8 "Thud IIl1 ' Japanel8 ,Irl ?--tbad?- lace yoke and lace-trlmmed sleeves, or Jacket. DBln~ lHlderelotb('s should prlsed tbat you Ihould think ol'lucQ a for Jaoaneae WOOlen, be was (ar more thad !- thad 1 Tbad 1" tbere ill less of a nlgbt-gown ajlpear- be worn "lth the lounging toilet: let. thing, The Ideal , ..11,,(, 10 n.nd QuIck to Bceot !'enl dlinShe puahed back 'ber sleeve. and fbe designs of the day. tbe nellt little notblng 41sturb the etreet of eXQulslte"Nonsense! t YOU'~ preJudlc6d gllr than HUlon , .who followed 'bll ex- showed him tile ,white purity of bat rosehud patterns, 'are ,well suited to ness and rflllOse. It makes ODe ebud- against the &lrl. She s all right."t ravngant Impnlse8 only. while the arms. ,tbese dainty ,nellllgees • der to Bee .. n exquisIte klmona above Philadelphia .Pqbllc Ledger. .:ooler Ulan kept II level ,hc"d ' 10 the Cha\1ls Is an excellent mater.laI to bllavy calf-elUn shoea. and one does ,1'\)-u 811. turned and lett hIm, witII' A Qu"UDL .,id@1 of his pleasures, the BRIDe atlll look ot despair on hh .eleet for tbe IIgbt·welght tea·gown, Caa!y-Flnnellan baa been marrlld " tr1y dear 110,1'." he, Hair! l(O III1(on. face anu lbe pitiless SUn beaUnll oa thl Ind the ehaUlll ' tbe season are par· not parllcularly care for a JapaDlle gown accompunled I:!y TurklBh foot- 101.... Yllan, but IOrra the ' cblok ' or "you'". gOl the fp\' 1', I bell e ve ~ " loldell lIelda. ' . tlcolarly pretty hOUSEl gownll, cot· wllar. Just a mUe thought, attentlot:t ebIld baa he lOt. Hilton Isughed lI'ell kl)" tOD crepes are etrecth(8, 'fery '.8 Oldy-Throe tor.... I wonder •• o detall~, !s needed for right dnum. "Non..n8t'~ " B,ee bave baen knoWl! to 8, u ra, for the i!lmplre lIlodes. -DOt a lot ot mona)'. &II .~. ... "TOll arf ·ID 10\. "Ith some AI 1I\' en mO.. In March of 'llowers. IILLII. OI"U~U" that hereditary In ble mill or kel'l.With sl1ch t' one sh'lI1lrt takl
The Matinee-Jacket Gjrl
ft .
w. L. DOUCLAS '3,80 &,'3. SHQa'S Il' w,
P.Ia1ladtJpkla Pn&
A RICHT TO COOD ROAO,.. BOY'S HEAD ONE SOUD SO~E. Industrl"i"tllas8 In Oountry More Hnir All Cnnle Ou t-Under Do ctor En t itled to Help Th an FarmTh.ree ' Montb s nnd No Bette l'-outlIng Comrnun ltlfs. cura Remedloo Works Wondell.
BEAUTIFYING ROADSIDES. ,. Little Eifort 011 t be Pru·t of Fal'mer Which W/11 Ad (l to Vn~ue of LIlnd. There lire 801110 ~l"l)nomlc ndvantages to a well·sbaded nJtHI>!lde. To 1\ more or less xtcnl lhe Inn d' ls illllllUgOll In tbo .djolnlng II hi; thAl'1l 18 Il hlll llrllllce to tbe use or lh ~ lJ1ow ln ~ roll 'hln e In I<COI)tn g doW n gm3>! nnll weeus; tn Lhe sprIng tbe lihaue from I he trees. e\'llll I houg b ther nre 110 leuveR, tendR to bold t he frost In I he Ro ll 1\ littl e l nn~e r. li nd thua 1!1IUl!0 Lho settl ing or the ronu!)cd, and there nl'e ,Iouhtles" olh r urgumenlS, . nys .the Prulrle (1'u rm er. thllL moy be
It til ls Is a gol' rl1m 1.l t of, by IlnO lItr. A . O. Durnelt, IJroprie!or , I a gen. for th l1eople. It Is lime lo CIlSt ahout .~l"!\1 stare in )\"IIJ'\I OlllnhOlI1I1 . tellK in lind s wheLh I' Its runctl()l1~ arl' be- lbe rol!~willl! groterul Il'itCl' lI o\\" ulicum I ,. f· Ilht II exorclsc.1 TI\Orll nre e.ured hl8 80n of B terrI ble e<1.emB. ·'lIly . 11." a u y . ., IlWc toy uo.1 eCZClllll. II I. lIeod \Va. one nlnet)" millIon lleop le 10 thb Uultcd . lolid 80re, nll over hi. MOlllp; hi9 hllir nil S tates. allll mOI'e .lIl11n OIlQ·ll· I'd or cllme out, ~,!d ~I'8ufTCI"(!d VCl"y muuh. 1 Lh se Ill" Ouglll;cct In ngl'lcultural bll,d Q PUYY1Cittn tr t hun, but nl tbe end of three 100ntha ho wns no beller. 1 reo purs lI ll8. Upo n this InLLOI' cla sK all , membmed tbut the Cuticllrll It mooies hnd Ibe oLb 1'9 1I 11en d for th necesso rlcs cured me and ofter P. :'·lUg llim bvo bot. ot lite" nnd nccord ln g us ro ndltlonl . of uLicura J~ 01\·01l.t, nccordi ng to ur goad or hn ll Ahout th o ugrlcu l· directions, and .uslng . ~o.p nnd J Oilltment on hlln d:ll ll', hIS C~1,ellla left lurnl clusstlM . u11 lhe oth I'H nrc . nt· l uim. hll hair !p' W lig" ill , nnd be hOB r clet!. Proll!> 'rlty lu t h fll rmt ug never hMI uny CC7cmll liinec. We use tbe world men na Ilrosperlty In Iho Indus· t:Ut iClITIl O~ll RIIII OintmenL, and they tl'lal anti the 11l rcanUle worhl When I llcep Ollr elun 80ft nnri ,),ealtl,y. I cbc~r· . fully reconuneurl the CUL IClll"ll ncm~d le? tho Ilirmor8 B~",e r , l hc dl Mosler for nil c,,'c~ I)f e':1. ili a. A. U. Barnett, reacbes In s ome measure ·to very Mar. 30. 1005." . man. womlln an,1 chll rl In tit cr.untry. The Other W n y Abont. There Is no way to honestly pu t An ,i \tlIcrienn, who , hull . pen t lIIore time (Jut of s lgbL I be. Inlerd e p I1llenee or gulln: rin J.J IUllDCY. lImll in ti ludyi nl-.; gumour p ople. nn d yeL I ho one lu s~ t It al maI', whlle cotH.' hing in J<:n"lan.1 rf'!lImrNNi {'ould livo absoluc\ly wlLhou t th ex· to t he dril"r .·: " I bUPP O'" .'oa. hm"n, nil th em tl't!,'. s,.o\\"~d 01l~ 0 / t hem h~ llge8." i~lenco ot a n\" ot Lhe ot her c la sses Is "UII. on, ~if'''' rt"pontl ',1 tile coachman ; the tnrwl ng . communlLy. In view "nil of thelll h ed~eij "ro\\"ed out of tile of th se Kolt·o vldent trutbs It does t reeJ." lIoom that the Industrial and m renn · One Kind ot Investigation . Ule lusses. wlLh tbe professional "You are lak.i n~ n g"ea t ·tlcdl of inter· (looplo. would be mIndful of overy · e'lt in thi s iU\'!..'fl\lgul iun .'·· . "Yes," n1Hm!cre,1 thts ~t8lMl mtln . "I Lblng t tiding Lo make rural lite to gh'e it c1 o~e peryo nul M'cn li on . profitnble and (lloasant. Tho prell' have I \\;ant to millie ""I'e it, doean't develop ent highway condItio ns for m tbo Inyth mlJ I UUlI't care to h u \·e \ ~ nown. " mosL sel'lou8 drawback thut confronts W uuihlltoll !Stu,'. the ('ounLry to·tlny. In no otber clv· Tb ere is nothlllg ('t ~c t.O lt t isfilct.ory in Ilh:ed country do lIl(e conditions [Ire· t hi!! life tlH lo UI 'col1l\Jlisll JiLJ lllct h i n ~ wit h · Vill I. Wh er vel' government has In· ouL ullyolle. nid .- l · ".lUge j)~i ly Ne\\s. terren cd for good highways. tbe re tb o !leoTlle nre happiest. Th e hi gh. a"rfi ~ld Tea o"creollle_ eo nRlipntion, sick beaoor lJc. Ih'U olin I. ill " )" dl,~n!!CII. ways alTord to the rural population not ulon til ml.'R nS : communlen· AI\\'n~'" he !II~ )"OU ·a ..C ri, .. n.l )"ou . lion wllh tb e Imslnestl world. !)ut t bo <rill mako lot. of II c lll ic~.
scbool hOuRes. an(l all thnl th ey h OVEl at so In1 Inl rcourse and am usement.
urged ugnlnlll the timbered. s hndy roa dallIe, Nevertheless, arter nil Is sultl ther few 1I~llle who flo not like to rille aloug Ib,} RhadY roadway; It Is a lwn y~ odmlred l tew (Llrmerll' Bre willing tbnt full grown, thrifty trees .. should 1fe )!\crJfil!ed, and not In frequently tbe form Iselt will commllnd 0 helter prl e pel' Mre sImply be!lllllse the prospootJve purohaser III pleased pnd d 11gb ted with the Btutely, comfortable nnd wholesome teeUllg tbllt Lhe s hndy roadside gives 10 tbe timll. . A type of the s road81de Is shown In our Illustration. The trees nre pines, but pines n eed not be used unlellS de· aired. They nre frequently ndmlred beCIlUBO of their evergreen appenran e. 'j'he oak Iln~Lbe elm lire otte,n mlloh ad mired, olld may be grown succe~arlll1y In alm08~ Il~y nortber.o ·ollmate.
It ghoulll be II. mattor ot gl.'nernl pub· IIc conC'e rn to ha ve Lb o hI ghways In all thl' sLntps put In flrKt·elasR condl· tlon. T he s tatoll ot Ih e m ~e h'e g can n ever es tulJlIRh satlstactor y syste ms of rood s, 1101' shou'ld th ey be expected to. The cosl of road construction s hould bo equitably dl slrll.lllletl. anti t hi eun ouly he done throu gh DoUonnl nld.
KATYDID EGC~. Wh~t Tb6Y Look Like lIud How Tbe;
AI'e Attflched to Follllge-In · sect Does Little D"mage. The II ll1s trutloll, shows a depos It of ktin 'dld egS8 on n gra pe vine. 1'hls Inseol i~ 1\ ('ommon species through so utb ern and entntl United SiRles, but vel')' seldom causes serlou8 damage. The e(;1;:8 nre or a sIa l ·l>rown I'Olor and are Inld In remarkably r egular. ,d.o uble row ~. wltb broken jolnt~ 118 sbown In lhe 1I\\I ~tration. They nre laId on lh. twIgs or Lrees Ip Ihe .north . as the In·
- ----
HOME-MADE BATHTUB. Row One Mad. ot Wood HIlJ 'Be Kade to Do Very Oood $erv- .. ,
ice' m the Bonle. . ,
"Many bom" aloe wltbeut bathtubs beCause of me espc!DII"e neceSBary to Be. . '. .cl!re one, Bnd cob'nect It with a woler SUpply.. Heni , Is a s uggestion ot, "" ered by" the Farm . . Journol 1\9 iii ho'w , one may bf Plode of WOOII. Paint It IVllb ~verQl coats of while paint InSide, und keep ' II well pRinted. to' lt UP 11 ·Ilttle room for It ort Ihe kitchen. If pOssible. Run n pleee of lenl! ,pipe tl'om this tub out tbrough' the wall. ulllnif a stopper to retain t1le \V~ter when In use, A rew pallfu,s ' watt'r from the ki tchen pump, lind one or Iwo from tbe hot wn-' ter (ank or keltle. will 611 the tub 511111c:lenUy, and In leall thOD. live mlnu~.
~ or
Onion Beed. An ODIo. aeede tbal are plump BDII hll IIDk In and tlloee tlla' art eba., ad llPt wt'JI float. 110 Ullra .. a Joad,. " , . 1 ~ NPllflUnl UI. poll
1ro1ll WI JOOl' .....
.cause women some of their most exCljUclatingIy painful hours. Mrs. Lula Berry, of Farmingt~~, Ark., writes: "I suffered with ter rib Ie cramps every month, and would sometimes lose consciousness for 4 to 9 hours. On a friend's advice I took
s"lI oeking Pre(!Il city. "Whal I ~ the rcsult l'" wl\(e d tho teacber of tb e primary clalla In orlth· metlc. "wben' you ' pnt hlro .. nd two tog eth er?" "A kl b," lisped t he cu rly· headed little girl III the rront row.- Chlv.ago 'l'rlbuoe . One on lbe Do c ;)1'S . The n o (on IIcrtll<l I 11" n 101'\' of • ph rsiciun of Fnl~m, ~I " .< . ,.1 ",. all.inK '0
n crollp o f friends, saul: " I \\" IIltl,1 10 b(' a soldier, IJ U lilY ' P:lI'f.! flI S pcr .,untlct! me lo at lIdy rncui r iuc." "Uh, wdl, " r joinrd OJll~ or thl\ P1 l'1\', " lI · h ,. lilt'. ~t a ll Y II 1110 11 with wh ole ... "" ",!'IJ'ation Ila:ol to ("on\cul hirn wJ f With 11 ro :1 :1 u usiltctls.' • .
Eacb to H is ~~a ste. "Did YOII sec whoI' t1Jc rh,,'!ni D
~rn ·
end o f ltlitL nri!!ttnc rat ic p a t I'IfJtic IOCI I' ty p.n yod fo.' ull tho.' \\"Ih> hd"c n<lL lue tihUlt! ant eql l \' :J~ t lu! fll .~ t:h' el5 ~ I! " \\" ell . tlllIl··. it mn" I' !" Gf 1l.. 1t' . Mnybe FOW-: pc,,'!,!e hnn! th rl l' flW O I ',-\:l~ ons for
A Positive CURE FOR'
CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm 10
It clco uses . soo ll,,'~ . hOllIs uud prll( I'tll oC/·qllllg .(he l)"rwlIl l.l1 . tl! (, ry. hUL.Aoam tbe .\is'l\sed IIlcwbrune. It cur s Cutllrrh oud Eve oro Rood · enollgh for me."- lhltj. "nd llri"l'll l\wny nCohl lu the II Cll<l ' more AmulCa n. llc.t.orcB \bo Sell"C!' of 'J'Mte und I:!mclJ. 10'u11 Yizo 50 ct •. ill Dru gS i~ls or by mtill; Can't Hold On. Trilll 'lizo 10 cis. by mnil. "A re you fond of yachling, ~!i .s r.nry ?" Ely llrtlthcrK, 6G Wn.rron Street, Now YOlk. " Uh. yes! At the "cry th O ll ~ ht of thc in'pi rlllg breezcj lhe nra.ining ",,!I, I be . rUFhiDIl wo ter. caD hlll"dly contuJn my·
- - ---
"Y-yel- lltnl's the "'oy it ,(feci. me . - 'Ie\'cland L.nd·r.
W t itP. Corroelll n'lI 0., 13 rool;ll'n. ~ . Y.• lor Jl8 cknge Garfield 'felt .• Ihe herb cu'·c. 'fl .ere i ~ no
l UO" jn f'luffcl'ahl' htH',' t hn n hR H M) 111 11('11 cOl1l 111 1111 &t'n ~t:
h Uei 110 itna~i " lt ti
II.-,h dill',
4 pnga !)ook PATENTS l 'o .. 1S.. s. H.., h i&!! h(,H '
.' I 'l 7.U~ ItAJ . ') ..~
rc rc ren~. ,
W IUiblllKtOU.
A . ·N . K.-E
U. tJ.
Don't Poi'son Baby. fORTY YEARS AGO ulmost every mother thought her ohild must have pAR~GORIO or laudanum to make it sleepi These drugs will produce sleep, aiId A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP fROM WHIOH THERE IS NO WAKING. Many are the children who lltilve been Jdlled or whose health has been ruined for life 'by paregorio, laudanum and morphine, eaoh of whioh is a narootic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics.named to children R't all, or to anybody without labelling them "poison." The definition of" na.rcotio" is: 114 medicine whiclb relieves pain and produces 8leep, but, in poisonous doses produces sPhpor, C()7IW,. convul~ sions and death. " The ta,ste and smell ofmemcines containing opium are disguised,
and sold under the names of " Drops," "Cordials," " Soothing Syrups," eta. You should not permit any medioine ' to be givon to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT 'CONTAIN NAItCOTIOS, if it bears the signature of Ohas. He Fletcher.
?i.slde P/~W. ·t'I1I,J"K.A'f \' DID I;:UOII.
Promotes Di~eslioRI~rful
ness and Resr.CO,ntains nellbel' Opiwn,Morphine nor }Ilneral. NOTNAKCOTIC.
nega~llIg Lhe yIeld or . orn. lt seems Quite possibl e tbat 1I110n land wbose producUyo capacity Is IImlt e.1 uy tho supply of a vaUaule nitrogen th e low protein or hlgb staroh corn llIa y yIe ld better tball t ho hlgb proLeln corn, provided tbe two kln,Ia at 'corn are equal In otber respecjs, a~ hi Kerru· IlIatlng ·powe.... vigor of g rowth , root development. etc. illy opinIon Ie mat If we have use (or hlgb protein corn we shollld produce It and by means of .leguminous crops we ahould pro· vide the growing corD crop with 88 muoh nitrogen It can pl'()Dtnbly IISI. Ot course· this principle -applies not only to nltr!'>g,on, ·but to all ot tbe, elements or tertlllty. Thcro Is no economy In aJlo ..lna any crop to grow In a halt· starved condltlon. ,BIIY ' more than there II! I.n keeping growing ani. mals on a mere maintenance ration We sh.ould Ilrovlde not only' til e nl trogen. but we should al~ mak e BUfe that tile supply ot '1lhosllbllrus and potas81um Is slIlIIclent for maxImum proOtablo .cr'op yields. . III tbls connection It ma)' be stilted that tbe e.v"ld cnr.e thue rar obtaIned ' f-rom 8011 Investigat ions In the corn belt o8 Ihul the auvpl)' ot nl· Irogen lu al.lullduu t, In llIost SOlis, In· deed ' tliot Inrge amounts Of nltrqge n are annually pusslng 01T In drainage waters, that Ilho ~ lIhorU8 Bnd not nt· troPD Iii thE! element whl.ell COmmonly limIts I he yield of the corn c,rop. and tbat tbe 'chlef etrect of clover upon. 8uc:eeedlng crop ot corll Is due to the phQlphorus liberated by the decaylna clonr. reilduel. tbe tlxa'Uon of QI. belna Df lecondary Import. . . . .-o,rll G, HoplWl.. Ubivenll,
Dr. J. W. Dinsdaie" ot Chl ~ago. III., Eays: " I u se your Castorla anti ac1vlse its use In 1111 fnmlllcs ""here t!lero nre ch l.! dren." Dr. A1etanc!er D. M lntle. of Clevelend, OhIo, says: "I have frequently prescribed your Castoria lind have round It II reliable and pleasant rem• edy for children." . Dr. J. S. Ale::.;andnr. or Omaha, Neb., says: "·A medicine 80 valuablo lind . be!leflclal for chilt!rC'n as your Cutorla is. desenrcs tho highest praise. I had It in USG cverywbllfO." , Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Dulfaio. N. Y., says: "I have frequently prescribed I ),our CAstorla tor children lind It!ways got good results. In tllct I use . Castorill. tor m7 on'n children." " Dr_ J. W. Allen. ot St. LouIs. Mo., says: "I heartily endorse ),our Cutorla. I bave trcCjuen'l1y prescribed It In my meclienl practice, and haVG alwnys found it t o do 1111 thnt Is claimed tor It. .. Dr. C. 1L Olldden. at St. Pnul, Minn., says : "My eXllerlenca as • prac' tltloner with your Cnsl orla hos been highly satlstaclory. and I consider It an excellent remedy f or tbe young ." Dr, H. D, Benner, c,r Phllodel)lhla, Pa.. MYS: "I haye uSed ),ollr CaBo tori. as a purcatlve In. the cases of chll dren for years Pllst with the m08t happy effect. and fully ondorse It a sare remedy." Dr. J. A. Boarman, o,t Kansas City. Mo., says: "Your Castorla Is a IIplend~d remedy tor cl.lJdren, known 'the world over. I use It In my pracllce :md have no hesltanC1. ill recommendl~ it' for the complaints of Infants and chlldreQ.~' . Dr. J. J. Mack81. of Brooklyn. N. Y., says: "I consider your Cautarla an e~cel1cnt prcpartlllon f~ chlldren, 1JClng cOlllpased ot reliable medlclnell and Plca:;ant Lo the 'LiSte. A r;ood remedy' for all dlsturba.ncea ot Ull dIgestive organs;"
Aperrcct Remedy forC'onsllpa-
lion. SOUl' Slomach,DlarrfIOea
Worms.Convulsions,fl!WrishIless and Loss OF SLEEP.
ALWAYS Bear. the Bi:gn;8;tUl;;.e;of_ _ _- -
:!IC:Mlure of
, . ~.
and as a result am now relieved of all my pains, and am doing all my housework." No matter what symptoms your female trouble may Cause, the most reliable, scientific rcme~ for th~mt is Cardui. Try it.,
At all brugglsts
C \4
Eldorado . Springs
HIdden away in tt,e foot hi11. of' tb" ~ Nort h!:!r n Ourk8' , Iopel. in .bo ni l t
of Ct nO li tOl r i ll, lie. Sod o ...
MD. , DII id tUil 11Cllhh . hd pica ur. reRDH. . inee t he df,co,"cfY of i' 5 no" famuus !iPI'iUl:\I . thousandtt I ha yo nc t;ivr:d b~lIeth s froul tb o hcaliuR wat~r • aDd h,,"'e 6! onc ~wa1 e loquent fe-i ii·" ! . uMJu iab u f I hftlr 'c Ul 5l, 1 1",~ p ropo rtJea.
Om hllllh~ 1I11uncr "'::3'00, Glcu rsio ft . ick • •• "III b •• 011110 ltillorocio S pri nll
.' ,')
Exceptiona.l ly Low.Rates T o Ihe,." ~ef!1: t uQ::" lfuJe l . idul place in ~' hjch 10 *",e lld ,J. $U IIHntr vaoation a t .lIllnimulIl Ipenle. Eldo rado Sprinu oUf"Ii m Ju:, a tl rac l io n~.
W . S, S 1'. GEORGE G"u t:ra J Pa$!CHtaer and Ticket Acelll ST .. LU UIS, 110. "
6t14 l'r:H'1I01l WIlI'., l:l .. cll:l u !tO. Ob: u ,
nl tan_ a prodneU ... ' c''I..:1I:11 in dollar. d: o\'.:r fib per acre . . t) ' h U nu land, wblC!Jt hal ('0 l t he farmer
m;.nhiujit, but the r,rle. o r l illi n, it. tel a ...
Q~ a
I\ory .
The C.:an:u1 hUl Go\'~qllncm t .llv~. abttolutel, fret t o Cl' e r), .cuh:r 100 a c r~. o( iuc b land. . • I.l\uJ" nd jo ininR' can ~ purc haUd at from. UCIC frow rftilruad a lilt o,bcr (orvor..
! ?o.~~ vcr
A1f(t\("· 1':'::.000 "um~r" ftotn the U~hed 1':l vCO' Uln de lhc ir hUU1C ~ ill Callada, I:o r 1111r11ph lc t "T ..· t' tl 1Ieth C<nlury Cani';d." a1l d all il\f Tf1lalhm QI'I)ly to R \ , rJ!aINT u ND8N. u1' bIM lfi JCA,Tl n!'f, OtUlwa, ' C.nad~. of to tbe ro11o w illg a.uthorixe c1 Cnnadlan G O\l C'rnlllt~' AJ: t" lIt 6 : ~ U : lt. \VILI,l.A ) IH. Ln" Dulldh'l "Ttl ledo. 0JI,nC w H l hfJ ,HIP"
THt Sl6N Ot IHf flstl fRQ . ., ' . l~" , /fir."
' InweUse ........ For". " Over 30 ' yea .... , .. .,....n, ....... e,n. .1,"j~Ur
.. .
"The Wonder City"
The'Kind You Have Always Bought
WHAT LIMITS CORN YIELD. Low Protein Corn More Apt to Do Well on Land POOl' In Nitrogen Tban High PI'oteln COI·.n.
Letters from Prominent Physicians - addressed to Chas. He fletcher.
sect pass" lhe 'wi Iller IJl tile egg slage, In the .souLh they ore lald on tile edgel of leave8. frequently. a row on ellch !lurtuc;e. snys the Ohio I!'armer. The IllII4l(lt hns two gcnerll\lonll In tht! soutb. When tbeeggs are Inld ,lhe ~ ul'rllce or tne twIg Is Drst roughened by th jR WS. Tba eggs nre then lalrl. olle ufter IlIloUier. lila s uccessive ones belli!; 11II9hell [or a short dlshlnre In under th e pre edlng. Tbe nllmber Inlt! b)' ench (emnle ,,3rle. trom 100 to 1&0 . . 111 tile pring Lbe egg spllL8 along the' lOP ond Lh young ka tydid emnrges. very pale In color. Mr. SClldder. "' ho has made a stully of the 80ng of the kntydltl. suyS the night sOna, nd the day IIOng differ.
absorbed .
GI, .. Rellel at On ce.
lugge.Uou u to Effective Method ot Preventing Injury to Plants. The only elTeollve way to pre vent InJurle8 . to IIsparagus by Illlllaragul! bee llo larvae Is lo dslro)T the . eggs before Uiey holch: 80yS the Orange (lnd., Farmer. Tbe flr~t eggs are laid on tne young s hoots; Inter on tbe grown plant. Tbey are black, about 1·16 Incb long and sot nearly • at right aaglea to the stem; Sl>. tbough small. they are fairly consplc· UOIIS. In a rew days they IIl1tcb Into Illmy, greenlsb 61u«- with blaclt heads, legs and dots On tile body. The simplest way to manage II to leave a tew Inferior shoots· for the temales 'to 18)' eggs on. When four . .. Ilve dllYs old these shoots must be cut aod b'umed and oUlers allowed to replace tbe in . To sImplify this cutting lind to reduco to II minimum. the chance of wissing ony plants. those allowed t.o remaIn sbould be • U In certain parts ot the fi eld on cerl.nln days. The Deld should be dl· vtded Into four or t hree equal parts. depending on the frequency of cut· tlng. At the first culting the trap pienta· sbould l.Ie lett In tb e first sec· tlon Ind eo on. In eallo other secllon every punky stalk should be c ut with tbe markelablo on'es and \>urned. Every trap plant In any section mut be ,cut 00 the fOUl't b or nf(1I .Iay and tbe plllll continued Lhrough Lho cut·· tlng s oaaOIl. TIlls will COmpletely proteot tbo fi eld from loto attacll t.nd rtlducc possible Infestation the ned leason. provldelt nn espliragU8 III al· low~rl to' grow In fence rOW8 and waate pl.aces Rnd Ilrovlded n~lgllbc)rs al'e IS . careful.
All In the R !ineb . The woy to reac b, olr to ott:! ln lo DnyLblng, Is 10 bend onllsol r toward ·tt with all oue's might; nnd we a·p proslmate It Just In proportion to Lho In· tens ity and the pe rs l ~ tcn '0 of our ef· tort to RlInln IL.- SI.ccvss Magazine. .
11M ~~ . (or the r,~~T durinf Kwnf/ 11'1''' ~
. ' ".r~· fIlIi,,)'O\J ~'.~~~J.I}l ~~ ."heilbtr willi ep tJrOOf oiled (OlIob-• .~uh, Of hOrse ~ for ,U kind, of wet work! . .". III QlAlA2lftf nor G.uttt!II1. .~. .'
."'.OtrU .J.Towt. cO.IOSTouw\"U.$..4:.
UNAIIAli Co.LwttHO.. IITO.......
MEN 'W ANTED FOR THE NAVY. 'I..,~an' l ~ 1IIo' ili
• botween ,h. &201"- ., ond find ,ood pol ilionfli open 10 thew.
:''b! '':!.:,~~:'a:·:.~~~..~..~! 7,~:o!',i
have so luccessfully Ilood 'htl lesl of time Iballhe), are Ihe standard everr-here for .Ireoeth and ullllt)'. . . . . Trfa ........" __ ........Ior 10 .ny 00 Ih. mlrke.. CootS lleaY)' "b~la. All the lateat Impromn8llle Illite eqalpm..... . , '. . .... ...... dItt I t . wrf. _ . . " 'IM 11.1 .
aAirUVILLa. 0810.
oPl>Orrunlly 'or . A full ou(6, 01! Ir.. and lilrtralllQ to commood "lib. Callor""'\1 N• ., lI.eroilin, Ollleo. Poo, Olice ~ulld'D" Clnclnn.tI. Ohio; POIIOIi.. 8ulldin•• LoIli ••ilI..... , .: POll' Olice Bull
bd!U&"lIto It I.
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I' ~' ••
Keep the Hens
in!! . I
MI·. nllll ~lri\ O,"'r~I ' \\'('~""' tl 11f t
• •_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
111 "
. . ·hm lhin~': U(t ~ l'
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Sno w F IliI- po< [If; I ('W · 1t H Fr,, ~ h :1111\ ('ri-: )l Ilk II I'ad.... "·,, l;, ·;tuli f ul .'ifi I'i l '(' l' 1'ca ' I'!
n[ Mr!\ Hlluj HIIWld ll'" 11 ,,,1 III rl'('nOllllrlldrd hy Homo of tho ntb or rolut,ivn ill th l" \'Irinlt~' . 1 6r" I'~ ~ pllultrynwi' 1\8 Ibo lIIost . ~lrl1 . S. K Eili o lt IIn,\ r1n\1 !1..lI tol' Fn'c-Dn ilt I'ai l tn " l·t a I' ucl,ugl' (,(·t l~"'hi;·u ) fuolln' 110,1 bidi ng ror ill Mr " Rll c\1p,1 L UlIl' . \\lIO ' III'I'I \' l',l I,pull ry h,,". ,.~ . sheds; ,' Ie. i5hl ltglc8 <"1,'\\ 1 ' ,) l lJ llI C ~ Wnyu 'v i1l~ "nllllll." mnrnin :.: fl'l1111 11 111) Ci;lpbol1nls cost moro nlld do ~ ,\\ t aill.u!! . Donv r, '0101'IIl1 0, htl \. ·11ii!Jl,, ~,·il 01' 1. C~la ~ l. ' t~ " ' )1.1. 1,1','1' t ho loullLllngA /I dry III Ll Cill' n IlI Ill'r ~ a ll tlwir bel o n ~1[J~:; ill tll cit ('it\' 111111 . 1\ (Inn. t.lW TOl11ul Ot' s will t-Ipeml t.he summ or UIII ' )ll!! LiI('ir Ch('rril '.· hienc1 s IIU( r elntiv ~ ill' II YIl " ~\tillo YOU CAN Af'PLY IT YOUR SELF Berrics of alll(ind . ",1tlt r l>l)1I1I 1: I, ll in l'l It r1\1I. h (10)('" IIn~ I'l'/ Jlrlrr ludllLlllg Hllr\'oy bu rg Wl1ru i n~I U1J.ll l1 rl ('1 IIppli/.Ll. 111101 1\1'" nul. :-:,·",1 tl'·dllY for fret· RI\llI pl ·~ Ilud IIr L mOll . . ",bero in this nel!!;hbo l'il"oll , bnt. nf "BuildIn g Eoonom y." Uaminn s- Pi 1H' ;i 1)j1I l': - Oran ~ (' . I cou rse will lJe in WII~'n ps v llJe dIll' · ...·PENC ER & MONROE By \I.r lIt Sale ~\lrllIlC' For The Large!'t '\ .' in!,; Hmo· 'llnJin /i: w. Ilk . Til l'.V 1111 ,. Wan' ·t1 Bnamdl ORr~GONIA, OHIO not do ic!etl "'hur r' t!1l'v will I' JC11ttl eve .. . hown in 10wlI. and Ilric('!j I '!' ILl•.::1.' 'J'll l". II wa nt the lowest, En'rylh ing YO it. in Enamel warl' W(' han' Pal'oid tha makes it the I n th manu fu(·tul'ing· StOl' O Ell II n1('1 III). Pi(' (,11th'. 0:\11 t.I111 Smit h , f(·r "sswjek .u,·II\·t· l' \, ('f sf~ctoI'Y roofing- or sieling ~ati m1 ~ ical 1I10s t 'cOI1I1m Dishc. : 5c Cllch. th f ' 1 t: to Martin~\·iJIl·. l'li ll tU I1 C' HIIlI .\ '. last arc we ('ggs ()ur ~' 'us Bring I llJ1ti llr, III' P1'Oo ' ane wea er lth B l. marke g In "Iturdu y , lind return ed M he L n u a~~i~tln is ial skoy matel' FredG& Mr. I . {f TOLD . IN SHOI mllkin~ tho \lrlv . of thirty five payin~ In' ot'. You It t flill va.ltl u l' C iv 1 if you buy P 1' · PARA ORAP HS the/Wa ynesvil le Nlttlonfll Blink . e!! iu about fiv u hours. During lIlil Rnd wife anll n Mr. J. L. Sheeha Pal'oi<1. Dozen their II bsell eo th y 111111 tho pl clIsul'e N'S, Paria Green Is the kind I two daught ers wore enterta ined of tL visit wit.h t, old (d.ena". ERMA ZIMM . Bratten . PARO l I) ROO FING ' PAIN T, .baa ...... A "fie .btpme nt just Sunday by Prof. Ilnd Mrs Mrs. Huchel 'l'1\1Il ' ·tt IIncl Ml'. IIUU n any kind of ),oof. · Mrs. Bannah Rogers Imd dough reoehe d .. Rader's store. lire n. FLOUR, made by the Mr. aDd Mn. W.Uer ·D. Cundl er tar MtB8 Rhea. of Lebano le. at ~ j aplD' Sunday witb thetr jspendt n g this week at Wayne svll. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hawke, of Day· re~~Y_IIr. Thom. s Zell aDd fam · spent Saturd ay and SundlLY ton tbe d 0, &D~ 1Ir. CbaDdl er attende their relative s In Wayno sville. with. I after_ the In I:lltott E. funeral of S. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Burnet visited 1IOOIl: oth A. ~ noeDt mee&lng of the stoak at the home of Earnes t Butterw . Sunday ll&st People ', Bank Of bO~ of Singer. LoU JIeaob. Califor nia, W. B. Gard IFor Sale-S owing machln o. cheup. one. !olood n haud. !)ooond Mr. rs. directo tbe 01 one t'ecMcl . w. . Muln !'tore, ~ GU8ter' . 8 T. Oardl. delt,Jl&ed With the home of Callilt . io Oll ville W"ynes Street. State. bil adopUo a iD tbe Gald6n bnt wm remain In Warren oountv ~r. W. J. Kilbon. of Oorwin . is . antUau tamn. g Il. couple of week!! at 'pendin .. B S .. Liok Spririg~ IDlliuna reo French ElliB. . T J. Dr. Ilia. ... . n. Conc ernin g b. ' Mn. lW~" Kia1e8 Dar. and Irma oroltin g belLlth ILnd ~tr6ngt KlJl~ were pelt. at the large and Form er Re.sid{!nts. MIB8 Celestla Austio .nnd brotber , . el8pue n&erla lament liv", Batur. ~-~-the an· day ••ea1DA h, bonnr of tbe twent-y ' C. M. ADBtln. lire at.tendl ng l Home-C oming and rGrnm t Tosob. . If... IDaI'I'Ia p a1lDlve nary of Prof noal gatheri ng of the State CA TILE OAP former R shlellts ut of n ReuDlp tbls Buy In Putt at ltion AssoClt NO s cllntnin OIL, g aad lin. Eaceae B. FOI&er. at Glen ers OJ.,!' N pE'ndlng ill ITALIA D . RAnd r on ludu from Pl RE Waynes ville week beginni ng,J\,ug ust dale, a_I" CiDCInDatl. Mn. B. . if. week . hi s witll burg oy Burv neUf week __ . _ )or'e Alkali. Therefo re it willllo t protluc.c and Irritati on gune 6, Hl06 . Ellt. and K1aa ~ remaln, ed over Dr. C. W. Hellder140u ha!l lind t. Bl1rnl't n Prof. D. A. Ferree. former Prin. sit'ter. Mrs. J onntlUL s on bls n.n the mllRt delicate . kin . g Bunday with frUlnd l.t FOIte" eta· Into the poultry bosines of Wayne sville schOOl nnd is makiug tum elf u 'eful Imilltin 25 CENTS A POUND aip"l 00 ip townsh MALL 'AJ E 10 'BNT' cr 111111 Uoo, rMUl'D lq bome Monda)" whl.le farm 'In East· Wayne tenden t. has and deoorat in the bouse in ide Supedn its ards IIfterw Dr. The AT SOllie. ve extensi an qoUe 'be "'her membe rs of the party sohools outsille. Mr' . Ander!> 10 IS till in has as fine II. lot of young cbioken s lJ\len Super lntende ut of tlio bOlDe dUDda)'. . ' HOIII\l. of II.t Martins ville lIinco hQ left our the hospita l Il t t~le 'oldlers If ypukile w tbe 'value of Cbam. as we ha'v e ever seen conSist ing onlv bllS nnd l, Indlllllf te, Lnfl~yet AYNE~VIL~, O. at ' will Ferreo and buff vi11sge. He suu Mrs. DRUG STORE ber1aiD '. Sal.e you wonId never Leghor ns, plymou th rooks in !'Iix d'LYS two nI' sit to able been in n vacl~tlo their of month 1\ about spend wtab to be withou t It. Bere are ooobin.s and expeots to have weeks, bnt will 'j oin him here us tbe SUUl · OelawlL r e. Ohio. of end the by e chloken 800 is It whloh for ue8 th.edlle of lOme (is she. is able to make the trill· soon I Mr . A, Needles . wife und daugh 8II~lY ' Yaluble: sore ntpplet mer. KeYBand famil y lust Hun ter, Miss GlitllI.. lire now pJElIlSnntly. 7T-..c....--~---_.....IlM.... bum" frce~ b!t~B~ . J. M. ined Mr. and Mrs. 6eo. sitnllte d in ' IL cottage in Rooky enterta day ohtlba lu, ohroDlo .ore eyet. Itching J . G. Mountl lln 'LRke Ptlrk, near Denver . ptlee, tetler, ..It rhenm .ad 8ozema,' Westoo tt of Phillidelphia. Mrs. Colorad " of wblch Mr . Neodl 8 i Keys, E. I. Pric)e 150 per box. For ale by F. C, KeYB Ilnd family. SupeJ:i ntenden t. In ILddition. to the Ethelyn cr daughtIlnd Jones .Eva . Scbwa t.. . and f",mily .. oongen ial duties of o~ersee ing t~e. \I N~ ~" "ndeDta from' the varioos and Benjam in Bllwkin s 'fhe . power tha t ' ~i','(~s you NeedIest!! Ill!!() provtd. Mr. s, ground Gazette ' the of ent equipm The home oou., . bYe mottiy .r eturned the II r\'C " new quar. eel with 110 Ilttruoti ve eottog'e home life and motion i tor.1aiI lr ,umme r vaca"O lll now. office will be moved to ItR id , loca cd in flu nerve or force, Uay.. In the pflrk. the nepre_ cells of II Ie brain, AmOD, the reoent arrival . are Har. tere in Allen Buildin g Wedues Mrs . C. E M.. ~on, fOl'lll Ol rly Mrs . and sent out throll. 11 tho gotten is Gazette old Cook from the Oblo Weele, .aa Thl' illloe of the ueultl RObert Ehgle of Wuyno svtl h wri te nerves to the various 0 :';,; a1l • Unlyen .lty and . Berber t Warwic k out a few hoors earher tban rrom ({J11l!'/I " I H Y, Mis Gllzette the If you are tired, nervou s, . rOllson this for Un· Hta&e tbe andl'n d Cukey from 1 nt th 0"" 11 c, cannot slcer: have tLJink irritabl IIRrlll.V J .. sonri; thA of 'nni&J, Colamb us. Mr. Cukey ·.rblsI8 th" busiest time feel stuffy, dull and he, 'Olll · headac B.nn\) tl.Je nllt, witllyo cllnbe and Wheat er. tbefarm .w .juU.e foretb eoIOl8 ofthet erm year with or ha ve neuralgi:t, holy, melanc onW \\ I l hernllJ"( arry, Inuica Ing. IILIII b ackache, peri· ~te4 ANoola te Editor of "The hay harves t are on hllD(l. sm, ellmati rh crop this el1jtty the vi~lt 1\1 t,he \t Id bome . tion, dysindige pains, . l odica . ~Mrn" 'bellNld lng publica tion of tIOD.J are that f·he wheat see 1 l'hllt baUer In There ina hnt fow 1IIl[tlfl!' tomach trouble, or lhe pepsia, the UDiYllntty. The POliti on oar. year will thresh out well, that !l're f'Lmiliu r IIIIEi f. \\I of the kidney s and liver are inactive , riel with" -.lden ble roepon ,' fact than for several years set., IIn ,1 fewer of t h p 1'0111 tive older dlinj;lh. your life-cu rrent is wc.'lk. lire. J. W. Edward s Imd bUltya nd .. -'tilth oompll meut to have been nwn .' · r~!r 'II1I.';I\R Thero et, Power- produc ing {tleljs needMllrgar Rod l hil abllltJ· Mr. Warwic k, who' ters MI8sea Trlllenl y t / 1 f rlw YPllr._. ju;t in gly someth ing to increasc nerve ed; Reemin ente a.pai'tm takeo have , Daytr)D of aogradua ted from 'he College , b&8 r~ngthen t he II rvcs • '1 ok rgy-st bll c cn look t,n tITIJO long 1\ on lower oepled a pOIltion &8 pb,.loa l ID: tn Morris Rogers ' bouRe Miles' Restor ative NcrDr. . ' bere remain ' will and It .j • &l'1IO&or and te.cher In Enllh.h In .Maln street Prohllb ly no PDQ wh~ hllS .Snu ,ht vine is the fuel you need. rE'./Idv to Mloblp n Ol',ao d will enter on tbe dnrlng the Bumme r and be nerve uces ,prod nerves the feeds ~ont partlolp ate In the Hqme C O~ing . II. b~~lId o r fi eld to.r IIll v'lnopn . s vi tality. wor1l: In 8eptem, lIn.,. Itt,"lrte,1 force. and restore ll~O v . Wllyn~!< of e ontRlCl ' ' les: "When I b ogan t4klnll: Dr. ~IlI~9 W.I&er ....oK.'. who . hilS epent feettvlt In III" c ho~e[J pro· Res lornth'o N erv lne and Anti.. lin "ucce!!!! ter gren " " f I M f ' Ell ", 1 'U bc... & y B m u o . t 0 h . Pills 1 wa s confined .l.... ~an .. pupil at .'be • o . en Illl ngtou. 0 ",prlUg f esslon _re. I, ,m . OllfO u.rvey A. ·-:tn r lice. hnd 8jl\'oro nCI"'ous ell II ". t ~. (l r eSUlt1 8.0.i8o aae Xenia gradua ted w Ith V8 11 ey, spent·Sa tord ayan d Sunday 1son of Mr~ . Mnriu IIrruoe. wh o of two yonrs lIIpess w ith tnt"lll.rln. 6_':" h " . . grnd ulllty g re w 80 Yo·.ak h"t 1 wn b with her brother , I . '*GI'W ~ & e High Bohool at In Wayne sville on ber farm Il cOllph·, of nules hves I U~::;~~n ~~' 8~lt~P. co~b.c1~\'I~.'S u,::~ul~ ' '1 t d S ff J' T d Wedn &bat IlIItItul lon Ia,t almost hlpami y. MrR . below town on the lowor Prill g boro would b como weak andW(LS mith an 01 ay ev- . e . . poor. I 'slmllle nse dry goods less. lIl,· c lrculntlo n I • -tlng the Home Is antlci"" ton 111 10' 1" t/ I' \'j'll\' "I Onf) I' · " III j n Hu t" hl "11' . ' <1t1,;,Gv pIke ' . .entn, Ind .110 from bl' oh088n trade Manlng . ~ b~c~JIe,, °:t'f,o 11.00,000 I\nnOl\l1)'. ':!! than ~~dd mure ul , ~ ~~~k~rOC pleasur e and sl". A rtt X 'n1" . ," "1'1, 11,.,, · II 1t1l~" I ". n m e right u.wn >' o mechan ical enginee ring In wblob Coming with jtreat oOlll'~ e III t,he sC'rmr.t.l t o s trengthe tory prepllm n After , old her LVO [be of beUer. many wu n meet to and my circulatio be bu made very sati8fao tory pro. hopeI! tnl,. n In nil 50ven bottl.$ or the conntry sohools . h e enter'd tho N. N GO l~d . · , or vlnc. and I ...m 'entlrely ",~U." gr.... He .rrived In Wayn8l lville friend II at that time. ' tile to next going n. Lebano II.t U. IN. ROSA E. W.Ii1AVlilR. 8tuQl'l8. Ia. '. Frida), mornlD g .nd· willepe nd bIB your he Dr . .,i1el' NerVlne I, lold by Mrs. Ale&hla Alexan der was 8um 'l Ohio Stollte Univers it.y, where the druggist, wlJo will guarante " t".t YIWlItlon w"b bill Bleat Howie t . B. S." and, of degrees the d bottle will benefit. If It . falll, he receive "rat the to week last on Hamilt to money. your refund frienell, .. hal been hie oniltom for moned will . bedside of ber Bteter, who was Bnp. "M S" . u ....ambe f . .. Mile'" Medical Co" ll:lkhart, Ind point of death. l' 0 yean. _08Bre. Adelbe rt poeed to be at tbe ... He WI18 Illud e A~sistuut. m. tho theto 'are r. howeve reports Later Bailey Ruper~ , lIoKay MoKay. Wm. Dr. S. departm ent of 6eology of the Ohio and Charles Mloben er and Miss etlect 'bat 8~ has rallied. Ohio. \VIIS State UDiverRity. ami 1h.lso (\ 11 the 0 Brown at&ended the opm- Q. Alexan der. of Elida.,' Ohio G. eologiolLl Survey . H I;) hilS Cure. Colc1&. Croup nud Whoopln(J Cough. nce. '7 n:::~n$ eJ:eroiBes at the Bome,. • Isoln attendH ~1l0~t~
Ba ttn bat tt's
Exclusiv e Shoe
=- -5 e
Yo ui ' Li fe Cu rre nt.
( \.RPE'l' , DUE S G-oODS-, -:&ACE . 'URT
vVh lte
Gi llgharn.. .
Silk GloYe" Corset.s,
Chamberlal'n's Cou"h Remed,
~_ _
R I K " 13
, S
~ {jibri~.y,'
JE' ~ ..ttL -W ~. h~_I" • .' -. ..;-- e 30 -a h. asked for the most ordin ary, .~
the most desira ble merch andis e at the 'price THE · POW ER ~f this twice- a-year Sale lies in the fact that you buy io~." our splend id collection of highe st class goods at a very decided reduct otTer y. sim~l "We price. a at you. to sell to s length sliort nor We buy' no job lots Exten t of Sale,--JUNE 30th, to JULY 14th, Every thing in every Depar tment' redu~. Nothi ng reserv~, .
Millin.eryandNeckwear l
N o P lnee c f R u ins
thc W hcle
I n ducemen t s
B ~ld
Olt by W es t e rn
• omen In
O'lv r n,T708nl ·talO?' ~ r I
ruull l!lg u .• on.·.• 8nl~m l\ Amer WOl'Id Moi'b B enl, Ufu l k CIl.n ad a 1I..1'e P owe rfu l. - - -- - - - ....- - - . -T bnu Th:s, -- AppallIng Increases in the NUI ,n ber o f 'Operations It'a n a " e r y ga y lleOI, I\' Illtl ced - l al" \ in t; I1wn y I hu re proach Ih n l w e 1,,1 A re pnt nll mtir. r e t t ho Wi n ni peG Performed Each YeaI'-tl ~ow WOlmelLT-~ta~!::...-----!---ollr pleu s u ,'eH 10 0 sprlo ll~ ly . n lHI m a le ; W rl l ('R W Illiam HI'lI rp(' III "1' h(' Gnr, (lIl ll'nlteIJll ) Free Pr(,~8 cOl.l lal ns a n AVOid Thelll. III~ need fo r ,'Iolh os upp, o prl ll l(' I', t h den or 11i(' :;lUll :' III C; (.'n l u ry : E I'I' I-Y : e xcelle llt n rU Ie o n t he p r cs pects III ,1I ~1'"len H , No t e lll y ,10 "llrrl ugl' Coli; one h ilS 1l~a:I'd of 0 11'1;1' II U , as or S y ra, i W este rn Cuo a dll, a pot l! on of wblc lJ ,II'eSR o\\,a <'l l"l. bll t " Isil I h ~ 1)1 lJ lull ' t il ' " , u('COl'tl comi n g 10 S ll' lIy, ' ('he , w o nre pl (,I\ _l:ld t o r eprodu ce , M I' ' t NI l' . I ho o;.m{ tro ll y , ~ ho l';s l iS m o~t II u lltlfu l (' Il l' of ,an l lq ll ll y h aH 'r h e, na n t s of th e Canad la o Gov, 10a ,I or Jl l'eltl ly r Uht ll ll lu J W(J Ul l' n, A ' le Ct li n "lI tlllrln g n a m '. a nd Ir Ih e Gi l" e r n moo t. 10cn lcl\ nt diffe r e nt ce n tr s volt " ' 1I1i o f so III I' ,Ie ll II I co lor a n,: !,'; c ntl or lo,day be t n r truril Ih e Ag rl · In t ho S t nt es . will b e pleased t o s l"e m m lu g It muk etl, An (j ltl,r cs a wers adll1 lruuly r9 r w a r ut RIIIIIIlHl l' gell Lum u f J~o l1la n ijp le lli lo r , a n ,1 s il ll nny f Ul' tlw r lo (or m a ll on us to rnt es, wn!l lall' ly ~(en worn pa l' l{ uml prll'81'~ PUI'l)' . . n n ll I h o flll' l hrr rro m t he Ar r agns or Or n and how t o I' nc h t hese In'nds. UII a ll, wh t'l ·hnl . WhOM Onl y ! I'o ll es e r lir e He'n~ o n cem e In m os t I \)eauty . nllcl mllgTI lll Ce n, • It · I~ I<t lll j " Jus t DOW th ~rc Is a I, ~ cne r Inte r, n g nR ob~cr" r d fr e lll Ihu lJa " I{ 1 hea u tifu l ~ h ad cs , Ih llI a l ' l'1al bilc l; no bly wo rUI sl e ln g', !', vl' n th If!l!s t est t han e ve r bC'fo r e 00 t he part e t I ~a t TllI'h ~ o t wlrlt e tllll e. "0 1' · i ill fas hion wit h II ce r lll illty, t vO prot' l r e po ns lI' c Imagi na ti on r a n hll r tl ly ,fn l\ tbe , ou tsi d e w orl d, In r ega r d to t bo t llA w \()p 110 11 ,11 0 11 ti llfl fllllin g Iy lOll S 10 bo 1'lllllRhe d . t o a ppr eh e n d Ilc lll,e Itl II of wh ol I h lH ~Ia l m s of th e Can,ndla n W es l ns n fi eld over 1110 llIllr. Wh e n Iho , w (nr ~ .. 1 ' T h e ha t be r e ~. I l u r d Is IYJl lcn l of , Iown mu ~L h nve u ,pn ot o lcl . w h II of set tl e me nt, Al ' n o p re "lou s ti me I I hQsC ~ e n 0 11 Ihl! Hll nllTl r g ir l of th e A r rllgn~. wi th It" vnst PXlell L anll 01'0 1' b us t h ero been ' su ch n r us h of Imm l, day , I l Is a <'llUrmln g g ray r r ln 200.0 0 In hn blt on1s . look ell eut 8 r ro~ gr:ltl o n, a nll t ho am ou n t of Intot'm a , yell ow j t he Il n rl -hl ue wal e I'll o r Ihe e re k ij l' Il, t lon d is t r ibu t ed bron dca s ~rece, flu ff y wil li lu ll e un ,1 wi t h I r o. " r,. 1lI(\1; !II~ ho(i lllllu l ,'olllrn s t 011 or ]lln r e Afrlea ll O, fro m a 1 01'(1I ~' 11' 11· d Cli l edl y g r eut. I t he so ft [;rn ' -11 F' r lI ell com l.o ln ulion ' ,Ie rn ess o f Bll pl'e b l e m ples an d m n!,'11Ifl , " I n 1:10 m ajor ity c r tho S lll t es at . n n (l l1rl ls l iL', I'''"t bli l ld ings o r n il It lnds, T O,IIIlY It t h o il Io n n n ll In Gr C:lt D r lt a ln t he Ve ry ~ m nrt 1111 ,1 r Olln e l l\s h I: t hp. Is wor l h n pll:; rlm nge f l'o m Ih e c lHI s ::'!111ol'tllnl tl es for bo me,makl ng nnd slTI a ll h t with 11 l'1l ~ h of tllll e n bo ll t of tb . a r th , T he re I" pp rhil PII 110 nc hl e \'l ng ot o\'I' n a m o th's l ~ o m p c, i Ihe c l'own nnll al on e : Iue n li gh t plll ee o t r nl n III II le w h olc \VOI'liI In orn tcnce a ro at t he best li m ll c tl, \lt or , u1IIIfu i Lhll n t h is : To i;e~ h . II H th ovcr , ncco rdl n g 10 Lb o oc ln l :l nd tn , I llII n d l of ros~s unll Iho uh ll llll\O ll H , 11 11 II , 111111 r t h i! brllil o f ('f) urll , o m ;'; Ill' ~ '; Ilt IH Il e l' las l " nl\' It, III II " ll! t1 , rl us t l'la l conUl l lon . pr~ \'a l f n l In I ltO ~ C I Illf) r I' OS~S, .Pas I H, J) o" I ~ K C\' l'yw hel'P " II ~ 1t n .f'l g low. w l lh [ h e gr a t. t 1) 1\l 1 ('~ co m m ttn lll I!. t he ( u tllro h o ll1 ~ Cllt no , G o ing t h rough t he h o., pi t nl s in Ol1 r all utl lii ng I l e l l' 1] 1I 0l u lo I hn ;;uypli e~, J;1l:t\,IUI,II H li k e. Yl' lIew 1\'01'," , nntl th c pro mi se e r bN l c r t h lll J;s, I t I; n ot h l' lY O illc8 0ne is SlIrIlI'isc'l1t o!1 n d SlIl'!'i, T ho! l10 w lng l el!;{orD can Do . f I I If I " l J r i ug h OI C to d sl''i ug _w u me n . 1 AI 1l1'<1~fnl l he so'l ol'" n( co a ~ l rI · e \\' l1 !lSI: 0 a tI\l ~ k y ~ ol' l , n ilLl 111 0 ~lra n ~e , t h en , th.a t 1'Il'I's e llc y OII ll l; I u l u I'S' p rop o l'li n o! tho p a l k u l,!; ly i nlf c rull l)' lil li I'!I Il'lin r. lI) • l)1:l hdo re 111 sc n h('}' OIHI. a u ll II]Ila u ,ls li n t! III 11 \l II, me n Hhe:; ltl I UI'n th ei r eyes t e Can, ou tb e e " now-w h i le b ('us ,,"omc'n IIJ1S3 R u by Jlh l,h r u:;b , of 1l!a.G' I " 1IrIl m ., .. ' a 0 "c r we 1ll8Y hR;p Ille s llll 1'\l n" IJe' II I !II'I, ! !' Id a I I' d \1' 1'tl I II ,;~ r no !l d :l. •~ grea t wh rat IJ r l, w hl'TO (,'I'(> r y no d g 'il' IS,. ow I10 n r c. ':1. "I le r n\\' n~l1n " u Clllea l' o, l u ll,. wri '.' S : I ' I~ 011 bollo l' hne l{ U S~III , a Mr ictl y ).;101 ), o f lI ~ hl., 10 t o ~ , (. whal wlil lJ ~ ru r lIIa ll call p Ul'R ue fo r tll no wi hC Il th e or r~"o~ermg f r om S tl!'1 liS p C I'll lIo,n s . Denr Mr!', I IU\("I m :Ilf r \\ h s hou ld t his \'1) th o c . . ~ ? Sil O u lhO \' olJt\ aU~t'1mt Ml rreror w1t hl~ n: lIl: n rio n IJ rol (,t io n to r Ihe henr\. i e n n 1111 n r getlu \j le Impress llJ ll, u n h lntl ranco o t un " tl lijcellr ug lng 11 :111 il l , , . "'' I'''rl()l'!~ 1l1l11 ",111""1,, 1I, ,: IaI'1. IU,dn\)(lIlLtb'... \l 11 1 WI' mu s t "o n t' .~ we Il k Ill{! ro~ • C \" I' tl tc J) ly mO I' l ul:' rc m e m\)l'all r '.. cap, . J p ly u cenuse Lh .v h nl' n cgl 'c t l.l t h,(' m - nh ulb~ n ro I Jw d,)(' 'r. r. ~t"r ll~IIl'c·t.t1" ~-llO> '" 'j" 1 , Rei ,'c:!!. F emale t l'u'lble ore c rt :lInlv I ' QI'. I lu llt' bPflcl'i( cil e nEs: Ih ln l{ Ihe m (J o" .d lz(l til e Lhl're 1o,' II C, I ,' Ie ws " T he ind ll ccm ~nts h eltl e n t by West , eo t h e in urCIiSO atuOO " f ho w OlD c n of 't'" '1'10), G.,I,LJ hn,1 nl~l nlx';:-' nJl1 t"h' ..ill ~~~ " I fn 1 l " I I I I ' , C I • " . h 0 \ ·c em tll te r'll t ' lI l. vlY IUD r Wli.lh~ m o " ,,~ e o m Il g, . . , .\ .1.1t . un , y Il al 111 0 l ' u, - er ll n nal a nr ... \1o\\ ur,u l an ll ma(l thi S ou n t ry - U. cy 'I'CC' P u pon t h em " ,,' 111 I I'.\' 1.rdl" f.. PIli ~h n ll"H \ 't'g " r.w •.,.. ' r he ol h I' tin y we altll' on a h nt n e lf'l'!; Il'o n ld a ;;-r e wllh m e ) , I Ii 1I111 1d mnn t by t llC' gr ea t mel'e me n t now u n o ll u r cs, bll t e~Cl; V o ne o f t h o, e ";I)U\p~ "" " 0 h\,~t I' ,,,'r,, lI:!cI I !lot ma, ha l( wl'~u th ot .pOIIl'1I \Il o~gC1Ul ~ I. hn t 1')I" 'Ir.I', Lh il l from III t 1'1'3,'e of I ho In prcgr ess , T11l\t 1110 p r osJ) c'cl,,; arc p nLien ts, In t! lc h os pltJi l b od s h lld p I n l ~ "" ~':JI1~l' rl;pIOQI1 01?CI'<tliQu uutwad<llno""", rll e(l a lJolI I, n \\' h ll l' plll l1l w as v Is:' loolc ,I RO r"o l l\'t' NIII'l'ly ~Ol a whl rf lI u t,'1 rim (j lit Tao r m l llll , I IIO t Cl'o m eo ns lll r obly mll l' e t hn n l'eO Eo nably e r wnr;lIJl/l' In tlm~ lJenl'i u g ,d o w ll f ce l- weir \\ cll. • III "11 ,'11 111' 1I1, oU I til" " I'OW 1l ct ~I, o r l hol r fl'n g r anr ' lI l' rO~5 111 ('o r; I he I ll ollust~ r)'.ho> t,· I IT or Maliell!l n ce r ta in I!; born e (lu l by t lte h ls tery or IDg, p a lD at lo(to,rrlght?llhc ILl..u ome n, Mrs, A I1t'e D ' r r ,vhlll . of S I~· &.J~ ' hot. 'r il l" IVU" a I,p ry a ir), cJI" \lPDII , ' W:lnt ed t o n~lc t he rn n"l l\ wll or l' 111\ 11 '~ 1 'l'lntla ro ()\, ' r T)'II ':l:lrl ~ a ll d Ih e III cou ntr y an ,1 lIs I' e ld en tR, The nr· l·t'I'Otlb !jc:t,ha.dll~\l , O, plllfln ! nl thO!lII~n\ 11 SL I'cct, Chall n t1ool;'u ,'£enn : , w rl ~ ; ' A '-I'l I, I I " Ih f I I r r e 10 ne c, 17.7.IUCs.s , Chtl cncy , " s· Dear !oI l'S. P ln l,bRIII ' j ust II~ c III II ;; ror u ~IlI' ID I' ,', tl In;:;- Il e r thp 8' ln " IH! fO Il Il ,1 \ h ~ Ir<'e wh e , p , ,U II S r R, OOu . ot r am t iC l e r, Pl'e m so 0 ga in Is power III, b ut w h en bce lOI'n ts of the ers an s or irre guln r' " 'f brco yooJ'l! looked dllr /( t<) ~ ou lln l;, on I h y srl' w, A r tl 0 '13 I fl ow r a n - " ~ ,' !'tiC'" r IIIf' II otel B e l " lil t r on t li ndd ed to It th cre Is th e pre s pect o r 0. h ies , A 11 o f these sympte ms nrc incH, J blld UJ CCI'll tiOIl CIlI<I Infin rnrnntioll t>l Anti Il o wn.ln" , ~ If:nm I' ve nl n g (I'l t, II' rl1 ~ o I)t'fi utl fn l as I hl ~ ~'/ ar , I am so ul h 11'1\11 f) r Glrgpnt l. l oo ldn ~ n u l 0 '1 corres pond i n g so ola l nn cl cIv il el o, 'a , ca tio n s o f on u'o h enl l h y eondiU on o f !c'l1nIOOl;;nI18 outl wlll lnn l;llriouH-:mdll_ • Illg~ a,'e ,;0 nl ud l 11111 r u lp. u1Im m I' R\l r ; lI over ~o nl1tn r n l l o o ~tl n~, t h e 10\'I-' ly I ol pl ps. t he hea 1l tl ful 111)' tl on. It s ho ll ld l!rOI' C Ir rps is llb le to t h e fc m nlo orgnu!!. nnd i'fuo t h c'd d "My bl'llitb "'MC(ll"p lo el~ bl'ol'IlD dl>W11 , la n,ls und II10p " ' ld I ho bll:a ~ea )' ,Jun g m e n o r n par ll c ularl y d ' Ira ble the p e,nu1 t y h as t.o be palu by e , d ong r - :~ndt~(9u~1;1~\!~~~,t~~p'U~I~bfnl ';;~USmn:: \l'u~ bln ;; I'u r l o E III)le,le c lo h" lo w, I rl ~ss f or a n y n tv co unlry , QU s <:,pcrnLlon, Wh e n L\I(!Uos,l mpt o ms 1 told h im I would bll\'o no 0ew;aticm " T he Cn n all !an W cs t Is alive with m n ~ ICest t be ms lVQs, do no tdr ng al o o g wouil l b 'y L~',ll o E , f'lnkhllm . V ~, _ " u u tl l y ou are o b lig d t o g o t o t he has· l'ou'PO'~ IIH , Ho t rlo<.l to Innue" L-o me • HON E~ TY OF THE CHINESE opporl unlU cs ror l be ~oun g man who pital nnd Iill blu lt to un ope rut\on- ft, hu tl flIl llt for tb~ IllOC\lrllio tbnt, 8Iltnfl da,r . nlms n t becom ing m p r e t hnn a m e re bu t r e m e mbe r t1111t L ycj ln. E, P in lr" 1111(1 bogllll 10 llSO It full bfully, WJI.h1nft.... , .T h o t T hfY P os~c " T h is 'I'm! t n Tl'll v- c l a m In t he I"Iv ll nnt! n a ti on 91 rabr lc, h n m 'j; Ve g e tabl o Cempo u uu h n.s 6a vc d days I f ilit rell,'! hut \Vll!1, ,\ot cnt.lrely ~ , . S 0 nle C·L I'h c ea s tl' ' . f II ' h tl d f f' ,. I unt I I u '(l it r r fo mo 111110, Ic.r III 'r heu' Co u n l ry G i ves , oun g o"s W 0 lon so o s a womon l a m stllglen " Yllur m('\lt .t IlO is ce,'lnltlly fi ne, I Evid cllce Drrl l'e n lbe pt'alrl r s d nll y or d es, e pel'n UoDs . ludu ,'cJ'aJ rrl no.l~ nnll neJ Kb bor.J , Un od to \jecome 01 0 1'0 Ihl1 n me r e ly W h e n women nro txoubl e d wi t~l Ir- It nll(11 kllOW Ul qJ' thnn Il ll0ZO!Il who 'I III' r UUl\l la y II ,I·!l(· t I." 11...'Ou '11 I" p r 03pe rOll3 f n r ml' r s, In t h n 01' iu , rel;nlnr, s uppressed 0)' p a infu l pc r lO,ds , ("" Hlla trollbl~A IlJld .. ho t..,..lo 'are -0 ., I I. , w e llk n ess dl!,pl accment or u lceratle n mill , Irour.!; ['I. (l'Olll Wll ug YOW' V h ~u l'l I I 11t ~ " lI lI lI " -t lIW ' " ('0 '1 11 ',' , l li r e (p'ent m un ici pal an ,1 rev ln c lnl of t h or':n n s , that b n r ing·down fe' l- t-aIJlo Colllpound." ""I,l r l, \\' :;~ a l IIlll! I' m e III " hll Ie "I dl!l'olopme nt will b _ In the Ila nd s o r lng , i u lla':n mlltlon . b nul!u c hc . ulen.till j!' L yd il\ E . Pio\: lc.m's Vegetable (ilK" I ,\t I' , I !I." I nu I'U" Il I I l J lh IICO\I!e, T he &1 ppln g 6lon e to ( r o.:l.t n Jimcy ) , gen or a l d e hilil y , IlIth- ]1tlll llU u t on"" .. ' m u,'os Bll ch tronb\r..s.. 1"1" I III lli li t IU«II I)', II" II ~' T I', boLh fln lln inl pros pe rity Dnd cl l' lI g eslion , nnd n ervo ll s prosLra i D,Or c l'e I: ('(u to bllY !lny o th~ r m ediclne. t ar :'1111,,, 11, III ,I,c I," J!' N EW I~. I . I 17 " prom ln Il eo Is, :md 11'1\1 bo, the f nrm , b eset wit h sucb 6 ., mpt.t;>m ~ n" "i;.z:ine . y ou n Cd}ho ll cb1' , • , Irs. lll:k h tu~. 'I? u ~h. r'ln-~ aw ro'1l 10 1 ' II t , " 'llr " ,01 LII ),!el ( In u ll e " I , 1·' 0 1' e\'c ry pro rcf1a lon,, 1 e p~n l ll g t h e r e I e 'Itllde , CJtcltab ill t.l' . lrr lt.a.l>,H lty , De r Iho,r 1ll ' lfl l1nu l1 1!' o f to !'IIi' \, !I(o \I' II , Ra re Ilt1n li r e Ul 'I f a g r icultu r a l OllCnln g1! , vousness, Bleoplessnef>,~ , m el n.n ch oly , T,,Y d l:J. e, ~ml'h (lIn llIVlt.eS a ll Sie hl ,,'- , and "wa n L, to-w,l dt.- m onto w:,Le h or: tol'ndvlce . H er ndvio&" r el<JlI ;': lUll , to y i1 " ' g .1 !Hl o r (! ll.ylt l" The CRl',ad ian prtl l r lcs a r o lce ml ng "(lll,~one" ~ _ " It I II! Ble ue ' fe elIn g s . t h c.y s hOlllu l'cmOmbc l' , lIn(1 ulel1,cl u c h a ve l'llstor ud t h o u Il l) I\l\','. ' \, h~ an I' ,, !; l1l ~ n l~ Il' ra II' ] oppo r l un '!~ t or Ihe hon est nn d the re is 0 0 0 tried u nd t rll e r e IU dy. , t ohenlth . ' A cld l'e l\~, Lyn n, M uss. m af\l' !,y a "hl'l I iJ n fr ic ilri I.l \' I1I l l1 e II. In d us trloll s ef 011 e lns, ea , b u t th y l;dia 'I l. Pinkham's \'cletablc (Jom!lounll 511tcetds Wbere ethers ':~ . Mul,d ' lI. \\'h (l CU Ollll lIl'(\ Ill . to the arl) sp clally InY ll t ln g t o tl1(l nm bltl o \ls ' . , , ('un ' 1]1 " " 0 101 l'Olim. w i lli in : t n u'!!" " ') you ng mo n w ho sl)eks a fl eJd for. the 11)1' 111 111 !oj , e l me a ro~ lh n bnr le i.. 1 ~nergy nnd a bility w h ic h h e feels l u, I \ \ ' p I' :r ,\1u l(l! PII j I~ I ile fure Ih e ti n '0 Irt'r en t wlt ~ ln h im , Th e (amlll or c ry U'II U 1ll00 1l11l o . II n tl In' I'elfJ:! (o r t ,,'oJ Dt " ~ a:Jk to tile 801l !" Is m or e t ha n • Pos lUveJy cured by t: it:~ , tl1 l".1 IY a l l' l\'In ~ " loly III 1I ~\l tI·;tI & \' Oln soun dn g p h r a so wh e n a ppli ed I tbese Llulo I'lll, . t~ i· rll' r~'. '1'\\'0 n i); lits I 5! ' I, t In \'\1 _ 0 Wes t e rn Ca D(ldll." II L Tl.icy alsoreUev8 Dis, 1 .1~I" Inl SInd hy " Hu n g -h llt z >I. " ! t Now and T h en . tress lrO:n DysPCllSlo.Jn· wOlll tl 11:11(\ bl' 11 a s l lll,l le n\lll te l' fe r dlgesUonnnd Too n onrtY I ii III 10 11:1.' iliad " wa y w it h lite a n d Dlcgen cs ( 300 B , C .) - l.f y \lImp 19 EatfDg. A pertcct l'tlm' FP lz p!\ Ill y ' lfl" ' I ~, n ncl tll ~' ~arl.e rs e,)lII '1 noa rly eut a n d I ba vc n ot yd fOl.l a cl ~~~~~:.c:o::~u:~ LES~ h>1" I'a " lIy bl'l r:, ye(1 m e Wil h o"t I pn ~ I t )lB t h on es t mn n, - III t!le !lou lll. COnLC(I o f !l tN· tlo n, Bill ~lI 'h WIlS Ill y cro o ll, 1 Bllb po na S('I'\'cr , ( I !lOG ~ -I , hnTe " Tongue.hlnlntl1e Slde, from St. Louis and .JTOIlPrD LIVER. 'l'I.iC)l City to aU points Southwest ,lImc'e III Ih o In i (l;.:rl i y (If t h o Ch llll'po I beoD evcry w hCr (l, t he y nre too Ih ,li I d lll.lW I rp'1 ! Ih e sli g hl o~L lI n- .! lI ck f or me. I ca n t lind t h oso "dle, l'tlgu1atetboBowels. PureIyV~tn\)le. via & 'f. R'y. Jun~ :l ~ I II ~'S, ' 'll lli o ns h I \\'u ~ <' 1I 11r,uly 11 0 - honest tc ll o w~,-·Am er l ca n p~c lnlor, 15t h 'and 19th. Tiek et' ~ a rl11 c'e1 11\ll'II1S Ihe nntlr ' trill I \~:M i"ITf-;, I. il liS DJ nce nllli nil - rVI)U~ flood 50 days retu rn i n. r · 1lI r.C' IINI 10 11'11 hi ab " III (Cl y Ie t ho Il, a ~e " er ll1'H'"l ti)' ru rcti by Ur, I'; !i ll ~ '~ Genuinu Mu~t Bear with stopoy'erain b ot)" ,,1<1 " I'll"'. nn l uf' h l!: a ble 10 hu ld '~ II :' OI:\,1 " t Nc r,'!! t: ~"tol'cr , ~nct t'dl' I·' ree 1)': .')(1 Fac-SimilB Signature directions. " IJIOlIlll rn lc utl n ll w ll h him, li s he (lit! I.LI Irlil l hO,l lIeomll 1' " I i " , Ill', It. II. K lim', Ld ,, 9:JI a nd 1l:l3 AI' h fit., Pll ih,tI . IJll li •• l'B , IVER d _ ~~' To Dullas , ft. Worth, W a e Gl. " 1';\1 nIl n \l'M'1 CJC r~ n g ll ~ h 01' ;\ ,lY PILLS. /~Af7#'. Ho usto n, , Galves ton. Sa n. ", II "r lCI"oll'!l ' I. n;;u ng . :l lIcl I ru n ouI If m en cnldn' L GO Into pollt lcs 't liey Anto nio, Curpu, ChTiJl ti., 'IJ~;<I; rh l up.~f'. \I &h o wetl g r l'''l C:L' V- w onld Im'e'l t som H hl ll g el se ju s t a9 ~~=:,;;;~R~E~F~U::.:S!E.!S~U~B~S~T!!I.T~U~T!E!S~. Br o wn s ville. Lare d o > c r ll c" s In I,;P ll ln r,- III a (' l'o ~s Ihe Lltl r, hnli 10 do, -N , Y. Pre_s, I'" nnd interm e diate p o int s . , _ • • • r l l'll r , pu, I Ih ~ Co~!l1l Ic \)01'111'1' AlI :ll'llq. . " -r,' I", a '" I'I',- I,d TA." Cp," rl"oo" I.I'o, N , " " ~1~MlefM~~ Wl lh01l1 he lll !;' dpl e.( led : 11 11 <1 wlw l! \I'll , " "~ " J To EJpa s o and intermedl.ste · I1 rr '\t~d a l hnl ~ mln- tl n h e sel! 1tt fI 0'", 1:1\ or ~l l1tlll c ' ~~ (l rfi (·ld J C:I\ , ..:~:J!d 1~);"t h·o. !~.,!~t"~I;~,,~~~::~c::~:;~~,!:~::.tfi[~.~:r,.~! point s • • • • m 1'(' jl l l':l ~ (\ Ihn n my ~(>lf . 11 11,1 I'(J ["-' II Ll g b t,wc lZIi L men nl wa ys tlllnlc Lh oy . To Kansa" Ind 'ia n , In n rc' ~I!1 Il ny r rti\lner n t\on In )( ~~ · 9 Irc h eavy. wels hl thin k ers. A , N , K .-E (1006-21) 21 2 7. Terrltery. Oklah'o ma 8[\1). northern T c;tQ8 polnu. o n e nf Ih l' ,II IH iI!: l'eed lI \1o n . l.iiiiiiii!.iiD~i~iiiiEi! iiiiI• • • •. •_ : ,,:. ~{" ....... r' •• :','n;."',.-r.e: ,,--. ~, ' ... _.• <V ~'.- .~ . fare plu s S2. 00, but 6 no rate hili her than CU RIOUS HABITS OF FOXES bows
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For Infants and Children.
Ip rl
'::Iofl mll'lIn I'htl1 c; r t h ll l1 sllitl r~tart'l l e 'l l llo;}g l l'll l1 ,' !t' ·O W I1 81111 , 111.' ~I r('e; , Aro, l. r Oll n,1 h l ~ ow n IJ o m e ; II nil II I:; ('ven I :l WI I~ II r B Ihe ol'(lcl ,o r Ihe li ll Y; I)}(l~ h y II! Q 11'11 )' , f\ 11'i 11l la lfl'lu ui' pon .. n, ~ rl II t h n l 1l 01l1in g I: lii ll rl on Ih n U\'e II 1 ) l cJ1 s ln ~ to l h ~ itl l1llllreHS Il li th Y l' lIlt , llIud" 13 , I IOOlle, I'il li UC! ' wu rn ', llie o r 1111' h ll\ In w li lc h Ihal h OIll I~ " do np " mUI'p, e~Mll y !l ncl 11 " II d CIHl fo l' II l1 n'l:.[ ~ n )' 0 " 1l ~IOli Ih (l '11111 - 1I11i'I~ . ~ ~ y~ Na lly o :0I0 te5. . .IOIlli- PI', .T ho II ll ge n " Ihl s ~el\ ~u lI I" Illil l' m a y hrln " '1. \'111 01' ('ou rs Ol h' III II " l.II u ll \I:tlr ll o r Il c lI I(", wi t h in e ve n mol' c rmgll e In n \lpel\ r:\Il~o .l h lll1 Ill il )' We ,, " w il li ~lI e h 11 s u ll l ite 10""- a I c~ w'- r" r l of th e m o uth of 111' ro x e ~ ' II 111Ih n o w 0110 n rre c t II!" IIn t'Sl o f II ' 1 <.f II n gl' l' le lJltJ lI s s, w hi c h, w t't h ((II th .o 11n r lrlll r; 1lllI cc,1 he r nesl ll nd l1Iat el' l a,l~ I,u n Ie!;!! el abo r ation o r hir e Its Oll)flW Ie ' \'C' lliltl II n c h ll n d w o r l<. hl' o\l !;h l ofT he l' b l'eo!\. R Oll nd Ih ls n et, hlse L~ ; t h is to o . Is 1\ biesslll' t o t h E' w ill lno l pal't y llotl e n o ug h f(' I' n ll )'- ti l' uPII I bl! cllb~ wer e cons tn n t ly 10 ho w e or m:l ltCr , WIIO CUll ke e ll In 111 111 .., be HCCU, nud III II t h ey piny 1\ h ille A t l il a II fl ernoo n-Leu s hops on ll ~ee8 li n d : e e lt, In nneth c r ca, c th e r n, ! 's tyl e without we ur ln g hOl'lIelt ,all OUI so w (' of I he lIre ltIe~ 1 or s um mer to l. 11'11 11 '0 lO 11 11 ani'th "';1, e ll rro nn d tI 10 Ill e at te lDpt. Long COli ts are few nnd f u r be~ween , le l~, A eh a rm lll g 011 tI!SI)()I'1 > ~ It sp!t by fl" e o r NI!! rn hh tl ho les . I Ill! IC:lfl n t_ and the v a riety et s hort ones Is lIl'U ' , il e o i b I' d ny Ul on e uf th es p ln es s or whl ' lI w re IIlI nl o lc Hte rl lIy t hei r velq u s-on o wO\ll d ha\'o tho u I;hlllll th ~ .w h e re I bap'p !le d to ,11'0 1' !u for a ne xl ,(\oe l' tlpl 'llbor~, I\l eas ex hn\l s ted long ago, TlIey ' CH'e re Crcs hlng 'Ull, I1 Ud' I wo n de r ed If Iho1 In a th ird 11 li t te r c ubs ' lI'a~ plnc~t! ~o , mn h coo le r ror ~h mme l' we,," , 111111 W ~ III'()r g n ve th l! elHlrm ,to lh e dre's 8 · In n Inr:;l! 1. 11 Rllrl'OUllrl p.11 by Ce ud ll l;. .l bey nilow o f d lsl)lo y ur th e e XQuis ite or Ih e d r ess Ill O~ t ado rned Ill e. la d yr,.oll1 whl 'lI th e r e wa s no c r nl)p" u n ~1 blous e, :The prescnt fu ahlolUl mli lte bo th we re so wo rtb loc iling nl Tht' iiI wILl ('\l' III r~ ,,'e r e a oumbc l' of r a b, Ibe streets very 'fes tive. II'! Dl1I ch IVhll ~ Ind y \\'~ s u no of .t hose e rec t., Slim 1I'0m - h il s. Ne ll e of lh 'E ~" WIIR ntlnl'lH' d u y finery seen , " t rently uuroben of wh l ' e e n , ' 11 01 wilho ll t be ln" III lh Ie >:I ' l ho cu bs , lho ll l;lI t hey wenl d .e l7.()' a 'I ' fro ck s h s \'e a ppeared , tlnd tho:lg h w(' ~cra w n y : he r h ui r Jus l 'o llc h :' c1 wlt !1 Ilca ,l rah bl l In Cnll s l glH of l h , PPI" I may no t h ave the white sea so n of l :lt~ g r oy , sof tly t1 ll'fy ,.bo u ' u b r lgh l. ' ~on w ho ha il ~ hol nn d I hr o wn It to I' s umme r r t' pen.tCl.l , th.e r e 'ce rta lnly Is to yeu l h hll fl!re li n d ,', o wn ed w it h tl UlI' m , , be n g l'e nl deo l o t white 1V0 rn , Wh it" blnnl( c h ip h UI Ir lm m ' " ~ l n1\l! Y w fl u , _ , ~umes lI r c ·see n . a l mos t ' It lwa y ra il , ! a w r n h (.f wh llt1 r oses , 'I' be " II Ir : " ~ £U r~ , K~!'e(\11 \V:d ls, , Ut" b i t th b " I' l aud 11 0 l't ('0"1 ,ve r e or ;,111 1.' Il' n e t'l t lf' 1 h I' , \\ 1\" " hlch n. us 1'011 11(\ !'.e · t;j I p Ing OVOI' ,e II rtl ~ . e a~" 1\ nove i !lleo,' 9 e f the In lIe r gl\' 1Il " ' l';~ 1I;;tll l ~ 1'1 ~d li n \I ~e f\l l '11Ur \l1l e wI . I ;'e :' In I l !lntl pi Ul re~Qlle ~flO~Il , I _ a~t e" l'I! , l a l, all l!' _l y lo ' lhe \' "" Iue" 'li)o " c ' I I;~ ' r.a N, lIY' l' sl l." I II ~~ U"lftl" belw~ell ' I !!" ing w e noti cd II ll . lltl r O tl ',' O lIn t , 0 '11<\ !1lbo w !l llll u ~i e" I' 'f r ill II I l'l'en~l v Il1 r a <I I), 1111 1,1 !01 1trb~ ll1 tl few n :lI',:J 1V <;If tl\e lo n s l311 tur b UIIF IV I I t o Jill I' ,J • I I I ', " , , "\ . I r '\I ' f! ' 1 11 ~I)' l:l llt \ hom <l OII' U cO n & hlel'~ hly Io n,;; , !ItI C ~ , t ,I ,I g l E.lI l' I),.tn "'. 10': 1) l rlm m lD g II Wl Ollt 1 0 s llla OWc r<l , or, 11 1'0 Clln u r;h g l )n 'tS III IIH' 11':1 1\ ' (Il 1'1 " th e WI'enth .e lo n g ulod u t Iho. }J gc k llll l ! . ' ,'u nsu m l 1111' Il l' Ite r I,a rt u r ,I ' · m tlI B IHl t , I)' In g on 'I' he" \l l' lll re,~ . s Do ~ (U m' 1\ 11POli qulle sepnra te d t 10 ' rs- , In 'III d rall' l:' 1l III , 1110 . ('(Iy . :: n ll 1\'1 h II 1l. ('~' D tbe , girl' s 80f~ t.rc~ses lIlee u Iln r\Jl ll r\ " f~l!n , ' ~CilII' ,~,U'hl. ~rh O!'" 1Il1l1 lYl' l'e ll l. le I' lI il' l h e \.uI- IlI{s 11 \)o n w h ic h III 'l'he nrrtl ngemeut or nrllll In l f10W p. I'.a! I h C:~ l: llI cI; ( h(' ,~nt ~lr re , lll l' II I., \Y .II I h u ll t w oul d m Ak c flt\:nlr ., ul .. thIs sel1son s eem s to u m ore n n Lll r 31 ,' n , .. r!. , I ~,1\ 1l1(1{,' \. , " " 111'11 b~' III ll u ll d tll " sl l l'~ !llid LIl e m ou r y ,,'1\ 1i n ~(\ . y Ooo ,\. ~: COII ullst. . T he , and etrecrtve th an ll.S U~ I, nn d r b e 0 o w - 1 D r rt , 'ul <) 1 1 . (r u lll (h" <'1l1' . l'l'lU ld g;o 1\ lon g w" lf I J1111 ed 61 e l' es 1;1" Iho QI'I'('I'I bl\l1U' . erll so p r e t t ~ , d J lh f l ' .- wllrd" t ill' . ost '1,1 dLy IWliW \elll CI 13 Si lk IS much worn thl8 s p rl llS'. tHfer me , " c \'<I n p a ne l , li n d b u l'! - SOU lil fl il il ;,' • -eW8, " tetn nnd rough' 'We:I\'es ,bOlh 'Ph I' ca l3fed pongees nre 011 Dlalle )V lth ' burt a bsolu te ly perl'!'!)I ' tig ll r p-';'h k h f 1\ 8k1rt ~. and aborteRI jDt'kat!!, evldenllV Of li S, 1I11l~ . posse~:l li llI boll' a r t (\ I\d metlnt for bllBlnoss ; nnd th e y cerLaln,y I n a ture 11 1'(1 ('e mlu [.: ~n ' ho u~R ls t nl ell do Beem to be just th e thin g (or 8um- o f ptoOl' wum a n wllb her unn a tu ra l mer pedestrlanlr.ln«. Tho Latre tll ll ar.. mod<- ef lI.e; extl l' 'Il;" un !! goo ', dre, <;. ull1lo lly made lI'alkln :~ leng lh; In s pit e mBJterS ale bulldln \( 'IP don('h!,'1rl~:'. (11: dl·" nrlldJc~J \lJlS we . "Be II J~o,~ Ill! . JilLLElN OS:,IO~1J.
Carr spo odingiy low r"'es (rom I II ~\I From Chi cago, $25, fr om 5 1. P a l' . , $ 1_50,. irom Oma ha oe d ~ ounc il Bl uf." S2Uo..
Do N 'lt M ol e t Eir ~ s or A !! i !!lal ~ o t 'fh el r I !'rlmedla t e n Ig h bOl'lloo d , ~•
, all irl fiamed, ui ~erated and catarrhal COll- d i tio ns cf Ihe l'I\II:OU5 mem\>rane such_ ~ nasal catarrh, uterine catarrh ca.sed ' by femlnlno Ills, sore throat. SOle ' mO!lth or Inflamed eyes by 'si mp~ J
dOSing the stomac h. ' B ut ycu s u r elv can ctlre these ~tu bbontt.. a.ffecliel15 by loca l treatment 'w ith ,
i Paxtine !2.i!:,! Antiseptfc " w hich d e ~ t roy5, th e dise asegerm~ ,checb di scbar gc ~ , ' ste p ~ p a in, a!1U hea ls thlt infi a mill a l ion anel s or e ness. Pax li ne r epres ents t hc lllQst SIl CCI!S~ :fbl: local tre at me nt fo r feminine c,'u p roduced, Th ou~ ands of wo men tcs:ta7:' tc this fac t, So ce nts Ilt dr ug:: i~ IS, ,
Send ,for Free Tcial Box: ,!!~:!,~~,?N ~~~~n.
R"..LOY-II a.' ~ 'U I S, PAP lm \lUrtl ISG 1'0 Illi Y ANY,1'l.1ISQ 4IWHR1·tSlm I. ' 11'M CO L IJ ~I :-; " 6110l; LII (SSI:l'r IlPON B4 "INO WliA" 'fl1l~ T ASK .-e ll, R I':H: ~I:'>Q 4.LL 5tl US'fITDTI£8 01\ 11I1T-l TIOSt'.
8~ ,"
tg, ......:- .
1I1,,,.bll.,, •• -
~ ,U JI. b . Io:' M'll1o'1< t U. f IW J.' lIdl . .............., II. t ' . • .... ~'(,'II_... .:.. , , - . . . In _ _
W ightin ,
l'Oj'Slkulll ~rllhh t!l "r l' l'\\'l' I" S vultl III relieving IDdl g ,'~ t.i o n , T Wt~"I,. ~ \ W"1"'·"'lI\u. Obi" Mr, lin I Mrll. J . . __\_. J. . W uolley w r Heillth i v. r y hin!:. :liIlIlV IL elephons Day .or Night, :>I T. U,,"WI< l ~'1l1 nnd Mal1~ ... g n lit,s of rolll tivll8 in Duytou' 'hnr",- mll1llln",lro "'oul~ wilJingls 'p al't local No. ""nnI<TM M,lI(.,· I .' " .. ' . , /(tt . cll~Y nnd FrlclllY. with hilif lIil' fortun e ro r p,' rfrot .\1 MHH, '1\ J . Utlll "' :of . "~ H u C '.T" I<: U I,."n. • g{·!'t.inn. Ri oh e!!. flllll tl m l til ., tOil I long From Post I'llll r oo hTed by IIl1 r 17JltlQn f (lv"ry .1f'!.iI;n ('1I1l'not <'n'lIto Wnynesville frlelldll, it wouhl IH! 11\ oonLont.memt if i1l(li~ '8 1~OU i:l III"k • \ 00 II )'f'I\r · . • . . • ' In Ih.l \· t\n"to WAYNESVILLE, 'I. ~r, ~ y ~ \\r If un! t>·~I.t1 111 nllvanoo that Mi ss Ellltllll Belg hwllY is e ll ' illg ono's e:'ds tllllCO mi!< ru bl . Whrn I Branch Off' H b 0 ICe, arvevs ur, • j oyi ng /l delight ful visit at ditlerent J . E. Jtlnney tells you t.\lllt. in ,,11 . ,)FFICE IN JONES BUILDING. POilits In Ptln :v Iviltila. enoluding hi e xperleuce be n ev r 'lm w nnythiog so sure to rliev sour !Ito · DOllth from Lockjaw . Evorett, Bedford mllob , contell tOIlHUI. dizzy sp 1I,., 'l'ELEFJ.{OrJE ~)tIiIi . . riO. 6'2 J obustown. Springe tc . poor appetite, lll!illlHullo lind f" 'l lltlVO I' f nows lin injury l1rc!'~Hd W ~; DNE VA\' Jna: 2\! . . • . . . • 10011 , Mr . ' , E. Brat.ten went to Troy tigue nue to Imperfeot di go~tioll , i w\t.b Buok le n 's Arn lcll ·ulv e . It·s '1'b 1 thore must be sOllla ~00l1 r !lSOll f or ,1I1Itiseptia nud Iwnlillg I'ra pe rtlcR tlTse ns uud in tho evelling lit· th eir oonfiden e IltHl t,ll 1'0 is. D01.'j prevollt, blnod IlOi!!O llil1~ . 'hilS . () 'E DITORIAL COMMENT te nd ed the grllduation exerolses of eu's ofchronio old dy!'p plic", r igb t, wllld, U1 t: hnnt.. of Hen ~e lll r vi II" , tbe ·High Sobool of thllt city. two be re in Waynes \'il1e wbo despaired I N. Y:, writ !I; "It. our u 'eth Bnrch. SIX weeks nnW the Horne.Uomlng. nieces of Mrs. Brattens gmdnlltinFt . fOt:ever getting r elie f havo tried of thIS pluoo, of tbe ugliest or I' 011 She r eturned houle Fridl~y. P pslkola Tllblet.s o n Mr. ,llllllley his neok J ever SRW." CUl'e~ Cut!'. Io'{'. n t r cODlrnoncl anti t.n llllV II ro oom . 'Vonnel!!, Bnrntl IlUd S(lrOH If Ex·(',ollltreS8mnn Hildebrandt Mr . Nur Bron-n la. recovorl' u'" l . um 01'011 \'.'r. ,\ ( I rtl ~~ .I R t F . v. /' oll\r,lIr t,1. urug ·t ,,~ .. PI(I t .e yIuro. >! t,oro gAts on the Republioon tloket ~nd is from the efIeot.s of injuries reo ooulu ' not alIonl t o 1'; 00 11 on r eooU\ 'j ==~=~.===~=~_defeated by a Democrat it WIll l;le oelved }Ilst Wednesday. when a m ending 110 111I1i~e!\ti oll r r.ltll'dy . Ult · 1 -because t. he Rep . ublioan vot.ers of tho e beavy barn d oor WllS blown agltinst les:l It r u\1y will ourt', f o r Y(llUf ~L A ~ G ~tD' Di I t j tb th De fa w(l uld mighty soon 10 0 c nHc1 t'nco etr 0 )0 ~ WI .e . moonl . 1U bim, Jmocking him 1I0r oss the bnrll 111111 trado tltSOIllO othor tore. Pup. RIDOEVILLE,Onro defoat.lng him. If tblSI8 done Hilde· bruisiug lIud ' oth e rwi ~o cllueillg Rik,! iu Tllble t.~ tlr.e, 1\ I-;TIlntl nOl'vo S I'I!:OIA LTlICS : UIBI!:ABK8 u(l' WOMEN brandt will bave no reason to com- painful injuries . tOl1lc. they Will give yon Ul'W .I~\l c r J plainastheverymenwholl.rebaok. . . gy n.nd n e w nm t'Jitlo D, illlprovo l ANl ' 1IILDl!lllli· IDg him now did all in their power Dr. and Mrs. J. y-:r. WlU'd, of Ly. yt)ur npllotite. Rt.rengtheu you\' Iii 1 - ~--l or the Democratio candidate t.wo tIe. who nro Dlllkmg an extended ge live organs /lnd IlnIO~8 t,bey gi\ro i th i ff ts t ' d f trip through the west lind s outh are YOIl perfeot di gesti on Mr . .lonney OU~ yea)rs aBe80 n ere or 0 e eat eDjoylng their t,rlp thoronghly. A will glndly poy your quo rtor bllok. CUre. Cold •. Croup aad \Vh J)lnll Cough. J UI ge roggy. ORrd received from them. by Ule Gn l'ubllsh ••1
Distance No, 69-3r OHIO
'N .L
' .M.
Ch am ber IaI'ns C h Remed,
. -.
zette under elate of ,June ,IiIlU writ· We notice by new8papers from t~n in Ffjuana, MexiCO. 8IIya; "We . ~Ei• • maoy of the surrounding oonntr!68 are now in the hlDd of the MOllt· or .hie zuml\s but WI' 11 S t Ilr t f or U . S . soon. • . dthat the i county ' th treasurer ' . PllDisb I IlP::y v ~~ , e v:rl~~~ tot~n8blpsf Both ~ell and enjoyed ? u un y a s me 0 dinner todav. n e thu Yl'ur to gil'e the people un , . . • 1 oPIi.,.rlollity to P"'Y tbeir taxes . SOllerllltendent o~ ;;ohoo l~. U. E .! .• Why can't thIs be clone in Warren Bntten IS p.ngllgp(.\ III th e wOl'k of tAm Ity' It III a groat inconveni- arronglnlit \rollne c()nr~os this SO Ill 8nOI', ellpt'Ciali,Y to people who do mllr with tllp. Ir.clure burenu t.hut , - ~ n "L OW.II a hONlo and bUll8Y to have ball hlld ohnrge of the oo nrROIi lIt ~ ~ to' go 81\ the wily to Lebanon to PllY Wll y nes,"lIIe for pevornl ~el.r9 . Mr' i tax • Bratten s territory InoltHloR n nulU \ ber of to,,,ns In outbe"n Ollio nnd _. . _ .• _ _ .
I .i" I
The G. A. R. Encampment We hear a great deal, 68pP.Oially at memorial day ellch year about tbe paning of the veteran8 of the Civil War. Anyone who bas attend.
t.he work will ononpy lllUOh af bls time during ,·uootlon .
Wn YIlO:lI'l llu'lj Letlding Dentist unle\.' ln I'; cyzl ' Uulllhn~ .
Snll klu g h\
• Mll'n ~ln~ c
\:',,(o.',lor M!agll'llllu
1::1' ollrtilJl; 110111 11 lII uro s mlth'llly hut not lIt orll "n rl 'ly t tllln n og l C\()tin~
k iun
di prd!'r !:!. Ful .. y'K KId UI!.V will 'uro n !<Iight di ~u rtl"r ill II. f n\\' uu.ys uull it,,, continlllll l lI ~a \\'\11 r\1rt' t h o 1II 0Rt o\)"tinllto HOSH!! . II. hH ~ I'l1 rtlllnmny \100 pl o of nl'l!;hl.'!1 (1\II,'IIl1f\ l\lllt dil\hll t,ol< willi w o n' thOtl!.! ht to htl inollrtlblu. [f Y"" hn VI IdLl lll' Y 0 1' hilleicler trllnbl o, OOUI mUlIe, til Ici ng b'ulu'y '1I Kidu uy Unro toll"y, befor o it ill too Illt.() F . U. ·o bw ' L1t ~ .· y
' nl'(,
Wa.nt~, White Corn. 1:1 i~hu"t 1111\ rkot price 1)/\111 for White Co rn , W AVNICSVILI,IC Mn.l.8
Deadly SorPllot Bites. lire n.s common in India as are atom· Ilob nnU liver dieorders with us, For tbo latter bowever there 1& II. tlUro re medy: Eleotrio Bitters; the I:{I'Ullt rostorlttivtI medicine, or which S. A . Brown, of Bennettsville S. (' , UVI! : ' They rlJ8tored my wife to purfoot hlmltb, .nftor yenrs uf s olloring with dyspepsia and J\ chronically torpid liver . " Eleotrio Bitt rR cure ohllll! und tever, UIIl· . Illrill, bl1i o u8ne!!~, Illme .bllOk, kid . ne,V ublel! I\UU bllldder disorder!4 . ::KIll! nn gUllrnnte6 by F. C. Bell, wl\rt 1. drug gist. Prtoe 500
Notice of Appointment . . 'r ile uUI)c r HI J.!nt" tl hn .. tHJ(ln ;'I ,polulL'ti aud
'IUIlII ,I"" aH b:xeculor of l he E.I .. l e of Ann 1(0111'. law or W: rr II oUllty. Obto. de ca.· e.\'
O:,tIOt hl8
7 Clny or Juno A . 0 1000.
Po. n . 031<10,
Read This Ad It
Will Pay You
Special June Prices on Many Sample Lines
,. .
June Sale
Men'. and 807.' : Clothing
Men's Two and Three Piece Suits About seventy·five single and double breasted suits, hi regulars and "stouts." Materials-all-wool cheviots, cassimeres. etc. one or two of a kind only, but your size In. something. Regular values $I~, $12 and $15
Juno~!~~~.~~~.~~....... $7.50
1. 1
neYlllu t 'let;tate, Bou. B.. V . Specl man, of Clnolnnati Itnd other men Waynesville Camp known from one end of the 8tate to S. of V. Honored. the other. were present !lud ~ook ' II prominent part in the deliberAtions of tbe body. The G. A. R. baB a The Edmund Retslllck Camp Sonll worUly co·worker In tbe SODB of of Veterllns WIIS signally honored nt tbe State Enoampment· held in Day . VeteraDB. ton Illst week . Adelbert MoKay of the Caml' was appOinted a meDlber In Memory of of the Committee on Resolutions Sister 'M ellie Hartsock. and w"s also elected one ohix del· egates from thi8 8tate to attend the Whereas. it hall pleased 'an aU wiee NII-tlon,,} Enoampment of the Order Fatber to remove from our Order . onr beloved sLiter Me1\le Blu'teoot, whicb m6flts lit Peorln, Illinois the and wbile we bow in submlssioD to weelt of August 20. hIS D,i vlne Will and t!adly mourn the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'! 1088 of our depa.rted sister we do not :;: move IlS those having no bope, boo The Cause of M~ny lieving God doeth all things .well. Re8olved: That in the Death ot Sudden Deaths. our worthy sillter. Uovenant Lodge There is a disense prevniling in tbis . 11111 has lost an honored ~'altbfu country most dangerous because so deccpmemb4ir, ber bWlbancl a true wifo' . lh'c. Man yslltlden deaths are caused ber lion 11 loving wotber, the oom by it-beart disDlunity II kind frillllli u.nd neighbor. ." . ease, pueulJlonin, Retlolved : That· in We removalot henrt fnilure or our Sister, we are left to' share the [ npop\exy nre often sorrow of the bereaved family . We the result of kidIf ney disease. grievl! thd we will no more meet .' kidney tronlile is her iu tbejodge room. where abe ~'!!' \l ' ... nllowedload\'ancc was ever relldy to lend a helping ,....~ . . _ Po cd thekitl ncy·poisollbl'Jo<l " 'ill alband ; Ilnd to express a word of oow. tack the vital organs, causiug calnrrh of fort lind oheer to those In depresBlOD.. the 'bladder, or llle kidneys thelllselves brenk down and wnsle nwny cell by cell.. Her cheery oountenance and spright· Blauder troubles almost always result Iy mllDner were always an Inspira from Q .uernll~Clllent ?f lhe kitlilcys anu a cure 1S obtulned qUIckest 'by a proper tlon to t hose w h 0 pawe in contact ~reatll1ellt oftbe l:i(lueys. If YOII nre feelwith hor. Sbe Ildhered olosely . to Ing bnuly yOIl can make lIo · mistake by the prlnoipletl 01 our beloved Order takiug pro Ki1!ncr's .swamp-~oPt, the -"\ . . greul kidney, hver and bhl.ldcr remedy. 111I1l Wll8 known to follow th!l rule It corrects inability to hold lirille anu of, Frie ndship, Love and Truth to all scalding pain in passing it, un.l. O\'cr... 1 d cOllies tll"t unpleasant necessity of Ioeinj{ mlln n , ' . compelled to go oflell l!lroul\h Ihe day, Besulved: Tbnt the memben of,' a!ld 10 get up ,m3ny times durinr: tl,'C . IItgbl. The Ilnld and tbc extruoruinllr\' Order ex.t en d to Ule bereaved effect of Swamp-Root is 600n rcali7.cJ. family tbeir hl!llrt fel t RymIl8tbies It stands lIle: bighest for its wonderful In thi14 th6ir s;.u hour of tdll ictilln cu~es of the mo~t distressing cascs. . . ' Swamp-Root IS pleasallt to tnke nnd i~ ,hat our charter btl drtlli"d IU sold by 311. drllggists in fifty-cenl nnd' mourning sixty ·daYI!. thllt Ii cupy uf on ~·.lollll r Silt:: bnClles . Y,/ll 'llIn y h3ve n b . D_.. I t' be II ~:I:II.J:e hnll I ' of till S wonderful lIew disenter!! UIlIJI ' (''' ' 'cry' 11 ,1 n h""k tha llclls all til, ut it. , e~e ."""v U IOns the Lodge book , 8 oopy presenteu t.• I >lhf;~ : , l f,ee bYlllUil. Address Dr. Kjl · 'be bereaved family, nnd aOll to : < r. ·· (v .. ~inglJall1t~n. N •• Y: ;When f tb ilt "nllng lIIentloll rend1ng tins generous EllIe b 0 tI V Itge Pllp6r!l o~er ill this paper, DOlI't make any ELLA H J~I!. Y m1stake, bn~ rem~mbertbe name. SwampCommittee M AROAR£T WnlTlC Root, Dr. ~Iruer 8 Swamp-Root,lUld the . _ MA.II BROWN BlDghamton~ N. y" 011 every
D It. I I ..E. HA'1'HA WAY,
Dr. Ellis AppOinted H .. e~~~h Officer. .-
ed a meeting of the G. A. R. . like At the meet,in~ of the BOl\rrt of tbat held iD Dayton InBtweek oould Health TlmrRclav II en ' 0 not but be Impressed by the nUqlber Thomns SherwPQd p:e!!~:~~l bi.~ of bale, hearty, fine looking men of rellij!'natlon liS Health Offioe r aufl tbe 6, A. R. who look good for Dr. J. T. Ellis wn.s eleoted to fiU the many years yet too~me. The Grand unexpired tem whloh ende Jl\u. Army of the Republlo u. of oonne 1907. . . IlteadUy growing emaller. but it w\l1 be many years. (we bope many Mrs. Shute falls many YEIIINl) until the great army from .Cherry Tr~e. ceapel to be an notuallty. 'fhen there is another army com · Tuesday n.·fternOon of l'lst w ....1r. pO'Jed of the IIOnll of the men of . the Mrll . Jamll~ Shnte fr.lI from n .. t.ep Civil War. the Sona of Veterans. ladder on whioh Mhe waB 1It.1lndlnll ThIB order inoludes within Its mewberahlp BOme of the brightest braln - w.hile piok!n!! cllerr\~II , llilllocatlnil ieet men in the country. At the the elbow of her' 'tight ar~ aud ,. tate enollmpment ll\st week suoh otherwise brulain,.. ber. Cl\Ullm~ her men ae former . etllte Fire Marshal intenSe suffering . At present IIhe ill B. D. Davls, Barry Vall , of' Cleve Improving as r~pldly na oould be ex land. one of the best known littor. pected
All AhHl\ling ~itul1tiOlf".~~ .~ Notice of ApPOintment. rn',! \11-1111 ._ \·,".lll ' s fl'om nCj.(lent l,t ~;'l"t.(! of WII II IIW M . !:>lll 0 d. Decca" ...l (· lo ' ~ i.: d '" ,\·" 1,, II ud totpill lIvol", U I1· . 'I'M uDdcr.lg lied b u. bcell a ppoillted and 111. e' II,"t II III I I" '" 1180uuwI:I ch ruuio. '1l1ailned "" EX.~III"r or the 1l:"lal c of wlr ' I ' h i~ e.lIl1 l 111.111 I" nnknowu to thOHO lInm M. b tf\ufl cltl , laLe or \V tLrrell CUU" , y, wil<l II " Il r KU ' B'S N(w Life PillA; ObIO. "eoea8~" , t I", 1o"~1 11 1111 1!'1' "lleHt reg nll1t.nrR of V31.11 \IIIN7 oJ ..y of JUlie A . D. IOOd. ~III'n"rh 11 1101 HowelA. lTllllrllnhlod lIarl,)' Alln ~ lllud ~ ltI. Execulor . h.\· II' t' ;-;,'111\''''''''' druggis t . Prioe
Thirty-five suits In black Thibets. Blue Selges and neat checks and mixtures, all s~zes and 'many hand tailored. $14, $16 and $18 values
Juile Sale l~ 80".' and Youths' Suits
Jun:..~~..~~.~~.~ ........$9.75
Aspecial purchase of part of the surplus stock of Hackett. Carhart & Co.• about 50 young men's suits (14 to 2oyrs) single and double breasted styles. Neat grey worsteds, blue serges, black Thibets. Choice etc, $12. $15, and $18 values. during June Sale
Young Men's Outing Suits ' (2 piece) a limited quantity. June sale
$7.50 Hundreds of New
In the smart Negligee B.nd .Yacht shapes
to $5.00
Knee Panta Sulta _ Nearly on~ hundred and twentyfive suits in this lot. Double breasted and Norfollc styles-many with bloomer pants and every suit of all wool material. Values $5, $6, and $7
;~: .June Sale Pri~e
Store ~lUled with ..pleDdid merchalidlse and maD7 special valUtlt. during ·the JUDe ' "ale
Blou.e Wal.ta aDeI .thlrb for B078
. . . . . . . . t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
County Courts.'
LI UI£Ntl1i:I;. Frank E , CrUl<leJ' liud Altice M. both of Lebanon . Rev. IIIAUKIAUK
NEW aUI'1·!!.
Mary Riley vs Lllijra· L. Glbbll, W.. M . (Jorwln and Juhn MilI~r. ~'or temporary reatr8inlng order and equitable relief, 'Chili Heems to have been a callI! of mistakell I'd entity. A judgement, IIU plaintiff Ilvera. waa ,recovered aglliust her in MIlY, 1896. by Laurll L. Ulbbs In the' Court of W. M. Corwin, J . P. Sbe laY8 that IIU" IIU Vut· hlu1 uutlce ul I'"udency of t11" .ttUI.iullllt ·lbllt 1111111 uod be IIbVll1l C In~t."hle Miller HIll'Vtlll tbe ,. \ 1111111 .. '" " II U IIi. ~~ I hm l~II"y , She IildO Ii Vu ... LlIuL "ll" 1J1I.~ .. iUlle ItlIlrlled tbat on~ A , F ~puhr wltbout her knowled~", ulliimed to reprel8nt her !\IId dill MOllent to a judgement of '22 50 I:Ihll chlims n(,flJlnK forth· tlr was done in the matter ontp May ll5, when Raid tlpohr who had prevl. oOHly claimed to rel)resent her, appeared III (Jourt of slime - Ju8\100 and asked for rever8a) of said jodg moot, Which was grl1nted i that said oonlltatle hlid laaued , exeoutlon on her millinery busio9811 Ilnd olosed the lltore and coosequently irrepar. ably lojored the .buslnesH. John EIIgao la alto'r oey for Illlltnt.iff. Frank l•. Bowm"u aod Mary E . oO'WlnliU VII UIlIIOUU MoKlnoey and SUMlIn lIIubelle Werner, Partition of 6tlIWr6li In ,brlt.n tuwnllhlp, Wm . MOOOUIIII1II1 IIHorney for plalntitf: COORT l'ROOJ:IIDIHOS.
Nanoy Wlllla VII John W. Wlllls. Defendant hall ten dsYllln wbloh to plead, Catharine R . Ulevenger VII Mary P. WilllOn. OttftludAot lias lea. ve to plead In IIlxty I1ftY8. Harab Baysore VI! Albert Dill. Eli· sb. Pbiltpe ill made .. party defen. dILDt ,with leave to file answer and oro8l1 pemion forthwith, Albert Dill IDee reply to an~wer and or08ll pe, tition of M..:>n B. L . and S. Co.
tloott both of Lebanon, Rev, Davis,
Loveland. REAL &RTATI£ TR A NIIJI' It:RS ,
lIIamuel A . Mtiatera to Hurvey Gustin i lot In tlpringlloro; *1600. W. F. Eltzroth, aalilgoee of W. E. Stockton. to Os~retta Ream i lot comesirupa ired. while In Lebanon i '1500 , ~ severe gnnwing or S, A:l:ltllwell, Iluditor, to UllfJord burningsensation is ex· , perienced in the upl't;r Morgan i lot in Mt. Holly; ' .87, , p.rt of the abdomen. Heartburn is one of Henry C, H088lifons and wife to ywoys in whicb Dlinton and Ida M. Wllrd i 59 1.10 tbeman tb ~ digesti"eorganis m acres In Washington township; 11. ~~r~ses di~a l'prova l III ·tre nl m cn t Ella L: ~IlS0D to Jennie E. Fan· of warns you lu be cllrd u]. denburg i lot In Harveysburg i '000. Fdends Boarding Home of Iodl· f L" ..atlu.) ana Yearly Meeting of the Rellg. loua Soolety qf Friends to May Elizabeth Simpson i lot in Harveysburg Rives instant r elief in all (',,"'::\ ,,[ h ua rtburn and by toning ""d s trcnO::lh en ing $300. tbe stomach nnd bowels. p re" c nls a J080pb D. Dowdell and wife , to return .of the Irouble . DR , CALDWELL ' SSYR ['PEPSIN The King Powder COmpJlOY i 1 1 4 II an invaluable remedy for a ll Irou blo .or~ in Hamilton township i $1.00, arlslnl!' from the stomacb, b lOwels . liver kldney~ .. nnd becau se IJf il s pllrity King Powder Compllny t,o Joseph and can be used with itupunity ' for both D, DowdellllOd wife; , ~(j aoros In children and grow a folks. DR.CALDWELL·S SYR I' PE PSIN Bomilton township; $l. 'can be obtained in both dollar and hal!· . l:Jylv8lltor Tilt,m to Margaret E., dollar sizes from all dnIIU:-is ts . Your money wilt be refunded if It Tilton, 81i aores in 'l'urUecreek does not beu"fit you. townllhip i $1.0.0 Yaar pOlt". c 'l r d rt't1.uc ~ 1 will br'-ll.! hv re tura our ..... b~ ok l .l . " DR. C.\I.DW E I. L ·S E. B. Barden ,.1\(1 witI' t.o Edwarri lIIan BOOK OF WON!)F.RS·· " nd ''''0 " ,"wI. 10 thOI' who h ave. n ~:\"er tried Ih ls woudedaJ A. Crew; lot In Mt, B olly i '75. Do II DO W , &llIe EIIRle 80(1 Willil1lu Wright PEPS~I;-;N;-:;;:S-;YR~U ;-;-;":- CO. .ontlo.llo. IIltnols to Josi"h C, Rof(ers i lot In HorvllYs For Sale by J. E . .JANNEY . burg; 1850. Ellzli 1:1. Witham to J. C Rogers i lot In Har,eysborg; $1000. Notice to Banks. H. D. Bateman to Theodore Vo gel.hug; 238.13 lIorll8 In Deerfield The Board of EduClitlOit or WII' Of' township i '16,000 , township will rllcei ve Bealt'd hltlll by Ann Vlroglnla and JohnlW .Stew. tbe banks of paid township for UIA aI" to Frank S OrIUUl8; lot In depositing of the township ~I'IHllil funde according to section :l9l1S of Sarveysburr; $1. 8obool Laws of Ohio All 1,1,1.. tIl be in by 4 o'clook, Juno 30. 1906 . By order of Board. Commissioners , M, A Corn ell, C)lIrk Proceedings.
Dr. Caldwelrs
Syrup Pepsin
'tho problem of putting your pro perty io 8hape oonfrootll you now, Practically everyone in this vicinity is doing 80rne Improvement "nd re pairing this year, Probably YOUI have been oontem. phl·tlng m~klng certain repairs for some tln1e. jost put It off from year to year , Now Ithe time hIlS arri voo when it onght t;o bo done, It really will not cost 8S much as you antioi· vote. We cun furnish you any kind of lumller yoo need at very rOlisonllQle prlcl31!, 000111 over and get our prices, let us show you what .....0 have, or e l s4~ telllphnne us either lit Heth 'ook'!! omce or ' Arnold 'a
Have Right
- '1'.
PeriodiC Pains.
Morrow and Bntlervllle .rolld in Salem to,w n8htP at ,'5 76. , Contraot WIUI m!\de wlt~ Tboma" E. COl'wtn for 'rep"ir of walll1, top etc, of bridge In Bilmlltou tOWI:Ihip, a' 113.015.
,h. eame way h.. tb" .... m. re"uits,"
use4 them wltb MRS. PARK ...
111 8. IOcblpn 8t.. Bouth Bend. 10... Dr. Mil..' 'Antl'Paln Pili••re eold by dMJDUl1t, wh. will aull,an_ th.t
the ftm '!llli h. w II return will Hnettt. mon.y. ." 1Iu'"" 115 da_. 15 cent&. Nev.,. Hid In .-
lin.. Medical Co., Elkhart, lDd
W, H .
P Ivania . ennsy '
Special Low Fares _" ' , l'"
St. Pqul .J uly :'::,1. 2-4, ~5. S a lln ~c r bu ml
New Haven ·
It Dosn't Cost Much to Improve.
Angle S. Halnea VII M. Grant June G, .1906, ¥OU 8alnea: Divorce Kranted with OUB , 1>lanl, sPecifio.t1ons .nd est·lmat.e tody of ohlldren to plaintiff, Time? for atone abutment.s nellr realdenoe of Bud Willa in Ulearorook town. I'IIOBATII: OuURT. Estate of D.,t. J'urDAf, deoeued. ahlp were .pproved. Planl, lpeoUloat.!onllllnd eatimllte ~e btll filed. for atone abutments near MurrAY's Estate of Orville A. Thomas, et a1 88W mill on Kirby 1' ••,,\1 In 4;14,,\r Fourtb and 8nal account for IIIt'l&- oreek townllhlp wen' a" proved ment filed. Plana, 'lIpeOilloa 111\1;" Ii ,uI P~ tlUllit e In re estate of 1II1i80 8lrllbwltz, for stt)no top cnlvo-rt, IIll11r r, .I'I.'t. 'e d~. Return ut lI,lvlite lillie 01 of Dave Mountllin tii,I,'ul III \\,II - I,,}) were approv8ll , property Dladu. Plans, speoifiululnu:I lIocl .H .. liI'lltle lilIIt&te of Oatotir W Reed, deoeas ed. Roy Irani apvotnied &dmlnl. for ltone top ou h 'ert nettr t;rllVo ""tor w"h'bond of $7000. P. V yard on Morrow &1111 CUIIt·rvllle In &lem towUlilljlJ w~rt: ap· Bone, Wilbur Ivln•• Ilnd Roben J. proved. Shawhan apprall8rt1 , . PI.ns, speoifioatlon8 and estimate In re will of WtllilllU M Stanfield for steel beam brldgll on Kirby IJlke F'-2471y" deoeaaecJ. AppliollUun";, fur tiear: in Clearoreek town8hlp were apUnless your watch haa bellO thor oughly cl&l.ned and oiled w~thin 1tl InK .tune 7, at \I o·clock. proved. months it can't be a bs"lutely dspen Estate ot Aloort LeRuy Reed /:S. D. H~nkle, salarv and ex· dened UpOIl. We are competent t-O minor, AmandaU. Reed appointed . p8ntJ8e8 for May ..........116 26 olo"n and repllir the most campI! panUan with bond of .2000. W. W. R~rll, lumber......... 3180 oated movements, all our work I~ done thoroughly ~nd ' on time and In re wlll of Ellen A. Miller, d&- John Linder, bddge repsini chlll'ges will be no more than you L'learoreek town8hip...... 17 30 would have to pay when less skill oeued. WIll'lIdmltted to probatl(!. Ma80n Lumber Uo•• sewer lind leBII clire &re eXllrcised Estate of Ellen A. Miller. deoeaa, We olean 18 llize 'l. jewel.. tor 75, pipe ........ .... ... ... ........... 12, 12 ed. L. C. Wllllerson appolDted eS80' P. P. M.xwell,ooment......... 18 60 ,MIlln sprin~1I 18 size 7 j ewel for 75, Uleanlng Ii lIize 17 jewel« for $1 00 utor with bond ' of t3OOO. Samue) Eo B. BoJen, ditch work Main Sprin~ If> size 17 jewels for BauahmILD, W. B. 8eilfriecJ, and C 1I10'·G...... ..••.• ......... ...... 45 00 811 .00. C. Langdon' appralaera. Alber' BraD' ditch work B .. 1~04 · 6......... ......... ......... "Ii UO In re wlll Yay C. Zentme1er, de· Waynesville, Ohio. 08Med. Application I16t for ~earing J. S. Yords, Auditor'! Rnd Trea8urer's duplicate. '06 tUlI j 6 June U a' e o'olook a , m. Rugglea Gale Co , blankH for ' Betate of John R. Kibby, deoells 1 r,O Probate Jndgll ......... , .... . ed. J088pb S. Kibby and D. W, Weltern Star publl8hing no· Humphrey. ~ppolnted lidmlnls'ra· 7 02 t.loe to coDtraotors.. ....... klr with bond of 'UOO. Thomas Western S'ar publillhlng no· Smith, 9. LodhuD ~nd Albert tiCe tv brldg8<ountrl1ctortl 8 80 Bauta appralaer8. ' W. B . Staoge a041lJo . ml1.h , Estate o(John and George Mehl. Dr. Miles' Anti~Pain Pi11s for Surveyor ... ... .... ..... 1U 00 ..signora. Fint and fioal account Leb~non· Gas.(JO . III"lfol'j . 1 1 ;j 00 are a most remarkable rem edy for I18ttlement filed. S&lite VII E, L. Bo.vll . COht- .. .... J6 44 for the relief of periodic pains, backache, nervous or sick hea d, Estate of 8. W. RUKerH. d608Uoo State VB Arthur SUlltb ut "f, ache, or any o~ the distressDistribution aooonn\ filed. COlly ................. .. ...... ./ 17 90 ing aches and pains that. cause Eltate of Abaaion Cbenoweth. de. VIlUey Telephone '0 rtl Ul1I women so much sufferi ng. . .nd tollll ...... .... ......... .. 14 70 ceased. Dlstrl~~tion lIoconD~ filed. As pain is weakening; and A. Stilwell, appr~18ing S. leaves t\le system in an ex. .tate of Benry Fianullgan, de. Steam R. R .......... ,.... .. .. 90 CO hausted condition, it is .wrong Cl8IUIOO. Ooorle H, Wilkerson ap Alex Boxwell u.·rlified U\l1t Jas. to suffer a moment longer than potn~ admlnlHtrator with bon.d of W: Oray, of Wayullllvill.... W"II en· 'necessary, and you ShOllld take 16000. JO!eph NioholllOn, t:;ilu' Kee· the Anti-Pain Pills on first innan and · 11:. T . M. Wlllillma al)pr~18... mled to '12.60 per qUlII'wr. Mlu:y dication of an attack. . A. Uleaver. of BIII'veYllbur~ , ~rab lftaken as directed you may lora,: Beoherr" of UO:'\lIdllll\o' , .Iim ForOlltl1 . In re will WUllam M, SllInfiold, I)f Lovehmd. were ell titled to $26. have entire' confidence in their effectiveness, as' well as in the deceallOO, Will admitted tu probata 've r qUarter under the provillions of fact that they will leave no disIII re will William M. Stanfield law for the worthy pUnd agreeable .after-effects. ' Contraot wu mllde with . E . F , deceased. Widoweleota to talui un, They contain no morphine, del' provtlli.on of will. Ounbllm for stone abutmentll near opium, chloral, cocaine or other Batate of Wm. 'l:It&nfi8Id, deoeu· Murry'8 saw mill 10 Clo!aroret'lt dangerous drugs. "For a 10", tim. I by. lIulfer~ ed. Chadty Ann Stanfield appoint townsblp at '48 i al~o for IItone, CftaUr with spells of backache. th"t ed exeout.or. ab.ut~enta . near rHfOldenoo of Bud I .!!em II1mOllt more tb"n 1 can endure. The••• taco come on everr n..onlh. In re wil) Ann H. Kelley, d~. Wlll. In Clearcrl-p k t.oWDflhtli 11" and \ut two or three da.y .. 1 lia ,'e never been abl. to Ilot anytbln, tb"t ed. It B. Daklo IlPPolnted eX80u'or 1\177 GO _ ' would Illv. m. much reUef unU I bebeglUl the U S" of Dr. ),filet!!' Anll-Paln with bnnd of 11000 Allron ( :han Uontract WRII Dlluto with Lollnle PUs. and th"y .lwII.)'1I relieve me In • ler, II'rllCl Sberwood. and Alber' Whl....cre fllr HtOIl,t! top cuI vart nn .hort tim.. lIIi al.t"r. wbo .utrers
Merl", appraiBer8. .&ate of Wtlliam C. Debol~, de oea88Cl. lTaut Carroll appointed aGmiDl.mklr with bond of tIOOO. m. H. 8mi&b. Cbarlee VolbldiDtr and Alben SobDeU, apprallen.
Bow to Break up a Cold. ; 'l'BREE PH YHH 'JA . " '1'1 Et ,[,~: LJ It may be a ElUrpr!se to . many to HIM. Wl'l'l:In lJ'I' ~1 (. ' f!.::,i,' . learn thl~t 0. severe cold ca,n be oom· \V , L. Lau ol' .l'II' h;uh, Kr ,W l'lt" ,.; : I , broke~1 up In one or two ' I bUll u Ii ~ e re CU~tl ~I '<llln uy time. 'Ihe first symptoma of" disease nnd tbrall of tbo hOHt phY KI. r.:l.J'----~.,I-'.loc::__--_niii,;in are U I1ry, loud cough, n- profuse cinns In Kentucky tr(JIltell wiLli. wa~ry dl~obl\rge .from the nose. and ont l:'dcoess. I th on t" ok WOlf Y '~ ~bln, whl to o()llt~ng on the tungue, Kidn y Unre, '['Ito first bot.ll l-l t;1l V A I hen Chamberlllln" cough remedy iUlIl1(1(liRto rilli or. tlml t.lIrpfl I",I,!,I I'll S takl,ln every hour On the fi!st ap· cure(} me ponnunently : 1 1,(I1I11Iy You kuovv what It is penrllnoo of tbese symptoms, It coun· recommend this wonderful remedy . -few people nre e}(· teracts the effel~t of the cold and reo empt from frequent stores tbe system to a he~lthy oon· F , . ' h"'lIrt z . "spells" of this dis· tnll;slng complnint, dltion Within a day or two, For sale The appetite beby F. C. Schwartz.
Jun 3 to 9·-tiul" b UJ of f:ulu' n h l lfl.
Louisville .I un
t '! . ]tl" UlJlll c ' ('( lwlu i!;
11 :
W eek
Portland, Ore.
.Junt' I fl
t u :! l - H Ul'l ~1 t!1.' :'
Mec lin.r
Omaha, Denver. Jll ly ll 1 ~ · U . \· I' , l! .
" · lIl1l'. n . ~:;
Milwaukee A \I~UK L
10. II. 12-- Eaglc Oranll
Minneapolis A"HU"1 10 ,
II. I~ · 'O . A . It , II htlc re.u.ctl Alik - - 'l'Ickct Agcrl- -
Clnclnnad & louisville'
I '
& CO. Uorwin.Obio,
11'0111 impending DooDl . The feilling of Impending doom in ·t,htl minds of. mllny victims of Bright'l\ dlsellst1l and dl"bettlB ha~ ~('n chllngod to tb,mltfulnell8 by tbe heDefit deri'vI!!' frum ~klng Fol· ey'>! Kidney Cure. It will oore in · cillillntt' Bright '!' (ltHeat'e linll dillbe ·, t-eH !lntl IWAII til thll w"rllt CI\@e~ givl't' 1'''lIIt"rt ,,1111 r el1M, Slight dis , ')rdtlr~ ' lIrlll\llro'll 1111. few dllYs, "1 hlill IIill l u" "~ in itl:l worilt form." write .. Mllr,.", l.ep "f Dllnrf'lIt.h, [1111 "I Irit'd I' i~b l Ilh .vt"cillut' wllhoul relipf Onl.v t Iortstl lIott.lell of F..l ey ' ~ Kidney eU1'1l OII~de lIle " well Ulall .. F. C. Scbwllrtz,
Scnatheut, • ... Senathwest.
ROIIEIUKIII' nCKm ON u~ fiRST AND ntiiD TUESDAYS or UCII 110m TO MANY rolNn 101Illf.
Telephono in his honse where he can be called at all houra, 'd ay or nigbt, Ccaches Ilnd ohairs RUpplted, . recently moved to room next to Cross Bros.
- '
,.,. 1nformaIlon aod Rata Addtw
CttAS w. ZEtt. D.:P.A.
W A.
QARRE1T; 0.-..1
Asthma SuJferers Should Know This, . Foley's Honey and Tar hlUl oured ~'or 8nle hy F . , chWltrtr.. maltY cases of !&8thma that were oon· DAYTONI Unkn o wn FriellllM sldered hopeleBB . 141'1. Adolph BU8ll· 'I'her ll llro UII1I1:\, peopla whn hOlY !! ' in\:, 70L' Wost 'rblrd St•. , Dilvenport, I DRel1 Ohl1mberl ,,\n'l:I Qolic (Jholerll l luwl\, writes: "A severe cold oon· w, ~: . MODI"':. I!Ccelvtl , I trnctod twelve yearl ago W811 neg. R~}(l Diarrhooll1 Rtlmedy with splen l lect ed until It tinally grew Into dui reR ult~, but who Il:e uoknown h Tb ' b st m dlcal skill becaulle they hllve hesltuted about\llst .010.. e e ie e more TIME O~RD gl vin ' a tCl:ltimonili1 of their expel' aVllllable oould not g ve m, Ilmee for publio .. tlotl. 'l'heso people than temporary relief. Foley 8 Bon· NOI(1'1I110 U ND ( . . .' ey and Tur waa reoemmended aud h Iw ~ver, lirA " one. ,thll loss frlAnOil ono fitt cent bottle entirei:v cured No. j O StatIon. NO. l a No. ;,so No . nl thl,; r~OJedy . ~ hoy . hllv8 rlnnn me of Jtbllla which had been Rrow- ' P. M. A. M. I'. ~i. \ . M, OIu c h I n ~Arr1 1I111~lII g I t. a hou o· in on me for twelve year8. and If I I JlU I. etmno n Ja Ar.' iII~ )0 2!i hol(\ w~~lI hy thAlr per~ollql rAC~nI. 1 gd tak it t the start I woolll I 10 '! ~ 7 !!! 7 Shaker Cr . mellllnt,lon!l tAl frlllnrls .. nil nmgh. Iii en 0. - -- f ff -1- -1 ';' :! ~ I IU ,. I 1 '~:4 I (j I. 110rs It. I~ II ~nOII m Afllcln Fl to hll vn hAve been saved yellr~ 0 eu er ug. tlu~)'hl ;; I r. I III 'j I II lu Ii. U"Ulp~leaL1 in t ll n h OOlI lind iH '~Id e)y known F. \..i. 8chwartr., 50; 7 U!! 10 O' I 12 ' t'IHcr\' 11 h-' fllr i't14 (· tUIl!' of tl llI rrhocil nnrl It II t -; Oli " 10 01 ; 1 OU t:. 01 \l :Ullif formR of lIn",,,1 trol1\)le . For tlule by 11 [,n I QI 7 01 1 I ... ~ l l c " :.u F. C Hohwnrlz Cur~. Cold., Croup ...d Whuopl ..g eouab. .. r,:J :6 *0 :.:1 ~ 1 2 68
t. -
Chamberlain's Cough Hemed,
1':d "t!'KfiOO
\ ' enabl e Ktc.chllc r
l)u,ld. Leluod
, Dayton
;6 G',
I i) :,2
~o ~7
o r,1/
III 4r.
to u o H &. D U 40 D&XT 8 00
; l:l ,,~u 47 a:: ~~-. ~----~---~- -------~~-~-~---. 12 60 4 ~r.
;U 36 9 :10
"H U
12 ai,
4 ao
0& X '1' D &. X '1' C H.tO II 00 2 uO II 00 D&.XT 0 00
A. M. A, M. P . M. No
Lebanon Jc.
10 3it
7 40
Sh.ker Oros8l ng .7 Roslyn
Hempstead Ce DLervllle Manor
Lyll. I::clllcwood ·V.llu"'.
Ki lchner
t7 47
No 4 0
Dayton, C' }! & 0 D"vton , 0 &. X 'I' 7 00
10 B7 ;10 ..2 1045 10 r,a
a 05
~~-~--~-~---~---. -~--~~-........--~-~.
OENTI 1!,e40~r l!'!J~~I!'!T.!!! to
.hOwi'Wr.~ iii.., rom:r'rie line 01 1I1Cb-Rtide DICY TIIlE8 aD sUNDR.a at PRlCD BELOW auy other JDanufllCtuftt or draler In 'be ~14. rom
e DD NOT BUr A BlCrCI.£!t -O!". '''''''', unUl .YOU lIave ftCei ..d our complete ~ I;::::. dHCrlblne eYCTYl....d of hICh •.,.a4e all4low.fla4e
.' t.()l' n n Klt(nul.
foi UN IJA Y 'I' U.AIN R.
UI~,~tn'~'.n gana
end Iat ••t modela. and of our n1IUIrkable r.ow wonderful aew de.. made pe»elble '" KIIIa, fra ... fadMJ ...Ilh no middl .... en'. profits. WE' .",,. O. APIIROII'AL utiI""", .. urct ~'. l'aJ'the ........t a04 .11Ow 10 Da),8 Free Trial and make other Ubenol tnmJt whlc:b ao OIb.. boo.. In the world will do. You will \earn ~IoC aa4 Id mIlCh ~alu. abte luformatlon by slmply wrlll .., us a poetaL We need a .RI"- A..,., In e..,., town alld ..n otfer lUI opportuDlty make mon.y 10 Bulta"re young mea 'll'bo .pply III DIICe.
'1' raiUM flUH" I #y tl e aN fullOWt' l
-; . m.
U 0&01 .
5 -lip.
7 03p. m,
W . E . MO , In; , lienerall'Ja"-".' IIJ,(rr Al!eut. t.ehauu n. O.
TIl(! VI>ry
Rpnwlly fl\r lin "'I'I Trouhlp . ~·'r . M. F. AnrrlluJ!h~. lin olcl IInll. "I'll k 111''''" rp",ltl,,"t o f B1l1fflon, 1",1 , ~/I~' '': .q ""~IIJ',I , r IlIlmt.PIIIiIll' ~ j
CllDnoo Goods,
c. M. BROWN, Proprietor..
Phone 79.
au 2 1 '6 :10 a an u o\ :!
Urocerlee, Fruits
Igars "nd Tobaoco.
,:) 09 10 10 1'1 II 10 1ij .
237 Ij U ' 2 42 "640 IHII 6 1j2 2 5 1 5 68 " 2 5,7" 004 • a 02 60g
III 24 11 ~lO
Dull, rJ cept. slIwtuy .
r. UO
7 iliS " 8 (14 "1 0 flU 8 OU II 04 ,R 112 " II 07 ,,, I 0 II II tft I S I I I 1:\ is ~O II It.
Dc,I,I. (.claml I~ ~ il l.lchanon Arrh"c Ii :1 :,
P. M, No "0 ~ 0
:"ti(', Ch"lrn'u "lui fl iu rrhtlAu Rot-un ,.,h·',," II,.. VIlI" ~ lll'Ht rlltn odv
bowf·1 troubl" I. milk" t,i'i~ ~tllle· Dl""t. lIfter 1"'V ' 11~ 111'<'411111" remedy in fl ' '\' ("mlh 1'0,. " 'v/'I rnl \,Pllr~ . I 11111 ,;, ," 'r "';th"",t,it " Thl p r"IIIt'!\Y i~ fI hu,",t, "urI' In 1./'1 lII-·p,I f' ,1 I,pf"r,' Ih .. ""nll" .. r i" "V r , \VI.I\' nut. hu ;r it, uow IInrl be llr't'llIlrfld for I'noll illl ell',..., geu(',v? .
10 .ORE TROUBLE , PUNCTURES. Result of IS years experience in' tire
making. No_niter from THOR)lJS. CAC. TVS. PINS, NAJLS. TACKS or GLAss. Serious punct_. like inlelltional koife cuts. can be vUlcaUized like any other tire.
lfatlee .........kruber ....... "." ..... ~.... e&:d.,. "It" ..... "II," abo ria .utp "U"
es," lYmro.
, Two HIII1II,..11I011111\d pairs IIOW 11I1CtIIII..... OVer ThIlUllll pairs IOId .... JIIf'.
&0 pNI'OIII& ria auw... Till. trW ~ o'ber &ad
" " " " " ' . , III an ....... It Ia Ilvel,. aIId eM)' rId!atr ~ durable ea4 Ulledlaolde with a opedel.qwintr of rubber. wblcb lIever becoritea ~ all4 whlc:1i ciaaelt up -.11 puuctu r•• without allowlJig tbe air to ettCa~. We lIave h"l14....s. of letten f!'Dlll ..u.6e4 _ .lallue thet IhelrtirealaiftOllly b«D pumllecl up ollce or twice III awbole_ Thcyweia1l an IlIOn: than MONEY TOL()AN . a.. ordlDa., tin:. the pu .. ctun: realotlog quaUtiea belDC,dftD by ~ ~ thlD, apectally _reel fabric 011 the tread. That "Holdlng lJack" aeui&tIoe _ I y relt wbell rid!", OD uph.1I We hRVIl from ~10(10 t.o ,500.(100 to or 110ft ....ds is owcrcomc by lhe pat""t "_et Wee.." tfte4 wblc:1i ~Ia ail air from belne 8IIuce...s Out bet_ the lin: aDd the road thue 0ft1'C0IIIinI( 1111 euctIoG. The .......1ar prb of th • .., 10111' U11 nl'Jl1 E~' tlll-t!. I1n" I,ife TnI'll tI_is ptt pair. bul fOf advertlslagjlUrpoaet! we .... 1IIiIdDa a ___ fectoiy urkie 10 lbe rido. rllN'" P"H"i",., tit tIro II.wAtlt. rllll' nf 01 only sa51' ":'80 ptt paIr. All onIera allipped .....e da,. Ietta lancOlved. We llalp c:o.n ·OII app..,.al. You dO Dot pay • CeIIt Dalll you bave eumlned aad fOUlld them IUk:tIy u _ t e d . Iii'" .....", . We will allow a ...... _ .. at 01 S ptteent (tben:bJ IIIaItIoI( lbe prt.:e 8t.aa ptt patr) If )'OIIlChd !>'~Y1CI1~ t.1P'1C Ao." c'Y Co" rtlLL C&lIII WITU ORDEK ... d encl_ thla adftl'tlMii:leat. We wlU allo Ien4 aoe IIkkol -Ith IIno Wlllnnt IIhI . plaled ........... d pump ...d two _"",,II melal P'!n_ cIoMn DB full ~ arden tUM. lIIelel puncture ,,-.. 10 be oHdln caoe of IlileDlIaaallUllfe ""'Ia D1' lIea." .......~TIna 10 be ~lInled r 'hlltlII nfll I (lhio j ' 11 at OCK ~ \I fOf all, _ a th." .... not ..t"'~ 011 ""mh... ~ We an: perlodl, n:llable and money IeDt to ue Ia . . ale u III • buaL AM,...PaelmaIter, .aaker. 8spreM or Prelllbt AgeDt or the Bdltor of tbla peper ebaoat.. U)'Oll aoder • ~ "'f the. tim, you will lIIIerthal the, will ride euler. fUll ruter. _ ...... 1Ut 1aD.- .DiI IOak ' Worth '!\lIowln!C Iller UUla ally lin: you have _ oHd.r aeetI .'an,. prlee. We kDow u.t )'011 wIU'hc eo well pleuctd ,bat wbeD you WaDt a biey<:le will ~ ... your areler. W. _ )'01110 eeIId _ , ..all trial If :von hUVA ROY kinri nf ~(\"I II
t.rouh\",. i.kln hnt!nor. f'('Z"m", nll·pr. · wonn,1 1)110:11. cot or nlrt ronnl nil' pnrn ",UlPDlI...r t hR t wa JlUllflln tee O"rmR knlll nlnt'1IRftnt to relieve you ('I' \ge wtll 1*1 26 oentll back.
J. E. JlUUley.
=ASiiii ~r::;.:e tlb':u~~P.wbeaIa, ............. _ -anR_, priceul.....d
..... DO lID.. • . -_.
Delta . . .
~ all4
......,u.(IIRlatbeblc:!de .... . . IItIlalfU. ..... III"' " Wrile ror au IIIa.JUJlDBWeaIekiine. writ" .. • ~ toda,.. DO IIOT .'I'IIIIfk O ....H . .O • _eold'~
hJt dealers a~ repaIr
but blc:Jele or a 1'8lr 01 u .... tnim . . , . . . . til J'IIII kDow
iii".iYiiaOi;iiy;i~'~~ilii.;i·LL. , .
The ,Miami Gazette.
BROWN 6: 11, 1\, \', I'ubll.liera. OHIO,
N 'J t Sctnt tbe Hnir Until It I s Cl ea u-Vnl' lous Wnys to Glva Fr.n grnnce,
.'\. S e l' i ~1I of Tnbl enu.l: Pi ct ure the 'LIte at the CouJlle Whclse An Di versnl'y I s Celebl'nted .
Modlclne. FlIllccl Untlt Dr. WIJlIams'·PI.-,k PIlls Cured H i3 Rh e umatism.
'I'h e pl'o tlle ~ t of 01111'1'1111 0111 IlLB Is . "SI1OIO years tt gCl. " ~nys lI!l'. W . n. ' It ts IlIlp()rl:t Il ,~ to usc Ill!' ~I ghl KIn d ,t n \)ru sll ~1 0~ 11Ieol.lo ' ' b l''' Mh 100 11 ~ 11I'(,1' wOlllllng ,'~ l cIJl'nllll n ~ 1"clI nr. Oltu'I. , np rintcr,lh' i,lIgr,t (j12 1.1u ' huDuu
hu rd lIll II lno b e:Il' IIY ' und t11 ( ~' UBC IOU u ti llrl1 rl se \lorl)' lIy Ihe Hu ns fllI<I stree~ . 'r opcit u, KIIII S" "1111\11 a L:IIlll t~IIIT ,II Ilrtlbh. 'I'n l c U bl'lI ' h \I'\t068 da ll /:hle l'S or ,th fllm lly, tuck f I'ltc ll u m l istl' I1lJrt CUlIlrlll Ot ~""UI bT l 11l!~ fec i l'l.'ry t;Orl ' tO Ihe 'HlU d_ You Allo ll t"~ I " ' I' I f I. t ll/:,'t 0 1' ('1' it. All ~()t'ts of' l\tOIIiCl II P~ IIIlgh l u~e o lle Ihl\t has be ~n ~uul,cII I ' ' • I'COP Il ,Il C U , ('II II urma fuilOlllorl n ul l'nll :VlilliX l"lIlll1L Y~""Il)..;l o ) to l'omB Iu all, Ih o UIIIII\'I.' I'>I" r ), to I k ept gl!ttltl~ \\' ur. (\, My f 'ut W<'I' ku ltI~tll I~ I ~, "oft o,r o ne \vh r)~e 1ll'I' ('8 cO Il/:ra tulnt , Ibo haJlI)Y I' II ph', 111\11 6W O llcllllrl\~ J 1:1",111 110]; W(''''' J;! i<II'1\ allli ' Ule Ilu l[ Il lIrn IIVi a y. rwl lh,'r, hos l, ho s l ess n o r " II Kt~ h ns 1 h al l to go 011 uJ'ulc hos , 'l'bOI, rill \1'\19 Tlw ~ tltr bl'lsl les Hre nol OCJd :I lid l it!' nil)' SUSI)l c lon Ihlll nil\' O~l('I' l'lI 10 I" , t l'I'ibl6, wl m 011 011 II I'C \'cry h urtfu l Hh 11 II setl i lnlnmrnl Slll'e l'lglrl I' fro . ltmon\. wll! "O .. e Il ny I waR sn tt:illg I,U , t y pt " r nIL: ror pU r pO<iI', Ir 'I li ning Ih \) !Jail'. 'I'h y btl Jlr o vlde d, T h e ho u!!C, II rhollH, 1.'1 IIr,llo!e t ll,r ~lr o J'lIl'lIr l ulltug I ' 11\l~ PI'· l ' lr Iho 8('lIlp lind II Htl\c l e h u lrs Ih e I'~s- ulatlon city IrOIl "!! wiLl i fo lll. 1 \\ i!.ltnllll~ PIt'I'I lIlti Jr !llt do"o.rf'\rl1 '~1I\1l ble~fl. . I Iil lr ~hol\l d nOl bl!' .'d. h'. ' :lI'h. hI" '" 1\0(I II I n III'" 1I allh I \VU~ IIlId J \V ns tiO II . dou r s lJe ll\' (' 11 p ~r I )(' wi l hct cd It; llli SlllL 1 dO l t'l'IllllluU t <l 1m'I .r' ~," "Ille
Whot Money Is Do Ing, The r e are even I~ Ul'e se dny s a good lIl any rUI\IUiI!S In ' ' t/bo Illt eu Stal II wbo find It possibl e to ' d o II certai n a mount or moderately hlgb tblnldng and s till culllnle some at th e grac es of 1I1e. They mil,)' \)0 obliged to live .I mply, 6&78 S cr ibn e r's. nne! y t may sot need to use up all th eir \'!tallty In :r.r;. naal labor. True. they must ....·alk wh('D olb el'll rld o, they must take t b ollsht to til Ir appare l. tbat It be Ilrcsr nlnble at small cos t, Ilnd wben th ey en te rtalll th ei r fri ends th ey m ust (\ 0 It slmDly. But they have time to r cnd book s Blld they have mo n ey to e ducato tb olr children , Ortene r than I n ot they are p ersons ",bose f a mily tra ditio n s In clllle tbe m to f DSUdlous, n ess In social matlers. Tho}, an tI thei r f or bears \ta \'e bee n a ccustomcd not o nl), lo w ell·bred , but Inter es tin g p ()o pi ll n n ll have k ep t In 10lleh w llh wbat " .. as going 0::1 In tbo w orld: Ir. short, th ey ha I'C 11 ta sle for tbe best society, Twenty·!lI'o yM rs ago thero was no r eason wh )' they Sbouldn' t malnta.11l tb e lr In herited or a cquired rlgbt to It, , bllt Lbo tc ntl ency on tbe part at cer· taln ot t heir tell ow citizens to wbat hIlS b een chnracter! ze d a9 "thO babll or gelt.lng rlcb" bas changed a\l tbat. It Is not ouly that the accumUlat ion of co lossa l forlunes restricts the lilian· c:lal chances of tb e moderately atobl· tl ous moJorlty, but It deprives t h em of some Innocent and l egltlmnte com· f orts and pleasures to wblcb tb ey think the mselvcs r ea s onably e nlltled, by Increa81Dg s o trewe ndously the cus t of living ",Ith the standard of luxury Is rai sed In proportion, Tb 19. to be Eure, j s an old cry, but to tho l wp8C!unlous majority It doea not cease to b e n 11 vo Issue. Y t one cannot lind fault w ith tbe p eople who bave made m oney tor , wnntlng to spend It ; one caDnot be aurprl sed If tb elr Ideas are cr\lde and if lheyfall to apprecia te a r e lined s lm· pll clty. Mos l at us spe lld 11,\1 tbe mon ey we can a lJord and \\' e shOUld Dot thank anyone who sh ould prcs ume to di c tate lo us 8S to wbat we oughl to bllY wllh It, The ve ry rIch do nol tn th e le!l.St In lend to' make lito bard f or the rest ot tbe world , • In fact, irom the ir klnd·bearted des ire to give pleo,sure we g et some si n g ular ly bad r esults, such II,S, for Instan ce, the poor cl rl wIth rich tastes, who, although ab e nee d not aI",'ays b e a Lily Bart let Is always in an unnatural and demora l h.:log position; and lhe young m an wbo goes to the doga In bls elJort to k eep up the pace wllh hlB rich m ates_
h ~h 81.' 0 \1111 be 1( ~ P t wh ole 'l,nd thc , 1'00 111, which ar nl ways l'1 ~ Ii until ~w lJl ti ho~'.ld b lell n and FI\ e t 11 111" Iho IlI nhl g ' l'uoll1 Is rcn dy rol' IlI ijll,'rtlll ll
m erlic ill u It tl'in l. F ur It y etll' Illy I h" ullIC1l islIl IUIII b e ll I<l'OlI'i l,g WI I",', Im t ~llOOl h , J II Brllll) IhaL I ~ [e rn IH : 11: ' I n fh~I' til l'venlllg 1111111(' 1' hilS lI r cll urlCr IlIldllg DI'. Wil lia n lll' 1'11I1t l' .: I, I lU bri ng oUlll crull of h lli r th 'lt III \\' C':t k I ci\,llI't' d Il wa )'. No on e 111l'l'cfllrc thlul u boga rt II) illl1'I'OI'O, . 'tho I'lli ll nlld ,vl·lI · :I lui IIour , T h o SCli1p ~boilld lll? cl en n, II orlll t hat th tl oorti n t't' t'lo9C rl \1'111'11 IlI g nil lli,;cIJl PC~l'ctl llllc\ I OIl Il. l rLll ia!.:!: :, If IIIH IIOt II 1' 1 11 1\ ~C llli) it , Is r.i l a th ' Suc. Is urrll' C nmil ltlo notl)tlrll l sny l,hnt. ll r:ll'I· n 'tfoltbolt<;l rlll l h , :,ti-!. nlU' la lnc s ' . , " , ' ' I I " tll' C'IlLy YI' IlI'S tha u I!1 n ::;h t ' ''WI , 1 h(>:l l1h ), ouu , Mak e no ml~'.!\k' abolll t l\tut ' r 01 Itlt(st.~ I lU uny con It! Jl IIIIIII, olY h rlllll, C,I h u tr ·rIO'!'!", I' '1\ . " . Ihln !; , Is to hllJlPCIl u ulll li t IL sh~i1~ l X'io wh o ltll\,O li S 11 Ur. ' Vill i:t llh' I ,\I II I h ro a r c ~o llle n ew Fre n ch r ed l'<'s I h(> lIo or lire t hru w lI b ud, nnll 11 tllllSu ' l'i1I3 n~ Illy ~ Il ~g ~ti ou nll<l w lt o I, l''''j I".. ' CJIII Ihls yCIl t' for mailin g Ilu' llAlr Is r~I'I'!\I~ 11 w ith t1 r ~ ,\' n cU I'Lal l1~, I coi vcll :-rlloll res lilt H frolll th 111. " ' ~h l n e, 1'lwre ur o o\ls whir-I! are h 'l~t- Th e ~ lll;:;o t~ I mT,I'lw l»l'11 wrlh pork, Dl', W illi rlill s ' P in k Pills III'U W: n,: \J' II), t' \l bhNI ol'I'r Ih e h nl l' \0 ~ I\'e II II iOIt !Jll xes 1'0\"('1'1':1 II' lth I'II "ti 011 1 t ol'dlo LJef;l folllltl hnrliLl"~ II' I Ir,',,,, " ' c brlliinol fini s h . H your na ir Is III'Y s tep . all or tho " tl ,l;;h t l'f~ :. ~r I he d li(o!1 l ~ c ou !>li.lllli olt , 'J'h \:y c ll:LI: II: t III . :'11 11 ), (lll II',Ult 10 c)ll 1\ so ail to llI!>t e hO Il;' I!,t tl rPfl d s Ih l' nl'o llld~ 10 II" lII Ql' l' b lll O, OPlfl tO, IlII re!'III), . lIur ,III,' " I '1 I I " ' II .. ' - I hlll); to CUIl SO 1 d r il l{ 11: lilt. 'I !;,,\, • I \! ,I on lb e brl llll, 1I0e m , II wrl co: !1t', a I'on g m tlllnt ioll , A I ,t I II " ',I ' " t i l . "j'," I I " ' II(' 1011 1 1'0111 U llli 111 1 l h lImsll ' t I I" , fI' 0 I " uli \\C s ,, \I I ~ ) ne lI , .' 1," .. 1> , , ,I I 11I11 el !! , Dr e "PI UPII alliin u a w blulll llU lil ll tl'rllj.:l ltllll l hollf t',"", POll I' filII I' drops or \III III h~ 1>~ID1 la bl~:1\1 sholl'n , It Is t hll nl'~ t III c t· I DI'. W illitu lls ' P iuk l 'ill ~ C UI' ,' 111111'1' of rll o htl utl. -rh ~ n r llb Ilt tl t)rll :,h o,' pr In g 0( Llle ('tl llpic. " V hu t I: hll ll dOOl ~ i s l\l b l" ':Il!: t lt,·y 1II111 0 .. It h, I' 'I; h' ,., d ,"ollr I,m lld II nlll It Is oiled. 'n w brrl>h not 1\1I0W th llml' Its,ruth I' (!I"I ulld Ill) n. a l,' or W U Il IllII 011 11 Imy " h" :, ',it y Ihr 1.,,11 1' n ll ,l YO\l \1'11 1 sce It \lp;,11t 10 molJtc l' flrsL !\let, II'h a tlll<'Y h Ull (lI1, l,lrll)(lnl ll l liJ 1111 HI I I mntlhu !,!llll ' ," " ' , g low. TIt" 1 I ~ Ih e l~renl'11 re III rror rull l how t hl',' loo\(ell, nnd n il lh o d o. '1'11 Y ,h :I\' o dl so ,cul'CI1 1,1I:IIlY C:I " I,F "I il lig \h t' hlll', Mo ( pcop lt' r, rp uf rn ltl 1:1 1151 lIol'~ i ~ sec n 11ll' ~hy Iroy bo\\'. ' n lla' ''.'!;I, II Il l'lllgl n, Kl'i ntl rn. P'Il'tL:t1 i''' ' lo Ir l" II LllIl Ihlly It e I a t bt! In ' to II t' tI 'I I I l'lIlYSIH, II\cO lll oto" IlI US (1I 111111 lilt I' .1,'" ,. ' ' t il . ,., Ie It ,rae I'~ Illl' n n Ifl t lint! enscs t,llIl bUI'e n o L y rul d cl l lO ~" 1.I ':ll'y Tlt e II Col t r Iit lll l'Ut. 10 8Cel1 Ih o h'lll' del\ca l IY, I ko n rll'CS or by gone perl ol!. Illtio or the ull of jasa mlno And {lOur It tells h ow the IUO Ung t ool< plllCC nt n I All d n1 g~i Rh 61 '11 Dr , W l1linl1l ," \, ,:)\ In lhe plIllll of the hllnd. It ~'3 ,I ntll y Yul o fC3t h ' 1t y , nuu d w~1I 1I on 1\11 lh e Pilb or Ih!')' will Ill) H ilt \J.v 11 \11 I, ",.: . minor I' o lll t~ . )111111. nil rl'cript llr pril'o, r.o ('1''' ''' . ' J'" The Ul'xt t ableall Is Ihc e n lll'l Qh l p, l!" ~, Kilt ~X\':~ for $3, ~O, hy Il rr' .' I :\.!!' ont! Ih e ve rHOK d e~;t'r1h~ lIol\' thl' POIlII ' UlIlIIS l\I ..:tlIOlU O Co" Sf:bc ll IIll.:·, - , l ,
la r r oung woman \Vo~ s urround d by'nllX, TlLerr Is n ,'roye l' dll \lna In t he hnc l,grolm d a s lhc men flock allollt t1l e soy bull ern y, comi n g aud ~ol ll g, but 1\11 tlt e thnr he . tn y~, The woddlng Is Ih'u II xt Inbl enuf[. The ve ritabl e d ress worn by lh ,' brhl o mll kea a cbarmlnl; 10111'11. Tabl cflux rou r s how s t be 1I110ri n g ru th!'I: and moth e!' )'e ndlng O\' CI' th c rr adle a t tell' fll'st eh lltl , m n kln g It J.I rl'lty Ill c. hlrt!, Tabl ea ux nv e, Ih InRI , Is tile PI' SPlit time. This Iii mo t suece~ · rul. Afll'r n dol' of wOI'I, do\\-nlow n the ho t Is d ll l~l II III n 10\l n gl nsgow il an I s11 I11' ra fnlll ng osll'e p O\' r his e \ ' nlug pup r , lIn (\ Ilt l! hOfilC-~ on tho oluer shlo or t be la bl e Is ~ad ln' , bllt oC(,:lslonnlly, s he. too, flod s , tholl raiche'S h cr ee lf wllh !l q\l lck 'est\lr o lUI 's he S\l sp~C l s t ha t 8h n Is !laPlllnl;. The poe m gra cerully e nd s 111 wl shIn g I he couple many y ai'll of h appl· n ess togel h er .
- -" BI TE ,"
The IlubSl u lI Ileusuu l 1lI1I$! n C le~ - , Ih a l II \\'oilld bL! w I. " I(J Inl, '., h lr p. I' • One In the Audlenco Who _,~ ~ , cr snrlly he IlIler ~ I III I; 10 Ib e wClrl l1 \0 . fOI'D1 ~ frulII nlll' vl' If 1111'), IlI US L I' omp, liea,r d of tho Great M un Ll dAY, ro l' b III Ihc I,Py III Ih e nll ~. ln ll l n llll IIO! w.11I t il l 11I'JY pn nTl'!n tell Que6t1 on. 11I'oLliem. . I lh t'Cl lI gh fr o m ~ p. l o w . So 1!J ,lt , I h lI l ~ , I!I ihe D1 y r lll d o f 1' llI n ~~~ _"'''I I ''r~f! I hOll li~ : 11111>01': , Imvwl eclt;<, 0 1 Ihe gr~ l l At the rl'cent r\l\m)ul mtle ltn ., ,,1' l! l t , r; l'o llg h o u l 1I,Is " n ~ 1 w ll ll lr), II", l ~(',- oU IHlde Wllrlll II ~ nu \0 he 11'11111 0 11 1 1,\ vo t'ra of ('ope EII .:nbeth · tl\'O 11 :1:0 , ,) 1,ll'.O 0 lJea!m ll l~, 110 I C~}, I hn l'. :111 11,!'r il l li ll ltlJ. ll1IllI IIIIIIIILillo'<, Jlrrfr]JI I1l I)' iuwere prt!;:c nl ~ ro r mod rat ol', I [. II I Y .eul . of lh ~ wh o le 11O\J\I !.1I1(IU (I I HIIS- I (J' 1,,111,. III .I t e CUf h yCll' II III"! I!III'hll: S , J ortlc'n lI ud 'lplllcnt E , Sl a p! "". l'c· ' 111; nllll Ih e pOrl ell I UU~ CI'I~ l'r l\ln lltl\l ~ , Ih I :I ~ I III' Ill' Ihrr ye.lrs Ihe re h il l'O publica n ~ ntl ('itl ~ I), r CRre.l hih·. la l'I(111' In 11 11 m lnll ' ~~ cia} ,\l C'll!I'<!S I r l'lI 11IlprOVeltle l I. Oll l o f fi ll 1'1"01'0rDays tho Bo. ton II crn ltl. 'Ph o, Oi'ator lil Y I: Wh~1 ,'i'l'. Ihl ~ lIlIg' brulher- I ( Ion , I: !" nll ~, IU (h o ~c o f l ' rel'l 1I~ who nom l natNI Ir. Stnpl ~~ r l :l n • 110.. (1 etf\1C I, whut will II ,'r l, <1l1n It'arR , bUI III \10 t ell 'I: ~\ltn , ie nl lo r ml/!.'hty elforL "Who 111 C it ' C'I I F._ ho PI'CII; " 1\t IColtioll vi I h~ RU35l't11 wll n ? ' Iap l s?" hc c r l rl. n9 he ""II " ,I It! 1'0 1' 1' lllUrlcs P'.l "L, und (' 1'"' lall y l'i!n~ ll nl. ,'11 (1 Ih ,J QIlC ·tlo ll'-· a n 10I HD,l q like Pllmp blln!l lcB n nll 'II'nd ,l u re Ib e l ime of Boris Glldun IT, I~:;a~ - ICII,,'I}, ~l'l'iul'~ nil , I 0-I1 I1W I. : I bo ck anti forth on lbe plalC.,rm, lullo, h nvc Ihese pcnS(lnl~ br II IclllSC(1 !l a ve Ih e'(\ rollux ,1 Wlli; ID I h~' 110 1 1~J' I d e p \lud I mpr~sslye s il en ce f;l :IIl·Y"d. Ihe rl g ilts due to Il\'e r y I\lUII 'JO I'n 0 1 or m ln l\- d:lrlll o_ pll r Ru etl Il y l h u II U- s \\·eol . bat del\ciolls If you I!,J ~Ol ge t , Aga in wavi ng hl G arm s, he 0:: 11 " I In IV O1 '.\ n, lllwrl', erlur a l lo ll , IIIIU\\, I· Ill or ttl '. lur\n1.: Iltc ' 1>11"1 l <! o lUl'i~9 tou muc h ot It Try six JrOJlB 111 be ' a voice or t hundor: "Who Iq ('l l' ntc : 't cdge at el'O ll the Ill o sl ' lelllfltl UI y na- I'UI11(' 11)0 In l ~ 'I' h ut I' m aI ns lu b E. Sta ples ?" The silence WB ,J III II I' ,' valli. Puss the hair bru s h ol'er YOllr ' prono\l n rell an ll Ih e etrcct crcnlf r. , 'I'M pa lm. 'I'!l0n brus h YOUI' b all' IIt:I'.lIy ture. hn ~ lie en tI 01 d Ih ' t. T hl' 0111 - ' . ee ll , Iludl ence Willi vi s ibl y Impr t'~~ ~, n ~· bUI w e ll ' untll overy haJr has bl'cn s ide WOI'I, I h us li e n II lJlnll k , a nt! f l'om l ore o tlempllng II> lwei! 11 ;10 0 11 ",. lOll 'hed by tbe bru s b. 'I'b Is will ll'll'e chlldhOQu II h n bee n III . tll!!.'11 IIIU good qU llll llcs of h i' cant1 l un' r' t h~ yo u r hair Ihe mos t dellgblrlll 010r. CLASSIC AL EXPOSITION. Ihelr poo r de l udcd minds lhul II I~ DESIGN FOR A BLOUSE. agoln proclalm eri : " { ' ~n:t: n ou h for th ('11\ 10 Imow 5 \ll e lh ln g ,f l:'llre ly A l'tlstl';-DI5plr,y I s PI'OpO' d II Is a very simple Lblng 10 !It'rfIFtJe ""ho Is 01 menl E , Stu ple~ ?" Ihe locks. If you waut to 1 10 so YOII Ihe il' Iru1l1 dlllle surrounllln "s - 110 Of Soft White Satin w ith Trimmilllr~ A small mlln In thc r ear ot t h~ hall mo rel for the Ancient C ity of Rome a n In lte a. big piece of nbsorOer.l eOIof Chi1fon. Lllce_and Turquoisc I .tood on a ch air und bro\(e t h RIl,' ICO in 19 11. lon, Ii big h andtul, o nd you ('lin at 11\ F'rom Ilis blrlh Ih R u s ln ll " e sn n t Velvet Ribbon. by saying : "Waal , I'll b it e, 'iYllo 13 Is do minated b y IW O ov c rwh Im l ll ~ r"cIl wllh all of berga m ot. Tl)l~ is II "pry he'?·' tors. uper~I I Lio n aorl ohedle nt I"v Ih ' Lhal Til Rom" ' suggesll on has Ir. lely hee n made d I I H I" I He re Is u \'ery dainty blous e sulInb;e JOin th c li s t of ' ciUes Ih a t goo III r scent. 0 u l now ulnn '_he tsur's wlll, tbe hI Iter be in q olJsel vet! b alr nnUl It baa very s lightly dam\loned rIll' dinner 0-'" li en e r -""enl't-lt I ~ 01 "Whit. Dlseal6" Sa AtriaL Indlrec l1y, IIII! n0 1l 1l Ih les s trl~lgl) n L. llI' g anlze g r al ~x pos ltlo ns (Or' t h at· It. Move Il nlong to Ih~ o ; her " I(Ie, while t;Ofl salin n qly IlIcked 011 l!te Sir H arry Jobns ton, tlIe (amuuR ell.' Iy. Ih l'oll;::1t Ih e m edium 'o f (he locu l Iruelloo of 10\II'I Sl', ij ys the Arch~lcc, K eep on uulll the bnlr Is well 8clln'etl ~hollld e ~~ Rnd " ery s llghLly rull III ,Ihll \llnnir, on,ce escaped rro~ a vcry ~ th t Rumble Heroes_ .1n tho'rlli _ - to \lu t It ler ' Iy :In ll !;~ U . I lllral RI! o rd . !I slIffi C\ nt «XCUI,e IniSh t mO\' ln g lhe absorbent cotto:i II pre :lbd "'1I1~t, I he dee!? V bllck an d [1'0 111 Is I carner In Africa by U Queu Ell t:lCalling attention to the Ollellty of rally, wlthoul goi n g Inlo de lilll l\ 01 be fOlln ll, II 15 po lnll<d ou t. In Ihe In· the re. filled III With !lnely IlI c ked whlto chlt- ceru. A scoro o r two at murdt.'c('~J. the t e legrapb operators In Sail Fran · tllC n\lm e r Oll:i offici a ls, Ihe Jl II 'P. , ,. 3Ul;lI r:\11 n u( Ihe co lossal monumen t Silting lbe balr Is \Is\lIIII" cl'Ils ld- ron \lnllnc l!. The trImming ('onsls l s nRlh'es b a d surrounded his tenl, In :o ~I h tl ley k' P t t b e I r Il en d 8 • I J. 'Iha l hasd be t wide !ileo In serllon wi t h h olas In I l'o'hl ':h, berore ruuhlng It, t hey BIlDl sa ~ sc~v , were Fear of th e village oo rl a clnlk (\loll ee- I \.0 VI Cl or En,tlnu " I ~ 1 bill h n preel ~ IlIm~ lIlt thin g. Tru lh 'to IflU. It and otn ok to their k eys till "riven Otl "t ma n ) lilt( I I1Ie v IlIu ge Ilries l I~ hred III the 0 mPI' il ny y~arsof, 11li CitIt In( dlIts: n Int I ee r. n Is very si mp Ie ,' Buy hll if a n 1'llJI CP or l he Cenle l', lhro\lgh whl('h 1111' IIolse cnvoy, 'r he " 11\'0)' \\' II tOld the s ru :JI ;q ,I 11051\1 l rTer ",III b y tbe ftames, the New York Su n has l ite RU 951lln; It I. pa rt or Ilts In a llllll - s t Ul h!' I''''IS~, Is Imbll d \\' ll h dlllll ty 011 nr jll~mhle lint! ilxllerlme lH rOI your- ribbon \' eh'e t is I h "~ :Jr! ed; t it eud ~ irQ pox was In camp , anti u wrelc lletl "'1ii.~~ _=..Ai\:-_:""'-hb~ln~o WDS selll o ut us the aw (ul e~OI1 \tbl s to say : "Fix the eyes ot the a ble blrthrl g hl ; a ll li arte l' I:o \ln l l .s, ~a· by I he l'ilurnl' le r ul g "'e~led for Ille ex. self, P o ur n IIlllc In YOllr 11 :10", rllb "nrnv Il1!ln'bc acarQd lrlb~'-:" community o n n man In offici a l place perSl ltll)u~ ceqll1lOnl e', both e!rm, n n d Ilosillc.n , A \\' rl iH In t re '''o u l'a Anto. YOllr !r nn tl O\'e r your hltlr !)r U9!l' aud rr.l'n bad va lll~hed . As Ir Hu r r IV :1 and he will sc(>rn hi s own safe ty. Give :,rt!' r bl rl h , whi ch Ih e II n to rl lln II 'Ilab~ lo!:.i" nr:';11 5 I hlL I .slncc Rome ~an go 01'1' 1' YOI r h n lr, But YOll 'mIJ Ot bc know,lh ey (ea r od Iho "white InllCl~C" the obscure man somelblng 10 llo thnt ,;, III I;)' tr ' he SUI'\' II es , t he h!':'I , Pl!f ' srll l N' ly 110111, 10 In' ,, r,:omml'r r l al sure Ih itt YOUI' il a lr Is le:tn. YOII nlore ,thoo :llI, the lovcntlou3 or MJ~IIll , C!alls for gr eater actlvll)' tbun usual siltlagl' Ih a l hl ij lilli e t·y s (,nd 1)I)(l y , 'lIlb ;'ho\l ld lie pl\rcly I'f llt dirty bal r , Ir 'Will (·Iog an ll h c will seldom fall to come up to II'hl" h a l'!! (leS lltl (I lO ~('11 " !l ,1 IP C. al'l lHtic , all li il s s it s ho\l ld IlI c; lIde nnd b ~ery d lsag r eea hl e, "mu'!Je .At t he Din ner I'nrty, what Is expec ted at him . Excc Illlonal. ~o mil c h ,1131 1' ESo. li re m a de ,WIlIC O l l l h~ Por\l m. Itl Co l ~ ~ UIII , l.!IP Pa iR' ab~o! lIt cly cl no n nd s bln!ng It you , Mrs. H c n pec ll (10 hel'selt) - L oolt at ' 'Ire Ih e. p riesl li n ,II ", Ih.e, PIlI I,(.'-,," '1 11 l in e hili , IhE: 'rCII.. ~l uxlnl'l rl, III~ wa nt Iha ij(' M to clin g to it. my , hu s baD d, ol'e r thcre: t1l sgra~ Itg us A n d ,v,b \1 0 f hi •_ 1I1101lIl d.I,,,~ , \Vll a l , Ba lhs of 'a rltllil n , ant! n ~ 1,lf PS , St. ome ll t I' y to >il'eu t dirty, m" sty 1y da ring d eells done by our Bre m e n wltb bls fri ght ful monners! It ( had anti Ilol\ cemen are otte n the result of Of ,his \) r in glng lip ? DOl h :t " b,ll l t1~ I Paul's (; (11(' on I h~ ,\\, n lln, There hair! hilt It 18 a gh AStly rallu re. ,Your that bo al{ on tab lc I'llqu l ttc h r o now tb e s pirit of th o s ervice, thllugh It Is rltn I)QS~ ' h ly be! , Drr IIhin g Ih 10UI. : I he sn llerl e: rol' a nr Ir u l dl'l .lIou ld b Ih' Ill Ubl bc c lea u a n d clear If YOII :Ire I'd throw It 10 hl 3 fac e!-Fa :ullr possibly less so In the ir case' thnn In '\lll1'y, yall,OI'.lad 11 a l mo~ phel'C' 0 1 :h e rise, looki ng. on Ihe Tlb~r a o el th e /;Olli g I,'~ do IIn)'~h l ng III, Ihe) seen lIne Jo u rDOI. that at the s oldier or the Rallor who IWu ~ 1II : 11t \I <Jo den - walted li lOIllS of : he Al ba n Itlll s: olld, . ",." ud 3r l !'Ilouid ,' 0 It. I he n don t l ry to sce.l : w ll h III· whl ('h find howln s in Ih ! d l)ist~r'. of Ille ('o h ol- II )'011 wli nt It to 8hln £'-l'ul u~e Is or emu lation all cowpact. It In. 1{lI ssla n I~ba ( 'oIUtlle /, rro lll BREAD DYSP EPSI A. vOI\'es no reflec llon on th o soldier, the tI ~1lI0 Lull ii;;hl an d r rlldnly ~I I I r~ h j ch urch es of 51. Snl.u, t. Aj, ~~ lo onll Ih,' purl' 011 IJ r Fume • .Ja~mltll) I swcr l Eallor or lhos1) who, In other rauks HI' ;Ire xl'tl ded , XCC I.I lh nt " 'lIn ltlecl\ St. abl nn, He \VOII" 1:ll l s ' r,lI Ihe ]111111 rlclt~ llI[u l Ir ),ou rlon'l n ll l 011 IIlO ot life, l)rnctiee the m l Utar\, vlrlu es or h Ih o pening of Ihe door, : tI'U('I UI' II III Ite " pln g w llh IhAil' cia Is a liLLIe t no The D igesting Eleincnt L eft Ou t. 'lpl1n e and obell lc llcc to s a y that II II (I III co ng reS:lle Ihe ' o lV ls a nll an fl of I he e , l n r l ls' mH, 1'J,;Aflhll all d II\\'e nd,' r art' 1111 Brenll !lYl:Ipeps ln hI commou,... h c l he r sma ll beas ts 0 1 Ih e fa l'm\OlIrl : lil' imprl!Ss, H e , :tg ts u ' mon ll' !'; 0[1. BIn I'~O t it m II gh Uy , . fects lh~ \)O wel s beca lwe whi le brcflll l~ tb e man wbo. In g r eat per il, gocs o u lee ll ing ,un Ih e m os l nle~ ser 100(1m Ilta l pOl'l n l 10 Ih r Ave n t:ne, n I A Jll' eliy w uy to mal(c YOIl ~nlr c hi ne nea~ly I II s tarch, IIUII 1: II\1'0h Js dl:;e:;te ll ~o lns hie ordinary duty, willi no hope li lac \< bre .ld, vegcla ble SO~ln, I,nu ~ nt n !1 'bo uI EI' :l rd from 1,1: Arc h or Con , l un. I I ~ to " rc~fi Il ,rol' e\'enlng. W:,\,£, II In the Intc£lincH, not In the IItomac h ot appla use, bOllors or Indi vidua l d ig· I '. \10 ml \) n , wit h Il ll W a nt! lhr n \l l lI l,l llne Po II II l he Ir q l;; Mn;xl lll ll s , a nd I t h r O\lg hl.JUI. ' (u ri It. m klJ It IIt.lfy, pl'oper, tin ction, Is n8 berolc as IIny hcro. o nd l ea ror n Ir en l : w llh ni I an : ,e l" " m Ih e Cl r c ll s to ILb e Clltll' I Ih c co iffure Th en Up 1II1lle r Ihe s h e ll o r tho whoat bo r ry Th at Is why we ask you to tal,o all ~na ny uf t h ~ rC~1 of th r' fHmll y [IS I ,\It ! c om b" T h. 1,ln,I ' ('ap ~ s a l'(it!nln g, j( R (>~I ~'O~I.I' h u nt! with [1 few d rop~ of nature h h us "rm' itled Il curi alIs d e rojl .. J ,"o ur hut to the telegraph operators In on grc;,;n ' e- lI1h lc fllvl fl' m,lI e- I (I~ I h' , lgJt II ,1' r arr iH 011 1, wOlll d torel'er a ll :l nd I"n yo ur h a nd o ver your balr, whlc: III tUI ne d Into dlastaso whe n I'. i8 I pr 1\11 Ih e lOP !If \lt~ I:u'ge SIOH I:il,- "l\ ll! n~e I he &I II ut lto n o r Ihe ~ 1)le n ,lId ', ~ns llllll~ I~ bes t rOI' lhl~. R e llen t lI.nUI ; Imlijccte d 'to I.he snUm and to the 'I)' ,n S a n Francisco." ~ IlI g t p (\ Q IlI rt e l llf :t Ihlrd I)f o n~ Of l l:IL l n", And o nly 111'0 Ihlngs nre " )()U"I ~ I C II Rel1 allo\l t ten drops. "our I c reatlc Jui ces In tbc hU:llun Inteslln es. ~ Armies aD ' . . Ihe IWO rn a ll roolUs- whol ",ollLl . r I:ecllr tl , h s~y" fo r ~\l Cr eES-'" Il nlll s I Ilnll >vl!1 h:J.1l1 1t.:J odor all t"') e \' e nltlg This dlu s hlse Is nbsolute ly neceMilH r y to dlgcs t s turch !l n d him It In to g ralled n lU les are ex~,enslve , Ir Ih e u lt Im a te Il l'oduc tion Is la CI,( ln g I a n, d , IVI'OO,ODO fl 'all" ;;, BlI t wh!l t I; rl>8t n~1 n f' xt tlar. If YOII tlo Dol weI II r_o r w e n eed farmers more Ihan we n eed In a lmOSI ;,'11 Ih e collilnon . 1._ th In . .. more per m a n lit th a n an go I. II \00 _t wil l holll Its scen l BI..OI Sf] OF WH ITE sugar, wblc h Is the form; but that .oldle rs; we, nee d m e rcbont sllips 1 of CoLl's !luhle!.l · .:rel, ll?n , e xposlllo n, ml j; h t be d on e b : m oney a 111 11 , passed unde r tbe wa lslh nnll, which pa'rt of tho whent be rl'y JlInkes dllrlc more than "e nee d battleshI JlS. The ' mnn! n nd n g c ni\ls l tr h O\\,~I'N ' ''1= canoe of raIded vel,'et blllltlli lld on n ' fealher - flour, and tho mod~rn mllle r cu nnor The Hair and S calp "11 I I ' " ' , .. . C!v,1 demonstrated that It dot s Stunte d he 16 by Ihe awful t11..:u:· ' wh ere othe; s ralt IU Jrl l1!' t he m SI I tL' I I " bone founudtlon. I reDu y so I dark Oou r, 80 nat\\ro's I' nl I I The puffed sleeves termlu a l e Jus t uohle Ill s cstcr I~ throw'o out Qnd Ih e IIOt . take long' to m ak e a nrs l ,eias3 I'ant ~ges 10 whi ch h e Is $uhJ ec le Ll- i Inlo un loo , Ih or l' IVI II bp. a ,('- "Il well ' In j 1:~;,nl~O~ II?I ~e 1·ln r d too lorI ng '!s' flgbtln g' mau or the America n c iti zen phy s ica lly, Ily the mense r ,n nll 101 a ll ), ',V u r lll , I fld et' rI , above th e elbOW : t h ey Ill'e Il' lmm ed buman sysl cm must hnndle the Sl oreR aud th ere are 1 0,000,000 s uch rearly s u sle nance Opl 10 , . . Rca lJl s ha ull! be wa he d I b lusertlon Ihrea tled with ve lv I us be s t It lbe h olp t l;l l na, to II ht III a uarre l wltb 6 I" hlll1, anti the In ck or nlr ; morul1y, ow. ' Enrthqu ake Litt le K no" n. ,. , . "' t can e a nd e dged with R lu ce rume , ture Int e ntl ed. a I anger. Illg' to t he meillod of hi s living as deTh e world ha nO I onl y \I' :a llted to II~Pl I.elf e tly drulll hy brushing lhol" Materials required : 3 ',2 Yllrtls sati n ! Small won tier lIlat nppendlclt i$, perlg , ,Q Tbe only po~er tbat Is at n il I1 l,e ly 10 t II I bo I 11 11 h h I, noll' al l .. hout th e eff ec ' . o[ t ile great l ou ghly wit h a coar. e b r USh , anrl thc 22 lu ches wide, fi ve yards \'ell'et, t\\'o , l onills, con~t1potlon lIorl all sorts o f sive UII trouble e( a " e;I at)" tor tlth e hIai Ir, yards Inser l lon , H~ yartl lInlllS , U\ serlouB t d k Is t J opan ' and ua'i ra-patern a ' rnmr eenl)es owe dtrOIl!l upon, hll mf' cn lainllY 'at S ' •no 1'·I'"n '. cJ.'s'cQ 'll' ll e l'e'''' ., bru~h Wateri l1g ml I ~ t muc:h b ~bcttl'l' tI tro~bl e exis t when we 1:0 50 co nlrary e w no uo e~ta. e I nn t l! s h e hy lh l! \lo wers l ha l be, 'It may be man ot scl ~nc ,w ho I E\'E n i ~ moto ly " IS e u e IIJ!on Ie )a r to nalure's law , The food cxperlH thu l .ball , lhlnk herselt slrong e nough to It lIed hal\' It Is lhal o n e sees ~u \LUII Y ,,acqu llinted \l' lt h 'II c ma lit fac ls o[ se ls. only wbe ll It l" was h \lr\. Use d an);' o t h· Wedding Etlq'\ Ittte, perfecled Orape·Nuts Food, knowln,," ' , r.r e r a I e a er VI' hll e f '! Ik s out' of One speci mens or Ih e Ru ss lnn rn ce Ir. rno Iogy ' h us Ile e n ImpOrtnnNJ to glYe Ih tim . "e It fndes the hall'. Ma SS Age Th e fa ther and m o the r at tb e bride, thess facts, m Olle usc III their experlth II h d ber nelgbborhood. That w11 1 be S"euer. h" Rll ss la n \'!IIn ge s If the h l.1t " In "- a n f xplol:n tl oll o f Ih ose d!!'tll rbanl"s , t l e fl~l.a IP wlltlll t,h e cusblon tips or n~ hostess a nd host in th eir , olVn m en ts o r lIle e nllre ",beat lind lIul'lcy, .. , " w nge l'~, l C ng vrry Cilt ful not to . _ , '" " T I' b" , h I "' IItlons he n ce aad neell g ive Uij nil c on . up Is so ba rl fi nd lr mecllcal lrea 'm e-1I1 Ie 1.1t , t~ as l'"' nell .. l l" u , I, sllYs t I I I I b tl I' home, wel come the gues~s ' before IJt Q Inc lu dh\l,; all the pa r t~, nnd sulJJllcte,1 , ' ' " th e Phll n ric l hl a I '\1 (' I 1' 111 I , r e ra C I I e R'~R p w t Ie n il, Is , Tnl· [h th I I I cern. Ou r bus iness Is to mall e mo nl~y, Is so h a rd to O\)lol n and ort ~n nOI oh - ! . IJ · C g' r , l OW I e 9 , 11!11n~ lil n scolp In au way 111 'c eremony : a ter t a t the brJcle Or at, e m a 1110 ~lure II l1 cl ong con t luu e,1 Ii0t to eogage In wa r. \\'e 1~ :lI'C a n 1m . ta ln ;tlJle, th e Ili sta n re fro m :)[Ie I' ll. ' l eall y k noll'll o r Ih ~ [und amen tal le ,:ts IIand l'u fT Occas l:nnl1" n7ter tben the groom, the ,,~'Id o t ho neor an fl warmlh, w hich a ll dw;; limo !lntl lli 'l ot h I 'h " I ' II " . as 10 t h e r! ef al'll:q ll :ll;' p.~ ' It Ita. ' ''' . " tile nalda tllen the mftn of the I t "ropc l' con 'll l lollG (o r l ov I I b ' l mense le . OS , the p8ri>nts of t be IIlI' .. ' , 0 of 11'0 , Illlmnlll I C oV (II gIy l II , rr ltory ri ght b I'e , In Ille rp . I,I!;P h _ 0 aIIll (I e r t \ ) ebre I \lCI l Ull. 'I ' ) come to 31'11I'ed a l e, a s It Iler!tn p', never ,'I" . - mae.age , . .a p ply . '', lotion " at , horax attcr1 lile nl lirl J'(1: dlas l a"Q 01,1"1" 11 ( ( OC or ,Il Dg pe l <, II I " . . ' ' I 'J ad glrrel' ln , tw o t\ I'QI\IS of eac h to t! , u , J It • Jlullllc Ifml ls )' t I'lrgln and lh e , de - Irn ' lie" '11' (1 tIle ro"(1 o tte ll IIlll>. o.' II, I( '. , ( d ) ro r~, ll ,at ,ei. mol q:, ,~ In 113 I aDd "room , Howeve r, I hc r 'cn l viII " I I n thlg wn.I' th o f:tu r c.hy n ',lrt t ~ Iran .. · lU and Is ror lubo l'cl'3. nO l so lule rs • " ", wer , Is" . ncy, lh e I,ll.. l' f ,,1 1 n n d s,),st . f mutic " iglll (li ,. U , f· d oCl, Mv 'I~ th at 1\ Is o nl y l l,, e. , \' e r" ,III fa II la ' C or d fllIIs tll lel1. d ,\yat.e l'. This !llle s"oon dwindl es d own t o the IlIter'.. l f orm 'd 1111.0 'g l'llpe·lm gur in r ' I " ' !I COO li S. lin , a 8)'S r yncss of lila , ' , ' . ' , " . I " ' ll , P ror. Brnllu~r o\lUl llI ' II'~ II iu lt s ibC" h a rdl e, l vh? s urvl\'e: lhe " h ll'l -mo l'- 0 J. na on 0 eal t Iq .. a kcs' !Jelng less ~kln el\tell 'ouple; the olhers mlllgie with , ly nllt ural manne r , ",Ilhout lbuuoc or IIU'lr al aud l uct)s see jo lws llIo re ilUl e:. - lalltr In Ru ss ian .vll lll·ges ' Ill 10 dote I lh an II qun r~er of n ('~I\lllr)o' olil un ll . th e gu es ts, ellp eclally the m c n. who so chemicliis or any ollts \d o Ingrcd len l!!, j y Iha n Ih ey lise.! to unu Iha t lilld w()'II,d :I(lp.\1 Ih e eldll zerl wo rl d tf n j ll;e " Ol~tplr l e t'N Or,cl s h:l:".l n g oDly Cucllmber Oosmetic, duty It Is to seo t hat peopl e ure ' duly I Tbo IllU e E\lJal'kllng cryslll,l u ot ;; rnl' proud and h IWII)' p l'ogress In rl b'III '1 (,(lr r crl I' lu r n w re nulde Pllbli r' I DOUtll I.R lf 11 ,11 1 lim it ed Now that can lie bou ght; 11I'esen ted to tho br,l de and groOlil and 6ugnr can be senu on' the plcrefl ot' lia s (OIllS UboLil "b I'e .1 . , Y i whQ dCJ are Il nm',' lr ll"c ,,; 'l ,i C!1I1 In Iha t It ,\\,111 \lI n cos me llc mixer can compound th lll lhat the way of approaoh Is I(ept denr, Ornpc-Nu ts. 'fhls fo od t bere fo rll Iii Th a I I' oil(' ',o ' u- ' I nr.l I n 11 1 ~r :' lrnl n a tlr.;; Jtul;;ment as " pry exc !lent form ula : : Slice with: T his !s accomplI s hed by Reelng thaI , n lltura ll y pre-dlge. le ll o nd It!! usc ill _ . Hng~ \1 / hUrd " s p r lmens .. 1 ,' I II Ib e 11011 -pf Ihe _co n ::t!!lr um , ' y , a t I,s no . "1~lent . ~ ,,- . I 10 wll'" I I~ nn l1 ~'h ' Ifl cal· ourt pf!l'lIng fllUr la r go cucumbers, adtl th e r efrEshme nt room I9 I(e pt ftll ed P Iaoe of hren,1 will l)ulcl,ly correct the' to.-IIuy Is ~o well It .,"It led l"~ Ilpeelalo rs c:l [L f\lHow Ibe clwlI gl U,g e,'D\I 'I ng Ih~ Insl I'ew yenr s I!r~ I I'ln I. I IY RCl' ttro:u or, Ir!Jl\.lI'orlhy In t he ma s!! n 1:11 \1fll I of water boll until 80 tt, coo l and tllat gll ests aile In trod uced. " troubl e.'! that 'Ia\,e ueeo brou ght n h')ut pr ~ llll\S UII IlI ll c<..u IlLeu un . cs Il f Illp I'el')' g rnf!ttnl, e[forts hov e lleo n m a rie- of nl:Lte nn l olf': · ror Ib e In ~tru lion anrl slrnl n, To one and one·half by the . too fre41 u so of Rta r fl h In Ihtl lIulirrelln~ cou lll e, wbcr" ;t,s in. Iil e 10 IIIlPI'IlI'C \1e:\sll nl life ; 110 1 nee.,,- of th ' IluOlll e, ollnccs of jill e adl'! acId equal pa rti al! For Freckles. toad, nml that Is very commd n 111 ~ 1'1;; ltwe n l h re i IlI r y tho lJ.H! tel' W.I~ nl. <fll' \Iy !J or' an, n Iho~e 111 'l:.r lh o r lty Pl'i ce 011 Helld of Z'ulu Ghief. of al p-ohol and one-tom·th ounce powThe cut surface of an APple Is 'lsed human roce to-doy , J)IllS l glu\lIny, Ihere "'el c "lIl , to, rar f rom It: but hebusl' It 'Th Nntal go \' e rnment. wil l !lny dered I'Rsllie Boap : let over to treat the hunting akin Is tbe 'l' bo eetrct of eo llng I ell' 011 lO seno us J'olJlI ll; 1 . >, ber;n n to !lawn upon tllem Ihnl de- $!!,r,oo fOI' Ihe IWIlII (If Bnjlha t\l, lh o I\lgh t, alit! e i g ht ounoe3 of c ucumber skill made fre cltle d by rllling across I daya or two "'coleR BUll the d iscillllln- - - - -- -- - - - t l - y ~Il ru~y b ll\,'! leeb &~ tu ' IIl1e.,.l!..!l...ll.ecrll1 tions to keep Ihe ~ell6- rcbolllOlI~ Zulli clt ler. Il i~ stnlod jl)l~p. one oltnce .ot all of sweet "I· country In the wind , The appl e, which I uonce of ordlnary White IJreall Is very' ll n l '.; mln,1 Ilnrl" h e wa s beginnin g 10 Ihn t Ihi51~somi offer has m Ild\! nand!!, 20 fll'O\III of t1n('turo of ~enl':oln , must be a lIour one, ver~ jlli cy and, IllBI·k~d. The 1I6er",,111 (:aln r apidly III' a "1! J NI,e," I hiuli n nel l1ow 'ld eaH w ere dawn ing' in "f'I,~n I hc 11I1,ewl!.l'm ch id» lieu !lltll!. alld a plne h of horlc acltl, Shake well, I ripe, Is rubbed on the freckl e. ",'bl ch strength ond pbys lcol IIlld 101.:' t.Ir.!. &lIs IUDO\ -vbscul'e<l bl'lllu, It \\',19 telt 1"'l'eUl," Apply t wlCG a dlQ' 1I1th a 1'I110n(:.. I will d~sappe,!~ _B~~ _~ fe!" ~tl~lmel1t& hlJllth.
'('~lJo. lt iolt ,
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"- ~ LOCAL AND in Pecul iar Mann er. PERS ONA L MEN TION
E 27, !!!')U
~oy Meets Death '-
WED ~~~ ,
In Socie ty.
Harve ysbur g
Lytle ,
Cente rville .
Mrs , Dr , Keever W88 able to be - -,- - - - .F I' Albe rt ~IlL ' ,Y wlt u lLnu fUl1l ll y br ougbt bome from "lie Milum f Willi BI ' so I VIII i\l r:;, Lelltl J,IllU ' r of KlU g .'H IHIi ,drove "I', nn " "' r "r"lt~r J'Inney hU ll t hA 1,1 llIe of Mr, W 111 ' 1loy B l1~J1itnl on Moud"y of thIs week vlln illaI ,,~tll II I of '1'hefun Frank erlLl0 ()!,kluh un,lIl , ~ll V~i IlIlr lu~h!'1 11I1 ~ [... 11 'k y to ". v Blvan neare Clnrkl'v iI' gU o u.Ht.. Suudny . wllic' lI I ~ sl , Mr, nOli Mrl-l, tu,, 1 II uwny nallr tlJ!I ' ltfter an tlbsence plonsll nt of , \11 aboot four \ wb" IIlPl witb suob IL sad ncoiuen l (;hul'l ctl Ehl' llIlI .. uti tltAIght . , ,, \I'WI IS' ilt " :\1iumll 'l " m' uelu w MiLllll oto wu l " ,nek L a~, r Rh oll. i I' rI ~" 'Y ~tAIlPlll g lD a ll tlllll' l ., nnll u luug tb ( ', If !lud D, I I ' b olUe MIln II fL Will! holll ut IIi Mrs , ~~Ill ory Bradl<t.r eet la aga n ny a or Ag n ps Scbwart:-. is ij p ·nl1ing W " [111 !rt a lnl,vOIl.C Ilre m v ore ry ,w g hlll . t,q ~,'(l roull . on HILtu !loun lLt 1 o 'ulook, ,unu W u n lny ... 11111'1' nnd r ]'l11!!R ' Ilble t,o b out door~ ond enjoy the Ith.," th u lug 'llllol\ ' unt f1 l1lu tb e.r .euf tI'tn ver y tlll!1 w eek lit. hill' Illlr llnls home lD rned ')IJen air , , )lortul s f th e <"Iluuker Villnge Inrgoly ILt.tentlod , Williu 1l1'lt, .tenth (;in cmnllti . hom e whe re tll uy Ilrrlvou 11buut \l MI s 'NJlIL tJlLmpb611 waH taken , ir. Hlld ill Mrs, helplnj.! Am bl8 os brotber Elli s lIt,or g t tL o 'clock tlf w"Ier Tue horties beOIlDlll frlg t in t.he veniug nonu ,the serious ly ill IllSt Friday whll.. ut Legget.t,'s Pllris Green b " IS the kindt t.he eu(\ " tbrAW the tuin eclSnm111Y Mr , t] nlvin 1'.d wllr,ls WOl'l:Ie for tbOlr t wenty blArre1 over tlnd thnt !lells , A Inrge I! Ipment JUs M L mile drive , ll oule o'f her brotber , Theodo re, " c tLl1l\bt und d ll og h te r l\Irll, Llntle r. r, Ill · U, him between the burrel nnd receive d lLt Ruder,'t; store. Mrs. J. B.•Junc' sis ter hns ue n 'rbe re Is bnt little hope of her reo , Ed Macy Becom es ' H endri ok!! IIncl wlfo , Ilnd, 1 I , [r1, :Rwying witb Il or durlD co'n IItundnr d orus hlng his ribs tbrough Mr,1. E Keys hilS. udued .an ut. g tbe V , lIs t oovery. Dr, Keever hlAd Dr. Barker , Coun cil Memb er. nml Mrs. Floyu An.te rlloll (tll( Itt e I week , trllctive veruudl l tp his b orne on . Id conllu1tILtlon last Sunday . so n CI1r\(1to n , a step son of Ann'a AI.len Nortb Street" lind is 1I1so Mr. Jumes J obns anu WIfe on~er. At n m eot.itl g of oonoil MOlldlll Waldo Elliott, nearOw enll'oh uroh MI!!,-, Alicifl, K elly Is "i sitjng hor : tal ned 011 SUlHlI1Y HI VCLD lltlug'h t-er 'of ~mo~ AI~en ~o hanutifu l COli t of wllito npplyin g a , Muster Enrl bas belln quite serioos ly IIlok wltb pllint to t,he evOnlDA', Mr, . Ed Mlloy Willi 11 ppoin . hl'Oth r Bnrton 11 11(1 Willi !.1l0WD in MUR810 tOWllflhlp . athol' fr iends in '1'h001I\ 8. M rll KIt to Jobus who bu.s un AttllOk of Appendloltl~, bnt ill now house. cd to tb which hns exist d 'in cintHLlti tll i!:! week , Willie WILS IInoh a fllitbfu l, oheor· just return eull'ulU !1 visit to Indl- recover ing nicely under M~s, Jeltnie Benrne unu Rister·in in "ounoi!VIIfor'nncy two month!! , the care of Quito n numb er uttend ell t,he . f/' ' Ullti. ftll. obligin g little fellow It OIIHt 1\ IlL v W re guost!l of their r- I k Dr. Hook , relntivo s, R outine busin os. occupio d mnoh oil1l ut ~h e hOlllo of Mr • 1 I(llhlllJ liver t.he oommu nity for !lO V, 1\1r, lind Mrs , Will, S , 1'hol1l l1!! ' Mr, lind Mrs, Lester lo.eur c Grl\htu n, on ,of tllA s ssio n Mr , Clareno e Nutt now , has luI er!llml les Rround when the word the Lytle , Ike 1\ fow 'h or od !\11 revort II v r y pll'tl t'll llt we l'e the t"\untiuy hosts of P erry posesslo n of the Jacob Wllsou farm, UILYS IllSt 'fhe Ulllt te r of oleallin g up t.he tl ' • . . tl t week," 1Kenrlok , wire nnd daughte r. BerthR and wiU soon str AtS !lnd public a)\ eys was c lln · m u. wlmt fortb i:!undIlY . m \lrnlD/t build him a nloe new · )U , f Wayne s viJl . Til I b residen ce. don w 1\ be WIlS 1\lllld Be WIIS 1Htelln YeJlr8 For &10- ewing mnchln Dr , ,r. 'W , und erv oor t Mr. C, I::i, Lllmb e. Singe r. 'VAS ooUed unTho M, E. Sunday &Obool will e peop ,e II ve r t nrnel1 to theIr hOlUe In UO rlDf,!t,lIl expeote dly to Bellbro ok ohllD on Batur, hold II. pionlo the 4th of July io ,cconll band, a one, • ky , N W ' Centu ry Club' s .of Illst. 11 f dny t o net Itt! olle or the plIII bOttrer rove wost of Center lllle. , 1111 lit T. B. s .store, lItllln soe t o th e Illllrli(t prepe rty nUlu th Ir te r n, f",v weeks e vuul, UDlOll~ I rw"d" of Ml's, Bun g'Lrtline r , Sbe W~B the g The excl1vll tlng . . I5treot, WnyneSvl!le Obl0.. borne, !lnd fll1l.!tg at the A lit.tlo w 0t:k on' th )Jllrt h e re, Annu al 'Rece ption . MISE! Emma willow of thllt o lUer pldntCr of wudene r hill Is about Belgbw a.,y, IB uxpeet . of Mcb will Iwl)J wOUl.lerfnlly , oomple ted, Ml's Mc R 'y nold !wd d'1l1ght er ",b oHe y;ork th e - -' eel to lIrrlve ILt h omo tomorro w from older geJl?l'llt ioll and the tnaOlld nmizlng work will It nppear a thllt 11 Dumber of boys Mi. 8 Ed i,t h Ilre /l.t , h'Hno For several yenrs the aunual ro. her delight ful vi it witb MrB .to I hHi r I ~P uk 80 bigbly . It wa t! t,he luen to soon be comme nced. . Frunk nnd young 1U0n htl ,'e I)('I,I,iol1 I(iven by Wnyne !lr Lnng at ,Tobnst own, i>enTll!ylvania.. alJOllt tho stree at lutebeen louting ! lI10ny frl ,IlCIII 11 t thHlr l)el~\ItlfuI 8Ulll' ecnre m en who former ly wor.ked Our Dltyton and Lebaoo hourll, ui :; ' mer , ;(rI~"lve 0lglml7 .ation of svllle's hUIIlE! h e r', We lire rnd el't! ladle!!, rhe ve ry !in Mr, Bungur diner 's ' sh<? p I\S 111111 thlt! townsh ip wlll, wben n pike in Mi sPlLUllnu Buttprw N"w \:entury Ulub, bas beell looked ed the Ilttter plLrt of tbeorth return· turblng the pellce, nnd s veral glad t o weI 'oll1e tb Ill , . ' bellrer!l and Mr, Lnmb III one of be one of the sDlootb et!t, finlahed week trolD membe rs or oouu cll gr w pre tty and Will1 Ml's, J PlLrl cy White of lilt Lllk e ' them. ftlrward to ..a the ~oc!ety event of II> trip combin ing buslne wnke one of Illost attracti ve II ana pIens· ""lIrm in their d enuDci .. tioll o f thts City hns boen t he I-:U lit of Mr A , I Mr. Whittie r Burnet tb l1 l1el80n. ure, nt 'Union Cit,y Indiana , WitS eon runs for uutomo bl1e 1)lealnr e ride" prnctice , It IR underst oud thllt '1', t:;llbin ,rod fnmil,v tlm1 Elloh YAlIor tbA reoeJltl on 18 h eld lit Mr , Hohel't peddlin g tbrong~ our streets , 00 to be foond 'file Legget t brund of Pllris Green unles.~ the praotlce is StOPPIlU in tbe country pros· Coll e t t 'Mt.he )lust w e k , "h hOlDe of (jome m embor ufothe It! tho populur uud ,lu st BundllY eyenmg IIfte~ blLvmg turesqu e Bconery, Its Une , Ita pia , efi'eotull l kind , eouti oDs will follow. farml and Mi~H68 C ll1b, nncl. Ohris lind Ann year tbe 0001111100 I For sule tit RudAr's store KolJy spent tbe dllY III Waynes Ville with country reslden oes H along tho way C i N t hll ve us Ihei r lllCrfllllle!l1D lIl~erest, the l\1i "I sseH Ihis pnrents , , . .' mukes a .o harmln g ride for botb car, ome- om ng 0 es. The rt'oaptio n for the presen t Smi th Wuyn eHville , Mr, nnd I Mr , ides hilS In Ins yurll what rlngesa nd antomo bllet!, 'l' bnd Zimme rmnn I If "'ellt- Wtlll bold u t tho pr08ent yen r had as theirMrs, , ). f W '1 ' " be all guests well 8S nlmost t,wo dilYS every Illst oho else Any person who ure I eS'rolls 0 wbellt bal nearly all been Will! held Ilt the bume of Mr. nnd week Mr, Zirmne rlllltn's rl .[ "\JI~ 0 ' . t Il~M llU~ ' wbO blls viowed it term. 11 frenk of outThe mol her lind seourin g the prlvllegOl< of refr llsh , tonMI~!! ElG~tru. In the mont.h of Jone thl. Y"I', Mr .._ W . H. Allen Frldny evonin~, Isl-ter in·llw from ,Jameat , I; '"~ l tll1 l:( le r illS or r .. ' nnture. It is LL dLLhlia stem own, on Rnd und Isa Ulent fairly good orop. 8000 the tc, \111 th", ~rounu 8 ;l oot MorrI S" whtln t,b", membe rs of the . "I ' d • ten wbere stand~ " vhloh thero are two blooms. Asa tbrel!he r will be puffilng the 11 orne (; uming '-' u b ,'w hil . 13 Ilere were en •.er t lune ex r il!oH o. ,along 001' t ~ tc ti d Millt! I, utlll Vanrl vl'voor bl I tollick tboil' hnllb,UlulI and 11 lew tire to be b e ld (1f1l r que to n Pen r · I" eneral nnd r eo II by Mr . an d M re . Ed mun d R,e" ulmost invarla e ru e hlgbwa ys, 1101110, ~Jlln:vetl nn evening of rl1fe pleJlsure. Mr. William Boblet t of Fourt.; ply to C, M. f tllin od Tu ~(1II," 01 1list w e k . ,i\l r. <>tho peduncl e or flower f h stem 0 t e Mr. ,J. p , Benham IlIlIOOn to .tan Robil:-.e r. chllirul lln a Elln Fllrntls n nil :nt.e res t.ln g fn~IIY 'I'lifl guestl! begnn to gllther shortly street, bnct tbo pleasur Idahlia ill oue flowere d, IInu MrR, 1- Ilrtll1 ~ fl' HtlLu Mrs, ['tlde r one hILS tbe backs of tbe But this on a trip to the nort\ler n pan of ' uftH f'i(lbt o'ol ook , und nfter usocitll over SUlIday from bit! e of II visit the Commi ttee on Conce~ 8lons two flow. Mlline, where hiB neice, oousin, Mr The agitAti on fc r n generlll, olean , of DtI ,II I,,'n , JUlI1r, t,be followlD g prOl(rum Wile Will. Boblet t, of Dllytou , lers turned towurd enoh other Ilnd Baird. nee Mo (llellan , Mrs. Battie , who is iug .up aod hoaban d, before t.he Homo t.;omlog bllS ~IV'''' lludtlr 'tho · uireotio n . of tbe 'ooklng after bis inte r eRts ou bl s resulted in MI', " ill Bock tt of , DlLyt~n is ' togethe r pressin g n~"l\lnst ono a~. ILre spendin g their vaca"o n in camp Improv ing tb e nl'pellr , 8pel1din ~ Il few week WIth friends 'Iub Prellld"'lIt, MI'll , J , A, Funkey , farm at FIlltf rll. I other , But st!1I more poou!il.Lr IS life, on a traot of land unce of two of our public lmlldin gs here ' EVArv numhll r Wll!\ we1l curried ' the faot tbat one flOwer 18 red Prof, Bllird, along one . owoed by Mra . P rr.v Pence went, to Colum. Th Townsh ip House, uncI of tbe heaD. , tbe jail out Ilod the tlppreclR.tltln of the bus Sunday, and Mr , Ir" Elll rtililck of Oily ton wos IWlllte the'otb er 18 of a differen t hue wns 11Coompanled lind ' t1fulem all lakes of tbat oharml ng house bave been n e y,'ly cnlling 0 0 f n eud b e re SunctltY l1udleoc e wus ~hown hy frequen t home in Ibe evening . and varlagn te<i. The matter of C 01. MlLlne country . b." ber son paiuted. Both bu.lIdln~!I bavo b .en Mr Les !;er <:i ord n (If OlLyton hlls ,or Is n. barder ~roblem uoores: to so 1va Mr , ,John Haines aud wife, father ,Pitlno &10, Carolyn MUl!ber n eeding nn uppholl tlon of pnlnt RILY who bas b~on II pUpl'I ~t , th e lllldly t ' n ed hODle to us~i~t 'hill 'iltber Ithan for a tho stems bemg t"!o 1l0wereel, nnd mother of Commi 88looer time. St, Angus, re ~r . " RPoltd loo, Mrs, F. H , Fllrr Inl!titut Jon fllr t,be Feeble M.Lnded tine's Catholilong Balnea Dr ,J,W . Ward and Wife roturne spent ~onday In the village, and c churoh n.lso appears durIng t.11 1J Jl\lrv lit, . , at. VOOILI o\o,"B o wal! Il Priuoo" 10 thll ('A1pitol 'Ity , d tended borne I:lntnrd ay nt noon frolll tlleir service In at 0 frotlh conting of pIIlnt , It is tlie M. E. churob , Miss EV:I 'rnoker Gi\Hrl:lfl (t'ullkey . Wl\.~ ILt h mo ovor Irnther entenal ve western town, with whioh they were oonneoM Fred A . CtUlkuy hRS lIooepte ch po impossi blo to JoIive IL comple d te list Sunday , ReIlI)OUIIO tu Ilocore, "Celest e" ' We nre hell.rtly ,g lad to weloom e for many years, anll sltion with the first NutiuuI II BUllk of in Imlivid uals who were au_!l-!:!--- ---;ILre )llllntin g Mr , B orllo" '1'. Bnrges s returne d ' tbelr Eafe return and tbough Jif'IlIIlUII, Kilthry n Frtlme of Cinoinn liti, !lnd entered on bill or Improv ing tbe lr propert they worker s in. Tbey are DOW 75 y, 78 because to his P I1 t: El n tul b orne lrLst Wedne s, Ibava nO.t yet become fairly R""pon e6 to enrore uutles there Th'ursdllY, Tbe pl;lCe it luolude ' Illmost everyon settled years of a~e re8~tively. e in tbe duy from N e w VOOtII /:1010, Edith Shut,a York. I:fornoe WIIS ' nnd theIr thollgh ts affords II. most oxcelle llt open ng cODlmu nity, but by aome,C The burlillsenuoe~f-:Benj, Thorn. omiug ndmltte d t o the 'e ui or clusa of Yn Ie Jsure ~hey glu.d oollecte d we Ilre Hy rtlquest MllI8 Sbutll "nd Mr. with good opportu to be onoe more ns took lllllCe in tbfl' Old Cem~tery, for advance time the town will prosent a very lnst:v }'unkey alloh !\Rng other Ileleotio ns Dlent Imd Freds nity IIr tlbrough the N , N . U, of in their own home. Euoh , looks north of town last fr ienus lire o,m fr esh IIlld pleusln g nppenrn noe. Weelne 8day af. LebUuo n .lIld CHm e out With bi;:h wuch the better for tbe After tbe l>rugrlml II luncheo n grll tu'lll.tlng him on his good, trip and ternoon , MI88 Debora h Loyd, • . ortunA 'fwent,y . eight oats and two oonsiltt lllg t)f DeJlpolttan 106 oroom bon ors B o raco is 1:0 be congrlLtu , tbey both testify tbRt tbtly h"d Mrs, Lnurn Mosher bas gone to bands btl ve (Llrendy secured a. Friend, offiolateel in the obsequi es, places lated , . Hnll oltke Willi served, while delia Carding ton, Ohio, to join splenili d time, Even already the C. W, Balnos and son Ralph are her 90n lu the pllrllde which ill ,t o be a fea· 1.,n"I,I" 00)01 punoh Willi 1I1lrved in tbe 8l1rTis, whu Is I!pel1ding M CI M ddonan tl lion were doctor IS stiring about on profes- to have a. publlo eale or brood a part ?f tura uf the BOLDe Coming , uncI tho sow " ining room 1111 clnring lthe e..-eDlng. hiH vttclltio n with bi~ r 11l~1. " , , I sional !lutios. r elatives In pllrade IlrOtnl8es to be one of t.he ~Il LebllUo Aog, 7, II.t the Fair GrQond s, Daytoo . n, on 'lhllrs uny transl.~t· last Wedne sday Mr. anel Mrs. Some of the stock to be offered Morrow oonnty , Both Mrs , MO':lberll1lost eln,borl lte ever undertl have lken in IlIg bU!llneS<!, d M J W C, S_ Lamb drove to the Gem CIty oost 'Mr , Haines ,500 nnu Barrlll will ret,urn to 'wlI.yne s Wnrren County The per bead. 'commi tteee Mrs. AblJle Monfor t of Dayton Ilnd clime baok InQ-en witb r. an rs" . ville 111 tlme 'for tho B ome,Co mlngl de Ires once more, to a. pretty 'l'bls sale will attract loven of high Impress on 1111 spent Revoru,l days with her mother new sitting Ward Retur n from West . howeve r, room and other who expect to take in tbe Jla- bl'ot.her lind otber anel r elll- puroha se too numero us to mentio n. bred hogs from far aod .n ear. Mr. and Mr!'. ~muel ~utt.e~ rade tbe necessi ty of pnrt boglnni ng now I b Tb Ice oroum fosti vnl given by .
On e of the Illost enj oynql e soclnl IIffnlrs thllt has tllken plllce 11m ng t ' I time Wll ~ th eo dunoe youn gerRe ong til gi vell lno. ntOl'os HB Thur~-'!lil Y eve ning unuer tbe l_ul t ronugo of 'lo."sr~. Burolcl Bowell , Vvnrren Eel1· D E wllrds. harl!ls Burnet t ancl dWllrl e Ri oks, About f orty: pres ent,Orches Tbe tra muofIOL ewbns t;tokes 10 (IUOn,y , '"
~ ~
f rh;ncl~ q l1l te u
~idere(I ."
t Ch~llp, ~~~ICo~~~~1 ui~ ~~~~fo~wnt~!~ps~,;ii
". .
I~nu ~vlfe l WOtl~'
£'~;::~?~!~'1hfld:kor~~~ ~~E~:~fo~i~~i:!;~':;'~f~ r:,~~~~::~;"f:;;'=~~;~:~! :~'~~":'~d~:!~' ::~ .:;::i "i~~~;;' ~:l~;:l~~~a,:~':;i~~:~~.::~' LITT LE PRICES! .
()hlo, 'embrac ed Ileventa en Stutes ,i n the Uuion. Ilnd were Absent fr .::m IWIDe elght' weeks snd tw~ dliYs. During their trip they VIsited the cltle" of tit Loul~, Knn88H Olty, Den vor, Colorlld o Spriogfl , Graud Juno, \1011, 81llt l.tlke OIty, Sacram ento (Jity. LOI! Angeles , Pomona , San Diego, Tljnanl \ Old Mexico , Santa &rharf t, & n Fral1otsoo, Portlan d, t\I:lnttle, Spokan e, and finished np with YallowlltoDe Na.tlon al PIl'.'k. iDoludt ng eIght or I?ine tbonlllln d 'miles of ' 't ravel, Ilnd in ull tbut dis· tllllce tbt>y did not enCOllll' one mishap nor allY thing to mar the plelL8u reof their trip 'rhe Dootor IIRYS that l,he most ' ' I w hll e depresMlDg Moene h e VltlWel . be wus ~ona wa~ til" wro~k,erl' (1\a· trlol llfSan Francll\Oo, of vlllloht he n6Wllp"1Mlrs blLve never given nn II110qlla l,e hIA!' i lind tho f1ntlst tlcep · tlr.y I.hey W,tll'A p,rlvllel;ll-'II '" Rile WIIS ,thtl Y 1-'1If1",l't~lJIt1 N" t,HIllIII Purk ,. . . - - --,.- - - -.
ton, Mrs. PrecU\'L Butterw orth a.nd delay longer. . ~r; yltll MI!\~ Grtloe AI(lrldge . m IL orystal nnll just wurm enough . Mrs, 8tellIL Frye and u, Mjra, Private citizens request ed IIlso unon , Stell!, Buttho worth obildre las and son, !lst to it'rrllng e to deoorat e tbelr oarrlu-g . to oreate iro for ice orelLlU ILnd I' Mra, lbbie Jlet,t lind lIIis~ R,oN,1 le monlldeII., deThe Friday, eat/Lt.les w re 1111 ' es and buggies and take part in the King I:!»un Thnr~day In WllmlD gtsolt! withou t any difUoul ty nnd no Mi88 Nem .. Vander voort, of Cov .. plirlLde. 10 mnnyp lnces tho Plet.. ton. I , I dis tu~p..lno es of ILDy dort murred tbe j Ington, Kootuo ky, wbo has been tiest felLturet! of parades , Miss Mnry SIDllrt dllUghl,er of Mr , pleasur e of the ooouSiO~ visiting her grlLndparentll, Mr. and es or bnggies decked Rre Cllrrlag ' " MlISlo MOSECC~E~E:A~c?~GS?t~~JULY with fl owers Ch,t Smart of Rlohmo nd Incl. hus WIIS furnish Mrs. Isa&o \'lilson nnd Dr. and Mra. or booting , Don't depellrl ed by Fru.nk Ilrmdn . . dn bho COIDQ to ~)Jend thO" lIumlllo r 1111 t,he It,has bee~ said tbat th(lre 18 ,IL, L- - - -- HiH~H!if=~~------T'"" Vander voort, nt Harveys burA', re, bU!linetls men to do it. oIl. Let ev· beautif ul country bom e Qf ber (lunt II time fo r. turned home M.onday mornin g /tud eryuod y tllke R pll.rt. tbinA's. Surely tlllS It! 1, TAKE ADVAN TAGE OF TH E J\{rs. \VilI B!nlneH. th time for' huy bu~votlt wlllo h II! , SMASH ED PRICE WI\.I! flooompA:nled by her cousin,!!, S•• YOU 'LL Woloh return c1 hom Mi88es Rllo Ilucl ~rllrlo "'urnnll , who Picni c at Mapl e Il1111 ,now I Heigh ts., on'Mr, BE WISE IF YOU COME. FriflllY ufter I~ w Ilks vj~lt withe , C0 m eltdo v. hUI! trom . r i ilt will JJlltke her a fnrewel l vi's it be Mes!!rs \v'llIie !lad E llrl Butes 1n foro "tuTII.I; : III P I" lnll "ld , N··,' The torrid wed.tbe r wa!! forgott en Colmnb w eed "EnE AnE A FEW SAMPL ES n~ ~ thlil~':l 1' ull J'homa, ~r~o,)', 'Wh",';" 1,1I\,'y "'Ii i r1J.,ke tllel ' 1 11~"i ' Wedllesdlty 'I ltternoo n by Ilbo_llt , wo .I , l WU A l' WE'RE DOING DOWN . ' . " 1 B bldtlli ull 1 III the .;Q ,'e nty or 1ll0rQ huppy people, fllc t tlllLt It mIght ,e O'N' (,ORNE Il OF MAIN AND Ml~SCI-\ : t,1 11ltL 'femmo n IIUI en \\")1',1, u . rs' A 'ne" \V!'i"ht. hutl u· h, I .IIIl~lllg in ngo from nn mfllllt. 1Il ' , ~ DER the rlct tn M I(in!lav of Cnrwin wer n .1. . < 1"" 1 ~,.. ~k 11"I~'llnl". -',." \\' IInns to whit,A hnired IIml,r ons, nnd Cllliin " lin frifln'll~ . I I " o('k FOU1H -NO WAN gIlO~I' .. herA ~ • • ,,,' Hlltnr,lu y uf " o. . 1)11 : l.'n,u ~'lI1 Y e VI ('llIln~~ ) I;I~'N" l'I') A Rill)hl,' " r :-;I'"knnl' \Vu" ... hil1g . IIlJ~ef1 qlec1eq l1a I I ' t TilE CRnWD U COME " y JOY " ~ 1," '.1 1 ,,lil, \·1 "'III , ,,,, t\ , ~:" , 1I_ I\ 1K1I " (~HI "I'"~ I II",,,,,, ~;Jtl~ M'll, Il lil1gl;,,' r "f M r , ~'rll n Ii ~I I tIco ' hout of lb honse Oll!, 'O e~OIl)lO tI1 rn onn llu\\'ili g l,f _ __ Ill1c1 tnlDglo D,. H-!/'''(~Il Hut.t. nn ,ulIl f/l lm I,V n re ; f" , p ~. \ '1111'1 1';"o rgN Ih~IIlM"ll ".lIlll o,.II· ,,!' 'Vu'-n " "vlllr- \\ ilht,ho irfrion ll!l onthA , t1onl IIntI vi!<il ""., 1 L : in_::: rI'H\llIl~ in Cln clnnltt,i thi~ ";' :~'0 U'::; ' I'; ' .J' 'nl'liloll ), nnw II ~II,~, .iI () .,"1I11'1" ·W .. ~I1in" !!II/Ifl~' 1,IIWI1 nt Mn)lJn Hel~bt. ; .l1g 11 A . ,t.he week , " PI'iO ~I, . E:" l'btl _1~"I'l,ll ; Ven ol'uble ' t ,n M'r~. It",· ),,, I, 1I",klll :! clui "" 'II I I'H 11,11 VI) ct1ll ntr :v ,hO~lJe of Mr, 0,1 Mi~s Ann KAlI" nnll gnll~t 1\118.'1 lh' l'llIlt.. ;1\,ulI 'IIX; tii l: l'ierulll ,A t'lL lin l' X' ,·Ihlt·, , , · 11 'I It" III ": It I It" , jtJ ''i ' J. RI k~ IIncl ~j~I.PI ~Ir~ .A nmo Eloise Hill! t il ~)l(mt. 'l'hurstl!lY wHh WII l'IIUI' ; W ," ' 1 hy . (,hUIJI b"rh"n , FOR MEN'S AU" r vi · IIl " J! .' III " "~ \\' " n ,'I, C,'II 11 'l'lt"rU(l. ~\'ho "with 1\ ANCY LA WN ' .thrlr Il CI,JhAW, the f urmllr'" n~nt R(\ bllrt, t.;t1llett ]£IJ Y 1,1 "'i~ ; W 'Jrt,hy hurd. .111I!lUM KH I F.I,O BO W 'l'IE~, t.y 1,I II IlV, ~~ h .· '.'1 :1 :.; ,... " too .. 111lll.. \ M :' E'lwurd RlOks uuvc WORT H I) r 1H~11t. ,lin M H<rH ~' I'flnk .Mr. and Mrs. Carl I:Il1rris nl1l1 IYlle .1 1)1;11:<, ~~Il SI" lI 0 :-11)111' Wurl ... ; l~ntlll-:l1 Ohi,' , \ , 1-"" ... "III 1'1'11, 1"'1' hn" U('1 to 111',1 t,•.' till (lO, "fnl t lind pl hllH , U,EN1'1:! . ... c:tt II liulIinosB In WIl . l'lI rl',V WII,l,. ; Smi'tl l Enter tain. mlllol ' , \'.,11" I' .111 ,,-!,. 1i.. lull1" 3(' Me n 1I111nm Whltel :llludk er. Ill''' ' of t,hl'lr ' !\II Il:lt ~ , Bnllllllo ck!l, mingi oll 'l'h ll r~IIII V IIftArn non, . ' "-I: ly,I"1 WII.lrt ,,); UUl'ry :VlutlltllJl" , ~' , , ,II I" " " II" ' \I I 1,\ llru. \ - rn c.' l< n\lll ohair" ""I'm I!r01'l ' chll fH"reg~ll"r tic lind kioa ' 1 1 11,1 conW ''1 \V Il l ' II' , III Id , f {'orwin " WI',,,, elt'uwd (:I m (II I LuJgt' 1t!"1'J'". , ~c For MOil R ;tuc Mr , IIlIrl l1e Mr!\ ,<ml'l SlIJlth of .t~e Iii.\' " .. ,.", I,l" " ~,, .I " , Ii r"" , :" '~ "h":1• vOL II'lIth' IIhnllt Ihe ~rOUn(IH lind Mrs , , Mohair End rn o 0 1 • Wf",n ' tl ~. n 1')),(.olll I:l IllllwII" toc1 In- nil "I ttlr , 'RPI'iugV :" ,v Illke entlll'I,n inllllllt a t!1'1!. ,I"" ",,!1 I ',~'''. H' " _ d ' ~nRp speut, .. nllerl!, 'J'hurR fl .. y vt'r,V plcnlUtn tly 1:.;,,, .("nl,t\'t':. Tho ~~l,mJl"" 'V hr"'ti~ht 1,I1flir .1Im . tht1 h rime of Mi~!O Et,t.u A,l'nolc1 . lit .1, , " r~'l,tvO.~\I. I livlI.' '1 _ For I:Ut1nk Tun or F~noy Halle 1'HlIltl.l' 1IIIllwr ~u~,I,"y , ut. . whloh IL- tl,)r~, 1,'. 1,,, c. It .' .' . " III1I t1 l ei'lt.~~ IIt~ _ ___ DC wor~h d01;hle 'b. Ill. rurty IIf I,lwlI' 1·t1I"l\ vl'l:\ \Vere lIUI·I.. ,. 1" '1,1. It"'"I~. (111\ " ,I!', ",I It ,ohonn !Lnll ~)lrpMllt, 1111 !HI ' ''....'' Il\I nn Mr , Will Sprin' II11C "" I t" I, ~ I on tJlo .... rnRs 01')11 "n lll1rtook witb tho ~llp"'t. 13"nkAtt of Dllyton Wltl< J' Branc • h "3' For Men's 0 1 Neglige e Hhlrts, f· " r,l " iI " , ,, ,,. t1f l"h 1' 1 11', · 'I"' · 0 11/11 · A . 'l' , ·Dllkiu hnd ... )1I"'l\pn" " . ..,.. ' • !l ( . with oxh'll CUft'1I ~ .. ' " , worth Ihl' kPf'n IIJlI"'1,1I1' hnrn i,f pure fAmilv: __ ____ , Thol-\na!ltMnllhl'l) (lWIlIIIJrc,1"I~' • :,illlldnl ' , " " "" I,~ t""lll~ " ... ,. .. II.: II':4II1I "'\I'" cOl1ntr vni r t,owhi ohwIHllltl,IAtil,ho Mr: nl1'IMr~ Gh "" 8hidnkn I f ' -l liullhle ullil r viI:!' Mr. ~wlll·1l :M.III~~~~~:lInn:nl .::~\lIII~ Wuil frl,III 11,111", '11 <I .11 . , :1"1"1'11{ v II\, v 'E:or the oe lehrntod Bostoo plC'lll<ll;'n w';ic:h nlwn.,v," (l011l UI< ,,,it,ll iOO<1' I;t, t hoA, htllull of Mr I-r U Ill'gtl mill) 1\ r . "[t41l '; .. hn . 'HId , ' C ' : O;ll' ttlr:! You WII.YII PlAV 250 ' . ' (' ill )Ii 'n'lo M·yle : Joe flrilllAs in Dllytclll, 81tturl\Il,V nOllr t-lW-hOUIIC, ,, ;v l"1.'hl'''' Uh v, 111'1"" II' !:-lmith IInll . fll llIi , Mell '!! ,Fanov Colored Of. tho m Ql<t, enJOYI' blo nnd HumlllY , . :-; ,1111 lIn III;.1 h t l1 " " t h Will" nlln ' I fit . Town sh,'p Schoo l Board , fill I ,-,·,,1 1\1 " ,,'I ,. ,.) Ill l h" , ,1t 111 1-" I I ff I Mr lIod M.I'''' ' f tl I mor C Blllbrlgllillll ' Uoderw 8IU, ' , I I ,. ' II of \ IV th!HIO(\ 1/ "I\l II n e II fR ,un. f n 1 . le IIIIlI Mr9 Mllt.till Finch nllc\lIi(loo MiilH . \'VI' I1111111 HIII'I,f IlCK nml Mr Gellrl-:". l!'," \i ~'1I1 I' s n"u,·, 'I" I." t, I.. 1'.,:11 ,,11 bl w\I!'t,1l II .. u e. ' \' I tJ 11 I ~ ,',\' 1'1 ' " ,rtu,1 P .. . , The ' \VILyne 'l'ownt<blp Scbool Jill H k ' t') . ent Wom an Fllr MOII'~ New 500 Four iD. 1111't ' ' -1' ";1"" 1'" l.\IHI',·"I 10 (:I1"' Knto HIBflY flpent Fr\(I'~:v at I~ "UI, lOr, I,ml u III' roman 1 I ~"ck flll!l I\'II~,H Etb,,1 lIrtlloO homo of Mr, Bnrnlon Ol.ktn of Lo), of W"yne ' mot MundllY I ' d l:ii!k Ties. They'r e ' evell I ng, 1\ II I I ' nil' BOllrd • .... llvl lI .. , . 0 f 1L1l,1 I I I",. II'UI Add ftllllily l'cl0 \\'111 G IlIUVO II, 011 , \ ' to ress range . ,!>non , Ibe fonr 1I1CIIlht .. , 'nneI ~K "VeAt 1M' \VAre II: t -U 'on IU" H~g .W WIL\ln 'L"kl:11 a!< i .. t.h li tfUlh _,.r nlr~ , Mtil' tin h1 lf8 who eouHtlt u\e toll _. " ~'(lr MI n't! 'II and 110 doita tho board bt' 1J prCllent. " . t.11t1 ~lIn"'t~ uf Ihe Intt,('!JS )lllren R . I, '11' ,,1' MI', 1i1·... 'lI~ I'Hfl.1Htltl til \I 41:1 ror tho 112 kiDde rhe OhilStlllll &nk hilll:l% for t,be of I' h .. "11'11 MI'R' i tr~e~, ChlllEru ' \IIIC Il f~:b~f !;tJ.:~~ S D. IIi Henk . lil le will It be ,0I Gln<1 111ll te.. I£llis f)n lUlU I family u II , 011 Sunda. v Ill! . Mre of 'I\oh ool fundt!' and tht! eit,h .. r 11 rill ur' Fo r Men"s 115 ~uitllaod lu st I b ' i I I will : l Ilcldre88 8 f 1 the 11\ lIIembe 50 d rs Cand idate for Surve yor. Mr JJ:rnle Da,lcin nttende d the bid was uooept.(l(\ ' . , Mr" R"htl0Cl!I J .8H ('s III!! O'!II .\ O( ~be Grange at their !lull [j or t 18 " an SIl,t ur' eet tJlLrnival nt XeDllL lost ::!atar. *18 killdl:l , Th'e Jl8yme nt bills and routine :rnkiug "' , tlllY ulght. All of builnes s oocupie d tho grentor pllr& enootP~oo bOllrve IJIllutlng Mr, S, D. Henkle , who has begn on nnll ovenlng ,' IIl1d ~c;lrtl' blLll(\ry Gl'ange org 0 prosen , acting 08 (\opoty oonnty survey or I urIlflerno h i Guy ()\lllnow AX!X'Cilf" olh of Utica WILB ..... kin. • of t e oven _ • • re\lllirll done hetore our ore on aoooun t 0 f Rev. WIllis O'Neal l nnd Wife, for 1h .. turc1ay year ''') Mee"ln fJf of Old , brother 't he late at 'fA· WI home Sa night an d S un d Inll whloh begiDI' August 6, Mrl! , who have beon sojourn ay One.ha lf Price on Bate ing In Moigfl ~o 1111n~1I ~l ~ .. bas decid:m to be Is ulso urrunlli ng to do hl-r Coooty for a year or more, Mr . Jhoank Hoss and sl8ter Mattie Men'a ;Pants at Cost P.rioe&. return· a ter Schoo l Assoc iation . SltleM en e'f Barve or at tbe' wera tbe guests of Mr . John Mullen phrt t.tJwILrllM enttlrtn inlng ~h6 mnl- ad home lll.t week. Qurlng tbelr come ca!Jdl~~: i~rthe aut~mn. . " 'I anu' fAmily of near Bellbro ok on . tltnde whp III t!xpeotecl ta l!e bere. lIojoum ,tn South ealltoOrn Ohio Mr. ooonty BOlt) " S ox rlence in that Sn nday last. All membe rs of the Old 8ohool ILlS ,,110 haM Il finA gllr<ieu And 11 larjlo-l . 0~8II11 bad 'pastora l oharge of lIev" Mr. H~a"e ftt.:r bim for the I A plO/l!!tln,t Iittlo dnnco Wft,l4 en. AlIlIool.. ttoft are 11Iq0000ted to meet Dumbe r of yount( (thlckenM , Mr...~ ' eral ftoonab iDg Bapttit cburobe a, oa~~ity at ~be bome of IItIIII KiZZ1e Merrit. ~lIlell wlllllis o hue f1~b, bill oourteo os genlalt y 'jOyed 1I.t. tho bruue of .I"mtls Uheno Illlm lin, \.and even DOW e~ts to milk! 'l'bund ay e1'8Dlq July 6, to arran8e nthllr ICtlOd things to Berve t ~ a!t persona lty have WOO wnth ItUlt HllturllllY nigbt Sovera to hor 1 frequen for &beir part io the l t vlllltll . to bls former parisb· anf hi Bome.C omtog friendll, n , warm admlre ra, ......... rrtenWt were prell8nt , iooers. or m man ~.
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The Miami Gazette. BROW, & ,\1
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W omen Bnd Business.. Thol1 ~rLllds at slrls ure ~" Ilt ,Ol1t loto tbt' wo r ld with wbat Is a ile!! tllll S II ~ ll r <!u at I n ~ . who c u not e\'en gl\'o a roper rc 1M fo r Uloney, to SIlY DOll1lUI: 0/ un willS n prolll l~so r)' 1I0 t , a draCl or II blll , r lIu dc rsln ll!l illg Ihe ~lsn l ll c"nl'e nn(l lmllOrlnnce or bUSI11esJ: C u lrUl'ts. lit b a \\,oo1u I1. wrl les o S, ~ l nl'lk n, 1\1 u I'I'~S ~I , . lIlne, pre 'onlell n ch('t'k I ,. pa)"tup:1l I" tbe IIiI)' og I ~II I' fl . t bU ll k. H pnS!lell II b:t k t b r wIt h the r Qu es t lbat h. ' ~ 1I ind en I1gh ttl lu llorse It. The kl d y wmte II the hac k o f th o check, " / h,lva done bus ln s wltb Ihls bank ror many r ar~, an!l J be ll ove It Lo be l:t r Igh i, ~I rs, J ames B , lil'OW II." An' ~ Ule r soclCly Wl1 ntun 10 Now Yor k pl esent U a ~bec k. I I' pa)'\l\ ut at the ba uk , anu Ibe tell I' told her tbaL It .. 118 not slg ncd, "Oh. do lh ey have to pr SlgnC il ?" sb e r es po nde\!. "Wbal on awful lot or red llIlle tb e re IS nbout tbe bRn kln g bll5l nes5/ ' I Imow or iI Indy wb oso hu sbnnd ma de a. deposi t for bel' In n billl it nn!l gave her a check boo k so lb at s be could pay bel' bals l\'lIhout nnnorlng hl,m, Oue dny mc re el "ell a notice Crom Lbe bani. thllt her aCCOllnt was oyordrawn, Slie wFnt to' t beb nnk nn d told tile te!le r Ib a t th ere mu st be n mls U\lte nbou t It, fte(auso s he stili b ad' a 10L of' checks leCt In be r book, be knew so IItUe et,out bus iness tbat she thought thllt the could keep drawi ng nny amou nt cntll tile cbecks were all gone. This JOunds rl!! lculous a nd almos t In credible. yet the "ery g! rl wbo laugh s nt It may m ake even more nbsurd blunde rs. llany nn ncco mpllsbed wom an, wben clnm 3 pe n on d os l{ed to s ig n DU 1mporl.llnt document d rawn up by on at:Ornr}' or a lons-b ended busi ness mnn, will 61gn It wlLhout rending It or even .aklng tl1 be Inrormed of Its cooLents, ~nly to len rn afterwards by d lsa~ trous ,c.sul~ tbat s he b as s igned nway her l'loperty nnd lurn ed h erself out of IIome. Only a short limo ngo I read Dr n 'lndy who bad woh a s uit Inyol\,lng lbout $20,000, New evidence, bowever. was brought forward, which caused the court ImmedIately to. reverse It s de c Is1oD. It was proved tbat the lady bad ,worn talsely, She was lI1erte ctl y InnoLeDt ot any sucb Intention, but she had ",orn tbat sbe bad neve slgoed her nome to n certaIn document. Tbo dociIllIent Wi\9 produced, 'and, to her utter UIOnlSbment, she saw ber slgnnture ~xed to It. She acknowledged at DOce thnt Ibe' sign ature WIl() hers , aitbough she had just sworn that she "ad nevcr signed th ~ paper In quest:iiii.- It nppeared lhat, -dur n~ her husIIIlnd's Ilrelime, whenever pn pe rs were • ~Igtled, he told h er where to wrlto bel' o·ame. and ~bo dId os 's he was told, iWlthont ha\'lng the s llghLes t Ideo. o~ , oAe conle nts of the pallers.
THE STRIKE AT SKELTON SCHOOL l\y JULIA ... DEANE Cop)".lght, by 'JoB ph B', llo\\'lea,) E.'t'r ~ In c p. ~'I aggte McClure 111111 e ored as II tr 111 bll nj:. bll h/ill 1lI'IIllnl'~' , the .: kl'll 9 11 ad lool hnd b~ n l'ulllU by [. Itlely prln '11':1 1. Whll s ho h Id In lI el' lI a nll a ~I 'e p t er, Khe so s l. lllfullr con' <'II IOil It whh r mlnlne II rt~ nnd c1l1lrmM !h,1\ n I on o f he r lillIe ,II hJrl' ts dl'!'nlllE'u It e wnR nnyLhlll g hul II fre e ft u(1 In\! lli'nul!lIt rl'lJlIhll ca n, , It ha d happen iI th ut th 110WI'N; l,bnl lJp hnll deere 'Il Ihut tit Is dearl~' belO\'ell \\' i hl'r of t h cept r hou l!l h disphI\' c\ hy 11 ~1l 1ll1ll 011 man , who h nd YPt , 10 1(,~lI'n Ih ill the u rI of ~ol1 cel\lInll b l~ ~('e p i r \l'1I ~ nf more \'lIll1e wit h th " lIlI;111 I;ullject s tblln mUll Y hlgh '~Oll1lll ' nl! llllt'!!, Now 1I11~s 'f ullln5 wa s rOllnt! nll .1 r(l~ ,\' or fa ce. with Ic mll'lll), curl ~ t haI knew n ot the curli ng Iron , 'MI fI ~I ul IIns :lIsa hnll n n (')\lrpm Iy Ilopular \l'R)' of ma king \lu e ~o hapJ1Y that one forgot one' s kill In mtll;in g s pit balls , Ciln seqll nlly wh n th nl'WS' '''u, s llreall nh road t h at ~ll s s MlIlllns hall be n di s placed by a l'O mmon mau "err "'liz n Ilnd 1111: ne.s wllhl'l r ·a h oC Ihe beams or he r me rry e yeq fe ll .It a pe rsona l sri \ ' 1\11 c. nnd th rp was drafled nn Iml>081ng document t,) i.Je lilibmlll d to the I)r ln Ipa l, thrcntIIln g dire but som ,vhlll Inde llnlte !bln gs , , , The r ~po n slhlll y of I a derRhl l) wn ~ wcl g hl ug upo n . 11l(;sle'M youthful s houl del'. tor It was Mnggie who hnd labor · 1011Sly drurled th e do Ulll nl o f IlI'Otest, Wllh fl' quelll tl"lps to ulctlonllry, nnd It WIIS \lJll gglo who h ll d Insisted o n an org nnlzuUon of the grI eved o ne2 Rntl h nt! mndo th am so lem n ly p romIse to do great Ileeds out ot (0)'lIlly to ~lI ss Mull ins, o nseqllentl y, 1111 1\ llI illtel' or r ourse, It was Maggie who hod lJ ee ll II IIonimoll91y e lecLed us th e leade r ot the ne w unlnn , One mor nin g wh en Prln ID nl 'Hefter mo un ted 'lbe f;leps to the s choo l buildIn g. n crow d ot de ll an t -faced youngUlers met hlol. Th ey s too(l at th e enlrnn c or yard nnd doors, selt-co l1s~l tuted pI keLS, lltbeled In glllllly I t l a rs: " School Boys und GIrl s U[llon," "We drma nd t he relurn or the most poPlllar MI s8 Mullins In the .B1<eltpn school." A s lhe pl'ln clpal pUl his foo t on t h o toll Btep 'lind adjusled his glasses to
"Cowo;.l~! Will ye t1e~t!Tt yll It , ause bt:r'IIl 'J\I r a r~\V blu : ~J .. t-~? flu · member till.' brll\'e rle ll,1 of ,'ou r t\l ru, rllth ~rs. nnd sluml fn s t!' (i'orwul'Cl m Il' h no w. IIOllbic Il lllel\, 11.1 yond t r s helt rri, whHC we will pr(' lJllr 10 me t the ~ II CUlY ," nnd I he polllt eJ tr<l!;lrnlly to wanl n Inrg bo.l'Il u t th o rt'"r o f Ih e SdlO" I·ho use, llnd!'I' tho s l lmlilu s o f Ille wOl'ds nl Ih L'11' leniler. III rOl c ell "uilled slI r· Od(, IIUy 10, reach i be ho~pill.l blll ron I of \\,Idow Flah crl)" s 1111 I'll. \\' ido w I~I:\ hel'll', who 1I\' cti In tb l' u IIP 1" Rtory Or th e bnl'n , Wll ij u !Ie vollt ad mll"' r br li lt' delllll'l etl ~11 ~ ~llIllllls , IInlL ~Ia ggl\' Im e l\', would be n vllluu bl l1 drll tlu n l U Iwr fore s, W he n Ih e poll r' II1 r n DIlllle I hch' wa y to lh ! InIlOrnry rOrlr 55 , wilb III In>' Iy J Oke ~ ll ilil laugh ' nt lh , a~ y La s l; beinl'e them, I he y me t With locke.\ doors below 1111(1 It \,Igoro u,; reup ns o fro m th e upper wInd ow : "And do n' l ~' Il Ila re, set a foot o n mo IlrcIllI se~. no t n one of ye. :\lOci If my vo h'e 1\ \1'1 \Hake It plain to Y e, l' l'e so m th!II ' I hilt wIll \a lk an ""It llnd,, !'SlIl n ', II.," lind s he held fu I.ilcl!' I'i e w a k ttl or uulllllO; hot lI' a ler, Th argumc n Ls of Ihe wi dow pn.l" o.1 ' \I1 a ns wer ble, and tti pollcelll 1\ do· PIII'l~U,
;;ull vnte Ability to Stand Contact Good· lor thl' Figure and Complexion ' wHIl Fres b Alr-S cvcl'n l lug Exerclsu.
-Sugges tions AQ,o llt V entnntron aud 'Swret Odors,
\it Oi'll-
open w!lulu w ex e r~t ses .tr8 rel'onll\wntl II hy ~\1II8. Juh t> l) ' A rt y, wlto " " I' II rl:al'll ~ll fl '~ h aIr l\u\1 ' Ii '(' 11 bl'c thIng, nil) tl r~t Is lit" ~oo ll ' lI1 o rnll1g e ~cr" I R~, 'Y ou ~ !J t Ihe wlnUo\v. Ihl'OW II I\'hl e 1)1"1\ lI lHl til n you I hrf)1I' liP yonI' han ~, 'rhl ~ I~ .'alleu ill ClI'" phys ica l !lI11l II I'll lUllS " ttl l' Stl l\ l'x r r.' I~' ;" ollll'ra 0 111 It Ihe "I' . hlll u r~(' I' d~r., YOII Ihro w 1111 YOII I' II11 1Hls 10\\, II rti Ih" risi ng SII II , tltl' n ),Oll 1"' 11<1 lu w. 1I H11,11I~ yo al' lt f'~ 1 ho w III Ih r IV ur lll. Th lln }' O I1 " 11'1\11;111 1111 liP !l lld I hr o\\' 1111 your hil lHls. It II II I ('II YO II belld low, ij l\' cll JlllI1'; 11111 IIUOf wll h y,) ur 1111';1' 1' III'S, A "rry r ~ \\' minut es ur Ih l~ Id lltl M uXI!I'~ l se will do, TIt l'nrcllrull y Il Is h s t t<1 110 these eXf·rd;I's hcforf' UII(' Is tIn! ~t d. fll r Uut lill'Y I' quir l ~ 11 Ihe ' mll s('Ir.s, IU'IUilll), (J ill' I~ a JllLle "III III Plli cb .olrl. All\' l\lI" '11 i>UI>Il~ rn ay Ili k fi ll-
N tI l'ly n il I III IIM of hOU,I' \\'OI'k IIrO OU r! IIII' Iho rE'rnlnlue lI gul'e and tho
' I he
hl ~ hly
'f mt\lln ~ mind. Wn hlug ut tbe tll b I ~ wull klWIV U to \.Ie one of lb ;UlSt IIl1n!;!! Ih e rd lq; Itlln glllg Oll', Ih o ('Iolbcs I~ II n 1.'-. rur II g \l"s 0 11 ' el'el ' 0 u nll a ll' at th'o sli me tflll ', while, In 1':1I't.S' or Ille ,ro llntry wh I'e Oltl iloor was hi ng Is jluss llJle, Ih li rc ' !~ \lui hili!; 10 ·qual Ih e h ~'u l t h or tile women nnd Ilip co nlll1t'xli,l ns ot th )'olln.; <'I"I R, Tit ... I'll lp9 fur house wul' k-!!o a~ 10 beneli I t l1 u \:0111 plcxlon I1nll 11 II re :1 re 1llllse: Joi nl'e th e lIolise coo l In ~lIm m l'r oUlI Wilrlll III Willi 1', TI'Y to 1,,1.\'0 l he c ll IlUl le e "tl lI , II!!V I' too bOI 1101' 100 cold, too hot III RtlllItlI e r If l~ e lI utl /ie I 011 II Ihr' wlndow ~ I,OP nuq I)'ll!om qntl hu ng 1111 II II' I Rllo llg e or IlIr!;p. SIZI' In 1110 w l nlltlw~. If you hltve n n bit; silollge tht'll h:l ll l; II WI'I I Wil l III Ihe ~I' e ~II, 'I'll' ulr will ' blo w \).,01 IUlo Ihe roo III , In (1,,1 ng you r hOlls wOl'k, let your roo m ttl! l'OlllrOrt llblo, · And Ollen the \\, 11'I,,; W5. In R I~ t lIpon hl.\\' lng III win l1(I \\'!l "(Ie ll , 11 0 mi\IlP.r wbnl hUlll'ells, '1' :", JUll a l1~ge h:1ve 110 WindOW!!, )'CI (heir' r'lImn!e Is us co ol as ollrs, ' They mll l(e III Ir wlnllo\\'s o ut or !)OrlnlS I)U' ppr. Wll lcll le IS til e ulr l h rough readily , I r you II' I,re to so Into It ,lIllo DeFe lIOn ... It 1V0uid strllle YOIl a8 belnl'l Poo hl. 'I'll It, IR bc t nllS Lb tly Illlo 1110 cool all' ~ 1I.1 u rf;! \ho rou gh(y \l8~i1 ' to It, 'fhc II 'X l ru l.. ''{lIIce rn UII' com III"';: Ion 01 the hOlls\lwor l(t!r. 11 1M e n.. whi ch \'I' tales 10 ,W IIlruos pl'l ere nl Ro, !\I ukel YOII I hou~e s l\tc ll ul e. II w l!1 rnttk o 1\ I':r 81 (lllfe rence In your healtb, III sel"I'lIl1 g your odo rs go by whl1l pll'lJhC yn ll, Le I your U OBe 1m your Cli ldp. 'f it (1(1111' thnt Is ni ce nlld DC~~ Jl th lJ I O Is th o ollur Ihar Is A'OOd ro r • a ll. Tit (,(XI I. r'all bu r n d rl l' d pple neldl ng", upon lI er ; 10\' a ,111 fl Y"c el "pI fS : Ih e wom a n who Is !'wf. ' plu g I'an IH' lIll~r powd~red hlVpndl'r lIowers o n h l'T t:h l'll t; till.' \vl udow W,1 hpr .a n lIl£lk., h r. r gla ses trugr ,tIIt by 1)111' lug II h ' W dro ps Ilr bul lo I'ln~gnr In l 'l wntpr. Ihe II who III ",Inlng , liP" the lOll:!> 11 11 IIH1 1; e Lhe m 10\'1'1}' by rlns· lu!; the m Itt tln:! 1 rinse w ~ l ('r (It SpiT' II r Il f ~ol o{;.l e. !Ih;o hol nnd lol l t WDle r !Iii a sC I).IJI·1l ' In II boll Clllt'!, so to
"Da Plellll!lnt Evtll'J 1Irtornlng. Until>. T.n O'clock; the Be'l t of the D~~ Will Take Care of Itself." This Is one of the bes t llttle SOl'o ' mons we know. Havo you ever s topped to think that lhe nlo rnln g Is tho !lmo whe n your 't,e wile r Is \\su· Vel" nlly rufll eu, Ilnd bave you 8tollpell to thlnlt that the cause or bad tem p ~ r In tile IIlOl'llln.; Is n arly nl wnys Ilecll\ll;e YOU I' t(lmuoh bns not . bee n woriling llrOP ll rly durIn g lh e nigh t? It has eOnlah!eli a 10lOf loulgellt!ule lIubs tunco8 lhat form gus , and make9 you hn ve , dreems, It !irenles up your res t nllll YOII ,wake up In th e mo rning til" d, llisL('ud ot r efr esbed, UB untoro lutend e(l you , IIbouhl, Our g rand sI res r qu lred 110 ad· mon it Ion to "Be \ilen sunt vc ry morn· Ilig un til 10 o'c loek; Ih e I' t of tho day wlH, tal<e cu r ot lUi It," ro r th y dl gesto!] thei r food nnd wok , \lP, (ull ot liCe und ener~y r eady for tu e day·s · duties. and tbls wus bl'cn use the,)' llv e d on !llmpl e food s Insl nrl ot hlgbIy seasone d pnilltabla cuncoctlou8, whloh contain no nOllrl Slun e llt. Nature ga\'e us milk, wh ut and eggs . und on tll se , roo ds n per son cll n IIvo Ind e flulte ly. bu t It th m illt Is . skImmed, anti Ir th e outsllle o r th .whent Is tn,k e n off th e Iler ne l, ao a If, tllB lim e . tb e s uit, and the Iron, whic h Is In tho ou t r . part or th e wbe"t b rl'Y. If tbese are all re moved. you bnve sim ply s tllrcu nlone; tho starc h . goes In to til stomncb nnd ueeomes sugar, Do you Imow tbat tl pe r son would s l.llrve to denUI on 1.laln while bre ad , and wute r ? Do yoU' 1\1l0IV thnt he ' could 11ve Ind e llnl~e ly o n wbol o wheat bre ad or on whole wbent fOod aoo Wlile.r ? Tbese Inte r sting fllct s are' all set fortb In u boolt cnlled "(lnck to Nature," which t lis about pro per IIvjug nud gl\'es re cipes (or mea ls of,' the shP1l le Idnd-th kl nd that milk s you strong uud we ll; the kind thut makes YOll "Plansont every morning unW 10 o'clock." This hoolt ,Is lIub~ lls hed n t a grent exp nae, hut It I's given free to every Teo de r ot thIs p,aper. It 18 an ad\'ertls ment ot 'EGG,O·SEE," tbe greal food-wtn ch ts mllile trom whole wh eat, whic h Is . bak d anti predlges t,ct.! nnd 18 aU r eady to 6erve from the package you bur nt your grocers. YOll g t m nre ' life and e ne rgy from a lO,cent paclt· age or EOG,O·SEE tban you will et trom a thou sand dollar s' wo r lb of ' wblte brea!1. Tlils 18 no Idl e c lnf m . It Is a scientific fact. W e want to ,t e ll nbout thi s simple food qu e~tlo n, BO wrIte U9 n:1d say "Please scnd me 'a copy qr your hook 'Back ' t o NIL tUI'e,'" nnd tM book will be 8en.t y uat once wllllont charg, AIJaress. EOG·O,SEE CO" 110. Ii) First Stree t,. Quincy, Ill. ....
Th e \'1 LOry W [1~ IV n, b:1I a lns tnr th e II'IIY or Gre,\I loaders, III the cornel' of ~Irs, 1~lo h e l'ly ';j barn , ,IS Ib e 1';0 " nllle l' u ri rooon darlle n c(1 lu tto I!\'cn III ;;, stH Ih o vI cto rious leader o C the h llndr{'(l. h I' r<lt e bu rled III her upro n, II' pIng with a woe tlOt La b _ comfo rt tl , Wh at ('ared s he th nt toni gh t hel' name would be u po n t he lon g ue o f I'cry boy ant.! g'TI in th e wal'll, th u t evo n now th e n nw's boys lu Ihe stl'eers wpre rylng h er' a Ihe (' hle t atlru c llo n of lbe liven lug P l\ P ~ I"! T h s e things were liS not hI ng, fora wfu l th ol1 " ht-Roderl k DlI u. be Id JI Or b I' bea rt , was lost. In lilll t fea l'f ul moml'ut wh en I he 1I<I ,'nl'l or the en· 01)' seemed to enda nger ill!r CRuse, s he hili! droppell lbe band o:r the In runt Roderlel\, nnd In tb e I:onfuslon wbl ch rollowe!l h e ba d strnyed awa y. Jl grew stIli dn rk el', Sl)tn ~ thl ng, m us t be done. tor Rodel'l k Dhu fe a red e nll's wllh IiJI! Sllll a 1111 IIl r, h ilt lh e da r l, s lHttJo wa o f th e nlg hlt, a.l\d Il b('g llllll'I' . ho llill go wIL li cOt lllloli. w as dra win g near to th t dellcllllu Th ~ I' cll m c~ l he dee p hr",ll h ll1g, hour wh en he WlIs won t 10 lay b hl I!LPlace o lle 1, lI e ' o n Ihe wll;llow gIll a ll(1 lie h C<ld upon Maggi 's deYot!l!(\ s boulT"k~ 1\ deep pxt '. lId ) ou r h ltllds, dor a od sturt on hi s Journey to Shlln- Ilrt'a lh 11 IItt o mw It IlIl(luldlly, Now berland , e:q llli It sl owly , 1' hl! slull'~r th bet· As she hu r ried past the desert :1 ter. I I Is gumJ PX rclse for Ihtl ch est. schoo l-bouse, s be uethough t h f3elt hilt Ilun 't Ilrt: YJ ursl!lr, Tuke liS muu)' 1I 1; ~ II, Lhat s it e bad Con;oLte n to search tb I t rleen 1tI';'lI lh ~ as yo u I,an , suy abollt building, 15, lJen lll ng OUI of tbe Wlnuu w so ' aa ON THE COMPLEXION . Was ,nat a I1 g ht li t the en d of Lh e to ge l I h I! 1'1111 umonnt o f rr"H h air "HE RAN FOR i.AWYER.'~ bull? Probably th e 1'lln II 01', still al Th II 1'01\1 bacll In lo the rooUi u~l\ln , W or V eil !n Ccld, Dry W ln dE-Be work, nut '!bere Will a Doubt a.a to ~'betll_ Yon IIlll I' ti dy fO,' c X ~ I: LI " NII,:I, Aull dp" for n CI'enu.' t.o U $e gla, s a ;>or Maggie thi s Is nn tllat Id !lOW 111\\ ' II III vog ll" ThrOugh t b Be Bad Ever Oaught · Frequently. peeped. Sit drew back In disma y_ iu Loudnn, the Office. She had quite [pl'Aott en th : t thl 1'.13 Th t! IIdl'll exer lee Is the chal r ellel" I s Id om allow tit Is tI me or 'yea r -to th o 'olbce of Ih ~ d e~p l led p)' lnelpul. c lse, Tu lce II 11 'ht dll'l r h, your A man trom Penns ylvaola went to. pa l>.~ wltholl t 8l1yln g ,n re w wortls on How t he hoI ulood dl<l p ump itself up hAn tle. liftin g WlIy 1111.1 LJ. cit, !';wlog Vineland on a bu ~ lnesB errand, Tbe; IIII' \; lIlJj '.,t ot ro\! It s kIn . 8nll tho~ e Crom her vallnn b w r t. a. sh e beheld It Ihls way 11 1111 thllt way . l:l klllg L:t I'O lillie r .. ~o l'l ll tiou s at fli~ ~or n r of the town was strange to blm, and he wns. the hu ted 'lyrllnt s itting 10 h is cbalr. to 1I ~ r. I II, DlIl S('I":I ot 111(: "' I\olt! bud}" 010 II h "hleu are 1;0 i:xened III CI), pal n, u nn cQun lnted wllh Lhe mao (a lawyer) r eadi ng-lu mp by his s ide. \Vljat WAS Tb ~ Id"n Is I., g iv e YUu strl!rJ!\1 h autl f il l lind ,unit co ming, nnd whl hare he bnd gone to B e. The dlreotlons he; th ut? Maggie's bea r t slor,ped p umpI ng /lTa e, The I'h ulr rt'lI lll r ~ llllll,ncl ll !; Ih e natura l ('U113 quence of '\lId. dry TE'ce lvl!!;1 wer.-J so IndaOnlte that hefor vc ry aston Ishment. ror, snuggied li nd II also needs " Jlltl I;n.Il' I<. \l'lllIl.~, Dlllt!rent COlI.!!tltUtlOIl ~ and cur· found hlm~ e lt on tbo elge of the Lown close In th Iy ra n t's arn s, n~ c 1'.. - Work a l It deilbcl':thHY nud slu wly ro r ~1 t Sli llis ' \lrr~1' III ;:urIIJI . degr e~. wIthout haying COUle to the bouse IHt fllrtably, li S he ever Iny In Mngp;l e-3 :tlld tlOlI ' t 1; " " liP uutll yOu 11 , 1I' ~ 1111 · .i ll11 rew of liS I'Srn llC ailOI;~ tll r, how , s onght. 'Pb n he met lin old negt\)' owu, was th e recl'etlnL Ro!ler lck. :oo k- ed nnd SW lll1 f\" It for 15 ." ju, le ."I"ul~~ , e,'c r )J.t(:Itydl'rmntoll >l OI it y he olJr tnte, lind ask e(1 bo way ot blm and l ea ~ d' Ing li P Inlo tbe tyra n t's lace wilh the Tbe ll ~s ll1n c)' ClI O '!JCJ;lll wllh tlVl;, gllll' III... WillI Ihe iut rilr\u Cl lulI or tbllt the bouse lay abotlt 11 qua rleT of' Tlrese cxe~cl~(!s al" fo r o ld IIt'onl e III" , IIl utor , 11 new and wos L prollll c n mlie farth e r down tbo rond, SBme lasc' lnullog t.,oOd· nl,ht ' b3 hy "The man J want to see Is a lawways Iha t Maggie lo ved , Ar.d Lhe ty - as well us Y<)lIn g, Ilillecll , th ~ ur,' So ur~!l 01 thl:! lroubl has 1J e n Il)tro, Rper lnlly fOl' Ih ose whu III"''' I;I'OW" d\l" d: e'l'''" the 1Il0lor veil Is nllundl · yer," be 8ald to .!,b e old man. "Is thIS. ra lll- th e ba Led [y run l- )!agglc's almost swalio well liP bel' Cuc e, they a little II ea \"y. Dill lIlt! ,\'OIl\llU ,""nl': In g a g 11 11$1 th e blu n use north, '8sltr Mr. Dasb down the road 1\ lawy er?" Some Dogs Are Lucky. "He aln·t nO lawy er that I ever grew so large from lookin g, this s ame In years 111 115t be C10-11rlll. ' II >Ih. bag Wlt!!11 tl 8Vtlltli g 18 mil es au hou r In A big louring cnr rolled U[I to the lYl'n ut was ~ mlHng dowll lilLo, the Paby nog ll' ted III'r~l· lt for 40 ycars t;l1e ·" u · tb .. t Ct!1h o f tho wind, ' beard t e ll of," answered lbe negro, entrance of ,n roads ide "hote l" over In eyes II!' be softly crooned 1\ hlliaby. 11 01 XII" I tu IIIUko It 1.111 "P In ,JIll' "You're 8ure'" I'n • pltc of the Inl\.fficle ncy of the Tbe old negro scratched bls head In. Th e vo l ~p. ceased si ngi ng, a n I), thi' wor- tluy's Ii 1110, H er Uraul y $tUlltS Uillst ord ln. ry I'~ ll to prott'ct Ihe Kld n from ieruy one day lately with two m en deep ' thougbt, Then fL SlealD' ot reri ed 10011 thut Ma 'gle bad potlced , be grud ll ul lines. C1I the front seat nnU two women aod lit CUllS whlcb le a,1 to r(Jl\g hIi Cbs, I Nc" (' r mind Ih'/! wentlll'r, MII Isl u; e me mbran ce 11gb t ed hla eye. upon thll fuce or the prlnclpal that • beautiful cocker Ilpnnlel In lhe tonrc,'oliluicn d a lt thos who euu to Illke "Now I thinK of It, boss," he 61\1d. moralng. returne'!. The In t uit ion of Is goO(l ' rOI' you. II Is S[.c<-i l! lIy de- 1I11 ~ s ruall m ea ~ lIl'e of preculltlou, "n~ neau. One of the lO cO or!lered some ,. 'pean like I do recoll ect be ran tor he r sex, s,llmlli aled by a ', so mewhat RI,;nc(1 for growing thin gs 11110 youl - to "' ~!lr the thl cl; ct!t (lev l.,C'. • tlrt~ks for the party, ani!' as th!lY snt lawyer one tlme." , "C;OWA troubled censclcDce. lolu MUiggle lha t selr, ' l)0I1'~~~I'1 n fe w (h'U I' ~' '1' l1irnotlln l treamimt or excor iations 'lefreShlng tbemsef:v es. relates t he New hIs 80mewhat near-s ighted eyes, a tbe worried look was ODe tor Which of l ho skin whlQh are due tu "olrl . rlry y;"rk Press. the spaniel made It known s talw nrl, red· cbeeked malden, wltb a sbe was resllons lble. As It tearru l Lhat , FASHIONS AND FANCIES. Dlfteront Kinde. ",ltHls Is, oC,omparntlvely spellkll.g. 1\ (1~at he also was tblrsty. "He wantS dimInutive Scotch laddie clinging to she might bo led to change bel' mind, "A man In pollllcs should bave lotI' Impl!' matt er , ror tile very h c~t Ihat • drink." cooed one of tbe women. her Skirts, called: s he boiled Into tbe room, pla:nted her- Vet'Y Dainty K el'chieft!, Sn-lpes ' l\ntl )'011 can alo t ~ lillIe bell e~ It,un mltl, of frIends. shouldn't he?" "Well, how abollt It?" remarked tbe Ch~cks--The BOll New In 1:' ""o~ "It rtepends." answered Senator Sorg"All ready , Iddll," gIving th e signal self In (ront or tbe nstonl~h ed prlnclgating the evil. Oure the condition lether they nre triends' rnaa who was driving the machine 'to wltb Il dramatic wave or hor IIrm, As [lal. and expl1\lned somewh nt Inco-The Cors~let I:Iklrt. you ('annul IIUtil n chn n ge In tbe bum, "on w.ho "'lint to ' do somstblng ror you or Ule German walter. "Valt a mloute," with one voice ,the crowd responded: heren t ly: weatlH!r elll'cts tile natural (Il1re, TilE :>Ij;:WEST HANDKERCHIEF, who want 'YOU to do sometblng for "Oh, sir, It WIIS me that d Id It a ll! J'Cplied that fun ctionary, and be dis- " Down wllh all Iyrants. troln Caesar Many people employ slmplo er!'ame A gossamerllke bnn(II,t'rchlt)t, m ade of appenred behInd the swIngIng doors to HeCler, We de mand our rlgbt3, I sUrred 'em UIJ, I dId, Tbey' d ne"er a gauze IlIld 1IIlIehed at IItI! eu~ with 11 and lh re Is a ~'l rtaln amollut 10 be them," -\VashlnGton Star. lelldlng to the barroom. Preseutly .he Give us Miranda Mullins or give us one or 'em dllrell do, It wltbout; they thrend or reed ,I\n .. , Is the latest ad(ll. aId In r:ivor or thl8 kind or Irl'lltrnent , saId 80 tbe h'selvelL And when tbe copa The more ellporlence men and womror t1II.',V are ' dl s LlUt'l\y more u~reenbte emerged carrylng .a Un drink sbaker dea th, " "What's Ibe matter with Miranda cn me, they 'd I!veryonc ot 'em' bocieed tlon to th e fill -Illlil :lllprOv'ld by fUhh - thnn greasy or ol~aginoull IlrOJlarn, CD have In rearing cb lldren, the 1IlowIIllffi with "·aler., The cocker barked lonnule women, It III I'll t he coloring MullIns?" Queried th o leader's voIce, oul, but I cQ ll e!l , 'em 'coward!!, And It er lhey are to give ' advIce about rear· , . of the I\lI e thr cnds Ihllt dlvcrMlty or &loos. bIB appreciatIon and 8crnmbl4ld liP on In:; children, " tbe seat nearest to tbe POlut where "She's a ll rIght! " came the answer In was tben I lost till: baby, and I wlsbed choice Is obtnillcd, Now. althollgb all I have already All n rulp, tile :..---..."....::.-blgh-keyed cborus. I'd never bffl n b;)rn before I ever said. nellher Is In the leaat lilt 'Iy to Itandk rehld Is n \lure while or ivlJryUle walter wa s holding the ~ln vessel. "And wb,llt's the matter with Mister heard ol a strike or 1\ IInlon, s ir, And etfl'ct a cure, I think on tbo whol p. < KNOWS, NOW When the ' dog had finished III !nkln; Ferdlnullu Herter'" again InquIred , then YOII found him. snd cudu lell him tinted sQullrc; bill the bonl l'r lili es lire an ointment s hould be IIse(I, whenever 87.nrC, rose, Green or nmb~r. Another one of lhe WOUlen opened b'!r purse th eIr Icader In hysterl 1\'1 a ccen tll. up 'for the nlghl jurlt as he likes to b3 choir 18 0 hllDdkerehlef entlrel)' unlge Jlo ~s lllh,' , In the plo~e of the morn pop, Dootor 'Waa Fooled by Bis 'oWn Call' lor a Time. flld handed fbe wa'lter a halt. dollar. "He'8 a ll wrong!" wus the auswer uddled, and I' m so sorry I mude nil COIOI', IIlrl pes nnd nll, ' ular rl'am. und th e ol'nlment \vhlcb I Ue made more out ot lbal order thnn Ihrown uacl< rrom Ih e childish tbroats the trOUble, and )'OU "don't need to I,,!\TE T l '" AIIRICS,-Oheckerl and have tOUII(\ to he ot tlte most serv ice worry IIny more abollt the old strike, Illnld od rabrlC!; Bre ' rlfe IImo ng the In this conntlcLlon I~' olle that contains It'B easy to understonil how ordl~ laJo employer had for the yth er drinks. In a growl of IIlsllPprnval. Wilen tbe bell rang, ten minute] for I'll ,de cilire It lilt 011 to-monoy: fashlonnbly ,dressed, :tntl the re Is nlso sulphur and il smull Quantity of opium. Aary people get (oole!l by collee wben ,601 ' 80 Imt\ to be a wl\lter sometimes. later, the crowd outsIde dlsEoh'ed Into morning, and tbe Illd that IIlIres tl' an ephlemlc or 8POts aorl stripes, The A r'e clpe [or Bucb an ointment I n" doctors tbem selves 1I0metimes for;et Individu a ls who took posseSSion or stuy I\wuy. 1'11- 1'11-'" and althougb c heclcs range from tbos e thaL lre In. gh'e you: the fnels. Popular O. A. B. Chnrm. Take of lanoline and 18 I'd bait' nn A physIcian speaks ot his own ex~ 'I1Iree \'eLera ns, ' hale and hearly de- each weak-minded pnpll that evl- Mllggle's fervent voice a nd earnesl flnlleslmally smnll to the undi sguised perlence: ' .,,11.e lhelr thIn ,hall' and their whIt. denced a desire to enter the class- eyes spoko volumes, the words wer e l:h eck'),lOllrd squares upon ' the !lnen, ounce eac h, add 10 Ihese ten gralnll of' "I h 'd rooms. Arj;umenla both verba l aD11 Inte rrupted by a s~p.nge chokIn g In tabrlcs known AS ten'clutbs, This II! qreclpl nterl s ulphur. els ht grnlns or , a used cofree for years nnd. 'IIearcls, were lunching togelber, "00 pbr Alcal werp. resorted to , and so thor- her thl:oat, the smart fabric ot the coming warm uo racle a cid. and three drops of rOle ,really did nil' exnctly belleye It was. you see thIs 1" said tbe Drat, nnll he ough ly was the worl{ dono Lhut wben Injuring me although I had palplta·, It the reporters cOllld ' have looked wen lher. which IR already beJ4g tl sed wa'ter. held his watch cbarm- a lIall of dull t.bll bell c.eased ringing le~s tban 25 Into the Skelton Ichool just , then, they tJt)O of tbe heart eyery day. in 1..OIUloll nnt.! ParIs for the materlal'I ' IIIml set' ln a square ot gold. "00 you I)uplls were ut their desks, ' while out- would have found abundant material nUon of cotton frocks, "Finally one day a severe and 'a lPRETTY POINT LACE_ most fatal attack ot heart troublebow wbat lhst Is? This Is the bllllet' s ide II victorIous, jubilant niob oJ onil tor a scoo p, for tbe erstwhile leader THE FASHIONA8[,E BOA,-Tbe frlgbtened me and I gave ,up both 1JIOY took from my left arm nt Bull, hundred were Ilnglng songs of h'l- of lbe strike, as tbe pent-up emollo us fashIonable boa tbls season ~1lJ be ot the day fouud vellt In a ' verltab:e round Inalend of stole-shaped , Mara- Not Only Is tbe Design Good, But tlle tea and coll'ee. u81ng Postum Instead V118." Tbe second veteran dIsplayed umph , ' ,S titches Are All Simple, the 'Ind ,81nte tbat lime I bave 'had abIn' serried ranks they fOl'm~d, Mag- NIagara of tears, telt Ilenelr dra w,) bOllt, wbloh has ellcel~eht Wearing IUs c:harm- a metal ball sel In a gbld spluteJ'y no heart pnlpltatlon ellcepL, .whole Easy. ~ "ThIs," laid be, "Is the bullet gie McGlurl\' at their heail. Over he r close to the tyrant's side. her hOld Qualltles. Is to be worn In the shnpe on one or two occaslonB wben I tr.led.l slloulder lIoated the lIery symbol of IIn'- resting upOu his , Immaculate coat of 8tol~iI ; ' little crsvats of pale pink ,-tile,. took out of my leg at aetty~burg." arch'y, made trom a ' piece ot. her ru - s leeve liS be tenderlY wiped "WAy the and p" I_ blue mara bout will ulso have This 18 nn elfectlve and · eosli,. i. small quantU~ of coffee · whlcll. He algbed. "Tbe bullet tbey t.ook out,'- ther's flannel shirl, adorn~iI wllh let- ' tears. tbel I' ndherents, ' WOI ked IlI ce, th e stltcbes em pl oyed be- caused 8evere Irritation and pro\'ed .e ,uid. "but not t.he limp." The third t.erlng wonliet'rul to beholtl, cut from Wilen Interviewed t.he next dny lUI CORBEI.ET SKIHTS.-'fhe corselet Init a!1 very si mple, MUSlin and small to me I mutt let It alone. , .. tenn'B cllarm was a btl lIet ~et In a IUggle's own while IIpron, lind spell - to t.he settlemellt, gf tbe nO\'cl strike, skirt hns deCIdedly takeo n foremost fan ri brnld arl! used wl'lb tbre~d No, "When we ' began usIng POBtum It nag of 'brlllllloLa. "OUt of my , head," Illg thc ,m nglc word "Llberly," M<lg- th e, ~rlnclpal only SUlli ed 11 quIet emile ' place In tllshlonnble cOBlum~s, anti It 1u. seemed weak-lhat waB because we-' Kid be. , ' , gle 11111.8 a cco mpanied by u body-guard anI! said: Is ~een both with 'Slight train nnd cut Materlalll req\llred for one yard:,: did not -make ' It according to direcIn tbe perso n of hei' email brotber, "Yes, the strike I~ !lottled;' nnd I an- shorf tor walking wen r; with these, Snen YlIl'ds braid. one nnd one-balf tions-but now we put a' little ~blt' of" From ennguliie Ban l"ra'l1018CO' comes Roderic k DIm, Wbose short, tat leg l . tlc!pate no furth er. troubl e. And th e to complete an outdoor 'costume, the butler In the pot when bollll1g an,~ wor4 of a common di et of ,bacon and unfilted for ,the mlllUt.ry strll!e con , medium you osk? Well," allow the Postum to boll ttlll 16 mllr nnd tb e s marles,t little boleros are Seen, cntllng i'«KII. It Is the diet that does tblngs. 'Unuully <lou'bled und er him ns he' vaIn- prlndlurl thoughtfully I trolled hl3 JUllt below the top of tbe skirt, There utea wtilch ilYOS It the proper rich. fi\wor and tbe deep brown color, AmerI can wild ernes ses' bnve be2n con- Iy endeavored to keep s tep to the IIIl1s tu ohe. "yo II can iell the p,nbllc th t are dozens of different deslKns 10" "I bave advise:! a great many at' It waG n()Compllshad throug b tb~, me ' these. Iiome with scalloped edges curv,uered, cllles begun and mines opened "Rlgb t -Ie{t- rlg,b t- Ieft." my trlends lIud patients to leave oft' oa hruoon ""lIh or wltbout eggl. , Buddenly nnd without waro lng tbe dluw ot a boa rd ot arbltl'lll1on, 1\ very Ing lIWIlY to nothing under Ihe arms. others Cllt strnlgbt rouud, nnd all sorts cotree and drink Postum, In fact l Armies hn ,'e marched on tbe same ra. life dIed ~ut· of tbelr song, and. tni'D' s mnll board, weighing In tb o aggr ~ ' :Jf fan cies mllY have free \lla)', dally gIve thIs allvlce." Name glveo. discover I,be gale not over 61) pounds." NO'll HARD 1'G MAI,E:, tJOlIe, brlnglnl; r ellet to fl'lends anti ing her head to canse, ~rA ggJS saw a squad of When 1)I'esaed tor details by the by Pnstum Co" Battle Creek, MIch. Iroublo to (OES, Tile frylog of the 1I,l Icb, Bed LiplI, raTl!, purl edge, onl skela thread No.. Mllny thouaands of 'pbyslclans UII.' Jlolitem Cn, s ummoned by lh e prlncl· Ilurlous newsJ1aJler m en , • he pleaded .. aD e ssential IncIdent of Ille OD th~ pal, ael.'anelng townr!! them The best waJ to bring colc.r to your 11t lUI urgent buslnesJ engngemenli~. Po~tum In placlI of tea and cotree I~ , IIJl!1 I. to )JUlld up your general bealtb It would be ,uILab!1 for ellglng a th, tr own hODies and presorlbe It ~~ .,1a1iLa and In tba COr~st. throws SIl\'OI'}' It on b ua lncslI bent', 1,00senl ng Steam ond 61ectrldty orP. cl\'llIzlnll ,n nd stlmulato your rlrr.ulatlon. eo handkerchief, lie, or mak~ a ni ce tnrn- p~t1ent.s. "There's a rea801i." . . . . .tlon from the pa~s of plone", her Mid \IlIOn IIUl e Roderick's band _ ; -_ _ _ __ _ _-:;-__ft., .,. and hls~orJ 50 DumorOUIl III rJlf anu wh l'c \lng a rou nd Ihat bhe mlgbt and-bmn&lllZ-l~~,~~:.u:~~3f:~~IAI-Nll~lal!t!~l:sh,e blood will go to your lIPII ud over. Attractive IIltle do\lles lire I ..n If. remukable IItUe book. "The\'iliU\' In tlte world 'S:; lace h f f followel'll, sbe. ~Ued: I ~ordereiJ'Wlib Ihll ~ce. ' ' • Huad to WeUvUle," CIUl be foullll l1li .-.erG slele.. 11k...
l p'."d~~~. ~~~~~.n~~~~~~"P'
'fheorle, "'7 Outralles In Different Lands Countries Glvlnll ~efulle,
AMER,ICANS ARE PAINT"uSERS It hus boen rema rk~.d that the Amerloan (,eople consume mQrtJ paint, both In tile aggrr gate and per ca l)lla, thaD ony olh er people In tbc world. In 11 r ecently Jl"lblisbed art.lcle on the suuJect Il was figurod tbat our yearly consumption Is ovcr 100,000,000 go I· Ions of paints at al\ Itlnds, of which oVll r onc-ba\( Is used In lb'e palnUngs or hous ea. . . 'fhe I ason f or tblB ·great co nsll mptton Is t wofold : a largo projJortioll
=§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§~fli' of our Lulltllngs, e~lle ' Ially l.n sma ll
;; I( ~t
Iltly th eye II UI' 11O[,U off r d of g n(!I'al uc th'ity am nil ,t!lQ ullarchln( s ur th e Wllrld . THe lit, t Illill 10 u. snfls lnut c l he Idug allli qu eI'll o f 'Italu 011 Ulclr wC'rltllug dll)' lit! III ~co"c of d Vfl. th ~ IInl) Illnn y In· ju'rl os r 'ullillB frum lh ililinll thl'Ow. 11117 In Ihls llllPllljlt : lit O Oll!.m !'E' jol e· In,. of A nnrC'hl ~ l ~ In I'al r ~ !JIl . N. J .. 01'01' l he M adl'ill as.' ass lllal.l'lll; lhe al'r l!~ l u f II P olc ill 'pUrllll l" I, Ort'., wHit thl' II IMeo ,.l:ry of u Iliol t() 1,111 Pr(,R lrl lit flI)O~I'\,(JII; Itl Home Ihe )\</!Ici' fllIrllng RO I·C·...II bombS when ,raiding It IlleCUn!; ur unllrc h i ~ 1 '. A s III 'I'U lIrC ~()clullsI M and Hoclal· l ' I S. s arc Uic, l'c anul'c hl a l ~ unll un · archl st ·. lI:Ol nil IIl)Urclllsl!l lire 1I0mh t hr<lw('I'S a nd n ss assl ll ~. nllT b '. li e,' I'll In 11I 1~b IllcLhlJ!\ri or lJrln gl ng abultl ch at}ll!! In lit o 500illl uI'd r . Th !! word ana rc hy 'I' ll !! nr ~t lI sed In 11M FI'l:tl It rorm IIY f'r(J urihon III 1840. in 8n C '$oy nUp d " \\,hllt I s ·PI·onc n y·!" Sinc e. I ho word h il~ cOI/[e ,'Into · "eI'Y wl~ c li S'. 801ll!! or the lh!!orl " Il C1e s lgtlal r~ or allC'lollt- "lhc befit C)f t hcm fnrmula II In rl Hnllo languagc lJ y Prouclhon an,1 h is persollal rol , (>\'I l ~ fl e~
lowe r .. " Th lntl'lrnallbnnl gives II I! fOttr ,cl ellnl tlon s of on u l'chy . raul' differ ent £1'OllP uf t h eorl e~. The IlrM may be Ca ll" j rlCIl,lilltil! ullai'rhy; ,anll th h; lb,' th eory, nnarchy th e result qf absol\fl e Indl\'illunllsm In (hOIlg-ht liS well as In ~n o lnl nc tlvit)'. l'{' t \\'1.1 hnv rro\ld · h ou's theor)''''7whlch he hlmll .. 1t I'e· ,Ilard<lc! al! Imprncllpnlllc-,Il11Rrr:h)' lUI ,ec(lllomic l1n(1 socia l tiySI m wh reby th e , ln'dl\,ldlltl l shoul d fI'ce to PI'Odu ce what h e pl cnsell. ~Ct tbe fu ll IlrOdul'1 or h is labor , ariel 111111 (,1' no ClomPlll Inn or social I't'gu latlon or IdW In an~' of his cllOn ml !! rial ion s lO III fol o w8. Th e lh l rt! d ftnition annrch y I'c presenls a cunlll1unl tic or-
' ;-
..... "
E ven
In This Dlly of Creamedes, Is Mlloe !n the OldFashlolled Way.
Butt el~
"The chan ces Ilro tou to qne or uel~r, "
dltld u wood~nwal'o Wall. " lhat tho bUllel' you bllY al lbe groe ry Ilure now wu.s Inlldl> In II crenmery , (or lhe Groat D1Uk of lh e ~u'll ~r onilUllled lu .lhls )utllry 1:1 no w. Illtlde In 11I11I( o~lIIbllshlUilnls. BUl th ~ rll I~ nlll K~ill(J uUll~r m a,l!! l~ unlld. ilnt!
. ~llll sl!lI lIurDlI righ t ulons. "Til e gn'lller nUlubcr of lUe<le n ow ' sold nco of lite cy li nder lYP , 01 r 11 .1 uy u crltlll" lllrning wlLh l n the ~hlll'll n wh ·cl wllll pn ddl s, somel llU c~ li ke lhe pudd lc whe l'l r a Sloam bO al: UlIl W!! stili ~<: II. us wp. ll. cbllrns 3f th() oill -fa shioned da~h ~ r type. Ruth IS 0111' gnlli rifallll~rs IIst' d, •• 1111 SII(:h as t heir A'1'alltlfulh crs u ~ull llHllre Lhelll . I ml ghL ad II lhal lhe " l lI-tash i on d du ~ b ur l'Ilurtt Is sllll, as It h us alwlI.I·S lJO ~ II, Ilallll ' cl b l ue. " .\ \·Iw sllil uuys lhes old style hand hllrn ~ In lh e day of Ula hln Dlud e bUlter? \\'h~', S(I 10 6l'ea l(, the ' Jhl p~1 peoille, a nd lhe mosl mod ern. "They ll ro uougbt Ly smull farmers heeping only one (II' a few OW8, who n llLUrlJlly Cuntlnue 10 mnko th ei r JWU bull c r. ilild who m ake It, or ~ourse, u·lth II hnn,1 churn. SUDIC o f Ih ese farmer s mi g ht muke mor blltler Ihan lh y would I'cqlliro for their own use: and the s urplu s th !!y would , ell. as th y wonld llleir aUI'lllus eggs, lo the couulry SlCJre. "A ud you WOllin flild larger form en. t oo. furru('n~ perhaps keeping mUIlY cows and seiling Ihe hulk o f tlielt· milk to a r ea m!!ry. sl lll ~on tlnll i ng In llluke t.he uliller thul I hey n eded fOI' lh em oh'es and llluking It, 98 lhey IUl\' e always dllOO, In a hand rhurn. "And su ~lt c hu1'D ~ nre .BOld to noopl o living In sub urban or con nLry ~Otl1 S IIl1d I eepln g co ws. who make Ihelr own lJlIl.ler UClcauso lhey p r efer to, anyway. and lboy aro bought by VAriou s peoplQ, every wh er e, who w:tnt sweel , '11' IlIflsahc!I , bllller, and make It for th e11l 8cl vca ill hand rhul'tlB . "\\'e XPOl'l chur ns 10 tho West Tndies nnd oll(h Ameri ca nnd to Ne\v Zeala nd ond Au~tralln nnd t o rlal r yIll!; coulIlrlcs 10 Yllrlous oLbcr pArts 01 tn c world." IV'
Thr ,. It" ~ , · hl 'l!'K \\':t1 ~ 1 IR n nil" Ily or >;rcpn Icav!'S ml ~' hl uo plat· d . an,) Ih al i5 ,""eli"' with 1Il1l"1l Iqllll'U' al. " ,1,1 I he finil; illl\/l' 1If)le t o R costume dliIT'JII ~ lind Jl I ~ wl' lI 10 lh!: rorp . The "Dlll ed from a French Importnllon_ , , 'og ll " uf I II.. hl:O !'I, \'ull,' 1;nll ll1aicell or c(Ju r i<(J 0 11 [' would ha\'c to mplo1 tlo p d OlIIlUItt.! (or I he I hln I,ltt/'K w ul~ l' It 1111'11 I lin;; I'S 10 !;r1 lltl' I'l g ht lines, Ih COS tlllUC IIlp;, !~llI llnlllll ~ In rill". IJUI I he \\'h ol o 11I;IY bl' built up RL COlll\Yni ~ l all<l lll ri of I hr R'n m" co lor. W c l1~ratlvely Hl1l nll cns !. LflUe l aco UIN'o ~~o:! 1II1 inl'r('n~!! In til " nllm~ r or IlI'iu ge COtlts fi nd bol 1\16 are ibo l elgtii hlrnt)ler Illacl( IJlnll sf'S, II 1I1(lllg fllr Iho of r:1 ~ hI O u : tllo UlII \lel'son muy Ins hirt · \\'a l ~ t of b!;\t'k f'10 11l11 Hilil ulld lIul !l'o 111 lhe furnler. tho aile , of l ow c I'en tit IlPIl' . Idrl 1I 1111('[,,'iI1 S in lhi ~ slUilll'e mll ~ t kp 11 to lh& I lIttel'. Innl ari al 101111 · fOulol'. unr' sec~ I h,A nl cl'~t Il'lol'nltl){ frocks HIII':I( und whll ' c(f~..t s. 1"'lh In ('nt - - I lib d"~~sos to usc lit Ilhl'~eGJogy ton IInli s ill" III I willi r.. vow al lh<' of 1110 dflY - IDlttl l'l III/ al ~ iu one,pie(;e. p r ese nt. lho flla SI,l c I'O lllulnUllu n agllin So m timcH lll (' w u ist u nci fl l. irt' am In sl)' I.... 'I'll" rOlllllll1alioll 1>, tlf)1joorlll Jnlll (l,1 by ;L gl"'lIp l)f ' IMl'r1l0'n : in ~ I rip /;! and I'll <'Itl! lind POlltil .t otli . tlI1l C~ til !! 'joinlng Is " ery tnCOn!fIlI~"SPOI S" a fmllure or the (Iny. Hnm ex - 1I01lR. J"sl n belt of slOlf mat rllt!., TlJlt ,· e,·t!i u ~l y bnltlrt ro~llIntCS in b lal'l( ~ n.1 1110;;1 ~ IIl"e '~rlll ft'Qcks ~ll I!!' st !ool, whil t) nrc r, en ... nd sumc u uutlrul Nl m\lll'. no mallr' " h ow milch laborious halH. A H a rllic tbl s eonjlln ·tiLl n of wOI·k h nl; b n SIlent ' ulio n them. Th" ",)I ors Is ,. (fe(' I II'!" un<.l bllf'o mlng. whll olhel' ,itl Y wo ~a \\' an tlllimrentl)' shn"l« has II Mlfl IIln" len,I AII"'Y OIlul II 10U('h 0]' hla II ;.:eu I'll ily retlrt('~ ;tnt! ijOfle nS har: h on~lll\ e II uri IIn 'pl'lal ll co mplexlou . Whil e ~ erl;'e stilts 'lIrc lrlm and deI'ldedly ehle Ih cillYs. IIlllde wll h II ~e vel'e plulnnc s~ lhlll ' glv~ij r erl'e&h In!; nfl I' lloe ur er Olllbol'''lioll HO OrUln R n in ~ lInJ IPI. ~o mudl :hI'tl I' r [lIly1111101(1 flnery lhrll o n <llsplay. Anl l th e whll o linen b"ll s III'Il (" 'e n 1110 re IIIlradl\'e. Th I' lire Hofl while wool ha t s lO W :11' wllh Ihl! whil e sul1 ~ . some with s('u IT~ ly li llY lllnll11ln g fll nil. I n millinery IIUW \\'C' flnrl Ihls co nlr,lsI, flow 1'8 1)11 ell lin f1nw er s. nurl neXl ·door It hat wlLh nothin g 011 It Sllve a si ngle m ae. ,om o[ lh hal ~ Me quite bare 011 0 11 sid e. on lhe ni he[' lherc Is m:i s~l!tI U I' I'\' " 'l t ow r oC trlnlllll ll l,;, Thl R ~1\'eH In nor n r w 'ases:t decll1!!d juuullfl CSH Ihu l i s plelt Illg , Illit wc IIllial su y It I s on l y )'OUlhl'ul. Ju unly Cllce lhnt (,lin ~t O Il~ SlIdl h a(\gcllr . \\'1U1 the pro s nt ra, hlon ~ 00(! mA, IlHlIl' 1111I1(e up nn evclIlng co~lurn e ou l little Hlt l11lll I' gown that Rllfely, cost ;>roducts ba\'e hall their short day WOMAN'S DAMACING VANITY at pi 'e. gn lhrr"l1 1'1'0111 I)ox uurl hag, pl('u ly of III II!!V. bllt IIlldoubtl\C.lly lind di sappeared, and lbe too_.___ Our Illu Slrllllo ll !'Ikuu'es t1 gOl WIl COli - 1V0uid hav!' nPIH!;IIl'd ' to a 1Il ~~e man enlerpl:Islns manufacturers that pro· L ove of Fine A Jlt'£.\\rnnc.e Sometimes struded or " <II'lous rnaterlllill lind h al'- as suc·1t " "clllmning. inexl;Pllsh:!! Ilt(le ducod tho'Jl have come tl) grier In L eads t o P lllllful Sel[!DS point s lhat Illtll'k II nlodl h . Th I' til' ss," II "'liB '" lI!\ht eru b:lllste of the Lnnlc.ruptcy courts or hnl'e IR n slmulaled jnc kl'l of I nce, Ih ~ nll-o\'or embroldol'Y. IJlc ISIII I''' .!! short l earned lJy costly experi ence that SOlcrlflce. Iiou n ces Rrc of shnde,1 nlnk Itllfollall'ull' g~ ~hel r <.l . llItrJ , th e I,l/!It.. -:the honesty I s the best policy null bl1\'e WIten thO L elceSl er ' wontnn ' WAH altbough olher JJlalerlal, 1111 ghliJe u sed wUh; 1 WII, n I'ountl glr'llsh 1Ji1ill S witll - I h e IIghl l' .. iulIle fit Ihe l Oll .. Tb e 61 I"R jURt ' U Plitt uhbve Ihe .Ibow, r e formod tll!!lr way s. . rllls-ln OT SOllie lillie aha hur rellllive" I ., '1' he clll ef excoptions to this r ule ,, <> ... ~ • f~lIIn,dRllon i s nn 01L1 whll sll, dl·ess. vcry Ilk lliose "cen In lh old - Ia~h publi shed a delllJle de Cl'lptlon of her. wh '"" ha be en well cl ea ned lind fresh - loncd pit'III1'(J!! of .' Iilmlllr;; Indi es : Uti. are somc DU1II ord r houses who eell It contained tblll scnlen ce : "Small lee el1~d Lilli e cll'clcts of ulue l' \' I \'Ol gl l'dl e II Sl' n file. sallllC. h a\'lnl( Cl ueer Of [OPt mI Bs ID'l.'" liB I w ·.l a rCI>' I rlbb ' \1 S" 'e th e , l ou('h of so goll1 tl Allr!!S pC'n ,tel'cd IlV I' It. ' Tho lOes hnr.1 been alII-I "O IUC' coloI' 6\'h lI le W'I. 10l' el)', the dre~!I Wh 0I Elsa I 0 pr I eo o.• I'lllsccd 011. The loll ilk ely tn :ll. bolh ' 1" k I -rllshll) nal,l e. In th e- COI'SllO!e ,, ~ · I'utul ell uy ace ue lll, so me on e as III 10ng -~tetnOl('d plnlt ,[lOSI s wi h Illell ty m ade by UI1 Qrlj st b Uy~: of such ~,OOdB, like tfle buy er I'IQ WOOl n 's nl,o th er ~ 11': C0l1nt ,rol' the ' ' ' . _'. ' ,,: ~ )f a gold brlell, has only hlmsel[ to los . loes. After a 4lf,lIant effort lo . • .'. Llame I~ he finds h is pu rchase wort h- PI"Hl e lh queslion , 1M ol d ludy I' luerI ~~ss. " Itb gold seiling at any uank I nntly confessed lbal he.l' daughler had mint at n fix od nrlee. owners 017 I ltl(, t os se ,'el' <.l to elill lJle h er 10 we;, r . gold d~ not s!!11 I t at a. di scou n t; an~ " cry sllla ll a h oe !~ ! - . I 'rit e F'·cn.-It wOllll'n rio nol 'trIke to \·t.'l'Y d 1'. tli C'llnrnisette i(i l'uamont\\'Ilh · 1 1I1S~Qd all quoted e\'erywlJerO It i s wen I:lio\\iii lIlAI h Ul lllt e'l s l'f manni sh styl 5 I II dress M~ rio Ih ~ ~ng- ~d uaol( liS well a~ ; rorc. ' fO,. 'lIO IIl(l;OY at 60 to ,0 cents a galloD, manufnc- women Rutlel' IOI.lItre evc I'y I" ek by IIl;h and AlII rl ~ltns . Wh en \"1' lh Y I r oc llS t o-day tlrc u t IlJW or wiL4 . .V turers do n ot scll a pure lJnseell oU Itlt" lng their c!Jeel,s tin led Wil li (lIOC- adup t any thing thal uordl! r~ Oil rnau- uael( III!d fn'"t. , • Jlnl~t nt ,30 or 40 cents a gallon. Ilrl ue die. o r bavlng a lmosl Invisible nl shn ~5 lh oy li r e 5 111'e t n l1lodlfy It A Il{'at 11111 e ll1 ~l'Old I'cd (·o llar. OUA 'the composlUon ot prepared palnt9 I\I!lr~ 1)llIckcd fro m t h eir fllir fncl'.s. wllh 111I1!! f lIllnlne tOIl('ho s. Alitl the ot Iht' hi It tlimd()I liS. Irrl8 rO upl!) dllTers b ecause paint experls hnve. In mo st 10nOJy dlslrlC! ,;-S U ~h IllI lho cOUluln!!d Ifed or severi t y 111,"1 , co- of bolV~ (,r l'lubun as IIlfish, tbcs& not ye t agreed. as to lhe best pig' Islets of tha [ r l sh nnd Seal IEI1 r ouNls- quelry Is. W!! UIlI ~ say. bOlh I· rc,"chy mIll] -nfftt h'd ,~lIy .lI pped. III - placo In l'nts aud bocause the dally results. thl' women h [l \'e a welllw ~s for ilnd altl'allli< e. all li w i lh no (' II1I1l~y han I'! I,: bo_ odor t esls o n a large scale are const ant- [!:Illld y colors. A pnrson In lillie ~t. Ful' In8tlln e, ta ko I~C IltlPn eoll;lr jus tl' r1 or muk e the co linI' blilge. I y Impro\' IDg the fOl'lllultls ot manu· Kllilo t e1l6 o f a I!<!nonl-mold or ' hlS8~ Mite Is worn b~' II 1' l'eI11 11 wom an. Gree n silk gh.lve~ give -tOllll li'-of '\terfaclur qrs; but all ha\'e come to tile n lU,th' c of the Island - who nsk!!11 his "It.h the h igh tum 1I0\\'n ':011111' lhe den ey 10 til e 6tl'elllfi, 11I'e lll'CUllllfti.iCOllcluMlon lI)ot tile essentials of good, Uf lml.slon lO take n brlghlly-colored Pun sl an a<ld s IIllalnl y tlo of !uwll.llnd mlllllij, of flOt u rcw 'O!;lUDlc8. n l1l;W1.)1y nnlnt. are pure lin seed oil, fin e grind- 1'\ relli n heRnh rl1lg 10 cburch 10 "6 both collar IIlId ll ~ are hllnd ern brold - i.lll'Y are or ~ lIk IInti II I Will'S IMlcLt. Ing Bnd thoroug h Incorpornil oll, and PS p shaw!. Thll~klng the reqllest W\lN er el!. 0" Ihl ~ ~I d e l he Wilt r W il ap- RO l'll !' 11'lll1ltllllg or th e C06 tlililh gll'dle In tII c~e particulars all the pn' ducts r.".l'rely 8 (,l'u de Joke. he l au hlngly n~- uro\, hel' tast~. li nd W~. Ion. jI;~ In ~or I I' follagc-ndO rIJPi! hat. 'I'h~i I1re . of r eputable manutactur(lI·S . corre· I'PIt i ea. To bls astonlshm nl. he ho- hand -m ad IlI l\n 1.1 Wll,h emillold I ell rUlhel' f l olt lng, loul, 'o()j llnd pretty spond; all first·class prepnred paints heltl her.:1 II WIe lat I', wllll;ln;; collar . Th e lIu gerle I I~ Is IIIUdl ~ m ;lrl- wli h IIghl Hllmllle ; ~W \\' 1I 8. SOllI e g(eell are th urollghly mixed nnd ground and ,HIII,llly down Ih e nlsle or lhp r hllrell, rml'llsola 11 1' Ilbl'Ou d , c"Il ~l d('rtlhl~ t\Te.ll the IIqll .d base Is almost oxclu sl\'c ly wilit t he rhir,iJow.colured rllg atoOl '1 her IS IlHc(1 for tl'ltllntillg. Pon gee ami pure IInsc!! d nil, the n ecessa ry \'0 la- >hnllid er, nrlmh'Eld :Illel l1vl ed by lile lillilill h ( '1)1\ hiliA' IluruH6I s I'ontaln in We "tblnllers" and. Japan dryora. (~ll1lnlne portion ,)[ lhe co ngrll);a 10 0, fa\'or. IIlld Ilt ey n r e RO ~mart on e does The pal nt.:!r's opposition to such lOt l ea~ L tI(, 1V0nr1 CI' Ih y bold Ihel r Ow'n ' so proclncts I s based largel y on self·ln11'('11. 'SpV1II(In' o;; r STeen !l'love~. IL roily l e ro~t. lie wants to ml~ the lIalut h~ lhc), IIrc \\'01'11 LJ \~" _ II . • no hitlg ul(lo hlm scl r and t o lJe puld for doing It. D iving fo r a Witl'. Is. t o be h lul- lolll7 gl o\' es h ~I'!! I.J 'om~ nnll t o a c"'rtaln olass of 'polnlers i t In Illtlny of lhe GI'eek 1 ~ lull"3 dll' l n,; ~u XJlPlI s l ~e . Iii Sll('h 'dem ul;" tho Is no recommendation for a ns lnt to for spoup,p s roml s U "onRlll urn~ . e pur l d n'el'!; 'shy tn th e llllinllrUCllI;t : ers sal' that It will la st fh'e or t en y ep.ra. of th uU(' lIlll1 li n or lhe Inllllhllan l 8. !.' "SPIt ,1 anylh l n ' . ' 8nYlh l ltg, ' "\'eryThe longer .a paint l:t sls Ihc l onger The nUl!I' ~ llltlittl It a Irllill) to gal ll N bally . WOal'!; i>hort . s eli!ve:!, evel'y llOdy w ~ lI ts I ""~ 'I,HS. _ be ~' ll\ l.I\\'e to walt tor lh ,JOb o[ I"~se, DUll lliei r In~o lTl(] frOID tll 19 r epaintin g. '1'be lall er cOLlsl lleralilm .ourre l ij rar front rO lll ntptlhle. I II . ., .. j .. , Sll ode Ill'lt . lit e 1'010)1' of the dr!!~s bus DO w eight with the con sumer, un or III IsIII l!or1 !' n gll'l I ~ 1101 ':I'r l ead rOt' Rlrce\ ·w eal'. " YC',l;l Crduy we 111.)nnd Ule (ortne r Is a fal se Itlea ol mlu ell to m!l rry u n lJl sh e h tis Il I'OuV hl lI epri II neal h "o wn " .JHIIIllIP.- :lfl ll U\:el' cconomy. Halld· l uliol' oli n IIc\'er b!) 11 1) 11 ce rlaln n llmber of spu n ge~. f\ 1111 . in Parl A I'rown. 'l h oll gh ralhe r a 'varm. as chcap ()r as cmcl ent us mach Inc " I\'en proof of her sk ill by la ldll': 1]11 11 I'nlm" flU' SIIIUIII P.I'. 'IK ' tli c l h i fl ~work, and every time th e paint r tbelll frOIll a certol n del'lh. Bllt In l ltu bl~ ll " shllll",,1 sliell o 111 ' 1 s ' nied mixes paint, d!(1 be but Imow It, lie Bome of lhe I sl~nds lhis (,U~ IOIIl I~ I·I'I')· ·, II,I1·t !llilrt li nd \Wotr~e . '1'1111 Is l o'sl ng money, becau se h e caD UllY reHl'se d, Th~ f al ber of (\ ma rrla!( lt'l waH 1\ lI ~hl I\' Ighl wuol and ,a better nnint tban h e can m ix at uhl dUIIl;hl er Ile!ltow her OD lhe l:e<1 H.tlC,1 the girlish fOI'UI pel'(e clly; but l<ls~ Uinn It costs h im to rub: It. rllv el' IImn llg 'hl'l' S llltor~ . I-/e wlt a wi t houl al'e ntnatl"n of th • figure. ' Prepcred paints ha\'e won, u ot only I'UU .lay l on!;!!st In Ih e waleI" null Ti le 1>101151' \\'II ~ II hl'o \vti ho"""" tl'\"~e on tholr ."·,esl · ca r go of S'll)"""J~ , IIct·u' a1 m ' . er Its, b u.t on tl lC I r h rlfl ,..~ np Ih~ bi" ~, • ~., rull I),wlt 111111 f m nt !}ng 1t'''~'( ~jl ll " f,"11 conl'enlence anll economy. They are mll rrl es lit e Dl~ld. sl oc "l'~ r.o mlAg Just to ~J16 elb!i'l Ct;''1;l1e ~olllpara(lveJ,y cheap aod th ey are In· ha l Wll~ on (It' lhnsp c!)rl\Jetl~ h tllrcomparably bandy: But when all Is Qunln t Z ~ I[\lId. h'"l ~ Ihal thlH ~"'u~l)n I~ ejH' 5Rld, tbe cxperlimccd painter 19 the J elholl "Islllncl, off w !i!( h till! Rlen.mcr . for .II ,"'as all hlllck. t he, .g Ive _,were prQper person to apply eyeD a rendy CouI'l el' foun de red. I s lr; fur Ihe amall iliad•• th e low ~ hoeR " ,11111 aele. V, mixed paint. He ImolVs b etter than rSL of l ho ilunnel 1: lulld s. und bon sB li: t.I.E:-: O'S ~.1 :.. 01::. anyone els~ the. "when" and "ltow" the di stinctio n or bel li!:' tho amalle.H ' ...;. !nrl the dllTcr ence bet\l'een pnlnting Inhabited 1 ~l nnd In E IU'Op., li n ing. Moul'Ulng II} Englai'td. lnd "slath ering" Is milch G'reater Ind ~ed. only oue dwelllll g hOUolC lI ~ on , T~Ie. pollt ~ngll shruall who · r ecentthan It appears to a' novice. Every· It. 1L IlII s n populaUoJ 01 nbollt se"~n 1,1' el'llI I dOd Anrl'rl('nD ~ for o ften t,e, one to hi s trade • .nnd atter all pnlnt· ~ouls. It hilS no ronil C>1' Illl thw.\y or ~ I Ing COlltBIil us moul'Illlrs LO wellr only Ing IR tho painter's trade and uot the POKI. AI the lasl censlls mOIre ' 11llIO . n blaC'k hnnd ollolrclinlt lilp I rl arm, ' \ouscllolder'S. . h an Ih e pnpuill iion of 1110 18111,n(\ \VH~ unol.tlOl· Ilhlstrution of , his con:theollt, ,hal'lng ~rO lle in lo {1nprns8Y ervutlsm His InellntUlon [or mdlnn, Iunov"t1on In Oregon. 1II1I1·I. el Wllh th~' bllller and (reom. ·i n.l:' gnrm II t~ ' 15 b reilitnl'j· . In tbe Some palefaces recen~ly from thl! . rrom Ihe .J ~fholl. co w",. 'Tile ""e JI he r Englllnd of. the !!arly se \,enleenth ceo~1\8t have Leen pll t llng up fly screen bec!lme \)arl. anrl th "Isllo"!) 11111 ner- 1\ ~"W (,tl l . I. ,~n "I'D (Il'H 01. 0 lltry. 110 ~ l)01l~1' ha tl a delllh tuken ~ors to their hOllses. The next thing for ce \rl remnln ' at Gu ernspy .Iurlr.g F'P.It;~1J THI~ L'1IE.\'Il '1,'1''1'1':. v lace thnn Illacl( c loth In!:, was. sent as "'e Imow ",e will be having files on the th e C~II~ ,I S Li m'!. er than the' usua l NlIk tic : It Sb t;illid a glfl by th e Iler al' cI family. not· bay.-Nortb Denll R!lrbor. ' be nnnow. muy b e edged wi th II bit Qnly lo ·rcllllh·" •. \Jilt to trl ollllS .." r real iar~e o~ m ay be scallo\lc tl , have Willi. . E,· rYI hlng Sllrrou ndi!lg tho Cow-lItllklng BecOI'd, .1TS, St. Vii u, Dance Ind IU Ne;"on, chief mourn (>I' 'lfllt Into tbe dl!</pni.c!ore~ ,, ~rman~ul!.'· cured by DI·. I;'.ill ~" .n n naper rltlld. borore a meetlD· 8 blltlonh ol ell edge, ) ..... l Yel,\'c l1c.torcr. ~clld i r Free tI': .r1O J f 1I.lnlLary InJpector>! aL Sbemeld, MI', We '\0 not see. In the rase of tho. est blaek-l)lacll baD glngs on tli. ;rial botlle ond treatist. Ill'. R : H. KI,"~. J. S. Lloyd, l~, C. V . S., ad"ocu ceJ IIngerl !! blollse wltb Its permunent cOl- \Valls. black .c.ove·rlngij on "~jl,e ~. (,,1., \131 God 033 Arch St., l'hiladcll'bia, L'. tho milking of (t<)lvs by maclllllt!ry. lar, so mBny fancy stocks as rOl'm rly. "unerals were expensive 10 thOS& or IWO types ot up· The' 8el)3l'ale stocks liro tbose for Wear d8),S, aD f)spenah:e, In [act. tl~t. 80111" wom"D ant ao -In.aulsIUvl tbat ~:o JleBcrlbell ~lIfatul In U8!, menlloned that b)- with tbe tailored W:ll lIl, elabof"dle onsl aVlong tllo- ~er P oJ1le' ~ a. "blacle Jle, would~ even tr, tD pump an 01' )1)0 of them a of 17, In GlUllgO", 118 Il rule ore a part of the bloU58. bel! .. ·· 'WBS 'foatu!1I lIround 'from "mil,. PIL IlIlked ::4 10 aD hour nnd n ' Tbtr.e ar!! &ePllr.t~ cllemlsette~ a~d to 'amlly. "bout I G2&. It Iii recorded, "'aJ , , _ ... .... ( _ .... t:tnt. of • IIO~ lIUtr. to wear with pimp! drelHll, lAdy SIISSCX expenlled 'more thut 'nI• .at «MW'JeIlOewllicb con_tlnue III favor. Cuffa are OD tho fwllral '" her ~ '. all'~•
. to wns und rural di stricts, 111'0 con' struct ed or wood, Ilnd we, as 11 people. unur 'hl sl ,·lulolH'c. lh· lIr'lll'est up - are &"Iven lO n~atne ss and cleanliness: prolll'li lhe TI'Hl'nlbur tilllHU' riut 1\0- For. lal, o it all III all, there Is nOLO· 1'\,)111 1)01" I::, I '1l 7. 1!·1·ltn ,· . l;puill a'oIl III so cleanly or So saunary a~ paint, Iialy I HI\~ ~ u ffl' red 8c \'c l'!!l y . Travel whero \\'0 will throughout On o wl'll ~ r II 'clar Ii It WIIS F ra il,· · the ccuntry, very whe r e we find t!le tlwt DllIrle altul·,·lt y no»slltle, unurdlY nent, cb ~e rful palDt!!d tlw " ntng, prol ho I ghlmal <:I,li\l ' or Ih(' rOI'OIUlioli . claiming al .0Il CC . lhe prosp!!rlly and "1'h r o w ,llI tlo fl It waf! th ul III's t ,II ~ tho se lf·!' spoct · or our population. . r,O \'c l'N I Ihe gI'lI Il UCUI' ' of !'\l I\·lI rdl · . F ifty years ago tllis was not so ; Ihul flr'!! l RII W In I h Ij "" r erl h "" or ;0 ~nlnt c d dwellings, 'w hll e commGn In I;lrl I ht> sy III lJol uf I'reollolll h.,, 1 pa - the larger clll !!s and· towlIs, were tile tt·loti. 111 ." eXC!!IlUon In the rural districts; b cttn l·x. a COll lllt·y ~'h cre th~ Imlfc so CaliS!!, on the one banll, a 'I arge pro· quickly ;;LOnes fur wron g: bOJlh gr!me portion 01 thosc buildings wcre l emaud triflin g. Is Dlost 11I'uclur ii P III' a ll - porary m ;\ltcsblfl s, and, un the olh el' 1lJ'('lli ~ I ~ . Sllll'lIt(lre Conosl, writin g In Mnd, :'c auso paint waR lhen a lu xlhe Inll pcudC'nl, infurm s I)S thal lhe ur~';' expen~ll'e and difficult to obtain SC.-iOli K "worl\:" or I lu.l ian s n arl.: h,\' lJeIn lhe out.oHhe·way places, aud r e,::an In l S9 ~ wilh th ' 1l1l11'11p.t of PI' sl - QuIring special knowledge and much <.l III Cal'llr t by n n Ituli,lll llnur, ·hI H . preparation to Ilt It for uSe .. ' Then followed qnlt'lt ly ol.h~1' " wo l'lt" by The Introduction o[ ready mixed or ttl !! I Lllliurts. Logn fl r 'll ttl Cri sp!. AC- prepar!!ti IllllDtS, about 1860, changed c1arllc Irlcd t o aillb Kin!; HnnllJCrI , the enUre aspect or affairs. As the . ng lollll' ShOl ,1 ad Lho Silani sh pre - . Jack·of·nll ·trades told the Wnll(lng mior. Lu ~h c lIl IISHURs lnulel1 th e !!m - Dcl!!gnte In one or Oelave 'fhauet's nl'(;SS of Au ·trlu. an'l Ilrescl IdneLi slorl s, "Anyon e can slather paint." Kin g HlIfIlb rl. COI'l 5i l aYM tb e lJhlUle 'fhe InslIrmountable difficulty wjth I)f these on lho 11011 n 's hablL or l ak - our Ill' decessors ' was to get the pal nt Ing vengea nce In hlH own hntlfl - In ready for "slatheriog." Tbat tile lll\lte of u n~turallr ~e Dllc Hlll l'll- hls country was rendy for paint In a conheredlt lll'y l en nlng toward 'p':rel so- venl oDt; I)Opular f orm Is shown by dellet; . and I ho exl'li in g InlluCJl',e or tbe Immediate . success of the Indus· lite writings 1)/ I1c!! lu s. 1' l'il l)Olklo, try and Its phenomenal growtb In Proudhon. Emmtl Gol\lmao , aod oth- 60 years . from nothing to GO.~O,OOO ers. ~a ll ons-the esllmated output for In pain rrom Ihe flr" t lhe anarchist 1000. movom nl fonnd dOl'Ol d di titl lll ~. In Some prelly severe thlng!l have 187 1 HOUlII ' ala l an \l'orkmen nn- been wrillen abo\lt and said agai n st nontlf!erl lh elflKe lvl!s as Co ll ec ll-vl st th is class of palnts, especially .by ullllrch)~ s, /lc rh a'l1 ' th e 'Iirst t)xnDlIlI!! nalnters nnll mnllufaeturers or eer. o f lhe Uti\! of t he num o by nn aS801'\,,- taln kinds of paste punls. Doubtless tl on. B l(IInln and the 'I lallu n !tullvl r In many In stances tllese str ictures Mli lal esta cxerolsell IlOwerflll Influ- ba\'e bo!!n justlllcd and ~oma fearrul· ell e.,.IIPOu SIHlnlnrd ~ in cllncd t o I'OVO- ly and woudcrfnlly constructed mix",tlona r), vie\\' . os lime went on the tures have In the past been workcll i11\u r tbls t lend elH' Y gre w nlort! and oct on tho gullcless consumer In the mu r e prono\lnced in SilOIn, Spani sh shape ot preparcd paint. Bat such
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Neckwear an d Olb er Accessor. . Ies.of D',ress I
CnnlznUoll of 11Iul\' ldunl~ _ In nnaruhlst s' havo how u nn unu3uol collli vl ns perfect freetl oUl nlld heslon. ijlrnllar 10 lh al of n \\'ell orb et\\' . n lh e lll ~e lv ~ a s In th pro du - gnnlzllll 5 rel'so(· I!!ly. !l ll d because o[ tloll nnd con sumpl1on or goud s, an II t hc.It' nl'a lIenl OIoa ures Spili n hali bectreril) II ombln tI r e i stanc e to nil · co ille the r al 'onl f' of the Inlernaoe:dstili g fnrlll of !looial or~ler. IlI w Ilo n:ll pI·Up !lll nd u of a nllrt'hy. Bllt Rnd ~o"C rrlln elll. Anti lIOW I\' COllle lu here. a 1l 1 ~ where, Ih!!ro lire \'arlous t M fourlh, to tllo POPUI8" ron~e pl f groups, not 1111 lCI'l'Orl l~. 41D nr('l1 y, chnos llUd " IQ I I!H~e-a nal'ch )' London I ~ harbor fur IInnl'cbl stlS comprl. cs all lIt!ell'tpls III destr oy th \! ·t rom nlflnuti land&. lind l'umOI' h as It :l:1 ating socia l (rller with lit uny r cf· lh.ey ~av(j II 1)I'"t with 'Ih e Brlil sh secr IlCC to II or the<1 I'y of r econ Ilruc· l'Ol pOli ce.. so l Oll!: n!l Ul e 131'1fish .toyal tie". lIitd hy th e li se of an y means, fomll), I.' Imillune from IIllll r (' hls( atfa ll' or fou l. hr whl t:h Inrllvld ua ls ql' I . r; II~ l hoy 1I0t to bo mol e. led . It apamll orl '. may I>e dl"Stl'oy etl. III I b i s pears lh l at . least l1 n asreement ex1111\1 (lll~S are. Sl'Qlljlcd the "llllrll-rllll -_ Is t s am Ilg qlC ulHlrllhidl a thcmsel\'e. Icah;. who n re Ihe unl'ompromls ill g 1101 lo nwle t IlrlUBh l'o)'lIl1y n6 ' Iong oen~m le of publi c ol'(\er nnn d?cC ll cy . .8S nnan'hlsis are n \lo wod freedonl ot 'who ' phlD murd rs llllri I'el'kless 1111 \)11' ac ess to En g lund Rnd nro n ol slIb'C:tlnmlll!!s. They !Ire th e f., nnlles wh o Je" LClI to per eculln n \\'hl1 ~ thet'eln: blll' !! beeu 1)10Sl In evidence In reconl I p"u cdl nlely arIel' lbe btHll b lhl'owlng -YIlRrs, " In Madrid th ot her day, lhe ,;ry went Th Russian ngllal,(Il' Bulmnln :tbl'Oall thul..the ~s!la slnlltloll plOl hn d (I 14-1 76) about lhe time pf Ihe all- bee n hnll'h ed In :London .•,\111\ no SDlIl II penra'm e of I'rolltlhou 's " Wh ut Is \1l'Ole$l WIIS rnlsed uii"H ln ~~ Ihe freedom 'PrOllerIY',''' WIIS hecomlng nromlncnt gl\'en thc · " r eds " In thai gr!!,lt ci ty. :tl\l oue hol dln~ r nd lCAI '90 I' hi I \'ltlw!I: Tbe SeoUllur! Yard aUlhel'llIe held I l In 1 8~o was In lhe ve ry ce n ter or lbe .\·eI'Y duuutrul lire,ld , l'lnre orlgrevolu t ionary mo\'ement with whi ch IUlllCd In Loudon: bnl h nd Alfon so's .a ll BUI'ope w as lh en convul sed . H e bl'fde f lion il \' l eUm. freedom. or access bccome 11101'0 n ncl Illore ratll bl l In a-ud I·e. l rlen l·e III' Londoll won l ll I)robvl ew ~ and utlel·aDces. !lht! bl ' "Iew" "bly hUI·o he,e n CIIl'lfllled. I h e anar'Wcre 'wldely dissemllllited . chists IUl\'e l ost their 10·u g-.lDJoyed The t er rol'lsla ;t r e Ihe lust word In refuge In G"Nl t Britain. oanal'rhl~ts . lhose lhnt hout from the In th o U nlled SUlles and !lwlt?:erb,OllS to[>: "Save humanity h;' blood ' I ~ nd. as w!!11 li S In En!(lnDd, tlna r~ hlsls And ~l!e l antl poison ," T o lhls cia ss ha\'e fOllnd r efuge. These are tbe ' bel olll!!!d Most; belon gs Enltllll Gold - Ibree mosl Oeillo 'ralle nations of lhe ,nl1lD . - omellmes st)1l eri lh·.. "High ' worl (l , unl! 'h11\'e hesli ll ted to , Pllt r ePriestess o( 4\n9fchy ,In AD1 ~r l ea; ,I thl! ~tra ln ~~ all tre dom of ll.peach Now whose ,writings are 8ald to have ' stateslllen of lh i!~o nntlon~ are ~ollsld influenced Czolgol\z to assns. lnni·e erlng It the t1;me hu s 1I0t come wben' Presl rlent i\:lcl~luley . Goldll\oJ1 Is ' U ' DellQn shuuld b'lI tuken 'io limit an~ nU8slan'" w .ls edul'nlell ,I n Gorn'mITY. archlsUc utterances onl l usscmlilages. f lh~ foremost b a8 li ved the gre,lter part or hoI' life An~rew WhilE>. one 'In Anrel,l cn, lier I'umlly was orlhodox, dlplool1lts of thll' COlIl)lry, recenl.1y debut sh e early showed radi cal lenden- cia red : "Thel'e 18 nnly one lVay lu ·eles and says t~at the hanging of Ihe which tho ontrages of Ihe annrchlsl.8 ''Chicago anarchl~ts In IS8 !!On"erted eBn be ured. 'rhelr orgnnlzatlo'o Is 1aer to anarehlRm. . worlrl " 'I rle, lhorefore It must be met The United StateR has been the 8 ene by an orgnnlullon of a similar char:('If tw,O nna~(\hlst out.break\!: \lIt! Chl - octer. Three preSidents of Ihe Unit cago Haymark.t tragedy. Ma)' t, 118~. stat., hl"o falleo bator,e aIIsUllloB 10 ",holl a 1Kimb. - , "ae ~rowJl, r.kIUlQ th, .r~nl ge~er.tlQJt, · It mult 'J8ven pOl1eemen . and wounding ·27 be patent t.o eve..,. one that. aomethlol' ;etbel'll; the UIIUIlflation of Prll!!ldent must be dOM to curb thIs lalll1 defylq )lcl'lnle" Beptamber 8/ lBQL. Eq-W,," -
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Miss Minnie Hale r1'i"'~I"'w'r"mo~ 1 .1,llc"t(1l1 Aftl'r l W · I . rites Entertainingly. , l wlI ' 11".,\ tI" , ~ It · ,. " ...... I,'" I,,, ... bll.h.d "" .. kl, ~{ 1'. HItO" ' "
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"Tne immortal J. N." DIes III Toledo A sylum . 'The eoce ntrlo ohlirll t e r . "The 1111 J . N ., ·· dioo III lui "I<vl ulII in Tllieda WOOnetttlliY, .111 li t! 2:, ",llIth er htl hlld u ratllt'll at few m o ntbi< "8'0. J , N . Free WitS a h igbly ed u~tOt I auJ ""Iented nflW~pl1per lUatn , whns fI rlltWlIID (ollrly io life booIIme det,hro n tid .ltd btl .po'O' 'he IllJOt Mixty ' yeaTS 'rll vllianl( 00 foot over the e ntire .tote of Oblo, where he VISited ever;r ollwtlJll'per office 10 every village lind oley, a.lllng several years ago a' 'be Mi .. mi UlA7.etse oflioe where be prooeeded to make hlmllelf III bome .
.-- - ROom Furnished at Home
In Memory of N. Brown.
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lI'-IiIDDle Hartsook and Nina drill, the Art Ullllery,' the Britlllh 800&& we.. .~opping In Da,ton Sit'- MWleum, etc. .Dd uelsted In mOriDg Mr. After a delightful trip up the Fred Barnard and wife baok to Thsw6ll and" visit to W1D80r Vas.
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A little dalJJrhter arrived June 18 nent.
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we might lSay of tbe worl(l. IlDd \ Mr. . Frank Kniltb aud IIUle Carl were,regulllrly enrolled 08 st·udents Bld'taook ani both under 'he doc- of the renowned Oxford Mummer Cor'. ca.nI, l:!ohool. Oxford Is" univerSIty olty. Mr. Jolln Smith and wlte bad &8 It has twenty.,wo group!! of col, their IfQetI' Wunday Marion Clark legell, eaoh of wbioh oonsists of and wUe ot Lytle, Maurice' Cornell . eigMI twelve or even s ixteen build. wife aDd daughter, Jaoob &otts ingll. of the buildlug.. dllte wife and eon. bllok 88 fllr lill tlla fourteenth or Mr. Lewl. 8&ibbe and wife entercentury. "'iDed 8UDd.,. Jobn B"rtlOOk and fifteenth From Oxford we went to Lonnon, f, ...II" Mre. Lydia All8tin and I5r Allen lbvltl.
$ of .June. itl our men. ~s,
Wu al'e nff.. ring' CSI)eeiall.y ,2:ood ha.I·~n\'inR for ,the month young men'S and bopI ' sllih~, antI all those desirous of purchnsi,n. g . a.8Ummct' ~uit ~ , . J
witn praet.icully tJ1(~ ('uLII'e !'Ieas'o n before t hem, shonld not fail tU' see ollr !Stock ~ th(~ ntH l'kt'41 do wn pl'i(les. ~
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After Il hurried ride thro ' • , t·be hume of IIr. and Mre, Adam Hollllnd. the \llDd of dyklia and . PeDewitt. winduullll, we weut to <,;olugne for' -----a day 'lI Villlt, thtltl took Ii IItMmer Unprecedented for II d.,hghL(ul dltY on tht) Rhinll, Whe"t Vleld. WIl "KW fl UttllUtlltr \lUOU band of t,he rlv.,r. U"1II1' Iv "Fltlr ' BibKI1U " 10 the F"rlll .. r~ 1111 Vt' t1\'llry rRlI~n til 1I\'l'lIll1/1 SIIIII! UUVt'r fvrget the ' ...·I .. Ilt'IIllrll\t'·lt IIV", til .. yt,,'" Ilf IIIIIJf,·,. .. 1 ," .. ' !,CutlclI tllere-tbe Ill,)!! 'h" lr wIW"I cr .. " Ihi" y","r. quito bUill'. 'rh ... tr .. w I~ .. horl IInet th!l 1,.".11< Th,> ",,)(t. cn nntry we vh~ It ...1 Will' "'wi z rl""rl WI'! !Ops nt It (]II,1' lit ·r,j". II,..n ollme to loltlrlJ,kpn. "lit' "r II,,, 111 8t IJlllllllirul "J!fItH or tht.. 1lI, ,-1 h" ,"ltlful Cltuutry. W I'! wt'r .. 1"'1'" I1lIont, Ii w"pk, cllrllhlnll' mnnn . , inll. 1,, ·I ·ln Ihl'!o\rl WR,I',Jllpi!'l,I ,.('\I, l1alltal~, KJ4.eys Make lmPIII'C' "lilt I'f ,i.lIlIll tiP; nil. 011 wh~ t I " It u.ft1 LO be l'olU,jricred thut on I~' IlriDan' alld hlalMer lrouhl~ . .... "re to he ' " \Vn KV Ih,· rlll'k Hnrl pilli',n ...11 1 , . Lra '~tllo tbe Idllne~' 8, "'\'1.1 \\"11 ' 11' OIn "n" mOl1l1tllin III hilt · no\\' mOliern ," , 11>" 1I1" n "f F'iJ,thl, t.hon" ,, 1I0I ( .... I.. I sci~lI ce l)ro \'C:~ Lhut I 1 ~:II""" lIe"rh' all dillC"se~ "'P ~·OI . ·, with l'ij!ht · !lnll\\' I"''I",I'( hk,·"· tl,,,ir I~)(;tlllill!t nt ' ''I',! ill!! In (111\ · \·i~\V . nllll \V,,, 1~1I1...ra.n ill lite lli Mor,ler of . If' Ih I : !cO' • II ', !: rnll I Willi pjlrllllll',1 lhcKe 1U1I.t importallt or;:"U b. " .. II ' [I"vl' r " "V . IInrl It ",".1" 1111
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Bnntlllt{, all o f whloh ufforltl kll l l" \\" I",,", I' ''' ''' pllr. wilhalll" II " . ror h'" I I''''' ''''",hil I" I, new('denargy, new vigor and new Wtlro ",,,II ltll woby mllDytber' lmlllluu,' ",,, -,, . lI' ·"' 1( " I,IIIIIInl tll p .' .~ l , I. Ih""llll,lrll,"IIt· oru III,' "",. """ " oI<"" I "ItUlItytbrOUghtheuseofaremed ~ . ,I I I (' N" k II", II l el " ' 3.1' g (' III'I':lI..: ;Uhl l ll h " r .. nl .·r.... IH,lnl d • I t1 . wure Ibe .. Ilrro wtl t,ba t htl\'e COIlI U I ~ (l tllII .. r "11'" ~l' lI llll III l HI\' , " ' . " T IPII" no i n b i>l h nl'UlA\\' h tlrll lw "O\tllle lll 'c,.. .. rilHI' .... 1 ,.O\ ," .. I., III,.r.t'I,l , Ibllt OesllOt 'us t "1 . 10 1...1 ~ hl\ll It Into my life . But tbere blll' e bee n fUllrll 'I' 1i du n ' . ttl a l IIH' tiVtJ ,11I 1's - I 11 1 11 I d I,·t 1""111 . """" .uu alll i ~ "1011,,. 110 I"" " ' . ,,01 , I.. , '. " ,. 01 111101 I" ..a.tllllt'li . 'rlwru 1(0UIj!, ", " Id '"g ni n l1ttit II . hUL I \\'~ ... CIIIl ' 0 CII O( at U Wlll'l! . fly o r (he ,"MI,ers "recIC(\ Oil Ihl' """I·"cI,1 sl.. ",·, 1- 11 10 I'I,~ I v \' oU wllllltlVtlr 111111 WI! !IO tnlluy blllll9lngs Ilnd mllny AU 'OSl!' \ 1'1' 11 ~Ivk ,In 1I' nile rlll.'I'. ,ann it . W.IR rJ Igh I. 1II' g Ilie ''''''Itlou. "t Ih ' uPI"'. '"g a rlllll« It: k ' 'II I , I : I' It 11 .1 l!: .hlllnIlY'.. .• I ' I , ' th e \.I m or butll c lL will nl l l be Ion.: Llnt.l, ,.~ .\ 4 II . U 1 0>:1 tllll.t 1 clin MY wit,h the [)lvln l'rett~' r OlI1!! h Ih.'n . 1 !,lO l 11 1111 11 Ih t: Oltoilefl lind OhttlrS !iu iJl'lled II Il"'> will be loft 10 ,lu lhl Dubie " ' or\(. j! 1I " r " "h'I '. I ~ ".111 I1C IIlIIn), yca rs. Ii ...·~r utllll . 'ha~ "~'!-" ~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Iloet, " That the lines hove fltlltm lu Illst o f Ht'I.I, Illlll'r. lint! t.II.'\( I1p Illy , . HII ve r eCflUU y rn llv ()(l t.o r Ol)1II • tt • work \\itll n u w Vll!o r . , lIl'l1 ~ II I1PI>O rt UlitlY wllll~rc~ ('nl l ~~U ~C4.' ~ plelUlllnt pilloes. I l forll l)! t n ~lty t n rll III n v' nux l, t o (rll>'S BrOR. 'h a l ynur t'Nte l~ rca" .,·Ia tho ' Alu t, ,'Ulf, & " 1, \1 ,011' PlT tt lOli:T WAYNDlvlLL' \( . ,) . nil :'oI .",h,·III. I<. It. , 'h ' II.LlI.lle'" lIo u t ~. I.a ll W anted • Whit e Corn. 1A8t s ummer I took a trip ubroBtl 8Il1f !.II/if, I IIl1v t;! • liItH!!, ' ...III Ill e RI. ch . 'our II ... rC~ L r~lIro'll agelll fnr "n,1 nnde r t~e m08t ravo rttble circ uUl ll1 0nd ~t'h,,,.b I'nr >,I xl j>,m ",,"r>l /till ,\lh'crI IMIIIlllllullcr I,cnalnln ¥ \.(, thr reu .. lun k t . ' I r IItttnces thllt co' uld ~""ibly COUl l! to tb ttal· I~ I ,' ''1 prill t ,,!),,, "I' ;'"t IIf Ih u ' Ilr wrlle rll'''rCR' ""tre"cII "ltll'C 011 II, ,, I,UIII.· I Hii!!" ,.. 1 111 111' ' ,. prll1t' Il/II or .-scbool " ' \l ldi"!!,,. I 'l'..WI' lIt,y Xiuu' Buttle . \'Ille It NI\ ~ h"lIh U. II ' Wh i t,. (' .... " . IlnY ':lDe: My brothor WillinlU ( who 'l'hlll.l:< 1111 1 n VHr .v "Ilur l If;l : .. [ W" >' II 10 ar in tI twe llty Yl'lI r ,I. H , MII. WKKN . ,). I'. t\ , Lou,.. III".' r,\" \"/I\lI'I""v,II.I.•1I: Miu..8. batl tllken thl8 trip tw lco befu re) but It ~1\'t'1:I lII e r l' ly fin o ulline Ol l lNl t lle with ohr'Joic pil e lIud mnUg. I 1'. O. [lU" " . I) . I'. A. l·l nclllnll~1. Ohl". and I 8et 8&il from New YQrk hzir ~ rn y trt" . nno t sor es. un til ] triud Buckl I) 'S ' J . ";, IJA\1r.NP li T. U P . A . SL. Lnul ~. Mu. _______ bor lind In five days Ilnd 1\ hu:1f we Y Ullrll t r u l y , ' Arnloo Blll vo; whi oh tllro <1 Ml e · II . nAII.KY. N . w. 1'. /I . ('hl.ago. III On/ltM .. :-1,,111 III! WllllIIl not 1.•lve Illnded at PlYlllou t,h. Englllud . , MINHIF. Et RAI.," . litle, by ourlng bol·h . till flOt a tru ce C [ !:;TONE. Uon'l PIIIl!! . AgPIlt, Ri c hm onrl . 1n,1I8 u,,, r e m llin!!. " writes A . At. Bruoo • . of . t. Pl'tt' r Fr y, WI)Ollrnft', l>fI , wrllflll: I One who bUll never hlld 'the expe, FarmvillE'. 'L . Best fo r old TI l e ra : .. A flt'r ih,nt nr ill il r'l r Iwo ~'l\Ilr .. with rlence OliO IUlllgioe the queer 8fmsa I' . ' ut.Q Born~ uml W a nons . 25c nt th t' bPIII ph~'''loIIII\l' III WII.vnPilbnrl!:. ured or Bri g bt'" DI~eU\le . ' l II'flttlnll ' 1 t or.~ion tbat· iI. gives one to walk abou t 011 1I' 1 Y ellr!cl 0 1d , '. ' chwllrt·lI. !1ml 111,1 \\'or~p, t I10 (00 00 soil thllt belongs to IIno the r ' "1 llna only .2 y ettrll old, 6nll d o n't " Mr. ROber t O . Bark 1', Elnorll, N nrivi!lt'rl iliA It J hurt IIny IlUl\hll'lI8 to Y " wrl't;&: "Bet ore 1 a lnrlt'{1 tn Il ~p fl · t fln(\ oouutry. It'Xpeot even wh on I get t ID be r ea l . til I h ll ,l h .. t.I l1 r IIUlln l' to . It LA.NG I ~ ~il ! ~ol eY 'a Kiduey uro I hurt to llllt np tit. 0 11(11'. 1I~. 1 ('" nld not 1.0 11 Iblv IIv n , , l old to feel thaI. WRV fill Inng 111\ I CIIII ~f 1 cnnnot go IOto detllal Bbout the IElectric Bittt1l'l', " ;"Y8 Mrl! . E B. •• " , '-' . J l'J. fro Ul tWI>lve to twenty thll l'II Il nll!bt, IIllllt,h H: ""'nl~ !i~ Ih"rt. \\'''.'' lIn (lure trip, hu' after" two weeks' visit in I Branson. Ilf Duhlin, UII 8I1r" I.I' RlDlll':YILLK ORIO . and I was all bloKted u)l witb drop for mI'. FilII", I< K"lnl' ~' I IIr f! Will' I . ' i4 O HII,_.(lrp . ",, ' tll ',nrl rpu')mml'nni'd til 10.. trl(\rI(l. • sy Cornwall "nd Devon. the IBnd of I t lere ' s nothln!! !lIse k el'pos t h e o!d PK IALTl ES : ~"SfIJ ' SKI! OF WOMEN I " /llld Id my eyesl 1- g ht WOII 1 illlllll'flilll"h' ~pnt.hv',ilv" ,,,'n to L hi " W' d h" d ' 011 yonng IInrl IU nkes the W61l1e 11M . ' coa ~cnro y slle on .· II f OlY 'till . ' I ..11..0 Ings p.Doo"61hWIlr ' j): rlillu .1 t ' IlI A( I" I "rI tllkln d th 0,Id an tl I 8 tr'on g a s tl 118 OIllC !Cine AN D RILDRI!:N . . i1v . 110 aI's e r Oow . I. 111111 . .."i\'1\1I . III' Iho> tI " t "rp h ! IIfor I'It· "lit tIIf. . h itAg 'rno ne an e 0 cas e Dyspepslli. tnrlJitl ILve r , ioflllll1meu h o pe ving, when Ii fril'1II1 nn"1lI Ir"C' ' . tN " I!!,',n II Il l' , .... r where king Arthur ruet with the k\-'uney!!' or oIlr nn I COil Ii, IllI t lOU lire mend Foley's KiAne". urI'! Ollf' tI .. rI n" 11111111 t, ..hllprtlVA 1111111 I Ii I 1'11 I'll knlllhtaor the Round 1'able . After unknown ,tf .... r · tultiog EII.·ctrl o Bi t flATRAW AY l aO c nt bottle worked w"n(\pr... . lInrl WII~ lU, r .. ~· '" . '.. , I bAfore 1 bad I ... k e n I,be Illftrl bOllh' "''''=~'''''''!!!!!!'!!!!!!l'!!!!!!l!l!!!'!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!'"' OORchlng up and down hill from S68 t rs Ii r elll'oll" b le time. GUtlncnl eerl b v F. O. t;ohwllrt ll drugg i ~t , Price Wayn e~~ilI e 'p Lending DflUti Ht j tbe dro,J>!lY bltd g onp, II .. 'U' "II level to an elevation of eight hun, (jOe , n , n Ii . ' , IIi! I !: al b p\; 8ymptoD!t of Bri gh I t' lli~fl~l''', dred feet, sometiwes through woor" f) ,u 11~ . ' • . ~)a 0 • rt .. ~ Sold by F , C. ChW""I :'. f land covered with pnrple h6llther Q I\nd yellow' gorse i 80 metiules thro' .
~:;l t ~::I:
'''''""''''''' ''''''1
Mrs. Madden. of Xenia, aud Mrs. Wolper&, of Jameelo.wD. bave fur , Dlehed oDe ot the bM~ roomtl In lhe Frlende Bome to &be memory of lbt!t~ patentl', Nixon and Hannah Brown, who , were mtlmben of MI· ami 1I000thJ, MeetluB tor mllny <,~~, nd atCended tttl monthly, liil.rter1y and yearly mtle\iop as fraqueoMya. age and dltltailoe wonld permlS. 1'bey had lived happily together for more 'baa tlfty ,earl! and wera ..panted by death but. few daye, Oaele NhtCln preoedlng ~ilt devoted wife 'heir final relit bu' • IIhor~ vlllIiK68 'batohed roofedbedges cot. 1)l1r ~ly hIdden with grellt of time, no& quite three years .go. blooming lusol1l8, we ieft thelle rug· •
nu ~ t' IHClllhl.,"r It: " lI1IL -'0"111 "~" d' tll\.- of t hl! OII1.ny Waynesville peopltl I", 1I" lhlr,1 ,tllllt"I I " 'I ..d ll' h,' \ 1I0;,"1\1,· ,,' IDdi whogStiti onv ou llHlIl1'erotl for byelirll Wlth Ilro "10 .... .,11 , hrllL \. Hno eoD curetl ' "' \'''''·III"ru''I'·c ,·"" . " lllI ' '''I\"., . .. r 'h ,· \brougbn@l ugPol'lIlkollllllblot!! Wtl ,I;.:: l!'.:!\:!,t, :1 W\lrit huliovo every \vord i8 true. No [''''N II I IIr.."" .1 (·h"t~."\Il .. ".. I ,.e, """,,, .. tb e r I'e w edy so quickly reliey'es willi". h"I,1 " I Ch It·.,III'''''' '" ,. 1.. ,,,, ,. , It • I lInd oUl'es 8a\u stomaob. hSllrtburn , ;:'· I,."mll",· 1 Iii "".1 ~" . """ ",, ' I'"''''' '' ' '." \' onted tongue, llerVOUSne88, Insow. ,1I'!II , lou,,;ulJt.hul\l\\tllt wllw hll ... ,· .. 1 .1 1111 . b ' I' "I lir I8 In g fronl 11It1"l l 110111 l' ua lh~rt n)t I'\~'" h t' ld I II I I t I lntl, d e ltty, trouv e • ,."",h. ') ,, '<h .. nlh"< d ., ' " , h. ' r"I1' .""_ I:our di~o!!t.lon . J . E . •fllnney oon. 1I'UII'tta·arll,Io" ''''',·<I,·,· , I.I ". ""ul "· .II " l linuetosel1Peplll kol,, tablets w~th tlu· I. 1I01l'11'1' 1" '''n~)'1 ,..1111., " III" ,III.·,,,.,, ,, ,I, u UIlde rlltllntllnl! tbl\t you can I [lIII:&n .,. 11 11 '1<.1. , 11 " ,·"",1 ', t ba Jel :\' d)t·n~ka . :'Ilf:..,,"Hlrt I\tll1 .... l " ,UIII h"III '1I l.,\ 1,IlV U yo ur .,.u con 8 0 D cue you wll l .,,,,',,,\'I .. '''''''.'' ,,,ri ll. Il,~' ",," o." llIe i u t h u lullllt dISlI.l'llOlnteci. lnthe lI,,,,' Sill,·,· 1I, (), "'M\'I,e.l C... III i: , I,I""" . I, oe of the!:!a faots nobody shoultl ~Iul ,,".I 'ld,I,. fon ' Iltn'" ~I!,, " .,... Itt' si-.. te "n Instunt to . "vall them1I,·r", . ,,,, o ,,( Lh'·~'· '· U" <'I'I,"r' u ul . I,·,< ,,,,. I . ... ftleo portunlty to--re"'alD • III' ,·,h ... Iio ll ( If 'h,' )'1'"lh ,,,I,, , I til ." ,. k,' " ves °di I -tiP f t h • ltb'"
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C"hkuul1U!t l ri
0 ranc 0 ICe, arvevs urg, .
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Local No, 7 9 Lon Ol'stance No, 6 -.3r WAYNESVIL E 01 10
" '~li l
ye_r ,t 'lin. ":0,,1 III ""hall.., IN ALl.EN BUILJ.>ING.
FUN ERA L 01 RECTO R, TelephOne Day N!ght,
I w"1 <"·III. . • blu iltt- \\' I' ,.., 1\1, ,1( ... \'. 1) " ." 1 "" II~:s i •.~ :- 1 ~ ~.lI l f1r~ nnt' ~ lIa utl r" ' IV,.., I .1" '" ' ,,' IIII" ~ 'httl I
t iH (lW:"4 . ,\ Yr."'h' .
I h,· " I ,. Ii ",,,,,, " h,·I·,· w, ' I MIIIII' 1W"r, 110 I" ~ " II ... "I" " "", I h" l \\" "tid rIo n lll brl J' " , 11,,'1'" ·1' b",.II·''' ,,, r. " P"III ' Of' h lll'H I,ll' ' (l"~,, I" ",,·' . 11I 1II',·,j II ,Ill ,,. II I Nllpl.,~. t.:"'1. u .1. un · oltl \\', t\' lltit' \illt·I , hut 1 Hl u t \\1 ' h.,l1\ ,,' / .,. 01 V\"'~n\' i US \' IIII ' rr \\ ,1111',. ttX PI' " "" ... '!'.'" h"tet, \l~lIos fur H ~ 111 1111 1 1. J I1 .. ... to- tl r 1. , Vn h ll"f"oIHH! ~ Ih .• ,,11t·,,·:<;; ut 11t11"l:i<'Ul I' '''"1\ 1110: ,, '111 , hi••·" 1-"10 1 " .11 Ille "r il l" .. I. · L 11 1{''lIUlu n . '' B h ff' . H 'b ' !'lIlo1 ,. II , II.. ,1" ,\ 11 11 . , •• 1.... ' .11 :'I I . III'\,) IIJ ,·'·. Will BIt.vKnl Hul u, il 1\' ''" li d ,·:t I'I\' . 111,,1 ""Il ltl " .. " . , " , ' \I'll' " I "pi! .. r III \V" .v uIIsvilh· t,w I" I ' fl,' " '" I,·~ " 1\1\\ I !o,,, k I I I I t I It~ r.· ( ~ 011- 1\) 11 I III" rtj~,I I t1 11.'t rat .f, ·I t, I "t" r H " " 1 11111~ ,'": ,"' 11'1' \ \ IIt'il II I I. Ih",,'I1I11'l li llie 1 Willi . H e lSp.lllto r su t' d"',I I ,'" \\" "") 11""" 11 ,," ,, ., It. • ·1 1' "lcl,,: 1.t" I ~ '\r . I'hihlCI . II.h lll, p" I ~ L' ' ' ~ I, Ie , 10 ', III ·" ,." , ... ,," ...;.. , ' " ~~, .J ~•. I" , ~, 'I.'" L' II wuu ld I.!u 1111 1>0 "ibl to I 11 nil CO,..I ,·". ,",,,"" 11'., ,".d 110.· 11.,1 ..,.",,· ...'l ..1'.,.. , £J III,, ' 1, .. ~ l'II 1Il1'I t~, II, !lllri ng lIil'll, I"I.! ""(] 1111"""." II" , " Irllil" "I .. I I I b: l ilU 1 III11' tl lJt"m tI"'I1Y ( r ulll \Vu,V' (~,1)J· "lr"l· 'I' . I"'" '" " ' "' • HI I'!I A:-Ill IH;.\I .I·: U Ii\' "vil l.. . htli llst\\lf Illy llellr plI' , lI~h t"ri "" H , h "II ... · ,'hlll ,."ck l j~'UI)Nlrl'URE re lll .. IIlIll IIf m ,I' \:l~tetl l1le,1 tlUllt, ' o f (l l hr .. I I II " I", < "" . \"' 11 1" "lit 1" Ip~ \. '
REUNIONS ANDII IIj . ')'rll~b Bt.rIiUlc\ertbllul}t'lotlon. , , tltli'ellll!nbi Vouobed fORrY-ThiRD AhNlytR ~A HY t or Ilrllrl~lng by .I . E .""lney . BATTLE GHlf'u KA 1't;;,.1 A~"(A All O rU A who know ,I . K ,1"nney II r ll oonOd llll t t,hut b e would w 'l lka Ch S t b 18 2r 'Db no ue but Atrlli g ht, forwllrd, hOb(ls t attanooga. ep err. er . . I s r.nte lllenIH. u"d whon they ttlll you
I ' j
KidleJI Are
'J OYer-Work. .1004.
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. 'fh" id,ine" 8 filter it. 1111 Almi!:hlv hlln(1 1lIl,IJ>urifytltchll)QdI'llt. 11.1 IIrt.. trfllllpIIII"II' _ that is tbeir "or\;. nl"refore , whellyullrlddne~·s 'lrc ...ea\:. It It,.. ur Ollt of Imler. yUIl ca ll 1l." II~rslullu ho w \YI' ·:' l't, ·· I,,"lh t .. !c'II\'P loiO llpllnti · qllicl:h' yuurelltire hUll>- I S I&fleeted and bow eye", orgnll scelU~" to fuil to do its (" !,, ~llnt , 10111 Wf\ 1""1111' 10tllA PPII OP.
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KiIUier', SWI&IIIp-Rllut. Uccl&use ~s IIOOn '": 11nl . 11 ., Mlln.'" Intflr" .. I.mll' )'our . "idue~'. arc well th ey Will 11I;lp ,It '" .., ",, ;•.,. I ~ I 1,p' •... "n thl'r~. II" ii, 111lthcothl:r. o"~utlS to bcu1111. :\ trial t " SIll'Rt } V ... illcou\,itlcellll yullc. .' . . " I 'h .. n ·I,.·,. ~\\' ill" to\\,I\ '·. 10 '1 1 w. . )OyR ~e ~, . If you nrc :ih:l; you CUlt ulake l!() IIlIS" ",' " . , 1t!i '~ 1 d t It l!fl nn . ~ tllke b,' first ,Iul"ll-'ritl~ \'our ""Iueys. II"" ' I' '' ~' I",iilt \\"lllI Itnl.- . IO n .] II' • Tltrtllii,lnwllbe cx!r:l<>TIfillllry ctTcct uf , IH'I(~(' In ', eay('~ 110 Hl'g;umclI ,. Ie 1'1111 1 .WI , W lJr .. Kihucr·s S.,....,p-~OOI. l.h " I(reul I!pt I .. :'.tl,V frolll "'wiI~f'tlllllll ;"" ki,luey n:IIIl.. iy, is ~UUII rellh't,c.1. It ;' .,,., I.. t .. l.o " Ih.- ~imI111ln ' ,,"~. Il l'. II f' ~lllll(b Ule h i~h '-1 fur ILg \\'on,ler(ul cllretls "'t. nnllllir I . ",p tn"" flip IU\lI" . ()f tile l1l0S1 tii,:,ll't:t\:,ing CUSc.ti. anti IS sol I""" •. . "II its. IIIt:ril ~ It y ull . II I,. 11 r ,; ' rnlll] tlltlnelln!l t,hrnnlrh d.rUIC~rl$llI\11 ftCl y-Ct;lIt . till' II"I' II"~ A IpI! It h"" I'h!ht,~ anti olll:..(1ulI"r SI . . boltles. Yuu may 11\ ·,,,, ·1-, .. ne IIf whloh III I .." mill" bave" 111111\,1.: hoUle n_or.",!,~JlOOl. I,,"L' .•" ,.] 1" \cPII fl Hp"n mlnntp. I.Il !"r by m::li1 fret!. Itlf";''' l'lllll\'hid t"lhnl{ y"n tl h I' It tunnn!.. nl' thp how to fiu,1 0\11 If ~' ou 111\'e l",flley or tronlt . . hlalliler lrouhle . Me'llillll thi. paper . '\'"l\lIltlin II nIl tll .. n Ilown on t.Ilf WMO writinKtu Ur. Kilmer & ell.: lIing- ' 'trIILI" vi.'" It. cert'Rlnl'l' Will "'lIIton, N. \' . . I)O)I't n,uke nllv 'lII~tllk c , ' ~enia, Ohio. but ftUlenl~r the IIIIIIIt:. Swj"Ilp-Root, IItrRnlll'h' Intereltting. Our ftrlll ~ ~ Dr. K.ia-·,8_wp-kuot, ""U the point ill Italy WIUI the" ltalian 1ak.. ~ ....... . ......... . , ~B1D&baDJloD,N. y"Ullt:vcrybolUe. ~. .AIt.....~~..,.. . . . . .~~~~........,....~~. . . . . ." .....,.,....................~ " ' 9 ' 9 as
In I
'I,:upe pan .s
tl t I"
we lave u 1urge l'lIle ·ar-ll1. e cry SUI·t .mar k d . d ownt 0 t If tl booY. (( 1) n't "nn".e d a ·t now ) e '11 hen
aller, Haines, '33 East Main Street,
County Courts.
H. M. \)o' k
I', hl'i tl !,\.)
r npllirs
I 1"ILu'r l1" k '1')\\' 11 1:1 "1 Il ...... .1. :l"IIIIl'fl.I' II', hnd l-{lJ re
.NI'!W \:I.VITa. V. Rioha.rd 8 U1111111 11 VK N,muie Buff· I1IIIrl< I)" ,·rli. 1,1 1,II WIIIl " i " J5 00 Mil ny eulierR of t.I.lO Uu~ ntu reo mllu. Dlvoroe. Exlreme oruelty. F . D. Mlll o> r,"'llIldl{ I' H IJIlirs Purties were lUorrled In 10'1'11 11 k 1111 I" 'W I\~ hi p ........ . 11 ~O mp Illh ' r Mi R MlriHlIl Uu d wnlhltlaf i' 10 o f lI~orrow, w h o frequontly visit r I ounty in August, 1 08. Joseph W . S. E . l~rl1 .. I.\', ·I I1 U1 !). r ...... ... .. O'Neull is attorney for I)ll.lhitilf . - I::) • .I!: Grtld .\·. h l' II II1Jr .... ...... .. . btl aO h oI' nUllt.. Mrs , Agues Wrlgbt be · fore bOI' Ullirriuge to Prof. E. M. IJOUK'l' PR(}OlilltIJUfU\:I. Knth 11' 1II tJ N Uldltl l , wlI Mh ill!> Crull;, who hil S boeu II touoher in ~I\lindll. Pnlien, on behalf or the . t '~uJ I <J I' UOll r t Hou.;e.. \l (l:t tilt" Glioton oo unty Ileilool!! Am} 11180 vIII"Oe of Le"~ Obi ' J h 0. K .• t'J llh ~ n M lJII. lumbur .. ... II S:S A" uanon, 0, VI:! • 0 n. (; . I!; I::!mith e t Ill. to lLIe lHl . \Jul,nwl' WII O! 111111\ Wit It gil D. ~nlllllh!'r of th o Ulint.o n coun ty B u .... "t.L fu r 1M itff' h I rt1 t vitriliall School xlIlIlillOr !l fol' ",o verlll yI~ u r . III""L I .. 1"" 11"" ,,'/1 111",1 MoL II/ n I ",. II 1"111 II "I'll r .\ ' IlIj 111101,\"" lIvtl r s" w" ,· I1 0 U r r usi,lenoo o f ' lIlll Pug1l H o hll l'O recently gradu ated frolll ru(,'" \ " 1''' II I" ,ti" 'lli""e,l. l.he : O WIIYlle t.oW IJ!!hi p Il stimnt~ of t he Miumi Medlcul c liege in in . ciuuuti. where he hilS been oh oson tJ\:d 11\,1if , ,, PII .V I It" OOMt,,, A 1I111l1l1 "'~O. 41. . li S OeUl On!!tmtor of Anutomy. The lJ'm t rlll lt; Wll ~ ulltorurl intu wi til hOl1l1 flx .. ,1 II I '100. PJuiulhl' ex. GlIu tu!! B.epuulio/lu s uytl t l\ut VI" Ol1pt," lind ~ i vl1M o o t,iol' o f ilpJ)eu l t.o 'l'h OH . Gougblin f or r e ll!l.l l' 01 britlgtl G mig will be uSRociitteu ~ ith hi!! ir(J IIIL l :'"II't .. f W"..,.I II Counl,y . 011 Wilmiul:tol\ pike ullci w h e r o ,H. brot h er in luw', Dr. (;IHlwll.l1uder, at r l,lotetl in '!'urtleoroo k tow llRhip. I'llill\,\1'\1: fl, 111' N orwooll for the llrnotice of his )11'0. ::;"111 \) . iionkle, W'11O wnH IlppO\ll t . E!lt'lItf' nl' Hunry Fltlnnflgflll, Il( 611 Uo nnt,y Surv uyor, llresou tllti lJ i:! fession . OOIlRotJ Orflllr fnr Miss Jess ie Ciurke e njoyed a visit privllt.o !l,do of ! b u ml in the p oulIl 811Ul of *2000, H . cb/ttlels i"l'Iupd '1W. H euklo unll R. M. Duke being for IL week or 11\0re. from her frlond Miss Knte !:imitb, of Clnoiu'. E~trlte of IlAnrv .FlflnnAg n,n. de suretioy . Ollftsoo . InvAlltory Itllli apprniRe· T41l oommiRsionel'!I dotermine tu x nati. yteut fil et!, 10 the following IIlIIountll for the Mr. lind MrR . M White, who bnd been v l ~itl n g t,ltei r r e luti ve!l A . E .. lale tlf ,fa III 811 Alle n, deceasllIl various fUDIIl!. mills O. W)Jite uml f'lfIlil y III O wenRbo ro. InvAut,nr.v 111111 HJlprnlMllmllnl fli ed Ouunt,y ............ ......... 224001. ·10 K e n t uoky, fo r tw u w ek tl t.n(1 m or e 111 rn (rIll MHV HlilIllltltll J'}11I1nl) El ao Ex .. ................... .. 1(;00- .HI retnru cl h ome WedueKuJlY o f Ilisl tio , Cllulie qnntinlled Ju(liool .. .................. .... 31:100- ,. :10 week UDd w e r e ueoompHnied by Mr , ]n rA lluRrdifluMhip of Ol~Yid B, Bridge ..................... ... 240001 /.0 White's brot,h r MtUlte r De wey Ore Au , hlnlltio. I1llftrlll'lllylJip tel' Bridge ISveollll ...... .. ...... llllOO.GO White who wi ll r e mlliu fo r II visit minllf{'fl. ~oldi ors Re He f.. ........... .1BOO. 10 with hili former frieudfl . In re Ii rnnk S. Ros!', nn HlIeged in· tSiIlIdllg ........ : ... ......... 12 000 1I1r8. Ed Ullul1lller ncco mpnni ed Mno p" rflon A,lmil,ted t,l Htllte Bo~ O. A. anu U. H .... .. .. .. ..... OUO,2[, h er llaugh te ill Mrll . Louis llitlll luI' hlMllfJe tit Dtl.yton .' Poor Dud 8Ilul1 .. :... .... .. 'i'lIlO- .4 UO C hlll!dl e r, 1111(1 l/ll by utl.ughtor 10 .25 Cincluullti 'ufuruay wher e s he will III e~tlltll of Jamlll' Allen, deOf'aBed BllIlding ............... .....: ..4000iI~ud n week visiting h er s isters, Oreler for pri vnte Blllo of perllonltl Tlttal..... .... .... ... .. . .. ... ...... 5.'j'fi[j Mry . Llutl. Vorhis and MISS Rucbei prnlJflrtcy iflllned. F . J:l Talbott, ropresenting the P etit: 'I'hey wer e j oined in Cin ' ElItll.te of Mllrt ha Rook hill , dA. Inte l'urbun H.u\JwIlY nnd 'I'er.m tnd cinnntl Suturlluy ' by Mr . Loui!! C""!led. 10 ventory ~ncl npprhlHe 00., It))pellrcd before tho BOllrd ond mulle Il proJ)osition to build It bri!lRe Chandler tlUd h e' IInu bll:! tu IlIlIy IIIAnt fliNl. ucro!>.'! the Liltle Mituni Rivor nt.' r eturne(l to their h ome in lndh ~uu p o ·E.ltlit6 of Henrge W . Dnnnega.n . Stubl.lI.oWlI. ~ Ilid bridge to be o f \is Bundny. , (11'Oe1ll'II'1. IllvAntnry on,c1 nPI>rnifie 8nQh CI'llII Oi t .v 11M to cost the oounty Mr. aud Mrll. Rober·t Grillitb "hel n ot t o exe .ed ,000. III Ant· filtl(l. little daughte l' Ii:Lllel .'Illlll, I/f 'hI ~"'at~ of ONIllr W . Ref'd, IlrOMI!. Ctlgo, unu Mis tiurnh E. .' O l\ u.~, of I'd (nYfmtor:v Ilnll fll'prlli" llm out Xeniu, enjoyed 0 w tltl k 'l< VIlCIl tiu u 0 11 ,..Il IRrl Bree'''Y B ill Jj'urw the gueiits of F , l'1~h"'" ..r Foril"". ('. MUllnOIl. rui , p , .1 0 IlIlI:! lIud ftullily . nor. ~· l tI.. t I!ml fl, .nltlcctlnnl f," KAt \Yo regre t t", !IllY thll t ~II' ~ , .1"
II .. mAII"
How Is Your Heart?
M ,R IC U flo: I .IO!':N!<IC"
A",," rH Kruh',k"r, bltlll
'"111 C'11IIrl ·tt " .1 . fir Frllnklin . • Rnv.
'''Oiler Chllrl".. S. Url;~ .. t. L~ h8non, /Iud IJllillY P . UI_.. It'j!. b"III tlf ,L6hftnon .
Wtlh,tl1l Il 8t.ewtlrt I;nel D. lune S,Ulrll"". hoth of l'h'ulIRni Pintn: • Loahl P : DiebH lei. eJt:vl'lnuel, . lind In6~ A . a.wdle , i:Iouth Leballon. Rev. Brown
I s your pulse weak, too slow, too fast . or does it sk ip 1\ beal? Do you have I!hortne. s of breath,' weak or hungry 6pellsj fain ~ ing, smothering or choking spells, palpitation, flut t ering, P'lin,s around the heart, In aiue and shoulder; or hurt when lying on left side? If you have any of these symptoms your heart is weak cir diseased, and , cannot get better without assistance. Dr. .Miles' Heart ' Cure strengthens weak hearts, and rarely ever fails to cure heart disease. Try it, and see how quickly you will find relief.
.4l'flh ( 1IIIr,,1I lie I:lhn" '~- N I Hlrg, I'IItJlIlI.\· fUllilig i n II ,,,, Ie II
. STOMAC'H .ACHE DAYTON,. .LtDANc~i AND ~IN~INNATI, Vou have llIo re
or 10511
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Ihey nrc tho w orst t hings
I n the wo rld to you. II YOli loo k tho ri ght kind o [ ca re ,ofth ern, you wo uldn't .u lfer , IHll YOII don ·t. The o n ly wUYl'olU cnn correct th e t rou ble YOII d o h a ve nlld prc \·tnt II ,cso pnrt9 from g e tt ing out n,r orde r is 10 usc '
Dr. Caldwell's
11t' III11lotl ('a d
" 'IItt' rnlll'
M :tl Ulr
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\ · ... U"lUJe Ii l LClIl Le," Ilud u. L,.J ll nt l
Your e ostnl cnrtl r~Ques t wlJ1 brim: b, retum m nll our n ' w bookie •. " DR , CA LIIIVELI.: S BOOK OF WO:olII E R:-;" ano l frue .ample 10
t hose who h:lve ntt \',' r trfc:tJ Ihi a w oudertul
remedy. lIol l ~'o ur l1 o~t:d lodtly,
PEPSIN SYRUP CO. lIontloel\o, IlIlnole ,' ilI a b)' ,J . E . .1 AN
EY .
Have lrou the Bight Time?
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Omaha, Denver.
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Sy'r up PepSin I Is h ighly increased .. DlL t:ALDIV1!:LL ' S SYRUP P EPSIN Is t he bC$t t h iog in tbe wo rl d fo r cor. recting Ilnd curing ail Corms o f stomacb t rou b l e-you'll fiBy so whcll you try it. DR. CALDWELL ' S S \: RVP PEPSIN can be obtained in bOUI d eJllur and hall. d o llar sires at nil dnJ ggi~s , nud your mo ney w ill bu refulldcd If it fails to b enefit you.
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Evcr}'bodyJcno'\'s llJa t PE P S IN isgood "r Ihestom ach, bu tin com b inatio n with llertni n plant drugs by DR . CALD. WELL'S formula , its oatu m l \llIl ue
c :l.."i l y· t! isonler tl or· gn ll. do get ali t o[ ol'de r,
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A 'l'rllg io Fin i ~ h , A wntc hlTlIln'!! Deg loct permitted ',, "J n II'Rk in th lljtr ellt North!:!ou dyke, '·,·"" IM " \l i ·1111 · :tUij~lI l l1 l \VhiC'h'l (\hilll ' lI finger r.oll id have " It!!), ,, ,,,· 1 .'1 I ' U I 1: 1 l:t I I _'I I ' t"JlI I(~ II . 1·0 h l'col11l1 II rlltU l) lIS breale, 1)1(101, ,,. ~' l 1\ I ~, :t 1'1 III '-! I (l e vtlH lnti ng lin e ntir e province of LeI.",,1 ~H .::' : 11 ': ·1 l:t .!~ ; ,i :ttl : B.) I\III1II . In Ii k o lIlunn e r Kenneth 1.,,11:, " ,, " Arr"'" ~.i II an :1 all Ii , ~ lII cI vor of \ IIl1cclJor o, Me, permit · " "lIy ':<I'~flt SII,,, I,IY , ~ SLII I) " " "I~ " " I ) t od !' IIttiA nnltl t o 1;1) unuotioed un · . " :<II .IV TICA ' ' ' '. " t il II IrII l,;i c f\ llls h Wll!! only avertetl i by Dr . KIU~'8 New Discovery. Ho 'I'rulll~ paM l. )' lI c a . r"lIow" : , wri tPH: "1'hrell dootol'lI gave me up Nur ll, l>ouII') ; .;11;" II.. ~,-l i ". '" I t o dio of InnK illftulIIlIlution, oaull8d S"ul bl"Hllloi 11 lil a . III .. 011(1. ' " ., h .V II n ogl ootP(1 c ,JId : hut Dr. King's 11' . E . M I HI,:. N w Di Rcove ry I<lI ymllUY life . Uoar · , ic n r ,,' J ' n""',u: r ,' ,l it ·n t . I. c lta ll.1I1 . 0 . nnl.eed h s t onn g h IIl1 el oold onre, lit .............."""'....-"""''''''''.........!!!'.!!!~~~~!!!..111_ ~ F . . Sc hwnrt",'s dru g store. 600 li nd ~l.OO ' riul b n t.tle free. 'hI) Tri oll Fi v Doo to rs Mrs F r llnccs L. ' u le!!, of MillRollri Yllll c.Y . Iu , writ R " ] hn vll hoe n 1t f1li ctcd wl lh kidney tro nble fiv e LUKENS, j II r!1 : hlld . e v re Jlu ins in IIl .V b nck Ilull II fr efj ullllt. d osi r o t o urll1'l te . l' nYSI IAN ANII au RCUCON. W\t pn r idin g I ex porlon reil mn.cll (IOII'II'IO\!l IN AMA N BLOCK pu ln o y r t.Jw r t'~il\ 11 of t.hll kidneys . I t riod fiv e Jlh y~ ioi[\I1" withnul \ mrlfl ~_"!_..._ """,...'!!~.!!!'.!!!...........~""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!,! fl t." u d Ili on ('oll l"in(\ pLi to t.r , F'o!t·y ·!l 'I'h o Ol'igiUltl. Kul l10Y ( 1\11'0 . A fl.',· tllk lll l-( t hl'lIe IIH uo i,ott\ /) 1- Wl1to1 0, 11\1 pl ot l.v Clll' · , ~'Cll ey •• Uo, Olucn.go, originatetl 1:'.t1 . ' H ll oo., (W(\ ' l'.~r IlS II throat lind lung Hnld by F . C. Sob wnrt?l r elulJlly, lid .111 Ilcco~lDt of the gre~t m e ri t IIml pn)ll1ll1flty of Foley 8 B OD Y nnd 'J'llr many imttl1tioll8 aro MUN Ii:Y TO LUAN I offor e d for the genuine. Ask fur W 0 hn ve from ~ 1000 toO ,nOD. 000 to Fo ley 'M B.Oll OY lUlU 'far lind refulo 10llu "on Rell l E~ tnto Ilnd Li fe Insn nny s ubstIt ute QIf~red as no other rllnce Policies lit t,h e lo w est o t prOpllrt4ti on will gIve the same. sat in terest.. • iafn.otion, It Is mildly laxative. It SAYlm s L II' '': A (,ENC'Y 0.. oo~tui ns no ()pilltes and i8 safOBt for <It,1t null Wlllnllt Si R . ohlldrl'Ji DIIlI delicate persons . Uiu ol un"!,i. Ohio. Bold by F. C . ~ohwn.rtll. jv 11 M nnnr
1_)' Uc ~; ': ~c \\n,,' 1
~ 1111
,L C.
ti"Ih COOk, Ih " h U" l li ng PIll ~ IIi , , " . t41~ oUIII UIl,d ., ,., '" I' " ' I' nl llllg f ur hI. IIUIUUln t.rll dtl IJY'I vi~it wit,h hi . ohildre o III · h lollg O. t; M boll a r s. ue Gohlmuw , W'lIl ill W,ly n csv llIll II (IlW h e' lud W t!De~ liuy niorul ug, h a vin g remlliued O\lfor
1; 1-' 1"1-:<'1'11 I. 11'11 11 , I ~,
I. clmnuJI .1. " I , : 1\11 , 'r HI! vln "i ::'.
' llh ,1 Annu al !'I \' a .. l wr,' 1·:~ .\I+ rot n n tn ,\ t l alllk ( :11 .\', ( ', I , H' M .I, ~'-l: It ,1" n. \\ •• I(i I IItlllv 1I.' a,' II . lit \' U II ' l l " , .... ' · I l ' ''' \ (' ; ~ • \\ U,h"" ,ll ~ .1.• Ih.· h'~hllth . I'd .. 11 1111 L) u' \tIl\ ' it\·. ,\! ,l " \\II I I~ ~ r hll Tl lIa rll .l\".
1'(;\11;: ( 'A ltI>
trou ble witll YOllr stomnch, you r bowels nut! YOllr !i \'ercveryb o dy
r-2471 %
night at tbe h OlUe uf hi s broth or in· luw. J. M. Keys. 'I'hud ZhhUlerUlan sold II. car lond of bO~1I to Israel Wright one clllY lust w e~ k, two of whioh weighed
II .
U l1l o~~ yo ur wu tah 11Il ~ been th or· ouglll)' clpulI Arl ILfltl tliled within l S mon l,lv. lt, ono't. be uh!l lutely de pon denl'l l Up ' HI . \, A nro c:ompetcmt to ol o ttll II rul re p" i r "h e 1I10!lt co m JJ II , ol!ted ' lIll)v m e nt ~ : " II our wo rk III IHCAL KIITAT.: TRAJIIIlIl'&IIIl, :12::10 pOllnd$. d ODI thoroughly IInrl nn ti lll!! Ilnll. ()!!Oltrettu RtlllUl til Mllry 0 . StoOok Dr. Mlloy, Denti t, will bl' nt HI~r . o harl!Bs will he DO 111 0 1'0 t blln yon ton; I"t in L.. b.. D"n; IllUiOO wou ld hll v<l t,o V" Y \\'111\0 Ij'lRs s kill veysburg all next week. ttuO I,'!;:' Oil n 1\ re' IIX ' r n\:u·cl . Jubn Vo~el lind wife to Lewl!! e, Miss Claru Lile, who taught in We ('(I'D n 1 si~ 7' jO\\lpIs fo r 7ri y Meier; 91. 90 uoret! !n Deerfield town "About .1anuary - let. 1902. · I took M(lio spl'i n lf~ 1 !li?:e 'j' jewel for 'j'r. ~ Room" in Waynosville scbool IUllt down with weakness and drop.y. Jlh ip : *lIaoo. !lnd gradunJly grew 1\Io,..e. 1 WAll told OIen nin g 15 s ize 17 j wel!l for:li1 00 year II.n:l hUB b een reeleot ed for by my family physlolan thR.t my CMe Mn in S llrju ,;: 1" iz(' 17 j w(1 l. for .Iobn D. Miller, executor ~nD' Eli· ",sa hOl'elcas. My neIghbors Ilnd famnext yellr, in compnuy WI t h her sis Ily hnd .. ve n me up to dI e. My . $1. 00 . . va Oretors Andel'lluu, dec8lll!ed; to limbs and body were 8wollen to 0lle· AI,nple antI FlIllCY Oroceriell, Frnits tel', Miss Ethel Lile of Xenia, will larger than normnJ 8lze, nnd I:Iopbla Va.n Veneer ;10t jn Frank· thIrd water hnd colleoted around mY h~art. tjp6nd IL part of h er IlUl\lwer . vnca CJ~uster, \roHet ttul eA fwd Cll llno,1 l1oolls. For at It",.t throe monthlJ 1 had to sIt . ~ I!n; 1310• . propped up In !fed to keep from .mothtiOD at Asheville/ North Ouroliuu, 'Waynesville, Ohio. UlgnrR IIDa '1'0 1111000 . erlng: 1 80nt for t1vo . boWel of Dr. Peter B , Dun bam ADd wife to EI. :MIles' Heart Cure, !lDd by the time J where the family sojourned f o r u ha.d takon them , !lll I WIlB entirely mer 0 . &arll ; lut in Lebllnon ; year several years 1\1;0 . cure". I feel bottor thlln J h!lve for twenty yeai'll. and J um .. ble to do M8a:y A. Warner and'liusbllDd to any Mrs. Florence Buddie, Of 1:Jru'n ob kind ot work on my farm. My Phone 79.' C.lM. BROWN, Proprietor. !lttcndlng phY810lan tpld m e thut If It s . Chulell P. WlllIOn; 115aorel! In MIlS Bill, ollme up to Wllynesv iJIe Ill st "adn't been tor Dr. MUes' Heart Cure J "'0)114 now be III my 1I'",,,,e." lIie ,t ownybtp j wee k to attend the fnn rul o f Mr. L . '1'. CURD, Wltmbre, Ky. The Cincinnati Enquirer has jusf • ~~-~ Dr, Mlle.' Cure I• • cld by .Jutlillb Rogerll, (IUd rtlUlUiU tld tbe &lIll)n 0, HUe Ilnd wife to D8vid' . your dl'\lggllt. who wIll Quarantee that a New Valuable up to date ~~~~~....~....~~_~~~~'!!!'!'!!!'!~~~~'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!'!!!'!!!!! It<<hlUce o f the w!lak visiting BDlOU l( issused Cl1rulllutll.l; l oa ltor611 In Barlan. the flr.t 1Iottl. will benellt. Ir It fall. Wall Chart of Ihrec~ Sheets.(six pages) he will refund your money, l iu f old friends . t," WlIllhlp; .271)0. each 28 inches wide, 36 inches long. Miles Medical Co., ;Elkhart. Ind The first page : shows an entirely M rt! . Mllry BeH uh, of U61lr ·w4I1rij. M"IY I!; . Cllllllt~ aDd wife to Cbus. ~oWlnK the mOllt <ompl.le line of blakrid. or,... k Illest! ng hnnee , IV hOKe h tlllll It New Map of Qhio ,i the most beautiful H, and Anulltta B> Olemtlllis: IUD '. BI()YCLJ::8, TIItES and 8VNDRUC8 at l"KI(lU BELOW Ally olher manuracturer .... n the world. ., and exa<lt ever printed. In bringing I hll" bucu Utl" IIUillt,; for ' II y e ttr ur ItOrbit In Wnyne township i t!i000 this Map up to dllte, ,all new towns DO NOT BUr A BlDrOL£ :'ro::./"~: ' 1 lIIurM . hilI< f,! II"d tlU rlllllllly uuring John tJ. WilJt!ubOl~ "1101 wlltl to are located, all EII~ctric and Traction , any ~.·.d 011""", until you have rettlved our complele ..... ct;:. Lh., IUllt, WOu lUI thllt It u uCtl we n OC(' \:I· Railroads are shown, all Rural MaiJ I lIIu"''l' lr,,1!' a nd d u"rlblnr .very kInd or h'fh.grad. and Rubert N . Wbittuurll j Jut III Eullt old patterns and Intesl mOdel' IItid Ie:am 0 our remarkable LOW bury to ram uve h e~ to the b OUla of Rou,tes, and portraits of all the and IVuad"r,!ul DeW oa" .. made poulble by ..,11101 rrom.adOry M:,rruw ; 'lIlO.UO, rider wIth no middlemen'. profiu. • her dl\nghter, Mrll. Johu Price,' lIf Governors. M' Oil APPROVAL willt.tli a UfOt dq!ot,1. Pa,. tIM ~bt and '1'liulu411 A. ~Ulout to Lorll M. HlI.r· allow 10 Day" li'.... " TrIal and make olher liberal t..rna which 110 olher o.n other pages of th,is Magnificent Xll nla. wh llro ",he will rellluia \Iud bo" st, In the worlcl will do. '\Iou ..11I I.anl everylhing and !let 1Il1iCb .al ... rillou ; qUI , OIUIIII to rl864 110' 1'8 ' jn Chart are Maps of the United States able I"fonunllou by sImply wrlllllg us a potItal. • t;d uei ve every oure Itl\d OOlllfort. H.uullwU ~uwli~lllp j IIH. We need" RI"- A..", In every to .... and C8U ofl'eI' aa opportllDlly with portraits of all the Presidents. I make mODey to s uItable young lIleD wbo epply at oace. ~r. Ohllrle~ Oouullr, wh,) hilS Map or Panama showing Cooal i . ltubtln Ii. U,\JIIUllr ,10 Wru ~. Me 'be, n couduotllr 1.111 tl. \)aytou atreut cone, with da,a relative to the great JIllfrotih ; lut III Huuullt»lltlr; ., r,o uu O 'N L Y (lilT Iill~ fo r lIevpl'lIl moutln,. ClI lI1e Ship Canal, now being built by the ~ ' Aim H.udtl tot .. I 1,0 M~t1l6 K. la les, one of tho greatest u"wn ~o W,lynt\iwllle t,be lirst of Untted O~tllglI"~U i qUII"ullllUl. III 1.IlL 11'1 '· L.v enterprises ever a ttempled. . I." t, wee k' lIuu Willi 'the 'gu~!lt of bls .NO~LSG IAflC:~ 'A topqgraphical Ma p of the Russia &Ie; It. . -I'ulll tl V"l! . Mr. U 1111 M rl< GI ""5 ,\1 Japanese \V Hr district with data and W. 1II111UI (J. Itut! l,.. or,t tI 8" rK~'t11 1 fo,. o~?N,1E ~f~ BrllwlJ, ro~urnillg It, hi" duMes in de ~ails of the Iwo great Armies and (C".H WITH .4.SS) tu Alboli'~ SLII"Y; I,ll, III L./·t.I,·; 'l the UOlll ' t:lty FrltlllY tLft u rllUlI1I Navi es, battlc fi elds, etc., including NO MORE TROUBLE FROM. PUNCTURES. Result of 15 years experience in tire Whih, here be e njllY Ad t lie U1I11 0e llt, the last Naval battle in Ihe straits 01 . making. No danger from THORNS. CAC.. HoUc!e tIM U&lekn.bber &.-d Korea. ' Gross' H"U 'l'hur>l!-1ILY lIight.. TUS. PINS. NAILS, TACKS or Gl.ASS. "A" ...4 IMiDO'..... ,,"pa "H" A map of the World, with Name. Serious Proceed' ngs I punctures, like in~ltionul knife cuts, can aatl "P," at... rI. _p MH" Edwill Furnllr4, of E'lst WI~Y1l0 of Rulers. Coats of Arms. Flags ot be vulcunized like any olher lire. to p ....... llt rim ....,u.,... Till. SOUTHERN RAILWAY tOWU,hllll blld tile millfllrtllne to' nil Nations. Steamship Rrmtes, with Two Hundred Thousand palfS now In actual Ult. :~rr~~l.vot!,:~ JollullUn .ulld WUhIOll, Iiqul,r btt'J) .. II II ulill onll dllY recently, data and latistics of "great worth. Seventy.five ThouSancl pairs .old lut ,ear. EASY .RWnro. IIllIu_" Jo~ 'J~ t'l!~urel' .. ..,$ 1.0 on Other m a p s arc. Ihe ])hifippin~ DE:.OltlnllllI. Made In all sizes. It I. \I",,'y and euy rfdlDg ~ry durebl ...... lIned IDold. wIllet UIlu!!ecl him con .. ldeTlLhle of wllh • apcclal quillty or rubber. whlt h n.ver becom•• porous.Dd w!.lc:h doaea up amaU pulletur.. , Hn~Hltl~, all 10 Cu " bhluktl IIII' flltltreHoi for a.whlle, but It< now boal · Islands. Hawaii, Alaska and , Portd wllhout Iillowing the air 10 c""ape. w. have huodred. or I.ttera from ..tJalled CUJlcm......IaHuK lhGlthe,i rtlresbaveonly ~(m putnoed upooceortwtc:etn IIwholeeeaaon. Thcywelgb DO mort'U.,,,, Rico, in all~ nine distinct niaps, 55 :-III k'rubl4~tI ,lullgtl . l .. . ; ..... .. log ulcely. '",rt. an ordinary tire. Ihe putlclure re.l5Iing 'Iwilltl... beIng IlIv.n by..,v.....1 layen of thlD, 'pe<i.ll y An ' index will loc:lte any point prcpared rabrlcon lhe lrend. That "Holdl"Jlllack" IIC!nsailOll colllmonly felt whea rldlarroaa.plulll RUlfltltll', U_llI u", hillult .... . or /loft roads '18 OYl'T"ODlC by Ihe pnlcnt " 1In.~cl Weavc" I.. .. d which pt'IO'mlta from beh'K desireCl and is so simple a child can IICJII-«I oul bet","",n Ihe tire Rnd the road Ihus """"",ming an.uclloD. The rep"r pritt of the . .. Ftret Aid to He.. ut·y. tor tlur Y'll'"r ............... .. 5' 1.0 llrres I. $8.SO per J)Illr, bUI ror .d\lcrllillDg purposes we."" maltiurr a .pedal factory IIrice 10 Ihe rider und er~land it. Th.e Chart is new, Southeast. Notblng II! more cortllin to In... ,fit or onlv $4.80 per ,polr. AU shipped same day leller" reoelved. We "'Ip c:o.D. co approvBI. correct and up io date, making it, an You d'o nol pay" cen t unlll you hav•• ""mlned nnd found them .I!'jetly .. ""Pn!Rbled. lC,ug~ Iti~,.U" I" I :,' " lllltUb 1'1Ir, \'OUI' oomplexl"lI tlm.n " 2f. (Wilt ""X .... Sotathwest. w... 111.811."'a ..... dJocouut of SJ.. ro:cni (thereby maldnr Ih. price ... 1111 ptt palrlltJtIU .... d UUrUnKr ...................... .. I iiO ot LuxlI.OlIla til hlat,. Tht'y fre~h ~ D invaluaLle educator, indes pensalJle PVJ_L CAIIU WITIl OIlDlilK an .n" l_ th" ad"m*lIIent. We will elao ..utf 0IIe Dickel for . the IT, me, School, Library, or pl nled b ...... pump a nd two SampllOn metal punctun! clo..,. On full peld o. . . . ltbae ... elal tllb IIkul, H' \Ie color ttl ·t.)11l uheekll, ...... 11II1II' lICIIIl1 011 IALa 71) OMy' ,II t-lA!uuil workll JlIIIII\1'< puncture "'OlIen 10 be uBcd In CR"" or Int"ntio08I knUe enta or h ..")' TI_1o be Mllned . at OVR ex ...,..., Ir ror any n:a.'!On Ih.y a ... not .. uaractory OD • 'lIlT AIIO 1I1t. . lUIIIIaYl 0' " ure const!IIIItton, lI.11d give yon Il College. W. are, perrtdly rell4hle alUl money!IeDl to us Ia as .re .. 10 e ~ AaI< JOU Podmutor I:SawUolI is .xltlr. · Q:.lrt! lie UCII IIOIIlII TO MANY The selling price is $2.50, yet Its cletl.r, rUIIY, healtby oolllplexion. ,J. Banker. RXpress or I'relghl Agent or Ihe Belltoe' of Ihl. paper about IlL U you order e I!8lr .. / . .111 IOU11L :in lleUer, wI loagel' elli! look vILQlt. .••••. ~ worth i ~ Ill,,, Y . l imes greater. The Ih ... 11 - . you will 8nd' tha, Ihey will ridr; euler, run full!l', _ E. Jl\nu.ey, tire you he"""".,.. uiltdortlttD at.ny pritt. We know that JOUwlll be .. _11 pInk<! Enquirer Company is giving this fin.rlhauany that wben you waDt. bicyclc you will c"e ... your ~eI'. We, WUlt JOD 10 RIl4 l1li • -.11 trial 4.WArl~ ill Awnin~ lIud 1\ltIh. a. ........... uri RaIN Addr. The Cba.rm of Ii 018l1r GoIllVlex'imi. chart Free to ilubscribers of the order et·oD.." hen.., Ih.. ..,maruble Un! offer. PAUL BIlOWN, T. P. 4. Co t awuln". r,'r l}"u ~ t remit OD~ dollar OOAsrm.BRAKES~ =~t::i~'='b=.,~~a:t~-=-..:m~ Nul.hing Jendi lJlore to persollal weekly Enquirer. '" CHAS w. ZIlU., D. p, A. HIlIItItt ................. ........ .. 8 00 by deal ..... 0 ..4 repaIr \Ucn. Write for our bI&_ClIJ1fJ)B"', ~..IOpe. ' or for • re- prk:a chaflled CiltmuuM.I. nttrautolvenl!M tblin . olear skin for a years ..AT H I. . . . but wril. WI a poaIaI today. DO MOT TRIa or BOTDfO e DO ..., - _ . IlI<!)'Clcor. pili' or ti_ frota anyoac I&DUI JOD kIIow the Dn ucl newal of old Agents caD HaewlIDhl1 al;d Nlt'kt'r IlId,," ,md freab rosy ~1D&Ileltlot;l tbat ~~ CIARIIITI', a-.t ~, WPIIdm~en .... ere IIIIIklnl. It only . . a poatal to leem rreryth.... WrIte It MOW. comell to thOlll! who OIl! La.leola reap a rich soliciting ordIIa for ttJulrUY'. r.!ilebCle ... 81 011 .W. Co \UIGIAItIONo 0. P. "'tablete. 26 ceote, a lraal'lUl~ oure IIr this Addrea, '~Ial., ,"-'a" . 1\0 haway, bridp 1'80 for IIlllowa. . aDd PQD8"pattOD. ".
T. B.
t! !J~~IR9!T~!! .' I OEN ~I!Ie~o~~ur
,,,,;'olll,,,,. ~. 80 .
Clnoinnati & LoulsviDe TO ALl I.PORTIII CITIES . South.
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r w a ... pain,
·wa,De.towuablp.. .
£. ".nDeT·
Gibe....... . . :
lUI GIOLE ODIPIII, ••pt. Uti L" •
GOTHAM. GRIST, num oro us th!lt they come tn ott the I' bbllS, 1\11 Il ' wa3 11 Sigut w r l h ... n · SOME EDUCATEU C~UNTERS lllnlu\i udJl1 lu lllg th" IlI'r n Sllot , ilL ill' l l l ll':1 t~1 S '0 I[ It b lld lI~ en 81)IU'" In N ew York ~1ty there Is one polle. IIlg llt, IIIIU II I c \'erythlng In s ight, SO . body el<ll) Ih ull pli LIIUI W.lS holillq~ thli llliS 'I'hn t HnVII Mer.1lred n l lL'gl'Ci! Ula o t? (edl 41'i9 P r~ons , OO N n Y~_ r lh Prol)l" g('t liP u ra hhlt ,elll l'l I' I ht:! SlIJg(' , nud 1111 UII' r tJ lV.t ol Intelligen ce Truly N ~\V YOI'll's \!I!ID t rlRa, wltb tbel r WRITTEN BYANOTA-BLEWOMAN r1r1V A Alld a 0111 hI Ihe n lr,ht hy till', lallt:'hh ,::; llt Ill!, flud y olllu;; t u Illw to 3.1 65 lI~res of la ntl, arll Rutllc lent ror Astonl os u.lnt:, Illlndr rI, Oil h OI':I(I\):I" II, nu slIrl'o uud sL Iljd hI !;I'ou ud" t ho bU l'la l at the clly's d ead , at tile Mr8, 8arab bo1108'8' of Denver, 00101' BeareI' or tbe Woman'S Beller COrp, tt"lttl'y rol' 1 ~ 1I mll 41ll 01' Iln , 11 1111 n ' , 1 ..1 wuug bls Ull b nn dl "Ull A y o u ll" fri end III w y Il l' llIll ll l ulI l'lI present (lcallt rn te, t or 150 yenrs. Sende Thanktl to Mra, Pinkham. ila)' 11 It.! I'l.l nloug lOW:lrdll II 01'1'11 1, 1,lI lcd :I ll Ol'ca 10 llRI mhblt, bUI lh<; r ul K ~ nll' l u unlqlO rt , Me " IIlIU II ~O lll l! InCA PteI' Mlnutt, In IG2G, bought wb rl' thot IInds o f mhbll .. aI'€) d r l'.'ell w 1'0 tho ll ~"nrl nil nrouml, u lld IlII oL Ir ll lu ~ d Vl ' u whl h Ults he ll" 'lId :0 InllhRlt lin 181Rnll trom lhe In d la 'l~ Tho followln, Ilu li n d ~lallA'JlI Cl'~d with ' 11Ih , Th ~~~III "d 10 bc wa ll IuS ULI to hi s mlddlo ll(' lb e Ill Oll l \:J elli llsn l !l Im H li t ~~,a fpr $2,\ In m l!rchnndlco: tllero ha s been letter was w r it \.e D m ell rl do cl o ~£' IIlI; 111 "1', (with dogs, III rnll lJlts , UI\d tb y would juW\) ull 1(1 11 ,1 III lilli ~ LU le , lit) !' ... Ii ~ Illel:U Ill/ n dall y aVIlI'll!le of 89 personS nrrh ': by lIfrs, K e.llogg, IIn ll 11 0 g ull I y I'lbb\J 1111 c s('np , eH'Il I' hllll, Hili! lIunt hlm with Ih ~ l r II Utl (hll'e Lb~ l1\ Lne dum" Il lilec l'1: ' Ing In tho te rritory DOl\' Im'o\\' n ns NelV of 1638 LiD (!()I D By HON, GEORGE W. PECK P II Ih nll gn l 1\ wClIIII; hI'li pi ' nlc" and hCIIUl! , lIuII ~c rlll h h i m wllLII thoh' w~ - ~II Y~' II WI' !~~ r III W~ Atldo ~l atlld !:luu- Y o rlc Ity. ve., Dcnv o. r. A :Jt'~"r l'fU Pa..2. ' S ts "s."y AbtlUd:' fh e. ' 1\0 w o W III a lo ll , bul pa wi s h>! t hat h lI ulI, lind tho dOIl~ would grnh labblt.\! ..: C}' Y:DG,I :d Ull', . If Lbe s ewers at NQw York ell y wero '(,:" Ira-'w, ,to 111 rs , Pink, I\lHI le t woll eno ug h 1L1 0 1l 1' a ll d Il~ pt nut lind 8hullll thenl, /lut! Vll would full '':hurlll~ I" , 1I0ld r , wl\u I hrollgh Il ls i1lnced ond 10 end b l a strai gh t lIue ' I,r UII' r n h bll ",n n w. 'rh os Ilil til-c a r 1I0wII Il lId l't1bbllli w o uld ru n ol' el" him r OW(' I' UYUI' ull I IH(\ ~ 0 u nltn:ll tl II... they wOllld r eac h fl'OOl her to Plllo's "'or /I ve,years IW.rr"' b. ~,J, W \1- . 1'. 1 ' fu ll 0' m, II t1( Jlr-h~(' 1'1I 1/lItt d d ve ' lil l YOII could n ' l seo II Ilt ull. 1'he ll ! Cl l rucl ',1 tllll uoll t' ~ ur 1'~. "llulltg l l. Pealc, 1,710 miles, nil 11 t ho IJRvcd WQS troubl ed \\11 h • Pa n n rl t hr l3a el E oy 81 ClP O ff at" Ih j ' Il lw,\r~ 1'1 ' 1; 0 111 SOIU O llIall LU h wOllld mis e III) >lb"IlI11 "nd ,lUlIUI tit !l'Il U' m u u y lus l ltu tlo ll S, IlcI' lu roij t twl streets at the city would mal(o a rOlld t Ulllor , ,~ b lch kep. #WI'S, l;t'o \Vll1g,~l\u.lng IIle LI I W t T P B ; It a;~ filII wllh, nn ,l Ih e j' pl r kerl o ll r pll 1111111111 1: wlLh ltl~ cl ub, lin) bl c !uU. 3 I"" 1"11; 1I 1' ~ lu tlllll gcnc' 1111)' eq u II I to c.lolig ooe, I\ltJe ot thtm 1111 th W(\y. ngou)' ami H. r es CI' U 0 \\'11- n uys us Ih e ,'Inim W ll roll e ,li o n !; fo r n wer B c()\'el'otl wltb rablJi t hall' lh ,l L I lh a t li t 11 11 :.' olliur a ll im II, e xce pt UllI lI , lr tbe \\'Ind thn t blew ov r New l!Ten~ menial depression, IntcllS8 ] \\'1\ " lIoble to at.M h 1I.f;' Stnd, nlld 'In ltc Pllrt ill o Ullk tJ f hOllrs , 0\1, II. II!: ra bbll s hy th e he look erl lll.e y bi g l'abLlt hlll\~cl r. a ud !t IIt AI ,~l ll() 11 ~ Iu ' "~ r l )' lI'uc:l llhl York clly III Olle ,week recenlly should fend tom), bOllso work , filld ur llecaDletl bul'11. R abbit D r iv e, .1 /' ('11 , nll li th ry woulrl n lll DIOIIIl' nl l':ld lie lu~t hi s h al. 3ull looked liS liloug b 1\ 11\; dul'l le w ht'n I,rell lmi wi 1\ 1, lu dn ~~ ,; , ~ootlnlle Its wny, o~ Its 8VCl'aSO VI!> rlen t.o 100. J wll8 eDlJlhwd fordays'to illYbod. , t il!!, o llli 11\ 1111 l il ly, ';0 II ttl wh ~ 1\ th e b e waa gull In.: exh ,,' 1 tcd, /ln ,1 th n h e l it' h ,lij tr,t\n,'d II g r "I' tit g rll ltl · l..o Ity, It would ' mnke t lt e clt'onlt of lost my nl'pI!til.e, my courage nud nil bope. " ll."ould not benr to thlnl' (If fin ' opl!tatfon. " '" II. W t' a rc Ill. Iltl' W;')' h :l c k hom l!, \" r rnl W:I ~ In H I ~ hl n h ~:t\1 tlHl Il r .ll r le SIOIIP' d ll Ud Sllli .. n his h an ,! lInti I'~ , lI ud wbal h ' 1"l lIlI o t ' make Ihun\ th e eartb lind be bac\< lbllrll tho Ins i alld hI Ill)' d1Jrt.1 fili i tried e,' ery r.mocly wh t~b /1ftl'l' hnl I II;: e ll J:II ~I'1 1 IlI ell. l lI , ('OWItO YiI, was II lh' wi t h 1(1 11 (( I'.II' N I u llhllal. , s o ),e llell l tll (\ reSl !If tho mea , wll h l,lll : l) cuu IUHd ly be rtl Pll l! lIl ed, 'J' h\:~o wee k In All g ust. fo r It moved at llie J t hought w()uld be ot any 1\.50 to 'Il ~, lind I'flndlng f th~ value of Lydia E. PinkhAm's n l1l/l h If ,Ie l', :11111 h l/: h WIlY l'u !. hcl' II, I h eart h !;l)c' I1INI J.rI Itt' II I ViII !;, a ll el It d l~ m O Clnt~d !l ilt.! wer c lIued 111' ul tho I\ro n lu ll> 111:,1, slo'k Iled l~ r r u wi n , rat. or nine mil s nn hOllr, VOllutnblo COllllJOUlltI t q Blc·1t women II Idlod .llliu OUI' Sh l'''' r'II' n ~ xt ~(>, s n. I'll a llll ()H l Ill Il(\O , n Cla n dlz'!.)' to 10 0 1< n l "ti s' ot Ihe ~on'al. lind s a lll: "Ylll l ' IICl I uro the 1\l\Cg h, ugly, f r l 'lldll'ss,w ,mto glvo It,ll t'l'la , 1 feU so dIli uroged th ..~ I bad 1I1l10 1rnpo ot l'I.'{.'Ovory, Illld lOb 11 I be 'IlO [ pi t r ca l ), CJll Il ' 11 1111 Idlt ~ n y _\\"IH'II wc th e m, u nd C ~lll1cd loufel's , iYhy don ' t " , u l 'l(> c'IIl S I> I,u (I, aGa in st \\' \10111 13 c \' ~ry GIRLS WANTED, to fi!l!l betied'. nr~r "Ito second week. though, 1'll1n ~ to l h ~ ra ilroa d , nf lO r It'l v l ng ollr Th c hlllldrrdR of men o n h or.,ebnck 1'0 111 III II rc DIILI help us .Iogs k ill olr III :I II '>! hu uu . '1 bt'y h a n' hCC Il tra llled It only mel\ut te hlparnry relief: lint to my 1'Ill11> I' Irll'lI tis :l t ll\(' IllII In th o W a l1. hal) ('o m III' losl' 10J!:cth cr rrom 1\\1 I h e.;u ven nlll, aus I Ilou'l W~IU l U h' ~ I,u ra t .. , at n cer t aI n I: 11\ ]'\tIlI , IUln sUl'pri I t01l1l11 tbn t I ltept pilling• . Wn ntetl In D (nm lly of UlI'ce IIcople, ~t wbiln tlle t umor I lied ill elzo. f MI' In cn t h ru Ull l:l tll ("'u nlry , We 1Hlc\()A , tl lI ,l wh ,' 11 W~ W 1'1' wi t hin h a i r h l1v e ull tho fUll , ome 0 11 In , t hlt WII' I W" fi \l llUd9, ,,~ ·o lcll c.r~, $[I: LII \<I alit! three glrls",;"colllpete nt 0001" hOllHO ,. The CoIllJlound QOutlnued to build tI(I m,. ,'nm e to a li\'(oIy hl\Vtt till th l' ra lj rol) ~ ' l n ml l~ of Ih I'o r nl l l h l! 1'I'0 ....d StoP ill' CI le r Is IIn l'," lIntl Ilfl IUlighod liS tll,lug h Alla·rl.a ll , 1'11'!rt! IS n Slo n e fu r l, U\'c r m:tld and h un) bcr muld , Proferubly gel1ern1 b~Dltb and tlto tumor secll>ed to be wh (c (' \ en fl lll I' ItllU K I d " g umhllc u; u t n ~ Ig ll a l , 11 1111 th ll l ~a ,l o r tol ll pit Ih I h o w us III swllIlm l llg lind w u nl e t.' , ll1o " h lc h Ih . 11" II Is h lI ag Is . DC II t I ~ ,B , ,'rlouds or ncq' llIl ntau ccs who will · RhoQrlJod, unlll, III ",vun mouths, tlio lwnol" hnu £', a lhl ,','ory nth!' c' lIu e II Pl tl ill \ tlOW wa s til l' ti me t 1I131, n a ;\\',l lry rc: t DC the b"llll' to ollie In , All tII ror or t ho t\tllCr lra ll rOI'C''' 1 ajl - work hnl'llloniously and f(lr the In- wns ntlroly gone ohd I n woll woman, I nlU ~ul oo n" lI n I Ih re \\',I S g l'On t (>l( It III tit rh nrg on III rnh bl " a nll h n ~l,rrl pa 'fh o ro wd th ough. tb e y had gh'," r, pcn r., to unl e l' nn nd \,ull r , ·l'h . I':> I'! wrcst of the hou so. ' Mu!it be thor- SO thAnkful tOl' III)' MlCovery tbR~ I ode you to publish DIY \ In newspapers, 1!0 otl.ol" In tho to wn OV' lr DIl l' a''I'l n l\. 'cnll~ It h WtlS Rt m ld :Inti w,ln l ~IJ ll} /10 I h dl ~ lIttgttl!lhr.d strAng el.· h is 111l~ltl , I. etorl1l (I, III . lIn· ful l. , l he U :I I[ 1I 1It! ougbly r 110111 nnd trus twor thy nnd, women wos know 'of the wond rful cllmtl ~ . th el'e do n 't vcr Y .I1IRII Y ri ch un\l Pro 3- l b:t Ck, o tl tl p:c ~ Itl.lJll lIa ll bell na ~ ol - ' 11I1I ~ Ill ey all ru s h tl , in wltb ('Iut. wuunded n re carried " "I , tho lila ~ 1111 .1 gl ve good t es'.!lllonlul 3 from (orlller IIOwe\'ll of Lydia lll. Pinkhntn '8 V cgetnble P I'OUS 1'I'0111£' alop Iherl', !II rand eh u r g d III' ch em y : b,lIl ho II II lId b~glll1 to 1,liI rabhlt.s a lld II r l\'(: ~ Irlpes uro r u n up , SIIIIS li n' Ul'o'l , ;11111 c1O nlo), el'8. House , hilS dvery CQDvon- COIll(lOwld. " Wh eu womell nrc troubl l!d wUh Irregw Pa b ad looked 01'0 1' the m o ne y t h e Irt po liti Ia n n nll ha d fOIlSll1 In Ito t Ih III a wn)' ( rom po, In (t il bou l' o r I' \'ll' ylhln g '~ u~ 1 In :lI t h II H OU hI lenc,); m aids' rooms hu'gc, ' IIlollsn,lt nl'nr or painful periods, ,,'cllkn ct>S, disT?hhcl'C hatl glv II h i nt, to tltl'OW It ramlln.lgn ': hn'l hunt pcl lI W'l's ul1 ll , 0 Ih e UI Ost or Ih em were Idlled, n un t nt ll s ,lct ed wltn 11 \1 Ilty . ond openlnl; t ogether, Wages $25 lIe r plac/uncnt o'r ulceration of t he temnl" 61WIl Y, hEt.':l Utie It was old -tas!l loned 110 n s In thc 'jung le , .antl rO,da 1,1:11'0' 1m wos ~O Ilred ho wc:tt a n r! Sill d o w n . Ir. 1I0 luor drl" (!~ Il I cn nt 0/ r ntl n " 1)1om h with n yea l'ly I ncrensc. to t he orguns, t bat benring-down fceling. InII th e ~roulIll to real, ,and I got dOIVI) " l'~~ III b od pes II uver III t )ulI lI'Y r lGh( g ir ls IlDd two weeks' vooatlo n \.0 ' flu.mmat.lon, backu.ohe, flu.tulence, genoff my l' l'I,h ami we il l 10 ,pu and fl s llctl I'Md s , eacb g i r l. All at [lresent molds In eral rlcbiU~y. Indlge \loIS or nervou. him wh at he thol l\;ht of tbls IHtes l ux, AIIO!II 1815 a rAOl!O!l m il" (r pa lr.rl 0 m;" emllloy from three to ten yeurs. prmtl'tiion , tltoy should ,r emt:m ber II rlen ce, tl ntl I hegun lo plcll rabbll Bc.I,.-n li un lty dr l,v ln!: II fuur- !n-n an ,1 ul F ull [Ial'ticulurs o n 0 1111110011(10, AtI- there ~ one tried IUld true .r eml'dy_ ,h nlrs o ff IItl's l olh S, 111 );. th rou gh th o s lreots; Ilnll ;{ yea rs Ilres! Mrs, Cco, A, Josl)' n, Omnhil; Neb. Lydia 1". Pinkhnm's Vegc tllbl COllipound at once remo,'cs SIIU)l t roublea. 1:: Il'r nn 0111 f u rlll or nu ~ e J milch " I' ll t ell YOll whal II Is. H e n nel): nmU6em nl ' to II 111'001 r n Hvtl In lh\l No other mediclnc In the world ha. sa ttl P:l , ti S he breath ed b a l.-d, us l!lulIl;)" murke l pIn t' of st. Alt nn by n toThl !; Suggesting Safe OOUl'llt, recel.-ed s u" h wldospreBd and unqualiII h d bel'll runn luS' II fOOL rile, ;' Iltb It In It chuls e (IrnIVn j)y [011 1' I ro l ~ ln ;; MoFlbb-Thut f ellow Huskle call ed fied endorsement, No other med icine ,'ablll! ,dI' I\'c romlnds me ot tile W II, Mgs , me a liar! JiBS suoh a record of cures of femal. Ne,,'ltt- VI's? rh e riLh cOl')lonHlo os 1001, u llOn til .. Ills, T her hllye ~dso been s p0 l'lln g p g ~ , "Yes, Whtlt wotlld you 'd o about 11001' llPo l)le, just as we look up II I I hu An 01.1 accouot ot II IIh~ Qk 011 w!llC'l1 Mrs. Pinkham !n,ltea all s\ck:'1omell to write b e l' fQr advice, She Isdnugb \.e~ , Jll l(rallhlUl, W e pity a Bing le j Ut Ie" Jl hl lt ll l'll 'fOllmer, on ~ of tbo ro ya l It?" "Well , It I were YOll, I'd mnKe It II in-law of L ydia. E. Pinkham BDd fop m blllt, and h e rllllS wb e a hc see:! us, ItCSpl'I' In Ille Jl:ew Fer e s , bl'o ke .tQ }CIIU see lll!! ,lu s ay: 'PINISI!. mlsl e r, I"t fln 'l gome, nnll La hn II a nd sl n nd , point a lwnys to tell th e Ir ut h wben twe n ty-fi ve ye al'!l·under.hllr dlreetio D anll s ino IJ(: r d eceaae !;I1llJ beeD me alon o, a nd le t Ole n Rbble nrOUllt! Rrl YS: ," 1I11ln I\, tOl'lnlg ht 8 h~ wOlllt 1 he's Il ro,:,nd ,- Cllt ho llc St~ndnrrl. advi sing sIck women 'free of charge. 1 n~ e ul lit sluff you do nOl W[lIll. a lld ahe h IlS [llided tboullallda 10 health. IllH! nnd p lilt 11IlI'trl llgo. or rabll lll!, To Launder China 8Uk Wnlst" we dl'l\' Ih em Into a lInn eh, tit w y 11011 her tr Inln~ wus mil ch rorw <l l'do,1 ' '!tina .Uk ' wui, 18 IRundc r n icely, ' Ra- 'Address, vnn, Mass. Ih e rl ~ h lIud mea n Iron - h andClI ~rll S (~ .by lhe Ilb undllb co- or both , Sh e !It\ :! ;; 010" 0 nny spoll \\;Lh benzino, 'flt . n \\"usb Remember that It. Is Lydia E , PinkIrl vo the people, nnd lhen we tU1'1I In I III pro;'ed , It ll ll ID II r w wool, w au)11 in worm ... op sud,.., rubhing beLwcf.'n lbe bam's ' egctable CoUlpound tha~lscur a nd club Ih om with Ule :~x h:llldi o .)f rei rlevc IIlnlll thnt hall' r un 9, w II 1I~ hRnd4; rin e th rough f\C\'e m l \\'ntol'8 , L Ee i ng WOlDen, QDd don 'tall ow anydl'llggid lvory ):;onp nntl do oot rub lhe 801111 QO to sell you lWlythlnlr else lo.its plaoe. g l..lrt Hnt! greed,.lIl1d we I.eep our I) w- til l! bes l pulnter; lI ilY, her nose wa s su - the . fabriQ, Wring as dry n~ pO~8ible, ,,' rnp PI' n,' er th uln, IC enoug b are klll c u ull pe r!or to th e bes t poin te r." in n sheet on Ji wben pnrtidlly dry iron ~ w (' are In tho m llJOrhr, lIu t ile Pigs o n the rle,lr: wtlt r 1'1 , r r~ I'll or. tile wrO.Dg: .ide_ . ELEANOR "n, PARKER" j'll'k ra bbl:s Ihnt cscllpe I he IIr h'c I, el:)\ 01 !t1 ~ h lJolllmblll I 1'0 10 ril l' I fI r u n tlr edillg, lIIee the POO II' pCOllle lh,1 \ 11111 8nlmo u lying d lIll on till' twllnm A man and wife sboultln't tnke IhllmIhe trus ts try to extGl'ml;cto, S (II,IO or lh!' s t r('ulUs, nr,\1 Ib o Incr ' 1Inl'; sel ves too seriously, Th ere's s uch D da y I h ll Ja cl,rabb il 1l1l11 l bl~ poor p eol. le sl~ hl tullY It wll ll t etl o r 'I r~m : . l " Ihln ~ RS failing o ut by IIbeer toree of will "et tiorve e n ollgb t l)' IIs h t b lh k, (11"lI1g for 11 S III\UII , Iln rl nnvl !!!! Ilravlty.-Puc.k. ' The 1'ony Tossed P n in the 1\.11'. aoll ( bl.'l1 the j n krnbilit ;t\lld th e p'JO r I Iltcc l II, lel, lng It nsllfl ro I'llI' peopl ' will o Il ID ll ml>(1r the mQn w:\(l 11 til" \I\lS (:oDfed ra le mon y , whe,1I he r lIud ,I>a k ael In th£' dn'lIs, and 1;0 118 Inl fight Ib 111 and kill tbo m, nn ll th ey ,\ til I b t thel'e W:lG ~\oI Y l l Utl bUDlllo of r on· lio ns' li ens , 111111 be n lUa l l'[cd, li nd h e tUl'n ou Ute cowboys wi th t be clu h~, ' f~'I(' ral c lUoncy, nn ,1 th e, I'llst ..... IIS all g uessed he \Vila llo l gt>ln g to h ow th a a nd th truSts with the ' big h ead , 1C ,~d COAXI NG THE AUTOrnO IJl LE g60rl &1' l'1l!.in l' I('I;, t h e lJUll,ll e of ro ll- white rClIth c r .'has lllr,: jack r:)b blt , ve thos e who n o w pur!Cllt;) lhem II \0 f ellerat 1I10n ' y , Ilroll:l bly htlvlng hellll Tit y could ~ou llli Ih e lIu t;'ICl c h u r~e lW COI'Ml ls on the prnlrl , 111\(1 Into II. ,11_ PWlosophlo lillrmer G ives Hi's Ide:!!: ~blpllrcl IV , t IU H III mU\i!> um , nn.1 lh OOIl II ~ tli y gOt rCady, u ud I b t'y wou lil IOlllla rles In Ih 'J" states, Dnd those w~o A bout t he Inven tor of the 'I I'obllet's hav ing 1;01 h01l1 uf It In I h !In" hint In tit· GUIliO till tile curta in ar pig· head d nnd ' cru el wlll ~ct M achi no. ·.c.c--- - - -- --t!atlt, ';r o!l gh t II Hlany Pll UUJoO s rung- down_ ' the h's , ijec? " 1111 tb e b a d mon y ti l ttl h t I. and Tha.L WI1>; Whll l th ey wa ll t ell j':l 10 r LO l il pu [ lho ug ht cOIII(1 s,~e, An automobll o Stllot! I n fron t 01 II t h'd n h ~ I 1It11l'1; UII lit· l ow n , a nti GU~', ,s u , liS P!l '~ horJIl Wll~ tlt'Po d , th ey Iho ugh Uler o wQre mbb ll l\alra 10 l'~y 1lllS0li ne Hup pl y otn llo n Ol'or In .Jo~· mIld h1) wOll ld Bta th ere u r w (1U~' s >,ul,;;; eS L 'ct I hll t hc get on In U fres h eyClo, and th e n I got IIR 10 get ilL) and S y n tell' do ys nge lIud, or nnll r c t 1111, ami IIIc1d(,TI ~ llIl y brOil \, II 1IOI'ae , , a ll ,l . II sa id 1.111, I'l g h.l , I h y lIIo un t his h OI'80, nnd w e rode b u cl< to the Il3ual crowd e~se " t r ow ta r hII UI,s, by a 8Y81.01l>, Ih e way ~ uldn l !,;£'t 1\ horso 100 frosh fo r him , lOWU with l h o ballg, wblle lh e 5 000 loolc at the show. Amon;; lb o "llt "ta-, tbo smnh aleckH b r olll; lhe !.!1I111, lit alld It gut pn t u Il " punk y POIl~' , un ll ' C'IIbbl t c;u 'clIsses we re hauled to t~WD tom , t!ny!\ , the Phllad clphla EV Cllhll; l'I1u n te ' 1II'lu, I nOl,lced lhat tllI'l'l' was nl) hit co th o Itl \v lIgon~ n ut! loud od I)n the CDrs, T elegrap h, was Oil old t!lrm r, who I tea s ed Iia lo lnk~ Ih e III ,t trnln for po n)' ~ 1~~O l:lh " bul 1lI11)' . II I'O~C(! a 1'01111'1 "Where do YOU send tbo~e Jaekra b- ' mUted all nroulld tho m ' hlu , nn,l f tb 'I ' I r tlle IDter ested ly wntched every h ome, Sll we :o u lll jo lll tb e cl r .II S be· Il)(! · pon) 11 no~(!, UIIIJ I W,IS IIfI ultl ~I)m tl- htl ?" , I' d ' of tho clln utl'cur. f o re It 'ION('d t!t tl seuaun , a n d h e CUIIIlI l h lng- WI 11111 h l\ l'lc~ n to 1111., I told bill! I H. •tf;~O 11M °l h dO 'leihllCr lO dl , I; aycrs em 03 n g A s soon 8S tb e "allo nI II lie " 1 n,Ilrobl IIl Q Ie \Vn c c r PllOI'l to III Illanagor.ll thc r cs ul l of he u nci I It lt ~ r LlII< IIIOUIIt. a llll uhmb:t 1 cured and stowed away lb c halilIcnl' Ills llu sl nes s trl ,ll to t b e west. bCIl pa Inesqult r. tree ond wa tc h lhe flln rrolll 11e I'll ) IS. "To th !llcaso packin g h Olls s," tlltn eu the cra nk 10 start tbe spark , alrl h e hall h u;cI'd o f 1\ lU au wh hnll 1\ tI safo 111 :lce, Mate J01lr bot. food tutJ-Mother-for It has to do lOme bli lhInp, h e rd or blt!!'ltl 011 1\ 1'11 11 'h uot fur trom ' Po FJuld : "Not 00 YOllr IIr : your pn stlld t lt o man. "Thoy m ako the IhlOJt ond a momt nt lale r thfl auto wu.~ hill' It haS ~ make leah, blood, beme' and musble and IUPpl7 bouDdlesa Ing down th e lillie al n IJn ca Hint ' hnl towlI , anrl lIorol'o h I'eturll (I 10 Is sotn" l' l~ht ,ltIlon gst Ih Illg gU I\1~ , cannacl cblel,cll >,'ou ever ct." EnerlIl. ~ber, the hoy of ia the man of totDOI1ow. "Tile d~l'll , ),011 any," sai d PI1. "Th e n malle tbe coun lry cons lablo_; s It " I' th o sh o w h e waN going 10 bll Y II h Oi'll a nd 13 g l ug ,to lII ake thoso nlhbl ls we h llve boon wor:ling nlll' d ay to mnka I nnd take no ti ce, It wa then t hat a Doll't, ioJure physically, and menially with I)Uclt.l n g hou s!!S rich , 't/\'oult1n ',( that t glcam of saUstncllo n n!)~n:lrcd on th ll indigestible m-. rich puddings. etc., that .. k In yo n 1" , aUJl' col' bOt\ visage ot t Ie ullcluut act as a '~ on hla llervoUi Then w c wetll to the bc~tc l and I p nt Bgrlt.'tt!tul'ist. energy. OUl'tll laslel' on pl~ wher o lhe I'RbllltS I "The m auterblles Is grc!ll In 'cn· " 1 I .. h lltl sera I IIPd tho s ltlu o ff, anll 1m Ilr - Ilons all right," h e r emc.rltcJ t o II h1But feed him plenty 01 ' 1:" ru ng<:d I go out n e d day to tb "l1oob rtande r, "b1lt t hor g e\'!zor wllst g t , wh er e the h e rtl of bu ffaloes 11\'0, to 'Em I:P Iud ler talro 1\ UII f~olll UJ 11101; for bl:;ger gUllIe for th !ihow, hoy~ e eders on how t I' m l~ke tll !!r Ihoug h he would IIko to b n r ab It blilm d t hl!lg~ go, Jes th r s aDI e," ' Irlvo In lbe It'CIIS ring lIext yeur Il "Pu t mr: 'vise," aalll ~ho lJur y a ll he couhl Imlll Ule ra bbits , dr'o s, e, " I tal l ea lcll rO lli' m ean , ' Ing." , alllbtre 1J' 1n ~oat.e'll be "",rbcari't JoT-tt.....". b..lib\,. bright, nut IIId qulc" at hit' ~t... · 'Wel l." r ejoin ed tho ' fn rmer, wIth Vou ",,",'I haYe'. """l' bl... to 0>1 It eItjIu,lIotbor. for III clcllclowi rlcb eay.. "bcD eatOG wllb C,_ "Mn mmy" 'Woul dn't T~ II , ud lUll" II )UJt ,.tw be era_ moot fOf_ b ls smil e s lill boamlng, " whoa an y trl On h la n a t ive h ea lh ' do wn In "0 e us h ' kers' has s o t nn ohl co w what Esg..o.5ee keep. the blood cool and ia the ideal.ummer VII'I.\'III Y" Ihe l'e Is !lolh ln g lhe O\'e rus e , G\ve blm 1OII1t! tomorro.-."lbera WOIllt be. no lea.t . . . . . glts got contrnry nn' ,,'on 'l ~o lhr IIg h d:l\' I: y I iJ_~ C III !; so I' lgor-oualy Il S Inl · 1"..,0,,4 dndubOnclUlooI'ot ICNtlQIouJ 01 ...11...., 1\ gale o r III n barn door, WI) J1_ tw!s ' ltycFYJ_ ....1It. COUD\r7acll.JIGG.O.S£E.-thowb.le"beat ecrut, Jt:raur rrocorlta DOl recol.... pcrl l n oll lU o n Ih e pan of Oll ~ of lh o hI ••upply.... n ..·JO ....11&l1li CIS C_ _ .hh. Rocky NOlI.III&lAII ....a ...1U1IIItI7titI he l: l~1I a COII I)le 0' t urn . , 'nn' olr s h o rOlO, A 'regll lnr "fo' . 'I~-wa lt mHmmy ," • pWuao or &QG.O.i!& ..... CJJn or '¥ bonk, "-back Co ut~" 11I:stlts." Im o \\'n bl youug lWei olrl aH "Aunt Prnti,\', ' wa n II IIIne liP a. long hIll near I hilI' cabin i;Olll" \vllh n ttage bl! 'ka t ot Pope'a Gol den Rose, Our botWr, ................," OUIUnes 0 PltUlorrllllt II1P1nr,1IIdatI1I10 l h es \\n her , 1t1'~ ll, wh en sho was Th 'Golden n ose \\' lth whl('h th o IDa mcc.u ror 7 . , . u4 roclD'CI tar lIP-PUlol' the dbhes. bAled OIl • slo pned I; y Ii II tt lo plckanln ny sHli ng pope Is Jlre allli ng PriaccNs Ell:!. ' of "bel. "beal dlet. wrttII o a n - for balhlDlr, aU.. ....a ..OldIe, Ullaltratal from If...... eallrtsl,. tIIIIlpl. aad ,ttractl... lit tol1o'trlAlr lb. _.,,," on I he f('n e IYho yel lE:d In a s hrill ' l$l\tlenlJel'g on Ih e 'ocea Ion 0 he r l1IOIIItO\llg aad vfCOIVUI ,...llb Ia lUre II:i reNll. , voice: " \Yh ll r y uh goln', A un t Prudy1" m arrlilge to t he ki~ or HpKln, whl ~b . Polbilibeel 10 Mll • 2S e...... coPY, lit II bsndsolll." nt_eel b001< bomallal.&II1o ..._ .......I¥ u 10l1I U IbII _ _ ~ Aun t Prudy lurnod slo wly , a n d. wltb Is th hl gho L bonor Ih' pup I~all e'onfrow.f1 lo m ~ l(C n SllllllO thrill , thll s fel' on !\ Cuthollc JlrlnceNs ,. is 1\ ", IOIl c " t;GG'()..s~ CERfAL COMPANY . Pn S wung H is, Ax HRu dle. addro&scd !h c ' lIllie Degr o : "I's e g\vlne IIlnl!t ot puro {;old ' In n golllo n pot No. 10 Fint ~~ , ,' QuiDq, DUnoia . ,. .of bllrrolo f!'r .. lh <;owhoys ~D~ In dians t hink t~c (lay O~:Jlldg01ent ,bnll arrived , wh al' I :S.1 g'wlnr, ~lnt'8 wl~ar I 'se g wln, wh er eo n arc emblazO llod the ,lI:\f1U I
bHIa,. him Paitries.
1111_. FREE '-.back'to natUre" book
t o (h >lse nl'Ullll~ th o wilt! wc st ~ h ' w, Give m e 1\ c lub. ' ' , l 'CDultin 't (10 n ll ~'l hll\!l w ILh 11:1, ~o 'rile lea1lcr 1lilrtl d pa All ax han tlle, \'It! fi tlC~'('( 1 at tlt ,, 1 ICI WU IIIHII 1',1 g-ut I and when we looked all end tuward s t he ~<Jod Ull d r(',.c1y 10 g r, lI nu?, lI' bu cked 11"01'1'111 whel'o' ,UiC - I'ublJlts Itad been I he f:l r lJ a;ll, tin nll', bll t III gallllJlC r,~ I· Ill'l ven, I ~ .s eemcd as lboug h th ero w eri!; soo n I"tHiud h e h oc! ' ~u 1II11( It lU ~ ney a million of th om, nnd tbey w ere
th Ht .h
\lld hrralc a u y huu lt ,
thl-!Y jl1mlli ng over eac-b other 80 It ]ookeu IIJ l ho ug h the re wa s n snow ba ni, of rnbbl ls ,CP.ll r f,e et lbl rk. 'W hcn pa s l.l lc1 he '~vas read~' a re!low Bou!ldetl a b'Jll lo, a lld Ila's p ony stu .. ted o ff on the jllmp
elus,)d np Ihe ir Ill Y-OUt.S ,111'1 beg:!ll t.o 1'1'11 II" fllinlng "i llt ). III 1I1111eS wh tch ',\, 1'0 r", lIuIOIl!!ly rl d l if I hI' >' o nly Iwd m :' lIey to 'lle,,!' lnp , Ih ern . T h ey sol lod '",)me l, dIlC,; n Nc!' ,Iown ' (I"r Pl Io ex· u lil fll£' , :c hrt Wll ell I\tl ( t!lIf',t1 tlJllt thev ,'o ll tnllwll ~n lc' e ntl ugli III lll'l!ry s!tovolfill o[ .llt'l ItJ 1Illl l, p II m :; tt m'a zy, h B hnugh t d wlll,l Int M ~l(\ (; k, end t hen \h ~ !!it ,, 111"1 e'utcMlllued \10 (tl r all Oil! \V a Oll t , Thry r ttl til' Iltlli es ,1n (1 fa n danglls , "nd 11" Wati II. iii rfl. an rl I WaM l)rOcu) <It hI 11I , !!HIIKO h ~ dill no l ICl ~(, hi s· h ead . ]qe JUlIt :l el,ed dll\llill"d, Hll d Ih ey thoug!> ! Ib l!Y "" ~P\ enll" 'lnlnl n g n d ls, tlngul shcr! 1IU1 It , I,yery l hl ng would }18 \' e 1!0,le all {I1: h l, IInll we would ba ve ."ot 0111 with IIllnbr, If II h arl o'l been for tht' anl\llal ..sbhl t Il rl\'e thaI r.ame oft while we were there, f'url ~f the ,ount..,.. IoJ Ir'lgut~d, 1111,1 good ~rOIlI are IT 1\'0, but the- ~o(luallllltll lire 10
Yell n h lIral n-slt lln' on de fence uxln' al'!} 8. It , hus leave., hllds IItld fle w11IC whn c' I 'He l;winei l'se ~In e wbnr er 9, I.\le IClIVes b ~l ng ~et w!lll sm itH , I'se gwill e , d al's wh ar "'se gwlne, an' je wels In ImlLutlon , o r .lrwdrnJl~ , In ' ,I<lan y.' I~ II XO mil no uno" wh n r 1'50 th e l:clIl,rnl. OO I"'~ r ~ 3 n ti n y re 'ell:! gw\.IE', 1.II ~e , I ain't gwl n e to tell In whl (, h I coutal oec( :t SIllILl I 1111101 youb!"-Ba IUmor c SlIn, l eat 11Ics.;ed by the (lOIIC.
-:..- -- - -- - -
He BlIl'prl !;ed Elizil. Wh!l t Jobn Paul Snid, Aftcr til t) g rellt Ng l1t III whtcll ,John A s lory Is goln t!; t he rolll\(l~ at thll terri lory pres8 oC II 'fanner, IIvlDg " I'alll ,lIm e s In th e BOlltiomOl O RI blll'd spllnler d nn ll sbl'od d at t he fe w mil e,' (1'000 Henr)'Cl III, w!lo woro mati ror th co I' I'll I, and all tbe olher h o r sell h iS old Slrlt until e verybody was .tlre~ BrltlElI \'casel S el'a ,;!!c , th o r'; n'g ll s b Slnl'tt!d, and everyhody yelled, bu t they, nt It, RIII I his estlmull'lE' wife wa,s 111- go\'el'lll)l nl g ne l'o ll s ly flocldM thill, held bal' \( th ~ lr horses 80 pa could hn ve most nall/IITler! of him, But "ne d a y, lhOllgb va~Qli l Hl>e d beyond a quel>t!oD, I!lc, whole fl ellL lo himself. wh (l)l ~,'l l1n g prod uce Iml towi., h e de- lh e r.aptaln ot tbe lost " 58el hall IJ&. Ge e, bn t I was so .... y for pn. His lerllllne,l 10 I; Iy n new ti llll, a nd ' Il 11II'{c \1 wB h bqeomi!1g " ravery and de· h o r se rushe d ~I gh t. Inlo th e corra l huPPy thull g bt s ' l'uc k him, He. wOllld BCrv d pl'omotion to the ra n\< ()~ com· amo ngst lhe rabbll!!" lIud whcn It got 1IIIrll1"18,) £!;1I 7.11 , .so he. !bundlerl n n e w , modore.. J(lhn Ponl Jon e, .heard 01 r ig h t w~e re Ihe rohbllll w e r e ihe l h lclt· . lilt Inte tho ... ag011 , hurrle'J townrd this Jlromollon anrl Its Clltl ~ and saltl : es t. th e d nt'll horse bogan to IiIlCk, und I\om e, nIl 01 the bl'ldge, two miles "We ll, by George, It I e l'cr meet !.hal lo:;sed 1111 . ln t h e alt' jllsl ns thoug!l h (' from tOIVlI, h e alool1 up In lhe wngoll el:jlp again I'll mllke him an admiral," hnd beeil thl'own up 10 a blank et, anti lind "peeled" and tbrew tile d('slIlsed he' cum e down on (I MOrt bed of 8trllg- old s uit Into tbe creel~, Tben hI 'Its Scientiflc Nnme, ~ lIng lind srnl'c d rllbblte, lind the otlier reacbe,l for bls new , (:lotbe9, Tbe7 , ,; "Yot:r, hll shand Is gh'ell to oecaslDn, horsemen stollped at the edge of the ' were gone- bad jolted of the wa«- ,1 apells Qt' dellPOndenC), Is be1" Bald (.'Orrlll and wa~ed pa, anti I got olr ont Th"" ' night aod hll the eBlIl:'r. m~ horae. and dl/llbelLup OIlJ...JIQ81..ot. t, ,chattered , lUI tor "YeIr," uld ~". lAPsllng. "He hal C?rral RDd 'rled. 'W plek out J)a, hom\!. He Burprl"!! Ilia blPIIOCO . Ildol' drea4fulll , 10" Then ,a ll the bUll4red or more dOC3 1 than he all , t,lm".,"-<1bICIII;O 'l'rlbIll\Q. '; were let _ I/)~I~ ~tl _.iD~]lpt ~! .anti ~lae .IDui'Ddl. , ' ,
aod PistolS.
i,nchester cartridges, in~ all. ," 'f.libers from .22 to , .50. shoot: where you aim when the trigger~ is pulled. They are a I w ay. accurate, reliable Il,Qd ,' uniform.
Shoot Them a04 Yap'll Sboot WelL Alwav- BuyWlnoh~r M .... ,/,-
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Valuable Information MAy lSi
Screnmed wHh Pain-Sufferlng NeaJOo ly Broke Pllrent's Helll't-Speed- I 1\,- Cured by Cutlcurll.
Gallle~s~Y ::~~d~f
Bad Effeot of Athletic., "TIl!~ miLD, " ex..IIII1.1ljod tb e IIllspltU
doct.or, "Is l he vi ctim or athle tics." "Ab. over Lralne il. I 81111vose." " NO, bll ne ve r tralntlll a lilt. Tb, fe llo w who hit hIm blld. thoujtb."Phila de lp hIa Led ger.
Pasture for lhe nock Is e Vl' r a para' '" wi.h to iu("t'm you tllnt Cutieura mo uut II\1 e" ll oll-wtTtrTtm-.nntF'lTT-thrwtr.+-ltHIIl-------.A~~Ld R CUledlCij hn,'c put a . Iop to t welv, )'eu r~ of lUi ' • Y 1 IJtI~ ~ w ll h lilY eon. A • .. - ' " .. ... _ '"7.'. :. ' .. "'" n1l Ler. a,nd \\'1111 0 "As ne aT ~s 1 kIn ma ko tip d lfferl'nca on iDfunt L fJ ot i~ J n hi hod:! A , Qd • ...::_ _ •• ___ ~ _ _ _~.~ I'U!\~ ·tJ. tll O 'o hl lion I s (nl' from hChl!1 spol, nud trcuted ~n lll " with J if!'cren t alit," said l ncle Ebe n. '' It'l;I dt s way. hllnd. We AmerlclIll nQc k ow n e l'~ rCQlcri ies f Ol' a uout fh'c ),cors. Lu t whell De sp<lr ul &t1ons dut w Ins Is lovestBlu ,Inttoduced In Conlfres! for Reclamation of Inundaled I SELF-FEEDER ·FOR HOGS. aL 1\[1\' u grc"ot r1!!u l 10 I" rn 'rc.gardln Q Ih u ~lI u t b g,:ln t o lleL lurll"" 1 put him ment.~ . or.' n OI11 dal loses Is gOl11blla· ... Land!l Under Systc'm Similar to that Adopted . '- - -'u hd ~ l' lh~ care o( do.llI,.... IItler I heir -WnsbI~.r;wn Star. 'O\irllctl\'I01l for I he Building of th e 'llRSlllrcs. e6 1l ~c l u l1 y all '" IllInlily 111111 for Desert Lands. tt·~ ul lU e nt th o diMon.a "proael to Jour tl if. 'qua n til Y produ ce(l. Our U n !lll ~ h IJr L1r ::::s (""'li t pnt'ls o( 1118 bod ,'. '[1'0 lOllsel' t he Devloe WlIt ch Will 'LI gbt~ u r n (\x 'ct tl ~ In JltlH luru mu, oag lU eu!. (lu ·tor~ I r '''leu hi m the \\' or~e IL grew. tHe Fl'l'll' W ork. /)u r mg the ti ny it wuuhl ~c t ro ugh 611d 'I' hey mal'e ru lly n pllrel'\ut(J li s IlItIf rill Iii c s 1I, 'e, At night it would be ,UlaLo rc l:l\lOfl 'llll )) to ~t OTlo ml cal liv e InllulU,'d, nn t! h,hlly &I\'olicn. wil b A C'o I'l'Cs llon t! nt of Ih e Prnlrl e F ar m· Rl oc k prodtlcLlo n , III tll .. ycu r~ go n hy Of late years th e ,l/ublic hus b lll i o!- exc I'(\R 200,000 li t-!' ~ . lite man y \, Ilu 1'I..,,c1,~<I, ,'iL l , Illl rlting nnd il ~h illg . When I Weak Stomach and Sick Headaohe fir 1\11 \1 1111<-8 tll c foll owin g plans 10'1' II nu h lra has bCP II Oll r IU Ost Inlim UIO re red ' no IItlle . lnformltU oTJ regn rding u f Ih II' IJ~N I st ul" \'.'11 1 Rmolllli 10 u t Cored by Or. Williama' t IlI lIk uf 'II 8 "" ffCl'i ll g, iL IIcnrl)' brooks ~ I r· r r~ ("h1 r ro r 1I0t;S. • Pink PIUs. rr l nil In SIII'I.lylng I;rl! ' 1\ f ora g') ror t h ' \\'Rterlll!; of dry lan ds to IlI llk o' lh e I IlKI $4 I1,OOO.OUI\. 'I hl' ('ost of rcc'IH illl - my II Ol'\' il ia berrU Il18 could be hen .',1 'fhe fr Ollt os gho wil tn Ihe fi rs t 111118' ollr nool(s. We h.nn! comp. to rely 1111011 deser t bloon,: 111111 now Ihe re lire sIgns Ing th ·c In nllK and 1' ~ ( I "c-In l; Ihr m \ 0 do,,"n slairs. The Eu ff rillg of my l Ull 'Th o SYllIptO Ill H of s tOlna cb tronble m"d~ mc full of mi, crv. [ hl,,1 11 0 «m hitrll tlon Is 28 IIll'II(" high a nd Is ilIad!' he r SUII!!I), a~ 11I ~ )(h a u ~ tlh l,e a 1111 l" l\'e. Jl ubllc lIi1 r llt lo n Is to lJe cu ll ed to Ih e ' culti va l lnn ~ houl(j nu t xr. e ,I lhe firth I ion 1<, wod,. 10 t'/lI '110r co uld 1 .. 1 ~cI1. vnl'y. 8011\ 0 " Icli lll s 111\\'., a rllVCll OII,. ( in r h b03 nlR runni nl: Ipngt lt wl s() or Vll id II tt lc o r no a lt nli on HI offll l'lo g d ra inin g of RWllmll lund H 111111 Ul of th is MU llI , " Unc dec tor told mill I iI, ·t my "On'8 eczema aJlPa tJt~,otHl'r8 lont.1 10 t,leu sigb t of f ood. 111e r ,f! d Cl', . I r rl el1 ll'erl , t hl";cl ho ard s on y as. ls la nce II) IlI c' rl:aso lI ~ r pro .. tranSCormlnl; Of til es )vastl' III a ces. :h a l I' s pol,e o[ tb ue d f(lr well was inl·lIrnl,J.le, Alid gll I it, Ull ror 1\ bu t! Oft. II luere iH n (<lu lin g us o f wcigut au ()i n IJI: r'II n 'I ll n ntl .1(ll\'n null nnll ell to Iluc ll ve ness. Th e 1.ld or fl llr ('oun t , y Re 'enll y a bill \\' UR Intfo, llI ell In s l<l ll 'll e ngl u ppri l1 l{ ,'Ii"t. ,t!O I1 III the jou. One c "an ill jl l ~ " w "II lIl'tiel. in th e aUlllt, ~ foIl l ccli IIg ill Lbo tlJroat. th e p nl CI' about, the .>ollllm'ful <': UtiC lIl'I\ pmelhllcs.tbo b'lIS Ill' 'S~II!I Oil i h e henri g ro ws IInli(' r 0111' l1fl!~e llt < y~ Lt; m o r C!onb'''e~ ' rrn' tlt e recla ma tio n of . wamp reci uln lilll; of tl'te llI'arR llI!~ . Hnd l lta l It DUel dec'i,lad 10 ,~oi ,·c .t a l rill i. 1 tell YOII' S nud lends the ~nU'eI'CI' t o tlJillle be bns fa rm ma n age me"l, til l> IIlO rl' 11 11 IHod U(! , lund H 1I001e ,' a syS te m s lll1l111'J, '10 Ihalo was It) II re!;\' I1 rll I It, ' xprl'l lll 11 tH Ih t 'ulicm'" Uintme nt i8 worl h jtg hcul't discru;e. Sid e Ltcalln oue is II. fre. Ih'e 0111' s all s will It COIIII] fl oUl lu cca- ado pled ful' Ih e rec lumu llIJI1 of Ih e It: II nOl Ileell dll' etc" by SI UlIC 0 110 wdght in gold. nnd when 1 had lIaed l ho quout aud di ~tl'es~ill g HYlllptOIll. fi r t box of d inl menL t it " 'C W88 n grcnt a nt e rOlll)ln!:, lIud unl ekKao'uHl th,Ol'gla desert.s III th e ~o \llhw s t. As ~'e l olll y trulu p(j In Ibe wo r lc-a,; I It ' lte very imJ) A wonk BtOllllll!b II cOt ls u digestive r ~ I' clllcllt, ou <l lJy t he l il"e J I.nd usc, l III gi ve n tn n. :luhll Hliln g a mora IIP- r ma · I II beg inning hn M lJee n II1lllle. n begl n - su ce ssful \\' or/( u te tlt e n(II'lh e m s h u\'e" I he Hcconel aet of Cutictl rll Son p, Ointment,. touia. Ilud toot: bh cI'B is 10 'IOttel' t on ic fi nd n C ijoh· c~t. I"Y ch ild ",a. un'll. lie fo r Ih is pUl'jJOso tJlItil DI'. WillillIIl S' Piuk ou,". SUI.ply lllllll W I! ha ve ulre a dY al I nlng lh u t 11I'0 1Jnllly will w ille day I ad o f ElIl'o tJl': In Eu, 'ope solt man.hoB nro onsld- is nOI" twclve )'cora old, und hi. slti n ,Pill g is s hO\\,ll JJy' tho 4ltl\tol1loll ~ of Mr. ha nd. ou r slJe 'II r n l ~ l u g In dns ll' Y I ' to le{lIH lu tive oc Uon. ns li nc 111111 "!nool h DS .iIIe. ~{j e l,"c l A. . MOl'I'iII, /1. willing IIlIIII . or 0ll enl8, F'I r .i.'Ieinman goI ng t o ho So rlo1J~ ly han~ 1 a pITCd. ')' he lOtu l area at 0 111' 8Wllmp Il1 n(\8 e rell I he llIuSt fen i1 e or IUIIII.. , 7 'I1In uH A "cnue. Dl'ookl) o. llif.,1\ vet f nlf of 13u Ltnlioll 0, 'l'lJird Th !) , Ame rlra ll n'Jckrn aslers a n we ll Is Im J1rea I\·e. ond It s tan ds to reuson m nny )'('1I1'H JlUS t. IlIrl: areas In D 11 - N. Y .• April 1(1. 1005." U , 1:1. RegultLr JllflUlfI·y. ~ fl'o rtl 10 Ntll dy l!Ing llHIJ methG,ls or I this ' la rge porllon at lerrltol'Y will m arll. Uelgilll\t allll Ho lla nd 'hO\' been " 1 hnd 11 vor h e ll well since I lll fb unllcl' cultlnllioll. Th I:ens III g ngIlasi llre UJUh ll l:!Jme nt. Whll l! our ca n· 80me da y be coveted by our rnst -In · tho u1'Iuy. " bo M yS, " lIlwlt Yl;l hlLvilig hud PURPOSE COURT. OF THE t1 itl ons a rp. lIOt ~o ln c lll v nt .wlill Ih ose ('reasln g i>Opnl ll tion. ,.\\ e are feed in g la nd hOI'e b ~en 1111 e ll lI uII 111t ·hell a nd t,r ouble willt my !ltoill\lt'h. WJl ic lt wnll S /':I. ' " 1·· I ': /~Lo I ~ H I~O It 1I 0(;S, In t ho old cO\lutry. '- hpre rt rtl ma ny 1m · now nea rl y 80.000,000 of peo pl e within uiJolI l 1\ mi ll ion 11 ' 1' Ii of mutchl ess fur- A.a UndCl'stood by a Lllwyer Who wenl,. 1\\"18 I'nll dOWlllluil llellilirnted, Oo ulll I'cel' )l athin g 0 11 my stalllAch, Illi mell. A ~ /J\11l C n t tOIl a ll d hDltOtn. I prer r . Ilori a nt I tt~ l s I'on cc rnlllg lhdr meth · the bollnllari ell of aliI' own country li nd tIIi ly belln r Knew lIow to Circumand n t tilll ' 811M ai 'k hClldacho 80 bad Tb ere arl! ma ny kind s f slll t ma t'sh 1lO"'''vI·r. I "vo till! bo al'(\~ rll II 'lds of hllll llling pas tltrp.R, lVull' a do pt· sending enollllh ma te ri a l !t brou tJ to vent It. t ltllt I i1ic1 not eLiro whoth er I1h'ed or len ll lLw l, ,,. 'fh ,) I', a i' ~ I" o H l a ll t~ to · d 1.0 Olli- pr ..... l!nl I:onllillooll. a nd will cl o the (\!Ill feed n n almos t eqllal num - es; so me llllre 11IUII nat · wi th out vege. ctied. My s tolllnub I'lltll l;l)d to ' r etllin Vi IIIH til rrOnt 1)f)ln ll II a il p.\1 III th e admlral,ly lI ~fi l R t In rcr. tlf yln !: o ur p~ s, her." A'Dd wh en on cons id ers the MCr- tatlon : a th I'll with he.lvy g l'OWtlt o r lion. A , G. J e wllt. lawyer .. politi cian evcII liquid foorl nml I ' l\hnoHt delpalred boTt OIll fi ll ' h ow " In 1,·IIl. 2, I n tit lllre evil. II ts my op inion th a t Am erl, villitages alte red by ·tbe s wamp Innllt; gI'lSS. so meti mes the r Is U Nod Q rOo t of g U~lIg wall nB I bar} tTi t 80 IllaLtl' f\l'mc t,l1 l ,U: re l lrp8~ lIl ~ one lit I,he r.all nl)~kJlln st~rs ~oo'n !J r or la uir orr. go ' on e wonde rs why eXlle l'lme nts buve not IIIIlI mo re th il' lL It Is 1\ .:o mplIl'lItl\, e- nnd mn n of sal' li sti e wit, was once Idulls .'r 111 dicinQ wiLhomt r li of. Thep t ry ln!! II ca se In lhe s up r me ourt In - l rW' l n th tfo r 111111 r"fu lfill 8 1h ~ SIIP- In g 10 hp. r'omllelle,1 to adapt some Ile r- Koo neI' be n mad In l helr re I"mlltlon. Iy elo w proc S8 10 g ( th Krl it III nd s I \VIIS bhtcn by a rut th!8nllke alld tlJl\~ ~ Iflls t, M e .• h Is borne c it y. 1'he ju,l ge ,,.Irt I() ' 1111 ~ Inllll ll g lJ ~ Ie t D) . Th eso mnnPIIl , m'!lholl of mnilltallllll g paR- 'AlIlhOl'ltI S l II II H s wamp louds CIl II I'ld of ",a l r und sallin eFR, llUlln those Inill 111/1 up from w Ol'lt clItircly for 0. Il r e~ llllng, before be lug all ed to t he YOllr, sixlUoutlt Ko fwhi hl s11olltilllied. t\' lll pnr t" !lr.. fl ' l I wo rtl~ t a p:t r t on II tnres. lh o same us Ih08t'! ro llowe,l In be re'llIlmell DS heupl y us a.rld lands. c~s wh I'I! propel: pl' e 'lIutl oll ij h a vo be nch, hod tri ed mnllY rllses ,al;olns t .. 000 ("'.1' 1\ frieud l'eOOIIIIU8)1() d DI'_ I he o ld er ro nnlr"!!! ",hl1 re th e InuLi I! O~ce dra.l n erl, !iWa mll lo nd Is drain ed been tll l(e n , slIfll cl('n t tim e Bn d lnllor .Je we lt, who Ill d not e nl crtnln a very Willilllus ' k' ink Pills to lIle nJlrl I bcgnb mOl c lu t,\llsely ' ultl\·nt cd. So far. in fOI' goo,l. DrnlnetJ Innds nt'e mo l' fer- a ll o wed, (he lun ds · hll\·e S lv n good hi g h opinion at his o.blll ly, relates th e tnlciug thelll. ' Thoy CUI'C;J llIe, WP OII all A Ircu ln r t hi s ~ounll·y . very little nlten t lon hR K tll~ IhAn the nve rnge ugl'lc\lltural Hall. I' lIIrn s. The Ilu lho r o f q l ot ber lIIedicine had [nilel), I bave B oston Herald. . hpe n g lv u 10 oslabllxhlng permanen t require IIUle or no arUOc lu l l e rtlll .. - Aays 11 is sellerllll y ('on eecl ed on e ner6 In his c l o~ ln g nrg ument J e wett. In r ccomm end ed the pillK t a groat UlAny, pas lu reK IIn.1 maintaining til m fo r a Ing. And . whllt I s ~ o f de Ided Impc))'- or reeln lmed Halt lIlors h It wort h fo ur f ol' during my recovery ' very olle a Hlccd de fi a nce or the rul es at tho , court, s')rl .,s at yeti I'll. Th e re are 8e~e rul rea· t Ull e, Ilen eru il y Lll ese lunds ore 10- or live 0 l' s of upia llcl. n ntl th a t acm e wilat wns h lping Jn1l8\l Alld I told s t a rt ed In to I' ad some low to th e ju r y. t hom Dr. W iIllnms' Pillk PllIi. I callRo ns why (jill' preRl' n l cono ltlons war· en ted In the mid s l of well settlell re- cordin g 10 .lh e well su lJsi u lIllutetl li g'I'h e court pOllndeC! on the b :nc h und ra nt Sit II a on r.hl Ion . In the nrs l glans. a market neur I~l hllnd. trallS- ures or Sh a ler. lh \' c'osl of recln mntl n pold : " \\II'. JeWEtt, you mu st not read 1I0t spenk too highly of th UI." 'j 1I YOIl walltgood II I\I(h yon mns t have IlI OCll, ns Ollr (;Ollnlry d ·' v!:lr,ps tlJ la nd pOl'lulion pro\·ld ed. An,d not only [or s bould no t xcee d on e- firth th e ijnal In\\' 10 the jury ID YOllr loslag \lrllu - goat! Ill ood. DI' j Wil\illnJ8' filllc Pins Is goill/;, tn Incre uHe In \'lIllt o a n.1 ('on· utlll ~f\ll on o f WilSIe la nd s Is It urg el' vulll e o f til IlI nd , llI ont." J ewett kept on read ing wlth- nc tunlly mnlto new bloo~ 11,"'1' r catol'e soqll CtUlly "Ind own!!rs are s olng to I,e lh o s wamps be druln e d. but 'lJecause The Ynnkee tal'lll I' l,aR [oll\ld Ollt alit so mu ch us a glan ce a1 the court sIJlt t te.r ed lI orves. ThQy nl'e old ~y ro re: /I ' lo tmlll vl) tl) morp. Int ' hs Il·. man ' of the m are s U 'h II m IInco to that u cel'La lll clot>S of lIog Innll eo n hit Tbe court. In thundcroul t ones. ordcr- all drnggis ts dl' Bellt, Jl~tpn\(1. 011 'reTh ey arl goIn g to b.1l compe lled h ea lth . In fin Ilrlicle on " R ('lnrnaLion IlIrned to PI'o ftllllJl e II count' In gr ' w ceipt of price, 6Oc. per hoI(. • I lllixBS for grow two or three hlu.d oH uf grnSij olt ~ltll's h 1.30(1a," III tlte c lreulnl' Ing th e cra nbe r ry. but whIm t:ODliid e ru- e d him to stop. 12:60 by tho Dr. ,.,wnUaune Hediolno Jewett, wbo hac! by tbls time , rl'ad 00., Schenectady, "N. y. wb re tortn crly onl y On<! gre w. In or' o[ solls. departmen t oC agl'i· llon Is g lv 11 th e xtent o r oll r S\\'llmp all Ite Intended to read , tnrned calmly .Ie r to make a grlc Ulluro profttabte. to the jlldge and said; ·"Did your Then trlU. QUI' II \'101 s tock e lllerprls o bon or address me !" H mU Rt be I,roug ht to 11 hi g her l\lve l. that '" said," rosred tbe judg", "yoll C:r===~=~=~ IR. we mll $l grow T[IOre aud be lle,r , P081",YCly cared by must not read law to the jury 10 YOllr RtQc k l1POIl a lass pas turing area . anti theB<' Llttle 'PUIs. I closing argumen t. 'will , give tbe law , TlIoy aI!orelltml DiarnO!u; fm 1'J() , OF ~E LI " 1~ 1 , r,:P .:R Ihlls rerlu 'O t:flKt u( "rochllltion. , WP. to the jury. Wbat do you SIJPilo'Me ,. Ix-foot fe del' nn r fonr npa rt on nll\o must gl" e onr culUvat e tl eo lis bCl' tbe court Is be re for?" 100 r nit ntlo!! by returning m ore or• 12- rot t il Il r. Th bollom <I f . tho "What 18 the court here for?" rll~unr. Apertectrem. aolr-('I 111,1' IR fT'&tle of plunl(, os ahown sunle mntter. Rud leB8 pllijture d olf. s pondcd Jewe tt. In h)gb fnl 8elto. ") cdy lor DIZZIIIees. Nr,nsea. r ermllne nl pas tures. ellhor In long lit An In Fig, I. suppose you know, s Ir. to keep o ~ der , . DrtI~ B'14 'l'nste ' or RItOrt ..rouUne. Juu s t III th e Il oar fu I hnvn Jll n~p. 1I 1x3 pl ecp~ lc rO ~R th~ • ; III till) )lOUth, Collt.e4 ",IUr the aid of the shel'l IT, s ir. wltb all tUI'O COIn Inlo practl e t o furni s h , 'l'IllIno. Paln In ~ Sllle. ~ronl O>l • 110wn Rt Fro. flO Ill! to keep 'due reJlpect to the s be rlrr. sir." t===;==_--ITORPm uvtR. 'fila» 1he hogs Qut of th l! trough . I'l uc.u\ 12 green fnoil (or aliI' Hoc ks. \\'e cannol reguIaUI'tlIe BoW6l.s. J'In'el, VeretaIllo. tn cbeH IIll;rrt l it re Is nmplc room ror nero ... 1 to nllow Ollr preseut landR to lle YOUR BACK Ibe hOgR. 1'Jte l:k ptrh 8 pxplnln '.h m· In IlR sture. beOllllse lhr.y ar e poorly adllPt e,1 to /lllslur ' prutlucllon. Good n elv R. Anyon" an n mllKI! on" o r I.he OW'. the Kidneys and the Pain Will pa l!t ure. the saml) a s nny othor crolJ t~~ern witt. u I,um ml'r lind Hal" and Genllill8 Must' Never Return. raised and 'cultivated upon tllP. rnrm, 1\ lillIe! mat e r ia l ,'Ut rOIlOWR: Fac-Simile SignaturG mu sl bo H awn and malntllin e rl wltb Only one way to ClIre an aching One h 12 pl ~ n II for the , bottom , TTLE A--~ ~ equally Imlll Ul managem , nt If tho back. Cure the cause, lhe kidneys. dr,r ~~I),1 on one ' Ricl,). , Thousands ' tell of O~ 2 II pl nnle to r the front, Ilressed hest rcslllt ll are '10 Ile IJlJtain II. Th ere 'are nli o y" , lipan mfJs LlaunB, cer e u r () a made by on ffi'<: IIld e. REFUSE SUBSTitutES. DOlln's Kidney PlIJs. 'two. 1x-l ,2 rl ~c s for tI11I dr~8 scd on fi e lds hin ' log 1:\011 IJ lte r adapte d til pos lure proilllcllon than to tho growJohn C. Coleman, n 1wo Hldel!, , You CANhoT Ing of tarm I1rops. npd cnn be more prominent m er chant Thr~ lxl2 pl e('ea for slanting bnok profitably malnlllln ~ d In 11Ill' tllre taOD of Swolnsboro. Gu .• drered on I wo s hIes. ' In the r egular rOll t lne. 911clt iamh ,6n,s : "For s e vera l BCIllr1 ~A lho a ovn some -lx3 strips are nuturnlly adaptec!.to pss ture "I'~ years my kltJn llY8 will 'he neetlNI to make tho guardR. J were arrected. anll tblnk tho an yone will bll llbl p. t o mnke tlllct ion. and can be mado tar more profltable It send cd . down to s ome lIeI" l".. • • my back ached dny all inflamed, ulc~rnted and c3lar:-hal coa r Ihl ~ rced r from the M a. wlng und demClllont meadow and maintaIne d for. n nnd nlgbt. I wos di tions of lite mucous Incrntiratlc ~uch a5\ 8I!rlllUo n I have ;;1 \'fl n, Ht : C LAIZ\U:O S \\,AM ~ LAl'\ D ro; ~ AR '1'1-1 1': I-:VEnU LA D ES. (p-w years IIn,l by prope r fe rUllzlng languid. nervous and lo me In tbe nasal catarrh; uterlne'eaUlrrh caused caused 10 tncre ase In productlven ss. cultul'e. attention Is called to tIle fa cl IRnds It wOllld seem nOlhing ha s been morning. Doan's KIdney Pills belped by femInine III,.. sore throat. soro COWS AND COWS. Under such manllgement 1\ higheT , tbnt ma\'~ lI eH nnd Htagn811t pools ure done la the tleve lol>lng o f lhe POliS 1- me right away. lind the great rellet mouth or Inflamed eyes by .imply dos ing the stomach. , " One Animal Differs from Another and qua IIty at berllage can lJe g rown upon the pl'lnclpal breeding pluces of mos- bllltles that lie tbel'eln. ha ler. wrlt- that followed has lJeen Ilermollent ." les s area. with addlU(mnl quantity. At qll!toelf. Science has sbown thot mos- Ing In Scien ce In 1 80, o,rglles (01' Iho Sold by all dealers. 50 cenls II. box. But you &urcly can cure thu8lilllbborn Mu~t Be Fed nnd Managed affe~lioDS by local treatment with "Forest Grove" farm , s ays the Ohio qultoes ure Ihe most common, If not utlJl1.ntlon of 0111' 8wlllnlPS nnd gives FOBter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. ' Accordingly._ Farmer. we are BO~IOl1sly considering the only means at conveying malarial Information In r egBrd to' th o Yllrlous ~ntiseptic A IOOd cow In good condition may tbe establishing ot some Ilormanenl germs und lutrad\TClng lbese germs classes of swnmps In the United tates, PRACULAR OlJSEBVATION8. which destroys the diseasegel'{lls,check.s eat my mUon RS given and make one flllsture lunt! for maintaIning our Into th e h' uUlan o)'stem; and lhal mos- "These neglected dl s trlcU:1 are of gr at Maay a good resolution quickly rllnl discharges, stopa pain, and heals ' the and a half or two DOllnds of butler fat flock. ·and maintain a larger flock liP' qultoes nre tbe only proved caUtie of extent nnd vel'y vuri lld matil re. They Infiamnlalion and soreness. .' on II leas Jlallturlng area. It 18 our In· down at tbe beel. per dlY. Another COW In good condiPaxt.ine r epresents th'c most IItu;cessful the Infe tion of yellow fever. In ltuly consist , In port, Ilf land wblcb is somoA pretty girl can toach a rnn n most local treatment for fenllnlne 'Ills ever tion wI\] I!at lind digest tbe 6ame tention to seed one fleld down to sev· vast arells of land have beeu abou- whllt leslI ferUle thRn the best soUe. produced. ThOu~and8 of women testify · amount of feed and make but a i>Ound el'al species of grasses and by the ap· doned Ile 'ause of Ihe mosquito IleaL but wblch In eve ry otber respect Is fit aDythln" hut good common sense, It pays to look a mulo In tbe fnce to this fact. 50 centa at druggists. -af ~lItler.Lhow abollt her In relation plication of ferll1lzer Inerease Its 11':0' Wblle ollr salt mUl'8hes do aO,t seem for U1lnge , • • • A Ill' IImlllary to !ler feed? Tblll Is the problem a dllctlveness. Every flockmaster can to present tbe conditions necessary for stlllly of tbe fiel d has shown tbe ' re- wben you have anything to ey to , Send for ~"a1l?OX : ~Jln8ylvanla farmer Is aeeltlo,g to well 'alford to give this matter of pas· tlte breelling of Ihe species of. mAlaria mU"kalJl e fA I that we have left un- him . TIll: II. r~l'o. «;:0.. ~! N _ ture for Ute floek some careful ;GOlve, aud In reply to hl4 qltesUqn the About hlllt of the tll'lhKli bought ';In rnosqultoes In this country. tbey ure tou ched I,n the region eas,t of the MlsOblo Farmer says: 'rltat does not dls- thougbt. We .hl\\'e tbe c limate. tbe Ilreedlng plnces for Immease numbers s lsH lppi districts of ealllly drained credit wOlild not be bOught If cMh Jll'ove that the p08slbl8 milk prodllclng soli and the Ilralns to make the best of other rno qultoea that prove n pest 8\\,1111111 lands I1II10untlng to 1I10re than were demanded. 4jlementa were In hel' ration, fO,r on a "astures In the world. Hun you noUced tbat the boltom to persolls and to stock. In 's ome cases 50,000 sqllaT'() mileR of IIl'eln, ,The innnalmllar ration tbe Clthar cow madf) tbe 80 troubl esome lhey lower the '"" Iua- dat ed lands of the )owel' Mlss ls IpII I of a CUP of JOY tbat runs over III selBftater r turns. It II! not In the feetl. REAR SLANTING HOC; HOU$E tlon of tb lund. remain In the s tahl wb:ich tho\' wero dom 'far from the top? • It 18 In t~e cow. and It· she '11'111 keep ', • ~ It', a good .deal , bette, to tb lnk EnglnellTs believe the everglades of w.hen tll'sl !een by Tll \!II , while ~Imilur ClD doing her dally on8 pound task ·for C:wadlan Authority Givell Some Neu FloridA can be drained. and , here areas 10 EnglAlld were loo g aso won to poetry than to wrUe It. lind be~t~r to 'about' 300 days s he Is meeting Iter ob- ' Ideae in Beforenc. to At a certain ~ge, ':all would be added to ollr l'leh lpnds '7,OOO,' th e Slate or Ih e mO. l fel'lile Jleldo of write It than to print It. Jlptlona even to tbe extent of belnl Ar·r angell1ent. girls need' ~he hetp. ¢f a ' (JOO tillable acres, Tbe·re. are 5,000.000 thnl COUll try. ~t>1l10U0l1B In Bitch modest perform, __ Btll1Splteful . . a cres or swamp lands In Mlthlgan. Ile"Our Am erican ilHlodated lands are p\.1re, rellable" .t anI c aDee, bllt the otlTer cow ,18 a very mucb • Orlsdnle. of Ontario. has I. design o~ tween . 6.000,000 ond 8,000,000 acres In dl"lslllle into several ' das ses, d terHer-Yes. she married hlJJl to spite medicine! to est~~lIrh. a' ~ter cow. ,.' n hog holise that will appear as some · MInnesota. 4.000,000 In ,Vl seonsln. In mined by tile condition 01' tbelr ol'lgln, anotber Blrl. " • " Apln. L~ere Is a / OOd condltrone~ what unique to American bog raiser., New Jersey and Virginia there aJ'e or llleEe the n]() B~ , Impol·tunt nre the HIID-But why dtd she divorce blm' regular habit, .~a it IT.!,ay : " «iw that .01;' Rttch II _allan mak~ only , Tbe general idea of tlui plan may Ill' "So he could marry the otber girl, large urens, Salt marshes are ' IIroml- tide ivulcr nlllrs hes , ' the lacustrine with , jt-h,e m remain half a ponncl of butter a day. what eccured by referring to tile accompany' nent felltures of nearly all lbe stlltes swamps d( th e glaclnted dls trlc't, the and , thus' splle ber BOm.8 ' more.'i:-CbL· ,mall we say of ber? ' She 'Is a' fraud. . through Ufe, Mu.c~~te,- , cago Dally Newi: ' delta BWUDljlg of lhe Miss iss ippI. and , a Ilsnp!' on, a~ Illi!\orber of the swea t ...- ......, . - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - . llorderln'g the Atlantic nnd Pnclftc. r:1ble . suff~rhl~, "I~' , .~Fer.' In prepnrlng thIs BI'Ucle ' we have the ' j!loss ,or wet hinds or , upland of tbe outside bf' 'tbe dairyman 's brow " found It 'dlfficult to get an)' ,very recent swanlP8 where Ihe mars:hy contJltlon year~, ,Is prevented, a!ld , blicause ho doesn' t sweat a little mo'r e wrItings on ,the slI bJect olthe I'eclalm- Is due to the action at jJltUlt.ln retaln' oil tbe InsIde at It. ~uch II coW stur'dy health" as~~red; . I,n g of tbe swamps, but Are fook,ng Ing wlltor under. lb. sur'rllCes or con '1Ibollld b.e Rtuff«;d wllh nubbIns . and . by taking ,....,.. ," . shortly for II flood of lItel'atllre on the sltlerltble districts. , . ! ""!f '" ..... , . cUll'r cbeap f eds. and moved on , to lhe subJet t. 'Some yoars agO Quite 011 geotJ "Preliminary s tudies at the - great butcher. ,. ~/, .' . dea! ..,,·os said, a crusade started for tlle area o! fresh waler marshes, extend.' The gOl'8rnml!nt IS ' rolng to embark reclamation of Otlr 8111t marshes; tbelr log tram tbo mOlltb of' lhe James river ~ tile p~durtlon ,of tbl'lle gen,e'ral »ur-· value as furml/lg. londa empbaillze.d. south to Albemllrle sound. show tbat JlOH animals; tbese misfit.. nt tbe live ' and that In tlte existing slate they In that district this cia s of ma rshes 1ItocJt IndilBtry. :1'e ' are told, all If wl\ ,were a ~erloull tllenace to ,the helllth of covers nn IIrea of about 4,000 sQuaro cHdn't already have them ,hf herda nnel drovell• . We cJalrYD\en may not alway. tbe peol1ie IIvtng In their vicinity.' mllel!. • • • ThIs e1rulS of morsJies Notable IImoitk the government re- 'can easily nnd chea.piy be dt'slnet! aud , 1mo.., what 'Ye want but the,r e are ports Issued lit tbe time wae ShAler's whell so Improved. t.lley ulford exceed-' 'iJlmple tblngs we know WI! don't CRO!!S SECTION 'OF HOq HOO'SE, "Sea-CoaHt Mllrshep , of ~he ' Ullited Ingly rich solll!. Alo,n g tl~e outel' ~ar , . , ' - , " I' Ing llIustfation. Th(! pa8a~ge down ,tbe Stutes," alllt Nesbit 8 "Tidal ~8r8hes. " g in of lhllBe vost morassllS, ~om e bun' :" Mortgage Rallerl. , middle la represented ' as blglier thac W/'lUng on 't he sea-const mtu'Shes of dred thousands acres bave IJcen won The ' coW. t.lle hog IIl1d the hiD wll,l &11,. otlier JIOttlon .., of thll ' hog hailSI'<: ·tbe eU!ilern part at ihe' coudtl·y, Shaler to cultllre. 'I' heae lands al'e remark, • support the family. rlllee morlgage8 Coavenlently ' llu-lngell Oll either sld ~ said : " The gl'cat advantuge of the nbly !ertile. It SeemH It'\<ely tbat of ad bring ID money every ,reek In Ibl are the troughs. aud ba~k or the3e 'Is northern mArsh areas ·lB fouud In the these ell811y reclhlmed u~IllInd mOrRSG~r. snys tbe ~"arm JOUrnal. Tbe. the ieecUng floor 's lantin g to the rear fact ,that tbey generally are neat· the ·e8. r ellenibil"g tile : Dismlll Swamp. 'WOrld eannot beat that combination of tbe pen, Qn a raised , platform in hlrge centers of popnlatlon ot.. ,tb~ tbere Is a totol area In the 1I0uthern ·CUt steady reduc"loD. tbe real' Is the sleepIng platie for the country. wliere Lbty '11'111 hnve n high Htsles of not less tbon ' 25,000 square hog!!: ' The' noars are supposed to be value 88 mArket garden 8OI1s or nelds , miles. In the northern steWs the area 'rhwuptJ in YOllnl' Pig•. made of ·cement. 110 laid thllt all W'lter for the raising of hay. Wbeu brollgbt of Jmprovable womp land Is leBa exThulI\PI 18 caused by till' young pip wUl tend lo r~ln .to the ' rear and ('. ODe Into lhelr bes t state Buch areas will; ten.lve. bllt tbere Is not a ~tau! I" .,mlng ovetfat, liB the result of too of tho two corner.. Thill provides a IIIll:lSnMtI by the J)rlee ot other lands wblch they do ,lIot cons:tltute on 1m. tIttle ellerclll4l ud too muw feed. The rOllr draInage, and . . the water mUll' In, the 8Rme neighborhood, bave a llOrtanl purt of, the lanl) ,retii"'Ye whlcll . flip IhoUI\! be BUrred out ~f the nMS pUB u::der the aleo;o;llnlf p;~tfnrm value 'If not les8 than t200 an acre_ the com ing generation 11 be g lad to "MIl not tumid out aDd thuB made to ':..ll~rt! Ie teason to ","lIe'/e UUlt thl , AI tbe total rerlalmable o.reIl hetween uae."· 8IOve &lIOu t. . ..1U always lie ralr~ II", A. •• K.-B (1806--25) Il8L Ne. _');~I:k a,ud Po~!!D4 (M~:.l probably , CIlIRISTf~PlWilR!1 WEBSTER. ,
l':' ==~~ JVER, ILtl
Paxtine Toilet
. j
; . 1".
tI!." _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _
Pomo na
at Morro w
Ca nua's
(:t rOll
0 1 11' 11
l\)1 11\ \
' P , IJJl01f\
11' '' ' in r rC111nr ~ '"\~ " ;H n ot t ll tl" h '·. !'-111 I,tlrtlll l· . ,111 111' :10. wi t h n.
~O''' I n t (01"101"',,.' " , ,,, - i(l,rllI!!; III \, ll ~ h
wll rit nt tJli~ ~"tl~"1\ ~,, ~ ~h lll I.h" 11[l h l1e~1 I I wu"; t Q n fnrr(·t l d ll t ~IUI' l '!! II · <lilli, I "II. "fl,tr wlll('1i " ~II " I "1(1 \V "l'ro'l\ ('''\I n t .v I;lr""~tl ,Ii 1\ " '''' "OS ~er" ... 1111\ t hn ltlnill~ rr " 111 II ' Ih l (;lrlln~A Ihlll , Atl h. ' .,tl t'!·II ' 0 ,) ;,",,~i 11 IIfI' r 11111 1"'~ 1I111 1' hu ~i nf· IH. "'to ,1t ;: jI '. , (1 , o f, tlHlrH WII~ " ~l , "rl. h nt, il/ l l', ·, ·~ti1 t:: 1ifl'n1r.l' I"·Il/HIII I! A !lllll"\' n '" 1'' ' Ilc1 \'lIntllg f'~ Ifr Iho (,"'111 11'\' gil'! of t l)\111I'" \\'"" 1'(lnl1 h ,' M I~R A 111111 Un k .. r . Lit ~'; n~ i" ,fIIrk ~II " t' II r eoi !nli!)fI f .. I1"",.'ll h" II tllik h.1' III '
\\ I hll
$1 .0 0 rro $1 .7 5
Sa tu rd ay , Ju ly, 7t h.
Ladies Misses and Children.
We comm ence our Mid- ummel' lem'anc a) \\,jth the m?st l' barga in' \ er ftel'ed Lh Publi ' ~ Dayton and. tl1'l ' ). , i \~ Lcrri t l'y. It will be a GREAT OE ERAL CLEA HA ,CES. It i\1 ':11' t of
T) HI~e
Excl usive S hoe Sto)-e C .u~~rn'ng . Wan t a Temp orary Bridg e Form er Resid ents. tlaauw l'l'erry, wbo torlller ly OU I& · Work on the orwin Avenue dU"hll I krooer , ' In ,btl bul1diu g brIdge IIOr088 the mill race is to iJe · ... ,w ",:,
wh "
n tl ll ndHIl fr ulII
l ucn l (/rlllhH ' "' Br A: Mr . IIn ll ~ I I'~ :\Iullrir' ('Ol'lI plI. Mr IInrl t'o'l rli li'rrnnk H nrtStlc1l , D,'. ,lull Mr ... P D, C lngett, Mj,,'e~ Altnu M r PIlith Luc lhl Cornl'lt . Dam EI1i~, Mrs MJlr thn D,~'~ i~ . M fI«!ll'S, K(l1l1 ucl I:Sntl flr wo rtll. Wnrre ll K ay!! .
W I"'
hn \til
('Vt' r
hUll \V A urn l'ed-"t't.l,v '.VU h lHl to ~nol' til't' p,."U . t. "I III lit .. II ' h '~'''li
i'l lI oe,l 111 l10h 1:1 rg('l' o rI1, ',·~ f 01' 1Ir!.;
Ilil{ h
ptic ,,~
ha\ (' eve r had.
A ~r U R D A ·Y ,
...... t
' 1f'I Ltli IlC
J U L Y 7 th,
H un te r &
14 and 16 East Third ·S t.
Hal~die DAYT ON,
Ii . I t.. '11 th
'rak • ailva,nt,ag'c ,)f i t.
s upply nt t,b o rowark llbly low prl cell in I,\t i!! g l' III Alililllll li
see it, I \ lakeD . Wa,n..,.ille paper -7a· tlle I f
"1I' ....
1 . Mi
r~uritl Burnet t, .whll
- - - --~-
uRt,ell fr om tll Lyt.\ HI gh ho, ,1 PARA GRAP HS I \hi,. s prin g iii tuklng f\ !lI)o'ci ,1i \l1 'A I llllrll tory hlu 1U l \ h e r s[ ll,'u r" lit Ih .. '"r. For L4'gKlJt t··~ PUrl\< G re" 11 goio m ' n" rs ty, JAl)nll U Rllde r'I'!\lor e, Aunion Ul ut,iu!o( o t tlw ~1>\\,(>J'lh' Mr~ Deliu ~hn lllon B. of ill oin , Lell g .11 ,o ft,h e M. E , l ' l ~n r~'h '''''~ u otl, It! mll kiu g 11 visit to h l ' r s lAt,a r th t;hn I,hlll EU(\(>J, v oI' ," ". IIlt,\· II f 1r8. Heltn KeIMY. of Fifth
Mr W , J . Kll bon,
T~ ggett's Purl..
Ilrud ·
\.ll new and 01'1' gl' Do l, c.t '-" YI'O o!J' ' ''t' t h n ( . n them an Aval anch e of Achi eveln el1ts HeVe r befo re attai lled by any show with 't he gam e Baa •• Yille, Alabam a: . • 1M' 'be dear old aazette low price of admI- SSI·() O ' faaaell . . . .y &0 oar bome once 1 . •
.onan dl ..,
' lIo(
'I ,,, \\' -1111 1" ~ II I 11" "" 1""C'h " II ,h"n ,. g",n l( 111' IIII';': At r ,iii ru o n oy AIl."l n ;':H YOIl h,,\', l'vor 1tlllJwn WI ll 1,11 " h tlli""hl ll \\ I\ w'~l\t" v, ",\' h llt1" \\I\tll . T(l" rl~ tbi~ 1I,Ivorti Ro lll o nt ' 0 iIlVf'!ltlgllt t h rt'fI hllq:HlI t" 1II)r~o nlllll' . 'I'h(\ I"H i nt! rM III"I, pf)~ '<lhl y d o jllstioe to, the "ulue!! Il!lRh,) \Y1l ill thl' gnllO lH Ih (1I\1", lv , '~, p r~()tI ~ ,,11 , ,('1)1111 '>' ,11\11 I'll' , umino th om wlIIlIst 8n to tlloir nWII jl1 (lg lll f' n t. nntl ~nv " Inq lortnn t S1l1U't hv ".;\'In ~ ill ,I filII
C ~:.':''':'~II''~O::Q'~;~~~;:~~dn:~~ IRCUS WAYNE~ VILLE F rleday ' J u 1y 6h t Jonatbl D @ml~b. of tbe Spring VIII · " -"'Ire, who mo-ed Ana'h from .. '"("". leJ ' " Dortbo f Ferry. m.DY yllON .go, wrl&elU•• Olle&te ooncerD lnlJ thllir IIf.ln'b ebomA oUhel radupt ionat
t'j' ~ '11 "II i ,,1
thllt, !io ," provIIl1.
. ---
tr .(, ' '',. .. '''. T Ii I!
' j '
li llY .1' ''111' ~1) Pp1t ",. I;O\\, f ' J)' fllt\ll' A '1 :\
bo&h Kre, &Ddal l ' and ber rrleod l-Xenh l aazette , lin. T, Jeff B.ID.. ot Mrs,
t hlil' 1',.... hilt". '.
I Ne- I
ri ~~wlllluD ~mg ~~ ~~ and' tbeday be remem ber · ell by
""i' ~,,; ,
Every dep't is full of de irable, high clas good ~ in every thing you may need for hot wenth er and the line are 0 comp lete YOll will find it grat~fy· ing to select from them~ His tit c gTe a t.c. t, 0 Ppo I't u n j you
"Ij,.cl by F . C. t!chlo\"a' 11. 1111 gin soon. At th e tim nllf hi" vi"lt ',0 ' II V· • "rUi .tort', bas r ecellliv oeltlbr.. t ed \ A,t a meetin g of t\,le County CaUl , oellvl1\ tl Oil MmlJi)r llll [)" V. hl r HI~r . 11111 8e,b bl~'bd.y a. biB home In ml~810ue l'!l Monday a petition W8 , ley V , • p Ol' I III ' Ill , ( ~o llimlllldl'r In ~ ' t.DOD . 811 W.. I lIurroan dell by prellenSM ollking that, a tempor llry 'hier of th e"Sunil of Ve t- rRIlS of I,h ltllO Ilblldrtl u, Terry. ot DaY' ! brillge be e r ected while t.he 01;1 Uni l,ed· !ilnte", b clim e P~)JO Inll,v , .... ; M, . and Mr.. Johnllll n , of IItruota re W~ bemg tor n IlWI1Y Rull inter08tod , III EllmllJl d Rplllllic:k ~'ra ,Idl .. ; a",' Mr. and Mn . 811111 tbe n ew built. No !lotion wos t!lken Camp lind freqnon tl y"pn ds f rll t(1r. 11111 BaY'.Ii' , ot Lebano n. Ooe /tOn, by the Oomlll1811loner nnl greecin8~ to his brother s In tbl! s. I)r, J , T 'l\trry. uf Co!amb aa, We lire not Informe d h ow mnoh cllmp. bra.ka, w.. anable &0 be P10ll8U t . a tempor ary bridL"6 will cost, Be hREI g lveu Sllhstlln tln \ e vidence hnt In bow.,.e r, . cafe it Is Dot buil t tbe publio will of bl!! regard for t h e 10011 1 o r uni l\I~ ' lb •. aaDClalt. allte, Mr. Ueoge Ihave to ~ross ot tbe ford tl on by IlPPOi ntl ng one W . Dart,bt , of W..hiDfk>D Itreet, Leonar d II, I1t the lower e near .John bElrs, Adelber t M . M01{II6fY, IIItsSpmena· nd oilll of Milin • I\b wbom .he .. abe ber boine a 8treet This ba8 olways been can· Aide on bl s 'Rtf, find h ilS SlIut, Mr . portlcnl or 'be $Ime w •• 71; .JOIn of lidered an nnsafe MoKo y I~ hH.uds l)tnB parchm ent 11S plilce will be a"l1 ... Mollday .~ tiM oooaul HD very inconve nlenl, to geta nd hi conami:lsion t o thRt offi ce . to. eelebra teclla. yery dellehl flll I !!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1&, ..D.e,. Nepbe •••nd DI_ wttre 1
110: ... nd ".,..11(1 Ihtl U " wllb hor, 'I ...... 'h6y e,el&lu l a qa' ....UtI trom ..... l"blihar molllCl l "t o.ylOo ar
. lOr M"
(,In' llli
5Irll . H Eld,,'rl PII'" II II r \ , · h ft·1 \,tll, '
R\ P t-'Vt"r,
W " '"Il[~vl lll\ TllI'~.ll1"
Ilt nllc\Qr'8
i'lll ii:,hvlIl'<l
11ft rlO"" n
11I"· ",,,," "1.,f II .. Mh," .! V ll l lt'y' ( hUI\ II),:qnll M l !lH t nil. Z" II \\ hI) ~ 1 " '1I1' n ' r~917
street. of th e O~t.llOtlox Il'ri" n~l" t:hl1r(, h \ WII!lh Id at tb a Fri nu" ~lH till!! w,·.. );" o rwln, r ll, H "n~~ Snn'lu.v 'tI" ~lIi.nolll""l\ I\- prllft ... no 111 \\' IIY "" ~ "llIa r" '11 II v liKe tn l' illo 'nnlltl lou"~\.t IiI (111', t r .. rn 1.1I~ lIl,"' . wille tl. 1 10 WII~ :lp, ut. illl! (m' h ilI' ..... p ll .. w, Z .. II MoL:Je llll n ,
t nrn ~,l h ~jllltl ~n','rl .I, Y M - A· " 'JI'r .. nI\LI '\k :::;"rln'~!\ rl' I'II'0I1 ·· 1 ore A renlC ' rtlsts, H jO'h \\h " l~i t l\\"\lIII~Jlh"" (Al'j'rFrnm I.. 8 Ae r-'r1 in h alllrh Mr "n,1 1'"\ ,r. E .ltmoC'," r tmll 1 i110lt"' '' h "II will I.{O I Iof) , COD , eall·s t- FunI l , e d h UII1 11 ~Ir Pllrkerll· SlIlurdl iV 0" "II,.,. Cl b ....-- to _uu '00' 1100I f bave frmll t' f 1 I P .. tV , I i " d h A n 'h t\\V ~hlpmn 1"11 D_ , 01 '"'"!" ut Ilf L e g g .. t,I, pj'rl~ thl'ir weflk'" " i~it. , III . P ll t; in 811" Y own. s , ea.u I II OllIe'"" (~<:l11 (iqlElII . or .yellr B • ~ . "l! ~' '"' fI~ IIIf t.l l I "a, w tlrf' " a Vo' ba I " lit. H.',rl~," ~ !lto r e , 0 C . tHlIhf h W " wO 1l'1".'·I\ fi r n I h " .... "'''Tt, 'h il,tun,li 101111 .. , 0 11 (111111:" III· ; : . of r:eo:,r,~blmar ;:::; .. I more p~n a. ge~ 0 ild B('H KtH in · 0 rj e n MI' " oil [r!l Frtlnk Bnrnl'l.f, C!f !J!:H!SIn n.. Phll\,IIlUf'i~I!<: A8~ U"nr "r H"\,,, 'I h e of he .. Mn l inn C ;h irtl'lIrl"1 I' I I'lplli.· ' ... ho III ~.. "(l,,i ll ~ '110 U" plktl ,,110."' :< of .-:t-=:.:.:~ !~l"h~~~~':!lve, the Para de than a.n y othe I" "~ r.'por.!:," fII 0~ ' '!'J"y,.tJ J" IOuiu l w l'Ill, ', 11 ,1 rll'"-" ,\1,1\ k " .. wlI t" ~ r 2,5c 011 th e roau , 'l!Jeil; ~o n In IRW lIud ',IIII1 ;.! hl .. r Mr . -:-r.tfi' ,woI 1!e~~I, n~ If f I,ll A !J~ooi .'1, I'nhll, . Mi,,~ .the ...,
__ p""lea~::Ikor:::'ro~~deWaOy.
'b. .... _ a ...1'IUe .D, more, Bat --.II
' I ""
1I 0 rl ~'Ir" Hll t:r,\' Arl) \\' II , tl f . U' ur rl ,l\' JlI"ht,.
l¥.t week he w.. kep' buy market
wontl ul_n Ho tt.ok in 160 dole. ,.terd ay , The fln& ' week he IIllelroaa'IDjC,e enhe BO& -150 d(Y~, bqt wetlk he 8 0 ' 12y'o doz. We _w.....t1I ... D4I of fiDe J(1irdea truck, .Dd .iI.baD dance of Iroll. Our HOD _.._ U• • DIDe mtlee Do.1.h ~~ of ..... tood ""Ie .ife, .nd four btl,ht bMlthy childre n aDd atll Ket,
" ,If!
Dllyton , 1IIl lon,,,, .hl'llIg Y, ' ry
prur.11 r.uI
Inl "re~ tlll !;
II n(\
Z.' II hilI< bIl4'n I'll
1!"l!orl til Ihl .. \\'n " k In
" F' ~ - - - -- - -.. S -. tt , . . ' IPjJhell' UllrnPlt ","1 (ll mil y nf ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'! peCla a entIOQ IS ea11 (:\(1 0 a vall' !!!' ~~~!!!!!!!!~~ of ' "o rlll lOr 'I<n t nrvi tll ', um l ~:" rl Su r I A ff1enn oe b L I I d .... t t, II eI f ll lli lly , ,'f Lul,'" , 1',1I' lI t u ~OUS on y recen t y l)l'es~ nte -\~lfl,l" y \l' ilb MI' . ,r M K,:vs 111111 t th b' b J -.. h Af' L' I UII" I .I· . al' l 0 e S OW Y
u Ia t e
IOne SS,
r(lom cltt.llef' wi- ' ll I h d'1l' "II tluol W OOl1 hotl!ll) " 'lj . n rl .inl! , A .I ~ o \Jllve,1 Ilnel pIll " . '1",,,,1 I" tl.. r wlthg nr!l wpllun dol.h "1' " "" '· ,,: IIt: OCU" ~lt,II," (ld in Nor t h " I I . od of Wny n esvi lh'. (i'o r Illlrl.ic. 1Ilur. ill(l'lira tit t,hi~ 1,111 , M ,·~. A,ltli ll . ' tuk", Mi ~;; Mlnlli ,' F IO r
- - -- - -
:-\ u\" - ~· l v o
!o.IlIllIU UI
D' on 't th \.'i h mISS e 1" anlJl lout l I dond t ' h Fi l'ee OutR' 1 t .,( \ ,t ay 0 M.'ti.S ow lf e Ex. ' at. ·1 hlblt lon befo l'eea ch perfOrmHll Cp. . ' Lewis. of DI~ytoli , Mrs. 8110ull11 PER LlQ UMA N ' ES .) Lewis, Mrs. Clo rll I~Elwl!l, Mr B rim r , fi ~ fir Well" 'IUd wife. Mr. Rll1ph Low! .. I D 'I 2 & 8 lIeD", lind flllllil .".. Mr . Wu ll r Cllld( nu,l al ) , p. m. (ll m ily . Elm Lewi~, l:I o rll1~1\ Le \V\ ~ II n(1 '{'prl' I' BAIly :~':.m;oU~:-:aDder dllte ~t JUlle , Adm i:?sio n Adu lts 25c . Chil(ll'e :l 15c, ~'r" R 'lll nllhR ,", ·.. ,I . or 1)II1' tOll . n.,. FaluDB:-Tbla leave!'
oommOD. "lboul !b , lalber 11&. been .ica, bu' ill well ...... ~r .....' Is alwoet here ; tb,·. wh.I' i8 aunKID B oolor ·...d nilin.' ·.n espeotlDI: tel ma"e olover huy 'lal. w...k, coin I.. loolrlDg wei, . .'nu. iI • Ir•• p country . I, b.ln, oaaot tbe Inlllo 'crape Io\"IU .. ..miaeo ' ,be'.fl u"r.. Alma.t overy, r.rwer · Ilea.,. " ",rae'I11ipber ot e"w_. aDd .. U.ere .reOMamerl~" h. all tb" lown-, v"'Y' 111110, Lutl6~ · •• mad.. by Ibe '"rw .. ,.· ·wtv8IC,H" Iii .. milk II all ." 1 ." '.Ihtlr 11 II!!" to . new bom .. 't. , IAuob. 'hI' IJt'Opl... tH ... , fri " "JiI.1 • ,1&1 ..... 11 .. 011;' f_1 _0 mllub " .. h . '/II" , 'rb• I. lit tb~ \'.'r~ 1",.. , .. ,.! , ..... hey. !Co..d, Ot<lIlr"I,II«.l "".lwII'" 'I'u,tb,-lnll, ' lu filet. hut,I """", , .1' . 1 t·"I~, lUlu lu"1 oi",' O"U'I' "1-1111" .... ab.. cuuII"y I~ . 81111'11 UV ""II;, 1'1'. l'O~e,. frUIIl lb., 1","1h,, '11' 1"'" ... 'b
I~ ~ 1' 'luling
.. , -,,,,,~ Mr . r"'DII hh.'''·~·,.
.~ of !ler r elll tlve!l .
War ..
.'p' A"HO lD'·. 18 r ccommcncled by
o.f tbe
largest l'0u1ti'ym cn n8 t he most economlclll roofing '1\ml 'sldlng 'for . 'poultry .!touses,s heds, clc. S~jugJeS and c1npbollrl18 COls t more ond do . Dot kcop ~hc . building s
Mr a nd Mr/l Natbll n Jones 1I0ti if' otl h u r rn uuy o th 4'r rrit\ IlU~ hAre , At ter II h ril<f "I~i t, nt !:'[lfiJII,;1 u r o , ~b (1 wi t! 'r eturn t ,j W " ':' I,, Hll ill a u n (11'1' nUlln nnt\! "f.t.u· l it .. Hull i" U 1I1I!l11! On II r,nQ'HIt. 'uj' n 11\11010 1l .. ~r1 .. rt. I'''~ 1 Mi/:l . r,il coill wili el _, · h " I' lIdl lil/ ·" " t rP for " 'IIPr,, 1 w. ,'h · hi ,. n h ,:,· . ,·",,~, ti II . , \ tl ' 'I' " 1. ... 1, !i! "" 1 w il , htl u1" ,1 t, <. , " I I h I' • ',I . I'i ,"l " 1l11' 1 " 11~ 1 11/ " " I fll:" "t, I It II " .' p ' C ' , "I, · ,· ":. ,,, '. I .. .. I..;, .r, .tot\
C H \V \. H T' Z
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OR E A'f
1I1s~ ou llin~
~AI.E "
1-?• P '-;:'[1 ,I...!, Dl") IJ'S :-' G I ", :\.,.dJ S 1 0'0 r).~
',1 " Il
' ,
<Lry and
___ . .
With roofing . In ellch roll It d ocs not requ ire pllintlng, when first applied, aoll Ilea fiat: Bond to.(\ay ,for free IIUIllj)lcs' alld our bookIe&., "Bulldll 'lI Eoonolll'l." F .
__ . . .--->..,.. ....
Buy your
I .
lp $Jl. Boa$b,
, AT
,.--_. ~"- .:.:.~ ... ~ .~ I M l';f K H. .Nl :1\ N " ~ :, I
=':1lf. r:-~:E ~ :~i=S'Spencer
on t he mORt delicnte skin . . SMALL CAKE IO ·CENT ,.. or
Mude (rom PORE ITALIAN OI.1V~ OIL. contain s NO Free Alkali, Therefo re it will not produ.c e an)' Irri~tiC)n
1: 11. ' " I Ihe " " "I ~ ' _ • • ~-".:'.:..~ ::!~.-~'~~~".!' .,, ~~~~~~'!". __ ~~~~!!!!
Sale By ~i;~£\C.c.l~~ &. ·l\,.f) ~·ll~ .~ G.HOQ'ERIES wlf" ""It "". ' ORLGONIA, OHIO here claUllhl ..,.". IIf 8u 111\ 111(1111111 , A I", . 1 ' OW HOW" liII"'I, .!.... hill 110'11"',, mother 11IlU : ... 1 u ~ 1. l.l:l ... AU' . • , . . '. . ' . ........... of 0..,'011 ... "e'1t joIjllUI'UH.9 ! In the manufactunng of ParOld that makes It the . ht"b' aD4 8alt~"Y \\ it h ~, .. 11(1 . most economical and ~ ati. sfactorY' roofing 0. r ' siding II, • . J . ), . 0 nIl .. I.. t." Thll mater ial on the mark t B th fi llest GoodFl l"~" O.AIII In.... 11"D ..alt1lllnt 5O.h"r~.. ,' " . e " 0 re,'pro. f'~ an d weath er ,""wer IDlom " bil.,. ' wb ·oh Mr. Kill J)roo~, You get full value receIvedo If , you buy ".y ,.eo.",al, pllruliaM8Il, .. net 1M I<I1ld ParOld. l ,owc st ·PriccR &0 ... Ibe "'rlt.... ' lIIotnr ollrrillill " PAROID ROOFING 'r:>AJN' l' th.t be. lOv.. r t ill W"vlI .. "vdt., . . .• IG Mr , Kiulttl, I.. It'IIb.i w ,;1 tl", 1,, " ' "Makes old ,roofs new. Good en any kind of 1'00 ;". ' ' . If! ':01 ,'OI\tf''' KIlIlIt'V , lit X"JIIII, 'I1iI1 A l ' bIll bOlUe WII,. ''Irnl!!r l, In tlllrlnt: FLAU R d by_t 1Ie; " R S (. lOUr G • roc~r f or AClI.lE • . If ' J , nlla e ·very thOmg ~n season V.II.". fllnr year.. In IlII.rly Oregoma Mdls. '. c='~~b~: f::~,;~:f~Y:e~!~~ ' Our Flo';1r mill has b~en newly remod eled and ' the WSIIS &0 Da.J&oD · wbare be JpKrn ...1 • quahty of our flour IS better than ever, 'Oring UII your eggs. we at saae tDlObl... , trade aDet worked iU ' ALL IUNDS OF FEED AND COAL . paying 00'_ "In.. In 'be IIODth, Be !laW , • trnat poutbU ttl1'll tOI' an aotlve IOKIl I Also all kmds of Hard Wood Lumb er_ We make a wlUl oapl"•• wbloh he su,OCtoed8111,n specia lty of hard wood frame s ..carill l, and fl'olD thal time bl" I -
u rn !,f' r
M.tI RUTH A . BAUID , .. 1" BOX 3 BUI'TIIV ILLJ:. ALABAMA. ·M.... 'WilIOD wrlt.etl tbe ' . _ara _ • e Oal8tte ool108 fDlnltb elrDew boml' iD Portace U)UII'y, ' Ber· 'athor, \. Albert 'WlllOD ,lOld hil fann nortb ? -er'eR J'.olup le of .J.....go.Dd t ..l 810M &0 WIDdb am, Ohio. and evl are beooml ac more .nd mor .'&ach.c1 &0 tbelrDe w l00atlon , MI .."
111 . . .ell
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& Monroe, , · Or"" ,"6onia, O"io III •
lut " ir,l' vie lv uf Olll:t 'NOI~ iu f.lntob i 0 0 & 6 ilJ.ll:ty ' lI luuneoB e'diy goOdl; ' st,o.'e o.t ·X ellil1, Storo does II 11\\ 'i nc:! ' oJ 1II" te tlll~~ 'ILOO,OO O
Whi te Good s, Ging ham Silk ':Glovcs, Corsets, Linoleum
Hu*chisQn ' 6t Oibn ~y, .X~nii1,
- .... . . -
Very Attractive will be LOCAL AND Souvenir Illue of Oazette. PERSONAL MENTION Tbe... G ••~t •.. ,... pll'n;'ln to' tiline _ .....
• .. ..a
For.Sa.le-A Irood Jenev miloh
a IOD'f8nlr edition immedlately·af. cow. Inquire of Mrl. Elleo Bides. tllr LhtI H"me Oomlnl( whloh win
~~:~:::~t~:e~-:~~Of~::bB!~:; ex:~:~I:~I::~t~'1i~I;M:~~D~:S~
ma"er re1a&lDIR to Wayn8lville'll hl'ton,.to. Thll tillue will be on entirely ruffe~D'IIbet1 from oor.Speolal Home 00011 .... Nomber wblob ", ... "otten _ ..... .. , ont la.' fall, alld ' we helieve will eor,._ an, Ilmnar elrort ev.r uodert.teD 10 Warren oopoty. Owlo, &0 the elq)8DI8 ~vo1vt'd 10 ,eUID, 00'.0 iIIaM of tbill klod; we ..m prlo' Obi, .. maDY OoPI81 aa - a- r---Mbl., O8rtalo to -II. __ W _ .'" ~_ Halldredtl of Jl8Nonl were dl_p potnttod In DU' pUlo, Daplel of our ' Home Comlo, Gilmber, lIlT It "lU be weU fclr.11 ","ho w.ot tbliliouvenir to plan8 tbelr orderl .... 1".
my.d e Hiatt, a' Wloohl!llter, Iodlana. Tluoe paper 10 both wblte and UIIOI1ed oolon for ..Ie at the Ga zette offioe, h.
Mr. and Mrs: Georl8 I VY. Hawke hlld tbe plNllore SODdlLY of bavlog for their ' 11l8llt_ their rela: 'tlVetl, lIr. aDd Mrs. Mert' na"'ID, of • Lebaoon .
Mldaummer Claannoe Bale 00 all millinery rood,,· Now III yonr op portonU, to gilt 0111 and Jearo for ,oUI'tI81t, Mas. U. M. WRITIC. Mr. IDd Mre. Gladman &Illll, nBar CrOlllwiok, .re enjoyiog. protreot. , •• ad viii*' from 'heir Dlpbew and Business TranActed ~y ol8OP,. Mr. and Mra Elmer lAnd lind l1ome-Comlng Committee baby d.Ullbter. alao their nleoe Un , Alioe Cot1l01 lod mtle 100, all trom 1'be (;''1UlI80tl'. Ottner.l . t:ommi'~ ISPringfleld bulotf oh_rtre of tbe Home CIIUltDI ,' U W J Sbllrwood II able to he Ia..ld 11.0 Import.nt meetln.. Thurs. r. . dlt~ evenlD, ' . . .. laboo& town on orotoheJ' after a :11IH , .... , 'event II oow leaa 'han ' twelve weeb tu.,.le wh~ rbeuma· fuur wMb off .Dd the llOmmittee8 tlam. Mr, HberwO!Od iii ~ubjeot to okll, bnt thlll one w~ II I.. oblrp of tbe .durereot depart tbe18 1II*I.. t . . .n repor&ed prorfeu, and' IItlle WOrtte than naul. ~ wbUe tb*lre ta .tm a dNI &0 Mt.... ADDa aud Bannah Kelly bit d,_, mat~ .... are 10 well In eDWr.. lned a 'conlenlal party of II.Dd _b., eye r1 tbllll wm he in ooollni 8Murda,. afterDooa aDd ev , readl ...... when tbe week arrivee. enlog. wben they had a. their IDeate -11a" • nrnal aDd daugbtel'l. " 't be oo~uIlU" 00 mOlllo w.. ID. II n .. .. Ib'Doled t,. MOare t"o baodl for III. . Rail. Marie aod Jean; lin WtlIlo-wy. p.rlUiH dlY. : 00., will 'JIllltsabetb Bntrard1l8 aDd ,Jam,e, bit t.he W.,..."..,ille ba!1d wbloh will aod Mn. JameaBbnte and daoghte'r be on duty IlVtlrJ " be other Mlu Edith. babl 'h 8 01 V &ad f X la ; : ,. AI:IU:' ~uocsa&lOD ~U\ :'ve The lIldacatiolial Wblt4t aD d stack . Bel.. of Ohio a oban 111/X tV ao nrchBtlt"' 00 ' 'bHlr.d.y. Tbun" / t "a" ...11 •.bl.., tQICtlth.. r wltb Ule .bOWl .&atH of_e~ oouow aD4 IDQIIIlcal "':",...ID for wtll InftaenoM ,ha& determlne ••me, allO acl'" tbe lov .. ", ..f Dllllllo "11\M>rtonity ~l'ICrIlt ~ 'lIe,.,.tem of S.... bOenI
ahe fun,.t I .1'8 . . . .OD oor oommoD 00 11 ' 1'IIeob"lrm.n ur .beCO ...... nltte 00 ~1l~1~ wa~~ 1~~~. l,'barlflll Deolraali.u.. 1"IIporrllli p"l(reu and . 0 l1li11: amu.... 10 ~. ......... '" ullee 00 tlver, ~tl..,n 01 Mn. M.ry lA!e,o l'IDau 0 the Ih.. towa abe D_"Y of'~m.k.lolJ· Stat... oommlttfle on mioatlon of ... rl, arr.II..,llIlIn'.. to _W'tt m.te tho GraDtre, "ho ftddrfllled "'he 10. . r'll lor deollr"""I( . lG~rybody 0.1 o~l..tlon "t &heIr reC01.r ..buuld .. bow bl. 1.. ' .....1. hy deo!»r m8lltta, 8fttord" nentDIf. ~II tbe a&lD4. lI'11f111t uo&IlBo"d., 01 her The ' m .. Uf1r of railroad ntell II old frieDdll, lin. B B . ~lla and ".,eu elt.. wbere In thtll IlIMue Mill" Do.... 1:1111. loin. LAe I• • de I'll.. OtllnRlit,tM on bntelll aod IIIlht.fullp""br and IIhe jlIl~e her bondtD" bl.'u..... de.I"'" \118 lIamlt!' ft,ndipnM mao., .0hjflCltll for tUlefDI .. h b I Ii ohll ......onll wbo b.u·e no, frleulb .' oor t 0 er I'fIIIIllrkll" " ~ or ...I.U'.... with "bltm t.hll~ eJ:peot F.rmerll. oall In and Me tbe Bradt •• peat IIp Tblte III abolulutttly 041088, lAY pJowa.edlf6 dropoorn plant. ltar, ". IIll1are ",}Okl IOOnmmod"t.looa era, one and two row ooro oult.1va. ." tb .. b ..... I~ "n.1 t""''''tnlC hoia_1 to".. I ahlo carry ~ fulll1De of , 011. wUI be &0 tbe limit , Write borne tmplem8llta and am talllDg to J. n aawke, L'hIlrl1l8n. oommlt orden for bleb grade tobl&OOb,oorD .... OIl ",111 ~n.d boardlnK h011i88. ,IIDd oatIl, fertlllsen ranstni 10 price 1:. V . Hltrohan reported .UI'ftOp fr~m tbtrtllftn do1lam..up. _ _ t l for tbl! .. nde . Willi onder Huay JAY. wa, a1iH 80ft dillpl.y aulll'8ll '. ' . , . Thn f'f'Pl1tt1t"ft""nf Wllrren County CuaDOlI bu 1fN0&ed fbe Bome '. ' Comaa, OomIDtttea fuli'ue of an wlll h..ld .. l·thnllry .·l~tlnh. MUll. Itn'." and plibllo P";08I durlol the d.y, &lptem~r 10. for ehtl Jlurpo"" . .. C M Roblt h' I f of a..leoUnlr Oftndldat_ for tb" 00011. ~8IIa. . •te--101\,0 • rman 0 t .. oftlllM. Mr DIln P. 8on",ol Leb... I. b .. _8 oomm ..... on oon08l8.,olU!, .. aoon. la one of the firae IIf tbe OIln. . Dbar,. 01 *:bl. d'.....meot . . Apl'- dldat"!1 to ""peal' on tohe _n8, IIr. oae 4_rlq &0 plaoe ref...bment ~ft "oold like the pll108 all <.,1erlt • t a . or otber pI'ln\elel .dDrIn, of Ooar"'. n" 1.. a ~ o.... ble ....otl". ib It h uJd lte ht .... .,I8e or wr m. men iliad btl friend. over tbe oooab .... e . . . . 0 ·Th. epo1't. 00IIl1DI&t:ec: · prom... aNllnmlnglll,Y.Il, to btl .Dpport.· Boo4 bue ball for the 10. .1'8 DI"oulpme• ..oh day. , U\'II Will K Gr"bam. of the I.y. _ 6b d &Ie 1,llrp, Mt,,,ttAd' Tueadav afwroooD ... ye •IiDillin Dl'Ognml' were ''ron. ""yt(ln tn DlIlIt8 . rdered ted r-: a. v"'" whh o Oba 1 P ~I .... f.": 'rlAli.h In the w3.. t . • 1Id' ~xpeo" to _ r ~n..:- I t' o.....rm"!'_~ tba"'~ be " ;41" three. or 'toor 'weeb She ....... ..._m t . , repor ..... · • . '. a Pal'aD&ett , 'IIDd 01 about "150 will \·, "monK. otber pla08l, In _ 4 . n .. 'ftI1a wlllba In. Om'lIh '" Ntlbrallkll. a?d ' at ,QellllO&. .,...... to ~alld wUb ,bl! mon81 10"" .Mr Graham II IIIMf?r II" ~.ecl flOm tbe ·OOaoM.toD. aDd JMlllh· O"IUIIP, 'and little dan,bter reoall* hom .baUpmee Ie expect- lIarl(ll~it.... of Leball..n, wtll kee., .... to ooyer tla. e:lpsO".' . ~:ll lut him dorin, air!, Gr" 'C. B. of 'he COmmlt&ett a ..... . noo ' . . . . .,.. l'ire aaUiorlUd &0 GIIY f).~hlbu onde~ken to du Older a.attab" dlapl.'. The ...ent IIOblll fl\ ~ln, 00 bll ·OWD aooouD& of 1IMI oom ..nY promillel tbe oo~ 'bl,. IIH .•,oon. lod iD addltloo to • ml.... wbat Ia' equivalent &0 a tJOO Delat tlf O,lfU he bal pillokd OD a dlapIaT tIaoqb " wtll .· QQl,. farm. IIbnr& dillkn08 from · town. ..Iaoa. . . ball 'bat amonot. b ... :ll;",..." uut a ~IOp of tOllaOO.1 ill Ddf." U A . ft. Comml~ wW a' , .... on t b .. III t II .,r, .r. ' . . L ~ r ~tl1 parolluell 'lbe q ...., l....r""l. from DO,. a.• &II. 'be . • r, " • . JIoaae.Cdmlal. , WI'"'' ,"011 of Ctallpmaa .treM, fl'Ulll • . II~•. AnD &n.ld. Bo Ia 'DOW ba~DI baa for ..Ie el'tKlhod OIl rbn place lor tbe aGDuID q....... 0........ P'per .ul..... mil. I"UnD uf 'b~ orop a tobaOO\) boaIe te. . .I... _ _• 10..,. UCI - . . .1J:tW f.... ",th OIIIII8U' fOmadaUua til enjoJ "
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Annt! l!:lO<luk li t ClllcinUMl1 Ilnd Mr. und Mrs. ~ . 'l'homlill or Mr. Ohas. Mu llde n mllde ' u busl. Bedford Iod lu e vi8itl~g their mo'h· nellS trip to Duyton lllst wee k , er Hod !lIs ter Mrs. Llpplnoott aod
M r s.
Mr. Chluley Hu.rlilll Ilnd sons Mrs . Ed Rellson. spent Friday In Le ba non , M W ' . . Mr, Frank Wilson tr .. !lsttoteli bO d. will rbe loes8 In Xenia on' Friday, glii Ding us we would like to 166 him WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8. Mrs. Mildred En gle spen t a. few but do hope hA mny soon reoover. . MORKum. days In DAyton ll1st ·week. \V orl1 wrl:lreoel ved here tha' MlM Parade at 10 o'olock. Mr. and Mrs. W IIJ Our8ey visited MlirgAre t Stotler 18 qnlte III at ber u tbe la. tter's pareDt8 the Fourth . home nellr Clarks ville , Rer many ...eettoR of Old Scbool Alaoolatloo at Bigh Bebool Ba.lllmmedl rid h ately after the oonolUlLlon of the puade. MillS Jennie Corbin I)f Ci noinnlltl r en s ope to h ere ot her ' \ APTERIfOON spent Sunday witli fr iends here. reoove r y. ' Dr. Romine tranllacted business 1'0stmR8t er Antram of LebanOD Reunion of ex·pu""'l8 ... of Prot. B. A. ~tllwell. in WilmingtOn on MOnda . spen t I:l n~ d I\y w Itli Mr . .,'" . E . II llla Balle bal,1 game lIod band conoert at. Oak o.le P"rk . Y and family and wall aooompan· ItVII:NIHO . . Master Carlton Ander80n Is quite led home by Mrs. Barry Barbeau Slok at this writing. and lit tle son . . .."'I re W or t H 11.0d D_ POlO dO ODOBrt at south end of Foorth 8treet. Mr. Clyde Luvioy made a bmioe8s Messrs Loer and ofam680n ot Leb· TBUIUU)AY, AUGUST ~, ALUMNi D~~ Y. trip to Cinoinnati Tuesdu..y of lu.8t anon ~ttended the Sonda, Bohool weell . oonventloo here 800day afterOOOQ. MeeUqa of Alumni ao.d eE.BIRb Bobool Pupllll.t 10., m. and 2 Mr . Robert M. Srulut of Loveland A very~tere8ttog meetiq aod a p. m . !u Bigh Scbool Ball. · was the 8undl1Y guest of A. T. Sllb· full rel>ort of tbe State CoDyentlob ' to and family. was given . A large orowl1 wu ill ArraROON . Mlss88 Annu Btoops and Et tll Ar- nttomlenoe. ReunloD of ex.paplla of J. O. 'alkinburg. oold were ool1\ng on Waynesville - -- - B&8e ball at Oat Dale Part. friends on Tuesday. Centerville. Mr. Babln MoDonald spent thp EVart.a, Fourth very pleaslontly with WII. Mrs. Emery Bradstreet 11 able to tide out IL little. . . ......,.,p ..on ,. ' IIObool.campul '0 publlo by Alumni ASlloolatloD , mington rela ti ves. ~RIDA Y, AUUUtlT 10. Mrs. Laura B~rla.n Ilnd children Mrs. Dr. Keever III ooovalMOlDc Holld.y from-tO a: m . spent 'l'borsday at tbe h ome of hAr very nloely at home now. dl8ter Mrs . Pile in Sligo. Mnoh of the wheat la he101 ~lond IIIOB.tWO. Rev. PhUlp 1'rout of W"yn~vUle in ba'r ns this year. TIu) CII'OP Ie Hue Ball Ilt (Jet Dale Park. was oalllng on friends here FrldaJ above the average. t Pionlo and Keneral rewaloo aroond .lIOhoollrroundH . afterooon. B. F Vaulhan w111~ -* \be AftUJIOOM. Mlsa Winona MaoDonald is visit· Walont Grove ohorcb ~Dear Vu· Ing In Wilmington a few I1l1ys this sames. OhiO, t:;onday ~urT 15. 2 o 'olook, Hnal celeb...'I.?D' wUh prnurum of llIuslo and .ddr~·As k _ ..... ""'"'" wee . Mr8 . Be rn Ie Dill b ..~IODe to 0\114· 00 sobool campus. , Mra. Llnooln Bendriokentertalned well Ohio, to' spend lOme "me wtUl NOTEH, at Ii o'olook dlnnpr Batnrd.y even· her mother and lister. Rello room 'open da~y from II a . m. to 8 p. m. Ing In honor of Mrs. Ellis LI~der. Mia TiUa Campbeil .......1dlT .. . Dr. 8 . J .. E11Isoo and wife enter· Improved 10 80me _6 .... II lalDlol 011 Wedll8lday eYflDlo@, fire worh wUl 00 postponed ..... - - untU Frldal eveDlng. ' , . talned Rev. A. It. BargAnt and wife prlDclpallOUI'CI! of ber' bOaWe Ie DO ., dloner Wed~esday. better'. , ' • For &01 further ioformatlOll, add,.. Mr. Roger Brown, of Clnoinnatl. MN. Libble Valll~, of VeroaA, C. 1:. B..TUII. Wa~ne8Vme" Ohio. v181Wd his graudparentsMr, J. Rog. OhlQ, will Dome and It&T- wWa her en and wife a few days laat week. lister HaUle Benham C\~ .......b·
s~:~; ~:r:e:~:m~~v ~:Ie:::
0___ ..
lIeooe of their brother •• 81 ........ on his trip to Northarll',1blM. Mr. Sidney Davl. aoel ble -....,. =.=----~ have beeo baay aeverlil . , . tlnK his engine and tb.."._ . r.47 . . ', for tbrelhiog alld wllll"'n 00' DOW 8000, . A very hard rain apd :, tIrtia4u storm p&8ll8d over thll IieoUoD' lad Palilsengcr Bl}turday evenlog. A ·0 . . . . . of Mr. aDd Mrs. Bert Whetsel of telephone8 were burnt Ou, · " Mnnele, Iud. are visiting the form · trloal flashes. f ar'lI brother, I1nd sister here . .. ' . Mr. and Mri!: John Jordon of rerry BroaclwaY,wh088 _Ub bae tr ~ rIp., Wellman were trlLnslloUng business b. een ,d eoIi nt og for 88vera1 _ .... In town Thurilday . IS now oonfined to the ho.... to . the bpd The trouble II88IM &0 be Thoee ...Idln, oU$lllde of Ohio, dellrlug til 1I800ire above rate", can ldill88s Helen H&rrl~ unll Bortha canoer of the .tomaoh. • 'i parohalll a ODe w"y tloket and secure a C I!RTlrllJaTE from tlleir RIlil BI&rlan spent U oouple of 111~y8 with ' Mr . Ed Barril h.. reoebtly ,.. Ro.d AgeDt. aod upon .rrivlDg bere de OMit IIIlld eertlflcilte with the rein.ti VtlS o.nd friends in WIllllington turned from Colorado, wber. b. aDd 8eoretary, L. A. Zlmmerol&n. to he 81ped, 88me wlllibe vlaecl by specIal Mrs. LncUe Boesler hM rehlrnll<t hill wife have beeo for ' 88."1-'Apot Aqns& ~, 10th, .and seoore the retor,o tlolret for X fare ! to her home In .Lebanou utter nn ex· months for tho beoefit of BanI· . I) UM OBntl. . tended vi~lt ~t h er Ililrental h ome. heu.lth . His longs h"ve lloOlewba' Above rates are roo,<t for ten dRYS. , . improved , They have be&n vilitl Tloketa to he portlhued from place or lltartill/{ oot earlhir tbao M./tlilrs Barry Wllllon,and George ·tl M' B I ' .... _ III . . Ed d t Wed d . Lab WI 1 r . .rr. parenti In ......ter AogWlt 4, and gOod retornlng, to leave here lint I.ter than AUR1J8t 14th . war s spen nes By 10 - ville Pt\rtiAtl Itartiog from polotlln Ohio where ' the rODod trip 18 anou . . ".50 and over ,,111 , , _ poroha88 a Ronnd Trip Tieltet and depoillt their .Dr . B. J. ElUso" ond wife are eo· Corwin retarn portloo of ttoke& with' the Secretary. tertalnlng relo.tlve8 from Addms Co ' . . • lbl8 week . ' I. N. Har:rls of D.yton, llpeo' 80 th ·· f W MJS888 DIlIsv and Mary ~vioy SundliY with his family at Yrl. · y ro~n tom .'- . Advertisers Notice. RDtI John Davis spent the l!' ourth Alloe MoKlnsey's . on and Seriously . InJured'. 1'he bnllineu Uleo of W.a y n 8very pleasantly In Dayton. Mrs MoDou"ld of Dallall, 'rex .., 8vll1e, .. 'l'banda,. Mr. UartaO(lk and 100, and otbers who III ave anything for Mr. Mliurloe Collett of Cinolnnatl 18 visiting her father, Mr, Roben IlnII!IIS, were .. 'belr f•.rm in the Il&le tbat wtll ba Deeded before or enjoyetl the Fonrth wUb bls parontll Wilsoo and 8lster, Mra. ·Stomp. ~iddlernn Dal,bllorhood and on dUriDg the Bome Comlnl Iboold a~ d. b' ro tb er Mr R 0b er t C0 11 et t'. Mrs. Hope Stiles and dalllbter tbt!lr re&aro aboot · ooon' blougb,' Idvertll'8 the a••ne 10 the Gu.ette Mrs. R . E. Collett and daughtor were Sunday vlaltor. In XeDla . ' wllh them 1.hJ! tw.,l"" year old 1100 durlDI tbe oomlng weeks. of Wilmington, lire enjoyiDg a vll\it Mr. J. N. Lemmon aod family of Mr, aDd MH. Ed 1I0r,..n, who Tb l ' 1 III g f • • 'wlth relatives and friend II bere this spent Fourth In Lebanon ltve OIl lbe farm, tbe ooy belDg lAnE"· he peep e arlit 6~0 ,n or I~!. week . MIIIS88 Flo and Clarlt: V~ltted 1 &0 01 hi i a 'oo aOOOnD08JDeD .. oow, aDd au ' , . • 0l1li IIIII! a rou w oh WIUIS 0"'· venl.lnK will brinK better returnsi Mrs. Harry Barbeau (nee Mary pareots, Mr. and Mrs. Jamel Clark in. III to~t~t day. , . than olnal. . . ~lJIS) and little' son of. Batavia are SondlLY· ' .JUI' .. sbe, were drlvlq illto : . enjoylog a few days visit at h!?r pa· Mrs. Clarenee Mullen of Cinotnna· W.,D81vQletheir hone took frlgb' o.\r ,wo lilDoe ~ore before the rentsl home. . tl spent lIeveral dayl I.., week at _,,'hiDi .Dd iuwJ!ed 'to one '~e I\~e Coml~l!. ":8IIk. , MI8s Lutte· Blirrls of Wilmington with Mr8. Ao~h Mulleo . ~ 01 &be...road , • c1U1e ll&d belo, More ,.bout the Parade. returned' to ber hO~le -Friday afte; . The little 7' montbs old dan .. b·....: &0 ,_ ,IOU . ....IOWD . . ' : #l very pl_nt visit with her siliter of Mr. and Mrs. Charl81 WI"', 01 Be wu oar"*': &0 ,he home of 11:. V~. BarDbar~, o~alrman of 'bit Mrs. Lnkeos. Dayton, was aoalded to deatb BUD· D. Reed .Dd la&er &o.Wm. Hob- Parade Cqmmm~ hal ,.orkild np Mr. Calvin Edwards and danghter day morning by fallin, from tbe le"1I wla. . he Itilt II . , au Immenoe amount of eD'~n.tum Mrs. Ellis LI~der of J{lngflaher, bed Into a pan . of ho' waWi' &laM TIle olaUd Ia badl, iniu red aboD' tD hi. departml'!nt aDd tbe parade Okillhomll, spent one day lOo8t week was left on the floor awal&lns It. \be h8114 aDd bud,. aDd h!a'ooDdIUOD prom.... to he OD~ of th" beAt eYer with Le~non friends. mOro~Dg bath, and U. remala. wen 1I".,er, aerlou. beld 10 thl~ OOUlltv. U B ri .... III f <>-... k I brought to Miami CelDell'J T0ee4aw . Ill: reet DroW a d 17 ' I ... re . ar 8On .....n no "llIn In . # " -ODe ae- 'lbe farqleH of tbe Inl'roondln, 18 vialtln" Mr. ""d . Theodore and borled by the side of I.. IftIDda·11 19-feet thick. Tbla col· .. .... f Da W .toDe Is lupported by two rowl do Qot uem to 1IIldentand Lawrence and other relatives Dear ~ther, ntel 1l1\U. .'lbe otalld'a Iquare pmar" tour'" each Gan take a pari. The Oakland. . father III related to lin. ...... eacb ao ree~ hllh. ' To each la aD,xloDl tbat jllll& 'U Wri,ht of WayneayW., aDd lin. plUarl la att;acbed a eol108SllI .100n will take pan. How Mr. Clyde Cleaver of CollUllb1Jll Alice MoKlDaey of Corwin. a buman bel1ll. reacbl.. Ule.GnDltcI pUlnlt a., a .doat II IpendlnR a few, daYI wltb bis par. to root. In fl'Clnt or tbe ' ' . (eDta Mr, aDd loin. P. B. Cleave,: of Lytl. and Plalunt R1c1p Je-.. are _tid · It111 aoother ID Dumber. two IBlokGrJvUl.. will be fOllDCl OD pap 8, db 0010· • ••eII Ii 'eet hI.', Ire IUDDOHd to be 4,000 "
Tile Oent.ral Association has G ran ted a. Rate of Fare anel oneth' d lor Roun d. 'I' .
Mesdumes Wm. Hlirveyand Am OR Ellis spent 8atnrday tradine in Dayton. Mrs. Mari~n Ellis of Kingman spent Thursday with her sisters Mesdamell Barris and Cleaver. Mr. Ir. Hart800k ot Dayton visit. ed his parents and many friends here from Saturday until Monday.
The Miami uazette. BROWN •
Mcl(~Y, h~l.brr..
Expl ItAtlcn of the W est. I Five years ago we who Ih'ed In lhe itar 'I\' 6t Wfro wonrll.'rlng when tho tuar \"elou8 resources of our ooo· third ~f the U'nlted totes would b dlscovtred and exp l !ted. 'i'o· dnr. snys a rite In The Hl'ntler, we IIW~\t n to "flnd ottr for~~18 slrlPJlrd, t he IIIaces 1I'll el'0 we 11ltrhl.'d our teuts, hullt 0111' ISmodgcs nud rl'led our bal'O n nll(! same mad dp,so la te liy tho steam s wand ~be rrplghl cnr. 'fh e rl\'e rs wbere we 'IIpearell our salmon ntHl tile r ushing waters oC the north \Vost wh ero we a st Clur aeln ha"8 lieen made to 011 Lhe labeled ti ns oC high ly capitalized 6yn.odlcat e~, IIn l II lite preservutlon of HIe u'so ck·eyl'," t he mos t dellclolls a.11 _Im on, has ul.'ro llle the subject o[ In(erliUlto ronrerenro. The Immenl8 Jllaln , whos() phenomenal produc thi,Sty ma rle Il.'gends of our "Mussel -flloughs", nnd our "Yuba Dams," aro .being 'ttlrn c1 IUlO Irrigated plalsnncos, Jnto trolley·s tr IVn blghways, Inla tbe <dense social conditio ns of Olllo, lowl< 4lnd illinois.
====-==~ , 'Mental ~ol se nnd Henlth. People wb o reach ellit reme old age ere, a s a rule, pretty well balanced, .Jlh),sl clltly and mentallY, A poised life .Is serene, and serenity anti ~armony 'tend to longev ity, The mind tbnl Is .Jot well bainnced Is conslanlly jancled and out Of tnne, truly says O. S, lMarden In Success Mngllzlne, There Is " constabt jarring which racks lhe tWhole human mllchlnery. Tbere 18 discord In an I1nbalauc~d lite, aud dls.cord Is " 1i ways ' deslrucll vo-dcad ly, ~o well-poised, dignified lire Is not (.brown o li Its cente r q<ll clcly, The mllll wbo goe3 1111 to plccell over trlnel ' .B one,slded: Tb ere Is Il momentum 'n a pOised, bnlnnced nature which 6teaellcs Its progress and helps hold It Its chosen track, Hot tempe~, con· .tant men tnl co nfu siOn and disorder Gre \'ltal lty·sappere,-I!fe·shorteners.
Don powe;s, one of Maine's lawyers, 'vae lit ono time defen\lIng Edine men '~!lo had been c.harged wltb ti8sauit and bn tlery, The case VIIS be, 1nl; tried - befo r'.! Juage Petors In Bangor, The strength of . Ir. Powers' acumenl wns ' so grent that allllOuj;lJ nccused were I hough t gu 11 ty by JlCllrly everyone present lhe jury re1.urned a verdict or not gtljUy, After ncqultta l of thc men ' lhe judge, -who ' bad been Impressed by the IIrt;ll ' 'JDent snltl: "Brother Powers, thOI'll Is DO ~Ubt as to tbe mnn getting a beat,jag, but who do you tblnk did It?" "Yoar Ilonor," 'r-eI)He!l-MI', Pow~rs, '" always llhought ml~ , clie.nts did untJI the ,J,ury snld they didn't."
A London scientist saye that lire fn • metrllpolill makes young chtldren ~arp but not clever; tbat It orten de• lJloy's t heir chance of ever being , ciJ'''el'. [o~ It hils tens the development ~ the br.ittn unnaturally; It makes them l!u~rH<:lnJ, alert, but not ob. servnnt; excltnble. but wllbou t ' oao spark of enthuslnsm; tbey are apt to grow blase, fi ckle, discontented; lhey coo mOl'e things from lbe country· bred hUd, bu t not such Interesting Ihlngs; they UO not properly soe nnylbl ng, for they ha "e neit her tho II me ' nor ca. paclty to get n t Lho root of 1\ II t he be' 'W1I:Jerlng obje ts Ihat crowd them·.8IJ}ves In,to their little lives, There 10 :more than a grllin oC trulh In lhls 119, .erUon, It seems especially Incredible that. IOtrong, 'sturd)', se!f·Dlade man, who lias had ~o Oghl his way up {rom llOverty, lind who reels Lbo backacho In e~e ry dollar he hilS ea rned, t hould let , lIls sa vlngll ellp throu gh his tln gers In 'tho most fOOli s h In " estments, wltb Br.arcoly aJlY Investigation, oft en scnd.illg his money thousands of miles awa1 'to people be ha s no,'e r Eeen lind nbout whom he know s pracllcally nothing, ea:cept through an ad,'ertlsement wlncb ~as altra cketl his alle nLloD , or througta tlIe' wiles ' o[ som~ s mootli, unprlncl. .Illed promOl r,- Su ccess,
, Prof. William Lyon ' Phelps, at Yale, nturned recently fr om a trip abroad ClD :l steamer too crowued Cor 'oom(urt., jOn tbo ship. wllb him was a Hnl'v.ull professor wlv) was not at all pleaseci wltb the rontliliona aboard, The t\Jlrd JDOl'IIlng out, tbe Harvard protessor learned 'that a "oman In the 'crowlle1 IIeOOnd·class rillIto hal! glvan bIrth te. • child the n lgbl prol'lou9, At break. fat be imported the news to Prof l'II8lil:L "0000 work" do ctorf . Uooo ~----- _ .adll" chuckled tbe wit of Yale ; '~Il ..... btrt]1 ill ihe ..COllIS ClJ.blQ ..
"God btl.'ss YOII, my little lAd, " hl ~ (ath 1', Ih 1rng 1II11n, h nd H:l1tl, ,II II A nlght, "UIlU nlll l( a c obil ,a tor or you ," "Oil, ~tlro!" Ral ll h l~ (ud ed moth er, Lhe e , c:(' htmlllnt', R toO~ IllS to pI k 1M " t atf (row Ih e little s to " o, ":;Ilre, It's In the [)I d," , ''11>0 , wlrc," so ld 1.il1)U, In liOOmln g ton es: "It Is In lh lit'l1ll1 :lIld III th e hell rt," '!lnrl he t;IPveu his rorehend IInq 1)lac d hi hand lql<ln his ~hcst with n gra nd ge~tllre, "I ' ott l'II>t1l 0 n Il1 rge m n, ure ot tllY sucr\,~B III lire 10 IllwnYB (-0 0110 10 ~ lru.lghl hallie I $UJlllcr. Be· .... ure o r th e s murl BP i who would be amu..«erl, ~c l e)' Is lo w polsou to ou r :JrL I m:lUe my rigid rlllr when II. s t rlllllng', :lnd ha"e fldher,ed 10 It till 1Jr0 WlI loci,s tire slive r d, Oon' t ' lIc, (.~ Ilt th II' In,' lultion s I' thei r nil Uc ry, De the hos t, not Ul e t;u I. 1 en tertain, o r (;() mlell vor, every IgilL. at eight, I do 110t ('ure to lie onterlnl netl when my p arty breal", liP, My frl ml s, If I I1 n\'o lillY, n n nl .... ny!! see me- by P'IY' Ing lit the door, .But to YOllr pillow, my you ng rellow," NOW, Il troupe or Iheal rlcal rnlrles, t1 yl ng o ,'e r tlle town thut very nig ht , IUne clOWn lh chimney or th() hllOlble lodging hOllse nlld lert (or Lhe slee ping child 1111 Ihl.'lr 1'1 'host girts, They gllve him 0 I1n " olce, I( cn olJseT\'utlo n, sy mpathy Dnli Intuitio n, Th('y gave him the g irt or laughter n od the gift of t nra; !lnu then lIew off wi thou t wak ing linn, . .He g rew liP, beco me n good nctor, nnd soo n hega n 10 "rnw "big mon ey ." "Tho I)a rl' ~" voi ce h ad Rsed to II Ill , nud ·' .\lIIUIS'· had danred her Ins t tln nce - With Death for hoI' bnrl 1]11111. H e .o wned a th eater il IlIself, A s he sold, In onfl deoce to n journalis tic rrl en(J, h ,'ery soon COllld nOI I;eop the mo ney 0 111. He now only wa nled a lending Indy -In h is thcuter nUll In hi s lire olsoror all to b woll: so me one 10 riel th e ad v uturess In the spangled frock on Lhe Ii n rds, wilen s he I was working ; nnd to plllY Ihe wire nt hom e, when she wns rl'~lI n g. But be rore he founel he r he bIld reccil'eel hlB, first In,'ltalion [rOm lhe s mnrt sol, Olle Sunday night, lI e r"llUd hlms(!lr at n glittering oonr~, surrollnuell by lor~s nnd- Illdies and Hne ,.. pe l'Sonoges, 'fhelr races glowed ltke th e dull gOl rl IIi ate on the sideboard ; thc lr '!yes ~hone IIlle tho ut·glass; but their ,conversation did Iiot sparkle like 'I'h vllit th o wine. tbee.:; were \ at deadbeads ns ever Ing"Alfuble for h mIlarty to am\lse , ' ['ve meU"hc sold to hlmseJr, and ..... as so mber nnd morose-till the saddle of nll1llon, Th en he began to tell an anecdote to th~ lad y by bi ll side, a~d the whole room rell more silent, hangin g on Ills The. whlclior the I I voice hnd tones the fai ries hIld given 1 m d hlng h I grave double·tJu6s un I e allg I n '· true like a d bassoon, cellI' [Itheu Bohemfan , II an b II rangttlng fine a e e . se , • glosse's tinkling In sympathy as he re o lated how the fuduled old su pe snld, "Sland bllck a nd let Ihe parson cO\lgh l" How that nnecdote went! It was 1m·
possible not to be plensed, The butlers . all hid their face~: on() footman etootl pnralY7.ed, wtth the nsparagus JlrotruU· ed tJelwecn u ' counless nnd a cabI net mlnlsle r! r..noLber rorgot the beAns, a third curri ed Ihe tomatoes out Into the pantry IlOU fra..n,ttll exp!ocled wltb lbem, The other guests chirruped like happy bird s. A' hl a trained bull· ool:o\\" Ihelr wcal' III IIl10gs slrucl( ~hlll o n Ihr,l ear nnd the glasses ceased to throb, " Rippin g I ' s hall die oC hlughlng! Whnt wns It? Oldn't quite 'aleh the po int, but the de llciouu and forth , 'fhe rerused to go to tbe dra,w . Ing rooDl unLlI they hau compelled him to give the Parson'R cough Just once more, "It's a priv ilege," snld a ,lord, olTerlng' his s holdng han,d, "to mer:t .\ g;eat ' nrtlst thll s," and the poor otd : hap mennt ft , On t he following nIght he went rrom hiS Ulealer ,to hear a littl e mU51c In , 11 ducal mans ion, onu wHen In the s ma ll honrs, he rea ched hla rooms, he gl\\'e Ihe supper wo ltlng f?r blm to th i) lund lord 's cat, Now III the Ado rs' club the old bartJarlans SIl W at a glnnce th at the ,ma n wn s poisoned. The polson ' cnnte OUL In hIs tnlll. He WIIS full or It, "BuslnesR, den~ boy, business!" he Clllled It, knowingly, ' "H ad bu sI ness," sllid the snv.nges, , 1Il bought white wal stcoa l8. c~ased La quole Shalleapenre ; s hook IlDnds ju , I under his c hin, Dud would soy, "Dea r lady, reme mber! bn ve on ly 52 SlltlllUys, " 1 cunnot Cllt myself In plecCs!" lIea \'E n Itllo ws wh e re he hat! go t "0 a r ludy" from; but he alwoys used It no w , " au muat ,know ,Ill nt ~he falr!es mea nwhil e h a d "Islted Ihe thealer a nt( becom e so dl apleased that tlley were tnl. ing th II' gltls nwpy, Fo~ "slY, I thin g, nn,l )0110 n lhlng Is good (ulrlcl;: ptllrth1ng." ' " rrhls rellow," thoy c ried, "Is simply s louchin g through his part, H.e Is not acetDS Rt (III. Tbe onl, true acting he doe!! Is oulslde. He SAV~8 himself rol' tha ~ aud cP11les here !log· tI red , Rnd ca role~s'" SO tllen tbey took tlway b18 olisl!ryulion (Ihat wus why he s hook nands .() high), then bls IntUition, n-:. : thea somethIng else, until they hsd re s\l l!}(l d nearly a\1 their .ltts, He never noticed ~he loss-and no more did the public! Now Rt /Ilnner parties his Illiecdotea werl! of Archie Archibald and Hughie H ulhluoll_r Jiule'.: !lUll lralll of
~lmICry'" la~lies
chara cter In up@tarts " 'ho wanted to become one of "U8," "You mlls t know thl'H aln re my now soubrette h ua been Laken II\) by poor dear old 1 ~'1tly lJarrldtln she bus RBplr· aUouB, Oh, dlHtllll'tlyl Sb h ilS lieen plOglllDg me Alll her oslwt! to rUlI ' stud l HOllsP." One t}ld not obs!!Tl'e 1111\1 Ihu butlers were )' aw nillg . " WhaL II; b cRc l,lin g abpul, \l)Y Ill'pbc\V1" gl'Owletl 0. 'mloat honorable: " Has b" bought TlJlIstt\UI !ton. e1" Illctuired a r Inll \'6 of 11I1 11l l;O 101 rort·
Prof. Thoma.a Gives Hla View. lJ1I O• ThlB Im.portant Dail')' Subject.
THE OCTA'OONAL" SILO. PI'ot, Ft'RSIII' of the Opinion Thnt It , III Not the Most ApJll'Oved
They dId not like, his socIety t:lI C~ or keepIng p()ople out nnd letting \11 0 m In, Til)' (I'll IIkll " lot or o:<perts Ii· Ing lallght their bUlI lnel' UII . 1< d, " Pay to ' s e 111m?" twltt r d tbe Yl1l1 n'" Inlll ... , n lludlng to his th a l~r. "I see 100 milc h ot !tlm-nt e,'ery ~,' o· 1I ing parlY, li e a ll't ,ell 'illl him!" 'I'll t wna the en<\, e)"hcu til 1"blle hlh!s~d lh o Sift A frO!!!y Wtnd or dl ~aster blew Ihro ugh the th !llOr, seud Ing all Iho o mpllment.ory tldlelli ed lying und Rwlrllllg alit of the box or· flce, rounti lind rOllnd tne nUdltorlum, HlIlil they ee lLle d 1I0wn III Ih e hel> or the rC' ()I\'C'r In bnnkrupt cy , But the d wng rs who Wet' hl ~ orl· gl nal :'!lljl'kers" !lId no t, drOll him, "NOW that he Is no IllU ge r n l>rOre6' ~Io n a l [ll'lls te, aile (loes feel- to 1\ c I'· taln exlo ll t- tllul he I ~ ,on of liS ! " 'fhey help d h im; tlley wis h ed to II 111 h im. Out, AS wl l h ever)'th lng el se th y (IItl, llllly I1lllde A [ \lSS a bout It. Wh en LlIl1y AlIg ll St:\ p:ayell nla tcs nlld l.orll Augustu s Py!;mullo n, ti l th e amn lt)u r th ent,.1 tlls they hall h im
Type, !'he !II 'omplluYl'I, r'ut shows n u o(ol.l1;\on I ',10 10 tell lu one <-'Orner or a I,lur o. 'rhe . Illtt, 11'111 lop Is fI' lit bulll,t 11\ 1113 Of Ihe f.llnols I'xpel'lm nt : Iullo n, I'ror, 1"I'I1J'.!t', uft r lon g :q :~ rh' n ce, , IIY tI IIlal 111 ~ ' I s uot 1\ !!hll;JIl I I 1)1' "pp m vlll!. It Is lI oller th un Lhe Sl]llUrl' ~l l o, b<'cu uso liS Willis rlln lie IIm d,. mol'C' 1'1);111 tb ,: n rb o WILlis or tho
The dnlry cow will not r ls,e to " mnxlm11lu or rt!U:iI)UD blU produ cllon nn le s Mhe be ted II 8utll denl PI LKlr· tt n or C'Ouce lllrnt cd rood to bl'lng Ill)OUt Itch a reHnl' . BlIlI(y tootl ~u n be much more eu sl: ? gl'OWII on tha ave rage rllrm thll n ro nce ntml ecl, Be· '!lIl SC \ or t his, Cd ll ~ ntl'llt c(1 r(Joll Is llIorl! (rectu n lly P\ln' hll ~e ll Ihan bulllS rood , nnll Is, 1 he rotol'll, lIIore "XIWl1slv(l rl!lnll,·ely. :\Io,."o,·\!r, It 1MlilY }IltJgnttmt Lllllt IUIIOY tlalrymcn feed .1:011 ' e ll' lrllled rood s In Ill( 'P~S at III II eols at I he cows wlli r h ~Int (m'llIel' IHlds tv Ihe ('Qat of reeding, Th e, tll !H~ II ~ Ion 0 1 ~hl 'l (]UcstlO ll, therufOrl!. la or oll!;ht to be, or 11\\1 II Impa r ll1 ' CIl lu tile oInlr),' '11m! . The amOu nls or cOIl('enll'nl l.'.1 rooel , tbnt I the 11m \IlIIS 0 1 1l l'Illn rood h Il s hou ltl be ~ d ttl dll l1'1 ~OWo wi I, ur MI{, U, D, ....'!ZlilR, lilt, St.edillg, Ky,., 1I1'~e, b Inlhl('lI c'l'! IIY tli e nil 111'0 "f ",rit.tls : th e bull, of loorl lli nl I~ g l\, ~ II . S .\11' "/ hlJve suffered with kidney lin" pose (~OW s In Ihe one I'n g~ cnt rlol'er bladder trollble for t en yelJrtI past, ' 01' alfn lrn hllY of 1'1'1111 I1l1a ll ly , c n,l .. L'l~ L brch J commenoed u ~l ng In the ollttlr, th O), In tlst ('On~ llI ne o:tt l P 1IIlIIIUII (\'onlltlllf-u rortb l'Cl)lllonth s tl'aw, coru slnll(!! or tll'ghl1Dl, tl\{' 111[\\'0 nol us eu It SII1CI!, liar hll" e 1 r It. nmo llnt of mcn l lIHlt 1"011101 slIflk.. I II '\irve thnt I Clm w ellllnu t.b-e I'C!lIang WIth the clovr r a I' utrulrn , wou lI1/1)1' gire highes t, 1lO1l11ll(mdnLion to. nOL be ~nonyh to reed a lon!,; with tbO tile 'iJl'lltlv'; qualilies of Perono ," olhel rollder, for Kidney Trouble. I t 'would not be enollgh for I hI' Mrn, ' .0, H , Simser, Orn.nt, Ontario reaso n fir st. that elo,' r a nd Alrnlr" ('un .. writes: or In tlH!lIlse l\' es 11 fU o r n urly ~AI · .. I har) nol, been w 11 for nbout four Iln~ell l'!lIlon Ihan Ifle fo dd I'S 1I ~Il\Nl ; . ronrs, I hod kldllcy ,trouble. rrnd,.Ja H cond, Lhnt tb " '((I.' iliaI'll "ultll h!() 'lIet, fell blJdly ,lear!y .. If the time, Cor milk prO(iU('llon: anlr, third, ~ 'f his SUlUIIl er [ got 80 very lid I ought I would try P 'ru nR., so r " 'fotecall ~e til ('OW!! will con»1I11l0 1\101'1.' II ( 1Lh to "Oil !lnd begnn aLonCIl to tu.; l l' l'n no rh em relat h 'e ly tilAn or I h OllIff ~t'Lr\lifin, t Ol!!!, '. 1 took Dlllv 1.(\'0 10ttlCS \I. '(> J' "n~ Of courso th Ile::ree of conren trn· aDd On() of ~h tlll\i n, Gud n.o" l i .. I !lOll In Lh food must 'be la l,P II Into be ttcl' Ihan l hll v" rOl' SO lD O tiln!", tllp l(('<'OIIIIL. VOl' tns IUII CC, hhOlllr1 Ihc 'l m~JIl~~II~~:il~I~,ad'ilf~I~:rnt ~~~~~n 0r"~~ Ole I be ~o nlI10~e(l , lurg Iy I)f ern, Itl Il IlLIt 'r. I bl f!s~1.he day ~ piuk 1 \l\' Ille 110 In slAnl e [full mO I~y or wht'H I ;IH:Wllll' liolll{ nnt! r IlU oryoul' J'l!rUnll, ' bl'a n III lhe oth i', I "Ie ow I'Ou ld ta h; Ills tho business o( the kldnel's tOo l'lf:; r qll a nllll~!I (lil'o n wlthollt In · remove from the blood 1111 pol.~o nous jurj' tb nn or COl'll'. It I~ n III t'e DIIIII) mater/Ills, Thoy mll st be uLth, nllthe,' r Oil, ,In on y o \'illll. however, C,' (' 11 Lim(', Is l\Je 8YSl ~1ll ~ull'\!rs, :fl~cn' al'O' I n ~lcu. w'ne rr lbe . re e aln ~ I ~ sum e l"nll), h l~h till,,'~wIH:nth ey U(' d n,l!lLlo , . l'crulllL Is oxnclly Lh.>! sort of n l omIt Ih I]l1 eS tlOnll bl o It ,ma rc lhD Il Igh ' rdy. I hM 8u,"<1 tD Dny J>C9ple frOID! to le n pounull of mpul phOlllr l be [Pel ;\ ;' II~t~r by r nil crlnA" Lhe kiou ('J ~ "'I" to A mil ch' ow ro r " prololl gerl per Iod ViCl' lI a time ",hon tll cr ',ere tiat able !lur ing the n~On c.r .Inctlll,lon . A c- 10 bl'O l' tltoi~ OWn burduDs. rO l'lllOg lO a st a~ ~ nl''',~ ill' t (;A o.rao!:<] ,l lldl! I;'armer, n vel'V 10l'ge lUll! rotJu~ 1 SPOR TS OF CH!LlJREN to ,? mAY tali() one o~ two pou nds more WIth prOfit . but a cow of 1.000 ,)oUllds ' Slllpplng ro ~e I~ a cllllrll$b I)!lstlme 1I\'e \V~18ht uoe 110 rectu lr mor~ th •• n of a n clen l Ol'lgln , In place at n r pe, Ih2 nmount gi ven "\Xl"e. a \'Inl! slrlpped or leaves wall original, ly usell, AN IDEAL CATTLE BARN. Tile chlltll 'h nnluFoment C't rJdln cane Is at grellt an tiqllltf, ' Jt , was Plan of S truellll'e Which Will Accom· proet l ed by tll'3 cblldren o( Greeco> aud ullclent Rome, ' mod a te Twelve Head of Live Stock, The game o( hide Bnt! seek Is an'the d s lh'1l I~ (or a barn ~O fe('t other youlhful pnstlme of an()len t , wld U, JO fe et lon~, and 1.1 r et to the nrlgln. It 'came Crom Europe nb ut I tllli bcgIJlOlug _of lbe s eve n~eenth ceo- I cans, wh ich will a commodute u lu ry, • head or ca ttle lind . 1so give room lor Tile splnnlllg ot toP!, B favorite-. n ~ hny, Through the center 01 Ilmusemonl among ; e'hlldre:I In til .. Ihl.' burn I$- an 'l otrnnco dri veway sP1'lug, also Ot\le from Ihe Gree kll..: which Is I'IOBl.'d wlt'l double doora six Re cords show that this kInd of fUO I feel wide olld sev~n reet blgb, wbl ch was In vogue al the time of Vergl1. 11,lIo ws" wagon"Tci piller rl'lr huu llog U!ap·trog Is mentioned In th!!'! monure lind Stl'ltW , A (eeclwa y ex. works or both Shall."speare and Johntenulng from thiS PDtrullce to lIle renl 80n •• It bas be,en pili)@(! b1 ('hlldrell l from carll' times, and Is lUll a favorite g1Imo wIth boys, _ Tile flying 'kite derived Its nome Crom Its orlglnlll1y helng made t o resemble thnt s pecies of, bird cal1ed 0. 1 kite. ~he IImu 8em~t of klto flying Is about two cenlurles old In Europe" Probably It orlslnated In Oh lon, whel e: so records' tell, lbe practice. of flying kites Is very a.nclent. .'
.~N Q("'fA GO !llA[, "II. , qu a r s ilo, ']' he ln~ter h n~ walis that ~a UI IO L .be .;\lrung oUI nlld It has no ;'On er B, white the oClagonal s lio IIns, th e cornt!'!' Is nlwn rs a placc TOr tbe air to J;Cl In, une! I'le pre en or all' In ,l ns tile ' \lOllI ng (I f th sling , Th o l(wlllion lu t il e orn I' ot Ih e burn \\'CJ 8 Clnd I ~ POlln lor. In tho fecll· In!; o r beef Cllttl or oth I' unlmal s Llllln milk CO WS tt\e iocu tlon se 1119 W be, n goo (J one. But for o w~ g ll'ing mlltt It III rtllter til , 08 lh p. o do r from the 51 1111:e will 1111 u; th rhlll' in 5111le 0 1 alt Ill e 1'111'13 Ih,1t cll n b ex r' lsed by the 111 II I(e 1'8, An otlor n ce In ttl nll l~ cllnnoi, be entlrllly dl' Ipal u y 'ny kind Of 'UC I'atloll ye t de vil;e tl,
' . "IT'S .\ PRI VILEGE," down tor Ihe week, paying blm - "as we were ()nly to glad to -do, but trenllng blm exlletly like the re_: ot ollr g nosts," (I ndeed, eve~ the butlers cou ld not ' now dl acern that he' WRS In any wise dllTereat from a broken down swell,) "He Is so wretobedly poor t.bat ,1t mad e one's heart lIehe to 1!ee his g.luttony lit din; ner, -It to Id 1!1I~rilI ' 11'"le "' don't you know, One thins I ave been conipelled to do-for hi lt 0'\1ll) I!alce-t. tofd Ri chardson noL to 1111 I~(s glass every time It wns emptied," • It, was ,while rehe 'rilIng he nmate\l~ that i he In-t of, the :faJrlt!!l toolc 'away , ,"' the I"at o.ft,h/! glf,ts- c ,gllt of laIlS"" .. ler ond tenr~. III I "' Augustus, old fellow/ ' be sa ,a~· Ing his hand 0 .. lIIe would· lJc neWr s snouluer, "you do PygDlallon s uperb·
THE LAROE FAR~1. -~:-t Thi B I
Arg umen t Agilms ,e 1" eng M!llntalned In the 'l'hlckly S ettled St!ltes,
Large farms In our Ihlckly set~l ell tnl es al'e n ot IL ' benefit to any coni. mun II y, Th e form s omprls n" .. ten ~11d tv; Ive tbouRand scres of land I' lilt In dwarfing the social life o r th peoille livin g on th m.' We kno\V Jf one' Ity loc;ated liet we n two such farms, CItizens tbe re slly thai. thllse two gl'eat farm s are a' cause or tl etrl· v I to the whol e town s hip, The people 11I'lng upon tb e'!! are prnetlca· It- nit ttnn slen t;J:. , Tho' owner or one 11\'-~, In & large city• hundreds o[ Dl I~s awaX. and 'hIs · rqplo , 8 Ie l!eoplo that It a"e ao POl't n · te r est the prosperity or that par of th e" In COllnll'''. It 18 practically 1m.t • pOI-., lble to buli ll tIP a prope'r com. ml1lllfy spi rit where every man fe els that h "osition Is only tell1pOflll'Y, l' lintl t ll a to.morl'o\\' be JUay move on, It Is n fa ct, too, t,hat mllny ot these 'r s I heen "nanclal fall . hl~ ge d a~m I~Vrge part of tllelr exist. IlII ,o. ur n s II a
,I ..
Iy.': " " tm~~;e man lbat lrl es to Innna ge ala •• ' He s d- fllmlllar, .~a ld Augustus, OOO.acre rnr.m on hlgh.prlced la nd h as quoting these words, but ~e does· a vel'y cliffiellit task on bls bands, }fe lID ow what he's tnll(llI' about cP,llnot expect his employes to ha" f;l the SRme In terest In Ihl ngs tbat (hey BAR:>! FOn CHINESE , AS ' SLOW AS ' EVER wOllld have If they were t he OWDets, Rarity 0 111' farm I~ divided up Int o 2a sllll. ehrl of the barn )JUS Six Shi ll!! On Agricultural Ma hlnery "'Is a fanns, and In each of Ure 23 fo~m. , either sid e. The m~Qgers are built under the in the Fields of Their hOllaes Is n tenant an ,l bls [arully, n nd Country, h e Is aupposed to look art er the Inter. outer woll wit h a clltlte, j , mnile at tbe est o[ 320 acres or land, BUl he III a st riP!, four In hes whle ant! one In ch 'n the agricultural sl,cllons of hll'tlll man ODd thlnkB all that he can thick from Ihe feed room, k, down to e ntire Yangtse \'alJey ' thero Is pl'ae· get rrom It ls his salary Bnd tbe (ew Ih o manger , ,Hay rntks Qre arranged tleally fio lI SO whetevElr (or foreign thlllgs be ca ll raise arounel bls hou se, ul\(;"~ th() mungel's ollenlng to Lbe lIgrlc.ultural Impleme~ts. The Chl"]s ~here Ally reason to suppose thaL he roan I ulJOve, where hl\y ca.n I>e 1)\11 nese Isborers In t he rice amI cotton wI\) bend evt!ry eDergy to make tbe down. In the reed I'oom a number at fi elds, In the mu1berry groves and In ' piece of land ' blopm and blossom, liS bins for bran, etc.. are built. Whert th e gardens flnd . the Cblnese, Imple· be w()nll1 If It were bls 0\\'111 BeIng more stn l1s li re nae:led, eXlllallls the ments or grea te r utility ,l han any pf only a transient., there is n~ Indu ce- Fnrm nnd HO'ml,l, tM barn cun be bulli th e foreIg n and atlbere to Ibl.'m, The me nt 'f or him to Imprpvc the looks 'of lon ger Hnd o[ the ~ltme wldl!t ue lie. Chlneso hoe, wbl'lh cOlltolns a !"n~h tllli properly, There Is ~he ete rnal scribed. lind t he Dumlier of stll11s 111.' greater weight of ~eta.l than the ror· prcec:nce of tbe !tlea o~ the la~l( dr per. crp.olled by multlng t hem slightly nar• e~ one, be ing pr~ctlclllJy a mattoc k, m~ll~ncy III hll .Dosl~lon, Thi s passes rower, or lesf! thlln four reet wide, Is, according to tbelr Idens , mar&- to lois wife and to hlfl I! llldren., He Yield at Silage Corn, servicea ble In this heavy so li thlln clln In tile main rcga ril, . his poalt.\on The y ield of slla;;'e varies consltlet, Ihe foreign Imple ment. only nil a atepplns slone somethin g ably with tile c1I/i1~!Jnce of phlUlIng, All the ordinary ho~ nd Imple men ts else, What) we neecl, ' ur&es t.he Fnrm. Uloae plnnthlll gives the 'Jarge~t yield, of agriculture are sb~lped ' anrl can· P.\"s Rev l()w, Is medlum'slz('r1 farm!l,.- liu , tends to produ ~e , n weak stalk, strllcte~ according La Cblnese taste, not vast farms. , which makes tho efOll difficult to ClUj. Agricultural machinery Is... not use d The writer bas In mind anot"') r Uvate Rnd Harvest, 'fnl'ee feet is prob, In this section, even plow being tal'm of 10 ,000 acres existing, In . ,e nl>ly rhe most de~iral>le dlstnn ce te, a greot rarity, The Cblnese turn ovel' ,s lato of 111Ino18. The man who creat. plnlH EO,rghum, L'C.rb, and coru lind the' ground uslIa.!ly wltb their mat· ell that farm Is wealthy and seems to .sorghum, It planted more thon twe toclts, It Is barrowec. In a primitive ha"o a ,manta for addin g, farm to farm " feet apart, th e ylel'l will be decrclIsedi way and when the crop Is gathered Som e years ago the writer rode over Wh ereas, If 1)lan'tell In two-foot rows, hand laOOll does all the work. this farm, and the ,elTect made upon the cost or cultiva t ion. will I>e grenter, Under these coudlt~ons It II! not him \VIIS ,'ery dlsogrceabl~, The land -fenn essee Slatlon, strauge tbat th e ' Importing Orms of \Vas harl1ly hall.tllle(I, . Th'e p~sture3 Shangbal rio not consider It ~orth wIlre producing only meage r growths while to r.arry a line or, agricultural or wild grasses, T~e tenants' , hO\lses Silage Acid, 81htge In Its fel'Dl\!ntnllon l)rotlllces Implements, It Is dlffi(!ult eyen to ob, ' we ro small and occupied mostly' by lain a foreign Impleme nt rOI' us e In m en': 'rhe owner dId 'not care to em. an ccld 1Iiat Is pO'Yl'rful ID Its elTects the glll'den of Ii foreigner In Shang-hel. 1.loy men with large tnmlllas, lUI the on the cement I1se3 In s ilO!!, If the Thla ,III - lhc prcsen t condiliou an:l to stnte law would compel him to s up. s ilage Is made from too green eo~n aH appearanceR It bldls Calr to con· flart II. schoolhouse lind t cacher, Tltls th e Rmounl of acid Is large !lnu Its tlnue ror an Indefinite period, 11\ th e Is olwnys the tendency of tllese large etretts on tile sllago very noticeabl e, nprth, and , especially In Manchuria. farms, The 'owners wish to 11m ploy One way to oITset this Is to npPly n some agricultural implements I\rll be· On th em only men wIth small fnmi. coat Of thin cemellt el\ch seasoll, !,\ItIng used, but these afE~ ralber thtl reo lies, or men 1NlIh no families, Or me~ tlng It on with '8 brush. 'Vhl!! ~eql!lrtiB 6ult or Russian Introduction than 01 tllat ,have chlldrell that have grown little laOOr -lind, time, Chinese desi re, Tbe ' statement was beyond tbe ~chool age. Their whole The ' Beat Milker. , made rE'cently In one of the~notthern financial Interests lie In a direction Perbaps we sball bave patent mUkpapers , thal the Introduction oC mbd, ' thal of the .wl.u.equIJlpEIO Ibg machines In their Ilertectfon, by ern agrIcultural Implements and by, In the me<llll\me, a IOlln who practically as ,far off as ,ever. cfl.n milk a OW quietly, expeditiously nnd gently, Is stili preferl'ed by the Fi.h Shipped AIh7I1, COW berself and oy the [arm~r sa Fish caught on the COaRts of well,-,,'lIrm Journal. and Itoly are now transpor!.ed III ralllo Germllny and RUl;I!la for tbe P In Setting Treee, keto The IIvlnt(fll!h art, pjRCed lu If trees and shrubs arrive from .the ered c.\sterns, running Dursery in dry condition, bury both the water Is renewed ,cp.nt:lnulnlllJ' roota and tOPB la mollt eanh ~or a maDB of,a motor pump lew daJII to make the atema ~Dd t.wlp plptll, '. I IIlumll alraln. ' .
Not the Only Hot Place. , mos t Qcrloils olijootion , hn". to dylns," said the Bostonllln p \'Is ~hq.t I ' ehall hove to teit\·.., lloswn," "Aw, don't worry" wl\Qut that," Balli lhc Cl1lca~onll,; "BL'lIlon nln't t be on17 lIot plurc. - 1 he Snh milln. ~'f llo
BUILDINO FOOD ...'0 Bring the Babies Around, When n little human maohlne (or .. lal'ge one) goes 'i'I rens, noi:b~ 1lWlt1-. Important as the selection 0.1 fDqd to bring It nround again, . ' ''My little hllby "oy IIfteen montba old hnd pne llmonla, then came brain, rever, a'nd no sooner , bnd he /:l!t ,over these than be begon to cut teet anti. being 80 weale, he was 1requently thrown Into convulsloos." 8018 a' Colorad!> mother, t "I decl.ded n ' chonge mlgbt, hlllp, ,80 took him to Kansas Olty 101' a viSit. Wben we got th ere he ' wlls 80 ve ry weal( wb en he would cry' he ~ woulel sink' away and 6t!emvd like he wo\l11l elle, • ,: ' "When 1 reacbed my 811Jor'8 home sbll Said ImmedIately that we .Dust fecel blm G'ra,Pe·Nut8 and, altt10Ugh I , had ne ver used the food, we got Bome Rnd for a fe w days gave him Just the jui ce at Grape-Nuts and milk, }fe got slronger 'soqulCkly we were SOOD teedlDg him the Grape·Nuts Iteelt a.nel In a \Vonderfully .short time he fattened ,r ight lip and becatrte Bt!'C?~S aJleI well, , '''That showed me Romethi1tg ' wcrt)l knOwing and, when later on mY' girl came, I rnlsed lIer on jlrap&oNullI and abe Is a , strollg bealtby bab1 and hae been, You will see fro'm the little Pbotopaph I send you wbat a 'strong, -cbubby youngtltcr the ' 00;1' II now, but. be didn't 101k anything llIe. that ~ fore we tc.Ulid tbls nourlablog food. Grape-Nuts nourished him ' back tit strengtb when he was· 80 weak hit oouleln't keep any Cltber roo4 ou hl8 'stomach." Na~o gl'l:6n by PQBlUIQ Co" Battle Creek, ,MIch. All chUUrcn ean be built to a ' mote Iturdy and healthy condition UPOD Grape ·Nuts and cream. The foocl contillUl the elements nature demandl, from wbJoh til make the 10ft graJ' 1111111. In the nerve centel'l 1U1~ braID. A well-,,,4 brliJn and I1lfon.. .tur4, ne"" absolute), Inliurl! . .. bealthT, bod,., .-Look lu pkllL for the fa __ &lW. ' 1tI101I. "Tile Boad to Wel1tU1e."
A.rbltr8l'lIy Fixed!l No Longer Strlotly- llegard.d h7 . . . . cullDe Weareri.
i t ho~e
Tbough tho own I'S an I!! hul1l\Brs or Itea.m sblpa ba,'e only rCClmUy clime to realize ihal tho tUl'blue roquh'cs less steaw Bnd lle nce less f uel tIlUn tbe r eclprocl\tl ng onlllDe, It lij now evl· dent. says the New York Tribune, that Indication s of this fact were disco ver· able Ove or s ix years ago. In , tho oxJlel'ience of th lorp do boat d troy· ers Cob ra and VIDeI', 00 whl oh thl Porsoll!! eng ine bad Its fll'l! t renl tTlaI, tbero was probably no o;lgn of ~e on· OIll Y· Then ~aD\e In suc:ce 'slve years two .. h·er boa ts for service 011 the lytle. I he Ktng E ch,-slrd on(1 the Qll ee n Aloxund l's. nn<1 (. rer ry hont de· signed to ross tb o :f,:IISl'lshJ chaun 1. Jl'rom II. I)RI)er r ead beroro a Liver· pool (' ngln ce rlng society a f ew dny ~ nllO Il appears Ihnt the Klll g htlwol'Il delllon stm tod Its ability to lmvel fartll l'r \\'Ith Ihe sa me allownl)ce of coul lhnn n boat of th e Bnme s lr.c whI ch lind 111I~d l e wh enill ' and rccJpl'o· I'atltlg ~ n g lll cH. 1UI C 8 IelCw ~ ''Ii.l craft nOI\l g ts 7,73 II1l1es Oll t pr a Inn of fool , ~he King l'1dwul'll 8,9 allo] the Quee n, Alexantlr.. flf!ly !l miles , Whnt Is 1I101'!!, the t wo ' turbin e steamers Iral'el rastel' t !lon th eir rIval. 'l'I·.c dlITel'ence III fu I cons umption I,t'· t weon t.he Orsl , hon nel, hOM hn."ing t urb lncs onrl lhe lIest 11IIdd lc·whae l sl~amcr rllllnius on Ihe 8 am ~ I'ollte wos cxlroOl'dl uury on,1 It loo\{s nOl\ u); it ; It WII K exceptional also. T h~ old vos,'!1 l ra\' led mor e s lowly thall the ne\\' Oll e, yel It reQ lll re!1 s ven pCI' ent. 'more rllel l)er mlln. .At l ast 1\\' 0 r IISon'!II can t ~lI g· !\cst d (or th e tardtncEls wIth ,:whl ~h tbe econolJlY o( Ul e tll "ulne \\'Il~ r ee· ogll ized. ' In a meas ure. no dOllbt, lhl 3 Qllollty wa s ov rw hehn,erl b)' Ihe In· crena If, speed which Ihe Parsons n· sine mllde fe a ~ lb1e , A.galn , thel'A might IUI",e beon a t\oubt aboll t lil Ju sti ce of n ~ Ignlng ail 'or th e glli n eIT clcd to the engine 1111(\ nOL cr dlt· In g the screw f1ro peiJ!I 1', whkh substituted Cor padllle wheels . wit h an)' shu r e of It. A muc,h lI'ore slg nlRclIllt co mparison WII S pOijsl Ie wh n t)Je .BrW" h· admiralty trle!\ I he two style!! en gln ~ on crl\ I ~O rd having , HAS CISTERN FOR H,)ME. not Oll ly the same mod,eJ, Ills placement anti lJollel' oapuclty but also th eamo Wh ero n S!\II Fl'lI n clsco Mat:' Has mechonlHIll tOI' uilli zlnl> Ibe powcr g~n (l rate ll. Lived Since !;lI e 'R eoen t Ur, pleasa.n tuees. By long
e8tabllshed CUstOIU the el\soll-ti1- New- YOI'.\( P\IIlI on Decors\lon dllY, May ;10, 'on,1 oloset So ple rllber 15, but In recent yellrll there bas bee u ev ident a growing dlllposl1lon .t.o disregard th ese IlrlJl trarlly fix ed dates and '\VORl' sLrnw hats wbelle ver they are comfortable, saya the Bun. This dlapo"II,lbn blls shown it elf not so lUu ch In the full as In (lie s\lI'ln g, for w)l lle by com mo n r.onse'lt If lbe weath er holds wlt r m straw bats may now he worn u(ler September 15, )'et thot doe fitlll usuall y remuln tho 'closlug dllte. III the 3pr lng, 110'11', It Is quit e llropel' lIud perml ~8 lble to open th e ~e~so n Ilrller than May 30 If l hD wcathOr warra nts-In facl lhe wearlu g o[ n ~t I'a IV hil t long lIefor that dRlO would not neceasadly x lc co mment. Thu wh en II m nn--doublless fir M! of the prescnt yenl'-fll)penrerf In Flflh a\'cn\le on A prJ I :lO, a month ahead of tb e ('ollveotlonal qpenlnJ: of l he ~eas o n. wou rlng n slraw hn.t, bls henliple 'e sW l'coly :111 racLeil OilY spe'Inl attt'ntion, for April SO W88 wiirm till)" on whlQh n sl!'aw ha,t woulll h:1\'e be II Omforlable W UO),lJo~y. . Tho weurer was n mtddl e aged man IIntl hl ~ hat a Pa nama. It w as a 010[o rl llble hilt, RIl.1 at t he snlllle lim e 1I0t a hat of con spi cuo us n e WIl e.~s, It s ('med n L only tl{lpropr lat to th <In y. but Il didn't loo lc stra ng!! In a 6y WElt, 1I0t. li ke n hat worn oul tlle fi.rst time. Sn sODle jll!lgmcnt Ie sl,lll I'cqulred on th e pnlt ' Of lho en r ly SLrB IV hat wOl,ror It he would prcRe n ' a seemly u\lPf,lIll'n.ll ce. bu l oven the fancy ' full rll.llhlon "!;traw may now uc worn, Lh e w ather fovorlng, tlnys . ea rlier thlln It oue wa ~; lind 80 ' the Ile nol'a l tacl remains lho t In Ih e!e la r years IleaT!le ure SllOl\'l nlt n growi ng (liall s lUon 10 dl sl'egu l'd lho old time ' ul'bltmrllY I1xCll BlI'OW ho t da tes , uncI comln" more a nd 1Il(lr e In ,lh ls mntle'l 10 be go verneti by omro'rt ralilpr \1' .n co n'· ,"onllon,
JI--I-8tl'a" /i- -hll ~
MOIIe)ed People frOR! t., New World. PfltIniless folk from Ihe . 0Id - 5h1p5 That P_ 5t Sea,
NoW lboll~nnd s on pl pns ure an d "cIII, "tur " Oll"._ !lr~ 't nl,lllS part In Uu! gl'cat, 811111101 111I:;l'Imllge (0 t.he old \\'orlll , Now thou IInds bent on seck· '[n l; h tlcr fortllll e urA pa t lellil y Dlnk'Ins t h II' wAY to the npw world, 'l' he lie gOts 01'01' to tiJl nd tlto IloHa rs, Il\le olh r cOllies ov -r 10 mallb lhe ~ ol · Inri<. In thl coun try ,the s ten ms hlp com. flonl N BPlleul 10 IIl oIr JlU l rOnM by m cu n ~ of 8 c du~~lvo IIln crnri S, lill.llrin ' Illatures or l ifo on th e ucoan wuv e unll or uhal'ms of lh' groat play g rQUlHI a 1'088 Ibe Wilt r, O\'er ill th e old 11'01' 111 agcn ts 1\1'0 nt \\'or k with 11111 ('olllmon poople. In CHing thelJl lO <.lrcam ij at II hapll), IUll (1 of IIbc rt~ !lDd s hPl't hOllrs 11 011 en ~ l' )lIo ney. T he s hll> corollunl s tllIll ' tI~o em l· gl' I ll)n mO\'I1 01ollt \'('I'y prolllllbl', mI. g ratlon nulllo l'l tll'R declare lho comJllmi l nre l'cs llons llJle for lit I ca~t 60 !IN' cent. of tho dl1 1ln l'IUI" fO l' foreign Illnrt , III refulall on, (h e transporta· Uo n . 1I110s deny th ey mnloy Ibe SII\)agclI D! a t worl, nil OHI' the \:oll linolll, 1IIIII<I nl: ue Il t' unll lllUl'li l means to t...'ln& abo ut II1lsrulioll; bllt ,lt Li 11101'0 t hun probablo t he. bu ~ ln ess Is dotlu
Economy Elfe::ttd hy tho Ne:w !lar lne Enghle. lhll Been 'Amply ShO....1rl.
with vny rllll pllrs~s a private lable nt!!y h ~ obta ined, ooc nUI~' mill ~ lhe whol" IIQ!iSHse wilho :;~ ~ omll1 ll In ca nto t wllh a II rson not ot the parly : on e Is not IIncl er obligatio ns to ex hon Au ';00\1 mornl'ng wit h ullyon Gunless Jlolohsn re lh 'ropluln hlllltielf u xr~\l l ~ d, ' AI)d In Ihl s care'u ll y ' gllBl'<lCd cX'(' 11I 81"(' n e~R wc huve one ot tbe Nhar ll 'Ht ~ollln,$ta t o Ihe COIl· grunl'!! mode of " crn!lsln g..- t h latt r ",lIh s lce plng room Flinred ,,,llh many. p ~ rcha l1 ru hi M [lortion of food eal n fro m hill IU[l I n lhe commonl cc plng qIHII'l,,"s--onlir abse nce 01 ~cclll~ lon, el1 hM 11', ki ng 01' ~ I ce plu s. III Romp. shillS or lhe worAl IU R!! old ·(!vlh s tili ('xlsl ; tlang ro us us wall as UII"Ulllt8ry o" ~r l ' rowrllllg ; non,S0LlflfUtioll of lhe MX(,~ '; t r utllle nt of thll stcl'rage hordl! tha t \\'0'111<1 not li e tolerstlld were tbn rrr ight CluD o. "hen lh i> 1)1In1IJ 're:! 11'11\'('101' Il cclllcs to talll' Ih o a ir,. monry sec urrs the S llll gge.3 ~ co rner rol' lhe groat' loun " IlIg chair; and Wra['lled In fur· lilled, ~ot l e8l. woollest ~ t eamer ru lt lhe pampt' re(l paa~e n s e r \' rit alJly li es clown In IllI' lap ot I\lXIII'Y, Wllh lhn stcI!I'uge folk It Is nOI a cholcc of fl'cbh air iD
Didn't ·Fllli sh . Wllllts-I didn 't ~ce you al'ou nd yesterd uy. Mlnl, s-No, I hod a room ' lh ul needed IlIIpel'llIg lind PI! InUnl:', an d I lbougbt I'll slay hOIlH) nlill 1\0 Il m)'self, Bllt cun'l HlOP to lull, - I'm III U hurry , "W h RI '~
"W ell, 1\ '0 gu t to lllke Ill.\' lJ11 810 ess BI: 1l to III dycr's and cleaoer's. my wlro's dre R~ ulong w h h ii , alld I mllst Ste:\l1 nl a atol'e for a np\V carpe l. nnd Iheu hllnt up /,om pahl lcrl ,rod Ilaper-h:lnll'ers to--IO pUL Ihe fllll shlllg tou!'l,,!~ on that room, YO Il I(11Ow."N. Y. W ~ekl)'.
- - --_-
A Certa in Curi o I'otl r nt- An cl you bU ,' lhl s will cn· &bl p' m to sic II? . Cheml st- Ab 'olllle cure ror Insom · nla! Pa~lcnt:""lI ' lIIl Now, wh en do talle It 7" eb ml st- Immediately befor goin g 10 81 ej>. Pa tl!l nt- Y ; b\l~ whe'n de ( I;e t tn s leen? eh 'ml st- Imm etl lately oCter' t alt ln ;; tbc {lOWder.
'I'ODl my - 1 ",Ish yOU'd buy me !' .mli Cl'ohl', pa, Pa- Grcat'S ott: 'V\'bb'i 11lr ' T ommy-Oh, t '\'~ jllst. ~)I)ert i'elltUD~ 10. tb!s !lR)ler lhat 'microbes mulUply! rupldly. nnd I; ~l~Oll gbl ,o~o \yo ~l ld .\te)1JIi me In my arl~hpl el!c. . • ~
Hits. nd bli~~e9, D An' ('upld 18 II ntAf1<s ''' an b"l~, . \ lll~ orro"' , U""I!\1. wllh I 18 ft . . I uLl IItOllch lIIe r?I;UI\ I... Ifr<)wlng qld, JJnll \'11 01'1 I~ n murl 'Hman buld : ' I!O" when he htls Ih mnrl, : 1i lJor. f" " I I. lh(>n It 1ll!\ !(~R III ' lIlre. ..' '\ Ltnn t~ U(lltl 1M J II. I\I'ro\\' s
IIln rh-.mRn hu h',
lipped ),'1111 kl,jsci• .
- I UC1c,' • , - -, - -...,..-_ _.,..,1
On Jy Olle F ear. : Olel I. dy - Wltn~' tb IUlI lt!)r, l(l(\9 boy? ... . , til' hln (wlllmperlus). lreot ' I" mln , • 0 111 Lod y-Afrold ? Weil. 'l dQ doclllre! l 'lld ll't 1 now' )"1)1, s b 'eet I\um\ns W('I'O C\'o r ofrol 01 Oil Y hlng, Hee n or ' un set'n, ' In thIs wOl'lcl ' or ,thft. next. ' Slrppt tTtclilll~Y'~'5 , wo' r IfJald ot~ or eaoh oth er.- l\, '(. Wet'l Ir, ~ , I
FISH TERROR TO FROGS. Ono of Gold V~le ty Will No t Per role ,a Slngle H:op\ler in HIB Pond. A soh\ l13h which has run IImucl. I on of th e (l\ll'loslt le8 of New Bri ghton , PII. ' On-e of Ihe r esidents has Ol'no' 'men ted hla groun ds wi th a numb r of I;\nnll pon ds, In wblch he grows water I1l1es Qlld keeps gold Os h. . Ono pOlld I~ pllrtlcul81', says Outl:lg, Is Inhabite d by a slnl!~l e gold Osh, 8 large black one, abou t three yeal's ,,;d. lone ly ~erMlt halS tallen R g rcllt dlsrtl:t' 10 tb e 8011'11 fro,ga 'whiOA swa rm In all the \lools at tbls lim e 0( year, and will not permit HI slllgle frog to come Into his /lond. • The moment ' a f rog JUDIflS 'In the 1Ish attacks It, lashing tbe 'wat r \Vltb his ta ll, butting tbe fmg with his head until he drives It ont, TIm fro gs swim about In a dazed way and fillo Ill' climb _out. " . , Almost any evenin g 18. numller 0( dis· consolate~ li ttle frogs (!lin be seen sitting 10 a rowan tbo IIri ok edge of the , pond, desiring but not dp.rlng to jump In , Tho fish la ~oly h~s- become sucli aD iutocrBl tbat he win not permit Il trog even to bang a fOlot In tho wate r, ",'orl, lng hlmseH Into sucb a trem:" lasblng Aboul aod leapIng alit oC thil water, ' t at.' the froga' wltliarB\V In and bewlldertll$llt. Tbe In I·
Sauuy BOllrder, TIl e l;tndi lldy WU ~ In " playful moot! -the new honrdpr h,I\'ln ll pa hl for two wl:eks In nll\,un ce, . "Whlc'h do y u th ink (·a mp firsl. Mr. nlfkln s," s ho qlle rled, "lll hi 111m 01' the egg?" "111!\\'p,' gll"e fh e 6'1 h) 0('1 :I i" "lIgh t ," repli ed ' BIO Ins, li S h Pllshcd h Is cgn· CliP 10 olle ~ Ido , "but 1'111 ofro r llll; o,lds , to 100 10 one lhnt If !lny ch lcll"n pre· cedcd this ogg Il !\c'comp.lll lel l NOflh on hi s fUlll o us :u 'k CXCIII'slon,"-Chl , go Dully N ews,
reh $,1)ll'it of tb(' cave Ilwellers Is hi s Is shown by Ule tem, n ot encl', I)orary bome ' Qf M aj, J. H , Tomlln.ou. who hus ! si nce l he I' I:ent u orlea s· nl nfl8B In , a chi el'1l • at the com r of Broadway alld Jon e~ BLreel , S In Fran, 'Iseo. , hI) clstrro is In tbe su mml of a ..... hili ' <rll tbe [)emarost eslate and 'Is reached lh1'ougb Il s hort tlrn.nel. A Tough opening hn been made- In the [,Il';J::RS. wall , and In' I his pr imitive ' door\"ay th c occupant maY ' Le st! n sln old ng tl.le on a ('Om ml ~lI lon lIas ls lI\rougb g 'nernl I I\'ell veni(latell I'ooms or un attrllcU.,. pipe of contentment. a~ Indllterent to IIgCnt ,- ' ,' I op('n deck-II. Is a ~ truggle for IIII' -.-UIQualoes aa were hl B ,aocl!»tol'/i at ,Lalit fl!a r o\'er II million eml grar. " I eIlOllsll_l~t KI!CP ~!!!';"'--'!u'''!'!!!.!L..!.E~~..lnLBt~II!Q_ ~ g', _ C10S d ' the brM watem 861(\nl,; oer. ! lIa tiona l conlerellce on the \'cxed share!!' the sul)terranean apart· ndsslon to :ItC11 Oil Iloro n.nd mllke a IlIl ClItloll of Immlgl'.allon. one of the ment and picture's ftom tbe magazines 1II'Iug here . . Many peovle for a sbort .resoluLiODJI fla8 d, mild a derualld tor hn VI! been ,JIRsled .upon lis ' wal\s. It ·r.ll r and wltboul Qupst Ion argo IIl1m - Incrense below elecl,s 01 ulr 81)U c to had oeen illc Inte~tion of th e -ownera - Il 'rs do not find fn tlie n cl\' worlll r.nch ~teel'age passen:;er; onother h ~d of t,he properQt . to make a cllrlo room quite the golden Isnd· of their vi siOns, rer I'l)nce to eutlng "'[Isce pro\'itlcd of th e Istern, whlcb IlL abuut t~ n teet What a plclure they Dlal,e at Ellis wtih \able8 and OUIS[lI~ of 8lcop · across,' ond I UI~ l s bad been eo\'e r8l1 Island . ,,' bat plctllre'! they suggest. IlIg r(lOm R, . ' wltlt while 11. The smoke of the . L~L us go to tancy to this fllDlOUS spot, The Fo rl nl s blly s peaks ot present conflagration, o\vcver, conv(:rted ibiS, "the' :rrclltest gateway of Immlg rlltlon emigration a6 a s tampede, wlilch sa l'll· t bl k .. A I 'd I L ' 0 I!-c. , In tlto world"~ and watcb an Incom· d lea WilY W til eve ry pa g~ lllg month . M J T II h f a . om 080n ' ~ ound the solid In ~, Tblrteen sblps ba\'o nrrlve"" , 1,900 " ThI R s lampede has now rcached such bedrook 10 ",hleb bls abode Is 8uuken I~Dll grants I\)'e 8l\'alting In~pel!tlon- PI'Opol'I\Ons as to occlllly ' all th e enel', d I bl Is Ir! 11 cori\paratvely small n\.lmbel:; bud gles of a scoro of sLe nmshlp lines ,I n an .· am ra e '\Ie mograp "and says WOrk meana seven or elgllt thousand band ling lhe travel, to warrant tbe ea- tlul~ ha b'as, d,~ed more. tban 1,00 t bll I t ( III , tr JDlllef8 '~Cf! the g r 841t ell thquake. tn' bandle at once. R er\! they corue. a SlDlen 0 new and are dlroct But'Uelth4lt> ·ftre nor till_math! disturb, ' adYaqolng pntiently. st01ldly. dumbly,' routes and Ihe IlIIlltllng 01 new ships 1t1lCl.e hAa, terrors lkl the cl8tern , whlcb IIkll cattlo; RlIss ln.n Jt'w~. Allst rlon fS(lcc lally deal glllfct tor the· carrying' of W J Ilw8, }I'lhns, Blavs. Hallam!. 'Hungal:l. tbl5 CiI'go, The busIness Is I)Fofltable. WOUld .. UMtand a Kansas cyclone, aos, Gcrman3. l1'andlnnvlonu. The There are comparatively fe w rOHlrlc· WO}nQ!I Stlrr or lenel 1!~I ~e ones, tho tlons 1111011 .It, 811d In ce.o~ral and' <!uth mcn b~ar SOl I .. \i nks " on bend o r erll EUl'GIlC the,!'c"ls a'll1l011lhtly a vast
Why She Rej~o ted Rim. Mr. Tlmmld:' Bpl'd the girl. III II low, thoughtful, ihis~15'a,· matte r s ort of tone, "llra yo~ lIav loved me for five years ,·aud'. hBVci novel' dared to I II nl e so liMit to: nlgbl?" 4 "\'e~, " he r rpll ed , \I "Well . I ('an DOt be your ~'J!e., ~ mall who I la ~ 110 mOl'o ~ourn ge t han that wo uld te lg n to "" as leep whUe " Irurg lnr slol hl ~ bally'S' shoes "-Tit· Bits, ' • ., ' . J " YOII say,
Sh e-Bill will you I'm olt! an,l 1I~ly? He- Well, Ilo~.'t n
A N ear LimerIok,
There W(l~
. ...
• ,_I " Arcble, wh,lt' ls th(' longest contin.! \I UII ~ ride' you hn v had III 'you r dtllolIIohlle ?" . " , ' "Slxle~n mileS.'!. , . .! "flow' lon g did Il luke you?" " I,'our bOlli'S," " GI'eot Sr.Dlt! Whot w; !t, Ufe-, "T bnl \VII Ille dls4ljl ~O ,l ll Ihe nearwben (1st revalr s bop, !Inti , Ih o (arme r's blumed Old , h o ~a c , 1I1 ~n 't pull tlls nr . i\ n y Fu lel'," - hl' 8gb 'rrlb~ n • '
, ,HIs R ecord'.
}' ou)l g lady n 111(111 tTn-n nnll l
The Eighth Wondel·. ': , Mr. Wit~lts- I Bee ral Ing. flGWers'oille down w ith n 81 m. ror the mUn llfllclll re qf P\l rr~lIIlllr1; Anti MOtu)' Hlgh 'd : " lIow Ab su r d I h,,[ I Ci\ nllol r\)'I1\ lh l ~ Ihlnc ::' has lIel'ome II Il w, Industry In Florida. - JudIiC. ' 1m :' Minks (a perfumery /:r;a tit1foc. I t lll'ell'> - Fllowel'8 'I I ,:. I ., ' ;'. I Not Like Andy 's, " Yes." ., . ,' " t "NO .." auld t he hea utlful girl. after " For til e m anll' ct ure ,or perfllJlllt be hlld r fu sed to heed her deolara tlon er·y?" . ·'Yes." ", " t hnt s he would st)rcnm, "your IIlWl Is 1I0L like Ca rnegliJ's. It soolhes. l.Iut Il " Well , wOlldel's will n ever ('ease,"~ doesn't Ratlsfy." ; (N, Y. Weald y, ' , ". After which he caught Mr In nls orlllll again, fQr he was (!hh'ail'OIHI al PR90F ;1'0 1'.HE' coNTBAJiV. 1.1901'\,, 1\1111 wnu.ld not wlllJngl), I'm II a Indy to sulfel'.--C hl cngo R (!c o rd . H er~ , ald. ' . It
SII .lIpped <In III pcc'! or
wa I rll\c lol1 -
.. , '"
~1~ Ma~~~~~~~_lo~r~~~~~~~~lg~h~t~~~6~g~0;n~~~~~~~:~=~:~:;::~~~~~;~~;~~~~~ tor Ihe nf~\drO Ihelr loadS and ~. 1\ start, ",'
, A:
Puzz1ed Observer. , "Tbere Is anotber CUMlOUl IIlch mov Ihalr IIts t ' \111 t\ltre ob~"lll1n te term ot ~eafB tbls glguntlc In· Side. , lI1usttJl te ~ how dlrr~r~ n.~ y,our laeu are , , tb e'm \luats tile Amefll!a ll: flRC, and ~dll ~tr ." r 'rrom 1)111'3:: said 1J1... 1..0.1 tlie ' emlntllli lhnlr' /i .... t ' lessoll hI' 101 bo a ,IAS8ou \a I ~ Bnl, .., ". y lIv leI t us l e'fl1 ~lJIl,ln . to ,the tide A milliner .who 'works In a huge Oblnese 8~ hoI 0l', ' rC\"ercnc~ tor an embl em of tho now 0 (r c sc lInl;l tbe otber WR)" to the city says tbat one day a wom clD came NAME. "Whal Is tba t ?" . . nallon of whlQh they arc to, bocome II touri St,. aod 10 tha society folk. going .. if r6 tl La d Into tho atore very much excIted , anv J)ut. 'fho Impresslonnbl ll on-look rove . r 10 n on 8Oason and gaye· ,wnn led thl! trimming 00 her hat All (he Good Onel tTsed on the Dogs . "Wllel! onc of our Ilil nn -Iors pro ves untruslwort.hy we behend blr:l ond , r.eel s a ,mistiness about 'lb. e eyes: It I feu In olhc r great Ellr.opeall ca/llt.als·. chl!nged. She said that It bad beeD" and the Ohlld. Had to . ~aQllot tlut apJl4!a/ to tbe felllll\gll. t\l o -~ . IVl'lIer In Harper's Bazar treating Ileep~h, mon~.: In cOlln~ry. You "People ss)) ·that i've'" bin. ~own' l~ Walt. . ";".lII'of olctwllrliJ' fallurea, the bopes qt '''LuxurlollS nays at Bea." , re!Darks: 'trimmed on the ",rang aide, I'elate send 1!11I) 0 Europe ~nd let blm l~l\e • ...~ ""'h I d ' Youth's Companlqll. , t,lIe mo.nev oloDg."- ' asbln-on SI " I', ~h e world, and hero I am living In aDt"e b wo,rld al)hlJll ho'''IIII. ut, ~ lire are, need," good map), cltl· . ~ , altlel"- DorflJllrbler. • . A lady In a small Ailibama town had '" .,.,.,~_ ....ndtt looa are ·betl'er " .... !:lUI .:., t cs Jeft to ,\\'bom 'But," 8111d the salaswoman, "t"~ ' tbao ze. n.,0f tb U n I·,-.., ~ .. ...- . - " .... Ii: I till t rimming 18 00' the lett side. Thal 8 occasIon 10 call Ilt ll~e cabin of bet' . ImJosafble. ' I .. " .. thllY on lI\Il'r~u: for Instance, when urope 8 II II,n unl\:QO~ book, but whore It ought to be," wasberwoman, Aunt Betsy, relate • , The brldegrOClIll. fresh from oho, Bla ]Jest' Eft"oh. ' • •,at" v..ol., "-_6, o"e~ 1'''ora' ''4!:, wh"n 811, an ' ofr8~,t t~ thle )I)It. t~eJ;e.T8J a • .. .. ~"1) -_. . .' • .,. It .. "I tl I I -be h' oJ • It dooiJn 't mako any dltr.l!l·onae Buoces8 Majl;lIzine. While wnltlllg f kill!, '11'11 sazlnl at. 'Nlag'ara tsllB~ "Sen'alor," so'llI ' 'dle l 'ben6t1f~t '~glrt,; tile. tm~~. '~Itorl of Iiome of ., lin ' y OCrI!18 1J11 ..D1l1U r '" n h.,'e "Talk abqut trYli1~ 10 Ra\'e 'em!" he ,"what (10 you COUSldl!fethe lIelt,Speecti Ilftril . ~ltll6D, .. 'I!roaae.'d ... ~ntJ . t;:lh8 been over ' lso mant \IDlI!! 'u to hive whelher It ought 10 be In front or the arUcle 8bo ~ou~hl 1:0 beJ ollnd, SbE ~ ., . " 'r ' • diU.... :w "'d'lIl1 ' -" d I08L COUlll of the 1ot1l'11ey.:r One "few pack. or right or left, It', got to lie observed a j.,Voolly Jl!l8d whlcb · .po yellod In ~18 IIrlde's e ar. "Wit>:. gosh )lo,u ever malle?" , ' peare!! from \Inde~ tbe edge of tbe, bed can ,.. •• ~ . 0,., el.'~ ~ York!}" mn<1e ,Ix round trljii talt year on the cllutl:h liMe ...· ' , durn Il, ~'an , It'd cost .more'n' a mil, , '( thlulc It w,as a 8peflch ~hat ~ eJ1Gft' and asked: . lion dollars! Ther' IIln't no way on made to the Pl'eHltledt o~ t~' 1>. c~lIStdBJt,tna·gtl to :\'e~t~~:: b!!i\v.~~ Jal\ll~ry ,alld ' ~ " and . " 'Church ' 1IIit~1h gasp d fbe aalon"Is tbat ooe of your 'bITl!ten. Aunt :earth to do II! , That Willer haa jU8t' .. M, rtl 11 road. Wh en I got .tJI!t'OUgr. ~~lf\-Y' and. t~ rg- he ll. tloJ 1\1 the ~portib' IitiIIDe8s el- Ilhell glrl. 1 " ' . Beto)"?" '~~:.~~~=,~r"',:~ vJeum. ·th~r. ' TO- th,e $."0 lng, el~Jot peraons," ~ oh!Jr,*",-eld\l. ,( . llt ' r~ht. JlIl xt .' "Deed an ' 'Us,' hon,rey." ,was !.hit r.- got' to 'rl\n ' Bomewheresl"-Cblcago h1) gave m!l' au , annual , ~1A. . . . . . d .01Trlb,!ne. fered IIIe . I,he lise oC ~!8., ,v~I' , ~ '1 '." f. . , ' lIIen a ~ f,'o,meft. who ,g.o ,'!vet regul,,,· t!JiII wall. tD chllrch, . alld;; 1,:01 Dllt ,going wheney!!r.l wlahlld ' to lal\e my famU7 .",~:eoim~ti!.' I ~ 'l,.;. t~l! v~P1!'.~co'm8T~e"DY otll. to ' haye 'all th~t -trlmmlbg rie'Jlt the ply, " What II Its name!'" alonlj. "-Chicago Recor'd·J'Jerallt ' , . '1 , HII! LIIIlIt, :• .!!WIII". .. ~ ~o 8ma~ ~~ Jquriley ' J'qDlaailY ta~1l. Tbey wall. I want It _on the otber 8tde, !IO ." ~... . ,,~ , Scribbles - Pennington cel'ta lnIY. (liJ:iUlHIi. ...blt~{'~,.t pass at, tM!a. · th~ . hav(\ ,\eateel al.~ eftr,. ta:.!Intllu:itlc the wilDIe conCl'option cati lIee It," • "Dat chIlli ain 't got DO name yet, , . The· Quelt:ilta j\nowlI holV lIJ treat 0 subject. 'MIn RoSa,'" Aunt. Bets1 ;ald, ~~~~[;~~~Y~~4!IIe1' " liner. anll ' lbtl)'/ "ao'l' tbe 'long fer.ry· . The lrlmmlnl' w~ promptly plil~d "Why. It m,ult , be Ihl! or' .Ix yeara ,Dribbles-Yes, snd Ihat'B hl8 limit. He had pr!"pqjled, and , w ~"eaf' ,In ner), fit the )'1111' and In 01\1 the "cbureh Iide' of t he liat, wnth~r~" ,~ " .. :' ' I ' ' -...:.;'-.....;;'- - - - , . ,o ld ; aur~ly It ?ught till hlln 11 name at I !lever I,new him to trcllt an ac- and , treMbling 'falted f~r aIl t~~II,.~r: 'qllalntance ,-Chlcago DaH), News. thal Nge," the lady' ItlllcJ .. . t I " "Ooly 0 e . '~~d," h l!!lla, "If i!yt to , And , now fet' 111 SO to tbe v,liry co~· , ',. .u~. of H~b~ lie~p 1'1 ... ~ lhl' lIres of hollo IU~M .tIlT. slc!erable olass that, travel neltber ' ln' . , "Dat done wort led me a wbol lot, Th!! Dlploma'Test, bosom!' , , -}. ,. I ~pen.h-e suit!!" por In ImPGIIslble The oldest arcbltectural rulna In the honey, hit sho' has," IIbe said. "Bnt Knlcker-;-:I never 'tasled anything • Bhe looked: at ' 111m ( '''Nler-''~aaT• the atlerage. A amall room JIlay , have 'World are b8118'1ed to be the rook tem· • hlll Ah g~Jne do? My ole ullin, hi like tbls be (Ore. lovingly-and !ler ~IPI. , /P,IIY,!!,Il " tJa ..Ci';l==~,~ tilt .. -"ifed by tOur, bl1t when' olle pIes. at IJI!Iampool, aD tire NU. In NIl' done nsed np all de good names on de Bockel'-'M~" l\.aJt)lbter JIYJt gradullt· cents ,t\rat went to lhe d,ljpl\J1I (Ill,. ' " 10f, one'. lea leIS btif:Uttle time bla. One the ancient templea ' can, dawgs, an" ll"W dat chile des hatter o • e~ be .,.Iled In 1118f1PIDg 10' of ~. r apal'\menb h~wn out of walt twell OJle ob dem die. io be can ed from 1'00klng ' scbool an!! COOked SOli 1. She asker\ him lIn\\>" m IC'fl II" her .heepskln.-N. Y. Sun. earned ''Ii weet',""'TIt-mtlrr.. , nothtJal 'Dg~ .ntaUor? . 'lIIiere.!&ft tb~ 1Ii1le""Ittl~:"I1!ll!Ckld.:8 Id -t:one. Tbe" ~rle8t Ilu,le Itone' &1t. hla name.'i ' . . , , , , an the laxune. tbe areat 10llnslng roome. plenty ' of uled In thll work .1. one which torml , I".. ' " . I i jt I to Btit Yearn. , • . ;Engagement 1\\~r, ot.a luxurioul on land-Ie t!'lnl aIr alld .pace. One bal all tbe com- " .veranda like projection along one Parson I Bap\er (solemnly)-Doe,' Jack- Yet', I had ~ i~rrlble" lialU. !lulled to . 11 S1)1arlt~, .r.lhor tbl a forta that are good for one. Eno b II de of tb. Dulin temple. It I. 67 teet Barbaric Xing. 'barely 10\'er of lea-golog-all 8Oft9- III better than , a' tetist. And olie ~~f 10DI, 5Z .eet broad alld 17-illle ae. BehaDzln, the ex·klng of Dabom.e)" YO'. ClaU11 Klosubb,y. lake d is Yllb ' ~Ith Kalba' Inll's' hliliJ't .bt'for. ' .11• ,., ' . ,~ .and ('Ise. al1d . .ery ""ant anUolpated. lielt for pleaau~R aod opportunities, count l~teet thlck, Tbl, col. 'who 18 no'll' a W"~d oli tbe }'reneb go,., lady, Miss G1114Y8 PO()t~, IQ be ),0' finally aC~ llted me. · , . ' J.oe- Vou don't lay! },10.... : ~. It ill reall1 too comfortable. tiriDb It II tio hame. but a Joy to be erou- 10...' Ie lupporte4 b, two row. ernment, I. abol i 60 yelrs of age, willi hAWlul wedded wife, for lIeltllh aoU tor now?" " • :ial1ely, ODe almoat envIes the em I·, Ing t'be Ilrat time-not tbe man that mu.\n Iquare pillar,. tour tJa each ths Uackellt of 'faeell'llDd a abort white erat" wiD at leUt. PII..t." tl~lfeSi liD- ha"('Iioal!d 119 lrmet! Is tbe paraon ttl row and eaeh ao' tee~ hllb. 'To each bfto:'d. fie llDokee CO ,,~ <:Iaara a ' The Oropl)l (uneanlly aod ' hjl1.lly)--. Jal:k-QIJ, elle Is' stlll ' ln :tbe," "" ItIIItlafttd, Thprl II nothln, of the 11m· b!! envled, -It Is UntM!CD ltaIY'lh., hu of theae "llUra Is a~htld a 0011_1 At a Parle hutel be refused to till-eo tae, .. aGes, ft ' ( blill to, &ali; but Chicago nall1 Newat ~ '. ;l)le Ilte prellched a.' . de,lrahle. Ttht t rllh kI~ t . uncllmbe\l or a h\lman bem.. reacbl'-.~" p e. or ..cI~." tr..... . 1..... ala'ln 4ftr IQme "1\1 br J takln' bv You Noticed Itt !t;ul-/\". ba'.,....a d In yilited Pam loor to roof. III front Of tb. .hlob ha~ been served before. ,HII klDdab on ail' ave·age t:,"':'puck. ~--.-..-.-- "DIll YOIl e7Cf notice It''', 'roo~, ,...,t ~t't!' Ide, I tnt au .fAndnft temll'" are . .tejl \ lUll Bilothel wlvel tre.ted Wfth 'barbirtb ~ Hol· " ' · .10 • "Wbat!" ' .. dUltDl'e' and a Bovel, whlla· wt~the I. It II !lOt the ba atlmber, kl.lal' y cIrcumstances·" " 'Wbe_ ),IIU ~aD~ ~~, F I: bl ... 1Ilg CltUll atreteli.. ...n,,- "COlI to Buros-" neil II feet hla1l. - ;'be~.. you . t'all·t)1.811' ...etlD, ., 'OUr~ lUe fre)l1I b~ .... ... I, K THlCRiN't!: pop.," i 014, lire ,QPDOHd to ~ 4,000 retlr44IIfI!lPL I .._ ['T..I_'J.I . J , Lor ....-Hdusfoll tt~ :
fit \,
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., •• " . r . . . . . . . In .. :. . . Jcar , If DO' paid In lKI,an\le
...:I':l:CI:~I=N:...-A-L-:-L=EN::-::BU;;I;L;:::; J)IN~G~.
fIW"OJ{1l e.uaL
. am ous Corn more than three quarters of a Century . fr..,Jd being grown near Waynesville. SomE~ inter'· esting facts regarding a Local Ind~~ltry.
Un a farm botwoen Waynesville I e'·tlr th1)( " ut I)f the g round for six HERE ARE A n;w SAMPLES WHAT WE'RE DOING DOWN "od New 8urllngton. Is belog car· or tlll Vl1II UtlLlI.iI /I hUtilie l .. ON CORNER OF MAIN AND AlibI! PbUadelphiti, ~p'''ltioa In Lied 011 an lndu,,\ry 'hilt hall attfl&ct FOUTH··NO WANDER Last Call for ed the . ',tentlon of the peOplA u f tw u 1 76 I h .. I ","mlu\( cor :n received one THE CROW DR COME . Alumni ~eetln,. JOniinent'~ , wbiob hall b,etln advertlll of t h" firllt. priz~ !lnd 11.1110 at tbe HfRE ".. lolJoWlD,le'ter baa bean Ie,,' ed froUl ona tlnd of tbe United Stlltes Par.1' Elpotlitlo~ of 1!~78 and agala to aU former pupil. of 'be Wa1nM to tha other, whOle product IId8 in 1900 tbey were gr~lnt,ed Ilwards ·• .aken medal" at t.hree InternRtional The medaltl rtlOlllved lit tb_ tlme8 -We a&-I& Boboo) , wbl'llle d b • • ex Ihitti, Rnrt yet the peopl., o f the I are among tbe mOlt oheri14beil poll . FOR M~:N ' S FANCY LAWN 0CMIId ... 0*1._ b1 \b. ~ekr, very nelgbborhood in wh ich Ih i" 8e88lon8 of tbe Leaming family ; AaJoae who kDOW. 0 an1 00• "ork Is being carried UII, Icllnw . SI:IIELD BOW ~IEij, W O RTH 5 wllo mal ~b\1 ba. . been mtued I_at about It. Wa reter to 'hll l Mr. J . 8. Laamlng Jr. moved to lJENTb . Men'14 plllin Wllite Utinulter· "lU . . . . . fa.~ by ao'''yIDI thf Laaming BOeCl oorn, gfo.n by J I:! . hll precJent location a fa" ye&ra alo ohlel". regulKr Ilo and 80 kind ...... .." . . ~eomo.raoftbeANC). fAIlmlnR of the WAynesville and from UMr Wilmington. Beaod hi .. ...tkID.... ...1001 to reaob every Ne. Burlington Ike. wife and IOn give th pereon_t d For Men' 2 60 Mobir End lIullptlndel'8. papll: . P tentlon to the .orlt .nd exerclae p Every f.rmer kDOWIL tbe ulue IIf the greate.. t 08re In seleetlng tho For Black, Tlln or Finoy SOIt' '1'0011. . . . . . . . . . .., FOaMaR " .PI"" 11000 eeed In growing a fir8t 011\s8 oOln . worth dou.ble BlOB ScHOOL: oorn orop. E"oh yHllr they ahl(1 bundredsaud Fur Men'R N ..gllgee tJhtrtll ArraapawD&a baYe heeD' com Since 1827 the '-min,,' f"mtly thoUlialld .. of bQilbel1l 'o f 8fled to all dllohle. with tlxtrll onff.., worth . . . . . wlUl ClUMP Comaalttllt ball been engaged tn the cultivation of dae a ..... Comla' Reuola,to lei aDd tmprovemllDt of tbe vartety of Pluta of the Unl&ed 8ltatefl... nd 'hI! mooh to ad.erU~ e For the oeleblll ted Boaton ...... ".....,. Aaa Qao ' v, .. "SIKb 00111 .hlch bears their Dame aDd hU8lneCIli dnA! vv Gartel'll You III.ay. pa,.S5c ,bis II8Clion. HobooI 0..1" during .blob tbt lhe qllAmy hili! 'been moet carefu'ly For Man'lI F.noy Colored AlIUll8l ~aUOD aDd former gtalrded. . . In the report o.l the aDDual meet· BelbrlglliitU Under.ear . 8obool pnpl~ wID oelebNte. In 18~7 J. 8, LeamlDg wltb hili tnK of the 1I11nols Corn Gro.e" AR· wortb double. We haft I'8pOrU from moa' 0/ father Ilnd '.0 brottlel'll began lool.tlon tn lV02. 'he followiDg ap For Men '8 Ne. GOO Foor In. ow people &ha, .ill mal11 t. ooru in 'he then almOlt on. ' pean reg.rdln, this Clorn : band 81\" Ties Tbay W.,... ••I1. elurln, Bum.·(')ominl! 'hree Inehee wide. brakeD bottom laDd. alonK &be "The !A·.mlns ft~ety W&II origin W. "'Dt you here. Tbl. tIe IIlami rlv"r In Batter Cooo~. a~ bv~. 8. LeamiDll, of Wilm'ajc' F~" YI'n· .. 'hnel'10 Boltl will ... \be Jut oppon~nlty tbat ... It .al M>On after . tht". and .bile &OU, OhiO, In 181!7. llir. Leamln, be . $9.48 fnr tb .. '12 klnda . . ., per"'ft 01 ""UDI klpthllr .tlll a mere boy, tba' be b8KaD tbe gaD IeleeUng aeed at tbl. "me from III! F'lr Mlln'lI II i'> SultB and MiS ... ,00 owe it \0 ,be ill'8 til •d IUS SHor "le 16 GO dull h di II .ork ot I8lee&lng and planting the , e or Dary ye ow CIOI11 .rown 00 ' old 10_ _• JOGr .nead. to Ie' Q.II 1 211 P"r • ·.,t1dren·1 .2 _ 108 dan.. ,bit e ..entlo) week. ben aeed hfl oould eecure aDd grad. 'he" ~"Ie Miami BCltttoma," Bam· ~ oally bollt up a ItralD of OOl'n thld IltoD County, Ohio. Ele leleoied 'hle il!J SOUl and " .99 for the . If aaoommod.tloaa dnr In 101116 l'ttlpeo&a baa Devllr bee n corn to. .nl a .taDurel type ID bl' ,S lliDdl. ' " 70an",m We1nM"mll, kindly ,·qtutlll!Cl. 'fbiJI .ork aradUltlly be mlDd for 56 ,eaH, to be followed by One-half PrIoe OD tJtraw Batl DoIUl &he ..,.8a1'1 .bo will turo o" mtl to him a labor of lo.e and he ble IOn, J 8 . Leeming. Jr. Bill lIen'l Pan&a at OOIt prloe. '~ . .~~ =I~ , fol)o.ed it tbroughout bl. life aDd method ot. Relection . . . to 8/1 '1 f U ' .an it to be o.rrled 00 by his ohll. 'hrougb a field a •• OC.D .. the eerll ;'iN..~ ' _ '.. _~~, a OOID!!'. 0_ t dren. ' lIIIt buakl began to. jlbo. "pa of
1 Cent
3c 13c 5c 33c
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12 c 18 c
87 48
II 85 I 9
·'.1 lila,
.."I .....e an_o •',... i ...tblrd. "all ..rt"'ulan ~ -..:_ ' ~
B illht Tim,,?
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P . .1l IIt ....t,ln ·hlUlpohtl ; 1CI10..... C.bln : 1'rlll,.a Ed . .art.. ti U,... t!\J8lI'. .p.,$OD, 0Iat.J; &lIaa I:5elle" d&abJ, /AlbloD,
W..... .. ,
...1. . .. ·
PA~'[)· ID
TeIepIIMe'. Relation to Ute and FI ...·4 0••·
II reeonllllcndeol by 'IOme :'of ,bet lurest U , nee mOlt eClODomJcaI roofing .ind Ildlog for ~ultry hoilse.,lhedl, elc. /ilhlnglee and clapboard' cOcIt more and do 'lot keep tbe bulldlDp I. dry RnJ ",ann.
Tbe Wlpboaae 'anllb. ~ lift ci.aopn " ' . . . . rar 0101'.: proper. ,,'baD" d.'roJ • .beoaa·..... ·1I .. lin ..tAlIlD .i.DItl .blob e '
01lI'nQ, pal
upon telephollt
..... belDt abllu' ,. .01.. It itl barm
. . . aad selepl&i>De la.,rnmeD" . .pl, protected by flll8l aDd bn. pealld wi,... Bid;' 118rlou. IIhoo •
. F-2 UDI818 yonr watoh haa thor· ~n"e Iy de lbll" ".nl 1/1 it'll Wlth,D HI montbl It can't bit "bllalate1; depeD' 'ltined UP(lIl • .We no competent to ollllln and I'8l11&ir the ~oat .oompU movementtl, tW onr · work . j~ tborQulbly .llId UD ,l ime ana "b.rgAli will 11P, '110 1110rp th"n .onld hut! to pay wh6n ~rllll B IIa.l leltll etire are eltllro\"pcl. } We 011'80 '18 "lzp·7 je.,·1" for 75, MJdn'lIpriDgli 18 ~i"., 7 je*el for 15, t,'eanlDg 15 illZtI 17 jewd~ for t1 0/ lIain tJprlnjJ 15 .Ize 17 JI'welll ror 81 . 00. .'
with rooting: each roll lS,doee n~ Nqulre paiDtlng .ben til'll applied. IIId Ill.. flat. Send for froo laW plea aod our boold.c". .
Telepbone 10 hili house wbere be cnll be called at on bours, dB.y or
t ill'
South. Ou th e ..hove: d au ·~. th t" nHllllu n Lt from "b ~ am,t..:tJ of t wch e 'i l ll\4I t4 • .;., .ml)rh4lu ,c
Wantoo, White C •••...
Ibe foll owing Ponn. yl\'nnla. OhiO. Mlchl""n. la41&0:1. lIIlno"'. . MIIIDC . OW. luwa
Highest nlRrket prloe· pal,l lor .111 """emble. man)l t or the urs' .. 1:tJi1 Whito CorD, Uru e . Ioee tbe)' marched CN ID I t~ blOW, ''''loed Ileld . forlJ"lb roo yean allo WAYN ." VILI ,IC MII,Ut, Here id Due nr tbe g,,:,,~ opporlu nlUes for Ibe educatlooofll.e Jo~tb . l'oD'U a ll 10 I your ulilhlreo aud . bow IbufD blolOrlo b.. ~ta· 1 Doctor. ~ld Be WoulJ " .. I Lin. ooova....lth all I", ol. torlcal ""nncetlon&. IL I. lhe opportuallJ o. .. lIIetlme. 0 0 aDd .ee I P"I"r .'/')' . Wu ...lrl1ft·, i>lt ., wrUe.: "e (lId leneral. an.1 other omCU.... POI"l i " A It.·r t1 Vlllurilljf rur twu , ... ". wltUo. o.n IbeplaCeliol Inlcre. 1 on ID e b ~ tllt"'l e' d : I '" I' I t I u: h leI lDem . 11..... I OU auel uph.llI. lu PIlftKl Q. , . IA ",.~~ \J I)" II UIt" n .... ~ U .... arl• the molrkenl c.eclOfl 00 Ibu btol\lel\cld . how· 111111111111 t(ettinl( \\'ur ...., Iha Inllbe \100111000 o. lbo OPPO,IInl arm I", .. I Kdv l"..d 1011 If I 1",,1 lillY hulline.... to ~be time of bal\le It will not be lonll "°'11111 : tau,1 til I h"11 Ilil. UAlr "tMIII t" itDon" ..III be loft 1.0 (10 lb\saoble work . . " ..III he many ' U".. II o\' rr a~"lo . th~~ , " t Une,l, lilt I OIlllld l1ut Iltltl"tbly ,ucb " .. "IIP"rlUIIII)' ."'" preiIC nlluell. see j UIlIltbtlr UhlDth lit. tbf'rtl W • • Otl Clare In al your 1I.'" e ta rull vi .. ~be CAuls\'1II0 .. fur 1U1t. Fulev'. KldDfty . '~re . Wa. 5MbvUle It. It . Ih" ltatilell'ld ROUle, I.all \ ded " b f I d on J'our ac"rc. ' rall.e>ad agene fo r rille. unll reu- 'lIImen to me y a r fin • a4ver\l. llI, m. lIcr I>"rLalnlnl'" tb " reunion .. 011 1 i01l1181111111'Iy 86U~ IUY CliID ... or .rl&e n... re •• rtlpre.ojOn .. Uv 01 Ih.e 1.0UI •. ,' th., .unrll fnr IS and ...., ..ktutr ,11/ .. " "' •• b,·llIe K. " . t"rtle b II till,. 1 ooglln to ' tftI& bet"'r J . H N,IL••IIIC II. U. P. A, r" ulavlllo. KV l and oilnliulI.,.J ttl Impro•• autll I F n. UUftH:-U•..I!...A. 'e lut lon"tl, Obln.' Willi eUllr"ly WI'U .. J t i . D"\,.IIPO II~·. I) P. A. ~'Loul •. 1",..,,,.,.,!!!!!!!!!!!!'!I!!!!!!I!!!!!I!I!!!!!!i!!!I!'I!IIIII!!!!!!_ _ __ Nebl'll8k.a. Mw ouri. l(an MIilR 110m' l'euluc k y.
"o. N~:~ .: - ~a::oa::e:~) DR. H. E. HATHA W:A Y . '
W1\ Yo(lll ~llIe '. u..dln. 06Dtilat _ . . om .. ~la Kel.· bulld,n.. . • • lIIalD 8rua
'!!!!!!!!!!!!!"""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I
Cured of Brllht'R Dlaeall8.
i OI,ly!l'J YIl.rll Old. aIr Robert O. Burb, ElDora, N.' Y ., writea: "Derore I IItaned to UI8 "1 Ii 01 001, 82 )·tll\r....1.1 alltl it.ln', 1'01ey'l! KldDey pure I. had to get np expect evell wbltn Ilf8t", bIo ....1 from 'w. Ive to ' ...nty ~·Imes a nlgbt old to fool ibat way a. 11lDa, . . I oaa ;lnd I w .. M.1I blolltt'd op wltb drop I!lltIC!~tlo Hi .... r". " II.IYII MI'II. ' E. it . :<, Ilnd hi.' ftyealght wallM illltJl'lred Broll .. "II • . flf Dulllin, H. HuNlv I could l'O"rooly aPe one of mIT fliu,· thl'rti '~ lI11t,hhul 1I11It!' k e . the u14. \1, "Crt.. 11 Ihll mum .. I hAd ~i "1111 lip "" :rl'nllg IInll muk" tllit . . . k .. hopl' nf \lvinll, wh .. n II frl~hil r,t«lo'ni .. .. trfln~ .. " t.h l .. grJlnl1 tpnle mfWtlollMl '"l'lItl,'d F"It,~· :it KIIlDI1, Core · Oil" O.V'''I)I1III1II1. torpid liver, ' tDbtUme4 110 •·.. Ilt h.. n .l., worked w"II,II1"" Rn.' klfhl!!Y" or ahr, 11110 Otm"tlp,tltn'l aN .",f·lrll I h"d 11I1r",n 11111 Iblrd bollle unkno wn Rf"'r taking .,trll'l Bit. Ih .. dr' ,."" hlld !l" nl', Illi wl'lI ...... II t ...... " rfltil'nn"hle tilDe. Gn"rant!'8d orb .. r .ympton. of Bright'" dlse'lll8 h~ F C). HohwIlrl1& IlrugW. Price Mold by F. C . ~hvrar/. Mlc
'~AL'~ . ~. •
T. B. QUBte1-, WayneSville, Ohio•.'
l" (~r . Sale By SPEN(;ER & l\10:t-:ROE .
...,. 001II. 'broullh a wir. "11 • w're oarrylnl a btlh "i,ll",. to...... It. At D.rly e"er, oh~ art' phone wlr8P
n ight. Coaches IUld obiUrs ,upplled. Have . recently moved to room \VhllD M .. XIUI, Itll1 1"U1"I1 ~ gun io· . veur.ur J,lticlld hi8 IfUII I,, · f .. r .. II com· Dellt to Cr088 Broil. WAY»DlVlLLII, o . IIf jUllgtlll, bl1 ,,1 ,, 1'0'.1 its oar.. MAUl IITalllll'l. ry i IJ K lJt'" e r t o 00 I U n (l II lI ... l, W w ba t """!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!"'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~ be felt lIure tbe I1UII ",,' Ido ,· t·.. , " ' pllllh Tilt! r ll1<ul t of 1.1 .... I rj,1I \v'" 'rrut h I:!I,rllllstlr tb'ln Flct\'ln therefore II g rellt l! lIrpriH" , ill"I"IIc1 S nqlri~ lnll ~tatl!manta Vouohed of dlllllpp"intment. Ii .1< IhA tor hy ,I E J"Imey. with tbt! mllnufu otur r. III C·hlt"' . All nfull who kno w .J l!1. JI\noflY berldlll" Colio. Uilnh' r'I "lid fljnr IIrp u""II.len t ,.hllt hll WOQlIl mak., rh,_ Remedy, Th ..;\, Ii .. n," I'l1hli(' 11011" lm t,. trnl~ht forwllrd, bonea' Iy OOUllt o f .. II Ihill rll""'II ," \\'i ll . nil .. t.ltlt'I\II',II . , ... ,,1 wh"11 I h oi." wit :V,IU oomplhlh . but prllter h l I.. ,. Ib~ tI. " f th.· ill/Ill Y WIt.YItt'ltvllle PI!Ople arll malce the IItuu'lHe llt,. . \vh" ' willi h"v6 ~ 1l1f,·r .. tI fur )·Pd .... weth tbey do olllim. 18 that It will pOlli indigelltillu lIod have ~n oored 'hely oore dlarrhoo" . d yllt'ntery Ibrun gh ulO lnK Ptlp"lkol" tllbleCli. we III&IDIl In t.he stomach lind howl1l!: m nill. 114'lIa vo overy wurd til trul!. NI) .. nd hiS never known II) filii For other r .. m ..dy 100 qolckly relieve" sale by F . C. Schwort z. Ilnd curelillnur Ittolllaoh, beartbQro, cooteci ' onKua, lll'rV(lQ"lle88, in~IIIO· .== Ulll , d ebm"y. trouble I\rlMlng from I'Ollr dil(tlHI.lmL J . E ,IIt1ll18.\· oon . 1111111' to ilell PI'llNlltll)R tllblet.. wUb Ibe underltlllullhlN tb .. t 700 C1IID Iln vu YOllr 25 oonl... blink In 01186 yoa li re in tll 10'11"', dil4ltl'Polnted In ~blt fllce nf IIlI'!UI fllolll nob,ldy ,.bould hpllitllte ..II 1 1I~ '"ot ttl &Vtill t.he,n . of ,he opportllllUy :'l'IVA" On Seplember l ij. I UO.I. will ocr ur IIII.' f btoI. l'fIf(ftlll. b 10rtY'lbl..1 anrlve r~an 01 Ihe batUo of IlI1r rect dl gel'tilln, per ec t ea t • reo CbICAm~u R ua. I~ I~ prOptl8e<\ 10 (~I~ bro ~~ newed eOAr!:y, OIlW vigor anll new sabl evenl wllh a I'tlunton- 'Ih" vltlllit.v t.Ilroul(b the nile of a remedy :r~oou:,,~f:I::l~r ~bn~l ,~a:~~~~~:~~ L~I::~: t.hut d;,QR oot crn.t II pt\aoy IIhould" lougbl aruullJ Cb.. ua noog ~ . ·'·hl • ..,unlon fall to do nil I,bllt Itl ett"lmt!d . There will be belli aI Cblcamallgu Nati Ol1R1 I':uk , Iii no rlMk to you whatever aud •• seplelllber lij· lfI and ! U. lind th" \1."""111 In· Milk :vOU '0 f,ry It on. ,1, III J.uney'. .11""tlu". are lhuL It will be ~ .. ~ I" r ~e. l ~II(I • • tIlO"~ nOlnble ~u'"eri IlK .. ;' r lIel1l In Lhe I!UUrlln WII. .
In aD tn~re.'tnl ll~tle pempble' ~p8DiIDg, ,_lee'tDS•~~ '~ftl·tal.k" \ . . to 01 UIO. for . "blob .Jllob the elder MI'. Leamlog luued _per ng rom bu t • •.0 ........ eal'll -..A . f .ome time before bla deatb Ie ....eo .811 filled fiver polDtal•• traIRb' ro.. '~;;;;;;::;;;:;;;;~ ....... ,will be . --'II . maDDer 0 18 e' f .. ,d 1 '1 IX) !!! be oed a blatory of blillfe wor. In grow 0 .el11a.. , an r penl ng In (rom Annuuncem, lit. outq ...... eto•• "" an.aoan to 100 day. lluaaIb ,be Wa1081",1I. tIIIw...· IDIIIBtMl oorD. In tbla he rela&eli a . ' w ~ rill! yonr aUantion to Ibe rael .......17 10 walch &hem for al1 creal many eaterklnlng aueodotea, The Learning varle'y baa tbe moe! tbat Ut'rmakola oiutmant lit... poll deIaUe.· . . telllDI bow hi. falher .urprlaed the uniform obaraoterl... tfOi of aay uri Qve OUrtl ror Ec:l&tllllil . ol~",. woond .. . .U • • who bad been pttIDg 35 or etyof yel1o\" Colrn lCr<)WO. II. IIclap "Utili aod "v,·r .IT kind u' Itkin or O. II. OdTW~lOllT, Paa. .0 bUlbele an ao~ from tbeir rlob ktion SO .hllll . . dlff~nt oundlhon. .o()IIlp n lIuble. II OOllt. 95 oeM. It II tl15 :.tDoolD St., b ,·ur.-(\ 1f It dolo ',• •e- re&UrD your J:.autGD.lli:l nol.. I.nd. y • .budnla OI'Q ....00 ollm"',,-b}r IeleeUon bill' /o"O ..Y. J . Ie "lUlIIay. daDe maoh &0 IItrengtbf'D theM ohar IJftKed 10. bUlbel1 an aacre. II ••• T. )IaoWJf.8eoN..1'1. . PrI08l' la thOle d.,1 .oald b6 aeteri.~lo. . It ill no douht I.bll var\a. t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W_1__• •II1., OhiO' . oonatdered ·ralDoua DOW, Mr. " t~m .hl"b maDlr varteti811 of ~ou 8. JClDdJ'DOtlf~!:.r~r.~ LMmlq &elllq tbat tbey &Old their yello.ooro h&9& lMleD de.eloped. .. .,. .. P'*lble w .~oa • banner orop at the rate of 8~0 per aa moe' of the YI!II)OW v~rtetlea bit OD ....... '. bDihel. Contlnolas he .YI: "LauS .how lOme of Ibe obllraoterl.Uos of 0IIa.. 011.... of .be War-~"'lI' .inee I bue hllDled routing ear corn th. Le.mlag oom, atld .beD thetr . 8t,1I1llb'1I1I "Iulun' A~~)Q a ... : DIna mllllM til ('Iaclnna" aold blltorylll nltCl'd Mok they are UII J WUI Will .., VIOII1t...ldIlDt; J . tbem for lX &11 :I oen&l . " dOleD; u.lly lound to h/tVA h!!pn developed Ie J •• 1MI1 • . T ...... a""r; 1t1trting lit 30'0100k In tbe . morn. from the LBIImlng I't\II'd (Jo ... lol"_, "",\chm' ",embe"" \V jfltr, tben riding ' ,*ok over rough , The t·hrt18 qtu.rt... t· .. of .. OI'ntQr~' II. AileD, CbIIl'lflII .A. Brow,,! :-AODII '11111 .. , tbrflnlCh tblt '"oillng bot .nn 01 brl!e.llng h , i~ th:...l flll' I'hllr"nt,'f ·....'Iur 11:11111. I: V &rDh.r~. 'Vlo'" ,nil II I mlldl1' twn d .. nllr. I 'b'\n~h' IIIt\OIO In t,hlll Vllrll', "n.1 thl1, olli, ft .. wk'la., Au". a..UIt'!'*Iwal ,t" grI'll t Mltl ... hi! f"mlt, ..Ir ;"lrl," d,·v"lopHd 10 l.d.r: ~"b ....1I1.n ..... nlbeno,J '1",. ... .r ... I 01 I • u .:. RII R .. ltl "'IIl" III Olnoln",.11 ~"r olnet~ , tflllnll hrt'41 "" . cUff. MInt oor" _e •• , ....n II. I Ct, u ..... • " .. . . . . ·.ad N.l."a eth!e"''' ClnOln OfInlll ,.1 nnl' 1\ ..!llIr IlI1r hen." ...l. net hrf't'(l~r". III' ~IIH, .1 It, the brood ... .. Obi0; _ ~D .. h._I tnll "10 fl.nlt Jrl:<b potlitollil 1111 .ertl In bill II.. I..otl.. n or ' '1'.,,1 ..... .,., ....0 D:••';'1° 4 • N
kaowelao. 10 ....
M f)d, ·~1 'InillH~ Orr.·" C", rv M,.~~ ', nv icli " ..
. IjOt!
"Dd'D.t.T JUI.Y 11 . . ' ..
, WAYNESVllll:. OHIO Branch Office', H'armsbun., O.
~~~~Q OR'EGONIA, OHIO IPr. Dt.vt!l PreaorlptlC»D for Head. IT IS 'l'HK "KNOW HOW" . aehM. " . · . Wben we recommend aDd trUr. ..,.....'CIt........ *tt,.. In the manufacturing of Paroid that makes it the aD$88 Ake tD·The-l1ead tablet. for . . . . .·....r .Ieolrio 1i.1a& wiree most economical arid satisfactory ) o( fin ~CF or siding beadaOb81 and neorllligia It i. tJe· • . . 0.018 .e tno. yoo mUII& obtain rewldola ~ eooo ' .01.. enel o,",r . matenal on the market. . Both fi~ proof and weather lief or .e.• taDd ready '0 pay yoar R«;IIb' ..... whlob car1'1 650 .u1... You get full value received if you buy ten cantil btaok 1:4.,1', lure and al roof Win 01 . ., oM of 'bele .'1 P .' . . ' . waYll ClOre J. ·E. Jano"y • ..........0 ... 1ooM eDdI .... Ita ParOld. Brotber W~lter Bliker, "Country. We 10 OQIIteat wI'h wi.... of cliftar .11 OIty· Lift)" whieb brooill& forth' PAROID ROOFING PAINT• _ , 'YO. . . . . .. IIIJ\rltud disol1l'ltlon, but. the poltl&l . Makes old roofs ne'Y. Good on any kind of roof. Wllrll tl1ll.llIl, i" "ltvlli or' ooluntry Ia wapako..... lana "18k .. ,ollnl . l·ft· II .. I"'IIII1 ' Ulllt.. I"v... lltblnl'ir II . ........... 11fI1C • ",leIIUIMIII , wlr,· I , for AC dE FLOUR, made by tile "''' i l'h~· . 1\1 ,1'uIIW,1 ,,1,"11\11"" IIf",. A U Il)uuh 'hI! wi,.. IIf all lu .... rurh. .\ :k ·Yll'.ll' GrlJcer . 111 .... '11111 . h ·x " 'u" ,110,.. ooodnoted . M'II O U... alad ut.I' IIlIIed -li!x . .l·cgonla I 8. \, 'hll. \\' \lrthv Lo'ctorer. 'raul rru II r~p Irs ' or Ob'o Flrtl L ' 1 1 h h ' I dId d t TIlft entire i1rOlrtHli ~·.II a lOOuroe Our Fl • our mt · as een. new y lemo e e an ~:e .. f enjll~mrnt Itn.l IrftnlllnfllJmHL lla.nbal. . quality of our flour is better than ever. . . Tbft. 1I"nult) ,Oplc' metl.tJD, .In - --,. ,. held at tbe Mi"ml Vallay Chaulaa. Poet Ma.ter'. ALL KINDS OF FEED AND COAL qo~ Jul; 2-1lb 8rutber Aaron Also aU kinds of Bard Wood lumber. We make a .100 ~ PIt"t: .M"ICter lit Ibe Natloaal !'alary Dropa. • . , IJrltDJ(8 "lid ch .. lrm"n of tbeNaUoa • • 1~lalty of hard woOd f ...mee. ' .t. U ·aDg.. 1A'~\Jllattvtl oommlt.. e
w_ .......
er & onroe · .
aDd. Prof. HO'''''n of 1\1"'_ Aptonl. 'aral L'ollet&e wUlba tbe tpeaten. Nut PaDama GraDI. a' Way~~U8 ~ber ¥••
la'lerlur "Iew of oue r"cnn In HQtobttIJo &'le~1I ,'" u" n$t dr" · I.J3d. Ikl(e a~ Xdol... tlLore dUtllla bu..ine.iJI p~ . more ' . &411 fLUO,OOO aDD"'U".
White Good·s,.· G.iugham Silk .G~o.ves, Corsets, Linoleum
Bi.Oibn' ~y, .
. Xenia, Obio. "
, )
!p I· AN~ CmCINNATI, I, I. ~ e~nnsy Va~11 LINES!!i----
I4lakHIt.K 1'1'0 Uu, wdll8 for W Il H"orul1r ... ...... .. ...... ... 6 00 ayneavllle Olrl Wins The Olorl~us . o. c. q ..n er, brtdge repaint Trip to Europe. Fourth at Lebanon. E,lwIlrci P. n " lII l nlt1ttll V ~ .J M . MIl0<8le t .wD.hlp ......... .. 13 30 O ttOlltlll """1" ,\" A 1II0UIII ' (leo ~ . Young. aalary for w.E. M~eC~1 M \. The Da,ton DaUy New. b .. been Wayoe8vllle Wltl praotloolly de· "'~ 'lOnO wiLli luftm fit fI'ulII July 6. The A n nual S cau: hurt: a:;x~t t ' .. Iu D W ~ .f une ... .. .... .... .. ... .... .... ... ll lJ 66 for aobl8 moo'ha oond1lC~og a pop. I8ned on 'he Foorth, a majority of TIME OARD la lltlo City O"pe May, A o g lcii... Anloa 181111, I"'i,,~ .hnrt' of <leIrlnln p~Ii,· '1' N .. WlllIerllOn, brtd .... reo nlarit. COD*-' in -hlob a Dumber Ule popula'ioo o: f the towo going ,,..,... f h EF I~ ";CTrv.~ AI· tUr. 15. l ~ Oij . Holly neat b. Or.... n Clt)".:o n I .I ~ (;I~.• • IIftr.): 1t .. 1.... I!IV81t hy ...·'''ltdltDI 10 . llll irtl Wllhhlngtoo town. \\ ll dwuo!\. N. J . . lIebnbutb. Del .. aDd. of ,01lD11adle. oompeted, tbe prl. awa., or' e day" NOR 1' HUOU ND NO.7 " Ocean 'Ily, M<I .. \\'tII ue run Thurad ... y. IIltllntllf 011 'bat Illttu. Rnnvllu and flhlp .... .. . . . . . . .............. 3 00 being ~ trip to Europe. 'l'b0l8 wbo enjolyed .loti .of nOise Slattons No. I " No. 3' No . ~· 1'. M . Augls. t IItb , 191111, tS"'"ltty are IIUuru..y" for plnlnllff. Barry Bayuer, OI.ntraot No. The terrlWry 10 and about Da,. aod a big orowd betook thew8elvel 10. . M . A. M, 1', M . F~re f ro", WayuoMvtl1o lie 011 rur lb. ;, 25 I all , 22 ' 1117 25 ton WAIl dlvtded IDto dl.ut* and to Lebaoon wber4~ an old tlwe cele. !.ebll'1 on Jc.Ar.' 30 10 2~ 00l,l RT P llCIOIC IC DIHOII. r.22 round trip. Uood Kolnr ccultlnul o u. \In . 1 ~7 10 :.!! 7 1!7 r. Sba. l ter Ragc ()()mme ll Inl (lale o • • • t,, · Hetur. · • ...... ....... .. ... ... ......... . tbe.oon.--.- tn ..11 -~ were ..... r. bratton waa held at tbe rllir WIlI/ lIow MlohnAI VII The Porrlne • l' !!~ I IU 17 I 1 n •• I ~ \0 lUI! Inol'ln" MIl)!)"c ClOl\Jlt 1>olntHnlot t. te r no.'J ln R, Hllrllhbi&rger , 81l1llry for -i, 1ft Paper c.,. lit III. Amended IImeod \' 111 10 15 Ih an 1\ UIl"OI ~!l. 1900, 1 III Hem ps load June ........ .••• ..... . ... ...... 35 00 rled on with .t,or. G~=dll. b Ii OJ I 1~ 7 12 100, lIIt-ut aud tlUIJplewen& to PlltitlOD 8. A . StllweJ) part pay on JII. ' Alma Daniel formerly of era W a prefer quiet or III Centerville t 7 0 11 " 10 01 nOll t~ 0 1 filllCl Special Low Fares . fee8 from Angus.t I8ttle. Wa71leIYUIe and a ooDiln of lin. mnoh quiet aa can be gotteo IIny· Manor II r.,l 1 01 4 511 70 1 Lytle ,10 the maiter of axing OOWpeD'" -TOmeot .......... .... . .. ......... 150 00 Ildwto t."huull.. ".. ODe of the IDO w~ere 00 $hle 'd!:urtb hel~' the~. EdJ(cwood ::11 ;,a ; 12511 45:J ~" 511 &lon of LlItJ'lI~ia of W ..rren Conn&y ThOR. CouMblln, brld,o reo :O . u ' 12 51 U ~o oeMfal eont8l~" 1004 b.. frleDd. 18 vee to IMlO U .potl II oog t e Venable ;4 r.~ St. Paul ., t 6 ,"', !! WH :it fi:.! :-4 47 paint, Tartleoreek town . bere worked loyall, in her behalf. rher to fl.ah aDd dream .. way ' the Law Library AIItIOOIa&loo. U .ppear -4(, .n H i t! rIo 4 o fiU ID8 lbat. Law Llbr.r, AMooI,tioo IIblp ..... ..... .. .. .... ... ... ...... 9 25 Mlu Daolel h ... been for lOme Ume dina~b' or_~~!oyedood"wall ploulo putles Ood(\ 8 4 ad " 1 ~ 41 '641 ; " Jfl !.eIDne! employed .. a nune aa the NatloD· • e ....... y IV •• of W.rr.n Coon', b .. beeo orlCao· A W M rdl M D . . a II • ., oledlcal .1 HlUtary Rome, Dayton. RldgevUle had qolte ao elaborat e L. lJanon- Lv. 0 as . 0:1\1 12 35 4 :lu Omah~, Denver. 1IIed, !lDd Ibat tbe Truteea tbflreof 118rvlO88 to prll~nerl. . . . .. 5 71) An .... ber of ."e .u-"f-' 000"-- celebration during tbe evening. 0 H & D Dot X T D.,. X'1' 0 " &0 JuI10,12·9. \' P .U. Jul, 1I· U . 8 P.O.E. bave appointed J.. rolleD, a. Joo. W. JOON, graloiog and IU Da ton 9 40 II OU :! UO " 00 vantlbialf fioor Audl. taata w.. lIiII Clan Murphy, • There was free fire worb togetber J 0 & X'I' D & XT Librarian of ..Id AlIOOlati;"D for ·Milwaukee· AUIlllA' 10. II . 12.. Eacle Ora. oS Aerie ~e ,Mr, 00 .ppUcl&81OD of _Id tor', oftloo ....... .............. 3 GO oolll1n of the Editor of ahe GuMte. ;1~loer!~~am ;~:h ;a,1 88rvll~ II 00 6 00 .ru.... i.lI ordentd .he ~. Joo, P . McCarty oonlQlnt who hal frequentl, vlIlted a' Wa,. , e ee a • e 0 vertla I SOUTHBOUND. Minneapolis pen.tion of ...4 Libnrtao be aod No. 1. ..: .... : ...... ... .. . ... ... 27 68 oe..11Ie aDd b.. maDr frt.~ bere. oburob, a yery large crowd beloll A. M . A , M. P. M. p , M ~ tl bereby bed a' ,be lIum C. V. WUllllmll, frelght.. .. .. 1 12 , '. preeeDt. Leave No ~· No 4 · No 8" No II AUllust 10 , 11 . l ~' 0 A. R , of fur IIld ,e.r pa,abl. qoar C. C. Uleever, lumber...... ... 00 W.yneeyllle people fared pre~ty Dajton: e ll &:. 0 5 00 II I IIt~ re.\.ed Alk A 000d TypeWriter. wull.' tbe Lebanon oolebratton . Daylon: D &:. X '1'7 00 I e. 00 ~ 00 Ii uO - -Ticket A8el) l-lerl, A peUtlo~ for .. temporary brid,e Th Leba non J e. 7 40 10 :Ir. 235 5 4~ Olivia Chamberlalo ya harlot near the Race bridge .on Corwin e mu~lo was furollbed by tbe SlIak" r roftsln g 7 4 2 10 :1. :: 37 r, u a.ynor.'.I. ~18 approved aDd Aye. lIlgnedby Ju . Stoollll et al A.II . lloKa,laatweek 1Old. two W.l1'PII~mebaDdaDdlntheevenlog Roslyn ' 74 7 t 104 !! ' 2 42 "5 40 ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - fl ed .... Blloll:enaderf.r t,pewrUen 10 par· tbe land allo ga've a conoen In Leb. aemplltell,l ; 5U 10 45 ~ 41\ G 5~ oon rm . Dl •• rlbatloo of prooeeda wI.·preeent-ed .nd ordered placed ti.. at Onionla: ooe to J. :K. Speo. ancn, Centerville '7 fill 10 53 !! 51 Ii 68 A Traaio Fioi.b. of &aid ~I. I. rea'rYed for ~fnnh.r on flle. . ' d 0 .,. 11 Manor "8 04 " 10 liD "2 fi7 "0 04 onler of.Ooor'.' Cootnot was Wilde wUh tbe Or oer.o ooe to . ~. 'len. !\In. W. O. GlulUo woo Beoond L,tle 800 11 04 a 02 809 A watcbman 'I negleo' perml..s "r. MoKay hal htUl the apoo, prize In It he bLdlea' f~Doy drive; Edeewood II I ~ " II 0 7 ,:1 0 5 ' 812 a leak 10 the greet North ~ dyke, P.o8&11l OOUIn'. • 1 8Ioola Bridge Co. for eteel beam for the BliokeDd.rfer typewriwrI Ml8B Olll,e Taylor .. lao won II800Dd venaltle '8 16 m II :1 W 1& 10 wbloh a ohild's finger oould ba.e li:M&IIte ol'Tbomtlll Turtle, deoeu· brldgll 00 Wayn8llvllIeaod l..ebaoon four yean or more pIaoed a prize In tbeladlN' qui 011: hltcbup. Kll<lbn.r tII lH 11 11:1 , :1 \l . 0 18 IItOPped, to become. rUlnou .. brea"i ed 11'l ..., lUI" loal aoooUIl& tor 18'- pike near Doan Nixoo'I I'8IIldence. uomber of m.oblne. amool peopl e "Bu.ter" or "Reddy" Emley won Dc>11I18 '" ~o 11 I II a 1:1 IG ~ I dev~tat1ng ao entire pro.iD08 0 '"mllu' flied . Conlraot waR let to D. Troller 01 thta and . Delgbborlo, oommunl . fame aDd ,9 00 by being flr.t In the Leland IM:!~ UI 2 4' 1.1 22 18 !l0 I Hollaod . In like manuer KeD4~ Ii' I t f L L Wtlao d . and 00., to furnhlb 3 IDob .and LebanoDArrlvo 83r, \l 30 U 30 0 42\ MoIver, of Vanceboro, Me., perm ... a 8" 001 D, eoeaa tl8I aod an haye gI.QIl exoell8l1' bo,lI MOll: raoe; .,nd he alao dhilio O"lIy UcepL SundllY. t Stop On .1~ n~l. ted It llttle oold to go unnotioed Ull tid 'Int account for ae&&lemeDt 4x& nnUent for the Klnp MUll ..'I.faotioo. aml,hE'd hlmtM'llf b. y riding to victory • til It Ira,lo finl.b wall oDly .verted brld Re ~Dd !:!on lb ..., '-baOOD b r 'd ge .. SUND AY TRAI N R. II, d, • oa- Perr, Peoce'll mule ID tbe alow by Dr. Klnlf'lI New DI BOOv.r, . Ue • _. 'I'r~ 11\B Ila.A Ly lle a. follow.: writel: "Threft dooton ~-V. me up .:...... 01 Bo_n Brandon, cIeoMlI8d ~,t30 per M . dllUvered f. O. b. O&nt at the IIt.ttooloamed. Tissue Paper for Decor- mul. race . Northbound 7 58a. m. 1\ Up. m. to die of lung Inflammatloo, 8t<oood .nd aOllI ,oooun' for _UIe A pooy oWDtld, b, 81d Em. won Soulbbound 0 04 a. m 7 OSp . m. by 8 neglected oold : but Dr. KiD,. 'lIeo' flied. atlng at Home-Coming'. tbe MlDDlnR raOll, befit two out of w. E . MOOR}~, New DlBOOvery saved m, Ufe. Gua..• lGoIt.te of Ulara B. SpRDoe, deoeu I tbretl h_tl. Oeneral Paasencer Al ent. Leb~non. O. aDteed best oouak aod oold. oure, ali lid Ulal of .. n....." b f __ I • • F. O. Bobwarb'. drng .tore. 500 rI ...I a .... u.1!8~" &I or _ . . .r.e , Thelltooll: ho1dAra foot race fur .... IDII ..Dd ,L.OO. Trial bo*'1e f ree. quaotl"81 of tl_a paper anttable nl.h8l1 10t41 of fult. C. B. Bnrf~C8 She Tried Five Doctors. Vau ..oroe are I'I'JtooHd. EM""", of BeDr, rlaDhetraD, deI•. ••• for makinl paper ftowen ••nd pD. oomlng oat·firllt . Mrs. FrlUlGeIl L. Sale8, of MIBBOOrl .,.• • , Report "'Mle of "NODI I Ilca tlla' eral deoora&tBl porpoNl. P . H. Mnrf.oe gnt lMIoood award V.lIey. la., wrlte& "I have been LUKENS, ...o ....rt' flIed . yoar.u.It reqai.... ooDudflrable of "m. OD the m06lt ()Qutloal tUMlout 10 aftlloted with kidney trouble five n.. ~_ u tift a,....._ L. ..1__ i I - 1d -eal'll: bad severe palnl 10 my back ar. oy... .... wor. np uauur.' 001, ao ,wou 'h. l*nde. ~ 110 fr uent d88lre to orlo..te. PRY8101.. AltP 8UlIOmo•• ID re Wi II ",",h.rtoe ....OD&I alb. btl, d~. Will admit. . tp pro. .::r:.::; bo well for an who wlll ailed &0 ba, Mn. CIllfenoB Surflce received Wheo ri~g I experieD0e4 moob OorrlOK . • • , •• AJlU "LOCI[ baH. .. ' . 4 .... earl" Dna OD ladle.' fniDOJ turmont. palo over· th. regioo of the kldneYI. . I. re ...... of e.'barl.., -:-lD ••tate 1'b I . bet .b I tried five phYllo1an8 wUhout bene· , oIrebIJu.. . ' • e bal pmBI wal ween. e fU and tben oonoluded to try Foley'l The OriKtoal. IUhbtly, d..,....s. 8 Woodward aDd ltla...... I'ln* Aid &0 Beaatj. 8oatl! Labanonl and Wayoeevllle Kidney Care. After takiog three ortpa.W Van "4Ionl. appo1D'ed .dmIDlIn· ~:..= Notblng lII .more oer&'in to beDelh _m ••~u'b Le,b anon wlnuiog by \I ,1.00 boUleel wall oomplehly our· H!~!~It:d~~'r ~a~~:'" a04 loa. t,1I'1i wUb boDd of 150,000. "IIIDpllll:adoll........... ,oar oamplulon Shan • H bolt to 3. ed . , · \remed Y ..od 00 &OOOua' of &be.,.aa ....... olll:lUIA J. Probuoo: .dlt· will ...It Is ... " .IM of Lanoola tableta. 'l'be, f ....beD Tbe d., II recelpta amouoted. to ~ld by 1'. O. Scbwartz, JDerit. ~Dd populari'I of · 1'0187'. . . . .. IDYentoI'J , .ad p-YeIt clwal:ter. tbe 1lk1D, «lve oolor to 'he ohlek., f'4)1 60. About '200 W&I paid 00' ID Honey and Tar ma07 hol&a\!OUue menl flied. Order'or II&Ie of . t. Death aot infrequently eDlU. . . die oore OOIIItipa'ioo, aod I(lye y.on • - ' MONEY TO WAN for 'he I.autne. AIk Iw 1,,1.. ....... ~11t)' for tlilakC.c th.t tile olear, healUly oompledc.a. ~ .....188. • 1'01ey'8 Honey .nd 'Iar and ..rue ....._.. ,A Ii _ Hipple _.__ =ed~rnc:t 1t1111 &lid dl..ppeu I:. .anDey. The bal.nce wll.t be 1l8«l io buy· We have from ~looo to 1600,000 to aoy 8ubl~tn" offered ... DO oaher _ _ 0 ftr 011.. • ......... DoII't 1I.,teet tlila cOlldIdea-se.'t &0 be plaoed 00 tb. groands. loan ~D RMl Eetate and Llf. lo.u· preparatioll will give th8 MIDI 1M.. C D. DeaIM,• . • ppoIDted paid. lnlte d.....ter by delay. but'p to . . raooe Polloles, at th. loweet rate at 18floO~00: Ii III mildly la.tly.. iii JaO wl&b boad of ...,..1 cSruniat 1IIl4 buy a ..... of Souveneln for Interest. oootalDi DO oplatel and II ~a 101' Home-CQm'_I· s.ved Bil Comrade'8 Lafe. SAYIlB8 LIn AOKlfOY CO ., ohildreD aud deU.... penoIII, II.UIAOIl Lie...... '''While retunJlq from &he Grand 4th and Walnot Its., Bold' by F . O. Hob....,.•. ____ .,_, .A "'..... , W bl"jv 11 (i' looinoati. Ohio. . (RaIOne OaIe, Murrow. and s..... D. B. AodenoD II maJdoa aoftl. rmy ..uoampnlluuw .. .. n,,,,,o &0 be ,---, . I d ..... ~ ...- (''ity.. oomradle from Eigla, Ill. .'4wiD ...... "'. lie• . IIoNar,,'· p . - on"l! ....... -- .... "Un .wltb obol.ra morbu. and ·!'hnme. Parker aud Dora Th.... It II thl ...... qul~tllt.acd., ..1 Bom ••Comln8,aod &bey are in • .,.., wa.lo. oritloal oondltlori." "ll holl b "f ·..... oklln. IW., lIo(,'nal..... .....lractJ.. remedylll tb. _rid for wa1 luttable &1100.""'" III Wa,· Xr. J .•. HOD,bllnd. 0' EdeD.lowa. _ ~llDf!r rrans. o.,IOD,.ad Jptde III bo_laad .tomaclr lroubt. ,.... a8lrille aDd riololty ThQ are "I pn him CbamberlalDII Collo, ..t. po1Nrf.I, aad penetratJa.. .. . , . '" I d r·1 hoe "'-ed, .. ad ...,; "orrow. • • It Iuda_ til. _r of the ,1Ioabla ... GI&de from the m_llbe1l1fODDd 'VuO era an 'U lIlT • nmu UAL lIy cornela II. . ' In the Little lllami ri .d.4 be 'belleve .yed bu life. I h.... been ..... .. I J b • -Bo.... I ''l'be cnft... r - an releue4t'" ""', \ eoaaaed for &en ,eara 10 Immllra· ............ ulllWP II 1\ 0.... ..; ot .utatlo... ItOppe41 aad tbe...... will pll108 any InlOrip$lOD Wilb.ed "oa work and.ooDdooted ma07 par. hi t·rallk .. u ; POll. . 1acaUt)' aOotbed 1114 ""1I~helle4. tipoD ..,. . . 'I f lW&it1e4 10 &lm.. . "- $0 the aooth '..nd weet. 1 Staple ..nd Flloey Urooerlee, i'ralta , Obu E . • kID .Dd wife to Juho DIt.CALDWBLL·S SyltUP ..KPSIII •• carry 'bll reaU!1D7 and ha.e nled It Vegetable. aod CaDned Goods . • . tlCaD.-'" ; 1o& .to "nDkll. ; '150' : : -=~~:: hl=- .. ....... , ... aQOOItIIfully 011 ~o, ~.IOD •. " Yoa,r ••11." 'w'iU be ..h1Ule4....,. LOCftL AND' !:!old by F. O. S~hwartz. Bird 0 .ud Hart; M. W1Dtro~ to Olgan Itod Toblloooo, • A. J.ollttOll : Int in 11.100; ~ aot "::'eltJ'OIi. I, 'PERSONAL MENtiON ., . •• ' WII,. A. and Jo'''' A. C'AXlb,.. &0 ..n~..;-:_e;:.~~~c!l1$~ Preparing iror Home.,.,It .... WONDK........ .... .. r' Will , H . DtoCld .. ; I~ ia A..loa ......... loa. . . . . . trte4 . . . Mn. AIe'bla aod 1I1.. Ka'U,O ".om I ng Parad e. M. BROWN, Proprietor. Phone 79. Ite'~b&l • 'I. " ....... lIaII , - ,..taI ....,. / . .•-. ... 1pIIIl' tbe l'ou1b MlddWoh. Del .. ~~ aDd bubaH to . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . lin I N ' B rriI Ilrllof tbe High Bohool • &arab T. Balier "orri.. lot in rlaDk. • .." . " . . . . . .t . . . a aDd ~r 11•• ·.Dd Gramm'a r d.partment are re. .--------~-~------~------...........,.,.-~ • .lin; '1 '1',- ..1. !)., .r. m. J.A~!(!llY':·- ID ...... 11",e ohlldftlD IreinDay. qoeated ~ meet al the aobool hQute '-rah T . Bat . . Xome and baa. .• ton, 1JI8D' I..., .~ . .tli, lin. I'rldav.' 2 0',010011: to arfanle for '.ad $0 0.11. Shledy; lOt 'Il ·r ia.k. Uarril' mO$ber, Ifn...nce Il10100. "'e .:obool 8011t "nd 'tbe pan tbe liD i ,I. ' 'l ' 181..of CorwiD. ' ... aohool ill ·to ·tak. ID tbe parade OD , , t •• WhIM th e Iltu:4t cumplt!le . .. .. j.IC \·el'Lk". Till E!! ..... IiVIIIOltl..·.. oeo. •. N.wmaD .IMS wif. &0 W. O. .hU., ..ho tonnerl!, dealt AOIoat 8. .
. . .-
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, dwell-.·. D.r . Cal
.... · "Syrup Pepsau
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l"·; l, ~ ()W ' . ny nthef " um ' f .c ltll eJ UI dr:lIl~r Ja the world.
..fobD BOr'rod'.... ' 70,78 ,. - i. ' 'T1l"tt1eoi.e1l t.o wDlblp;·'l .!, ".I'J &. Dleb;»ld e' .1 .&0 "bebe , MlDiab i 'qnlt QlaUQ' &o.J81' .0;" I. . .aar1&D &O~lp: 'I Pbe. Bml&b to ....apb A: Bar.. ,CIDID;181., 'a . . . lo 'Sarla. &oW8. ·,
hi pall aDd ,.80Ua., bere, :"..ID Tbeyoaogm.A ooftbeHighBobool w~,, ThUrMa7. II~. Ba'~ an4 ,be boYlof 'b. Elgbth i. DOW ~.el~,., rot' the on wbo wl8h to f()lrm a Oadet Compan, .;0, of CiDOlDaaU. lore ...ked to mlMlt Wedoead .." Bopr Brown, lOIL of Dr•. J . E. e ••oln,•• t the TOWDlhlp SOUN 1$ Brown, of WUmlordGb . .d ,wbo b ... 8 o'olook. . . been ID :ClaolaaaU - - -' '''YIDa Thl~ oompanY'. whe,a o~nized W.,neevtlleabooh 7ear.CO, aDd properl, drilled, II to take part , foor or I1ve da,l ..... ~t weell: . . in the ~1Ho.''1>mID' parade, .Dd. IAr. Albed ,,"oke, 01 CiooitiDa~, if it 11 tb.w,lalll of Ita membera, will oame up &0 vilit lUa ~her IIr. becom. a .perDIAD.oUea'ure of our &lward .R lob ODtll8' rool1ll aDd ,owo. . ' remained onr -for & - few da7a 10nPl' ' Bowel CorIIlp Jalnt to UbUdren .
i..'. .'. '. '
' ~Ip, eeGO• • ,, . ' J~ •. Ha~~.. &0 8qIa. Oar.
rleoil: 18 Xacitel bl B.rl•• town, :. ptp LoIaI.. ~I ....wl. a~ bobaad 10 JilaI'J V. Wililon.; 101 in LeblnOD'i 'I I DlMb A. A••ram to Wm.. m a. r
. Bobiu ; loi iD W.,D.vUle; 11000 .' IA..." W..rwlek to lIIil"J V. · ~ ~ WlleoD ; 10& in LabaOOD; II.
- bridl~ -w: I: Wld&llore
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............... w.. foMIL ...... T.P. A.
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lin. P . D. .c .apu ·.nd" llute daoah&el TIwy, or alul au.e,.bartr pike. .wlUl an aoa~ fl!lllt!l Wtlming~ loo ,are lpeadbl; \wo . w.ulri at a C;lU- Bprt ' . r .__ .._ ...... -~ .... or._ _ • of lira, t.. . ."'. ~..I'b, . B. C. ~'riII .u. pride ta ODe of ,be ben . . . .n. in All Uoll. wt .&udar: Ii. bI'oqb'
CoaIml..loDen Proceedl.... 10m· , • r ................. : ............. 10 001 Wm G . tlhQ,i.. brl"p Ie. patn Tui1lrorN'k town Iblp ••.•••••••.•..• •.... ....•.... ... 1-3 10
IJlJ ~-': ~T ..r!-"·" A BIOYCLE::'~
#I' re' a. ••IAI'_nl1I9....... ~
'1abe Sal8tte IIt1loe .. ooople .,
?f the 8 ..... le&toDoat _
a 10.. &I..... aDd. f& ...t~ . . .4!Od u IUOOIled.
' A copy or tbe Amert. . .".ner,
• • aU"
d..:~:e'.~~~:n:~:::~f ~~~
bowell wblob Ihoold recelv. oare· fol ..t"DIIoo .. loon .. ,b. fl.nt on· nat1U'll1 looeeD_ of tbe oowell .p. P!'&ra .T he ' - , mediolne io QII8 for bowel oomplaint i. Ch.mberlalo', Co11o. Cholera aDd DIarrhoea Rem· a. It proo1l(»tly oootrois aDY OD· 100000DeM of "be bowell . I'or I3ale by ~ . C. Bohw~rtz . --- -
ba_ _ to
Clr on u n;.' I i" . D f I,,"" J udl ll y •. 11 h ... "e r ft"t'! ivni out' CUID~"" Ju~u ... al l'lIll l ,.,ug um: t1c'54 1 ill; •. " C\ \:ry k l,Dd of bllCh·l ri4&. aa41e ' l1icyc:h."I. uld 'crull t't It hl h:~. l I UU\.h: l • • w, ud le.ra or 0,",' , .... ttlable • l'IUOgg on' ,. _ •. , If.. , , ..." v ofT",.. ",ade ptJIIIIlble by MIUq ~ . . . . . direct t u f ld"" r \ iU, 1IC, . . . . lll! e w cII" lu ofi Ul. . ' ftC." POI. .I PPRl -'At ...ith,,"1 U U1ll 1II11>1".~"'''''''''''' .lk.w .,: nil/al it , t ... . . 1 M. m l 1Uhke otb er Uben" LCfIDII.~ _....,. 110 ''''' tu Ih e wv~ 1 ... lIt ~ _. Vo u wl11l"..." ncrylb1ac .... 1Il-.ltt..... able lu (,rnuA""" I' j .i . rilIDI( .... puIlal. ..! • W" n~"t1 u Ill..· .' A ·,."t III every IOWlluod . . . . . . . . .~ l!lak e Illolh:y t ... ,,"nlwLJ\! )'uuu"usca who apply at ODCI. !;".. .
M. W.LA.NO M.D· O.M. "
SrmoI.t.L'nIII: D....... or .0•••
" ..............t.Jllhti!l t.........UII» CBILDIID.
. . . 01 oatdool' I14v......~ _
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ia ita JaI,. It. . . . . . . . . . . , _ _ _ _ 0( til. Odo A_ _UoD. taka at' . . . . . --1DI, la aMi..., . . . . .
.................... .... ...n b.owa IIID .....
~.II.--.. ~ .....
, Do Noa If.,ieot Y,oar,ale d ...... arll8 from DO'''I• . CUmberlalD. LI.... Tab1eta are a ......" .. "uUn; Ute' U..- u4 np I'or .... by 1'. C,
! J '
J:iiiii==============l l A FIRtMAN'S COURTSHIP
molher a grOllt slhIJ ry ILb III CUll III' art wll,'cl. Did I t H F I"olu n h:\l1 h()~1t mo.le rlrh'I)" Iv thO 'hlml l"lll i W olI, It'l wllz-hc gOl IL t hrol'~h hi s unei!! (wl1.\ . WIl1. for 011111 f.. (,lonf'8" Ih ' u,a' tllrll '\Ur- IUI ' ,rreatly 1I'"~a ti., III!L II by II , Au ', el. 1 say. ho 1\' l!~ " -:01111\' j\hl1-:gy ~rclII ijlhorlQ ubOUI cU lln' of'(
B eptllee Once the Food of Slaves Ar. Now SC1\rce at ,~O a ' Dozen.
It fR difflellit to rCIl Il ~~ Ihill tcrm11111 wel'o on e so plenllrul iha~ ~1" I' e' wit Ok , hulr1ors' arotlnd h SUl,llukc buy bud III "Ye dou't lendw rwhat lh n Is ? Well. he )Jl'ohlblled by IIIW fl'01ll Intllc l'lng · 11:<1101 /orbl. br J .... ~b IJ. UU.. IO. I 1 s l11lrl xplnlll l ·ye. blu. Ih al It 14 thcm n})On their bond1ll0n more lliun ~I "'hac l I hlrllgnn. I'hi llf o r Ih(' Ix l h lh ' amblshu n Iv 8 young llrl\"er 0 cut I hrQe times a wee k, on tbe srou lid of hmWll tHI or III C fir(· " I,a r l ntr ll i. III 'I tl wh \lO I 01T Iv 11 Will; U 11'111 hl ~ wn nil II )" mlln 10 I,nn w, I\\ II Ohllll'. Tb ' way 'I I ' ,Io,\c Is Ibis : !l'be r01ll1l1 t rrollin or " \'01\11 man." !lolrl' be l me on Whlll IIC's rUlIllln ' 110 1"11 II god. <'U>l V becullse 01 Ib (' rlebn SM lh e C/:'IIS hn,lit)', " 1\' :til Ilt' _Ql11'Ylla t hing, III III '} sl h rc(,l. un '" rhl ' II ('nll, nn' ~CPS It part tn lhe SIl1l l'C. They I'll nge In Pl'il1B ",IIrrl d. Ih()r(" ~ nOlb,I II' so dum cllr),II,' w lIg II o n nhcfvl Iv ' Im- m Rl g1n 'I'3 11 trolU- $ 50to_ $lUU .a, dozen, 1!BYll ~ b 1 P I. II Wtlm llll . I Ih' II!l1l1 RO lhln RII ' I to Elli, a ll rl tire bllnl 10 gel Il~ thut U II owl' l 11I'IIY 'I' ~O OlP IIIU!I' rl ck'H), Ihllli' so IlLlW . :t.ll· I Iw o w a hell p more (hllll'\ wid lh ' \\' h l'e l ~ rl':I\I)' 10 f.III 011 price . ,,!tllllt ' In 1I0 W t hun i "er l' ll hl lh ill. hI' Iqccr~ III llelllll (1 II nil ' . wln J;~ 011 : ~I ost of Ih SO 1'00i" (1'0111 Long Is" II C'lI1 1t' lib III III,,, 11th:. NI' la n an ' ]1_1 In IllIIe' ln Iwt dl Ih ' h iull wh olll. Innd , slnl'e Ih 'h cs:tpell kc b ay (1111 ' me "'"' bOl h .ll>lVIl h I 1\1 ' owlll lC Isl'~' H I' hUI1iCS hela' nn Ih ' .. un wh ln he mOil" ba cks llcr n m c SO excccd ln;;ly !ll h l'OCI "'tI ",lt':l I- l hOlltlil ·IWIIY. nllt $trIlH'~ Ih ' wh e" l. It '/:,Lles Iu 1,llIIIH-. s('tlrre t haI . Ihe), arll ' ;ls t!, l i prl nc lfllll\y 11\\'1<1 III Ih lm ,IllY', C''1, t\n Cosle ll Ih ' "'11~1)J\ (Iru l':! dow " hI Ih ' ,;l hreN. lo s tlppl y the· demand of prlvnte h a l) It Ihi n . :J II ' H c.l i~ h ·. ~ .-c·(l III )Ip. (n u n O il ' til n ~ ", s l'.1I1e l·:! IIIII ~ In n ' pic,',' hOlls \" . It " "'tt ~ II) It 11I,t1l'l'. A (I ' I ' h " !: "1 wi I. ah,1I11 II, ' NlIel c ~ s n cM5 Iv t'e ms l rrs All ' NCXI l)n~ 1 lire the Jersey tlll'lI e ~ . but , "ltIll n n ' IIl Il dldll't hi li'l l. Th ' r Wil l Iii" I;" 'al (1.111);"1' 10 Ih ' bt':lv r Ilr . the)' n re nO l nllm cl'Ous . Delo,," Norl h r nlly lI ulhl,t' IJllt\\'~('n ' I ~ a t l UI , r. htl: nlt~ lI -lIl1' fl' l' " mon th (lla t p'p·llr'l"r arolln". whose be Nt Lcr l'lI pln IIl'er:\ge O ll l~' ]1. 1 r"" ,119 t YO m,lg h ll " tI ,I ~ tnIV1t t.l · rh'll" r " rl. II h().l1{1 lll\' lied III III ' Giza $50 II tim.en, the qtllll! ty dotpr\nrllie s dliTerelll II' o [It 11.\1' " . JJIII will' I'e I \" 11 I III I I , l'a llhlly an d "tlt'es nn t u,."l\y corre' fII cn ' rll ~ hlll togll hcr ,J tt)' lin' ,11 1,;111 " I HI IWOrl 111 01'1< bll, nn' (111n I' Rays : spond. Th e Gulf terruplll nl'e llll'g in tn a Ihlla hi' " I, t-00ll WId w()rrH "ll(ll1"h ' Yo m ~ 1 '1n"IIlIII" IV " ,\Iii' I' Y r~cll, 1 RI7.p., seJllom mc:as urlng I c~s I h .. n ~ \ 1I rnr hlilf tbllr' ifni I'. u I'lll' dlfT""I!) ! 'l1ut r l1l1 hantl. ~lr. Nola ,, " hlt' h , III Icn.;lll, hill th fl esh Is 1\' Upl ll )"lIl1 ' I' II'.. Til r' \ 5 11 ( UO Il bcr r OltrHe In le xlure 1111(1 II I\\'O r . Th ese " '1 In ll 111''''1' ,' 1111 , ~ ,IOOltln' at 11\" Wto)' lLl Ilu. F.ell us low liB $12 It dozen . ~ '. If li e 11 III, t>U III L' \V" n 10 ltU n llfy " /lUl 1\ohi n ~ n' me lIIe. ' 1 1, 111 Ilrlv e. " I) 're I'lgl\ 1 IMrll. MOSl of th o le ...·opln dl shps fOllnl1 IlI g lne hous e Ilullrrcl. W o 111\111,1 W,' I IIII I)W n Ihlll' r IWO UUOtlt rlrll' I' ·. 111 tho weal tire s ubsllt ules. The bo ne oUl sitie. )In ' MtlSKY 1101; II tU;~r(e tl II . 1" 1 Ilk 10 IIn ll II few 10111 III Ih ' .\l ay, of th e I'ell l lerml1ln arp bo ugh t. I)y lh I tl t1 u ' ~ I-1l0 W whi ch Sll W; N ru rs t. Itlll l'artml nL LO malcil me: h ·uys. [IOund, cltnl1ln gl y mixed wit II \'rAII' IlII ,1 ' olan till llllQ,1 I ll'U ~ Ihr)"ln ' to 1'1 11 'ill : " . lJ ' \I11 ~ "ulI ln ' 01T Iv \\'hO~\A (,ll ltel' mellis Ilnti Imlmed o ff on un , .'lll wh ln fursl I begun 10 gil I hor·. W II/. 1011111' IV, I M'j)USe yc're li D. s lisperting jlulJllc for Bome lhlng like Ho wlvl!r Ihllt 1I'~y be. go thl' r' I li t!, th n t l ' a dO!tIlI' n Jlortlon . tin' II WIllI \' tonk In 1"1: Lhll n No lun to .. ' 0'.1" lIl"!l n 10 B!IY I cll n ' l II o nn,ol~s IIr lu l hq nlllLler of IC I'I'Ok eep mc II' ,y. ~lt~'>1 h'l, scr.lIu· Ii (lll' wa t' m. 'WtI'l \l In Of Ie 11 ord r Ih e lr SUJ1l'I .v tlll'e c~ ", .. , . , ' YOII fi ll ' ~I t;,t h or ~u l,tO (\o o' t s e m from fh e Chesapeake coun i r y In tho y' UI, to bet' m e nil)" hlni ' I crun' l do to love eM' h lI\on.·: b,I)'~ she 11'..,,, It ~' {nil nnd mil them In Ihe ~e11;~r IInlil l'veuln ' whit\. It bel1l ' 111)' UiI), uri'. I Ihl! time of their oblation Is at hand . " "1'IIIII ·:! jis l (whal I 11'\111 : ~1tys L Wil l.· Ihe ra at. u sy. t1 , :. The wnntll 'of terrnpl n nrc t ew n nrl gCltl n ' UI' an ' ('o mln' U I' P I' II) ·Im . .\ . I ... ".,. 'Ther Is only wtln Iler, n (In 10[, b ~ 1 y~ fwh ll l )' w ill , ye ";n'l do Il. ca s lly 8111Jpll ell. An elllu ty hnl'l'el or L l' l h ' un lve rsa tim I lo \'c: Sll),~ I. 'an' an ' n h~ c r ('un , fwhat '~ tlIllrc: n t.ub o f sn i t waleI' ntrords th nm' .s hel.'IL"T 'RJ'; ;,Q ' J!: 5'1'\"1,1::5 OF 1' 11 E: O.\Y. ye kD OW well e n uJ;.lt whu lhut 19.' ler tl nd a n a cns loll ol m eRI of \' Olllh .. ' ) ' 1\ ( , III> YO: SIl Y ' he III n IlIln lJ : All' I loolter! lit tb' [lCI' u n wltl lilt) two") . ' l~ wh nl ' l! it 00'/ ' :-I e l'er ,"CI'I' "'Uloe{s 1I11'd ll:lls 111" 1"0 t Not lonlPlgo w e were sho\\'o on ar- tnbl pnrlusa serves to !t eep lit em In • eyes. slltldy. .. 'I see J1) ll d "I n. I . . n' I '1nin cll 10 pl t'llIrCll'lIt<' Ihon iiI Ih a lIres~nJ. UIHI ray or (la~\y' fro. kll . fQ I' g lJ lll, glrl that lI cs h a n d 81)1 1'1\9. , ' MI ~t her " 'un I a \'11'}' nl cc mall ,' .\I ~~)". 'W III ),e slh:t ud Ily It, M ggy ?' u re Jilst SUII I1I1 to Ih IICIll II I tIlUu ' <)l1iLO tool! 0111' 1.11' alh Ilway. they w ~ re ,,"ys hI'. n l I k 11l' 'IP t rn m lh' I/Oa r I StI l's I. fa ce' or ,he we;. rf'l's. Th e ro Is tl:t~ 's oinbrolli. Bllt White lh fe \v re CANADA, TH EVELESS E(')EN where ~ h .. IV"., I .. nin·. ' ' He "'U /, hero " ·It 1'1 ~1 . wi d YOII " n ll rely.' ~rt 'S s h ~. grallllY. whi l lt cn msa In IltUW3 liS prN ll' Ihe~·. I'Ch lll' wcr I 0 fll 'SY, (mh' III!" nl sh r. \\'1.' \VII I'. tu llt ln ' abo ·t s lll\ n-!l1lt 'h n.. '1 h u\' n ihil! ' 10 d o) well .HI In IInborle, Dud Is II gra n d, \\'ould ntnko til t' 1It11 gll'l 1110 1. like n il of Women a Seriou s Hancllcap ),011. An ' 1 ~~y Jl WU7, " I'I Ly yn" nn ' wlt l II.' mot h er n lTld r· 1110dlllutl to 811il 1I o Vl) rd'res ed l'rcnl' lI 11(111. ttowcve,r; to Dev el~pment of ~. '1 m .:lldtt:L Uk ' eh Ith r J,u:lhp l'. ho t h ," '11111 )' Irlll i1cclllc Ih' \\'lnn ~l' ?' The b"l·!tnny Is mlldl) of whll e 81111 w o uld bc a ll rIght w 10 0 11 8 1~ch co • G!.illltry.. Iv y Ilr:l n' fr tllti I' m ln C'. so l' so r.' says I. 'Y c will ellUsc W" O ii' II ? shIrrell all II wlr f1'!\me. 01111 lrimmed IUDIO I!rpop' l'UlO that seos lble IVu,' I · " . I) Il,\t '~ ) II .' snYR 1. l:t rlln ' 1111 "I loo ke d nl ' e r ~ lhr:Ilgh t. lin' sho Inlpl}' w ll h ha lr· wrealh, or tlclkllln rouo you bU\'D Jlhr nned tql' your 1,), :" CUIlUr1l1 hI' Wio.lllDir \.be un c lw lablo 'An ' Nolan I h' 111 n , 1ft h '! \'Iry glv~ 11\ , 1\ IAlI g h ~11' fI quick IJI Iv ,I blotisol1l s; lin d Ih rr lire stru w s lli\llC , l h'u lar s InaI! m o ld, 1'ho fu\'o r lt 1\111- "epllt:llion uf II Bveless Edeu . T h e well, MI;;\lIPI' Nolun. YOH 1111' me w ill 1(101, out II' 'e r .\' IhQI made rna h ll ' t llul'IIl-s lrnws,' wllh II I.m nrl o f rip n I r ial Is " da inty (lolled Swfss, wllkb men OutlluDll)er t.lle women, nlld even IIU q I h l ~ IIlfnlr llol we.,n II : I\n ' I 1111011111< II t hr 'l It hl)rae . 8 1\' s b e. snY<I: pus ' Ing ahOH I llin l' r\lWn II nct f·nstenod dQes not muss ('(\!iih' . looks cris l) II.nd Immigrn\lon . tloes not mend HI~iel'll, .. tartM ' 1 r lll' df'or. · Y l ~ . ?-l ir li ae l. I'll chl1se wll n.' o\'or on Ch uritn, o.tT at ODe Ide a Ilig ft' b n long fl1me' uild s land s o u t III (PI' Il I tlSllred tbo of tbe Il u w oin ' l.u dv?' Sft}'S " At)' wid t hU' r' ellJlle away. co n tin ~ , whHD 1)01111 011 UlUl ClIQd- all ~o si m"lc lhul engo 'iu g bullct-s ltitl 111311"CI' s · se ttler who ha \'e ar 'I'ved 1 Bnnda ' 01, \11 • ' f h lce eh .) 10 1':,11''1. ' ,It' \VI II Nol!ln nfllt I.' aeelll' t11 ' l ~ un ll ei'fcdille. IIrroc~ed by ille a m lll'~ w c ludy. lie SlllCe lh ~ Ill'st or the y'e ar 'D': more IOOI( In ' I' C)' P . A dlllIHY g ranny l'omes In wh llo fot' a child bf nl'e yOllf!l was m nd 5) lhan night p er cnnt. or Lhem bafe bean ... UO? ' $,'\ )'S rer "W n, No la n wnlt()rt n' walie, l rer pique ed;ed w!th a IIltle gtllld l' m, whh full blouse WUiSl ,Ibat cu me /lown women. f 11J18 eight er cent. ' Ih bl'ol ilory and wllh no lrln\11tI I1;;11 at \'(~r)" .\o:w Ind eed onr.( frou\ wb leh frllleli ' lIlajDrlt:( were runrrhld ~lIIen, (1)'11 1\ ,ha ilS to s ll fI whe!! l. nn ' hl~ h nns . Nol l\ n .' • b I "An' II I thN bIle allghl m l'y fh' ~r" ne It Wl'7. a lJo ut r01l1' r) "rlo 'k wall till. 'fhe l C a1' IIlso very n,1 0 \ IIlte Ol~t a' ruh lt' ;;u.oposed til do rlu ly us n h e t Ro~ P "L lor ( .os t-E ~)'e8S, th In la' t I~ 11 1'01 . . "~Clll ' l: shp :, S, Wid II Bl'a rt' IIr~h"l'1loon whln II (!all come In rrom ]llque IlUts ftH' ,lIlle boys, three cor- 1I1,lrt. Th e Decl, WIIS IQw. t ile ' s leel'I!S '1 t-C" . . ., nil I " ~ . el' n a. 0 ... e ,,0 D on c ,10( • , • 1 O wee .lads m ere vuffs, q1 e tr mmlng la ce \1(11111 II' " Ill e~t.u n· In 'ar voi ce. ~ '011; bux ~1"lnl y,s b: . nel'ed utrall's th lll malt Il oe women 18' a serlou Iiomlfcltp to the .I1 1·htl I. dOIl't ' do It . Don·t. \\"an" Whlll we t u rned Inlo F o x s lhre' t ntinnture Napoli!Olls: J'or ·011lel· girls , tloll DUl 10 wlUt~ up 'n il do ..... n de"clupmenl 'Gf be onntry, 'l'b o' ~etwan I" l ' Il ' It' bn, k lilt.' s he ~9y~. an ' N lau Ir.t 'om Ull t fer th' sUlI'~lghl oue mlly IlUrchase ' well made pique '0 saS h. was WOl'n, . Sl\lC~ lug;; \Jer~ lumot Om] "'[Veil, I\DIl as · ... om-. aD ' plays ~ti;t 111,: Impo til L l\ It l u ., ' Are 'ye pll'adlo' filr h im ?' ~"ya rom . I see a 's lngle nnHtlJout wugon on Tn III 0' hUTl lerS, lurger ~ollle whaL sho ~ \1(' I' ·whlte. WIlll 1)11/1 tl. 11 I 1 hid . fr n r tr , 'pns hln 'er 3 i'JY. Wid me ,l!,)Ie~ sllIln' h od Iv "\Ill , ~oln' ou r WRY n'n' w It lhan l ust yeur. wIth a hrnhll>rt Iln l- r10lted S...lss would be tla.rmrna ..... DIan n to , ram"" a. noW" "PliO S, • t be ; gOvCrnDlent ot!a I worrl .i! harcl. OV~I' to lh ' ri g ht Iv th ' i'eel. 'He' lt lerll on tllP of lHe c rown. tfi,~ edne of nowers It half: wreath or lIal811l . Colo~l)d til) 'lil~' un<!J lo~k Jl 4tt tD over I.he uuenviaT>IB ' til natfon! Trie .. '}o'er ),lm' Fwlinl. n (oolls h bo' oll' er Iry, lh ol,' ~a)"' I 10 m · l/llr. BU t the frlll bUllonholed. und er' lh~ brim Ihe SUDlmer 'S eason, government Is saUsHed wltll IltC. IIISiJ it Is: ~hrl says. ' I wU·f.l thlnkhl · \' you .' NOla'n WtJ ? 01 0l'I',: '" II foo l lh a n ( give I10ftly s hi rrell 111ull . abOul Ih e c'r(>wn Ih o co~tllll1e An' wid 'IJIl,1 " li e 1\1'1 .' r Dce. 10 'tr.,( lIihl r!'rlll fCI' bet tl ' , QU' In h e I.u.rnl! folds or \Jule blue or 1.lnl, " lIk with 4~ pale blue 8toclOog~ nnd low s:ho~ In qt I U\I~t1}"tIl \ba hR'Ve i, fved tills ,eer 'JIh.Y' ar. IIIi d to ' be Il stnrdY ~:,_,_cont. . "n' I CUll only It I , Ih ' lop Iv 'e r belillid Ih ' ,'IS. ' lI oWly ' ~Iolh r.' says I grcilt bow :,~ t.he rlgh-( ' BIlUe. Then g real fllvQr wiUI Lhe vo.n- YOllng Ihe re are elttremely cheap wash h lll$ (UM, PerhuP8 I:lter }Nfl shaH see t lo~ or men, few of whom' ore rmst \6'; lie' tf. Dlay wasted "0 Uru to mf!llilt. ' wo' rll II n .Ill!;, .1IJ1rc: of "'!J01U ' lit\!' 6etwC~1\ 20> , . • ~ 11 looill n' r ' r MIM her NO.lllfl t hul nl g ili. "A n' Ih' Ihought hlld no m ore than .or coorse but pretlY ombroldery, 1\ldQPll~g ' t~e g l's " hOllo and ' lIod!';oant, ftr<r.C«lrl y WIlli I " !:iul Ihe D ~~~t nflll er noon. \Vh!". th' GOI lhrou l;!h me hen d whln lh' smasll II'h tc:1t :Ire made wlth' ilraw-lItrlng for their eldera 60 mu ch nl,lrove- jnst llOY \\, U7. a itllo' round In th ' tlunwa, I'uml;'. He'd swu ng over loo rar. bo- to'V hrlm. I'un ' musl . eU8lly. be ,removed' presenr. Both mamlliae , rill dnUgl\iecp to do. IJ,. 'Iarge <1l.11mber ant from ' UrO' , t 'e ! JUIO.'II .( wlr'll un ll!! r '001 It<); I' ' hiM \I ' I'll( nn', <10m Into Il on th' ror laundering. These t'Otne reody- nave' lak,cn to nOWllrM 8 uIYIt fl) r- af- norui .of Irelan d, mR\iy from 8oo11au'd, ~"rll 10 Nof:m : ' \. lUI ye lIk~ 10 P UI run. I helll'lI :. crash like IWO box mado Ilnd with little RddtUons a t l41I'nuou, anll even ing f"oelts. 'aDd tl\ e and (he rest [roDI ' th crowded ehters' on IIle g lo vetl wid Oll', ~\I s llier Nol:. n 7' ('tlrll camhI' to~It'ber, an' a lelcgropll hom ma y ' be r.on verted Inlo ve~y D,C- costuDlf!8 , lmlt, ndm/ 'Itbly tbe plctllr- or England, Tht! .$'Overnment f ra n'k lY eSQl1e hea(jge f II!, ~DIli"e. mlta that ·th e dominion ellltnpt 8Ujl"We' d It ecl I v bmtlo' glpves In lh' pole iln' th' ~Ido II' 1\ hou se a lled pa!!t ccpt ubl e lin gerie hats, I J' wlvel\ for tbesa !l eW' settlerII'. a n '!, blin k room. :t U ' lh ' bo),s 1111 d to worrl, mil nil' I In ntfed til; n IIt,el, I' mea l. q, " ," I.ld'.:lse~ lhem t~ Il4jnd ~o I he Qld OUIIout wl l.! "HII (lC a s buo ' lly, !Ilo Nolan "\V ' I!. 1'7. I Sill', I Illud ed easy, nn' an' me' hUll lI ivC (·i;m ' Ioglt-rl el'. 7. ~oon " e" I Clld gil loglther slns~ , ~ U ~ for. mllte •. ·, ~D"'! ' It l\IRIIsachu81!.U' only ItI· (!lanada ·t he problem "' 1'111 n OI I,!!rll ' hlr b\)\\L lit ' Illove~: . enough 10 1000w " ' he r I W'I~, I lool,ed The gOlf slilrt-some call ItJ.h c nfg- ' dim blacl; on 1\·hi le . .Sklrt a nCl . .\8\ would , bel ptirtlY ' IIOI~et;l" tor 'Ill' th'; o ld 80YS Nol fl . , around to 8e th O amounL Iv Ih ' day- IIgee ~1 so s iflll,l e and coml'/?f\able It wel'e · In on , ol1il" t~tl1! ~ II !le!1I1 Bay atate the women 'Iltrgely ohlllum-.. ·Art· ye '("nld . says r, mblakl,,' sthru' hIm. An' th er' certainly WU7. ai ' aeelUs to 611 II long felt WII II I. And and undel's l va of whll", ' la:wJl ller ' tbe men . " ., bls fil..ea nlu ·, ' II ye be, I nt ~y An y th :'~ ubttnJuII h ' II. Our lWo InglM th e la\lnl!l'~ss mllSl, apprQve- s ',ea wltl~ jJl)t'det f' nn ' _I mbrol(lery. . I~' II U:"ISI I.h · decl5io ll I 11 Crl.nll Iv horses WU7. Iyln ' on Ih' groun (1 wid tn ' It III 'do hp'," 0 .I em. 16'~e consld- ,,0\ Whi te wash h at WUlJWOrD. ", , 1,1111' ., , I L!I m8 to Ill(l .. Icb boln' t'l' IlOle hl'f,lke-wRn. II' 'e m hud a stralllo'l ered In th~8 day or white wIIlsts. We Russlan ,a h etl ng Is l\ mliterfSl ihe I!. Ih.l t It, mlr,:h't...!· s hou ld er n n ' nlnr rail Ilgln-I her WII~ like It hesl mOde of a good welghl of whre are now bny/ng" ror their 811fTt "'y lI e"dn ' l ' sll1ol1 rer lll' glove~ .' II pUll Iv klntllln' woor! 1\0' scra p Irou Ijlhlnn silk, well 10 \15 It R!;,penrs walsl sotl~, ~I UreB"'), material no l uu' says 1\:olno. (lullin' on his coa l. where tb e run a bout wo gon hail been, Ideal sh i rt tor summer wlmr. Tbe I lik e. a dl f;h~n ' trJ"'ellng~ Ihongh 8011 _,....,...._~ ..~...'AI;,,... (e,,';r...y.~~e;k· saYIi ,I, ije~ltl' m e m is' an' Ih' lIolf"lo7.on m en prlalnt .,.,:t:.l down collar: the three,quarter 1.'1 er ' and mOTe "arltlsUe.- Il Is yery \'(\ ro' a t; Irer blah 'tll'a n ''f ·~Cathen!(l till · O\'er th' 81hreel. Nola n the distinguishing , rfellt)l res. When' wIde ' ;tn'., j'o kes btlt f6,ir J'~rds to y e fer: An ' I pulled II ~oa~ hlm~nr Iyln' untler Ih ' wRgon wid II the seilso~ ·s. ovcr Jlerh oll~ thill wlIf lie ' Q Ilres8. .Trlmmed wl i h .banal!' ~ broken. leg un' h 18 ~eaa Cltt open con s idered the chnr:lO.lerls ll c · ~IO"se or cRlored ' <,'il m ~rlll, It ~i1 very modll\ll, Ltitiitili'il\f;IID~P"NI~W~Mr~~~~~',~: ' \\\ell. v CourRe . we had to use tb ' Bu t th' WOl'~t .b' · lt }Vuz tb ~1. wun Iv 1906. . And ' Dlnde of co,urse.- will) olbow r gloves to co vel II whl: Costellq ,wud lh ' two men In tb' Tuuabout wagon haJ Some time ugo-a year or . I' hn d uti on th ' blJok ~ r·, r H.ghlln ' 10 h is, Sh,c ul,d r l!1';,ke: t . This Is 1M t1R1" 'O( plIste l q.lllrl fll. el~e. an' lit · 1I0y ~ Will: not "Cos le llo WU7. beto ,e ' th' bonrd, an' and \wl\ would rOIJcat What ~e 1}1 Olt! 0 Ih' gllmc 1& Ih ' fUI'Sl few Nl)lan WIIZ "efore ~b : bOI\~d whln 110 , pol long ago 'nllout the 'U""III¥nnC'IB roun'd ~ I t;ot o ut h ' Ill' ho splttle ~w hl' h was n ot a tOllch o( IIgh~ !irllY, . ._ "W <,II. · tb ut WII?; lh' (lI r$t ti n' la : soon-nn' lh~ r e ~ IY ' I)S u~ Ull to tell I;re IJ'lkctl ber!a!' than dlUe we !I'eI' ft'lI \rh t. · Tho rOllsOll ("'1' (wMI we knew Itl>OlIl·!t: AD' Iv courbl! We ore I\irectlng youlbful , .wh lll.h I\'~ ' Oll~ : ' Nolltn, ):Jclll" 80m~' ' Ih '· blame :1\11 come onto r DIan . Ther~ N(ll onl~ III lhls /lv ldeql\lld , .by lli ln' proll ll iI' Itl lopl; a. wa lled It! Is no doubt he wuCl've be , tired In 11_ cb}}dlsh U ~r l l! 'hl\l8 , bu t "Is> by , pay day 1.0 ' all ll e (01' Ih : IWO slo~\' 'mwl y. mlnlt. but rell th ' 1I J,e hat ' a ch apeau RS a Tuscan h tl leelh hI' llttt Into ·hiR mo'·l th . Bitt 1. His uncle belli' ro~oman I' CI,!ncey;,' t'l'ItIUited lUi pale bllle \'lu. {lC~n~lllalll<l,,1 havln' no eOmOllll(l ·.llvn~ ez 10 me "1'- tb' conlhra ct9T" s~od by " ni, Clance~1 lIlOilh 1'OIes': wblte ('rlnol tiea IICO: wU? dyer An ' \lee 1'>l lJl;gy lh' . baln strong wi,l · th' city b.all people Ie wllb , Ilr<!wn of , spotted mu s lin 8)' E S,. CHAMBERLA YNE
')J...!!-1 601' (,t :,'
M(] DES.',
trs l dlan~1 I got" ,Whip ~h'~ see th' lhlnt \lays: An' h at 1a a!l Ibat Ivet r-1PlllookITl' 11111m thlV mo eye wuz. s ho slt\'e l No llln. , . 68,e: ·.FwbaUI·e r bev ye heen doln'. "An' Maggy? 011, I ~!l\e near fer.. l\l ICb&el. II> sit 1I\J(lh a lool;ln ' eye ~ ' glLt.ln· til' mOKt ~ mp'ortllnt part. Th' ' . .. ' I r n agIo a !;lIgbJ o bslhrll cshull, ' nexi dr.y, aeeln' how lV1'ythln' ha,I ' , , '1 corrin m e way , , . begtlJl; ,to feel sOl:ry , 'l~ s fire,'. sbe fer POOl' r.;olan Itn' wil~ minded to sp.~ .BOY6. It I CUI) do some l bln' . :lIse 'lin dOWb, "'J nlver. said II: .. liZ .' So J ,wlnt to Coslello an' stbroked his ~ " ~Tblil .,a·ve ~ IIghtln ',' sbe erles. r"r, an' he tlllrred arqund an' finally • 'R ~ wid : \,..ete,r ~llln, too. Ve mu~t slnl me ' to Ih' .hosplttle to '6ee If tber' ,. 0\ ~ Ii: slie HfYe. 'V ... Iml ~ l not tio wuz aoythln' we cud do fer Nolan. \v" ,Mlcbllel. J. ,Abltn't allow II . Do ye "ry all thO C\1ryus tlllnga\ et I th1nl. ulldllrshlllnd me?' . I lO'II'led ye, ther's nOthln' 60 curyua .. 'iie \.Owlell \18 to RllUe It; SAYS I, ez Ih; ways Iv a ' \vaninn, 1'lIer' lay .'~ n· HIt! Icll Il . will b ~.' Nolan wid his head tied up, 00' ther', .. TU n lvei' bev 'It slUletl like 'that.' cl'ouchTn' on th' lloor wl~ wlln arm . s h e 88ye" 'Wan Iy ye'Jl be 1(!lIt, aD' trowlI nC1'Ost '1m, wuz Maggy Hogllil " 1:11 not ·I,ev. n . promise me: she SIlY~, ~he looked lIer~8~ l~' bl!d at Ille, WI ll ',)romlse m s, Ml clule l, ye'll nOI !lgh: el' eyes IIssillo, an. Rhe 8.y~; '1-1011 8111n.' dlll"e )'011 CDme here?' "Well, kbe begun La cry ~z sbe saY,S ' ,. 'Fl"bat tb' dlvtt: says I. 'D',e nc t 11, I!CJ Illc f Wilt. 1I0thln' to do but mll)i<' know Ib'SI I wan tb ' bel!' Ih' best II' It all' prolllise ' 1.'1", an' mebbe "'~e cowRrdly dog: ab~ saya, 'er ",Iv~ '('~ II kiss et t)Vo In ttl' way l lv eyAs fairly blazln·. 'V. wud've klll~ C'hellrlu'. er nrJ. don ~ Il, an' Ibel" '1m. If ye'd ·bad yer WIly : 'Aft' .. ..... ,t WUlt: nO murt' ft"bllU '. Ibat ,ehe glve . 11 cry: 'Oh, Peler.' an' , "\\'110 day ez 1 WI1Z OQmln,' bllck tn LurDed to 'I~ wid 'er -I\rm rOUntl)llt . ~ ill" Il1slne house frQru dInner. i ' neck aD' kl880d '1m be la,.. \il,l hopP!!~ l n , III t.h· HogaD'1l rer A ' "[ Icome out. anil wlll I wux oomlJ ' 'Worrd @r ~'II'O, . back t.o, tb' ~g\", Jl.OU88 ~8te"0 "YM ; "WhiD I COllIe t~ "ho .hud I ne 'II thOr' unythlk w@ e'n'db rer Nolan! till' 'n til' IIM1'It'. kitchen, ez bill: How t8 bl , wmlJi"?' ., . 1: nf• . ,bllt Nolo... blmsnr. ' ~ 'He ••M.. fer .atb .' 111),1 Ii aD' "NoIIID WIl7. 1~lIIn' 11811;Y an' 'r. I foOwled' U" LnltII."
wre,tb ~f dog rq8es lind .1YY~I:r~A~!~~t~~~~~~j horn ijlmllly trimmed wllb vet 'opll' :wh!le roses ',. IOOks '1'+l'~!f.1r}lM with a dre'll of wlilte <lerge, ' .1 'Tbe black veil of real laqe due- o;hilrm ~lie"whlt~ or with n wblte gown : vella are ' tery beautiful" ds broncbt out when Been, against while, I~ey are yery : becopnlng, framo for ' the face. t hrown bn'ell o" ~~ tb'e Sb8er gray 1$ In fdshloft ror ..",."1,,,\0 ';~!lr, and !'~ , R rl'~e. III . ma~e ·01IPr·" ,.. n eolore.d lInl,ng, A v,;r,r" ' 1""_" ,.'.\lime w 8 a lranlpllrent (), lltlk ' pllp: • ihe, .~ell()W through ~he cooll -.'11114 t.h.e" r nt 'dr~ W1l~ 8ulclgllltlll:,J beaullful. In I.hll "air Wll8 by DlRny rolli:, loo\ie'd' upon 1\8 I'1!nge ali relte l!lal, ,c!,lIio apotheoala of tbe v~l1nted ~lmJlI a bowknot ·lIlIver We Bnllled a 1IU10 ICOrnfully, called , It 'bllL pArt of lhe palslng flld; but, ha\'" . been converled, now woul<:1 ,olp., with Bible {or. !th0m; lob., .&!~I!rt, ft nd ~h, ..,cbnvef,slon, ~~ ~Il~h ,came througll gnmpse ot Jllst on silch com'blnl!"d frock, qullo perfed of IIJI IIiDd not\~ .tllis "ery mQrp "'Ut_. w' .." las dowo tOWII 00 the boOt'1 alDee frock .taY1lll wlUa 1111-8. II botb 10 I'fIUII1llDS
DllIIl tile ,pIll!!,1l
!!' I~
Women Obtain IIrs, Pinkham'. Advice and Help. ' Sh. R •• Odltl.d Thon ••• d. to R-••ltb.'110.., Lydl. E. PI... b ....... Vee.tabl. 00 ..... pOl1 ntJ 0 .. , ....... AlI".B.rr,bUI~
It Is & gre&~ ' sn.Lis fllcLioo for & WOIliO 11 to fCII1, thllt6he enn wrltel tb another tcllinJrl ..-1.',;.•• Iter tho inost pr[.1 vate ani! oon8deB.' tlnl dotl1lls nllotltl h Qr ill nctl.~, "adl know that. her letter will bCQ~c n by!
\VOllllLO au Iy. MnllY thousnnd. of enses of fcmnl'" d Isea ee como 1>9fore \\f rs, Plnl(h ~m every 'y a r ; SOIDIt pcrsooall.l'. othcrR br In;!i!. Mrs. ~inl~., h llm ill th o uaughlf!r.)o ,lawof· Lyd'l1 E,I I'i nl, ham ann (ur tIVoot!' ·Gvc . yenrs lind ' r I , ~ r tllI'celion nnd !ll nec hcr dt! C"O<O "h" hn~ beon advising fl ick womCD freu Ll f c.lta'·!:e. , I !lTrs, I'inl, h llm nevcrvlolalcs t h ocoo.[ 1i<,lcII C of WOll\l!II , I\oel every to ~l t11 on 'l ill l I U r ' publis he d is dOBC! 'SO' ", IU. the wrlLlell COns nt or rcqu!\l)t of Ihal " ..i l' ~ " i ll orllcr that other liil!1c wowelll m~y be u tlucfl lcd ns sh o has be D . I Mrs. Ali a Ue rrvhill, of Il 8 0),COI Street, ChUll.anol>ga, 'fenn."writes: near Mrs. 1'lnkham:.. fbt'f'O yent .. "go Itte lookqd ,Ia"k !.o ms. I hn ,1 III !l'rllLlol.I and Inllluutl\I\Uqn or tb. lenl" lo orgun Dnllll'M In n SIl rlous condition, 1 .. My bowlh wtl~ ('om pI ' \A)jy broKen down ."~ Ihe d(tetor tolr1 Ill" thnt Ir t was IIOt operllte,1 0, "011 ( 1I'01l1r1 \lill \V1~htIl811< mon t h ) told hlr.\ ' l "tnlhl bn l' ItO operatioll bn~ would lr ' L)'dl1\ ,.. PIt,khl1l1l'a VgctnbllO, (;oIllPOlllld . fl o trlild to Influene m tll;lll~1 'l h ut I fi() lIl for tI'I) modiclno that slImo dllY anti bogl\n lo> ,~'!!) It, rnj~brnllr. . Wituln /1\' 1\1 ,I" y. I f' It rolt f tl ,t 1Va.~ Ilot entirely cUI'O<l1 until r u ~d It for.tJ(jmo Wmc. h VOllr u. otliclno to cerlnlnly line. T h~v.' Ind\1 ,00 r;o vorn l trienrl. i\1II11\8'ghtKtr!! to tnk .. it UI~d I kn IV -more t1I'lIl ~ 11011011 willi htl" fOl1lnlo !:rou hll!!! IIlItI witt) t(Hln.y Ilre n we U 8m' . Iron:r; as' l R1n (roin usiu. your VOIIIllIulo.!?>mjlQuutl.l' . . '. • , Jus t a s snt()l.v u.s !III'S. n rr.vhill wu, em d, will Lydi a. E. PinlcblLw's \'tlgc'tnhl" Componnd"'Clnrc e9e.ry 1Y0maD' s uffering f'-OlD o.oy,form of ferunlli ills,' If YOIl are fIle le write Mrs. P inkhuOl II I'icu. It i~ (rec a~a alway" belpftil. ' , ' .' ,'. " II.
·Drailllo.ns nCI er ent. whed th~ drln.k, nor drink wh en tbuy eat; nnlt the Torl.lJra conlin\lnlly persIst In pulllog a glteBl bi tb e ea r uutll b e d rfnks. alltl,!llve 1810Dd'l~ retire to the darkest part ' of h o' ho us es and hnng 'curInlns nbollt th om, "0 thllt -ODe of thl!lr rell()w~ . ell ";01 ~_ ,i.e~ at .... elr 1Ile'~t, ~ ~~. \M ... , . , . " W~ Ibey !leRI~!! .tt! 5]10'111' a mark.. d'f" ~rbtil esT~ m ; tIla "negroes ot' Ardra' drink fro,," 'Irie an me CtlJ) .£ tbe 8I)m", tim e, ' RIU.I the K~o~ _ "-. '-go ua_t!r ' .. .,. uu_ ~ to eat 3lfd d rlnjt tq .'''0 , ~rate' M
1I00~ ses.
Th'c Philippine Islander \'Pm not eat, It meal 010111). Wbenevll'l" a " ~'I1IPlll()1 ~nd,8 11Im~p lr \'fl~b~ut a "'"'compatmJ~ with whom to " lIare \tis m eal. be wll bs tal1l from rntln;; unt1l he b fDUntt 111t&: . . ~ A 'trUDge, CUltom ~T'1rtI8 In K~ m ehtnlln, wbcre a ~op who wl r he.. to r.n~ertArn 9. guest In,:lI es bl!? .ln~ a ,cohht, \IIIh feil 1,s bde~thf!d to .an e~!lShl~\ ell 1)TIlSl\f18 , m& ftIod nnlll be II ' a a sta e·of tor- . , tns UlDces o[ m e", dj'l:a& at theseJ Imye been known. r • I . Tl!hHlanll, t,ho!lgll. mttul'ttllFt raroc, dIne lleparatet,.. ·EVII .. IJ,Itl ''PaD and b18 ",Ife ·do .not eat r;ehler. Bach member, or t~e flllltll,., boa ~'b own food : bMltet'. Tbey ta.k~ tbetr places abOut fl.e rard. DJIIlrt.1 .ad eMit, turning l! baC~9 ~o. eacla! otbe-r, dille amid R pJ;Ofound • IOBCe.
a. •
FOi\ ·titE NA·" V,
~1 ~
lI..,b",ico belween lb..... of ~1 ' .QtI
~ t.
'5.111 firid .oo.h."ltlona opem Co Iii... ,
and fOt ,plla. m.D
lie'"•• n, "l\11d ?I,
. - wbo C)(U~A OCS no tra..ia. Ihere " fOOd opp"rlunh, fo/ adv,nC\lIIlnl. A f.1I oOlfi. of:cIQJhln, f,e. _f"lIibe,.1 ..., I
Vorai!Jty, I" . ' A1tct__Do- \h.e . ftSh ,tt~t~ arou" hen? " I "" ' Nut~"~91t,e~ SOT, 8tran~eli we IIaftt rollnle em so rbe1 woll't c;Ilew uJi InDf!ri! nt IlYlltnnd'er!'-'N, Y. sua; 1
With." C.llql' Re'.fuill,,( Ollie ... Po.. Ollie. Bulldina. Cillalnnetl Ob,o , Po"Oc!!i<' 8'ullolln • • L."I •• ltle k,.: POll Olli • BIoUd.....
10 com ...noa
.IAJi4oapo l11. lAd.
• F
OlAMOND DEALER'$ MISTAKE pOle tQ give you a banquet to-morrow hear tbat be I. Jlyln! high , deUtane all make Ihel r money. and be oloses :'b" bank. I!- Rochester Chemisrt Feund Il Singu. One of His Own G em~, lIut H. s peeche s. and then yo u will be pro \'lcl· aud e \' n luully IlU Y~ eeve n cen ts on tbe Itnly Eflectivfl Med icin e. Failed to Recognize tb. ed wllh b or ses. IIUppllcs un d mo noy. dolla r , and ia looll ed upon liS II g rl\al Willi am A. Franklin, of the Fran1t· Sparklcu·. . ! nnd guided awa y rrom here Lli nd fold- fi na ncie r, lL hO H bee n a plells ul'e to us 1111 & Pulnt er Ohe mlcal Co:, Roeh ster. ed , a nd wltb ln 48 h ours you will be to ha v Ih ls IIl a d l ' uld man visi t us. N. y " w r it es: "W ill you pI ase exam ine Ihls dtafr ee a s t he b11'<18, Blld ull, w nslt Is nnd Ly b lil exnmple of t il e OQ ldeu Rul e. "Seven yenrs 1111'0 O1l1nd," sa id Il mu D wbo \tad su' pp-ed lh at yo u will ne l'e r gl ve us ,uml our to do 10 0111 I'fI as yo u would be do ne I was s ulferln g very Into a jeweler's IIhop, ":tnd t II me hlillng pl ace uway to Billy P inker ton , by, malee u ~ ontc n tell wil b O\lr lot. .".LI. you to ""joy )'our wilhciut ~ nlllcll lh rough t ber Wl1!01 you think oC It ? . If It Is a gOO d ,Is it 0. go~" We, are not th e kin d of hlls lDess men having 10 . pend half your time betwcell fail ure of tb e k ld- uon, 1 tlllnk 1 WIll buy It." wbo try to ruin t he lJuslnese of com!hem ov" . hoi cook-ltOve. • PIl Ra id It w as a go a ll rlgltt exc~ pt nc),s to eliminate 'f he je\veleu look , th e II m, wht cb A II lite eooiUta done in L'Lby'. taktng l h tal n led mOlley. bllt he pelll or~ by 1>oI$o ll lng ' ~lte l r well s, or \ tJle uri c ncJ d from WRf\ u ns t, And looked ilL, It ('ril l '/tlly IdlcJ,clI- a kirehcn as cICIID and DUll .. By DON. GEORGE PECK:- wou ld Ul lnll It Ol'er , Rntl drea m ov er It, freezi ng t hem out' o f IHI ~ l ne;i8 , IC any lIlY system. ,My fOI' c momen t. 'I' ll n In u ('Un nde nllal your own, and then, . notbiDa lor you nn d maybe t nlee h i sbare uC I he swog;. ol b r t rllin rollb I'S wnnt to ,lo blls l· AUlhor . , " Pock' , Bad Boy Ab road," Elo. , h acle W IlS very la me tOll O h" said; 10 do bUI enjoy I~. result. bu t h e wan l:ed to be a llo wed 10 Telllrn n sa In 0\1 I' te l'ri tol'Y. th ey hn I'e I he Li~by'. P,odllCi• • te ,elotted meate, :lind otbed if I "W II, to te ll YOll the t ru lh, Ih at It 1(, a rLer Co. ll lll!; 0. me Hug o( his sO'me r lgbt R t hat 11' 0 llUVP, a nd l lt s o v rexel'led m yself 110 th e leaSL dcgree, l ~ n ' L a. very gOOl] ~ o tle, It blLSn' t mUl' b cooked by coou, who I:now ho~" and wo rl d I~ bi g enoug h fo r 1111 to ply t belr bOllr d oC (Il reclo rs, Ih ey s hollid f OrU,Sa only th. good part.l"'ck,....- - At times I \VIlS w e l ~;b ed do wn wlib a 'li re, It lu badly elll, " 'HI Ih r I some-, F or a <luicit and delieio\U lunch uy 10 rpee lve Ihe lolnllld mon ey, Pa add· Irnd, ~O \\' I :1m gOing 10 coli upo n Cel'i ing of la ng uor a n d depression a.nd 1I111I/; he re I'err mll l: h like :J flaw ." t:me, in doon Of oul, try LibbY'1 Mel· Pa Plnys Surgeon n nd Earn!! tlu; G ~ od ed th at the board of dlreclors o f 1\ cl r · O\lr fl'le nd , Bucl;Nltln BIll , m y a ,lIoclalO sutrercII ~onl1 llu a lly from a nnoy in g l r- Then li e held Ihe ui:lmonll under 11 101rose P.le-'-with Libby a Camp Sauce. Will of the Bllnd lts-They Giv e CII R might nol be a s jlarlll' ular ' ~s a III rrlm c. who II'a!; woun()ed IJY a IU h!· regIJlal'llles or the I:tldn ey sec retions. cr\l~(O pc Bnd e X3rnill II It al'cfully, BouIJ.f It... "How t. M.... Him n Course D in ner-Speech es ch ur 'll o r 00 liege. und he Ih ug ht b e Illl'ectell loael of bucks hot In our Intes t I 11I'ocu reu II bo)( of Doa n's K idney finally o!ls or d u!:: "No, il Is n' t exa ctly Good Thial" I. £aL" Wrile raid', whll-It bu cl,snot w J'e so ah ly r eo cOllld a ssure I be ga ng t hnt lh e money Llbby,McNelll '& Libby, Chlcato - Follo w tlle Ba nq uet-Pn Is Made Pills nlld bega n usl n g tb em, I fo und \I flnw , bllt I lIlto uldn't 1'11 11 It :t. p r'Ho norary M ember of t he IJlln d- woul d nol rom Lncle to La t he r t hem . mo v~ d fl' rn hi s pe rson IJY oll r (lI ~ lI n prom pt r elief from Ib e a ch ing and l1C" L alo no. NlJ W, 1\ yo u wa nt someThe lead e r o f t be gallg s a Id t hat gulshed f riend who IJ ' ~o ~oo n to lea ve lamcness In my back. and by lh e time t "WI' reu lly flne ; he l'e-" Pa nnd th e :Ba d Boy Allo wod t o Go ~'o n l ll lJil ull ri ght. anti fo r pa a nd I us," and tb e leailt' r .. g ai n llnnserl th' I h ~ d 1II IIon th r e boxes I was cured "C;x lIi' me," Ihe a l iter mnn In terFree W ithout R a Dllom , anil til!! boys 10 IJcgl n 10 pa cl< u p nnd IQI'I pg CliP o ud gUl'e way to IJll cl,gl, ln of nil Irreg ula rities," r ll(Jlc d , " r do n't tllinl; I'll buy n illaB ill. wit" ~nl il: " .-0 hnd to e wo rs l II I1Il the II st t wo g,el I:ead)' to rol urn to clvill zl t ' on 01 d Sold by nil deal er!' ; 50 cents 0. bO:l. nl(' ll d LO·d:IY ,· Th l:i 1$ U III :lIIlU I,,1 Illnt "J>u ls,..-1 cia ou t I< now Ir YOII bave Foster -~ lI lbll~n CD ... B u tralo, N, Y. 'weells or our II v'~ while IlriSOTl ei-H o f a ll lis IVl cll ed ness, W wll rl, d 011 dny oll e o f you r IlsRls tRnts le I IJI'e I I ke at1.hc un ln roulJ I'd I\t lh o lI ola- lll · t he- and Illayetl c inch for h undred Iiolial' eV Cr s uspcl'lcli !lia t lJ erure I jo ln~d IOnluy 0 0 ;\1)[>1'0 \'01. I 1I ' !1OS!tI·t! $4 0 on W il l , IJ cau s~ WI' had pl enty to eat. bill s nil l he evening. nnd th e n r xt d a r thi s uun ch i W aH stet'llcd In cl'lm e. hu t THE CADDY'S COMMENT. , It. I'l e:I:e le l me IHlI'P. my mO llc)", I mu st confess to YOII lila\, I WU!! a hI· a ud good comjJllllY, wit h hllllll ng fo r arranged for tlio banQ nct, aud w e , will lIcl'ill re tho tleu l uff." 811m In tb e foo l hill s lJy da y,' nnd cI nch t WII 0 nIght cl1me, II nii Ih pIne engo ahlermnn for one term. durI n!,: One That WAS N ot 'V ery C~mplimcn t tl l'y t o n P rof ESsion nl li t n l(tll l, bllt th sleeilin g o n t he roe hs l<not s we rn lit In Ille cave, allollt 15 tlte passnge o l' IlI" gas fi'u nchlse and LIMB WASTED Wlnl ECZEMA. of Ole ra l'C, with butrR lo r obeB ro r ba ntl lts u nl] lla DIIII r !lat dow n to TI th e ll'uctlon ;lea l. bll t 1 t !'llK I havc r . Pl ay~r. h l'IU , wo s lh e g rea t 5t or ull. Pa goL rO ll rse Lan!(ue t 0 11 Ih e Ooor o f th c ea,'r, fOt'm ed, be nus e I have lell a dllf ren t Positively eared .., '~olter J, T ravi s, th e golfe ~ , ~et ull ' Suffered Untold A g onies-Doctor Sai d the e Little PUll. I Y~~llgrr every day, bnt he )' nr ned to and ate a nd dranlc fo r an hOlll', \\ e lire a ll th c~e ycal's, f llI,e thIs free Th~y n1FO r cUo.e Dt.. It W as the Worst Cas e-W onder. l.u t· lense d [ln ll wou ld loo k for hours had fe w dl - he~ , xcept lin ClipS nuu life of l he mounia lns, whe re what YOll bls ' ball, aull the n , mude h ul f a ilo;;en !;reM trom D;Bpepsla.lllCul Cw'e by Cu t icu m. dow n th dlnasa rus vnlley, h opin g to '-l in plates, Lilt It was 0. banquet. al l ge l ID n ho ld -1I1l I ~ yo I: I'A, and you do bwi hcs ilL the shon grass with Lh e dll>'C2ll00 una Too Dear1.y IlCO sol die rs or cll' ~lI s mr n who mi gh t l'lgh l. Tho Ilrs t ~pur5e ' wa s !i01i11. no i ual'a 10 d ivide Wil h po liticians, d"I\'l'r, relmes the N e w ¥o r :c. T l'l llu ue. ~t.lng. A perlllCt f'Ctp'" u £~d {he ,ulir ur Honlcil ics f I' ce· 11 al: of Oll l' ('a plllr ,eha rg ln g d \l' n till' served In e'a n s, ea t' h Cl an Ilnvlng a can and if you re rll9" 10 dh'l LIe LJIOY sClu eal " 1 11111 not In good rUT01 :' he satd. " I cdr rorDlulness, Noosell, ZCllla. Thq dol'lol' ~iti d I ~ 11'". Lh e w"r. t oP IJOSli O h il I. nnd li p t be va lley to Oll r o r SOU Il, wl'h n hole In Ihe IOIl •.,l!'Illd on yo U, And )'011 r,ee Ih e s uldc boo l d am p l n ~' lllS 111 e 11 b rol,e r wa b ud \t ere ('li fe he t.~ \ i t, W, IL \\US lI ll bO l h l hll b~ DI'OW8IcClISo D:ld . 'l'lIStAI (ro lll Ihe Iw ces to t he ollklcs . \ \'e It-led resc ue, bu t nobody ever RIlI O, a nd pa by (irlvi ng a Dlill Ih rou g h t ho lin. ntl<j 110i n tl ng to Joli e t. I would nlJt gu l a~ t wee Ie. In, tbo Moulb. Ooatc4 ' "\'Hj't lllnll lh e dodurs k llell' ai , !Jut tb e TongUe, l'nln IlI,tho SI4e, huc:ie 10 t ile w l~I'(,.Il 'life o f All ahl ~ r · " 'f hls LJrok('r pl. ye d o nco arollnd, t 'llticUl11 Ht' llICli icH tJ iti t hu 1II 0,lSt ~oQ(l. 1 'l'ORPID UVBR. 'l'1Iq mun . 10 I1lllke 8 rli Khon cst living by mllkl Dg II tlreadtlll ~: :: ~.:~IHv l! or 1I1r::: WAS obliged 10 lie ",il h IIlV Innbs Ingher holding 11 11 LllIs until Ihe a gent came b II. l'~ tMs, t hon g!>, h was \lo t (1 " ," my he(JlI, ( ,1\' I Ire Plilll II'IlR'S\l lI!r · reguJl\tc tllo Bowell!. Purely Vogot.nbtc. aro und and gave 1l1(, an ul'elope, bul ; II Wa re. He was do fDg pretty w II for r ,blc 1 coulll not wul It , J HulTe l' II Ilfll fl ld SMALL PILl. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. n~r""C B , Une lilllh wostNI "wny n I\I'Cot 1.10 "'nut 10 h ar frOll1 m y alii pals In II Un. dC111 8111,, \1 I' Ihall Ihe o lh 'I', the!'e wn~ . u Ihe com mo n cOli n (I 1\.1.11 I wo uld a I, Genuina Must Bear " The lU a D's calldy was nil unu sual ly nUlI'h d l~l! h n rf4c. fronl it. L [nuno the l 'utioll r rorpul nl fr !r ud, ,,' ho so ably QUIN. stolid lall , a. tl<ly whh 0. fr cclded cum H rmed u,s \'CI'Y 6001 111111:\, on d J Fac-Similo Signature ITTlE ti ll l:~efl ~h elll in I h ~ liOIl'I', I nil, pl rl(eil Ih e bu '1e~IHH oul of my r muln s , !::ee quite d 'voltl of m,'))J'e ~slo n. IVE R \'~ry Ihlllll, ful to ~n l' Ihnt I 11' r ll red, I wh e n h~ pns,es lh rough Chica go to go "A Ilrl sI n eI' Lll e :addy n l'l:r once fouuti Il.I! 'ut lcum h e'" <I,,'s nil lhM ,VIlU PILLS. 10 Ih roun('11 rh r. 1Jt1J r .,nrl gh' my lallghetl 0 1' s ne'rerl at bls ba d pi ny, till)' they arc, 1 IInpo thllt Y 11\ IIj "Y be o n dl l io n to I y ~' I: c~u R, nni! osle Ill e broker lco k n fa,neY to him, Alid "I mrml IlIfiny r~n ..s 10 n·"lte thu 'utl 'ura ~~~ R_ E F_U_ SE SU_B_S~ t Item to I'e pen l belor it Is 100 IlI le, nnd be sa Id lit Ul e lid of t h rounil, In Hernc(\ ie. fIJ I' Ihe \JC II l'r. t of pe ... on "uffer· io g t1'om lla ~ t o rt uff! of jl:ki n tl i~cnto'(,R . 'uf'h CO p west one! go into idgltl lnaie rob· lb e ho pe o[ gc{ l lll g a lOmpllm.;nl: M I Irutl, ~h' • . (J old lp , lilll( 8, .Ayr, Ir J'j', rar Awn y f rn m t he blell.lhs who " ' 1 have blle n Ira \' lIug fo r t be last Ont u '10, 'JTI~dll . Juno 0, )005," o lli co in. hlll'cbc"orn . v " 'Y I'olll nblo. L.O I g. rlrf) CO li Innlly !l th It, tril\l , While Fix monl hs. I nm ,qu ite Qll L 01 p rltc_"d " d.:,,/! J1It1U 1>), lUI', .. 11\1 hOCI 'IIL~ 101' hoo : Ih h~m v continues to !J1l\'ll tlt e vil est I I , 'l'bnL Is wh y I IIJl1 In ~u (' ta bn d Jo I!P U B o\V,,~ , t.:ulll I.)cul r. MUrrIll', Obio. Til e Model'n . W ilY. alrl .. mllll ll1ar hllY a t Irk t 10 lh fr 0 1'( , l'm 10· tl IlY: , "My uoa r, you mUSt renlly tu lre un ll h ealt hy w ~ 1. nile! we will ;;h' "Th e nddy relllied. ca lm ly: I,' rotld)' In hond about th e Wil Y he lI P II him a IV Irome, Old man, ' bnke," nml "'Then ye' 'e pIny u lIeCore, h ave ~ l ll ng , T o-do)' he ;t$lced llI e w\tat enOu ukskl n Oil, Fhook pn's Itnl\u and sa.t VB, si r '!''' t ,mology \VII!!. a nd 1 wid Iilm tb e sc i.. rl \\'\1 0 11 hI s knp t' ~, bpI.a lleo bl ~ woun ds clJ ce of bl\ gs. " , I'e no t ltpnleU , DIETARY DICTA, "W e ll ?" Thl! I arl er or Ill e gang I hen ca ll ed .m lClI!U .. tl.ll I Thompson's Eye Water " T hen he ns :<ell me It an entom 10- 11 IOru "Ct, u , Dl onl' r 8110UId be o r a lighte r natu re upo n pa ro r a r IV rcma l'ks , lind pOI g t 9 ~ WII S a crazy mS D."-Bllltimore In SUDlm<'r tha n In w in te r. ulll: " Gl'ntl 3men , you ban done m e A . N . R .- E (1906-24) ,2130. A Quart of 'wheat cootalns m ore nu· Amer lcn n, g l' a t honol' (0 mnk Ute a n honora ry t r lmen t tha n a b ushel of cllclIm,bers. Ulem lJer or your· o rganI za t iOn, and I I~ n bo ppy mea o lJetwee n ea t· shall go a\\, ny fro m Il ero with a t eel· On~ .Day \be Robbers Cnme BIIOk tram a R nld with Plll!s of Orewbacks. In g that yOU ar lbe h ighes t lype of Ing eve rythi ng o ud bein g . !(uean:lsh. Two pound s or Il,o tn loes contala as robo llrR, ml:n t ha t It Is a pleas ure to fel t' lik e Robl n o n Cr usoo 0 0 the we s ucked lhe RO:IP th rough I b e .hole . 11Ilo\v ~ and th a t 'Ye ll a re nol to be mu ch n u t r lmenl as, 13 pounds 01 . 1Iliand , 'fhe next ro urse was II s h, a h m a n m!' n \lo ne d In t he s a me caJe,gory of t b E t u rnips. Some ti mes tor a cou ple o f da ys t,he ha viog a ca n of sardin e!!, aod we nte wlcl;cd metl who rob th e poor rlghl Li ght SO\lPS, .lI gh t desse rts on d l igh t robbers wonld, go away , to rolJ R trai n them with hllrd 10 k, Then we bM 11 II nil left. I n what we consi de r cJvlll zl\· meals s bou ld bare t he preCe rence In or a stage coa ch, nnd I.. n ve us wit h a gamp. co ur!5e, co ns ls llo g ' of fri ed elk , \ton In tb e ensl. y ou on l ~' la ke loll warm wen ther,few g uards, :'I'h u ' t cl as thou gh th ey an.) Iben II salad o f ca nne d baked fro m t he g rea t co rpo ratio ns wbo har e Vegetables ond frlllts a re to be used ,~'1lnt d liS 10 , try to es upe. p tb ey beaD S. ,11011 co rree with cond nsed mil k . 1)lent )', and yo ur I'o bberles do , not mos t generousl y at tb a t seaSO D o r tbe oould ,shoot , Il8 In l he bll k. bllt we and a spoo n Cui or t wo of cood nsed brIng sorrbw and s adn ess to l he poor year lu wbl ch tliey naturally mature. Beglnn(pg th e dl 'nn e£ with s oup \a BlIl)'ed, and fri ed baco n anll elk me at milk to r Ice creom. Wb en. Ih e b'n D(lll e ~ nnd h ungry, No matte l' 'what tnduce.itd s lgbe d for res cue. wa ov cr Ib e ' leade r or Ihe handlt s menl s ma y be held out to me In t he- rll, tl1 e very best way to get lhe whol!!' Oue lillY LIIe robt:e rs came baek from rapped on the s toll e floor of I be a ve lure. 10 Jo in tbe I;fe tns ura n e rob' syslem In condition tor [I!slmll alina . ' rald wltb piles of g reenbacks liS big with tb e butl ot ht s re volv er for lil - be rs , th e poli tical ro ubers, the g reat a hearty m ~al. a ... llal e of lillY; a nd It W 88 c vlde nt I n tion, lind, takin g [I cantee n or wbl8: co r po ratio ns tha i wrin g lh e las t dol~----No Trick: nt All. tbey had robbed a Iralq lind beeu r e , ky fo r a lov ing CIlP , It e drank to th e la r fyo m tit ir I·H:t1ms. I s hllll alwayu Cnnby Dunn- ·Do lIOU lU ke any sto c~ IIlstecl , Uecallse o n mBn bad 0. bullet In health of th l\l r dI 8 t1n gu l sl~e(r gll es l . rp, mem ber. In tle<;lI n lng 8U h overtures, lIla 'thigh. and PII ha d 10 use his I«)ow· [lnd passed II ur IlIld . so all mig h t Ibo l I 11m 11lI ho.lO rary member 01 In tb e s tory tha t amli n engr'l ve d tbe ledge of s lIrgery to .lI g out I he ho t. drink , anu t hen h e s pokll liS rOIl')\'/5: th is Qrga n lza t lo n o r ho nest. st ralgh l· en Ure nlpb abet 00 t be b fnd of a 'all4 lie mou e a bIn b luff at bei ng a s ur"Fellow' Highway Ro ~bers : We have fo rward. co nsclcn,tlo us b old·up m en, lItn'r" --------------~,-~ Y. Kno tt- Certnlnly. H e could have geon , IIDd s lI cclleued III getti ng t be with 118 to-nl gbt one who comes Crom \\' h o wou ld rob o nly Ib e r leb Bnd d l, 1'1l11l SlJlllftIUr o , ~O"EE " engraved tbe ten comma n dmen ts on It. balls ou l and healing UP tbe 80r es , 10 fh e o\l ts ld e world, with 1111 ils wlckedI' , t'\ .. • 1\"" ;;---.." ~ 'I r~1 I' ..l;~ vi de "' lIb Ih e poor , an d r bope som It wos a coupling pin. Ring Olr,-tlle tiatllllls t ho-ugb l 1111 was grea t. ness, tb ts o lll man. s lmplo 0 8 R Chilli . day. It O\l r cotl ntry go ~s to the dogs. " CertaIn Cure for Hot, Aching Feet. ~~~u.~er~~~e~~ Ohlcago T r ibune, Ie i nsisted th o l Ih e lelld or le t and yet foxy a s t he world coes, t h is DO NOT AOOEPT It. SUBSTITUTE. 011 overr boL Lo rc~l .l'I. \", so a r espec t a ble man cannot bold of· ,111m, hnolV lI ow milc h I ~ would be t o easy lllark \\~ ho Is lo ld Ibal th e d in ns. n CI!, o r do , bus iness on tb e squnre, to I o ~ liS , 0 , we o\lld se nd to Ule clr· o rus s tili ex ists, , nDd belle v s . ft, an d me ba ck here alUl beco me one o r you . ffIi. lDOtIe),,: the' leader iold pI. he comea to Ibis 1',0 lie)' to find It. U co In fn l. an il work t be ga me to tb e limIt. It )I OU lind you-ca n no L ml1ke It po)' Ollt here, ome ast and J will g lvl! vo u i h e! three-ca rd m nte nnd lhe s ll ell ga me con cessIon \\' li h our s how ,next Buntm p, r , wh ere you call mllke a good liv ing ,ou t o f Ihe Ja ys th a t pa lronl ze us, an ll a lways ha ve II lit tle money left 'I' he n we get (hrollg b w il lt tbeUl. wb lc h It Is n. s ham e ror Ibem to be al· lo wed to car r y home after .the evening pel'rorma n e. I tbaolc you, gentlemen ," , _ Then Ih e iovln g cup 1\'a8 passed, wo sRdd leti oll r ho rs e ~ nnd tbe ro obe l's gui ded li S tn th e dark through ,lh e! \'al· ley. nnd ali t lowards the railroad, pa's r.nlldl ebaga fill ed' wltb th e tall.ted maD ey, At dayli ght the nex t morning, when ' tb e guid es lef l us, pa tooll a big - r o ll (J f Lllls oul o f h is s addle bags a nd OlleDed If a n d, by sosh , It It wasu·t a Ih t o~ old conted erate money that , ; , . lull "am. the eornpa"y. California PlJr Syrup Co.. was n't 1V0rt h a cenL ' Pa used Bome . . printed on, tho ' front of o"'ery paeka"e of the ,,_nulna. wortls Ih a l mn de tOe 's lcll, nntl tbe n J r lc Il, 0 di d y. a. 'Ihrough tile Vl\lley. Yankee Enterpl'lse ln Mexlc.o. by Rell~ble !I" d Ile~m s ucb a decent IJ rl~oner, aD (l ,' sorne one tolr1 hIm that Adam lind Eve .lln Mex Ico." sold J . It Hughes ot, llael ~4!e n elicit s oorl (:o mllnny. !llld had were slill olll'e. an ti running a s loelt ' St. LOll,ls, "I ,me t hus liing and enter· , \leen ,RllOb a help In 1\l 1;(\'l ng lh e bull e~s ' r a nch Ull In tb e D g Horn 08s ln, he r rl s ln g Amer lcllns ev er~where, ~{ O·lIt. Knowittg the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulmt " luI, o f lhe \Voun de,I, ( hM t\ta gaug w a~ I' would believe It, .an l ) It It Clime t o him ~I'ey Is a lmos t 0. ~- lInl,ee t own (ll:d nu ~oln ,; 10 let , li B SO rre~, wlt hOllt talt- I as a secl'l!l that S' ,lomon III 011 ' btll e" idl\l1Ce o f Its Jlrog'r,e ss Is the con tions made by piratical ' concerns and sometimrs offered by unreliable icg 0. cen t tro m us,, hilt' WIIS ,gO in g to l glory WIIS p;a cc r lhinl ug In a dis tn.n t sl rll ct ioll at 0. SHi,COO,OOO s teel Illan t. c1ralirs. Th~ imitations are to act ir)juriously and should consld! r liS fl on 'I'ar y IlJ,e.m I1r8' of the ') I\ II ~ \, o ver I he mo 'mlaills, h e would " rn lb e sl n:e o f Cohullo. 1 clime a crOdl , thcr~o~e be declined., fiBn l,': ,a nll dll' ld e Ih e mo ney ,tltey .• linll ~ rus b o ff to e ngag-o 11o10mon to drive a ma'o wb o ' hs d a~Qulre'd what I)rob• eour ed In.. the last 1Iold· up with us. ; a charlot nex t year in bls sh ow, Such abl y will make him n mult1ml ll l na lre BuY' genuine- always' if you to get its effects• · Pa ' sld!! Ir e v.-anJ.lld It ls II t orly : an'H an ability to absorh lh lngs Ibat ore -an estnte of 400,000 anres of land, cleanses systml gently yet effectually, dispels colds and headaches t1ianlce!! lb ,leader tor Ris klnd ..words. r llOt so. In a world " 'bere nil ll1en aro ' ap parently worthle ss" yet wbl eb wa hut ba 8111d th ere WaS n lItro ng reellni!= ' :S;tspl ciouB of eRch otber. s hould be en- tou nd to have a vas t lI~ount of rubwhen bilious or ' constipated, prtVmb fevers and acts best on the la tilt! eatJt a galn! t ttltl)' goO l! peop ie {'u ura ged, This old lllan comes ' to oll r l; r trees, ile got the proJ)8rty for a kidneys, stomach ,and bowels, a laxatiVe rtmCdy is' needed 11k.e ' blmse1t talelng ll.ln te'd mbney. i 'Iulet vallell, wbere , 1111 'Is pea ce, and ~ong and the rubber ,vlll malee blm a by, men, ~'omm or chiIdrm. Many millions know of its bcndi~1 aud wbllef llc woulil not \tont ~o make t wh ere \\'0 a~e honest. fresh from l11e fortline. Away ou t toward 'b,!! Paclfl e • "J.lJ>aI1I!;IQU between ,.tb (l melhodl I wicked world. wb,l 're grafting Is a I cl- oaRt I m et a ' torme r UnIted St ates effects' from actual uK and of their own personal' know~e. It is the _In auoPI" to secure talnlod money. tn ~ I'n<:e respect ed by ll1any, and where ihe army omcer wbo !Jad an Immenso laxative rcJ!l'Ieciy the bual0st\B or hlJ; b.,yay robbery, he hoped I' bank robbe.r who gets "bove II million Sligar CDne plantatlen lhat ho toJol me tile llojlng .to wblcb he hatl been elJ!cted !n ~olciom convicted and , nlwu'ys r eo wu eqllal 10 tbe m(lst prOtluctlve ,Alwa~vs buy the Syrup FJg. .a !J0llql'ary member would not InsIst, I ~pecte<l , wblle we,. wbo only ocous lon- farm In Louls illna. He ralaed his cane MANUFACTURiI) BY niB " ~E (8 ' arnlna away any ot the taint .. ~ nll,y meet a Il'a'l n Wllil 'lI re'd IIgb t anti by Irrlgalloo and tb er~ was DO Bue.1 • mODEY. I "ass tho plate, and take up a slight tilin g as a failure of the crop."' Vou IU'. all right til Ihei:\r)'. oM : !l.O lIeCtiOn, are 100Jo:ed UPOD as mea' Washington Post. in~D.;' laId tbe leadtr o f t be gang. "bUt : w h:) ",oul~ comm it , 1\ cr!~e. Whi. tbl. money whlcb mlr;h ha,'a been ; t;!n1temen, our profusion Is more reODe Funn:v Thing. tain ,1HIth H 11'18 , bipped by ex- , "j)e ~nble thaD tbat of lha man who C'alvlu-I maintain Iblt womeD have p . 0 • -a11111reet 10 tb:! far WI':lI. ' ! :; ~ppotn~6a u.lmlDIBtrator 01' the ee- no 'sense of humor. ',~b"f seldom haTII ... .p 1J,s,ll purl lied b,. passing fbrollBlI , t.·:l' (If It ls dead friend, and who blows a proper appreclatiOu of reall,. IUDD, ' .our bana.. ~lIere It II .. beeD carrllu, ; iii :1Ie m-or.ey aDd lets the wIdow anll Ihlngl!. cp.1l.,. ~!I'ilA rapr.l CD pack bortell. QrphlJ1 co to the J'OC)rbouH. or the of· C1areuce-OIl, I don't know. Look . . . 1WIr. . . . N .1iiitlllflti,.. illl · .... ry talDted P'I'Q Ccu' nf a ....hip b&l1k--"1I0 borrows hoW' poP\llar CII011,. NIl1rlt. la with
~Ight. at which we , s hall
~ __
__ ES.
- --'- ------.
tilt ·
for, Over Thirty Years
Signaiure Of
The Kind You HaYo Always,Do'ugb!,
There·-is only One
Oenuine-Syru,p of ,F igs,
The, 'Oenuine is Manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. 0'
The Oenuine- Syrup of Figs- Is for Sale. In Original , Packages Only•. Druggists Everywhere
known ,
the the
wcU-in£ormccJ. Genuine-
~ bleD blowlS
Jlow••e 111'0- ~ SIal! ~DI)' 01 Ute »09r aDd .btD till, tllea.-calvtlarl lAa4v.
SU\IftIMIIIGO. _.crrna
. .. ~ \.
~.~=e~~~~~~~~~;'''~••''''''IB'''''''~~~''~~~~~~~~~~~~~!L~~~~''~_~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_._~.~_~_~-!!&~~;~;~~"~"--"""~"~"~_~_~_~&&2~.~2£"J2. Wilson Harvey Pleasant Ridge. Lytle. Concerning
' - ... -"-.~Near Death's :Ooor. MI' H.'II 1''' loIlrh·Q 11111' r PI'Plltl.y hlld nllfl M" II ' n" ""el ",if.., Wlllt·n r Wlll!uu tlarvey, a pioneer ...... 1\ IlPW "hinglfl f\ I" pilI, on blM hIIrn F.lIIA wll' oml .1ll" Ih I' 11111\ ('h .. On .. h,,",I~mn8 Po.. t.'(l MJ'II dell t of 8 .. rveysburg wbo b ... been M ·r ~~rlltJilt Bru, w ll, wtrtl IIUlI little ~'rye were, I hll 1o(1l (j"t~ , t.. F. ... ,. M' IIllt A·t b t' 1I1I EIlwtlrdl! Greillt wrlhll" fr"l11 In 1)1 hell I th tor 1I0me time, lIre· terwort.ll !lUll fluully rl!Ctlutly . W"i\1tIIlt,:IOII, 0 .: ' ·Yon rnay add Han 111ft, the uol., o lt~· 1~lId OIUII to ported lUI bolug In , Il very orltloal George Du.u!!he~ty wife 01;('\ my l\/Il O I" the list ()f Bome Corn. thlR plllCt! on the Fuurl h to sptlud coudltion and it 18 feared 'btl. en.l thl' lillY \Ylth rollltivel!. dltuglater Stolllt .RV 11& Hllnd u.v wilb rs . .. may coruu . At Ilny.time. ~trs A I1I' n F.meriok. Mrs J . B. Mrs Llnooln l1'll1 ohilrl".·n. J. 0 Cllrt""rlgbt hU8 r til vod 8 .JOUI!~ . · MI'I' . Jum .... John>! nnd Mrl! Mrl! U. B. KIAinhtllln IIncl chip d id Ohruniu Sf)rel. IlOst cu ru fn'lI\ S. S. Felobbeimor. M" t:lltl" ElI1l'Titrk wer ll abl pplng In IreD undll ad wilh Mil! Wlllllun A~ II drel!slDg for old ohronlo' who ('ol\l!tloteu 1\ olothiog store Duy toll l'hl1r ~ rtuy Bllrnhllrt Ilnd ohildrl'l1. 80res there Is nothing so good •• here rnt· .1 ~hort. ' ti m · "hoot len N I' . ChIiR. E J()bus Imd wife on !;lurton EllrubRrt and Jumil.y_ wer. Ohum tlerluin'l! &lve. While It 18 nol YAUrl! "go. Mr. FalobbelDlllr jo.\ •.• lu pltU."Mlt IIttlo' Ihlv.e over tl ' ~ Ul' .. tl!. of r Intiv R !:lnl,IIII .\' adviso to heal old 80rea eu"rely. tbey lihoold be kept In a goed o,u· wrotu from Bllmbur);!, G ,rll1flllY r t11t1 homu or Mr. I:iUl'l'Y ~ uhl\ti Rt · Mrl! ~'rnnk Rogortl oullllel all be dit.ion for wbloh thla B&lve 18 eapeo· l'his 101 hi:;! t1rllt vil!lt 1.0 tbtl aiel Ladies Misses and Children. lJul'wltl ' nudltY ufterlll,On . Iltlrent.t! Mr . f~nu Mr::l WiIll,ulI ('Illey ially vlllullble., For sale by F. C . . . connl ..·\· !:'In't! be Oliwe t" AmoriM Bohwartl!. Mrlj LIII1"U TI' unll ;;on II!IIIIO wont If thitl pIRU!! re08ntly. when finite It yuung lUll n " _ __ tu I)l\ytlln Ull I.h l! Fonrth, IIIl1I Mrs.' Mary l~n(1 O(lul Oray "IJllnt tI- \lIrEUI1'lllttl MIAMI lhzli:T1'Io: : Longllore 8Jl-lut 1\ faw dnys visitiug "I dRYtI hilit weok with rt'ln.l lv.!l lit Buggy Wrecked lye III the i!lRUG IIf tbe Dliyton ill thut \llA' , r turoing hOIU A &t· WnIlUlRu . in Runaway. J ourn,,1 of July 5; I noticed thu ordllY. Jonftthllu Fawulluer of l ow" , vis · ruarrluge of MI ..s Ruberl .. Conrey, Mr IIUU Mr~. WRiter Ktlurlok Ited with bl!! b'ro ther II, ItlW Burri· As MI88 Minnie Blirtaook and TOLD IN SHOR r Stili Some Improveof TTII.v, New York, t.o t.ha I,.;porting WOllt 10 l:iprillgboro ~turdllY eveu· ~on 'ornell 111111 cbll(lrl'lI ,IlIoob ouel brother Mr. ' Ed lillrtaook' .of tbe PARAGRAPHS ' ment to .be Made. ELlitor of tl.... t ' lJiIotJor. Mr. 8arry Ing. Intend ing to feturn t~lllt ovell · Oeliu . 8e Mil not beeu tu WIlrren Mllldi erun nel~hb~l'hood were oo~. , I A . aill ,rer, of DilytOU, Ubi,) . My ing. but on noconnt at the threateu· Cuunty for thirty yeRrR. lug t." t b Wll Frlda.y afternoon their lin. U. M. White for bllrgllinl! Iii I 'I' he 1'f'0 IJ' e ot oor "mai e bove Rttention WII>4 draWl) tu the Itn· in.; RllpaOt uf lbe weu'tber tboy tltllid Mrl!. Barry Stoktlll IUld Mrs. Bur· horso touk fright while uear tbe MlUlaer,: Do Dot ftlil101aKeR IVlln certRiuly taken a great interest in nouncel'n ent by the Q1entlol~ of tbe over 'nlght" returning home SundllY 't on Earnhart h~'Ve beou on tbe sick re!!idonoe of Gllldman Em, and .... of 'beee prlO8tl. beautifying their property and In ~(lme t~nrey . The nllme brought morning. list. they wore thrown from the bqu. and II-uohter In law ' of putting it in neat and attTllot1ve to 'IIIY mind t\. 0000 devottlll pa8tor I U' p' C " t I The ~nlmol Wll8 not caught DDtU _ .. The lIlllrit of huprovement 8 a . at urren spen ((ever II Tbe IOn _ lb. and lin John 8 Tht)lllSon . .shape before Ollr rrlends Ilt a dis of tbe M E ohurch of our villilge. naturnl p08ae88lon of tbe AmeriOllu dllYs 11l8t week with her brother "t:eaohed the Methodist Uburob coruer in W mynetlvllle, rr«;lm ~. Loul" are their I$uests ut tance return to tbe IjOOnes of' their Only Il ~w o~ tbo older dpeTlIO~s wl~1 paol)le. Mr. CbBs. E. Jobns hll8 George Larriok of I)&lr Lebanon . Tbe bOln" . w.. preUy badly 'belr bome all the Leb"non pike. . oblldhood and view the improve. re~e:. r t :v.;~er~~ 'gflU~ ema~ recently blld tbe west side of hll! 81lrr; Smith ~nd 1j18teT8 were the .N~~pahr Intend!! to Iltlve mtb'mt.JIldthdat have taken plaoe since Iln t 1S son I . r. esn a OYt 0 ' sture wel4tber boarded and a fre~h 1tuestsof Burton Earnhllrt anll film wreoked, but ita ocoopantl tlIOaped aya. Ilb ou t en summers. ome 1me e0 with Bome brulll8ll and • leVaN bliituello open all we.. k !toring tile · Al .I di 111 al 1 t l· t Ilfter Mr. Conrey left Wa"'nesvill.' cou t afPA n. wApplied ; aleo , two il y "'....&.Iday n Ig bt a f II1st w,oe k . "lime ComlnK. but If \' un WlIllt m08 every n v o n own . . ;J , little wlndow8 were inserted to al8hRkoup. The horae wa. not hun. . wurk done, don't put It off lill then hlle felt the Insplrlitlon of tbe ..I rues be was lIuperlinoated. and 8ettled oU l l lilt t r ' th tide ) 'loyd Savage llpent Wednllllday for 08 and be botb will be bU8Y . and tbeir pr~perty show a a pleasing II. ,mall fl4rw near Urblln.a, wbere uw g I to en .er rom a ~ , night or last week with Ruy Cor , ' result But. 10 .. pita of the fao' tbat t,he moll boy Wilber.. grew to man MN Je88le HOOBier came froUl nell. Yn Charles lazy and little obild th" B me Coming bae beon Il cer bood. Be entered the world of D...yton to tbi!! pilice on Wednelldo.y The Cause of,Many ' ."bo baore been making II u utended tlll'lty for eighteen months ther~ bnslnes'! all' a mall clerk on the in,t ending to spend the dllY qu.letly T.wenty Yenr Battll!. Sud4en Deaths. .' ..lilt I' tb8. home of her , ... ,her In are still some pla088 undur 11Ublio ~uute between Cinolnnati and Co with tbe folks Il~ ~ome. · She was a ' "I was a IOMr tn 8i twenty yellr Tb I d' - !Ie . rcnillu in tlai. )aw. oa Maln IItreel. r ..lurnll thi" oontrol that have not benefitted as iumbos. ' But wbile 8tlll hviug at ljttle dlswayed and dl811.ppointed ,to battle with ohr<lnic piles Rnd mollg , COIlII:;;m~s~d;I~~rO\l~becaule~dec!ep";Nlil to berhome lit )o:1~,l; ·, 01': Wush they should if tbe oorpor&tlone hav- bome with hie father near UJ'ilana I ~Od 1111 except ber nlotber were nant sor88, until 'I tried" 'Buck len 'p .• ift. ing them iQ charge bad done tbeir he became acquaInted wltb and hl'\plul.( tu ~\V01l the "nuks of tho ~rolca Salve; which turned the ,deatWi are caued 1.. ,loa . ; !Ide. by curing bot.h, tm IJnt .. trllc,· by It-heart cU.... 'Ther. will be a picniC and lawn part. married Mi8a Alm& Bublu& Ber~ fi!: pllrty. . r emains." writel4 A. At. BruClfl. III eue pu~umoni., 'a~ Merrltatown 101D0now, There ill the lot r;lurro.undlng the Yonng Mr. Oonrey BOOIlI left the 1 Thoogh. lI08roely &8 forlorn as \ F.llrmvil1a Va Bellt for Old UICAnh~r\ failure Of, [:c:P:::;;:~t~hl~ 'l'Iaarday, a'temron and, ot atond pipe whloh hlUl been au eye i!Arvice of Unole SaUl sud took R GolJtlmith plctuced bls "088erted oUo, Bur~ .....nd Wounris. ~Go Rt 11' "blob there will De a bIlll lI"me 80re ever s nee tbe vlllage water Iloaition as 0 commeroilll traveler Vllhlge." yet our IlLtle town . Willi ' . 8obwartll. nev diseue. If betWetlD WaYllenl1l4' allel Merrlt8 plilot WIlS 8I'tabli8hed, aan It III 08r· for R hirge houlle In SYTlleu~e, New quite rteeerted on Uie Fourth. Many - .~ • klilney trouble i.' Y ~ . allowedload,...ce au wIII fi ud tl 81108 pllper of ·' iliekielllcy.poi_tU,.D tRin the Board of Publio Affairs h8.8 York, where he'settledperlmllnently were abllent fL!hing, Ilome Iltten ded ,ed blood will atn ut paId out three dollars for its a u Il very handaome MIllry. At the oolebr.tlon at the Lobllnun Flllr great IUIIIlatRD08 In arronglug yonr . D":=::~:~I::~" ::~:; :uU:~ restoration In 8b: yeltTS, and yet It 1.h18polot 'the ollreer of OUI' Wllynes Groundil, a few were in Clnolnnatl, Home Coming deoorlltions. 'l'he 6 '11. ·~~\~~d~:alo~rf:skfJ::!.~gt::::~~~ belongs to the village of Waynl . .\'IiI1e boy, Oonre.v, end8 so far 118 is I others were In Dllyton lind IItl1l a :.letta bas a good qual\t.y of p:lper brealr.tlown' and wastc .way cell by cell. clayud entel1alned tbe bttl.nce of f I at I ... _ da" 'b. rollowln" ou ' eson, it0 r . ville. Ilnd ,will be visited by hun known to the writer. tew others attended tbe display of or 8a e. Bllldtler troublell alJI~lost :wa~" ren t ... ..... ., "'.. ...... . • 1 froUl a lI.,rallgelllent 0 the kldue .....nd UMllire Eh D Burn~n•. : Mr, and dreds of people during the hed live Tbe time of the Rev. (',onrey'8 fireworks at R dgeville. a Cllre is ohtnine.l.qui. eft by a 'propel' 1UI N h J ' " . 8 or 81x weeks, who are anxloU8 to l)ftlltorllte in WaynesvUle 11as eacap· Mr. and Mr • . Wm. Carwony werit !-"eAllllelllofthekl<inry •. Ifyo".refeel. _no al ao1 onea an.1 ... ra. an· h d th Id . ' . mg badly yotl call · no ntl.lake bI Dab Beiohel. see tea vancement e 0 town ed the memory o[ the writer. but I to Cb ImpaigD oouu~Y on Friday w takin~Dr. J.1i!lIIer·s .5. . . . . . . . . the hR8 mode over' the "bucket brigade" 'tbink it most bave beelll at leaat view the latkr'lI old bome place grent killney, Ii ..."r IUI4 bladder renl~", )lr ..and Mrs Will Diu wlddle and f ..... tecti, on a gam' I van i a R ... II R all d \ It conects to bold .n4 or p.y . a't fire . t h Irty Y&art! slnoe. Would It not before t b e P ennsy acnlding pBhrillability ill pRllllng It, urine and 0\'eI'UarM .dallKhters. Mr. and Mrs. AI Beautiful Corwin Avenue stili be well for the corresponding 800re . CompallY deruo\lllbed it to wake ' come. thnt u,upl.c aaallt.ueuultyol ~iDI Cornell and two daugbt.t.rlI uf Ferry HutteN &8 a blot on >tbe )llndllCape on tary of tbe ROIII( Coming to doer. room for their new traoks Tbe compelled to go orten. ~hrou&b the day, ·-Ik I min if Mr Conr~ " I S YOllr pu Ise wea", t. I and to ·gc:t up lIIall), tlUld dllriux the Boy and Ray Bart.t!ook llpant Bllb· lloooun t 0 r tb e h eape a oorn s_ ' b IIt;l1l living. worll t.bey Ilre pl,ulUtu* east uf Me. too sow, IIll{bt. The lIIild arid the estraonUlW1' bath with lIIr. and Mrl' . Aoron Sears whioh hue been aooomulating ' a,. IlDd Invite him to the h08pitallty of Pllrl8 10 whllt lire called tbe Blue too fast. or does it skip a beat? . effect of Swamp-Root 'k 100ft realbed• ..., of Centreville. round th" grllCAful maple treee our village Home Comlno weekI) 8\1111 will · OOlit tllem 8umewhere you have sbortness of It stand. tbe blgh~t for. I~ woaderlul . .. '. b eath k . ill 11 Cllres of the lIIost dlltre..IDI 1'be buDdlnl pnroh .. "Ad IIl"t fall wbiQU ,bordar 8:Loh side I\t the time GleO . .s. SALK. near tl,ooo,ooo before" 18 oomplet,' r . . , wea or ungry ape s, Swamp-Root itt. plea..nt to aacl g ed At tb t " -e they have (amtmg,smo~he~ing or ohoklng &olll b)' all (ln1ggillta in fifty-cftlt .Dd from tbe Bupt.i~' 'ollngrl1l!lltlon on of 'freshets for.8everal yearl! pIIst. . e preaen m spells, palpItation, fluttering, onc.dollu lize bO\tI~ " VOIMIIay baTe. . Mlamilltreet, by Ihe M .. "hnlo Lodge Farmers' ·Club There lire still several Mdly neg. some 1600 f9reignen In their em, 'pains around the heart, in lido t!lllllple boule of tbl. ~nderlul newell.III nllilllrgoing r .. pall'tl ~n(1 arlditlon8 lected plllCe.'! Illong the approacbll8 • . ploy working In thllt BOOtlon Mr. and shoulder; or hurt when eO\'cry .nd a book tbat tell a .1I.bout It,_ whlnb will m .l"*, It ~ oO}nveplent to tbe villa!,e wbioh wt)l give. very The Lebauon FrlrlOers Club will Ilnd Mrs. Cllrmony returned Suuday lying on left side? '. !>othsel\t free hYllaail. , Addte... Dr. KillIIer& Co., Billgha,fltoll. N. V. ·WheD . alld ~u ..ablll 1,l.. ce til which to hold unplellMnt h .. pres.ion to etrllngers be entertJi I n ed Wed ne lid ay. J uly 1 • evening. If _you have any of theao ' writing lIIelltion reakll~g tbia reuero. tb.·ir loclite m&fltlngR just ooming IntO town; aome or a. the bome or Mr. and Mrs. J. M. -Did YOIl ever notice that what we symptoms your heart II weale otTer· in thl. )lIlper. ~n't .IIY Mr. Jo~)a rO"1I11I 0, d ,J"nghtera ~hese tire t.he property of Individu· Keys on tbe Lebllnon 1)llIe. t.alk Iota abo,ot doing, Dot nearly ~r disea~ed, and. cannot get ~1~~k~;~~\:~:!~~~I~~;';=:=':-t "',,., ber .. l.,llIer M.·" :oI .. r"h C1tf olllllnd others belung to tbe iltJlage! An Inkretlting progrlllDII hILS been 80 often 18 llooompltlihed a. some. etter wlt~OU~ USlstallce. adrlrcaa, Bingb.~I1\on, ;N. Y., on eftf)' ?~ Miles Heart Cure boll Ie, , ~ I .. " "III .. t ... rt Fnl,v fnr th ~ ir ond it Dlilkes tbe contr...t ~tlll .prepered. cble! of wbloh will be an thing ~e debate but little and per. greater, when they lie along Bide of addr8lls by Rev . R S Hagerman, furm hnmedi"telyl' Something ' : !r~lr~!:: f~~:ktoh,~~~'h::~ n,"" . "UIIl.l Ita ""',ill/1"III, New whnro thtl Itft.. t wl ..ltes of a Ileatly trimmed and brightly paint. of Million. 'slmllar to thll! ooourred in our vII disease. Try it, ,and see how : . I",... 01,.,1 •• of friam,l. wJ11 follow edproper&y. Iligeasborl time'a,IC0. QlJlte a. nom· quickly you will find relief, "...... MrtC Clift,,,, h.114 been ~ Oar village lying on tbe hill ,Iide, Cincinnati Camp Meetber tuill IJrUl10lIed going 1,0 Highland "About tat. 1101. I t~ W !lUltII "t relll.' ,.\(11 hi.. courage, give8 lUre natural drainage Ing Association. Grove ull tho Faurtll. btlt 8uddt!nly :~:~~I" ;:::n::n:n~ ~rold ~ ~ ..... ~ .... . _ IUI,I 1\ .t th ,' ~;(" of 96 yeara wbloh IlII "gree is to be envied bi 1I0meonA ..prang the proJllOt of 001. ~...m.rO;>I1~~!~ ~:-!:~~~t.:'l t~ .. ~. .... Camp MOf'tlr g will btl opened at leotlno ~ ftllhldK pllrty. and KO flah · .1), hRd ~Y'lfl m. up t<) die. My Wall,Chart of'three""" . . JIIIIIt U\lctlhtN 11 r j. ..1ro\lY witb pleas- leas ttivored town. s: but, unle. con· " ilid. Quite Il orowd. lIome 11mb. bOd)' wen .wollen to oneeach 2 8'mch e. wide.1l lUll, stllnt vlgilence is exercised the In. Epworth Height·s Thnrsday, July Ing tlillY thlnl and than Dorm.1 II.., anti or _ ~ . 19 d U til M 1 J I water had colleoted around my The first page IIIOft • • V.. r ~.I ....... "'iv .. r''''111 ,: .ttll"e wUh freqoentoo ·treeta aDd the cr088· • an oon nue un une ay, u Y Cwenty .. ix In number. found tbelr Fo.. at lea.l tbree months J had to .It New v __ of Ohio " the;. l "":' L::...:&:! ° h Inu~ and "ut·~f8 beoome flIkd with 29, wltll Il filII "nit r,Plllplt'te prowa" tu 'tlle bIInkti uf' thll Little ' propped up In bed to keep fmm .moth. -_ .. .::::!'t evGRID~-= IURlDI"r 1.1 Ie I"'II 1111' I woO(1 ouse ,.,n ..... , . " , erlner. I sent for !lve botU6I .of 01'. ..... _ __ 1 " _ _ __ _ _ .oj 'l ld 'l sltnd IInll .,"rovel wbicb are wft8bed gram tor every mur",II~ . nrternrllID U'lami WeduelldllY forenoon and Mlle.' Heartthem Cure, .11 an4I byw.. ~h.enUret,tim. ,I; ... :.:. "ap Up to -".'-, all ___ _ _ .. , .arll , 01.' .' . "" \lave an pas· . . "'I' had l.ltan uua .. _ OIIII.r with good well und oih I d .. wu t,be hllll!, aud in, many plilet'8 and eveulng 11811810n Ii tlrlng . ~he . !It'n ~penUhe w~ vory ploollUutly tlahing f~~n'l·,.j-e~ t:~~erI ~~ ~~ fg~ are located, all 'Blec:tric aDd Tiaetioa .. OUD.eoi.IlO8ll ~Ituated in Nortb . th~ urol!ilingllllre 'eutirely obllCured. aon. and haViDg Ilny amount of fun .' :rfcn~lnc ~'':':~n ~t~r~!~ Il"li Ra ilrOads 1I¥»1fD. all · .~ .... R oute., ud portraits of . . die d f W '11 F tl If tbe ""eather Is favorllble for Tbf'rfl will bl! no I'lUtrll1' lII"de ....t They brought hOlDe llever&l tlab hodll·t been for Dr.' Mlle.' Heart Care .11 Nl 0 ayne~vl e. or pBr o· , j f th the g tes til . h· ld ha' • I · Tl'ouJ4 , noW' . beJJL~Y .,.,.TIt." GoYernon. . , • ul"re I""olre ., tlll>l "moe 3t Ollt, "I !loor ou oyment most u e , R I ~ Y"lIr. lbouarh bODe of t em wou :ve . L. T. CURD. Wllmo,,". K,.. n.. other " .... _ of ALL. . . . .. . .1-•• & . -. , . . . d ·"i' . III F I 'd t f 1 I Dr •. Mil... CIIf'I I. . .Iii by VB .....- -•• - _ . lin RebecOll JAlle Sidell eerved g .. tborillg!! an enter ... nment8 w : or IlIIrlll'o !'r~ rf'Il'II·.UItl! rf'ntinl! broken" twenty pbun Ie 0 BOIl 811' 1. tou~' drufl.~ who will Auaran_ that Chert are Ml,pe of' the Ullitiil . . . . aD .• aepn' lap per ~onday evening be hel~ 011 tbe sohool O&mpU8, and tenta or oottllg8>!.,nddrt'lI8 Rtov E . S O.wing to a comblnatlon·o.r ..ev~ral h~· :.rr~.f~~d· ,,':U: ~:n.:: . If It f.U. with pOrtraits or aU the PraldeDlL to .,.rty young ladle.; consist ul1lod~ ~hil grll88 hI ' properly oared Gaddis, EI'~ ..rth BellCht~l, Ubh , dUferent agenoiea, we. bei leave to l Miles Medical Co" Elkhart, Ind Map of 'Panama 1h0wi. c...a of .1I111H' Rae, Mlirle and Jean forlu tlwe tbe lurfaoe wUl not be • , .. ' . .tate 'haUhe lilt oUbe Lytle K . G ' lOne, with data relatift to u...peart J ran ••• III ..ell Annll 8ainee au!! J oOllf"rta l.le nor 'lUractl ve tor w.lkChlmberlaln S Coush Remedy .E. officer. wbloh appeared in tut .E ._ - ~ -- -' -. ~~fted~t::Wo:I~:, ~~ &cbl,n JODf!rt. ,,1"0 MIl"ter Jamie tll~ . Il"ullt upun, CIl..,Cald•. Croupancl Wh'&QptllllCOU&lL ..week's iuue was incorrect and aak enterprites attempted.! , . . Boovarda.. and D R. Anderl!on Wtl.ll E'·cr.v murning btltllnesl! meu and ~bereaders' pardon. Those &8 glven .J,. topographical. Map of lilt R.1IIIia preeen' bv Ipeol .. llnvltll~lon as be r '.I t.I,,n~ or. Mllln street bave their below ar~ tbe correct 0!l~' elected . -. n·~ ., Japanese War district with' data ... " .. a 'ormer IIOhool friend of Mrs . tlhlll" ul It.. lind I!treettl lIwept up June 26 and dw,f inltanea 'J oly 3: .& , . dewll or the two great Armi. . . . . "dee. ..~..... ,l"\ , 1111 IIIl1I Iht' lilrt IlDt Into heape. Z I M M ~) R Ai .It, j)1 , S PlUlt - Ct'blef, Wilbur 9lark; Noble Navies, battle fields, etc:, ~ Evil\tmtly there 18 nLI one Il.ut.hor. Chief, Georie Beott;. Vice c..,'blef, , ' th Mn. IC1Ia Furnas. lind daughters, ' K eo rea.1ut ,NaVal attle ill tilt stniIa til i .111_ Rae, Marie and Jean, have i~ ·,1 lu r"move the I!Weep1Dg9, or Buy 'your Ill. J. Uarmouy; Bigb Prlest, Everett A map of the. World, with N ..... _n Kallltli of honor lit several 80. th~. '1II1l "xp' ot.od to do it II! very ro IIlarly; Venerable . Hermit, Clyde ., of Rulen. Coats or Arma. F1ep vi ala'.nMiot.lnwent.!! . recently 'p rior JlIi~~ lu 1I1:! duties, Ill! they ore per. Cos; Slr Herald. Ora Warner; all Nation.. Steamship ROIl.., .... mit ted. to lie out all ~y;where tbey here Wortb" Bard. Clyde Wh.rton;· ." . , data. ~d :Statilticli of ....... eat wprth. kJ 'belr depanure for .he Eat8' Fri· " 0 her Wortb" ChamberlalD, F. A. Bnider; t mapl are the lire IIgliin sC/lttered about by wind ""1 · Tn• •,. .f&arnoon and even" , J , "~.H .. ""~_L_ ._.. lanUII, tlolllhe Irllmphig o. f borllOB, and are Entll';"', LeIter Kenrick; , Esquire, Cards of ' q uality. • ~wall, n . . . - . _ ID" alre. T. . Fraine Will! ..I'CO I'n I nm'e "Lo..: n ' t . 8WI,IIJt ul) the next morulng'With Wm. Grabam; Firat Guard8man . ,. c .~ . their hoa• •, Wodo8f!da.y, Mrs In beauty, style and finish, no "An index will loc:ateu1 ...... . Jam.. Sbn&e6n&er1alned th· m. Mrs'. accomulation8 of tho preoeding day. Sberman Dyke; 8eoond GUIlrd8maD, desired and is 10 ainlpJe a cIWI ~ tt.jth I'u'rnall' al80 blia exte'n ded her M"nlb~ IlgO it was agreed to erect Earl Thom~8. The trtltl~811 were: others ,c;ompare With th~m. undentand it. The Chart is MY, . bUlip6talitl to 'bem ' on 8everal 00 itrohes over diffdrent llOlute along C. E: Jobnl, Sherman Dyke and Found .whe'rever socletv correct uC! up to If .. OUiOllIl. . Mulll tltreet for eleotrlcal dlsplay's Wm. H. O.rmony. The finanoial "' iIlvaluable 'educator, iDdetpCuablf ' dorlng the reunion of our friends. oftlcen were retained ae tbey were plays cards. .Cold 'edges. for the Home; . ~hooI, LiliJ.." ... . lin. ltlI\r$\n Zeller anel daughter 'I'he time for t.hls event' ill n~. but· wl&b Walter Kenrick, lIaIter ·of ... .0. College. " • ; &aoordtl; AlborUnaoYa! Keeper o~r , . The pr:ice ,ill ...... ~ .. Milll aI.ggie Zeiler went tu OlDcin. R mOll"'l tlIRtant-, and we·see no sob DIltl lu' Ilud visited for sevur stUll t,I.. I aVII. :I (lno., of, til t arohlll4 YIII Rveryt"ing in 8·e ason . d W. A' ... 'as J . B • .J:.urNBY• worth is many' #mea~. ..,.. . wellk . l. Exobpquor.n . CI IlrA EDqu~r Comnan., Ja .;.... dill al d.y.· wllh tbelr rel8.t1ve8 thore, "111\ tIle \.IUI'pl,· tire apxluu!l to !It'e . Oitlr" of Exo.hequor daart: Free ~lIbecn';;-:'''' amllng, whnm were Misti Marietta tUI:III . • _ • I,Hoyle :':-:::J~C:= "eekly EDq~irer wh~'" (Ju1l Ne 1 ,ul.llIlt!terl! at Ludlow. Keu •• Brin~ us your elnCa, we a ,A g.rd Lot. from wbam ~ ..... boaellt...-"*-for a Jan 'lI.bIcri~OD • far .... Yoky ••nd "leo Mr8. 1.ellllr·1I sun 'flud.;h .. rill IIf Il UIMr COmplexion. pa y,inar oUrouhlefl "Ioontenll witb. IIprlnll ~. S. PI.ylne Card Co .. CIlJcIrlMII. O. J ~ newal Of olchubsc:ri~ ~_ WUbar and f.mtly, Wllbnr ill fO-t1 Nnthlrll( I"nd. more. to person.) from II tOl'pld liver and blockaded :I reap .ricb harvest soIidtIiiI_ ..u of 'he railroad prfntlnlC dep .rt Ittlorllcl.ivell6t\." 'tban the clMr Ikl a ~, . . : . , Per ' 'lOwell4. nnle.1 100 .. Wilken them fO.r thie plUld o&r.. AdiInIi _ , , _ tbe large new 8lltablillhaneut, 111101 Irtll!h rUIlY complexion th., ___ . . Doze thelr pro",r ac"on ,,\$b Dr , Klag·. ."'\ ==;:::_. -_ . !INQUIRER aYlPANY. or H_" Pnllb on Pike 8tnet·. who oorues to th"l!e whrl UI8 Lua.ko·a " n New Life PUll; the pl.... n ...' and LANG formerly Ii"ed In Wa,nesvllle In 1,lblllt.fI, 25 cent",. a guaTllDteed oure IDOl' effective ooreforConeU. .tlon~ •• ,.,.. ~ lJI"OIIIIfty DOW owned h)" W. H. for'sallown888 IlDct-OODltlpa&io Tbey paveD' AppeadlolU. aDd &onl BIDOlIVlLLIi, <>!Do E. Janney. uplbeityaSem.15o a. ,. C. Bah SP.,.AL'rIIIB: D...... orWO. . . . . T bOIl'" warb dRS alon. An OIIILDIIIIIJ. . ..
Former ~esid 'ent8.
Canvas Oxfottds.
81.00 T 11.75
'hoe tOl'e
#, '
How Is
our Hear' t?
J.,,.. ..,
p. layt·n'g '
0 ltO(JEH.lES
Best Goods Lowest .Prl·ces
a ' I
"L. ,.,
M n· eM
".'n" c-..
NU~I BJi:l{ \l iB
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miss Mary Edwards to
Married Today.
Miss Milry Edwards, Il. hlghl .v O~· teemed lady lD Wnynosv i11e , 1 to be 11larrie(1 lit her home on low.' r Mu.ln tltreet, t.oollY I1t one o'clook rh .....~ r emonv to tie performed by I:III"jtl min Hawkins. pastor of the Wru 'Dds ohuroh. ' 'I'h, ' hll \IllY groom Is .\[ r . Wm !-It.nrhllol! "I B"'llll11 11hll lll, \lllbuU\t\, /If wllll'h' uil .v h " i~ m Cly,;r, II nrl wbt~ re h e IH "ugll l!l'd ill rh bri dge huslnese. Imllwdill t . ly AfloAr the 0 r(>IIIOlr)·. t it " brIne IInfl I!rOllm will go 1,\ Wil IIIlnjott.m whIm' t,h"y will "1)I\n<1 " ffl \\, dnvR vl,.ltln~ Mr . ~turbl1o k'!, rH11i titre';., when tbey will I" nClllll1 t,o 1,lu~lr Ilflutb p.rn hmnn, where the h .. ~t wii'hell \If n. I~rl(e oil' Ie (.f fri ends for 11 lon g, /lnll happy lifo willuttend t\lern . ThiN murrillK" iMt he on Iminll tlo" of H, oourtllhil' dllrinl( tlcllOtll ddyJil lit WilmlnKtl,n,. whlob fute ~eems to bolu in rAflBl'Ve unW now, hut it iM believed UlIlt tion a the Ip.t!s hllp pinllSl4 will rellnl t , 'I'he nlllrrlillte will he wltnflBl!Cd lIy t,be U\IIthAr of the hride, Mr .. f:iIHrlt1tttt EU Wit rill! , nn~l .LIMo her r"nr Mister": MIRII Annie ErlwardM, Mr!4 L:vdl" Presnall of Fuirmount., Inrlillllll i Mrs. L. T , Grelst of Ne w IndiAnll; Mrs , B . M (;ireist of Wltllhln~t o n D C
Eth .. n C .. I,·,nl\l" flf ('inainml t.1 iM a r,dllt,r.1 B (Jo'1o:m lllll.
~' . M. '1 1I rll ,1'lh tillY a ll hu~iDl's ~
Centerville .
Lytlt.l. 1) .,\ r 11
:-'.I1I 11r.
M '~~!'
k " " p .. ,' -" ~ I I " , '.. I, \'f
MrR r.lll.l'g:orilt ,I nh(l ~ IInti \II ' ~ I eJ' l1mI tl('C I",'"1'1I W ll rl' II ,1\' 1'(,11 " I "'I '
II ,, ' \\' h nn:; ' , WI ttnrlrTtln
'. . " .. I' I I'll' 1 1 1111 , .. lltt.l flg'''I'llI1 1 0folt, l1C I t:'!i rl ' I I ' I 11 , ) 1· . 11t1 ' r "" l " It ., , Fur " .. " -~I X 1~ Ii ~ l"t wi ndowH . I L:O IIl!! I"" "" ' r" llI " " 11", ,'"II",,,,, xli.! [millIn, lit tU III ollion. Mi!<so!! lr11l1\ IIn ,l mnllC'h '~ 1:')['11 ,,11 I 1\1 I'll"" ,, " f .. II I w II ' 0 til Dr Mil .y . Oen tlMt. will be lit Bnr· Rpent Sntllrrlnv nig-lit " It II nil '\I ' 1 . . ' " l .v 1 '" , 1,' . d tl 'M All 11 1>\ 111 11)1 \ 0110·\' " . 'U'!l llqlltl " tlx t. "tl~' I4 I)\\r l! 111\ lI e xt wee k. grt~n mo IAr , 1 ri! o )t' rt , ',1\'1\1' , \\'I"l'k , I" " .11 11\1 dll r ," !! IlIt! SOil" II Nut B.lrue tt, r)f Wu.!!bil1~ton U. B. MORNING EXERUlSE~. Mr . lin i Mrs. HILI'IT M (\ HI II III ~ e', n,·"' '. it< It ~Ul'ijt ut, tho b lllOO of his ullcle !I. l 0 O'olook-An hour Lof g' ro( t.l1l1;. re llnion aUll 800illl illtOl'COUrse I~n d littl e (\nlll-l hl e r I. flll "JI"" r F 'I " '. W Bllrlll't.t'. ou tha Sobool G round~ in cllllrge of tb o r cup·tiou com"ll ittee'. W . H', AI , !:3llndny wit,h rulnfi\'Ol; in B,~I1IJI·'I(lk . 1ll. g1lt" 1l,'/'.\'Hlf Ul ~ r" "''' I~\' II:r Ille,lll1st 1'1 ' n,' " ~ tl t1I 'llo1 l! ... o\' urtt l.V Wlt.1t MI'H J . W l:ilsey nnu Mrs. Mar.y len , Uhairooani J . ·E, Janney , Emmn H i"hwaY, Ida Dak in BILwke. r~inl\ Staoy LllInh IIlInu (1 nl\l ~ nll ('II' ~onHll h l n!! !1·k" C·.lll·I '· ',f 111\1" ,"" UI II vc r spent 'fhur dtiy of las t week' M. Wright, SU80.n dldes Hawko, Uhas. M. AusI,in, L!\ llrlL Hnrrlll MfI~ ho r, ILn d AllOt. MI' . nl111 MI'!', .I , \~ro "h '1\'" f" ' IOP I'/l1 M,,,,,I .. \. tl l t"rnOll ll ' "'I th rolllt,I"l!s In Xcni... Minni e ' . DodRon, E l1zo.betll Chun(lior , !C"IL Fnnkey Anu WArr n R eys. Chnmpi ol1 , Ilf [l( lI bronk. Snllcln y ;\\ 0"< 1'l1l'kt. r. li lll " o lll y (1JILlI:(lIl I k - A!:Isem ' ' bli ng of formor HIgh . '~choo l pnpil!! . And invited fI.ft.e rn oon . MnMtor P'LIlI BlLineK 114 vlsiting hi:! 100 -000 C It I7.1' 1\ , I'"'' 11111' In il II 11 11 I II H1W' r r l llll lIuUt IInu I1nol e, Mr and Mrs. FraDk g u us~s , in B il( h t:lohool anl1. Mr . lind I\lrs. 'ImR. E. John" ("n· o nr villll!;I·. ~0 1JI !-( 1111~ ti l"" to'I'roy 'l' h nIllJlson, Rt Klngmn.n , Itert,niued on .'u ndny ' hn fl . BOI1~I I, ttl hiR '\\'1\ 111·oIH·rt,y. • . I nvooll tion.Rev . •r. F . UnuwA!lnd r . wife lind son Kenlloth , of ntll1r WilY ' *7 00 fr om Ly tle and !lU Y p oint Adurel:ls of Weloo me·,J. 'ViiI White. '74, Vicl~ President . n es vil1e Wilhut 1>u\·i" I' ncoi\'011 II ~ e"ele illjnry in th . ..ill " I f w dll~v" " gil on D L & O. to Nillgnrn. Fa.II1:! nud ReE<pou e · Annie o.:weet Rirl ge, '(12. Mr . lind 1\11'11, AI Cor n 1111ml fllm . whilo hn11(1liIl ~ IL h .lVY h(;' f l:J 03 r turn \3uturdllY .iuly 28 th Roll eull nod Historioll.l Revlew of oili er ChlE,ses, Marne '!'. Brown, 'H I, ' i1y , of nelll' Ferry , w(. ro I,he. Itu r · was k li t in hl ~ bell fo r II. t ime. Miss FJorllnoe Bnltten, Ii tellohur l:Ieore tlny, I dl~y ovenilll{ Cli llor lIr Alhm EllIor . . Bil ly K o rn ~ . tllo itiu ra te hnrn!!!'!' In the prlruury depllrt-me nt of tbe Addretl~ of welcome to Class of lUOn Irma Ellis, '03. ick llnd wire . IIHlker 11",1 rohlll(1 r, hil S rM,.. , 1I t',1 t.. Bethel, Oblo 80hoo18,i8 a guest of Responlle, Olive M, Parshllll, '0(1 , I Kenriok 11IIR hI' n uh~c\lI t e ~ ntl'I'\' II I " n~I1 ' n . "n,l i:; no '" Jllyi"~ her broth er, Prof. O. E. Brll.t te n . Preilldent'i\ Address~. M. ',.rt wri g ht, ' Ii , I' .fr om our vlllll~(J tho ~rAlltel' p rti OI) hi~ 11'11,1,' III tll1' 11t.IIi· f.., ,,IIl' h ') I1 ~lI Let' Van Bllrlin~eLl ; a hrlght HUl e Ii: • 0 1 t,!11l PIL~t. w k . bniuf,t in Kprin~. on IIU' 111 11 l\1l-~ . \V" t.ld il" pr p .. rl v fellow !'ro,u Den n, Ohio, Wtl.'f the . ,. ,rly Mee t.ings of the Alumni AH~ooll1 tion" O. A. Brown . • l. born workin g n n Il ollnnrutt' j Ill) on Mlli" "Irl'l 'l. g uest of hili 81 ter Mra. U . M. Wlllt.e R e nding of Lott.erl4 frum Ab~eat Meml,e rl', eorlltLtry MflDle T . whioh \v1L" nWArll 11 hil1l th orf', t illth Mit'R Hulll" Vror nnrll. Ilf O,Lyt.o n. Ilis t week Brown, ' 1 of 0 mont lng t,IHl 111\ pm nt, t)f Illn WII" 11 11"'1'1 ... /1 1 11~t. l'h nrMdll Y to " , Mr. J, B.. G rlJ11uoo hilS been quite Eleotlon of Offioers for Ensuing Year. Sprln g1IDro ~ohnolllni1 l1ing . 11\11 11 in till' ntilw lI ~' "I1I I'I I'Y, w\t,h " siok the VlIs t week due to 8 geneml AFTERNOON EXER 18 ES, 20'OLO K. Whil e Robort, ~t. J oh n wns hllll!1y ~nlnr.v o f *7:) I) r m ont,h . , 'l'h ll~' brtllLkdowD In healtb, and hia con "My Boys and Glrh, .... Prof , G .. J . Grabnm . engng II b Iplng All II Eme rlok hoo wont II) Dl' tl"Ult on tll ei r weut.lln ~ di tlun hilS been the canee of ril'uoh " Our Teaohers" .Viol,. Keys Hawkins, '74. loorn III t ThursdllY foren 90n , he trip n,uxl ty . • r oeivod o rdel'l, to U pper ~lIn '1'lJn Librlll'V (a uh lIlet H,t tho home ' !!+,Ow " ing " In Memoriam" ·Frank H . Fllfr, ' 4 u • I A IIn'liL IF' Ill( ,du!!Ik y on b us 'm o!!!! , H went, liS Tlf ~lIs~ AlIU Il' .1111111bflr. , it1:4 f,lit If I III Tb o "7tl Ur enll Coun tys ndvlLnoement in the "Recolleotions of Other Years"-S. A. Stilwell . qni Clkl y liS h e orluld , kn owl ll !.( ' I'cre lury. ' ru'~(lIlY (I\',·n lng. Aft lr FamIlY ' Troubles: Aired Agrioulturnl ILDd industrial field " The Oo ontry Boy"-GeorKe '. BlLlly, '7G. however , how long h e wnllid \)fl thf 1ll1dine8H; II plAIlRIL nt IItomry in Squire's ~ourt. will1}e h eld Angust 7, • 9 Ilnd 10 nt "'fhe First UomUlenoement" -.J , E . •ro.nney, '72 . ~o ne ' ohnt. WIIS enj ...y ..d enli voned with Xe"llL. • Th~ Old High SChool "-P. V . Bone. IA 'rhre-bing ont of t h e 1\ Irl i!l the ~l me cOlln m1rumR. The fl~mtly troublOfl of I..Rfayetie .. A, mun d Il W r Ig ht an d f am 11V " "'d ~rs. "The Higb t;ohool of '1'0(1.. ". "-Prof. C. E. Br'Itt n . Ilnl!'r (If th A u.lY, In thill AllotlOll "'I L Ie n. Wllrl I I{.... e v(lr, W I10 r,~co ntlv . r . NlublOllIOII who movtlll from Oolom are hll.vlug the plensure of entar .• wh ell t In mAny InMtnllcllM ito ,Yielding t urll(111 frlllll H"nT ~oHoh ool( Fri en,h,> ""11 IL IOple of yOl~rs ngll to the .111. tainlng their relat.h'Cl! Mr.llnd Mrs. "Bohool Day 8weet.hOllrtll"-Uhuk MoKay '83. hetter t han the rn.iICers hnd nnti i, P nl\f~ylvl1nln , IIpant, t h e Fourth, 111' l-lll1!O '"rm !lonth ot WlLynosvjJ! e, Wm Bowers of Loll Angeles, Calt. 'l'hirty minntes of Remlnhl 1I0tl In tlhort'impromptu tlliks. 0. High pu terl wbloh III not riften t h e 011 e . anll hi!' hl'othof Wynue, rl llwn rill wflrfllClven p"bl\oit.v in Squire Ed fornia, and Mrs. B owers Sister, Miss Bohool Experience metlting.· W , F : UIllrk threBhed eleven nores the (lId hOinosteau farm near Riflgewllrllll ' O,lortthltt TuAl'dllY • I ns t rumenla I IlO'(} V00.11 \!loslo will be luters persed In the progral1l I"st tmturdnr wh ic II mn d e t hl r t y, ' VI' II e. Tt (tef'I1l" tir mnrning. Niohol8on 's DILVls, (IRnghte~ and hor hutlhond wbo Mrs. Albert Terrell Ilnet ohildren to be in oharge of Carrie Barley Allen L ou J3l1rnett Barnhart. UIsrk one bUllbe]s por (loro, or a t,ot"] of 'lllIS Mont,~olO ery was thrown IIvlld on ber fMber'!! fllrrn hlLve been of New VlennlL werll ~Utlllttl. uf ber MoKay, Clifford 't:!. Ridge, George .Ifonk~y and .I!~nna Sellers 8tuhl ~ ' 3 42 bushels . viol n.tJ:;: ot'f hi". roow~r by the nnren'n Rev Benj HllwklDS and ' " , I I bilit f b h orstls I·UtlOlo" a\\,lIy wltb the m iL· hit viol! t,ronhle and recently they..... ....,. EVENIiN6 E.XERClSE8, SGI:IOOL GROUND,S, 8 :1l0 O·CLOUK. Owing to t Ie UIL yo t e p ilS· ohine. In!!t, M~D(ln .v. B t> ha s b een A E i f tor, R av. Dudl ey Mllttbews, to be IIepnr"tf'li, ~hA suing her hn800nd wife life": dltYIl Itl8t week a.nd were for HlhllOllV ' nOCOm].lllnlOO bere by Miss He lun n xpress on a Appreoltltion on part of tillo former pupils to the present tbe n ex t two SUUd.IYS, it- l1nOonsr\ [l IlH mOH t Qt the t UIlO Sl l100 Thtl 11011 i~ lit W In torn Kued ,bls Sawkins wbo blld beeu 'Visiting oOlumunity-President C. M.. Ud.rtwr,lght, '8G, WHS agreed on thl\t IICOOlln l, nn(\ l)n heinl( Re Var Iy injured Ilbout, tho flLther In IILW for money he ' olaimed wltb t,b em f,)r some time Respoose for the Oommuuity:"Re v. J ohn F . Cadwallader. cause of the Mlo.mi VlIl1ey b(>nd IIni! Hh onldnr . , WM ilnl' biro Farmertl, olLll in Ilnllliee the Hrlld· Blind Ooncert lind Social entert.inment. qua, not to IlIl ve tLDy SUDlIIIY so honl. An f>l1i11ell olo f ghmt1l'.rs nmon g '['be 0.\110 m.ftlre Squire Ed. ley /tHng plows.edge drop oorn plant. The evening concert will be in oblLrge of Frllnll: H. Farr and E , V. preaching setvlce or Lell~ue mtlet· hporl!bel:< fh' llI \}rOkonB~ritl 0 nntdhe tMI, ltl 'IIIOI~~ wlLrd .. Tu(\!4dILY, Hnil Will! oompro. ers. one and t,WO ro w corn oultlv&- Barnbart. Ing for th1'ee weeks. ng nrm netlr Ig I1a "' . ' tlilli II I,llm .."t IlUllIooll,tely . tors, llLl~o ca r rY,1I roUtine of, 0 The reOel}tion committee for t be evening oonslsts of " . A, Brown, Mr . ~nd .M r!! . B. Lll mb d rove wher e ITHlny horses fr om the olty L._ ne l' pI e '~ nd anI tAkIng v n ro k ent In pl~ tu re o ']' he fllrm h IlS UUd" III be lDh n"" d" b ohalrmal?, Sae r:!lltttlrt,hwtl.! te Du vif!, Kate WOOIEIY Uoleml4D, EIIIl B, Keys, up to .Tulin!!. 'l't~ylor'''. nenr fJe ot [. b enn fJI~I\Tntlt.lnllrl by authority of Burnet Family Reunion. orders for I ~I sm e ~ .000 ,corn May WMgb~ Anna Lyle (;adw~lIader, C. H . Clements, Carrie Barley AI- vill e. Snturday evenin!;, to n oer, tho StIIt,e Veterinllr y Surgeon . SevRn 0II,t8 tert liz rs ranging, 1n prloe len , Aunle u 8rowll aud the nll:~mbt'r8 of the el[eoutlve oommittee. tn,in t he trnth lI[ t,he report t.hllt on b orReR whioh b loll t he dls61ll!o ill 1rom thirteen doll~rs np , The e,x tlroi!!es during the dlly will be open to all former pnpils of tbo 'I yd.e T.I~y l or wa, s t,nken WIth RpmlJ l l )lIll form w ' re kll1r3d by Advice of '6 ddt f 0 I I y15, 190 ,tI!! ell e~ s o a n ,11 , • HENRY. JAY . Hlgb ~hou l whether grllduu,tetI or not. They w ;i!1 be held Ilnder the a·us. llIeDin II. 'II ley, " II. we ll nil, 't he veterlnILr y , The di eli se i ~ , 'er y Ann BltrnHt III t In Owen J . I le ll1nd BlITllflt'lI II'rnVR lin tbe t-Iprlngboro Mrs. Lydia Pre8~ILlI, of FlLlrmount P oes of tbt! Alumni Assooiation . Former pupUs will be permitted to rest .of hi fri end s lit t hIS p lace, were oontllgions Rnel so metirn O!! fILt;aJ. It Vlke The wenther WRS very thre"t Indlana,I\<lOOtnVllDled by tbe 01111· ,invltl! a limited nnmh~ r of gllests. · , grlLtlfled to leRrn it WIlS only 1111 1tl1lY be c mlnunicl1ted t o hUllum. unltl but we did not mind tbut for' drRn of h er fliliter, Mrs L . T Grei t, .The exeroise!! durlDg the ovenin\( WIll be open to the publlo. 'rhe reo atttlck of pinn.l fever And tlJllt the k ill'lI n I~o. , I.e, t B t? 0 'I d nf New Ollstle Indiana arrived ill oeptl ')u Will b In h \l nor ot tbe 01t[Z9nS 'u f Waynesville Ilnd oommuuity castl Is under oon t rol. We lire wI're we, for n.. 1114 urnR ~. weo IH W lIy nesvl II e F' rlda, and. wil I remaIn . ~t b~I' U' publio reoognit I0 n 0,' th e f \lrlD~r at Ith S 0b I)u.\.1 pupUs Jf tbe bao ' 11M RII d I d I)Y tlI II n0Ws IlrlllJArAd A ttible of gool1 lv • somew (ene Oregonia. I" th witl 11II1tv of ebll.lrR ror at, ~he hOUle of ller mother, Mrs. efltl! tbe.v IlIlve reoel ved •• t the baodl! qf tbolle who have oontributed In tbat Clyde'sb r therWillie 18 nlTe t l1ritoo,"lfor; I IS' " m:e' there were thot CblLrlr)tte EdWli.rcls. until lifter the ma,uy wuys to ~be upbOl!dlng of tbe Bohool aYllt.em. ed in tllmost t·be salll WILY · 'IQ • ~ B Co I Mr .l ohn 8 II~I viHlted in '01.1111, f"lLr"d tbe rHln tlr dllltnllClI, but we , ome- m n g , ' You ~ nil remembor t he old ndA,ge 111110 ~1\IIIIf1Y . numbered !levElnt, frlllr, njoyed II Dr . Rnd Mrs T . I WilY . of Cin · Old School AssoclaLine of March. tllat "circ llm stanoes ul ter OIl1\es, " j:tO<oU 11001111 liroe Itnll RtA\1d t.11I twi clnnn.t.i, tire spending the sumuler tlnd y ou r eCll Il the manner in wbiolJ Cbl~rlll~ Brndhury lIJlent 811nd!lY light. ~bllllow" wlLrnl3d us to d " pIU't. vncatlon wi t,h their l'elativell Mr tion's Plans Cha o nge. sOOle onA piotured OUIl of onr fn rm with ,Joh o 1:;1IerwoO!l. 'l'he next meeting, will b e at E 0 nn ll Mrs . AI. red SWlLin near Ridge Form on , Sixth 8treet betwe.en ers wh n tbe wen ther . wos 1:'0. c~m Dlwul,l , MoP huil 1" Rpenrliug th e Burnet's one yellr frllm now , ville. The), xpeot t,o oome ov r to 'fhe ~)Id t;obo(11 A~~ooi"tion hilS North ILnd! Franklin Road ; then on tiuuou \y cool lllst s prl ug. Slttlllg !illllllll r wltll hi~ ullol e, Mr. J . K N ortb "t~:eet to Fourth i 8 0u t h on 1l1l doubled uJl hefore the firel)lnCo l lom'lIT ' Tbotlll present were: Ow~n J Bur Wtlynesvi!1e tliEi 811t.ur.dQ~ before nAt,. wife /lnd df~nghter8, &ra.h, RODlA-Coollng week Ilnd remain ohllngeu Its duy of meeting from .l!'ourth 0111 to High. ILi0ng Bigb to with two lln.lrs of ",,,olen \look 'iLOU' I , . . Mllb~1 ,Dinwlrlilie nnd olJildren, tiel - du.r lng tbe week. They will mnke Wednesdll y 'untll Tn6!ldILY of Home Third street; 80uth on 'I'hird to Ii pair of the 11 st g rude of felt b 018 'fho Mi!l!!~S B e lon 111111. Eh~.nbeth Rn. Anlhllsnd Rne; Hurvev Burnet. t,heir henrlqMrt.erll ' at the Friend!! C~lDlog": e k Il:!outh Eltrtltit i along !::Iouth to Main i on his feet nurl then n Tlue f,o ll wnrm? RoI'f;lIn nJoyod th oxourslOn t,o wife and dltu(lbter Olltherioe i BOlLrdiDK BOOla , fhls "'!Il t h e me tlng of Ilud o lon~ Milin fjtreet to Franklin Well the Scell hnR D' \IY c hnn t::ct-l Morl'l)w, S lIlIduy . .... h B t 'f d hill n • tbe AIC8.oclat.lnn th o, firlltu f tht! I11ltlly Road', tbence welit on Franklin n Iltt'le. ,['lIe 80 k s IInlll)OD IS lJave .".tlp en urne, WI e Iln 0 I r .. ll, 0 , R . And r!lon hn'l r eceived word glltuerlogs thut WIll !.IIlCe \Jluctl r.tnr. &cud. to 'I'hird. ancL south. on l'hird l been hlmg iu t h e woodshptl high IlIl l 'l'h"lUJI!Wtl i~ now employert B'Lrr,Y, RUliAel, 'Mlldred Rnd Baby of t,he de'Lth of hiA life long fri end, Ing thoe week . , to Miami street., woot on MI'''ml' to 'f or t he bunlhle IJee a t,o build n ea t a in the,Ou,vIK!:3l1wi n g M.uchine Work!! Boy: ,/. G . Bornet and wife; M.ll' Llent. Woo . B BUllbby for IDllny It t d th 11 "" ~ n ~ t 0 to n rlon Gordon, wife and 80n G'lll i'l yenrs edit.or of a d lll>artment in the IS expeo 0 , ILt liD nnll!'llll Y Fourth street, along Ii'oarth 8treet in . . Th f'lnu o'r hin~self c lotlll'lrl ID n ) n~ . HIlmu1l1 But·terworth and wife i Obl()!1go Inter Ooean . devoted to the large , nm» b.... r oi OOt<IJIllt'rtf ur the t.o Frauklin Road; thenco west on the IIgh~est weight trousers lind Mrs. !::Iue ' borwood lind two Chllrlel! Fr,ge. Wife and ohildren, inlerll8tll of tbe lIolilierM. Lieut. AIlIlOOIU.t.!Oll will return Ib lt< yellr . Frnnklln Road to Fifth i south on 8hirt .obto.lnu,ble, UlJIl w ltb n o oaks daugbtars, t he M i!<l\e~ Mury ancl h"ifth to Ghllpman, disbanding on at 1111 is seated on II wicke r uot · .rulill, arl1 onj oyiug nn oxtenued Uurl lI~d ' Glenn i Ernest Butter Rnllhby died in tbe hltrness hllvlnll worth. wlf~ t,nllson Bnrnet, i Milton kept, i\t. work IIlmo. t contin!l0usly ·Notice. Ght~pD1lLn Ilnd Fifth. tomed choir out under tbe old opple visit in the W t . Ke~ s. wife. IIlIn W"rren lind dllug h uotiJ' ohtlmoo him ' He 'vi1\ b It will be noticed tbat the pro. t.reo in the front , yard, the oooillst ·.i'h e Rev . U. L. RUM proll 'heu his ·As tim tilll 1:l of t,htl III jet\ql.( qf t,he pOt!Od lIue, will oo~e within n blook s pot on the fluln. Ho Is uSiu g one lAl:!t sermon h er o f! ulHlny . HiM Itlnro ' i.e r 'sma: FraDols B.lCtilf1c k, wlfe iui,,~'p(1 by thousundA. ILnd his tllki,,!: Hnd ohildren, L{nijS,.Allett 1L.\(1 HeUl!! ; i off wil] c.tUl!e 1l11ecl 0.1 r egret omnnll 0111 . ~llh O(l1 AStlOu! riuu hll >l b \:'HU uf tlvery r esldenoo in WllynesvllJe. h 'lnd to keel) away flies l\Del otlJer will 1.10 Rtlppliell Iry Hov , Wolbom, ClAm A 'Burnllt, wife and Illluuhter I the ~ ..ldle rl! . ol.l nngl'u f rOlm Wt I lne~ dH .Y li n troublesome inseots, while in the of DILyt~1U . 8eAAle Ilnd 8li1""r Mist! B liSS H i l l · ' . til Tue!!dll~" t,he 1'1-1 11111 0 11 011 tile S d S h other he bolds a huge VlIlm lanf flm HnTI Harvev, wife lind (lOll Alvin; ' Mr. Bnrl.on Ellrnbllrt who rOlllfl ell fOTllltll' pupilln,f .T. 0 Fulkinburg un ,ay cool Picnic. which lie swings with !lucil vigor Ii!! Mr. and Mr!' , F'l'nll nov" nre V\.I · . Bennie Mlilll, wife l\Dd daugbter In Wn.rren county, three miles he- wlJI ttlke plooe Wedn esdll.y ILf ter. to riv!ll In effoot the electrlo fan R of Ing nt MrR. GOV\ 'H h o m o. Ne xt ~ :lIrrle; Frank Colemo.u ILOU wife i 1t~\V , WII ,v nesville, reportt a I&rgl\~ noon instellu of 'l'llUr8uny I."e rn oon 'fhll pupil!! of the M. E. l:lundlllY the olty-and still he is too hot. week they will 1011 vo fnr t.lle ir fn . Will Pine a.nd wife; Mflry Elli8 Ilnn Ylel!) If wl1!'!at t,bR.n hll8 been report tl8 first llllJnned . Bohuul Wi ll pionio in Uhll.rles Uor. t ure h om o 111 Mcohllnl p'"hllrg , Mn Beroice; R\III~ Bornet Rnd ed llY Ilny nne in thlR spctlon tbus Jlell '!! WOIIJUS tOUl orrow, T h u r s d a . y _ · I J" I 1'1' I . 't' ." L . Ell D Bu n"t '· ... fe fllr. Mr, Earnhllrt, hnd out fifteen Spring Branch Mles MI~be \.neg 10 !1 VIRI lUg I h ...,r ,uro., • . IIIUg r c" · ,VI 1I0rc" of wheal'. lind wben he threllb . Th M\:wbol'!:I uf the !:Ichool will meet at h er pIITe ntll nnll !<I!'l tfl r , Mi ~s Kri eg · Ilm1 ROIn!! WlLlttlr, Chft' n.u rl Ihlladrhe i ad fi n l'hll1'11111ly ' he found that hIS e weather du ring t il" oJluroh lit ~ o 'olook where IlLrge _ M'r s. Chnrle'!I JOllo~ Is a"e riou.oly 'Ill h olT is olllpl oyell II !! book keeptlr nt HherUltlu Dvke, wlff! tllll l 0 1 ren, f b lillY wujtous will bum readlnes tu ~ ~~ ~ ~ f h I II . ('inoiu Bh~nohe, R61ph, WlllitLI.n; Alvin and orop ~'iehlp,d an lLv,erage 0 4~ ullh. the Week . ollrry tlle:m to the woods. at the tIme of this writing . ono 0 t e drge rill" HI - , • I r ' J Illh Milts ILnd Wife, J~ elll tn ~b e IIcre. Suoh Il ytold ?t • nllti. · .aLve n, 08 . whell,t 18, .yp.ry remllrkabl,o, in tbls EDITOR 01<: MIAML GAZItTTI£ : ' Mr. and Mrs. H . . Dakin wer e I' f l u , I C WI' lk er tlOll . h t f tb f , . t, ro . l.U r l't '. . For' pnbliOlLtion in .vom 1)lllltlr I CorWin tMe, gAut's 8 O e· dofrr.n~r II toB I:, IInd 'so n Charjol< viRI l e" 'in l\1orrow , , seoMo n amI Mr. EarnblLrt's farmer III M Orange Day at Chatauqua fr:lflllllll will hlLve to • go .I!oQ1e" if furni!!h herewith r6OOrrl' of meteor. , , .' rs. m.o s ,s nn oml y ,o 11 - ~l1ndnv . Their t,wn Rlrler !lQIlR, . ' Itbtly h,'n.t him -Xenln Gazette. olol:i.oul o~!lejov'~t.itlns t~ken by thfl _. ' land, Friday lllght IIDCl S,tu rda y, Ualph-Ilnd R!lY , l'ut urn",1 hOl11o with 'rhiol mAnogemAnt· Ilf t,he - MIIIUli . ~IT ' and Mrs, ,WUl. Bergdall, nra.r underl'tlgnoo !III II oonpertLt,ive ob, ~ld8 , Ldhd Nedry wenu Monday Little Coloman Morgan wbo WUS them . 'I'hoy lind hoen " I,he ir VH Iley .UhllutHUq~R )11'11 lIet "part LYII \>. I\ntertHined ilt Ii fO'n ily dill ,8ervel' of the Wa H.tber Bnreul1 Ilf m~l:lII'lg to Dtlyto!' to meet her thrown froUl II wngon nnd badly nn '10 In Springboro. . '24t,h ott Grllnl!:,"e PIIV ner "' ll,ldIlV. IIt .which was present'. the U S. Dal)llrt'm e nt of A~riclIl . U1 cuu A~I!jtI WuodliEgllt!rt, of KttnsaSllnJ' ured IIbou~ ten dtlYS ago amI . . , .. rn ' 'l'nAsdIlY .•Tul:v , tl1re llutl' n the k ' 11 J I' v lty Mo . ' '1'he m eetlUg of t h fl Uhrl~t.lItn ""D· ' "011 menih6rR IIf t,il!! IIrdHr hi thill Mr 11 1111 Mrs' Hum Berl!;daU and ' g WHe AD[ ng .11 Y , • who has SIDCt' b een oared for by (loamI' Sooiety WIIS het.t e r IIttonlll'tl vlnlnlt.'" 'L re mllob interflS1ifuj. i n .tbe Mr ~ RabeOOll 8er~dllJ\, of Peten 16 HIOii . lit· Wayn, ~vi11e Ohln . Mr: uud Mrl!. Kirby !lnd dtmHhter ,Mr. and . Mrs. Wru .. 1:I0biet o.t . t hmr In st SundlLY night t,)lI~n it, hllH been IU'Ol(rHI)) fllr that <illY. . , " . bUll!, Wpst Virginill . wbo 8r~ vhlit ver~R~:p~~t~~~~~N EU, EI~lu ot Uor.tdt! unu Inr. Ilud Mrs. R. home In Wo.ynll~vl\le, WitS, Ilble to for SrlUle tlUle llrevi'lu~ t.o til l>. dll ton. Prof . P G Boll1ll11, wholnorensed log In t.hi s neighborhood n. short A . Hooth oj Lellll.Don ,ware guests of be taken to tbe hOlllo of hl~ fn,thor, We nre glud Ihu t illte r(~ t in tlln ,UIA corl\ or/·v In I" wll IOIIIIY mill. tlnlf' hl>fnr A prooeedlng on their WRy ... . l>. Mr. lIud Mrs. Howard Buoth tinnday. Ed Morgn.n of this p\l~oc, Friday, m eotinj,(1!1 is inor.IUlilinlt, IIn(\ hO]lo f ..r Ion!! of hUllhi>bt bv t06ltohi"~ t,bem to to vi ~ i t relHI·i VAI4 in llli'noll4 , M.r . and • ;. 'I>, ~ ] ~ ~~ Mrl!, ' M.oDolllll(l of Do.l'lllll Texas HISS Katherine GrabOlD, of n en r its OOl1tlnuall r.e . urow thf'lr or"l'I' RllieQt,lfiolllly, wll.l Mr ~ E S KeU.erlllnn , Of Lvtle. Mr ~ .2 '0 '0 "" remrned hOIne &turd,,;v I~fter 11 Mt. Holly Is I\. guest of her 111101e, f ~ u g IS IS plolltllmt 'visit wnh her fa~her and Mr. George Pratt. M t H II ,be prf'Rf'llIt, iUI win HI,HO Allr HI .lon~~ unu Mr.~. E 1., Bergc\ll11 lind httle IIIlAt n"tlonH1 mRllter of the ~r811g~. 8\ln .'if Oll,vtqn, ¥ .r . a.nd Mr8 Sam. II) , U ........... U 6 6 !!I .. ter. . 0 y.. lwl H ll nkll~ of Lebanon and Mr llnd ~ ..,00 ~ A (,Ifowd from Dayton, Roxann, . 'r.'m s" Sold. · 'M'rlt George W Henkle of Fe~ry. Q.c Q.c ~· r. · W . W . Arnold WitS IL Sunday Wayoesv!1le . nnd . this vioinlty Mrs. Amo~ .JIl.ok",on fl ntnrtllmefl 1'wo Fa , . 'lIq''' nuq vlslter' iil,' l.'inoillnatl. Ilttended. dance Ilt James Uhon,o. Frldn.y ev'ening in 1I 0Jr(-Ir or her lion, , I \\Ir; and Mrs. Jamt'8 'Blaokwood .. r e-. ~ It:> . • I.wetb'. Sotllrday evening. D!lvid Lucn~ 111111 b.ricle who Wttrll o .1 EIlwHrdll h"8 sold his ' 'fum ; of uL.lnmbus Ilnnonnce the englige 1)~1I jl9ttua! ~ .~ MIRs H,enl'ie\~ McKlnsey tllMlnt . married In . Nnw";\rt,, Ke lltuoky on the Davt,011 lin" LtIhllnon pike to : In<'nt of their dlLtJahter Mabel at 'lIl1jUJVH BllturdtLy' and tlnndliy willI her Mr . • Dd M·n. ' Wl\lter DakIn reo Thursday, t h .."" prei'lf'ut were: W~rl'fln t!nrflloo. Itn\1 h"" I'nroblll!ed ', MI'" 'WilIiam E!tt~r M.aoDonald . The ~ o"".t:> ... Q> cor.' 1I\uthtlr. turned hom (.on Monday 1119t, aft~r Mrs Will Brn(\i(\k, , Mnl,tifl 'fom ~be holJ'll of. John Edwards wHrldlng to occur 1n the f~l1. Mr t: '~II8Morl to.., to '" co to to P~I)ea,8 Collins Ilud daughter" few daY'\! ,'I ~lt with tho Illtter s Levi Mrs Ode Mllrln tt. IIml fll,mlly • ullne of MOI'l'oW spent t!imday 'Wlth parenb, M.r. ILnd Mr8 , FrllUk MlLple Mrs.' Bert lind <1aujothtor. •,1I.lIH fanll ~.couple bf mt11lR below I,MilO . DoDa.ld blla many frlendAla town for $4/100. . . , thi:' O" llUt,y . HI8 home.belnl( In wn 8. his t!18ttu Mrs. Weliley Bigp. family of Leelan, Mrs. 'l'om Dill, Mrs. lem Zimmerman and do,u,;cbtt\r, . Misy Ohl", , • I mln!lton DJ~tt1 within ·the ptl8t t,wo S '~IIQqilJB ~ r:- C> ....... "" ... 17-00 f~ ~ F"lIs nor! rAtulln ,: yellrl4, he hllll rf.llided in OolambU8 ~ OOaJ OOOOfX)aJ Mr. Ut'l o Smith of Clnoinnati was ~ TiBBae paper tn both . white and DaughteN, lH!18 Heletl MoUIDrfl, I oa.l1ing 01" frienda here Sandal'. , a orted colors forea:.le &t tho Ga. Miss Flora M,, Mrs. , Will I:MtaNlltY JI1Iy l!8t,b tlckl\tt1 ICOO" '.or I He 18 tl OOlUlln Of Mlt'tI Winona Mao IS day •. A"k t.loket '~nt 0 L: & ': l>(}u,,1d of. B.llrvl'y'8! ul'g. Tb,e Ga: Q ...... ~ . . ."... Miu ()ora BWes lpent, Sun~ 811 om . Uauabters and family and MI'. Lew () Z\ltte joln8 a h(lll' of friends in wlah 8'l1lQ'" ... "','" ... ... ... wUb relllU.,_in lIol'row. zette ' 08. , Murry with his Phonograph. ini them· ,"God .peed." IlU"~1 "f 1I1~
1)8r S Fd(lu y .
j \.\'
I ).
"' ii 8.
1-- --
The Minm i Gaze teo
When Delia Was Seventeen
BROWN & .\1 .1( \ Y. Puhlt.llers. t!!!
W ord COl' Mot or Car . ry Im,JlrOl'elUf'nt In loe' omotloo JlII.!I cnll~erl both I)lsrom (ort !tnd linn' C8lT. [ t Is I'rOblllll1l lllnt lh' Il ser" 0 1 ~ledg ..s " If'\I' d with IndlG'1lI1UOn th ~ adl' ent ot wheoled \'('hl le8. Old
8, Gert ie Dc S. Wenlwortb·Jamee
PI' yuu. Cnllld-by," W.IM IDolr'H nn ly an · tiwer. as
rai~" d
IlUl ~ l l d W h u t ,I n d
til rlll'd r lgh I nWILY. The 1I~" t mI n ute I 11'11$ s!IPulllng to :-"IIl"1. 11'11,' al ~c",i\ ·,1 1]\\l\c III' rVU1:S. It Is n', mut'h u r It \·!tll llllh to m"lw II silly boy b' r _ 0 Sltltl~r all!! s lam· III r, bilL wIlen II'S 11 ma n "'ltIl "Hlrullg , hea vy-lI dclcel. nmgnel I ~ t!y~s, and Ihe I' hest of a Norse I luS·'- WIlY. Ihat's quIte !tnoth I' malto l'! " I \' - 1- r- was JU. I lool,l ns round
II Is no lIS~ l rylng to keep a <lu ll y l O fica-" Jillry. b c II SI) Ih ln!,t!< don 't happen " 'I' ~ e lhe dogS?" I; In l'ef "uPle,l, l11rl ut s sltow thnt t he fa st. cO:1Chf'1 21'e ry rI ,,),! hnl on blrllldoys s,lmelh lng .catterlld 00el(8 Do d benls nnd lerl al wnys hnp I'AIl~. so [roIU 10.,lny. Jll ne lh ltll, tn g It would lie tnet: II a ud WOUl Il n ly to help 111m out. I " Ill I;ol ng to keep n bll'lhdny dln ry . ,P06tchnlSCS In t ho dit ches, behind "\' s." he nnswered. lookI ng ri gh t an n lett., os If he W!lS nrrn lel aO m c on wo ult! rO Dle Il long a mi d ist urb us, It will bo within . Iho rl!olOlI ectl op 01 lullr hour: ago- uccorcll ug to wh a t "They ore t he n~w lot, Il ren 't they?" 'us 011, sOl'S tile F or tnl gbtl y Review, m a mmrt tells me! "Of co ur se thoy nre." I SO lei , 110,1'I! \,enteen ! t hat ror yenrs ulc),c ll sts were de test. ding lowa rd s th o stabl eR JIIM 1<8 (oh ! Ed, denoll nced nnd persecutod, II n4 or co urs ' cI'c rybody- ol leas t, Lad y ho w I \l' nulll hn ve lovell lo shnke my t bat e l'ory horso shied Bt every bl. L,a ndo r nnd M!ss Ca rtw right an d I'ussee l'ehlt1I'e) ElrlCiI ('urnI' Illou!'; rrom ~)'cle. [n al! t hes e cases t he publll bl'len- SHY'> lhllt I am too you II I; to r m y lll(' lil t! don r In lbe w uU wh ic h lelldi haI r to go Uf) and my s k irts to go has had to grow accl\stomea to n e" do wn. li nd tb nt I ou ghl · to W,ll t u ntil II'f) 1ll t he gro unds ! as with joyous hearts and sm Il in g face s th ey r~m p a~d play-when In health--and "Oh i you nre h e re?" !'olle sali!, wl tll conditions 01 l raffic. So It Is an~ next y ar, wh en I cOllle out li nd :u n how con~uciv.e to heal th the games In which they indulge, the outdoor lIfe they 'w lll be wit h tbe nutomoblle. T o-day, pr sented; bill mnu~ma Ilg recs with me 11 ~ llI y lltll e g Iggle (lIl;c sixpence I·Ot· enjoy, the cleanly re gular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome tllng In n J;lass ) t haL IH so Ilb~ urd In :l In t be min ds ot Lbe un tb !nldng, It 11 lIwt a n ouly dll ug h ter (as p ciull y wh en die t of which they should partake. H ow tendetly their health should be pr.eserved, 'an off n ~ lY e !nnovatlo n : In n fe w sbe hasn 't rUl)' ra lher ) cu n't help g row· "'omnn or hilI'. age. "Oh, Y R. we nre here!" I II nslV I·od. 'Years It wll! be rega rd ell as an !u· Ins up uernr her lime; so 1'01 gO in g not by constant medication, but by care f41 aVOIdance of every medicine of. an inJurinluable . and IndJ spensable conditio, III h a l'e 11 yea r's Inro r m,,1 ru n li t home In a tOil t ha l I 11111 s u I' must ha \' ~ ou s or objectionable natu re, and If at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist mnll e hor sco nt Ilurlll'ulnrly foe)1I8 11. ot socia l and Indus trlnl Ute. The pe - reellag li ke \I wOUla n, yel Unls hl n,:; nature; only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which sue pure Then wo a ll wa ll II Wl lhoUl ~1I' ln g d est rln n wIll ha ve to lear n to look be. W)' Ieij~ons Ii t l h • sli me t I111 0.' , and wholesome and truly benefiC ial In effect, like th e pl easant laxative remedy, t ore h e crosses t he road. Bnd t hlll I told Il:rl clI Illommu h rltl proml ' tI Syrup of F igs. manufact ured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has bll prover place as a r ule Is not the to g h'e 1\ gu rde n \J RrlY on my Re l'O ll ' t 'II ' 'I tee nl h blrt hdn" , so t h nt peo ple mlgl1 : Idd l comp, into general favor in many millions of well Informed families, whose estimate .~ e o l e ro,nd but the s dewalk. nn tlers tnnd [ via "Out" In u qui et so rl And It is permiss ible to hope t bat 1of II'tI):: of its quality and excellence Is based upon personal .knowledge and use. icrealer devotlon to publlc welfare will , I Ihl nl, It a p ity. denr," 8n lt! Erica Syrup of F igs has also met with the approval of physicians generally. becaus~ In the future provide t il e chlldron 01 (someU mc I nl most wish Ih at my they know It 'is wholesome, simple and gentle in Its action. W e Info rm all reputa'tbe pOor wtt h other vlaygrounds tha n eXlnsl n ha~ mnde her home so mewh ar" ble physicians as to the medic inal principles of Syrup of FIgs, obtained, by an !tbe pu blic blghways. Not iong benco exce pt Wllh us. whtln h er peO I"'l wen t original method, from certain plants kn9w n to them to act most benefiCially and :J t will s!)em a con ll l ~lon ot barbnrlsm nWIlY. be Iluse sbe IlI IVUYS Il I'g ues Oll t' t hat hor ses should have been m isused my p e~ lbeo rles!) . " Yon see, If 1\ girl presented In an agreeable syrup In wh ic h the wholesome Californian blue figs ·are u tbey Me In the omnibus anll the b glns-er- th lngs too eM ly, s be uses used to promote the pleasant taste ; there fore it. is not a sec ret remedy and hence • illigh t cab ot to-day. a nd that the~ up all hcr best emotions befo re. s he we are free -to refer to all well informed physi,cians, who do not approve of patent s bo nld have bee n allowed to depos it Is a t nn nge reull y to undc rstll nd lhe medicines and never favor indisc riminate self-medication. !tbau sanda at tons ot offensive ma nu.. luxu r y at leellng." G 'rhls mornin g us I la y In bed ' anll Please to remember and teach your chi ldren al so that the genuine Syrup of Figs t he streets ot t he metropolis e \'~r, wlIlched Ihe Bun creeping th rough 111'.l always has the full nam e 'Qf the Company-California F ig Syrup Co.-plainly day, causing an unend ing su pply 0/ bli nd llil IL re ch ed lilY new WIllIe printed on the front of every package and that It is for bottl es of one size lIepUc dust, to be breatbed hy mlllloni fro k lind dyed It gO ld. I t ho ughl about oof people. Mea nwlllle, a certalo love. anll tried to ma ke up ' my mlull only. If any dealer oriers ariy other than the regular Fifty' cen t size, or havi ng: ~.!!!~~t ~t. PU1~llt .!!ls ~~mf.o~f~n~ ~D- I w~ o~ I WOUld. marry. printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept It. If you fail to get \er Is unn.voldable : It III one at t be or course, t bere Is DoH ; but th en the genuine you will not ge t its benefiCial effects. E very family should always have 1C0nditlo ils ot progress. To attem pt to he's goi ng II braud for good ne s onl y a bottle on hand, as it Is equally ben eficial . for the parents and the children, 'bInde r th is p rogress because a t tb le kno ws how mnn y yea rs- six, se vcn, t empornry dlscomtor t an d ' dnn gel perhU (IS, milkI ng me nn old woman whenever a hxative remedy is required. when he I!o me ~ back; so , as I meau to 'Woul d be- to Quote a proverb ot th' ma rry enrl y , be nlu ",t bo left out of ]leople t.o whom we look wll b so mucb Ihe q\l estlnn. Bertie Ro 'o rs I n' t lall • dm lrn tlon just now, t h e J apanese- enollgll. Ar blbll ld Wootto n Is 100 poo r to "mend t be born and ~1l1 t he ox," (ut least I h nrll Lndy L[lnilor say b ls nnyUllug a t All, ancl the I'ory s ilence DIIIIpItIIe Pot' _ FRII'.:C! (a ther's "/ln a ncIIl I a lIalrs were In a W (lS eno ugh to ma ke Ericll feel herselr . ~'l'rJafl ";tkaoM. Present· Da y Idea s . very precar Ious s tllte"), nnd Guy Lorfl e the In coO\ col ent thi rd. A CertaIn Cure for tlr.d, Hoi, AcMng reet. AddSmyo . 0' 1'"' ,A .lleeDD, lod Th e Illeas of the present time are wears SlI ch hideous olOlhes. (1 ~blnlt DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. OD em)' Ilo&. LeRor. N. Y. MEN \VA NTE D It'S B poslU\'e crime ro r nny man , pa r"'Ve ll -cr-" sh e bega n, nCtel' a mo· _ _ _ _ _......_ _ _ _ _ _-:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ hlgb and elenn. nnd ne ve r betorfl FOR Tl-i E NA \Y. WANTED ... ~. " .. DTe rr, COUnty : .IIMr on , '" !lava public men bee n so Quick to r ~ Ucu lnrly Il busba nd , no t to be we ll mllnt. No w, to do h er justice, I cOllclude howe ..ork, ~~J~ l<i,·(Mll'':~·{.': 1;''1.I~:'H~I."£: Mechanics bet"een the. .~.s of 11 and spond to the cnll of duty or had 80 dressed L) 'rhen. as all those are ImpossIble. It t h a t s he was goin g to say : " Wnll- - _ , '_;. .,-'5 wll,lBnd IZood ~. h innl ol>ell to them. «reat capaci ty to legis late wisely. .On lenves on ly-Nigel Ross! AllCl I cer- er- I m ust be . goin g;" bu t:, as III luck . ~f:'~~W:.~~~:1 Thompson', Eye Water and fqr )' OUUQ m en b e t,,"een 17 Dnd 1S . POl tUn!, carell b, wbo posse I no had e, t hero h aood tile oth er hand, observes the Ne w ta lnly s hould n't mln u Mr. Hoss be ing would hn \'c It, nt th a t In stant. Ber lle that e LUtlo P11Ie. ' opper' un ity for . ch ane mont. A full alsO relloYe Dt&outfi t or e lotbfnl frec Rud libe-ral pa,r York SlIn, cen su,rs bas n ever been lett- as long as he was lett to me ! I Rogers cnm e ra cIng roun d tbe co rner to COmmence with. Oall or write Navy GRIST OF GRINS, b'OlI:, J)y!ipt'j)!lIa, In· mora e xtra" agant an d h eedless. Dut ne \'er read ove r th o descri ption (In to te ll me that ma mma wan ted me to Rec rult ln. pili ••• P OI. om.c Bui ld i", . Cinc inn ati, OhIo; Pos, ()15.o Build In •• It must be dIstinguished trom lbe T he Wo rld 's "Ren l '1 hl ngS) o r " Hoy s llY good· hy to some people wljo were Eddle-"Say. un cle, what·, rru!lum?" rem· Lo ui, vi Uc \ Hy. : Pou Ollie. Bulld ioc. Icav lnt,: earl y. lDdllDa"" to. Inti. . Vnelo)-:'Aw, tba t's the s turt they make ~rlUclsm th at Is responsible a hd belp· K 't bwl ck" w llhout thi nki ng of him. ,"Strn nge, heavy- lldded, magneti c "Ob, yes, I' ll com e. alo ng now," I radiators· oC." ~ BlI4 Taate ful. Afueh eha rt Is m ixe d with the )[011111. 0lUe4 ··'Fath er, wh at '8 the dlrterence becratn ot sound opinion, and th e dUll eyes , ·bln_ nd full of things thnt sa id, of course pre tendln !; to be a w· PaIn In tM SIde, raised h as nn elreot t bat con tuses should not be there ; t he mou th of a tu lly delighted. "Erlcn w Ill show you tween a lunch nnd a lun ch eon ! " _ _''l'{1I1Prn IJVER. Tho7 drea mer ; th e bro w of a poet ; t he cbln t he pu ppIes, Mr. Ross." I na iled out lUI "Abou t a dollar and & quarter, my .tandardll and clouds re p·lltatlons. retrttlate dMi ~l& I'tueIt boy." a t a vo luplua ry; nnd tbe cboat o't a we h,llrrl ccl a lt. Tbe man In lbe s t reet w ho does not Nors8 kIng!" Although It was a h or rI bl e pit y to "H,ow dId yoU get that black eye, think for blmself and takes Ws vie ws He I.s Just like thnt, o nl y more so l ha \'c a propOsal of ma rrl nge In tel'rupt· W\l lle~" "I Got da l," repli ed WlII18, Cenuine Must Bear from others In good fa ith Is barllly And now It's my · blrt h day. H e has ed like Ihls, sllII, I daresllI Y the "tan · dl sgllsl adl y. " by wal tl n' to count ten to be blamed If h e beUe vP,B tll a t tho sent me a great bouquet of wh ile 1I0w· ta ll slngness" of being kepl wa ili ng will whe n. waa angry, like you told me Fac-Simile Signa~ h eart of th.ln gs Is rotten a nd the roo ers; he Is co ml og lO t h e gardeo party onl y ml\ke hlm ,nll the kee n.o r- at Jeast, to." Nervous Old Lady (on se ventb '!loor public degenerate, We ll, he should th is afternoo n, a OlI I am goI ng lo wea r Nom says It will. read history a bit, d ig In t he "muck" my new wlli te rroc k wb lch touches the Aft er t hat nothtn g else pa r ticu lar ly of hotel) -"Do you know what preca uREFUSE' IUBSTITUTEL of Cred it Mobiller and s ta r route gTowld n il t he way!· • excitin g happened, except ,that wben tion s t be propr ietor ot t be 110tel bas Isn ' t It 1111 lo ve ly, a n d Isn 't t he slln N ige l (I !! m p rncllclng ca.lllng blm taken aga Inst IIre? ~' Porter- " Yes, times, open tbe dust-cover ed vol umes "Nige l" lO lIlV. self, and I'm poln p to m um ; he b as tb e place lashoored 'f or ·1 b k shIn In g? ., ., ot tb e c ivil war per od, or go ae ••• IY rl t~ " Delln Ross" In a ml'nute. to see ~ W I C';l Iitt It's wll r Ul," to th e baloed !lays of t he revolution. 10: 30 p. m.: My tlrst grown-u ll lllrlh- how It looks ) sil ld good· by. h e he ld my "Well , Mr. Lambkl D, how do you Tbe most strIk ing nnd Umely observa· day Is Ol'o r, nOll r am s lLLlng before honu wil li .) 00 or t bose m ngnetl c ))ress- like bei ng marri ed 1" " No t In th e 101l8t. tlon ot Mr. 'H ughes a t U.le Page Illn· lbe gla SS try in g to gel my h nlr ou t of ures one rends about, nud s.tld : " 1 1 a m no longer IIflowed to smoke, to PREVENTION OF CRUELTV. "IIe r was thi s : "We bal'e great n eed la ngle (I Frencb· o m bod It to lOcke Ih e ~ h o ll como In lo · morrow. Della , a ud d rl nlt or to go o ut .aIOne." "Tllen you WIllI .. ~ Y.. m us t be sorry you Illa rrled." " I um of me n who cnn t hlnlt snn Elly, who plnlt t hloker ) , aq<!. t h In k ing how then we' ll ha l'e a lon g talk. Good...·,_ .......... ~wI.. _Luy tl-.. A "Plnln an' Plnted" Duty That no t ai lowed to bo w rry, e ll.hcr." b ave sen se of proportion, \\'ho a re not Is traug ever yl hln g Is. nI ght, my 'blU hdny girl !'.' Nothiae _ inb • I.lbbr ooa bul doaa. Was Not to Be M laullrir3. Nlbs-';W by were you so absurd .... '¥d--ud ... that io niatlr lo ..L 'Carrle~ a way by desire to reap the I Tho gn~de ll I~n-riy was 101'ely, un Ul HI ~6i "l h~ tl'y " [I'I!" ~ asn"-t Iha L der llt.o od. I.lbbr', ProducII _ .... ODd IroiIbIo ..... rewnrds of crIticism." The public la Dolf gO I ~ lIly nnel as ke(l ID O to s how qu ite s~e e l'l A nd ,to· mor ro w w ill soon &8 to toll Bibbs nt the dinn er tnble _ ... __ • prone to gird at l hem 'when they do him th e new pups In th sEoble. . Of be Ilere . bnd to' lllor ro w w e wi ll Im·I'e tbat you Ca ll tell an ol d tur key rrom Deacon Smith and Deacon Jon88 UWoy', s-Ioto Chit ... whh a younG one by t be ti!'etb 7" Nlbbs. cOlI\'se I oul l1 n't refllse, nnd r renlly the wOlld rlul " long ta lk !" Uh , deor! Were Illllars of . nn Alabama colored 0...;... __ • .,.delr ooIod. )~IUcd""'_""'", I. w ond c~ wh a t illY ri ng Wil l be like'! ' \So I ell n ." Mrs. Nlbbs-" Nonsense. coun :.ry chn rch : O.n e day wblle ators peak, and they m ay have to .slt on f elt rilther excltod \Vh \1 he suddenly aaaeuyoaewrale.. It is at' the back seat awh ile unUI lhe world b'Ta b-er-cluspeti m y hnnd ncross littl e or ('o urs I s holl ha l'O dl (\Ilw nds, nnd 'fu r keYa haye no lectb." -Nib bs- .In g hay In the ir 'e mployer'lI bar n, DeaoDpod ~y wbiIo ....1. I Ih inlc Ii marqui se. as hnlr .. lloo p seo m " 'Yell. I IltLvo." c omes a round to th em. But III tho tn~ Tow's bac k. , T"iI ...... ,....·.. hwried,« ....,. co n J ones came ll pon a hen's nes t, 111 e nd tile triumph nnd sntisfnctlon ara ·' I).c10 yOIl lennw l 'm g-g · II.WIlY so o:d ·ra~ h!o t1 el l 80me h o w --c·.' ~ryoue:s Whl cb reposod n dozen Ill rge, white Bookld I.... " How bM. " the Irs nn el t be ailvnn ta ge .ls t ho coun· ~o. m o rr ow , 0 1111 ?" he sn ld , stutler· mot h r IH1:, {I hnlf·hooll. A man fi n,1s' It easier to , boast a t eggs, relates th e American Spectn to r . Good ThIoIP IG EaL " Wrilo t ry's. Mo re powe r to t be m ! M~y In g." III " way I agree wit h NO Ta la wish· t he ,;101'1 05 ll [ t he pns ~ Ir tliere n rc no t , "NOw, whu t us- gwlne do bou t dis Ubby. MtNelll & LIbby. C.hicago "No. I dltl n 't two\\' rOI l w r e o lT 6 0 Ing Iha't "N igel" w as Illu'le o raw oltl· tl!lIe rs a round who remem· ;"yo h 7" h e deman ded, t b elr courage no:ve r gTo w less l ' SOO Il ." I repll tl , 1:l uguJd ly. 1l . ln l(c~ &0 Iltll In ma lie a rnl r mAli ber 11 CI'CII hetter . thnn b e does .h lm. " j,.;r, reckon we mout take 'em U11 " Well, I o m, II nt1:-alHl- Dell n, dn looli 11 110" ·glrl. whll II' dilr k nile (tuke self. Cra ze to r t11e Ro strum. ter I!e big house?" Deaco n Smith su g· II 11) ll) k you coul d-erwould cu,re I)olr, fo " InSlnnce ) 01 "ul's scems toYO Tb e cable tl'om St. Pctersbllrg, r etoll , without enthu,slnsm. . GENERAL ~L'EANl:NGS . . to-ob ! ' I (io n' l ~ no w . THE DOCTOR' S WIFE "Now, ho w we' know dat hen h'long f e r rin g to t he doum n, spenl,s 01 "lho to-lCJ- -?'" Tbe kIng of Ashant l has 3 , 33~ wive&. " '1'0 noe yo u orr a t the RtOt.lOn , Do\f'!" I won der If I I5h ull ever be rea lly In ter Ma rs Will?" Bro. Jones objec ted. A grees w ith H im Abou~ Food. all 'prevalling craze tor t he rost rum ." A young J on es la born every· &0 "No. 1I0 ! IIdo n't t!lt n k I cou l l love? "No, Fu b! Oe n' t take 110 .cha nce on It Is 110 bad s Ign tor members to wan t sta nd lhat. h CHUBe I 'm go ln ' tor years . or oou rs'J .N lgel will b ~ n goo d mutc· h. A l r :.lned n urse ~ I\Ys: "In the prnc, glbbln' Mars Will lOme yuther ma n'a ml.nntes .. · to speok Many of th em have s oma· Tbe nUaiber or kpown atara exceedl you Im o w." a nti us I a m del rlllin rl· IO ma nY' whil e lice of my pnfessl(lp I have rou.nd so alggs !" ' . thlo g to say, and u tem ptlog oppor· " Yca. I 1m 11' ," ( HIlI'e I pickell up the " lIlla~ :I nc! vI leIS I) loo m," I I Ul an y points In Ca vo r of Grnpc · Nuts "Mou t leave demo hyah; den." was 100,000,000. tunlt y- t he fi rst ot Its );Ind In t heir on e at the pups an,l Itl ~se d IlS p.I M cou ltl n' t fl nd a n Icer fi nllr e (I,e dr esse ~ food Ilin t 1 u\lbeelta llngly I'ecommend th e rue ful reply. Conttlbutors to the Lon don Time. liTes- seems to prese nt Its el f. Let liS nose. ) nll li ll a n ce~ so we ll , tOO) : l)u t. a ll t ne It to all my Ilatlcnta. . " Now, lookyere, Bro' Smlt, Ah 's nre paid , 26 a column. try to sym 'p nth lze with men so plnced, "W ell , Delln. I( YOll-YOU- llo ll'! lin d Mil III e, I s l1 l1 ll nel'er .u In love WIUl "It Is delicate and pleas ing to . the 'Sprlge1 a t yo ! Don' de clturch .tench One ' man In s ix In t he America. 'II&Y8 tho WaSh ington' Star. At tbe· end an y une else who seem s \O- to-to - hi m. . pala te (an cS3en ll nl In food , fo r the us ter be ktnd ter all critters? And navy Is a total, abs tainer. 'I'hnl will be nil t he rno r'~ fos ll lona· s ick) and can be. adapt-ed to all ages, dO!)! yo' t hink dat 'cludea hens? Ef we of n early a ce n ~ ury and a Qua rler of ~ ul t you, don 'l YOll sec , perhaps- oh ! The parrot apl)reclates mu sic mora "opulnr government we have a John ha ug It nil . dear . I love YOII awfu ll y. hI e, I suppose ; li n d t hOn per hll lls after being 80tteneli w.lth milk or cream ,wustel' leave dem alggs hylill, dot po' tljan' noy otlle r ot tllo lower animals. Over' 20,000,000 . leeches were ua84 Wesley Gaines In our douma . In tlmo and I want yo u to r)rOmlse to mnn y 1' 1\1 mU l'r led SOIlIC one wlil co rne a lo ng for babIes or the a ged whe ~ de/lcl4lDcy Ill' h en woul' think ' day warn:t 'prewho- Oll . ho the r ! t here's a. lIDO tl at of tee lh rendars u,.1f!tleatlOn Impos· cln tM , an' teel had bou.t hIt. No, ·8I1-b'! annusll)" 25 ' yea i's ago. but" now noi thlll spi rit will plUl~. Walt until the m e wh 1I I co me bac l, ." " But YO II ' II rorge t me after a mont h. UIC Iloo r- It mus t be mllm ma or E ri ca; stble. For fey er patients or those on Quh 111111n nn' pln ted duty am ter.take 1,000,000 110 year tire used. RUBslans learn t he' trick 01 Ina lten. Dolt." I ~ol d, lea.nlng ba k aga lns\ h e I'll On lijh ;vllen tl1ey" 'e gone. liquid die t I lind Gro pe·N \lls nnd 01- dem '!!!g!; out yonder In dat 11lne th ickThe world's largest prune orchar" lion; of rending newspapers, or writ· clark sta ble door a nd sm ili ng uv at 1l ~ 45 p. m . bume n water very nourishing and reo et . wba'r nobody won't 8ee de smoke, an' -In Loll Oatos. On.I......,contalps 60,000 lnl letter s, or retiring for lun cheou, h im. 11 wus h: rlcB. She h us just lert. Creshlng. 'l'hls reclre Is my own Idea . ~as t #em." , ) , . tree s and yield I aD alUlua) pro.flt cit wblle t he talk tes t Iii In progre ss, and " I Mh nll nOl'e r, never fo rge t )'011 or can 't lIudPrR Lll ud It. It Is mos l &xtra. and Is made all tol,l ows ! Sonk a tea· '50,000. Plt[ed Pltcoe. the rush 101' rost ru m w ill not be leu"e o ff loving you a ll my lire," h ~ o l'rl lna l'y- : he mos t extraortli ua ry tli n g spoontul ot Grdpe·Nuts- tn a glasR of .0 great. Orntors cool' olt wh en ' ln t I" an ~\I'e re <l , III :l I'o lce th a t sou nded \'cr y In nil t h ('bursa or DIY eXjlil rlellce. water tor an honr, s tratn and serve • A man who lIad started wltb a e st /l ag s. Not ouo 11\ a t ho usan d 19 rpa l. a ll hough lhe " Dll chOl!S," In 'fho 8 ri(':\ ta m e to tell m e lh at sh e I ~ I:n· with th e beaten w-hllll of an eg g and friend on . a 'woek's automobile tour stayed away two ··weeks,' When flnally .0 tond ot the sonn d of his ow n vo ice \\'\l rhl's It a l Thin gs sn ys Ihol "th t> glt ged to Nigel Ross, wh o IIrop<ll;cd III a ' spoonflll of Crult juIce or fla voring, " dreUslng nv'st lrul hful III l\ n beco mes n liar wh en ' her en-er li~ r pup pies ! " h eliler li e prt.. Tills nffords' a grea~ deal ot nourish· th ey got · back to town, be went home. In I n k " ~r " " to ,. and bls wlfo ', received " hlm coldly• . " to ta 0 p easure h e . I ol) ll l c~ In Ion ;." Il()seti to h ~ r out d plquo beeu use ht) ment IIlot e ve o t he wev.-:est R ma cu empty cbalrs. J,,~t IlS I was think ing bow dor k anti lUa y hn\'e Re M Doir t r y to tn lte m y can as slmlln te wltbout any distress. Wbat he dread ed was a. scolding and lIP npbraldlng. "I am 80 glad to be "My Ims band Is n. physician aod be back \1'ltb you here, dear," hll said : Will Ia m :T., w lll tler of tu, ~t \'ong- Dol t 10011 II, o n(1 won ele r!.ng ex· hll nd . I don 't know: but [ suppose It Maralbon race at . Athens, Greece, ra- uetl ' wl ml I wOll lr! do If he mentlonsil Illu st hn v~ bee n 80 , us the re Is' no uses Grape-Nuts himself nnd ordera ".but t jllty P ltcoe. Poor old Pltcoe''' ' (Jthl"" "n"~' \jle exp lunatlon, It •many t imes cen tly, was r oya IIy rece Iyed on re tu rn· I,'! ',"I 'I".. me. I SIIIV l'I1 .."c! Iloas tumln" .. .' . P 11 Ifor his pati ents.I h t "What IS the matter with Pltcoe'" . rount! I);),. lhe eonchh ol1~e . Jr II h'l.l b en Nora, who hi onl y just ' ersona y r egard a d s 0 said tl1e lady, aharply. "Ab. poor fel· lng to his borne In Hnm llton, ' Ont. " I llI usl gu ' " I cl'led. tl rllPplng Spol. IY. I ru ll!:b ' hlll'e II nliers tQ('d It ; uul !1rape· Nllts with fresh or ste'l:ed fruit 10" ,'" old Iter husband, "at tbls mOo Tbere ~'IlS a monster proc(lsslo n on bit ti cs o n h l~ mot her 'M 'ba tilt-" I IO UXl Sfl ,l!lrlca-- I!:r!ca. II'ho was 21; Is st blrlh. \til the Ide~l b reakfast tor anyone-- mel)t his '!rlto II givIng biOI tbe very a rrlva,l. t he ··ma}·or reall nn address a t 8 1 unce !" d:I)' ! Sh e sa W Mhe wo ndell'lI lhllt J well or s lel(." Nn.m e. glvvn by Postum' dev l;e !" And that wll7 apecoh ,ot wel co~ e, sevaral len din g citi zens " Uh ! l)ellA, filll Y nnt! h en r me. An. luuln' t gll e"R el so methin g u f ,t he sorl, Co.. BaUle (;::rock; MIch. . blm 9ft " Mr . H ()~s IK on ly 24'u ud '8 half, I ~ t\ 't In any coso of stomAch tro}lble, spo);e aDd th ree boods 01 mUil lc blar rt ., wel' llIe. dn r ll n!;I " Good Test the Dog. nervous. pro~ truUon or braJn fo g, a t r lumpb. Sb rr!n/; was ID f" rm.ed tbal l " I)on' t lJ~ silly! I can' l 1 don ·t I)(!;'" I an ~werell. Suburbahlte (to vlsltor)-Oh. bow ' 01,500 bad been ra ised for him, In. Ivan ! In hPl\r." I wh lspa rcl h Pcn rcel,\' " Yes. den r; bul-" , 10 day s t;lal of Orape-N1Its will work el udi ng $500 rrom tb ' O n ta~l o gov. Iltn,n\ Ing IVIHI I I sa ill. hecan ~c '1f my "\V eil. I ha rdl,\' re~koned up-on a :age ,won!l ~r6 10wArd DOllrlalllng and re- are ,ou? COme right In. Don't mlllci - -meat the sa me a moutl t rro ~ tile !'ell r tll:1t :-'I sel (n Ul an of twe nty· fo ul' "f' tlL.pll r ll" lh t'. wrong way ou nd , b ~L building, and 1n tbls WilY enell1lg the the ilog. ~. ;; • ~' , Itl I1IIn, I' IIIl I I ' I W /lS I IlO P" ,Oll ' " 11 be \01') . . h II ,, ' . tro uble. ..Ther..·. a rellson" lind trial V lsltor-But won't he bits? e1l1 and tbe rem tlln,lp. r hy p rivate suI> I :'Il.1 n h ,It J. IVOII 'Wa~ "That's lUlt .what I want to _ . I 01&. 1IlI'''III~ II'ltl' :, boy 0 1' tw cnty ! I reJUI t! ~n )'. proves, , 1CJ1,pt! "I I III _O IT 0( .1 di du 't me;~ u to botll. Y. ·Il.l oil'y 1~ lIghed. Look In flkgo. for tbe tamoll. lItUo 111\1)< tought tIIat watcl&do. Illla mona· Holr, 'IThe Road to WtU'·m.... ID,I."-l& atr.
~~:. tI!:On;O!~'~~',t~~Clru~:o~'~~s~;:-1 Sh:~ I:lg,n~:U htt::~~:~ t~7n ;J~I~':70:: ~ IU;d
•• •
- ---
dr. ~M~AN~
en .c.".,,'ca' ..
========~~-=========~=== 1 he ~Io us~ wif il May D ~ t ~ l"m l hc to,!! Purity o.f Vorio us Artlcl QS II) Co :nmon U ~t:- ';orcfu ll y Ob se rv~ Prec outlo/)s G i v e /) .
Senrell /lJ,av J:e
to Locate Peter's TOlDb - 'Bi14y of Apostle: SUPllo.ocd III Vaul is Under St. Peler's .
L1 ~
BY f:LLEN OSMOND bcm' 1\ g ren l den t ~hllut Ii, form In )' 01' all ll plal:p II 10 a wbl e ri oll{ I!ti I ' 111\ wh ic h our (fall" Ill!),1 I ~ ~1I\l1· ~r. <Jr. hel l,' r. III n 1.\:)l n I;la ';5 Rllull " I',.l<·,1, ~; ' I1I1)\ C n1l'\ll ,,:, lor .th o ,lIull . 1'1 n I, ".111 , 111 wa lCO I' - ll H warm dCl r tle.'o ot ;'1.1111 0 l'111'1\tS (o r Cnu.1 o el lll · a H IIH" hund 1; 011 h:'ar - un t hu t)L1lo'"\ hl e 1.(l.rnUp J1 (lIO Pl' tH'·C lIl >c\ h ~' I \\Ill ~ I \'c ~ l'n wl 1l,\I,w I dr;:r lIlI ,1 !lloco I h(l 01 1.1, cuu· II lcu l om lu lH h 1\l1lf(lng tu IIw hilI' uu Iltl lIl lI!; Ih,) I!hlO)rtllnrlll " )( ~I ~r l III It, r (·h cmlstry. l ' lIil!''' ~1:Il ')5 rl!· IJ un · I" luslng 11111 willlll,w nnLII Itl(' chlo ro· 01 III of (i~ I'lc I\III1I'C : , ..... I). ll lsc lnw , IUI'm holt I'{lmpl'l nl\, pvnporutell. 1<1 hl!:'f dh'IRio n ) f fn(HI:; ;' Bu\'l II J . lI ow · Ihl s I)IU II 1H if I h ~ n lH-I'atlon may h" con· 1rd. ('h. f ml cl'o" llI'llI lcul I"buntlllr,ll . dn r.lnd wllh su re ly \! I'l! n IJy o nc who lI'I311y mall ulnC llll' 1'9 und (\Clllr' r ~ III h' 11')\ lI (,r" t' lO lIl')rJ to hllll d lln g chloro fOOds 11I1 "1l CII.C ol'lllll:lry 80 ll ~ I'9 HO I'llr nt. III w n i, wlta l hcr. v O~3, ' 1 0 1 highl y ,:c v~ tll l ll ' d Ihat by th !olr altl wu rtn II'nler IIll1Y. of C ')I)I' ~ O . Ill' 0101 1· a lonp th }' CIl l\ l'lJrtU UII In' IIIl>c n t ,-rl. l.l u rl 1.()l" Q(;\ 1\ , II l)rC~ nl ill Ca ll ' op inio n. I 1I1 ~ II I1 IUI·., of ,( pr dUN. or rl ld ~ r ll LI 'UlI ll li lt, w ill nul" ap[laar IIA or UI dl nruclIl l', a lld ~(Jnw tlrn C'~ c v,·" th~ rll s h In ell rnclltC' r ls l .. l" lint ... rYH· af 11C p I\jlu l·l lt'l\ . o f n(\ulu;Tunlij Ill' $' tu l". 00 warmlllg th., di s h the \1 [\' em . Th is I ~ e SJ) e lt dl ~' U' Ul' or ~\lc h nii s l ol; n lJ lo Irr llatlng OdO!' 01 bfJ ll t olc 'I'l ill\{ Il U8 corr" . wlil. s llln(\ oll~. nr:111 rnn,· IJ nhlalnetl . Th is l1I e lhod III , t ornatn ' " \' Il~ : !I g ~lI'l\ C I ~ , IHI Ic r !I 1111 mllll. wi ll , I ~ ! ()(' I I;'JII1.u i<! acid '1:'he Iw u ~ o\' ilc lI n'l~ hoI';; If cO llUta llt· . ("u lSlljl or mhf!r :lI llcl<'8 111 which It Is Iy sU~lnltll ll g" It I? I' (l llr ha' S to Lhl~ l\ ~l'd 1n lar!;,' G\llInlill es. II I ~ 11 ... 1 t est. I! ~r ~I' fld 1:."1.(0],"'11('. dC \' e l o !l ~ "u mel 'lIlly d e ll 'all\, hu wc l' 1', fur tl~o her SC I1 Z l'~ r I a.~ t(! and lInw ll Iu II s llIull o r RUII'UD t \l sctl Wilh ~o m o ur· h lJ:'h 11 ";::rotl. nntl hl'l' 1 11 ~c ri:lllna tl (l n tM I Jch:~. f ilCh 110 wlnl'. ·It Is often COli · ram · IIMil I' ulHl 11111 1" . I:C '\II'at I !JU:l l' C' n1 ~nt 10 (·strapl n In f/; cr IIIHlII~lty ur 'he h u t!~ e! r J'Nl lt:~IJt;. f rt](;t Jna11 ' { a~· .tlll< _' ample and dlvldll t ht,,! c hl oroforD) hll'el' \\!to has rl ~,· IOllell t1 1~ nutuml IA),or 1:1 10 t wo p'J rtlull s. les tlLl!'; (J ne rU I I; ~ U 'M m ,j~t h ig hly uPl lruciu l ~ I)C_t s allrYi! C ac !d lin d th\! ()llJ~ r for be n· -th e n~I 'It.a n cc 01' cQllailc:rnti n n pC th e zll lr IIc l,1. (:h c nll ~ t, I'Ihn call o ft en c ru e to hi DET ECT ION OF DOR TC AClD AND r'\ll ier 1\ I (In h l~ ow n flIlWC \'i3 rIo nOI DORA-X. Bori c nc l<1 ( n l ~ o called 1.>01'11 Ic acid) , I nnd il ~ C(\mllOtlllu wilh Hodl uOi (borax) .' I aI" Offen us 11 to Ilr el've animal IIrollll(·t s . .u·1l ns s nll Ha ge. butt ra nd soml'lIm ~ , m l ile. Fo!' Ih o de lecUlI lI or iJorle nc hl alld bo rllx, Go llds hould We we re pro mls e rl Il ol h lllg bill bo , " he IUI1 CCl'Rt,!i.l 1\' llh tI sma ll alUoullt of Ie I'D und cnnlee a nd fl cltu ulld E to n III I " I , ' wnl e r urid fltrnlne(l lhrough n white 1 tb e wa y o f SIIIIl;)'wr ('00 1. nll(1 DOW bcre Il I I 'I,' flon clot h. 'I' b e IIqul d. o hlo lneti \Jy w are IVlth lhe long l oo~c cou l lb tr .. "lIlI g ~nlf"g In tblR mannl'r IR r.larl . heigh t of fashio n.
W, nil
: ~~)~:~ ..
n"d ijO IIlI';>' hnl by tho ro ughly c hlillug fl ' lu ng loosc wusb coat at firs t und lillN i l\~ Ihroutt h fill er poper. thou ght ~, Irll((!~ on u ~:, r:llber slimp· " In I csr ~ fI~ hilli e r Illaco ' I\. hCaPln gl sy atY.. lr. "PI get lo lln rn "ery 80011: I lI slIo" lI lul 0 1 th e s nl!lplc In 8 tel1Cllp. bu i UI Il wn s b ('oal of thO dllY Is no ,,11 ,1 lL co up le o f t CJ.~\loonrlll s of bot such fa ll(lre. II lli I1Hlllu or white IInon W1ll~ r, H!llI II a n'l Iho c up I II II veSRCl ollrl 1I11~n III lovllly PWltel ~h 3 d ea; or ,·ulll :llntll!;.I' IIttlo . bot watcr IIn ~11 th e Whltu,' pu u s~e: ()( a vl'ry tin whlt.e hu tt r Is t.loroug ltl y ,til ltl!d . MI X th e se rge: and of while bl'lJad clot h . Tho 1 "!'In le nts of I h I' Cli ll Willi by s llrrl.lI:; cut lij III' l'II'()!l lur, 1\ sonlll (la wn the with a, lea ~j() n aot! sel the Clip wltb middle ot t il ha c l, and thC,B n ~c n erou ~ Ih ~ SI)oon ill It In tI co lli place unUI swcell o f Ilmlc l'ln l wllich n1 n l{c~ th e 1:1" uu lle r i s' 50lhl. Til e spoon ' with loose noss ulI'l yet r;lves " crtal n RnHlr l I Ie butl e l' (wh ic h ndlleres to It) Is fit tb~l Is very tI\!s lruble. Th" roals as BOW I'emovcrl from the cu p and th c II rule nrc or Ih .. !H tUHrler Il'ngLh Ion!:. rllI'uld IIq,ulti re maIn ing strain oil I t he st ~f!\'es Ihr('t'·qullrtel'!< nUll umplo thro ug h a whl e cotton ('·Iolh , Or bel. ' enough IIOt to . mu~s tb e dres.q. MOSl I r. tbrough filt er pa])l'r . Th e II~Uld ; or the coats ha l'e cO lltri1$U n ~ collnrs. will not nil IJrI s lhroug h l be . clotJl o r I Necf\ l'uffs or 1):lle colorl!Cl point filt er pa p r, \tilt {\ slI ttlclent amouot tor d'es(lrlt, JUSl lo ng eoon,:;h 10 como a Ul e t CSl mny be secu r~d read ily. \ little b'low HI!! nellit. II l'e III fn s hlon. . In to. t1n 6 milk for borlo a cid two or 1~lchl1s of lI\u el1 flneneiis nre more of turea ta bles poourulH or m\lk nN pin ed a nOl'elly, but th 8h wi nrrungem(lnts a l'e not be~om lng to all. just the womun wllh the righ t lilnd or ~ h ou l ders s hould go In for sbawls nnd berthns, und 8u oh drOo l)lng "drupery." If tl " o te we re to be [a llen. In all probll lJlI!ty tho co r$clet s lilrt wonld be Con<lelllned as awkwurd. And yei If Ille corsele t :;klrt have II bnrt lr:tl at Ih e sa me co lor It may he a COH tuUlC to call torlb genc ru l adm ira tion, SUPpose wllh 11 gJ')\,II·blue hi ffllll broadclolh" gray-blu e chiffon bodloe be wOl'n ; th n w e woul d not bnve nny prominence of Wllls t 11 lie. no 1001, 119 tllon s h Ih e s kirt hall Im:1 t he upper Pi\tl or Its figUre . A pink c hilton boilice and pink ' \)rooll !!IUlh s ldrt mlllio liP adm irably togp.thgive the pleas ing <'on tras t or OJml r. dSS lind heA VY ma t erial. No lace shlmld llCl usca wl tb' tbls, else It ,be russy. 01"1'1' In ParIs they. are getllllg wenry
So t he hOtl" e Wlfc, liy a tli l'! {irnplc h('m!" '11 tesl . elln br', a(\~ n bcr ' ohl [II '; I~l o n Hnrl d teet man), 1m· ')UrIU cs tbtot lI l'O 11 0 1 vld ent 10 Ih (\ 1IElo se\l. A 11 or lh ~ 1 · ~ t s b e r~ dc ~ I'I\Jed .nllY be • I.! rrornHllI with lItr)U ld ls found J\ an)' weJl-aP llulnt ·" l; iti;luin OETECTION OF SALICYLIO ACID. 'I'he det r mln ul on ' of snfic),lIc acid call b lit b(\ IIIn de wl tb lfQuid~ . Solid and soml ·solld t o tl!'. suc h a s Jelly , 8hollid u tll ~ o lved , II' b(on :;olulJ l . III .jullllli I,: wtll"r 10 lIIallO t nem tblllly IIQultl. "·UOll cOlltalnill" 1i:lljoluble matte r. s ilell U ~ jUIlI . mo.rma.lade und sau M!!.e, rn:IY he ma ceral d with wae l er and ~lrnl n eil t broU:;1I 11 Piecil . of ",hlle cOl lcll . ·Ioth . The m cero llon D1 ~y ue pe r rorm rI l;y rulo lJl n In u t,e~cllp or OUI r con venien t vessel with a bea"y Hilcon . . Sail yJi c Il(: i<l 15 used f r pre cr v1Dg 1mlt pr d l\ct s of :I ll 1;ln\ls, IU l>lu d lllll be\'c!J"II!;es. It Is fro<Ju entll' so ld lJy ilrug stores 1\ frull nell\. P re e rving .powd ~ l·s C O tl ~ 'RI~ng e nUI'e ly or sail· 'Cyllc oc.\d are art n carried [rom hOllse to hou~e lly l!;; n ls. It may be detect· ed os fullows : ' Between t\I' O nn rl tbr 0 oune s of the liqui d o \)tItI Dct\ (rolll' th o rrull pro$lllc ts, a s deserl bed a bove. Ilrc placed In a nO l'I'OW bottle hohllng tl ve Ollnces, "uout OJ. 'tuRrler or Il t eas poon· ful of cream of lart,ar (or. better, a few i!rop~ of s ulphuric aold) i3 udd ed. lile mi xture shrili en for ' t.wo or Ibree . minutes. and filtered I:lto, 0 second .. ma.1I boWe. TI\ree' or fOllr table· 81/00nf'118 ,of cblQrofcrm ore adtlecl . to tho clear ,lqlJ ld In tM second bottle canl) lh e IIqllllls 'mlxeJ by a somewhat vigorous rotary motion, poured Into itlu ord !nnry' g lass tllmbltr lind allowed :to s tand till eh 10rO.tor m sellles out .t vnll .
In a bottle with twice that nmollnt of
WI' lters as a r ul rellr Cll t Pe 1'1' as I title I.h e only roma ln s ·Ieft Is the ry pt. hal'lng 'Iabored long In . h· ~:I ~ I' n ll l' The: IMs lll ca WI\ S llIu~h dera ced during Ci ty. a nd thel'c suttered llUll'l)'rllo lll. ille long res iden ce or the popes at Homan a thl'lll cs loolt upon Pe ler a s A\'ill!;!111 {1309 -1:l7(D, but It W1"1 about Ille t1r" t lJlshop or Ro tlle Rn <1 lU ll firs t 14 50 Ihlll Popc Ni cho las Y. pla.nned iUt 1l011l~· A II Hom e Is no w cx e\ted by dosi.r .. ctlo n ' lind :t rebuilding 10 sui t Ihe n l Dlo r Iltll Pope Pl u haK gil'cn Ibe I:I bta Ihe times. Tbe plun was co nseot to U silu reh for Ihe tomU or ,not J : rled alit by NI ho lliS. bu t progt he G'~ e"lIy rC V~.l·etl sai nt. 'fha 10mb resserl und cr Pope Jullli s II.. who 1111Is 6U PllOscd to be con rrnl ed In the dorloo:' th worl, with lIlllch vlgpl'. Villi I . undor tbe altn r of th e o ri g inal Julius cu ll ed to his alII Bromanle, thlt bastllca at Sl. Peter 's church. built by falll us urchll ec t, judged grea test m ap J-JIlI I)erOr Co,, ~ t .. nilne 30G A. D. tOr (If Ho man s tyle gl'Owln g up about A few yeal s ago Dr. A. S. Barnes, th e o llllqu e ruins. Brnmnate mods or Ox i'o rrl \l1l1I'erRlly, wus granted pe r- lIU entir ely nvw des ign for tllo churcll mlss lun to dl'sc6 nd 10 the me mo rial -colls ld ercd by 1l'II che i An,:;~lu nnd crl tha pe l und er lbe alta r ur lh e bnsillca I II'S um\'el'sally III UCSI of the ma ny nnd ~ u"[Jo~ed lr O\'el' Ih e tomb. Dr. tleslg ns ol'l'erec.l for SI. Pelel"s. DrnBarn e'! by sou nd lllg loca,tcd a vau lt m an le':! design WR S 0 Greek cross wllh whi e!1 h c jud;;CII lO bo about 15 teet I\. dOlll e a n rl two spire '. BUI Dratlllllll .Jee p. J II ~ search ror n 1100 .. w as 1111 - di ed ~ I'e w ) our~ utl er Ih e first Rlo ne s\lcce~ ~ ru.'. !l pgu rdlng lbe Qllcsllon of wa s I(lid (J 5 til. li nd bl s 6 11 cCe8 ~0 1" t he ~: lt rll n ce to tile tomb. the Inves l.l- Ch:illg ri I he Illl\ n to It Lulhi cross. g~lor tial d : " Il Is Im possible tind Ann thcn W ClJ lIle III lb o lImc oC MIall ylhl ng l\Iol'e nCClI rn l Iy ullll i Ithel' It lunge lo. Ihe r nh \V lill or tbe chnpel lij tul,en On tll a I I o f Janunry. 1547, f\<rt ch tdow n, o r , a t lells l. eXC:l I'nllons are nngelo beclImo a rchiteCt of 51. Peler·s. ma rla In Ihe tIOOI', so liS lo Il ol'ml t of Ilnd I,.t>v red , Without com ponM llon. lit Ihl ~ being ex::nllnetJ belo\V Ibe presc n~ l bls g l C!U I wOl'lt un III his deat h. He fl oor I(·"el. wh rc preSllm ah ly it I ~ Il Ot \Va s n years o ld wh pu tlle l!(lnlrOI o f co\' I' II vc r a n ll hidden I'I'Om 1'1 W Ily SL I'cI 6r'S I'am Inl h i hands: he plu s t' r n.~ Il I. above. Th o I \' el of the woe g iven 17 yen'ra more or life In chall el al pre.e nt Is mil ch 1Iis her th a n wlil c h 10 put his vl g lQ n ~ Into Corm. II W,Ul o[ old, und lin excavation could Mlc h E' I ~ ll ge l o r tur ned t.o the GI' ek easily lJ e made wltboul tll stul'bl ng auy el'O $ . Unttlllllll e's design. lIncl In th e orntl!ll ntal (eallll'll. maI n 1'o llowed lh e lines of hi s wo rk . ."T~ e a ll clen t 11U\'eDle ll t prObably Is Th e church -waa not cO llllllelecl ro r - of Lhe lin gerie bloll s e and It s over elab· In tact un derneath, a nd the lower part m tl ny years, and the vllrlous nrchlteot,8 orallon lind nrc .gol ng In for elCqllls lte m utc rlal R untrlmm e,1. Fin \! s hirre d mull R and s llk B, t he narro wcst of hand -run tU Cks, mak e an, elega nt s lm· pllclty UUlt is refres blng utter !til tbe ma hill c. rn ru)e Onory to whlcb wo hnve beon ~lIblcc tcd . And ref rrlng agol n 10 th e tonl; - wll sh coa lS. all or these hov" n severo Appea ra oce ; there m AY bo a ' little bl'lllding or' e mbroidery 00 co ll a r aud cull's. bu t very II Ille , aod hig I.eI' l'l lJlltlons tor 'r1mmlng. It you woulrt be r au li ll smnrl thl" s umm e r wen r with your while costume consid e ra ble black; nn aU -blnck hn t lI ud one of th e long black lace vells, bln!" l! s hoes n nel slove~. While ahoes a r~ not s o tIIuch ill II ty") as lnat sea . so n. Sam of th e 10 llg whl lo coals are trimm ed with blac k urald, but thi s Is nol to ,be genel'U lly r eCOM mended. The draped \)Ia 'k hnt Is decidedly good wllh til wblte ult , a nd lis 0 feature of lhe ra sh Ions of th e day. The Pete r Pa n wul s t Is ano tb er fea lure of wbl cb we h nve l)revlo1t s ly s l)(lken; the P e lor Pllns ome In ev e ry chen.p reo dy-mnde class and also there lire mony hig h ' price d models. The sma ll hat nnd th le 1I0gerie are most no'Uceabl e among the season's headgear. nlthough the amull bat ever h nR fea lhers or wlnl;s or quills to give It a wille clreumrerenl'o--lIotl malle It necessary· tlmt It h:l VO Illenty or room. tiS nOticed recently In n crowded ca'r when II very s lout' mun was completeIy routod by a hun oh or fnolhers sta ndiug O\lt perUy rrom tho other wise m odo' est lillie hat worn uy \I n otherwise modest lillie \\'oman. Th.c lingerie hnt ABOVE SLTPPOSED PL.I\Cl!I Q.j" S .... PET\!:R'S TOMB. Is not sn;u ll, IR r.on ~ ldp rn bl" larger Ihan Inst yeor . As 8 rule It Is Irlnuu etl ot tb~ wall will be rree rrom t'he pias- With tllelr varlolls views made cbangea ",dy wll h fo101 s !lnll n 1 1Ir~e bow of ter w llh which tbe upper part wu tbo 1 I erlUlted In 108S. Th e nrchltect upribbOn In some dell rn le 6ba de. It Is covere.J 200 years ago. polnte ~ In 1606 re turned to tho Idea or meant to be the e xtreme or d"lnlin ess. "The cllaraele r or 'the masonry the Latin cross, and made mlUlY unond tbough Its IlInbrtli()'~ry may cos t rortunate. cbanges. ' a preti.y Ilcuny Ill< trinlllling must look wOIII ... th e n tl ' elde at once wh etber this Urban V,ill. dedi ated St. Pllter's III wull Is parl o[ Constantine's cburcb or simple. . . wh oUlcr It Is . as wQ suggellt. only a 1626. AI~lInder Vll. added the L'Olon{l' IDa king W<lll some nine Inches In onde In 16G1. Plus V. In 1180 uddcd tho th lck oess Immediately In front of tbe sacrJ31y. A. O. Hare In "Walks In lIIor8 nnclen:, wnll \Jehlnd II. If . lhe Romll," lells u'!! tile bulldlllg of t he be fa r tho color wbich suits bes t wltb ma sonry pl'ove~·7 \0 be <Jnly at the nlnlh prosen t 5t. Peter's extended altogetbel" olle's co mplcx lOll. century It will be an easy mnller to ove r 1711 years. Ibllt the expense .of If waist nnd petticoal of lhln while I plorce lb l~ wall 'al som~ point belo w tbe main bllllding bas bean estlmaled goods Is, selected, we would suggesl a ' th e present leve l or the chapol and If at "$511,000,000. Because o{ the archldott ed Swiss or fi gll red ma ter ia l 01 ' It Is t hen found that Ihero 'rea lly Is lin tectllro as· pre!jenle d when completed. som e sort as preferab le to' Ihe plain I open ~\laco lJ ·b ln d. tb e lost entrance t,o beavy pseudo-RQman. all lhe mems turrs-l ook~ I~ ss a!\ th ough onp. h ad the se lltll ahra l vau lt In wlil ch 51 : Peter belli or slloh huge sl'ze. tbe natura l eC'fo rgolte" lO p111 OD on e's aliter clothes. I lies will bave beuD dl~covered ODd It feel pi mag nitude Is 10sL The groat Dollell R\\' lss malies til) \'try nicely In" I will o llly be necessary to enl a rgll Ihe pile is c rowned wllh nllars, 9brln e ~. 'I ad nllli l'equll'CS Illntos l ue lrlmmlng. ' opeDllig . s lIm cluntly 1.0 perUllt of pll- font s, s tatues. 'Dod Olbe r wo rll s of a rt. Th e pel ll cou'l llIay ha vl] Iltreo untrlm . I grl ms o nce mor e d scen ding the st a lr- ParIs (' I th e 'walls' ond vaults lire CC!'" mcd r llmes, the s ae l, h a \'e 11 rume at way ond visiting tile lomb which no ered wllb OI o$u l ~ , there lIrc ill ll UY Ihe IJO\1.0 m, the colln r alonl'. be lace eye has 'seen for more IIta n 1.000 .years. papal ond prIn ce ly tom lls ri ch In s lat-
r- n
aa solutloo a teaspoonful of nlum In The lin .."erie 8ack and If""erle ""IUpint or orwater. ~hakcn v1!:orOi l's ly, .... .,'~ and Illte rcll tbrouf:h nll"r papor. Here ' cant arc very Il,·eu y and cOlli lind' fresh 1 a gain a ctear or only s lightly turbid '1 looking . ht~l rea lly 8 101ll,d be connned . to m )' ludy s \)e !\t·o oDl . 1'he sill! dre3Sliquid p:t~HeS througb the po per. About 11 t ea s poonful of tIle liquid II~.~ Slick to I(~ less desbllbl~I(\. 'and I~ a obtalnerl by any 0110 o r tbe me thod s \f.IY c?ol gurment. We Icceully ~a \\ U mentiolle d !lbove Is pillced In any di s h oh llru'rng 0 110. c ha rming as In colors not m etlll, ond 'fiv e MOilS 01 hydl'O: ! and 1):ll tel·lI . Il wa s made or .Japanese chlorlc (iuurlaUc) ' IIcld a:hl ed. A slrlp or turm eric ltaller Is no.\\· dllliled into the ilqulll unCi tll eu hcld In n warm plnce-n ear II s tol'e or lump-':UiI dry. Ir boric ,a c id o r bOlliX ,,'lI.s p:'e en t In the SAmple ' Ihe turmeric ptlll.e r be· co'm~3 bright cberry r e:j wh en dry. A drop of 1I0usoholU nmm o ll !a chnnges lbe red color to tlm'k ':;:r 30n or green· Isll ' black. Ir too much hyrlrocll ioric a c id Is II Sed the turme~lc PRII r may take on 0. brownish· red co loI' even In the. abs ence of boric ·acld. In th is case. h O\I'evGr. ammonia chnnges lhe color to brolVn jus't as It does turm eric paller wllieh has 1I0t been dlppell' I~to' tho acid aoltlllon. DE'1'EOIl'ION OF FORMALDEHYDE FortllliJdchyde Is' the su bstance 'most comm nly llsed for ' prcsllrv lng rnlll! anit Is rare ly. ,IC ever, add ed ' t o any "'_____'!flllll_IIf!i_____..;I ". other rood. Its use 15 Inexcusabl e nntl especially QbjecUonallle ' ln mill! served tn' tIlo boltom·. Shaking Is avoided, ' as ' to l,nElln ts :nnlllnvallds . It causes nn emulsion' which Ie .dlmcutt To d e tect formald ehyde In mill. to break up. As much as ' possible ot tbree o' (our, ta,IJ,IespoonCuls or the the cbloroform lay er (wllicb 1l0 1V can· ljample are placed In n ten~lI(1 wllb at s ilk. a goo'd qUllljty. wi t h the softesl of .talns lhe 8;ll1cyl\e acid) III I'emoved Il!as t Im ·ea ua\.nmount of Elton;,; hydro- colo r b nrn\onlos- pale violets 11011 (will(),out , nay admlxlUre' ·of the aque· cilloric at'ld ~d' a ' piece ofJcl'l'io al"J11 I,j.:;·eenll clmR6 rtln g. moot aDlI c.'\,bly, and Oll B liquid) l'y 1ll i>1; t\.:I or a ' 01 dlcin . alloul . a3 Ilrge ns Ii pln!lead . . th e fust c. !:I'· ".,r b!Lle;;, n .l.Qucu: o r. ...,:.Ile. dropper nnd plallctl (n a test tube or IItjuld bei ng ml:;e<\ by a geu Lle rotary to gwe ('I a r I:t er, l ' he 'g urmenl wa~ n. .' amall bottle with about · au equal ruotloo. T IU cup, Is thoB Vlaced In a short l(i lll:m n~gllgae. and the b ~ing amount of ~Yl\Cer on,d II small fra g menL ve5s~1 . at holllog water. no f\l,·UI{·j- nt neck :l n'l sl eves U buo or IIghl\<.b ' ~a ,little . lar~e r than ,0 pwbead-oi heat Irlli~ applied. and IoU ror five i;~een ' clepo de chine . . To bold lbe 'fron alllm, 'l'ue ,mlxt\lre Is tboro~bl, mlnlltos . • At tbe end of tblll time, It crepe out \Vll$ used an Interlllllug of • hBke n Bnd allowed to stand till tbe form Q,ldehy,de 'be present. tbe! mixture coarse I ndla linen. which Intel'lInlng ;,chlorofol'Dl aglflo settles tQ tha bot~ wlll '\)0 dIstinctly purple. If too mucb gave no sllltllesB but r atber II pntldeti· . tom. Tbe preseoce oC salicylic aold heat Is applied, a mrl~dy appearance Is 1001, to lhe Clu\lnk. Is then Indicated by the purple color Imparted to . the cootents of the cup. A:n!)llier I'arel, pretty China slllt of the upper IByer of liquid. , . Cautlon.-C:.I-ent care must '1)9 oxercllN lIIlc\( bad for ,)redomlnatlng colors pule DBTEOTION 01' BENZOIC ACID.. In' working ",I!h Ii)'drochlorlc acid, aa II blue nnd yel\ow !lnd light green. was Benlolc licld al80 Is u.s ed for p~ I. IIt.(,nr,\y oorrnJI\ve. It must .not come (aced wllb pale. blue crepe. Mucb of In contnllt wllh tho nuh or clothes or thl the becnmlo"'ness of BUC" I\D article of • ervlng fl-ult products. ExtrBot tbe operutor 11M "Ilh mctl\lIlc v_II .. eM . .mple wltb chloro(ol1ll all In the case anll mUlt be greatly dlluled "filii w.c. drIa 'depenD OD the facing aplDst tbe 01 11IIO)'UO ac11l; r.move oIl,oro· \)elora It .. pourel1 Intel tbe 8lU. . .eck. npd til, choice should of courae
S9J\fI\1£ R DAYS
Nlg d.' Of course lbe ncgllgea Is '~l a de "Jr. o n Ih other hlllld,. no s ucll dis· ",'Ith low neclt und s no rt s l ~ eves-I n co very be made , a nd II ue foulllt Ihnt thi s day whe n el'c n on the st ree t nl'e the i1ollow .!!ou nd Is du e to o t h ~ \Vorn bluusex with out col lnr or s lo It I't cnuses nnll Ihnt Ihere n evor 11'"s IJnOI) \Vlml'] 'seem s lrunge to tOn k\! U~c neg- a doorway ') 11 thi s S POI. th n nothing II gee wllh :i hi 11 necle ~OUI1 ' h e eas ie r th :ln 10 11p Ih e SlIppani nnd hose should not I)e 10- excava llo ns u nd .rO?IIIY Ih e floo r !lOci no congruous ,ylth th o Iln'!;erle lI egllgee, tr ~ce ,\~Ill rcmol o tbal IoJI)' SU1:11 10 ' both be lh e Il n lntl e~ t th c wcnrer pas. \'es tlg!ltl.ons !lave been a r r lad out. sesses. Gray Is (l r.oo l lookin g co lor, I "I t <! e' not s e em lao m Ul'h to hop and thiS ~ llmlll c~ we arel ' given oppor. that this Sllll Jllc malte r ' 1110)' . before tunlty to buy bNlutlfll 1 Incey gray: uny.IOll g lillie hilS passed. be can'i n,J hos iery . While. of ,!ou rse. fs approprl. · Qut by Ibose who nre. In chargl:' u1 the ate with whll ~ n , g ll gee Jac kot and 11et- bas ll iea Dnd o[ the shr ine. es pec ially Ilcoat . · I s in ce ~: co ul'd be clone qul clly anll wll b· ' When tlte sum mor bargai n sales 6e. 1 oul comin g to Ihe kn o\vlellge 01 any gin, It wo.uld ho well tor tbe woman of tlle visito rs to th e ellur 'h . $0 Ihlll wh o des ires t(J add to he1r' lIcg r'lgce out. 00 untlu.1l exe lement ~r curll)s lty n"ell fit. to search lhe CO IIUtel,'s for sum mc, be arilUs e,(I," . . left·overs. crd'is nnd ('li ds of s lIni'mer , 51. Peter's church at. HOlll e I ~ Ibe stuffs. I! llIbl'olderles nn d loces. Dainty InrgeM pluce of wors hip In Ihe \vo rltl. Swiss e mbro idery gNes tone ' to lhe , 1.'lIe . lint <,burch which ' cxls~e'd 0 0 or' negligee whICh a mo re s h,o w'y lrhmulng I De ll ~ Ihe siLe o f the presen t Sl. p(l l er '~, will not, and :;Iong III the ~lImme r bn : was ~n o)'lttory foun 'dod In 00. A. D. cmlJroiC!o rl cij nrc ~o ld for u bout b.Il' , 'rhe CIRtory WIlS rounded by Ann c:l ewh:Jt I hey brough~'\rlY In lhe seru.on.! lUll, plshop of Roltl~, sa id lo It'ave been 'f.' 1c,wll rcd S II I!l'R nl)lV :"'n~ so much I ordained by St. Peter bIDl ~e l r. A,natil e rago II n!l!:1I6ec co~tl.lme oC Oo\ver. ! ch!lt'; built. we lire laid .. In mjlmory Ilostl'e wn la wn or dimity would hav~ ,01' tlill many Christian marlyrs who fell a declde{1 fasbloilUbleoe:~8. ,Soft sllke In the circus of Ibe In[alllolls Nero, - the Wl\s h sll\(II-!lre 'lvo'r gOod (or and · \hut here after crucilh:lon P eter the lonn ging costume. Imd' they. too, was hurled . At the reqllest or P<?pe are chl'al1 tale.. In HIe 81lnS'On, Dotted Peter l:iylveJter, Con~tanLlne the Great toottn! trims very, prellUl),. 18 mucb begau on this spot the enicflon of. a \)etter Ihan nn I lace. And I' ba,slllcn, some. of the labor done by b'ls rumes at selr mat~rlal ' flurry and own Mods. .; It the ma~erlal excePllonltl-1 Tbe basilica was the comnlon, type I), pretty. perbaps furbish Lhe of tlIe early Chrlsllan cb.urehI?H. and .prettlest sort .of tallouot U"I', \Inlll the slxtb century rlil ed Ijvery1I1el petllcOii.~ aDd willi"" Of til. old ba,aUlcl of OODlttlD-
BU PPO. I:; I)
Artol' the wailing Ull of the door to Ule Vlluit pll g rimtJ ' who clime In ·tbe third ccntlll'Y th tou ch lite ~arcophag \ls lot dOWII handkerchlct.s all(\ othe r ar\.I e lel! to be sanctilled thl'OIIgI1 the . ~ harl. now partially filletl wi t h debris. ' lUI seen 10 Ih e urawlng. lIary. 'ftle s pacious r y pts. part at which date bl\ck t.o I he Ihno of Con. stantino, contuln Inl e re8 ~lng memorials . Whc.n Nicholas V. demoli8hed .. be church 'Ll,IlIt by Co nslnntine, the tomb ur St. Pe ter was not di s turbed, Th,e lt ' wbon 'work on .. new churuh was ",a';, hegun no attempt Wllll .mnde to t.oq ch tile tomb. but the pavc men~ III bbe cry1ll rollapb"d In tbe Unle, .J ~pe OIelUeo~ VlII. ; _and_ !be ~ or th I• pope 'Wt re tM last to r~a\ ~ tbe ~lIrl!l' pl~. Ult lint .bllillQll Qt ~UI"
(11 \
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A Ul!L bl.!lt'1 '1 ,\l Vi' A ~ \
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NH'i . 1\. J . liK OWet . AS .., ' I ..... "':JH'.,-Ht.
I. :!r,,, rt'nr It
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A Irell(l y tllIl ~ .. o r t' h r~- nf t !I,' Alumn i AII"oullllloll , 1. rf'," \I''' ' ~ Je U ... rt4 frODl 111" " 1·,.~ltl' · l1t!'" .,' • r]. ' I
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"nd mothor moved two
RI.nll,"hnrg. &~k (!KnfAda As II mfAUer- IIf oour"ll \11" InvliatioD CAnnot· I1OCI1Jltflf'l I know, however., n o thlnjC wuuld .. r f om my mothl1f m or a pll'lUiurn tlrlll ' . k> vilit "iain her old t.chool mul .... VHry IIlnoorely your;., w .... kll /l g....
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F ," ' K.:sldents who I!xpect to ·...., om&! , I 'lI .m e . I I
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Ii:DJII'OIl ttI .' lIItt BROWN, O""'R MI8d BRO WN :-'L'bll 0 r
For liltle by !t'.
ten mA wbsibllr 'fAny 0011.
aider.ble DGDlber of my own ltiICb01-
an" will attend 'bill reunion? -It now ap.-n fA. if we will be ahle to be pl'ellen& •. and will 08rtatuly UD derMke k> go If II nnmber flf thope wbom we furmttrl~ koew intend t , btl therf',
We . . . .
Uora08 MoKay aod LIOme'ime.. , fAnd i& ~ouJd delight "bn$b" to Ilet! one, !Il,.rll o&tw!nt of tbe old lICbool. l'tlr. h :111I! Mr . Venal/Ie. of C1I1cin9~tI . • •llIld oom.. up Wltt/rll i" 8.-I,h WaabiD~ Irvin
tir •• wlI now ?
uimlt ccnlh cenlury; discovcrL,"IIrteryeors ~ ."'=-·'N of scienli fic rescnrclj bv Dr. Killll er, the , clni\l~ n t. kitllle_v aud bladder Speclll\ist , and is wOllderfully successful ill prolllptl y ,," r.ill~ 1" lIIe hac"-, uric acid. catnrrb of lhe hltul,ler and Drigbt 's J)i scase, which i~ the wO,rst forllt of kidney lroub le. Dr, Killlle~'s not recolltlltended for(lre \'erythiull bullf ~·ou .h abe ve kidney. li ver b IB. ltl~r trouble It WIll found just the renlCo)Y you lIe~'t1. It ~ns been test ed ill ~o \!l Ull )' WHYS. 1U h o~pltnl work anti ill pril'llte pructictl. Blltl has pro"ed 5O sl1ccc .... rlll in e\'ery clIse Ulalu special lIrn.n" e .llen l h as · b ecn m atle by which all re....lcrlllJf th is paller, who hll\'e not Blready t rietl il, lIIay havc II sIIlIIple boltle sc nt frce by lII11 il, also" IJ{)Ok tellillg more uhont SWlIllI p· R oot, .lind b ow to fill tlollt ifwO\thCl\'cki ~l n eyorl'lntldcr troll-
hie. \ Vllcn Wrilin;! lII Clltioll rcudi llg ,thls , gellt!rollsofTerill tlt il; pnper lind seull your i ntldr"~s t o Dr. Kih""r
()f;KAI.c>UIIA ,. Lit""" ,J I.V II , 190(\
<':0" Cin~h;lIl1ton, ~. Y . 'rile regular W . ))11;V fin,l my-t-I: fifl" -ccll t "",I ollewill be at th .. BUlIlo e'''lIIinl( if 11 I It ,Iuli nr size hottl es nrC
n IU R MI 118 flHOWN .' 11110( ItH I>I"UI!' II ,"til .11 11Itl •'I lillie
l'hlirl ~ ... ur~
un I
,)(' t \\" 1
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Nome -(omii g-,
fUN ERAL 01 R( u
I :.: f"t· . nla I r L! fl i 'In'IIIIIII O'- n f li""'11 \'''Il ... r''' 'Ii II" ;,,.1 l o r IlII"kln )! P ,'1 w r 11'"'·I'r~. ,,,,'1 .... · rnl dtw)pdl fl ~ ,. '\I' P lo,{t· •
Brn WIlIt",'1 .. , on
1nn.klng n VI ·l
L .
l~ nZt· t it
Il r
~h 'lll · ~t l l :U l lt!'i
11&,,11. . No preventing ProvitleDCIl I ex-
pect 10 be at your 'be eDtlre t,ime,
H t~ ( ld l ' r " I I
~l "l"o l t '~'u viet iIi" noxt to
r moved to ' room ross Bro , WAYNEIIVlLLIl. O .
MA IN tj1' 1UCET.
ryill J.: 1'1"\1'1' I. , h, · Ilinch w wl l, I '!.!""!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!'!'!"'!!"!'!'~!!"!'!'!!"!'!'~~!!! hI' f,,11 St1J' l~ flu.' :.!llU ",,·. lId'} ;I t '(',1I 1l T ru tb at-rullger l imn J!'iction . I' h- h Tl w rt' ~ nll ,,!, 110 1> Irilll " ' h N th rrfn r ll It g r l'lI t· 1-11 tI'ri~ . · 1111-1, ·",1 Sn 1:)1;, tomuots V tluohed nf I h~ ' 1T11' ,il\l tIl l'lI I , II i~ Ih,' 11 /1 )0' for by ,I , E .1IUII1 IlY , \Vilhlh,' llll1 l\11 1"(,," ,.,, r. "I l 'h ,OI. Allotll!<w h ok n w.1 Jj) • •J' UIU PY ~ I o muchg b<II'hlll:« 'oll r' l 'h .. I,1'I " " 1\ 1' 1/1 1' nre c " ufldl uttlllltha w'o nlcl hur t," MIt! " I'h , N I I"{ fl ll' r l " : 'lb .,\, ,I, ' II, I ' " ':1,' nun,'· butsl,rlli g ht forw tI, rd, h o n est ~.I,'t ~~'ttlf;:' Iy b " tI " [ "I .,11 IIII~ " ·,,,,',I\' ','1" '" l!t.llhnlll' tlt >', II I'll_wh 'm III "v taU .VIlU ,_.c-"" ... nod" e ll UIi'Il ",II , hU I 1,"1'1 ," 10 , it ' l L, ' n f ti" , 1tI1I1l;V ,VII , nClw lll u peoplu This COD- I \' rll m u k, Iht 1l111t"IIII III· W h,,: ' wb .. hllVf' un'. rllrl fllr Yl'h r S Wlt,b , t b ... ~- (1.) ,· irl)lll . III t h n t il \ 'I ii jlo1Hi ill!1it;(l!<'1\1111 ,I uti 1111 v l)f I'n ou rllO o III m 0 n t l V Iv r n n l 'IIIrr hll ulI , d ~I' ll t. 1" I 1, hr "\I~1I ll ~ inl! Pl'p~lkolll lublotll \\1ft on nod the PlOtt),. III Ih(· " t " nltlch III1e1 l,iJ\\'O'I, DllI " l. 1,,,II,'vu IlV n l )' w .... rd III wup_ No t rouble 18 " Il,1 hlO." tll ·vttkll " ·.\11 lro ffl ll I ~" I "n lt"' 1'11 " ,.d \, .,) (1lllnklv rflli,'v .. 10 almost iO\'lIrinbly .dllc 10 pin \\lonus. . II If' I,~· )<. (' ,'('h l\'11 rl.-. . IIIHI (llll"'~ ""nt· ,.lI'"lltoh, h ","rt hurn, C h ildren h lw en' t II e ~ In'n Ih to com· ('o llto',1 t . , !!1I1' 1I"I' Vnnlllte;<>t, 111111 1111bat their ill~ n nd in'\ospCl.qilioolls wi thont the aid o L on e re .i.lh! t! n,, '(' iue. n\u , fl , hi Itt,'" tr, )u lJll' nri;;iuf,! Ir" m UNION~ 1l0llr fll" ... li"l l. .1 . ~~ .1 " nllH ' 1\1111 !. t v tillt'" t'l flt'lI .. I' 1 1!Jlllut'. I lila L ,,_,,'u,lu,, / the unfhm.;h. ndl,,1' Ih llt yllll r.uTI hllvtl t \lr 2r, 'l' lI1 ~ \j" .. k In III<Il \'Oll :11'1'11; 111 " "," -I fh ~ I I'''' 'l n l r\ IU'I,h O
Dr'. C a I ,ve1'1's
Rr.OIMENT l R AND ~ FORTY- fH IRD ANNIVERSARY BATTLE UHIC KA MAU GA , S yrup epsi II an uofaillll K, ha n.I' ~~ aut! absolute Chattanooga, Septenlber 18-20,106 cure for ,,"Dr ill:, " , 1I':te h and bowel
t'nc~· ~ . f 'ht,~" fllcr~ II lI h"fl '~ 1 hl1llltl I", .i III II ' 00 11 1I1,,' " nl I u /lVII' t h" m :11' 1" ~ ,,( 1111' ~ ' J1I't1rt" lIIlty til r "!!:uiii II ' 1'''.... ,,1<' •• I 1!lIII' . w ill oC<1I. Utc IlI'r l f"1 Ilr l! .. ~ t\ . , " JlPrtl' I" 111'111 1.11 r 00 rv rt ~ l hh·.l anI 1\'er,..Jr'r ••1 t he IJ. , U fir , ' . . ' 11111 grown folks, ' l:h l(ll"n" "~ ,,., IL I, Jlrnl>t' t ,/10 I' d ·bruLe t lll'\\ ",1 "n, ' rl!Y . lI ... W vlg ' lr , nUll nnw If your ch ild !;t't! ms ind isposed. fever- LIlI, m"d" " "I,ll' c.·,' ut \\ ill, " r "II lun 0 1 Ih " v \l lll\l' I It "oll " h the 11~ A of n Tlunfl41v Ish. fretful. peev L,h. nll d all aui o f SON, " n rl ',,,-I r.'~l nr("'L Ih,, 1 I''' ' 1"'I.·. t" l I" 110 1. I.b," oltlf''' 1\01 "lilito II W'nll :\, ilh.) tl ll) it. these are sytn tu m; q[ " "tm~ . ne dOle lllt"nClr~h" 'Mill " tllIIl Lill' ••( 10"," I" ,tt t.. f 'I I II 1\ II t I ' I' ll h';Wll 1'h"r6
nud ,an b' a.,;,. f) a~ . freely for. either bull.,' o r t il" b:,' ''cr child, lIS for
ofDR.CALDW Rl.[,'SS\,ll I'I'EPS IN
I IIIII\IH ,,,,,,," ,1 (· h"\L ,lll"OO)( •• 'I'h l, l'I'u lllu " i" llI1J~ h.'hl . 01 "hlcol lI""" n Su Lln .. ,,' '>ark .
th ,1 , ie,: " ,I II1 d itloo will IaslOondirected, give to AJl(1 vigo r . C'
'''.1 '
, HI , "
S\'.'~ll(l til \" ,~'{\~fjo!li1' \" riO itl1l)II"" 'll 81'1111>11111. (If l)nl;lln, Ii,." l'Ittr,.I\' l 1'1101(1 -(l'rrr II' "'" UPI' IIf (' "11 ~hprr '~, 1l 0thl,,1C ... 1..11 k A"t).~ , the ul(1 11."- :' ",,,.~,.l1w 1' , " ' 111 . I hurt (!, IVAil np "I' Y.lnnj:!,II,t1 m"k "R' Ih o: ' W!\II.I! 811 h " l I> or 11\' 111 /1 wh""" fr it,"rl r l'f\,' IIl · .. t r ; '"j/ 1111 tbl !< /!,r"n" trllllo .ntfWtlolne 'W" llrll·t\ Full,., ' I> .'~11l 111'.\ Cn "'" ()1\1~ J)~·"pltpl4lt1, t.. rplcl 11 Vflr, .It,ftJlulmed ... O .... nl h u tl,lr. \V(trkp,1 wlIlIIl"r!' I\orl , kid llP VR or tlhrlln10 cnnRt.llMtlol\ lire 1,,'f,lr I hud I/Ok n til'" l\t i rt! bot1\ fI 11l1k lown Il fl," r .t o,kl'lIlt Electrlo Bit 111 .. rlr"p~,\' h"d ~" n a 11 11 w"l1 no' 1111 tor"" r~'\llml"hl l\ time, OU"r"owed F-2471% other symptona or Bright' .. dl~e!ll\e b~ F &hwnrtl'. ilruggillt. PrlQ8 U nleBB "OU I' wlltob bus b een thor!:!old b.\' F. S h"'urlz OInl!lt ly l'1oltned IInli oill'rl wI~h in I 1111,111 h,. It, c ... n ' t be" 1I!'" ll1tel,V 118pel'l. (1 I1pd UI)' III. \\' url' 01011 t'An l ' to oInK!) Hurt r A}lul l' the m," !\I, 0(1111 1)11 ott t ,'d tiauv"m e l] I" , ,,11 flllr wqrk 1ft ' I li n" I lwrollghl ,v ,01,11 " 11 tIm ... Ilnrl ' C' III1I'I!"" will II no l1luru I,h un VO\\ GOOD~, 'I \\I OU It! h"vo to p ll'\' wh e n los!'! skill ''''el I" ~ " /1 r .. K r p "Xl1 r,'1 ~Pf1. . W,. ,· I.. " n I~ lIi.-.a 7 j " w.,j... rllr 7fJp I i'l1 1"' !"in!! " ! ~i,-, , '1 j "Wfl l 'r"r7G~ I I !I" III " " " I i • . """ Li j , "" ,1.1 ,,1' * 1 011 .\1111 11 l,riH~ 15 Rlzl" 17 j"""' \" f o r '
~" _ :
' Uarm.
,"1 .00 .
T. B. Custer, Waynesville, Ohio.
---;; -~--
"Bulldlnll Economy."
I 1' , l'i>l Pl'eserlptitJo for H (I/LU.
H!lh e8 , For Sale ' By SPENCER & MONROE , -- ~ ' W 111m we r flOOmlLl 1!n ti lIT1d -g uiu', . :; . - ~-::~ OREGONIA, OHIO .,,01 "11 Ake in ThA. U Il.Hl table t.. for ,YonrlC rel!1pootfully. IT IS THE "){NOW HOW" h e u.r "c hes u.nd neurn lg ll\ it iK 1:Jtj, HAMUICL tlOOTT. CItUS WI' koow ,von lIIU1\t obln\rJ ,reo In the manufac turing 9f Paroid that makes ' it the lit' f Ot· \VA "III lid ~,."t1y tu l'lty your PICOUI ... , ILL , Jul.v 12. most economical and satisfactory, )'oofin r.o' or idi rg' Ion ce nt .. bu.('~ , I::ul", !:Illre ontl tl.1( WIlY S cure, J. E, JIIIIUl;~· . MI· · M .. ~IC I'. BItO WN: ~, 'I . material on the market, Both fire pmof and weathel" B\'oth~l' W"ltor' Bakur, "Uoull try J" n'pl ,\' ttl .\ ,tlllr f" vor, of r fl. ,I, . 11 va1ue receIve . d r. f you buy v~ (', It,.y [.1' f e " W h 10h b r u ug tIt f on ' b proof , Yo~ ' get iu , C.... I 111I1tI. wlllIlIl "" .' 1 IIXIJ4'lut tll j Parol'd, . ,,, Api l'lt e d <lulell . ..).. " b u t the poiutlt ,.tt,·,,,1 til., Hili"" CIlmillg, 'lIId fAm i ""'tI nll\.ll1l .\' III 'UV t'r I'l l co un t ry l ,.. kllll( ' \.rwl1rtl IC!, 1I wit,h gr.. ut PAR( II) ROOFING PAINT , \oIH 11 M e ill/! 1JI)l1'e f"vIII II III f,' r n ) .. , ' j' IWldth .I" m ' 1'<1 1 lind t;1,lldio lj!:l lite. A pllll1l1ur,', Makes old roofs new. Good on any kind of }'oof. qU I-, 11 111'1 11IIx wu s then condncted J reDltlin. hy I hll \Vu rlllY LeoturAr. V~r.v rellpeotflllly, IAsk your Grocer for ACME FLOUR. ' made by the', Till, P llliJ'(~ IJrr"rll~JI WILli u ~t:o nroe lItRII. y , E, HOVlII': ()regonl'a MI')ls. ' ' of enjoy m eu f. ·IlDU gflnuin pro fi t . HOUle.Com lng
.\r.ool,t ttllmtll for tb" ntltlce Oll}, t ,. mA of the l:Jobllol Keuu10n to he
8. 9 It " 'ilt gt va me !lreat plp811AuguRt
.IId 10 Dr., tu tie IJrl:lI8nt un Ihe OCOIl"ion,
1 "XJItICI ttt be. blndraD08.
StD08rely youra,
ThA untlllttJ fh, lt.! IIwut,lDf,! wit! be Jnt.e!'; n\' v it' w of one 1'oomln EliJt~hi800 & Gibner'8lmmellle dry iro .,Ia h e ld III, tho MilllDi Vlllley Ollautau CJUII, ,Jl1 ly :W,h tsr"~h cl' .A III' ''U s t,.\,.e II t X'~IIin. Store doe~ 1\ husibess ' of ', more than 1100,000 , nnllanlly. .I mlt'll P" " f ~"SIHr "t til e Nlltionll,1 Urllllj.\ll nlld Qhuir muCi IIf 1,IH1Nllt,loDli ltl nu... L I1l/is lfitlvl1 cunlrllittlle ' 1I0d Prot J:lold en n f I UWIL A~r1 cn la l lllrll.l (;oll"l'e WIll b tl,the IIJJtlllk (' TI!. I N e xt PlIll'llrIll GfIlnge Itt W"Y- I I
WINO"1C8T~:R, I1'I'D. , ,Jllly 13
b .. hl
I '
0 .,n.. E
tin ellch m il. It d<X'snot rcq u lr<! paintiug " ' 1",,, 111'111 aptllll!J. 11I ,clli t e flat. I)c ll d lo.,l ny fur f. ee NlIIll'ks lUI, I t'llr t..,,,kl 'to wilh rooti ng
bo cullod at nil hours, da.y or ui g ht, UOllOh s Imd ohtl.irs suppUed
- - - - - - - - - - - - -........ C:11Il
\ It"11 MioXI II . II ... 1/0 111 '1 1- ' 1111 II ' V t ' I , I IO I' plitt,toll 11 1"4 lI lI' l ,,, , 1 , t'! • • , , ' " " , IIllttt· ,- ,d J tltl g-t~':1 li p ~ t llt,. t1 il ~ l".': '
Muw M ..lit 'I', HBOwlt: Your oiroular uf tbH 6th inllt,
OF ALL KINDS. 'felepllon e in htt! hOU1\e where he
:;.,._= ._._ , _
Ie r,'commcll1lu I l,j' slime of the largest p Oll 11 rymon II ~ the most ccotlOmlral roofing ~l!1I 1 si,ling for poultry h O l\sc~, sheds, elc, • h ingles no I cln)lbonr,18 cost more n::(1 d o •'1ot keel" tho buildings 113 ,I. r tad
DU"TUN. Augullt 12, 1906.
Have you the
Y"OI'" vHry IIincerely" C LARK MoKAY. ,
!-gll IN
1 I! hfA II lake l{reat 'pleli8ure In
I""., .
Keep the
\.ehIK tillm,.
Branch flies, Harv&ysbur., O.
U "
Otto, P . BROW" , Xltlt'A, UHIO. July OleAR f4IeoHIC'Ulty :
UN Dl~ H.rl' AK E
1q 11(\ rhk t tl Y('IU whlltlwnr I1IHI ,n \\, [1' h~lllih "~I' \A"IIII,, ' ~ 1" 1(1 ',, "., ; 1). .. ",1 111 ,· "r~ "" I In· I\ . k \ "1\\ In t,I'Y 1t "m .J, Ie .J IL~ '""Y II P I \I .~ f ,. R r ~I Alii'" DR CALD \VFLl.'S HY RL PPEPSIN ~("" LI(ln.,u tnoLII " W llt'lI',' ' ''r~.·", ~n,1 gt:\firllIlteo r V Al,?t f P r '1 1tn • •, • .~. 1 d h If. Ol"!oo l h(lt.utJh. a.;.l-llH'r'"~ ~\ft- r held III lrl1t' 1 •, ()/I ndy C'I",1 111\11 pAllun l" l Oll e ' l' pltlll can be obtaIned III I ro lh d<>1 Dr U/1 a !;(Ohlh, 'In Ine ,,!xli. ,1I.t" Lhe ""1110 1110 _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _-,....._ _ • ' dollur sizes from all Inl ·K,sts . Ir" n. th o, l'mh'.' " f \II'""', ~l"I" •. """'Il'! In&. 1 AmU8PI1lt'Dh, .,IC, 01'1\1111 1:111111>'- '1 "iourmo"t'ywill be rduudcdI lltdoee In ' (,,I1,,''l u ~ I ''"II"vl\''' n!' 'I.. " . M lobllClllI. ' Wanted. W;litt!· '; ~ r \l, ()oUll ll ~ Aug \l t '. 9. IIIlr1 10. h Iv b, Dot benefit )'ou. I I"cl "It , ..111" 10'" I\' " co ,a-tn . ~Il nll': 0" ' , lowa l , , • 0 I' M Your l/oa, al cord r""u •.~t will ~ t!nl by re~ ,""" \lr,,,}>; ., ~Ih- IItl . I'<lu .a~ "",I I{llulucky . , HIghest mllrk t price pu hl for , .• J ' s Idliltl uru ll\, n ly 21 .. t I: .~ ",.l1ourD~" ",*1(:1. If \{ , tA L WK LLS ' ... ,11 .1.'" mu le Ulauy ,,,r .1I ,Irst "".IIru.L Wllte(' t,o I h hi'l t 1)1I1r1 ... r 'D I b ~olJoo l BOOK OF WO.ND~: R ,~" n",\ (,~" .om p~ llOl _ " fleo! til":\' lRol rol.e!! t~I U Its bIOull .! lOrD. , tJ ~ I " C. tho le WhaV\laH'_~1' vcr Irled Ihi. w~pt! .1"l uctl flern. lurty " ' .... . y e .l u agll WAVN&tIVII,I. MII.I... , groands , M. R.oll l rZH:1t -~Y. \ rile -CO " " r ' I"'" IleIta" SJ'l',., ofJ\\o rl u .. llIc. for ' PEPSIN S ' UP . \tI t ,.luc,lI loon (I II' YO~11i /lon 't rall ttl take . . ' Of fleers W. ill be Installed _ Monllc c!la, 1111(11)1. you r t'i. llolre n and ~h(,'" lI' em h 81 rl h 'III~-1 0 0 r tl !luI 81 W ,mlll nut 1.1 YO. F ' I I I III J ~NN~JY nouu ..... it b .. 11 I", ol~ llI r 'un.J ''tI nne<lloID!. IL . or II tl >\'. , , . Is Lh u uPlll! r lun lLY of" IIlrllrnc. l:" allll 'c Peter Fry, WOOllrUU', I'll , wri le!!: 'rbe r e()(,lItly "10(11811 ofik 'r/! of Ib ~ "Id war gClI\. 'rnl~ .•u.1 "tII.rotll~".N polnl "After dooloring f Ol' two Yllll rl4 ",\t,ll ' ' G , E , WI' 11, b e Oll ~I tI" IJ lac" 1'( 1 1I1 "re~L n u lue 1),Hlle n~loJ; 11 I ~ h Ii ' \ U• llyn.,., .. I P /lIlS I tl DA• 0 liS t l 9, K Annouuceln' nt. leL n l'ln "~""' .v " ~,It.l ".-,,1011/1, III I")..,.,'n . • II> les .. JI Y" 0 nil In ,,,rtf; iustfilled n exl .Friday evening 111~ In., rltel'!; "rc cLtltI (III Ih t. 1I1,,~l unel rl ~hu\\" I\Dlllltl11 gett.i ng \Vorl-p, thO dC l(.otI H' .. W(\ cu ll you r rit.t.·nt;lon to the f~ot 1111; lilt' 1.!J. 1l1,," 4 "I 11,,- "pl/O,.llI!!' arm; " "! I l1dvlsed m e if J h lltl Ilfl.V blll.III .....,. 1\1 ltefre~hln(lntl! wIll ho ~o rve!l nfter tohllt D rm .. ko'ltl olnt l1l +lnt Is II IWlii. III ~,,"e (ll blllHe I LWIll nnt be IOIl K ""Lt. 'l attend tu I Itl1d b~ttl1r ,.tl'I' ud til it th o work . 1,1ve Ouro f o r HA>zI1m ,' , nloenl, WIl UIII]tI nVIl" will b h· / t LO 1100 Lbbl DOllIe .vork. 1 II d k' 1 f k' II ..III lIe lIlulI VU"", . If un. "aln . 103L , lit ODCIl . Ill! I coul( U·.t 1....'~lbl.v IIVft All mAmbers Ilr,gedl to be "reseDI, l' OS lin ev ' r y ·tne .. ~ \U 0 1' lI~h .. " " I'I>" raulIl,)' ",1II1>rese lll 1L.<~Ir. !;ee IIDut;hHr 1Il ,lUlh II ~ Ilu'rl> w.... 100 ' (lllfO .. 1 bl 1· I .• • t '1 '1 ~ , "l'l\ 1) II OU e. "C'''' II 1:\1 I , \ha l .\"nur L!llkcts read '1 ~ 1110 Lllul'<l'IlI ' . ' (\lr lite. Fllhl:v ' -[{I,I UIl\' 1 'Ilf'\ " " " Someth ing About H orses. ('Ilr.. ~. IfJit,EcloTl't, \Vii r ... lnrn ~'''nr N'lf!Uvlllc J t , J( . In. Ualtl~ n.ld !:lUU\\,. ;&111 r eUdlll t1! ( nriae1 t i l llIe tlV IL fl'lo'111 ; , <)). y unr D~ " r.~~ raU" >:' II " ilL fur r ;\I "'< " lid I ' ' . , , _ _ _ _ __ I moo~y . •. .IIitlDey . :1.(1v 'rll.ln " IlhHlur 1,.rL:tlolngtn Ih~ ""l1lon "lid 1 1111111"11111 I AI)' ""II I, It~ ,\' >I 'lf tn ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on rll,> IIr,'re,L rullre""',, IILII"",I Ih. I_oul . Ih.· ,., .. ,. .. rll r " .lIiti ,,(II ' " t,.kl ng 1f you ba ve I~ tellm of h or et! t hllt ~ • "III~"" hville, ,II . " ; till..... b ,I t,I". I h"!!';I\ t-u ~,t \lHnAl1' yon wlll b ire for the p'nrpose of us J It MIM.lltHl/. ,'. 1' , A, Is, IIHVIll. , I\ v 1lIIIIIIIIIIratlll, I I I" hllllrllYU until L iug in pllr.ul A 00 11, ngol!t , Ienve ~ht TiYn.-..c.It--l- -t-':-ttt:', !JI' II , I" l!..A. Incl nnllU, Obi ... . \V III< "" 11 r. l \'"l~",\~'r::"",II=",...,.""",,,,,,,...;;;;.,. ........!! ...... t;' '_ lOUr nnrnu lI nd f·htl price w ith t.J\£\ J h . I' t'KI< ,'OI I1'f. I' P. II . !; L I_?UI •. ~I" ohllirn ' u~1 u t C<) tIIUl i'ttne on p .. radt'. II I ~ i1A". r, V, ', \ \' 1' , 1\ blanuo ,' 111 , c E. " BARN"A.'R1' 0 f( N'" 'J J~ , U' fl flA'I'D AWA ' " v . I... K" ) ~" \J .. n it " , AI(Aut,. 'I., W HYlltll< vllIll', Ulutlh.f( [k<,itt"t 1).1 NOt N" L' JI"N Y, ' lIr B,. welt<. ........... Muol' ~"T iou~ di:<(>I1I1,'" oti" from n"!! I" f'Ii IIf 1111\\" ' 1" 1 ' llIl1'llh(J rlltln ~ ~lr Rnhflrt, O Bill''''', ~, III " rlt, N: ~I '''' '' lto h 'w ri Liv .. r 'fllhlet" nr~ a " " 'I'~ ~II , It llfl ng' . e !lI hlo 11\Xllllv" , Y . wr, I' : "At' llIrI I hlrlt ',1 I ' u~,.. "1 11 1\1 " '" 2 , ", T,., .111 >tIt,l dq,,'t 1'l'hHY inv", o' ' 01' , Ill' Ii v .. r ,"1t1 I f'&en , J!'ul .. ~· ',. Klrh ."" ~\Ir, · I lw ei I· 111'1 "l) "X ' '' 'I' ' "Ii"" \\ h'.11 [ )lH I, T" 1., .'~ I' ' hlte tbe ' hI \',·1. ~', r 8HI .. trv ~' , '. t frnnl I ,In, III t w,'n l ,v 11111""" II1~ht oltl to lel,II,II .. 1 \\'IIV"~ loo"!!· ",. I "" I:!ohw"r'.-. _, _ _ _ _ _ I II ti I W/l~ 1I 111,l on t...d 111' wlfh r11'1 'I' EIt11l1,l\r: BII I,'rll," k!l\''' Mr... E. H .
Y 110rll r8l!pec' u y, MRII. B, p, tiTANLKY ,
If yon IIhlill be able to send UII a w"rd of enoonragetllent pleaee do 110, Very truly youn.
Day Local No. 1
" 0 .... of You WII\ f:ln~ , t,I ~, II" 1I 1t " ... r (If n. I 1' ~oldb\'ull):(()()( l dru",gi~t~. DOII't nlllke " "!lh'tnn t:1'I in II, ' Rn , 1".4 .' ''1 : 1' ' H tl III v" 'U\lltj!'" I . - '. , t I. h t C ' 1 c the nUll .1I1~ IIIl s II C, \I !. CII e n.' ' I e, B ome CIJD)in~ 11eollr" II ,.~ TI", ( ~It ' t' rltmd.. 1k,"rdlll ~ 1 RWUlJlp-Roo(, llr. J"lhJler s S w a IllP-Root, I 11 1111 thtl "t1dre~~ , Ilinghaluton, N. Y ., on zette hl\s " !,;oo(l qtlllli ~' tlf P:lpel' . f II every hollie, l or I.1fl 11' , '
I b £~I, O ~
I u '"
long Distance No. 6!!-3r
WII' k .. In I'hi IUO i t .. ,Iqui rt· ... I' 'I ~ 1 1'- l"lIh l.-, nr ti nu ' MI' , 8~n B .. r~£'r h"~ rfltn r n(1t1 to '\"nr lt " 1' \"1,,",>1' 'I ' ~, ~. il "" " Jltl (. lI ln IL I'ro)lrll f't , •• 1 v i ~i t willI Ilt'r b(1 '\'('11 f' t' ', I \ II j 'i' ll ' t. () I to ) h \ ~I~r"r . MI' li'. U· ' U tllr mo:lI , io ( 'hl- " 11 1' 1
. For
Mrll. J
MI·,!, .I IJ ( ' I" IIl' \IH- nUll 'fuud Fr il"Hls t ' I E rl! c~ Chun.: h dllll /:i ht"' I'i'. ~lr ~ ", ~ A l ll IIl 11,0\1 Annn :~ lIjlding at Xenia. 'lell1t111 ls, rUI nrn ,'d 11 11111" '1'1I11r,..hl! fr oUl ,t "t"' UIl wp,' I!!', liip t"l'" u~h ~''' r " )' I'"r Ilr Itl or,' ~'rl nd Amo~ Ih,' I'~ I ~I Tho "lItlr!! . "'o k . n f Hn r\·u,V"bOl/ot. I",~ bern m o~I cnjo~' n hi" givlll t{ 1l)()41 IIf hi .. til" " up>! Aller. Mr, /11111 Mr:ol. ~Vtl1 ,)o k , gi A ~ 't .... "'!lrd/' ' !l11I hllRhln~ IInd _lI r . Oll gU, ntO ILt, t\l fI h o rn" of th gK,n i'l.inl:' n clln gr ~"t, i o n , llf th"" 1"1 Mr 111111 Mr.. :-;,.th C'lll'J k , et,y 01 Ortlt ,,,I " x Frt ell(l !< ht X l'uin "·111111 11 ill ~V I' " ";J \' i1h nutil IIrt r ~" '''1 11 Ill!' Sf,; rt, Lhtlr ' lr'l!\ ho,' o J\ tlt H H " /JI O. Ulllll1 l1 gr.'1l1 um')u nl, or tl ot h u :<iIL.• l lt III1\ni PrOr. '1'. A . Ed wnnl~ , f"-~t hy 1111 11<11 i IlIPtf'~t,u', UlI\l Ihe ro :-;n jli1ri IIWI1UtI!lt of the b ,,!! ill"'11 II I" rt.;1J ILUf l t: rl)\Yt1\ ~ SUII Ilonl1o ' n h llu l ut X e n j,I tUll! now duy _011",,1 hl>lIhles. Supll r int 1l\II~ nt .f t.tlf' MoLl"I, 'huoi R .rl1!1t · 1I 0W th e mlllll'tor nllll c .... 11 • f H ,ttlll '1'11l.·gn •. U"rel. K.\lI tUCRy, t( re lZ"tiol1l1rll ngli.lllhl~ tho Illl oRt.iO Il Will' u !:1Ii"!< 1 of tht ftWll ly IIf T , .J of Art'otlng tL hnr h I,lll id in/-f. Aml Brown. Thllr:<llnv un, l ~l'id 'lY , tho illitiul s le p s h'Ht! II lrenI1.\' b en MiSH Il:bla 7",,1'\ I'otur ned l'ome tak e n rowllrdB t hll tend Wedue811u ,v b 'olll ~ tll r " W 'f>kf! visit in IJII .\ 'IOII , l:!11 Wtl" uoco ml>lLl oetl Bowel CtlUl\lllllnt ill Uhildreo, hOllltl by h or OO U :!iul . Mr . W D. Durinl:' th o t.'Umrner mODths ohi! d"," nrt' " n lJj l' t f·Q dilloTdRr 'If r h ' :hlludlt ·r . w IlL! WIlS j ..illl: fl by MiK e,-; Ro(.ll IIull EIiI'.II\)lth 'IJnnrll r !l1H1 .... \Y,.I~ whil h " h llnl" ... I'('iv,. Cn r r,,1 :o' I" "li,, " 11 ~"tll1 ait thp fir~l un II ru e hnnw i ll the l1Vuuln~ , "i'be n",t ur" Iln"" .. n, ''':< of the bo\\~el " hI' M I':s"" '1IIIn ,II , r ha, l fI t,llI,ir o ' H1~in, IIf' 1,,·,., m ' rlit·inl' 1n "" .. ' . M ". A 11111 f)" nit I. b' lfj v Iyll~ h",t HI e IUI\\' ''} C'I!IIIJllui n t ;~ ('h'lmber:' in' ~ I •.... lill OIt., II'rll !lnf1 OIIITrh .. , ,, R ' II hor , t a rl, ' ,II h.·r T,r'l' t,,, EIl~lun (1. ed.v n!' i ll11'omp t l.v r,on tr n lll An\' 111 nll.torrl Ino!lpn pI'!I IIf t.h e howe l SCil le,
oular ' luformati .... 11 or th e h aUU '1l DO YOU GET UP Cowing lind Reunion ' of Formur WIT~ A LAME BACK? Rettldent. of W"YI1f'8Vllltl" AUjo!u,.1 ~ \I .rid 10, IlIltlrtl .. ls MI'8, BwwlI rid T ' ~{k Y MI bl A Dey I'OU, Ie ,,:l cs a u SCr:l C, anal mY1l8lt . E""ry returning YHII r Alallo" t "\.,,'" I"",,· ",h''''L'luls the u ews, we "ought I1ri opportnnlty 10 papers i~ sure .tl> kllow of t ho! woullerful n.1 cures m ude by Dr. , attend tbe mootiDg of the Old ~ K ilmer's wal11p8obool bu~ have not foond' it. It Root, the g rcnt kidney" li"cr '"111 h lml, W" II fifty year» ago tbfi t I took der rem ed ,'" o~,.e of tbe Unioo Bobool on the I It Is the/:reatmccbill near the two Ql1II'ker Meeting icul ~rilllllph of the
80111., Call 70U
Uc :
' al: n ~ :tl
!.. , :. ~ .,~. S
i il ....
pel1r . "
C. B IIW I1'I'''
Ot nlr.l ~!
1>1' tllI·ttl I h,,!,,'. "'" 1' \,1)",1 .\' w il l 10 , ' II''] I '. nl 1I 11111111g' WIll Imp ]I . ~ I" m \l l' 1~1o"1'1t'" 111'" or 'll l\' [LuI Nn . I , "Clll / I \.
'l'EuEPt!O].JE eJlLL
, '"
t' l "L1\'u n t~' II,dd In hd 'f:\n e ,l
pu.r · • - .. . ,
fl .UO 1\
!O k I',' n II 'I . tH 0' h, \,y ... WH ili tlJ,! '1' X' In ... ty for I hll l 1'''1' 1 " f ti ll' 1'>1 e !:I . ,\\,,.. y or r " '·"I ··
/II . ~', HHO"I(
JI .. 1111.\
Flour mill has been newly I emodeled and' the
q.ualit.v of our floll,r is better than ever,
ALL KINDS OF FEED AND COAL. fH AJ .~O a II i R k ' ds o a rd Wood l urn b er. ~~r~·ci : ,:ty of hard wood frames.
W e rnak e •
White, Good, Gingham ~jJk Gloves, Corsets" Linole'q rr
' rnesvl1l., September :19,
Ohio./Cha~berliin'S' Couah HemedJ I CIlia Collt•• CrouP aDd ~Couab.
HutcbisQn St 6.i'bn¢y, X4tnia, ObiQ. .
' -( e'S .5 ~., ~~'.:-::~~~-:~----"1i~~"~~~""""~"~~"~"~~"~~"""~~~~!!!!~~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!~~~!!~~~~~!!~~~~~~~ ....__~......____....~....~.... . " - - -e- - - - -22- _. ___._ r hta 3;.
County Courts.
C I L All L . Di 11 e aOlls vs 00 UOILS. _ "' voroe. Neglect of daty aud willful bbsenoe. PartIes worll mllrried on February 17, H~Ol. ut Lebanon. \. 1t.,I'., /I "" I WII ' 11.l ldrtln . Plulnt1if U"1i ,·hIlL II" IJ., ,, " "llh·,1 (,h ... · 1I~t"dy IIr ~h" Child . AIm . WllIllrd J . WrlKht, itolli ttO l'l1 .Y fU I' lliain ill'. 1£. Klltllllrl Gilohrh.t v~ 'l'ho LIn · kll UWIl IlI'lr" 1, 1 i!:u uuh Wl lkill~, do· (;ell ~lJd . Pluil.ltlll' s"e ktl to quiElt h er Uti i'! ill lOa II I'e!! uf luud in Oletlror uk tll w" .. hlp . WiIlllrd J . Wright Itlllttnrney , .Ir plu.iutill'. ~IlUles Mutthew VI! A. B. Pum mill. F," 1JI01l0Y ollly; t1 ,J ,68and lut rOIH. WIIlIlt'tl J . Wri ~ht Is .11,tturuey filr pluuuift' . 'N \ illlt~m Hllruey VB the Daytou Loballou IlUd Oinoinnuii RuilwRY lJOUlIN1uy. D(unugOtl; Rmount olnflncd '10,000, l?hlintlll' 8tlltes thllt au uurl prior to Ootobttr 2l, IUD:J h , e Wn.1I emJjlvyed ¥ eugineer by .mid ovn1pany, Bo /l.verll that 011 Uilit uu.te tho g108" lubrlon.ti ng
5 '._
I,,' '' ; 1'·I, ·'t
*1 .
11"",lIohl 10 IWllfolti" " ...
":Airl .v in t h e (ties of 1800,Wtl.ynes. ville had outgrownla very able Book and Ludde r Fire Co. by the infnsion o f· IIOlDe young Americana into the flphere of uflerulue!!11 who clamored f or a reu111re engine, and to satisfy eal'd. lndll and at the same time gain
W. F ,l!Jllllrltth to Il, ' \I. lids Gil·
oli l'l~I 1~ 1 Ill ; 1:1 \1<1 IIcr BR in Hamilton t·O\\ lI~ hip ; *:1'i'IiO.
. \ ' 111111111 Burwn IlUd Ernml'.• Bur. in Rtlll\il~o" tow n~hl' l)', ·" 000. " . ..,
t nn , to Ill iltl AdalllS', fill -aoros
Commi'ssioners Proceedings
8ensa of aeourity, a committee was nppointed and authorized to go to Cinolnnu.t1 IIrnd purohlU!6 a suita.ble tire extinguisher, whioh they were Dot long in doing. Coming home they announoed ~ha~ they bad bought the power. tul 8 break,' a· fire engine, "Buokeye," and , thtl.t it wonld oome np the Little M.l aml Railroad tho A Fire Compl1ny Wll8 organized that night, and my rec. oJleot.ion is that It took in about nll .. the available yonng men living at tbat time In the town. Murt Hoi. lund WitS elected engineer ,' John P . Kinney nnd ~yself a88lstant engin. oers In oharge of t be suotion hose;
')V .
Pltut;~n~~h: '~j~'o'~il~'~" ;;;;;:
10 00 tbe water intu the IolUg trough till It WIU\ full, find we were not Ion" in 3 75 getting the Bllotion hose Intoposi.
i:toh"rt W. Merohant VII pl ...... ". .... ................. "' . LUftlllf . U,IlVtI ill giVtJll Frunltll n News pu~liHh inJ( no. timl, flnd tben, ob, eX8Il.tio morneu ~, l,lulutlir to file re ply forthwith, tioe to brillge oontro otorR 7 50 wilot a oheer rent the air wheu our 10425. Culll LUQllIl V8 AJloe Lucas -oD~Ywtim"'ILlntl'*'tonn Cto 'tt!to, ne 72 60 ohlef engineer Bhouted "Down on I:ItlrvlCti by publiobtioll ordor~(l: " '" uu on, cun rn N o . the break8 '" 10256 E. Kathtl.rlno Gllohrlst Vtl 4L .... .. ...... .. .. ...... ........ 101 75 . S. I{ . Stephenson. lumber .. ... 603,1 Then we begtln to .. how eviden~ '1'he UlikDown helrlf of Enocn Wtl T , O. Ptutorson; boarding of 11 hastily, ~ell drilled and wilUng kIUR, .1llOeallllli. N()'loe of pendenoy prillOnera ......... . _......... 3G 30 trire Co. The wflter in the trough by pu bUoaUon III ,)rdered in the Frankliu Chronlole, station began to diBlI.ppell.r, lloon to reappeAr !lllmti manuer Bnd for the.88mt' time flry for &ldier8 Relief In Il hundred or more little stresms .11 In the Ollite of U()U I'68ldent' de Conmlisslon.... .. ......... ... 5 25 from oraoks iu the box (If the mil.· Jilullautli. V"Uey Tol. (;0. rents find ohlne OCollsioned by standing long In PRon", II: ouuKT."" tolls .. ......,...... .. ..... :.... ... 14 90 Inaotlvlty, aDd I remember thllt tbe Contraot Willi eutered luto .wi t h leakage, oooled !lOmewha_ tbe en. J n re 8l:Itllt.e of Hannuh Printz, de· cea\led. Ordllr for p rlv16te slllo- of Geu..-Wle~to furni8h loou8t po!!tl! at thuMlasrJl of the 'orowd thllt WILB 2fie lind lobor $2.26 par d"y f'lt re reel elltat.e itlllollli. p~lr of fence Bt Franklin (Je'mlltery. pre80nt In bonor of ·the OOOIUljon lind aome truthful remarta wer~ Eitt.. te of J . P. Gllohriat: deceased made "bout the "old wllt-6r' pot" but Order for lIale uf !Bnk ..took valned A BKrd Lot. lit *161160.00 11!lI1lf'd , of Irt uhles to oontend with, 8prin&: we I18r81l1ted till w.e " Kweiled" her lu rll will of Arnlluua M. Schnell, from II torpid liver Rnd blockaded up Bnd 'she began to ILl! Dick Mol'. lx)wt1I... nnlellM yon "wl1ke~ t.hem to row who WILB a spectator 'Ilid : IIq dt:OtlU81)<1. WtlI udmltted to prvbote their prop"r n\! thln wl tb Dr . Klng 's, 81) sq K<1 Bq.sqairt' ha! ha! SoUle Widower ell!oto\ t.a ,tuke under t,hc N l1w Life PIJI"; the pJefllla.ntest I1nd . ' . mos t effective oure far OOlJs~lplltlun . how or ath!!r the nozzle ~ot !nohned provillions (If will . They prevent Appendloitls lind tont! In the direction of t.he hne of ' fire IJ:III~ite o( Am"Dlla M. Sohnell .de · up I.he sylltem. llliQ at F · lJ. tiel! we were under lind right .,then and OIiltllfld . ,;hllllltl .. Schnell "nd Chllrles WIUtz drug s trOre there I/:ll.ined onr firat ]lut out. Rigbt ,JOflUlt IlPl'ol· with bond of 11(). thtJr8 t.oo Willi demonstrated the to000 'J , It. RlJ:II", ~I . ~fII\rley and IlS) uael8lsn8l:ls of tbe oOlltly. Buokeye WUl. l.)btUl~y upprlLiHera. lliuglne I might olill it WRyneavil1tJ's l<~tllte or r o. Duuu, de08bsed ./ first "(iold Brlok." Io' il'i't "uli I1nal acconut for I!OttlA. There were no oillterns then uud Ul~1l t Illllli. It. would have leen a phy~ioal im· Et!tuW of Dllvid B . Grelln. Fir8t po88lbiUty 00 ge\ suft1oie~t ~ater aud Ilni~l aQ90unt for ~lement ellewhere. fUecl • . We pulled up tl.nd went C1D down Etltotil of Eliza,b eth MOOkltlr,. de. .1MIlln 8trE'et to 'I,he bridge over Camp (ltI!llIllll. . M. lJ. LJrflke j'PP;)llltPd "d; run whioh a.t thllt time hacl a deep , Illtnlllr.rluur wit.h blind of $1:tOO. C. hole water· and we triedltbat and Wilbur LviIi, O . 'V. 'Mutri .. linel H. lIuooeuded iu throwing water, cun.
Luth er I!:. Fry ,nnll Dl'rll MIIY tllmplll'II, both of Frflllkill • Audrew B . Siloam" Kllr,,of 1'11'"" Ilnt, Pllllu, lind LllhElli, Il ~ ... v I' Ph,. ",. .• D~' Pililll. Rev tlltel,h~rd Will . OI!C'" r I 'art ,.r.. lOf Dnyton. IlUll Et·htll Ii' K"~~, , ,I I" bllt,on . Rpv. ~ooper.
& LOllslille TO Ul' IIPORTMT CmES'
. .....
VII,lrhl .. R' lll", of 1",I"wnli, "nd ' Mhllt MuuC"',,,f MOrrflw. Rl'v, C,onper.
Soa~- ··
_ .. 5oath.....
, " W. C. Grt'!!"r :!, I'xeolltor "r !ilHrtlh Baldwin, dOOf'HIIM ,to """\1111 "'lilt /lOr!!; 4!:!.70 tlq"" ~ In 1 'jlrl"n 1111111; tlO r.1i M:I.
••1IiuuIu 1Icut1 •• lILa
nm .... 1III1D lVl1DAYI • IUCI MIIt1'II to IdIIY
fOtMn ..un.
W,: n. Ortl~p rJ, IIrll1ltnillt.rUn'f Ilf L"fllyel,t... BlIl,lwln, deo'.'Rf'1II1 I,,) RII r. hn WbU...."ro; 18 ~f1 R.or~·11111 Ha'rllln tHwluddp; f, V1I11lllfl of Frnnklin toO 'l,ln. M, G,,*,I .. t ; lot tn Fr,mk lin ; ,snll Wm. Ann Emmll Burt.lln to ' Elln AllulIllI; 3 trllot,1I I!'\ Ramilton lowp . IIhlp; $3000 Martha A Parlcpr III Minnie M. MiilA1' lot In FrttnkUn-; '1100. I , • nota M. Vila Bome to Mal'iana leU 01171100 ' Buta; tot In ~l'An D ; . . . . JObD ....4 ADDa Gl'llmllc to Alberti BeIllae&tadmlDlHraw of J . .O, Bail-
r.~",,", JIaIIoAddn. , PAVL BItOWN, T. P. A.
1'1 A.
w. Co ~.o. •. A.,
,. OacIuatl, Q,
Twenty YE'IIr Blttt.e . "1 WR" a Inllftr In a t,wenty year hAt·tip .wlf,b ohrtlntc pHell and mali'!. nlln,t. "orf!~, ur;ttll I trifid BuckleD II Arnll'A ~lve; whtoh tnmPd ~,be ~ In('l hv (\urlnll' both f.tIJ. nnt a traCt'! Tpm;'tnll. .. wrltell A.'.1. BraM, of Fa1'tQvlllp, Va BMt for old moen Oata,' Burnllldld WoUDda. 1150 .., 1',
. .... 4eoene4 ; Jolin _ ; ,I.
0. 80111'._
ere was a .deep 80ft anow, aDd I never missed going to a fire and J threw snow balls wl' th othera to beat the band , ,.nnd went back home and to bail, fClr only ten weeks, 110 tb, t~t was stunlpeci in the <loods nnd p .. that was in '/.3 or ' 5". :0 0 . RAND ERSON . .
Love's Young Dream.
The Souv4mir N urnber of the Oazette. As 8000 ae t be announcement of the Gizette's intentIOn to i88ne a sonvenir edition giving a report of the Bome.Ooming was made pnbllo orders hllve been coming in for ocp. les from persdna buth at home and abroad. A.J fll.8t 11.8 Ithese orders come In they are pnt ,! lown wltb the num. ber of COpies 'wanted and theae or· ders will be filled firet. We shall endeavor to have IU1II.. olent .oopiee for all who desire them, but we will know better how mllny oopies to print, If the people no· tlfy DB as to albout the number they wiJ) want. I'
High Hopes for . the N. N. University.
lio. r."
I' . M 1 UU
A. M
LeblOonn S bak~r
J c. Ar.~
1 "1!! ~
Hempole,aol Oen lero'lI le
A. 10 .1!!l 10 :.!:!
Cr ..
7 Itl
,'W I j ttl I r,
7 J::
Miss Anna Ohenoweth, of the Spring BranoJi nel/lhborbood, and David Luos!, of MO,uDt Bolly, were married at Newport., Kentuoky, Thursday. According to the Cin· clnnati papers the groom gave his age ILB 2G, t be bride bers a8 ~l. Bere again, in thi8 case, the trntb of the old adage that " the oouree of true love never rnns smooth" waa proven. The yonng oouple loved and loved mUCh, bnt stern parental objectlon8 . were IIdv8noad agalnllt their union bElOllnBe of their tender ILge , Thursday, lihey oonle to WayD68. ville With the bride's motiler and wont to lin lue oream parlor where after a dish of oream aronnd, they, like dutiful ohildren , In8isted upon h er having a·n extra dish, they, In the melln tlrne, makin8 I\. preten!18 of Rolng up t.own, but instesd Blip. ping oft' on the nine o 'olock train to Kentuoky. They returned on t·he tllree 0' olook train. bavlng been rnllde one and rnllde hllPPY. lind rilllY tbey oontlnue ever so to be.
The AI111l1J i
t 7 Ud
70 1 W 5~ ttl M l O ;,:! n [JO t U tl
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Lebano n- I.v. 6
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NOIlTI1 1l0 1 N il
Parent Out-Witted by Couple who Lytic go to Kentucky to be Married. Edgewood
10 ao;tt 0 4 ~
101 6
.! ()i' 2 !It.
II. I ~ '
A. R,
If I IIler •• to:<l Ask
:, UO
6 .~ - - 'I'leket AKe(\-37 :.H 1'.! 4:! "5 .0 2 45 r. i ,1! !!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!~!!!'!!! ~
A 'L'rllglo Finllll! . A watohm"u'R negleot perml'te<l a leat in the great North t!tIA dyke, E dCtwood 06 ft I ~ which U ohild'8 fiu ger coald baye Ven",ble :1 UII '6 16 stopped, to become It rmn null brea k, Kl lCbner .. , J:I ' :\ 1.1 '1,1 .I,H clevHlltliting an entire vrovinoe of Ocdds .j 1,\ Id . 1i Bollllnd . In lille manner Kenneth Leland 1I1 ~ . 13 ~~.6 aO IMoIver, of Vlmoeboro, Me., permit Lebanoo Arrive ~ 35 \l ao 3 ao U . ~ : ted Ii 11 tUe oold to go unpo&loed UD . Dl1l1y e.crpl Summy. ; Stop on .'l/ nl1l .: til I, tra gio finlsb Willi only averted AUNu n T aMil . by Or. Klng'a New DIMCQvery. He 'I'ral"o paRO Lvtle a . follow. : wrltell; " 'rhrllfl rlcotOI1l lIav6 me up North bound 7 Ma. m. fi HI'. m t,o £11(1 nf Inng Illfiammlltlon, oanled Soulbnound 00111 . m 031'. m. hya negleoted oold I h u t Dr, King'. \ }' 00 u: New Dlponvery l!Ilvr.<l IDJ life . Guar· G~I1~ra f pa_n,,"r ~I;;'~ Le~ai.on. 0 anteed best ollulfh lIud oold cure, lit . - 11' 0 &lllwartll ~ drug lltore. 600 !!!!!!!!~!!""!!!!""!!!!""!!!!!"!!!!""!!~!!""!!~~!!""!!~ I and 11.00. Trllll bottle free. 7 r, 8
"H 06
8 00 ~ I~ 8 16 t8 I" '8 ~O .K ~U
10 r.3 " 10 r.9
06 "II 01 1111 If
.; 7 fl U O~ H 011
She Triad Five Doctors Mrs Francea L . Sale.,oUlllsonrl Valley, Ia., write. "I have been aftlloted with kidney _rouble five Yllllrs : had severe paln8 In my bRot aud a frequent desire to urinate. Whllll riding I experiflncM mnoh pain over the region of tbe kidneys , I tried five phYliolanll without bene· fit and then oonolnded to try Foley '8 Ktdn~y Oure. After tailing three ,1.00 boUI_ I wal oomplehly onr· ed t ~ld by F. C. Schwartz..
I !!!!!!!!!!""!!!!""!!!!""!!~~!!""!!!!""!!!!!!!!!j!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! L C.
PRYSIOIAIC AND 8UIIOICO• • VorrloK lit • • • • 8LOOII: "'!'!!!'!"!!!!!'!~~!!!'!!!!'!!"!'!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!'!~"!!I'!!!'!!!
The Original. Foley & Co ChIcago orlgtnaWrJ BoneYl\.nd Ta~ al! a th~t and lnnr remedy, lind on .ooount of thelfMmerit and popularity of I'ole,'. Boney and Tar many Iml$ationl are offered for the leDuiDe. Alk fvr Foley'. Boney and Tar and refue a.ny anblltltute offered a. D9 other MONEY TO WAN, prepllratlon wl1l' give the _me . ,. . i8factlon. It ill mlldly laDtlve. It We have from $1000 to ,GOO. 000 to oontalnll no opiates and tlll&f.' tor loan on Real EIItato and Life Inau . cihlldrl'n aud dl?lIoate penoDi . =,:,a::~lloiee, at th" lowest rate 01 Sold by F. C. Sohwarb .
8A yusLlrl: AOIlICOY Co~ , . .tb and Walnut ICS.. . Cincinnati. Ohio. 11
Many reade," , of the Gazette haye • ~~_~~_ _ _..;.....~~~. _.;,-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ been interested in the affairl of the National Normal University at Lebanon, and. friends of the eohool wllJ be glad to know thllt there ap. pears' to be e, hopefal outlook for its fntnre. Staple and lI'anoy (irooerlee, Fruits , It wiJI be r,e oalled that early in the spring dUlterenoea aMllO betwoon Vegetable. and Canned .Goods, membera 'of the faonlty and the Cigars and Tobaooo, bollrd of malaagen, whioh for a time threaten,a d w aloel! the 80hool, the trouble being due' entirely to financial oa11lles. . Phone 79. C.~M. B~OWN, Prop,:,ie~~. . fSlnoe .tbflu· 1& oompaQY has been i organized by 'friends of the IOhool ....... iI ~~~-...,....-~------- -----~--........~~- , . whioh took onr a plat of land neal' Lebanon whioh they have divided Int,o Iota and ,llOld, realizing enolllh by this meanel to payoff the sohool rlebta with a bit more beIlldee and at·ilI Bome, Iota to sell. Preeident (miager has been In· duced to rem"ln at the h_d of the inet.itution IUlld Prof, A. L. 8111 from Williamlbarg, Kentuoky, haa been appointed bnalne8s manager. Altogetber the outlook for the old Normal itl bl~ighier thl4n it ha• been for eev!!ral years, .
M. W.LANG,M'.1}·; O.M.
EF'FF. :1'1V £ APltH, I n , I,I'UII,
Rosy lu
8ldera.uly lesif than Il gOOd' many reet, After exhalllltlng that body of wuter we ,1I0ught other Imllgina.ry fires to oonqner and to Bbow to t·he admiring oltizens tbat It wonld work. We 08me back up Main street lill far 11.8 the well ai the Lellk rll!!1 dellotl whe.n Bome one snggested .. ·' t,ry" We got the Buotlon hOl'e down il> to the wellllnd the order, " Down SIlVed Hil Comrade's Llfe. on thebmtes" WI'.& glve·n. At tb~t "While. rettlrnlnR from the Grand time thtJfe WIIS It burber .shop in old Armv Enoam]pment &t Wuhlngton "hrolld honse" kept by- It oulo.rad Oity: a oomrade from ElgiD', nl. Dl n Mr Sam G. Smothers who lit . was taken wltth obole~ morbuB and II, . ' w i l l i io tI. orltlcal condition," 1181s thu Urn!! wall stondmg on the pla.t · Mr. J E . Honghland. of Eden, IQwa. fOf.m in front ot hl~ shup with _one "I gave him Chamberlainll 00110, M.· Huok Lynoh, Ilnd they little Chulera lind IJlarrhO!!a·Remedy and I,h uuwbl. of the Itttraotion the,\, were believe 8&Voo·hlalife. I have beeD . . ' . ~nll'8ged for tl3n yea", in Imml,,,, mil k InlC or or ,t~e eeoentrlclty of t.llo tlon work a.n~1 oondnoted mlLny parDlIIOhhi(l, Ont they ' 'Ytlre not left, tit!!! to the sOiath and well' . I alw·. y. 1011g in ill1lorllnoe for 80me one aald 'carry this reDIeny and have used It ' th~re Willi a fire at the barbCr IIhol1, sno0888fuUy 'Gn many , oooaeion·l . " ~nd that was all tbat , was reqnired &ld 'by F. C. Bchwat:tz. \ nnd whoever handled. 'he nozzle doue t,o a tnm, one blaok and one brownie. . RJDml:VlLLlI, 0010 After that we Wok the B~nokeye SPICOIALn.-: ' DUlIiUD or won. into one of tbe OpeD IIbeds baot of the 8a mme)) 80Ull8, where It reated . . D OBlLDRD. in poaOft and quiet Ita naturalUfe I!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!"!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! never, I believe, w.s It called up . I'lnt Aid to Beau". tor the real thlnl-toput out a fire. NotbiDllnnore oenalD to bend' N b 1 W nll 1 .. ?our Ulan a 25 box evert e 818, a7D88 e a wa,,1 of The,. fHlb. had a. buoket brigade. aud I remam· 'be to ,be oheeb, ber whea J .... bIokeD out with oue -,ve ,.ou • =-~:: ::t~ar:-~'" olear, l'CWT, oomplulon. J.
-_.J .'
nglellhee Rnd !<on , hurial OJf sohlie r ..................... , '50 00 Le llUllo!,!loe (mrl COll i 0 •• ice for 'ou r t S OUBe ..... ...... .. 5 \) 4 W . H . BOll e, servioe!;! 0 8 In. flrDltlr.v Director ...... ...... 4G 00 W. B . 8 ttlDuge & Co., su pplies d un blonktl for clerk ..... : 27 -76 .,olllln on Gus 00. , gll.5 at J·ail .. -'! 63 Xeui" Oi ty Wor't:r ... ",-OUB e, boarding prisoner8 .... .... I"" 00 ChU8. D. Reed . I do~, heavy hroom8 ..... .......... ... .... . .: " 00 W 0 Trotter olld 00., lumber ... 2 0 00 III Henley, Do,ve Parsball, Hen, 1:1 Tom and Luke Manlngton had the onp or gllug" on IiloullJotlvo helong lime ... ; .. ... ....... .. , .. ... ..... , .. ... 284 SB oare of the hose a.nd all took turns illg tel tlflid oumpany, wllioh he Wlls 8 . 0 , S e uk1 1', feol! and ex· , at directing t ile nozzle. Everybody ruunlng , by r euson uf its defeotive pense~ ... .......... ............. 10845 was In a' feverof exoitement for the oondltlon, exploded und Il ]liece of O. P . Wheato n, Treusurer ILrrival, whio\} came apd foulld ev foes of Liqu or ettlement 46 01 gluRil therefrom straok' plalntlff'lI hull .., A St'l II A d' f erybOOy I h rift eye· "" , wholly delltroying"', . I we . . u 1tor ees . there Ilt Corwin to gi ve it · ' " II IDOtl t generous . welcome. The lIulno, 60 that ie h ,d 00 be removed 0 f L Iqllor i3ottlement.. .... li76 07' B ok "'il 1 d I .1 R B ' . . u eye WII S "pellu .., un ou I!( Kllu !lnd !lIght 0'1 lIume WI'" to t" J'y de . Hmlth . ceml\nt ... .. . ........ 22 00 the bl ith h' · hi · g rope W W IC t wile Ilro· O. B 0 Ilingllwor t h. cont-root ... troyed . II d il 1 d f ed No. 1-1 PI' 0 unco Ill' lin asten In Illace. Pluintlff Htntos tbnt tho oup wall <17,50 Kinney and 1 were the onll& at the Old unu d\'ft:o~lve aud no ..hieltlllnoh E. B Thlrkieltl ' 0011 (".a., rug t . Hngu" to' guide the mllohine, a.nd II tI oUMtonuutly l,llIoecl 'ovor it. aI! ' for Collrt S Oulle... ......... 45 1i0 everyone t b preslln W 0 oould took u III" ~s th .. , he hus btl"n tlJ j(rfll.1I. ex; ()ro~"lIill Brll11.{O (Jo , onn hon(l a t the rupt'. whUIl others 01'1 JI 11 ... 10 rur uUrtilng, proourint; .. 11 tlr I , trnot No 213 ... ..... ......... 50 50 willingly "liOHSterJ," lind Jl.W!IY I 111oIlIIlYt'!, e tc, llnd ,hllr Ill! hllM lJet:1I ( .hn ll. Bllftmlln , r emovlnaaorOBB the 'ri ver .bo tton., up Nurth "" from drift frol1l. Broadway ... rlllunon(ly incaptloll<ll':.ed • street to M,lin, to tnll Bamm.,ll 1"lIuwlug bls W:tuullloolllJjltlun. W Aroh. ......... ..... .. .. ......... 2 00 Souse h ors" tr'lugb, wherll' ~he I ; . "'Ilomllllou und L . F Young uru John Wolf. oontraot, No . 11 .. . 48 00 B k u 00 eye too k her first bllpti!!llI . "1I,,,r06YII for plaintiff W. B . Antrum, P. M 1i00 20 80me tl?ollght-ful ]lllrSiln blld pumped , UKT PR()OICKDlI'ICl8.
,\ ' .. I . il, '01, (I , 1I.llll1nl"I ,·"Lur ·Waynesville's First rty-John E. Cline and hiB mother IInll tru lltp(1 nr II", P· ( II of .1 . . f FI're Engine oooupied it · t,h on-waa put out by B ,,,,,,,'t, d"('I', I " " I II .I p hll u r dlll .... ...0 buoket brigade, and snow balla.
p· S, J ADU,
/ !
o lf to 1\ wa tor hole to dlttnlt, a nll tbn g Ollt lind gTu l e, We left PII yelling fOIr h elp, nnd t gucu h \ Wll\! prnylllg lIome. 'cnuse o nel' he got o n hi Imc()s. bllt a oupl& of pet buffalo cuh'(ls, lh a l d'no of Ihu rIIn he r 'll llo yt! drl\'es to a crirt. W ' I\ ' ull lo pu a nd brg'lu 10 II cl( hi s Imld b ~a d. lind che w bls h a ir, W ell. we gOl a ro und 1.0 l h e ranch ho use, whar wo l1mld see tho hord . and beB pa Ir yln'g t.o pu ~b lbo Clll ye3 a way from belli' so 'filmilla r, and th en t.h he rd nil lert pn and went baclt o\'e r I h~ r id ge, a od Ilo. was a lone wi t h his flIpty revolvers nn ll J he po k m eAS ure, I'll ~c mod to UII slunned at fi rat, a nd Ilion w all s tur te d out ta reSClle him, a nd he sa w us coming , li nd be 'a Ul e to m eel US, P a waR a /il!;b l. I II!! hn lr was a ll mussed up, a nd bls fuce wns r ed and so re rrn l1l cont llC~ wl Lh llle rOllgh bu fIlI oe8' lo ngnes, Ol< tl lh e s nll o n Ulelr 101'1;1108 nlfllie It Il ln lll't, a od hi s ' COfi t s l utl\'c~ nnd Irousers IOSA hnd beon chewed orr by tho bll,"aloos , IIncl hCl 100kcI I li S \hourrh ., h, e hlld been t hrou"'h D t\ corn s hreJd e r, IItlll ,"el he was s UlI bro \'e li nd nobl , Ilud liS we go t u ear 10 h im he saId : "Got nnr trolling do,,"s ?" ""'h ill YO U wa ut t m iling d fo r?" a :ked Ih e ra llc hmun, " Wha t "" Oil wll nt Is a b!llh , " nve li llY iu ck this mo r n· In g bllrtnl oi lJg~" " Wol! I glle ~ YI!-S," said \la, os ho dropped th I) CII measu re, nnd go t O\\t a fe\'ol\'er li n d llijl, d to r 1II0ro rart· rldg~s, " I pu t 1 ~ bull eb, Inlo tlau t llllll' s cnr IlS, when he, wns "harg tng ' thll t 110 IIOUW8 It all, a nll ho WlI lIls to Pa ' nitl he e,~llect oli to kill, the on I· on lilO, lI ud bo' v he ca rl'l ed l ilom lIwny ' )pose, liS t he ano? to g ive In ro r~n tl On, ma ll b ro ro tbree s ho ,11 d flra d, I mora IIHln I kno w, Oet 010 Ro me
In II. blln!! , like t h e German emllel'Q r , nnd hllV the gamll drlvou to him ' 'I'lI ~y gUY Pll two big revolvers . loll,] · ed with blank car tridges, I kno w', boo causo' I hea rd til III w11II1I,or llbo ll t It lhe nl ghl hofo r • a ud Ih ey g.lYe him a peck ilion u ro at SIl It :uul 101() blm to.> s n ea ~ up to " IIIt1 e ~h ud Ollt In a tleld nud co nc 'OI l b lllls It until UIII glun nme 1I 101lg , nnll U10n open lire, and , , when h is burrnl':) fell , morUllly WO,lInded, 10 go ou t o ud skin It. Pa asked wha t the salt was for, Il nel they told blm II WIlS to salt, lhe hi de. Aulho, 01 "Pock', a.d B by Abroad," E IC, Say, l IID ew lh a t the placo tb Y s III pa lO wult fo r bun-alo was wher Ihey salted th o a n ima" ?nC8 a week , anti s,tll.rted to I 11 I,n. h Ul th r a il h r ~a lind til e Bl\d Boy Vl ait 1\ Buft'nlo ca lJ <.>d me a ir lind lold me I o ul ll go R nJl eb-Pn Pnys for th e Privllege wllh th o m u nlt d hclp drtve Ih o S"UlO of KillIlI g 1\ Buf!alo. But Does n 't 10 desLrll clloll . Wo wolled until the ran hma n hlld A.ccomplish, His Purpose - He H i re3 & Herd fcr the Show Next go ne out wit h I'" a ll el got him ni cely con cealed , th e \I' ll )' Ih oy concea l Em · Y es r, poro r WII IIII I1I Whe n be sla ugh tors Th is Is Ih I:,s t weok pn nnd I will stngs, a nd pn loollell as bravo as IIUY b tl 10 thl) Cnr ""'sl lookin g for frea ks mperor liS he so t. hl~ l WO big rC\'o ld rnr_ au Ctller gc ncy. Tho for th e wild west de pllrllll t'nl of our , ver. ren), .. ll n to Id Ph t IlB l he II n tI tw e I ve ,&bow for no xt ) 011 1', Noxt 'wee k, Ir pa rIIn Culll Ii V" .; , we ahull bD bll k und or th. s hots In th e fO \'o l\'!!rs. a nd he better I blg I)\\ It came •• n t., to see the sh ow close ul> t he sen- beg In fl r Iug w he n 110 lIO n, a nd ~ h n k e hnu els nil IIrou nd with o \'el' th o ri dge. on Ih e Irtlll , nt t he , ~ur old fr iend s, the frenks. tb e pe r- bli nd Of t h hNd, n nd [Ill III a nIma l I '·ut WOII Id • t 0 .form n;, tile ma nagers nn d a ll o t 'elll. II rl \',U\ ('C d , I'" no no COli be n Sind day tor \1 8 , fo r we I,e p firing llul U Ihe who le 12 s hots Il b a \'o hud Bn a wrul t Im a li t west, It WIlI'C fired, nlld Ihr n If the ' onlm a l was p a would o nly In k ad\'lc. li nd tra vel nOL k illed, 10 I\ ~ hlH own jUilg lllCIH , l ike Ii )Jlllln, ordlu a ry c1tJ.~e LI, w ho Is ' liS tC) whu l to rl , wb Olhc r to rlln ror ,I 'W Ill lug Lo lea, rn lhln gs, II wOlll d bo I I h e IlOll Q . 0 r Iur uown li n d p."e t lin d I0 :6Uferent, bUl ho wnn ts to Sh ow people , bo elend,
P n W ns Al ive to HIs Dnnger. .aml I:W wl1 ~n hf) Js taugh t a nYlhln g bil L Ii t be wo rSl cu mo 11& COU ld run ' IIOW It jars blm: AllY ma n ,wll h horso so m,!, uut th e rau chn ,nn s llld If he -len would know tb at It t al,os years sllo uld run th ~ l h who le he rd w,)ul d to learn, bow to rope steer , Ilnll k p bo Ilpt to sta mpede on hl lll . an d ruu from bpl ng Upped olr the borse. nnd blm down, a n,l h e thous h t pa betl er ruu o ver by a pro ceSSion a t cows, b\lt I ··a wn nna I ~t We ill" 0' by. Isoe d Il IteII '" ""';'I U~ lIn b a das I ng pos"" ", "uut I P! licII flO wh en we got .tn his youth, with a clothe!! lin e, WIlli out ':)u t ho prall' l 1I:1c1 fou nd lhe her d, a Slip lloose In It, he posed omong 'r bey we re ns t ll m 1I11 J er' oy cow.,, cowboys as being an eXI)e rt rop er, nod a ud the old bull. th e li Clr It Of llle lot. "be~ did he lond? In th e cII Ctll 9, with n hee d a big ~s n bnrel: ClIme I:!e ",as just meu t for the n a tlv llS liP to Ih e r ll nvitman und wanted 10 be .~ II!\ \' 0 fu n willI Berdt '"nll d II h".. s "I\-e ~, " b"d " ' like , 1\ "u 1I! d og , 1111 d tl Ie .... " • ' , jbeeP, flu Sbed ~I \!. qo. th js ,~rlp. Bllt the clIlIi'es a t'lll \lOwe cam till IIl1d 11 ' ked J.. w orol of all W,16 this trJp to th e bu(~ our ha nds, II wr.s hunl \YQr k to drlv o raJ !'llnch ,;to Houre b~aJoell Joe the tlIem toward!;;' llil'li .bll u.d. :C1\U S hey 10110 \'1, and It i WIl!I III Iln's place I wanted to be lieU d, IlIlt tlO rll nch-wo~l d gn In to retire menl, fl nd never lIlan sllld as soon :l w cO\lld get 111 loo k n /0 ' n In the face: Po's Idea buH Ufl to t he to p o r lhe ,'Iel ge. so t h e Wit t hat th,es liulfalo\l o n t he ,mnch old inan 'oul d. ol)en f re n hi m , Lhey we just us wild as i bey used to be 'IIOU d ' bu r )' rll,"h IIlong I I'u's blind, wben Ih ey run al la r ge on the plains. CRuse ,t he r alwnyij C!l me 10 be salted " ' b n we got t,) tbo ra ncb at evening, at tho Rlgtl at of a r cvolY e r shot. P Il PUI In the Whole tJmo IIntll It waa So we fJ\ls beJ them ulo ng liP to· ti m e 10 go to ted l elllng the ran ch- I ward ~ th e ridge. out of sigh t of pa, m ;\Q nnd his hIred man what grcl t by punching, them. nud . IIlPlllng them th.l nS3 h ~ hl\d 'lone kll1ln g wild nn l· I Oil tile h orns, nnd fiuull:( the b,ead of malu. twd wbat dllngerous places' he , ,t110 old b\lll appeared abov e tbb rldgo . . _,..
to fih ow Th!l. t the Bu ttel' Fat It Conta ins Shoutd D ctel'-, I'lIlne Its WOI'th.
~ ... n , Tho Cl\l\s , Y~u Up WU6l.1 Not li t Home a rid Won't GI ve ~Is I\Il. e.
~ I urh Is wri llen I1l1cl saln 1Ir;!\l nllt n fil t ~t: 1\llu tI fOl' nl'llli, lind as to lh e IIcl d snbl lltyor bu yin g li nd Holli ng m/II, on Its rul \'tI l 11 0. lost of tile 01'»081tion ('om rn; frem l th ose who ore not' COLD STORACE FOR FARM. [lm,~ t1 !II mll il produ oe rM, tlnd from br-eel ler s of lo w·t Ung breods of CII t1'h15 Question of Growlc g' IIllI)Or t n llct t.I. Jlls t fcH' all 11II/s trutton of wlltlt t o the Filrll\,er-Suggest lon thi s met hncl ca n a ccompli sh OUd .In of an Ex pert, proor to All s ta ln It, we will s lye, Rays CO lln l r), G,~ nt1 e mnn , tbe r('sn\ts round An II r l':l ll Ae JU l'nt for cO II\'c nleore III III SO IllO sOl'llo na of New YOl' k wlthlJi Qne plae call 6(>lllel lll h copied In the Pllst rew weeles, nil of th e m , In e "cry de tail (or lI uother, bu t /\l ilY 0 ( - ' JlIIH'e~ wh ore th er e Is large patronage, tor "!lllIabl e BIIJa: rst lo ns for ' mll ny At oue 111L:co, WIUl n. pntroouge or I)l1101'6, 60 In d ., 1'1 IIIOJ; o llr' al'ru nge· 87, W!l ere fi ve yen rll ago , whon th e fa l mll nt tor colLI s t UI'II 'e r()o m , etc.. III teM t wus In tro du ced , not te n por cent. lI el.l of a ce ll or , I s hull omit ,," ch de· of th o co ws would, show four p ~ r cent. tllll OR mll Mt \'nry wit h each Ind i\'luulIl ot fat , lit pre cnt of the 87 ,latro lls o nl y location, nnll s imp ly (I escrlbu thIs one elll ht ha vo milk under fou r per cent" as It Is , wrll es J, 18rlon Shull. or on tl tho we ig h s hoe t shows thni . with Clnr ll COll llty. 0" In ' Om n ge JIIM lin 11I1'I'ense of n enrly one per ('ellt. III Parm er, With thc e xcelltlon of the Cut, th ere IS li llie If any dlrtert'nce III plast erin g. 1101 1I s trok e of PI'o resslon · t he omo llnt of mlll{ llroltuqed Ilnr cow, 01 la bor wn s dmwu II po n for tit I , uddl- The fa cts nt this plllnt aro true at L110 lio n to til e hOllse, Fro m s ton c fOlluda · olhers, 011 Ib e o ther h and, we hnve tion to chlmlley cu p, Il was lh work round other Ill nnls wi t h llbout th e of home ta le nl. sn me pat ronage lhat orc 811 tt on the LIke lUaJl Y olh e/'R , we It ,'e In (l SO '- lowcdt IIl11 lt of t il t. wh ere lh oy bave tion 100 I \' I to aclml t of II cp llnr \III- boen 111111 sl lI l lire paying 80 1II11I:h per d r th e hOllge, UIIII the 0111)' s u bstitut e 100 pOlllllls. regul'dl es" of fllt, Illld their mlls t be a ' tc.l 8t mge room . th a t b - milk sh ts tin tlol s llOw vory lUll Cb lu g mora h cn lthrul allYWilY, We buil t If ,any s r a l r rleld of Iltllk Ilor cow, tho Il dtll 10 I 116 s ho wn In the acco m- This Is 1111 objec t lesKo n to a uy rom· Illlu ying 51,etch . t.o Include 11 SlIlII me l' greRAlve da lrYlll a n, tlll d alight to he kll ' hen, m il le roo m Inlll cold s Lo rn g~ ,s um c'l li t (>\'I d nce III ,favor of th o fat· r oom. co nn el!l1l1 g with Ih e lI'Ialll hotl ~e \ ost \111\1\ of pllrc!)f1Se nnd SIIle of mlll(, by IU co ns o r n poo'oh whlcb oIYo\'ds Il If It nec02sltllt d th e ouU njl of la rge s holt rOll l)fl~~ a se w /ly rrom o ne to th e am oun ts of mon y or !lny I;rea t trou· o th e r BS w<!1J liS cO\'erl ng III t he we ll. ble, It mig ht be retlsol\Jlbl to Sil l' Lllli l As a (\lrLh I' \loll\'ollie nco the enUre It wou ld nut po y to bulill up he rds po rch Is sCl'cell ed koe p Olll fli es, that would tes t four p I' nl. und b tDouble walls II r c IIsert olll y for tb e te r, Bllt t hIs Is not n essal'Y, All t'olrt room lIlI d milk 1'00111 , Th ese 'were th a t o ne h ' s to do Is simply to do Inmnde b)' \I s ing s ix-In ch studdlng di vidual testln!>, !Cnd weed out nil CO\\'8 baa l'lled soli Il ly outs ide nnd In. and thnt rUII low In fa t. Hnvlng dOlle tbls. flll ed b t",cen With dry SII WlhlSl lIS you hllve nccomplls bell whllt we art! IldvocatJug ; ooel one will n evor Imow VIIlnt... Itltckca. ' wh ere th cost of tho cbnnge com!)!! In, No one w tll rDl\lntllln Ilt this date th at the food to prot:1l1oe fOUl' to 1\\'8 per, cent. or fnt In mtJ\l coslll allY more ple of SI)ClS, 1):)(' In tho eye nnd a nTh enormous ma tarlo} walth ot th an thllt wh leb producos fl'om three othe .. In \h o r l'os L. bll t b e ~ame au, to fOUl' pe r ce nt, ' BeSides, It doel! make 'With hIs ot h or (')fe fl a shing fire, nnd tbo sta te of Ne w Yor l( Is In no WilY, pe rhaps, more cle arly mlll'l(od Illan In II- dolrYlIlun [eel rll ther IIs h nmed when hi) hair on II ' R hOld uud 0 11 bls hump th o 'fac t thot lhe tot a l amount of rea l th e month's prIces come ont, to find Sllr'klng Ull I!le" I>or 'up ' n e, ond the es tate-Iood and bulldln gs- xcm ptod th M his mil k Il as broug ht him perbaps whol . !l~nl fo lb wed, b 1I0win g li nd from tlllmtto n I Inrge r thnll the lOlUl 95 cent.s 10 $1 per 100 pollnd ~, while ~ nlr ly ha ltl og Ih e cll r th. bu t I ke pt illY asscs ed wealLh of 25 of lhe 45 stnlcs bls n eigh bor mol' t ako' $1.1 0 to SUS; ne l·,'e. l sllot the bu ll rull o( lead, Q[ th e Qountry, s tutes thc S Un. nnd wlten tha t r nllo of differen ce preand be totler el1 n oug to wnrc;1 s lIle, New York has $J ,600,OOO.QO O of r en l \,alls on tb e thouSllnds of pounds dell v· bou nd to ba" e re,'enge. bu t just as h e estate e xe mpte d fro m taxll tton, rt lllis e red III II month , It l\ mouots to quite 11 was gOi ng 10 !;Or DI witb hi s wl ol,cd $~ 5, 00.000 re pr sent ed In cburc hes silO). as co mpa r ed wl tb the 811le of a horns I :ught bold 0(: the 10000g a nd church build ings, IL 11M $1 50" slll gic 10 pou nds, o n his he,1I1 R \(1 yell ed "G et out ot 0 O,noo In bos plta ls and charitab le In. No one will dls.1l11te tha t In tho s, Ie b ere , conrlemn yo u." li n d I leol, ed him StllUtlOllS, It has ,I OO.OO(),OO() In at a lmost nny other eo mlnodlt y. noll In t h 0110 e 'e, li ke t his," IIlId pa cor- schoolR, e xclusiv e of S60,O OO,000 In eRpe lully so In eve rythi ng except ta lllly Illd look fier e • "nncl be threw coll oges. untversltles und other build. food s , w n evel' consent to s 11 oth er li p his hea ll. willi me hlln ' I.n~ to bls Ing8 wholly devoted to th o purposes tban on tbe basIs of quality, onll we hair, li nd \Vh I came dow n I klckod of In tructlo,n. are sutl sJlell tp a t 1I0ne of ,Ul06e who h im In th e rlb3 aad h o gn\e 11 grUtlt T!l e city of New York Includes, of DIAGRA!IJ eR W tNC ARH AI' , E · aN oPllOs lng the fllt-tes t proposition a n ll a lltOlu'n Cul bellow , a s th ough he course. by for th e largest proportion lIlEI"'l', would con ent to Iluy or aell anythIng 'as nll In, !lll d was a fratd or me. aud of thes e bo ldl ngs: though In the mat· buil t. The sllwdllst extends to the lOP else 08 th oy tlelllond milk should he we nt aU ove r t be hl1l, :followed by t he ter of church property the land and nntl co \'ers lIlo- loft with n 1 or f2- sold- that Is, nil qUalities nt the 811 rne horcl, cll retl to c1enlb til t a mlln tha t buildings outside of the city or New Inch ,Iaye l" also, prlcD, whI ch method 18 ' ono that en n - ~ \Va no~ a :ralJ 10 Btand bls grou nd York r e pre"ent a total va lu e of $7D-,' 'l'be floor '" 'n left a ll .. le \'el "'I ~ .. th , the not encourage anyone to the doing ot u tm 1 us ,u ns t t he f\ ol'cesl .D :. tbat ever 000,000, ' ground , but tile soil WIlS first thro wn belle r wo rle, , We bave neverfi)u nd a trod th o grou n 1. NOVlt" come 00. a ed Th e [Mornl governmen t ha $80,- out and then replaced with grave l single Ins lance wbcre tho fa t -test plan , h~lpr mo Hn~ \JIe CIlr cass," l' a loolted I 000,000 worth of lond ,and bUild ings. well tllmped: and then c.'o verell ,Wllll. or pUl'chaso hns not raIsed the QUllllt~' , as thougb b t It. , lin tb l! slate , of New .. ork, of whloh II la yer o[ comc n t whi ch extends u p To cnrry th e r easoning fnrtb er llnd "We}), you are a wOlnder," snld Lha $G O,OOO,OOO worlh Is In Now York the stone wnlls around ttie rOOD! to \1Ius trclo th e uu(a lrneJ 8 at selltng all ranchmlln, loo kIng at P'II lu admlrll - ctty :lIId ,6,50Q,OOO wo rth In Burtn lo. I the sills, lhus In closing e verythIn g Qualities a t one price, how many mell tion, " 1 b ave B eeD m eD before that Tbe . state Itself h as $85,000,000 wllter tlghl , ' Wludows !lad doors aro cnn b~ fo und who will sell 1\ b orso c ulo l lIe ' soDle, but rOil have gOL An- worth of property. land nnd building,; 'I also m!\de dOllble, hilt the outer wln- or co w ror n price that one m a n muy nallins bea ten n block. Now we will tbrougho ut the state, of whleb , by far dow !s' rcmoved durin g Bu mm er anet ha\'e sold lin Inforior one for- or gUll go to lhe bo us"! ,nnd se ~U e thIs tbill g. the largest s ingle Ite m Is at Albnny . should be replaced wllh a n nwnlng. mora to tho point, soli each for so a nd I will s end my trust.y henchmen Th e ro Is $60,000.000 of Ilrollerty Across dne c ad of the cold s torage mlle'l per 100 poun\l8? alit henchi ng afte r your buJ1," wltbln tbe sta te of New York In rOOD! are bios mad o 80 118 to be en~e know ot one c:ompnny tha t h nllT h n we weu. ~c tho house nnd go t cemeterIes and' '~O ,OOO,OOO worth at I t1rely removed at will so that eaoh died milk In the ytia r ,1905 W. tile d lnller. Po nd the Illcn dr-ove up .lhe bllt- property In libra ri es and sclenti lle 18umm . e r the room can he thoroughly amount of m ore thlln $200,000, al\ fll io mto the barnyard nnd fed tbem ' and patriotic organl r.ations. elelUle!.\' with the least InconvenIence., whi ch was purcbased on th e plan Qf 'so hay, and. we we nt , out , and , playo..! Agricultural societies own , '1 ,000" ,Shelve!!; one above another, nccommo- much per 100 pO'1nds, \'0 orllle8s at flt~. \Vllh ' the bu(f\lloes, and po Couud h is I 000 wortb, and township nnll vlllllge (Inte several hundred cans ot fr\llt as 'a nd we nrl) Quite s ure that ver), little bull hildn'l a scra t cb on him. a nd tha t !.rull/llngs r Cllr esellt $22.500.000 more, we I! as empty eous, Bced bollCS, flower If any, dividend s were paid to th s' h e would len n up ll gal,n st pa a nd rub pots, et .. stockbolders. to wbom lt wns a great 8 ~I1II1 S t him jus t lik e I~e WIUI a tenceModel Siokll.1!II8. Along one side of the milk room Is mystery-- t bo t on lbot Illrge buslnen \lOst. , Tire pretty gtrl had told the artist a tank two teel wide and as long as the IlOmethlng could not be made beyond Tho m p chlll on told PI! they bad been I Ula! she 1\o.d' posed beCoro, and on the room. to accomodate milk jars, A the expe nse of ope.t:ation, Tbd' lollS str:nl;lng him. and that Ul e nnlma ls strength of that sta t e ment s he got two-Inch sleel pipe wlUl elbow turned ca llle from t he fact th al every month. wero 60 tume you could feed tbc m Ollt : a job, She badn't held tbe post ten upward on t1.te outsl~e , puses through they took In thousllnds of pound!r,of.: 01 yOUl' han!! , lind that h e had been minutes before she turned dt:adly the' dOllbl e wall and Into the ta nk, At milk tor wIJleh th ey paid much more s hoollng blank cartrldg~. a n d the : white and sll nk to the floor, "Model I the other end, a trine lowe r, Itll height than Its a ctua l vaillc In eltber. butter only Ihing he regretted was tbat pa. sickn ess," sa Id the experi enced artist, being determlncd by the deSired deptb or cheese, and It took from lhe protl~ wOll ld lie so before strangers, Then I after she had gone. ' ~I knew slrl\ ~as of water, Is a s imilar bu t straight made on the good milk (of whi ch they pa bought tho I' erd for the ~ h ow, li n I ' lying, for the ll \'3t timers a lways get I l>lpe lead Ing to tho stoc k trough on hud consld!lrable) .. 110 much Lo lovel up ne xt yell r 11l\ will sbow' Dl\IlIencl!s ho W , It. It Is as well deflncd n complain t as tbe outside. Then ror COn\'enlen~ In tbe pOO\' Cluall \y that there , wlis nothh e "li n tame lh wlld c~lt C?! tbe uol[l! nl , s~asI Cktl e 3S, and has to bo treated the l.occa,slOnallY emptying and scrubbl,n g Ing le rt for dlvldend!t on the s to k of Il lngdo m, so tltey will cat OU\ Of his same way, It Is a form or nase8n. and , tbe mnk, It must have a drnln pipe the . co'nlpnny, Does unybody r ea tly hllnU. • Is ca used as m uch l)y the nerVOUB near one end, and the cllmont floor, of want lo do business on lhat plan, or straIn ~ e ne w model Is always under the whole r oom should gradually siope ask other pool>le to do BO I The Spblnx A mswered. ' as by the un usual experIe nce of stand· townrd tbl < ,point, wheMt It must hllve " What Is the so, ret ... t llucce9111" Ing In one p sltlon , r have bad big" conne,c tlon with n til e ~mln. the Gr ow the Dairy Herd. ""ked th e Sllhln ~ , ~lron g me n, eve n lI egroes. go the same I trough p l ); ~ opening Into the mouth , A,S to tho bost method ot bllll ding " Pus b," ~ al!1 the Bulton, - , ~,al' ! t.J.!I !!o~etllinj; evc,rr artist has of, tbe lac!:""" fioor drain . up a dairy herd would say that "CUI"Never be lcd," 8111d tbo Penc il, ' Ito makr. all owanoes ror.llntl only prac-' Tb o posll ':>!) of Ibe tlle drain must 'out doubt lbe bes t p)on 18 to butld " Ta ke pllln s." ~n.ld tlno WIndOW. Uc o c~ n ' c ure It , (lilhollg h r know old depend SODl Jwhot on the lay of the tram a carefully selected tou ndlltlon ' lo ~ " ,\I ways kecp cool," said lhe lce. mod e ls who s tlll,: urrm' rrom It. e spe· land, but pl r- es from th e pllmp troll~h, whloh tbe ancestr y of the anlmals 'ls "Be ul>· to·date." t!l!ltl the Ca:endar, I c:tall ~, If th ey I" ~ In an awkwa1'd from the llollk room floor, and from carefully considered as to 'Plirlty ' of .. Never lose your ,head," snld ths I pose, - Chi ago Int er Oceon" the ciste rn overflow Inlo whl oh the blood and performance, By selecting Bllrre1. ' • cistern pumll trc;lUg h 18 ~180 d~alned, the females fj'inn such 0' heret and re" ~lake lig ht ot everything," saId t h.. Ohan ges 1"n Bt:lt!sh Views, may bo convenlenUy brought toge ther Ullnlng them 19n9 enough to Improve l~lre. '' 'Too many In(l.uencf s spo il the Brit- IIIto- 1\ sing le drain, at no great dis- their cllpacliy, a herd Dilly be built up " Do a drl\'ing buslmea••" snld tile Is b" might be adQptlld AS a pr9verb.o,nce from theh' startIng, points, , ahowlng uniformity and llossesslng t1\8 Hammer, Within t he last Quarte r ot a centu ry From the pump a h~vy Un conduc- opportunity tor a hIgh production. " Aspire to greater lhlng~" ,Said the the American woman has cons iderably tor with an elbow at each end, the Tbfs metbod haa been pursued by the ! uttl~eg, I ., lill erI'd th e cbaracter of her British o ne turning ,downward Inside the , UP" mOBt Buccessful dlliryme n In tbls elate , , "Be s horp III 1111 you r dealings " said Ris le r ; t he American busin ess man tllrnod steel elbow mellttoned a bove, aod whel,lever It hilS been carefully t be Knife, ' • has , greatly changed t hat ot his eCllllv- the , other turning upward ~nd failing followed It has shown Itself Buperlor_ " Find a goo d thing a nd s llele to It:· alent Itl I!lngland; t he French have jU8t under the pump spout wqen In to tbe plan where COW8 ure purchased nccllstomed \IS to ,"n attitud e of mind use, carries the wllter to the mnk from adjoining h erds . The way. lo let sa Id the Olue, ' "00 the work YOU nrll suited to," wblch would have h o rrlflfl d our pa. , When not ln use, It Is swullS around a dalr,y berd, Is to grow It,-E. E. Elrents and t he Germans have Introdllc- ogaln9t the wall, wbere It I!)dges In a liott. Wasblngton Agricultural College. sa id tbe Chlmtl~y,-C OI ngregoUonalldt. ed their mlUtary spirit lrito'll country hooked support ana Is out of the way, which ha ~ alwllYS, been o)lPoaed to a Few of these double· wa.l.1ed rooms Olinseu Bear 1 T Days. . , large 011 Substltut. in Oalf Peeda. fll!lndlng army . - London built entire ly above the cround lire Ba ngor, 'M ',- Pea rl J lln ld ns and Oraphlc. A 81;CCB8l1ful tarmer In tho north of abso lutely f.rost·proo[ In the severest Pra nle Oral', of 'reDlf\le, startlld a black weatber, They coul\1 doabtless be' England hl\8 given on,l hlB metho!j bear In AVon and follo wed him for 11 m'o de 80 by sparing DO eKpense In feeding calves. whIch may be lIumSI~ or Classical 1IIullle. days, when they brou ght btm down III n 0 pluno player Is pluylng a pleoe making thicker walls, but wltb tew marlzed as follows: The calf I. altbe Carthage basIn. near Saddlebaek that sounds as Ir he dldn't know It excep\Jons the rooms aa dBllcrlbed are lowed to have the Whole milk of the mountain. They followed 'him trom very well, a nd has to s tol) every min- Bul!lclently warm. When. however, cow 'for the flnt twp week.. After Avon , throug h Temple, Weld , the cast ute and s ta r t over, tbal renlly menns there Is reason ~o tear tbe cold. a tbllt the nmount of Datural milk la part ot Carlh~e. Wasl\lngton and Per- that Lhe music he Is playing ts cta.s- thermomcter IB 'placed In the room gradually decreased lind the dearease kins plantations, During the purs uit Ical,-~t(']i180n (Kan ,) , Globe. ' aud If It Is ~kely to becomo too cold Is made good by .klmmed milk and the bear led the bunt ers twice over a fire Is hllllt in tbe· wash room oily subatancll8 placed In It as a .ubSaddleback mountain and onco over and th e connecting dool'll kept open stltuLe for oream, Thlllle ally auh-, 'And Yet • .Bald, 'l'be benr from the start abo wed "DIdn't that patient reB)lOnd to your IIntli' the temJltrature hes been raised .taneea In bl. ~II are boiled linseed. much cUllnlng In his to evade treatment?" asked the doctor's wlte. to a ' safe ~e&T,!e. whlln they are again lIVund IID1Mled and cod liver 011. The anct"eacap.- them, J ' .. Not yet," replled the Pbyslclan;' closed. Thfa .I necessary only when ground IInll8l14 II acalded to «et tbe black. with nne fur Was a beaut,. "aDd I've eent him three blllsl"-Ou. the cold II \.,., ..,.,. or loq pro- ,all 'out and thll II consldllred the mOIl, He welgbed. with IDternal 'atlsfa~ .~~! ~II !~ ~ubatRutli. Mil'. Journu. "I tracte4. removed. 30~ pouDd&
" I t hin k Iha t t hf' lII eUtl st lIIan In \ IIC' wort" 1 Is I he r ' llow who ('n ils you lI l' by t elp hollo wh e n you' re 11 01 at ho m a nd W o't lo!ll \'c hla na me,:' " W\tn l'S melln nholl l It?" " Woll ," said ,Wfll ts ille. II corOl ng to t he New Yo rk Worlol , " mnn y t'hlnJ; ij, For Illsta n • I' m do wn town, during the clay at my om},e, Some man tlnds my homu lclt' pholl o ad dress In the book alUl ca,ll s me Ull on IL My wlte UII WC I'~ , 'Wbo 's ~hI R?' s he as l;s, Dn ll I he \' olee cO llles : ' Is Mr , Wes t slrl a t h ome~' ':0;0. bll t I'm Irs, Wcsl!llde, and nny messag yOll ' mllY hn \'e for h\OI- : ' N- 1I0, n o\' r mind , I 'll ca ll him Ill) Inter, " \V ell. won 't you give mil YOll r nam e 80 tha I 1- ,' No, t gu 8~ nOI. No, I'll jlls l call hi m liP lat r. Oood·by,' " Well, I gct home In ' tb e vening, lind illY wife t 115 m t hat somo myst ~rlO ll s ma n ' call ed me un, woul dn 't !lI ve h is lIame. numbe r o r bU 8 Incs~ , nnd lhon I s tart g uessing, ' Naturally I IlIIn til e t ha t It 's 90ll1e one wllo Iloesll't w£lnt my wife t o k now thnt he I'ulh-ol me li P, So I IlIlllsl ne all sorts of t hings, " My dinner Is an I\n ~ ()mfo rtnb1'! Uleal for Ihl nk lng or the wret ch who rallcd me UI), I go t hrougb Ih en111'0 1Ii. 1 of th e people [, lmo\\' who ,\'oul dll 'l he apt t o lenow my omce ad· d ress: I tb ink or " e ry on c I ver \t ad IIny I,roll ble with , I thlnk hell "cn 0 1\ Iy kn ows , whnt I clon't dogs a u d a Wln l he"Lir rifle ,lOt! : will t hink, ' " An d then t ho 'phon e b II rlnSl', and fo' iow hl ltl till III) d ro Pt! In ."lIs tra cks, Thllt bull Is lil Y llIo:J.l, YOll hea r m 7" Ih o mnld sn ~' lis Cor 1>lr. Wosls 1cI', nnt! lJR li ~ nt 0\'01' II lId 100keu a t Ills I go with (~8 r nnll t remblillg, A no who Is It? Oh, j lls t somo Idiot w ho h w d clol he~, " Y Ii tl(ln't I:\can 10 t ell 1110 the hull wan ts to Imo w Ir my wUe nnll I can 'l cOllie ove r t o-morrow e\' IIlnS. Of ~hn rgc d 0 11 YO'I und didn't kill' YOII ?" sa "] Lt' !! rlC n('!tI!w ll,' win king III tlle so met hin g j us t as InconseQuentlnl," h ire ilion. "How di d YOIl i ,eep from WEALTH OF NEW YORK. beln!; s o r 'II ?" "We ll, It ,tal; s 0 prntty (m ort ani- Twenty.Flve Sta tes V a lUed at L ess ma l to Ot lb be'lt of mil," s'lld PII, Thlln tho Stnte's Unt a x ed looki ng wise, "You slle" when the bull Real E state, cam over Ih e hili I gll\ve him a cou-
Buffaloe. Llcked Pa' s Bald Hoa ~-Pl\ Begnn to Pra~,
1hill! been 'In, \\n!l wb at bold tlllllgs h e on th e regu lar t~lItlI e tra il , and not hall done , ' more thun ten Tod n [ I'Otll where [lu , H e ~lild. wI/lie 'the object o r his vis it was r.oncca led, Then we, he" rd a s bol to ttle ran ch wrt.S to buy II herel of bllr- ,lOd we Ime w lla W I1S alive to ' h l ~ (l Oll' l oloes for tho Sj!.Q'W, the ,th ing he 'g er, w an ted to do, aoove a ll, was 10 1,111 " Th e re s he blo ws ," said Ihe ra nch. ~t b ll ffal o bull In.' sl llgie-h a nded com- man, n nd th en Ihere was a noth cr sh t. ,b.'1t, a nd bave t he bead [l nd ho m s to uad by th" l lillie the whole he rd of .ur n,l lllent hill rtcn, a nd the hl do [o r n n bou l 20 was rill ' tbe " ridge, Dud 't h t! lap robe. but 'lite ra n nblllell would be sbo ts clime lhlr.k, and th e herd 8tu'l 'led w ei' Olll~ to Ibe m eat, He o:;l(ed the o n a tro t rol' l\te s hed whl!rc 1,0 WIlS. mHU Who o wned the ranch If h e mIght ' to get their salt Whe n we 'hlld count. h ave the privilege, by paying for It, or ed I~ sho ls lind Imew pa's gun s 'we re .kIlling n hulralo, e mpty we s howed up o n the r\rage, lind 'rhe r~ lI e blll '.'t suld he wOltltl a r· w l/l cbed Pit, T:l i1ge IL a ll rlJl Ii: In t he mo rnin g, ul: II lle started t6, run " wHh th e lIe ell lIll " 1I t1 I weot to be r, After)l u gal , to llIe ~su re of ~all, bU L fell dowl\ IIIllI sn r loS", IIn ll It llllng -bu(l'!I1 es In , \11 K ,' Spllle(1 the salt on Ih bras. , ilnd be, , lel'p, I could \lear the r an chru:lu , and fo re h. conld !'ct up the bull W IIS so 'bill b,c lpers plan ning pa's humiliation. near tllnt be dassent run, so he la id .a,u d when I tried to tell pa 10 the dol'll and played dead. tlnd the burra. 'IDO,rulll g th at the crowd we re Slrlng-f loes surrounded him and li cked up , t~e tng him be go~ mad at me a qd IIskeel A:lll , on ll pa id no more uttentlon to m e to mind m y owa huslness, nnd !llm tban they would to u log until that Is ~omethlng I never I'ou ld do to 1 lbey had lI oke:1 up ail tllll salt. Then ~"e my lite, l tb e bll ll ~gan to lick pa's hands and W II. abou t lIa )'lJgbt "'e were 1111 01lt I face, and po yelled tor help, but WE' 'OD the ,'eraudll., and tbo!' gue pa Ifl. : ~ot liehlod the ridge and weqt around l!Itrl\Cllon~ abott! ",hal b e WRS to do. ' l ow~rdll tbe ranch, the rBncbman tell'The I'un i'hmall sa id It was 'uga lnst th .. 1, ln g U8 that the nnlmals were perfectly atate law. to .kill buffalo, ex~ept.. harmless and that a ~ iJoon a8 tillY bad ..-&f-4uCtlll&e, 110 pa would Iaa,'o t.o let II ckett pa'il faco a little tbey would
GERMANY CLINGS TO RAGS Bndenvors , to K eep 'P!!!ler {altins M nt rial from Bei ng Sllil, pe d l o . Am~ ·ic!!.
.·AN EXPRESSIVE F·EA TURE !fhe Mouth Gives the Exprl'ssion to lbe Face, BoUt In Spea king and in Repo se. " If YOll would be rc a lly goo d·loolt· ~ng bold YOUI' JUOUUl cOrl'CClly," s uy s ~bo e XI)e.rt on woma n ' i.J flUt.y. "It &B th e Ceature wblch. co'J llrols lhe en· ~Irc eXllresslon of ,Ul e race, lind with· tlut tbe Im ow ledge of how 10 usc the ):Dua les of t.h e mouth the re Is u't 0. elngl lJer ~o n whoso goud loolls will ~ot be maned the mom nt lhe fuce \J CO lli a anlmat (J . "I s n' t It tnl o lbat It YOu , nnrltotl onro YOli hal' o tl Ules how unnlll'activo
s lve nn el th ey canno t only prevent a hnntl somo counte nance from uecomlug ordInary, tlUt t.h ey ca n alt r the cnl h'e c haraa t r ot n bome ly (ae . "First letl l'O to malle th lips l:m· bel'. Certall) Bl ngl nG' ex6t'claes are helpful to thi s eiltl nnd th y should be pract Ice d e very morning for a weel, or (11'0 until Ul e lips bee,o mB elas tic. One exere ls e Is to pronounce tbe se parate vowo ls In tUnt · t en or fifteen times, brIn gin g ille lips ' we ll forward 8nl.l nway (rom th e t ee th as far as possible fOIl' ench lette r. Anolh eJ'. and thI s Is r eally better than th e tlrst, uscs th e r peate cl pt'onn llcl nllon of the two sy lltlbles-Oh- W ee. The trumpet sha pe or th e moulh Is also mploy ed with thi s, the lips he log drowl1 bacl( and forth wllh el(agger• te(1 movem nt. "The second help In correct use oC th mout.h Is to m~ko a special Iloln t when c,'e r YOll s peak o r ha.vo occus lon to read aloud , to uttc r ench word dis· tlnctly Rn tl pul th e d'8 and g's tlnd t ·s on the oud or e l'e ry a ile of lh Ir I' II Pccth'e !lyliableB. Clea r artlcula · tlon helps wonderfully In bringing the lips Into play. " Al so r e me mber ,a lwny s to IIcep the corners of th e month \I' II forwartl . The ugll st formation of lit e 11118 Is th at whJ c h draws the m ti ghtl y ncross the t eet h, stre tching them b a lf way to the nrs. A wille dls plny o f te'th nnd frequ e ntly an uns lghlly "I e w of th e gums of the u()per Jaw Is the reo s uit. This Is eXllgStlrtlled when s mll· lng , but ven when all Illng the moulb to s peak It CO 111 pi tely s p'a ll any nntural be auty. W\tllt Is moro, ono pe "soll In 0. hundred th ere Is whose lips do aD n prettIly unless th cor· ne rs nre constantly kept In . mind flnel no t allo\\, tI to !itr tch far baek. "For tho wom nn who Is 'blessod wlt.h pnrllc uhl'rl y fino loOks, hold lug II! meuth we ll In l'ol)Ose eonnts f.or II. g renl II ul 'toward ImllrOvlng her . benuty."
,, -
looking wom n npD ear thc Instan t th y ollen ~helr liDS to 8n alt 'i'h o formation o f th o m nul h IR.' at course. the und erlying cause of thI s, but It Is the wny In whic h tho tl xibl h W B are he ld that Is. res ponsible for th _d isappointing ebang . \Vom cn shou ld IItud y how to make th Ir IIp R expres·
EC.l:omn Br oke Ou t AIBc:. on Eands nnd L lmb~-An Old Soldier Declllrec: ':OUU()Uro. Is a BlessinG."
Puzzl e to the Man Wll O End Suddenly Sustn.lned the Losa of Them •
Oharming Cloth t:08tlUne, About the Godd Corselet Bkirt and Right Kind ot Girdle.
Tile ucoompanylng s ket h Illustrates Fr~ h stree t os lUme In Whi ch the s lop ing conl-llo e Is we ll hundl ed. Th e mflterlals Is 0. chiffon b'r ondcloth nnd .. tbe !'klrt w ns clt·cul ur. WIth " se~ m down lhe middle fronl nnd Uny buttons F. t down tbe [ull $lllrt length o n ench &Ide of lhe front. A looKe Il' lpl e cou'l WUS ul fa ir ly shorl In t roul, but Hlopcd aWRY lo a lengl h sl% or e lghl Inohes grellter In the breck. Th.e sleovE\ bas the s hn\tJder en p, whIch , In Olle s hallu or anot her, Is beln!:; much used again, nnd Il triple ou tr. A wuls tconl at whIte cloth IIghlned the Ifeet o[ ille os tumc, antI on It wel'e set. ttny bu ttons m u teh Ing those ()n t\11'o s kIrt. . The corselet sk ir t holtls Its own and Is ev.!d nLly to last throughou t tho 6 ' ;;' son; bill tbe f''ren uh mul"! rs aro ShUllnlng the nHstake, uPllurenlly In some of Ula early medels , ot making the l.'OrsolC-t 110 blgh t htt t It C\l t9 the bllst line 'Iud Inl erferoll with t he grn~eflt l c.u rves of tbe flgu reo 1'he col;s'elet Is now of 'modom'! d Illh, nllli " ery o ften .1t; \lilt dow.u. nt the llliddle fron t, rll~ln g hlgber tit SIdes nn tl bllck. It Is cut In ono with Ihe aklrl:. Elr, M Iu O[len ' the ens , evo n III the modI ( r s tre t wenr tUl'ned out by Ihe m 09t [umolia house the l'Orsl!lct Is llt sepn rnloly lind In tWO IJarts, on~h pnrl, uppor l'nd loweI'. being eul on the bia s, so that th mater ial will strei ch lO fit the curves a00 I'e n tl~ below III \\'al ~~ lI~e. When prop~rly m il. lie til es
Indian Territory land,
AU th e news or lh~ ne w l i nt!. AI" I he l An d b ."
Nnwtly wno Ilnlle r sto ndu the lnw ot prices will wo nder ft t a ml\u mnlilng hlm_elr s cnrce when he fe ols chea p.PUck. . Th e maTe Is lily no mans !llngu la r. E V3r ythi ng goes, wbere mall y III the mot! ,'o.-Puak. Soma lies are 110t as wb I to as they uo bleached..
Scandals in Eigh Lito Ar e Cnrefully Reeol'ded in Els MnJesty·s Book. '
Illdl·t, with beller chnnce of flttlll g we ll. Dndly flUed, thi s tlltllcheil girdl e Is e xce si l'ely cltlm y lind unbecomln!:;, Imt ·,'t Ils best It has much to 01!ll end I,. '
SOFT WHITE HA'N DS. CIMnse Thoroughly - An Excellen t wIll IJ removed. Then the staIns and caJl03ttl~s may be talien at! with lhe Almond Cream-Wllnt to Do fOl' ' bIt o f IPlUon, to whl llh a little s aIL lUay Ennds 'fho.t P"rsplre Freely. be acilled ror obstlnute SW illS, and the Hore Is a I'eclpe {or an ulmond 11l1l!te l1ullllce. Oxalic acid will tnke 01T Iuk thnt will w(ten IIU(t whi ten Lh o hands ~pot!l that lemon juiCe Is not strong It rull"";! on nlgllL auel morning, enough for, but It Is a polson, wtU eat • 8ay8 Hortense Prevost. Hal'l!!l u holes In the thish If lert on too long ounco and II h31r of bitter alm611!1s or nseel too stt;Ong, and mu st not be l e~t tlirit h(lve , been lIhelled nnd blanched ; tia rele~ii ly nbout. Any r'e llltble drugwhen dry 'c rush them ' au & mold Iug gt~t will prepare fl solution of lhe . hoar'l wllh n heavy roIling IILn or a propnr Sirength. Where the hands lire nlwt\ys mol t thIck !JOLlie, which Ilnslvers tis well' all }>Ou1lc!lng In 0. mortor; hnve the drug- It Is good to lis e n. little colpgne III glllL pound, ' or rathol' (lrueh, lIll oun e ~h1 o h n YIlTY s mall Q\1Bntlty ot HllC'of orrlc root and mix wl(h the al- tUl'e d helludonn:+ Is dls!!Olved -sa y monds; cnlsb an ounce pf staroh. lind two OM one-half ounces of tbe first add', then moisten with an ounce of to Itnlf an ounco of I he ~Ih cture. Alw tOT huml s lhll.t pcmplre loo tree,8pl~lS ot w1Jle and add tbe 'yolks of tour et,gS, mIx well imd stir In five Iy. put .a 1)lnch of I}owclered nlum In more olln~s of the aplrlt and perlullle lhe cn)d rln$i,ng water. Dry well and as liked, elliler geranium, oil of neroU kCIIP 1/ bag of Powdored starcb to or r088; heal slowly In a porcelaIn du sL tltem wltb. kettle oyer 0. Blow ' are al1d sUr eon- , POl' IIllJlburn, tJle Slnljlle remedy of stanll:; with a sliver 81100n; pack lu wa~h l n!;' In butetrmtlk IR t be very be t' jars ',pnel keep eool;-It becomes a sort WherA Ihls eRUnOt be hnt], use lemon of powder tbat lielps to "orteD und jllire nnd glycerine, if the laller agrees ,with. the IIkln. It Is nol w e ll to II e whIten be band ~ Bud arms. It n.ust be remembered that Ule s llher alone, as IhQ glr-c:erlne burns grime left on hllnds froln ' vel'Y roUGh mid tbe lemon roughens , work needs an emollient i.Jetore the Letter Writing. .eoa,ll pr ,.,a1mond meal anti wilter can 111 letter wrltlog I~ Is best to avoh) cleal1se them, Notblng ·Is better (01' long preamble nu1 go dlreotly to !.he tJlJa tbau plIre lard. Fill the btmds ad hft It remain a rew minutes; tb8Jl ""bJect mntler. 'Pbls Is- most tlJlpor.WIIla ,. 0,-,,81, an~ ent1 bit of arlm. font In a bualneu letter•
P l!Qplll )1l csented at Ih e cou rl of s t. J umes l\r' of ton Ilstoult!he d tlnd graUfied by King mdward'R wOllllerfu l knowledge of lhem nnll his eX I I nordlnnry momory fol' races nnd In Idenl s. They fiN 8 tlll mo re IIsl.Onls iled whim If years Intel' they meet Lhe 1(l ni: tbey flud b e b ns not forgotten tb em nor the occMlon of l he l r l a~t m ee tIng Th e se ret of 'I his fen t of memory lI ~s In a book I\' hero lu Is regis tered d61alls of the Itl' e~ or. all por80n~ who 11 81'e Ilsoo or 1l1'fO 11Ite ly to be pre cn te d nt cour t. 1:& It lire entered b el!ld e~' tho nnmes, tlAtn ll ~ oC fumll)' , ca rell r, aJlel s ugg es tion s as to ' wha t the king s ball say' and afte r a preselita,lIou whll t WUlI snld. As no one' hilS on audlcllre wlLhOllt ap'lcl8l Invitatio n, th ere l'i a lways time for the gcn'U lU en tn IV' llt Ing to place lJ rore the Id(l!; III ;IeccsRury In[ermat lo n. Another ~i;-n ~o rt of :t EO I~I bIn kltst- contnlns d eta ilS of scnc(lnl o In high life and Is kl'p GO thnt tho i conrt may be froe from peo ple of II\ICSlionable nnteceden ts.
twc h'e pna: o wcek ly-whh mora t ban ,h ..: e tiroM>the circul~t ion o r aD), olher ulioe r in Ih6 q'cn l hlr7. for ' 1. 00 o. r r • • r. MUSKOGEE, INDlAN TV.
A. N, K.-E
Letters from Prominent Physicians' a:ddressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. Dr. A. F. reeler, of St. LOllis, ~ fo., say. : "r' ho va pr • • crlbed 100. Costorlll b many CQ S~S 31ltl Iln"~ ~ll\'nJ'. (OUlld It nn emdent nud 81,1" 'Ily rellledy." Dr. E . D01l'n. oc Pbl lotlclphln, Po., snys : " I ho~e pruc rll.ed your Costorlo. to· ~ltlt:~~~lca tor woo,,' Teors wltll ,rOlt .otl.factl on 10 u.y sel( ~utl benell t 10 m:r.
'Promotes lDigestion,Cheerful-.
ness and Rest.Conlalns neilhfl" nor Mln~ral.
If 0. woma n has a really goo d hU8ban tl, the neIghbors a lways say he Is ben peclwd. -N. Y. lI1all.
a"d rulo. in THE NEW STATE TRIBUNE. •
Save the Babies.
Tubel'cul ous Cnttle In Itnly. .The \ItlBanl~ry stabling or ca Ltle In Italy mal(es tuberculosIs very prevo. lent among thein. There has now been establis hed a company for InI<urlng buto~l e l'S ngatnst 108s ' by condemnatlan at beet by ,the sanltarll offl cla!.'. · B II <,hers pay to th is com'nany a premium for each head 01 cattl e ' r.lnu!;htered In the munlclpnl abattoh's 01' r~r cnrcnsseR brought' there' tor In· sl)tlCtiOIl, and It the meat IR ~cin. l1e mned the company r elmbursll!) t\\~ Ileal!!r and retnln the. ~arr.:>3 & lo ' Bold for foorl. at~ Dr It/ii ng s terll 1IKrcfsHy Infected. Of to be for industr Ial pnrposes If founll for human consumption. l Or n. Messonger Boy. "Welt, 'foIlUIlY, what did )'11 11 tit 8chool lO, aa), 7" "r letU'nQII two muxlms. "rho IlIOr!) h as te lhf:' le~ R s poed: and 'Thp Jo n:;6.ll WH Y a round 18 the sllOrt est wny nomc.''' "Ureill B~o ttl Does ),ollr t~nchr r tblnl( J'm educaUnl> you to bn ' ,, Gnllell $tates &CI1I110r?"-CleV;':llli4 Lender. . '
~ to R im. Ilcf:'llnr Do:irder- How ml)ny more tlm l's a m I going to see thIs sumo plec "l( pic'! Walle r- Dunno, sIr. The bOES told me tf) I; op g ivin g It to you tlll YOIl et IL-Delrolt "~ree Press.
NFANT MORTALITY .is something frightful. We 'can hardly realize that or ~ the childre~. born in ci'ri1:ized countries, twentytwo per cent., or nearly one-quarter, die before they reach one year; thirtyseven per cent or mora. than one-,third, pefore they are five, and one-half before they are fifte~~ I We do not hesitate to say that. a. timely Use ofOastoria'would save a ma~ority ,of~hese precious li~es. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of thest1' infant.ile (~eaths are occaslOned by the use ofnare.otic preparations. Drops, tmcture~ and soothmg syrups sold for ohildren's complaints contain more or less opium ormorphine. They' are, in considerable quantities, deadly poisons. In any 'quanhty they stupefy, retard circulation and lea.d to congestions, sickness, death. Castoria. operates exactly the reverse, but you must see , that it bears the signature of' ·Chas. H. fletoher. Castoria causes the blood to. circulate properly, opens the" pores of the skin and allays fever. "
wl!l1e flyjng In n slro lght co urse; the w oodce cl( rls s to It heIght of seve rnl feel, or eve n yanls, the n OIes stJ'lll ll ht awny; thll !luc koo's fli g ht Is al so In a straIght line. hnt pecullo.rly arrow· like. be In g gra elul and s il ent, the long sltmdc r tall aUlI body of the bIrd sUIl tur~h o r s uggesti n g nn arrow. A numbe r of tbe birds , Ilola.b l}' the ' 'browlI thrash r n,ntl tho Son g spa rrow, cor~e lets 0101(1 t he figure perfectly, and pl'ogreas In s hol·t Hlghts, a s from bush as lhe.\' ure ntt ached to th e s kirt they to bURh, with a Quee r eccentrI c or hllvc th e advanlages ~ f Ule prill cosse 1)obblng mollon as If theIr lIapplng tulls were a great hindrance. A Wils on ~nlpe Illes' hI a zig-zag line ; 8 I>oldflncb In lon g utldulnlions or bound.s . All bt I-he se and many other ways ot flying call be indi cated by dolte(1 .lInes In the notebook. s uppl e· m ented by suc h words as "sBlI1ng:' "rapId," "slow." "heavy," or "graceful" tllght. and "rapid," "s low,: ' "slleut" ,o r "clatte rIng" wlngbents; tbo win"... of tilO' g rou se hum, tbose of the, woodcock . and the mourning dove whistle:
A C~c ".I
UOJ'U1 au IllIlUula l·ture,·s f PUll r ura ."At nil tim 'a. norl to lI ll prop I T nm Harry Leon " 'II50n, anthor ot '''I'M urg ing the 1'~ltoh ~ t ng lo 11I 1110 b~ UII ~x ,.. lit II tn tOJ,llIy to lite lII el1l. of Cnti. Spcll'l ra," \YUH dOml lI'd f r II. Bummer P Ol'! dillY a ll ra ge; o thc l' tllnn ",,,Nen, cllr,•• .L ~'"'cd me l"OIll ,1'01' ~ L1,nh tl .., lur· In r,o l!nccllc llt II' til u. COlo ny ar nrUsLS tllre, 01 I.auea, ahOU l lit ... ),"ar 11lOO. ,i'nh with Ihe obJ ee'l of llreveullug Ihr.-ir (:x- Ildllllll,o ll UI • scnll' nlld t IIIpl,'s, nnd Ilfl r. u.nd wr it 1'8:.,11 of whont bnd to go Into [wrtutlon to th u l\\!tI Sta\es. Tbe wa rd. 'I,~o n,,' ed In uN,,1t out Oll ' , "y . ~e clly eve ry do.y, re lntes the StltU(dllY i.J11l p\'ovhles (or uu expo r t !.lu IY of 00 ho nd." . fh e" ,t 1l"(lI,o out 0 11 my li mb-. Evening PosL t then ,, \\'clIt to 11 ,'u r!:r!,)n. who~e Ir<,n(' Wil so n was ilol ng nothing but loa.!cCl lll s p .' 1O0 pouuds, 0 1' $12 per to u, IIWUt tile! )I1U, no good , hu t rnt h t ' ngJ..rrn. whl cb, !;n ),H the '~ ,y York H eruld, will I'at ,'d th e d '~C IlS'~. ] Ih n t old hilll ring. He loafed artl s t! clLlly, Bo d from ,II;UII I Ill> alld .~u t1 pl,y.ician iu .erie. lime lo thpe met a.nd ba.d fun with "l'flc UClllly proh ibIt thll xpo r\l\tlou. The New YO'l'k Puper Dealers' asso- 1 h. re,,11 wn. t hnt 1 could .110 AII),\\'lw,'" SCHne of lhe n aUves ot tbe plnce. One bu t 1\ e ll C of CCZC lIlll lik~ mln<: could lIot ciation hall tak e n Ule matter up Wi t h htl curod ; ,Lhnl I \\'oH lou 0101 (80) . 1 went dflY lie found two meu In Ule rond who We view of as llin g ror re tal hlln ry leg- to nn r ll"" c r\~ oI octor in the oi ty of Eric see Ule congenlfl l, nnd he Iltruck up an Is la tion by congr SS. 'l'be e np Cllll eDt ".".d 1!'t,:. 1 " w, Lh him fo ,' six llIon t ho, whh acqunllll!LDce with tbem. He propo~ed Itke 1~~IIIt ". 1 h,Ilci rc.1,1 of the 'ulleum a drh'e and.the y gOl a surrey aDd two ot . suoh (\ law would close up Dlany ~elllgcl",~, and 90 r se nt for the ' uticllrn hou ses In New YOrl< Ul a~ coollnt! tIIe lr .oap, ()lII tno nt. " lid Jtc»o!I'ent, nn,l con- horses. tlllU '" !ak mg til(! HCNo h'cnt unWI I h',d "Can yotl drh'e?" aalled Wilson . blls luC!ls n Ur!!ly to tbe Irullerttl tlOll o f " SUI·~." o ne ot hls ' sud den fri ends Te}'rcnc h and Gerrunn rngl!, IlDd It II! al>- 1t~.""" ",,' bOl li t'S, stoPtling it 10 take li,o . II ~. I \I'M now gl· tilll~ bet! cr. ] took ., se rtell tha I. ns n res ult th e PI'l :!J ~ ·o ( t WQ Ionth Il cn l' , nlld li t night I let the plied, ", am a tlne drIver." a II klml. of paper will be' udv nn ed. Inther uf t1!" ::ioBI d'·.I· on . [u. crl the Tbey got aboard nnd s tnrted down It IH und ers tood thal Frimcc will lB ke 9.111 m" ll t 11',1 It gr"nL Ir ct nft er w • • hing th e road. Befo re th ey had gone h alf a III warm WilleI'. Lo ' lop lh e it el'i n!: at mile We tea m wn.q frI ghtened by a th e same SlcLio ll. Peretz Hos en berg, 0. oncc. r. "'.11 no\\' rurt.><l. The 'ul icurn memller d one of lhe New York trClllnwnt ' 8 11 blcs. IflJ!. Rnel s hou1<l 10" pa ssing automobile and ran away . The II~" i.Jr V"I'~: ne II'ho h.. ilc h!lI" of t he drh'e r vallanlly stee'red the borses Miss Mn r v O' Bric n. 306 M,·, .I" houees, sars : ~v e . , nro o ld~'n , N. Y. , wri tes: ' "Th is mn tter Is much more s erlou8 *'dll . II ell n , ""l' ." ll.V mn),c. nn,l Ihonk Into a telegrnph pole nnd \Vll son an d .. 0 I Hl i II ,· I",. ~I\' e n Ihe '''''''Id lI('h n ' h i f I d h I "Peru"lJ cured me In f/"e "'eeA' F Ihatl ~lq nr s uppose In 11.8 relnt10n to ~lJ nd li:-I P; "'m.. 1C. (;1'11)" ~:I():l "I t . \ Hl1n U ' I s two I r en h9 we re .thro wn e ter01 cntllrrlr 01 the stomach. or , , "hi del 1)10"" I'u .. AU ~II .t 2, IDO!i." S tellc r nto ( ~ r oa d . tbe pupe r Intlus t l'y ot lhis count.ry. o t., s ull'oring (or COlir Y 'llrs nud d nCI .,_· _ _ _.__ Wilson slo wl y gather ed hi mself to'Tile PI'Ollosed duty Is pracllcally proiug withoul. ffc ct. In (lo.llm OIl 1\ .~h One on the Doctor. gelhe;'. One of hi s frIen ds W l\.'! sit ti ng hibitiv e, und the m inter will nO I e nll other gl'ol<!Cul oll es who ha vlJ hC " 1I A Baltimore phys lclao who boarded In Ule dItch rubb ing his bruises and I b n('iit d lJv your di ·covcry. 1 NlY, ' there, tor Fra nce Is s ure to lull e some AIlIrIJJ/ to Perunl1," actio n 310ng th e Ra me lI11e. T b ~ r o haS 11 crowd ed car In horl cs Hlr.cet, no- th e othe r Ijt.oo~ In th e middle of the beeu tulll 11 re of plneln g u. duly on tlced IL wom nu s l a nd lng ·and a big Ger- roa d 1:4zlng In tearful m isery at two man sp rawli ng 0 " r lwlce th e sc at tro nt t ' etll whIch he h eld In the palm 1Ifr. n . ,r. lI ellu mA u,Oulriand, Nev•• r ugs tor nearly t wo years. \Td tes: " In . t il e cnle udu r yim r 190& th er , were area that WDS ncr ssary to him. 10" or hlB haUl!. "PrO\ly lu clty es cnpe, wns n't It ?" .. I w(l!ted hcrn"e\Triting'toy()tlabou~ $~, :J89, 5 23 wo rlh of I'a g~ oth r Ih'UI dlgnfllllly the phys l'ln n Raid to hi s; ~ iclm s , cn turrh 'of the s tolDDch• wool 11 Imported IlIto tile nlted "See here! \\' h y don't you move a Il Rk'd WII1lOn " fo r wa nt at somethIng my. w Illc h I hlld over 0. Jl.o.r ago. •. 'rhere I"<,re p oplc \\,110 t old me il; Suites, about 'o ne-hRlr coming from lIU1e so th a th l!! tire d wo man 'ma y bettor to say. "YeH ," repllerl the man with the would rI ot SLo..v Cll " el, hut J 11m $\1_ Ge rma n y. Tb e re were Imporl.ed fro m h aye n s~RL'I " F'or a moment lhe Ger Th n a broad t~e lh, weep in g nfrpsh , "but please. ob, thnt I nm Cllt' d, for I clo not {(TI allY Ger ma ny ~:J,7 0,&04 worlh. of pape r a nd mnn looked d n i~e d . Ihe Ge rm an ma nufacturer s lblol( that sm ile sll reud oV I~ r hi s count nnn co as pl cn sp" tell me, what shaJ l I do with m l' ill elr~ct.8. have 0. good tlppc\i~. ti e an swcred: " Say ,dot'a n lake OD these?" anti !Ull gClLLtn ~ f !lt. If nn ex port duty IV re · plltced on ra gs YOU , alJ ri ght! Dot 's my vl{e!" ",0 I am , I\nd will say to nil, t 8111 · Illo re pa ller would be exported to this ellr d Cor goocl. , Give and T ek o. .. I Ihanl, you Cor .v our kindn ess. coun trr. Bero re rags \\' c re Iml}Orted W ent with the Suit. de "Gra cious , my d a r, " sald the fi rst "PerunlJ will be our house mt:dlelnft · to any co n ~ ltl ernbl e ex tent from GerMu gg~ y - Wh E! l'e did ye r glt so~lo ty bell e, spllefully, .. I do hope bereafter." m a ny palle r manufacturerB lhere could fVat~ ll? you'l' ~ tiOt III. You 1001, so mucb old'hla rrh of tlte "tomHch is nlso lmowD . oblaln rags ror nlmoRt nny pr Ice th ey Gafl" ~-Go't l t wid II su it 0' elo'ell. in common parltlllC ns tlv ~pr p~iC\. 1.'85e r to- I!lg ht." "Aw! go'n; de· t'lolhl u' men ain 't wa nted Ifl pay ; but tile de ma1ld Crom Ll' iti~ OIH! illd l/l'e~tio ll . "N" '"o,liv;08 "1'111 quite 1\' II, thnnl, you, dear," re- will b e of tiny p rm atien·t b en e fit excep," ~be United Stales has Inerens'll( .EO ' e lvIn ' a wa)' no 'Wa tches 11I(e Ihal wid piled 111 oth er. "And YOIl- how wt;ln- it r e movcS tI.e calnrrh. In I h last few y 'a rs thnt they nave ' ulta o· clo' S." A Great Tonic. had LO pay mu ch hi g her prIces." "~\ ell, dis was a serond-nand ~ult derCullr Impro\,ed )IOU are, You loo lt po~ lll\ely you ng."-Pb llatlelp h ltl Ledwhitt IiE lonS1ld 10 a g nt wh tlt wns In Mr. Au~ tin Jlf. 011111 . Ast orin, Ora • . ger . writfJR: " Duriu!: tho hot w l'n~her of' FLIGHT OF VARIOUS BIRDS. swl lllmln'."-Pb liadelphi a P ress. the past summer I 105t Illy appc llttt. I Rllrdcned. trl~d Perllnl~, find round It pI '!UMlnt to The Soft Is Enrd. Course Followed by Win ged Cr~ P apa- My hlld, 1C 1 sho ll die pennI- take, a. spll!Ildi,1 npp tizel' o.nd ... great. "And don' t yeu el'er lntlulgc In nny tures Is CharacterIstic less, ur~ you we ll prepar ed to fight the tonic. " Eoft 1"'ln ks 1" of Species. bat tid nf II fa 7 ;lNt", never." BI:lIl('he-J think so. fa Uler. I' vo "Why notl" The courae of fll gbt Is a d ist ing ui sh: " rll ey 're too h n rd on my. stomac h." bee n through t hreo engngemeuta alIng characte r ot Clony blnls , says St. ready.- \\ asblngtoll Stnr, Nicholas. The grouse ri ses 1'(1(luolly -Chicago Tribun e.
D,:. J . Fl. Walll:onc r. or Chicago, TIl" ony,,' "I rnn most l.enrUly recomm.".a ,our <':1I610rlo 10 lue I.ubllc no n remody t or chlld re,,:. cOCll1laIDt.. 1 have Irit<d It Bnd rou nd It ot greot value." Dr. I::t!IVllrd Parrll h, ot nroo~lyn, ·N. Y., .oya: "I bnve useil· YOur Onatorla ,~ my 01\' " h o u.~ h ol d Will! good resuU 8, aad have odl'lscd Beveral patients to UBe ~ tor It. mUtt lautl •• caeet 1I0d trecelom from' buw." Dr. J. n. 1~II!olt. of New York City, snyo: "Havlog during tb. pnst Glx ' ~Dm ' pres cribed yuur C48 torln tor In!OontUo ~tOIIII' Cl1 clhmrd c fN J IU os t heartIly oW luebel , Ita U8J. Tbo tormula cootolol nothlne uel. terlou.• to tbo'mORl "'ellcllLu ot ' cbl1dron-'~ ' . nr. . O. Sprague, of Omaha. Neb. lillY": "Your Cnetorln Is nn Ideo l m'ccJI rln/J'"o for chlld"cn , aod I CrcquenUy prescrlb. It. While I tlo DOlt nd"oeOle lhe 10,11.... , crlm.luOle 1180 or proprietary Uledlclaee, leI CAlItorl1L Ie lio eKcepLloo tor cOlldlllollG' whlcll arlsc 10 tllo care or ehuelreo." Dr. J . A. Porker, of Knous Cit,., Yo., 011: "Yoar Castorla bolils tbo C8tH_of tI.e medical prof,' •• lon 10 a mnDD er ,beld by DO 01 her proprlcllI.ry pr~'pBrutloo. Ie ' I, IL Bur e aDd reliable medlcloe t or luranu aod cblldrcn. 10 tncl, It ~ tllo uolvcraaJ ,l lIouaebold remedy ,tor 10taoUie aJlmeots." Dr. B . 1". llo",1I1, of Augulla, Yc., IftYI: "Coltorla II ODe of the very ftuert ; IDiI mORt ..mor~oble remcelle9 tor Infl\Ol1 aod cblldren . 10 my op. Inion ,our Cnator ., bns Daved lbou"noda from 00 . enrly rravc. I cao furnllil blllldrcda 0 teallmon\a.lll tro~ thll locI\Ut1 .1 to Ita emcleoc,. aod merlta." , Dr. NormaD M . O""r. of Cle.elanil, OhiO, lA, a : "During tbo Ituit twelve yeus I IlIll' C frequeotl1 recommeoded.yonr C o~torl. n. ono of tho beAt preporatlono of the \ kind. belog safe In tho banda at· pareots' aod .rry .a.ctlve 10 rellevlDg cblldreJl·• • dI80rt!~r., while the calO with whlcb IUCU a pl.aa~ot prepllraLioo ClUl be admlolatere(U II a ,rC3t ad.antage." [lr. F. H. Kyle, ot St. Pllul, )lIDn., "yl: "It I\lfor~. me plcanre to add .., llAma to Ibo long 118t ot t~.e wbo have ulcd aa4 0019 eodorso 7uur CaatorlL on.. , fo ct of tbe logredleota being koowo tbrougn tbe prlntlqg of tbe torinula 00 U. wrapper 18 one good 004 lu1l!eJeot re•• oo for tbo recomm(!'Qd4t!OIl oC 1117 pb,J.ldalio 1 know ,o f Ita ,"ood lOuallllel and fe.commeod It cnIlUlully." .
~~ ,.
I , : !
The Kind Yon Have Always Bought: .
In Use For Over 30 Year8. Of.- .,'"_ _ _. " ~.,n, ....... _m.
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Canvas Oxfottds
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Will Prcllcribc and , . ' . ' _ .-;;: Operate on arriages ; 'Buggies, AutomobHes.
Thanks. )
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Artis tic and Practical Horsc-Shoer, and Plow
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F'e nd your s ick and crippled "chicle!! 10 my Hospitul for J\ new least' of life ,
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Fr i ends Home Notes.
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Ladies Misses and C hildre n.
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t _ Cons ultation Free .... . . ,.
F,llrllp<' " ' ton I' (, yr. ·nll",I, hI' I.h o 1 \U, I~ol l\h M"Rr'\'nnhls hll" II!: hl'l 1,,,\' 1"11 N ,· \\'~ \\' 4 h.\~ ttl i'.-lIrt""' ! '11' --' :\ , ..... ~' n ~· ' · . n l C'tll 'IU ll U n h ' t'~ \1 H' C'I'\ ' '' ' !' ' ' ' 'lIj· · t .l - h r,,' Inan " ,\I,~ I ~!lb Lllld, ·,. H 'IJl ' lI lltll~ tIm I ·,,·ml- h" 'h III \\ II" 1,·.Vllt""1If1 II ' I ", •• It \' 111. \\ lIyl\ I.!~\, llt lll\ lld L UUfllI \ I cin lf\', fll r t lUH I' hn III w.nplltl r l I
t Ill>' wrltlnll .
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- - ---Old EIl('riy ~~i;: .1. 1.'111" 1' i\I ;l i 'l , I. 111 '1 "·,,,' k MI'~ .1 n~pI'1l ( ~,' l·l, ,,11,1 I! r,lIltl ' n rA 'y TJi', Vll,L ", OHIO. l\IIR:; ( l"'INtino I{ oll.\' !I[lfl nt Hun. 1111111;111,0 1'. Mi ~~ HI,." Tn rhi" of OIlY, I n . ,III ' " ,1111 h"l'llltltl" ' I' l!III'IIIl1 l11 'In \ 1"11. " 'p g \lO -~ t I' 1I1 lli ..,F'rit" "I~ RIll" ".]' lY(' "11101,,11 ' '"I.! " ",," i\]r~ . H:: t1lluh .)111\1 11'.1' It< .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . : - - - - - - - - - - (J '"t " II II 11 lI.h( r t""k U(!I'lIu t411-:.', ! IfI" , "' ,III' II" ILII' II gllin ut Ihl ' ('xcur-lu1l r"I~!~ tu l ho cit~· Mi ~s 1'>11 1'1111 .1"hmIVIl IInlli\{\"q ~lll1d " y [jrlll' kll" ,", i,r Wihlliugt,on . vi~ i fl'd . "O RT . Concer'nin g Or ,J G , Mll oy IIl1d Jl\iph \Y Mu ll· ~Ir" M"r)' 'l'e rrpII 'if tho R" m ll PA .~ AG RAPHS , F urmer Resident s. te r T rr II MIH·.V ap tnt 'ulldtl Y In 'I'U('SjIIl Y I inoinUllti. Abf\ut. thirt,y par~OIH' enjoyed un r• I N ' " II I ; 1\11' ;.1. 1.1\ tt.II' (~nknh, of (lm"hu , Mi~s Etln Dflvis. of Jllmestow ll , i!< inf" rnlld r enitnl lit t.h l;' F r it 'n jll' 1 '.~r.t1 r .~ln" I q; , r , II " f'J un , I-"T I . .. I t' h . f /I" '11'11:-: ,Ittrjlfl\' .flll,' ~ t h o ~e" " n 1.'1' 1I'""k",' 11" II ~ n illlt of har r r llllivtl, YII< \l.lng r r n lves erfl tC)r II w I <>nour/ling 1:/ ('"11 'l'u('~d " v nv."n1illl.! l ' Mr~ . b , Gunby. W m B"y "nil wt'r k~ , h,v Mr~ ,Jo~p)lh l::Iohbllr t. D " ,~ l illi, : . Ih,r,. fl'OIll nny pnlnt Oil D r,. ' ~l flllf1ll)" li nd (1t,be rs in this vlolnity. Mrs . E lle n WII~ou 'hns pn r(lhn . pLI \\'hl)i~ n ~ll(\!;t. there fo r 1\ f OI'Lni!{lIt . MrR. (::I u ll'oll wuS before h er mur· th l~ dwe lling occupi d by Mr . ,"Vnl . ~I r~ (; eh bnrt rrllll two Mll tlc ti t)II~, \Ir , lind Mr~ .' Wm . all,y entar · rlll g t M i~s Lottltl !:lILY. Ilaughter of tur Burlull. ! ')flt "" nt,hern IIt,urie!:'. wbinh Wllru tn l110rlllt rli nn",r 8nnrluy E. S. H 'I1l Il h u I,d ,.., BILld)" Buy. Tbls is Mrs. A !1I~by ~Irl fll'rived u t th e h OUla Ill ol'uut-t hly enj nYI'd 11.v h .. r nlHli g~odasBortm.ent hv nnd f nm tly lind L ottie O ulech. IU nle .h 's firliL vl~it to ~Vn,yne.. villo of t,': IIUU Mrs . Dunle l uderw ooLl .'tlce "f ()rnllhll. Nf'hrll8kll . nnll ,J ame~ l' nll ullUlber flf Yllflrs find If fJossibl!! II n'l'hnrsdnv. - - _ _ .... . _ _ Mr'lTriIiOll , nf f)nyt on . ' Hha xpec tR t lJ rem(lln until lift er MI, ~ Ann~ Sbi dllk ur Wtll' oll lling Mr ~ t:<; V B'lrnlul!·t IInrl Mr ~. :1 . nl gbt, p )I/lt i ~he Bomo ollling. 00 h I' m an y fri e nds i. n tOWIl fltnr· n . Cnrtwright Wf'rA inoillllllTi "i~i , r,ollt -Fluturdllv ' Ino r PII '" t (' r ~ it'1,, IIII uy ' 1" (. l.~. I1P t wrrn PI . \I' II lP~ 'I'h e Guzett.e IlfI!'l r aooived 'Ln invi ,)n .v pvening l'II!l " roncl.J D. Mnrlnt.t,'~ . LOllvn ,tnti on f roOl .A L. R,.s, former ly df Mrs . Lncile BOiRtlornnd li ttJoson - - -FREE---Givcn Away Abs olutely Free. Hllnds ome S myrna Rugs to n'.1 1\ Funk y '~or Hn zAtto olTi(~e j thli! count y, to Iltte od th 1L0nllui f'r(·~llf'n'linglifAwdll y:4nt, h (' r pn· ' Miami Valley Chatauqu 'l II ,' d rf'cl'llve re wnrll. ' rul1lJ1on a nd outing of the Ohio l'io 1'0011.1 home h f' l'O, « · those who pay caRh. As k for ticketfl. Comparc our prices. It ' 0 tllle will dispute the !!tllteman t. ~ ole"l el\ of I:!ontbern 'Illifornin, whi.oll 'Mr!' Ed win '?'lith lipent I~ fe w Til e E levent,u IL-;U UII I !!llssll1ll 'If' will pay y~ u . 11 ," , the G'r pene Crunty Fl!.ir is one ! took pilice July 14th. It would III dn y" III~t, we Ie \vltb he r tl10tuer lind r,liu ml V,dley Ulmutnuql1'L be~I IlN of th e bOl't Coullty fulrs In tbo etnte' ld OtlU h"ve bllOIl IL grellt ploll!lure tu - liltr r lw r o f.; 0 \1' :lOlh IIt1l1 wil l c l.lll'lo Aug'U8t (H h_. ENAMELED WARE 'r ", ,, Yf'nr Ibe mnnngement of t he GIIZ tttl to Ullngle with the for Mr". Dr ' he1'wo d of Wllynos. 'I'll hh:h .. t ll llrlhrll uf fUl'II l" r S HI R T S MI'T1ti workinl( sh irts . r;u ullII I ir pr r llli 0 tbllt th,e fair will be mer .Buckeyo r Ol'iden ts who tiro now ville WII" CH lIlng un t'dends here n'lIrt! Will till lIIulrl14lil1 ...d 1 G60 1.•4 1I'r thnn It bill' over boen. The l mnklOg t,bolr b omes 10 the, Golden 'l'llur~liItY , I _.__ _ _ 1 '1 q r. bin " ILilli while buokeUl .. . u 600 kmd, .. i:.r.e H X unly, til . I (llltes fue Angust ';' !:l 9 Bnd 10. otate. aspeclally Il 110 many from 'Mri.l . BOr~lOtl Bntiot) III ")It1Ddi n ~ II Fire Works Have Arrived. 110 qt, bluli ~u ll wh f~ " .aokl!!I1 ... 300 s 11 q ni ol, ........ .......... ,...... .. .. :19 H qt.. hlue lind wU Iw. uiMb \>1'''11.: 600 , , Ihill ~eotio n h .tve gOIlt) t.o Sonthern few dU Y>:l WIth her mutber Hud ~18 . !.; ~Ir"i ~.Irguret' Bia~t. of George 'lIhfo rnill w bo wen t fr'lIl1 Wllynes. t,er!! ill Ui uoillna tl. '1 'hl) big II\"'t,II1Y uf fin work!! fur Mil '" work !'hlrtj', 400 Itin,d .. .... :l1io , lO qt 1I 1 1l(~ untl whilt! IIIMh l)jmM. /J6Q , r 100. cnn sy lvalllll, III mll,k lOg fin I vlllll thllt tl\oy bl1ve el.t to u s Mr ., Will \Vtlght and fIlQli!y, of Jjll, 1:/ 0Ill u 'oUJlng l\,ul ll6"" r ol!l\' d <'xtl'n ded vt8it with h er fnth er , C. F ., W'I . t t .., d I h b U HI ' ~HlI'>' M"dm:l · 8 h i rtOl 7lio Iln(\ I RtI!-(lllnr bille lind whlt.e tim, hnpman nPllr pringboro. lind ber W C I nllug liD, ~ r)eD ""n n uy, w t I .v emf'U fH, 'I\alrlllull of \.I!e I tl J B Ch f W ! A,;BJlHITON . H. , 0 1110 . Mesdu m A!! Macy nndl!.lIglo, ()lttnmlt 11111 nn fir e wurk!! $L kind .. .... .. .............. .. ........ fiOo k .. t.I,laiC ....... .. ... ..... .... .... .. .... .. 500 o r lil"O ll ler. . . J apman.o ayn es My dllur MIl'S Brown : . Mr . ~Ilhill MilO DODllld "pent Mon 'l'lltl colUmllh'6 CUIU in /I nUlllb Mll n ' \lYJh ' Oh ' Ill'" '"1 ki I '·0 I V e 0 lid I ~ !I .. " ..., r "",... Jl( ..... u o . t} qt hln.: >11111 whltll pre,;ervh,,, . ~r 1U ~ y IVI'a oes not II low us dll Y at th e 1l0l1l A nf bili consin Mr . "f Illr/! .. !lux., . i,n d l,horH IIpp e' lI'~ r.o '" Waynesville frlell d s have recei v' t~ VI'-It Ihe t,lof bome often and, then Bl\rley Wilk e rflon ueur Spring B II\, ! to,· , 111li '1l' 1I t lI t IL to Utll ka 11 ' l.. q~ .. ' II'I T R 0 USE R S , kettle", .. .... , ............ ..... .:':\ .... : · 260 ed word frOOl Mrs , E lla FurMs, of I" 0 dbO n l.t 81.fJV IODg, Ildn~ wlthf so Mrs. L Soo rs le fl, MUD dILY fr)r ' well ,,:< u n IIttruc~1 ve dlilplay . 1M ' L m '" L 'l~ " Lt~rK" . blu IIIllL whlw IYlIlIh th e sllfe arrival of berself and f(lm , lIlll0 to oooopy our min s \ve or ·, t:;t.. Elizllbel h l:I o!;lpil.lt1 DllVt'O U whe re . en II InHU ,rou"or", .. .. " , ily at tbeir n ew borne in PlfllnfiAld. ' 6, .. 0 muob , but tbe UtiZ tte CaUl · ahe will tuka 'lt cour~t: or'tre.LtIJleut. , " kind , .......... ...... ,..... .. ..... ...... 9\iC blltlllIH.. ;..... ...... .. .... ...... .. .,..... 160 New Jersev . Bar moth~r, MrR lIIg IlV ry wook we ,ke l1 l) our mi nds Llelltellun t Kflllt Ilrowlli n" and M.m ·II L"rl1t1b ' I'rou"orll $1 klnf1 .. 75u 13 qt . blu . ,... 11 wUlt.., cufftJ\J fJul ..... 21io lifton, stood t he trip wall, Illthougb !r'lls)! hopaculled t·o be re Ml. ~ Bert,hn Gollett, 'Wlir e " . " . , !lhe WM nita ill the Ilext du . when uer! thE! np, r oll I is , t'he teve reoantz 1 .\J l\f ~ R M. A ·N . · @. Mell "S Vi orktllg T rOIl8arA.. ....... , 0 th~r fJ I'I.O~" ut . ' ,q~Il/ly I.. w q Y wll uld enjoy ooming but OIln't guests of MillS LuMe \TlLud~rvLlO r t . .. .... .... .. . .. .... ... 750. 950 IIncl $l45 IJrt~ I OWlJHr. · ullr prlOllo<, The old Eoorly blaokl!mith st.anrl promise until t be tim!! com es 1111 he Mr. Geo rge Wilson ",nd wife are HAT S the ll th" 1l 00d • ar" ~rllll .. Otltlltlfl . on nppel' Main street wblch .bo" 10nl! III vtl ry busy with his horses. I r ejoioln g 'lVer the lIrriv'll of 8. h>lby ' j OM lot. m llll 's nn d b"YH .."ft C ANNING SUPPLIES heen ~ lan~ mork In Wnyneni11e I" thi nk brplb El r Aurun WOOII'Lrd and b oy at their home Thnrs o.1uy . ';~flln (l()oo.JliAd After hllV,ing baen some 0; b is fnmi1y Intelld corn ing, Me~8r~ Ed Collett ()f .. Wilmlngton l Red Wh ' I"te and Blue . hilt" . .. .... .... .. ........... , ... .. . .. .... 2liO '! MII ,· ' I Ih I '00 Irlle for sev:erft1 yeu r!!. R . C. Tuylor trulll BIIger"tuwn Ind ., uhlo Lou of and nephew ~vi , oo,k of 'Wu8hing l 1 ' u ll • IIf .. , >,,-1' I " "L................ " of Morrow, ,Yill ollnduct a gan aral . L !lburu:. Ohio. AnfLlll WttS ut the ton \) , C Wl1'a onl\in!; on their mallY Festoonlngs. I h ll' l1)t IIlll"'" ,,"ft.· hl! t .... ....... .... 'len I' .1... 1\.\' 1'f1IlI lol ... r~, v,'r.Y fino, II, '06 2110 hlook!\rultbtng t~nd e t h era. Mr, 'fI\Y· / oncUlDpDlt'lIt I~t Pll yt\,1 11. 1 wos n ot fri end" h ate FrldILY . . I All' 'Straw Hats a t Cost. ~..,.III1": \Ville II IIll! ~ ..... , .. ...... ... 00 lor And hiS fllmlly ara' living In thl' tllere Ill! , our PostEl (~nd Relief oorps Mr Gilber t Welch bas openoo un , ags-- . ,SiZeS. B0SE . Wright RToperty on tbe mill seaL. ' illd I Hlt ~(1l) vor in u 'body on uccount lee Uream parlor ttl tbe · Matldim If - W e lcume Streamers , .-:GROCERIES · uf blHl ,wIII,ber, Hope the weather Building. fl will npprecmte u cnll ' Welcome Banners Tll.. fll mtlll" : :11 r~,," '1:1",,11 f'lT , NOTIOE-Spahr intoJlds to huve will1J1l g"u~ Hume Uoming week from tll il ID IUq fril' ud,. T 1F . 1 ~. ili"!1 A"k .to "ell t.hll m; E V"fJurttt.·,1 AIJI'illut~t 21 1ut::.:.... :!f)() , ~i~n~~n~~':n~~~ R~}U;Vei~k ~~~ln~y~!~ uu~1 ull will b e t h OI'll, Wit,h kind Mr . ' Ihrv ey retu.ned to his PI asse J estoLonln g , ' ml y .. ..... ... .. .. ...... ..... .... .. ... 250 EVlllJOrtlll·.1 p.... ftJ , :i, ~"llIly.;J Ib~ )l50 work d one don 't put it 'off till 'then r ~I.rd~~o nl~ I W ' h Olll6 ~l1ndny Iltter "pending II fowl urnes, ap anterns One Ipt Inuies h')8e ill tllU li t ..... ; !k 1:i8.,.tlt\,~s ttU{ .. lll>l , ;j 11, . .... .... .. , ... 100 for :von BDfi h e both will be b08.Y. ' ' II II ny. t'l? Itlrd , of , fly~es , dllY s with hiR broth~r Mr Wil~nn Parasols, Flag Fan , etc. Ono lot ltldle:l hLI!E', all over II\0e I f! Fllnoy Jup rlOll. :.l 11;:1 .... , ••,........ 160 . \ Vl I II' wbo It! wnh me, Is looking SlIrv",v who is very low n.t this 1..,no ... ....· " onU " 6( I l!()ru , .,.. (lIlIlM •• , ... !.l• UC! For 8 ai , Five ~oom cottllge with for\VlIl'd I!u he on hllnds August th o writmg. , . GOOD GOODS. PRrcES RIGHT One lot mi!l!!CR ' bOliO, aU over ~nmmer kitohen Ullit wood house . Respeotful1y, ' M' d M J k' B I f W'l 1110/1.. .... .................... ........ 150 Frill Y JlilllOh lltl, 3 Ih 01111. , ......... ~IIO nrljonrning. AIMO ,pa.ved flDd . )lIa s., Mlts. S . U. PnU,LIl'8. ,'lID spen rst, Wecinesduv Il a fl, e 0 I· And' Remember our £'.rocery mlll"tnn at the 't' Ona lot ,b nby b tlllP, nil 0,' VHr 111(18 .., 1(\1'. Blj(b .... t murk. t l,riOt. l)told for bnt.· loll' 'flu l I-~;:~ tM'flr! callsr with good well and otb . , '" ' . , . is full of Good Things to cat Ar Ilonvenll'lnoefl l3ltllllted Nort,h· Good rn 0 I'n g.' !111ftCI'II I f reo B tt rtlC· hOlll6 of Mr. anll Mrs Theodore Water l\felons.-.Peachc"'. Hammocks. to close, only 89c. .Iii. LIl wrenoe ., prn ani! of Wuynellvllle. For partlO· t.ionll, nil dflllllrhnenta c O l l l p l e t l ' l ' Celery, --Tomatocs, New PoScreen Doo/rs and Windows., Rem.·ember we take ,chirken. I. . t thl ' Mlll\dllrnes Ed R an!'l\n and N . I . u In rs I nqulre" ' . 11 ,0 fl'10e. .at'. Angullt 7 , . 9, lind to, }1)06. tatocll, Nc'v Cabbage Prl'ccs rl·g"t. ,trade. Rn'ng them in. W" paw in. Th tJ lIl '~~ of BOjliord. I ,,,li m 't. "'W'fl C Cucumber s " '" ~ BunollY with t·h eir lill'oth fl r" In WII I' . Apples--Le mons --l3ananas PARIS 'GREEN ' Itrade for old hens · 9c a pound: mingtun ' (~ We. ""e paving LflI!IlIlt.t. ':4 IIb;" ')nt.e(v ' l'Ufl1 Try It young, not over 2 1-2 1b8.15c: a Mr. Fred Hlnlun und Witll lmve been enjoying I.L visit; from the for. , !Llltl ht' couv1r,eo,d pound. Dier 'f.! futhel', Mr. Cltlvin flarlnn , of ~ . . . For Eaton. the PIlSt weak. ...~ Eggs" Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young II.nd little son of ·urthoge. Ohio, , l)on t Il few ZIMMERMAN'S, - I...: lillY!! with Mr YOUDg'~ !;Ister Mi8S f Abi Young , 0 cours.e.. I Mi t!R Gertrude Pie:roe ret,mned to _ - - t CORWIN hEll' h ome in WIIII/Jingot,()\1 C B a f ter a ve ry plerRllOt ' vhllt with ber si ~tf' r. MrR . .lon t fl.1ofl'J'i l! Mr . flil d Mrs 'UbU.M. Cook entor tailwd au Tllut'fld,i.v t he l utt\J r '~ Ills t e l' Mi t'S MIIl't,I.t ,. l:i u rvey of Sligo 'lflll M.r Glu~'" of \iVil mingtoll . AT MI', imrl Mrs Harr .v GuskilI , ()f WIIUling t'lU. ~pOllt Snn(t.. y lit ' th a benuUful C(lUn try h O'1Il1l of Mr , Le vi W AYNESVILE, O. DRUG STORE, ' . , . Lu keu s , be,ttf~1" -tha~ The ulIlny frl end t! of Mr. Clark BUrl'H~· . Urllthe r of onr 'f ellow t,owu,>, iliaD Mr.' Wil"on filtrv ey. whn W I" - - ------,-, '-, ... - - - -- "PA TO" t tl ~ I\~' ts ver 'v lo~ f dl Pd ut hi,. UBpl \(\ w'" h ome in Ina ta"" ell, rub lc tn H"rveysbllrg t o 'V isit bi ~ br other 'J 'n ", flllllily hnve the deep e!lt."!ly rupu t hy of u hOllt of fri endtl , 01·' Mr. Un I vin B,u'lun of Ellwn, Oh" , flnl1 M rt! . I\lllrtho. Edwltrd9. sister of .\lr~ , ,Jobn Vl1ndervoort ,were UJllf ri t'd Ilt the Vllnderv oort home n ear 60111' mnnufacture~ ti prin g Bill on BlLtur,uay evenin/{ Itt i' 0 ·clock. They h.llVe, the hearty can exch~ngEf gr'Ltullltions "Ild wa ll wl~hos of a h o~ t oJ fri am! :!. fO-l,' Mr. J ont Morri~ ",'n8 called to his Candy, Pop c orn un d' P eanuts, Ice Cream ~ Amu!ile- bornH Mill' U rbllD!l ·on , MomllLY 0 11 , nCOI1 UD t of tbe dllRth of his fllth" r ..... ) ments. etc., dlKing who wli~ killed by ~ f right Hnf!<UeJltll COTn of h O I·~llS . The fu.mlly bl1 ve tbe «leep • , . . ' " e~~ Rym l)nt,lly ~f. iu.r~ clrc~a of frllm I~ In thlt\ \' Ioln:lty, ' .'" ' " . , . at T~mJlle, sta'rli:ci"=';I;~~ Ornplllc. n~arly '''I _III
HOME.COMINO DECORA. TIONS, Wehavea of Bunting, Festoonin8, Plumes, Flags, etc. Prices
"" I
Hl)me- COIn i n g Decorations
Cre'p e.
R a der "s
,'t ore
and ·
Tissue Papers
Pri vilegesfor
\Vhel'r you get. floul· and· more flOlll' any other plaet'. Albino ' Flour is tl}e ~eadill'g flOUI· und if' you have not.trie(r' it (~ : ,1I H:nd get a 8a{~k , if Y9U have wh~nt you can get floUJ' at tJu~ ' mill till you thrash, it . makes n'o dlffere,n ce whether you have dC(I,ltwith the Mill not , . . We have hundreds of cleposi't(u·s, ·why .not you? we give .you as high ' grade as 'there i8, •. prompt and ' cupteous., sel'vice, make high g.-nde· whi.te u;nd yellow 'meal 'llnd same white or :yellpw CO,rll, fO'1" 'cash Qr t()Ii,.. we have corn" oats g'l'OIJl,ld rye . bl'an, ,m..ds.,f()ut g,r ade,,? of chic,ken feed, ,shelf and oat chaff cruRlied corn and oat chaff. crushed corn or' auythino. in the Mining Hne so when you deal with, us ' you get what you want and without waiting,' our . miU is op'e n ~b::db:::I:~e~l!l~o: ;~ , Sl~ (every ,evening so you can get j'oll'r flour then~ .call' and see us or basIn, near Sbddlebslc k' If Il plUDO ' h ' ~o 'f' dCpOSl ' · t your " . w )lea, t bey followed .blm fnm that 8Ol\llds p one us ue ore yon
Refl~eshmell ts.
GR i\ ND HOME- COMING \ U,l.!:u st 8th, f) I It arid 10th. I
to be
~'i,~ 1:'aO p. m. t,o the hi~Jwst !e~~:~~I;'~~':;U.;~~ ;.:~~;~I~.:~; ,
JULY 21st, huld(.> .. C.
th(' R('hoo,1 G"l)uniis 'Vaynftl"ville, Ohio
ROBI~ZER, Ch~irman. Committee
on Concessions,
Old School As!;ociation'
Changed to' the 8th.
Uidhes,t Cash Price Paid .for Wheat o·
\\' t;Y
n . :;7
Hl0, WFlO E. DAY , ,T, LY 2fi,!?'lll
- -i Mrs. M$lry ZeU CeleIOLU IN SHOI~T PARAORAPf;I.S : "'_ brated 75th . Birthday. Mrs . Mury Zell , who!!1l h Olll ' I~ with her 80n.ill.lllw nnd dau ghtAr , Mr . Ilnd Mrs . ,Joseph B . H·, Nkl·. !laM pring Vlllley. went t o X: 'lIin lust Suturtlay for .1\ visit ot It fll "" tlllYS with her !Ion Ray Zell I1n<l fuUlUy ,' httle suspeoting thlLt, lin." llttemllt would be made for t be oel· tlbrution of her seventy.flfth olrth day whioh would ooour while 81).. wlla there. lJonseqnently.ou M')Il day when her ohildren, ICrIlU(1 ohlldren and otber nenr r elatives to t,be number of thirty arrived Imd alTered their congratult.tiou8 and I).,~t wII.he"" sbe WflS ludu('d taken 1It1IlWllrell, bot nUDO th e lellil gra· oi llulIly !>r eeted 0.11. Notwlthtlt.llnulng the dinner served li t neon WII.8 1111 that Ii fell~t of Iha kind oould be. the ohief artiole for uttentlon waS an enorm OURbirthdAY IUlle IIdorned with 8 venty ·five cl ~nr\les. whloh ocoupled 1\ I:!l)IIoe in tho oonte~ of tb e dining r ooUl. MrM ZeiJ'" ~ 11I1,er ;MrH EIIAU Sides, WIIK IlrORt'nt on t hl" oO(lllsi on . Ilft " .'rfl II 1,,0 hor 80n IInll d'lUghter In In"'. Mr. lind MIM J 11 ZAlI, Mr . 110'1111 Mr8 Wm . ZeJl und Mr lind MI's F . B Farr, un from WII.vnes. VillA: bel!id811 . Mr. a:nd Mrs . .J H, Jillwke lind 80U Philip, Ilnd Mr . lind ?t1t·1I . •J P Zell lind Mr. l10d Mr~ frunk Z 11. of Bellilrook: Mr nnd " . EVllnll, of l:!]Jringfil'lh1 )Ir~. '1', B
1.[ SII Adu ~~.vl' · I· Is Ill" , It .. mo u.fL ,I' 0. \V "l\ k~ !ll lt.\· WI I,11 !,., lu tIV8Il fit DII~ .
I (t il' .
Mll!Iter F rnnk Rogl'rR iM visiting llil-l !: rnno m nt her , Mrs . •r Jl'. \ VllIOI li t Cent.flrville . HAr bert, t.hA youngest ·!lon of O . •T. Ed:Wllrdp il'l r eooveriug fr om II very .l'BVn'e B i o kll l'~S . Mi8!1es Uurolyn l\1>.d Edith Mosh er ILr., hnvin4 t he pletlsure of 'enter . tRinln g Hl lllr oollege fri end, Mi ~s Olive CarliRle, of Gambier. Ohill. Lost-SlLturduy ulgbt, pockot book. between Phillips Ice Cronlll Parlor amI .r. D. Ma,r!lLit's. LetlVn ot .J. A. Fonkey's or Gn zette ofllee tlnd receive reward. Mr. and Mrs , G. W . .ZlmmerDln,n , of Muuole, l odillJltl. luri ved In WilY nesvlllo Monday und will r emlllJJ untIl lifter the Home.Uomlng.
.)' . E.'DAY. A U(;US1'7. 0 111 Sebool AS R,oointion rl)u nion Itt. High 'onool BnH . WEONE~OAY . 1\1 (i s'r :. PlL l'atie 10 II. TJI. Rellnion Pupils of S. A. StilwoU. Hi gh chool Boll 1 p _ lU . R e nnion Pllpil!! of J . 0 . Fulklubnrg, rtbotl ox Frientl1l ohnrc\1 J :10 p . u'l .
.!:l. ao p
'rllUR · DAY . A U ~U TO . Alumn i Meotin({s lit II II . III anel 2 p . Ill . High ohool Bo.ll Btls 8,,11 '~Ild 8 ,w d (Joncert, W'lty ne villo VB Xenill. Nat!onnl i\ l)lIk D.Llo P"rk . 3 p. m. Re eptlo n by Alumni to publi o on tichool ll00pUS at .30 p .m. Orolle ·t rll. FRIDAY. AlJ'GUS'l' 10. 8ase 8 /Jll llud Bltnd Oouo r t. Wll ynesville VB ·Old Mlumu!l Ollk Dille 'P ork 10 n. m . P lcni o IIToumll<ohuol groulldil for uJl who desira /l,t nooll. l!"inul ol'leb r,l tlo ll of ndf lt'e~MoH UOll11\usio 011 Roh oo1 on mpuB at 2 p Ill.
Jot;eph H!liuosdost one of h iM fine borsell Suurlll Y. ! fhe animal WIIS kioket!. lJy another liorse and WIIS Rn oodly Injuret\ It hod to be kill ed. For t:!IlIII- Five r oom ootttige with hous e Immmer kitch en II ud wood ' 8. dj ouru Ing. AI 80 po ved II.nd 1>101:1 . . tor ed celhlr with good welllln!l oth · er convenienoe" Sltnl\ted In Nor tb. ern enl1 of Wllyne!ville. For part io. ul"rs Inquire lit thl~ nlfioe. at
will lJor,
I,h" Gllzl'ltte. wbich will give Ii on opper Mlliu strfet,.
Mr . Chas. M llitlun I r,IJltlaoted blls· CJw.rley MOOI/l',Ju r'n. \\'h M~' WUq iness In Lebanon Friduy . injnred by /L. rlln,IW" .v t r"'r\' , ' Ii I Mi s Eldn Hr.lw u. n f .Wilmington, liv e~, hot has he en In UII 1l."· .. .. ·l'i" .. ~ is vll'liting lte"nun t , MrR. M tu''\' 1~1li s , HtatA most of th Ati ll\/' !<l1I .. I .... "'H" MI· ~ . ~II(l i(l Rf'fll'lo n Ilm! (1nughtl're burt /tntl II' now Itrowi ul! wr,l k" r 1111 t he tim . sp nt t:!l1 tnl'da y in Dayton . Ed Pine had II cow whioh waR nt.· Mrs . .1ltoob Sen,rs i. nnt well lit taoked With h ydr ophohlll ll fow (In:l'~ tlli a wrlt,lng. Mi~s Adrlie Surf~o e "pen t II fl W ngo, nnd hy tlflvi"Al of II veterinnr.v the oow Witli ki1\ed . da ys In l)liyton lnat woek . MrR. Nellle Whistler, utter ~ vi It \ Mr. IInu Mrs. 'Alvlu Ha rlull hllve Irotnrnot\ to their h ume ill mil t"lI. O. wi t h her uuole Sll1ney Mllxwell, lIud \ Mr . BILrt'y lJline lIulde IL bUllln! BS her UllUts. at Ul nolnnati. hl}s rotnrn · IlII II) Ce nt.frv\l111 for" ~ hort I\t.• ~· "". ., trip t.o Dliyton one lillY \llIoIt wno k. Co r p h" I' r,·tnTII t ., (l" llfnrll ill Miss Etto/\ Arnold I>Jlent So tnrdBY A" "MILI lit nnr vllhL~(lrS ur p nll11\I)' lind Sunday with WuynMvillo iu~ Ilt. Milunl VIIl\n y !1h llu tJl nqllll ' fricnrls. . Am on/! wlt"lll wn m ont-I.m n. M. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jobn Gllr d, of ~ all · Pin o lind rllmil), ..IOllllph Klm!l" L~llI\ fornill. · are visiting their mllny mctllPr, :'vir. .Terry Campbell and friends in Harveysburg and vloluity . wH.·. MillS . MHry Pine lind MrR . Mr. and Mra . Ed Hatton Ilre vis· Sheehan, Miss Annl\ UhllmoorB, Milia IltlD g MrR. Hat·tou·8 plll'ents in Bllln. Dell, Pln A. MillS Merle BlmAs lind ohester. MiI'14 Lelill Allen, Mrs. KIl~ Stanllel
GIllNERAL INFO.R MATION Relic room op 0 dlliJ y fr om 9 I~ . m . to {\ p rn . Admission 21ic Laclies rmdchildren 100 If raining WeduesdllY evening fir Works will ' lJe postponed to ~' ri dI1 V tl veniu rr . " R gist r at'the iufurulfltloo bnreuu. R port Ju~ t· Hnd fanncl unlel's tit mformatlon bureau . Imelll b r a gel1emI cOlllm it+ 0 fU cer tl WII' I wear re d b (~l gtlS, ••ee wbit.e IIUlI informl\,tlon bnTfllLU IIttllChflR blu A. Lenv e ytl UT 0 TtiUI:.~t-e uotl I kete with t h e sAOret'~ry L. A. Ziruu' I~rllilln " .
Orl\t\ r~ fnT th e til/ uvt'lIir numoor 'nell pr<>perty to the Dudson b om
Buse Ballllnd Bnnd fJ uncort, ·~\r u .vnesvill VA Oltyton .1001'· :1 p . Ill . IlIlIs . ()lIk Dille Ptlrk. Flro Work\! I\Dc! B'Lnd Conol r t n.l. South ond . of 4th ~ tro t
Mess re C. B . lJlomenta Ilnd e hur· les A Brown ,Hnd son, return l)d horne the la tter pllrt of last week from u bUfilnf'1:is trip t, lJhioogo .
Get In your O rders For Special Numbers. . mOVIISOlln U M. Rqbit.zer lind fumily from the I:l :,rdeou
Harvey s burg
MI~s Eva Tucker Is very sick at anrl Mrs. and Mrs. MaRon WlIlldm· bAr horne here. with very marked SOli. RYlllpt ; Il\ S of tyt>hoid fo ver. Tha la~ Mhower" havf1 madf1 the MI s MlHie Antralll, of Lebllnon. corn and tolmo,cogrow very ",pldly, '\IA visiting her aunt, Mra . Frank and the'wld anmmer val{eta.tlon III . Mill s ond other friends here, characterlwd with a freshn8l!1I and Mrs . Allie Eycke Md family, of luxurlanoe that 18 exoep tiona I and A d I di iiti h very refreshing. S,:,me orope of , n erson. n anti, are v s ng er h I Id-" 30 b d abo\'e 'l slster. Mrs, Geo. Denny, nell.r town. wheat ave y e"" \1, an per~"'re. Harvestlu"theoate I, now I Qnite a. nnmber of onr young pea..... .. Il pln ore in at the Fronklln the orol'lr. and wtll olOlle the barv8llt I sealOn. It 1M darkened some ' with :' U hl\utl1uqul~ . rUlt. Mr. ,Toe Davia and MIIII Daisy P B d ' luneral -all Levioy SpeDt Sunday II.t Miami Vnl. erry roll. w"'Y A .. I I t ded I the U ' " ohurch ley ()hau'auqua . argo Y at en n - ... Mr. Earl BlI.tes. of Columbus, )Ionday afternoon the 1St-h. K. P . Order had a beautlful rlt,ual servloe spent Il few dll.Ys at his pllr~utal h Th I at oon home here the }>list week. at t e grave. e serv ce w . duoted by Rev, MoElwaln and \ Rev .
t ·,ml,lfltfl hlt.tory nf til .. Bome Com . , No obe wi\1 ,dlllputH t he lltu.temtlnt. In !! , wit.h IIlllny ilIulltntiuns. etc. thllt the Greene Cr unty Fllir ill' nne 1111 \'f\ boon cowl ng In In Itlrlle nnm of the bellt Countv fllire In the ~ toll W 1»lr~ th~ 1'1I11t. Wll4\k .· Till" year tbfl m'llnlig ment ot' the Il'RtO.A~. AU U!:lT 10. BE INNING A'r 2 O·CLOCK. We ft.rf1 Rnxloll/l t,hrit "n who will fair promise thRt the fair will be ThA xerolsGM fl)r t hi s (Itty will be In olmr~e of R.ev . •T. F. Cadwallader WII II I•. coplf1A (ll'der AIIrly lUI we In. better thou it Utili ..ever been. 'l'he Musio by Ba,n d tml(1 tu print (IDly aK mlloy 1110 we dotes are Aogu t 7 , g, II and 10. Americn , b y Thorus and Blmd "'" rpllllonllhl.v certain to 1'1111. Rev, Benj. Hawkins NOTI E-8rlllllr Intends to hllve Raudlnu'" of the One Bllnt1 rE'dt,\l Pilalm
Mrs Era Thomas, of Indiana. returned to her home Sun· day after a pleasant visit with rela. ~.(!8 bere. YIIt'8, Dr. Ellison and two lnter. Blltillg children are vi81tlng rellltlv8l' tn Cinolnnati and A(lamB county tOT II. fe~ .. weeks,
MaddQx. .-.r. Dan Paul, near Yankee 8treet died 'from OILnoor of tbe faoe week, He Willi operated upon tal' winter, but the trouhla returned. The M. E. oharch gave their pM. tor, Rev. Maddox, a three weeki va. "':tlou. __ ""
his' studlo open 1111 week ouring 'the .l?rllyer, Rev. Philip Trout d lJ f M I Mr. R. M. Plne ha. recently reo Addre." of W loom e, Dr 'i'bomn s Sherwood, Ma.yor of WI~yn88vill81 M.r . Howar Mp une , 0 e vln. I:" ' me ComiDJ.\ . but If you WlIllt . \tI vlsitlng his mother Mrs Ann oofviid an appo n men - to serve as "wrk done don' t put it off till t,hell Ras lJon~e. , ' Mrs. Staulev M. Sellers. Columbus: • . NO'-ry Pnblio. His father I8rved HEI B " Solo,by MI~s nook. of B. Lebanon. lIoCune. and Sist]reF. Mia!! Martha ... gllllvenir I",dltl''' I'llr t.hl' B.lme for you n,n d, h e b'oth will be bURY· ome. weet ome. II Co thl ln t:hla cap'lolty for a number of Renoin~ of Originn I Po 111, George W . Ebrlgbt. Xenia c ne. S wee ('ollllnR bnv~ b" "n or(lered this The IndlllUlI Yellrly M.e ottng of AddreSi' Hon. Chllrles E. Merritt. Mot. Bolly. N. J . Miss Jennie Corbin, of Clnolnnatl, yeara WI 'I,it . Th(1 brlll~a oonsll'tft of ILD Biokslt.e Ftlenru. will h. old t·h elr Auld L llng ti."ne. 'horus Rud Blind - n t several da.y8 tn town lut A barn on the Joe Batz farm "}'IIIlIlnnn h,.. ,II. I.h El. tal> in which Y I M tl t Riohlllond Indl " -.h t f h e burned lut 8at II VP"1l Til t h.. wpru W"ynesvUle. .ettr y eo n g Il. I A • t lllt~ A(hlress, Hun. a . D . Manning t,on, Editor 1Jrbanll TlmeR .Citizen. week looking after bUlin6lllllnter. nort wes , a er . Addres8 Ilud .BOlDl' olDing de, P~of. W, B. IVenal>le, inoinnati etltIl4nd seeing her many frlend8 . urda.y mor_D_I_n_g_ _ _ __ IIttuobtlrt t il tili!! Irt A trl.colored IInll, tbe week beglUn ng ugus 1\1I1:Is Zelil\ Roger.s hilI! ~eturner! . 'G od he with you WI we meet IIgllin ," Bllnd all'd Chorus' Mil888 Hawl Doan and Fa.y Gran. RUOLUTIOlfS TO TRII IIDOBY OJ' rl \t ho n wlt.h th" allme·Cumln!! und tl" tH>l "nd nnd er thhl 11'1 1.1 I/uekey e. homFl from 8 t.wu weeks visit with Benec1icf\i on thlll'd, 'Of Wilmlugton, and Mr, Mnr. PEBRY BROADWAY. TIIO b"rt"e is III eve r Y wu." qolte r Illtives lind friandi\ at Sprin,:rtl IfI ____ .. th 8 • ~ DIlyt'Ou, spent Monday at y .. ., and lJente.rvllle, 8he wntl ' IlCCllm· - Ul Whereas It hall pi.......,.. e u· Ilt trlll;ti\'e ,m .l will tnl kll Iln f'xool S I Ii Id b b I Bakery Sold . Prominent Citi 7 en . the h&1IIrC of Mis8 Winona Mac· preme Ruler of the unlverse to reo luu t HooVtlnOIr of' the llOOAl:lion . , pllnled to , pr ng e y tlr !,IrlOU I .. \ Dooa14 . . move from UI onr brother Perry , . mother, Mrs . •1. F . Weller, lIf lJe n P A Mr , lind Mrt! Roy l:ftt.thawl1Y hlln asses way, Mr. [Mae ijtont and 8lster, MI88 Broadwtl.yaDd while HIwe III bowbe In 'fhll oruolllllJnljlr'"11 f(lr the Rome t.ervllle. It 110111 t be Cit.y B'lk ery whioh tb y . , llaria 8tout are employed Ilt the I humble IIllbmlll8ion to a w, . UHIII\lIg will bf1 prill r.ed 'hi!! week The peOp Ifl of 0 IIY to n lire very Biram Wl1l1llm 'tay lor, Bon of r. I f ' :ti • oft t M' I V 1 I I d PilI'''''"" whll wlllh t.,l lIond I,hem to . . Id llllVA o,mductod f, r !lA". 'rll I "pnr". 1 I E rl EI ' b i T I f 0 orma ; 011 Dureau a 1001 a · re80 ve • .. muoh .. .010 Iln IZI~ et I o.yor. or· ~' lMV ''''lIutauq"n. -hlch Is I'n !!ession Thll.t Center Lodge, K of P No 6BS · h . workod hup ' hovh r on b ep k ellllOt 10 . Frll,n k Th .... nuu. o f.. n Pour ,prlD\! - J vu ~ ~UIllir rr I1m d ~ m ...y n b tllm t em Ilf of glllndtl rll W 10 118 rl) eu nn V . morly (If Wfly nesvllle, passed I\waY ' a*FmDilln . haa lost a falthful and houored tllr I~ridlt .v f"OIll the QII:I.ef.te offioe til h uf t'lmt oity Tbe l nih"" wlJ o wtll till; l'fJ!lI!.... 1011 :-;01> .JoJ y 1 3.11)06. at his hom e 54 South \"n the oommunltya ooed 01". amung . or~etl . . t.em ber 1. . .. 0 Ohi ft m.. Marie Antrlim, .of Lebll.non, zen mam""r, ' .. ur n"' '"btlr.. of t.he GIlDArul ClIlIllllit· dltlellse Is Imid to hu lDourllbl tl lind " .Jersey tI"reet, ayton, o. a er . . . the family a davo e MOn and tilO nODlber lIf borsils tlupposed to l)e III. Mr. HntltawlIY !li~P'ljOP(l of t he 1\ brief illness from pnllumonla. ~ted at the beautIful oountry .' . , , kIll ed. No OII"ell \1'\IU ineUD nol" ... 1 I'll 11 1<11 . - filotecl hllvo beElD ~ Q" h "" I n'' , 0" .' 1'h d 8 d w a forman at the b~-e -- of hor cousin, Mrs. George brotner. All wb·~ wl"h to oootribute to the . • e oeen e Il8 Deml'Y, " few 'day8 t,h ia we ek lind Resolved, thatlJ;l the . removal of relic r""ttt "rtl rt'qoe"t.ed til oonfer of the disel/lle eXIst in Warren UOnu Ollvi!! Sewing' Maohine Works .an.d -w.e ~,ocomplI.nled homo by her oQus. our brother vie are lett to share the wlt,h Mrlj .llIm _ ~hllto ohairllllm ty, 110 rar III! kn,'wn . : i Farmers Club. hi s dellt,h ' IM IL severe sb ook to hl9 tn Nlies Louise Eyohe, of Anderson, sorrow of the berBlived famll~: we "'h,J'gr"lI.tOtlt clU'e will be' tIIken of Tb Illn:nll gement , Of . th o Frlendtl ,' 'I'hp L"bIHI .,n Eilrllll\l-" .lllh wa~ fOJ1I a "k' wor kh · I~lon , ats'dwe~ ~~s ~h~e. IMliIWII" who will make a ahort visit grle.vo that we will no more meet HUll ~ Boardin!! BODle hl' ~ ugreed ttl fUI' . • W 10 . T'OW IIID on SI e 0 R II. Y at t>be .Antram home before r etnrn. hlm In the lodge r,oom where he Ii Ilr . I ~ • . be f h f\n tt rt,ll,jnl"ct "t t.h 11 .. IllO nf Mr. lIud lllbotR. t to tl - --nl"h lIIeRIs t o the. Ill em rll 0 t \:I I Mr!l . •' . Miltoll KAYH OU the Wayn es. ing tQ!ber home. WB8 ever rea,d y to perpe no. III . Tbe oonoeti8lous for refrllshment Old tIo~ool ASl'OCIII.tloll ut the tlmtl v III e Itnd Le banon l' Ik 0 W ] Mr; 'l'llylor 'IVBS forty-three years prlnolples of Friendship, Charl.•y o( nIe!!lILY·. . . staDII:! Ilnll umnllemen~ prlvtlegea of thelr melltlDg In Home.Comlng 'rb C ·1 b . d f I t of IIge. B e 111 survived by his wife ,IVllddlerun and Benevolence. .. d J I 30 . f 25 >n • l Oll IS 9ompos a a Jon II "I) 1',' ve olll·lllr,en ·. W' I'll nrd , Mildred, I I I w 1\ 16 et.t nOllu ...oU 'LY, u Y ,week. A charge o . oen"" Il mell I thirty fllmiliea of progreBtlivo Wllr . . H.esolved. that we 'the q1embe ... ' .nyoll6 wlllhlllK to place ft I!tand will be mllde . , Ireu county fllrmersaJ;ld hoida meet . Alb rto , Louis Itnd Bossie. The The ·slck Ilro 11.11 roported s ome of Center Lodge extend to the fam , h"rl1 durinJ( the .week IIhnuld wrlte Th h It d tl e Ilncellsed was a Ilrominent 'Mason. better. h I th I e. gues t lj wow ·nellle I Ings .. ~ the ,h ome!! of <litrerlln t mell~ . 1Iy our bell.rtfelt 8ympa' , y n e r .,r ~ti~ the ooll\tnUtee on cIJuot;lt4slons mllrrllige 01 MIs8 Mllry EdwII.rds bersltt.I'req uent. lnt. rVIII", thn OCClI- II K. of G. E. and an aotivo memb$r Mr. Wm. Bartsook came home hour of sorrow, th3t our oharter be bel llrll thllt ""te. F n"",y ... - eYeDi ..... and retnrned "'''tor d aYII, ' ~" ."tltr b uok I lUIt W e d (Ie s " Hl nn belo!!, lllllrked by l>illllAAnt, ~n . of tile Modern Woodm en . -eo .,~ • .drll.ped In mourntng thirty lind Mr , W • duy "f't.ernnon were: Mr. A. 1,J. Star· oill\ in t-erQourl:!e /llHl pl'IIotioll 1. di~ . Mr. 'Tllylor weolt t,o Dayton from day ·morniDg. :M£'. Lewis 8tibbe and these resolntlonl be spread upon Important In~()rmatlon bllok. Mr, tlml Mr" , A~IL 8trtrbuok. ou~si on!l of tllfl Jlroblelll~ whioh pTlngfield some fourte~n years agol family and .Jacoll.soostll[lent the ev. the mtnutea o.nd a copy sent to the on Railroad Rates. , Mr _ lind MrR J ellse 1:1 ,8 tarbuck, thA f,t.rllle.rl'l mURt meel.. And nocepted It p osition n8 forema~ ~ euJDg also with Mr. John Hartsook. .oorooved family, - - - - - -.- ' Mr . 1'.1111 Mr.l! W . D. ~I,IOrmlln, Mr . Th fl m ooting l.t tha Keye home in th e DIlViA Sewing Maohine Fac- · MlsIee Elsie Blillt.,ook an!l Nina A. A, MoNEll.. Pnraons lIvinK IIut4llde of' OhlQ and Mrs. E. E DWlgglns, Mlst<es II i t I · d II to ry, whero h e bad boen employed I Scott weN skopplng In Dayton HARRY BHOWN. . was unuanll y 11 ~r el:!t n g nn we are Carll nod Berthn Starbuck, , Mr~ . a,tt en dID " Uld 0.1110 took In the sights THOMA8 DAVIII. el Inner ,,,ull . ser voll' ip a ~lno(J until his fatal iJJn'1'3s attao ked. ,\ Thured&.v iT . wh.m, .. tlpocllll rIU.!l I~ '"lIt1w~d . • PtlfltltI .. I.e<l to buy II ·11111' way tlckAt Corull •• Johnson, Mr. Charle8 R . 1 him . He W8LS highly respected I. I\t the BoWlera Howe. ... -- i'\ ' . .. . . . . ' IUIle t en t', on t h e.III wn . l L,·t ,' .r.lm,.lhtl point of .. t",rtlnK I~ud se· MOO'll\Iln, 11.11 rlllatlvos of t 'le groom . IIrn()~ g his fellow m~n, and his deatb. '\ M;. and Mrs. Fra~k Carman and Pleasant Ridge, I" ::~; , ..OOnl ·~lu~rldlt108.te :~t: i~ t~ pre91~~t h'om Ulinton oounty ;H~IB~eJl R~th a .o lden Eagles Enjoy Is wld~IY mourned. . da.ughter spent ijnnday with -Lewis _,'--~--" , ' .' W ·rIlJ I'<,IU ligen Ii "lnesv . e I Farq lll~j~r IInf1. Anua ns aw, a so ThA oeremony WB8 in charge of Stlbb8 and wife: Wm . Grlm8il. wife and baby 0IL1l~ , .. Tie.roturn tloket 1n exohallKtI for o{ WillIlinj!lull; Mrs. B . F. Pr8!lnllll, 'PleasantAffai'r, tho Ma80ni(:'J 'fraternit1, hnd the on C. B. Kleinhenn ~nd f"mlly 8un. r' " ,c el t ifiOllte wlll cost only y. fllre of F"lrmonnt. Iudiana; Dr . and fllneml sermon was delivered by '.,·m: king ly' ~or 'he round , trip , Mr... Ii , W , Grelst and ~on~ Wish· G The memberi! of ' Lyt l" CI!.~t.1t\ K. RII'" J . W. Ioenberger of tho Cen. 'Warren County dll.~~rt,on EarnhBrta~dflimlly r , ' Dur"",u.. 'llvlng tlIlst nf Pitt, borg ani ArnQld a nd Elwood'. of New ' . E unltell wltb P"leRtllle lJlIRtl() t.Tnl BI~]ltI8t oh uroh . The r .e main.J Teachers' Instltl,lte, ' I h d f II f nll8r . ' I' .. • Indiana i Mrs L. 'r.' ",ra n ist n f W l~yn88'' 111 Ai n fI. IInA I~':lMS 11I1(I flU · w"re Inltl t.o rel~tln their lot: a~ l>eB.1I- \ t an am Y 0 wbt\re IU' RPt'0.11I.1 rll-te II In · eff"ot.1' lJlI.~Lle,· , " on Mt James Boll Sw Sunday. ahunhl Imy ttclJor41 to the nellreet lanll lions Barold Ilnd Raymond. of ctlll 'lIesslon FritllLY -e vellln g ful Woodland cemetery. M. A. T. \ Th. e Warren County Teaoh. erR . • y In 'The work of InstRl1ation. of the . _ . • _ __ _ jA8SOOIa.tlOU WI'lt:i hOlldVI~ a~nal Most of the wt':tt thill nelg\1. . po,tnt- la the 0entrlll Pa881'Dger AI! WI'l!hillgton Q. C i Miss. Annie Ed · tlOOllitiOD. wllrdl, Mr IIond Mra. RobertE Orew, ()ffillr" of the 10001 lodge !t)to l'IQsna paper In both white IIolJd ~lJlIiItltl1te Il;ut::s, th:~ee: t!~nnt:g. borhoad,tll thra8 . 1 If rtl;l 'bay a ttoketln Obio ~here Mrs, M. MoKlnaey, Mr . and 'Mts. offioll WR8 'oorried 011 under t,hll rl i. III1t<n~t.ed ooJ~r8 for sll.le at tho 'Ila. \~jn;o~r Wm. Loy and wife s\leut se;era " he ~'lllt ala round kip exceed. $1.50 Wm. P . Z111, Mfi!88r8 Pblnelll' W. rl\C~lon .)f the Lvtle Gastle. N 111>16 ze"te offioe. . .. . Prof R. Beber Holbrook, of Pltk. da111&1& week with the laUor 8 pa. bq1 Il ronnd 'rip tloke~. • (Jook, J . B. MtlrMhftll, Geor"e A Zell (Jhi~f. Barry MoGinnil., proR\{ling, . ' }mrg, ~nd F. B. PearlOn, of Colam- reDte Mr. and MH. John Redmon. To"" t~ 'be liar., 111(le, better lee aDd MI'II BenjRmln Hllwktnll, Of After the bUl!IDetl8 of the eventn~. t7 00 t,~ Nlafltllr & .. FtI.ll8 and ret:u rn IlJua, are the lecturerl. Mr. Chrla KlalnDunn aDd family Jour lot,llli tll}kflt; IILl"nt at onne, 10 these, there were wree brothel'll and Ice o~m' on ke and tlberbllrt werA t:lRt,nrday 'T:I[kl~b, tlOk:tso"°~t f : .Bta~ School CommlMloner Jon88 lpeD' 8UDday eve with Jaoob Cor· there "III bto "" d .. III.Y when yon ,wo 8lstel'll of 'he groom, aud the f\erved In 'the banqnet h"ll ndjolb. d~Y8. As , et agen . .., . h&l alao been lecured to tate pan Dell and ohlldren. an.ready to ....". fonr 8illlera of the bride. Ing the lodgel'oom. · ·on tbe.program.
Home-Coining Notes
. '1
. .
·~-;~.dPI1. ~ nrt there "' t> ' onl, IIIIC======~=====::II~--r~~rh~I~~ the rO'lO bush tl Iwe II ,b!.'ID- lhpn lor
81nce Using Doon 's Kidney Pilla Not Il StaDe Bas F.armed . Ute tirst lillie htl HillY h r. :In I bad he a wIse )'OU IIg nHi U he IV 'ulll hav been BROWN .t ,\\,I(W, Pllbllsbtr .. Capt. S; L. Crute, AdJt. Watts Cam" I!del Ill y bllllli. di.aOOI·crc(1 ~ec'(lInp. U. O. V., lRounoke, VII .• saya: "I But· ~ om thIll' oC gl'ellt Intere t In 1\II01 ber o. n OJ. SVILLE WAYNE fered n long. long· ulrecllon u n" flll id Iy ".'nil,ert nW8)'. time with my blick, II'IIS not wIse nud hlld A & I, w,is h It n d felt drag-gy 8o.larle. of State OfficIals . llltle e:'lpprl~l1ce 111 (be wnys ot WOIll U. By RUTH RAEB URN nlld listless and IU Indeed gll\(1 as s, very WIIR congres ot Idel< be ses810n nnd DurIng this all Ihe tlme. I lost he so nb"ltlll, )lnymnle 1 se bls little 1n mnDY prevlolls sosslon , .the expe· An English-Russian Entente- King Edward Rated a Suefro m my usual (COPYl'ig ht. bOlb 11IlllltiS OUI ' wIth orwnrd C lItllried ng si rai of idered cons been hns clleney ·ceuful Diplomat-AogIo-Frmch and AngieweIght, 225. to 170. ber. el 1\1' ' 10 rN('heel si of ' officerll 1Jte 811lnrlcs ot tbe blgb er J3p&ne8e Agreementa. rlnury pnslluges "~ec llla ; ' h e '1'1el1, eXile tlng ahe 'fhe br ight sun s hIne st reaming In lo <tbe national governm ent ond o( tbu were too ftCQ UCDI wIn· would rllll tu him 05 In dll),g gone lly, I'ren(lll open he I by budrooJO her - ___ .;"cllplomaUQ and consllla r son Ice. It Is dow w[tkell e~ • 1"1110.01'. os her CUlh r but sbo dl' w IJMk Qod guve him h I' nntl I hud to ge l coming more and more to be r ecog· lo ved 10 I all h r In Ihe I:rlll:eful lUll' hand VIlI'Y lormn lly with ijl lrr wO l'(ls ot' up often at night. nil' and Engl F-or so long Ellwn rd of 11'011111 how t'o ll alt nll01l to I butl bead ucbes ' 2llud as a · fact, saya YOlltb's Com· g1Ulge of ' hIs utlollted ~ull nlry, "my· wei orne Whh'h sOllnde!! on .ho l· pellroll to Iho world Prlllc'" Of \\ al ". tho fa(:t Ihnt I he 'r 'PIII PI' 1lI1., or und dI zzy ~ Jlelll ' paulon, l.bat tbe rlcbest nlltlon In the pretl), a ile." 111)9. .' ru)'oI IY. hOltllRg t:n g lnnd. JJ!1 IrOllI' , 6 I1 C(';' -ti ed I:: gaInulso, but my worst Aft r the)' h od 110th made a few 10alh'l' or [us hiou IIn (1 "orld occupyI ng a country In wblcb I';vhl ntly her UlCu gh ls w re pions.0Ut Ih e Be liter.. to lIumIJcl'l ~ ~K Ing tor !;:n g la ud th e rrle lldly attitud e Intrerlng WIIS from rcnul ollc. Aft er the b'lgbest bllslness salaries In the' nllt : rlll- s he gO! liP With :I smile OU rommun lJlal'e rOlllUrl(s. a IUlI g a nt! 11'1 ' . 'I'b \) I<ny wom oll. Ibe worl ll hacl f,;ul tu ('uns lel r of I he cll'cle of ,ulllo n ~ 11IJ0llt G r- ( bega n u s ln~ n<lun 'lI KIdney Pills I ..... orld ore cbeerCully pnld. Is n cve rtb. bpr 11118 n nel SIOIHI for n few mom nts comCorlable sllenl'(j followed be mIss· hIm soolal arbit er rulher lhull all ,_ lllnny. 'V llb G ' rtllRny II IllI Elnglanll pusse~ a grlll'el stone na big as n be,ln . 10 I apPluU'N n sllllnllo tho 10 nlooking Oll l UII til 1'1 IV berore begi ~ess a nlSg1lr~lr paymas ter ot Its blgb· s lit a thlllg mure serIous. Hill 1I0W \,;uwllrd ho allla II It; oC IIII IJOI'l IlIlIt!~tI Ihal Ihe Since then I bUI'o lIel'e r hud an auuclt wa ratl! ny .u lit Philip lind <est officers, For n large s bare, Inll!:'cd nln g 10 dres8. It wa ~ JUllt sI x o'c lock Illg. mat- of Englund rlsey abov Ihll old level. Slall'S 011 OermulI Y's fronllci' s hoilld of gravel, and bave III I(ed liP to my Iho aR w whZ!1 nd Ibe "alley. 1088 10 lIudennu 'fo.r most, of the mInor position s In tbe anti Ihe mist SIll I hlln g III lil,": we flad the leud I' uf tllHhlon a nfl so . luwll Crlendly leuullig loward the en· form er health nnd weight. I am It well' loo cilia, ' gunl-u was IL bluze oC Ie I'. This wus Infleee!. .-nvcmm cnt servIce tba paymen t Is and ~"'e:rdy the he, clal arlJll I' show lllg lin mis takable my. Germlln y lo·day It! Ihe Isoluted man, nnd gll'o Donn's Kidney Pills , lIllY lhe on as m sa Ihe h OIU 100 e Ih roses, Ihe of ThA sc nt t tulenl~ In ltle g nil e Ilrt 01 dl/llomu cy nallon, II r tll'O frlpllds Ih e s illtan 1111 credit for It ." )' anti adeQuate. Tbe earnings of tbe clerks lI !1 ht. er, tall l ea c1 ~p'eal n, ollly lefl, 1Il0lst Lh . orang n n~ lemoll hloll·OIll s the' Ilopa. Sn Wasblng-ton aod of most of \be men rartll anti Ihe Olyrllld gro wlllg lhlugs . t h re WII S II cHIT I'en ce. and n vo,·y - CIT the blocl, 01'1. na It is sometlm Sold by a ll den Iers. ~O cents a box. [0,. .. 1j,'11 co rSlas\ic elllbll An 6el. tvl s fa· lrom compare lists 11I8gllise t ' III I,.,vlew oC Europea n Illplomo ey Fo s ler ·~lIIbul'll Co.. Bulflllo, N. Y. scrvlce 'olll~ln H cIvil tbe 0111'. em ell Ih all' with a IlelieloliA Cra- gl'cnL IIl1 will King Edward vorably wltb those of !rocn doing slID· grllnoe. One brPlllhetl Ille a nd happl- hlm~el[ Ihnl he \Vns bItterly dlsa p- re~flondent tleclare/! In hlslory US Le Olle lIam e stancls Ollt qulle by Itself. cenulnl) ' go dowil Ihnl of 131 nlhl'ck ; nllll the term fil s· TWICE TO ~:rAL ES. liar worle for llrh'ate employe s. But ncss 011 slI ch a mornin g , anll lovo for Rol Dlplomn t. IIInrcklulI dIploma cy . Tv·dll)' we IlrB bem(lI' ~, memo lorloll t, g ~ lhl In presiden vice IIl'es t, Ihai nil presldcn 10r the Is cy c1ll1loma or slrolle tcy eyt The lul (n an En!;lIs h court, recentl" • . culled IIpon 10 (Jb~ -rve the bankrup ~rs of the cabInet and of the supreme CIII worl d. Bcsld s, wus not hel' old Anglo.Fl u sIn o frlemlli . or BI marckln n cllploDlacy. III In bown s 1\'8S lined .c 2 fo r cou teml)t of man ~. cow-t, tbe cIrcuit cOllrt Judges, am· trl nd un:1 vlHyfello w. PhilIp 1<ln m\lrb co ncel' ll In CUU~('!I He orr ~ rr.d a J.: n'ote In paywhlch :ollrt. netisnlsslnn Frnnco·P e Ih of lose e At Ih a wny for ~ndors and minis ters, nnd many of comIng home uner being r nch eOleut war BlsIDurc k lnn IlIplulUllt;y came to ment. but wns 10111 by th e clerk Ihut AlIslo-F The . Berlin learnI ng 10 the higher officers at 'Vashlng -ton and 8ovon yell r 1n Ihi! Slllle~, be bad no chullge. "Oh, ke p the , was R vlClar y In whIch lb king had of credI t. At Alg ell'aM ~han ge," II'as Ihe r{'p ly; "1'11 ~alee Ie In the 's tates tho compeu atlon Is not be a doctor? share 'good u Her . CjCllla was a n Ollly ch ild prctty well satlsneu felt )ut In conI mpl." EngllHh tbe iDnlr Inadequ ate to the demand s_of tbe ite mot le r died wben Ibe poor little m A Frenchw oman was comp laIning wIth r IIlIlt5. Aud tb marrIag e oC places they occupy, but Is notorlou sl~ WI.\ , only Ihree d ay! old. and h ~ r rnther hus kill!; Spanl~h and her hu s ban~ thot be WIlS too mllob 10 prlnress recelva EngliRh ability equal Qt men than less never !\Iarrled a gain . bllt gave his 's Edwal'd Ing a book worm. Ihat he retIred too K tu )f little 8 l no aellled nsa· au pri vate lICe. Tbe word "compe smn ll dRuglne r Into Ih e keepln' of 0 s. to hIs study, leu"lng ber to Irlumph til ofteu II~I Uoo" Is used ad"lsedl y, for It Includes Ill ad-\tpq rted :\toxl '1111 woman, who had · "I 8pentl many evenings alune. 11111 King Ellwllrd Is moved to Is It with goes which churge salary her ~ only the f rom IhtH momenl RJ)ollerl wish." she enlled. plaintive ly, "tbat bOllds or Cr)en d shlp be . Ihe emcnt .. at· al 1:bese offices. but tbe hcnor w,blcb with the IItDlOst fld ellty. nOlI nov.', I "'ere a beok . "fhen I mlgbt a lways tw eu Bn llland and Rn ~ lu by a s pirit !lacllea to tbem. Bolb togetber are the 8ge or 19 yeBl·~. Ihe tlill. h andso me bave your com puny: ' "Iu Ihat case. . that he pILI s tbe weak. cllh·alrr of IIttJI InadeQuate paym ent. Tbe deslro gIrl was 's llll old onchn's la vorlte. my dear." th e Fr('n ~hman answere d, ness of his uephe w , lhe c1!tlr, and Tbe tw fumilles wcro nca r uclg ll' re 'I'd wish you were an almanac . we It But . support "to llJ'Cse):'ve that "republ ican slmpllc· hIm !;\I'e would sl rrlelllls' from fn been had nnd 'Jors, cn ( l!.ould change you once a rh Amer· all ngbeen Rnsso.E a , always bas England hy" wblc.b well olso Cor won llcr nu \\'a~ Il so g, bClglO~ln the tear." ar RU8KI\I the and to lld IIs h ent nte. Eng-Ia lean Ideal Is the maln ohstacle thot s he and Philip Shrlllhl be can· In pl'e tty c los Quart rs down ne ar nJalng of oftlclal salaries , Many per- s tontly to"e\ bm·. ru nn Ing tlbULlI :In,1 &JIm S. Olmsted Wins in Courtwbo one rrontler of Intlla. In Pers Ia 11 180 tor the tbat r conside The Foot-Ea se Trade·M ark _ 8 fall to e Ih In seck [(UII bIde III pin yIn.:; 'Uld hlnl1. Wh atever th e la I. oJ cor. Suiltaln ed. . ClaD atrord It, liberal ex pendltuT e Is woods rO\lnd Ihe ran h • .ond wben rlla l relutlun between the fwo couoBuffalo N. Y.- 'I'IoI· .'''pfeme ou rl lin. lICIt necessa rily a algn either of ex· Ihey wero o lder ulltClrlng OVCI' tile II1"Jn:co.l J 1"'I'lIInli II~ injunction II it ll ~O~l8 trIes, bas hoen the Cnult of St, P ter . SHE G0T U P WITI.( A S MIl.E. '1ravaga nce or or 'l uxury; and tbat pO~lur IOnda un their slIre·Cootell hunin t 1'11,,1 It Hud 011 nllt! oth~,.,. 0 diploma cy n01 op. HU8sllln y Co. burg, ~ew ;Y'o,.k 'i lY, l'e"IM,ui n" th~1lI f~l", ~th . natlons, 18 wltb IlIdlvldual~, tbe MllxlcQn ponll'. s-and no wond r elthcr. nd an)'thln g but understa tD pearlng had, e b wltlnt unlike so was It . .polnted j lIlaking or I!dhllK a loot "ow,lcr wln cb overture s from _Ie ,.-hlcb 18 just and proper tn the ns tim wenl on. tbat tbe rolk s IIhOllill In B I S ~1. R C K. / moUves lilterlor Yet blmself. to pll:tul'ed nnd tbe ~1(Iurt dt>elul't." is An jnlltolion and ill' expected ly, knowing smile d a tI had I he I t ih wha od all 3rter measure a be bardly Imew . ldQ of ~man tblngs may be an en. nt on "Fool·l<:" eli," DOW 80 lorgee r ICU S n 11 Ho had no clulm on .,')er, Great BrItain. boldlng Englanol er . It was necessa ry that fringeme Iy udY~ni..oo nnll oold ol'er the cou ntry. lit unseeml y pars Imony wben the cir- us ~hey Wil!C~ed th.e pnlr, n prelfY III- expe teu. Lhe flll1 flow tbwart to object supreme lIer emy. ot SHeil nce anti cha . II 0 relallon d noy 'fbI! o.nlcr of lloe trude-mark ;'~-ooL· !::U ~e," lhere be destru)'e lie girl oC ]~ nn,1I It hun dsome hUI oC was .not even cumstan ces bave cbanged . gIrl makes oth. noUonal asplrall ons oC Russia. But .. ran ce helng nblo to ~ tnrt another out· ia AileD fo;. Olm. II,.), of Lc Roy, N. Y" onJ If!. In tbelr Imnglnll llon Iheso good years III a 10llg Llme-u uphnl<l8 hi. ,Irutl~ not mt'et his RUljslan dlplomll cy may learn In tho breolc of war, the Oermltu s must be the de '1$lon of thi. ""it people already heard tbe hells rIn g er frlendg . She would nml ..enders nil pO I-tie. ~ I)I~ ,,1,8' er ~our5 of Ume Ilbovcbo ard d ealing bas gll'en n perlo(l of peace 10 whloh .to mnrk h kept b~lt One Theory of W~lth. tlIlYS. d ol e th 10 as p~fi~ \.1 ,the e1' look 10 . ntlempL fraudul.n l l)· for tbe belrotha l. Ho couldn't ' Its ad,·anla ges. develop Inrlll $lrially anti COmmercially. ten! iI'.e "foot - F" I ~'I!" olh'ertlRIIIl:. n pl.DC:Why there should be bard-wo rking Nol much lime was wasted oyer the cyes bent on Ule grou nd. Nortb the In rlUng lI' "A Diploma t," Ibey were, Ing on ti,e mnrke L the. purloll. n "I •• m.&IOOr men and 1111, rlcb men In the toilet Ihls morning. There wns a.greut rememb'e r JUSt wb at colo r thut such Aml'rlcBD ' RevIew. st\~' s lI,mllll/; the Blsmarc lc used u ll the arts ot 11lplom- i10r dPl'pnrin~ prepnrlltion in"lllved in tho s. wa FrBuce. It Isolate I:ow to d nd DCY at hIs commu _e commun ity Is a question which tleal to bo done before elgbt 0 clOck onll wonelerl! caS<!.. 'l' hi. the <'Qurt d""lore. 'I'M d~· dlplo. !>ooll n to n~llble Indlspe qualities In luter. r powers n.eve n nd li to bInd tbo Olber Ellropen bad to nn Importa nt point ~i!lned iii jmilnt ion nnd infri lls~tnellt ot GO one bas answere d, and no one can brealtCllsL First. t he asparag us He cou ld see. ID- matist are Imowl edge of buman nn~ure nllhmee with O.. rmlloy. Aot! s ue· tile genlline "Fool· En c" tr:rt!e-mnrk l'i.!,hl.!!. be ~t, .whlle tbe su n wus stili low In ested blm beCol'c. _we~ satisfact orily. That Is wby the with Cl'lnged re (If the r.enuille Allen'. Yo"t· ceeded. ~'rance was cut ort (rom mak· Each r'RI'kllqe COl' la ler on woen he bad al· deed. thul ·he eyes we Ee ... Ino th fll ~i nol c "i""otllre or AlitA of opinion 'II so prevalep t thllt tbe world. Ibo Hky. outlIne the and Bls· lashcs, uo.1on. durk g. geous lon InsuC· advanta was any It g In strength till ncd bls full S. Olm~ tcd 1)11 ih rellow lobel. carel'ully turned *lODOmlcally consider ed: Is . so very marck wns able tD IInlte German y, fernbly bot In tbe 'forden, nnd only tbe the fuce. whl oh was so of bond 'UIIlc.b out of joint, believes T . N . Car- tlurk·sk lnn!!d natives might work tbere from him. was perfect ; her figure was firm "tbe In Italy AustrIa and BBIGB T B.i.TS llY THE WITS. . ter, a writer In Atlantic. But a1tbqug h wllh Impunit y. 'fb en abe would pIck tall and swolght . her beod erect und o triple alllan(!e." In 1877 lin alliunce Will It Must bold a mortp.a . OD German y and Austrla· HulI· the,e Is 80 much unanim ity In the some ripe. juicy peaches for dessert. s!lo!lely cro'"ned whb musses ot dark uelow ber , bar! been ' tormed, mut llal BuIst· lucces.. _nlon that 'wealth ought not to be Hflr 'alher loved asparag us and peach- curling II l1lr. whlcb fell m!lst the y I.n wltbout any tlecldedl bllttB Wfl8 y Sbe attack bUlybod an waist. of Tbe case In memory stili Is ber gIven. If ~e there to la; Pblllp, 'IIS, and 80 did ~trihuted as It now . years beautifu l gIrl he 'bad evel' seen-u nd -hbv-R1rrR~mr.-mrm--fr-k!IIldlY neutrali ty In Ifs or buteo · « ,.,Ide diversity of opinion, where did. not !leeeive her-bu t seveneha.nge. the moment be I'callzed tbls, tact. n pel" by any otbor nation; begIns at home, but If It ottucll may an Charity oC lasles case and lime as long ll, a. a , 18 at opinion deftnlte any Is tbere took possessi on Slid about three years later It.aly was is the renl IJrand It aoon outsrow lI Ita "Who knows If he Is sWI Cond of lect fUl'Y of jealousy 't;, how it really ouglit to be dlstTlbu -~ of him. He untl erstood everythi ng glass the In looked e added to tbe allIance -the treah b. natl:ve placo. nod-!\b 1" peaches t.-'CI. Tbese opinIons may, however , be tlayllgh t-Ceclll u os lear was g ce ~lt now provll\ln y confiden n-','I much German rellectio w"rk ulld to own Italy hart! ber Is een at .... t It' smiled and bls ~""uced to .three fundam entally dlsanswer for J.Mlacbes ." Her had Ii lover ond dId not want Cor common action In case of Frencb in a man II:bo wean a ring on bl. c:tn I tblnlc . ~lIIct tbeorles , whIch I sball call tbe thought! ! "ron on .question ing 'Ind re· , trlendsh lp any more! encroac bments on either powe r, tbe middle ' finger. At Illst tbe girl broke the silence. ";stocra Uc, the soclallst ic, and tie ,plying to themsel ves. "bUl a~ 10 as· ltnnwle/lg~ cannot ,be Irealy be.tween Italy, llIId Allstrla- Hun· man's A -1J~mocraUc, or IIbemlls tlc, tbeorles . paragu!l anll. and-otb er thlogs- who " My fatber 11'111 be so plcased 10 see gary ror mainten a nce of frl enly neu· Judged by the fool thIngs 4e eny. yOU," she, sold. "but Ir you will ex 'use trnllty In tlvcnt or bostlllti es between wben ID love. "J'he arl.stocr atlc theory 18 t1iat the II00WII '/" ~ b CUIl IDI;.. iome Ital y eild j.'rance or between ~1I81la On a chaIr by, ber bed~lde Guadnlu pe , me now I ",:111 JIISt.. nnl ,ood things o,r tbe world .belong' more The gpldon c·Blf will alway. be woryou pl'e!lcotl y. ~r her lJIald bnd placed a clean muslin roses and be with and Austria- Hungary. thougb It wear tbe tall of a Iblped, , ~rtlcularl;Y , to certjlin groups She began to cul 1'0se~1 rC\'crlsh ly, white liS soow. In tbe monkey or the eare of an asn. wrIting rnegie, Ca Andrew ~Jasses than to otbers. by virtue of rroC lt. sl~rchetl and . for she was not seeing or cari ng where she s tepped, North AmerIca n, r peats tbat to the · • ~lDe ei rcumslll nce connect ed with Sbe 1I0gered· It lovingly her worl( was UII the thorny branche s la Id bolrl of ufler on It Uafe DIIpMt.. put to goIng monarch of ,Englanl i. Ille peuce·m aill/lg !I" fast. '\belr birth or heredity , and Indepen dhp.r eld b d on ir ha Marshal Fhild ilL an a1l:"s!"~ ,lone. In tbe mennUm e a tlille. i!o\ ton. her long loose or r gIven tor the E b' ld shou credit hlng, ments. ncbJeve al they Individu what th~r Ime'tv _tty of and Itor, was re ce ntly told at ' Ltlltewo od. mOl'!) than 'ready Cor tbo woshtub , ulmost ,a ~ tb oug h Ihl'Y England In putlJng tbat kno"'led ge friend ship betwe 11 'I1Ie socialis tic tlieo'r)· Iii that wealth would tlo very well, and. bav lng were ~ bout. lIod determ ined to molle and skill Is ~·rauc e. In Iilnglund La.nsdow ne Dod Tbe boy, accordin g to tbo Blo ry, a~ hology psyc thal anu ; nc!cuunt 'to her prlHoner. otl I h 4IQ£bt to be dlatrlbu ted accordIn g to ,. In ber struggle s s be ,.tepped nt Illst the source of Inspirat ion of diploma cy. Blilfonl' aldell the moveme nt .to bury proacbe d an old lady In a Lakewo n er proceedI ngs. _ds. or acc::rdln g to some . sImilar rCllched I,hls stllg\! Iwlst up her 1!.1lr. on It loose' mound or earth whl cb The wrlfer Ilelda. an Intellige nt. and differen ces "In tbe deep bosom of tbe hotel and said to her: • 10 1'lan arrange d beforeba nd. nnd In de· sh" dltl not SlOp "Can yOU crack nuts r' brr. ~n d when occaslou de mands, unscrllp illous ocean," Ilntl In )lTance Deleass e la· rail' brnl~lng II I.n IWO tblck gave W RY sudden, y beneat h "No. D\Y dear, I call·t." tbe old lad, IItIDdently 01 the individu al ability to t"'t m~le)(I~~ n rushlon. ~Ol~ed b ersom· In It moment tnyrlnd~ or Ilny brOwn ' lise ot tbe Insight psycholo gy gIves bored; but KIng Edward has the glory s. l pln 'h carr"lng n pl'e ctou~ ewg bruIn and or ~ugge ling the policy ot brlnglllg replied. "I lost all my teetb yeare lICqulre wealt~ In the rough·a nd-read y brero nnll r,m elow ns talr"; .t Ihe of s At Ihe I. workIng Ihe Into eo " wIll ,ISC S. CDC Co ha Wa s Mill d tltrUggle of lI1e. Tbe democra tic. or lib I "Imost 8S large AS Itself. we're .s warw. Boul, Is the trlumpb or dIploma cy. abollt tbe deSirabl e (but by Bismarc k ago!' nS' . I ue ( t a en OOr "Tben." saId the little boy, extend· Uberulls tlc, theory Is that wealth a ba~1 rt "uo! long Ilnlfe Ivllh IO'!lh 111\0 Ing about hel' feel :\nd allk les. Maybap tllere I~ gooll renson ror called Impossi ble) entente .cordlale . two hands full of walnuts , "pleas8 . nest! Ing 's nt a all tll In har· art. been mble\l black stu a to have as g had cy She policIes . accordin dlllloma cut ted oC lO "Tbelr colonial s penklng ,ougbt to be dlstrlbll ol saw lit one end; tbls wus IIsell the~e while l go cn'd Set> lome ar. holtl dlsoppe tba [ $ : refer JU . polleywus better ill IIIlln ~ould The young But perbaps tbot monl zed. Weir Elllropel · .FOduct !vlty, usetu lness. or worth. lhe DS.I 'Vl'gI.lS. -.t;Jenvc r ' ... more cry rat II the at days bUI l." to tho oltl dlplomll cy. In th(>se Isolation or. GermanY 7 1s ' Identica 'rhe dew drops ' on the renthe!,y' Ing Inlo tbe bOllse, ~,---three al· an, question s of Sta le have rerer· Into I,he oSpOrRglls ' I·lnp.s s par· he lurned nna wllh tWIO or 01' wben ered ent Clle~ brtl.n England In 1902 Womln WNlt lItuc."ba ve done credIt enoe -to a nation and not the sovereig n , Ll1test Table Delicacy . would wblell' bounus. nll II htnc 811,!s tbe In nUSBo~ the n IIlunlond Wbe Iillll Illell lIance wIth Japan . SkollOr -Ot cours, the generlct "Hothou se lamb" Is 'b eginning to reI! 0 11 her In sh owers us s hc ' hl'll ~hce l 10 un active 1(l1.n gal'oo, was by bor sIde 8S an Indi vidual, when the news pape r ,Jtlpane~e war broke uut dlilioma ts term "mau" Includes tbe WO%D enIs It l. sltuatlol ,Ihe In to en tak the best of bitd hla and does many dS at bCll ondent menus while speolal cOl'I'csp !aPpear on the ed In discussi ng tbem "Aide- io look for Ihe MarYBt- Not IIlwn)'l. lh nt be dll! keep bls paper und cOuutry Informe d were ' mucb Interest a renewal of the A quarter ot . bot. appeari ng nbove grollDiI al tbe lr root s 'to bls everlast ing credIt ' :f1rst-cl~ss hot els. tbe pros allcl cons or QI yos. You seeSkollerwltu offalr tbe treated but gh. lau ot every move In the game or aatlolls; treaty. 'Befure tile war \Villi brought bouse lamb can now be bought, If ono lJy Ihe lime she hall CUI 81,lIlclen l Cor not NonBen Ge ! For Instance . !\t'aryatFortun~ eser~'cd, d It ess lUmndy Ihe serIousn there bas come necessn rlly a great to a close. u new treaty was slgn,ed: the sentence , "~Ian wants bul lillie Sa willing to pa)' four or five dollars n sen erD u ~ dI sh 0 11 bour 'llad with c" "machet his IYas I' ory lVa~m nn,l alely h e carried England , ' bere' below," would be ridlouloU8 lA change In the work ot tbe dIploma t Lansdow ne repre~cn ling 10r Il But up to a weel. or 60 ' ago soue l,Iy a nll s ho u~ mudtly- but wh ut did lhat him. lh at. useful It ralh er dangero 110 little chan ge In melhQd s. We Harashl Japnn. and cl(ledly dc Il lIutn ble 91'eeoh In ' the divIde to refused that case,-W ashlllGt on Star. s Ule butoher a M"xl con seldom are told- t he dlploma t's miSSion to·da.y matt!'r'! 'r boro was son p lIod wrt ler In knIfe without wbl oh martluls uf Lun~dowue , ~ses, flnplng ready marl(et for' all lh l! bOllS!!. nDiI II pret,ly clp.u n wblte ~ Itll.'s nbl'oad -·und. wllh a fow sl,l'okes Is to Root he, to pour 011 on ll'ollblel1 D1ad~ by tbe CLEVER DOCTOR. '1hey could get nt from ~25 to $30 UrE!SIl In her 1'00m w!\It,ln g t.) be Pllt or Ihe s barp blnde be Creed tbe girl waters- not to carry Ollt persona l am, apiece. As such a lamb seldom welgbs ' 'J11. Tbe poaches ~nllill toe II lrl. c,1 In Crom the prIcklY branches, when she b'itlou ot a grasping monnrch . Cured a 20 Yearll' Tr ~nble .. ithout , .aore thall 25 pou nd:,;, IncludIng- pelt n few ml ulll cs. :1IIc1 then Iter Inornl ll C'S nell hasllly InlO the Dlllddle or tb e , 'Aml!l'lcan dlPlo·maCy bas ever been Any Medicin e. and slamp 10 Plllh utHl commen ced Ulan E.uropea n: ' ..;and b ead, It mal,cs the meat, come ,vorl( woulll be .rton c. long urtel' more open land sIncere ve.ry opposI te, lly vlgol'O\u skIrts 'hel' uhnl(e ing! morn tbot, as lin w ' Is It l lamb How beolillfll Ru uslan dIploma cy the v.ett y blgb. "Hothou Ge A wise Indiana pbyslala n cllred 21t es every Insec t hod taken hlmsoH off In a RussIan diploma cy apparen tly suave .us...·er to a· demand for .a Dew lilnd Froto he r ' perch among tile peaCh st.omach illseoae wIthout s nll' . years' own. .her than frIght greater , bene sce hI! !lazed rnscln uted on th(: Bntl concilia tory. IJllt In reality press· CIt edIble anImal," said, a butcher, "bul a s his patIent tells : ne clung medicI I stU whl,cb brnn Ihe Thon ns. Orl ~ ntlD. glory or mnunlill tng Russhio atlVllntage by means or trouble for 20 years, stomach had ;') 118 Inventio n was almost an acol dent. Core lI ~ r. . on, , ntangled s,e dl be to had 11th iI ~ snow-ca lmed penll. see med but to her hair and secret agents and bribery, spyIng pntent medicInes, lc allopolh the 100, tried haIr" A farDi er out In Kansas conceIv ed fhe gTol'ious a stl)l1 rrom the gurllen. hUI In renllty so gently! Such cn wltb unscru!)uluIiSn ess m ~ dlc l nes and all the Simple remedIes . Idea thnt en anImal could be pushed one would huvc 10 trave l more than louch ot It thrllletl hIm. Tb en s lle presslllg Bnd tremend ous energy. suggeste d by my ,(rleulls, but grew . " n its growtb the same as a. plant or 40 mil es to macb the Coot of It. On looked liP nnd their eyes met. Qnd sud lJy contra.. t to 'the Slav, .lobn Bull worse all the time•. misery ?nd ntme~t put J,lnd dlsa.pPol ewes tbe. ten denly took t'be' he IlS so fllr ...anwer, :11\ 81 01'1$ ,""re Ihe hills PH very blunt and lInsldllf ul, but seemed mInrew a . "lc'Iually a doctor who Is . the most real so med see bad keeplQg whlrb stable, a only of iUlem In the cellar ~ye r.ollid scc. 'lIIel rlgbl In tront. bls own. J\,. dlstlnct holds preyent at ey th anll nt ptlyslclap' In this part ot' uWIlY proDllne lied me all ago utes W place at a uniform ly ~Igb tem- nbou t n mile away,. nestled the IItlle ,Iy Frencb view of the case France was . · the state told me m dlcltle ' would doew. kn ani! houses ybed born whltewo were s li lambs willI the (own '~hen e. Jl! both England me no good, only Irritatin G my stom~ "Ob, Pbll, I am 80 t hnnl(ru l you In not long ••0 wben t rees. he illcrease d the beat and fed them brown IlIe'l rooCs. halt burled 10 She gave and Ge~inany were trying to "Dlake was 0'/1 ahe said, but aob and making It worie- thAt ,I must came:' . hIde see a bappy flttlc laugh ond trier! to -au they could possIbly eat. The up," 18 tbls: "It sppeare d tbat Ger· AbsorlJe!l In Ihe view sbe did not look tti' di\lt snll QuIt drinking colfee. ne many was vehemen tly flirting wltb the lambs develop ed rapidly and were R Ilo rse mun wbo was mnneuve r.'n g hIs trolll his gazE) by shaking her ma "I cried ~ut 1\:1 alarm, ~Ql!1t drinkblh be , took rePllbllc, not for her beaux yell x, coffee!' why, 'What will I drInk?' :ready tor market six weeks ahead of way 1-9 RnC! out Ibe wln~lng )),I,thwoy about her blusblng face,to blm. ing, . anll ,ber hand nnd drew' ber batred of 'Englan d , lind th'u t Engfor Postum. ' iaid tbe. doctor, 'r 'Try .. Clioae born aud reared under oI:dllUll'Y wblcb I ~d to ber (ather s ranch. COu.:'~T l.AlIisDO RF_ "DO you know I bav,e had Buch a land tbrew berself Into our ar~l!, 80 If hapoene d Ibat Pblllp King W;)S drink It and yOll will Uke it wben It'4lOIIdltlonB. " ttbough "I the or sali!. moved nllt so mucb by a just sppre· tbese were 'given as tile object lI!mosl IIP? lI ber before sbe was nware terr1ble rrlght:· he IB made accordln :: to direction s, wltb WllIIam=;S:;h=e=r=I·I:=n=g=.=::;tb=e:::::;)""'·o\lng ClIlIa- or It. \\ beD sbe did at la~t catcb ob you can't thin II hO'1I/ wretche d ' It clation of Ollr ohsrms I\S by hatred of alliance : "The Iltst Is thtl l!1J.lnten. cream ~ tor; It 18 dellCIOUI and b:ls~l1e ' stolen me-tha t some o:lIe bad ance ur peace-t he grea!est of all of the bad ctrects colee bas: German y. Tbe,re was a moment ~Ian who won the Maratbo n race B't Sight or 111m It was t09 lote to l1y to m~de' tou from me; but it Isn't true, r.acma. France founll berself In the emInent ly British Jnterest s. • • • (believ e "Well, thQt W88' two years ago, and. Athena. gIves tbe credit to hlB mother, lb~ nOllse. The color leaped 10 ber tell me It Isn't true." 1I00d, ond her knees or an untortlln - that our alliance will make not for I am stili drink Inc Pos:tllm. lily stomposition able disagree 'Wbo, lie sa)'s, ' slIpervls ed bls tr(lI~lng. face · In a crlmsun " And 1 Illought ," s:he 811~wured, ate man standIng betweeD two WOmen war. bllt for the mainten ance ·of pe.ce, :tth h ar. wltli agitatio n, ach Is rlgb~ again lind I Irnow doctor' Sbe ~eclded wbat be sbould 8llt, and tremUlell b~n e\'adlng his Question, ·'tbat tbe ,.1rl& who collupse sudden tbe at lnlmenl foes. and .cacl) of wl]om wants and I think we may venture 'io M, hit tbe nail pn the head w,ben he d. dlsappo , would not CO<Ik anytbln g else. When of a ll aer Illons and bilmlll atlon lit lbc In New York-'" to thrOw ti "Int of vitriol In tbe face that It Oreut BritaIn and Japan desire e1ded cotre/! was the calise of aU my' "'e \ll'all told tbat hc b\ld Won. shu re- mlserall ie Hgllr.? she <:lIt_ She Clutohed "There are no girls In New York," or tbe other:" ' peace shull be preserve d III tb. ~ trout-Ie. 1 onl7 wIsh 1 bad qul~ It ,tetJ wOllld. ,be Intllrru! .marked . "Of course. I knew uDdersto od polley of the east, peace will not bo broken. Now yea,s ago and trank POltum ID It&her naIr. whtch had long sln~ (reed tlie . young man gravely girl ID the well The olDe 'J'1lat Is wbat I sent him over (or." tseU Irom the plallll. and ner\-ouRly. her. "Thero Is only Is rlgbt here- kalBer to keep Dation an~ notion from for the Mecond object. It Is the main· place." Name klven by Postum Qu., slle 'l'bls !II a vel', pretty &entlme nt, re- NUb <hUKlng ftngers, tried to tWist It whole world, and aDY' exce.llv e friendlin ess tbe one tenance of the Independ en.ce and In- Battle Creek, Mich. m, arms!" _rks Youtb's cOmpan ion" but leaves UII IiDC! 1111l' It In81de her sombrer o, bill In wIth the otber.. his struggle s to pr. tegrity of Cblna and' tbe preserva tion N8l'C1' too late to mend. Tea d.,...• ~='~:;;;~I~ii"i-m. haIrpins . so It only reli alllancel l making for formida ble of. what we -usually !!peak of a. til. trial 01 PGatu 00 In plaCe of corr... eme In doubt as to wbat Iha other abe OtlCl no la vent ,n dIsorder greater eveif' cluwo ;lgal!> Ilrengtb , bave not met· with 8UCCColB 'open door.' The third obJaet"';'mtlo "I'ku "ond8l'l . Tb"':• • reasoD. JIO~ men'B moUlen lIala \Vbeu toll tha" before. We have men· lual defen.. .plnlt ul1prov oQ4 At! ever,. JDstanc~. In Lank In pkp. tor .the tamonl Ut.~ ilI,¥ DIl1 Dot 'V011. 'J'Iu, iuun, man bad bJ this Ume ".l'1.:. RC114 to WeJ1yW..- _ , till b ~'d th' Amon! Of. FrIUlCe'1 I.~I.· tack."
Tbe ·Miami Uazette.
Some Diplomatic Moves , of Rec ent Years
got mati too and I\Wn llp.l\ (1u with he, t\\lt, n ud ye ll d for Il el p. The glfml (' llI e lUI II wa going to Ill' '0 1, IlU in IWII , aol\ PlI as (CII t il ghul l whot It wa ~; to hlll1, anti h said lh o bOil rdc li WOIlJ;\ U w u~ hili wlf c, Il n d t hut lb or w .. rc married Ih w Il bo(ol'o at To h:!llo. T he gln n l Ih"ted ~1:! onc \vl l h h l ~ hlrt d (001, Il nd pOl SOl dow lI oft Ih " (l illl/UI'IlI, 311d ho told them Urat Wd 6 Ih elr last Henson with th o show, . w hen t hey hili I DO I' Sfl~'[ tor th e g nC"ul ma nng r. Th on t hey all fOllnd Oll t who PH wa ~, and Olpo logll r1 and trie d 10 sq llllre l lltimso l \'el!, bnt 1111 wus hoi onou~h t boll o\'er, aud we II' li t off 10 8 e th c auhna ls. Su)', thore wasn ·t n slngl il o lm a l that wOll ld h lt\'e pa aroll nd. Th e Yoohras kl oked ut 1m, lh o li ons· roar ed nnd ~a~ ed him. t he hy enas s n" rl II a nd h wlcrI , th wol\'os lookcl l ugly: nOli th lI ger U lcd u B UWHgh th }' wa n lcd to gel him In , t h e ('lIge anti l l l' Ollt hl ~ l e' lIl ~r lo l n ; th e elc Jlhllnt s wnnl · el l tel ca t 'h Pll a nu wulle on h is fram e. Th e only ' rrl cn ds Pll seemed to h l! va wus the sacl'eu bHII a nd COW, wh o le t hlill com o n ~ar them, lind wl; en th ey !Joga ll to 1Ie1, [1 ft 'S huncl h e rc membenOl.I hi s eX[ICI'le ncc with l h e buffll loes, anti he drew n way tn the monkey ~al!e~ . Th ourang olllanA seemed to 1001, on Po. us nn equlI l, a nd lhe monlteys lr ea tcd me 11118 n 10 llg losl brother. H was the sa ddest home coming I PVCI' 1mI'll Ipnte(1 Ill, nnn wh n lho p ~ r formlln CA bega n Ila nlln I wen t a n d ~at on Ihe lo west Neal Ileal' th e ring , Hnrt t he Iler rOnn e l·H. g uy ed pa ror a Hoos l 'r, Inri th e lem ona de bn lehers trletl to sell
{.;II Ilel' ted of bel/II,; crook lh M .I~'<1 ~h . pooplo Inugh and torge t theil' tl'OU tlB, and YOII til' a b tI('raC! 1', but If Yl1u , show \. so had t hilt It mll ltQs I he rn kId, u tl d !lnll fnull , a:1I1 wl : h Ihey h lld ~ ay d lit h m , Dntl YOIl might f,I . woll pnt I' pe on tho el'lln'd IcntnllW , lin d g oul or Ih (l btlslnCds. The UIl IlIlals In H sho w nl'e jllK' lll,e Ihe ponplo WI' IlI ~OI In MOI·I\!ty. If )' o n Jm t on 1\ :;ootl ·f l'ont. a nd n 'l as lh ouG h you we l'll lh w hol ' thin e, th ey r 03Ilrrl ~'ou, IIrltl a ll II' yon 10 lillY 011 th' C(II'lh , hUI If YOU lire r h a ngea hle, a'H( luol; tllff I'ent from YOU I' custotllary 0(1potll'il nce, allrl (:nm c uf) io the Ilge III 1\ fl'lgh,ehe d m ali ll '1 ', tb Y pille YOll oft Ilnu gl\'o YOU lh e h u, hn! Hee? Now wc will go home unll gol acq:mlll t u." "W.'II. Illl," sulll I, looking h im ~t ralshl In t h e eyo, " wh ere (I r a wa go llll; lI ex l '!" . " W ha' Id Ih e Illuller wllh J api'l n allrl Chllln ?" sH ld 1111. "Th ere Is li able 10 be WitI' th E'l'e ~Do n , nnd m U8sacr B. an d nil Idll u of fu n. Wh At do Y01\
CHESS OLDEST PASTIME. n d Dntes B!\ck to . t lJ.c Misty :ld edievn l . T ilU Bs.
Of As iatic OrIgin
JI.,............. '1'1 I! Olurg game I, n llW U to m :1l1 Is CIHlllb. T"e ' ur'lel ll or Ihlll gUllle, or ln lm k baltic , nH Gol t!. m lt h (':llI ou It ill hi s M' ,lI ;;llttll1n of '\'lulI , uatl'N ba!' I, ~o :31101J B. C. I L b ri ch In leg l!u " " ry llncc ~oleH , anrl ILS \. nCI'ahla IWIlW Il 1!1:l\II !' hll ~ tpc ll lra ll slllll1cd ' 1ll'OlIgh BY ELLEN OSMOND By BON. GEORGE W. -PECK 0\1 l'nall/1(\; III lunSllItgp fl'OIll the c urlI esl. till gn H 0 1 the 1l1l10 -'Enl'opllan I.C ' Iho I:liesl. A l)cCllilul' Ih lng alJlllII t hess , wl ih (QJ aIJ rl liJhL i;tJ' J . B. Uo w Lel ., II ~ "OIlIIJIIl UUO I1 ue \tile a ll1 ll~a m~n l UIIII I (lX II' '1110 menr;tI to 11 , i~ I\UII Ii i' th~ ~ l n'"l11a, \\' ~ol' pink aH Ih y ha \'l) II );1'1'01 favor ite, anrl a co lo l'oll pon j Th ~ B ~ d Boy nnd Hi s PII R etU l'!l to onl y g:lIu e s nncllon e,~ hy Jlrl es.hoori. not .e m plnye.1 Ih ls 1'0. \' ~'olo,' lu mnny g C wllh wh·IIC . 'lI l1ll Nlc \' riO nn ,j11c kth e Circ u s to F ind They Hllv e Been of il ll heilc f~. Tile prlndpal ple,·~ lu , 'l lo ng )'(·nr. 111111 1111: well .gll'l.; 1'01. er nlUI<eH a nl 03t 1111 rnr ll I'e on cool Qu ite Forgotteu,-The Fat L ndy ~h e J.::"11e f1 CI' I\'08 Its 11<"1111. k ing , I rom low the II nil ut lh ., 11I11II1IIJU S. With - 111l1 l' (;OSt lllilC. A h llo ler's gretm And the lIenrded Womnn G i ve Po. th e I 'r~ 1 1l 1l ~h llh, or rilier. 1)1I~ yu ob l \t) II . with IWll cr 1'l'~lIlt-ror 1l0ngt>1' bUll 1'0 1' 11'lmmlng s lllall whl, t he Cold Shoulder - Pn Finally nJ;r n.l' 1\1 n Wllll!;C Ullmon hA\'P gon e pink l ~ nOi al \\'al' ~ kh1f\l y wh en Iworl hutton s, I' Il(,lIllllg lh e whit!> Mnlt es Himse lf Recognized nnd dl)wlI 10 .~~ tal'IiY, 'lI f ~ US ' h ur l,,· y " al"" h :II'\' 1.ll r d III'. Il I. \,- ry 10"" - or ne"11 and sl('(' \' ps In a pIcasl ll ~ At tend~' t h e Lltst I'el·tol'lnnnce of 1!I ~glle , , .l llnlCrl.lne, I'C.tip rI CI; Lhc I\'. hn\\ e\'~ ,·. Itl; III ~I I.h e rl ellf' he: und mn ll n c l'. YOlln g ma Ids (ol low th ell' tiuy '! " GI01(\, h~r l tl X~I.. \ ollal re. Hons- .... ca m. lhc f;1 sI' lnulln g smoot hlH'l!,;, or mOlh r. In ", !'a rllll;' lIl al'k wl,h \\·hll e.. th e S e~s oll . " Wh r"c \'cr lIl ore Is trouble I wa llt sra n I'IHI Ue n I'l"ll lll, l\n . II n\'e heen II chil d' s sid ,, ; u ll d Ih I It Il l' llIuifl H "n Il wit h t h i,. whll ' Il l!tl l! til' SS€" IIf(0 be prese n t. I Will g o," nnd IHI s w al- devolc r!. ~od s lut'l D ll l~: or tbe gll m . III pil1k "tI.1 1I0t ,. I!ule t o Ih e Rllm- f I·t hlurl, hall' ribbon s. blarl, 'W e arrlr d from th e (" 1' wesl and ho e h e.' " Is As lutl c In ori gin, an d or lg- 111 '1' lIe Illl\' 10\\, ed h is co ffee nn d sn ltl, " It g e~," ' Rlrll,'k Ih s how Ilt IlIdlu·nuJlolls . wh er IIlltl bho s. Th Y Illso s how a lik ing Inall y more alle o llon wa." "Hl rI til It Th f"f) ;·j; mil" hf n . lm)1l1' [lin l, for .lh e Ill' tt y bllll'I( and white ·st rl(1e,I. It \\':1 plny lng It s lust dUl e of th . SOILby '\ l>lu l ln s ludent s HlIrt philosop he rs lawn. n 1""c- ll'I lllml'cI 'lI ill ll s lll' - Ih l' wnols fll1(1 molJal ..~ with p l (l l ng~ 01' I S n, beforo go lll ~ 10 win Ie I' qu a rt el·g. TUNE SOOTHED MAD BUCK than I'.v III II or we Sle rn t'O lInlrlell. 0 1 I( IUIi ot mul 'l'ln l i1o.'~ lIut Ill nl,~ n hlllPk Hili; . Il w u~ U Bau hnm comlog, 'CI\ use the lal :.":11'8. ho we\'c r, IllI ))OI)lllllrt IY ha s IF a t ti c al ur ~ln'~ I' lit'''. Ucl III P I'ell y co lorrl l lin pn dl'e$srs ama n y /l nh'ml ls n OlI I be [ICrfOrm el'S hurt fo rJ ersey Fiddl er's Story of a Time J;rcnlly In t: rca sc l1 a Ult)ll g wesler n ml- rl g h l. s hu ,j' all il s holll! UIHI nlll ll'ri:. 1 aro war " h ~' g irl ' In theil' t ens. and go tton liS, Hnd we hud to lJe IUlI'odllcc{\ Wh en Deer Ov erl'8n U16 t.Ion ~, and nallo n u l I'h HlI ,ourn a ll1 en ll! I hat \\'111 I) 111' 11Ihbin!(, allti ma l(l! thl' Ih lin gl'rle ~r ....'oi< I, .. e~rn· e~ tor s tatt) l crerybu( ly. . Country, are now h eld Ily c XI' rt ll from near ly 'rO/'I, \\'1111 s hon . 1f:PI·p: 1111<1 l'flll nd oc r a ~ lon s. 'I' h" O11f"jllc~ r rlrc ~!; e" nro \\. arrl\, cl' nbOlil 110 I) . :lnll \\'h lle I l all Cul lll rl e9. 'n et· It. Bully ar lll s 3n,1 huhy II p.~ 1 BI'C 1)J'er !Tcd. nn ,1 wl'h ),01, . c" tY~ a n ,l Elta.v(lfl dow n lown 10 gCt fl fill IIH.', Pll Th p ltl ~LO I' V or rh ess mRY be t11\·1.I"d 'ko pl'I'lIy . ~ 1r(/li)r1 nOl I" PO lll·N.1 ,I. !;ll'u le 01' IA" ey in sc,rtl iln t.hey nre s Deer are bo th r lnl; th ~ Canners In t ,JI1I, a SI I' Ol car a nd want r lgh Ull ' t 'rite HJle of I he the soulhern [Ian or 'ew J erse y. For Inlo Illre pprlod s. daluty IItHl IIhn y. Fill' mul rlel~ I h lo t , li nd tho rowd Wll~ al'ound thO C1lg h t yea l's lh ey b av bee n IlrOtec ted , prlmo-:a l In 'ilan ga m' , extrndln g rro m I'lllg n, nllfl s lmiJlI l'ltr. ~I\l1I II" a fati el, I wn~o n geitl lll!; ren dy lu go In. Ils I)I'Igl n d\lIv n 10 be slx lh ('Cllimy ' oo rl In croa eJ 10 suc h an ext Ill . that \,or ile, worn Ut; I has not bee ll t 'lI' Ph 11"'111 li P .to t h e tl ckot tukcr a t the "down In the pin es" tb ll;lY ba\'c be- A. I).; Ih e ugc o f the medle l'ol c he ~R, ~o lll e IIll10 JlO St. . , rrolll lhe 81x t h r.c ulmy 10 Ihe .. Ixcom.n II, nuisance. Silmmol' rOIlI ~ for ml s~ea are )llaln An nlte mpt IH to be m ade ' at th is iee nlll ee ntllry; anr! Ih o age o f t he ut.! · rellllll' l,l'rI - HSlIal ly en oll gh to moder n c hess. fro m III lasl ot ,be ~eH s lon of the legislolll re by tbe gun (Ionn etl unly for Olll tng occns lonN, s lxl ~ nl~ century to the Jlr e~e nl dn.\' , lubs t o hav Ul e law 60 c banged tbat wb ere lIle clever yOll ll G wo men kno ..(leer may be shot , bill th e re Is a strong or t'our se many chnn ge" In tllIl llI olll11 wO llhl b e s lIidlial t o W l)a .. o n yUllu ~ Reotlmen t among the human e Bocle· od or pillY lool, pillce In Ihe co \ _'ee u r f,l l'llalc. Th ere lire Ill~n so m e very \I Is lies aga inst the plan, and ther e Is lit- dcveh.pmcn t of lhc !;Bme, alld plai n white l ine ns nn,l Me rgos, a nd th lie l!I;ollhood thaI th e la w will ue r e o p laN,I II UW It Is dl frere nt rl'Om lbe pongee ('oat I ~ ma tl (1 Ilk _ th ese, minI!. Slime th e a nc ien Is j,:lI nw, . peul ert t rlmm lnl:. '1' he cl nbol'at . b olero I,. Ch J38 h us bee n plll),ed In o eRrly Th o deer 13 n ot tbe wll(J atTcc'I('t\ iJy som e YO llng gil'ls, hilt look-4 hes - bonnls ha ve be n creature of ha lf a century a go. It Is every C Illllry. fu ssy · a lltl os Ihou g h tho . \\·ee l·CI· wna Inc lin ed to be fri end ly wilb e ve rythlog found J lll o ng lhe ru ln.s of Pom peI I nlld In t 0 mil ch oC n hlll'ry t o gro\\' 11(1. t ha t .walk3 and talk s, lind In the tall In lh 2 Hom an Forum o nl' may stili Ree Th e ~' hlt o IIll ger l . pa rt y lil'e ~s may the o lllllne o f Il c hec1,prbourd roughly and aprm" ju mps ove r reuces aDd he a ll whit 01' ~o lllh i ll etl wll h colora: srra tched o n lh e SLO n e wa ll< b y so mo bel ps ILssit to th e farmer'" c,·opS. Tho Olle ()xcelll'nt l\lotl ~ 1 re re ntl ~' brough t farm er 18 not nbl e to bu lid fen ces se o ato ila l pnge of C'IC!ln r's lillie. 111 to our Ilolir(> wa s :l f,'o I( of wh it II' . ., or ie n t both ga meH h are bee n hi s:) elloul;h to k eell th deer from p.mbrolcll'ry WhOSA wid e (' rll hl' ll girdl" jnmplng a n d Is forbidden by Inw to plaYA;1 fm ln time Immemorial. J;hl1d ~. 1 from IlBleRi lem on 10 deel) ' o r1;111 th animal s. Cbarles Gl'ls wold, Illl ge. A r(' lci lln g hal wH h Ihls wOll lil of Sa lom townllbip, complains that one COUNTRY RICH IN METALS be n laury stra w In hllm t-o rang e morn ing he went out Lo 01111, aDd saw ~hade. ' a bi g bUQI{ Itl h is cornneld eaUng the Sliver. Copper snd Coal liS Well lUI Aga in spenl,l n!; o r mls:E'S rants. WI\. ., . , Itor OUI of lh e body of a !)lake·belleve Gold Plenti ful in .<. woulll menlilln t 1)(; 100sI> lon g coalS h e Mil er ected tbe day before to scare Ala s ka. or s trlvcll black und whi te mobalr. ' the deer oi"l'. COtis lderably Som e or t heso or A Coullle of.lIouncar s Took Pa th ": ~lbf)WB IIn.1 Fired Hlln Ou t, Edna Grllitth. th n ten -year-old A las\in th e gol den al so Is ric h In (1'11II1lI d. have rl ee[l re\'crs or b lack laffeta, blael; Imllcl lnq Illlil falf!'y buten lra nro nnd Mid, " hello Bill." an pa l e monade alld pea nuts, which was daughl l' of William Grl mth, a farmer co ns ld er.nul u quooti lles or sl l\·er. co p· In the southern part of Cumberlan(J pe r and COllI. aod p ro m ises lo do Ions. '1'11 0)' 1001, I' ry pr Ity on 0 ('001 \\' A~ g Il:tg to push rll;ht In, wh en Bill ·the last h a ir , 11.'11 a fRklr trlet! to se 01 I j. \I ~TY FRO" IL rau('y. s Ulllm r evcnlng. 811 (1 8re ~n"l th nt was uo goo,I, nlld there pa ' to b et on II s hell gnin e, and 'that co unty, a few monthS ago weot into t;()me ll,ln g wllh ti ll and petrol eum. a pine grove a sbort dt!)lance from whl ' h r cen l ly have b e n di covel'e d. T lrf> lI'li e motl~1 hnrfl s h\lwn I ~ a n l '0 eno ugh for any oeras lon , s lm pl r u/lln 't n ny old geezer play the "h.ll" Wa!! Ul e limit, a II" buslncss on him, Pa cot lIP \'I"\lh a hllll\' y heart, and her home looklog tor blaokb errles. Th e annual g oli! Ill'n!luctlon r e prl" Onl', ,h e ,,1<11'1 fr ill y . lho s ic VI!" uUllr- '~ J1oll g h tor olmo I ~il)' o rra~lo n . 'I11Il lin g .. Ie h,IK tn ulliply dully A cou ple of houn era look Illt by th e startorl lo go t 10 Ihe dressing room, Slie wal sta rtled by tbe sudd nap. se nl..; a \'olu c of ~ om ,.,000,000. l'b e fll ill. the I'Ollllrl n'cl' k gh lu j; It llrtllly el bows Rnd fi red Idm out. a n d the a n ll wus n.rrc;1~ed b)' on e ot th e de· pea ranee of a buok deer. Sbe could mln1ng o f fllnc er gold IK carri ed on In . Itu \)yl ~h ('If t. The Hf(. ~ h :ulll:; nOl n 11 1111 .Iaily !; I'OW Ilre iller . Th e o lhol[orowd laut:h d ot \)R, Rod laid him to tectlves, a nd fill o'u t ulldel' the cnnvas, neltber run Dol' so ream . and nearly Jun e, ,"I~y, Aug llst mInd SllptcmlJer. liltl e to III !' Il l;e lllhll'- nnll to lh e Ila y a li l li e g irl pa s3cd b y wllh thl' dain lles t on" y"l FClln , a pi n k 1ll111l _ ___~_--::0 !lntl buy a t1 ol{el lik e R man, a nd anl\ we we nt " own lown Rlmost hearl fain led when tho deer wal1,ed up ant! MIning IlpAl'ullons nre rend ·'red dim · s nlllll a:\r' \'ij ti(·II.:h l. Ve)'}' rP.\" f f()(' I;~ ror g lr l~ ar" now ligh t n s thl s tll'down . f resh as a pink po w lil the boun ce rs h e would dis· brokc lI. I to',1 PO to go to a barbel' rubbed Its noss against bel' ahoulde r. cu ll not only by th e ~hort avall\(ble s hop anll hov~ hili b a lr ond whI s kers ReASsu red, the girl pltlcked II hand - S a~o n , bill al 0 by Ih e lack o f hi!. ,"ulle .wlth lon g ~ I cevl's, lll allY with !'ORI'. It .W8 fi s hi rred to 01. the crown chllrr;e thoul on U,e spo t. Po ;went t omplnlrieiJ oo lored bla' ie again, and put 00 hl3 tul of leave s and the deer al.e out of In tb e stream s, th e poor slIpply o r HlIlllln g hUI 8 fnll )lllff at lh s honl - l!rct( y lose, o'nll UI trlnllllln!: Wallo l he manager's ten t and "tba h hnd been fir ed ont , and the' Id ahe kered Vest, Hnd big plug hat, her hrmtl. then fol1oll'cd 'h er to tbe wnl er and timber, Ih e ha lf·rro1.en co,, · ti el'; hili for ' Illay dresscs II long l h II hill)\'l r whil e baby r08(l [t lull ed on hapm nllger ~n.ld thllt was (lerre til' prop- Ilnd Iwo-pound walch chRln, and tli ey door ot he r home, where It ..... as fed diliun ot !.h e grave l. "nd I be h igh Cflst ' s lc ve Is des irabl e, lhot th ll arlll ~ m ay h erll 0,"1 L1lcrll Ullllnr onLly with fresh IIl1'nlp topa_ nf lahor nnd tran s porl:. DE'SIllle thtl80 lJp [lrot !'led so whe n " be;;, " h 11111 h n~ arrl , Ih e s te m s t! 'k iog Ollt st raight 1', unleSB b e h a d a tl ok t. Rl\d h e t Id would ell know him . . So pa had hi Nex t day the buck reapp e.a red. ao- obstacles the wide lI:nd uu iform di s· on they be not all ~('I'a lt'h d anti III! ' wIth :ip lta l'e nl. awkwanlll ~s lhat Ilres. (18 til ge t ou t. P:1 told Ibem who h e ha!.r and whl,k ers co lored n nt ural, and wos, bll t th ey wouldn' t beHe\-o ·hlm. dt' e~sed IIp In the old \yay, and at co mpanied by anolher hllck aod t wo trlblltlng of alluvia l gold , the healthy lo\'ely. Whil e SIOf'ld n!!s lool! \\" ,11 I' ntl y .. '~o l ve d Ils olt In to 1111 On$C IOIL" You see Jill'S tace was all red lind 80,'e evening we went back aDd slood does, Th girl fed them, and lhe deer cllmoles. lind t he prox lmit }' of the with all rrock~, Ilerh"p~ Rill i<O ll~{\wh s l g r~(·e. 1'he '010 " ot lh o hal I III a exwh 1'0 tb,., bulla loes' ha.l licked him. nrou'l i lhe leut, and everybody took. kept. coming. Two weeltl ago she wall ph e nomlnoll Y rich go ,ld Oc "l~ of the rlalni lei' thnn tho~o mu LC bln !;. I'he glow t o th ba \'y ta co lhat od the buffaloes bad ',Ir.ked ,all tho olr O~e lr hal s to him, and when we on her way to sc bool a mile from bel' Brll ·lah Yulton r p.g l II jus llfy pr01! pcot. t1r as. thoug h the . . artl very IlOPlilor. qlll ~I I O. I~o l' mi sses' w~ar lIon g.:c has b eoDle F.lLLE. r OS~tO, -DE'. ball'_dye !lut ot b ls b a lr nOlI whl s kors, we nt loto th e show nt nigh t everybody home, when a burly n egro jumped out Ing Iintl mining . onw lal·se . arells. 11(1 lho~ were 118 white I).S the' dl'l \'eo was pOlite, the f,'ea ks wanted pa to elt o( the bushes and grabbed her. Tbe Stre am ti n , dl ~r.o vE' l'ell In ,he Onlko\' 111 IID OW. I'll loolted 20 years older t bnn on '1\0 plu lform wllh t h em. alld the gil'l Screamed aDd struggle,!, but the riv e r In !!JOO , has bee n fo II II (I IIv cr nn wheo h e went west. Wbll e they were' , nnlr. came ott t heir perch , anti n egro wOllld have succeeded In dzag- IIrcn nf 4f,O sqllare m:il" s. Pr oml Ml ng Thle sea. on l ho athl etic gil I neeil IlllIlll . 'I' hl~ s ryle Is especlu lly popuar"tulng ubout p ~ aa tl examIning him treated pa like they u~~1! to. and he {l Ing her away Into ~he woods ball not s Ul'far e lurllcat OIl R of lla trol ~lI m ha Ve t he two bucks, followed by the does, heen fOllnd In Ih ~ Co nrrolli\r bay, nOl pus h uael< h I' Rlcc\'('11 III uuHfly lUI' Willi Ih e rldl n!; \'OStlll1lll. I~ co ns lcl-. see It be h a rl 8mullpox, I .ca me Ull was hlm8elf again. come galloplng down t he road . Th e Cook IIII ~ ' . nnd ('o ld hay fi e ld .. Ml'l'UUWOlU II1l fa Hhl on, or turn down ere,1 h" ~ 1 01' !lly l!!. bu cks charge d the negro. aod one gave Thou~11 ollly a fe\\' wells hav e been l, cl' co llar In like mUllll e l' I\·it ' n bl'llI II In t'aus fo r Ih a nlt(ull1 esR Ihal tbe him a ja\l I.dth Its anllers lbat !lent bored Ih c rp, sre mH ' 0 hI' IIn',llle jll >lll· Oil vII;O'·OII. Il lay . The walHI vartolilily ~l lfT. hal. Ihorollghly nn co mforillh 'e him 6prel\' lll1g In tbe road . The De- n ClI lIon fm: f ll l'thel' P,'OSll I'l1ng IInrl Il l'nomtna l etl -~ Plltel' Pun, le nnl s, golf, rhll n[t " hullll " b ~H \'ulll ~h ed. On HUD! gro escalled a second oos lau ght by for belll'\'l n g thnt th e PIH' lMc coas t nl'gll!;~~tl()I\'ell Ihe p r(jb l ~'1Il fur IIL'I' Ill er (iolYs ,he hOl'~llH cl; 1'lde l'R look jllm plng over a fen ce. E.dna hurried region of Alaska may pro\' nn 1m- \I hu s rn ll ·ba k cu fT!! and Ihrer·qnur· ti f) ('001 o nr! fres h lri Ih II' whi te 8bl r t to th e 8ch oo/h ollse aD" gave the alarm . portont source or lI1umlnuUng 011. WI' s!eeve~ . an d omfol'lalJ le Iny· dow,i Wil l;;,. nnd wflH h H'Or. II R, I h el l' 8tlllalbi tt Fal'mers bent tho bushes rol' two tln)'~ C'(, l. m oally or A Il g nlllc ('hnrll ~t e r. ro ll a I'. With Ih e Pele l' Pan the s um- ~ "II[1r halij, /\ n illu bp.r o r llIe n are In the. ne ig hborhood, bll t fail ed to DO tl l nls o wld" I~' Is dl st r lhu t!:'\l In SO l uth~ ! lIIer fllr l m ny ell ier Into vigoroull pillY s e~n "" Ih c,(H1nlry "01\(11'1 rldln l{ wltl LUe neoro. , western AlaskA, wl, lm l th e ao a s 0 11 11(1 yH I(eel Ihal fl'c~ h d ll lnllucsS so Elwood Co DlsLocl; who { njoys 10' the CllP C 1.lsbllrl1" re!tlon a~e o~ t \VO H dtnlra lJ I ~ fllr tHlln lY (Clll in luh y. .) ra l notoriety for h i& ablllty to play rlls t l nc~ rlasses, IIJ I\' g l'nd e b I111m ~ ~I \S An ' l t h e nlhl ' III: g ll'l f Ih p mom en t danci ng tun es In tho \'1 Inll'y ot Bap. ('nu l °lr IIII' I n1P~ot.Ol ~ ' I n~lt Ir. I :('1 Is 'l1Sl ln rbly . femini n e, ll1:lnnl~ hnp~· 1l3l low n , H untcrdnn COHllty. had a n grade J\lII~~~~~_e 1.11 • U • has rrttr·p!\ \l ito ,h p bRI' lq;rollnll -· ff)r C ll ~ount~ r with a hu sk y bu II 8 f ew Am erican Mo lPY In Ollbl\. whlNI we ll holl id all Ilr l h ll llkrui. TIII@ nigh ts a ;;o. H e hat! beoll O\'cr to ~(J l l i'(ln :to gll' l nrl'fl no r s trid e as Birch Hollo ,," to pIn y fOI' a parly . Cn ha Is Leln!; hOUlld In Ih e Cnl ted IIl (Hlgll ilel~I'ml ll e( 1 to Ilro clailll hrrae lr StulC!& wllh u chI/I n o( go ld thut cll nnol • "a lll if'llr: ' nel' ,1 nol f'l(hILJI . llrawny His path led tb roug h a deOBo gl'owth of s rub oal;s, and a t a tUl'n e~~l l v he 1I1'l11, n . Amrrl ';Ilt \' uplllli 11 '1(1 urms;o ntlvp rll>p Ill·o wes. In (l , t! 1I ~ ld. om- Ihr ;"I're"eutut lvcf; o f Ih e III II Who . . nee !1 Hili rl rug " trag of h ellv}' dllhs \lR stock came U[lO Il a hu rk tal!ilwa nap. '" po ~('? ~ It "'1" poarln!; 10 10 the Isluud . 11\11 or mfl(l er nn cs~. ' rh e c:\rl thai cxCom to ~k ha d see n d ~~r be fore , b n t never ' one with R t ~lllper lik e thai dis . D urin g Ih ~ In ~ t 1\\'0 )"o:l rs full y $1- 0,- ,' rcls~ , Is n ow lin Rel'eplcd fa l. the tlo ,1)0 - o r Am er icli ll mOlley has bE'en played by thi s IUlhna1. Hi s itrst 1mIlml' l'il Sse d for as 'e rt 1011 of a dl ~ I)( (je~ I.ulse wa s t o r un ' h llt he r al1zcd In\, ·~ t.c. 1 In Culla, olltslde of H II \·onll . . point. ' AntI ber ' dree8 h all lJecome , a' 1·11 th at r ill'. 0);\0, .\m c'rl cRn ('lt il lia l 19 The .Fi\t Lildy G{\ve .Pa a Good S llnn king. !lnlclily th o hopelcssn 8!1 ot such hel n" Iultl 'om fre(lly o n ne w IlmjeCI!i. Il\(l,'e lentlll'l'a te . I . 9 c~ JlI O!i I\' e. cb l!~e alld stood hi g rou nd Am er icn ll culonl es (!an be folt nrl In II w n~ III Am e rlc l\ · thr ~en lule Rhort , and pa 11\11' lIle a'lI d h e sa id, "H cn H e wellt arollnd t he big tent on,1 . Tbe aolmal h af\ c"ldently mad.o lip mHn), I'u rts of Ihcl s la n,l. Some u f Ih e S ~: II'\ . r: llll<' 10 Ita ,oWII, ,1,1 wa s III .nel'Y. aIn't I YO\ll' pO'l',' And' 88 1d \'yoll watched the IR8t p errol'l1lan ce ot th e 1t3 mint! not 10 let the man pa 8 ~ . Itl . heglnnlllg 10 1([ I,e on a n AmrllrE lh e . h ln - wu I61 fli s l 80 W th e can 8CJ\rch m e, that's whot Ihey _\1- 8ea~o n, alld oDllll1mented tho p er- Com~locl( talkc d In a m olllryi ng t011". ~1Il~~'I(:I~ " ll[lllearS nC(' In Hrc hi lec tllre li ght u f fla y: ROil (h ese IUl\·e. lIou~·I S lt e.1 ways so ld," and tben 'l Identlfled . !lil: formerll. went loto th.o dressi n g 1'0001 bllt Ihat dldn'~ change · tbe sit llntl(Jl1. · Rnd In (itl slry. Mos l of Ihe l'Olil'Oll1l de- I III ~plie of rldlclIll' by Ihe l' rc ll t h anil they all "hook hands wi tb him, aDd jolll'ed ,he merllben ot the titll ff. It 8udllen ly DaShed on Co mst ock to try ve l o pm ~lIl or th Isln'llll Is In Ihe h a n rts WOmilU. t'x~ggeratlon by Ihe Engl lri h a nd he reported about the trip to· tb,e 1I 0d' when the pcrforman ce was over, m1l81 r. The deer raised Its head an ll or A merl can g. Tmll ey lines, "u" II ' as WO\llbn. IIn,j ;HP. 11 01 Ihe dC I.ho fOllndu'rhe "Vir· nrc common In tllis c,ounlry, are I'eac b - t1QIlH" f 'b" ollllng 1.lress, ·tHI'CIl ,.0, west, 1I0d what t,altint he bad engaged lind lho·. uudlenr.e hllfl gone._ RII tho gazed with woode rmen t. (or tlie wild weet departmen t for n ext mallagel's Rnd el'erybody connected g lola R el," Ilnd "FI8he~'8 Horn illpe," In o ut JII e\'ery dlrec llon. ~'1I h ~ .. \'; llh 'hick-soled s hoeK a n ti cool g _ ______ _ _ sh ' (Ie-h at '! Almost nny womBn f'Rn yea r . Then we all. went In to the t ant. with the 8how gathered In the ring to "Molley tUSk" and several ot her fa1 guess every\lOdY ' WRS mad a~ ' ex- bid eaoh other good bye, Rnd maltg mlll"r Illlnelng tune. seemed to pleRs~. Widow Wl\lIted. blli id 11(1 a '!)reseIlLu b le ou lln g rig fro m ~I ·~d, ·'....: ,..., , .. ..- ·e th s how wail going to presen'· . . ..., to each o'her • . .,. ""vory b' 0 d y' Then C omNt oclt p Iaye d "H orne, S l\'ee t The NorlhamJl'on (~~,ng . 1 Otlardlalls ItIllO.lg II 10 111' II l' Ies I n II e r wa. rrI1'0 b e'• II ,c lose, and tbe. 8al,II~ln .top, 1\8 som e made speeotles !!ongratu!allng th e Home." !fire deer stood trsnsll.xod, or t he Poor h a \'e recelvlld a leller from Is th.e rew that go III ro r a ,COS!.lIIne .of the , pertormers we~ cry l~g; aud ' ' managemen~ and aU who ·had helped and the Miller hacl(ed aWRY. ' a rar1ll laborer. who ' writes: "~ I h eu r rle\'ul ed s x<; lu slvely '0 011 tdoor SPo rl s, ev~rYbo.d, wall paoked . Ull~ and all were 10 make tbe sbo,," a 8ucce", und t bey When Comlltock r6Bcb ed 1\ point ' l hn t ),on ha\'e on e or t WO widows on P robably YOLl h ave a ~ hll rl s klrl. In paying borrowed money. 1111 joined bAnds around tne rl'ng and whllre ·he could ,dlve Into Ihe thlcl\ lin- the Imoks. II' BO, I tim In wanl or one your \vantrobo. 11lt'!1 arl,1 10 II n len. ,Pa "eIIl -u~ to . lli.e · freak'S .platform sang "Auld Lallg Sine," the anlmnls derbrllBb b e did so, leaving his fiddle . for ~ wlfo·. Qne that Is a n outdoor nl s w: 1st slI ch as we 11I1\'e described, ·aod lapplq the tat )I\d)' on Ole IIbOIlI- ill Ibe neltt..·tent Joining In tbe cborus. box behind him. He gOl borne sate ly relief \VOult! jll6t s uit me: and thtl re ' the tl'Oc k I ~ p i'ovlLle ,1 fo r. ~der he ·said, "ltell0. you -m to be The IIgb ~s were lowol'ed, and th e and tbe ncxt day foun" his lid die bos A plalll sn llor Is ftn ullprollrl a ' e 118 1 10 ~!,IDJ 00' ftC!'h,.; Jtow that tho show II canv!!emen tOC!k down Lbe teots Rod wbere he had left It. ' Foxy Qroom. weil l' wi t h Ih ls, nnu ' lh e Ha llol' to-dny I)n~:ss I' OR OJ "ng to cl~, aDd )'01\ ought to bave loaded thom on the ca rs for home. W e ~A. ' man In ParlR whl) had lin u gl' very 111 (1('11 lD 8tyle. Ollt t'Oltt or wlll~t~"<lut; m a o, too..... got ,t/lat neah' (;111 earlier in thc .80S· wept dO"\'11 to .tho holel and the man - ' , FAther Worked 'lbrdest, wire brIbed his ' groom 10 I'lln 811'0, If hllyh l!; ,I ncw dl'eS8 we woultl ad- gOI hark lO !lhll'l s leeves. 1100," .Rgerll listen ed to lb~ rODulng or a WashIngto n h ad j us t beell balle,l wlrh hcr. so thaI be t:Ould I;et a. tll- "llIe allp r, ~I,i rl and n ja~ke l l hat may TIIIJ dresses aTe favorell by Dol • I ail-aU never torget the 8celle. Tho st.atement from Ih e treullrel' sbowlng .F'alher of Hi s CO\llItry. · VOl' e . The groom dhll so, bUI look be 'i\','ru OP'11 or cloRed. Art er alren- few cqueNtl' leDnes, the akiN. material. (lit lally did .no\ r~cognlze ps, but how Dluch m!lney we ' h!!ll Dlade, pa "At leo&t,' : he remaJlk'<ld, "they call't wI th ' him all (he l"Om~rn'8 jo...e ls ~o.d 110118 ('~:crl'\sc Ihe s nll g JalJke~ Is uften linen (;1' I;,hokl. TlJ ey are 110 IlI8de thol\gbt he, was jost nn •'Ordlnnry ' old drew hi s abare ot th . v.rofl18, a nd we apply tbat p'opular Bong 10 me .~ lIe\'e~1 lhonsaod t!ollan of lbe hus - needed, Rnd It 1M 8180 well 10 provIde Ihol i,y u.rrangement of ot::tons the,. HQosler trying to ta li.e IIbertiel with look a train tor borne. 'Horewlt.h he Im)ll.dio~e ly begllo to band's DIOney. Col' wutlden I:h ll n gt!8 pf tempera t llre, O~- ('a n h tr .lll!Jf{l rmed loto vary f.a1r , .her, nod abe kicked PII~S (e~l Out from Al · breakfI\Sl. the next morning In work.-N. Y. S\: n. pe(IIally If on e ' 18 orr on U l:amplng or walk ing skirts. ..ftrII uDder him. aotl pu\loll him down t he dining .car, going Inlo C hicago. ', . .' Bolh lIubarou.. w~ lk lu,.. l rip. Two ~t~' l e8 of s hirl waillte IIUh.dllll! 811\0 for the ~Ide -Hrultlie .un. • ncroa her Jap nod wltll .ber big, flit lIJlid, 10 me, "Heonel)" we hllve bat! Ethct of High Livln/!'. Rodrl el(- Th(lre Is ROmllthing sboul lire e~ Jleda ll y IIpproprlol<", Ihe. Pet e~ A ~t. ellherrl·s plaId IIklrl wllh plat.. ti~nd phe pve him a rew apanks thaL Ibe mo. t eltclt!'nc live months ot Pro!pecU·~e Gn..t-Do )'flU lIet • tbe Lndlans thlt reminds IlID or COl- PIta hnd tho:! plltln linen wul~1 wItb bl8f:k roul h aa a ce rtain «mart \001& made pa lee Btars, Dnd then 'cnlreJ life. The dreul bu.lnesa III just like ,ood tsble bere? Illge fI~ lIdent8, !(J ng s:pr\'lle. There Is a liking al pt'Cll- lIked Ic,r the outing oo8tUQl_~aJII ])II'S e~rH, lIilrt 1ft .hlm . up. H.e wentJI any otber bV11neaa. If YOll make good Hotel Cle rk- Willi, ra1111\... Wb" Van Albert- What I. ~oL III m::tke· Illp IAlter severttl)' plaln, tbey III,ve l!eeome pretty 00....... ()Vl!I' lo til. ~fdlid -Wom 0 for 8,.m- and WI are abead ' ol- tJle IImll, It b folD COme bera pert,ett,. 1It-IIIU. "Wby, you ~JI't lOOp Wlth!illl plait I · .,r aay hlllaetB III all. Pongee Is brousllt Into use e'IID row. J,atby, sstwt J1er how .he bnd lot l'HptC&able. ba\ If 1011 mil 1teIalDl! aDtils.d )JQ a . .,. .ltt tbf IOU' ••d dy. fro. 111elr w\lOOp&. Dat:l ,, ~ mlt!l po r kl't OD one or bolh ald. I. tht' phI) tires..... aDd of rou,.. I.... • ~lIi wll.1aout IalV\ 10 . . . . _t eU.1Ia.,. 1.0 de~l .Iib the I llerl1f. ),011 are lIe)ll&I-TJl·Blla, Ne... iallontlo OUlOI wise tile ' .DIal II ,atta '11 til &rllt Je~ IIIr ~II ~ •
F as h-Ions for the Children
Dress for Outing' ..Wear
1"issue Paper for Decoratill~ at l-tome - Coming.
Mrs. ('hIl"ln! tn Jl,Alwurn!'. IIt1l1 hl' r l PEuSONAL AN D dllltlJht \'. MI~~ Anlllll 1l,IIW 'lI'Il!1 \ " . lr~ 1•.\'[\111 l' rl's lIul!, 1(" . 11 1. LOCAL ITEMS Gl't'j,.t , .' Ir ... I.. T . Ilr('I"t. Il l.' 11111 1\ _" . 1 I.... , WeekI>' " I \1 ,' l lll·. " IIIe. Ph III pllnlt II 11\' NIl'. J. [I. :\J,••:i!llllll . Ill' 11'(' (i'nnml-A K . G. I,: ·H .~ •.lon - InllV r I n th o n,,.I(\(,flCt> " I 1111' . ' .1 1 I ~ l lIrl n ol<. f l' llr II\II .. ~ I'/I,;t •• 1 W il. qui ... /I' GAZ .:aT~~ o III Cl'. \ 1 till,HI N " ,'1\,'" '" 0\1 . ... " , ,.~.l,' 'ml ;\I .u' :' ~·t)r· I '" I I1 ~ I"'I . nil '1'11111·,.,1, •.\, . lIull j""I1'.1 ~'''r 'lilt - A 1:1101 ~l~\. ev 1II 11(' h ~\J" .. . .1 lilt."" \"'" " , I ,,,·r.,11 III Illtl (' n J"YI" "II ! ti t' 1\ r Ulli'pl ' Ull ,. cow ..1 nqtll l'1I 0 f'1 '; .~."L','III", l :"I '" ' dl> • g l\' L"~ IU l·, '.I1I1II1I1 , lit t u lll· I, ,\ I~C •11:0''1'1\1,1 ('('1 111 .. , ,,, " I purt; .IIk III II Al l ~iw~"f 1~'L~trn Ih·,. KIILlllk fillII 1 4111 ~ I \ I'U I • • I,'us t ' 1h " r W"~ 1lI1l1'uti Jlr t " .· I III' Ull .m lu IIr ~ lIuhr ' " ' I nUlu unrlul,( OI"'II~h '" \ II h" ,. IJI '" lJl'''~~ IJ I' III" Du U I.I"u ' 1) Inlll~ WtH\ k .
PlI n ,) \\ 1'1 0 "
\ !b'lJ ' E ' I N AL L"EX
1\11)1 1
nnr ,,,,\\' "til ... · iI. Ih, ·,\1 ,·11 Bni ld
,·.'r.v L,.,,"·,·III , 1It1~· t "tI"IuI11I1 n ' ll r "r Ille "n!lIllIl~~ ~n tio n r\f 'hn In\\' n .•ntl • h,' [ll1hll 111),." of 1.1,11'
lil t< II "
p 'I) JI'r will riM'" ""(,l'yt,h lll ;! lit, tb e tIlt'llil Hd of o ur fornH'r rOflitl on l.s. 'rh ('l llll.ett A hll!! for .. Im os.t two ~' ''t1T'' heen nngllgell In Aeollrillg (lI ('ttl of inle" Pllt tn forlll e r r esitlen ts lind W (Iro in tOtloh with IL mllj orit y fl f " Our llny ILUU 'girlR wbo have wtll.der941
Ilml dtl{~ .rllllll~ pnrp !I'~S. It ,', CJ \1\1'1' , r nllsiderrtbl
I TBlephonlJ Day or fI:ght.
local No. 7
lit! W ·11 I VI '
'l'clopll\ nu in hi ll h UUl:lfI ·wbere.b1l CHIl lIo . Illod u.t ,,11 hours, day or \li g ht. . Uclllo lll'l'I I\n(l c huirll IIUi>plted LlII VCI r oco ntly Ulovllll to room ue xt to C;I'OflS Oro!',
- - ---- u.
uro!l!lin~ . ot
Ihe rnilroud '(mel
t~1' npJ1f'r 'pringboro ptkl>, kno wl l 1111 visitors t~ cull lit UII Eligelll nnt, or I I toktolS 'roH!\lu~" the ('II\1,etl.e office nnd Msure ever y ' R pcenti,V nrrnnl-tements huve hAon o ne of 1\ corclilllll nd Ileart,y welcome. mfltl hv wbl nh the r ,Iilrotld U, lItI· pliny IItid patron of the r ond will unite io erecting 1\ buUding fol' tile IICCOWIlIOciutl OO of Ptl/!sl' ogers IITl " also of t.h ir telLllIfI until th'l \!' n l turn . 'I'll u building will b locltteJ ull Springflelrl Ohio the not'th weRt' en rool' of the orosI'· Mamo T. Brow", Hecrlltary . ing n the property of the Onl -
Concerning Former Residents.
Your illvitlitillll to the Home. 1)/lTlY, III III \VIII h t~ u:r('ltt. (I, .nVIlD Coming R.mnion nt hllnd lind WIl , n "" tn til .. l.rHvAlin!,! ]Ill hli(l Indeed pieR ert to reoel va !lllm~ . Will ~RY, ·thllt 1 'Y'l1l try t be l)re~ eut Ule 9th if pO!!!libl My p!'renl::o, Mr. and Mrs . Will H •• r tsook, ttllk of noming and if t.hey do wtll be with them . . Kidlley troulJle preys UI>011 the mind,
Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble.
'l'h"nkinrr yon 'for your Idmlnes8, J remain, YourM .Truly, Mall. WIl.I.IAN E. JOHNSON,
discourngesa llllless t:lI~nllllJitiolt ;
beau t y,
"Igor and cbeerfulness SOOIl lIiSllppear when lhe killneysare *I."(c!~~ out of o rder or di&-
1'IHC',·d 11' l.! IIU 1" ' '' ' ' 1,1 JI "I J ntl~t.~ II, ' ... 1,l t , ct i . .
\, fi 11101'
'lt iM(~ ' \
t e rri ble head·
, yill' p''''''r til h. , filiII'll IJ t· ltlw "~ tllt l it, fj It :-- 111 " tIll' '': In \\"11 1 d flf T~ II ]IIi-it '1'1111 "",\llt , .f .1", lI'i" I \\" !4
:u:-hes ,thtl1du llcd
unlin; nil lhese thin){s spllll · bi~
tl ll·'· I, · rl ~n ·
g rl 'ut,
~ \ IIJlriS" .
"Il lt l
,\\ I N 1:!·1·\t KIC'f .
C. ll
1I 1 ~ 11 ' IH
'l'l'lIt h i-;tr',, " su r tllllll b'i otloll . Sllrpri~llIJ!
HInt. U1lmts
fol' hy ,J . ~~ ,Intlnoy . .. f ,11~"pp .. illrlll"'" II. \4 "" ' ~ III I1 P All ,f \I " wh o krJ\IW ,I . E . .1'IUlUlV .\lllt Ih t! '"11111' fllll 1ul·pr.-< .. I ~; h ,,, ,,. I'er llll"""( 'niHI, CII "II ' r .1 '11111 11.11 1' lin' II"flll1'nl: Ihllt Ilf' wllnltl ~I1Rk'e rhl .tlil Hem tll l .\ ' ' I·hl'.v ,I II .1I"t, 'puhli l\ 11011" hnl Mt I'lIl g ht, forwIlrd, tlClne~t ly l)(lllf;t of "lI' thi<l r Olllo,I.,' Will IIC !It. ItI.I1Il I 11tll~. II lid whl II I.hoy toll you oompli . h, but prl'for to Itlt, t1:1' n~ nf thll 1I11111y WI\~ II OilV II 10 poople erB milk ... the .. t"t./'lI\Ant~ . Wh ,.1 \Vlln hit v, "nfl'i' n ,t! 1'''1' .' i'II.\rS WIth ! n. li~,,~ ! i,\I1 n fill htt'vO btlen ·cllroo " "II 'Y f I 0 III'lin. I~ t IIIIt I' t WI' 11 ll n~ 1. tlvoJy 01l1' dlJlrrboolt, (lY!!(lntery, Ihrn u ~ h II Pi n::r P II Jl~ikohL tablot", we IlII1~I. 'Io oli ov (l \JVO IY word is t.Tue. No Jluin ~ ill I.III IItnllluch lIud howel" lIud bus IIb"er kn llw ll t fn iI Fur other rl'lIIl·,I}· . .. o I]olckly r Ii ves ttlld GilI' ~ ~Oll r tltoOlIlOIl, bo.utbnrn, !lule by F . O. 'ohwllt't z. CO,tt \1 t IlTlI{I1f', n Crvomllless, i1l80m. nill, cl!,biht.y . Iroublo "riSing fl'l)n\ j' )Jour di~(1 ~I,i"n. ,J, E ."lnne.I' Olin , REUNION~ tinl1('J 1,0 8 11 P(1)llllkolu tlL hlp.l ~ w.,h the uurlnr"tllll\lIl1J! Ih " Ii ~'IJ\I c:on hllve .yonr :Ui rl'n l • )\I\I'k iJI t),,~/l you
===="'====::-- ==-===
Dr Caldwell's :REGIft1ENTAl
AND ~"~:112~ ~:" ~1I1~"11 "~IIl~lf:' ;I1;;~!!~:~r~~; • (La..,,,,I,, .. , FORTY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY . h,· Gr,"'W' . lind Ht.hert! Syrup Pepsin BATTlE 'CHICU'MAUGA, ,1r Put.ton .tllli Jitt.1" dRllgb This' remed)' is Ihe mo~t valllnble one obtaloBblc r r Bit liver and kindred trou- I Chattanooga. September 18-20,106 ter. or LI1 wrollcRvll\P, Illiooill, huve bles, possessi ng P I!erties whi ch elrive bee u g u ",Is (If MrH . BOlle t;t.i1el! Itnd \1 ' U ~ \I t l! i wb • I.. o rll. t I'll, II orw n, ~ !(iviug II h owe to hitl lot.. nt d~u~ht o r, whORe motber WIIS Mrs · Stl)e~' dllu~htt)r . Mr. Wm Uook, who, ' with 1\18
lire In t h n I, II~I· "i~"l'p"HlI.ocl III t.11It fli nn , f 1.1\.·.. " fllnl~ tlllt., Illy · "hnnld hl'~ i ln\(' 1111 1II ~ l lI nl t il IIvlliI t.hem · tiel Vt'. of tlu' " PJlurtn" Ity til rc.It"'D it direcrly 10 the affected pnrts. On Cll\ · U1lu.: r I tl . Iuob. wilt ,. I.: t ur Lhe IJerl,· et. (li~,,~tI"lI, Ilsrlpot. hr'IlIUI, reo HeUe r thao pills, oils, 6alts nnd nause- (orH ·l h\r.1 all\· I\·" r ... ry o . Ih ~ ~a~l l c or n ew!'11 PIll> rJ!." . n.,w vigor lind new ous purgntivcs which 11~~ra"ate coocli- CbtuuulIlU t,[lI;.t . ttl '14 Vr.oIKJIl 11 to celcbrl'''C vil,lIlit,y I.h r UlIjlh t,ho US6 of II rllml'<ly tions I11ll1 t!!uve the Sufferer in wOn;\! " n l~ 1l1wIlorublu event wi th a r u nion I"~ th~ \lnrl oll s r"*4 h utJl1u. l h tn pan.lI· ltlt\ l Lo(l In &.lI ff\ Ihnt 110('>1 nol ('()!4 t II JlPnllY .. h.,nlcllt c:our'lit!on than h efore. 'u1urub lc buLtI( IUlll "he va rlou ~ bllnl r fnil to I'ln nil ~hllt \I. (' ilLimml 'MI"re P ormer afflicteu ones, now well and w foug lU.. Uf(IUIIJ tUlL~i\nuQg ll . "'h t..: reuulun II n' rI " k tll Y"u wIlli lew"r 111111 we strong. pay eloquent lributeto its efficacy wilt be It -II, :\l C hl ca llln\l ~" Natlon lll Park. and power, Sepl"Ulber I · 11l alltl 211 , IInrllh Ilfe,mll In· Bsk v' ,\1 to try It, nn ,I, ~~ .J .U1t1ey 'll DR.CALDWELL'S S\'RUP PEPSIN dlulIL\,,"s a r c LhllllL will lk Lite IlIrg'~l '"1\\ ~ nannt 'll . cun be.oblained in both dollar and hBl[- m'O"L IIlIlllble IIMlte rln" C V I' helll In Lhe
wif!', bll!l beeo visitilll( his purlln t!!. Mr. lind Mr . 8eth Ooolt, f,) r " fort· dollar ~izes from all dtult~ists. night , sturtcd on bl" r ('t,nrn trip to Your mOIl~y will be rofuuded if it does not benefit )IOU. ChiclIl{o Saloruny mornio!!, goln{l m~11u~.!'ro~:~cb~~~f~~·.~bjf~1 b~~'i~Ob\\.F.t't~ by way of 8/1 ,,(lu,lIy, ,:"flll-r .Polnt. IJ OO I.:. OP WQNORRS" Rnd Ire.. <ample II) Johnsou'R Mlllld et.o. He WI!!l ~ICOOIll ~::cs;It~~:'.vfor"I~ ';~~nt:~.d Ihl. wOQ~erfu1, panied by hito hrotber. ln lAW, Frl'd PEPSIN SYRUP CO. White, who Is "njoying bls Vllcati on .ontlcello. 1111,,01. fr om bu"loesll duties Mrtl, Uook F",So.l .. b>'.I . E JANNEY . will remain Rt t,he Illl,rent411 botUP untililfter l.bA Bome Doming. when 8he ;wlll be jf)lned by her hU8bltnd. Anooum;elll' nt. I We ou ll youI' uite llt,ill ll til tho f~ot The ORr-ette h.~ fur' 1I ..le ·""fle qnllntitiell of t.ISIIUII pB.per suitllble tba.t () rlll<lkoill oint .. u~ nt ill IL pOlli. for milking p ..per floWIlI'!! an,a gen t lve oure for EC\I,emll. nlcere, wounds er..l purlJ08e~ . pilesl\nd ever.V kind I)f ski n or "~ Ip II ouhlA. It Cl)~ts 25 oen.t8 It It If It .Ion 't" we return your Something About Horses. oures money . ,J. E Junney.
Kidney trouble has Many bf t,be older rel\dorl! of the becon.e so pre\'alent G'llI. tte r~m~f1lber Nlltlh Mills, who ~~~s:::~ th[ll it i~ lIot UIICOUl" ilion for n chilli to be thlrt.y five or fo rt.y yellrs "80, Oller. horn afflicteu ·,';ll1 IIwd a h~r~e pork 1.lIoklng estllblish _ wlltlk kidneys. If tbe m ent lind j!ruiu Aluvlltllr Rt Corwin, child urinntes toooftclI. iflbc un lie scalds .tllrl W.IM II v ry hhrb Iy re::opectcc1 cit.. th ~ flesh , or if, whcli the chiltl reaches an age wheu it should be able to eonlrollhe IZlm paSsage. il is )'~ t affiicleLl with beLl-wl!t· .If you hl~ve a teltOI of ho) 1'8611 till" I ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~ MI'l Annl Mill!') bis wid ow, i 11 0\\1 lill)!, d epend upon it, thecnuse oftbediffi- you will hire for th~ pllrpoAe of U8 _ i'nRtrA!I!I In thll ~oJcller!l HOllie Rt culty is k idney trouhle, ami lhe .first ~Icp shoilld be towards lhe trealment of I,n g in ll'J.ftlde (m AUI~u8t· • leuve ElIswnrtll, 1(1l",:!II;', /lod iii Ilrelltl.v IhcHe illlporlanlorgll!ls. This ltu]?I!Ulsa!lt your nllllltl ,IUd the I',r\ce with thl' interostl'o in thE< l::i1)lIle.(J(lnltng, Ill. lroll blc i s iluc to II dl!;clIscV can,\tltoll of Ihe ki llll"y~ allli hlnddcr alia 1I0t to II chuir',!' "11 li t' .OilIlJrulttt.·(l 011 p"rudp. though !lhe Will hll uml hI e toO" ttl,"l1 hllhi l liS 1lI0~l people 5uppOse. E. V B .... JHlf( 111' Ao_ver, she Will b., ItPllriRacillf ull \\'01111:11 as well a.s men IIr" mllue llIiser- - - - - - . Y .. u will filld li !l~' lill plllJ*lr 0 1 the detail" of t.he we~k Ilnd of 1111 IIhle wilh kidney ulill bladder troullle, IIIIlI hOlh nee!1 the ,;alii" f,rrcal remedy. . . . other local hrlppeninj!s through tilt The lIIil,1 tl llt! th e iUUllc{lifilc efTect of grl'I~I. 11I':'I!\t~luce 111 1"·r·. Il1ICII1~ ynnr ', Swamp,-R,ool is SUOII rl!lIlizcd. It is !\Old L\l llllng r'luo. ,ntll oi ll" rhA (h, Ga:t-ette. by dn'ggisls, iu fift y: zelte h UI< II I!"O I qll~hl :,' IIf P''1) " , Miss Sn-Ilie Ball, Ill ,nullal' of Ihtl c>!lIl 1I11l1 olle.uollar lor 1<.11.' . . 8;'•., bottle:;. Y u IIII1Y olllss of '!i l) \Vrir.e~. from Nurw, ·d hn ,'c n salJlplc ImUle ------Ollio: It will be i1l1l'I'l"~ibl e t ill' ,"1-\ b\' 1I1 (liI (rell, !Ilso a Dom. or " II ,td I.,, ' t,o btl in W" \'n lll>\ I II., 1;11 r h ll !II II uf 1.L1t llbol\l S\\'nllllJ-Roo~, ' of 11'''11 hl.·~ t·" con tim I ", ir.h ~" •. j "I! L • , 1 11I~hl<hllg II111l1Y of the lhulIslIlllI s of lcst.- f t · . II 1 I I' k 1 I AU~u8t., lont pl"I"'!! oxpr .~~ Ill )' b ,t lI10 llial I lt ers' recuivcu froUl YllfTercrs rOUl II Orl'lu VIH' a)ll' • nn h( tll wi!\hfl~ to t.lhl girls (,W II vury It Lp ' ~lIrcl1. I" wrili ll;': Dr. Killllcr & Co~, I bow fll~. 111111'~1< YOIl aw · ken t,ll!lnl t;' . lIi1\!{hatlltoll . ' . ' ., b~ sure anu lllelltiou l,lt111r IIrn,," r IICI,lnn with. Dr King· I1Y t,.me this pnper. D lI ' l IIlllk ll a llY mislake, . New Lif,- Pill .. j tlIP 1'101I"antetlt. Hnd MillS 81lnnllh H 0 Ivl ~. II f l) l'l!\ur bIll rclllclllhcr the 1I(t1llt:, SwaUlp.Root, · I IIIMt..· ll'pctlve oure f 'r' Constipn.tlon , fll1JlII lu the WILyuesvilie H igh Dr. Ki ll1l!'r'.· S wulllp-Rpot, ami the ad- 'I·b .. .. lIrovf\nt. AIIJlend ·,·'rj .. ,'nd tronp , dr~ss , BIUJ,:lu\llItOIl, N. Y.,. 011 every 11)) I.h n ,,~Im' m 2<ic It I'. F U. ~nh ~ch(lol; Rntl (IDly dllogbter of the botl":. wurt.z (l~nf( !ltoro F'-2471~ IIIt.o Lavl COok, tlouth of Wuyne.~ '!'_::"'!'!!!!"!!'~!!!'"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unltl"'~ your wll~ oh b~ hllll,Io 'hur villI', writes tbe ·Heoret .. ry of th e -, - - . "utlhly 1·ltlnu .. ,l lIu..1 UilPll , wilhin 18 ....~ Alnmnt A!II!Qolation (rom ber bume mo\uhl' If oon' t bl! H\t(:l" luIAI .v "")11m· Keep the Hens dene!1 "1''' 11. We 'lro UllHlIJtlllmt to \.11 ColumbUS, ·Ohlo. "1 h ope to "Iulln IIml \'Illmir· th ... m,,!ft comQl1 IIvtlii myself of the oPr» ,rtunilY to c ull'Cl III " V"UICJlI~, ull (lur wllrlt 1ft meet ~ld u0Cj.uinttlIlCltl!! .. dl 'nl' '1.'Ol· Ol\~h l,V und 00 Ihllt! and chilI'''''" \\' ill ~ uo more than you . . OnYto~; 'W~sh\l1gton , ,wII l',ltl 1,,1\'1'\ 10 \lilY when le88 skill ,Iuly 17, UI06
I Ll '
yellc)\\'look, those
IL.1I1 I-\tl~ , II .· rlli'lllll'k. (:llL rll D u r git)u~nCl!i.w hichi. Mi"" UI <1"10 Unlit, II f Lytln, 1'0· !-Ii II '!. ".II·!ttl LlUI'g-l-dn ~ . \ I'tll UI' turn" ,1 to h ur h Oll1 o Irll4t· l llur ll'''I~' t hclll rdctresultof U H\,crwhic'h \)t1rt-:~llI s n.fter 8)lendinlJ: the wint ..... in ]1)11111. 1 1 AI, ,' \1 1, , '1 .' !:l dSI. W . tll ," ... ~, 1 I II fni1~ to performits fuocoe rI:\IIIUII .\' . 1111 ut wllnlll were th e Terrlt.o ry t Ollohing C;h mkpil Illlliono . lion s 10 a cl ~o,..t ruillt v,nouml nOl\r !It fri enu!! Miss Huot. enju), 11 hilI' woJrk unel natural way. of Ilo th l"~rtltl ~ ••I.IIU th e y (\or joined OXI ot.s t·o rp!outllil it. Il fl xt 'IIltlll1lll, fl ellorctyou hI' " widl! oi role of IHlllllring fri llmls hut, In 1\ dilf" r i'llt 1,101111'111 0 .. h o.· CBII ( es roy ill ho~t wi~II111l for Ule hl\ppy p.. lr. that bilious return 't r l JI " III, Inl'P ' ,I In KHllBIli! ~on ditlon ilnd ul ~ " ill t"It Loni vi~ir, in .. rRI .L you must Waitin'g Room at Milt your tivl' ... . liver io Edgewood. A III 0 II!! 111 11 nUI.e l1 lIl e.ll' ull d COlli fonn amI nuthing will accomplish tbi. quickly or $0 thoroughly as Po l,r onH uf the D. L . & , 1111 va plllli o:< Ihllt .\\ill "1'1)1'11" "'11 t·ll e, )Iro Innl! ffllt the need of " WRiting' room ~ r .. 11I 111'11 t;.. ollt or Dolhvt\f·. IlIne~ . In
fl WRy
. 11 ' , 11 ('H l f \' ,·.t ,'. nvkl i , It
l\'l l~l " ,..t ( "+1 11-.1
Im>ll. I(II . N
long Distance No, 69-3r WAYNcSVllLL UHIO BrarLil r:ltlce. kiHVevsburg, O.
of time
1I·1t up rI , .l·IIrur IlI\R. l) it would " II wh" Wi ll u ' IlU to buy " 111'11' .
1<1I,1"IlIlIlIIl' r ' · I"/lI·III1C.' ::ill I" I)" 11 11 It: ~ r I I hut:k .J( I~ ~~ U ~ltLl' -....;...-~-"w ill y (\ nr lip hu (" •. A Il"1\ til Irbl1 uk, :'.tllr.,' \ V" "I, milllll"'·." I,;ond.. UI I II "1' . .\ '" .." ,,1'1) 11 ·k. 10111' I ~t.· ,,· P rllt. IIII· I " g ,.t h ,.r· lIln .. I'ull "ml bn e k . ('. 11,. ""fll l' hU l!' c , An 1\' :--.tlt,r· 11'11 '" 1" " .1,,, tll'!'!'1f. I h ut I:. (,.o, r '"I ~t.u 1""\lI'k . I~I I II " ' tnf F,.t lI .. nl A f\lrni ~ h, '(\ ronm . .. \l.h "111 k. ~ I \' I''' ~1"""\1 t! k. ~ " .h· A"r l \1 1,11 . \I "rllll,uI . t) ,' r r ot l' .1'1111111' "lnlf<I' ~ , u t' ff, r 1\ h.u~ul' M,,' "I1I1" , ' II"rli,' ~h)l ""11 11 • .I , •., ~ ,. tlill " I 11'1 l'Iir u fl'iu IIIIl PIDuv h' . Ii ~ l lI' h · ... l{ . AI.1I11 ::itll l'lll1{) . Lilli ltl . t~:· 1. M . " 1It1'.~ . I'n(·,·. ( 'I'I\"'lI co, 1';11 ,'1, 1~ 11(>lh l 1)\1111, r
,I"" .
T lhl {~ l l/ e ' l(I t Jo& ll,.rul1 ~tu g tfJ kl10 P ,'1''''' hl)tJ ~ \ dlllll lJ-( I h ., II I,Ill ' " e ll nl
UN 1) ].~ I~rl' AK E
..\l l tf' \--
':' .!I.IEPf!OrlE I;.fIL~ •• J 0 ,
hnc' t( , ~
- '!'h n (l1I /.1·I,t, I' l' UR fo.· lIlI la large I I' t' I I ' t bl ,\111111 • ".,. .. !lsn6 l/fl])' r ,, \11 1\ e II k ' 1 ( 110" Ir oen ' .r 11111 ' III I{ I'" ) I' '" IIrlt l 1'\
South. Ou the Ilt""\,e ,1 t cS, t he ro m n nn~ from LlI¥ a.nn h·s "l\'cl\'c ~ll'\t. " . t'omprtHlug lno following PCIl1l8Y " ' [lull1. Ohlll. Mlc hh:un. JodHln :t, llltnot~ . \V ts cou~ tn . MtuneMOUl. JO\\'11
Ne\Jru.HKa., r.Jl uurt.l'anl'oDr u n O l(tlU l U ck~·. will n:-"''''i~ mb l c . m:.ny fur tbe II.rJo'L ItlH.l l:lI~ l
tlllIe .In.. lbey marohll<l ·from It, blootl· llllne.! tlelll_, forly ·lbrNl yea r s 3K" Uern Is 0.\1, or Lhe gl'\'al o\lponuIIIlIc8 rQr
--"---------"" ;. -
D' . , 1 B W 11 II oo."rs l:;ua , 0 11' not • ve.
th u t..",lUCU l lb n o rthe ]'OMLU . lJOll. ' I.Ca1t to lake
war gUll
'rnls , lid IIlher oRlCUM<
Pel er Fry. ,\V olluru IT, PII " writes: "A ft.J lr clootorlng for twit yetiI''' with t~" \)Pst )Il1y .. 1 111"11111 \VII .y n/'l4lmrg, · I" I i 1 Bnt aLI I gntt. n~ wor~.', ,.rll·' (ootortl IIdvil'frl UH\ if 1 hJlIIlIlIY hI\Rln~"14 to n l t ew1 to 1 hll,rl lwLter IIthl,"l til It nt, nIl O, ', 11M (tlU ld I",t ,,""~Ibly live b I unot or mo.lnth 1114 I ",re Will' lit. onre for fIIfl . Folev',. Rulli "'\' l'IIrl' Wtl. reo.l lllml>nrlec1 to mil i", Il frl.mcl, II 1 I lin! inllnPI illiA y II nt my sou to the ~ Iora fol' It. nnel lifter tu.khlK threll bMtl"i< I hngll n to get bet&er ILnd ountluuutl til ,i.m])rovtl nntH 1
0"1 Lb c lll:tcc., or In lQ re~1 on tn bailIe-fl eW : lot tn lit ·~ t.... )\· YOu aud :tvl ut ll . Ju pon"" n . tbe lOo1rker ~r" Q t<:o(J 011 Ih~ b~~Ll o"el t\ II ho ... . In g the (",.IUoml III lI,e 1I1>11Oi111lK a rlU\IS "I Ih . LIme or ~~'lle II ",III lI ot bIJ 10tll! ntlLIi lIod" will be lult 10(10 tll ls nol)le .vork. It wll t ue UptlS yt!~N. It over Il /lalu . "~Ul. MI b :I ll " IIPurla" ll)' ... lIl llre 'c lIlllMetr. See llt al y""r Ih,kCI" r~a,1 \'1... ~b,e Loul. ,,1I\ ,t NII.'hvlllc It. II . Lite Ua~llellcl d 1I0ut . all on you ... n~ railroad agent (or ratcH .. OIl al"'cnl. llI.- muller Ilert.alnlnrr.olbe nunlon
t!!pre....,nllllh·o of tit
ville ,t Sush,'llIo tr."ll
••• 1:1. M.l LI.l".N. 0). l'. 11. . I, 1I1•• llIu. ,,~ Ii'. D. a OAn . 0 . P. A. Olnelun",l. OhIo. WtlS
'Bighf Tbne?
W AYN&IIV.1l.1.Ii: MII.tiI . .
your children und sho ... t hem hlolorl" Oh~tl1l' no .....«. wllit II Ill< 1I1.IIJrleaJ oo nn·c61loru. IL 18 th u npllOrl un lly of " IIlcUnlC. Uo "ad .CII
Wanted. White Corn . . Hlgb ~t llInrket prioe p~lf'l for White L·orn.
ntir ly W('II
_ __
Mo. l !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!-""
J , E. LlA\' K"P 111'. 0 P . A, I. Ll'ul., H C. UAII ~ v . N. W . P . A. Oltlaa)lo. til I
IDR. H.E. RA,'HA.WA.Y, WltynUM ville' .. Leuding Dentblto
C. L . 8TONE. Gen'l Agent . , I
I oM r.e ln
"ul'ed of Bright'iI DI!lelt~e .
lIulld !II& . '
• Mal" Sre~'
On Iy !III Ye"rs Old, Mr R.)bert. Burke, Elnoru, N I Y .. ",ritElI! : " Before IIIt81'ted tn use. "l"lII only \I ye'll'M 0111 Rnel clCln't FoleY'N Klcinl1Y Cnre I bB<l to get liP ltJ)('ot Aven ",hert I Ket to be reRl froUl twF\v9 to t.wtlnty t·lmes. !l night old to fIli'I t·1IUI. WilY' .llIlo1llr "" 1 QRn
8.nd I Will' BII bloltto('d op wlt~ drop
lind DI.V eyu51ght \vRS. "P impaired J could !<ollrcely 1!68 one of my til-ill By ucrONS t'le Timm . I h8d given IIp hope of Jiving. WhAlI.L frlenn reo, 1m· meuded Foley 'll l1.lrr1llW Cure .One 50 oont bMtle WOrked wonders Bnd bllfore 1 hod f.ukeo t,he tbiTd bottle thll drnpsy hud gIlDO, as well .R" /I,l l otller symptous of Bright's diseue. &ld by F. C. Bcbw8rtz
Bltt.llr~." My" Brun~nl\, of Dublin,
Mrs . ' E. B. 01\ Surel~ there'I< nothlllil \llllo lteflpl! the · uld U!! yonng Auel I1lllkp8 t,he ' weak . . I4t,rong 1\11 tlliH I(fltnrl tOllto medlolne . . DY!I))ulJllllt, t~ lrt)ld liver, Inftamm8!l kidl1f1YII nr cbronlo conllt.ipation are
unknown o.ftl'r taking Eleotrlo BUtar" a re'l'l Innlthle time. GUftranteed , by F . C. &hwo.rt·z drunlBt. Prtoe
--'--- - -
Warm. ,
Mls14 Mume '1'. Brl)wlI Your khlll \nvif,IItloll ·to .Ltteod
rccommcmled by ,gome the 1argcst poultrymen '\lI ~ho. most econ\lmlcnl roofing amI Biding for poultry hou8es, Bberis,. etc, Shlriglllll ' ami clapboanl8 cost nlnrc lind do not keep tho buildings 118 dry anti wllrm.
Ihe. "Bl\me ' \ ;(\lIlill~ reuol on" ut \VIl \'nA"villu is tlt houd It will sOrt'ly 1.0 IL splendid occusion Ilnd J. ~ h 'J nloi gro"tly enjtJy being l1\'e~ e uL, but it
will h..
IIII1Jus~ible .
I fully
\lIt.I'llttl-ld tlJ W ritt.. lIulIlHt'tJiug for .11>u G Ize tte. llut h ll ve been ~o hu~y thllt 1 Willi cIIUlpellod to gi Vl' i I, up.
with roonn~ k It In each roll. It dOOR not 1'C411irc pllinthlg WllCn !lnt applied, ullu1ies l111t. l;imlli 1,Q.d ay for fr eo IIllnlplL'S amI ollr booklet, "Bul'dlng Eoa.nam,,"
1111 01 I p~" '011 1'"
lire exflroised.
W>! cll'".i I I:! !'IiZA 7 j.,wel" for 75, M,lIn ~ wirr:!" 1 .. Iz 7 jewel for 7r., CII'IIY1 illc Iii ;' IV. " 17 j"wpl~ tor f1 00 1\111110 , I ' ! I I ' ~ I t, ~iz.· J7 'jHweJ:I for
11'1 011 ,
51-'. B. Custer, ' Wa~nesville, Ohio. ~--- --. ----
Dr Du vl ~ prl)lIcri)ltlrm (or neild,
nc hm;'
For Sale By SPE~CER & MO!jl[tOE When we reoomUl PJ1I1 I~nd gUl\r~~~5~~~ OREGONIA, OHIO ~ llntee Ake in 'l'he.[J cud tableht 'for Reception t.o the 11' IS THE" " KNOW HOW" . ca.ule belLdltohe~ ILnd' neurulgln it IR bewe I!npw 'you mllst obtain reWedding P1Jrty. Jn the manufacturing of Paroid that · makes it'••the lief or we ~IJlJl(I rtlHOY ~o pay yonr . . . , ten cenl .. Iillt'k 8u f(', <lure II-IlU Ill'l'lhl ",,,{I<hug of ·r.Ii~~ Mary Eu most economlc~l and satlsfactory roofing or sldmg w"YS OUI e. J. E. JIIIIUI'Y' wllr.II~lInll Mr \Vm SI•• rbnck wbi oh matel'ial on the market. Both fire proof ~md weather Brolher Wlllttli' ~Ilko-\r, "Uoulltry 'II'nl1 retl r, htlr hUIll" Iu,'\t,. VO{ tmuei:llluy VM (Ji t,y j" fc," w.h Ich brllulCh t forth proof. You get .full value' .received if . you' buy a Ilpiriter! d lscn"r\lu." hllt ~be points tlr~"rll'"l1t, ~Il" OU" of tht! Jl10~t nt trtlctiTe oOOI ~~il'lll" .If thtl klud thut we' l 'u mullli ." III rILvl.,lr ,,' country Paroid, life 8S I elll/5 111"1'1-1 ell V'" II bin for a htl" oocnrred ill Wllyne9\~i11~ for beulthy, JlI"I·, ti · lIl1ci "l, \lrli')\1~ life. A PAROID ROOFING PAINT. ':I0lllA ti me question I."x wll , tl" II oOlllhloted '1'he 'l rido Willi ttl.stefullY Bttlred in Makes old roofs ·ne·w. GMd on any kind of roof . . by t·he \V"rth" 1' ·· I ' llII·\l~ . n whlllll!"Wn, 1I1It! wil,h btlr wOJlltlt ~'bf! entire ]11(',,\'1'" II. ,\\'1,,, n ~oouroe of dllrk hllirtlnd hright brown rye!!, Ask your Grocer . for ACME FLOUR, mllde by the of enjoynll'lI1, Illlt! glluulnu 111'-ufi'. , . 'J'bIl.lDl1l1lil tluJcI III!'utlng wlll be' Interior view of one room in Hutch.lson & Gibney's immense dry ~ 1I.:o(le a charming pioture. Oregonia Mills. held at the Mltlml V"lIey Cbantau·· Ito.e at Xenl". Store does a bU81ness of more than 1100,000 1 The sooial fP.,1 tur>! wos abov f'\ the ' . .' annual .I' tl ""rllj!;e. 11K t,heril tVa R II IH ok of ' Our Flour mill has been newly remodeled and the qua,July 2:II.b Bt" tller Aaron . Jon,", Pallt Mallter ot tbe Notional Whi te Goods' GI·Da-ham 1" "I\1'lit~· wl .kh U~UHl1y ohar"ctl'r · quality of our flour is better than ever. (irange and cbltirman of the Nation· 0 " III Gr8nlltl LegiallLtlvll oommiUee S"lk Gl ' 1;\"lIl4nch I(IIt,boringp, anl.\ wben Ih ALL KINDS OF ·FEED AND COAL. aDd Prof. Holtl~n of Jow", Agrloul. J oves, CoTsets, Linoleum wttlldlng l,,,rty ~tart-e:l IIJ W, I. . lI ,i ngtnl1 KflerpartHklngofB typlc,,1 , Also all kinds or Hard Wood Lumber. :We make a tU1'1I1 t;ol1"f(H will be the speakers. I Next Pir.noma. Grapge at War-l ~ r"f1~t, thll C'. ll'Tlage oont.uinlng the sf.ecialty of har-d-WOOd fFames. -:vtllll September !&9. ., ~ , ~ ~ ,I . A . PINI£
!~~ ::P~:~~~~~O~:a:1I !~~o~~: ~pencllr a~lu the conveyaule , . l "
l'lbboDIl all ~
their bagpMe.
& Monroe.,
Ohio. C!!,J!!~J.,!e. ~
H utA i s"n ' (jibn ey, X~nia, Obio.'
, '.
- ~-~--~~~~~.~~--~~~~~!~~~~~~~~----
County Courts.
lil<t"tAI Ilf Art.hnr Lvnn, nfloolulAd. !:)flme, light at jaiJ 2 months 4. 43ITh -' -- -;-o Charm of u UI ar Complexion . Amlt.'lrl'l n. ·Lv" .. . II IJJloinl Ad IIIlruln. Sllme, ",t O. H. 4 mo ... 15 03 Nothing lends more to personal W U I iii Ii \ OU R'I' · I'RIl IUolDll'ltltl. Is rl)( wlnh 1>111111 qt 1 000. ,' har Milson Saw MI\1, lumber ..... ' 2 SO att raotiveness \hun the oloar skin ~IN~INNATI William A. HalneH, ~muel .11:11111, man W\1..on. Alb .. ,·t, Boyd nnd Jllrncs II.m e ......... ......... ......... ...... 54 87 a nd freBb rosy oomplexion tllat .1W II II I i , i' B. B . )[i1l8, lumbflr... .. ......... 44 40 com os t.() those wh o UBe Laxnkolll w. ~:. MOOln:. I( eccl\' e, ,I W11llam J . Collett, Barry Ill. Oollett, Dowuey JlpprIII M.H''' EQUI Pr Uj v. !i" ItlCAI, \l!1'I'-A'-~} TRANRJI'E lt8 E F Dunhlllll, contraot No. tablets, 25 cent s, n gua.ranteed onre WihlOD Huvey, Aeorge W. Harlin, for RnIlownes ami ()onatipaUon . ,T. TIME A RD . Levi R. [_nkenll, Nl1tblln B. Rloh ·?>~.l~ ": ', 1 1:: r.PI':C'I'I\· f: .\\ '1 111_ I rl 1:,01; Frunk BurAk ,Ind wife to' B E"Btor l an .................. ...... :.............. JtI 00 E. ,'anney . :<I OH'I'lIUO ·N!) Levi Jessup. Qulnoy King lind anll E K. I'lntk A; ht III Mill/lin; t •Sti bhil & Dnnhnm oon trllot N ·O. I ' X(l. a· Ku r,' ~ u . 7 L~llon~ Uhti rles MuddeJl, . vs Osoar J. Ed· Uhl1r ps S Sellrs uod wife to AI N". :.!S ....... . ....... . ........ 20 ::!() A . ~L •\ . M . 1'. M . J' . M . wurds I1nd Willllllll W . Crllne. For bert IIn,I,'"IlIl'H Mullin ; 35 uoruH lu Orl!g'Jllin Brldgel'o ,Ollul,rllot ;:, '!:J I ;1\1 if .' IU :.!~ L ob<loon J c. ~\ r , i' Ull woney Am'ount cluimed .-1 278. The Grd,., ,1 111111 Wil l" '" '' "" Uid i,·>;; $131'0. 10 .. I ::7 ;, .10, r 7 !!7 Shake r ·r. No ao ......... ........... ...... ;\.j 0 • il I ~ I ';' ;!!.! 1 10 17 I I .,,' f u 11 peti tlon in ihis blLSB u Ppo 1 r ed I(oolyo EIl ..r y II' /3'1I1 eT 1I1l1} Wlfli 10 J 101ib . m. ~n UIlf;( , It· 'Id !\er vicr< I 111 ;; . 1,", • lU H, 7 II' ---LINES~-H CIUI )S t e atl In the IOllt ISHue of Welltern i WurrllD W ,lIIl tl'\l~t·AIl::lII aUt! ncretl intbecnllootiou of $:>.1l22 j , 0; I I~ Itl 07 "7 1'1 ~al~ n r ri P ' r h~l I;O: XCUTtoIo loo U\!ke l '\ to "c"' ntcr "UI{' Stllr. E. J West and Dechant . and t:, "I Nlngllrn 1,' ... 11M:-.\, \' . and r etu rn AU, UK l 1 1 0,1 in ·1'l1rtl, ·rreuk 10 \ ""hi,, ; al 00. I . nO milli~t,erllll money ~lU . M a nor \ ' ~ IIH " III "I Laugdon are attorneys for plaintiff. \0 1111111 . Ik lllr·" l .t",lt A ug . ~~ l h . iI,II,\. I "I ~ 01 \1 t ll\ LYliu .1.. W ,n ' TI'Il W"o" , trullt!lI', to Wfll . der old Itt.w ............. .. ..... 260 00 Fare "'7. fOllntl trip S . L. Palfrey vs E . B. 'l'hlrkield :,a 11'.! r,": I ;l :l 1\ r,~ "c ,~ ' wnnd t " Co ullnc n cl n ~ SUll(3)' . . l llly 1:-, 1't1nI1 ~L ter H R,/lCkhill ; lot in U lliverslt.v i!:!tnte v~ JE'ssie BIRokf/lI'd ,4 : 11 HI , ' t :.! 1.l n eo 10'11\ "ell llOlln.1 'I' r l p S un(l~ )' ~:x · ~H "enah1 ~ and 80ns. Error from Court of W. '" HeilJht~, Lr.lmnoll ; $350 I OO~t9 .. ....... ... :..... ..... ...... 12 6 cu r . loll 1 'lcl '~ 1 8 10 ('I n ' l\ .. . ~II . X""I~ I; 1 1) '4 ; :I:! ttl :.'.! ~ I~ '-\"h.c htwr M. Corwin, J . P. In a case tn . said "II. ohlmuu ' a,u,·,. ,; ',U ,:-, \ W,ll . Bl1rt.lm nn,l ~: mtJIfl Burton ,liume ...... .... .. ...... ...... .. :.,.. .. ·13 1 r, ,",n I ', I" fl o(\ll .. 'l' ho A Un u.!1 Beu.dlJ<,I tt: t-:x UNto u 1.0 ,\\. Court judgement of $864.36 was reo :,1\ " I ~ II '04 1 ! ~I J,I SOUTHERN RAILWAY to Plliur NUll : \) .77 IIOreti in HlilUli i Contrllots were made with the l ant.l u 1\.)\ CntlC M ay , An gl '" n, 1\ \111 l Ull I~'-" lu ltl ViVtMI. 1'111111111}' III ,·rlor avers the , .! ~I :J " ;111 Uutl y \I a el!. Or ell" '1Iy, ~~" I _\C (:l I V. :1.:' Ii :\U L cl! an v lI-I.\· . .-ROM: " OregonllL Bridge Co for steel bellm \\ lIdwoutl. N . ,J. . tte hnlJo lli . lJc1.. IlI ld " Uourt, WII ~ ill orro"11I r vi VIlli: Kltllltl tO '1 t,lwrl::lhip; ':JO O (. II .'< II I,., X T " .., X ' I' I : II ,~ \J Oc ean Cit y. Md .. will hu r un Thu nul .1. \' , M nrl·ha A-. Purk er to Forest D. , brIdge with oak floor a. n d ral'Jing ': 1111 11 110 11 tlU Art.hnr BrYlillt, il< IIttornt'~ ftlr pillin \1411 Al1gU.L II Lto . l ~ OU . Ua' lon ' ..·. .ure fro m \ Va yocH Ylll(! $ 111 UU ful' til{' t wnu on Bellbrook rOad ' In Wayne I) .\ 'x 't' lJ .\: X '1' tiff 10 tlrror IIn(1 1:'. H Ruo II< II tr.o r Blline~ ; I~)t III Franklin ; *1l00. round trip. OO(Kl ~o ln u c() I\lll1ul "ll~ 11~ "' . H Oil .r Warnm WO!lIl , trostel', to C. C. town8hip nt 144; and for the rella·i r tiage cumm e u<:lo g LJa t e or H~tul' n ' 'i Il Il V rur ,I. 'i'tlIlIlnn t, III nrrnr . lu ~ lea"11I1! AIIIIlIli e ('.ou~t IlOinUt II nl l a Lc r S, ll',-I\\lOI ' ~ I i!)U\tIIlS: lot In Unl vorsity Height!', ; of three IltA1'l' btidgas, one at 81\Ih M ,J };' lIrr VlI.J M Ml1rrft.:v: ForI' Lhan AUIrUKl 2:1. 11100. South, P ~t. 1' . ~I ,A , M A, M : Iron!! Ilt 17, IInotber at Ubllrty ol"llI1rtl 'or "Iultllll murtgllgA nbd LAbllnnn; 1200: Southeast. ~ No ,~ , No' ~ o tl Special Low Fares L t~ I\'\"I' .J . W'lfren Wood, trl1stee, to .J. lsohool hon ~e lit. *640, onll nnother ~ql1itubl e rell .. r; 1II1l1 1l1l1· clalm4'd f, 0(1 -TOII :OY l lln : 0,,,1 Southwest. \I " n M. IIlLmil to n; lot in University at Muddy Creek ror 125. ~~ 811 with lulllre~t fro 1\1 Jl1no 2, Un,' l o ll : 1) X '' ' , on , l L (1<) '! 1111 :i \l U St. Paul I .;{IU:1ItOU JI' j' iii loa;. :.: a:, F, ' l ;: HOIIES[EKERS' TIeKEn ON SALE Contraot", were made wi~h M . T . LOun : J O. Miller is Ilttorney for Heights, Leb/lDon ; "a50. .1u~ y :!a. ~4 . !![" S;'\ {' OI{Cl' IHlIul fiRST AND THIRD TUESUYS Dr Wm P Vumlerv ort et III to ~ L Ingorsoll lor new stone II.bntmenl s Shultu r 'rm\rill1 J; 'j " :': I I) a; :! W7 •.., Ii plllintliI. EACH IIONTH TO MANY Milwaukee UOH ly u "'7 ~ 7 ~ I O~ '! · '! ·I:.! ":.111 Montl!f1mery.; 07 Ilores in Salel1l and near .residence of Ben Long in Bnr. I'OINn SOU11I. Eltptirttl 1If1{lry \JllIY, SumuIII lltHII VIU.. c ull '; r,1I 10 ·1;, :! I ;J :, j,:! ~ AU ~ \I " L 10 . II . l!! ·' F~ a gl e ( ;\ rl t" . 1 1I~n township at '/i2 00; and new f'CrlLerv llle iii'" t O na :! itl :, r.~ l W Igl(hl tOil , P A . Mortllu. Wade aftT~~n township; $200. • 1.I0r IDlonruotion and \\sIN A l~h... Minnea'Polis • arren Wood, trnstee, to L A ~ stone Ilbut,m4mts near rllflillenoe of M allo r "}4 1l4 " 10 it\1 " ~ :I ~ ·' uH·I ' Ohm, anti Isom Dny, 'l'rolltees of PAUL n~ow . T. P. A. r~l'llc II 011 \I 0 I :1 II '! 1\ U I'1 eHAS W. I Et L, D. P. A. the Zion Bapi·IHl ouuroh. To mort. Sieker and H . W 8ue,menlng.i 2 ' Oeo. .'aokllnn In Bar\rlD tOWQl~hlp J( Inll' r e ~ LI' 1I A k I-"!t: t{t' wnod . ~ I :! " 1-' 0 7 · :l llt. ' Ii 11 Iota In U niversity Holght.Il, LehulI .. n , for 10 °6 'Ii . Clruli" nMtJ. 1'l ck 'l ,,~e(lgllgfl property . 'rrnl4tees aver tbat *71i0 . . .~. . . V(, llIllllp -IR I ti 11 J 1 . !I liu ~II I n W A, OARRETI; Oon ... 1 MIlJU.... tihe ohuroh I. owner of properlJ:v on Iil l et,"c'r t~ I . J II 1;1 ~;I \I ~n I ~ , ,... J . Wllrren Wood , trustee. to J . i -"Gene1'l\1 oontraot WI\S made with W, t, IUNEAItSON, O. P. A., Ucd<1t.. .8 ~o 11 1 il a 1:1 _tI '.! l PIIl"Hlmt street up'JU whloh they Warren Wood; lot in University M. T. Inglm!oll for the replltr!! of 1111 8uved ail! Comrade's LIfe. r ClnclWlAtI" 0. Lclan~ .~:! \I U I ~ ~. =~ .!~ III :10 , hllve UlIlde valuable improvements Heights LebtlDon' "SaO 1bridges on tho old 8ta-te road !lnd " While returning from the Orand L obanoll Ar rl\' H 3;j J1 UO a :1O II ,~ i For tblllle Improvemllntll the ohuroh J. Wa~ren Wood, trn~t68, to Re. !where dir~ted in Har,l&D township . Armv EnclLlDpment II.t Wushington Dully c.x cept. S\l1It111Y. :;. SLOI) o n bhcnu l .: '1 III Indebted In the lIum of 1860 "nd beooll A. Gallllher ; lot in Unlver~lty , City, II- comrnde f rom El gin, 111 NUN IJAY ' I' U.AI N" . Notlce~ was t.aken with cholerl~ morbus and trUlltees IlIIk perml8l!Ion t.o mort· 'l' ral m' p ;U~A .. rU t! aM follo\\ ~ ' • ll'irHt, Ailil to B ~lIuty . Heights, Le~non; $350. . was In & oritical !)ondltion," sll ys 811ge the proper~y to . Il0011"' this fJ .. "; JI. III No rlllbound T ;,Ua. m . No thin ,:: is moro c rt.,.fn to ben efit Jobn Snetben et &1 to '['born os If YOI1 wish plotnrel! marle o f '"m. Mr. J. E. Boughland. of Eden ,Iowll. 7 O:lp, Ill , aniollnt. Wlllllrd J. Wright hi ot;. Sou lhhound 0 O·l a . no vonr cOlI)pl xl /ln t.h,," 'I 2» oe nt box Carey 11.2 &crA9'in Utica' '1 .00 .. Id fl t "I gave him Chamberlalnll 0011, , I ' ])8, res enoas, or yonr Oll . Cholera anu Dillrrbioell Remed nnll t,)rney for plaintiff. of l..u xllC0 1t1 t.1l hl(\t ~. T hoy fre!l hen W . I';. MOOltl·:. Albert· H. Bennett, admlnlstrator during "Home Oomlng week" I will believe I!ILved 111s 1i11e. r hllve Yb een C:en c ral P nR..,c",!(~ r "K Cll~. f~ch n I10 n . O. t h o kin, give collfr to . t.h e oheeks, PROllA!l1l IJUltT ustllllltion , lInll glvo you IL Rnd trustee of John C. Bennett, de. be In Waynesvillo preparod to doaU enpged for ten yenrR in immlgrl\. E:otllW of Milry C, Zentineyer, de oeaaed, to T. N, U. Woodrey; lot in. snob work. " ol e l~r, r ON .V , h ellltlly complexion. J . . tion work und oonduoted mnny pll.r· Sh e Tried Five Dootors E . ."IunDey . . "Ila!ltld. Inventory and. appr"illOment Ma80n; t1 00. Kindly yonr engAgements tillS to tho south I\od west. Illlwtl~lI carry this r emeny lI.od have uRed It tlilld. . Mrs Frances L. uled, of Missouri Anna E . Pottenger to M. W. Bal at ouoe If possible, or .notlfy the SUOOOllsfll11y on IUtlDY 000ll810ns. " Y~lIey, [a ., writes "I bave b een In re gu"rdlanllblp David a loy; two loti! in Lebanon; n.on Gazette Office. , 80ld by F. C. t)ohwlI.rtz . lIlllioted with kidney tronble five LUKENS, GreelJe, hlMne. Gaardillnllhlp tar 6- A J . T. LIDDY, ~hotogrllpber yellra.: had severe pains In my ba ok J . W arten W 0 od , t rllll tee, ..' . and Il frequent desire to urinate. miflllted . rRYSI , flN ANn BUI!OEON. W, MarcUs; lot In University 2i4. E . 5th ~t., Dayton, Ohio When riding I experiAn cel1 muoh l iD IeIl' I III • IN AMAN lJLOOK Il:lIt"te ror settlement; John and Helghtll, Lebanon; 13/i0. • - • pilin over the regi on of the kidneys . Goorge Mebl Bros. RlI8lgnol'tl, fll'tlt I tried five physloinn!l wit-hout bono · I I" Old Ohronlo 80res. RIDGEVILLE,OArO and finll) .CO llu~t; Mary Rya.n, de· fit nnd then concluded to t ry Foley's mm 55. oners J As Il dre881ng for old OhrODlO . ' . P ceedl 8PEOIALTJE$: OISltASItS 011' wOMltN Kidney Cure. After tILking th r ee The OriglDlll, 0068ed, firllt and fln,,1 ftooount ; I""rla ro ngs sores tbere i. nothinJt ' 110 · good ns 'AHU CRILDIlEN. 11\1.00 bottles I WfiS oomplet':l \y Cllr· Foloy & Co., Chlca.go, or igiDBte<l tJ Wild.., deceased, fifth and fiba'! ______ \ C,hamberlaln'a &Ive. While it i8 pot ed . Hon ey a,n U T'lr ns f1 throlit amI In ug aocount; Orville A '!'hom"!!, et aI, W. Unglesbv & 8on, bnrlal advi88 to heal old 80re8 entirely, 80ld by F. C. Schwartz . rem edy, ,LOll on uO ount of the great minora, fourth IIond fiual llOOount; of Indillent·Boidler ..... ~.... 50 00 they IIhould be kept in", good o o n · A TrBgio Finish . merit Ilnd populnrity of Foley's ditlon for which tht8 8Il1ve 18 ~peo· A wl\tchmun '" Deg leot permitted Bnllhrod Singleton, imbecile, fil'8t Trnatees of Publlo Alfllirs, Honey lind 'fur mnny imttlitious are . "', . "',0 ially v ..lua . ble . For 881e by F. C. a' loBk In the R'reat North l:::Iea dyke MONEY TO LUAN . oft'er d for the genuine . Ask f ur "nrt fiu"l ; Rebeooll J. Rnnyan, de· 1tgbt at O. B. for 2 mo. 8chw&rtz ' whtoh Il ohlld's finger could hl\v~ We have from ~1000 to '500,000 to \FOIBY'S H~ue:v IL~d Tllr aud refuse ce.iMid, nl'llt I&nli finul; Reuve Hoi 8. rninous brenk, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ • stopped, to beoome an ontire province of 101m on Real Estate nnd Life Insu . nny s ub ~tltute ofter (t f\.8 no other land, ,It!08lllltld, tiul&l; Henry M rlince Polioles ut the lowest m te.ot\prepUl'at iOU will gUs the IIl1me IIW"'''_ _ ~.!-''''''' Hunt,. deoooll"tl, .tomr~h . ; r..ydla Ce\1'. Holland. In like manner Kenneth Interest. ' isfllctiou. It i" mildly Iuxo.tlve. It MoIver, of Vonoeboro, Me.. permit. flY, dft06ltlled. Unit I&n(ll1l1al ; alUlnllh I:)AYERSLIFlC AOENOY Co., contain!! n o ollll1teS (\nd Is safest for Will Preecribc. ~~ n:: d=.':"::'..:.,'_ __ ...:-._ _..;.Conaultation Free ..... . . . ~d a little oold to go unnotloed un· 4th and Walnut sts.. oh i.1liren IIUlI detlMto-pQrsons . -14. MoKlbnl''Y, bent'fiulary. third ac ' Qperate on Carriages, urea Gual'ii'ntRd .. . , .. . . til a traglo finl8b ~m8 only averted jv 11 Cin.olnnn ti. Ohio. bltl ~Y F . .0 . l:::Ioh~lIl't\l, . . (llIuut; John Brndhury, deceased, Buggiee. Automobil'es.. Chaflrt!8. most reasonable. by Dr . King's New Disoovery . He 6rat Ilooount. writes : "Threll dootors guve me up to dill of lung ipfiommotion , caused II _ _ _~~_~~~~~__ .~_ _ _ _.:...._ _..:.,...~~.:....,..--I~ re 8ittGte of J .P GllohrIRt·, de hya noglocted cold! : but Dr. King's ! OHltI\8d. Elt80utor obarged with .. New Discovery IiBved my life . Ollar. net b"lance all per ninth IlOOOUU~ of an teed best oough and oold oure, .Ilt F . C. Schwartz's drl1g store. 500 $119:1 117. Rnd $1.00 . Trial bQttle free. Artistic and Practical Borse-S.h oer, and Plow Workman. &6l4le of Ann 11 Kelly, dooellIIOd. Proof of pnbllcation ot notice of ap polu tlD"ut of ezeontor flled , Twenty Yen.r Battle. Staple lind Fnuoy Ur ocoriee, ¥ ruit!l Ilitl&t.eof WilU"ID ' M. Btll nfield, "I wos 0 loser in II twenty y eur Send your sick and crippled battle with chronic~ piles and mnllg. VegetnbloR nnd ' 1111116 (1 , Goollt'. dooeatltld. Prouf of pnblloatlon of Vehicles my H08pital for na.nt sores, until I tried Buoklen's III,llOl1 lIf appointment. of exeontor O\~l1rs [~nt1 'rolmO(lo, A new lea8e of life .·. . ". , .. Arnico Ba.l ve ; which turned tile flied. . ' tide, by ouring l>ol~h, till Qot 0. traoe Old Eberly Stand, Upper Main St. ICet_to IIf Ann B. Kelly, deoeal.lOd. remains. " writes ;!L M. Bruce, of luvenwry and apJlr"llI6ment flied . rmvi\1e, Va . Bf!st for old Uloers C•.M, BROWN, Proprietor:OHIO. (FaUUl, Phone 79. WAYNESVILLE, Bllrnllllnd W0l1n<l8. 21)0 ut F : ICeloilte of J. P. Qllobrillt, deceall8d 'l'tluth acooun' for I8ttlement filed . • .. . 8ohwartz. • ____________ __ __ _______ Elltate of Marla LoIlIII8 Newel, de. ~t Eight 800,0unt for I18ftltlwont flied. £alate' of. Etb~1 RoMS, et aI, minor. o.llie Ii: RUMeU appointed ' guar. dian. · :.lC8tate oft Eli1.1lJlE!t.b Moo lar, de oeued. Inventory and "pprl&ll8' . . ' mep' filed . EIItilte of Aolumh JlantA, deo8lUloo. Tbll'teenth I&ud tinal Ilcoounl for
AUT [LEC!' r-' .
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Cincinnati &Louisville TO All IMPORTANT CITIES
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Wher~ you get bettor flour and mOl'e ,fioul' than ' an yother !I8::.m~~ ~~::~ A.Mlllar,lleceaaed place. Albino Flour is the leading flour and if you have not tried . Proof of:publteatl.on of notlceof ap it call and get a 8ack, if you have wheat you Clln get 60ur at the poinhnent of I1zooulOr flied. ' h 1:M&a~ofQeorger. Jl'Ox,d~ min till you thrash, it makes no 'ditferen~e whethel' you ave C"'ll.rlae 'Qx , appolat.ed adminls de ' alt· with the Mill or not ' . tflitrlX wl't b bond .of t6ooo.' . Ohu. E. ~ton, Frank Wilson We .ha._ve h.~udreds of depositor~, why not. you? we l~lV~ you as aDd John ~hort8 appralll8rl. · d ' ""t.t41 of ~nn H. Kelly ~ecea88di high grade fl~nr as there is manufactured, pl'omp~ an curteous Renort of ..Ie of, promtuory Dote se . .. vice, make high grade· whHe and .yellow meal and .e~~hange ftlelt Knd approved. ao~rt Ktnd, a4lmllltltrt&tor I;Itc VII ~ame fo'r white ·or,· yell(}w· co~n, tor · cash or tOl] , we have . co·rll, Wl1l1am Kind; et a1. Ftnal aooount ~ .'. ~ d for tl8ttleo.(m' fll8d. oats groun d ~ye,' brap, m d So, .our grades 0 f ch'IC k C lee . , sh e 11 i18t1t&8 01. EIi_be~b Mooldar, de ' corn and oat ' chop, crusbed corn' and oat chop, crushed corn , or ;:u:· onler. ~~rlllll:,o' ~~It IIt~k uo·y the MHUng line" SQ when you de·a.l with us you get E"tale of lC~n . B. 1'birlrield, de· 'what you want and. without' waiting aut mill is O]lell nearly oelUled, R.e port· of ..Ie 1iI1M,l. 'F il'tl' . • . . , . .' , ~aDt· fo.rll8t'lement · every eveDlng so you ca.n get your' Houf then, call and see, uS 01' .~&e of EIlMbe'b Mookl.r, lIe· h r d "·t h t .0tIIlII8Cl:. Repor'. 01 I.le· 01 penon.. phone ' u~ elore you ep08~ your w ea . ~)ruper'y ftl~. '
:~.&ate ~E:?. ;=~"'1:! of J O . .Bennelt·, 4 • •ied.
.Highest Cash Price Paid for Wheat
J'i:::C:::..~~;::~cie. ·WAY·N ESV·ILLE MI
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_ _ _ ( : OI?>'J·I.l:ht. ' L900, b y D ofty S i ory rub, 0.) SIlIj; fOlAN . :1M t h e mou nl In' . ta e. whe" bar"1I BO"'r" Ih e b~~ III ot 1M storm, Iha \\ f l)8 , 'h ~ll\tlrlt'll fl'HI rU K 'td (\)re81 grlJlv lh, t ,nl (}Br~tt To ~I,"p:m . r'lI the . ro II. , whe r~ N,llllre lIer \\' Il~ . "' W leh and W I.... Yet, w Ith hIgh h e urt A n'!-'n~.I~I)' oo ul. am id wllr'8 ner est Grl't\ ~as..~~·"'llln n Ih II hn t i1ono a mlllhly A nd I\'''n I hy ,,-ulltry'" h lgho I mped o( prat e. Tom Lansing ;;;t LU Cie Bell 10v41t1 \1\i C!J otnl'r. ,bllt they had talked on ~" ery other subject tbW, they knew Iln~thlng aboul, anti e)R mBny of w~luh th ey really Imev.' nothing. NIlW th ey w er~ strolling aronnd the eqnes. Lrlnn s ta tue of grand old " TC(!Um6 h" Sberman . In the moonllghl ot May. Near them towe red t he gt'1Inlte fa cade ot th trensltf)', yond er twinkled tb e lights ot tbe White HOll"" •. ~ftnd a.way at the apex 01 a trian gle. loomed In halt.llghl. a mlgh ~y gian t In gray, the
of th o thouSllnri . and th oy were nea r. I . y an l'e ntarkable prelly sOllthe rn g irl! who we re I)atrlotlcally wOI'klng H I (I h CO l t e soldiers ' ot the south. ~Ior ove r. ah was ot a good Jamliy of Georgia an ll had held I!Ome sort t) f omclal pos ition In ou e ot tb e fa·c. torl es or Roswoll. Bes ides, sbe bad relatives In ~Iarlelta who dw elt In an ImllofSlug manlj lon amid ' a gl'o~e ot umbrageous t r es , wbere rose "I nea lambered about th e galle rl~ and over t rell1898, here oud Lbe re, on tbe gar· den~d grounds: ' "or ('ourse. DOn't you know I was 1I0rn In l\Ia r lelta?" qu est ioned Lucie Bell. ·'Yes. I know," returned Tom Lnn· s ing. ."Bu th lll was many years' hI). fore yOU wcre born. That was more than 40 yeara ago and yon are not hnl! that." "W I sbonld "All II.rlgl t . think I not." I . I . ow p ase et me tin· Is h ' rhl~ story-"Or. p rhaps that ' Is enougb." monllm ent to Was hington." Hl!avJly "00 on. Tom Lan lng, I'm wild deep alltl dark wa6 the new s(lrlng· with urloslty ,. dress of tho t ree8 ' " ".. . 'A YOllng woman who stood at th~ " SIL th e r~. ue said, For wtth bls g~l e to thtl l)eall tflll grollnds t t Id handke: CIll f !te had awltched away YOII or. ",atchl;g wIth amused 1'IoCO ~be t~e dll~t rrom R block of stone where I,a lug r egiment of dou!..)" rlderl, S ood, In relll iJron 7.0, one of the sol· \ when she sal" th young captain IUld <l lers lbot, Ilt Quadrangle c:orners, hIs barge. rllshed s creaming between g uard th e. " Leader to th o Sell." frlgbt and JOY, toward them , and lbon As he s eat d hlms elr besldl!l her aomethlng bappGned. The captAlll', he said : "[ . .J vo written thlK lIud I borse, a tra ctlou s bea.~t that had been want YOII to lell m If It sounda ILke none too com(lla 'eDt all tbls time wi t h r-OlJlr)' , I do not know If I ea~ read his added bllrden oC girl and dimity. ~YlIIlSJIg try." ,p mged aurl reared. and the youug . Tbe tcamp knew tt by heart, bll t om er adroitly lifted tho malde a to be read It as If It tri ed his eyes. 1t the grollnd IInli to the arms pf her was Ule verse Ihill Is printed above, cousin . the YOllnll: woman who ha(1 beglnnll'g : come ' front the gate. But otber or the "Grlm·"lsa ed at tbe mountBhl's borses taking, contagiously. the fright. fa ce." Jilunged against h.lm, · and rider and " It may be (loelry." she Ralll, " iJut horse tell among rough·shod hoofs . . 1 sllollld t hink thM YOll might devote "Quickly the. IIPOt was leared. but your genius to 1!011loLhing better tban tbe YOllng captain · was taken up, un· apostro phizing tbat old Invader who conscious, anti by direction ·ot the two lett monuments to I,lms It, more aw' glrl8 was borne to the grand houss flllly elQ(Juenl tban this, 011 through 1I~,ong tbo trees and r08,03. dear old Oeorgla. In tbe chimneys (Jf Tbe young capt.aln happened to be burned homes. 1 wonld tlnd Il bett~ r known and lovecl hy Gen. Sherman . theme It I wero YOll." who Rent. his own starr s urgeon to I\t· "Tbnt h'! very well sold, Lucie. te?,(1 the Injured oftlccr. Now let me toll y.oti I' story'." · ·· '(ber.a were days ,of anxiety for "Do," those about Lbe yotlng captain'. He was long uncollscious and lben fol· "Once upon n tim _ ", "1'hal's R gOOtl. orlglna) Rtart," lowed a fever . . Tbe lett arm. wIth "Shall r 'tell till,} IItory1" . whl h he hnt! so gallantly 8a,'ed the "I'll not say nnot her wortl." gIrl trom among the trampling borses, "On (' tlpon a tlmo, wben a famoll s was broken and cut; but youth and a warrior- WaR leading hl~ arllltes good constitution triumphed at last, through n healltl1uI land- " an..<1 s hortly litter Sherman had IItart · "WilY don 't yOIl say Sherman In etl on hi ma~eh ~o the ' sea, Capt, Tom L3 ns l ~lg and l,urle 0111. hl ~ bride', Georgi a, I1 t ooce!" t hc ' g irl he had hrought trom . R09' "Tholl gl;l YOII promlaed not to Bay well behind Iflm, and wbo hatl nursed s 'not her wortl?" "Ob! ,I was ollly tryln to hel him through his Og h~ with deatb, slmplir r m~lt I'A" g P you h(HI ~rrlved at Lans in g 8, In · au· " ' , ' tumn , all the shady "an Its ot the All !'lg hl. Whe n Sh erman wos rI ', e!' Des Plolnes. wher often In su .. lea di ng hi I g loo' llll'o ugh OeorB'la- " I'i' me happlne.~ they 'S8t by the IlOola "Fol owing th em. YOII \\lca n." hat werB quilt d with the gold, and ·'.I:'oll uwlng h ill leglonn 1Ilrotl.glt green, ' an~ crtms on·huer! lea"es:' G oorgla . t he re was A ha ndsome ~'ouog " Tom Lansing ! ,. Lucl ulmost clIllLaln of one of hla I'cglmeuLq- " scream ed. "Wh y that's your name! "The 8.tory grow ~ 'In Inlerset," And t.u cle . OIll- lhot'H my name"A handsome yonng captain of s Lucie Gill .Bell. ~Iy . father hRd ' a <B'-alr ' regimen I had a rems.rksbl e cous in nant ed J.. ucle 011 1 whom he ('p lsode. A cavalry hrlgRde had CB ll' loved .'0 much thal he named me tor llred the town or Roswell, on the her, but he dI ed \Vhen I waa a b'a by hatnhoochee, ot th e extrClme. left of and or course nevcr told me at her . th e army . and Roswl'lI \\'a3 81mplr a history." lown' o r co.Lton and . ,"oolen Coclorles. "She was my mo~her. 1 am .the "The cxl~encle8 of .war demande" th!' only' son alld )'oulIge3t' ot live cbll. burning of lhe fa ctorle! aud they dren:' "'ere commltlell to the flames, hut "Theil .you and I arc kin,'" what d ispo~ltlol\ to make 'o r the tboll' "Yell. but "c'ry far remo"ed . I am s and or more .pretty girls or tbe 'COlt. thankful .'" fe de ratt' looms !)ecame a Bt)rlous ·Qlles. '" don t ate why yo:. are 80 exult. tlon. Onl lant old Tecumseh WIIS eQual ant about tbe dis tance oC oltr relatlodr t o t h e oecas Ion, h owe"er, He ordered sb Ip, I'm Just as cood us you are~ a regln.1 n l ot. boM 8abrelJril to the Tom Lansing." front and directed that each tro!lJ)cr " A thollsa,nll times better, lItUe Srrl. and omcer 8ho\1111 \.IIkc 0 pret.ty.maltl, Bitt I am glad we are "at nea" of kin 11110n an improvIsed pillion , behind because I want YOIl to be ' my' wIfe," him on hl~ BteM . This was done and "Lift me 11(1," she said, "until 1 can th e 111'\1111111 oanlcade procellded from kin tile . bronze \I(lS of that old lri. Ron'ell to Mari etta. ' tho regimental vader." . bont! pla yln,; til,? all' ot ""he Gltl [ "Can'l do I.hBI." he aald. "but I 1'1'111 1.;l' rt S chillt! Me, the rptl'olll to \\'/lich be .old Tecumseb's prollY (or once," th e lrOo \lers. Kang with the words : Sbe clung even closer to blm as .tlrey ""he gi r l , have bchlncl me." " strolled home\\'anl . wilen tbe moon , "So {n ~ (rom being terror·strlcken had hid behind the bills over the Po1:lc glrl ~ were S OliD In II jolly mood'. tomae, • I\lnlt 10 tn elr enallerd and ' were laughln,; In groat glee as t he procell: With the Window Qpen. b:on ('ntHI'll Marlvtla, n 101'~ly 1It1ip "I've got to prac\l t e on tb. plaC'J c!ty thlil . n~BUes on the lIOulbward tlye honCH a dny; said th. dtacouso, .Iope oC histori c old KenesAW moUD' .iate.• sn:all girl, t.un. "What for?" f'.-...:.:....,.-_ _ _ __......."'.T"'h,.:..t!::..,;I!;.I:..,rl:,...t"'h; rode with her "rml " 'Ca:lle mother and f.ther don't Uk, of tho balldlClme nE!W l[elll(1)"1""" := Wuhlnlfol . roung "al'~'!~1 IV" th~ ~ettll1lt OIl'! " " ' . U r lm .. \"l ft;:t g(td
AHel' W~Shtll g Nov~r 0 0 Out I n tD olive o il, htlJr pnt! holt. m l.~cc1 o l'or h ot waleI', 01' t~kl' n IIt ll m lltlo n II tllolV, Cold Alt'-Softe u tbc W ilterNo Tig h t Slee"es. made CI ea my wltlt oli ve u ll, n nll YOII • -. will h tl " o 1I0 nl!lth lllg goo d. \I I ~ enN Y 1 ho an o r bllvlo g 01 'C ha nds Is o ne 10 ll1okl' n S ..ort mIll llolllc nt. . th nt /limos l on y w? ma n ella ph;k IIll.1 O lle l'eaSO Il 11'11)' mos t h llllds Il ro poor II I h L brlfll, bll t It tuke ua k , ud- I Ih a t 1I'01ll(' n dOIl' c take tim to a l· Ulolll~hcs .~Ime. 1>ulle O'Ar 'y. te nd to thcm . Il tll l,e8 too long to Hands s bou ld be Ite pt warm lo\' 1111 hll.nt t;p tho SOllllY bowl of wRter, too h0 1l 1' urte r lIelng wIIHhel! . l\'ovcr t:lktl 10 1lr; to fin d Lhe pllm h'e toO tong to t helll r!t h c out In to the cold a ir. gllther togclhel' t. he poll~h, lho bott le ' l:I ant~d shoultl be WI; . h ert 1I1lt In hilftl or seelH , th s 'Issors lind th emo lllw ter but lu w ~to r so ([c l)ed wll h hor- e nts. T hey s hollid he all lucated on II . A. leas.poonrul Iu II b 1$10 or water a tra,' Wh OI' they 'un be brougb t out I~ abo tt. righ t. On ce u wecl the lI'ater In all Instu n\: ca n I, m de milky wit h be ll 7.oln. I{nudtl es th at nre too hlg s hould be Hunlls shou ld uJw llys he .Il1ppOl1 In a 811ell wll h Cl'rll m, Take enollgiJ to fill IIlUe per FuOloti ·wa ler .. There I ~ II v r y th e IWIICkl1l Dnt! lDAssago It In. '1 his da lll l!, wonwu In tow n wh{) prepa res wltl lUi,)(\) the nesh sofrer anll will ' a bo wl of I'Ose wat er ove ry morning , tu ke IIlI' ay the t nd eney to lump. to:eyer' a nti litO thl ~ s he dips h er tln gers 'sev- let y.o • Ilnuc Ie gil t hnrd and blllck. Tlg hl slee\' e!! a nd t1gh L colla rs will eral ti mes n day lo lake ort thc soa py smoll. be makes lhe rOSI! l' lnegar mol,Q Ih h a nd ~ red. Dou 't lot your he r3~ tr from n home for mul a. colla r be light enough to mnke your " ry daln ly women ca n oo nclt;tle l M wl'l ts swell. Don't yet YOllr colla l' hon d-,vashlng PI'O ess by llOlIr lu/l' 8 blnt! )Oll r th rollt or )' 0111' s tee,'as bln lt dl'O p or til e 0 11 of ja ' 'amln ,e In lo t he YOllr arm, to: I'er IIllnd what III ros b· pal m of the hund. This OJ kes t he Ion ms :' lie. \'(, n wnn l pre ty ha nd s. Try 10 I,eell t bo (lalll1 or your handa honrts llosltlvely lovely. I)' be j rusamin e II pBrf;neaLus th em BlIld pene- so rl. Hnrd haud ~ ure ropulslve. Th trntes tho skin In a lasting 'll'uy. BOrt lIalm Is absolllt ly sedll LIve. \\ (lmen wh ose hll nd s are' grow ing Many n lI ourt h as been won by Ibe soft old ca n cha ' k the .-it,'uges '( If lime by tOllch of n IIgh l ham1. PrActi ce Ih' ~ rubb ing a IInll' o f a goo t! flILll olllolllent IIgb t tOUCh. Experiment, Ut>Oll )'our Inlo tll n CUl l Ie eve ry nl,; ht. Tll ke fl'lentl J. 13 yOllr hand h ea vy or Is \I somethi ng us Blm(ll l1 all vlUlellue and IIgbt!
NI;:AT Al'D 'I'RI.M. !ronli! u rf! laid In three halJ·i n ch tu~k8, Whl ~h ;lrc sti tched down to .lhe bus t, th en left tolded but unstlr ·hed. Buttons 9 nd bu ltonholes form the' (ullten. ' ' Ing IJ( (ron t. , Mlllc rla ta required: Two ,uncI three. quarter yard s plaid 28 Inc hes wide, one· h all' Yllrd Jllaln 22 Inchol! wl!le.
am n ot keen on long Whltf" 98trlch feath el'8 , IInls ss very oleverly u8od, but I have always been . 1m. mensely .keen on the lIU10 wblt., ostrloh tip, f mean the kind that . for a lon g time one has only seell on bable&' hilts and collrt head· .oIressell., I love tbe littl e whit\) ostrloh lips (or hats. and [ love 'the m too In the new evening ~ead·dressel5. a 80ft plea ted ruche of tullo elleh" cling th e topknot, ",hllst the little white plunles nod at the side. 01 course, though I Itke. tho new headdress best In creamy·whlle, It may iJe etfeotl\'e matching a frock of pink or pale blue or mauve, Since women, made up· their mlnd's tbat tbey must trim their h eads .. too, whe n trimmed up In their o\'enlng frocks, they bave eX(llolted ribbon s aud cblrron, Bnd equlns and plumes to distraction. ' not to mention things tlowery ; 80 the t ulle ruohe will come with" sense ot r elie f, Indeed I thlnk It Is I'ather a useful Quantity jus( now Ir. otber reo SlJllcts. 1 notice that such ruches all ready for POPlllug on bat s may be ' round lio,"' at some at tbe 8bop8\ and (hesc are so becoming around a Balle)r or a mushroom, tbat, arrued tbere' wltb , any girl mol' trim a llat In lIle twinkling at an' eye; you hllvo tbe !lhape, the ruche , make lh~se twain one, and a most b~comlng hat Is tbe Instant result. or COllrse, It may h~vc lI.o ,,·ors . arranged on its brim bandoall, aDd. an extra charm. ou tbe c~(jlVn, but thl~ I~ ".t "h~r dl's~ , ~rellou or desire. The {aqt remaIn s, thal a tull e I'uche will of Itself t r'lnl Ii 1'OII~d hat PJost br:comlngly, aad, metllphorlcidly . svealtlng. "In' the ' I winkling of an eye," An cxcellent' rectpe for sweet 17 Is this tulle rucbed · hat,. anrl one which lIhe, If on allow· an ce, ma y sel {or e,'cr s o IIlllo.
A Xi ' dl PI A 1 '1 i n Y, casant tt tU( e Revea s . the Person 'ot Good Br.eedlngAbout the Retort Courteous, , Wherc politeness III ohly put on ror tbe (l~ClJ610n, It ·I.s very ItkeliY.' to provo an IIHltllllg garmenl, dropp,lng at lin· expee ed times Rnd leaving. the bare skin 0'1' tho boor to show. . To s bpw real cOllrtBJIY III 10 feel It; tMt which Is only assumed Is rorgotten when LC':aF.:on demalidg l,tl!! ' eierclse, '- s If - " tb d un L'Ollr"e . e a ....,...I'II., .,.,cause e heert I~ wrong. " perha\l~ It !I1ay be true In a measure t.hat 011e who always 1& polil.e may lind th~t p(;lIteno~s mts tak'e n f01" 8ubml,,· slveness tbat 18 out or ' place" shoul<l he or she come Ip contact, wi\1l tbe really rude noture. Bllt even" then, If · It be neCe38Dry to assert one's self In order to bo respccted, It mU1!1r stllli 1.10 done wltb due regart! to the obs.e rvance of pOIl! ~nr8s. Otlierwlse, the flame ' plane Is tOil hed whereon the low nalure dwells lind there II no appaTent dlrreren ce. 'l'b;! man who IInde be mUlt use bls ftRts to guard hlm.elf from the ready I\sts or the bully, does It IJllletly but orrectl~'ely. ~n:l the woman who must deten,] hl!lrselC 'l'lth retort the at· tacka of &0/110 otbel' wbo can'DOt pGlIatbly tie called a · nndti f~!: "life III Ille vcr)' perCectlon retalam,
PRAISE FOR A FAMOUS IIEDIClkE II .... Wllladeen Tella How SIIe Tried Lydia E• .Plnkhllm'a VOlletable COIlPOUII' 11St
h el' Lft,"r'/lOssesslon, ShO: kn"w' t"al .. ~ v n u ahonl .1 she attempt vituperation. Ibe wout'l find h erselt cOIJlpletely at tbe .meroy oC ber opponent's irolnud tongue, versed III such matter~l so sbe can 01l1¥ maintain her own -selt-respect ' and <:10101 that of ClV!lfyono else, hy refrQlnlng rrom any but tho ' polite":' whIch muy reall)' extremely cuUlu, -retor.t. . -' '. ' . . Any servlce"that lll 'osked or renderecl - auy and every taJlk we require 'from those Lsld to do wllat: they are told , to . .do. Is all the better, the more will·, Ingly Eod properly perfornied. Ir simple courtesy, 18 extend.od In, t):le requiring, It Is noL needed \.hat anythIng. mora than gcnpe' vO,lc.e Bnd (llelU!ant countenance sbouid be heard and s\lown;'but tbese the really courteous petBOn I. aI· waY8 sure to use. . Wbe 8eaaon's Blousell, . Blouses are Indl~pensable at ( 1111 times of the year. Coane' lInen III the ' favorite ror practical wear. bllt for ,t he Il(ternoon I'll Borta of dainty little plain anit ' S(lOtted moslln IIlouses are woni, alia very Inexpensive lOme or them are, ' V-e Orrla Root ,.. , j)o !lot f!hamJl!)O Jour balr eo ottan' 8*n by' .prl,kUn~ orrli.fOot. tbrolll~ t\ . and 'thllll tlte orris. all out With , a eGal'll8j IIt~ brUlb,
.. Be(o,,", 1 wrote to you, telling YOll bow • felt:lhddoelored roro" r t wo YOOnt IIt<latfy and 5J)ent lots or money on rtlCfllclnOl ~lds but It Itil to.!led to bol~ mo. aly mpnthly Pe= tlods lind COO!IOd .. 00 r eufl'orotl milch p8ln. with tointing spclb. b~nt!!ll'be, bnckacbe a;;d bcIIrlng-t!o •• o Jl"in.~, ont! I \1'111 fi(l ...oak I t!Ould b.artily koop around . . '1\. a laat ~rt J dooldeil to wrfto ynllllntl try l;ydla E . I'lnllham" "\ll!otablo oll1pound , and 1 am 'II!>' thankf."l that [ did, for after foUo;.lpg your hUltructionl , 'll'bl II regular you llefltand me III rreeperret'&. of all cbllrgo, I became bcnUb. Had It nOL beeu for)'OU 'I "owd be In mygra\Ollto-dAY· . .. n,lllcerely trust thlltthls '~Uer mayllllldi •• nry ButTering ",olOnn In t.b~ cotUItrl &0 "rite'yoll fortielpu I did." When women 'are troubled with irregular r pain lui pCTlods, .wellkneQ. displacement or ulceration of an orgnD. that bonrln(f-dovrn feeling. IhOllmmatlon, back~ebe, flatuleuce, general de· bility. indIgestion or Denous prostr.· tlon . t hey .lIouid romember there Is one tried antI trlle remedy. Lydia E, ' Pinkhom'sVcgotablcCompoundatonC8 removes Buoh troubleR. Nnolh rfcmal omedlclnetnthewol'lci has I'cceivcd SlIc h wid';lspread alld un. ql!ali6ed endorsemDnt. Refuse all subeututos. F Qr .,. t d augh'. ~ .. yc a I'll MI'!I . n' • 10l (lam, ....,rIn-law of LydIa E . Plokham. bas undet'! hllr dlrec:tlon, aDd since h"r deceaae. been advising sick women free ofT charp, Addreas. Lynn, Mass, 2 -0
'" ~the·urouri4"'ltpP"r: : ' '" Jurlg e 14 Told by Lawyer, Who Firat Nelghbor- Tbe Snobt!ona Lacked Respect, Whl\t Be Waa there on tbe corner are' lollni theIr money. ' .' There For. Second Nei:bllor-Row do .,0. A, O. Jewett,. lawyer, politician 'antl kIIow? mun or ti ll rCas lt wtt., W 8.$ on e tryFlrat ,Neichbor-Why, beoal1lM1 -tbey Ing a CDse In t ho s U(lrem& collrt In bave b~KUn to bow to all tbe nelcbBeltas t, Me., his home c:lty. The jlldge bel'll, and they nover noticed anyone preSiding', beroro llelng called Lo 11I1 around bere betore.-Detrlllt "fee beno.: h. hat! trted mDny cases again" Pres.. J eWe ~: , who did not en tertaIn a \'erJ A XI ••• Boom.. hl gb opInion of his ablll (y . 11111-;-1 .ee It uld that CapL RI_ In hIs r.loslnl; · argllment, Jewett. 111 mond Peartlon Hob,oD la Dunlo. e defiance of tlio. rulos .Dr thll' r;:Jl,lrt, 8tart· presidential boom. ed Itl to read some aw to the jury, Jill- If tbe boom ' could lpe.k t. Tfle cou rt pOI:ndet! on 0 ben cb anel Rob.on, It would probably tar: "KI.~ , said: "!lIr. J e we tt, you must oot read me. good·by, and . 01 "-Yonllerll " In IV to the jllry In your >Ioslng orgu- S . \::" fTll:nt." Jewed kept ' HI reading, wllb oul so much as 0 glan '0 nt lho COllrt. Xnew Bla PI"ce. . Th l! court ' ln thundCl'O lLII toneij ordereeS : , "What. did YOU think (/f your dau ..... blm t'). stop. ter', graduation p.Bsay'" . J ewett. wllo blld by tbiR time read "I dldn't permit myselr to Ihlll~ all tH Intentlejl to roall, lurnet! ca~· about It," ORliwcled 1\h·. Cumro.. ". Iy to tbe Judgo and said : "Did )'our simply did my duty and admired It." 110nor ftddress me?" -. \VD6hlngton Star. "1 SOld," roared the judge, "'0' mu s ~ "ot read law to the jury In your Alber Hlllda, lIarllftt,lentAry clerIC ,. Cl lo ~ lilg argumon t. I will gi ve the law tl1e' bouse of ' repr... nnlaUvea, Will. to the jury. Wbat do you &uppose ui. kl\ClI1I Ibe IIll'lalrer anll who .. collrt Is hllTe ror 1" tlie grea,teat. parllilmllntary aharp 'e, "What Is' t he cou rt here fer?" re· the country, eomea from MatofL sponded Jewell, in blgh· flLlsetto. "I 'It la seldom that revenge I. . . IIlIpl'OOe )'.011 know; s ir. to I(eep order wllh Ibe altt of the 8hlt~lrr, aIr, Willi ,weet as the receipt IDdlollled that _ would be.-Puck. all due respect to tlie Rberllf, sir.
RURAL NORWAY IS ~9NEST J:ncldente Which Are nlultratlve or One of Its Morked Char. acterletlca. ~
Norwcgll\n 'P~R8uDt~' are 8ald to, be the most llones t people In the .world. Se veral YCarll ngo all Englis h tourIst, ' I" going from .,TI'ondJll em . lO Ohrla, tlanlal los ~ ' to ot 21) soyerelCIIs 011' the road , von bls arrl vol at ChrIstiania he wrole of hIs loss' lO the connty judges anti In 'a 'few da~8 rece•.vell ever y cent ot IbEl lost sovereigns. The IJP.a gant s had (lt el,ed 'up the coIns tlro(lped along ' tlle road and bad lland·· (,d \hem o,'o r to the magllllratel!. Frugality and lhrlet are national characteristics of t/ie Norwegians, ' , The 80clal condltlona are ,to ~h~ country. Th/ill'e Is ,no privileged nobility or ari stocracy of wealth, Con' poaltlnlrn..e. . . seQu!!ntly there Is no" IIharply drawn 'heae Lillie ..11.... 1. Ihle of dle,ti'nction ~,tween the . class~s. . 'l'b~1' aI8IJ. ~_ m. The deatl1 rate In , Norway Is th~ Ilea8 trolIi~pItI,'" amalll1st of any nation . I'n the world. ~ I ~U4~"" The hornell of the well·ta-do· pea. ' ~ A .pe~_ , ants are mado up 0(. a balf dozen, and ~'~ ' sometimes ' marc; 8ep~rate · bI!Udl.ngJI, • . ID tbe .~ ..... Pr~ct1cally all the neceBliltt~1 of Touae.I'aIll are manllraotu,red at ho~e. There . TORPID ,UV1m. are 'vasL storerooms run of Unens an4 III\IltIt tJIe DowelL l'W'e1J WIet&IIIe. ' laces;' etc. . elegantly ourtalm{d . beds SMALL SIWl RME. and prIceless old' furnlturel but tIe ~~~~:;;-_ii'~~IIV~"~~~::::.:.; tloora Bre always'bare: . " r ~,"'~ Bear'
B' CARTE ' . RS ,I YEll
to·a::: on..
slIiu.lIIt __
...•••• ",. " • ...,. Wo....
., "poea It mlll(e 'any dIfference whlcb I~ER door WI' go In aU" asked hili wIfe, u . . ·PI · • .•treet cat stopped at the erou.
.Foo4t.,Io,S....... d_ · ~ - ~.
auu.1E .U~i~ITUTI": ~
T7te-Phlll~ "'but
IHt DMSY flY IILLER ~I;~;;;;;;~:;;
the rront end of the car we get
" ~::"""':CI-::,
"No," answer.ed Mr.
It W~ , Go ·· tn !Ii 'lhe rear dO!Jr and ~el e_. n'''_''''I_",.~cr"":'=~''.::;:..-r...:
::. ~4,':.'lla •• .
• little topger rlc:le for oU'r mOnel. ,,_
Chll!llgo Tribune.
::z.:.":.. T~
~=~:::..-= ~I One. ... h .....~ .....'iI,. SLranger (In Yapl,an1c)-Thlt aho'W ;~r::-= t b ' I Ii t - ,...... n e g "en ere nell wHk oucbt to .................. be IIl111pr~ell. WOUld JOU be .W1Wnl =-:--==-_~l.: ' ==~---"tart,' a aplnat ·lt.? ..~l . ~I~te_\vbo art J'OU. ~a, I . " •.".. • :.: • ....1
root'I'? .
'Mrs, T. · O. Willads~n. 1)f Mlinning. Iowll. writes to Mrs , PIJli(llam: Denr Mrs. Plnkbll,n ,.. I can trwy say th at you bllvo IIIlvod m; ur~. aod I cannot e:r.1'1'OU my araLitude CI )'ou In words. '
Made ot Plain and Plaid Materirtls- Tulle and Tips 'Muc!! Used In Millin · Model Tha.t Is Good Style tor el'y and Also a.s Decoratlon fOI' Evenln., Dress. UtiLIty Wear. 1'w materlnls IIro used for IllIl I, lng up Lb ill blouse, pla in and pla.1II Vlyelln sill,. Ilne wooll en "l aid and silk, coiton plaid and plaln. , . The roko. box-pl eat . and Cll lftt Rre of plain mnt erlal, the rest Is plald:--Tlie
It a ~g" lII ~ I: 1 W OI'O tl lJ~ rl o. 1 to show tbo nlll'ls'lhll1lY of a ll In ,' sti!;:llIun 01 IllrUf>tlll'U l lIuu <'rluls It Is 11101'9 thun . Mll tl lll1 " by tl, e rO Ct'lIl ol\ l'lbqlli\lce In Cn llrn1'l\ 1:l. Wh at llulltlln ga he!:l 9tOOrt lhe ~h o(\k ts 11 Qll cs tJon or " I'Y gl'ea iu'n ~ 1 1 'al lu lo r Ht . Why I hey cn du l'Pil when oth ors (ell Is ro II fllr th OIlI;,lt to lJullde>'s 11 11 lWeI' the ·ollllt r),. In th is co on epti ou It Is lil t I' sting to note tb at the AIlPl'lI lsa rs lllllld ing lu un r"mn IECO, wh f'e tho li u l",. St ll tes g ologit'1l1 surl'ey maln'tal ns a loca l oOlcc, 'Is one or tb d ft\W busluess "I ru ctll l'CS In lh lll ell y w'bl eh WUl unInJured eH hel' b y sboel, or' by name. lIIr. Cburles G. Ya lc, "recilll Dgent oJ Ibe s un Ill', roports lhal a II ttl ' IllaSlC! h s fnll en but th ul Ill \! IlIill lllng I. prolJuhl y lh e only o uo In Unl cl t ~' th nt a.bows not n s lfll;:lo !'rac l, In It s brick walls . '£h Is mlly bo due to tho facl n s l ~ tll Of. a s ix· th a l llHl found ullon fon t b'nd or sollel ce ment placed u po n thou :i il nt!s at till es , II Od tl"'lt h ' brl clt! are 1111 1 togel h r wll h ement In ~toa d of lUortnr. 'fhe wa ll s or thtcker be. 10 t il II II b w 0 " re wa IS t :1O a hO "e the m. Wh clI the building mO,'eR , It lUo r os II! n fllol\olllh , ILlld ",bllt! the r lbm tlon Is COil Idcra bt e, no da mnge bas been 110n. excellt to the plaster. Thill tho geologlc!! 1 BlIr" ey mlghl wl lh IlrofiL 10 lh e counl ry ul1 dflrtnkc the .11I '·csU"rltlon or s tru cturlll nl lll.~ '" rl a l ~ Is all~lI! d by I he num rous '1'0ques ta whlr h It r elves for Inrorma. lion o n th u bjr.ct. 1'wlcp during th. IIas t )'co r th slI n 'ey waR " hy I body ~ cng lne 1'5 wh o I' pre nted la rgo hltl u~t l'l n l t\ e \'cIOpml'll1.1! III • Ilumher or dll'(el'ent sLlII es. Tbe sur. V AY \VIIS tllluble 10 supply tbe Informn. tlon whlnh t hry d e Ired l'O il cernlna th e "It ng tb (lhd endul'an 0 at mMerl, nl ~ ,n be used In n "orloly of blllltlina a nd (·onstru clloo wo rk . 'J'hls one fncl s ho ws hp w ij!!S lml)l It Is th ot. l)le In· " ol'ltl. ntlollll now unt:10r \\'ay by lhe l!ur, Tey ' O ~ e n l flr~etl . Th Sd In "el! lIgallnns have lhllR tal h ::\ d . to do mu lnly with Ibe tes ting 01 c o m ~ n t S ') nd rOMrotes. It Is felt thai th e work should be co ntinued ond amplied.
. "I'DI tle d,allGe ....t~.--I'II*
· I ~ ..
In Opi nl0.\ at Pl'ot. Thomas Shaw II P"ys t o Use th .. Grain RaUon lu Summer,
Gentlo L es90JI" :Bot the ProbabiUtiIe A:e It C~red Hubby of Sta7-
FACTS CUARANiEED Neuralgia and Anemia It'e Cured ." Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla,
IDe , Late. For neady n gell crntioll tb e people of tbls country brwe known Dr, WlllialU!' 5 \'eral f!.XperlmGJl.tjl-lI IU'o· ber n _''''''-1-_ It clime abou t th lll WilY. The man, Piuk PillH, (luring which titU ll proot of tl u c ~ed t.O 1 ijt tb e IIdvantuge of tel'l1 IlltbouglJ. u good (f'\low anll we ll liked, tbouSI\lJds oHt~A!8-by this r eniody baa hig grain tbUM. 'fbe conclusJolU 1Ilanag~ to evad9 tbe womeA until been publiahcd aud COil finn ed aud no' fllll beli w~re, thll,t tbe gra in fed wbel he WIIS steel'ed ngulnst a widow, who one person bas b ' nJJarmlld ill the '"lightgraSS w a~ plentiful and while It Wa.1 won 111m hanlis 6<.'\\'u \n tllrce montbB, e~t degree by t.huir n llQ. Tho pills oon. SUMMERINQ OF The N ew Star in Our Flag Then and' Now Show yet succule nt, did not bring any prol' For a long Um·c be WQS one of the will uo opil,lll, JlO1'uotic 01' litimu lant. Mirac ulous Chang!!, - Lla.d IIf Fertility model m en of \b e cll y, nnd lUI Ule nor lUIy drng whiob cou ld itlj nre tbe &pe.rlonce of & MIssouri Fnrmer- It O\'er a nd abo\'lJ the cost of tb ~ ' and ' Progress. grai n, III some IC8t&noe8, aa wh el, YOllnl mnrrled women llelll h im, up In . t d elicl\to ()()lI atitUtiOll, Bow Be ArI'anged illS Farm "l!'orovlll' I~ YIlUl', " lSIloys MissC hnrlotte ns a Ladles' Home Jouma.J sample ot Vnu SIl1isbnry, of OilHtlctOll, N. Y. . "I ;,'Taln was fed In large quantities, I' for the An imals, manhood, but In ler he began staying 61ill'Il'.·ed from II nL'OJgi/\ oull pnlpitntloD w~ said tbat tbe Increase In IDI\Io out aiter ten ' o 'clock IIDd finallY ,be:. of 'he hea r t, M.y skin WIl M pole unt! sal. ".nst fnll our 13 so ws ~a vetl over 100 nnd butler tat lil d riot pOl' for the OOH There Is nOlhlng so 8ucce!'~ f lll n R ' Thnel (hUM SlI lllll; " rl z!1 the trnu ~ came so bold anli hardened to fem- low nnd I W !18 troublell wit.h d izziueaB" Sll g~, :illd all o f th ese, ex e pt th e tow IIf t he grnJ n. Tbe'. concluslon has gon , Inlae scold tngs and ploollln&!, that he ' l'lIintillg spells Illld tltllof inlligcs t lou, I wh lrh h ~ve been ~tJ ld at· eXtrn 11I'lces exten I\'ely , abroad , therMol'e, that I' flU" M3S, lind to III-os l'ClrOllij Qkluhomli pu rtJll II tltl s : "r.-UIII· InIlIll Ilues, Ihll Atchl. o n . '1'0 - bad been kuown to barely get home w n~ ver)" n el'VOUH !l1ll1 w onl!1 s talt nt tbe 101' Ilreed lns 'PllrJIOUCS, Ilre reluly (01' doe.. 1I0t 118 Y to feell cows !;'raln ()O we gl\'l' Wllrlll welcome. Ok luhomtl tosligbtest BOn ud. At t-imoHagretlt wenkmnrllet, \VrHe~ (\ MI ~sourl o rresJjOnd - menl OIi g rass, whe n tbe s uppl y ar tll Ilay ir. nOl Ih e ell (ls of th4' ellDth , "No " et,a "" ' ulIllI Fe, in p. Chir','1,w, Hoclt In time for breakfa sl. 'I'be ether worn lng a t tbree o'clock lIess 'wonld como OV l' 01 0 nnd all one 00!\1un '~ Land, " 11111 a pro ml, Illg "eglonIs tand & Pal'lfic, (ll" SL Louis & Ra il ent uf Furlll und HO IIIIl, An aged HO W !;russ Is abundant. cllRion my limbs Sll\'e way nnder me Ilnd wllh 1110ny Jlroml ~ell flllllllNI. 1"r:1II1.'1 61,'11 , und th., MiI,,,,",r£. H ansns & he turn ed lbe corn el' leading 10 ki8 I f oil to t,ho Hltlowllllc 'Will! sold nud the r Illulnlng Ilozen gave ~ ' am not prepal'ed to accept BII,' On April duy nOt so nwny rC'nrs ngo Texa ~ ; p ns~ Ihrou Sh Ihe SUit" fr\l Ol home Rnd wus surprlspli t o see a light .. Of con rSE! I wns trcn.tell by onr' local n early 11)0 pll(s t h is alwlng. The cu~ a vlcw, PI'Of. S/lnW goes on to de IIbow!S Ihc - 40-lIcI'OI'furm croij6-lenced , clar e In pr~se nl\ng hi!! \' lewR 'n til l saw a mIraCle wroll~ h t ont t hqru o n nurth 10 RfllIth, ult 10 '1 (;,ulf Q\l\leL A In the window. ThInKi ng that hll! pb YRioinllB nud also cOlls nJtecl n lIoted .In to fou r e~u R I RquU res. The south- Orange Julld Farlnc l" It see Dls to ml th e rolllD!; 11 \;I,i l1" LO th ' tioutb of KOII - fifth , Ihe 1{1l1l as (;I LY . out ll rn , frotH, wife ml sb L be ~Iclr, or tbat so mething doctor nt AlhnllY, but u othiu g tht,y SIlva ..ast '1l1urtl'r' Is funh r lil\' ldetl Into a It Is Il. concl us ion I'cal'llell wIthou t can· ~UJ!; . III . a. 11I:;ht towns :l nd villase KIHlrl:t8 ' Ity to Port Arthur, Implng~~ elso equally a s t errible might have IlI B so m ml to belloflt )11 0 . 011 0 lillY I eull in 1\ II cwspupcr nbout Dr. Williums' thr e-llcre bnrn 101, 0 lIlue b'TIiSS pas- slderlng every pbas · Of t he queutl~n up"prlllgl ng, " solitude 111 n j wllll,lIng IIr)(1~ Ihe ea slern bonier, The 'hur- happened, he qulcltclled hi s ste p and rPillit Pills for 1'1110 P ople 111111 1 i milletur , <I, at abom equllI alze, u somclrhnt If t h e In ~ re as d r turn In milk 01 bu t mude " OPll loIl8. The (IOIC of t h open, law, Oll lullOl1Ia & Gul f 1'11111"0:1 (\ Ill S bill' t jtlto : ho door tu lind bl s wife d iately ~IlVO th em a tl·jlli. I son ll f elt £m t\lIer plel'e co ntulnlng urcha rd anti tel' fat pays for t he os t of .the ~ n ln Inl:.l "r til ee ntrlll pori Ion o( Qllhlllomu t he R' :.t · In two from eU Ht f() w~st. sl LLlng In tllO :;arlur \lret-l.Ctl In black. 1U1I ~ h be t,tor nlld illY 'olor bn(l bf'I::t1U til '·Wh:l.t·s the matl r, . deur '! " be mur- r tUI'Il. I cOllli II IIcll llHj llg t be Ilillij "'1111 gardcn, Imtl li long lhc west sId e II 60 - nn d no more, my co nle nt.l on Is , lha, IU "leull'lllcn t was Aprll ~~, 1889. ' To- EI "cw l re I!le Ktute Is grldl,·one<1 with mured , all ou t or bl' 'nth . . to t iI\1I1l from tb e hou~e to ' the burn , In 'th e en d, s u h feed Ing 18 all nde( day, ollly 17 ) ' elll'S IUL 1', Olti uhoma e n- fe tiPrs anti Inrl e p Jldp.nlL linus: ' by tbe time I 1111<\ taken eight boxes I "Uh; nollllng," Wll S the culm reply, '~ DH P.llt ir ly cured . ICI·ti Ihc unio n wllh u. population or Rllral free .dell\·ery lJIultes gltu] the Tile fc'n c~s urc or hOg-tight wi re. 'wllll Jll'pfit. .. 1 " l ' U! ju st mourning t or my lute bUll· " lily Hi~t('r , SIImb Villi n!isbtlrY./lIlf. 1-'o r, th,·~ yars t'he hou ee quarter, c, rr t~ grnl n IR lbus paid for , ' ani 70'),OOU I\OUIR. With the 650,000 thUI hea rt of farmer anti furme t"s wire III fer II t erribly froUl. nlllC lI, ill. ::llle was llas b' l'n In SI'U8S, Th is field Is ruuGhly Item of profit Is f0110d In the pasl ur. con Htitntel; t hi! iJOlllllnllon of Ind ian Lhe more lbll-kly. s llied ag rit'ultul'o l band:' pulo nlld thi n null w e fClll'cd thnt shll dlvl d<>t\ hy a dllch In Ul two pu r l!; of E8 ved. H IR only I'PlL8onable 10 S lip' ,\,er r1tory we fi nd the ne w s tate has a (:ommlOnIUer;, even the s mull('1' t(J wn ~ A Glimpse of Utah, wlluld becolllE! 1\ vi tilll of COllslllllllrio D, fout' tlud . Ix U ~I'l'lI l'e~lJeCLlve l y . Tb pose that for eyery pound of dry lDat totul n l,mbe rof IlIh ab lLR I1 Ulof l.,aGO,OUO. have 1(,lcphune co nnecl\o n \l nli Ihe I I· "A Glimpse ot Uta!l Wh ere H eal tb She tl'iell Dr. WillilllUII: l?illk Fills for The r('h'1on th aL so shan a while ngo Ilbon' Is In :0 01 ilion ufle In mnny ru · .fo~·m('r I ~ In I' Il /:Io\'o r tInt! til\! lott e r tel' ~ons um ed In t he gra in , an equf\. a nd WCllllh Abollnd." Is tbe tlUe at P"lo P oople ml(l ill 0 shtll't t ill,,). ho be1n :liI,llln . . 510 ' e Ita firs t v ar this am ount of ,d r y mutter will remain un· waH s lven over 10 In {lInn ~, no w hUll 0 ral dl sll·ll!t8., Severa'l tow ns huv p alecIltlll to gnl n in str<1 u'gth DII(I w eight, lin exceeilin gly attruct h 'e llooklcl Jus t eOas lIm ed In th e past ure. 'r hls w"u ld protY. rtlo nntcly ~ n11l11 I ndlu n IJOPtlIO - [ric st reet rullrouds. Bllt II t8 III her lSl1ued by Lhe Passenger Department She is nuw Ilt.1'Oug null Wp.lI nml we hoth .Icnr' i1y r l'Collllllel1(l Dr. Willi"nl ~' Piuk mean that (he carryin g power or a tlon , lesR th n 100,UI)0 or In <ll:lo bloo(1 flchoOI~ Oklnboma bns ~ho wu hel'c:etl of the D c[)'ve r " nlo Grande Railroad P ills tn Ill! who lire in ill bcnlth. ,/ pasture ~ s In creascll to the xtent 01 T he Jl ~'To ' I)"I1ul atlo n Is Ilu t llt 60,000, mllrlle(ity pl'og r Hslve. 01'. WlllimllR' Pinl! PillA nro ~o!(l by nil Ok ld homu form d u pa rt of th e Th little Ecbuo lhouse- rell r white ·at Denver, Colo .• wh Ich they lire sendthe sa ving e trected by feedt ng grai n. A second Ite m of profit wil l prob [,olll~lnna pu rchase. WRS Inc ludeli In ai' whateve r I!o lor- III t he Hrsl I hlnr; In ~ out treo upon appli ca tion. The dnl Rll'iwts or se ll t, llOstpai,l, ' all r~ceip. of pl'iuc, 60 on ts P I' bOll, riix hONes for ably b (ound In what Is termed t lll the unnrgnn l1.ed or In d lnn country that thought of by a graIl I) of ~eltlerH-. book wus wrltte u by Mr. Edward F . '~ . 1l0, by t it l>r.WiIliRlIlA M <lioi ne 00" re~lr1uo.1 errert of the gra in feedinG con g r "Hel apart 10 1834. I ti 1800 th e Ant! 'tllleaUonsl udvu nltl ges have kept Colbu1'D and treats or tbe Clldy tiet- Sell . ne ,tolly, N . Y . Dc;scripti VII pam. Thi s hM b f!l)u w II 'hron ght oul, by Cree1, ludlan~ c~ 10 th e s O\'emment pace With th e grow th of l he coutltry, Ll ~metlt at Utah; the Mormons and pWetll free au reqnest., I'ror· Robe rts, of Corllel l. Six rOWE the \"'xIC rn po . . . . of the ir In dlatl There Is the Iombltlous Oklahoma "un I- OenUl es; tho natu ral wcmtlers at tbe werl! Rel eCLed lh tlt hM 1Jeen g ive n 0 T er r l!I/I'Y dO nlu., the price M ce)lls verslty " at Norman , tlormal .~ 'hool s ut Stat; it s r esources, :utll 'or Its grow";DIlC,.",IONA£, lI beral a ll owonce of grain on paslun: nn ,Irl'c ; t he Senrlnoles purted with W ealherford , Alva a nd Edmond, A IInl- Ing clUes and I.owns, Tbe wbole the previous senso n, D.IId s Ix W re ai- their Iloldlng.J Jrt . just h air ItjUI price. verlllLv prep!l rUlory sc.llloul at Tonka- State Is clearly li nd lIdeQuately c1epon tllese laMi R th Sacs, 'heyenn s, .... a lIud nt Stili wator Is sltuatetJ tbe scribed nnd a. ca.refnl ren.lIng or tbls EO se lected lba l hnd been "razed.ln Th, (jrtatut Bo.rdlng CollcS' In the World , publi cation cannot. fnl) ' to be of benet~e samo fl oltl bnl without grai n. All ,....-_ r--:---::::::----~---.....- - - - - - - - _ fit to II'n YODC des iring to k eep posted wer o pnt lipan pastu re without IJl'n hi on the resources and progTP..Rs of onr TIl lot "rn la etJ t he preceding summe . ,:;reat Weste rn Empi re. AatlrC9!l S. prodllred I G per cen t. moro milk t ho II K . 1I00per, G. P. &. T. A., Dp..o ver, Colo. lhe otllsr lot. The heife rs In tbls Ipl NOTRE DAME, INDJAN~ In mill!, Rl so, mIllI e a belter develop, mea iluw bas h e n pastu r ed conRlde.i'- ment' t.hall the hel(er>; In Lhc oth er. . tTp to Her, ;::J!'::':j/:~': J~~• •!i~lt:~I)t~U~/,:~;,~';~: "'I bear you are contemplating mat· IIbly. but with 90 much cil ril lbulil ba il 'PhIs r eslI lt Is In accord with tbo view 18 BuildlD,' 75 Prof•. - . ·. 800 Studt.1e I rlmony, o ld man ," Buld ai·cen. "How -lill'adily Improved. The orchurd, n so, 01 many· practlcnl men on· tbls ques. 00\1""" ttl Au ~l ~tIt onlt Sloc 'tlt'n La.n gUt.f:e~. En ... of J I,\, nores, Is ' ln dover. about It ?" li l LI, lIttl:lOl&. IU'~ at.eC) UIUllh.' ... ·lu~ Ql ."'u 't Ul0lttlr1 , tion. . "Il'a a tnct," replied Brown, Mbut The n(Jrlliwf!sl fi Id, 0, Is to be In' :::::.':::l~r:~~i!,.!~~I: s't:~~J!:~~~~~:~.f~:; ' A Ihlrd item at profit would Ilrlst lu • • T'VC'o"dUnlJ_ r • co rn ' Ibls su mmer. T he whole u pper tbe outeomo of my contempla\lOD d~ 'U'EUJAI,. n"~"'RTl.I £~"'T 1l0n BO \'S trom tlle rert 11 izer obtal n ~tl rrom the :or 1J ~ 1I TII I "1'&~11 J.,;a lt ot t~ 1':11'111 fu rnis hed rye pas tul'C pends on tho willow's mll'ht." grai n. W here wbeat, bran Bnll otTElIIIS: Il00''. TuIU• • oa'LoaDlr" l4ot, af] winl r, an d to ;\lay, wbe n the (at·" How 's thnt?' querlecl GreeD_ . tonseed DI 0 1 wcre fed, th e advantage Send teD ... " •• " " st.!,.<." I.r C.Ia)'I.' -tenlng ho'" we re restrlctec1 10 th .. barn "She wight decide to lIlIUTJ' me, would be conslderoble fr om this lot :Jnd 301l-fed wltb tresh al(alCu ll nd and then on tbe otber baJld she might <:Iover. Wit h t he ll d \'~Jlt or yprlng sour e, PUtLin g lh BO three Items tonot," answered BrowIl,- Chicaco Dail, sats lop reed of tb e (u\1 plg~ 18 g rudnlllJy getb r, they Rhould r e prese nt N'WL ' ('banged to ' whole !,-ruln, Dnd uurlns the Isfacto ry prOfit, eyen when the Increase In milk productlim and butterHead. l ng :Him Off, Jrust few ....eeks uf reil ing th VlIrlety 01 . Browne-B ut why do you uk ... ,rain glvt's wuy LO co rn ulone. All of rat did not more tban pay the cost of th e grain. to lend him a dollar B S a personal fat.he swloo ' 'b a '·e acce~s ' to coal. Ilnlf. . vor to YllU1 Are you u.nder obllsatiolll llilbes a nd chnrcoal. all inBamed, ulc:crated 'o nd catarrbal conto blm ? , Toward t'he Is tter part at the WiDl r, OUTDOPR ·ROUOMAOE RACK Towne-No: .b ut if don't. be'D diiioos.of the mucous membrane sdch as the brood sow!' were sep:1ra'\ed Cram ~e Devilled by Nebrll.E:kll Experl:n~ noaal ca~rrb, uteri ncatarrh caulieci cOlBe to me ror It. the .701tllger hogs und cllnnned to . by feminlDo 11111, lIoro thrOAt. lor. Station Which Will Give Good lone. When the grou nd wn . not 80ft mout" or IntJ~cd eyell by simpl, Service, AD tTullntabed Cac..... do~ ing the stomach. tile)" ...~ro ·a llo,.,etl to nlD by tbfl ln "Don your SOD graduite ' tIIle But YOIl stlrclyan cure these stubborD 'Bel ves In one Of the fields , It lij nlIn the accompanying llIulrntion I, lIIontb 1'" afIeclions by local treatment witb waY'll plnnned' Ihllt. l,be spring pigs sliaJl 6ho w n a rougbsge t eedlllg rack Ulat I, "Ob, no, Fle bas another 1earoDi , tf T 0 il t A' tl tl con,e between Marc h 16 li nd May 1. DlIed X tJlfl trnck , team:'-Cleveland Pla1r ~ Until \:he plb'l: nre wean ed the brood Dealer, whic h d estroys the diseasc germs,checks 110.'3 Iillpt In t be grassy lune uud discbarges. stops pai.n, and heals the MARKED llJ-tAN GE I N S H OR T 'L'lll t::. 'nllowN" to use the pe ns whICh uno Her Reason. Infiam)llation and soreness, , t ftoorefl. During thlr. time th y a re " All the wblle s he's on the ocean Puline representS the most IIlIccessful Foxes Dud " tbeJ' tribes were settled, agrl rulhml I and mechanlC;1 1 coli ge to ..uPpl lt'd o nce day with nil the ""een Glad ys doesn 't l'a~ any lIjeat. local treatment for fend nine Ills· ever Although a g reat part or' lhe region which II' uttll hed a ' n lled Sllites exalflllCn RJld clover lhey \\'llIl'ut, provl tl"'Vby!" . produced . Thousands of women testify, remu.Jn 'd ullocoupled. In oourse .or perimen t I'tai lon . Fo r tbe benllnt of ,eel • .I~ lUI nbullilDl1lle of wllter to to:I t l:is fact. 50 c~nts at druggists, L "So abe won't,. lose ftesh. N time the wh!1e mun t urned ooveto)1 the l: eS1'oes tJlere III 10 alet! Ol Lungdrlnli and ... loPP~d beavl ly morning imd ---. - --~ eyes u pon the rountry, but for some s ton un Insl lthtlon which IA a eo rnSend for Free Trial Box evnlbg, Oal!! anll carll, wi th It II l tle FI1'R, I'll.. Viiu~ ]'),...... aDd an Nen01M Dl&.1l: PAXTON q).. SoalOG. ........1 time Ii WtlS forbidden land . [n 1879 a n d b illed co ll ege, agrlculturnl, mec hanlc'al bean meal. \ire used [or tbe slop, wldeh ' 1 '"r","u.~,U): ~lIr.,.1 1>,. Ur. Klillc'. , I.n 18~f) PresIdent H'ayes Issued prac- nnd " nrmal ~c hool. A'll Ihe lDs(lwtiona t ;t'('at No",'c lIe_toru. ~Jld tor Free .,.00 Is never coo ~d, bul Is ' made "'ltIl OOhU'•• por •• ,. hun a tionl! forbidding setUement, but n om",1 lire well equlppelJ. I ri.1 bottle " "11 trEnli.c. Dl': R. II, Klill(". 'utalwuO Ilnl1 i l J unllJ)c", r uz!) w nfnl wal r on ch illy II y~ . ....",..,....U..... " .I .I:a\'....... w_ U,U " h. )mer " po.1d 'Small heeu. It be-' Tb e percentage oC Illi teracy In In- Ld~ 03 1 Ilud !J33.Arcu. St., l"hilallclJlbia, 1'. Wh~B Uw pigs are old e non 11 ~o came 1I.'cellsa.ry IlIr troops [0 be ClI ll erl dlun 'l'<rl'lt.ol·Y, wh ich I;u.s been wltll begin ntin g t hey Ilre fed Ill,li n '1)111, In 48-JlngebOOI( nU!JI; , 'he mlln wbo ta lk the )Qo ilnt about our lUI orgllnl ze d 8('hool SYflelD. Is CO II-' 1M' _ _ h I be lu, rc turan« \I trOltS'\J hy tbems Ives: W iller allll the Ne)Jruslia e"perlment sto Lion tarm. \A) llisl Ise .lpeSe plIshlng people; reelTW>: IlAI.1J & co.. D ...., .lI.. ~Ubln~lUD, , D, ~ pol:t lc8 helng dlr ly ure the mo." who 'rhe corne rs ,of tb e rack stand betwcen lng r:,n blgb on the pros anll cons lit s ldcro bl y targe r th arJ ' In \)I; lnhollll1 , ~lln\1 feea aro a (l<l~tl wbenever tho seven nnd eight (eet hi gh, with a o llenlng tile landa w cttlemenr. In For II Io n ' lime tb ~ muny thou and 8"' too Ia.zy to help clenn tll1np. A. 'N , K .-E (J 9 06-27) 2l33. IIlUk III bls utHclenL ' The wldLb b 1885 (' ('s8 aulhorlzed the PI·l1s lllen t whlle 'l h IldrcD til rl' wure Ileprl,·thJ 01 During April, !\fuy and June a .s mall plonk-slclet1 bohom. openi ng in the fen c.e will give the about tour feet, and length e&n be W Ente r In '.o negotllltions with the publl.. s hoo l ndl'tlniolges, '111 ,1 un tll,ecent l\' Ihe 1I'1<\lnn. were allowed to .brID ~ pig! a cbance at th!) meadow, whatever IDOY be desired, The general CreeJ,'S unll Seminoles for the purpose ,,1'01'lain!,; tbe m with pasture, addiJlg pion or the work Is brought out In the of opt'n ln g Ihe londs; they we re mall llge thetr uwn 'd ue,"lona l ,111ull'''. tbrown open to enLry A Ilrll 22, I 89. u nHloRgement IIcL'OmpQnlf!d by ,1\8118fertil ity to Ihe tleld. nod no t maleriully IU!comJ);lQ yl ng illus tration, ':0, 1.11 11 wild ch a rge they mntle"- trou~ 're ull". The Curtis ,ll't (,t 1898 IIghteniJlg ule bny rop. By tbe middle ANIMAL POINTS. "the Olllllhoma rus b IN now a purt of plllc II lhe c harge or cduCJlIlu ll fur t h Q of lune t.b ' YOllngest Uttt'r will bave hl ~16 '), It 1)lrlurellQlIe eveDt . like of In clluns ot' tnc lorrll l'ry In Ihe h'U1I18 of been wen ned. As earh sow Is iJlken , Poor cnrellege nerales good stock. Hogs ure frequ ently mad:! si el, b) wbleb "Ill nnt alia In be 'l'epeBted In tb e nll l ionBI ' govel'Dme nt, a ud a I'e ent. rrom her ptgs s he ' Is ~wII\'ed to For and Children. liOap In tile kitchen slop. this '''1untry, whose un claimed IlIn (ls act uf ('OlIg rcsR had m ild' s ult ~1J11l Ilro.1!l'I;hnro. \'I?g feeds from reslO:umnts anQ are flls t dl!.IUllpearlnt;. And after tntl vl s lo!l for tll ~ wb lte hlldren's scbOIlITbe boar l1eCclves Ietls corn thpn the harge, Whut tre mendolls energy Ins , ,~ws , bn otllerwille Is .fed abo ut tllIl llotele s houHI be carefully looked ovel wild 'f h p new l!late Is Jllst ly proud of tho Sllme. Most 0 .tlle : Ime ho . 11> .kl'lJt by for soap. glass and otber ' dangerout to "'r · t s tart.ed: wh at tremeniloil~ rc In ellan s~hOOl In I{ny con nly. sltuate,1 su l1 " " forl.b oomlng. Plo nl'll rln himself nnd (ulu.llly .wlth mo re thllll thln:ss, We us('tl t o tblnir we would not haVE 1D\'ol\' C() h'e avy drudgery, but t here I ~ HI Cnttoc('O, clo,*, to Ib e Knnsa" Ii Ill: : .In" (enco bet:we~n him und tbe other b •.e<lain!{ stnck. Tho Ill ne Is ' his rml- a scparator· as there Willi 80 mu h tQ In I t a Rtlr ontl ho pc(lIlnes~ I hat fnr- Lbe t.:hi lo cO Indll st rlal col! g(' ' I ~ :l ,,'av Osevre l momhs In Lh e yenr. A~ wash, buf would nl)l have cows with· nl sbes the ell me n t. ot exclt~m ent lacl, - 1'1\'01 th~ IIIII1UII8 school lit 'urtt Hlo, ' . ing 1II fa rming "baul, east," PII . ~ are Ih a ll iII O sn,denl" 1, 1'\' e ll ~or limes ,he oc<.mples the or~hard, out. one nQw, Ke p th e colts In 'a pns,ture by t he")] rolllnt In l'hE> anDllnl nltend a tH ll, th p, llats blue b'l'.18S 1n 1110 ' )\V PAHtllr ., or ~I\~s. They will run more fl es h IIfI' But· let us gel dowll to ha rd facl s, ' tnn'!II!'Il ~ 1I1'1) I'ery ' Ilig h. Dec.'lsl.o n l1l1~' b as, to be conlin. d l() bill cow.s nnd s hee p tho n you can·' Pllt Ill, men~m'(' 6u cce~ In figures . . Oltlahom:, pen COl' IIhort periods. T ho I hllreil follow ,; thlt s~tioal hou e : 8t~\le hall Silt t.o.wns ot . more than )li,Dl rillS' July fl,nd pnrt oi' Augu s t the wIth the bes t of feed. In OI(\llholl\<I Ih ei'(> :'1'1'. Ill~ SOU 1bC!re shoul\l be a good. stalli on hI !l00 lIO Pulat1on ; l!l town s nt mol' t ha n .b"tlls will be cOllllne(l to' the btlrn 101, ~hur ,' h Bs, \V host' p ropel·ty Is I'alu ed st promoles Digestim.CheerfuJ.every loca lity. Ofte n IHl wOl1ld hav!) i),OUO 11Cl11uloHon-,ltl tl II mll s t be kept bu~ ,t lr (I tlmo In the latler til" .th, they UI'er i' ;,(lO,O(II). In the 'n tlre KW'e th e ness and nest.COA1Ains nellbP.r t.o be purcbaReti b.l' ·o borE:c bree<.1el BI In , ·m lnd. the people urc l(lrgely Il!l'rl· \lW'II1 'he allowert \0 . pastllre 01) pens an d IJpium.Morpltitte lor loliuuaL eult und : It has tnxn ble ' protler ty I·n l· nlllu ,'e" of ch n r<·h c8 nllW1 readl I,oon., \)e ~ o l\ In the corn field , l'hey .wl1l en- n~s)cl atlon of lor,al breeders. . Thera li re se\' ~ral sc'ct nrla n )oc hoal. In Nor NARCOTIC. 1'l!e hea vily padded coilar Is nil right ned at 18{)Q,OOO.OOO. I hilS Qil alllHan l ID)' Ihls freedom WI long lUI they do Dol wlh .... es le rn ' n,lt! " qsfel'll ()j(\u homa. tIIOj dSl the corn, After that Ih e~ ..... 111 for heavy drawln!; In cool or cold whent 'crop of 40,000,0110 bushels, nli an- · ~il ss:,mary work lImong thE' Indi a ns weather, but no! tbe thing ror 11 h.;)t · nunl c.ulton .cro " or aOO,OOQ ba lo'!' an 1 ~tld sel ernl ",celts In Lhe burn lot. ";'''IUJ;~ . rplDuul cor n crop of 72,000,000 bu shels. has for Io ns been ve r)' 1I('II\·e . 1lf3ln, with some oppor tu ni ty or glean- 8ummer's day. or Ih e $800,~(IO.OOO fnxQ~le lan d r e Keep 1\ bIg lump of rock salt wbere' An 'ngl cullU rul tlud g l'u1.ln g coll ntry, Ing In the flel Jl of tIOlllng crops. ferred 10 .:tOO I·e. Ollinhom:, brings In . ' Ourlns tile ho~ weaLher : he awine of th e eowe roa n get at. It evorv dar. Ir. Its dl'n,esUc urilmal s "re VAlued .at $~ ,much I he greater 1)l1rt. A ' Iarge por'.11 I\Sl's "h;w(I ti n nt)undl!nce of sb eela., s alted only oncll' a week tb ey eat too OOO,O~()" Oltlahoma may DOt lie eXlle l- tio n of Inul a n Terrl lory landS IK nonat Olher t1moo, they al$o have mllQh at \'I .• llme e~us lnll loo~en es~ of Iy a lAnd of milk Ilt)d boney, but 11 I~ t:11(al)le. There cOmes In ' l\ DI re qll eR-' ~lcntY .ot wate r ' to drlnl!, but non e lit thR bO"" el!l~ . It also r eta rd s dlges..tion, a I~ nd ' of Ihte . SLack a nd corn And lion. 111 rega rd to I be expm ptlon ' of ~ OOliton.' . _hleb lO wallo.w. Tbe breeding ani · -----,.,GQod Cattle l'eed.. . Orchard. and ,' lneynrdR "ollrls h Inllian home teads tra m taxation; tbo I1l1ls (l ro l(ed grain, but. nOl mucb corn AJH!If:ul Remedy ror('~ queRl!on o f trellly, pledges. a lS/> the !l'or reedIng ' cattle for tbp general apa 'e h, Oklallwlm, and tWo ~ rop8 ' Or 'S(lCpt when It Is needed to put or keep non, Sour Sto1l\llth,D~ :hem In' (1I,!r fl6t1b, Tbe ;rrowlngtJlga market, I fln(1 clover and timoth y oItlve potatoes . can' be raIsed In one ,seaso n. quesllon wh ether Lhe I!ldlrr ns !iiJollld Worms ,Convulsions ,flMl'isbcnjoy nl l t h!l privileges of organl1.ed un given IIle p . until new OOI'n IR rea dy . th ~ bes~ result!;. This, of COUt'se, IS ' Potato rnlslng "promlses to be It groat ness ond L08s OF SI.DP. govcrl1 meUl and Ilt 'I he ame time llIe cons(llUenU! of tMs ,lop are Yllrletl s Ullplemente~ .by p",st~lrage. · Tbe' Indust r y some day In ,tbll:l reglo n , . . ;0 m OIlle, 'f1U1 wl)atever Salling rops g rains l feell are com and some Olitll, Tb e mi nilral reoources or ;bo lIew ' lIone c,t the burden: o f It~ ('(1st. It Is ,(are !I t thlll betor'e many years tbe uoe at ba nd, n balanced ration . . Oltrlng ,the ' Ils unl fol~enlng period [ sUlt.e Il re nbundunt, especia lly In lu Indlnn c lllz ~ n wll1 enjoy the ' "IU zen 's . " ' 'Ae' barn lo~ anll the 'nnn: v.!iloh gll·e tl) eneh ~tee~ tro.m 30 t o GO bush- <ilo n ' terrltol'Y. 'rhe httte r's COlli de. .6ntalJi 30m e foront trcee, arf! aJW:I)'8' eh 'o f corn . I give 01: mea l tbe IIIRt posltl! are -enormous. It Is t.llftlctdl La duty .. r \I3 yl ng t$lW~ . . , Olilai;oma IA a slr-ea ble ~tDte, bAli an tvnllable fot the bogs and there I~ a g l~ ,v.'eeks, one to two poUnds per day esttm'lLF 't he amount ot we~ lIb 11\' oil ., f _natl\nt SliP ply of nltulf(l una clover 110r steer. .r grind all corn, co.tJ 8 nd a ni! M(UI'1\I ,gql!l tllo S~andarj Oil oren or 70 .2~lq square miles . . It Is ooly lOr !lOY ' em.:irgent'y . . While ut tiufes .C(lm together, 'have' my oll' n 1lrr"d. · oo mpnny has b ea vy IntorostB In oil (\ 1I1l1l' 8maller Lh oll Ka nsas, ' by wblch J8i rl)' nil tt.e Ilwlne run U)getller, yet el'. and,n 12-boraepower steam ~!lg'lIe. 1:1\,,1 .11'8se8 In radian Territory , Amo ng s lale and Gn lorodo It II! bounli on tbe . fhclr grain feed Is gllen to. I h'l.m In I can grI nd ' enougb '('orH In one d ay produ(){o ot tbe ~new Btate. nOI hith erto notth. On lhe l'ElE't of Oklahoma are Ibe iltll tlonury troughs of 'ite pe nl! In to !:u ppl)' 11 load of cattle three we.lts. .nll!.ntloned 'IIbotllll speak of the vast New Mexico . lind TeXAS, a nd Texas" ngu l~ Oil lIle· soutb. To IJle enS I lie o1Ie hOg ~ bed, Every DDhual III 11 pel WC:~ _ _' . _ " " " _ Trick in Lead!.!:&, HOr!l~., beds o~ salt, "'tbo beets of aSllhalt, the Ark" mlR6 uu,l MlslIOurl. As tbe wrIter 11:1,' .oncb one 'know. to What !Juuch be Wben leadhpg several hor"es LO Rna ~nlto, blllltllnit .slone, gypsum, le~d, oOO",o .quoted puts It : "Tbe Eillte Is ~elonlll'l, In thlll war. (hotIC of like SEt' clORe La tbe CenLer. or weAtel1l empIre. IDd slu are ted ~1tI~her iillJ IIL/eclul [rom tbo pastu re It one 11:.0 bllbtnlJ 1 :tiDe, brick sbale and lumbjlr, ",eDUon. Is IIVIIII ' to the OU08 Ulat tie blm quite ::Jr.le to another. I oftP.D . Rnllrcadl ' bave done tb.elr PllJ'l. In Its doorways open \JIg to tille.ater Rnll . ae.dllt, In orlttr to , ba VI : ; Cllltli even tIe them In paIrs ad teach ChIlli &0 . o!ltnln", ,up Oklahoma, tbere are 11.600 tbe llllure g",ai wGlrld ' hIghway of lilt' go 'k1~~?"1l.t ~Ildill" mj~ · of maiD Una ralll'QQd trackage·, Paull niu cll nal," . .at leHLaJ I . , dH}nST'O~~lJm WEBSTSlL A TOry able arUcJu III die KaDIIU Cit)'
The Glad 'l;Iand to Oklahoma
University of 'Notre Dame'
n sep c
--' eA!TENTS
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature·
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·(..or 'Over ~.
LESSON OF EAR~HQUAKE. of str lohm\! Matm'lAls FlU"
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A rter W!\shln g N ov('r G o O'.lt I u t~ olive 011, hair PIIII hal t, ';'1)( d o,'er b o t Gol d Ai l'-sortm the W n13r- ' "'titer, or hh' II 1I11 10 mlllto n tallo 'v, DlMde CI ellIll;,' wll b oli ve 011. ~ nll YOIl No Tight Sleeves: will har e!; mOl h lng goo d, Il Is ell~y T h~ nn o r 11I1\'l nl: ni ce ha nds Is oue to 11101,(> a 1;<'0<1 n ll ll cmolli en t. OI Ht 111m 51 OilY wo man CU ll [lIck Ill). One .... a)''' n why mORt h a nd s a \'e poor It 18 II t h llrd, but It ta kes nad; , lid- 15 lh I w nI('h d h'l t alle time to ' B IMmc, Pulle D'Arc)'. ten d 10 thc m. It lakes tOtl lo ng to Ha lldll s hou ld be kep t Wli l'm 101' nn bunt liP l ite soapy bow l of WilLe r, 100 hOlll' at e r b lu g wns hed, Ne\'cr 1~I:e 10ll g tu find lll e Ituml ' /) , too lon g , to lh III r!l; hl out ltU o t ile lOl d nl r, gallhr ttl th er the polis h. 1110 bollie H UIlI!'" 8hould be w/:s ll d uoi In hart! of e nl. Ih Hel sorll IInr! th ' 000111Wlit9!' bUI Itl wllter sor'leu d with I r- cn ts: Tbey s hould he all locater! o n ax. ... teaspoon Cul In n. basi n of wat r 1\ tr aY whol'o t h y cuu be bl'ou gb t. out I ~ IIbtl u rlgh l. On ce II week the wa ter In 01\ tn s t ll n ~. . can IJ made mllllr ' wi h be n1.olb , I<n'l cl; les hal at e loll big a'!lould be Hunlls 8hol lill II IwII Y6 b 11:11111 d 10 1\ ftll ed with cr~a m , 'fake enou gh 10 1111 Il tll ller r1100 011 wot r. 'fher It; fI v rv lhe I; l'lI cl.lo a nd mAssago It In. 1' 1\18 daln lY woman III Law n who IlrCP/lre'~ will l Ull l,e ,lli e fl es h sofler a nll wil l a bnwl of roRe W it r every mo rnin g, tak e II WIIY th e I nde n 'y to lump. -eve r n nd m lo this she dips he r flng TS He v- le t YPU" I nu ck los gll~ h ard and b ln ~ k . era l l ' m e~ II dA Y to hI" 0 '1T lhe soupy Tight slecHs li nd li gh t collon; will ~mcl l. he mak es tile rCls \·tn ega r ma ltO ,l he ha nds red. Don't 10l ),ollr h r~\l lr f ro m n hOUle fOI'QIlI\tI.. r:o,l lilr be li ght (wough to make )' 0 111' Very dalnly ' wom n ra n co llcl llti th~ wrl ~~ s well. Don'l ye t your colla r h a n ll-was hlng [Irocess by pouring a blur! )01)r lh roat or YOIlI' slee \'es bln ll drop o r lhe 0 11 at jo BOlIn e. Into the yo u I' :'1'111 , " evo/, mind 'Vha t th e fa hpalu\ or Ih e ba nd , This m akes tbe lOll 1110)' be. ,""u WAn l lIre try ba nda. han ds posltlvllly ' lo \·ely. T he j asHu'fry to kee p lhe palms of your honda mine c ll per meates th em and pene- KOrt. Hard 'halld~ are r [Il1lslve, Tbe trOles Ihe s kin l n a 18 tlDg way. soft palm Is nbsolutely sedu live. Wqmen wh o e h l.nds are growing , Many a heart h b n wo n by Ihe soH old call ehee1, lhl1 ravu/.tcs at lime by tou ch of II ligh t h und, Practico til' , rll'bblng a little or a gotlr! nlln c moillent IIgbt tou ch , ' Experlm en t 1Ipon )'(1Ur 101 0 ;ho cutic le c I'ery night. Take fM endJ, 18 YOllr b a nd hellvy or Is II somet h.!ng lUi IIlmpl e 88 vaMll nc anti light! .
. ' Old Teculnseh's Proxy. I _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..._ _. . . ._ _ _..._ _111__
:by WILLIAM LIGHTFOOT VISS CHEn. (t;'OPY"IGhl, 1900, by DOli)' Slory Pub, Co.) Sll t ~ lt&lA K
mOIlI ~ h O$
U nrglllllcnl w I'e IlIl ti c.! 10 aho,. tbe atll'ls:tblll ty or a n In,' c5 11 ~allo n of Hl rurtura l Illill erln is Il Is Ul l1'8 th a n slIltllll II by tl l&-recrlll onrtuq mll; C In Cltl l!ornili. Wh at but1r! l nS'lll.t c~ t stn(1d th s hock Is n QII 'tlon of " I'y ,grunt 11I'ul'licnl IIl't~re~L Wlty th Y Clltllll'eil wh en nlltcrs feJJ Is food for HIOII;;:I L to build I'S all 0"01' I It l'Olllll r), . 10 Ods cO line t lon It I ~ IIlI relltl ng t o no te lhllt lit e Appml ~e ra building III San J~rnn '1800, where th l ' l\itll4l Slnl es geolugl cll i survey malnlalns a loco I o1l1 ~c, Is one or lil a fe w bus iness s tru tu rcs In that 'Ity " :ble h Wall unInjurpd ellher by s hocl, or by nnme. Mr, CllIlrles G. Yale, ~ pe c hll age nt 01 tht s un-ey, rtlilort s that a Hut phlstel hos fallen' lJul th lll Ihe bli ll \lIng I_ pro lJilb I)' th o o lll~ ODe In 1110 cll y IhA I s hows nOl /I Si ngle ('!'lick III li S brick w~II l!, Th is may be due to lho 'fa el lh llt 111 j'ouodu ~loll co lI s l~ ls of 'a s ix· foot bed o r solid cemen t Jllacell llPO D Ihou 3a nds ot '11 11 s, lind tbul tho brlc11~ a re ["II togal hor with cement InlilM d of lIIorlnr. 'fhll wull ~ n re 1"leker lie, low thQ ~l d c w ~ 1 1 s thun II bo \'e ' Ih om. Wh Im tb e buil ding mo\'~~, It 11I00\'IlA a l n 010110111 h, IUld whil e t he "Ihralloll II t'On Idcrl1ble, no dnll1llgc bas b en dODI except 10 lhe pla s tor_ . Th ill the g~ologleA I snn-ay mlghl wi th profl L 10 t h cotm l l'Y III HI rlnk. lh . 1I.vesli ga lioll of st ru c tural llIula.' rl lll~ !s all c. t d by ' Iho num rOlls 1' 0QlItlsts whl r h It rC(,I!I\'es fo r Inrorm lllion o n th e s u bjeot. TwI ce timin g 1.hl IIOll t yenr IIHI ~ufl'ey WIIS ' "Iijlt d by • bOd;' o~ engi neers who r ellreae nled la rgo Hlll uatrl\l l tl e \'~.IoIlIl\ C ll tH III " IlIlmher ot dlftel'l' nl Sill ies, The surY!!}' \VIIS una blo lO S Ullpl~' l hll Informn· lion wh leh I hey lI c.qll'OO oollcernlna \h c hllIlDj;lh !lnd e ndur, nee of mo terlnl ~ L.l be Ilsed In 1\ vnrle ty of bulldlna nnd mnslrucUon worl<, 'flils one fnrl " how s how d ~sl.rnh le It I ~ l hul Ipll In" cs tlgntions now under way by the !>ur' v ey Og enl arged. Th sa It,,' tlgntlo o@ -IIBve UIUS fnr t. ~d lo do mnlnlY wi th lho tesUo 01 rem~ n t... nnd l'o nrrlltoR_ It Is folt that th " work s h ol,lld be cootl uued and a m· plletl.
lire, Wllllldaell Tella How SbII Tried lydia ... E. Pinkham', Vegetable COllpo••d hat
In Time, Mrs, 'f, O. Willadsen,
of' MADUiDIi, Iown, writes to 1\21'$, I>inkhl)m: Door Mrs. Pinkham :" I CAD truly 81\)\ tbat ynu ba"o ",..tltI m1 ' lirll, aDd I CADDOt OX\JI_ UlY jtrllUtude " ),oU ID words.
.. Betore I wrota to you, tailing rou how r lelt, t hatt doo\;o,..,.1 ror over t Y1'O Y"I\n< anll penL lOti! or money on lI!cdlcln(1ll bo>sld,., but ihll fulled to help'm . My monthly (Ier!ods hod oon.'lOd "nd J alllTcrod nm h l.aln, "'lIb tointlng spelh, bc..rllU·be, bnekacbo a;;;i ~rlng.t:fo .. u pnbl~, oml 1 Wfl l 50 .. ak I coulti btll'flly koop around, As a IMt t'IlIIOn 1 decided t.o wtite you tlntl try Lydl!l E, Pinkham'. Vegotablo (;o!11[1Ound, Ilnd I am 10 thankJullo/lAt [ did, (or .flAlr (ollowlng your ItlstructiouB, .. bleb you lIStie DIe froo of all charge, [ bectuD8 regull1r and III perfed> hclllLh. Hod It' not beilli for you 1 would be In my «rave to-day. "1 ..lnce.rcly lrust that this letter may INti .... ry "u",cring WOlnBn In Iobu COWl""1 10 write )'ou tor help u I did." Wben women are trollQled with I .... reglllar or, -puil1ful pe rlodll, wCllk\le5lJ. dlsplacementor ul'eration of an orgon, that h.Qo r lng·down t eeling. InOammation , backache, flat ulencil. general debili ty, Indiges tion 01' n ervous prostration , t,h ey 8l,onld remember thero I. 'o ne trit'd and true rtlmedy. [.ydia E. PinkholU'II VcgelableCompo\lndatoDee removcs 6 1101.1 troubles. No o the r fe male medicine In the ,,"orlt) has received s ll ch lYidesPJ'6&d and lin. , qllall6ell endorse ment. Refuse aU8ub.tjtlltol!. For 25 fears Mrs, PiDlIham. daughterIn-Ia," 0 Lydia E, l'inkhaUl,'has unde", h er dlrectlQn. all e\ since her decelUe, been advising elclc womell rree 011 charge. Address, Ly nn, Mass.
of th e lholll;onll, a nt! t hey ' were nea r. Iy all l'c markable prelty sO llth e rn g lr h B.rM~ IltQ I)~.O ", or lb. 51 I'm , 111M who we re pa t ri Ol lcally WOI'klng t4 l ' hf- ~';;~. r\~ nl hl r ug ' d rnl~$1 g ro wlh, .. loUie the so l d l er~ of tho sOlitb, thAt ,1 In.1 Mo reove r, s he was of a good family To k~~~;n\ oP'lr Ih~ ro ck _, whoI' N<l11I re of Oeorg la allli had held som e sa ri lIH "' I.t~ ~H' w. lch Il nd '" rt , V' I, " '1\ 11 of officia l position In one of file faa, "n~ I"C;n ~ f: r ~o ul. am id ",. r ' Herce"1 l or les of R oswell. Bes id es. Kbe bad " "yo, r elatives In Marie tta who dw elt In a n Gr ft ~,~~ :r m ~n Ihol1 ha ot don a mlllhly Impo ~l lI g m81\Mlon am ld a grovo 01 ' A I\~ "on thy ("u lllry" b l/;h ~81 m'e,1 umbra geo llS troes. where rose ~l ne8 oc " rnl e. clamb red ahout t he gall e r ies aDd ove r Tom L nslng Rnd Lu cie Bell lov ed Ir~ IIIB(,s, her nnd the re, on th e gar, \'It h other, bu t they had tal ked on Il e ne,d grounds." ('very ot he r , 8uhJe~ t th~ th e)' knew "Of ~ourBe. Oon't Y011 know 1 was unythlns alHlu t, an<l on many of »o rn In Marl 'lta? " qU eS ll on ed Lucie ,vltlcb l h!;'l' really kn ew nothin g. Now Bell, they wE're I!t rolling aroll Dd the eQu~s. "Yo s, I .know," r eturned Tom Lon· trla n st Atu e oC granll old "T ecumseh" si ng , " B l\t th is wa s ma ny yea rs 1) 0~he rmnn; In t be moonlight of May. rore YOtl wer e horn., Tllat was mOI'c 'ea r lhem lowc red tb e graulte fo cad Ihnn 40 yeara ago and you are not ball Ilf lb e tr Ils1lry, yond er lwi nkl ed the tha I.." '~~' ~ lights of Ule While flou lle ' aod away " Well. I s hould t b lnk not," COURT'S DUTY DEFINED. •. _ sv.T'lh.-OrouJid"'attppftt.: a $I\ ,~ t Ibe ap ex of a trlangl .' loomed In "All righ t. l\ow please let m e ftn · A TAILORED SHIRT-WAIST. TULLE AND OSTRICH TIPS, ." Int Nelgbbor- Tbe Snobllool OYIIF halt-lIgb t. II Dllgh ty g iant in grov., the Isil Ihls s tory-or, jle rhaps lhat ' Is Tulle lind Tips Much Ullod In Millin , Judge u ' Told by ' Lawyer, who e nough," Mode; or Plain 'and PlrtJd MOtterlal_ tbere on ,the cor-ner are loalnc their . ,Lacked ~espect, What He Wa. monum ent to WlLllhlnglon, Heavily "00 on. , Tom LanSing, I'm wild ' Model That Is Good Style tor el';' and Also as Hair DecorllmOney. ' ' There For. Ileep and darll lYaB the new sp l:lng will. curloalt"," t ion tor 'Evenlnlt DIUS. Second Nel;rllooT-How do YOIl dreSs of tbo Irees: ", Utlllty W ear, A, G. J ewoll.. IDwyer" politician and know' "Sit t her ," be Kll id. For wi t h hlR "A YOung woman who s tood a t the am n ot keen on long , whit" Flrs t Neighbor-Why, b_aM tbey ' rW mllterlll is oro used tor making ~ trll:h feaUle rs, unl ess ve ry r.lcve rlf mU D or tillI"Cnsllc wit, was a lice try, ' handker~hl r b hall sw ll l' hed away gate t o tbll 1)eautl t ul grounds I told you ot, l'!'iltchl!lS w l ~h am used ~&.·o tbe li P LIl li< bl ollse, plai n !lnd plaid Vlye lln used, bUI I have alwllYM been 1m · Ing :t case In t b A s upreme cou rt In bave beenn to _how to all tbe n elchs ill; , IID e wool leo pla id and silk, or COl- mensely keen on tbe little whi t" He lfu s t, Mo., hl y home Ily. Tbejudge borll, and tb ey n ever noticed anion. oslrloh lip. I mean the kind lhat pres idi ng, b fore llcl ng called lo the aroulld bere before...,..Detr8It' Fr. . d ~el'l! t ba l:, al quadrangle ,~orn ers, hi s , harge. rus hed s creaming b! lween ton "Ia Id :a od plal n. ' bench, h ad lrler! DIBn), cases agalnat !Presa: ! .Iard lbe Lea<,ler to tbe Sea . frl gbt and joy. t oward the m, and lben 1' he rake. box-pleat, and culf~ nre of for a long ' tim e one has onl y see II J w U , who did not e n tertaIn aver, , A'l Boom. As he 81!ated h i mself beside her lomethlng hBPP6n ed. Tbe captain'. plain !Dalerlnl, tbe Teat Is pl lll ld:-1'be .on bllblos ' bllts and court hea d · hi It opi nion of hi s a bili ty, .tresses, 1 love the . lIttie whltu BI11- 1 l ee It aald that Capt. Ric... he said : "J _ .Ive w.rltten thi s and I l borse, a fra ctions beas t t bat bnd' been In hIs closln,; argume nt, Jewett, In ostrich tips [or hllt8, and J love 't hem 'mond Penraon Hoblon la nUl"llDI • want YOII to ,t 11 me It It BOllnds lik e none too compillcelil all tbls time willi loo In the new e vening h eall-dresses, d ellatlce o t LUI) ruJc~ pl the c:l l1r~, start- pres lde ntlul boom. . Iloct,r)' , I do not know H l ean read bls ad ded burden of' g irl and dimity, a ' BOCt plented '!-ucbe of tull e encll" ed III lit ren d sonte-lftw to 'I he jury, Jill- If .tbe ' bOQm eould .peak t. Jt, by lpl s light , b,ut I will try." , ,- plunged alld reared. nnd the yonn~ Tho oou rl pot; nd ed on Ule be ncb lind ,cling tbe topknot, wbll!!t t he little Hob.on, It would prollallif 1&1: "KI.~ Th e eC8 mp 'knew H by heart bu t. omce l' adrol Lly lifted tbo maid n t o \\' bll e plume'll nod lit tbe ,side. 01 said: " Mr, J pweUI ')'f/ l\ ' must not read me good.loy, and , 10 -Yonker. "h~ r ead It li B t( It trletl hi s ' eyes. It tbe grou n~ lind to Ibe arms ot lier In IV to the jury In your ' losing n rgucourse, tbougb I lIl; e the new headState.mila. wa tlle , "eple t hat Is printed above , cou sin : the younl! woman wbo bart m ·n t." J e well k pt on r eadIng, wl L b.' dreSH best In c rea my,wblt e, It may begi nning : ' , "amI! trolll t be gate. But other of tbe b elrectl\'e matching a (rock of plDk o ut so \Du Ch 88 a I;l&u '0 nt tbe court, Knew Bla PI;.ce. ' "Grlm"'1 aged as tbe mou ntain's I!oues taking, contagJou sly,' the fright, or pal e blull or mau ve: Since ' women T ho COllrt"ln lbundcl'Cl1li tones ordered "Whot> did )'OU Ihlnk' (,f your dau.b-fa ~ ." ulunged against him. and rider and ' made up their minds tbat tbey mu st . 1i1111 t ') stoP. ter', graduation I)s ~ay? " "It ma ), he 110 lry," sb e said , "hu ~ hurse f" l1 among rongi\'!l hod boo't a. J e wcll ) who had by t hl8 tim e reat! ', ..'I I\ld o.'t permi t llIyselr 10 thlh' trim t belr beads, too" when t.rlmmlltt 1 should t hink th,.t y,ou mlgbt devole "Quic kly th e sJlot wu cleared, but liP In their e vening frocks. 'they h a ve all b ~ Int IlIled to r nd, turl,led calm· abou~ It," a n;werer! MI-, t umroK. .., yo ur gt ni lis to somelhlng beUer t hon the young captain was taken np. 1\0, e Xlllolted rlbb on ~ and chiffon, and Iy to Ibe judge and 'said: ' "Old YOlll simply <lId my " .lty Ind admIred It.~ Apostl'opblzlng that ol d Invader who c'on.8clous, and by direction of the tW() sequins and plume s to dlstraotlon, h ono r a ddress me?," -'. Wa8blngton S tar. It' rt mo numen ts lo hlms~ lf. more aw , !\,Irls wa.s borne , to the grand house " I 61l'Id," roared tbe judge, ",0'1 not to mf;l n tlon thi ngs !lowery ; so tbe tll ily eloquent t han t his , a\1 through among th o Irces 'an d roses. Alher Hinds, PllrllllrlentDry clerIC ' . t lllle ru che ~HI come wl Lh a Slln se of mlls t I,Ot Tea d Inw to the jUl-), In your ~l\aJ' old Georgia, In the c himneys CJt "1'he YOllng captain happenecl to b e' bouse of 're prernnl,at lves, _ . 10~ I,n t; argument, I will 8h'e lbe la" tbe re lie f. Indeed 1 tblnk II: Is rather a burned bOl1l 9, I wOllld .1Ind a bett('r known and ' loved by Gen, Sher man , to the Jl\ry . What do )'OU illlppose tbe "f,OPS ~bll ftpelker straight and who 18 u ~eflll Quantity Jus( oow Jr . other reo th e me II I wel'o YOIl : ' who sent hi li own staff surgeon to at· ' the greatest parllameDtary lliarp •• 8PC9 tS. I notice tbat sucb rue bes all court I~ Ii'll'e for ?" "Thnt Is very well Ba ld. Lltcle. Icntl' Ule Injured officer , , " "What 18 he court here fe r !" r e- tbe CIlunlry; comes from Mllae. · r eally for poPlllng on bals ma y be Now let nl e t oll you II sto ry." "Tbere were da ys o f anx iety for ~.~,--------~ (ound l\,0w at so me of ~h e IIhops. aDd sponded J eweLt·, In blgh fal8e lto . "I , "Do:' tbose abo\lt, the YO llO g ca ptain, He It II seldom tbat reve nlJe II . . th ese are so becoming arou lld a sailor Iwp(lORe YOII know; sir, to I{eep 'Order "On e U I~on 1,1 tim _ " was long uncolISCIOltil anll then fol· or a mushroom, that, arrued tbere· with the aid of lhl! llherl". sir Wltb Iweet ..' the receipt Indicated that _ "Th aI's II, gooll, orig inal Rtart ," lowed a fever , , T'bc left arm, wltb would be,- Puc k. wllb, any J::lrl mny tl'lm a lIat In tile all due res pect to tbe IIbl!rltr, air. N "ShaH I tell Iho IItory?" whi ch be had 110 gallantly sa\'etl the twInkling of an eye; YOU bave the " I 'll not Bay anolher woql ," girl trom among the trampling hor8~, have, lhe ruc he, make tbese twain RURAL NORWAY IS HONEST "Once upon II tl mo, wh en a famous witS brokell ant! cut. \JUL yoltth and a one, an'd a mOllt becoming bat 19 tiro "'Rrr IOl WRS learl lng hl R arltll es good cans lilutlon , trlumllhed at las t , Ins tant reSUlt. Of course, It , Dlay ~noldentll Which Are lll\lstratlve tb rough a bealltlflll lantJ- " , J al\.!l sl!ortly after She rman batJ start, One ~f Its lIi:Dl'lud Charb~ve 1I0wel's IIrr8 nged on its brim " Wltr do'!, t rOil say She rm a n In r c\ on hi s march ~o the 'sea, Capt. Tom llflndcau, anti, as an e)itra, Qbarm , N I1=Nr AND ~' R lM , Georgi a. a l once!" La ns l~ g snr! J~\l cle Gill, bls bride, on ' tb O" cro'Vn , 11IIt thi s Is a t her dis: "Thought Y OU proml.lleci oot to so y I he girl he had hro\lsh t fro m Ros' fronts are laid In tbreo haIC-II1 r:h tuck •• Nor1Vcglll n POBllIlDt~ are sal d to be R110t hc r word ?" w('11 behin d him . and wbo ~8d nllrlled wbl ~ h a t'o stitched (IOWn to- lho \lust, 1:retlou '0 1' desi re. Th\! ' fact r e lIJalns , t1,IO mo at lionest peopl e In tbe ;worlri, tba t a tull e '1'I,,; he will or It 8el~ ) rlm " Oil : I , wag 'o n ly tryi ng to helll YOII him thr~Ugh hi s fill h~ wllb deat h, lh en I"rt toltled bill unstllcbed, BlIl- , 11 rou\l.d , bat llJoat ljecoml ng ly, an!J , S everal yellrs ago '11ft Englis h, tonrls t, Illmpllf,' mali ors" had a r rheil at Lans in g 5 home, In 8U' tons a nd bu t tonboles Conu tbe Caslenmetapborh;,lllIy Sl'E!a}5tng. " 'ill the , 111 going from :'rro,n djh e m lO brl 8~ .. " I lim n, on 1I1e s hady banks of the Ing of fr<?nt , _. t winkling of ob eye." An excellent nania, los t lii 1: 20 soyer elg ns on the All righ t. , When S I,l ermnn was I' ',el' Des Plnln o , wh e re otte n, In su' Mlllerlal M require d: Two n'u n three- r eel pe for aweit' 111Mt hls ' tulle rucbed rqad. , pa n bill arrh'ljl at Chr lsUanla lea di ng h is I 1>'11111 3 lhl'ong h Ocorgla-" p.cme hapllin cs. t he,,· sat hy the paola ::,FolJ owln g t hem, rou \lI e~ n ," Ih llt w re Qll ilter! wllh the gOltl , and q)la r ler yiuda Illalri 28 In heli wide, hat, and on e wblcb ahe, If on allow· ' he wrol e ot his loss to tbo ' coun ty judges anil In a Ce w ,days r ecely,d nn ce , lna y ge l (or e \'er 's o IIUlo, one-b a lr yurcl pla in 2~ In cbes wide, Folluwlng hi s I gla ns through g reen , an d c rlmson-buel' 1I:8\'e5:' every c li t or tbe loilt so'v erelgns. The G ~ o r g la , there waR II ha ndsome ' ~'O Uo C ' "Tom Lsnll ln g ! " l,ucle a lmost p~ asnnl s had ' picked uri the ' colna CRIJtaln or oo e of hi s rrgl metlls- " scream ed. " Why that's your name ! drov,ped along', the fOlld and hild hand· " Th e. st<;, ry grow" In Inle rKe ." And LI) Ie , GIII -that' ~ my ' n llme-' "d lbem O\'e r to the magl s! ratlls. ·· ' "A . hanliBomo, YO lln g 'apta ln of 8 Lucie G ill Bell. MY ' father bad 8 Frllgallty nnd lhrl(t are national (!lI'alr ' regl ml'n l harl a re markabl olls ln named 1.ucla Gill wliom he A K indly , Pleas,nlt Altitude :Reveala her ~elr-jIOssessl()n. She knows tbat characteristics of the 'Norweglani, - , '. , <,p lao il e, A ~a\'aII'Y brigade ,lind ca p- loved so milch tha l he nam etl me for t he P.ersoD 'of , Good BreedlJ,ngbe atte mpt vltupi!raUoD, ahe ~ T be Bacia I , conditions are Ileoullar to s'bouhl s "red Ihe lown or Roswell , on 1he' he r. bu t he di ed when I was a ' baby won I-I nnd b'lrselr (:omple'ely at t he th~ ' 'co, nntry, Thel:e ,Ia no Ilrlvtloged ' ~1::out the Retort Courteous. , ," batahoocitee. at lh o f'1I1r eme lert of nnd of course neve l' told me ot her me r cy o r ber , ollponent's 'trained ' toll1lu,e , versed \II slIcb matler" , so 8118 nobillty o r srlstocracy ,of, weal\b. Gon· , " Po.ltlftl,. Cl1I..e. ' ~ i he army , Rnd ROHw pt'1 wa. simpl y a history," W here po lw ineas Is only !)!I t on fat' can ouly maintain ber own ~elf-re8pect sequently there 18 no sharply draw,n the. Lltlle PUh.:t ' lo,,'n ~r col ton on d woolen (a ctorles, "She wa s my" moUler. 1 am , the , t be N:ClJSIOn,' If 'Is ,vel'y like ly la, prove and c hilm that of e':llryone elMe, hy Jlne of dltllnctlon betwee n the classes ,,' ' . '1'Ii81' a!eonl\lcolt ~ The exl~ en c l cR of wllr de manded the onl y son oud YOllngcst , of OVII cbll. a n II Hlttlng garment: drollplng a t lin,Tbe /l ea th rate In Norway III tile tIva 1r'OIII DJwpepda,'" burRlng of th e fa ctories and they dren," smallest of ' any nation In ,the Wor)d. ~U4To()"""" expectl!d ltmet; ,and leavIng, t.he 'bare refraining from , any but the pollt!l...·ere conl!nltl ~(l to t he flam es, bul "Th e n you anti I aro kln ," wbl cb- mllY really be ' extremely cutt/nl: The homee , of tile 1II'ell,to,60' pea.. ' ~ A :1IOi'fIICt, ~ , s kin of tlle boor abow, ' wMt o;llMP OHil loll t o make of the thou· ''')"(>5, but , 'ory rar reolo" ed, aiD T,o allow reul COllrteJIY Is 1,0 feci It; ill rendered an ts. a re up ot a and ",and or more pre tty girls or lhe cd',,· t hankflll." somctlmes mo~e, separate - bulldlnge, , e , ._ ' ..... ~_ .. ' 1.:~:' f ederat e looms beca me a serious ques· "I dOll 't see why yon are s o null· that which Is only a8suDlcd Is forgotten, - anll, and every f,Bsk w.e require Crom Pra(ltlcally all l~e . qec,eBII, Itlell III ·I~,fe .. ::-:: :~"'lD'~ lion . Gall ant old Tec ums eh was eq llal a nt about the dl Hlance of opr r~latloli when L l!Ca~:on I demands , lUI • eierclse, those plIl\1 to do wbat they are tOld , to . , .u... _....... - li nd l"Jhrse . sel~ a~rs. , b" cauije tile do, Is all tbe better, all ' tbe nlore wlll- are manufac t ured at bome. There ' TORPlD LI'VIIR. "'to th e occaalon, how ~ ver, He ol'de reil s hip. I ' m ju st 811 good as ' YOll are. beart Iii Wl'On8 .. " , are V!lBl storel'Ooms fu'l qt lInenll and ~te tIIe~ l'ure"~ ,, '. a reg Im ent at· bold sabl'ellrs 10 the Tom Lans l'nll ," i _ I Perhap's It may be inle In 'R measure lngly t nd properly performed, If simple lacee, 4ltc .., elegantly clirtalne'd . bed,S fr ont and <l1r'ected lhal each troopor ,. ~ t1iou sand Umefl betler, little ~rl, courles~' .l'1I eXle~ded Ip tbe reqnlrlng. and prlceleaa old furlllture; but t!.e ~ IUIY. '" t:IIIMA and Om(' ~r s hollld tall\! ri preUy maid ,. Bil l 1 am glad we' arc n Ol near of kin t)larone who always fs polite n~ ay ' ftnd It' ls not needed (bat anytblng marl . that IK, lItenjlss ' ~ IS Iaken for submis1I110n an Improl'l$ed pUllon, llehlnd iJecauBe I want you to be my wIfe," U.. , .,' ... , ....,. b.,.: him on I;\~ aleeil , 'Tbls was dOne and ' ':l;lft m e liP," s he ~ald, "(lnll! I can s ive ness thal Is (nit of place, 'should ,he nance shOUld be heard and sbown, bU't' Oetting IItI Kon.,.'1 Worth. lTTI.J , Fac-Similo SJgilalUnt • the un l(lll(> cayalcade proceed ed from I;lss the bronze , lips of tbat old ' In- or she come In conlaOl with tbe really lhese the really courtoolls ~rSOn II al· ' "Ooell ' lt m.,kll allY difference lYblcb -IVER ·,', A ~ : , ~rude na l ure, But evell then, :If ' It be' Roswell 10 l\Iarl ttR. the regimental vader," ways lIure to u8e. · door WI' go In at 1" aSk'ed hi s wife, iii P.I _ band 1)18~' l llg Ih e all' at "The Girl I "Can't do thai ," h e said, "but 1 wlll neceaso ry 't o assert. one's self I n order to be r eH pcCtcd.' It mu~b sUIl I~e done Tbe BealOn'l BloUlea_ ' tbe .treet ('Ar .• topped at lhe C1'OIIIIo . REFUIE. IUIIT.rUn.. I Left Behlud Mp." tho' rpfraln to ,w hi ch be old T ec um seh's proxy (or once," log. Ih p troollerR >!R ng with the words : She clung e \'en \llo~er to .'hlm a8 tbey ' wlth duo regard to tbe observllnce of Blou, es are Indllpm~able at all " No," \lnswered Mr. Tyt.Phlat, -bot ~,;;;;;;;;:;-..:; 'Tile girl I have h hind me," slrollecl homewarp, when the moon pollt. nesK Otherwl He, · lhe lIaDle plane limes of, tbe year, . Goarse Imen I, l he ' If we go In ' al the reAr dool' ~nd gel Is touched ' wheroon Ihe low nature t.nll .... dae:u-==~'·a':.:= " So ful' {rom being, terro,,:st rlck en had hid behind the billS, over the Pofavorite for practical wear. Ilu,l, for olr a t rhe frbnt e nd ot the 'car' WI! get dwells and tbe re III no alll)arent, I1I"er~-:::=~~,-::. I :,C !,llrls were soon In 0 jolly mood, to mac. the afternoon ,II 1I0rla ot dainty llttle a IIHle longe~ ride for our mqne1."en ce. :::tb\~,11 j~:: ,ltl nll 10 Iltel r' ca va ll e rd lind were plain and sPQtted !l\l1s\ln blouses ani Chicago Tribune. •.... 011_ aM 1'h.e m ~n ,w ho IInds he mU l t 11119 b\& wO':". lind "erT 11IexpeDslvt!l IOml of wllI ••fW '3 ' _ _ _ _ _ l1gh,lnp; In /troat glee as tbll proces· With t~e Wln.!l0w OpeD. lIsls to gllarll h lmaslf from the rllidy 6:on r nl l: rl'd 1I1ariEtta , a 10" llly, little ' 'I'vo gOL to practice on lIll pla r.~ :~~r:'.!t,:;rJiJ. them are, . : .' list s of Ihe blllly, does It quietly but • oC.'! ly tilH t n (,811e~ ' '<tn tho 'southward live h(1urs a da y.' Bald tb.. dteoollso, u .. Orrll Root. Stninger (In yaphank)-Tha,t Ihow 1:'";W:~ elrectlvely. IIn:l th e woman who must .Iope of hl YLor'lc old Kl'l\euw mOUD· iate _sn:1I1l girl. Do not sbampoo your ~tl' 110 ortln' to be ,given here next week Ollpt to ~ defeD'J he~s c\f With retort from Ihe at,l,un , "Wbat (or?" . .. "The girl I ha t rode with ber arm. .. 'ea ,lse Dlo ~h er lind f.ther don', 11k. tRck' of 8Om~ otber woman. who can- ~"'n 1)1 11Ir.IQ1dtnlll olTli root ~ron'b til IIl1PpN!Al4ld, '"1\'ould 10u be wtUJna =-=-==:".~::;::;;~:;;:=---.:..:.-Dot posslbl, 'be called a lai!y. IIndlutl.boul til e wat Nt qr tho bandsome our ,n('w -neJ.ghbiirtl," ---Wuhln alld tl1p.1l ""1",nR tlte orr.ll roo tq Itart ' a IIplnat , lt? lIJl:e 111 the very perCecUoll or relalnln, an Ollt with a eoarel' atlll brQllb , Loeal Mtaillter-'\vbo art',.., DIal' t . ,cung "a l. lsJi. IV" thE prettkst ODe /1&&1'. ' ' uk' ' . Y U. • G r 'm·'· f!" a!.~('bart'li d :, .. \\'h~
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In Opinlo., of F rof, Thomas Sho:w II • Pay s to Use the Grain Ration In SumJ\:l ~r.
Gentl e L esson, :ali t the Proba btUUee " .Are It Cured Hubby of ,Bta7lD~ O\lt Late. . ,,
The, Glad Hand to Entering Oklahonla
Neural.gla and Anleml. lire Curod bJ Or. Williams' Pink Pllta. F or ue~v~uemtloo-4b9-flll9ll1. thi s cOll ntry bAA' O lruOWII Dr. W illiB10tl It cn me aboul thl H way. Tbe mao. Piuk Pill ~, dnriug wbi ch time proof of altbou\:lt a good CH low and well liked, ~honSl\ncls or lIures by this r elltedy hq Illannged to evade tb, women unW OOeu published aml COllfhm 6cl aDd uot be was steered agains t a w idow, who "one persou hlLS b eeu bl\noed i n the gljght. \Von him hands 6('wn ,ln tb!'ce montha, eat d egree by their UMO . 'I'llEi p HIs con· For ti. lOllS tlm'e he was one of the "uill 110 OplIL,W, llnl'cQtio or stll\llllnu'model m e ll of tbe cit y, lIod all tbe Dor any ((l'Ug which coult! iujure the ,ollne m arried women held h im up m ost,dclicnto cOlIstJtu LiolJ . "}o'or ovnr 1\ y our, "llI\.yslfhsOluulotte as a Ladlell' HOll'e J ournal 1IIlmpie oC Van Salisbury, of OnHtleto ll, N ,).'". , "I manhood, bu t Inter h e began staylog lIufJ'oced fr om lI QIlI'1\l gil\ 1111<1 pulp! t-otiOtl out after ten o'clock and Ilually be- of 'he 11 art. My 81\i u wna pale lIut! sal. camo so bold and h ardened to fem, l ow and I W88 troubled w ith d i7.zi uesB,. Inlne scold Ings· tlll d )llO\ldlngg that he fnlntiug spells nnd fitll of inclil;lcstiQn, 1 bad he en kDDw a to barely get bome WlIR very nCI'VOUSRrll\ wOllld 8tm·t at the Illigl1 tes.t 8Onud. A t ~iUlIJH a great weak· jn time ror, 'breukfas t. The other morning at tb ree o'clock ll ~S,q would COlli 0 OV(lr IltO nntl on one 00he tUTD ed· the c(Jrn cr leading tu bls cnsimllU:V Iilllbsgnvo wny ullder Ille IUlti I Cd l to tbo sid \ , hom e untl was 5 11rp rl~ Nl tu see a IIg bt .. Of coorso I WII K I,ronted by onr loeal In tb o wind ow. 'l'h lnkl n g tbat his )'Jb YRicinlJ8 nud nll'O con ~ lll tecl n noted wife mlg bt be s le le, or UlUt s ometh Ing doct.ur nt Albuny, b u t 1I1l1,hill g th ey gllve elso equall y as t e rrible might have m e He 111 d to oon cflt lIr o, On !IllY I happen ell. h e qu ll:l( cned lIls ste p Olltl rel\d in n 1I 00WRJIIIJlUr nbout Dr, ' Villiullls' lJII ~ t InlO t h e door t o find hi s ..... Ife P iuk Pill R for Pula P eoplo (lUll l Illllne· sl t~lng lu th o parlur dl' 'R~ c<1 In black, din lcly j{llVll tl.t l\l 110 tr ill!. I S()OII fe lt mo I.t better 111111 m yeulf)l' b nrl ·bUliu'U to "Wl1al's tbe ma ller, dead" be lOur, r otu l·u. I C(l IIt1l1 nctl nHin g t he (JIJl Hnut! mured, nil out of br eath . . by t b e ti me I 11"11 tokon igbt boxes I " Ot! , n othin g," WII S the calm re ply, u ua p.1l1i!' 'ly ellr ' tl. . " I' m just mournlllg t OI' my lute bUll, .. My siHl.'r , Snrnb Vall SII]isbury , su!· fer c<1 t el'rihly fr611l IIn wllliu. She WIIS band." p ulo nnd thi n 111011 w e fCllred thut she A GHmpea of Utah, w ould becolll e 1\ vi li lli of COIlSlllllptloo , "A Glimpse oC UtDb. Wh ure H a1th Site tl'ied D r. Willi"nu, ' Pink Pills for nnd W eallh Abound," I s 010 title of P ole P opl l'l nil (1 III n Hltort t imo Rlt ·lIe· Ul\ exceod ln g ly attruct h 'e booklet Just flIllI to gni ll i ll stre og th l\u<1 weigh t. 8ho is now stro·ng a wl well alld wo both IBllued by tbe Pussenger Departmeot b ellrl ily t l' olllll1 llnd Dr, WilliulII ~' Pink of tbe DeD'ver It Rio O'rnnclo Railroad Pill s tiQ 011 wlto nre in ill helll t],I. " at Don,'er, Colo., whl.cb th ey ' are sendDI'. Wtlllnlll!l' Piu lt P\IIR nl'O ~(llcl by nll In ~ ou t tree upoo application. The drnggiHtlI (lr SO llt, )lOSI,puill, 0 11 recoi p' book wa s ,,:rltte o by Mr, F.ilward F. of pl'ice, 60 cents \1m' bOlt, ~i.~ h()xes tor Colhurn and treats of the early set- ~2, 50, by t ho Dr.W illi(llllH Marli iue 00" t lement of Ulah; th o Mormons aDd S oheuectncly, N , y , Descriptivo pamphlets freo all request;., Gentil es : th e natural woncler s of tbe State ; Its r esou rces, and of Its growl!:V(fCATIONAI., , Ing citi es and towns. Tbe whole State Is clearly n nd ~d eq\la teJy d esc r ibed Dnd n. care ful rencllns of tbla The (jrutcst Boardln§ Colkge In the World publica 10D ca no ~t fall to be of benelit lo an yooo des irin g to keep posted on the rcsourecs nnd p'rogreAA of our ~rflllt Weste ro Empire. Address S. K. Hoope r, G. P. It, T. A .. n'!Ilver, Colo. , NOTRE· DAME, INDIANA "Up to Her.. IV" Itmrl. lll u l!l~ ~iI;"j,: OJ"r II NtI,," /1 ~tUI'" IUUJ flur ""'ff.'NI6 /JtlAU I'l t/"mi t!hvl -1 hear you ure contemplatl nc mat· 18 Bvildi.'1 75 PrDf~11OI'1 800 5t.d••1t , r1mon y, old maD," said Qreen. "How ........ '" "u~t~t ,.nd 110(1erft L&n.r\l a~ ~ . £ngp . about ItT"· 1 . \1 , " I"l uI1. . . Ec~IIO lu 1n. 'ht!ln J"' f"1 11l0IVIIYo t ....... n"'"" _' ..'\'JI. tl6'i::" I, "'kJ MUt'ha" elll ":,,.rl. ''It'8 a f act," replied Brown, -but rne;t"¥!.'};.~~f~~:.lU '., "!. Shol tttand , •• ~ I the outcome of m y contempla\lOll dot;r'£C l~l .. nEPARTli rsT von DO ~9 UN lJllu "UII,r.~~" pends on the widow's mlcht," tEIMS . ....... t.llioo. IV' Laandr,. '4111. "How's thut7" Queried 9reen. Sud 10. c.ul, I.lbli Sec.. t.!}' Cat.I" ,. ,
e,'eral eX llerlm uts na ve beeo co', du eted to t !:I~ lh e IlIlvantagc of fetid , .,t-..l..:_~,lr-~ , Ing g mln UlIIS. The con '11I lonl - .....~ reac hed w re" tllnl tbe GFulO t e d,whel SUMMERINO OF HOeS. grru:s WIl8 plentiful and whil e It IVai The N e w Star in Our F1~8 - Then and Now Slt,ow _~ re t s UQcllle nl, a\() nol brIng any pro!: ulou5 Change! - Land of f ertility E:apcl,ience of a 1I/[l8souri Fil rm~r- It over nnd aIJo,'u the 'ost of lb' and ' Progress. _ Bow Be Ananged His Fozm ' grain , lu s ome it:stanees, ali wher. for the Animals, gra in waN fed In large cluantlll 8, I' I was s nld lbot the Increus e In mill, "f,lIs l ra t) our 13 30W9 sRveil over' IO/r und butler tnt did noC poy tor the cos 'l'hl're Is nothing so SII(!cesRtul :t R T lm p ~ I 11II!<'t l s ' Ule t ron u·' :pIgS, (111(\ n il o f th se, exoop t the rew of the grnln , Tbe coocluslou has goo which Mve b~en , l:ItJlll at extra 1l1'le 9 extens ively abroad. th ri!lore, that I' 611\:ce36. nnd to p( ~ JI~rous Oklo·lloma por·I••II II fl u: IJIII I!H : " rOlll' U'Illllt lines, th" Atch iso n. Tofur breeding purpo~L8, lire 1'\,lItl y to r doel! no~ pay t o feed cows 'I'al o 0 we Ivr wur lll welco me, OI;la \tomn lO· Jltarlwt. write ~ a Misnourl ' or n!b,lolld. mea l on gro ss. WheD the s upply of t\, day ;,; nOl Ihl' l'IlIls of th e earl h, " No pekn "" Sa lltil Fe, tll',. Chlt'a~o , Hoe ll Mon 's Lnlld.'· IJIII a l,rollllRlng reg1oD - IHIHI1'I & Pac ltl c, th ~ HL Loul l' ',Rail ~nt of Farm a nd Hom . An ilKI'd ~o w ~rtlija Is abund a n t. F l'a nrl sf'o , n od h MI !'fIollrl. K ll n~n!< & ' 'WIUI M old lind UIO r molnln g (Iozen govo (am not prepared to accept I!II ~ wi t h nlUIIY I'roll1 ll1Ps Cultlllp.lI. 'Un o A prJl duy 1I0t so m Oil )' years ago T exa s. l"Uik throu g h Ihe ..lut" . fro D! 11ellrl y 1110 pi $ t hlij spring, 'rhe cut ,. "l ew, Prof. S haw goes on to dellhow~ thn · 40-n~ r'e furm cross.leoced d ar In Ilresc nll ul: hl~ \' ICW8 in thl sa w a mlr:l(.·h~ WI'Ul1g bl UIII th er e o n nurth 10 t1lllll h , all \0 :1 J;'lIl f olltlet. A tnto fo ttr cllu a l RQullres, The SOUlh- O;llllgE; ~Ildd Par mel'. It s ems to mc th rollllll; pln ln. to tit ' oouth ot Kall- fi rt h. rhe I' ll-ns us City :O lllh e l'll . 'from }( all ,i :"~ 'll Y to Port Arthur. ImJJl n gl'~ eUl;lt 'IU llrll' r Is fu 'r·t hor ' l1lvlded IUlO II It ·Is a c on cltts !on I' C tl~h '(I w Ithout con· SIUS; III II ni b hl LO w,ua aod villa ge titr e-nore Du rn 10l . n hlu !.'t·ass pns. Hld erlng every phose at th e queutlon UIl ~o r' llIgl n g, a s o ll lu de In U I wluld tn g U f)()!l th e eas te rn border, The "hu iuI'C. (I. ot n\lOltl eqll uJ s Ize, a so mewhlLt If th o Inl'reoR d rl'lurn In mill' or bu' made IJnpll lnll8: The el a te o[ I he opeil - tllW. Uillol1011111 & Ol1l f rnllt'u:tcl 1'1Itij tlma lle r )Jl e,'e co ntulnlng o rchanl and t e,r rnt pa ys for tbe "oat Of UI Il !,'1'aln In g "f th (:e ntrul portio n ot Ok lahom a t bl! state In two fl'OD! (!a~ 1 ' 0 W'!" '4rurd un, 'hid alollg LIle west sid e 11 60. on d no more. Illy con ten tio n Is. l hu, to 'llll1l"ment WII S AllrlJ ~2, J 89 , T u· EI Kcwh\· re Ille ~ tal(\ i ~ grlrl\t'O I\OtI wit h foot 1:111 from tbe house to th b:lTfI , In ,the elld. s itch t elling Is aU nde( dny. (lilly 17 .Y"!lr·~ l:lter, Oklohoma en - reelle rH and Intl ' li n ' ," RIII'PoI free Ileliv e ry nullies glnd the t T~ tb IIn loll with a IXlpu ln ltoo of The (<'n e 8 a ro 'or hog.tlJ\llt wire, with pl'oflt. For th r ynrs the hOIt~e quartel'. ' c, tr th e " min h; thu s paid ror, 001 70 .(IUO !\(Ju l. . Wit h Ih 650,O()0 th Ot h ;11' o f rUl'lner und far mer 's wife In ~ U!; bl' n In grass. ThIs 1\ Id Is I'U II!;hly It m of proOl Is tou nd In t he !lusturl ()Oll lltilUle!{ t h"! pOpu lntlo ll 'of Jntl lun th e (It(, re I hlt-k ly se ttl ed Bgrl 'lI l1 ul'a l tll.villc'd Jty a dlwh Illt u t wO PUI'lS o f 2a "ed. It lfi only t'PU8onnble to BUP' Ter rito ry w flml Ihll ne w Slat has u (.'onIlUllnIt les, even l he ~ mull e l' to wo .. fou l' II ll d lIlx !lel'!.'s l'cspec: Ilv ly, The po (! that lor' e very pound or \'ry mot tOlal nllmberor luha lllt n n lS of 1,a,&0 .1I01l. h a\"O! '1I,!ppllo'ne oo nn eotlon , fin d th e tel , tOl'm r i t! In ret! do\" r all d Ih e la tl l:l' tel' co ns um d III tile grain, un eqllo. The rC1gl0 n 111M 60 s hol'! a wbll e a'o e phune Is In common lI1\e i n man y r\I ' 1n nlfn lflt, Sin e i s tlt·~ t yaM' I.hl8 II mollnt of ~l r y matt r will r main un, wa.s ·f;I \ en o \'e l' to Indian s, no w hilS U I'al " hlll' lt' t~. Sev rol to wlIA h ll\' ,elec· cons um ed ID the Il!\st ur , T hla w,m ld proJY.)rtlon n oly ~ moll Indl un IJO pll.lII ' tl'l c st l' Ol ra ll rondij . Bil l It 16 III her mean that tho ca rrying power of ! t.l o n, l e~~ th nn IOU,von ot In lllll n bloo .1 s hoo'l ~ kl uhollla h U6 s hown he;'"eJl N pasture 11! IncreAsed 10 the "dent 0/ Th e nep'l'O I)fJl"lla llo ll Is PilI. a l 60,UOO, lU a rl,enly I)rogr Ms h ' e, Ih e suvln g erreot ed by feed ing g raIn . 'I'h 1It1le '(' hool house- I'ecl or , whIte Ok 1..lllOmu fOl'mc <l a part or t h A secpnd Item 01 protlt wi ll prob Lollhmrnu JJur<"llOsll. wns 1 1I ~hld e(1 In or whll t v I' cu lor - IR lh e IIrs t rh lng abl y b [ollnd In wh a t Is terrne ll U,I th uno rgl1 n lzed or In dlnn ()OltnlJ'y tll at lhOIll> hl ur by a grollp of "Ptller~, I' s ldunl ell'el't or th c g rain oongr e>ll< Ret apil n In J ;14, I ii ! 8{j{j th e And t"llI callonal a d\'ilDwges blwe kept Thi s hns been well hrought out by Cr pk Il1dlllll ~ c86M W> Ule goverDmen l pace w! lh the g ro wlh or Ihe ('OIITIlry , Prot. Robc r·lll •. or Corlle ll. SI:r I'OW! lhe \\ I'MI E:I'n Po~ ot tbelr Ind Ian There Is Ih e LmblLlou a OI(laho m ~ "lIn l' we r seleclell t hut had bee n g iven a Tl'rrllUI'Y donmlil, I he price 30 cen (s ve l' slty" l it NonDlIn, nu rmal sc·hool s nt liberal all'owance or grQln 00 pastu re lin ,I I'I' : the Se minoles pur te d with Wea t herrOrd, Alv a lind Edmoud, a IIn ltbe 'prevlo us s enson , Wid s ix were al· LIlelr holdi ng'!': In juRt hltlf lIin t pr t e. v r~l tv )Jl'l' purtllory school III Tonkaso pe l ect~ c1 that hall been ~razed .In U 1)0 11 t heae la al s the Snes, Chey c,mlleH. wa, !lut.I ",t Stlliwa le r Is sl tualed the the sa me O!ltd but withou t g rain. ' All 'r~;;D' . : ~. were IIl1t upon pns tura wlthollt' lP'nln '-___..J.=u',. !"; :';'i ,i" Tll1l lot gra in ed tile ,preced lug s tllDm e r 1}IA It,.! M U ~· 'i'Jn~ FARM A n HA;I! U);;" llrOdU~ed lG per cent. moro milk t h8\1 ;\.t ENT, llle ,oUle r lot. The helt rs In thi s 101 , In mill., also, made n bette r devell meaduw uas been pastll!' ''''\ con slder- ment Ulan tl I It I U • ubl y . bllt with ~o mu h cu re-tha t It has " . Ie Ie Drs n Ie oUle r , stt'adl1y Im p rO\'ed. Till! orchard, nlHO, , -rhls r es ull II!' III Ilccord with tho vi ew uf l ',i n !'es, 1/1 10 clove r. ~:on~an y prae tl('n.! mon 00 this qu es· The OONbw()st ne ld, n. Is to be In corn I bis summer, 'rhe whole uPP 'r A tllird Item of pront wOllld arlee Ulf Of t~ f tll'm funll sh ed rye PlUSturc from t he. t er Ull zel' obtalnecl frOm the all wiDter, :;nd lO ~IClY. whe n til CAt . f:~ln , . Wller e wbeat. bran and eo,t· 'enlng hogs we re 'i-estrlctcII to th .. burn ' ~eecl mell l weI' fed. the advantage 1 , , lot ond II -C d with tresh tilfalfn oil would b l) eon s lderobl c fr om , tbl~ "'Iuver, Wllh l he n(lve nt u( I!Jlrl1l8 t be Ilour e. Putting these t hree !lems to· pot," all sw'e red Browp,- C)J.Ie&CO oat),. You CANNOT 10J) reed ,oC tbe ra il pigs 18 g ruduully g,e th r . tbey ~bould r eprl'sell t. a aat· New.. blUlged 10 whole KTuln , tlnd aurlng LIle 16faatory p~ont" eyen wh e n the In, l few wl'eks of Ced ing l h v riel), of cren e. tn mIlk produ ction and butterBrowne-JleI\dlng But ;WbyHim do 01'. yuu . .~ ... KRlo ',gi ve!! wuy to 'c o rn ulon e, All of r:t did n o~ mo re than pay tbe cost ot to lend him Il dollar a B a personal fa. the s'W.Ioo 'have IIcce8S to coal , &lIt. t e grain . ' vor to you 1 Are YOII under obll&aUoll u..lIes nod ('Dllrcot\J. ' ------to blm? • all inftamed, ulcerated and catarrh::t! con· 1'o,,·l1.rd the latter P!lrt 01 th e winter, OUTDOOR ROUOHAOE ' RACK T owne-No; but if ~O\I don't he'll ditionsoflhemucoll5m~mbranQsuchas tbe brood ~owl:' were lIep:m l ted (rom One Devised by N~brask.l\ Experlm" come to me 'tor It. , .. nulc:atarrb, .. tcrlne~tarrh cause4 \be 1011113el' bop nod onlin d 10 th e -'---"-___ by feminine Ills, BOre throat, sore Sta~on Wh ich Will GIve Goad lnne. W hen the ground ",f,B oot ijoft An Unflnfahed Coarse. Dlo~t,b or Inflamed eyes QY simpl, Servi ce. . , do'StDg the stomach. , ' 1bey ...erc a llowed ' l!) I'ltll by t h'lm· "non your 80n Kradu.te 01.' But YOIl 5 rely can cure,tliese stubbortl &elvee til one ot the nelelS. 1t Is iii· In the a ccompanying illustr ati on I, mon t b?" a1Iections by Jqcal treatment with W3l"1lll annecl tii",1 tbe spring Jllgs s!laU 8howu a rougbage leedlDg rack th a t II "Ob. , no. ne has 'lIIother year 0 .. ,' n t·· ... il t A ti tl ' " ;oM~ between l ln rc h 16 IIlId Mny' 1, . , the track , tellm." - Cle \'eland Flair .-aX' Ine • ~ e , n sep C UnUI t1I pigs nre weun ed ~he ,brood used wltb cons ldero ble .UC)ees5 UPOD, llealer. ".hich d eStroys die di s e6ISegerJlls,checks -'lW l.J'e k pl In l he grail!!)' IUDe aIId' dIScharges, stops pDin, and beils ths allowe4 to use tbe penH wh1ch U~ ' B~ ltealJ()n. • Inflamlnati ~n :IT\d ~oren ess, ,;,' . '1' .ftoore(). ' During t hlll time th)" nre "All tb e wbll e she's 00 the ocean I'axtine reprcsents the mos t successful FOxes Illid other tribes were seltied, a gr i.:!ul tttral ,DDt! meuhanl cll l ()OlIege to I\Upp!l€d 00 e 11 day with n il the gr e n local treatmeot -for feminine Ills ever althollgll II g rent pa r l u r tb e region w hl cb Itttarhed a 'oiled S IRt ElS ex· Gladys doe s n't ea~ any QJeat." ilfaJfn aud c lover l hey will eu t. pl'o\·ld. ""Vhy?" produced . Thousands of ,,'olllen testlft. remal ' 'ct unoccupied . In cOm'f e of perlro nt 8tailon , ' Por th e bellctlt of ed wi th lUI Rbun d\lll e- of " ':lIer to t.l tl:is,fact. 50 cents'at druggis ts, j "So IIbe woo't, IMe !les~tim t.he wh!~ nlAn turned oovetoll the J:eg r'Oes there II; 10 nted II I l..ang· drlnlf and 1I10pped. b68vlly morning nnd ey u po o tJle oollntry, bUl for somll ston un In8tllullon wh iCh I ~!\. ()Om· Send for Free ~ria1 Box" : e vnlog, Onts nna urn, with a Ih ll ,FITR . . t. Vitu~ ncn'llf> abel . 11 Nen-oQII ~ It. PAXTON (;0.. 'Boaton. N __..' tim e Ii "!!lS ru rbldden laod, In 1879 a nd blned ('o l1 eg~, ugrit:uHu rn l, mec banl ul r- " ,,"~,~. perllllllJ~ ntl)' ~uretl tl, Dr. K1illC'. bean meal . ~\I'e u!let! [o r the s lop. ,,·hlch In 18110 Pre8 lden ~ Hayes Issued pro c· and norma l school. All t be ItIslllll tlo n8 1: « '01 ~c""e He.toter. SaId fot' Free 12.00 (8 ne.v~r (looll'&d, but Is Jnade " 'Ilt 'Vlo ...." OO ~a.loel. porae,. ItlllI a :Jons rorblddlng sel tle ment, bUl na mel\ ,are ,ve il qtil ll[!et1. Iria l bottle nnd t ll:lltii!C. D r . R . H , Klint>. . .. U nlouu O RIIl1 k.un plas P11~!) ~ll nn wut e r on ch ill y, ,days, LIl e " \)<Jome r " p uld, s Ulull heed , t L be: Tb~ p I'ce nt og-euf, Illl terilCY In In· L,d ., !>31 " ti d 933 A...,b St., ]' b.ilntlclpltill, 1'& _ _ _--","--, .....utMt.c....l.w.K"llac..... ,,,.... Whe n Ute pl~ ure ' o.l a , eno u~b to l{ l~O R SHE E P \!.lIme ncce~ S8.ry lor troops to be ca ll e(l dian 'fer rltory, wli le,h hus bMn WillI' begln tltln f; they al'e fed ~ 1 (l m loille In ' . . gS-)!age boole The Who t Blk IDe )Qadnt about \A) Ilisiodge theM pllshl ng p~ pl e; feel - out !fn orgnn lzed 5ch()(J I ,8YH m, Is ' oo n· ' 11 trOUgtl by tti e~!le l ves, ' Wat r IUld tb e lI/eliroslctl, experiment 6\.1ltlon farm. p.ulllies' beltig dirty ure' the mc."l ";'b,o ,JaT~n.ALIJ .. co~. no. JC'~:.ttn~~~r::'tr:ect· Ing ,r " n blgb Oil w e pro' IInll cons ot s ldomb ly fOI'ser ' lh Qt~ In ,Ul lahollul. gronnd feed'. nrc "a dd'e d ' whenever i1J .< 'rhe corners ot the ra,ck s tand betw een are too lazy to belli t lelln I~top. , N . K.-E (1~27) .' ,2 l33, milk i:!J 1~l stlitlcl nt. seven nnd ' e ig ht teet hI gh, \\'ltI~ ' a openhtg tile lands to sellle men't. 10 For II lo ng lime tb ~; ITI 1111 Y thq uslln\l nu r ln,g IU' II , MIlY and Jllne 'a s mall plunk -sjde~ bottom, Tho . width Ie 1 80 \,ongri!/jll authori zed Ihe Ilres ldenl wh ile hll Mo n tberp. w" re Ile lll' lred IIr OileDlng In Ute fen e will g ive the about tOllr feet, and l eng~b can be' to e ut r 10 ',0 nego llatlon!; with the , puhlt.: schoo l nlh' ILD llolges: li nd ull lil re' r('('ks und em lnol e~ to I' th purpose cenll', t h I IJ~ll1 n : wcr allow II to .prtng plgl! a chance ut th o meadow whllt.e<.'er lIlay he desired.. fl' he g eneral they were man lls e l helr uwn educa tlonll l 1IITu h 'H . provla iDg them wi th pauture, adding plan ot the work Is brougbt out In lhe of op ening t be lunda; th rown open to entry April ~2, 1 89. Il m Ull lIgem III tl c~'OtnJl n nlell uy cIl8n"· rertllit y lO the Held. nnd not materia lly accomp\lDylng Illus tratloo. " 0 , th c wild ch nrge tbey made"- troll >! resull ~ , 'I'b e IIrt Is ,IPt o! I 91:1 lightening \-he hay crop. By the middle ANIMAL POINTS. , . .tIle 011lahQnlu rus h Is nuw a purt of rittlce d the t' hargl,l 0[ <HIIIClltlon for tll a D~ JUDe the .'~' O llllg\!~ t UttE'r ;will ba"6' hl s'o.)', n i)l cturesq\11! eveut lh e . like 'Of Illctlall~ of t nc Icrrlter), In I he hands of Poor cnre dege nerates' good slock .' been _ tl1le'd. · As ear h sow Is l.aken Hogs tire rr qu(\nUy inade si<': li b) wblch v.-III not s"'lIl n be I'epesled In lhe , lI u no nal gover'n mO ll t, 111111 a rece nt Crom he plgs he' Is I;eruo\,etl to For Infanta and ooap III tlte ,liltchen slop. ol'('hool, '. " , thl C'Junlry. wbos IJnc la lm'ed. laods act 0 1' coug ress had 1111111' 61l1tab,1 )1 roH?g feeds rroni rest aurant. BnO are Illet dlijili>rrea r ln,;: ' AlIc,I after th" vli! lo:1 [or the wb lte <~ b ild re n 's K~ boo l · The boa.. ~~h'es , le88 corn th() n the wild ~ lln rll'e, wllU! trcmendolls e nergy Ing. ' ' ~WII , hut othe rwise Is fef! about .Lb o hot ~ Ie ,~h'ould be ear e;lIl1y looke d (lVe f 'fh new !;tate Is justly l)rOtlll o f tho, ' Mme, 1\I0ljt o,t ! \1 ~ ~Im e . he Is kt1vt by fo!' s oap, glasa nod other . dan(;'e l'oti ~ to "'!.ll ~ tar,led," wb ut tl'ementlo.u e 1'1.' • 8ull l; "ho rtly forth com ing. PIQ nrer lng Inula n sc hOO l I n ·K ay cou n ly. t>llII tll.c ,! hlmHelf and Iisnoll ly with mo re thnu · thlngtl. W e used to tblni( we wou ld not hii'VE ·In"olvell hllavy druilger y, bll t t lI e l'e, tR III Ci1l1ocoO. 'dolle to Ih o Kun ~: II. lin ': .)\\,, ' fe noo lict-"" tjp,h him 'tmd the olller bl e.mlng s t l)ck , The lillie Is hlIJ rlln - a 'scpa'l'lI-lor De there 1"ns BO mu ch to in It. II s ll .. Rn tl hopc[uln e ~ thnt 1"111'- l he C bll~cco · IU llus ll'l ul <'Oil gc f n ,Ya'l' se VH11 In nths In the ~' ear , At wDsh, bllt WO\11() nOl have cow s wit t.· nlsb !! ihe e lt me nt of eXClll'ment lacll' rl\'nl lit Ihe t'nmolls sch I 'nt 'nr ll ~ le . ' ' lo g ID (n rmlnl;' " bncl( ell~l. " ' Pn , i\lore tltRII 7no 611111e n l:;l ~ n ' "11 ott-er timos tie oCl,m ples the oNburd. ouf one nq.w , Keep th e colts In a pasture by the,,. . elIts , blue gT:te5 In tho cow pa ~ turo , or But le l u s get dowu to hnrel ra cts. roll et! III th e a n Dual Illtentl :Ulfl), t l! ' Octus l,on nll y bos ro be confint'(( lo bl" , ~Ivcs. :rhey will run more nes h .. n· merl'surc SlI ccr ss In fl g llrel;, , OI; laho lll ll .' ta n<!III'fI!l i\re " ~ry hl,f:b , cows and s hee p tban 'OU ciln pill n'r. state hila Hi s tO,WIt , ot more t hon In,· pen ror ahli rt periods. ' Th c ·dlu rcll rollOw!! (h e s b Ihotl~": ,D,l' rlllg JlIly !lnd Ilnrt ot, Augu s t the with the best of feed .. 000 lIopli l a tlo n, ' l ~ (o wn ~ o( IUOt; thnn to ·da y III Olc luhamn th erll n rp ~Clnl<' S(I J :' 'l~~re s ho\lld be a good s lo'lIloo ' II .. .'Ibl>l~. wil l b 'onlined to tho bllrri lot, Promoles Digesli(){l.clEerful!i,OO(\ ' IlOlml a tlon -alld II mu s t be kept (' b ul',~ h Q , . whose P l'QpO! ('t y is vnlll eel at but h I' [I U~ e In tll(l. lll.tter. ml>n th. lh(lY ve ry 10rallty , Otten he wOI;ltI hQT~ In m ind th,(l peo pl e nrC) la rgely ngTI· O\'o r f'.,500,tIQtJ, In tll e e llr i'r e ~tal e Ih e nessandRest.Conl~ins' neilher lo "be p\lrchD se(] by , D horge ,bl'cellels' will be allOWed 0 pllsl,lIr,e on p tiS und Opium;MorPllille r or }fil.u:r.lL cult U rI,1. Il h as IUx ollle pro llert)' VII I· 1111111 11 ~ 1" or dllrt:c-h)!s m l~t reit r h 1.0111', De.:1 n3 In' tho 'corn field, Th ey \1,'.1\1 ec- aSS 1c lnt\.on of lot a l brce,ler ~. ued u, $8Jl0.000,onu, II ha s o'n II n'lIuo I Th erA are ;;eve rni ~el)turla n "ch()(J l ~ In , Nor NARCOTIC. " 1'l:e hea vlly 'lltiMe:! r.Ql1nr' ls all rIght whea t oro \, of 40, 000.OtlO . ~ 1I 6It e I S, on nn· b01/1 wes le r'n nntl '1£lSl.erp OI;Ja ll omlL 10)' thi s fn'il(!o m lUI 10'lg ns they do oot mol dst the corll, A[tC!r thnt they ",'III ,ror heavy ' (Irn.wlng In . cool or ~old nunl wtton ('rop CI t !iO(l.OOp bnles. an MI l;s:olll\ry wqrk :l lno n,; tM Inui oos speM e\'ercl , weeks In 'l il a ~nnt lot weather, but' not the 't hIng 'for n hot' .nnnual co rn !:rop ot 12.000.000 bll she l~.- ' hu~ 1"01' lo ng been vElry n~t h'e, ". a~ln ', wit h sam'o !)p·/lortu nlty o f g lea n· s ummer's aa:.', A.n nf!lit'ultllruf IIlld grazing country. . Of th e $ OO,(1(~.OOO laxa ll ie land rp.~ t{e,ep a blg ' lllmp of rock salt where Its ' don.esl lc I1nlnln'ts i1re va lu ed at '$ 98.- ferro':) to I\bo \'e. Oklaliomil br-lnl;lS In 'lllg In ~h e , tifcld of wlllng crops. During the hot weather : he s wine ot th e cow~ can' gel at It ev erv day . tt OO(l.OOQ. Olliahorna Inoy 1101 be eXll ct- mu oh the greate r p\lrt. A 'la rge pOr· IJI lIg<'s I!tlve lin l\!)undnnce of s hade, sa lt.e d: onl 7 ,oore 1\ ",e k lb ey eat. too Iy !1. lan d, of ' mllk llnd bo ney, but It I ~ ,tlon. (Jf Ind,lan 'rerrll'ory laads Is noofl.1J III othe r tlml16" lhey al~o hl\ve mllr.h ni II lime en\! ID.\\' loo ~en es!l of a land of live, Btock anti oorn nnd t:l1::\ble. Tbere CODlIlS In :I ni ce Qlte~ ~Ienty of wot er !O drln )t, uut nonc ' In thO! bo\\·els . It als o ' reta rds dIges tion, cotton. tlon I n rega rd to ,Ihe enm ptlon of 'lfhiCIl to wallow, Tbe breedIng ani· , 'O rchard. Ind "Ineyarda 'nourish Indlao bom(lsteads, fl'Om taxa Uon : Ih e , Good C.ttlll Feed •. mals nr e .ted, grai n, but. Dot mucb co ~ n !l'or feeding ' rattle for th.. gene, ~1 npa e h. Okiaholllil, nnel lWO croPIl of <lue~tjo n M l,realY pledges. also ,' tb e .scept whe/! In ~ needed La' put or keep potatoes can be r a Ised 10 ooe , 81!I1 S0ll , que st ion whether the Illdll;ln s s bllirid :.b ~m In (air flesh. Tbe i!'OWtng IIIg8 market, I Ond clover aod timothy IIlve are gh'en sl,ep, until new COl'll Is r ad)' . f.hl , !>e8 ~ result~. Thill, of COUl'Se. Is Potato ralsln{t pro mi ses, to be 1\ n.eal enjo' 1111 , thtl ,p\'lvUleges of orgl1n lz'ed governmenl anti at 'lihe s ame time 'Ileat l'tIe CO'DStituenl!! o( tblll alop nre ~ lI rl eti s uppl e!Dllnted by ge ,' , The Indlls" '}> some day In tbls Teglon. 1/ , ,, . The mi neral lerources of the Dew lIone (J[ the burden' of Its cost. 'Il In ;0 m nJi,!l, \Vtt h Whatever so iling .:r(,p g grain!! 1 ,eed ,a,re com Ind some oals. y ye~rs th.e n.\rln ~ · ~h .. usuol fatt ening \lerlOd [ 'SUlle r. I'O nbllndllnt, especlnlly ·In In . ' ro ree:1 ,t t~l~.t berure, m a,n .... ' al hund, a hn.lonced rl),tlon. The ~al'tl lot and the 1nnp., w'hlch g ll'l! to en b steer rrom 30 10 60 bu sh- ciian lerrl~ory , The Ipller'R t'U:lI ' de. IndlRn rl tl ?-, n will ~,njol tJle , (( elzen I;l , e6ufalo, some fores~ trees, arA nl",IIl'8 eh of co~n . 1 give 011 mea l the lust posll. are onormOU8. It Is dJllicult to dut y (Of 113), log tIl XeF.I, OI~l a l;~ma, Is ~ s l1.~!able ~I ate. hflll an availa ble for the , hllgs and thtrp. Is u s l ~ ,,'eeks. one to (wo poullds per dllr estlni1t~ 'tb e amount of weJIl \h In oli !!Glllllll n t s upply of ulflllfa Qnd clo"el' Iin~ steer. r grInd all C1Orn: ('o\! , and liod Mtural gRB; tile StRDdar,1 011 urea ot ,0,2.10, square rpl1es, ,I t Is only lor lillY enlergen"y. While ' ut ,tlll;e5 CMn tOllether. T he ,'e ' my o\\'n 1lrh ,d. ' cn inpnny h ru;l b CllVY Inlerests In ul1 11 lI ul" Kmnll er than Kan~ns . by whlcb a.3rly ull tile IJwl/le run tu~ttler, yet ·el' and .a 12-horsepower- steam en g/lie. 1:111 11 lea'Bea In India n Terrltory . Among state Rnd Colorado It Is bound on tbe ~elr grah\ feed Is gh en tu fbem 10 I can grInd enopgb '('on I In One da,y pl':Jdll C!tn of the Dew BtIlte not hithe rto nortb" On tbe W!!~t, or Oklah~mll ore ew Mexico lind 1,Clt3S. a n~ Tmql8 !be atatl9nOry troughs of ' ile pe n\! In to s upply a load of cattle tltree wetlcs, mantior.ed we shuuld speak uf' the vost beda of salt'. the beds ot asphalt, the ngalll on the l1se bog s bed' Every a nims l III a pet To Ihe ealit 'lie 'l'r'c:k In , teadln,&" Hort,., .",,' eaoll one k~w. to wbllt bunch bl! !=1"miltc building !ltooe gYPSllm ' lea d Arkn nllll,R Ull') rl. A~ tbe '~rlter When leadlDg !leveral ho ~se.~ ~o ~nd :lnll, \i;ICk shale. arid I~mbel'.' ~el(l"gL!j: In !.bIll wa)" thoBe ur like 'aF 'nlJo v,e quoted Pllts "The !.'tn te III r '" close to tbe center western empire, ~~------------------~------~------lad &1&1 are fed ~pther aud s peda. (rom tbo pasture If one I~ bl!blna I Rn.lrcadll bave dOlle t/lelr part 10 Ita tIoorwaYII 10 lIdewater ond ""Duon Is liven ' to tbe oues that tte blm quite °lr-se to aDo t her. I Oltf1D hlgllway (Jf tll4l' , ' iIe4J,it, ID artltf to,b.VI :\ fulrll' ,even til! tblm In pairs aD" t ..ob Cb.1D ca optn1n ~ up Oklaho~. ' there pre 6,8(1() the,~ io wl~~0.l!.t !!adluJo ' mj;ea · ot main UD~ raliroad ~nlckoge'. IrOn at lelllfli umt. ' A \'ory alIll arUdcI IJI eu,)' ClilfUB~rol''ll;ER WEBSTER. ....-- .~.
University of. Notre Dame'
B~~S~:enm~~ht~ed:~~~~ h~ndn::~lk:i
C U'R",' E
mn. ,
The."Kind:YDU Have Always Bought Bears .the
,aignature of:
US'8 :~For O 'V8,r ThirfJ 'Year,s
CASTe Rl1 ... _ D_-..........
. : ,-' ,...; JI..J j
-:'j.~~.,j..J:-I ...J j - - ' .....:....J~.~...;._~.
g~t YOUtt
fOJ1gct to
Sbo - fol1 tb~
'- '
Lt:tlers from ,
Former Residents.
Hnn'Y Mo~lnl\ls WI\~ In p"yton on Frldny . OL M BUI! . {.)\II0 , Mr . •foe TuomllA Bnd wife. of nenr .I '.Y2:1, 11l011. M"nor nr I1mplng on the (,hnu DKA!! tnt;! I Togr t ve ry ulu Oh Lhllt 1 o ,~o t.llllqua grO\11~rl!< thi .. ~en"on Mr Ell BUI'Il et line to our vii nut be wltlh yon nt th o H .I/lle GUill lu!:u Fral'lY Ilft t:lrllOlll1 to uOIll'tl tile 10J:: RoulIIlln . trulU rut t.ho GOUl , (Jlty , Yuursl Truly . A . MON\I'OIl'l·. I1J 8. Kattul'ull1l1 lind wife wero til, ~nntll\Y guolltl! of (jeoT/';o He]l C IN 'INNATI , LllJl'" It ) or IIlJllT E'urry. MItIS MAMHI HI!uWN \V I~ , el .. rk Ilnd fttmily lint!· WAI ~" 'v Il oMH: ~ U llKItl!' A~lill IA 'I' IIIS r r CI,II' k nlld flllllily wore .'nnday Y" ur io\· 1f. "ti. ~ u t,(I J1 ~ l1nl u " 1 .lt,,, I'~ "t Ilia h UlJI., IIf I'h iT fll't b."r. re 'l l l VI ' II ( ~Lln Hut HH \ 0 1111 t-ure ~. ,\I I ·l llrk . IIlm llt (·oWlng U>I ytlt,: 11'111. h,.pu I U IoH H "!"tn l fl'om thi,; plllon 'I \'Ill 11111 : 111''''' w,lh 111)' III'"II.\' It uH'ir ",I I thf' lll.l,lvtls .uf tho opp, "rt:l1l1 i ~y tlll,l IIIII,blll!; hl1)1I'I1'..,' i • • IHud., ,·. Hoping Y" l1 will hll \'u 1\ g rl\\ll It ellr lnu o ~ ' ullud f\.t till' O I\l~Ilt.IIUqUII . , ~uudIlY ·
The weather durin r ._ _ _ t_h_e_ Week. EDITOR O~ rrllAoMI Ht\lI.fCT'I'K: For p~bIiOllt.i ('n In .v um pnpt;r ' l flll'nl@h berowith r~(\O rll 011'. ,,""I'nr. 010l:iOllI ob ervllt.illl1l< , ·.tWIl by It e ulltlprpit!n pd "" " olh,par" MvtI lib· -" tv.',' of' , b,· W" 'I\ h ili' liLh ,·.m OIf ,h,' 1!"lln'IIII, ·"t. "I' t\ )( 1'i 11.1 III ", ' dn , IIl V III" "'1'1 ,1, "11,1'"1: ',lilly 2:1 IUOII. III W"ylJu~vll\o Ohio. ~ r:v
:h[rl:l. L. H. tJ ul In hnll 'left for Uedllr Rapids. Mi,,~ Edna Hlnel! I ~ vi~Iting lJer eou in. M,ss Orne , I{ibler. J . K . 'pencer .,nu Donllid Mo. Phail transaot ·J bLlI.4, nesl! in Middlo. town Thur eta .
rotl\uill. U.IJ>ljlulltl'ttlly.
H~~Comin~~ ~ Jecol%tions Red White and Blue
Festponings. Flflgs--All sizes. Welcorn Streamel1S, Welcome Banners Ta sel Festooning, ~Plumes, Jap Lanterns Parasol', Flag Fans,etc.
Lt) \\
1' ",, 1.
And Remember our Grocery i . I ' ll .. 'I r tt l' II ~-:\i ll g ~ 10 eat \ 'd l ' r J.·lo ' ''l. ,· i~'' ;t I' M' . Cc!l·ry, ··Tnl1\u tn H, N \v Po·
.., 1-
1 l{"ill Fn ll ;' ill
, .i , .. h!
til '
.Oreg .. ia.
Zll'tlM.I!'lRMAN'1:\ I-----~'
W'Llt UI' LII .V HlIU wifl:l. Mis>! Ev •• LIIoy. " tlut I£H.-." B·,uu lIud MI ' ~ Luellll Smith, who h'll! been ill, " u,·
1(.>nge _ .
Cucumber" A»pl ·s·· l .em() I\ ~ .. R:lIuuias
Miss Murinllll e,,",I' '' " , \I f X"!! l ' ~lJWA1W .\:I t\ lId UA LL. illnlll !-t ",,,1 o w eo: WI th b"r !IWe are paying II 111111 II,~ . f.! 1'UDLl motfler. Mrs, Mary ~nt\."rth CINOlriNATI. ()llw. vllil1'1' fur silrne time PI1<1I" \lllj yed '"l wnilt'. nud olher relatives h e re . .J LV :!l, 1900. i:)u nu"y wltl; friend!! t~t thi!l plnoo . go " i . . ,~gs. MrH . hHI( , M Ullrtwright. urrlv (1 MItiS MAMJI: T. BltOWN: - I» . Mr. ami ~rM. Will 'l1fUlOIl Y to C> J\1 l1n ,II1Y from 'lJlongo ut ,the hOllIe Wflilre looking furwaril ' With .... gother with Mr. Bnd MrA Wrn . CD ZIMMERMAN'S, of Mr . IInel l\lrt! . . . LevlCllrtwrlght. - "i plenMllro tu ' the H, lIIe"CQmin~ nlld .... 0 whMe l!he jolnel\ ber little IIOU who lUss ~nzel Whittington, of Xenia, expllot 10 .be In 0111 Wnyne"vi lll:l duro Wheuton aUll Mr. ' IBrenco ' r01<Hloy .... of course: ood wife of Yankee !::It,reet , wnro lilli' hoon with bis gmnupll r entS lor Ill! visiting ber I111UI, Mra. Edwin lUI{ the enlire week. entertllilled 00 Sunday by ltllrrett He v rill weeks. /::>htlrwoud. Do Not Neglect Your Bowel!' . :.0 _ __ Mit .\NV MRti ARTHUR ANSON . Clevenger and Wife of Springboro. Miss Mary RouBe, of Peori', 1I\, ' '. Mrti. AllDll Porturf. who hlld .1l Man.V'8erlousdlsenses Hrise from G" od rtloi';g; l!1J~ fr. ,' ,)ttrllc , Mr . 'aDd Mrs . Ea.rl Randolph ar. neglect of the bowels. ObnmberllllD~ t.lOlll'. 1111 rl"p'lrtpI£lnt,!j n,l 1l1Jllete, Ilrrlved in Wa.yneBvlllp, 'L'uesdllY ~tlrluu~ of heart trouble. IS (JRI UO',lLLINOh! ' rived -at this place Thnrdday Mter· tomlloh and Liver Tahlet.. are It. All~U<lt 7, • II lind to 1900. DKAR M.ullc: Ilfte.r noon for a Vi81t wlt-lf hl:lr !list.el' ~n'utly unpruved . " Mrs. C B. Smith, lind' enjvy t,;le MOtlUIlW6S 'l'homas, Ru~ell aod Yes. 111m pillnuhlg to be there nOOD and s pent the next few d<l.Y9 Plooslt.nt ,md ngreenble laxative 'rhey InVigorate the liver ond regno $700 from Lytle IIUO .,ny point. Home.Comlng. Thl81s Alrll. Rouse '8 Uhl1rles ~JJIlnutJr Clllled on rtlll1tlve>:l at the great Bome.Coming Reunion uotlI8<ltllrdd.ya.iternoon with 0 !:I Ia.le the bowel8. For sltle by F. on 0 (.j & C. to Nh'llarll FIIIII\ antl fll'lIt v181t; to Wllynesville fur eigbt. ulld friend" b rll Thur-dI1Y . and will be very muob dilluppolnted LBmb and family. when they re Schwartz. rllturn • Hturllll .V .llIly 2 til ~· Elllril . ·Perr.!" 'teddom of Oklnhoml1, is if anything abould hn.Pl>an t o pre· turned to Dllyt-on. Mr. Rllndolph .lohn B. Graham, one of the Trn8· visiting hl~ pllrentl\. Mr. I1nd Mr/!. v,ent . It seeml! too good to be true Is ttl ~ off again on bllslnes;! Mon . tlin I. we will ilee so lJIauy old fBOOS dllY In the ~eotlon near DetrOit, tAI'~ of Wayne Townsblp and Prell! ' M · 1' . SttJIldotlJ. of Turtie ·reok . Miobig·an . ' to~etber. IIgl~in. r1 nt,of the Miami Cemetery AliSO · Mr. Wilbur Jeffrey, whu WIA Hoplug to see you I"t tlle B orne . (\1 ' tion, III lying very III at t·be home kicked while ~bl,ltlio~ .a hors!) the "Doo't count your ohiokenl! bo· f ure tli ey are uatoue I. I. d" Coming, I refJIllln, nf blli 1I0D, Wt1) 8. Grnbllm, on tbe other day, lu agtlin "ble to be out. . Itn d " 0 on 't ~ LILLIA M. COO K DVElt Lytle road, wUh every "vidence crosl! tho bridge until Y"U oome to that his time on earth is verv brief , Miss Ella ~cott, of Ktlwllnee, Ill.. it,," are the , watoh words' of the Nathan Jon&8 annonnoes that be arrived !::lunday for a lengtby visit EDENTON. U01U, mure concervlttive oltizeos. 8at J . ,Is not private but is organized under will plaM the rooms In hili buildt~g WGi)tld' hesl COUSII'II, Mill8es Edna. Itnd JULY 23, 1906. M. Smoy hilS /let hi!' speculating I a y pen 'er DICAR MI88 BRO\VN: the State law of Ohio, ' over 45 Stockholders ~ Ilhovo Zimmerman's grocery at the II c. pllwer to work Rnd now procll1hns Yovr kinrl invll;l1tion Is a' (1'8"'lSfll of the publlo Bome Com. A orowd ot Oregonlayounl\' peop Ie Ihllt he will have n·t; 1f'lIilt tOOO. If interested and is governed by a of DireeII .> ••• T ... t du hlmd , PI8IIse flCOHpt IIlu my thanks ... .1"'" week. This will be a good place oa e.. at ... e erryhome.,a ar y out lliOO busbels of peaoues. ' i h d d.... i II for 8Bmtcl. II no thing prElvents me I tors. tn view the parade, to eat dinne : or n g t I1n SUC06e "" n lIurpr 8 ng lIuaU 1>& Itt the Homi~ Coming all Gaud eltrly Ilpples artJ not 110 very to rll8t. No charge will be made MItiS Franoes. Althougb the rain three dI1Y14. I ,un look,inl-( forward p.lellt.if~1 this SeB!:Ion. and for No: 1 Assets,. over $80,000. 10 Mr. JODes simply doing this as nn pr~vented ml1ny from JCo~nj{. a ~~!\t with muoh anxiflty fOI~ the hllppy Ilppl08 the ,priOd tllill tlt,.od" ~t ,t1 flxpra88lon ot his good ' will and In eDJoYltble tlvenin!! \VllS spent. .1 he . ptl r btlll.hul. Y -ut ' week Wm CBr We pay 3 ,per cent interest on ' savings Ac" I I d i d event , Hopin/4 to !lee YO!lrself u ...... ~ w t rest' In the Bome.(Jomlng. levuD ng wns lIlJ8nt n ana nR an ~nrllUltny m l.l re uf my del1r old m uny ullllvered t.hrae 10llWt to the counts. Roben 'Shldaker snperlntendent I PIIl;Yln~ "IIIUOS. 1'hos~ present we~e frleUll~. I r"ml~in gruollry of G R. Rossman In Jj·fIlnk . of Miami Cemetery completed bls tKh.e Ab88 es FrBa.noes Hrerlry'aGl~alce lin . ~uny ot them eventuillly OaB and see us. · ~h t ' Ib1er, Ed na IDes. e en a ~ In 81ncerely Yl,lurll. f d h I th eh t ~ Igbteent h year a f serv I06 i n • a , d ...... S d .... WILl Belle PIlI"h LBymon. uan t 8 r 'Ray.... 0 IAn Iluqna U'..t In II hi tl I an ..".,nll pencer, Iln .w.estl~tI. " d h th h J .. N. LEMON, a t 8 me [Terry, William Myerll, Zsin Armit. U groan t! wore e ungry 011lnpOr8 I oapll 01 ty' _onnay: bas tid .IAMII:STOWN, RIO. were (rery glad to. get them. M Shld k Cashier r. no m sse as !age, Donald, Gay and Roy MUll!: BROWN, i:)1t(1V. ml1ny daY.1 a8 be has lIerved yeaf8' !Sherwood and Mr. I1nn Mrs. Rloh: I regret t,., ad'Vi~1'I thllt 1 can. Mr. nod Mrs.• Masoa Willlaml;lOn, nnd bas flll'hfu1ly looked after the l lUd jJmruonH. not attend the Bnme (Joming My of Centerville, are eojoylutr a 8ea. . • aged mothAr.!lo Mdly "mioted and son'~ c!tmping II.t the MiulDl__ ~...:.!.-I-_ _ _ Int.erest.s of the Cemetery. ..:.....---:--~-:----i\frs, Fred Oltborn ulld her lister. Concerning helpie~". for two yeor,. Illllt. pllllt. O hllu~nqal\ Grounds. Mrt! Mi8B Laura Underwood. of Dayton. I . F R'd t requlrell my oonstant a':teniion. No WIlliAmson ond dl1nghter Revsa,e have been enjo.ylnlt a vi "It at ~hAlr i ormer eSI en s. one. otherthlln myself. onn or would OIlPlping in the ,"ltwe p~rtv. · Sam. parental home, nll8r H6rVeYS~urg ' j Mllny reudllrtl or the (jR~tte wm attend to hl'r wants. r ,~m ollmptllled uell .. , of o'1urll6, oO~lIpel1ed to Ilttand They are plallning to take a trip to rec.tll Rev. John Ely.olle of the Ela'r . tn furgo flU plell!\ure. My HOTHER t.h e store during the week. but he , Niagara ralls IUld other POJDt·s In Iy reotors of I'lt Mllry's ohuroh at FIRST. \ , . propoMetI going on ~nndlly8 t.hat . vlolnlty w!th~n ten dAYS or Wn.ynel<vill", "lid will be sllddened I \Vould have been deligbted to be Millor ,ROlle. who was Injured In two weeks. TheIr father, Mr . to learn of hili dea~h lit (Jollegtl Bill pre~nt lind 't o have tok"n an aotive the II11W mill by being thrown Dftvtd Underwood . wbose health II "'b d . ht I I I jlrll(lna' ly fatltng, hilS returned Lars "y nlg , part in tbe proceAtiinlls. »>Irt ou ar Y bllCklYn I'rl Illld bavlng thtl upper homfl from a Vl81t of -~everal wl'ekM Afhll' lellvln~ Wt'ynllsville Rtlv In t.he Iiterllry part of the program. oiroulttr '14"w to out I\n ugly gltllh In FestooDiD.~ with them and a18!? with hi!! dangb. Ely \Vaot til Hillsboro Hnd !tlter to The aooompll8bed Eliza Bunt.lng, hi .. '"'111 nt thtl elbow joint, Is reoov ter, ~rll. Val Simms In Spring (Jollel(e Hill, where for more th"n a InHtllled Into my young mind, the el'lnjC ,,"pilll.v Itnd hopes to be at qllart6r of a. century he ba8 fllith. art of good reading. work: in I1nother week . Frank Valley . '. - -_ __ _ fuliy served th .. people of that oom 1 have always taken pride In thlt... D.ultp, in wuo!\e omploy hl"ls , know. FRE~iven Awa)' ~8olutely Fr~, Handlome 'Smyrna R~p Political Announcement. munlty. To be with yon. ",oulol be An log trum 'PUllt experience that he · thos~ who pay callh. Ask for ticklltS. Compare our ·.,rices. _ , event bene/ioilli tomp, iny thollgb'f\ Will! nuellf his bellt men. decided to The RepnbllCllns of Warren Coun. Robert ~hidtlke,r reoei,ved a tele however. will be with you Aug. 9th pay b im tor his time luet as If he wiU pay yo,u. t:v will hold & Prlmllry eleotlon gram Monday announolng the death ' Should anyone mention my nltme. werll working steadily. whioh Is a - £NAMELED Monday. September 10, for the pur. of Barry the olde~t, 80n of Otl8 Bad· say to them, that they hRVA my ~, ..." t, thing for Minor . I • SH I R T S I . Men '8 workilllC IIbiru.. 60 It.nd '114 qt ' blne 1l1l(1 whit.8 buoketll ... Olio Pose of leleotlng ollndldates for 'ley, who moved rrom near hore to best wl~he8 for thtlir fu t ure welfare. Rert Staoy i!llYs he hill! made up . 600 kin"",8 Ize 1,tV nnl" to ' 1.00 k eba, 0 1l:lahoma, last fa.1I. oounty oMoes., Very respectfully yours, .. "/2 ' y " .' 1 qt. bllia and. whlt~ backeta_ Sli his mind for keeps to quit flirming, II I k 89 10 Candldate8 •are invited to all · The Dlfl8SBI(A did not s~te the OI1ARLKS, M. CHJl)NEY. and it b not at 1111 Inconsl8tent for He .. qu. c , : ............................ . 0 j 14 qt. blue "!lei white dl." 'IJ!IiD.:':. 800 nounce themselves in t.hls colmnn Qauee of tbe. deat.h , but. as friends Bt>NNJl)R. MtlNTANA him to do so, since ht8 health will Men '8 work sbirts, 400 I(\n.d ...... 25c 110 qt. bl~e. anct whtt~ dlsh,ll8na. arlO f,or whicb a oharge of 12.00 pnyuhle here ' had , received word th'lt the JrULY 19, 1906. not'permit to engllge in It aotively , Men '8 MAdras Shirts" 760 I1nd . t'Reltula.r blue ~nd white tAa , smaller ohlldren had been slolt· with DICAR EDITORII: hiDlself, He prop08611 haVing a SBle ~ , .~ . kind,............ "r'" .... ........,.. 500 ·kettleR ·.... " ..... .......... , ......... .... 5~ With urder, 18 mnde. typhoH foyer, It is IInpposed the " .' 'M' Whit Bhl ts 11 kl d 500 I It III indeed with re"l~et t,hat ow. ~()me tlwe afler the new year to An 8 . e r, n ..... ,6 qt. blue It.nd 'whlte .pl'eservlnl: FOR OLmBK OF OOURTS, ol"er boy was etrl'oken wi tb t h e " " _ ' , /; , InK to our little boy, Albert, having rid him of farming . paraphernllllll:. T R 0 USE R S · ket 188 ........ : ,: ..................... 2lio \ 'Dl\n P. Bone. !"lDle dilleasfl ._ b be II I k d had the scarlet fever lind che pre It will no dou t a tt e aw wllr . ' I.&rge tlue and white wash The sympatby of Mr. and Mrs. vatltn" hot weatber we ine oom for 'him to give up his old ooenpa· Men 8 Linen Trousers, .. 11. 25 '-_ .. I 110 Bowel CbomPlalnt. In OhUdren 'b'\ Ballley'll trhlDds' amoog Gazette .. kind 960 uallns.. ...... ...... ...... ...... .. ....... 1 tlon and be oompelled to get &long · ............ ... ................... .. Ouring t e @ummer months 0 I . I h I Men'lI Crl1sh Trousers, 11 'kind .. 750 13 q$. 'bl~e !,nd white ,cotrl\f!. til.. 250 dren al;e I!ubjeot to disorders ot the relltlers g~1! out to them n t 18 be· pelled to 8&y t.hat we going to witb only one or two bor a - . hllll!e the golden opport.untty of be .,.,., 'th I II 1 " Men'B Working Troullers......... tV er P 8088 lit eqUI1 Y ow howell! whloh IIbonld reoelve clire I reavement which '111 e8peolll.lly IIlId ~olUe birdll can't or won't fly 760, 960 a,nd 11 :46 prl~. (Jompare onr ' prl068,. tnl' attention ItS anon IlS t,he first un. 'in vlow of ,thelr being amonK st,rd.n· IDg with yon during the Home Cl)ming WEI had deolded thllt, Mrll . when It II! raIDing, but ·to t~e EIlg. . 'H AT S then 't hegoodMBre trlpleo~~ tilltura1}oO!lenestI 01 tbe bowel!! IIJl. glOr!! In l1' lIew oommunlty : poars The bellt ,mec1iolne In lIllC fllr ~mttb woul(1 go at thist·lme 'and re ltis, tlr more \lspeclally, t.he Knights 'C'ANNING SUpp " 'T' 1'Db ,bowel cornpltllnt i~ (JhllmilerJa.ln·" Excursion t~ NIllgara Falls and moln until t,he. bus.v . alenson at the of the Golden ~Rle8, such a state One lot men 'a and bOY8 soft iI4EIP (Joll0. Oholera IIDrl Dlltrrl!oell. Rem plft.nt Iii over when ·l would go Now 'f Itlfuirll ml1tters but 'ilule. Des· hl,\t,s ......... , ..... , ..................... 21i0 1M. J I r. ' ocly nil it promptlv onntnl\s nny on. M,tll,IUU SlIturdny July 28th. t;even , . "itel:he he vy shower Frldl4Y ' even. ' !lr.. , per ( 0l1en ..'.•: ........ . . .80me . ..ten . Of twelve ~f tbe LyMe One lot men's soft bl\tR ...........I 460 nRtnrrl ' Ioo!lenell~ or tbe bowel!! Dnllllf!! froll1 I\ny . point on D. L & 11.1,1.' our Illan!! af,e tr,u st·rlltlld \ve Itr~ IlIg . J e II y T amhlel'l!, very fI De, d 011. For &Ie by F Schwl1rtz, t G. tIl cont,ent ,lur!!61 by thlnklDR of Olll!t-ie boyS Ilttended the InetBlIa· Straw Hats lit Cost. Sea.llnl( Wax. 2 bars ... :............ . yuu tis a unppy orowd It.wong whom ~iOfl of f,lftl.cers at Palestine Castle . H 0 SE G'ROCERI'ES .' only pleaRurn Is lit ,evld.mce. ' III Wayuesville After these cere. monies v.ere ended they were led to The' famous lSUTSOD ' Bose for ~V,,~ It nnt thu t. t.he whole plHDt II! the bllnqnet room , where loe cream, 4dl~ , ABk ro ' lIee them i Evaporllted Aprlcot'lI, lllbtl .... .... 25p . rl1Dolnj( nlgbt a.nd da" to iti! fullest Uilko l:I.,u d sherbert IQn II qund llnce ' Quiy ........ ................. .... ....... 2lio, EV~IX!rlited peaohe8,1~~y. 'Ibs 250 l OIIplUllty, wblo~ makes It Imprao· 'Rere brought fort~. ulte 0 peas· Ooe lot lta<ites hose In tan at...... 80 !deedless Ral8rns, 2 Ibs.............. 150. tlcable tor me to lene Ilt this t;imp tLDt evtlnlng was Rpent together. One lot laqieM hue over laoe 160 Fallcy Jap rl~, 2 IbB ............... 160 we would go togeth!lr, but Mrs Uue day' , week when Leon St. One lot misses' b~e 11.11 '6ver 8unrille canned oorn, 3 !l8na .... ;. 200 Smith la tel1'rful to n:ndert-Ilke the .John was over Ilt Allen Emerlok's , ' " 5 Fmcy ~lIohe8, 3 Ib OII.n ............ 200 I tl standing near the pump' Il1ce ............ ...... ................ 1 0 i ' " ' trip alo~e wltb ~he , conditlo'os pre a~dofl~:le ~aspeottng that any dan. Ono lot hose, 11.11 over:laoe.. 100 B ~hellt market prlO,e, paid, for bu~ . valiing . . . ger ' wlla I1t han~, he waB 8ud'd enly. • Hamni~k8, to cloile. 'only 89c. ter lind eggs: Yonrs' Slnclerely, !lilt UpllD by their dog Rover. who Sereen Doon and Windowl: Remetnber we take chleken• .,An MR, and MRS. J\, ~. S~IlTn: jnmped opon him so violently as to ' • ' ,, ' knock him over t)110kWllrd The Prices rig"t. , . ' jtrade. RrlDg t!lem In. We pay in Farmers, 01111 in und see the Hrad ' dog lett the imprint of ~IB teeth In . PARIS GREEN trade for old hen. 9c. a po.Ad; quite a number of l11aoes and even • ' . 1 d d ley Irllng plows.e ge ropoorn p ant· drew the blotld, but Leon '18 recover L98'gett s abllolutely pure. Try it young. not over 2 1·2 I ... lie • erB. one auu two row corn oultlva· IlJg nioely . Mr. ~merlok ~as bad aod be convlnoed. · pound. AT ton. 1 al~o carry II fun ,line of Os ~he' dot( killed, &8 ~hls Is by n9 meaD8 borne hnlll ~ ments lind am taking 'he first time IInoh lin ooourrence orderll for hillh grade rob.coo corn hl18 taken place Be wal! cerialnly DRUG STORE, W YNESVILE, , ' t l . n animal of peoultlt.r dl8POlltiou; and oats fertUtzers , In prloe toward soDie he aoted al WIlys frlen~. fTom thlrtooA dolla" ly and ready to play, whlie tor dAY. othan he evinced noWII8 ba:& sar17 i~ '4pen(lin.: thl
i I.
'~"'Tb;eu;;-.;e;~ WAYNESVILLE, OHIO. '
t t It
'HOME.COMINO DEOORATIOl\lS, We have a BOOc:t assortmeDt of . Bl1DtiDg, Pl1;lIiles, ,Plags, etc. Prices rIBht. ,
I .......................
- --'
p . o
Tissut: Papers lor.
'r Z'S A.
R.s de,r 's
- =--
10Gb aBI1a tend_ot to .,. cm..
t. NO . 58
.. -~ - , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~.~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~'... TOLD IN SHORT Gathering Home . .PARAGRAPHS
' ''BULE
- .- -- .-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,.pnrch 18 ,n ll
jo',w "J1·t(Il·I~8 I1\1d.CII I). r\ or dnOH Bh • w tlu llW UY l
knllllnt; on I", .. lUI Mr . •T. N. Lemmon. of the WIIV· A n!! 80 I wnuhl nlt un ~ ~I nellvll1e CItizens Bank, W.lR !Ilion R I'O'''" I tl10 \\'Urll , Ill'l " nil Clur /!treetll SlIt,urdllY.· . . And sing It KllJl m oro b y!; 1 W h e n U"lllllllllllm llllL "'" Matilda "'me 10k 16 t eftl _ • .. \'. S.,l,. . Mrs. . . r 111 " "'10 ' " urt1uy "nd tiondrlY a' I 'hllut-UqUB grounds , " • ". Warning. Mr. and Mrs. 40. W. ('ox and Clyde anu his wife attended tbe Ohaut:lu. Theorov.'ds during BODIe Coming qua Sdurday. wee" Will no doubt at>rllo> to the .. • • Walter Clar'··. hall be t II • r the weather en ee the ng town some und"Dira"-l& 0 v ohlLrao"erll. • son'ewhat unde' ']'hereforo the publio should remem ...., be t tl I t' PtU!t week r 0 take every preotlU on aga n s ' sneak thlevee pick pooketAI eta Mr. W . F. Clark "nd family vis. No one shon'ld leave thel'r h "\18e Ited the ChlutAuqna Tuesday to 01 .. un looked und unpr' oteoted. hear the brlilialDt tiena&or Burkett,
\I'I' h
h K'
1 . el l not ·' ..... 11
Centerville. ChAr-lea Montgomery. ti ll renl/li llS I ' un.c nso au!:!. M I'. \ ILu ghBtl .has boen alc l;: sevMI,l lllLYII, hut i.s now better. 'I'll A Re flr~ Reuninn will ho 1\1 Irl In t)1 1l n-lultl pll1.(\A. ~1I.torclI1 Y AUK l~ t,h. Mr. A A ~It:Nl.I I '~ ho.".f . Loon ,· reo oelVfoll (I'ol t ... " ~j> v(·r.~ cut on thll fOOl, 11. .t'· I'pll ' L: 'I" Ii pip-oe (I f !!I" •• .F..1II · ,n' IJ, •.,,' I >l 1.r".,,,.u • 1(1 II 1) 1'61I v 1 1' ~f' ·',r rl,1 III " \.• tl) ~l .. . AI flw'k,lr' " , " , TL'Q< llI II'. .f whloh Mr . Dec Ice r i ~ vu r.v pr ,," .l . . ~I i". ~~llIo l )lruJ k .. h 'I ~ iaf'l'II III 1.lle I) Il.VIII " flUH1!ilu1 H"" I(' I.i '" II, h flV lll ~ nlllll' r Wt .!.r. lin oplll'lI ti llll for MO ille tmuhl n. Ch,u'!cw II I1VFlns 11\1,pl.1' II/lfl IHlIlie
rl! · , TI~ mg 111 8 vAr,1l c l , t .\· ~~ M r 'V I II W . W A10 l i t I II ' " ~n\l ~ PPll TJlIIr!lliu ." in Wllmln\!t,nn Mr!l. t~P". . t el !nll A IIn r\ rhn!!llt .. r vlstilflg rpl,.t.i v«" 11.1· Mllri .. "" Ml'S . BorRoe H II t,lon \"~ ent I r t,It II! · Ing h er sisters fro lll ·l ool oolll \. Mr. J elise \>:~O lllllle /llIcl mot,h e r urI' . rn dl v I' IIItIn~ reIU II ves In ' /lnu M rs. Annie 'I'horpe uod MI.." Marv Stout .pont" " t Ib b 'f <>une>"Y U , 0 O'U a Mr . Ilod Mrs. Mtlrahul1 titout. W e regro tt0 Sl1y t h l~t M r. WI IlIn.n ~ H 11141 E T of Nebraska . IIfveyanl Illl vu lIoker a,r In Mra. Walter Kenr.lok entertained a very orltlolll oomlltlon . last week her cousins Mr8. CIUf Mr. and Mrl!. Frllnk Anson , nf Dlnegar and son, al80 Mrs. Bert West Carlton, were ts Long and daughter Illl from Jamel· of Mr. A. H. Aneon nnd family . touOI "X IT/l N>'[I. unll neurulgln of to . , th o fll l' O fnllowell. whloh hllN nnw wn. MilS Edith MoReynolds left 'rues. g uo" ,, 11 rrv f'T t h hOlly /lnrl OIl USBS J . M. Staoy :has been anloadlDg day for 8evera,I weekt\' vi sit with 8e\', n p'lin two oar loadl' of ooal daring the friends In Chloago. M r~ MlnDl« H tl rt.~nok, nllfLr Stnlkl:st ~eek, Ulore~::irlysr::' Mrs. Wm. Bowland "nd daugh or!! (!,•• rner. lllL bren seri un!lly sl ok nff, t ose w a I~oro It dl teter, of Clarksvtlle. 8pent a few dn.ys tllA Ilt,>'! t wllllk. Sh A r eClll1tly hltd unloading. at the home of her 8111ter, Mrs . ' HaTter Laokey and famil v • of John Tooker. ber I""th Pltt rol't ,\. Ilnrl bllil IlIso, D b h H La k .. uft·,·r",l w it h 11l'l lI. pr"~tTlltl nn . ayton, rot ell'to ILrry 0 eyof MJ'II. Walter Ba.rllln and famtly .111,·" lI Bill~. IH.Mo lI" v f"1 1 "nt. nf I~ tbls pla.ce, allglJlted .f rom .the &tur epent SatnrdRY n.t tbe bome of her t rll,' itl whlnh lin WII~ 'f\\I",hlng Irll~t dlAY livening tral~ aDd llpent Sunday parentI!. Mr. Qnd Mrll. DaviN Grl~ "t.nrelIlY nl'lrllill(( 11I111 hr'lke hiM wltb Harry. ham, near Blokoryville. Arm . IIn,l hr nisnrl ll im_elf lihnn t tltfl One of Lytle'~ blaoksmlths, Wm. Don't forget the Home-Cnnllng h l'lI l1. Dr J(" Ye r ~et til e llro koll Graham, was dlll&bled recently I&t Wavnesvllle on tbe ,9 ond 10th bonet!. while endeavor'lng to shoo a horlle of August. Give Wayneevllle l'o.ur . '1,lvin W Il!llIffison pllid youI' um- . whlob hanyei never l110d before. J..~ Be Ie not ablebeen SO execute bis old presenoe tlnd loyal support . rf'81l01ll1eut It VMY 11 l ",.Sll.ut Itn d time dntl88 Mra. F . M. Reynolde and Inter· frlendl.\· oflll UIIO Cl II .V hl l\t wee k whll .. . . Ntlng oblldren l'pent several da.ys in onr vtlhl!;!, wnitin £! for tho !loco Mn. Adah Rllndolph 1m!! a .lady with her brotherln law and slater, tflr . He ill grl'" 1'\ v i ntr r estml in I,hfl friend, MJ'II. i!orton, of Dayton. Dr. and Mn. PhlJ1lps, of Morrow . Higb $ohM! CJII""I.l. m Itl thiH town . arrived In onll' vllIaRe Sliturd~y Mrs. George HamiltOn Ilnd dangh- IIhll'. . evening and lpent a 8hort time at tell' Lorenll of Way,nesvllle IIpent. a 'fhe mulA tonm!l Bn cl dumll wag· ~:oDle of Mr . n.nd Mrs. C. •I:4 .. fow day/! hie pas't week ~ith bell' Qns , 1161'1I1I!'ingo to tll11 r 11(1 constmo· , .. mot.her and other rellltlve8. tlon contrllor~'r!' , !ltill keep up thAlr Mn. Margaret Johns, Mrs. :lslldorllo !air Wm Bookett who hus boon oeI18ele'<9. rn1l. roll , rnttle, 'r"UIA, ,J U LY 26. 1906. Mr . Jude on B8IlI!, who moved munlty bavinK mllde him kgown to Ward IIond Militl Candlloe Baird apent spending a few w~k8 I~ BltrveY8. 8qneok, 'qutm.k. with ol~uds of. dllllt DICAII COllltA Ule : ~ r U I B h h h d almost everyonll . 'lburaOay at the Chautauqua bur returned to his home ' In Da . rolling .1\.11 dl.lY lonl', filhng our eyes. Th 71}I1I 0 V. I. AII~ooll"'lon r om "'PI' ng rano nelg bor 00 At the fnneral th" tollowing 0lP.' gronnd., taking dinner with Mr. ton '¥oeaday of I week y oor ·yard~ Ilnll our homes, until we wtll hllill II" nnxl annual . rl' nulon to Dayton /lbout II year ago. has liry Willi read by Rev 1>hlllpTroa& ; and Mrs. MaBOn Williamson, of Cen. . wondllr whetllnr they will ever get In til" ()pHflL B,)u,," lit. been visiting his old nelghhors for John B. Graham waa the BOn of tervtl\e. who are camplna there. (JbUdren'a Day observed at through hllulhI K, II.nd we"rlng out IJIVELANn. OAlO. AUGUSTHtb. severn I dllYs Mr8 Be.~~ · heilith is WlIIiam lind Arlloh (jrahamand wall Tile Bon. RlUlll81 Hamilton, In the M. E. ohurch on Sunday even· one end of newly m8cadami7.ed road Brill" vour hit vtlr8llckll WillI filled IItlll npldly declining . born neal' Utlo". In Warren Cuunty whOle welfttre Lytle'a reeldenta are iDg. An InterestlnR program was to makf' the other end of the road. H",. t :ntf"tI will 116 furnlsh8!1 by the 'rile date1! for the Greene County Oh'lo, on Bept. 24th, 18!U, and de eTftr ooncerna(l on aooount of hll given and enJo~ed by a l..r!Je lAudl. Every and oommunity Itlz'lD" of Lovftlal1l1. GOUle one, Fair are AUtcllilt 7. 8; 9, nnd 10. porred $18 Ufe at the hOlDe of his re8ldenoo tn Ulill place for quite a enoo. should orllanlze lion Order and call it Mmo ,.11 A.I/ir.....""" bV .the Mflyor . Mr. and Mrs. ChBII. W. Sqolres lIOU, .July 27th, 1906, at &he age of namber of ye8l's, llpent .everal day. Meun. Jon ..than and Paul 'rbe (julld of Golden 8(l!l8oh, the ob· lit LoIVHlllntt . Grnllrnl \)olln ond and family. of [)Ilyton, .. p unt tfat;ur· 74 yearll, 10 moniha and a daYI. of I..... week at the home of hi. Wright were in attendanoe at the jeot of whiob Hhould be to enoour· 1.ltll1t.enltnt GI'n llr"I Corbin 'IDCI nth day aud ~uqd"y at Manor the guest!! He was one of . a family of Itx grand·dauahfer , Ml'II. At. Cornellt Intern'atlonal Chrilttan Endeavo.r n~e truth tellinl;r, kindly alleaklng, nf Mr. and Mrll. Wellington t!q uir4's ohlldren, and III the .t hlrd one to die. of Dear Ferry. It il surprllini tha' Soolety of the Frlendl ohuroh ..t ~urity of t.hought and' expression, lN and to dl8courage Idle g08l1lp, ' tale I :lu\rh>N A Allrr , Seoretllry ..,... "nd the entire party was enter. Be leave8 two brothers and one lill' a g~tleman (If hla edT.nDed &f8 WllmlDorion last week M.. lvil1e BIIYp~·. Aotln~ PreM o tained by Mrs. Fenton Squires in ter. JouathlLn and Gilbert Uraham, 114 yean, uonld keep qp ID bodlly 8" . bearing unj\18t "nd maJioioPfl reo Wllyn8llvllle 8und ..y and Phebe Ann Sml'h. healtb Ind aplrl'" a. )1e dOlll, yet lin; Grace BaUard and Miss Ber· porte about others, and becoming Mrl\. Will S. Graham, of Door Ly He wal;' unlwd tn marriage to we'.." maoh 111.tUted to kDo~ lhat tb& Collett, of ~Ilmln~ton, were bU8Y bodies in other peoplea' mnt· ~ orne-Coming tIe sends the G"zette a bllndsome M!lrtb& A . Jeftery .D6o., \14th 1867. he is able to be' lIbou& thne. . weloome gue.te at the home of Mra. tel'll . Iduoh 110 B.ooiety cotlld fittingly Committee Meeting. Souvenir oa"J'd frOlD 'OmKha, Neb..... , To ..hfllll - were born tour chlldren, E.eb aDd 8\'tlry peNOD bu & . . . ADD lIcOtme and danghter, Mi88 recei ve memben of both seX88. lJia. where Ihe hM been vl81ting for Noma died In hifanov, the other ialn degree. ,of iDdi~uaU"; bai lIartha, on Wecbleeda,.. - ~- ~ TbOBe In at&eDdanoo at the Miami COMlVln 1'1i1l GAntltlt1 ( of the Mevera) weekil, III well lUI In other three, JelUll e , William and Kan1e probably no one .baa 10 mueh M remain to mourn tbe death ot a Kev. Bam JonllM!. Be hail heen for Vaney Chautauqua Batorday and Mrs . .MoKinsey and Mlttll Lillie HIIUIt.. 4 :' Imfnll h.. ).1 n t,wn honrs 8e8 We8tern oities. Benj-Rldge, of- Indtanapolis, '"r devoted and true ta~her. 80me ten ooe of tbe aUno. Bunday were Dr. J. G . Maoy, Mr. Nedry aro enjoyl!)s 1\ vl~it trom ilion /II the .. mill! "f t.hA W ayn8llvllle 011 nnm({ Of' . Fl'lth,:v .,vftning. rived In Wajnenl1le Sunday even· The wife lAnd mother died June tionl at the Miami Vaney Oh&u~u. Jont 'Morrl8, wife and sleters, Mrs. their niece, Miss WandlA Egbert of . R 'lIortll frnm ('llllImlt.tfltlM Ind,. Ing and III II Itue~t. of hili half broth· 18th, 1903. Thill to him WM a deep qu. · He never fallil to draw a larp Ibble Collett, MilS Daisy Levlcy, Kanstl.s Olty Mo . •""IAII t.h,,1 pv .. ry II"t,,,\1 relaf;\ng to er, Mltblon Ridge. where be will reo sorrow and he never cealed to orowd. for hi. charaoteriltlo way of Ill'. and Mrs. Theodore lAurence, Mrs . B . Prugh n~d little dongh . ~ t.he Hllllle I:"mlllll I" well In hand ma.ln until after the ' BODle Comln~. ulourn her loa, &nd many tlmell he talking I188ml 1k) aUrao'many and and Mr. Arnold Collett. ter of PI' tlsllllrg came' Saturday for . would ask a friend, will I know thi tl • BI ' . . /I wi It 11 will lJtl In rPlIl1tnf'aM for the The Post Oftlce department ball Martha In the other world P with a year no exoop on" -----'---several weeks vl81t with her . ))3. orowrl.. Ihllt wtl\ llf' here f1Pxt week. gl'Rnted th~ CIlrrler~ from the looal greftt IlAtlfltaotion he . pherilihed the ar.pearanoo at Chautauqua ~u:!dIAY Pleasant Ridge. rents, Mr . and Mrs . W . W. Arnold. office perml~l4lop to leave '~e post bl88l1ed hope, of meeting her alaln. 0 ~1mvi~' q~tte a number trom ytle Miss LtIlie Nedry htUI retl1rncd after 1\ delightful vlllit with rola· nftice Rt 6.0 olook Wedn8llday morn· John B. Graham WNI IL hardwork. auu .,.wty. Notice. tng .In order that they may get hbme hi~ mn.n. n.lway .. endllllverinjt to do It "onld aeem that ..n excursion George Smith of near Wa.ynell. t.lvel'! III Dayton and· Xe~la. bill part, lind fl1l the place Of a good wherever bo1l:pd 11'11'.. well pa.. ville wal the guest of lJ'has . Gray , Mr . B. Patton antI dll.ughter of Hntel will not 1m oJO!'H(1 all I<ome tn Mnle to enj"y the parade. tronlzed. Th~. excnnion over .the and family one day laBt week. \ L, "wrenoevllJe ni. Ilre IIpendlng sev. Mr8 . 8t~nley. M. Sellerd. · o( C~. 111 w, abiding citizen. IIt'fKlln" hltVA rOp'lrt4"d . I hove nr· ~or a perlod of 12 or 111 years he ~i L . & ~'lland ~~ehoi ~. ~ay D·toto Mn. Phlllp ~nrfaoe 8pent a few eral dll.Ys with Mrl! . Bope StileB. . r""I(",1 t{1 '114ill lOoo f1,'nplll till woek himbu", arrived in Waynesville yell· a, " 0 e ed It'! daY8,lut week with her 80n Samuel Mr. J. N. Lemmon "wus t\ Sunday I&h.n lunch /lno hilt. (I ' ft ..H "..rved Ilt terday' to relnirln for the Bome·Com. bas beeu one of '~e trUIlk!eB or &:g;: Ing. Her dlLughters l:4"rah, Kather. Wn.yne t-ownshtp. Thi8 11 "u unull u ya ernoon oonvey qu Barfaoe and wife. ' .. . . "II hllur'1 . Chal!. 'Gray and family sp"nt one I Visitor 1D Dayton. IAlnUIDIL~A . llOp-o"rn and penDntM. ine and Linll, bave been here for ulllly Ion,; tll1'm. "ill! If. is but just to a number who were eager to 188 !luverl.1 daYIl. lIay. that lIeld .m ball tbe tHwn8hlp the majestlo IIplendor of ·t he Falla. day lalt wee.k with Mr. N. B. Rioh Misil Goldie Raredon of Newport .Allin Ht"nr! \IrlvilolCa tut 1111 I~ ever hlld Ol ml)re faithful. aUll oare Several went from Lebanoll, ..nd and wife of Weitman . Ky . Is B ~ue t a t tho Panhandle WII.L O. GUI-ITIN .. . Mril. EIlIlo (jrlllltlt.r, of Oolnmbu", ful cftlcer the ~umber wblch Lytle oonb'lbnted Bouso ".. spont t:!uqday at the bome of her l H . • Wall flve, being Ilr. Albert Wb .. r- . Gracie Cornell apeut Illst Thnrs' . Mrs. (jordan 18 spending this week f.atber Wm Blaine on UIll!t'ars l f ~Iwall aeelso me . of the Trast.eeft 'on air Franklln Thomas Mr Wm day with her aunt Mr!!. CellI! &II.VRelics Creek'Mrl! GrlUlller ill employed In 0, bambt dmeot.arlh' lind pPeilldent H : Ca;mony )(r 8am~el ;'otllll~ age. In tho couutry with relllt!veR . ---' . I" " e oar lit I· e t·lme of hl8 . . ,. . Will UII' I'" Of WItYllfll'v1ll1l a r6l.<ponslble poIlltlon with Il lettd· d~~111. He wall II UlJl.n ",hose jadg. a~d Mr. Samuel BradeDwrg. , Mrs. B. Booth was AlJopplng in It would I(.roely be ' juat·to let Spring Branch Clnolnnati reoently . anet "nrrol1tlllhl~ (\ount.ry klllcll~ In" t:qlu~~~oods huu80 llnd 'ownt. willi conoted ~ood, and hll ~ • • 1II!I1~t. Ih .. olUllmlttl'a of till' rello wi1ll~ve next wE!ek on IL trip to Vloo Willi often BnUIIM. Mr . Graham the lmprell8lclD made by a ·pIlJ'a· •1Pllartml'nt hy hrlnglnu: r .. lto~ with New York to buy fall goode tor the 11ever p,nblloly united with the ~rat>h In lut week'l IlSue ot the Min Bertha Chenoweth is on the Oregonia. dllt...' of nWMr and' Rhorf; hili. firm . . obri"Ulln oburoh, but be "'all a regu . Gazette oonce·r nlng the aootdentlto .Iok lIat, '. t•• ry, Jr th 116 on." toO t.ha .TRmell MI!;.. Mary Gard of L08 Angele~" tn· ,1I.t.tendant u pan devin~ .lIervlol'lll, Mr.,. Minor Et.oae remain without Mre. David Lucaa of Mt Holly Miss Prl ~olJla Spenoer, who hu!! "tnop.. room nnrth of p' .flt otf\oe, or CullfdrnlJl, who has \leen visltill~ ·'"nd. I!ffl,Vtl to the lIupport of tho oorrection. U would tend to oreate vtl!lt.ed her parenti! hore one lillY been vllliting her oou~lu.lllLs rotnrn · ell to her /loUIe. til thl' I'elllet .. noo of Mr.. Eilith Bar. relatives lD Mlohigan, Chicago dU . ohurcb. He enjoyod the pr4l8chlng an e~llIgerated oplnton ot M~, laBt week. Mrs ShllkeJ!ord and Mrs. J . K. rill, MillS MOlY Wright ;· Mrs Dr. ferelll points 1.1 IndlanlA and in DIlY- otthe IIOSpel, lind said that he b!' . Duke 8 benevoleD08 and Mr. RoI8 II HHt.h!lWOlV. 114 M, .Topl EVlln".nr Mrs. too hils ' arrived In ' Waynesvlll" Ueved t·be (jOilpel. . . improvidence. Would belf to a~y Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dnkin VIBlt· Spenoor called on Mrs. 'Krloglloft', .llIflI4IjI Mhnte~ If hnpn~lble t'o where l!ho will remain for tloveral Bis IABt slcknesll wae· of 8hort In oorrection t,hat Mr. Rose 1 w8K~1 ed with the latter'8 parentll at Loe· Th·ursday. l"btllllr •.loIAII IIllme memher of the 'weektt . dnration, and he never wall heard are not to be oontlnued. Minor s lan. tew·daYB last week. Mrll. Clilrenoe Stephenson is vl!lit· above oommittoe will lIee tbltt they . to oomplain, but he wall frequently I&rm i. doing' nicely, but it Will be Mr. aDd Mrs. Frank Dakin Ilre Ing her in parentll thltl pltlOO. .wtll III·vr'1perly · ll1blll{l I\n ·llrcliwOlY. of tlleotrlo lights hall hel\rd t-o BRY, "It Is all rlg'bl .. lIome time before he will be .able to the pirents of a baby girl whiob ar . Earl Thompson iR spending" week ; , 1'\t100ellM OIlnnot. btl lIlRdh wit,hout been p,laoed aorq8s MlLln flt-reet mid· May wenot-oheril.h the hope that r8llnme his fOI'mer duties. rlTeI1 at their home F rl !1ayevenlng here . 'he ollllperation nf thA wl1nlll oom ' way 'b!'twftell North an" Miami and he died in. peaoe with God, I\nd IIll . It t. with 8lI:treme reg'ret tha$ we July 27. mnnlt.,. A rft1tllblo "nrt rl'fll)OnlllhlA the Hfeot Is very pretty indeed mlluklnd. blLVe to report the death of Mlltll Pr~f. and Mr" . r_ O. WllkBrllon PRILlI' TROUT, . Nellie Kelll8Y of Lol Angeles. Call. Mr. and. lIrli. 'ThomaB 1.60y aud left .Frlday morniog. Pr?f. Wilkor wlLtchmlln dA:V Rnd. night will be Owl l1 lt to a Illok of fundt' tbe Board . prll\lont. from t,hH tim., · n.nytlunll of of Puulio Affalrll bllll beeu forced to Pal\tnr M. E. Chllroh. fornla. To the yoanRer generation tlallghter Edna were oalllng on reI a flon expect!! to attond IAlILut"Uqlll~ valne II<' reoAlved . . . abll.n!lun Itll plAn for 110 serlel! of l\lec. this village 18 a little dim and un. tivealn this nelKhborhood last 8~n. ' this week, While J\lr!!. Wilker!!ol\ trlo IlrohWAYIi across tbe st·reetl! On the Banks of • _ eo • . ' oertallbut the older remember ~Is. d ..y. Intends to visit LllnOlll.!tor. 's . Proclama·tlon nllxt week . the Little Miami. tiuotl when Mr. Albert Kelfl6;Y I )lr. Frank Maple and 80ns Clift. Tho 'Mlsses ' Elln &ott, U,Itl.yll~;· Mayor .' Pflll{rllmS have already . been Is ____ . kel)t village grooery and Nelbe oro and Vlot-or of Leeltm were call. Ilnd Edna Spencer lind Donald Mo· . h I lIUle bl ked ' Pllail spent Monl] CllImtlloqua. Wn:vnf'llvllJo . will lltl jllvf'n ' ,yer f!~Ilr1 f"r t~~ elgMy elgth an~llal.Bel!' When the Bome Coming Wft.M first wall a 0 ..rnt Ill · ao ey In(lln Ihla nelghborhoqd ~n Sunday In tho nfternol)l\ tbey Ilttended thn to II.,. fln,,"tllnsxt wI'I'1I IIn'c11t ttl the .. lOll " '. toe 1>lIaml Ohio OhrilltllLn mentioned to the pnbho Mr" -MlITk girl ja8' elite,rln, BOhoo!. BeveralI lallt. . . leotnre of Dr l MlloQlloen . Dr. MILO. •'HHltH of . thtl omol~l!! or . thft Uonf,>rl'noe held' In the OhrilltlBQ Davl .. oonoelved tbe id~of wri~lng .tl~e8 sln08. their removal to Loll . Mr. FraDk BellS and 81ster Mi':ls Queeu, baing II. t:)colohllllln. waM . tOWIi . t-o Jlllloo all tew re. loh,Urob lit Plqurl. September 11rRt to & poem to be apl)roprln.t·a to the 00 ge~ea he.r health had failed when Fa.., visited with Mr. John. Mullin thorou!;hly in lIymlmthy wit.h ill,. IItrlo(\nnll 11M p(1!l~lble on ' t.hnIlA \ lith ,11\,1 we notice that the Rev . ~. ealllon, and 'set to work und 0010 · f~~1 in::a17dl:: e wall taken with a .. nd fllmllv of near Bellbrook last subjoot, "ROUlllntlu LInd '_itflrtlf), whn.olluui to Bpend ' tht' week .wlth F . y .. UjChllll. of CenterVille will ap p;Dsed nne cnnMllltlng of three .. tan ." pay _ Sunday. . Sootland ." UI, hut .tnr·the fnn PlIjnymeut of all VIlllr "n the l'rogrl1Dl In severol zasand" ohor.nll of words, "On the Fire In Corwin ' Mrs . Edwin Sherwont\ Emtertlilned · • Mr8. Lida Fergullon of Jamel!town 'at II llllncB 8I1turc\t,y evenIng in han . ·.It III IIm_.",ry tbllt R reJllpoct tnr lAW nnmberN. B~ II! 1Io11l0 Seoretary of Benks of the Little Miami," whloh wll1apP9ll1 t.o the. heartll of al1 who There "'1\8 quite an exoitmtmt ' In Ohio and . Mia Belle ~ingleton of or of her nieoe. MIAS Whittington I :and lhll rl~htl! of other's be u!)lIerv thll ConferllDoo. oed by .. II .. "nU the aitentlon of tha Mr: George W . Hnwk~. one of have ever lived in or. neil.r ·Wayn8ll. Corwin. Batuirday morning. canBed ~~{,!!~!~:r~:~e gl~este of George Xenill. Tbose present ,vert/ .'Public iM ~b.rArnre oallec1 tit t.tJl~ fnot thr· ~ll006e!lful . f~rmers aloni the vilis > . . by tire from .' .I880llDe .tove, at 'he . • a am y. . the MIS8e~ ";1111 Sontt, BII1.ol .whit· tha~ an Otlrrii\R811 lind vehlolesof I RprlJlI!!Valley plte, brOllght' to tile " Mra Davia haa.httd tbe work 'ooPY home of lire. Hannab' WllUameon; Work on 'our new bridge hUll be· tingtou, SllrJIh t3tedc1om, FrallU811 ..U ~dll ' m1lllt. bf' kept off the I"GH I'A!ttft offioo on Mond..y a btU! , ket rlp:bted In4 the woidl!lIet.· to mUMlo She had generated the ·.tove aDd gnu and we will surely be glad to Terry, Mabel Shorwnod, 1\11(\ N-In/l ~tJ'8fltll on whloh' the parade ' will "f P'rlnq.e<is apples, a fllct whloh 18 at her own expenae and hall plaoed whll,' In anoPler room one 111M 188 I~ flnlshed. Mr ' Perry Penoo.has N~umn.un . BelAn ILnd .Eliltalloth .~ W~y. Thla II n~. I nnt 8t. ,,11 lIurl'rlsing when Wl,l recall them on ,liale, tbe prooeedll to go went ont and oaOled the ga~lIu.e to the oontract. Bolzlin, Rml (~ ll\u .l' !I lind Elln", -rJ to riTe e"eryone an oppor.tllDl. tbat Mr, Hawke hal freqnently re. tqwllrdl :defraying . the ei:penll8A of flow a·n d It caught Ore from the tlpenc"r, ~t.e .. ~rR John HberwClocl. ty to 'l I8e and -Joy I'. men.bered th~ Rame frlendi with the Bome.Comlng. The prlOfl of other Ilghted burner. 11 1& , had Dot H k t L tl John 8ellgle, Lonis Hobin Wlllilltll The oftlnla" of 'WayneBv1I'~ ,l'1lIIt frul t befnre. But the8e appleB were eaoh oopy is 26 OOntll. been for the ftmely aid ot the Delsh. ac 0 y e. Terry. Chu>Tle8 Brnllbnry, Guy and . they will have ,the hearty po .oper- lUI near perfeotlon a8 applllll oiIn be No doubt the mUlllo wlll meet borl not only her hOI1lMl~ 1mt DO Roy8herwood. Zaln ArmitaKQ, aOll A number of Inqulrle8 MV\! boren Earl'l·holDpilon. . • tlon of every I'8Bldent and f.o rmer .brnnt:!ht. being 1"lIge, amooth and, with ,v ery ready .ale, a., ~slde from' donbt the whole block would have . ...111811' of UtI! town' In pre8erviag entirely free trom ·.. DY blemil!h, aud tbe beautiful seotlment eKpreatled ·\)een In ashee, "II 'D ot muoh made III to whether a· hao~ will MI81! Mabel KtrlegofJ III entertnl" . . . order "nd aUowing. the ,ftllleBt en· the qUII\tty nf Ihe frUit w8a. ..fully In tbe BOng, . no more appropriate aamap " .. !IIone and. DO one " .. ;eet .~e tralna Lbtle~ur:rg · t~l~ Ing three of her Olnolnnati friends jCJ1iDeDt tor eaol1 indlvi~lJSl . "qnlll til ' the exterior appearanoe. souvenir of tIN Bome-ComlDgoould hurl eacepillDl there ".. aome om·D~t:agO t' I ' ~ ' ~ wbe tbla week. BlDCl8l'81y. · Thom.. Bb~ood, )II' """,ke hM a thrifty orchard IIf be tabn bome, and lin. flavis' ..,ere barD8 CD one of Iln. Will. ::ee~ . 'l'neIMIa ' at yt e, . "Rev Welbom prelLobell a sermon Mayor. thlrt, .01'88 of hearlnlr apple treea lener~t)' ill greatly a~preota~. 1amIQD'. UIIU. Dn ng 1" noon. to thS Y: P. C. E. Snndny evening The IIdvtlnoe soard of th e B ume· . tur I v I ng tbi II week vv lll I ng Ilrll1Y 1M Dr. Mn ey. Dentll<t,. will beat Hltr. ·, t Wotl, Rn d· qu It II n. num • veyabu r!.! nil nexi. WIl(lk. b y onA8 IInu bar uf vlsitnl'll nre Alreluly here. It ... '1'11111 Z mllltnmiln returned h ome III not expeotot), bowe ver, tlmt ~ny Mond IV f" om II shnrt IIlolL.V ot hi 1C1nr::"Oht nbeunr·ollr'eertlol! tlP,O.!stoonfanWe~l~ !~!ek~ pareuts' homll nenr .•Tltme~town. u Beginning Monday the' crowds' Kod,Ik tI IIll II! I tll:!.9!! t or HI.' Ie at a In. Idpabr \>I lI~odlo . . WIll thron ,., D. R. Anderson allthorlzed us to SII.V tll.l't he II! the bluest man In tbe , Death's Work. Cfluuty, bnt thllt the HUlDe.comlnr. III b I It f th e 'fh..o. ' I'IHI hOlly "f \1 f :j Or Fu rr, mo t.Ji- w e l l 80OO88a n sp eo fr.·.. attroo· Good rlloing, speoilll (or .. r Mr .. M .1 ~"lIrr, nf Fr,ulklin , ~11 dflpn.rtment.!l oompI ete, WII\ I", brntl l/:ht. til Corwin RhtUnn tions. A .. Il 0 90 An extrlL polioe force will be On fl'om h"r 11It.· llIonill nt. H/lIlt.lJ 'hllrle!' ugU!!t {. 8, ,and 1 , 1 6. 'l'he Orthodox Friends Ohuroh duty during the week, but Indlvldu. t,m ttl'" IIIC1rnhlJ! annul wHI hp hilt! boon newly repai.nted 'LUd tbe als should l"ke ovory p088lble pre. Ilt. ~vrlllghl'rn .' Mr.. Fllrr Will' w"n kunwn In grounds abont the Churoh put In ollutlon. W"yml"vllJt', hn"lnlZ fr A.qoAutly VIM- beautifuloondltlon. Ilpd hllr lIonl<. MilHI!rK M. J . and ~tto "Bpllbr" your "home" photogru.. Death Summons Fllrr, wb tln th ey wore in the jewelry pberls prepar~ to .m&ke all kinds IlllShll'8l1' here /I number of yellrK ngo of work . Floats, groups, etc. See bim John Oraham. SaturdllY Ilnd make arrangements J b B (j h if th bess c a r l y o n . rll Ilm, C!n6. 0 e ~. W. Lamar Married. . . known residents of Wayne town· Mrs. Edit·h B~rrlll . aoo?lDpanled sblp, ~re8ident of Miami eemetery () W LRmlir Wlltl 1Illlrried Jill:!' by her nieces t:a.r olyn an~ Ed,'th And tru8ts" of W.Jlyue townsblp Hi, lit P.hllmlmr!llntr!l, nellr OllytoD ~08her, lionel their gne.t MISS Cor died at lin early bour Friday murnhsle are IIJlending l)Ort of tbls week Ing tho bOllle of bill IOn. Wm . t n Mr .. A L I:lnllnrnann. Uraham on the Lytle pille. Mr r..rtlllllr WnIC for R nllmher of at Cbautauqua. Ylllir" (lroJlrlet(lr of MIl' '1'f1leg",pb Of a shong JlhYlllqoe, Mr Grabam No'tlo_Spahr intends to have Mil1~ II AMWle of m\lfl!4 l\plow W"y hili studio npen all \veek daring the hlld Buffered HOQrolily IIny \llnca n,·" villl'. bllt for four nr five · yenr" B ome Comln/(, but If you want during bls long I1fe, until the .11nill 1111" llfl"n 'f'ngOlKoo largHly II) t.he wurk dona, don't put it off tUi then break down Mme 1& few WeeD a,o, 1111U1II1r bUKlnAMK, trn v'1l1nl( Ilxten for you and be both will be busy. whfle ~Dt tile reeld"noo of J ..m.... '" IIlve ly In Allklinr<aslll thot IIno of Mrll . U. B. Moore, of Columbos, 8hute, where he hlld made hll home I rrllle Whose hus bll.nd was formerly en· the PIlst feY' yBllJ'tl Reallzlng ,hat gaged In the dry goods buslnePII the en'd WII8 near he WI" taken to h ere. III visiting her sll!terll, Mrs. R. his aon'H homlllAbout two weelut be. Reunion of the Crolls Bnd Mrs. G W. Henderson fore his dellth. , 79th O. V. I. A.LnRt-A pCltrl neokll\oe on rOlld '.rho funerl&l tl8rvioe8 a& th, M. E. If'adlug from W. M Blaine's to Church t:!undltY mornlDg w~re very WUYOAIIVlllo : Return to G"zette largAly attended'. The long rlllll· Wil:JIINO·V!N. Omo, '. dence of the deoeWl8d In the oum· office I ,_
.,.Ira '11'' '
The Miami
BItOWN oi Me;;' V, Publishers.
.Work -Horse Pl\rnde. , .All lovol'8 nf ho r~ R ~ l,~ ul fl be ,lrrt'at· ly In tl'rl'"1 d In the mO"('IIHlnl " e ry roc- enLly stlll'tet! In s~\" .'r .. 1 ~ltl(>s a! t his counlry hY orglllll~:IlIQn8 kllO WIl .. "\\'ork Horso P!l I'U<le a ,;soclutll luswhlcb ha ,"'e' b(, pn form ed l or lh o 11lI!'o PO SII o r Improv ing th" coudl t lon of work hOI'S. It Is the object or the u soclat'lous , says th W or ld To·Day. to Indu ce ow n ~ rs and drll'I' I's of "'M~ 110r$08 to tnke m ra prld In th e al" pellrOnCtl 0( . t he! r animal s. to fost er th ('lr hutnlln o and Intelllgc nt tn'at- . In nt , a nd to !lrollse th e Int.('rcst ot the pub lic In lh hoI' PR whl cb they Bite dall,' ot work In th o city I3tr()t\ts. The liS 'orliItJo'll ~d(!J ,' 0 1' to fUl'l her t h('sc eolls hy means of nnnun l parndet;, In which nil w<)rl( horses, ex· c ept hnc!\ Rnd Cl\.b hor s'!s. mny b en· t ered ·I n comp!'t Itlon for prlz('s. The horses oro clu ssl flell accordln !; to ' tho b usln esN In whlcb tbey arc t'tnploye d, pri zes be lllg nwnnl(' t! ror gooll hard· wort..11tg conclll io n. dor-Ilo ood gentle m ann re, nnd for co mforlab le hor· n esslng. Aso 'counts In tb e borse's fa vor, not Ilgo hl ijL him , olld other t hIngs bei ng equal, to the Id I' hors il Is awarded ' l h prize. For many yenTS such pnrlldes hove t okt' n IllnclI in Lo ndon and Li\"e rpool Bnil olher larl:e cl Ues ot Ellgland , whe r th oy 110\'9 aroll seil ,;reat popular Inter es t and bll\' e heen a leading factor In creating a spirit of pride I1nd emu lation In the owners Ilnd drIve rs of Brltlsb h orses. wblc b has b e n of lbe gr eal~st hene flt to the borS\!s th emeel ves. Pride In tbe appeara nce of t'helr horses has proved to be a s tronser Incentiv e than u pure ly dl sl nle r('~~ ed 'regard t or Lh e lr welfare.
.,. 'a r e (.IIl, d. GDlOn.. MIlt Alice: e&Jll1<lne d t he ' CQU.);, dlawln: ~e r s leeVi -3d'0F8 b'lr eyeas. wbUe lDJ' wife. WI. rr-fcLU re ot II I1~e ..y, Willi l:enl1ln ~ly cr~ · lU I!. . " Th ere are' drlll1glll R all o"er thl£ hOli er:' 5h" 1'I'l!,I. ~ h h'erl u !O Q" s he dr e w htll· t- h:'l Wl arou n J h r . "/lar ,,!J!' l no cll"!1ug hts In dis It II h .. Ie slIIbe. Mis» All •.' , 'cleed I\Ul' Ill'll' l," ~a" , ! 'II .'· III ~ , fllu ul u/: the I:r:lte," '""'.....-''-_. ,-~-_ _ _ • her "j!tOIl. lo!;\! " N t" ' I!!' milHI Lbe rail" Ph trnlu f sn lcl illY Wife, "but Ill Hlee " flr e II ]!; '. K.llttcru lllU uJlU III , he pnl' lo r. 'I'll ' lillie ~t:ll rH will "',ke h is death or ~1 1I , !:;nnl!ny gUI.'~ts of l3eor ge I:i And she WCD l. liP to H IIry Jr )( 1.. f II Ing me gnzlllg dC!jPlltlldly th w hl'O ke n wlu do w (lut ou lbe IIsh-hn I'll" 11,,"18('11 [10 at lhe Spll rro 'vs~ , buck yn rd. I w as hruught back lO [Il ysel( Ill' U;Y wife c.tlilug In to com til) a nd C\n ' rope Ue n ry ,Ir .• who wa s 8lre11l10U N I~ nbj('rUo g 10 hi s bond age. ,luSt as I hud ("'I'd him, l bel '.ullle f l"<l1l1 belo w a n a .... ru l l' 1'!L~ h . "Dr 'Ss m uh ~oul ~ ,. w:t.Ued P hyllis 1'rolO Ihe .porla r , " If de whole (ront. wlud l' of tie pariah St olle ul n 'l lIo ne
The Sum mer Styl es Most ..4.ttractive
Wh c n n ph\,slein n 1.'11" n wom n FUr1~rill" ",'ILIt ;'l' ri ' us !· l.l tWlIh l1l (OoJlyrlyh t. by l oa ph B. Uowl a. ) t hllt4un opc rnl ionj llel !U6S11l·~V. Lh· \I t-ry th oug ht of th 'I<ulle aud the p"rating T hll re WllS ol,wluc I)" no rc.llAO n why tll blo btrilll's t e,'r r t o )1 ' r h 'lIr t . lind we $h oulrl mOl'e; W I.' were 11\'1111; In an our h "pilul ore fu n of WOlDe u cvmi ug u p. to -d,it o honse In n n e x('ellent n e ig h 101' jUllt s uc h operutio ns. burho d . Bill A llc~. lllY •... lfe. tboug ht dllTE'ro nlif. and " I! Rh e Wll bent ullO n Ul "kl ng a ,'hRJlR , I c.o n ~,! nled un , )D .1I110n Ihll t sh e shonld do b!;r o wn hOlls - hllllllnA. ··Oh. J ultl e .. !" gh ' rrletl, as s he mel m . o n el' n lng wlt.h n ftl'c -ycu r leas In h C'r hnnd , " I"" e tound such IIt'ha rm III /: little home. nnd In s ll cb II lIelig h t f ul loca llu n ; It's ~o cultun'd no d 1'41fin ed, you Ieno w. 1 nm so g ln,1 o n lI e nry .11': 8 accouot', for 1'01l kno w \l,ut H Ill' » ,II'. Is Sfo \llll g o n:; Th yooth referreci to b:t d no l t urn ed 14 mo·nlh s. "I I- U$(!'I the hou. rrom a MI 5S fall Ollt.. .. SI(',rro w- Nuch n s uperl!)r wom nn! " I Tan 11C' Wn 1l!;1l11l.. 1611owl).1 by my Ilolliinue d 111)- wire; "flO m uch 1l !~e r, wire w it h HC'nry hi he... llr ms. f'1"t· :0.1 \'ol ' n Ila,;ST St ·.\DIEH }' I:-:I;;H Y. do n 'l you tlli n k. than rl'n ll ng Irom -'This Is lhe> l u~\. tra w," I mu ttered, Ihos., h r rlll agc nt s Whll will neye~ dO 100\;lnl; .\[I 0111 1' ue AI Ihl. llllll' of Ih e yl'ar h'l \'(,l'y 'hIgh r w parlo r Cal'I,(,t , c rowns, lhl a t h ing for o no wlllHlllt lI.nldng U Cuss rulilerl furel'!!r. pre l tl Sl 1",,,,'""l o ns In the w:ll'llr b Ilc\m!)I, 0 11 tlutl s perhllJls mos l nong h ntl!. " eB \\"llet nn op rntion Oboul Il. Mi ss parrow snys she "' Vhpl" IIro YOll going. .Iamps ?" arc' h!'uughl (o rth. No mo re HI\'IIII\ The IItlle corrc>o l'OOtS Clre or li n I~ h onlv r ,ou rCt', but wh ,'n n' eo ucouldn't chi nk :I( J!ll'lng \IS so cha rm - said Illy wl((', ' us III W lor g rt'u L or'·I1"I\ln~. SUlllnwr 's elnlo mUo n . Imt sldrts I was gelllng loto IJr(1 lil,lfIlP.L t eill ' rs th'u gr 'nt nUlIIb!'.r o[ r',,-(>s o f In g II little ho me, hni ber RlgI r Amy lilY rai n ~()al. rr lgn I, uri r t1 L the be. I, nnll I ~ t us t he plnl n . ,\ Well cu t Iln d IIt led [lInin m cnll oi n R' f.' lU lllo tro"b l e~ '1I1'ell uy Is to h marr ied DIlxt rnonlh. poo r gi r l! LnJia B. "I ' m gol1lS. my d s r," I r plied , "t o Weill' 1I11t I1 lhlll e l' !i luf1'S ent 1 hr ~e !t ~o n s llirt alw n~'S has 'IIU'S V .,/,(.·b~I,I,' ('orn· more blY:C lhn n n he- pound oflcPr inl,h und s h e, Mi ss Sllurro w, or course, rull . a N ea"ly liS Il plly ~ici un 9 h l\\'o .. .tvi. ell h:, u pon Ihnl '[ln r-' vanl~ h. 'A s mu l> \lr 'WUrllI 'WPUlhH tl'IIlIIIIC" u n ,th lin es folluwl ng lIH1so opc.I·n.LI, lni<. uo ",()Innn s hou doesn' t ore to lII'e !tlollo." ' to rl'ocl;~ or '''''o)l IIQll nl b 'flllty w ~ tin' row r YOllrs, lind t w lsl Its u e k .... of the fl l,rUl' and rollkl n ~ a morc 1,lens- on \\"ith oll~ flr.·t 1·.l'inl)' th l,l V"j! r olTer ,I no obje 10 1111, hu t IIUggPRl orl ,tnblo "I b It or YU'l1 - 1 1001,lo re y HI nnt to l~ nU W'11 tel clwell IlHO Il. One WO S Il 'ilill Ing ('rrc·,' \' 'rhe popu lnr rolTe I1Ipollnd an.1 \~rllin g tOU ~I I nnrs. ("i nkh lltll, thnt II "hould wri te to her UClol!! go, James. .\1 iss pa rrow wil l nllend pl ll i. 1II\1 ~ III1. mud!' In qunl'lI moll Hll'cl swe r,; man y Jlurp" e8, uddij n li res ~ y L y uu, Mass., fOI" ut\ vice, whi . h i" free. H ' n ry. ro r who m lI en ry Jr. was · to el'er ythlng, I tUlI Ru r : bes ides, I100r Emp ire fllShlo ll ; worn wl1h Ihls a tOllch tf) n costu me>, bl deH .leM I nl'! s, Il$s l\In.rl!'rl' t Merl" ey, of ~'75 'l'hird nnm oll. aTIlI requl's t h im I [lustpon u ~'Il ~s Amy IR gulng 10 be murrleli .'n ls sho n fo:lcq lle C'OUl of ll a r k r d g lu('e lI11d I ~ Jnst th ' th in to thro w (HI a t St ree t , Mill ukce, Wis. , w rites : h is "Ifllt unlll w ~ w're tho roughly set - neXl nlClllth . uu ll-" Rllk, th .. h ut n bla rk r hln clrllllcci Wit h hom e wll n nn nll eXllet·tec.l \" 1 ~ lto r ar- Dear M rs. Pink!lIlm tl ell In o ur nc w h,' m e. ~he Inul gn ll n t: Oero l'!' !l he hut! tim€) to tlnl sh her blnck IncE' UIIl!' hen r ing (I ~ ln;;I ' red rI\" Qs. No w nd I' It hns tnlie u s ucb H Loss of strength , extreme tll'M"' l y rnfu sed, s uylng lhRl hor uncle hnd li nd lJ~nf'!£'!l, l'OB HI I'rOl1 1. A tnll .Iurl;yed I;irl bold In th e world of ta s hlon. . ~ n l~retl li nd SUlrt' ed us wltll a MooIJng Imltl.. through tho 1"1".1,0 IV~lInsl gro wn ve r y IrrlLob le nl1<1 su ~ pl c lou wor il \\'hllO' ml1 61ln .1 l'eHS li nd II ~ h ol"l t doubl s nepze. A \. ry PI' tty dUJ)<lt' f rock for :I boori.lll,f II wn pniull and cmuI I'~ com~ 1100 la le. 11 011 be might thi n k we d ldn m o to_k medical Orldl'O. The rl(ll"lOr , nft.'r "C IIi , 'nele Henry!" r rl ed m y wl[e. IIgbt I.o lue glace COlli. 11'11 h It whi le Iflee 'young gir l IR mnde 6r pink o r gnnd y. IJIllklng .-ant blm. nncl Ihnt s he wasn' t go ln 'lc: Illl ICuD lnlltion, SIlIII I hrul Cl feoN, le IIng l'de hUl t rim III ,I ,,:lth lIgh I blue und Is nn x epllon io Ihe pla ln-sldrl troubl~ 1lI14 1ulc nil ion nmI udvlsttt'l nn opu ruIn grelll .II H rCSl!, " I ku w you would rl bbo!1. to ba\"o He n ry Jr.'s 11J0811.ectB rui ned lak A mutl'on IhOlll'1i eX("eCIH ng tlon. ly T o this 1 stI' ugly Ob)l'CtOO. c",,1tl,'chled e co ld In s t IIl g ht. YOll lillls t le t dktnm JURt laid tlow n. nut dunce by a n y s uch InNlln o notions . My wlte·. we li til II littl e bllll' k g la ~Co ('oal IIct"O I11- rrocks to try L l'dln Ie. l 'iukhlWl s V<'go t.~lol Cllm m uy b excc[ltio ns-so lon g :IS po",,,I. un Ip, nn a!t hm ul lc, well ilhy old lIuch - me g!!l YO U so me thing. 'rho ulcerlll.!u n qlllCkly b~,,'cd , all I' m sure you Pll nyllll: 1I White \'olle Kklrt , a wh i le Lhey a r . pre tt y nnd II co ming. T he th, lxld ~ynll' t.ou\s rHSAppcllnld on,1 1 OUl elor , \VltS st rongly proj udl l' II IIgal ns t Dlus t (cel " e ry bad; e mbroi dered I wll l- " ('(111111' land ing o ul Oll l'\! more , trang, "1,,oruDS lind well" 81 Irl IS j usL n su cC'!!f!Slon me, becn u6e hi s n iece had ma rrI ed me or II un es. Busines s L etters. "You IUlty mn,I,e you r self ens y 00 t hot ug.tln s l Ihe Il Ia 'I, o f Ihe roa t. . Ih e lo wesl abouL t en 11ll"hes wid e. n Femll.le troub!ps are at :l'l\ly 1)0 t ho' _ "I know," su ld Il busi ness man ot "'ben be ha d hOI,ed sh e wo uld nu rse Ilolot. madllm," ho broke In. " But beW hile ' nIHI yel lo w lire somNl mes In h Is deollnln g yea rs. fore I I nve. t hi s· hou se o r co us plrators I "(,I'Y & Id to& t he r. eRperln liy It (lnly n Moun e d c ren In g In \\'Idth on e 'lnch as Incren " IID10ng wome n. If th ' mon th .wide expe rien ce, " bow crowd ed with IL liS en ds , sllve th ut those obo\lL tbo ly perio<ls II r o ~c r'y plli n!ul, Or t')I) frO-: Tbe ni gh t or th e firs t or th e follo w- wan t to 8c"' lse you IItudles the s('hool s are now, and J 10 j.llnco t hUl hUd lillIe or Ih e co lo r be Il ~ e<l. A whi le hips ore o f a Il k s lzll nnd the s kirt ,is I)uent nnd x~e,;slve - ir you h n,'o ruin Ing month (oUnd us 1, OUl" 'now llOme, In a n allyl'lIll wh e re h e will be pro p- On n l~h c101 h dre~s , creAl)ly In t np, t'OnSl rt:e lell ot . ma or sweUi dg lo w down in t he I.. ft bide. .. hould be loth to r ecomme nd lbe In· ny Ince- dg (I ruffie ~ . b cnring-d ond eiceplln g lhal n sho wer at prl ms IIl' ly cllre,j ror i own puiu ,don't ucgkct YOIII"while you, mada m , u nci Irlmm d with s trnps o( cream nn(1 oi 80 th e s l e \'e8. trodu ctlon of any n w ones. -. But 1 do Th r e Is n rounn tWit : t~ L ydlu 1::. Pinkham tell from tile lJarlor !lhll nde ll er wh en I ~ Ilk , 'I' n~ worn wllh n yello w SI n H. 's VCll'etllb lo wI s h 80metim bnby y~ke. wit h low Dutch nee1,. o f that the boys an~ 11gb ted OWPOUll ll. th t: gaR. the veni n b ad. BO hl\l Ilelnrnecl w!lh )'e llow plu mes. ThIs IHce prls wbo are g l l"ing tim e to s o many Inserll n. Th e. & 1rlll e Is or pink fllr , PIISS d off wltb ou l In c lrl ent. ostu me W I)!I e rr c~ "'e , 11 11(1 a ch,m ge li b rty a llll w llh long s tr nme rs a l lhe lIltle fads could be Indu ced to g ive FROM A CYNIC' S DICTIO NARY. My wlfe's un cle a rrlv ~ ~ ,In th e worst fronl nil· white q ll lte [1 !e~sll)g. T he ml dcll o f th fro nl. moro to the art of w rlUng I tLers." of humors; his truln, pa1"fl ~o1. of cou rse, \VII S whll~ . Nine out be ing lhr e ho urs T he tu ll e boo Rouge-: t.'nce sul olde. s, both ulor d ond Be did not reter to Lbo mere art or la te, dldn 'l pull In until a lmost midor e V'ry t It pll nasols seen a re wht le. Iho ~ e or white or blu r'k. ore wo rn wit h ·Bcn ell k- A l) cnllent bnrhlllor . wrlUng correct E nglish or the nrt o! ni g ht.. H e dr w 'bac l, from me sU8plA \ ' hlle woo l trimmed wit h bo nds Illensl ng trect by Illll wOlllen ; I)U I l ho Cournge -Mnrry lng n &er.ond !l 'UIl. wrlUQg an Inter es llng pe rsonal letlou81y wh en I olT"I"et.l 10 ta ke bls o r lI s h~ gr' y Is modish. Inlrodn clng s hort womno ahO\llcl nOl tll ko t ll rtlffs, ] .o\, Th e banke!l fires r PQ:ml'bn. the 1,,11 j:!'roy no i li nt! th e s trap trlmter, but to tbe PI' paratton of r eall)" \,BII ~e . lind glnl" rl ilL m s8wlgely o,'er Fo r ·~ or th e lo w ne k , which forLll no teDl vorce- Tbe <:~ . 1 ~ liOn ot an error_ min . . 'lIkeCi 0 11 in ti re,1, t1resse~ . No t a t)" good busi ness lett e rs, In whlcb the hi s glasses, tho roug hl y oo nvln cd, 110 h RI)[ICnS to he t he rMh\on nt pre " Al truls m- MowllJS :'our nels hbor'lI litt! t; rllllllllL gl'e n I used In rib bons ent, matte r In hand shou ld be treated not dOUbt. tha t lO a co n ~ lllracy on my par t RPli lhe ' ro llln g collnr. A V.shapeci la wn . fo was r due mid summe t Lte acc r ld ont to hi s tmln. mi lli ner y, ' nn d hut cut I" Ioooom in (0 the only clearly and concisel y, but al so SU!lplclo:l- Tes tlng the ' eng:lse ment st III lally, li nd M'y wire, not u lit t le hur t when her r rOW'llS nre now or ~ re~ ur lla hle g lv s moro sle ndernes s Ihull th o Du tcb ring on wl od<;lw gl ~8s. courteou sly. The need b e me ntioned, heigh e lTuHlve greeUng mel with ' II re buff. t. Thl R dOllS not m an t bat the n cl<. J ea lousy-A trlbu le to man's "all tty Bu t tulle boo . or 110 tulle bORs. cays Youth's Compan ion, Is one wblch low-cro wned hilt of eurly s pring Is re l- wom~ saId she wns so rry little Henry bnd that e\'e ry wIse womlln pnys. n to-day. s le nder a nd p ' UDlP, are felt tbousan ds of bUSlnes)I men, gone ~o bell , to r she ef!;' led to lh lllgS t ha t ·\\·ere. bu t l hat ,'e ry pre ·wou ld "0 lik e to Furlous -A wor~ expres In llfly costu med. lhe . _d may well c laim the atlentIo n of have her un cle He nry see h is ne w rnld oummer ·hapeau. bave mu ch lillie pleas ure a g irl experien ces w!Jen s he ELLEN OS 10NDE. youn. Ileople ot' both sexes wbo look n ll we sllke. Whereu pon bo somewh at is kissed, · 'forward to hn81ness lite. The ability gruffly Inqul red ,wheth e r Henry Jr. had Conscie nce-Th e In te rnal whl,per to write Intemgl bly 15 not rare, but , any Intee tlon of ,abs condi ng before that suys: "Don' t II;> It; YtJu m lgbt get eBught." the capaclly to write In stlcb a way IDnmlng . "lib midsum me r weat her th ere rorgets the Crestfa ll en, Bnd worn out after a Widowh ood- The onj,)'-co mpelllla tioD olltlay. With the pInk as to produce a plea'sont persona l feels prln gR up 0 0 all s llle8 1\ wond rrul IIIIDdkll l"chlef lin en R very flne Swiss IIOme wome n set out of T/l1L"'Tlag e.Ing for' the bouse one r e presents Is hard day'R work ,we 'w nt to led, but I \'lIrl e l of I"rl ,·o)ous lillie <'o ols. Bllc em b od ha rdl y olosed m y eyes when I telt brQldery goes beall\lfn lly, nnd em- Henry Thom pso n. extreme ly Many write rs tall 10 not n '\' \V po ~se~s Il beuu l y thnt gl ve~ ploy myself Water WBson- A "eblcle 'rrim "\hIe'! s uddenl)' Ih e embroid er y spllrln gly. not to a rouseci. the matter of' courtesy- eithe r In way lh e m un ,ex cuse fOI' be ing. JUSI th p detra t " James," whis pered my wife, In rrom daintine ss. There 18 • man frequent ly dis moun ts to ~asc of constan t omissIo n or articles and oUl.!r lillY WII noticed one thai s eemed no love lier 1!1lInmer trembli ng tones, "what III thet nOise?" combl na l la n tban of the .lIno ride h e's h:n1ns. to mal'c the coslume. It fo rmed pn rt the oolllbl constan t abhre"la tion. or, more com· "Only wUler .runn ing next tloor," I s hould n nlion of pink !lod white, and till conflned In some sanl l orlu m. o f ,to n il -White toile t. Ib e mn lerlal of to·d.l monly, In neglecti ng to give tbe otbe r re plied . dro ws il y, First or Grange BOil! kll . . :; the pliJks 11.11 beIng In stlo h esalld lUl'ned over (0 A nd liS fo r you.," be ShOlltpd, s ha k- the 8111 nll wmp It b uIIUful, rather teem. IL h '(be opening or a ban i' wllh a ea~ man tbe bcneflt or' 'the ' doubt. In Bleep agaIn . ns [us hloll IlS well !IS pretUIn g hi s limbre lla In my (H ce, "lake th e heavy li nen lace. It WIlS a haH l<\Ose ltal of $2;;,000 In T:oga, P (l.. would other word s, the fau It wi th most bus lneeB to com mend It. ': Wul e r next dool"1 \Vhy. James, 'I t's gold cu re- the pledge :. not, under ordinary elrcum!.tn uces, would do you IIIt1 e ~ont. nnd o f course t he ' s leeves C1ess letters Is ,a ,toult of poor m anners In t h is very roo m. LI"t en ! " Ve ry delicat e dresses ore wo rn p.n coostIt ute a notable uo good, you'd ouly break It. 'fake l be were c;l1o ppe d orr at the e lbow, 'Phe e, en t, but an t he the . I'1Ither tblrD of m en tal dellc1 ency. ~ t ~eet, the pulllle lboroug bfllres I gO I up lind pla inly lI ea r~ ' lbe gold cure! the gold cu~e! t he go ld dlRtin cllve felll ul"es IV r e l he qlllllll}' of bank 18 organlzod under tbe auspice." "Nenr, In any circums tances, allow sollnd , bUl couldn lt locate IL Cll re!" H e SlnlQmed ' Cle tront door th c Ir.ce a nd t he tou cbe!l he re nnd thereby given It holid ay a ape ct. Once or the State Orange, Is owned und manIt would have appenre d tl'ange ,to 6ee HOllins to flud >the so u rce o( tbe nf ter him , a n rl s buffied 70ur IIrst lettcr, 1n a case ot dltterenc e, aged by grangers , a nd Is des Igned 1.0 down tbe street. tll re or blll(>k " el"e t rlbb(lU bands to be hars h or discourteous," sold a. noi se, I I'llli a lighted walt laper a long Whil e connin g these thlnga, Phyilif wi t h whit e I' IIrl bUI ' ll l e~. A bl ock \'el- n m!\lro n strolllllg nlong the streeL In be be first of 11 series or gra ng hauks, n dress ot )ln le lhe hlu e s ide s ll le ot , but the no t to- Ita opening II very Intercstf wall: whe n L r It c h ~ d a ca mc Itl With hllr s cuttle for a business man to ODe ot his clerks . "No . nl:. lasl' day. A youn g matrOD looks " lIry malter how mil c h you t.hl nk the ' man poi nt about three .reet tram the wIn - land. She to ld ,UII sbe had found an 011 pre l ly ond yomhfu l til a go wn of lig h t dow I ro und It as a ' volumo ot Uli m a Hill $IOV Experie 6 with nce. onoll Hh 0 11 In It to cook ttas Injured us, give hIm , tbe benefi t bllle tnlTela, Its tn s blon W Rl mple ns to be lched forth atmost to the OI)llOSltc bl'"uk fn ~ t. S h~ besltu "Po," Willi. I bouglllf u lly. ". lNI liS she a dded of the doubt. :Assume t bo t he baS Blele or the roOI.ll. canso 110 commen t when ma do use of thInk r ,Iaald I seized u 1>l/Io w. I hut ah hatl ho rro wed some wate r tnow now w~at Lho minister mad ~ a mistake rlllh er than thnl lie as a ehu" ob dress. There 18 a epll rnle meant when he and call ed to my .wlfe for a L'Or k. fro m all I' neigh ha l' nCXl door. wbo r esaid ' tt Is O1oro bae mis represen t e d. To take the othuppe r r llrt. an d nlm ed 81 eve o r cream bl Raed to s lve Ulan to 'Te 1'1vo.' .. '"TDke It , II W U~' for tile love or marketl thnt we hnd begun Ihe borro we r course Is to e n ler . n bli n cl a.lley. hC:lve n !" I ye ll ecl colla!) la<:<1, !;O SOrt and pr tty one for"1"es7 WhAt was It?" " Oasto\' ~II ." , as s he hnnele d ,me lug pl ll l1 ,·nt.her eurly ror so s han BD gets ',0 rltlclse Qualit y . Tbe g ird le , Tou may have lO turn l ' Oll"ll) to get out a cork. IlOld ln g in ber o t.her han d a II CQu ul ll l'llnoe, We , co mm end ed "OU'I" us g ird les should be, III o( Lhe tll nte rla l lit "It." bott e. " H's gRRO I ln~!" DOCTOR'~ SHIFT. cookell ll11 te l"l.u·lso nnd to lel her to do or the mnl n part of the clr ss-;-noth ln g She gave n plercl n" Bhrle k. nIDI the bes t illl p CO Ul d. A nel fo r th e nex t mo re nWltwu rd. II seem s to liS, than Earthqu ake Centen o Now Geta AlonG" Withou t I ~ ' th rew th e oOllle and corle ou t In to t he ten mlnll t s we hea rd hc r In c.e rms n . g ln il e ~rn wlng atlen tLoll to t he Of' l be 30, 06 nrthqlla l;e shocks hllii. At trr kn ocking o,'cr sel'e1"~1 (01' 'Ib le, 1f nU L flollte, poy ' ber repoint where wais t a nti sKi rt lIleet. To A pb y~ l c la n >ays: " Unlll last fa ll llhat occur c nc h yenr ahou t GO are things In the m~lIl c lDe cit es sh /(ave ~ fJ!'!' t H t o t he ~to" !I. re tll r n to Ih e oos(ume wl1vse de tail s wo used lo at meal for my br ~akfast -"OI'ld· shaklng ," g lrlng In all umen ta l me '0 ru ohe r s topper., J d rove It lireu ll ruRt. wa ll not 8 :Oll ccese. T he have bugsesle d, l he ha l n ~1l11)n llylng lind suffered with In dlgeSllo u lInti l recol'ds at a ·great dis tAnce. and P;of. In to Ih e a pertl1re of . n g us pipe COrrel' 'va ~ eolct a·nlJ lhe c hops w!lre thiS Ie Il et Is II yellow luce stra w: t ho lhe meat bad passed ga rfrom lbe stomJ o hn ..II1llne lin cis .(hal th ose gr ont from whi ch tbe hraci, t bad been nl h cI wilh COll i a ll . t ho Il lI \"or o! long g10"08 tile RII me s hncle. , cb. urlbqlll ll((>s belong to 13 r egions, Jlu r lol ucd by the Sparro ws, a oel whlcll whlc'h lin 'e"ed with m e for haul'll. ~'or th e nes the tl c "n iu e, e very big "L"s t fall' began the use ot G=apethey hat! pll' ggcd wl UI wax. 'rhe [111 Dlreotly urte ... bU'CU!\r:1Hl I I'ulled on three IJ lug ullflDPo rtunt. automol lil e shoul.1 ha ve n g l'Oll P o f N uls lor bl'ellk rast The Im- low, In Ihc an d ¥1ry SOou III 'out/me had .;a ug ht fire, t he Spar ro wR, wbo . while s ummt' r Indies on the baClt Reat, t he ir fo u nd I could 110 ma l, ln g my portant centers rorm two g r e at rln ss. witbout 'Ol Ollt , ror an ci whll., I was trylug to s mot her It COlllfJ I U I1l1~ . did noth ing volumin but Uu ous tle l' a nd draperie s Onrl lIoa tln g ve ils . my body got 011 tbo nOll~i 'rhe ch ler of these rings, with a rudluB s bment . my wIre ~c reumed agai n , HIlU tbls ~ blrp. 'file e ld ~ r takin g (rom the machine aspect ot the necessar y (rom tbe bini ",tid s be cO uldn' l "t 65 d egrees, e mlJraces 'lev e n reo awoke }j nry Jr., who . Grape·N u ts, lind Jollied In Ih e u!tord to sJle.nd II c:en l a t l hat time on ugly "s hl eles. Yesterdn y an ou to Since tilen I ha"e not h nll any Willctoos-1 tbe Alasiuln coast, th e Callfo r· m elee; Ihls brought dow'n my wl fo's repairs. fllllIh e,l by wllh three IRdles' In the ges tlon Bbt! am fe ling belter anil Dlt COIItit, t he :West .Indies, t be bilian un clc. whom w,e dldn ',t s ea IIn1ll I I noUU ccl Jl er that we would' vacate ' , rear b(al,· and we noted nil three wore ha vo Incr eased ' In weight. ' eqaat, the south or New Zealand , lt g hted t.he gas. allhough he had an- ' tile hOllse 'wlLh hl three wh ll.e c hlrron "ells , nnd th ltt. the e ffect days. "S ince flnill n g the beneftt I derived ' Erakatc a; .and ,Japan ; .and the other, noun ce d , hims elf by a ~eez,. was IJel leI' th un wh en ('o lo rs nro from Gr.ape-N nts , She ,lllLLlPred and Clblrped excitedl y I have presorlb ed 'FInally I Kot tblngs quieted. 1"lth a ~8;dlu9 ot 50 degrees from .Its I as they (ollowcd rne to t!te door, and vet iJruHI edged the shan s lee\'e, the II nllllled. If of goo d qll a llty tb e chlr- the food for all of my patien ts s urte'rcenter III th e Sabara desert, Includes didn' t 11911cc IInUl the next morning I tllollgbt ~ heard the ,hetrothe d Spar- IIttl JUCI{Bt was closed In rront by ton " All ma y be waRhed In SOtt[1 I, nd Ing tram Indi gestion or over-fee ding hlu:ld e -ado how rn badl cd bla y I ck had ,'el"el been burned. It was ro.... say sometill ng abou t elutnuges , rIbbon water, Ie a cleanly veil and cl a ln ty. The Ilnd also ~e ear~llake ,eglon between ,India tor tbose reco\'erl ng from ' thougb It IllOY baVl! been noth ing more ends. Th e dusk y sort ribbon was "ery wearing or lWO " ell s Is sJiIl IndUlged d lsense where I want and Mad~8aeltl:, the A20rea and Tash· after .dll~·n wu en I was awakene d . . a food e nsy ·lo p relt y ~gIlLIl".l. th~ be, utlrul lare. . . "Jam e 8~ set In, til(ough uP thlln .. qulet<! Iln man lDo " y .called l1ellsi"'ve wome'n my eschew e \'e n tll ilO and certain to digest and wbloh (witter. kend. ProUt. Bollas has conclud ed tbat A number of re Crel!hll1 l5 ~ Imple hats I wl[e. "The room Is Illied wJth smoleeI h will . not ove rtax the ' stomaoh, A.rLer cn illn g on my .oltl agent, I nre tbe earth .b.aB the sba pe of a penr, Its eat of tb? sum mer. ~Ol"ll \\lltb t he s imple 111llrnlng Lub one n ti e lbe llouse · I~ on fire! " "I always lind lbe results I loolt ' lu rned m y steps toward o ur " liew ends be ing 1ue centers of these two froclt s, I rlO1mln s !'edn ed to lh e IOWCH I Almos t · s uffocate d, I jumped out or home ," wh.W1C I me l t.b~ s to"e ,June M igmtlon of Butterfl ies. tor wben r presc rlbo Grape-N uts. For man rlng8, one kl A.!rlca and olle 10 the bell. :rho. butterfli es 00 towal"ll the end eUlloll1 r eos ons pleas.e lhrew 0Jle ll ' window s. 'lUet gro peel wbo WlI S, for ilie moment , leaving. He lerm ". ODe charmlll J; bl ack Chll) ~ll omlL my ~a!IJe: " or nB S I willed Pacific. nls :view bas ha d r e mark· m y way to , he kl\(~ a llOuL ItR cro w n a 0,r J line hen s tairs: told III lb ut h e iliad fixell Iho parI IAt hrull !l of Panama . Nama 'g iven b y mall by· Po' stum Co., cross tIe able conftrm ad on, ,and th e wea kest "Phyllls !" I yelled a t Lbe top ot ,lo r ,S IO\'e, but oould do nothing . wltb wreath ot r rlm so ll rumhlers , u blue F or a week or more, In untold mil. ButUo Oreel{, l\fl ch . s ailo r 11 garltl1l l'l of baby whi le roses, HonH, th oy polnta of t ile eartb:S Crtlst 'are .where my "alee; ' " Is tbere a lire dowl! tbore?" t btl Ie lume n runge; put out to sea, The u make Tho r eason for tbe 1 h.I1t .turing the III aU whil e hat lL Cllrel~8S ~ prnr wonderf ul I d of thi s th eory would S·llggest. " II mount of nutrime nt, and the easy dl"No, Sll il," yelled ·lIllCk the I;ook: ijUDlm e r mueLb s Lbe s Pll r rows must a c ou . 1\ clu ~z lln g' cloud of g leaming daisies aud nOlhln:; ge~tlo' e :s e. n nrl of .GraDe-N th e 1Ituts Is no t bard. t() "chir ul n 't no fl ub'; .1 wis h dar war, have bu il L fhelr ll lllS ls In th e chlmuey . lie [i·o~]{s ' Lbemsel lies u re so rr es h li nd blues lind g reens, between the "clear MiSS Da na L. May, f1f Ann AJrbar, but 14:.8 KII s ll1oke. s l; ~' ami the clear water. BIrds fo)" Ond. Drat ri c ole s tobe ! I told h im th n L I It:ldu'L the slig ht- neat, Il fi a rule o ne-[l frlleh .. after a visit to Was bjn,;l:on It WOI"~ draw. An'Mar lete d "e ~s e&. low the m, eallng the m b;' hundre ds . In the first place. til e Btaroliy part s J eems, dar's est ci ou bt Ililout It.. White moh ll irs li nd Pan u mas In, l!Ompl alns Ulnt S'bape COIt,S:ts for more a mllu .Ilmlh w'lIe Bometlme~ llle wind drl"es tliem of the wheat an~ b,I\TleY ·go. a n ' be dont: .turn ~Iy wlCe was anxious ly a walUng my goe~ through ai'ense In number, perhnps the best tbn braIns III seeurlnl; a gove rnment de w:rt a b o rr In de \'arIOUR pro('esse s' of cookIn g, to per. a ll('y. ka 'e he Jla)' re turn . I o ld ber of my bl g hly satis- models Ihose Ir imm ed o nly with til k- e RBtword. Then Ul e:r may he caught, CocUy chango th e staTcb In to DextrasEt poatlon . She 11M papers ,to sbow thai de WHta.h rlnt aln ·\. Pilld , an' how I 's facto ry " Is il to our 'Old Inndlord . Ing. Tllcili ng Is used for ' lIugerle !l lIe deatl IE-oves, In gr eat handful s.' or Post Sugar, In wblch state Itla In a r r ent ('1,,11 senlee en ,m.lnatl oll t er glt brel\Jl fuB wlfout " POOL' Mi as Amy! " moan ed my wire. no /l a h nn ' g O' Eve ry .lune thi s mi g ration takes read y to be easily walatll again; IlQme 01 lbe uewest modabsorhl)d. by ~ Ibe rea ched the 100 Dlark In eV'e ry wnw h , de ,good Lord place. Whe re , lhe b\ltterlll es come bloot\. The parts , Ho only know ... "Anrl. oh! you IlOOlr, dlllinh e rited, dc- e ls are mllde or nil-over lu cking. Th , In the whent and e frnru and We rl"iecUy M essed, While li ellr)' fra uded IItlie darlin g ," where tiley go branch except two. Wh en It jl,.' to lr., hu,'hl1 no 1Dun . s be b oo:.todnl a(lde I d. s hi are. h ot tbe softest nn<l Hnest. IlD0ws. lng a,wakene d , entored luto tbe lIurylng I\.r ey 'II' c N at ure eBn mil.k 0 \1813 lUll" race In Henry Jr.'s neck . pbyslQ lIe, howcver . Ibe fell down splrll of tht- .atl'lJr, a nd, ;:. comfort to the 18 uod res~, ncb of tor rebuildI ng brain and n epv !."ilnnnd eCl11rl1 to enOn the evening of lhe third day fol. Iron '; 1'1')( easily; even tu c)tlng need woeful ly. .Dot bein g toll e~ough t or her ' j~, It, to r he pers ters ore retained In tbls remarka ble ls terl In llftold ng hI s lowlllg \Ve wert:t b~cli Ho .Jok.. In our old home, hUI'a 1'0 te rrors ror tho WUl!h Ind y. "Idtll, Sbc admlts ' that ber weight Is beel« up Into Ihe fnod , and thus tbe, buman hCldy Is ' "Bolomo ai r and Lbmwln g orr n wns very '1 . eh, WII8 h' WILh th eso wfll ~ l s la e and embroid ery nat'r' Dot properl, . clls tr lbuted but thinks pO- I hlJi eoverl ng. supplied with tbe p01l'erful 8t renl;tb. We ti ed him (;lilt til LalIt yehr there w ere 39.21] ,000 of are lI ~ed s pa ring ly, lind must J.>e the • 1t1ons sbould ,flot be fillet! 91th produee ra ~ easl1;y noticed at~er one"Yes. he "bad to be." his !"I"lIdle, li nd tbpn r;ln down to tbe mutches eolil In France, ' bringing Into "nest 01 th e fine . aho ret.rnt e to' )lhnoel!n fs8. lIa8 eaten Grape-N ut. each day rllr a " lIn.d to lie?" kitchen, wber. "0 loulld PbylJl. In thnl lIution'. trelUmrv A fl ock of pink handker cblef linen , 5,2i 6,P60, UI&I . "SlIre;' 1110k at tile lIumber of wlve( wl'ek or 10 days. "T~ere's a r"l1 ~on. " . I W:U" · . '. b IDg ·ff stO l e monopoJ -=- Willi morlCY, 50 Qqlllslt e ope be hlldo" Oe\ the little book, "The nOola toWellvlll e," III 1I1tp.
The Fashions -of the-"Day
• .I
The City,of Pitt~burg t;lnd Her Many Millionaires
or l uulU tl ftjf rre tod y T hl'! u II I UH ' ': 1'4\1 U): 'l' lhl p r.l hHlftj of th lJ ~' lI h b ' nt IIn Y8
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)t)\'f"i l to 'fl well u p on till' tI hC A
, In ,,(, lldC I' and Inr\,',
Iu Cblcago. Sudden Chan ....... of Mind , Mrs, \\'I\bll~ ll- 1 ulway ~ sa lrl ' my Pllffing nllll blOWing, tho 1a p!lssp,nd nll g hl ~r Wllu ld !l1U1,e a name for h er, !( r hll g."t9 to <:1 1mb lo th~. u ppe l' \)Crth T:1e Numb'c r Very ~argc Iii Proportjoa to PopulatiOO-lll)w the T o-da y C)\tr H~nr4 l h 1M u ll I n va I n l"o"~ J)c(, t(H' l t\t4 IIntl (JH f'I . self. In th s l eu pln ~ cnr . , fortuno s Wero Mllde - Not All "SpeRdeu." .• ,'r N ur ,J I" a...s h fJ w ll u Hw ny' t hd ,11IJu rs MI's. I "!l r\)o l"o- I-Ia sh (l? ' " P rl' Lty harr! wo rk, Is n't It1" said . Wllh k lllltl nll' o n h ' I' Inll, "8h '~ lila' I fOllr. h ·'s gol h~r , th l' mnn In tit low r be rlh. J A ntl eo 1 w ould n.UlIn. l::rn rOll l'tll hu ~ bau d! "-Yon k r;\ Stut 's" It Is," nu ~ w e red tl)e r/ll pllll~eo ge r, Alit " Ol lll ll th o w o rld hu ft r o lll'd ml1n . " for 0 mnn or my we ig ht," .A n\-I jfl ll~ It Htlll moro tJ yglll ll! 1111) PH I' bn "g .; lJ\lIl!oll:l lrC9 h \'e COli :1 ,1 sou with B arll ey BH n ulo and Cecil " How mll,~ h do you we igh, may I " ' h \11I Or,unduulIn lllu \\'Il~ ohl . Division of L abor, ,gr...\t dell I to !I,n lm thp l'i l ~' rumo ll H, H hll(le~ ." a a l,~ " - 1'\, \ '. S un. l\l : l t tf'fS nre HP1l0rl lonf'11 OIl!. Plt t.~ hl l rg H mli llo ll ulrM n '\Ve oj 11 0 DUll) ',It Pit s bu rg 's mCII 0; ~ r n t for· "Th rce I'"n tl r (I a nd elgbly-seven Fall' ltl"I~lon lhuH It Ifm\' 9; 1I1U,' 1 to lIIUllc' l he I' ity nl mo us, or t un mado Weir wou! lh III 8100 1, GWI Il oll nds," M f,( 1\t'r IUU' S e lho w g r enSl). IJ fl. u~h l l'r UKO!t e l lJO W s l ('\'\'l)!. h' IO 11' (1 h" ,'1' 11lI ei I n 'W II I "~ (lO L 1\ fe w , g rea tl)' IlI lInte[J th e fOrl nlles o r o lh ers, "Holtl on ! Tnk ll this one!" ex- :-.: . \ ' ~ Su n. of h ~ .'11 'I', \l IILIl til prQ81lero us r NOI " fe w "slI'uck oiL" !'\ot II re w I'lallll e d the othe r, hl8 hair beginning s mu ll," I n"r Ih r " th JUII " lOll of SOld'l ut 0 t rusts a nd comhln ll lio lls litH! Diplomatic R efusal. to .rlae o n enU , ''\'rl r lilher s leep In t lt e MOlIlIII £'r.!wJa u nd All eglu ny hus mntlt! h uge \lron ts , and he rc, lid el se· "Churile, I)ld mun, lend lIle a do l. th upper berlh , anyway, Th o ve nti , !Jero1J1P fI hyw 1':! ::.od r epm uI' !l, nn 11- wh e l'c, g rurt has c reut c(i 11 11(1 Ildded ' iu EY L . R ' KINDER , lall<tn Is belte r," - Chl cogo Trlbun,e.. U ' fe, ,, U r l, W day8.~' 111$11'11 111 II t!1Il 1 l11 e n cy Is Iho ,root or go ldeu s Hir , "SOme haye m!lde thei l' " I wi ll when I come buek from HAVE A LL EMIGRATED. Whil e allarc' lI y ragejl openly In the, eon vl ted him a nll tbe Judge possea tbe 1"" rBn c.- e." IlI lH!h " " iI-Io IIga ln m lUquo Lc lilalort- money lu beer, Dud !:lOme In bel' ; so me ' ' ml s QII I1 I ~ I (!l'u v!'l'lJ, , 10 slQg l e~ , 3 n'd ~om e 10 8t" a m eug lnes, chle t clUes or the Russian empire, se nl e nc6 or ll ea tl;, going to ,"DI 'llI 't kno w you we re During l he wee l"s stay of e xecullon Jo'rance," U,UI \"en t h 1l!O~1 ,'~ rc l ~ n\lls t nd- to sa y nOt lllu s o f th e a lche mi sts who Whic h threatened lo coll a pse benea(h .1I11t iltllt t he l'(! u rI) mll : lon :t lreij anll han' t rauMmlttetl Into gohl Window Ihe I18slIu lLS of th e reVOI UtlOn~ts, t be gra nted the prls oue l" In ,order Ihul hI! '"I'm no V '- Tlt-Bl ls. nlll ll on:> il(\ ', IIHlt I'UI all 11 1'0 !;I ve n I)vo r g lass, plu te gla 's , bottles. l!lm ll chln\· dealh or Prince Droboken, governo r nd ght Beltlc hlK utralrs, Sonia IS arcely I au obscnr pro vince on t h e eastern him a thou ght , As a womon s he of gllve Sorrow of It. to Hl(, w,lrl /l ulI,l t he II ~ h , And P r- n OYM, a rmur 111m B, locomotlvcs, f eWe r lln n y n go d 'ttwn h:\I ron;u.,,,n h l11lH II w"'r~ well I (( Ih ill I' fil l' a pilles, al l' bra k().3, e lectri c m OlO rll, a n d border, auruc ted so lillie attention a t might shl'lnk at Iho ugh t of h is deatb 'J'h n t lh\i r c ' s f 1( pla ce 1I 1( e hf) IU C. mnm II I (1\'1' 1' Mlloet (I I P IT, I! I'g mll- " th ,IU 'Hl :1 d a n d one olh'r thin gs "l, Pelersburg tha t tor month8 no !lUC' on tha glllluws , !JUl as /l cting governor \ Vh pu t he 'r ook Is I n h i!! <'I l tjo \\' lIo na \t'(,s 111:1.11 lh e rr:I'r>,h " lo wing one lurn ,Jl! Out In Ihe world's wo rl,shop at essor was aPI)oln tell. Neverthele8S, ot I< II(!IIns l: , s he reg al'lled him dl spasAlld thp ",~cr Is IOPpf'd " Il l l: ( UUm, alTa ll'8 we nt on a~ s Uloothly as berore s lonalal)" -Ch ic uu:o Oat il.)' l': e wN, 'o f goy 0 !(I hll ~'~ II l1 d "OIl' r 111sh y ull g lh torll , o f lh e hlo," und e r guldun ce Of PrIn cess SOnia, who Th e ev ellln!;' or lh e s lx lh tlay, us s he n1:l n " tll ' n ~~ t hel l' 'r,am pa g-n from ' Ma ny Ihe wa ye t he mon ey has been Disappo inted, h ig h-I, ('I" .! ,1I:1per u r popll.u r rhO MI8 made , m!1n y. th e waYH the mOll ey Is bud In fa l rul ed In ber ralher's nsme R,nt alone In her bo udoir, Khe hnd 00\M ~ym e-" hy did y,ou a llow him 10 Sin ce lhe latler had bee n Btl'lc ken ' wltb plete ly rorgotten that Lupl.nSkl was lO g ir l, ~pen l. And hav in g g h'en laclt (1l'o mlse turn Ol' WII Ih e gflS? 1'0 hr' " III'e t ho fa II!Oll,1 \\' ('o l lh 1\1£1 no t tl) rlwell Ul\ $50,000 ba nqll ts to pnralysit; lon r e lll'S prior to his Iloath, be hu nged at 8ul1rI8l', wh e n a serv ing F:llyl h ~h , mere ly Oll t or (lIIrlos lty, Rlimors or d ls tunt 81rlCe produced w OIl1~.n Bnt I'ed to sal' ,that a you ng ('0 111 (' H' r:,,~1 III S'I hlg 11 c l '~ ' ('" 'n rootl ll. ll l, le t li S ~'() nflne au rI wau ten to s ee If he would t ry to 'ki ss In 1'llt nl url1' It Is no \\,t ' ll(l ~ r Ihe )" II , scl ves to 11\ .nl io ll o f more s u bstantial but lI ~t le etre ' t upon til Inhabitants woman era ve d audien ce o n a mil Iter ot me. Inrg ' i ' OI}[1 l'tlu lI , 10Rl tlto lr h II lll1, Men ways r d lHposa l ot wealth , Mr, Cur- of this provl" e, who bad ne ve r had oc- lire and deuth , Ma yme-An d was },'l'Jf cu r ios ity 8atThe I!je ll de r, fig ure t hut , foll owed till! )111\' (' ('!' IIO ma ll to t' no leRH re:I' o n, un 'l l n gl u',' un iq ue (1 1' russlou o r g iving Cltslon to protest agai nst oppress io n laHcII'1 by lhe gov e rnor, T hus i~ wus that servanl lei fnll It hea vy s baw l a nd ad t not rho ,l" '~cllrrar y, I he Inll ifrorcll ce n way mon ~. is LO ll Wil li IlIIo \\'n to neell Erlylh - I shoultl Rn y nol 1 He o nl y t lh ~ 1;0<111 Id hod· ro cl, \'I r l lle~ , bIll 0 II OY comm e n t, Let us s p o k a t I SlI wblle the "Little Fathel'" hid In bomb- vancetl. She WHS Ktlll In h e l' teens and kissed me onre,-G hlC!lgo Dolly Ne ws, kind C 1 murJn t'.'H ? , II ta l. es tl IIrelly wol!-K n O\~' n ~1r. PhIIlPR, Henl'y PhipiIS proor c ham be l's, lhe prlnc 8 con ti nued pretly with a wholes ome cou ntry beau'l e \'el rllin tn 1\U1 D11 SlIre S, a n ll 10 ri se 81arttl d liCe :t~ am e boy aod lorlt, be- to bold her T hn rs,lny arte.n oo n l!lvees ly , allllough her usually rell checks THE MADNESS OF IT, 11'11111 il j ot, or " Ii oll a r a d a y t, the clim e ur e r Car negie la l'ges t olVner ot w!lh perfect sllfelY. The only danger were palo li nd tf\ar·atullle!i. Her b ro~n to be fen red wa a from oUlslders, bllt ~I n noble mnn? eyes lolll ItS j)Julnl y of !l ba rd day's nlrol of lI1u lJi- lull llous a . I.l I'u lo I~ a nlle,l talt's St ee l, and let us s peak Mrs, Tourem- I thin k not; s he m et lilli e tCf" much tor a m . 1' man, lu u o r way~ In whl 'h this s e con d s teel even bere th e goo d will o r her people journey lUI her llIud -sla ln l~d s kirt and blm In 'Europe, -;vcI'Y I ll er ,lUn g arl lrle III lhe Ilr eok · m agn ate ma na ges to redtHle bl ~ Income, protected her II!! n gltarll could ba ve muddy ShOCli, "Wbat Is It, ill Y child ?'" dllmanded ls' n ,,'url Ho me lime L\[O l he relld er Mr, Ph h)I)!! h!lS a ' 11115510n for !towers, done. A dozen times re"olutionary ' lnBmallnelll. ",,' li S F ,. " LI g lll11p$G Ih '~ mater ia l and hOl ds to t.he be llof thal lIowe rs, s tigators were drive n Crom t/le prov- Sonia. dl>i lr.INli lng the utlendan t wltll The s mnll esl mau In tile world went p rog"C'5s ' marked (I rCl a t ~ r e o f \ ne like lIIlIH lc, ha th power; [lIld, perao nally In ce or dellverod Into h er "bands by In - a Ilod. COurting, To s how bow very small " They a re goin g to h a ng Ivan, my , moky )i ry i ll r ece n t y '!) r~, Tile onl- we II I,e th Idea ot be~ l rew ln g people's dignant peasants, who hen cefo rward ' be was, lel Il be known that h e laid regarded all strangers WIth s uspicion , s weethen l't." cried t.he girl. "He Is In· ne it he r US·a -dozen roses nor U-aH os llle eyes the rerore greeted the no:ent, Noble prln tillS , save blm! " pound andy at tho f 't of bls Intend. , PEolIDE:N<.'E or unfllm lllllr garb ot t he IlBt llione r Lu "Hi8 nalll e ?" ed, but anly a Quantity or 5·cents-a~ENATOQ WI! F'LINN pinsk i, wbo n·om t he mountain " Iva n Lupin skI. He,- " naper popcorn. regIo n, a long day's jou r~.r ~ortheast "He al!~lwltcd th governor.i t bls Of co u rse h e foozled , or Ki kamsk, onlll, however, received, provll1ce with Inte nt to kill," salcl " An Imp08s lble rellow!" declared blm kindly a nd , a lt ho llgh compell ed Sonia , s ternly. Love. disgustedly, In speaking of tb e to deny bls 5ull, gs\'c her reuson~ 10 "Th!'r Iii >io me mi s t a),.,. He could affai r loter. ,IThere pos itively wa sn't detail nnd pla ced In his b a nd ~ , a pllrse not-" enough of him to make any kind ot " or 81 h 'cr, 1'b good-looking youns "He recel ved 0 fnlr trhll. There Is ' tOOl or, so what was I to do ?"-Puck. peasanl fu ll ed to gra~p th o rbean lng o( no douht o ( his guilt." her wo rds, IImli b e!>w wlll g lhe 11l1l">ie, "1'.1 rcy, gentl e l)rln CeSEI, and spa 1'0 Study Not to Blame. s be gent ly dl s mlst;ed him. Th n, rea l· Il ls li te ! " "I shOltlllu 't think you would let 17. lng thut bl s. PI'\ lll oII LllIlI ta ll od, h is "A s u. womn n I fo rgive 'hI m hi s OWyour da ugille r study 80 hard that bel' till\! eyes ,11l1l'el1 Inl,o 1\ Il laze ' and h l~ a rdly nltnr k Ullo n my life , Bu t flS th ~ ,health wall III(e ly to be nrrect l!d , eve n voi ce ' filled the room wl t ll posSIOnli ltl cznr's I' rll'~R II w lll'e nt Khnn ms ll } for We sal, ' of bcln g !lble to grad uUut cry, To 811 ,III Il ,vo I, at II summ e r r esort a ~~ mlls t 8llfoff'e hi s la wS, " , An ll catc h Il br Cl(e o n lila win g, ' Th e pllia ce g U31'!lS prC(' llIltO\;SIY S ill" "Tp -morro w a t sunrise," muttered "01,. It Is n' t s tl\d yln g that bas made I'ouud eel him Dnd a t Sonia 's command the g irl , 1111'11111 ' II way: " be wlll-" The dupper e ig bt Jler w k young mun her III. She has bail s u h poo r luck led him wl l ho ut i n jllry 10 th e Ity '\ \I ill resorl to allyth Ing. he !ltlllll hi III I tlnd fell h Hlf·rHlntln g with the dr ss make r."- Ohlcago Recgu IC, wb ere be \\' (\9 SOL fre e with a towRrds lli t:' Ilrlnl'ru,s, who SUI)DOI't cI -qln clnnatl Engulr r. ord·H e l'ald, wal'ulng 110t to return , "'\th tlla t 1m· her 10 I h ~o ll t h , T he Truthf ul Grocer, , A , CASE OF EXPOSURE. paRsh 'e tJlg nlly ro r whIch be l' family "YOi.l 900 1' lhln g! Yo u are 11 11 worn "Wha t'S Lhn i s ign you' !'e writing ha (] long b en no ed, Ibe prln 'ess re- ou t.' 'shp sa hl , s rnlp>l th eUcally. sUUl ed h l'r audl en 'e, und co nllnued to "I 11II\'c he!!n w(l lkln!!: s lu e mid- tbe r e?" asked lbe grocer, "Free b eggs,' replied the n.~s l s tan t , reeeive lIetlilo llers until the Insl had night," tit oUl er al1 s wol'e oil , littem lllltll!: "Makll It '}' res ll-Inld eggs,''' been b nrd. ' . lo 'rl ge, "W hy - e r- everybody knows t he Yel, wb 11 lh e d a y" bus in ess wa s , " 'Vh ere , th ol'c," sa I<l Son 1o, "Lie sUlI eggs w r a fr s h w'hen Ule)' we l'e lai d ," O\' er un d t; he rCI'lin etl In 1\ masslYe n nd rest fo r n f 'w mlnul'!li, " "fj1l!nctly ; Bnd lhn t's all thnt It's She ran' fo ,' her woman , who lea th e r chair b ror he l' boudoi r 's open s hl! tl' mbl ed n Iho ught or th e b rol1;::ht n gl oss of wino , whlrh s he Slife Inr us to say about" them."-Tltpeasn nt's Orey eyes and mimacl ng ma lle her pntle Dl s ip. Til"! II , ordering Hi ts. more woo 1 thrown on I h I' fire, Sonia words. III at Eas e. Sootbed by the wal'tJ1lh ot the fire d lsmJs'Ierl the 5 rvunt Bnd (rom her "How do you lik e you r new hOIl8e?" Dnd the quieti ng after-dinner colfee, Cavorl te cha ir wlltehe,l the girl, wbo '~W ell," answered Mr, Cumrox , "It she at length fo rgot h er fenrs. She vainly fitruggl d lo Itee l) a wake, A8 the wood 'fCDUgh t ami blazed UP pleases mother and the girls, But Y!lwued and le tt tile chillI' fat' a lo w, wide couch, where slie lay gozlng Into t h l! p r incess turned a li t Ihe lamp, for there are so many pictures and statues lhe fire. Rer In rge; wblte oogol'o cnt s he ' loved the glo w ot li n open lire. and vas es t hat I feel we ought to run s teall ng In from the Ollter room, sat Tbe pelnngo ru CUl, whlch ' had van lsbed a ralllng ' ln front of each wall, and comllosed upon the hea rth and w8!!h ed at Ih,e gll'I'S e ntrll m:e, reappeared and bang :hands olt' labels on It."-Wasbher fllee, then c rou ched and purrell. ' rllbbod ItselC agai ns t SOnl ll.'8 chair ; and , Ington Slar. - -H - e- O-o-t- I-t-,Oru.duully objects !lbout Sonia Ilt I!,Dgl h sought h er ravorlte place on Employer- Whose funeral do JUu seemed a b~o rb d lu tbe Dickering fire- tbe b ea rth, where s ite cl'()uChed, bllnkwant lO attend? light. Her h'e ad sank deeply Into the Ipg at her mistress, The latter's hea r t was flIlIed wltb pity OMce Boy-:-De umplre's.- N, Y. Sun. Illlffy pillow !lnd he r eyes closed, The blazing wood rell !lnd a teath- for the slooper" In vain ehe tried to The Form. ery cO!1l1ng ot ashes gathered upon the tblnk or Borne way of a lleviating the The Tillie)' Girl - But what makee coals, 1'be glow taded from tbe walls other's grie f, Pardon Lllphi8kl, ahe and shadows cre pt up to the he!l'rtb, conEclenllously could n ot, Moreover, you think 8b(:8 been used to good soSbe · (rererrlng to scandal Dase)= - ;:!l!!.-_ _, where th,e angora sWI crouc bed, her hl\d n ot Providence sa,vlld this young elety? shou ld bate to be exposed like tbat. woman from an unhappy marriage with The Brass, ' W oman-W~II , dear, If cle p ret;cuted iuch a v1vld picture of paths with flowers ruu, as weil as the green eyes In tently starin g, as If f08, The Major- 'Um! Yes, I think thes& 'Ule u ",lIy rl cb f01k of the ne wly rich bellcfM tlon that proVide's books. Flow· tened IIJl on some prey, The prlnce8l! a lIesper!ldo! Nev e r tbel.~8 Sonia was you notice, s be 'always says "Thank exposure8 are somellmes somewhat certain that t llc girl would be heart· you" to the eerv!lnts, and when she lown we urI? tempted to Quote 'the ers ma lte an aplleal to 1111. no mutel s lept, her s wat fHe'1l tnrned towards the too pronounced. w r iter's words directly· and at sonle tile Ille lltallty or station or a ge, lind e , tire, her. bosam l'lslng 1IlIgb'tty, the broken. Again , sh e loolted wltb ' pit)- klssos you s he never nI!lkes you leel lenglh : " Il was Buld In Ihe '\lme or th e F lo W'lr Bcnevo lence Is plel1>llng to CO il· IIU ls8 In ' her whit e throat lhrobblng at tbe ' figure on the cO\llell, .motionless as If slle meant IL Nothing Extraordinary. ftr8~ npol on that every pri vate In tompl ate. Mr. Phipps nl)t only hUll wllh t~ e even IlUls!l llOu of good health. sllve for her bre!lthlng and the even The Slore kee per (of Thrasher's CorA GREAT PLENTY. throbbing of tbe arlery at ber thron :. bill a:-my carried a marshul'M hlton In beauUt'ul co ns e rvl1 torles on his wn e~ ners) - Week er so ago I r ead uv , a • The wood WIUI co n s un~ ed and the his Im lt\lHllc k, It might b s aid with lot es in whi ch h e to kes greal Inte rest, Th e horror of that awak ening 8 dnla cllBta way on a Khlp IIvln' reI' 16 days lIght g~ew dim. Th e dropping of a equal t ru \h In Pllt 'b urg thlU e,ery Il- but all hos bestowetl much better ones will ever renlember, A heavy body on stewed repe Y!lrn , borer carries In the boltolll o f h!!! dln- ullo n GulsJde l's , He hilS glvel,1 Ibe. city s tr,uc!: her shoulder nnd s bty(l.nulle d baH-burned chunk with I,ts accompany· The l" armer- Hull1ph ! That 801 Inlt fla~ aroused Sonia , Looking liP, l1~r lialla dl-es.i suit .a nd 1\ blank chec!{ of Pitts bu rg 'as perfe ctly oppolnted fingel'3 clutched he r throat. WIl'h a S'pose be affirms now thet he owes hla book that ho, U1a>' be at 0.' 1 I mes rllally and cu mplete conservato r y as e:1II918 shrlel{ sbe writh ed b!lc lt from her aB· s he wall startled by . tbE! grecnlRh r a ' lite lew h avln ' been add icted tow th.e to tu ilD biB pl ace In soclet.y aud In the ' a nywhere. The c lly or Alleghe ny b u~ snllant nnd losing h er balance, fell "Innce or two o rbs t ha t bla1,ed Wllh bre!lkfast food I1nblt,-PuCk. the In teliRlty ot lamps, Simla s miled world ot' husl ncssj · ln cage:i su dden recelv ,~ li 'froll1 him II s imilar g ift , aud upon the floor, at !leI' fright and looked curiously a t Wben ,She Just Really Knew Him. t \trn ('I tho wheql ot f.ort" ne, or II, nod tile Wcs ler.u penltenUllry, )ocateil In • FprLunately her outcry had been "When did )'ou fi rst bellO me ac, from Lho p(}\\'er~ that be, lltts 111111,:lS Alleg heny , lUIS beee, presented by Mr, heard. Attendants rushed lO her aid the eat, wlloije eYe1l did n ot wuver tal II seco nd. In, s tln, e tlvely thinking ot a quolntc d with your hus band?" U. b llS \trVld 'olhe r-<i wsll l1m ble, to the p,hlll(lS ~ Ilh a conse r'nl LOry or greal >lud g uard s secllrell t.he pa lace , door~, " The fir st lime I ,as ked him tor 'fbe doctor d eclared the princesS unl ,n - mottse. she drew her Isk lrts close ly Sco.ts 0( ' the ' :\'lI!;lilY, ~rty obs cure m ille on d beaut y, , mon llY after \\'e we re nlllrrled,"- Ure, clerlls nd 011l<;c · men, who II sOll to 'fh<'tt ,there I.!l Col. Gun:ey, prob!lb ly j'\ued, ' save fOI' several' deep scrntl'hes :Ibout her, Following lile' direction 0 1 hl'r pet's gn.e, 8he 1Ilsc:oyered to hel 'WOI'II ior Al!dl'o W Oarllegle, lJlosll\lmed lhe In:'gest In d ll'\(lli ol 011 (lroducer. In on her throllt. Taking No Chaneee. Mea n while the Ila la ~e was tborough- a mazement l ha t the , grlat'n eyt's were iEI'll' I~!I) ,f\lll-llellgcd ' mllllo llq lre.s 0.1· thO Unlteel Slates, wha s penll s his 011Some toll'" I. lik e <1. ",hlppoorwll , m.ost In a IllAY, lind' hllJf a m a nx lI1ure go tt!ln ,gai ns III furlherlng th o Interes ts Iy sellrched for th e assn llan~, nnd' the Intentl y fixed u po n the pulse In th E Oa t k CPH n ·gof n ' , 'CUUHO s leoping gir l's throat, As Sonlll luolted h!lve (,mor!:\t)t\ , from the · 0 111ces of Or the Demo rati e IllI rty In Penn~y,va guards' 110011 returne d trom tbe outer Dey'. 'trald If evpr d y k op stili Oar won' be n rt {\ppla u tso. George W est! lIg lu)use to Ulke l h elr nl a alltl In building l\telhodl Rt I!hllrch- hall , llrag!,1ng n !ltrugg llng, ~lI if . !lg tbe cat balanced and sprang, Screaming, the girl started fr oOl thE - \ Vnsh lngt(Jn Sl u.r. ' }llac(!$ (jll tit, Ilelles \lMs ,s ct nsldo ,tor es, ,\l r. quffey 'hil~ looned ror 115e lis a I1\ lln , It wa~ the peaHant Luplnsld, wbo couclt ami 'sup porting herselr on h el thoso with' haul, a c.count R In SO\'811 lig- poillng p;acc a ha ndsome , bulldlng nd- had threatened vengeance. Uncle Allen' iI Helpful Suggestion. If Ilwllk· Passionately be protested his Inno- elbow, stared ' wllcU; about, urqll. Pill s imrg CII~ harll ly be ca lled joining his own manSion, an d ' the IIIu t O " Spea klog of that , girl wbo broke ened (1'01\1 II nlgbtm are, cence, ossertlng tbal he' had returned a la ~r;e c!t~· .. U ~ cltle~ go ' Iha e day~, Is put to no othe r PIIl"j10Se, he r a rm whll c trylog to fasten the "Your lover Is sa;ved! I , cried the 111'lu. bllt'1I boas S o r mure than 250 mllllonIn Pl t>sburs \Ve have an Ins tance of 'to" beg forgiveness tor. his rude conmiddle button a l tbe bnck of Ile cess, joyously. "I have totlnd the ,alrlll, or not !Oli' .from OIle In , every 1.- a 1Qun!; tU ~ n Inherltlng' lt pl!e o r m ~ll- duct of, that arternoon aad dee: larln g guilt, one," s hirt wal sl," sa id Un cle Allen Spark8, tbat he was ny>st loyal to b el' and trl 600 ot popl uLlqn; of tbese ey nn'I, UliJugh born wllh Ihe silver ' "t/lero ts n 'l t he s llg-hlest excuse for Then sounding tl1e bell tor the cap· ' h!lvC \\'<,IU t h c,l r wCll llh within the Ins t 8Poon, ne ver hll\'lng k,lOwn Ihe 'Ilinner .he Ruslsnn 'g overnment. ,our Drat anc estor, such un acci dent. Let aD even numtaln ' ot the guard. Bhe gaye the order: The princess, however, gazed with -40 )'carll, "!ld , l)~rh llils , Ihre~'-(oltrths pa\l, 1101 <l c \'oU ng 'lime' lind sl1el<llls 10 ber of buttons alwuys be sewed OD thlt "Se l 'free the prisoner, LUpinski, 'and I Buppose? ' withi n ,1\10 I:: t ~;; yellr.. Nc ~er bef'.'l"e " R 'lire or g id dy (1le~ 8ure. We rofer to horror ,u pon t he h l1nda rnlsed In rro.ntie brin g- him bere. He Is IlIInocent." I , BQbble-Oh. no,; but when we 'g ot back of " s hi rt wa ist, and there won't appea l, ror the fln get's were long and b es ,;,'u llh h ~ n IllIecl U\) ~u I'nlllllly." I Mr." Po\t:' lns Sle w,lr,l , hl ~ fil l her ,o ne or hack to' h"m we t hO\lg ht we'd gOt be :ln y m idd le but~o n." -Cblcago Tribln l UElI'hiHy Pllt . bltrg I" 1lI0K! Iid- l lbe Cain 'Sic g roup, ' All h's lire s inew)", a nd III lOllS' nails we re cilrved (Copyright, 1006, by Dally Story Pub, Co,) ' enougb or 'em, you kllow! -O hlcago une. ~n lallOOuijly sltllll Lu(I;- II I: ~ho cellter e\'lnCi1lg nn Intoresl In <'" rl uMsnO 001- Dnd shal'p like laws . Agstn ~he sbudDl\lIy 111 eWI\, ' R epreeented Chesa. Gr the ' it'UIl, ~teel and glllH 11I.lustrlc!!, fectlons ur curios, he n tlw m a kes a pro- dered alld wah'ed the guurd8 lo remove First Backset. lbe prisoner. .,.be archhls hop . of Canterbury, on "Bryr ll.u·ll win!" sa.,.. Gf ~i:l ' coun t ry , l1~d t he larll.",t 8111p- I resalol) of wha t scemed one but an berelse tor the Ieeml\Jl. J imkny Jones. Lupinski was given a formal trial one oo08810n, when I.ddrcsslllg the 'ping loolnt fOI" blllllulnuu" co n,1. Cool early hobby; occup!es t i'. position of No "'onder he teels !IU,I •.o)d 80ro : " Qt)s h ! I co.n teol It fie hR. to ruoh, t hough hot th de y, WU!l th" fO\l n datlon of th l' Smoky Olty'S .. ssl ~\nnt to , thll director of tbe Ca r- In which evidence of the "occnlled'8 members or a chll!!S club, s81d thai In til >' bono,,!" ' t.h.roo bl aga inst the PrlnQe88 Sodla. hl$ though he " was 'not a, distinguished !Cet the lump lJetore your door To - l' lt iqlJ,tO Trlhune. wcaith, uutl c,{lnl ..a\'e the nlcl<n,a me It negle 1IlUseum. B~to r e j II melts nud run. away. of h~tc hU$ been l1,),l ng ,1o thrQw 'As lh(l years go by nnrl t he families forclllie ejeeUon from the city. his chess player, he could claim to be 8 -Waijblng~oll Star. Failed, 01T. or th e P ltlsburg' mlllionalres gro w ~c- (lresence In the corridor ot the gOy- representative of chess tn an Lmullual "Yes, I got an auto on purpon • enior'l!, palaee, hte a~tempta at con~ degree, tor be hod seen a gooll deal Forcluir tile Islue. "The black dlnmonds or Pittsburg cUBtomed to money and tbe tblngs thllt 6plt8 ~Irs, Hauty. " He (basbfully) - l ' m--(lr - golng ' to ' have been ,r espont;lblB rOr tile creation mon 'I can' get,lt will be of Interest to coalment and de~perate eIrorta to e8- of k Inss and Queens, , "And diel. you s plt. be~?" C8J18, ' coupled. wllh the d(Ultanll" 8.1\, C1stle8, ant;i was the o[ mQl'o , nlllllonall't!S than have tbe obsel'va what thEl Plttabul'g mllllQoalre kiss you when I go. , , "No : I ran ov~ r lI er husband tile She-Wall, here's your bM-but mere reMplen deht !;cma of Soulh Afrl- will "e('lreesnt; whether the typlcll l fl oe sault In the 4ark upc;n the Pl'lnC8S8'\ who was ~th a rtl'll.t Hme I we nt out In It, and Ihe what'.:rour burryT-oblcalO Dally CO, ~ v C:J though Ibe rlebelt <It tbe coal will adll to tile fame, or the Infamy, of o\ltwelgbed hll doggad denial of IUllt. 80 tbat he' raprtiaellt.tI[ looks love I, In 'blac:kl"-Houatou POIt. Without leavIng their snt., tile jUr1 e/lcept thl »,awu," Na_ kr9A'I iii swall Ilota&Oel (lQIDP.rl-1 thl city. r.HRfAToPln:1J WII:FlRTIo:R. A ll" ho w til(' ,' row n
s l10 wy hai r t ..\I · ~,
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The Nihilist Kikarnsk.
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Impo rtant
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A:I next- week I~ H , , 111 11 \ '" mint: tho Olly.attt - WIll hu ISSUClI 6llrly' in th!! ·weei-. 1tll;,r MUDlllIY ev niog o r 'l'uosdliY Ill uruillg . Atlvert i r8 ltD It curt'l.l!!pond e Dtl\ nro the refo r e requel!t au t o gel in t,beir oop y enrly to iOtlllre publica · woe k
'l'e lll l'li " "" III h l :< ' h"Il~t1 "hHn·' he I,t' /'II II " d III· 1111 1i " \1I' ~ . olll ,V IIr
iOIl .
Lette rs
Form er Resid ents. '01 ,AOO. ILL. Mid M . T . Brown.
IJIt"R FtlIK1Hi :
Tiss ue
Yl)or l e~te r lind p Olitul reoeive d.
a~<1lt no tbilli prevunt ll. 1 will be IU \\ lI.ynel'1 vllle ubout t,h'; 6tb. 01
!> 1II;Ut!~ . \:)T. J OijKPR,
tt AlIlt'l'Tli :
MIIIII Mame Bro wn : It III our Intentio n to be in Way. l.I"niUa part of the BOUle. Coming week. Yours. sinoere ly, MR. IUld MRS. JOJDI UPP.
lu,' 1</1 1" Ilrge'''I1H JlII]l l r ~ni l .. lJlll
1J1ILk i ll >! IIlipll l'
!l" ",I·"·,,, 111111 /,lUll.
It I"'qnira , U"II~I(\f' rllbt. " . , r llDl8 t o w/lrk liP c1.' comt.!II 11H. HO , I w.,11111 bo Wt,1I lor nil wh,) will nNI , ,.) till)' nnrly . / -~--
LJ IInllC"",,.,,ry Ex !len"., . AmlW I\LtUOKII of colio "nd I1lrurh Qou 0 11111 0 uu withou t wnrntD '
'Ln ~1 ~r.,tDllt r ~ lI~r IIIU ~ I ho
'rlll'rH I ~ IlIl lIt·cI·~~j t<.v of iholurl n,
To Form er High Schoo l Pupil s.
the t'1( ]l In 'Illob
n ~e flf 11 pb~' !\ loin" 'II
If IJbl1mb er1t,hl'"
~ :olio
Chnl ern /lUa UhtrrbOtll\ Rem,.!l Y 11'1'" buud A d "!lf) of tlli .. r .. mlldY will r e h llve tb ~ )Jl'tiunr, l)+<r" r l1 Il (IUIlM'" could llrrive It, hll'" 1I11ve r l bt!en kn .,wn to ftill. eVlUI III tho) 1II000L 11& . vl\re lI·n d dnllg erllu" o."leli "nl1"'no" f"tnll.v shoultl be wl t.llllut it. For "1110, b.v F C ~O ltwnrf\l
Dear Mllma. 1 am JooklnlC forwar d wltb mnch ple&lllu e to beins in Waynel lvllle
•·Home. Coming " week. I:!lncerely yourll. EVA J . LoNG. UNION
erul ruting purl.III''' ....
MDftUo.1I0, IlIInol.
FnrSfll eb,y.I . E . .TANNI!1Y .
dopiug tl l 8 BUUle -Comln g \lII a I:I UOOII88, 1 am. • YOUJ'II Uespoc tfully, • O. C. MILLS.
for Decur -
Home - Comi ng.
I' "l/:, 1I t1 hll ~
qUllllll ll t'i<
Yuurs. Mil!!. LIDA A . KILLKN .
CIting at
' L
Dear M188 Brown : In reply to. your "recent inqnlri e•• 1 aw tJ.'ying to lurange to be with you a part, at ·\ least of Rennio n Week. ' Y ou~s very truly, ,
C. M. 'l'BOIlPsON.
Keep' the Hen3 War m .•
WI- 1111 lit'! frum ILOOO to 1111100,000
I'" 1' "10 all Rell! Elitute lind Lift! In
PAROID I, TccommCllflccl by Romo of the I,rgut poult ry en R9 tho mosl . economI cal roofing and aIding for poultry houses, .lIeds. et.c. Shingles and olapbcarlla COlt moru urlll do 'lot kee p tho buildings 11 8 dry ILUIl
IS . tt. UIRTON .
Uou, J UI, \' tao 1I10li.
· IUPPLJr. U ltK I!:K ,
M .o n: 'l' BnuwN : tHee W . H. IS. AI,UlINI At;I:l,; . Your circlllll r of J ol y Gtb to hn.ucllUid oontenl.1\ n uteu . I re gr~t vary mil' b, owing to' pr6!l" tit bu ~i ne!l~ ; 1 will n ot be lillIe to bl~ l'r e~ . ent 'I ~ yonI' Home.C oming, whi ch IlV\iIlt I bllVIl look ed forwun l to 811 In ug . HOM yo u will tlll lllive a gooll time Imd with b6llt for the KUCCH1St' . .. r tlu. Home-C oming renuion . I lun v il ry rf.'spect fulty, I~AwRKN n K Mon AN . MI;;H
RUrlllWH p . ,lIcl~", IH the lowllIIt raJ.1l
uftlt l', re .. t..
' :'-A n : II," ~Ih
" •
1,11'1<.: A(l ICN01'
Uo •
Ilno Wlllnut '''trt>et~, t.:i noi nnllti. Ohin
Thousands HBYe ~ldneJ . . Trouble and Neyer Suspect It. , Bow To Fbl4 Out . •
'Fill a bottle orCOlJltnong\a'Ss with \Oour
, .kltl;;' !!i1cb>rnll. · It do('s IIl1t rC'llliro r"intlllg
11", uat..
ij(, 1.. ' l o ·.h~y
r,CIl ~IIII1Jllc8
W)I('II liMIt
Ull,I."ur I,ut,kl~t,
" ,,, I·a.,iilltill Eoo~omy.'· . Fo .. · S-le 'Jiy , PENC ER & MON ROE ~. 2·;:"'::~:f::~~~" ' 9j:EG ONIA OHIO :': k .• (1' IS THE "KNO 'H OW" . • . 0 f ParOl"d th a t . k I n t he manu- f ac~unl. lg ·ma .es I't th e
water nud let it stand twenty.f our hours:
a sedimellt or settlitlgindlclltclall •
unbelllt by
COli '
dltioll oUhe kidneys : if it stains
ne)' trouble; too frequent desire t o pass it or pain in the back is al so convincing proof that tbe kid.ueys m ost ·econo m.ical 'and satil'lf actory roofin g or siding Blld bladder ar~~~: ~~ ~~~r. m ateri a l o n the marke t Both fire proof and weath er There is comrort in the kll' . . .' owl~~ge ~ :, ' ., oftell expressed, that KIltner s ·Pr oof . You get full value recelv ed If you . l; m y Swamp-Root, t~e went ~"'Illey remedy, . , \, 1 (\11 fill8 KNOXVI I,Li£, I OWA. e,'ery WIsh til cUring rbeumatisnI. ParOld ·. pain iu the ba~k. kidneys.: liver, bladder . , , Mr . Cartwr ight. II l1d every part of tbe urlnllry passage. PARO ID ROOFINQ PAIN T. D ef~r Sir : It correc.ts in:,hi!ity to. h~ld water • nnd scnld\llg pam ttl pas1;(lIg It, C?r bad Mak es o ld roofs new. Good on any lund of roof. .IIlHt. Tf'od Cllrd, invitttt,lon to b • effects follOWIng use ·of liquor, wille or , l;rllKon ~ " t mllE:!l;\n g of High t:!uhoo1 lreer. Rnd overcomes that unpleasant neAsIc your Groce r for ACME FLO UR mad.! by the ceSl!ity of . beillg compelled t~· go often A"~o cif\ti o n. nnu wi"h to thank all •. , ' dunng the day, a~,d to get UP. mnlly Orego nIa Mills. who Itn VA II'" kindly Ment Il ~ pltpere times durin!!; tbe lIlght. Tbe mIld and the extraordlDaryefJect of Swamp -Root Interlu r vIew of line r,lom ",,,I Mrd!l in refere n e to the Home· Our Flour mill 'has been newly in lintohl! lon ~ Ulb1l8V'1I immeni l8 dry Rood. 'remod eled an d is reuli7.ed. It staDlIs tbe· th e forsooo ·1 its wonderf ul cures of the' most dis- stO.II" I, •X enitl. S ~ 'nmi1l1C .We wlluld he del.lght ea tora uOflll qualit " hUll Ine8l! 0 f more.,'b Iln '100•000 anoUII lUo y of our flour is better than ever. ~. t n lIleet wah v"n hut I to "eellll! I rn tressing cases. If you lleed a medicine . you sbould'b ave tbe best. Sold b:y drug· pU..llible t,o lel\~e home at preMent ALL KIND S OF FEED AND COAL. gists in fifty-cent aod one-dollar 81Zes. ttlll Illnne Ilud it i S ll"t ARlly t.f) 10"VA You Dlay have sample bottle aud a Also all kinds of Hard Good ·Lumber. We make a book tba~ tellsa all 'lt y nmoe. PIlt.itlnt.8 here come fr.un specia lLy of hard , w ood frame s. R bout it, both sent tinfleu tn tWlm tv miles ant "nd Iltll bv mail. A.ldrcSlI Dr. Kilmc;r & Co., Bingvflry mnob If "m not hamtoo. N. Y. When htlr . . 80 1 tl1ke r"w vRoattn mr lj writing mentioa tbi. paper and don't , Yonn rllllpect fglly. _ "<--Otake any tniltak~, hat remember' ,. t:---- - -- -~Dd Mr•. GABRET IOl'I. . aam.:w! 'r. Kilmer' . S_mp-R oot, aad • &he CII, Biqlalm loD. N. Y.
~1i1\,,'pj)CJinteli !
SDenncer & Monroe Oregon'll Ob'l
Whi te Goods, ,G ingh am Silk- Gloves, Cor&ets, Lino leurr .
, t
Hutcbison 6t Oibn~y, X~nia, Ob . , io.
Coun ty Court s.
rPenns'yIvan--~ia' :,ullllo;- ,;e!uGN -
• .l Or(ler rur Jlrlvtt.t ,,·.10;1 ut rfJ~1 O;II!. A An rt' H, 'lldll " hti • 'II r ,l . 8UITII, Proce eding s. \,,; . i i 11, ~, \ V Il l"k dur ('11~"fn IfH'" to tr\' A ko Luoy F. R0f:I811ll1r v!' Jo'rank Roll"'" {" tp 1~~11 II, iu .t,hfl. f{"tl r\ tllhlpt - f r nl'"n. ')!! , llARRIAOE 1.1 ~N8~. ~INCmNATI .J ohn W . Jllnp... '"lit rlol for ler . 01 vorce . A btItlllCe, orulllt .,· .. ltd lind It III111I'h ,," ,,;,, 1, Ih , ' 1 n ' ,~r , ,"1 • • • \"Ill . R t:!1:urbnu~.Bi rmlll~hll W. Fl. Moon.:. IIOC" h'C[ . I habitua l drunkon nollll. PlLrli.1.. te, inl! 1,1 at v .. n TfTTT'<1 "1 III 1\ • 11.1 1 h tl.dloto rl!....... ... r. GO alo "r ,1lQclnl }~xoliNlon ,10k,'" 10 r eli f nr Yr1 ur ,n l lll y !llll'k i'-\!lf ' . lult were mlirried on May 1:4, lli!)5 Alu , UIlI} Mliry ~~"\yllr(l , WII,v n HII. S. Freel lind Brl) I lothlng tor NI·BBrn Fall s:oJ. \'. IInll rC~IITn ,\\Ig,iS I l'IME ARO Rnrn II nil ~Il.: II\H < r, ' III I O'l t..~ ,I 10IVOU. lIeluru Lilnll A ug , ~" lh . 1110.1. and there has bllen born .)f .hi., ville . Rev Btluj Hllwklnl! . prisone r8 lind ~ng8 for I"arc '7, round tr'll' Jt.;FII' I-:cn'l v 8 4\ PH '1* 1(; , 1,,04'. ~ .J " nnev · ;1 'u marriag e, oQe ohilel, Borry, .. gf'rj It. Su ndA.] . Ju t)" I.J Penna . HIilAL lClI'l'A'l'l'l TItANI! .... ER8 :oJOR1'1l 110 Nil Ja. relil ence ........... ......' 59 12 LIneR wIll lnl.:; ~"" Houml 'I'rl p SlIo.h. \· ~: • . yellrll , PlaintIf f ~Hkl! the cu o... ,rI .v II , . , SLa l lul1ii 8tllkaltl ! P~n CO .• pAns .. ....... No. I I , ~ 50 cur~ lo" '1'1 kcts 10 ('II1' U 'l.nll. X"nla Uhllrl. ~ A MoA I!1 ter nd Ife."" I, . thla ohlld. WID. MoDoll ald ill .. tt,,( 40. Il ,\ . :\1 Columbu~ R 1\ . M . W *:L U:' " uv W B Sta I I ' , ~t . d 0 .1 .. I' " . The • Ann naae ual SCMllorc un 0 t:xcu.lon mwoo R ' 0 • t urt,flll R, Wyeth ; lot In Barvey s· I.Clmnon .' r , Ar:: ih. I II '!(j f 1 ;'(J A dlt ney for pllllnt'tfl'. lan ~'" O! ~.v . ('nl'" 1a~' . Angl •••• , '\" 1L101I bl1r~ ' $1 or u or........ . ......... It) '!:: !l liO Hu ll1' lIea"h, \I" ' lIn It )· • . ,' 11 1.1. ( 'II\, liha_e r Cr . 7 ~7 1 :':-:William L. Keever BestM E. K • . t;. A . Stllw611 . Al'prals lng ,'H o:dYIl \\ • 1I.lwunrl. III I: I I '!:! t., ''; ~ . . I 1(~Ir .. t'''I h . 1"'1 . " " 11 n .. , n ee- nu '11 \', 1\11.1" ,\ 111 t,. · r un 1·t ll l r~ I.J\·. Drake. Mary C. Keever , .JarnAI< 1'\ J . Warren Wood. I,rusl ee, to Rcb' lI u ln ll)C l C:ul ~ 1\1 'II t:. I IH l:it oom R . R .. . :..... .. ........ EQUIPPED WITH 9:10 '\Ul(o,'I)' h.IIIOO. l Keevllr . kORUne Keever , I " II R: (> 1' t •I •til I"W I ".n ) t ' U It c n lt'n'i llt' 1110;' I I" Fare from Waytl. vUle .111 Uti l or the : .~ III DlVerfl Y Central Oulon T el 00 rents ro uud ,rll), Good rOl n~ conlloluloU8 P'" M;'IIl IJr' t 7 (III "It l 01 .. t 11 11 McClun g IUld Franola E. M r:1 a uu~ Bplltht", · "ar.o t . " t ~ , . ago uo mmencl ng' (laiC of ""I,' H ~ l\l "11 . . I. )' I I,' I t .\ H ; III I IIDd tolls.... .. ... ......... ..... 1a 10 .hl~ I It! V8 The VI1l8ge of Mason In IV" I'rl''' leM'lni All.ul le r.ollMl palM. nO l la"r I,: ... $.(': WI 11,,1 .1. WILrrll1l W"url , truAk., . to Ir" U. L W t b'd 1.1 ';' 11 ;,:1 r l ·t tl X . ('ounty,, Injunot lon. Plrrllll,il f· . , ' an 1tI', rl ge It1m be r l' "a6 \i5 lil an AUI"MI ~a, 1110 6. \ 'clI.J.blt' F BIICOUY i lot In Unl versity HeIght" :0 (\' · I~ -I ,., , II I JOB k I b 68 Special Low Fare own lot Nil. 1;: t' .',11",1 1111 rh t! ell"t Ulhunn n' ,aGO " u.w e, um er....... ..... 16 ...,ro. • .ld .... 1 ~: .", "II','UI III ,I .. , vl lI ,ll(e 0 1 lit ~ r. ' Oregon ia Bridge Co, brldgll St. Paul Will W ' Wikoff et 01 to Mrs. "I'! 4 1 · I "f M"."" ·I·h.1\· UIIIIII-'lllill tI Itt I tb't! vii r ·plllrs.. ... .......... ... ........ 38 ·10 11 ' 1(t tI ' U, I'! :I~I .. :11' .1\l1l' !!lI , !N . "r•. :Srll\ n ~e rh unll l:l\(" h,,~ Uf. variou14 tin1'!" 011\1-' rUllt W.vle WiIII""II:!oU i lot In MIl80n; Monroe and John80 n, lumber 45 J8 f' " ,~\) n. · X 'I' I):, .X " (' 11,1 I · • tI I w.. .uv"ru I ",<1' "1''' tilt! eutlrtl '2:160. Milwa ukee I Lennie Whltao re. lumber ..... H .5 il "11 nil Ylon II Olt ~ 110 II II{I A"KII'~ 1·"utt·lIl... Illld t1DtU"w ul whiob Bre 10. II . 1 ~ .. ·Eagle (Ira," ,\erl. John P Apking Imel wife to Evo ' Lennie Whitao re bTldge It .~ X '1' .. .X X '1' reo Ilflrlll!t.l ec) hy t.he "III"gt! to fiow up .l. T'lylor . lot, In Lebano n' '1.00. ~ 0') Minl1 leapol is O lill r polrs ..... ; ........... .......... :I 12 I ' E . E. Bheet8, contrllc t No . 0'1 til" .. llld ' ut nf Vluhlt,IIJII. Ollll 'o f AU ~ U . t 10 , II. 12· U A . ft . .J. Warren Wood . trustee, to Ow. 35 ... .. .......... ....... .. . ....... 103 10 If InterCHtetl ANk III .. 0;1 I't1WllrM b<>ltlll~ III Pond .. treut. en ,. M .' , .\1 B Higglul I: lot In Unlver9 it,y , E. E. Sheet... repairs Olear. - -'1'lck ~Kec t ' - -_ _,_ I.e,n' c : ell , ' n _ _ _I _ I UIIH UItUilltl til _ _ _ _ _ _-! Da R .."d ,Urf'et IiUct Height,lt. Lebono n : 1350. y Ion I creek townsb lp........ .... Il U7 , 11f~ 1I!J.·, IlIJ(h!r certllia lut" tc Ihl' "'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l1nr t on : (t, ' X1' Burtou R Wright t o Ella L. Wi. ! COntrao t Will< entered rnou 'f'IIO \\,·,,,1 sid" (If EIiAt hlre!!I, ' ..... hurtl the Int.o with l.c~''''111 .J e. 7 .0 lUlU ' lot In Bllrvev sburg' $500 • W . B. Boppin g for rflp! nod top NU1'BI NG S Ut;CEE DB LIKE SUO. lta~·r ('Tr, •• lng U,IIII.untll IIrll elllfJI,jllCl into 11 Vlpe , • I ~ 4~ • ·of bridge on Fru·nkli n road In Tur. CICSS. Mo"lyn Frnn'k M. Couden , admlnl strot.or I tleoreek townsll ip ttt PlitimtLt ;: 47 ..... hiob oflnvllYH them lIorOIltl El1l1t o of B 'lI1p,~clld .. no 10 -t i. .. treet Aunt-he r IIllwer hilI! been cnD to Andrew Drake i lot In Morrow ; ' '2050 . . J . E. Jfluney t,ells of the remark · Ce n ~ rl'!\I. .. r,1t 10 i':1 . Pll1nij, speoiflc ations tlnd eMtimftte able 8~CC~11!1 of Pepslko ~lnJ( ttlel frllm ~ point lIf1rlh \If Mltin 1725, , ..~ 0, " 10 MI . tor a new stonp culvert . uellr r~Ri 'l retleYlII1l lDdiges tion . ln Thbletll In Matt.... "tn... t ,,"r1 down we.. t .. hlA of &Ht selllll~ L~'lle L . C. Wllker! lon, exeont.c r of EI .dence of Ollc"r Ludlum It 00 11114 In Hamil. nil klUdll of remedie s for dYllpepalft F.d g~,.. .."'l .. I""et · 'rhil< HI~lI AmI'Iif'I< Illtu .the le n A, Mill .. r ; clpcellllod. to Cburla" , ton ~~ I ~ "110" " !I u:, " ,I I ' ! townsh ip Wllrl:! RPllrov ed IInl\ ~ntllrldigelltlon 'we OIlU trutbf~ .... " SouthwesL lIy \'cn" lJle ' . ~ III '1111 l'lllft or"""lnK Ell,,' "r,rll, 't, PIlllntifl'" B. Miller, et al; 2 10lH In Rpringb oru ' contrao t Jet, w Lf'nnie Whlr-"o · :1 1111 ,<I III re at . uy ~.hat weI nevElr knew ~nyth~n .aoo g I(lt"',"er tM I ~ HOIIUEEK , 111 :1 ERS' llCKEn ON U~ • ':1 II .11 1M "~~"I' L th .. uuittJd cllnt.elltli of theMt! ,' til" estimat e of 1511 ' t,n jllve SU01 unl versu.1 IIOtlsfllotlon Dc'lil~ . . +8 ~" fiRST AND THIRD TUESDlYl 0' II I:' :I I:' "i ~ I! • Plan", 8pt'olf!c"tlon~ ~nd P!Ol.imAt e 11 8 ~epsjkola Tl1bl.ets . Tbe. ...·wllr .. dr'llnin g mortl tbliu 1 uorell v not on · L"l a u~ EACH WONt~ TO MANY Anna M. SnullMer. by Marie SIlUR, Ifllr 11 20ft. 3U Inoh corrugfl 1:1 '!U '0 :10 teel Iron I." IIlll uil!811tioli !;tnt tbey .. at 118 /I Leb.MU Arrhe aM ':11 JII ~ i II 'e pnured upon tbtdr I"t. They IIBY POINn SOUTH. AAfl 11 :to ser. exeoutr lx . t,n Wtllter GritUth i Isewer neor rll"id"n oo of a ao Ij,~ Jerry Park ~~nd nerve tomc Itll well. Mllny ', hl~ ", ' werlige I.. IIIgbl) otJonlli veand -l.OM aoreRln Turtleo i)uli y ....cpl Sunduy . " . IO)! nu .IK nll l. y reek townsh ip: hmln Oeertl ..lel townslu p, were "p. _ for Inr""""tion "lid n"",,, ,W_ .l ne svl11e wfho have not injuriou !! to thoBe IIvlul( in the KU ~'''\' ·"ICA I S~. proved and' oontrao t let, to Bert enJoye d II gooId>euPlel PAUL BItOWN. T. I'. "mea or yeor8 '8000, now . Reed lit estltn .. t,e of '26 50. II wtllliug llou~e on Mid lot, They l ~l'ra lns 1m,," L\'tle aM (ollow,, : slIy thllt litter u81ng one or two 25 I·, CHAS w. tELL. D. P. A. J WRrr-u .Wood trust.all to P Cimu rll1sli_ cent boxes of these lItt.le tllblets NorlhlKlu lHl j n da.. UI . !4 ru III tbllt by r00801l of ~he 86wage V , Bou8: lot .1 47 1), lit In Unl~ .. rllity Heights : Notic e 1I fHa , In they feal IlS If they coold eut JI, Southhon m.1 7 O:JP. m. W A. QAIUUITT, Quota! hIeD. go,,' ,~ .. 1114ing frOm tboso Ht,roetll and from Lebano n i 1400. borse Ilnd digest it too. IJItlTlY privata drlilns at IllllSt 'tWtlnl.y W . f:. MO I~E . w. c:. IUNEARSON, O. P. A., " i. J. Warren Wood. I trustee , to Ge neral PnllKCnKe r AgenL. I.~})anon, 0, If you Wl8b picture.. Imule of film. , Mr , J.mnoy hll8 been rooomo nding ClIIcI=au. <>. i, ',IlIlHM lill muoh water Is emptied up Amaud a E. Stilwel l; Jot In Uiliver Illy groups, reHidenc6I4. or your Hoott this grAnd dyspeps lll remedy for .. " the lot lUI would natural ly flow s\l.y Helghts, Lebano n i ,350. jdurlng "Bome .Comln g week" I will uncOOt rl Y two iyear8lk now, nd ~om over IIBUle , I ua exper ence nows tRh ere lS no Stomtlc h '1: oubla8 and C01l8tlplltion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!'~, J . Wlltren Wood. trn8tee , to Le be In WayneS Ville prepare d to do ~1l other remedy 80 sllre ~o relieve ijOur No one clln rt!R80na.b ly hcpe fnr 'I'hey therefo re atlk that defen· onidu dlmoni on ; lot In Univerl llty suoh work . t~ . 8iOWIICh. bad tallte In the mouth, g"od dlg6/ltlo n wben t.he bowels ure el"nt be enjoine d from perml~t,lng Helghtt l, Lebano n; 1350. oOlllltlp Kindly mllke your engoga ments couted tongue. plilpltll tlou. Mr. Ubos, BlIld win. To rtl III " ,,\0 pim ple~, moth !!pot.... 81eeple8P. ot,Edw ated, ""111 "I,att' of attain to oontinu e _ • ness, wind belohln g, Bnd other dis. llrdsv!l le; III .. ~ay8. "I suffer· iIIlll o Wll""". uln to llt'M , ulellr up Sarah SellerS to Stllnley M. Sal Rt onoo If »08(Ilble. or ~h .. nrl thllt elefend ant be ordered to renotify ~he tres8ing l!ymptoJJ:IS of indiges tion. ed from ohronlo constip ation lind oompl XI 'l\l Ilnd put t ho bloom rlf lerS; 153 aores In Turtleo reek town. GB7.ette Office. And 8tomao Jj .. V A liIl'lle hy contrlv inK uid sew· Pepslko h trouble lB Tilblets s: for severlll must years, yuu t.b in t he cit e k!! u~e Ltlxuko h. oure ship; J . T. LIDDY, Photographe~ you or there III n othing to pay but. thanka to Ohilmb erlllin's ::;tom. tllblHti!, 1I pOlliti vA ollro for onnstlpntlr.. fir otber mlllin~ "lJreeab le to law. Esther K, Sellera to tillrllh 801. lLoh Rnd 214 E lith tit. Dayton Ohio They will renew your energy. Liver Tableta am IIlmost tion , l·rillll5lz 6. r. cents , .1 E .10 nney Brfl\,\;11 .&Del t;htl whan art! attorn .. y .. lers i 155"aoretl In Turtleo reelt town. stea' I I. '1<1y your nerves. 'egnlat e thA action cured" Why not get a p!.lokage ~~~~~~'~~~~~~~!!!! ship; 1111. rIIr pIal n tift' . Qf your hAart, improv e your appe-, of these tu.bletJ and get well and tlte, put new life In your stomao h. atay well? Price 260. For !jale by WllS, in l?oor HUllltll , for Year8, - -- ......._ . OOURT PROOJ:XDUI08. The intenlle Itching charaot erlstio Rnd will do more to 'one u and F. C. &hwllr tz. The. ' Ann'1lll 'Falr ahowln ot 14"lt rheum aud eczema III In Ira W , Killly , of Mnusfleld, Pa" M .. udlltll re';1\1ved frnm the Clr Greene 67th I hiP Oount.VI advttno ement In the stantly .. Hayed bv applyin g Cham · 1m rove 0 r writes: "1 WIlS in poor health for ph y u genera e& th than I'll It Court. In Cl\tle N \} ' 2811. the St. Agrloul turRJ and InduRtr ial I field berlaln 'e &ive. As a oure for 8kln anyt Ing you ever two y urS, sufferin g from kidney heard of . . /it1rlllu(1 Loan altd Bulldln " AII!locl will be held August 7, 8, "and 10 at disease s thla a!!lve II • MONEY TO LOAN . and hl •• dder troollle, and spent con· unequa l hid. , aLum (JolUptlny VII M J . Bntchin 80n Xe"I~ . For sale by F . C. Schwar b;, \81dera ble woney oonsult·ing phy~l . . I)umme r Diarrho ea In Childre n We om ~1000 to ' .fiOO,OOO .lo cian6 withou t obhlim ng ou.y markel l fit "I 'I'llft jndKeDlHlIt of Commo n on Real Elltate alld Life IUBU · benefit, but WIU! During the hot weathe r of .he loan by Foley's PltI" .. Court Is r6vt1httld ..nel judge ranoe Polioles , at the lowest rnte or Kidn y Cnre. ondoured 1 desire to IIdd summe r months the tirst unnat. inte. r est. 11II1l1t tllr vllilntlt r IIgalnll' defend ant . m.v testimo ny thot jt mtty be the urttl 1008enesa cf a ohild's bowela 8AYIIlR8Lu"Jr:. AOI!:N Y Co ., Will Prescri be and . . . . cause of restorin g the hellltb of tu IllUlluut n02 -&0. Conlul tatlon Free ..... . . . 8hculd have immed iate attentio n, 80 4th a~d Wlllnn t 8t~ . others. " Refu8e 8ubstltu l,es I'old Operat e on Carriaw ea, 88 to Oh60k the dlpl!&IIe befcre It beCureB Guaran teed •..... . . iVll PIIUIIA) IC .. UK~'. Umolnl )ati. OhIO by Fred . cbwart z - - oomes 8erioul All BUlrrie s, Automo biles. that ia l).ecell8 ntv 'Charge s most reasona ble. la a few do&ea of Chllmb erlaln;a ,l!"'tttte uf Ellen A. M!I1er , deceA8ed colic. obolera and dll'tnrho ea remedy , Ia ---~~--~-~~-FI rH' II nd 11 lid I Hooount,' for &ettle ·--------------"':'''';''-II followe d by a doal30t oa8tor oll to IiIi'll t flied clean8e the 8yetetn . ' Rev. M. O. EMI.te of Ef1lily E. I.itlllllY 11601:188 I:!tocklllnd. Pastor ,o f the tirat M.. E. Ohuroh . Littls Falll~, Minn., writes: .,.1 lovento ry '/I lid , avpr ..lttemen t "We . hBve ulled Chamb erlaln'e tllOlCl. ~ Ie bill 61ell. Artiatic and Practic al H01'8e..shoer, and Plow Workm an. colio.oh olera and diarrho ea remedy In r.e Anna B. Fox, an Illleged tnfor several yean BIUd find It a very valuabl e remedy . espeola lly for IInne pel'llOn. Admitt ed to I:!tate Staple anel Fonoy GrocerieE', FrnitM summe r dtaordel'll in bhlldre n , Bold A~ylum Rt Dayton . Send your aick and cripple d by F . C. &hwar tz. Vegeta blos apd Oanned G~odEl . E-t.le flf Louill Eisenm en(ler. In· Vehicle s to my Hospita l for "HIIO. Ehcht uoouun t lor 8ettlem eut A new)ea se of Ute . .. , .. .. Igars lind 'robllcc o, fih,r!. , Old Eberly Stand, Up~r . ain St. EHtftte of Emily E. ' Stilley deoeal. RIOGKV ILI.II, Onto pit Pruof of puhllOlltllln of notloe uf Phone 79. ' M. BROWN, Propr ietor. WAY NESV ILLE, OIDO SPEOIAL . TIIC8 : DI@IIIA81C8 OJI WOllJl)!I "'11poln tnltlOt of l\(hnlnl lltrMor filed. AND OHILDREN . E-t.atll flf Frttllk P. Bhtlr tlt 01, ml DII'Il Funrl It 1l00llnllt for .. ettleme nt filed • •J.. mA~ Stoop". lulmlnb trut.or of Rlillud l Prlnt,z v.. · LnI'ii~ Printz et al Real I18tate appralHt!rl . an(} order of ·s" It! of II,IIno I .. IMllDI<d. In rl:! ettt.. tIl of Jt'rallOP8 E Kenne , dy. II~,,"II~f'CI. O ..orl/II R . RII14YllIlln Itpp"lul,ec\lIdm inil<trlt t n r ' wil lI bond of ,'!n()(l. Ctm~" \)"nt.IIIII,,(I. . Est.llte of. Abllr:" II N ROM~"'illI,.de. MII;...l o"urttA ROHIIIIlI III IIPllrtlnled ad",IIII .. tr"t. .. r with h"nll of, '1011. Fr.. llk M. CI 'Il.llln. lI(lrnil\i~'rlltQr thr~sh, flf ElOlly ,'E. · til~'It'~ •• 10011111111(\. vs £lIz" Ilttth .1 MIIl .. r 1'1, ,.,1 Sale IIf 01' real Iltl""UI cunj)r/llficl Oellll gr(ler:ed gl v.. n H lid "rIIIIPI' 11I1I1,ribu tion of tuUd'd , p~ompt IIlllt .. rtt ',f .luh u Eo I WII r, I~, deoeal!ed AII"i" tr..lward8 "Pllulnl ed ".111111118 trftt,rix . • ~ame Etltll te IIf W . F. t4t~ it t.ou. dpc"11 ~ed, .tOl), corn~ I:Illtth' 1L~.IUllt tor .... t.'lelllllllf, m..11 l~ye, Elttol\td "r Mt1rgur "t HHhLI'Il. ben chop~ cru~hed efiolltrv . Klxteen th "coonn t fnr (I,·t .'tlni.. ;,t, Illeil. ' l!'.tI't.atte flf Cat,b"r\ IIf' t;nm pt,tlll .· 1m bl\OUe SHOODll .. ull flnlll uconuu t, to'r wl~ut. ·1Ift"ll!lDllnt 'flJI!d. NICW
L"NE S '
-----ONLY -----RAI -----LROA -----D---
, ...
Cincinnati &Louisville
. \Vher(l you get bette i' ·flou1' and more flour than any o't her place. Albi no ', Flou r is tbe lead ing flour and if you have not tried it Ci111 nod get a ack, if you have whe at you can e.t flour at the mill till .you it mak es no . differeo(' e 'whether you have deal t \vith the Mill not 'We h.ave hUlidl'eds of depo sitor s, why not you? we give you as high grad efio, .r as,thel;e is man ufac tured , and curte ous senri ce, mak e high grad e wblt e and yello w meal ' al).d exch ange for 'whi te or yello w, for cash "or .we have oatR grou nd bran , mds., .f'our grad es of chic ken fe.ed, · shell Cor]} and oat oorn undooat chop , orus hed corn or anyt hing in ' the Mill ing line, so when you de with us you get yt:)U wan t and . with out wait ing, our mill is .open near ly ever y even ing so YO'u call get your flout then , call and se~ us or ,p~olle lis befo re you depo sit your w,~eat.
lII.tll .... flf '. ;"I,l iarlne Comp~~n, dll
oelL~lld. l' M, CanlllnghRDI and Rob , .tlrt J Mbawht in 'a d Itllmt~llI.
H~hest Cash
'rlt tn' '" \rob bnDI!. of '2000. 86th )"arllllll, W"lter T . WiI,,"u .. nd Jll8!Ie U. 'al'Vrtlh"~rll
."'\8 ~r '",vlna PlAYUIl, d~"led :
J'trtll "ltd 8ult1 lououa t rur .lIttle
"'''II~ Ilhld
meeput for Wheat .
W A Y N E8 V IL LE •
PI~ns for the Beautifying
of Honolulu A New ltoIIoIufa Wrth Its Old CIIonn KetaiDeei and Added T0"7 d ODe Great Park - A Glimpse Tile,.....
Y"s. IL I ' \)er.;o n a llt~· I ha ~ counts, Indh ' tdull llI ),. And It were II !;ad milltake 1< In t.he Iml)rovlng of th "cry . \ In ter s ll nll lilt I t;1 1Y o r Ilonoltllu any BCl l·ntH!rn were f lIowe<l . n'll ellJII L m Arl e I L'() u ~l ru c t nn Iml tll tlo n some1lIIn,!:. )Ir, Ch~ rl es MIllfo rd Ho l) lnaon. fant lll r ",Ith l he r ltl a of. man), lands and lU dent of cIvic aes th ot} cs. pre8en t~ Jllnos for a n~w Honolul u lhnt allpeul to one as si ngularl Y ~ ul t!\bl e and t:cnutit ul . Mr. Itoblnsnn a\ldresses th e I \! pie o( Nonoltllu with a . wlsdom \l nd unders tanding paSSing ra re : "H . would Ira a rulhl ~s8 Iconoclast wh o w.iuld try to tlattern one clLy atler anolher. W e must preserve t he Ind lvldu Ilty ot Honolulu, or Its charm 'W Ill t1e pnrt. u t tllrough broad a ven iles and boulevards, build a bpt nn d slIon y QUo Y.. widen your ljtreets nud lit r:ll ~bte n t hem. s pend enough money In su It measures hopeless ly to bankr ural the city. a nd when lhe wor k Is Ili l du ne th e winsomeness .or Honol ulu will h ave departe!!. and It will alway b !;IpOkeu ,of as lhe lawn tha t ..... as ·llO lIed. So illY firs t c harge I ,be trll :0 YOUI'B!)I\'es. Do not dream ot wha t o rtlel' III s nmy have; · but. t a r IFO la l d from tllem. develop your own l'ldlvldl!allty. be H 9w~lla n , l.Ie a mo re ben uUful llonoluill.' Then you ,.,1II ·lla ve dlsLl nctlon. a nd only th en ." The o ne to who m the Ill an s were so fortun a tely en t rustei'\ thul! ple8(,\11 tOI' a development. not n re-maklng, hi!! artl 'IIc se.n e Quick to appreciate tha chal'm Ot Mle narrow. winding sl reets , thc lucongruousn ess of Introduci ng a .. hP.I·ker-board·' Bcheme: IIlId nrgll es tbal Honolulu lIS nOl; does not aspire to, be li n Industrial ente r, bu t, rAre Bnd precious. 110 city ot delight. A city of de llgal , wbore wearl~ d
I s Supentltloua to Dread "Nlgbt Alr u-Sleeping :Roomll ]j{Wlt B. Thoroughly Vent1latA~ Bedrooms having no ou tsl do v nUI",tion nrc uot lit tor hUDlll'U hll bl\.Htlons. l.Iu t tn closely p llcket! cities, lbey are often fOil II d. No oue who pa.s8~ the bour of 9a.rkn es·~ in sucb (Ou l, peStil entia l bo les call hope lo r lLeali.h. A cons tant 8UPI/ly of fresh, ~Iean a ir Is a oeceSlilty for llJ~ llleeping ro om, un dou statlouary wash ' lund In II bedruom Is orlou a flO urea oC dangc" beclluse, wit\! the bc~ t of care, sewor gas .1t tlllles leukl! w .r.. tl ~b, we III pe6 a nti IOl\d ~ "tbe n.llllosl~ bere . if one sleep with olleu tioo r~ ' Ilnd window ~ . this t'll n In a. mtlaSlI ro be escap~d, but WIth \,ery II VCll tlC of "eotli lltiolt closed. t he Ilealth UlUSt suC(er surltlu Iy. In M untO" hOlll09 nOl ha ving pipes, the sllllPl y or fr sb a Ir Is Just as necessary. Tho " ulgh t ak" so dl'ead ctl by ' so me, Is never as heu'vlly Ittden with polsou as that Which Is brell tbed over ar.t! over a nd over Iu Ill05e con IInell. Evou th e l.Ie' -cloUllng lIeoo mes saturMed alld Ullnted. Ilutl ell rpets, cnr talns nnd nJI draperled ~u t c h nnd lht' >" do the hold tb~ 1101@OU: just. smells from tb e ltilt'hen or (rPlp l'lgar smoltl ng . allll nee d frequoll t sUllulngs an d wHr.hlnj,'lI lu order t.o purify t hem from th e "amelI." 'l' be Idlm of h avjng 'excluslve ly ' woo1eu be.d-clo lh lns Is th at exhalil tlollS of Ihe botly .mAY escape lu the sume .\vay tha,t the gss doos, ',red wt'Olon lottllng being por ous , 1'~l' ml lS the escape ot the e exuds, UonR, While coLto u, I' IIneln absorbs , wllh the result Ibat an unpleasant odor Is oftcn ver>' noUcen,ble about lhe I.edroom In lhe moruhl!;" If the room nnd COCtcol8 li re not ventllated at Inusl durin.s Ito" day, ~ hl s limell beco:nes permanent, clinging even t~ the Inthlng worn by the person occu pyi ng the roo m. One who Is accus!.<lDled to sleeping In a well ventlla le1 I'OOJIl ftnd ~ It very dlmcult to OCCIIPY a room th at Is at .a ll " close." -Tbe C!1mmoner. .
nch le"f.'ment. of lhe city. th e word " AlolI,," In orporated In th e c!1ns truct lon or orn a m nhlllon oC Ihe gate. Th e "('Iyag r !;tepplug o n Innd b as held oul to hi m ga)' . famlll nr blo SO Ul' and tropi ca l 110wf! rs of Intoxlcatlng IIweetnes , p as se~ t hroug h II hospitable and bea u llful gut way . 8 0 0 S lit lh end o f 3. green "Is tn t ropl a l leaf dnd bloom. Ami UO ~ alone to t he ,' Isltor WOUl d this Wille r (n on l ]lllrk prove a joy And InvllatJo n I~ relllrn. bul to t he dtlzeaa IhemseJve8.. C;:0 nlrally .Iooated, the Influ nce oC a Wlli r rro Ul' .park a t' this purU 'ular poInt would be mos b ' neflen t . " You r Isla nd peo ple will bo a ble to ;;et los to lhe sea . nJ! Is · thelr right,' to II. ten all da y t(l Its so ng aDd 1.0 reg'l again t he ojijllt ~ pray ." In Il'i nd lhl ~ Union quare It Is. des ired l.{l Ilr ser ve wit h care tho I'a luoble t.1 torl c a,,.oclntIIlD S; Ihe days or paluce nn d ki ng lind Quee n am u~t to be blo ~ l ed . out. At one end of a vlsta will s1and ou L th e 61Jl tilC o f Ka mellll llleha I .. a l th o ot h er end wil l be vl atbl th e tomb of Lun aillo I. Low sh ruh li nd tu!'f will m nke attra Uv seltl ng tor Ex cutl"e buildIng (one Quec n Llfluo l,slant's pala e) and fOI' J <l 11'111I'y building. A , clenroll SlIor \\'111 pe n \0 vie w, from Un loa squar'. rel'e red old Kllwalabao churoh: lilly I,'aced In the historic group. In Hawnl!.' where every property hoidolr may mak e tor himself a bower o f heauty, where It I Bummer!lll the )'I:(1r long . Ilu bllo parks have not 'bee n emphlt lied aa In " the StRles." Bu t th('re are wonderCUI park posslbllIi les" li nd park development carried USE OF WINDOW BOX.ES . on as sngges ted ",ould add greatly to the benu ty of HonohlliI. Out by ruggOlJ Vln!ll Are llut Wbere old Dlwllond Head lies I<aplolanl park, La9kLng, thf' Flowerin:g Bcxell where more or less radica l ('han gCll Are .ost Attractive,
eliAS. 1.. SAU[R. GRAND 8tH1B!!
W. 1 ,
Fraser, Chief of Dah'y HDl'Ib&Il' dry, Tillis How to Tid o OTOJ' SUmmer DI·oughi.
COws IN SUMMER, Pr ot. Thom8 s Shaw Discusses the Dlf hrent Elements Against Which They Shouldl lle Protel)ted. In summe r. cows require protection trom Ul e follo wIng InHuenoes: One, from the S IlI) 'S rays whim th ese are 90 ,varm liS to \Iroduce J1lscomrort; two, fl'O Ol files In Lhe Oy s oason : and three. froUl rA in storOlS. C Id, prolonged and sev r eo Neglectl,ng to turnls)! anyone ,t lhese wlll serloully lessen mllk y1elds. ; Cows Ill' o( cou l'I!e proteoted trom (he s un's rR)'9 when they are furnished with Ihl1d ~. This may ' come from lrees growing III th e pnstures, slogly or In clumps, or In ploces acesslbll' \0 tbem. by a cbeap NOf In the pll8tur • sustaIned' by Poles and cover d wi t h straw. or by the stabl e!! In WhIch t hey a?e I'apt In winter, To shade tro m either of these soUrces, du ring tb e conllnll1lnCe ot tho
The proyls lon or solllng orop a to hoiII olll lIort pn.sLUI'CS, II! of ' g l'tlut'l and value to the dlliry fOrmer. Bul there Is necessa rily muUh labor al~ lied to prl;!parlng Ulll grotltld, planting. raising and har ves llng tbe co mmon crops usecl ,(01' this purP\Jse Th re Is usually much loss In l.Ielng obllb'Btl to fe !l these crops berore til y nre mUlured and after lhey are overripe. And fol' tho rOl'mer 'who can mnllO the lar,; r lnv e8tmeut. th e mo ~ t pril Il eal way of all to provide gr en t eed ftJ r s ummer drought ls' to ftll a SUlall silo with corn silage. It . not o nly fUVes Ul e labol' a nd Inconvenience in puUlng In IlIld cultll'lltlon ot s mall patchuB of dltrerent kinds of cropo!. /Jut al80 In tbe hl\rvesti ng rrom da)' to da1 Ill · a busy a81lS\ln ot tbe year . Those solllng crops Co n be (lispetJaed with nud all the feed raised from one plan LIng In one /leld In the shape of corn. Tbe whole field or corn for the silo may be 'lut at just the rtsht stage of maturity when the mos t nurtlmen t <-an be sec ured In the best possible condlUon fo r (eol\lng, It 111110 avoid s lhe possibility ot tbe sOli lug crolls failing to ripen at the exact ' pe,rlod wben the drought bapllen. tD strike Ule pasttllie. The s ilo may be open cJ wh en vel' the p astur ralls, re o gard l liS of the date, aud the silage wlll \,enulln In t he best comllllon a.8 long itS lloe.l ed . Wh en the pasture 8upplles enou gh tee II B.g oln, what Is Ion In t b& silo muy be covercd ove r and lhus III'esorvecl without wuste IlIIJ d added to . when refilling the silO for winter lise. For the dairy dlsttl cts there Is no soiling croll that will yield more nutriment lIer nere than corn put Into the silo unless It 'Is alfalta, wbleh Is disoussed lot er. " Bulletin 101, Issued by tb e illinoiS station (nnd to be hod for the asking ) glvee tull Intormatlon upon "Crops for the Silo and Cost of Filling," snd bulletin 102 trents or ''The Construction or
PE-RU-NA STRENGTHENS THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. lIII'. Oh:l8. L. auer, Grand Scrlbel Grand Enca mpment J. O. O. F. of TeXa, . a nd A Sl! i ~t!\l\~ i~y A'Uditor, wri t.e5 from the CIty ll!lll , SilO An ~unio, T ell.: . " Nearly byo years ago J aocepted a pos it ion 115 c cretnry and t rOOSl1l'l!i' wit h o ne of th ltJIt.(llnj!' dry good. C!\laIoJil> hmonts of GalvllStan , 'fex. ." 'l' h • ~ udd cll chllngo t~OIll a high and dry altitude to sea 10\'e.1 provNl too much fol' me and [ became aftllct.ed with cntarrh and cold In th e hehd, aod gcn'ul'al d -bUity to such an xlOnt as tD almosti inco.pad~te me . for att.eodinr to my dULles. "'was Induud to t", Penl,.., .nd .'ter "Iltlnll "~ral bottln In do.ea I to ..y t".t I W.I entln:ly, rutorcd to my IIOrm.' condl. tlon.nd IIvllr I/MII n:commended the use 01 PlJrun. to my friend.. ..
Oy season. Is the strong 'objectlon that Illey furni s h breeding places In wh.lcb flIes mutlply with great r~pldlty . This Is owing to the droppings whi ch accu mulate ID 8110h cellters, . In ' these the flies depollit Ihel\' e/?gs. Because of this, abode furn ished by the stables 18 preferal)le, since wb n prOperly Ilro"lded It Is coo!.lr; and 'as shown be- SII08." low. flies may be In a great measure Alfalfa.-A.tralta Ie one of the best. ellol ulled. BII ement sta bles aro spe- crops to grow tor ,oiling, tor two r eaGerman Pa tent OfBlle :B'aulta. 'Iaily sultllble for summer protection. so ns, It furnishes a lI_rger amo\lnt 01 11he German putent omce comell In bo( nuse of their great relaU\'o cool- nutriment per acre lban any other for much censure. One ·would 8uppose nels. crop g rown. Rnd becaullO It gro1l's ur 8uch an Inslltution to a.act no more The use of window boxers Is not to Absolute proteotlon from Olea during rapldl>: being cnt up Bnd tupnlah- of Inventors tban Is need ad to pay be recom mended extensively eJtcept In' tile lI y sea 0 11 1s not prar.t\cable wi thes , I/o continuous supply of 'g reet' current· ex IleD es. but In reality lbe crowded d0"l"ll-town districts. apart- out SIlC ' !lssh'e outlay of materlal8 used fed. Wl1en a fair-sized" fi eld Is cut cbargcs are so high that the stete lUent houses l).ntl hote ls . where they In !lpl'oylng t he a nimals., or In the over. a portion ea II day as need ed fOI !lOol,ets half 'the Income. ~ profit. U are cltectlve In rellevill g' th e mQnotony labor In\'oh'ed In aI/plying th f! tn, or In II poi nted OUt tbrlt tor poor lu\'ont.ora uf oth e~wl ~e ba re wlndo)vs Ilud yer- bo th. Nevertl\eJe s , very much may be. f ed, th e first side o! the .1le1d Is ready m alters are al p)08t as bad as UleT for Qnttlng again. andas, Where Il Is !lOsslble. howeve r. done with proftt to promote the ir com:Under proller con ditions tbls crop we re whea Gulenbcrg. n( Inventlnc to gro w the hardy typCII of olimbers tort rlm'lng Stich seaSons. Three yield rour tons of al r,d r.y hay P I th e' a.t at prillting, li ved In poverty In the grouu.d. they will be fou nd far methods ot protection s re adopted. are, nntl at lhe uni versity rarm It b a~ nnd Cnolly hild to pawn hi s ailr-nru tua. su perlo\, to bOxes pla n led in lho win - 1"lrs t, t he)' nre kellt In stab l du ring· yielded Ight and one-halt tons p r dow or n th e vemnda. A Window t he day, These are th roug~l)' YenBLOATED WITH DROPSY. box Is usually eigh t Inehell ~o a root tllated. and yet ore kCllt so dnrk. tha i.- acre. With 11 yield of four \;QU8 It (Ul'" In dCp UI, IIn:l the sume In wlclUl,' the We.s..lto not .care. to s l,UY. muen Icsjl to n1sbes m ore ' tho'll twIce us· much pro- Tho H O!lrt W as Badly .A:1rectcd Whea teIn as clover (tlh-ee tons pet- a~re) l engtb \'arylng, "It Ilho uld pover be work In t.hom. eoond. th er arc tbo P3 ~!eD: Degan Using Donn 's, los!! rile u six Inch es deep .' 1l shou ~d sprayed with some Jilrepa r~tlon orren- an t! abo ut three limes as llIll h protein !IS corn at 6 UlIh ti I 8-1lC~ bo made of seve n-eighths-linch lumber. sl ve to the flies. either lh rough Its odor lItf'll. ElI zllbl'lh ' Maxwell . of 41 5 West Corn silage and ~ alfalfa. two Of the !lnd ~h o uld co u10 r l11 In sha pe to Ulo or Its '. ~tlc1ty' charncer. ThIs mllst b e Fouri b St. , 0 1YlUllla . Was h .• su ys: " For window or verllIlda to which It 18 at- done "It h 811ft\clent !requency to a c- bes t feeels tor (Ial ry COWl!. make prac- ov er th ree yeurs I su tre rell wl tli a tache.!. It shou ld be either hung to complish lhe pu r pose. Third, lboy a ro tl call y a complele or balan ced ratio n drnps lcal condithe veranda railing or relit on brnck- covered wllh bl an kets. lI gbt, conrse In lhemseh 'es. Several years' expetion without be1' 1 n e In sll Pplylng the uulverslty C'ta. It. Is otten placed on we window elld ch eap. Qu'd these a re k ep~ In place lug awarc that tl lli ry herd ,vi lli var ious kinds or 8011s ill If the la ttar is wide .euough. by elastic bands. ! . • It was duc to r" It IS Impol-tant to SIlO tJla ~ the bOx . The KllnsPos s't a tlon reoommends tb Ing crops In mldsum~er h ilS led to this ltJdMY trouble . h as gc.od dmln age. · Ho,leS <;If good following Npra~': D1 61101\'e two Cllkes blgh recomme ndatloll at coru sling\) The illlrt'y stageI Illze s hould he dr1l1ed In the bOtlOm, of lau ndry soap In water an tL UIll' a nd ulfaJtIl. were prlnclpall, abOut l il inChes apart, and lbese co v- with tlie IIOllltion one Dnd . 01;l0-ha.1C backaC he .and ered wllh sono looso materlq,l before ,pouDds oC I'esln , one· half pint of fish A C~MENT BLOCK SILO.' bearing ,d 0 W a putting In the sotl. Use ralber light oil, and enough 'Yater ·to make tbree paln, 'but I went soli, e nd preferably that, Which hall gallons. Use about one-half pint on Row the New Method ct COll8tru~ · a 10 ug without ti'tn Waa Used bJla Michlr&A . been made open wl l h plenty of cow ear.h cow two or thre e times a week worrying I much manure. Heavy clay soil ' has 1\ te.nd- until the ' holr heco mes coated with Farmer. until dropsy 8et A WELL-SECLUDElD HO~!E. ency to becomC Qurd , a:ad IInOt for resIn. This may be applied with a In. lIty feet and ankl es swelled up, my , plants IC allowed to beCOllle at all dry. The uccompanylng Illustration shoW! honds purred, 'and becnme so tense I 0088 trom the 8tren\lOu8 world _with - are JlI'O))Osed; tbe estn bllsbment 01 Two excellent fertilizers tor 'WIndow brush or also as a sprny, a Cllment block silo on ' t he farm 01 could hor~y clo~ 1h~m, I had great OC all the .methotls of ftghtlng fil es, out DJHY ball anti take re froshlng In golf links and playgrounds; the mak- boxes are bone meal and bone sbavOhrls D~.longe ot MIchIgan, Mr. De- difficulty In brentblng, ,,11ft my heart b ea uty and . peace and lelsureDess, Ing o[ new ly llurChased l.I each lots 0. ltip, especially Ule lutter, Which tha Ilret would seem to be t he beet. Jonge stat ea tbat his Hilo Is mad~ 01 would flutter W'lih the least exertion. I lIB It f~rnlshea more of coolnello' than Here no one s11nll worry If Lhe road water playgrC'uud tor tho pUllllc; vis - shollid be placed In t he bottom of the block8 3.8x24 Inches. The 8110 I. 12 !Qnld not )"alk ttlr without atop pin, be Idng a'n'd w udlng. 1!here Is ever t-as ol1~lIe~ through the trees to g.l vI box and tborougbly mind with the the olber torms of shade, gI'fIIS tbe r\lOl In tijameler, 21 feet hlg)1, and It again aDd agafii to rest.. Since usia, eoll . It will tit t he plants later In the most perfeot of the tbree tonne of surrounded af Intervals of 32 Inches four boxes of Dono's Kldner Pills the the wonderful sea to look on or , back views or ocean and head:and. uPon, deep veiled, valleys that draw. The Pall. one of lbe mosl pletur· Maaon, when they moa~ nced It.- llrotectlOq trom files and 'makers It . with ooJldti of Iron to .a~lst In ho!i!lnc bloating has gone down nnd the feel. easily practiCable to give . th.e cows the' eyes with tholr lovellneis Bnd ~ys- e8Qile view!' In the. wor ld. hUB ~or 10n'~..RI""",~I(!ol1~D~agle. ." supplomental food, "bloh.. .. Dec... lbe • blockB In place. 0001'11 . 2.. 32 logs of dilltross have disappeared." tery, lowering heights and dim moun- been Ihe chief point of attraction tOI . Sold by all dealol'll. liD cents a boZo sey durin. mueb of the grUtns :eeli: ' Inehelf ,make It easU,.. ]JQSHlble for ·th.I taln' range. The Irregular atreeta wltn the tourlat tn ({onolulu. '1tiles aev' aUage to be taken out. Tba~ 00911 FOster-Milburn Co., Bulralo, N_ Y. Banana Fr,l~~:l'II. apn. " >." flaming. hlblscu,:, hedge bordering these eral mUee distant from tbe town, bl,b pine tlOOrln"8I1it'al_I'OIl'1 " . '. TWo eggs, half ·a cupful ot milk, two Tlie chief objection to It Is the labor an milde grounOll, an avenue of royal p&lms up on the mountain side. The Pall If , . '. Reat in BIU~flle. . :. oupfuls of flour, one and a balf teaInvolved In removing tbe dropplnp, ieadlng bD ~ k , to that well-sec:ludod now s Pllbllc· reservaUon, In amall "Bill," lIald the man In the ox cart spoon'tuls or sugar, one beaapppnCul of but ' tbls Is l!1rgely o/!set liy the In, . borne. giant monkey-pod trees Ollt- danger of encroRcbmon~. by prlvatf to the ' SllIvtlle pos~JIll\ater, "aIn't :YOII apreadlDg overhead lbere-It la aU 110 propt!r ty owners ; and bu t little 1m· bakln" powder, and tbree banan.a8. creassd valu'e of the same, as com- ' goln' to ope" the oinca to-Ilay?" Separ:te the egi!s. Beap· the ' yolks. pared' with havln It deposited In dIe unplanned. 90 mucb' a growth. so (ull proving Is de81~e.d bere- a wall of lavn "No, i ain't; 1V.bat do you ta,ke ml of charm. rook at the lookout. Is sugges ted, RighI bu tter and sugar logether IIntll light.. postures, where much was te follow8. fer?" ..., u h)ldng forward to Increa s ing: lour- out' of ibe heart of tbe !.own rises Pour lu the milk. Beat ,the whites or Much may alBo he don e t.o prevent "Tbe postmnster." the e;gs sUIf; .,add them Bnd the flour lbe multiplication of lUes by promptly isl tra\·ol. and before tbl s , con~lderlng P un,:h Bowl , an elltJnct va kano. dry. "No. 'you. don't. You take me ter onl the bene·tii of lbe citizens t hemselves, barroll. unadorned; but rroin Its log allernntely, II. portion at'S time, When l'eDiovlng ' all manure from the ' yat'ds 0' those perpetual mollon macblnM all Is Ll8ed, sUr In the ba king ))O~der, tn the spring. BDd by 'dra",lng dally or a city beautiful appeal>J '10 nil Inler- otrerlLlg a view of matchl Sd beauty. th'at kl ~ run the government fer you ,' and lastly .'tbe bananas, lOut 'Into half- at Quite short l!ltervllie that 'm ade .The phUlS suggested b)' Mr. RobMo~t ea ru~8t ly ' do os lhe I)l unner 01 six (fays out. "oak, an' no rest on In ch · blocks. Drop bl.' .t:ablespoonruls subsequently an!! applying It where lnoon wlille not revolutiona r y. are of the uew Honolulu urge Ulal Tanta lus Into (Itep fat hot enough to s moke needed. . A rree use of lima' In the ' Bunday-tb~t '8 Wha~ you t.&ke mt fer!!' a lll ug ilitude ;· but . as rapidly as pos- rorellt-cIltd belght. h~ (:ome a ;. grea l slightly. ' COOk three or to!l.r minutes yards .Is also' further helpful. "Bill" ·sald the other "'l'n coml 'slb le 't hey tore ' to be ' asrrled out. . 'I'bo ' 'pulJllc park prose I' ve, a nd ca lls "ntlan. until a delicate brown, turnIng once. Gentle SUCllUer' r plus do not h arm ftvlI mti08 bo tor to'S'lt mT mail I" pilln ' deu l wl l h the l.Iu~ ln e~s section ; tloq, 10 nolu We prc.:eden ts ot · larg( Drain on paper and serVIB hot. cows 01' r;nllk while In the pastu r~s. "Well. 'ef I op.e n up fer ' 1011 all tlit " th e clry en tra n ces. al Ihe 1'!l llroad sY1'. par,11 arens: til Mh,hHe~ ex Falls a nd '. .11hey · may ))ro\' e grl\t~ flll to tJtem. ·It res' '11 want th olr'n, 'a u' I 've done ,notition lt nd the wale I', rront:. Ihe olllcllil Blue Hills thul ')3(1610n hns given hel Celery Sandwich.ea. Is dltrerent .wlth vlol'ent rain s. Even fied the pos tmastcr glnnU ·tiat It's my conler. 1 ilion (form rly Pa·lll t e) sq uare; people: to Now Yorl! .cHy·s Bron, Mak\! a ·dresslng ns follows ; Two ~ough . not cold ~hey are In SODle .d e: ~eek oft; 's ldcs thut, . tbl\f ain't no lJoul ' I', rds a nd ·purl,s . t.hUl lire now. purk ; to th e " re:!! pll rl( , belt Chicago Ii eggs benten sepl\rately, "one-half tea~ ' ' gl'Be hnrm ful. :. .. .' mall fer you-·ce.Ji~ , a Ittter from I anrl Ih a l ou ght (0 l.I'e . tile chlldl'.en·s plannin g; thal lhe slllte of New · Yor a RPoonful ot salt, one-half'poontl,lI ' ij lumber mlln 6a)"l'n' thot If ' 10U' don't pluygrollod S; drives. . , tl;\ rcservlng. Ille Adlrondat!!s an ll t hf' mustard, one heaping tablespoonfnl KNOW ' YOUR'! OWN COWS. , pay up be'll Bue. an' I[I10t)1';r from your Al ]Jresen t lhe .v l ~ liol' to Honolu .u ·Ca tskll IR. " Thllll; or 'these," says Mr of of butter, one tablespo!>IG(ul of sugar, wife tel1!n' YOIl tb Rend her money to l an ' l ~ at n com mon place whur, whose noblnson to the fleople or Honolulu t wo-£hh'dB of a tellcupf\ll ot vinegar: . System of Marking the. Spota on thft come bome. So go 'long an' enjOY YII ' ctllll t1l0 nlllal' Is unly re :le.I'i)d by Ih ':nnd UH I(' yourselves how rhllir pur~ cOQk In a .dou~le bol,ler.. WI,I'e n' cold, honeymoon:...,...~tl8D. ta Cl..nstltutlon, . Sides an4 Rear of ,the wh a l i crowd ot !!lerry 1J1'0WU I) util'cs. .I"li·lIablllty IS to be (!onlpared to thnl stir In. a cupful of ftnel,,-choPfled cc). ,. THm ,CE¥El\IT ,'l )LOCK B1LO. . , ., ' AninuilS. , th e '\ Nldar:; o.r s ay It!i~ (wrca lhs). Ih~ or 'I'nn lal u8, with moun.tai ll . sea. und ery and one-half cupful , of whipped Any man 'WhO hIlS to pt up utJ .,at tlnuous from the top 1.0 ' the bottom (II Iilluhl \oIVe ls o r t he ' Haw nlia n b nl. lropl~JI fores L, all close to tbe city." cream: Out ~read "ble'!! Is :i4 hours ',Is own . breakfast while hla ,.",lte II... The iystem adopted by tlle Holst~ln~ Ule ' silo, ' explalDa ilie Ora,ge . .,t,!d~ bOYR. Ihe goou rnus lc of t he Huwa llan In lhe plans provision '15 fot old Ini.o · thin silces, bUUllr, ODd spread In' bed; Is likely 'to 'feel like 'tumID" If\'leShln greeders' association lJa ree- ~}o'armer: '" '.' hand . '1'110 w,ltc r elHrance, as planaed vcrdant res Ung places and plllygroU~dl with tile dressing. il "Ood B.le. Our Hom~" motto c.. Isterlng eows ~ one which m'a ny fa~Arter .the silo Is bulh It Is plasterod the by Ill". Roble ·on. ar.l$cs in our vision In th Q' poorest dIStJIl~t9;. and a ,pbt.l rm. , the ' , ; .~ 'mlgbt IIH to at!val;lta~e . . 'Blank p~ lbe InsIde w1th a coatlng ,copttlstth' ": (,1I ~ In t roductIon to th ese 1!l le~ In ~ scilCme g!ven.of a Japanese garden . , lUee ~th nates. oulJlne' forllUl are uso~ showing bo~ · Ing or two 'parts P9rt~and t?l'ment and In ! ~u ti" ra llies-t hiS la nd wh e re It 8ul ta" ly !:!Ituuted close .tu oriental Cook a ' U1l of rice In a double boiler Iides and rear vie w or the a nim al. Th~ one. purt sand. The · ~u!j.lde ot the 8e ' UI ~ lI IWII)'. !loft. l a n ~\lo ro u ~ afte,rwith a plnt"of'm1ik and a Illnt of watt!1' marlUttgs' are filled In ' on t bese, al 8110 ·was. given lit s llo wllsh, ·'Fhls 1110 l io0 11. A n<l c ·.'er),ollc : 0 rorlllua lC II !" .quarl er. . • t o 1I .lle spt'a l SOllie tra ct io n or d ay~ H."lgA I'''I ~g ili a wOI'I~ of plannlQg fOI until soft. Sweoten to taste and fla\'or sbown by blaCK lines In tbe accom- is practically everlasting and gives In 11')" 01111 11 . wl1l hr ·g :a 'l t'l IllIow Ihat the uow Honoltllu, Mr. Robl~~on a l· with vanilla.. Use enough dntes . to pnnyfng lIIus traUon . of one 'side and perte"t saUsflUltlon. . It will not WIear t hreo u f Ihe 01 ,1 al lracllo ns ·o! Ihe olrt tests: "IL fla ~ been a pleasan t tusk, make a CUI/ful and atew until tender Tear. 'J:be more carefully ~he mai-~- O\lt and It preserves lbe silage In per.: (;llm l\tn n J1 l n~e r a tru tlce nUl), rcmaln where nllwro bas done 80 DJuch an d with a Quarter cup o.f flIugar an'd one In,. I1te ~utllned tbe surer III the feet cor..dl.~lon. The owner cla.lmll Ult1i the h:rnll II y ~ . tll .. lei K IICI·~. t he word whe re Ille cltlzons uro RO . ready t~ CliP of wat.e'r. Set a81(le qntll I!ola; meaue df l~e~~I\l~lqn. rL'he , ~ be W ('ntltel~ 8atl~II!1d with Ill~ , InC A!ol t'l- Io ve tu YlI lI . glud YOI I hll v!' worl, to r l'I.onolulu·s gOOd. to polnt' oul then tuna the rke in tb, centar o( a promlncnt marklllk9 sIIoul eo.fJ)oted; ,And ' 41\d. t mueb obeaper , .tbaD II conll' , ho w th ~ I!y may be Jmproved . Tbel'~ dish and Pour the dates ~ihlund It. Thfs also ' tbe 8bape of the bO~D8. If linT. WOOCl'l1) one, that It keeps the slJlI4r41 M r Huillru on RtlA'gc.!\ l>I " rOl'mnl an ~ . hI Ih ,· [ hun eo. al wont! el'fnlly little !IX' makes a pleAsing desser·t servea ,,·!th This scheme Is hardly t(':1.IIll)le wJt.h In ' bettl'l! condlUon and ~hat In e"ll'J a ltral'lI n .' !!n(rnnl'c Iha~ ~ ht\ll 1' 1\' 11e- l'eIHlit~ro-SQ lavIs h .are Ihe glftK 01 cream, ol·. mlllt.or sugor. 90IId «(llote!! nilllllII;ls; such 08' Jerwe1, way It Is desirable. Thl' rrx>l 1& mad., 1! 11·,lUJ '~ tIl' . l Itn ;l!' <Ion , Dnd . happil y. h ;1l1\Y that have bcen s howered upor Brown 'lJwls8, An&}lll, 'O~110.ay Inl! or shlngl~ ~d the 11001"8, as stated ' Written Attar !~ TUr. th ,"'" I~ I" 'allahl" r r ti lt' »ro"o~cif it- t.o malIC lhll! ODe or ',he Illost p\(~. lIODIe S~rlborns, ya \!fe F'JIrm and ~bovc, ore Of pine Hoorlnlio! 'nlB!lBj of If a fellow Is really ID love he will HQIIlJ!. tlut ,1I'1Eh 80me of theae the- co rll!3j. mat decar, but Jt taUs onlT a 1': I ·1"10 , 1,,' 1 .. I" 'o! 1£ .. ,e'lIId Imme, lur(,8'111 0 Ilod beautt!ul.l:.ltl.eB of th i Will the girl, vartans lIbades of .color can be marked little time to Je'Plaee them, The f1'oD ' Il ... ·' ". In Iioni • th" !lIto; new ~lIp '. wlwill- all one groat park,,' with n Cit) do moK fool things Signal. In a on the outline, A gOOcl numbeNltJ ear blUl~'" l,ItMld 00 .' he ouulde of the 1110 It I, !I 111,1111' ndell ":l 1 " wi ,;,'. n(''' en - t l \cl(~d In between, In Ute V.CUIl BayS the Hollon love atralr the ,Irl lboowl tJa, tac II tile Qu1ckiat melUll of idenUD ra- are tWO Ineb • .vIde ancf ClaD be ..IIUIW l r:lIt.' tll "r,' t,HI'1 3 lall li nd haDd- space , ." more ..... 80m\) !;,Il, W.4Y - "LIle ar~ bltf1~turaJ Ucla. front an1 blaCKsmith'" .bop. KATHE!lINB porIA.
, A
Somewb at COIII1;11ex to Mnk , Bu t tha R e,s ult t1 Very Tooths ome Dj!ih Worth the Troub le,
W OM AN AN OH oM E Pra ctic al Hel p for the
U.l lJu a n all In o\'ery
t er-111 ()Cll III LO I)e
w hll~
CC Il-
low eu t gl:lSK \Ju wl, cont IlIln~ bl lde ro s. GI~SB (':I ndle stl<'1~ , 1V 1t ~ wi Itp ~ 1I:ules; white sll llpers ell II (lla CIl 1.0 Iioltl KId lc d IllU IUIl'I~, II UII tho nlU l11 wit 'hlng helll'ts li ullCd lIolW to co nt a in a ne w Impol'ted Uoll-bo n tha L IH deliciou s. Those bon-bon s III' mnd In Ill nk, to r esemble till Y s hells , In red nn d In wblle; tbo I" ~ I or reso mble 10 form t he tips o f nspll ragll S, Th ey are "llle thing" to ser ve fl lln :111 Of l,he pe pilurmill t r ell m pUllle1 wh h'b ve r y one has becaus e Ut ere bas ~ ellletl to be notliin g else to tnl,tl Ulelr rll a , 'rhe me nll I ~ to l'e o nrly 11 11 ",hlle , s tnrtlog ' with r eum of celery sOu p wl l h bre~d stklls; then crcame d chlclle n wllh mu ~h l'Oomll In bea rl- hape,1 puslry sb e lls ; ne w pot(l t o~s I~r 'n h t,rlrcl, white cherry sallld , lhe rltb repille d wlt ll 11 111,e I nu LS, sl) rvll'l on th wblte heflrts of hen rt lettuce, a wlli pp d renm ma yo nalse ~ re ssi ng unll sn Hlncs; Jl\Jletl l'lole Ite III ~ b lh dcs 'erl , fro zen In III form 0: we d,l ln g bells, lillrl lho pl nce a)-d8 ore to be III the slime shllpe, w it h cha rmIn g t: nds Cllt OUt and douo 'In ',:hter colo r s. For urh gu ,t lherl' III 10 be 1\
B. miniatu re 'w eddin g ca ke, e1ecorate d
To the Itny~ oC " Ihi Lall g SY n~, To th G things yo,,'11 !WOW nu morll. May hrC'R c.llludles ~ sun sblne IllOll tclJ All y01l1' N>lnln g t,lIya, .
And ('D ulro, m nt All your
Mny I!ow
li nd briGh ten
( III 111'0 W il l' S.
deCK j'ull r WilY, I\n '1 friend s hol ll l'Iose n nd f" at. May tI, fU l uro b f>,) bri ght, You ma y !l ever th lll k or \0 )lllnt, Ble8sl n g~
be nbollt ),l' t', den r. whe 'erer
you may go.
lu cky dllY, boy,
OI)! lov Iy day, r ~fu s to go; lia ng In Ille It :IliUM for \I r
The I .'01'1 o f IJI)r hllSi)o llll dot h SnI!!l, irust in h 1' , . We wen r 0 fn e\) or Jos. Here ore my 1I00d wls he~, Lovo sp d th IQ on Ih e lr "'n~· !\. An 'l Irtllll th ~ t till!! wll) b 10 you Th tJ h.llP1l1 5t o f wed Ing doys. MAQAl\U:: ?IF-RRt.
A Pre tty G~wn Possession of Of Soft Crepe. Nat ura l Courtesy , P ink th e Favorit e Color of the Mo- , Nu tural courtesy Is perfec t courtesy. It mll !;t pro eed frolo Oil Inller sellsa mento-W e Suggell t Pink Orepe or Ille right thlllg to do, !lud that for This Cbarmi ng Gown, me.lIls rue pollteue ss-tbep oUtene u lbllL :omes rrom a good heart, ... f'hla gown Is of palo! (,lInk crepe. de HumoDl ty, being gregnr10u " n ntll: blne. Tbe eUllllre g irdle of tatteta rally flocks l geUler, nud to make tbl9 Is fas ten tl by n fanny bu t ton tQ th e IntercOu rse bearable tbere must be n box plait In lhe front of lhe skirt. b elmy dlspo~lt lon 10, make th best of 'IrC utn s tnnces , T hol\e besl succeedi ng In Ihi~ are the mosL 'courteo us, and. l lleretore , tli e best liked, .It ,,:\It Dot do 10 p~t one's OWIJ speCIal 1tkes Dnd dl8111,as bef(lre thost of oll\.era, ;r one cxpectS to h ave a nlcas unt road to follow, , 'l' here nre m any thin gs 10 be onsl dertlc\ wben ,o ne mingles \ wltb fellow -crellinr es: Wh eth er t 110 dlsl..'Omrorls m e l cah be bellied; wbether nny one III to blamo, or ollly force of r.!I'cllms tn nces. No maltal' whal the cause, It becomes the (llIty or ellch se pa,'ute IDdlvidll ll l t o
make lhe \)e~t of nil lhut come, nnd noth l llg helps In the dol og ot this so well ;Ib the true courtesy th., co mes
trom t be he:lr~, ' ' 'l'h ' r e nl'c m on y penrlng olllwa l'" mnl'llB of ge n tle Ulnl1 thnt Ill' found devolll or ~h ll fir. t 1lI'Int'itli of gputi c h rN~ IIIIl ': so n IlPOI! rn ncea ore no t nl w ay~ 10 oe g h ' n p rcccti ell('e In juclgln g. It Is the ~ m "lt o\Jse r\'n nces tlllll sll, mt> wllh Iho hnllrnnl' k or trltt) breeding Iho 'e \\' bo~e morl esty of ,Ie men nor nnd ~l!riJ s!i;, m to rel egnte Ut o l~t to Ut e bll~hr,rou l1lt The w omn:i wh o KllIiltngl y yl e ld ~ th t extra I>nce bashla b pI' III a PII\)ll o con\'I\yn n ce; the mon wbo lin h'IS bllt
Iplllo n, UIIIOI1 Julc , and, If you like,
nail Il slight ~ p l'l l1klln J; or thymI!. Mol ~ l r n will,' I:o t wal r or ye al atock till It wtll holli t6~eth e r , ad tl on e \\ 1I, (,pUII'II I?)!g nnd sllr od the m lx lll r' 0\1 r Lha ~lIr fllec of the OJ a t II arl y lIJ til' ell <: l '. I ull the Cle at 0 '" I' L1J;htl)', IIU li e S CUI' 'I )" 1<:3vllll'; 0. lill ie 1'00111 for It to t;w II. W rnp
LATfi FAS!!lO N.
The open IIl:!ck Is nnls'bea a sba.ped collar or the material , over whIch .IH a second ,collar of guipure, Th s leeve .. Ie 'a double 1111 If, ftnlshed with a .trill . alld trimmed wIth a baud' at 'talreta. The che~18tltte III of .gu1pure .
The Kind of
' Girl~
It Ia Decided ly: a X! 5~ke ,
That ' 'Men , Admire Most.
"to Think
. the Simple Virtues A.1'e P ush ed
Ing illl dlstiucti on liS fill' a8 mannaT ..'Q~s: tbo , gi rl who g h 'cS her seal t.o Ille eh!erly J)fHSO n wll h !;Ontol Ifl\lGhlng r emark to ' relieve her own . nctl6nnil .. Ih~se mllY never bave hoard of "'hIe I~R'6's , o~ Illtlqueu e: " ther on ly fell wit:'''.) ~ heml5el ve8 the ' true s plnt· .f polltene s~, prompti llg tbe right ihlng III ' tbelr Own' good aDd true nn-
'I' hey admire ,tbe ·. slrl who cA n adapt h ers')(f to any soclel y who .never JlUrl o~ ~lIc cle d a,l'S, Hod who would ij(.'Orn to do 11 meau I~ellon. '
' They admire the girl who .. Is ber " rMY 'a dmire th girl who In all mcUler's "right b,antl 10 hO(ll\eho hl mat- · emergen cy Il Iurn , bel' blUld to a DYtel'$, and who, Jlj oot BQove laking a n th ln.-.:, frt,m cooldn,; the family tllnn~
Intertl3L 'In lhe mQJ!~' trll' lal matters III dt<InlleCt:<>n' wlth' bo\l~e dulles, ,. They .admlre the girl wbo Is II. b~l gh' ) , entertai ning companio n, and who ' has ' ever 8 kind word and pleasan t smile tor all with Whom ehAI OOllles In con~
to ret~lmmlll& un old hat.
Th"y 'lI\1m lre tb!! g irl who Is
u nsel n~b
enougb \.(l give 1111 some lliras urp of hllr OW!! LO ben fit a nother. a 1111 does not cons ld",r herself aggrlel' etl 11~ M\ In. to do so,
in wh ich tic' wh o)(' ~ ome Cnlifol'u ilm blne fi gs ure used 10 ('ontr ihuto th ~ il' rich, y rt dclicn t<', f l'uity fln\'OI', I t i th e rt'1It('(ly of nil r em ti lt's t . w rtcn un,1 l'(' fr c~ h 1111\1 d,-a nsa tile BrS tl'm g~ lIt1y o rlll lI:ltnl'al ly, ulhl to a . s i~t ono in OI'Cnoll tin eOlls Hltatioll nlul rltc llIany ill s 1'(' uitill l;' Iherefrom, It s' Ilctivo Ninei' Illes and quality uro known to llhy icia n ~ gc ncr o lIy, 'utlll tlt o nmcdy 1m ' thcl'(!fol'e n]{lt with tltoll' U[I[l1'o\,l1l, us wl'lI I1S with t11 fo ror o f 1lI1l1lY lIIillions of well informrtl J1 c r ~o us who know of thci r on'11 PC}' ollal kn owl cu{; un\1 1'1'0111 tl ttllltl cl pcrlc' lIce that it i. n.TtltI·t rxt\('lIcn t laxativo l'PIII l'tly , " ' , tlo not f luiD) thnt It will CUI'Il all Ill :: nlll'l' of Ills, Imt l'eCOUll tcud it 1'0 1' wlen t i t rcull represent s, a Inxalil'o · rCl1Il'dy of kuown quality nlHl I'lccllence,y contalnl ll g' nollling' f nn ol)j ec tlonnlJle 01' ill,inriolls ChOl'11'te l', 'fleer nrc two t1n.'5I'S of IltIl'Chn sCL ; Ihose ",110 nro informNl os to tho qll illi t-y of what tIley bny amI tim l' usons 1'01' tlco ex 'ellcnce of ul'tl clcs of lCclltiou n l m erit. anti who do not I nt"l~ eonl'llgo to go cl scwh 1'0 when n. dcnlr l' olrer s un iUl itn,liou of 11IIy w 11 kltPWu art icle : bUt., l1ufol'tl1llalt'ly, tbero nl'o FOIllIl )Ieop\o wito tlo uot know, nlHI ,rho allow theruscll'es to bo imposel l UpOII , 'L hcy ClltlllOt ex pect it treneflcin l, effects if thoy do 1I0t go t tlcc gl'nuillo I'CJ\lC'lly, 'ro t he credit of the IIl'nggis t of th e uitell Slates be it Imid that lIenl'ly a ll of them y u iuo tle 'ir r ClltttlltiOll for Jll'ofcs 1011111 Inte:::-rit y nud the good will of theil' customel'S too highly to offer imltntiolls of tho
D Jlle Of c hecb'c'lolh rou nd Il, and tic It II I til 'uns, Pur It i n a I, ell! , wl\h tr l\'et 'lII ubrn cath; cO\'I:r wlt ll \Joll, In g \\ oler; nud one sliced nl( Jn , a h al f In h of bny l.eAf nnd IID~ tell· f)lfJo nrul of ml>."tl whole s pl ~, nl ~ th e uon 8 nnd t.l ~a n tl'l mllllnqs fr olli th e veal, aud' Ie it slmmer th;'ce h Oll r H, L t it cool In I hu lI((uQ I' UII' til you call h all<ll p It : Ilt n I' mo\'e Il and pu t It In a hrlt.l, I(m! \lI n \\'lI h another pall, wclghll' tI , 011 lOp t It. \\' 11 n . J'eu tly to sOl'\', r move tllO s t rlDI(G lind c!ol h, trim ofT t he dg ~s , lln(l Ir t he who le III lik el y t o Le used, la y Il 011 n plmt I' a nd oorv It In t hin slireg, but II \) th m together 1I),e a wllolo roll. 'St r ew wnter· creSHes JI ~ htly arOU Dl! t ho I)<lge, with overlup plns slice!! t ODlulo on ' one end alld a mOlln of whipped r urn fin vorell with !1 m ( d horse rnd ish and le mon on tho ulhe r ('n<l. Or 8\1' lJllly whnt will be needeil,
and orrnng I~ Oil :L plutt I' with n. garni sh of cr 'ss nne} 1'11111 h !i. 'I' be \'ea l will btl Gcllcloll S In J; llIltl· wieh e!!, hil vc It ~ rj' th in, an (l pri nlde with horse r adlsb, anel put b tw",," b uttered hI' , d.- ~Ia ry J. I.Il1co ln,
of Figs
manufnctur NI hl' tho CnllforniB Fig' S ~' rnp CQ" and In order to bny til e g Clluin n,l'ti elo nlltl to grt it s beu 'tlcial ' Hccts, 0110 hilS only to 110tc, WitI'll 'phr\1!1l iug', the full Hllm o of tho CODlPIlI lYCalifornia Fig ""YI'U)" o,-lllaw ly IJrilll ed on the front of every package, I'I'ioo, r;oc~ pel' bottle. Oue size only,
H01lrE DRESSM AlrING , H er e 11 1'0 - n
fow itl n ls wh ich
home d resllmtJk er will apprect: lln 'llId will ch, slime of Ih e m, tbe prot s, lan a i would Llo IV II to t01'1l ow ay fOl' lise, T o IlI'e,' lit the olb rwlse Inov lwhle sagging or th e cit· ul :! r ~ II I rt, hreng It III) by tb(' binding, or h t er RU II. all the CPI'Ill, b Fore the bottoO} Is fln'ls hetl ond allow It to I' moln tor three or fOUf d a y s or c'l'e n long r, Then trim I t ofT 1.0 l h e desired lengt h an d eve nne~s nnd YOIl IllIlY r >It 'ecul'c In the f net )hnl It will remain n " go" d hun gIn' "'k lrt." I n sewing a In e ·f r1ll on the Rto k don'l IItt mpt It Germnn fashion , "o,'er nnd ovel'," It will stay " over '" If you do. Mold It stra ight ~ ' Ilh Ihe colinI' nnd rUIl It o n. then, cI'on thollgh closely gu lh I'ed, It will sta od 11(1 lUI it sbould. . It slceves are' too. lon g or too f ilII, don ' t ri ll t.h em out, Firs t take II tuck or fold In Ihe tops: m aldn g them th e des !t'pt! lell th, tlod bas le, Try on, a nd IC rig-hi, the n c ut oft tile s up I'fluous Illn te rl ul. I(c ep (l Iiny VillI ot p pwd ered slippel'r elm III your work iJa skel , nlld Ihl'llst th e neellle Into It OC (Jslonllll~', IL h el LlR to millIe sewlug It pi nSllre, . Make a JlrOll I' Relectlon of lI!~e llle~, ,T ha t Is, do not attempt to milk IL cO.tlr ~e n edlc do tine worle no r n ,. rr ~ne need le carry cODl'se thrend. 'Th e rule wor!cs both w II.ys-wro ng ly. Beyond alld a bov!) th ~ e " hillt.,, " r em emb cl' to sIt properly li nd to take :L "brea lblng spell," It nly II coupl e of m tullt es, wh ene ver there Is " t !llt lll' of oXhult tlon, - BoBlon Bllclget nn:l BeacolI, Price
of Health.
Na il 1'0' pl'lce for Jj eu l ~h 18 rog'lIlar,lI y, We , r.~ o noL So[e l:,: \)Oltl e Ull ' Ie II to-nIght fo r to- morrow ulg h .'" 11& , lI or fo r ce oltr sto om 'Il" at ou e m ~ol beCRUSO w e ~xpect lO eot .s pa r ingl y at e·he
n xt , 1,01' becomo eXbjlll81 el! In wI)r l,Ing dn y UIIU ul'h t , expo liug 10 1111\110 It u p Inte r, Na ture tlo es u thing Ilc'
~, I' I ~ m\lt 1.0
ullpohlle tl tim e, om l allY to t bu1'l'Y lieI' 1n" llr!a hly , n)ca ns tlllltllnte di sasler, Il l) tul,es nOle or ull ;1 111' Il'ansnct lon s, l )h y~Ir:'I , llI ent,i l the poor- 01)(\ 1I1ol'n l, Iintl places e\'~l'y lIem to
wi t h as m\ich poJltebe ss I ly gOYo'neIl li S 10 the elegant IUll y, mak-
There are two classes of r emedies : those of known qunlIt y and which aro peMlInlleutly beneflcinl ill elfcct, tictlng gently, in barmouy witl1 nature, WhCll nature neetls ass istance; allt1 anotber class, ' compo I'd 0'1' IJrCllnra tiou9 of unknow n, unCA!rtaill and infer ior clmrn ,tCl', acting t('ItIIIOrnrily, \)ut ltYl1rlou sly, as 110 result of for Cing tho natural fUllction s I\Il\\eces nrily. Ono of the mo t exceptional of the rrrucl1il's of known quality aud cxcc ll nco is Ih e (wer Illen . n!lt RY1'UJl of F igs, mnnafll ctlll'Ctl try tlle Cl1 lifm'nin. Fill' 8 }'t'l1\l Co" wbicb r oprc Cllts tho atti ro prill l'i lite of Jllnllts, 111\own t o nct mo t tr cnetlcially, in · It Illell lint syl'UP,
shupe, wJth th e e dses e\' n, 0 \' l' tlc~ m at \\I lih II. th in loy I' or Illlel y· SlUI \' <l colli boil d h a m. Ch o p fim t wo thin sllc('ij of fal :all por i" mix It Wlll:\ four !Jutter I)rllck rs I'olle(l fin e , sensoll blg!,l y wltb ":.tIl, I'lellppr,
SUGGE S'rIONS F OR NOVEL AND wllh !i sprn'y o. ar ti fi cial o l'tlll se biosPLEAS ING ENTER TAINM ENTS, SOll1!!, or cours , U, ' hrl d will lJa ~uxlf> : ' li to te lt of th e r 'ce nl jo urn ey, I uti lh r e w i ll I)" no olller enterta inA Post - Nuptial Luncheo n Flue Id('1I. til nl fe'hellle 111'01 \,Intl, -The Decol'atl oru; and Retresh A 111;l(e !Jow or l ull will tI rorat e m ent..-Ap proprln te W edtil' e' iHII~ to be O( cupU~tl by t he b;'lde. ding Toasts, Some Wedd ing Toasts, Th ore li re !llUO) rel ltlest!\' (01' tousls A Post Nuptial Luncheo n, " ult u\Jle fOf II w~dtllJl g \J r enkf"~t o r "Oh, It ill Y frl euds o uly I(ne w how dlnn t', Th ose gh~ll llere arQ ull goo d Illueh r would aP I)1' 'clllle a ll their 10vu- :Iml In ny llo gl\'cn ~pute <l Or st.a nllinG, Iy Inrhatlo ns atlerwal 'd a; " sighed a na Ih e occ/tslon de ll,n nd s : Illu ch fH d Ilrl (le-lO-lJe, Il~ ahe PI' p:\l'ed for h r sh:th "unllllo ll thnt wQllk - u nd Wb llt ~ h n ll I,wls h you? ouly 1~1l dll)'q unti l lho \ add ing! ,0, That yon ,IrlIJII 10-li1lY Wlt b lhl !! In mind , a t h oughtful hustess A draughl 1I"Ino ball 1, t6(lIlretl to anlen ul n U llIu c h" UI' IL lo nged-l or ju y. sou&lll youug' wo man a flOl' t hO bo nryLlC 'a chol.est wine, moou. uucl • dt'
On o sll(' e of ,' pal rro ~ t hc leg ('III b alf 11.11 iI~clt tlllClt, ' \Y llle It, r emQve t h e lJon ', the 10 ll gh m embr anes lJet WI'e n ti,n 1I1 11so1 s nn,! around .tbl> edge, ll lld cut the fai I}I ~mnl\ pi ccs, Lay th meat on a hllrll\\'oo d boai'll, Beall!!I' Ihe fat ov r It, untl pound It out "c l'y th in , la PIllng It 01' I' wb ere IJI'ol,en, a li ll poem I lhe fat loto the m at. I' l'C I) lb e m e t In I'e II gulllr
Out' C; ~IItI. '
uo !;\lob thlu g
che:rllll na ture, She nl:l~' not prese ot lIel' trl!l Oil tI',e u n y we vlo ll1t o he r Inw, bu t It we overdraw 0111'; n ccoun~ lit It er lJlltllt r. nd g ive lI er 1\ 'm ortgage on our mlJid s a nti IXHlles, sb e will Sill' Iy for eclose, ' Sbe mny lend us nil w e wa~ to-dIl.Y,' but to-mOrr ow, IiIle Shy loc" , ah o will demand th o lost nuner .[ t fiesh . . Nnlllre does nOL eXc.;lse , 111 :10 for we:nl(l)ea ., In competc lI 'e or I.~ no f':tnc , She d~mnnd~ (hal .he be a.t t h e t"b of h is co ndl,l Io n : B,'olled Chlck,en • . Singe, sp1tt down the bliCk, CIN!n Il{lel wipe with· a , cloth, Rllb In, s lele ami ou t with a lillie bull r, ll\rn 8 111'1111;1 0 with snit and 1)(! (.llltll', Arr nu l,lil on a ~I' ~ scd wire bro!l\lr, Cool, with fl esh s ltl toward tbe tire nt n:'st When seared bold a · !lUle f(trlhcl' away .fror" tbe flre, T urn oc'al:lloo al, Iy 011 \'he sl,l n slLle', bllt \Ie ai' ful, :t~ , :t r ""IHI); scurchcf!, A c hlclle n \\' Ig h, I g t \\'o 1I0Iln'!8 and II trait will trike ft'bn, n lo 20 mlntl\'c ~; It not well done It '01'11\ lJe tough, Trans[e r to a h ot plalter aDd rub asaln with hut·
Make yilllf boy's food tasty-M other-f or it has to do some blr things. It has to make Besh, blood, bone and. muscle and supply boundle ss
~~. ~erJ1ember, the boy of today is the
and mentall , with indigestible meats, pastries, rich puddings, etc., that act iul a drain on his nervous energy, But feedhim plenty of
an l'htrf' I. In ",hCAt-Inl! hetl11"e~beut" tor-ttroo; . heallhy, b,lebt.lml ft IDd qUlt1c It b tl wrudltt. \' 0\1 won" h.·/o 10 t(~'" hlJL to at it e!tkl, KotIln, fOf 111 CdiCJotU rlcb ftavOI ",btu w m .1m c.rea.ra &ad suear ls J\l.St wruu tie 0\0It fer.
.Egg.O.see keeps the blood cool and is the ideal ~ummer food. Ci h'( h im some to'm'lrrow-t1rhere won't be no l e:1 'V1n'., '· Pltfl.:lrw, under conditions of S(:.ns putqus c\e1nllnesl .
£'vef}'l: roter In t.,"lc l:QUntry sell:! &GG-O-SE E-the wbC\le wheat cereal. It you r croccr h::ll oot roccJrcd btl flUP, l)", ma ll us 10 C.CI'.lU A{1.(t hi! twrIe ( lS ceoLS w ett of Ihe ockY Mount.:liD.sJ and .o wil l .end yciu • packlij:t or BGG.p.-SI!l~ nnd a ct!PV of ~i3 took. ··.bade 'to a aatur.-."
.FREE "··back to natur e" book ~Q'
Our J2· p:aj!c book. ....hDCk:!O nature," autUn,.. Q J)~n Clf rll:bt
1Ivlo£. fncl l,llJmcuUJ. rOt 1 4a)1:J ~Dd r ~lp(,;l tor pr:pnrlnc- the nccer.sory dishes; wbet die t, y.'h b 1f111r.nutfucl for ' b:uMn&:. e:ltln~ nnd t .n rcU:c,b4aed On :\ Uhutrat04
~ hol c
!=ni,'!~' ,:c:t:c':o':1:h':!~~'t~ :i~~~ t:~e.:::~t:..
foUowiog \lac preccpLS,
Publlsbed to , ell nt ' 5 Ot!lll • copy,lhls h:Jhd:ocm cly l1Iustrated book wU1 F~ to :myonc who wr ites, &oJ 100.., as lh", cc1ltlon Wta. Addrcu
1>c. mAiled
_ EGG.O·S EE. CEREA L COMPA NY No, 10 Firat Street ' Quincy. UllDoi.
For Preserving, Purifying and Beautifying the Skin,
l1ire ALLEN'S FOOT~EASE ~Th1 .tana a , f.~~l'~ka& Scalp,.' Uair, and Hands. A CertaIn Cura for TIred , ,Hot., Aching Fed. .
"'dUS.r...Imlted, : All . ..
CIII.te17 boL
~llol,N. Yo
SICK HEADACHE R E"'''''IlS OF TBIS l'APl!:tL U KlImtN ll '1 '0 HUY A~V'l:utN(j I S 11'!1 <': ()I,I/~IN~ KIIOUI..I> t llSIST uroll IIA VING \l'IIA 'r '1'l lI'-\' A K !'(m , UIWI: l S I) . ALI. H Hlj1'I 'l'O'I' 1t!.I OIL I:.uTA 'rlO ~ tI,
Food ·1
Genuir.G Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature
~~JIlEFUSE SUBSTITUn.. - ------------"---
·Indian Terr'a'.,itory land
ter. TIle,. admire the IrIr! Just for StYle, L alwnys. lIeaUf JOWDed, 00 matter It In loex.D1gnlly o')r style Is a devl e for moll!. '.tub Dr_ea. . , Alt !he II~~ of ita',a••• peaal.,. materia l.. lUll! who DBYBr Ing thomae, plltrefae tJoD alit of tomJQ4 rill; dresses are tn'larlob ly m!l~'-I "'d ral .. IJ1 THE N.EW 4iwaer loudly OJ lu QueaUoDable w..te, roi.-Pu ck, Without II nili'I allG nre' lD\'arl:l bl, ~I" _ •••• Illr-wllh , ' 'Rhort.
man of tomorrow.
Don't ~ure him ph~ica1)y
.... cJlnJatlOD or 1117
. . ,1,110 . . .
picDicI llloie -j01ab11 '" lhec,rol ioOl euier.
L'bbf. Cool. ..'" fin! pick 01 tbe boot
__ fa obtaioab \e-.nd' lhey know MW 10 cook them, u weU .. pcodt tbem, If you're DOl to • picnic _ ,.,..
OINI tomorrow .. , -on
table by.em.. 10_ tIicecI l..IiMMOII Lad. It io • ~ioa iD the . . . . crI pod ... udpclo p-. .
la III. TerrllGr7,
nu, ""'~OGEE. INDIA.'II
. . to ca/ry,; _: udjuot riahl ;or ee!iaI .. lhey'eo..... Itomthe Cln•.
lab, IIcJf.UI ......, Qacq. .
- A.-----,-.--_. N. X.-E (19060,
. - _ 0.'_ aa. . . . . A.I.... ~.-
C --
n'~ 1
M? 55i C
z .(
Di d 'yo u kn ow yo u co ul d bu y th e ~ , .J ,'~,J"',--.JJ:".JJ, '~""""~"""'o.hJo.>~i of e ov St e lin so Ga of e ad gr t es gh Hi t tt YOU get t6 ~et fOlt 1." " 1)0 ., ,O rg bu ys ve ar H; , IN AK ID &; ~ C L E W ~I ' tbe fctt s " ~ hc~ : , '1
ve :,h~ es ov st e hn so Ga ~ al Me , Ick QU he ~IT G IN M CO :i HO M E y sIl ea . at th n tio ta pu re a d ne ar le lY st ~iju s atte ttnb ~ , , at Ba to d se ea pl be d ul wo we rs, he ot all ds lea t , . tte ~tc ~ Exc lus ive SbOe 01- ca ll n, eI th e se d all ll (~a u yo ve ha -----~--~ ----,~~--0 b H I N s Ldt~r g, . PE~.sU NA ,R~sjd~nts. Ph Ol le I ' o. 1 . - - - - . aI·ve. ~Ts 1ur IV ER THEN ~ A
from hjri11 er
L (l CA ,. ITEM S
I';::-;-;~'~;; g·~u,l·oudi.
. Mr . und lj 'r " \\ w . Mutlll'rll, of I,;=-/\ II I bUII,· t lt) vill cl' Flir"" I II I/Ulr.., tJ, II!. ' 1~:~l1n~:t\9\::~.tutlk .lhllt t11 y . r tl BWul'lrllll)~g'~(I'llolm 1'1, ;\lol. lInulun (MIIIl.I' huh l ..' 1,,"1' v " uni ou III11J \1 '('lIi e 1011 th u llIll'II IIII I'0lis, .luly an. hool j:r ollnd. neur Spring ~"l'ln gp \~ enrel1ll com\ug tllue w\lhy o n . V"lI' ·.I· :-i;,tunlll.I· .. l nly ~ rh o Rural Mail Carri er III. en'ort Will< 1II1111e t o bt1ve'gllo,1 wiu til B elllA L·omlug .' ut Bilmy tIm T 1\' II IllIllU I r ill OlOn or hools. lIo ter Miuule C DOIII!" n LII~t Wedn llf!dllY evening , "fter I ,lI u,lv 1\.11 IN h 1(\ in (,he ~ro\' o uf 1 Hhoul(l like t o be with .YlllIIlUd Jrof. ,I. (1 . UrdohulII, I)f Xenill , W Prillt~, ulltil Hrrle r on RurHI . B not 11m but JO~epD B i~ey in E"st WnYUl: t ownhUllr t be rl.llllinl ~enoe81 forDlor 8uper iuttlUlhlllt.. or tho rt~l? for h tlnrlnlJ ,the IlOt \~tl!lthe r ' l RClul !l NII. ~ , bll,l IIIlId tl his ru und. IIblp, Alignl'll. ltitll . t11"t he red hill EltCUtMiun 10' Nilll::urll .Ifl~1l8 I1nd Wliyuo~vil1e sch of write" ll.mnkl n " YOIl for ~"lUr kllld ntlll8, for the duy a nd hlld d flllvtl WII8 111011 lit the PUI~t Offioe he Rel!peo tfully, H t.urn ·u lurdllY July :l th . J::)even wHl bo llere next week. neo i RIiUIM M GOFf.'IN . I lieized with II vl "1 ~lJ1t tit(,hOk of for Uul lnr!l fmlll HOY ' P int on D. L . & a whiCh, t'lItt, h the nf ralglll • -t st ---:(J . 0 litJlILIN Gl'ON, KAlil!. 110 I and lC, IIlllt:Ulin quite WII~ mll; tl 0 cen nly V5 . M r. IInll Mr". Mllr l l o W t., . of MI~" MAMIil BnowN : R h R ville I expeot, to be io Waynesnoth. muob pro trate<i hIm thllt he hils ' eII C OIom. not I ' 1'1 OOIW \ 'k , al'll r l'j uioing Iwer 1·111' isit t e well. 1111 weekI Coming ome. B bee ~ l1ule to Il.ttend ~o his dutill!!.1 _____ I irtl, lit .. 0111 Ul: llt ol', Jul y :I:l DU. • t .lDlt:. prevullt lUI!: ~, frlend your '" ~I -. • to I, II If YO II WII Tbll re\lo r,'l1m \. III uhllrlle of ESTtiER Mt:RfUTT CRICNICY. Base Ball. OOW· ,1,1 I.. • tlw 61' 'I"DI 'onnty FUir, for II with 10, 1 111' Shule, Jeme. lif!!. KA.HSA8 CITY, Mo. Re~olutes will 1)lay J yton Da Tile ere. th be trans· t.o i8 ~ur t!! HI'" I h ey petent oorpll of astilltan M~~to: T . 1:I11.0WN : BlIse Bnl1 team lit I svilla Wll.yue thll ver III at M,~ Ir n e Trvut \~ho bt18 been It will btl impossi ble fllr me forming thu ijr·o" IJl:l 1'oom into P"rlt Frida.v afte rnoon ,. l en,.lU i! , ;u ll e~e ut Humbo ldt, 10\~t1 to Il~t"od the Reunto u Augullt II ,lUI itllbl .. rnlllll1l1 l1l 'whlohI w ill be well Oak Dnle gonte to be cal)ed flt :J 30. The Res. IIr> ' v, tl h CJ.Il1 t1 F r itll1Y eVtlnlng /lud 18 m y hOliltu will notperl llltmy going. worth the nomluil l pr ce ' of 5 cents o tell III one of the IItrooge !it II mIL· 01 triendll mauy ur h . by It V\lIlt ~" one \\E'loIIIII );! 1u in J regret It very milch as I was ~hlnk · for /)ny Xenit1, Ht tellntll in D" yto n hnQ Il. . good Fair "teur y t I G rl'ulHl 'oun f ter t h e H OfllO-COm, ng . "Iullei.; 1111 somme r tbtjt I would be able lllobd _ . __ _ ~o_r .. A f , ' o do, Aujo\ . 'i 9 HI L ow 1111 8 via Ing I bod y, to every I • to go. Wi t b. ave In Wltynt, .ville III Ill; ody Everyb IJ. L . & '. and O. , .X . T . T I Want Meals ? You Do Y the LlUUlB for r1D~ .. prep DOW bUdY li:R. . (;BANDL L ru onrs Mrs. t) . E . Elliott. nnd daught er, !!oUI, Has It Full assortm ent it' Decora ting I\IlIterll l, Flngll, Festoon A nnDlhe r of persons in W"yna~. also the mo..t Comctc., Cowiog that wheu IIn.v mut.ter 18 t o ers Strenm s', Banncr IURHON», INDIANA. Balls, Uells. 1l'r8. Ru chel I~ " 00 returne d Monday ings, tblit .thev be IIttende d tu tbllt 0,\11 uu ,Itll:iyt!d ville Illive meotl" ned "vpn i llg (nlln •• three weeks' vl It MISS MUI.JC BHOWN: plete stock of Fancy Gro«ri es. to MeCllre l11el~18 6IIpeol like would will hoy t IIrd ohalloe~ ' the Dayton 11.11, 8t innl1ti, 0 me 01 n I<i inviting wi t b relalive A Cllrd Is reoeived them. f~r ( ' rAtUtl 'hnA ... A. OIlV ()IVMt@rM , 811pper8 .. rt4Il liullie /lliy dlnllerl lltnd FRUfTd /Inri V~JnE 'r A BLE8 ' lIi,l puh ,h! 10 IodIIlDl\. to atte nd the Home Coming and deolde gto,~"ltllll~III'tjf~ HODlO during friend!! alld "". Piokj .... ~ \'oot 'LIIn 011" IIl:>lves h811 l1" ItS D-l1lik h . 'rlluker~-BREA .Iutlle.. ' I:!t<lOPS Wltll In Ur.buull. R e nolon at WayueB vllle August 8, Cu:'n . - In \ <Joaniug wtlek . I e CODlll1an ' . veryone . MIl,,'"r( l. HII.·.... R ullir ~u for thll.nkll bllttlpd the my of IInci one ed Aooept rHnll 10. boug11t be nnd Fllney ere 9 h w ;\tHuduy J v. Bliwlle, ohl1ir,u "n of tile mlUIY . tlules ion exprllll~ . ,he beard be would I and ion, well the invitat· by kind de me tbe iflh. c,lDt"'''111l9:f, Praoh ..". 'iut<l!t pony carts goods pver llb n wn ill !,Own oomm,ittBe uu hutels "ad bourdln g per~ont! .bllve ulled It . known mlUlufl loturinl! firm of E . B: gilid to be there at $bat time, bU$ Itt .aud moet re Il. ulIIJori ty or t he re,,(1 houlles - blill h !illt of persoils who l, bllnllllll II, E!ine IIpOrll.ll1f8o ..... UOIll ;v Olll.llpl1n When YOnr Therefo GAIllUer RDd dont!, for the use of his pl'esl!nt the proepeo t II not at 1\11 mealil. vu williar tue " '1llltOf''' , 11"llIr" (:u'r "It apvreol pi wl11 oook " .. lUlU Gal4ette tollt, tlle 111' at el1t h "TIl on't d that favorab le, and It la.not likely to Innre aeoom. tlon, Holmes , ODoe .u hlln t;ee in d ()(1onrlt'e I'eally tb.t t 0 .. t,,1r " . JlMII8rV AI', r~, hA Inolden 11111 au 0 aod If I do not I will ing .and ~petlrl 1111 tho tim! in . modlltl ol1l1 Mr. Miles Woloot t, who hilS been I will come, i tlun wilh pbll tlX preowlol oonneo that at _ read _ _ be Wflto"r Melou _ to f\tn.___ j · lines few Hnrt a send AU l)olll\ilt I)I tIob vo bIt UIA kUohAn • 'VA At St. MarY '8 ttundll.Y 1 lU ohArge of Frenoh Br08. oreuwe ry I I S h Ch fln,·ltt. (:,'0 11"". Thfl tlnllltt Y 'BBo' WH. TbR of Ohl811 IL at. RllortA of teaoher Kind tbe Right h ere for some time, hall been trans· time. ... th 8und~y, o( ty Re8peo tsf!}a oc a . urc 8m~1l1Pr1B inquire d wha.t . Be'lIIIon of 1'lIa" ~~rAlih Br",.,1 A\'e1'Y tiItY. D. ferre" to &n Ihdlanllo oreame ry Rnd til I'rt:'p"1'1I a quiok 111",,1 at the UtiOIl. 800181 a be will BUO· 'rhere boro, . in t:ip'rlng were of we MUler Mo.nrloe Chrilltla ll yflar the Telepon e UII your ordCl'tl. Cnnnpd I!OOO!l r.r ,,11 kind .. , CINCIIINA·rt, OHIO . ' The anawer OODlIl oorreotl~: ..·.eriu (lburoh Saturda .y evening to rll.lee Cf'E'Q" blm here. deliver ed prompt ly ('.oods cream Ice et-ove. It buy to money A8I'N. Bo'w much lonler Salmon . Uorn bell'. Ptl(lnut ily 1888<>n ." Mr. and Mrl!. John Zell /lnd 8011' . W A~NIC8V1LLJt liJ(lA S 'BOOL ody Everyb . ' served the maket you wiD be In will Is It If cake ' ?, ",,'UII tbt\' ftnll , BICOY: butt-Ar , IlrlAd bIIer, Rlmlliw i. Art-hur , of Corwin . expeot to move l 1<'188 MAMB T. BROWNmy servtce l doos tbll! set1SQn extend . oOllle 'giv. answer the here. and otrur it n, to find questio wllnt. I IItlXt ' next montb tn Grlinvi lle, Oblo HhriinJ» l, l.,..,hM\Hr Tho tin .., I can Ilttend little ghl wal!: "Unttl where Artn nr will enter College dnd I for the few dlloys tha~ n I .. ure en by oneBorne Coming .. ent. uncem Ann.o cal Politi ·the Reunio ';fter wb ere his parents t'xpect to make' 'Itbe Bome Cuming - ~ -f !y, l!'Xpeot tu I)~ there, ..nd III I ,am ·l'hl:> RepubllCRns of Warren CaUl), t hAir home. In SOCl~ty. want I it* on tile ~Iloutlve oomm will hold a 'prhnllr y elee,lon ty '. Wedneiida-y Tbe ~peed rinff, h e IItooke xblbit, 'you to OUIIIIHl Illd me for Of oourtlll Monday . Septell\ oor ~O. for the pur. by 111I1I18t.OO .rt Bclrnhll 18Itllt I Mrs . .I!J. V. of lItl\eotioll o"lldlda tel! for tile urtdiAp luy the agrloultu~lshow. I lind ;l'b ur~'IIl )· ... ot thlt! kind ·h tlr t!lotner , fit""" (J W tli"fuett , pOle log .md (l1l' other depart- ments Wlll ' tht! worll 01 oil "ft'alr ottioea. OO"Qty the resl. · Ilist ~·rld;'y he full lip. IIDli fill' anrpAt\ lIlInyth tng ulwuY!i 1111111 uu .. I w. and ly done ~live ' "p 1!~lt·lIrlll\Dmllllt QlI.ndld",te& are invited to Iln. "nd certain Mr. bl1vlJ to rll uept UltlmtJo ut uompllr de In Kb~ I Urfene D t hn t bnl! bpE'n sbown on thernlle lvea in thlll oo)umn . Ml'tI. Wtn . 8Qwerl lalld Mri ~, mltndll nouuoe 'C6unty FlIolr groundl l. Angnst 1, 8, their pIt.n woll . It ob"rge 'of '2. 00 payable whloh fur AnKH Loll I'rom fllmlly Ilnd. 'rhero 'w~y be sOUletblog leH for Wright nl8 for a fortnl~M . Is m"de . order, WIth 9, lind 10. worl1 thl1n les. (;a1lfor Mtjmhe rli of t he Old &hool Asso. me t·o do-it" nothing dplight lit The aoOOtlPlln Wlill une MURVE YOR. r.latlon ILre ILl!ked to remeul ber t.hllt , umpiri ng a btlllll·U n" .all In Augllllt , ful freedum from 'lorUlnl ir y buoh- as yuu 1I0e to D Jilin Ide' S Hoping ' served dinner usullol t.he of iutttPlld always obarllOUlriztllIlillUln 11l'~lmtll III 'LERK OF eOUR1 'S h" ,.bA AlIl'oolat.ion. Tbe Frlends 11am very u 'ul y yuurll, . Mme. ble hOt!pila this Rnx:n: .I!l. __ , _ _tiA.BKY Dlin P. BonA. .' ,g Bome \VB I serve ., be di n UOl1rdh The hou!!tl w .. ~ tn"leful \ .v dtll,,,r,,t Vhlirl1l8 S. Mounts . HAKLKII'rUN KANAWHA, W. VA. lliuleo! thll 1111 Dllr t·hls yPtlT' Etloh memba l w1l1 be l anei .... ed wlI.b fl"we (For re-nd,~luliti o n ,) t:leoy: Bank , but is organ ized under ' not /'xpoohl tl t o pay' for his own men) " MUll! MA111ll 'I' . l:Iaow1'I, olad ill lIiry WbIW, willch luudl! II • • 111 ro;<;tli pt ot your oaru am 1 Ct1lry 11k" IIOIlUI1 . 2ri cents. the State law of Ohio, . over 45 Stoek holde rs . invltli Time of Train s. We lire gll\d to report tlwt of thu 2IJLh i Vl>t., with klDd Huwe , 1;l\fll" wll.'e .,b.. c hi"f /l .iil1!~ellll:>nt, For tbe benefic of vial tors to Way. Minor Rose at uytle IS slowly re o tluU til btl with y u durlnK l1ud a 1)IlI~to/l!~ '~<:2"'1II ~ I:I ~el· vt·.1 intere sted and IOverned by a board of Nine \ )IIlI ug w6tlk In AUt(U"t. c: ,verlng froru ' hl9 Injury. But will l neKI w.llell tbe time of I~rrl UBsv11l1 Comin d taine Enter Ulat IUIlII!! I..lll, uf Uw,nK tv lIrtl~" VIlI Qf truiQtI on . tbe 'pennay l,v llnla have .to oorreo~ .t he item publlsh od . piree ton. . to Vllllt Ublu le Ihlll!! hi Klveu below. Carlis MiliS_ to nt in lu st, week'" 1 ~8 ne wbich sttlted ter~ 1 Will not bo lib ie wuek IU Aug. plime t,Qlr(j lJe t UL l)" II it f lUI to · wages oon bls and pnid t hnt Frun'k Duke From (JulumbUif, Xenia Assets, ove,: $80,000; MI~IIOII Vllflllvn l\IId hltl ... 1t M. ,~h .. r l'e, tJe oollged 101m while he Wlutdisul;lled , thU81!.tlle utI'" luld will, ' therefo frllludl4 neotlnloI \1uiot" 9;02, 1i III ; ij ;;4\1 p. m 1 t.hiny ut IIh" ullt\ cntertlli .. tAt {)lIrtiolp or u plellljur tl'le to t urgo heillc Il misutke . . 3 ·per cent intere st ~n savin gs AeWe F'ridn:v I1vc;\IIlo\C hi Frum 1.:uIOlnu ati 9 :54 . 2 :1;6 muoh .to my vtlry delh:lll fully During the Grand Home Uomin g /' jill:: III yuut otl)olrrlltlon, feeling 'o.r hllnor of their ~llflll l:; MI,">! ·Olive. AD't!ll'l.Itt I.. being lUade by H ,. E. ,,"l hl1ve II. wlirm Bootb; lI~ent tu h,ive .the fl&8t trains Ohio count s. f1' Wnynes ville, week of Aug . .lIth . l'egret, llnd 111!c,j()()1 Ol1rhPlle ; uf Utlll1hll1r, ~ r llltte r part .'No, :.10, and No U6 also atop dar~ng Buoks will b run betwee n Ly t le my W"y ullllli llle friemhl tho l1 oeouplH Cllrcl!! . ' . at arrive Ml iI",g DIlopl!. the Wllllk , The.a e trains lind W'aynes ville oonnec tlng \ylt,h Ul~~. I. g tl..11l,t yuu will Ii 'If the ·evenin g. l"ul>tau H11 D. L . & O. truins. beginni ng y U"klrl having 6 !lnd 10 :2~ p , m ., respeo~lvely. No. Ollrot.11 ncl a ' Hawke" , rernllln to beg gtl pusen. pi 1Il:!lIut nmuruu , 1 'l'ueslla y nf tel'lIoQn , wun ·,n .. ql1l11 ollwber of gllmell. t.he 126 will llto.p to dlsobar w llh klll\l regul'UII, . , d Misil gers from VlUclo.n litl Ilt 1\\1 tlm,es. liwltl'd,e Wll8 · prize dill'" .. I yours, truly Vel'Y Farmer s, call in Ilnd see the Brad· The comple te, time card for tralnl! Bliwke nrtllr 'Il deoldill g game be. V. W . MOKTliN . l ey gang plow .edge drop oorn plant . arriving Ilt Lytle is given on anotht.w,) thl! tWI'an e rR, one II.nd two roV'( corn oultiva · 1'1I .. j!pnl,ll'n16n'S 11rille \1ms 6180 er. pl1ge (If this Illsue. , tors I 1I.1~0 ouny a full line of Os . l. ulCA~IO, lLLlNOl ti O"U l tl~t .. d Il htweeu Mr. Gllurge Fun ho rn'o lm pl ement.s und 11111 t~kID g , Death 's Work . . Come in and See us . Histo ry of St. . _ . .. k"y 1101111 ' Mr . Ernll!!t RU8nagle, the , ., rd p. r~ fur high grade tob .. c~o, c~rn M A~lI lo: I1UIJ\\,N :~ Mr. klDdiy d, Johli hy of WOII rIlI:Olv~ ~ LuI hAln~ mo~h\j POl, /tlllnll Y"ur g Euiily, Mary 's Chur ch. . l Mr... ,llIcldln {)rloe . 10 lin d OlltS fer tl1tzers rI1l1ging ThA ' Mlumi GlI.1.ette OCOUpl08 ft, 1 1~ \' II I! I r,: IUU t.') 'Ittend. the .Wuyoe s R· '~III\J(lt'I. MI.t< Irml!. ElIl .. carrlec1 Emily, died II.t ber home on lower fr om thirteen doll'ur6 lip . St. Mar~'a Churoh of history A oitl former HENRY J AY . I vlllt, I:iIKb bc: h uul Alumm Ad!!Oela \lll' t1. ~- c"nllrillltioo Mllin street Tue.da y aft6r1100n, peculln r reilition to the For written by G. T. O'}\eal1 baa been lvllle. Wtlynel 1J of t. ~ U I' zens AU 11 danolng 0 ties " tiulJ ' Infirmi ments ",. ·the refresh to Arterth a . dedh being due pllhllllh ed in l)lImph let form.' . 111111 Hut. IJ Hi ~ Il , ljobool grll.duli te, than.tlf ty. five years tt hAB been A tYiJog!u. phl~I,1 "rror In the oul ~ . tA'M inC1ul~ed In till 't he ti me of de. of "Ke. bfl. on No man In the oomm1 lDity Is as tluuoliti my' ill the u" 'or bu O ,bll news l fiB the .\nll: ~Ryton, serninllt ?f frOm llf~r.v of H':ILIJ1 lRy]or Funem lservlc es wtll be h\lld '. Hil(h jJlIl'Iourt the of writlnll suob a hill tory R~ it of lon t oapllble I?erllonll of cIlIIoep, ds t,hu bundre yuud With lIod llzette, on 6 Ii. Jl I1 IoIt~b ed 10 ,;, IflS~ week Iluellts weru Mls891! hllr lata howe Thul'tldll.Y afterno Invlttld Thl1 my 'iu l and )le hilS tr~oecl lho now tn U,Nf'lILI being tbem Mr. , llt il kept m v hll8 wo t1~l\t link t:!ohu"l tbe TtIoY· . been rllllcl n It I'elld HIl'I}m WI1JIam :b, ~tella lit two u'clook . Meredlt Anna EJIiIl, Irmll ' ed with the ohorch connect home. ' old facta r theIr ytlll !t. h with ' n touoh o r .: ' W1Hl I~ It , 1~ n llll . , ?tl Ve ~e e ' ,n, Luelll1 (Jornell E:lil'.t1beth . from the time It was a IItrunl inR TIl H :iuc.u\,y of Frienll" Will! III 0Lemru y ,Dnrnth Hllwke, " l:Itrlll" WIlson 'Ill.v lo!. Mr .. rt1Y0001111 r, 11ltudle Dnrlnc .the PUAt few years; ellpee. mission up to tbe present . The book fill' It~ Illy mU.llur y glle!!; Olive OM)'8i e Trust ee to be Appo inted'. ),,1' wus \~ ell kn ow.n 1U I1lld "auout. . Wil Y", tbe Uazette hall devoted a is not only htstorlc aliy . cor'reot bu' giv . IInel Katheri ne Dl1lliil, lally. ., yoOog, thllir . eclllCIlr.e t,Il careful and boro , heen O'NeILl IlLlvang Murth" \V UV II P~\'llI, AICIl IlIt ~ollWltrtz, of spll(le to news oOI1cern. the mat~er ill gotten . up tn a ver~· del1i u ed grel1t eu ulll'd left,v08 "g ly Grilh8m (),.rtlful B. Il J. UI of til, ing dtlath The . MIlls, ROllere, raj .. ,·,1 I~." "T t·h E' T o legrupb K',fheri ne Alllx mder. Rhea reslden ta and the pub. Interes ting 'form, ' r fl1rm, inll ! t.rullteel hlloid of IIc ~t bl1 board tUtl the hn!l In I hUlllH', vlloanc.y ·' II Ol1t\"n. !:Iollri'ettll MoKiuKey and E)l1Io D"Vla . · . " l1th jf 1"111' 11 paper ht1ve d~ne tbelr the of IIsh\lrs pro. ell Th.e booklet contain ll a half tono' Illw ll'ecelv 'I'he · v ip. flll. Ihllt. townsh ill Me/:lijrlj WU:rren :KeYI<, Edw~.rd Ricks of W"yne 'PI", rllmOh r l.nlli l \\I1l,gnn ufI1wn t f) 1)" ilu,1 hen the tie be ' ploture of the In'el:lo r oUbe ohurch strengt to utmost ·it y vacanoy 11 Munthl of ollse F1'iendl! in in ll thut lli t u·" viI/eli eLl my Ueorge hv ed Miller, di~plHo . Dr. , ~I\ ' O'NIlIII h'H>;H, " KI n Will 1, \' ",.i Wllynettvl11li!s ohlldre n :who and all10 a pioture of the Beator, McK,IIY, Fred sball be filled by appoin tment by tween F.l1l1knv Adelbn rt " " " lljolllob l] n 'I\,"t I hur:!d'~r , . H \V ·"u L! ~chool~ . , wlI.nde'r ed aWIlY and their old Rev. Oa·d wallade r. \ have nsbip thetow lu e 0{'1'6IIc Dnvilt JOl! atber. the te l!rl\ndf ROB. t o~ llnl I' Erl1 , IIlllt" My fl,lrtiloc'k, Fred Vaskey 1" 'lI1t Z, otl rr ier ,m r u rc~l r o:n ,I, w~. i' print8d on the publish er" at tbe and mely ,1Ilndso home, t very Is grllll.tes It the omee l held' has Virliinil wbo frqru vp.d ROlJald m" ·rc nnl{lIi Horolcl OO"'k, ancl InkHIl NI, oIdllll,l:v Illotl !:Ierl )utll ~ III FU\lik'II!T; Gazett. e teel a geDuin e interes t In finfl ~e(lkle edged pAper, beautlf nl remAin ed Hllwke lengtb ot time . W, ·'lne~u fl .\·. nlltJrI IIIlU .. !II! \) tItute . to W lll'll l.ll:ivllle ip /1'800, 'frlends hlp for ihe men 'an!! covers, eto; sod Is , V"rwin of Illsing Sf)II11t of !)quire Vlln Duser, obtain 'Unite!t may the 1·" lIlrt. n o t, h.. l:!p~~red 'Ih~r~day therl'l !l~vllrl\ l YIllIrII, of ohnrob ,part'" ,the of 'all In en Friends lpwom townsb Owin/{ , In J ' .H • C0 Iema.n the !ienlor Justice in the "' "r l1 t~lt.r l.UI •• . [:lIS y . .cllrrlel OIJ hi.. llum fl "uu~ ' 'Iunily Of whnm we bave onplAS from Rev. Cadwal lader 01' I I I1r~ rtl.novn~ d to where Wil '~ ' Aide onll be 'wl'll Wilke the Il.ppoin lment. I:!tllt.eS (many l l\r t.rlp lind. Ulllnr" nte Appof r " llt o .\ mll.1. h..l~ I' ~t1 , whom eaoh week tbe Gazette offioe for S6 cent•• ' to Been). I R . M' ll never for ned ' ' mentio III it being Flndlll!! thol!e Among tll'"I1I~ Ii bill! been bon." 1!1 au· nlingtro n j,"w II) of tiue1 Po~t. G A. Its tldtug8 nil I ~ .rl"tl11l1 'IH"ur' carries t.blR paper the W F f S lI ' Ph nn\v. .where I feeling III th Rett.led tlnnllv know . borne, A,nd we ur 1I0e, . I p t',' I11 " h:II' tlll l,! mll ,l., e r,m OIl ~Ir . . 1 eUt' r h r e p floe lire l llOlntm ent crf one of your Orde ts ' Oet Ul; by b oroll "fl. 11" where MeKinl !ey. All I 1" "111 " I'(mto- i ll 1'~ 'ord brl'lIlon g ill Pnl;lt.. ro<ville; Ohio, "II an aide nn the I!taf!' , HRthaW8 Y hlld M. of rll 8.001'811 IIlflmbe Y 11M ~hown ' a8 cat.ed, reoipro lolinl .,For Speci al Num ber. en are ' Republ I' Jnnitul(l l1ntil his death . tlnfl I'll\" ' ,r' uPllllrcl1 BII1'msn, Comma nder of these lIentlem .. · letterll receive d durln'g the yaar. 11111 A. II posted penon8 I00.. we '" 1843 In many dlf\d lind , hl1 .. B. til ! b'l'H0111""0,,,,· 11 .. of th .. G., A It. of Ohio gr. J. Orderli for the 80uven lr numbe r . For thtll reallon we nre partton . r"t. Mv ' ulllll!' .. 1ll1 t11"t.ht1r~iltt.IAll ·t1l1lre. Cl.I1 .. ruall III~t, week reoBlv,ed no\loe for the Ilppoin tment of a Demoo the Gazette whioh will IPw II of t.o visitor ' ev:ery S"ars Fami ly Reun ion, I IHiu tbllt !lnxtaus larly 183~ In Ih",·.. 1 w,u' \r1)rO, and ftppnill tment to t.hll.t PI'II!it,ioD, hi~ nl .... te histor:r of the Bome Oomcomple <h the at oa\1 week nest. 'town dwlth Twin s Born at Mano r. .the lng, with mlloy IllU*tr..$lOD., · ,to., 'l'h"unnllI11 r'~l'lniOIl of Ih " Sell 1'". i ll1yfll .I ''' '·II,,,l " ,nlhl'rr emove Ohln. 11,111 It i~ Iltl1>",': llllly grat.l'fy lng tn anci meat t,o want We . offioe zette 1]0 " ,11Pjr I '"i h' t ", WlIyullIIvllle. comln, In In Jarp DumVIUW of t,h.., f,ult. oame to him I \o'""t\" wrll hll Iw ltlltM U!lIlHI ill nell IIbake handa. with ALL our frlenda . hav... been . r IInll :<vll k d OU rhe O'Neal l farm, ,·"t irf'ly ",itl,olu t solloltu tlnn nr~ week. pal' th~ ben slve Ilan I! !'" V''' II!, Mrl' . (il'l1rl!e we tbat ation inform Mr Ilnd Ml'tI Roy Uornell ,of ~an. AD1 1 "" llllll""c1 nolll m,· Dlurwill wllo all tbat l &11. 1"I);elllll n lIa8 ~n /I wnrkel' aDaloU aJ.:e We will t :" nlf'rvlll l' fill ~1t\t1T('II1Y Angut't 1 . ' whl'r.r> reuder oan IHI7, ""hpI! I Ihe proud pII~!ntl of twin I'or any a ..ta~noe we E"PfV )1(ltlyc0I11111J( w ill p!e,,~ebrlnl( I ri llil" "' I I,,, ~I" I' g uf nd. IlIdiaDH, In the "mer fu .. y,",1'11 and ~II effort. or, life n born Thur"" ay, July 211, be oheerfu lly done, Our tilme il want copt81 ord. . .~ .. we In • Hlobmu d~te t·, t',1 " tbrou,h 1'1'111 Pllllt oojfl'e looal I1f the cnp n . a~tst«l Ilk..,' .. b teDd to priIlt olll,. . . ID&DY .. we. "d l1l1 Il \\l'l1 37 maoy dllOOuragemen~ an 1 dlmon! · weighlu g reepeot lvel,. /I aDd II yours next week. Wit wantto greet I \l\'h ~r,· lilY h",.b'lI d Itnd I relltded ....ouabl,. oertaIIl to Mil. are be wUl .trin, .. nllli 1'1111 (If HH!Il.t . !atob ar O ' all. you IUld healtby , llOlIDds, aDd both are tt M,~. I.lloille 13rllh(l l1\ono, of Xenia. y8llr~ 00IIUt. to 708 waDt We 01lt, poWID I. In or about Wa10e evtlle a IP"Nt ea. will &;Ivtl 8tn-erld realllnl{lI. UA
" W
_D .
___ --.__ _ .•
Au gu st 8, 9 & 10.
Rem emb er' tile £lute find don' t fOl'g'et
ZIM ME RM AN '.S Of Cour se'.
l' l
a pri~ate
VClI.. XLVI : NO. :Ia
AUGUST 8, !91)6
From the East, from the West, IN GALA ATTIRE! The Greatest Week Fromthe~o~th~from the South w~:l;~!~=~o~eri his~ory of old Waynesvilleh~ WaynesvIlle s Sons" Daugh. , onthe?veo.~~Bome.uoming l arrIVed A week full of ploa~. .,·. . " ~:::!::hi:O~~h~l~t:~~~D::,Oh:~; ures for' all ters are gatherl-ng home •
I Wayn8llvIUe
her beet
I bot be pleased wUh the neat and . • Iwell kept homes. ,·he prOllperou. •• looklDg business huuses and the '1 Concessions Committee bellu~iful decurat,ip ns whloh lire all Social Mairs. . pl>lI rmg everywherll. Has done Good Work in Seeurin&, ' .J A Funkey , ohlllrllllln of the Many Informal Gatherln&'s Sched. Stands and Amulement,: IComlllluee on DtlC:l<lrationli Ilnd hilt uled lor the Week. _.I OMIII~tantMhll'Ve"U(lC4:!tlded IOl!tlrrlolC - -The I'.ommit,t ee on ooocel8ion~. up .. grellt delll of. eothulIlllllm, "nd E.Terybody will make merry tbll headod by C M PH . the deoortt tlnn .. pr'omlse to IIUTpal!1 week aDd despite the fact thllt a full Hurflll'e "nd W .•T. Kilbon . h" ... done tholle of IIny nthelr occlu!lon In the protrl'am hal ~n arraDgfld ,for ai Iguo(l work In "pcurlnl.!' rtlfrellhml'lIt h....tory lit Wllynellville. moet eTer, day, many lOCi.a lltft'lllrs _ I"t/Uldl! lind amUfiementll , are eo~eduled to 'ake pllce. The bUIll n8ll8 p ort.ion of tbe town - - - - - - - - - - - -- 'I'lle I>roprI'~ Moe' of tbele will be intormal • eMe coin I.romi!!"!! to hI! Illmolt II malll of 001 e""rll II f a II 'b '1'he oerns .pay fnr tha privilege of pill o. or lind t,blt deonrll~IIID8 will be very glltherings 01 old frlendll or formitr Our Neighbors Interested The planl aDd ::~:::~~. ~\ammoth Parade. ing their IIt.anl1 .. 011 the I!treets. IInri I!enerlll everywhere. nol"hbora . . Home.Coming week ..... . • - • In Wayneavllle'l Home·Coming or perfected in alinlle da'r.... w,ulliered An object of Interest to Great Num· tblt n)ODf'V 'tIm!' oblllinP.<1 will II.. "no! t.:i r1,. • Red. white tlnd. ' blue, Ihe oolon Information Bureau. ber. oMed In IlPrrll~'\lI!? thp R"m .. r,."". ',dol>ted by the ge neral oommtt.tee; Tbe people. for mlllll! around are has required weeka _ ....... .. .v1l ;V ." .\Vldtlllll~ r"ulIll 11 rt!lIdy ~u~_ . . . . 1 " ,l~tlmIlIlL in I.h l' IlIlllr& .. df her cbi1: IlflllOllr ID tbe grtlattlllt IlrolullloD , Haa Beea Eetablillhed in Alexander intereated ill W"YlIeMvllle 'li BOII\t'- preparations of care,Dl 'rbe \lttrtule i.. "n ubjeut nf Intllre"t In tbA "'MY nf Hm\H,ementll I.tll·rll ttnd wlllttlllO ap"el8 r til "0010 e.ten~ , B IIdi Comiog. almo~t 1111 lIIuch" III faot, lUI aDd, muoh bard ·work. 11r .. n aUQ 'he iovitatloll t~ rH<llliylug to IlIote• In (1 IV id Ilfl. I", .l,rh1NI II tlItiD will bt< ,. lIIt' rtl' I!'I round , ~ mUVlllj! ' ID the ''''rade, t:buuoh their iDdl u nl· , It heart;rl'88ponll" titlll w.... k lilt 6vl. I .' " .... ., .re our own "el'ple . That 'hili elfol" wunot ID ..... . , . tilly ot,her IIlllg!e fe"tur(1 .,f tile piot,ure IIbow. II ,1011 rlulk, Hte vlrlulIl toll"te~ life being followed "> C. E . Bratten. Chalrmlln of tb" A t 11 'h ' "ole U. ulill" R P f rl1~ Innent, !lr.ltlld ' bl e extpnt. rlenoed by the erowdll ", former H v .. pri vllflgfll'b It \ ' .. II oonlliciorit Information. B11r8ll0 and hi!! cor"" t ,rllve ng mtln wIt " vl~iUi Ill. ahowD at tbe OpenlDIOr BC_M_~ "Ulzen" who are pourillg into the l At lellllt on A momoor of Illmo<jl. h~o .. oM. luclucllllg i\'6 orelllll al1ll •• • of alllllltaDt" will be located In Mn. ~:;:nt/::~iell ~tWI~~:~II:I::~: iog week whet! Pl'aot~J .~ t,'Wd. evary fllmily in thtl oommunity htl" novl'ltleR. Iunoh .~t.lDd", oandy. " I' Speech and Song, Alexlloder'. boildlng OD tbe &aNt tbe at-her day: " Evl'r::vholty III ~Illk . tblDg tbat hall been DDdertaIra Ie AII' IIl .. t WA",1r,r" a'rriv"d by hlld ilome, 1)llrt in ' urr .. o·gill~ foJ' oo rn uOIl ptl"nnr .. tHnd .. I1t 8ide of Main st·reot. whore the pub -., 109 Ilhout WII,Yul!I'YilIo·. HOUle- oomplete. .. F . thif! eVlmt. · - -- - Home and Foreign Talent will Par. lio I. invited . to eo with their quea· 1Comlno, pverv. where I go. and they The majorU- oUb.m. . . . . WOGIM '''18'' IlUli I WI)14 rlr1IlV Anll SIltor· E;" DItrD h Ilr", ' 0 0'11,.IrmllD 0 f th A BI aze 0 f 01 or~. ,. 1 tl cI J , • '1/. • II pate 'In P rogram. &iODS, tbeir 1081188. thelr find!! ' and lire "II ..comIDg ." dltv wore OI"UO ",'rI KnodliV Ilud P"rad" committe". hall lIuooe.dect in I their troublea . . '" N f d I The biggest orowds f.J:.o.m. lIur. At!Q!ld.y th8 vhdtor~ oltme In Il dflveloplnlC 11 wonderful enthn\liallm Fire Works Diapla), a reature ever be ore an , potl~ib y never Kembera of the Inform "tlon Budl I hb 1 od III b alon" this lir d f 0111< d Wednesday Evenino agllio will thent bella muob orato"'" . roun nR ne g or 10 "w pro d IIt.. 1I y .. t·re.m .. . 1e Itn or WI! I aD "" . ." I'eall Itaft' may be r600lDized by the ably be here. Wefhllllldl&Y, Pl'rade weeb the IIt.Mdy clip of the .oi,,"orll ' so muoh nlU8IO anl~ 10 muoh rejoic· Bluo bAd"e. whioh the.y 111 ""We r - -..-=: --:';':":""--OO=-'7.::: ~ 10 many O&IIell forU1~r rallidents in ' mllkiDIt flowers IUld feltoonin K Ever~~.oi\y old tlml youllg enjeYII inl( orowded into ODe w, ek Ilt Way. · w a ....y. ut no douht. tbrongs will are aocllmp&nled lIy . 'lDemoorll o~ hilA heen 'hellrd qlllillside\l Imd ev a good dlBplILY of Ure wllrkll and 1..:. nell ville 1111 this" come iD every day . tb8tr faJllUleM who never lived tt.f. ery empty barn and sbed oontninA a . C!ementR, Oh"ir~3n o,f thi!C ~In,~ BeginDing Tues(lllY tbeOld tklbool What the Badges Indlaate - --W.,vnellville hut who hua beoome. t,h e bll!4ill for ~ 118l1ntlfully bedeokl·t\ m.l ttll8 proUlI .. etl th .. pllhho liD enJoy Aallooilltion will hold ita BleatlDg, Tbe oftloert! of tbe tieDer,,1 Com. Everybody will Keep iDtereete I 10 UII! town beosWle the e&rriltge or float Ilble time W6tll, &I,IIlY ev,mluj{. liod good thlng~ O&n alwaYIi be ex· mUtee ID obargeot the BUIDe. Com· I Open House. bUlban'd, fathl" or whatever the Wltbout, cloubt the parllCiA will be The fire wurk N cliilplllY WIll tRite peoted from lIuob member8 of 'be in" will wear red badgea • Wayn8lvilh~, alwB,,, noted for Itil .one of tbe beat In t he hl~t.orv of place at the end of Fourtb IItret't Allilooiation 118 Seth W . Browo, of Kember.oUbe "eDaral oommUtee hOllpltal1ty. will Ilnt.ortAln ' lavIAIlh' relation lOy be. have recoonted \warren county. . nellr thll Orthodox Frleods uburo~) Lebanon. J. 0 Fll l ktDburg.,lf Home . will wear white. badg811 aDd tbe In. thitt week tbelr experleooll ·. w.blln tbeJ lived N 'I . . heglnolng at 8 :::10 o·clook. l:U.y lind many otlilerll. .. . II ve 1I0leM of Ilnv 'ktnd will be . form.t~oD bureau attacbee will be . III WaJne.vllle. Ilud tbe~ vlllitorll perOllttf'd ' on the 'line (If m'llroll 'I'hill pl~oe lIetllIlli natnrlllly IIllapt Thursday III thei Alumni Allaooia. by I bloe ribbon . _au JUllt 811 enthUltltu,tio "od jlUlt alt Wedne8day InOrnIDg,. aDd for t:bo eu for II dillplay of tbis kind . 'rile tion a perfect dood of oratory ' may deala:n.~ I The newlpaper fraternity will Slad. to be In W"Y':IlIIIvllle a" "ra the benf'ftt of ~hnl'e inl.erellt.ell the ,l ine IIl;reet endll abruptly at the l,op IIf be expeoted when I~UOq. fllmoullighta wear a' yellow ribbon bearl ng the former oltlzens. iI _given onoe more. t.he blllleudlDI\' to Ult! wOOflH of .JII 118 l.'1l1rk MoKay, (If the '89. aDti who word "Prau;" ~beehlln. and the fir workll CII n never fa·U8 to delilght an au ' teDce P Ilrlld e will form on Sontn 4th lit. 1I,"n The Home .CODlf'1'II apl)Bllr t.o bave he b I . h I Pretty Window DII,IIl),8. betwllllD FrllDklln and North stH. " ot Dto t e WnOl!! without en will be beard frOID on the II ggee. rellults. tlv8 IIllbject "our IIOhonl day eet. Committees haye de&ermlned to 8'Ijoy I.he fullll!!t, thll! ea .. t o n Nl)rt.h t,l Fourtb. 8Ou'b on d8DRerlDjf property . Some very at.traotl va willd .,w dill. reunloD Thay hlwe left Ih"ir c/trllll i Fourtb t, Hlgl. "trent.. OIlSt 00 Bllh Back of the point frODI w h the heartoll." 'fhen there 18 G80 e 8 All Worked ard. plays are feature" of the Home- Easy on your )lOOk" tu . l l1treel' to Third, iloutb on Ind rellponslbllltieH behind them South lIt,reet.; along South to ..In' ; dJ8tJ\ay will be sent Ii~· Mle ~ohool Baily, the Ci nolnnatl Bttom on your feet . ' Schwal'k'a . ComiD deo l)ntion~. lin /tnd bltVII UIInRht. tho nuille Bud IIl ong MILlo IIt,ree t to F kiln OBmptul and tbe ex teoslve ~ulldll tbe 018811"01 '75. who may be From time ~o time durlnfit o at hwartz'a ~raB marobantR. •. ,.. ROIlII; thence · wast on F nklin about the hion.1hl ohurcheH, giviog ed t,o wax eloque[lt a\l be 110611 deep palt year Gal&ette haatneotiolled WayneSVille . . Bome.:.' om/11K "plrH.. . ROllfl tn 'J'hlrd, !lnd south on Third an opportllDity for a va t orowd t.o Into ~illllubjeot" "Theoountry ~y . " the work of the varioua oommlUtle. Among the ruo.~t Rrt.istlo (lisplllY8 "'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!''!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~ l t.Q YIIllIli t<tr .. et; west on Mlllml1:o is tbat of '1'. B. l:llster. !o\howiog . ~ .- FOlll'1h III,reot , ilIon" Fourtli atreet. view the 81IChts . , And O. d Ollrt",dght, of Chicago, whiob han had ohar"e of tbtl Base Every ". A concer t b y tb e 0..... to Frunklln ROlld ; t.hence we!!t on ,.....e t Doln(t will tlie oflg Inn t or 0 f t h e B olDe· Co QlInl B omit Co m IDg preparatIOD/!, IInl' spoonll anll .other DlIveltleR til je w. T o F ormer H ·Igh Ide~ ; who has Avery r l'MOn So ' feel readerll of tbetittzette are lullJoi80t. IIlry . E. V . Barn hll 1'1. I\II ~ II very Frltnkl!n RqlHI t o l<~Ht.b; Routb 011 enliven thlDil hfltweftll .a otlO School Pupils. "'lfth \of) ( :hllpmIlD. dij<b~ndlng at. , I.n ollSe of rain tho 8re. work8 will Mtl!lfled :wIth tho reault of hill eft'. , ly fam,l1IlJl r with 'he~ III not to reo attractive window, li S hlt!l Id ~o F. C. e ttl ' f tho II'~lden" l'! of '1' .1 , Brown. I' \:;e potItponed until Frldftv. ortM. hlN llpeeolt rnay be depended i quire exteDded 1$.temeDt DOW neal' &hwartz W waD n mprtlt<14110 e"luv or . • . . h . d D, ~ . BOWOll :KwindowK Rr l! ~howThose who care for br.a8 '-II !IUI4 POpUli of t,b" High IYlh,);.1 t,ho If ~(\hwl\rt),.'iI 'orn Core foilll t·o 1 The beSt thlDg yon OItn tll'"e bo~e °hnl to rt· lln~ ·hwtth Pl'aldsethllnd love tor aft l~~ .fwheD .t helr work w\1l tlileilk th lid -. , . .~ II nil ve ODie. an ere are' many or .. e . Ing a nleo IUj<pIHY of good,., ISH are at no n ea oearly ' eveqb04!l. . , .. It IU'OI!tIII .y 0 f U..I II~ ttl! .. 1f IIrt, to wllrd remO YIl your cornll. he will refuDd I frnm 'W ay nOli vt 11"' ill I~ bottle of th h "Ik I I . tl I 1l11O(l tho~1l or ..1 . A, ~'llnkey. rnay oount 0, n a !lade. of ·1 D - '"I ... . • . , 0 lir~ w ose ..1 II are 10 0g liD c · However. everybody oonneote!1 -_ ma.rIId nl!C nigh t!ohlllli l>1I~' I\(\xt y onr lll " nIiY:. P/ioa 150 Fur lillie ~cbwartz'lI Corn Cure. 1"a" with pleaoure. , Th "" • .,........ ~ wltb 'n Ddertakinlr bU 'wol'ked bard. 'I . E. .J C\IlUIlY 11II~ 1111 IIttrliol,jye gamesthlll week·. . . . at. S<'h 1\'I"t1. clrllg IItorll, WIIYllfulVlIle l:\ohwnrtz'lI drill[ IItnrl'!. Wllynenllle . . tn tllCt almOlt. everybody 10 the dl!'play Iln(\ i. I}. . ZitlllJ1t1fUllln is J . A. Woolley.' chll.lrmllJl 01 ..... . U ay It oOlllll'lounu~ "UOI181111 . At 911 m on the, tlohonl 'gr,lundll ' . . Friday, Wayne~vlll" day, the ox It h t· " I h"h ' I I ItHu.· r'rt./lle ot of Committee.on lpo,rta, hu'a - -,• . we wll'l "a'ber frtr 01.1 h AIlr '. "reet erOil48" Will be in ch.rge of Rev . •T.F, common ·, 118 ", ...eD a part n t, (j 1a nwmg 11 .C! 10 08 ~ ~.-~.. • u . , , " .. . I 1 ' game to take place ,,·t 0 . .tcWe , ,--~-, ing,. 'Chis fll3t,unl IIhuull! bI! ' UI"- ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,. . . .. . . . .... . ., . " ". " ' ....... . - '.~ .. ' r.llltwnllader wbo bll8 t,he floul,y of prepantinn for the ·event. ~(lOIIl. .- .... . , . , . , . , . , . , ............... . , . , . , ......... '"'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!"!!!!!!!."'!~~'!!!'!'!!'!"'~~!'!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!! ellQb or the tbree prlnoi~ ·day. art ,lllligbtful. Dllllitlng "" we wlil -on III!,aYr! !laying the r,gl~t t~i D, Itt - - - - --;- - . the weak. 'hll MIDI'U!l where \,,~ "pent UUIIlY n~1l rlgbt time; IlDd there m8Y 'be ~~~~~"'~~~ Wed08!ld&y tbe . ~Day&ou . n.,'n .. . ""Y" 10 ))Iillt YI'IIl'l4. Thti rl'ot'V t1uu STATE OF OHIO. heard . Prof W. H. Veoable. Cin ...wMI oouuuillot!t!, WIth W. t:t . All .... chilli'. EXE,C UTIVE DEPA ' RTMENT oinllaU'" poet aDd historlllD, or .' . , ' JonrDal'" team . WUl Dleet~. ,ocial . PRO O LA~K ulne , the'1'be game ',"> behav. call", 8 ' man. w.i11 hllve oharkll tit t.hl~ hi)Ur ra tb er. . W aYD68VU Je 'll 11(. \ whom I ..J . .ll LA o·olook. JourDala . ·e . reop. ' ot 1I0ull ftlllOWllhlp OFFICE OF THE GOYERNOR ChlolnDltti bas tldOllte<i , Cbarle" E. -... ProUlptly IlC. 10'0'c100k tl Merritt. of Mount BollY, New Jer - - _._omtlon of beiDg I'n tlIpeohlll, IIIroDI .' 11lIlXOr III.}' who desplt-e ' bia III> y_ra' b All hUlinBllil bOufI.ellln WII .voe,ivl ll e IIrt) r"l'Iuell te,t team and tbo game' ) • •·o re 10 be m.."" will J>",1ln In Hitch &b'.'Ol Bltll , a ..... well played aDd bard fonlM. .' . At' ~ pm . til" uftotlrowII 1I1I1!~io~ A'UOUIIT :lrd aenoe trom hi' bome, haa alway, TO 010118 00 FtldltY, Wllyoe.llvillodll.v. ha twtle ll tbtl huurll Thnr"day aftemoon tb. ; X.ala wtll oonveue III til.. llV811hlg lit (!OI.U:\IIIUIi. OtilO 1906 :.:!:Inf!tl a ~ttOOg. IDte~eat .ln .eveI'Y· of 10 ::10 aDd to ·oloot. . Nationals will fight 1~ ou.• -. w.~ S t30 u 'lIluck the pl1hlio rtlOtll,tirlll in '. D.,AR MR . CARTWRIClHT: ROW~:I'~a n;!li!~to=~~~e8Tllle. Wa.ynesville plaJ~d.. The ,Xea" l,b8 U811)11U" w·ill ,1\" b"I;1 ttoll the "1'ho GO~lIrnor t,llIInkll ~' nll for the . kind OOO"i.dl'~ · , . e Dew Thll will give Ilverybo;ly an opporl,llIIity ' to pa~. ' IlDd Wft,.YDea"(lll~ t_ml brit1f "1'~rBllllt'tI HI ~ell "f"1n "n.llr 't lib! I ' SeC sloi-t.e in .od eOJ'o" the exerolsos whloh will be tleld before but alw.YI .t-- X~t- ' '""-_. reltar,. ted the Ohio R·li~way Com· ,,(lur lit aD, of your lovitlltion . l.ut dlreot.1I me to IItRltl that m III all olD . • perlODa friend of rJ '. " . ....•. . " " ' -... , PrealdeDt 'Rooeevelt;'la lure 10 ba.e about the IIObl"Ol hOUlie Irouod8 . are pretty ,e venly matched, bat .... Oorl"l( ,,11 tbollxtlrl'll,",,, thl1rll will ' It wOl be impoMtilble for bim t'll be wlMl Y011 nlixc wee k !!I IDe"'''' ' of good oheer, and who 10Qal "faD." Jaope to ... hi! 11I",lIre.. of "xctlplillOltl Intflrllllt,. -"I he bas enlC"gements h are !l.n<l at thtl MllrylllUd Be won't '!Jrow eDthullal&to &8 tbe VIlli' Tbe pO,bliolll. urged to do their buylul( lillrb' In I ville vtoterl01lll, eepeOl~l:; . . oar At. Ib .. "I""e of th .. ""I"~II .. n "811· ~ . audleD~ on 0he --"001 -mptul tbe !la-, and there wllI be no iDooDveoienotl either au home am will bave 'b.Iid"'D~ . l.uhm III 8prlngfl.. 00 the 'll8me day... • ..... " -":' ..Iun . WII Will bltve i/llpl'utnlltn rt'DI, joiDII In ,inma" . ' A . Did r -D" ...... e," . of playing oD U. OWll· po~. '. '1'h .... e' .. .... .. D .. 'b. part of . 'he bUIID888 people or their oUlltom8rll. "'"'Id l1 " · inl~Otll t tft I k... ,u.-m"rlt''' uf IItl",r Il '~oVUDllr dlrf'ilt/l me to lltate that he taku "Amerioa." .. 'Till Wfl mae' I"ain." "'~ a~l1 Kame wi ' . . . . •• 10 l1/1y .... r .. cllllloK or 1110' eVllnt .. , aiIIqJ grpat "IMllurl' io. delllgDaUng HOD . Howard MaolDgtou The a"..o$loo ot ,Sbe pllblio II al80 ~Iled to the o'olook iD the zporulD• • 1'0 ' ·N"'~.. 'UlI\ 'rl .. IIII... 'I hi.. ,,'111 .he perlqD8 'tbJI wUI be.", •• the re"r.. ti f tb . t ~ R I f""t $baUhe lI'roetal and pllbllo pl&oell are uoder control i . Ionll.wn "" thll "Ulgh ~h' I'JI toltlle. .. IItllla VII 0 I'llStIt 81h your euo on , .,$101 of all.". camel, ....., ...... rlll,!l~ meetIUI." • Very . f.rul, yoarM. at 'h~ Bome-Comiq, committee 'aa" 00 l&aDda or o~h.~ . Jlle wll1 be he'w~ th• • •1~~: Khopld RDI per!!nn not, . r.lrIllP.r ' . priTlfetee wUl be permitted on tbe Ildl! walka or Uree's : t~ faDious 014>:f ..1.1111 8 . ~. I'LIOltlJlO~. 10. Aa_ Barb 8(!bool papll detilr. to 1I .. C'ud . wUboa' th. oomm"&ee'. OQ. - .. .. woa ., ame Ibe da, l}DrotIetI,appllOl$tC)D sbould 8eoretar~ ao 'b. Govemor. Wa)'DMTtlle, and be mad.. $n .... _ ••tar; for .. "pee;. OD bebalt 01 the ,olat.... of WaJD.vtlle. a 001' . " . DiDe,- · . ••1 .1191........ 'Muo ,",1I.nil pablta cUal ud IleaIV w.looID. is ~teaded eo all ViIlIon.
.I •
VJsitors began a;rrl VI g I F ,r idayand SattJ.l day a n' d ' have . been Camien g 1n a I steady st!eam .eve.r since.
re5ult. af preparation is now ant, everything being readiness for ·t he visi
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Miami Gazette. IlOfffl • McU Y, Pu_Uallcra. " YNESVILt..E. omo c:c:::::==_ IacUan lIlduaction That Count&. The Illdlan school at Cb llocco !aU jUl t .gtndua ted tbt Inrgest 11\88 III 1\;8 blstory, •.tId some of Its llTaduateti ~d m any of Ita o tb er cln.!Jscs will h elp the .ugor beet raisers hi tho yl cln Uy ot B<lcky Ford, Col., darIng the va , lion. o er .150 of the young ImUans are now enpaed In this work In Ihot d\JItrlct. .nd will relJla ln th ore \InU! th o orop la all sathered. They will be ba k In the aCihool III tb.o fall, ready to relluUle their atll(lltle. At Cbllocco and ronny of the other PV8I'DDttlllt sC)lOol8 the young Illdians _ tho right 80rt Of educntlon to lit them for their lie" I'Ole In life. The educallob Is equally dh'ldell. between the books and' the work.tbops. The 00)'1 ond girls are tau,bt aU thllt I. 'mparted In. the ordilla.ry llTammar ~ool. or the COUll try, and a IItU o mol'1', In /IOmll cases. In addition the boYII are taught to make . and repa.!r ham.., to sboe horses, to build hOU.... to do farm work 01 varloua •lIOn., to raise and for catOe, aud 110m.,' or tile rest at the thlDJ!B that ncied to be done In the a.vel1l«e commun.lty In tho WWlt or anal. Tbe ~rl' U'8 IIlstrueted, b)' aetua.! pra.cUce. In cooking. bilking, laundering, nursing, sewing and othe( work Bultable to lIMlr sex. This it the education tbat counta, '&18 the at. ~u1 8 Globe-Demo c·rnt. The Chlloooo school W88 In pracUcaJ operation at ilio st. Lou\8 world's fair: aDd was one of Ita moet attracUvll fMbres. It was visited , by hundreds of thoullllIlds ot people during the seven months of the Admiration for Ita 818tem and for the IntellIgence and COOO bebavlor of Ita pu~l1 s was eJ[ori every hand. SUlle rlntende.n t McCowan, the head of tbe school. here wrtf It. and won .ugb prnlse tho thoroughness and pracUcal dlaraeLer of tbe work of hIs pupils. "1'he United States government made man,. JilJstnkes I.n Ita dealings wLth the .1l1cUiUls In the old days, but tor the :past quarter of a century It has been on ~e rigbt track. Chlloooo, Carlisle. Haskell and J he N!IIt of the great gov· "omment .schools are doing a good work III tnJnlog the YOllng IlIdlnos tit both eexee to help to IDtelllgently bear BOo dety', burdenS. ~""""""'~~ Chineee Studsntl' 'Un.1fennB.
Summer Feathers and Frills AI the S IIl\l1ll r ad vlln('l!8 more ftuftlno.& obout Lho tace Is very beplumes lire Hcon on hcailgeo l" as coming. At lost WI' or .. ftnrll'tg 80m e e xcel· tho\lgh the n ('l \\'(lrs thnt blno merl In 1(,llt mnd Is 0 1 PI'IIICegB lawns. liod U)(' sllrlng hal! al l lal1N1 OWlll', 01' pI ~ Ih bc~ t of &11 hnv!' ~ \' raI rows t K h h' ~ IIl ~ ot tbe waist IIn o. enougb ,to (In ,!wuy wlt.h nIl)' sharp outlining of CIII'YO of h\J1 and bust. Tbe shirring \) gi ns Jus t lJ e low the bust, aud ·the lu \\'ur rows fo n D /I dlt) In th e rront. dU 'not rltn stra lghl £It'Ound, but s tart trO D! the sldea n.nct NIOIIQ down wa rll. T ouch S of viv id g l'Ctl O ore chic and rof!'os hlllJ; I b 80 hot tlays, Tb s mart SUllI mer girl "'''OI'S a s kirt o[ light W Ighl nnd v ry II gbt colored gray th e summ e r. g irl wea rs a blIlCI, anti while IIn on rroc k. white I$ l'Ound wl t b bi g blnr l. 8POl8; n;ude with P el r Pn n wais t 111111 u ' lil untrimmed 81 h·t. SlIe w IIrt! lin ' It:QDI'ense blnck tall'e la bow in h r hnlr and n wblte sal\ol' with blnc k v Ivel band. . A mot he r-of'pearl hnckle is "o ry suitable tor a wash. belt. and such a buc kle comes with a s lide for tb.e bac k at the belt, a good Iden.. wasb belts 80 apt to look mussy afte r one we nrlng. In the 1l0llulnrLty of Princess and corselet skirt, belts are not so notic eable features or costum es us form e rly , but when worn should be very oarefully cbosen. One 8eM cbarmlng old·f£ls hlon ed looking fiowe r~d muslins; gra y tiss ue Bl>rlgged with mOIls rosebuds ; white lltLLU \\, ING PL · ME S. In wn picked out 10 stiff lIule sprays ~ he lr wen rers. re lllltedl)' IIcKie, bad or COl'll Rowe rs. No colored rlbbonB ~ row n nweary of 80 mucb artlflc lal with these. please: t he trimming, Jdst bloom. Il IItlle linen Ince, or the use or 80ft Il Is a pre tt y fan cy . to mnke yokes while htull. latrodueed as necke r and )f lace Inse rU on with a. trm at lace at part of the s lee ve . !acb seam or Insertion. s trips. Tbe ELLEN OSMO l\OE.
the FAmily Should Keeping the
Co-opernte Bilek 'lrA\'(1 N !.Ilt.
~ ""-J_~~~NA..N' What is I!!ackacbe? j T ~lhe "'/lIT~UOV§r IT IS NlTURE'S~RI.G TO WOMEI.
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DllllleB of~om&:l"
Ii. ~N"L II-'~II".L.-~ InT'lJ)I~f"'l:: uJ'i WE-~IIIL~
TIlIV:h tri o l\tno (l ll ~f\ (n Oli udmorlI ~ h th e olllQf o nfl~) th ll t the Sllreell doors nnd window scr!'c nll Itrl! not mllde to III ' II , or sh l,ve ugn lnsl, or to 11IIn .. b tlllu ll~ thff)lt ~ h. II Cl w ofton wo R I) tho wire eit h er bu lging out. or IluHhed Into b.oleR wh ero Ihl.l ree t or b ands pres!! a'gltl n ~ t It In ope ning or shuttin g tIle d oo rI'. or t he wi ndo w soreen rendered 'UR I us heOIl It R thp bab y Ilnd his tw·o o r .three ' y ear-o hl Il!fl er llre u llowed t o IIr es8 or ' Ienn 118'n ln8t It; or to s l k k t hlrigs t hrollgh It. Eaf:h one sbl \lId be t!lII gh t h ow to hllndl o SlI oh things , and not nl-
iJrgl"dls~ C~ry~~:~d
COl\seqoent Pain Stoppe Y f'lnkl)alll 'l Vegetabl~ compound,
.'. It 8~CUlS as t.hou gh my h"cJc ,,"ould th ,se. wordll b rl"a It. " Worn u. •u th'r b t "nllOliO to ovor 111111 'O\'er ng'OIII , II \ • I dru lf al ong Itnll slI !rcr wit h a elll's m t B smllll of Lh .. buck, p uin.•~ \V ~Io,wn D tho ~ i<l "bl' \\~io ll'· u CJ \\' n ptllO~ , n crvousuc~ Bnd no Bwbitlon for uoy tns ll.
olrcums tan ces. A screen door Iml chell t heIs who, und erf!DouItIlY lowell with n to bit touuh o r clolh ullJll ghth' gh but It Is bett er t.hnn the hole It covQrs , DB It excludes tbe Intruding In8e ta. Old pi eces of tho wire, savell rroOl a former covering, are much bette r to use as a pa tcb. Teac h the childre n and th eir eIders (and In Born e cnses, yourself) not 10 tbrow peelin gs, pnrhlb'l!. pape r. bltli of loth. etc" nbout th e back door. Th er should be a box or a n old plllI close at hnnd, and Into this one cun put all fetu s . emP,t ylng It Ilt lellst once a day, elUter 10 burn. They do not rea.lize thn.~ tbe bnc~ fa bury. or put 00 t he rnr-removed mathe mainspring of womon II org anlsm, &lid qulokl)" iudicows by aching 0. disollre pile. It t he wbol e ramlly Ie eused condition of t he fc mal\! orRan8 careful to ke ep t hin gs 1)ICkod up a~d or ~"lne.vil, nnd th at t)leachc8 nnd put In plnce, the yard nbout th e pains will continuo until the causo .Ls kltch n door moy be as lovely DB Ihat . removed. t I ",_. In rrollt of the hOllse. This Is the Ly.dia E. Pinkhnm's Vcge .Db " .,mpnrt at tbe pre tulscs more orten spo n • A Manlln IIlDd\ord In trying to rent lit for . kings and 1helr 11k, yet tbls pound hU8 b ee n for mlln y years lllO by t he hous wile (hon any otb er, on d his bouse said It was local d In the cnnnot oonscle ntJous ly be said at one Bnd only otTective remedy In sucll It should bll\'o bright things 10 It. Ilcrls tocrutlc distri ct oC Snn Mig uel. He l\falocnn an. Tbe buildings proper aro C06ll8. It speedily cur s fomo.lo nnd Bu l Ihe hOll ge wlte ennoot ha vo thi s was stirri n g up a horn t's n ' at. but lo ng and lo w, SQUllt ty llnll flat. bllt ItI<lnc v (lisordors and r 'sto rc6 t he {ebea uty Wlt.tlOI\t cooperntl on or th e dldn't know It. Tbere or people 10 corering a Vllst nm ount of ground as mule organs to 0. h e al thy cond ition. .. i ho.voyenn;, wttered wtth fnlllo.lo t roll hIes r r reRt at tb e rll D1n~, . and sb e will often Manila who obJeo t to ' San Mlguol be - I{ to mak e Ull In arell what they lock OVOI' sulTed"g Intense IXtin nob The JIost senSible tblng 'notlced a t. H e r auto wrap. all while and yolumla· l,e lJ lnlllod for n d ir ty. IlI so rderly baok Ing termed tllo distric t of tb o 400. In belgllt . All tb o roofs nre of or· m\Jnthtwomy b>L k nclttJd until i t ...'t!IU I ILl pre sent III the small hnt. TIme was OU 8. \\'Ith Immooso e l~ ves, looks li ke ; yurt! wh en she hM no sort or ontrol nUl tbls tim e few people eve r knew, dlnary, un palnl etl gah'8nl"cll Iron or thougb It would brotlk. uur! I M ~ ... ",,,ak all wheo. tho woman nu tolst ol'te c(ed th e an 0pOI'll c lonk. He r fl oati ng while I o~er It. Th is III Wh ere. cooperutlon and a majorI t y oared I 8S, that Ma. of r d tile \\'b \I tile Willi s nre ellqer OV~J' tllnt 1 dltillot find SL~"".~~ lOlottClIII "; my work bllt had to ~tny In U<lU n nrgo pnr big ploture hat. but II proved too much cblll'o n vc l~ II11d5 to t b purtlfl t,I en· I shoul d lJe st rongly III e~lden ce. I nm nlla could boa st a really aristocratic at adohe s tone or nall ve hard woOds, ortbe Iln;t two or th re dayQev r y monw. se m bi . "h [) s he. oll ghts ror dInner orry to $ny IbElt th e , mosl treque nt section. Thollo who did were vrobn' t he pinee t hu s gh·In..v:. with ttl! well. I ,,"ou.ld hnv(\ 6loopletlS nl"l~tl!. bwl dl't'/un. lloo ror eoLlfuro and tamlle r. and sh wIs eat tbe CO~nlr y c lu b lind remO\'es her I off nllcr against tho ru les a t ord er as bly of the Ame r lenn colony U\'ln g In IH' pt ' In w o~, s hrubbery and drl ,· c'l I18veru boutlu.obl!S. All lblS u.ndernulloo my ly gave It up. Almost au y s l;lla lJ bat wra p. th ere Is dlsolosed n very <:,10' I th ey alfeet Ih o back yafll Is th e ta th r Ermlla. The re t he cream. so to Lhnt can be worn und r an Illltomobll e gant summe r tOile t, ~ h e loo\':s al l read y of the fa mily. bIDlselr.-The Com- spe ak , of tb e Amerloa n on tl n gent r eo Ulo re lhe a(11l uran ce ot a !'houlln J,: b~~~~ cOl1rutted "nold fDlllilypllVl;i<'i!,-II . wbo lodge or orne s pa rling Iwlnce than "d. I"",1 u, .. t I t ry LyJI It.. iilnku.lIl11 ' Vvgoveil Is cons lde l'ed r ight for automobll fo r tbe ba ll roo m. . moner. s ides that Is t he ctl mmandln g general Iln ytb lng Ise to whi ch It Clt\n be com- I taltlu OUlI und o ] beglln t{\~l nJl: ILI....g llh"·I.1" Now we oome to \.he ha llP Y mQan, ' toltat, and tlL porm ln t s m nll sailor nn· pllred. F rom wit hout It Is true Ihnt IllId 801')11 to\lIl~ thnt "J CQu ltl slcc jJ 011.' \ oot swers tbls purpos e v ry well. llian y t be woma n t hat li kes nntO nl blllng for , DISEASES DUE TO, WORRY. o~ : e Pb~IIIPPlnes d lv lstlon Iunld th OS: I bf;tter tbRn 1 hnd (\olle (or 1II0nlb~. \\ Ithln th lJull dln g looks sadly out of place . tw mOlltbtl ( bt'ctLm regular III)!l I no l'lIIger - - -a e g go\'ern men so a r es. nn women , how e ve r. lI\<e to bnve a di s· t be pl oas ure of tile ri de m lber 'tha n ' . Imagination Fr~uent1y It ba s nlwa ys Imag ln · d lis It U10 nrls· In the ce otcr of Iho bea utiful g rOUUdS , l1 ~ft'''r from bu.'kAC,h ,)I' pui n.";-hrts;< lIf~ull l) tlnct lve W1'all and but Cor th e bours beca use aut olng Is '·tb llllng ;" an d Morbid tocrl1cy at the Cit y, perh olls more bu t within It Is t h e filles~ resilience, \Iorris Bee. Lrullcs Aid Alld ~lJsJuu Sool tl'. wbe n th ey are touring, an d tlJ e ro Is dresses nelt hor In IIJlIllnlsb fashion I Thr ows Many :Persons Into 11 Decline Thllt :May lie Serious. Ihroug~ 11 pen chsut It bas for payin g no fl nu llt. In lIle en tire , arohlpe lngO , ! 85 E. Hunter tit ., Atluntn , G~ oll' tor tbe lr obolce n wid e va ri ety. uor as I[ golag to a dance-j ust III I a bout 00 per c nt. gt'entor rent thno h nce , wli it l h positiOn of lt e who ' New Fruit of 'V a lue. The lon g tu r ban s imply t rimmed Is n temp rnl Ul1llil r l. And we onress l Suppose tbnt D. man b as an unea s y would be r equ ired else where. IIv 9 th er Is ta ken Into co nsld era A ~ew rru lt \hnt seems likely to lion. the na me of 110 lace. . r----------------....-:~:o:"'~=~~~,.,.,..~-----..., so usoUon lu t be locality a t his h ellrt In Ermitn tb e houses nre huddl ed prove ot con slderu ble val ue hns bee n Mnlacllllan has Bome II llle hi story, d ' l whi ch Is dll e. let us say. to o\'er nU n g tQgetber like ata mpeded steers In a I b th e cult l"n Uon of Ih o or to g ns In Ihe stOnlRC b. Bllt he be· rO\lll ll·up. but t he n earn ess of t be sea ' nUl 1 ~a rhe Spani sh gov !'Dors gen- v:~; ~'~~;IIIR~ "maypo r)," 0 pl;mt wh lcb g ins to l hln lc t but h e has b eu rt tlls· abore Ilnd tb e Lunet n. Manila 's B oiS ern l ball t hei r o ~ clnl resilience 1.11 l iS very t:\11l1 l1l1r In t he sou th TIl ~ Lnles . ease. H e reads t.he ad\'ertlsements Ie de Boulogne, th e 0.1 nnlln ess ot tbo u pa lace s ltualed In the wn lled city, qui te Ortwm ent nl, enslly grown from th e neWs papers to learn abou t l be dlstrjct a nd. Inol<l ntnlly, the hi gh n ar the pr seo t robullt CMhollc ca- seeds and nffnrlls a h onll80m 0 yer for sy m ploms nnd hEl I nr na nbout th em . ren ts, are what rnct t be Am erl clln th e drnl, \J ut In oonn etla n wit h tb lS , a rbor1! out! verundns. It la l\Oown to I "A scnae of constriction abo ut t he to t h lll s eleot wos tern cellter of th o t h ~' had a SIILUme r reside nce ( If a bota ni sts nil pnaslllora lac:lrnnla. Tbe ('hest." Yes , that Is bls diffi culty cx- metropoli S. But ' th e landl9 rd wns co unlry bouse In a tropical dhn at frui t In Its Im pro\'od for m Is somewha t The establishment of government acUy! " SlIght I~a ln on ileop breu th- quite correct In sny lng .ln his rent ad can be called uc h) In tile s uburb at bigger tbun a ben's egg nn d d 'Idedly acbool8 10. China, and tM equipment in'g, I?nl plmtlon ot .the hea rt " tte r \'Ig- t bat bls property wall located In the Stln MI gue l, wbere the palnce of palatable. (t looks liKe a May apple. orous exer Ise"-·It Is e\·trl entll' a " cry a rlstoora tlc n Ig hborhood at San MI- Malncana n Is now lootlted. A ter· ot students In uniforms Is furnIshing serl\lus ense ! Fie begins to wOrry g uel. Ille lite ral trnnl~l lltloD of which rlble eartbQuake oocllrr d In ' Manila • a mar . ket f\lr mllitary clothing. AoUTtERLY WORN OUT. about It. Worr:r Inte rte l'es wi th bls Is Saint 1\1lclwLel, for bere true ea st- In l SG3, whi Ch destro yed about two, (lOrding to the Brltlllh consul at Wutblrds of the buildings of the olty, Vitality Sopped ·by YearB of Sufferi ng sleep. It Interferes also Wl l h bls d lges· ern arls tooracy, whllt little tbe re Is ebow eo o( these scbools bave . been am ong t h m the gov ornor genernl'1! tlOD : h e dOCB not get well nourished. In t be caplta1, Q,uletly resldeB. wl~ XldnflY Troubl tl. Gpelled In that prefectorate alone. Tbo palaco nn d Ihe cathe dral nnd Don Bad s leel) nnil bad digesti on ma ke Tbe land lords oC Ermlta aro just uDlfonn oonsilits of a coat and trollsers EC ba glle , tb en gove rnor gen· Capt. J . W. Hogun. torm er p os tm M~ ....~,t:::.::: ~~~~~~;tfi] him worse and ·worse. E IlCll one IIg - rloh enou gh on th e Ilverage to own Rarael C)f foreIgn cut, with brass buuons and I: gra'-ates th e olhor. And nil Ih e time expens ive houses, but poor enougb e rnl ot tb e Island. h ud the summer ter of Ind lan olu, now \I \'lng at Aus lln. JNIIIk caps, and shoes of foreign pat~x a8 , wri tes: "t he kee)ls tblnklng nbout' his henl't. rn I to ' n ed to rent the m wb eo Ame r.lenns r es iden ce properly fi t ted up for a pe r· tern. Tbe material used Is either ma nent h ome. From tbat time fortb wus um lcled tor the end, his tbl 'n klng actually affecL'I can be found tlwt wlU Ilay doubl yenrs wit h ptllns 1!4I1'ge. u1;l10n cloth or cottoll tweed tor ;a::;:i:;"i'... .1 ·ltB condl tlon until he s ucceells In what tbey are worth . But In San It ' was th offic1nl r esidence of all the ~ cro ss til Iblns 'WIDter unlf.orme, . alld for summer fastening aD Iilmselfa tunctional (liffi- l\1\guel the conditions nre somewbat Spanish governors general, no less 'nnt! tn th e 1I1ps ~~'fj;~:.;.:.,~~~~~;.i.i,;~~'#,:;·:~.:·:1 : culty which mn y be' n really sel'lous different. ThOre tbe cltizenll nre tb an 33 at tbem bllvlng resided til ere, 'Wear ' an1 lIgbt ' cotton cloth. In the Ra d s houl de rs , I , and perman en t t'r ouble-anll t be whola wealthy beyon!} tbe slllte of beoomlng some of wbom se i-vefr.urlt six daya mDltary acboole khaki Is bad headache also o[ It ca p. be trnccld back to bls crooked Inntllords, regar dlesB of tbe lone own· In office, nnd among whom were su~ uniforms seen appear n"tl Ii n ItI'ttIgla, Ihlnklng about tbat little puln In . his er w.ho wanted to hire out and wllo famous mon us W eyler. Blanco and to be of .BrlUsll · G\.oth,. but tbere Is a My ri g ht e ye, obe$L was orafty enou gb to adv erUse an AugustIn. Franclscl) Rizzo served a rule, wblcb is eVldentiy IgnoJ1ld, that from pain , 'W8 S or This 18 no parable. It Is the record arlstocra~lc atmos pbe re as a drn",lng few dol'S In 1898 nfter the ea pit III a'only naUve material be ':Ised. cas:s, II tlle use to me of h\1ndreds of a lual enses. Every ca rd to the susoeptlble. H ere tbe don. ani! was tb e last Spanlsb gove rnbuttons and braid' all come trom Jafor yea rs. Tbe ph ys ician comes Into contact wl~h Roxalles. the bre wing magnates, and or genernl to live there. The Spanish pan. Tbe sboes are satd to be of lbem. other families of reat wealth live coat-oC-arms stili grace the arcb over constant lIow or urine I,ept my aystem Bongkong mallufacture, but a very III. A man 'II'bo l:, eeps worrying about when not tourIng continental Inufope, th e e ntrnooe, but a bi g A:merlcsn·, po- depl eted, enuslng n erv ous rJl l1ls and the s tat e of hIs liver will almos t be or globe-trotting In general. Thel~ \Iceman elts dally /IS n guard over tbe night sweats. After Irylng ije\,cn (lIff"erlor kind Is made 100ll1"y ot native aure to bave Irorlble wltb It e"entunlly. vast weallh quite cOllnte rba lllaces place. re one of latter day t erent climlltes ond using . all ki n ds at · .eatber. Tbe cost of a unUorm of cot. medicines, I hail the good forlu ne to IndlgesUOtl can be broug bt on In the the high r~ nt8 paid by the orls toc· oonques ts. ton t"jVeed, tbe cheapest, \8 only $3.60 Han.,. \\ IlIlam H . Tart was tbe first bear of Do nn's Rldney P ill s. This same way Ilnd a, lon g list of other al\- racy at ErmHa. and t ben theY have ' MeJ[lcan (n-SO American currency) one other claim upOn the title wblch Ame ri can ofllclal to occUPY . tbe pal- remedy b as cured me. I nm us wel l tomen ts.-World·s Work. macle to order; a set of buttons, live handicaps Ihe as plrlog denizen s of tll e nce. be ing suoceeded b.Y Governors I' day u's I wa s lwonly years ago , a nd wy. Sa II,'Se\, costs .20 centa, and cap frem ARRANCINC . CUT FLOWERS. sea barrio , 'fhl s oth er claim General Luke E . Wright. and Heary eyesight Is perfect." cents to ,2:20: ahoe~ trom ,1.10 LO Sold by all dea lers. 50 cents a bOL lIe8 1n the fact tha t the governor Cloy Ide. Mrs. Taft wblle mistress Ctl.t Stems a Llt:tle Every DIlY, Put In general )I ~S his bome the re-the of .Mul lioanan Inauguratcd a Sys tcUl Fos!llr-Mllburll CO., Butritlo, N. Y. '2.20. Quality In every case III exFresb Watel,-Should Look 'as tJ'emely poor, Tbla uniform. t,he conWbl te Bou ~e o f ~h e Philippines-and at public receptions held monthly, Ilnd I If Growing. Bl'IUs h Colonial Order. _ Ill pdds, IS becomIng fasblonable has bad . s lo ce . loa g be fore Am erloan whIch are s UIl In voglle. To these r eceptions all tbe Ilromlnent people Tbe onler of St. Mlohuel na d St.. among the younger male generation In occupation. . .., FIl'st of all , a little salt Pllt In the But so mllch for Ma nila's arlstoc. go to pay the ir r espects and enjoy Georg, th o chnll I of wbl r l\ was de dltbat I,art at ChInn, nod· every c.hUd wale r In whi ch ou t flowers nre kept racy nod t be hombre who brougbt up the hos T)llality of the ohlef exec~tlve. enl ed In S ~. P nul's I::ltlt "Ira l, LORdo n. "hose parents can afford t be expeuse will lengthen tbe lives of t he 110wCI·S. the subjeo t throug h a des ire to rent, n.nd slIcb personages os the duke of Lhe olber doy, Is tbe order Cll nfe r red 0 0 II' noW deoked out as a mlnlatW'8 stuTho water sbould' be cb on ged' 'lilch and to tbe subject of tbe In"ulnr Abruzzl, th e prlnoe of Savoy an il l Britis h colhnl 5lH. C: lsllngulshetl or othdlllt. dny . lind the atems Cnt n trine. li nt! " ' hlte House . whlc\! I ~ locally known cOllntlllsS othe r n otables of the wor,ld erwll\e. Th o 10wlI .•t rank In lhe order wnsltlld by being beld under the tnu cet. as tlte Malacanll n palace, IOOllted on and ot the orient are n~bered among I.enrrles tb e letlc';'S C. M. G. otte r ttt~ If "Mary, Mary, ' Qnlte conlrary." Real em bor, when arrnn glng bt)nch es t he bank s of th e Paslg In ll{e heort those who hnve bee n enteTtalnod owner'a na m<l. Flippant Londoners be an .Algilrlan, perhaps her garden ~f flow e l's t~at the most· effectlvo bon- ' ot San Mlg\1 el. . Ma iuconllQ Is ana. ' Ute re , " I~ ·( ollIng to the lot or .Mln translate tbls "Colonial Made GenUegroWl with sliver bells and cockle . . quets are those made to loolt os n ea rly tl l'e nam e and ' menns 1'1 te r ~e Engli sh .MarJorle Tde , as first lady of the Illnd. , men." abl)l1a and sponges all In -a row. as possible like tbe grOwing plnn t. Us e the "han g.out" or r n<1 e~"OIjs of tbe . to ente rtaIn th e prince 'o f ',Sa,'o,Y be-I eultl vallon .or vegetable sponges Is "Married mDIs a' constant ~ tru g gle," plenl'y at !>reen tollage lind pu t · th o IIs bes, bllt ' th~' .e xlllte(\ omclal wbo reo fore ahe ' hod Silent. a .fortnlg.b t In bel' l1IIaklng .progress In AlgerIa. Abou t sl\Ys tho . ManD yu nk Phllos opbel'. flowers 10 loosely. neyer In a tigh t. ~et si de s tbe e Is far from being a fi s h In new home. favori te. lb ca,lJ wi th visor hns some a pe rsonal liking for thle worn \In. buncll. Tb e bes t WlJ.Y to ntra ngo Ibe m r. R. 1If. WOOLLEY. . "The wlfo s trll ;;105 10 Ileep up apten spllOlcs or l!Je plont are known adhe ren tF-. Hel' coa t Is ,long aRd sensible, quite Is to Jlut I be gleen In I1rs t and then th e sense that tbe Ame rican term 1m· ' pearnnces ond t he 11u band str uggle, and they al'e cultivat ed In Asia and Uesll unl1 lng to tbe p resent 1I1<lng ror co ve rs ber dl'ess, but not at a -startling 1111 10 ' t he blossolns . Sometimes two plies. Why t bl s name WIl8 given the to keep down ex penses," ,Atrlca.. lW,Lng' extensl Vo3 In tbe regions grnl's. the Illlllln rs ore d l s\) l ny la ~ ~ wee\l . It fits comrorlably, the long or three lon g-stemm ed flowers . or even plnce Is not known, . unless It I\; BS One Good Thing A.bout Aut05. of ~lgle V!l and Oran. Prior to ma- cbDl'mln g IILde gray crln h a't s wltb 1I11 "s follow the figure In a gracetul a s lagle nower, In a long, slenller vna e because of Its proximi t y to lbe . r \ er. SCientists ' have always conter.<\ed turity the rrult Is ed ible ; whea tbe long gray cll 111'0 11 veils sill rreil bere, way.' Tbe hat Is olose, the veil not Is more e n'ec tive than n la rge bunch 'rbe executive ml\n s lon at ~falaca- that u;e od or at gasoline Is fatal to stage ' ot rlpene!l8, howeve r, has been lett Ill uln t her . Worn with one of I\)(' too nsserUve. No need for t,hls wom· or ·t he same flo we rs. nnn, al thou gh popularly , known as Jersoy's chie f produot, the mosq!llto, passed ' the pilip bllcomee leparated grny siltln coats now much the. mode , u n when the speed's put on to clutch Little wire sc,fClens for holding tb e the palace, would hardly be dignified -This Is sometblng tbe antl·moblle be",a.ved Blood· Cauloe Pimples and Bolli- Dr. Wllllam.B' Pink Pilla · trom the IIbrous .matter which tben the costum e Is ,'e I'Y llIudel'n as we ll h ut and dralle rle s ; ber costume was flowers are tltted over the top of bowls \Vltb tbe name In any other oountry. legislature s bould I<eep In mind .when as frellh and pretty. deSigned to wltbstnnd wInd nnll weatb· nnd blJ1lkets, and Dlake the arrangLng unless In BOrne of the toy republics In doin g their best "to drive the car all New Blood an. forms tbe tlPongy mass entitled lhe Not a re w wome n when they go Ie e r. Pongee, linen, khaki are chosen for at tbe flowers a very eusy matter. Tbls tbe Caribbean. Th~ Ilew oom~and , Cure Follows. New Jers ey roads · Bnd make an Iml1ege tabl~ s~nge. FIne . specimens for Rilorts at any ldud like thei r .tlte dust coat; and for Uipe ot raIn the Is specially ne cessary If th e bowl Is Ing ge.n e·ral' s rel!lrlence ' recently penetrable barrIer ' to vlBltlng motor•• I nbnscd my !Itomnch, my bl ood got ..hsn bl~cb ait : in a weak . lime bath olothes to bear sp8rts mah nil'; Iln'l for Otnnurlloture rs now have I' sheeny a shallow one. An In~enlolls Woman, erect~ In Ermi~ at governm ~nt ex-· ont of ol'llur aud then Illy faco bl'olte ont ' • are sold at about· nfckel apieCe. these tbere are provided trim Iluto snUn that 18 well waterproofed. ., , who did not \\'I s.b to go to tbe expense pense far excel8 It In exterior magnl. men.-",MQtor ,Vorlil. with pim(JloRalld boilH," snys T. E. flobfarl s Is at present the cblef market' suits at tailored style. These nrc coat Gauntlots are woro wltli some or the bavlng a 811 ver wire screen made flt:ence, but tbe Interior .and . the el·tJlOn, of 107 Addison Btr.eet, Wasbing. lor toast of the vegetable sponges Bulls .ot jlongee or khalil, 'wltb gtly' suits, and tbe . ordlnaryA oDg gloves for this purpose bought n wire sllreon groundB about tbe mllltary mantl.lon ~e Hindered H~aler. ton, Pa. "This Wn80ver two years 8g0. sro~n In AI5Ierl. They ard suitable vest, IIklrt sbort, sblrt''Yals t severely With tho ollom cloak sort of' wrap. For such as Is oomm:onlY used for the sinK' cnn hardly favorably, compare with My stomach waR in bndo sbape. ' After . I'd lIk,e to help 10 cure. lhe ·tIIe plain. th~ woman who drives i}le !\Iaohlne nnd fitted It over a bowl hersel!. Tbl~ th!! domloll,e of tbe governor general. Tlu!'poor old PIltient World must bear. eatlug I woaltl have to rest nwhUe or J oat only for toilet and batbroom, but In contrast III the autolst· wltb love he rscl( a gauntlet Is tho glove to made au excellent holder and was. 01 But the ~me of palaoe generally slg· But l've 80 IltUe time to 8pn ~1l would suffor the most 8Overe' pllius lq allto for dom86tic pqrpoSe8. And have 10 pay 80 many .bill .. cboose. . for luxury and feminine trlpperles. course, much cbeaper. thlln the sliver nltles a .grarid and 'Imposing structure, my stomnch. On arilliog Iwoliid often - Chlcllj;o Record-Hernld. Tbis eeJllpg of BOng birds tor hats be so diz~ tbo.t I could hardly, stand np. one.-Brooklyn Eagle. The ' sUghte~t eX01'tioQwoald BtaI'Cmy .. a lllUful ·buBlDeA. There ougbt to Apple Snow, aching so that I often had to ·.1& 118 no 1i_lty tor lOIns' to · law to aud reMt awhile, At times I u~ atop 11,. alld. there would not 'be, If ingenious Ada)ltation of tbe Phono- cnn be shouted :n your ears with' vtg. , Grate a medlum-~Ized tart apple. her husbllnd's hou~e, wblle sbe III, :~:~~ a puln aro1llld the heart wWeb peele(\, anrl set asltle. Whip stiff tbe TurIdshJlusbandHas:WoOpportunlty all women were 118 tender and merclorous tanor--'Ilnd relICnted . several . I· me but which I sappose c.nme graph Idea Ie the Lates~lt taken the l'Ound of ber relatives, and my tronble. . white of one egg 'll'lt)1 a pinch 01 to Gaze on ~ace of Wife 'Until · 'fUl as tbe', . like to be thought. ~ dl!Bd times. If necessary. The clook could Has Much Value. tbere. Is much dl\nclng at every hOllse, bep,11 to break ant on the tace wlt~ WedcUng NIght, also be taught to "y : "Get ul,l If you salt,'· Lhen add one tablespoon ot . the' IIIi'd n a ' bat ~ee not .adverUse pl_-' aft!!r which her male relattvell exorcl.. ahd later with bolla whic\1 conwnnt to Cutcli the truln!" at somethlnB «rated apple, alternallDg with a cup ant quaUUes. They are makIng clocks n()w that like me. to tho house 'a wee)c or Ulore of '8U~U a littlE! at 0. time until Bugal Tber~ are ' few barbarous tribes In all mllll~ splrl!.a with swords and thnt. speaK the hour' Instead of ·strlklng It. spears In d'omb sbo"" o~ figbtlng.. time One day I saw Dr, WUllnma' B.u t. to make sl\Cb a clock available anil a)ljlle bave been quite used, thell Ilie most benighted at continents where Finally, eVf,!Dlng drawB aD, the bride Pink Pilldor Pale People advertlaed In a It must ' not '1Ill luPPoeed that ·tb. Tbey do tWB through nn Ingenlons as on uplifter at bQyhood It will be continue beaUng ulltll tho snow bu \."I'llI'tBI~ID alld marriage are more manufacturers of black pepper are adaptation of the pbonograph Ideo. grotesquely conducted tban In Euro- reaches her busband'8 home and every- JIIlll!phlet which WIJ8 lefbat the door and neCBB8/1 ry to closel1 echo the words of I'lsen to lit lea.a t one and and her I &hollgbt I woald give them a trinl. t C»DII~ed to the UI8 of lampblack and Wh en a young mtln . who 1ft calling a fntber wbo Is' used to being heard and pints In quantity, for It will pean. Tarkey. It. Is lucky ror the Turk- body olears out, leaving her I h took I18veral boxes of the piUa before all tapioca. They can make aD excellent at a Illte hour hears the new clock f!!- obeyed. Not soft spoken: "Jimmy, snrprlBlngly. Oooked apples may also Ish suitor that be need not even pre" .h uaband to see eao h a ther .or t e lIi'at the pimples nud bolla left mo, bat I am . mark In clear ond cutting tones: It's getting Inte," will do. What Ie be used, In nme proportion, the. pulp tend to be a lover. No ardor could Bnr- time and to 8crape acqulimtanoa DOW gInil to say that blood II gOod_ articlo out of ground CQOOanut Bbetls. "Twelve o'clock'" be wlll be very apt I do uot have nu3" aud l 'no wanted .Is the good, 0Id-tn8bloned: at one apple 10 eoch wblte of egg, "Ive tbo cbllllDg formalities that have best t)iey can. Under the old: MOI!18ID law enll louger baTe the .toruach . 'N_ doth tbe little bUll)' mosquito to gnBP and osk the young woman If "James, you tllmble down those atalrl Chopped datee ,o r nuts may be ~dded to be gone throtllll. TOI'J IlDpION Mch darkenml hour. Coln- that .. as her tatber's voice. Even after qulcker'lI scnt! Do you bear me?" or fre!h gratail cocoaDut, sll glvl.n8 A' Turkish youns man m'BY, at apeaklDg acqualntaDce would have tronblos I have Pilla 4deDWI,. the weed. are ILProutlnl ~n you get used to tbe taUdng clock there IncrelJ8ed lood ,,&1uo., Tbls snow rna) course. want a wlte, but be bas nothl,ng ,been Iml10881ble, ·o.a the bride "!d ptetnl tor ... ~t lot;a aDd tbere be man,. YIn COlltlnlJe to be an element of surbe served ~ eo,l d II It Is, or browDed at all to do 'Wlth .Iooklng for ODe, TlIat iloomed to absolute IlIe.nCB (or a wbole !lave done fo~ Die , At the lIeaoh, mODth. Now her bUlballd giveR mended them and . pr\Jle ID· hiB remarkB. This '11'111 be In the oven, b~j~ . Is tile buslneBs of bls mother and te- a preseDt at llleeUng, aull' she Th" ball Ilre88 haa the ~ol"en t!'l1ln are anl:rertnll dltio& It 1. Ume for the IlI'1t pn more noticeable when the clO1\k hapAnd ea llh frOck hRlJ n claim: male _relatives, wbo visit "veral mar- lpeak. ~...!~~~...,.tM.JoIiIlIull..JIlUIIlIIIn......lI!.ar.. of WFi"+ tlellUl to run alow or tast-It makeR no The hothlng 8 UII hliB nl> 8rU at all, lit. ',obn', Day. I' ~ rillgeable l!irla ODd select one. 1I'1th ah:l&tlloa __ DaL the peeUferouI IA· dUf~rence which. To heor a clock em. BUI It Illte thero Juat lhe llaln". "JIIDe 24 Is Jdf1o'lV1l as the festival 01 whom tbe brldsgIIOOm theD exohangeB -N. Y . Sun. . .4 thirsts for hu- pbaUcaUy 'lnform you that n Is two it. John the l~apUst," remarkec1 am a rlng-by meSilenpr. . o'clook. wben )'ou feel Rure It Is four, old Muon. "'n. the utuJ!l!ieal On the d.,. of the betrothal OO1ltraQt StumbllDg late Greatneaa. w1ll add another element of Interest cburcbes It \8 .ob8t!rftd and In mati, all imam aetlI the .Sllent of the , Stella-Wbat an nrlgmail waist .... Rations of tile to the DOW tlmep\eee. It III l!8!ebrat· 91ec!t the door ot the 'No doubt tbe InventloD CIID ,be uUl- bel wears. ed tQlr!e.thl.~ .. aD Improvement OD
Fashions for the Automobilist
' l
- "..
If People Will
Prisons 01 Yesterciay anci Prisons of To-day
~at PaltrJ, De1lcaq lIIuat B. Very' Oarefully Pr.parod -Some Directlonl,
1D Berer.nce tID Uee for Which Pieces Are DealgnedPoin ts About a Bedroom.
bt4NY !IIllSTAKEN U[PBEBSIONS Tbe most comfo rl llblQ chaIrs s ho uld Oooil pastry J8 not dlftlcull to makt .BELD BY THE l~UBLIC_ ~,e placed where thl;) re will be a good It a CllwlllmpTe- rulell b& re1l0w ed. A R eAsollAble Tbeory. p., 1.41nS fr.r the ll'ut'llR;- IIgbt for reudi llg, by "rUf1clnl light, It Of co urse, we all kuo,,' ~hat pies arE 'H ow did ~11 8 DlllbleHon "III:' 'l"4 In 'rl." it"-"'" wlUl 1001(l ng at t\l.8 plan. nOt, IItrletly 8peakllllf, as beallhful fOI Impo"8Ib l~ to '.l1est GOlluineness by the tbe room 18 to \le lI tieel mOiltly In !.be Undoubtedly Very Greet PrPII~ lias Been Mode- Moral C0n(:(l\ur.b, evening, lind If It Is to be us cl AS' a getting rlt! of the h air tlrtH 11'!I'MI ,,'I f'" ". I d e~sel·t as trllits or IilmJ,lle puddings ditions ad the Bed SaIIltary Caadltlons the Pa.t. lUng -- "Reeding" Prevents" "II "'I'UI, fJ ml>o" he sntd, " Ule morning room, center {be Mtra'tlons In gl'owJ ug on h r UPt' r IIp~ I ... · ~t lll . when mnde properly with thE. ,Any ot the Metal Being n~!!;, ~be wlnaow!<. A ' lable where nollnlng her yesterday. /lnd th., rTltI · .;",." ',11111 1II',)m II! ~h(! Ooor trom tbe best of D1atcrlalil, uny well-r. glliated Scraped Olf, IlL' ch"ool'l I !lito· IUn ~nz lnes or ueedlework Cli n be Inld too he tbat usell to dlsfl l:.lllro h .r IJ01l "hi "",,\"1' .1<J('r, e toma h oUght to bIJ ' abl e to alge!;1 I.' I',r IJt"!"Jllnc ....d.. I wed trom "own Ilhoul d be placed neRr a hnlr, ontl!' Iy tllsn'pJ)eBrc~ . " 1 tbelU, If ,no t eat.en more tli a n oace a " Ma ny pe rsons~ a mlstsl!"n III I\, n o~ a way off In a orner where ~hey " I don't know how sb(' mana.~" (1 I '- III' IIII/III!, n,., conlircgu Ion will so om day. , T kiwi or hair to ",. III II /!Il( In tiers:' P rllaps sbe tI'l d '1 I. I I vftr" tond 01 aIJou I L lh" rmvi ng 0. Cal." I to'1' testH ItS A recent ref 01:01 Illnug urnt d a t the one· tlmo prIson ~ell s, whore. 70 rpel ,> I'n , IJll r-L ( II ar y, ar ~, II Ilu"e no value. Agll ln, labl ~' ijholiid restorer on iL ; I' fUY wl(,.·" w, 0," QXp)9Ined~_ _ _-.-_ t«llqc ted tbut wrp not toppl over 11l l nol~ stat e ' p nlt ulltllll'Y at Joliet below the surraM, mlln oled prisoners pie al1U hea!'tlly' ludorse tli s nll· ltl'nU II nellI!, s a):" AnUl, n om a s'''' ". Il" I'ays It wl~t obvld II R aWII Y wltb Llie "luclUll p,'. Th ' were roweled al nIght. the IT f t D1e~t oC the lale EUSeli1l 1?1 .ld wblct of, tbe 6ecr(:t s ervice In th e Indlan,, - I[ aflYOlle passes qu'lckly thro)1r; b the itl. li!O thl' ,.,'''· ~&I ty ')f ' c questing Ule .' ' h eXI)reS3 r! In the followlu g lin es ' 1101111 !'la ws, • "Throwln!:, a coin Is not room. pr l. OI,.I'!! ,now ar LO IIHlrch 111 fillII- fas t ned wUh hea,y Iron bata, rhuLn RELIEVED. A Inrgo room Is rnu h east~r to arWORl\:n • t e orr tit Ir huts, and Y U UI' t1n\'o l'ed 0 1' ams a nd Ices, li n ,absolute l at for the, rellson thllt LAI)' fu s hlon. '\ ' jl ll'll It em ot newt! aIJoul tIIelr necks allached to bCl\nlll mu, .. of 111.<1 111 wlli como to churcb."II g r Dl d '01 oC our gOOd Illoney will nuigo tban fI s mall o ne, us sulto bl e tu rAnd your dainty angel- food , a~IH us nll ndty'lll~ 011 lhe cbp ngo In above. T,ll e CIl\'eS rcetwd ",Ith filth; 'hlcag<J 'rrlllUtle. .Ar might Ono devIces not l'lng at all, whil,e Rom of til n1 tlll'e can be arrl\oged In such n lrl'tI !4uell I M prl soll \!rs [bot DlorLo, lhe cant.u !lOllS fevol't; were Ince sllnl. T he To regal~ the daluty (hIClc; uud will. 'J'hE're U'I'.I! R,n: ml t1,llng manner th ot several group!! o[ peorle I n ~t l'~ 11 II/'Y (Iud u hOlf. ' Not yet are I,eeller was .ollowild to punLsh by flogIts P rerogatIve• . thai will lll l(e the rin g ou of U geall- enn be ontertainer! wlLhout the converYOUI' te rrapin nod oys tel's, ' CO UII/tlOIJ ICloal, not yet Is th e p~l ~oll g ing, putUn1; on shackl 'R and fette rs, "Yllu are cha rg(ll\," 6111d Ibe police ael (nill",lIy 8 UOCOS'lfll I as roform the trea(1 01I1I, solllary con Onement In' 0111 . On of th ese Is a 1)08Slble 3aUOll being o\'erheard by thoso lIell r Wltit \\'Ill e to wasil ' em dUWlI, justice, "with vlo hltlog thr. Kmoke ordlLbem . . «'huol: but IInqu tlonab ly progress nnd putting In t.ll Btocks, 110uble nnl1 Ar just th e tb ln g (or roysltlJ'el'9 flaw In 'II III 1111. nuncr:. Whal have you to Hay?" How many \lId-fas hioned bouses have hll$ b ~ n modI', Wilen painting ,of Lhe Law n; " Il sQm lI ll) s happens thnt III c ul troble sets 01 IroUll, h\ln ~ lng by the "J have tlot "Iolaler! an) IlmJIll , .the chllirs sot In stIff array around the heels, ' and o'lher method s tbut Beem :No fllllPAIIL augarell notion tJ~g oul tb o dlslq. ot m etal f!'Om An fIutho rltY" nsserts tbl1t to·dlly' your 1I.0nor," prot sted tho accusod . thero Is 110 d partntllut oC sclell e, t ar I' moved from criminalist. vIe ws Shall Ill y IIPIlOlll. a ppease, wblch rh e ' coi ns ure ili ad there will walls, wllh 10llg sofas on ellher side , "My fue ory has a s moky blm ney, It ' II'hNh r ' ph y leal 01' ~ocll\ l. In wblch ot the prese'nt, Or bate my soul 's devotion be a flaw or n cra'l, In t he sheet. If so th a t 8. 'balr bus to be drnwn up tor Is true, tJUt It bll ~ a right t.o havo ft." Bu t let us turn from Lbe. bofJ'ors tbJ~ Is tl'v e, It mattel's not where the Ihe occupn.nt to converse wi th UI O vicOrogre s 1<1 DIal' eyll.l411l11 than In th e . To "apple.pie 81111 c,heeso! "On wh at ground?" rcul m ot lJ~noio y- the study of (bo al1d Inhu manIt ies at the IIOSl to lh Pastry Is either plalil pas te, or IJlIO !law Is. wh pther It be uaseen or along tim on the sO fn. It Is not nc eSllllry 10 "I L's a tolJacco lal'lory, your honor." mJinar.emPDL oC lJ,rlsons. Tbe same work fO r bettorm ' ut. I n tbe work at paste, acco rdIn g to the amount of bu t, tbe edge, where It may be dIscove red bave co dro '" chairs arou od to malle the - Chi ugo Trl bu n t ar worked Inlo It, snys Belle' mates. by .....c l08e Ill s l) ctlon, It wll1 destrOY room Invitin g, r. nd t hese polnLs shau l(l 1n the Pra Irie Farmer. The plain the rin g of lh piece. T\Jls rIng Is be bo rne III nllnd ' when It Is fur nIsh d: Not the Squeeze H e Meant. In turnlshlng n be<lroom we bave pl\Jlte Is used for pies and also fQI caus tl by Lhe s mall crystals or A bushful you ng coupl , wbo were rewer to o lls ldor. Tbe bureau must be th e un der CrQHt of pies. and tll(> PIII'I glob~l es on tb o III M")e " t the melal, e\' ldenlly very much In love, en tered' Ilaste for th Ullper crllsts of pIes, fOI the vlbraLlons of whlcb couse the wh ere tbe light 18 good In tbe daytime a crowd d tramcal' the otb r day. flS well All by a rllOclR.1 light. Th e bQd SOU IIU we so like to ,bear I.u Ollr l)aHles, tarts and cheese straws, ' "Do yOU slIp pose ' we can squeeze shoulll be plnced In such 1\ way thnt .Puff Pus te,- Wasll one cup of but· mOlley_ In hero'!" l1e asked, looki ng doubtful tho light wil l not st rl\<e the ycs In t he ter; work O'lJe lablosllOouful hllo tW( " If th ere Is ony itaw or smnll tisat Il r blushIng face. early mOI·nlng. This 18 not alwBY!! easy 'UPlI of flour, MoI s ten LO a stilt dongl' s ure whic h destroys the con nection "Don't YOli tblnk, my dear, wo bad to arrange, UB frequcutly bedrooms wllh cold Wilt r. 1<.n a!l on 1\ Hour Q~ between th se glOb ules tho rin g ,\,111 better wult II nU! we get home?" was. bave ' willdows on tw o or more s ides. WlfeyMy dear , didn't I hear you !.Ioard. Co,'er nnd let stand fiv e mla· cease. 'l'he r' ar a l ~o 1lther reasons In such cuses It s well to have nn x- t.\l J en'klu K that you were golns [0 th low, embarrassed revly.-Tlt.Blts. lIte~. Roll and ·told In remainder 01 for 8 coln's lOSing Its smme!. Should trn shad e of dark gTeen on the window plunge ngaln? The Fian cee's Dilemma. tbo butter, Rol~ lind told again a qua.ntlty . of coIn be Ie.ft In a Hcfe Hubby- Yes. A toar WI\S on the fair girl's oheek. ContInue ,,~t11 the IIBSte bn s beet durIng a fire and b come bellteel the that throws IIgbt Oil the bed. Nowadnye nobody thnt knows anyWltey-Well , I'm gllU] to hOllr I , 01111 a wild, IlUn tcd look In her eyes. roJlea ant! foltled !lve tLmes. Let It crY8l.1\IlI will III It an t! the rh ythm will "Whnt shal l I do-oh, wbat sball I stant! five min lites until you get YOlll be sto I'llle d , A Il ea rty blow on thes thIng about furn ishing fas tens th et r I'd ISO much filth I' you'd go Hwlmwith loops. They s hould bnag mlng thun go to tbe rllccs.-CII1Cla- do?" Rhe rled. "Oh, tills Is Awful, paoli r~ndy. 'I'h n make Y\lurJjlle III face of th e coin ",'\II bnve tbo sarue r.llrtalns In soft, strllight fold s, aDd lbe up-Io- natl Enquirer. nnel Ul ere 1'0 0111.1 11 only ' a tew mInutes th o ;od l,lary manner with ul,per and effect. d:lte woman shortens b er curlalns It to decide. Jack Is 'gol ng to call on me low er crul\t. However, 1 I1r fer to "As Is ge n rally 1m ow n, OUI coin tb oy haye been made In the dnys wh en A Modest Order. to-night, an u- nnd I've f-f-forgotten IJ se the f, lnln paste for tbe lower crus! Is not abso\ut Iy pur ,and doel 1I0t ha Ir a ym'd extra WDS allowed for 10011Tbe 1t!le Rich One- Ya-as, I'v e de- wllicb l'ngll&oment rIng Is tbe one be ond U~ e purr pl1Ste for t b!! up p r, !l conlaln tile amount ot" sll v I' rellr _ log.-Cblcago Inler 0 'ean . cJMd 10 go In for balloolling a bit, gog-gave me!" - Cl eveland Leader. th ere Is nny ot tbo pasta I ft. It IDII,Y S611t ljd b,V It. Sl)ould there be a (10 1. so you may tu ke my orller. be l,el)t ~weet and &Qot! tOl\r pr five lur'~ worlh of silver Ollt In tb e stand. PRESENCE OF MIND. Agenl- WI,at surl of IJullonn ' do you days, by ' rolling In a i'llece at cheeM artl dollar It would be almost as large HOW TO KEEP A HAT NIl, .. wish " ' cloth or ' an old oopl,ln and pulling \I again as It Is now R.ndl ruost j l1 on. 'rh~ Idl e Ri ch On Wby: to begi n In a ' cool IlIac, It you do not care ve nl nt to Ill'ry, 611 cloll y III a large It Must Be as R~l1gtously Brush ed all with, you might furni sh me, with a One's Clothes-How to FreSh t o l(ecI' It ov r, ~lak e or the pun quanUty. Th ore ar 41. 2.5 g raIns of hlgh·altltull e balloon, 0. low-altitude en TrimmIng. ]las to 1I0me ebe so straws or . I>o m£ sliv er In ou r s lanllarl1 dOllar, whlcb Olle, a touring tl tralr, and, say, a runt aJ'ls. III 900 p ' r CCDt r,lIIre . The rest Is for town , use.A good hat. should be well cared for, about ba.l1oollott To mnk the cheese strJl"'8, whl ob alloy and Is put In to harden tbe colli. l'llck: "Tb mnrks around th e edge of t\l<ll to ke [I It lodk!ngfresh , Not only I!re dellrlOl1 s, roll the purr [lasto one· fonrlh of ao Inch thl rk; , sprlnkla one- COin called tbe ' reed Ing' ar put th ere mus t the hat Itse lf be brusbed clll'e· Shattering Sentlrutnt. ha lf or It wltb grllted eh e; fold to ke ep persons (rom !removIng a"y fully, but th e trimming must b gone "Ah , tbe bugler!" exclaImed the o ver elUlI roll oul ; repeat .t wice: add- of tbe meta L ShOllld auy /lHempt be over ; bows pulled up Into shape, loose b I\utllul gI rl groduate, "Doesn't II lng cl)eESe oneil tlme. Theu cut In made to sCrllpe orr the 's liver It could peta Is glu ed In to flowers, and lOOIe always bring sa m thIng to your mind .trlps six Inchus long and one·thlrd threads lighte ned. Flowors nnd o r !III Inch wide. They wJ11 almosl be detected Imm dlately : from the leaves sb ould be carefully wlood wl tb tQ 11 re tho 'all of the bugle?" "Yes," yaw l\l\d til corpulent antI un d oublo In tbl ~lniess ' IIl, baking. scnrl'cd ·ree dlng.' It will also, be ob· a soft c lotb; wlle n colored fiowers "IRk tarts by ,culling lilree-Inc,h eery d t.bat aTound tbe edge of ;: coin fade they can otlen be touohed up romanLi c matron , "It nlways rcmlnrls 11 IIqUl\res out of thO, paste; brus h o\'er on botb faces th reo Is a narro\V, with water-color poJnts and a camel's me that t bal'e a !lair of sclBSors to ,,' 1111 wat I' Rnd lh~n b n,d the tour raised r im somewhat hls-ber than tbe hair brusb. Most' huts now bnve trim· gri nd , nna It r don 't burry the scls· sa l's ' grInder will gil t out at s lgbt."I I eng ra'\'lng. This Is to protcct tbe Incornors toward, but uot quite 0 t Ie scrIption from belllg' 'destrQyed by the' mlng nrfllllged und er tb e brlio, and Chicago Dally News, r they sbould always be ralsea UP DO center ; balm nnd whell cold put jam, fri ction of' one ooln on another. j elly or apple fillin g In ltJe cellter. a block or stand wben put oway, to A Poor Plan, Til BlIP10 fillin g Ie Inexpe nsive, dell·'The Dillin .mint 0; tile Unite$! avoid cn1sblng. It Is especIally necesHusband-So thnt '11 W gIrl goes Ollt clous 8nd casy to make, One CUll II I S tat s Is In Pbllnd Ip~iB , Ulere be ing sary to observe this oarll wi th a ,bat throe IIl ghts a w ck. I'll tell you bow fln e ap ple SOllce, two tllblespoons ' of I brancb es at San Franciflco, New 01'- having a mallne ruche und er the brim to keep her In, care ber. Tell her a butt er IlIIlI e(l, one. four Lh cup of l lea ns 8(1t1 lJenver, tb.~ IRlBt bavlng be- at the bacl" soys t be Rllral New terribl e fellow called Jack tbo Kisser you'll clI.tch luga r ' one-b.lIJt teaspoonful of loman gun o lloratlons In FeFJrunry, 1906. Yorker. This material Is Quite per· Is prowlin g arouoll, kl!Ol!l.n'g every gi rl Done Agaln. 1UIC('.' ' Tllcre Wll 8 form erly OnEI at Oarson Is hable. and Is IIl1 e ly to become very he CRn eintch , " I bdught your 'sIX best lIellel'll.'" Plain POflle.-Mlx thorongbly one· Ity, but tbat ha s bee n discontinued . "muBSY" ufte r a ahort perIod of w~ ar, Wit ' (doubtfully) - We ll, ' don't said oustomer In tbe boo\( store. h alf CU ll of lard wl l h one h Ol)lng cup By a coin and lookin g ulll ess hant1lod cn refully. We cl an l\now, mY. d or: r was a , young girl "A~ .. Jnd ecd ," replied the clerk, or Hour ' 8 Ull a little 8111t, lbcn add under tte center of tbl' wrenth be- Goiled wblle straw bnts wltb oxalic enc m.yselr. I'm afraid s he'll be out with a smile; "hOW did you. like onlY cnoug b cold water to Just bold low the eagle a small le tter will be acid, s()rubblng wllb a too'thbrlJsh, every nl ght.-N. Y. We\lkl y. them!" t he dough together . Roll .out hslt found, wblch will u ell:her S, 0 o~ and aopplng up tbe mOis ture with a "Wl>II, I thln~ you should abbreY!· the dough , at II Ul1'I e on a IIgbtly p. . This leUer ' IndJeatCis at wblcb sort clOlh, to avoid st,alnlng tbe straw. TO.E SUBE. ato your a1ivertlsement?" , flOl.lrlul bon rd. All should be done 8 S mInt the coin was l'1l1rle, 'Wben (be re The acid burns colored straw, turn "mat do you ' mean t" ._ I)ulckly as possible, as the orust will 18 no such .Ietter tbe , cClln lias been Ing It In ugly rIld, so care must be nutbort .- wrlt1l'1g In tbe Forum 00 prison retorm in th e U nited State!! be more tende r and flaky. ' y, ' mdke It tbe 'six b,e8t "'_b~ made lit the main mint In Pbllade l· exercised If' cleaning a bat In which -Chloago Dally Newa. .J" NProgre'ls In Peuology,' dec~ares that four great O!'Pnlil&tlons have donephla. whIte and colored s traw are com~o elvlllzlltlQo' ot a people ~ no'l" much to basten 'progresa: The Phil· , .#.QAINST-.CANNING TIME,., "A 5Ck:ent coin of the p resent Issue bin ed, No Danger. be lold fl,ult.o as well by Its prl80111 a4elpbla Sooiltty ·for Alleviating tb€ Tbe ehould weigh 192.9 gralna, Mr. Gayboy (about to aUiIt on a I1B by Its picture gal1erlee, Ita 8.0110(111 'Milieries of RUbllc Prltons, fot:med 10 Get Everything Bealty Betore Putting we lgbt of a genuine 26-(:ent uleoe of , Oopper Waste :BRaket. _ business trlp)-1'lI trr tit write to ·you or Its Chl,,rches. 1777 ; tbe BOBton' Prlsoll Dlsclpllne SoUp Fruit-Test Bottles and tbe present Issue Is 96,45 gfllins. Tbe The newest waste basket Is a mo~t every few days, Marl.. but If I shoUld . No one cil.n accuse prl on wa rd cna clety, organized In 1824; tho Prison Coven. welgbt of our present dIme Is 88.58 artlstlQ thing. rt Is at copper, burbo tiusy and a week or more paD of bel~ ere sentimentalists, Tbey Association of ,New York; the Na· grains. , These coins ar'~ all of the nlshed ond J)ollshed to a blgp. degree wltbo,ut yon're hearing from ms :ran have . 1l1'I\Ctlcil.1 ¥now ledg, of ~undreda tlonal Prison /-lI.Boolation of America. Before commencing the work. ha\'e same degree of Hnen\l88--900 per ce nt of luster, and showing In the fron t an needn't be alarmed. of cqnvlots, they ~o'" tbo total, tl\ey And, a~ Dr . •W,Ines say~. yeoman servo 1111 !'Illluls ite utensils. vessels and ne· pure. Much care Is tak en to Ineu re Ids \ of jade In large \rregular form . Mrs. Gayboy-I shan'L ru take the l;now the averllge. And wben, they Ice bas been r ndered by Individuals. c essltles at band and Vllrfeclly clea n. tbe accurate welgbt of, a coin. . As Tbe combination of the green tone bt children with me and buut you up.glvo' &8 th eI r jhdgmel\t thot there Is, Barrows. In Bummlbg "11 Ihe moat ScaleR, Jars. ' IL atrillner, coland'ur, soon as tbe disk Is s taml~ed (rom the the orname nt and the ruddy bue of 9 blcago Trlbun~. 'hope for reform In a goodly per cent. Importa llt Indl'callonll o( progres8 In sldmmer, sliver 8pqon , pe rtora~ed sheot of molsl It passes tb rol1gh tbe the copper Is most ,effectlve. One par-~--of m~ lunctl r th Ir , cAre, tJl reforlllll- penology 10, tbe , past centur.y, gives woode n spoon, prese l1flng kettle, Je lly' bands of Beveral experienced women, tl ulaf -waste paper rece pta~l e on tbls Yea, WIlo' , tli·e aSI)cct of prison life sbould loom the rollowln g J)Olnt,a: (l) The hl gber bag, 1I1easuring CliP. funn e l, tray, dlsli· who' Ilxamlne and welgb, It. Should order was originally Intended , all a MI'.II. Jlmson pimlsbed little Jobnn,., largo. Formerly tbe Idea of punish- standard of prison qonstructlon and [Ian, towels, holdel's, alld plenty of and as soon liS IItUe Jobnny got onl the disk' be tdo beavy It Is filed away glorille'd ooal hod, .but a woman 'whose ment dominated, the prlH' administration; ,(2) tbe fmproved hot water and a b,g kl~chen table. hDll(\ frc e he ballded malI\/DS dear a until the requIred weight Is reached . sense' of \t1tness protested against the oner.1a "deprlved of oPPottunlties for personnel In prison management; fa) 'For a small family select p,nl jars i for By this detailed car'e tbe ' coins are ~utroducUoll of a , wl\low basket tn blff In tire jaw. 'We overheard the lol- ' self· lndulgence but 18 .glven wbat he ,be retlognltlon of la boi' 1\8 a . dislarge " am II,)' , quart jars arEl better kept trom varyIng tbe ellghtest frac-. rIchl y furnished apartment Conversation : , " nceds for Belf;developnient. He Ie not ciplinary and rerormatory agent; (4) than half·gallon. Do not use old,' "Why, Johnny Jllllllon, how dare tlotl f,rom tbe Btandard.'~ CO I)per found the proper background, , tlUnlshed fllr "hat be baa been; be su)lstltll\lon of productive for unpro- stiff rub ben ; tbey are not safe. Fill you strike your mother?" tu rned lhe coal hod to nil... U8e, and Is 10 prove by labor, stUdY and gootl ductive labor, II.nd to a small degree eaoh jar full 9f water, Beli! and In· Girlll; Wear Wliltel "WalIrWb,o began this scrap, I'd like hel' example bas been Imitate d by bebavlot wbat h may be!' for IInreQulted labor: (Ii) an Improve- 'vl;lrt. H It leaks, do not · Ulle It. no Frau Ltebrelch, a wealtby resident ot to ltnow.--{)leevlaDd Leader. . The Man from tbe Furniture Mov· '11'110 declare that tbere other womon, I t was I.u 1777 the Englishman, John ment In prison dletarle~; (6) newer matter hoW slight the leak. Tbe Munich, '18 oonv1nced tb llt slrls wbo SOlllETlIDlO OF A SKATE. Howard, made his fa.mous repqrt on and better systemll of classlflcatlan: trouble 'may be with the rubber, or wear wblte dresses get ml~rrled sooner Ls an lJiformal aspect about '8, wlll01ll' e rs-I suppose you'Il bave this In the p(lS0/18, clillng attentLon to the fac\ (,7 ) the substitution qf a reformatory the top, or Bome flaw ' ln tl)e jar top. than girls w'bo wear all I!(ll'ts of (lOlors, basket that 18 not In keeping with the bathroom, slr?- London Sketch, furnishings of certain rooms. In tbese that young and , old, Innocent Ind for a relrlblltory System: ('S) proba- Reme.dy ' tbe evil If you can, but do Accordfngly, sbe , lias organbed a A Feline Blu!!. guilty, were sbut up together and In tion or "conditional release for first not aitempt' to use until all leakage la "l--.gue of white women" among her COPller reoeptaoles tbere Is ,~ InUllr Ji"am II y' Dog- Old {lie cook give you Idlone's.., Ve~ lapon England set to oRenilel'll, with frIendly 8nrvelllance; stolmed, using tile rubber and ' top frlendJt, the 'Jl}~mbel'8 of wblob under- bo)( of shoe t Iron, wbJch Is lifted out work at r eforms In prlllOn conllitliID8, (D) the parole eystem; (lO) the ,Bol'- with the jar that bas · been teeted. ,t ake to wear pure ~htte tor all Im- wbef\ the paper!l are .to be dIsposed of. a licking lor eating up all ot tbe whip. ped crea m, 'a nd hrus '1IlncIl' continued at the 't.a~lf\ tlllon systC!m tor Identification ~t Canning ' m~st be done right or . It 18 poriant arid cererponlal functions; In Cat- No. It got 111\ over Experl~nce In the wodd at ,large ~aI prlsaners; ( 11 ) tho new attention but a waste of , time and material. ber address' to ' the tlrat ,members of LONG MOURNED AS DE~D. · myFamily wblBllers and made me look as, " shown 'tHat stringent la,,!8 and sllvere given to' the 8tudy of , tbe crl~lnal, ObOOS6 the coo), early morning , tor the gulld-.ome 20 fair maIda ot MIII was frothing at the mouth. Sbe puulsiuuents do Dot leJIseo crlJDe, ' .hIs envirolll)len~ an,d , history; (-12) the work of puttlbg up, bllt It Ie belt nteh-Frau ' Ltebrleh Is reported to Frenchman Thought Lost on lIIart1D- thougbt I was baYIng a Ilt and ran for i hi lhe old ' dayS they Uled ' to look seJ)llratlon of accidental tram babltual to have 't he fruit g&tbered the night itave' RIl.\d: "I loved my ,husband before ' Ique VIsits SurprJaed and her 'Ufa.-Detrolt Free Press, . upon o rl~lnals ." as dangero!,s beaats, crlmlnale ; (111) the absndonment of be fore, and remember, tbat )Ir\llt be loved me, and he ",turned my afHappy BelaUve., «14) the : buin,an. gathered on Q ' rain), Iday, or wHile the fectlon only wben he SIIlW me acclcle~p. rate oHaraoters, of dlff~r!'l1t clay tran8Portation': Not QDfte Clear. from ordinal')' men and womel).. eyea- treatment of the crlml/l",1 Insane: dew la on It, '11'111 'n ot 'keep well, ,and, den tall In a white dressing goWn. The French papers relate a ourlous She-While In til e country last Slimture~ ot uncanny cunning. In . tbe (16) tbe new empbl\8ls laid upon pre- manr fin~ It almoBt, I~ , not .qulte, 1m· White 'I. a .ymbol of 'pidre love and romance, J ean MarIe Le Floldec ,waa mer I learned to milk a co w, jusl tor fU,l ns of an ~merlcan "Old Nev.:gater ventive' i nstead of' punltlve, or mere- llOsslbltl to mak.e euch , fr,!lt , "jell/ ' tbul , ~,'lij!",la to' the bette,r half of the mourned ,aB a , victim of Mont Pelee. anlm<elIenl, YOll Imow. a , colonIal prison tbat lat r ~Ill' ly cohed,i ve" ',,"eBlJurea., Fruits should be rather IInder·rlpe male creatlon_ The. IIlalnest girl for he waa visiting MartinClu~ at thp He-For the COW'8, amusement or I tb,e Conn~ctlcut atate prlso~, 0!le mq than over-ripe air It w1l\ make much' drelllied In wblte wILl co:nQuer bearts tim e of the eruption. , HI. brother and tor your o,wn?-Cblcago Dally N~ , CH1US'l'O.rHER WE~STER. Itlll : see deeply embedded In the -w,al1a better prese rvea and Jell~es' an,d keep mora rApIdly than a beauty Who stool's elster lI ye at Malsons-Lafitte, and the UnappreciatIve. the Iron 8taples to whlch ,the prlso,n., bette r, with bet~er flavor. Re ll)ember, to thll mjlretrlclou. attra.ctlc)1lI of a 'otbel" evening the wlia seated A ~utlhJ12g Busln" ... Relder-I wonder wbat Jlngletoo 'too, that you can get out ot the, can hundred biles." era were chained ,.,blle 'atl,thel~ work; at Ule plano In her sitting room, whe,n First Rlcb !\fan- Are you bavlD~ any only what yOU put In It; poor lrulta ' " _ _ _~_-'-_ she suddenly found henelf clasped In trouble getti ng yonr- daugbters mar· and rem ' ot ttie t~eadml ~ d for' gets tor hid mapzlne poeme! Noxll\y-I d,an't know; bu~ 1 know ' will 'make poor 'cOnlje,rve8.,- The Com· ' Frv,lt Cure ~or Drinldng Habit. retractofY Qf.Qv I . , ?lhe prlii10nera ~Wbat are 'you domg ; that the arlns of an unknoTfll, In,truder, who rled off? ' . were conllllotl In nde'rground cav· what he ouglit to get. ' ruoner. , Tl)ere ,"but one sure cure fOr the bunt the room covered with dust of day r Second Rich Man- r sbould say no b! tbll Reider-What! " ' , ernl, sbafts and ehambe", o~ an abandrinking dls'eaae or habit, anil · tbat II and havIng all the appearance of lonl! Eaeh of t bem bllS been marrIed twic e "Oh, just rollins home In tbe mora' Noxley.:-8ix montb8 twice a year,' - NOTES FOB THE , H.oUIEXZBPBB.. the .Impl.. t ot all. ~lae CUi'll con,lllI travel. Her shr.leks brought her !,Iroth ,:Ircady,-Detrolt F'ree ~ress. _ doned ,cOpI)l!f ):nlne. Vou,mV to-d,IIY I,ns."-:",N. Y. Herald. ,,', ~ travel ' down a Itortuous path 'to ; tbete Cblcago Dally Newi. , fro , m In eaung ' fnilts. Tbat "rlll ,c \lrethe er .. uRhlng Into the. room, an<\ he \,lOm· Bu't te-, will take the, 80rene~B .. ' I'IIt -ft_~ of Inebriety' Soms1lilcl7 Got ;It. Jumping at a. ConclualOll. often prevent dl. '11'0 , tbat ever ar- plated , hor amazement by , falUng Into II bruise and Ilcted , a P8l'11On. , ,It, wl\1 entirely de- the embr8ce of the stranger. Then the "Fatber," SIIked the s maU bo1;, Yeast-Were YOIl ,up to th6 01ltft coloration. ' , .tzloy tbe taate for Intoslcllnts and wlll,lleltbl:IiDlltiC)nll cam.e. ' The ~ntl'\lder was "wbat Is a mlllllnthrope1" wpper at the chureli, last nlghU Strips 'ot s tlff,buokram sew,!ld, along qlake tbe drunkard return ' -to the than '. the brother who tor "A mlso.ntbrope, my son, !B one who CrIDlBOnbeak-Y.; It wsa a 'l.W7 t11e odges of r\lSs will preven,t tbelr thougf:t.e ~~ of bla ohlldbood. , had l)een mourned 8S 'dead. He goes througb tho world looking upon enjopble affalr_ " curllbg UP" ' ,No parBon liver, law 'a' m8~ or WOIDaD Buoceede4 In getting on board 8 other men with R,n d IS crea"You're joklns." , " .... Nearly ,twice -'th'e nu tier of Try '"Ooklng apln~ch In I!oul Ion In· wb<i IIlled trult' and ,., wbo had an apbound , f9r Australia. The,nce be tures who bave no objetlt , except tG "No, I'm not. ' Every one that folilld, ,s lau,htfired I,D' KanBaa City, " O~'ab,a stead of ,wa~er and note tbe I~,prov~ Petite tor drink. No penlOn ever 'sa" Diad. lila way to laPlln, and during tbe make hIs life a burden." , an onter bad to ling a BOng." and 8~ !;out. are killed ~nn ~Iy hI' 'moot,ln lIavor. ' a man &r ~~an with an appetite tor war' wltb RU88la practiced' blockade ~'f know," anBwer~ , the email boT. have got tiresome." . Chlca«o," while ' much Qf the stock IOld ,pu1vel\lzed ,. chalIt, wet 'wl~ am·, drink Who liked' fruit. . Tbe t1lO taatea runl).ln"wltb slIch succes tbat be mide "You mean a, etreet car cooductor."- ")(net ' fNot 'at ait. We onl~ had one . . . In othlr' cltl81 tlnds Ita, dsatlnaUon In' monla :wi!1 be found useful for ~mov- are ' ilt 'deaGly enmIty 'With' elell other. million. 'l;'hls crown of his laboN WaBblngtc:ln Star. ' the wllole eVIIDlD&."-Yonkel'l! Btat.tng 8'POts In a marblll wash basin ..... ,_ nO I left him' time for tboUghts 01 Chlcean. , • ' man. j SJ ' n.:r ~ .. - estabU.Ii.... entof tb~ "lllDn cauee(l by th" _dripplng from the ~,thore.. room fOf both O. tbl~' and kindred.' No B_mblanee. -- ':"'" to. . .. In me same ~u~' .CQnB :Itutlon. Ona ,,' will urel d.... tro the t'" ,i atoClkjard. , 8511~OOO.OOO II.... l\ulmals fa.u cet. The Yllung Man' (at the other Kan1ed JLlch. have been ' received, of whleb 1I3'l& 000 A "Xllpe . t~ , pute tbat _never dries ' ' , ~ y' ..... o . J'urnlture Poll.b. yte,.' sbl,PPld' aWl)' ' allv~ lea~uC a or . lourl I., to add one teaspoonful 01 Pr~ JIla "'fro!jtU~u." , From Scotlan~ coDiell thl8 recipe fOI or the,sofa)- Er- It I.n't true, I 1I0pe, ' OUI-I bear George baa matrllil aa tptll ,0, 889,630.000 aalmal. kUlld alld powdt!reil atilm ud te~ IIroplI !Jf clove 8alli Benutr4, the "eJl'l~oft come. furniture pollib, wblch mlgbt well bE' Mlaa Mirtle, that you told MIs8 OItoW- be1reu. Ha'., III clover no'jl I eQo\ poee' . ': ' ~, packed In 40 ",IU'8 , ~t , thla cblef ~~, ol~ to , a , pInt or WI')" .mootli tbl,ok dian, .aId ,at a weddlllg ' :braakf-*t In " ..ted, I~ the aqrap,b;OOk ~f every atp 1 was a sar-a sardlne. Tl,1e Young Wo,m an-lt I dl~, Mr. , Dlck~No, be'l worklng Ilke ....... ter of tile mut hlduatry. pute, ' . Nlw ~ork: ,., " American boullewl,e. All that poll.b 1"~~1;~:~~~~::~1 Touted brwui II deemed . ,c ellenl , "I ;am "ad tp ... bere a IUXUfy to can do to r.tore old, weatberbeat,en, Falnthart. 1 take It ~lt. You"re neat trying to pay 1111 boaI'4 at & . .0.11 ' Qu... of _ardllrtr, , e.on for ·Iovalld., a point In It. fa.OI whloh 'sll brides alldbridll8CiOOma.,. bo~ebold COOd!l thl. Will , do. alld ,be 'least bit In thll ~ld like a llal'- week> botel Her father III),' - ...... ifI..~,.u..DIf1'UiIi. (c;um~481S'P , At Qbllleee mu,,?-erer betoie 'belN be1~1J tbll.t al a , conll~uence ' o. the noc. accuatomed: " , mucb more than mo.t put·up prepar&< dine. You leem to be terribly af.rald Ibe won't )Jve allfWhere elaa.-N. 1'. ' 'anced In BataVIa aslttld to be lupplleiJ toa.Uns proce.s \tmakes 14188 of. "r, for Instance. celled U008 can: Here II the formula': Onl you are orowdlnl aomebody,-Chleqo Weekly. W1\IL a ticket to BlDppore, 10 ~at be tax upon the IUaesU.e ,lunclioD. tblD J_e "POll the dear old cake beeswax, a c~p or turpelltlne TrIbUne. coulO ~ft It ~n ~ ~Il ~t.r d.ath, dOOl Ordlua". ~. ' IQf w..~ Ind. Put beetlYfU In turpentllle, let melt What laY14 mID. recauest ".. grabted aDd 11iI died W_n.... . ilowly, RemeDiber that turpentlDe II Coul\dentlal J'rte1l4-lJow ao 10IJ ba Or.... Ipota OD .........per-. aal 'I IlllblT-lnllammable, maklns It. bettel man.. e 19 hol4 your Job In 'plte of PPT· ' lPOts frOm, ,,ql\,:;,:mlthr l d. to melt them~tQre o.el' a teakettll the notbrlolll! trreplafltlea In lbe With , 1)~ ,pout. 11. tlamtl .. Ue4 thla 01 lour ollee!
------- .1
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nROW N , Ali. it' llint Edilur.
'1'1"'1 oll u ,\ IlIg fll to' conoerning W"yn8!l\"lll ftrA
th e " 18Itur!\ in I,UIl
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Aftllr weeks anrt m Ollth>l or
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It ill" bC\PI)Y OOCHl!iOIl , '1'he ,.pirit iliad to be with
j ' ly~
t "VI) tire
oUllt'llf(iou!l; thfl vlflltor,.RI)pet\r
we nr snrely ghul to IltlVtl' them h ero .
n behll.lf of the oiUz"ns of Wnyn6",vllle th., M:I!,ml <:IlIzette ex . t!,urlllll bOllrty weloome-to "II. The town Ii< yourtl. MilY you enjoy to the f\l\l9l!t t,he 1I1ell8nres of the week !lnd mll.y thl" prove the 'hapI)iest ca~lon
1i\l i ,
It, u ,'
H I Ole.Com ln g week is berR. . p 'l>pl6 tlr :\'lI.yn68vI1l6,
\\'II \"!It'IIVilIA hUll II \>opul'ltion of ~ ~.!:!l..-...Q, II CtU · Ilv "ltllm Ihe ('lIr)JC1 rl1t e IImit :qlf Ihe t\>wn . hut Inolml lug I h e "U I r llllllulu t( t erritory whot'e poo pl" do their t rll ,l i UK 1\1111 Whll !I ~.! IIf Wll y ntl""lll ll l\t. th .. ir h dm l:', \ \ t! It vI1....l:I ll y alm nl :lOUO pI)pnllltju·lI . T Ilt! \ II Y ll tl~ vlll tl lJllnk " tire very .. 1,rOIl I; lind their "\·,, rIC ~ (!t' lll.sit." r tlllo tl 1IIIIl Cl~I, $;100. 000. while thpir 1" 1,, 1 rtl14C1llrCtl" itT" olu"e to $400,0 O. Thill 1M e xolllMI VtI 1II " III" .V iilveptpfl III Building lind Lntm .'\~ ~(I Illtloll ~ "th or fl nterprill8lO, (mel oOllcluslve ly IIh owll thll f1UIIII oilll !I lidlty of the o,uulIIl1nlty. Wllyn _svili e ·t,wn,. its own RYHte lll of w~ter works linn itM e lectri Cl li ght plnn t. lind 1M Milid to hllve the 10.'" \!I<t, t ll X rllte of I\uy to wn in the Stilt!> h,!ving theMO' im . prnv"lII ' nt.ti . I \VII.yn eNvill" ill lin !clenl r ll~idonctl t own . 1~1\' 1 1I 1l III Inex\len Kive ; tb er o Iii good Mooiery ; ol ~ltlCl llroxiUllt.\· lo t.h o tie!l of L:iuoillullti "nd Dnyton . We hllVA II l:fltLithfulloOlltiOll , Ilnd tlplendlll IIl1turlll drllil.lI1KB. W e hu : .. 1\U8 ohur he .. , I( nod lIoh nnlp, e verything tllllt Ull1ke,. 1\ tO WIi II I'leu!lllnt pltlCle to \lv o. Wll y u8lIvilie bOllles Ilr.. lluusulllly we ll kept 'rblll Is Ilo tinellble evtlr ,v wbere in the t o wn. We htlve It Businelill Mells , AB8oolal.lon , conRtant III itll work for the upbuildlng of the conlllluult,y. '1' he land s urrounding Wtlynesville til unuBulllly fElrtile, muoh or It 18 worth in the mark~lt · more thlln fl OO 1111 lIor. Tobl1cco. corn and hog8 tlre the ' obief pro<llloifl or tbe far DIS, but Illmoat everytbinc that can be' grown in ~is ollmRte III grown here.
No. '6-2.
II/Id rtmdarl! of tIto
WII ), ncs"ille II! LO\I YilII>rli 1)10, hl1 " l ug hue u IIr!l~ ~ "'I le, l l u
---- ----
\.o Wli
11 1~ fl\ nllil .
00 .
in .yonr Iive8 is the Wl8h \,If till . Weloome then, thrioe weloome.
Old Friends get Together. , One of the mOfit Interesilng fel1ture8 conneoted with the entire
I,.,. , I II"
at the nomlnall!uw of Ilve oenta'.
ID ~ny
pl~oaI wherA slmllllr undertllttngs have been held.
It hll.l!
beeD the e~Perlenoo tbMt tbe room would be filled 11p by ohlltlren "nd
. . t. . .
;J'h~ ¥I&ml - ~~:~tte
a iA.
will be phe~l'rullY exten~ed.
weell 'ban uaiual. '~Ule of the mgh t. Bom• .ComiDi·. ,The edlton of the Coaches IUld obaln supplied Oa.'. u4 inemben of the force Have recently moved t~ r!lom wUtt the balance of f·be week \0 , lIest to CraBS Bros. • i en dl . The IIAlIt aTSB&'!. W.\YIIE8VILLB. o. . t our.r meet U d 1Jre8 ' .' Q..,.te of8oe ,.\11 be open OODat.nt· I, ••d all uur fri end" are Invited to Wu Wllllt ing ,,"way.
~I1 ,
"I bad b.e en troubled with kidn ey -..-- - -....' ~ dlaell.t!tl for the lulit five years, " An e1llllAb.llOD I~ due corr8l!lpon w.ritei Robert R. Wa,.tt.!l, of 8alem. d""t! and 'rll'nl1" of the GeiBtltte Mo, "1 lo!lt llesh'lIlld bever felt we11 Mnd doctored wltb Jeadln, pbysi wh\1 tn.y ha'tl! IleDt In nllW!! tblil l dlln!! and t-rl d aU mmedlee snggellt publklhPll, \\-h\ob doe" ed wltholit. relief. F1~"lly 1 tried .PlMMI', but 111''' have been 110 FoleJ's, KidDPY Cure aDd lei'll thtln 110''''''' by "vt>ntll OOObl'C'ed wltb tWCt bottles comilletely cured mp r..<TIl"'......... w In. thllt Wit h .. v •. and I IIJJl nllw sound .Mbd well." . I ..... Duriug the lIummer kidney trregn. rna.....!' Of are uf&en oa1lll6d by 8Xceat!. overheated.
Stanel. Upper
uill SL
Keep the Heng
predi5po, Nition to 'bud ily ills and 1111· ments- more or 1~ 16erlo1l 8 . 'I'he KlOllIl.lch and bowt'is lire the most prnlitic; sources of ·ill·
I. rJ!eomme.lldl!d by aoDle of the largC'st poultrymen at tile moat economical roofing Ind .Idlng for poultry boulle••• beda. etc!. Shingle, lind clllpboania coat llIore alld do 'lot keop tho building. ". dry uoJ
"&llIh .
'l'hey lire Ihe hOlbeds of disease, and becllu~e less nt· teution is "Iven Ihelu. more evil can be traced directly to them thlln toanyother orguns of the body. , Where tbere I, the least Indication of trouble or )'ou are feelillg out of aorta,
.with, roofing k It In each roll. It dues not require painting when 1',.. applied, aud lie. tlat. Sund to·tlay fllr free IIlml,I~1 11111 our Wu"hlt. " ••dld", _ _ _ ,.."
For Sale By SPENCER &; MONROE ~~~~<:, , . OREGONIA, OHIO
IT IS THE "KNOW HOW" I~ the manufacturing of Paroid that makes it the (L .... flu.) most economical and satisfactory roofing or siding Syrup ~ep~in ma.terial on the market. Both fire proof and weather ahould be t!lken al once: I proof. You get full value received if you buy It I~ tho best prupl.lratlon for lhe stom. , P 'd • ach ILne! bowels. arOl . If they are all out of order, It wlU ulLdico.le the trouble, h l ne up the part. I PAROID ROOFING PAINT. and restore tbem to their natural can· 1 f ditlon . . DR . CALDWELL'S SYRUP I Makes 0 ld roof s new. G00d on allY I' {Ind 0 f roo. PEPSIN COCllI1lUllicates itself to Iho • Who.l ~ system alld its beu.,ficlal and Ask you~ Grocer for AC"E FLOUR,. made by the curative effects are pronounced and 0 . M'1l inslantly experienced. regonla . I 8.
Dr. Caldwell's
It will keep you In good healtb.
:n~P:~~ HATRA \V ~ Y, ea~~e~~I?o~d~~~~hSX!I~; dollar sires from all druggists.
Flour mill has been newly remodeled and the quality of 0\11' flour is better than ever. do!~~~t':~:~t ;!~. be refunded If It ALL KINDS OF FEED ANO COAL. DI!I~II~:."'~:~c:t~o~V~~··'bM'~It'~~M~~I.'l~ A Iso all kj nd~ of H.aJ'u (i r.C1rl .T .urn hf'T. Wemal~e a 'H.~~~~ :~~!'~E\~~ ..t~,~~ :h~: ';~I:~ I-qj((' U , ~: ('f I.l sH l \\'(,od fl'::n.el' • . lUlled)'. Wrlf" for IIIOduy. . PEPSIN SYRUP COF,
.ontlo.lto. 11t ... ola j •• '~ . '
• • •\ ' .
& ~(wrce, Ore~on!a, Obio. .
Often The Kidneys Are WeakeDed , by. Our-Werk.
\Vhel'(' you ' get bettor flou.•' and more flour than allY other pJac·e. Albino Flour is the leading flour llnd if' you have n~t tried (:: .11 a.~d get R 8RCk, if YQu b~ve whe~t you can get flour at the i 11 t~l1 ) ou thrash, it ma:ke~ no difference whether you have I delilt with the)1i1l 01' not ' . '""'e' have hundl'edsof depositors, why not you? we give .you as . I'j gig 1 I'1.tie flo,t.' aLl tllel'c )'s matlu"llctured (~ I i . . pr()mpt · all d cnrt eous duriD~IIHomflOomingweek"lwUJ l howeveryor.~anseellls·tofaillodo , ita !-wrdce, make higb grade white und yellow. meal and .ex.change ~ In Waynesville prepared to do all fJuil;.ou are sick or ~'feet badly," belri~ , , I lIuobwork, I takingtbe great kIdney remedy, I>r. ~Hme fc,r white or yellow cor-n, for cash or to!, we hav~, corn, Kilmer'. Swamp·Root, beeaulle !'II lOOn d ' . d f h' k ' ~tn!l1y mllke · your engagements uyourkidileyaarewell tbey WIll help .OntK U'rOlJnd l'ye bran . m 8. tour gra es 0 C Ie en l'.lee"d, &lie II "t once If P?l!!!lble, or notlf.V t~e al~ the ol!l"r orgAll1l to health. A trial ~. ' .. ' , " . • Gazette Offioe. Will COII)· ulcc,auycme. •. I I CO I'll ... nd HUt ChO() cru~bed corn and oat chop c'rushed· curn or 11 YOIlAte 1>11: 1< yon !:all mn ..11 110 I. , . • ' " , J . T. LIlJVY. Photographur . ll\\c by first ~ocloriug your kidIlUY", 1 ' , ' h '1'" '11' I' .. , ', . d I . t' h t :.!14E. Ilt<hMt." DlI.yton , Ohlo'1'hu1I1i1clnmlllll:lldrllllrdilHlrye(/ectof l Hllytllngl1l t e J.J.... 1 109 lOe, ea ,W I US you ge Dr.'lI Swamp-Root, t,I", great , . ' . dWit ' hou t wal't'lng, our 011'11 18 . open ne.,o.rI y ki(llle), re,ll is ~oon reahzed . . It what yuu ,want an . . .tll!lll s lhe hi~hcst lor tty wOllllerlul curu . _ l:iurnmer Dillrrhoell.ln Children . I!fthl!lIIoSt ,lli~l(cc!si,igclls<;s, 1l~ldid~old ' crt'l'\' evening- Sf) you can get your flour then, c.,11 and see us or Dnrlng the hot weatber of th" Itll IIId'i t~ II\' ull . . ~. , . summer months tbo fi,:,t unuill. dr\l){glst~ill.nrlY:C:~~lt'" phone us · hefol'e you deposit your wheat, urlll looseness (If a ohlld bowel~ .lId olle·,loUar 81'''_ .. 1 ' . 1\1 ..
II '
shoulcl have immediate attention, 80 ; OOllll!6. VIOU 11I1l)' h k th dh' b f It be . hU"Il" AAIIIJl,le bottle U_.ou_pollooC. 88 to 0 eo . e , 8IU!e e are . by 111,,1\ frtle, "IC\() Il paluphlcl t~lIillg YOII cumel\ SeriOD! All thllt Is .necell8llr:v how lo /jutl Ollt if you bU\'e kitilley ~r II! Il faw ACI~ell of 'O~aDlbe,la.ln'M hlll,lller lrouhlt:. M~lItion this papt .. colic, oholer8 and dlll.rrhoea, relD!!d;l'. when \Vritil\~ lo Dr, Killner & Co., Bing· followed by a di)8e of Ollstor oil tu bllllltOll, J);, '\, J)OIl't make IIby IlIi~ta".e, clollnijo' j,he "Ylloom. Rev. M () bllt n' uu," the nalllO, SWIlDIp-Root, t;loc klunrl, P8stor of the first M. E. pro ~i1UIt:r' ~ Swalllp·Root, BIIII ·the a?' Uhuroh, 1~lttls Fall!!, Mlnn' l :wrltl!l!: dreyc!, lJinghlllllton,N, V.,oncverybottle. ,. W II hll vo used - OhllmberlMln 'lI . d . ' . colic,chulertl I1lld c1iarrhoea remedy ' S DUB for ~o vel' III y eu s and find It 1I< "It' el Y c•..:";!'''!!!!c!!"'!,!'"!'! . !'!',!'! r'!i ' ,I!!!'"!,!"!,!d!,!W!,!h~IlO~P!,!1D~a!,!c!,!ou!!Ib!!",,!,!,! , !,!.!!!!!~""!'!'!""!'!'!!!!!!""!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! vllluulJle ,remedy, especially.' rllr ::
Highest CasbPricePaWfor Wbeat
, 1'biI t...ue of ;h; ~u.ette goes to 'l'elephon8 In his hOUlle where he It. reIIdIIn a Ireat. dllftt'ellrlier I~ the c~n ' be called a~ aU . hour~. day 'or
11.1 bIrth ill hedt
The lovers of mUllio will hllve op po~unlty for ~he greatest possible enjoyment from this souroe during thA week . Unheal\~y Kidneys Make Impure Blood. The Wayn88ville cadAt Band will It UM!d to. ,be cOllsiderc,1 that onl,~' ' urinary and blndder trouhles were to I:ic be on dnty almo8t ounlltan'ly . The lraced to lile Iddueys, Wilmington Milltllry Band will be l bl!t II OW lII()licrn •. I SC lt:IICC l)roYCS tbal here Wednfllldll.Y, Stokell Oroh4/ strll l ncarl y \1 11 d!sca:ses it will snpply mUllio for tbe Alumni '-I !Ibve lhelr . Ue!,lllllllllg - - 'therln" III lhe1Il"~! . '.1ts!,r~cr of Dl .. . ., II.nd. there will be mnslo , lhese IInpunanl IDusle, everywhere. . orgalls. 'fbe kiclllc" s filler .uncl pllrify lhe hlood-. I Notce. 1lhalis.lhcirwork, If yon wlKh plotures mllde of flLlu I Therefore, whell ~'() ur 1< lti l,eysare weak oro\\toforch!r, yt,)l1cnllu~1I1erstcu ..,l how lIy "ruup", reliidencet!, or your fiollt l qnlcl:h' your elltire lJotl v ,s aJicclt:d alld . I
UNDERTAKE . EMBALMER Rummer cliRorderB hi children . L.'URN·I. TURE lIyJi , U. ~hwl.rtz. ' I OF ALL KINDS.
. moet ~rUI!l1 Kreetlng to II}I vMt.orB 'ID W.ynellVille to 081\ at ' the Gil.· 1 . nUe ~ftloe this week , We wllnt to , feet 10U.aII. Our time will be n.t, I I . _ 'tbe dlspoa,al .of our frl.enels .lInd tlny tnfortnlltlon we may be II ble to Kive ~ .r
V>lI.iclI!ij W III) HO~alul 1.. ,' •
. . .-\ l'dV"t"I'\' B'lved. The Frll'nl1" Bnllrrthlll Homp will "Bow to keep olf perlodlo ftttaoh , he orow(1",1 \VII It J(n"/lt" t,hll' wf'ek roo.hI7 ' and prevent perilOUS who were relllly Interlltlted from enJoying ' I 'f hi" Ir of IJlhvu~lIot,," ,,11.1 h"uII . a 0 , . mllny v HI or!' ' II .lIfr.. n!!,,,,, woo ~ p>ttiun Willi II . lIIyiottlry . and atud1~Dlf tbe ',,'r,tlcles on ,dl play 11.11 the1 would II/,e, a.lltt mont-hM h..,r" r"hllnll f(Jr, /lCCOIII Klnll '" NrlW Lif, Pil... olved for . , ' nlftd"t.inns lh ... rli. ' we;' wrltttti J.,hn N P I! ·"U'I. J i'o gel Utes full ~lle~t of a viait to the room; con!!idera.ble time In IIdditlon to tlill rflirnlllr oot!rd of. MIIRnoli1i 10<1. The only pill" ' 1D1lat be allowed for II. IItudy of It I oontentil. " . tbat IIro gUllrllnteed to !th,' perfoot er!! tlla nlllnllgf!lIIent fir the Bome III !latlsfllotlon to tlVer.yhody or mone.v TIle Goneral ComD1"~e folt that Ii cents would not be prohl,bitive "ilia ~rvinK mM],. to many ·person,. refunded Onl.v 2f1o Rt }I~re<t . C ,, __'....DyoDe w~o really wanted \0 Ylel' tbo room, and It wonld aene ' , 89hwnrt~'!1 (IrUIC tlt;ore. ~~ . Music Everywhere ' . k . . .· dOn' ~Wd8 of per80~a WhO. ::r= n.ot IDterested. . I
. .' h d Be·lIociable . 'l'bere 8hould be DO .< To hUDdreds of persons t e wor II strangers in WllynesvUle thla week, ~'BOIDe awee' home" wl1\ ap"".. l ..-- lilt everybody join hellrtlly in mak· ' . with a force tbia week that hll.8 n.e v. Ing our visit~r8 feel that they ' are er baeD relt before. I at home and among friA[id8. Make • ... • 'hem feel thllt our weloome is Reno "Brt!atha there II man with heart 1I0 lille and ' 8incere. Eaoh Individ\J&1 dead should be a committee of one to 1186 Who Denr to blwielf .hath ,.Id t.bat all wltb whClm they oomo In Thla ta m7 OW11, m7 'nattv~ la~d." contaot are 1188iilted In . every polili. ble WfII,y In bt\ViDg the beat poatllblu . • • . The be~ part of' tbe Home.Com. , time, ' ,tall II t·he unlltllmlty with whloh r !_!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!'!!!"'!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!'!!!!'! tbe people ot the town are 'wol'kltlg ISt,omuch' 1'roublos I\nd l;onetlpH.tlon '. '0 makillt ir. IIUCC88!1. Everyone liP , ' ,No one oan' realloDlluly bope for iJeara Intera .. ted and 8'teryone 8eemll l gnod dlgelltlol1 wben , bowels are uu~t"n! tbtit all tblDg!! go off suo· lconstlputed. Mr. Uball. Baldwin, • • J oflEdwllrdsvtl1e, 111., Imy~, "1 suffer. C8t!t1fnJly. froOl chronlo constillution lind - -- ..._ Ht,omaoh t·roublell, for 8ever,.1 ye/lfs, Tbe highest praille that cau be , hut t·banks to ClJntnberltlln's t;tom . .. !loh lind Liver Tablets aln almost liveo WaynellVU!els to ~lIen~l?n th~ (lured" Why not. get II. package 1001 1111 ' of noble men ancl wOmen \of tbelle ttlbleta aud get well nnd IIhe b.", furnlKbed the world, II.nd f"Ia:v well ~ Price 2Ge. For I!I\le by their aOblevementll 8tand 'us II Il18t· F. C, I50b wllrt?, I log monument of .~h8 town '~ worth. , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!:!!!!'!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!~
L C. 011'1'10 ":
p.~ Ip nowll!8 Interellted who would fill tbtl Nom, hllnille thli relic/!
Oil!' la~h a'ring ia out. It is to be hoped that every busl· e .. • nell8 house will olQ11e during tht\ "And bard indeed. mnat II. beart be hours requested by the May Jr, thi8 week. Every bUlilnee8 mll11 OIlD af ' made, ' , ' That foraeta the plaoe where a ford II. few bours respite from work and ·all will be better for It, ohlld hIA8 played. "
Arti8tic Rnd Pra.c tical Horlle-Shoer, and plow Workman.
A new lealle of lift!
- - =
WaynelHIUo' .. L l'''UI1IIC Dourl"t olllcell1 hey.' UUl ldlOr, " . . MaiD ~~< ~ I
Friends Home has " .Many Quests.
R. C. TAYLOR Send Y0!lr sick and crippled
Unneoastlllry Expenl!e. Acute attauks of colio tlnd dltlr'· rhootl oorne o~ without warning and prompt fehef ,?ust- be obtalDed . Tbere ito no necessity of Inonrrlng the expense of a phYllloitl" 'II servioe iD suoh C&I!6S if Uhamberltlin's Colio (;holera aDd IDlarrhoea Rem "dy 181\t hand A dOM of thill rtlmedy will reJieve the JlI~t1t1n t before II. doot.or could arrive, It hall never been known to filii, even In the 1l10S~ se. vere and c1angerou;; Clltlllll lind no fllDllly IIlIould btl wir./I'lllt It, F:or 8t1le b.v F. U. SCh .... llrtz
DR. H.E.
GuaranteH .. , CharK'el moat rea-uaable.
'II (" gnlllr !t'"lle of t,h" (}II ZIIUII I (H I "" "'k will c ontlllu' il filII rellor t III It.. , tI ' ''lIp .CoDlin~ which will g o -- t.II .. 11 .m 1, ~"Iberi\ . Tli l~ S II'>(' i;ll number will btl ~ e p urllTIl II ntl di,t,iuot frolll the regullir t'illti nl\ IIlIlI, 'wlll llo (ully worth th !,rIN', Clontll .
Everybody, old lind young will enjoy tho Homo.CoDlinl'( but it is a , Mn. James Shute "nd her u8il!tftntll htlve tran,formed the large setlson or e&peoitll ploosure to the older rellideots. room tn euoh a ~an'ner th&t one can 888\'1y imagine t bey have ill 80m e Men and womeD who havt\ Dot waf been UBnaported bao~ a hundr'ed yna'8 ' ln~0 our j great grAndfatber8 met for yearl!, some of them not 8ince they lett BOhool, are ojallptng Si~, , hauds IOross the gulf of time. There are a grea' many valuables In the room II.ndjto prevent aool, Eaoh arrival inquires expectantly .for suoh II perMon if they live In datil or'loUee a watohman 18 on du~y nlgllt and dilY. Waynesville, or if at a distance, This ia ~e only place, exoeptlng th" ball games , tu ony way oon .,Is--here yet l', " or, "III he oom· !!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Daed,wlth tbe Bome-Comlng where. fee 18 oharged alld this has been ing," etc.
Bome.Oomlngla the Rella Room In thtl Stoops building.
(. rhl U"ai4'1 l ' Uf .
Will Preac;ribto and . . Operate on Carri8K'es. Bunles, Autumobil8IJ.
,\c,,,, 0 1 tl II I" ,r )!pga ~civt\r . t,IBlillIl'n t nl II... (1':I... lt,,·ij I PC'I" I, H OIIIEl'OU ' ''tr n,lllI l"r wh 'o ' 1' V""~~ ill 1111 th",' \l1. ,(! i ll 11,1,. i. " , it i!l Ii",dl,v , .. \' ', ' ,. u _ .", "W· lU'lIt ,il Iha oolll\ln . but to() oorreot a ,UIHI'II k,' n lIu!,ro'II!1iun thllt hUM Itotten ' atm ,,,c \. ~hiA till oilil editlOu will not h I' """ t free to subij o rlber~ n8 onr III
of IlIll r,' rh lm nn\lnllr.v int eretlt lilt th lll T.\II~(4 , especillfly to
$1.00 a yean - - - - in advance. $1.25 ~t' not ' paid in advance.
. . . . . , .. Wayncllvilll'. Ohio,
MAMl: T. R1WWN AD}cil.nmtT M. Md,A Y
.11.\" 1 ( : . \~E' ''('Po
Ch am-ber1'aln ;- ' C h II eme,
Suld '
FUNERAL DIREClO.R, Telephone Day or Nlgh~. Local No.7. Long Distance No, 69-3r WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch .Offl ce, Harnvsburg, O. Wur Against ConsumptioD, All n.ltions lI.r e flndeavoring to check the ra'vlIges of oon!!JuDiptloTI, the "white 1)lagufl" t.lltlt cJftim" /On mtlny viot·lull! ellch Y·lIr. Foley ',. HontlY IIl1d Tllr curl!!! cungbll alilt cold" Ilnd you are til flU .Iftn.rer IIf clln"Umllf.ldD 1Jf) uo& ..1.. 1r :vnur ht'llith by .tti1mllr II(lm" al. kDtnWn whllD
D·1d' . k. no'w y 'OU CO.U Id b . th "·, "'. uy . , e. Big-hest . g"ra~e 'Qf :·.Gasoline Stove ·of WELCH & DAKIN, HSl'veysburg, 0 .• 'l'h.e Quick Meal 'G ·a soline, stoves have justly earned a .reputation ·that easily Jeads all others, we pleased to h.arv.c 'you calland see them, or call, Pljolle .No. 11 ••. • Har
Ap-I Utt&:rs from
Howard D. Manlnlton :pointed Secretar.y to R. R. Commission
New President of Former Residents. Cemetery Selected. I
P I . ennsy vania
, 1 IIru hl'-ing ·
Ih:tonldye ,nllule bv the o l a f ('''IUmhus l -----~, 8"'1.11::11, IOWA, " At a llpoolRI meeting of the Board to prov'lde sulta n u('comL!!!io---nRE ,, ~~ GOOD~, WayneIYl1Je friend .. of Bon. How. . ,I ULY 30th , 190ft of nlrector~ of Miami Cemetery 1n()(llIt,lonR for th(l l'r"~'(I" that I ~t~~~"rll"r'a.I~!'~I.~, I:',~~"'~~.~u~::·~~:.'" .'" I r ~ ~ ;-4 am D. Manlngt,on will be pleMo(} 'T'hronf(h tbA kindst'lls of my helil 'l'hurHdIlY afternoon Mr EI . will he ottm otoel I n th o ('1I1}iMl <'ity I It! 1\10.1 . Ite~ul'n LI lli" ,\11 < ~ III 11",.1 .&0 lellrn ot..bl8 appoln'ment tl8 Soo- ( U'll! 1n .. 8 h S B I b d th K f F 8 1 too'\: *i. ItHll1l1 lrli . dlrtl . rown. n e mer eever, 0 erry wa e eo during the OUUflilHlIUI of t h ( Oh io C"IIIIII~nc\n~ :-'U II,I')" Jill) I, 1" ' ,01 reur, of 'he newly oreated Btat" pleR!iuru of reoeivlng and perUlllng to the vaoanoy in the boiLrd oou8ed t:!tnte }a'oir, 'npt.AlllhEII· :1, 4 :; ti u lI<l 7 [jln l'~ 11'1 11 "1\ I"aunll " 'rl \l -;"n~.1\ E 'h 1:1 C i 1M! I . d h f h 1 J h' G J cllr't lnu 'l'l c IU.: l , h, ' : i ll ~ U 11 .;,11, X" III ~ 'Railway Oommiulon I&t 1& saltl" ot I,u~ Ollie om ll~ "'" tOll of the by the etlt 0 t e Ilte o. n ra- The Ouiu ~tll tl Ii'.lir t hl .. y ur Ivill ~II . Cuhl u.bll"~:\ 0:' , . , • ~OO MIOUli Ulizetht wbluh J bl1ve en bam 'rtlC Annuls! :o,cl)l'Ih tlrl: t-:",(II " Ion tv · l • ..... a YMr. . ' . flu si\y snrpnl!tI lLUY \lr~ vi. l\IB I"KIlI hl tan tt,' ·ILy. (;111'" MII\ .\n ~Io·."" ,\ valon IU. :aL.nlnKton hu f()r 8eversl Juyed ,80, muoh. n oontAln'ed eO Mr. B. Lev CIlrt,\"right wall eilloterl t,ion In llOlnt of OOnlllletanflKS u,nel I 1I0il y 1,l cnoh. (""'l1 n .1",. ~'" I.. ", "' \\1' 1 \\ i1f\y.'borl . N , .1 . n ·hI\UHl h . 110·1 11 11'1 yea,. been editlntr the ';-y urbana Inuob of.tote ' r e8 r t U U\ e 0 f f.ormer Pre81dent to IUOCaed..... "'.1'. 0 rlLlam . vuriety of exuibits . Not nn In('h M I ncoanl'it)', MIl.. will I.,· r\lll """r" II\' Tim" Oitlzen Ilnd has made the '~I!IlO\l\.tIOD>I.. • Mr . Cartwright haR been II. member SPIl08 r emlllnl! 1lIIR!lsl"no(] in tbe A\I~I .L Illh . ' \llIlI . . W e 11 1 be ~ Furt! frvtu \\' a)nrK\' ll lf' \ll UIl ,,,r thl ' 'llm61 ,,'Utzeo one of 'he be8t papers llyn, lIvl e W"8 a way880 B Soard a nambel of yean and n,m premium depnrtmen t~ \Vhll '"U"" ' rh'. U",,_' .otll~ ,'(,"II .IIII"n. " .•• In tbe tiCul from th.e ,h lll e,a st of Oorwin, has alwaY8 been aotive In the ork the superintendents of the li'uo utook •••. ~"lIlmcllc lng ,13 ' c IIf .111 ,· 1I,· tll'·1\ ~ 11111 Ittu\' lu g i\l1UUl1c l'f I(1,l( l r .. lnt"l lIo l Mr, Ml1ulu\fl.UlI ill on .. at Wl1vnOll ao.greatly oh~ged 8\DOe when my of the Cemetery, depllrtment r eport lin unprecotlont- ~b a ll AugU. l ~:t. IIIUU. vill~'1.1 tormer bltil'-~ntl of whll~ we ellrl.v lite W&,I I llpent there. Mll oh of ed dema.nd for etalls and penH , lib Uti pecial Low Fare are j' proud Iloll if. Will be a It looked quite n&turnl to me. Reunion of the Ilflllurin g n. live stook show In keep. ' -'1"11pl6lllurll for hl8 frlondll hflre to ex. , l'he Bloksite, OrthodOX and 79t h 0, V. I. ing with Ohlo'li hnpor~u.nce u~ a , St. Paul tend their oong'rn tulationslll )JQrllon ~ethodl8t Churohes were there ____ 11eadlllg stock s tate . I .1Illy ~", ~4, .: ' . !<Mn ~""\)tr\1t1 .when he arrlvell for tbe Bome,Cum· ben my howe was there. 1 W 0 The hulldln'll devoted to exhibit· \ Milwaukee ILMIN GTON RIO . ' Ing 'hll wflek. . And was glad to see some of the J'U'L V 1906. lUg WOntlm's hllnduvotk will eR!\i1y A II~U.L 10. II. I ~ '- I~ !l g lc ': rlt u.l ," ' rlp , ploture8' of old 1l0qul\lntllnoe\i of DRAR COMRADE: • be on e of the lencillng foatur II lit I .Minneapolis ~ncernlng , former years. Joel Evan8, .J . Th II I 0 V I A . t'l the coming exhibition , ILn d wi ~h it s . .' U~u. 1 to, II. l ~' (l A . H. e 7 t, l . " RBOOlfi . on . IIl n t cre~te.t A"lt . I r f) ·lUl10n . , elaborate displays of nrtlcletl of Former Residents • K eyll an d ath er~. WIII h 0 ld it '" Tlex t Bnnua · · - -'l'fC kCl .,,,ero-I Willi pleased to Hee the photo of l I n th e 0 peril. B ou~e Ht, hOllsehold oomfort., oonyell if'nce ., , . Older oltlzeD~ will remember Rev. J. F. ClidwlLlIader i both bie and ornamontlltlOn, will be a oenter II d d I.OVELAND. 0810, A UGUBT Ht,h. fit ' t A . D . n-d i'IItrnnel Terry, who tor 11 lou!! tlmll 1111ren~, va wa. a er all a neres t d ur Ing th , e en t,Ire wee k . NO'l'BrNG SU 'CEE D ' LLKIE 1 ' 'l'he fum llroduots building ~E 'So l:; !::l o..",luotflrt I\. I(rll(\ery in tlltl bUilding "lRne FIlIll". hllv!ng been 80hool,' Bring .your hl\versaok14 wnll · f1l1 ed. I,IOW l)()cu,)It!d by 1" U.' Hohwut,z Wl jmflteil of mine In Barveysburg, Bot Ooft'ee will 1)(1 furnl811el1 by , tbe he filled WI".h t.he oholceRt prollnct.s • ln tCl'101'Vlew II .Iru" Mhll'e . ta~~ht by IR8ao Blut·t . oltll'-eOR of l~ov elf1nd . 'ome one, of th e !loil, IInll the collective ,J. E. ,Tanney tells of t.ll A romark . , • , f ono roum in Butchlson & Oilm6V'!l immeDRo dry goods b.v th ~ f P ep RI'kolll T tt bl tD .~ I'ne".~ 0"L nlorO til"" '"lOO,OOO ~"nn~Uy . HI " i It I I t' 1 t I I thmk' first clletrlot IIOhonl oome R11 A"d 1I rf!AAe8 , e Mnyor county oi SIlIllYR hcre exhibitecl, will Il hl "I'nCCeSH 0 ~ I n l!1.UI'I1 l\t. Xelllu ' ,Store <loes ('• br1" ~., _ " I "III\! I t:er , .11 It. rtl 1,"( hW" 1tfliloher waR ThoDlHR Obrian tBullht of Loveland. Gl"neral DOlln and .U.rtlct widespreuu Ilttenti on. relieving indigestion . Aft r sellin g , \ ~..·tI It::o II~ . MIt I', fin Inr 1111 , ' Llentenlint General Corbin lind oth . uJl klnl!!; of r em,edlflR fOr ilyt'pel)Rill II (\, 00( ', 1I1 h.. IIO, ,1 E liIen" ~lied ut hill bome a or 4 mtle~ 800th ,of Waynesville. Interest In the other dep:lrtmeilt.s ILnel \Ddlgestlon wo Olin tru t bfully ' In tiprlo"f1ellt, ,Iniy 17. Bud my hlst teaoher WRS David erN, of the' Fair Is liS kee'n 88 in the on(ls SIIY tllHt we Dover kne w nn.v thing '. YC :, 101' I Burson . , Cbarles A Barris, Seorettll'Y· heru enumerated, a nd ever y CIRS!! to jitl ve such univerl'ml 8Iltisfllction Melvllle Bllye" Aotln n Pres liS Popsikoll1 'l'ablet'!I. 'rhey not on., ~ Noted Minister to Ap[regret very muoh.thllt 1 cannot , ,, . wl\l be fined with oholce exhibits Iy aid dl~e8tl01l but they u t. II H n .~ ~ n~l', be 'here Ilt the Bothe Doming repreSllntativo of \t;s pHr:tlclllar de- grand n orve tonic II woll . l\:t:any ~ pear at Friends Church I . The Enu uf the World . \pllrtruent,. Wuyne ville people who 1111 "e not X~nl·a, ' ,' [ eXl)(j()t.there will be some of my of troubl. ~ that robbed E. H . Wolfe I enjo.vt!1l H I,;()od mool for yellrs , now J( bn Hen lJo I M O t :I Old friend. of 100R ago times who of Boor Grovo Ia of IlII uBeflllnes@EntrH'l\lnl\l1dflpnrtm ent!llx 'eptBuythot lifter using one Or two I ry ng RM • . Il no · remuruber came w'b en he'i>f'g'un trtklD~ EI otrlc llItlo~ine r:v , pOllit.ively oloRe . Aug lll.t oent boxes of these little tn blets , I'd ' vreaublir Bud eVlmgeljllt, from . BlttjlrH, Be wrltflH: "Two yellrs 'llgo 26, Il~ 11 p. m., IUld pnrties wlshlDg they fool itS If tbAY co o1c1 ellt II I~--"!!!!~~-~--~~~~~-~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ t>&lIIldeIUI, CaUfornia will prelll'h ror ' nachel A. Smitb Sivitor. Kidney trouble caused mo j!reRt to exblbit should ~.end · at onoe t o horse Ilnd dlgost It too. r£: - - -1.11 .. Orthodox I'rhllJdi In the n<d R '1 oad R t suft'erlng, which I would never bo,'e the Secretary for premium lillt Ilnd Mr . Jllnney htlll been r ecolU Bncliog ' ~ . al r ' a es. survived had [ not takl'n Eleot,rlo ] brlult oburcb here 1:1-12-11106 III 10 3u BUterA. They IIlso oured me of Gen e~try bllLnkB . No c\narges I\fO mnde this grllnd dyspep8iu remee for ' to m. Utber vlsltlnl wlnillters Bnd ,erll.l Debility." Btire OUJe for .. 11 for entrieR, elCcl'pt iln the live stock nenrl y two .yeltrS now , lIod from :\, 1 In rel1pon8e to nUloerous requests Stomaoh, Liver IIno Kidnt>y ot'm- depa, rt.ment. while the pr mium , S Il l1ot,ul\l ex perlenoe knows there i no Frteodll are lovh«1 1.0 attend the ~ervl~ OIlXt Flnt day, both morn !rauroad rates for the Home-Coruing pl,a iots, Blood diseIl8e8. Betll\lloht' . oft'ered in t.he varlouR 0llll'II08 Rre otber remedy flO sure t o relieve sour lUte and tlvuolntc. artl .~aln pobllsbed, . DizzIIle8(l and Wl'flkne8" or bollly most IIber .. 1 8toUl(loll, bad tillite in the m ou th, . rrlend OoUj(lltllldllo expeot.a tQ at Tlokets may. be bought Augu8t oeollne. Price 600 UuardntoeCl by . ' , I coa.ted tongue, plllpitllt lou, sleepleH~Rt;tlpl Iwd FIII~(}Y Uroooriee, Fruits tell.i MI"mi ~Illlrterly MCletlug of 4th Bnd are good for ten dllYIi. F. C Schwartz'8 drull 8tortl. In Belf Dafense. n08~, wind belchlnt\' and other !,lis~'rlt,ochl at Uaellarll '-''reek npX' ~v . MaJor Bamm, OOI,tor and manag_tres8lng symptom8 of indigestion. " lgetllbleH nnrl Canned GOOds. " alb day, 8&h month •. 11th Clears up the Coml)lexlon. Worth Knowtnlt er of t,he ConlltitOltlona1ist., Emln- And Peps!koln Tilblet8 most oure It ence Ko. When he Willi fiercel:v at- you or there Is n othing to pny, 'Igllrs lind TobllCCO, Bright eye", a ruddy ~low, and A you hne any kind of IIOlilp t.f\ok~d, f;,ur yenrl< II irQ , by Pile!', They will renew your energy sten, 1'ue ft7th Allnlllll F"lr 8howinlt oomplexlon tree from plmpletJ. lIal . 'ronble, skin hornor, eczelnll, uloer, b(lO a ht. no box of Bnoklen 'lI ArniOl' Cly your nerves, regultlte thft uotion wonnd. pilell, out or old ruonlnll .. f i t .1 '.... 11" • . Ol1l1t'~'''IlI IV"n(lflmnllt I n the Iownell8 ,md moth IIpotl' may be hltlt ufe rAmember that we RUilrantp.e SalvI', of whioh hI' say,, : "It cnrfd o. your bellrt. m.p rqve your appeAlJrloullUf"1 Ilnlt hll\ll~rrllll Held h;V every wo.m11n who will nile u's- Dermakola ointment to rellevo YOIl me III tp.n ClIlYs Rnd 'n o trouble since. tlte. !Jut new life In your eto.mlloh . Phone 79. M. BROWN, Proprietor_ ~vUl he ht!hl Allgnlit 1 8 , 9 aOfl 10 Itt ako)'I. tllhletll, a ptlllitiyfl. oure tor or we will pny your 26 cents baok Quloke~t. bealer flf BurDI' Bore8 and will d o more to toue 'u!J lind X I ' "bronlO cf)natlp!ltlon. trlll.l 8i1,e fj .r E Jllnney VutR and Woond". ~~60 lit, F .' C, ~b' improve your general . hOlllth thnu - "'1 a, oent4' J E JIIDuey wnrtz'8 drug store. anything ;you ever heard of • _ _ __ _ _~_~_~_ _ _.~_~~~_~_~~___ a ~-- ... ,.
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Will be issued as soon after the
Home~Coming · as is
The Edition will begotten out in MAGAZINE fORM and will SUBPASS anything of the kind ever undertaken in Warren County . ReRders' of tire Gazette .will j·ecllll the. Special Home-Coming nUmb(.lf of the Gazette issucd las~ Doc,c'm ber and we intt'nd ' tn do, when! we say that ,ve expect this proposed number to ff.Lr S URP ASS our previous e[ol't.
WHAT THIS First. of' a.1l' A c().~'plete report of eY{~ryt~ing ,that goes 'Q nat the Home-90min~, " .Tbis-w'i ll bp, written llnd · presented in entt>rtaii)ing an{l ~ttl"l,tCtive form and :w ill be', i~lu8trated by'. 's cores of spl'endid ' 'half ' 1.on~s showing some,' of the handsome ftoa.t& that wUl app.e arin the Parade. group pict~res,. photos of persons prominent at the'Bome-C(,ming" ~tc. addftlOn . to ~n this,will ·be writeuP~. of Wu.ypesviUe. and vicinity, History, and ' entertaining 'f acts 'connected with
., ' . In
cmi gam some idea of w.~jtt
the early life of Wayne township. Everything ~n fact that pertaiIls to W aynesvi lIe and Wayne, township and that will stimulatc the progress of ' the (lomm unity. .All, illustrated by many pictureH, all pi'inted on fine paper in attractive form. OInething everyone inany.·~ay interested in Waynes. ville should have. Because of the.e~)lense attached c@ an undertaking of this' kiIld we cannot afford to print any more ,c opie:s.than we are rea~on7 ably certain to selL ', . .
'rrhel'efOl'C all who want
Place Orders··for. this EDITION NOW,
'. This 'spe'c ial n'u rn bel' will be se p~tJ,r.ate and distinct from our ,· lar edition .and · , N. 'O 'FREE · COPIES WILL, BE ISSUIJD -
er-weu, II re tI lb.. IIllItu"",Thore wa~ a Rllen UllQ8e sllenetll uaed to be poigna nt, hut now they oD!1 U Too Bleb They Boa:t t~e Fat-Bow 8et-med I!m pl,Y). and tboo 1 Cell a bud to Make lind Pry Prop. on my arm. II1'ly. (H. PiDal Entry) • I lurned. lind tbore was I he old ('Old look. bQhlud wblch bUl'lll bla7.lng Ilrea, Whl'n cll)ughn IIts l unl out roUgh "1-1 tlon'l kno w It I love you tolind clulllsy. lit 'y a perhaps made ., ClIIrtI DE s. WENTWORnf-JAES nI ght, or It I IIctually ever dill love too rll'h lit too 110ft. Or bol h. Dough. "1111' iJut - bllt wh llle ,' ur 1\ w. ,II Iw nut s Buul rat, It made loo rich. Horo ~ tl1l' Delln! l'\'e 101 II 10 bum It fl" t , Is .ID)' I'ocl(,o: but th e fires SO' on Jl I(e the ilres of belli 'To on c up sligar IIdtl tlVO eggs tabie: Doiln. look I,It OIc' -1I1(0 you used 10 B b Finds It Too Eaey Being lie Bergu'n t 11658 fri ction BlIld, fewer CllSe& ou tile th reo.qtn.rlers 1111 milk . .on 1 am tblrty to·dny (301 XXX! I). nnd I . It: .. 8110un Il u·lled butte,', ollo,balf (scant) 'Begs to lie " Ray-Doouea to tho dOI'ket lllan ev,~r betore. Dnd .OQlf·6 IJlr(hdf\Y PI' ent (the fourl!! I til m OI l nnd f"ceil blm. j'l'ow "aJ .bl!'B our marrillgel) I~ lying QU tho N.·-rllllka." That WDII wby l"ollcilmnn Fly-nn WAe t II Iloun ~aJl. th o 8u.m " at lunamoll. lily IUll tllcnt-l1ly test! 8 ono finully mlldo' " l~erG'onnl. He bad talth- nnd n IIllio gratetl n:ltmeg. writing robl lu the lIuDllhlne. " U ('lIn-" (C"I>y" I~ht. by the, ntury ('0, flllly parforme<J hI" . duty tor mnny h IItlllll; wnspol1ll bil kin g powd r. and -I'hlr' een l'ear8.· he "'1\' 0 me 11 . • " D' HIs h ll u ("- w e re on my bal1ds, bls ( oJlyrt!;llI. Ii-";. II), J O'~ l'h U. Bu, I••. ) ~. II I'S III mlt llY purts of lbo clly. and fl OIII ' lw nglt lu III 111,0 duugh ' 8Lla "eart- o Hule 8lu~nl M' l II I) II · unrue " Y ~,"1 ynn IS~ "II " gold thlng- nnd \')"'" were "I ijl! tp mIne; t hen. with 1\ ' I t I) < ' elIl~n ... the IlIlIrks ngalns t him wero fe w uad e lloll ~h lo he Ita'b d l d. ,to-d;.lJ' be glv08 111 y t un\JUter! RWIrl muve mellt tb t su j'prlserl myself, Patrulmu ll 1,'lruu Iii due eulll'oly to BOU t g gH. nll O SIlI{D'I'. Ihe u h ull er, 'l IIUS If. 0 t IIO I'S art) Plll'ru lm ' u b e- (fi r IJ tweeo. 11 hltd bee II a crosijlus , lint IhlR oue I set ""llh dla lllllnds. I rOIlc:h eu Ih o Ilool'! 1110/1' l'el1 ~o l1lng. lit ' n 111.1lit ; Ihen s lrt p IIco lltllu. bo bad "trllvQl nd bea t" In IHlUondti t bat shiue w,lIh emblom Ul tlrll1 , II b ' u 11 'fll\' lI uprome I Q~ 1 W(\s IIOt "'n n t·~ d- ,UUS'! HlY callu ot a sergeu n ... 0 1' ",U· n l'~s ld Iwe lie ·tlon o( th city. be bad III UOUI' ~about a IlI nt). Intu whIch r ou ftl' 6 or .l1.lIwlo s purity. >. •, n:l n LlI ur "a l' 1UInll; F' I)lun III u O' r" 0 t'l, hacl h II! u rI' O I.cstlld 1n a really jough hal'a put salt nn d b ttk ln ~ powd ol·. Iho tOllch ot bl8 i'l p ne u n ot bn! It Is 'WonderfUlly sw t tbat my I kn ewl JboJ<,(\. li t) Is probably th e ou ly lll tlD i1lsL rl ~l. and wh el'e ver lrled he bnd ;\101\' ea t IIn1l1 S i ll oth nnd flll ·. add· 1l1rlhd:ty t;"1(t s bllll s tili be n bonrt- nt " lh' r .. h h I b "I 'm g~ld YOU Ilko It hc picture. Mr. J U oor II W a , IIg ceo pru- !Jeen found Qual to all cmeq;el\cles. lug a I\W OIoro fI 0 11 I' If n CIlGBnry. thirty! . Dl1ll1 moro," I saltl. c.rosSlu" the Ho rrl- ollll ~t1 . h'l ~ lP,nde n spllclal lInd .u'nust a ut It W:IS all 1\ '''l'enderloln bont" that ,'al(o ollt upon a boanl ttbOlll 11 thlret .. wln ~ roo Ill. ~l IO ...)(l " l'aY-Qoo ~e d to t b' r-ra ll I,~, " l"iv l' 3rs alio I renred the Il,lllT(lr. or IJI douS-h at a lim • putti ng tho r lUl U re.'uterlllg t be dra, y eu d but to-d 'r I s it be turo IL bl'lwoly, and h hi It j 1 hi b I he bail been fllllst su ccesllful. El\'e ry ' mse pul t. n t 9 a s 11I1'gO clly b us It II " 'f endorloln .betll.s,'·' scraps huck nnd stlrrln.g In to thll ·' Mr. ~lI lre- oye ll. I do n 't Lbllll< you'll 1.S e 'W1'' bn. u t 1\ PIlIIt. "M int e .. t J I ' o. h dou glt onll h tim . Un\,I' 110 fI ltr on v nlld th at mv poor por t ra it blls S cured ~ u., I . uU n q:lIlIl ot Icr reypa ... 'fills mornlug Dolt wok e Jne ,vlLh a n CO II\' rI . ·~tr. Dul ll lllorcwli l tell you .S ty i1IClil of a eri aln cla,ss 'oe 11011<'e- ontl Lh ~ y ar tbe ones that cllII to r tb!!, lh e onts lde of t he clllIOS ",'he n Pllt (\xorcls at t lte most ta ct aDd ju(lg-me nt. ~I "Walle . wha t h tll lll li& ot It . . . , Aimee. do allln ot whom Ute inhabitants of II. ~lty o n th e part of tile night IlRlrolmtlll., In to tnt. 'I'h 080 will not so k rnt (If "II. my bIrthday wICo." he Sin g OI nt deliciO US little Iblng '1011 'CII" Iittl H e IIi retl\)u rc f u I lin d Ilonfrl d I'rop rl),). nnll will IICllJl theIr .,. ~. To thi s be ret\ll'Ded after a brlot expe-. 'WhIS1)ered. StuD/ling t nll, bronzed and t It b e. I I b bl ~:I n " at t ho Pulme rs to lls' \110 ether '1' ; e were not t s pro a (! 1D0ro fl~ n c:e a~ II sOIl'gean! nnd a (ow en; ' sballe-s l\louLh oi,t.sld e nlld at I1l1 e. tweed-clf\d hy th e bedslde, '" \\ Il Id b h d f I I b closo ll'xtlU' lns ld. lind not tough. For 0 III menl l ~'O \ll d not quit rea- nlgh l- nll abou l ol ~eu l1 x nnd prlntemps, . u Q cur 0 b m u I 0 nows- 'o lllliers with IJoIIll Inns. sa ys n \\'I'lte r In FIlr m and Home. • v_ 0 11 rmn emb r ! So l\ "ht lI lId lo\,ely It )apers lind the pollee reporl.S. A (ow ~ll s promoUo'n WIIK \l eltl to . ho d -. II .lbe t hin ... . bllt til n suddenly I remellila!'I!), fnl by boiling fL raw potato ,,- blrlll day tbls was. It na il ed It 1\ sOllme sQn"!" ras II y men a u II. ,POlice torce CUll do ser ved. u nd tllllre WII S not n TOlin who bored which ' W II~" .. , ~ nd Willi th e 0 last wo rds· [ , actually l world of harm to th e rO[luUstlon of "Dolt. Dolf !" I m urmurcd. wi th my " knew him who was not ploased When In It. J al WIlY ~ cleau \h bla ~ k. . s cl i. nt frOll1 the buttom or fat botore t are burLed In b ls no k lUlat d~nr moved t owa rds my hus ba nd. and la id '.he wholl, body. und It they nUlllu Ul e UI1UOULlCUDl'l nt, was mnd e. But m us In g. b ru wn bI betwee n Itls nea rly cur IIng IU ~' hand fO,r eno pass ing lostant en \Igh ru.u'k: tbey can dethomll ze II. good TI'y It by tlro pplng ' 0110 ot tlle lIitle ,.b alr Ilnd ollnr). " 1- 1 am thIrty to- his an)!. part of IL Integrity Is 80 Im pOrta nt cenl ra Ill. It It rl as IIlm ost In stll ll' ~(\.y!" , Ills eyes Il ght ell- 1 s o rarely aver tbose to .whom Is Intrust e,1 tbe enlon ous ly. It 15 hot enough, To fill ",.hlrty? And we were marrl ell 1us t look \O~a rdS him In publlc-1nd, .,orcemenl ot lb law tltllt the re Is 8 Lh Imllle wli II lIlI coolu,'tt culles all at -altor :V olI wore Iwenty.B \'e ! Well . th nnl! glll nr lng at Geo rge for the Orst Li mo. [ l atUl'Il1 tondency .to mngnlty ,tbo C\ ' [1 5 once. und tulle out all at onc . chills O Qd. only rour yearS o f our Ilfe to· roallzed how strongly n iIIapole n lc !h at aro I soen to e x[st. nn Ll l ho tlept.t rl· t he fat too mucb. Then [t get8 ton <T1l\b r have "'one by so flU. s weet- profile could suggest cbeap grease· ~lent 5 gllugo(1 by the worst ..oth er hot lat or. ~Ionage to have tb koLtlo ., " :ban the beat tilat- Is to be round In iJe!l rl! " ,t. The me n of Lb e rnnlt nnd 111 0, ILS full, bill only two Ot· t hl'Poe donb at 1\ Oolr nll\'er mentions th o old loveIi rul e, nrc U\lt htlli. earnest nnd realime. nlt<l two 0 1' three uncooked on08 lona bly clever. So. If Poll 'CDllIn Da rlItor y, ot whl oh llc knows nothing ndded lit n time. (not (we n a uame, nor ..n Inciden t) exlIey J"lynn do 8 not seem to yOU typo ce~t that I w/ls-jUto«l But somelun l, you ' lnllY re st IIlIs ur 'd It Is b _ FOR A COMPANY DINNER_ m use you Know little of the poli ce t Imes when 1 look up l!uMenly and see 111Meyes lIx d wistfully upI'n my facIl, ~ epn rllu enl8 Qf the great Cities. It Is J ellled Chicken Very Nice to Serve at Ihe SPl'Ctacula r thnt geta 10 the Jl OIeI that be Is muteli' rurlting It his Sunday Dlnn4W-llcclpe fol' a ylval atlll JIVes In a sncred pl<icO called tl gbt of publicity. a nd fallbtulness . Su mmer ·Drlnk. MemorY·land. oers ve'Klnce und hones ty aro n Ol otten ' 1 wish I could onswer 1I1q:l. hut 1 • ~peclaculnr, so we hell I' more o r t11 ln gs J elll d chlcllen IE H lt ,f nice tor a ~."lllpot-qulte ! 1 think 1 ,know , but ·1t we admire Icss; allll, hear[nll more of Company ten or Sundny Lllnner, Dress, ts so dilOgerolls to be sure! (hem, we gnl n Lbe Idea thnt th ey a re CIOR Il ll lld cut up n fo,lr 'llound ~ he predominating teatures of modern A womnn's lIoa rt Is S1\tlh an InCleftJ' u t It III a l(cW e with a s llcod onIon. n ile tb lng: she can never be eTtal n ,ICe. a stnll( of eel ry, a u<1 two or three or It as lon g ns the eluslvenclIs or reTrue, P.lllceman F lynn mny be more Slices Of l carrot. CO"er with boiling resource(ul tbn n some Of Ills brother Itlcl)J br nnce alono separates tbe pnst water. n nd cool{ until the m eat falls I'rom tbe Jlrcsent. . rs, and he may' hn vo more of from tlte boll s . Wit n halt cooked To,nlght we are giving' a little "dou· Rllrd-b eaded commp n 8 DlIe , but he Is add a tablespoon ot ~ olt. Removo tbe l ac dlnuer." oocauso DoU wllt never 10 mOre conscientious tb\ln the gront cblolw ll wh n cooll d. on d fre e from mY birthday to go by without majority of th ro. Like them b e bas ' I 'm missing thlm little pa·uper s ldn ond bo ncs. R educe the stoc k to .11 $Om!) celebrnt;{on . . (To me it seems Jl llUY ruults . not Ibe leu'a t ot whl cb Is se&-g'ar j ud es." tbree-fourths of R CUP. sonso u it If _uclt chll'I.l8h Idea! Why fete pea· 1 ueslro to have as eaay nnd comfo rt- Sergea at F lyUll shook his hend doubt- n eeded. strnln, Rnd s lelm 01J the Cat. pl.e l)eCDUSe of eventll over whlcb they .ble It lICo as p0811ible, bu t he acts ai- fll\ ly. "ergennt Flynnl" be r epc:ltell' De orate the bottom Ilf a bultered bad' 'n COntrol f But tb en. deB r big waYA nccord,lns to his bes t jtldgmcnt. to hlrustJir. "LI \.on to that. now! mold with slices o( hard·bolled oggs, bronv.ed men arB al Ways childish! ) md h o df)fonds his ucts with. rIIr 'Tls not th· same 01 ' Burney ot all; but pack In the chick n meat. nIcely soab:rlcn and Oscar al'e (Erlca's ~h110 ophy whoa ,hoy are a8Sa,lell. th ' good woman says 'Us right, an' I 'JI son ed. pOur on the Stocll. cover. and Jlegltlnln!; to lo...~ !Jlnnersl), ALmee ';'or Install e. It might be cha rged mnko a 1)ln·ay a t [L" He did, for one Illace tb e ! old ' under n hea\'y welgbt. Bcllebyand- Oh! a telegram! Pnr.galnst him t baL he has lnllde tewer Whole weck. Then h e asked to be r e- l{ eep In II. cool place unlll firm. It 'don, one moment, my Blrlhday ]jlary. 1 'l'URNE D AND I"ACED ruM. lrrests than a ny otber m an of his duced to tbe ranks again. " 'Tis not the woat.ber Is warm It Is beUer to - • , ] paint, SPl!rlou!i scarfplns ond No. 2 angth of sen'l c. nnd thi s would curry to me IIkln'," h e explained. ,ii'm not edd ono·halt n tablespoonful ot gran. '()lIJY from eay ng tha~ ~8 D'l.vld Companl ea ! . , _ weIght In quarte rs wh ere a policotnnn 's Olo-ade to be betther tbln annywan u lated gelntlne to the B\oel(. on , Is up · at lhe e1ub wIth a At last It was over. tbey had a ll. gone Isetulnes8 Is judged solelY' by th e elae. I can't sthand f'r tho say-Iutln' A deligbtful summer drink, ' BaYI Ine4 ankle, be wtll brIng ano~cr nnd the room was frce from dead ll- Jllmber at priso ners b e brings In. an ' thO tUmlla/lllnlu' an' a ll thnt. 1 tho. Farmer's Voice, Is called gingerIII hlg place.. luslons nnd revised epigrams. tlut there liro men of experI ence who bave no trl 'uds anny moro. Ivery' ade. 111011 togetber one quart ot waW ~e ~ ' · gl I do dislike ."·~ n,"A"" " s ugllr; add one· • ,uu Dolf WllS bending ove~ tbe sofa will Ins ist that this Is not a true gauge mnn I like h ilS 1:0 treat me with ray • ter and one cup at ,.. ·'naar' · "'lynn Is. one. snl et, an ' 'Us no sn"ort f'r me. WbJn foutth ounce ot white gi nger root ~, stroking tbe cat (a dear, hungry. val- )f merit . nnd POliceman " v - IS atl r~ - 'h d lb e '-.' broken In . small pieces. ond let ~~ YIl r m In, man ..., ~ ~ ueleea thIn g be hod , r escued 'In the >1 them. Ho does not like to make ar· I. sayll, ·Rullo. PMsy. 01' bye!' to wan ,. A[ bl e. Or ellle .- D a If wou Id n 't h r Ing Square Gardens), when r ma(le up my /c..:ts; be does not deem 'It necessary Iv the men, un ' a m lookLn' f'r au u - boll ~O minutes longor. RE!move from ... b: dme, ' an'd I expect, e\,eryone elso mind to lell blm what th ere was to ,n Instnnces where others do. swer In k.lnd. he u p an' sny-f\ltes m~ fire nod add one cupful ot. orange "'Tis, a nuisance ." he says. "to be all' says: 'Oood ,ivenln· •. sergean t ·. I juloe lind tho juice ot 'one l.,mon. . W:lS engaged. Another lIlterm p Uon I toll. U BI I' lb Th d ressma k' er th lII tlme. ,.,y " Dolt." [ ,s aid. tak ing one at hIs big Jb~aggill' ye-er man to tho sta ll on un' be~ to ray·\l<IlOl'l thnt I jist chased Strain and cool. S erve wIth pow,.. ay DI ar-y, 1 " III re t u rn to you .JB Ier. gettln' Inlo coolt tb' t wo guzaboll d01ltln tb" alley.' Olt. ' Ua d r dice. Oherry juice may be used ... bllllds In both my own. "H-huve you .bln be afther ' " - ,eve r wondered abo ut •the man Who Jox' day to prosy-cute 111m. Sind blm no job f'r rna. :1 nlv r WllS ma de t'r In place of orllnge juice It pre ferred. · ~. , '. 11 : 30 n. m. - - - --:-.. jilted me so long ago-wondered 11- lome whln yIe can; tbat'li me wa- ay Iv a BOO-peer·yer mon, lllver ot a ll. Put \ "Tbe BlrthdllY dinner Is over. .. 'T s ensy done It be h,nve me back on me 01' job w,bere 1 ca u CAS~ OF RULING PASSION. ~~:~~'!I!e~J!g~o~ne, and i am tnl~~::.t-iLI...E'1'.er,.j:btIl.k-Gl!..b.lm'?!.!.-----:--i-:!Il:;0;;II;;;e:;y;":l~n;-bI8 pocket to poy f'r th' cab." have me trl'nds Itgaln.'· I've wondered; '~d 88 Pollceman FI ,.... n for many ' "Well, Is that your only comnlalnt, course. HOlpl·ta! N1ll'IIe8 Finally Found ,Out . nl gbt breezes stealing b "Of l . da rling, I It t ~ .. \}'",'nnAn ' window of iny bou11, ' liS you ve g ve n JOUI'llB 0 me years bad & nl gbt beat In a dls trl ot Flynn'" ' Why the Pretti Girl Had', to ~l'01llgtJ lace and 'roses on my l 've no right to bother you . about your frequented by the g lided youth ll nd. · " M-m-m. wei l,." replled Sergeant Have Blue Ribbon. memories. my Dellll. I kno'f th-that F lynn, drawing bls b lind thoughtfully b(8Ut. 1\ woman ClIn't ever quite get overacros- bls mouttl and cbln, "[ don't She WItS the prettle\lt pntient thnt How strange. b ow 106nltely IItrange l h ! E bo k tel l I" h " ose d very mind teliln' yeo private an' co nflden- they had hnd at the PolycllnlOc In II U Ia (0 thInk tbat less than 12 bou1'8 I ' a II s you d h so I e , uuswcre . a most weal' y a n ope e~stlal, that I'm m lssln' tblm little nn _ aco t W88 Wondering. and nOW-I I (l'd h d b I hi .... long time. And sbe ,knew It. too. Her .... 0-.1 . y. never eor t at Dote n .., a aper see-gar jude.a, tbat·s been maltln' kimono wns an exqualte creation ot Its -...I ~want to wrIte It all down, In case voice ')bcfo1'e. He'd hidden all these so muc h trouble f,'r me, an' th' fellies ki nd. A1lIJth Uclsm 688med to rise up tbat dQn't want to go ' bome. an' all In r evolt agll[nst 0 .emel operation 'I fr>rget· nny thln" of . this w,o nderful years. b k I tb' rlst Iv th' TI~nderllne gll~abos, 1 upon sueb a da rling daughter of Eve. .. "Then every 00 8 wrong ; a wo' peace. glvl ng evenln~; I want to a I- mun enn get over memorIes when dOD't seem to get used to bel n' wltb- But so fate hlld decreed. . "8111 remember. BO. tbat there cao reull tles come to h!llp her !" l cried, out t hroubles Iv some kind. 'Tis too "Get me 0 yard of ribbon- blu e ribUllhr be any doubt .'agaln. (. wltb triumph. " If Da vid Hex on bad eaey beln' a sergea nt"an' I don't sblee .,n bon-an Incb wide the n ext time you . tra' n' was late, 80 I did not see I d hi k i l l bt ' .... not spra 11e 5 an e mg no ver nlghta t'r tblnkllB ~ Iv dbrawlng m~ go to tbll department store." she said .,." 111m' untU W" ,were all sIttIng In 'rne quIte ho\'e knownl" . pO:-ay without w'or-rkln' f'r It. All' to the dny nurse. Tb.e, day nU\'lle lordrawIng "T'OOm~ ,,!Uttng for ' t he cblmes " Hexton? What d'you mean?" tIllll, I)echune OUlnll1ves, 'UI not me got it. to lIound. . " [ mean th nt ·your club ' f~lend, na~. to be wa~tcb.ID· tho b'ys an' "PlelUll! get me a yard of A IIce-bluB " la, - be liatd, comIng to my side George Dullimore, wa s the man ' who IIlndlll' thlm to th' tbrl~ board . f'r ribbon an Inoh wide." sbe pleaded wltb IUI d 'laylng' bls band on my sboulder In nea rly kmed my beart nIne years sgo, derry-lIckshun Iv juty. Whln I lee the nl~bt nurse, and tbe night nurse WR,. tbat alwaya makes me feel 80rry and I mee n tha~ to-d ay has ab80l u!ely ~U Iv thlm tallla' a little nip on th. forgot It. Tben her temperature 1br lonely women; "Della, let me In- elJuccd yc~terday-wlped It out a8 It 1IIl1y, It ma"akea [De wlsb . l · w~ bor-rll, till ribbon a~rlved, ~uce Dulllmore-great Irlend of It hod never been! Wben ( sa", blind-it does 110.''' Wben, on the dreaded day, sbe Will lie Bensted'., and a scratch """U- G r"o to nl ~bt I felt on feel ""u Deo " - " as e 8 on "How would you like to be tile may- lifted to the operating table It was dIs1D&Jl. Dulllmore, my wlte!" . reopening a merlt!ess \lygone book or'. prh,te pollcelllan1" aeked , the covered tbat she wore wblte' sllk stoell.And \.bui, after elgbt yeara,l touch ed (w hi ch had provod entra.nclng) after eblef. . Ings with dolnty blUe bow-knot!! tie d u.e \land wblciJ bad hrulsed ,aU th e one's II tcrary tasle hos heco me more "Obo~ ' Prlvlt pc'~lIsmaD to bl!l 'nlbs!" to tbe garten. The secret ot tbe AliCe'Jputll ~ut or' my· heart! • . rna lilred! • . . You need never ognln exclaimed "Sergeant Flynn, "'T w'u'd blue ribbon wns re:veal ed. ·"Tbe rullns be a ' tine job. Wbat'l thO char.acter passion strong in death." grun ted tbe • ,,' "Alr: Dulj'l more IlIld I bave met be- ask me th a t s Ucnt Question whl el1 I tom," ,I sold" finding It strangely el1sy h ave seen sh ining trom your eyes. my IT til' wor-rk'" surgeon-but tbe rBweet thln'g, she , to h6 cordial, and to speak wlthoat a husband . }o'or all time I a us wer It n ow. , , "Ol!, 011 •g . be ' I IOrt of doorJ<\lBPBr, dldn' t die after all'rllbe wna saved to li'emor In my ·volce. . athnldS!~?luntnrlly,-I ane w~r It. dear, Uk' . " I'U not .go bOJ;lle . .... lind bave the wk' of keePing' the apo' fyhlon a~d to ftIlery~ Tbe' 8tocklnlPl ~rge bOwed I~w over my hand, and f came off an.d the ribbon went Into tbe And I k.lssed Dolt·s big brown hond! l0thers who celebrote, "not wisely bllt pllcanU! for omce ud Cor ~IIUcal and , carnage trougb betore tbe opera \IQn [ couldn't 'help notlelng his head. I l .... . .d so .adored Ita slee kness; buL nowAnd · now. my BI~tllday Diary. sholl loo welt." his opinion bas wolgbt, i othe~ favors of all BOrts In order wh!11 bowever. ' . It wun-t ,",uy, of coufe,l rt we say good-by to each other ? "I'U not go bOllle ." ' once retorted a I they re w.Bltlng to see hIm. If YO~ re. aut be tl)11 t- 1 had got '80 U1II!d to Your (ew leaves (whIch were 80 young man wbo bad received good adej looklDg for BOmet~!lDg to do, "thl!ree' ,~ ..•. Egga . a Jrundrecl Yean Old. IbQJf'S' snslltent tendency towards sup- while ond virgin just ia yenrs ago) vice trpm blm. job that .11'111 keep you buey. . ~ '., . In felling a large tree som~ days ago ffl8Iled curls and avoidance of gela- are a ll co vered with tbe blotted confes"Ye' U not ?" returned Policeman' "M-m, m, well," returnl)d Sergeant III Clrencester~ GlouceatersbJre, 'a blrd's tlne'l . . . slons of a woman's heart, and I ha ve Flyim. In 0 tone of mild ostonlshment. Flynn. SlOWly,." 't Is a Ibtep In th' neat containing four egga WB8 dlscovFive mUiutes ' later "e were buey 110 fancy to commence another volume. "No. I won't; and I'd like to know rlgbt dlrectlon.' But be left. tile chief'. e~ed ' IDclosed i.n a .hollow n ql\r the , ~th l;\or8 d'olluvres uct 'rsmarks tbat What sho'u ld I have to say In It? Pleas. whut you're going to do about It. You omce selemnly sbaklng ,his bead. ' . heart of the trullk. The sap ' rlnge · Udn't matter, while George (WhO sat God-Nothing! can run me In If you want to." 'TI~ aU right f'r thlm tbat Ukea It" sll;o.w el\ tbat nearly ,a centory; If&!! &t my left, aM I probed tbe past wIth . 1 bave no more con188slons ' to make "R-run ye In!" repeated Fly~n. ho explained aftet-",ard; "but th' chop.. elapsed alnce the IIgp were laId, and It - tbe pen Is drylng-Dolf Is c.allln)1;- 'Obo! D'ye tblnk r'm look In' t'r a houses Is all Oil me 01' TI~derlfne WU obvl,o us tbat tbe bollow baclcJ08ed , lon" almosl dIssecting look. i t lut, after we had waded through tbe clock strIkes 12-anotber blrtllda, chanst to ·~ake tbrouble t'r melllf r beat." ,. .' automatically. The .eggs we.r e . .l'll do nawtbln' Iv tb' kind." D;;:;;-~;;' . ,~.. 'but slightly fAded.-Lolldon Dally UlIleceseary 'lInd unwant4!d courses, 1 year ' begtnl.Dared Lady Stormont'8 eye, and w. GoOd-bY-s-oOd-bYI "Tbe~ what ",:UI YOU do?" .demanded In 1905 " beart dll s~as'e" was'tllem-' ,Mall., ' bi lhe obatr!\peroue YOl1tb. deftantly. UD~ ftII!6 frqm .the ta e. ,. . . . ''I'll jump on ye/' resnnnded PolI~ frequent cause of deatb among pb,...- " • ~ 11-.-... . O'---mon' -.:. ... e. _. ( Until' 'tbM in " stant I bad forgotten Cla:lm Lepere Are Cured. .,v ~~ I Ith 203 • "'!If" ,LUIUI -.. ~~ .George wal_hort!) In a 1"!Uglhy l'eJPOrt submitted . 10' man Flynn. ""nl eaSier done, an' ~ ~~5s'l w tb U I c:aI5~8, out of a t.qtal 01 · To one quart dOllr 'a dd ~ne teaspoon ' When the' men rejoIned UII In tbe Gov. Blancbard by tbe board of con- It'll ~ve wo"'- rk tor tbe ambyiance In- ' n e n ted! States and canaiS.. two teupooDa ~ baklng powder, . Cere~~lutiemorrhllge 153, and pneu- tbree tablespbon. butter. ODe .egg, one lraw,(Og room. Artllur MItre-COvell trol ot the Louisiana Leper home, an- stld IV' tho hurry-up wagon." tme8ed to my sIde. ' nouncemen t]s made lor tbe first time . As .the policeman ' Is an, exceedingly ~o~: ts cas~s f,~lJow In frequene" phlt · mIlK, ODe teupoon vanilla or . ... r. D-oUlllmore!aad i 'baTe heeD that a deftnltecure .h os been oblalned actlve, ,man, who could jump high and co en num bred 72,88 colI!palWdto lemon. Dough should 00 80tt. Roll on~ Incb illlc~; put In ah&llow panl , In three cases ot leprosy. The cures come down hard. Uie al'l1lment ended 1 95 III the prevIous year. , Suicides -, tJa'wiBlDC LaIu'oy :rrom uae polllt or nre mentioned In ~be 'reporta of 1;>r. tbere. and tb., young man moved on. fe. Inetead of 36. In 1904. and cover th.e. \9,p wIth .a creamy mixliew o~ a \,· portraU p-palnter,' Mrs. rIopklns, vis iting physician. and Dr_ It wlU be seen froD;l t~. that PoliceTb DD'I'BJI.lilJloB. ture of ' eugar" cl!lnamon .and 4.eGne~t.- ~r. D·DuI1~more COI~dE'mlla'118odor Dyer, consulUng leperologtst. man Flynn's method. are peculiarly .. --r butter. Ba~ III a qU.lek oven. aI8 ftesli .un~ and J uphold 'em ;, d'you Three patienta have been ·dlscharged. h[s own-ellcept when tbeT are bls ' -.DlDd abowlng bim tbat tr-trlumph of wlfe·s. Sbe baa prompted:blm In many I A J'l!lwer Vaae. _ .tbat Is b\lng In t!le :bllllard room? French Army Scheme. wa,l. hu clTen him various valuable! For cleaning tile I.Dslde of the flower emphatically, glv88 mY.I.dll oC 'the Frencb omclals are consIdering a suggestions when he alood In need of: 81&88 or :orue w~lch cannot be __.____ , aa..tlon a cilance," tor providing a Btandlng army them. and be la alwe,. quite ready to put a .tabJ~OOfOI of rOCk · ,"8Y all meana," I replied, IooJdng of lon-g -servlce men, one feature or let ber have . all tile credit due her. gill of vtDetar, 'pOur Intt 't he IDUDeJ, .ad. DOUn. tbit Erica ·WIlII. lDOv~ wblch Is to be ' t:be compulBOr, enlist· " F'r a woman," he II acculltomed to ahake about 'for a few minutes. tben . . "to.arda tile plaoo, "hlle . all tile mell! of all Crench schoolboys In na- 'ny wben speaking of her, . "abe do lie rinse clB4ln with 80ft water. Tbe wa~ atbera amalgamating eattsCac- tiona I rltle carpI, BO t.bat tram tbelr ~h' gr-reatest ma-an' I lvar 1188_ 'Tl8 ter sbould not. be allowed to stan I! Drllt" "COme thts "ay." lest years' they moy become a ccus- ber that's more IDjane-rua than til' 'untll It get. lOur about We lower b we .tered the billiard 'room ,. tomed to babl!s ot dIscIpline nnd wbole pO-lis boOrd, and malty'll til' lIoe ·stema. .-.tlAlhed 0,1 tlM ·I!pt. knowledge of arm.. . tip ahe's give to me, tbough 't!a a "Nq., IIrr IIltre-Cdftll," I lIePa, mlgbty onpleaeantway .be have Iv .a~. l!'udge. re II tile picture, but-" To Save Sponge.. doln' It IOmetlm4jf." At .an,. rate. PoBreak a pound of maple Iupr In 0 ...... J'GUr warda on the abII Ie expected tbat \.be Flor ida legle- IIcltmall Fl·y nn a ldhl. wJte. between bite and pnt""1t In a eaucepan Wltb a min'r 811 em-;" made aa record on his ft. pint of mUt.:. tJoll, lteadlly, lIu along tbe coast or tbat atate for a beat. It Is Dot the ~Jlcemall who iJlltll It II brittle wh_ loto =S~5~~=I~ close argu- YeIlr, becBUlI8 ot the arrival of about makes tbe mOlt arretltll wbo J* neelll!!Old water. Stir In a at 500 Greek filbermen from tbe Medlter-- sarli, of tile greatest ftlu .. oil 10 this or lIutter and wIleD this till DeBrl. raneaD, where their · ravages haft IIDBt8llCil order... lDalotalDed With cauHd the Tur1da1l lOy~rallln& 10 · · ' cJ-. t.IUI . . .
AUmf'llt Wh leh III B.t 'l'r.ted b,. • Clwlre Df PMtura..-c»ther :Bemed1_
FEEDER FOR HOGS. Oirectlo1l8 for the lIuildlng of TwO ConvenJent Device. for th e Pe.n . 'ThIs sclr.r ed I' sbou ld be placed on nOored spa e aUd . lin ' be mllde uny A genora l vlnu III length tI lit red. Jhown In our Orllt illUStration. says PI'Il\rl Farmer. 10 blll!dlng It. !lB1l 2"'4's to the /lo,? r Wltll. edgos uv to Dlnke 'tb
. . . Ir·.
I "
S£L}o' · FEI~ D t~ R
R· .
~' OFt
SHEl,.t_I!: D
trough. Sct the ond pieces of be IjOPlI r Instd e of th ends at t he trough al con ter , leaving a spuce four In elICs wId fo r f d to puss tbrough Ilelwilen th e sides of the Ilopoer. 'Th iR SI)a e IIhoold rUIl the full le ngtb of the trough. The sides of 'the bOPIl r houltl be about ono Inch above the
':'he bRne ot lbe Ibeep STOwer In the lIumld seul101lll 111 what I. called Ibe twillted stomacb worm, the Strongulus Coutortue, .n sma ll. fln il, Lhread-Ilke .WOflll round twlsled togelhcl' In t he 8100111 'h of the sh eep. r d wh eu !\IIed with blood, while wbon ~ ad nuLl eW I't.y. Su far us ' we know IL I" to bo (p ubd In 1111 tIock, In th, bUlllltl Utili perbnps 111 tho semi-arId "e~llotla or tho ult ed Stlltull. It seldolll du~s lWLa~1lhla. ~n,. Jury to (ht) o ldul' sheep, ~r to vl got~ OilS early IUlll us. It II frequenfiy tuta l • to III00bs (rut of ondlt lon . .and DIlPo1:lally to lumbs th at col1le u8· l u~e . u. til flr sL or J un e. H Is taken Into tb sYA ~em fruUl pasture Infec.ted from Ibe tlrolmlngs o( ol<ler s heell or lnrubll Luat II I'V lilt sLeu. HOIl(: th e olle Imp rta nt thins lu tlghrlllg Ihl s thSPlIS 18 chuuge «,It Pltillll f O. I r ~h~(l p 11I'0 ktlpt tor n numbe.. of yell r8 o n a blue g ru8S pilslUre. Md e.I,el'lally Ii' t he)' are wa tered troD;l sloughs lu tb e pasture, lh ey t!t'e 111cer ttllu to have severe "UIlCit of at lu nc h worlll ll. 'J' lterll nro Just l wo III·O vl'lIllves. One Is ~OL to allow s h p 011 th e slime p!l s tur~ II1Me Lhnn IWO yeflrs In Sil O' II Klon . 'Th e othe r 111 to lIny e yo ur lambs cODle as ea rly aa t hey cll,n be rnred for, and Ulen teed Ihem s oml:' gl'aln IInl\ keep the m growing vlgoronsly frum eta rt to fini sh. It tbey ('an be su ld fa t In Juno at t ho prices us ually current. sell t hem. 1~l ve dollars IH just U8 good pay for a lam b In J uno a8 H 111 for 1'\ lamb In December and .Jalnunry which has ealen a grellt dell I mo,:n taetl an d Inul'l'e() Il I'enter r,18k. lr WClIII f)(\ they s houW be IlUL on n fres h pallture. Qld 'pastlll'es Boouer or loter pecoD\e tlltcep sll'I.. .. As to rQDleclies. Prot R. A. ·Cralg. v lerllln rla n of PUI·llue. experiment stilli on. upon th e ftulborl!.y or Dr. La w, l' com me/Ids the rolI owlng : , "A I'lI~nl liS oeill. dram j sulphote t It·on . ilve d ra ms; PQwd l'ed nult YOllll c... two tlram s; pow",el'ed. oreco, t,yo OIID l' eS ; common salt. fOllr ouuces4 , ' bls llllxtlll'e Is sumelent tor 30 shoop and (lnll be ted wl lh S-rouflll feeC! once or t wl l'o a wee k. In case t ho symptoms 'are alrelluy mllnlt sted. It Shou ld. be [cd once n dny for t wo or three ,we eks. In g lvlnR t his remedy In this feetl th e lIeccsslIl'y precnll~lons s hould be tak en o r cMh :LDlrna l muy n ol get t he prop r close." TI;\ ,which be also nd d.: "Turpent Ino Is largely uled fn the tr \'lItmen t nt stomacb worlDS. "It II adminIstered as n n emulSion with milk lone [lIIrt turpenLlne to 1~ '1)Drte or milk) : Tlie emulSion should ba well sh(\ken before dr nchln« tbe I\nl~ mill. The dose Is two ounces tor - .. "t. lamb an d tour ollnces [01' IUL adult, and to be e lrectlve sbo ulcl be. repeated d~~ liIr two or tbree dny.... . e nllld this tll rpentlne Il'Iln tment 60me y~rs ago til our OlYll /lock; an4 w!l~lie It will kill the worina, we baye nlways ~h bugh t th'at It left th e ahoop In nn ente bled ConditIon ; wh ether d~e 10 tbe Ir :ttm ll nt or ille result ot the dlseljso-- we w re not able to determine. • ' In bundling s beep an ounce at p ~e ventlon Ie wort'll a good many pound8 of cure. and t be o ne maxim "cb.ange at pssture Is good for Ibeep" Is. worth about all t~o mealclnes thnt were ..ver poured down the shee p'S lhront.. laYS Wallace' Farmer. We re melli~e r l' once 100lthrg-'t.ttrO Ian 01~1l:f of one of tb, enrllest ot the agticultural jJapers. It went Intq the s llhject of diseases of sheep very thorougbly, dealing With .a lmost eve ry dl aliase we ever b eard of and BOrne we never b eard ot.. Tbe remedies desc'r fbed lwere nurel), "ef\e table. deco Uon8 f.:om v81'Ioll9 herbs sueb as we re l1slid by Ollr wI se grnntlmothel'S In .lreatlng the all lenla ot their children and s randchildren; but we noti ced tha t at the end of eacb . preBcrlptiop . there ~al tbla Bage advice: ~tUI.. tile Pu;
bottom. 80 tbat feed can 'P88I1' ben eath. The teed can be shut off at any time by nalll ng a strip over this epenlng. This foeder keeps the g rain clelUl and n supply boforo the bop at all Urnes. The grain 'cannot be wosteel wben thll hopper Ie properly regu· la ted. T'hll lelf~f~lIr call be. b"l1~ Ollt of doors wltbout any trouble, pro· I'ldlng a roof II placed ov.,r It: The seco nd plan Is Bho~n In Ollr ~econd lIIus lralloD . Tb re 'Is no part1IlU,I'Ir scale. Jt 18 onJy n ~e88ary to alan t the sidell o[lhe 1~(ler and trougb so tli st a hog can get his bead In and not bls fallt.
ORUB IN HEAD OF SHEEP. !rhe Treatment for 'l'bJa Trouble ' Should Begin by U sIng the " Ounc. of Prevention."
Treatment .tor ...ub In the bead Is 'practically, valuel088, declares Orange Judd. Farmer. ~ot 8 0 . however, with reference to pr4!ventlon. OrUb .In the hllad Is caused by n By whleb In bot, late liummer wl!j\tber lays eggs In th.e DCfttrJls of th e sbeep. Th_ hotcb In II. fe,w days and crawl up Into Lhe re~ g lon adjacent to the braIn. The re tbey live nnd tb elr pl'esen ce leada frequently to ~nftlllllmntlon. Whlcb otten snits In death, If sbeep are .furnished with a cool and darkened shed where ther. can lie during bot aUD)mer daya. tur~. ey ar., not ' likely to- be injured by ~ fly. 1 • l
TllB t.Iv.
._--.... A'rranpment ,WlIfcb
CleanlmB88 IB,( a. pecessory fo r the health and "e11 being of boge 81 for otber anlmala. Qatl fed to bop' will produce bone anll mllscl, and will preYlnt 80WS getting purcbase ' <\t any klDd of Quality Is (lleneralIy "orth more than IB paid for It. Tbe growing' pIg .hould be ralsgd IOmethlng else beside corn till to b!lgln totattan. . Gradually hicrease the rotiOlls of Uie pigs a tew d'l-l's before weBnlns If they to be kept growing: Large and tide ,muttons bring gOOd prices. BumclentIy good to pay wen for t.lie grain to make them fat. l&rp and .. !/Ine a. polslbl.,. ' ,
too rat. :
No blemished horae sbould be uaed 8a a breeder. I Good hOrs88 CIlIlDOt be produced from Inferior parente: Horse b~88dlng should ~celve ,more attenUon by t.he general farmer. ( PIg pork Is Juicer, tenderer, he~itbler, colits le88 and .eUa better I than hog
1)0811 A-.,. Largely with the ObJectionable .1a~tll1g m~
Bom~ men will obJetl to , the 1101 house ' '!Vlth ' a slsntlng lloor t6-.i~ good drainage. ThOle ' wbo do 111. perhaps find m the aclcompanyhi ;,ilhlat rallon a plun ~ 1I1ch wUl an.,.-.
• ~OU8~
theIr ,purpose more . ' .atl.fae~I1Y, AY8 PraIrie Farmer, lJ'he IlIUJI p.. resen~ a dO!1ble hog hou• ." wi a double root. 'p , ls tbe .paa. . . d WD ti,le ce~ter,' whlle .S' c '.r.e .tIle .sutten , OIL el~er: Ildlt, FG la " teedine>.~t. • form a little lo:rer Wan ' B, wblol Is the bed and b."ber than the .,...• .. Bage, T~e leeM.n,·J .roush .11 plll::tid In .n , n'~ ~, tJll ,puaap ~ on. ~ By thll .",lall, aU ' UQuld'- lIWlu . or tIIe l ,ate,r ",il,ob 1~J: be UI8'd fIom , tline 0 time In ~ ••ehln. iSown til c~ ment 1I001f. runl to ,the mnt" til It .trlk~ the ptt,!r IUid tIIUI' ' cia . an oa*l.,t to 'the outeldl 01 till 01 bou...
" IA!ape
of..... . .
"h!tpe, 'of e~ baa nothl~ to do "Ith the life germ IlDle.. tile ... Is deform~d. The ~aP.l ot tbe , ~a
' - ' Kelp'tae LIm4. Sheep are almost Bllllintial III talnlng tile tertUltt and cl.~IIl8. tho land. ' It Is elelliled tIult 01 ttll !ei'UUiJiu
-The Major. BY CHARLES E -')MUND BAllKEB. Re WDf! one or Ihe kind of IIPOIlI Lbe boyl: h 1l1)1!"lt wbll!h tb·" mnJor Itlll Whu ("luII) Ualuratly hy u u lrkullme. held, norw lt,JIHtaullIn& b ,8 llekntr.. l· 'l' he muj(lr Wll8 Ou c or the IUORt meth - edgl?d ~ yea l's. When he ha d QlIIL~ oulca l or 111' 11. , Pro nll.lIy At nlDe Hlllalll)Il, b Ill'ew (rom his p()cklll 110 o 'clolll, be caille do wn 1'1 esh Iltld plUIj ImporLunt looklnll pllper. from bl cn lrl'lI Ht, rea (I hl ~ lll ull !n Ihe "Miss MII~hell , 1 hore a ,'ery pa r· oomto l'll' ble Be lus lon oC the writing tlcul a r mn tter I wis h to s jllCuk about room, Metuled the unswers to hlH le L- ~No, ) OU oeedn 't Ul it my words dOWll lers [ 0 Lbo hotel !;t nogruJluer, il L n on (JIlpct-l"m not dl clll l1D<g_ T:" il ru ct rl'e~ h cIga r ut the clg:u ' alO nd , ont! t hen Is- I It m- Lbluldng or- won , ~Ivlng YOll ~r."":-:;""'~rlt--r;<l:-:u::;1I l'ns IDCS! ures were IJruBhed aside lh e c11nn()e o f dl elutl ng some to mc, II hn rejlult'ed with ' s prIghtly step8 YOIl Ullnk l)rOllcr." "Why- what do you mea n, Mr. Ebsto Lbe IIlIr, wh ere Ire sen led himself In a fn ,'o rlt e corner a a(] begun I.he se- bourn n," sh e nsked. b er la rge, beav, rlml s occupation of t he 'lay by order- lasb3.1 eyos lookIng th e utmo ~t wooIllg Il. "geot! man's ell'lok ot whis ky." del'. O th ~ r drlnl(s fo llowed ut Inlorvuls "!l'1I a ve ry si mple mn tte r, Mise dllr l n ~ lIIc mornIng, vurycd In S ll~ll gt h Mltchell-nt least 1 llSe(1 to thlulc, It nnd : requ ene)' by the character aud was wben 1 cjJse rved the symptoms 111 oum bers ot the ot ber vIsitors. ot her folks. But- don't look (It me By the hOIIl' ot noon be Il<\d rcached like lhat-you mlgllt pretend you lire The Oolor of Yeur Eyes Heightened Great Spanish Combs Worn 1n the. 'a s tage of mellowness tbu t developed ta kin g notes ; some one wIll see a nel wond er wha t we ure tn lk~ln g abou t- " a rarO! piny or rlcb I11ld s picy wit. HaIr In the Evenlng-N."" Coque or. W eJ\kened Acordlng tl) "Oh, If It"s a nYlh Ing-I:mproper, YO ll It WaS b neath th e manhood ot lhe Feather Baaa-SUk ~tnrt8. Color In DreBS, mujor to a pproach the dlalng-room .mll s to' ~ s sy It, Mr. Ebsbourne." Sb. Dlue-eyed Women Bbould wear someCombs for ornnment h ave grown big whll a In his ClipS. When six o'clock was plaIn ly agita ted. t.hlng blue nt Lile throat; and women enough Lo raise the qu esllon ot ob- cumc, Ills dinner was sen'ed him "Nor the very leas t Improper, lilli e 1l Is the a t. Ills particular ;" bIO In Lho co rner or one, Lllt the most nntural thing lb nl wilose eyes are not Quite blue enough RtrucLlon nt the thea le l'. should make thom bluer by turQuoise Spaulsll comb suddeuly becomIng lho IJur, lind til e s lLt.log, IlllJre often ever oc ~ urred to me In 1111 my wl.ld, ell rrLngs and all things turquoise next popUmf whloh has reudled to such pro- tban 1I0t, W1I 8 co nllnu lld unlll mid- ha rum- scarum lite. No. li sten calmly; t.h e race nnd eyes: declared 11 lecturer porllons. It always Is beCOming , and nIght. It wh at I say Is not pleBBlng you, I addressIng an audience ot women on the grenter the sIze the greuLer Its Wltb all bls royslerlng h a bi ts, It will PlOp, and we "Ill not tlllk nbout the subject of eye/j. piQuant IIUrncLl ,-euCas. There also are should no t be h asLlIy concluded thuL It nny more, I love you. Don't s lart .. 'It your eyes don t show UII. just banning " haIr r rowns " In wIred and Ihe major led an entirely useless or so, MI8S MILchell , I hav e lo ved yOli IIl1t a 'lItt1e blue In juxtaposition to Jeweled lo ce whl h ore beauUful and purposeless ex ls Lence_ Many were th e ever sI nce the first lime YOIl looked tb em: he saId I.n one ot his lectures, almost as · aLtruoli ve liB 'liarus_ To Inles ot hi s ge ueroslty. When "Dllb," a t me with t.hose clea r, IIIQuld, bon cst, 'uIHI note bow big and how blue they mat oh them jeweled and lace dog col- tile old heud IlOrter, waa la id up with pure eyes of ' yours. 1 bllve rend In lura are worb. These lire Ihe Inven tion rh eumntl sm, It wlis tile major who I' ls- their (1 pths more than I ever dl sco vwill 1001(.' , PHe tnught the brown-eyed wo nen of a Purls lu%! nnd ure cQnsll'!erel] ble. It ed hili) In his · lltOe hovel of a home rell In my ~vun() er ln gs oVI~r two oont!to bring out the red lights lu the eyes, JUlIlI.Ilese eoqull fenlher borIS wl11 bl' on "Ti,e Weat Side," provided tor hl ~ nen l!!. I will not bewild er )'u u hy try He made th em dress fn golden brown the leudl ug (enture ot the wea llb and ramlly a nd Pilid his doclo r's hilI. Then Ing to tell yo u 1\ II I [eel ; for In so fltld wear jewels Ihn t were 0 11 the gold- vorl \.y of fluffy thIngs to wellr arou nd ' everyon e knew ot hIs kindly unci sy m- doln6 I wOllld o nly bew ilder myselr. I ('n order or thal sllOwed the dull Lbe nc 'Ie 'I'h ose RrC not la th e least pat llalic Interest wh en MISs McFee,. tb e \\.a nl, tn ' gI ve you Jus t tbe Idea nnit br wns that cun be fOl!nd lu th e se ml - like th e common IIrlcl,ly nrralrs ot old-rna 1<1 s teno grapher, tool( J)o ~ u luave you to ,thl nlt It over .. n '.1 gel used • ),ore, being made <lllTerently rind of mania a ud diad. to l.t . . I call'L help lovInG YOII, IIny YOllligar fealhers, UIl!' bes Ides they n r~ And Lben lbe new stenogra pher more llmn L on ld help brtnthl ng 01 put through the most beautiful d)'elng came, livIn g 1f I dh!n 'L llreatlle." tJroces8, trom whl h Is ,obtlli ued gradnShe WIIS II lump of a girl , liS ronnd , "" hy-Mr. Ebs bourne," she replied, tions In lonc, Puqul n Is furn Ishin g 1\ as a gca n. wlLh frank, brown eyes " 1 don't thInk 1 co re 'ror you In a ny nlft that Is short 'lind wid e nnd mll(]e Lbllt FC< lIIe d to cballenge respect and . way lIke thnl. " or lDuny novel kinds ot 81l0t tlet und ~ hlvalry by th Ir v ry Inn o(;e nce. He r " I dId n't ex pecl ' yotL to , Il tlie on. tu lle. Ra\ll um s ilk Ncn n 'es' In LeuuLl tul colors nlso come lo repln ee tllllSC ot vOi ce \IUS so fL !lnd I'e I,ectfu l, and It But :;ou can gl\'e me a lillie hope, waH n n Ins plrn rlon 10 e he r personoJ can't you? You don' L dl sllk me, do mouss line de sole, beIng tied I II' lit a ll (1 u Ul1lll et" I nte r(l~ L lu her PUlJ"O tl s. you "!" thO bust. ~IIRs MhC'llell WIlR her nume, and Il "I Ih lnk YOli lire "ery kind ." wns r ani to ,",ce p trom IJ coml ug conThe stout Woman. "T lla l '" enoll h - th llt"S enou ghSite must AI'olli elarclry nn (1 Gwel't· " rlentia! with hc l' Ut Lbo ve ry firsl In- Don't li e d to ~ uy a nolll(lr wo rd. I' ll u ' d toocl, all cCl'enls , I'eg tl\bles con- torvlcw. go now und let YOIl ' gn~ liS 1I LO tho AI :n ust from th e Hrs t, th e . h ar p ob- Iden o f hO " ing 0. lo ve: ." taInIng su gar or stn l·cll. -snch 8 S peus, TH E Gln1. WITH I. N • 1i: \'J': S. bcnnjl, corn , polato R, tc. liaye brea,1 ~erv I'S IIUl OU g th e rr QIl IIlers of I bc "Thank you." WII S ull 1111 tl Mitchell precious g ms, He mllcle them w a r toasted: sprln l Ie IL with sa lt, Instoo d Windso r, IlbUced that II took tb e m a- could thhl,k (t any, l nd lun Irlnl(ets und he k pt UI lb m of butter. :'<1111" I I' gret tl) sny, It It jor Ii<l Dlew!lut longer 10 dl cQ,t e illS True to his W I'd, the major did nOl until tit re wa .. ' meillng IItht In each bo pur and gooll. lij falte nl og. Hot mnll ttl Mis!! Mitchell th Il n, Il bad to urge hIs IHlo nl l n ~ upon th e lillie brown eye. waleI' Is on exc lI ~ nt 8uL3tltule tor Miss Md,' e, and . moreover. h did not SLenJ & 'l'aph er. "The bIn Ie-eyed women were more ot.her liquids. Add a lIlUe .ot tile hurry uwuy to tbe bur Qu lle so prcclplThe sequ el wus none Q~ (h~ ma jor"s dlmculL, ror Ihe rea son tb.nt they jll ice of limes or I mons to It It you t ntely. plonnlng. He only kuP,", th a l be was looked like gy p les wben b e lrled to choose. Limit YOllr s leep hours to ne ,dny III the mid s t ot the lell rs, s peedlu b down c]v> rlvc r rond one bri ng OUL their eyes. Her he slruek II SClVe n at th o o\l(ljldo. No naps, You :'-1 Is." Mllcllell looked up tor an Ina ft ernoon , whe n .. young j,(Jr~'3 ll rlven bet wll!l il)d bet\voen course Rn a must tnke exercise, s tAut ilL ~ lady who was pa.sslog by " m& r kel 'arclener tool( frIg ht a nd dressod Ulflm In deopblue with grund tbrou gh tbe ·Iobby. pluo;;ed nbout, bucking the heavy wagThe Si mple Style. I'esul ts, "What 81\ exquIs Ite lJunch ot vlo- on dl rec.lly aeross his WilY nt III 010Folks aro nuw ente rta lalng on "Tho bIb' blaok -ey.ed. gypsy ·Iooltlng hiLS," bto suld. men t \1 heu he sU II(lOBe!1 t be arl vcr was womn n In de p vivId blue Is sometbln g plainer s cale. They nsl( f wer frl endll "Very IlrClty," teplled rho mojoI', tol - goI ng to be ab le to 1H!llUl gO hIs tCf1m !It a time, but ha ve m or~ pnrtle8, • ' 10 conjure wIth. She outllhlnCII 0\1 her low ill;; her gla nce. ,lI1 d tben tUey went wlthDut furt her dlfficuily. sisterhood und she tRkes tb e lJ ca u ~y 'I"herf) ::> uot the osten taUous compe- on Wil h their work. There was a erlls h nnd th e major palm at .a beauty show. She olll uhes t ition tllat !!lere has been. and 'rh e IIC)( t mO l'nlng R nelg)lbo rlng oryour eye a nti bollis It, tbouGh you cun- "cfll.!lhes" ar no .longer n cessary Is ts' bOy' pl uced u Huo bunch of Eng- felt a sharp L\vlnge ot pa lll, Wh u he aga in r.oneii 41.~ eyes, they were ~a r to the pOlwln rl t y or a hostel\s. nOl ·tell why. ll ~h "t:all tles !o the ' I1ltl~ bud -'ase r)llo hi m tn nt the ladles' eolroneo of thaL luld b en Miss 'Mcf.'eo's , on Miss Lhe Windll9r. ~~~~~~~--~--~- Milch II's dca\t", ond moru lng urler A ",Irllsh form and wb Ite fa ce wornlng thIs was repeat ed. pus hed througb t he tflnsl,ed crowd Of Alt'il r tho wornlng dlclIIUon durIng people abou t }lIm, a nd !l- paIr ot sort ODe at tile II t Lle chu(lj wh lc b t he ma- plnl( arms 811 pped about his neck. jor b uC! oome ,to a llow hlwself, MIss The re&c tlon ar)' pai ns were settling In, Mltcbell , one duy eXllressed a "e r.y ad- bu t tho presence or those orms seemed T) 111 II ted UJl ve rse ollllllon about tile men wuo to !(ft tile tension from hl B qu h 'erNot Infre~ently ' Temporary Closet rows ot four jl g8 'lIxed to 'l--h'''e'-'=~='''-~:-:- (llld Were rrasl." In g l:erves, a nd he felt as comfortable Would Come In Well-Here two .. three In cb s be low th e remr, In Tbl >! speech had 1\ marked elreat as a b1by o n Its mot h er's breus t. And Is One Descd bed. ortie r tbaL they elln be used for tnn g- upon, lie majo r_ there came 1I0 we l'S e\-ery day, lind Tbc vcry next da y, after bls busIness many Il lUe home co m torts Lh ot Lh e We will g ive an Illus lratlon or a Ing clothes on lUI VoTeH as hnts. The .('o llltnl contl'lvallce that may be con- Jl~g.s way be put up In two rlUfef<1D t rou tlnp., th e nUijor left It forwardIng mlljor ha(l :lot see n or tbought. mil ch , 1I1I·uct.ed In l he corner o[ any hodroom , ways ; either by na iling a board to add res" with the cIerI, on duty nod lIbou L since h~ w as a chu nk ot II boy. ' At Inst ' th ere cu me a day wb en tbe and [01"l1ls- l.In excellent s.ubsLllut for, tbe Willi nnd then screwing on the regls tl!red out., His Ilb~e D ce was no. a wardrobe. Very Ilt t lli ouUny wlll Ilegs, or the bourd may b ave lhl1 pogs tI d immediately 1n lbe bar, ODd In- doc:o" told th e majo r Ita mi ght see scre wed int.o It , nod t he n be sus\'i!.o;16,s qu irt s were made of Ihe clerk. h Is t rlC\.ds , The mujor saHI something llurc)Jase Lbe materIals to malie It A m nIh- t wo mo n ths pIU!sed , nnd In the 51 rl ctest conHften L'e to hIs nurse, ,,"'Ith, and It Is easily rewoved aDd from the wall by menns of two rJU~1I 8llll lU ' lI1ujo.· had uot reL\II'ned to his nad p[:er II "ery long time Miss Mit ch _ token down when 'not required. Itl co~uer In Ib o WIndso r bllt. The e ll ca me liP 1)(~CO mli!lDl e d hy II s wec tII: convenient he ight for ~he '!'Qot ot only I"" rk of )lls long resIdence at th e file j, r.lotherly lIllie wo mf,l n In IJ! Dck, Ule ",ollj')board'" Is about seven feet hOtel WIlH t h lillI e buncll of {resh 1'10- wh om the muJor ~n e w by luslln ct , I from ' t ho floor, und [01' th e I ngtb ot lets wit I h du lly adorn ed Mi ss M.itch- mUSL be Miss Mitch ell 's molhe r. tbo sUI/po rts of the root '(A ami B In ell's cit' k. "Mr. Ebsbollrne, " so ld ~1I 8B Mit chell, Ul e small sketoh), about two teet, but Ou"! day, \8 unheralded lUI ha d be I timidly, "1 Ilidn't know .I cBred In t il at It can; ot COIll"Se, be mnde In Ilny dl· his (((,~Brtllre, th o ,ma jor r Clturn d to way, bu t I ·Jo." men810ns to suit ou r reqlliremen ts. t be ',Indsor. Ills co mplex Ion ~as ( -0 l'rlghl, 1900. b)' D ally 810ry Pub, Co.) The root la construct d of n tria ngle whl and his eyes were clearer, othot wood cut to fit tbe corne r, and lhls er wise be WtlS tbe ~uDle old major, , Til e Bishop Ilud tho Bllth, Is HUllported by means of two plecos cu rel ess, Ii vol y and jovllil. A certain I)ncholol', vel'Y rn stldlou8 of wood nbout 1 1,(, Inch In th lok nes8, Ho dlclaled his leLterS to 1Illss II bou t his toilet, was es pecially fond nallod to lhe Willi ami I'unnlng alollg morning, ot bls bath and exacLed extreme either s ide unde rn estll. An ornamen· but it '''os observed nn (1 mark eil wll h or his tub. . tal edgIn g Is shown In ihe /j!(cLch, llnd One when abo ut to 'leave town h e muoh specIal noLlee thlll he did not t bough not necessary, 'greatly Imfollow his old. ha bIt of lum lng Lowunl ga \' e irlet orl) to the bouse mold proves th e nppearanc6 of Lbe cupt be ~a r Imrncdl a tely th ereafter. In- about ~he, ClIl'e of his "bawth" lind 1I0al'd, and adds .ye.ry IItLle to Its cost., s tend of thiS, hl' ~ t e J1ped In to a bI g saId Ihat " no one \VIIS to bE! allowed Arter the root bas b en jJlnced In ' polIutoDlohl\e t hat slooll at ,th e lloor, nnll th use of It." sItion, and or two long Lhln sharp W aR nwny In a trI ce. He became a The temp tation gre w on hor ami Ul E! n.~Il~ s hOUld be drIven througb It Into li t Ihls bIg Ul'llc-h'lno . .A lurge s lrl tool( a plunge. Th l~ bishop rethe $UPl)Orts to hold It lIrmly In Itli l>or t!'lD of tbe day he ga ve hImsel f lO turned unexpe tedly ' and , '.IIodln g 'place_ run s fl n(1 tours. Scnuellmca he cor- tra( es of the reoen t stohm batl1, h e i Dt:\tween the t wo outer ends of tbo , rled u frl ond or two with hlm 'o n these question ed the mnld so closely t~ at supports a bl'ass tall I.a fixed Cor the Il·x cnrslo ns : bu t they were rarely all:Y she hnd to contcss that she was the eulcurtain, wblch, by the way, may be of his a iel rrlends of tbe bar, Jlrlt. Ey ing· b r t raly , be sa id: ma'de qf one p iece of material large At least once h e Ilsked Miss Mllob"Mary. your using my tub Is bad enough to pull ' light across, or two , mJddle t d ' (similar to those used for hanging ell to ride wIth ·hhu, but s,he met tbu enough, but what worrlfS me most Is vl pleoea~ d1 4ed In tbe 0 raw l)lclures), and utt'ong nalls , driven propOsal with a eIle rrul "no, tha nl' ,that yo u wQuld be willing to do any ~ bBCIt on , either side, nnd It wlll be ,to\ltrd wilU worth wblle to "sll~nd. a .lIt- Ulrough them_ . Tills, JleJ"haIJ~, Is tile yO\l;" thllt , left no room tor doubt . thIng bebl'ocl my back tholt y~\I would not de before my tn ce."-,Judge's Ma~lie" extrll> trouble In ·m aklng the t,wo ' botter W\iY It we contemplale rell\()\f- about h er ' de cl ~t(\n. · A morl11ng came on whIch he at- a7.lne of FUD_ cur,talns; as they ,look l/etter tban the Ing tbe cupboard trom time to time, as ------One, ' /lnd are also' ot greater ' s'~r,!ice the board with' the vegs tlle n merely tended to his' C0t:respondence wltli Quiet Thought. .. for keeping the , dust out of tbe tn- reqltlrelf IUUng from t\J.e nalls, . more Lban I\sua] cnre. In addition to Let UI each peep Into' our property tbe ' regular grind ot bn slness be wrote terlo.r . . The curtams are ~t~hed" to All the woodkork clln be DIIUtted or ' ijle brasa rod In tbe ordinary,' way 8talned, and It a pretty piece ot mao some long delaYlld missives to Old"col- box and see If we cannot replace eome bidden treasure wllh, a little buwtlb. braal rlDP"and It a sinaUliouliee ,terlal Is ~bollen (or tlie curtlLlns to lege fr lends- da bing, brllllnnt, uncon- long lDan enjoyment warm-~bearted ICYfe. ventloual lotters. · thllY lfere' . tdll of, Is nll1leilJ to tbe edge of the root tbe match, perhaps, the color ot tbe wa~1 pomt marked ' ''D,'' anel &Ilo'w"q. to paper, I~ Will 'make a both ornamental ,.~ ' ,."",. ,.~. ' e",,", . _ bang ~OW11' a few ' mcbea It ·wlll pre- and uBeful addltlon to a room. "'W -W -W ·W w~ vent U1e' duat ' enterhig at the top of On the top 'ot the oupboard plenty curtains, and at the , 811me Ume ,in no ot space will be found tor a pot wllh a ~, .aY-,fnt;!!rtere with, tbem ,f ,r QlIj pulling pret~y tem In It, .and other ornaments b8CkwaMJ,. and forwarda ' freely, . " s'Jeh as vases or plaQues_ Becl Bugs of lJouthern T~a Ar~ En.. · coUcns and then go alter' the LePtna, mlell WanloN , Fin'" It It Is 'lbe l!!Ss of tlio , khaki-clad .:. -"""" : ,...,., : .. .. ,."" ..,.. . . . , Hard to Rout. Achilles tbat are tbe tavo~rlte 80Journ. " Ing spot for the LepU penetranteli. Tbere Is smaller chanco ()f contlnuoui Rifts ranges and tarlOt practice msy disturbance trom the owner of thl be all vllry fine In tbeory, declare Lbe shank and greater opportunity to penein lte 100Bt pertect ' condition, For regu lats lit Fort . Sam Houston, but ' New E~a COl'1'ects the VoleebY a Diet tQnsllltll! and Qulnzy the tresh fruit the lIecu)II;\T,ltles of the, taunt ot, south- trate_ The Sarcopyscylla.11I an entelltalnlnl of J'ruit.-Oerlaln ODell 8pe- , or even the .c llnned variety 18 pre- wcst Texas conspire to make It BOlDe- little animal. His aaluti!S nre matuclallJ Good. scrlbed_ . . what Irksome, tinal and his vespers \lr!l ·nocturnaily TomatoeS are thought to help In glvIII otber wotits, tlle men are com- prolonged. ' "He 18 with you In your up'1'lIe cultivatton of a pretty lpeaklng Ing a smootb, mellow vQlce. One or plulnlng ot red bugb. These aro so- rising and' your down-sItting and Is ..olee Ie a practice lI'oytn, amone two a da,. B~oulll lie eatell raw. 01'- called' In Tex~. In, other placel! they amenable neltber to nQ!" reawomen In ~bla dountl')', ,One. .,bfl1.- anges, Umes and lemons are also etrec- are known as Jiggers or chiggers. ' In Bon. He tolls not, n~ltber dlleB be sp\D, . elan III New York wbo makes a I". tbe in rendering a boarae: piping ' ,!"ra.lI'" thllY are known ~8 chlgres alid but 80romon wltb '011 hili proverbs can eSat of tl'eatln'g the voiCe Is l1uttlna volo!l lOft and t1exlble_ tn ol/ler plaClll\ as cheguae nnd c:hegoPB. not BUng· you Into so gr.o at a dlssatbIa ~enta , who bave thla end In by wblch la~er name tbey are lex!- lafacUlm w.ltb life as one of tbese, . . on a - diet "of fraU. wblcb bllle A.tEne. Hence the soldler8 are In tavor eograpblcally C1t~logueli. They' arC! EverT woman know! iIIat the con· fancifully known.. tllo !.eptUB Irr~ of target practice when 1OOth111l effect. upon .tlttf'throat red bug. . chord.. Much ot t",e lID- aclouBDlIB1I of beIng 111 dre8B8c1 hal and by otbera ar\l calleel. tbe Sar- come all the Alltonio noted · ' In wOIDen'1 . distinct elleot OD ~er upre"aloD collSe,rua penetranl, By tbe 801~le" Expreat. New ·l'otJr. due manner" J)Il . Ute *er. b~d. caned bell. . tbat eme' " well lilt!'
Regard , The Color . Of Your Eyes
FasbioDs That Are PretiJ
Soldiers Hunt Cover
~ .
,.~ 4~ ,
t, PoSSe.. An: Aar.eeahle V~ice~
a "'"
~ ~
The JDnc1 You Have Always Bought. and which ball b _ in use for over 80 years, has borne the slgnatnre ~ and hruI 'been mado under his ~ , aonAl .llupervlaion..slnce ita 1nfancr• Anownoonetodecelveyoulntbls. All Counterfeits. imitations and" Just-as-t;ood" are but; i!.ri:.;rlments 't hat trlflo with and endanger tho Jaealth ot ts and Children-Experience ft!ralnst ExperbneDtee.
ProD)otcs Digestion.Cheerfulness and RestConlalns nellher
Opium.Morphine ~orMlnem1. NOT NARC OTIC .•
.'J'.' Ii:~
Apm:ecl Be~ forCoJl8Ifpalion. Sour Slomach.Diarrb6ea Worms.Convulsions.Fewri!lh-
.,'."WIW" at
Castorla III a hannle88 substitute tor Castor OU, Paregoric, Drops and Syrups. ;t 1.8 Pl~t. It ~ootabi!l neither. Qplwn, Morphine :qor otbo'r Narcotlo lIubstance. Its age ~ Its .guarantee. It destroys Worms and n1Iays Feverishness. 10' Clnrell DJarrhooa and 'Wind CoUe. It rel.levea Teething Troobles, Clures (JonsUpatlOD. and. Flatuleucy. It asslmllatell the Food, regnlates the Stomach and Bowels, glvlng healthy and natural sleep.. The Cblldrcn's ~anaccaaThe M;otber's Friend. '-
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought 30 Years ' .
In Use Fore Over
rwE. C.In'&U. GO_""". ~ .UIUlA'f ~~ET.
The porson wns talking to li t tle EImer about hi s bab lts, an d IUllceli !11m what time h e wus u"\lnlly calJed for brea kfast. "They don't have ' W culJ me," answered Elmer. "I 'm always John ny-on-lllc-sPOL" Attrnctlve Colorlldo Booklet_ Orie of tbe most IIlLrncH 1'0 of th e summe r Yacallo n boold ts th at b ave been Issued Is "A Colorado Summer," Pllt out by the pasaeng r department of tho San ta Fe railroad. The pIcturesque mounttlin scenery and the deEcrilltion s of It whi ch th booltlet s lveu im press th e r endor wlLh a n ew Idea of the grondeur or the mou ntaIn orags ' o f oloraao, nnll will st,u rt one dayilroamlng or' lIle time when he can vi II' for hlmsolt Ihe ' magnlHcen e After whi ch Ole bOoklet describes. rendin g the booklet one must qerto lnly be ton vlnceft t1;Ult Colorado oft rs both p!l!llsuro a nd h~a l t ll for everl· !;Iummer tourIst. , "A Colorado Summer" mny be seCll,red from Mr. W_ J . Blo k . Pass. Traffic Manager, Sa'n ta Fe Railway, OhlcagO., '
'----....,.....- - -
SENTENOE' SERMONS. The love that HIts 11gb tens Its OWII load. It lP.ltes more th an a vindication to rcstore virtue: The blg heSl sen'lce Is tha t wb!cb rnl s~ others_ A BlUe h elp Is worLb a lot of tal} abou t happin ess. New lIaths nre' the 'bes t penance tOJ old wa ndllrln gs. In mn ny 0 burden Is hidden the blessi ng or strengt b. Poverty can not be cu red by mnklnl ebarlty a palltlme. lIIeekness Is th e secret ot the main· tenDlice of m n.~te ry. , No mnn ever succeeded In preacblnf truth by ncllDg aile. You do not have to empty yoU! bead to H11 your hcnrt_ The only way to keep kindness 11 to koep It In clrcu la tl on. PCOI,ll) whc .are selt-satlsfied are nO I n.! way a ot a cop ten ted mInd. You canno~ reMh the DIvIne b) ellmblng liP on youI' dlplty _ Somo men seem to think that repan ling ot borrowin g lIays tIl e debt_ T \J ey who do Lbelr own work weI' do nol Il eed to speak III of Bnotber's 'rhe power ot the preacb er Is I[ In v rae rotl to hIs protcsslonnllsm It ),ou nre IIlck lng all your pleas. ures Ele), onl y ~~y malte beaven seell sour. Many n. man thlnHs Lhat he Is ri ght· Ing h is wron gs when be only Is, reo yenglng t hem . ' Men who nre too tired to thi nk art always rend'y to beli eve th nL lntelll· scnce Is R. slp.-Ch lcaJ;o Tr Ibune.
OUTDOOR LIFE Will Not oifset tho 1]] Efrects ofCo1rH When One Oannot Digest It. :
ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE ~ ~!e f-.ifl!;. A Certain Cur. for nrld, Hoi, AchIng A~'."~lu= Feel. DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE.
LOVEl becom 8 os mu ch on cilid ec.r.c ot 16 as mens les among gi rls of G. ~mong gI rll!
- -- --LI \thl J oll- SlIl'. mamm a,
aleter oln' to bo 11 Indl un 7 Mammn- Why do yllll Itsl, l1ln l, d ~ Rr? Ll tll Joe-' Ca use shc's lIf)stu lrll Dulntln' bClr face. l\C f\'OIl~ J)1, eafcs p,·rl1lnl1. lIti)' oUI ~ d li~' lJ('. 1~. i.l1 c·~ '_;rPM N orl'o Jt~H torUj', :-,cnd ior ]o'rc~ *''::_00 l rill l ' bl1lL1 ~ Iond II'UlIUh(', Dr , ll, H , Klin ~, LII., 931. nnd 11:33 AI'~ b 'C, Plliind Iplllu, I'll
FITS, 81. " ·ilu. Dnn cc nnd nil
BY THE GENTLE CYNIC. Or tOry Is morely lull; wl t b a tiOCl! COllt n. · It's n poor tool Lbat ca n' t be worked both' ways_ Ir' at Ilrs t YOll don 't clUcceed, do It over; but don't o,-erllo it. Tho fellow ' who fal ls In love at IIrst sight dE'senoll Duo ther look. Putting up a sign "Post No BIlls" won 't k Re p tliem trom· comlug through l be Dlalle. Wbat Is tbe good Of a wben It doesn' L tell U9 bow to keep Tile choIr may sing "Peace on Earth," but 'tb ut do esn't moon In th e cbolr. God created tbe first wotn an. but the devil was h an ging around and Ule IIRtto rn_ Some men are born great, some shrlnlf. nnd others never fin.d ~lUt how small Lhey really are. A girl's tirst ' llroposal always convIn ce!! her thnt It will be llec.llSSUry tD establlNh a waiting list.
PosltlveT, cored !IF. these ~ittle PU~" Ther oJso f!lUOTe . t rom Dy:5)leJlll1lIl. ElU.I.n&-
A perfect
cdy rorDl!:zI.Dess, NnuseaJ DrolTSlness, BII4 TIIIIiII
Ill. tllo l!OU!-h! eo:u.e : 'I'ohguo, l'nIn La the S~ TORPID LIVER. TlIItt#' reguInta tIIo BOlVels. Purely Vegot.ablo.
SMAll PILL SMAlL DOSE. SMAll PR!CFf , t CARTERS Genui"a Must Bear •
Fae-Simile SignaJiJre
/2_ /~Af1'P<
to ..
From ,St, Louis and Kansas Ciiy points Southwest M. K .. & T. R·y. August 7th, 21 at: Tickets good 30 ~.. relnming wilh stopovers in both ~oDlo To DaUas, FI. Worth. Wa~ Houston, Gn1ve$ton., San AntoniQ, Corpu~ Christi, BrQWn&ville. Laredo. and intcrmediate • , " $21 pjlints ~ , To EI Paso and inlennediBte points. , , " $26.50To Kansas, bdian T crrilory.. Oklahoma, and Northern T CUI points, one fare pins $2.00. ,. bul no rate higher than. $20 \ Correspondingly low rates from all polatsl From ChiCllgo, $25,00; SL. Paul. U7...... Omabn (lUU QUDeil Bluffs, $22.50. '
Wrke-for rull pard cul."
W. S. ST. GEORGE General P :I!;scuger Agen t, M. K_ &: '1\ R'y Wnin wrighl Buildi nG St. Louis, M""
J;D VVA.7'ZOl't'.t.£,
The Oreatut
Boarllln~ ~lIe.!lt
In the World
Univetsity of Notre Dame
Paxtlne Toilet Antiseptic
a reason,"
III', I'UII'-RNIII 11w I (" "Is : . OUY I llIIlutl, "It was not from liquor or tobacco slJlIi¥ ami 4)U I I/lld,,,(, "elm: '~ 1 J, ~"'J ~ k", ,tltat tor ten yellrs or more I suffercld 18 B.UdiDI' 7'5 Profm... 800 SIDdflll, trom dyspepsia and stomach trouble, COUr.e1 tn Andert. Alii! lIo(l ~r n r... nI:UIlIf~. F:nK~ II lI h. Ilb ' O~' , ant t~·tJ110 1ll k• • ('bl'IlII ~ I " • Ifl ullJll't'. they wore .c aused by the use ot collee ~~:~'?:~l rot!i7!~~~~: ~~~I: li:~~~:~~t~~~~:i.~~:~: until 1 got so bad 1 bad to give up In •• TllJ'O-wI 1ttnjf. coffee entirely and almost give up eat· Sr&CIAL llF.rAnT)IE~"T FOR BOV9 SVt:., Til IH 'r t:~!'i lng. There were times when I could n1M51. Il0.0 ••• •tolilo •. ••• L.....,.. .... _ est only boiled milk and bread 'and S.a' •• a aDI. ,_ lb. S.c," tar CIIII •••• w.hen J went to Lbe field to work 1 bad to take som!) bread and butter alon$ \0 gh'e m.e atrengtb, You CANNOT "I doctored with doctors and took almost everytb1ng· I could get tor 101 atomaeh In the way ot medicine, but It I got any better It only lasted a littie while until I Was almost a walking .keleton. all inflamed, ulcerated aad catarrhal con' 'One day I read an' ad for Postum ditions of thc mucous membrane such as and tbld' my wife I would try It; and n .. alcatllrrh,uterlnecatllrrh caused as to tbe toUciw'lng fncts 1 will make by femlnlae Ilia, lIore throat. lore . mouth or Inflamed' eyel by simply lmdavlt before· any judge: dosing the stomach. "I quit coffee imUrely and used But you 5urelycaa cure these stubborn Postum In ita place, I have regained affections by local treatment with my healtb entirely and can eat ' anything that 18 eooked to eat. I have Il!creased In welgbt until now I welgli which destroys the disease genna.checks 'more tblln I ever. did: I ·bave not dIscharges, atopa paiD, and heals the .taken any medicine tor my stomach Inflammation and IOrcnes8. Iince I began using POlltnm. Why, I Putine rCpTcilents the most successful believe' Postum will almost digest an local trealmO:Dt (or' femlnlne 1111 ever produced. Thous~dll of WQmen testify froD wedlO_ "ldy famn,. ' would stick to ooll'ee at to tliis fact, 50 centa at druggists. Drat, but they saw the effects It bad Send for Free Trial Box ' )n me, and wben they were !eellng TIll: .. JlAXTUIf QJ.. ............ bad thl!v began to Ule POlltum, coe a.t1""!!!~~~===~=~=====::: BS'I'A7'B. a time, \tI1UI n'ow W" al1 ulle Postulll." Name Ih'en .". Postum 00.. BatUe Cree1c, '\oflcb. Ten ua'1" trial of POlltUlO In plaee IIf cotree tbi truth, III eaay alld
~"W7l1o&. '
a cook?
A farm er says:
Union ~Pacific . Bulletia JUI;,Y 1906: To OregQD. 'Va~hlllgton.Idaho. alld return, low· ratea ill> ,
effect da.ily · to September 15. to mILD,. 0, S, L. and O. R. &,N. poInts. ,
To California, Portland a 'o<ll, Paget Scl unci: , L ow excllr'2io~ ratea daily to ,5eptembcr 15; applYing via
variable routes, limit October ill. .,
'To California aDd Return: ODe for the round-trip. , 'rieket. oa '
sale September 3 to 14-.
'1:'0 Colorado aDd Ret;Qrn:
to September 30, slightly ovu ,o ne farefor ronnd trl'p , Still lower rate • .J\lI~' 10 to 16 and September 19 to 22, Jachl.' lIive.
To Ogden Ilnd Sait. Lake Cit,,, Very low rouod-trip rate. claily ... {iepteJU ber 30_ , .
"_.MV_.,'O. A.,
W. 0, 120 .lapklon Bouleverd. Chlo.p. III.
SHORT Oeath and Birth in IHome-Coming :;adI Political PARAORAPHS Family of Otis Hadley. dened for one Fami'y. ' --"--- -
_ , __ _
'rhll Hinton Iteol)rrl IIntl L'j" kElhll I.hl· (; nwoe County LIl(ht. Il nt!w"I"'I~1' publh.hpil III Filir lire August, 7. • II. and 10, M r , IInll M I'~. u,,1 ,STephens of Hlnt.oll . Okl" I,nnln, bll~ t.h£! filII",,· 'rllorotll\vll . jlndlllnn,. IIrrlved Satur· ing to , \IIV III' Ihl ' fllmll\,,," (l' j .. Hlldley. "It., 'lu"vlO,1 Irlllll n e ·.r 111'1'1' d),)' for th e Uo!ne. l )o mill/.(. tro Lou kehll 1.. ,.1 I .. . ; : KodaK film all HIII.8iI for sala "t . Htlrry L Hadley, son of Otis t!Tlllhr'S IItml'io . FlnrenQe HRllIey, WRlI born July 27, Will lmEtel·th wll i t ~ llliktl· tllll UII · I ' 0, IIUU dilld ,July :!~, I \lOti. Ilged zeUe ttl ",lInOUllce thlit h e will "i \· t· I II .I·IUI rll 1 ~ tnllnt,htlllnd 26 dRYS. I~ fro e exhi\)il~nll wit.h hill 11'1 k pan)' .111"'1, bloomlnl( iuto young 101m lit <)11 kllllie 1'IIrK i,,"/\ llintels IIflpl h, .... I. ( it rlI hal! blltlo pluckedJrom IIUI 1011\1 ~RnH! Wenll""uIIY. IIUI' IIIHlst II t unner fl ower to btl trllntl MI' . 11'1111 /I1rH , ' lilf"rd Dhlt'l'rn!l 1'111 11 11111 to .1 be t,t or clime . 611rry 'lIul l,lhihlrun " tl f MI,. lI ... nlthy, wt' rn " ' " " II hrigh t In t.t!lJi(tllnt boy of jtuetl,t.1I lit, t,ll~ hOlllt, IIf F (; hrhdl l mind IIlId pUllilll!!!<od of a II orfnl. kindly tlillpOllition , Rlld l'li'll\\'lIrl;o:, 1I1j \'I'rll l dilY~ IIi Nt w e"\( '!ill .Y. dllll'lb thinK nil oorn o nTl'1I r ..,~ pl' l\l tltl Ily nil wh o kn \l w him . In iltll atik.. 1f !:)o IJ wllrt)'.·" Cnrn 'u", 10111 \IIlklilltlinjt Ilf hill IIi klles!\ it Il». fllfl" M r emove ynur OOfll!l h ll will 1"", rIlU I,f) him thl1t \i ll might n ov'ar refund your lUonpy., Pl'ice l iie Ilt rIlOtlVI'r, 111111 he remRrked t·o his ··llhWllrt)'.'s drl11l ;;1,0' e , \V1l~'I1"!lvllll\ IlI lI lh e r I hll.t. if It WIL~ th e Lora'" Mllhlon Rifll!ll hm. Ii en !H n'eriult will hI WIIK rellfly . ~~Ilrly In IlillUIlt4B I.he d611ruIII o f fr JUI tin' experi"l1 e 111'1 h"t! ill ~bll woolll1 0 0 hi!l fllrm al,Jout t e n til\y!, f"Vll t "VOrOllIflU IliM rlj ll~nuilltl 1'0 wa r IIgo. Be tripJOOO lind fell running I~ IIlld h .., Wll~ cout,lIInll 1\~' tr.YlDg to gAt IlIrg , tho,r n . hl bit! hand \I'hi oh hllil h OIlIl'," whloh 1I11m e be hitS at III!\t r/lllche+lulid from whllnoe 110 trnyel. clLUlied him much JIl'il1 t)flfllnel Meroollih jr ,~o u of t:i IlUI aT ever returns -hom e, !lWllet hOUle nel.Mcredith of E"!lt Wllyne t,)wn · lit IIISI, The fnricruil:luryios!! \\lore Rhip fell frcoUl II 10lld of whellt. h eld Ilt, t h M E . churoh "nd were wh!le "sslstillg at Wm . Delln's one cO~ llnntprl h.,· HpYiI . Crmp 111111 Mo day Ilist weel'. He fell on his head Nil\\,. nll llr whll;h . flt\lL1wpt\ h.I' .\ "trerlllllnOI' of rel'ltive>l lind nn,d IIhouldel'lflt.!'nd hlll ·inju,r ies were quite 8evere, He Is getting on nice· rri"IIII~ , Ih" rPtllHiuR wflr" Itlid 1'0 re~1 i u t.b " I.ollk ,-bll ca,llel.ll ry Iy no)V . . M,' 1111(1 Mrl' Blldl e~' IIl1d fRll1ily D . H. Hockett hll(1 qUIte an expe'r lonos during a severe thunder storm hit V6 III" hUtlrt.flllt lIym pllt.h o f Ule last wcek. Lightning cllme in ovor nnl·ire oOlllltlunlt.\' In their ~ ltd ba. the telepbone wire, lind Mr. Hockett rll{l vemen I,. Blirn , til Mr. "lin Mrs Otill Hllu ,!ho \'I78S 8ittlng fifteen feet away from tbe phone reoolved a very se ley, July 24. II \Illughter . Evory vere shook. 'l'ho t'J;)om in wbioh the oiomi hilS /I, 8tJvor hniJlg; 80 mny phone was 1~:lOted was badly torn the\itt.le ~irl be the lUellnR of bright enin~ Ilnd Iiftill~ the oloncl from the up as " re8U It . Illtel,V ""dUened llIOlIrhl
'1'h" tllltcs
• E RSOSA 1. AN U LOCAL ITEMS James lS,oopti hn~ 1' . ..... , ",.tli is n.'\\, t()wobile. Il ver.y lilt Itd"'''I/''' Ill' I IDe and evtdtl~tly liD ~"" , trllYell:!r. . Mla~ .loaSIJbhlll ,,,I!:!.I'PIl vltuturl M .tJ8 ADO" E:truullrl. "f .Mllidlt!towu In ,t 'we.ok:. . . '1'0 large w oO\len lJoX\lS for 911111 I '" plioILy 23 1l'lJd 34 lJu"b .. lti . \lit 1\ Ide for r!torin~ KI'41n luqulrellL lloili offioe , Sarry llIur,rliY has givl'n vent to liIl! enibutllll811l over I he /:IoIUQ.\,Jom 1"1 b, JlIIhitlng the tree8 Rud POllt.t J ...1I1' bill' property " comblnlltioll of 11;(1, -,.hite and blue ,
lf Scbw.1'tz's Corn Cure faU8 to l'.m0:v,l' yon... ~rnli; he will refund )l'\lr money. Price Hio. For MIlle .. r. ,~hwAr.tzdruK store,Wayilenille Ourlng the Orand BOUle ('..omlne a. Way'Detiville, wetilL of Aug, 6th. UCU)ks will be run behl'een byil" "lJd Wayne-ville conneothig With
Have a or YUllr
I •.
J.' lol1t Plnced in
.Sp cilll Numhe r .
(h ZHt.ttt hR~
IIdopttld tbe fo l .
In",llI~ plllll TII!;;ltrllilll{ plc tnre!! of rh .. IJllffiRgetl \lad tl anl!! whiob will lIt> ill I.h pa rtlllp , hy whioh tbllY 1II11~' tlppeRr in ollr • pilch\! Bome Uolliin" numlHlr . ., It would be imJlo!l8ible . ,for UII to pnblillb 111\ of tlie fl OAtS. 80 we hllve (lflQided that we will publhlb tb086 who!!e owners are wtlling tu pay tbe aotullI C08t of haviul: the engravings made .
III 'ltl' "fl 1\,·,,11"11 , !lilY. Philip ·1· ... ,," \\'I\~ dolill/( I"I n Ihe 1I\11lY in. t hi' I'!lu l' II I I h ll ~:[. E. Pllr oUllge wi,,,,, it I" h ti r' ll tllippet}. throwing Mr. 1'rnlll In Ih ~ g rount1nli,l flllllng On hUrl . At t\rMt very grnve fellrit ,W e l'll t· rtllin Ci4 lellt he hllu suf fer ed illtf' rllul inJurle8. but Illter it learried that no'bing more I\e· rioll8 than 8ttyere bruises nnd tbe pain whioh would n&~urally follow Illoh II severe IIhaklng up wou!d reo sult. though It i8 probable be will fee l t.he elfllO'" of the aoclde nt for !lome time.
Thle wIll in no CAse exceed '1.50
'l'htl IWl,ntl!jlcaoll of Warren COUll M'r . Ii. W ZimlJlnrlllllll. who qame ty will huld· H Prhuary ellluLlon 'here with Iii .. \"He fr"Ul MUDole. ' Monday. I:.\ep\erubor ur, tor t.!le pUr. Indilloll.. I. ~t w\!ek til enjoy the j poso .of tllllepLlug e"rdidatoll fer Home Corning. I;' now lit, Dllyton. tll! county ofti('es , .,Ulllidllte8 are invUed to an. t.he rellul!. of 1111 tlCQidlllt ,Iullt hOI'oro Ho minl{ tf) Wllyn iii nouuoo themllelves Iu thlll . ooluwlI yllle, Mr. ZI"'!I1erl/lI~n fell lind ·in. for whi~h a oharge of '2.()0 pa.yable jured hll< 1\1.1J.(ur. After I1l'rh' lIIg with order, I~ wilde,. h erll ,it \\'"" lllt;oovered tllilt the 8URVICYOR, mombel' wlii! IlOt ~ otti ng 011 w e ll '. O. . H~nklll. Mr . Zimmerman ~ent t,o Dr. IJIW 1\ (IF \ 0 R'l'S Wright,. who imfUe<liltt,dly upon ~etl. D II P. Uonf!. llll( t?U Injury tldyiseu every Ilr u· , I 'hllrh,,, R i\~ount8 tition IIl1d prolllpt t l'llll LTntlll t . [i t! • ('\o'.'J' l'tI' l1o,i)illnUou ) W.1I4 tuken ~U" ho!\pltlll I~t DIl.V!-UIi. I~'J II (~n~t ~II't!IO N:tCIf nnd In I,ll rllpurl·1I .i II r1\ 'IltEl II il'. flo nd i· K .H . Rnl-:o,·,. till" im"ro) v ill~ . .
R, Burhllu" tp"t,itlfl" Iln/'I' r.. 1I1'
1 :-\" \..
,1,111 '1 t.hink ,,11 corn ODI'&-C Ii h I. If He hWllrb·., (:.) rn 'IUIl I •, I':1 . I\nT- IIIIltto' Ilf I 'urll ~ II~ C fl nl Hr . 'I fllll t< I .. l'I' III1') \' .. .VIIUI' OIlrn!! he 'wlll t\ Y.. wl'll t:tI : " Allout l'''lll' "" IlTll rf"t1III1 ..\·our Ulolley. Prle., ](16 Itt "/.lit I \Yrtlte YOIl ,,'"t1ng l,hlit .. 1 hllll l.Soilwltr tz '14 /11'\11{ " t o rI', Wllynellvllle h ~Il III · "t.i"f'ly OIJrI·a of Il ""Viore kit! n ey tr lJlI hit' by 10/1klilll Ill"s t lrHn hy u Fflmily Re'=IOio08. lJCl It] 1'1' of foley'" Kldnev UUrtf It. I e nt.irtllY "I.npped tho brlok (luHt sedl m ent·. lind pIIill lind tlympt(HIl M !'I f A Feature of, the Home-Coming. kldnev !lipense Itlltllppeared. I Ilm - -. ghtd 1.0 "lIy that I bave never blld a Never hefor!) 1]118 ther~ been tiD r -lturn of those symptomM during the opportunity for 80 Ulany f"mily four ye~r8 that hliVII el/lpsed Bnd I g tbe ringll among the people of IlID evident oured' to I!!lY oured, Ilnd Il hear~ily reoommenel Foley'll Kidney WuynesvlJl,e 1111 now. an~ tb""e re · Cu,r e to I\ny ona suffering from kId. uni ons w)\l be one of the plellllant. nay or bladder troublll. Fred 0 e8t feRtures d tbe Dome Coming. . Sohw"rt~, drlllt'gist III several Oll8es almOilt t,he eu . Ii
Yt','r~ .
1 It '~.
i I
lJy dlreotlon and order of tbe and for the 8mall!lr t1o~t!l will be letllI. All tbat It 18 nece8sary for the Probate Conr. of WClfren county. tire fnmlly clrole wlil get togetber owner to do III to furnllh ns Il good Ohio, I olfer for lillie fifteen aharea ~ "nd 10 mllny homeR tbe . SOD II and .J; . . LAN G pllotogrllph .whlob we will retmn of the oapital IItooil: of the Waynes· dllllgllters wh o 'IIE'nt 1lo~8y in ~~IY' ville Na.tlonal Bank of Waynesville, whell t he engraving Is made. RI00EVILI,IC, OnlO I life I\re returning now growu up Mrs. Clarinda Emley ....... , D L & C Oblo. lit privllte ~le . EII;ly on your I'ool[et book ;. ellllY SPIIlOIA I>Tltt:II : D181!:A8l£1! 01' WOKEN lDE'n Iinei wumen, many wah iami. • I . . . train~ • . beKinning deh wllrtz's Corn nure is gUliran. 011 your ttlPt . &hwllrt~'s Corn AND OHILDREN. Thla ia .. good and eate Invest· lie,. of their own '.'ueedAy ~fternOOD. tl\!'tled 10 relLilve cornlt or money WIUl born Mllrch 1 tb, 1!12a., aud ment, paying Il lemi annual dhl· departed this life. Jnly 81 , 1906,IIged Our~ . Hio ut. ~h'o\ltrtz'lI dru~ Rtore 'l'be D6'~D Reaolutes IIlId t,lI., refunded. , If>o at Schwilrt:l.·s drug storl'l. Wllyn esvllle. Wa~e. .me base bell met, Il~ 0,,11 dend of four per cent (eight per 83 yelU8. " m~)ntha aud 13 days. 1.I.}e Park Friday IIfwDoon 'l'btl drug sto~e, Waynesville . The deoe"lIEId 'a malden nome . WIIII ~nt), and I am informed will likely "ame wu • d~"ppolntment to 'be MoClilillter. her f"tber "nd mother Home.Coming Souvenirs. be Inorea8ed, and not taxable. 1<101&1 !·'.DI'· 1'8111l1Cing In Il !\Oore of William Murray's dying when ebe WAI! a tIIere .ohlld . JOSEPH li, KEYII. 1:1 to ~. for Day too, ' She, howtlver, found kind friends .. '86th Birthday. nil n R AI,der""'J will bll ve A Exeoutor of the elltat.e of and Will! given Il good home in the num h e r of illI\1venirs 011 !lale Itt the lin, LaQl'a KOlber and 1011 Bar. household ot , M.r. lind Mrt!, .,I ohn Rt1)i Ron lli. Isabell BrOwn, deceaaed, rt., who been lUeiU of Mr. R. For ~bree 8uOO88llive yean!, the Plunkett. of Dloar BlanOilol:lter. Ohio 1'. llCeber at Cardlnl~n for nunl reillt.ivell ot Unole William Murray. Bere amidut rnral surrouudings . .,be1"Of weeb. arrived home Friday of Springboro, hllve celebrated bls Everything good to eat l:Il1lvtll!ton'l! t:iBl~ Wull. Peacefully at Rest. ~he WIIS reared ' to wumanhood lind . tl,eDIq III'. M.oeller and hild"ugh. birthday by a rennlon at his home. mllkes life now nt! safe in th .. t oity. remaiDed wl lth them until libout ... r • • elUDe down for ,1I0me-Com. Sunday. July · 211, WId bls 88th twenty two y1ear8 of age, whe~ IIhe ,,~ on the highllr uplllnds . E W. IIl4r ~k. birthday. MIlIII NeUte Kelsey dIed July 20th "as united in marriage to John (;oodloo, who rellldlllO on Dutton 8t , Jiua Hel...·n..leabee of veyll. He and Aunt Hetty, his wife, wbo -:-........ is .&hree years yo~nger, have been at 2. a. m. ftt her home 739 Merchant Emley, who preoeded ' her lIev. in W IlO.I. Tell:. , ne d!\ n o tlilli wull for • \U8'iUlcl frieid II1lIII Goldman, of h I d t be d h t !d ,St. LOll Angel.,., Callf!lrnl., I.Id to Ilrlll years ago to the "Great Be . ""(tlty. till writes: "I hllve DYed Dr. .lcId.~Il."ended a bouae .... rty a e an 8 rong yon w a 0011 .... be expected at their 1lgB, and for rest.tbe followln~ Sunday, le"l088 yond . .. To t his union were born King's .N!!W Disoovery for oonaump 81x ohildren, two son8 "nd four t,ion tll O Pll8t five yellrs Ilnd it kOOI18 -',... bl lit. BoeauD& Heeve, of weeke blld enjoyed t.hi8 Ilnnlveraary at tbe bbulM! at 2 p, m, daughters. all of w.hom aurvive ber. mil well.nd slltP. Before that time 14m.. Obto, number ot OJ:tord QCCasion In antiolpatlon. !:So early I:Ihe Willi 0. meml)flr I'f the Clirill. 1 h/ull1 oon~h which for yearll h~d Rev. FOliter, putor of the New. lebool All .njoyed the oc ~bbatb morning they were astir, 0&81_ yery muoh roWlng ..ud other and looking for . the expected vl8it, man M, E . Churob. of tba~ oity om tia,n ohuroh of WltynlltiviJIe. and 00011 growiu" worse. Now it'8 gone ,,\though not teing able to attend (Jures ohronlo Cough8. La Grippe, ~ bel... many. or,. oiAted. the I16rvi~ slile otten IU:pr68116d her' Cr"Oup, Whlloplng Coug~ IIt\d pre lin. :AI OM' Wrl,ht haa All her I' About 9 o'olook a ,company from Interment at'Roeed&le Cemetery. wllllnlnleM to attend, but Wall pre VOIII,,, PnoumoDm. Plell~allt to take II~ t~1 "eek ,Mr. /IlOd Mra. Clark I Lima, 0 .• arrl ved, "nd by 11 a. m . 'rhe long lIervloe Wall by MilII vented doing 150' by poor health . For EWtll'v Dottle gUllf8nteed At F . C. ~walbiaer. of Morrow '; Mn. C. N. tbere were 27 pre8ent At noon we r-Inh \Vllrly. drug 8tore. Price 50c and Emma Denzer and Delta Donner, lIeveral years past ahe bu been in iii L 00. Tri lt! hnltle frell . ate..... and IIUle dllu,hter. 01 Chi. were invited into the dinin" hall very poor hlll&1&h, but seemed to -.0; _ . E. L. Crail, of l\orwood whe~ a bountiful dinner had al· Mi88 Bailie Donner, pianist rendereii rally and gained aumoient strength NeTaBaywood, of Dayton. ready been prepared. While at the tol1owlnlt · 80Dga. "She III not to be up and around, though not Home-Comin~ nance. , . dinner, UDoie said I "The year hlUl lin. BUa Bader, of Corwin, hll8 pIl88ed by qulokly snd yon are al\ dead," "Where the Ro8es never able to perform her houeehold dutl8ll. yet IIbe was Interested all fade ... lIOIcl.b....ulomobtl. to • party from bere alaln and lam glad .. .Metl8rs. U . •1. Whitp, Harold HowMake our store your Head Qu ...rters. the wh1)e. and her presenoe was an " 1\, W'arren Edwilrul' Ilnd IIldward 1 be . .lb.rD pan of the lltate. 'l'he The IlfternooD Willi spent in pIau. ' ' "One by one the old frl!lndll fall" inllplratlon to th088 around~er. Rloks Will gi\lt! Ii grand Home.Com. mllGbbul W&II one of the fin8flt mllde BDt oonversation with a half hour's M .ad ... ·QDlWl8l1ed a8 a hUl olimb. p&uae for lJrayer and praill8 sln'vloft, wall IInnR' softly while the friends Her Iife'R work la euded. The i Oil &11 lit- (irMR SIIU WodnllHdra:v Ah. ,ut 100 luvltations .... , whlob Aunt Hetty I18YII III the best viewed the remains . "In tbe 8weet battle of Ufe ia 0 ·er . Sbe bore her evenil/I( lIuft'erlug" with great \lltt.lcnoe. never I.., V6 hae" I>!sned. by and by" sung at the oem8tery. ~nD". call in' and llee the Brad. of all . cnmplaining of any !Ouft'prlllg whioh . ~ . . . . plowl.W" drop'c orn plailt, So 800n the time for good·bya MI88 Kfll8ay wall born In Lytle , "he hlll\ to IIndure, liut dl""1I8e had 8oh\vl!rI~'S corn CUTe i8 guarlln· OD. dd two row corn oultlva. ollme. Ilnd we dlll\1erlled, hoping If Warren Co . and journeyed . to Cali. f"~l.ttnerl it8elf too firmly Oll her frllil l ee. 1 t .. rllIU<lVe oorllll or money re .... ~~ C I ailo carr, a fuU line of Os, God·8pares our lives wa may meet hody, iUlrl in !lJlit.e of the klDd at funded . HiQ Dt Sohwllrtl!'s , drug ·Implement. .and am taIling RIl"ln n'ext year ,,~ Unole Wills. fornla witb her p&rentll. WheD, IIhe tentlon Rhown . ber life went out lUI IIt"lrll, Wllyuesvilie . nldalilror btlli Iftde tobllooo, oorD The follOWing Rre the namell,'of thot!e WIl8 six years' old, befng 16 "88rll.· thll 'ebbing of II tide I alld ..... mzerB ranging in price pr8l!ent; Mr. and, Mrs "Fiu ey Fee, 11 montbs, when I,Ihe died. It. III Ii beautiful thttl1ght to knu\ ' . Q;nterville. fftlDllbineen doll.n up. .tnhn Wrlgh*. J I E Fr.zrer. lieol'R8 l'Jo one ",ver knew her, bnt to love thAt IImldl!l her snft'erinR and SOl' , B J Wilson; W . J. Sber.wood, Wm. her, row. t,here WAa Ou" besides her , IUIBY AT. i$mith, AI. Hibbert, Charles Gus B. F . Vllul(h"n preanbed in tbe 1I0wa'" Troat aDd SIdwell Ellis siner, R. J lIurr.y, R .· W . Murry MI88 KelBey had been IIlslnoo Jiln. earthly friand .. , to millilltllr to bar B ro:.iI wily C hrilltilln ohuroh, Day wantll, 0111' whn W"" trllA IIn .l JltA:t d ... klrned home Friday from • Rnd dllughter NfllI, Mill8 I.Ide Murry ua.ry and during that time ber tnu, l/lllt !'iundRY . w..k'. ~tion w ,hio I ."lIpant in Edna Will!On Mn. Calliy G.I thenl f"I' I , \;''' .pilll! f!'illIIII! \·illil . !llld III! Mr J P . Benbam hall returned Is not a private Bank, but is organized under r,,&ber. unique. ~1l~very enjoyable Mil:\8 ~de c;m th o Lenard Bnd Mluy frIend!! were very attentlve to ber. th., hn·"I.1t .. f ,III) tI"l'lItr,erl line Sbe died of blood poi8ening. way. The boy. drove from Wayn9l\ Gueuinor. A .FRtIlND. lillie klllll.'l l ,,1111 h'·(1IHII .... hllrlflr her frum hi~ trip to Northern M.ine. snll repO/'is II fine time ' during bi8 the State 'l aw of Ohi.o, over 45' Stockholders ville ' to a point .bt-ve Springfield Many b~l\utlful floral tribute!! lif.. W"1I1 "III, tl,1'IHllilll!lv H'" Il fllcker_ vlait Of Ilbout three weeks In that wb/lre·tbe,. camPed on the Mad riv_ The best 'thlng you caD take shu Wild the many frlendll she blld illl! Ii !! It t. IIli,11 ber " ~I;lrlt returned reltlion . ' . " interested and is governed by a .,r. The &rip .all made ODe wa, 8(). IIII '''lil .l· 1,11 0 .el: wlln II'''Y'' It.. " in. aDd another waJ oominll bpme' home from Waynesville ill a bottle ,von (luring ~er 8tay on earth. , 1'ht\ knowl ll(\gtt IIf t,hi .. jt!'rent . Mrtl.' WW. HlltfiAld hll8 r"tprned Directors. IIDd they enjoyed every minute of of . Sohwartz's Corn ' Cure. l()c lit She leaves to grieve ber 1088, her Ctllllf.)rt t,n th.1! hurelivp.(} 01111", to bailie IIf.ter an abrienoe of about· 6 weokl!. Ber' lion. Will. bu. retur n the time. . ' t30h'wartll'lI drug IItore. Wllyne8ville bel.o ved ftither and mother Mr . and kll(lw ,t.hut "ha p""Merl 1\ wA,y t"Alloe , Assets, over ~80,OOO. Jlllc.I jqy 11I' ('mlle h llr .. 11011 "hI' fOllllU cd trom hili special 8Ohool work at Mrll . J . A . Kelsey. her brother" re~t, III ~htl ~vior'll IOVIl. the Ohio \\' eslayan Unl verslty .• "Milke Hay WhUe the Bun Sbines" Ber olde.~t 80n and hili wife are In B ,ury Hud Ralph and ber llietor 3 per cent interest on savings Ac- . A Tribute to 'L'hl ftllt l' rl~1 WI~14 h.,I,1 frum het Clllffornin, lIud wa understand that 'l'here III a les'" on in the work of. I :"rrie Kol8ey . lilt" hnlllfl tin lower Mil in "tr"flt the thrifty farmer. He knows that Mr. Hatfie ld bll!! belln advlMld by a Wilson Harvey eount8. 'l'hur.. <1".,· /I rt"n]llon Ill, 2 o'olook. VbYSIOillu tbere to go to the moan the bright lluu8hlne wl\y last but a (~;'lIthlUlt"l h.¥ Rev . • J F , ~;ltrhvlI"" . . Fvr ' ~lIle-A' piano 10 good condi. dllY lind be prepares Il)r the 8boweJ's til 10 regions for 'tJ1I~ benl,lftt ' of hili Call. and see us . ,1.'1' Mr~ , B ~ Bnwflll. . Mr8. ' lungt'. lind to' rernnln tber for 80me 1'be PU8lng IIway of W~hlon wbioh are so 1\I\1!Ie to follow. 80 lt, tlon . Inqulre .at Ullzette oroe . \V"lh',· \o; · ~v. MiI!l1Fr>4. F ' B . Farr Imd tlmo .nr unt.i1 the .tro)l e ' whioh Btinay ~kee (rom W.rren ·Co nty sbould , be with e.very. h0\18~Old '1; Gh" rl,·" H If nn ~unl!' ihrf'e pry . liP ' t.hralltenll liltn is e ntirely emovec:l. Ilue of its men and nobles ~ clt. DYII~l1tery, dillr'rhoeu · Itlld 0 !llara : ... . ,t ' Casbieti pr"JlriJit, "OIl!!rI4' Tb4l1l ! the . III~t , 1~1I1. , . When the news ~me : morbus .rnlly IlttRck 80me in ber ~ fIlTH",,,!1 Illilk. \\lOR Inkon lit · t,\t o " We.1I11 McN..,i1 , of LIlyfllyette,lnd . .. Wilson Harvey Is dead." che \itep. of the 'bpme without. wat ning 1 il! yi"itinlC' hill brother, 4 . A. Mo v,·,1 1)111< II n,I .. he' VIliS IIIld t,t, rest l .. r"nce oarried a reelinR ".of bereave Chamberlain"11 C,)l\o, Obolerll . and H 0 i" the oldellt of tbe flln11)y N itl ~["IIIlI · (J.illl."t"l'y. Ir,~nt to the heartH of many. Many D.lllrrhoeit Remedy. whloh is the ' 1 ltuew thill Inan for his IIlways' pleatl· het!t known -medlolne for these dit!. w. ~: . MO()It~; . nccelv~1 '" . hill /!Imi\e and kind wordlof·euoour 68Jt8l4, phould ItlwoYII be kel)t at - - - - - - - - ~Harv.e ysburg Ilt;elDcnt. Be was " frlen~ all hBild, 8S i!llrnedl~tJl treRtment ill l'~ME O ARD Family ·R·e unions. Th., L!twb Feto Riven by the ~Ilr: 1/<1rolo de~ti . Be olimbed the neoe888ry, lind delllY WIl.V prove ~:~' ~''':CTI\'~: AI'ItU. I:'. lli Otl. 'I'ht! 401.11 AlIlllllti ' :,'II....,t M"F{lIv v e YHburg BllIld l:iIthlrdllY night WRS )1 .. It!bts and left, a\l snperstltionH fntal. For 8ale' by F. C . t30hwllrtz SOrt'1'HllciuNLI • • ~ • "Ill .. wln~ IIUCC6148. ' tAr below . St.n.Uon1t ~o . I · :-10.'3' No. r.o. No . ~: Jli OIli<l will IJIi h;,lrl I4r Ihl1 UIIU' I Onr etfioie n~ R'lrlll M.iI ,. .. Btl l uved the beautiful, lind Will! A. ~r. A. M. P. M. p, M. IIhlOA ~IHI Ib.1< u ~ uIII tim l1 t'~" 101"0 lI\d Mr . i lhHl'ICII Tuoktir, it! to be "On .. the Banks of the Alll!ll "t. . "I~b cQlor, form Ilnd musio touohed I.el*"(>o J ~. Ar.; Uti III ~r, I au r. !!5 t;1I In rrlll.\' In _ ___ __ _ " .... III.h ltl Ull/IO hi~ prompt and exo~1 10) t-tlllrl4. Bil iiided with' lhe weak, Little Miami," Sti"k~r (·r. 7 2. 10 ~~ I ~,. Ii ~~ , Thll H;" I<~' nllO \'dJli"UI~nll fl~'l1Ii IlIIit, "fl.rvioe <. Be. hnd never . I~ •.. I~ois. WIII .occI'r,j ~be .. lid with' Il willing bl\nd gllV:e !llmll: ' 7~;/ I III .. l,l ~:! I r. I .. \ 1' ' 11 I,"III Ih ,.ir IIIIIIUIII IJICllil) ". cI ',v ul' to . thl.'l . Hith' of. ,Jnly , ,.01 tbe ba&tle 01 n""lyu \\ It.b loyal beart and tblS pure!'t. 1 111 . [,14 ft!; WI ., p~opoaellloO celebrate Mrl! Mllrk Davis has ' w.ritten aud Hemp.ltall ~ 10":, IU Jr, 11m! r e.. l1l1ill" ill fhA "r.~vll nr .I"~O.' I,II hl\~ Ij<lun ~e'rvil1g 'Uncle SH:Tn , '\filII i1.,reuoloo ol, tbe . .... ,t\vell b" fll\l.bfll)ly disohllrged all hlld pubUsh'l4 Ii 80ng .e n.tltled "On Ceolerl'lIle 7 I~ III U7 I U . " Oi ... " '\1/'03'" ' I &eel' I ' lit I.ulll\e trust!! : . 0 .- 10'\ .'. 01 ' HI~"Y ill E;lItlt \~II.\· nO! . to\vlJshiJl Au. ·.lIullllry . par' plpa II &jh tbe Banks of the ~Ule Miami." ' .. BEl Willi & worshipper of \illlnty ~l:I~:r ~ ~~ " I~ r.: I. 01 .~' r,ll, gu-t III , " M~ liD/I Mrll. Wti'! Weloh en~er; 'be va.~!:i~"'·~::~I:~ "lid Il friend lit \he IW lll·e~deJ . Htl Nnthlill ;'"n"'" hill<, l' rl'ct"II lin IIroh ~nin"ll NaU,ou .. , ·pa~k. Mr/l D"VIK hlld fhil! 'done at her EdUtt,,·c)OtI 'f.1\ r.K ;n • tt :! r-tt .. rIa . K to ::hlU(l",y . dinner ... . 141'14' N . Alioe ' '" will be bald ' al " . O\· . ·r rh" ,I: ,oIl ' 1" ILelin!! I,ll h ill yur.l. 'Mo in!411." lIild .. itlt~r ro.lM!' edry Rn., So,tpi.ambe", I'"III :ond ZOo t~c. pre •• nl · 10' .... ilO:"l'ti Ib" t illlpplu tlllM Wilt< the own expense Rnd ball ~lven ·them Vell. a ble ttl r,. ; 0 .H I~ rot .oJ ill 81111 II . \V I " . 1\ I t . y ' H it'ft f Co 'Iri dltIJhloOM are ,hat II ... 111 "" tbe I..rg~at 111111 .. Illy 11;1 Ill!, reli~on thll only IlIrc h ; Kncbner 'III i,~ , : 11 47 :I~ ;.~ H I i '" w" "" ~: , .. ,. O\ '1I1t hid 1I\1~, I ·er IrOM . IInr. ·1\ .0 . . r , n moat nottiJlle III1'herioll ever' beld 'In tbe I!""II 1·1,,·,·,' Ju"I,IU" tb .. ouly w or .. bIIlPtlr.huLlInn . t .. t.h e · general. ,committee to .11611, I)o·'d " It, 1111 011111-'r,.. . ' " ILull ' ) \I~R M,.,III ·)l:gbert tlf Kan~s Souili . . , ..... tbe abo \'e , Q"I-, the [ftmn"n" U'U III 41. 12. 00 4 H, . . .. ... vu ._ v ~ .. u " ., .:-~-,~ - - _. _ ' Cliy Mu III'" Mr, I\nd ?drs. Lee from ~b" amlle. ot l,welyc·. I"t.t: •. co,nprl.h" "Ii II .., III/I .v rllll~i (JU !l ucI 10 Ye th o t,!.E' pr~t! . togo to help defray Lel~Dd '0 ~ l :\1 an " 12' I 'Uti 'l·ltA II II"utll r ti" lltillll Clf 'thll '::lllllrl< A:c.I;,il/~ '"f K'UI~Ii" LJi~;V ~o\. " " Int) fol!Owlog PUI1Il,8Y~VIIOhll ' Ob'n: I\Ililhllfli~'1 " .. .. I~' 1" ' h' .. I, thtl rxpllnljlll4. t.he Home. Comlng: HO UTE I~ :lr, ~ :lU fumllv wlllhll hel,! II~ 11"'1 I ,'1 II M U " D . . . . 11 ' 1 j ' 'i' , J • Ibdlall.,.JlllnoIH. '.\\lrt<:OlI"ln.~ IJJne.ol.ll.¥w .. 'Leb'anon-Lv: d a& ' » au t.t~ Il illprtll pt10pie lIu \/l ol L . Pri" .. :U,oent,1I .' OeHhem at J . E . ,, " 1 , 16 I ro' r . . noun .. 1\ !l "'fI oy n" ," Neb ...... kll. Mll<rfO,url. Ulld Kenlth:ky.' __ _ _ _ _ _ t j{1I1/~ .tlhlltl,l Ih l:! rOttd 1\ ( Ii f ll for 11M be c " &. o · 0& x'\' 0 &. X '1' C 1I&e1l I!r~"v" II~ I'll r" . . Gellrl:!e. S""rll 1,1,,"r vilolit frolll her 14ll1tt6r Imd illtllrellting will at<l4cmble. many ~n." ~he IIr"~ ~lId . Ialit Dayton n 4(1 11 01, e 00 " 00 U'~IIII'f\·III .. ' ,I II "" lIlrrll1:V Auguilt 18. elllldllm .. tlwe .loue ~,!ey IDl1ro~ed from I~ blood .• (loIot;er1, I I mra,Y "lit iJlo this way JlIIIIlII:V'~ or Uli~ll tte Omoe . A,IJD, . . , uu '1I1(1,ln." 11.1< X 'I' ~ .t,,"O'tO' Evr'rlYI tl,or\·,V I.i! It II tn.! ' will /)1 1'1 ' -e' hrltl!( 'l'lie dev-I.1i of Willian HarvElY Hwln",/·tleIIiH. fort1 ' t~rllU rean QIfO •. . ~ 00 .. we f Ilttll hl1" !k,,t. '(1)1\1) IIf ,~. 'ft"'11 . ... t l ' .. ei\l " 8hook '. fler~ I~ OIJ~ of Lhe 1l1.o¥t uppurtulJltie. f~r "We, 1l~8 oreepin~ ..lown Ihe tlblld Home-Coming Visitors s r;' U·l'H[lOUNO . IIn'\1I (·U" .C)f "U~mT 01\ ,.,.1 urrllY \'V~II .. gr_ .' ,. thUL'IIuC .. tto.nur.the ~It. O,'t\ ·.~tat1 tu,take ." W1 r, ,,!dtr. jr' tl uing 'lie ijlln~et . ', ' ul I ' . u ' .... t . r . , ' Ih.., fllmlly,' lUI well BS · entire youo ublltlrco atld .how IltClll blllurl6'l"b"'IIi' . P. M.. P. ' 101 ., iUflle ." hit< wM(\1! 10 !III old \lfe . - -:;- - - .- - . 'A. M. A. III In ~!II ' ,Ilm~p u lr .. u,,~ onH.· 0' X"nllt . "1 'rl ill "';of HarV.,YM nOlllla. with 111111~ olotorloal uUlIlJeu·UoM. l~ : 1 ,UK frillud ' .'\mnn~ tllo Home.Comlng vl~i~r8 r_eo\'~ N". ~·· No~ · No (I' ~o /I will IIi" .. ~H': "r" I' r;",,,hllg" . . . ; :"UIII Y· . lie I . v litgie . ooun .... bllv~ Iritbodpl)()r~utlILY of .. llIelin,e. Oo;and Ken ' I not, . , 'Ill" 1111 "''' nil ' en re oJ. tbe' .lId .. ~r, gelliJral~ 'UJd .o~lrer oftlc.;n< polDI ADd btlW 110' bll" OVllle into Ills ... "'.nnley R'nd . ' • 0() 1v.00 '! 0" W - - - -I I :-'p . loMt It IntedOil t dielllrlY IpOveli Oil' Ibe'placl!!lut hllerut oi, Inn blltlll!·neld ; i luhl!rlta.Doo thlit (hllllt!~ tn nil .. 11, b IIrM o n ~ COl.'" r • • ~. aynesvi' . e roperty Il'ull hiubl.v rp"peo C t :tAID. nit IUL ll,em _.. ',W IV"U antt eX I,hllu. 10 "",,;un.j II .OOD or hAte. Jf'l11I1 Oll-Y. ·Ol4kaloollu.• Kallllllll; Geo. Lebanon J!>. : 4(J • It) a~ ~ a" IIIvlld by 11-11 he ,1lI0~. The tnnerlll th" lO.lrl(er. .rI!Ca.erl on Ibo IlIIlUeUeld ~Jt()w. ~Dtut th. ·,' DiollI'D" "jjy~. " Ililit olel. ~'IllIeblav, St Loul .. ;,E . E ' Ebright ' Shaker Or"•.• IIIK {H 10 3 , . ~ a. ',4t For Sale. I t,I,•• k lIllie" lin ,M undIL, from plIO IItle til. 1""'llIa.... 01 U'O OplJUoilllll ,arlUlltJ a~1 .,ld f.. lilonllCt Dtlllrh 'I'h!:! f,,~hlon Hnrl Pro;. ~ud Mrll. Ht,Rbl, Albion, ' Ro.lyn '147 Uo.~ !I~'~ ..::,~ ____ 1,rt:tllllm.It: II. 1nhmllentln Miami Cem D'In~I~tl~t~"~!~~eIO~O'IJt~I;.Onuo\'I'::' ~~~~ 1ih&1i ta...ilt o.Ullllu With ,"Ir flul \.lttrtlnt.~ 1Ilinnlll; Mr~. .lonn Tutnlmp, two BIlJDI"II,ead ' • "0 1046 ! ~r. 11'1""\" The fHmill' ""VO tht! deepeet II ",III oc ""OOJ yea",. II vVer Iljfalu, tba, II oil ..h .. U l'eWIlIU UlluL14ufjtHJ alltll dllu\tl\terH. BOti nlpee, Jilltt·her Cenloervtlll!. 7 MI ' III ~J ~ ••1 5 r.M A hlln~p IIr 1l1'i\l(l1l rllOfn!4, Of\1J~r, "ymp"tby of • boet of friend .. , n tlPllUrlurihy will IIretK:oL I_It. See .~ 01 "IU r,~ ...! ;'. "U1)4 "olin Wil li ", w" ter IInrl Ht." blp on a Ibal Yllur lIukellI .... ad vi .. tbe Luuiijvllle .t. " .. ur... I.. run HUrl the wholp. H :I '"llton. Winllton. N . C.; W8. Manor 11IQ1I . • ~ " K 011 II 04 n b!l ,o~ dOll 1,1,> I"t,. "\tIlIHPII lib 'rhlrc1 ~trl!8t, - -_ . 011 N...1ou~ bvUleneareM~ R. It. , rallroall the lIatlielleld Route. &D'l&D~III, ):4 r.,II .. ,1 IIIJ like h I'Orol\ Evn .J110 k jIOnv\' 11e. III ; Ly~le : a,l!nt ror rates <-alii alld (,Id r" .. 11ittnflti O".hl,h . , ",," A M Prullll. Ptttl:lburll; ~r, EI!Il"wo,," "" I~ " II M' \a or, q I~ nl'l\r C""'11111" n. 'Will I!(lll either aM " I WIIS iu Poor Helllth for Ye1lr8: a,lvenlsloll mailer pertal"larloOtbe reunIon ""'MIl '....."... , a hllrrow VitI .. 1... 1wlleu tbe "nu Mrll, Lee Atl"mt!, Kunllll/! City; , VWu.bJe '11 III " .. II Oil 011 ,S III Whlll;' IIr ~IlI)!lr"h.l'v I Ira W . ~lllly of Manllfield ' PH or wrlil! repreNeolallve or tbe Loul •. b.rrl'n JIt\IIk. llf town ' ~ter. B ' 0 Robprtll, O~weel(o. K"nllfi.lII, Kltaborr tK I" UII:I ,:1 11 "'l~ ' InqnirA 'II( wrlt8ll: .11 waR 'In I109r bf14lth fo; "Nll8hvllle R. n Wet Itlrl"e lu ""in lO look Mr Rnel Mrll . Wm Mo,thlll'l', 0 Dctld~ ·M ~/I II 'Il l·ORW1H,0010. two yean, SUffering ' kidney J . n . MII.IoI'''''I. 1/. t'. A. I.~ulavlllil. K, N'II~~.d t)l" bellbt • . Bllrllnltf;on. I(lIn/lIlM: A . C White, t.P.IDOd ,. ~~ '11 Z~ =======::::::ll~=~====== lind blddder tro~ble, and 8pe11t C O b . }'. 11. 1It1I1H. \,I. P. A. Clnolno.L'. Obi... Ulit yntcelf'tllo lip" of t hll un · O~lln .. hoTo. KelllUokY, ··Mr.. Lld& I ....haa<ln Arrlv~ "a;, 11 :111 :1 DO II .:1 Utld,U'illllltl C,ll'lI. Mldenlble lUoney CODllultiUIf phYlIi. J. 11. DA\· . . .OB'l'. D V. 10 . S\. LoIlllJ, Mil. *1fI~'lattt bead Ili"t'I) (l1)U16t' Oil ~oril, Klllllln . (·hle.tIHI; .TOIIhUII S .. tter· n .. uy ...>e.,t Su~.,,,, . !1t"11 on "lInnl. 'hl~r .. tu try Ake , olanM whbnut ohtlllnlniJ atly mlU'kecl 1\ a JlAILlIT. N. W. V. A. CblaatlO. III IIIlrbl. .., d ... th h0118 th~·"i'... L .. k ..t,,\\,n,; BanJ. ~UIID.' '1'11"11<.. .for uear.lBia J belleflt., but WIl. oared by Foley'. J..telilulC I.... "'IU h"ar Mi"lIilllinf'. Oxfnl'll, ' Kanl&8; !JialOll ; ..... I.vlle a" follow. : tbe nnderllC!lDd- ; Kldne, Can. , J datltre to add • ~.II!Lo ID. pC 1& ~. "tM'l!Cb caD' )fr IlnlJ lttl'l4 CJb"' rlN E Ker· Nortbbound ritt. lInd fo\1l' ohllc1reD I r . v Ola. III _ _ tl'IIP. ,j . Hn1 1'
" M. MD '0 . ,v.
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Tb¢ Citizms 'Bank "f WAYNESVILLE OHIO.
'board, of Nine·
J. N,. LEMON, ..
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WAYNE/i\VII;LE. OHIO, WED,NE8DAY. AUUU~'I: ,Hi , ~9'l6 ~~~_~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~_--~--~1 '2_------_~'_~~~ _" ' _-
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\\"11 11 ,,·; i'l1J~ll ; I'" :!ll.'j
The Home-Coming fxceed,ed the Expectations of.·its Optomistic friends in Attendance and Enthusiasm .
The Greatest, Grandest, Parade the :,~l",!'::"d;.'':~:~. :~:I:":~'1Closl'nd6 i:Xer' Largest arid Most ·Enthusi'Itppear~1D08 L · Cl'~eS 41 . ,. m ni Happiest.Week iIi Waynesi: bn~~:~~~~~~t~O~nh:::~::do~C::~ of the Week' astic Gathering of A1u Lver Best ASBe ciation .ever held in its ville's History was Home- Almost Every Business ~II a Grand Clu1)ax of the Long . T ' lked f E h' h b . ' House P~rtlclpat~, beSIdes a o vent Ie has 1 c:;tory. C~ming week. Private Parties. Interested Thousands IHtrftctlve
the memory of In"n runnetb back, . • notbing if not orlglDal. D r e s s e d . I~ Qllllker c~!."lme, ,whlOh W8S • • ' . hIS grand flither'lI weddtng suit-, \lll yoort! 010, htl rode a fine hol'l!e, W while betllde bim"Miss Jessie Olarke , ' --rode 8S Pooahonl~as . Her oostnme F 'd f H f"O :.., ' k" The Home-Coming idea having b . f dd . . " bieb L':': ' ""--~ , The expeotlLtlons of the most en ! The exerOll4llR opened wHll a song Without refleoting on 8ny other WIlS' very hllndsome .lind she pre. rl ay 0 ome-vummg wee was had its birth and nUTtur~ in the rle ~ .. ress lD w . . -~ ~ "OM FrulD.i,.." wbloh WIlR 'allowed or the many good ' featureH of tohe tl6nted a strlltlnll ploture , the I~t day but by far no~ the le~t' l Waynesville High School Alumni the ongm of the Bo..e-eo........... tbu,IIMUO friend. of thA Bome Com . with Prayer by Rev &lmuel Soott Home-Comlnlt' it I~ Hllfe to fillY tbllt It I gen erall ecognlzed that for the afternoon was freIght wlth A 't' fl i h at the Alumni banquet IlION tta.n • l't Was b Y lug were flur~8II8d J/ltlt week. 1'be lI.udlenoe juloNl In "inginK the parade WS:lIlIlIUlIlY. Was tlJ~ mOllt persoo" II) I te ·t r d 'Ibll feaats for mind to dwell on years to Th.880':.~ Jon'h d ut tt ng t at year ago; of the entbulUm :'irItIl n grl y an respons ' • . unJUay, t e ay set apart for the h' h 't bad bee Iii Ilttendliooo, In tlntllUsll\Sl\I., In with moch fflflling "Bome Again" pnpula.r festure, all well as one Ilf It,y is demanded of those who are come. . observance of High School Day w I~ I . n ~ved ~ ~ Mrs. ~ue Wright Haines on be, grellotest IntereMt ,to a mlljorlty of back or. bllona to "reater. extent The townspeople and gu.c sts assem· should be the one most 'I'dea'II'zed b' proJ~ct c:arrl!!d ,forward Udl the Inturetll, "lid in gounltle plel1Bure, hulf of the menlberll of the' ASHIlOlU· tbe people who ..... ere attraottld to th.n In Ilny ~ther , , ,business, , Y culmmat n filth ftI.... and a bled , on the scho~l campus a t 2 p ' . m. I the visitors as well .. by the citizens -tlon8' hloo 0 a e,oor-"' . _ : ,bu Hume '(A)mlng WIlS more of Il tioD delivered a .hellrt.y Addres" tlf the town , ' , bank Is what the people oonneolOd and for the opemng of the exercIses tthemselves' for almost 11 f th ' t' pa : pea an~ ,.e xertla 01 ... Ii!UOO_ th,," ItII U10Ilt> · .opto'w illtlo w~~oome, which waH rellpond~1 to by. It was frequently stu.ted after the witb It make It. The Oitl~n. Bank aane Am~rica accompanied by the ; !!'ultidude' that tlirong~ :ur st~;:a ~theadlD~rledes~ lJl ·tJte trlJMI_~roIMr Lizzie Merritt. Bale, of 10pl!kl~, parlllie by thOtle who had seen many reCogol~ thlll Rnd their display WaynesVIlle Cadet Band. . IdurinO' the week and . II . our ~ .... oar rritmds antlOlptited Ka n8ll8. ' , . Re C d Ilad b' bl to '.. . , especla y on homBjl dun"'" the week . . slmilur .effort.s that while ·Iarg.e r oonsl"ted of a handsomely decorated . v. a wa er el?g una e Thursday, l)ad at IIOme time been ... , , ' . , f. be IIplrlr. of tile Hume Uoming 'I'he vener\,hle teuoher, ReV ' .Bllnl towns hlld mil de a greater ahawlng ollrria~e in whloh the ·Board ot .'dl · tak~ch.arg~ of themeettng Mr. J. W· l pupils 'of the village schools. . . H? furthe.r · tou~ . , . . tM WI. j\ QoutltglOnl! Itnel vMcars and ulIl ,S oott, muc1A a fRW brle'f remarkH \ In quantity, none of them had sur· rector8. offioeri and memberll of WhIte m hl~ usu~l pleasant and atra. ! H 't .th famlhar landmark" that adll ..... A letter WllR rend from PreRldent »I1Sl<OO tbl8 effort in the qUllllty a,n d their t'amlUe8 rodls. ble manner mtroduced the speakers.. ence, I was~, , mingled. ~eel. and of those dear to memor)", whIeJa hume people vt~ with one ano~ber Cllrtwrlgbt. of the Alumm ' invit.lnlZ belluty of Ilppellorllonoe of , Indlvldua.l A single glance conld tell tbe In · Rev. B. F. J;Jawkins, read Psalm \ ~~';: ~~ :~~rosiectton and. antlclpa· have pa.ued .~, " hII , . . , . the In effort t-o bave tlverything pa88 "hn Ae800latl;:n to 6ujoy the day fioata and ot all of them as a wbole, tentlon of ~e- float of .'E, tI. Bally 100, after Rev. Trout led in a feeling °h I a . el d'?rmelr12PuPlls Of'f 2 , meeti,,&, with sympathetic ~ • . ," h I and appropriate prayer . sa 00 s, mc u Ing . out 0 th h· ....• f his h.......' nil "XIUltly rloht Wltb them . " . E. V, Barn art., oha rman 0 t e dealer In meats ' whloh oonslsted of . \1' . b f th Al . 'A _ In e e..... ,o ___.e. • ' 1 I I d If ' ' Mayor Dr Sherwood's address of IVlng mem ers 0 e umnt A>O, . An Idjourmen' wall t.h(," fit k"n to parlllle oOlUm ttee, II e8erv ng 0 11 decanted wag 011 on whloh was a . .. , . ' t' t d t" ted· The evolution 'of the' AI··--I -~IlOC"H11 I" hilt' II mild word to n~tI , , 11 th d tI . th t oould b e ' welcome was characterlstlc -o~ IS soCl!uon, me ~ an P!lr IClpa m . ' - -the Frlend8Bo'trdinl,t HOllie wl>tlrtl , n e goo ',lIngs Il \ peaocutalnlnS,oaUle,andon.topot tl d 'k'dl ' Ian enjoyable social hour meeting tertamm~nta W81 a~~~~$~"'~~__ ' ,~ h it lthe Hom e C'.IUJ In g IL bnnnt.\fni dinner wllllllervild. l lmld In hili ,prll,se of , t. ht 8 a oonp I8 .l t seep. h . Th e seep h gen . . who ' had not trayed by Ch88. A,. 1S1'0w: ~. In ., .. -or III ) nle w . , 118 . the t4nCOO88 " Th' e andd In y manner. . ded to' b '' 1and greeting frIends ..... 1h d th t th IS a ress was respon y, . . t t th piJ!.~il"1r15ifDtiJy Th f! 0 f,' tl1roono Rf!~~ Ion.b!'glln w It h the pllruue l~ hHgely due to h1l1 W .. II. Ev.'r.v IIdjl1otlvt! ·In the EnllllMh . III owe Ii · &y Wl're unliOOUII- Mrs. Stanle Sellers of Columbuli. been brought together, many 9f .m con ras to e cnllllt.jUlt effort... IIn<1 . to tb.e eothu ..I. , toD\ed to so much attention by fre· y , them for m!Ql ears served ·and . , . th., ~In~ hi!! of t\mArioll., P hi " J 0 F '''i " "HIli wbkhb(J io"plrl!ctin ,jl,htlrll' · quent (lII,JI, of "blab,. bah" whioh Itshowedthatshew~fullymtou~h ' .. ' yy , hearty :meal' D~8D.1l1'ed ~ , l'lIl ", llllfCAllIllilttOOf'xbft\llltAd In I\n ' ."f"r., ._ IH1'rt,rny the pltlll' :'. "rell of '1'10 !~II lint. . . 1\ n hurlC e1nllv Ai< IIue mlto put II "1'h .. t, IlIIrtulA j 'tl d 11 hted 8 '1\ bo sympathy. and love With het' old·home The presIdent, Mr. Chas. M. ·Cart· f h f h or . .~ •• .' .... ~.,. ~ Arerl uu ".Ir1rA"~ whlolJ onnt.. inAd "n " . very grell. ,y e . ~ ma YII. d f - d f Id hId w 'ht lied th bl to d ree ment 0 t e ....... ~ . . 1M tlJli flu .,,it ,"lvtlrt,I,1I m" ut, WIlY!)"''' : Red hit d bl th an rlen s 0 , 0 sc 00 ays. rIg ,ca e Il$I8em y or er ' f t ' ......... ' w"lIk ",,,I IbArA .....I~nld IIti11 \~ lIIuoh ~IIDYf ~tb"()~,th.\ntKt" tdh .. t'i!~~ ltlltbll~11 ' ville 'conld ""k fur" . Ieolotl!' u:ed ~bY.a~, C ~;:::tz I: Miss Edith ' Sh~te, Wayn esville's ~d the .Rev. J. F. Cadwallader led °th' eWht~htypny·earac:"" qoo--~ .....""" ~Ol' ·D' :.ot erll 'I , f' ",,,zg e eo "..... " pu, .. . . . 'd" I 'I d ed tile audience in r p t' th Lord' • "" n:u... w-a h.rt to. tall " IIl1h It complet.e Rnd It will.' r in ' "A'I"dlll~ I,be J.>rc)c'·~'1lou wu ,.he 1\ls attmotive dillplay, advertlsing pn e m muslC& clr~ .es, reh e~ , . e ea mg e . 8 who now "sootha the savaa- f.'"'' .~'.', '~bt' " eoinl Home Couiln a:i~n nf ' W'ltyuellllille Vllder BuDd , ,his drag bU8lne88, ' Home Sweet Home m a charmmg prayer and al80 mv~ked the ~Iessmg the members'of the UIOclaUoa;.... ' It WIl'" .. . Ijl()rlou" week. " . th p g Fullo"'iol( tblK w.,sllollb tn wltlob l thIS ahowlng comfl /I. buok. manner. and eo~ness of. ~he H~avenly Fath~ 'the "belles and &.wt'! ~' .;NUid..... ' M • '1'1 :-II e '0 d V M , . • . . , er to rest and abide WIth all. , . ' . ..' . Vhllcard beK~1! arl'l vlng from 1\11 , e p .. per. , 8lxt,y onl! rnAmh6r~ rPRpondfil1 tit "Ilt Il)or - lUllllI/O ' 1 rloli ", . . board oovered everywbere, wheels The Orlgmal Poem by George . Mr -Cartwright ked M' Ell stand before the admlrina' udtlllDe" .,.rlAl of \heoolin~ry s8vertll .days be· t,l te roll cIII!. When tt 1M clln"lrlAU'" UIlr.twrigbf, . ~,he urll:{\nl1tur M IlJe 'l "nd All with ea1'8 of corn. The Ebright was not a disappoiutment, Ebri~ht of Dayton ~ ct . Issh ,a of the good qld.tiples, ~d A. • fore 'he Boine eoming e1l:0rolses be, ,thAt the , Illtat. of tllflllP teltohertl HOIUlt1 'nmln~ Id ell , ,I. V, HII wk e. "tIair WRS pnlled by male 'Of un : it· recounted old war Keenes and he- ter durine the ~ 0 as .~ ~19. 'Popular songs of the day: WlaieIa b II: stopped OOIIo011ln" almOtlt 110 YBllr.. W H, Alle n, Ed Mll cy UII(\ J os. H, cert'dn age and driven by 8 gaudily roes in which RusBIiIIl Dr nke, the Anna Sellers Staht:;esAl~~ II'S I)' was better, the old or the newT gan, an d b y tb e fi 1'8t 0 f t e wee a &fIlrllbull chy Illl1rtihnl ed d .. ' th h' 1 .... u g d noble volunteer of '61 ,len, . . ' Ilgo. It I .. 'indeed vory remarkable Ver 8 ' ro ria tel Wa ne~vme's IIrray ar.ey, e woe ma ..·lDg yo n . ~. ' . .' inoi8, as accompanist, which duties · Another unmistakable'~ fJ'! loodly number waa l.rell8n&' I,hat 61 nlembers of tbe Allsooilltion y pp p . y Y Tb R, flne advertisement of 8obwartz's lost hlS hfe In defenihng old glory lil were ably and cheerfully perfor ed the hearty co-operation and 1ail. . • pnbllo 8chool float ClIme next , e f V C his first battle . m .oL_ . 'rbere W88 no PI'OlI'll~ Monday. ,should be Ilhle to ·gatber t()l1:tlth~r d'e coratlOns were ull in purple and anlOUS oro are. \ ' ., , .. . . ~~e fifSt mu.sical ,number being, sal wi1lingn~ tp pa~c(jIa"" ~, QW , ~h8 day being devoted to general n~w . ' ' white und were very lipprollri~t.e;, One of thlt ,mos,t handlome fioats Charles Merritt. fr?m the subject .. . . " was heartienerall1.o,"~:<:~mtr!i, w .. ~ ~ ears ag~, ~en,tl~n~ the.~~m:s .Jomed I~ by ~II present. , for Pmf George p, BJown, now inter tbe girl.s were All rlrlll:S!!ed ' in wLti t o.! w: us t~lIt o~::e waynelvlII: o:~. I Fi~ty Yha , ~hat h,,"anl' iWho~.. . hearta ~ ttr~n~1I IInd'. l!n opporlunltx ,e;'t.ed in an eduootionul . ,p ublishing and '~he boy!! wore k'alk"li uti l form~ nlng 0, company C?VI en · y an c ra~re.~19tles ·0 t . ~ . I~ a I :me Bddr~ of Welcome by J. \o~OUg ts were ~ente~••~ w _. .~ " e~erybody to get: acquainted : buslIulIs . lit Bloomington. Illinois. . White Imd yellow iii·lIde. [\ pleut!- put Il ~relltdeal .of time "nJ expense tants of thlS ~llIllge and vl~mlty so WIll Wl\i~, 'the Vice President, was ' vl~le, w~~e Q~~ged to . he ~Ul;it Tu88llay. tho aotaal program be. Rrid wbOile whole lHe hall been de' lng comblnlltion BS was demonlltnt on. thIS display, and their efforts 1ong ~go. TllII~ addr~ cauSed much 80 full of the genuine rina- of WIth sendmg m~ges of ~ . . '. . votecl tQ edoollt,!onlll work. del~ yered eli In (lever,,1 of 'tbe flouts . MiR8 w~re ,?ertainly rewarded, a8 the merm~ent a~d t.hough ,some 'pathos hearthl~ss ' with which each one to. be r~ad ~n th~ ~,t{A.•.., ga.n wi~,~ ~e meetinR of ..the. Old 110 soh nlllrly addreSs, which WR8' a Ad .. Eyler ' and Mhlli Ber~bll Elbun n~t would lie oredtta»le to any I was. mIxed With It. . was greeted: . . mo~g these were: Misa ;1., ,"_ sOh:IOLAi.oolltlon. 11:1I~lIine pleR-BUre as welllls II. prlvl made II very,aotraotive piot.ure in \l city . .A labeli~g mac~l~e, .n lcely I Auld' Lang Syne by band and ~hor,.. Mrs. Annie Sweet Rid of Ci • Ch~ndler. Denver" o>rorado;~!AUl. '. , legil rIO Ji~t.en to, runabout ' artistic .. lIy trimmed in deconted, occupied a prominent us and led by one of our former cl·... natl· wl:-t h figEl, nd Helghway CamJ>~ll, 'Sud"', ,0.; . . , '1 In the, oen",!r ' •• 0 t th e wagon swee t .mgers Ell a Eb' t ..... T-banon, - .', IU" ":'<;"':'; '.!.I , . A l1lelLorllll servloe to members th e colors 1'"0tI rIght was f 0 I q II i t ' . h grace u ease .an . O·scar Mon f or, ~ f I I t h h sed' ell .. Sevenl of the offio"rs' of thA oom, lowed by: Howard D. . Manington's ua n speec, acknowledged the Hamilton Oglesbee ln4e~d...q. -, 0 t,: tl A8II~ at on W 0 ave pRB A , Mlltntt. umlertnk,e r, e1r"" e nne jim were on the float and were addre!ls. Mr, Mannit:'gtopls business fl.ood of h~pitality extended to the '. " , , ~ " ;', . , ' I~WIl,\' elurlng the :rellr followed t,hl!!, of bls flue ' cubR decorlLtAld iii leci' II , y '.. . made it impoSllible Jor him to be visito1'8 by the communit arid mid Iowa, Anna ,Gard Rbb~" II~ " . '. 1'(lllcb~nlC t~lbutBli was plild to, thA ..... hite and blul', In whleh !lilt ~lI"~ciil frequently obeered a.lonl{ the' hne of ~ere but Mr. H~iI re~ it With feel " smiles and good cheer sh~Y~as seated mouth" Ore~on; ~ed M• .Stan~~ ml'I111lfV of Amp.lift Collet,t Bammell E H . h M rl et Ed mllrch, .' mg and expreSSIOn, . with th 1m I 'd h ' h h 'St. LoUIS, MIssourI; ChU. S. IlOON" H, VeadnadbJe, oth,·Chinein. and "ue'se wOerY:'c eonlrtCh t .at tt e ,Od~tsl' .washington. 0 : C.; Minnie' :BAt.bI,:; hr Ml~~ GeQrgill HluldeD, to Mary wma'rflld~ Jet;!ulgnle~I1DYI'nW\(:~I~ r MlUll"~ Dr, and Mrs , Ha,t.h~way rode in a Pt.rQdf·IY", ed ts . \i • . .!. '.' ~, , ... " If II d' 't d ' na I, elver an Tess w IC was .• e mos cor la N f Ik V' •• : .... _. I't....a , ': : Kh~l!rnlLn Mlllone,." by Mr!! Hue Dodlon, May ' 'W right" Mrs. L, n beaut 0 y . ecora e ,- OIlrrlllge. both scholarly and entertaining, ,and. termB. . wa!, or 0 , IrglD~, ~!: . , , Wrlgllt H"lnllll; tv Samnel Elliott, & h t M Z a. Ro HlllDe s which gave eV6r.y Ilvldenoe of moat which proved 'tbat despite his ' busy . ' . Bailey, Topeka, Kanau;Mbmi,,_ • . Holds' Best Meeting in its b, Mlltl,ie Irvin Dodson.; to D"vl.8 , rn Itr 'r • ~s, Itn gers . • exoell,'nt taste Bnd carefnl planning. life ,he still' retain. a strong interest .. l'lh8S EAhth. Shute ,rendered in her Richmond, Indi!Ula; ' beaid• ..!Whoaa, " . , . . ' . FurOils by Prell, Flilktnburg. /lnll Mi8S Llz:de Rogers, This WIlS one of the prettlest' of the in Waynesville. In his Home-Com· clear, beauttlul contral to, "o.n the were also former pupl.. WIiO W e ~o~: HIStory. In~"estIRg I ~~ttert we~ relldbefr~C C M . Robltzer'l! flout W(lS ex inany juetty CIIrrlalges tn the parade ina- Ode he surpassed h~mself and we Banks of , the Little Miami," a song riot .graduated . but who ' • Y gram apd;Lar,e Attendance", 'I~:d~~'~n:::~ BeC:ilr:r~~iso~1 . ~lz:le ,tremel han~s~m~. IIn~' at the suine "Thll greRtes'~' litOI'Il f~r your 8~er; d~n:no~d,h=ha{a~eiS:~~~~. he h~ ~m~o~ed by' Mrs. Sue ,Satterth~aite deep love for' their. ~I~ , aDd GI\U"" PlLoker, WasblnlCton )rvln. time hit! famoUK Albloo Hour Willi , .. . . I '. Re~ Cadwallader dismissed the aYls, a member ,of the Alumm, the school mates and .ent, Th" Hmnfl O.lml nIJ f\xprol~'''' t9r. :A mll'.lela .Sheets, M Robert. , 8dvertl8~ ,In " ~oet tlxoellell t "~t\y, c1I1Y :\'I\~ts .w~ ~, prom nent- audie~ce, which . dl rsed with a septim,ent of ~hich -touched ,RSym'j them, among them ' Em ' nl"\1y ItiMlnftd. TQ8!1dtty wtth the . Afttlr .thls oame Wl,llit was In MOka of the flour bGln. g .llrrltngild t,li Iy <llspll\yed from the . lloat , o~ Farr sigh of- regret · al'!iif\and ' shakes pathetlc chord 10 the heart of every Th 'mlWltlnj( IIf the Old Sobopl AI1..oolit· many re"peots tbe beat pRrt of tbe show. to the best ~dv"ntagtl, .tlle & Wbltll, grocerEl, A hage.ooffee good byes and "many expieiJSions of ·visitor. . . ompson ery, .':.~,~.:'Or.,,,,~~8p~~,~: ',. . dlly,couslsr.tnK .ot-:.eDliniacent !Alka .., . . '. pot, to advertise' tbe ·famousChase · leasure for thedeh htful week in '. . . ' . Floren~e.HartllOCk ~ ' 'tou. ,. ' by, Charles Ewan · Merrlttl Jabez dedorations l,letnlr·, DolDpleted :WIth & I:!t\nboru coffeeH \Vbioh .r~iT & ~h~ch. old frieri~i:'were renewed, : ~ISS Irma ~lIls, W.~O?IUJ .a d?uble l .fi~ld, OhlO; Mr •. .Th~~ Allaoc,,,t,ion III mAd!' IlP of Roberts; Lee Adam .., Joseph BrQwn. , white ohry~ntl1em~!Ds. 'Whlte . bave' madll 'famUiar to 'he old acquaintancel ' I~ng forlfotten .~Ja.lm on t.he Assoclatton, be!ng" a M,t11s, St. tli .. p~l)n,q\f ,.i'Qr tlf: WII.\·I\II>; vtlle'tI Lldll Wright Bb,yefll, Anna. Fnlton One 'of the prettlBB\ t.urnouts WIIS I' I bll b . - . t t _.I . t'-'- . were made.once a~n 8a of yor~. member of It herself and the dau"'h· E Shatton ' . , Brlldllt.ret\~ T Lee Ad"ms Mnllte . oca pn <J Y COUI an .... ver .....g W h ad is rt 'b . f 'f ' " ... '. ' . p IODuur h!"uhertl, rtlnmllS C'lllett, yv lit Ed rdll Cltrrl ' 8r )w~ Il ' 'pony ·Ct&rrlaKe, deoorated ,with d' I . 1 I 1 fyean G r eai '. eave m e r.epo ne as ter 0 Anna Taylor Ellis also amem WaIteI' Kirby· we &multl BQtt.. rwortll:~ &muill 8oott- Ev::s1and (j~~rie EV'lD~. :rnwn'• .8 b6autiflil /flowerll; II.nd· u.~, nga0 f °can~·pened .. ,'.u' . ."h' .... w ell . 'd reues eXJXttftoIIPu:blumt of th~ e~d~'ber; agre~tin~ of welcom; " . dl'a'wn .by.' ,ro~S n ·r Olg:u_u h. u ·In 'h · eall'aouvemr I' hextended f ' ' a .tele . a...'ram~~··~~~~~=il~; .I!~ Ueorl't1 p , Brown . . _ Lev. O.. rtwrlgbt, Jltbe'~ Rorn,rt... swq billoit roni~ hltohed tIIndem, Itno~n inner.-l (I8Oka lle& 'and tion IIOOn. ~ be' out. . ' to t e our. young ladies and five 'dJa~t . Two nr thNifl ""lobMI Rev 811m Dan R Anderllon, .J . 0 Falkinbnrl(, In whlcb Master Kenneth KUban 1 to1 f"Ii · · youn,. eentlemen .of the c1us of '06 l~avld S . .J:I~ll'IIIl)n. , . E. E Et)r\acbt tine' Wright HOLlnes; , . other lltap e art (Ia () • e lP'ooerr i d" d .. , dIana; a teII~·heldn nel &:ott of O&y.t-on ~nd GOOllge P. Melh W Brm!'n Mise Lhlzib tJarroU ' Ilud Mio ·Gall po.n hatll· r.ode. Any . .were nsed to gQO(iL advan~. In. Notice to Alumni , n wor .s an , ?,anner bQth gentle sixty more Bro'Wn, O!, BI')'llDi,nlrtoB, Illluoi ..,are and lrllD~ tlmlth John80n. , one who kno\Vs theae two \Jeliutlfnl Bide the wallon rode a bevy of bright Member.. ~d '8WOOt, drawtn.g .attent!on to the his.veetin,.;·... 1t"lnte. ftRl} ·b.Uh were, preoieDt Rot thfl . All lit tbe talk" were .In th~ I\llme jl1ttie ohildren need not be 'old th~t yonng ladin. ' ", un~u~1 demonstratIon whlch·accom-. FIU~hlld t~ mflt'tlnlr. . , ,lItrllln, and all exprlWllled tbelr hllp the Bwee.est part of thl' ploture"wlI8 !of ben of iii Waynes- pan led their advent into the ABaoel.. fomw,. who wu at' . ' , plnllflt< tlt being permitt.ed t.o gtlther hlidren themaelves ' .One of 'he prettteat feamrea of ' any mem " ' e ation, ., beloved t~b~r in Prof, Brc,wll, the ,I/Ult,of tha tea~h ca~ether in lIuoh " reunion once the 0 ., the en"re perade were the maDy vlllt! Bigh, Bobool Alumni Auocla· ' " ' ·Pro~. D •. A: Ferree, eI'Il,lI,n thbl \IO~ool in 1860. 'after , I~"re. . . .' r"s:men Grange, of W...yn~vll1(l, pre sty Oltt.rii aD!! oIfttagea In.wbl<Jh tion have been very liberal In pey. The response In the. name of th~ 1O~io, .(orm. 's:r:::==~~ _olllllg ' . yean. Ten of' the pnpUa 11",. Nor Dr.,"wn ret&d a, p~~ en·! preaented' a very atwlIoOtive ftoat wen 1 0UD,'--'pla or 'older penona tng t~r du.. ~d IDaddit:lllul oon· elUII was ~e by ~lS8 Olive Par· !lent ~lA ~ .,b" betan IOhool with him were "tied 'Our t50blIllJ dllYIl Paat writ · ard one very approprta&e alao, h I ~:h. be d f th k'lbattonl ~ the fund but .. the shall, who e~ressed In wen chosen pl'8IIent. teD by John Zell ' . , h as t e 0UI8 m.. .. . , aD one 0 II " I a n...•..... th . th--'-· ft:lr~=~~ pf.t'I.II!nt TaNday aDII more ,ban . BOD. W. BroWD dellverttd aD Their ,wagon, WIUI filled wUh fl'Clll beltt oUh..., . . . . pret&tly deoorat- e~ "el!'8 1l'M~ Ulan UlnaJ . . . w_~ elT · IUUUI aHhe appre14 of UlOlMl wbo bacllODe to 8Obool ,~ , . , . ago aDd now. mit&, 'Veptablea and farm produOI'I, eel ~1 oart ill whlob rode l i s - ~ feal' ." l8 D.,....". to Ilave a cl&tion ·of the fact that theii'B ia ~ i ~m at IIOIIl8 time 01' UI«»'her oloaed ~lb :the aDd ,lie ..,." flo..., of eftr7thiDI 8:r:_i a~1I DeleD tbe 1I&1IIIb. b'eU1U"J' ~n" from, ooue. cJua that wu IQ. honored ute) ! ""'D~. . . .: .b~WD, To ,'4eoora&e~4 U· aD4 '.Bawn; qaeatlythe 'otloen up all ~m· BvinIr ,lP'adU,a ted the year of the IWIIIVB, . • tle* of ..... 1Ia~ jIDk aacl beD . who ba~ Dot alNlcly paid ome-Comtng, . . OIl .. . CIiIiJtlilia'
I '
fb i
'Old 'Sch00I--The .' 't'
A,SSOPla loa
' ' '1Il'0l'.
Miami Gazette. ..,WH
Lingerie and Dress Accessoriea
Hot' Boda Watl!'So They Will Not Br,ea~,.;'-Ule Good aubbers.
a McIC4Y, P.ltl.......
.0 Abldlnl' CIa.. of Rich Ken. It til quite unnCC(lSSary In thlll coun· to rt'e~ nll\rm ' ab ut th e rl~o of a 1le1'lllanQnt class of "Cfy rIch p plo, declne Charlos ~. JDII()~ In WoNd·. Wllrk. To tn\.lIsmlt greM es~a.tes Is ~ard , 'I' bO)' 'ScL dh'lded or dl~p erscd. Tile b Irs nre oft n unnble to keep th eir lobeI'll d lrensures, or If, by the h elp o ll a wycr~ Dnd Olhor hlre(1 qglln ts, tbey rJtlnag to keep ulom th ey ('cllse to acculUulale and only spond. Th Is Is one tlt th nalural ertccts on hl~ l:llll'dren of ibe "ery rlob mllll's mode of nre. WI th rarest excepU ns tho ,'ery rich men o( to-day are not the !!Ons of the nry rleh men of 30 years nso. but _ ~ new man. It ~U1 be the. same 30 'yenrs h nee. The wise rich (ather wIll try to put hili sons Into tho~ be nell· cent professIons and Qccupatloua which strong Intellectual, and moral, anI) In which pecunIary ludeJ)elide~e Is a dlu/nct advantage. Such are the !lubllc sonlce In elective or ~p polnHve omens, the minIstry. sclentlflc researeh; socIal I!erv lce, an(l the mao· a gement clIllrltlos aDd ,o r serviceable endowed Ins UlUtloDS. Inberlted wealth enables young mon to ' devote them6eIves ,:,arl y to those Ilnl' employments, wbJIlli are nqt pceunlarlly rcinunerntI."e hut yelpossess tbe h Ighesl sort ot Interest nnd oITer 011 the r ewards 01 ' beneltccnl Inflnence a mong men. )o-rom ~rson '3 so occupIed , trow the ranks or the , learned and scionutlc pro(es· slons, and fro m \Jle more In te llcclUo l and usctuJ .sorts of business the hi gh· est. class at ooch i; neratlon In n demoaFae", I's In large mel\.!luro recrilltcd. ,The D!'w-mnde very rlcb may no belong to thLs clns9. Tile chan ces ~rc a gUjnst them un less they prO\'Q themI6elves men of dLstlnctlon both mentally IUId morally. . One ot lhe best te1lts ot the worth 01 tree IllStitutlollS tl \Jlelr caPIl.!lllY to ProAuce '\I ,numl8rou9 class ot IiUperlor per,90:lS-rlcb, we11-otl, CO:::lfo1'tnble. or jus~' ae:r·su pportlng-a. clOSS : larger III propor~on and more mcritorloUli thnn any other (arm o~ government has prodUllea• . All $\gps l/ldlCOle that .the Amerlt'1Ul (lemocro.c), wUl mae t this
P revor cl r '(lilly nlhl hnvt' .'ver),· tblng ' lJsol~ \I!lr ICU Il If Y II W nt )'Ollr 'B nned gOOfls 10 1\ p. W J\~h (he CUll>! wIth li nt sodn IYRter. and lI,;-ht1y lIolI the cu v,~ r~ In soda Wilt r, Theil rln e both III lear. hot 'I\'Ater. XClCt lell the cat1!8 by filling 10 the b rI m wllh hot wat r. adjuStIng now ,r ubbers. BCY 'II In(. on lOps. dl·ylng. und theu setll ug ou Ihelr heuda (or 8n hOll r, or o l'er nlgbt. If any cans lenk. discard th m, or t 1St them nga.ln with nelv rubbers or ('overs. Whe n sat\sfn()tor· 11)-· t 5t d, be 1j\lre to ke p l h snme' over (0 1~1l same cnn, Ildmouls hea Farm Ilud Home. 0las8 canll will not rack Ir. w1:lcn filling tbem with hot trult and juices, YOIl will first rInse tbe ca u wl lh h ot wa ter. and IIllle!) It upon a rolded towel wrung out or hot wator. Als o place II loog slher spoon or (ork In the coo , whl ' h ,altraot8 the heat to Its It. Then sUr tbe contents of the onn wltll the sliver spoon, s,o as to break a nd remove an y bubbl B or nlr' hOles ' th ll t may hoye gntliered, /lnd be sure tt. have the can overflowIng fu ll before. screwIng on the cover. When lhe clln has cooled o.ff (ne"er p lace It In 1\ draft) gl'l'e the screw an ot her turn. for In cooling, the g lass hilS very likely contracted some wbat. Then corefull y set Ihe cn ns away In a cool, darl<. dry closet. Don't place 80 nellr togel her th at lhey touch, and don' t dI sturb tbe m any more (hlln you can be lp. Ir these rules are co nscle ntlo\lsly 'fq110 "'ed. yon ougb t to bave no lrou· ble In k things. always pro,, 'd· d. of coume. that whal yOU I ut In tbe cans WllS properly pr pared, and a)1 the r ules of· ele:j.nllness were oh· ~erved'. Xaver mnl<e the mlstal(e of . thlnltlng M lf·rlpe or OV r·rlpe or 1m· \Ierfeot frui t or yegelabl s I\re "good e nough to cn n." They are not, nnd If you do us them you ;)(,0 likely to ·have your trouble In vp.ln.
What "lIakell" a KaD. 'l1te college tbat a .famous man h ad been graduated from Is very likely to claim , all tbe el'e() I~ ror h 19 dis tin· gollibed charaoier and achlevcm nts. :.,.. portraIt ot the late J obn Hay was p resenteil. t.o 'Drow n' U~IVeM!lty this week, and, aCCP~'ng to the orotor of the QCi::lu!lon, tbe Brown. ot 50 years a go mUat be awarC\ed no end ot glorT. for · bavlng had 'the youtig Hay a &iudent and bavlng give~ to him, It.. diploma:: If tbe- colleges ' ot 60 years 1lJ>0 were tlUcb Inemclent places of Jearnlng a,nd mind tralnlnp all Charles Francis Adam8 'avow8 them to have baeD, a dUJIcult problem arIses In _!fraMIng to . them 'just tbe llrGper am0!ln~ of etiedlt' for their cele bJ1~ted alumnI:,{ 'But boweve r good or bad' a c:oUeg«l may ,be .t il Cer~1.n time, It fa tiUre to ' furD: 'out some oo'e' who __ ~'_'Vy' more -or les8 of an Impression Ul">D....L8!'-...1fbrld In h18 after Did "' make hlm,?" It 18 to be teared that some o 't the e~lt . for a grellt CllfCer' mUlit be awarded to the II\4n's grandfathen, grandmothers. ana eVeD his lather and mother, then • llttl,e , more to hll tTainh\~ nt bome JIl ' the early ' plllstiC Period down tbro~Jt ':dole~llcO, a.lld stili a little more, lOThe otbe r 'sCbOOI.S· tbat bclped t9 develflP 111m, a1ld ·,nnally · a good .round bit to, the never.eodlng . drill ",at he acqUIred a'!l'ay ftom books In Ute burly·burly of lire ItBelf. What c ~ lt Is . Iett may be awarded , to the mOde8t Inlilltutlon wb~re tbe great man apent four !lbOrl yean out of bla 60 or 70, Rea ll1, say. the' ·Sprl.n gHeld Bepubt~calh ~Is Js, not· , detrac~ng fl'OlIJ the predlt due .,f.9 ' a college . fo!, 1\ great; altiinn~8' i ' ... tl~·, merelr.; &: pr9" tes,t ag!llnlit \be., colh~ge t,aldng all, as 10 oi tllb' 'happens on day, IUId !!ot ,alu.,nl dinners.
. The, la dto.g.llt Wurtemtiurg hIlS b~en giving favo~atile conSideratIon to a bIll reQIl Il'IPS ~b.llt every' community b avlng: as m any tis 40 male labo"rs under tile age of 18 s'b a ll ' establish a oommercla1 nn d trade school and coin~ pel lltte nda."lce of tbe youth ' , the~at for not less tha n th~ee yeur!!. :rhe ,b,lJJ', '.a11i!O. provlaes thilt no boy under '17 y' ol!! shall .enter a d,rn:m~boP, wbleb provlldon . bath· t he appearance <if :. (i1rect Teutonic affro~l Gam'JDvldentlr tbe Va.terland brlnlls. mean:l tq the mpst . oi I~ rlstDg st!ncral.lon In a way that mlgbt well be emUlated In. this country. . ~', ,I,
We have s Imple. band -w nde l;'ren 'h underwea r nnd IIIUornle Imported musllns. On the InLter ribbon Is used more a nd more, tho rrlvolous p e tll ~ol\ ts DOW showing two rowe each with bowl:l and en/hi. This ri bbon sboulll lie at n wosbablo ort, It such (I bother alWIl)'1l to be, Ihreadlng ribbons In and out ot beRdlng. . Drawers are fu ller than ever, the r me as frilly ns It cn n be made, NIght gO"'IlS lire dressle~ lhon ever, look quite like day gowns and al a pinch serve very well tor hot-day neg· U ~$e. Tho Prln ess pettlcont Is mee Ing with no small favor. essentIal wltb t be lingerIe Prlnce.~s dresses 80 m uch dependlag on th e proper Ilt of the un· d.e rgorments, Hosltjry Is lIgbt co,lored and 01 lightest weight thello Ilays, ond pne sees some very prelty block-dotted wblte 8tooklngJl worn whh wllite an d wUh grl\Y shoes. The lll~bt hosiery looks cool and Is cooler 'than block , hM much to recommend it. . Perhaps Ole most ootleeabie thing In neck wear , tbnt la anything that may Ile called 11 feature , or 1906 styles tn dress. Is tbe narrow turn-down collar, I t may be worn s imply wIth n bl'QOCb, bnaabout It the quaint remlniscenG8 ot days wben grlUldmamma was 'Young, WIndsor ties ~rli tn' mucb demand to wesr with the com~ortnble Ipw colIIl'r , tied 1)1 four-In cbond style or in big Soft bows. Belts. wben 6een at aJl-
lhere oro 60 man y w!llsts and aklrU fas tened togetber-are. InconspIcuous, I hough oc n510ilDlIy the flowered s llk gll'd le Is attracthe wlUI a lIu!!y sum· mer [rock. The flower d lawns a nd dImit Ies und other muslins seem to be r)1I8hh~1i Ihe alI-whIte. gown Into the bac kground. nnd one sees very pretty plnle·sprlgged stutts. Sucli a one bas lis short sleeves held U1) o bo,'e the el· bow by pink-flow ered Bilk s leeve gdrtel'S, a girdle matching, a nd a goy 1\1 tlo pink and gree n aUk h nnd-bAg I\c, compa nying, t,be IlItter holdIng Icerchlet , nnd pennIes, Wablts IUId skirts nrc joi ned varl· ously. Among the be!!t models are those that b a,'e strips ot Insertlon and strips of seLf-malerta l joined In g lrdlo fus hlon , the lines al'\Vo}'B s loping down to a polot- In tront A mucb 'emb rolder ed while IInl\n gown h ad [or belt line n s trips and fagotllng, the fllgollIng coarse and firm . ThIs gown WIIS emhroldere d I.n heavy while flowers . the back as much ornamented as the front nnd upper sleeves. Dainty littl e wrnps are the order of the day, lon g on tbe shou lder, buill up o( b ut lste ond lace. One ot all-over emh roldery edged with two narrow f.rllls of Val IlIce, was very dnlnty, gave a drO/lsy t'ouch to a roUter plain e, gown. Little, 'shoulder capes: mere) noth1ngJl tbo t just Jinng on, are not 'fastened at njI, are to be counted a.mong the summer wraps.
on the Fashion$
·There su rely 'la noUceable a tendency to return to IIlmpllc1ty, plain und Cnullle8111y (llllng tallor·m ade gnrmen ts. Tbe lingerie wa ist' h as had everyth Ing (ts own WilY a pretty 10,1!! time, a nd now tbat every ' woma n encoun terell siICirts n transparent, elaborately orname n ted blouse the wearIness of elabora tion weighs, tipOn us. _\ve long for s Imple lines !lnd the "untrlnun~d. " "'here are IilgllB enough to war~lUlt
A tour of tbe sbops yeslerday' leads me to 'the nsserLiun that waleta Blmlll)r to the one plcture() In the .allcompanying ut, are. prererred bf the we ll-dressed womnn. Not very J;Tinuy oC them urc shown, but' those oITered made of fin e mntev lnlR nnd U,e workmansh ip e,.cnllent. The wais t ot the llIustrntelj model form s· part of a II ghtcolored s il k costhme, Is lllade wltb n sQuare neck and sbort putted sleeves. t he t rimmi ng fiat bands o[ galloon Itl wblc h Ilu le pinks li nd Ught greeDs s tand fQr~ h In pl eM lng contrnsL 'rhe simple coiffure bnrmon l?cs wllh the Intention of th e toil et, the en5embl!! rellt.ful- ref resblng nfler so much fu ss and medallion thr9wlng. Llg,lt co-'ored " sboes, Ught colored p:~rnsol,s, delicate Immmer hend'weor, all make the dog dill's 'as endllritble us 'pOSSible, gIve hollduy' , sitg~esUon 'and ,Q/lpeapLDce , oC coo,lness very grllteful on the city', stre ets. Browa sboes ara no w pernilsanble wllh cosllLmes In genernl - nnd (lnce they were cons ld· ere d Yery bod form, . Indeed. llllVO with t he. oullng dress. TILe tOllch o r brown Is 'sU i! Ihe mark of fnsblon, DS well as Is lhe touch ·of blnck. Brown veils ru:e In tllvor, bllt we conn9t say they appear to li S a thing of beauly or that they are l\S a rule hecomI ng. ~ h ey but give 11I\lstrlltlon of the s hee p·J\lee habit of many womell. Aboill Ihls ti mo of slimmer ne~ nillIIne r y II lwn:ys pus hes I ~selt forward to tempt wenk feinlnlnlty to the extravnSWEET Sn.iPLI CITY. Bu nce of a not·needed OIl W hal. ' ,T his proPbecy: full s tyles will be rndlcnlly ycar the new ta l(e8 the form of dJ1I'erent .from those preva lllng, tbat cro wned h iltS , wIth Iirlms too of' genelegant sImplicity will now have ' its erous size. turfl· .
. The demand ror pure food 18 ' world~lIIe . . Nearly , ev~ry ~Ivlllzed .. ' Ll"'~"--..,jv""-oJIlI'--"oIIj"",-..,jV"""'oJI't---,.,~....JII'~-oJI~18 tnklng steps to obeck nnd p)lIllsb adulLe r ~~l on anll IItop practices tbat roOf alrec\ tb~ wholeaotneness of ~OOQ ' arti cles. The , result la ,likely to' bl. mucll 11!8S "do'otorlng" or tb'e things KansR.8 '-Man Has Not 'Tasted Aqua \Vas the la st time a dcctor !lve~ treai. ed him , . ,l'um .I'n Fi.fty-Ftve Years-Is w~ cat ~d 'drla\(. '. '. Mi'. Bond Is not ,1t lieavy tea Ilrlnker. in' Best of Health. Three cu ps a day" Qne 'at each .mear A Mlssnurl court bas' decided ,that .. Atchison ; Kan.-W 111 lam , Bond, of I,s hIs IImLt. He ne"er tb~nk5 'or drjnk~ m8n wbo ki sses his wife morning, Oak Mills, 'who Is visiting ilIa ~ I s ter , Ing bilt ween meals. He drinks beer noon a nd nIght Is .0. nuisance. But Mrs. Jalle Bc!'ry" of this city. has . not when be CSnI.lot get tea. He Is never that I. one nuisance· that very few taken a Ilrlnk of water -fcr 50 years, Ihlr ty nor bungry. He once (ollowetl w~men complain to the c?urt atiout. Be .qult using It because It callSC\! a plcw tor two days. and all the nO ltr. lahment he took wns Urree CU(18 of cof~ A: Chicago ni~anlng, agency. cramps and he drinks tea and bee r toe each dol'. On ' th ~ tblrd lIn.y lie Its plMe, Mr. Bond clime from In ,.tatllla.bed ,.Ilh a capital of $2.600; England to 'Amerlca before tb p civil wOllt to town on a breakrast of nnl~tII 'bVeo Ibown In court · to, make a olhe r Il;\IP of collee. Mr. Bond says • Pl'()~t of '~5',OOO • yea,q, Tbe loan ",ar. He crossed the plaIns ,to Salt Lal(e II Is d l.ges~loll Is !Is ~I!g ular as clOQIcRnel he nev r hns a pnln or an .blflc 1r01f* tat 00 Its diet of CIt:)' wltMut tnkllJg a drln li or. woter, awork. - . l,Ie, He Is ' 73 years of age. HIs ·JjPII became dry lind h took Ii mOllthful of waler tt;l moiste n 1h m. ~ A, E~I"G 8a)'8 be espectl but It made him deathly skk, lind he ITe- So you're gOing to join a !ru.ntto ~ lbe alltomobUe ID the says be' would have died hud It not Ing party hl the Mnlne wPOds thIs at alL It wouJd be mneb better bftJl, for lome brandy nnctbef trav- ~ ummerl Do you . expect to bring let & . . . , to all of eler cave blm , In Salt Lake City be dOlvn an1 game? til the automobile. WI.B t.&\(IU 111 with flllx Dnd the docSbe- r ought tOi tbere are goIng to pve bim up. HI! 81'nt aut for be a Whole lot of men In the crowl! lOMe oak bark out of whll'b he mAlle aDd Jllat • Ie" IltlII-Detroit FIe, dJ'tJlk l anti lI.ImatU. Tfla PnIIII.
No Water
KISS ING THE BABY, A Sweet-Faced Toddler a H elpless VIctim and the H ab it Is One Tha ll Should Be Stopped.
Abattoirs, Adequate and Inadequat~ ·Gove.rnment Inspection ,
A wrIter milk 8 d clArutlon wIth cn lnl cuuI'lcllou th ut sInce lS91 tbe wh91 packIng Industry of tbo cou n· 'try hns b n und r rIgid governm ent InS I) ctlon: In th e Ught Of present disclosures th e lisa rllon does not cnr ry the nsslIrance It may have ~v h e u lhe words were tresh wrItten: ev n th e mOlll cllr eless read er must know thc melbodB ot meat InBpec. tlon In this counliy bear ~o com· parlson whatever to ' thoso obtaining In F rance and Germ a ny, In whIch countrl s regulation of the food sup· ply 18 more thorough Ilnd scIentific than here or In England. hlcago Is not the only city sho~ Ing IntereBt In lhe ImprOving ot condltlonB. Over In En gland thil London county 'councll IR ta~lng s teps for the establishme nt ot public abattoIr.. and pnrllam enl. ary leglslaUon thereto Is looked lor. In the r~ gulntlon of the slaughter and sale of meat England 18 far tJe hlml the 1'11'0 European countries na m ed. Parliament b as not mnde enactment for oompulsory InspecUon, uor au. t hol'lzed munIcipal s laughter bou ses. However. severa l ·cllies of Oreal BrIt. aln , have secllr d by special le!JlsJQ' tl9n tb e pu blic aballolr: In Elll n. burgh abattoIrS we re opened back In \ 85 1: In Mnnch ester In 1872, and lIlrh I I I minghnm as a c ty market s ml or to the best mnrkets of Oerma ny. A London co rr 9Pondent, wrIting to the New Yorll Tribune on the ubject or "English Meat Ins p clion." snys: "The English preced uls for tIIulllcl . pil i ruallog{'mc nt of aba tl olrs are nOl so num ~ ro us as Mayor Dunne has assumed tb em to be. Wben the pu\). IIc health act W(lS amended 111 1ears
One of tbe tblngs upon whlcb care· ful mothers, In sist In e ngll,:lng II nurs e for young child ren Is lha t Indl sprlm· Inate kIssing or her charges lUU t be prevented. Mony p nOns ' consider that a baby or sweetfa ed IiWe loddler met au ywb ere Is n Icgltlmllte object for kIsses Rud fondlin g. n prac· tlce' which cannot be too mueh dIs, couroged. A write r r cen tly made the stal'tllng statemen t, credlled to a physlclnn, a s.pee.laIlBt In treating croup, that on adult with a simple case ot catarrh ,CMI gIve a child ,mem\lraneOuB crO\IP. It lis probable t hnt t his II Iate· ment ' neea., Quollflcatlon. thnt ce rlaln conditIons are necessary beyond the m ere con r.act ot b realh to d velov lhe germs, bu t even the remote IlOsslbllIty should be sumclen t to warn par· ents and rrlends at their respons lbll· Ity. A physll:lan's wlfo said not long ago, In regn rd to th e same matter: "1 was surpri sed, In securIng a nurse for IlDY flrs t child. to hove my hU8band object to one who Clune to me ' on t rllal. She was efficIent and neat In evety way, but IIILe had very voor tee th!. .They ' were discolored. and evidently In poor condition, nnd my bu s band In sisted 'J s hould dis· cbarge her at t be end ot her trial week. 'The mouth,' he liald, 'was II bot bed for septic germs, ,,'en In Its most perfect co ndillon.' He would ce rtainly bave no nurse abottt breath· Ing Into 1]18 ' cb lld's fo ce. wbo could not at least show 8 Bound set of tee\JI. And 'our next nU.Tsc. whose teeth wcrll promisIng, but not quite perfect, h!~ sent to ' ollr d enUst for care, whlje s he r emaIned with ~IS." Bathing In White House Grounds. "Tb o~e ,ItoQseveit boys,~ ' remarked a welt·.known clt!l':en, " certalplYr make the most .of their opportunities for ple:lsure. You know there Is n large fountain 111\ t h president's grounds sOllth ot thll Wbl~e Hou«e. Well, I wus walkln!; In iliat vicinity on one of the warm days last wee k wben 1 snw n sigbt ,tha ~ Inler~ted .ond amused me:. " Two ot the preSident's boys rushed across the lawn from the mans Io n In bnthlpg s U.lts of tbe ' scan tlest ty pe, lind, moun~lng tl1e Iron' roll ot Ihe fountaIn, dived In Dlmong the gold fi sh nnd aqua tic pllmts. The water WIIS rather cold, but tbose youngsters trhln' t ,seem to ' mlnd It a IIt Ue bit. , , "ACter s wImming a rou~d like porpolses for a few minu tes and Indul ging In n splas hing battle the smaller boy ~lImb ed ont' 9f tb o bas in nnd ran Into the Wblte House with his ' broth er In ololle but futile pu rsu It. . It was a hot day, lIod ' ! 'env led them th elr: blg outof-door bath t ub."-Washh:igton Star. l~ick the :Blossomll, Plunts like sw t ' lleOl!, n'a slurt1ulils and pansies, that prgduce II su~ceB~t'on ot flower s. should ba vc the blossoms picke d daUy to stov the formation ' of seed I.~od s and consequent decrease In number, oC blo~somsi but In the case of lIuob plants 0.8 have but a short of blpom" nnd but ·one during the year. the rorm'allon ot seed Is pre· vented 10 In creasc growth ot (oots Bnd bl'lllld~es on which th e ne xt yellr's bloQso m 'd pend. ' " ,
' When Boiling Turnips. A spoonful of sugar pllt In the wa. ter wlien boiling . t urnips "1'111 preveat their tMUng bitter. '
Amber Oolor to Soup.
. A. tcaspoonful or burned s ugar will gIve 'at;t ambe r 'color to from wblte mea ts.
The Eupbllglst•• Euphaglsts are '" dIetetic sect wbo refusc to Ilake eating seriously. They purllOse tQI eal, .drlnk and be merryespecially, be merry: .i l Is the royal road to I/ea ltb and long II [e. The (,.onllon N ~W9 suggests lbllt "It '. carel_ attendant SlIlIls bot soup00'tV1l tbe back of his neck , the enphagllt tomporarllr stops euphnglng, that II
all." lIeat Education.
01 rood Supply In 6ef'meny lind rrllftCe Scientific- Model Abllttolrs In Paris- NlIpoleon Sterled Reform.
The Rcguletion
Mrs. Mary Wagner, ot 1367 KOllllUtlt Ave., Bridgepo rt, CoUD., saYII: "I \liaa 110 weakened and generally ru1l doW!f Wltll kleloey dis. eoso lila t t"r a long tllUe 1 could Rol do my work and Wil.l the w eeks In hed. Tboro \Vas continual , bearing down · pClln, terrI ble boo nc ee, ----.- ~ bea~a hes and at - tlmlls dl v.zy '81>8111 wbon evory thlng . WDll a blur before' Ine. rhe passages . of th e kidney secrel lons were Ir rekular and painful. and lhere WIIS onslderoble sedIment nnd odor. I dOIl·t know, "'hat 1 would bave dOole but for DoiLD's Kidney Pills. I could sea nn ImllroveUlent from the first box, amI fi v.e bOXQS brought a IInal cure." Sold by all denIers. 5~ cants II. bolt. Fostt!r-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
FROG WAS TO BLAME~ Weather l'ropb et Ilt\d Simply Pu\ Fnlth Whttre Be :Believed He H ad a Right. J ames Wilson, the secretary of agrl. cultu re. WIL'I discussI ng an oJltlQuated k ind of farm In!;. "It Is nb out as profitable and log.lcal," be R(lld, "IlS tbe weatber r , adl ag or a Coon e tl cut Carmband I used to kno w. ''Thlg rllrmbnnd clnl mod that he \lou lrl l'en(1 Ihe w athol' InfallIbly. On a walk with me 01U! arteruot,lll n frog cronlt ed , Ilnrl il ,saId: ,. 'Wo wil l hsl' o clear weatber for 24 hours, Wit n a trag (·roali.8 In tbe afternoo n you mol' bo su re ot 24 houra ot 6u ll ~ hlnc: "We ,vllJkr.d on, and In 20 minutes or ~ o II h avy showe r came UJl Qnll we we re both drl)nch (I 10 lhe s kIll. .. 'You aro a flue wonther prophet: saId I. ns we hurr Ied ,Iio m ward through the dow npou r. 'You ought to be IU'hnmed at YOUrS elf.' . u '0. w 11: sold lho filrmhanll, 'th& frill: II c(l. It,~ to blame. uot me. Am 1 rOllPonslble tor tbe morals of that particular rro!;?'"
- -----
AWFUL ITCHING ON SCALP. Hair Finally Had to :Be Cu t to Save Any-ScnJp Now In Good Condltlon-Onred by Cuticurn.
ago tbere were- 'n ot more t ban 27 derruylng the cost and maintenanci public slaughte r bouses In the UnIted In II. gOOd state of r pair of t.he abat' Kingdom, nnd Bome of these were In tolrs. In GermallT f>ac.h town council has s mall towns. About 60 towns ha ve tn· c urred de bt tor the construction of power to e rect and maIntain public abatto Irs, and perhaps 20 ' more nave sluughter houses and to fo rbId the establls he(l lhem wIthout borrowing slaug htering of meat elsewhe re. Oermoney ror the m but mallY ot tnese man clUes hlll'e m~rke ls, as a rul e, are smn ll communities. The annual Joca.tecj In th e suburbs. that aro main. r eceIpts for 60 ot thes!> vubllc abot· taln ed ,aL public expense: these In tolrs do not nggregate more than addition to the municipal s laugllte.r . 100,000, so tha t tbe business ' from h ouses. Gene rally tbroughout Euthe point ot vJew of lhe ' h lcago rope public abattoIrs lire coming lo packers Is Insignifican t. The bulk be looked' on a s Indl spe nsnble to prop, of the slaughtering for London. wIth er regulation, In Berlin two munl. Its Immense !lopulatlon, Is done In clpal slaughtering establlsbments private slaughte r h puses unOer. falr- were opened In 1883. which took t he Iy close In spection. At, Deptfonl .and plllce of nearl y 1,(lOO private s laugbISlington tbe slaughtering Is 'super· ter bOll ses. ' In 'the Unltel) Slates vIsed 80 systematicall y \)y C)m clals of commercial consolidation has ' i reatl y the city ,co'rporutlOJI that the buslneBs lessened the number of small ala'ugh. Is collsldered aeml-publlc, ~though ter ,houses, the concentratIon mnklng not In n strIc t sense munlclpal1'zed. pbss lble, IC properly conducted, a sys-, lllspeotion Is vIrtually tbe ' on ly safe-- tem of government Ins pecUon. ProtJably the first attempt mnde guard agaInst Impro Pllt tood supplies In the metropolis. Glasgow has a to regulate the conduct of plaoey series ot slaughter hmlSIlS at the tor· wher e nnlmals were slnughtered for e lgo ' cattle whart and ~ 18ewbere, and tood was made In England In the Edinburgh Bn (l DullClee.1 also have a time of Richard U. In 1388 parlla. munIcipal system of abatt9ln admlr-, ment I~g\slnted 'agalnst Ihe costing ably contlucted. Manchester: Leeds, ot ol'fal and otber refuse : of slilugh. Brighton, Blackpool , ,E seter, Reading . tered anlmsls ,Into · rivers and othe r and other E n glish clUes' baye' mllnl· water·s. 'Tl)e n ' a long bre ak .. ln at. " IPBI slaughter bouses; but tli.e s ys, tempt at lbo)d'ng arter- ·th e public tern' Is not yet general, 8lth'Ougb ' re- . "eal~h In the way of meat In8pec Lion, fo rme rs assert lhat It Is likely to be· anti the last cen tln:y was inarkell by, come 80 'In Ut e large towns." '.vlgorous. effort I.n tbls direction. The Rev Ie w of Reviews calls atlell- During Wls period a 'na tional system lion to a "Isl t recently, made. by memo ' of munlclp'al slau ghter ' 'houses waa bers or the Lon!1011 CountY Council establlshed In France and 'Germany, to ParIs In a s tu dy of ' th e moilel' abnt·, ,and In Greot BritaIn tbe subject was tolrs ot that city. It Is ot Interest Widely dIscussed, and locnl Instances to note Lhut private slaUghter hOll869 " of ' pu!illc owner ship. To Napol eon beep done aWllY wIth In PariS' belongs no small credIt tor tbe (Ulbllo slMe 1818. Tbe city ot ParIs owps 8bllttolr. ' CHRISTOPHER wEDSl'ER. all,d 'operates the Villette slaugb~er bduee$. lind In the Yuaglra.rd dls,trl.ct ' Is Illtuated , one other g reat m.unlclpal Addition' and Silence, "Two pints ot uillkmnke one QUnrt," abattoIr. A large staff of , vetorlnary SUTgeons carrloB on the work ' of In- 8aY8 on exchange. So do onll pint of spectlon, ' which 18 done unde r ' tbe dl· milk IInd ,one Pint' of .w'l\ter. rectlon ot the, prefecture ot. pollee: ' . Clvl1lzatton and Mal'1'lage. . lq maltI ng cOmparlson8 betwee~ , Minrlage Is what' makes us civilized. the English nnd French inspection' .01 It anybody Injures ' marriage we all meats an observer ' asserls It Is Impol' pay,-Margaret Deland. , " '" '.' ...
R~servation' Aids G'ulls~
"I used the Cull eura Soap nnd Ointment for a diseased 6CQIIl, d;\Ddr utr, and constantly falHD g of balr. FInally J hnd to cut my balr to sa \'o OK at 8.11. Just at lbat limo I renil nbdtir t~ e Cutleura n emedlea. ·Ouce every weele I ebnmpooed my bnlr wltb Ihs Cutlcura Soall, llnd 'r \I ~cd We Oint· men t twIce a week . I n t,,·o months" tim e my hair was Ion I( enou gh to do up In French twist. T hat Is now five ~'e nrs ago, [lnd 1 hBI'e. a I,ol'ely hea,1 Of balr. The len g:tb Is six Inch!s belew my wnlst, lIne. my scalp Is In very good co ndItion. nod ' no lIl"re dandruff or itch in g ct tbo s~alp. I used ot her remed Ies th at were recom· mended to me as, good. but with nc results, lI'1rs. W, F . Gr iess, Clay Center, Neb., Oct. 23, 1905."
WISDOM OF THE ANOIENTS, . A t~enUon to small tbhjgs ts the lCOnomy of "Irlue,-Ohlncse llIaxlm, Tbe ways· to er;trlcb are mllny and most of th em totll tor rOIl.-Terence. ProvIded a woman be. .well prIncipled all has dowry 8aough.-PlnutuB. VI here the love of the people 'Is ae~red the sedl tlous are ttmartll'd.IUns, ' , ' He Is truly rich wbo, " aslres notjllng, and be Is truly poor who oovets rut.Solon. it Is a greater oITense' to steal deati m en's' la bor,s thl\n thelr ' clothes.-· Synesills, To d9 a kIndness to a bad man I. lIke sowing your scad In the sea.P 'lldes. We ought either to bo silent or apenk thlng8 !JeVor ' ULan ~mlD CI\. Pythagoras. The public hM ~c re Inlllrt'st In tbe pimlsbmCllt ot an Injury llilln he Who ' -lI;!aers ' It.- Coto. ."
Don't- lie In the snme P PS I~IOD all ni ght If yOU enn help It. Don't cover your bead ,w ith the bedclothes, Have your covers wllrm but , light. ' Don t go to bed hungry, Eat eny light simple food tbat you wis h If It a grees wi th }·oli. ' , . Don't sleep In n room , th::lt la too col d. . From · 65 , to . GO, degrees ts the right temperllLure', . Don't go to bed wIth cold feot , bllt lIe,e to It Olllt tbcy nre \varm and com~' fortable b~fol'!l YOU j:I'lL . ln bed. , Do.;'t fill your b ed ~'oo'm wIth ' brlc-a.brae nntl drallo rlen; bill have as litU. os possible In It to catch tILe dust Don't :pu t your pillows hI tbe BUD. as' It draws the o.ll , out ot the feathers" Sull the bell and, beddIng, but p~ace the, pillows ,out of the sunilght In 0. curreut , of air. ' . , West VlrgloJa. :Bear Hunt: II. large blaok' bear , caused Quite a1l
txcitement In thl!! sccllon Inst, week. "1'88 ftret ,Cllsccvered ncar ' AJook fark's reSIdence with an air of brav~' ery not .al tog""4er lovely. . , Aleck !las two fterce dop that ' ehalo-d him up against the gardeD . fence, alld, as I. otten the case no cun could be' tound loaded, and ~tte~ tOl8lng t~e doga arcund over the meadow with ease he ' crossed over to near liarper Wol Corl)'s . Qn the ercek and made his escap~ In ' tb& JUllglo, hotly .pu",ued I>'y a dOflen or mOl 'e men 'and dogs with socrt brC!!'th and fns t bl!atlng bearta.~Hampsblr. Ro"le,!\" ". . . .
He'·found that "ln ' one' or th e Breton O'ii'vernment Culture on ' Jala'Ddll, in Islands, Blx miles long by half a mile Gulf Increa,ses Number of BIr!1. wIde, coons and ' rats bsvs become ' 80 by 100,000,' . POPU10U8 that bird' propagJlUon Is almost Impos81ble and that thIs Isllind :>lew Orleans.-Tlie 18 Islondll of tbe may bave 'to be nball!1oned as a reserJ ulf of Mexico which Ws state has reo' vation ror th Is renson. . lerved and protecled for tbe hreedlng ,f game and wale.r birds and the ,BreSudden lllld Unu.ual, ton Island government reservation tor They were a New York society the allme pu rpOSjI were the "ubject ot couple who had belln married ten 1 report by Prearlden t F'ran\( M. l\1l11er years; he cru~hed , her to bJs bosom >t the Louisiana Auclllbon soc1ety. Wlt!lln the llist year he saya 10'0,000 /lIIB8lona'tely. exclaImIng: "Dearest, I .lo,ve you! I love you!" "gul)s and terll have hatched .Qut "Oh, George!" gaspeil Ibe, "thla these Islllnds tha.n '\Vould hnve. been POINTED l'ABAG~B, ?t'Oduced without aid or the ' resenlll- so sudden!"-4ioIl8ton Post. ~ Ue who thJnkl no eYU cim do ' DO .Ion, One small 181nnd was white all wrona. ' FamUy .&ffm. ,now wIth bird feathers during ' .lI1r. A bUilnetll 1Il8Jl IIhoold lIelther do.. . oIlIIer's tonr of Inspection last week. "ThOll you admit," ahe 8ail) III a toDe bulldoze. ~ 3e attributed the Increase In the num- redolent with dlllappointment~ "that II. woman'. lI!r 'or water bird. to the protsctlon of 1 am not the ftrBt ;'Olllall )'OU ner bat. and endl l/tlll from destruCtioD by OOODa, r.atl loved'" Itube "I wd The wardena who luilpect
~hl\JI,•• ~r Tile beat e4uClatiOil lD tbe -lOt: b7 IUIIAUila '_" .. .. ",,:;:;;;;,~. 'Ib', 141JJer ..,..1U4 •
I"blo for ment rotallod lu Paris to es· capo In ~p'lI; tiun, a ij It 'freQu enlly (lOeB In l..oueton. In I.ondon the s tnrt 01 In ~ )l e(' l ol'I:I 18 tuo sma.ll. and d 'tcetlon ot rllBeaee Is I fL to In xJ) rlonced s luug1llore rs. In Paris mllny Ins pec LOrs are well qualified for their work. The syslem of .lns Pl1ctlon, as carr! ed on at the publlc ' 'abattoIr I.n Paris. Is UIUS desc rIb ed In Jl London publication; , "After each c.nrcaHS hall been dressed anti s uspended on th e slands with stout IrOll pegs, whlcb can I)e seon both Inside and outside oach Ilchaudolr, It Is exs mlned by ODti 01 th e num erous Inspectors of the lire· fcture ot [Ioll ce, who, On findIng it to be ~oun,1 und of good quality. stlimps It In vI olet Ink with the letters PP (prefeclure of police). Should he liod UIllt It Is dlseasClI, ' he Immedlnl ely f()DOHs lhe matter to bls sllperlor of· fl cer: th e specIa l ' cart which collects ullllOu nd meat Is seul around: and tbe cnrcnss Is r IDO ed. eIther to te rende'red ueeless for sal as bumnn food by sprInk ling It with petroleum or to be gIven to the JardI n de!! Pln n tas for tbe u ~e .of wild nnlmnl!;. In t,.hlll wny, not 11 ' sIngle pounll of meBI Is o ITercd for sale In ParlA without It havIng been IlxflmlD d. Be· fore each carCUSB lellvel\ the nba t· lolrs the omclnls nt the elClt ,look to se t hnt It Is pronerl), s lamped. nnd I\t the s~mc tim e til t It Is w igbed, In ord er to c laim th e I'ar lous dues which must Imm dlulely be pllid 10 th m. Among lbese Is a sum of two Crancs per hundr II kllogrammcs (about $4.20 per t on ) whI ch Is nnm ed the "8Iaugh· ter·bollse tIlx." U 1(1' whi ch the municIpality scts asldo for th e purJ,lOso ot
I'l". Weeks In lied with JDtale~ Painful XldD.,. 1'rouble.
HQW TO KEEP COOL. Jce Water Really Makes One Wanner -~st Drink Water Just Ohilled wtth Lime JuI~e Added,
\I w,,~ a 101."-enved place wh ere catMWell, we ll , let , l1o hellr !t again," " Nolh lng ('CUIII Dc \V'o~~o tban lhe lie hnd a nne bc~n stobled. Ho Tol and q\lalltlty of- hlll wal r wh ich pco l.le the m tlll pud tweoty·,otld others now :~:;; )::.~~ ~~:eo:I:~~,e~~~P~=lh,O s~~,~ rocllal or tbls grent Jmp iltlo log. d Flll k I~ Ih e bOil" of cooillu; orr tb elr a cl1pled II. Yeng Sol gr umbl ed 0. blt \ 0 blrn ~clf. Pill uldns "'\11 Irtlm his bed a stran.l temjlOrntllr . Gil d wat r only chlllH th(' SlOIDI1 h," al\)'s n 6ulllhvrn woman of . straw ho vlng a tllRse led end, the But be c;o uld not ruslst th e te mplnUau TREES IN THE DOORYARD. In thll Now Vorl; WOI·l(j. "Th e reac - cunning Ho Tal began drugging It dell- to lnlk, a nd begno : --..!.,--It wa s nigh t and 'raining, 1'h ll ' Ilia Wife Upbralclll Him for Vlolat- Bnrney Flynn 1s cha. arged wltb dl&. tiOIi ,mllllOS one warmer. Tu e b 's t cu tely over tho tuco or the lllaD b eDlsousslon cf Varieties to Be Used in river ca me booming a lOn!), a ~klog fo r ing an OrdiDance. ord'ly condu ct. an' shooUn' II) th' ol~, dFlllk tl)~ th s·IIDImer Is 'lInin, calc! sido h inl, caullous ly, ready al til B e~"utlfylng llmlts. an ' royslHtl n' an omcer, Qn · cor- wnl r , !lot c bll1\l d, but li s t cold. I Slightes t al.urn, lo dro p down In corpses, lhe wa ler snarling I1p al th e About the House, ' t .,. ;~;;,~~m+tlT1n:t.~:g~~'-imii-if=iJ~:=1;ul;=i~aFl feigned SIUIl)). With a sigh Dnd a con- sUPllOrls 'ot lhe bridge. each ",,,,veI At I b (CopyrIght. by the Cantur,. , Co.) rupl n l ooree uS i opyrlghl, llIOG. by J oseph B. BowleL) f.-i·ndaMp r ' mcket, on' Ulut Ilnoy ot- to~get 00 add to each .;~~ ss rul n vulSlve 1U01'emen t the n!ltD turned to like the clea n wh ftc (li ng or a walt Ii) rel,ly to a co rresppntle nt Who Tbere was a pers istent pop, pop, pop Hcer meetln' him wlll call tb' wagon 1,Im juice, This gives It Lhe rofres h· seck re li ef, I'wls llng illllo 11 new pose. A spy ha d crllwicil out among tho W\'lt s to InQulr alJou L tho bealltl fyIng t ur-t tnslo li nd als o counteraots But over fa llowed th o strll'\'. Ho 'J,'ol. lower bridge LImbers , carrying with In g Qf the grounds about his houlie, In the alley book otPoUcoman Dorney un' r· run )lIm In.'' I Flyno's bouse. nnd Mrs, ' Flynn put 'hO ~ Pollcemun Flynn gave every evt- th effecls of bnd drln lcln g waler. tremb led: the Illiln m ight do n thO'l- h,lm a bundle of devll's powder. but- the .Ohlo lo'nrm e.·, s uggests, tho Inc los· "Wh en It gets really hot, th ere are su nd tblngs olber tbE,n th at ' deslreot. jllSt botoro be fired it, a so ldier saw In,; willi a sllug screlm the nort h rly, hend out 'oC the kitchen door to see den ue of being worri ed , an he hnslll, what was tbe ma.lter, put hla revolver back In hla llOcket. B fc!w s im ple ways or cooH ns ott the Ho Tal caught his brea th- as Wltn a. hIm by 0 wink at lbe ligh tning. There baull corn r u( the dooryard. D ing , "Whllt are ye daln' Ollt there. Bar"Mary," he s~la, " DO wlln ,.o w blood wbl oh mnny peop le know, but IItU e' puflln g of th e li ps til e mun m'lr- wns a, s hot. The n the ruosl tcrrhlo shaded by the house th corner could nOises wer e born, The gods tb em se lve~ aey?" she asked, doln' Iv It." bdrdl y an yone practices. I keep ,cool mured : cuuld not m a l,'e greuter lhunder eve~ nol. bo used fo j' warm.-blooded {lowers "A bit Iv ta-nrget-practlslll· ... ' an"I snw ye, Barney," return ed Ill. 1'e- lJy uHlng aU lhese Ilttle resources, and "Plea se-do IIOt. 0 Honn!" and s hou ld be k pt wholly In t>rasB, .wered POliceman Flynn carelelilily. lentless wife, wh en It - Is very e nervating. aod 1 1' he worrls were Ja panese! Jopsn- when drunlc Next morning lb!! brldge However, two or three rhodod endrons lOOKed like a camel whose back has Thl. was s borOy nfter he firet donned "Dut ye w'u'd n't be' nrth er reltln' hnve work to do, I don 't hesltnte lo go ese! Yet the mun WIlS dr.essed as a or a single Chin ese ma gnQlla would , Ih. pollee uniform, and. while be WBB an lh' o\1ly husband ye ha- av e In thro ll- nbout With wet cation behind my COolin, a nd wns Within the Russlnn been broken by u heam: The man whll thrive nicely ae t In the angle. le aving ca used It nil W8S t Ollnd tossed In tbE enthul18lt. 'he did not deem It wls, to ble,", nrgued tbe policeman, "Ya enr~Plece of cotton dll)ped In cold IInos-beyond Hurbln. most o,f the lIarrow la wn r~ee , appear In that light betore his wife. " w'u'dn't do thnt. nQ.w w'u'd 1e 'Mary?" wnt d placed be hInd tbe ears' so "Better fo r 111m had be been ))Orn Hsblng nets below the village." I would plant a tree north of the Ho 1'01 shuddered once during Ihls ~ .. Ta.arget.pracUaln.... repeated Mrw. "As a hUllblltld, BarJley, 'I like ye," that touches the big arter y, ' will dumb," muttered Ho 'Tal, laughing It front corner of the bouse, three feet Flynn, "0' Fe know wbat y.' 'r. cool one 01Y wonde rfully. A drop or moment later In cunning triumph. "SO reCital. The thougbt 01 a mnn cling. from the te nce and In line with the doln'?" two of nmmonla mny be added to the - In nvc da ys at mOflt will l ' be OC Ing to Oahlng nets all night., only to tront ot th e house. This tree may be Hnd death In the dawn, oh1lled him , a cut-Iented wee ping birch, a catalpa "tv coor.. I Clo:' replied Policeman waler In which the CaLlan Is 1m· the road back to my country." Flynn, aharpl,.. "I tol' loe .wanst," mersed , and will m,ake one feol dell. At tlUn gray dawn Ho Tal and his At that point lhe mun be wlltcbed h~d speclosa. or a cut·leated alder. T~e CIOUHly refreshed. Wben ' the nlghtll bedfellows were arousl!d , The coarse laughed. Ho 1'01 could not relish thBI last Is u. very boautlful, round·beaded " Ye 're a new on tho fooree." mmmented Mrs, Flynn, "an' ye think are very hot and brentbles8, the hot oaths of a soldier startled them rrollt la ugh. Tbe mInd or blm W 88 troubled, tree, and Is not otten l een In Oblo. Tbe mnn knew nlm now tor a meddl",· ,.. 've lot t.o be' bla.ln' awa, at l\'8ry wate r bag fill ed with cold waler and s lee p. O~ the other side 01 the yard, near door In th' wa-a~Q. T.II me, now, I.· placed at tbe back of tbo nock will Tbey were morclled ••a gaping, stum· some tellow. the side but ten teet farther from the Yet he knew Ihe man tor a spy! But n't there an orllnaace t.rnlnat IhootJet the cold wllte r run over one', bUng company. to a place near llIe front of the hou8e, a large shade tree he muat have proof-facts. For the shoulll be planted. It should brnnch In' In th' city limite?.. . g e tfulneql', deliverance of one accursed spy woultl low 80 tbat the cblldren can climb ~t thla Flynn th,o urhUul"Of course we southern women lhe Russlnns grnnt hIm Ilberly , so Into It, and sbould be a rapid grower. ., scratched his head. 'Wear ollr tlsehu8 and low coUnrs In lhat ~e ,mlSht Journey to the upp~r A Welltern Beauty apple tree did ex· "R.rlght ),11 ' are:' he ... Id at lut. the bouae, and you have no Idea how bills. , "but 't I, t'r th' gaZllbo without th' 'We dislike even the shirt waist, with cellent service along tbese lines and During lhe early hours or the thtrd stili stands south of my housll, al· .hut that tho orlinanci W81 m.-ade." Its dimity or Ipce collar 'band, not ao morning- the changing of the guard. thougb partly carried away by a wind much for the he lit of the material all "Does ye-er book till ye that!" d'. when senlrles are most drowsy- lhe storm 'When 25 years old . . It III 40 feet m.nded MJ'8. Flynn. for the II trlcture around the throat. man sougbt to run the outpost. Il WflI hlgb and 8.8 many feet broad. An Ohio " If It Is uncomfortably bot a cold : Policeman F1YDD puUed a lummary during one of 'the sleepless vigils o! Nonpareil IIlandlng alone just north of the ' prLnclpal ordloancel and the compress around tbe neck la dellHo Tol. rulell and ~egulatlonl at the depart. c10IlS~ nnd everyone knQws . that t.o at my house IIprends 55 feet and Is The air was bitterly cold. The man aboul 40 feet high. 'It Is '80 years old lDent from hla pocket, and looked it let the cold water run over one'll slipped out lit tbe shed door, Hal Tol from the root graft. through ala wi)' .nd carefully. wrlstB tor any length of, time w1l\ eagerl, lollowed the man, "Doe. It tell )'.:' demaodill!' Mn. cool art the warmest Indlvjdulll, and If a purely ornnmental tree Is deHe had gone toward the river. Ho sired, my choice wOuld be a Schwed· lMJOU agaJo. "that all oatcu Iy th' Is restful and sootblng besides, ' Tal saw him searcblng the bank tor lerU Norway maple. This Is as good la-aw can m.-ake a IhootJu;-pl'ry tv "Where ,It Is not PQlIslble to take something. Atter awhile he came upon a grower as the plnln Norway but th' aUe)' bechune hi. hoUIB an' th' wan two or more dips during the day, the a boat: Ho Tal lllltened to the taint every young shoot In the spring Is of nixt behind ItT" 1eet at leaBt should bave tbel1' prop.. ' 'l'l.IIllbJy a ·Uttll ~-rk'll IlIA_A". t t d til tl dIppIng at the oars as the boat brushed a brilliant c rimson. Get a Yllung tree , "It doeB not:' admitted Policeman - - er amoun a care an ven a on away Into the .dark,. Flynn, regretfully, . thill8ll euier f'r nIght and ' morning. The tblnnest and start the brnnches low. say two "He will drllt down upon the feet from the ground. and If necessary "Does n't It tell 7e to arrl.t th' said the dlplo~aUe MI'I. F17I1., "but kind of IItraw sUppers or m\ll~s are bridge," muttered Ho Tal, musing 10 to carry the top above a carriage ma-.n that shoots In th' clt7!" as a po.lI" omcer ye b-ave no r-rlglat to be had now for little or nothing, his cunnIng way. "Thnt boat was left drive trim up the se ve ral branches, anlwered t'r \.0 be aIIkln;' fafon Iv me, ,' T Is m. and when possible In tbe privacy of " Mary. I'll 'not lie to for him- it Is nil arrnnged. There are m ak ing trlmk s at tbem. Ono toward Policeman Flynn. after a moment at juty to ray-poOl{ anDY omcer thllt 4a.. one's own room s tockings shOllld be soldiers at both ends 01 the prldge-Il east might be compelled, by tyIng ftOectlon,; "It saYI tbat ... am.... wr·rong." dIs carded and tbe Ceel allowed a cer· I tell 'them they will ea rn the rewnrd , to stakes, 10 grow horizontally out "Thin 't Is f'r you. BarneY Flynn," "Ye ah'o'd luk on me a.a a hllSbllDd" taln . ' nmount of tr eedo m after being rHEY BENT TO LIFT THill ~ IMBE n. and I will go back to the sheds with tram the trunlc 90 Inches and theo be Mary," urged the pollcem~. ' r efreshed by a foot bath." 8ssert'ld Mre. Flynn decisively. ,Iver bonk. where eactl was served a those dirty pigs. No'-l mus t do some· ~lIowed or train ed to grow nearly per· t&-ake ye-ersllt to th' sin'tion an' "Not whln ye 're ta·arge t-jlractlsln'.'!1 pendlc·ularly. making ali nvallable seat cba-&I'g. ye·erallt wltb dl80rd'rl, con· IUIllwered Mrs. 'Flynn with decl.loo, WHEN COOKING CABBACE. portiOn of ri ce : nnd when this tOOlt thlng-" A pumng noIse caused him to ('ease atter halt a dozen years. hnd bee'n devoured rElvenouslJ', (he dUCt." " Wb1n ye "re doln' what • wa-ant y. pl nnning and glimce about In nervo\l8 The front of the yard may be plllnt· POUceman F1yon wlnccd, The rea- f'r to do ye 're a husband. an' Wan I., Cook In BOIling Water. Slice and,Add daY'1i work upou the · b'lrl dge beglln. Snuce ~nde as Dlrected-;-Ho\ The brIdge wos a part or that slen· a larm. A line at empty cars was mov- ed by vlaclng beyond the sidewalk at lIonlng wae clenr, bUt' he objected tG th' blst I ever lee: but whlo ye 're ~ Overcome Odo~, der thread whteh the Russlon sprder Ing over the ratircnd toward the each tront corner a borse cbestnut, the conclusion. fooltn' with a gun ye· ... a po-III! , of, one with white blossoms. the other ba d swung from cootl~ent to conll· brIdGe. "~ ray·tuBe," he .. Id At length. "to tlcer." Ho, Tal burr led alter the moving with red. This would remove th e cen· Drop th e . prepare d cabbage Into go *\t.b mesll!." Pollceman F1Yllo heaved a deep 1111111. Ho 1'01 lind bls twenty-odd bedle!- ,tram. Nimbly he swung himself upon ter of the tree some six or more feet "nay·fuse to go, fa It'" cried ' Mn. "Mary:"he said. "ye \va.nnted me fr enough wate r (bOiling) to cOlUplete ly F'lynn. "Here)'8 are aught be to do a HUte Job Iv wor-i-... In th' bOIlH cover It: If the heads are small, use IOW9, though but 60 many ntoms In the one of the, last cars and lay at full tram the tront e dge of the lot and en· wbol e: If large, halve or quarler mUllons to be ensnnred, were for the , length on Its top. Soon a low rum· large U\'e lot to thnt extent. It would , alit 'V1'latln' an orjlnBJIco; an' ye ray- while I'm air juty." . fuae f'r to he arrlaled, Barney.),e 'U "I dido" she answered, "a~' ye sal" t.he m. Keep the water bOiling bris k· moment Invaluable 'tc) those ",110 bllng told him they bad passed tbe be well to plant two teet wlthlll the lot 'tlnes 80 as not to encroach upon Jy for halt lin hour: tben 11ft Into a wlsbed co mmunication quickly estab- bridge's end and were crossing be nfth er ha~ln' lh' ('.bu.-arge I., 'ra),- ye had n't thO time." .rlver. WnHlng until some distance the owners of adjoining lots who slsUn' 'an omcer put ternlnst ye-er "I 've cha·nnged me mind," asserted colon,der to <lratn, ' af~er whlcb. slice Usbed; When th ey we re set to work,' Ho Tal from sbore. he Slipped down to lhe might cut the tftes In case at BUC~ lIame, too. 'T 1,8 r'r 70U to bat )'e-ersHr Policeman Flynn with ataother 81g11. ftn e ly: season" with pepper and salt all. th' head with ye-~r club an' jerk '''T Is a tlgbt hole 1 got meatlt \n, to taste, While the cabbage Is cooll' 80ugbt out the moo ,I;h(ISe cry b& ba\1 t)eams of tbe trostle, 'l'here was noth· 90croaobment. Twe lve teet diagonally ye· ersU( to tb' slatloo whether ye Mary. an' me hella Is shwJmmln' with lng, prepare , in anothc r vessel, . a heard 10 tb e ulgllt. . They bent to Ing now to be Sl!en but a few shadowy tram the northorn horse chestnut will or no." all th' throubles an' t.b. r· rule., . '1' II sauce mad e as follows: One teacup· Uft the same piCCO of timber, a,nd thov lIm.bers, benent h ,whlcb nn Inky cur· plant a white , double hawthorn, and '''T W'II'd lle a aha·ame, Mary," pro- likely a IItUe wor·rk 'II ma-ak.e thing. ful of vin ega r (If very strong, weak· ca rrIed It, sLepplng trom trestle to treS' rent surged with 110 low Incessant sob· UI) the line fence to the eut 12 feet pla nt 0. scarlet double·flowered haw· en a little with wate r), udd butter til! over tbe rl ver. bing. tested Policeman Flynn. 'Tr me, beln' easier f'r me." Wben at a snte dISt a nce (TOm tM Ho Tal bad begun to curse hlmseU thorn, th' frl'nd , to mesllt that 1 am, to be '''T Is likely It wUl ," retorte4 Mrs. the size of a he n's egg; two table· South at the ftrst ha ",thorn' ten feet, for a frozen fool, when a (plot a",lsh' that r-f(>ugh with mesU~ Ye'd not Flynn grimly; a,nd Police mao Flynn spoonfuls 'lit 8.ugar; bring , to a boll: watchIng soldier, Ao 'tol began: "Wbere Is your bome. brother?" Ing &Ound came to his eare. A long IUBt Ins ide the sidewalk, plant a have me too lia·ard on a trl'nd, w'u'd put nalde hie oMclal . dignity and tack. set air the fire and stir In a well· "In the cbuntry about Pel.Thang." shadow drIfted swlfUY. oul of the black 3hlononthus or .whlte fringe. Thl8 Is 7s'" 1M the plehlnn task of mending a bealen egg. Pour this over the cab· ba'ge, stirring thoroughly with a forll, "Ahaa-I knew you tQr n stranger, and snuggled In under the bridge. He "'\--~;. ~ <a.' ",," .. _• ___ . __ . '" ___ , . "D~rry-Uokshun ' Iv .jut, It U!" eJa~ walh-~u,ll, meanwhile mutterlng ' and Herve 'hot. . Tbe people there are SCI-ilO dltrerea~ could , hear the soU rubbing or a boat. W ~ "'-" IV ulllleu ~[n, Flynn. "I can see )'e, Bar:- himself IOmethlng about a woman The water In which cabbage Is from tbe rest of us," Like a fat told he plumped down In :~,. I had ". rej(lar la-awyer'lI head on hero" boiled should not be poured Into tbe "I had not notlced-'" ftplled the the stern. The boat daneed a trlOe, l\~..... , N : .Not Enough,. ' alnft unless you flush tbe drain at o~ber JIlan slowly, as tf s urprised. the water plashing tJ;e., ~ "" . ; R. K. Munklttrlck, editor, farmer a~ once ' with some disinfectant, IlS ,tbe "They are ,& 0 like the Japanese!" noath It. ~ I joker, Is a. rotund roUer at Bweet mo,," ' odor Is SO strong ai,.d lasting. If you, Wben Ho Tal snld th is he watched 'l'ber~ waa DOt a sound trom the man :,'IIIi:, ' eels ,' under tongue. and &Ome of hit have a garden, the better way Is to the man keenly, In lhe bow. Each stilred ellenU,. at ~ friends know It. On on'll occasion h. pour It pn the earth. - To get tbe "I have not known those people:' be the black shape of the othe'r : eacll :~ t happened Into Il bualneas trlend's houl/4I ame ll olit of ' tbe kltcben, keep tbe JIlld, limply, waIted [or a vicious shot from the low l!!5' Ii!lL : JUlt abdut 'lunch 'time • . lInd the trl~nd windows open and roas t Ii) few coffee "Is It &0." eagerly went on Ho Tal, girdle of the bridge. It did not come. I) ~ IUIked him to Btay and he Ye IKlmethlnr. beanB on the stove.-The Commoncr. 1lI8uming great enthusllhBm, A moment la.~r they had sllppe4 ,awa, : ; Mr. M- accepted wltb pm per hesltatloQ "When were you In tha.t country my on the river marsh. :~ , : ' and delicacy, though be wna pr,ttyhun. Herring Salad. frlen<l ~" blandly asked t he other: Ho Tal gntllered himself togetherSf'y, and' the host ,!"ent·uut to teli hie Herring salad may make a pleasant "That la-I have heard mucb:' he saw the man's Ihape waver"":and • :' wife of the unexpected pest, . Inclde~ change 'a s a IIupper dish on a warm :lOrrBoted Ho Tal, In solme h8Bte. "I with a low cursing they grappled In ....... ---;;;~t-, ---;I! tally be SllaHted a little qtra PMpjU'ao day. Hea,t through by , boiling, or In bave never been so fnr south as this the center or the 8wa)'lng boat. Th. i 20 1.. .. ... r ! tlon. the oven, three smoked ' herrings . before. I am from thEI upper hllIa. man lIung To Hal backward and fell AilfI • ':' "Well," IIh" re.ponded. wtth a lOOt Then tear off the heads and pull tbe !!eyeral. traders once came through m,. upon him. The boat Upped and ltagt:f!I¥ housewife'lnatural resentment, ·'wbat·. I ,k ln away; split, take out the liack- :auatn'. and they told me,'lDAny thlOp, gored ns a dnlnken thing. Ho 1'01'. : aood enough tor us h. BO!l4 ,nou,h bone and ellt up Into small bits. 01" to Japanese are Indeed 11 mlglHy pea. head went wholly under. He 'mad, a ~ , /i1~ I ' : him, I gues.... Ihred them la better. Put In a salad pIe. Think of tbelr blowing up that furious effort, choking-be d~w, up ..;rrtUI" ~o~ : "Yes, y88," s~ld th'e huballd, , COB•• bowl. add one II1IlIilI ohopped olllon, bridge wben tbe sentries were at 'both his lega-the boat wrltlled-1ltruggled ,(;? wId" 77' RvoP. IqJy, "but )'ou don't know Mr. Muaklt. two h'ard-bolled egp, ehopped, and one eoda of, It. You shouJd be proud- tree at them both-went danolng awa,. " trielt. Whst's ,800d enouah tor UI I. boiled potato; cut tine ' with a teaA R~88lan oMcer who liked' ftsh ' for I~ £: ' lOOd enough 'tor hliD, of ,course. but llpoontul 'at chop'ped ' parllley; seBllOn There \a somethIng about, your , ey_~ The growl or' a soldl,e r clole DY hIs I>reakfruit ilent his orderl), with i~i ~ what's plent) enough for 'us IID't plentl with a teaspoonful ' of salt, one of pep" • : enoulh lor him. and-" " per, three tabletlpoonfuls cit vinegar caused Ho Tol to ·close hla little argu- the rlvermen to neta. '''Ah.haal A man!" cried aile 01 the : " . . ~, . "Oh!" IIhe broke .In, aad ' bePn and two of. all; mix w\lll. and' If you meat so sharply, thnt his, teeth coul!! fI.hers, pointing to a bending pole, . ~ ~l ' ._ ~ lie heard to click together', tllng . around buall,.-Phllad.ipll1l have It, decorate wl~h a balled beeL ifW~t U'8~. lIoln' ou~ her.,. BUD."" ~i!pr~ • . Night and lonellnesa &ettted dowl1 They dragged· Into the boat an un- L. .. __ .. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t . . , About Corn Meal. upon the river, Thirty Ured min BIt couth, bait-drowned 'o bjsct. It ' w.. PLAN O~· DOORYARD BEAUT1FYING, wa)IdJl'th' ea-arpet th' Cap. , Not a Oommon OiimJ_1. To prevent corn' cakell and bread a lire. . Been that the mnn's hnnd clutched an· • very tall shrub 'or miniature tree, t·ln'. ollloe, 'a n' ,h. tell In' ,e 'lOlJ\ethlna 011. ,Jim!' 001. Bill Hac\p1ey, at WI.. from havl~g a raw. taste, I mix the Ooolpll; white not 'unknown 10 tbat other clammy 'burden caught lo~ thl ~lean, neat, and showy when in bloom. t., Jutl' 1Ul' 'trl'lIdlhlp, an' that ,e 'N !leld, was Indlcte4 by the grand jury tal meal with milk a few houn before coun"try, are genel'AlI)' tound among engglng net. , Between the hawthorns. and ttl teet [",Id air toor, da~a)'1 -.,lthout pa)'.'~ betting on eleotlon alonll with , baking the bread. When ready to thOle who have' roreaworn the V1rt'.l' With some dlftlcult)' they rel,..ed Ust.8nt, plant a weeping dogwood. ;- ,"A.nb,hoW," penilited toe policeman, other men. Hackrie)' ltood In with the bake It. add the Bait, egg, a spoonful oua lite. A few or theae ~e~ apa •.t . the second mass from the Dian'a Im&lrioullly, 1 do 1I0t Bee the necesalty ,'''I'm n~t. Ihtronl, enouk,h f'r to _arrllt jlldp,: The defen,danta aU JI'lIadld of' ftO!!i' and last of, the 1I0da, or It and talking. bedded lingers, ~eo brought to ahon ~f, doing as many do when selecting , mllllll" T IB too topgb a Job. I'm plitT.. Before paIIIIlng HIItence on the Iweel milk be used, add baking pow· "Ia my mind thllre Is a grave feel. and toasted back to living, 'he w .. trees ' to put In a doorYllrd, tbat Is, gel· a desp rlt .ma-an whh~ 1· 'm r-rouHCl; buncll the JudIe took Hacuey ,Into i der. Mush, to be good, musl be bolle(' . ang the cheapest aud commonest lIIar)" an' 't II not th' lUl'ea I., me nOr ' Ilde and asked; a Ions, time. llavlng neither .tI'me nor Ing concerning lh\l brldgll," ,enid Yeng IUIked, of this. " It will BOon be IIlllahed. ' Theil "My brother-he could not-SWlm, be had. The past swumer I wns at .nl\ywan Ille 'that can 1117' th' ~-anll , : 'HOW much shall I ft.~. JOu, Bill" Incllnution to ~tan(J b)' die Plush pot, Sol. we w11l rest. my brothers." Hla head wall heavy-I could not- the ,home ot a wealthy tarme r 100 I., th' law on melllt W,lthOllt ha.' r'r "What are yolk golnll to loak the MIlt I boll the mush thoroughly, being cllre· "Tbere may be other bi'ldp,8." sage. 'hold Mm uP-" he .gasped. miles f~om home, being called tbere to , ~ SO ~!r a doether," " \ , ' of the bunch tor'" asked Hackney. ful not to ma~e It , too th!ok, then Twice dUring the Inquiry he taInted plan nnd advise about his dooryard, , . "I '~' 'je now,' O~; I lee ., . IIOW, "Oh. I think I ' wm glv, 'them $1 anO place ~losely covered In the oven, Iy remarked the mun at ~o Tal's side, "'Clten let us proy tbE,re may b6 from exhaustion. At one t!m. the Bur- We were dl~cusslng trees and I was Barney," went on M~., Flrnn, ". lee', COIU;" said the judge. . whero It hi kept lit boiling heat tor other tools," rejoined Yeng Sol, groao. gean sincerely b!'lJeved him to be to Impress upon him the beall,e "r-readln' !l noUce on th' board at . "Well I dOll't want io ~ treated at ,I e veral hourll, Ing at the verY' thougbt. :·. d~ not 'dead, And all the reat ot the day he Ues of some of tbe trees mentioned th' ltatlQn, ~a' It' saYI that ,Barn'll' I a com~on crlmlnal: ' said, Hack\1e,. - - ---....,-thInk 1 have worked"so siince I w.. a lay huddled In a corner, I"'eeplng blt- lbove, when, atter listening patiently ;J'I)'Dn II dIBcha·arged. from th· loone, "Juat, line m" $60 and cosu." Cabbage Salad. f'r cow:rdlce. That's ' wha,t It "YI, And the ,Judge ,.took hl8 se.t on For one quart ,or' tlnely ohoPJ)ed .cab· child. nnd tben 1 k~ew nlO better," /' ,terly tor the I>rother he . d been un- u,blle. he broke In with the Question. :Barne" .an· It ...~I more. ,It ..~ ~at , bench,!lnd dldso,-Kan9uCl~.JournaJ. bage,> • dressing as tallows: Boll ' ''Or It may chanco that this sime able to snve. At~er a 10llk ttme tbl. 'Are not sugar' mnplas one of our tin· ~,r--~.~ . ______.,...;......;;.....,~..::.._______:....~-----_ together ;)lIe·half cup vInegar, ' two brIdge will need ~ew mElndlng," slid. became mO,Dotonous" and the ,8Qldlera. lSt trees ?" Surely tlley are, J had to , . tablesJ)tlOns,' eugar. bIle·halt wapoon deoly spat out Ho Tal, lind joggling ' censlng tbelr questions, kicked ' him dmlt. but they are so common. Even bla tence corners had them. Jl.nd he of .salt, pnd " POpper: ·rllb one. tbe arm of the one next to him, bot ' and his sorrow out ltioo the cold. , D1CTIONARY ' OF' COOKERY. • I': Three nights later, accordIng to the could ({et them for the digging, &0 he four-th cup of b\ltler. to a cream wltli: called out as If je9ling, ··Eb. brotber, . ' story Ilf Yeng Sol, who Is a ve!'y holy wllote d to waive the Interest and edu· one- toas\loonful !lour ,and add It to wbat do you thInk r" "I do not understand- wben a b~al8 mnn, tbe gode again became drunk. cation cenlel'ed In tbe, better cia liS of t.he · boiling vinegar; boll l1~e min: .~ and after mucb bellOWing, lett the little-planted treell and plant maples utes Ihen stlr In one well beaten It lilted, 18 It not axed?" "Poob-" grow\'ed Ho ' Tal. "Have brIdge a second-Ume as a camel wholle because they were cheap. egg; pollr while hot over the cabbage. i you not bad ,the Btomach ache tWice?" back has been broken ,by 4L beam. 1 have 1ndlcate<\ In the plan a gr!)UP j ''That may be," admitted lbe otber, The upper hills are yet walUng for ot four bushes Bouth of the back Breakfast Chocolate.' Take six tnblo9pOOlifuie Icraped •• ( doubt. If he ever had two IUell Ho 1:01. porch. but the position they Ibnuld oc· chocola te, or three of chocolate Illd pains lUI' this brtdge \JEIs 8ulferea," \Qov;yrICbt , 1Il0l. by .1oaepb . . BOwl...) cupy Is wh'olly llIlcertaln, tbe living \ threo of cocoa, dlBsolve In a C)UlU't o( Coolly put In' Yeng Sol. "It woul4 reA. Christiania doctor baa Discovered or everyday IIIt1e at dooryardl vary boiling witter, rloh mille, let soo,ld, and Quire a new man to wreck the bridge, that microbes themselvea are Infested '0 10 ll'alks lind outlook. Berve hot. This It enough for sill per' a1lot! BUch men are Bcarell. Th. man with parasite.. Serve8 em' rlllht. coo' Leaving lhese , out and countln'g lio·nil. eleven, beeches for screen there are 23 wbo-" ' found 'eml treeB , which shonld not cost with History of B.U. freight and COBt of planting more than The n..,t bell WII Invented b, UB. ' This dooryard could theretore' he PaullauI, .bIB.h op of Nola, In Cam' furnIshed at Ie.. than the COlt 01 a ]IIlala In 4110, In Illugland. the flnt tbat the lib Iwam . OYer tile tra,. pulor carllet or an overcoat, .nd Ihe beJJ wa.. UBed In Croyland abbe" In which had been set ID "he edge or ths treeS will ouUm a 1I0iell coats and LlncoloBhlre, U5, Musical bella are w.ter for mlllk, Mid .11 lome !DIllner carpets. • 'DelslllD loventlon, datlog bllCk to let tta 1!'ellht Httle down on the trtg· 1601. " :palr71DIf ad Crop Botatlcm. pr, whlcb went olf Rd the steel Jan DalI')'III8 plays an Important part .. 01 tIie trap .npt the ilia, lueoeufUl rotation or crop., aad perlUlSIl nO better m ..... ClIUl be fowul
OLD .PEAOH l'REE8. Whfti Xu BMn DOne with '!!hIm. PrDof of What O&n Be Dons to Make Them Productl'l'~ • It Is a tnct wall known to mall)' hal'~Ic\lll uru l . 01
ntlals tilat ol~ ~8Ch t rees DIlly be l)r()IIght lJllck tn a .tate of vl go" by !leVOI'oly outtlt\g beck the Lr ee ~ ill~d thus I, pi ng th em out of fl'hlUn g for two or tbreo seasons. Jf llJls cuttln,. ba k Is done In a year w\lOtl all th fr nl t ~lId9 have beeu Is relluccll by one year. Some val'1t>. ,
®\ :
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@It .
. 0._ -
}" ~
ties of trees are greatly Injured by being cut back severely, but not 80 lhe peach. Peach trees develop wood wIth great rapidity .. and 110 Qulckl, overcome the elfects of severe ,cuttlns back. MlLny of tho" old peaola tree. on our farms couldoe made 'to a~ good crops agaIn by being cut \lack. In our lIIustraUon we show the re9ulta' of cutting baok 88 practiced Oil an old peach tree at the Ohio experiment staUon. This tree, lIIuBtl1l.ted In the corner of our llluatratlon was already an old tree and wanlDl ill vigor' purchaaCId the when the station grouna on which It stands. In the spring of ~905 It was seve~ly cut back and lett. The cutting bllCk 'Was elrectlve In startlnr new growths, and In the fall of the sl1me year It looked as ShOWll In the cut. To all appoarancell it hu renewed Its youth.
FICHTING PEACH TREE 80REH How This Pest of the Orchard Be Kept from Doing HlI Destructive Work.
One or the best preventlvel to keep th e moth tram laying eggs tor the peach tree bore Is to draw away the earth In lbe fall down to tbe croWD ot the roota and coa~ the litem to one t(Jot above grpund with a thick coat at Unseod 011 and white lead, without 'any turpentine at all, Dut even When this 1a done there will, be found occasional borers, Therefore. oow Is the time to look over the orchard. and wherever a gummy exudation Is seen nt tbe base of a tree tho borer 18 at work lind sbollid 'be cut out at once and all tbe damaged and gum removed, a.. pea~~xlI,mlnlltion I,ate In- 'summer and you can keep the orcllan! talrl,. ffte from ·the borel'll, The noxt thJDg In the bearing peacb oraJlard will be \ the light ,lIgalnst the curcullo ~ . hlch ..,calise the fruit to be' W'On¥lY. amount of spraying, wtU· do muc or ' this sucker, for h" Iii lIOt I!&fln the polson. The only WI!.7 to light 111m Is to bave a broad ' apPlU'Utua like an Inverted !Imbrella made with a light lrame. covered wltl:! cottoll cloth, A slit on ~e side admits, It round the tree., and then a Jarring ' of the tree will cause the bltteo fruit aDd the bugs to fall Into the receptacle: tl!.e curcuUo "fill ' not attempt to lIy, but wUl telgn death . Then tuna the COD. te nts Into a pan of water on whlcb some kerosene bos been pollred. to kill the Insecta, This j.rring must be kept up at Intena", uoUI the trust 18 more thsu-half grown If you waat to avoid wormy peachel. JalTlng off the blUen trult will ani), make the remainder better and 'the crop will not be reduced, for th........tnn DaI1IIIJ' over-bear. ' . HORTIOULTVIlAL NOTEa Hoe the lima beans troquentlT, Set out cabbage plants tor • late crop. Turnips at all kinde ma7 now lie 80wn.
"He that woulll baTe the tnalt mat climb thl! lree," After lbe strawberry bed has. borne , two crops, It Is best to plow It up ancl plant late cabbage. ' Tbe best "Inoculation" tor gardeD crops-sweat ,drops frolD "the maaa with the boe,"-,.-Rural New .yor~er. . So'w thl\ early sorta. of radlsbea for a .successlon. · The· winter ' kinds' ,ma), be sown the latter part ot. thts month. Be on tho lookout tor the ' melon bug. Apply tobacco duat freely around the plan IB, aad, keep theia well cultlvated .-,Form JQu:rnaI. ' Since a reader III southerll lUlDOIS' Buggested Japanese c!oyer U II muJcll crop tor orchBrda"eays the Rurat New Yorker, we have ha,d II number of let.- ' tera from ftaders 'nakln« It tILe c\o.,.. will thrift at (be lIOrth. TIle pre'IaQ. Ing opln!,oD. lIi that It will not.
A. ThrW-Fold PlaDt DIa-. ScleDce :ls bringing out mIlD)" t~ that we have little' u'llt!erlitood, In all Ilep..,rtments of Ute. DJsealiea ' that· have beea considered separate are ' no'!" tound to bo' Identical. 1'he In the Crult line seeml to be th8 dlacover, tbat the anthracnole of the sweet pea. the bitter rot of ~e apple od the ripe rot of the grape, are .u the same Careful e!lpen. m~nIB have been made to .d.tefIDllie ~I!IB, One kind ,~t plant hall 1Mien ces.fully Inoculated with ~e dll'" from the other klndL Hellcefort'b,., people growing any ot til... p1aata wlll be 1!'arned 111 time and will measurel to P",VeDt. the anthraen088 of th. tile or th. ' &rate
Ule ........
Wn..tlnlt ~ WBy. cagle ami sur- Proud of our Home Band. Sllm him~lf. 'J blld b,· n t.r"lIbllld WIth klllnf'Y dt~l.Il'ly it lht! puin t ot K l'tt"l'nt MUlir wall "'lJaturt' of UlllElat!e for tbl' In. t· IIvl' ~'t'!.lr~," Puhll hed WCt'kly .. : . .. Wllync"vilh" Ohio. writ M Rul)! rt H. Willi", of ~"It'm! great United es /oCovt'rnm nt Home-('om inll. Mo. "1 In__ t f\Pt'h IIIIfI IlI'v!'r ",It wl'l l with al\ iU! I'es Iurcc!! heing iiI tht! .MAME T. nkOWN , Ed I 1\1 The pi I'lpll of \V" "IIP "llIe have und dlwtorl'll wi th to'lloing Jlh ,~ 1 ADELlU;RT l\f. M"KA'\" \ . 111'1 :I ;1 ( • UlIIlj{cr!<. hack flf the bani. Will ouro any .caso IIf Kidney ~ r UIl UII r·" 10" pr' .. II Ilf Ih\ 1 W Hsnes· clalls 11m] trit d all rPIlIPrl1el' ~l1gj!'·~ ' Mmr. J. T. nJtOWN, A~!lllt'il\tpd I';dit, r. MI'. anti Ml'li. Lt!Ho,Y. Irolls roil ill ville Ullde! B:Il,I\ wh it'll .t'nl · lIlI~ht'd II ed wirhllut r .. nef. Fitlll ll\' I t.J i.'rl or Bladder dis cQ.!'(l 11t:~t. i s no' F\.lhW·~ f{i,IIll'Y (;Uf\' nUll l"~,,, 'h"l1 Almo t Every Busine s a rUllahout deco l'at Ll ill purple and Itl.rgo tllIar~ of the II11H!in dllrin~ the two .hottl "l om pltltely our tl lilt' beyolld the rca.·h of mudi 'in , $1.00 a ear - - - - in advance. GIVI>" UP TO D llt . . House P:~rti ipated besides Ilhit . This combination is one. of 8 0llLo ('ami 11"; . Imd 1 nUl now '~o\llld tln,l woll " leol N, vtrRI .. la SI., E,an.YlU.. p ~ t p.' , lhe most pletL'Ilnl(' th at coU ld be 1m· ']'bera It! llothllllC like fo(Ot1<l musio Dti.r lng tho ~umlller kl.dn y lrl'egll' IudB.., Bpl.l/Ill, J .i5 if not paid .ill advance. .rILM: 'Iro, ove r ti,ur if)AfM J "a' Lroubled rlva e arbes. agin ·t.l and mad a v ' l'y ·attractive loritlo8 11f0 oft.en onus d by OXCAtllI· .lth. kiitJL87 KIMllJladdoralr...Uon . 11".LIt ..... to l:'ti r \.he entllU!l11I81li of ItIL fl"~eUl· ive drinking or bing ovorheu ted . I ..d ••,11ubble to> ..ork. TIll'.,., Ilhy.laIIlD. ta ll ud , '<1 help UL6 aud 1 .....<1 •• 0 "p. 10 ""010" . ( I 'ontllllleu troOl first page)' \)lcllll'e. bIngE!. II ml I·h n l'odet. Bnnll certn lnly Attend to t,h Idtln YI! t. onr.e h~' Kl<\ul\, li ft) · wua NCbuunelHlo<l nUl ihO nfl' B ILUI PFJ E I . I 'J'h !jOYs of ·til .were represen terl hutl-It, "llY O lIle "raa\; rull." alld ,,'I.(~r Irb,* 'he . .. Oll1fltUIOIC IIUforent" might well by'. Lev 'arlwl'ight's handsomely 'foIu()('oedod in doing that. Avprywbere using FrIley's Kluoey ·'llf . .F ' ' 10 oil bolli. 1 w'''Il~ l roJl ."rod;' Bohwl!.rtz, druggist IIi y ."l'I"",.1 tiltlt, week. d ' (\riue the w"iCon of He nry ' Wol. . "wo 81••• 50 C.nt. and ".OQ ~ , . I, (\~coratt.'d trap. Ol1cul>wd l)YJ\1t!lI8r~ . Telephone Call, No. 6-2. lard II lid his n F,ddle. rills wltgon ., tll' l IV t·tg . ht , Ge<\. W. L' ' IIt, 'h as. Th p a"nllllll,1 II VlIl'itlll 'soloollon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!~~I . .' '" b rig "'"~ "U~ · of the WOI!t. orl !,!II III I III L~,Wlln ' M err i tt un · d J . 0 . ,. L ' Ik' a III b urg, of plfl(:tl!! lillOl' plllY 11 everyone \\ ail. ]906.· W~DNESDAY, ~lJG ~T 15, '. ne. pl,iotl thll.t, /,' Ies M errl~ " t atl d li.."loe.. rh · y y.,orA JilJernl with . """-~~. r npLJllllrt:d .in . th" a I. I ) . 'M ru t el's VilaI' 1I1ttiongb on dllt.y ]llIrlll1tl . Mr . " oollnl'd bud hiS renO' Sla n I 1.eve " rmg. (',t\)' l WI'I." ' trhl , 0 Id thei r u1I1sic, lUg lllllchlUe ~et. up on the w8Ron IIlrnollt Oll t untlyiduring the week , In Explanation. Want Another IUIlI IllJW d jl1st how hi . tllTllOUII cOllll'llUes uf '61, with Bons of pres- oheerflllly plA.yad whenever reques· -H . i ent generation. ' '1'lIIR Issne of l,be GII\~ett .. go!'!' i o ome-~om ng wi re ohicken proo1 fenoo WII.!I mllde. Th cQal oil and gasoline wagon, t.e!l . h" IInlJ,\nrlbers ounsld rably lntl' r 1'hA "iiolltl~~; ,ir Ihe Horne Con"" l =--/-l!itl(lIle Woolf",r.d -gives evidllllce of owned by Jos . 1:I0rm~\I, was beauti. Many Ilf tho vi Itors expreRsed Ullin usun i t·hll' we k, Qwitl~ t,o the hllM ort'lltetlll.l\et!lre on the llllrt ot l",iog U U1ochlloil'.ulgenlus. He ll1ul fully decorated in pink, green and their Knrprls thnt It town of this MIlle ILlul Funoy Urocori Il, Frlllt!! p;trll work ocoa~ione Ii by tlle Homl' ""lOy persons to similar tI forge, IInvil. · ·te., on the wligOO, whitt'. Mr. Hormell drove his team 81ze ~llOlIlel p nSIlBSs slIoh ~ flne band , IV"Ul '" In". .. all Ve~etf,bleil aUI\ Cannnn Good/!. l;atherlllgt! oooe every Ova or t euod n 'It Is "nid IIIllde ' . 'o'f Ilit; t·v 'oil! wilh nis two beil\utifui iittle dau~h. and eXI>re sed their oOUlmendatlon An explllntttlnll Is 11180 ' dna hur years. The idoll i'l ~b"t, Il oert~in himse lf. 'l'hongil IItill quite yoong t.el'!l seated by side. . i~arli IIUU 'l'oulIo( 0, of It. relj'uloLr oQrre!lpontlent8 tlml otherI' SeU801l he sot, "pa rt that former he lUIS shown deolded wlent In .B A. Si.d o>l advertised his hand. We have rellson to be proDI1 of who have Rent. In n ewil whloh dn rO!'lill E' nt, 6!lIIBllhLlly those living at II llloohnnicul lI11e, and he lony De !:lome vehicles by drivillg in a new th,'a n'r""1li ·'.n>.lon · 'lnd It deserveR heard from Ide r . . . . . ~"" ,. npt Illlpellr. The rflpor t of IllP dl~lnllC Ulay tirrllnge their visit..Will S ~te h i 'h rUllubout artistically decorated With thp continoen enoourl\llement, of C. M. BROWN, Proprietor. Phone 79, Bbme.l'oming hill! crowded ouf, hOllle Ilccordingly . . " . rt w~ te lUI Ii pon! I red . whi te and yellow . . Mrs. Sidell' oven' oltizen of town . . "Imollc overy thing else . Next WI ell whIch he has high de' / I I. t tl e niece · 1 th e L'b 6 . traIned to tl' . sa tunuer I er t y - -~ we expoot. to have things 10 rUllnln g Horse that appeared in ~ree of olenoy , lind \\ 1I1 ~ dres~ · Bell. making a ,:hllrming picture. ni,.tr,~p nt th " r" "" l hpr q (\f thl' Im" (l y orller tllrain . Parade Kicked to Death I'd Iu 1\ oOllllc cOl'ltume . aod hu! p.o n Mel " rs. 'yru ' Smith and Geo. . lll"t wE'pk "'hioh WP I"tnnlt prp!lpnt I.tttl'ticted n huge !lhure of ltt\entIOIl. L'al e I I:' ~. J G. Keys, slIlvng ... >. '1' W · .:J ant ulQI'. . illl/.' to onr 'reltoprR ill ollr Hnme Une of !.he felltllres io the pll.rttde htl urren 'I)uot,y FlIlr A~Mocil1 ' Waynes ville's 1)lde t citizehs. rode Fine Looking Prosperou8 Wellnil!ldllY w .. :,(" t.he uld oOllob be tiou hHd Il III rge wog'J11 liltod WI th , . 200 II' ed b Onrnjnj!' flouvilnir Pllitirm . . I 111 a year 0 ( carrla~e, own y Men and Women were IUll)(ln~ to thl! ··Furnlll! . flimily lind people " glllolt h) the F .. ir ... n~ 001 thc Furnas falnily during that time. Home-Comers. ~ :roon.~, put lIuyooe In 1\ I d d b t h . f' Tennis Tourament. bllulell h.\' t~ll bor~ " ooe belon~ln!l I'Jo k tit It WO I1~tI " . nn raw n y wo ors , one 0 to ~;'lImor t). B~i1Y J 32 years of nge, ~ood hUUlor. ] h hondl . \\'ork of W h'1C II was 32 years 0 Id an d'IS a Iso . . tlN~ The Gazette b8.~ 'nl w ays Dontend. rhll ,.tluir 27 years . IDt.erll~tlnA' tenni!1 tonra.m ent P. H SUTtll . o. , . t·he gent,,1 trell!lure. r own ed b y e th F'"' urnlUl, an d th e 0 th er Ulnk .Tllnce nO t he 8ohool Compns' ,.(l · tb.~ W"ynH8viJI a II! the IfllrrlAII rbe. A~~ OC llttlOu, WII~ evi(lent III 2 Id d ed b Em' Th e rilt;v rtf tor the purotde . Ul! Mr tofhl!! -y~ars 0 an own . ymor ThursdRY n~orning. Mi~Jlrfl. lleo. 1# "t,ot 9f the partb .. nd'tobot th" hll-t B 1\1.\'1'1 h 'r,;ell WI1S. lJel'lIg tuk'\! n t\l . Bally. )I4'ople 10 tho world live rlgot hprll. Fnn\[e.v linn Ha.rry DOlbon reprfl. 1'h~ ~Ok"'8 & Bruwn tluiry wugon the l)ftltturr> it \\'",,1 kluklio by tlnnth "The cart before the hor>le" was .. "nt"d tha. rormAr rllRidllotR And .But WA 111,,0 hll VA rPltl'on' t.. Ilf\ II very line sholwlng, the dec·, IJlnde Ar h"I'IlA 111111 hllo rl1 ttl idU~d . literally repre~ented by two cow prnnd or tllA mAT. tllHI WI.""·,, .whfl MlAAr~ . Frf'il CIl!lkl'Y H nd IlK roM 'I'h.o h"r~6 hltll bAeu in tho fMmil ." rtlr1ol1:1 beini! yellow c hrysanthe boys. advertising the Warren Coun· cMk t,be lncalllllll! WAI'R hom I\nl' raiMA.t It"r" 111,,1 who /Dum", arld th~ nAIDe of the dairy: aitllO!\t "It it!! lifo IInll w .. " s incl1rol.v, ty Fair, )l ':vh ,,'~nn InUl IItllfl r f1I'hl~. 011 the top of the heiog In wbltt) ThrllA gebl wern plaYA(i rlll'nlting m ·'urllt't.I. The Misses Alma and Anna ClemNo Wbf>rH C\nuld nllli Ii)~t H . flner, wtl~on WII S II lurge milk Mn. The ·In vloltorell for the formar resl· ents. the beautiful little dau~hters D,ore In'telllflllDt. nr r'rt'~'lfIrou~ lnllk. Safe In ori~ Family 8bowlnir W"II lttgb.lY oredlt". rlpnt .. "lIoh time . of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Clements, III ~ cl)mflA'D .. or mAn.Ilnll WOmAn thAn biB "ncl clasoT\·jng 10 view of tbe More than 66 Years flXOt,lllllll, and Miss EldaBrown and Mr. Roger W,,1'f\ ~uthflred bArM II\'4t. ""pllk , ,',,;1' ; qllttllty of milk I~nu cre ..1n Brown r:od~ in a carriage beautifully Oazette Office a o 11(·II\'lIIe II Jlr nll til ol"lm thAm"~ Th p. 'H;lIllu Curnlng brought 10 which .. dlliry SBrves to its pl!.' decorated in pink and white. Mecca, for Home Comers. . .b l1 r own 'and tbfl:r APllllliroo f'qq"lIv li\lh! .1t "roy illlerl'lIting 11l1ppe nirlgs trl't.s . A pure white'slipper on a lavender . Ic[lrul to call WaYDeindlle home of tha pR~t HI! ",,,II '''' nrticle8 o f ill 'Ph e rll 18 not.hing lilte good mUllic platform. aroulld which were seated The rAIIPQnfle to the Gllzette'8 tn· . ler""t 1:00"11"(1 or the II go WhlOh to illlliven a pllrn!le, nncl the WU six fair? smiling young ladies dressed vlMtlnn to Bome·Comerl' to ~I\ke ruingtOli Millt...ry Band furni8hed in white, was the float of E, V. Barn- thill oOloe t.helr be!id . qUlI.rterll. W&I! How tile Yi8itors . att'llChe8 tn thBlll, Were 'Cared for. AI. ~be :itlziln.. Bl\nk "'''.14 dil'play. Iltirritlg musio fit tbls point in the hart, the shoe mani fo'r daintines& hell.J:t,jly r~ponded to IlllIt. w~lIk, And t,h~ O"zatte nl'floe WRIl trC)olled with ed " 8tLf~ whloh Will! t1roogbt to proeesRlorl it waS unexoelleld . E,ver)'bociy Kept Open Bouse Wllynel4vill tl ill i 10 lty ,Imlll'!! Hu. 1'ho Eut.prprl!.e Printtng (,;0. i1IUR. The New Burlington Band pre- villit-orll &11 durlnll': ~btl Bome ·Com· <>tie of t.bll great6llt diffionlt!PII rlf.\ i at bill I1I1"Ih \t, \)1' Itllle t·he prop tmied the work io tJ, l>rlntinK oOloe ceded the mar"hing Knights of Pyth· Inle It. was a Rreat pl!'f\.&ure to the Intio.lp.ted' whlm tbl! BOttifl ~omlng erty of t.heltt'.e 1;. ,B. Hnrrit!. 8n~ is with a. tlesk at. whioh a.n edit-or \V1!.8 ias, who were followed. by an ele- publishers. of the Oo'7.!ltte tn meet pl""1 were nnder way WIlR t.hat of st.11I Qwoed h." lIIs h'llrlj, nllw. \)elO~r \>mtlly w'ritillg oopy, Ilellr lit .hllnd gantly equipped float, the Knights 110 mony ot;' ~heir friendll And sub · t,he invalu"bIA·telttpbonl.', etc., whll., thereon dressed in the handSome Ilorib,!r!!. Our llltoh ,8trlng III &lwAYs bOGllD~ aD '1 feeding ibe .vl~ltol'fl . u"",1 by R. F. Mo"her Tbe Nl1fl! KIIOWS 110 unbroken line n. oomposit<or WllS 'bullily a.t 'work uniform of theilr order, ana enacting nut "ntl oqr fclends are alwtlys , , , . !ntf.. I·lu l· \'Itl '" "J lI lIt! r,,,"u '" [jllt,uh lt\U Il ,~ (j Ib uy'~ l.tIl ,,"II'4d 1t.·.1" :J"" ell! Wa,Deevtlle. howe,~er, Rlway" Of owner.. hlp for 6(\ Y0tir!! ~nd it. 'Iii pllt·ting t·be OOPY 'int-!l tvpe. welcome. . the Damon and Pyt,hiBII scene. This HO. til X~JJitl. ~ Iort ·dUt'1l II bU"lO ..~" "h ,r" 1,111,11 '11,0,11111' l(toutlu·lIy· ,nooeedl I~llvery way In whatevll.r poIl81blo tbtlt. It is older even thaI) . Wa.lter MQlJhlrP, undertaker, had impressive' and dignified scene was IIhe. und411.,-k9l!, I\nd ,!O fa~ "II we thill, n" it i!4 uot Imowll wh ther the I~ truly bennl.lflll !lOtlt,' It W08 a. SUdden Death. followed by the time honored goat, know there WIIMnot "thll !f\IIAI ~ .. CI! Wtl" flew wheo it lirttt OllID6 Into ca~riage decorated ' with thousands much to the amusement of the ontrnnblfl axperlenot;td in . onrill,! r I' 1'.">I~a.. sl{)1I tit rhe fllwll,\' . thousands of pin\< roses" making ·Iookers. The entire display was a ~ilk 'or~et., Lillo.ll\Un~ · ·the Oro,wd8. simply a mass of color. and inside «redit to th~ order. The ' Gazette Il;Iinillt.ff among I.he Friend.. wall Pr"ctlooll:v eVflrvbOOy Ilnt.nrtn InprI New AssociatiQn roues number 'of pretty little girls. expects to pres.~nt this pictorially in fonnd deAd in b¢ a t ub Iluly hOIl~ , lIilr'll' AUlllltft, "n;ywhpfll from tWCl nr May be 'F ormed, The entire effect was vt~ry beautiful. Qur Home·Coming Souvenir Edition . . 1'uesrtay morning, "t hill hODle X thn:1l to t~eDty ""0 t.herll WIIM nil ~-- handsome little hoys under Mere words cnn not do it justice. mile north of New BndiDgton . laolr of,)tof\d mPIlI14 "t, thfl vtiril.u· Bea~t f,ailu.r e ts SUl1Pose<l to have ', A rlulllher \It vi!jl\orti were here any circumlll'Ainces are HolmesStoops Visiting brothers were present from rPMiaurantlr EI(An on Welln!'!";l"y I. In-t wtleK willi w nt to\} !KIhOOI ber-e and Everett Trout. but they made Springboro, Oenter:ville, Belll,>rook I,eeu the Mnlle of bill de It·h . \\'blln the larjlfl8t f\rnwd · WAR hera Iwt.wed1.' is(IO'1l tid 1 7.... an excuptionally fine picture as they and Hal·veysburg. '. p:~pli! had lIttl" dilJioalty hi 1) 'i~1l Th., 0111 8,)ho,,1 AMlIl,lcil1tiull DlBUI appeared in a handsomely decorated Misses lrma Ellis, Martha O'Neall, III'rvecl•. __ e , 'I:JarllhIP ."nd,,~1 III ll1UO !lng tbu ~lum . pony cart, ' .the color scheme of the Edith Crane IUild .Mrs. Chll,rles Ellis, ul AtllluC\lIui:m dllttlll , from,' li72, dec9 r ations being' yellow. ' . in an automobile,.: surrounded by a Breezy Notes Gathered wllIo.b lettVlls II gllp uf 12 Y~lIrl!. There are Qccasioru! when a writer bed and canOJiIY of pink and white During the W~k. Ii. KtrOlltc III:lntulItlut Willi exprtt~ed 'r~ac~es the superlative and !inds it 1'08es, were Ii d,eligbt tp the ey~. b.l· lIuiny of t.he PIIl/i1l1 C'!f ~bllt p,e r . ?ltliCUIt to ,go on. The parade was J. E. Janl\ey rode with his fou,' It WBI " ·flUOO~!L. ind thut' I!OIl1e orgllpizlitlon tie 'form . . In '. every res~ect so .g~od th~t the little daughtel s, : in his automobile Waynesville dId herlelf \.Iroml .. !l lIod It il! prnblible the Dltltter wl'lI writer of ~hls fin~s I~ Impo98lbl8 to decorated in white .and red, the . Aak II''' WIlY' U be' didn 't hn ve a 1.111 I~ken I1p hlttlr ' say .a ll the good thtngB that each whole surmounted by a . pestle and 80oo It Ule, '~ _ float deserves, and this' is the CI!SEl mortar, a fitting 'olose to the best EverybOdy was bappy, (Overy1,ody. Fire Works Witness.e d with the runabout of Mi8l!es Stella parl1-de ever a~tempted' in Warre'.l Le~mon .an'd Luella Cornell. They county. "'·DlbaMla.~lo. . . . . . by 5000 People. used white chrysanthemums in dec. Tbe w8lltber WBH tbe only thing .. . .... . _-nillt didn't o.toh 'th!! Home OOlnlll1l' At II. oon~ttrvutive !!bt1Wllt.e, 5,000 orating, and the effect was most The Relic Room. 'llIr". pej,.,o1lll witnessed the displ~J' of pleasing. One of the most artistio of all the One of the IIJlOst interestin~ sid'eMr. Gao, Ebright wrUel! n'om firewOl!Iut WednelSdtly ttvenlbg of floats appearing in the parade was attractions during the 'W~k was the %lIlIla, "1'a~IDg t he ",holl! 'Yeel( : to. HOWl! Cqming week, ." 0 OH'{O'~ tha~' of ~. A. F:unkey. It s~owed relic room, whi\!h waS arranged and , ' . Itltb~r, 'W~ri't .tt. ~ dIU~y. \ ' .',l'be .flreworkts · were shut from very careful study Of colorS aniJ for by Mrs. JameS Shute and ' Il!>glmt , 'WA!t , 8ti~J . t"lklnjt pofur ju"t eu.Mt dt tho F·rlend8 Rtld II ~nt the' gOOOt.lwo· be htld, wheD BI·iok. .Melll,log bou~e, whloh gu ve harmony and the author of it had a c.l)mpetent corPs of assistants; tbe train llull~ but for Obat.tllno "11'" u)Jpurtuoity rut II Kuod "iew from every reasOn to feel satisfied with the 'S toops building. It would be imposaible enur;ner. Ono mAn ';'Id 8lindtly ~ mornlolfi tlltl gruuud~ abl.IUt 'he :loltoo) houlltl the effect. "rhe float w~ gotten au t to repi'csent a .'Jap~neae effect, and ate evel'Y article on display, but it' is "It ha!!O ~en a ilorloos week,.t.ud 1 tint! Meetiog Hou!SO!l. n ot the least' 'attractive part of it exaggeration to state tbat there' CUD go ,back , to my work wlib rc· A· )Jerfeot !Seu. o.f hUlllllnHy filled included foul' yaup&, ~adieil dressed were several. nundred exhibits, .e ach tbu groltUlI~ "xteudini! from II. )J UlUt IItlwed intereilt. " . to represent Japanese ·women. one· of which possessed a peculiar ' Of the home people we venture, uelli' whol'!! the dlltllluy Wu.~ shown T. B. Custer's jewelry store also interest of its own. . ' no. I'n's ,htidlL better tlDle thll.n .1 . E ull ck tu Mil!"'l all·llet·. made a pretty showinit. The famous . Thet~ were ancient fire arms of·. J,mney. _ One 'of tbe oldest lJu8inesfI AmollK the specitil plecos shown .. . g ramaphone which the store has unknow~ make; a high posted , bed • . men ,lu tbe town In ex\.ent of >ler Will! .,. u""ntiful "Wt!loome," a trell .h . . llIud prominent in this locali " occuvlcil, he knew.prllctioully Itverybudy uf hb"rty , Nurthern Lights, a re. OJ stead, w.ith sl\lt bottom; feather lled . pied a place on the float. and the and patch work Quilt; handiiome lace ' 1111\1 everybody 'b,unted up "Eel ,T.nll' VUII'Illg' pillnet-, huril'lontnl ktllidtl· deco rations throughout were ~xcelsilk embroidered shawls and llCY,' ttl go bIIok over old times. "Ollirtl , besides mnny o~lier piece~ . lent. tittle Miss Blanche Custer I.' A word uf "ppreolatlon i8 due the The . IIhowinl< begun ab~ut 8 :ao dresged as II queen made.a very veils; several weddinll costumes of antique patter'n, as well aa'bonnets ~n Ing you . nt1w!lllftl~1'8 or the 80rrll1ll1liing an<1 contju')1ed nnt.ilolmollt midnlglJt pretty picture. mlll ' 10WliS for tbe fiberlll Splice t.hoy U. H Ulemonhl . hud t.he dill[llny 1'h ~ Miami Gazette float contained 'an~ parasols . . w '. ' . Indeed, , the half cannot b~ told. gll~~ th'" Way,nesvllle'll .H owe UllIn'.. iu ohurge. a hlrg~ cyli nde r J)I'inting press and ~ut ,sufflce to !!I8y • .it is very UTJlik~'Y" i m 1 tl yOU .t l'aS ,It rna 3R IJlel'encp, W lQ ler 'ave IIiR· . Almps~ . 11.11 of tho n earby . several men scattered printed matter 01' »alien were lI~erlll "nd oordiu l ill Lost and Found. lrom it to the crowd'. Back . of . the If such !!on arl~~y of ~al~able ~ehcs ' . IlIlting- the event and helt>oo 'l1\llke press and separated from it by II pa,r- could be duplicated In any village Lo~t. Gold ntlck .Oh. oln . twice the .size of this. " f' epOF)1 t ~ I t .h"/ lIu·ni".'R a It . wall. Dorin .. the tition of ribbons was If room in Substantial ,e vidence that tbe opeave re, \W no we YQU as LOHt-l:,nturtiIlY t\lght, h~tween which a . family was repreSe1\ted, .. veut the d"Uy p"rerri of Day too j~ mallufa(~t.ul'ed · lind Clnolnn)l1.1 gav" . very acourate W"Yllosvllle 1I0d Lebtinon, a tllc1e each lilember of the family reading port~nity ·tosee tnese curios was . ': . . .' . ., t , . reports. . ' . oomb set· wltb rhine IItone". Floder a cO"'y of the Gazette. ' two of t he appreciated is the fact that although ' • _.. leave at Mil!.wl (hzettt!otfloe and reo ,., t"e price of admili,9ion ·was b?t 6, Set'Vlce, grade Whl t.~ Ull( '~x~~ange · · cilive lIbenl rewllrd. smaller children bore banners read· Home-Coming Dance. 01· to,) , corn~ i ng •'The family efrcle is not com- cents, t:he Burn of $66 was receIved ~ame ..... . '. ' . ' • .. ' . , Lost-,,- Knight '~empJer .Wat{lb plete without the Miara; Gazette." at the d(lor, alld when the necessary . expenseshave~ridedu(!ted, • neat · ont~ dlH!ken fee~t Ooe o( 'be pleaeant 800lal f~tUl'e8 Obllin with imt.ial8 ·W . E K. b,e. One of the most attr.activ8 parts . .. ' ~~ nf th~ H(lme.Comlng . Willi A .danae twol'n Corwin lind H"rveysburll· thill float was the handsome' team of Hum will be turoed oyer to the Gen· I . (~OrIl (Jat crUs A KIV II under the ptI~ror""e of Mes ll ': ti Ketnrn to G"~lltta Utl\Cl' hursa:; by. which .it was drawn, owned eral Committee. U. 14, Wblie: I:f&ruld Howell. ~var'l 'l'wo. blltulko~cbieiH, IIsmllll lIur~e by Gladman Ellis, and one of the tb~ ~hen 1'1'11 Edwardll ,,~d I!:t:lw~rd RIcks, lit Iln umbrllllu. "nri,I h." t I)ill Itre wtllt fillest teams in this section, P!'ev4 I1ed. 0UI' Wetln8l'rtilY ev"olug. ('rilltl' I In .... A.\ the GH~l;I tt Ollic,. fM ownel'~ Mi~1! Oli,,!! Parshall, Winifred Mllrk 1'wal:n bill! 'pilraJlhrallftd II Ab 40 couplt!ll were presellt, to cnll for tit .. "" •. Meredith, Ida Belle.Hainesand War. , Mu ..lo wall furDt,bell by t:ltoilell Or · . laylol "t the tl:iood Book, 110 Ibat· · It, ren' Edwards. of Dhe ' graduating ACC Id ent at L'y tl e. "htl sr., aDd 'he OOC&IIillD Wallin evclass of 1906 rode in a carriage hand- rellilll '''be goocl .. nd you 'U be happy, f7 ~ d81111ltrul. -. - - - but you'll hav'e & dull time" •• _!DOl! .Jllhu~, nt Lyl.lli, f'J"~Aan cn"II-""'U'OO'J decorated with the class col· -But oer tainl.y no ODe blJd-....d·ull M. E. Chun:h Servlce8. ," I\llCtlQn .on tit .. 1>. ,~ & C. rll\lrollrl, Ol'!!, pink, white and green which time I';'"e Wt!tllil, d1'8pl&8 tbe tbat ha,l htl! h'l! 11,1.11 ,. Injurt-tl While. Ht was yery pretty. good order. pl ' valled III .11 taw l1li. !It;~",-.~i, "UI1II"""I.lbe'lhQDIIf work.m" ,I"W ',,,,,,,,, ',f truck near The Waynesville National Banks There Were Ilrreatll durtng the S..~dt'l1Y ~oc.ll ':30. I t"", Datyloll AsylulII 'rnellday. A float . showed very careful thought celebration 110 I8rt0l11 com: J' Iitlavy rlnl ""11111 hi .. lelf I!.utl whllt! and study. Trimmed entirely In the plain. of coaduot; Ilf '*~~~"'lOD,,:~ lll'''' IIb7 b<lDftI, ,dlJ w.. a larp Wll8'On, tUll WUII tht! lllllunting all
Parade the Best-- Ever I
White, Gouds, Gingham G'Ioves,
Hutch.son 6t (iibn~y, :' ~'£nia, Obio.
.· tr'le~ WO,Y to elljo~ " 8u.mme~ h()u~ekeepiIlg 'is
The only
a Gasolille Sto·ve. Y()U \\ ill ·lle ufPfisedat the low pricp.'s :·
WEL( )R & DAKIN Ph n e .11 . B.ARVEYSBURG,. : We .'. . ' D.E L.I Y'E R, '·THEM. ·
O~od o~er
" " ' . . . . . .
. --.
/ "Vher~ you get be.ttc~ .. flollr~ n.n·d· flou ., . ~han ~ny ' Qt}h~rJ' ft our 8.11d 11 . Iutve' not trJ.e •d place . .Albino Flour is t h'e I d' it crIll nnd ,get a ' 8RCJ{,' if you ha,ve .wbent you get flour the '11 'll . h ' h' k no d' I tl h you d elllt wi th the Mill not W h 1lUn d dso d· ' ,ors, hy t you. g.lve· high 'grade ilol1'r as there prompt, a.nd cu.rteous, 1 J make hIgh yo low n)eu.l ,and I for white or yellow corn for cash we ' have ground I'y:e, bl'an, mds., four gl'ndcs of sheil d' d .. . , .h d" I and chop, crul'lhe co.rn an oat chop; e curn or .. unything in Milling Jine, so you dea.l with .us you get" :whu't you want and withollt, ' milJ ~s 0llen nearly every evening so you ca.n· get your flour thell •. cull aud see us or phone us h.efore you deposit your Wheat.
Casb Price 'Paid ·for -Wheat
• James Shute Af9icted Obituary Largest and Most 'Enthusi- HfRE IS ALIST with LOCkjaw. astic Gathering Alumni THf HOME:·COMfRS . . Association ever held in its rl r Look it over and see how many of them yolO saw or how hic;tory. many you know.
Jl1mll8 Rhute who hlld hi .. h81HI In. jurecl at (')rllgonllL RhOl1t t.lVn \\,1-11 k ll ~I!t0. Is now Aft'iicted WIth IIl('"kjl\''w lind his cdnd itil)lI i ~ vo ry .~I·r l n l1 " . Anti toxine ilil being UclI1l1nj,;t.Mec1 to him. but the out '0111., il;l v r~' nncertain. 'The !IY01PRt.lI.V of t h p (,01l1l111tnlty g008 ant to him IIl1cl hi~ fU lll il~'
' - - --
of Wilson Harvl:Y
Public We. I will oll'er .t Pubh~ awe
.1 IDJ' rl1ldde noe In CorwlD. W.r.... Ohi O, on SATl]RDAY, t1EP'l'EMBlC8 1,ltoe. begiuning at one o'o]ook p. the following oha.tiels find real ~.... . 'fwo good general pUrpoM ho..... billok horse, bay mare, bliCh brulte I. ~" , !;Iu !toe ClOt.! Will work ao),. jllh .M V,r, IKOIl H (~r "Y WU" Ulil rn e,l wlltm., ·1 hRa<1 Ol\ttlll, S good mllob to ·1L ... ~h. Ul1u\lh Ltu' ,or UH"J "'''U 1I\I ,l """''' . n \l " (rEl~ h HiIllnt (lay or Mle.
eleoell!ll1u WUll h" rtl II I'ur li fer lIeYtiburgl, Olli " tsi'l ll ~ ~lit, h . Hj;~H, .IUU u el'lI.~· liud this li fe ,Augu!lt . ·HIt HHJli, II!,: 7, ye llr ~ 10 lll ll lltll ~ 1111,1 x eJllytl . lie \\' 118 II on n[ ' hU OH D. null Mury .I:IUI'V"Y ttl whum we re . !J".·o f nr un Ii ud U/Hl Ullnl-:Ilter. or tu \~ ('lin Ill' ~ h \! r e relhui ull b~t o) U O s " \l 1lJ.l·
!J' h ~
(!'!lll1irl'1I'1lI r" m Hr t I\'IQII) hut. Mr. McKllY WIlS obli~ed to ' re( ·ont.louEld from. th puge) I E~rl Everl y. Onytnn . A~"T8RNO()N E ION. t urn home Thul'sQay mOl"Oing on ac- J~i llllie E Ca.rroll , Luwrence, Kltn888 I MI'!! S D Rh·. r1.v, O'l yt-nn M 1' )' Ln k. li b I)ttl·!tllllJlH· ;H " 1t';":.--r ......~~~·~IlI~.l)Q.u.t-·lIbreeaprt1l o'~ Public Sale. ftrr J;:tl'laldn!( of the nbo\lday count of ilInes.q. . Mury..E.w&nM ad wul)uder, Lflbanon t B erber~.1 I~ong , .J nhost"wn . P'IIl n '1'0 thew ··wl! 1 ull, ~J If ..... ., ... " (lu ll ~ tHlIlll ,, ~ C, lrn. light roa(1 W_1I0D Itwill and clililin llillg the social feat... Cliffo,'d S. Ridge of Cincin nati, FrlUlk M Cildw/\,Iluder ~l'anon ILlzllie ,1 'Iu,rk. MlIlIliNllnvilltl Tbe t,ru"tua~ of l,y 1.1.. ~r E. OUII d"UgULlll' \J h .III·I\U ,""I .1 ... I'," ",.1I1t ftll1l1 lll' nnr! ~blllt'"' hay riltlltng u rI! f I' ,III ' tlftlr' ho ur. ,chuul HaU who ha" charmed many a Waynes- NevfI Bllywood , Dllyt~n Eths,n 'oh;man. Oinci,lInut l Chnr h, will s'ell t'l t.he hi ~.h " 1. I\i'ct . ft.Wl'!!! U lllU )\> lI u ll ti 1I1,>",It" ,,101 ~tlf'l' I"' , ~ i1\vu nll ue mo~· .. r. olover Willi a)faill fil led with the members ville audience with tbe s weet strains .Tf181a,h '"l1er t! F ranklin Ma r y B lI et.t, Indinmqllllili del', on Tb ere rl:!Dllli u. LI·I.III · null WlllI III II \ltllH·llt'r. I',<\' ul'vl'ng hoy rake, lIingle of l,h ", Alumni amI thci'r friends who of his 'ol'neL, gave a sel ection fully .1 F ClIlfert-y. Frankltn .lohn Trll'; n r lind ,.on, Morrow 'E'Rlt;>AV. ~ ~-ll~ 8'1' li. 11ll1\l g ladly II l1l~l1 d to a d eJ igh~ful piano eq llal to his previous efforts. MrA ~ H ll-uliok. Omuhl1, Nebraskl1 Delmn 'frRlner Ilnll ,c1uughtor. MUI'r II t ~ 11 '010 k p . 111 (Jr OptH~ t Y I ;', wi t . t o IU O llrll t'h" lOll" ul ,,' lilllll:' Il!UII I- hll,·p,,, ". hR ,Y fork, breallln~ ' plow, geul rathe r, their 1ll0thtJr bll " iu ~ llei .11111 hlu . ho vAl plOW. ' Kranll' oultha· Dr. T. I Way, or incinnati, mad e Elmer Pellse, Xonia IRh61l ROI!{ r~. Lebllnon duet rendereU by MI'\!. Anna ellers A u(lnt 250huroh JlB W!' In I{ooil I'''U)llIl· t llt.! t'Uld IlI'e ~Lllr{l h 1(l lh,I \Jl)U. III t'll', ,,,l,,woll plow, Aome harrow, ~ann .. h Rngm',., uehllllon ·tahl am! Mis.'! Edith Shu te in their the hit f the day in his impromptu Ruth M mlth, Dllyton llit.i pu . a lot or 9trll \\' ITIlltt llH!, Ii lot iYll~un I:t".. rvey ·" bU:;IJ I ~ .. 11l y L.I\ u l'tI , ,,,t ·It htlrrow, one bOrlle oorn drill, . u~lIul muswrful style. speech in which he mentioned the L A Bunnell, Dayton Helen MoKinlley, Dllyton nf IIton6, 80me hOllfil!!, IIOtl hll ngi ng i!l n u need uf oommlmt II '! {lVll~y ' I t I roller, lUa~kElr, !leed 80wer, COrD Prof. G .' ~. Grnham. of Xenia, who sweethearts of several of the "other IJ6t1 Uummin gs. Dlly ton . Ml1rtbll E bl\i.1~OIl. rodhlnAJlClIi~ lamp, eto. zon {lllO testIfy . A IIberill l)o!ltolVllr !lbellilr. grindstone, Htep ladder, clul'ing hil! five years as SUJ>erinten- boys" in school. but skillfully avoid- Augu\!ta Hllmmell, ~ill olnDl\tl Hllrry Irvin Dodllon, 1rlllltmllllulill TERUM-URl!b . Alli E!' MoNeil wher e oh .. rity WIlS o.n objo(lt Ilntl III OroAH out SllW. oyole grtnder, lIgbt d tlll t of the Wilynesville schoo) , grad- ed to uching upo.n his own , Not- Alice A Larri ~k. Ltlbnnon. Lyda M! Y, [)uyt.,\U Auot siokneHsll u ever willi ng tlud millis · .LOri henvy h8rnoa8, wire .tretoherl, 'uated thirty pupils from i t.~ hall~ 'withstanding Irv was not on the .I e~~e U I:ono er . Bellbrook !Uarrie B Morrison. Dllyt.tlJl S. L. Wllllnmson . Ultirk . ~Qllle~, 110e1l, forke, .. hovel. and '. tering spirit. stepped before' 'the audience aJ\(i program for any r emarks, he cer- Annn E Th '" ~ 11'. Oqvtlln . Ad(\. and Hebor PI'lTrmo. fJ6h.<Don He Will! one of t he ~ried nnd true, c hnl n ~, u. lot of bJue allh JXl!1tDga and Monumental Work. with his old time ease and g'l'ace tainly had but recently rev iewed hill 1111 n R nld,' 1.,' 1111 1111" Mr!l Srnit,h. Lol)llnoll Ln town IIlIll ' townshi p hud heM PORt!!, 8 g.ll. keg and vlneg~r,'" few made a brief address, the topic of schooldays and wa'l reudy with mnny Mr~ ~ e l lifl 1( 11111; 1;" 1,,·1111"" 11 Hnrt,rlHl e Al elCnn!, MIddleto wn Gen Doddll "lnd son . proprietors mUIlY OftiCBS of trust lind retired honsehol!l goods Inoluding rookloll MrM.1 .• DllwII,nj! , XI-ll ill ,F.,lIth r~oger. Dayt,on whioh was "My BOYII and Girls." happy anecdotes. of t.he W R it kU O \'V1l monument firm from t hese immaoulate lJ.ud olellr 'ohulr, Il large corner oapboard wal· 'l'he plan of implant ing and cultivatIn the evening, the Alumni Asso- A(\lI Irllntl Dllwllinlo;, XIWi li L G Woolley, LebHLOon of Xf'nlu., have on hand II. stock' of of I!ti!!ploion. nnt, hanging lamp and otheJ'lampl. inlt' self-respect in the minds of his ciation gave a public reception on E R Orew, M!llrnir!bnrg 'hnl' WI~e. Di1yto:n monuments lind 1l1ltrker!l wb ich tlo was public In spirit Ilnd in the orooks. jars, eta. 'E W Rosnllgle, Hpr lugboro pupils, also created a respect and the school campus which was attend- 8 Uiyde ( 'olltlllnn, CiDoi nnnti tbey wish to C\ispcNe of quickly In advnnoe t o llropl1gate I1n1 iutereet Terma made known on !lar ~ rtlver tinc:e for their teaoher, . and the ed b}- a throng of happy bright faced Ethan U Jellll,n , !)In oinnllti Dr .J L Zell. Dayton order to seoure tbe r ootll needed In for the· good of m .. nkind. ho me 'and sale. Also at the 01088 of the aboTe Rlutement cannot be questioned that men and women who iudulged in Willa M (~ uiun , Xenitt E R Rogers, Sprill&,boro their ntlw building ' operatlontl . lIale ond at the same plaOll, I win of· .1 B Wrl((ht and w'lfe. Bllrveysburg and are therefore prepared to Ul" ke ouu·utry. All together his was an ex· fer tbe real estat~ .1tua~ ID Wa,.· today no preceptor is held in higher greetings and reminisences. In a Stunley M ~e·II \iT~. Olllumhu~ rElgard by his former pupils than is social way this was one of the best Will M Foglfl,;on g, Xenin ! Walt-er Bond, Balt.lmore, Maryltlnd unuflUAlIy close I)rloes on t,be \York e llllilary life nnd mankind made nesvlIle, OhiO, known .. ~)le late Ed b6tt ~ r by hi s hllving Jivell. gar Zen property. on Third 8&., be· Mr. Graham. which was ev-idericed sessions of the week, everybody Mrs W M Foglp>'on g, X6n(II' I Mrs M M liond, BI~ltlmore, Md now. Thu cum1Uunity realizeH one of onr lug II> clouble lot with frame h011" by the hearty maimer in which th.ree seeming to en ter thoroughly into J W I:fllrrison , Lovelnnd 1'M Manlngt.on. !layton HIL ve also racen tly iluiuoc:l 1\ new oontainlng 8 roomll. cellar with' "wo cheel'S and the handkerchief salute the spirit of thll .occasion. Mrs J W BlI.rrillon, Loveland W 8 And Georgill .Hutsook, 8prln~. cat41logne, sbowlng m!my styles of must tl!! tiuulble examplell ot Bobrie· rtments. well and oialern, 1&,... , were eiven by the entire audience. President Chas. M. Cartwright. in MII<H,Anme OwenR, DlI.yton field . . monuments ~'hlch will be mailed ty, virt ue and Int-e((rlty hill! passed I ~StaDlle _ A nlcelooatlon with natural lots will be offered aepar. "Our 'Teachers" vias the appropri. 1l brief address, expres.'1ed the appre. R B' M(tnfort, Da yton Ruth Bartsock, Springfield to any Interested party on roque8t. to the grellt beyond where, let us hope st okne s Ilntl sorrow, and lite or as a. whole to anlt buyer. ate topic assigned to Miss Viola Keys ciation of the fo rmer pupils of the Mr\! R B Monfort., Dllyt,o~ Carl ' Hartsook, Splrlngtleld. death Ilre un known . Property altul\ted about }{ 'mile ,T Wllllon Euwardil. Dayton Hawkins, as IIhe herself had peen a school who 'had returned for this vis- EM . h'1 ney, Burlington, Klln RII.R from place of sale, anyone wlahinll L~ S~ Ivins President N ow while our depR'r ted fllther to examine property be at p1aoe . "r pupular teacner i~ the school. There it to the scenes of their childhood~ to Esther Merri tt Oh euey, Burlington , I Frl\nk HlLmilton , Cincinnati W. C. TeaChers Institute. neighbor, ohillen a nd friend bad his' 81\Ie In Corwl,n promptly.' one was a thread oC humor extending th&people of the comnlunity for givKnnlllLli '.r R Brown, Cinoillnatl through t he entire address which ing them this opportunity to meet so SlIllie KlndlA Bawkln~, pringflel<1 HE Cullett, Wilmington At It bUllne8s ell@lion of the W.r. fll.ults oommon to lIIunkind, yet min . 0 '~:~s-One third caab. BaJan08 gave it a cenuineJ\ess no t to be mis. many of their friends again at tiie f,illzl n Merri tt Blile~. "'C)1I1 k", KllnRIltl Mrs Andy Cosier, Xenl& reo County Tel1ohers ' lnlltitute at or to 11 tlIRrked degree, There II in Olle !lnd two years . Deferred pa1' , t.aKen. ' . , Grand Home:Coming Reunion . Minnie i] Dodllmi, Im1illllaptlll", Ind 'fbonllis J Davis, Centerville the Miami Valley Chauta)1qua solaoe In tbe memory . Tbls manly mllnt to 00 8eouroo by mOl'''..... llfe was olear a.nd uuspotted. Truely N ot~ to bear six peroeDt tatu_ Mr. Clifford S. Ridge, of CjncinRev_ J. F. Cadwallader responded Jennie Dinwiddie. Tndianllpol l!I 1J oho M Nutt, Celilterville ground II during their reoelllaelllllon, IlB i. 31ways Willi!)g to please his briefly on ~eh@lf the community . .w A W(ll cott·, I~en/l Mary Pine MarBbl~n, Spring V~Ue1 'he following otlloen were eleoted: a.. plealling and satlsfaotory refteo . trom date. JOB. Z.u,. tlon . (I'ienlta, gratified 'them on thiH occaMr. Fran k Austin alRo !lpoke. Ch .. rhe E Wulontt, ·Lonll. , Mrs C R FUDston, Yellow Springa C. T 8a wke, Auot. Pr88iden&-L. 8. Ivins. Lebanon. The addr~sses that wer-e delivered CURII A 13ough, Lel;lll.non Emmll aod Sn8a.nlllllh .Whetsel, ·Bar. 8i0l1 by givin&, .them an .opportunity Vioe Presldent-Lnoile Blaokburn Mr. George Ogl88bee aDd 111M to Ii!lten en,raptured to a cornet' solo, during. thi~ day will appear iri full in EVil ,T!lnney LunlC. J ohnsto wn. PI1 vey sburg PERSONAL AND Lebanon. .Nettie ar~ vildtlDg HJabl''' nlU after which he also responded to an the Souvenir number of. the Gazette. Mrs Ei .llIcolt!!. Lovelaml ' Mllrgllret :.evloy,. Hl1rveYB~urg tSeCretary.Trea8urer-,J. F. Young LOCAL ITEMS Indianapolis aod other pointe In 1Il- " encore. ' . NOTIC'-:Tbrough an over~igbt tbe Mrs J ohn W Oav, Osli"lll~1l Kilns Ina HllmiU;on. I.e·bl1noo Salem town8hip . diRDa. ' Since tlie graduation ot the fi~t na.m e of Dr. Sllmnel Il'. WilY' WAil Mrs B P S~nley. Os·k.'1l oolla~ Kilos ' jEt,na Regau, Oayton Exeoutive Con.mliWe-Prot. C. MrR. Iuao Hatfie-Id haa b~n very 18.'38 from the school in 1872, thir- dmitted jn the Alumni report on the FrAnk GIll\llher,. L8bano~ " Ernla U&gI08by, I.ehanon .Olean up the' CoIilp• • E . Bratton. Wayn6llvllle, three Ill, but Is now rllllying. t!!. n metnbe,r8 0'£ the Alumni Associ- firl' t page. It WS,1I Dr. WII.y who Lillian Gallabe.·, Lebanon Mrs J H Drake, Lebo.non . year.; Prof. Cadwallader, Lehanon , Mrs . I!!rael Wright is at home . Brtgl}t ey88, a rDddy ,low, aDd • IlliQn have passed to the Unt.ried telegrllphe<l hi!' ~1'eetlng8 from Liv- :Mra D K Ebright. OilY ton ~ Mrs L C Wnolley, Lebanon year j H . D. K~\liil o n t 8prlng. after a week'S stay In Clnolnnatt.· oompleX1on tree· from pIalp1ea, ...Elltt M Ebright, Dllyton IH E Holverstott,' Pittsburg, Penn one World, and it seemed fi tti ng that we. Ingston. Montltno . lownetltl and moth .pat., ID&7 be bad boro The Hmit·n i"mes Rennion will be by every 'woman wbo wUluel..taJti- pause awhile in our festivities and - --Anna. Ebright Holden, OincinDlttf Alfred Edwards, Birmingham, Ala held in Walloce BerryhiUs Wooda akola tab]etI, a drqp it: tear of \IOl'rowon their graves Social Events of Rnch I Ebrill:ht (JoUett. lewlt City, C 11 AlltItln, West Carrol ton , . ·In Society. near 'Bellbrook SatnrdllY Ju]y 25tb: ohronlo constlptl'lon, tiil.l aI8 '15 M~. Jrrank {o'arr was chosen to speak Iowa, Ethe.1 Wright, Wilmington , a Cew words in their memory and' to the ~ome.'oming. ,J R E!Jright., Dilyton . Mllilrod ~agle, Ba.rveYllburg MI1I8 Emma Belghway entertained W. H. Allen, "l'ie8ident of the cents J E Janu!'y r u.boui twenty young friends Wu.yn·eCivllle National Bank, I,a thIS cull to remembrance the t,ime!3 of Uorwln GI\.JlKhe , LebBnon Julia Berpn, Da~:top . . Dr. and ?il'!l. I!lllls In tllelr own or· Hille E. Russum. Dayton 8 S Plltton, Lawrllnoo, I\Ilnols ' Wedne8dtt.y evening in compliment week in attendanoe 'Ilt the ' 8tate HATUAW.iJ', oUt r years when they too mingled Igit1~1 way were . b08t and illlllt6S~ ith us I ' n ou "r pleasua' s. Nil t Bllrnett, jr, WtL8, h ington C H Robert Sewell, GrllenvllJe to Berl:!ert . LonK, son or Mr . and Bankers. C9nvention at Pnt In.&y. Waynellville'a I_dIDI ~u.t W to Ilbont thirty m emherli of . tIJ.e Mrs. Fiank Long, o~ ' Johnstown, Mr. ~.' A : S.i1well, of (.ebanon, G Ii . UhfIord ' Rlrlge, Cinclnnoti Roy Smith, Dayton AU persons knowing them8elvel o'mealn Ke1.· DuUdlnr. • • • ..... IrN\ 111 Band Order on &tllrd.lY ven Lea Bilker, Wihnington S G Glrton; 'WU.1iIlDtsport Pennsylvania.. in d~bt to the city bnkerypleaseoall ' who waS Superin tendent of the school iug Inl!truulelltul .~nd v')C!l'1 'II\U1!il f r ten years. and who .won many d d ... 0 T Thelmll Baker. Wilmington Mrs !)arah Evans, Spring Valley and settle before the first of 8eptem.· Idummer D1arrb_ ID CbII4ND r en I}ro by w.ri!. r . ...te (nee Ev· Mr. and' Mrs. J : O. Cartwright on, ber . 'friends among hill p!lpils during his erly) was enjoyed by till . MrHJ M Rogers, Oincinnatl .Tohn Haines · Spring Valley During the bo~ weather tertllined at card8 Wedne8day ev. .l\ag. tli·2t. l'~idenee /ler • made a brief address ' i 1l:!illl1beth f) Roger., ClnoLnua,1 George S .Ba II y, Cincinnati samDler montbs the JWy Hathaway. upo.n '. ' Recollections of other yeais.' p 8ong~ of· Ipng ago. were reClt.n ed MrM.I Wilson Edwl,lrds, Dayton . Elizabeth Laws, ClnoinDatl enlng'll! compliment to Mr. Cart. ural 10Qll8li881 of Mr~ . J . N . . Lemmon, ' daugh~r 8honld have tmmedlllw '. tl_tto., .~ wrlght'a uncle and aunt. Mr,. Rnd in which h~ recal\ed many incidents &nd t~e rooms r!,ng mtJ ~rllY . \lI it,h :frillen.I' Ed wltrds; Daytnn ' 'to oheok tbe dll_18 u .........'" ••, ..... connected with his coming-here, of . the vO~oeM, who hacl 8ung t.olZetl.ler MI~rgure~ W E<lWd.rdli Dayton Sunday at ·tllie Churches. Mr8. Uharles Ewa.n Merritt ~f ,Mt: .Mlss 8tel1& lind 80n Lee" left Tuell- a8 day morning for ·1I. visit Itt their old comes 'B erlon. '" h' h I 'f th(l~~ salUe songHin YlIllrll gl 'DII by. Mar.v 'Ilnler. Dllv. ton' --.---0.'- ' - ' -- Holly: New ,Jersey . la a few d0868 . 18 SC o!> It e rere, and spoke' kindhome In Dry Ridge, Kentucky. ---Obtlrles ·urder, Dayton Many of the Hto'me.ComlDl viii. colio, oholera aDd dli~hQl_~n.Ii~: Iy of the !lentimer\ts He still enterMI811 ' A~nell SohWIlTtli entertained mlllm~ Br~ "'n I 'wls, 'Rlclln'\ ond,lhd tors remained in .'Wayn88vll1e over i.ulns, towards his pupils and the p~_ ,. 'on ~ HiseYWilU~mson .~eunjon 1M. and Mra . C. D..Reed ·~ttended followed by Il <1018 of . Il mllrry p,u ty of ",buut tWt,lnty fiv·e Mury G UPP. Med'"'uy Sonday and many' ot them attended '. tbe funeral of their Mlater iD·law olllan8e the 818tem. pIe'o f t h e community. . It~!lt TllelldllY J'l'hn K Bowell. PI'rt, .. WIIII·...m . - -I ' - -- - . , y oong fliendR on servioe Sunday ' m orDiug' at the Th Wm. Reed, at Dayton Tbura' Mtookland, Paltor of . r.Jrs. Anna Sellers Stahl favored ' " e annul1 reunion or the Risey ~ ChurohJ .Liit18 FaIle, IIIr.n ~~: "' _",," · h nigh t. G u Ing 08ut8iltp, the ~n· "iliA Bowell, Port Wlllbl<m ohurqhe8 wherl? they formerly were an" William80n fR""llle W"- beld dllY . Bel' huaband survives her. I'We nave uied ' . U ~ thIe au d lence wit a ~riIliant ,piano IIwerl\ of t;h II Ii rMt l!ylJltble t.o bel>!in J ~ MllnlngbOu. Dllyt,)" !acouBtomed to attend In the grove 'of .Joseph 818ey In Mr. Frank Elbon hilS been ap. oollo,oholera and dlarrJwea'~~ so o. with "o/U," lind gU811slng from pic .J 0 Munlo!!t.fl D Uny t.on At St. Ma.rV a Chut:Oh, Rev. Wal· BlMt Wa.yne town8blp Thu~dIlY . ' pointed by ~ulre EdWArds ·to till for several yean and flDd ·tt. ~ It has been, marly years since Gee. 'tnres .)f well knll'vn Ildvel tlMell1e~t8 Ahhie Roberts DO(j (IM. \ ~1f<vll llLnd ter E . Dakin of Columbus, Mlasl.· " the vaoaDCY In the board ' of town· valuable remedy, 88~IaIl,. ", . ~. Baily, of Ci,nc;innat~ ~as ~ country witl} lI~ltt, refre~hmeutll made t.l~~ MIIIIlI Keity"Qllyt,"n Sippi, prellohed ,a aoholar]y sermon About one hundre<1 .memberll of ship t,ru8tees, oaused by the death summer disorders in oblldreD. ·Solel o J ·' , •. .. by F . C, &hwartz. lwy, bl,lt ey~dentlyMr. Baily's rec- evel)lng PIt~1! qulokly and pleallontly . .J~!I,.le Kelly DILyton , from the text: "Be ye ' theretore the two families were present and of John li. ~raha1D . , ;,<:" olleetion. of'Ule joys of co.u ntry life. . .. - '- - Ruobel ElliQ't 'L~uf!. DRnver , 0010 ' Perfect." This sermon ' seemed par. apent an enjoyable day. Pari R . Anaerson wishes it unhave »een ' kept ve~ant by fr~uent • On Fritlay nigllt of lllst .week Mr G J 6ruh/lln: Xenltl tloularly i\pproprilit-e to the Home: ·The ftillowlnR ofticers were I!6l~ot. thllt lie hllN for Mille the nounoed visits to the country and by close ob- ami M . rll. Jnhn Hllw.k" DDt"rtuI' ne'-I' M, B Grllhftn\ Kellin Coming BetUlon ' 'lr. ~ . ...... ilDy in the oougre· ed: Prellident, UeOrge Ridge, Vice famous 6olltrlo; the genservnth,lD, for~hfs remarks on "The abont thirty of thul r rtl Iden' and En161'1l0n VAnHble, Oinolnnnti gatlon had kuown the minister and President, Joseph Hiaei, Secretary, uine artiole ulann(aoturcli by tbe Cpuntry Boy" were fittingly aliPro- Home CominK 'frilmde in an infor W B Veol1.b lll, OInoinllllt.i he had 1m own them lIi,noo ohildhood Maggie Shutt., treasurer, ,ate Dr. Wm. H. Anderson . · prlate and wise, comlni' as they did mill mllnner . COPvllr"ation, light 1'e- Geo Mlntle; Xenia . Bnd the Il1c88BKe delhered waa the Albert Shuttl. The Wayne!lville Uanning 00. b~. from one wh9 has 80 long had oppor- freshlll imt~, A gauural good time aud .lo!l6ph R EvanR, Indianapolis, n<1 more striking. Mr John Gard, of Long Beach, AND I>EA lJlt~ QoI tun.i ty to compare thQ oity with the heart,y obeer .were the plell.lIures of C!lrrle E Brown ,Evun!!; Jndl/mupo)i. At,the conclusion of the sermOD Oalifornla. jfave au . entertalniD" .. gan tte'1I61l80n 'l! run at noon 'l'hura· eO\1ntur ways. the cOmpany uutllllillte hour. Chnrle8' W Hallleli, Clnoinnllt.i Rev . 'Cadwallader spoke brle1ly and talk on his experlenoe81n tbe Gold. day. A good qUAlity 01 oorn Is bA. Ing TeQel vf!d !l~d the factory wU'1 . "The Fil'l!t . Commencement" 'was ,. ." .. en State, . . . , Z"1l1\ 'R'o gers Haines, OlnojlJua~1 . feelingly, t.oU<ihin,r purtloularly on · ente'rta,in.i~i'lv described by 'J . .E. Concerning pr~bl:'bly run Into Septelhher . . ~ Billie! Baines, Uinolunatl the I!~lrlt whloh oharacterlzed the 'l'olephonlt In hla 'ho~ Wli~ be ' TOLD IN SHO~T . The first band oonoert of the sea co.n be oalied ~t ~1J ·boun, ~" &Wi · J~lmey, . who .enjoy!! the Cllstinction . ., Former Residents. Mllry Ann ~I\~h'er, 'Wllmlngton Home Coming. ' PARAO~APHS 'lIon wall gt ven by the Cadet 8a~d on night. .' t. · ~f, .bein&' ~e only member of .the ' . ., . 'C!)ttrell, Brooklltoll, !ndillna He Illso an '1ounllied tbat the ve..try Main stt:eet ThursdllY evanlng. The . Cooohes and ohalre iluppltid firs~ i'raduating class who hal!8ttendW ()rd htu! been received within' MlI.,ry WlIJluma~ n ' M~KC\y, Lebiluon hlld granted him I~ four ' weeks va' ed the bar!quet for ~any . years. , Mr: a dl\~ ~Ir two of the all1rmlug Illnes8 M . •lory Sides Williamson, Yorktown, oatlon, and in 8ervlooexoept 8unda, Mig Anna ThomllOn returned on program' W08 good Ml(l was enjoyed. IiBve r8Centiy moved ·to , by many. perllons. . .Tann.ey's pOrtrayal of his ' emotions, of rot ril Frl1nklln Plloker at thelr I ~ next tq Cr08B Broe. · , . u",lll,na . I:ICboul would be htll!! dur log that Thursday to her 'sChool work hili Belt COTU!Cio..usness, hili ambitions home lit. George I:Ichool, Penn. It George J . Bes8, Dayton . 1)~yton after her two weeks vaca- . Mrs. S. S. EVllD~ lind daughter MAIN IlTRZIC'J'. WAn_VILLa. o. time. 8unday Bohool at \I :30 eaoh were.. very realistic to those who ill bOiled ' however, thllt ' I!he wfll UUa8 H Weller, Spring Valley tIOn. ' . Mi8a Llzllie EVllns, ut Spring Vlllley, Sunday morning . . , have &'One through the same ceresoon rll\ly ond ~ hersolf onoe more: M rs Uh II.S W e 11 er, 8prIng V \I.\1ey ' monies. ' " Mr . UIUford .Ridge, of Cinolnnatl, Bor~ . August 7th a Ion to ,Mr . hlive beeu huvtng the pleasure of The Cause ,of•• · . . . ., entertilinillg' i,heir C0 I1~ln8, Mury N. T....VNN rENTER, ILLINOlil Borace' F Oomptotl lind wUn, New fl1vored tbe lIoudlen06 with a oorDet and Mrs'. Frank A . .Heoathorn, on . Miss 'Edith Shute again favored ' Goodwin !lncl Willium Sorrell 'from Sudden D~ath.. .' tile audience. with solo, which ' was DICAR GAlIEM'Ill: , Burlington 010 of unu9ualllweetnellll, the muslo th~ Lytle pike. . . .' PhI\:ld ... Jph ill . ,. There 18 a di_se . ., . i IILu/ lIuW at t hiS plllce visit MllrilLnnll and Ina MIlY COUlpton, of ~h leh blended admirably with Miss Belen Kelae"; a-nt Wednapp'recilte:das III ~11J8 Shu. t e's music ' , l . ' , N"w BurUpgt.on . the b~llow' n ell8 of .the 0008 ' . a·lon . " W' "'" . Ing rellttlvllu 10m well and bav ~ d··y In ,Ced"rville. thA .g·u:"':'t of Mr8. Mt's .. Mlllind ~ ~herwoC)!l hilS sold S. . . ' '. " " ' . ' .. ' Mrs Ghat! Phillips; 'Xenia _ . n .. .. "" I. ' , . ... . " ing Il goad t!rne, I hav\! vl81 ~ed Ilt Rowen" R df Z . " X I At the M , E. Churoh, Rev .. Philip ·A . Bradford. '. '.. ~er property on Fourth 8treet 00· . , P. V. B~ne! oU.ebanon, who ,holds MOlillo Dlld Rook It!llI.nd .Illinols n e ern ' en a ..'d h ' . . oilpled by U. D. Reed t.e) Frank a warm spot- m the hea...n of II h' . " Anna.. Ions, Me1l8E!~ Redfe~n, Xenl~ Tro~t ~otndd'uboteRet .e ; aervi06' and' Mr. Dan ·GlI.rd of . L~ng Beaoh . IS and OHvenport 10wl1 and I took a ' Y U Ith ' Thorn . as. ,ofn enf~lIring Vul.leY,who . • ....,. a Th or' '.' former' pup' II ' \I"''' " . . ., Mildred ,lane B'" ker, W. llmlngtou wall a8818 ·e v" . omal om ' .. California arrived .today In .tlme to .. alXlple!Xyare often . . s. ~eca "" many InCl_ Dice rida IIoro' < ;tlthe Mii!sisslppl river f H ton III In the I . wiil move here to Luke chllr"e of ..,tents of "Interest cl)nnected With. . Uorll tltok!ls Bilker, Wilmington o . oopell . " . . morn n~. attend Bisey rennion on Thuraday. .. ofW· ney.· ~. ·_I U. "The Old High School:~ and dis- °1ID II Il.jbuftt. ~ wdill .:to Ito ~lhle.rrllrd, IMnu Pbllllps, Xenia, '.' In the evening Mr . Smltb had MiBil68, Maud and Lizzie Ral.nB of the it.y Btlkp. I'Y t he tlrllt of Sep: lddlley trOllble 'I: cribed iti' detail the workings of tlie " no ". next ~uu ..y . WI not be Edntt. JordeD, ColumbUS plttnn~ to preach bat waH prevent· Cinoinnatlsp8nt lut week at the de. tembs r, lD aUoft!ttoad_ tid by Ilinelis. lIgbtrul oountry bome or Mis!! Anno The reuqil v f the 79th regiment iilstitut.i6n as it was when he ~as at !it ~~e B,ome UOming, 1109 I ~l4nnotget Edwina Jorden, Columbu8 tlle~ey·PoI~· ell blood will .t~ · itiJhead in 1886 and 1887. t~plUgh ~y rounds, 1· ~IlY st41Y 0 W t;;1tidllker. Harveysburg ' An uuulluft.1 olrcumlltanoo came to Thomaon. . O. V. I WII.!l helrlllt Lovel"Dd Tues':' orgCUl., .callaiD, catarrh of . Mr. George Funkey; not the least duu~ll autumn . h we are havIln g very Laura Sbldake r • Barveysburg light when 1& ~IU!I found that · three lira . Mar&b& Dodso~ !lnd MIllS dllY · 1'11e foll owing ' were pre!l6nt Of the ~iclney. · tbemael,"· , down and wallte away cell by'.eeI1\'" . 'o f whose talents in his ' fine r y dwe81ther heref' os hit fltl8 nlot BUlllln Ca.d w811.tder, mlnister.8 ' were helre w1!-o had been Minnie' Dod!,,>n ba ve gone to Put. In· bo'm WIl:;neliville; MullIon RIdge, Bladder trollbles IIDlOIt alwa,. ~ .' l II noe : e ourl· 0 J n y . Kllt.htt.rlne' L t:adwaUader, Le~non ooov~rted In ~he AI. E. Cburoh du~. Bay' for a of two weeks before Josllwi Satterthwulte, Edmuo'd R-e· troU! a derangemellt of tbe ki~lUIl1' 1II\l ' pleased the.audience·1IO well With the ~flibnfl ' i 1 "f 1-;.t1 th t h .. erA III nlen.y 'pf gnd Ilnd dust . tng a great rovivalln 18'" oondu......:.. --"'-'" I tillliok. DAn R. Anderson', Charles II cure /8 obtailled quickest by ' a ~peI' I ~ ..•. ren dit on a It!' se "" on a e was .. r; ' Buriet C Ottdwl1llocler, LebllDon . .• ..., "M>U prUUlftKllng to tbelr home In ndilin. ~rentmllnt of the kldnell. If ),011'" f~J. and ,h e responded readily Y6ry I:It,rllnge not ldlL Mltrtihl1i1 Bowman; Cinolllnatl by Rev. J. J. Hm. 81lt ,oUllg E. Merritt, ,l obn G1bhunllond mgbadly you can malie no 1111,'-.:. b, .." the encore. OeWitt Morris, Btlllbrooit ' went forwal'4 tba1~ nleM and pro· . MaUie Irvin OOOllon; Esther Mer Farmers, ollli In ltnd spe .Brad· taking Dr. Kilmer'l 5w.....RMt. ,_ ' .. " All ever. your frl.end, I d" f ~b I . I d ' . great kidney, llvoer and bllldder;_ed,. . Prof. C. E. Q1'B\tt\n, ' the p~nt AUI HAIIfEll . Wllndell Boolt. Bellbrook ~ o:;;::n ~ .iam7"~ '0 • em rUt ~eD"', LoUie Bay (juliek, ey Ilang.p oWII.e ge dropoorn plant. It CO!'fl!i:U Inlbility 'to hold QriDe u4 ,. luperintendent of the /!Chool, pve a Idu Hockett, Bllrveysbur:g ~ . nr_ me • n. Irene t1mlth .JobDlQn and Emma erll, one and two TOW corn oultlva· ICaldiag paia .in paging 'It, aDd ewu. that \lnpl_nt nllCftlit)taf lMtlac . eoncise and comp~hensive idea of DEIt MOI;"ElI. IOWA . Mltry I}rowne, Dayton Three .of them wen hen dUrinl Ilerritt atrtwrilht were delight.,. tors. I &It!o Cllrry tl fuilline of 0tI· comes compelled to go oftllll throllib tIae 8Y. . '''The HIi'h .School of Today." whictJ i!JDI'J'Ot( MIAur (jAZETTS .J Jj! Hockett. -BaryeYlllmrg tbe Home:,Com~ng, Rev. Joel Bldge ful11 enCertalDed on Monday atter. , borne Implements IIDd am talung and to get up .II1II01 ti~ ' compal'tllJ admirably with any school I jast notice'd lUI nt.iole of H Q Alexander, Blltda . of Indlanapolla, ~v. &!Duel 8oQU; Doon b18u~ Wright HalneB, In her order8 for high grade tobllOOO, corn 'nlgbt. The mlld'ud ' tbe of Swaml;l-llOot II - .' " of ita preSent' head and his' cOrpl! of Home (l.,mlul( lit Wllyneullle dnr MrJi B Q Alexander, Elida of Day&on and Re';. Thomu 8mlth own oordiallaf8e bear ted manuer. and ·oatll fertlllzer~ raDlIng In prioe effect It> etand, the hlg~ for- Ita ~. I118il\tanta, althouaih Mr, Bratten \val iD" tbl", wee"" Bow maohJwould 6eorgla Frap1')t Davtop . tloop81ton, Dlllloia. Many reaclen of the .G azette trom thirteen dollars up. cnres of tbe moat clIllreIaI!ac pJe~~t to taU ... fa too. modest to Include the above like' ~ be there, I lived ' In Wayne8 Mary E Spenoer,.LoII Ange1811, L... I JohD He,nry · , . DOled kn~w 'a 1Ir.lleDbarpr of Da1toQ, . H~RY JAT. an:M...... '· atatement'in bia l'8m~ks. vUle during tbe 110'11 r.ellrn.ed Taylor V, Ward ' Mlamiliburg , mlnlller who baa been DOmin, to Wayn88 . Mr.. Mark Davis atlU hila on haud a. '11Ie tn~ frlendaof Clark McKa.J trade. ... a priDtSF. III til\!.. UII-x,ntB Minnie MoKIDP~Y. IAMBon ~=ecI a' Yin. for maD1 78an buylllg hides. a n1;lmb8r of the !lOngs whioh were of XenlJ, were IIltlclpadq a ::r'.J::': b1 , Drew ,t:tweet Laura MolliONY I LebaDon . Of &he bed etc. KoDda,. be ·wu rotltng d~loated to the Bome.Comlng : "On in lUI tout. "~1 J)q SWeet- 1 .....,. I .. ,JohD 8 aariaook, Sprintr8elcl ohuob ~ & harrel.of ..lIow oato " car at Cor ,'he' bank. of the Lt Ule Miami. " The J1lcllmJllJf,from ' of Bop.... DeDl'er. Colo ......l'e1, in hi. all 01'. the Will bIa flDpn were OMllht aDd word. and muslo of thla IIODg are 1I4!l~":.on ~ terdbl1oruhecl. E. 8. Bally .b ro't both very pretty.Oopies may be tea to~ where Dr. 1I11lI treat- obtained. a' J.B. Jaspael'. OI!.~ tbe
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5etIsith-c BrHill.,. Do Not lI~e To Be Clllled Spallis h·AmericansOi;forBtlt from Typical l&lill·AmoticlIlI Countrl~,
Tho !lartlculnr JIOl'Uon ot tbe globe ·.trawlng tbo )'CIt ot tho world for at tUllSt a.n Instant's attention Is :Oru ~ t1 , the PUII-Amorlca n conference In 'RIo Jo Junelro givIng prominence to the _untry called by somo' ono "PorlugaJ'1l Gigantic Doughtor," You rememb'r-or (l rbnl1ll you as e r knew In tbl8 age wltb \(!I so 1Ilany thJngs to kno",- thsl Ibe roy"1 blly of Portugnl In 1 07 lied to Brad l. thnt In 1 Iii th e lony was tl eIlareci 8 kIngdom. A few years later 1IIe Porluguese court hav ing returne d Jo ElIl'Qpe. a nntlonnl COngress ttt Rio De Janeiro choBO Dam Pedro, eld st ~n or tbe king of Portugl.ll. perp tll nt' .e~ nd r of Brnzll. his tltlc now con.tltuUon al emperor and perpetual derender. In 1831 Dom Pedro J. abo llcated In favor of his son; Dom Ped ro n. reigned uutll tbe autumn of 1889. tklm 'Pedro n. WIle a wise and tactful ·lUlez:, . devoted ' to the Interests of his eDlIntry. but WIUi deLhroned by a suo-_rul revolution, he and bls family rete eent' Into exile. the empire of 'ti1'll7.11 was declared a republic. a re,ubllc styled the United States of Brazil. To-daY there are not nearly 80 many PoM.uguese as Itallan8 In Brazil; the ~us of 1900 showed 1,100,000 ItalUS, tb..e majority Bottled In San ·Panlo. In t!le so uthern BrAZIlian states /bere are yery prosperous German and iftanan colonies In Rio Grande de SuI,
Phl·tll;;'lIOS '. S!1~n Ish, Germans, AIlS' (l' lnn~, S~l1tlClhl1t \' l a n ", Poles, Russ.iuns Engll~h a nd Fronch, of wh om the preduml nutlng rn C. 10 so fnr liS nu nro ~O Jl' rn 'd, 1" the 11 II II lin. Thor. :lrc nen rly rour times os n.l/lll)' Ital\u11I as Portul,"tlcl3e In Bruzll, notwlthstand· lug th e fnet (bAl tile CO\lO try "'liS fOI 80 I)lnn)' centu des 1\ POrlugue~e colony, Ih en II Brazilian cmptr . and n'ow 8 Brnzllinn republic wIth the Portuglles~ long'lle tile 0.lI1_ lal lanlP!1I • and mnn· uers nnd cllstoms und leadln& famllle! lo-dny bnrklng back to thll mother lund at Portugal, liS America to Englund." Brazilians are not Spanlsh-A merlenns, t.1l· y do not like to be knovo'll ne Sp nls h-Amerlcans. "Brazilian" 15 th! only IlC 'eptable term. . Brazil Is or a bigness. larger th nn the nlt ed States prior to the J;lnrchase ot Aluska. Bishop Hendrix. at the MetOQdlst Episcopal churcb, writes 01 the land R8 "A 'Republic In the TropIcs;" calls attention tD the tact tbot the wIde' region Is almoBt wholly. 10 t~e tropics', a nd t hat It Is 'one , of the world's largest territories under a single fla g, The lnat tD emim clpote ber slaves. task rna accomplished without bloodshed or without g ra.nlln@ compensations to tbe owners. ' Immlgration followed fast on the emanclpa· tlon of the ,laves. whlcb ema ncipation wns begun In 1871. carried on gradual. Iy, completed In 1888.
The Fantasy of
PI-""'''4 /1 • WtJNiIrftll • MldidM.
D ar Bt'~": I WllS 00 clau W !lenr fr . m YOII. tor I wondered It yuu hall I I'gollfll 1II 1l. I L b ll~ bct: u an all ain '8 r he:\rd from Y u and I lin " S lunds to l~ 1I yun. . I DllIst Orst tell you lliJoUt tbe cong res';!lllll,l. -1 bo.vll [L lillie ullsolJcltod news IlluL he Is III South Arrl ·u. he might us wai l be' In HndoH; for I WO\ll r}n'l Ciro. He was here t "'o youra ago, kIssed IllY ·hnnd-..'lDtl liS ked It tllR ~ w 1S I bo nil , r said. "Yes, I lhill ' thlll will bo a plenty tor you," a.n d I r e<lKol'l thut held him tor u whlle. W ell. b re Is the rost of my lillie S()Dg Clf life In 0 minor. 'wttb II Hun1;"!U'lan rallsody finish. It · Is a qulot HUle melody wi thout words. I began this lotter on SaLurday, and tbls Is my Orat op n dD le to fin lab It. I think, 'low,wer. wO '1I get tb ere In time ' for the fox. Something 00 startling bupMne,l yesterd ay thnt I wanl to begin at I.he on1 and tell It trontwar"s-Cblnese style-bul I'll t ry and comb It out. When I first came home I was Just a trine flighty nn" Javed th em all At one time. bu t I have changed my pll\s now IlDd take them one nl a time. In May, nlneteea hundred and f1Ye, I was ruahe'J by R. A. Burr (no relation to Aaron thnt I know of, and If he Is he only Inherlfed the good Q;lllllties ot tbat gentleman). At tbat time I never Imagined that I cared for him. He was positively loy ely to me-called Lwlce a week and took me everywhere. 1 Just treated him like a dog, and a mongrel nt that -hut bave since repented bitterly. In A' igust of tbe same 8ummer met C. L, V. Forresl on n boat ride (boat rides ore always conduolve. you know),
- an d of <!OU1'fle w dldo ' ~ IJUCC ·ed. Th jArd knows I Ani Illnli, (If I .1I·s plse Forr<>\1 t. I o uly WIlIIL with him tor
Spli t.' . h,I\11YW(IY H e doesn't kn'"w It , thoug ThilL . 111\J>penrd In Jlln , knd,
wo went U1gelher elllri ng t Lhll . ::~~~~~L!._.!~.:.:~~:!:::.!~_.!~~:::~~.!~!...!.!;.!...::~=;) lind uo puo at u [Mugh (' CJ Inclr compan y. 'fhey ull tholl gh ~' 1 wus lu 10\'0 with him. In Sept Ulb r he wil nt tD POrt hi lid. Ore.• und has' been thor \'or aln e. All h'st ra\l [ wen t with John Hurrl" . \ until ' I IUt' t ltl s upo rliltend ellL ot Ihe It. & D. rll llrolld. Thne ruan. hnd he (n These Summer Days of "Ln:ylng- plc1<- me·\l DS . It Is quite true that · It Is as effec tual. Off,' R emember Best Ia be II ycmnge!', would ha V8· been Lhe hit Before you s tllrt fo r your bollday Adjunct to Beauty. of the senson. H e Is 36, medium COOltrent yo ur hlllr -to ,·lL-lIt tlo more cleans: plerlon (l!Ort of betwixt nnd 'betw en), W will suppose yOIl b8 \'0 been. tug and at rengtbe nln g balrwnsb than ~Ix foo~ 011 III rullltllry he els, and with a weight SOlllewbere neur 200. He WWl :akl ng cure of your skin willi 11bsol ulo IIHtlal. rub In somo cood sklo lood to all th ere-d r\vss, operas. tlowers and ~l ean\ln es8, a Judicious IIS0 of pow"er, yo ur tnee, manicu re your bll'nds \VIta ca ndy every wee k. 'He nlso gave me liquid or dry, cr..ams and lotions, spe'lnl cnl'e, and th n tllke holiday. Do not ras bly expose your tace to a pass ove'r the rllllroad for nineteen whi ch wo are for ever deserl blnc. hundreil and IIlx. Oh. such. much- YOtl look yenrs ' younger. your friends the HUll'S too powe rful mys. Wear ness. We ll, f blngs moved along thts tell you In consequ ence; a nd so. doubt· a lPIu7.e veil, iet the enaleat of wasb· way \' ttt\l yesterdny. Now. It you only less. you do; b~t try the etreet ot bo- I ather gloves, S() thnt your bands do knew I:ow Bllrr hus bee n acting ever Ing well In tbe air tor II. day or two, not unduly sp read wltb active exerstnce we hod that little engagement- laKing beolthful exeNlIse, not too clso and get burnt. Let y~ur bodts break log scemt-tben you would know mucb, eatln·g simple tood, as much havlI broad. Kolld soleB that allow yoU how to be pl'(lperly surp!1sed at thl• . :ounlry trult and vegetables as you to alk In comfort wltbout Injuring .. I feel [ ba.,e for o.,er I w.1..~ got ng up to see Mamie Black ~ get, snd "Iulug." If we may use the musoleB, and YOIl will return looi<several bottle. Ing In perfoot health , with akIn, hair foul' years. (abe enLered college the year afler you 3uch a term. without being bored. of Peruna and one bottle of Manalln. We cannot too stron gly. arge on and physique gene rally at their best. gradull ted), and whom should I meet .. I can now do all of my work in the Tboee 'who rueh 011 abroad alghtlteeself-development and those wbo deem but Burr. Here enters the Btartllnl house, milk the cows. take oare of the eploode. for be Btopped ODd BIltd: beaut.y culture a duty to c lve tbelr Ing and doing twlcs &8 much as tbelr milk. =d 110 forth. ' I thin" Perlin. I_ "Going up to Mamie's ??" A faint !kln s fresb. pure air. and take health- strength warranla will not derive tbe • mo.f wonderlul medicine. ..'1 believe ' l 'Would be In bed t&day "Yell'" crawled from near my AdlUD'. giving exercise dally, but not to be same benetlt. That Is all very well apple l~s a woml\ll have one?). )ver-tired. Most poople we come In for those who are leading Quiet lives If I had not written to you for adyice. 1 had all kind. of medlclne. but. When I WIlS a ble to sit up and take ~C'Iltact with Bre simply rusblng their In the country. but to leave tbe trurly- none dtaken id me nny good. burly of tbe town for the. hurried very Ilfe out at tbem. We All want notice we wel'1e walking In that direc.. Peruna has made me a ...11 alHl tion. Think o'f It- be had hardly · been 1 Ilttle rest and peaceful reflectlon~ slgbtseelng abrO!'d only draWl JIlore b.PPU'r/. I can neyer ..y too mnch dally. With all we do we hardly re- on the limited reserve of Derve pow- for POI'UDa." speaking tD mil_ Not on 1)" women of rank and leisure Since It bad been /DY fault •.1 wu member trom day to day where we er . It may Instruct the mind. but more than willing for B reconciliation. bave been, wbat we have seen, wbat It leavee the body lame·ntlng. Rest praise Peruna, but the wholellOme. useful wowen eDgaged . In 'bonest toU and. besides, 1 have (ouud that I really we have rcad. The deplorable want Is one of th e most powerful adjuncts would not be' without Dr. BartD\8n', was ta ll. light-haired. but only three care fo r him. It hus almoat killed me )f memory Of. tbe present generation In beauty culture. world renowned remedy_ and 1 gave without a murmur. Burr He monthl;! my up senior (dlsgnsUng). Is much due to ' the burry and excIte· the way he blLB acled. However, ,.811The Dootor bu prescribed it for many 18 29. tall nnd dark. :Well. I surely hAd te~d ay he told me be badn'l been to Bee ment of modern life; oven , tbe prestbousand women every year .and be ne.,er falls to reoelY8 a multitude of let!t between those two-both In the another girl. lind l'm happy as a doC ent nt.(lid modes of transit tell on tera like the above. tbanlclng hbn fOl same tuw·n. at course there were otb- to-day. us, and mostly bl)callse they enab,1e ' Iti .. adV\ee. 3nd ellpeelally for the WOIl' ers sootlered nround rather promlsouThe Gratton man called me up this us to do overmucb and travel over derful beneflt.a 'recelved from P.e ruua. ously. but I never co nfide ' In my right evenIng and said be would come o ver ~reate r space thnn Is necessary. . There Are Numeroull Frivolous Bumhand the otrnlrs of my left-hence, no to-morrow e\'Elnlng. Now wnsn' t It a An admlrnble mode a.f resting for mer Coat, for Baby aa Well as conlllctions With the "out of lowns." for Its Kother_ shame I ha<\ II previous , engagement JLU['a IIDB. UOW)l'a 1':m:t-. AunUe fUSBed about Forrest-so- did with Bobby Burr? I don 't wnnt to S08 the ovcr-Ured II to lie ftat an the OSOPHY. back on tt,~ ground wlUlout nny pilBurr- nnd yOU know the elreet that that · agai n. anyway. 1 thlnlt be', MOre delicate sacka of fines t lawn low, the legS s trsl ght nod the arms wOllld haye- mnde me dete rmIned to posl tlvely In8 i l~ld . The' only thing In tbIa w4?rld Uke or even ot white mousseline made up kee p It up If Vesuvius eru pted right The railroad! rulUl Is flne. Be Benda extend ed. One of the leadl::g pbysl- over pink or blue Inset with Valen- a boy Is a mnn. then n nd tbere. I Imagi ned olflO thnt me the lIowerH and candy every week. ~ Iftns used to ' rccom mend this tor ciennes and trimmed wIth' ValenUnless we take God .tol' our beiJDI ~ rp(l for him. Well. Forrest W DS but t hen. just thlnk-a man almos t 15 naif nn hour or so to hnrd workers ciennes ed~ lng, are 'Ilmong the baby's nlng v.-e begin wronr:, In preference to tea nnd aoy other' goi ng awny In September to tbe nayal years my senlol', Some of God's best .:m. are ",rapped ncademy. so l decided to devote all my Ittxurles, a nd the cbarm of the bali,. up In very oo mmol! paper. YOll mllst come and see me this su m. tlmo tu hi m. Tbe flnaJ crnsh came mer. my 'dear, for we can have great It I:.; ensler to knock a man down coati dIsplay tid In tbs exclusive shops whon 1 broko my engagement with tun together, and t have loads ot beggars description , They are made . than It Is to turn tbe other cheek. Burr for Forrest. but I did n't g1ve a things to lell )Iou. You mllst see Burr. at various kinds of I1l1k, With or with· It tnke.s 'lll th'a t GOd and a' &ODd whoop what happened. Forrest. ,letL ftjr be ls tho dearest man. t have a out warm lining o( casbmere or oloth. mothnr can do to make a good man. In dus Ume for Annapolis and I was fl ne young la wyer picked out for you. Bole-ros Are of InAnite Variety and . rr we bave done nothIng, let us b&This We Consider an Excepleft hlgb and dry without regular com- and I know yo u wil l fa ll In lOve with .:In now. We may do sometb lns yet. pany. .1 con90i'ed myself by writing- him. With 101.5 of lo ve. AJtectlonately tionally Oood One. What does Our love for God amount dnlly bunches ot hot al., and In turn yours. to If It Is.n·t doing men any good', T ' MARtE. received the some with Inte rest. Burr (Copyright, 1906•. by D ally Story Pub. Co.) In killing snakes It Is better to eu~ Here we have another bolero to be and I quit spen.klng. I dragged on nn olr au luch of head than a f~t or ' made In the Bame mnlerlal as tbe uneventful exlste noe-only hits and tall. skirt ; It Is a pretty patt$rn for wcV' Ecb,o AlArm Cloek. misses-no Gne 1.. cared pCirticularly IN RIO D£ J ,\ IS giRO. Nine men out of every ten are blind. Ing with corsele t eklrts. as shown President Mnrphy, of the Ohlcago about. . and the one who can B811 niay lead a In our illustration. The body part ·.•o-methl ng Uke '800,000 Germans. ID The ImmlgrllUon to Brazil In 1890 On Tbanksglvlpg of lhe same year Nlltlonal .League club. says the Cln· hangs wltb Clliness. The fronts tum crowd. . ~. :Ae eea~ rt tOwDll the principal part was 200,000. In 1898 It hod fulle n to the ?£e.soDS bad a swell banquet, and clnnatl Commercial Tribune. told A Qollar fiddle In tuDe 'IIlakee beta bnsel>all d inn er a re markable hack .wlth sllk·faced revers orna· , f Ule population II of European de- less thon 60.000. mostly I\.I1l1ana, Por- Johtt Harris took me. ,He Wruj toastt 'll" music thl\ll a pipe organ out ot .· MlCnt. . tuguese a nd Spanlsb. Tbe early prlv- muler. so we Bat at the table for 't he eoho story. '''There was a man:' he men ted ' wltb II l1ver buttons. tune. The collar la ot Iris h point mount· . The returns of the cel\SUS of 1900 lieges olrered hnmlgtants brought In gues b ot honor. Burr 'NIlS al80 tbere, began, "who had a country bouse In ed over silk. The wrist!! of the pu~kIt.. tnJ!ow dip 011 top of • blJlllle1wlJl •were not wlopte d. coDllldered t8.l1aclous -such nn o~erwhelmlng tide restrlc- but of course I didn' t se8 him tben. the CatSkills. He was showIng a do more &ODd than all eleolr1o lICh• -.18 th~· reported a deoroase In Popula- tlons were ImpoSl\d. The C4IlBe of no A'lt'ilr the banquet th.e dance we :were Visitor ove r hils grounds ono day. and, under Ii. A SUM MER COA-X:. :IQL ,Th~ censlls ot 18$0 gave the total Inconsldera\)le . lnterna~ I1lssenBlon tias all Uned up on one aide of the han coming t~ ' a btlly ·place. sold : HO'N much &CO!! emn. of UI could and, mast delightful of aJl for Bummer Go If we d ldn·t walt uD,U1 to-mo.rro~ populotloJl lUI. 14.000.000; . 80me over been the Question of showing favor to and Burr was taldng In the line. giv- . ' I. 'There's a r emarkahle echo hel'tl. of sheerest. muslin over Bilk. day,,I t yOU Btand under tllat ·rook. and ;t.qOO.oOO wti Itel. more fhan ",ooo,noo fo~el!;tlers. LaUn, Amerlca sends the Ing Ull!m all the glad ha'l1d; He <Ulln't ' to begi n . Deep cape collars of tbe muslin dell :' . We "ould have more revlval, 11 _ IllJetJII (half-breeds), a.hout 2.000.000 most lmmlg,rnn'ts; tile OOrplRDS lIave see nle unW he was squared rlgbt up Ibout, tbe ecllo alliwers four dlBUnct cately liand embroidered and edgeil tlad more pre,\cb1~& aimed at the .111· .1 ....Ci/,j~. and 1,200,000 Indiana. ' Tb!! contributed gr~ll;t1y Ito the development agaIDlit .me. It would bave been rath- times, with 'IIfn Interval of several and Inset with lace and ornamented lI er~ or the front S8II.II. ,opullitlpn to-day Is pnt, 10. round at their chosen, provtnce. nnd GermaD er polnted for blm to have paased on. minutes between a.nllwers.' with Inflriltesimal bMld tllcks are on . ..umben."" at" 17,000.000: . TIle Indl8Jl colQnb.ation Is ' a mOB~ Imporl,!nt. fea- so up he bucked and pu( out his hand. ' ''But the vl:sltor was not at all lill: 'I be value of the service does Dot mose of theBe c~ts . Some are em- (l()nsl~t In what 1& done. but In ' the . tJeruent preponderates In the n orth- t,\r~ ' of pres.ent day .Brazll ; .. lilngllsb aDd I dropped wne In it. What Is It pressed. He said, wlt'll a loud laugb: 'broldered down tbe fronts. others ~ provinces, ~e negr:oeB al"O nume r- nnd Dtllglqn OUptlll!. b ns. nlded greatly they Eay about tbe thr:U\ 1 Well, what" "You ough.t to hear the echo at rits te 01 hellrt wlll1 which It 18 done. plain. save for the exquisite collar. the ' ,!J1J1II In Rio de Janeiro. Pernambuco in railroad dovelopment and growth ever It Is. bllllpened. and wlien we my place In Sunapee. Before goltig When a D!4n ellYS "[ wlll." 8Ome! Illce· at the wrlBt· and ~he lace 'lJllmmed thlaG may be done, but "'lien n wom- . ,and Bahia: · Brazil haa a IIttger ,pOpu- of baplts. dancad-well. be forgave ' a nd rorgot all to bed al: nlg:b t I stlok my head out trills' on the coat bottoms: a deep hem- an Slty s "I will," ",meth,nlll hu 'got . , . Brazil hus had her share of finan cial t he 1Il1.hoppy IID8t. of the w"ndow' and I hout;: "Time to' . stlti:b~d or feather stitched . hem la to ,be ~one. problems. The COHt to replace alavWe had It ruther: had for a ·whlle and get up, William 1" and the echo wakes ofte.n preferred to . the bottom rullle. ery by Immigration was tremendous. he made a standing eDgagement .for me at seven o'clock Bharp the next Tbe soft chlDa Bilk lInlng may b~ atWith tbe orl,..anizil tion of tbe tllderal the dances at the club. I thought. 1 morning: ,. tached -to i bis o,utslde all around. but go"ernment. 'In 1890 raeJlcal changes bad blm. so made him toe the mark Is mOre often fUtj!ned hi only at the '. If you ' wish fA) be :Cobslde~ed' _n~ were made. Revohl~lonary .moVemonts aDd rock when I roclted: Chr.lstmu, T.r ade 011 the Great Lakee. .ahon14er. and . neck and f~lIs loose "'- tlal' be!ul that the ;wound, yoa Inter In th'e 90:~ added tQ tho dltneul- l"orre~ t CIUllO home. Burr and [ 'con- . It the Amelrlcan flag Iii . but Ile\dom loW_ .' , cail~ be bealed only by )'Ourself. ties. ~u r the ship of stata has pnssed tlnued until I went to ·Grafton. a little 'seen on th'e ocean It Is very ' much ID' Never negleet yourself. On the lut throtlgh tile robgh waters, guided by one·hol1!e place noted for mud-puddlel. evidence on tbe great lakes. Durin., He ,Rept It. day of your life even. your flce ma, tbe skillful piloting of President [ Btayed a mODth. corresponded . with the entire per iod of open Dll.vlgaU6n Little tour-year-old .BillIe had an ~me the IlIUldlna ,tar of another·. ·· Canlpos-Salles and other sagacious Burr. nnd Quit Forrest. I then fell In the cbaln of Inland Beas along ,our already vivid "Imaglnntion, contJllOally ute. stateBmen. Next November 'the repub- love " 'ah 4i Orafton man, wore hlB fra:t northern \lorder bears a eommerce. It ,ou lAm fA) look brllhtl:r at Ufe fed by HIe wonderful taleS of J.~mel!. 110 celebrates ,Its sevonteenlh birthday, pin aud sent Forrest'B buck.. He Hnt whloh rivals In volume Uie vut tonthe gardener. ·Not long asq he ap- u a ",hole 7.OU will find tor til. lOrat lIence, at home and abroad. Brazil, a Oorl-foraaken little ,not,e. and out .of ~e handled by the railroadl.of the proachell this prollllo narllator with.: ot the ' liuUvldual the t~ 'vounlIke certain neighboring 8t1ltllB. the Itlndnes!! of my , heart 1 rektnllied oOUntry and whlcb throw, tnto Inllg· .. , "Jam.!l8, my' kite's gone." . . patby th~l: la ' the, ' " ' . balm.-lIme, courts the . frien<lahlp of the nations. the old flame . to a c'e rtnln extent. I nUlcance all the balance· of our -water"Wbar to. rionny-man'" .the .old Le~n,dre, . ', J labots for peace and continued ,prog- tben ('mne h:J~e, brWt~ the e!lN'Imolit borne oommerce.· ThIs enormonl tratnegrO aaked. . ". ress. with Burr a n~ 'saffed {Ji with FQrI'MI. flc on the iakes ahould encourage the ·"Into hllaven." replied Billie. ImBACK TO PULPIT~ . Bl'uzll fs an .agrlctlilural country. as . Burr qu,t tor 'sure: Shortly ia.tterw'ard river Il)tere8~ to look for an eventual pressively. .... It . flew-ed • . and ftew-ed , yet ' undeveloped. Collee Is the chief I' sent tl:\e 'Grafton man bls frat pia nvlval of tbe steamboat trallle. ' The until-It went clean thro' the' IIklea." Whit Food :Did' for a oj.r~ product cultlvat,ed, then como 'sugar, and f'Jr got him. ' . ' . sectet at 8UCt:ess on 'the' lakes .: I'But you had de BtI'lng.:· honey.: · ' -,. ~ tol/acco, cottQn. inute (Paraguay tea). In May 1 actuall;r had the 'reaI ex.- bls been tbe constr\lc~19n ' ot. tho moe~ I. ",v harfore didn't 'you ,pull him dQwn 'A," minister of Bllu!ie'tbtown : tella India rubber. timber. cocoa and nuts. cltemerit of the year.. Brother Bert economical type of 'I'OB8e~, namely, the agatn '" bow Orape-Nuta focid brougli.t '. him The foreat.'! nnd mlnee are . of great Illoped and Forrest and ·1 helPeIJ them. greatest possible cargo-carrJinl caI. 'dauBe' James." the child Cantin- back to hll pulpit: '''S6me ii. ,ears ago value, thell' wealth not 'Yet hrought The 'eicpement was Qialle 8ucce8llful, 80 .pacl ty coupled wIth the ·mlnlmum of ued, "whe~ God s~w tbat kite He 'c ut 'bad lin attack of 'what seemed to .11e forwurd . . Tht,l industries are cotton we dl'clded to try It ourselves. Our'" opera.Ung expensea. BlmUar cauBes the 'str1qg !pid k~Pt tlie klte/'-Harp- ~ Grlp~e Wb~C~ ~~tt m~. I.. .. ~<Ua;.' spinning nnd weaving. s ugar refinIng, was not quite 80 successful, thank should produce similar elrec~ on . the . et B Magazine, . . . ":- , -'::,' pl~te · state ot cOl1~plle an~ t IIlItrei'iif brewi ng, mutch, paper and hat monu- OO,d . We were going ' to "Waiton to trade of O)1r I;reat weste.rn i'lve.rI. ·. , " '; .. . eI ' . & •'for BOme Um.e with ' nervoua proslra~ 8JlAl1'l(LIAN AMBASSADOR TO T HE faoture. The .· :strlke" Is unknown In sPend the day willi Bert and' his wice. .. • . . .... PUm;, 'Lace ~d '. ull. tloq. )~t appetite failed; ' I lost Ileah . UN~TED BTAT~.S, Industrial BI'I11.II. Aunt ie sold "No." I ' 8ald "Yes." She An: Old' Onto . ~lI,L ANOThER BOLJllR~. 1& a favorite .trlm~ bill J was 1\ mere skeleton, lI!e wu a Tran81)Il'en.t' lace Perhn ps one reason we shoW BO said. "You can never 'come hock here If . " The ' Topeka State 'J oul'llal ' laY8 ered sleeves ' are also trimmed . w'lth '. • In much Ignorance of the otber America. you go against my will." I went. Tbat that a Topekn woman kneada bread' IrlBh ,point. Large allk culls ilke· mlng for' BlIlart tub dreeael. and ba- burden tt;' me, 1 10Bt.tntereat In everyt..\ste and mull embroidery Ie . a'Dothei tlrJng' and almost · In . everybody Ave a 'To the · United SI.! les" th a n one- and or Brn~1I parti cularly we speok was SE.lurday. Went back that eve- wltb ber glovl8s o~." ..' ." the revers trim the sleevee .' 'abov!! charming and fashlonabl.e d.e<;oratloo.. m)" precious wlte;. . . . bit · a re ' whites. one, thtr.d ore half- now, Is beC!!luse ,of the distance. It Is n!ng a nd stayed at my hrother'a unt il "Thill IlUt!! , It up to 10Il).e·, eoun."'y the ~lbow. rhl1. bol!'rci .. Is, lined . "'lIhen, on . the ' recommendatlon of l leildll: .one-seventh! nud the a sho rter Tltn.. from Rio d$ Janeiro ,to Mond\lY, ~ll.Cn ForM!st and ·1 went to his ' editor to riSE! and remark ~~at he' t,.r~ugbollt with whlie . sllk. , A ' Thiok No8'e: some frlenda 1 be'g an to use Orape- ' Cadla.rill>are les~ . than one, tenth. l':uropean portH than' t9 .porll;! at North aunt'l! 'In ' Ro ckvllJe and tried to get needs It with !hls pants on. This bit . MaterIal requlred' ~ One and ·o.oeIt.. 'tblck nose daD' 1>9 sh~ped 'by cOIJI- Nuts ·{ood. At that time I wal a mts. >' Ethel Armes, WrlUng ~n the National Ameri ca. O'u r cptlntr'y Is just awaking marned. Auntie and Uncle John 'or repartee goea, the roun\ls of the halt 'yard 46 Inches wide. three yal'da preB8lng It 'WIth the fin gers : wbe~ever erable ' skeletQn, without appetlte.- anel' ~l:l ne, saYR : . "As II! .thls coun try to th e fact that " Portugal's GlganUc I!e.e mcd to bave surmised jus t such an cou nlry press at· leait once & year.;' lining ·sllk. one yard 'sllk, and' l~h the face Is washed, and persIsting in hardly able to walk acrOll8 the wom; '" t..Iiere Is In Braz,1I the . same fus ion Daugh Ler" ts a lady to be paId court, to, event aud come walking up behInd us - Houslon· Poat. Point COJJ~r an!! ~!UIrB. the practice. bad ugly dreama at nIght, no' dlsPosl. If races and ot· nn(lol}al!tlesi ttaJlans, KATHERINE · POPE. . to entertain .or· be entertained tDd . .. ' . , ~o s,hun "oole\1. ,.. • ".' "-_•.rI'Ill aI·"'........._oII'ta/U·"..........-,.~ ¥Sn ., r
·Vaca't ion
A Pretty . Little . Sac~.
Natty Bolero Costume.
~o~ · ~~n ~~, ~untrr
I l
• .fJiscovery ' zn Since medicine an(l s urgery . conoern or 'historian. Well, let me ask ,.0.., A Wondell. a 1)Jai;t who has · won- wbat mlln c\'er gaYe blrt.h to trlplots? "ur' bodies, and' members of tbe public. In \'arylng degrees ' take nn Inte rest In . '''r[ul self-control,' sold. AIrs. Snlgga- -Chicago Amet'lcan, ' . . . . lhel r Ilhysica l "'ell being, the· newspaper press III allvays on the al ert to '")faa I)&! I'm surpdiied .to hear yoU LINES ' OF THE POET BROUGHT UP TO DATE. provide Its readers with IInythlng _y ' lib. ~SOmebody iold me thnt he lqst tbougbt to be novel that 'adecta health ~ temper completely whUe be WQ' They were about to take summer o~ disease. . ,. Ia)'lng golf. Lhe .othe~ day." While occasionally articles or BU···Ob; thl\t niay be, but :hl!- r;:4n sit In boarders. The ' woman. for the e ternal fem- tlio~itath'o value appear, more orten ·!lb.IIN;h nnd keeD. fro.m el~her coughing Inine will 1I0t .down. could 'n ot fore- chaD no.t 'the Information given 18 un- , ..: an8eilOln& all through the sermon." go a touch ot senti ment. lind she was t ru st worthy. Supposed new fact\! ,Inwriting out a rustlo Ilgn, which Bhe stea" ot being new are of old atand· .,tare'. hr.JDo~. " purposed nailing up by tbe well: "'n" ~" craaa.blade Is a ..... mon, Inll; opinions upon debatable or 11I11g, bNlN our JIjUI.tor ea,.. . "The old oaken buck~t. nlJlcant il~ta\1s are recounted u It A _"lIm I't.aI I~ that; . l;h& Iron-bound bucket, we ll e~tsbJlshe d and aJl Important: , tbo~ht of It A<'b ~,. T hu-" · and metll9cls of treatment' (n the tenBut · her ha nd falte~ed . "TbeNt's no mOBS 011 our bucket. .. tBtlve stage are given out to tiro 'wo~ld ns It r he terrors of soll!e JlO far hope· Ih~ IJIIld. looking \'ery blank. '1'h6 man seized tbe orayon. and ;1;'88 dlseltSR llad already dlsal;'peared. with I b01l1 flourish. flnllhed tbt I"or the dignity of medicine and lur· !ll'ry tlda is IInfortunate. Tbele Bclverte: !nces need the Interest or the PUblle, but that" Interelt Is not furthered by lhe deaerlpUoll of wcnders Y) UO". I.I~t. exl.t. I .
"'lit)'· Dllsband
.:ATe·C' k'
_ !'::~!~ groe~:~ thneo~e'!~~!cr"~:;
b'a'.·n. a~··',.': a·n·d S·· "'e'e'.v' es'".•'.
try,. thoughts 'Q1l any suhject; and became . Ilmolt & hermit, After I 'had" been·. uBlng the Orape:JI!uta food tor a. ·tlhort late• . These time I di.Bcovered that I waa tulnl 'Th~ Ftt of a Neckha~d Is.Very Impol'- erateiy treated IIleeves do ' not carel Til" poor woal" new-')lfe and iny appetite began to ta'llt-Who Oan' W6&r Really . er ot tbem may, be full)" coneoi'oul : 1 began to 'sleep better and ,fIght Bl"vei that her. lower arm II not .~er strong· m,. _weight Increased Iteadll,.; I had The Ilt of a neck'llan.d is Quite as est· point, but It does not matt~r, ' ahe 10lt Bome 60 pounds, but nnder the portant aa that of a · walstbnnd. and has t~ ' abow It, all the :lIame. new food regime I have regained. aJ. In these days o~ a hundred ·and one . Let the thin woman elaborate>. moat my former -weight ' and haTe cnptrlvanees tor. the neatnesB of one', fUU ' imd 'frlll and pulr her I,Rlreatl,. Improved In every .:way. , collars of all sortl. one 7$&lIy. bjll ao she pleasea,: ye~. ftlnnlly feel that lowe 'much , to· Oral\&,excuile If one II. not properly { 'Il'- the weU·proportloned woman and call truly rt!COmmand' the .. ranled" In thele details. Vel')" . be- ..W", quite Ught ·Ooes. ·Th. "110" '''''''1 tood to ail who require a powerful ... eomfng to all but reaUy ugly throabl t,ng IIHve on the. over.:Jarce building aaellt. .dellclolll to taste A4 are the neckJaces of to-day, far more ... nlgbtmare, . especially on the alwaYI welcome." so tl\aJl the old trgbt·llttlDg' IItr/ng of ""oman, whOtle one Idel Is to bave Name given. by Poltum CO., Bittle pearle, which b)" rell.8Oll ot Itl lensth her IOWIII cut , 1O that tile armholes Creek. Mtcb, A true natui'a1 I'Oad to (or; rather. Bhartnels) , drew atleD· suat Into the centel' of her back, regain hea1th, Clr hold It, II b1. ,... to whatever the throat It enclJ'.. making her" Iboulder. look "lIke lep of a dish . of ' tlrajle-Nntll and ere.. clad might lack. The bead~ we have of mutton, I am 101'l'Y ' to be 10 pet'- mllmlnc ud ntabt. Or ·haH the food been 1'9jolelng In lor lOme thl;le.. ·ran· lOll.., but It II the palDfuI truth. into lome of the mur tSaUalo. IDg belo.w the throat ltaelf. eDhaIlee Nothlq ,JIciu1d be wHJt llno fA the llttle ·booIE the .charma of a ntlli: and • more In
of '
PIES AND ABOUT BAltlNo. A Jkclpe for a Dylpeptlc'. PI_The Ri ght Temperature TutedBa.nana for Filling,
ot fl our. onp egg. haIr n oupful at
Euy. 'Did YOU s e\l borses to those .,two customers yelterdayl" we ask of our frl eod tbe borse dealer.
·'Yee:' " Make anytbln g?" "Ott of Jan os-yes." "Joncs? Wby, Jones was tbe one that sa ld be knew a ll about borses." "I koo'!". He was easy. The other fellow dId n't know a lhlng about t hem an d broug ht a rou od tbree or four ex. per ts before ho woul d bu y."- Llte. MAN 'S PERVEBSITY.
An AppetiJllng Olrl. She'8 awfully sweet. Her cheeks are IIko peacbell. Sho b a~ cherry lIplI. He r breatl) Js nec tar. Her haIr Is like 'yellow coro. Her eyes are lik e blackberrIes. She Is peitec tly dellclouB 10 French ,Irosslng. Her comple xIon Is a delicate creaID. I love to toas t her. Sho's' a bailey. . I 'sometlm es feel as tho1Jgh 1 would lII;e to p ress her to a je lly. But If I dId, would s he be c(lfdlal? - LIfe. Usu al Rind. Mrs. Homer-D Id your busband malle any good resolutions the tlrs l of l ho year? Mrs. Rou nder-!'le ; but be made a lot at bad ones. 1I1 rs, Homer-lndOed! M (8. Rou nd er-YOs; Itt least the} d ldn··t keep.-Chcagj) Dally News.
Awuy Out of Season. saId yo u were fond at ncUve. outdoor sport," remal'l{ed the nthletlll g Irl. "SO' [ am." II nswered t he lazy man In t he hummock; " but not all or t he m. The BIl0rts I 11k aro skntlng aDlI th rowing 8nowba1l8." ~ Wasb lngton "Oh. he 's rather slow. I did a ll I Star. cQ)lld to encou rnge h im. bu t ho dJdn 't klg, m ." ' AT TH E eLm. "Well, b e kIss d m ." ",How d~1} It happen 1" " I dId a ll I could to dlscouragll bhi1: ' "YOII
W Q-
ter. t wo heapIng tClUlpoonfuls ot bUlter. Clit one tables poonful of the' bu tte r Into amnII IUDl ps a nd mix wl tb lhe fl ollr. · Bren lt lhe egg In II bowl ond whon bea len ve ry light udd the haIr cupful of WQt r; mlx tbe flour Into a ~ Utr dougb wllh t hlB. 1R01I out on the bnklug 'bpul'd, baste h!\l! ot It wit h half ot lhe remaining spoo nful of butter, told lhe other hnlt over the busted s ide. roll It uut uga ln, und so on until t.he bUlter Is a ll used. Try thIs way of prepllrlng pie cru st and perhaps a !.le r a ll you ca n eat pie cru st. OVEN TEMP Ill RA T URE FOR PAS· TRY.-A brisk O\'on I.s needed ·for all ki nds of Ilastry. A very simple test will show the t Ight heal. It you will put a pIece at whI te n ote paper In tbe o ve n and let It slu y live minutes lind tben tuke It out you will know what tbe beat of th e oven la. , A pa le yellow huo o n the paper will Indicate thnt It Is lao brown color, decIded In to ne. s hows th at the oven Is Just right. A very da rk brown shows too much heat a nd th e oven must be cooled a li ttle before pu tting In your bnkln g. To produce th e rI ch brown gloss th at IR 60 mu h desired In faocy pM lry use the egg was b. An egg Is ' beaten u p wltb a little suga r a n d a small (tUM lI ty of mil k. Brush th o pIe uver with thIs plIstry glaze j ust bero re It goe.~ In to tho oven. TIll\\'0 been m n\(\ ng 1\ ncw ki nd ot pIe r('cen,t1y thnl m y famil y Heems to · like \'ery Dlu/·h. It Is made ou t of lemO UR nn\1 rnl sln.. In to t he top par t of Il double boil er put one cupfu l or cold wat er, one dcsserls lIllonful of butter, It cup ot "ra nul nted I;lI gnr . a Dd the ju ice nnll gnited rlild of n large lemon. Pl nee t ho boller (lver the 6,'0 nn d wh en scaldIng hot. hul. not boili ng, thl cl.c n wit h two taul lIoonruls or nour molstOneli Inlo 11 Rmooth paste with ('.old water. Whon Ihe 1I0ur lR cooked a dd ono "UIlCUI of atoned IlJ1d chO llPcd rais Ins. Sn nnnl1 pie Is It chnnf(c from t he regulation plo. Makq wI th ~ l owed green al1 llles. or evaporat et! :\l1ple8 w\11 do n icely. Use. nn O(lllnl '"mount ot t he aPlll's a nd sllccl! banana lind buke wllh two <!ru IIIK.-Prnll'la I~a rm er. .
. AN EXPERT ON LAMPS. H llve tbe W Ick Dry nnd .rust L .,ng Eno u g h to Touch Bottom.,....A T h ul Flame the Best,
The Thhlp W. Too much meat 18 .bBOI tely hu~ ful to th o body. Sailors o~ board of IhipI get Bcurvy when · tbeJ~ BUJlPly of vegetable food II exhau8ted" The digestive orgA ns or tbe buDilU1 body demand veg tablo food , ILnd ur we don't eat enough \'Cgctables we pay tor It dearly. Na~urc «a ve ns -whea.t. and 1& eve ry kernel of wheat nature blls distributed Iron, starcb, pbosphorus. lime, Ingar, BaIt and other elemen ts n ecoseary to make bone, blood and muscle. EGO-O·SEEl 18 wheat sC'lentlflcally pre\lared. CookeJ, and nl ade Into crlap lIakes, EGG-O-SElE g04!11 Into the ltomach r eady tor the dl!;estlve orr;allS to convert It In lo lIte·(;lvlng sub8tances wit h but little e trort EOG·O·SEE eaters are a c;lean· eyed, strong and· ba'PPY lot. The pr oot of a pudding arid the pro at lot EJGO-O·SEEl IB In the eating. EOO-O-SE E ' besides being solid nour is hm ent la most palatable. Every mout bful Is a Joy to tbe taste and dIrec t benem to your bealtb . A 10-oent package of EOO-O· SEE contains ten liberal br akfaslB. Our fr iends adverti se us, They eat EGG·O-SEEl tor -a while. Thoy grow strong. T bey are well and ba ppy and tbey Jlaes the .good word a·lo-ng. Next time you send to tb e grocer's tell your \loy or 'girl to brIng home a I ackege of EOG· O-SEE. Have ,.our chlllAren eat EGG-O·SE E. It Is Lhclr trl~lld . T hcy'll eat· EGO·O .. SEIll wh"n nothlns else will taste good . Y IIII try EOO -O·SEEl and you eRn ded uct the cost tram yoin do ctor's bil lS. We send oll r bOOk, "B acle to Nature," free. Jl 's a good boolrrul of plain . goot!, com mon Bense. lC YOU want a rap)" atl<Jres$ EG(}" O -S E}j~ Company. 10 F Irst St., Qui ncy. Ill. . A Balloon IncUn e Rn ilr olld. Coosul William Bardol 'wr ites f rom Bambe ry that Engi n eer BahJ era uer, of Salzberg. has In ven led a ba lloon railroad, e.xperl me'Dls wIth WhIch are . now bei ng maJe In t he mou nta Ins In t he DQlg hborhood ot that Oer ma n c Ity. It consIsts ot a sta tl onaTy balloo n, whI ch Is fnstened to a slide r lTDn lng olong a sIngle 'steel rail. The rail Is fllSten ed to t be sIde at a steep mo un · 'lain, wb'!ch ordi nary ra llroada cou ld not cli mb, except througll deep cuts a nd tunnels. Tho baBoon I ~ to fl ont about 35 feet over the _gr01lnd, nnd a beavy steel cab l conn>ects It with the ro ll . The con d\lctor ca n, at w ill . make t he balloo n slide up a nd do w'n tbB slde· ot the mountaI n. For goIn g up the mo tive power Is fu rn Ished by h ydrogen gas, whI le the deBCC1lt Is caused by press ure of ,",at r, whlcb Ie poured Into a large tan k at t he up.per end or tbe road. and 'W hich s er ves u ballast. Suspended t ro m tbe bal· loon Is II. cI r cu lar car ~ fth rOom for ten passengers. Tbe cable goes from tho bot tom or the balloon t hrou gh tbe cente r at the CaT to a regu lator of speed, wh lnh Is controll!ld by the conduc tor. Tbe Inve ntor at t bls railroad ola lms . t bat h iB patent wlll " t ort;e all Incline cable r oads out of' exis tence.
If more than ordin'lTy skill in pl ayini brings the honors of the 'game to the winning pla yer, so exceptional merit in a r'limedy ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reasonable amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the health and s t rength, so does a perfect laxative t end to onH improvement in cases of oonstipation, biliousness, headaches, etc. lt is all important, however, in selecting a laxative, to choose one of known quality and excellence, li ke the ever pleasant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California F ig Syrup Co., a. laxative whioh sweetens and cleanses the system effect ually, when a laxa tive is needed, without any unpleasant after effects. as it ac'ts naturally and gently on ,the internal organs , s imply assisting nature when nature needs assistance , wIthout griping. irritating or debilita ting the in tern al organs in any way, as it contains nothing of an objec tionable or injurious nature . As the plants which a~e combi ned with the figs in the manufacture of Syrup of Figs are know n to physician s to act most benefic ially upon the system, t he remedy has met with thei r general a pproval as a family la xati ve, a fact well worlh consideti ng in maki ng' purchases. It is beoause of the fac t tha t SYRUP 0F FIGS is a remedy of know n quality and e xcellence" and approv ed by physicians that has led to it s use by so many millions of well informed p.eople, who would not use ·any remedy of unoertain quality or inferio r reputatio n. Every family should have a bottle of the genuine on hand at all time s, to use when a. la.xa,li ve remedy is required. Please to remembe r t h3.t the genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bot tles of one si·ze only, by all reputable druggists, and that full name of the compan y- Califo rnia F ig Syrup Co., is plainly printed on the f ro nt of ev ery package, R egular price. 5 0c per bo ttle,
Sleepy Policeman's Mistake. An urba n councillor of Millon. Sit· t ln gb ourne, England, got Into a com· Pos itive ly oured by partm ent at B ark Ing In whIch a po· thosc L lttlo Pllls. II ceman and a prIsoner were Ira vel· 'Ulcl" aJso r cIJcvo DfS. . Ing. tress from Dyspcp!111., In· »resentl y tbe policeman t ell as leep dllfcstJon IIIld Too n carty and wh en the tra In reached PhHsto w E:ItIng. A perfoot rem· My ror DI.z1.tnc8s. NBUSCa. \the prisoner , faili ng to arouse h is cus· tod'llln, Quietly got out. Whea the po· ~ Drol'l'lllllC59, Dnd TllSto v. , III U10 )!outll, Conted II ceman woke up he mistoo k tb e urban Tongue, Pnta 10 tho Side. counolllor for bls. prlsaner an d tri ed 1!::===~_..J TORPm LIVRR. 'l'1Ioy to fotce hIm out t o th e platfor m. The rei\lllllAl tile Bo....el8. fu\'elJ'VesetnbJo. councillor resis ted, and the trllin went on to Bromley-by-Bow. Here tha ' police man 8uceecded In Genui~B. ~u~ Bear bBJlllng th ~ victim out an d took h im TTlE Fae-Simtle Slgnatu\'9 back to PJaI;6tow Ill' tral n. After a long cross-examination the councillor was Jlberated and reaChfld home by cab hi the amall~ours of th e moru.lng.
A " Iamll export" In tb e eroploy of a bIg all company recenlly ox-p lal ned lho uu.>t bocs h~' whIch keros n e cuu ld be mall e to UUI'll bright nnd lear, or tbe revo rse. mong oUle,'. things. th wIck wns t horoughly dried out, nnd just lanK eno llgh to rench the bottom of Lhe all bOWl-no 10llger. T his from 1 0~ln g. 80unds un important but It was conSl ubb-Whilt Is that ? s Idered su 01()le ntly valuable to he P enn-Why, their meals.- CbJoago b'o l'lle In mind In commercIal demonDally Ne,w8. . In a t ew days a letter dropped In strations at th e a ll . It Is a lWays w1 8~ the Chicago general postofli co fif teen to drr olll a n w wlcll tho roughl y be- or twen ty minutes betore t be depar'Brldge Lo~e. 'fore putti ng It In th e laml). lIB da m p· :ture' at t rains for ' St. Pa ul, Mlnneap-, "Whitt Is tha t poem about the YelloWBtone~ark. l).eS8 ca uses slllI tle rlng. Another pOin t bridge at mldnl llbt ?" Il8ked Mr. Flash· This Is the gra nd ' tourist resort of tbl s exp I't laid stress UI)On was frlm· oils, Omaba, st. LouIs, New Orleans, Ington. mlng t he wIck flO as to gIve a tbln Detroit, O.r and Rapids, CinCinnati, the people 8 nd one at the most beau"1 dpn 'l know,' answered Mrs . Da"hlIame; a t hIck fl llme burn s yellow, a Buffalo, New York and tbe east will tlrul j)nrts of the A.m erlca n Contl nent. er ; bl1l the poet kne w what be was Only by a trip to thll! region can th e thIn one clear wl:\ltli. Trouble w ill be aboard fly ers on th eir .way to wrIting about. Bridge will keep you these and hundreds ot .~ther points touris t comprflbend the endl ess Va riety also resu' l t f rom a di rt,. burner, g Ivi ng ' up t.j1l mJd nlgh t:, 'and after It If you "Wbat do you mean tiy usi ng sucb 1m perfecl ve ntil a ti on, 0 1' One t wisted between tbe Lakes and tho Oult aDd and stupendous gra ndeur of the feahappen to be loaer.';-Wa.ehlngton lang uage betl/re 'lie?" Qr knocked out at sha " , which cn llses the two oceans. The new fast work tures e mbraced In thi s tract. of country. Star". "Row the deue\: was [ to ·\'tDOW you Ver y low rouod-trlp rates to this ret he lamp to smoke. F ew of th mInor wlll be IJossl ble by the COnnectio n bewon ~ d to use It fir st 1" . EVEN UP. a nnoya nces or lire calise m ore dis· tween tbe Chicago subwa y and the sor t h ave been 'put tn ett t tbl comfort. tban a dim or smoky lamp; JIIlnols Centra l's mall room s at tbe I me r by the Union Poo~~o a:d BU~ The ~n QU.t lIfSSage. Pa rk Row station, which Is a lso used connections. . "What kl ild ot a time IS Jock hav- It Is qui te worth while to use some by tbe Mlcblgan, Central.• >Blg Four For fUll Inlorm a tlon In regard to thought In nvold ll1g s lI ch t ro uul<' l. In g on hIs trp across the Atlantic'" and WIRcons l'll Centra l roa:19. The rates, and YeUowston P k t "Awf ul.·' subway whIch rUDa untller Wabnsh address W '0 Ne lm e O a r A oiller, THE HOME DOOTOR. . h as a s pu r 1n Thl. r t eentb street . . . ),or. . III ., 120 "How do YOll kn ow?" J30uJevard Chi avenue "He promIsed to sond. me a wireless , cage, . ,1'\111 dee» brea thIng of pure aIr I~' to th e 80111b end of the big railway every six bours u nless he wllB too staUon. All Sllclt mall to. t b lB Qtatlon The NewBpr.p~r :fIl:alter. on e of tb e b osl PQsslble curell for blllouq sick tn hold his b ead up, and I ha.ven·: The ne wspaper maker Is In honor has been bauled ' by wa gons· Now It h'eard f rom hl ni' cln'ce he le'n New attacks. Ind Igestion, ~hro nlc dys \> p~ fa will be dropped In to waitin g el elltrlcnl bound to do good anll since re work., and; In fnet, almost an y weakness 6r YOl'k ha r bor.'·- Detrolt F ree Press. car s la tile s ubway . und er th e pllet· Tl]o whole community is bl8 client. tbe bodll system. To Cure So'l-e Th roa t- Tuke It lump office and ru shed to .thll Park Row Rnd Is entitled to "respect. Wbatever Wa~ng. " W!lllt ails young Mrs. SmlthkJn8 ? at rcsln as large lUI 0 walnut. put It In station, 'where it will be du'mp ed onto may be advanced on his edlto~lal page. ao old tcupot, p'o ur boiling wnter 0,11 wai t in g elovotbrs whlcb '0/11\ II t t theDl the rI ght to color t be news to sull She looks so worl'le d la~ ly ." the purpose of any fa cti an In th'e coni. "It 's he r husband. Be to re they were It. put the I.Id o·n., put th e'-s poul to yo ur to the doors of wa Iting nlall cars. munl t y Is wltbb eld . Otherwise tbe married he used to say $ho wus one moulh , and the stea m will cure the InThe Age of Or'!e4. ' sllbscrlber Is not being treated wlt~ In a millIon. Arter tbe y we re married fla mmation. "A few daYI ago. wblle walking cons Ideration or fairn ess. Th ere must Neyer toss a baby ; such t ren lment Is he called he r ono In a thousand," Injurious to t he b.rn ln. nnd DlOlIY li n down an Omaha street, I sa.-w a man be t he combInation of brains, InceSBllilt I. And 1I0W 7" attack of conYUI~lons Is cllueed by It. ahead of me drop' a pocketbook. A energy, broad judgment 'and kn~wl· "He calls her one In a bundred;hOenU e movement up nnd lioWn Is II dif- messenger boy pIcked It up. J Ullt then edge, wIth devollon to a ~I g h purpos!!. Milwaukee Sentine l, fe rent thIn g; delig h ts II baby, a nd Is tbe man missed It. and t}le boy r .. or the pa per will tall Bhort of achieveturned It to him wit hout look.lng 111- ment. -Phlladelpbla Ledger. good f or hIs digestion. Hfld the' Curves. Four bours Is. tbe longest Inlervnl sIde. ' The mnn gave ' the boy a quar" Wbot becam e thnt contortlo'n lst Cornelius VAnderbilt, In .tlle n ame of . DIngS- Are yo ur ' twins trouble · you UB 'd t~ advertise. as ' tb e 'bone- during which cblld ren shOUld go wllh - ter. The boy accepted It, but was dl• . ' "'" hI s ratber, and Alfred G., In the name lOme? i ou t food In the dayti me. an d some-' gUh'ted. Jes~ wonil er?:' . querIed .the r.eJ)orter. ...·Is dat all 1 glt tor beln' Jlo;I esU' of his moth er. made application tor ,'DOl1g~Not a · blt. Each , one ma kes , "011, . be got another 'j ob," replied thing, if iUs onl y u d~l nk of milk nnd membershltl In til e Rhode Island ao mueh lroUb1e [ forgel nll ubout tbll museum ~]anager. "He·s. gettJng a bls I.>l t. should ·nl ways. be given, them he usk ed. 'Yer a pretty cb eap gu,-I' " 'There'a, just three doll&.rA I'll the ciety of th e Cincinnati as th e ' re pretbe' trquble the other 6'n 8 s .me! $600 a week doing a temale Imper- tqe lust .. illJ ng befo re golog to bod. sen tative 'or thO Vande rbilt famll),. When polson ,has been ncc idenl,ll lly pocJ,'llbooi<,' said , the man. - sonation act and posing for the lIlus· '- Chlcago Dally ~ ews . .. 'Well . you ough te r g;lmme a ·dol- The socIety dec Ided that CorneliUs was raUons' In a fashion magOzlne."-Chl, swn Ilowed no eme llc Is he tier t h,LU ILn ywuyi tbe boy replied. lar. . '. An Ov.~tght. the prope r representative and be WII mustar<!. MIx three teaspoo nfuls w ltl!. cogo DailY NeWB. "Had ~ been the man l'd have been electcd with 16 others. . "We badn't an'y chips at ~lie ' cllib a oUI)ful of wa rm wll tllr and H\vn llow., --..,...-"---hurt nlg~ 80' we played poker ' With At once t he sU mulative acti on 'uPOT! sorel y tempted to add 8. kick to the VIOTDltS. YIIAD~ HiM PAY. posta!!! stamps." " . . . . the e~om nch cuu.s es :til nt organ to ro- ~uarter . " Qon clu ded t he t r av eling man. . "Ro,* 'dld' the game "go'" . jcot all Its conten ts , the poisonous hi. And t here are lols and lots of p ~ople , "9ot all mlx!'d up. ' The 'fool gov. gradients wltb tbe rest. The e metic I Just like tbot bo)' In thla world,"eromellt baa made the reds ,' worth of mustard leaves' no 111' effect behlnll De"l'll r posL .' twice :aa !nuch .as the blues."-CleveIt, but , Ins tead, a Ceellng of 'pl ea~ an( SJlen ce~ was a , boy Wh en ' Herbert ) ana ~der. . wa rmt h.. al}d stimulus. I Is one of the • -~ So"'iT:-o-w-'';'o''t'''''-t x '':'.~ qtllckest ot all emetics lind the ' most his rath er sent hIm awa.y tram: home to OIcbool. The youn!iSter . became >bnrmless .....,Oood Llt~mture . .. · niust· be a terrible ·tblng to be hOlJwslck nnd wllh 'tw.o 8btlllhp · lu pllraIYle(V" .!lhe BlUd. as tb~y . p'u aed his poc kot mnde hIs way Jlom'B, oYer R :\spberr;...Ta~loca. a ,man ·111' a ,whee~ed' ch~lr: "., . . To tbree-qua r.ters ot a " cup at pearl 120 miles, In threl! daY8, walking m~ost ·'yes.:' be , anlwered, abBently, "It tnploc~ ndd one q.uart p'! 'cold water. of the way. 1:10 did 48 11I1Ie,s the first ' makes a fellow, feel so ·tough the iiext Lei !t s t.and on ,~he fire ·untll - It 'Is day , and 47 an the second. On the , mOMlnl ........Chlcago DaJIYi'Ne,wa. cooked clear, sUrrlng often ,to ~revent third day a trl endly coach .driver to~k > burning. Sweet.e o uJ.!1l flavor . .Let J't bhn mo ~t of the way: for nothl!!;«. ' "Qatte Jlawir.. ! . cool II little . . Foul' a ltttl" >In a glass \ .Utlt ' ~atlld~~l'tJOj' OI'a d'Y lt 1" dish, t he n. add 80me red. railpbertles, BOW TO LAND RIM l:N ·A WEEE, believe In'. a girl fibbing 'abOut her \.h en more" ta,pl<:,ca, th~n 'berrIes, and age. I?el)6nd >upon It; by ' tell)'nC the Monaay ~Be pretty-smile j)nce. so on till 1111 bas been .llsed; set .away trut~ Bbe can get on ;Sullt as ',well. Tuesday- Be prettier- frown at blm. to cOpl a~d serve ;wIth whipped cr.ellJDl Gla dYB:-fo,slbly, .'auu.U,. , But .uP~ Wednesday- Be pen ~l v e-slgh once. pole :" ,he lio'n n't want 'Q - Pt · on .' ThUrsday- Laugh 'at ,l;Ilm. . Yellow ,Plano R~7s. SUPWBIIlI 8he :"au.t.- ' to I?t.. ott, 'eh'? ·Frldoy- Conless your lov~ tor htm. To· cl au ~'ell o w plano 'k eys; use Saturday-Be "out." - .' YoUillf' SnObleigh-Tbe r\loDltig OIl- powdered wldtlng moistened 'w1tb "A ·.~cholJ'· Imp'reUt~n.> SUnday-Accept him. 'pensea of' ~ , I!lotor are .. prett)· Uilck, lemoll JUIce, aild let It remaIn as a ,uwby,~ dld .y ou ·' . glve up that eb? brand .of pr,epared. food?" . pn's te on th e .k e~B· for an bour or two, Alii lJlutrklnB-H'IJl', yes. But noth· t )Jen ru ti ott with It piece at cllamolA "[ got to liking it," answered to lh~ MInDing' over expenlel, my. lJ'abl(ual Inftlld, ' ....b pbyalclan lealber, ta,ldng care to fet none .of tba about' convinced ' me that mhrt ure get botwtlon the keys. enjOY ' eating ' 18 n~ces8Brtly ' In:lurloutl'( ~en Be Bought. . to ml."-Wubln~on '. siar. Liane RaIded Afrlclln Vl11l1g1!. gertie-It rever cO.mmlt 1,u1elde I Flrteen or t we nty lions Buddtml, . Xn_ B1DI. ahall choose tyratoxlcoo. '" I'IIlded .tho town o t Chorumo, ,In BrlUeb Bertl';"""1 never heard oC tL ' "Don't lOU; know JlnxT' Can tial AfrIca. th" oLh,e r ev.enln,; al .. Gert\e-l bea.r thllt 1~8 a P9!1OU. dUlk and Idlled and ate 11 perSonl!. "Sur.e; l'hy7" :. only found III Ice cream.-cJeveland The otber Inba bltants tied 'n' their "You dJdll't apeak to him." . '''I'bat'. tile sip Uiat l know hhD." Leader. cl!nQ~ and tbe lions prowled throuS" -HutoD PopL deaert&d Btree~. ' . , . Worth WIill.. --:De~Ilnl""""'tl""OD-.Mll'allda;-I don't cant If he d~. tile ~er, "are the auto /Uld a .team ,JacJat. J him I Why, he'. a rq. WUtS ·~ lroalll-i~ .ltb. Rocky mQlllltaiu
The Oe.n tte ltoll. Slubb-l 8 e ~ h ey a re gql ng to ban· li b professional gam blers from I'h bIg II ner\.,an d s lllp passengers fronl losIng 60 orte n. Pellli.-Wllh. tb ere Js one t hIng t hOY ca n nOyer stop some of tbo passengers
~YJ:~~ .
Preserved t Purltled anI Beautified ~
br -
, ' .,
' I
Exceptionally · Low Ra~es to Brighter Possibilities The Southwest is tb e land of poss ibil iti~ The opportunit Ies for men of average means are bris hter here lIlaO clscwhcreyou can get more for yOll r labor or you r investment. The oPl>orlllne time is now whll" the land is ·cheap. The counlry is settl ing up. If you purchase land now you will SOOn ~ee grow up around you a com· 'munity of p rospe rou~ energ eti c men who ·like yourself have seeo Ihe bright cr possibilities of me' Soutb west, Ilod havo takell advantage of th em,
There are positions open In the Navy for bunareds of young m,en between 17 and 25 years 01 age, and (or mecha nics under 35 y ears. Good pay. and good food furnished by the Covernment. For ful l: Inforla.llon, ad.dress Navy Recrultlng Siatlon. Post Oiflco Building, .C\nclnnall , OhIo,
Aloni.r 11.0 IIn o or th e Ml!som l. KanUI 4£ Tezu R 'y in Ind ian Territory, Oklnb om3. and Tel u are vas t drc ...s v I u nrmllroved l And - l and n ot now 7i e ld: nQ" the crop!'l el f , which 1t is c,,-pllble , Tho, lame th in ~. in Il d iffe ren t way , is true.o t the tow ns. Few linel or bUi inoSl :are "deflulltaly repre sent od . Ther. a re openin"!l or al l l orts ror )'O U, ' If you' re in any " A1 iuteretta d in the !$outb""u't , l ' d like 10 lend .1011 II. copy' ot my tre e pil lJer , "The Cominl COUDU)'. "
Augu.t 7th and 2ht 70U ca.n m ake a 'rip South west e.l ceJ)tion.lI, cheap. Round tri p tickets. R'oo d ·th lrl Y-lo- da,s. will be sold by all li ne s.. in.. COr1f1C!c ti on wil li the M . K. it T. R'y at not lOoro t bnn ouo ta re pl us 1-1.00 : in many ctios-rr o m CllicH\20 to San An· ton io. e . I ., tbe r a te is.'12S. 00. rrnm S t. Paul. ' " .50. ftoCD St. Louis and I\ansu City. , "o.OD-the t nt ". lie co nside rably lower. The t icket!!, pe rm it 01 ItO poo vcrs iu boto d iteQt ron~. vi a M., K. '" T . It'y. It , OUr rnilrQ ad nae nl CIlDDot .iy. JOIl Ibe ratel , wrhe we (or PDrticulars..
W. S, ST. G EORGE Gelleral Passeoger AgeDt, M; K. .\ T. R:,. Wa in~rigbl Bullding SL Louis, Mo. B. r . HIIWSHII!'. ._ trr•• UOD Dld •.• CI ...I.....'I. 0.
- - -- - -
DEFIIICE lold W.t.rSflrch
man.1aund., work "pleasure. Uloa. Pillr. II/C.
1_._- .
l' ndianTe~ri,orytand
All (hel newl ot the ne w Sla:!' Aft the Jand la-. and rul•• in THE NEW STA~ E TRIBUNE, • twel ve: DDQ~ weekly-whb m 9re tlu,~ tbiee .~u
the circ.ulo. tion of AM olbor paper In the Teni tOQt.
lor' " .00 per li ar . MUSKOCE£, INDIAN TV:
fr!I .
at Battnhattt's
an~ ..
Look it over
ADoa COOk. pripguoro e K RUIIIIQIlI. Dayton , lnrI(IIrllt, IIlId t.~alll kU!lt4IlDl. Duyton .1 A.I.hllnn 13rowu, Xenia U, urgtl MoK lnsllY . Doytlln .IIt.II1P!l () B"r"'l~e.. Xenia Llwrenoe It] HIlWklul!, Xenia Hftrry S llll1tll. Xt!llia .J A ijrown, Wlltlllngton 'l'hOllll18 Smith lind wifo, Hoopeston , ht
\\' . 1 IIutl
see how ofli.em ; ..u••w or how "-,any you know. ..
I.lJiIl O I ~
Mrs ,1 ," ·lIIith. lJ'owler , Indi'ULrt Th f ollOWIng list of nDmes of H Ollie. 'onl rll ii< oompillccl fr OIll twn M n~' PI' Eurnhllrt" Middl etown . ro~l . ter!>. on e k ept. nt t,h e l~n7.o lto nllloo null nno It.t t ho informll ti n ).[ n <\,11 1'(1 J...~ ,vmnn, FAlOll tOLl hnrt'ull. Mr~ III .f H Me '/CIiRe-y•• [)ny l tlll {' Til e lI~t .loes n ot innlnrle t,ll \\Ih o WAr e h Me.l I. ntlUllJor fnil d t o I\\I' ~ A lJ \J TIl(i~tr e t. J)1L ~· t O I1 r(lgj"Il!I'. \ I~o Lhllr W' ouljllnu · lO r p.: r"nll~ fro m nellrhy t o wn (!tlr. .J cll.' l M , ' I)\:O, Li " lIlt"111l \li l y. ImllulIll I' . log III .> ~Yf'llk who w an IUl re fur 11 lIn .v ,, " "(l Yel l'll I duy~, wh ~)"e Uf\m ell c10 W ~. Kindl n. ~ lIrln ll fi c! ltl ~",''''",'''''''''''''''' '''''' Io..<,.., '-<"-'~ IIU ~ "Il p e lll'. l\lr,,; AI, ( 'U \l u. Hpl'llIghor o A \) H"ioO:>I. ( incinullIi Itn lb pl'illo p , \\' ay. ' in r illnlLti I ~Inny ('ott.. Oe lroi t, Mi chi~rrll I:)a:,e Ball. L E HI'glltl, [ tlyt.nn hv ln[: \V 1~.v. Ci nc lnnlll,i B F ,1 1111(101, 100~!\\'ill. ndillDll Enlmll IlIII ~ ,;c .JClhll~i)n. Aloxflnclrlll, ,I W . HILlte rrh wltit<1, Lnkot(llVo, AlI fO li A ·Won(l. FrIlllklin L3r~c row ds Found Enjoyment in 111dh.1I11 t tnll AmiR 1<:" rn 'l llrt, MitldlMown Mfl ~h.j , 13,11'1-: I' rr"rr-:v. DI\~' tlln . a li onal Gamc Each Day. ____ C S I )nllh /Illl . Dayt.on I'll I h Rro \\' 11. Riohmoo<1 . Intliuflll' 1 I I) I nT)' 1•• Il' r ." \ "n~". r 'ori'l , ]l1lnol~ '1 '1 I' ""~ " lHII "IIIIlt-1! were R 1)0\1 13l1u j Miri"ildtllll. Oxforrt, KHUMS ( ~ p()r h P Brown , Bloomingtco,1 11 Ill,,. I,'u t" ...• II I lite 11 0 111 0 Conlio~ MlIlll iu W il;11 CUlI1mings, ,'(mill. :\Jrs U/(lo P I3I'OWII, Bt ()o rnin~ t. on, 111 Kil t" EIII' II.,· ~vll n ~ , ' prin g VlIlIey H.LI'I'Y E UIlok, ,' llring Vnlle.'f " n t. rlmllltttHl t . Three game!! wer<l Donlllil 'umm ings, XeniR J T Lhld~' li nd wife. Duyton W illialll (Juok . H(lrilll> V" lley New Order Started at IJIII,Yl!tl . One Wednesdlly. one Tlmrs. Fl oyd Cummings, Xoni(l . ·Chnrlus M. Itoue rts. Ce nterVille " f r o, 1 ".... II I(l{~, II ,.tDO,n I lllLti' ' VInl tIll Y !lnd one on FridiLY. and the J es!lle l or os ·umpuell . p r iogfield , Hnrry E Cooll ey. Middletown I Home-Coming Has Phe MILl'MIIlLI Tef.r y. Dayton Home team won two ont at three IlUools Dr H (~ Alexnndor, Elldu. Ohi o no'm enal Orowth. 1\1n o '1'r rn', OIl .IIt on games, . !:lelen E , Campbell, Springfie ld. 111 , • E Alexlln(le r, Middletown W H i.ti~. llIli Il O, ~l ll l1il1ltto n, \ V V,. Among the mnny good things Rain interfAred very mnch wltb H .lrry Russell Cn mpboll , Spriogficl(1 n nn.!' Welli n gton', j r .. O'liCfl~O. T1I .1 ', ~' 1 1"' I, " " . I , ,, Il. , n"I''' l i ~. 1'llli u II IL with wilioh the Hom Coming h, to t·he I; umes hut in IIplte of, tha t u.1l Surnh E lIznbc t,h CllmJlbell . I'rrin ~ · I ; ::: n, l'lI' ,d . \ ' ''1'1 ,) H ' l 'h, IIIlU:-;. ~h l n t-' .Y beol'flClited is thefurUlution or whut were very we\~ IItteneled fI~d, lI1in n;R I ~'tl r 'oIcl ' " '11'1"" " "",, . DII ~ Itl il DlImt!l,· Unki n. Hlllluibul . MI ~H Il1ri ' 111 destined to become the greatest Wedn SUIlY'S Sllme "'u8 wi t h the L ee Adllrn~ , Kli nSIH! 'Ity , MisHol1ri Kll rnh 1t""llll ll , UU ,v tn n I!]d nll DillWi.ltltu, Be llbrouk nroer In the world. the •'Order of ,. Dllytou Journuhl . Tb o gamu was d e : Mnry Lemh 'lIdwullun r Aclilms MI'!' A'.1Illll I,ipplnooti, ElcClnk , ·in· . 'he Glad Hllnd. " Pbeb Mo!!her. Thlt order WdS plunned by T . I. layed UQtU late In the afternoon by K .. n!!l'~ 'ity. MIssouri innltti Kntlnyn Dllkin. Hllnn lbal, Misseuri \V/fY lAnd E . V. Burnhllrt 'L'bur~dtly tho rllln, the grounds were In Il wet B D R ohel'ts, Oswego , KRn8U!! A ;\1 P " X. On "tnn ~~c:iwllrd W Keever. Center ville uvenlng. and Frilltly m o rulu g ibs unRatl8fuctory oondition and from a B owu rd La.tebem, eofliville, Knn~n @~' Lnll ll •.T(l bn-town. Pf'nn H J lind Julin · ~· e Kinoey. Bradford RrMt prinolplell of the order Wtlr8 AI AX'"1111 r Boxwpli . Frftoklin ' \lrtl8l\llted to thepuhllo by the above looll,l stllnd ' p oint, the g llllle Ttltber WHllnm H Smi tb, Dnyton. Stllnloy Wynlle Kf'lwo r. Ce nterville gentlemen, ft:8IIlst.ed bY!llIch entbulli unR4U8faotory. The .Tollrllllis won . Butts. Dnytp n e'lu rk ~[cKII\' . Kenln Mllllelle lJompt"n,' Humilton ...tio aP.08tles as IAldter .t:mne. J . E eAsily , EdwlLrd Coo Jle r. 'hiongo 111inols R J 11IId Cu rl Bopklus. DH..vto n lI:1:n.ry ~'t:otto n . :.ooklnnd Janney; Frank Lon". Andrew Fox ..,. ?rMr1••y'>\ j;\lI.lne WIIS wit h the Htlorry E, t:oove r. t:hiOllgco. Illin oiR Kll n)nel B aine", Sprm g born J A Muson , Le bun" n ' "D4h~'1~:!~:8:\~ng~~dge Will' 1\ X tl Ui.l I UIII~' WIlS dis posed t o orltiol e LOllisa Ja.unE!Y Zell, Inditln&po lls. Ge r gi u. B Bniu es: 8pringboro Mrs Fraok Shiduker, Harv'e Y8bllrg whl", ribbon bell ring the wordli tiV r.v d eCISion of th u nmplr e a.nd Blirry E Hi dge, t:lnoionllt,i LOlle1l1l • Urton , Grand R llpids, M loh ''Order Glad Bnnll. '· · th e 1l01l1(l"t wu IUllrkcd by oonSI~Io t Wltlter Zell. Indhi n opolle I W W Mol~ el1, Lllfa.yette, Indiunll H eleo Ort,on , G t'nnd Rapids. Mlob The order t.Ook fr OUl tbEl oolltiu con~ntious . Tbe I'llly iug WIlS olose. J ohunu AU!ltin. Strnight Creek, Ky Flore uoe Davis BuddlA, Bmnoh am Renu Mlltth wmnD, Dayton ' TDlhogaDde~erYf1x1Vbowllnted""b"dge but W.lYDell vill o· won fl1irly by I~ F D Au tin , Strai g bt Creek. Ky IImuel D Everly DllytOD .Mrs Mary DII.vis, b incin.not.l . (" . • ' e ASOC.. 0 rlu n In the locaJ ItOf811 WILA Willi lIigh exhllnsted In IIcore of 5 to 2 A , WhIte, Uwensboro. Ken~u.o ky LIZ:&le M E,verly. OI\Yto~ B I:) Silve r. Columbus ,tbe .elfort to gtlt ftn nugb UI Hllflllly f FridllY, the gume WIlS po t}Jooed. Geo W Ebrig ht, Xenia Corll Mo Kay. XeDlu -'~rl HurtsOOl{. Jlringtleld .,he demllDd for 1?1l~IJ6II, 'Lnd I,he I frlllll lIl \f rllin~ uutil I1ftern ooo by E E Ebright. Albion minoie Be rtha Brc~wn, lipringfield Theo P Crist. Milton Indlonllo Je•• the 611zetta uftlOt! weru I rolu 1.·his wall In rDlUlY ways th u Da n Ii Andet'80n. Lafayette. Incl R J aDd Anna P Miohener. Lebanon T illie ('rlst., Milton, In.dillono. .~umm ng t.o print enuugh tu best. uf tile t<eries. I'h e gllme wa s D L ' rnIl A, Urbanl1', Obio W B lind M rs I:)taoy. Dayton Mllry J Carr, Dilyton . The ~ew ' order i8 open to ever y. with Milford lind tho BOure encl ct! Mrs I) LO!lter C rune, U Gail M and Irma stlloy . Day too Dan R PritolJllrd, Xenia llOdy who Iivea or ever hUll lived In lit \I to 7 in fuvor Wl1y uusv ille . M.lIlter Ethun Cranp, Urbana A A und Mrl! MoNeil, "'ent.erville Edith alferty, Franklin 1 ".t he hnb of the univeJ'IIC," Waynes. The wo rk of both tUUUl::! WitS lIut BunjulUio FRidge. Lalhlyette, lod J T lintl Mrs Bro wne, ee nterville Etll.el WlIlIl\.wson, Dayton ville. . i fllot.'J ry find thtlr I>(/t.lj none of the ."uron Wuollllrd, BUjlerstown. Ind B B Brow lD. 04yt,on L J Cllrtwrigbt a nd fa~ily Davton BeRRie Smtser. ynthlunn. Kentuoky Thle'hdaellll\drehA Pld6llll8hnt "lIIilu, tl.lfl. o'lIIttlnlio l) thllt churll ot.e :lv.ed tbe P (J ::lmith. Munole. Indinna 8r p. e IC It an, t e IlIlIsl'W'lrd JlTI'v lOUII dllY , A H 'ferrell und wife; New Vienna "I'm from W.ynMville. " Tbo 100111 t~lI U1 d' orodltahl., Lillzie Rubtl rtll 8mith Muocie, lod Eva Bopki,ns Condit. OilY ton A J Grubb. Dayton Tbere,.are 11,867 de(rl'Bfl8 tn thu or· oIbuwiuK 111 1 throu~~ :U'~ their till- Elder J oul Ridge, IndlanRpoh~. Iud MI'8 Mury Bopkt'bs. Daytou 1111r, Member1l of the hlKhAr d egrEle~ ort" u" ll t dlmtl'd muoh to the pIe,," '"rall ~ell e rlj. Columbus KeQneth Rod O.. le Hopkins. Dltyton ~ellle ' Atklnson. Lebanon (; harl e~ Mtlrritt jr, Mount H olly be reClllgnlzed by ,the. ooulltlflll urI Ilf Ih .. H OUle ' wing R F Mo~ h e r Cardln~ton Henrietta J H \lpklnll DlIoyton Mrs Clifford Ridg". Mansfield .nd .rtlltio natlonllol blsoult llin The rOC" lp'" (rom rt d ' I ' . • • , whloh larrnonntrt the ribbon 'I I I b~ "ull I 16 II. 0111111 OOI! Phobe H Mnlilber. Ilrdlngton MInnie 111 COIIlOlII-O, New Burlington Nettie Sbugart, Oolumbu!! . ' OJ" grOllnl" were ,121 05 ' . The hlghNt 011106 in the n nw ur. 'fhe eXl'll n ~p" "'lire $112 lellvl h e n Smit h Johnston. Mllnhllttol), B F Mlll tI, NIl\!l Burlington Mllry Carroll Griffin. Lllwrence. Kan der i8 ~, of .Igrand o.h ier hlllld .'leI, bllll1D OIl of 1211 Oa , 'whlob Il~II: KUII~U~ ., 1 W J ohnoltOli. Hoopeston, Illinoill h ter "I • • AIAdlre8t dyr ·a nnhmbehr of .80 I Inro ad uver to the Ueneral Com . B es te r L Mmith Elmwood Plllce Joe Smith. Fowler. Jodianll . (Continued 00 puge 5, 3rd and 4th ve 0IUl.. a ee or t e nn"r of mittee L . ' h . ' columns ) " . Bilter Smtt,h, Elmwood PIII.C& Art.. ur and Mrs Anson , ClnOlnna.'1 'thla poeition have appeared. helli/ll'" many ..dJtrk hol'llell" are In th o field ' Ibe de tlll lell score for the games. RIlYlJ1 ond. UI .. nnll E lind Everett K Uillorenee LonK, Johnstown, Perin ex('ept W II d II Il 'dlty'lI III ' h . and ~ ltirrlng .oont,est may be t'x- with, ' . glvlm ere. Smitb. Elmwood PIllce Gu-le Eyer. Olnoinnatl Notes of the Oreat peotiKt. , Mary A Phllllvs. WKs hlngto n e H Mrs G E Engllsb , PontillO. Miob Home-Coming. _ _ _ _·I_·H_ I",OA )"'S UAMK Gertrnde WoolIII nl, Leesburg '. A !f Co wl(lU. t)outh Chllrleston
.......,..... .., .........'-<.,.,.....
X ~Dla Nallon ~l .
Social E .v ents of the Home"~om Ing.
l.. aOIr"'" ab . . A~. It II~ , p~ ~ . Ei J. lJ aYIl!! If . . . 4 I t I 0 0 --c-.-M.1'. nd TlIT"'Cltmm..-",-'-1O=r:;7,"-;"',·r.~;.~k<";;II~~ •• ~--'-:---: ~ ~ ; .~ ~ 'IInd little dllughter Agnell. of t:1I. Kalcbru,,\ I II :J 0 0 II " I' '"her rl a ~ ~ I wer ... ~not!ts Ilt til" b.lI l1l· of lJ. CIInnat. '" unur cr !I ~ ~ ~ " c u lly u a 0 0 .; L _ ......-...,:......._ .. .I!~."V1n(;hllDd".r ""'llIr!llI.t . . B rlllN an d ~In, !'dh W. Brown, f h~"rn u y P :1 I 1 1 j' " 1.81111noll· ' ent. rta'nOffI Il parly of TOlaJ. -• •.0 ti X J _' _ : '1'" ',. . ,~"y'lJt\I:IvlJle .fdebt.llllli Ihtlll'CIAill,:bl, tnl hOlUII Saturt.lllY ill huuuI' of Mril. Way n.s,·I1I" . ,.izzle Wellington, of UhiOH!tll. Be. II LllIc••s '~il. BEl ' 1'0. A. tJ. ..I,IMlirs WtllIililCluO thl1 rllll""' 11I1{ J of . 4 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ "ere pr_nt: Mnl MIIJ:w "'.. 1,1", ,'1h. c. IllluK:~ . • a q 1 ~ 0 J "ulte, M'~II Mlnnl" I:h,lf lf I'III\\'"it .. , .1. TII"OIp.~ n ,. . . a ( u ~ 1 o Mrll .ElIZllbeth Boltll"dllio .""d "UII t;I~~t~ I~J b .:11 ' 0 0 0 CI 0 1 (I .. . J I 0, "'I'OOl p;on Iii . . :) U " II ~ " ,'IlIOI(I and Mrl! , Mark Dil VIIl ; Of Ibe .trI~ny 110,, 11\1 eve' .lts c)f tliH ii~~::~~/II~r' Jl ' . . o~ 0° °1 0 u ~ IJ • 0 floQU'aUomlntr wt!ek It io; ,,1\(1-\ tn lIa'.. ' -'IbKt u,:ne llI'e re more tbol"'"lIhly 1'olal ~IJ r. I ~3 n Ii .. 1 ojo~t1d by tb .. parlilll}J!lIlf"rh,," the Wa,. "I:.vlll< IJ I J J l! 0 0 0 0 "hlll .. r part" .. J at tllA "leall6lnt OOUII XI ul& Nal.fonn'. U 0 I 0 0 0 0 I 0 .. Ir.v hoatp of Mr. alld Mr.. UeOrjle "Junod RUD".: :Ken.u. ~: '··Irsl. 00 ball Wbilcrdt IHllt Frida-, It waa In off K•• r".yl : " nuok OUbl b) H~lvlbborlelrl" " b1 Kearll~Y n: I eft aD a.... • ayn.1 ' honor of Mr 1I0d lilrl!. WiJJ Mlllher a: Xcolu. U: iill lIy pllCbed bill!, Dakin; e. IOnfl of Burlingto.n, X"nlllll, '1'llI~e, ~ :'0. UmpIre. J . Lewl.. aDd who 'otiethllr !"Ith 0011111n1 Rnd t·~elr l"RlIJAY' $ GAME ' .. mlUetI to ~e oumlMjr '1! ~bout . . tWlinty. lpent the d~y there' tOjl8lb- '. Millunl. Ali H Ii PO A I!: fir renew Ing lIeqlla Intanclls Ullt I Ilit v ' Il nulan "b " tug a teR ular: old flll!h lou Il(I jolly t: 'ti"hle-n r( :~ . ;; 1 ~ ~ I Rood t.ime. · . Jonc. lb . • 0 1 .; 0 ~ " " Arm"Lrong :'lb 1I 0 'I ~ I 2 ~'~I' Ilod Mrll Jllm611 Kerrlok ell- Mout,omory cl :1 0 0 ., 0 u '\8r ... ned durinl( th e U(llUe Cufnlng "' uon<or C il 0 0 , I 0 'rhomftll J. !.ulilev fr oll! ISnn :Rllle. ~ Obol~t'1Sll ~,l ~ ':, U 00 Kputuoky , 111\10 Mr. Mllr vin ~nd ,' .\l\'~[)I,I'lrrl) I 0 , 4' ~I 0 0 t, '\Va Arondal, of Kfin t ul'ky, Rnd , · __ _ his tathl'r und mothllr. Mr ItOd Mr~, I 'I'olal 311.. 21 ~ 4 Hobdrt Kerriok o( ArC!lUUm, biO, ,' --~, - - . 'Lnel Mrs. Kerr\! k't< ,.i .. t .. r .inlllw . \\ 1, 110:,,," 11'1 Mr~. 8ftlltne} Bell,?h "nti . dllngl!~f'r .. II , iii" .• '" ~1I I~ '! P:? ~ JIlI .. IA. IV!l, Uora !lnd Be8~l o Itf 1\ 11)(! J Uu r ' " ", c( r. 0 I n 0 0 ,· lIIl1n. Obio. M.r. Jolin Beallh "lid •. 11 11;" ~b r. ~ I :1 0 0 Ml .. Llv.1:ie Hl\thllwllY from Oregon . J ·1·1,('III I,·on c i> I ( r. ~ 00 1110 Ohio II !' r!l'l II r. 11 ,. ~ 0 . UICliO all iJ u J . " 1 0 "MI. Mary , Upp entertained duro .~ ~~~:~P~~OIl III 6. 01 ~r i ~ ~ IIlK I hI! Rome·Comlng Ibe foll owlnK : '1'010 p a I 0 0 ~ 0 Mr ~lld · Mr8. Andy Coslerond daugh . t !lr" .F luren08 Itlld Emm!l of Tro 'l'olal 41 H 1:1 ~s Ie :o biot!. Mrll. Mary ElHllhKrt and fum . Ily AnlJll anel Geurge of MieJC1 IE1to wn 11 ;,"" on hnll- o ff. Me llat r :1 : Tn"", To : . ~lrll lc ou t by M c Ualr 1: h.\· 'l'a t o. (I ; Ult by AI .... Anoa ,lnr40n Itnn do ugbt t< r JlILt' hf,l h all, 1' :111: I: by M r U~ lr . J. '1'110" &lweoou at Go\umbnl', Mr. und Mr~ . 'J :,(,. I IIIIIIre, J . l,eW ls. .1 H,u~. ~rs . Mrs, Anu lt. Cook lind CIKoKb~rll"MRry and Lizzie Lewi s Red Headed Bill. HmU,b . Wilmington. Mr. !lntI Mrs. ,Flli ..1 O~ lf"Hbue "nd dlLn ghterl! Be leu A t, til e mee ting of the Uld &:1111' I
Mile Woollnrd 'Vllilhington C B J J Brown , Indillnupoll!l. [ndl~oa W ,1 R OI!Art! . Ohllttunoogll. 1'I\On F B BOrnlfll , Chiolt.~o, I111nolll Mr .. F B Hormt'll.• ehlcllogo. UUn,o ls \tnl EVil B06ye. Chi<illgil ' MI'!' ' t" 0 !r:I' .VI tlllEl r:l, f'-OI11m\)UII KH I h rlllil K ::iHI) ",'. , e:nll1mbll~ LI nll .R: ·.,Iler ... Columbll!ll . ' Mr ... '11l iH p ,.rker 'l'rlllllllw. \Vln. "t.,,, •• r ortb Cllrnlin" • Ihilh 'I'rlln dl1fl . EtIlth Tro\ nsul'. Win IItlln , N,) r "h "ur(' II'111l
GAn S ~hneble.v . St, tnui". Mil A .. II S hi Ih ' I I "IlIl.,fj I'ra tot!, ,A "Ion , lI\nol8 's ..:tl\hl, M D ~Ibinn. I111n(l11l ''IT II E D kl """1 b M" nil AT It n, ~.. um u~, I ~R e B Yonnl,t, . King!! Mills . It\hrillm Kellay . O .. vt'on I1 W B.h oadfll' , Wi1Ilum~burl( ,
.... W H .. l nll~, Xll nla A d R b B B mHn a a erts utton. ar vllY8. hnrl! S;.t·her Hllmptl1n. WlnlltoD. N (J Annll Rpusmlln. , Anderson. Iud Ett wnrd Mllrsbl\lI,' wife :.nd obild . , I'f'll, . CI;lOi nnn t.I , Blur.I' H"il1o~. Bill .. boro W ' II B M " J ' I I1th"l', I!;rpm~ ,\nnAY MHtll er, IIrl.T und W Fred ' ~illth(\r. Bul'!iugtun, Knnfllt.!I .r 0 DCldcll4. Xa Di ~ ,
Mrs.1 U Dad dio, Xenia. BI"nche I:)t,ov"l'\l' Vo.nAukun ,.Onto.. ri o. Npw York. J) B Bail, Cnllfornia, Ohio
W W Parker. Dllyton I:l F ,M'Lyers . Dltyton C B. Nel~on , Connellsville I;'enD SUllnn Mltyerll Nelson, Connel~vll1e, Pennsylvaniu, ' S MN I C I I P tRnley e son. onnp Mvl Ie, a l)hurlot.t-e M TYllnn. Da;yton Marie t:Mrc1er, MlddlHtown Mra W D Olllmdler, Dayton , - SllrlLh Ze lle~, Newell. Kentuc ky ' .fnlla ' A MoUl1niRH. Mllrgorett.1t. Mo· 'mnll", Ellzl\ McOomllll. P:l.1/l McC"lllll". Fhl1lkl,in
~~;LI~.o;:!~~~~~ , ~' ~,~~r:,r:~~o~~~~: ~~~;f~~!~~~~, ~~~o~ . ~~d:r~~~ \\I:,)~ ~~tlll MI~,II,line A1ex .. nder. E lldR
!Jt' li" MI ,,~i ltlille ~l'lIer!l, Dllyton m o.vt'd to r8ra.\1 t be follo wing luci d ent . Ho did oot give It I1t thA time Mnr.' · E '0 11 .t,t., ()lIyt'OI1 bnt, bOB put it In verBe now for the WTII F. Smith lind Wife, KRnllllM City ,'difloatlon of hi" old schoolmate!4. :1 O ' Flllkwblir~, Borne elty B ow d'ear to my h eart Is the !Oohool 'MT~ E J. Flllkmburg •.Bome City 1 attended; I Dinuh An t rllm , Lebanon Band Concer.t Aoq h ow [ remember, 150 di8tlll1~ Oh,url. " tt Antmm Burton. M , Iddle. Rnd .lim. , . Thursday Night. That r ed hooded Bill and. the I/In I .. w'" I thllt 1 bC>Ilded Ahijhh U ' Ni.lIIl1. Lonc1on, Obln '\'he ' ·8yneilvllI .. ' lidet Banll will ADd ca re fully IlIlt un the beooq un tll.Ulltt Howe Alle n. Nnrwood ' /.!\'e" free PIlbllo u, lIIoerS on Mllin :ler him: Frflllk Kuv" Uhioago ~ I ~t. ·t~ul'ildlly ·eveulnlr t,1l wblcb d I ' , • "'.'t.,.... wt.. An now recnll t.he !.Iutprlse of tbe " Verna t;lll'k. .v .Kelluy • Dayton • oordiltlly Invited. oJ l tn" ~ If'r . ,.'''lIf,·llowlnl uxcollent progrllul When, BUII/IIVI'Ii. yoll and l511ran'g Mrll John IS Hllrtllock, I'iprlnlll\(,lcl ~""HlI.~h\..!I!fte-JI."''-G~I1tt''''l--~H-I1It;r''''r;:-r.r::27i\'' l1h tqe .pin. L Qllter Iiljlahr. XeDI" ' Iylen th"y ,rh f lilt. hili l:mllet bead husted : Georg£' Z IWlII urllllltl . ,11t1111'1Itnwn hwO kI' "Sllrelll&" ('Itlrc I b l> plKllttlr 1', , & t'" 0 _ ' Abo"". uP" the ~cholarM n1l8et up II ' Veelll Ztmlllerllliln •. IIIme!ltown . W• I1 ~U o~or ~e~o It. 'rl t griD. bo B I " Mn Clyl}e <:0IeI1l811. MUllter Franoll 11& Itot,ve :r if y. tbllt high • ,. lellping Billy' , U,JlewRo, CIDClnnl\1I l'l1lt~ \0I1d ehootIDg tha' ut 011 81l11ln ("'rane Clnolno;ltl
Ililvt"n, Mr, IItid Mrs 1' hop. Me11111011 It.nd son H nw,llTcl. ~ahlon ·.IIII"10n Ilnd tlhlt~r ,N"l1Iu. J ()lIn T lT~1l 'I\DI1 fROllly, MIld,wIlY·. EIIIl lthtU.rtI and .i.-ter.
• ptD.
Death of
Sarah Lashley. ----Mrs. baruh .Lashlay, for 1II0ny yorm. R retrid nt of WIlYlleM villeuied lit her h Ol1\6 ou Fro.nklln roud \<'rl. ,III~· .
whoee preolona IheaVtlll tbe aap! reapen wUl pUler b7 and b7. "The good, 'he, pure, the 10"17 fled, When mingled with tbe lbadOWJ' dead. She calmly 'Went to -reat. II
R. B. II.
Lu!!hlev blld beell III Iwr ll R. • Illli h ealth un t il jD~t f onr dO ifll b oCard of Thanks. fore h r (lea.tb ~ben I\he was IItrlok. We Wi8h 't o A . . . .Je811 oor sincere an witb purolY818. -r Fun rnl S rvlces wer e Qondllcted tbankB to · all onr nelgbbon aDd fr olU tbe ( rthodOx Friends Me tio', frlendl w.ho 10 kindly and 10viDgly Ha llS l:luunl~y IIfternoon E iJ;l d I1lded U8 In many waYI In onr lOre D bOflih LI yd, of ' pring V~lIn y beren.vemen&. And especially SO Re, in chu rg . Tile foll owing obitullry IbBeon. ~. Merritt, ~IS ~urtjtl. Ahull WIIIII'bli.d lit t,ho fun erul. Hllw!; , II.nel AII?I. KuurlOll lUI alililll' ~ltrll b .I " ll,lllg ilt r (Ir .J o l,llo\1 Re . III"t~, wllo (~ lIrUIlC t. ho lit. t d~Y8 of h 'ccll Hlllok, WIl!l hurn ut U r (,)ll~wi 'k ,l tlll r "lotb e~ ~ ul1lt ct lolll:lo lll,lttr\ngly u J I ., 1 .,(. 1,1" 11'1I11 11 .. ',nru 1'.,1', MId tiC) tenderly \ V'LI'I" IJ 'u O"l u , u Y hio Q, .' IIUI ' ., ' "d I 1 I d di od lit \ IlvllI' ~ vlll e • "1"\ t III I luIUIH.,;r " t Illlt· I I! P IlU tlYlUpa · • , .., l ... Ii!! , thy to, l!HJtl, eigh by yeur .. , IIllO lUunth ' 1lI1C1 olg ltt tlllYH mClulul'ing the tlJlII.U ON lI KIIAl..1I' 0.' TlIJ:: HI 1..1111 Ii:N. 1 Vf \a ll!' ell l' I h Iy (lXilltenllt!. t:\htl wus mllrrlcd t.o David Lnsh lev Loans on Keal Estate. April :l61h 1~;;l\ lind to Ihhl nninn ~"VH ll ohlldr ull were born . HebecOl' 'I' h e Fh IlLDC:l1I 1 Ag~. 1\ B!lnk erd A ·ox. Alf r f'c1 A. l::Iy h 'el'll l! r ti .• \·Jotllrllul I,u l 1, ,,lwd In New Y,ult Willlnlll Ii };ugone M.,· Hob rt 8 .• lilhlf'r Ihll ll VI. •lllly Ill. 1I1Oq. III r11 lHltl FIOI'e noe E, Brl\Okney . All or 1 '11 " 1I11t \,he UlOlot ctfltllrllblu 8l,.. 11I II ,tit till except t Wtl tlUlvive her :::;YI . Il't1l11 1·:<t,II IP, nr \l1l1'tlOO III uuel 0 .. 11" vp.::! to r S, a uli EUl,;lluO :\1 , • Ihll'l tl "." u ,II'I I"/I, 1111:1 the f0110\\,11I 1~ l'ruuioul! in the tlight of Ul e I o nl i w!lloh W H oli l'. t·lI11 tlubjeot belnl:; v"" i ~ tl'e d ell til 0 f . 1I" i sn I UWl >_ " ,I 1.ltUI·, "t IUllll : u •• AH Ill.. At tit LJeglnning of Jauuary, tide of TilUe roU .. on. ana lifter IlIl· 111 011 tile' w \} "'67 Stilt Ba k ., re ere " . e n II oLher of (IU,' loved o nes PUIl4S out of "11th!- into t,h e brightnel'il< of hoo ven lind 5 , 91'~. t:lllti0I.~1l1 bankll, tli H .II"r t o ~hill tl r"I',' Vl'I' ?entllge "mil/;( ,~ pe r oent tlIIIIH UUII . ::II:! per ceut Nuti(\DIt.1. UUrllI l( IOOI) '1'" I" 10vI'I." m OIIl"t· hy !le I' sllentln. twenty. two N Iltionul bIlnk .. '1I-l1ee\ fl nell Il "wl~y\'d " .. ue pttl l· rorlthe King and sIxteen I:irlLto iJII'nkll 11-1110 lit.·.. uf G lury . H er hullowed influenoe the sume fate . trhe ~tlltu I... u It .. WIl!! .in!itl ll e~l n"ou ull wlt b whom were In tbe IIl11j orlty of II:! T,,-r 1'>'11' she mingled. '1'be dove like spirit of but they oont,ritmtf'c1 "'lly ~:t 1"": Bubmisslon b overfld !tround b er ; Wt> cent. of t,lI" fullnr..... will III I h .. N " beheld on h llr brow tbe lig ht of ..f. 111111,,1 hltUk.. \V ur" III th" " IIII1I1W~' f ecM llo which purifies lind renl \'lI t" .• .t llll l ut:.V UUlIlrlbult<LI Ihe IIIIIjUl'li; tilO sonl Mlmy of U8 hn" e ~l1rne(l of I he (u\lurel! o f filj I"'" eWIIl . III ft.Wtty wit·h lidded al,r 11 ' lit · h.!Olll1~1 ul.htir word .. ~blrtl 'III'" '11 111 :-it.. t•• lJ ugh ber we ' CltllJ.!'h L brig b u1 r IIlIlIk fullu,'u f.ll' tlVIII')' III CI Sill I.. Unts from Ih u g lory IILUll. LJ'Luk~. whllu tilllrl! WIl .. ull .. N"II""uL !:ler obild r(1I 1rise Ill) lind call her b:auk IlIilllr!" uut IIf .'~"r .v il l . l>letllloo, 11 ud her ext,reme balplel!lI' 1. he"e figur II Rhow IVII-buut 1\ I)ur· nelts durIng the Imlt fe w days of her tlol1l of doubt tbllt It III ~fe for life; pr ovild t,) be lin opportunity (or oommerolal bunkll to 10000n on reltL mAli" lo vl n l{ nlini lltriltiolll!. whlob esh teo thl'v OOlll llll UOIl Sh lind tenderl y be. PoHtl~al Announcement. IIt" ... ed.. o Lord 1'1'11(\ forlh tllY strength to lti rd 'hem ! hllJlllr t" pnwer dlvtnA 'rhll RepuLJJi"'ltl" of 'Wurreu Cunn In Wri02 1)nl "orr W ' ij dre g:l. and h ~IJI I,." ' wIII h u lll II PI'lIl1l1ry "llll Linn t. lwm tony. "Not, nnr will , h"t.Thi1IH. " MUDdilY. Snpwmh.II' III, "ur th .. !Jllr In Ih I'ur ly morning, on t.lle (1"" IH )lIe or ~"I IlO III' !,( OllIIlJIII'LI"r< ... r nf hf'r clelllrtuff' .· WI> rfllllizflil th,;r, OOIlDt" "lUo.·.. t,hA lull I!lnry of unnther IIfH WII:< 'I\udhlul "" tlru IlIvih'lI tn IlU ' .. non tn hro'lI k o'ttr fhl'! Invecl OU A,. n uunou tllullilltll\'''" 111 I hIM ouilllon huri znn . 'I'h .. ci A "'!' I)r MAroit.y I"H\ rur ",hI( II II ·lInrg'·' lit $:4,UO lJIlYlllJU, fulllln npnn ilHr fll rf,h" Kd , IIh.. h url wlt,b ord,·r. I~ Dllld .. mllne t" Ib o !tl,rdllr I'lad of t,hh.. ~O kVI!:'y()R 11 pl.v ol1rt-lllned ",,\rlcl. ~ U ""lIk l., HAT IIl1nd. tollul, lIoM v" hane! WII" ' UEHK I)F :OUR1't) ruhwd In ,til I' IfCl ~t, Til j)ntnt ullwart! OKII p, 1101lA. ~'"' mut/to hIt VI'IlIl11l!'h t ""'lnA g lim»!l" I :hllrllJl< ~ M.uunl.K , ',f RI"IV II III th " HMt I!'llthMinll .. t;·lIDI· .... . IIlolVl.v tbll h nnr~ P!I~ .. C't! ( F"r r","oll!illUll"U ) IIn cl (111 0 R ul!'llill Mh,. r PII ('.hl\rI · hpr FII,t l :OM.1U"SIUNlClt E 11 .. RII~ttj. .. h" " rl lif""e"{\hilllll~ for ~3nd to t.lkA hAr h um El N ..llr Ih" nnnn hf)ur Bhp . Clln>'fl(1 h or ~""H IInel wf' nt· fllrtb lik.. •• II ohlld to hAl' ~'lIt,h"r',. hom." t" b" \' A ~11 u Hl'lIti"nhA Clint. hold her Hu vinr In hlo. bPlt ut., A WIIII .. k. ollr,OURI. ",lI'f'M .,., try Ak9 s mile of joy rRl1i .. tAd the aleepintl in .t.he . B(I!C d . I"hl .. t.. fur h ~ QI1&I!C11\. fu ce of lo vin~ tOil , Rnrely I\. mltjPllO \.LDIl htlril1""I. I~ wlt.h t,1I1l "!"I .. rll'.. IIf1 tiollweHt.nel'!I ent.hTon pd her ' brow . !n g th,lt· :V"" II1n,.~ e" t .,mltl",h,I.l1I WI' thllnk (l(l til .. I.nrd fn .. '"Id,,!! h I''; . HUer ,Ir ycllJr lit InIH' h"'1e I'In(. ·, lO t) I!IlTlt.\V . ~II" lv.- ""IVII " JII,n-;."t "l1r" 'IDII "Ix tl"r.. ~ (" r 10 ClfInl" .J E J"nTJ"'~ .
Mrs Luurll I:!plnner, Sharunville Bix sisters of the MoUomtlll 'fami . .. ... .... - - -,"" Belle Pugh LlIoynlon'. Edenton Iy w er e prellent Bt the Home-Com F'redllo B lAymon. Edeut,un Inll, this being the largest nu~ber Llbllie MoV Jmui:l B~ffw~o , N\lw of IIisterll or brethers of Ilny one Keep the Hens Bur1iDg~on fllmll y pre~ent , we believe. 'rhey . W ...... [ V "ull.Utl", ..... 111&,, 0 noi 0 bm uml IlIdlllUll Wf'rH M.,... . 'Stnllh Zellers. of Newell Kute VIOllljtl 8 oeye. u lll 'II ~", lillnui:l K ,'ntuokt' ; Mi~8 es 'Julilt A .• MlIorgllf .· ~ ~ au d..... MI'''. auyrtht·. L tl I.u,luun pM u ·C , EIIl'..tI lind Ella MoComu, of 10' 1 -t Ii' '" 'I~", LIl' I.u"uuu ",r l" Q 1.,,111 Frlll1kl ln li nd' Mrs Llhble McComas ' , lillluohe l'ttOllldoll. ~LLlulli HoifmlLl1. lIf New Burlington ~. rccommcoclod by IQIDe of Ute Mr~ IIlll1'Y AUllon. Xellfu largest ponltrymen 118 Ute IDOl' ecoDomlcul.. roofing aDd lidlng for J eD"I" AUlmu, Xl:lnltio . Uulveston ' tj 8eo. Wall. t4u~,,1 ;~tl lhu~tll ll , GhiullgIJ poultry bouses.abeda. etc. Sldnglea' lUlLketl lifll now ns SII·fe in thut oit,v .ltd clapboanls more anti Il~ on the higher ' tiphuidIO. E W , Lill:&it> WIl! h ugtoh, IJhlcugo "o~ keep' tllo building. ·a. dry IUIti ti Wtilllu"I,OU , IJhiollgu ' Uoodlne. who resides on Duttoo l:H , ... .. .. .. warm. I11 Wllelll~Tex. ; needR no Ill\. WII II fur Prllluillllo·l:5llttl:lrr.b wUltlllJJtnptou' Xen 1I11fety . He writ",,,: " I hllve \llled Dr Juhunte t) Com. proD, Xtlnltl. CAN .....LY IT YOURSELF King's .New Di"oo very for con !Ouln,' wlt"Hoofi ng In clIch roll_ ltd'lCs.not ru'lltiro I'uintiug ",I"," fll'll Eduu l1od ,Vl r k lDhl. J;>Ullltpl!. Xeliillo t.lo!1 the pHlIt . fl vo Y83rs Ilnd it koe\J~ .pplleLi. llut\1l," tiM.. &111\ til-day {.,r freo 1IIlmlllc8 u,"llflli' 1~ .. ,IUtlt. mp wc l1llDd tlllff! Before t,hat timt! Mrtl Ubilrills F PhIllip.. , Xtlnill ".Illld••• E - r... · Ionl& 'r Red/·ern. X'e nluu 1 h"ll " unnl(1I wblch for year \I hlld ht't!" !trowing worse. Now it'lI gone For Sale By SPENCER & MONROE Ida 8 t:!tepbeQ ~, Thorntown, Ind . lure .. chronic Coughs Lu Grippe. OREGONIA,. OHIO l' tf ' Rouertl, Franklin OrQQP, Wh "" nl>i~g t:ongh and pre " venf,.. Pllnnmonitl Pleal'8nt to tllke MlllilltNl Redtern, .Kenil!. S;v\3 rv hOI·'.\A , g uurIlnt,eed o.t· F . O. 1'1' IS THE "KNOW HOW" IS tf ~tepblllls, 'rhorntowD, Ind Mr und Mnl, JoUn 6ard ; Long 8e4ch, ," oh 11'11 rMHlrl1 g I:Itore. Prtoe 60c and In the inanufac~uring of Paroid that makes it· the C I lIO Trilll bottle (ref). . " 'f . v illi ornlit . . most economical ' and satisfactory roofing or siding' I 11 'V ') ' N II Leb ,u~el' . , e a . It.non U ' ~ ~lIrhl~~~ t llRtifles Ilfter four material on the market. Both fire 'proof and weather J U· Ar~uhl., OlDoi ni uiot-l years . proof. You get ~ll value , received if you' .buy · LI1 ViUll Hltlldu~, Wilmington '~ ~I)I''' e L' ' ladrk • Urblt.n".llll'noi"(j . i3 SIl'rlmna, of Carlisle Ventor. Uv., v Paroid. N . Y .. wl'i ttlll : :' A hout four yeu rll LliIi(l,n flod Mi~e .Le~ninger. WIl· tl lrn [ \\'rOI,e you tltlltlng that [ hud . 1I11ugtou ht'H n Hr\t.irtlly Clureel of II. severe kid · P AROID ROpFING PAINT~ tl A Stllwell. Lebanon np.v·tr .. uhlfl by taking 189s thun two Makes old roofs new. Good on any kind of roof. h O I1J "~ Ilf 'Foley '" Kidnev Oure It. Philip B llw .l(e, Wayneyvll1e Mr,; Alice B,owe M·urriutr., Bome ,wlirel,v ~ ll)VPfld .thi< brick dnl!t sedf Ask your Groc~r for · ACME FLOUR, made by .,he lTH'IIt.. lind plliu Ilnd sym ptoms of City Oregonia Mills. . ' ki\IlIev elisullse fhllUppUltreci, I !lDl Mrs Etbel Mllohrnir. Ilome City 1! \oa,I toll Mill' t.hat, I bllva uenjr hltd 0 Mr and Mrs Raymond Montgomery. r tllrn or t·lm"e symptom .. dnrlng the Our Flour mill has been n,ewly remodeled and · the (n ul' ""ur" I,bnt, huvtl elll~lIetI Ilnd I t:enterville ' . quality of our flour is better ~han ever. '1111 "VI<il1l1t ll'1 rlld t,o lI'ly oured and Floreuoe Myers; Maud Arey, LEina I~p"riil:v r ...CflUllllenc! Foley's Kidney ALL KINDS OF FEED lAND COA~. . Burley, Bellbrook Ollrll to IIn~ I", t! sujferlng from kid. Also all kinds of Hard Good Lumber. ' We 1tJake a Lorena UOUipt.on, New Bnrllngton nl'" ,.r blndder troublA Fred C ~(lh wurtz. c1rnlCgi~t: Wilbur KI)I'illn, Miamisburg specialty of hard wood fr~mes. . . ' Mrll, Ennloe Nq-gent. Dllyton . . B enr.v Nugont. Dayton .LANG,~1.D; Mrol P4ebe ""·TysoD , DlIoytoD Will ter ClIundler. Dl1yton RIIJIU1VIl.I..E.OfUO Albert C~Dlpbel1 , Kokomo. Indiana ' '''I~K IA·ll I'IIl'.!< : "'SKASKS all' WOMEN RIl-ymond A Spllobr, Xeni" 'NIIORlljllft I!! N Mrl! Fmette Fox,. Dllyton t: M Vul'tw.rigbt, Chicugo I Waynesville. Property Kllthryn Ualrt~right, t:blcligo I. For Sale. Edwin L Allen, Cluolnnatl JOlJBphine Rowe Allen. OInohlnatl' A hllll~e of 8Hvell rllomll, oellilr. Robert EURle Wlnoheater, Iod . , 111)11(1 wpll .n' "I1f1.ter "nd I!t·fl.ble, on . a Is. not a private• Bank, but is • .o r¥anized· 'under W W H ttb' t ,llInhlH lot. lIitnRtPd I.In Third IItreet. I • m • .y on n PKr Ch~l)mltn . W!l1sell either as a the State law of Ohio, over 45 Stockholders Uhl1rlea EWIl,n Merritt, lMonnt Bolly. wh ..lo or ""parlitAlv. ' New Jelr151lY . " . Inquire of . in,terested and is governed by a board of Nine ., Florenoe' Michie Merritt. Mount JOBN ZIC[;L. CORWIN, 0810. Director8. Bolly. New ,Jersey Was io Poor I;!ealth for Yellrs M Uwen/lol,'n , J!l16llnor, Chas , Ewan 'Assets, over $80,000 •. lrll W , Kelly. of Mansfield. Plio• jr .• Marpl'8t Merrltt, N ,Jersey wrll88: "1 Will! in poor h8lllth for We pay 3 pel" cent interest on _vinp· Aetwo y""rll, lIuJfering from kldn'(j), • H~IPve1n~btlPa;-=1 I!.!!...d bl"dd6r trunble, and apeDt OOD· counts. lililtlrable money oonsqlling phyl!t. oIanli without obtalDlug lillY martefl heu"fit., but W8l1 oared by Foley'• Kldn'" y Cnre. lind I desire to ~d my &eIItlWlIny. thllt " mllY be tbe ~
. IM. \V
I ' ----
&Monroe, Oregonia, .Ohio., eiti~~ri$
Bank . of
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~ -. ~~~~~ --~ - ~.~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
James Shute Dies PEI~SONAL AND from Lockja,-,,:. LOCAL ITE;MS
In SOCiety.
Noticl! to Pupi ls.
Mi sil I:'IIl1linn l3ut torworth ente r , I:k\t i)ol '1""1' 111>' Mllnrlny, ~n Jltell1. Mi ,.~ I£v/, IJ/' vl~ i . vi it,ill ~ fr i nt\ ~ t .. lnf'flnt. lEUL Mon dH;J' Avolling . Mrs hLlr a Sh ut.." dl <.I nt midnightiot \VII mlnl? t Oil Mil r.v ( h ·nU tll U Ilcl Mi . Li :-.~I e CI~r. I r.;.-llIllllllltl o n or I IU pil ~ fUilt ng Itt Frluay, A ugU Mt 17, 1Il06. t·'.II . fl f Lll wr llnoll. Run fl \', lind Me ~ "rll1/-: l·xllmi n'lf llllJ wi l t hegl n Il t Tw of Mr . . ShUtA'S fi o f(ers w.ere NEWSY NOTES GATHERED BY THE GAZETTE'. Bonl . T.nollc\IIY· !I1 n rrlill j! . . A lllw;; t bllflly' IIJRl!he<l whll';, louding logs on 9 1. LII OI\ II flIlu l! hr r to Mr . .ILIl c] 1.1 1'.-. K P. I{imlle unel ffuntl y 1\ nd D_ It: ,, ·nlook FI·jrl"" . A l1 gm'L :11. CORRESPONDENTS IN NEARBY PL~CeS A tHlllr SlJn Pu pil. ~ h lJ nld lit! "nr to h n vo U ollr I1t Oregonia ju t two weeks 011'0 1.Ji,I \....i il, Ol ;hlIPIi liD >\t,reAt lJetore his " le." II . IlIltl wh il" It ,· ~ lI r. Rl R l hl"i rIihonk" r ('lId" lo v t-;£' pl nn.bllr :~. · Gnin g t.o 1ll " VI' . Y " UI' "'~ t. ohnl1oQ [MIAA le o Qge rR of f..coonon '['1 f '. . Lytle. I, " ·.... ~ ,.. ".r 1'"1 11 r l' UIlI th e ("jll "Y, II /,) · t t b ' ,. f h ' IA st 0 l mn kl; II I? ell'll I!\ eltoh of Corwin I lin V(~ work clO1l1l A ugo"t 25 . Olll' n W 10 I~ IL gues II t e u Orull 0 er · . . Mrs., Wulter K urick lIud Mrs . Itl II'IUtl 'l; ~.' IIII>t, ,\ !Ooj lUllmfet;ted . t M . 1 0" t . h t I be g radc!i. tlnt1 I II 111:;11 schuul 18 ILII w ek . t:;pllh r Stlln.i o. HI er. rl!, . . vur wTl g " enter · 1 k t t M J ' Ne ttie Em rlok III·t oded the f:!ea rs Th e Cllnnlng Faotory opened Illst I !J'<IIl; .l vIIK nllt,1I 'l'Il (l~ L1ny llI or lll!ltl', . ' M,)v to' Wi1rnID~t'() ll )bil1, U IllY I.. 1n '(l 11 compa.ny . of h er youny op II . ,r . . a uncy" ThorsdllY with 11 full for08 of woilE·' wi"", tUll kj.IW slli:-'\ld bll0, Rnc1 bill /l:n llilry I1nrll wi ll not bll O Jl(~t1 uft r fri onela in Il d lig bt(ullllllune r 'fues. , Iluth f:ll't lll nr /ln d ,) nnl l/r (1111'' ''' 11 1{ nni on ' lturcluy IIfte rnoon . .. uJl"·l'i Il \.:H trom tim tim Ilutil 111t1 tho 2& I\f Augu t.. Spuhr. . M .. foI. :\l11t.ilil n Emel'i ck .lLucl Mis!! luOO . dflY e velling . . Will s t o(ly {,l un n lln , uRing L lIll g'f"f! ' (~ lid UIIIIl .. werMor untuld 1Il1lI(nitndll •. l~t Y Itr (1'l rIIl I\.O . I II 13" .. k ·l{ I'ping Btunelle 'orn (lit we nt to Centrevnle Mis!:! Hem:lettll MoKlnlley aDd Ml ,.H T,ell h A Il l<()n un.l hrothtll· A I MI !<~F\s A Hnll II nd Wi m rre<1 Mer o. t l T I III t 1 II ,,\I ""ugh "vAr.\' Icn,lw n re mt·dy wn ~ • . 10 ' nil onj w nil "nrc lll RA III h viRit on ThnrA<l II Y morning, the oousin MillS Egbert, of KaDM8 Clio,.. Il k 1 t . I rl'/4"rt.or1 t ,l. lu I:lvfI rellof. but nil pllli ilnv, .. I'l1rn"f~ h " m a nft,ul· ~I X ,lith . ntArllllnnrl 1\ c(\Iuplmy of t: 11 ,ex l, Inn' . )\1 ; COllllll n r Oll1 PIl" r form or not rolurmnA' I1ntil 81lturdl1Y Missouri , spent last week with reI • . W'l' k~ vllnnt.inn wlt,h t.helr grll nc1nlll ' .YOlltl " I" di i'. 111;,1, IPrj /l ,IY Ilfl ornoon II I. I · I II 1 w" .. IIf no !lvllil- ha 1it orll ll ~' ilil fl , Mrs ' . WI u I II 1'1. g lv n ~ lA rpgl1 1'1' h : t~ rn OOI1 whil o Blnu oh o rl turned ti\lflS in Harvey sburg and Wllmlq. . L Prfl tt . I nt t b homo of l,ll Aie 111101" 'Ind /Lnnt. I ff· II 1 I . 111'(111 Itis fA t,. n loe rou nl' IInl 1U~ lO eSl! pm 11 ~t\ Friflll Y on~ nin g. toil . 'IrQ r. or"o HU\<' KD 1· ' !o! IlI)r' t 00nrl'61' 0 f l IURItI(,~ . 'Mr , "h l1le \VIlS born In Hiohmond , IJ",~ .. ,<r ." ' " ~ reo~" '" Mr 1\1'11 Mr". . nt- II Fornll , lit· t,lIn IIA n!Cecl 1Il N The unoti on slIl o nt tbo E Mr. Leo Humphrey., of ·C1arkl, - Il l' gllnt! rlt"" fronl I.'n l' llu e ~" ~ o of Ilbou ,I I hli'1llfl 11)(11111111. about .j .~ .\"I'Illri' IIgII, .. " " Rume O'IVI>I Fn rllO !\ II OUl !'StctHl . 1 (0 II Of.(P .. oh ure,1I on FriullY Ilftornooll wus Ville . spent Bat.nrday and Sandal' JOtJnt b dUt"lltiou I bl' 1 .11 ,11\· Willi In (lOnlplirn A n t to , " . . <JIll Q unkt,r p,.r(llll"g , nn,lllved In f t h Ir usin, MI~ E. tber 1:1l1.mpto n . ' lIll!!. W h llf' W ill m uke thi s fliirly weH III.te ndo(1 do plte tb(l with bls friend, Arthur ZeU. tltlll oi l.Y llnLllu·b., llt <sevbu or eight . All pe r ~ ull H ~no m g thau~se l vo \If . Win ston , NoHll 'nrnlinll, . wIll I work Illoro·in ·t Im d prllct!oo!. large ruin ~ torlll jllRt V vious and Mrs. Bopping, of Ne~ Yort. aDd r :)' u,.rl< 1I ' f1, \Vhen h" wl/vild tt. WilY 111 deut t·1I t ll city hlLke.r.y pi tlse Cltll hlL!! beell th eir ~U\lltt fo r It tortnl~ht . 1 I bo p t eo liee ulJ pupil!! iu their IlV rytbing sl1ld fl S w ell or better Mrll. ·Butohlnson. ,of :.ebaDOII, wen 11U"V lllu, u.nd bill! lie II II reSillPllt of a nd t tl b fo re tll e first of & p tl'm . 4e ~ vArll 1 of t,lI€' gllAR ta8Te s kIJJe.(l l plnoes wit b tllle n e ess8ry books o n thfln wa s e XJ1" ·ted . A lm o~t every guests of Mr. anel Mrll. 11. E. ~ h mn Ic il lll ~ , th ore WtlS tiO hlok (If J;ll· I . , this Yl l hl~'" , \"I~ r "ino . er . n no 11 nd otbljr In ulllo, hides 11. dfl t ha flrst (lny Come dotermlnod to Yltrd in town ill n ow occupied by last week. ' , . He Is~mrviv6(1 h.v hill wlUow. who ·Aug. lli· 2t. Roy Hnt,haway. lIg btfnl so in l tlrllo, !lnuh >IS no oth . mnko t.b il' t,he hnnner YOILT I'll thlj O'1 e or m orc of t.h e old Ronts. Mrs . Margaret \I.rUn, BOn i:I'IUIR, WIllI ~~ uni oA. dft ngbter of tile Jute Mr. and Mrfl . Freel 8enderflon und e rl' but Y lIng· ItLdles Cl ln nj oy . : hl ~ tory flf "Wlly n !lvill o l\<.'b ooll1. Mr. uml Mrs. Min or Roso wero I~t un u daughter EVil. of DayWD. we"e I'T. Rl1lt r t 1" 11[1\1\.11. anll onllllaugh . 'Wins~"?~ litt·le donghter, Kilthryn . FruitR, ioes illldClLke.s were 8(l rved i U. E . SItA1"l'EN . ' upt. th e SeBrs Rnonion on Bllturduy . r ecent'guesls of W. T . frame aDd tllr . MI 01 EIUI,h Shu te 'whn Is weH I\ro V1Bltlng their rellltlvfI8. Mr . onel [o'oll o win" are thO" guest~ Ilrr!lent; I fUlI1lly. known In 1l\\II<icai ciroles In WfLY, !drs . D. L . Crune. at UrhnUll. ~~I . RPS I r mn ~Il~s. .1l1rt ll tl O· '1"1111, 1 MrA. n ebeccn .J. !:!hloR hns 1) en ~fh e pust week bllB been someMisses Minnie and uman DoorMr und M.rR D. W . Meek!! buve ,n ~o~; nl ln nd Ji"lll~.h, ~nflll1f;: r. , n' I[:.n tlI Y i e.ntertn inin g ber chllrllling cousin , whllt of a. puzzle to tobacoo growers. Ilfl!wi llo. Ellt,on IIncl RI hmond [ II Il' ",/1 1I1t'1' 1i ,Hln, n 'III ' (("I l t man. of Day tun, are vtaltloa Ibm .\fr. ~hqw 's fu neml took plllcl! at moved from Mrs. 'I1rah 8.olhmll'!\ 1 Lnr,llll ( ;~II ,.J I. An n . '['11'"'' ','1\' ~r~ . :M llry fI<'lo wera Everett. of It hD!! been ~o wet nnd muddy t.hat friends , MIII888 Kate and Lalln tltH Hick ita Erlt'ud8 tnll('tlng b ouse PI'Op rt.v on . Mllm tree t. to Mr. , UIIIIIIII. I::II1 WI< .... I{"th rnl A I"xIII\(l,,; : ·Ievelflnd . Millnesot.R, who \Vent on ;hey oould get but little cnt It they Werntz. . MondllY mormug tlt . ll o'olook <.lOll Bllrrlson Corn 11'8 pr etty O(lttn ge l (i e rtru le AI,.,x'lnd r, Rh ~.1 Itlll(IW!1.1 E!l- t fr om b er e ~ wonted t.o and mony did not wDnt to w/ll4 ll1rgllly Ilttended by symp4tbetlo Ills600 Main Htrnet. i " fo f · ·t Id II · tb hed Miss Cad Clarll: :vislted her llatera r ear 1 wou spo In e s . 'In Xenia lut week. l The reRult, ba8 been thut on· . y II: , f rHlneiH. R~\·. Pbll,l p Trout, putor Mr . at n Bo I, wh~ bllS been one ~""""~"""""""~~""""'" ~ IIf Ill" ;\1 . ~l churoh. bad barite of of the oongeol1l 1 family at tlJe : • sm nil IImount a8 compared with Mr. ~nd Mrll . H. W.' Proah and 'ti C, I!IlI" VIC}illl, .IIUd W~III IllllliMted by F. BOIu(\lng Bowo during th.6 I what wall intonded was out. little daughter, of Pitta~rg, PaDD., Margueri te. little dnughter of Mr. bave beon Vl81tillg lin. Prllllb'l ~ Rill' .1 ,F t"l~lWIlt1a'ler rector of Bummor, went to Cilloinnntl SILtur- I 1:11 Mary Ii P. E. ohnroh. lind Rav. d~y morning to plutlcipote in ~n I ~ I \ . \ . . . 1111(1, Mr&. HA rry LIlckoy, wa.s quite pl&rqpts, Mr. and Mn. W . W. Ar· • Banj . f:jllwkillli. mlniHt r . in the IIn~lual PIO.ulo of dellf nmt \ . 1 ick aturdn,y nfternoon' !lnd night. nold. . _ Orthodox Frlond8 ohurch, nlllo. Mrs. . . . CronM) , A U\lI '. l' Hi. l!lOIj. The cause appearecl to be 11 coinhln. Mrs' . Aobll&h Mullen ~1'lIl&ld ber B thin Furnus Bnd Mrs. Rebecca Mis!! Elsie. Renson, of 8.arvey s , To 1'0 1> EDI 'N)R Of' TUE MIA' u (j AZI':·I-r.:: IItion of two things, too mllny un· nephew, Mr. MUton Clark aDd ' ~rrltt. IIH "('",,bom spoke w\>rds ot burg,;s boa.m lnl: upon tho J)1I1,rOu!! ~Ipe peRches lind the unusually hot Ily;-near Lytle, la.t week. . I of the W 'yu RV1·lle p t .office d [ b/lvo be .en r qu~st-fjd h.Y tl numh",:r of l )llrSOnR ",ym llUU1Y und wUl"ntng 1.0 'Be ye I. . ur. wf'llt her _ 'M rs. J . ltl , LemmoD. daqla.... jug ~ho ubs II Ct of tbe pp t ml\!lter, 1 who w f A t.h fl g llt;l<t of WI~~n.f'~vi t I.. cll1rin ~ the RO U10 . i ,llso rt;lldy .'" Mr . JOUles ,J ohns. ,vho was In· and son are ""IaitlDg old ," 'J'hOllA ~ho tenderly b l' his reo Fa . Fltrr, who II! otte~dlllg u. pos t 'n lllin /-: \V,' ek t,o xprf'''~ t.,. y lln 1<,1111 t·., t,b e ItlzonR of jured on TlIe!\c1ny of last week by 11 bome at Dry R~d.e. Ken&uok7, tn.llnti t il . thllir Itll\t resting pltlce mllllt~rl" e n\' ntton In MlahigtlD . : Illp to wn n nd cOl1llll tl nl ty 11 111' JI1 0~t gr'll 'f nl nppr oill . railroad rail is get.ting along q uiie ~r8. IreD(I JohnlOn, of -........ ~VI' " : M I!\ 8 Il'llrr, B. B. Mr· nnd Mrs A L pv 1;lI.rtwright Ij, 1Il It f rh .· Illuny COlll'lSHt ~ O.· II'.ncl llllll.ncl t.ho hOflpit."lI . nlccly He l~ ubI t.o 1)0 Ollt 011 the tan. KAnBas, and ."1'. 8 . •BarlaD, 'or 110"·111. t~ ·H. Clelll('lItl', I;i U. WI!. IlJ-ny 11 UIA 1)1611 R1·1-l "" Fcldll,'I( ~ v. .... ., ... I y I hllt W'l • OU '·" i ll li n (limn.huH, ,, lIl e'I~ Ul·f\: rht!l outpnurporch nnll enjoy th e frel'h nir. It Rlohmond, Indlana,.~ 'TlIltlDI I IIl1n,..ll" , (; hurl">, urb. il . utlfl O. J. lUling IIf 11 1l~l n j;{ \lit.h Ibttt)J t hui r Yo I·,vll"l ,. II hIl Ur!l, LIzzi M~rrltt U.,h K!l(l Ell IllllIl .l' ,.f I · ,,· IIi':l rt lVl< ~ wrwt·h.v Of Lhe ilnu8 t . cl!t\oll will bll quit.e .1l t.lme bofor e lle il! II.bla Viola Barlall .~ r!,~y :_. to restnn his former pOllltlon as 800~l~ iJI' M r,:itt"Uh 11 y. tl~ n. ~boir " f (11,<.,hl W ,,,.,,, " ,,"-1 II, If .O th' 'll·n;% r' ·~" i v(\ spi ri t of t,1I . r. _ t.ion fprf'mnn. MT A. Kat!'! .Tohnll, hi~ M.r s. Barry Vorhla, o~ ClaolDDlltt. Nail StQrm ~t :. w ersClllJohull teR, Molh t' Wrig h t. b:d . II~W, 1 H Ul C)11 f1 dtm t t hnt e Vf'ry vi !tor W~~!l impr ssed , motller, 'b as heen I1 s~il'tin g. in oaring is vlRltlng Mn. A1ODIIO ' C~ New Burli"ngton. \V II nl", Lf>tt<i 8 115' !tull k, (l nll ~ \I • ",t tll the (u OI; Ibut \Vu.v ll!l!' \· illtl bl! . tJLken lIl'LflY on ~ t"or him. · thtll week. ".,_ , Wri l;l ht Bllln!' w<l rd s tllll S IlIIII h r ·,whie \'e m t' nt,>I d u ring th e ve ntflll Mrs. Ltda lIoKIDH), jad 1&..le -Wlll:rt>n Sellerf< /Irrived In ou r vil. U I-' I1<1I1Y .. vl·nlD!!, lt~twOPI1 the Mr . 111I(l MJ';; Artli Ul· :5hl nn pr Dlly" \\' Ik f' licled hoth !<111·prillfl lind Hdmil'lltiol'l. 00 babili f 111 "'1'1 nt .n oon l~turdRY from,on . gr.lmddaugh&8r, BeleD, ' of "DaytoD. It\lDr~ of r. 111111 (1 '(')0 k 1\ II tOll. II r vll'\l ti £I ' . j,1l ·1 ~ unoh' IIlId . .. ,r. ~ .. lIlh h ome C"illl'r!'l 1 h .. v B !.bH Ill pllSlltri1 fl f tlmnk· B e purposo!< wor kl 11 g In tobacco In were r~nt ~Ul!8t8 of lin. Alice . w llI<I. nnll hull iltOrut. I"'''', ed oyer tlllflt. Mr lI·ul! Mn' 1 N HUltl.·I!. Mc Klnl!e;r . I.1t ollnn'r rv• 'I'om Rmc.u"l1 lina Mt. 'i'l III \) 0 rl l b ' 1111: Y u ·nnd .\ , .lur p .lllp ln. th i>l 1 ( IOIlli ~.V for It t.i me .. .., lilY W ( II 00 1 \l1 ~ lIlle IllOW y . ._ , li nlly 11 rtb ~~\!,i t.o Nt w Bl1rllngton tbf'ir mol her, M I:'~ ~"/l t;hinu. wh'o In til r qU('"t, til t. ] xprel'''' onr gw titnu!>, t h af(' Ml !1 Lola Corn 11 spent last weok Miss Apphla Miller, 01 .......,.. • It'lwlllg n trail of 8h~fldded tobll cco bo" he~1I fpr r,w.) or throe waeks wu s oOllpl tln. II d f l'i r Ihut t b Minml UII:!:tlt.te h' pllrtiO with her friend Mis' Mary Bell.·r8 burg, spent BeTeral 4ay• . r_Dtl)' wltb Mrs. Etta Rader. ·1I1l(lnoro 1\1\(1 flllfeo trees bohind It wit.b bl'r &i"I' r. Mrl:< , 1 N . Fln t Ul1ltl 1I1llrly r IUI'U\b~ rf'11 f"r til,' ~Ilngnificl'nt w",.k it has uf BalP·rook "'ho rn iit'111l!Q foil In torton(lI, \\'ush· Mr Benj Btl1.. aad dan_lat. },'.~rfJlers . CIIII (n lind s e tl1e 11r1t'1 (1,. 1\ in prnrnoting l',ll't. l·ong a se ntlll)f,nt hot,1I 'lulong Vnl Myers lind· !llvin Runt ",ere t · , . _ ..~ • ing filllds lOud road". ml~kiDg travel ' .1 d I . t k I II Miss Stella , of Morrow, I/f,--. - t 8u . y ,::ung plo ws.edgc1 d r op ' o ru pitLut l ' ~rdentl Illldnou Tflr' ul,li. To tbe llOhlishera of th iN bUSI y engag I1S wec 1BU ng Hlo", and bnzllrq01l8. tIle ochool b011se coal from tbe car". day wl.t, h Kn . Hope 8'!fee·,,.and Tbere W~fI Ills\) a h('nvy ralnfa.l l or~, one ILud two row CQrn CJl ltivl1. , pnJ)ar ,we f cl grf\!lt. c r ilit is due for their Arduons .l I o d " .. . ' . tors. 1111 ·0 c1lrry Il full line f , Os· j J 1>1. Htacy was n ot 80 fortunate liS daug.hteJ'. /I,t Waynesville . ~t about tbe 8Ilme Qoro Iwplcm uta Ilnd al1\' tl~k1l1g plfectlv6 work. to get ·to fll,rnish it tbis yOllr. . P".leas;;t-RfdC • e . bIJur, but no·,bailllud no oonslderru order8 'for high grlltle tobll oco, corn To 011 of us tbA llllllli ory Of BOllle <k .' Iming Wee k hie nmllunt of wtnd, but duriD~ t h e ' " With a radius of one mile II. oircle - - - - - -. , :lDd . oots h lrLIII:(;6rs rangipg iu price will 110 mos l, frll gmnt lind olldellring. ·rni"ht. huve beeo described ' that Fataey: Curren and wife ,soot. dlD ~ t\yonlng lI. vhid oleotrioa.l dltlplnv .... ith 8 to "'- h • __... from t hirt een llolhlr up. . . O. M . CA RTW'RIC/FIT. would have oootuined sOll;le fonr ner w , ur n _rn a ... __ .am· as' yhdhle in the lIouth west i and 8~:NRY ,lA y . ~ ~ 11y Bunday eyen thuUt(h ' Ihere wer~ severnl thresbi ng Ulllchines h ere last week. . · IIIU1bes t.hat. Hllemed ul!c 'mfort",bly 'Mr. Geo . '}'. O'Neu ll, oue tlr ~he ~""""''''''~~''''' It Isnot ,,(ton t bat so ' ma.ny are so Jlloob 0ornel1spen' "l'e~ dare lIlmr. 1II, .dll.nll~ge frQIU , tbat ~ource most pro.l ll\l~ent Ulen in W nyn", ~ n\)lIr together . There wns almost a with hl ~~er - ..rAbk lin.. JUIIlOII
I .
.: I
TIl j\ NIT
$ $ $
$ $
$ $
! $
bp. 11 reported:
At 1100n Rnd .. flgllip in t,h e eVtlo. tng Mooduy. ~hero ~81l h~vy duwn. Ilo urlng .of, rl\llIl ' with t,lIe at.qio·S. ' e"r': ,· nft vllry "ultry. hnlnicl COn· I,ll V " " , • dl ·lon.· • . than . ~oo ' Feast . "'Me '
township, bnEl for r"pellt: foor weo ks be~n fl\iHug rapidl y in lI~rellgth, ;:0
Condition' of th.e
College Hill.
SIlck famine ·nt the el evato~ ~Dd aod 'f Amily of Deaf Cb.te.11OOtr&
enough b elp could n O.n be procured D\;lCh !jo, in fllot, ' t,hlLt lIle con(1i ti 0 to citr o for ·the graln!Ls s peedily ·· itS ·h~!lrelLohed II p ulnt \Vhell his tilJlU Weather fQr the Week.. Mrs . •Tllntes ,Zell uttondod t p,e tu- It. cume in . The four machines were 00 onrtil ' ollD be . count(ld·but by. u n I of Ed \V It t N B owned by Messrs Oo psy " Tucker . • '. •• 0 AZIIlTTIt . ' ; . ' d : a1 on , 1\ k, e w lIr· KI' rb Y .l~n· "" Wnll e reSI)eotl. vo!.V . ver.v few dl~Y. s. ,E' PITOI1 ,0I'l• .••uIAMI I· ern . , G r over Meredith, wbO' h1l8 , bOttn For pubHcation In .y llur . pn.pAr 1 tngtnn ono lly as t, wec . W F "1 k te I . I d l' Mr. IHld MrR . • lnmeR Zell olllle~l on Mr. IIUU . B . var en ow,;loyed Uti 1ll0,tOl·nllln 0.11 I~ street , flll'n.i~h lereW_I. t 1 reoor 0 meteor ,Mrs.1 M C kr · In",," all 8un< uy .r . · arry OQ , ·at Sears Reu· Ilion. oll·r lIne ill Dnyton for ubou·t 11 yea r , ola\gloa~ ~hservntlona ~\l k en. bY t hfJ 1'I00ne campers from Spring Valley tained \vife !lnd Ollildren Robert lind Helen _ _.......__. _'_-:' h Rs rtllligned lind bU 8 ooceptod flo po, nndersign (l !\I' 11 cooper /d.lva (:) 1) d own lI.l ong Ih.e river Inst Tbu.rijdtt.y of near Spring Vlllle.v, ~180 Mr and S/ltuTrlr'y, tho lflt.h Inst', WII8 a slt.lon os tlra vel.i ng ~'.lll"lliun for . '11 [Oerver .o.f . the Wonthor Jlu reun I)f 1\ ftam0.on . Mrs. Wm . Uarlilony. · ·'uU"'htto\liOtle who w~re privileged Inrgl,"t·obllcco ~ompll D y the U . S._ Depn rtm ot of Agrlcnl- · Mrs . Cll rl ISmit~ oll11ed on Mr~. . U " t d the week oncllng All ll T Z Mr. Cliff Lewis und· wlfa enter· · t() meet with th\lwliolti.l!onled 'e.llrl' Adelbert, MoKuy, onu of tha ed t . 2~r~\l0~rl~:~ft"yn svil1e Oh lp. ' . ameR ~f\1I lllst Tbnr da y . mi ned on last UUdILY; Ralph Lewis f'~;\llly I~t th~ir an)lulIl ro~nioo ~~Jlr' t,ors of tho MIAI~I Oupzettc . I IIi;I\ ~~r1~' " 'vory reEl}J.eot,rIlUy , I\h:. Nltth'lln .Jopes, of Waynes. wife . (\ond chilu, Elry Lewis, Olar", • nturVllle. Ing t.I~iS we k lIi eor i II', . 1D01~,. CUM. E . M. lIm/i&n . \I ill o. Ilnd Mr. Frank 'Zeil, of Bell · :LAwifl, Pl;luy BUlley anli Mr. and , 'l'horl\;· ' W~ .a goodly ottendonou, wh"I'e he is one· of til" .rAprel!entlt brOOk. took dlnnor with Mr'. .a.n d M~$. ~u lt.(lr Clurk ami son Earl.: the Stltt.o of OhiU ,to '· the,. ~ t; a;.tj ~.t; ~ On te o M!I! .J/llJlCS Zellltlst ThuIs'l~'Y. " ~ . · an'~l m~re tlian tw~ bund~·e~ IlOrsons ti ve.~ ! lI~t dQw'n ;'to ·the · ta ulOlO. 00 ' wl!lllb 80nM of Veterons Nllt"onn.1 Encamp . _ .•. __ ....-:..- : ;. Mr. nnd Mtll. nrl mlth spent Mr . and ~1~8 . <.. ..&. I;.;l1mb were the ' . ;. - d t ·· . : host" of Mr. ,Toseph Cham· " thore-"ll!Cnotlloougil!oomtollprpo Olen , '. ~ ~~~w ~ ~ Blgh/1~t,. -, Sotllrday nigh t lind Blinc1ay with Su.nd"y . ~ d ' .f" . · th" f~i;l!lt whloll' \\,08 provided. ·· . -. ~lrs f Llu il1~ Elmore, of. t":inoinnlltll, ..:. i 'thelr p llront;p, Mr. imd ' Mrs. Wm. pion nn WI e. :·,61'1\ :oftioer~ ~ho were .eleot,ed for who Oillon to Waynnsville to enjoy ., . :! HIIY, west of yYlLynesvllle. . 'fhe fact that tbe new Beats were t.n~ . JlAXt. yellf. werA:' A.a.rnD B nfR. 'be Bothe Cn rui..~g: ,w'd_M t,uke n 'v io \ C'i ~ Q) ca 0 ~ C'a T:IO\\~eKt... =T b ttl t b til installed in the M. E. ohuroh Wis . . I " oc .... <n '" <11'' ., Q . aaco . cu n g seems ,0 .e .e tbe c/lu~e of quite •1\ large turnout ~ I)rll!' . i t N :, J!"Hl.lI!d; ' vice pres, ; Jen.My ill ~t Lhe bOUlAflf I~I· pu ral.lts , EI" d M A J " \1 Tb \ 0. · f 1-'-;· ord f) r of the y •, alllo baulln g sweot . '8undaya . ( ternoon an • d we II It m t g ht VIlTr io Ell Intt., seor t41ry; WiJ1 IIlr lin " r.,. ,. .1U t , nl\lil!)n, "",lin II I. I II . TItA p.xt:cutive II\~t Fridny . Imd WW1!1 ~be I:'!. oOIl~id . Cl ~ i:? innIH~!c 1I1H1 corn to the CAnning fuctory.. . be for tbey I\'ro weli worth going a li/;u, .. t.r.elll:luI'Ilr. lllludredlh!'. · _ . ' long way to see. Mnde of oak they · qollltlli\ot.oo w\)I (JOtlldll~ of . WUI Ell! ~m\bly' in'lplo.v ed, sha· iii li\ti ll . very \>tt , . MrH : .,1t'lIInlfl Elliott: ,Mr , And ill . . . ~... . ~ :... Q Rains Cause present a: maf!slve, 8uQatantiai and .Mtll. ,.,.'111111'11 M~lhln , .M1'l' . Lucy . . In ol1rJ:epott of tbeexeJ'Cllles .0 f : ; 1 Q 'OQQ.:;1Q ' . ~S Rus~. Ineve rywo,y upleaelngappearaDce. . sql1lrfl8 :~~nll Mr.". 81t1~IA. Wi1~on . . 'the Alumni .. AB~oclatl(lti TI'I ursc1f1;y, gg;-g g 9~ \ . ~;. Mrs. KI1·t e Jobns spent ' Sanda\, Notice. A~l&ut4t n. t he ~zette Ul.(' nhoned g ~ ~ .~~.g ~ ~; 'The cont·lnMus . nn(l . h envy .r-nins with h e r son C. E . Johns and wife. ·thut Pr·ot. ·G. J. 6rabllm. •, now of 1=00 ' t.cj:;l. ..... ' for the {)list tYi'o woeks I1re causing . ooslpe8s 81ll0njt to ba 000 Mr.-and Mrs. mush ul1' . Joe Thowas and eon The Rr;,trhrAn of Wllynellville XeDIII~ Wll8 lIuperlntei:l<lent of tbe growerll, lest t he orop wif! be dani- Earl wE!re the Sanday gU08ts of "Lrwllfe NI) · 16:l . ) & A M nre WlLynesvlUe sohools f or flye years Worth Knowing . "ged by rust. James Johns and -wife. horl)h, rpqno~f t\(l to \10 Jlr"!OI'nt. at, " when the fl~ure8 ,.hould have 'been If you have lIJly' kind of 1ICa.lp . . t'tllllllJ'r nI'" tttll( IIf "/lift JJ II1g", to be six. Mr. Grllliam alld family wera trouble, IIklu Il ll·a,or, .oor.omlL, nIcer. 80me IltOwElrs have · a1ready beMr. Wallace Tlbbals shipped from ... ' w(lnnd. pllefl, out or old running , . · I~A ld "t,· itp It)ll~(l r:otlm 'ruel'dny retjl,d enttl ,uf t h III vll1,,~e, UQ"ever'l~fe rllmember that we jluarnntee IDD to out thehr .tobacco, nnd yet It tbl~ placelajlt week a oar load of ' evf.\nlng. Angallt. · 28, .1906. fllr bUill·. ..eyen jMt'!!, remulning one yetlr af, Der~akola olntmen~ .to r elieve you Is feared ,. tJ1llt this also Will rot in fine Bartlott pears and Is stlH' ship· . ileea of Importance. . . tel' olo81llg h18 oonDootion with the Oil we will 1J6Y YOllr 26 cents baoll: the abedl. 'ping: . IIOhOOll. .r E JaDDer ..- . . 1. B. Ell \'8,
Ohio, r.eC!'ntly. Philip Barfaoe madt' a ft1iD1r1,trlp .to Dayton Monday. . ~' . Chas, Gmy and ctan"hter ,.nftal -.. ,....spent Friday with the formenbroUl. or Mr. Ed G.ray of near OJararine: . Miss TreM Corne~l aDet I i i . ' Graoe spent Friday af~ODD ~Ub Mra. Chu. Gray e.nd daupkr· 11_ Mary . .. _>-· . ~rs. George Daugheriy bad the pleallure of having her 111&81' aDd ohlldren with 'her seve.r al daYI re· oently. Mrs. Ed Bousman and 'bree yOIID.~ . ost ohlldren ~f near AnderlOn IDd . . . enjoyed tho Home·Comllil week with her .parents Wm. Cue)' an4 wife 81'JO other re1&tiv8IIand friluda.
Chandler Neighborhood .. • OharlelJ Edward Hay, tbe UtUe son ~f Mr. and Mr:'. Wm. Bay, bat been tlI"but 1& !Oome bet~ . Miss Cora Bay II a~ndlDIUlIl week with ber paranb. Several farmers In 'hll nei.hbol'. hood re ~hreshlnl .hll w-... · a. _a, .... W• DL.'W Mr. and Mn. m........ . little &<in Orville,. of Wa~YUIe, sPent Sanday with their Mr. .nd M-. JOilah .III"-~, ...... __.. _ -... W~ , Bay, wife u4 little _ . . . old88~ danghter lIaryoaUed._ . . . . Han . dav momia, . ..
J /
The Fight Against Oouliumpt!oIl. By J. A. TIFF ANY Great oomfo rt Is 10 be derived ~rolll the c n~ li 8 6gur s rulaUv to UIO mortality ruies ~or U, O Inst ftW years. It "I beg YOllr' pllrd n, elr; but 1 am "Wben nre we to be warrled, app a rs (rOlD these s tatisti cs U.nt tu· In wbat ybu call a dllllculty, It Is In ry1" berculosls Is caus ing 11 ' ~rkedlY Ule wLlnner of being rldlculQulS- 1 "Why. my dear child, of cou rse j Oll 6maller percentag of deaths at present. Ihall th ink 80 aft e rwards; ' but at must Imow that tbat Is Impossible," than tor merly, Indicating a CQrtIliu do- "resont tl sholl muarrass me. · 1 " Impossible, my H enry? How clin cree at sue ess In the Oght agalust ilIe clime here alon(" 10 enjoy the cool It be Impos81~le? Are we . not lov. ,'ent while plau gll s" whl cb ' llI being breeze ot t be lalle; and I h_ lost e rs ?" "Why. Y06, Morle--'I"e ha\'e lJ een. WR ged in all parts at thla COllotry. my little puno, Not' much was there T M slnll stics unfortunately over ooly In It, true; but l ' cannot ' wulk Ibe But you know ever yth lD g comes to t en ot the stat es nnd 334 clUes. owing .even miles to thO city McJ;. You an e nd somo time, We have been to tbe luck ot organ ized sys tems or look lIJ{e a gen tleman . sir. .T hat Is very hapllY, But the tline bas come why I tmst you to tell you 'my trou, when we shall buve to go our own re cording and reporting In al,l part.a ~Ie . " separate ways, You, aro mnkln g n of the Uolted States. These states aro And she looked like a lad y, In h e r lot of mon ey. In a , lillie while you Conn ecticut, Ind illna, ·\\talne, M!Ultla- neat whit!! linen suit, with tan shoes, will go bacl<' to your own country chusctts . Mich igan, New Hampsblre, tailor hat and dai nty lace parasol. nnd marry tbe . s wee Ule art o[ your N ew J ersey, Rhode Island. oud Ver · Sbe was pretty, too-\'ery prelly, and chlldb ood." 1D0nt, and these, together with tbe reasonably youn g; sbe could not be "W hat Is It tho t majees marriage cities In olh~ r stal!!a which corefully more tha'n 23, She spoke with a de- Impossible 10 this Country, my Hen, pres~rv .death re~ ords ron stltllto a cfded forelen occent ; but ber voIce hy? There can b~ OJ/ly ,one thlngthat 0 mo'n Is Dlarrle d already?" l/opul nUo o of 3,4.000.000, or two-lItth. ,was soft and sweetly vibratory, ' "I give th e gentleman my card, BO .. \' es-llometbing o,r t'bat kin d. my of th nt of the nltod States, ~ccorc1tng tQ tile returns froni the's e 'sourcell 'oe will know me, who I am; lind I, ' tl ear. But ' I must be going. Oood· the Int~ st calculable rate ot moml, ..,'111 s'end him the ca r fare througb tile ..I,y," )Ost Office, If he will ' gIve m e his adHe stoopcd and ki ss it her-for tbe ity trom consumption , was 17 2, 0 pel 4resa," IlIljt lime. 8S be (old blms elf. ") wasn't tblnklng ot that," be said. "You will feel dllf'e rently obollt it 100,000 of DOpulllUon. In 1890',tbe ratG 'Wils 246 ,4, This dlm lnut1lln. says the ,.,.Itll a sm ile. "I wll.! gladly let you by and bre, Marie," he Bald, ' a s be Washin gton Star, Is IIlrel)' to progrllss take any change you need, ' But [ , went out. At the sam hou'r I~n the following more rapidly In the f utu pe, for most was' thlnklng- tbe re Is an awful of the work of PUblic educu;llon In crowd her e-may I not have the Itfte rnoon b WIlS ItUng In his offiee, comboting the , dI sea se has been done pleasure o~ taking you to the car ILnd working hard on a , brief, H e hIId never felt 60 ', Olllo'h lik e work s ince (luring tlle lost Oecaele, and -Is largely see ing ybll eafely to your hom,e !" fun dn mentnl. The good r e!! ult of thl), • You ure a most kind gentleman , me ling Morle that tlrs t n(ght. She local proll8ganda In behalf lit clean t 8hall lbllnk you for lhe courlesy, hn(l unsetUed him. ' lI,:lng, good, fresb ol'r, ,thorongh s~l- IIlr," 'l'he doo r apelle I and a woman en· tatlon, an~ ; to a certain oJ-tent, segre. He pTe h!lr hi s arm, and togethel, lered, She olos II lhe door, crosse d they threalled their way throll g!) w e room lin d lal lIer hnnd on his Ptlo~ or co nsumptives. Is 'jus t begin· tbe throng o f pleasure.seekers, a nd Hhollide r before be became a ivare or . lIlng to be telt. Tho wnr [are !Igaln~t ",ere Boon s onled In a car i->ound city, he r' pr se nc e, A Pretty Mldlumme, Model. "Wbat! You, Marie ! " he exoll!.lmec1. cons umpti on Is proceed lllg nlong two irards. They chntted pleasantly a. they "How did ~'Oll find m.e? " ~a t year wbLte shoes wl lh whlto edge of the brim; the hlSh c rown wos b'rond lInes. prevention and oure, The former Is ,belne waged by both pb~'si. went along,' 1I1100nOOiolls of all Braund "Ob, It was not dltrlcult to find out dress wero de rlgoul'; thi s year pale 1111 WlS6 mbl'oldered, ond ther we I' oJans and laymen, -nnd Is an ed uca- them ; th ey might bave been trav eling your real n ame, Mr, Tremaine, Thei'!! gray shoes are co ns idered mbro Ille· In sets of daro ed ne t with' lieed luwo rle tiona I 'worl!" The lat ter Is - s(rlot'ly In a J;lrlvate Pullmllll, so absorbed nre n ot ml\ny me n so 11111 aDd hnnd- gant: And ot IL trulh there Is notblng abOut th edge. The simp ot lbe hat ri,c lenllnc a nd the r esults are I ~ss ' dis· were they 10 one nnothe r. He gath, so me a~ )'Oll In tbfs c ity-that Is, ge n- dalo llel' thall a gown ot thIn w"lte with was ave ,')' ,111gh sailor wll h g 11 rous ; Unct, b cause tlrey are obsllrvable 'e red tllat 'lhe lad y WIlS a m inIature tlemen, Hn ve )'Uu changed your grill' sil k s tockings just' peepI ng from b rim. A boui t he orown \\' r fold s benoa th ond the neatest of sho os to ot pink libe rty wash-rlb \lo n " nnd on • chleny by th\! mcmbom of the ' palnte'r , ' S'be bad corne nlono from mind, H nry. slnc6 )fe's terday?" . Bouthern Ellrope to mMe her WBy In .. Wby, no" It Is no,( a question of maloh, th long gloves ,the same delt· tbe bandullu ot the back Immens professIon, The real problem of ~ the world;' He dId not loave her until eha.ngi ng my mind, I told vo u the cate shnd ,nud th e hal drat' d wllh bows a nd long ends ot the rlhboo, At ' doy lies In t~nchlng tbo" people two 'ahe Wlll\ standing sately ob her own ' olle of t he new fashIonabl e ve ry long' one sid nca r the front t wo gi ant roses thJng ' was Impoesl\Jle." . prJme fncls-~hat consumlltl.lll Ie com- doorste!). fell a'!;alnBt the orown, one Of pi nky I bl I th t 1'_ I II "You have a wife, Mr, Tremaine!" veil s of ligh t g rny chltron tulle. ! lOun ca e a nI ,a '" commun, c;a on "But I' do not know your name and "[ ha ve," And whot cou ld excel Ulls a8 a wh ite. t.ho oUler 11. t.rlfle more Illnl" 'mn be prevented by the olljlervaDce ot Ilddress, s ir-so 118 to send yon the bar blc)'cle cos\llme on n warm day-a 'fhe hat wos reall y exquIsite. certain s imple rules' of hygiene · and tare:" slle saId, as ' be raIsed his bal "But we can fly frolll he'r . We cu n sbor~ petticoat of li ght gmy lin en ; a Spots ar sty lish. nnd th ere are very cleanliness. ' nnd bade 'het ';good-nlghL" go to my home. It 19 a beau ti ful orls p white line n P e ter Pan wolst with pretty spo't le d muslins se n, both tor "No," he ' said; ' "that Is not at all cPlllltry: YOII wm b,a we lcomed by comfortnble turn.down colla r and 80 ft. morning frocks and' dressIer 'wear. Dyed lfOod Ilnd Olothlng Is your ,studlo h ere 1' ' nice people. wos to no America, pauper Imml, I necessary, grant wben I Icame We Bil le tie, .."')'n", canyos shoes aud I', sle, One, of the laUer we Illustrate, a blue· ' . Whll e the Ilse 0 t cO:.l I tnr cbl\,ll) cal! "Yes." I hose, a'nlll' h ot ? dotted white mu slin , The linIng 'Is tn. our rOQ.d Is beIng gradually sup- , ''1 , wns wonderlnt: whethe,r you ~~~ .. be very haPllY thert. Will you The long ve ils In d elicate shades s ilk the color of the dot, the hnt Is pressed, tlley BTe playillg 0. more con- ,wo!J1dn·t like to pulnt my mlnlo~ure He wavered, but only r th f ae- have been the thing ever since th eir trimmed with palest blnsh ro~es anr,! l ,pICUOl1!! role In the mannfact\J re of 'ror' me. But, lIerhapli, your prices are lion of' a second . ~r e r Introduction at the Ol'Rnd Prix some oSl.rloll feathers In shaded blne s. 'rhe 0llr opparol. ' H was toward th'e end too extravagant." " time a !!lo, And the long scarves add yoke Is trans parent, the ' sleeves el· of tbe last decade that tho ~rmalls "I pa int a mlnlatqre for ,16, 'sir-a "No," he said, firmly, "You do not 0 pleasing touch to' the Bumme r cos. bow length, fini shed with row after t1 • So ' I dl I unde rstand, Ma ri e. !fly tflfe Is an tum e. the fancy ' now to have the Beart row or'lace frills , On 8klrt end bod· , began to mnke the ar,Uncial Indl~ ll.eD, eman s, me It es g VB me Invalid , She Is dependElnt unon me 1I\0re" " caugbt at the back with an Immell'/le Ice a re bands of IDsertlon edged with whLch haa nlmost drIven the natural "A~d why not II gC:lt'anum'" tor everything. 1 can not dellert be·r. bockie, pl'efe l'llbly 'the slime 'shade It. the nar i'owest of bille s ilk frills, Rows e product from the market. ._A more ,r "Because 1 cannot tn~e It t'~J:l tlll)!ll I am not that particul llT kInd' of a th e ~cort Wllh a whiLe dress a scarf of shirrIng confine the (ullness at the cent dlSCllv~ry Is that of•. red Indlg,o, you 'Bee." , , ,' ,.:c.:Q~d., " . , " . of salmon p hik Is vel')' etreoUve, alld wai st o.nd outlIne the waist prettily. -mad~, by Prdf. Frledlander :,ln VI~ nna. "Ah, yes-I beg your pard<>n, You, Ph, no,-lI1r, Trewsllne Is n.ot n , one of pale gray has m,Hcb e legance. ,women s ee m to allpreclate the re,'. ChemIcally thIs 'Dew su.bstl)nce Is 0.1- ahnn d~ my miniature, If you ' will. coward. He )s a gentleman, Of A charming costume was recently no- treshlng aspect of green and white at lOost Identical with blue Indigo; ,be When sholl ' l give you my Orst s lt- course. he ' oolllcl d'esert Morle Jok.lIl . tlced In the park of on afternoon; the .thls time of yeur, and we would ca ll arm th at manuf!lclures It has , gl,ven ling?'" But she Is only a fore igner. That Ie gown pale gl'll~' volle trimmed with to your attenUon two costum es whe re . It the nalBe of t'beohi~,lgorol (tbelon He had one tbe r;text day ; Bnd be dltrerent. You have what YOU , ean Chantilly net and lItUe lace f rill s, and thi s charming combination was em · being th e Greok .name for sulphur one must have been a dlfficnlt subjc!!t, for In sllra ncl1? It yOIl sbould die, In'te~d worn with It a scart of Ileachy plnle, ployed , One young gll'l Ollt on n RUI11 · of the In~red lentS) . 'The most ' I~ter- hef()re the mlnlature was ,lIqlsbed the ot , runnhlg awoy, mad,nme WOUld .. not The hot was blaok tlllle wi t h mass es mer holm~y \VIIS ,nrrnyed In whi te , f sittings had been nume:-OU8 anr.! pro- be left-what fOU Cltt. ~ estl tute? of 1,lnk roses that ha.rmonlz'ed beau. hnvdker chl ef·llnen, about her em· estlng fact rehltlng to I Is that It has tractcd, When she honded the picture "0 t. , no! I have provided for that." Urully wltb the sco.rf of deep pInk. l>rold ered line n hat' was twined a been found to be Identical wltb , tha 10 him. be hela It In his 'hand for a " Ah! tb at Is good, And you are ,The pretttest lingerie hat ot ,tbe '~reoi.h of pale green leaves, she wore lch Ty~lsn purple ot the ancients. Wb • mInute, gave he r the $15, and saId: Ul>t a coward, Mr. Tr,e malne, WeH, year we saw yesterday. very lwllke the a &trlnll' of pale green heads~ be r holt according to ,Pliny, the PhoenlQlans, "Now, rea ily. [ don't know what 1 YOU shall drlok the c()olents of tbls kind tbal has become co'm mon- was 'of light greea. The' othe r frock made' out of a sea 811el1. This was 89 am gO ing to do with tbls. W uld you vl,al ~ and [ will take th e little bottl(J which . however, Is so aUractivEl It Is was ot lIale green I\nen wi lli white expensive tliat It cost ,$300 tn modern care Lo keep it- MarIe?" nWIIY , wltli me when· 1 go, Nol,ody no , wooder' the popularity, The one belt and a shlrt·wals t of white Chilla mon ey ~olor ono kilogram ot wool. It was the IIrst lime be hall called will e ver ,know :what bas hllppene d. we speak of was mnde. as ore most qf silk, the hat a light g l'een J_ellhol'D rI', tho garmeolis once monopo- hor, by her ChristIAn na Ole. The dllrk It will s nve ony sca'D<lal. The doctors th em. of whi te IInon, It was embrold· havIng for sole trimming a ,sca rt of ~Ized by Romon emperors aro worn' by olive, cheeks, became 'cr imson lor a sec- \\' ill n,o t be able to say YOU were pol- ered In big ro ses rUnnIng clo~e to the white s ilk knotted ,w!ti1 careless graco, \Austrian ca valrymen, a.nd the German ond; oll'd then, In her Impulsive. Bo uth- soned. Tbey will call It beart fall, erroy Is prepa ring' to ' make use ot ,rn wAy .. she tripped ove~ to hIm, took tire, It Is a good na me, Madame th I III t I dd ! d the Ollnluture fr om h I!! out~ lr tohed wil l get the Insu rance ; and a ll wUl e on goro n or r ~o cepen tho b(lnd nn d ki ssed It, I.c· well. P e rhaps, to,n lgbt, I may Clolor of c r lol n unl{o rms. "omen, "Bill It Is s uch a gool!, beautiful (Irlllk out of su ch a vla'l, too. Or. Vory 'orten when a womon tri es for also, sre nl ready be,nefill ng by the n · face. " she ~nld, with anoth e r blush; per-hBPs, litter . a time, I may go bnck the vlctlll'esC)ue In dresl she comes to dl scovllry ot "Tyrlao T \lI1 rplo," , The "and yoU Dro so leilld to rue," to my own country. an.1 marry tbA g rief. looks like a fright rather thl,l.n red Indigo Is mado Sri'l various shades. He bod called ogaln th e next dar, sweetrellrt of my ohll!lhoo(l. I don't a thin g of beallty c.nd charm , But ",. from deep poml!grarlnte to th e most thou gb his business' wi th he r was Imow, But Mr, Trema ine will drink some how or othOl' th e woman of 10delicate colors to ga rm e~ts of diverse IInlshed; and befo re he ' took h is Icave this. He Is not a cowa rd, He Iliouid Ila y attains hoth pl cturosqueness and , be had r oturnea ' to her In pe rsoo the ri9t comllel a woruan to use vioience' l ~~Yl el' Sltl ~1 haSt nth lOd ltlle'll tprl~lc:s9t ~~d 'l Oaterlal, In c llHll~g l)v~n calico. :7=;:~7""='=~"==( klas that slle bad ' Imprln ttld on h'la and get Into the prI son and the new!§. ",mil re s ~ es 0 e r g I po n " s ,l es " , Prt'of Against Burgla1'l. miniature, After t!lat. they , hael gone pllpe rs, No. Mr, T re maine .. you will are .'cmlnlscent of dll.)'s gone by and Nlnety, tllrec-· million years Is th e to th~ lake " ~esorts many tlm ea to- elrlnk ort tlJl! liquid \IIle a gentle. yet keop to a mo,lIs hneB~ that maltes itlme gh'en to .IInloc k a safe which Is gether In , the evenings, and some, man." . lbe weQI'er f~el sh e Is not "queer," faste ned with the wond ertul new 'IodIe times, on moootight nIg hts. he had Sbe held It out to hIm wIth her lett 1'lle IIttiedeslgo here plclured h n.,s the tnvent<!d In ,J amai ca, The comblna- hired o.lalmeh and tulien her tor a ha nd, In he r right · WIl S Il revolver, high wai st lin e, the short pulTed slee ves, cruI se on the lake. Tnlmalne look ert i"to her eves for a ond a Qlla lnt, new-old hat that adds the tlon ,cons ists of four Hets ot 24 let, tI I hi t I Th n d II 'ters of tbe alphabet which c'a n be set 'rhe harmles s tIIrtatlon had drltted mom ent, scorc hIng th e;m {or ,a sign n s II g OUOJ, e owere mus ns, Into something far more serious t anr! ot the old longing, tr,usting lOOk, But shot s ilks: the , shoulden capes and to a senteoce In most mod ern Inn- he was geWng tired ot It-either he read not bing h\lt 1\ IItern, uny)eld- !le lerln es, he lp ou t the pic turesque£Uagea, ' \!hen .olle letter Is used In tired of ijle woman or ' a.hamed ot Ing resolve, He toole the "inl from ness very con Kldera bl y In t he pl c~4Ie one alphabet nnd lllIot~er In ' a 6econd himself, ber hand nnd raised It t " hIs lips, slyles 01 lhe d ll)'-.,a conglomerato ot tlet and SO on, It becom~ a most com· He had never told her bls real • A mom ellt loter, with the little I many nerlods and mauy lnnds, An'JIlicated matter. The" tl1ere Is tho oame nor hl8 address, Alwoys ,.. tram bottl e, e mpty, hId In Ite r bosom, Ma- I othe r ~ovlvelJ old fa shloll Is an uld, the ' ''n!tlal problem at wbl ch language It the IIrst, ho bad Intend ed to break rle Jolcalll glided from Pie room wearing ot ,black .velvet throat nnd 'wrIst rJbbons fastened with qUlllnt bit . has been Ileyed In, to be sQIved by n,way (rom the dnngerous , tasclna· noiselessly a~ sho had 'entered. 't be man tllat 'attempts to allen t h- tion of his foreign enchantress, But (Coft I It 1"'" b D II ~t P b C · ) of old j ewelry or he irloom 1!ucltle. ~yr g 1. "'"'. Y n Y " Qry u , 0 , One Illgh.bred dame ot our acquaint. .' .... f F hIt d r I the fas clnatloll had been too strong ... e. ' urt ermore, ns eo 0 etterM (or him, " ance, a stotely woman whose whJte :-#' .~ .. the Invoutor,. one Neuman Tobias, has '1'00 Much to Ask. d f mat I t u He had reall)' mennl no dl810yalty A travele r l lh hI hi db-pompa our, ra . es, mos ar S oora c emp Ioyed t our .s. ts 0 f numerals. As- to his abeent wIfe when he ftrst ben e g an I 0 face. looks especially well In' her eumltlg t1!,at ; tJ:le, lock hos been set gan to cultivate this chance acquaint. served, whlhi at a tovern In a small ,black velvet ribbo ns and diamond to a IIgure ~ the number of 3.030.303,- ance or the beach, But his wlte was village, a very bellutlful collie. At buckl es, very like a colonIal dame Rem1nlscent Old fa.hlon .. ', take ' anyone who eepBrated .from hIm by half .. conti. his request ,lhe owner wa s polnlod out 0f lIeu"1 gree an d wea ' Ith . Th 9 veIvet 0' ""t would 030,803,03, undertOOK 'HI b ll'loCk the safe 96,090,. nent. He' had been loyal to her to hIm, aod, be ns ked the ,man wbat he band S8 a rill e matches the gown In ment crosse,d on ,the bosom allowing 1278 years, '269 d'aY8; SO mlliotes 'anil through three years , of !Absence. would tltk e for the' dog, color, bluc)e by no means tte ol\ly a filmy cbelllisette to shi>w. nnd tbe "Y~' IJ be laking him to Awerlcaf' CI10IceO, ""e" . d"'e,v QOII bl lie. Is very . pre t , longe r end of the IIcl).u tu cked Into a 10 seconds working at tbe rnte of GO I caused ,by a lung diffi cu lty that cem.., the Scot osked, calUlously, t,y' In " e I t " a b I' Ight.."aT k bl lie wide bel~ of ull,round shape, mbers a mInute to arrIve at t' h e pelled her to JIve In Colorado, while ve . an" nu " CerUllnly, ' it you sell 111m to me," I)econllng a'''''lnst 'There Is a ,'orl ety of shoulder capes, proper ·comblnatlon. ,During tbls time lie was tied down to lhe , enst b~ his .,- . the •-ltln os ~' ,. ell 08 a wO' Id have no time for t d l1u 61ne89 connections and tbe nec;ess,l"I no, ~o ul' part wI' Rob." the dog's good hacleground for jeweleu C!BBP. SOOle tbat from tbe rroot present th e II :J 00 or ty ot providing adequately ror hla own er tben said. ellll,hatioally, "I 'm In, the fall fashions we shull find njlpearance of a bolero and the bacle Ieep. Innlll(1 wlte, muckie fondll ke 0' him," lind IIbel'o.J of- the plcturee que eillmeht even mGre drawn down' Into foJd s at wal ~t Some people are malt ing a great He told himself now, tbat It wall fe rs were no Inducement, pronounced than at the' present mo- line. They may be !bade of fine clO lh, ta-do over the vandollsm of a P _ hard for a man of 36, I~ tho full flush To , thi s as loul shm ent the traveler ment. ThC'l Purl8l an~ have tor SOme there are a tew of br:ocaded slllr, these eno j t health and tile pr Ime of mUllly later ' sold the dog to a drover tor halt time IlIlst I'lolied Idndly on the gtLlmpe last much III(e thosl! worn by , our .yhonla tar'!lct wbo blew up wl,tb vi gor, to 1m doo med to perpetuul what be bad offered" a,n d atter tbe l>rlncess, hud now we or "the S :ates" grandmothers. .: , dynamite an ancient stone Rltar ereot- I I\' ldOW erhl)Od. Bitt, a'rtel' months o[ dro\'e r had di sappeared, r eq lle!;ted an are 10 [ollow atter.. The g ultn pe p rln- . A model , \Vh'lch " one would thInk ed by the Indians betore thl) white :Ialllnnce, h is moi'a l c Ollsclousnes!I expl~nlltlon, "You said thnl you ceBB mny be made ve ry prettY, 'In. must be a dl stioctly J906' proll,llct, po!!. man qame to tbls section ot the coun- lIad ,l1wokenetl [roil) Its IOn!; IIlumber, could not sell hIm," h", r emar!led, de~ , and promIses tG drl\'e aWa y cn. s~BBes, b ecaus e of Its extrem slmpllc. try. Bu t, e~lalms the New" York lOd he 11:111 resolved to end hlB rela' A tw ' ol(le callie Into the hlglJ ianderl, ~Irely the unpretty cOI'Sclet IIklrt, Ity, plctUI'f." Clu e Qualities. We refe r Qbservcr, these same lleople view with tlons with Marie Jolialll at all costs. eyes,' .Tosel,lllnll' dres s'e s. more Ot' lOBS l:todl- to tile Pete r ,pan wolat; so easy to Pllt comparative equanImity tbe nndal!! Omel~lng of bls thoughts, per· "No;: 1 Uldna say I'd n,f) sen h~- fled. will rule. go wns and '111'8P8 on, so. ea.~l' to wear, so e!l8Y to Inunder. ism at Nlogarra fll;l)s and &long tbe ,baps, she , rend In hIs gloolOY COUll· I s old J couldna lIar t wI' him," be SIl14. modeled ofter fu llhlons oMalnlll,J In 110 easy to mak~. Its popnlarlty bids psllsades of tbe HudsoD. .Cllanee \\ ben he met hor-for th~ "Rob'l! be bame In two or three daYI tbe lon g ngo, . ,fair to continue Into the fOil, the deal. , last time, I\S be told himself; for abe fl'a UO:J, but. J coulo:!ua Il ~l; him ' to ' 'fhe wal t line 18 pm:bed hJgh up, ers .arc sllowlng !lOme good models In ltartled him wIth the question, vut s\\·!1r. atl'Cl::s Ib'::, .>coan, r-.i 8, tilm 11'0.1' !!ot IInder lho nnns, bllt, liP we ll t~m flannel and other autumn materials. The, "limltatlon or rOrtunea" wu~h' In her gentil! yet wODderfull, cUr" e too much to 'n1t11"-HafljU"1 the hips, For those that do not like WIth the Ileeve lengthened, this W!lJst 1101 t.rcnbll) mOit 01 us, way: WeekI)'. to go to extrel\lPS, there Is a temperate mil}' be worn all winter lOng, model ot this sort-a IIchu Ilrran,. ELLEN OSl\IONDIil.
"; 1 n. Sufferlngs 'of 1\ Oit;lzen of Olympia, Walh.
Like a
DROWN it ,'II ~H', Pu bllsllers.
L. B. Gorham, of 61G Eost 4th St.. OlympIa, Wash., says: ""S1lyenra 110 1 got wet and took cold, and was SOOll Dat In bed, Butrertn. tortliroB Vo' I t il m, bMI(. Ever-Y' 100'''' ment caused an ailo· nl zlng pain , aod the pers istenCY of it ex· hilus te d m e, ' 80 that l for 11 time I ",a. dazed Ind stupid. On 'thl advIce of • frI end 1 began u.. Ing Doan'l Kldne, Pills, an d 800n noticed _a change lor the better. Th., kidney secretions had been dlsorderecJ, and Irregular, and contilined a hea~ i ledlment. bnt.ln 0. week's tIme the urine wall clear and natural again Int the passages regular, Gradually the a chlnr and soreness le ft my back aucJ then tbe lame~esn. r used six boxel to make Bure ot a cnre, o.nd the trouble has n'e ver r eturneu ," Sold by all d eolers , 60 centll a bOL Foster-1I1i1burD, Co;, Buffalo, N. y, I
''Ynrrlnge Is Bomellll)es on accIdent," BOllS tho Cynlcol BRcbelor, " from wlilcll, It tal:es 0 IIfeUme to reco,'er:" , PUTNAM FADEr.ESa DYES ~o. nol I Wln tho hUlld. or spot . the kottle, ClIU P' II"COD lind l'III'plc.
Anc:est~y of Dlon Bouc lcault. The nallle of Dou.c lea ult Is FreDell In orlllln, Dlon DouclcllUlt , vms the 80n of a ,Fre nch ret ugee who tied to Irelllnd and, marr Ied on Irlll h clrt. 1:1was named Dlon afte r his father'. trle oc1, Dr, Olonl's lus Lardner, a no .... Drltlsh writer on ph yslclli science. Stili SeeK "TrellIure ',"'frcasuro Islllnd" Is s UII a myete'" .. The steam yacht Rose Morine. wWell lett England In Octobe r, ' 1903, . to .earch for th e trensure ~lIl ch tradl. tJon says pirates concealed on Coco. Islaod In the Paclflc, h as retorned to SOl\th~mnton. Oapt. Matbe ws, tile 'skip per. Is r Uceni. os to the rcsult. at the voya go. ond ollly ays that hI • bellet In the projeot' lIB8 been otrength· ened, Tbe ,work of e9llrchint: thl I.. land III very diffi cult. '
, Ind ia'. Cotton Crop. The cotton c rop of Iodin waa lare, er los t year, 1905, Cllan the genera1 average. About 20,000 ,000 acres were planted In cotton and the yield wu about 3.500.000 bll-Ies, During the )'tllI thero wero exporte d (rom Indl~ other conntrles ove r 2,1211,000 bale" 'of raw cotton nt a vai ue of over 181,,000,000. the four coun trIes . Japan, Ger'man y, Belgium and Ital y. In the order 'nained. beIng the largest purchuC\r., lh6Y \i)getber buying" ne arl y 1,500,00' hales Df Ind lBn colton. wblle .Jape alone \..)ok nearly 600 ,000 !Joles. Ne.v Element In Commerc .. RamI e, a speCies of gIgantic netUe whloh prt._c;!\lc~, dl~ectly beneatlt Ita ouy,r bark, a n~er thut can be wO"'. aione or lu conjunction ,with (lIther wool or. colton, and gIves to the cloth Into whIch It, 18 woven a beaaUful .lIky IInlsh, Is beIng proc1ucel\ III China at th e llfesent lime to an t'Jt,$!Dt that promises to make It on. hnportant element In the worlll's commerce. Unllko cotton, It Is not an auauaJ orop; once plan le d It wm prodUce ~or a dozell years, It does not rlpell ."enly, and 88 sOlin as one crop II ' pulled " the plant gl'!ls on , produclnl again ; occaRlonall)' , In tropl col COUll' trlec-aud It Is on Iy 10 a Very ,.,.arm climate thut Il can bl! grOwlI-onl plant will gtve four crops In a year. A good sta nd of llian ts will run tram ' two to three tons of fi ber er acre. PHYSICIAN. SAYS
Children Thrive' on Grapo Nllt, Ind Crnyn,A Moss. physician hos found a cure for cOllstillDtioo III children - clUn. ll!teell cas9s-by feeding them Grape. Nuts. " Some time ago," hE' writes, "I be. come Intcrest d In your food , Grape< l'Iuts. as a cure tor con sti pation ID children, Hoving tri ed It In, my OWll (amlly. 1 ,have advised It In afteeD coses 10 which all Buffe l'e d with COil' stl patlon more or less severe. The lult hns been abJiolu te re lief In all. " j write this tbat otbe r chlldreD moy be benefited," How mlJch better It Is thus to bnll. about B healtby action' In the bowell of growIng childre n by naturnl mean'; than to teed them wltb Improper tood, requIring spme kInd ot ,cathartic at Inti'l rvals to overcome cooslillation. Grape-Nuts gives energy to the eD' Ure nervou~ system Inc1udinC thl nerves that cause the nMural contraction and r elaXation ot the ' bowe. muscles; that propel tbe food lOasl , along. ' . It Is predlg~sted aleBo, anll tbe blod4 easily absorbs the food all It gOel through the blidy, ,torlng up vlt,Uty and force tor tbe funcUons of .~ th. orl,'lln8. Children especially. should get tile right start as to habits of IITln. They should grow Into bright, str~nl; , cheerful me n and women, Grape.Nut, solve the question of the lltart; a whole some appetite will do the relt. Ohlldren's teeth are benefited b, chewing Grape-Nut8, also. Your dent. 1st wl11 tell yOU that 'll certain' amount ' of ,e xercise In cbewlng firm rood,-b necessary to grow 'tron" beaul1ti.Q teeth, Teeth need exercille JUlt the lAme as musclee, If they are to cro" 8trong and firm a8 Dature tntend.,d Grape-Nutl glV\'8 tlle exercise allo IIv,ee matena!' from which 100.4 t~h are made. 'There', a re..oll." llead ' the IItU. book, "The '"Boat! &0 WeUvUJ-.""
: 'MADE wrrH
---6. Dellcloul5 Souffle, lllleo J:>uddtng, E:lne Ba.ked l!'rult, Bnnnnn B1ltter, D:lnnlla Tl'ifle.
ATTRACTIVE CROCHET BAG' chaIn nnd worlling Inlo the spilces boo Thla I. Nice Work for a Drowsy tweon tho olhor trebles i join tho laSI - Sum mer Day Unlulted to II' blo to the fir st wllh a s llll·stit ·h. Strenuous Effort. thIs will make 11 I'ory 'trong (ol.lllda· lion. rhl s us('ful and pre bag may be Second 1'0',,': 8 ellaln thread o vor, work , (I cohhe r In blac k or col· pnss til hook llIl'OlIg h tho back thr ad ored. twln tl. nnd IIn cll wIth satin of the «llh . from hOD k. thl' ad ovor. or veh'N . as pI' r l'I'ed. About ,lnss 2 trobl s. und drn\V throu gh th e two b:llls or tll'ln e will be requll'o(J, n n xt (ba('k Ihrcun ,)nly) 5 IUOl18 on hook, Ihre ad 0\'01' anu work. of! 2 at a tim until only 1 loop rOlllalus . •. n doubl e (I'obl all Lhe n xt. 2 chain. throad 01' r. l)lISS the hook throug h the conlcr or tho do ublo tr eb le, tbreod o \'c r, Ilass 2 trebl 8 . draw thro ugh the next, 5 loops 00 hook. !lnd work otT 2 a t 11 tI me as betore. r epeat f\'Ow • all roulld and joIn . wltb Sill' stitch . R Oil at · tht. lust row until the bag Is about 12 Inches Ill. de pth. tho ll a halll, pass ove r Z stitch s. •• . • double trebl s with a chain between cn'h lu tho nex • pa~s 2. a dou,bie cl·oehet · ln next. 2 chalJl.ll. lI~d I'CI/ea from ' · all round . Last row : ., 6 cllaln. back Into 51h from !Jook (picot), l ('haln, pags 1 sUtch ' ot previous I' w, a dOllblo croc h e t Itl the noxt, nnd 1'(,' 11 al from • all round. fa sten orr. For th Slrlnss.-\\' Ind the th" ond 10 Urnes round 3 Iln t;ors. aud s ' c ure .wlth a . ChalJl·stltcb, the u work ,8 cllaln of 26 Incllos. wln,d the tbread EJCK-~ WORK. TDUDd 3 Clnlters ell\l secure ' as before. > .. Tie each .tassel tightly n ar to the top m ~um.s12ed. bOnO ,hook.-about. No, and cnt the )oops. Thread ·the string 10, and olle-halt yam of laUn tor .lIn· through the last row of cro88 .treblo3s In( '-'" ' and tie the 2 nds together. Wo~k W,?(k a cbaln of 10.lnahOl-more another string and tbread throullh tho 01' less It ~ larl!er or ,mailer . bag. be same ro,,,, but comm.elng from the reQulred-Lurn, nnd work a treble In opposite side of tho. bag. Make up . each ~Utch .. ·takl!!. ' Up , I , tbr~d,. !Jr the Unlng to fit, BOW the lo~er edge the chllln. turn and work . a row or to the foundation ohaln, an!! BUtcb treblllS · all)n~ . the . othe r 'al~e of the the ba. to the linIng just . above the .Ch~, > ~ut Jl~8s1ng. right ' • ~ver tbo string. -
Materials and Modes Are CertaIn 81lk MaterIal, Th,t tbe best; Indoea I am not at all aure about the washing quallUea of the otherl, . ! eest Town Dr...... In IInena the same rule holds. the oMural line n or w~lte blling sUllerlor J . NQw II tbe day the line n costume. simple anli even severo tor mQrnlng gene~al weal'. ornate and rich In em· broidery or llIce. ' 01' bOOl, for more " dressy" occasions. the beavy linens 'belng used /0)' the tormer and olther • the ' thln. me lum or hoavy gradell for the IMter. . . For th e former. the' 8hort or lonll -coal, the (or mer coming well below th e waist line lind the latt I' the Elton, bolero or prlnc S8, are the approved mo(t ols. Pon llees of all 80rta. ~a.I"hs of the Im\lort:M vllrle ty, and other sorts of tll eae shantllng or pongee weaves are ulso mu ch In e vidence. and are made up In all sort8 or ways. aa the case lUUY seem to r~qlli re. Many of them ll~ made liP In Eton and boleros. with much trImmIng. aud othe~B, eapeclally the ' Rajnhft, are made ' u'p In coat sulls. that IHe ns cool and all light In w 'lgbt all pos!llble for traveling. 'Ilho))lllng and hacka)loul wear. The~1l can be handle d like a linen pocket handkeJ'chle t. nnd a day of _~ or' dIrt followed by a vlsll to ' the tub brIngs thenl out lIlE; same 8S betore. 'fh yare much IoIgh.ter In weight than A $ II.K GOW N. tho heavy IIl1 en~. and nls(l much coolor, as they hll"e no "dressing." Tile to all others aB tub gowns. White linens, however. Inun,ler. lighter lil looks cooler, but It Is by no meaUi Weight. have more .0pe D work. and so sulUlble for wear In the city as therefore are milch cooler when the \'he. nntul'al 01' ecru lin e ns, wbeth e r "d resslng'" Is wfislied out ot them. In cream or brown ton es. bnl In the 1n t.he silk. mllterlals tor the tub the cOUDtry, on greensward. nothln ll looks natural bu \!, the ecru, Is by long od.da so cool and smart a p the .IllIre white. The~
~~"~h Buutlfillly .. nd ",ake
Danana soum .-Foui· llllnanns, tile , "I '0 of OIlU I Ulon . t\\' O Ollnd , s of corD Uour. ono pilit or milk, "l;Inllla to tn stll. two uunces oC lum p sugar, qlial' tel' of a 1IIIll ot wa ter, four oglls. 11 l,Iosslllle tlSO u whIle chinn 80uffill moltl. '1'10 a. bnllil uf bntte red l:tll'OI IlI'UIIlltl tllo out:lide about all lu II b lJ>her than lh LOP or the mold. Put lh lum p gugat· uud wate r und a Sqll 'ezo or I mon juice hllo a sDlall Illm. Let the sugar dissolve ; theu b'llI tho sh'up tal' a Yew mill utes. Pee l lilld sli ce tho bunanas Bud cook tbem slo .... ly 10 th e sIru p fO I' tlv o to te ll Dllo· utes; tb e n rub them throl',gh a 61 , ve. Put the milk III Ii PUll OU Ibo 111'0 . 1I'llx the. tlou r slJlootill y with II lilLIe cold willI. Wh ~11 the milk. bons pour 'Ill th,~ carll /luu r !Llld SIll' It over tha tire till Il bolls IIl1d becollles thi c k. L e t Il cool ~lI g bLl y . the n add to It the beme n yolks or th eg!;8. Whip tbe whI tes to a sill! froth: Add the hnnulla 11Ulp ' lI g hlly to to mb:l\Ire . nl1(1 IU HLlr. sUI' III lhe whiteS. Pour th e mlxlure Inlo tho soum e mold and bake I~ lu a hol ove h for 2Q to 30 minu l ·s, unl!'1 It feel a spongy nnd Is woll pu rr(' U UII. R omo ve til e blind of IIIIPOI' , ·nl'elully . uu(1 serve lIi e souillo us quickly ns posslblo In the mold . TJnn a nu. · Puddillg .- }'our banunas, Qne ounce of bUlt I'. lho )'Olks or tbreo ·ggs, two OUUI' sot I ar s ugu r, a IItLlo lemon Julco. one tnU) s poonful of cuke crumbs, Qua n I' o( a pInt at wllte r. and abou t thr e OUllceK ot any kInd of pll"l"),. Rull out t ho pllsl.ry and IIno a d ep 1>le dish neatly wIth It. Put th sugnr In a 8mall sallcepan wIth Lh e wute r anrl a SQ UC ~e ot I mon juice. L e t lbll suga r dl ssolvo and tb en boll IL for II r II' mluutes. P oel tb o bannn1ll!, slice thelD, . and let tljem sImmer In tbe s irup for ten mlDutea. N ext either mash t he m s m.oolhly wlW II -tork or rub them throu"h a sle1e. B at UII t he )'olks; mell til uutter g ntl y. th n sUr It Inl.o lIle yolks. Lastl y, add tbe bnnan a )luI)) nn.<l a tables lloolICul of cake crumbs t.o the yolks. Mix ull well together. 'P our the rulxtlll e In to ·the lin e d dish. Imll bake It In a quIck oven for about 20 min· UI 8 . or uutll It ree1s lig htly ''let in th . cente r. Bale od l1ananns.-Six bnnaons. two oll nc II of buttor, on u un c ot caster Sllgill', half a lemon. PUl the lJuLLer alld slI gnr Into a sUlali namcl 8aucoPOll. ann put It at Lbe sId e or the .. to I' for l he sugar 10 dIsso lve slow. I)'; thco n 511'Oln lu to It tbll jujce of hnlt a le lllon. Peel 01 ba:nanas aud lay t h m In a fi l'e(ll'oof dIsh or dIs hpan . P our O\'e r ih butler. e lc_ Put the (lish In ' the o\'en (or ahotlt 20 mInutes .. Daste lb e banunas fr Qu en_tll' wltb the butter. Sen'e th t-In hot. Dananas In Batler.~Four bananlls balLel' ns for Jlancakes, hair nn ounce of but te r PeeJ Lhe bananas and cut eaoh In 'balf ' lensthwuY8 then on cll a CI'08S so that each blln~na Is' cut In fOIll' 1;1 os. Melt the IJlltl. I' In a d eep baking tla such as coult) be ~lsOd tal' Yorksblr e puddin g then bl'u- h It ov I' the till Arra~ge lhe b au:nus aL equal dlstu~ces all tbe Un. P Ollr o\,el' tbo batter Ilre parElJ lu ex. nell" lhe same 'Way as r I' llUucakcs. ~ In a mod rllte oven ' for about Iluke half nn hour. Se rve It e lth I' wbolo or • II cut In slices and dusted "IL cllster
, sugar.
Banana .Triije.-Slx baunnas. one orange. half a lehlo n, jam, sl" small Sp rl1J gc kes. half a pInt at custal'd . half n Illnt of crea m; · one ollnce 01 glaeo cherries, a plcce of anllell cn. P eel th e bananns Ilnd Cllt t he m Into quarters IOllg th ...·a ys. ut tho cak s In lour lillces and sprelld each " ltb jam. GI'A te tho I'lnd ot lh o lemon . P eel the orange end cu l It Into 8111all dice. taking out all the (lIps. Put a Itisel' . of t.he . cakeij In a glnss dIs h. Then two SI)(lOUf. lIl s at onsllird. next U layer of bnna nn Ilnd a li lLIe lemon and orango dIe ; next. mora cak • nud 80 on . 1}1I1IJg It up nice ly. POIlI' 01'01' tbe rest or the c uslnl'd. Whip th eream sumy. tlll\'or It nlce l~' wllb suga r and v811111a. n~ beop It all 01''31' Lhe tOil. Decorat e , ll prettily wtlh the ch err ie s cut In halv es anr! thIn 'strlps of ans e licp. If a le$s expens!\'e dish Is r ertulred. II He th whl JlPGd whites ' at three egSR Insteall of tile 01' am. Bo Bur to Sj\' e tell lind flavor It fully .Illcngo Tribune.
Some of the Wonders of Science That Are to . Be Used In the Attempt to Recu.:h ~he Pole. ·'Vllat rna be ~n.l\ cd the nCl'eHso r leJ l in thl refipCct . a~ In all or th e cqulllllh'IlC ot Ule . \\' , Jlmun the Wellman 'xp cll lll n 11'111 pOlar expeditlou lire by no meall s I"ro:u all olhel's. fOI' ,III' Cl comnll)olcaleas t In poilu "r Int rest in the llOyel tlOIl. not only wltb tho hn..e 00 Dane's uncle l' laklng to rea ch ' th e nor th 1101 ' Island . bllt wlt.h ·the commCl'C lul caIn lin 1I ,11'8111p. 'rh o \'/IlY In whl cb th e ' bl 8 of. the world. I ~ eXII cled to ' btl cxp lor er hus utlli zell lll e lalest 601- lDalntalllled throll gh the D FOl'est ontlne rll sro ve rl es and In,'('lIllolls In wlrelesR t(;logralllr apllaratlls that hla coml ll S' baltl e wllh th e e le mcnts forms all Important I,nn of the 1mat tbe lIol'th ror m Olle .of th e 1II0 ~ t pcrl lm clI ln r the xpetliliou . The Inte restillg' chnillers In the s tory of wireless telegraph SCT\'lce. IIkl lhe. aIr· pre pnl'lltlon. With th e cxcep~lon at s hIp, while not !iavl ng bee n,.,brough t the air s hIp Itself the wl r less to(o- to Lh e hI g hest ~ ta ge at perfe tlOIl or graph and t he motor sl dge. or. 0 9 cel'lalnty of s ll ccessful onc rdtion. :\11'. Wellmau culls It. " the mechani cal nev rth less hM b ('0 111 COnllll n 'lally !log." s tanc1 out 8S 'or peculiaI' Inl eres t. pr:lcll able and r easo nahl y re Ilible. Should Mr. W'ollmau und hi s COin· R ecent les ts a t &ca hu ve lon gth ned Panlons be 8n cSlIfll1 In r enchln g til th e poss lblo co mmllnl cll tlon dl Gtallco pole Ihe wlrcl ess II!I grall h Instrument to mar than 1.000 miles WIUIOll l reI" expect ed to Inform the world of lay. A co mpl e l wlr lesd outfi t tOI'ms Ihe a,·t Of. J,ln clug the Amerl on n On!,; a plll·t or th eKp~llItlon's npparat\lR. on that ImJlo rtallt point or the WO l'lu'8 and ono at the !il' m ~ n \\lhO will s lIrface wllhln a fllW minutes a(ter It mnk th e. trIp ID the aIrship Is . an bas occurI'd. Sh Cll\ld Il nythlng hap- e"llel·t wIreless telegl'u llh operator and ve n to the aIrs hIp lhe "mechan ical mcc·hnnl clan.
-t1 Coltl nl Any Til,,, of iht:
jorn'tr/~I' i/J lint t l"m tlur, r'" ':" ')' [)~ 1' I"r.'O .... i1l1.' 10 lilt: Sy#t·m.. P ,'-ru · " a , .. rut UllrI}fI(tlcti l hllic For Sit '.11 CUSt$. .11'",,(/ II'I/ " i P.'Q/'Ie Say Aboul Ii,
n on. W.
ONE OF THE "MECHANICAL . DOGS." Drawing. Made fnom .. . Photograph taken In France, where the MachInes Wc~e Tested, .jogs" ofl'er tb e ' posslbfllty ot motorAt I;fammerrest, Norway, a point In ng o,'er th e Ice and snow to saC ty. touc h with th o Atlanllc ·cable. the tlrst The HMechanical Dog." wlr elcss s tallon has been ~ 8tAb li shetl . Stallon No. 2 will be at lhe bllsc 'o f Wbll e It Is U'llIlec 98ary to Iloln ~ out th e eX I; dillon on Dlln 's Is land. and Ulnt, 'Wlt.hout th e utmost con tl d 'nce In wirel ess slatlou No. :1 will be In the. Lbo emclency and "I!tllylng" j)OWOI'S of airs hip. The "aerial ," whl'h all land lho airs hIp. the p ro moters of this and on sen-goIng ships Is 1\ Dl list. I epoch·maklng exped ition \voulll not t.hls caae will be II wire SUsll llllded und erLalce It, yet t h Is co nfl\l ~ n c e has from th e airship. and . whleh can be not boe n of lhe bllnd Rort lhnt has called up out of the way when not caused Ihem to bllrl caution to th e In use. The experll! In wlrel1ljls telc!;· wInds. Two s upp\(!mental proylslons mphy 1lRye gone over tbe sItuation have been ipatle for Ins urlnll lhe ISUC; In th e light ot condItions lIS th ey· are cess ot tbe ex pedlt Ion and tbe Ive likely to fiud them In the arctic 1' tJle xplol'ors. The most Importalll glaD. and have gh'en It as theI r opintb ese Is the mOlar s ledge. wbl'b Ion that th e re Is notblng In these conIs to be curled In the car of the aIr- ditions to pl'event the maintenance of shIp and whlclI. It Is co nllrlell tly be· virtua ll y cOlls tant com munl callon belleved. will pro vo o ~ the utmost valuo tween lbe alrsblp snd . the DOlle Islan.d In 1Ile event at accIdent to the IIlrshlp at an y stage of tbe voyage. 'rhel'e are two ·ot these sledges. propelled by gas: ollD'e motors. Tbe)' have slx-h~rse . power eacll. 'The motor Is mounted on . I'll'n ne rs . like tho se or the onllnary . by sled • and th eI powerf' Is ttransmitted wbeel \"blch chain to a a rile ron .. uas breadth enoll gh to servo the PilI' -
nose of n snowshoe nnd ·the periph ery
at wbfch, Is studde'(l wllh projecting spIkes to furnISh Iho grlPJllng p~w e r.
These "mechanical dogs" weigh 225 pounds oacb and ca n be <:arrled by two mell. They are 80 constructed that they can be k:nocked down an ll assemfiled Qui kl)' and whell sucb obslacles are met as they eanuot ovor. come thoy· can be talten npart and liauled by the explorers over the hard
PI~~eS~1J prev'l olls explorations lhe' Esldmo dog has b(~en lhe troellon maInstay of. the cxplorers. Whil e t.he canine of thl! nortb lias proved or lh e _ '
. The ' Drn Ins. TbIJ do~ dn'Ys are dnys to Watch tbe A NEAT INITIAL LETTER. EXCESSIVE PE,RSPIRATION draIns. I.l bebooves tJlO brave wife La - lend them bel' P I'sonal ~lll;ervlslOIl In " ~Ind of In Itial That latully Made, Some AdVice About Cleanllnell and kI tc hen I1.nd blllhl·oo m. In the f'mner And Does ""'11 for Blanketl, apui'lmenl scaldIn g wnlel' and waahinl; tho Care of the Skin In Sheet., Etc, Boria llJust he \lOll I: d dowll th e sllll< ,Hot Weather. --' 'draln ench day. This ' offect nally will Here Is ,.. leller sultablc for mark· For oxeeB~ lve pers piration . In hOt. was h nwal' all g l'eas y tlepoS ll" ulld Ill' lug hou so lInen, blan,kels. etc. It mIL), weather. whIc h. Is S0l11e~.\Ue8 call80d vent od....s. l!h ·tn ' .. Bter oO"e shollld . by a deplet.ed condl~IOIl of lhe' sye- be ()xel'cl s (I '11 the batltl·oolll. 'ro. tIt,t m the cold bath should alwllYs be · slroY' Injurl olls gC' l'ms ni l t ill' 11In":; talt~n. follQw cd by th'o u~e of a }Ittle I Bhould be thOt'~Ugh!: • !lu.;hod . each aW.monla tor ~h e R1'IlIPitS. the reet~- eto .. m ornlll]; with litl ~I I l\ ' ollJ t Wilt t , At MR : WELLMAN AND ~OMPANIONS IN AIRSHIP CAR. Then a oloth we~ will lil'e alcohOl ~ll ght t h l e tUllY be s prlnl<l d Int o each \In.8 sod over Ib e ' boliy. an .a liberal I pll,e a la .. ge 8\>00)1(u l of ohJ(l rldc of Made from a ' 'Photograph Taken In use of powdered starob wlll ' 1,II'ove 01 lim e. 11. can of whic h nloy be I, Olll In France at the Testing of the '. tho ballll'oom 101' the PlIl'llOS all a 'great help. . MachIne, . To Ilre))nre lhe starch. crllsh It fI,.e, filial[ fI~l: nb ve tho roach of Ih l) chll· wet with nny good cologne 'and 3el I.n .dren . I he nit IltJ~n glvoll ni ght nnd greatest assis tan ce In reaching hIgh tho StUl to . el l'y; fill IInllne l bugS and nl n rnln g to drain . tol ;c~ .1I1t! time. altitudes be has manl' drnwbaclls ; but use fl'()('ly; It wlll be found flue for , allfl n l~t. m~ ly IIm,ls f1'l;.,,)II1'"9 nnd from his mocbanl cnU successor Mr. ohlfdren ufter spongIn!; the m olf In I'ewe tn(' s to th l' h0;1 "e.l ('1I1 utmos We llman expects• .If compell ed to forhot weather. The IlerfUDlC prevents' I pha ro hilt muy thel'~ by III nml 'Ierl· sake hI s shll), fo dl~rll'O all the adtho march from sourlog. but a good ous Illness. vantages or. th e r oal dnll · and .non.e Qunllt~ shoul.d always be used. ' ------~ of the dlsadvantag!ls. The motors liS d ThE. woman that WIshes .to be both Kitchen Notes. In thesjl novel sledgE!S are all' cooled, CROSS-8'flTCH. . comfo\itable and sensible durlnll til!:' • When cloanlng ' tho klLchl.>u ran go ot the ordinary motor-cycle tYPe. be worked with '\ngraiD cot~on, wallb·· hot term, will tllke ron&oDable precau. wa~h ort. all gr Ilse spots ",Uh 80ap The Wirele68 Telegraph. Uons agnlnat nilnln~ her ,;k.ln by ex- .and wale I'. ~lIx tlto .tove pollsb wltll lng sIll. or wool. - , It 18 easily ma.rked, and just the posure and 'also · by I<eep lnn tt 1'9- 11I1r)10ntll:e and U80 a fl annel cloth tor Heretotore a relic explorers, after e, rt to .cbOOIlO for the busy person freshe.d and stlm~tod agaInst the de- the plnln pans. Olls 1)1'0(\11(1 s a deol~ leavIng theIr hase Cit supplies. ' hnve. 11'110 bas no time to linger oyer the blJ:taling elfectB . of th e soason. She er. polish. or.d Is much ellsler work_ been cut olt tram all communIcation 11'111 woar gloves and long aleeves and Sted CUll be k e pt bright by rubbing embroidery ffllme. wIth the more sOlltherly world. Huna veil In the ' (:"ytJtne. tlJat ahe , ...ay It-every dl!Y. H IIny parl ha>! be rome dredS of them h&\'e perleh9d In places arlttl. Naila. Ihow prlltty blind. I\.nd anns and fJ'88b Irulty through D(l~lect ruh It with sand· Rob a JltUe IOOIl akin food IDto thell? rolY face when the IUD'a heat ha~ I paper lind I'ollsh with aweel oil aDd not 10 remote but that they might have been Bucoored had tbey ben ....ed. f I wbltlng. • ,trJ ailbt. ' able t.o 'lll'llb their ......
n. I\:plbllu g h . Ex·Member
\V . \ n. L('Jri~la Ltl r • :!04 \It h . l l'llt!t, N . E .. \\' 1I 5hiLlg~On , O. C., wrile~ : "You elln use my name Dnd word 81 1111 limes lor Perut/IJ as a me,dl. cine Dlld tonic uTl~qullled_ I hlll'e tried It fur a sIIIbborn cold and b:Jdly run If 011' " s)'stcm. I tried nil sorts of other nlt: dlelnes Dlld paid seversl expen Sive doctor bills. PerllriD 011 red me, strengOlclled m e. I.n ore thaa over, Dad !loved mit money_'(
I t.
................ II • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
?of; . ('lara. SOl'S :
tonl< on
LiLkrst, Sen.fleld. Ind. ,
" LII ~L fllll ll oule 0 Be \'uro old. I P~I'IlIHI , bCR'nll I illlpro'" un(lI({'pt
lIllt} I 1
"'li S II
blu I,? do m y WOI·k ·
MEANING OF MOLES. On I,he rig ht sIde nf the upper 1111 a mole promises greut good fort.une to both sexes . A mole on the necl<, In mnn or woman ; promIses a lo ng and bnppy life. weallh R nd tn me. A sclen.ce. or pseudo·sclenre, of mo les hUB exls ' ,rt nmong Ih e Peunsylvanln Dut 'h to, .mnny years. A man wIth a .l!\ole In lbe middle of hla foreheo d hos 1\ cru.el mInd ; a WOqlan with IIU h a mo le 1'1 fvollsb, Idle nnd envlolls. A man wllh a m o\~ Oil. the len sid's ot the ur;p()r lip ralO!ly marries, and s\l ch Il mole III the case or a womaQ denotes sufforl nll. A mole on the rlllht s ille 0, a man'a foreh oad denotes "onderflll Ilicle; on the rIght slrle of a worunn's [ol'ebead, gIft's trom the dead. On the le tt slele of a man ~ forebead a molo denolos n long term In prIson; on the left s Ide of a womnn's torehead, two bllsbnntls . a.nd a lJfe of exile. Ac('or,d lng to thi s scie nce. no Olle Is wIth out n mo le nr lWO, and the 0 l\TII sOllie of lb o progno ~lIcal lons . lhat mole-wclirers may draw from their brown orname nts:
Wns Willing to C1ia~ g(!. AccordIng 0 HII.I-ller1s W ee lel~', Mar· !lHllI P. Wlltl e r t lis of ·a ynung man In \ VllIecsiJn rre who had asplrnLlons MAP OF THE 'POLAR REGIONS. to the han d of a dllug htcr of one of Showing Route of the Wellman Ex the wea:l hlost me n In that place. Re· pedltlon and the Locallon of the cently the bopeful one had an InlerWireless Telegraph StatIons. vicw Wllh Iho fathc, r for the IIUI'pose A-Hnllllll crfes t wIrel ess s taUon No.1, or Inylng Ihe UHll lo r IJ fore h im. where cO.flnectlolJ . Is ul nde with "W 11 ." gl'Owled 'th c old mnn. "What cablo lin e. I 1lI0s t d".lrc to 'know Is. whllt pre· B.,...Duno·s lalnnd wireless statloD and )1aratlon hUI'o YOII made for . lhe fu . b[lse of eXlledlllon. tllro?" "Oh." f.'xc lnlru d the s uitor. In a conlldent and obliging tone. "I am a sluLlon. In Its prescnt usc at sea Pl'csbyt rltln; hili. If 'lhat" de nomlna· tb ere are often nLuiosllh ric II Is turb- tl on dceBn'l me et wI4h l"llir op(Jroval, ances whI ch tempo raril y des troy the 1 ulll '1u lte wIllIng to c1l1l0ge." us tulness of the .wlreless apflllratu • Fanny Davenport's Debut. but these perIods have heen brIef. It. Fann y DliV n[10r['9 Ne w York debut Is believed thoroughly by' the ex perts In wireless tel gTlLlIlIy tbat nothIng vms al Barton ' ~ Chambers slree t the· short ot a catastrophe wbl ' li wrecks. at r. Februury 23. 1857. when sbe the shl,l) anll renders all n pjJaratu8 .,ang u \'el's of "The Stnr·S lJangl ed us eless will prevent tbe publiShIng Banlle r" In n hnll e't 0[ II t ll O' gIrls. 'dally of di spatch es tram tbe explor- The th on(p r wa s IIl1rl r ' Ih limn agee rs snlHng polewa I'd In the mO'nste r men t of EJ. L. Da vo n po rt und Harr)'· alrj;llip. Aa the magnetIc ]lole 'of the WatkIns. el\l'th has been found 1.200 miles tram "NO TROUBLE" th e math ematical (lole, on tbe coast or Nortb AmerIca, It Is 1'\lllsorlably To Chanoe frem Coffee to Postum, cl! .. taln thnt at tho mathemati cal pole t here will be en co untored no magn ctrc dl slurbu'nces. whIch will. destroy lho "Pos tllm ha s dun n '\\'(Orld ot good \l sor uu ess of tbe wireless apPul'Dtus .. tor 11\0," writes An III . nln n. hall Illlligcs llon Ill'nrl y nil my Moving Picture6 Provided. life"I'I'e but ne ve r dl'ca mcu cliff' was lhe ThO Importanco of the expedition calise of my tl'uublo 1111111 la:t Spri nt:: Is r eflocted slgnlflcantly In the fa ct I hot so ba d I WIS ' in m lsc ry all tho that a London firm hll8 sent clnemalo• l llll o. "A colfl)ll drlnk!' r Jill' 30 yaara, It Ilrnpb operators to SI)ltzbergen for tho purpose at clltChlng on movIng fllm~ Ir l'ltn td illY sto mach , anti nerves . yet all the trIal . work daDe before tbe I wns jll. l crazy for It. Aft I' dr inkIng serIous ntght ' ls undertaken . Alreatly It wllh Ill~' lJI on l ~. I would lea ve the these ope rators have been In Norway ta ble, go (Jul Bllfl lose rul' m eal and photogra.phlng the ll'lnls of UIO "me- UIO ooffee too. Thcu I'd be as bUngl'Y . chanical dogs" an(1 these fllms have as 0\' r. "A frleud adrl sNI me lo quIt ootr;ee been sbown la London with gr at suc. cesi! . . ·Splu..b rgen Is os tar a s the and lise PIl ,lllm--~:l ld It cured hIm. . movIng 1)lctttre m en will be able to Sinco I~klng bIB ndvlco I retaIn my tallow the ex nedltlon. but ample pro- food aMI got all th e goo d out or It. and vlalon bas been made tor the SOCII r- don't h nve thoso awful hungry spells. "I changerl from co tree to Postum Ing at stili pictures .a rter tho alrsb ip leaves Dane's Island tor the pole. without aoy trouble whutever. felt Tbe experlmlmtll with the "mechanIcal bellll!.' trom th" first day I drank IL dollS" were made In NOl'way, a.nd the I am well now lind gIve the credit to results, as shown by tbe movlna pillo POBtllm." . Name gtven by POllhlDl turea Bhown In Lol\don. • .,. emlnlnt. ('co .. Battle r,rt>eR. Mleh, Read tbe lit.t1~ book. "Tbe Road to WellYUlo," Ia.. 11 8&Uafaet~rl', pk(a. "TheN" a reuOD.·
., Ii.; ' 1hlnl 'Term
Question, MOil
Child Knocked
I.)own by Lightning. 'I h I 11111,1 I utll' 'i lI .. ~t nil Ii< 1111 on"1 1II 1>I'tl I"r tbtl 'otl ~\Cl f\rtltlull of t ,I) )" "1,1" "r \\ IIfrl!lI Co unty . . MI' " , . M, ·unt", who hll!! 11 hi t.\ ... , III: ,. " f l 'lt· rk 01' I onrtB for two I"I'III~ "I II 'undllll1t for IInoth p.f I !.I r
J)IIIII ,!! Ihe 18\'8re .. t orm wbl('h tla~"t' .1 .. "PI' I, ltl~ .... etloll jllBt .'rlrtll~' ,
lI~hthm/C Mtruok Ih b tlll ' A or .\ C)~eph
HB b.·,·, II vifl\C on' Wtlh" m Bur. n ·11 f,tl lI' IIll:"
n Wll yn8!'1 \,ll le IInll
• : I I~.
Mr . \)1111 P . 110110 . 11 111 0 t, X()tlIl,'1 I<, '" t 1('IIIIt. 0 fr"111 l. 1 ~ ln on Is a lso II oundhilltfl fur the plu ~e . The Primury eleotlqn to tie loot tIll C, ,, , " lh l " l ~ IU " I I. " IU.·,· ", ll t~kt' pli1(", tJ ui llll1 Y. :-:tJl' t~lIIlJt'r Ill, lind t.b,' \'uler~ wl\l Uti V6 till op\>orlunlty t,o doolde wbet·bur or not they lire In fll\'or of the t hird terlll .
1' .. , 1".11 .;I rlluk II II g hlu ilig r vtl 01) Ih, · h " ,,>o ', "IInll lu"g 11Il! 1" '1I1r"Il!:I' I
·r-r., k" 1111 1" WhUp th ~ ~"tI
; hl"PM"
'i'11' " I' I II h'."UIi lit ',h,' w rio .. t 1IIIlI!lrifly In rllte r. H.· kllCh\' ~ Ih"t, I.hft hrlght t"UlMhltle 1U1I1 I ... t uu' It lI"v .. nd be pre.,.r,", fort-btl IIbol!o'Ar8 \\' bll'h II rp 1'0 IIIl ble to follow . t4,. If. "h,II,1r1 Il+' wltlh tovftry b uluoAbnl" P\" I"I" Af ·. dllirrhOt' .. "nil oh ..ler .. lII"rhll~ illll\' .. t.tli(\1t " me. 'IIl~mber iiI Ih .. . hn;lI.. ",ilhoUI "'tlrnlrlll (:hltm br rlll in 'M '(:,,111', (Jh"l prtI "n,l (),nnh' \(II! Rf·II\ P,'y whl llh I" '·h e hpl\t k ""WII 1118111 011... f.lT till" .... ,ii .. . fI"""~, ~b'nl11t 1 .o1w"y" htl k \.' III, Nt 11111111, li t! iolllllt<dlllte t,reatlllcmt il! 'llt'O<'l!l!lIr.v. IInll .(tol11Y ' 1IIIlY' ,lflivn flltal.. For lillIe by F . U. t:k~bwllrtz
W l'irth Knowlnl{ " " " hll ,',' II .. ,V kIll .! uf
I !
WIlt4 W""III1 t! ;\\\'11 \ ' "1 hl\\1 II, (lU I, tl l1hl\'I' \\'il,h khlUIl.r' j , IJII .... , nut, tiT "hi rUIIu!lII' /Ii .. "",,.., I",. Ih ... 1.... 1. lI"t! ~'''"rJl, "" rt<. r .. ru llmbe r tbllt \\'" I(unrllnt pe ;M., writ"" R<,bl'r' . ,I I I", ..· t1 ..", H h IIUtl IIHVtlr,f( ..!:I1I It 1o'1Il ",.,11, I);,rlllll 1I,)11l .. Intmenl, tit rAlieve 1('\1 ItD,I fl o lure l' with II'H ,I\II \! , ,!t \,- I or W!\ · \\'il1 11 IV ~'nlll' ~Ii cell til pnek Clttll~ "lHlln'llll llfRIII ..fl ll't' ~ n ~I! ,'~ r W'U re any ease of Kidnel .f F: .Iolllll fl.V. "0 \\'lIh " "1 r" "t'f. ·F'IJlllllv I I tI, ,I . 1 eu . tl ' t is .no' ~~!""'~~~""'!!~~~~,~~~_ '!!! Ful,'v ',. Ki lll,..,· C nrt4 11'1111 I.. ~" .hllll · or Hltlllde r dlSCIL!lO In . . tlulIl,.,!'r Dllirrho61t in Children IW tI hnf.flus ,;nllllllot,.1\' "nr,'" 111'.\ beyond the r Ollch of m CIl wlIlc. _ GIV&N UP TO OlE. ; ittltl 1 11m " ,, "'. ~" Illill II 11(\ \\(\1\ " i)lIfllJ~ I,be hnt \\' lIllther of th" D I '. ' I B 8pl~...1 I '~ s ' ·I."luh. 81 . R.A ....III,. fllllIlIII W lI1 ollt,Ull !lll' IirHt Ulltlllt . 11"1111;( •. 10 Ullllll er .11 I\(I.Y Irrl'~." · 1 rDd: • • llte.. ·.. ~~ 't .. ~~rru"''' l·...... I ... tUltled 1I f blld' b 1 111 rltl.,,, IITI\ o rtoll 11IIUI!I".d by bX lle.~" .Itb a kldne, and bl.dde.all..,Uou. l1Od~ II"" \lr" ''''ReneRII '' n e ll owe s IVII urinki t . 1 . Ipt\ alld ••luoabl.lO"o,k, Tbrwpb,.I.JaDI'aUed .. b ulllci ba Vft illlll1e£lill.te aUIlntlon, 110 Atl d I 'tlloCb or . 110In~. °tver 11'11 .' \ to hel p mo .ud 1"8, .1'1'80 UP.!O dl,. 'bIoiII'!:!! k it \, . ,fl U \I 6 11 neYIi ftU 01106 , Ol\rem•• " •• recommand ... at..' • ,.· b r 11M ~) llIIUO k tl11l d l~ea·He e ore · ve'l llliug FlIley'lI KII ' e F l' Kid". bc,ul ..... _u.ll.raada,.,,r"'.. ,...... OllnUlI! lIurlou8 All t bnt h' neces!l"ry l:kJ b w . d . I ney ur . ",.uud buttl.1 .....""... .., ....1>4, I.. II. few d08811 of (JIHlUlberl&in's Ilrt..:. ruggl!!t 1'w. ai••• 50 Ceot. aad 00110, obolera and dillrrboea remedy. followed by a d oae of . O&lI'or 011 ' 0 Cgmplflxlon Seorl;l$l. oleanle the IYltem . Rev . M. O . '1'l.Ie lutense Itoblng oblnaoterlBtlo 8tookland, P8!!bor of tbe firlt M. E . To remov.e pimples, motb a pot.s , of Bli lt rb eum .and eozem" II tn. Cburoh, Li ttll Fallll, Minn ., wrllell : sal1oWnl!ll8, bl otoh ell, olear up the ta tly .. Ihued by applying Cbaw . "We bl\ve ulled Chamberlain 'a co~ple][lon lind put tbe bloo~ of . te::uln'lI ~"lvtl. All • oure for skin oollo,oholera "tid fU"rrhoea remedy yontb In tbe obeeks 1I8e Lanli:olll diseases tbi!' slllYe 18 ooequalled. for 88vllrll l yearll Rnd fLnd It a very tablets, a JKl!IIl'the ~nre for oonatlpa· .' 8 Ie by F. C. 8obwartz. or II vRlu"hle remedy, 88pec.Ia:l1y for tlon, tri~l size, Ii centa . . ,I E Janney = Ill1l11mer diMnrdllr8 in oblldren . Sold by r . C. &hwaft~.
tr 'll1h ll~ . WOlllld,
!'4k ln hnfuur , , ...
"Oil 'p
,1,"'"", ulQt,,.,
\\'lItI ~.
,, 11.1 lil t' , tha gruund lu Ibu ruar uf I,lul h U ll :''' MI'~ li'jllohllr anll her twu bUYI:I were in the kitchen . .Mrs. lfj8her Wil li badly sbooked .nd ber olde&t Public Sale. ~on Wile knocked down . The Imaller cbild esollped unbarmed. .1 will offer at Pllhho &Ie at my Mrs . FIl!her lind her Ion bave reBldenoe in CorWin, Warren Co .; It .th reoovered sinoe and appear to Ohio, on Please Notice. bll Ii tt lo worse for the experience. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1,1906 -~-. 1". ' · ... r" I Jle ' ~tlfl ~ whu wunt Jli~. beglnlling at onQ o'olook p. m . the luru" of til ir Unll t.1I IU th UtI."eHo·!< VI~itors at the Hisey followln~ obattels and reall etlt.a"'. H lJUlo, UO lUi ~~ III11UU r. hllY tl llot yet Williamson Re·union. 'rwo good general pur(IQ1I8 hONM, "ent III t lJeir pb ol.o~ rII phil , T o in bl.ok horle, bay mare, broke ThUll!! prtlHent frolU .• distance to IIlngle ,1ille and will work any,,'Ull the pl oturll ge tting ill we lIIU8t h!l ve the photogrnph tbitl wee k , were : Mr, lind MIa . 6eorae Ridif', wbere. " head oeUle, 3 good mlloh '1'0 BOOllre 1\ good Ilngrnvlng we of :H. Anoient : Mr. and Mrl. T. C COW8, one f!'Mh about day of .Ie, UlU~ t have a good photograph whioh l\wens lind two 80na. 01 Xeni.; Mr. yearlinlC belfes:, atlout tbree.erN of will b e returned when tbe engrav. lind Mrs . Hora06 Bormell, lind Mr. dandlng oorn, lIgbt road -IOn lind Mrs. Pearl Sherod, of Oakland; willi tongne Ilnft Ibafts, hay rlrlliDI i ng Is made. Staple .nd Fllncy Ur..cerl~p, F rnltll AND UEA LER IN The 1I0tuilI oost at t be engraving Marshall Terry and lon, of Da,ton i Burrey, ~' I\waullee mower, olover Vegetahlea and CIIDnftll GOUlI". to be p6ld for by t be individual. Un· Mrs. EX lllan and Mr. and Mra Gao. bnnoher, revolving bay rakl~, alnile BttiOO!l lI11d ohlldren, of Ro(lhester; Cll(lIrl! Illlt) 'l'obIlC(JO, lesl:l thl! float is ve~y \luge it will not har,)()on hay fork, hrea klnll( plow , Mr. I1ntl Mr.!I . " . H . Ullrd, J. D, and double IIbo\·tll l'lo~. Krllu" nul.t lv" !'xr.eed $1 60 i ll OO!lt 'l'cluj)holltl in h ill h q llllfl wbere he W. B Gil rtl , o f LcDg aeauh, <.:nitror tor, tullllCu" "ltI\\', AUII... b"rrllw, CUll be oo\led nt 1\11 ' 'honl'll, day or . o. E. ElHoU Iontl dangblel nill ; Co M. BROWN. Proprietor. ~ .. 'eh hnrrClw, one lwrJIU O.,rD drill, Phone 79. The Biggest Tomatoes. Rllobel Lana. of Denver U"lorado. rol\er, marker, !leed Itlwo'r, oom uight. Uoaobel ud ebllin llupplled " Annt' Surllb " Hollund w.. QllO .heller. grlnd.. tone. -lItOP ladder, Hendley Uurron brongM to tbe ....,...""""'~~~-~~~~-~---~--.........--'- -~ Have recently mov~ to room presont and In IIplte of her 114 yean, G .. ze tl e ofHoll t;llturday two ·mam· orOllI ont IIIIW. oyole arlDder, 11gb' next to Croea Bros. muth t omlltOt'I tbat w jllld be eutl t enjoyed the dar In the woode •• IUld bM'IY barne••. wire atretoben. IIA.. 1'ra&I:'l, ' w ~Y1I.VILL., O. Ittd hI" prize In "ny V8iet.ble com muob AI mllny people much 1QUDir IOal_, hop.. forb, .hoYle l. . iDd or , ob~ID", " .I,'t 'ot blQ8 paitD,' .ad polltl,,". •• Hllth IIpeohnen!! wpra Hood to l uoM pollta, I. !rAt Itod·Ylnllj(MiI',. Itl. tlpou IIlld !bl! Olla!1l1 t l! edltort! clln NU1'fHNU Ht10UIIEOS LIKm st10· bunllPholt1,onds 'Inoludtnll rooking cleM. uty tllIICl tllllt tll ey Were soud toll ohlll" It Illrlll! ClUrotJr Ct1I,bl'Ud WIll J . ~. JllUlltly tell!! of tho !'aulork. I1llt u ble !' n CCOlIll of t'elJt!lkola 'rllblets In nnt. batllClhK I.W\J and utbElt lllU1Pl', One tJ f thlldl \\·tl!l!h (.>ti ll 110111111 allil rellevlllif Ihtllgbtltloll. After Ileltlng oroch. j."'1eW. ',}'el mil m ,"le knowlI fill till v of t It IItllI'UI<~' t l".. n l hat" \loltlltl nOll u 1111 kind!! Itr r .. motlilltl for d,lpep!!11l lind tncllgetltioll we can trulilfully fIIlt... A I~o Il t thA cll1l'e Clf 'hitl . ~b',,,t' !.IUnella, ~ Ily tbll t we ne .er knew anything s"le 11011 lit tlill I\IIlDO plIlCIl, I or to /rIve lIuoh un l"f'rB ~1 1IIIt1lfaotion fer tbe relll t'lIta'e II\tUftttld ill . Wit, "" P e)lllikulll Tllbl"te. They n ot on nf'l'v iIllt , Obi .., kn4lWD .." ~llfl 'a'e Ed (lood Words for Iy aid llil!I',,'ltlU but they IIOt as • Z.!ll pr"p"rty, no "blrl\ ~t, be Waynesville Orange. /f·ra nd n fl rVfI tonlo all well Mllny gu Illl!' • dotlblt! Int wlt.b fr·,llIIL' bUOal, ___.- _ Nllynt\.. vilh~ people who ba"1j DO\ cunt.Hinintc ~ rUlltnll. cellllr witb 'WlJ ~I n. Mllry E: 1.1''' , l<:tlitor or till' ImjoYlld II ~oud melll for y88ft! DOW llpartmeottt, well .nll clljt"l~ n, Itlrgf' OI'U llg" I)P I' rl1ll HI.l t of tbe FIHUl lI~y tbl,t IIrter, using one or two 25 stable A nice lnodlon with nator"1 (lent boxes Il, h ase IIUle t .. blef08 dr .. lnllge Iutl.l will be offered ..epar hll" Flrll~III,·. r l\('!t! utly v itliteri ~hf' Ihey fPooI Ilil If thAY ooulc1 eat n .. tto or "" II whole tu 1I0il~ hoypr aut 111•• Contiollo ahe u.. of IIlla wunderfal 100. I Grllllge, and h.. d tbe fullowln~ bori16 nnd digl!llt it too. Propl!r~y .. \lUllttod .bunt X uul .. . from place 01 ule, .n;on8 wllhlDIf. nmedy for a thoe. · Ktlud thing!' to liOY of what. "be IIlW , ' It wlli aoog lilt yo ur ,(s tem right. 10 f'x'IlIIlne proper'" be at place t.f lu the next. i8llUB of her Pllpe~ : ' From some Who .were "b.n '0 ~CJUlloual do"" 0 it will keep III I.. In Corwin Promlltly .. _ ODl' JO",r lnt.rnal in the very plnll It wall Ii plealure '0 vlllit tbe Unable to Attend ~ o'olook. . ., cOlldltlon. grlloge wbere the widow and daugb ' Term.....oDe tblrd cub . Balanoe W.U 10.ld., you're well all ovor. In one and two ,.ear. .. Defen:ed paytor of tbe fatber of tbe grange In SPBllfOll'aICLD, ILLlMOI8. ment to ~ l8Oureoi by mor. . .. Ohio, Boo. 8 . H, ElUs: ba1le their To THIC M.IAMI QA~I:'ITIil Now to beer alx perceDt iDter. (~.tI •• ) ml!wberllbip. It. ill.1I tlplondlcl organ. QamltTlNO : - Well can lima,from d.te. 11.II'lo n of abont que hundredJ and IDe tbe bro.tll.mllft old WaY1leni11e . JOHN ZIILL. C. T Hawke, Auct. IHt.V members, and an Ilverllge at bill!. aud bow hllPPY are thOll8 with .. tb. beat preparation obtal nable · W ' .. III1I1I1UII of 800ul two t~lf1ls In her It!lt","-" j;llltllering of one .,n tbe mAny 1111 alit! Ri1m"ul~ arlll0l' IlIf'lIIb" r"hip Ell '11 yellr 1\ nl1lnll, r l!lrgr' fIlOlIl, . Wha' a cold ",o~ld froID overworked or disord"red die- i CIItIl'II up the Cnmple:sloD dvo orRao5. . 111 · 1., il", ,. ll1t .. If' IInl:lI 1111110 II t l·I!. t.hl ll wllohl he WHrH It not, for tbOll" It act. quickly and stlr!!ly on the CRUll I . Brijth& fl'''~, 8 ru(tdY' IfI .. ,~ • • nct • Ill. ' It." 1'1 , 1" ."' UIlllt',t ., 110 .. he llilul who l'ell l1.f live ' to lJltllttl othl'rl' compl .. xlon fl'l''' trom I'illl·llle.. , 11,,1 of Ihe troublo aDd ' Its b~lI"ticiRl eB'ecti . ." ". ., I T I u1 uu.: l' 'ulll in U It tl h '·'·I.Ii · ; ' , ,'v'. 11II .... I1 .. " ! .• gll~4 n6~J1 ur tho 'lleulllll!' bappy. 10wnpjI" "nel ,,,nth llpob, ma:y be had arelo. t.otly per(epllbl.... It .. ill cure the most 'ohstinll te cases, II' " ., . " ' Xen1u F'I fl' 11 .. , II II lon .. l n"~11 or I" nll' ,1I"n 11(,(1,0 II IInnlldJlf ' I \\~,. II gUMt lit the home of Mrs In relldlng conoernlng thll,ath hy I, very w l1 m .. " wbo will n~' ""IX . Dr. Caldw.,r. Lasatlve S,rup P • .,.. IIk .. 1 I tllhlAfP, " I',· "'or41 f, .. Em.. It WHS rich indeed witb mo erlng lu .your columDl, It .ll88m. ohronlo ' !'onMtil",tion, lrill' - size r. tan be obtained In both dttllur and balllIollar Ilie. from .11 druggists . ment(lep ot the pltllt Mrs. ElIlllllld . WaYI!8l:IvlJle haa out done herllelf in cent\! J E JanDoy Vour moner will be re.funded If It o1llughter ure the only 8llrvivor~ of thi .. noble CRullo,' llnd 111m proud 10
1\' 1
GROCERY ................
One Bottle
,Dr. Caldwell's .S yrup Pep~in
401111l0t you.
\V hitc OUUdH, Gingham ~ilk Ulo\'es, (jo rsct ~, Linol(\un"
thl! fir!!t IItlite '"r!ltlKI;I h ellI ot XeD!;' h'lve lived among her noble people . Y..., pollal oar4 ~e.t ..nt b.lnl' b,::~ booklet. ·Dr. .. .. In 1874. In their homo the IirKI '1'he prol)laration for suob a gather .. w" tIIId me,lI.. pIe 1o thOle .. he ....,. _lI'Iedtlll • • o~rellled,. Writet04aW. 'Instrnot.loD8 were given, in .helr it:Jg bo\lI OIlUled muo,h IlIbor and .,.0 ·ooonty t.he firat grange was organ rilice. waiay extra boorll of pl~n . 00. Iwd . ElIla wal tbe first Ceres nlng outside tbe regular hourI of 10 . .......... il ...... ' of -Ghtcr-Shte Grange. Mlsa Ellis buey 1I(e, &11,&0 'be rewarded by 1l88. F,," ~" ..dly J . E. Janney. I" Flora at ~tat-e gr'ange: and by her iog snd bellrlng exprell8lopa o~ bap.· quoonly, grllclouB l,reII!IJOO , hl!r plllesB from those 110 kindly Invited grllsp of grunge 1Ilflllrs, makel! one Sl1ol\ sucrilice, no mil Her how large of tbe mOlt vlllolible officers. S he or !lm~·lI . nre only fruitil of pore probably POIIS881181l a lllrger IIture 01 love, the noblest eleDlent contal .. . B,a.c~ grange blstory in Ohio than IIny e1 ill tbe llOman heart. otber. PerbaJl!l 'she will teB oll .o f I regret oiroumlltanooll would nut It 80me day. permit Illy oomlng, for tbe uprell8 DO YOlT G~ UP U WIIS "dehgh.t t o see the cere Ion of the kind invitation make. " WITH A ~A.JQ )lACK' mnDlell of opening Ilnll oloiling ex liFt-ller lee lllke .he'a reslly wanted." I empllfied 10 carefully. It 18 well Regllrdl to 1111 Inquiring (rlllnd~ EltlJlcy Trouble )lalles Yo. IlUscrablc. flour Wurth t·he Illbar of yean to brinK a and aS80ciatell Alnaol teverybodywhorel1us'thelle_ . 0 fl Kr!lnge to the hll(h efficiency of tbil! In !llndntss, p&pe'rlliliuretokllowofthe'ltOnuerfllt~'18C(,. our,lst ourull .o ne. 'J'be leoturer. F . A. Hartsook, HARHY E, CAMPBELL. preparellntere.,tlng programs. He - --Root, tile cec.t kid• ~ • i iII produolng It Hne grade of honey, BOLTOIf, KAIfUS ~~~c~il~'!.~v~"d bl.d-· ·you you wbich I!I "p!lcked In IIttrRotfve ORr Tv 'l;1l1£ lhza.:'l'1' 1!:. It ill the:KreatlllC!lt 10nll, and whloh bring!! " hiitb prlue . UlCAIt 01." FmXNlJ1i AJuJ'8()nooL leal triumph of the ' nineteellth celltury; . ' . . In' tbe mnket- . The !!Ilme lJllln!!tllk HATII:II :-1 ' bllve not forgotten you . Ing c~re III shown In granl{e work neither. tho lilany bllPPY days I ~~a:i~~;(i),;r~:~e:cl~ d~p()sito YQU tbat brings IIUCCI'!!!! In his fi08n olll1 p6l18erillwong your hillB l1li " obild by Dr. Klhll~r, t h e . ..i ell1ille."t kidlley alld O,n r 18 · n tl ll(~ Urec • IlfODl rteoug enterprls88. The M.aBter, Warren and truly eltj)8ot lIome tlmft to lIee ..:.o....~. bladdcr IIJlCclaJ\dt, and 16 wOllllcrfu\1y ' . . Keys. well known to grllnlCe work the dear old bome agalD, 'but at tbls ,u~cc6sr.ul in'pronl)Uycurilll:llllllebaclt, y~ , . , ' erl, IB a yoong tllllD of promiso. and tilDe It is ahnollt Imp08l!lble, 'al 1 am uric aelll, catarrh of the !Jladtler alld • o i'8rrhill Wl!n the honor!! of hitt office in Holton, Klln8~!I, vllliting my~ liri~bl's. ,D.iacasc, which is tlie wOrst form or Iwillev t r o l l h l c . . . . . . " , With"l It III a .slllelldid grange, big rent!'. My motber h! In very poor Dr. Kihner'iI Sw....,.Root ill lIot .ree. a-. H.; . wll,h proml~o for flltllre good,lI.nd health lind thnt will prevfnt any of onanaelldc(lforc""rylhill!:'ll11tif voubave . . will ~I'lirl workeTII mtn I bfl lield to us ntl enclml thr.· Itrllnl\ .Rolllo ('QDI kldn«iv lh'er or !t~n,hlcr trollhl e It will be rOl\lId·j'l\titl~u:rellle'IY)'OI\IICC'1. Jt!laI (~orn C lOll. H~' COl'n ~ cllrr'y 011,h,,1 \\bi..tllh, II' h .lIflr·. , ' .ing, Wllldl 1 kilO\\, \\ 4,' \,v',\lhl 1111\" fleeJl t C.;t cd, 1I1 so. u ~ally wuy ~ . til hosp ltal ,~ ., • ••• work ami III pflvnl'.' practice, UIIIlhll!l"JHtitllllY III . tht~ 1111(\ \V.II"n ea \Vlth · UR yun ~,~t . m ember Frolb. r Elli~,lm n"ltl.l· I,.· enjoye,1 >u "'lIuh I,rovt:d ISO &IIcc c~s f\l111i c"cr \' cm'C thala . ... I""J', . Ran. I '~tlnt to IxplHln the l'lhl!:" ' 1 w" .. 111111'11,·01 III IS83 ttl Ch,"I:' . uJo 'I~cilll .nrr: LI\ ! ~c\llelit 1!14» l'\'clI IlIlItle by c til \',., I', t illl, ' l \\' I' t HI t . 0 UI' lOS .' . . ' ~, . . . . ,,oF ' tiona. work. And 1 c"rrll!(l II\\'II ~' Fr:Y:8 0 1 (!rt,,,,,\·\I1,., Obin. W .. 1'(1,1. which 1111 r":,,h: r~ of UII61)1I1'j!r. who hava \\ d . , lIot already tri ~.l'it. 11111)' 1111"" II IIIUIlp'I. " " . ' ~O bOpe IU~lllrat.lulI ' line (lellr I\I~III /Chi nHmed 6,,\111,., boU1o .clldru"I~Y'lIl1l1;ab"I'h()Oktello " \·.('I'Y H\tHlIUg.80)()U cf)JIl ' !!e ~uur 11 ur en, .au ttee u.s ~r. but IUjit hllr Ilt t,he ~Ile of 7· My 1111{ IIIQrll n:M\t I5w"1II11:HoUl.IIP1l1 bow to , . . I' ' 7 t . . U8 ' Ol)()Sl I W /L '!lYltery Iilol Y6d. h1lllbltnd work I for tbe Kenllear 1111t1olltlf)·ollllilV\l~hlu\!)'(lrbln-Lltlerlro ... ble. When wfllllll( 1I.lcullo" rOI~dlnll thl. . , . . " Row '0 keep olf periodio attackl:l Manufl'.oturLii., Comlla.nyot Cplnm· gellorlnls olTl:r llllhl" ptI~r "ud Mall yoUr . of bill01lllnllllil and habitual oon!lti·· hUI,,. at a ..lary of ,,600 a JlI'tiOD. wall Il lUylitery that Dr. year.. My bOUle for tbe I.. ' fttteen IIddrcls lQ Pr, Kilmer itinlOt'lI New Life Pills solved ror . Chi . l11l I me" .... ritea .Jobn N. 'pleaeaut, of ye~rlJ hall been 10 0"110 , . .no I of '}4agnoU" Ind . The only pillA Hoping to be remembered by mr tbat are guaranteed to !rive perfect many old olall matell, and wlablng , .!!faotlon to everybody or mODey yOo all " happy time, very, truly 1111)' "''''like, bUl remenlber UIO na1lll, SWIUllp;RCIOt, pr, Kl1m,', 8w.m~aoot, refuded. Only Brto at lI'rea . C IInel tbe adelreee, Blapuaton, N. V" 011 'd ..YOUI", Sob_AI ~ ru, .~re. N.I, MAY 4.D_0. Fay•. ~' ever), bottle. ~.
FUN ERA l 0IR E,C'r 0H, Da, or Ilg_l. local No.1 ' long Distanci No. A9-3, WAYNESVILLE, oHI8
Offlct, H."".'.re" D.
~ {jibn~y,
l1'u tet,ison
Wher(' you 'get be'tt,;rflollr and more than allY other lb ' FI · h 1 'd' d .of· .. d A Ino e eu log I you tlaveno. t t rle Ki~~~er~!ade . ;!.:: it call nnd ' pet a ~ack, if you have wheut yoh can get flour at,the mill till thr.ash, it makaR no dlfferenee whether have d ell. I tWIt . h thO M: II e v or. 110 We have hundreds () .. ..s, why not you? we give a8 d tl h ' , f: t 1 high 'gra e as t el'e mll IJt, .an II . ... co sei'vice make high gl"nde white .,nd· .ow meal ',and .exehange ''',nl'e .fior w hl te or yellow corn . for cush or tOil· we have corn .' - k en. lee d,' ,..she II: oats groun(1 rye, b ran, m d 't'our gritd'es 0 f C-Ilie h h d curn nr -. lind .,at. I ' crn- I l ' nn d on t dcop, crus I Mtlhn(r set ,.nu '1,' . .t ,. I.. w'd" it ..• mill '·pen ' .'e ·1 t· · th ' caII· . d . '" ' d" , I lea. ' · t Y()U l)hOIlO be.ore yau I'
U' he t ,.~ hPrice .Dr81'd 'for" · "' .' : WA ' NE8VILLE MILLS .
~ S ~S ·
a±£ __
(, Ii
Eatate of George R. &ge, deoetle.
ed. Order for I&le of lotll In Cinoln
ne&i t.,ued .
jRnhArt. (\lnrke . CQ, VallO
Ildminil,tratn r
A'IU.lI' lUnu
~~~~~~"'--..- - -..~
Pro. RUlJOttl!, 6 50 tiaw Mill, lumber ..... . r,)oort'ek tQw,lIshtp : * 2700, Mallllu l:iIlW Mill, luwber .. .. .. ~ A Stilwell, Iluilitor. to Dtlvld MItIl(JO I:!tlW 11ill. lumber ... .. . \\' Tllyi"r; Int lu M '~i ,lI vi lll'; U:I ~eon Saw Mill , lumber ..... . •1 Warrt'D Wn.,c!, tru!l tee t.o Elttl <.: ntral UUiOD Tel. C~. , rents 'lJ]"' -HnllJrook; Int in U~iver tty • ~ud tolls ........ --~ ,~ g 'o\' g ht 8, Lobtlnon.. 83"0 II. I Plans tor n c \v ooncrete !lnrl "tone tI lUtnl ont II(I/Ir A Bltker' furU) In Tho Oa-egonla Bridge Company to I:jlllUlltuu It) wn s h ip were "I/Pro ved. J WlIrrell Wood t t l 69 :. , ' rus ee;' . ,aoros , Plum; for new "t.(.l1l6 1\ hllt,lUeot III .1 url)eoroek towusbiJ); $1. neur I'esidelloe o'f (;i1l0. I::illlith un J . Wa.rren Wood , trulltee. t o Mil Benn ett rOlld in 'oleln t.owusblll rnh W , 8olmer ; lot in Uni\'llrllity we re npproved.\ iI.elght", Lebllnon; 1350. ' _ __ ~_ __ Marla Bern"dlna KllsseJman et al . . to Benry Moeller ' lot In Leb~non" For Sale. LeWIII,
I~~VIIUII I::IIltfiehl; 37.!il aoro" iD
County Court
EaRte of Victor B . Augsburger. minor. FIDalllooouut for aettlemoot tiled. [n re a_tate of Aloo)''() Murray , de. ___.. 08......... Administrator reoovers sl1m f 843 o . -&6 from Horace Murray . E&&ate of CyndO~ Ey'mon, Insane. Slath aooount tor s \tlement tllflil. In re lut will of John B. Grabam . duoe.l!ell. Will Il(lmittoo to probllte. EIIl.lIle of Johu B UrllbtlUl. de· ~ed lV . S. Graham, appointed 1660. • , exooutor. Q. ,J . tdwardllt John CIlS. .Marla Bernadlnll Ka88elman ot til . An entire butcher's outfit, inolnd· . Ing In part of ScaIAS. counters, blocks key and btl~. B . Clement, . apprals to Mary B. at. John ' lot I i _"ft en. ' n uu .... non. and raoke 1575. . ' I!'RANK SHlDAKER. WllUtlllI 'r. VanDerveer, guardillu Hannab B. Loug and hU8band to t Harveysburg, O. of Edwin R, VanDerveer, imbecile, A I d nna c. Burkhert; 12:91 Ilores ID , 600a8(Jd, VII Edwin R . VanDerveer. Franklin township; 1:1000. et.1. ~earing set for August I II at . SUsaD ~tevenl to ' Edmnnd Stav. Mr . Janney- hllll been reoomendlng 10 o'olock a . m . ' tbls grllnd dyspepsia remedy for Henry iClJerbont, guardian C. EI enl; 111. 82 acres In Hamilton town ! noarl.v two yeai'll now, and from I IIhlp ; 82591. Iactl1al oxperil'nOA knowl there ill no .rboret aou Harriet A. Ellerborst. A ' d B J k'~ Cli 0 oth er remedy !l0 I1l1rA to relieve IIOnr • IIIlnol'll, va Mary I:llerhor~t. rat-be; ' ~ man a " ao "" oton . Istomach, bad .tillite in the month waiv8I al8l.lfnmeot of dower to him Corwin; 98 93 acrell In Turtleoreek coat,ed tongue •. Ptllpltlltlou, RIP.6plei .. : by metes and bounds In tbe red 611 . tow neb lp : 18200. neSlI, wind ll6lchlnll, and other dla· t ta ed b . . • tressing 8vmptom8 of Indlg6lltlon owo y the mlaor defend An<\ PeJ)l!ikola Tablete ' moat our~ • anu, . Commissioners' you or .there Is n otblng to pay, 1Ct!.ate of Joho D. Fox1 deoeuecl. . ' They WIll renow your energy, s • . lov8lltory and apprai . t tiled ' proceedings. Idy YOl1r oer\'OI4, ' eg~lllte the action . lIemen . . ' o.r your bAart. improve your a.ppe I:e&ate of Peter D. Batlh, de08al8d Geo. E. Yonng felll! for 00). .t lte. put new life In rour .atomaoh, Blale bill flied. ' a n d wlJl do more to tone up and eotion of '1154. 60 del. Improve your genoral heltJ'th than ·&:etlte of Bazel W. Lewis, minor. . tax .... .............. ............ *288 62 an~thlng you ever hel\rd of. 8eoond and dnal aooouot· for eeUle. Leonie Wbitaore contract
i Long Iro.'users Suits i i
rn~~t ::ed~pPointment of Deputy Len:': !lIbi~~~i'~~b;,';::: ::: ~: ~~ PenDsylva · DI-a' Alice E Whtte appointed F. W,a way, bridge re ',
Cbolce of a larlfe Dumber of fine luita in lingle aDd double breaeCed IItyl. 110 aDd '812 values AQi'lIIIt Price
Nealy a hundl~ed 8t11ea, all new and 'hand · &ailored coate ont 10Dg wl&b deep .,ente, aod good valuea.a' and $16 .
Dnrlo, thtl AI1gu8t &Ie, meDII aDd you\h8' 11111 wool
II splendid 14880r'1II60t of flu .. lultli, Haokett, Cliorbari & 00, mllke. new ":ilnap ~".n.a,
:::::~,~~:;t::~~ ~o~· ~;r:~:E:~::i~~al::U ' SALE PRICE
II large ulor$ment of IIpllln.
did lIutts in two aDd three pl_ IItyl6ll, maDY valuel wortb 112,114 and 115
<?hoice of any and all 001' ~elt lIn811 of youtha lulu. faDq , worlltedll, Hr,.,.to, a111aaJul , ,,"Iored lUI ,18'aDd 820
. Now ••••
.,al_ . ( , 811.98 ' .
lao fine 'SUitB-cltoice of our finest E, M. System c:lotlllq colletre frey, blu. lel'lre, blliei .' thibita, etc. Rearular $18, $jO,;; , $25, $30 values. Sale price. • .
.' ,
Knee 'pants, Str$w ' H ,s ts Manhattan Shirts. $
• d"PQty olerk, . ..ire Wayne townehip 16 75 . In re 6IIttlte of William Borwn dp • . ~acob 8hum .. b', brldge- re.. ' , 1lfIa1Hld. Exeoutor ordered to dilltrlb. pairs, Waeblng'on town." EXCURSIONS TO ; . Ut8 money to the lIum of '5,000 e.,. I IIhlp.. .... .... ..... ......... ...... 10 00 enly 81110 banda among dietrlbuteea. A. D. ~bultz bridge repalrll New York Men's and Youth ," Trouser.. Wil.on Bros. Underwear. . I:8tde of EU,,,,beth Monnt. Imbe : ·' Union towoshlp ....... .. ... 18 00 AUICU~l ~~. ~II - " O'a n I(eccptlon Ores& Suit eases, 20 per cent discount durlnK the Sale. ell!! rtf'b , .000011. or I18tllAm8llt H. 8 C. Dover. ' mdse ... ...... ... 25 76 Baltimore died. l B . 8. Conover, nal1a. eta, .., .. 34 otI SepL. 14. V- Juhllee W""k ----------------------..;..~-----_-------, Fr kS Lewis Bros ooal for j .. i1 ...... 1005 City of Mexico THE MORE MONEY YOU SPEND HERE THESE DAYS THE MONEY il:a&lte of , an bllrwood, cteoeu- P. P. Maltwell, cement ......... G 00 AUl llJl t 14 to :1I '''Oeoloclcal Concr""" ' 25 Loa Angeles San FrandlCo YOU SAVE ' ed:...i'lrllt aooullD' !or aet,tlement Lewis BI'OI.I freijlbt .... , ...... .. : 61 sept ..... Lewla 81'01 " expre.e.:7........ 5" T . ~ ""tola"'NOan BaptlHt Connntioo . MAIIRIAA, LIOUIICI. U. Bill. toe for Cour. Bouse -i 20 oron, nt. ~ . ,
i i' $
$ $
i \'$ R. ·S. KIN'. 6S :' ·~fB .U R Y i $. II ------------
In:'~='::.~· ~i'I"I:" °off~~lIoOoon,' ~~:rri:i:!:· :,~~~::~:: - - " ...". Fred 8 o.rrier,
d :_nv ... , J . P . &wles, ilnppHee for Ii
Bc;o~~~:~·~~~::·. ::::::::
Oeborn 8 'rrimble, of Day"",, aDd R , 1:, il ,Colllnll. LfthanOD. Rev. Xenia City Work BO\l88, ~ow.r'~ ·1.\ boArding prl800ers in (Jeorg" I'Iblmp HDII LurtliC'bel . •JulY 3 1.8.\I~. bfltll 01 Leb'ln~n . R ., Cbu, Valley T~i~~b·~~~.. O~: ;~~·;~ E ~t"'D , 'II " l ,t t 11 .................... .
}d .. rv
110,I Chattan~~;~ ITe:'~I: o. o. Sept.. Army CUmberla1a4
: :1
F. 16. 17.111" Kechlien~1 ReunIon. of
Oct. 15. IS. J7·Soc·y
Colorado Springs
Sepl. 18. 1(1, ~O .. Plb·. Peak CentennIal ' Homeseeken' El[c:unlo.l~ In AugU. t . Scptember . ~"'ber ~ CoMull fI , t:. 1I0nlh. ,.Iclet A~e['~ Waynmllle.oblo. . "'~,
50-5:1 East Main St., XENI~i OHIO.
, . -:
Jbe .,
Is Now·in [ouFse of Preparation
It 'will l)e pri~ted A()'l l . fi.nepaper, illvstrated w.ith., many. Pictures, .t~11 everything llballt theHome~Coming, besides ."·muCh matter · of·' .inte·r estto' · ': Way.~esville·· Bnd 'W ay,n e'
,.Town~hip. ;
.'l ,o be ·8u"e , and get a copy · as we print ·. m,an.y more than are ordered. NO ·FREE .C OPIES .
'e xpect to
• "
( ,
THE IDEAL DOR01'HY. The French Revoluti~n and Present Conditions in RU'ssia
BAITH TUB OWL. , . In the com1"c opera at lUe the e"ora.
,'Moutt! Bnd ~ye. Covered with Cruet. girls ;Ire ooo'ks. .. -Hilnd. Pinned DO,w n-Mlracu, One good thing about rainboW g01If lou. Cur" by Cutlcura,' ,III thllt 11'8 an't IIQutlJld'er It on bargains, "When my II U hoy ·"a,.!!s..!8t!;lx~m!!!0~n!.!t~h;..9+-~I&n,y....e-f<~nd-YOlHlg_,"'rltll r'lI hopl!II old, he had czeOlil, 'l'he sor s exLond, come bome comnod III IQng whits elled 80 Quickly over tho whole body vel opes. ' thnt we at alice call (f In the doclor. The 01ily-jewel8 that n'llIn should not We then woat to nnothor doctor, be 'llshamed to- wear lhe bellds 01 but lie could not hel p him, nnd In ollr honest , toll. . 00 . abroad nnci Q.odspollt\ you, mJ' d ospnlr we w!jnt to a third one. Mattel's became 80 bad , that he b lld rogu· rrlends, But torget ~be slgbls you see lllr hoi )f In his che ks, In('ge enough before you seo me aguln. to put a tlug I' Into. '1'h foOd bad to A modern flnunder Is a YOllth of tobe gIven wi t h n SI)OOn, for hl8 mouth dny who 'Bn mur('Y and muke biB fawas covol'ed with crusts as, thick IlS ther- In-lnw t(lko Cllre of thllm bolh •. wh enever h e op neil tho Ooru!lder tho waya at the I)Opl1lll, a linger, ,"outh tb ey bogan to blee " Dnd s up', chllllOrQn. She bath earR . thut bear pumle, as did nlso his eyes. IIfmds, nOL nnd eYOR lhAt obllolutely refuse to , arms, dlest alld IJI\ck, In shorl tho behold anYlhln~. whole body was covol'cd over nnd over, Wo had no r est by day or night. Show. Value of Liquid Fuel, '%onov el' h e was Inld Itl ltl ~ bed , we The steamshIp OolilDlollth, belonrhad lo pin his hands down; otherw ise ~e would scratch his face alHI mllke Ing to thll Shell li n , 'hIIS Illst al'rlved an. open Bore. I think his face must lit Hott 'rdllm, nll e r s\cnmlng trom Sltlgllllore ' by tho· route round the bave Itcbctl most telll'tully. .IJI Of Oood Hope( a dIstance of 11" "We fin ally thoug bt nolhlng ' could help, nn'd I hlld made UII my mind to 791 miles, III 52 dILl'S, wltlldnt once send my wlto with t.ho child to I~u · stoppin g the cnglnes or checking tbe rop , hopIng that tho sea nlr mIght g\,ueraLion ot st nm In Ihe mnln boll· tCorman 0 Is b elieved to cure hIm, otherwise h e was to be put ers. 'I'h'la 'under good III -dlclll care til reo Dllt, b lhe larg at nonQtOI1 run ever mad. Lord be blossed, mntl l'9 came dlffor- by marine machlnory. T.he v ssel waB Dlly, and we SOOIl saw n miracle. A bu r nlllg liquid tll I, and with so great fl'l nd of Oll l'S apol( about utlc 11 I'll. nn ece nomy that enoll/tb S·IIf\)I U8 Is W made a tl'lnl wllll Outlcllra Soap, left to take the vesse l 20 days steam· ' OhlLlllent Bnd Resoll' nt, nIld wIthin Ing on ber return passage 'east. tea dill'S o r tlYO '" elts wo notic d Il dE'c ldtlll Improl' ment. Just as Quickly a s the s ickness hlld RI)peared It also b gan to disapp ear, and within (a .: IV e k~ the child was absolutely 'W 11. lind his 81;ln was smoolh nnd whIte "ECORD OF I IRElT ,' I. !IS II If I' before, F. HohrBth, Pl'os l· dcnt of th e . L. Hohl'llth ompallY, A Prominent Clnolnnatl . Woman Telb How LydJa I!I, Plnkham'e Vege10ablt Mnnlltn till' I'S (If Sill' RlbbODS, 4 to 20 CompoWld Oomp'letely OuJ:ed Ber, Rlllk All)" South Bethleh em, Pa., June 6, 1905." 'fhe l!"rBot good Lydia. E. Plnltham't < . Veg table Compound is doing smona It.IiST THAT :RESTS, I th o women of Awcrica. Is M traotinll J ·th n Hen Uon of wllny of ~ lead I nil Rest mea ns rest 5ci ntillt.s, nnil thinlting peoplo gcneJt .. u tout" worryln!, .nlly, Rllst wllh 11 enplt1l l R, Few persons jinolY bow to rest. Rushing for trains aad bOllts Isn't resting, Delng elbowed by a "vulgar mob Isn't restin g, Neither 18 stewing home and being nnnnyrd by ondless uetalls, Ol'erdresslng. ovoreatlng and too m uch ex Itement are not restrol. Ol'er Sunday rest Is bes t nccomp1\sbed by a trip to 80me restful place, Tho ,Idea Is to discover what best agrees with ono and thon to follow It a8 well as 110ssl bl8.
• BY GEORGE BORTON, . Author of "Like Another BeleD-"
He was d01l'11 lin tbo Washington I canuot forget the lilna of thn t otliel Olty plre tory :111- ':A. Qulntner, clerk WOlllan." War Depllrtment ," and that brier blSe :oMly, his iong yearll Ill! A. QuInt· OlP'flflhy ~n ve a l'Ilry cprrect osUmate' ner, IIll'k, hnd deprIved 'hIm of tho Striking Similarity <-f t/t e. OppreSSion Suffe-red by the ,Mlssea Dt. his relative tmpqrtnnce In the com- powers of InlllllUye. ' -· Vac lll King and VaCil lati ng O,:ar- "The Cre a~ rear" mmllty. Ho was CIne ot s\ivo.rul tiIOUAllout thIs Umo something epochal nde III similar positions who , left happ ened, One evenIng, ILL an early their house:;\ lI L a certilin hour In til t) houl', 1I'l r. Qutntner heard a ,tollrlng mOl'nlng, pe~rormQd various, dutlea allli upoo tbe willI which 6opllJ'ated hi Nslroturned nt a fixed hOllr nt nlgbt. dence trom L1le dwellIng lIext door. He We COlllI! thing s (rom th Frenc h l rcnchment In th royal hoilsehold, revoluLlon, re kon frOnl be tor() and whepfol'o mad' enomles or th Queen , He WAS a bnchelor, was A. QIllnlncr. WIlS thlnl,lng so InlBn saly of her at tbe 15 yenrs of nEOs, rClUrlng: , nnd timid , mQlUeut ' that the sound, (lomin g from atler Ihllt lI'ellll'IHltJIIS ("1I0ch~ 'I'hIM Is (Illd ourt. In n ' N ck I' I' COIU· r(,Il~(llln b l,'; It Is 'Il llerflclal, how v r, m IHI Ii the culling of th o states-gen· ,with brown ball', sllghUy s lll'ere<1 (It thUl Quarter, tmllressod him IlS a algey ery tim II country s\J!)\\'s !\ t(HIlIlest 'ml, whi ch Ilpllte him' very' I!Op lIlar tho temJ)ltl8, a lIorld colllillexlon, III\.j nul. SCnrce reullzlng whnl he WIIS the Willi lind, trcmOut, s hortly Louis Ihag!?y eyebrows. He WIlS a big U1I\1l, doing, J1 spraag In n teol'(11 10 dmw JllIl"IlllelR Of Ih n!;1' wIth Ihe people. be \lr ssed n eatly, h Is manners were bllng lII,e nn IIspen ,l enf, be (IIPlled ttl tlo n th er III 1111.1 III grelll rel·nln· ~ruI'e nail poll tc. a.nd be walked wllh throo times, soWy, with bls knu okles. 'th tiOh lhut a I' rlllrned l,' raur '. Ule aid of a :orl(screw Mnnzanlta CRIl • Wllllt WIIS hili joy to receive a recountry 11'1' Rhall f<llenk of, Hussla, Is k ; Qllintner 11:ld never, married be- s ponse-almos t Inaudible, Indeed, but f10t to b 1'11l 6S()d with those 010' ~ause or lin Ideal. uumlstllkubly 1\ response ! 11\('nllll'II)' cllij! lI rborl lJy lI\tl o 1'llIl'll>s or In cur ly youth he had supposel!'ly unr eSl: III' sC' nt conflliions In 1 11I ~$ lu, Oa his wuy to the onlee the next day round th e In nrnnUon at that Ideal; a he met. her; he pMsed her In the th e sl nl sll' r us p 't or (ho Pf!ol' l\J', belli' tull, t ll'r woma n, wll th a form ns graee- st reet; he tlllrly bru shod her dre~s with strikIng likeness to courllduns III till 8S \~e 8t III of a Illy, a low, brand his slecI'e. , He was about, \0 JI(t bta F r lice jll,;t hefore Iho Hlor m bu j·s l. torcho.w : · nrchll'lg eyebrows, an oval hal in joyfUl recognItion nud ga7.e smil\\' finn In } 'I'IlIlC , Ilrl)r to tll o I'ElI" tace, serl)U B, lru\hful, ten(ler eyes. Ex- Ingly Into her eyes, but Wll8 restra Ined . 'o liliion ol{1 r(,~Rlve \\'I\r IllC P.S, 11 profll· quisite r",ll noment seemed to . emannto by a feeling of dellcll cy, elusive, yet BO ntl'Rsl of III X' 'gllle-' coin't-s hn rl)!'s t crom hor llk e .\ Ilerlume, while genlle- clea'\' that It cau sed him to pails by ury and rill s rllbl!" (lOv rlY-II corrupt ness Dlld ut\'; lie lloo'd ness 10QKed from without Icol, lng up. Lrg-y, th e nutlon 's PI' SLIM wCliko n d her level, [bilrless g'Il'l1l 0" and spoke In by defell! 'In Will', nnd lhen liS ' IIntIlX, "'I'bls Is 0111' secret," h e muaed, "un· e\'ery toue 0: her 'ICI\v, 'sort vole, a w 'a k Rn" I'a IIInUlIg monarch. HilS' confessed even to ourselves, and to This wom"n II d to him, piayell with take ndvnntage of It or to seem con· IIla's humilia tion nl t hc hauds ot .I nl\1l1i his hean ae Cl , (!Ilt with n mOUSC, and sclous at It ';vO\1l'd be /1S rude as to bas shown th IgnOl"IInL Ru slllon lions· married n (Jls&'lI~lI[tg old millionaire, spelll, of a kiSS." Bnts thal l helr Little f'lltli N Is 1101 whose very to uch was contninlmlt10ll, th e all· powerful being th (')' hUd be n TappIng upOn the wall now became led to II I'e; In Ru ssia tu,flllY ' \,,'e Hei busbund dl~' al:t r a few yellrs and th e chief feature of A. Qullllaer 'a da 'ly 11l1d a cl,"":;Y given over to lu x I,,), and the wIdow Dl!\lle U very plain to A. lICe, so meth Ing to be looked forwnrd th e OPI>I" sslng rlltb I' thuu. uJlllfUng Quinter that he rnlgh.t share the den!! to, 0 sacred tryst to btlng blm hOllle of the )l oplo;' III HlI Hlia we lIud a mlln'a millions With her, but he pre- nlgbts and to keep him there. Every c ountry II' ak ned by Wllr, IIml fnm· ferred to remain simply a "elk." In the evening at ten o 'clock he tUPl1ed. EI'ery war department. In ~ ; In RIISMla II' hnv II 1'lI clllaUng eve.nlng he h ea rd 0. fulnl respons e. In rul er atmld not, to gIl' thO poo(Jle a Danton, One of the Popular Leader. I,. Dut be did not los t fnllh In his Ijleal his imnglnary anocfat,lon with ber, ho voice, afraid lo ,glvQ tb em ' ILheitrlug, as we shllll see. .' .' " plunned, not only even.Jngs of' readlng ,the French RevolutIon, and a!)solutl sm, ,vlth Its p'r p, t he bne morning, as h e was proceeding tram InspIred bOoks, bu t. hours 'of condlSl1llSSQd hlm-ltl r b>, bringing such to hIe desk in th,e department, h e a rmy, fllillng. verso. Dnd of more eloQueM silence. , In Fl'llnc(l, you I' member, wben tlie , n clamor about hi s heal! he was torced looked slldllenly Int,) the fHce nod eyes One morning she went away, and the to aek the I)OJllllar illlnister to 'return. Bourbon monarchy and the Slales. gea· or a womall wbo 1110 rertlillded him of Ol'er In Russia, vacillating Nicholas his yonthfu l lovll tbat he . nearly fact that she took with bor n SUit-case calls Witte to his ala, then sends him dropped his oorkscre", /I ne tn hIs 'lIgl- and wore a tr:LVeling dress sugs.ested away; P~ln ce l\1Irsky, who sugg sts tllllon. He tUl'lled olnll ,guzed ntter b er. to bls nnprnctlced mind a long lIlYmonlhs , perhaps. The second evening IlIIlnY re forlll ll, Is dlscretl!t\ld. Yes, tbere WIUI tb e sartle gracetul.torlll, A .careful sludellt of atrnJr8 , says rem inding him of t he 8tew ot a Illy, sfter her departure he began a lov. hat 01 ' Immorality, wastefu lness, x· swaying In a gell UIl breeze, the same letter to her: "My Sweeth eart-For sucb you are, t l'U vagnnce and tYl'llnl'lY or . ilia [tobles m'n sslve 011 of amb,ll' hair. nnd you caunot ' belp YQurselt, tor~ Ill S8 In France has II r1iIlPB ' nev e l' "Clll) It be~" he muse(). "But n o. been paralleled save by the Ru s~ lnn he is 40 by now, and this Is 1\ young whatever your senllmeats muy be toarlsloCracy; and th ignorauce or the womnn, the sUllie age tbat she was wards me, you cnnnot prevent ,m y lovIng )"ou. I cannot believe you are gone. Frenah peasant pOl'ha»s no' more than ~ ben ." . The lIawers are here yet, tbe 8un. tbe tbat of tho Husslan pensant to·day. He called tbls womnn, too, Dorothy, stars and the birds. Everything reRaised from lIerfdom only In 1861, tbough he did n ot know her n aOle minds me of you. Sometimes I reel mec1ng use only of'c~u(l m t hods of even and hOd no deslfe 'to learn It, , thnt my love for YOIl Is ebaer audacity, agrlculLlu'e; lleavy ~ ~blhtnUons 1m· Il seemed .Improbable to him , that IUld tben I re llect that It '15 not only PQ d upon hinl, the RUfjsltln peasnnt two perR one SQ closely resembling 94cll Inevltnble but Il duty; It Is mere worlives lIke. !1 beast, . , oth r und his Ideal--lhls Dorothy Dnd Tbo slIlen dor at LoUiS" court was the Porothy or long ogo-should both ship, the trlbuto that the soul of m,.... , IInrll'aloll, fOl' th mllgnillcence and be Ignoble Get tho Most fleasure O~t of Your Idlelles8 tlnd gayety the poor peas· Vacation. "rbll! opinion was ' the next UlIls paid In tllX · s ,uti tltbes, Tbe 'fo do thla, yon s bould go t.o Colorado mornin g wben h e nbsen 'ed b er from Russ Ians of lo·day boast that St. P o· where. you breatlro the pur~st a ir and tenbllJ'g possesses the most splendid his w(ndow bringing sC I'eral bundles Bee some of the grendest Sights In tbe from the c,onier l>1'O~iOry, evidently proalll\ gayest court In Europe, in con, world. Here are to be found all the vision for the fami l y breakfust. ' 'l' be tl'al!~ to this we hav'e Maxim Gorky's recreations ot tbe East-Golf, Polo, a ",rill- pictures' ot the beastW lite br early nil' bad touohl3d ber cheQl( with BOMlng, Hunting, FIsblng, T ennis, .RIdtbiJ • niassos, we bave t he " knouted treilbne~8, and there was n JOYOUS IIgh t Ing,. etc" together wIth a\1 the altractn i ller eyes; whlcll 'he concluded ..fre ",<'lltch, the massacr d J ew: 1 . , , t ons or n new and mountainous coungrey. ,Where 's uch contrasts . llrevsl\ an' try, Tropoff, Mo.t .Hated Man ' In Ruella, , After a week, A. Qnlntner began to { archy lifts Its head, the ¥8assln's Very low round ' trlp rates to P enver, feel that ' he had 8I)methlng to com!! ·eral entel'ed UllQn their .atrpltgljt, It hl.Qd all6mpt, justice. ~nd ..the· world Colorado Springs a nd Pueblo, ore now l ay with I be to.):epch utnnl!llIg arlDY to s~ds In constant expootatloQ ot homo to nigh lB. He was no 'ionger enIn effect, via ' the Union Pacific, whose vious of bill two Il8Itbclates, one a rat, -decide which should 'wln the day,- Per· .pl~ndldIY equiPped trains and pertile other 11. ' thin old man, both bald, haps It was an accfdent-wbo cay ~Y feoUy ballasted road-bed insure yOu a who 8harell. biB OffiCEI, A.B' the handa of - but the guara H ' \Il Pal1'l~ ~el'e In· pfeosant journey. Fa!' full informathe cloek' crept around "the dial toflamed to ' revolt' by .'the kJllln g of. one tion In regard to mles and Oolorado wards balf-past foUJr, he also ;ilinced of 't heir comrades 'by blre d Swiss and . literature, inquire ot W. G, Nelmyer, Impatiently a t them, Tbey-tho two 'Oerman soldlol's In ' the pay of the G, A., 120 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago. old men-liAlre hunS:ry for a sight of French monlll'cb: when followed soon Ill, their wives an~l ba bies, while he poron the revolt of the soldie rs the s uc· hllps might get a gllmpso of Her. FaUcessful Bssault on tbe BasUle, ' there FI.hermen U.lng Motor Boat., Ing t bat, he ahollll\ Ilt lenst ox perlenco came In fatal sUCCI/salon the events .Ie land's fisberm e n havo taken. ' to 8weel Influe nce of her proximity, culminating In the rei gn: or torror. using ,mot,or boats' In tholr buslnoss. tor Jlhe was s~ to be In ' during the ' To-day In Russia what 1I11s the soul Automobiles and motor boats bare evening, of 'the czar , wllb alarm 18 the attllude also ' made their ,,'ay tQ Helslngtors, . of tho' army, Every wbero 18 evi· . Now, he enjoYeil /II bowing aCQuaintFinland. denced revolutionary tendenclos among ance with tbo servant next door, a wo: • "Uncle ,Tom'. CabIn" an Operetta. tbe soldiers, eVOII the troot)s In tho :awn of about to, With one colorless "Uncle Tom's Cabin" has been given eapltal sMw 8 rlous disaitectlon. eye and a SQcraUc n()se, .' In ' Jull a numbel' 01 non·com· He slopped ' nnd ~Iked seyerlll tlm8I1 HE FA.IHLV BR SHEll;) HER DRm8S 8S an operetta. It was orlglmi:lIy Bung W1TH BfS SLEEVE. at the Music Hall, Lynn. .!.faa&., Qo. mlssloned oOl cers aad 30 troop 'ra, ot wltb Annie, holding lals hat politely In ' the hpl"so gUllrd .. , also sollle nOIl·com· bls hnnd, ' out 9f Cleference tor, her, pays to the good, the true nnd the tober 8, 188L m\6s lon C'd offiners of olh e l" guard I"eg' whose se rvant Annl,e was; alid as h e beauUful-" He laid tho letter nslde and ne ~er Imenls, were seized nnd \luL III 1I1"lson, talked, , his "olce I~ew tender and th eir 1)laM ot IDlIIt\sonDl nt most he exhlbJled hes Itation and embarrlUlB- IInlsbed It, for s lle cnole back tbe next -carefully sentlnclctl. '['hat mem bers mont. ' Wh'en he, W 8JS IIctunlly In oon- day, having been no farther away than cf tltesp. suspected I" ·glments may nut vllrsatlOtl wJlh Annie bls purlXlsc Annapolis.· mln~le frll(Jly with the lIeOI)Le, spread Shortly after her return the respon" seemed' preposte roua for he realized or be IIred by revolu tionary vl elV8, the LoulB, that be b ad stoPDed the woman almplY I slv.e ,rap'PlngS ceased" and A. Qulntner, regImen\fi bllv~ ' b een shut Ull lu bar, , ' I~because' sbe was }ler servant. . , fearful of betraying her, did not perne ws s ueh ns that cried recently on I He saw nonllng Incongruous ha so sist. He mer~l y wallod pti. u cntly, , But on his :way to the office ~ one Ch lcugo street IJY 'II conscienceless much physl«;al ugllnesa serving so vendo r o( Buitron news paper: "Czal' qlllcll bClluty. It seemed to him rather mornlllg he met the servsnt with tbe Is Kill ed ! S l. Pctersb u'r g )llo ~ ' n. U-p!" I.he fll te oJ' ,women ,<.t Annl!J'S uppea r- Socratic features. Her eyes were red . 'fhe czar has dismissed th€ rlollhlll alice to perforlD monlat t1l51(s rot One with' murh weepln~ "Whnt:s the 'matter, .' Annie?" he. YOu reeull wha't hnpnellod wh on King upo n whoso fnce an,d figure God hall LOuis,' InDueucotl l}y the ultra' can. set thc. "en l of Queen.. , asketl. "fs Por-Is your inllltrelll'! sIck'" "Don't- YOU know, air," said the girl, senaUvcs aill!' the reactionary ,m'cm. mrhore can be no ,11uCh thing as senhers or l bc; ,oynl tamlly, ha!,l IUS' tlmont In the h ea r t (ll II poo r crenture "sbe has been verY sick fOr a week. missed Nec l(or Rnd concentraLed III(e thlH servanrt hE! reDec ted, "In, the 'fUe poor thIng died this ' morning at trooJlij In ' Porls, In ~rls, here .,aud ' l.ldeaJ wQman, beauty .ot SOu l, rellne,j three o'clool(," ----------------------"My Godl" gaspod A. Quinter, there 01'01' the cOl1ntry, IlllIurrect!o n. nn d ' delicate feeilng;s, are assoclaJed 1 ~~~~_1~ 1t"Y mo've menls brol{o out the cou ntr)' WILh physlcnl benuty. "rhe laiter .ls .the blanching' and leaning agl\lnst th. . iVlIs s wept by "'I'he Ol'o~t Feal'," A vlsl,ble nnd langlble ex presslo,~ of the tence. "No!" Promotes Djgeation.c~rrul "Yes, s ir." Annie laid ber large re,d 1II0b of hungl;y women marcbed to [ormer. J can. talk with Annie WltbOl!t ness and Rest.Contalns neither Vorsal lle's, th e royal family savcd ber el'en susnecllllg ,my se ntiments tor hand tenderl,. IIpon his arm, and, loof:Opium,Morpliinenor'MilwaL Just In time by L~tayotte and ,tho her mlst.'"es~, " " . . ed up to blm bravely. NorN.AR.cOTIC. ' "Ood' bless yeu, 'Annlel" sobbed A, nallcJU!fl gual'd. Emi gres Ded ' rrom ' , So.>~ suIto rs, or; In ll'!ore conventlon-, the l an.~I ' Ule /oyal; . tllmLly,. trlea to al l atl~lIl1ge, "men friend s," bogall to QulntnP.r, turning ~way. , ' hwl,c eS'(),llJl,e} wer!! IUscovered ;' Rnd npv en r n exl !loor, " . He was never 'tp know thnt lhe tnp. ' "";'eI'r.uh'SMtlIEI.PII'IlIIIR; brollg ht ba It ·to theOapltal. .~h~; 'dea , '''1'l1c;.e'5 II dozen ol~ 'em'," sal(l lADT.\I~, ping on ,the wall, begun as a pla yful ." Of u monarchy b~c8~e !Dare and more J ne ,dUy, "and sbe wouldn't have any prank by " DorotI1Y,'" Dnd In(lu Iged In ~SJiI\lUPUI uillr, I'adlcal views b'ccPJIle more one o[ 'em, 'Il:0t If lie wus lhe last man 'but onco or twi ce by ~er, hnd been I(ing • ..... .r..,.t~ ..' • i' . radI cal. the ~ob. of .Hajls b9'g!ln· an ;e~l·th. She'll tllrn ' em all !tway 80010 contlonued by the servant wllh the Mn·' u~c d II. 8 .(lOlltl~ul toroe. lIhe SplTlt' da y, wh eu her own true lovo ooma. n~ sentimenta,l exterior. ' She hM only 'grew to r .. IIZY. lhe TlIlIlerl es were ·Idln' lI)) ,to the door." , dlscon~lnued It the week before, "heil ~ tormed . th e Swiss GII~rds n1a8Baere'~. "f:lieap literaturE!," reflected A. her mistress. hRd been taken I;lck ilnd :rhe royal tamlly was plBded I\nd~r Qulnto,c r, as he wal.kE!d oft, "puts ma.ny had deman~ed her unlllvided attention. A~ecl Remedy forCOIIS,Ilpa: th e ij llrvclllnnce III the TOOl Jlle. Then, 3111y I,dells Into the henda of the unenPobledonost&etf, . RepresentlllD A. Quint ner moved qut of the nelghDon, SOUl' Slomacb,Dlarrnoea €Iergy, th e next stell In the story of t he 11\, lightened." borhoqd the nex.t !jay, carrying with Worrns,Convu\Sions,re~rish But Annie's remarl,t brought a new him t/le sad ,but radiant memory. ot au ratlkB, The findi ng at rel'oIHt\onal')' ,rated' ramllS', the Itlng Is bl'Qught to ness and Loss OF SUER trllll; ',f or al)egod ,acts ot treason elcm(1nt lI,lto bls dreams and can sed !ileal woman. combining , p hysical 1It (>I·0.Iu r In tll e quarters of th 'avo· bI~ig~o' chorkus k:: reglm 'nt 'hns led to thc . ro!;· agaInst the nnUon sen tence of death lhem to Include th e time When Soe charms with bea,(ty Qf'SOIlI and tendershould suddenly dlsc()ve r thnl She bad nasjI of BenUment. ' Iment boltlg broil en III) and, m mb aJ's Is 1 )Il~li d. Is carried out. . eHn! 'I'OPHhlR WEI;ISTER. lllst Interest 11,1 the others; .lnd should " A girl with Socratic features stood a l>,POI'Uooed tQ placeS' olltslde /?t. Pe· 'lIen!} all a t, her evenings with him, blubbering, as she wnlched tbe dra.y I.arshurg. ¥e sbrank fr-lm aCI~ua l1y IDakl'ng her car.ryloj; his etrecll, all4 repeating a Before HI. Time,· , You relllelDh ~r Necker, dlrectol' gell' aeq~lubUlce tor t W"~ reasons: First, ,eral of (lnalle BIlIl, mln!.slel· ot slalC' TI'al'elor- Oan yo~tell me, my· man. 8uppcse she should fa ll short ot hili vers~ whlcb Ilhe hnd ."ritten wIth atubby, unulled ' fingers: ~er LoulJ! .x\: ~" end avol'ed 10 save whe re tho Roman camp Is abQut here ' conception of ber? Thill i.bought "00, IItUe poOle, through the. male, RlI!lt\c- ·SW, elr; I've tleel'd 1811 ' ar Bueh ti-ea8~ tbat he tried to pmmade France from IlDllondlng b nn kruflte~', to In8tltut(', roforms t hat taxe~ migbt lhorll used t.o be a RODlBn camp about hl!Dself thllt he did nol. entertain It, , II)' love to my tl"ll love too tell The role III read, the Ttolet bloo, be more e qullaJ,ly dlsl'l'l bu uu1. He 'e re, but 'twas afore my tlme.-Tlt- and wl10n It be"'iiiHlle" too Insistent lae ' • AlIt! 0, my love, I loved you troo!" "reyloU8~l' hlld ad vanced sOlDe re: Blta. apo/oglHd, saying: ICGn'n'lltht, J"", II? .7_.. 11. . . . . . .
I Tho follo",lng .letter Is only one at man y tllouSI\nds wblch lire 011 ~e tn tho Pinkham pffice., and 11'0 to prove beyond qllllllt!on" that J"ydia E. Plntehalll's VCIl"table Componnll mu st. be • r , medy ot grent meri+, otherwlso It could not pl'O!hlce euch mOrl' lou. resu1tB nmong s ick nnd aillng women.. Dear Kra. Plokham:.. Altout nillo montlUl IIgo J ,..,. .. greet l1li& fererwlt.trfeuudQ troubfe, wWeh caUled me IOvllre, pain, exLrelllo lI\l1'vQWIJI88I' and tre. qll ont 1i<!tklach , from which tb d octOl fllllod to rellevo mo, 1 tried Lydia E. Pink, blIm's Veglltabltl CoUl()OU;lld, and wilhln • abort tll1l8Jelt better, alld tl\klug betlles of It 1 WlIS cutlroJy cured. l ,tllurefon betlrtlly 1'l'!.'OlIIlllood your ComllOUud . . . "J>lalldld femaJotonlc. ltmakoa hGlnql)ihl, pcriodJl1'll:1I1~ and wltllout pain \ .ndrwbA' • blC!l!dnglt Is to find,such' a remooJ' after 110 mallY doci 1"11 tall to belp you. I am plcued to rocommllnll I~ to 011 Hutroriug wOl1lon."Mrs. Sara WlIIon; 81 EIlIIt 3d Street, Clndunatl, Ohio: " . 11 you have suppressed or po.lnfuf . periods, weakuess of the stomach, jndigoiltlon, bloat.lng. pelvie catarrh, nerl'OUI\ prostra.tlon, dfzzinoss, faintne ., j, 40n't-uure nand" ",unto-to'bOo IllflrO:lonll" teeliug. exci!.u.bllity. back. nolto or tho bluCII, tbese ore aure IndlcaLlons Q( female weakne811, or 10111. d rnngomont ot the organs, In auch cases there Is ODe tried anQ true romed1 -Lydf& E, Pinkham', Compound. • '
. R: -.-
For Infante and Children.
The kind You' Have
Alwily_ Boushl
Bears the Signature ' of
B.w It Can Done luccesl 'fully- !fow the Seas on W11en Ther e Shou)d lIuddln g Ilnd Graftin g to lie Brou ght Forth Sucb :&eclpell Impr'J,n stock. ' 11& thp FolloVoing. If Is a very Ila uy matter l or a fa rm GRAPfJ AND E LDElRDE RRY.e r or l rul t gTQwer to raise bls owe Pic k o ne- tblrd pint of grap B a nd two· tr~l)~ from ih H e d and to propaga te lhlrda pint or elderber rl.tIS; mix wi th choice vorl lies. Seeds , ot SlOOf' two ro und ed ~ablcspoollfuls et sugal·. t r ults, Includin g peacbes . plums an~ Line "the vla te willi vaste; LOW FRUIT LADDERS. s)1 rlnklo che rrl ea, man y be plant d In the fall with Oour: 011 with the grapes and Can lie lIunt a~, the Fa nll aud Will by !lowln, thinl y In rOWiI thr~ feel berries: s weeten m ar l), If desired; apart ar,d c;OV81:1ng one to two Inchll! sprhi t<J e tb e edge wltli 1'rove Their V,llue When 110ur •.aud. cover dee p. II the re Is danger or IIqulrrel, with a top CI·ust. Given TriaL di ggIng up the plls , store In woode~ H UCKLEO IiJ RR Y,-Clea n carefull y Two Bl!e tcbeB of low IBdde re · for tioxes covered with wire anll bury ID ,one quart of berd es : line a plate with picking s mall rrul ta. 8ucb as lIe aches., the ground unUI , sprlftg. pas te ; turn In tile berdes, wll.\1 a cup· A Ilple aeetlllnga good roots 10 (Iii at sugllr a nd one-balf cherrtes and ap»le8, where the treell , ~u)1ful of are low aPI)enre d In a recen\ IS8ue or all localitie s. The . mD8t aatll!fp.c tor, water; dredge with flotlr, and 81)rtnlde way IB to purchaB e apple seertllngl over a very lItUe slllt and one-half 1\ the Prairie Farmer and wblch we reo produce he re. Tbese ladders lire 80 "nd bud or' ~art them. Practica lly grated nutmeg, Cover tbe pie with eully made tbat they should Inter.est all pear IItock s tlsed In thl~ i~ulltr" a top cruut, and- bak e In a qUick oven. are Importe d from Frnnce., Dwarl our readers. PEA CH.-Pe el, stone and quarte r or Fig, 1 shows a plan t1mt Is made ·pears ara gra rted on quince rO\)ta, but dice good rip e peachel!. Line the • by taking two slx·lncb boards all feet all varl e~les do not thrive on Chit plate with crtlst, and arran ge the .tock, as with Joyous hearts imd smiling faces they romp and play- when In . tr ult In It. Sweeten well health -and Several IIpe cle 8 ot plums a re a fall little water. Sitt ove r , and add a how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoo a tellspoo ntul able tor st oc ke, bllt the beat Is a con of flollr. Dalie wltb an upp er crust, enjoy, the cleanly, re g u~ a r habits th.ey should be ta4.ght to form and the r life they tused subject nnd should be selected and ·se rv with sugar and rich cream. accordin g to th o variety and locality diet of which they should p:trtake. How tenderly their health should wh olesom ~ APPLE ),-Selec t tart a pilles : pure, be \m:se rved, For moet Eu ropean varie ties 1he My quarter and cut them not by constant medicati on, but by careful avoidance of eve& In ry medici robalan atock 1s u sed. Thi s Is fol 60 Line the plnte with good tbln alicea, ne putt paste ; ous or objecti.onable nature, and if at any time a remedial agent is requ of an injurfada pted to Jllpalles a so rts, 1' hese are on this pile th e npples, ired, to assist allowin g p len. freqnent l y nature, on ly those of known excellence should be used; rem edies which I,rolmgl ucd on pe nch t-y or fillin g s weeten with two or stocks, as t.hey ' more raI,ld three tabl eB~oonful s ot and 'wholesome and truly benefi cial 10 effect, like the pleasa nt laxativ are pure 'sugar, a cco rll· growth and thriftier trees for ' tbe Ing to Ole tartness at Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the Californ ia Fig Syrup Co. Syrup e remedy, flr8t year or two. On any stQck they put op th e top c ru st. the fruit. and of Figs has Bake In 1\ hot come int o general fav or in' man y millions of well informed fa milies, whose are a allort lived tJ'e . oven from 20 minutes to Beedllngll at whntere r kind will eel· A mUe g rated nutmeg orhalf an h onr. of Its qU Al ity and excelle nce is based upon person al knowledge and use, estimate ground cill' dam come t\'uo an d the common wny. nalll on may, be add ed for Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval 'of physicians generally, to propn gllte var lotl es nre. !Jy bllddln@ th e a !l llies mny be I)ar a cha nge. Or d and cut Into they kn ow it Is wh olesome, simple and gentle in its action , We inform allbecau se and graftin g. Both me UIQus a re e m bah ' B and »Iaced on the pa ~ le with ployed with appl 8, lhe seedlin g root! round s ide down , l.U': ble physicians as to the medic inal princi ples of Syrup of F igs, obtaine reputaa piece o[ but· '11' are cut tnto pleC(!s five to s ix Inches le r th e size of 811 egg A UEA I'LY M AD E STEP LADDER. wltll t.wo tableoriginal method, from certain pl ants known to them to act most beneficd, by an ially and long ani! cuttin g groovc8 e v ry ten long nnd unit d with Ule Bclon by 8 . sj,oonrul s ot s ift ed flour, add two cup· . presen ted' in :10 agreea ble syrup in which the wh91esome Californian Inches wh 1'0 lho sle p8 ar to be. The whip ~raft . T his Is til II wl'almed fuls of sugar and halt a cupful of blue fjg ~ are used to promo te the pleasant taste; therefore It is not a secret remedy IIteps are set In to Ibe grooves and wllh Willi d cloth and the grafted water, SUr s mooth, 08vor ' with and hence stocks poc ked nw oy In moist snnd 01 gra.ted nutm eg, pour over th e a pples, tben securely nnlled trolll (he o uts ide. we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not approv e of paten t The wldUl a t the bCltlom Is about moss untl! s pring, when th ey nre and bakc. Vvhen th e apJlles a te medici nes and never favor indiscriminate self-med ication. three feet, but each ~ t p Is shorte ned cnr fuJl y set In nursery rows. ~ud. cooked, pile on the whites at two ding Is common ly dane In July or eggs ben ten to a sUit troth with t wo Please to remember and teach your coildren al so that the genuin e S yrup two Inches, so that Ihe to» ste p, which of Figs Is nailed across the end. cut parallel Augus t ; In tb e so uth J,une budding II tablespoonf uls at s ligar. Se l In a bot alwajs has the full name of the Compa ny- Cali fornia F ig Syrup CO. - pl-ainly pra cliccd to same eXlent with ove n un t il nicely browned wl~h th e gl;ooves , Is two reet long. . prlnteq. on the: front of ,eve:y packag e and that It Is for sale ·In bottle • PL M.- Add to tbree cu pful s at Th Sll'l lI rt is made by takin g two pea hes, s of size Afte r one only. ru11 year's If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, orone gre wth In . the plums enough wate~ to cover, and th r a ln II \Ij ('oes and connect ing th em having row, so ya Fnrm ond Home, sw ~ten with one anll one-half oupfuls ,,· twu r three su ppor ts. 'At the printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it. If pca r.h tre 8. ore read y to se t In th e at sugar . Let s immer you fail to get until te nd r . the' genuine you wIll not get its benefiCial, effects. Every family shou d always orch a rd, but mos t other trees r" qul re Line the plnte with have paste; 'et the two or thl'ee yenrs beforQ reacblng 'oc1geB', a rter put ting In a bottle on band, as it is, equally benefiCial for the parent s and the trull; s lrt the childre ll. suffiCie nt s ize, In fac t, ap ples IlIny he a little flour around the whenever a laxative remedy is reqLilred. edge and ove r trans nlonled ntte r growing two yean t he tap. Cover with tbe upper crust, arid ognln tran s plante d two year. and bake In a quick oven rOI' 20 min· Inle r before !letting In the o rchar d , IItcs.-T he DeHnea tor. Rloh. de p al)d me llow soli ebould be se lected ror growing all kinds 01 A~OUT CLIMBING 1I11lLIC AL BASE13 ALL. PLANTS. nurse ry "tack. It sboltld be heavily A Ca nton (0.) t heologlcll! Rtudent Infertili zed the YCilr previous to plnnt· Plct.ure sque Arches Covered by Creep· terested In bnseball wrOUI a thesis on Ing alld a hoed ra p grown. It Is un· ers-Th e Varloty of th~ Latter "Base ball Among the Anclent a," from sare to use rank manure around -T.h& Ramble rs, wh lcb are g enned the fo18owlng facts: nursery IItOck. The cultivat ion must Abr:lhom mnde a sacrUl re, be thoroug b and frequen t, weeds kept A I ngt.h of sl{alght garden call be The Pro digal Son made a bome rlln. dawn and growth fq rced nnd RUmu· broken Ul) nnd nlade Illctures que by a "Cain made II. base bit wl~en he kmeil lilted 08 much ns 1)08slblc, Cut off ae ries of archwDSs, whlc b may s oon Abel. the len,der whe n It has reached proper bo covered by creeper s. Some aro DRvld wall a lTt!at iong-dls tance belght to form a head. evergTe en creepe rs. Buch a s l rlsh Ivy, thrower. ANOTHER FORM O F LAD· . DER. Jessami ne and va riega ted Ivy. In Meses shut out the Egy,pUans at the CARE OF GRAFTS. planung' Ivies largo plants ' should be Red- ~ea. tOI' the tw;o seta are connect ed with the .rod thnt ' passes through bOUl. T.hole Set Last" Spring Should Beceiv~ ,obtaine d, the le ngthy growtbs of Moses made his lint ruD when he whloh can be trained to give an 1m· Blew the Egyplla n. This ladder Is secure and If carefull y , ~ttentlon lit T-jllll TImemedlate ·. effect, and wben this Is ac· placed will be hard to ti p Qver. ~ The devil \'fBB the lint Genuine Must Bear PI'U~C Cnrtfull y. com plts hed It Is Ulere for good. AI, atole Ilrst- Adam stole cOBcber. Eve );'jg, II shows ano t.her form that La s(,cond. Fac-Sim illl Signalll.., thoug h all plant growths laade by taking four slx·foot legs Wb cn IsaM met Rebecca at the well Gratts which wore lIet last 11)11118 work to e ntwin e Itself . prefe r wood· ullon, an Iron abe WM walkln l; wltb a t,ltoher. malle of lound 3):l ,stl'lps lind, con~ect~ should recel:-oo Samson struck out a great mnny Ing at the top wltb a bolt.· The steps l1rge1l Country Immedi ate attentio n, fTam e woi k cnn be made by IIDltlng a Gen , a~e made' by nailing two·lncb slr!ps likely fa' be s uckersU man. Thel"e a~ ,series of pipe a'rches, ' the oonstrue · times when I1e beat the Pblllstln es. REFUSE SUBSTITUnl, siarUng ·rrom tllO I tlon of ,,' blc h Is well known to all, I OD el~her aide of tbe legs as llIus· by borlzont ol bars, thus . making It's liard to under etsnd wby actors a con~ trated, The boar4 at the top til, nailed t1nuous ' .arcb, whleh can eas ily be wl t.h suoh fabulous sula:rlcs always to , tbe main legs ' and Is slY' ported on I covered with the wi staria by careful· atop at Buch mo dest ho tel!!. either lido by the 01 a ls which carreI Iy tying In the young shoots, says the lponded with' tho at ps below. T1!e .Brookly n Eagle , In the early sum lame dimensi ons are tollowecj. al In mer whe n It bursts Into lesf and bios· FIg. 1. som It I'.resents a gorgeou s slsbt or lavende r flow ers · and pr(lltr light REAL VALUE OF SPRAYINQ.. green tem·lllie lea ves. lt ma~ a lso In Fightin g ,Disease and InBects Out' be trained u~ a .wlndow on a wire lat· tlce. adding beauty to tbe s ceno and Should Not Depend Too ernmenl at par on July J, 1907, or less Iban sweet lle rfume to tile bouse. ' Much on It, Tills cllmbtn g Illa nt Is no troublo. once It for Governm ent obtalbs a hold of the ground, g rows r 80 rapid has bech tlJe advance mellt I bonds, due 10 th e appointment al Ille present very rRlllsIly qulcldy covedng the at spraying as a meanB of controll · space allotted to It; It Is, moreove r, time of a large number at Icmporary puhlic Ing Insects and dlsoa~es, that there AN Al'pr.. E GRACIi'T THAT NE EOil , sllre to gi ve abunda nce of tilossom III a tendenc y tl> greatly overesti mate deposi taries, we arc in posil ion to ))lJY'1' OU PR NING. . every spring, either white or lavende r. Its vo.1lte. It was only 26 years ago Physicians, Pharmac i sts,an cI [or your bonds almost as much as you will that Parla green was first used (or old branohe s below the I!dons, anr( , Ther e are now 60 m,a ny climbing receil'e front lho Goycrnm ent in Nurse prin ci s endorse Cuticu.r~ pal the oodllng maUl. 6( apples. Not UD' tbese should be removed , 0\' Illey will roses that. these ought not 10 be over· and int erest. evcn though yo u should hold roh I.he ,?ew growth. The scloos also I loa lied wben tho Qoverlng Soap becau se of its delicate,1 til about 1 85 ; W811 thl! Dordeau x milt· o[ arcbes Is them to malurity. are IIkcly to ,mnke a br!lnchy or II' I hi question. Tllose o f th e r~ mbl er t\lre \)8E>d tel any extent. W'h en we re,ll:ulnr m edi~ i nal. emolli ent,· sanaj growth, and tbls ~n be lire- tribe are st,'ongly recomm ended . We can pay 103}(', or at Ihe rate of _ rememb er, tbat pracUca lly all of our on th 'e, and antiseptic prope r I vente '] ,03 %.50, for a $1 ,000 bond: To retain mcdern s praying- Its tools, llIhttlolre s ab1f~ d to a .very largo e xt nt by' Suit· ncoount, of tbe amount at blessom ob· . prlm'lng or pinching . The \lIUII- talned from the m during your honds wheo you can sell them al this ties derived from Cuticura. the season. and ·methv1!". hl\S been de:veloped or tration· pric" i9 equi" ... lcnl to yo ur investing your the great Skin Cure, united imide or vra~U"cal ut.llIty within the gTowlngshowll ~ graft after .two years' . Tbey a re now a vailable I.n crimson , whl oh now requires cans ld· wblte, }"ellolV and pink var!IlUC pa8t 15 or' ~O 'YCa r3 , unt ll It bas come e rabl funds at .a rata of lcss tban ~.( 01 1 % per with the purest of cleans e prunlllg Lo .bring It Into proper whe n 'plan ~ed near one anotberS, and ing . ,to be an almost unlvel'Sal 'practice give annum. condlUon.. . ingredients and most re- ' . gr~at "~rlatlou and colbr. atn,ong the ' moat . succeRsful fruit CoaditioDl lire unusually favorable to freshing . of' flower odors. crowe rs, v.:e , can ~eadlly und.~rBt~n~ . JrIllvor ot, E'l>ult. tbe rein veSlment of your fuads. Railroad ArrAng ing ¥loral 1'ieees. why greater lI mportan ce . la someTbe flavor at frlllt'-Is a mat~er tbat .For preserving, purifying, bonds. di the highesl typo are m\lcb lower When arran ging ' floral pieces In times ascribed to It than ,It really haa. engaged the attentio n of ·our deep- which wire frames, covered wi th lead· and beaut ifying the skin, as than they ha,'o ruled for several years. , merit!!. Sprayin g Is'a new Idea, saYB est thinkers on horticul turAl' SUbJects. well as 'for all the purpo ses 1£ you are interesled in taking advanlage Farming , and like most new Ideas, It £for: Golf used to contepd that tllero toli 'and fllled wltb moss, (orm the ba· of the peculi \\r1y favorable opportunity to of the toilet and bath. Cutiball beon' over·emlJha ~lz~d. There a~o wail Just so much flavor dl,trlbu ted to siS or the work, It Is hard to ~t the · ,ome old nnd a few ne w ways of lOll" each apple. The 'larger t):te apple, "the Burface closely cover'ed, lind the edges sell your maturing Governm ent bonds, we . cura Soap hl~\len. 1 have, to~iId wlr9 halr.pln s l is priceless. Abso1118 ·the Inlleot arid· d Iseale problem a. leas wou.ld be shall be pleased to bave you write us. In percenta ge at lIavor lutely ·pure and may, bEt 8\Jqtetlm ea th~ae other ways may be found In ft. He certainl y was ''s' cl08e used I\S staples for fastenin g' flowers case rou have $5, 000 or morc of bollds, we better even than spraying , .lOmetimeti studont or fruits and niuat have had and folia ge Into position the greatC!st .usj:!d from the hour of bIrth. Iball t;.,e glad to bave' you wire help ua Ilt or our anythin g I have ev~r trled~ theJ mal supplom ent I.t vel'Y, advan. lIome "eiy" good reasons for his opln' . 1111" 1D::~,t~t~rrtf!t·:c~rJfn f~t!:a::-ct~l :~~:" expense. :sc. p O- I ~ &l of 03\, ma,. be, b...., a! t;t-. tagllOusly. Wf<! should not · forget Ions: \V,e " do not' believe tbat vel'), The pins pierce tb e fall and , cnter the ' ..~~af~~::~3ltQ~O~·~~.~~'~:O::.k .. ;. them In our enthusia sm over a new 'Iriany people wlll hold to hili opinion, mon, 'easlly, and so make It possible ' to q\llckly " ~taJ'lle vines, tollage or I ,lind "aluable remedy .. It Is certainl y true . that the . more ... ;:;::>.: ..... "' .... v h edlibti' Dur.1I <V~ flowers 'around watllr In ' fruit the. less there w\ll bl! or . Into vncant the edge at .tbe frame the U. 1:), DeIla.rt ment of Agrloal . 8)1ot8 over the taco' or 5~ WALL aTRlr.l r.T of flavor, because the less wll) be the tbe ·plece. . ,1'BUN lNG8. ture during t,he week ~nding ~ug. ''rhe n. too, Ii flower or lene •. , Cnrrant .· are amorlg the mOllt proftto amount of dry matter. It Is claimed often persists In standing ~jjiiji;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifl_E_W_Y_OiiiR~ , iiiK~" __~ Ull when It ?'" 19011, at Wayne sville Ohio. . able of fruits and can be grown In that fl'ult grown by Il'rlgaUon . has shou1d lie ' flat, and, when • , pent ¥' , this Very respoot fully. hap· , much iess ftavor than that grown 'pen8, ,..aid climates. a hnlr·pln put . across tbe s tem ne of l VITAS, E. MIOHICN\CR. Prune 'trees properly when young n· u.Plln hillsides where tbe brings It Into tbe. required pOSition and after they commen ce to !:lear lit· WU'l~l'U'" I!upply I~ 1~ll1lled. · and ·holds It there., isoo k tie 'trfmmln g Is' needed. Its a tilg mleDate. ,Olirllbl pg Cut Worma. Baited Almond s, I ake to neglect Young~ fmlt .tre,e l. with , Look out tor cllinbln g cutworm . TherJl are pOlition l open in the " A copldng·s chool formula ror '"nIt· , For marketi ng , .the fruit _hi)UI~ be Navy for hl!odred sof young men Hlghea t. lIiatun!d #ull grown when gat~ered, which may, in the nlgbt time, de- log almonds require} thnt artor she ll· . 'betwee n 17 and 25 years of a'g e. 1 lie ! but should not· lIave time. ~o . become stt:Oy the bude on . newlY'Bet treeB, Ing and blll\lchlng, the nuts sllall be d_ !!:.I.The beSt ,remedy Is a tar·pape r fenoe boiled In strong salt wa,~e r fOI' Rnd,for mechan lcs up to 35 yeara te n tl\ellow. of age. Good pay. and good 1000 CO.OD HEALTH PUBLIS HING CO.. . Keep ' gra:ss ad weed. away . from sut In the sail around tile 'tlsse of minutes, IlIlQwlng one ,teasHoo ntul of BBA£ BS'IJt'l B' turnlshe d by the Go,'crn ment. BATTl.E CREEK,IIIICH. , trunkl o~ trees-a t 'lell,t two feet to eaoh tree trullk. This "t.eace," saY8 salt to each cupful ot nUtil. Dry ' ~ , ~~ .. For fl\lI informa tion addres8 . 9reyent ravages by. mlc:~, and the bet· Farm Journal, ' must net be clOset thoroul( hly bn a cloth apd - apr~kle lid J~dlln lInds than two Incllea to ·the tree, should . 'WIth' melted butter or'· snlad Navy Recruit ing Station , P.oat ler to examlJ\e the treel . . oll, " llDeqaate d OPIMlnllDl<lel ror Nama extend an Inch or 80 Into the ground, teaspoon fill to each CUIJflll. Sprcada . Office Buildin g. CI~cinna~i"Ohlo. IOm ....t.n.II4I ••"'IO........Uo'"prl .. u.u.O If fruit trees are DyerJOaded, they and need not lie ' more than til reo on a tin and put In'" hot ov n till _ ',A,J. WALDCJC B&co..-oklabolllaCllr.<Wa. aboul!! be thinned. not 01)17, for the Illches high above !Found. Use ealne they are "a ,Ught brown. Shake often, 6eneflt; of tbis year's crop, bnt of the Idea for cutwoJlm i -wbloh attack cab. watcbln g caretully ·that t he y do not, ITOP whlcta III t~. ,fOUOW ano.ther year. baCe or tom,to J,llanta. burn. Oral on bloltlng· pajler, It Ia' a long walt between thtI .,Iut.. '. . .. ) 11.1 01 au orchard and tile appeara noe CultlYtlte the orchard thoroug hly. ~o !)leat Vegetab lell. . ." malt on the t ..... u4 a sreat deal ~rtlcularly the flrat two Jears All III, of 11..1. All I~' ,anti I.,.. A thill.' knitting Deedle I, I)etter thar IDII nI.. III THl NEW STATE TRIBUNE. I tr tim. wi" ". t~t If the W1'OIII ~ iAlWDI to preaellt audace, frolP ~tter forlt for tlllting vegetab len In COOk , bat· •Sial. .... 1 .. .,.,. _1 .. ,....Ub !baD III.., tI_ II It lea,. lureel) ' aDY LOU" . ~C!«?~1I:. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.....!li:.-.._~IDI uul Ib71III Ollt. ': lb. GlrnIaUOD of .., oilier PI»er IA the T,rrllllf1, DC' fCir. .WICO<i£E, IlfPIAlt TY
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n Ih olrl II j!()Ctd fmo ; 27 !Oprin g [ligi/ ; '?ll henrI of gooLl 'bre dIng ~ ~ . Aerial Craft. The rullll V rtNlle • ,t t ho (lll~ott,\ ____ _ f am\il!g, impl HI II ts : 1 two I1Qrs will gri ovo 'tO III " r ,If t.b o u II,b lI f A [{oy truu l lf'lI~ h l\t' III ti CR 'A rnrlll wn ~lI n ; l ' olle 1\01'80 Rprin!; Mr. It'rnnk Mill. , whOM: fUll nd WUN intrpp l,l norin l illl\',i~,. t.o r, wh f] lUI WII!;UI\ n ell rl .\, n .. w ~ 1 ru\lllor tlr b old II LllJOrt ~' C h llpe l Fri e n rls , I o nt! 1 I h 11'111'111 lJ .• lli." Iluring ilupgy i I ru lllw r tiUI rUf~lIbunt; a. (JItnrolt , Meroer ol\l\nt,~, hy l ~l f\h ,Ju y l\i g htN 'It t h lIa t\nn'" clIpit.o l, IIml g )1') <1 P'III Y cart ; 1 ~at, plnl,fo l'lll p o la; i Meeol' l!'llirmon t. lllci who prj'f1 oh Ull gOI)11 1r l~r'(lIlt l y 6.'1 111 "1iRb(tlll~ uow lon g IIIK AltrlllOIl to f\ oto wll Il ohtlroh . I tllncu' IIIllIit nnnninlr r llco td hy!milin .. Aug h hr(Jllki n ~ The rO!lI.' Wln g 6b l llljl.ry Willi r.e nl1 : 1\ rr ' lll1 Nllw Y.o rk '\t,y to n Ol< ton, h fll< p hll\' ; 1 ridin g 1>1' 11 king plow! 2 F rlln k Mill;!, YOlm geRt "on o f M r hO(l1\ Il Ii g-lI g00 II~ II ~]1eoill l fOll turo I~t Kl'IIu>I Un lti Yfltor A; 1 riO tout,h hilI' linn MrR. Mil to~ Mills Wllq b o rn 0 I till' Ohin StilI R'nlr t o h Iielll I II r o w npol' l,\' n \\' ; 1 twn h or~1'I \Vb lit' t ober th 1 69 nellr '~e8nrR Uree k , !,Oolumbus , 8 pt .mbe r 3, 4, ~, t\ IIm1 drill ; 1 0 1) IUl!'lIe wll III. drill ; 2 B .ts Clinton County Ohln Rnli llepilrt-ed 17 . Duri~ g th e c ntil~l1l1n : ' of tb worl1 hlll''leNf;; 1 set Ii ~ht b'lrtleS ; t.hl~ lif~ Augllst IUh, 111 06. fl!~ed ali Ktllft, !f1l 11' ·11I"! .'<',I r ClI ptlllll Knnb :l ·ot.. Itl . 10 b llrlle. s ; 0 lln.rl', br\UJ !; YO/lr,,: to m 'lOtil!l tlnd ':I ~-'~ . , , nn hul.l (hlil y (l ell1 ol1 t r llte I trl' I;' illl llfl! ' ~ , cl 'luhll' tr ('A. I'h,dll~, I \,u l1/o;; He WILli mtl.rrlod In Delln tl, Ohi o, rtlwr1l< th e ftlll>'llIill l v IIf II Pr l"J U!i V l (' l'It h l r, h,,(,,:, fllrl\ ~, h.,v\,llI IIll1l II 111
'Ood t'O eat at
ZIM MERMANIS of cour. • II
to Mluthll. E, M Urhoty AlJgu !l~ ~5th i ~lItio ll , 'I/It 1I,.:ltI hll. n(l\\' ' Ijli'l' g l'oll t III 11 1.1' r ill " if" r >I I t IIiUli .. t·. )H~2 by Rev~ A, Edwill l::)lIlitb, all . {I'ot.' fl Ib n IlI l'C hlll,dHIlI 0 1" hi !; I'll fl. 11\ ntlon , Term!!: A II ;;1l 1Jl" of 1\' 11 ,10110 r,,; j olnell the OrthOllnx FrhlDds while " t h a t III ill II hl.6 t il ,;,,11 Ih o sell ;' IIf IIml lInd l' r "II~h , IIV,' I' '10 ,I ('rtlilit of hov nnd hilI' ever Hino h e lll to t hut. th A· clu rlng t h l\I n~t tUl'bul.,l)I . t · I I . I denomtnat,ion. I \\'t!lIth t , VI. . II IT. l\rr II. . ~ nt rrl Ihllt IlI nll 1lIr) lIlh !< .Will I" t! l vml II' ,. I up . .• . • ' Il "'j b .' (11'1) 1-1'11 - (' I n t.I ' , . From. tble h oly lind MO!'I'II u oi n:1 t'~lI'Sfl u'l ~ iu", (X l u I.\oos 6 P l)lIl 11111." n t;; LI ,1il B SI'. has r l8en II. flimily Ird of thr p,1 lI vely glv II t'~ I C!\ (~I\tl y 0 11 111011 I i '1'. H ~I\\' k '" An t lIonll a·n-t thrAA rlall gbt.arfl bnt Got! ; rtf I,h n II hOI' monll onerlI.lHtl)... __ _._ __
T Ill' 8011 M t it W orltl , th lll ,. huoa.E. A, \'i' nl[p n f Br llr f3 r o vp, I n , " f IIlIl,Isefulu 118. ('II m e wh pll he lH'~" " til ki o~ EI"!lt.~i c 13ittrr" . 8 1'\ wrlt",, : "Twn \'1'" Itgo ){ hll1l'.y Ir III) ) 1'1111111111 1111\ l! r .JfI! Ill11l'(lr i ng , ",hil'h 1 \,,1. nI<l ll t\\'1 r hn \' " uI'vi ved hut.l 1 nut t Il kr n EI trio Bitte r R '['hI! \' IIl s 11 con' c1 111 0 )f G IIII. In hill tnfintt(l w(lIllow flU", fit two! I Tilt II .w 111 11 hln II< u nll .lI el' of Free Lect ure 011 1'111 U 'l)i1II,y" 'Ill' 'IHe for nil YIlIlr8 ' lIg0 to re lllove one preOh.iUll l ,.;l lJIplici ty, cOIllbin IU \V.IIIi hl,reu~tI.l 1 . , Trailli'ng Animals, . 'tnmnoh, Livol' flu(1 l(id lWY I)·'ID· IIUle EArl ·an InflLot only six 1II0utb" lIud II g h t n · ul~d ttit!UU ti unt [ ow : ____ _ Tllil int", Bl uotl rli{lOIl!lO!l , fl OUll1I Iii' DIll the remainin g fumll y t\r DOW ft ll f lit r, "l l1n>l\ muodi II in t·he Will ' IItt.! rlhwllit e, 0,;1;>1 Ihll G . DI ~)\I II S floll . W ' /llllle's or bo lily wife. throe ' lliu~ btil.r!j, two on~; hi :eS~i1I , ll"e.lllI~t ylm r . Th e glls hn g ~elte t.o IIf1Jl Otl l1 0e tlW t.) 1 WIll cIe rlpo lio ~ . PI;[CP fiOe (1lIl rnnl.!1llrt bv flither nod m l)t.ber IheMe ilTe le ft. tt) . lei CO U,.al!'U t.llll o t Ro von hunclre(1 tlnd H" ilr fl fr o lecl,ttl·e . o n the strapt Ii' (" ~o,hwllrt v.'R Ol'll)! ~tlll' t' mQllm tho )Ol\ll of I; 11ttt.lf~11 nn , h e H\.X,t.y Ynnl!\ I f till !:It ,IUpUlI f\!:\1I ilk, ' /ltnru 'IY ni gh t l ill \vhi'h he w ill 11ftll nne brr thnr 'and I.wo, RI!;ter s, I imported I'!.pp~i,tlly for ~,b I8 pur· l ,.;i 17« som i' intt' te"tilli l:: informlltinll bat /IIi htlvtl now gone , to elwell in (JOll. . Tilt' \V Ig ilt, of tile I'Ul:I~el. IS I C() I\Cll rnlll~ t h r,rulntll g of , h o r !'!'!', the home prel) red for ( 0 ·1 ' peo ple, l alltl ul. t' hr t!I' .!Iunured IJo nnd ri, WIth /l10g , f '..vl.;. I II ', wh it) h he lIin\~ It it Is W! fl )e8~ l\lm f)~t f r th e writer o f I II Clltr)' iog oll ru o~ ty o f oue llUudr d I' hn s ri l! 11 to n lI11""itluru h i II I! r e"" Aketoh 1,0 spea k in term o f I IIIH1 ~Ixty pnl1n<l. nu ll' fll.v rubl' , PTI) f1r:h:n y . prn 1I1e of 1bllj preoio u!' o lle, ' fol' l"tl ~tJ U III tlU~I" th u "IJlletl IIttllUlotl Is . . \\, .. 1' Agliitl t \;111'" " " ti 'n .\11 u <ltioul'l tlnl , " I ,' \\! " 'Iu).: ttl ,,1\ ·k new Frank WI\B It m<l~t w ortb .~! ~" I' t,y tOll NI /oil 1I 0 1~\" th l P eli be Al1l1ounce~n~nts . I'l,,'('lr t.111' r<lv'l ~e:< nf 1;1111 . UI II JlI,IUIl . OIlI\;p'I,nlon fl.nl1.flet. fllrth hl~ Illlst i n ~nlJ.I' uuct'li /10 'orUII1 !; t o I:ue V 1 1·111' "wb lll' plnt!ll ., Ih llt.. '''; litO'O llnllnoflln rOlll7lng hill little b'~lJd of II Y, of Ib W I' II, !lIlI fllolllt p " """ in vl tl'l i III flll III ,,, ,,· v1C'IiHl" ,'n 'h I"" r Fohn" ", , lJl,,du Kn hen,., lt lll '" OOlllt rllUt n ,)lHI O, r.h" III ;. ... I" p~ I" 111 1" uII III"1II 11'11,,;,:Y~ n n fl r!'1l 1' (1llro~ ,. '11:.: lt , 1; HI no '" F'ltllerldo,o ohU"' I'l'Iu 'v rn~ II . r ,lf whi 11 II bill' 'to )f $~.O() Ji" ,V ll lil, . "illt r.h n OUI. ' tutu HOllrl1 o f A~ri .' .. ,, 1,1 Vllr r'>ct,\y ul ,n ." "11 'I' ' ~' n I;" ! • WIth ord r , IR I.n Irln , 'rhl';t' I'nmmAllc..rI bO\lsokeAJ)l ol! 1111 . .·,, 1" d! c· ' lI~ n . n[l llttn Jl I IJ·d r t h oult·ure c" ll" rll r tInily 1l1~1I1 '1\' I ' eo:, RV~.;Y)R. . fourtl1en Yl.'nrR 1I!l1l nnd now 1' \11\ \ ,. ht"al' s h,V I. dn .! .. :1 1.4 II'~ . tho fl xh lbirl ,,,, 11l1i1diLl~" IInO II l'llU11I1 ~ . II. lI .. nkl .. n elt r Chllt.t llnno:.'lt: Thf'ir liolllA h lill k r I I ' ' Il tin ", nrlltl O' ( \\ lJf~. l , !(\l v',.. (' I .. E Hoh: OF 1;0 R T S " 'II ' V Inti i ~ . tlf ' 11Ilfl (" ' r IIU MoomA II bllllllwrd !lpot to tbl;. Ii I I 1<1 t he n II" 1·.H·II I'UII.r~P, I;l IHi I II utld ll l It I to tht'lll1 li e WIll IIl ,II", /lu ll.y trj rJ~ t\l (ld.1I P . BOil .... I J'P~ n1t-!! .-\,.1: fill' F' I . ' o, H ,.,I" fnmily owinll to Iii!! hllltl~tr.v Rntl H I·" '1"'"1" Ind lil !'--l,t n . '-Itt h u \' ~ " ~ it. tbe cit~" J'\, nl i"llI~ I he dUllltl II' I h~. U(1Il rl e!' S M 'Jun Is , IlDl'Pllflh' ~ lovA. F' 4! :--c·h \\', . .. Ph titll Te 'IIvlttll, 'llud t o, pro.." , el l/lolu (For r o n omin'\tioll ) nurin~ 811 big .. uft'~rln): wbi oh sivC'ly thll t It i~ C thploto;mtl:'t I' o t .Fu ll ('OM~II,; ION.~1I g~n(lulll1y lll'gllll tw o yenrH /lgo 110 the v ell. «·1 ~1I1 IIUght " upon o lle or Ie B Roo8 ers WitS never onCft ·hflll.rd to OOml>lllin /I the num ~l'OU _ ilky S lllper ' offico _ _ _ _ few boutM botorA lt111 d4;'ll-tb he tolrl buildlngR .. BII hus n1l;0 cont·e lll· Waynesville J> lr operty I his wife not to weRp tlfter blm tbn.t pltlti on SOy rHI Ilxciting rllces with For Sale. W. I·:. 1\1 . )1/ h:. ~1 , 'c(''''(,1 '''he Willi Roinjt home to rllst nnll an IIntomo bilo on the ruce trllok , _______ wtlnted bis family oil to meet bim nnd If pr sent pl/lns o,r ~ODl!n\,}\Wllt· l ' l ME ,\Ron . A boos" of Re\'ll,. ro 'lIIl1~ c(l llur .
or tl'l1nlrll'''
I i
Keep#th.• · HeRS
t,h(lre, ..
AppOintments Prof. at M. E, Church, .
meot,illg Wpllnelldny evpn Ing nt 7;80. A 1l1100ial serviaI'! on Fridny even · III/lllt 7 :30 fOr r OOfl pll nn ot 11\ I . nnw meml)llr" . A "hort prollrom nnd light fl'lfrephlllents All mMIl· OOJ'll of the ohuroh orn i n ··Itt'd t o thill RerV1CO . !:lnn<!ny Hollool 11 t IJ ::10 II . m I:;er. mun at- 10 :ao hv t,h e pilstor. Ell worth Lenlllle, 7 ::10. Mrs . R. A. CroM, leader . Topic, Flliin~; thn hllo!'El o( Bod No eyeulnll Rermon ·.
On the Banks of the Little Miami.
l(o.fl,.,t fl
C nl l' r -Uk
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Makes old r'Oofs new, Good' 01'1 any-kiml of i'bo,-F-f.-~ '.' G f your rocer or ACME FL~UR, made by the Oreg'Onl'a Ml'IJs.
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~~~~:<::.OREGO lA, OHIO cS IT IS THE uKNOW 'HO,W' . In the manufacturing. 'Of · Pai'oid · tllat makes it the rn'O t economical and satisfact'Ory ' r'Oofing 'O}' siding material on th~ ' mal'ket. Both fll'c proof and wenth r proof. You et ,full valu received if you buy Paroid•
trd '"IIOIi ',Ie "1": ; Ull Shilk\' " C r . ':'!!7
20 '06 Chattanooga, Septem ber 18-,
I n, It.llj~ , NO.{!1' 11i10l !'II) l' O 1 0 N,> NO. 1') 11 NO .\ , M . A . M. P. M .
e nt ,If the l:JIII'V S ~1.)Ul'tl . obools. l.J.\o ..,cll W edn , UI.l.\' til III::It week tu " durVlllt '1 \Vir I'll uu ltu,. .bean pin 'I'd ut rhe lll'utl of rue S h uu ls. ~ \)Iirln ~ Mr. lint.! MI' . R Yl1 W."" · r e t;idll notl io' l:IurveYl:SlmrK/ tbey WO lt OIl "J'lembcr I ~. JIIOO, \,'111 "erllr Lit · f or thoJU!4elvt'!I mflll! \vtlrlll ' lritli ld,. (prty · tblr,1 nll r. lI·nl'~ ar y 1.01 ttt.- ".hl 01 l'hll11llllllUJ;lIti . I L ' ~ l>rull,'e tl In r eldlr"L" . f u r Ih Ir t!tlludf1l8t n~Ha to lIu.y· IIl lll "'I~ tn l'",,,r,,ltlt:-t " (' II I Wl lh a n'llOIlo u ul th e w.;r!l huoored me w b r8 uf "uol ~ t.v, \1l)rlou :t n.'uhnuil\.s t ha t ' pa n.l ul[hl t Ut.l III L~I ~ Il!! w,,11 liS uf the U,rdllr of tbfd!lullt ern t:itllr, WhO~El 'WllJlI bel't; guve llwUl w\l1 be held ' fll Cltleamall ilo NallollU' ['"rlt. p,"mller Iti' I O all(l ~U, OInil tlt o ' 1lteenO I 10' a hund owe reoeptiorl upon the e VI:! dloooU u l1 . arc Lhlll it. wUI be Lb e lllrg".' ;lad OI~SL c lIalb~rrnli IlVer IleM In ' Lit I! uf tll.,lr delllll' t Ul'll for their lIe\~ So"nbl 011 l he "\lov,, d a l6 • tb~ rem ntull.. h61t1 . .rrom ~h(: armIes of lwc.l v~ ·" t.I'.~. cn mIJrl~'~' lh (oll"W III " .1· '!II".yl\'UII; 3 . Ohln. illIUh l l(lll~,
Thoso wanttn g cOllie"M of t hi!l Pl'p Illllr Mong OlIn !teoure I.he sum e bl' • U [{ENS, C/lllfng 'o r writing to t be (' ''«tl tt" I'll V,HI UI N A.N1) f:Hl/tCi·IW N. OIo' FI '11: IN A~iAN UWUK office or.1 E. JanneV'!! drug toro "'l!!~~~~~~~~~~ ' ~~~'~~~ MrR. Mnrt D~vi~ . t·be !llll.hlll' 11.11 " arran.ged with the ' )llluli!lhol's fo r N . B. Bnrblln>l tel:l l,Jiie~ Ilft.i:r f~"tr Ilny number of. oO]Jles that is wlln ! yellrs. ell, nnd the prloe is bus 25 cents, H . 13 . 1311 rll 'II Il l!, )f IJarll~l Q •""'till I Ill', N . Y . Wl'il.(',. : " About fOU r . VPllr!\
with fooflngl(l~ln eilob roll, It d ocs not re'llIlro I)ninting whon flftt applied, nod lies tlat. &nd to.dny fnr frco 811m pIes Ollli our bookie&, "Bulld'nll Eoono ...,,"
~!"' ''''':( 'II I J \'' I~-I\t·l (lr..
P r llf . Il' M . Re.yuuld ~, wllo fur /I uUfII\)llr of year:! ll ulJe rint,eml
·1\'nr m . . .
·dolly f~f~tnre of ~oorl woll of \VlltEl r ll11d " tllb ~fl, on " donble lot;-, Ritl1ntpd nn l.'hl nl Ht,rcet., I1eur IHlpmlln, W ill ;;1'1( Hi£ho r It II F, H. Reynold's M oved to C'''. 'II \Vh olo or sel>lltnt 1V.Inq ui re of ' ..:;uarv~ e,.
will be uhf exhibi t io·o\l . thi.
II rt'Commcllllcl\ by 801D0 or the lnrg st poultrymon 1111 tho mOllL economlclI l Illlg mill siding for pou ltry houses, shells, OlC. llinglca Rllll clnllbOlll'!lIi at m Ol'lH\1II1 tlo !Jot 1<(I~ p tho hulldln!!1llls tlry IIlItI
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, D.;·rs '
. P 81th f Y U!\ In oor ell or elirs , . .. lru W. 1Rt!I .ly,I ·of Moo'bs tleld ;' PII" AsS.e ts, over !II~. 80,.000. ·.. : ..~ Ith f . , _ _- _ : . . . \\' " Wlls U poor ~ . or \ ' • • tWII .v e!I.n! , suffering frum ,kjdne:v We pay 3 ~r cent interest on saYing8 Ac- . Notice of Appointment. Itllll hldlhier IirOUble,lulld .spentlooD . I . ,.. ' I<It!ernble money OOIlSU t:\n!( P lye" coun. II:NLa le oi Wl llon Il ar"e)·. dewu".tI. - -- ----,A ,"lIh' I:lMdu ti e (JurI' l Oilln!f wirhout , . mnrktltl ,'Ioe underslllned b:l\'e bt:ell .PIXlIDleu LA.NG ~t W(l ll fi k OUl' CUl>tllml~J:" r.l>lr.1' Aka h" r fit. h Ilt WII!! ('urecl b.v' Fllh'.\"~ Call and see us, I qllalUle<1 aM admlnl~ l ruthf' 0 1 th ' ""r,ll "I· . • .' " , . . ' in tlw H!<lId lullkts fcll' u~lIrHll.llrl ' l'IIIt",v .Uurt', ,1110 1 desire t o /l rlll !J WII.on !farv e, . lale til Warrollo"'"lly. OhIO.. HII>IlICVILL\I:,OIIIO t Imel 1II'IItltI '! 'H',~ with flhe I1D rle r:.tothrl l illY rl;.~1 Illy I,hllt It roilY b e tille ' , decca-ed. ' . ing t,hllt ,vnn must get Iml)ledlll.t~ 01111. H lit re>!t.llriug the hellltb Of ! ~ •• . 'C~ ' h'Jer. ~. Qated this ~Ulb da:l,~;'I~?ti·'~;:~A~~~I~06, Sl'l;lOIA LTlY.s: [)JSI!IAalC8 OF WOMI!lN l,velillf> or yuur nJtI!)f~y baok Sat... Ol.h e rs," R.efuse tll\,l>at.!tute8 Sold . ' Wit. I •. liARY8\'. AND OiU LOll.lllN. sore and six oores for 10 oellts J, by Fred C, Schwartz. .,,,~~~~ aUB Z2·at Admi n 1~lralor.. E J alUley . , . ' . ' . .... " . 'Pobleddnostuff.
R ep'rcsent, IID
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WAY 1:HCl-\VILL E, OBlO, \ EUNE s n~Y , ALf(i U ~'1' :lH. ~~ III\
!!!!!w~a~Y~n~e~SV~i~lIe~m~a~y~be!"'~·2!!~~T~O~(~D~IN~~~'H:i.AO~RR~AT:;G~R~A~P~H!! !S!!!!!!w~ ! 1'~o~m!"'a~n~Go~r~ed~!!!!!!!""'" '!-!· -! '! '! '·!~~-·Wf·'(!'j-"I'" '!·a~h~ii.~m--~·~"'·a~m~i!!!"1-~ made a Statio n
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__ by Furio us Cow. 'L' III ' II Iii .: . , . ,, /1 10,1 , II I 111 1' 1111' 1.11 , l' FQr oomfor t's ~ nk e 11:1 , o!tw ILrt·I. ·1; Melllllers of the looal M . E . MrR. Bnr"e ~, of 1,1 Ill' Glurksv ill e, bl'l' of t b,· O mhlllll fUlllily f \\' 111' Churoh rtre Interest ed In a proposi . Oorn "ure. blld 11 th nlJlng ex per l n ' .wlth lU I ,. ~ u 'U tilit y \,r,lS 11l"'l ti a ' ti ll ' 11111 111' ' It tion to mllke W~yne8vi11e a 'station , F ound-A 11111 . Uwn er I'Jln 1(1'1, lu fllrl lltNl no w II ~ t,he h o m be he r J;\I J;;j' IIIhllll lli('I'\I( " '( 'l h 1 . \ 11 ~IJip hUll l':i(.tnnlI lY. ~on , 'fIUlR,l'l Y m o rnin g NEW SY NOTE S GATH ERED BY THE OAZ ElTE 's that is, to havII one minillte r devote lIame ILt Gil"" Lt.1; uflioo. A l'OIll I :,U p'~ I- " " . ,. '" 1' 1' 1 '~" J11 . i\l,.,c: J Ul'gPF hnd 1111[1 U \'is!tihlf all bls time to thl8 oharge . CORR ESPO NDEN TS IN NEAR BY PLAC ES Mrll, N ll t,hHn J OJl ell III vc r .v III h er 1" 111 . w ho live!! 0 11 tbe 'Ieruent ut I!lu 'Hili ring ti Heretof ore " alngle mlnilte r hB!' With pnenm Illin . 1.11 Ih l 11111 rhOOIl I' prug J'HIU III f!tr rll nl' IIr I,hl Red Oll k s b ool !tOU"£I. had oharge of tbe ohurob here and rUlltlio, rl'oltll1oiOI1!'1 '" utl "p8ucbes WIIS Mrs. Urirlt '1'b ullllI lI I~ " llI wl y reo 1'up"I1I1 .1' morn ing I'h e weut into t he ollrci U unt. Lytle. 'a180 that ~t Ha.rvey sburg, Orego nia. h'lrn ~'llr(1 to milk n c ow ha vin g n I ooveriD g frnnt II f!erl ouR cODlpli cli ' ynut;lg ol.llf. _ Ollicer lo r '.be \'Dsuiu " ' (\11 1' W tl n 1 H a ohango Is made by tbe MI' . Alhnt,r, ti.on. fll.mll y lit- I Witlir1.l11 'J'Il-rr.v Their d og fo llowed bel' and run· sulccted "" fol1nwlI : 'hul'lI' !' A . l' r·tIemploy ed ~hurob Confere noe, now in 8888iol1 hllllJ, PlIl"ICllJlI : Frno k &11> n, Villu tontl",! tho FAll'nhu rt lI ill g li t t.hl· clli f Inturiu ten r 1I11ion beld in Iht t,he l'r s ide Mr', ~d Mrs J;tiohllrd 'ros8 en· Dll via Sewing MAoblDe ., Eaton, " 18 &hougb l Barvey abnrll llt "nel J . M.. ~ l lI'IJIHlrt , tim]. lit, nhc }lOutl~O m oth er. Th e cl og the n got 1- hind Ill Il I;ou rirrv hOIJ1 or W I'k" Itt Dayton . will be plaoed on 'be cirouit with jo;ved a trip In NI'I JI, J'() FIII1 !< I fI~t Mf'H Bu rg ~"', und th e tbe n ungry re tllry; El rtl t11' ~'l rllblll't , ~' I 'u[,k Mr. •1. M . EurnbJl l't. 01' n llr L l'lilllPence , week. Mi~!! Woud Is tho gue8t of Mill8 'hUTlo!! I!:ll hl ' I II., 'o \\' LI~~i uI I lI olred h er, knookl uS ller e Olltrksv llle. Schwar l,,..',; Corn 'n>' '0111il (111 tn c\l,Wr1 11 nll " .rill ! b p.r, Two a h er l\incl'ny we r., l'11 CLod ulI'm II r~ of non Th ey cJlm huok g lowIng wHh • h erw ood tbiR week . It t8 "",&eel by tbOll6 I'n favc)r of tlH plAUIIllfO o r 1 ha /ill tilll e t hey ~o n~ hnrricd t J ) h " r re~ on find 1 'twe the Ex ' ouLivtl C.,mmI1 Le o. :'11' Bis hop Wilkers on, of Mol', the ()ba~le, th&& the work ent.aU ¢ Mly addrells upun r roei pf. of lr.f . . T be Ullxt Dl etm g will b llCld t,h hilt! ,'xporio n 0(1 th n irll'ur iutarl ,beu>' t' 1\ WA y . , . row, v i~ltod h e r Han, Prof. L. C . by !;wo oharReII te too beavy and Goorge \V, Ihwku llllll 1wnJl !I I)' . M riO . BUl'g " !I~ W<iR cmt IlhOVH t.he \1I !; r t>!I t,urdll;Y 'i n A UgUllt, 1\)07 II t th e Bprt VrJlh1l 1ll lind fut her uttancl ed ~ ilk er son. F ri£1n.y . that a mini8ie r by devotin g "U bi8 pointed gpllrsl i'lIl of Dllvirl Lalllil ey eye, htld A rib frllotllr llll n.nll WAS hume of Fm n tl ll: lbl'm l\t'ltr \VII.ynu ~ . t il .... W6B ~I,v 11]f'll lin g' of t,bll Red !\fen MIA~ Ell " t:loott has returne d to time to 'one oborob will be enabled &n·"ged oiti 7. .. n of WAyn e t.OW llllll ip· othe rwiYI ~"'r\lI n lllv injnrocl , Iii) it Vi ll e. At the d ionElr t.llbl il \urge 111'111 oj' DII :vton . ttl \vhil'll they ' boloug, i ~ th ~I ~ hl .. h,· wi ll C'1tnl'l t hl',)fIgh h r homo in Illinois flftor an enjoy- . to do mo~e' etfeotlve work, el1t1lr W I~S plnosd rn Il promin nt 110 · W rtnn: l1ll)' nlg-ht,. Lo8t.-A hln c\!: clo t·]) cape in WII,V. till . ubla Yi~lt her e . 'itlu ll .drllped in llltlOk, ~I m mariti) nesvil1e B It urdll.V ni g ht..· R torn to MI'. . ,I Im ie Lllflih li nd, un ~~an. to tile Itlte J ohu B, li ruh lLm , J l\f. F. M. Hami ltOn ReapR ev. Weiboll l, of Day ton \ is now Mi88 Ella Key!' o r GII)(ette office ~nrnhll.rt relld t·h tl' fo llowing tr·i bote ley war e t rnding Miss Lida' Hunt in Duy tll n 'IItnrfl,~v t he r e~ lIln. r ministe r at Oregon ia . pointe d Schoo l Exam iner. Anyon e hllving Il oopy of the decens t1 : the Mr' . .llIm s ,I oh o~ Is still Oil t h e The horw oo(\ R e union Wl\8 beld be Marn ed to "Ull Miami GlI.1.ette of Jul y la, will oon . ving allsemb led on thi8nuo I r and to recovc ry, th lltlgh II.lI Tb tH~lluy nt the home of Mr. aDd tuAOY QCcltsion I'ur tho p rl)ctllll tion uf uII .lndge AleE BoEwel l baa reap- fer'· " fav C)r to Oil by brmgin" the or Mr ... .TOHP ph KAr"ey. Mi~8 l,i(\11 Hllnt, cJll uf,{ht.(lr nf .'. ' ·It. !luc recl tlell of klll!:llup , it, Is pr oper Ilnot.h er oon vnlelll nt. it! !tnpll~i poillted F. M. 811111i1rol), 'uperm . "ending It to tbe GllzeUe ent off!oQ, M. B Buut·l of L ytlll, will b(l n." r . · to g ive flu e I' CO~ lI ltlon t o t h e con - to hl , up · OU(\ doing Mr, . L. B . Bol~lin i~ fllllting in . It is under t~Q(:1ellt of the Lebrmo n So)loQIs to Scbwar tz's Corn Curo gUllrun teed r!o/1 at n oon t,lld t(y tn a Dr. 1'r u'lx. trlbution~ of olDe Who !:to e llioientl y such oiroum s tnnces thut w e truly Dn y,ton . "h., position ot Uounty Habool Ex- to remove corn!l . " f l)IIvl.nll . (lnl v ' th e '"roilv. "" I ">I!li~ted In this praise wo. r t hy "ar- ·recogJll~e t hll t "J1lltien ce is a vIrtue. ' amlner . • Mr lind Mrs . George Yo" ~ • h f imrlll"lil llt" fri 1111. \\'\\1 ~"'1 I ' . \ h u vice . Tho poslUon Paya Ilbont ,200 'a Mr , Bis ooun e ls werelllwllY~8llfeund M11I. BaoD.el Lane, . daug ter 0 two childre n have been ~.$..;L lind Mrll. H erber t U1m nod l'P,)' t' 111 011 " . ~ Ylliu and lit ~or tbr~ ye&rll, Mr ' l Mrt. 8 . E, E11iott who 1M The hrld, i... II ltr ;j.( h " P ' 'pI ,. J' hill allegiun oe to duty exoepti onu\' son ,of Dayton , spe nt Sat.urdl \-Y m"ht a guest of young lluly their parents here. ., IIntl It ~ 11 h llt' l· ur !:lis genilll preseno e and effiCie nt Bllmllt on having Berved one term . Mrs. Joel Evans hilS been nnll undlty with Mr. nnd Mrs. ' . qnHe In· JdfllldH Miss Lflura Kreigho t! and friend, . l:Ier~'ice be ' slidly missed ~.ntl ! L . WlUion lson . MlLny tMlrllOnll in this part of tbe dispoBe d the past week. Or 'l'rullx grltduu tl'd III Kt IJ riu r whIle we\\lUI . are visiting the former 's parenu bow 1m m eek submls slou : . (JQl1D'Y felt thll.ta reSiden t in one or. he Mr. Frllnk Olark a promin ent from a St. LoulH Medical on ll b~a. to t h e will. of our B euveo1 f Father , Mrs. · Ellrl Rnnd olpb OQ,me to t be reo line\ it iM I!Inid tbo v oung o npl,1 w II we d e~ ply de plore hI r tbe ~wl1llln tbe nor~b~rn part of residen t of East Wayne emovul fr olli l ho m e of h er pa.r ent.s, Mr. lind Mrs. townllb il' Miss Ednu Spence r Is apendi ug. 100111 In l 'olllTilbns tpt! ounty Willi entitled kl tbe ball b oon quite !llok the pust Wh Arnv/'r I OUf 1mullt. . . Lamb ~t onclny .w eek, thoy go t ha gnt (1 wi h few days with frionds at F08&ertl. all of flli lll .\' 'rill s token ut asteem convey s In . . pltloP, and Mr. ' . E . BratteD Super. but ia now 1I0mew .'. bat Imprpv ed . frienuR '11'111 follo\\' r.hAlu . Mr . and Mrs. Frank GArd are but II feellle WilY 001' estl mlllo of The fllnllly of Mr, Frnnk Int"'ndlint oi the Duko W/l.ytMtevllle MIMI! Emml\. Belgbw ay wlll gl,l to . -hll! ~ortb d . '.1 Wil li present lit thA Elirnhl lrt r enn' visiting Mrs. Frank t:!berwo ~OhlXl l lI _ promlO flDtly mentio ned morrow to &rdina, Ohio. wbere she , HI \! ohllrllot er Wll" of IL mlrnu e od, For Sale. IITQblt.eotu re flnd hi" Mr und Mrs J K t4penoe r apen' (xlltnpl e war Ion SlIturdl lY · in thrlt OIlPftoity. Mr, Bratten will visit with her brotber . . . . In ·law. IdlY of ~wllltLtloli 'I I Q thnron ghl, capable and wonld have Mr. and M1'8. Marlon Oampbe -I"'.·)S. New lind to) onrid hund in Dliyton . BI 8 I I·t e ,I. ' I n r d d , d l1. e For severll1 yeurs I)Ost. the sonroit y Sunday wor.. 8 en e Tl10 ", n.. I QUan". "'-t __ .. lllll'h' ftllRll the poIIttlon in a manner ao· linH .. egan a EDgin s. illsI') ill Bnr'li I will soo biro b Elre no more,I\n \\' OA Dr. MaoY I Dentlijt, wll\ beat Bar- p "tVel' th O tOlbfllCfCOlt~utttlbnig of Mrs. Olyde Wllken on, compolla S~OIlIll 'L'rllot.i clIl , In good 0011 ' vi vld reoo1!ellt.ion of his manybut 1\ of help hdnrlng d oeptabl e to both the publio Ilnd &be veyabn rg all next week. Mr, and vir · sen son liS mil e It lle I'! 8 M W' bkl d IIr 8 d it,iol~ J tone!! uro Inll,,111:1ly insoribe d on the tei(oh .. rll looulit,v . Yet this ijell,son 8 ems to rs. JOII6ph Print,.. of t):le DeWee~ Ie . ng,:n B d' ~= Ac1clretl~: j gil dod rnurgin f m enlory' s slIorod stnnd ~npr in Its Dnutlnlll Wilson . sang at t e UD.y W LTI!!K I... AH'I·ru;I. K~IY, Sbne ~I!ro ll. , mptlny Dayton , iB Rpendln g Set,h Furna s Receives . . ]:111 Wyotn!n~ St. Conve ntiona tSllver Gron, Bunday , 'l'be h eath n POints 1,0 hlb fl4bu . scarcity of lAbor bil vIlodio n with hili paren" , Mr . ond I,b huge .Dflyt<?n. Oblo. ' Ions alyseulIl tIond gives uttornDoe t o n.moun t bf tobllcoo to Injury from Rusty Nail. Rnd Mrl!. B . W . Prlnt~ here, be New Burli ngton - -:---, I,n iuntlte rtll irl for a blessed fu - Th ere is sca rcel;y lI 'rn.i@er b a ndlerl. wb o oould • Wbll" Edwin 1!"urnu ' t,bree lona Mr, Rncl Mrs, E V. Rohertll left Happ y Fam II~ ; t llre exit.teooe, hut t~e b.rlstilln in not for u. we k or two tarnish eUlVi'sltorli In to1rVD thie week are: D.ann were 1 11u.~ing In (belr bIIom I;l ne day Tuel\da y for Bul11'on. Ohio. er Party . t he ll!;ht of oulture d IDte lhgenoe r e · 1>loy m ent, for from Cln(l to ho.Jf a II- subnrb '" /t h~e8 the certtnn ty of jUllll rllwarll B t d D_ IJ'lt week, 80th. the oltJ6IIt bOy, of Cl.,velADd. wbere they ' . . IMr, and MI'8.• rank lal' aD ... M.r. B ..,~"-will wllleA ..... l1.n(l-':-n· fu.r . ",o-u-M '.8. . Wi} . . •'wd we lIre impl'e B ed "'Ith tbe be<1l)l,en Dum . But It IS no~ t·h e• hlLppy . _ 'IJ"'f dolph r_l.vell ~l blul Injury lu hil 11'~. ~n extendl ld v18i& with !;ellertl of n.-"ob • ' JIIIOI t""IIPI,Hllltt h d .. hOm!;! cOIKin" i ber thl,lt 0\11' wid t s tili . ml\ll1~ • 3". Wl1l _ tb~lr dltugb ns Ito luolly Ilnd <,lIlra fo: nO~I \lg f(ll . 'tWO " rnllt;y. nniL '['he wOQnd re ter MMI. JIIO DO<His, "«t. &".,.,U _; ~ij , B.WtPal. \111111>' u n ' 110",U, • •·H ' 'u"t H, whiob all IIblUtug 1l1tu~t IU . ou. r filUGUil )owlj w lHl UI'II \'VII ~Hd i n I tubucco Xeniti. [ TOln Farqu1 Jar .bel famil, .vu,", " " j.: Y(oU \.J.V ,L11 " " were "', fuf.etl ttl b)""d IIml hcmled np ,,)m08t . ' Mr. 11'. K .. 'tafl\,)td wh o taugbt "I'V" I'j . ' . fielci, for· 1\ 0 degree of ·o ure. of FrankU I 11" 'I'e wb o hud II 'l l , ml;!t (I1 r Ibi!l (lXtjJ'OI e --of f,,~th IS the sure ~ v ' ."I i li t onne. whlob I1ILU"OI'l blm llltlO,1 the Cnrwin 1I0hoois h i t I ' b 'b tbe Pllllt two " 6111'~ . Tbt, H) I " \\lln~ . W r E1 enter f oon d Il t I on w I11~1 tu nes~ S ILvBO U e y neoessa ry . ..... lUr, lIuppor >n ... .. 0 en 1.....ln ·" '," unoJl~l lIe ... r",· Itwltll . hilt vtljlrq \~U~.l I{ 1f'~t , ·\t.lIJ"ll John " 1 BlaIr. MI'8. Wlll .J'lIiklber. tll l1l1 I' ¥r~ 0011 Mr" Ell · du ring temple of the UbriBtm n olv nt· Ih l'l I""" n of - .J ~t "til y w ent &ttllrcltLY t o, ler · Rnd Annie Bawkl wllrd (~UllV..r . of UhlclI.go. ! lhnOlJ<, il\Zlll iou 1 hilt hnJl now I,,,,'n .. \tt1rOl 'lu", nnd N f'hfl lllluh nland Leeter Joen, . . ;\1 (' KlIIIIlly l'IlI1 'l uy M'r " fU tlllt county in ~fl lLrch <lr hnnds to Mr IIl1l( MJ'II . a~llr y PrILl, r . Mr tb ll.,y III fret' frnm "n ~' iutlollven I'Itllft"rd will t>Elllch In U>l jJrofit t )y t't8 teuobin g. I\ ~~i.qt, hitl t enIlTlt,,, 10 ClIrill' fort,hel r h ower are on the' slok Ih A HiSh '~lld M.I·" ,. ~; OIL \'111. lilt. M~'" E:otl<ll)d. . itllHlfl toh,looo c rop AOhnhl /l.t . .K I1t. Ohio. thf, oomlna t~1I Oo ruull . ThliY ' . '. '1'he Epwort h League gave a UlWD wer" jOinl'd Notic e to Pupil s. .. " fter d\l\u"r by Mr.. .I"ue Sllt-ut:lhulY yilHr.' . MIS es BeSSie Hunt und ~Innte iI'ete on the ohuro.h ground a on s.&Card of Than ks. Mrs . Ntltti.. Robin!l on ILud sun hool begin s 1\10ndn.y , Septem . Dnke lind hr?tb er . ChILrles enJoYEld urdlLY night and ole~red q\li&e ' • UEA ~hwart1. · !1 Corn UurA: None Il'runk , Mt tllll! 11,. n.nU Ed nlt Robin .. ber 3 . ' nndJly in the Qll elin ity . We wlMb to tllk" t111R mPlin " ut b ttllr nl~ 8um . :lO ll riu l l Mr Obllrle •. I~nd EXlImi nntlon for pupil@famug Itt . """II" I' UI'Y It Inl· ,,'·t \..- oMllFrank Se eral Friends of thls YieiD"y l'ltrtl"ll y eXllr~ l<lIinl{ to \Iur mnny ..d "~ ~Jlnng eXllmin I b ", U E/Mi!) WoolllI.rd , Bon of Mr snn v, D uti Mls~ .Mlnnie Duke returne d Snt. egin lit v ll\llllo :.rtlin~ dinn r 1111 it WILli ~be o'olook Friday.flt,iou wil tt (rl"ntlIL "ncl QAll-tbllf)rl! onr sinoere Mra B nry Wooll,,'rrl,1I00Q August t Wil al. nrdny fr om a week 's VIRit in Bell. n , en ded ~ ell.r Iy M eeti llllmnle d fur well dumer for Mr . COllver aud nR a . Pllpils h ou1(l be sure to bu ve brook . "hankK rllr th i'l.i r nntirir\ ji kindne8 a ' hi " /lil!t.Ar, MI!l1I M'lY mingto n. ·W "ollard, to wife wbo le ft tho! fo1Jowing dtly for th eir books r eudy by Septen. .ber a. t·.. u.. (1Ilrln~ the 11i"lrl'II ~ 11l1; I1lnl'811 Wllllhiu gtnn I) H . for Born to GlLrfield Petel'8On ed II viait Itmoog OuV ton • they expecte d t o r emtlm The lis t of bOOKS nee.d ed in each of Mr. Burry McG inn is iB ,,( ollr 1188r one Itt tho llUlB of his frj .. nd!l in thllt. CIty und wife Aug ust 2(;, ~ son. .ln Leesbur~. there u'n t H Friday with r 1I",i ve" the g rad aud lu hlgb 8chool is attendi n g the m eet.lllg of t.lle n.uBent Grand d .... UI . nnd rrieu(1I1.lIfter whi ob t bey will kept I1t Mr. JI1.nlley ·s. . Custle of t b e Or<1e r of th Knight s I Mr . 1t.1lI1 r.·rll . \Vlllium Sm ith, of b id f'lr ' wall ell o ld Vllh) until Mrs , J . A . Winter Anu daqgM ers t he Both EU"'1 rc ~" UTII: ep ior and Jun i or 0ltlS808 '}f the t,; olrton EIl.g ll:! h eld a t Wells. Agnos and Ma.rtha, Who hilV8ll8 ii=n:--! J{" flail" I lit" Mil., Mr. Jln ll Mrl. lllJ X L hlllU tl o\I lDiu~. b'WtI~ II hllllPY wtll s t,ud y German , using L UDge's fl:11I 'I'U ~n 'I' ll:. rf>u nltm "uti u l ~ "!l,~ one I" ,.her 1 t.s yell r llermilD . In .Bonk d Ih M K I Erlink Br'ldctnok Iltlll Mr·!\ . AVII .K eoping tOD, .Jaoks on cnnnt.y . orl oul1todl y spendin g Il few ays w t w " 0 111 .. 11 ,1' f"l' eII 1Il1 ~"1t' ~ wilt) 11U1l tbe .lllulorl n, e l will not )luroh lj,~EI tbe be w11\ be the )lOssoflllor o f It ItLrgo Iy Menden hall, have returne d to Schpo l Will Open Mond ay •. Ebrigh t WflrA ent-f'rtainpd Sat arday elCptiOL"rllu uuj y 'h" d,~mll thll nl t'lK old toxt, hook, blltoom merolul p"pnr fund of u!leful kn ow1 11go whon h oI theIr h ow e i.n Dayton IlVenl1l1: b .v Mr, and Mrs Bllrry but were UOt perm it.t.t:!d , _ _ _~ t " dv ~!J w!1l be uRed, I~iving the reglllllr return , MurrnY . R l\tr. and Mrs. Job'n (J~ok) Oomp-' I')tl\oe ront lne nnd bUl'ln Ii!! pr.'Lot-I Oe . Aft,6r,'R III '11th" ..r pl"y and Temperance Meeting IIH nsed in Nli o rt, coursp.s of IHlt!i neSl! Tho flxcoptlO DlIlly hot IUlI\ muggy tOil hnve gone to Mlohlg FArmer ", 01111 in Ilnu !lee the ·Brad· f I'Iw£1lllu f r.";1II '1lelltrlll n t, ~ ()h(1t11 will an in order · d Ch h enlleges . t F weoth er of t he pns t we k h ILS ClL l1 !!Od tllllt .Mr. Compto n Dlay ellCape ley a"118 plnwlI.e <1gll droPllo rn ' . J,lant. arle n s U~IJ Mtlndlty IIlllrll I 1I1,f. ILnl1 !.Illl c hil urc. bl8 'this. we bOIIO,. will Illuko .this Ullln y bus hels 01 pell c hOl\ tn r nt on ILnlluul 11ttliOk of hAY . fever. (h·... 11 will trlll.her t~'lCeth tl r III, the erR, n118 IInel two lOW onrn oul.ti VII E • M lyor Whlt;; --:( 8 ,, 1·" .... VIIII · wP\rkl m or e Int~reB tllln g 'LI\~lJl~lI ctt~cale" t he tr es. 'rb o lInlic ll'f'scn rce l.v ho, · ' Th e W . F. M. !:l. of the Frlen4s . IIlpe t,('>l<oQ ll pUIJ B ID . 11'1 . "'Iuud Llf Ib0811h " ,11 bl,lI rill IIllothe r 10rH, r ~tl~1') carry 'L fun line of 0 8 willX,I RIJIl/\ k Ilt 1\ O uhJII MOd lng " ".I. p1a o.". t l( 'hUI'Ohruotn .ttbeho meofL ouiNl' w \t.h the n eoe,,"al'Y hllok R 00 gi ns to t urll wh ell ,. borno It Implf'lIl COUl1llo flotoll ncos . Rnd ' a 11m : tl\km tbo g OrtllOd l:I t d bx Fritllld .. hnrLJh ~lI n th" I!/'~t tiny _"UII {If IItlld." , (lm e cJet.E. flnin od to r ot, ILnll t h o '1flllitio l) fI lmva heen .omptou on a ur lI.y. Prlu.ltloally oil oT tho !I"bouls in orderll fOI' hl~b grllda tOb:.toco , corn ~l"y e ve,qing at i:l o:olook . )11 t h !ill" IHllkn t·bl H 'th A lmtlue r in tho HlolIl fol' t·hn B~ren rl of t ho gerOl . It Mr~. O\lnr~wIlY, of 1:!~)Qth Burling . of r eulpern. uc n hl ~ I.' /'y of W",yn etwlll e floh ool ~. tbiol u81Ifbb~rbood ' wlll open at tbe !lII{\ O/ltl hirt,\lI~al'8 rllnglng In price l"ot III hopO(l t.h l on lls will eiloa.p o ton i!! very l ow at thIS Mr. White oom ulll1 r t,hfl IIU I! time with from thirteen C (\olIllr E . B1IATTI1: up . N , Supt,. . injury. III/file time . pioe~ of theObi oAutl til1111011 r",p,a.gne bllt lit tle bope of recover y. _ _ _. _ _ _ BIIlNRV JAY, Be itl u foruifn l S~'1llker and 11 11 II!! '"!! !!~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ Please Notice rttr. lind Mr!l WU\ , B , "ur mo ny = . George W, Zlmmer Q1au, fnther of has ha.d prl1otiC11I expul'iti noe 10 . e n· . . Qrang e.Notic e. 'lnd little g rl1nd rlnl1gbt. or Kut·hry n Cond ition of the r. .. A Zimme rman, wbo wua injured forcing the law In ,. nry t ,)WIl m .n y The GII7.c tt,e hllB receive d"" great C ili rk pent Sunl1l1 Y with William l be expecte t.J bave !lornethilllo{ 1Il. mlluy inquirie s r egnxelill f h W k Tbe replar DleeUn g ? the thna WIHl[1ton nud wife on Yanltee 't, the WRY, by u f .. 11 on the band Mevetal weeks teretltin g tod 811Y Weat her or t e · ee. when ollr souven ir editIon "1'111 lle nll8vlll .. <ir"nlle ' will bo beld at 'ft~O li ll8 returne d from : . . the hOlpitlLI iSRne(\. . . Mrs. H,Lrry Mollilln ts ~nt1 h ttltl EOLTon 011: MIAm GAZB:'l'T U-tu d . .. t.l l. , .lt DRyt.on where he spent Bevera. tli1\II' bali • ends' Yearly Meeti ng· IC: r . , even i n", 'rhe e<1l~i(JQ will inclu~e Dlnuy da~g~ter Leonll ~ro Rpolldm qep~ . . I . . g II> fe w l .Ii' r mbllen. tion iD our . I Importa n& bUIIDIi,IIJI '"-W bb tranll . .weeks vory Qluoh Improv d I Repnrllt e pIcture s I' I II.nd IirtlOles II.nd llllYS 10 Bel1bro ol. e m tll O n absen ce of 0 I to be held in Waynesville. \ t\,lere baa .been B g reat delLI of dehLY the hushA·n u and Y l?"pe . at;tedllr ld ·,t her,11 wJ1l be work In the healt.n.. fu t h e r. . furnl~h herewi tb record of .meteor . . . f on tbe Plll'tof indivhlual14 hl getting . 'l'he lndlunll Mr 'n,nd Mrs "' M Bou /th Ilnd l))oflion l observo ,tions \!Lkon first &ud IIOOODd darl'~. A. fnll nt· . yell.rly meotln g n tI . d thi h 'l'hl'l Wtlster n UndA~writer, of Friends thrown us by tbe ' . . WI~S' h.elel ut Rl ohmond . I , Ifllle In, . 1 . l ed nn ti b ,&.lrd!ln.,., ia·brlJe d son K ennetb were entert.llinllr\ un. unhllr81 OhloollO, t)lflle~(lln g Insuran ce Jour IndilI.UIl. las.t week . A . B Uhnnd I ~aok o!>uAI~erabl! 8 as g~ n~ 1\ coopel'lL ve 0 ' . in onr work. dlly .by Or' . Ilnd' Mrs. J , , WAHRillf KJlY8. Wort~1.~ Master. nalllf t,lte Unltod State had W . Ward. server ~f t4e ler Weathe of Wllyne r Bureau or sv\lle WB!I ro oleot.ed tbo fol We.Bre doing our best to get t·htl! 'k f h the U . 1:). Dopn.rt ment of Agrioul " ISRue out. a~ lIoon q R possible , but It lowitig In ·if.t11AiIt, il.lsue -: At the . ie: Olor 0 !, e. mee tl' M·ddl ng . ' .' will proba'bJ .y ' be .severa l ' I D~Bth'8 . Work . erun ture durmg .t h e wee k . en ding A ug. Tbe t)e~t annu~llgllthorlng will be fore tho work is oo mpletedw eeks be. oent home oomlng of rdrtnQr reBi. In tile 27, 1110ll, ot Wayne sville . Obio. ilents of Waynes ville, Obin., Roy h eld at W.lyutlllvll .e . . mel\ntl me those who hn.vo not yet Mr. John Props Ilnd fUlllily Bpent Very reSl)6ct fully, The WUmin gton The mfant obI 111: of Mr, lind Mrs.. honl' , '·he Ifluding lQORl'Ajten t, o( the of Orthol\ oX FrleqdsYellorly Meetin g 'sent hi their pioture s or artiole!l .ure ~nnday afterno on lit the homo of l CnAs. E. M10IIIt NU. Ill80 beld ' k "'t thtllr 'Ut:ged to do so al ~\eon a s pOIIl'ible. . .John Hl4rtso ok ' - ' 'olIun(IlIy UIII ht . town', 'mnde quite /I: hit with Ms F I'lln <> aniib Qry di ef . '. . . nnuual ~es8ion last week II.t WIl: D te run~rlll 1\\l'rioo a wero ' o.mduo ted .hand~l)me pqulpag e,in • tbe IDcluRtrl· In~t.on, and ml\.ny Friends trom this An Intere sting.'Pape r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ ~ a , MISSEl!! Rut h I~od Elsi~ ' Hartlloo k , _ _-'-_ _ __ _ 01ler thn IIUle body 'J'uetlcJlly, :' After. alllnd fiorlll parade . Mr . Irons b~8 vloinlty were in IIottendRnoe. tQ be Printe d. !!pent . . SaturdA Y afterno on wi t h .built. UI) A bandeo me businel'1I in hts D ~n. ';I MIIIBN iuaSoot,t . ci'?l~~g;'l;~ Move To Wilmingt~n. agHno.v. Hlghel t, B (}from the X fmlll Guzotte ) The B"ptillt A.sllocilLtion ,vUl be 11 Prom inent Minis ters to The Miami GaZtltte of ' IAst week held tl t BIll Dohest er, Sep~, t'J . .ti. Bowell lett. l!I&tUT~ln:v for Mr . Lester t:lPI'hr, t.hl;! gllnt1em .1D 7, anll be a't Frien ds Churc h. New York City to buy hie 1nll !lnd Iy yonng llboto~n~IJher who bas oontilins ltD Interes ting and enthUB · ~rvlces at the e<\optlst ohurc h,,: ~ <:l ;1 ~:ii ~ &l Loweat , i'lltio;a ooount of the receDt Home. Tuesda y, !:lept. 4 , at 10 . It . m . II.ntl f . winter "took at Olol,hIDIl, d~y goodR, Heen ooming t,o Wllyne sville frOID Outoing Xonlll. there. every Saturdll Y for severlll A. l!Iouveqir and p , m. Bnd Wednelld.J;lY at 10 a. Ill .• - , t!a.r..,b F, (olnvil!I', Ii rt'cPlllD u.nded· .,to" hftlng "Wily lrroba.h - - - -- - Rainfal l, tn ly t\bout a yellrll wilt go this week to Wilrntn g . 8pacial numbe r II 'now being pre· oonduo ted by 'Elder. Casey. b'lu~r. buel Amu ... IliHt""ttL w.alttl wflek. Buytng , , , . . , '" tnob611 and tn New Yor" I, an 'on where he wm open Ii. gallery of pared by the pDlbltMbe1'8 of tbe.,vu (eet) are adapted to the cUlm'.· and wife. EIII"r", irllllt Pb1h.I4I .. lphl". ~"nClvatl •• n tot> W"ynllt 0 0 0 hundl'ed &bl. UIll'.ette, The paper will oontalD on or whQat, potatoes and . lvllie . mol' , hl!l own.' npples, y .. rl, Ilt'tl~l1I", w111 btl a' tbe obantll and 1111 In ktlepinl l Mr. t:lpahr III ~ capo.ble photog ra- most of tbe 8~lhe8 dellver ed by d even up bere, In localltle8 well wltb tbe 'IV hlC8 Briull fidt!t1'IIIK SOUIIf', . Fin' _ _ '"' ex· ~ pher "nd a pD11t1 &1 et,1lolen~ young promin ent former Ir esident8 , as wl\ll sed to the 811n, may be grown the a .. ,.. tt8psew btlr 2, p .......... . v, ,poIi oy whioh beaB made ba!!IDell ma nand"nd .... _ ,... !! .. bll friends as here present. onee. with a fnU K~liI7boJy II1II00 weloom e 'k) a' III' 80well 1 lltore ucta of the lower altltude8, 8uprgo Qri'n~~ one of the beet wish him every IUOO6.. to JUI ~ew of the atlair. It will commeI\cooun t morate DII and cotton. orangel and _d. 0'., I:j 0' ~ i lD tbil HDtiOD of the late, field of labor. . i:OOClU i:,n which not 10000 be ftove 10,111)0 feet there Is no agrteul· "42, I'J(I»W ~ but more or 11111 mountain cra.. . ., -. ., ., In tlIe "hot lands" eacao culture
~-;:!~ 1I111
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Fr· .
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carrIe4 . . . . . . . . . .
The Miami tiazette. , BROWN a Me"" Y, Plbll.~e,1. W,A,TNIDSVlLL&,
I'romln lnt l!Il~neaota Mercha nt Curiel ta It&y Cured ~,. Doan'. ][1421ey PiUlO..
BY ELLIO' M' WALXE B. norC1l8 Cope run Into tbe pantry bearln' wife-to 8houldel' .uch a c:ural fte Fuolns tlon ot tha Earn.t . 0, C, Hayden , of ' O. 0. Haydln ~ ... Ilb be r bony band prellllud bard over ull w)' days, and you d,yln' for nOLbHTbrust 10 tb, sickle &Dd reap; for her mouth. CO.; dry goode merchan ts, of Albert In" " nl Bound, Firm Chin t he Ji[qllt At- tb look pretty this Bummer In a waist .L ea, Mlnn., • .,..: the time III come tor tbee to reap; "I was so lame that "The end i8 comID· ... ' sbe muttere d "You'd • tJ'n well rett and prothat Is low In tbe neck. trae'U v_Eng lieh WfJ.'1 of Deal.. tor tbe barvest ot tb. earth Ie ripe." beblnd ~he tightly lased lingers. " I vlduct for." 6ald CI!pa dOltl;edly. " Folk8 1 could hatdly wslIL Take, then. your double chin In Ing with Flabby OhID. There- wa. an unJLOo Tbere Is .. fascjnat ion In tbe banest simply can·t endure blm any longer." would say ' lWUS lemp'l'a ry IUI,u nllY. hnnd and massage It we ll. rub 10 ~be countab le weakne l. Under tbe 8C11.nty gray balr. brusbed 'I'm sbook up some. but I alu'l crazy.. that weayes a wiSp of romance Into Dresse!l are cut low In tbe . neck skin food and dasb It with cold wa· of the baok, and the sbeav s that are bound up theae mercllCS81y back trom tbe anslous I mea nt IL Llvlu ' don'L seem quIt. 80 tbls 6e&son, and cblul! IIlUlit be single ter. That keeps your akin nice. The brow, eODstant pain and . ber eyes, strained bad . UII IIxed Il did," und He guve grim Bmlle. and rOUnd. lone, sun-flood ed days, where Ute Engllsb women, wbo . bave lbe nicest bOlleles8. presentl y roved wltb a slow adellug, ....!'wusn ·t th e wuy acblng. I could find to gil, but baf\'est ot the eartb I. ripe. It Is not despair skIns Tbb captlvat In the .world, lng cbln II tho round ar!! very partlcu. 110 rest and from the yellow-p ainted cell- you'd hn ve oo'n bet ter off. wa. Dorcal. one, almost alenie a 6el111h rejoi cing In the knowl· ug to tbe lean. worn like th e end of an egg. Tel' T uncomfo rtable dresser. wbere .Clln you say you wouldn' U" the rounded end. And If It bas s edge tbat a generou s yie ld means an stood tbe Shining tins In rendlneliS for at night. As my " YOll a in't explalul n'·· thIS,'· cried dimpl e In middle. 80 mucb the absence ot want tbat awakens tbe unl· lbe mornlng 's milk. bealth was good III Droppin g her wife with sudden excitem ent. Idea of laylo' tbe fuull O[ltO me! Wha t bette r; anyway. tbe cbln every otber way, I yersal Inte rest In Cle sturdy army now band. Oorcall guzed at tbem queerly, mU8~ be rouud. "'F orty yeRra I've filled pans right Is It? You'll tell me. Be cher Cope, ' could not underat an4 marcbln g a ga ins t the battalio ns of tbla trouble, It wae lust liS It all the ,\' hen You massage ·you must uso, bearded grain and .... 111 move north- bere. ObI '('/hat nln't 1 done rlgbt I'm endurln' , hut this Is pMt endurln '. strengtb had gone from my back. 'Ward graduall y as the harvest ot tbe bereT Stood and ·worked . and thought . Somethi ng you 've got In 'your head swift. hcavy strokes. And at and planned , InugbO<:l c:ld cried, bappy ag' ln me, and I'll know It. Wbut buve 6ame lime YOU must rub In a tbe Atter lIufferlng tor some time I tegan earth ripens In regions where the sun little and mls·roble. Bummer ' and wtnler. I done?" ullng Doan's Kldn'ey PllIs, Tbl! remskin food . This keeps the musoles firm sblnes les8 ardently . Tbere II some- rain and sblne. "You've froze me !" exclaImed her and II re\'entli the chin tram ed)' acted at once upon the, kl.dneY1l. Lord! Lord! Lord!" becomIn g thing Inborn In even tbe most urban Sbe clasped ber forebead . groanin g husba nd loudly. "I dunno bow to tell baggy. A baggy cbln Is a terrible and when normal action was restored . of meD tbat causes bllu to teel a thrill bItterly. With no teare, unconSCiously It. 'bu t tb a t's IL" the trouble wltb my bock disappea red. thing. U It Is so baggy tbat the Hesh "And you've froze inc ." returned tails down In n big, loose of 'oy at the sight ot a great wheat eountlng the well-used household 1mI baTe not had any return ot It." sack. tben < fteld waiting for tbo sickle. For sale by 011 dealers. 50 cent. a It Is not plemenlJi banging nUlly on tbelr I)orc3s. ber sallow cheeks Haming. tbo cbln Is ruined. Tbe tlesb must be Foster'M llburn Co .• Burralo, N. y, • lone tbe hope ot profit that caules nulls. and tbo urray ot canister s nnd "(l's S'our own doing. I'll tell you tbla hllrd and firm. othe r,w ise tbe conlour the student to hasten from his book's .mall spice-boxes on ' the sbelr. "To - I went to the born to say tbat I ol"tlle face I. complet ely destroye d . drop dead would be a mercy." Bhe mellnt to lea"e you- tb a l I'd ralher THE CAMERA FIEND. Take a chin tbat and the man to drop his accustom ed wblspere live In a rcfrlgerl ltor tban go on w!th double and meaSI)re It.Is undenia bly d. " It t dared- " Tbe way vocatlon to Join th e busy toilers In to _ _ Waa Not Sat1lletd..w1th OrdintU'J nev er n look nor worc! to at.ow I Will measure your cbln Is PickIng up a keen· edged bread by putting on the fields. Many ot tbose wbo arl ll8 tbe woman patted tbe sharp knife. anything to you nowaday ,Amuaem lDt , Like Takine point s- no more the necklace you wore two ycars ago. with tbe earliest lark and labor unlll wIth a linger. smiling grimly wblle tban a cow. ~'roz e you. Indeed! I've Hor-do Pictures . . es It fit? Is It a little tlgbt tbe long sbadol\'s are lost In the dusk me poked her corset ribs, been stiffened up nnd frQst -bitten till around the tbroat and do you bave a "rr 1 bad a heart, 'twould be about I baven't even a worm tear left to strangul ated look wben you are nOl In prcs!,lng need ot tbe wagee ~ well-kno wn crimina l lawyer one have Psbaw! That's no sbed for a s Ick baby!" II&}' sauntere d Into a police court ju.t tbey receive. They could lIud more bere. I s'pose. , worn It a few 'mlnu.tes? If so. your A PR E TTY ILLUST RATION . way. It yOU get to lhlnkln' of thatThe old couple ga zed at each otber. tbroat as a case was called. It appeare d that profitab le employm ent In les9 arduous No! WbJle tbe IIt's on me I'll tell Loud ticked the wooden (:Iock on the rednce has grown full alld you must lar about tbe cold dash. They claln; the deteDda nt had 110 work. Tbere Is me' _Q.1lrulLJ~l1lll!.e""",uui blm . aUorney ; and It. A tat tbroat wus ' never tbat It restores JU'lt as I am, I'll go out to the the bardnesl l of the rbe Jud18 glanced about tbe admLred by anyone under sU,n. nesb a.nd keeps &end8 them among s lrangers tor a sea- ba rn and tell him It' from getting flabby. H. whom he inlghtllB slgu to room to I'm -guin·. From bls tbe clllle. The tbroat must be slender nnd stemson. Tbere Is a call ot tbe barvest. lcUona lately. be ought to be Then lenrn bow to take care ot · wlllin' "I'U \ake It, Judge," the late comlr like; It mllst be long and slim, like your cbln. Cultivat llafs the Kansas Clly Star, as tbere enougb. My soul! wh en dl<'l It all e It as carefull y laid. wIshing to pass away tbe time. . the stem of a Illy; It must be wblte al JOu cultivat Is a call ot the wllii. The cnll of Btart, and What for? It', IIke'a wall e "By the way, wbat Is the . man anel firm-lik e tbe throat you read oyebrow s or your your hair or your fiDger tips. Take Cured. wllb?" tbe attorney the barvest wos lea rned In the days Jf Ice. bcglnnlD ' with a drop and presentl y about. Tbat Is the l!lnd ot a throat carll of your cbln growln·. $rowln·. till as tbougb It were asked. we're froze apnrt ",ten Rutb. the Moabltc ss. bound up .YOU wont ond need If you ore galng YOllr is Wide as !)lOBt tbe preoloull. pos8esslon. polos. He lrnow8 It. 1 the heart ot Boaz 10 the sheaves she '''He's a camera tlend of tbe word Gleaned In the nelds of tbe mighty know It. It·s be)'eud enr mellin'. .ort. Mr. Brown," the ,ud'g e sal4 Nothln' to do but one thing." 'Wltia • Blight Bmlle. "I expcct to lIend man cif the family ot Ellmelec b. Tbe Aero!>! tbe yard, unmindf ul of the him UI tbe workbou se tor about three '"Ivld Imaglna tlons ot tbose early aew stili sOIl1<:ln!f tbe IIncut grus lind montha. " f;leamers lIaw cause for wonder and tact of her )ow beef-tro dden sUp"What!" the laW)'er sbollted . Indl«speculat ion In tbe annually rccurrlu g pers. Mrs. Cope ml\Iched stolidly. nsntly. "Your bonor must be jok.!ng. Sallown ess Is not always caused by en may be Industry ., but IJ!lracle of the. harvest. It Is tbls IID- blind to the early sunsblne , cfeaf to It Is not Bend a man to the ro~k !' Inzy lI1'er. 'exCel)t as Ute torpqr o( tbe "el'!lrcls e," and will not plle tor three take tbe place montba tor a Btlrl~g ta ~o lnaUon that dra.w lI 'niOIl' to ber favorlte roblnll, Intent only upon little harmles s amuse-liver Itself Is caused by some otber at the course prescrib ed. Tbe batb tbe wbeat lIelda even In this uUIl- the words burning In ' her brain. ment Uke takmg plot\lr(!8?" lrouble ; It Is otten CAused bt nerve and exerelse and deep "I'll be COOl lind calm," 'she ' kept taT11l1l age. "Well." the Judge said . mlllil:(, "he trouble. poor clroulatl on, a.nd a badly lake ,but a tew mlnutesbreathin g will slIying, mllmbll ng ber lower lip. "I'll ' tlme-ab out 4!on't take nourishe d skin, Such skins are gen· tbe same as ypu 'll'ould pictures much-I t.. the ~~ Ezlt the~~ XbaJd. say. ·Beecbef . what's tbe u.e? spend .yawn· cameru be takes." It erally dry and leatbery . 'and tbe "sal· Ing and "trying. to get It Oen. Hum\?lrrey's recommeDda- tbere'e any comfort a)Vake" -and left on 'earth for loW" may be eltber dIstribu ted evenly you sbould count it as tiona are adOPted tbe khaki uniform ~Ither of us we'll nevor your fli:at dllty lind It togethFOUR YEARS OF AOONV. all over tbe ~kln. or In spots of more ototbe day, You wUl work aU tbe bet· er." And he'll say-we ll-not (J'U1J:h, I , will lIoon disappea r. The AmerlCB.'ll gueu. Dr less darknellS. The skin' of tbe ter tor Its pertorm allce. l!I1'ery nllht. Whol. Foot Wby no neK of luggln' thla Nothing BDt Proud Fl.h ,oldlery will not return tll tbe darll knlte out bere," abe added. bands and arma abow tbe same color. tbe muddy ,kin (tace, Deck surprlse d-Jlad to Vee Crutch _"OUt lblue of' civil war times. but will take Iy. "I tbougbt I pnt It Here Is a remedy recomm ended by must be well ""asbed with ed arms) LOWD." a pure Boap aura lkmedle a the lIeat Oil one wllo hils tried It: up the olive-dr ab servIce un"l<o"m ... , Tbe great bsrn door . and hot water, uslog ettller the band I stuck and "Flret, you will bave to quit ·scowl· or a wash cloth. rinsed Uned tor winter and , unUned tor lIum- ~reaked dlsmall), as DoI'C!AS :Eartla." ""ell In eool squeezed , Ing back· at tbe sour face. you see IJI to cold water to remove mer. The kbakl will be retained only tllrough , pushing aD all 100p, aperture suMand "'In the year 1899 tbe side of m, your mirror each morning . and the ' then bathed In vinegar lor troops ae~vlng at oversea station. . alently wIde to allow (which will right foot waH cnt orr from tbe little Ingresll for ber ,lay must be begun wltb a brisk exer· leave It chemica lly clean). The trouble. IaYII tbe Des Moln. Reg- o.arrow flcure. "He's When dry toe down to the heel. and the phyal. In bere lOmeColse to get tbe sluggish blood Into rub In . the cold cream abe lIaid to henaU, with an ' or Ikln' tood clan who bad charge of me was tl')" tater, III not 110 much In tbe color ot "here," circulati on; If possible; a llponge or with au1llelent fncUoD "dded Irrltallo n at the delay. as Ibe "FOR GOOD AND AI.L1" tb get qJI , a In&' to, sew up tbe side of my foot; b'Ut the eloth n I.iI. tbe apparea t Intblltty peered abouL "Tbe towel batb with cool water cows oJn', out c1otb-covered mantel. One mln- taken. tbe body wl!ll rubbed should be good glow on tbe Ikln, rubblnt: until ~Itb 110 suece... ot· the mlUlufacturerw aupplyl.n g At last Illy wbole ,et. :what'. tot ladder doln' there? old with .oft, the olla are abllorbed. This 'treat, foot and ule. two mlnubas. Then th" hUBbund warm towels. and the covemm ent to keep up Wbat'a -u practice of a ment 1O).Ilt be fol)owed up by attentio n Ilothln& way up above my calf wn but> proud flllIh. I II'!rered un. sPOks .'6wJy. manl!. Oe~. Humpbr ey ~e", moveme nta' such al PhysiCal cuI· to diet aDd hygieniC A low. dreadful rr bia'rat from her. hab~t., "'Waa' you thlnkln' of a aeparatl on, ture teaches ; told. for . four yean. and trle4 tb. supply ot gray cotton goodl III A I"stema tlc eouree ot Int: from pastrill . 11ieet. ahe went up tbe ladder like a Dorcas? " 1I'rI'~ Ji.dlltrereclt 'and, an Itlnda- of deep brea~blng with open doorl and hurtful to tlJe dlge.Uv thle countrr II .n ow practica lly the creature , b.ent O1;er a ,beam and e orpnB, and "It bad come to that pa&II wltla me, wlndowa. Ihould could walt only ,.ltIa of one be taken. as an al a~lng -no too eUtuy with the knlf_e. Beecber." dl· 10 ·two' weeks afterwa rds I batb for the lungs. to rid them of the gested nourlsh lng foode.of heavl/y In a heap. .. A , "For good and all?" saw .a change In my 11mb. Tben I b&atagnatl on' tbe night's rest bas' brought and control th,e IICCret of ment at odd times, now and "Yes, sir." pia uslus Cutreur a Soap· and Ointbalt droppin g. hie wife tbem. letl with perlloull agility, lIew Cope's teet IIblfted · forward and he Slart To get uP. dress hurriedl y and wm not avall; It, must be regularl y ment -often during the ' day. and kept dyeing. NeltMr or tbl!Be concel'll8.+Ipconc Into the day'l work In the kItch· attended to. hlin, tore the noouu' from b .. DeCIt" bitched ble cbalr nearer. ' It up for seven montlut, when my accordin g to stateme nts made In the rolled blm over and eank to her I:nees. '''Moat ten years ago," he saJd, sol11mb was healed up just tbe same u quarterm aster's departm ent at tbe war Mr. Cope was very !Ouch a,llve, albeit eIDnly, "I smasbed my thumb mendln' tf 1 neyer had trouble. departll! e.n t, bu m'ate~la1l1 advance d IOmewhat purple and It II ' eight THE FAVORITE WAIST. greatly IIbame- a tence, and I come to )"Ou to have It RULES FOR tHE HAIR. monthl now '1lnee I l13pped allng the price of khaki doth or duck ov.r laced and dismayed_ Hili roPe bad not done up. You . done It all right and A Cutlcur a Remedl el. the beat On God'• . Very Pretty Variatio n on the Peter Olean18 Eftr7 Two Weelt. Urat ot former' but tor lOme beeD properly a ..... Utlted. Having tl'ed !dnd eoougb, but tbere wu IOmethl with an ll' I am worklng at the llreaent PaD Walat and Yet ot Cb&nllreasons, which are not known at the. 1111 feet and handa with Erg Shampo In tbe O-&tim way your ulate tace looked and your the atrong twine, day atter ftve yee,re at sufferin g The w!U" departm eDt. the contract ors are bo .was undergo ing a inc IbnpUd ty, ("hlon { Scalp b7 Ira_age . of. tumln' aWIlY, dlsgUlted110" and painCOlt at Cutlcur a OIntmen t and Soap .0 tar beblnd In ' t'l'l'O of their COD- [ul process of atrangul atlon, ' with no like. t~t burt m), fi!eUn's dreadful . power to 00 without' yolir hat as much.a ' pos- "'.. only ,6, but the doctors' bills matba"" when hi' 'Twas as If you /Iatlld to toucb me. or tracts for khaki clotb that 'the goy- better haltexpedite ",ere mo"\ like '600, . Jobn M. Lloyd, bad appeare d on 't he scene. have me toucb Y01I. and It sible. WMh your hair at least twice a bit Into me. ernmen t contract ors tor the manutac 718 S, Arch A"e:, Alliance . Oblo, June Gasplog a tew tllhel, be cleared /1ls Thinks I, 'It l've got too old week with the followin g en .hampo for como: ture of khaki' coats and' trousers ; Gen. tbroat tor speech. Yolk of one egg, ODe pint ot ralnwa· 17,1905 ." fortin' aad being fuaalJd ,ov,8r, so be Rumpln ey I8YII. cannot 'obtain tbe ma"Dorcas Cope. dnn't "ou neyer let It.' All day, I kep' feeUn' In my :wek· ter (hot), one ounce of rosemar y apiI" "CrulalJ lg for Salvage ." terlal called tor by contract s. Thill )n! Cut them strings Ita. and I, ll get up." eta to lee what I'd lost. but tIlIlngs was Olle man In New York 1&18 1w hu entailed mucb Inconve nience 'to "Promis e me you'lI never try this all there. What I'd lost wasn·t .ln my Beat tbe mixture tboroug hly up and makes a good IIvlnlt by .what be calli tbe IU'IIIY and organize d mlllUa. Oen. 19'1n! If not; I'll leave use It warm, rubbing It well 1nto the eml'lnc .tor a..lvage. He you tied. clotbell. And I trled to cua. away the goel Humphr ey says that · any flrst.clli s. Beecher Cope. I'll call skin ot the bead. ,RIDBe In .e.v eral In all automob ile and tolloWI about In the nelGb- Ceelln', but It wouldn' t leave me. I no~lces cloth mill can produce olive drab; bors-I' II-" hated to go In to ~eals-l!Omehow-" waters. trylq to operate recently purchue cl me, I've wb'ch Is entirely the result of blendhad "I Every rec'lect nlgbt, tbat and mornln" If pOBslble everr machinM: If tbe maohlne s ,''' rejoined "The Lord hearln' tbe "omal\ absently . "My nt!rves wal !nougb. ·Dorcas." morning . &lve yourself a verr Koocl down or .top he camel up In break IllS colora. while the kbakl dye I. time to Her tace was 'lIke n wblte IIlnt al all on edge 'wlth neuralgi a. 'Was thaI scalp 'treatme nt. Presll Jour flngera offer hie ler,Dces aa ~ ~er _ _ IIle 941 dyeing and· Ii. s~cret procellS. 110 ,he snipped the .bonds. the day you let readln' your paper firmly Into tbe uealp -and try to malle about bit the value of belped blm the macbln e ~r as obtalnln g a tast color. stagger IlUlly to bla feet, IIOd took his atter llipper,' and ,[ co'me u:p to pul tt move. Don't let your fingers rub 'I t the owner 11 ' 10 dlsgu.te a that he my al'Ul around you, meanln' to give over the balr. Muaage particul arly wl.hel to .ell. The Internat ional woman' s congress , ll'Ul. you a kiss. and YOU tllrned 'your bead tbe Spotl where the bah' la tailing out. .sttlng In Paris. recently witnesse d a "Come rIght In the houae, Beecber ," away quick and sbrlnked tram .me? It daretul massage 11'111 restore tbe <clf. The Erie Rallroad baa just' plaCed ludicrou s scene. Tbe ladles were In Ihe said. Quietly. . made my beart stop beaUn', I WIlB 10 eulatlon ol'l1ers . for ' 1,600 new tr'elrbt cars., U 1I0sslble ' avoid worklns dl· Tb ~ stern-fe atured old man waiked Burprllle~ and mac!. .Says I to myself, .,Iemn conclave when. suddenl y there recUy under th,e ·electrlc l!cbt, ·F rom the Standar d Steel Car Com' appeare d a pair o~ trousers gO the IUbml8!llve,y ' by her side. He had not 'Tbe next klsa comea from - him.' It Never UBe a brush and comob belong· .pany. to , be built 'a t the Butler, Pa., trembled at tbe pro,pect of death, b~t never" ~ _e." TRIM AND. CQOL. ~ene. For a moment the ladles were Ing to anybody elae. directs Margare t .bopa, have been ordered 'li00 drop end DOW he sbudder ed. leaning agalnst tbe "Funny you should Ths hay. rememcha~lng negligee IIhltt waist Hubbard AJer. too perturbe d to Identify the speotre, 1V0mhD wl ~b bls Be caretul about Iteel-un dertram e gondola cars of 100,,· head lowered. ' bered that," muttere d ·the farmer. here ' lIlustrat ed has tbe ' practica l combs but after a moment of benumb ing 111In liath houses, tor Instance . GOO, POund capacity , welghln c '2,600 "You druy me to it," he gruuted IQ- etrokln~ bls chin wbllker tbolJ.8bt- utility ot' tbe ' tailor, made, yet It can and keep your own comb clean. You pounds each, and 46 teet In Iflngtb. lence. the presiden t rallied. and In an ~ressl\'llly. . fully, e&lll1y be develop ed Into one of moz:e can apply, this tonic It you like. fcy tone IdenUllec;l It I. "a man." ' Theae are for deUvflry 10 January . "HoW?" . "Funny you should have remem- dreasy appeara n.cll. The desIgn Is w~e ' the hair falls out In lpota 1907. For delivery In Deceme br next, "I dunno bow. I call't· tell; but yOU bered your thumb." Doreall Then the appariti on relieved tbe ten.pictured pUlled 10 handker chlefl,ln en, with try e ' followln g waah: out the Erie haa also ordered 500 Oat ca.... .Ion by explaIni ng that It was the lid. For ten years you've been drlvln' her Ipectacl es. Adjusted theID careful, French band embroid ery. The ' tront b sUlled rain water, 180 'grams: aro- to be built by' the . same compab y. mortal presence of M. Legendr e. ot me- to It, Dorcu- I coul.dn't stali'd It .Iy ·and looked at bl~. and are plain. ,'except for ellgbt matic .vlnep.r,, ~O grams;. pure Tbese wlll be 40 feet In ' HAnd the next day. Sene, an ardent fem.lnln lst. "I stood," lnotber day." fullne" . at w&1.~ line. . 'T he ' clOSing In, 10 grams; tincture of nult vomica. lteel undertra mea aDd length. ..vltb "Humpb !" Mrs. Cope'.s throaty ex- It was weeke. months,and the :naxt, Ull Is a capacity <0'," yeare of IIvln' In tront. ftiilshed with lilt pear liut- 15 grams; t~ctUTe of canthari b, said, "u femlnln lst candida te at :Iamallo des, 10 100,000 pOundi. . . n was hardly distinct. In an e8st wind," Quoth -ber spou.e. buttOn the IMt eleCtlOnS, lnd 1 bave to~day bole/l. A IImall baild- g,ams. Mix tboroug hly, App)y night At the Ame,lca n, Car .\ Foundry .' Tbey reached tbe kitchen. The half. "Perlite nnd respecft ul we WOII kelrclilef elpdcket. ll ltiown at the left and mornlqg with frictiOn. taken 11 trains to appear among you. ~repBred breakfas t wila on Compu y·. ,works at Chicago there the range: ways, 'but' . couldn't sbake Neck oompleU on ia afforded 'by I am happy to e'njoy tbIs opportu nity are butldlns 1i00 produce "set down,:' said ,tbe woman, ference. It. eat i!lto me. off th~ 'dltfor d&Lauely, It'l turnove r collar and four·ln- band Boll Voyage . livery In Noyemb er aDd DeCemb er ot supportI ng your cause." Alas for Itrangely . "Drink this cup ot bot lea. bo'n worse. I got sick of It. '~rwafl all tie to · conceal neCK closlDg.. Deep It Is now quite the' tad to lend I next. These are also lteel 'underenthusia sm wben It 11 of the mal.e per· fbroat burt you?" through me like a dilleale, an~ UI gaQntle t cuffs are provlde-d for tbe trlend a psckage of steamer lettera &it !raIpe cars, 36 · fee~ In ' lengtb. an4 "N-o-n o. not, mucb. .uMlon and relatea to matters temJKliad of growln' older and queerer. Thet'l elboW. cleave.. well ,as a basket ot 1!owera or fruit. 8~,900 pounds capacity . , At the same '. . nIne! The presiden t rose, and: accord- :boky .' why I-I borrowe d YOllr clothes Une." Batiste, silk gingham , 'pengee : or Tbese missives will ~ve mucb ple..~ compan y'l .D etrolt works He gulped the beverag e and beld f1UllillnC In. to tbe Lond'o n Globe, after ex-, Were ·tbose tears trickling from be- any popular merceri zed cotton. rab- lire, and they are sometbl ng to 100. for the 'E rle 100 Hart cOnvert ible cars IIlalnll1g to M. 'L egendre , In tones of IUt bls cup lor more. Dorcas sat and neatb the spectacleB of DorclIJs! The rlc~ woilld be ' very satlstac tory. forward to every day. Eacb letter for deUnry Dext January Ipped hers. old man did -not see. He ~ttld not may be accompa nied by a Imall parcel to be of 100,ooel pounds , Theae are COld, calm severity . tbllt tbe taking ot "Now tben," she said. tor .the sudden ,mlllt 'cloudin g bls eyel. ButtOna In VOIJUe; luch as a ne~ pho,t oiraph ot yourself , ".11 "elp 43,000 pOundscapadty , and H trains at a stretcb did not cOllter Cope stralgbt ened up. "Dorcaa ." h,e each. .T hey "Perbap a 1t'1I be,t to 'Iet you go," lui Buttons about all elaborat e u candy, preserve d, or. crystalli zed· gin- wlll ~e 41 .1 eet 6 Inchee In leDgth. tbe rlgbt of entry to that aBse.mblage. legan. shaklly, "bave lev.. " sool«!ed wltll mllrmur ed, "but-l-d UDUO. " tbey ger, ·call 1lp; 00. wbetber prunes, lime of metal; pearl ·drops, ,or salted ' bad him expelled. ,ou, or be'n mean cr overbear IQ'? "'TWIl8 your left thumb." cried Dor- or 'bone. and' there ·are lIome cbarml~g nute. All: ,.hjluld be put In air-tigh wood. bodles and ateel unde'rfnuDee. t . Fi'l;e De..,· electric cars- for the ria ven't [ got noveltie s In linen-co vered onel. Some Jars. Cbocola tes Ire not The uns"'e"'c"'u"'re"'d'=""p"'a"'p"'e"'r=m"'o"'ney at the mry? . Could you wbat was neces- ca,. Irreleva ntly. "Let', see Il." , ~heBter dins Ion ha"e beeD ordered ' you call me Cranky? Cop.e gave 'auotber hitch aD,d · -tbelr of them are complet ely covered. oth- ed for a lea vOY!lge. If South America n republic s amounta to \.In·t [ a go~ husban d-take me all knees from the 'St. LouIs Car compan y tor touched . The woman bent low ers bave, . I single figure or Is deslrec1 a (unDY picture. a' few .,.nea tlJe ,Une to Mt. Morrla now belag eleo • (ace value ot '1.700.000. Nearl, !Oundl For.~y years this month we'vo ' . over the rougb. ' ncnrred member , Dower In the center, and stili 'others of comlll poetry, or a box of gum caD tr,Ieally equl~pec1. Four of these ' are everybo,d y toucbes on the subject Ived togetber . Our cblldren bave prcsl\e~ ber h~ to I! and sobbed. IhtlW a Dresdl!a 'effect, the tiny Dow-' be Included. Of COllJ'8e a good book paasenl 8r car. and tbe firth a coinI. particul ar to ·mentlon that tbl' 18 ;rowed up "n~ lone. I've workfld "I take It back. ' busband ," she 'ril Clvlng a yerY daInty appeara nce. ' or two II alwllY' ""elcome. . blllatiun paaHnl 8r and baggage ear. l":':"- ~ 'choked. "The lI~st iris! comes trom the Sage value. I Each WIll be equippe d with four 'Ii" me... /Jhado" lImbrol dery, '1 ~'-I.."t:t The Porch in ~um'mlr~ unci ~I, Sbadow embrqld en: Is one of 'tbe horaepo we.r . WeiUng bouae motor•• ,\. "God he tbanked !" R'I~ hn8~:r whlsIf they will put eawCSust. In the A. tbe porcb h811 beoome suob . a ta"I ' ,pllr broke. "The wind', ~rom the south ,orlte sitting-r breakta st ·fool1. let the consum er . ID- Ohl". oom In summer. IlftI7 prettles t lind: mOlt sensible torma of Ba1IW&J Tarl« BJmpUfle4, ' ltmOJ,;V ILLI!l,O RIO now, Dorcaa. We'll 'keflP It 'lIlowln', year n81( delllgnl and materia ls are f&Dcy-work that we bave ever had, II ·...t tha~ It be dean .saw4us t. German y hal JUlt revised Ita ran. 81'ECIA L'fIES: 1lI8EA8t1 ;I! r)F ~detlr, ·_'11 keep It b10\\'ln'! Ie no great tax on tbe 8Yft, I. " loelt. brousbt out .tor furnl,bl ng. Tbe shops 1J&, ' tarUr. wblch Involl,e s I m,,1t\. . (CoPFfll lbt, UOl. b,., J ' .q,lI B. 11_1...1 'Ibow a profualo n ot rustic birch furnl- peD11 ve &!ld "elY e!rectITe. ANI> OBILI>II EN. pUcatlon of ' tlc:lte~. It I. calculat4MI The Englilh railroad wreck Imlt. lUre. 80ms pleeea are heavy and awkthat a tranter wltla a ' smlll famil, Bow ' to Tue On ... I01Ip. Sir Gilbert PRmer, the novelist M tlOIl la ~ .lnceres t GaUe.., to AIur ..\U'd, bnt thth! are a number ot pretBoup IIhoulcl be taken from the II•• from Mulhou le to Bale wlll fiD' P., d08S mo~t ot biB wrlUII; Dowaday . ~ ~ ellalra and tftblea. and even Itools. ~~.,.-_ _ _----:-_ __ hU_tand l-nc-u$l . , of the ~ hlmlelf fumllhec l, 'ftth 80 tickets. I. ' L. addlUoa to 1(b.lcJa are . . . for . . .
--- ---
- --- -
I ';Y"LAJ"'G;·M.D; (
Styl es for The Juvenilf!s
Tb.e smart coat or the season Is the
:'ed aerge coat, t~lmm e ct wltb Ithor bl'U~ 0\' peal'l buttons and with col· lal' :lnd cuffs of hllntel"s ' gl'e n, It ~\uke8 a decided ly cheerful 8POt In '.he, Bumm I' landscap e. Dalntlne ss Is ever at trl\cUve In tlio lma!l glr!'>! gut·U(). and tbe separate WUijb collal' (or the cbeereul coat Is 8 prelty touch; It, may be of lac , or, b '.lei'. at em broidere d 11 nen. Some preteI' the heavy !lnen with bulton· holed scallops ; some motbers de light to linger over fine band embroid ery "'Itll In sets of lace and lace frlll s, Linen and cambric frocks made In :Imph~ s t),le should 'be Includ d In mles's wardrob e, for these frock II are botb modish and practica l. EVlln kbakl , whlcb Is popular for tbo 'small boys, Is used for girls' dresses, the
I laies lIanded Down of Wonderful Creature - MOMter Recently Seen by Well· Known Naturali sts-lit!), . , of tbe Sea·Snake.
A )'oun~ I' girl, ..,erbal)1I U yUrt pld, WOI' on embrf,ld ereCi (11nll cam' bl'lc. Her li ght Yf'> w tr"' ssl's dClll(1 UII on to\, or her, h'·nd. It bll ing Stich a WUI'1Il evening . she 11I·"sonl.e d a 'Qua int grown·u p 11(lpeal·unce. Her lIodlce' WIIS e u V .!hnl'll 1)11.1, and fl'Olll, Ihe pink Plllh l'oldel'Y edges Showing Il reltll), ag'lIhu;t fair neck and at dimpl ed el bl)\). She wore no " ornamen ts" \ vhnte vec, nUL even
Vurl ly U}( l)(Or': I'S!C: at manldr,d than !.Ii re UI'(l al'od a buge eel·llko 1111880lh nil ulldl!r>:talllling ! Alld If nec k, som six f eet long, and as thick the I' I) ,. UIIY 'I'll') would challe nue the us a llIan's lhl.~h; and th'ts neck was jll8\1oe of thi s IlphorLSllI , let him refleC't surmoun tc(l by R great turtle IIkt' hC!ld 101' a IlIUlllc Il t un the fuct {hat we tall, wltb hU'ge eych, now born high above at th Phoclllx as If It were real and the son, ,yhl()/t was of t he NOIH;('rl' nt as tho llgh It 'were dark colored aboy flllite calm, Jt was and slivery white a pUl'cly mythica l b nSI! But the sea· hlllow. Afler 'a r IV mornentll the head ser(lcnt I. [1I'ollahly him self to blame and neck w re ' slow ly lowered , and fOI' this. In MllIlICh :~B ho Is Indiscre et wh n lovel with tho wat or were vlo' enough to sh w hlm~e lf from time to lently lu shed from time to lhose who go down' to the Ing liP the 'sea In toIIlde to s ide. chum· gr eat sheet of lMIa In shlllN, He nce. BS with other foam, and then It vanished . i1 1~llngul f; h t<1 1 morta ls. e very bod)' who Adverl;e winds cBu sed lhe 8blp to bellt \18S occaSion t tl CI'CISS the ocean. burns about 80 that at midni ght th ey w re for an oppo.-i,u lllty to boast. an a c· on I), 20 miles frot.n th e sceno of tll e quahllan e wl lh this dlsllngu lah ed 1II01'lIlog , This Is notewort1IY, because ((\I'l'ller In th L1 c'ops. when 1\11'. Nicoli ca Dle on dcc k afte r tl:nIUl'III I)" " Iauel-Iub bers:' out of hl'oall(u 8t Olle of th 0111 I'S came up plqu anrl jm1OU5Y . belltUe tbe eXI)erl· and rellol'! d that dUl'lnl': the night he (lnces of tho ~ who prof ss to bave gal\' a s{ro.n gc commol lon In the walor, S n this nlUn ater, !\n(! yot live! Hut, At first l,e thought It was a rock as 11 1'111 , II ' IJ It e ll'ort8 to crush "awash," h'lIt 1\ most careful allllnu· th ey ha vo I n 1I~'I ' weapons obtained at tlon showed thnt It WD I! a beast of second·hall.l ; weupDlI1I borrowe d from some !tlnd. tl'll veUng (1(lInr orean l ravelers who assure UB, ship, wblch wa s th ra~ter than th\l n nlaklng only on their OWII exp l'lence, that the Bea· about elght·an 1·Il·hulf sO rpont Is a creatUI'e vulnly Imagine d, flcer " hailed t h deck" knots. 'fhe of· and Lbe look· II OglO nt of the bl'lIln, a thing b(>rll out , man, and thu s got of 1\ fte r-cllnnet' orglc : It mas eVel1 this ' weird phenom nOli. wltnessQs to Though the h ove u ~em hlallcl' or renllty, but 'when Rca Wll8 calm, and th er WIlS a hrlght analy? (I It 11I'(lVeS to b nothing more moon. nothing satistact ol'Y conld be th an 11 school of " ol'pois s playing at mad e alit owlnj; fa the " was h" whlcb "follow- lIIy·lend 1'," Il giga ntl o cutt")- the cr alm'e was making; but In Its fl h vainl y wavlD" its long urms In nn mo\'e ments It roselllhied a Buh marlne endea 1'01' to !>scalle tile grip at some tl'llvelln g jus t below lb surface. hun .;ry wb ule! 011 occasion s, Indeed, S ( Ionsly. w call no longe l' regord DAIN'l'Y DRESSE S. the sea·~ o rpl'nt has tUMIed ou~ to be' th "s a·se rpent" as a myth, Tbero nothing IUOt'(' I'llcrest ing than a tloal· con be no kind made stralgbt and very simple. di es appr clate the v'a lue of tpe aIm· QU sllo n bu t that th e ocean ' tn S(lUI' dccorutl!d with a tangle of ha rbors some sec ret which we have Fo r the heavier rroelts Ii washabl e' plo go id (n.stenlng pIn; like muny of 80a·w d . not yC't IJene tratell. It seems unltllely IIrald Is th.e approve d trimmin g, . " us, l')."Ctrcmely tired of the ornllte and A "aat Illuount has ' been writte n that thl8 eva sive crealllr shou ld be a , Much handwo rk 18 soe n on girls' glndly going In fOI' sIm plicity'. A abont tho ' sea'8"rll~n t, but of aI.1 Ule desceJid ant of the old Plesiosa ur. clothln~ Do\yadays, tbere . being "ncil good. Bolld. go ld snl:ely pin of fair a re,'lval , !,If enlbl'old ery and the finer· size Is the ~ort to choose, kinds of need lewOI·k. Buttonh oled 'rhe ~hlld oC to·day Is plCttlres(Juo ~ca llops are pretty and n'ot ',hurd to fig ure. 'I;ake the wee toddler In he r do after one h as gOl In lo tb e. swing straight frock aod puffs for sleeves. of the thing, No!.blng better 'than th Or her eld r s lstel', at~slned to tho hand·ma de tub hats bas been In 11'0- di gnity or b It and skirt d dr ss and d\lced In children 's milliner y tor a roili ng collar and flop'ulng hEll. Anel 10llg 'tlm.e. a nd th mob caps al'e un.l- the, sUII ,oldel' s lsl r. with v rsally becomin g. Th y shade th e and pillat d ski rt, siluarone at bodlco neck and face welt. are aslly kept clean. short slee\'os, hat trimmed 'with a . 1,'he round 'Dutch neck and e lbow pompon. II eYe Is the order of the 'day fo.r At loast a II ne or two for the neg· misses' summer dresses. Last even· lectl'!d boys, uS In g we noll cell a pretty girlish forlll ne!!'Ugee sblrts, very speak of their like fath er 's, robed In a white frock; a shpl't un· With soft tllcked bosom and tie ' matcb · ~rlDlmetl skirt, a full bo ~lIce with mod· Ing the sh.lrt materia L ho ' favorlto Bstlt' hig h ·neck. tlle s leeves just to matel'lals are pOngee, madr'a s and the elbow. The girdle was of now· 'waSh s ilk. On ver y' hot da)' s the ere d blUe ribbon In palest tones. smillieI' boys may Wear their sailor sleeve garters at the ~a me; It was wai sts with di ckey (\lscal'ded, Bnd !\ charmin g costume for a gIrl of sw et t~rust bare feet sixteen on 11 !Jumn,er evening -to be are slm ply salesInlo cool sandals tbat strallpe(1 on. 'there . ure pn tho convent ional order of are wasb hats for sma ll lads too, sweet sl.mpllclt)'. but this convenl lonal and tbes~ are nice anll cool; and capa type is no~ to be Bcorned . at all sorts,
The ,best
Fas hion s
Guatemala and Sal>lador- Tbe Various Efforts to Unite the,Small Republic a - hrl,. Ilistor), Md Present CondiUons',
heRds, dear to 011' Il\' crage gir'I'1< 11en,I'I, and louked as fresh and simple as a Pllach, The l:tIIlmne's 't he thin g for the chlld 's dress, th' oaslly sollctl 1101" lIolls can be I'cmo vlld ami wn ~ 1! d and while on' set Is In the tub an· otller be \\·Ot'll . 'I'h(! I'ollln g' collar of, the day Is (lsrtlcni. rly b I:omlng to our youthful rrl nd l! and rna, bo wom with a bow or ti e. Some young Ia.
.lust tll othOr day th e world la1.lI)' turned Its eyeil toward Brazil and th e co nfere nce at P t'rollolls. Now alLou· 1It>~ Is ,called to' tl! s talel< of Centro,) America , _those IItul s thn t huve fallcd In building UtI strength by federaU on, little r publics fre<juently disrupte d lJy p nonnl jealousies and ulUbllton , Silivado r lind Guntem liia In bllttl e U· ray, the message comes, Hondura s dm"'n In , Cectrsl America tllI'eaten ed with generul di scord, Welghod with tb e res (lollRl blllt,}' of digging the Pan· ama cana1. the United Stat II Is pllr· tlcularlY Interest ed ; \,lIry pUI'tlculal'ly anxious lIlnt harmony provail in Cen· tral Amerlcll, so close to I he Isthmus, Let us I:lanco huck at alt'mpt s nt rederall on In 'e ntral America , to the connecll oll wl1h 'Mexlco, to Ihe throw. ln g , Off of tbe · Slllllllsh ,Yoke, And th lln let. liS com buck to 'the pl' 8 nt, to cOlIsldel'aUon at (lreseot conditio ns. It was In 1 23 lhere cam In to bn· In g the R Ilublle ' of the olted States of C ntral America . F'l·om. th IIrs t tbere was blU r dI scord: the. c le rgy nnd old SIHlnish bur~au c raey against con trallzati 6n, Ountemnl!l tbelr iltrong hold . 'J'he fed orali s t ele ment showed gr uLeRt atr ngth In Hall' duras , 'rite struggle hotw een lbese two e le ments has . continue d long years, pl'!rsJs~B ev n to·day. 'fbe f d· eratlon lasted untl! ]839, then the conserv aUv 8 won, tllC IInloo was dis· solved, In 1842 a new. union was e (· fe cted (Costa Rica not Inc lude d) , was was dl8sol\' d In 1845. In 1 50 Han· duras, Salvado r and Nicarag ua at· tempte d by fol'~o to restore , tile reo pt.lbllc, but ,theIr armies \V re defeat· e'd. Subse quent forceful lItlelll(>ts met with defeat. A penc ful unloll ' was formed In ,1895 b)' Nlcar:lg ua. Sal· Vlldo~, and Hondura s, a COQsUtu tion
a nd here are forests of rubbt'r .n4 Illahogu n)·. Manufu ctures anel mlnlnj; are, but littl dev elo(1oLl, Gllatem ala Is an B!;rlcult ural coun try, the t~mper8Le IBnd ~ the gneul .. ource of th e country 's w,e u lth, Coffe Is the (Irln clpal I' rod· 1I(' t; In qUllntlty har\'est ed It Is s ur· ' 1.llIRsed only by jJrazll and the Eallt Indi os; It Is cultivat ed on a Ia.rge scale by (,lormu n lind United Stutes plan tera, all a smn li scule by lalge IIlImber s of Uun! malans, 'ollee 18 tbe chief IIrticle of x(lort. sent main· I:; to Germnn y, the United States, and 01' ut Britain. Co u ~n goods form th chi ef hU(Jort. large ly suppli ed bT Great Britain , the UnlLed SWles. GerlOlIny and F"mnce, 'Ve send over also railway mllte'I'laIN , t legmph and e lec· 1I'lcal SUllPli 's. buI ldin g materia ls and Iron mauufu ctur s. Direct Sl umshlp cOlllnlllnll'uUon !Jutw' 11 San Francis(l a ud Cual Illaiu was eSla!Jlls hell la WOO. Guatem ala d Nu\'a Is lIlo ca(lltal oC Lbe I' I1I1bllc. it is situate d on a. '1!'luteau lind Is about 5 miles from the Pacific const. It wa s founded In 1773. th e yesI' tho older ca(ll lal, 25 mUea away, was devusta ted by an ear th· quake, Gualelll llia Is the commer cial cont«:r ot l h country, and PI' sents th uPlleara n e of n model'll city. It has a populati on of 96,500 Inhublta nts. flv ·sl.xtbs 01 them o[ Europea n orl· gin. Salvado r (San Salvado l' Incorrec t) Is the smalles t and most deli S ' . y llOpU· lat d of the Cen~rul Amerlca,1l repub· IIcs and the only onc not having 1\ coast line on tho Atlantic . On the Pacific It haH 6 frontag e of 131\ 'm lle". It hilS beon given lho oume " Swlnglll il Hanul\o clc" because of lho many rockIng nnd tremblln gs of the earth to
01 Mid sum mer
dressed womau one sees no"," Is th13 one t.bat presents the cool. est a1)d treshest altlleara nce rathllr than the one arrayed ' in gorgeou sness and elaborat ion. ' Aud ' just' now It seems tbere are a goodly number of well dressed women.. . Let us s(leak of a few costume s thllt Illtely 'came to OUI' notice. ' .Here Is a delectab le oJlc-a coat suit of butcher bllje ,lIuen . The shlrtwnlat Is .of "'ljlte Irish lawn, fine and I'xquls lle ; It Is delicate ly hand em. brolde rpd, wort;'- wltb a ' nccktle of pale blue velvet tasselled with black Dnd white silk. Tbe Panama hat Is
lin was made In pictures que style a !lcbu crossed at the bos om . wlt1\ The adopted In 1 98, but Salvado r sbowed . wblc b Jl Is subject. Particul arly t. blgh girdle was ot pale. blue' libe rty dissatisf action, the union was dis· tho nelghbo rbGod ,of the capltttJ cit,. satin, tbe picture !Jo,t was adorned ' aolved just a montil after the adoption havo these been frequent . tlle cit,. with w11lte feathers . A more costly of tho cons tltulion , wrecked by them many Ttiere gown 'l\'8S of se India muslin A HUGH Al>J>F.ARfm. ' A~ the time of the organIz ation of are also numbera of times. geysers and tosde up over softest wblte silk. Tblll the RepubU c of the United Slates of bot spr-Ings In the little land. It, too. stories that have been told, It Is sa(1 whlcb became extln also bad a flclll1 dral)lng the sboulde rs, Central America that to renact tbat those of clergym en )'CUI'S ago, though the ot mll1lons of territory bad bas Its ' "temper ate lunds," tbe' toQun· resembl ance t.o the fichu and bem at' the dress bor. been for some 15 mOntbs snrpas8 In wildn ess of elaborat ion those munst rs Is past a POl" lain valteys and table lands are or strlldng . dered , wi th fine tbread, lace. The pic. tlon at Mexico. 'The More e\'en the ' yaroll Inveoted ,with Intent llrobabl:v It ,,'111 , cuptaln· general· great fertility , bere the rlcliest agrlIll'Ov.e to be some ture hat was wreathe d In plumes' of cy of Guatem ala, wblch Include d all cultural to tI h'e.' , A~ last, 10 says Mr. bizarre form at repllle. But region of Centl'al America . -a rose sbade somewh at dee!)er than of Central America the r& ~' rl1nk H\tllel. -and he ougbt to know! oemblnn ce betweon , In 182\ bad d~ Everyw bere In tJie republic between the descript ions' the gown. Stili another frock call8 clared Itself Indepem leu t n 01' til' oC tbe more sertous' ao· given by these gentlem and In 1822 altitude s 1,600 and 4,000 feet 'corte'e 'Ia en and that for descript ion, a cobwehb y muslin In was untted to th'e Me <:o~nta ure worth relleatln g. No ~ong- given by t\ie xican Emplro of grown; It Is by far the most tmpor· omcers of the Daedalu . a de licate peach color, wltb Insertio ns Iturblde. lturblde fell from power tant crop. Indigo Is er ngo Il\lIn IlIn, one Peter Nelson, a s grees ~oo c l08cly to a valuable I>rod· and flounces of cr.eamy old lace. Sott vel'}' shortt)'. and quart ermastp r, and !.berero re .IIU\ and furtherm ore, both be passed by, a!!Tee with the peach colored rlbbu'lls shone on America was Btandln shor tly Central uct, the. governm ent by menns of aD honorab le tpaa," saw from tbe deCk Of d08cf,lption ot s similar g Dione. export bounty Is eocoura glng cotton creature seen sleeves and bodice. there was a high Central America anti !\fexlco bad growing . The census of the Rotoma hana a beast vdtb thjl bead· .ort TonQuln some four 1901 gave tbe girdle of peach colored suede "Wltb 8ultered alike tram ()f an eel and 1).09 ten fee long HBe 30 Is possible that It may yeRrs since. It Llle ,Spanish a'\>" 'pOPulat ion of Salvado r us 1,OOO,OO(). even proye to dull slh'er art nouveau , buttoos adorn. pres80r. To go far ~~t out" of Ule water. It was dark ,be a "s lIack, to the earlY The capital Is San Salvado r, with a rl)el~t !· . For It, 18 well kqown Ing tbe Bllme. The hat was of smoke. Ilart of the sixteent above, and ,,'hlte below. 'H e gave a thllt the land·sna lws h century, to the I>opuiation of about GO,OOO. onoe possesse gray, d 'Vlth' plume ot tbe same color. day wben !.be SPAnlllh long' accouut of this strange _beast, Umbs, and some gigantic N. H. C.lIstle, wrItin g In 'the' Over· forms of sea· From tbe above It will be seen subjuga tion of Mexico, finished their yet, so' far, thQse 'fhpm he Intende d snake , may. well have we find them land Monthly of a journey to buateIlresel'l' ed ItB, there Is a liking for lovely soft to conver t ooly reply that It was "very Il,mbs, thollgh now ch aracterl s 1I cally gree d' y for added mala, haB this to sa'" about the BOtransfor med Into J blnll~lo'ns, but we must mention 'com. that conques ts. Hearing of tbe wealth caUed ~Ioodles like a whalo':- Iu short, that be BU w I)addl s, like !.bose of s' r evolutio n or th" tbe turtle nnd there Is also a liking for the use In alld beautr of the lands ' nothl'n s more tban a whale I'breach · whule be),oad, the PQrllon of Latln·Am erlca: "v. e are 'm llllnery of big. brIlUanl ly-eolore d ' conquer or marched ' lng." to the southwa rd, apt to characte rize these Central W. P . PY RAFT. cberrles . Tbls fonn ot ·trlmmln g Is swe()t with fire nnd Rword over Guate AmerIca n emsetes (upheav als) as ClIllt" r-[cQuhlle, of H. M. S. Daedalu s, CAN ''wALK , UNDER ratber beavy and cumbers ome, but mall. WATER_ I F or 300 ):ears S pa In 'b e I' d s way. opera bouffe affolrs and to underes · and b~8 omcers, In 1848 created .. gives a striking effect. Tbe picture To·day the Dame Gualem ala repri!' UD~ate their sanguin ary creal s(lnsa/,Ion In England by a sea· cbaract er; Bcarf Is affected by lall "picture " sents but one or a group at Central but I hBVO listened to the accou!V.s or serpent s t«?rY wblch at he time wa.s Genetleo, N. Y., Miln (llvell Two Startwomen, and little shoulde r eape8 al'e America lng n ' governm Exhlhlt lons ents. with The Invenpresl. llIlrtlclp ant.s and spectato rs , 1 hav~ <llscred lted by the I~te P.rot. Sir Rlcb· surely advanci ng In fllvor. : Some /lent of ,Guatem ala Is Don Manuel ~een photogr apbs taken 011 the sllot c.-n -:,f Own. ard Owen. But time brings ItIi ra• . and at the time, I have seen the women have taken to shawls, but Estrat,\a ' Ca~rora, whq has held the walls riddled with shot mal1ls: ve1l8es, for It may taro o,ut tbat· RoJ/!l) <:.:rt,er, N. Y.....,.A sli"marl ne con. these are very courage ous, ' . , , ' reins sillce profeS80 r WIlS wrong. Brlefty, be tho 1899, Preside nt Cabrera reo ELLE~ OSMON DE. has held biB place by force of armll, The plaia, tho barrack ported having seen an enor'm ous Ber- t\'h'ancO' which ,Je rmits s, the omces of Ilnd his so-called , nIle la con. the om'c lula, ran red wltb pent wl!.b head and sboulde rs IOIIL4J walk ,und(lr water ball a l)erSOn to , b(len Invented ' sldered cause of the present troubles . As for Its (a particul blood. , , 10ur feet out of tbe water, and tome by It. P. Lawton, of , Bb'lctly Etbleal. ar revolutl oa) Geneseo history. 1 hardly believe that the ve,.,. CO reet of its body on the surrace, it he hae given, two dllnJolls . Already A ~ap\tAI "tory Is being told of a Guatem ala 1s largest and most 1m· partiCip ants trations of can give It-how It came. ' passed rapidly 80 clOS8 10 the' shill its power. Once he K. O. now muoh In Ule public eye._ 'portant of tbe five republic s that (arm bow It thrIved, and bow It failed. It that a man's feature/, lot 't ho same dis. , wate r for an bOllI', tberemaine d ul\der He once took .. up , a brUe' f tor tbe nothing Central' Amllrlca n ' states. otb'c r time for It was In th ear, I rumors 0 f It were 'tanoe coul(\ er,.sl~ ,have b,e en dlltln. '46 minutes . and won the c,a se. The !!Tateful ell· boasts allout·h alf the total populati on, hea rd long before It started; Its echoes gulshed . It 11'8<1 liO flnB, bllt 8Ome!.blng ent. bowever , sent a postal or4e~ for leads In e;lttent of domesti c and for- resound LawtOIl'S eltllflrlmentB were made ed long after It tell. SuddenIlke ~eaweed wallhed about Its back. 35 sbllUng s wbJcb the ,K. C. accept· elgn commer ce. It at, Silver lake.' Clad In a bathing sult, has a frontage of Iy It Cllme an<1 carried all before It; Ita ed, tbrougb fear of giving offense 200 miles on the Now wlUlln the last 1evi w6'l.ks tbe be 'walked ollt toward Pacltl'c the center or and of 70 (lath ' d eluged wltb blood-t he blood or, by sending it back. At the bar mess miles on tbe Caribbe honol' of tbe c~Ptaln and, 1l11 omeera, tbe lake. holding aloyt an sea. Like Sal· Its support ers IlQd the blood ot ttll op. a fish pole, ·to or rather, their credtt as observe rs. the ~Ol) o( which was one of the barriste rs joculariy IIC' "altor It s!lffers from volcanic erup' ponents . Its success was pbe.aom attaohed a ' !lag. AN lIlVENIN G DRESS. unal. cused him of un profeSSional conduct tlons and severe has been singular ly vindIcat ed, for at He had reblal'ke d to earthqua It'e shocks, lind the n lUI suddenly as It aJ;08e. sOI/IIJsome boys on enclrele il wltil a scarf of vale blue acceptin g len than gold, "Excuse city and plantatl oo tbe last. ·me.e tlng of the London Zoo- shore that he was golpgla' i d waste. " In for ingly a walk without crelle de cbtne, (ringed 'l\'lt b black and me," replied tbe rbyme or reason, It wu " logical sOciety Mr. E. B. Meade Waldo In il~e lake. Wh en the flag was about' white, and has a bunCh of glowing red tbe poor beggar K. C., "but I took all the low. hot, fe\"er·lnfj!sted regions a thing of the past. Treacti'e'r y, 8ale. , and 1\11'. bad. ' I COD sider that the white mlln cannot settle, J. Nicoll dellcrlbe d a crea· 40 feet from the shore It BU, ddenly but Incompe tence was charged . ' but the dl.. c~e~rle8 , to the front, Tbe whole t., I, not unprofe 8slona1 ."·-Lond ture seen by tllem from the deck of aplleal~ed below the on Dally !lmong the mountai ns, there are health· old r egime w.Ilter. 'rhe boyil. cool and crisp and colorful : W88 reestshl lsh'a!!. and Ita HewB, the earl of qrawfor .d's ,yacht. tlie Val· ~alted, for Lawton ' luI tempera te .reglons , . ~Igh cool pIa· thousaa d-a nd.odd vIctims gon~ to to reappeal ', and Oambrlc Is ,a favorite materla l, and balla, wblcb , hroar.s a remarka ble re- w:hen b.e did not do lo'alls, In 1903 tbe populati on WIlS swell the !'911 of th e mllllons so tbey' gaye tbe a9, It launder s 80. well hits mucl) to wb~ "Feet" and "Tr:l1blea.'" semblan ce to that ' seen from the alarm., 1,842,Qoo: abOut &Q per cent. flure In· have fruiUes81y perished ," recomm end It. !J'he pInk cambric s are In tlmea A goOd Btory Iii told . of BtUe :lIons. mOllt Daedalu s. TlIeae two ' gentlem eo. ae· ot the r:emalnd er balt· gone by and of tbe millions wbo Lawtoo renppe.aret,l aoon aftor· \"ery pretty-a :s 8eem will all tbe' pinks Prtnce'sB M;ary of Wale!!. It wu said C8J1tea. Gtmtem .compsn ted Lord Crawfo rd al llatura, ·wardll , and explaine ala by ' favorabl e legis' d hi. ability to thla year-an d tbe bata of - that one of 'bel' aunte, wishing to test latlon hall endeavo red to attract 1m· fruitless ly Ilerlsh In tlmeB to. cQma." Ista' durtng his usual winter 01'11116. "Walk under wate:. The crowd 'was ' mer ," are most ' attractiv e with tbem. her 'k nowledg e when slbe CHRIST OPHER WEBST ER.T Both are well·kno wn ~a~urilIlsta, and , akeptlea l, so Lawton wall begi,n· migratio n, b,lt the foreign popltl~tlon cltmbed Into his And while speakin g of the cb'arm of !llog 10 talk ftuenlly!, \lolnted to her la only 12.000. ODe Is a member of the council of the bathing again and gave another the ' aummer frockll, let Ull Dot Long-W inded. forget feet, and asked wbat abe qalled them. ZoologiCIII ~letY. I The The TIerra tria (oold lands, above they ' exhtbltlOD . . ~e stay,ed tinder water tbat jlettlcoa ts. ~'Well . how did y.ou Ilke my _ whlcb, too, come In "Veo I has sbooll on vel' Is feet," wu 5,000 teet) .unfolde d to a btedble a.l,. nelted u- th!s time for 46 minute are adapted to the cUltlva•. ' ' f o r dlllplay, are not to be neglecte d, U1e &nswer. ''Ven vey la ba:re Yay Is , mon?" asked Or. 0 ..awa7, aembly of tbe Fellows I, brtefty thla: !ton of w'beat, potatoes and opples, He wlll allow no one to sile hi. con- One 18 very tired of cheap "Wett," repJted IItr. Kandor, .. tb.... trimmIn gs, Trllbles ." When orr Para on Del;em" ,r 7, 1906. trhance . He lays lnd even up ht/re, In localitie s well elt· WB. one part of It I thougbt you It ta ml&ht at ten a. m:.. theJwe re atandln s on tlI~ plelt kInd, and welgba 01 tb~ IIlm· therefor e wIth the more zest callB polled to tbe Slln, 'may be grOwn ,t be bave brougbt to !.be front." UttJe : more "ttentloD to a petticoa t of dotted mus· deck of the "J't,obt, wile their atten- t,ljan a pound. . \)rodueta 110' of made the "And lower up wbat with a tucked rume and altltude a, suga", was tbat 1" tion wu caqllt by a curtoua qU·llk, ' no lace; the rume attacbed b)' • wIde "old malter" very "The conclusi on." lane and cotton, Ot'IUIge, and bananas . obJect of som. four feet 10DI and two ChDteel Ponr..7 , tbrQugb ' wblch la run a collbove 10,800 feet tbere Is no agricul· Frfend- Beca\ll e he teet blBh wavlDg h'aID ,Id. to ald. III If; Glne',. liatlome I, limited the .... ' beadlul ored .rl'bboll tyln. ID bow and Ibq: l'haet Bun DeatIL. ture. but m«e, or I.... mounta,ln ",S-' , tba watnr. ~r had they eral rule Is that onll must lin 184 dI. , \ClOP', Mlllloo alre-Ql d, I.,.. In the "hot land," cacao culture Iy ~:~~a,:f ::-v .1...... OIl CIt WIIIt JUI'e '" ID a black Ilat.-La 4lll' field. ~.:.:w-~ . A Jovetr IOwa of water,w hlte .... dldD'L -Juda III can1eIl ... 0CI008
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t) UI UlIllIr Dillrrll~"1 ill 'hildroD , Durlllj{ I,h" h ot W "1,l1"r o f tb e " 11m",.., 1II11llthH th ll til' t 11 11 11"1.. \1rll l 1" ",o,N IIf n "'I\ I" '~ hllw 18 ~h "nhl "lIllI hll \'!' """"JoIlnl,· II tt.'nt~,.)D , tlO "" t il .. h nl'k .,h .. ,1i"pn ~n bl. fn r p It be· " " UHlt< ""1'1 ",," II I h,, ' III eH'(,oH~!,r;" I .. " f.'", Il ,,~", "r l'h"l1I loorlulll !l 00 \11'. 01,,,10'1'11 ",111 rlilll'rlll lM r e medy, f n ll,)w PlI h.v II " "~Il rtf n il to t,lc lin " th o ,l\ ~' 1l1" 1II . R,w ~r Hlllc·kll l',,\' I UlI' " f of I,b " 1I" st M . E , Clo 1l 1'c-1t, Li tl l ~ }i'u 11", M i" writ I ,: , \ \' 1 J 1 ( 'I 1 'I " ' C· "" ", """\ , "1 111 H II' flln s UIJItI',ol'IIIhlru IIlI el 1\1 \1.1'1'11 0"11 I' 1fl f<l ly . f 0 1' "'VI'I'II I YIlII r >' 1I11!I f ' rl III , II· II v!l.ry vllillubl " n nwol~... 1';l lluOlully fo r ~\l1l\1Il r tl t.,u rdlHK III eh llol rl n . !:IuW b.v ~' , 0: !:Ioh WIlI·t z
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\VIIS W IItl t,ill/.:' A \\,I~Y
"I bllll hI' n t,rll u lll"11 wit,h kifh t,',· ltitle,,",o fell' till" I" til,,' 'I"·III'~." \\'rlhll~ H," Ullrt R \Vllt.f~. " r ' :-:,, ' "', Mo "I IOllt, f1e!4h 1I11t! nr'''' ' r fnlt well linll eloolnr ed wiMI lell ol ln ;! ph .'!!1 ' d,mll 1I1l11 trl d 1111 rAII""li .. ~ SIl!!W'''' ,\Vill (,lire ,nllY cast> "f lIJ4!le y _ prl wilh"nt r"li llf. Finllll.' I lri, ·,1 or HIII!h\(Il' di ~IlI~fI that I S ,~ Fu lo.v · ~ J\idn l'Y ()llI'O nntl l e~1' ill ll ll ueyollll i ll l 'I ' tI(' h of llll"l iciul , t wn h tt10~ lltnplotl ll ,Y ou r II 111 0 . G(VEN UP TO DIE. 111111 1 lUll II n w ~lI nll(l IllId we ll " B, 8ple~"I. I' N, ,'irglnl Dnrlnlo:!.I lI 1m fll m Or k lc1 nflY Irrl'gn . I lId,. \\',I.t".: "l'u'I'b"I'O 'ld'"urYO " !\I. . Ey ,,,, •• I\I:t '''I'11""i l r~~w~ h . . wit h (l \01 1114'1 flue tV ur ,,1T04l ~)h. ln ritl o~ "r,' ufl c lI (lfIns .. d I, ' I.' X"l''';'; , ,"d"~. v .. ..11 wurk. TbnlO.,hy el. la". (all.,.. ivc dritlkh ", o r lruiu" Qvurl",,, I,,,t I I"holpIII"UIIl>lolU UIIUdlwfto"lvou ul'_,todl.\" tl'ulno?:.,., . ~ .0 • 1 \ l41 ul'1 ( 'Ilro Will f'UQI,.ml lll tmllou ann he . .. A ttond I II I,bo k iel llOYs lit o noll hX I ,," I~ ~I\\'" ~r.8' rollor 8",1Bft~',r Wld u, lb. u "t ng Fuley's KIdn ey ' 1lI'1l. l' C· " C'HUn bu,"m~ o l wn. ouUrul, "urod . 'cbwtlr tz, ' druJ(gili t 'rwo Sina 50 Cent. &Del '1,0(1
'uhwH rtz 's Vo rn (Jure mlliled to '\uy udelreS!! upon r ecetpt ot 15•. Sobwllr t,z 'lIl)orn Uure guarallt .eed B~lIbrook Home -Com ing, f O remove corn l!. omplM loD 6eor e tl!, Tlt t' I nt (ll\~o Urhill /; nh ~II'f1ot" l'i !! tl (! Bellbro ok iii Ulllkt'ng eilloora tt' ,. . 'I' 0 Use Schwar t z's orn 'ute . No ne • • rlltllove Jlltnpl c~. moth lI pt1tl< , of RlLit, rh e um lIud e01.1l1ll11 iii ' In . propllri ltionll for t il t< 8 ('ond tluUU1I1 bat,ter. 8 . ]il. VAu onA N . IIA lIow ll "~ • . hIM,oh t'", l lt<tlt 11Jl t1ltJ ~ t.I1,nt1y 1. IIIIYllll h.v u(lJllyin g CJlluUl_ Honoo.C ominll winch takes pillol' cOlllvle x wtl IInot pllt. Mil) htnom of ' loBl'llIill '~ :0;,,1\'0 . AK I~ d uro fo r Hkln Mosdam oll EtIil," Harris, Philip Publi c SlIde. ),.llIth in t h n (lh l1ok""UlIQ L'U(llkl)hL tli~UII !ln~ th l~ S,tivII Monday , t:i6pwm b r;j iu t heir ' vII. ill lIneqllll lllltl. Trout IIUIi H . E Hlltba" tty 1!.ud Mi88 EM ' n tllbl, AL~ .t8, {ER II 1><'''\ ti VAell rn for c n n!ltil~I ' -r. , 1 l"ge. tloo , l,rllL Lanra ROllnllgle enjoyed Tliuudll oY 1I1\l1l. (; Cll ltts , ., ~ Junnoy For .. I· It,, A N II Dl::ALtcK' IN .. ~' , C. 1;oh Wlutz I will offer 'ut rnbhc !:!ale at Illy Many turmer residen t. ext)8()t to ~ Harvey sburg with, lin. & tea , rellillen co iu Uorwiu , Wur,en Uo" be In IIttendll noe and tate part, and III ~ For Etent-A guod IIt,..ble. Inqulrc O hi o, un , ~ .. Itol{eth er tt will be an enjoyab le of Mrs ~u!\an Eberty. ,SA'l'UR DA Y, I:lEP'l'l!:MB~R 1, 1110(1 , OOC8.sion. , Four folding obalrll belongi ng to beginni ng at one o'clock TeJel)JIOD!I iu hi ll h ouRe wbere h e , 'l!H~ IJ. 01, the, On ijnturd8 .Y evening .Septem ber A. Mllt1:lt t are mi811lng . Please re o followln lf ohuttels and. r eal estate. ron ho I'JII1 nl, 1111 h O l1r~ , o1l1Y or I 1, thore will be Temper l'noe Drllo turn Ilt once. Two good general purpose horse8. o l/th t. ma "UDde r the t:lpell ," given In the MIKSe9 Donnal l Bawla'e, Benrle tta billok h~r8e, b1\y mure , t:INI(l h f'M "nel ClhlLlrl< NIl!lpll f\l1 both broke 1'owa Bill, Bellbro ok, from wbioh , f{uvp r pl'f"ntly ,,, ,, \,",,1 tIl r lhJlII S I,"plf" 111111 Fllll ()Y . (/r nUI1I'il'I', Frlli l", aU the prooeed l will be donlMe l to UHX' til <:r .. t"~ R'"Uf'4 g::k 'he Bome·C oming &xlle~7. Reserve d .. ,, ~ ...'I' IH.KI , W AYlill'·,r;V li~ l.lC , n y ", ~otlL bl n.~ n nrl Cllnn()(l (~ ol l ~ . ~Ilturday for Ii trip to Niagllra and CO W$, 'lne fres h Ilbout day of tII.le, .ea\8 lfi ' oontll, gallery 10 cents . I'or onto. YOlirl!uJ! h uire r, "bo ut three Il.crl'~ of '11{11 rA lind 'robll o('n, s tnntlillg O"rD. light rOlitl wllllon U" ! lIr~ \1'" tl \l' • 'UII, lexlfllJ. ' Miss Ev n 1!'unkey . who HpIl nt tbree witlJ tungau Iln/ l llhtlftl~, Deat .. of Howa rd hllY rlglo(ing Bri g ht ."" '~," rmhh' Io( IIIw. IIl1d II weeks at, b ome, r eturnud 'to b e r du o ~u.rrey ll"ilwuu koe mow ~r. clovur ot'ml)1 1 XUtu f ..,·" f "om pinllll"14. ~Id Latch em's Son. Phone 79. M. BROWN, Proprietor. tiull us (Jity Llbruri u-u at Jllokllu n bonoh e r , rl " ulving bA Y ruke, I:!ingle I llW I"~~ ""'\ "," r,1I " III IIR, IIIII Y 01 h lld No one I188med to e][traot more ville, 1IIinc'18 , Illlit Thui-llIlay . hnrpou n lillY furk , brookin g plow. h~' Llve r,Y \\""1111 11 \\'hl/ WIIlIlK!J Lux Aknh tlllol(ltP, II P' !\itiv6 , onr~ f/lr Mes&rll W , Band Diln Gllrd Knll doubl e .. hovel 1)lo w. Krllus r .. " I enj()ym ent from his vieit t o OUIt1VI\ ohl'II "le' "" lIl<li :II'II,,,, , ' to'I,,'\ ...i~,,, !; Mi lls' Mury Gard hsve returne t! to tor " t obu cco plo w , 'A(:111e bllrro~\', h i" o ,d bome durin g Home Coming ,C"I\ ' .1 1); .I ~""" .,\' " t'"'' tlum did Bowlu d Latcbem . their home tn Long 8eaoh. Cllllfor · Sootch h,lfl'6w , one ' h ol'~e r )rll drill , willi 111'11 Jlot oot<u i n ' \V.dyuellVilI~ ot", Kher R vlHit u f I18verHI wee ks r"lIll r , llIlIrker , l'I1I'll ~\) W"I'\ corn tq,' I wt'ut,y twu ytlllr.. ; but upon bit- with their Warren oounty "'ie.~ d .. , 8bfller, , I;f rihdtlton e, I~t ep Inddol', rllturn 10 lUll buule In U~'tJee villtl . MillO! M"ry Kingdu n, of Burhng Lon or"~1! Ollt ~II'W. (IJ ole ~rrlud or . IIgbt· KIlnllllll, I", )o'I;1l1l uolltruu t.tId with tbtl Ntlw 'Jer"ey . who hall belln visiting tlnd bMVY h ltrl1ellll. whe IItret I, 110 respecCARP E'l\~, DR~ "1 8 G OOb~ ' oba rll. terol age,all4 ,,~vllrt! iIlntrll¥ of hil fiUoon ' you .. wong her Obio relil~lv6l. Willi a' 801\Ies, h OllIl, forks Rhovels and It I. jUl t . . old .OD "rl, who WIUI 8u1JerID'g gUellt at the hOllle vf Mr. .aDd M1'II ch~IDl', 110 lot of blue IIoHb Jnltnga and ommoo '. ' conditio n . a· trow mah"l1 and who paued 'awllY tI. Lev,' Cartwr l,ht I few dlloY8 last postl, t! g ill, kea and villegl!.r, a ' few mong ' child· week . j 1111' '11'0 dayi attel' hi. fMber reaoh· househu ltI good8 Inoludi ng rocklng run as It ill , • _ • ed bill aide, with thel" ohllir, 8. larglt COTner oUlpboa rd wat. ' parents. Ill. Laklhe m'l mlD1 friend, will Regu lar,Corre sponnut. hIIngtng lamp IlDd other lamps, 1'he c:on41. .i~pa'bl" wltb him In thl! gt'OIlt orookl, :lar~, et~ , ' Han I. far ,dent '. Lette r! Terms m ore \I ke1y IOIlOW. mlde known , on day ot to reach all ')9 8ale. Aleo at tho ololle (If the libove •• nc ute s tage, WIROlfA LAKE, IND . AUG. *~, 1906. ellclo an.d Ilt the Mine plnce, 1 will of develop 18rl • M. E. Conference DIlAR (JAZETT IC : ously with the ter the real estlltol lituated in 'W"V ~. lI1 tle (olks, beYonr oorreep ondont III llpond • . nOl!vill R. Qhir), kno~n ~I\\ Ihe Opens at Eaton Today . late Ed en uso of thO· Zf!l1 prnpert y. nn 'l~lrd 8t. / bo 'dlffieult y It, D_ Phl'l Tro I ' tOA-'O---- in,. few day••' . thl. bt!o&uLiful re !JIr Ing a double lot with "rlllUa bouse DaY . Many a I P haM ut. In. - - IOrt aDd A8lemt ily Grouad a. Dear oontain from constip •• ing l:I ruom8. cellltr with ~p, two or IUncss ",rising (mill It, when It at )I , E. OODfereDDe whleb la in . .· WalAW ,lD Nonher D Incl" 'u IIIlgbt ents! bave been well and SAved' by the timely IloD at I:&&on ,hla week'. lin.. IiUle reat,.'lp lrttul uplift and iu. I_bt,e , A DlOO locationO'J8tern, I~rge ueof ' ' 'with natnr,,} TrUut upeo&l to join hhn in, a few Ipiratlo D for future work . Thla I. dralnllJ tl Iota will be offered aepar d.YI . or .8 a wbole to eult . , one of the.fiue a', and beat kept 8um· . Ilte Proper ty Bituate d about X buyer. u ..... tlu.) mile DarlDff Mr, Trout II putora te In, Iller AlI!I8mbly plaoN In the oountr y from plllC8 of late, IIonY lOno wlllhln , W.,n8l vUIe and B8.rveY lbnrg , be with a plOIUrOllqlle little lake, a to examin e propert y be at plaoe c.f baa endeare d htm8elf to the bout lX mile and 3 milea in This Is Ihe greatest remedy kn own for width 8IIoie In Corwin prompt ly I\t one " ni t y , ' b b ' pooplA of t h It commu correcti pg oonstipa ted eODdltions, I)t .nll hwgth Il fine lidbin" boaHug o 'olock ']' . t · 'd tb o Don't WAil IImil y(,urchl)d is Ifleeted, ' , ' erm~-(lne third (:>IH1I B .. III nOI' hu\~IlI" bl ~ oulllruu n o"n~ aln UH!' "nd blithlOK III IlCtl , nellrly 100. filet in onll bllt adm lnlsler a dose of the ruedici oo lind t.w.1) Y .. Uf .. n"f.' rrt'11 lillY \\lio lire IIU1, h.v hIli untinu " tlllehl.1 ' hlI!IJ IIot itH d"epa:. t. , 'l'bll V.lIey Ilud m Ant, , tn I", IIeoora,1 It,' 11\"rlll"~I' oC(·:\8ioOlll1y. . You will uotice n percept ible chan ge '.1 dllt.V .. n,1 pl,l~IIU 1'1)lrt~dn""", I\UO hili .. hie lue hulld WIth noot Willi ~I ' I "II tn uPlir Ix JlP"" "'''' IOt.·n ·.. · 'Mlhe ·ben er , n belllUIY colur nud a n hI the t1nlvurlllll wl .. h of tb" I,ll II uUllt ~tlug,,~. rlillt nre liv"lier d i"JlI)~; e ion. ' all fiUIlU , e" fr l,m el.. ltI ' I I" thllt hu I e ruturne el to tbl~ " "uia" y Iluriug thlll , Dr. Caldwel l'. S,ftlp,P ep.!n Is a 'g ood .1 "1i~ YJICr.h . Bi ble uut"r ,tlhl\ ;: 10 have In the IWIISC, I".:cause it J" Io 'I"" r Vlfl'" I '. '1' 1111 "-. " , ~Ilct. uhar~e Ilf "!'Ie r 'HlI-p J:l Untcl:th lon & GlbneV "1I iDlIllOPSO dry gnod~ " UCol W olek. 'l'bu t:!u,m ruer l:Iohuul Ill' " ""tll' fur Ihe whole falllil>'. ., , Cald....II'. Syrup PepliJl can be ,nu . 11 :. to 40'111,1 Nil " ", , 10 ,.11 It I, u ~ltw.. 0 1 nloro tblln $100,00ll "IlUDIll l jl' .v.,11 lit touui!d I,IY UlIlUY young I"d h h l ll' I'cd i n both dollllr and half·dol lar Histo ry of St. Mary 's Illtl linlt lCllutlelllen ' A winter 1I0boul, 'Ite." from all ,1 ru gp;lsts, ' Churc h now Ready or t:!e01tnllrv, I:! now being mllnllge d \'oll r money ,,'111 be refuoded If It' dOl' " lIot benefit you. IlIIlO. A large brlok edlfioe, well ' ·" ur l>O~t a l ca H1 rcquo IC t \"IU brlnll by rrtura ~ilk HOn~8 , (JOI'R et.', Mr . Geor[r8 T. O'Neal l ball writ equippe d throllgh out, 11'1011 o ur ....... ~nkl. Ii; CALDW El.l.·S ' tlnd ooverln g lIoo K 01' WON ORR ...., DIt. aDd ,"'" 10 \en a oompla M hill Lory of St. Mary's an entire IIquare t. near ~idlley t roll hi., prcyw llpon the lIIiud, lboli" w110 hn"e neve r tried tbl s .ample woD4orh1 l oomp letlon dlscollr!,ges lIud ItSscl!SlIlIIhltion : l>eanty, nmody. MOLlIun wrlle lad.". obaroh whtoh hali been' printed ' III Tha flower bed. are DW/lero uI, larlCe ~ .. \'Igor and cheerful pamphl et form. deckle qe, the IIoDd Iman, well ll:ep' PEPIIN IYRUP CO. ness 110<)11 dhu&ppellr and &a8tefa ny ........ ... IIU.... ' cover priDted tn gilt,oo ntalaln l 'wo ~811ll1ned with flOWflr when til" kiulI"ys are llhld plants of Fnr lIAle by J . E. Jann,ey . Ollt of (!trut r or di.. ongravl nlC1, one o.f the InMrto l of "hOOM' every vario,y , all bet4n&i'nUy . cascd. 'be ohuroh and 'he o\her of 'he rt!O. bordllre d tlnd neatly KI(\ncy trouble Itn trimme d , The Uccome so prevalen t tor, Rev, J. F. Ctadwll llader, pare modest .1lOnl1111y grows UpOII "':l!..,.n\i~~ thllt il i ~1 IIpll1l1eo",· TIl. hilltory la aoourat- e and well thu IJUIIOUI of too lima\) " ilion for (( childlo he lagoon In wrltMn , IIond the book III 8. very at snow y?bita purity . born amictcd willi ,,'cak ki(\lIe>'s, H the tr.ot1ve ptece of work. t)ttltulI. ry, toU~tatUII, lawn tennill, child urin ates too orten , iClh .. lInue sCIIMs Price 26 OODte either at lhe Ua. bllll groundl l, etc, arelooo tb" fles h, or if, when 'the child reaell"s uil ttlll at diff· IIge ,WIIl,lI it slJoul<l be able. to conlroll he Io8tte omoe or Inquire of 'he Rev. J , ereut pilioeli. t:IOOrall, yea hundre ds passage. it is ),ct afflicted ~"ith l>eu· wdF , UlIodwalli.der. ti"I:, depend upon il, lheclI" se ofthc diffi· of IIprintcll ct VIIortOIl8 uilneral quail cllll), is kidne), trouble. a ",I the first , , litl!!, II' ud forth olellr, cold BtreaDl8 step " should be towards , the treatme llt of Mrs, W .. W. Tlbb8 ls' oi tllJllrltli ng wllter. th Ctioilllportalltorl:IIlIs'. 1'lIi5 UIIJll cllsa"t is dm: to " diseased (:omHtioll of g~t bettlH~ Broth er In Wrec k at '1'he Audito rium Itl R.l\ enol08oo; trfllll,lc nOll) ' th e killlle)'s 1111.1 bllld!1er aud not to It. with pipe orKnn. III rga choir cllpaol h.. loil as 1" ustl'"o" l e suppose : ,)l~c (i , Toron to, th~ lt~HdLIlg' ~OllJ' IllIci \ V011lCIl as \\Ic ll a~ llle l1 tlrc IttHu.le Jlli~er· ty, t\ud seuts ,four or five thoulIHUU "hll: wilh kidney. uII11 blulhlcr trollble, ~l ~ad(, (nt· Mr. 8.Dd Mrll. W , W. Stokes, of lJOople, It Is estiDlat ed tha.t aoout 7 alill hoth lI",cd the SIIIIIe' Kn:ut ,remelly. Dllyton brother and '1IIIter-l n·law ot' t.o 8 'pontlan d P80IJle 1!.r8· here tbltl 'J'hc lIIild nllli the iUllJlelli" tc efTect qJ Swamp.~oot is ~OO IJ reallled!. It is 801il 110 'MI'II. W. W. Tlbball , weI' of WIIoY' wl\ell, 00111 des many whoou1 De ID ou by drul:J,.'isIS, ill fifty' eSOIll'SIO cellt DlI, "",I reuniun glltherl ngs, etc. ' ollc·doll ar, IIIlJlvllle. returne d home Tburtld ay OJ' 'f 'the Renerlil Inllnnge r" is Rev. J si.,<: bOlll cs. Y OIIIII II)' ot last weekfr o!D a deltght. ful trip hU\'e a !!alllple bottle WlllJur UhltlJlIIlllI. tho ~otoo EVtln. by lII ail free. also, 'a B _ .ra"_ throoK h Cllllada. ....... mphlcl LCllill)( al\ about SWllmp-ROOl. Wlldnelld~y Dlorutl1g, 110011 ntto.- gelist wor.ker , Hnd t,he best of tillent l'" IIICIIl,I\ II I: llIany , u f th e thou sands or testi· nuiIlIJJ~Letlll'HdJ leaving Torollt o for their homew urd In thi" oountry "lid I!:lirope ure un mOllill l lellers reec h'ed frolll sufferers , ~lIncl jour!'ey , wblle sea.ted IIot tbe brea·t th e ,Prugrllolli. Noted divinOl!, und cllred . III wrilillg Dr. ' Kilmer & Co" Binghalllton, Y., he SlIre ulIllmeu lion f"lt table In tbe dining oar, tbll tlllin IItera.ry me'n, distingu ished worken this paper. N. DOII '1 make any mistake , In many tIeJlArtm entli of religiou s, bill relllclII!;cr the lIame, SWIlIII".. R~t, I'IHm(~ stopped .nel anothe r train , comln/! ~orn, ~~l't~h()r we at a high rate ot llpeed. or.18hlld Inf.o r eform , IUltI r oscue workerl ! in Dr. Kihll cj-'s S",a'itp.Root. " "1I the ad. l"llt~ dress. mll!,:IIIII IIton, N. Y .• all frum every n)d~. .. II OVBr , tcn~r the cCl11llt,ry 81HlIlk hI bollie. ch~cken the oar 'In whloh Mr. and Mr~ ' Stoketl "Itt, IItleI 'I~II 112ml the OIIr the vHri"n~ HIIIl" nnll Metl Mnl!' !"____ w.,. COFIl .e=-~~ , c~op, CI'U C"l'll t)l' badly, 'hut. nOIl H nf til .. }lII811ollgers p\aoell, HllOh n"ted IIIPII IIH R.· v 'M oI(e HOlY :;lIyt Wli Dr ' h tI.) ilH.~· Ollvl80n tn e t)UIl . H MhlDM' nd e W .. t kl nN" n lOr were ~ori"~ .. ly inju,·"'1. ~o W , il' :,l ,\11 11 th~ id WI ,IIIt )'1111 gl't Englan d , GllnHli nlll ~ or Arlllur In 'l' lwr H j .. " '1('.. ~01l ill th p "" " ric of YUU Wll' u t .alld 8Utut,C. Ohlol\.: " , ,I M, G I'll " "j the Ihrlrl v blf'''''!" ' wai'i ll'g IIUI' ~s H .. knOWH Ilmt Iu'ar ly ' Isaac Wilso n S~eks t.h" Hl\ri >l hlllll IlI"Y lut Uut A Moody lnlltit.ll w. S , p , GliumHIJ. of clH" 1lI'lllhl, ~o "nrllll' call W"I~lrl l" fl)r the Prem ium. BraokIY,n , .1 (j Wooloy. and Uluny which lI,re' tlo IIl1ble to t1u~ Hhowerll I, ~lld ' ~oe 01" follow , 8 .. It others uf nute and talent IIore line l'liollid bu ,\l Ith e "I~ ry h';'U/lllh "ld ' Juao Wilson. IIog00d '-lullker who 1i VI<II ,n ellr (Jlltllillrll Urf"Ak ,Meetin g thh year, 'l'be ,enerllh le Dr. WIt. [)Y"Ante r~\ , (li'Urho ell Ilnd ahotel'll. 1110rt'"1! mllY Houae, oomlltl ,f,)rWllr d wlt:h a tomll kinion, 110 yellrll olel. or 1I00ne memlle r' ~' near It, has of the bomoII.ttack , withou t warDin g '0 "tory whloh he vonellell for. BI'. led UI4 UI) into the great hetghts of Oh8.mb ari!lln·s ' Col\o, ebollera and eaYI he ratled tomatOO l thlB ')'61 r wbioh tipped the _lei at a pound Sublim e truth . ,md C hrl8tian eX' llh,rrho eft . Remedy , whloh la' tbe perleno e In hiM dlsoonr so8, with ~uoh 1.l1li' known medicin e for these dill alltIl halt IIIt'h, 1!.od Iftllt year he grew .hem wh.t oh reaohed the enOl , lIimplic lty of tbongb tand In 8uoh ' e '- , ~bon14 "twR,. be kept. /I,t . II hand, 1IlI , IlIlmed h,te tr8ll.m moUi "81ght of two pounda and a qUIet., unprete utioul 18 ,manne r, that neoetlllllry, aDd delay ma" ent pro~ half oaob. we IQ&roely realized &be hel,hae to fatal, For ute by r, O. SOhwa nz.
For the Benef it of
" .'
!:~~~s~: ~~:8 ~~~~e ~e'=;, :::: :h8~::.t~ ~:~ ~~~le~ ~ill
Dr. Cal dwe ll's Syr up ,Pep sin
WDmen as Well as Men Are lIIade Mlaerable by ' Kidney and'
Bladder Troable;
Wllitl' Uu.,,,is, uillg haru
Lino leum .
Hu tei scn .6t
(jibn~y, ' X~nia, ObiQ~
DEPosrr r-0-U8-WHEAT
,\,y ho)'(' ',you
floltl' u'nti mOl'e , than un Y "othe r Aibillo F·lou,1' is if you h'ave not Hied it (::ell and get if) hli\' • whea t you cart g'et flour at the, mil'l 'tilt yuu tln'a sh, it makeR ,d itfer enee whet her you have ' deHIt with .the ~{in Hot We , have liuudl'eds of depo sitol 'S, \\ I~y not you? we giye you as high grad e floiu as there i:, prom pt cU ,r teou s ' !sel!vicc; muk e high gl'luJo white, and yello w meal and exch ange tht ' whit eor yello w for tOil, have corn , grotl lld l'ye, q)'an, grad es of fec'd , ,shell , urll and nat chop , C'fUShl)cl ami oat 'hed Mill ing'l ill \" us "'hu t with out mill 0lwl, e,:el'Y even ing you get your Hour then , call u.s' phon e us hefore ' yqu ' depo sit your :wheat,
" · __ Highest Cash Price Paid for .Wheat W A Y N ES V IL LE MI~LS
• Coun ty
I I , I tIti \(1 . 1.11
I -\'
' .
vIlI o lIucI Mllilll'i ll, plk ... . I"lll'I' ItJ' ~ , 'inU u l'd li nd Ml'tI. l))'o~' 'II. H'ic1 ~ lirA to I, filotl WIt." NItW MUI'I't; ! K 'ltl " 'r i ll'l J"IIII, II" III. bn t h tl r F'rllllk II 1lIh tor by e Javeu lI 'dllCk , lI1 tl1l!11l H . I Ji,, ' . J:;e llt\'mbe r :1, wlum thA c.f)IItrIlUt. will i i - - - - -- - - - I UJulhln 1l1vlulII VI< Itubt'!rt 13l'i"~'1 I' t! lLOd MlI.r bo le t \ B ' I '" . P" ,'ry R',· ~rf)n II nf! Mnr y ( Y j . rH ((OS • Or moua V I ' . ': . . - I'" ., ( :(111 1 r ile t w:t .• ollt·"r·('I . III .. W Il II alll\ ·f OI'Iw !nl<llr .. fir I1Il)rt .. u"~ I\ .. ....... ti l "r k~ ,r" . Hl'v . l:I el·"""!. ' 1 -,... too"l. . '" . • I ,fln'H'" ·vhllrt( ' l·'~ f,.,' 11 n i ' I.,l tl,l1f1 ~ uwunt Itdn1l1U If< *:!!J() with inter llrlt I(I.hp l·' n'''' ~ hllJII.n , J)lllin /ol hllrg, I - llll'lllh U. I tl • • '''lJ l ; -----II 01 I II II H nnn tl ·,'\ 'l'n \1n 'j' frolll .'nllunr y!l, l\l ll~ hoill 'Y tile n 1,,1111 \1 "tli ,' Snllivll n. 111'111' LoJmno n. 1 r" ,.1 111 • 1 n (. I lW U ' j Iu p U t, t. il t t"" I ' . It ern 't 1 mount of It ],ro ,"i~~ory given f{"v " "1\11 .', . I mit h I r 1jI,1Q r'~, Tho IIVIII U"", t. r by dofenua llts 011 thuL d"t<'l. HI~it] 1 Child "" \) H ell 1'1 "UtI In'llll I , • 11"1\..1' I ~ j • I 10 1'0.0..;1' iI U JU .I\' 0 f C'"t t'Ol " ~. H IJ U O ~O WIl H !jooul'oLl hy t'"," e OU II. H ",Vtll'r . hullo of LclJll u"n K'j\'. \. • _ ,. I!'uCI Wil l; <> .. , ., lu ' tu ' W 1\ ,.. ! • I A," UIl r.1I'.,u e.rllull. lot III BUl' vovllbu rg whloh A . ,," '\lVI'. , ' '-' uk J , '· 1'-~UIl I'J.::{' lI1urt.gll ge ill uSked til be foreclos u I1 W'O fOI' 11 t IUPO J'ill'Y ed . ' .., l ' I ~ utl~ 1 ' . H IlTlII:t) ,-,111111 1/ 1£1\1 f': 'I" ',' t ' 'J"(i\NUI<'~' II~ rney for br lug" lin t ho Uorll'lll und \\, lIy n ~' plu!n ' .•. , . a , 0 , • ' . " ' \' ill o )like i n WU.)'1I1l to wn ~ lIiJl , n IIr 1111 H. '''"l'1i''l)~ ., 11 all n olu il\ff a nt! l\1 <1I1 \' IH ll\'r I. l n l' '; ti l' i , 1:" wrAnw' R ngAr" to Lll fllyO\t1 lI ntl l t ho \\rllY ll o~ I'ill n I'l' Jlorut,w '4 h irt~ . \ ' ncl.'I·\I' ('lr alld Straw Hatli ll, lit l lJ1' \lui' . \ ~ l lIni/ol hil1l!ly (.1111" P I'iI:I'S Will Ilit('t'l'H I E\'('rym w. 1t. ..... ,Y 13111 /, m 'III' V'" 'Ph t' tnto (,f 1',11111 I V I11 ~ ; I O:! 4r. u('n," ill WJlyrtr' : o~ I'III II.h' of :j;J O. UlJlu I!; n n r fI") n, ('''III't' of H o'·] . T o wnship : I. I 1\ (lr lTl ~ rIlC t WII on ter ou.1 In to wl• t li THES E Ut'III'!l U ~l o l ..IlIl{l. IIlIl .V lIr of Vlllllt;1! l\l lJHT APl'E AL TO EVE UY A IILI 8 uy lu t,) .J nsop h M 130.1'10; i JIIR: Rid ge for lite con DUYE R stru otion of \I f ~'I'lfllklin . lot In LIJI IIIIIOn; U . II tempor ury foot bridge across thu , ' I'lli' trllnscr ipt, from Ihe (loc k el or ) Aluort V . BIIl'knlo s\ ~ pl en d i, l 'l s~o rt' 1lI 0 nt o f fine w to th e lneo r Little MillDlI river, at Morrow at ~1 .1 .\ ·I)f'I" court. Bh(lw~ t hill, Bu chnllln p oql!,o Yill',!~11 HnilH. ,r.LC k o tl , (J1I1' hlll'l, & (Jo, uf · Frlinkli n ; truct In th, · estimat e of $:J3, nnrinl-( AlII!I1~t S" I'" W ill! 1Ifl'lll:ltO(l 011 .fuly 2M ( Frnnkli n h,wIH.h IJl ; * 19 :.! Ill 'ri:.. n n w l' nllJ,l p l~tte r,," !I , IHf'n ... ·lll I1yI H11 1J-.c ni l' \\'01 A cootrnc t WIl.R en tered lrito with lVi \h "e lltnl,l intoxiO llnt!! to nne As: I Wil1inm Ii. RoOf W 'I':< t tlll.; ,,1111 ('hovillt." . Re~u S( ~ o l t'hr·~. l'h,,\ 1'1( ... a n (1 ('u~ l u ·Ire n o [{oof; I EurnulIll Ret·allio k for the ereotio n hm'Y ~Ollth . 'friul Wlttl fllllLlIy hurl ; l ot in Frlln k lin; Jat' :j:,I:.!, *l o lint! $I i' values :!il. ~ 1Il1l'r f''', 1I['IIl 'd 1,1" ,," .. rt h :j:, 1~ '. ' fir guurll rails 1I100g the Orego nia o n AUgUMt t< "lid lifter heurin g the l ' LIl urli August Price. I.:Hth l.lnR to (,lIiu V. I!:d -: 'lull Hll rveyah urg pike SALE PltlC E In Wa hing. t:v ldtJllce LIlli MIlJ'Clr lIdjudg e.d Bll oh II whtcl" • u c; 'r 11 cf, i n CI' l.rcroC' k t o wn . Ion f""'n"b lp. Il fll ir thfl r esldflno e of ." mull g Ollty 1111'] fil,loo hl1l1 $200 IIntl , s hip ; 1 1100 . E,l. Retnlli( k Tho !<tilllfLlo Willi CIl~ tH ; he 1l1 ~ 1l o ver rllied motion for ! . ' ,. . l 'lJ. 7'O. new tr llli. Lflllve to fil e J1lltltlflu In l Georg e ( J, BankCll . til tho Umo1l1 , I (;hoio" of !tIl Y lind nil our ftn( )hoi(10 -,f 1\ larun nnm/)f' r 'If . !o:iprlll~fleh1 Rv (~rror 1II '0 Ollllllon o . ·, 2"22 ,' P,lr'IIS oourt was l nnt! und e:;t lilies 11f youths IIUitS, tauoy 1 flne ~ult,!I In Hln~1t fllill ,11111 h' .. fl' • '. ,I ' . A .. M n~I " "TY Snhnrl. . J.: \ en, th e 1)llIlnhf t glVlIlg h oml In uorell . n rll n k,Ii II 1 0w n ~ 111 J1 • 'GO() \~lIr!!l I,..,dtl. :;(1 rgOI!, etc" all hand , Itrotls tNI H, tvln~ 'Ul 1111.1 I:! . " " H o w to kl'np oil', periodi c (It,tllokR A lurgll fI !lROrl.II l1'll t. of Hpl!lIl tudor'en IlIJ f,ltl llud f.2(l valutlll: II UD! of 1jC:100. . valne~ Al1gUS t Price J, Wlirr tl W ood , tl'u s l-ee, to HIlHP. 1(If b\lion~n e8N lind hnblt,un l oon~tl. ,lid AUII,s ill tIY n lim\ tbree , Bone ; 101 I n U ni verliity EIolg ht8, JII,Ii" n WIl S II m y!<ter Now . . . • . .v thn.t Dr. pineo styl!IR, II\[Ul~' Vft lues PROlh\TB : CCH:lI~', j Leblul( In ; ';Ion. ' . Kint" .J"!" w LirA Pill worth $1.2. '1 ·1 nnd 1-' 1; o lyp,l f or E.!tllte o f WIIII,lm Burton, ueoeus . / R. W ilil U llchrl~t AUGUS T.CLEA RENCE' JlRJi E to D r. 'u l'r y 11)lfH"M \\'r\IO'lt'~ .Tln l(l. n ~I'I PII'O"J flll t , 'JoJf N,~a Iy It IlUnnl'!'(1 ' t.y It '!', 1111 e.1. Rllport of lilLIe 1l.led . 130 fin e fluits-c hoice of our gJ ilL n 11 W unll b 'llld · t:d lo r ed f'unts I., 011 'if pt ~ r "ure. '0 ; 20 nor II in 'l'nrtle... tllat u/Ire gUllrlln tetld to give · fin est E. M. System clothin g Ilt lOll!! wit h ,1 (,(1(1 v e nl ~. nOll Elftllt.e (If Elizn J IUlO Corwin , cIt,. , c r ee k t owuslu »; t\], sllt.lsfIl Ot·!OD t.p e v e rybod y or lI111nH.V (;oJl cg e grey, blue serge, black I,lnorl vlllne'I lit .j;1:! II n Il $ lli Celll!let1, Cbllll, B. Corwin nppnlnt e u hurl !!!:! K Lewis t o Frnnoes Le w. r,eflltld ec1 " (~nly 250 nt. lhibi t~, e tc,. Regulm' $18, $20, Fren . ' Au/.('ullt lillI, Ud'1II0' lItl'lltor with h o nll of tlOO, Selt Wit rtz " d rUI-( Ijtnre h' l lo t In Lelllloo n ; $L. $2", $:10 vall1 e.~. ~ale price. I I!:~tute of 8 .. rah Luce, decflIlMed. ! Fi oren oo M . 'fholll] ~on to ' ' hllrleH ! - . -.- - - - - . • .... Fi rs t HIIt\ f1nlll uC ()unt. f or. ~flttlfl I<~ , Lf' wi : Int, in l~o munn ; ,' I . ~ Ull1l1t [lI ed , ! -- Es tlttfl of Pho ho Thlrkie ld , dA()8RH Com missi oners 1 ",I {t'il'/olt IIcOQun t tor 1'Iettloment fli ed, , Proce eding s. , Iti'port of 8ble filed . EXCURSIONS TO ~ , tilslate of ,Elliaon /:;u'lok, dece ulled, B ert R eid. paymen t . o n ( )IIIIt.m
r "r" y
KI' gt
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bury Gr ea t A .a·g"u
Boy ' s $ Long Trousers $ $ Suits
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WUlII~ l1lltted ·to
oo::W/:;~o~~lt!:oo::t ~:~~~t~::
t116ut filed.
!Bet.R ~ bid Irs ...
Gid :;::t'. .~~~~,~~~. ~~ . ~~~.: 14
Baliim ore
2U- Ury all Itcccpl i on
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William WhltM re lnmber '45 ' LOll Angele s San Francis c:o W , B, Antmm ; posta go etc. 1:J 07 24 1 S ep', ~ lO 1I1.. ·!ian napU. 1 ·onl'~ n tlon.
Peter D. &nta: noce·ll8. L F
::~/Ir~t aooouut.
an litem
6 ::. • 7,, 1
~I 00
l.)ooks ~or corinty trells
li!I!It,ll.le oC .Jnbn B. UrlLhlu n, d. ,
I ;! 15 speclflc at,ioo!l and el'ti .
~ti ~~f/)r"'n.""'~«~t-~ ~
AN.'t1 r ll.·
Toronto, Onto
for settlem ent W . illhun' r: VanDl\ rvoer, "'oardla n D B U b" d ' .. . . .,tnce. rl ge reptLirs ot E!dwlo R . VadOe . veer •. imbeolle R I .• ) ('I' uggIe8 ub e vu., IIUP[) l e ll Vii Edwln' R. Van DevE'Or ; hnbeoll e f or' th b ' t j .1 . at "I Hobert .1 . Shawb an was np' W t:1 t e pto n.Ili 'e uu",e ... . . ..... 'lIllage." , v a" bl 110 k p nilit d goutlil ln
, 26 n2,
New York
NI~d lendlu g t>a~t
Chatt anoo~;~ I:T~:·~l. 0, SC()~.
o. P.
IU : 11 , 18.. &/merttal ·Reunlon Q, t . I C,. Ift. l ';'· SO . )' He Ar'Dyof 'ulllbt'rh\ nd.
Colorado Springs . '''''' ·l~.
/ ~. ~o - "lI""~ Peak Ce Dt./'"n l~ I
Men' s and Youth s Trous ers. Wilso n Bros. Unde rwear . Dress Suit' t ses, 20 per cent disco unt durin g the Sale. _ _ _ _~-_---------------------------------# THE MORE MONEY YOU SPEN D HERE THES E DAYS THE MONEY ~ 'YOU SAYE.
$______.______ $
R S ' KIN 6'SO'URY i "
' $'
IbbY '
Kn e'e pa nt s, ~~1traw H at s ~ M an ha tta n Sh irt s. $ $'
Hom'ese ekerll' Excursi ol,ls.
from tlte l'iol)kin s·
$11. 98
probate . oontr~ot.. .... .... .......... ..... ' 2\; 50 . Est4t.~ of Samant hu A. Batton . : JOhn Lind r, ·bridge Ia-bor '12 00 deot\ttllc!d. Flnlll accoun t for 86ul0. 1Wllrro n Rogers , lumber ...... , 4070 inent filed, r ee,.. r ge
.~ ,
0-52 .East Main
., .
--~ --
Is . No w ID Course of Preparation It w ill
be pr iu te d .on · fin e pa pe r, ill us tra te d w ith m an y ,,. te 'l l e"ve ry th in ga bo ut,· th.e HOllIe-.C om in g, be sid es' ,m uc h ,m at te r, .of ' i,n te re st ·.t o ':W ay ne sv ill e ·a nd W ay ne To wn sh ip . . I
, '
rI ce D I. r a f rl'o be su re a.rid· get .a . co py as 'w e do no t ex peo ct to
pr in t m an y m or e ·th an ,ar'~ or de re d . . . NO FR EE OO PI ES
• I
I ' qood Jokes
Little · M,~'s Bachelor .Father.
Same Over Hero. Cburch-Women und young glrl8 In Java arry heavy lauds ou their beads, blllnnclllg them with great skill, }<'rom tbe time a JavllneH, girl Is lIble to walk sne Is taught 'the ort at l!orrylng things on her head. GOlhum- Snme WDY here, old r.m n. The mllllllary stores will eloquently lestlfy to that fu eL-Yonkers StulesWtln,
.I .
Polish. "I must say that Josh's education lias Impro vod blm," aald Farmer CornIcs~1'1. , ' "Did yOIl asl{ him to bell! you on tht farm like you said you would 1"
Sirumons leaned back In hll chair. tor at mine sometaln, drew n couple o( Jong purrs rrom the through wlth ,ber. " Old pal, have you ever, a8 a boy, bool'd,' says tb' lOll-an, 'un' I don't like meerschnum. and Bmlling at his com · lh' r-rules: panlOll, began: been promised that yoil could go 1 (" ' ~ I ):"h l , IIXI6, by J sCJlh 11. 00 ... 1.... ' " 'Yes." "'TIl re do bo 'wln ly Iv us here thllt "You know me, Tom. You know somew here-sarno plsce Ihat you h~d 0" a beat to which 1'ollcenla.n B;uoo "Anti liB co nsent(!(l1" .lhey. blant d woll that I neve r was very always wan led ,to gO to-and yOU lilIes thlm,' 911Y8 eel' F lynn WJ.S ullce a~S lsned therl "No. But he was 80 /lollte tn his '" 'T ls no maUher: says th'ma-oD. tond or children; as a rule bache lors cou ld hardly walt untU the tlme1 hud \\'tl . II m OS l l r<Jtl l.> el'O nle " UaJ·uner. He wny ot retualn' that r fc lt relll flat' I kno w mar Iban all th' , rlst Iv ye, t tart? That's just how J felt w as d an g ~ro us r harmless, n cording R n' ye'll '·a-·,l v.O r.'t to change thlm,' never nre: tlnd wllell a tollow like come a 8 kl'l tcretl."- Woshlnston Star. U me, wllhoul k ltb or kin, getB Buch about that ( . ( 0 tile p".lnt .. I' Y. w. If ho had b n "'\'e'd bolther be gOl n' on about a leller as I racelved, why, It nat'''The street oara dldn't 8e m to be A. DOUBTFUL OOllP'LIMEN'f. Sure ot Her Oonsent, , i <'; rll' IJ uf h l~ ,,) n ~ u e 'he certlllnl)' yo-e r bUsiness, s~ya they. urllll y takes bls breath away. Hdre going fast enough, and I walked aU She-You suy you lire going to mar1\'0 11111 h ,l " Il lhlen liarllli ess, ror In tho " '1 will not: ~aY6 lh' mn'an. 'H ere Is the precious missive IllIelt, the way like a madman. and , when at ry llIe? ma ller of jlhysI\,a l prowpss he \\-as Simmons Iltes'!Il ted ' a crumpled Illst I found the house, Tom, I near. He-Yes, deur. allo"t itS mCLl k anll lInfw ~ul1llng a man I am an ' here I'll hUIT, on' It ye don't ('hnnge th' r-rule to suit me Idees I')) shcet o[ lioper, tram which he rend: Iy lost my ne rv . , I, hesitated 1\ ma"Ilut ~'ou're not s ure Ulat I'll marry liS un ~o ul d well fi nd. II he hnd hall tear lh house dow a,' he says, 'Ye're "'Dear Papa : I want to 'se you so UlOat hetor, e I started toward the door. 8 llrnl ll Il t !Ill com mensurat wllh his you." . ' nil foolS,' he S lI p , 'on' I'm 1h' only bll,d I Cllo't walt 00 longer 110 I ' am uncertain what to do Or sny. for you "Oh, we ll, J'm going tp telephune , ti ll!;llls ti c PQ wer he >lIst) would hal'e your fath e r to·mOrl·ow . I gu e8~ he'lI b en han nl 8.' . ur perha ps cven a wise mil-an, a n' I'm gain' to tur-rn comi ng to se you tomorrow nlte. know, I ' wasn't used to talking to bn. loose an ' shoW ye a thing or two.' Peas slay at home and I will com bles, oonsellt,"-,"onll ra States· gil' hi powor fur good, "They tuk him nwny in an amby- about 7 o'clok With Il"ts of lov I "Tom, you remember when we were Pl) lI t man FI ~-Il:l s'nw n crowd gal hmlln. lun t'." asserted Policeman ~~Iynn, by r emain, Your ilttle Mary.' 'kids. You remember bow we use,d ered Gboul h im or.e da y. nnd IIs lened "How would yeJU lIko to set aome. to snea\( up nnd ring sO~lebMY S Like a ChangG, 10 Lhe h ll rnt1 ~u a I r ;\ few minutes, \I:'~:t .~~ conclus ion. "0' ye see th.' . Redel-Ynu say h 's go t a new aut~ tblng like tflnt., Tom. old bpy? I door, b 11, and Ihen run n,\VO} . W II, Tbell llc s en ll;' cit-owed, his WilY to the "No," replied the ano rchlst. • W Id 't It )(1 d f l . r br tit thnt s just how I fait ,a s I pushed tbe mohlla1 OI QIl.·R ~ I d , anti suSS s ~c tl, ,"Yo Mtther " If ye doo 't III{c th' r-rules lv th' ou:n I) a m n 0 YOll? ea eloctl'lc button; 9.nd 1 oclllully beGrecll e- Yes: got It this weel! .. , be 1110vln' II long." ' house ye 're I'Iv~n' III nlong with a lot come sbbrt tor a rew ,seconds . WeU, lIeve I wa!! slMlng away when tbe "Why. Jl l!lIdn't bad th e other onll "Th ts Is n free' coun ~ry," reforted Iv peo ple that w,U! tllera uc:fQOr yeo I wonder! Sure, you d Bt,OP to t~lnk, door suddenly opelled tlnd about the ve ry long?" . th~ !;lfln. 1110 1' 0 back Into wao Iv yo- r own." and more thlUl that, YOU d begin fig, pTliltie l little womull I ever saw bade but you slle he got tired of " No ; " H-rlgll ye are;' aus wered Police' " But I have none," "'lid the annr- urlng wbat to do with that .lld w,hen Die 'gaOl} avenlnJ;.' lhe smell or Lhe ol d cor."-Yonkers fbe sbowed up to see ,her pap!'. .. '·Wby .er- er-Is- ' I bCl;un, and chl sl, at Inst gres plng th<l ,Point. StlLtesmaD , "Thin b\ljld wa ll," advised 1'ollce, "Ot course you'c\ think ot getung 'rom, all 'the s(jllll ro, I jllNt cou ldn't get mnll Fly nn. a detective to l1l0k after her wh en ti ny fnrther . I 100kel1 at ' tl\B womnn, Un fa h' Advantag~ . ,But. or course, 011 this wisdom was sbe showed up. That's Iust what I and sbo stood patiently ",altlng; jUst Th I.>tl s )" b~ c olOlh T' er . ~,, (l r e. wasteci upon the C1llorehf$t. lie l'On. thought, but, thEm , d tectlves some- th rnlote8t trace of a s mile at my e m"h ~ nnt l oll s ron fr()hl tin y to I'In,.. Mr. Roggo nb elmer- Here walter; lInu.ed ' lo molle I'/lbld speee,hes wh en- Urnes have the bablt o[ telling thin gs bUI·roseme nt. Finally, lu sheer desper- jusl lake tbls chop book, It's nol fit I t I. Ilk Iholll, IUll r <I hn\( Ilt d l' Ill', I" t hlll18 I 'll II' rk. " 8 hBrd III III y, e~ e r opportilO'IIy olTered, and P lIce- that the newspapers got hold of, anr! n u on. r blurted out: - \\·ushlng:to,;.'_I _S_'_I1_r._ _ __ for a P\g. fo eat. , man Plyno. contlllued , to (ru zzle his ' I hod no relish for s eei ng a flaring " '18 Mary her? ' Walter-Ah , zen of course m'sleu helld as to tbe be..t method ot prOce- headline proclaiming tbat: 'John .. 'Oh, this Is Mr, Simmonll. COme will not 'ave eem!-Topelfa State HADN'1' DECIDED DEFINITELY. George SImmons Silurns His B!lby I'I" ht 11\; l'il go and get her,' Willi the Journnl. duro in the ma't ',or, "'rr Is a Sb~r.l\Ige thIng," I.e com- daughUlr,' or Bny slIch. T tell you, I DUB)Ver I rel;eh'ed. And she knew me, old te llow, knew me and 'olled m e by menled one duy, "tbllt ~o mnnl1Y dl(- did IIOmo pretty bard thinking, Sagacity. . f'rillt Idnds 1'1' la-ods do be hav ln' th' "Tom, you old numSkull, certainly I name. Well,. wna In for It then. nnd Sh '. to mnrry the ri ch lit r. Diddle, And hc'. II 11000 ~ Mdl, yO Il know ; sa-o me mother-couqUlry. an ' ," he II lId- thought at going to .se her and P"" my nerve cnme bnck, I follow ed In slto Ileyer will pIny" c ond Ild\lI •• ed, SOlemnly sha l;fng his head, "y v('nt h er coming; but this was a wise oiter her ond when sh e left me stnnd- BUl !o'or sho knows how to hllnlile hor ben u. nlver 'hear unnythJn' Iv Ih' ruth er. Il IILUe gi rl, and she forgo t to put her Ing In tho little parlor [ wondered wha t -C1~I'cll1llu Leac,ler . luks ba-ad, It do, f'r a (net. Jllf,l gl n' address on llle n,ote. Would come next. Not Yet Hopeless. "Ob, your sugge3stlons are all 'rl.s;:ht, "You know , olel pal, somohow t bad be .th' 'broods so mo Iv thl m aI' motl~erEdllh-I showed tuther one at your counthrles tur- rli ~ out, 't Is 11k they TOUl. but l thousht or all of I.hem'. But, a sneaki ng feollng oil nlong thnt Borne was married an' dlvool'C ed tin or lere ond babies don't mix well, and of the boys had put UP a little job on poems lind he was delighted. Egbort:-Jndeed! IIh'en time$, nu' 111 ' secre"t Iv It all 1101 you can Imagine whnt a IIlce spec· me: bllt when thaI, little wOlDnn, with '!Yes: he saltl II wns so bnd be In th ' payl ernlty. " laele It would hal/e been to have tlmt her swent smllo, Raid sba would go ond . On o.llotller OC ofllon he suggested to kJ(J I.Itandlng on my front step ,yelling: get Ma rr [ knew It was me for the ,kId thou ght you'd probably he Il bte to ,e arn the IlIIarchlst, "Til' lo -ad that's a lways 'I want to ~Il e ms', pallu.' ODd the but· 's ure. And YOIl ought to have ~oen me a living. nt' something else:-Oossell'8 a:a Hn.d a Grudgo Agllin~t the Wodel. heavin' br-rlclcs Is UI' wan th:U's 8ur- ' Ier trying Lo arg'Ue her out at IL shi ver a moment a:Ker ahe left me. Journnl. 1>r-rj 'ed whln h e gels WIlD along- tde '·Say. Tom, yOu Imow bow 1\ fellow when the laughter of n crowd at chllAs the. Wheels Go Round. mall Flynn. "'r Is as tree !'r ye to Iv th' had, It Y9'U go hOOle on' thlnlt feels th e moroln ofter ; welt that d r n tit play CIlmo dltflly to my ears; "Queer thing, Isn't It 1" remar\,ed thc I'll ~' e as It Is f 'l' , e to come to. Nt ver Iv that IL m:1-I1Y save ye somo tIlrou- was me tb day arler I got tha t note; Tom, you are I\. futher and I IiUPPO~ thougbtfuI thInk er. l mn-an is holdlu' yo." Ille." I was ~ Im ply y IIlng for help. And YOll know how It sOll~ds; 1 S IIPJlQ,!iO "Whnt's QII o r ?'~ asked the other 'l' bo. man moved op, He said someAt last, however, the pOliceman cut- Lbe wOrnt feature o~ the whole busl· that tor ypu It has u dltfll rllnt menning, party to tho dialogue, thing about "th . mluloD~ .ot th.e la,w" lined n plan or c:rmpalin. , HI! decided 'ness WIIS that [ bad Illvlted a few IIOmethlng, Infinitely swot a,nd nl~ "That t h e) seco nd hand on a watch Is an il " th e bfoodhounds' or monopoly." thA~ 1\ loitering nIlnrclllst wqs a men- of the boys liP 10:r a Qu iet game t hat that: but tor me-your stnld, old bach- ln reali ty the third," explained the t. L Dill som elhluJ; hi th.e expression of Po- aCll, while an anarchist on Ihl.' move nIght- that to·morrow nig ht In Mary's e lO1: trJend-as I stood there In that lit- -<Jh!caso Datty News. llc wnn Flynn.'s face convl.ncc,d hl.m was hll.rplless, "'1' Is only where iher ' ote lie room , well, It just seemed to .me Ch(Hlie-Are you a " visitor down that It wus wise 10 mov e on. Stili, he sbtoll that. tliey !na-ake throuble," he n "'~ftl1 b Value ReceIved, fte lOon 1 WOB most aU thnt In about two minutes I'tI be t~e tiere? : . .' y a , 11 head of 1\ rendy-made ram lly or 1 d I)nce moro tile Bummer gIrl draw. nenr, Uvea In that viCinity. and It Willi not said. "While tll'!y 're mOI' m' thOY VIolet-Oil. no, I'm one of tbe na· Whosc rath r ' S nonpl\! shekele Ills nature to rj!lllaLn long , quiet. ' So a ho-ave no cl\a nst: It was af~er be lIad In, and more I thought of It the J mp through th!l window and let the tlves. . \bunllnntly nnd ",lIh /fOod cheer. hotte r I got; un'll! I deCided , to , go I~snne olllmissiooers do their worst. ~e w days 'hn r .~'Iy nu found blnt holil- been obliged to o~.ler h is particular anAre paId ror tnn 'and frockleL JoUck- Indeed. then I tltfnk the Ing forth In J.ha salUO s traln again, ar hlst to "move. all" three times In ahead wi h that emme, If a ll the kids ' ''Shortly I heard steps In the hall- -Wai\hlngton Star. . lawn cOllncll oilght to Il\lt yOU down In town , cam temrlng In~p lbe. house way and the H!!plng question oC It aud alr-Ull he rOrc d him to move on. 01;le evelU ng tllllt tbls great Irlcn came on til list ot t.he utlrDC:tlons o[ the lIl!IB 'tHOUGHTS. But th e pollce m~ n wa~ trou bled. to !11m. He too Ie the man by the arm yelling .Neno. PDlptl, we vo come to child; 'uhil Tom-Tom, YOIl kuow bow plnce. wIth }'our photograllh. don't Bee YOII. It used to make you feel when your "U Is \In-ard La know what to do." and walked 11im along, YOu know. . I Whe~ I( got to be halt-paJit seven father came after you wi th a switch he to ld his w' (e. "He do bJUIllCAkln' • ..To....the slallon?" asked the man. thnt kid had .nol shown £lnd;you rotood wnltlng, wonting to , run o'clool, alld • 10L of LhroUble 'I n' shtlrrln" 'up :l lot bitterly. Cn11.. tor Investigation. Iv the Ign 'rll nt, gnzal)os, but If I r-run "Nll!er." answered POliceman Flynn. up. I was IIbout a,s near a crazy man and afraid to-well, old m~n, that'a . T.hs nU\'(I lhtl.rt o f tru ~ romu.D~e us I ever wllnt to hI). Just tho WRY 1 tel,t. Then the woman Tlwir rood WIl1 • vl1ry : bl!ll In 'twill nm-oke a martyr Jv h.lm, "['II not do ye that honor. "I've "Later 0:.1 the bpys began commg, came In and tlhe brQught with her thtl To 1l11l1c~ til v lllllin btt e the clun 00 Uss ; an' thln , ~' he added willi a , thrled Ivery wa-,ly to glve yo a bit Iv 18 quit o 111l8allltllry. ~I g h, "I'd be a t the nuisance Iv appear- sinse." he went on . "an' [ see ye h ll-nve and every lime olle or them rang the SW,e etest ,chlld I have Q?cr aeen-!Jo pret-N. V. SUIl. (n' ag'ln blm In roort. an' What wu 'ud no pla'acc:! ('r It ln ye-er' bead. Wbln be.1I at the front door It was like pour- ty IIttlo girl, seven,years old, It will! Ing a pl\ch r of Ice wllter down my nil ull with ' me. I had never thought 'Short Measure. " sa -ay to 'th ju'j t;e7 Oho! 1 thlnlc I ye ha-ave" bns lnes>I here :te clI n tell. me bacl., You IllioW" a te llow can' t tell the child really lived: that It was nil PfggS- 1t never occurred to me tbat Ie! mesllr. what a woman will do, anellt occurred a blurr; bllt when porifronted by her Mugglos was a ' midget uutll last night. " 'TWa Is Tad.' !!fIYS 1 to th' judge, 'Is ,to me thut l'IJayb.a Mary 'bad decided living presence 1 'wtlted. And as 'the Biggs- And how did It happen to '1Illootin' oft hll3 mouth an' say:n' to call Istor, woman came toward me ~he said: oceur to you tlten? on-a I'd tbl nss 1I1;'1r: th' govern mint: , "Talk about Irouble! I'd got ·m,, · "-'Mr, Simmons, we conduct the Diggs-I overheard , woman " , "'0' ye think ?' ~y8 th ' judge to me, self In such a dovll at a state that Home tor Llltte Wanderers-an or' tbat he w~ e\'ery fn,ch a gentleman.'this gr-reat J;overnm lnL Is a(rnld Iv the boys tool!.. It uP. and the way they phanage-an lndependent Institution Chicago Dally News . . til' Idle vnporln 's Iv wlln misguided bandl"d ,me during the evening was that looks to the Individual charity o~ ,n-retch? 'T 18 Ille worryln' Iv tlllm floUting small. the people for Its support. We thought Even Br~ak·klnd ' iv min thu l 'br-rlngs thJ:u to no"When they hud all gone. ,nd I that fhe b~cbelor8 In the city, being. of 'The ' Barber-,Beg pardon. ,Ir, bnt tice an' ma-a kOS- lI:am dangerons. L'a~'e I\nally went to beel, I lay there hopln, course, wltbout cblldren the~selves, this liS 1\ bad Quarter. : thlm alone a n' no wnn ' II noll ce ' thlm/ and praying that as Mary had not ought to support at leaat one child The VlcUm- Oh, 'll'e ll, , d.o n·t YOU "Thin ui' pa- j\J;e rs oomll out an' I?ut la , an appearllnce that night, Ilhe apIece: 80 we secured the names or all care, It Isn't any worse than the ta-allt Iv th' policy Iv n~p-prls810n ac· R_Wbat are YOIl thinkIng about. haIr cut you gu've me.-Cblcago ne~er \\Iould; and easing myselhylth the bachl,l Iors Rnd assigned each one a cordln" to tb' Rooshian I.'ln-nn an' th' that, r drollped oft to sleep, child. Mary was aeslgned to YOll. NoW dear? Dally News, ba-arm tbal'l; donil be It. An' a[ther She-Only, how nice, I would 'l!e to "Of courMe, I beard ftom hel' again. Y,OIl see how I knew your name ~hen tIllit ql! Barney ~ ' :y nll on th' cafpet in haTe a really handsome flt'e acreen!QUITE AN ADVEBTISEltENT. Heard frOm her agaIn- well I you asked tor her. " til' ca~nn's om,co fIr nm-akln' a roo I " '~oW, Mr. Simmons, you'll see th~t T~peka State JOllrnal, , slJoul~' say I did, The first thing Iv hlmsllt.'" . ' th t aught my eye wbe.n I got to Mary receives bette!' treatment, won ~ 'H aving 'thufl clC'Pllllned the troubl es Revlled Verlion. th: o~ce next morning was a ' Iette~ you- you'll be ~ s,o rt at foster father to 'Uulh a-bye, baby, 110 . tIIl anll .Ieep, tbat \jeset a I life In a way lhllt addressed to me 'In that same big. ber?' And yO!! re not one bit mad. are Your mamm ... ha. gune to her club; will be apprecla (ed by, ,men In inuch There ahe'li atTlve for Il euchre prlle,' round, unc ertain hand, Everyt'hlng you?' , ' , ". 11 I' her posl t~un s . f.o.llcell)an Flynn prelVhlle mu. t .rllY home and _ , .... of Uie pasl' two days c~me rUBhlng "~om. ,whl\t wo~ld you have done It -ChicagopSpa pared to dio\:p ,tit!! su bject In. ,order to Dal'l), N o",.• _ .' ba~' k to ,me ' In thl~t ser.ond. an~,: say" you w~re . ln ' mr plo~e then?, ~t's ft .. ' give Ill s el:clllsive Ilttel)t1on ·to hl 9 pipe . : ' Hel~fu;. .", ' ~ boy ought old sport; ,bat s It exactly, and I.bat 18 r om, I 'guess th e. 0ffi "e , '" " b ~n;l' his pap.!r. ' all t .Mrs., ],'Iynn Wsl..s "What books have be)~4 you 'm08U" j;d gone' -cranln' .'lhe way" I . ~bbed lust the, very thlng I dl!1! I was ~a[en not a l 'tIiCl E.'a d of lle,r reaqurces , that le ller and, duoked. 0nce outside I;1t~' new gomo, and l ' l!mlledln sPI~ · ef lnQulred the literary girl. "Why dou' l ye la-ave a ta-alk w'tth A M6vin~ Anal'chlBt Anv Wan,'" , dian': [ oonciude!l to faoe tbe ,myself. ,It WIlS all 80 simple. 110 :v~ry , "Well. IUlBwerll/! the whollY: merce- ' blm?" slle [lSlted. " Ye migh t te ll him , ., I1n n ." . , '>: '. simple, tbnt 1 forgot aU the worry of th' UHoulJle he's ml,lkID." 'fe:' ' Iv It an ' It'lI be all r-rlgllt. bUl whln ye worst and tore open the en'ielllP8, three dOYB as I laid ;uioup)e ot'tens In ' o,uy author, rot must confess th at ' , neve~ succ!!8ded In drawing royalUes ;J'hls eemed 110 absUI'd to Pollceinan ha-ave llano yo'l! have 'f'r. to kcep Here ,It Is : the matron's hant1 and told. lier to look from anr exc()pt my ' own,"-Washlng: .. 'neo~ Papa: II couldn't co""':' last " FI.YDll tha t he only lau~J!.ed. , Never- go I'l l'. I'll h n-aVo none, Iv ye-er dolu's .., for a check eilc!!. month, fpr ~ary. ton Star, theless. the Idea', took l'OOt, Il nd one on me beat:· ' , nlte 'becaus [ 'was s lk. I' am not', weU "And Tom. ,would you bellave It. that, tf ay. when oppo~tunlty oltered'•. he He marchet! him to the ent! of bls yet it,nd' 80 I WilDt ~ou to come and se: kill ,1U8t r~sbed up to me. threw her In Boclety. opaned a !!onver!;aUon with tile anal'- beat and :Wnlted !I),' th'e nell:t patrolman me. ",oping lo se you tonlte,}} am. IItUe ,arm8 ah0!it my 'neck and klsSBd Ice' Box-I hear. you aro entertilllllll& ehlst. , to show up. Your little :-t~ry, _. . , , ;! ... )ne: You know what It 18 to. have little 0. 'good delll la~ely . , ." . "r sup-pose," h ~ remarked, "that ·t " 'T Is th' anar(;hlst 'that 's been an~ ;. 'No. 786 :Blank St,: ~ "., girls klS8 iou-yoll're " rat~er. :,1 Thermometer-Yes, Indeed! I ~m BivIs no use d1SCU63111' .th' matther with noyln' me'," be e:qHalned. "a~" I'll, not "YC\8, and dow,n be~ III tje ' rne! ' dldn:t then. lind I i guell!\ t , must !)ave ,Ing everybOdy , ~: , h,o t , t1me;~De~ro!t ye. but don't yo. 'see YO're .wr.rons-. an' htl-ave hIm on' ml' beut." , .he bad a ' huoch ,of crosses anil the showed It, 'for the leiult lIttle laugh, ea- Free Press,' , ' .",", ~ f e'te' only maldn' throuble f'r ye·er" But I ' don 't 1vant him," prQ&ested Information tliat they repr~~ented caped th'e matron. There wali Bom8-, aUt an' C'r IOe.?" the 'other policeman,' , kisses for 'IiIe. " -tiling ,about It that 1 had. never known ma 'Bea8oia. ', " , ''{'have Ii right to my views," assert- , "Iv coarse n,)l," said' Policeman "Tom, dhl I' go :r Of course ' l did. betore-just a 'Ung, of beaven, 1 III1P"Skrlbba. J like yo~'r poetl'1 bette,,' eil the anarchist. , Flynn, "Pass blm' illong. ,A mavin' I made up my 'mind ' to saj/. ' 1I0~e poS8. J felt so queer: there was 'a Iqmp than all the ,rest I 'kftt>w, ot." .," "Sure yo. hu-n vt!," admitted Police- anarchlsl· 'U \lIver bother nnny wlln ," things that a gentleman ought,'r'eally 'In my throat-ab, well. Tom; there's no " "Why, tho~lB. mighty . nice ' or · )"00. man Flynn, "but ye ha-n ve' no r'-rlgbt Then be wlnke,j at his brother om- not say to a ladl7: but.· t"en, ;. ' fa- 'u8,e telling y'1u-you kno". Pray. wha~,.-er:-,why-:-,?" , , &0 be fOl)rol n ' t:hlm on 'otllers," "Because'· nQbody ever prints any ok ': Ella-When' il your Gut blrlb~a7t" cer, and the lutler, after 'a pa use s\llll~ ther has some prllvlleges, and t PI'O:' , "Here. Ilght 'another: elgor." " ,'Tlioy force ·thelrs on me." protested cle,n t to enable blm, lo grasp the ,altua,: posed to teach thla unknown dau,h~ , (CoP)'rhi'ht, 1006, ,by Dalll' 'Sto..,.:PUb: Co.) It: you ' ~now:."-CI~ ~eJOnd Le~~er. , ,Stella-o. 'aometlme In 1908.......Roo the an archist. ', lion, laughed an,l took the a!larchlst ' " , ", ' " , ,' ' Ber .·. .~ah Way;" , 'c beater Democrat and Ohronlcle. Poilcemn o. FIYDIl , gave this phase of ~ ~ ~ "Madge Willi an awful 'tom-bo)" ,w hell' Sure TJilnC. the question ' thoughtful. consideration In tow. Wi th a trW words at explana.' I , ahe was a gIrl.'" It'. euler, rm thllllcln«. 'Uon the man was later p.lUlsed cn to .a before replying, • L~a' u'aa~ a~ "MayJie ~hat·s ~h:v ahe'I' nell, a If one would bllnt tor trouble "WtUI, yo bor-rn ,In this countllrlr~' tblrd officl'l r, and-welf; he crept back ' ,.,. ~!an I )~ , ' , ~.' 'good (ellow:, lio~":-DetrOlt ""'" T~:ro t~e:~~r;'~ ~~{!iok~~~ to his hOf!le abollt ,tw~ o'clock t~e tal- " .I be a~k8d. " , lowing morning. ,Once afterwards We Slime Dr_lng, ' " a U ' ..... ... -."n' w · Ith dressla_,II. . _, PIlIJaaelpbla Pn!N. .. . "NO;'- was ,the reply.. experience was reveated., and tlien lilA All ....pp .... ,_ ... :)'ge, , "' a 'ta'M . , the ..'m t .p.'" "Are ye a cltlttm lv It? .. ,. ' " 11 X T k Look ro.u ' cleli~" ,our brown shoes? ,AI . ,_, A. OorTection. story renched the staUon, Shoes Wi 8C'P run , " brown shoes uncleaned be40me ' 1I11~'Fm X-v.' Ber Alone. ' Mr. Stopliie-l believe J mUit ..,. Ul'\o." laughp,'d the caPtain, wh-iI, . ing LU,e Jll'ew. ,< :,IShU,.. 10 bro. . luSgap .4008:. but ''M'' Quttlng"says Ibe Is gola, to COOd-nllhl ' , "Ye ma-ai<e ,me thl~k Iv ', reliT I be"Barney," heard or It. " you've solved a ....ea·. ' __ ' _ , this luggage cleaned .,.-henever It ' Ie ( d II" , ' bea r·rel 1'1, ' said Poli ceman FIYDll, problem. [t I hod my way. 'I'd ... ' d Is th e moa t IIIIpo,lng I 001'1 a I . Bummer. . Mia. TetalHP _ rnti, don't! IV'''' ,'171". send - e lalesman "'r,onght out a / 1U.... l'b use all d ' th • Ileep 'o ut 0 U ever renely to polnl , a moral with u , AU U f' '''' moat 'beautltul you Call have, ,, "Wh, • .the, moSQu toea ' wl , eat hlr 'Ihould )"ou', you ' to Washlngt.on to" s~e It you could .ttbag ot cowhide. a rich browo' jJag. "Get a botUa of bro ..... leather dreu-, up!" , . , , I ' . Mr, 8tOplat_un..;., ,.U7-ah-S". story, "This fell" bael ( turange Idees ho.ndle It 011' a larger scale,~ land 8o"n, lIB' bllas ~ ' trunk, ,', ,. .. .,. " . Nth ' .t h' to " ' , , .. .., 0" Iv r-I'Ulln in' h" house, all' ·t wad all "'T w'u;d be 'Il:lsy done," allswered ·"Thl.... be Bald, 'ul" .0." J " 1111, apply It to YOu'r"J>roW'n trunk, and • 0. " e, w:~ -B e ,l 0 ~ur. ptUlI, rather late; laa't.ltf _ , j'-I>lghl while he \VIiS r-f unulll' his own Pe!1oeman . ta, ke It. • 8a I" a woolen cloth tor·trunk five millII.. 'l'erIl..., ......,Yea:. alto-tiler too' Flynn. "only ('r ~an "l'd e. til a p."'t ron, .,,onIy rub, utes,with I'll guaranq!e that tha will DetrOit Free rreal, " _ house an' np t \J(Hherlo' ann, wan lise. thing," noowa leather luspge seta so dlrty then look better than II'W. It wW In CIlI..... late to say , 8aJ IOCJ4. , But W:\U oJil-ny he moved over to u Ibabby after a' ateamer few months '.~ :mdhave a ' leeth,r trunkuae,1 " rtcher, deeper color. , "So channed to ml4lt with JaIl mol'lllq.-ctli.lland lAader, • "What's thaU" asked the' captaln, booi·l}ln··b ouse, ' "Afthel' a bit th' gazabos w'u'it l'am ,.ld "ill tor. and It Ja leratched ',lIId "Suit ca84ll. vaUsea. all aorts 01 .agaln, I'm lurei II.... JOII..... " ",'l1l1)e IIi; SlY3 th' other boor<1ers. r;r to ~et naturalized an' vOte, 1t&lned. ' and 41 olofed 10 I am browu Inthe.r thin. . .bouJd be 1'Ubbett' "PardOil me, .. tiut I h&ftIl't bMIa "80 It,ag liS !e pa· \)' y_r boord an' enough an' thln th' poI1Uclana , w.'u'd n't lave ..'baml".d ,tI' IL" up BIlOh dme they are uHd. TheD, .n- lin. Joll.. for tlree IlU.blUltlL I'm IIvp. u p to th ' r'rules w.. 're glad ,r .. to me IllY a hand on thlm," ol8Iiel'tell PoThe J!alelunan fro,wued. .tead of Ihabby luuage we IhO)1ld eM UW' ¥I'II- JOIl...RyphIG........ .,..,.._ -IIbAIl-:ne )'e: llceman I!'lynn, thueby adJlln, lIla··Ha.'I'8D't rou ,MI1ee'" enough." lie erVlcbe'!.!lIberore~~ek ad 111111 hi..... .., Browa...-IIII...... 8entlMl. ' •• 'Jlut , dnA t lnUAd ('r to pa 17 me tel'lIllly to bIt rean&aUcla for w~ ........ "'..a ·von ' lira. . leather It1.. _ O w ... B'E SUPPRESSEIIS ANAROHY. W<>llyrh;hl, IIx t he , ~ nt ury ' 0,)
- - ----
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WlUIt ' the E.penm_~
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.t ~e Kiehl. lb:perl mat Ita don . Demou. .uated.
Pre.eel Flowerll Are 1"lellBAnt Souvenira ot a Vacatio r...:....How They lIIay Be ..Preeerv ed.
V1UIlaal<a, In the ,611l!lkAn Islandll , a J)eeola~et Spot-W here Whl~ Not XoIInd,
Often a farmer feelll the need, ot No prettler or more pleal\ure -glvlng Vnalaak a resembl es oUler nortbefl l somethi ng tbat will take the' place vacation spent. nl - -~~----.------ot 01' elR!! help out tbe skim milk the country could tbe seashore or In IItatlons. having wa.rehonses. dockll, be found tban a spec· the Inevitab le Greek churcb p('rtion of the raUon for pfgs Up In Imen book .and it STOCK·l!OADINO CHUTE. filled with dried 1I0werl, score ot wooden cabins, Wbalers Mlcb:ga n creamer ies 'and cM4se fac. leaves and leave seaweeds, nnd the work 0' here tor the Arctic ··I'eglonll. 0aD Be Perman ently ~p,t~d NeftI' t.he torles hov e been making lIerlfJU9 Ill' gntherln g. and 'prepari ng tbem would, . ll\ltch Harbor la a slatlon for roads Into lbe 8upply of skUll milk amuse the most our Bcale Bouse Where Anhqal a Indlffercn~ boyar girl. revenue fleet. There II m1lcb coming on the furm. Thll farmers ba.e seen Tb ~n It Is very ' Simple, and coslS lit- and going Ar~ Wetghe d. of Ihlps of all na.tlons; ~--~~~---------rlt to Bell ·thl8 product. end at the tle time and trou ble. thera are quite a formld'l bl e fleet. and fn addltlc:l to bavlng a set or wngon ~ame time desire to rulse plj!s. . How ':l'b~ collector should provld~ blm- ow,. two shl»s out of twelve. carr, And aeales ~nuglY housed. every Carm to sell their milk and yet at the sam. selt with a tin botnnlea l box. 01'. lack. colora True Story of How the Vegeta~le 'o t the same country. ought to bave a loadIng ohute, so that time ralso their pigs . successf ully has Ing this. with. several dozen sheets of .1ust before entering tbe harbor one wh\ln live stock " Is rend ror mllrket been a problem with many of th em. sort. thi ck. II'nglnzed wrappin g paper. Had Its Birth ana How.the "Pan ic of '7Jft .Caus ed notices a detached rock high against The s tate experim ent IItatl"n has and. two hoards tor covers. and h us biM!n weighed . the' animals The I1aper tbe side of the cliff. It bears a strikDlpeclal ly hogs and sheep. oan reut\lI; come to thei r assistan ce In an elrort and tbe bonrda s hould be seyera,1 It to be Offered for Sale In Drug Store s. Ing. rellemblu nce to' a Russian prle~' be driven Into the wagon Bnd draw n to to provide a link for the gap, In Inches larger than the book In .... hlcb In full robes. Touched !by the sunset Bulletin 237. just ISlued. Shaw' show I tbe specime ns lire to be preserve market. d. ad- light. he seemed to stanll blessing the This remarka .ble womnn, whose reatol'e In th e accomp anying I1!ll.8tl'aUOn Is what be ' II:1S' been able to do with vises lhe Chicago tnter Ocean. harbor. tile famlly fortune. . . TIley maiden name was Estes. WIlS born In argued shown a plnn that has been adopted digester tankage . which Is a packlns As each specime n Is gntbered . place that Salllns north LYllo, out mto Mass. , Februar y 9Lh, 1819, com- so good for the medlclo e which waa Behring Ilea, with conside rable auccess b, a reader house product. Arter a number of It between two sheets of th e paper. one looks l.beir woman friends a.nd .t tbe desolate. silent. Ing from 8. good old Quaker family. nelgllbo rs '''as experhn enta Shaw bas renched con- 'being ca'retul to mnk e It equally good for th. lie In a treelesl Islands. which Ileem to wall For 5C'lDC years she taught school; and women. clusions whlcb. are sUbat.niltlally . ns Iiatural ' pOsition. Whep of the whole world. . the collecto r the edge at I.he world. Hundred s oC became known &8 a WOIIllLll of an JUert . follows: TIle Pinkham a bad no money, anlt reaches bome, be should transfer thll miles west the., run toward Vladilittle crcdit, Their tint laborat ory 1, The gains were 'greoter In every specime ns to fresh sbeets' of WIIS the kitcben. where roots anel case where tankage was used lu the placing several sl!eets between paper, vostok. tbem, Two hundred herbs were steeped on the ltove, and tort" miles nortb ration fed to the pip. and when they are tbus placed. one an of Unalask a are the Prlbllof • ' g radually .flll ing a gr068 pf bott le .. Islands; 2. Tbe ~alns Of the pigs were more top ot tbe olher. they should be 'l'hen came tile question ot se11lnlr weight" not larare. but tbe greatest seal 'I slands marked as the feeding perloo! waa ed down with anythin g conveni It. for alwaya before they had glveD. ent. say In the world. There are many fur prolonge d, showing tliat the digester books. or heavy . boards, or It a.way freely. They hired a job even leals around tbe shllres ot Behring ' tRken not only malle good gains, but sl.ones. printer to run oft some pamphl et. 8c& and tbe Aleutlnn IsI~lDdtJ, setting forth tbe merlta of the mediagreed well with the pigs. They sbould remnln thus weighte d f)rest maas of them ' are bred ' but tbe , on the cine, now called Lydia. E . Pinkha m'. 3. In every test made the pip for (rom 24 to 48 hours. and should 'Prlbllof group. No white man II per· Vegetable Compoulld. and these .w ere whloh bad the tankage made the thl'n be removed to fresh sheets of pamltted to ' iand on thelle breeding distribu ted by the Pinkham son'iriD cheapes t galnp, though In onc or two per. and be packed and weighte d ~ton, New York, .and llrboklJ n. down grounds without a permit. sIgned ,by cues better. gains were made wltb as at first. allowing tbem to stay 80 the secretar y of the tre!lSU ry of the The wonderf ul c11rative prdperl lel of the milk. for another period of from 24 to 48 United States.- Outdoor the medicin e were, to a great extent,. r~lfe. The ·' tankage used · In this experl. hours. Tbe paper used In the first ael!,adv ertising , for whoeve r ulK!d 1\ Inent DS lIold by a leading packer at pocking may be dried and used ngnln. Nothing Succeed s Like ··E,O G-O-SE E." recomm ended It to others, and tho deof Tbe Prnlrle Farmer In Livingst on the U nion stockya rds. · Chleago. It ' m and graduul ly incre8lled. When the speci mens are taken from The mau who preache s the best ser· county. MIChlgau. His loudlng chute wos guarant eed to oontaln 60 per the second packing . they should be mon; the man who teUs the {unnles In 1877, by combine d e:trorts the fa_ t II bum at th e aide of the scale bouse. cent. il'1 had sa.ved enough , money to com· I1roteln. 10 per oent. fat and 6 mounted or fastened on separate stories; the man who keeps tbe best • so that whea the bogs Dr sheep hllve menee newspap or o.c1vertlslng Dud trolD 1)01' cent. phospho rus. The cost to the sheets of paper for preserva tion. store: or the .man who mnkes tbe best beeo weighed tho door can be relldlly station .that thpe the growth and 6uccess .o' was ,32.50 a ton . The coru There ere severa,l wllYs of dOing this. goods 1I00n finds tIrat peo'Ple come I . opened and the anlmal8 ul'ged ou t Into to the enterpri se were assured , until too meals used wus valued at '20 per ton. One way Is to gum down: the wbole him. Merit Is the best alivertis the cbute and then dri ven Into the mlddllng ement and Investig ating mInd, an eamest day L,ydla E. PinUham and her Veg. l! ,20 per ton, and ' skim flower or leat, but a better way Is to In tbe world. People speak well or seeker after knowled ge, and above table Compou nd wagon. have become house. milk 20 cents pel' hundred we ight. . -fasten It In place by pu [tlng nQ'row tblngs they know. are Iroo.1. poSllessed of a wonder fully sympa· hold words .everyw Tbey pass all. '[ n building a chute In this way the bere, and man,. thetie nature. bands of . paper tona the over of good parts roots word nnel of along. It. herbs By are used annll-· matter of mea suremen ts must be gov· VALUE OF DAIRY In 18)8 she mamed PRODU Isaao CTS Pinkham tbe last ally method in The its It manufa best breakfa st fooell Is EGG-OIs possible. If d&cture. . erned largely by conditio n. The height . a builder and r eal eslate operato Sired. r, and to remove Lydia ' the specime n to & SEE, tor It cont.nlns al\ tho. life-givi ng E~ Pinkba.m herself did nol must b ~ Rccord Ing to the wagoll. It :Figures Which Kount Il1to thl their early marr. i ed life was marked by live tresh to llee sheet the gr"at suceesa of t,hla at paper. properti es or nature's best tood, wllI be well to . have conside rable prosper ity and happlne118. They had work • . She passea BUllonl Show ImpoJ:ta nce The specime ns may be mount!ld In III wbeat. hel'rew ard yeo,. four ' children , three IlOna and a ago, but not till to length. tlo tbat tbe slant "1'111 not be of InduatI 7. she had provIde " . a 8crapbaok. or ' the separate sheets EGG·O· SEE Is deeply In debt to the daughte r. too great. . meana tor con tinuing bel' work . . may be kept In a box of prope, size; thousan ds of . wives and Dlothers .wbo tn tho!le good old fashion$ } days It eJl'ectiveJy as IIhe oould ' StrOlig po.ta. mus t be set In the There were l2,147.80~, 650 PQund. tr the' latter. a light weight have done lot use It In tbelr homes, for Urese good W&II common for mothers to sho uld be ground 80 a8 to support the trame. of milk and 588.186,471 pounds henel!. ' .o~ . kept on them, A bit of campbo r In women tell their nelgbbolll about this theIr own home medicin es from make roote Tbe bottom should be of plank with cream used In 1904 In the Doring he'r long and evontfu l exp.>t and herbs, nat\!re's OWll remedlel!-'- rlence she wa. ever methodi cleats ncrosll so 88 to provide footing . ture of 55·L278.141 pounds manufac- the box will preser\'e the specime ns, great food. cal In bet' ealling In a. physicia n on 1y In llpeclall y work and she was of. butter, but better stili Is It to aI/en .. nd exCblldren and aged persons always careful to pre. alike are The sides may be made of Incll lum· 313.G8".290 pounds of oheese, n.r gent cases. By traditio n . and ex. ser"e a record of everyca IlIIO amine them fri now ends ond of EGG-Othen, ee so tha.tcam SEE. tbat e to PIer. but should be high enough. so lhut 308.485,182 pOpndll of condens ed perlence mnny of them gained a won. her attentio n. The. ease milk they may get air. ~o specime n s bould Merit and common Bense are tbo derlul kno\\'led sick whateve r Is being 10llded eannot Jump gc of the curative PI'Op~ ' woman who applied to·herofforevery These ftgures are part of the censuu be put away until It Is adv,ce things thllt advertis e EGG-O·SEE ertlea of ·the varloua' rootil and herbs: perfectl y dry, out. of manufae tures for 1905. The · total or It "1'111 mold. . moat. EGG-O- SEE Is· ehEtnp. . A 10- , Mrs. Pinkham : took a grea.t interest and there were thousan ds-rece ive" cost of the matet'Ta1 used In the' In· On each sHeet containI ng III/t!Clmen .cent package " oontalns le.n liberal In the study 0.1 . roots and her~. their careful study. and the detalill, includ· WATE " !N THE PAS/TURACE dustry was Ing symptom s, treatme nt and ,142.920 .277, while the 'sbould be written the name of the breakfas ta, EGO·O- SEE Is solJ everY' characteris~lcs and power over disease. were recorded for f'l~re referencreaulte e, ancl Vital Importa nce of Having Prltllh value I)f the product s 'l"as ,108,182 ,. flower or leaf, with the place. where It where. Grocere must keel) It If they She maintai ned that jU&t'&II nature so to-day thcse rec:oz'dS, togethe r wlt~ 789. an Increase of th. former Of 31.3 WII8 obtained , and want to keep tbelr good custome rs, bountifu lly provides In the harvest- hundred s Of thouSIIoda made 8ioce. are the ,date. Water and Plenty of It for and orchard s vegetab le t:oods of availabl e to per cent. (and of the latter of 28.6 per for good custome rs Insist on · buying fields women the .wor!1t , the Stook. all kinds; so, If we but take the pains over, and rep.sick oent. ., r esent a vut. collabor1!<. .SIMPLE SUMMER DESSERTS .EGG-O-BEE. . to find ( them, In the roots and herbs tlon of Informa tion regardi ng t.h The number oJ . establis hment. • . The fact that no prepara tion. no of the field are remedi'e Few fal'JIlS are provided with an dropped from 9.242 a ex- b'ea.tme nt of woman'lI lUs, whlCh .for 'to 8.926, whUe Sponge Cake Light u Air, a , Good cooklnr Is required . mak'cs EGG-O- pressly desIgne d to cure . the various authent icity and ~uncy can b~ abundan ce of good, freab water In the capl~al Increase d 80 per cent.: to . Pudding , Bnow Ball Trillell, ToothSEE nry popular. Open tbe 'package ; ills and weakne aaelof the body, and be equa.led the palture fleldll. Watef may be 0'" '~7.256.556, There were ill any Ubra~y ill t.Iut IIOme Brown . .roe Bread. put &8 much , as you like In a dish; It was her pleasure to search these out., world. talned fn most farms without going al'led oftlclale and nlerkl 3,607 BBl· . and 15,651 '--- '. and prepare lIimple and pour e:trectlv on milk or cream and eat- Jt e medl. WIth Lydia E. Pinkham ,,!orked h .' lAto very beavy expense . CoWl 1"8- engaged In the. manufa cin.ea for cture.of the.e her own family and SPONG frlenda. E OAKE· WITH HOT WA· ill deUeloUl. It la .... boll~aome. daulrht.e r Quire a K"&t deal of water and tbe, arUcles . ThOle recelyed It ChIef of these wu a -rare oombina.- Pinkham . She w86.:are ..'-IIre....,~IMo_-~--;-salarl~. alld TER.-Y olka of five eggs, two CliPS makes you strong. ~u11ylnatruc aboula have It as fresb and pllre &II tlon of t'J the ' choices -9 "89 t 036 medicin al f roota In all her hard·wo n knowled ge, anti d d A lot of Intereet lng fatta about poBlllble. Where water ma, be ob- wages amoun ns to II b t t and • . i ' _ _' _ _-H°re::r~ ::~t :~~:~u::ter8' hcrbs found best adapted for the for yeara IIhe ual8ted her lA her-vaa . ~~ e: cu~ EGO-O- SEE have been publlsbe d In cure talned at a reasona ble deptb It ia.' RINOINO HOOS of the 1118 an.d weakne ssea pecni, oo1'r8!Spon~ence. UNAID.ED. of boiling water, two 'c upsful of Oour; book form entitled . "B.a ck 110 Nature." ' econom y to sink a well as near u lIarto the female sez. and Lydl&E .Pink.. To her handa na.tnraD y a pinch of salt, . two hea:plng tea. ThIs book also hu a couma· of phys- ham's friends arid til. possible to tbe corners. of fO'lf fleldl. Eull,. I>one with Slip nelghbo ra l't&J'Ded dIrectio n of the work when Itafell origin.. NOOBe Whtt spoonfu ls of baking powder . and Ical' eulture- :.full'1 lIIultra.t ed. that her compou nd rellevCd and cured. tor puaed away. A . llg·... fence and a long trough Any'nearly t ....entyWo.r1i.: IJrDone Near a . Oavorlng to taBte. ' Beat the whites one wishIng tbls book will receive It and It became quite popular among dve yeara she hu'FoP .ma7 tie reached trQm each pasture, contlnu~ I~ an" PenCle, of , the egp to a froth. Tbe cake .. free b'1 sddress lng ltGG'O- SEE Com- them. . nothing in the WOrk shaWl when th • or a abort pipe undergr ound may be All thll 10 far wudon e freely, ,nth- fint Lydia E. Pinkham .belt cut with a fork. I)lUI'1, 10 First St., Qulnc'1, 111. dropped her ,used. Wind mllll are cheaper for I bave '11 n g 1I0me vef'l large . bo~ out money and withou~ price, ... a pen,. and the p~n~ PEGGO TTY'S PUDDI NG."· Four lira. (>{nkhBlDo ",mpln g than an'1 otber ' power. A wltb' no a88lstan mhor Barrim of love. aa Relente Ovucba ;ge. ce whateve r. Procure ounces of flour, four ounces of suet, no.... the moth~r of a larre faDilly, .~ aman mlll wlll 1I.eep tile trough tull E . H. Harrima n' bent bill '10,000 It up. With women BIl8il1tante, IIOme . . rope five or sill rind ,and Juice of .Iemon. tablellpo onBut 1873 the flnllnela l crisillllt rnck capable "'moat of the time. 'I1Ie few days u bersea, the p~nt Mra. automob ile til a repair IIbop In New Lynn, ioIts ~ length wben It' II n~eslar"'- pump b, tul and of treacle. IIOverlty one were ounce too Pinkham continu e8 thlsgre atwork ,an4 of cnndled , feet long ~~ fork and ,,,,, city tie III January . aod when • ...... much be for tbe ia11rere al estate Interelt a probabl y from the ollce of ' no t d peel, one teaspoo nful . milk. band. are juat about suftlclen t to 'g lve Boll ,ot a bill for ".797, refulled other '-> eo" loop al tbree to pa, of the Pinkham family, .. thla claaa person have so many women been ad. aa . one runnln.. and a. quarter hours. sifted Il The owner of of " a man a co' rreet Idea of tbe value of busines s suffered IDOIt ' from vised how to reg'aln health, !:lIck the repair ahop 1"8-At th" 8Ugar to' . . IIbown "'0the mill. and ' ha allO c"n get a g o o d " be strewn over before serv- fused to surrdnd • er the "ahlcle and feBl'fuldepresslol1, 60 when theCent en- men, thls advice Ie "Youn for lfealth" ~ .cleal better Idaa of. the amount Of ' , '. Dial other year dawned end. tie Jt ao found Ihg. their prop- freely Mr. Harrima n proceed ed to recover It •• ter ' tbe cowa "1'111 drink. COWl ert/:. IIwept away. Some other Iioorce for It IPven If yon only write to· uk old Itlrrup, for s SNOW BALLS .-One 'nup of sugar, II, a w.rlt of replevin ' having .... ater constan tly before them foot rest. Lay the two eggs, four tablespo onfuls sweet are trying to collect. The men who of .c ome had to be found. . Such 115 the btatory of Lydia thll large lum . " milk. one heaping will drink a great deal more than the v noose At thlll polot Lydia E, Pinkham .. bam'a Vegetab le Compou E. Pinkon teaspoon ful of link· ,.W now bave to lue for tb nd; tbelr mone'1. • , wilt If obliged to travel lome dis. I!!~~'~!I' ....... u"d close to Ing powd·er. Oour sutllcllm t to work Mr. Harrima n evldentl'1 believes that Vegetab le Com~und WBe made known from simple roots and he~bI' the ono< v U to Ule wbrld. . ne Bca' ' Into toee to get It. 'and the, will give the fen balli. Pry In lard, apd whell the eharlte great medicin e for' women' s ~ilmente. was made In Ilcccrda nce '1 • The three IIOnl and. the claughte r. and the fitting monum ent te'r corn arollnl" 40ne dip In· wblte at egg. then In povr- with .as more milk In proport, on, anYI the to the nobt. suppose d ability, to pa'1. .with their motber, combine dered IUpr cl forcell ~ WOIDaD whose Dame It beara. _ until White. Standar d Guide. A few poundll of the loop,· and let tbe bog get Interest. BROWN JOE BRIllAD . -Two cupmilk addlUon 8.1 each da v, will easllv .ed In 'h.11 ~.thig before y~u tff catcb, A'YOld ao",ernm ent 1«rv1ee. • . ruls 'of com meal tWII aupfuls pa . , .. tbe'Inte--t 011 the ,cost of ' the ' Ing tllm. . of wbllA Tbe Itullenta from the Italian unl· . ' ' oup f u I ' a f A IItt! I o·'n e cup veraltle s and ' lovernm eat outfit. -.,.. I .wour, one . . mo1---e8 • ~ . e man!luv er ng hi rt~en requ!, Rcbooi ani luI of. aour milk, " one tea 'A. tlllll.. Cure for n...., Htt, AcItI.. F.... , spoonfu l. soda. ·ed before you .e an get tbea rope no .longer 'Content to seek poorly pald In bh "." ,'. :i!01:\ HELPB . mtnth. but when once In. tbere Is nc Steam tbree or tour , DO .OTAC CKPT .8U.8T ITUTL . aovernm ...,-lleao ent· employm bours ent ,... aol'&~ or' ,,01'1 to' ' bake enter . Do' liot .keeP the hogs In ' one lot till get away, aaYII 'Farm and Home. Bt half Into Ule ranD of the overcro wded prohour.-'N . Y~ ·World. . MDUCA 'rLONA £. . It, gete dusty. . . . qllick about tighteni ng th~ noose. fesllons . but are seek Inc . technica l Chicken /Salad. A COOd sow In perfect healtlt al~a'18 draw bls !iead up until 1>,11 tront No... Instruct ion 10 that they mllY' join In A Vaca tion ' In feel ' Four pounds chicken will make sal. tbe new I.~ , 10'" lI\!sh whUe suckUng 'a litter. of are olr the' ground, moveme nt and ma~te an ad&place your. f08\ If ld for ten or 12 persons .. 'hi Gtatut BoardI~1 Collcle '111 tha World pip and· needs to 'be well fed , the stirrup •. and YOU Rre ready to In Cut the IIgbt and dark meat Into quat" future tor themsel ves .. U8Ulllly· tbe hOP·.wltIi coarse, straJght sert tbe rl~gl. Have the ringer an~ ' 'lne pieces. U,8e ds of the balr wU!,nbt . fatten near iIO rlpldly as , ~Ings ~n' your pocket.. A Where ;if'l always cool h!l" ,lnch"ropeo :hlcken to one·thlr d· of ·celery. Mix tbe ~he one with. t~~ 80ft. line hair. and' the' air fresh . r ne"" Is laJ:ge enougb . 'Wlth tht ,Ialad with the dreBSllig , saVing' Bome (\' Aa a rule agell .brooil 110"1'8 A~ the proper Idnd o~ nqole. and pure t~I1IY pull thl \0 pour over the top ..before, usIng. NOTRE D~ME, INDlAN~ . . moat' PrOJI~o, the, best mothe-rl . a~d end of rOP~lIe I , . - Salad Dressln g-Qne . talilespo on ~ou w. ",.,.a"t;' hoo 'Jlli"i,,' o.~ lIu41''''1 l I ' produ~ ~e moat vlgproue olfBprlag. .1I1~e 1f.4, ~"d PM' ,tlUl,,,fTc, II4W t/ic",u/rJa Bla Only Puaire . ' 'JIustard, one' tablespo on 6ugar, a The Low Round -Trip Rat" "', .' ~~ lhum~~ In p'p Is o~en ca us.ed II a.nm,. 15 The pa"lure 'thst aoo s...i.I. me beat fo. ' ~ea8poon of sait, one cup mllk. one . of va b)' .an excess ot fat- obol\t t,~e Internal tbe 'grazing 'of cattle suits Ie 'the ' b lue graSl! vinegar. tIiree egga. Mix sugar, salt or .... n • ,and 8speclallr. ·arouud the ' . , _ ~,~ ,, . g i' r . pasture, wr~tes . an . Ogle..county ,corre\ &n d mus ,~ ... r d .... ..., e th er an d add thO . " be~ , e TO . ) soonden l of 'tlie FllriDers' Review. , vlnep~ and .""ell beaLen eggs o'" Every 'farro,wl ng BOW should ha~e a . . PQur Denv~r, Co.1orado Springa . . ' thl I ...· th ' . "'''elter t9 berself and be "put In It III ClInnot COl'Dpare ! ,he m~lk In, sUnlng slowly , all thll ' . .anel Pueblo thll s ... a er grasl I i', .... , . ' .. ' I, ' t ' . , In wild pasture, as I "I'han never ba,1 :11'De. Set In a dlsli f)f cold watel' and Utile . to get acqualn cd 1\'ltb her· · .u\Dm~r aur- , I""nce . Ith 'l t ',,' th, ' .J Jook as soft cilatard an), ' add exper ' n piece of w otltr an opportu nity to go there pna urea 11'1 1 ~un.d.11gB. ' . ' '. fI "-I . than the Illue .. grass·· .. pastures . 0 M)I and back for .lightly over . Jutter n8 large as an egg and stl'r In ,. , To maklt .. hoSS .' most , pro ta:u e a 'm ' ,. . ':id.ead'1 daH), gain must be lIecured ' trom . ·the cost of a ono- . etbod to buy m7 fe~ders 'In t h '1- 'llprouJb ly. , the ' tlme ....ay ticket. pig 18 farro'l"ed' la . fall. kee~ ' tb.e m "n. fu!l . ~eed. In th'! -A-J)l-nn-.-r-~--. '" ~ mar)tete d, ..,. . . " IDqulre of . . ~I':lter and ,In th~ spring tum tbent Everyth Ing aboukt · tie .In, resdlne sl '. ., . !lip often laok' vigor because 'the "o~ the pastute~ with . ~ . full G~ NEIMY ER. G. A •• feed 01 10m~Ull.l e before dinner Is actually i· br..god 10WI are kept. too tat. ' A' good. com. , Of COline .our. .ao "aokao. . .""t... rd. palturea . can b,t mnoulic ed. 80 that the mallJ' can gO ChIO:..O. III • . .' ~rlfty. C01IdlUot;l, Js much .better to~ Improve d, ~~a~6e . there II I'QOm ~~ :'Oulld and .see that ' nothing 'fs for: tlie pip Uia'n t,oo mU,ch fat. Jmprov~eme.!lt In .nJ:ytb~ng. ". lotten.. A th Ing to .I':l!presl. s.trongly. . Gl•• th~ plp' a fair atart In ite 1))' , .., ,', '. , . )D servant . 1.8 ~e ll~esslb)' for .j!;lv. (eedlnl!\ ·the .IO'lV1. upOn.' mil" 'p,ro nclll'8 ; ,:The , Worlds ~Op~~ttoDh L ,ng all .Plate and glan .a , lIna.1: p~1I8h rationa. I 'rher~ II !lathing ,glAq ~ '., be \IS. ,.O .~ e8 . roug ou '\Of~.J" pti~tlng 1t on the t.nble, !UI ~r tbBll8k lm: milk mlb'd ..,.\tl~' Ortll•.. ~~~ ",,~rld a.~lImn very lal',e d~e!:l: I!ithlng l~iI wo~se than. plate or , All wute .trom theV )c(t~OI are sll)n.. : w.e. know 80me~l 1\'1lO,eaom~ and ' lultab.I , '" :l6"~' for, .n~~el'!l k,lllM lit "nlt,lva~ng ,ot the .·,11188 . -whlelii a ·fliller·m a rked or not . pip, bu~ " s",UJ . b~1'1'81 t1l'a~. I.t~ev.r trIes, . bu,t ~e !mOl, n?~blllg ed . ~un: 'lertently cleaned . Attentio n to these lllftameli, Ulcerated andcatal Thal c . .ot the mil mle ' pointe· .Is the m~rk of a . ~ell. ·.,emptY . and.' neYer . cle811 1~1~ tbe lI~a Ilaugh~ell \for dltlon. of the mucouS membra ne lticb . . ·· . f~d In , the In· .rallled servant and a goOd ml~tre88. I)'It.em of .. 1I0g aDd hIs 'owMt_ l.rof- ti/rlor of China ~d .. ....Ieat arrb,ut er}nec atarrll ~ Central Afrlca. . ' Ita. . \..,.. , by telllla,.•• " . . ' II( . (.are t1'!roat, . . .. QJie .... rlter· decla~ ' that' If we eould ' . .' A iumme r' j J)rln~ . moutb. or Inflame d .YeII by .i·m~ ' ,.,...-- --'--- --'. '. '.~ ~ . ta'.\!e ~ooou,nt of. tbe . " . .te. Illed " In , OW!.Dg. to. It I. acIditY, but~erm!1~ Is dosing the ltomach . .,' Pee41nJ ~lIk. ,: '\' tb!!lIe pqPUI:oUI .l\Ountrtn But you lurely c:aa cure tIltse lItubboiai • 'M ilk u a food tor pip hu • fpel!- of the ,a nnual ,C~IUI[t) the ft~ .... If luaUve pro.J)9rty and' Is llippose d ' affec:tlOlll b,loc~ 1reatme nt wltb \.\ ' 'f! ..lU~ of Soatl '0 make .eneral ·. lmpre.s lon on ' the y In, value far ,b8'l0n4 ItI!, .actual f(lOCl. 'l¥091.~ bave to be . lne.....~ bl at lur. ~t C1Ul otten be taken b)" .those , lIemftt e It .. ven In 'the p~per ~ l~t .'1O~OOO,OOO 1!"",," Antis eptic. . . . .tnable -to take frel!h , cOW'·8. 1!illk and -......;--.;;.::;...;,.~ • blnattQu wtth'.ot her raU,onl, b1it It" wbloh " d6tn1ya . f t ' Yo ' 'Pli " the disease renna,ch .e cb. ... beenfo u.nd valuable In the' treat· I . . . ~ KrtIiI& wute to ral" ill..!,l)', '. dlllOhargel, ltolll! pa1n, and heala \be. ., • '..~ I! . neDt of diabetes , gutrlc 'u lcer 'lid upon It; nO matter IlOY plellUraJ ,It The '-Oood'. lnJ1amm atlon and IOr8lleB I. t1!&t . . II not ..,sa,o~1! ~Ilot lUeer ot the atcimaell. , It II laid to • .'111&1 be. MlddlJn .- and II'UI Ibntflct Putille repre.en llllbe moat ItICCia fut bealth mllit be InlllNd, .. 0118 ot the molt dlPltlb le of mOk lie f.ed .Itl! It, ID!! 80' dQ'U~le the Ilum· Oooct' putnre IDd pint, of local treatmen t for femlllI n. Uia ewr It, "sill )l'OItocta aDd 18 recomm-en4e11 ' to . produce d. Tboaaan da of womaa t6t1fr .., CIt pjJl k-.,l wSth the eama amout' ~ tile IIlI ll~t.lIl al. 10 \bIB fact. So CeJltI at dtVcP.ta. . U III ~ , ten. thAI double of food IUld iiiiifii naI1k. ei~~i~i . - - toO awt ~-
Comp ound
' f.W ·
.. ~...-.
~ Adds.roi':!D
University ,o f
Notre Dame
Is Wha t
Jteed .
, • • ,'
-Putln .- e Toile......t
Send for Free 'l\ial Baz ~
- K .
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_ ___ _
,' .J_'~,.J,J...#>J~"'" V"J"J"J"J~~"J,.J "JJ
. lIbO\7'¢ 1111
O. T. O'Nea ll Passe s Away .
tit );ll' wh o hllv(' IIpt'n fl" ltlll g t\!. ~o()l · /",HI V\ ti ll Tll u, 1I "liul ""d, Tltlll "' " dt,( Illy IIYI" 1111 ,10 170,;' Wllh ~h , flllhil, I)f thA II,
1~ "IIf " , \' IrJ I '~ 1 I ill(l )
Special Train . On 'l'uelldll y ~eJlt,e ll Imr 11 , t,be D , L , &. (J will hllllllltl tll il WArnm 'onlll,\' Fl1rR\re'r ,lull toO t,he Itilimb. III lin Htllf,e U"nvel ltlon n't Lh .yton , I'Ipeollll I,rnln of Hlx llllohill wl11 1111 run thl'fml(~u t.-eWI nKe oC ('tlr t' . u li\ l~alJl\u'lU 1\ t I.Clli Ii. m Il rr ld ll ~ lit, olon Dllp ot lit DliytOIl lit. to.OO u . 1Jl. Het,urni n g D L. & ' ~pe 111 1 .will leav \:Jnl o n Depot al; Dftytlln R t J 1.4 ii p. m., Ilrrlvinl l "I 'l..e blUlon tit 1.00 R. 01 . t:!tOpM will be III1Hle I.t, Mnin Stroet ( £"'ollllnou). J\urld.s. Lytle, and Centerv ille. Rde.; r fnr a ul:I foll o ws. ,LelllulOu to Dayton n.nd return 70 , Dodds to Duyton Ilnd retorn 7 1),' . Lytle tv Duy ln n 1I.1Ir1 retllrtl ;( " . 1)lIoterv lll tn Ollyl Otllln l1 r"I.n rn r,l), '\'ic kAt.S j!O()(l ollly retnrlll nl(on .. U " D, t r(lIU 1 £'l lvln ~ Duy t on Ill, r. I" III . 11 1111 D I" & (I flll,ocitLI, I;:>a vlllK LJIlY' t ,)11 II I, l l ·H, p. IU . , 'l'Ul'tlClll,y SHI)L/III1 . bt' r 11 Ih , For rllrlh r pnrt.ion lllrR IIl ltlr il~~ W. T. 'rbOlll)1 l1on. R~ll l' l' llI ry I'·urtlk ...· Inb. 111' W E. Moo r l', N P A. . D [, <'it ( ' , I,Ahllnf) ;' Ohln.
After I< rll(\UII IIII. ""' h:" I AL't'l II'~'" 1,,,.tc .I..i-,,. fI ... "'OM~ \ ollnt III h el\ lth lIud !\t. r,· n ~th fWIII (·t'II-Wll H"""I"'·I1. 'l'hflt t.Io e f'lA rk of Iho the infLrnll tll'N or HI.(I', Ir lI tlO. 'I' not neglect the Child ren's O 'Noul1 I'll , ~ 11 to bil< r f'wll rc1 I nl' II I ~ r i!'llt 1>0 .1Ir f'I't\·tI 10 fI nt e r t.Jw,," Ipn j.( unU l1 ~,'hl lllfi" 'l'hllr"t1n ' 8\1"0 r ll~\' l l1tlflll" 111;1111 th,' 1'1'11011'1111 nf tlu, l'1I·md.l. t o plII,lh< h tllllll\ In III 101'11 1 . in" . ~\ . r l"O -1· • Bis runer!'1 \\'111'\ 1111 .. 1 .. I, h it! 111 1 I"' _,,:<, '~nr1 t:o £1, '11 VL'r II ,,'py to M r bomp," f \)n 1301'011 ,'. • 1\ IIttlt'('ly sub U ' nll '~ flllllll~' .1. 0 IlJlIl1' wIIIIIII 'I" urlllln rt'~i<l "ll c." MOIIII II .v Ilfte rfl \)tlll. L , A Z I... ~I IllIl~1 N, ~ Uom . ulld WIL " ry 111 q;I'i V ILt lUl1 tl II. .Hi, E. V. ·B liNn II't" pU !!IoOr . t h o Re v . •l F 'RIl wlllltldh r . eomluCltflcl th o !ll'n' i ·ps in Ihit im pr e!l ~lvtJ UlILll lJllr pr ;. I'lbed hy t.ll t' Ricb- Cleav er Reun ion L'r 'teRIlln t EJpl!loupltl o hur h, tilld Recal ls Boyhood Days. ,wary detl\lJ bud bee u urrungo d by Mr. O'Naall . A q,utl l:tntt corup oslld Th e IInmllLl rl \1ul on of t,h e Ri h . of M~tlRrs. '}'r ed B. h erw uoll llnd ~ _ _ _ .;..,_..,..,~..,_.., ~..,' • -'~,,~..,'-'...... _ r. l'I'\1 B 1:1 nd erllon f1nt\l\1r l! . •1 W 1'1" 11 ,. r A~s l\(1i(\tl o n WIIR helel lit, t,he . WhIt ILIHI Mi HI! Hhllte. HIHlV h IH"" ti P t h d pTtlsith nt, N . D . Ri h, r ' ' " Lolla K i lluly J.Jlght" IHlll " Ah\ll n allr WI, lhnu o . (10(1 It WIL!! a b llm· ' ~L!~_~_ ~::zs::e~~~~~~~~~~~ Conc ernin g . witlt til ," two hymn!! st' leo tell Uy In !.'r . M() re fr ied oh LOCAL AND iok e n WtlS lert Mr. O·NolIll, PUbli c Sale. . \\' l) ulIl HUu. wbeelb nno w.lIonll PERS ONAL ME~TION Form er Resid ents. 'rh e pnll btlllrerA wore six nepb 1t.hun 1ll1~~' lint, lIe drkwln g it "00 Iflrge 1 will Qlfllr tit l' ub lio \:ij~l e on the Wl liiet\t P oo rltl , 1IIiIHII~ l'l"t we~ " .." WB: M0 8 "r.,. W . BAIl '" I wh An T ~ltvt.b r o lir e OmOlm lll /l nR FI'l rl n of t,he 1,.l t" , . Ilre gnl\l' nn toed Bobwllr tz 'II . vorn d' " '{ 11111" oJ< All e u. InrK M e I ' ly, .\VIII 'e nU 'Nr •• II~. w hM,lllllr rn WR-/ln Ibl A . &1 , McKny. of the t~It.~·7ofl. tth, v J . M . Hunt 1'4 111ot. ll very P05lM en-, to r omove oorns . t c1 t e Ilorl,11 ,\'.,~o ,. '"e \VI' II E . ()'Ne II Rn(i '~I)IJ' IR u"u 'Jf Ly tle OIL two former rOMld n tt! Ilf \VII .\ ·uo"\·il1 I 'N nil thi nl! Ihllt. Wuf4 a ,u 1 C I S. D Everly of D ft yto,:\, I ' e\'er flo ncoc e ,0 "' /\ 'rURDA Y, '~p ('IC MBER , l!IOil, P Mr . 'I I(1mIl Wh o lire n w liviug io thll t llel\ut.\ II Il de r 1)1'1" ' n ,." ~1' 1l11)t t 1(l 'pll lI,·" 0 f 110 .p iQllre wn!! '""""11111 IU " U', 10 ~ . Wavn6 llnlle TlllltOr Tuesda y. WIIS 1\ fIll n • u '0 floll " u 'oluok "" '. III ..' tllil ol ty . 1 1 UVo "" I,rtbnt ll to th e pur UTe und. ol1l1rllC· 0 11 tl.lll t lo n t.: tflhlll; f!\lr y- WIIS f u lluwing c ll1.lttel prove rty: I III lltllld te r of I.he d e ell@ed,o nclilf h is (lu I· II hO\1~ to nSe II ~t,er,e.It Mr• . Fannie Brown. of Ur b aDll., s . '1'he first of th e;le wali o t.l' l)ed p~ras ~ t!~()ok , uuu!listi ng of .o ue goud Ibe guellt of her '8lst er J.1r . A. L. O . R-ober ts \Vb m ov ed hlr ,J , A. tn ro LlDd high !ltanun rd f IIl!1uboo d. but It WIIS WIll RIOh a mI bIB tWIn of tellm ot Itlul s w eight 21100 Ih. suven from h e re 0. In ndd!tlo n. b e r Olld . the follo win l,\' 1) r Fan. ,Taok \Burnot .t tilllt did the yeurs old horee' wulg bt 1111)0 . I" number of yellp! ligo. Be is n ow in ohitlltir y: I~ n " . ~rou uitlg. lind The Warren T 11m 8till wondl:lr oanty ln.e good worker u.u y ~lluoo i 1 tIVO "Illlr P m o na ob nr ge of t he bu iue M Foolng th e "otting fi nn fln d Ule If flY wprA IIhlo to Granle will ploni o a~ ('the OilY tOil El<'prel!lj 1l1l111~IHO of t,heof t b e AdlllUs A'et up tlll;l old Kirel.! by . 1:1 . Puroell , <11+111 Mor. Well Ear bills .md vn.lleY!I hl~ eyes hlld feRtit ed mornin g .. "leI'. I\n d t h e r e, tr)o. \VO!' gll n lind t:inmble tunllLlI ; 1 y6l~1" Soldlel'8 Home today . A · nnm ber l gn In thl4t OItV . B e .~ --~III ~ . hR II II lurgl~ Ilv on for . m o ra t h'l,n tbreo soore lilY WIII'I It l{nll wi n~ 1)10 t.1I111.- hnyh pod ' frion,d unrl !ljlrell by U " nl'lr ..1 .B, II "uu of membe rs 'rom this vicini ty x office /l nd !'everal IISB ur "" 11 lst'lLnM and b ls y IIt.S nlld ttln, on Iho .RJlot wbere h oillnrun Ir 'l"IIn h,I\','_"" " kill.' nf ~oltll' pIlot ·.oatten d. s In t b e wn,r, A. p , ( fllllA r . ,' l lkt'" ' LJI~\) Purooll ( I~tlt;: •.d p ~ltloll l~q llit e n r esp on8ible o n o wllsbo rntlu(l nlw uj'sltve Hu JII./':! IfIlI lhir> . !<kln h l:Il It .. ~, '" ~"'IIIL. III tl r ll,ende ar d "Bill'fl" l'nlll n" tlv 'LII, 1 hrong!l t 1'be venerab le Allen Haloes is He nnd hI wlfo lI~d tw vt!~;~ldutJlq· 1 ~hr y~ar " Id WlI lln ,), )J. It .... 11,11 , ' "hi rllllnlnK, o . dau ghter!! t n him by ~l1l\ny h nllmvt'tl t.I!I>lU Ill, t"' 11 hor~e "'''gnn I ILU II'radua llv ftlillog In h el\lth "nel bll ~ 1111l"~ th lllr ~I n m Ill!' nf l!nf)fl th ln el<, ' l 'ouy br oke Iv " :'IVOj' U11.11111 ut p ull l·a .I.. f.', orlt~ 1\011 ~nll ti )Us , in t h o h un ,dler fnr l v 1\ 1111 nOl'''' !! "'h~('i ' \\,11" It I'tVllr. r ~ '''' ' I"I,.' r 11.'lI t WII gIltLrlUIt/'() ~ell confine d to Illtl h om e f ur II ver · son IS III It I'rlt' d unr! h Ying whl e I) I,,' .t)urI UtIl I .' ~LI\l;;j uu'",,, WI~IJ 0" .. Ill' D r i,l" 1111 " In Chl t'll . • h )'(' I\t'~ "II" h, lorul\ ~h t 1111 ,.,,, 1Ill'''' I t .. ro.liuvft Shll r rilll kln~l:v oll'",r,,,1 rn A to. ~It. In . ." " ft , ~ltI i a Illh"!! III wlltlka due to t,h e Intl'rml tles or go, g l vIOg ,,\Ilk; we w i II )lly y .)ur 2f, oan t .. b " .k allla~d~ j!radlllll breuk down ill I Mrs M . H , H.u llMP : elllllJ;:uttir 01 MOJ{llY "" hill br ill ..... nil Augu st 2:-1. WIIlO'll W'"~ n ot. j,:,\w HI "OCt'~t,ItH! , ' lJl u u ~b u\(1 1\ gu()(1 one; <17l "l)I"., ol)" 11II (11'I': .IUII I.,.y 1006, \lO 1IIt1 ~ 0 ~t1llll f ilII O!l ] hu rl Jl1~t. (llt.t.lllllt .'rll! ~IXt" I" Vlgt:!;~O htlU dutguu health Rnd IItrengl h . Mr!l. Pet .. r EQ rly, " I' WI1)' n e>l\·illl? pell 'atull yI'j:l" Th~ cl bl'tlt!\Jlllg .....""'!"""'!"'!!!'!!!~~!!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!!!'!"'!!!!!!!!~ It !ll ep II lid . hh. !lovon mil e • h.t,ltll. i nollltl ln l( I,IP l"tlrDllu g lI11ple menLd: 1 twu e11,,,:~: i' oon fort 'II sake w e Schwllrl? ·~ ill ,,1!lfI t1 ra~llhmt of PIlOrl!, ,,11< ~___ wh rt' ~ )li rlt r etnrll f'd to God wbo gn \'e It. two tdrioB \. f ~ _ __ orl Ibtl Gu,!<.~r!l orflek ' llIlI f.lrm Wllguo ' lone h orde HIIl'lhg II h !3 hUR II 1'lplI!illn t h onle 111 "de . 'rill' ~o n of WilliltU lson und KENS Mltr , Imel Will I)U1U,y w ell I1 ln",n. hut, I W'II I>0l1 Ilt"~r l ;' n"", : 1 I'ullbur Corn Gure. 1i~hlful n ei ~bllorb ()od . <')n6 of ~r~ t hll Hmith 0 ' Bull , 1~D11 t he IIru .I . y on ng. " rill J{I Qh ~ mA on t.~l'cA nfllt WR ~ l bug ~y : 1 ru'libl,r M1'8 Tboma s Zell lind d&u~hter . R Ulll/e's dllug hl e rs IS tll/lrrit'd " In\ ruunliul l t. ; Il t r II , '~t of II flllllily of fo n r SOli!', J tll1i~~ not. " IIYSI' I.\N · I'll' "'1J1I(1t!:IIN . E1ale left Taosd~y afterno oll fUI' IInooeilll fn\ hn~in ~8 l11 ~n (,f th ut ni t.v 14 .. J ollll K , Abijnh P, Ueorge '1' . "Ri d long till !lr>t;nllthIO j.{ Will;! b elul! good pony curt · 1 HeL 111111,' ''' til llJl'lf'tnl( IN ,,&lUI n"'IOK ubont l)~yhonll (111),1<, .\nd whllt , tlMIIld i 1 ulurla" e pola i Rlobmo nd Indiana , t,hlW wttl \\Ibn" 1I1l0UII'r dllllght 1 M .. I".I,I· er 'VIlli' wUb relative s until the .firMI' co)\eu t 1)')l:Ii tioo n." sthtl ~ lin ax O 'NplIll W/IR hol'O' Fe hrllllry l 1i, 1 30, Bille ILn~ Wll1. twn lIunt.r)' bny", mlok mower ; 1 Augb tl breliolCll ig en ot.\fl111ller uflll i lour\li vpcl by lmt' one brot,1t r, fl ld ~ me,,~ of 'be wook . t.own bl'Y · 1 Willi nl l lJh)w i 1 ridIng bretllu lIg, pIO ' \: :.l with aletldin g broke rnge firm G . . B. Bnrhn.n s tORt.\fiulI'Lft.or fonr J. K lley O'Neall , of Lebllno n. 0., WlI;I'a 'OAIIY, nlld what tha two Of', Krll\1ll {Jolt1vl ltortl · 1 50 (Outn' o'ld' BaptlMt UbllrQ" bUI' ldln a Holr. T ". no\" b Olvc(1 clown w ith Ule iufirml. t.bem cnnlcln 't think of .... yellrs, .u C' , Mrs. Fra'nlil cloln/! ln to Pllolier m e ,'uw . or nearly .U eor ge· uew ' t 'two f tltreet whlob WIlS recent "'-b no1 P on ~I"ml wli lit d "I 111\ ple n ty. 'I'h,,'y r Am fl m - • . lle r celll " r·lli' 1 olle h"rs:" wbuatIlortle U !lge I\n "?U .LIJI[lIlTOD" y ll!!f1r "'" , eqn8ylv llu lll, whose ilIu es tiltS urlll .:t ~uttl . U . I B. Bu.rhlLD II, of Cllrllllitt Venter, life • 's b close R . h f u., " 1Q8e~ I, purohlli led by tho Mlisoni o LodgH wue meotio nod' a coupl hlllB ,W/lil OVAI'll " t e l Ilr m \Vurk ba.rlleil s' lil:li~ ullr"u""" N . Y " wrt t·U~: · 'Abo\u fonr .vellrJl e of \\'ue kN On JIlDuar y 24, 18IH), be wus nni t.. 11Ilr!u /l t.he hOli~b ILppl , 1)1 now being rtlmoop led. A second Kg", " q A~nD-n n ~ tlets f:!tngleb i", n ow r eoo vl?rI ng rl\[l\dl .v. ed In murrlK ge w ith J::\arri et. ~rne8tl; COlhlra, Ul lll l ~. ugo 1 wrntll you tlta t.i nl( t htl t. I IULl1 dough. 11\1 11 Rpplfl~ tLrll to be hlld n o w nn ll 111 e!l double !'ton' wlll b ,, "cld(>(l to the bulldiuK wbioh wi ll b e good tree" cll!! 1 n ews t o h er t r o fJontls T, IIntl lllltHliela Fe r gn, /lu(l we h"tlll I'lItlroly onred o.f II JOt)v.' lr kltl · uncl 'extenll vfl itllpr.)" ements mRr,le m An y f rI en ds t,l Ireo went npt to th e or c ..'tt~r. hoel:l forkl! .ho~els roillug amI ~ u e . trmlble nglel'lll . tblln\w o ~011 MoK ...y. nnd for /llm ost hnlf A "bArd I. nd w er e lIonn . MI'Hllra ' undl'r the 'rellt Diuo ' tbiug~ t-oo tedlotlM ru bottleil of .. K ~ • <'lark alld Robert ",0 Foley'li K1dne~ L'11re. It R~: A, U. 'r Olllnl'l r 1-ln-d- (llluuhto T, MI~ A century they plwe oonl.ent d< wllero thtl e IY lintI l)ol1~h nppl rI tr!le ,I IInll tillltPr, Mlsi! COrIL, w h 0 DlOV" d . hi entirely etopp4! d 'he brl.ok dUlt 1I8Cl1· ' II ' g r nnn .. II d I~" " n t~lon . Y ~ p bllppl Iy ,.ton Inditmll 1 d . I'I f" . ure t WUl'1COy er A( Wit d toge tL.Ier 81111'e d from WIlvn('l llllllle t o .x:f<nl". hn".·- ,J 'lU e, o f \ Hl1utlnt" )I(!' IDfli OW:VA row .~ of e!< J")Y" '['~rms', All mb sums of ten dol18- me.n , an pai t t ~ d n dtan lIymp ' ow~ IImlio IhE)il: h Ollle dis. fI·PP fliI , ,. fI npJlllrt.n b .0 td di • ad I m ILII vl~ltinl! II .. ~is l' rll, ~ r ti Am"n II nlldl\ort I y wall on ",1(1 nl1der cash over tl0 ~ oredit ot rHoolltly ~"t.l Ihel r PI"'I"lrl<y 011 or a k nef i . 11811118 I aappe ar, ~lIlilh IIno M1M~ ~hl1oOlL CI·""mer . plmse n mo to g'rll C ons 1000PI·t 1\I'IW I! od tn hfl Ifi t· pall" t.., fi!.At. "VAn with 1.' 110 months WI·'II\.- given with "p. gllld a brook Avenue aod Illu\' \lrl to Il UIUrt! tlf III " f,)r 1!1It.t.lnl! th AIIl In jnKtI\P"~\ to 8~y 'bat or have Dover had .. th e l\Ihldler lill nl'l'.,' h o " rh ood. t o r lllntlveil /l1If1 frl nel... . vod 8~urt... .ua • 1 J)Ilr t 0 t &1 Ie I, .. return of' t?h0868 ymptom 1 lldurtng " oen.ra . , be" f I 0 y. )11 .' Fo r n.. 11 IIlloer .~ .~ . Mr . ,1rollme r Inov'r1 frnm thlM vloln (If .v ' I Ir "~ n "Iut 1'1' 11 t.ion ,lnr flt.lrrln/! n.ll It. n "I n 1.11' tb • b 1 ad ' t1 I ~" v . , MI'b. B~L.L" B u-. I I' four WIII'I Mi yoan I L • E 118t WavDe I.. I' . ave M e K apR ... I Ity an I in (I Do 1"54. nel . . . ~ fl bot Anel .. m BI Il i n e, 0.· bU t R le lI n lIteln fr'-lllIen l lI\\', a:ettma. \wtt.v , P In' fI ~ " ed to .. ill:lr IIfe tho 1, 10-h 0 I1;r... II",Y n, Hawke Auo. '" . I.~ )' ~ n II lIl(llllhn am evt d 11&1 ou red, a nd , .,111 n ll il ful' thAln to. !Ie ttl towD.b ip, blIs r eDted hie farm vl!!H8 haok during that • .L. ,.. , a WI' th , tlIt' h n rnp t II h Emr t I'l y en.ODr d F 0 1ey 'Ki~ t,tm . "I r It " Ultr,.-I rooom.m wi' Io th en u II tfedil '" II Rnd 'rhe,v lIoo n' h 'ld m e Murronm lcil, Il !HI lind eXJM!ct ·to move t o ,Columb llll '" Oore to&ny one 8ufferln g from teDu er n l'!\l! or R b rolh I'. th fln wllr wltbln a IIhon tlmll Mr·lBlliiDe and . W IIII on. R'lr.. , A Sufe H6IldILo . PEAC H ES be CUl:e. ney or bladder tToublft. Fred 0 Butb th e -wif» II nll i~ter ill lit w. SIa:e, hi. excelle nt f\lmlly have Jived in in t hi fl inllt~nr. e w",~ t h l'! ",'t We ask Qur onstom ers to ~ry Ake Schwllr tz, dru~gi8 __ ____ Bur V II'.' him 'ble vlolnlt.y ahout 13 yeorfl ond Il' re~~M nor'! lip" pucke II'P llle in t,ho' Bead t.a.bletll for neurl\l glll !!!"!!!!~~!"!'!!!'!!!!~ t . . ~!"!'!~!"!'!!"!'!!"!'!!"!'!!!!! , ! t. I",e. t.h nl, ln.okr'(l tii) hffr\"n 1m leave ~ bOlt of friends herl) whose 200 b!18be18 fr OIll Aqg:. 2 , 10 ' ",pt-. . Born ILllrl tetlr,~~, n iqvi ll ~ 1 11111 h elldlLohes with f;h e unrlerl<ta nd· °J'.!f !h Qf lL~nl , b' lion or ROIllE)tblna, lind l "CCe JltAn . In r tha~ ..ood wlllb8ll will follow 'bem '0 16th . 1500 t o :lOCO hu~bel 6 you g mU.8t get Immedh tt.o vflllow fll rm II fl s I,e w "tb..J,.n I or , lI n \l ew bome. .Smook/ !, fronl Bop' t . l ~·,b to (J·o". ~ tll tnlldk. ON ' tUQ pr ld e I\n d nnDb p ous nre l n S. t.oopin r'" to QAt n:mmnn ltlon f"rom !'elief or your m oney bock ' tmfl', Y., .. . ~ " o I i ' d 400 I nfl' bURbe1s t.llA ground f ,md winter I\p'''e~ his Ch OSOll VOOllt on . ! 1 pI' fl!lSDtp( 'I til r~"t. 1\11 ~o an 1\ x OUI'69 or 10 oeO,.. t • II ... Lizzie BOgllrd u8 tlnd son '0 _ bl I. Wayne sville'. Leading Denttst. I t 1\ 1' 0 fl 1 For U nO III bor of VOtlr~ lit') \Val'li that, Wt11 flo ... r n!d not· r A'Ii'lt r n /lllt .,. . Ilnney .Juni, aDd .~. ...... Monll omceln \{oy.· HulldH. . . II pr. 0 iii ,0 II ' .- Rnd .Mrll. RObert oount 11<- 1II0st e IIIc\o IItLIQ li,ree, til d6lliers -. nt mom ll'e r IIf t hI ' R. .. hll ll\1 All lll""" ..... hloh Will' jUl't, .-:-:!~~~!"!'!!"!'!!!!!!!!!"!'!!" e lOR r, ' u~nte.Xt~ !'"&oe 1 1.1 ]Pa-r~, !'!!"!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!"!'!!"!'!!!!!~~~!"!'!!"!'!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!! ~marOyrl~ 0 10 8 :;;:' * OnWd, tOtal' RT ~CY 'S ~ U'M'E RMAN FRU 1'1' IIo tru teos of Mlllm{ cemete rv · _ .. &411.. rtlhl l II It OV; 'nlllll( <> le o rl ~II Itt'i ~ ....... CO L V A lover of nlLtllre M'r O'NelLll' "ttend tbeFrie ndll Ntltlon al Confer. TaW ,. wn ., /!oo /I 1 ; ', ytlo, Oh.I ? . nL! olloy ·' pbone studied eartb Illid Hk ,and t-ree~ IInee In _ion there Mrs. ' Bogor 7 6 aX". ao(\ whllt be threw Rt. WaynO!lvlll~ exc~IRnge IOArt.n lnly n llY ' d 1 t ' . WI\fI I'oa.ked In m orM Hnd t-to-v <;::1m-II~A'meriQa1J Expl'es s o r ,ow~rs an d I WilY" thlln one _ ~ n Jl eaH n~ oonvertlll. Ion Now, d.aUm·",al:of'.?enr a.· I".Ote-Mpe I Rm _ not, oll!lI r al< 'U . _er • E·II·a. Bl~ok to whn.t 1 . by freight over D. L . & C, R . R, .. Of Imp"r~e . -.-.. d h~s Informut.:i<,'n tlonother.. rI ' I t W 'II . I m • ' ~o theIr' d eh~ht ,11111 elll f1 011to bi 11 i . 1( ,0 I W 11m '~Ilnlt born, of Fh.bert owD, Peunlly hanlB. I ru n \..I Mon'u m,ent al Work . With but hmitod tll1l1Ot1.tiunRI ad t"wn. bnt IlUllptli\ I forgot whlll1a way . They expect to returo Ilnd did j I-Tew York vanttlge !', v et by liD In (lul ~ed 10V ' Toron to,. Onto I lint. clo f\. thing to blm . about' 'ho!dle of Septem ber. , , , of relldlng h e lIoqulre d n rond of in ~ '{'hera wa pre!lent. tbroe. ('> f the In 'be ralb of work in .the Oa· . .lUll . ;:~. \~II : - IlY)'nll HCcol'II10n Geo. Dodds ,,"od eon, proprie tors formutl on ' I.bllt · m nn .v . .~t 13. 100 Ill-I, O. O. F : mlln of JtlT '1\(1 Huckl e b err y Bllal1.8a~ 111M t,hllt ze,te'a report of tbe Bomo.C oming, of t.h e well known monnm ent fir 0) Baltim ore CliattanooO'a, Tenn. I1r ' /I. g iu ne It 11m 8/1.Ie Nehe grel&te( we fanei to mentio n tbe reunion Of of Xenia, bave on hand nit.ies might Indeed n, I ' _In~t . : ' . 8 ! a. stf)O of envy. opportu Se pI. ~. \l-J ubl\ 0 Week . . Sup,. 16. 17.111-' Rea1m enlll l ReunIon '\luLh MQKln~I:W /lnll yOIlI'!! trul,Y. tlle ro~tl]er pupilll of .T . O. FlIlkln. mouum ents . lind wl\rker Olll. 1;; . .I~. J 7.~oc:·)' Army nf Cum ~rlnntl.. " whlOh Wit.h baoh of Il1og rl~phv , histo ry. ~:.10 lind MoKin~ey ORm hnr lY ""'e relln'~n ' Wall a SllOCe"M. 'hey wish t.o dlspo"e of quickly e up "nd \D. City of Mexico in aD(1 t.rnvel, Ills I' brur .•,, · ub"lvu_". ftrp \'It nd mo to I,ook Colorado Sprin ooa L', n m . ~nd.. i· • UWilt! d eoidl!d I lid 109 ' ' .. to kld8 piIlY, moe I, 0006 th e I r fl e W)ll " T " ed operR t 10L,I>, ., "" Rn,d we ll ,fl llt.ld Rnd he ' oonv'er8 1\ . Tb Are ,~ ere at tb(l , 8"" h -aver,•five ye'''!1 WM tntelli htI A"~"'l \4 10 :11 ·,,.(lfologkn ('nnl:'O' ~ nIn e oys on· one ~"Ill. 18. JI\, ~o d ·l'lkr to a\l4o tRlled W are the refore prep~re mllke ~ I'o.t uu Oo!n .. nnlal . ,. gently and profitab ly on pastan d • I'he lin d tlln on the mentioD \1\11 s"los by Mre~'ap Ev. Ul'l1 llll y olotie prices Los Angele s , nth 0 r ' . The one l'-oill . ~ ~:, 1:):' Nnl'lll a pl\. 1 ('''"I'C,,'' OII nn the work onrren t 1iter",ta re.' San Il'o...ncl ' " "h.At. bu~~ the teu ~~Ld the bl~ge8t bny ..~.. · aco' " IIrly Tate of OilY ton. which IId rlpu uo'¥. Nn \'t h\Ve. t Bomes eekers' Excurs ions. His WIiS t,b fl pell nf n rp'n dy ",1 h e emplrAd . YOIl; SoutoW etit ver1 namrltJ Iy' to the pleti~ilr e of . Hllvo tllso r eol;!ntly olLn A'U8!U' . 'W(lst i!l!-loed ~ new IIOf1 he frflqllen tjv o' lIltrib'll tpd t. wh " In AUR~"''' :-lfll'tetn llQr. ').·t.o~,·r South . won . 1-14 to nnt.ll1nfi! I h eurd tbe Alumni pro~ram . An yone wh o ()at!l10ot~P'tsbo~ln: u;~.n: II Inll't:".I. · i l: ""k :1' 1 It", '~/l" nl RtYI\e~ ~f t,b e Inca l pre!'!!, Ill. 11'It. pr.Jc\u" ,.lfII '/I,lled Ar Ik tl1r,~etl IU;Vllf hall been oonnpc fr0N' th~ . . . . . . . . . . . . .IISIlEEII wltb a newlt 11 ~ w ow .• ·....-'2 MIrU .:<Zi'W''U lt?''R e !llll e 0 moni'gr llph of St. Ml4ry's ohurch '!111Il6 t,0 paper will know ted that suoh errurll mnnum • I\ny Interes ted pRrty on t;'eqnest n n . .. 1 PI! r f4 ~ n~L ow . I'!'!! jUl't Jluhl1!lb ed. !"!'!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~~~_~~!!'!!!!!"'!"!!~~~~~!"!'!!!!'~~~ love· to look fit, (li1'11I whllt! they .s ing I' or omltlllloD8 will oooltslona.l1y ooonr . - _ -' _. _~__ _ __ _ A ~trildng. trllir. Mr O 'N /1.11 Their moot.h expretls lon I~ to me as In IIplt.e or'the gt'f"ates t.· Care .Notic e Appo intme nt. WI\~ t h e \1ul'ity of hisoftaste, norl the ent.ertalntt1 ~ liS th~ slngmg gener · Millll EIItber Bampt on,of Win~t nn pll'vAlinn nf ll lq IUn rlll l~ n A . N, VIII' Allv fH If yon w~l) Mal.. m, Nortb CllroHnA . wb" OIlfl1" loolc !i't, :thp f;.lat" or W ilBon Uarl·cy. d••'Cu•• .!. dirl ,)nA h l'lIr III) Irtll'llrft thquCCbl 1lI 11 'll,h y o n (l~I ' fnrL"v~' t11 e ~; Ilf!'I"!! , hltr" to atteud the Bllma r.Ontlllj( . I' . f lI.nd 'l;lle underHl~n.,1 have b"'611IlPllOln~dlln~ .'r n urn von 1'1111 t, I ,,()~ . 1I11e AXprl'· ~ I O n cnllle rllm J"" F'rldtty for Rlcbmo nd, Vlrl!lni ri quallU e ,1 ,\~ adm/n lstrlllors 0( the ~ d 'Id I cI f ._lale 01 h il' IiJl~ ~n.t,~o~rn:V 1:t\;,h~ngr'I:~ O~v 1"'~;1I'; ILDd W,ulhln jltnn, 0 e. wh ~re .. II" ,~:~~::cl~lnrv >Y.I"leo r Wart'nt'O lull y, llll lo, A "lIP II !HI hl1lnhla "prvlln t of flllmp o n I.h " 1~loh f!~rm . •mil 1111 will vl .. it ~',m" t.lme toef"rH r etnrn UnlCfllll lM~(' ll' d .}' M ,\'Uj;'tItI<.A . II. 1\IUU . ,J p~n>l. " r!AV fllael . '"1.1 Illtolll"enl !leemed ~. , e njoy t h t' nnrJlllinll. tllHl lnl( home. Bpr cou~lll: MI>lS .Alii", 1. 1~.:r.I " L. S hllj'\UII 'hnr('h m""-H rAlrnlur 00 '1 )II\') n1 wore Illnr! to l.p' lh e r o. Poopll' M,'l'f'lli th ' It(!(1(iml'nDll1c1 hOt' /l!l ftlr 'Wprp \\')1 I , HAII "WY. Oil 11 t - 'I Iih;>nt! ""ppnr· t.Ar 11110 ()oln Il ug ~~ ' :Il ~her" frn m MIlirw ell (}"IHo rnl.. I . ,\dmlnIMlralftr, . " " ).;1'11111. 1 I ' · I. recommended by IIOme of tbe " ~ ,. .tlfllt " U'· r" " ~ Itt. \IlIOn I. IA ,"' rv.IOA" belnll 't.lwnnh' fr. ,m l\1uln~.t\nr\ .J'lllll Uiatl'8ch wllrt:£'I I ,'Ourn Cure. None , W largest poult.rym,cn til the inOllt t F D of t .. hA ':llIIr" h-ffl l' Il nl1l!lhAr ' ll GJlrd an',1 "' IrA fr,,"), C~.I;fornl" . hetteT. omen s ree ay ecolloinlCIII roofing !lnll alillng for VPltril 'ln<1 lI t. Ih p. 11I1I A flf hl ;l II, ·"tI1 Thl' utlleorll ' \VAN' "II r o pl,.cturf poultry bOUllel••hedi, etc. Sbll1glt.. Sp ni llr Wllrr1 ~ n of St,. Mllr.v ·s p,.lr And fli p. IiUl A nnd vlDce Min A,uDle 0.. Brown hn.s · aocept. ; cont.lnu pd . At the Ohio State ·Fair. 1!.II-Ilu r" ly hl!1 WIl.f4 II. Vloll roundpd t h e Itl!lt, . 8nlllr(l/l~ ir A\lg anll clnpboards coat more /LIllI do ed a pOln t1on IlH t,elloher lu BenBII I ll ~t . 19 07, ~-.. --.,,;-- lil A, Gollege . 8erlell, .Ken tuoky , . lind will , .An IIl1lHlIl!' . . 'lot ~oop tllO bundlng . 1\1 dry. uJ on the N . B Rl oh fllrm, neu Well. C~I ~ I " 11l r,C Ihe, ()hio . ' enter on ber dllties abont t,llo micl I ~tllt' \ Rnll!''' Of AL(rico '. ' W&rm. llnrfl Ihllt. II"!I. Fur nnh 11!< b awe reCflll l,hA prom ' mllll 'clle of Septem ber, MI .81! . Brown h011 I 'I' ltrl,," "r"wn ItI luvur D n, A ' Iii th nt of r, ,} ipp" 1" ",1". thllt,' thprA ill ' ."n fl vAI'la",'I, 'b efln previou sly rooppu inted fllr th ,· ol!lt i7oiltl! ,.. w<l\nun '" "' CAN Al'P LlIT YOURSELF .. rt,h "~"" 1111 illl! t1wf')l h 'l! re n(\" in th A rJn r(f'~ wIth roofing In cucb roll. Ii dOC81l0t 1'C(lulre plLintlnl,t ",bOD nnt nlntb year to teaoh IIt· tbe o . IS' . , ~1:1 1',\I'IUIII fu r. lu r ill Ih !'! tool,,, n u,'''': . tllnt: fh"r " i .. ptArn ,l1 vruL!r" applied, ~~lOn und, " '11!8 I rf>~t, lIut. npo. Scud l,q,day for ftee IIUUjllCllllUtI our bookl4lc., " 'Gnll'~ B,' O . Borne I!obools but· rtll<i gnHl t. h~ 1It'1!! !lllli holv, .'h ill fflr 1.11111 ,.' i eR uf Ihe ~ tlll,' . . . . . tbe place to . accept the posltioD li t (I V invitin~ t,hiodl1Ht,r 1:._ _ )'." , Z M ~) m t.n h El jf,R I!Uo~t/llll " thul, lelll1l tll " n un.onr~rtpt.. hffl, '.S till'! Bert... Walter McKay Wayne s vill" , "h. 0 111 0 l:it.ll l A Fllir on r...I~J , I : , : } l ' , l. tJ. iliA & ')Pl'llilll1 MON r' ! ROE op,fh Ih " lIn Ih1t11Z' wbloh 1" 1'1 'Lhl, f! wlllale o enter the college as a stu (Inttl MOI1t1uy , Sopt,ml1 1.l11r :3, IIII~ !lP.l1l1k At.h th ", t.rOlh. in JtIR h~"l'1 j , :.!. :. :.; rtenttb la ,ear. 1/, Fll . n ey . h" "n rlf'!o1!rnnlpd Ill! WOllltln 'H Frl<I' h 'lt,h T~Ot Rlnnder ? d hl~ , n el ll~ tndiRlia Watcrm eluns . J. T . Liddy, phot.og Rpber, Q'f DR .\' l I )" y lid. ," "'1 r . no,l em . thllt, dltte MI l?' ~o~, . "t l; "~vtPt.t(\t' ~ i n~~hy Imn;;ll i I !.) ' ! 'i: I ' ~ I·". , 1. ';v' id.h't " hn, wa. tn . Wayne sville Tue~dl~~' I ~n. lf1~ \\"i ll 1", Ihrn wn "pp. n to !he l?r(!s u I. h 0 ~ I~ a . . n ayel'l .n Ad I.b b ' t'b d f b f , fll ' r ~ .. x ~l lId tllPV an .... w. 1n 'Lh e manuf acttU"ing oJ Paroid that makes it the ', 1m th Illllch of them thflt f eAr the e proo n I. Celery, Fruit!! of all kind ' ' IIr ... m M t."corc1illll . "v nmke I~o rrl': numOO r of plot-ure s t,RlIeu SO durin/! .1 In I' H.'"!.. I!' lilt.\, vI"I \. tn t.ll e FI~1r . 'he Bome.C oming. • A1Jl0Dg th"",, , IIl tll 111"11 'ct t il e unllr~ m t cconc)lnical ~nd satisfactOl'Y roofing or siding liiH Fres h Hi,,' ~ou\ n ow r08t.~ in GO(l's kOOp ·belng ·. gronp piature of the Old lit!' "'HI Ili~))ln:VR, t yplo,dcent. e·' xitln.. Barrel Rumfo rd Baking .If Ohio's ing In the light of Pnradlt1 c , ma terial· on the m~rket~ Both fire proof. arid weather ' Mobool ~M80cllltlon,pi(Jti1r~s 'of tbl ' I)r oj!r e"" ". pow~cr 25c a. jJound. His eyes n ow bebnld t,b e Klnjl In proof. .y Oll .get full value. received if you buy Pa~ade, Band. eto. Mr. Lldd.v · wi \I , Th e ~eDl~ pll progrnl leave salDple s of tbese pict'ure~ ~I f II f,'r Mnndu :v. "ph-unl>ll of ,t.he b'"it' his lJelluty . . M~y w e foll n'w him n ~ ~pton 'R Tea, 20c a quarter I aroitl. or:l, will In. he fl)l1ownd CbrIRt., IInel Att/l!n with 'he Gaze'te . o.t fice in " few duy~ l'o ll\Jll c~ei n all t·otl pect, pound • . ' l:!. Exhibit ion him th e Re~urreotipi;t of thl' jnst. wbere 'hOlle Intere8 ted may lIel! ~hOWH f o ~ p r Olllillln ~ward8 will M·k11 IJ. ~, ('I. them and leave orders 'for oopieH' plnea In tbll vllrious Pure Cider Vinep r. Picklive st.OOK elM: , wflnted , 'Makes ' ~oofs' new~- Gt>o'd on ling spice8. Tin Cans and J)lIrtIJlI'Dt!l, wbllllln . tbr;l' n,rm mi kind,of' roof; A '1'!lIBUTJ(; RI!:&PIfOT. Sealing Wax. Anno uncem ents 1um~ : ov e rY. 1 xhihi.t OT ili !l~ltI ,V '~UI he Wherea t", It hR.8 plea!lod Ask . our .' • " ~I\lly fnr l.nMlJeoh ')11 made the ' nm" r, rcj "olr Beaven ly FAther tn t.allre ·frnm..o,ur New' York Cream Cheeae. · Cantllrt atee are invlti!il . to' ILn II . In . of t.hat dllte. hv Orego nia Mills. Band .Olll'P TtF mid(lt onr est.e"m ed Senior WArde n . . , . nounoe themlle lves in Uti" oolumo by t,be leulling II111,.iolll Kings Butter Nut Bread,. for whlcb a eharge .of ' ;t.OO IIlIYtlVIr' of tile "tllte will lip. org'Ini;l'I l ilcll~ GAorgll T . O'Neall . . we, hi~ f ..lhlw,,,,. wlplp membe r!! of thA vel!tr,f 01' St. Mary'll ' Our Flour 'mi,11 has been newly remodeled and the WIth oriler, 18 . Major R. oI:f ' H onc1erii hot & !::litl•. Ihe Parish. desire to expr""8 (1U I) high , Every thing Good to eat I-iURVE YOR. quality 'of our flour is .better than ever. ' . : mo;'two nocnfu l drumm ll ~1\ lind nrl' t'S appreol atlon nf bill Oh~T'I(lt,pr. Bnd at 8 . ,I). Benkle . In the W~ "III, WIll r e nrle!' It .prlll/rlll \) !lenSA of persona ALLIQ l ]0118 tn NDS hili oMtb . AND COAL. . OLERK OF ('O U RT~ of salee tlon .. c..,.pp.clll ily 1l1>l>""lil1tC t n therefo re 'b e It . . .. MAN 'S , the fRlr !lex. On the !I).Jl'le{1 trllok Also .aU kinds of.Ua rd GQod Lumber. We make Dan P. Bona. Re~olvecl, That thi'l ).JRril4h 111111 : tbrllfl b ·)tly COllhlHt lid btl·rns . .. OVOll tlP lost a living of course I ~hurleR 8 . Mounts e o,f n. "inOilre 8~ecialty. of hard wood frame s. I will occur. QotweAn tho hrol .. <i f ohrilltia n and exampl faithfnl -momh »r: t.bp (Fnr re.nom indion ) . which visiloTM will h, l e llt,Nlu iF)uu , oommu nity a mJ,lBt ' Wlefnl "nd t\TlFOR (';()lIUU8 810l'I!lR . by fMtll of . dllrlng and sk.llIz.g lven rtgbt mao, and one who oomma nded , . Schwar 'tz'a Curn Uart! ffillilld E. B, Rogers by Jl8r~ormers uf sterl~ng a.biuty. ~e eDtke oonfl~enoe 'aDd respect of any ad4reu upon receipt of 16, .
~ .'rr r ~
tUHR AL UIRE GTOR, Telepnone Day or Night.
Exclusi"~ Sb~~ St~It¢. r r J ,....,..,."W' ...' . . "-," -
local No, T long Distance No. 69-31 WAYNESVILLE. OHIO Branch Office .. HarvB'lsburg,
. . ..........
L C Lu
P-.'ADnsyIva Dla - [-IDes EXCWoTRSIONS TO
Keep the Hens Wa......
PAROID ROOFING PAINT. old any your Grocer for ' ACME ' -FLOUR.
Z I M.M E Ii
.. Spencn & MOjlrOe, Oregonia, Ohio.
VOL, XLVl. NO. 37
,.,. A" N.Il:i-' V ILLE. OEI'l\), W EONE. DAY . oEPTEMBER . G. !9fJ6
M R. Denver T()LD IN SHORT Bellbrook Welcomes Will Lead Democrates. PARAOR~PHS ' Home her Children Nominated tor .C ongte8lin th:"et . .Joseph H'lineti I.. KhI,:, t.f1 hA ti.bout Sec~md Annual Home-Coming of !· ' SidbDle . afte.· II "B'·.Y I16\<CI''' III ok spell. '. our Neighboring Village NEWSY NOTES GATHERED BY THc OAZElTE'5 Mat R. Denver, of Wllmingtgn l l"tl ~hwtlrtz· .. Corn CUTll. NOl.le wUYN~rdayohoeenbytbe D 'm ~tf,t<r . 15, hotU" 11 to l!;ob wl\rt·z '8 Bullhrook celebrll.ted Itl< 8Boond ! CORRESPONDENTS IN NEARBY PLACE';;:v
of *he Blxth CoDpeuIo~a1 Dtaario&. a.ambled iD oonDeotlo~ IIr. l.tihHnon, 1\" th~ nODllnee of that I"tl't.v f'1r (,OOIl1'IIII(I, ' 1'1 ,1'1 Bhth Olstrlot i~ norm&ll~ Ht;-," bllran b,,' I18vAl'II1 thoD8l1onl1. 'bl Ube ,",·tional tltrlfe whicb 1\-. h rt· f . I b "'1" IrO I.Dg 0<;.... tepa y " or allvera YI'R1'8 ball r88ul~ In many Dumbe... . 'beootning dluatl*fled of Ifb" Jlftrty anrt dilltctnntied. . How many vo* of dl88fttIPfled IWpuhllollnll the Demooratea will ~ourfl III a qnesttoD. , 'rbe, appear to think the, will gPt " IIntllolen' number to eleoBbelr OIIudldate I!'.epliolal InterN' at ·taobe4. to tbe .Oonveuttou for fbi. r8lllllOn . Although a llumber"'1 )f'promineni men ' were spoken .,f to lead 'he pl&rt;, Robert L . DOlll(laa. of Xenl.., was thl! . only ·,tber oandldate pre· ""nt.pd to tile oonven&lon. Denver. rllC~lved the vote of every \ 0011 n ty. on t,he fl~t ;ltallot exoept .thRt of Don~u own oounty, Greenll. 08ra~1
Centerv.llIe . MI8s Clara White is v.iBlting friend s
at CenterviJ1e. The sohools of thl~ ~ownshlp ·w ill open Monday Septemb.e r ~o. It v M"d,lox I" ntlendlnf.; the M. E COllfer(1nc this wl~ e k at Eatvll Ohio 'l'bo roud improvement north of town i~ 1111 oompl eted now and t·lIl a Is ODEl of t h best rOllds in tho coun. ty. Prof. Jo~epb Hatfield /lnd wife hflve r llt.llrned from California. Be will tlLke oh"r!tp of thtl Puhllo ~o ho o l !l at Ox ford Ohio . Mr;:l . .Icnllie Elliott attcnlIOII tho Millmi UlIrl stl" n Conferenoo ut £'iq11\1 liS diel' Rlso <': llarle8 8 SOllrs i\nd wife I)f Ferry . Mr~ Emory Bmd"troht i" grildl1 . ull .,· fuiling Ber broth"r, Emorv MlIlIlltl l. hil A t.ulol-roulosil; .. f the bono ill '/11(1 limb. wlii It the dootor8 re~ 0 IItly Horllpeli tU\d oleaned ...
II.ltlluul Bome.t;oming , MondllY . drug store. . 'rlle OCOU810n brougbt to the vlllaga 141'8. A.licie Bawke and daughte.r b ' Lytle. Corwin " grBat num ar of former 0ltlzen8 ¥ary and niece, MllIiI I:!ybll Bawke of the com.munl~y. lpent hldlloY In Xenia. Bellbrook bad Its ftf'/lt nome Com. Pure OIlstlle soap Jmtlde from PUrtl . Mrtl Ada Flemming. f ormerly SI . i tng a year IIgn• .lIond 10 su0008l\fu' ltaihm olive ollund contain~ no crelt MisS Ada BIggl.n s twd the bAlo'Ved nger sew ng machineS at STleo_ '. ., . WIIS It that it WIl8 d""'lded to mllke fllkall . 10, per OIlk~ ut &lhwart.z·" teacher of the primury room at tbls illol prlOOl thlll month. "" d I'~ the event Ion anouill ~ff6Ir. rug store. II Ilce, WIIS the ~uest, ot mrS . Isadora T B e g .. . . .nster. No eft'ort bllR btlen mllde to M. Mr8. Bootb, of Lebllnon, WR8 a Wurd one day lust· week . C. M. Robltzer tlnd family are tempt anything op a8 elaborllte ' a guellt of her 80n B .• E. Booth "nd Agliin the olear commauding cl'11 apending a fortnight's vactit,ion vls- 800le W:I did Waynesville, th.· ciele wife Ins~ week. of tlJe old schoul bell resounds tbro' Ulng tbronrh &D~hern Ohio. bratlon' being coofined "to.a IIlngle Oor sohonl openod ItlSt Momluy WII Itn d d a·I e. calling. b,\ok to their Pure castUe ilOIlP, made, from pore d~y a.nd tbe firework!!, reuolonll, with Prof. WilBon !LS principal ILnd place8 the merry orowel of yoting Itallan olive ollllndoontains no free eta. w.hloh marked our oelebratlon MislI Apphia Miller primary teaoher . , folks Ilfter fa, summer's vUOlltion, alhll. ·10, per cake at, Schwartz'lI Wire absent at Beltbrook, bat thfl Mrs. Mllry Gmham, of Mt . Bolly , In ·the~e time!' when to go to .80hool I d I dra,lItore. OOC8810l\s OODle to be looked muved into M~s , Dr . Bendel-Hon's 11 CUll tom dn "m ost IIl~ , Inllny of 14188 Stella Peterson, of Dl1yton, forward, to 8iI red letter ·dRY8 In the property ,a8t week. I us go simply heoRUtle It Is oustom. wal a gU89t of Miss Bertha' Elbon, to:Nn'e hi8tory, aod will undoubted· Mrs. Aobsuh Molloim hall gUne to go lJpoa ~se we tlgo obliged to. IH; it the ftra, or the week . Iy grow in intertHlt Ilnd Incr8llse In Olnolnnllti to live with her lIOn 1were, WIM~ ~ever ~h e true r~olizll . uttendanoe el\ch yellr. Clarenoe . . tloo thut It IS a. "rlvllege which Ie Mr. J . J . DownIng, of Xenia lind 'rile el:erCl8ell MondllY opeued being extended to u~ ond not n duty his niooe and nepnew, MI88 Jane with a lllll'ude whloh Wtl8 purtloiMr. John Zell ,alod. flu~l1y will . wblo,h. rnu~t be performed. Frank MltltniAhurg IIllft'ored a hellvy los8 and Mr Zepbenlah Underwood f . move thld week to GranVIlle Ohio from ,1i 1Ji~ flre ' llil:lt waok . Bnrnlng . . • 0 pitted In by tbe fr",ttlrnlll ordtlfll, Snyller has tll.ken upon himself the Barvrysburg, left Friday for Moun· sohool ohildr.. n(' old Ao\dltlr:l .mll ', to make tbeir futnm home. tU8k of huuting the ohildren from the Big ~'our Deput, " lnrge Wurtl C. S. Mounts Withdraws tain ~ke Park, Maryland, to attend cltizen8. Mrs . Elliott Ilml dough't er, Mrs. No. 10 to this scbool. h ouse, It IlIrgtl qlllmtity of COllI ill , th e 61Wi' r Ien d 8 G en8rll.1 Co n f erenoo. T i I I M E too nuter Ih I:tee tly '~ yurd \wd IUII\ ber In Grove ' l I th fl thO . .... ne. v 8 t(!( rs re As far baok a tl f t II f rom Ra<:e f or Nom Inat on . D a a .ernUOD ere , weI'.... I . s Ie our cen 1 cen · lumber yurd, Ill:h) two or three We have jl18t reoelved a car 'of speeches b y pro01inent ' f ormer resi cent y. to ry, Ch Ilooer, tb e E ng!' Ii h poet. dwolling!'. stables and ot-ber builll. C . 1:1. Monn&8, of MorrDW, on HIlt. · the very fiDeat Iblngl8.11 tbe marke' depts of the· to.wo. and a general : Miss St"nfl Lem010n h8'" retar? po~nhtrly known liS the' !tltber uf Ings. mIl", formerlYlouounoed bi8wlth. affo~, these ilhlnglea are ,good soolal selleuu . ,ed h ome from II Visit of several Engli8h poetry," recognized the . tlrlew,,1 till 1& OIlodlda&.! fOr' reuomln. thick on88 and ruu very even , Cllll . . . I weeks with r aillt.ivel! in Kentuoky. prlncl Ie that "Thin s endorA in Vlln Buran townRlllp hlL!! ereoted . d h BeJl!>rook d.ld It."1I1I pruulI In an MiUg Lil\I' s Nedr " n(1 nl ••'''.... Mis p. ,; g . . ' II. fine <':allt.l'al Blgh Sohool bulldln~ .liun by' rbe &pubUl1IIl1 put., to aD eee t em~ • tertaining its gu"",,:< Ilutl eVtlryone , ~ . y.. V""", 8uoces810n8 as h e termlld It ,In t F i t h D . rhl< oftloo of r.)ilrk of Oour&8 "f Wtlr W. B. MADDlIlN 4nd Co. ' • . set! Benriet,ta MoKlnl\ey Ilnd Egbert. stttting the SU01e thin now.a du s . 11 a rm o~n on t e , . Ilyto.u Bnd . . g y Lebaupn pike . Prof. William Hat· Corwin, Ohio. In anYW4Y oonu~ted wlthtbe Ilvent were entertained b, Dr and Mr8 h'ls rea80n to feel arlltlfted It .•r . . . we, referrlDg to Iln lDillvldnal, would fi ld ' th t h .., I t I'tln C.!oun&y 'l'h I" I ,,"vall" olear...,l .. - d for M... U U II B) d M B B · ' Clu"ett Itlilt ijuuday . "B I h I k . ..rB.... , a e an rs . . . for the 'Bome Coml,ng WILl! 110 OUID ., • 81LY, s 8 av ng a rare strell 0 f d e . t ISf Sche Iowns I V Ip B",uper n en · D,III P. B,mA, of LelJtUIOn, thlt only Cbeney, of Topeka. K"nllll8, who plete 8U00ea8 in ·every way Misil Henrietta MoKln8ey III good luok . " But t.hls principle of en 0 00 s.. :.:n uren . •lth .. r olllllltdK18 fll' the omoe. h"ve been gne8ts of tb'elr Sisters, . tellohlng tbll Blokoryville sohoolllil 8nccelisioDs is ever apparent around . Use Schwartz'!' <.:orn Cure. None Mr Mllont':' bttllllRrvNl. two terml lIill8 Klzale Merritt and MrS S . Lev Phili T t R lIub~t:ttnte for Mill8 EVil 'rocker, ·of a . vUlllge IItQre. One month tbe better. 1.6; bottle II.t Schwartz's all Ole k lOll lIIad.-.n e~0811ent. otll Oartwr.lght. "IIICB hftforfl tbe Bome· ev ._ p rou e-ap- Bllrvey"borg. -talk is all of 1)lowlog. th" nl!xt on I drug 8tore "tI, IUHI bll.1 ftMl8c1 tbe BepubllOll~1I Oomlnll, returned to their home8 pOinted to Waynesville. Mr. Robert Wllllon &od.dllughter. the prospeot for frolt. t·b l) next on !!!!!!~~~~.~~.~~~~!!!'!!~2!!...!!!..!!!! _ .... uf I b .. Cnnnty ror .bllll .. endol'lM!men' Sat~rday. . . Mitltl titump O1ovecl 'J~ne8dIlY to Bar. the setting of the tobRooo c rop, and Increased Attendance . The Clnolnnatl Conference of the . .' . ' N I· fill d . .' • . 'thAI' tftrm . Th elJt'ln&tment in Or J . W . Bolmell, Prof08Bor of . veysburK . ~ . McKlDsey Ilnd fam-, 1;0., On. owevery oue II e I Marks Opening of School WII rrHII Boun,.,. \ however, it . 110 tbe Bistory of R8liglon ~t1d Pbll,'III- M. E. ohur?b \0 l188slon at Eaton. lIy will ocoupy the property they with the 8plrit of tobacco cutting. ' • ~1. r .. lt"I .Y "1C~III"' .tb, .tblrd.term rha' ophy, at t:JwlLrthmore College, Penn. conoludjld Its lal'orB ~ondllY with vllcated. .. nothing ·else seems to lLatter just A Imost ",II uf the 8cbools in tblll' M. , M.,un,,,, rlloolol &!'d 'hili . 1tnd 1l,lvanla will be Ilt the white brlok the appol~tm6nt of ministers to tbe •• 80 the tobtLOOO orop is hou811d sll.fely. vicinity opeDIJd Monday, and al · , vt(rloo80hurohesinthedI8trlot. .,'st'olrn<':ure. 10. one 1 0 .",'1110, r .. w. ·M eetlng Bouae next Flnot day lit or oarpen t I'lr~, tb e M eser8. most 111\ of them ' while not pre· "I' IInll I' 8.." .. wb""e nOOllna. 1030 a . m . Alllnterellteci'artH)nrrllRev. Philip Trant was reappoint- belter. 1~, bot~le at Sohwllrtz'~ Kenrlok, are . a.bout to beoome pur~ to give definite fiKurel! on at· I tt .. n "n.l .. I..,ni lit ,nf'W .all"ured,. III ally in'vlt.ed to be prell8nt. ad to ·the plUltorate of the looal drng store. swampfld with ,le01llnd8 for shed \ tenfilluce, for the r,el180n that Q num. a "'!lilt A~C'~,IIt'"t 1C,;ntlil~lIau I&nd . The oharmlug bospltt&II'y of Mrs ohnroh wblob will be a gratification N B · lmihling. Some'three or t our shodR b~' ,o hlldrll.n IIvlug ~ " thc.' couu. th".. n w~:, kn .. w hlm .• r~ t&88urt>d (,Jordon Wright was enjoyed on Fri. not only to the ~ople of his 'own ew urlington. ure to b. •~rpoted tlY them and the try who expeot to' ?901 Into tile tt".t hI! Will IIIlmiltl .. ter tbe toft'all'll day eve.ning b~ her oouslnl, Mt'II oongreglltion but to_the 'mttre com Married, In Wilmington Aogust time i.. b ettin ' TlI.ther limited . sc~0018 a little IlIt llr, ur~ now 1e· til !.htl omoe In Il thoroughly oompe· Iaa~o Butterw~rth apd Mrs. Emer. munlty. ' 30th Jnstioe Reevellf and Jennie Some of the t~baccQ roll!8rs migbt tallnOCltbtLtwhOQleft~Ylltlhe til) 11 wlork . t,,,,~ IlnclllatIKfac&ory. mauner. · "Following we give a list of atlldgn . .Mlller . . . '.' t· n e lI.ynoov e 80100 8 an 0810k, ~liIO her friends, Mr8. M. M. profit by the pllr~b e of ~he ten wise peChllly Iluge nnmber ' of ' pupils Bale, MI88 Kizzie Mgrrltt, Mrs. H . :~~~Bd '~er:;lnlster8 -who formerly Mrs. F . n ..<.:ompton hUll returned Ilnd the ten foohllh .virgIDB. frOlD outtlido the sobool dllttrlot are Edward Merritt B Obeneyand Mrs. S. Lev, cartfrom a visit "mong friends 10 DIlY· Mi811 Eurl'll Burdett has been sick enrolled the best possible trib 10 . Mlt.disonvllle, Jobn Pearson; <.:en· ton and Rlohmond. Ind'"nll.. and Was some better but hilI! 80ffer. to Onr e~oellent sohools. U Passes Away. wright Thll Ne.D " nd fnr. ed a reb\pB\:! which however It Is T he "vorwin schools ure In oharge F.t;men. ca11 in ",nd see tlie Brad- terville: A . D. · Maddox; R." per, V. ... Burllnoe • ···n uv ...... 1'. Brown; Sprlngboro· lI.nd Lptle. niahed O1usic for n la,wn fete at Hur. hoped willnot Ill st long. The coil. of PrOf. WI' lson un ·1 '11 b 8 "Iller'. I ed I(e d rop OorD pant 1 Ed rd II' Itt fbi · f M Ie II~' Ra~g PaWl!. .. u " ,,- .... 1:1 M.iW: ~I'~ a , er ~II rs · ed " .er8, one and two row oorn onltlva. oU dle y M&dttlhSWEsld'; EJiDIlSbLeofO ADilSt' .veysburg on Saturd8~y evening. finement and study at the N. N. U. Ly tle bRS enlar,ged i til ~ohool from p I d ener"o .yuOtlv · I ' a·1110 carry a fIlII er, T. <.: e uI I . d .. B . IB• ",0 U od I h f seem8 to have contribnted to ber t·Mo to three · rooms' 'In ndclltl' on to at• hi 0boo e ' ~utl Oh e,I f·1 ' · t ora. u ne .o f 0 s· tr ot- B resl b ng ..u. au _rll. roo , .... W8d:8IId:y.nea~ . 1 Ilr ell .on " bom'a Implemen&8 tlnd am takmg. mlln; . IRno ,e8ter, A. . N OW~ I ; Dllyton, are making Il fflrewell vis'tt Inllbility. tbe sohool at Ferry which is inolud. Belid "$he be f tb f . orders for bigh grade tob,.oco, COrD JtlO1esto~, ~ L~:ger ~ ~w : . among reilltiveil bel~or leaving for Mr8 . Orpha Clllrk, ",1\(1 little 90.0 t.ld in the speclllI district . e teoan.ralm ..ermvt":"8 !.Ida: !lnd nasa fertlllzet1l ra~glng in price IIngtun, . . 0 el'; Iii .npu, ·j.oust. an'd daughtor Everitt Rnd Kathryn Prof. Clyde Wilkerson lind MIII8 •y . .... .... ....-.,.. J "".v f hi d II M. Coffmlln; Wa.y'nesvll e, hill] , . . -ere In '0,; ton on III"t Frida attended by Elizabetb B, Hoore and I rom.' rteen 0 an uB~_V J Trout. Milford DI!ltriot-Batuvlll'j Mrd. Will aarr~ of UhlOl1g0. wbo .... Y .q y , Etlnu ~tout are teuoblng Ilt Oregoii7" .JOt ...... AT . E. Burdsall: Lebanon , W. ~oper. III tlpendtng tho summer with her spe~dlng a plell91lnt afterno~n . .ell· ia" A, B. CbtUldler. <>f Wa,n...yll1e. Mr. Merritt Willi well known 1D 'l'be brJdll8 aorOll the mlU ra08 o n . __ lion, .tioward, of this plaoe, ia visit· pscllllly for the ohlldrenln v~ewlDg Prof. Jonathan Wright has oharge 'bl. oo01Olnolty,. \;laving made fre~ Oorw.ln ··Avenaels being torn away F f I Add b l ug in Dayton for a I~ew dll.Ys; the mony benutlful 81ghts It;' t,he of th'3 BarveY8burg sahools , a~ ~I"-_____~ orce u ress y Soldiers Borne . good attendanoe Is re"or'ftd . . qu"nt villi.tII beN f9r a DUmber 01 thil week and will be replaoed by a U Fighting" Mayor White. 'fhe Delta Alpha OllUls and 'thelr '. _ ~. : .. "" ,,,a.n : . . larger IDd heavier structure. Tbe. gllntie01tlo friends were l)ieu8llutly . Oregonia H. D. KeWson, superintendent 01' Be WIlB a ma,n Of IIturdy iDdllpeD preaen' bridRt! wtl1 be. phloed "01'088 Ex Mavor White, at BarD6Mville, "ntertl1ibed at the home of MillS • tbe Springboro soholilIJ asslated by denoe of obaraoter and unlluBltlon MlddleruD on th~ old State ,rolld, A Ohio; k~own ilK "Flgbtlng" Mfly·,r Bernioe Ba wkln·1I '\Voonesday · eve-----. a corps of capable teuobers 'stnrttl I'd honuty of purp0t!6. temporary lItrnetore has been pltt.Oed Wblte, the msn wbo Btlrn&- nlng. . Mr. Guy Sigler. of Dayton. 18 vis· out wi th the prospeots of Il snOC8l!!!. Be lived to 'a ripe old "16 and leave. a 11" Ie to the nQrah of the bridge ville a thoroughly· ... dry t~wll by &lho';!l begiruo next. Monday wi th Iti: ~el~ ve8 h~re. f D t I lui yeBr. . beblnd him tbe herlcalle of " wen for the ~ommod6tion of traftlc. strlotly enforoln, the prohibition tbe following teachol'll In oharge' . drl °fmpsdon, ~ ay on, s The variou8 district lIobools in . IUe. ' . I Temp"TRnoe E . <.: . VlI.nWlnkle, Prlnolpal; ' a ew ays Will ere.In Morrow tbls vicinity i.he .,...eoulne "lIttle red 11I160t 141'11. Annie' Leonai'd and daugh;. Iaws, spo k e a t a U nOD Eliz . spen Mlung Mary Connor , tar, Mt'II. Calvin B.,.rna vished meeting at the Ortbodox Friends Iloath Reev88, Intermediate and EVil Illst Wednel!day . lIohool huuBes" rtlport an attendanoe Ftank <;:OOk I~Jured friendllln Xenia, SundaT. The re. Ohoroh ~onday evening , Olivia. Primary. Roy Sherwood of Turtle Creek ' folly op to tbe average. · . markable 1*11 of 'he Is that Mr. Whitt! deltvertlti Il forceful . " By Turning Rail ••bls wft. ".rs. "~on'a ..... 'tI· fit'll. ride dd d told I tio' y 'l'he W F. M. 8. w11l have Il pub . Will attend sobool here this term. • • . • ... UI!", • a f : : - ' an n prao t ' ILl ~~ IIc meeti~g at the New Burlington' Mias Lanra Kibler bllS left for Mail Boys Granted FraDk Cook. who ' IIvea on tbe OD 'S train, although Ihe il more 0 I 'ti I!XlJ8~I~nOe~ nd me: I!lg Ie J!'rlend'8 Churoh Bonday Itvening ti\laker&own, where she Is employed . a Vacation ~pl'IDIJ Valley plktl Dear 'be College tban 70 yea~ old .. I5he eaye IIhe on, v 10 1& on~ 0 aw Ill" ry ,own . tlept. 11th. Ellen Wrl,bt, of WII: all sohool teacha~. . 8tll sChool honae, Willi '8everely to. joYe!1 .the 'rip thoroughl~... I I C ' fl tl O1lugton College w.:ill lecture A Miss Eila Simpson, wbo ha-ll beon A recent ruling of the PO!!t Offioe . ' " mpress ve onatrma on cordial invltati 'n 18 extended ., . . . de1J1.\rtment allows rnrlll mail <oar. jnred by a fall while a' work in bll Frank ' Thom&;ll. who , recAntly Service Catholic to all. visiting MI811 Edna S~ncer, bas re rl'e"rs •. , .. baooo shoo .Frlct.I. · . , . bougbt the OU,. Bakery f;r om Roy h < (,Jrellt lIyml1"tbv 18 expr8l8ed fOr t~rned to ber bome In F08ters .. two week!! :V801ltlOn eaob .;..0 ba • t· urch .... . . Mayor Wilkerson of Morro~ . und yeFa,r ' LI d ~e '11,,1· placing the tabaOOQ oJl the Hlltb"way, . .um.... 0 rl(e. thi8 .... Mr . WlII FJetoher In the loss of .hlll ' hi d ~ d h ad hl.J II h .:- . . . , . , .... , .. re d uen er80n, o~rrier on ' top raII II In I she wbeD the rail wee.. In , e a I . am y Ilve . Rt Augn"Une'II' Cdt.holio Chnruh wite DailY Young Irletcher. 14rs. Mr. Ray Bohner spent Frlda.y wl.b) .' _ OD . ~ht.i1i be WIUI I"'ndln. . . hnprelltllve . 11e t·oh er h a d '--· Wilkerson ' I·Route 1 blld bls vacllhou. flrst. and • turnecl moved from Dear 8prlng . Valley to w,'~ Ute soenu of ftD Mer """n Ituft'erlng . w<Ith Prof. L. O. . and he wall tbrown vlo!.eotl, down, ~he Jam81 Morgap prop:rty on Main viOl) M'ondllv Dlornlng whl'n It 01llS8 typhoid fever for abont two weeks. MillS Mabel Sherwood has retnrned <':urtls Hisey of Route 2 IS enJoYlug .trlklna~he8Ideof hili wagon wblch dr~t, Mr.. Ha~baw.ay es;peot8. to of·five y'tlDU'g Ia.dillllll.od fnur young Prl.vlI.te so'rvlces werc~ conducted. at f~om MeohanlOtlburg, where she bas a reat 11.0"'. wlUI'ltandlng unlleraledli. trave}' for ·' aolgar manufactnrinc men wflre cl)nftrm8d. as m~mbefll the reIIldenoe by Rev . Je8se . .Bawk ' l boon 'visi~lng her 8Ujter, .141'11. Fred Otbo H e~d,er!!o.n uotell as sobstl · B~ W~I ..verely \ bmt.ed and In. firm, .hil f4mlly will oontlnue to of the churoh ' . Ius of the Friends Ohurch, Inter. GOVQ. · ' . . tute clI-rrier for lU9 brother /lnd Ray 'nred ,b y tbe filII aDd bu,sutre.ed live here . .: .. t t Mt I' Ce · 4>ft_ lit n<1W Mnpplylng mall on ., \ .. The I,Unguillhed prelate. Aroh men a am me~.r . . I Dona.ld McPhuil hllll returned t. 0 Mill!! • ,rbtly from ' ttll8ft~18, . Lyntan ' B01ll8, the Y0111lg man route 2 "'If .. bishop Moeller, of Cinoina'i, wall The Oompton Ml\lf~ reunlqn .w as his home ' itl WUmlngton, · after Reptirt. fro~., the fnjqred DIan who .baa been employed ' OD the present , and a(ter the <lO.nflrmation held at Caeear'l Creek Meeting spending ~he 8ummer with hili nn. Ebright Farm Sold. 'biM w8llk are &haC I!e 811t ttD, Stoll. and Brown dairy/ wAlOD thl8 ·snd o"mmnnlon I18rvloe delivered III on. SnndRY. .A bout one hundred ole J. K . SlIenoer. • I~ng al! ·!Vell .. oout.d be ~peo&ed lummer, ~u itveu up the po.sltlon splendid addre88 to tbe conftrma and sixty were p~eill8nt. X. embers The 10" oream snpper. given by It 18 rel'orted tbat Mrs. Ava '. • and ~1I_to B~•.bDrg . where he t I d th I di f I I tl f 1'1 d d &i.,hC or ian $OUI of ' 100d cloy. wtn tDake Ilia hom. wi$h Or. and Ion 0 aea an . e . arlle iin el10e 0 t Ie ft880C a on rom orl a ..~ t~e Ladl88 Aid .Hoo}et.y ~nd the C. Ebright hll8 sold to O. B. Lewis the · ha1. trill be aftere4 for ule·. ' 1111. lin. 0 ' G. Randall ,and atfAtpd whloh wHI·prea.ut. . ~Iohlilln we ~e. pr88t9nt. Tbe fol·. E. Society, on Friday evenln". wall f/lrm long known 1\.8 tho , ilultoD u ..1 B'D_ 'lbe Arohbilihop spoke lu oommlln lowing omoen wer~ olected : Pres. well attended. . plaoe just west of 'Wayneefme . . .,., .....nt ·. 11118 'It'n _'ordl,.. eohoo1. LJinaD h .. made mlnl II V P H C 11;. V , ,Barnhart, tbe pl'Ot{rtMBI ••· >fri_da dart.... hIa oimDeott!)D ".$h d"tiOD of tbe ~althrnl work of Levi ..J 8, 108 rea.. Ot'll08 omp. Mlu Edna. Spencer baa retnrned The fllrm contllln8 180 ~orea aud ~ .bue dealtlr, I.. bnt..., II number o •.n ...... '... _' _ _ hli _ _ • . ,Father 1la7erboefer, of Leban~D. ton. Sec. ,Ella Mma Wilaon, Trea. to Lebanon, where ehe will take up sold for t41iOO·. . . ,otiAape IUld iruprlJYtlmtlnf4t tlllIde lD -- ......, .., --~-. . .mo. whu baa obuge of thll ohuroh, and John Hill. 'he Junior work in the Lebanon The Illnd ill· rolling and is unDtlU·lUI." A OODOrece 800r b •• heeD Witt. ,aad ~ like m..un.~. by hiM falWulneM'ilnd ... l bal WIlD .' . • • .' Bigh t50bool. wen adopted for stock rattling. ally ,...,.a ID the I'OOItI aDd tJlIl BeJ.·.....ytq 01..,.,... and hal . Pure C&ltile .oap made from pure I h II ... baa I.... mo" Izom. lb, 'It'hl ' .....A wIab tbe love of hll own people, Ind $he 'Italian oUve oil and c. ntain. DO free ...u&OO oommeDoed e,re ODd"y There III pleDty of water on $he to ..... l.n lide of the etore; the the ........_ • of all "bo teepee& and good well of IU who alkaU. 10, per oalte a' BohwartB's morning, w1&b Prof. WIU,ut'llon aa place and al80 oonllde~ble ground . ........... oompieteIJ .......prt. anoW bim, clrup&ore. ~~:r.!:~!.Ml Stuut, 8S 100. for oultivatiDlr.
I ,I
t." ""
I DOW hi...
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The Miami
I Uazette.
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Washlngtnn. D.O., August IlQt)l,-A deterullued elfmt wlll be nl nu at the next Eesslon of congress to prevent anothor approprlntlon .for tbe !toe dis· trtbutlo n of (lommon sarden seeds, ongros8 oc.w expends $24~ ,OOO n yenr In gl vlng alVay tb e cotnlPon ost \'Orl~' ties 01 peas. benns . turnIp. SQuash aud pllm ·pk ln se ds. They are dl vld el2 Into 40,000.000 p.ckets 10 that l!he packets cost about hu It a cent eaoh. But III a I rge part 01 the aplltoprlatlon la eXlleoded In (llerk hire, packetl ulf th" so!\,I, ctc ., the nctual value of the socIJ In a packet Is m'uoh lesi than b1\lf a cenl. Tllese packets are put liP In ' packages or five packets, the total cost of tbe pacl[ages (jelog about two cuots cnch, and they are purcblll' able anywhero at flve cents. Encb member 01 congress gets 12,000 suoh packagcs, wblch he dlstrlbuttll' to .tb. voters of his district. . The fnrmers ~ay that thesli pack· nges contaIn GO IIltle seol2 nil to be of no value to tl1ew. wblle tbe total a\J' llroprlallon, If expended In ,endlos out t all y rare aod valunble aced. or In maintaining a national agrlcu.1lural college. or dl\' I(\OO among the stnt. agrlcull ura l oolleges. would be of Immense value to tbe farming la tereatl. Th ey Ul ercfo re protest .aglllnst tbe wnste of pu~lIc money. Tbe scedsmen claim Ihat as eongre ~ 9 bill alrendy elrpcodo", $ii,OOO,OOO In '11"'n, away turnip nod watermelon sced, Ie Is lime It alloul ll give away saws, axea or hoes ond glvo lhe aeel2 t rade a rest. Those wbo lJelleve that COngreSl shotrld cul olr tbls perquisite 01 It. mllmbe r;a no" used lor polltloal purposes, are writing their aenBlors and representnllves, urging th ero to IIbol· Is h the fr oo so a dl atrlbullon, apd the '1\lIonnl Gmo ' • maoy s~ate and local granges. ' horticultural, agrl oultural and oth er soclotics are adoptlns resolutions contlewoillg It. Mr. WllIInm Woll'! Sml lh, of Washln gtoo, D. O.. ha. beeo soleclClI to repre sent the o ppal' sU Ion to the congressional tree Beol! dlstrlblilion. and Is personally aos 'el'Ing ull Inquiries concernln, lh~ silnie.
Carerully Study the Cause.. and Some Broken DOWd, LIke Many Anoth • . Woman, with Exbllustlni: Kid. Simple and Effective Remedlel, ney 'l'l·oubles. WAYNESVII~LE,' OHIO. Look your s l e(\ plos ~ n l'ss In tile race and try IIrs t to dl sco~ r fol' yourself ?.In. A. Taylor, of Wharton. r-l. :r., By CHANNING POLLOCK •. Its cang . ana cure. Do you I)rolonr says: "I had 'kltlooy trouble In III People Llk. the Clt ln. yo ur wo1'1I until tbe hour of 'golng to moat painful and Se1'ere form, and the Larg ILl 8 grow l" l'gt~r at a tre- CbQa=QDD=aQQQQCCCDaCQQDQCDDDDDOQ~gDQDCQQCCCDDC~ beel? Do you uso ovarmu h colt e, to I't u r e I wl!nt lIIendolis rate. Tbe ~'ura l and aeml· te3, dru,,~. alcohol- If you hayo the througb now leeml Mrs. Duncan 08g00d, be leg a womaa a"dlfoce, IU usual. qullllu" the hOUSIi rural commuultles nro st atll l)' drnlllp.d 1J>\lllt or 51 eplo89nOSS a IItlie of any to have been al· of their population to feed 'the towns. of great presen(;e or mInd, did not u Dlier the Bllparl'nt coovlclUon ' tbllt Lt OD IIf \he~p. Is a\Jt to be . ol·ermucb. most unbearable. I scream ""b n Sbb felt a hand. probably would bo cons umetl by Ore within the In no part at !.be lolted Slates II tb ls bad back·ache, pains tbt' band or t.I1e slreet car passenger nOll !lye minutes. ~lrij. O~b'OOd, not . A r )'011 In the tl'esh air tor euch centrali zation proceeding Dlore rapid· 611 liog beside her, crawl Itea.lthlly Into ~t'ln(l! Nbus t, was ra!.ber 101lg In rea.cb- a part of the Ume durin tile day In the elde and ly than In the great agricultural states her po keto loins. dizzy spells b& the l nst TQW or orcbest ral 8eat~ . that )'ou can reckon It In terms df and liot, feverish of the we st. Ce nSu8 bu rea u figurel . Mrs: OsGOOd wae Intelligent liS well When she did emerge from be ntsle, bours ? IJo you sleep 10 a well·Yllnll· '·headaches. l' b ere ahow. thaLI dllrlog th e paat fl\'o )'oarl nil Bclf'pOssess d. lIud sbo knew tbat a ph" was contronted by ... bulky police lated room aod work In rooms In w 0 r e benrlog·dow n •• out of 105 counti es In Kaoeu cl'1' 1I'ould lnstantly project lhe thler officer .. Who Itectultlly blocked her wblch the doors or windows lire ' rro· pulns, aod the kidah.owed n l os~ of population. 10 Iowa. to tho rear pia ltorm. wbence be ml gbt puFf':oge. "Will you step over here, queutly opened? Aro you from lo,n~ ney a e c ret Ion e sure ~\t"1J all but 22 of the' 99 counties of the cosily s lep to lIle pa vemenL Consld- nw'8m?" Inquired that gentleman. "I'd CIIUSO anne ml<r-thla Is wblch goes hanl2 In band wllb lnaorn pasaed too frequently, anll wltb a .tale ba\'o now fewe r Inhabitants than erlul! the emergeucy b'nsllly, Mrs. Os" Itkp to have a word wid yon.... nla, as It deprIves the braiD 01 a sut· buralns sensation. They abowed sedthey ('oolnln d In 1900. 10 Pennlyl· Good did the very bps t thing thal could . Mr8. Ollgood . -.vbo C(lIlsll\ered mem · ficl ency ot blood. Iment. I became discou raged, weak, \,prs or the ' force out or place except on hh ve been dona under the circum~anla tbl' growth of Pbllade1phla haa II tbe latte r Is the case YOll will languid and depressed, eo slok and lleeo much more rapid than tbe IIL:.nces. Sbe dropped ber own hand to Flftb avenue, was about Lo. reply tbat need the 'h elp ot a pbyslclan 10 ordnr 1I'eak that I could not keep up. Ae hel' skirt and cluSI)cd the lotrudlog ah eoterl.llined no slml18 1' senument srowtb ' of the · rural portion .01 the dlglt~ as firmly as she was able. In- wwa rd h~ m, when her blt!sband, rea· to get al wbat will be the right amouM doctors did not cure me I decided to atate. It Is otten wondered who lives stantly 'th e ' digits aforesa id were I'ldog Ibat somet hlo g was wrong. ·tOOk ot nourishment which must ·be a\ l~ try Donn's Kidney Pills. anti with plied by your rood. In all tbe new houses that are built In wrenched free nnd tbe young man a u her arm nod drew ber to (loe &Ide. lucb success that my troubles wero By orrecLlon of the other thl'~gs ' all gone otter uslog e ight boxes. and this city, says tbo Pbllad elllhia Prell. bpr rlgbt hurried Ollt of the car. "Now?" he said. wbou they -got out you can elrect Lbo cure at s leep'ess· my strtngth, ambItion loa genoral Mrs. Osgood he ld her pocKet for a of tb£> crowd, "what l!, the matterY" Dwellings are colng up at tbe rate at The tone at Bilihority awed tho po. ness In your~c lt. 'I'here Is also ' ~eat health Is fine." o\'er 1.000 a monlll . Tbe natural few moments While she decided to 110ld Sold by all a enlers. 60 cents a bCIX. -">wtb of tbe clLy would fill ' 80me of her peace. Sile could teel tbat her lkemall Into nn npologetlc attItude. meot with bot water which yo n can take nlolle, which I's the mOtlt al~ these ne w houses, but not all of tbem. puts~ was safe 'aod s he reali zed lhat by "Some klod of a ml stako. I gncKs," he proved ot thnt gIven professlonnlly. Foster·lIlllburn Qo.. Bultl,l\o, N. Y. II requ ires the steal2y stream of rural that Ume the young 'man must be In nnEwered. "but this lally'!! lost her First 10 order Is tbe hot water dnuche "PEN AND INK" BET WAS EASY, IJopulation that Is constantly Dowlng tile same happy condition . Sioce not h· 'brooch' and s he says sbe scen It on and with most people the best time Inr, bad been lost. nothIng was to be thut lady." In this direction. Why do tbey collie! gained by creallng n dlsturbaoce. Mrs. "This lady" was a stoul dowager to try It Is just before goIng to bed. Colon.1 '''Ike" Hili Quite Ready to In· "be freer and gayer life attracta Osgood remnlned on tbe car uotU It. srondlng nenr lIy wltb htlr son. It Have a bonrd placed over an ordinary creale lhe Amount. lIIany. Tbe hopes or a larger field fol' reached Seventy,secood street. where SPtlmf:' unnecessary to exptaln that tub and sit on tllls while you pour the water gently down your sploe, as Cot. "11(e" Hili, ass istant .ereennt· the development of their ambitions elte resided, and then, her self·sn·Us . "that lad y" w s Mrs. Osgood. lures others. Perhaps mou ves le88 fn ctlon showing In every mllvemen t, "Nonsoo se!" excillimed tbe spouse 01 bot as can be bor~e . Use either a at·arras for lhe Democrats In the thl' accused . "Wby , my wlte Is Mrs. amall pJtcher or n la rge balb spon ge house of reprcscollLllvos. bas violent honorable thao aoy ot these Impel sun ehe walked home. nnd ropleulsb from tbe tea ke t tl e. political prejlidlces nnd at elecUon Thllt night, while she wns dressIng D\KIcnn Osgood!" more t.o seek seclusion In "tbe wilder'rbe dowager was persistent 10 lU,· Put a ·warm · dressIng gown on, "back lime Is wont to lIack tblllll with Dees of streets." Tbe best anl2 tb.e for dloner, her mold remarked : "I put to frQnl" durlug the process, leav ing mone,. • . ~ 'Worst undoubtedly come. As a result your new ring In tbe jewel \)0](. ma- Ill g her r.ase- a IIlstinot advantage, the back open. It you can have au He got !nto a ))ollUcal dlsc'U8Sl00 dam." since Mrs. Osgood, pendula tlng violent.of the Immense growth 01 the cltlee, ly bl'tweell amazement and l'ndlgnaLlon, attendant t,v,o large sponges may I\e In the lobby. of the Halfman bou se In "My new rlng?' ~ Inquired Mrs. Os' the problem ot go"vernl ng them prODfor onco In ber lire was Qulhl dpprlved held at the nnpe' of the neok a, d New York a sbort time ago and mlldo l,'OOd. erly and of makln~ tbem heautiful anit nlong the spinal columo, as to son.e an assertion tbat wal disputed , by ~ . . "The one In your pocket," replied of speecb. attrac; tlve Is steal2l1y Increasing In lui· tho mold. "It wosn't wrapp~d; just "Wben this woman put 011 ll"r clonlt nerve8 tbls Is even more Bootblng man In the gatberlug. Col. "Ike" reached down Into his JIOrtance. It has come to be true tbat loose like." I snw my brooch pinned to the \In lng," than . lIle douche. ,.."the biggest Questions In governm'e nt "Ab !" Quotb Mrs. Osgood: " Let me elCpJaloed lbe complalnanL "I waa .80 BUREAU DRAWERS THAT STICK. pocket, pulled oul a roll 01 money and peeled ort the $100 hills. are local. sce It." "I will just bet you $500 ram rfgbt," It wae a curIous trinket of the &o rt Furniture Man Gives Some Advice I8ld. . . GAl US~D UNDER LIME KILNS, Gene-I'oua to AmeriCAn Farmers. kllown as a burial scarab. DoubUess. How to Opcn Thcm, "I'll .tnl(e JOU, said the otber. .J Secretary Wilson says It would re- hundreds of yeara before It had -- ' . . ''Walt IInUl 1 get II lion and Ink ." Innovation b) ConnectJcut C"ompany adorned tbe honll of &orne spiced Quire an Investment of , 550,000,000 at "Patrons come to me al'ery day an d A cold look caml! IlltO Col. "}ke'I" II a Suco.... . , two pel' cent. to protluco revenues EgypUan geotleman 'boled and conBay thnt the. drawers ot dress.ers a ot! eyes. ' enough to run the depBrtinent of agl'l. Signed to a wlythelstic pnradI8~. More other rurnlture sUck fast and canoO' I "Wbat do you want a pen and Ink . The No'" England Lime compal))', recently, Mrs. Osgood felt certa in, It 01 Will lond, Conn ., asserts that It I. be opened or sh ut wlthollt greal dIm r for1"b o asked. culture for one year. This Is nn lIlus. 1'0[1 sli pped from tbe flnger of anotller cHIIJ' ," said the "complaint man" 1.0 , "Wby, I want to "'rite a cbeck for the first to Intr duce gas as tuel for tratlon, he Buld, of what Is being dilno gentleman bound for a place remote lime burning. ~ 'rhe melbo.d 111 proa downtown fUrniture store. "Thl. '500 to cove r your bet." for tbe farm er. Tbe Income of the de- from any pnrlldlse whatever. In floe, 18 a trouble with much IUl'Dltul'e, es Co.\, " Ike" put his mooe, back In his uounced an entlre. sllccess. The crowpartmen t Is ~ UtlIe ml)re than $11,- the rIng unquestionably was the propIn!: srarclty of wood tllel led to _ UI • . peclnlly that. wlllol1 Is n w, and I, pocket. 000.000 a year, and when tbe new meat erty of the pickpocket, and Its present es~:eclally common 1u the sprlog. "Bring mo a pcp aod Ink. too," he dl geovpl'¥ 01 ~llS all a substItute for Jnspeetlon law. tbe w()rk 01 exterml- postsssor had tolled a thief only to beWhat do we d,o In slIcb cases? Wt said, " (or It this Is going to be n ctlock' WOOd. and the company no longer con· DaUDg the cattle faver tick and the come a thief berSelf. simply tell the customers to w t the bet I'll mnke It $!i,OOO."-SaturdIlY siders L1le gall m th od au experiment. "Th e funny porl of It," said Mrs. OsThe emcacy /lnd r liabili ty ot g811 IIf3'Psy and brown-ta'led moth and tbe etJr(ace ot a bar ot common laundr Eveolng Post. bave )leen demoustrated beyond a investigation of dr7 lunll farmin g have GOOd wblle . lhe fis h was being served, s O\l P and ru b It firmly ove r the )/nru ' - ------dolt!>t. Hlld it been IDlllos~l ble to find of the wood that stick. Thlfl makes GOOD COLORS FOR HOUSES. been put In operation, the departmeat "It: that J cao't brlllg myself to bope that aoyone will eve r claim tbe thing. tbe surface smooth aod sllpllery, alld 1 It Is not generally known- Dot eVen II Bulistllute for "'ood, 8al a member 'Will ba,'o a pay roll ot over 0,000 perH's the most extrnordlnury scarab I In nearly all cases the d raw er will among I)aluters-wby cert~ln tints ot tbe cpmpnny, It '!Yould bavo meant eons. ·About bait of tlrese are scle~ cver saw.'1 s lide easily. ~Bpeclally after It bas and colors wenr mllch oetter .t ban the ros trlctlon anl2 perhaps the total \1sts, trained alon g speolal Unes. Tbe "I s houldn·t thInk of wearing It." rebeen opened and 81lUt a few times. . I others on hOlise~, and lh knowled~e IIbllnllonment of tbe bu~l ne sl1. Gal average salary I.s less than $900 a year. turued Mr. Osgooll. " It might be In"Tbls also la valuable . wIth door. of just what lints are bcst to Use 18, fires . ate nbSO Il\tely olean at aU 'tlmes Over 12,000.000 pleccs of literature are fected, or. for a ll you can tell, It might -no cllolcers and nQ clndors-aoll the wh~cb. In new fl ats, are likely to set therefore, rather bazy . circulated each year and this amount tl' a 8ymbol to Ide\lUfy you 08 II memtie or are apt to scrape at the top a. 1 0110 writer 00 .)lBlul . 10 a re~nt lime ; prod.ucecl Is much wblter tban 'Will be greatly Increased as new IInel ber or some crlmtnal society." the buildIng se ~t1e!l. Just lise soai book, says that experlmeots seem to that bUl'nel2 by wood, Gas also: pro"Ob. that's too good!" exclai med bls on them and S8\'e Ille trouble or cnll show that thoBe 'olors wblch resiSt . dllcc's a more Intense beat, and COU8CIt Ion are ot lng In a carpenter. wbo will plano tbe or turn back ,the hen t rR)' S or tbe. sun, quentl)' Incrcllses the capaolty at the year w fe, and attaoked th. Osh. A few days later s he advertised In a varnlsb olr. I will protect a house better than tbose kiln!!. _-XbWaJ l~~U at tbe eom· . ·b Ifraln 1n.~Jle ction anl2 thla promises "Cblna cabloet doors. with cun'ed wblch allow th ese raye to p~8B 'pauy's kilns Is Increl\8ed from 80 bal' to be one of the largest flelda of solen, paper that the owner of a rine Egyp. tian IIcarab lost on a ·Columbus avenue sure It wos my brooch that Illvoluntar. glass cautle us a lot of trouble but tbrough tbe fil m. rels por kilo to ]~O bllrrels, or a total 1If10 labor. ' T b us ' red8 I d c( Ior becnllse It ot 700 barrels dally. caT mlgbt bave the snme by the 81mple Ill' I put my band up to my ' throat, most ,ot tbe tlghtoes8 cnn te remedIed a goo Sure enougb, my jewels were gone. I t ' turn b k 0 t tb e r eel rays, process or describing his property_ The demand that thIs olllcer do bls duty!" by .he use ot soap ' liod a tew lI.\lpll· 8 ao, or r e ec s, In the CouM of Love, F.ctl A\iout "Inka, notice also contained the reB!lsurlng cation. of eandpaper.·'-Indlanapolls and th e red rays are th e ~ot rnys.' I The grave problem of .p!atrltnony. . In gell ro,l . . tlle rerore. tho' wa AlaSKa Is an InteresUn~ reClol!. In Inlormatlon that no Questions would be lobI' conclueled dramatically, glarIng. News. .-nve for tbe unmarried, stll. sraver. 8l1ked. Notwllh~tan",lng this promise ston), tlefiaoce Ilt Mr. Osgood.' Despite tones are good nnd the old tones a area ehe Is twlce ·as larlta ' IS ~eul. 10r the marrlel2-ls opened under a of consideration tor a tender con- the tact that 01\ tbe persona concerned TO AMUSE tHE CHILDR~N, poor, so far as wear Is cbno roed. In wlt.b Cal\tprnla thrown. , ln, but het cbooslng the color of paint for your resident while populatioll numbe.rB .ew and troublous &spect by tbe keen IJdence. no one ever called ·to clallll tbe ""ere &ome dl8tance from the route to II IIraYI only about 30.000,' thouih' In .ummer · ...markl 01 a magletra'te of New York ring. Slid. arter a time, Mrs. OSgood the exits. an Interested crowd had • For the amusement of Imall chll hou se, se l ect d , re s, b rown, ,who has the ' fortllne . to be kaown a8 bt·g an wearing It berself. '''I '' bave a ~O~:re~b~~~a:~:~:~~yw:o!~~:!~: dren, notbiog supplants the joy of. ~d olh'es which, ~o\lshlertng the ya·. sbe haa from 10.000 to· ,20,000 II\ore ::the 'happy ' llttle Jud,e." LIke all 8.uallle partiality for thIngs out of O~good was roused to action. sandpile. It la cbeap cleaa healtby rlous tonos tbese tints ""\11 ~rodnce. whltea.· In .rur, fllh arid mlnllr'als Rb. dirt. " . I w\ll give a wide range from w~lch to II rtcb. BI nco ' her Innentlon alie bal place." Ibe commented, "anl2 a 2,000iPhllolophers. BaYI tbe Cblcago POIt, iu~\abed $60,000,000 of furs. ' ,6·0,000" yur-old beetle bound to the third ·fln''It IB perfect IdIocy to alccuse my Even tMugh It may spoil the yard cbooso. · .. , the bapp)' little Judge la the wiser be-' ,er. of 'one's rlgbt band may CertAlaly wife ot theft," be Bald with . dignity, 'a 'bit, let' them \llay circus, dig. tun I · Avoid 1he hars)! tints, sucb ,a s c<;>112 .!l00 ot flsb llnd ''10,000,000 of mlne""I., • jt.auae be la unoonceroel2. ~ e has be said to be 'o ut o(pl~ce." "Your · brooch probably came unfaet- nels and cavcs I yellows (like lemon). cold greeM clilefW Ifold ·an.4 Illver. Her outpllt .-cacbed tbe haven, It not the port, ot . ·(Uke grass green. etc.), aod the blues. of gold. which wu $9,000.000 In 1904, "Don't be 8arprlsed," ber bUllband oned and fell to lhe lloor. Doubtless, Aa 01: armchair wltb . tbe leg, I It must he uoderstood that no vir· waa $16,000,000 In 1906, and will be "'1dO'l'o'erbood. From thele caim wa· admonished. "It some anarcblsllc·look· It haa already been found alld turned aawed 0 and hung wltb rOpes lIIalieR tue 18 claimed for tints In themselves fully 12&,000,000 1D 190·S.-Leslie'. ters be launebea hli torpel2o 'a galnlt la, ruman Btops you oa the street aad· In at tbe box olllce." 'l'be 120wager snllred, looking, In tha m:re comfortable swing thall a Irrespective of the materIals used I~ Weekly. the flaunting craft ot lingle bU8S. 'He o..kl for the counteralgn." Ik . . I tbe paint. Any color will fade and declarea tbat nine out of every ten 1011'11. OIIgood laugbed again. Deep In ·pltlCEBS, uncommonly like a Japanej!$ ' Oy8 I e to Illay Indian, and com· the paint will scale oft, It adult~rated 8trl~lng Advice, . mell over 30 years ot age brougbt be- ~er . lIeart she dll2 reel a little uneall· pug dog. "Tliat belnr true," contlolued Mr. mon burlap at five ce~t8 a yard makfl white lead or canned palnl la used. MrB. Anxious (wother of two m..... IQre hIm are unmarrIed.' ?larry young, lIel" but, as ihe wore the ring evenlnir Osgood, ".and· tbls scene being most a flne rll. A plMn sack, coat and . but ![ one Is careful to :use the best H?:ID~r~e:'D~b~I~8::,!dJl.~ngll!~)'~e~r:al~)~a~!I~IIIllI>l;I'F.,~I,;dI~·gon~·]t_....: lie admonishes. Few Bingle men are allel evenlnlf and tbe propbecy of her hl:mlllatlng, you 11'111 oblige -me, olll.. I pant I ·trtmmed with the frayed bur· I 'llillIte lead-BOrne wciil.llDown brand knoJif whether to' Bend Grace and· tiltb· . trUly great. AU men who wlsh·to 1\&0· ' lord . aad !liaeter was never fulfilled, cpr, by permitting us to P88S, " , 1·l a.p II • delight to the small bot. _,:,f a r.ellable manllr~turer-;an'd g4)1l' .e! ~ tho leul)ore or. tlie mountalnl eyen tblB sllsbt fear lett ber. On th. c8ed sbould marry. Tbe policeman wavered . "Tbero', Bew 100)e chicken teathel'l on a band ulne linseed 011 the warm tints ·men. thla !!ummer. Woat. dl;! you advIse' flu( night the Conrled sea80n she been a lol of comPllllnts this evenlog." . ror a, bead drela. . . tloned above w'1II outwear the eame M.I'I. Knowhig-Well, I would advln s~lected the ornament from D large P.ortl~n off a IlI.ce w~ere tbe boYI materlaia Unted with the ' cold ' ~oIOrs. Sulpbur Springs ' for a cliBD!te. BuI· ' Cau.e "lid Effect. . Dumber of othera and carried It eo far he objected. "i don't lmow jlust what can have a cave and the gIrls malte ' phur" yO\t. know, ,. one of tho ,prlnclo . Dame fashion 'a dictatorial forelilllfer Into &octety 08 D 3 Left, In the Metro- to do." This was so obvious that Immedlate- delicious mud pies and cakes. Another 0111 .t· P.owe.... pal requisItes III matcbmaklac, tl .notorlously ever 'Toady to poInt out plUtan opera bouse. There It sloited Ov~ralls for boys and .1!loomel'l for ~ few d~)'. alfq GOY. < Cobb, " . the way. Nothing leeins t9 be too . ClC!nllderable attention. particularly Iy nerybody began making sugges. 8ALLOW FACES ' tlons. Mrs: OIIgood, however, bad coma glrll are the most '> comfortable and J4alne. · and Hon. W. · R. PattanplL bllfb, 10'1'0'. or mean t;o bar. this Imperl. from a thin, . nervous woman In a loud to herself In the Interval. Her pre"IIIODllble garments· for play bour~. I prominent .In pollUcs In tbe lame } ona queen. Dr. J. G. Rossmore. a aown Ind the adJolnlnlf seaL ence of mind returned. .. By plaDl:tlng for children's ' !;lmull8- I~te, 1I'ere together oa a train. Mr. Often Clultd by Coffeo Dt·lnklng. Foung practiCing 'phYlllclan ,o f Atlanta, I The thin, nenous woman proved to With a lestu... oj. luperb I2lsl2aln, Ih. ment a O)otber galnl many needed Fattengal! II a la"yer and an Ildltor, Ga.. now a . patron .t the Hollalld be anythln, but an all'eeable . nellfh- pulled the garmsnt from ber Ilhoulde~ !\ houri f~r relt an.d ·work. ... , the· writer of tbe humorou. '''Meddy· How many persons realln that cor. bel'. . 8be fidgeted restlessly In hllr lI.ou80. baa diSCOVered that golf II .... .nd held I~ up for IMpectlon. Thera' DI..... 'and .th. HaUl. elt. bemJ)B Lettel'll" .pp~aFlng In bla pa· fee 110 dlsturbl ~lgesUon that it and exprelleil ber annoyance at .ponalble In many ciale. tor men . and The Iden.jsta mak,e out 11 goo4. 08se per, tbe Machl!l8 Union, .duct!ls a mudl2y, yellow complexion T waa a chon,tl ~f caep.. Mnl. Osgood ..omen 'wbo iloop and turu their toea the contact of Mrs. OSgood', opera ,lanced at tbe cloak and then fell back agalnst tbe lious~at, who' .wlth .n l ~n t~e cour.e or conver~lIlion. Gov. A ten days' trial of Poslum .Food cloak, which bad ·been thrown clireIAward; Bald he: "The 'game, which 1_1;r over tJ:le Ipac~ ot eeat: back be- al!alnst ber busband. . ~h~ . cbLllron ' In- her cbarmlng and lovable Q~alltlel, II Cob,h remarked t.o. Mr. p,,:ttan,aJl: "I Coriee has ' proven a , means IIi thoU. AI · pla~ed In Ati.nta .,robabl;r 'more tw"n them, 117 fr~quentlY plut'klng at tnllnlng ot the wrap waa. talrly ~bll%e ahown .to be all' agent of disease d .1 dOll t .~ wby JOU and ·Ll1I'ellyn Pow·' sand.s ot' oases, -of c1earlul: up bad , .. Ulan In any other lIait of tbe United 'ltll 80ft folds . . At fint Mrs. ,Osgood laid wllll gems. Not .o,nly was the, mlsllnR .1I'bolelllJe d~stroyer .of bird 'mean D a I lr.· IhoUld be 10 'extremely ~t.lf· complexions. Statel, makes Ita devoteel plgeon·toed, these pucberles to aeml-lntosleaUoa brooch visible, f&!ltened B~cul'ely neai OarollIie A. Osborne, wbo bal' bee~ , oala~c to each otber. Neither at you . ~ W.13bq. Joung lady .tells her , lor there are strokes, aa yoq know, an opinion boru of bel' husband'~ the . collar, bIlt there were Ilunbul'llla ,"onductlng expertmentll at Clark unl. ~..,sr fails .to "v.e. the other. e ' 'rap nepce: "All of us-fatber, mother, .lller that can only be well deJlvered wben Je.ughlng remark: "Sbe goes out after [ nt! .crescenta and ¥ercury-wlnp and, versltf bas found ~at cats bave dl b • . wben tbere ra opportunlt)'," o\t tbls. pOint an Intereate12 Illtenel' and hrother-had used tea aD t colree ill. toes poInt In. Cause and elfecffol·· enry act and Is worse every time slie st!ok· plns galore. Dlamond8 sbo.n e theria,' wh~piDgcough tlib8rculo~ along th~ bern, ~palll clung lovlpgl7 to eczema and ringworm.' Even wh S, In the c!lr. leaned towarl2 tbel~' cba,l rl for mallY years ~ntll finally we .ll comes back." Subsequently, however, low closely-the golfer turu. hi. toM the Ince ruffles, and emeraldli peeped · catl d'o not actually co t~ct ' th en! and asked : "II It really true tb.t ex· had Itomach .oublell more 01' less. .. til. Thl~ 'Is ~sJ)6Cially true. I'v. nO: It was ogred that the olfender prob- oltl from the. folda. . .. maladies . tbey.; ' may ca::'" tbe _ ese GOY. P01l'er15 !a . 01 Indian . deiceat1" ''We were all iallow and troubled t1cK, .In the cue of women golfers. ably ' 'VI'1l8 merely "an ou tslder" who . "Well, tbe Indlaol deny It," l!{I'. wltb pimples, · breatb bal2. dlsa,reflMr. OSGOOd was IIrst, 01: the aa- taglon aboutwltb them. ' As 'nlm:::~ didn't know bow to condUct herselr. . :Their . ankles are not iIo It ron, al "Tbere Isn·t IIny bar In the foyer, Is tonlshed group to recover bls aea8ee ol they are riBPonslble for tbe death , t ' Pattangall aalwered, In bl.1 Inimitable able t~ste In the ·mouth, and a\1 of UI men's, and are, tberefore, more eaBlly there!" Mrs. Osgood asketl during on. IInc3 to realize that thlll latest .cte.v elop, aOOut·· 60 birds a year ' .ccordlng to ~ manner. . . .8lmply .0 many bundle. nelves, put out of , J<lu k." ~~nt carr!~~ th~ InCld;n~t:e.l,'()nd blm" \I. Forbusb, state o~nltboIOg1st lot Tran.mll.lon of FacIal Characterlatlci "We didn't realize that colfee W8,I' o! tho tntermlssfons . oo~ecms, e.o serve, at :Mrs. 011- M~8sacbUlet:ts, not Including tbe iiJr.. ~t wOllld .a.ppear that tha transmla-' tbe cause of 'the trouble uutll one day Mr. Osgood said there wasn't . . With a~C::::O::::D:;:t~ln:::u:::a:;:t;::lo:::n~o;f:::n::::lee w~rm lben!" retll~ned Mrs. UStood, fhler h~St~e: ma~e ~h~t~apegoat of a ferlng they Inftlot by their mangll'nl .Io~ of facial traits 8ubordlni.ts to • w,", ran out of coffee and went to ba... . "Well, aulhlne, tbe co'rn crop will JUBt Bhow tlilH t: tt:t~ aecom- of bird., aQ~rrel. and rab~lt8. dell.nlte law, Ibat II to that an· row some fr01~ a nelgbbor. S!:Je :gn• • ., tiding: "BesIdes, I noUced that sbe . . wbat It ~n do wheli It trta.. II S ba .on bouse cestral tar.lal expreilion and appear· us some Postlll'O anl2 told us to try elm ply .wnills about. Perhnps thll Is uotll some conelu s Ion can e reached ,. • . that. . . tho first Ume she bos ever lie en aw.>ng On tbe sidewalk, Mre. Osgood feit KeepIng Th!ng. Cool, ance . a~e 1!10re of teo than not tranll' An Atlanta (Ga.) maD was arrested f('olly nLce people, )Ioor Lblogi" Borne one lostle b,er and turned to look A pInt bottle filled wltb cracked lee mlLted through the female' member8 "Altbovgb w" started to make .it. • few days, ago for kIssing his wire In Whether' the proximity mcntlOl:ed Into the face of tbe thin, ner"OU8 wo- wUl 'keep a dJsh 01 salad .or a la,-ger of t~e faml!y, who generally do. not we. all relt sure we would ' be !Ick If public. Tbls should be a lesson to had an Inebriating elXect or whetl-er man whose hehavlor had been so In- bottle ot tea or colfee deliciously e:'lhlblt the same characterlstlo • •: to 'l"e. ml~sed pur strong colfee, I}ut- we married me!! everywhere. Let tbe thA vexatious ,perso n was merely Urod, toleruble-- during th!l performance, freab and cool It pusbed Into tbe een· \he mll.l~ o!rsprlns. aod that the .were forced to .\ rJ P.ostum alii;! were married 'man limit bla publ'lc demon· she clfme &0 near LO embraCing Lbe oc- Hll\'lng seoured ber attenti9n, that In- ·ter of .tbe pail or jar contalnlog the lounger geoeratlons show, . as a ' r,qle, su~.prl~e~ .t o find It dellclo,us. , atraUons or alrectlon to calling ber cupant ot D a Left, after her lu st tour, dl\' jdual leaned forward until ber lip, salad or beve rage. ThIs II wortb ro- all the facial eonl2ltlonll and slsnl 'We rend the ltatements on: the "Pet" or '·Bahy." merDbe~lng In -these daYI of pIcnic.. whloh were present In a remote .a· pkg·., got more ahd In 01 month and a that IIlrs. OSgood was much rumed and almost toucbed Mra. Osgood's ear. eJllculnted angrily, "Do lie car~~ul!" "You Bquealer!" she whlspel'ed. "If cestor.-North American Review, hllit YO\l WOUldn't hllve knowil liB. Applying Lace Square.. We were all able to digest OU1' food ·Oh, tbll t's all right," wblspered tbe A clrl troln Pomona college, C.U. you dldn!t Intend to get aw,!! y wltb Th new way of . npplylng I.ce Ian Maclaren'. 8.lIeCellOr, w.tllout · a-ny troubla, aRch one'l!' Ikln fornla, has walked 19 mOes· la cbam. "outslde~" Impudently. a"d Mra. Os- th(; m, why did you 1I'ear the rlllg'" BCluares Is by laying them lIat upon 'Phe Rev. Alexander co,naell, ~bo became clear, to"~ell 'oleaned off lad gool2 turned her attention to the stage _onshlp time. This seems eomehow An Instant later, when Mrs. Osgood h d t . auoe edB to Ian Maolaren I pulpit at .. cnd lflurguerlta. who was In !be 1'01'1 cOlnprebcndln, at la8t; reaobedl out ,t e goo a wltbou cutting out the ma· · e lIervel In ltDe conl2lt1oa. We never to .U,g~8t the women's apple rae. 01 ' .Ilt ot going to heaven . terlal . underneath. These squares are Sefton Park, Lil'erpool, bBl. been p.. use an"th1ng, DOW"but- Polln- There hEr, she dl8ap....neA lin tht: _. ... f ft_ t 8 II.... ..........b.,terl·..' .... Qt-eclall myUlology. - ",="-",, rc:... put ' on the IdOds, secured with aUtcb. ...r 0 ...,gen q....,..It nothing like It:" Name liven bi _~ .some ElUlbIDg-lIDd-croWd- nIght_ (CDlIyrllht, JlIOI, ' " .Jolel)lI Jt In, and are ~ed .ltIl utue chuell, London. Iince 1891, He wu Po.tum Co" BatUe Cl'llek, )lleb. Ine on tbe way out of the tbeater, the JrUII al lace. I born In till Beoteh BllbJallda 8m til. om. bOok, "'The aoal It . BROWN " ,~ cK 'Y: Publish....
The Pickpocket's Scarab
all ," I I I
, .
:rnc:: .:
..... ....
. ';'
... ,1IIt.o. W.lh1n....
Some Summer Fancies ' in
The Menace of America's, R~pidly -Disappearing Fore&ts
On the Ahr" and MosseHe
WIIl!ul ;Wast~ During the Years or ' Plenty Cert~ln 'to Bring Its Years or Retfibution.
Charming District in Germany Where Nature and Man Work In Dcll&h tlul H armon y. ,.
cuLting down or our (oreMts nnahuL d, wb a.t a ro 1\'0 go· Ing tl) do ( :)1' lumllel' 20 y aI" hence?, 'fh j~ III a (luO$lIon llQw ,beginning to Ilss um:e a sarlohl! lIH11 t, Dnd those 1\'ho, a r ,W ),oa I'I! ago, co nsidered our ~I'eRf ,; Inexha ustible, til e now I' allzln g' th rI<lllb'tlr of tile slLuutlon, 'It 'is c on ~"rv oth'u ly osll mnled by f;Overl1D1 ' lit eX lle rt & tll nt thoro now . lo nd In the Uliited SlEltes In ' tbe 11 Igh brjj'hoOl1 of 1,.176,000.0 0,000 t,oet .or 111mb ,I', bllt Lha L 15,000, 00,000 reet or It aI'/' bfJlng c ut ever)' year, \yilh' out IIII}' nIl mp t being nau,1 to 1',t:l! lnnt the ,Oil tlOIV U area, It clIn easi ly be seen l'b nt oll r Umber Is rast d Isappearlng, If litis contin ues IInchecked It wil l mean the 'rlllllllng or ono of tile g reatest Industriti8 In thl ll cou ntr,., Recent re ports iltlow that Un Ie 8sm Is aslfy tb e greatesl lumherman In the wor lll, The greate r pal't ot the timber tba Is uscd In making a n)" thin g rl'om lI1iltc hes La ulas\s Is hall led trom (\10 hol'cs or the Nortb Amorl' ca n con tln nt. E v n the l l'lle'clothed l slands or tar Clff AuSll'alas la ilepcnd UI,on our rorests fo r th eir SIIPI)I), of '.commercIal tlmher, 'I'lie lum ber prod ucing te rraerr or t,be olted States may be dl ville, I Into all ljoogrul,b l 'Ill sections, oo vb at conLl\l uo~
Durin.g the Vintage , '
dllcl!s te ll t he ~tory La 811mm I' j'eaoN visitors thes dllYs, W lIa ve been obliged to go further south each year ror plne--to 11'l;lnla, the n La Nonb and SOUtll Carolina, Lhen to Georgia, nnd now the pine IUlllb llrl o '; opera' 1lOllS nre mostly cllrrled on In Ina ' cesslb le porUong of Flurl da, 1'enneg, 8~e, Alabama, l\lI sslss I11111 and Te xas, The ramou s OeOrglll pine that docs reaoh New York now comes rrom tar off Orego n and Washin gton, whe re Lh 1'0 1Mslill nn'normou! 8UII(1l y, 'J'h e coat or bringing It be re, howe vel·, makes IL so v ry e xpensive. that tb er Is not Il grent mal'ket fOl' It lu tb~ eagt. Il Is the 01,1 star)' of wli lrul waste In Lbe "ye-ars at Illen ly, Not 80 long ngo thore was so much lumbe r In Lhe country that tarmel's used 10 burn It UI1, wben clearing tbell' lan d, in order to get r id 0(1t. Pioneers, as & rule. never ,apprecillt the value at , tb elr resources; , LIU!.>' squa IIder and destroy wltb out any regard tor the rutUl'e. Tbls we bave bee n doing III the nit, ed... SLlltes, and only now a re we be, glnb lng to realize our tOlly, T he lumber required to lluliPly railroad ti cs alone Is e normous, and lhe timberland Is stripped co ntinually to nleet tbe de mand, It Is estimated
A vIsit to the Rh ino dl strlt durIng tbe height at th e vin tage Is a rare treat' Bnd th e be!;t place to spend the fe w weeks Is In the mo re ' rav ol'cli la, ealltles ot the litossolle aDd tho Ahr, The Ahr Is genera ll y con sldt'red the mosl norlhe rnly polut wherc tho vine Is cultlvatod In an)' quantity, aud visitors caDnot do belte l·' thall mako ,Re· magen a c nler while explorillg tho \'alley and watchIng th~ vlD tllge, Remageu, 11 small tOWD on Lhe lett bank ot the Rhine, Is noted principally for the elegant Gothic Apolllnarlsklrcbe, a8 wall as for beIng the place where the , greater part or the many mUllon boUlee at the famous Apoillnaris water Is load ed In barges tor Lranshlp~t lit Rotterdam and other port.. to all pads ot the world, The churcb a t St, Apolllnaris Is on , a hili a IItlle below tlie town , pre ttily su rrouniJed by well-kept vineyards, and fanning altogether a charming IntroducUon to tbe beautiful Abrtbal. '1'be first town at Iml)OrLance to mT subject Is Ahr· weller, about ,nln8 miles trom Re, margen, an Interesting place. with a populallon of nearly B,OOO, Fl,n e old walls encircle the town, In wblcb there are four gates and numero u!! old buildIngs to dellg bt tbe archaeologIst
Three Pret ty BlouUl,
the Rhin e Ils If lhan lho vlneY!lrdlt about he re, 'I'h dn y ill nn , 011(1 abo ut ten o'clock, wh en' UIO sun has gol some llOwer_, lh e whole..scen become.. allv 9 With lIle n. women and chlld'r en tllrDln g ' out to gathol' the grapes, It ' Is II case of "Il1U Il Y -hands 'm!lklng light wOI'k ;" no "1.00 01<1 lit 40"" In tbl" bus lncss, hilt every pair of handit. howove r r e ble, are of use at this O1Qi1t critical lime, The gath crlng see[T1a dOlle by mogle, for ,no BOoner do the "pi ckers" comlllence than the meD start IIrlnglng down t.h e grape. In speclllllY' preparod bas kets to tht) vabl In carts on (he hi gh road_ [11 some instunces the hunches are passed betwe'en roll rs. IIn-d In othe rs - puilled In a more pl'lmltlve mnnller, tbus en· ablln g la rller loadll to be carried, al!l1 the vlntago geta on Rpace, The wbols avalfable poplliution 01 -I he valley , Beems to turh out f,or the vintage, and the rpad Is thronged by bal)PY groups. young and old, trundling their little cartB joyous ly to and tram the vln&yards; t n ho ra B, bUl here and thers a team or sort-eyed, crenm'colored -oxe n, led by Quite a child, pass along tbe road, lade n with dellclousl:!' Bunwarmed gra1)e1l that Beem to Oil lb. country sIde wt'th tbelr fragrance.
What B rage for white , tbere bas Th e eve r fai thful blouse Is always belln wi. slIhlmer, White gowns, In favor, Dud IInds a hlrge place In my whl to 'shoes, white hats and ve ils. and, lady 's wllrdrobe, Three of unusually sbull we say It-even white taces, tor pretty desi gn are shown In our lI1usno longer Is lbe' beamIng ,fa.c e oC old trillion, 'fIley may be o\llpled In any Sol courted ror thn t delicIous ta n tint of the duln t)' thin materials tbat are erstwhile 80 populI', Much as I dis- ,to be purchas d this summer. 1oluslln, like th o Illy whl te ne88, It ne vertbeless cotton volle, mercerized lawn, and Is true tbat it Is not considered cor- cambriC ar nil fnexp ensl've and from rect at t his aeason of th year to' have the m an d by Lhe ai d at 1\ IItLle lace more than the faintest lInge of color Irln,mlng a ny or tbeso delligns may be In the cbeeks, Anct' Lhe ultra-faslllon · made. ' . . , able woman exploits a comlilexion of The ,fIr"t Is In grny c otton volle Ivory, dusted wltl) po!<rl powder, s potled wltb a dor'leer nhade, It Is noL e xpected that women sbal1 yo ke Is composed of horl,zontal puffs be quite reason able, and so no one- of tbe vollc and crea m lalCe losertlon, unl es8 It be an un regen raLe man - stralls of the Insel'tl on earning over will be surprl/led whe n I say LhaL the tbe sholiiders, T he elbow s leeves are I'er)' latest rad Is while mourning, gathercd liP uildor a ba nd ot InserUon, Of cOllrse thI s Is DOL really a no \·el, and lire finished with pleatings of ly. The women mourD in white In at volle, It wl<es I1bou ~ ~ wo a nd one-bait least one Europea n ,Cli lli l J, bu t In yards or 40 Inc h wide material to Frnnce It will be a very real change, ma ke lIlls blQuse, and a bout three ror tbpre th e robes of sODl~r crelle yards of lace !nsel'L1on, bold fl gld s wa y. But lIlls new Idea '['he seci)l},t blollse shown 13 In white , or wh ite mourning cOOle. from ParIs, spall d nl ulllln. The up pe r part I~ ond It Is ha rd to say just at present l;lIuged to form lhree round puffs, whether lbe Idea will obtain favor ' th II the e nt I' tront Is g uged Jll st wIth the women wbo 'con'trol tbe abo ve the bus t. T he tl'I\I ~ of muslin' raahloll , buL a tumous dressmake r Is 1ha,t ar cal'rled rrom the waIst back strongl)' advocating the Inn vatlob , iild front over Lhe shoull1 I' Is h ead!lnd already pu re' whlle ·crcpe gow ns, cd by luc Insertion, Th e sleevEl~ lire aca•. mJlan l(lrl by fllIl'e wh ile, crepe ga lhered in 0 a dcep pu ekered hand toques wllh lun!; I'olls banglne &t the with a rrlll at lhe bncle Materials required: f.'our ,yards Qf musllu 2 IJack, a e to be seen, But 1.0 turn Cram so somber a s ub, Inches wld ol, and lwo and one·halt 1ect, V~lI s are playIng a very 1m, ya rds of lace Insertion, \lOrWnL role In the world of dress thIs The third blollse shown is of hlue Terra,c ed Vineyard. ,,, the Ender Thai. s umm er. They are Il1ng, extremely ' prInt ' m r 'el'l zed lawn , ' 'II' he yoke of ; ... voluminous, and of every possible lace Is cut. with deep scallop In tront, SO,!"i , of, the BIg. tint. The \'ery latesL no\'elty Is a 'J' he lawil rOI: tbe bloulle joins thl!! and arllsllcally-mlnded traveler. The The \I·lne made on the Abl'-{Jrlncl- , \ , " ' Turl<l sh an-angement of ,lengths of wi thou t fu Unes.s, • 'l'be lwo frlBs whIch t rade ' of t.h ls a.n cient town 15- 1 ml,gbt, IlBJly , red - ' Is ' 'of" tbe BllrgllndV' . , type _._ "hl~b Is com,merelally ,d18l1nc fl'om thaL .290,000 ' acres 0,' rorest are ell I chlffon-lulle: 'rwo dl spnct \.eIl 8 are joIn the Joke are bem,med at the edge ; sa>·-excluslvely wIne, Most ot tbe fairly ,Btrong, the fin e r kinds being th e '. otJiel'. _ The lake region, wl lh Its annu a ll y .tO fl u[l1lfT1.l'Ie rail roads wlLIl worn, one , to cover th e Jiat and to re' the up per ft lll Is conll nueld al\ around vIneyards between here and Altenabr greatly sought by U143 "trad e" from a,l l w i tit ulne, ot which little remaIns, ,In. lies. an'd tbBt 15,000,000 are ' reQul red head nnd (he other the lowel.' parl ot the yoke, ihe unde'r one lSI carried un. -0. dlstllnce of seven hmllesl1 a,r e ]ot~nl~ ove~ Germany.' Another cPllllle,__ p,C_ .chliles , lhe -lluw!1 of Michigan: 1\l\nn& ,each ~ir, A, Ihe ' average' 'rice at' 3. he f& ce from Lhe nose dowl\ It Is' a del' the arms, Tbe pu«ed sleeves I ed by residents In A ,rwill er, f. D miles brIngs one to Al tenahr, the " so ,a a~d Wl8'cOnllln, .and parts 0 ~ {IS-' 'enls eae-h,- U)e , a,moun,L' o! money pilI trul v hideous arrangem lit b'lIt a per. ' have ope trl1l a ttacb ed; tbe one that at Walp0.rzhelm, alhsbortlldtlstadnce I rlom oro,\"plng s igh t at the' valiey.,' The cas. • s6url,_ and ntlnnls, ' p.racUcll))Y 1\11 ~I\e Into, l'ailrolld tie. B ),elirly am ounts te', , , . I k t 11 bl Ahrweller that e w an pc ur- t,.\e,perched au a rock several bun"1 , ' fect disguise, Your beSI friend wOllld Is attached (0 tIe y,o e Ii s over t s, " f b Ah b 1 be Ins _etaLes 80u't h of ~ascill and pLxon~s $5,250,000, ,naiJroad ,1I s don't last noL r ecognize YOIl In a '.Newporl veil" 'Pho elbows oro gatheretil ,11)to t1g,1lt esque scenery t e rt a it g tb~ dred teet hlgb. Its slopes coverell wIth Hne, l\1)d b lar "tI'e8l ,a~ the ,RoCI,)' Inoro th,a n four or I,lve, years RnJ h3ve 1'allored costum es 111 a sort ro~e bands IInlshed by .rume~ ot lawn, ,1.1,..· ,Her9 tdb"l valhel\Yv njaU~Orwoso'm·tno at'rug. vthlneeyvaarlldes~, ~aPn'Pde~Ornse to , w' oell~UerrselYwhbaltOC,lks b!Ol)ntalns, comt)ilse tbe 891'~lon lrolll , to , be r!!uowed: , Cin s~lUl~I)', Tills o[ ' t l I I ].'1 d I 9S I h roa d an r ver ~ .. , n nc es I throu h a cleft In the rock8, ,wIth [0 become, or Lhe river, to eay notblng wblcb come "i'lti~l>al1Y til o ah'p rt p.nrJ c.'oul's e Is a gre~t expeuse. nnd r ec nt. Irls,b linen a re much ancled his 90a· tel' a s : . ve , yar S _ awn. '" ,. son ilnd tho bI5CI.III lind brown linens wide, and one·balr yard of lace for g e l 'I j ' tl I dge called lon~ lea'f pine ane! : un 'tll,e. (')· I) rll~S , " ' ,.rsome ~al1roal\s hn'VljI tald vIan a to , ' k & cur 0119 y-pro ec ng e. at the road. However, the rlyor , Of tbe varloua groups, that Whl!)h tur, plunt trces aloug thOll' trac ks In order bav ~ gl'ellt vogue, ./ yo e, ' tbe' "Bunte Kub," ~ear by, In a short sweeps round thtl b,o se ,of th e castle nls hC!$' tho ' great~,st ' v~~leLY of woOd ' to ha ve th eir own torests from which ' walk from the malh road, la a pic· for about a mile and a halt, return' Ineludes tlle New : England and !\orth to SCCUI'e ' the needed lies,' Seve ri:\1 turesqUely:eltuatiid wIne house, wbere Ing to nearly' the same 1)0I'lt.. A ,timAUlpl.t'lc state • .' ·T·helr forost producl2 souUiern: ra ilroads iiave adopted tbls the wines at tbe Ahr may be satlsfac· nel passing und'e r 'the castle rock ca ..• range tl'QIlI ,tile spruce" and birch at Idea; iUld It promises to be B slIccess. , S 0 , torlly sampled, find l!eautlrul views In des the road Into dI e 'Interes ting towll As to the dress accessories for fall The princess yoke will be In favctr every dlre~tlon enjoyed, At ,M or Altenabr, ' We mus !:: now retu rn l() ". Maille; tp the ¥c~er>, Bl\d wal!)u t of Ope r,l.lll)'oad !!lllllpany has tblls plant· :, tbe middle st,ateB. Ohlo l Indltlnll and !ld sevel;al thousand acrell, li nd hopes wear tbere are several striking Inno- thIs fall, It wi\) be made of lace 01' tbal we are In the midst at the vine 'Remagen 'and take ,tli o' traIn tliere fat pa,rt of"lIllnols ,form a dlstrlc~ Who,se I~ 20 years hence to l\a\-e an' excellent ,'aUons, One - whlcb promIses to ' have a certain amount In its construc. Industry, and 0'1 ~he , right, adjoining Coblenz, and thence to Cocbem. a ,,(lontrlbutl on to tbo ,wol'ld·s SUllllly Of grow~h 01 pine. < This I~ a Jood Idea meet with slIccess 115 the Peter Pan tlon, Hesvy silk lace 181 co~sldered tbe road. ,are the rillns ot the nunnery moet b auUfully sItuated town on tbe lumber I ~ practically nil bard 1I'00d" a nd could ,11'011 be fOllowed by nearly bat, During the summer tbls 8hal)e particularly good for the purllose, al· of Marlenthat The vineyards appear Moselle, .Hotels are alIve with Gerflcc2wood,' Douglaa fir, ced~ r ' and all the railroads, Much of tlte land found siJucb favor tn straw, and now though Venice and Irish will also be a~ a successIon at terraces, reach,ng mana tram all par'ta o~ tbe country, be8i~c the tracks Is not fit ror Qult h it 18 to take Its, place a~ a wlnLer used, ' trom tbe top to lJIe bottom at tbe bills. eome to speculate 10 the ,,'IntaKe. As to boas and ruffs there Is lillie and In place. are 10 Iteep that only Here, alllO, the vlnel have done exvallon, but Is an excelle~t soil In article_ The P eter Pan Is somewhat which to grow t,rees, In tbls way shnllar to 11 Scotch ca l'. being long que. Uon that lhey will a!:aln 'h!! pop- by, artificial meap's can sumclent 11011 ceedlngly well: and tbere are rumors act!!s lI(lOn ncres could be reolalmed and narrow; with ,a dent In Lhe crown, ular, Maline \\' 111 probably be tbe I ,be ret~ned to gIve the n~ce!,.ary foot· at the dlMcul!y tbat wlil be experlIi hats tor winter wear will 'be of leading material used, both In jJlaln I bold to tbe pla~t," However, aud blade to yield fine ,Iumbel· , whlcb the Yield. , J have' many OPPOI'would-1;i've-mrin"rr"rillr1iBII'1QlI"g.ii11llifriIIJoU'-SIl1(milrfll1lV'"nf"+:reUI~t"'o"'r'"""'y':-e~lv'-e~t, alLho~gh olber matetial and In 8mall Ogured ~,lfect8, a\ld In I tbe condition., <?f culture are railroad ties, • 'ma)' be ' UBed., For trHillnlng , wlocs' ,blacli, brown and blue more 'tbaD In I cult. tbe v~nes seem to f1ourl.b ex·' tunlUell at 8eelzik ' the .. vlntage-tbo' :any QLber colors, some of these belog ceedlngly.. and are no~ teemlDg with grapeB gatbered with ~tbe greatest War 'to Go on ' Forever, dotted wltb whl\e. ' tbelr I\1Qcloull buncbeB Jof purple care, and eacb bilnob rIgIdly InBllIiot,ITbe t'c ,,'III l!O need" of g'IUII: just so ' grapes quite reac2y tor tbe vlnta,gers, ed as 8,nll)l)ed ' ott tb'e vine, ' MoselleIJ But to come back " on~!e more to In lome placel IIteps are cut In the ot tbe delicately flavored kInd demand loilg as ' tbere 'la, a man left to col"et ' the Ijrol'lO~t)' ot ailol,bel· nian," 'de- , tbe present. a very handsome volle rocke ' In others ladders are uBed for every care In tliis dl{ecUon., ,Tbe be.tdress Is shown herewltb. The skirt 18 • ter way ' of lleelng the Moselle Is bi. ' clar~ HudaoD M;axhn of New York, & simple full sbape gillhered to a steamer; but. owlns to the tourlet 8ea~ shaped' yoke; It Is trlln.medl at theJoot' Inventor of smokelen (lOwer, Ilt tb. Ion being practically over betore vlh'tRaletsh lalt evening" , wIth two banda of lace Ibliertlon, Tbe . 'age lillie; some other way must be ' ''We may bave peace confererl'ce.' deep , corselet belt Is mounted on a 10und: The railway II ~ot ' ,very can. &nd talk of dl8armlng the world', but "there , will be battles and. atrire until Featberbone foundation, ' ~,nd ' Is worn venlent, but.;' It being a matter ' "of , wltb an embroidered net illp. The , 'the eartb has -grown cold and:tbe 8Ul1 "HobllOn" cb\>lce,:' tbe vll;ltg,r can , smart IIt1Je bolero Is tdmOled with a rail to Berncaatie ' (Slles ·.tatlon». out , Not 'unUI tben will th!l band of laoe Insertion thlreaded ' wllb h88 gOne ~::1 YllLD , OF 1000 to z()()() lit Weogerob'r, : .f.'~ Bernrun ~dry , Yet' the rllioon, whlcb Is rormed InU o loops and rlverG of looil , ~flU PtR. Iflrnc ' .', ' castle ' III a good old-fasMonetl baelt! of war.' bas "ahlfted, Battlea' are' ende each side tbe rron lt, .Beneath . . . . 'hUb or <000 TO ' 10oo inn, DI'tI1 konlge, In wblch the' trav_ Fel r HI> itrtt£ , (bls Insertion is 'a trill 'aIr the voUe: 'now rOllght In '&n &rea,abOut 110 time. eler, ~\U, experhince ' ,real senle of great as those In ' ancient 'tlmea. '" " trill e DF ..,uOb TO 6000 For InBtaDce, 300,000 ' were BlaIn wbell tbe 'sleel'es are trimmed In the same welcome. The pr.lndl)81 part" of ' the FU r FEll 1I1'/1E" way, Rnd are finlsbed with deep lace town Ifes ove'r the, brIdge .01\ ,t~e rygbt Attlla was Bullmerged In tho battle rumes, ' bank ' ot thli rlver-a" qualnt, buddled· Map at,owing the 'p,. •• n~ Forelt ,Con' or ,tbe Marne, ' Tile , slaughter ' In wa'rHat or pale blue Btraw, trlmm,e d 'up 'place of grejlt Interest.. 'and', doing ~ , dlll:!n.. rare Is nol nQw t.,eat.\¥ eo great a. It with wblle ' roses, ostrich , tips, amI " large trade In wIn\!_ was, War 18"no longe~ a q,uestlon ot black ribbon velvet. I consider -t.Jle Moselle , much more • ' ,concentration or forces and close , Materlala req uIred for tbe dreas: attrl\ctlve than tbe Rhine, '1'ho, 'b ank" BI)riiOe ' flollrls,b .till 'In gf,;!nt quan tities ftg!ltlng, but o,t , wealth . 'or !5 c1 ence wben not under ,t be cllltlvaUoI\ of 't he Seven yards t6 Inches wide. 12 yards 11\ the P'llcl!lc statos, and ,lbe Roc~y ,a gain,s t sc!el1<;e: Smok ele~s powd " r vine are thl'ckly covered with wooda. mOllntaln slates ' s upply pine, ... \ien, wounds mor men ,Bnd strlkelf'lDore I!lSllrllon : fl'~ yards ribbon. ,2 ~l yarde while th'e In'n~mera,bl e ' vil/age,B,: talining s ilk, ' cot!onwj1od' and spruce, -!- at- long 'distance, hi ancIent tim e!! getl1e)' wltb.' t1l1i compilcated winding. ,Pi~O has , tp~a~ t~caIlY jll.I!.a,JlI"arO~ ,1I,v es Ivere Silent In \Val' : n,O'w ,wealt\! or the river and th e flndulaUng hilla,. ' !rOm , t.he 'New ~!lglnnil for ests , alto, III spent, ' Then all , abl e-bodle d' lnen are a source ot' pleas ure not ' easll, getber, and the trees remll,l nlng are W81': now. nine out of every Furth~r IrrigatIon N~eded. forgot ten, The peollie , Qne ' mee.ta prlncll)!lI,JY .pmce- ;-alll\ 'helJ,llock, te n 'must t lay II.t , I\Ol}le to make mono " Cblet Justice Fuller WI~S ' nut long could n~t be kln (1ot': t hey' are 'axtl-eme-' Spruce, tooi' Ii fast t1ISa(1)ll)a l'! n~ owing ~y tor th~ I:Cllt , to IIgbt with, Thu8 ago the gueSt ot a s\lu\JJern gentleman P;lml~,!,. WIne Prj. ., ly cheerful', ond th e eo,: nln8S , in ths , to lhe beavy deQland, or tho pa,Il(~r In- as wnr bi!t:omes more dlmcult ' Rnd Who ha4 a servan t nam ed J ohn,l rat .dust1-y, tl10llgh It ~UBt 110 ~,nld ~o thel, m,e n beCOIllG e~ ucatc.l ' to hlgber Ideal@ nl04 s for hl !!"'!]111I1 julep, ' Soop aft er getUng to t,h e varlolls' t e,rraCOI\, 80 that hotels ,bave all , the dellgbfll ot ,tb., ,- I <'r~dlt t!I!l~ the P:l,jlCl' t'o!}'!)lon .c lIe,,, llu vt) ,l:o p, llUlt tha.,,, may , b~ less Judge FtilJel'·~ nrrlv,a) John appeal'ed, one clln ImagIne the patient. and 1&- famny cIrcle_ H, DUr:/NiNO, gront cllseroUon In the Ycl't:tlon of thc o( war and leell of tbe corrupt,lon that b,e atlng a trR~' on whloh was R long, bor'lous labor requIred' In the culth;a. tl:ees, cuttin g ouly (holle t1m~ al'e tt!il war brlnglj,",.--Wullhig on Post, coo! glnss, IOPT1ed with ,crush,ed Ice tlon of the Vine. ' Sull , inailure, and, , Unsympathetic. inchos Itl· ll.l~lIl(lter »c.yel'" I f Ol't fl'mn. ' ' , ' a,nd 8 slIInll tl' oJ mint. With low occi-slOnall y, wa leI' to be corrled £.Ivlrll'-I understand M1811 X' lir\cb ' , the groun,d. LIIUB 'gl.\ lng 'lhe 6d\lIl!lI;~ 1\ Dr_ WaiteI' Volz. lect urer In ZPblo/D The Volle Ore~l, bows lind many sliIlles be 'II r,eHentec2 0,1 'the , Bhouldea'8_ of 'tho workers' to ball dl »j,':racod he r fallllly by elo\lhilr change ~o:, .lfoW !lnd t1eveloll" mnl,hl!;' ~n thQ ~t\'81\Srt)' or Uern a, ,will head • , I~, nnd ",alchell nn~l,ouIlI~I ' while ~ndge tbese a~in08i Inaccessible vIne plota: titolr coachn",:n, their forest licre~g~ a SOI.rce of Ine:.· tin ('xpl\>rlng party t!18t IH to be scnt ore In' fator and ,quills will also be I ~ uller aPl~recja.~lvel) 81Ilpe~..It, 'l:bat From bere 'we proceed to the dellgb,t · wltli 1I11ldred-W II, It ssn 'as them 'rlgllt. llan8t1bJe SUIlJl!Y· , ,_ illto the p,r actlcllllY \\nltllown blntor-llIB9d. ' " , t tOUC!\, the ri ght spot, S~1\' i he quer, ful ,,,iIl~ltes of Detnau and Recl!, and Maine, ~I!:w Ha~s,hll'u. Vel'monL" t:\\ld of Lllle,rla, Th,l" .sre!lt tor st .... Silk . gl" ves are unl1ue9!lonabl~' go· \ ie(l, It dOCis, J obn, It doe I, ~fl judge th()nce t o 'Locbmuble, where are the They 8 houJ~ haYe c nll)IOl'ed, " chalit; ' t~ur,-Cblcn.$Q Dully Ne.w.s. lIfaSBIICb\lsetts an~ nOi'lhul'lI ~1l1V :;Ion. wblch hall been ' (lell U'ated far ,Ing to be 'Worn ,very mu()h lhi: I"lnt r, replied, ,lolln dl sa pP08ltE,d" but WIllS rather Importfl,Dt v.lnoyards of .. May· Yor},' wert> ZO year!! ago co \'~ retl wlltl CAst b)· one, or two explorers" will tbll I esp!lclolly to; !lvenlng wear, which of aoon I'~CO,II'C! rl by ~ho l/n~lr: at a bond· , ICIlOS8, ' , The ,exlrl!l1le lI\dustry .... "Dtd )'ou notice old Wilkin's nOll~' Jlplendld l)lneM of cannnUlI,1 ,rowlll, 11m he PI)I-oached from Slerl'a Leooe.1 cOUl'Be moans loug gloves, n1 aql< ana Iwll. 1 II ...lass wall np" l. mllty, Tbe qulred Iu Vine growing 18 bere well but rbo9o are now 1;'Ilghty Hl'lIrOl', IIn(l TIJ.Q Bl'lcDtlflc. collectloJ:\1 am to 'be-' -wblte will be tbe favorIt e colol'a, _ aI, jnl\gc tonl\Nl IIJI ,with a lu his obJltil'yed, Every accessible sbell of Jie's II re~uJal' s ponge, Isn 't he'!" "I don 't think , tlO, Sponges t&1ie ablUldouIli1 .awmlll. tbro llgb- Sullh;:lli como th~ propen, ot varioulSwl1i tbougb tile lIabt c:olora '1'111 be 10 de-I e ye, ,,"I thlllk 1 lot 'po," rock bas ~een patlelltly broug bt IDto ~1IDlJ, tho Catskills I\'ltl tile AcUroll' mulouml. ' ' mand. Johu. lie saieL UN. and 1 DOW. of 00 llner a\.retell 011 watcr:'-;-lrlllwaukee SeuUneL
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V" next tl tll r tiollh·1.! l1h~\\ lu:tr" lhhl rr"'UI h!t bI O\l\lot , t A IN H1'KKI£'), \VA"VND4VII-4 I.IC , II 111 .. 1 hll ' }' I.. " rt~ '" · ,'11 fo 1'f' r HOlI..1 ",hI' ... rlse ro "hill enj oyed ' Iltt.endiog t Otl K " Ilrl\1d II'V"," \::lu uilll ~t.OU .,t11\ I\t'(Il1 e l ,l /\ f u rt three ye:1rlt uKu J __ . _ _~ ~ _ __ II II r"i'I ,,','111"" 'Ih,,,, 'h e ol"" r IIk i " The Op,crri ng or School. l 'b~ ~llIm l lt' n ' nnty ;reaohers 10 w ll , ·1t W~I 1',\1I1Y I., bllll \. 'ry IJreuy li erl' in H1I 4' HC lhl.' Kn.:U L upporLulIltl c", t ur I fI'''II f l"'~ h Onmllrl'xlol n ' !hllt. t~H' l'\hU' h llllll u l1 h t' ,)'u 14 th , lI VU · Lf ~I. U Lu l tl k t: I C\ ~ -_.- - . I ~ ti111l.(l "11 11' "'' III I II ,,~(I wit" U~tl Lli)(tlk'll .. towil . wlrls '" IU. V tl llt! rll<lidullOes, l.t ' I{E:\ :-;. l'o\.l r ,·h l ldrl.'11 a n d "t h ~ I\" ttl 'w bhH orhlJ hu .. tl~ '· J . II \V,·~.lIl ill,.,tl l· lll !.! SI !! ltI ~I "n(l Y " K ' k v . III h lt·t ~ . triHI ~i )f,1l r. 01;111 111. II ~nllrlill ' " I' ~ .IIIII IA_ . orrl' wont to ....e n · sch,,'lI hlll l/:l\:l,. ,1'1l1 ,h u lro l",,, A fine UOII~ a . ,Vl lh all Ik"'i n l1lo llirl uOlll'Ull lI l.'u tlU(l,ooi, It.. • " I"-' t r ." • ~ l l trll ~~ .j ' 11 l) rnin U' to ~I" t·· rl iH :--( :1 11 . · ...; II' h r' :::hl 1,·,·,1 "n lt' l oo r :<1I 11t1wn""" u\lfl III ,n!lt.l· t14 t hl, ,j 1'1'11 1'1 Unh y or 11, II HHI 111U. UU '.Ul(l lie l f, .. , III Thnrtllll1v vf 11I!lt. wook to ~ ee h er OOllrt It.ltl,,", 'hlch 1 think ijur Lh c ,,1(1 w,llo ':t' l h! ral ~ :u III i-"hcr unl c' lr" 'IUIU l : (' to'It I ' ,' \ \1 ·\ ' Il l , f " \ p.,U"" .1. I~ .InlllllW " ,'.,.llk)Ys 1I11111;:Irl" \\1I1s 111I·ir Hrlll~ I M' M B I h I Il1 vt lIIr r s. II!'Y ello 1 W 0 a v:tllse\4 lilly III OUI' Ilei" blloring o liL Lh t l ll ,l('e:o. u f I nlt' re xt 0 11 tllt-'lmttl('. tlctU : . hit ( tWIIJ ~H "' ''' }fOIi ,Iud · ' l ll , Itl pcncor). _ .. 111 11 of ho"k ~ hllrrYlU1!: t,.,wllru IIOhooI . d 1 , 'er y ill lit thll h o m e of her Ilug I. oouu ty ".'utll. I.. jU!lti blllOg com Lhe 1U .l. r lH: n-o c rt"4~ ",·,j 011 lhc baultl llcitl s.h'J\\"': \ old I hLlIl WI, .. 11 wo t hi llk t,hat t h lie In g th e IHIJ4ltfoIL" fl l til'" o p pb.'i ln, armtL, lU f H'" ..... - .... ,,--~~."'- "'-""'''--'''''''''''''~-~' ler, Mr!' . •l!,bn Prioe. pIP len . (h e ll ml' ti l IIUl l lc II will nlft b 1 0 n ~ unl,li t ~ 1 ,.rAi n ou r ,IWII co mmunity uro fl n 'hUI ~ w il l h e hlt l l Ol lo thl"' I111IIII' work . I . \V, vi 'IItlCl H ~tonfl (lro !!her whl <Jh Il ~'11 1 u~ mHn~' \! ea~ , I( 1 · ~· t· l· llJoCaln. tllat. 1 I, Il IlII rt of II grPIII Brmy 1111 ovp.r tho Midi! Rutb Hartsook hRd IU! her I~ (J " ' HI . I till I rl'lIIfllldnnfO ' InhueJlofl of , g lh'~ts Illst Wednelldny. h er little WII" rUIl 1111 /I j .lr'" lIoul u ThAY do .: \1:11 ;'n Hl)IlHrtlilltu' \~' lIlllre" u t I KCIr, :-;r~ f h ttl JOUI" t k lu:' t M r l!;ul ,' 1;,\ th e l.oIl1 !wllh. ~<! I I .. 1'11\11111 sch uo l !lylltflltl forcos it · friflllrlR, l... ul'lI11 J eun ette and ,Ij'rlln qui Ie Ii "u -l lI U" ~ lu IlIllkill!; IImll ~1 ... h\·JII" It, \I . It te tJa"INh" d HOIll. . I ~ II ' "(Jur 1I.:l,J r l'I"'L r:illruttd d ge nt (or rntt!M ul ul ~ ';'11 nl"lIt U~ cell Jlllln Y lind Helen Mllrlu t t. Of ~lId ju<I~ln ~ frum tllu !lUl" Uut of (Ill alh: Ilrt.I "' l n ~ IIflHtc t v~rtllln l tlg Lu t h' t'(' u nlull f ~~lltlClltiOO 1M pruutiollll y free to WII\' U \'il le, lit VlIlIey View, her st.,lle II UllUl, tlll 'r!!, f,LlIIY h uve "nough tlf wrlt.,,' I\uu r..:~ " NtprcM'lHut h 'c or ll ht L OU I:f O, ,to 1I11.t. th"l1\ ; .. r !l I'illg' tirue tu " Ill" &. ' u.., tn·UI " tL " ' 1111 Ame riCJtn youth . Sometime8 we bellll Liful, ti ulmrhlln bom6. , IpJ., UI1III • . J . II ~I .. ,I.IKK" , i" 1', ,\ . I~"'I.\'IU·. I{ v l ! '!lInk t ha t fur tills very rOll80n, per· Mlbll ~ '110 OMliel,1l pupulllr nUrlie , I'- \), H U,M I. U. p , A. \ ~luclnllaL l. 0111"." , ·." ..... 1 , j I I I AUIlUl4t 1:!Ih W8 h .H'\ t h e vloll.llure I,rlll'", it is 1I0t Hut11oleotl~ valued by III tbtl Ntttivnu.1 Mllitliry Home at .1 to.:. lJ ,\ \O ~$l'o lC'r. U l~ . A . ' t.. l~uu i ,", . MI'L l of lJelllll l'ro""nt lit t h o Jeonin g" , \· ·, 1· ... Itrad l".. I, . 1' " I Iso yoang llearc ber8 after tno.wl · Dayton, I" HI)8uding Ii fortnight va 1\ '. lI.o, lI ,r,y . N . IV, P . A: f'hl c n~" . 1111 r llunion whloh wtlillifl hlilt. the home • .rge. Aol1 yet a good ei.luOlltion olltlo n Itt the h oo1e of . her r eillti vel' Jenunings About C I.. STONE. HAII ' I PtlH~ .t\ ~f' lI t. ! luillAd In with 11. fair meuure of Mr. liud Mrll. Eii 'handler , west of cf ,Julleph elghty five pOr81 )n l\l were prosent, ·Phone 79. C. M. BROWN. Proprietor, • .'DltIlOO senso. i8 the mOllt ,vlilUllble WllyoBllvllle . most ()f t hem r uli:l ti ves IInll detlCend The l"xlltive plfttot t:hanib r h·~l't a youo" mau or woman can W(' UlAII attention to theFiuftnoial ellt>l of Willinm Jennings who Olov· Illin ''\ ~tll U\ll ch H\1<1 Liver 'l'ablatH ill • .... lItn lite wit.h. ~tatol1lent of thut 8trong and· oon· - -~ Y" -ell fr '"n I,hls Doi ~ bb<)fhood IAbout -11 IIgr tlollhlp And "0 nntural vou CIl"n Ynung read.e rs of the (ia:ttitte, ·1I8.rvlI.tlve old Cumpa'nv, The 'rrav· hltrdh' rHll liw· · th llT it j . pfIlllil(lPt\ hv !!!!!!'''--~!!",~~____'''""!"~_._ !,.~_ ~ _,,,!,____~. ._~~~,!!,~!!,",~__,,, flrt.y .vell r~ II!!O II nd wllo II ved on tho fl l1 W lit the oPen'lng of the BOhool IIler8 ID~uraooe t:olOplAny of lilut. • ," "Iliollll1 'I' h""" t" l"""" III"" on rt' farm IIllrtl! ul' Wnyn&lville n u w lIt1i!!""',I"" Fur stll ,. h,v F . t: . ~ h " "r determine to malte the m08t of ford. in tbill i88ue. which i8 reIlr~. owu ~d by Mr A. Mil 111 u . .\' n rt z , IIr o vportunttles. Study harel. I18Uted by·T . Q Oix, MlI.nager Cleve· ~riJm ther" we went III Andtlrs()n. J ' IIIV bHrd, Qavelop botb the miod land. Ohio. 'J:hlll comp/IIlY i8 the lndill llll. wh loh I ~ quitl' 8 Illoo litlle • I,., hodY. ~'rlve to beCome .worthy great aool.dent Cowpany of the r.A RPF.rt'~, DRER~ Olt.v · W e Ile xt \'i~ited nellr II s mall ,~TTDN, , ud Infl uential oitlzens.' world lind the oldel:lt in thll! . ooun · place O>t lled Lhwo lnvill u aUtl thel1 try . It Is 1l\8U 11. ' Life t:ompany of IIttLrlOO lIur",,,,, ocuotry ill a, OIlrrfllge Importance, Corn Is King. toward Ohio. We PIUSed throuRb Mr . 011 vid .lJ nderwood. nOllr Bar. 8everal towns on th lls trip, Mt. . T 1M ~; C RIJ , Nowhere II08ol'08ly is farming 'car 'veYllburg, Iiall boon failing greatly Ebnlt. Lancaster, Plutn~l!'ee, Bluffton, .... I di 111-" l ' ~: I; i"I·:t "I ' I\ · I·: "\1'1(. I. IF,. il.IIH rl_ ~ n a more ven ..... way in beilith all summer. and a~ I)res Mooroe Center, SaleD1 and , Rook Nil 1(1'11 11(11. :0111 Iluuirlght here iu W,nen Oonnty. ept ill io a v6ry reduced IIt.te, 110' ford. Ohio, On this trip we plUJ8ed ,.",. lI n " , !'In I' ' .. :10 N •• :." ~n, , . I'r.ot1oallyeveey orop that can be mu~h In f"ot that bis friends f~r through sOllie rather broken oonn. ,\ . ~I .1. 61. P. M . ~' ro~D i~ tbill ollma~ IBlrl'own here. t·bat he mllY ' not again rlllly, Bis try for Il few miles and then we \.phunnll J .' M.;:\II JO .~ :, I ;111 but oom . HeDll to &.ake precedence frtend JUlI8ph DowninK, of .Xenill. oltme Inlo some fioe CI untry with Sha~1'r ' ·r. 10 .! ~ I ~7 liver every other cirop in amonnt of BpeOt 00" da. Y IIlBt. week with him. corn thllt '-auld oompalr e well wf'h 110<1 .. " , ; ~~ ' III I; I I .!~ h be Ibl PIll I" ""'~ ' ; III III I:, I III "oreage, althon!" . to 000 pollll Y MrtI, U. AI' White brourh~ t., the the corn: ..along the IL iUle Miami I I~"I"n'lIl~ .. I') III 0 ; I I ': hnnp' in a sllib~y . Kreater ~OtlDt Gazet &e ulH'oo ODe day JUII~ week two bottom. ' \Ianor ~ .. 0'1 "I II III :;-1 11" uf mODey to tbe· fumera . speClmenll vf qUUllually flue toma . W t ' {ted tl Fair at I.,' IIP ; I" I' :..1 I III ' Tbla year there appearl to be to .· . e n e l\: VIII Ie r:uK.'w'"~1 1'1 ;,11 ~II :,:1 ; I ~ :,~ ... l!l ,. toes, w ,lob were grown by her fatb· Cehn" whloh Willi v'ery largely \ '.IIIlnk :11 ~ . Til .j!I ~ I ~ 101 H ~Il .I(retlter aore88~ of ~rn \han ever. er JUhn VII,O' H~rllnge~ of Oean attended They blld 8 1 Vood show I,hdll,"r ,1,. ;,.! ;II H ; 1': .;~ t~ 17 A ,.Ide between wayneev:lle a~~ Ohio, Th~ >I\1eOit;n0n8 are known 1A8 'of IItook or 11.11 kinde Bind fruits of fI';.. "I. II 1" III 41> I ~ "I' I H. Xenia on the PenD8ylvtl.D 1\ I'II ' the t:a-hfllrll ill varlut.y and !Cruw to .11 k lndllllnd oUII'r th'ln,,8 aooorc.l. ')11111111 ." ~ I ! II .111. · I~ il .:111 I'Oftd pr8llenw almollt a continuo U8 an uonllW1II.Y hug!! tlil!e. in I . Th pFe were " ~at m ny ....'11 ') '1I' . \.\ . II T . ,, :1 \1 I '! :I~ 4 ~n view o( waving flelda of corn In g y . . g , ,. II .~ II I).~ X' '1' n & x '1' I' 11 &1) . ' "• b 1 re conn t ry 1168mB "~ money tliking devises and everyone 'aYI"n " III I I 011 ~ 100 lao e" en. .... ·be Farm for Sale, . of them wall t,rylng to see whloh " .i: x ' 1' t ft Id f I,ne gr.,. . 0 0 corn, ~ "." tl arm 1JtI1(j1l~luK to ·hlllr8 ot coul m~ke Ihe most n oille . Honj .Vaug llao. dectmlled. locattlLl From thpre we took the traotlon !<IOlH- HIII) ~ '. European Trip " mll611 W6llt uf dpriol! VM.U"y Rnd t,. W:upn;Hoetli . On t.hltt iloe 'we A. M. A. ~I I' M. I' . ~I E",ds in Marriage. 2'(' mlitltl dOutb Wllllt ut &ltbrook, passed along the St. Mary'l Ilike 1.~U"l· ." ~u '! ' !\ ~ • . ' 0 I'" ;0;0 1\ ". Hod through quite an Ilxtensive 011 ·J:'YI'm : ,', .. u h 00 101188 Alma DaDlel, whc· wa~ ou~ i8hllid fur tilt I", belt and t,hen we ret.nrnl'd tn 8prina ""U ": I••~ • ".; (III 11.(111 '! II" :, uO "" . ' , The f"rm cuntlliutl till lIorll!;. well Valley, well plea~ed" with IInr triP", ..,'11." " ", ,I,· ; III 1(1 :.1" ~ :If, Tt.:: interior view of ODe rvoi11.ln liutohil!oo & GibneV "lIlnuaenllo dllY Iloodl IIf t,he nloe young lad1e8 who e.t B. F MILLS AND WI J'rJ. ·I' "k ~' . r, ",'I " g , ~ ~~ HI ;t; :::.. ;, H dto.e II I X ,a i L ·~Iur., d ,',ttlll I ,u!lin l'~~ v I' '1II11rH MUlII $l fll l,Uj)l' ,,"nmlll,)' jUYlld a two i:no~'hs t~lp throngh improvtKI, with t>xcell"ut huu..8, 6 ". ..., ....., :# IU" ~ .2 .. :: ··r,.n room ... · "uud CIlJltl.t, barn,:lO& x 50 .h Now Bnrhng t, ( ln, Ohio. ,,> • " Europe-1.hi. summer all the gue8ts a Ii t ' IIIlI",t •• u,1 .• rttl 10 .. i, " : 4i\ r, 0:= . .. lrrt'III.' 7 f ,M \II .. . 1 "f Ihll Onyton Dally NewlI, arrived with Ii .. ~llt!. uew wagon :llhed, orib , Pllin from a Buro ~r()mpt, l .v RII'.< 01 · ,0 r", " ~ ,; 7 .. u 04 Itt hmne with t~e party Wednsaday and oow tlt,,1110 attllohtld , aDot.h er Jieved by CbHinberlalo '" PHin Bit 1m . ' 1111'' '. Gi)VH!';, ()orHt~ts,Lillul~'UIP good lIUl!gy tlbtld "nd urlb, lum,mer A little ohild o'f Mleh,4e\ !;trsuBtl, ' V .I~. k 011 II o~. :I Ol! A,Oil. morning. Angu~t 29 arid in tl~e ev , d . .of Vern'~n. Conn " Will! recllntly In .: ~.,~ ..,.l . ,. I~ "I I II. a II h .~ 1:1 enlDg married to !d.r. ~~drew kltohlm,lIlll;,udld , w,o W ,hOQ.tle . an , . f b h h d 81 111 .' ''' ,,. 1'(1 , I I I I W 10 IU other UOL bUlidlUgt! 1111 gOf}d, never gr6"t piA1n II. urnl~O t e "n " It"Iu" ' r l ~ 11 11:1 ,:1 11 AII I ~ F.ife: (Ilillug lIurio'" watt/r guod well . and IlIld as oold applicatlon8 only , in ,(,1,1 '" 'W'.'o . II I", " Mr. J ·tle ill a ~emb8r of the Up\t ". ' crot.t!ed the tullammlltion, . Mr. ~ '" .. '~":II ._~:.~ "08 ',.101 , .. .. olateru at hvu"", 'guod orch~rd, nhle, StrtlU118 C81ile to Mr. Jaole" N NICh. ".,1 n,I ,~ :!II ' II !!. • .. 1'1 Stat ... army, aDd 'held a number a 30 '0 .;~ of re.poDllble pi,sUlou In th1l& or· IOO\la~ grov", Illud pruduut1V6. '1'erws ols. &.looa.l m6rohant. fllr lIomethiug l.e",ln" .. ' rrh'e II' :IF; 1'1 ao r6ll8vulibl6. .I!~u~ vaniuulllrtl aud to "8top the pain. Mr . Nic holll I1l1ya : !llllly "',,,,pL · u~ilI>Y . ; Stop.o n II~nlll Ilantza,ton un&1l hill bealth failed term ~, caU on, or "ddcllIIII. tli!..:it "1 Ild vised him to use Ohll.lJ\berlatn8 , MU/<IIA ' 'rll"'N~: and he waa tient to tbe hospltal at . . H. 1!'. V.... UOBAIf" . P"ln B"lm, and ~he firllt applloatlpn 1":""1' ,....,.. I.vlle II~ (ollnw~ I the National Military Bome at Dayt:lIllterVlUtI, Mootgumery L:o., 0 drew out .' he InliaDllillltion and gave \llII,IIII>"u ...1 ~. r.II". DI ~ HI'>, n, Im,medll1te' relief , 1 hllvu used this """, II ""uUI.1 . 0 0':1, In 7 OUI'. [,. . "" ton wbere be W8S ph_ced under Misl! UhaUlberlllin '" t:ough Remedy Aotit liniment myself IIn4 recommended W. E. MOO·U f; . [Mulel', oare. ' : 011 Niiture 'li Pltt.n. .' It very Qften for cut!!, b u rn!', litralns . \I" II~ral PII8Ren r" gent. L ebll nOu O. Here. Dan Cupld'l tinY,luro¥, d td , The ,lliu"t IIUUlltlll8{u'l nU;ldloil1~ aud bllok, and huve neVI,m . . .. " , worlr. al1d 'twa8 Boon fo~nd that Ilra tliu.." .tullt aU1 ~;a,ure: t:hltwbor. kuown it tu ditiIlPlJo!nt,." For 8IUe - J ' - _ u f tbe ""wn heerte. bellt IlI1 one;" ~nd IIl~n'il Vvugh KtlWOOY · tlCtll, 'ill IllllI b.vF. U t!ChWII!t:.. It waa "Krtl.:d t,h,a t the, marriage vlan , '1'llkd It wheu yoq hll-vo II, oul~ it wllIlil!llY tllu ' O«;J!l~Il, 1·"h..,,,,, Excursi'oi1l'r~in t.O ,. . SOStl8Ct .. hl,uld take pilice a8 800n a8 MIBS and the lunge, 'ulli ' lIxpllotoratiuil, up.iu · C0 I'·~m bUS Sta ear, F i ' :How To 'Ft.ali Oat. P , . nanlel returolld from ber long tbll 'lItJU1·"Li.,u" Lend ulU uutlUH lu I'" Fill'" llolll" or CUllIlI101I glass \\'ith ' xol1 ~ jOlnrnay , Whereupo~ , the ·brldal .lItQriuK Hl" "Y"""Ul ur It. hllalthy u."p· viII Penu8.vl vania Linos ~rom Way. wllter mit! let it·st,,"i!·t\l'eutr ·(qur \J()LU ": ~ /'i' fll\t(:~( Wit , 'o5etlilUe utOI' K~t .. , . ~ ', ' P'\ . . . ~_"" •. " ,,:, pair, aceompanied by her two " sill dltiou : 1'lluu.. "uUe havu tlllltllillt.l tu itlillUjJtlflUr UX~HtlUu". 1t UUUULII1: nl!tlvilleletlvetl 7 29 a . m tiilptember tling imlicateson ' terll,.Mifll888' "annie Il~d Belle Dan· .. uy IlIllUt;IlUY ,,1 tl cold tu ra :1, 6; G. 7' l1nhealt ln' con· i'1'I'~ '0, (~ WU~ _ W~l.y tel, went to theihome of " United Iluttl ~ult lU ' PUIJUWV!JIH : PliclI 25 ce u~ . uiri<lil <If the ki d. Lorge lIizlJ, uU C.,UIIS1<'vr lillie by 1!'. Olln 't BIllme.1. E . J"nney. lieys; ifit 8ta,il~ , , . " . . " ' . , .:., I '.. '.::; . , Brethren mtpl8ter in Dayton lind t:. tiCuwari.z.. . It.'s your own F~nlt ,if y ou Cont.i nue \'our tinen it i~ hn~ ' ~'(Wrr (·.Hl~id·'·' .'wa.t(~r , 1cj·~t~I,~(jug.b' ""'ftre united In ~nrtTrll!ge I , , 1 I hId ' I e."itl en<;~ 'of ~i.t ~ . , "'. . .... to !;nll'er w t n IIj:eat on. ne\' trouble ; too . .- " ' . . . . " . . Mr. lind Mrs..,Fife ·went lit on.oo to -"·Souvenir Post, Carc;ls. if lleo(luld ollly tleeand tell yoo : freCJI\ent · i1esir.e ·wnsf ~ .\\'ay, Ml· ,lt(~bitzel' 'thp-Ir bome 'wbich '~r, File had 'i Ii ' 'llur tloolllJy tit· the ·oun:tber oJ Way . . < · ~o··pns9itor paill , '. ," -;'" .' "'-: . rPililln_ for hi. bride .. 0llriul( Ihe l:i ome,. Cuill:lllg ~lIny n llsville people ·w ho have been oared • -~ In the . back is " '. ..' ...,., Mr': FUe hal! &n excellent p08ltion' of ·the HOte IIf Suu veuit Pu.a t · "" rd of indl"etltioo Within the iUllttwu illS<)11con\'i tlllit tlie. , kid~ej·s .0 ' (.nll'. (. ·,I"e : t .e .\l , a... .·,,~,c · I' s w ·'·. .. 1 I"n",ci'l~n)roOt' n e oUf of o.·'er nl "r ". 'VI' yell-rd. ' by': ' P"ptlikollJ.. 1"tl.1IIetll · yuu 1111\ '"' " "r' ..... To .J)·~- . • " _ . fiR r.11·rlt -l n the oOmml88"rJ' . depart views of W . .. ynesvll\~ ~ere el,t-iruly ' . , ' , . , ' '. , . " '" WUlllllu'i hesitllte on trying Ulill There comfort ill the Imowtejlg~ I!U ' )' t' ,,;r' nl at, the "80ldlerll Borne and 80ld uut IU1ll IlII\ny . per8lmll w.ho remelly oriu !lingle tnfu.rit!~, bi.1I "u~ · 'o flen expresSed, tha~. pr: Kilmer's "IH {III I II 0·, ,II.. 1 l:f;'1iI ~ " tun/III very li.l gb in military o'l.rol~ ~anted l»n:tlculs;r "tlts cuul4' n ot ' ~ ceBS wi til It h"" oau~ed hirh to won S\l'alllp·Roo~, tile ~~l!Ut Imlney ~etly, " ." .,.' .. \' . .. nci ip to be congrll.tulftted upon 8u..plled . . , . . der, and ,the lr,liger h~ 8'0l1S it tl;1tl iul lil\,~ e\'ery wish til curing rhemuatlsru. . , 'I,' S ~l' ,:'t,I'l'P, t· ".: ,~I t 1,'-,p.o" ,'h,l· ~<t' he ' .. m Ole oonfidence he lias. No . 008 po'in in the bfIck j kitliteys.!.liv·er, h"i~d~r I ., '" wlllnlng I!o,amillble a bride ' Thll UUl!tjtte h~1i reprinted six of il . 11 ' i IIlId e\'cr v pllrt of the Uflllnr\, · pasSIIge. . ' .' _." " , " . ' . ' ~ . the,· wlJ~t,· pOi)UIMof th elle (l, llrd"lllledb~ve' 1~)f,V · l!pe .t1, BIOk lead. intibility 'to .hOld .. I~l'VC 'r· " .·;b·,.e·I~(y. d".· D.·'y"·,..•• h~h oUIID,"litt, nerVOlllllD",SS,· lut,llI. II llu4corr"ctll scalding.: pRip' iu pa5~j'11g it, ,·~rwIIH,r· hlld Mlt,.,lfu.· ~. \. 1"'1 IF _ Notes of the Church~s •. 8howing ihe oig' bridgll, U n' win 'Iohtl, of tlpllet\le . .. BIJUr stomach. ooated c iTo,:,CtS lol,lo~'1ng use .. ~f, ·!tquor, Wille o~ ., . .. . . A,ven.U:e, tbe..oew' lUlboot' hVU.1U , the tuugue. p!llllltlitlun, resth'811 I,illhtll, beer, 'a11d overcomes t\tut ullpleasa ,\~ nc· . ~" ..l ' . ..j~hlnegulllr monthly servloeat St. Old Mchoui hOUIj8, ·. vie w . UlI -'.luin ;.r .tUY. uih6r l!Iy~pt9ms of ·Indlge~ ces~ity. of ooi ng ,com'pelled , to go ofte~ 1H (~aJ· IS .) UJ 11 ,n.~ · t1:~ae~· . . tillU: IInli "tuDlaoh 'ttouble ' if ' tbey (lUring.. th.e, dll'Y, l1~ld . to . get u~ Iflnn~ . , . • .A njPllflllnA (',,1holto (':hurch .~11l be street null tIOenll IO<lklug Ilil N,;ri'b will unlY' ulle 'Popilikola ~·itblet'B. It ti\Ues.<lur~ng ,~)~e tlI,gbt. 'The "Ullid alld , ! . "f • ~ •• :' ". ·...~ Irt next Sunday, 8ept.em~r ~" by' t "111 ', ', d t II ,) f " '. . d 'd " 1 '\ ' . 'Uic c:xttllordhtory' " fIe<.;t of v Fut.".,r Mltyerboeter, of Lebanon ,. j\ ree u . vu r .1l He 8 ' or ' oJ 'Ollol,1I I ~ '.lld~ ,. HI,itm I .'n lirve ~n c, t llli- ' i~ 50011"'realized. It .atal1<,1~ tl\e ltigl.II~8t ... or' 25 wut", II .1I ..zeu We wlil ri);,il l,ruVt!1I tb" 1I"llera\. h~ltb., pU,t~ (In · 'for ila'woildcrful cures.of th!! DIOIIt dis. , . . ' them t v MilV nddretls In thtl UUlttld firm, tlohd IltlOlh.; and.!f y{l~ ~!6 rnD tr"l\sing 'clis<:~. 'If )'OU ueeu"l1 1U~icllJe " ' A C ,\I\.I:!lettled In Bte KidneYII , ., dowu or.. It wlll almos' YOllshouldh(lvetbebcst. b:ydntg. A J JeonollKee. 9201 Butler !:it., Dr '011 \. j,, " P,·\ldO";'L.IU.U tut· I:itll1U ~ure\'y, tncrllllllll your wl;ligh'. ~ist8 ill' fift y-c,c:ni . . "'U:~. .. .Il! not oue OIlSU in' a bundred that ' Va" mny ha~e' n unll II I ~ hh \' l1f" write,,· "I (~tn· a 8witobmlln II nd 11m out, in 1111 killdi of wea tite r. IIcbe 1 1.betll1f.11blutH) , notcu.r~. ,NQmilt bO()I;. ·. tlts!~ . ~l!s Wb,,,, WIJ l'tJ uoII}IIl~nd Itut! KU Ir t ,!r. how ,nany remedies YOQ· llave: Ilholltlt,.bc:iH,sent , . t took a cohl . which Bettled in my ' , " ' . , kidneys' anll 1 W <: P In blld Mh&pe'. 1 IlU. tllil A .... · ". 't'ht!. I:it;"t(.1 r .. I)I"t, fur triel\ ,' uu n ' ~ 'gi ve uP. ,J ", l!l. J.anney· ,II): 1111111. :-\d~'C6!l pr, a trillil Mtwt'rll\ .. dvert.l~et1 remedies b8," ddv... II If amI nil ' u. rY I.8 ·a It . III " b tI · ,' know8 P eplll' k a Ia '" tl':nmer »Ing- . , ~IUil .. . ".n. ~&bl· e ... w IU oar~ 11I1' I 1IIo'n ;&N. Co., y, WI'el.'....... . . ' , ,'1(~~"l . ~ . onrl ~. ... I'"!/i"I COll"ln . , I("Q,._ , 0 with nO' benllflt, ulltlll Willi l'oorim UIlU~" \\'tI kl~" \V buu mil'" UbllllU r~ yoil ur he 'co~ld nut lIell ,them , for. 'wl'l'ti lig. melltlUlI .thls paper and don' t ' : . " ,. mADded til Iry Foley ',,'Klllne.\' I,JUre. he l Ilf WI! stuu.1 r .... ~v tu - va,y yoar ' U1oto than t'!'o year8 on a 1J~~b l1U1kc mlY' UI [~I!,ke. hut r~~'eI!t)er tlle h. Two \birds of a bottle cured me ... tell OI!U~" lJII" k . Safe, lIure II.Dd al tee to return y.our' twenty·dve e"ntl 11lltn,,: Dr. .-HUler R Swamp-Root. and n U "'... .,. Q. 8ob'fl'~~tz. waYloure. J. K. Janney ~, ~~". 'a4. " thcaddr.".., ;ilillgbamtoll, N. Y. '
o..iUtl t dl·,V
fORrY-rHIRO' ANNIVE"RSARY • MA~'FIT. . BATTLE CHICKA MAUGA , UN DER'r \. K ~ Chattanooga September 18 20 '06 . EM .B A L MF I{ " " :"I" elll l),.'r ,I.• It'(hl. wIll ,~rCII: (h,,1 ' .~N\) "'~i\1.I': " I~ J hltl \ · l h l rd .In' , II t h e h a t.t lf' U( I L"'U .t\. U \,.cI'rURE ~ It t l " " C l ., l
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."Vhitt~ GmICls, Gingham
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Tbou' sand, ·If&"e. Kidney " Trouble and :· N.e,er
I aI",. ilia" f' tel'. . , .a ,t.
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I:,ulit:y. ' Thp. Mitt 'is uut.ed
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Co unt y Co urt
'"111 IJ"lllt.lnl( .\lui u tltro ot l;rhl __ _ _ _ _w\ _ _• • _ _ __ gu En ter tai ns Ve Jun g PRO UATE ' OUR T. Lad ie" . 1II11II'llp,,\r ,;f vrot ucti on of Eotl t tit . The e8ta to of J p, l:Hlo hrlll t, _ _ -"-'_ __. _ Pu bli c '" de. ~rlrtgtl wIth ' hl\t\. Bar (;00 . Dodd~ IlIld sOn . prop riet . Spe cia l Tra in. tma n Il~ nrs I will offo cellllllll Ten th a c"ou nt tor s"-t M,iMS E1i:t.o.ootll Obl lndl flr gav r- u.t Pllh -~ lie ::;ult "" 1116 meo t filed . le. e 0. of the well kno wn mon ume un ':!U. UU. "' 'l'uo sday Sept el!. ber 11lh , I,h e '< ". nt firm J!'lIrtO ~f the lut ~ .r III Hunt : ~ Illi :n D. ~., will hand~!'!-..t tY prog ress i ve Il I ')-h a bet f of Xen ia. hav e on Illln d a r onfl ,. .bfl. W'lr rt ·II'- - - - mon 8t.oc umo k 6f oort h we!\t of wv llo IIIl nta Hnll Esta te ()f Wlll lalll Bmttl1, deo wro non reco ntly , wlli oh for kers whi ch SA'l 'UR DA Y, !:i1~ P 1 ~~ M BE R S, eu. gen u . they wi!!h to dillposemllr (Jo un t F k 'orru gl1t ed nellT illt) n Cl I l\1(Jl t l. I ). of (" qulo OU> • .oru~ kly _., u... ll8S~. "'-l in begi onio l{ ~t to o'ol n(' 1< Il o~ joYlllon t I1ml 1\ IltLpPY tllIle , ' ';OU.. ib I1JlpO nw I .-d a d m In. ... ~ td"u ci .of Muo III. r,ho ' \(:~,u ":III ,e onv e,ntulJ l II :O t'I" . , r' llll) e thoi r uew ,IJIli ldin g Ol)e ratlo ns e Moy er!! In Dee r. IVa l:Ieco nd t o tstr atri lit. pnd ),, :;rto x witb bon d of 1400. Rob ert fidld f n ol1o \vlng n O[l tl 'hut tel l)rOpf'I'.t y : II I " ,," d l.hWlltlb lP I~t f.23 rIO . ur "o tb ere f ore pre ptlre d to mak e un · l:ipcolA l trnl n of is Cnllf',}' Sho rtll.· Job n L . Mul ford and Mit:w. Dor othy Uuk in WfI,S suoo a f St 0 0 k . • cl)nsl!:lt~-l}~ lit I)TI" wil . Uu ess utl'u ~" lJd be run t h \'l)Llgb wltl wu t oliu P~ WJIII ~~~ (ll llY wu!! olos nmd e. e pric wit,b es nn Enn Dun Ibe is neil r wor I f"r n~r' of ' k ir()n telJI I Il i boil of lIam Wtl liam son app raia era. mul t:'. w!'ll{ hr :!:!O( ) 110, !<.' I·An CI~r~ er neti r resl U III Yo on n"- tb ft . . Loa ,'ill ;.l T...cbflnOll n 1,8.115 Ii.' Ul 0 l'!:!t prl:llu' whi ch Bav yell o u.lso rs ultl rece 1_ re app o i ntm &.U lI ntly urlm Mi i~!:! wUlg :o\!< ued Chll b t I :10(1 Iii Ib ndle r offe red, and Mi S Ollto ent of guardl~n dOlloe of Alb ert good w orke r lill y 11 1M" ,. . D '; I r.,.. .. l()~u e •.showiu/ol ITIftny stylu. eu[I of\V olt) Bur It in Hl1l1lUton B'rt bl1 Ilf IIrrl \,II1 ' 11 t for J . M. LI!ldle. I.mb eoil e, Cat U100 ep 1; 11 t' D l1yto n Keo riok cflrriecl ott. the oon . mou sire d u~ (; . l:I l"lI rl' 1I . ll lJIII .\\,Jor. e Bet t"Wll~hlp lOr eHt-il~l\te of ume ut nts 10. whi 00 11 . Ill. R burn i ug D L . ch will bo llJuilerl ':l~ . oo. for bea ring Aug ult 22, at 9 o'ol ~ ~olll to tion Il.uo . ' G und 1111 " III hl ut 1111" 111 ; J Y\",l rlJ ng ~1l0C ock. /lny Int rest ed )Ill1r ty nn r eq neRt --- -- ilJl will lallvo Il io n DUflflt lIt :' Mlr~ Our . d by in , Fe rt iii zi'n g Wh g G the 11;1 re wl11 Ema on 80o olr, deoe as8d 111l~', nft.e d rooo 0, '1 SIIIl 0 1 I (1 'Doy t l n lit n Miss han d. eat on . , 1'. Ill . 'l r rivl n ll ,It · 11k 8, Dan I nr0P II. i f., gid l . W~II admttte<l to ' prob aie. N ler .. r V1l1l ioo Cref!.Dl. cak e norl t n Leu uno n nt l.OO R. tn . Stol . frui t .ly , ellr a o o .tic ILl Ru oolt )i J Ih (', 'o .VI ·II il)lI e of Ap Po int lne nt. · pon n Do wn Fa rm , Fo llow i ls will lie }:st ate o.f Wil son' Har vey deoe aaed ,· ol(l ng ,,·or o. the invi ted glll! sts: y brok e ~p .lr i vP ; Ii 111'11 ,1 rol Poll et! . , mil d . ut .l\l lltn ' Btr et 1.lz?;lll L. I'Ihirluker nnd W. L . Cnr f) lyn M:ull bl'r •.Edit.h MOij hflr, ( LeI. Hm on ) ~or hllU l OIlttl ~· ; :t " r'WS wit h .',iIf hy Dodd~. L y tl ll, f1n1't Bllr p nr . I':" ", " <or WIIHon lI ar"e y . •1,,',", Tl)e 0410 Exp erim ent 8tl1 tiun Con tor\ 'ille Hlll es .scr!, lit (lib s lde; y :l DUK eow vey app oinr ed I\I1mlui~tr~torll. in s Kilt /jiv lug' bryn · IJ)l Dak lk b i I hnll U of fun' II!! lo :llI w" in ROHa II J. '1'. W oml ter sen d s out f reqo 'L'IIO unde ', ~'1 lI ave 1'n UI'lltllu,ICd unll ll~ ootl.1 ld II g~I(~ D.. m i ne. Le I 8 L k ·l uaIlU .11 aa r.l~o ent u e · m ond Duk in, MIID lnl' (rnlor .11('or ..... v tile e.lal e "r l>lgs ; 20 hen ll of "I 1 il llI!:!!~ Ill'I tll; L.Ohlllltl ll til " ...,V Don i , 0 en@ . an(. Ull. tln8 to HI~ wke, f prm er8 wh'I oh Ben ri. l Wllg on . Olly tOI1 't nll I'p,t uru 71'1' . 'll lI 1 a,r )I'l~ e y '(Il Y. f I~tc Clf War rc tl llOlln l)" Ohlo, b'u 'S ' IIr 0 mor e ett.'l MoK lUse JeI!IIOp' apprall8l'11 . . ' rmiu g i11l11 101l~"IlI ~ ' I t wu,",1 1'\\ -:-, . s, Belt hn, cl et'ctlJlt d . y . .Irm a Elli thlln ordi nary iote rest and valu h I: ; Doa .h ., J)".Yton /I,lId 'rl~till'n DaleO till. ~Ulh ,Iay. ?f A"K".I. A_ IJ. IllUU E.~tate of Car olin e W . lioo re. 1>I)n. The e. Ken riok , Eva D[~vls. Rheft {(h'. . fArm ""I wn g fl ·; l one hUI'!lI) !< J1l'illsu Rog ers foll owi ng on "fer tllil ling Lue g LYt I(0 Il\ I) 1t .·I'11I n"d relu ru LIZ~a" I,. ·/I'U. K"" ~, r ,u. ,,, lla Cor nell t:;t.eilt\ LenlIDon wngoll nell rl y U·w : 1 rnul lO!, "'-v ~,,, ~( · D ,' Acc ount for 8· e .tle: wliu at on rn'n dow n farm ' ' 111'0 . ' nt HI'\' ilt" to Duy to u tlllil uug ~:!.:JI • \v " r~dHAt;· OV . imp res8 68 Agn es ~, cbWl ratu ro 50" bug gy; 1 rubb er o rnu;\ bl/ · led. 1rtl.'l. Lau r",. MoK mse y nt, ; II "(,lc kl'l. os as of ordl nory mAn t ft I.(IlM nnl ,\' r fl ll1rlliu ~ I~ II I :. H . o. m Il . . rat,.r~, •vl1lue Rnd « goo n·s n d pon a·nA! L Mere 11 I,h ; A nOl\ Tbo 1'1011 y Cll . les; . 10 re e"t.. to of J . p , Gllcbrll!~tl l't ; 1IJOles( ', t. IpltH 1 ollrr illge rUl'1Il IllA "" Mc 'o r I\:,' D I 1'11111 I'CII I' .llI jo( 0 nyto n de'. mR jorl ty of tho read ers of • US 1\ vel'Y S'10k Boy ,-V At, r, p . 1'11 . the ItIIC Gak mo~o~; 1 Allg he brol l klnJ:: Il,Msed Cou rt l100elitl!rtllllK,Datlon Mart.}ltt O 'N('ull E~llth 8he r\vn Jlnll · n I". I" nd But oure ll by Cba mbe rlal n's of I16tte are "- C ·oVAo·III I I(ill \,lDg . n,. IJII,YCnli c Illllw ; 1 ruli ng b l'unk ing .. r. Ellz roth a ~ exeo otor Ilnd or ' ed In fa1::eith er farm er!'. Or Inte rest . Kut hryn Altlxun;ll'r plo w! 2 t on u r. 11,01;; IJ· m . 'rll(1 mlng. we.p obll sJl It In full : ( :hol ern ul'd DlIlrrbolll1 Rom edy ~(\ay Rop der .. thti t ~1I fondA tol1l . • ' Kru u" Uul ll In hili han de be tivl ltor~ ; 1 1)0 , t oo th hllr . her 11th . " WIIon my b oy Willi For thir teen yea rs the Ohi o . tw<> yell ri< old doll I ro~v Ex Str ike Th rea ten ed toru e<l ove r to the adm lnls tfllt nO llrly I1OW ;e 1wha ; t 1 l wo ono hor~ hors e whe .. t. or ut dril l ; :l B ts de I)er lme nt 8tft tion ha!! For fu rth or l)jll'ticnlar~ 1I· dre" b e bad II. very seve re attl1 pk of llOOI~ non . oon duo t ,~s · l>ow · 1V0rk Ilflru ' SS: 1 B t li ght U t C .. ., InK eltlJ erlm ents wi th been • F hur ntls~ ' 01 COllljlllllnl .. but by .the use W ferti . '1'. 'l'hnT1lp~nJ1, Soor otllr y Forn ltz~ r8 on _ a , f anO of kr' ing 2 r hi ~ot.;; sing act d le ory huro . L' es. ~1. ... E lomhber)I\IRn ·s (Jo """...n.;' .., of J . P . Gllo hrls t, deo,,~a'-" a IIrm l d' 110. Ob ' -d~ lerhfl lind lineR ! dOllblo tre B . ; c liar" . IJri(IlI'$ ' In o . 0 1' W Ii: ~li) I't:'. G . P. A . D W oh h8 u.rr fJ!!1I ern e y we Cbo been redo ced to mp oye8 htd ns. l R. Wil ds Gilo hris t, "llpolotOO•. ~"" 1'0 l1ill g nrou r~. g & (', t him 1 ".'III Jed e to lin· on t te r. l1008 . fork "., ullOVol,. I I,! " n . olll i). ad.- 1\ very Ipw ~tate of prodooti out pll rl'gh t'. .. says ·Inll· Il u ll "gle ' '" veoes~ . B Ie mtn l8tr ator de OOnl9 non witb ' k <lX. ~ r eu' Ulllny t.hin g~ por tati on of Col ored Lab orers 0 0too tedi ,bon d by exhu .ollt lye orop plng " ous to) . of o Mln not lum) bl~, LrnlYO~ed U I)';:U .Mio h. Thi s rf>medy CIIU m e ntio n . . 10. the" e Tb e maOOIlPm &nt of the WII vileI exp edm ents OOl'll 0 f8 whe of *60. 000. at 1 ' hfl fl AJlouded upo n tn the mos E 't ,I , .y <'. '0, Ch i(llt gn, orlg inat od ' Ii, t 118Term : All !lU01 ~ of ten doll varl ' onye@ . Eve n oho lerl llllf llnt In re esta te J . P . Ullc hrle t. ',0 ov ville OllnoinlC ( '0 bllH he .. n hlll' nl'8 Hnnoy" 111(1 Till: 1I11 " thro llt /l n,l lun g de, er lind timo thy bllv e beeo nl1 lun d\lnsdr ill~ iij cash ollr(1 . (l o"flr by " \ It, O II grow Foll rl'II,' uw n In conHide rlibl e r1I'tJl OI\1t ~ III t nr rem ,h . " n (1 nn JlI't:'lllnt the pitll n nil 0 001\"...,.. -" . W . F . Elt~ u roth produOAa th '11 I .. Allonri ng 1\ prin ted rlire otlo ns !lind .' lOr thfl reo I/o [j yea r rota tion , ellob 0. onre ill cer- J1r~v~:{~q~~ 1:"" 11, 1II ·)l'i r. IInrl o l1 l1uIJlrlr.\, crop be' su lllci elJt nnrn lwr .Il llt from 'he I\Ilm nri7 ~ , I, f FI I)fl givo nf U "' f' u ·~p) tnlll ~ wit.h ~ nv trat. or de tn~ gro wn eve ry yOl\ eu lip· , tfl ' ei tnln Jj'nr e 1I~)e v '~ HIIIH by F. W C. !::klhwllrt.z. ',,111 'rill' mnn:v' i lllit~ lt,inn!l r . and the fer- rtm t.lle lr big ftlol bnnlM non sbo...lng . tha t be liS. B~: I ,I. l<l I~l l1 N I'. M' ory II tCpn "1'(1 v 'l lo fl· . has ... r oj for t h !,;AllninA A ~k flir t-lhzeJ'll bllv e been app lied to sUrD etl ove r all fund s tn ban d., the Tbll sllOrtuJ(1l lit hlln dg' llOoR mo n. __ 'l'. Hllw Fnt. w ·~ Ron n,V .ill il Tll r E __ as corn , oat8 and whe at. __ko. __Au t. " nnll rAfu Re . Fir t AI\l to Bell nty. WIt I IIny .. nhsl.tttl tf1 nO'l1 rod .... _bn wn by the tent b &Cooont . Ber ou~ "JIl tter IlIat,. w efl ~, it, 11'1 nt,hn r Nut hl\ij !.ls Illor e cert . hpin ~ln en g o hene fit yuu r "'UII'il)lIXloll tban 1\ B t,cen aold pbOllphllte haa been IlIllw pr PI>.1r"llI ln wil l givil thll ""m e Etit llte of Dav id ijtilee, d608lU18 t box ch,lIy dlfll cult ttl seon 1'0 h UHk f' r!'. MKt· d. used I U~: fll alon ' If l'tif1 M, LIU. e. ll . :t\ko 80 It lli pou il< to mil nds blet s . Tbe y fr e8he n rll y luxl ltive. It per 1I0re on PIl\ntl \\'er e 1.11"lle II'I, .t .nd "nll l "oo oon t for 7 sen le. oorn and oatl and 160 tn 'I n1lJurt ,• • uITI. t he !!kln give ~ cnr' t lli n ~ n il npill1 S lind If< !<lIfe RW(.lt:YILLII:. Omt ) poo nds on oi t colo r to the obe eks man t flIed . " " ohi Irlro n 1111 \1 fl, 11 II til pe rlln n .. st. f Ol r en num1 r , whe at. the inq, reue yiel d c ure con'Hlipu n on . lI,ud gi va you I f'r r·f ool qred nwn fr" SI'II.'CIA L.'J'IJ1:.~ : nl on the ~ U Bllr IBKA "'-ta I:!II:I:! vey .. of sbn 011' Ann rg .t.,.J kl'AIl tbe w. Jrk Ull. f'lel1r, WOM It GllI'Iler ~"\ 0 , ~(~h\\~ ftrt z .... rOIlY, h ea lthy oom plex lon . •J . AND C RlLO , imb ecil e five orop e of the rota tion has reac hed IlJl:N . ji'lnu illo ooim t for I16ttlement.. The TIIell pml E .• 'h~ lftnn p" ey of . tbfl (tlo ton au avl;trnlle valu e of mor e than '18. 50 'Wben of)nsl1l~1)JI inAfte no &lta te of Ann G~rner; imb ecil objAclif1I~. Fro e, per aOrl!, JeH vtn, 1\ Dei prof lt RA Tll A,\ VA Y, m Wi llia m of 81x hot, thA wO"'IlI) liNd hP~1I Qvp ,.In .I,,,,ooon& for 8etU eme nt. r)l1okrtl tIlen doll ars per Ilors · ove r Ilnd Wny n !'lv il1 e'~ Leu ding Del ltist a . uod whi m t.bey &<tA te of Cha rllll Mlll sr,d eotl Sa tte rth wa ite . cll~p"Vl'r"d :;llf~ 111"" ased . bov e tI\e oost of the fertt onl eeln I( flY" ftulltllllil . . . . MoID . (')I,,dA.'t'bomptoOo app otnt ed adm 1lze r. ,Srr .. ~ vil!' orol\~ )lrllt " jO t, Wtll\ mlln ----,---~ ln. Wb en to this qua ntit y of I\old ll thp N ' 1"'''"t4'tr with bon d of t3.000. . nrwnm en t brel ltfll lt'd« gllll l"r"I Illlik 'A pho spb ate wer e lidd ed ~BO' pou o'rll l_Tb e follo win g nrUcl1l ill Cm !l of Brig ht.'R Di~ a"e. Dllli l Ol\l Iabe r. lind J : n~ If thA n8lr1Oll.. OHnlf.. . 'RoBII Law ler of oltr ate 0' Iioda IJI\id for Itt ftdverll!<6rll' rptell, and 260 pou nds of Gen app'llIloelll . A. Rher tnlln . Lh;b on Rod Ilod 'rbe ml1 tter nf o<»). ' racl II II; "'II~ ihll mur late .of potll8b, tbeMIl bein g publt!<hprl! of I;be Goz otte dll!. ~l1Il R. Lu wre l1 ue '0, N. di8. thpn nr')PllIld Y. , Wll llllm T Van Den -ear , ,~r . " I 1\1\(1 k.idn .v d i"elll!o tor writ e!!: cllli m ftll rtlHpnnHilJlHty folr !.Ilo di trlb n,te d ove r the thre e oere al orop Ulan y lIlot· e ~~... ~~~~~~~~~~~-.~ tAr onnt an of Edw in R . ' Van perv eer, ' yell rs IIlld hlld bea n trAllterl by Ip:a uill ell t,herllirl : ~ "nd , r aiRi Dg I,h;y the totll l oOllt of the fer· ott .. vti:E dwl o R Van Der "eer . Rieil m !! for tw.e lve Y ~lIr8: hftd II et ..1. tillz er ' to twe nty one ¥r, Wil lium Sllt.t·flrth wlll t,e, WILY tIlk u well eo kno (ldll wn ors kldu for llY mec Cur. AI,pr~I~ l1n;""t. IIIA(1. llod ooolbom..d eaCh llolno and , Cold .. 'cro",,, ~U~WhlJO";PK CO~lh. , ot,h!'r r tn E\dillB thnt worll reoo np,;vilJA. Obi O, Ang ust. 28 ; 190~ ftve yea r pIIr\(l(l t,he tntli l In. The m · Ho)OfI Ilf tllAti . Ord er til'; o. e&t.e IIlAnd l1l1 but. got no r e1l1l' uoti l MRr ~hnl of Wnyne~'vi1\e '·uld him ~~~~_"-'!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!~!"!!!!!!!!! rlflfln to ia ' vnlu e IIf fort y ,pte I 00uf rl'lll AIOtlltf> ttl tlie Mta rol ' V.I. f1I Ohio !!!!! ~!!!! . Innr /.!'fln anc: ll~inL:' Folfly'H Kid ney e t.hA,v wnrA tlrlu ) rtf Wil liam 8I>ttf>rt . t.hre e d.'I)l\r~. le.v lnll l oet gtl.ln Il.r~t. h uH hntt le r e1levorlCor e. Tbe ley l:b"OllluqOIl ,i~lil8d; an" h , '1'0 Cnr e a Felo n . CjllU ",bul .4""'1 mil I1nd t • .4. I. Vorr I'. 1lI0II dlW!d ~r. twe nty. iwo l'oU llr.,, . 0' . l. lIupe,rlu(e wlli te trlli 04eo~ ulot of r the fonr lnall l" ~ or pou htJtt JeH' bllv e car ed me of tbls mor e than ,Dee of Uae .~I. ot y. Now you lIyt! ·Sam Ken dnll . , ""',. . I(lv .. n. OhIo. do bere b,..n t tell t·hll Of Pbl1 lipH lmr rr tll,.t tlIo g fUU l'do lll\r lllln null lly. ' tOl'rib di800lle Befl )re I begl ln vRry ~I\me wom en to tend to Kon • " just oov . tAk T1'I,"len Jrunirane OV!lr wi t h Bo k ' in g F leley · i .. fti "f &Ih ariu e Com e Company. 'll Kid n ey Cur e I bl\d topton . 'de tI,lRlr own tin~lIIl1~s. aud be will IAn' ~ Arn loa Slllv Olle t,btr ' d Itf t.hls I IInll laOl tend the I t:;nlv tl o I ,. 111ll ke wlIt ' . er I f I\bo t',~ ""'1 nt I will nn the re~t . ·" (~ui ove ry fifte en 610,,1.. hll' ,'" ••• f '1'- - " In own . UIlI he 4.ill uit IIWI of tllJa e t coot . nuoUli Iver . appTlo, Ie to 'r~ lIId her J", rIO 1l1'....lnll~"lIrl IIf ,1la..rdlHn nlng Bllr n!l. Bnil ~ , S.\r e~ . ~ uk"8t Ullre fOr min utes . dl~y IInri nigh t, n.nll pt\lIIIeu t) \""'" BU un .lbo dow n tnw n tor tl~e IlIIhowtrl,ll I. Ilutborl• .., to Bill ulll.. , W ound!! 1\ bric k dllI' 01 fert ilize d plot adll lloin trio "., In Is ove II r II. g eve t SubiOt.l\l1 Ce. Rnd ROUl O· ry 001' IPproprl,te bu.loela of Pilef'. EC'~e mu, Sa II Rhe um . ~ llJq) . J\ I"" ~ " I."ll h',. hnlo,\oll.. "J,Wtp~ lni pfld tlIU A~ II ~ I\my Jl nhH ao~.. ~lIm Mlly lll' 11ft will bHve aQo ~hat bM • reoe jvlld ·t·ert.i\itlf'rl! Fur 011 tb. II... or 0. l,alo.1mak .o:eldootIn.ur tllnce., I beli eve 81\001>1, Hor H Fell t 'ln cl l:lo r.. 0' II.. IIhow "wh ere el'A hlllllcl.tlfOlnthflr o N.... II "U,I..ltlh1l1 tru .. rdioln Ey n_ A, a to · \V Wft (lulI1 hu,v e.Jlied.,i f I -..h"d -no t t~ke I yne O~lly .:!it~ nt andrtllo IUlu ,tllirewltlipeno ranre toUO with . the la8t eigh t yel\rll' of the,pe e<'tttl · n lnl 'I F . IlIe,,\ C. I>, ~( bWnr ' IAd l 7. VillA rlr\l ' If Wilt . t h.. ,ranUn,. purrb.. n. and ~ Fo \tt .~ · !1 Kid o l'Y t;or hll wnl1t~ t o: ~ ~tor .. h\1u rIl Tlt('t'cl J,. .. "I ••• , ( ~fI{j(l ,. . ll, " dllPO DultI.. aDd 'emplo,.,·. lIabll IID, _ or.nL'" liD " ield. lif whe "t, til) . tbl onfe rtlU l" Inl.ra . I . ~~ I jj_' i I" .. f' ft.,,.. ~) .•• G zlld Wi\l illlll liIlU prt,h wait A. Schwftrf,z . al preKrlbttl 10 Se.Uooa 3506 ' Ind ' II".r . I.t u pl 1'1 1,,1'"111 1m hnlUl . tline li,nd aMi ....od. Bnt. ttI IIlltol .. ' OUIl hl\lf par 'n ... ..~ .;'" H 1\4\ 110'1' 1tI'I)••inh' d . uotl , tbe "rat M d., of April 01 tbe ,~arOhIo WIII I ........ "n ·1 .. r. hll"h~18 'IAr II Dell II lDO W " I ' r n ..... "" '1p.r' , I W,N 1'. ..,... /1""1 u ' : II .vleltl wbi oh h.,." dll\D wU h bc),101 .f .iloilU ~Inreo tile I\y duethlrt hereo tinalD t. lt Ito on the baen Inorell~l'll bv ~Id ph., tlph lod n*",villp O"i . All~ II"t 2\1 IIiOll y·Hr d l CC)od or ltloD Dect, mbtr ';ttI' W\)kA 01 til. 'iear ". , out pr ",edln r I g "'~ t II, J date lIe ..... ,.) B I. itl IhOW ' 1 D 1 ' b IIp 1 .. Inne tbe I hi:; to ~n e..,I I' . y"Ulr IIve rll"e ot 1II •• rn ll f"1I'1Inll; 1111 rtllb rueo l./UD aer oatb J" ,." .. ,,,U . I.' ..,II ..' e rpWIl' r rmnl.~ hw ' lIe.llun.tnlo . ~" • ' 2_8~ or 1.ld Rnll id 11tIft."r th ull 'be. " "AII~ lCIuI',.tl •• n totk .. n III, It.ltm I " ,( i,. ~t' m' (\~teClt'lV e8 Rome of be o·t"oO r Ir b -of, h °amou tw .. nt-y , d aOy"a us ~I~ per acre .!Ln ....." 1,le "'-I:" • \I U hI t1i ...hlvAnt~lr,v aR b"ltl EX~URSIONS . . I,he Wl\ ynr ~Yml rilllll :, lehu d toc, lIne rate OCf' unUlVlete f rtil\I'A!r to ~w(l nty uine A"':.l~. - j1UII ItIIld .. "!"': ~nl" fr,im J G : I(AY'" . oi Ne · 11'bl w 1l~41 Yo 1.~37 rk .al1L1l the prtt'lt,inj( office 'Au~ust 2 ' el/f. , To ron to Ont o tb E~tollte nf ' CllIU!1III H- I!',)jtelml\o bosb ' ~:dl~~·":!tn:'~~~~· a'.:''; " Ui , ;: • ~HI, - n ntan Ih~'!I· pll O I1 · tAl .h e HT mA r . Rd whf tt' I 8~1 to It bas thu s been poss ible t.o rlllll , ~t.llJl l a. tc) I H-l. O. O. P nr. Flnftl"BClC){IOO' t' 'nr . . . .ltmlllu . hav e ll O.'l:~I:!';f~:DJ:~at~~rl~1: 42.70 Ba ltim ore . I th~ Yle,l d of this wo~n I~Dll 1).021 .... 1."1 ~. tnln pr.1I1 a t, m l Now Ch , f""1II CapIbold atta I , will noo , tell ga, Ten n. Gled . you er', IIp'''' who lIn~ .... .. 6,a31 tal , .tocl ,~9Z" ~ C IU.:t l 1P .... . Cnm 1t....;..1 • ," ll U IOI!~ hll.' ••••• o \\'("tJ'k tblll . ·ten busb els .Qf· wlleRt per ftTil t ~ blno kllm tth , Bnd 1 000 OIIP 01) tlle' m In. r I] . WillllIllI II' V"nOtlrVf>er f W Amollril Of -Iocorne tor tbe 111 . to '1 ' ' . .. "m" dU' l1 I\ore I ttl · I')'" 17.1. " Hcghlle,,,al R" lI nlon. H 818 0 : mon'neltrOf' E r&n ~veroge .... ... Out. Sell' nyn 0 1:1 . 1". llsv u · r · .... wen ' e. t ' ·!oIoc·,· "'my nf 'II mu"rlanu o 'r ret y ' I n r ne · .. a C't y f M " /1f 1l:I1II/in ' R V"u~rv.,.,r Imh ed fftrm er nnw Mto rt.ed ' @o lneo .'_ Id l'~ h ecill !" b"'uS h C thl ther , A l ", , Iln tb. . 0 ,ear t(I OOOOIllP", eXl .. . c .. o . . ' . .. .. I();tI 8 to. v .. Bllwln Vlln llAr voo r eL'lIl. Sal's 2;,8~8 , .\lf Augu In wlI1lea wbereof. I bu. bere olo rad o Spr i ngs I.UlIiJII'" 11 linn unn tber mlln WIlS .l I ~ 10 HI·-,fl colo",Io' I \'''Og rc. , of nnl' Hult . l!lIL. C': III, 20 .. Pl ko·. P" ak t·he . bya r met _.I. hod 1 whl Oe. ",,, nlll i cb htU! n (it '~~r"t~e mlCII~::.e rilltt.6I't ate oon flrm ed. _ . ....,S ~nge es ,t::dd~;u~dm:ea~tII~::: det ectl vl', at leas t be . " ~".L. ~ tI, 11I' ..N.l\ paId Itl; .,-ay ,' bot h08 paid~ in ·1 IIUI·lISt Oll'l\'Cnll Ol1. trie d to get . 8 San Fmn cisc o Nnr thw tloo lin aon tlll' rent al fur tbe lI!idl .biI' ZJjr luiL est HOl11ese ek crs' Exc ursi ons . ,V, mlln Into trou ble. bot lttllll () .. ~ v"..... 8u"t. ., ..... notl llDg Sou tow cst dId Wes t wor k ,vRry well . Now thisIt mlln In AI/~ U't. :5o\1(o:mlw.r. OClI> of b cr 'mo re thBn South dOl lm per llore. Till ie 8all r I\od hUllbantl t.1 Mar Ir IIIlI·r os u'Q , n." - - - -- -~'I"~'I '\ I:~nl y' tt will' be lleeo thA t whi le t.he firsl Stat e of Ohio. In.:'uranc:e Dc"'aTtr -. h'lI IUIln r can ght on a, Sun day OOUl· B . jl'bo mp4 0n .lnt-In ~l.Jeot;ln ; 11.7 r~nt. Irlg Horos@ my barn Yllrd witb GQ lulIIl) ua. AllrU I. 1!IU6. OO8C of t.he acl(l pho sphl lte osed a disb WiI~oll Har vey to' Wil liam , 95. a1. A. l. I:Qr~ ., SUp. rlDI~",I."r of In,." 1.. lone hos beeo moo h sma ller plln full uf Older II fe''''' )'M.rll : tblln -~-IlgO, .;:,.'he Inlc of, Ohlq. d o hereby .mlf ft.; ve. ; 110 llor l" In ".8 Ie , 1'(111) he "aid wall 8~lng·down k!~ ' 'bat oJ tb·a!.fet tilll ll!' olirrY,loK' nlt.r to tl:!e o. "'111; ..1 Jftas~ohllae"s M.utua~ Lit" !nlu ranc :. wa<,> •'" . ,I' ' . ~n lind p"tl ltllu m "iRO. yet the net IQC&l Ke ep the He ns . ds to drin k It, but whe n' he got .. , fd aISpriql~!l:r-~~~F St,~e of Ma~ ,.. , " I I .... h _ ~tl>l ..n ftll) '"I\" to LI~al"l. : t f~ .. 1t'{l ,be piko .wit h It . he . stRr 'b . ~c1I1 tlhlo ~ lllk. (li" hu , gs COn'l u .lied In all · r.II;..,1 ~' ilh l l.he plke tow "UlUO Krell ,a r roOl .• e ' oomted up . ' "IIr,,; ·7~, "pr.. Wa~m. ,MIlNOle townlol,tp'; 1: ';11 iE ·fert 1 '1 urdH 'Wa vne svll le. Now I hll S lllie r ~blln from t,be ucil l :"clu b ' •. d ~;:rl h . : <d .. \ btl .. Ira~~~ . t· ~ ~pl:ft : Btln r.f, I.." RI'-!.'"kA to H"rrl.,& i.IC·I !~e . pr,oIJrI.I< bUline,. I!f Ip·okh, • .iilluroucs, a;i>' I j\1Mt told bim t,hll t he' b'ltt er atOll ._ B. P 081' ft ell one. , 01 " " _. :I. • IhF Ilv " ••, anee RIPI )t"irf ' ,' qnlf ol~lill h~ ot qr, YRI.. ,I .ccld c<\1 .Iu . 1><,.01111 thllrfl IIl1d lI.~t ovt' r the feno e or f'd "04 I"aur lot. In ,fIOnn . ted Ih<r'~'llh Ind ap. hA)p 111ID Mllr . Or,b tlr t'XIM'.riIDRuts QIl tbe I:I8m _ row : .... . • e- pertlinin, ther.t " , .'tlrm hllv e .ibu.wlI ~hllt fi\rm-mH Inri. ',rlpl(n',' p~rch ..infl WllI'n 1111qlllt. !!llYI.hng mdet: on Sun nore ~nd dlspQlln, ofo" InnuI \"b"f\ v I'm . ll" , I It' " II .... ~.Ji:itw"rfl (~rftv.. . . ~ibcd iq IiFtion 3&//,11, lI ... ia.d Sl~tulel of Is Tl!C mllle lule, l lJy ~I\m u of the . n "I t.o) . l mke .).,. 1'1\ of II 1:0 I'Ve . Melrri"n O~lo. until tel lll.,c n (liro '. otly bfJfrom ',t'he lI,",ule to Ibe 6nt lI 111 1\ ill. u!lP ) 'the . I fI d f y ' hnd I nrgc~t p Oll 11 rym II 11 8 the lI10st bet.· ,daf •1 ' '':llr.. lllZftl',1 ; FIl 09 II 0 I'l)" In . or Aptil of· • tbe ~.r 10, D"~ lhO .u dat~' ~ htf1p f. It. eoadl,lolt and "~ilt 1,I'r 11',,1 1\ t I.e 01 I/o ~r I • Illg ree.lfprOlld with p .... on Ihe ecolllll nlc,,1 rann ,, !; /lnli Biolin g Ullin tbllt. ClIO 8':'I,n~.w,i\lhlll:: alO bil2 .0 . UllA,.r., ~om imb er UI' III . IIJ\, .tl qf Oec:cmbtf for e U ll llnl,( \ O<lr rlet lit l1ot. poultr)' .h ) U S"~. Mhr d ~. etc. Shin gles pbl$ pho III! roa! dl\y Nqw ' l, '!loch ~! ~'~, 11ft: :Ir.":,.-;~~. u~d~ Ella ry .F' BAUer, "i'lff ,,"fl l,t .. ,LAf ::~" 1'_ • , itl IIli1'80jct .~bo8J)bllte or ~be PO ~~~-: :' r: I twh t. 0111 IIl1d 1'; IIIlln oam e up hflr'e 'fast eb\l bOl\.,ls (;.. "~ ",oro ","1 do , h'l"deteil qllired' b, Se.:lionA8f. 01 r 11riilldflr.· ·1I ·1.!!!! 11(11'811 Jo ··To tlll- roo k f roul h told 'Re,,11.4 Sit< .., d . ••• to be uJ!>lIo",: ' 'lilt kcup. tho bul loll ll gll If -. Iellse. whl o lIoid phOllp ate i •• ·",1 " " " (Iry 11110.1 .,un ny ,. "r"" 'k ,vIlU p A"r.l lal~ . ....O.D~ of ".Ulble \\'urm . " · .. '\ "w .' .. w-·~ · t ;","!t:': " 6_I.t' IJ 'oit~lI), o\' Wiilitj.·m tlutt ertb wlli te' t,b " ·Aa :::: : . .... . .4 sq4" , I'nil lUp 'rla\ e of pot; "'fl• .. ; r,," "i'.. ... .. . __._ __ (O.fOpl c~pll~l). ineludin. h it . . Q c". ... . 'jr' "~" ·' , d Ib-" t: ' I. . OAN A....LY· IT YOUR I!Itllrvlna to DeHtb U "I . It lUI U)\t' , I'D tJIe t8!\t Il b 1t-lnlUllncO. ail<! lpoet ll ~.. SEL h.... ' ' nve eso r.,.. with r(lOfl l\~ k,.t III encll filII. tl • .. n .. • '!I cuml . l!.Uo ' .... llicd . Ic-(it ICR lIuL Tetl',irc "ninlin gFwh r ntlr1 .... .. . : r . l'llo ..... olng ... 8-'& ' t he " •. 401.7 api oeoe " lilll" 1 , I\l'S 1111t. ('lill ' tHla BecuU8f\ bAI stom "ch 1/v1l8 ' 80 well ry '" .J' . < ·IUrI,I.1 on ,polky·bold· y 1m r, ' 0 sa UlI'II's lIull our l"",!rlet.,lt k " ' An pil by' ' .f clru llgln g tbHt 8he , .•1 . W~,rft~, WI'OO,~ 'tlM !r' ,t~ that i'lr F f~ S p o~pbllroull alon e. . .• BuildInG Eoooomy." .. . ~ ' . 011 ,pi Mar y, B 3 Amou~t ,on for .he- Je .. '.n82.07D. In Tor . '. . . .' 9r 2f tf\r~ . IIf t;lt . Cla ir 8t,. eO]u mbu Wnl ale . .,. , .. '" . Amounl ~.. By: _'. t(,om""ir tl\WiI;hl 0\13 • ,nOO. . fl. 0 ~ndil ' . .re. lor q... '" .,. ' w" .. li~llrllll'!l !,Itllrvin~ til nQHt.h O~EGONIA, OH IO '" .' url' .• " ~ , .~ ~he ._ bft" !)j',' , .. " wr,il "" :· "My '., . / ' . '- _' .• '_. . ' a"th,rt'1\ n llpp~le4' t.O tne. qo.rb orol ! In .. rib. my na,"c and c," .. d l·.m~ offici~ Willi tlA wea k IS TH E '''K NO W HO W" I . •ul f rom Il~el e". drUl!'1I t.h!\ t I cnrn . Com : l!filled. oou ld, not daJ Ina "Ir 6uI s .'. ~ ,,:. ' lind oll'lV lind " ",1'.8~I.oner my et ' . I o ner-v t" ftt'lI, ",,, rate Ii.., wre of . eigh p oke d t "\", tons thll , '. (leal In ) . ' ma nuf act Ul' irig of Par oid , A; I. ·Voave. . , . .1 oon lnll "leA p; and l,Iot' befn '.:' r9'c e¢d lng s';' pAr ilorll': ' . ~ . tha t ma kes it the S.perlDtaldcnt of lna"r . ftna '. hal! Inctelltloo I • ...., "w"" KivenntUll mo st eco nom ica l and ' sat to die . Wltll I Indure Alfrl'(\ B :--1" !!o Ie. " ' ;lli"ltu~~ed '~o~nitt' 87 : isfa cto t' y l'Oo 'fing or sid cAd ' I. Lt'llH 0011 ,0. to tt:y . Elep trlo 'l. ing e l. d . tOtl .Dlne.:!.ra~er9geof ~I;K 'wit h Ihll .' . :', _" I l .... h'I•.; 'lI' l:'"'" .. .:... . on the ma rke t. ty , wo Bo bush th elll fire wond of ~r~n pro lIhe of lres lled and u1tt . Oor. .... we ath er· bat Jmpr:<fv\lment o per ~ - • j .... . ... . .br - ~ ...,. ' :: roo f. Y . ou get full .valu I'ece ive d if heKftn at onoe. Rnd a ooo ,ple te tW6niy: lIve bosl i , cure y·ou . bU'y 6, IJIi flla of . whe at wftlion' .aoy ,,,\lo wed ' " Baa ' hea lth tonl o . furt lier " n1 t .. on C9lda: CtoI'P f'!! til Wh'&p!bll .coIlIb; . ., 0'1" t.l1e toe&l 10Qrealle on tlie eal't,h [jOiJ, Gua rant eed ' bi 'F . CIt!,fI, . . C. fi! . 3 qo ti!lree pro p' ..tloo reac hfnt !. ' "' " P 111p,1r RO OF ING PA IN T• ,Ed mnt R",won -a& Nil .ij8 U-' .7f) for ..t<'llil lo ,n av' e ".fte ner:. vftlu.e ..otoftof Ma kels old t.he tr ty )18y'8;'e thh: i Goo d on any kin d of roo f. ~ tr.hl ht'. tt WilY.. . 10 00 ', (\ollAri ~r .~. 0 ~I!!! , D .,... ,," . . Ask you r GJ;' OCe r' for AC ME FL ! dollllrA ,per • . ' ... . ' , ' '', ""1'8 aJln uHll y· afte tipenc!l!,r "~(l r p!"l OU tljr M"" R, oDe THp ·.ma de by the ' . ,1~rld,1l1I .. 3". ·ll1r· I1M' ton for dQl ' ban dllo Oter~mia . .Imn IlfIr ...... ... . .... --... ,.... 110' . .' f "" th'e ' ~a ,. , Ii · Khl1'' :PL'J G ·a:nll PHO . 8O:J v. ·B1II'8. ' . ... NOt: , HtAl : 'ljV . ' lang . . . lll·on ' .. 1ft l, W,h b'·',t .U"-:.fll ""hi "" I'f' .:.,: ' p'p.erlel\oecJ! leaehtlrs. "J)('Wlanol~ Our Flo of .tuole0l!' 10' lin" P9~llIon•. , ".,.010 mud" ., ,~, ur '~ .'" r :lI" : l!aA1, mO ~ lhh' pa,molll8 lattl has bee n . newly rem ode led and ,_ •• Umllled aD), tlmo . 6l ~lll l. SWolenia . pit,.,..; 'ftllll 100IIh..';....... .. .. '37, 01\· . the ,10 ,/Iuot, :1~. InOIl . Wrlle ·A. nnl"'or It1'Bduat ... Jpl,. alono :, 3:10 1>. W1IJ PQIIl T. tlooa ' q l'te( ual ,Jan lIdol ity . . I. u lor of AOD 11100 Iree: our . lluneemeJlt . Calillilf\le. flol:li-is bet ter than eve r• HflfhMr.1 t;'mUll p""r,",ci~ ~~f l:l . A ~lIece doin g 80 mu eh) or, lI& (\5' . We O!'l Iyol ir atte,u'lo~ otb e" may , ,", relied on t\i) do ALL KINDS OF FE ED AN D to .•he,f act . m~l" witl.! «)rtltrOO ,hr&s , ~.koJa ,much 101' )'~iJ~ . ,. ., , ..' oint men ... . t ta I/o poIIi , . "v.. cur e for 1J:oseto", all kin ds. ;»f Ha rd Good Lu mb er. Wa vn ...... 1. BrI~"',O.. 'nr rem nvln , .1 Gradila~- ' of the Mi mi' We ma ke a ' ".... ..... . r", "",," od..; , plll'8 ana ner y 'aloo ", " -11"111"11"", tlb' oltl'f' "rtl.III~d kind 01 a spe . cia lty of har d wood fra me s. E. V. Harahan. J. 0; Cartwrieht. Jos. ,CI' ft ' II IIr a01llj, · lfUu bie .Ii Wile Y Mi . Lui S(ie Git hen l Ed nal ldi "le J Rid ge. '0. C. Rid .wa'j'b~.• •114 e'nI oUn l, p. .Bllinuel D. Heakle, u n o ... . I f " dOD t. we re' ~... .... BbD .u_ me.. O!.• ~~ FuUke,: ~' ' . ' .D. Fred ~~ Geo l1~ JOur m!!D81, J. & ..~. rp,R ....
- ---eo.....
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-- -- -- -- --- -- -- -- DR.H.E.
-- -- --
Telephone Da', or Night. '
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
' IIJtl'Out~lr
Local No 7 Long Distance No. B9··3r WAvNESVILLE', OHIO 8ranch OHice, Harvevsburg;
bI\~ ~en ~":ft\~t.·t~a:t~~fft.1'~P'Y,1 s~'~~ 1! ~r:;
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'Bitter~ ;
Chamberlain's" Courh.' Remed, ~!!!!!Clir~ !!!!!!!!!:i! o~
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Mills. mUI
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Lin~e~s_ ·.
,tnwo l~ln;1I1l31iO .
Geo.l .
Spencer· &Monroe, Oregonia, O•
'What It
",'esiden t's Message: U n llk" AnythIng He Had Evor Heard.
--.-dllould Bo to W nter
...- ----LEOPOLD~ SEC' Y
PrDvidc Pur'e Stock,
.. T/".ee
..tco "fy Syst_
IVas /" 11 R"" -Vo",,, ConaiJiofJ, I Ofl'~ (0 Pe·n'·IIa Jlfy BUloralio1l '.
fllrnli;h lillI" !" wb oiesollle r.,m, HcaUIJ ami Strt'nctl,," Qui I,), hOl'd ml",( hllvu 11lI1'(' \Yllt e r F e w (1II'mOl's In t be pral rlo dlst rh:l. ure raVelO'O U W IlI 'tjprlllll watcr r cleRr -~ - . - -- .............~ _ I·ullnlll,. t; tl' nmN. On Il1UIIY rlil'ma lbo I) all~rs th.!s m O I'~llu g. I've lost my thcro 81'0 II10u ll'hs in Ih palltll'" 8UILDING AN ICE HOUSE. \;lassBII lind Whl b y,ou'd readl It to YOUr wh el'e su rrac WAter setlletj, bllt tb. IlOor old unc'le," Hot So Expen.lve or DIfficult ''That c~\\'~ ollg ht nbt to be cOllllicllod tQ Davy Willi just ready 10' I~O out and drink It, J Somctim s If It Is a long Every ~armer May Not Ha~e One. play ball willI the boys, b'Ut being a ,wuy to I fie tank th ey pl'cfer to dl'lnk dutl(1I1 lad 'h turned back ,alld !lI cked rro m th slbugh ratbor thull lake lha It a tnrmer live In a seption whoro loog walk (0, barnyard, bllt In gell' up tho }laiIOI' and' bega n : ' "Duri ng the [lU8t. year 22 , ~126 new ,al" there I.s Ice every winte r, lhere s hould ernl DIY co ws will come, ull to the pllcallons for orm y a nd nav'y pensions be no reaso n why he should uot hnve tank onc or twice du ring the day to lIa ve been filed, and it hall 1I0en ttlg· an Ice hOll5 . and hll" It fill ed each drInk the cool; 11111'e wat I' tit y ul· cover('c1 thai. kerose ne will answer- for Winter. Where Ice hilS been uscd In WIlYS find th ere. IJlono l)ol1sh Ie rubbed on 'wltb a red ~ lIm m () r lIle hOlise wlte SOOD regards !\i!y lallk, SIIYS Ih ls COrospolide nt of woole n rag, 1t also c:leliuslls find lIra· 'It IlS u necessity, Ule Orange .Judd Fllrmol', Is a rOlllld The ' accumpllnylng Illustratio n was o no. 20 Inches deel; nnd eIght reet In se n-es f!'Om the I',.\\'ages of Insects," "'Lorll save mQ, but T nev:er herd'tl a ma~o fro m u phologl'llph taken by a dlnmale r, holding /lllo ut 46 brrele, preNldent's message t!W I't out tl!at way re presentative ot the Prairie I~a rm e r Thi s balds an alllple , supply , l or my Ind shows an Ice bOllse t hat has been 12 head of Btoek, oven whe n ( he wln'lt Every Girl Should Know by Name, the Bird. and 1 ree. b fore! " gaspeel th e old Ollln. ut t1\(~y cnu Blal't ,m oM any old In uso for SOLlie 20 yea M!. It has been , Is caprIcIous, Ilnd I am novel' com' "B i". Her Neighborhood-- Let the Girl in the , Country way, cau't they" " r pll d Davy, and " lied regularly ove ry year, ,and the pe lled to pump by halld If [ lIlll \ vatoh· owner teo)s that It Is os much A part, ful ' ot 'l\\eather conditions. !.Iy waleI' Send Boxe! of Wi!d Flower. to City'School Rooms- lie well t Oil to r~nd : ' "During tbe yelll' 3,2C~ ,G:i7 acres of ~ r his farm work as planting corn In SUIllJl y IB from a we ll near ,the hOllse, Jli6w the Schoolgirl of Ye.terday Spent" Exchanged ~h e public domain ha\,e lI oen give n the spring. It furni sh s a 8uI,ply for 14 0 feet In tbo rock with n windmill Afternoons ",- The Sludy of Star. Will Please the over to the railroads, and YOII will save tbe reCl'lge rator In the kltcbe n and to do the, pumlllng, The \I ate r runs thr/?lIgh underground pitlef! 10 the wa· money by patronizing Bro'w n's shoeMaid With the 'Scientif.c Mind. tel' la nk. The ' water Is Ilt H degree" stOl'e, Groat bargain s In shop·worn wben It comes rrom tbe wi ll and I~ goods, Come to the reel CrClnt store," BY M ARGA RET E, SAN GSTER. nevllr gets much above' 62 degreos In "Oy gllDl, Davy, but docs the meso the tank. I kee p a board cover (In It Nature stud,- 18 , su ppo~e d to be a l we always carried a lun heon OD the sage read that way!" ' ol(c lalmed th e w1th 'Qnly a 2x2·foot openln~ tor tho MISS R LCKA 'LEOPOLD, 187 MaiD il uil e dltrerent thlllg from the study expeditions, and It was not tb. least old man, usc of the s tock. In wlntet I bank oC boou, In a way It. may be true Interesting part oC the occasion, OIrls "You ca n road for YOll reellf and see." str' t.. Mennshll, Wis" Scc'y Li ederlel'au7-, wri te~ : thllt lbe tw~ kinds of study are not , who (ell !Jelow a certain percentage In , "I neve r heard of a presldlent pumng with manure lint! cov~ with ohalt and - " T hree ..y<lllrs og my 8,v stom was !_ s tra w, I aIm to \teep th.e tank Ter..¥-mueb aHke, but In anotber WilY tbelr studies were not permitted to take a shoeatore before, bllt meb be J'm get· .. tcrrihle run,do wn oondltlon and I Wila a ll times It wInd Is ravorabl e, ' th~y cilDnot be separated.. ' Nature Is up bOtapy In their work. 1'he oPpor- ling behind till; age. Go '0111." bruken out 811 ovor my body" I bega~ I am not troubled with wllme or to around us ,wberever we turn; above tuntty oC studying nature wal<thus 'made "The re are 17,452 SlIrvl\'l~rs of the be worrioll about. Ill\' condition Rnd I g~en growth In the tank, for I keep Will! glad to te'y any~lilng \\' lIle11 woul!! 'us stretches the , sky; we breatbe the very honorable and precious, and we Mexican war, all 0 [. whom are on the about 12 s mall t)sh III It couslantly, reli eve lUe, air ; W8 ban, whether we live In town beld It 88 something worth slrlv1ng Cor. pensIon rolle, a nd Pllrker & Taylor , "Perunll wII5IY:commo'n ded to m e Ila T he prosent oceulla nts Ill'e hars, bull. bave Just received anolhel' I!ot of those o r In tbe cou ntry, tbe sl'ghts and • • • • • heads and, obub, and (hey have, been a fine blooo remedy aud t.()nlc, a nd I Tbe study of ostro'n omy ~a pth'atel t:qlored ' shirts at 75 eellts. TIley are Bounds ot nature near us all tbe tltDe, 1n the tank over two years. Before soon found that. it \VIIS wort.hy of prulse. It we bave only a little hlUlk yard those wbo have a sclenUflo turn of th'\! equa l ot all), one dOillAl' shirt The Farm Ice Houl •. '"A fow bottles chllnged my «Indillo. keo\Ilng fis h, my tank would get toul wilb a small plot of grass and a "ot mind, To learn the names of tbe ' con- bought e lsewhe re," mllterllllly and in Il short ~Ime I waa "Hold on, Davy-Stop l'lght the re! Insllres comfort and economy of food and 'It was difficult to e mpty It. but all Qvr:r Illy trouble. or two of 1I0v.,1lt/S, If 'o ur only ac' atellatlons and to recognize Bome of ' now I have no trOUble and the water Quai ntance with bIrds IB djlrlved from tbe planela when they appear above tho You needn 't r ead 'word of that during Bumme r. " lowe to P el'llDu mv r cstoration t lJ\ Thi s bouse I. 12 teet wIde, 16 feet Is as clea r liS a sprillg, There were health and strenglh. i am glud to' cn• canary or a parrot til a cage, we alill horizon Is not beyond any ordinary special messnge. I' ve hod E!nough." long and seve n teel to the cavell, It two low places In my , I>asture where dor e It. .. may /Study natllre. altbougli not with mind , but the study of astronomy Is, on tb e samo degree oC Interest tbat will Ute, wbole, too abstruse to be ultrllcUve WAS ,GOOD FOR STOCKHOLDE,RS Is blllll or gOOd lumber, and sided water equid s tantt, but I dltcbed to Pe-ru-na Restores Strength. wl tb ou ly ono tblckDllss, The door tlt em And now no wllter accumulales be ours wben we make' excursions to to l'ery yo ung girls, Definitions nnd IIf rs. n ottie arc n. R. R. 6. lul(a , m., green fi elds. rormulas ' YOU mny loarn, but to grasp Lynching' Bee Enabled Telel'ra.Dh 'Com. In (roll t Is seldom IIsod, s ince the Ice In the pasture, 80 I have no .pond holes writes': "1 had eatulThund fcltmlsera. • II put In aud ' removed from the door wI th accompanying ' O1ud aud filth. hlo. I bego n the li se of Perllnn nnel I take It for ' gronted thot th girls the prInciples oC aSlI'onomy YOIl reqllire pany to Pay D l vld ~lIId. 3boWll on).ho sIde. Rllcently on 11 drive through lho began tl> \itnprovo lu l' ,'cry woy , MI ~ho are studying nature are doing so maturity a nd t'nslght: for these you ~. FO'fmc rl y the Ice WIIS .packed In country 1 saw a dairy lie rd jllst pIne· hend d,008 not hurt me 110 mu ob, ml to some purpose. E very one of us mllst wult. Bllt you need not wult-to One wou ld scn nl 1.i, jUl ink n lynchi ng sa wdus t, but a8 ' the s UJlll~" became tered wllb l,Tlurt from , stilDdlng In a appetlll! is gpod and 1 I1W 1.~ln,log io ought to Itcow by sight and touch the learn by heart ' Addl~on ' s e"qulslte lYTiC , would \)0 t.lI meonS.,.Alt el'Qablins ' II 8Qarco marsh hay ' has been su bstJ. dIrty 'Iilollgh fillhUn g fil es. 1 dlel not lIesh nnd strcngth," treeH In the 10oal1ty nentest our homes, that begins : ' struggling ttllegra ph \!OOlP:~ II Y to de· tuted In pa rt wi th s ucc ss, SUl;h 1\ e nvy the d'alrytruin who would go to W e should kno , them by thei r penu· Til " pn 'IOll8 t1rmnm r. nt on hi gh, ciaI' a dlvhleud, yet thls ,ln' what hap.. hOUSQ Is £healll y made nnd ~f painted- hla . Chores atteF a hn~d daY'1i work POPE'S STRONG COMMON ' 'IN''' lIarlties of bark ' and branch nnd blld Ami I,ll th e b l u ~ , olhcrnl .ky. poned In Nor~ h C~ro l jna, I·cce ntl y. Is alt rao tl v!I. Pul up with reasonobl In the field to find that he must · wash and teaC. We sbould know t he flow · " nu Blln nG'I"" m:llvena U 8hlrllng tram e. Tllelr J;Teo l orIgInal prool"llII. ' Without a douht It Is the o:o ly case of eal'e It will Iilst for Il ge neration ,with eve ry cow before milking, Every Pontiff Rofu.ed to BD Made an Invalid ers tbat grow In Ollr couat ryslde, rec· , by a ,Pen PriCk. I kn ew a wee tot ouqe, a dimpled crea- i!l Idnd olYi'e ' rd, very litt le repair, If such II 11Ix-it~y , farmer shOUld provide Iln 'nmple aup. ognlzlng t bem by their peculiarities A party at North '1l1'01l nlon8 orga,n· . III to' be enjoyed nexl s nnfm er. now' Is ply of COOl. pm'e water for. hIs herd oC root', stem nnd nO'Yer, or color, nnd tllre wllh \ll)rlous eyes, who did not want to lake' lessoos In wusio, 'LIning bel" Izcd tqem s,el ve8 Into it cOlUpany anll tbo time , when ' j)lllIlS IIhould be milde and so drafn.bls posture 'tbllt lIo othe~ The , followin g story 18 told of Plul Ilerfume, ' ' " X, by ,the llome oorrellllond cnt of tb, We should likewIse kno w tbe birds. IItlie' hand she,polnted upward and said: built a I<!Jegra'ph IIlle bet ween two ,tor '!Wilding, ~o all to bave ev~rythlllg oould be. obtalfled: Loni/on Pall , Mall GtUctte: , Notblng, Is ' niore ,baol'blng tban tbe " I would rather studyailtt'Onomy." A,I- s01all towns In the easte rn part o~ the ready when ' the Ice harvest COllies " HO",E' MADE MILK COOLER. Th. other day h6 was writing at lila stl!dy of birds, They are fasclnatlng though the colld did 'no t kqow ft, sLat . Tiley k ill Jt with dUfflcul tirln llQxt WInter, , 4eak, ' wh en bls ' lien began to s pl utt er. little creatures, Their babit!!, ' man· nall'ono my and mllslc and rllathemlltlcl5 operation tor seve ral)' III'S. barely 'be· Conltrue\od of a Largo BOle, a B,arrel He decide~ to cban~e It, but It stuck, n ers and customs 8. ( not so very op- nre' all someho'w akIn to one anolbel', Ing able to pay expen ~es. The com· ~ ,ANAGEMENT OF MILK. and Plenty of SaWdll.t, ' -:: and It was afto r a strong pllll I.oslte Ollr own when ,we really pene· a nd, s he ho Is proficlcot In a ny one I.>J Itany was about to abllnd9n (he IIne ' ln .' , __ , ' , ' , . that It ca me out., Pl'9niptly prlckln. 1.I'Ue their se'crets, ,. In a sIn 'Ie ratber I he'ill ml1Y hope to becOme proftclent In despair wb en. SlIddeniy on,ei n ight a . party of 'men , des()ollded Ullon a town The Rule", Wh'leh Should Govern In It Is , not an eaijY task lor those who him' under his ,~all. [or wltleh, probabl, small ne(gbborhood 'In New J ersey a them: 111,1. ' the Da,lry·to Inlure a Pure Product. have but small Quantity ' of milk to he would lIave followed tbe nat ural One. Api'lI day n~ I ",ntched the bJnlll, at ona e nd. of the line nnd r~l\'cJbly took bh'd lover last s limmer counted DO ' care for to elo It with econolllY. , The Impulse to put It in bls mouth, and we leu tban 52~ varieties oC hlrds, Their oUr little brothers of tbe all', bU8Y with trolD tlte' look'!lp a prlSOnel! who had Hnard's Dairyman ,says Ulal t~e es· large cooling 1anks or, retrlgerato[8 ""ould bue heard bothlng more of the ml l;ra'tlona, their nes ts, UIIllr patience thei r house'keeplng, 1 w rote a bit nC made himself u!1popular In Ule ne igh· In ,.olldlngl 'food tor' tbelr' young, the verae thut you moy IIlle In any monthol borhood. His dead botty was fou nd se~~lal ma~tel'll In ~he dmana~4UJ1e nt or "'hl~h dairymen on a large Bcale can Inoldent bad there not been an lntmol'ler's and fatb er'!! , care Ln sbow· the yenr , since;' though It has an April dangling from the 11mb of III. tree. nex t , III Ii ,are c~mpl'c en ed In th~ ' a or a re :, nol ror tholllUll with the 'Italn ' allo, His exc;lamation brouGht war s-illeanllnes~ and co~lIn g, , , li lngle can. hence , he muat resort to bll secretary, who waslled away the Ing the YOUlig ' blr(~s bow to ' lIy. all ,meallul'I!, YOu mllY read It In Mayor, day. , ~ 'he a,lfAlr callsed a sensat ion. 'N e ws. Milk sbould be drawn (rom c\el\n ' blood ' with dlslnrectants obvillte th ese are In terestlllg pott:! of: natllre June,:and like It jus t as weJl, paper men:floeked thither by the,scol'e -- cows In a c;lean place, Into clean: pallll microbes, and bound It' liP, ' at theThe Bul'I'dlng of the Nest. atudy, But It Is not so mucb oC tbls lame time , suggesting a doctor's vls(l. ,a nd the 'slate 'a ut horities bilCllme' fully and~ ~tq~ed, In elean cans. cOllle l\~ah l to th e apple Ire&that I ,am thinking as I write to YOll, They'lI Itolll n and a ll Ihe rellt,Milk palls and cans s houl,d ,be cleaned ' 'INo, no," !!a ld the' ponUII lallghlne, as 'ot llie way In whloh we may belp Wh en Ihe orcltSl'd brnnches II ro (nlr to ,ee, amu sed. }.'or three days the lune telegraph wll'o was ,kept humming with e~ery tlme ,the,Y ar!! u8~d, and ,scaldM "It ' would be , known 10 tIle preBl d , one ano ther In these daya, Girls , wbo 11\ the anow, or th e blos"om drcllt : once; I should be Itllled and burled b, ~Ive Iii , tbe countl'Y' oughl havo ' a And the pI' ttl eiC thing In lhe world ,.111 be me8sag~s . . Ai the end of thla period ..t le~st one~ every day. To ~~ this th e stock holtlel's were a8toll1ided and' successfully. firs t 'rlns'l In 'cold or mod· -tbem before he cOlI'ld ' arriYel" Tbo.. The bUl hllnG' or the neat . , ' mISSion to thel r city ' coulllns, and fill ed with joy , by tbe anulouncement erately warm 'w!'-ter; thlln wa~h hi hot 'aurroundlnl 111m would hllV8 liked to wben spri ng ani! summer bring theIr WeavIng It \YcU, 90 t:Ollnd nnd trIm, thal so pi'osperous had thd atralr!! of water, Uti.!ng • brush and not' a oloth, make the silght mishap an eXCuse fOl'HollowIng It wit h '1lI'C IlhlaBanl days boltes of w itd flowers too rill' owny tiir him. th'l corollany" 'b ~com o that a divIdend ,and then acald with boilIng water and Itopplnl the ' aUdlenceB, but Plua X; anll , ga,rllen lIo,w e~s" too: shou'l d ' be' Nf)thlng Jl;olhlns (01' Ii r to!! (aIr, ' was at hand. 011 the Impulse I>f the let the~ d,rr without wiping. Store was, sOll\e,hat annoyed at the lIugge. aenc , ", to ,t he schoolrooms where Ill\ngl n g 11 1111(11 on l lie l (lpmosl llmb, moment they , were abput tp drllw up theae, "hen not In IIS~, In a clea,n tlon, aaYlllg. "Enough, enough! Whd Their qaaUII In th e ulr. the pupllll ba \'e. no eas)" way or get· laoe a~ay ,from dust, ,and lIrerer· ' , . la a ,poD!prlck! ' You make me "l'ldtc, tlng specimens for t1fe mselves. ' A h ! ln othe r ,llh'd, YOII' II "ave' w or,' lIa') '8 re~olutlons of thanks In mellllOl'y 'or the V 1 ge'!Ueman who bad 80 c'~lIslderably ably "here air. and sua light caD ~each ~ '.'" ' , , . 'tiloue, I have not' ceased to be a maD 8chools ) n dltrerent ' parts o( tbe cOIln- W hen Ule eggs are under )'Olll' brcftst. , " aDd ,!jecome , a baby,! " So he ~ .. try sbouJ,1 ¢x~bonge flo "/'ers;' shells, AnO IIhadow rn '!y dnrken th e dallolns, rllY. conle to their rescue by allowing blm ' them. the, we oneA leo\'e' lhe nesl : lIelf to, be tJat:\;E\d, but aft'~l' the first ' ~ not stir up manure or litter OT ' , , " Ii ' " . present, at the ceremony ' ln' cO/Dmtimc.and other In \erestlng prope'i'tlts ot lhe a When ut they'll n!if! their wings In n IIll1d Ilmnze , 'Yave , of e n{hllsla.s m Bober secoM bay !lIst ,beforp milking. ration of bl. predeoeseor. ma~Jq Dature 'stu"I"" clasB, abd Ii 1I\'0uid nof And God will sec to the reat, thought llrevalled and It was alrl:eed arueh, 'udder and ftankll or, COWl !Je. ",'-lik Cool or Part.. , ' be a t all· , bad Idea It there were a ' thal this would not be a dllgnilled fore mUklng and If n'!'lessary sllghtl1 ! Jokes about 11.11 bandaged heer. · \lome ·to the tree. wlth,all10til' ti-aln regular eY8tem or correspondence be. SoWhen Ihe applo b10.80lllS grow; dampen thele Dar-til tD prevllllt dIrt lome plan ' on the bome·made Idea. Origin of Knighthood, t Wl'en J eall ot the lillie village- anll 'l'hroullh tho April s himme r of sun and rnl,n, ceedlng, ' and hal ...t, talllDg, Into th~ pall, T,ake 'a bOll, 8ay, the Indlallapolls sen. Knighthood was InteMed to aer.Go Hyinff to and Cro: Det~ of the bl$' citY, all aliout the work Strain the milk Into cans, and If tlnel, wblch may be, bought at an, a. a mart of dIstinction for deed. DC And alng 10 Our hearls 8S we watch Bpln QuIeted Him. each' was dolng 'l.n her study ot nature. elbth atraine(l are used, bave them Btore for a low price, high enougb to ro8Oll'l1 and merit. "Knlcbt" pro perl, Yil ur talry bulhllnga grow. was going away (aIr U,e sumShe Anothllr hfilp(ul thing, that I recom(Col'yrJght, 1008. by ·Joseph B:1!owle,. ,) mer and at.' course she wanted a ' ne", waahed first In warm water and then contal~ a barr!lt 01 good d\PleD~lonl: algnlfies iii P"r8011 who, fo'r hie 'rIr\ue melld ,Is' the marking of passages In boht!d again before used , a second Fill In Uie bottolD o( tbe bOs &evers, and m~rt,lal prowellB, Is llllsl!d , tiOill ,~ ,'~ tbe poetry a Dd prose tJlat y,ou rend with A VER.Y. DAINTY LITTLE ,CLOAK., [Iara'lIol. Inches 4e'lli ,with .. a"'cl.t,,- and on thl, the rank of gentleman Into a 'Illalaal Ume, , ' ,' "And ' 1I8 to ,the handle;" I s he mused, 8n' especial I look to theIr bearing on naDa not leave' cana ' of milk In" sta'· set a barrel out 4."., 10 that when la Mad. of ,'whit. MU.1in Ind, Trlmmad "I wanl. somothlng , nObby, , Do , yoU of dIgnIty and llonor: - '. ture, You, :wlll lind tb,a t the poets'care - ' - - -- ,- with Fill. Embroidery. thlllk ,(he head at a bird wunld suit ble. but remove', to'. a clean, cool place'; milk can" la aet Into It ,It wm come ,. grea.t dea.1 abOut the wInds and the leave ci)Y~r partly, 011 br cover with ,ius! bel~~ tho) evel of ' the top of the MI .. lo!'!lry Work In I AfrIca; me7 ~ ' ' , wavea. the tiky and tile earth, and that All mlaslOnary sQCletietl 'at wort la Thii . II a sl m pie IIltie liellsse ror , Tile 'big husband lool;ted up frOID thin Diullin 10 tbat beat may pils off. lIarrel. Arouild , this barrel, eIght "'Teal poetr}' Is full of beautifU.l allusIons 'Set cans In' cold wat.e r when 'posalble, Inchss deep" PJlck BAwdliat. ' Set the IAtrlca' hlTe , now In rouDd : Dumben ,to (he phenomena of the world we' live s~mmer wear lo be m,d&:,ln eamb'rlc, hIs ,paper alld gri nned" and Btlr ' tTiP , o r three tlines 110 tbat ,can of, m4 k In tbe barrel and , Pou.r In '1,000 prlnclp~1 mla.l lo'n .tatton., WI. , "Most assuredly, my dear." he fn , !fenoy,I!OIi, whom yoil will' studv mUSlin, lawn, pique., or white ,wash. cooling; !Day, be uniform. ," 09ld water and, If ))OIIsl.,le, adiH sev· ,.about.. 6.1I<!O aup.-,taUoD •. , 1'n your classes In Engllab Ilteratllre, ha'~ Ing silk. Our model la In wblte mUl- chUCkled, 1.'lc tlte bird 'is a parrot." Do •not mix watm mllk with the' eral large plecea or lee: ' Arrange a ",' so mucb Intimate knowledge oC nat.ure lin; : th'e 1l81188e 'Itself ,Ia made wIth . ' Sh ~ flush ed ' dee ply, ' " faucet ' which ' ahall ran ' through the "Is that so?" she- retorted, sharp- coolild, milk. that 'b i's poetry Is almost a guIde book a HtUe square yoke -of double ma. , It la ellO'dealr.hle, and In the lon'g barrel and ,1 he bqx aD tbat ' the water to the lIowel'8 of)1ls nati ve land, Long- terIal, to tbls the lower part II ' Bllght~ ly, ' ''Well. IIlr, I am goIng to get run economIcal" _r~g'ard being had to 'may be drawn off wh~,lt /fets warm, fellow. Whittier ' and, Emerson have Il Jy I!:athered : 'It fastens down the frolit' YOII a cane for a blrtbday plrssent ,and the Ute,' anll appearanpe ot the caDB', The lIIustraUpt:t Ihowa the Idea plain: \ sreat.. deal to SIly' about natu~e. When ~Itb , ll8arl button's, the foot r. turnl!d I , shall make 'sure that ' ~tbe handle to covsr them , with a blanket or·' can- It. In the' amall Ctrawlngs' at the bot, aults Y011 In overy partlculla r." '"OU t ead' the. great master$' or' IICUOn "Ab, Inlleed ! What 'kln df of a bird ' vila while In tr.nllt' from larm ' to tom "r.t" rwpreael\tsr' the 'box "V' the ,.~u will find tbat they have wbole pages factory. barrel and "A:" t~e cali or ~lJk, and 'or beast wllJ. It .rolll:esent.?" devoted 1'0 descriptions or scenery ant) In the dra~lng: to the left, ..G ..... bow. "NeIther bird nor beas:t. It will that Bome of them paint nature In warda , BLINp FOR JUMPING CATT~~. ;how -tbe faucet la , placed near 4nl• •b<lt...1 represent a lobstor ." all I{ wltb Ihe brush qr an 'nrUst , ' ' . , tom' Qf the - box. ~nyone' can "'. good pla n ,18 to havt! a commOnplnc!I -~-I Pleae , ' of Heavy "Leather Hung a",o1'8 qll~~e this milk coolet' at , Iman' book. and whenever' yoU find sometblng ,, P"upera Were Well F,d, ., t!1sl you Uke write ,It down (or ruture ' In the 'record' oLSt, Thomas bOIl- ' Eye. ,WIII :, Prov. , e;ff~ctua!. penee, reference, :, DAIRYNO~Eis. '" ,plt~1. London. Is ail entry olf t be year 'A good preventive for th~ Jumpers Wheb I' WIIS a girl 1;8 studlert botany Cowl!' are often ponfue6d, by tbe'Dum· 1570, to ' tbe eirect that "In, conaldera. ali t under the t rees, ' There was a par'tlon of the bote tyme of thel yel'e," ,the " a piece' of heavy leatber ,hung In bel' of sou~ds t lie mIlker ·makes. ' ,L!l. ticularly ,chHrmlng bit of woodla nd Ilear front of. the eYes , tIe talking should be dotre' during tbe 'poor bn allowe d "every one " a daye our school, nnd our natllre s ludy W09 . ' by a atrlng or Wire ,milking;' time: ' ;':' , , thl'ee pyntts or B ~re fOl' hllo montbs" , elw'a ys Nl rrled on out at doors, Our arollnd tho borns, The cows ' who taught , to .come '.. -a qllart at dllJneT and a pInt at s up, , t ~m~ h e r had 3 seat 0 11 II gJ:II)' l'OC'k, 0\'They can see to artd go at a word , save tlme ' lItTenglh per-and ' at tho end of two months reo Ilrecl wll II a blnn'l;cl hnwl, Movbe \ ' 0 11 ' , rtr....,.ifII~ eat anything, ~pon l and annoyance and soinetlm~s avert a turn,to "there qlde Qrdlnary allowanc'e, ~ ~ ,t he g:rollnd, Bays disaster. ,, ' ne\'er ~enrd of a lJla nk ~l RIHlWi, bl;i It wych!! Is pne qll!lrte," Tbll rood at Y,01l Jted ,f:O ne with Miss J une li nd had Farm. and " Home, Ma,lI)> 8. weIFbre~ : helter 'b aa ,been this ancient wO,rl;house W'Il8 to be dealt ' • bepn prl\'lleged to ua rry har :3colch but c ~ n not lee ruined 'by' lacl, of care and ,h andling w,lth liberally a9 the d trln k. The lll nl<l 0 \ ' 01' )'our ,arlll ' YOII wQu ld havo almonel' and steward were to "bye DO blgh ,en,o ugb t& jllmp a tence, It la the ' part of the oWDer 'and feeder, du _' .. , .', ,r , kn own whai n dell g hi.ful and cOIHenient bY,lfe bllt ,o f 'the beat, wldlOUt \>ones also a ~od ,t hln'g to put on animals , Ihg 'the ,nrQt ,year. ' ' w "a l It wall. and ,In !!!leclall wlthollt tho mal-ybon, tbat are crOIB al\d 1,I abie to atll\ck ' Th:e cal ves of to-dllT. a~ th~mj!k'ers For Bab)' of One Year. 'fh l' ~iI'l l! ll1'oupcd themselves around anyone. of to·mor~ow. ' If ~~e}~llkerB' ar,e go. andl none othor to be bowg~It." , - _ .--,.-,- -'.' on lhc gra~s nenr II broollRlde and as up wltb a wide belll, abo'l'e Which .! Ing to he liP to pal', ap(lQlal attentl'JD '" A 8ulIgeatl,o n. ' must be $ Iven to their !J'ree.dlng' 'ail~ tIle less on", nt ou th~ hrook sa'o J; amI j lS a row or mu's lln embroidery InaerBachelor Maida' UnIon, 'I .. 8parklt'd nnd t.he 01'0(1 or as IlIlIahy Lion. 'Fhe cape Is edged Wllh a Crill Young girls ate less eager tb marry .'Some oC tho b\lttcrmakers ,w ho en· care. on d the gll'a m ot l IS walers Illade mil · oC musllu e ln brolde ry, The collar III than tlley used to be, 80YS ,~ wl' rt~ r ' In JOY 'ustng the " b'lg stick" ,wtlh theIr ' '1t Is pOBeiblo to ,~evelpp 'l!'oo'cJ- mnk !.'o lr QJld sUMhl n In 011 1' HOllisl We '01 {llece e!nb'roldery edged. with a frill The Lady. At one tim e 1\' R:lt'l who re- patrons In a ~t emptlng' to Ifet I?Qod cows f('olll bget brt;ie't1s b.e cause 'lt I ~ a ~r. d a great .~el\ 1 aboul bo ta,lIY In like \lIe ca[le. een ilone, bub It takea a long 'time. mained ulllnllrried when sb,e had been milk and cream, could well profit by tlto~c f' n~hant{'d [If I. m oolls. anrt we Bonn e t at While mllllfn, ,oul one. or tWI> seasons was 'alm08~ • IUl~Iltlng I he plan of the preacber take!! a much s.,orter time to breed I arn ct , loa. a love or nutul': that Is ' 111II leria ls , tcqulFed: Three and OD. reproach to h er parents. s rId an un· saya the Nortbweste.rn A'brlcuiturl,st: them from a daIry tnil!.' . " lIot galn e(1 b~' lh o,;c WrlO st ud y her ' Clllal'I r ya rds 36 Inchea wld~ two fa shlonablo blot on the m l\ l~r1l1ge llIar, who "aid that bE1 hall made UI' tils The IntrOtluction of tbe blood of onl y In dr! Ii s~edru ns hol wccn white, rUl'dl! Inse nlon , one.halt ;yard' piece ket. Bnt I,he unmllrrled tllertly mind to "thunder lesa and lighten ' breeds that ti,atlirall~ yield rich ' mlljc wns he(\ wall -, embl'olclery. an e!-- abou t nIne , yards more dn \be pulpit." "Lightening" "III raise the tsst of nllllve ~or ICrUti ed 8 \<nlon, whiCh YOII may b~ jo~ere!lt " d to I,now tbat l frllll1lg . ' paya bette r than thun,del'lllI lUI)' ' berds as soon as the InnIJeneo,oe tlioH tlmn. lu'eellil hp a chlmc. to operate. ' "Illl\'~' '' ' s aId th e old mUll lI ynes to his youlI~ IICllhe\y tbo ollt 'I' morning. "lhey ~ ay til e 11I'c:!ldollt l,Ius scilt a till ' clal DlOSSRg to coug,'e"s. ,a nd It's In
:~ ' -:OR
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· ege _ ove A C il L Aff
' PUTNA)I DYES elIln more gu us, 'FADELESS b,l'lgllt.Cr Cf IOL"II, wit.h 1... work thuD elhe,',,"
Maryland Phyelc:liln Curea Hlm.elfo:::...a = l r---:oI-+_ D _ r._ Flsher Saya: "Cutlcura RemIf a '!'Iomall bellevoJ her husband edlc. PoeBeBa True ~~---+~~~~== Merit." 11.l": be ",m make
"lIty face was ' amloted wltb eczema' In the yeur 1~97. I lI ~ed lbe CuUcuTa Remedios, and was entirely cured. I am a practicing I?hyslclan. and very orten ' prescribe Cutlcura Re liol vent and Cutlc ura Soap In. cases of ecztlma, aD<I I hey have cllred wber" utller formulas have falled. 1 am 1I0~ In lbe halJlt ot endol1lng patent medlcloes, but when I find remedies possesI:ln& true merit, sucb DS the Cutleura Remedies do, I am broad·mlnded enough to )lroclalm their vlrtue8 to the world. I ha va been praollclng medicine tor sixteen years, arid must say I ' find your Remedies A No, 1. You are at liberty to , Ilubllsh this letter, G. M. Fisher, M, D., Big Pool, Md" May 2-
TrfJe Made IntI! HOUle, A IIlngular maple tree 0 0 tbe · left banlt of til e Oder, In G'e romny. Is at" least B century Old. lind baa been' twis ted an~ cut In to a ·k,lnod of circular llous,e of two slorl es, A firm, leary floo:- baa beeD forme'l by clB ll~lnG the brt.nclles 10 b come gra dually woven togetber. Above this Is a s mnller sec· ona 1100'1', similarly {ol'med, nod tbe ends or tbe ' branches' have b en woven loID eolld walls, In whIch ei ght wIndows on ench 8tory bll'V6 lIllAn cut.
Ibe n a vel he II IHt Ifl dlll ~ "d In, II fln o ass1lmptlon of Indltl'erenct;. "By ;Ul'k, all th huslllCH8 til way, wllatevel' became of Mias allll()1' I' Llon 0011 WC>J'I'Y, all tl~e br . 1 Tohl'lan-<>r Mrs, i:lenlly?" affairs of f , hi 11 lIud occnpl ed bl s "Oh, deur, dldn·t yon hear?' s he ret ime tl u rlu ~ tho all'cunous y e al'~ fol ' plleu, II'lth a sbrl ek of laughte r, lowing hla gradll llliou from ollege, "No," he r plied, gravely, und a Ollr YllfI' ' bnu u t erased Irulll hla 1:1111t1 Dud trllle 's hortly. ,.. , hourt lh l1loluory f1t dDlnty care· fr~& "Oh, my. It's tllo greatest joke," Lall1'll '1'011"'\11 biB old IIwe th eul't 01 laughed the 81rJ. "I~et me tell youtb college days, no, 1109Ith'ely, I mllst read It to YOII, lie hud IIlI s pect d this before he r.e- ~~I - Dev>r mind wbo, ·but one of the turn ed to the 010 IIcen H: now that old class wrote It to me trom ~ara· be was hel'o the conViction caDle to logn, Walt. and I'll &et the .Jetter," him ,vllh crushing lorce. Every And away sho danced, Jeavlng ber t906," Ihaded walk,' e very leafy retreat, Cl\lll l' wondering whether to be angry ev ry IJaI't 01 th old coli ge bulld ~ 01' glad. Pu.hlrrg Cape to Cairo line. Ings und th e ' ct'l.mllu8 8 UID d to be PI'cseutly she danced ' back In In a report In tbe Lonuon TImes It ali ve with her presence. As he again, Is stated that the Cape to CBlro 1'1111wnlkad tbe old lamlllJtl' patbs he "Llsten to UlIs," ahe said, and th on way 11\ South ACrlcn bss bee~ ppeDed 'i""incd to hoar the u;lIsle otlie r giJ:j- tibe read:, I so as to fun o\'or tho Kafue river on Ilh v~ce and to catch the ve ry arOlllll. "Oh, Carrie, just thl) IUllnl sl thIng 1& brldgo which stands on 13 spans, of ber sweet pr sence, happened here yesterday, You re- each 100 feet, with pillars resting on WI~h a groan he adluitl ccl It- he member Laura Tolumn; ot course, a bed 16 feet under the water, Kr.· had fail ed utterly In t he lu~k he Well, she bas been he re all tbe sea· {uo rIver 18 2G6 miles north of Victoria act IllmH(llf 0111 to I' r(or lll~ Htl had son wIth her mother-who, by lhe falla, and lhe distance from Cape There are two classes of remelUes; thoss of known qual· cone away thai dllY wh II her en· WRY, docs not -lo.ok milch oilier thnn , 'row n I. 1,908 miles, 'I'he railroad, cu~e mCJtt to DOlltly was allllounced Laura, 'Ve il, you rem mil r she boo however, Is now ,a t Broken bill, 3.'1 Ity and wbleh 8 ro permanen,tly bencficlo:l in eft'ect, actine d et.ormlned to tOl'get hor, The Blrug· came ellgaged to Mr. DeDtly JUHl afl · miles beyond lhe falls, the line bavlng rently, In barmony witb nature, 'when nature needs assist,; gle thal afternoon blld be n a ba rd e r sbe gradullted , and Mr, D ntll' hn R . bo D pushed on , while the bridge wal anee; and anotber clas8, composed of preparations of ooe, and muny tlnies he hat! thought beeD berllralso nit the seaSOD; and he building over th e Kufue river. unknown, uncertain and Inferior eba.racter. acting tempoot lhe river as th e mOst peaceful bill! be on a pertect shadow to La ura, rarily. but iDJurlously. as a result of forcing tbe natural Emperor William. 'a Battling How haven. ho could find, fIlially bls She has seemed ' a trille ,cool, uud ono (unctions unnecessarily. One of tho most excep'Uonal of AI/alnat a Dangeroul Heredity. pride had trhlllll,lhed, anti, sel· day, ill' 8l1mlng on our old cluss relu· the r~medie8 of known qualit.y and excellence Is ~e ever tlug his te tb with tbal )lec ullar grit· tlon8, [ chlcled he'r about It. .Emperer "·i111nm'a rath~r clied' of cnncer Jll ea~ ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the Callforwa ty motion the 'lIuws on the grid: " 'Ella,' sbe nld, very Bolemnly- ' of the thron t. J:.iup rOI' William himself had infnniite FIll' Syrnp Co" which represents the active principles of ' Iron kile w 80 w II , he hau said to and you Laura never was ' very ptU'Illy~i Kk a,!d, hus bod to struggle wilb plants, known ~o act most benefielally. in a pJeasant BYrup, himself : 801 tntl';' 'I'm awfully afraId I've mad lUllny lnhl'lIultcS. . Jt bne beeo whispered tbat he llim"elf in which tho wholesomo Californian blue ftgB a,re used to con· "Claud e n Ikna p, braco up. Wbere a ' mistake, There was another be· troubled with tbe 80me mAlady wbich I. III spIrit of tour forehenrS, Are rore Mr, Bently, and I liked hl)n very, III tribute tbelr rich, yet doUcare, fruity ft!Lvor. It 19 the remedy cnrrled o,r b ll fDther, Royal blooll i. un, ),Oll to let n cblt ot a girl rui n your very much. Bul he seemed tongue, f01'1 una lei,>' JOost , cnenilly deteriorate.1 of all remedies to sweeten and refresh and cleanse tbe system lltc--especinlly u girl wbo throws )'ou lied, and It , lIlade me aogrY lhnt he blond. Emperor" illinm",. lhi. AS gently and naturally. and to assist one In overcomlnw consti· OVer rur a rellow who III onl)' after would not HPeak, and-nnd ] ac· well , u~ anvbo<ly, nnd i ~ doing hi. be t to pation and the many O,l s resulting tbe.refrom. Its ~tlve prlncl. Ibe Und bl od frOID bim@elf and her mone y?" cCllled IIfr, n e ntl~' -an<l sometimes It ernelh:ute h i~ fRmll1 b,y the adol.Uon of .Impl. lire pies ~d quality aro known to pbysielans rene~aUy, and tbe And 80 he hnd gone bra" Iy away 80ems to me that It would he n sac· princlplu, . r emedy bu therefore met with tbclr approval, as wen 8S with 'l'hl'Ough the "i. it of a coun rl'man of ..-Illl a IIOllg on bls lips, but wlln rllege to become his wHe, whe n m)'. the favor of mnny millions of well Informed persons who know to Bnttle Orook, Micbl":on, while ill his "loom In Ws bearl. Ho hn d worked beart IS-Boniewhere else.' lh lK countn·. "i ~lt inll I he " rorlil'. Fair in of their own 'pel'sonal knowledge and tram actual experience hard, ond oot wlthOllt suocPss, Th "Wh\]e we Were talking a tn OS 8I,lU · ~' ''iL'I\ ~o In ' I893, }::tnperor Wmi~m becoDle tluit It Is a most exeellent lo.xative remjldy. We do not claim tbat " ry wnole·llcBrledlless wlLh whlcb ho gel' boy came with a note from her acqllAlnted wit h the Battle 'Creek idea of It wlll cure all manner of ills, lint recommend It (or what it reaJly tbre w hlms 11 Int-o hlB \vork and moth r that s he had le ft tor New ,Iilllllie th'ing Dud hill! to a Inrge. uiont .dorlc.<! the methods in his family, His which waa born of his d stre lose York wltb Mr. Denlty, whel'o they wife r~presents. a laxative remedy of known quality and elcel,lenee, lonu ehlMren li...I: the ~im'ple iile nnd oCcll py blmself thnt he would forget would be married tbe next day, and tAke Buil l. Creck light bath.. Th~Ir containing notlting of an objectionable or InJurious t.har&eter. tit 11I1I" hlng [ace find sauoy yes of s he bOil d Laurn would appro\' and ullclc( King f.c I,'nrd, .1110 hns thet<e llilths TMro are two classes of pnrchasers; tboae who are Informed iJll!tll I d in his Wind or nn.! DUQkin ,ghnm 1a i ~ COUChe Slvel!lhC>l\l't, drovo him on al ways trQllt her 8 eond ra th r with 88 to the quality of "hat they bny and tho· reaSODS for the 8ICollence l'oluce. !m-: the use of himself nod l,l ueen t o S\lCCC>~S, He had tnken UII a str n· all d ue I'esllect-=ntld a lot of ot h r Alexandt'(J, . of artlcl<!s of exceptional merit, and wbo 'do not laell. conrare to 1'0 l~U6 prOf(lsslOI1, and It. bad carried s turr ; nnd ahe ' wouod U)l , b~r sayIng ' Among other th ing" GOOD HEALTH, elsewhere, when III dealer oifers an Imitation of auy weU known th e oJcle~ t henlt.h journnl in t he 1-'orld, )JIm to m all ), cllmos and Into , muon thnt Allot Julia would IJll a su1l!clent artiele; bnt. nnfortunately, there are some people who do not knoW'. ells nll411 l tll~ llllltic Creek id and the . oh!l)le roile durlug tbe lI rl f honey· toimllia da n/) r. Hie. };" cry numhel' i$ brimful of, and wbo allow themselves to be Imposed upon. Tbey r.annot elpee& , 111 t he sl r~ MS ' antl h ea t ot the 'bat· Dloon Hlp they propoJlell.{O ,take, up-to-date iel hs. Sample copy 10 cente. Its bcnellcla.1 -eft'ects If they do not get be genuine remedy. tie with fo r~lIn~ he bad nlittorell him· "Oh, my, CarrIe, wbat a shock It One lIollnr n SL'lIr, Jf l.\lU will Cll t this (lilt nnd Fend to To the eretllt of tbo drngglsts of the United States be It said hei r lIla t tho oIl! wOllnd bnd healed. was to ],aura. And , rally 1 ~ don' t GO IJ lI EAJ.1·H .PUnL1Sl:IING CO., that nearly all of them value _tbelr r epntatlon for profossional an d fin dl og hi\lIself In tb e near vlelll· kllow wbe ther she was more ling!"y Dl\tLlo reck, )I ic!h. with 0 qunrter you It)' '9 ( th old college t own, ho hnd ,or' Illore glad, You sce. n e ntly, bad will n!r il'e u t riAl tl,ree month ~' 8ubsc:'rip1Dte~rlty aud tho rood ,.,IU of their eustomers too Wlhly to oft'er raslily decided to revis it. til olt,! fOllnd Ollt thut U,e widow bud old Tol· t,; n to thia hllqdsomc mll ~trn teel monthly .llllitatloUB of the health magazine, Wl'ite l~, day. a nes, Theil liko, tbe rush of tho tldo man's ,mODel', alUlOugb el'or)'hQlly ------------~ . , cam Ih ' r nllzat lon that htl er,cr hall been led to belie ve that ht! bulk HI. Int~re! t Wal Per.onll. would love tbe , sweetheart of bls or· the eslAte had been leCt to Laura," An eccentrIc mom ber ot tbe Brltlll1l )'oulh. wherl)v r sbe wus and what· "Now·, what do you think' ot that?" parllllmen·t who dIed recently endeav· manufactured by tbe California F4r Syrup Co., ad In order to eve r her coni:lltlon or relatiollsbill. nakeu MI s!, ample, laughing uotl l Ibe ored va[nl» durllJ4; !L ' quarte~ of a cen· buy the gen~ue article and to ,&,et ~ts beneficial e~~t9, one bu The reallzatlbn frightened him when tears ran down. h er cheek's. tury to get PBSSE.d I!lto law a bIll for oniy to note, when purcha-Bln&'t the full name of tbe .Companythe Utollsht "asbed across hl8 mind "Wbat became of Laura ?" asked preventing Ilersons ftom stanillng ontCalifornia Fig Syrup Co.-plainly printed on thl front of " V8l'J (hat she was tbe', wife of Ruother. nelkn~p, 'w ltb an Indl(teront show of side · win ows wblle cleaning them, flear18lcli w,lth his own r~ectlon8, illdllterence. p~e. l'rlee, 6Oe. per bottle. ODe me ollly. DurIng bls last, less Ion tbo old iellow ~e BOugbt to esca)le thew by clllllng "Oh, sbe's livIng an old maid's complained to a oolleacue lbat bls obon MIss arrle Sample, who sUlI Ideal life at the old home 'In leve- ject In Introducln& the bill bad been Jived In the town, and wbo bad, been laud," replied Miss ' Sample. carel en· Quite mlsunderstobd by the bouse tor a great chum tn Ithe old days. 'He .ly. "The Benl:/YII moved to New tbe8e 25 yeare, "1 I.ntroduced the Care'. r of Veteran Enginee,. ,~as given 110 warm a w Icomo as to York ,and built a pillace on tbe drive, bill," said he, "not tor tbe sake of the Cbarlee Hayne8 Haswell, 97 years make him for&et for tbe moment tbe Laura preferred to live In the old window cleaners, but for tbe sake of bItter pain In his heart" Tbe conver- 11.0me. Oh. you must not go yet, Mr. the people below, on ~bbm they, might old, 18 a prac tlolng engineer ', b New .aUon naturally reverted to the old Belknap. Where In tbe world would fall. The Idea of lbe bill wall suggeat· York 'city. and was an Interesting college daya and the old boys and you go nt tWs rJdlculously earl,.. ed to me by the fear tbat a window ure at tho layln, of tbe mtew Engln· eerll' , clubhouse corner alollle by MI'I, girls. Belknnp had been abroad ao hOllr?" Tltere are Posltloll. oPen III the eleaner ml,bt (all on myself." Carnegie the other day. Hc~ eaw Rob, long and BO Qj:cupled ' wltb bllslness "To Clevelam)," be replied, rega~ · Navy for hundreds of young,mell ert Fulton's 'first stellmboaft on tbe tbat be bad· lost trl\ck of them to a Ing her steadily, Butler'e atolen Fee. between 17 and 25 y~ara qf age, Hudson river, and expects , to take ~ After be bad IQft Miss Sample , The late HOD, Josepb Q , Hoyt, for· tODslderable extent. but Mis a Sam·, all4 for mechanics up to 35 yearl Ille, bavlng lived all the ]'eal'tl under I~ked olr Into s)lace for a moment. merl; ot B08ton, WheD a lad attended promInent part In ' tbe Fulton an~ of age. , Good pay, and good fOod. Clermont ('entennla\ next year. In tb. the 'Ilry eav9 of the old college, and . at!dhen gave voIce to a prolonged a clrcul and his sUv4!r watch W88 fl1rllil ,bed by the Goverllmellt. belng a gossip), piece. knew where, whlatle. ' '. .tolen. The .upposed thief W81 ar- Civil war lie was eblef of tb'e enslneer For full information addre.. lIearly an the old classmates were, (CoP)'rlCht, 1!I06, by DaU7 Slory PUb. Co,) rested, and __ defended by Bepja· corplI In Gen. Burnside's eJl'pedltioD N~Yy' Hecr'ultlag' Station, Poat, and .recelved blgb pral8e for bls ",ork . ... bo they marrloo, how they were Wlln F. Butler, who proved be did Office Build 11Ig', Ciliclllnati,Ohlo, , WAS NO CAUSE FOR ACTION. prospering, and all tbe other details not t~t\e tbe watch. and nenr W . . wWeb 80 dellgbt the 1emljilne hear.t. at tbe "rcul. The oonveraaOon was animated and Providence Blamed for , Letting Hogi Durin, the civil war Hoyt was 111' extended, and Delknall for thll time' Get Into Qa~.n. troduct'd to Butler at a dlimer at the Astor 1I0use. In New York, and tbe being forgot hl8 beartache under the , ' , magic ot' this clever 'a nd frIendly Ill. He/iling that there ,.,a8 to be a law- latter remarked: ' ''';bls 18 tbe nrat tie ,woman, . sutt , belore ' a country justice of lbe tfme 'l bave had .the ·plOlBUrJl of melltIt ~ae wlien abe dragged forth lieaco In B ' small vlJlage on ~Dg la· Ina' You." from ,.ft sacred' drawer a bundle of old the laod,hotel. r went . , ,over to bls olllce . "from . . "Oh, 1I0!" said ·H oyt, ,,,ho then ,~ class photQgraphs nlld ~bat ho waa ' Wben the' suIt c!lme on It appeared tated the clrcua IncldenL )'WaJ that you, Hoyt?" asked Butmost paInfully recalled ~o Ws great aorrow, that a man ~a!l ~rlvlng s~ve n bogs ler, and, beln, anll~ered In , the at· alon; tbe hIghway, an'd that. finding Irmattv.. BuUer laughed ..nil said: "Oh, but do you remember this pic· a gate open" ·the animals all rushe d I'Tbat was an awful ',ood watcb, / Illc we had," ahe, e:Jtelalmed, shoving a pbotograph In tront of 1118'Y Into i. yard !od destroyed · a good part' Hoyt. Th8t Is all I got for detendlnl Dose. of a gar<!en ,before they could be got· th. thIef." .Dld he remember;? "The blood ten' out. Tbe )llaloUIt wall a wIdow MORE THAN MONEY. rusb'e d . back 'Into hlB beart at the !lnd the 'defendant 'a ' wldowel;. The -emo·"' unUl be thought he would plalntltf stated bet case very clearly, ., and the defendant admitted A Mlnlltn Talk. About Grap.Nute, All'lI.t n... of Ibo ne.. o'ace. All 'l b. land I.... ... faint. It was a qf a group every· ...." rul," ID THE ,m;W STATIfTRIBUNE. 'a " at a )llcnlc The girl. adorned wltb tblnr, but ..based biB deJense In tbe "".,- Irllt stomach trouble began " ... 1•• D. .' ......Ir-..11b more 'hllll Ibr •• tim•• , .' " open 'gate. But for the carelessness -. tbe, boys hals, and ~e boy. w~rln" of the plaintiff the hogs could not back In )896," writes a mlnl.ter Iii' abe c1reol.doD or aDF ~!b.r pOPer I~ Ibe ,.e"I,!,",. the ,femlnl,n,e m,'UInerr,. , It JUBt have ente"d. The, lawyers' talked and Nebr" "rosultlnc f'r om basty eaUnc 'lor ,f,OO pe< ,lor. , MUSKOGEE; INDIAN TV. Clutsllde an avple orcliard surrounded the JueUce , whiltled, and wilen the and eating too muc;h. ' I ,f ound no reeo' Bus. Winte.. Wheat Per by a high stone Cenee, over, wblch but 't_lkln, bad ended 'hll honor 8ald:·· Uel from medlcln~ an4 ',rew ~ bad fta". 7feld of Sal..",. 11M ero.. Bftbrt4 Wlnt« at a perlloua belgh,t hUllg a .bough "While tbere waa a "beap of act'lon that all (ood ,aYe me great distress. ~:oe:.1.t a~ ~ !R,~~-:~::':'":;::"a& m:'"••: oJ lueclous frulL In the very ce~- In thl. C,,8e, 1 take, It that It Is a case . "It w.. ,that 1I0re, gnawl,!g, bun&l'Y e: ..n'!!JI"'~'~";!:aI"" T_~.I<!~r~r raJfpJaatior tlf)., . . . "',~."'_' WIi. tel' of the (llc~Ure "'8:8 B,I!Il[n,~p, and of no calise of action, The winds of feeling In my Itomacb . that was BO Jlercl.1ed audao oiJ~ly UPOn hla Iboul· providence blew tbat gate ., open. dlstresslns and I became .a s~ck' man.' r..t ' mcliler ITARCH·_ D "lit .t.ucb,. ClQtb" t ~ ,der ~.1\8 L lIra Tol~an; !,luI/ported b!' p r.ov\lence willed I t that tbe hogs 9rape-Nuta was!)mmended . as a " " \ oj • . "' •• his Btr6ng and .steady ~rm picking 8hould ,come alon, Just at that' t1m~, food tbat could be easlly ' dlgested. · treat ~hnptes ,arid BI~ckh~ the apilies and tbrowlnc them down Show .. bog a hole 111 a lerice and he'll ' ''LoavlllM tbo old diet that had given Red, Rough, Oily Complexions, II=e::.~~l DII .... '.' EJI.~ tp the laughlnl .comradeB b",low: DI~ make ,for It. If t'be plaIntiff be:d" had me 10 much trouble. I began to eat ----~----~~--~~--~------~----~ " gently ~mear. the face , With Cutlbe, re~ember thnt. IIIcl)Ic1 It, was the no lI(1rdon the bOgs !:OIild , ::a'\'e 'done Grapa-Nuts' ~'th a IIt,t le creum lind ,u'ra' Olntmertt.the Great Skin day" h41D, mv.dd c n,ed by tbo coutact no damage. ' U lhe defendant hadn't lugar, Thechartg~ otl'eqted In 24 bolira Cure, but do ,pot rub. Wash 'off :WIth her dulnty s olt. he bllel po,ured b~en lame he 'could 'ha ve h,eaded the -was truly remarkatile, and in a ,' few ,the <?Intmen~ in' fiv.e rT)jnut~s with fortb his ,love and .t~en " {rlQ'htoned st. hogs oIT. Tr , the plaintiff. wbo ' la a weekI. I was iJack to bealth agul),l.._ Cutlcura Soap and hot Hater, anll his own ' audaclty, bnd .tammered and wlt~dcr woman. hall beon looking fo r , "My ,work Q a Dirllister calls me ~atlie Jte~ty for some minuteS. , fulled to a8k the vital gl1ostlon. , a sec~nd l\'LSbalid Instead of a law. , aW:l1 Irom hom\> a great dea.i. and reThe ' p~otogral)h brou !(l~~ l1ack all Bult. ' thllre WQuid luHe been no clllle, centlv I ' drlrted baek to nrt meat and ~epeat morning and evening. At t,he me~rl.eB 0 ( . Ule aftol'ltoon. nnll It tho. defendsn t, 'wbo Is a wielder man, Indl r.llstlble foods, W'blqh lint me again other times use Cuticura Soap ipr ~"'EADER" and "REPEATER", '". aroused all his latent Il(U;sIClD. As, he bad heen looldnlf arlmoll (pr a •second on tijo slett list. . . bathing the face as often as agree' ~zed at It he tell lhe filII tide of hIs wife, he would have SOli led the cnse , '''8:,'1 went back to Grape·Nuts and ' ..ble • . No'other Skin Soap so pure, The superioritY · or Winchester •• aaslon BW~P tbrough him until it out of com-l." erCllllll nnd In fOllr days ( wns put so' sweet. so speedily effective. loomed tba~ he mll$t hlli·st. "Do J , tlike It, yOl,lr Mnor" that rlgbt agaln. Tbe old 'dull headaches Smokeless . Powder Shells fs 0r1('tl" (leI, I!'Ornhll1tl ,,.dld"~ a Dd .",. _"~. ",,4 "".. CU, ......, \' •• _ .. too Mla8 Sample oha/,t ered on, \'erdlp.i Is 'no calise of actloll'?'" aslted are ,one, stomach comrortable, hend ~ • .-lib It! n.t Q' d ... vd~ IDriw-dI-.. ... tW \llndisputcd. Among fntelUgetlt . .~ 0' eo_er 040,.. Two lou h,oll,., ... "We aU thought YOU were a",fully the ·)llatntllt'R lawyer. " clear. and It 18 a dell gbt to )lursuo .mce.o yhl.,. rdidnalllld 1'00" 8o.~n..c,t' 1 .z... .weat On ' Lanra Tolman." she solul "You 'can tallo It that wny, Silas," my atudles i!nd work. ,' , io.t.Ch.rt~fho~ Hq •.!.P,rta."JlUI d'laJ'au~!; ehQOters they stand first In pop"'.,1111 C"lumbu ...... I'D".' 1lraL!r.;;a-~. "Reatly, we did. In fact. the wholtl was tho rcply, "and you ·can furth e r f "Grope-Nul .. food Ja worth nlore r .........MI£IooIl .... "u-.. ... ~ _... nl~lt'i",", . rec!Jrds and shooUng clalis tholliltt It 'wl1a " match. and I tuke It Ula,~ In cuse the parties Intel"' ' than money tel mo. Ilnd I bO)l1! tbls' DO YOU WAIT AJOB 'lH"u .!~~~~~=' ~!t was all ftxed up. II was perfectly )lar. lslo,l clesll-o to tol:<e advailtage ot- the I may lnduce 801118 sufferer to follow aUtic8~ Always use them rallrc;a", yard" tl,,4 ... han •• "raQC'1OO. , ; ; aly&lng when,' after commencement occnsJo!l to carry 'out the wlsbe't of tbe lIall:le course I ha"e," baat. are o ..... It.,a4Od "l~ 'be =0.'1.°' Iola.!!!!!t .,u:lo". ln, " ' " h IblO b"Hla11l~ "ii; OOID~~ :rOil plunged Into bua.ll)ess, nnd she Jlrovldence and ke<ilp their Clltes and , N ..llIe glTon by ....tnm 00.• Battle .'Dd~~~~!.o~1stD,~\:~~:;'~ .~=i BOt ollPSCd to tbat neatly fellow," hn~ sbct liP In futllre this court I Creel!:. Kloh. =tlrfOnJ.V." ~.~ .. !'.lr,,uQ W"Qll~ raa&.IJcll'" .letUPr_1otMJ_Ul''U.• :-At "UP 1-"1l1 It ITY;. '!.~'!= "Yon CfoD't ~way. Judge abou~ JJtSlld~ ready to Jlne' them toelthel 1 "There"" I'MIIOn." Mic YOUI' .Dul•• _11II1Ia~ Ball t,.lIa1-. "D~P,UijUIt'" • Iheae C?U(',e .trall'S,'· !Ie ftpltecl. 1I'ItII r~r JIle for tile lum ,nf 11 iD CI.h." Rea~ the UtUi' boot. "'l'ba Roa4 .. .'\11
III 1110 lUll\!
thirty " lb. Kind You Itaya Allars Soupt
Genuine-Syrup 'o f Figs
Indian Terr1totyla~d'
.. eA.........
l........,'II ...
Smokeless Powder Shclla
Or Trait 'bootl~ge
flrl; l.:
Fo. ""-....
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f~ fl. ,-
~ T_''''"' ies
::!:1 ____ _ .-:JJ,.J~...II..J..Jj..Jj ,--,~ :"",j~~~~ J ~e.ry Slid W;~ Oeath, of Old sol~ii;;~-Intere'sted ·in Concernln! -~...-
,~ .,,., ,,.,
hll J71• bo,,~ n
· Mrs. Wm. F.
Miss 'Daniels marriage '
r~e,, 'd~'nts,
PubHc Sale.
1 wllloft'er/ltpubllo88leln ;'VIlY.
Mrll Lia,;-&rnhart. lormerly of nelOvlllp, Fon tbe of town MrH. I letf'l"uj ,if New 'I'h,. Roldier" l :nrrtll'po,,,lent Lol wast Ro d a, on Rurlin gtoJl rti",1 .' rlclRI· ulght trom or tho Dltytm1 Now!! b,ul the f ..\lllw . WilY. nAll.YllIe, ,mil who hlUl been ne·,r the , ran .. In uhf. neglect the V t,be pft'E'()t~ Of tv . "h ..I,\ ever. I1I1l In IIny 11t I IHI IlIllrr IIIge 0 t MI H ~ tt'tioblnlC In t·hel I'(Ihonlll n.·u no u llin. BEP'rEMBER 15. nOll, y ' to The cltllAllIiA I'l'emro to attaclLJuu. .... t o ' t I . "lin " )r H8v"rll- y, arll •. ' fill gQ ' beglnnln l l Dt' ontl o'olock IIharp the 0111 /lU PI' . Oklllhomll Oity, (,)kltlhmnll. to ao . " , , In lis m~ ~evere frlfrm from tb.. 1'ho "llu,ltlll mllrrillllA of Adjnt.ltnt. fl"IIr " pIlllthlU / but wbet,her ."~ " following ohattel pro»ert:Y: two firlll lind the Ilhy . lo"UllIl Wtlre ~ble to 1I'lfl 'Ilncl ~ i~" almll Dnnllll!! WtllIllot good wprk horsell, one good Jersey 1l' 1 ....... · I","!!h,'r or ~Olllf! otbllr 1)(1 lIP"'11Ll1l h o I'r -very IttIe hOI~e r I\a~ ... e 81) Mllr l,rl .. nl" til UIA vettlrtUl" u~ I oow, will be f~elOh !lnnn, tbree Oll'S' , Id 1 . "" 1 to Ilrtl .. "t lnfClrrn61 . bod ' 1 WOll ov~r oump lIte~' r eO'lVer. wmJl.\ hll vn bfW fI .. fl"llh or ligUf.. . two of thom ro flOWS,onll corn •• •• . Mrs. irletoher, .. a ,f O r ' IIArlv Mi"~ ltl~ ft 1"11 Il!'lcmdiAMM "ky. yet the), l'I"lill~; Ind ,~fll,t I (l h"r"A~t ..r. one good road ' wagon ~ DI1I~y YOllnl.{, dHlwllter lit IIlrs Ilr" "f '.IIU "pininn thllt they "bnu"l DIilAlt ChZIcTTJ.:: ,whh JlOlV ~(\d f:lDI~ two lIotil of Btde Mllry Y '1lllJ~.·. - ot WII\ 111,)11 1',11 .. . Itnt) 1 b d 'I ne hllY rl"''' II " one arav"l ·u~ ~Jt¢. hnvul..... n ':011111111&11" the Ijl''''~ II".. Hill e .. r"IIII' nilll; frllm tit .. H . "", oar~" " " '", .. I A.. 0 "'"\11", .. 11 'WillY .. I... ,,,,,.,,, rl'," '"'' be, ' I g bol~lt'r~ • ne "pring \ bee'u Ulltrl'Jeti lum. tb'." rhrtlt 'r liad ,... -{4<llllll'\ h,,;'e .. Iou~ thll I ne o olIet e" ml'lnt,bs ' ' " 11 h b I,he " OlluKhter "' tllfl ~oldll'rtI ' {,\oIIl,,/I'II1 " \1I1II th,H I ClIII"tl.n.. •• wllllon, onll Of ·1'1:I'. one ugllY . '1'0 her mnth pr, 11l1"bIl1l , brotl.lllr" timne" fhl! veteran" Individually 1 ,.1 poll'. "ne riillng · ':Ihy breaking ,' '~~""'~'-<L) ', . " .mlllllllfll t' ,I., ",. , ...,.,,,,,,.,~.,,,,,,..,,.,,.,,.,,.,-,.,. ---Jr . • tli!<tertl tlnd nther rl'llitive~, thl! lleep. Itnd collootively, sttlnd In the re jnlal (rlp,lfl,. allll I4Oh"ohultl.1\1I I' ' Ill" plow. ~"l\1tb Bend m •• ~I'. ne"rl, IIAW, alit tlywJ)Illby of all wboitnow IhelO hllitlDShip of ' ·U~ fllther" til Mi!!l> l bernru III" 'MHn, thIn 1 lliffl ((I . une hrellklnl( plow, " UP 1 hnl'M plOW, Trib'ul ,; ui I~t:spect. LOCAL' AND KOIiS forth , Olllliell'. lind while 'bey "re pained lilli" forgnt.t .. 11 III the loug Ytlurtl one 1 horlle bllrrow,_ one h.rr~w, Funeral @ljl'vi08l<wflrIlOOUdUC$edtllatsheshouldhavetakanliolmob Ila ve paHtlIlft I<lnoo I'"• ne W Ib'~ul Ill' .. rly ne w. on" '(\ilm oult.IVIltor, one . PERSONAL MENTION u , ... . ( b Hl/tl I IU ... 1111101 :emetery portllnt a step without consulting I,. ..t, ut the . '\ I ' Buokey" onlti VII I,(n', on .. "0"11 III ell Whe rolls-Our 1I(,llYenl" Fath r 8 d ft ' .. th f II w ' ' . III 1J11lt·1! Y • I ' f 'l J un lIya ernoon. wJJlen e 0 a I,hem nevortbel_ they feel 1m. outter, on" 0 .. , II , . 1I,1 ' t'r:' '"", 011' . Mrs L, A. ZlIulIlermau I.. "pend- in hili Infinite wlsdoDl , ha!! 0811e,d Ing obltnllry W88 r e a d : ' It >feRmetl to 01" '·hllt thev 1' 111111 I ' d III t k ing two weeks III Mario", Ohio. fronl onr lIlidlJt, Iln est.eemed friend F pelled to "forgive and forge," tbl. frolU tbe east from 'h .. w~st, nl' tl'lr. ~ra. n !lltO ~ ", bPndl ,I " .. . Wilt . Oalsy Young letoher dauahSer time If she wID "Oroell her heart" , b harnelll!, ool\arll. 11 ell, 1,,\,1 IItltIt U se ~obwllrt?'s 'orn Oure Non,e Rnd '0 \v orker Johu B. GrllhaDl be f Willi T d' "" '" y ' nortb and thtl BOuth to enJo.. t e . I II h I beUer. 1 i, bott,le Ilt 'oll '\' 111' t Zit \· t. ' Ilm. an ..-ar,..,.. onnll l . .Ie·" d f l " e lie, II ttlI'll. il °0 never It oooar.... In. Bow. B Co 1 ~th . 1 ohec Lo Ilneto, one IIln" Will! born April 15, 1878, and depu' . . moet won er u owe m ng Il d ' hi J f ,lrIlKstnre . I'} 1 Resolved-'I'h"t tbe Millmi OeDle. ever, If she had ohoeen any other bId I the beantl111 two ~oo wllgon W Ill'. a all 0 T. H. OUII'('r \. ml\kin~ lIJ.lflOl lid thl .. Ufe l;fIptembe:r I, 1806. at than Adjutan' FIfe who I. one Ofi1wal! ever e n fi d f otJ1I'r b"rntlMtl" Illnt of 100000Ing ob.lull i M hi hll New Bur II ng to n, Ohi,0 . UQ n..1II)' WAl! ~he moat honored '~Iaml ""n",v. a"l1 he 0 prl ol's nn :,\inllllr Hew ng nU nee I tory AIIU~ \ fll~tlon "~ lIulltalu.... ~ ·11e • and respected'" ~ '. ThtlRtI i ve ll" Knd rOl"''', one hog t.rrlugh, a g nod tbl u mlltl~ll , I IOU of liD tlffioil'nt JJl'll8ldent, ..nd tin Iw~y ob IIrtul And ber life wau "Itt/I ... Ill. lIIterO"llr,," >II IltlVOr dl h c1 d' " .' /I r4 l! member. nf the Bome, you a, or I" . . t ~raln r.rll 1', lin cot: n rOI)p;lr, Mr. Je888 Bilftl!OOlr, of Columbus, e:lrn""I· uU n!lOlellOioull mombl1r, who I)nl1 of lovl! lind klndncllllltj) .11, evel. old !the migh' have dllJCovered forgotten for t,hey are" brigbt BpO IKdtler, a It"ge It" of bt&aket",'1 1,.rI(8 III ~pending a month wl,l,b hill grand. I WI\" fl v!'! r Illert to til" luteretltll of tl. I b i I II~ I I he ' . , In m"Ufe , . 'b I .. .. e cum r thd, while oondlti,on8 wonld have "'our frleud', lut of fork" ., ho,." ""l II , flV; " . ...1 l'drtJn tll, Mr BlId Mn. W 1'III alii H 0 b - toile., AlIs' lCltltl nn " Ix> ' f I Ion IIIIl tI dar ng n &' let on FUllrlh street. LOVl"lC 'ot lit (Inn III tha ftllid will bl! 1<011 Rn ....lved-·rho.t the comomnlty 0untlI 11 ..I'va.1110(\ t w Ited rellllined pretty muob altogether .. J.Uunw ZICLL, Lost-An IIppetlte. if foulld pl~se II • une... , II Ie 11.8 ua different 'rbo ...ery best wl,hee, h~' th., lillrll r eturn lind r =ol' ve rewtlrd . deeply r\'gr"ts his d8l\th aud ober· la nlBrtlel1 wl·h Wll il iaui Fletcher h &f It d.... f th ·1 I I" I Ib U~ e en. re I A lot "f h U~1l II' u ~OOl 10, \ ra~ K , W . D. Ishes th n memory of hrl! honNt. Of N B II .B m rried ' Mr e an lI.noere. 0 Announc:em"nts ew nr ng ....D. er a memberahlp of the Bome, for· ~. tllcil', % d ..zen ohall'l', I_ther COY E. W. R . straigh t forwl\rd Ilte, whloh wa. Ita Ufe eslW¥'tllllly was one of love, joY 10h thl 0 .. onle I hi' t._-rd" Miss Cura Bay Is vllliting at Be th , - own hel!t I!nooOlium. d h 1"--. vauu _ ..,.. ~ ever w • ,y un.. .. . "--"Ida.- are Invl.~' to an- Areel onllO I, 1\ a nil oup...... • • any tbiB week with Mr. Bnd Mrs. Reaolvtld-That we eztend our aln. an applnll88 nounce themllflJvea In thtll oolumn larjlf! fuUk l'IIr". "tone jllrll, milk B euur \.- P errIne. B"r entire life wall devoWMl to try. PEACHES for whloh • chargfl of '2.00 ....'able orook " and " Itl'flllt ,'D II nv. other cere SYUllllltby to the faO mily of the,itt made. tbln .... ::.III, '~lImuel Aleunder, of the FraD k • deoelll!('{1 Ing to Ulaie frienWl Ilnd r, "tlv811 "'" .to', I._.IIOlllI .... • n .tatlon. .. iin News, III 8pendlng thi8 wee. hllPPY, hllvlnll a w.,y of Ulaitog Q_ • SURVEYOR. . k d Y f ,.,1 ·11 hi' II gr~ndmother Mrs. Aletbla Retlolved-Thllt the Clerk of the frienull wh"rltvtli': ahe' wen'. , ¥oo hUBhela from Aug, 28 to -pt. 8 D. Henkltl Tflrmll mlldll nOWa on . a. 0 ' 1-.... to enter 1·5·h, 1500·0 2000 blUhe1. ..-ellow 11,,1.. EUNWE a.soelat-Ion be tlut h Or...,.. She htld 1\1 Wllyll beell un(l(lmmon" OLERK OF ('OURTS ' Y F . MBUT& . A I.. under . Mr . Ilnd Mrs. WIJIlam Trout, of tbe8e reaoluhons upon the minutes Iy heslthy until aboult 'wo weeki! Smoob, frum. Sept, 1I)&h to Oct. 6th Dan P. Bonft. • () ·r. RIlWkfl, AnOI. j"I'Lyton, are gueals of their parenta, alBa to ,end a copy of them to the ago wben IIh" walt tai,e n with a n. ' 400 blUhela appl88 .. FOR ('Olllll~illOIfI:R A' U Chan,lIer, merk . ntI Mrll. Philip Tront ihiB looltl pre88 ~nd to the ftlmlly. ' verI! 01 typholdl fever whloh JWuon.ble prloe. to all OlsE B R .. g,,~tI • _ • week . UODI . ' {OWeN J. BURNETT. termlDa~ in her deal:b 1:Jbe lea,," 'I' oount to dalerll, . 4o" ___.. _ , ., Mr and MI1I, Satterthwaite of 0 T . BA.wK.III. , to luourD II llJl!lI thatotlnnoa be 6Ued STAL'Y'8 &" KE'l"T&RMAN FBUfI' rhe Brea'h of Life. ' .. , CO.. Lytle, Clhlo. Valley 'phon., Given up &0 Ole. It'a & IIgnl60ant fao' ~.' , 'be P I I d M Pleasant Affair was ' " two brotberll, two .Iatora,. mother l!y', WIIV'"ltlvllle el[Obllnge. B. N.' Vlrl(lnla 8t, atroage&t animal of U. alae,J>he garwAf k been visiting Dr. Sherwood Dinner criven by Young and hnlbltnd. C.. b lllilp by AmerlCttn ExprClIII fII'. Ilv8lU1vlll", IOO , writ... : "ror over lilli, alBa h88 the Wlell& Jan8 • . Pow. IIud otben. b' Surely tbe Lord ~. taken · noto by fr!!IIIM Ilvt'r D. L. & C, B B. 6 ...e I . . . aroubled ","b kid 81'tnllonp meana powerful orea'" Pure ~DII·lle tlcap made fro'" pure Ladies. hllD8elf ODe ot hl8 angell. aey and "'adder affeo~ ~hloh nrea, Bow .'0 keelp tbe b!8aoh'blnlf ..... ~ ,. • oall88d me much pain atid "0"'7. organ.. rigb. sliou d be man II 10'1 . ltlllllln olive oil and oontalne no Ire.. A pnrty Itf young ladies conllist Mn. Re~ Merritt IlllIO read W .I'II Worth '1 ryltlll 11oe' 1i8lb a"d . . . aU roo down, ee& Itody, Ltke thou-,ndll of otb"" "Ikali. 10, per cake a' Bohwartll'lI Ing of Mlllilell Etbal BtOiell, Irm .. the lollowtal{ oomfortiag 'ribose: W . B , Brfo""'n, tbe popular pell ad.)'1&I' 8110 bad &0 abaa'don work 1(.... Ora Stephen .. , of, ~o:r' WI II .Irag BtoN'. l:itoke~ JllfItlie MllrlllU, Elnll8timUh. I .__ Illnn .. ttorDev, of PI.-tliftelll, V,t, u, ...n~rely, J had 'hretl at the ~. lam. 0 ., baa h~•.rn~ bow $a II ., Mr. J. E. Jllnney and famtly jain, Edna ZflII LPah Smith, Mary Parlen n tbe aweet and stalln_ .pleD · "Next. to a pt'Dloion. th., hed thinK phyalclan8 "',ho dfd me no good and thlll tihe WTlteI\: "Three bn.Ul811 ,,' 'lid Mr , 'aDd Mn. ADdrew Fife and Seith" Elbon, adllEy)er entertained del' uf a Ufe an, I love Il opreme til IlPt I" Dr. King'" New Life PIlIIi t wu p~"oaJ1)' ,lv~ up t die: Dr Kin,', New . DlflOOverJ e"'PI",11 MI8lI Belle o;.nll!I, of Dayton, at a at tllnftor &~nrdIlY tbe followln(t PIltIIIOO the atarllt pol·tala and In He writ.... : ··they ket'p IU, ,. 1'01e'1". KidDey Cure W.II reoom. my CHQllh of two , yeal'1l aad oQrt<{l haplIY family gathering at tbe voun)\' llenUflmen, MN8re Barr), Elea vena ber Iplrlt UVlltb; aad we In ""ll'lIdld hea lib .. Qnlck curA fflr mended and the flu' botlle ,ave me me of what my .fdtlnc1s thonght 0 " 11 home of Edwin Ohandler ISBt I:!un- Earnhart 1 Erne~t g"rt.aooi, Joe know it le.deth aWl, and a blgb and B8Ildllohe, f'Alnltlpntluli and BlJloui! grtll\t relief, aad after &allla, tbe IInmlJUoo. 0 It'e lI'and for tb,r",, ' Pri,ilz , tiarol(1 Bowell, RIlymond 350 GMrf\nteed "I F. 0 Moh. 8800Dd bo"le I wall entirely oor8l} .. and lunlC troul,l. . . Guaranteed hy ,Iav We hllve just reoelved a car of alarIHt.t. RU8.ell Parlelt. Rtlymond holy mtllllion It will help you to fllll W41'tZ drnll IIt.. re F C Bohwnrt. F C. """hwllrh\ \lllllllll ..t the very fin88t shIngles t,he ' marke,t COllner fill. and thougb yon IItrew the roee ' .• • "ffords, thelIA shingles are good The 1Ift'" lr Wf\S given lIt; tho home and lily. on her you*hful Bhrine thiok ones and very even. Call and .of Mi~s ada Eyl"r and Witt! thA IlOO- with te&I'I!, there Is thl8 reoomp8n , ee tbem. ond Ilnnunl event uftbe kind Every '. W . B. MAUDD & Co, thulK 011 t.he bill of rare wall pre yon through all &he oomlng 1 81 Corwin, Ohio pllred b, th .. Ilirl!' (Ilr was 8uJlJJOtl8d IIhe will lelld you high 8nd hll{he d-jA!l1thltie~',:.fl..rthne~b;i;r:..iiiig~hFFt.-; vl;iei;&ojirili',)~Unl8r.;;r."pb~e;;r;;;.. i' Yrll TflJJay lind MI88 bima, of to hllve hI" '.' " "I, 1IT1~Yftr~"'iilt(ltti)~a-ln.. "1~rl-IlO;S'--~" , III i'I'IJII"! anll tbere With Colnmbus, wbo hAve ~JRjIfuDg din nor .. _- Ion!!:' oy -- ll'lii1UetlB. ••. ,,"vorlll weeks at t,b'e ,riendll BOtlrd. A tt .. r till ' I-IIIJJi,'r Illld hel'n dis- r lie will weloome ~on las& whe lolt' Home retorned their home." Ilollf'd of th" relllHlnder /If the even the frOllt obaln and the fever 0 l'4Rtnrday. irlg WRII "pent III gllmes lind varloul' your lIvell 81'f1 overpaelt. :Mr, and Mra. John Nixon, Qf 001· Ilmu!lements. TrDllt, dear hear 'I, and be no leilA BlII,l'pent Snnday,in fearful t bough God's Yl'a:VI II8eID bta Ilnd nllOn their retnrn homeLebanon brought their daughter, Mlsa Bltzell who ter now, for he maklAth' lIOre and hsel bPen vh.ltlDI{ relatlvell In Cinblndeth up, he wl)ondeth lind hie , ntnnlltl aQd Lehanon for throe hands make whole, he haa prom · \voekB. The Ised to give you beau~y . for alh.... , I A JlIlrty OOIl8ll1tlng of Dr. and the oll of joy for morning, and ~bef , ~frll . ElIllI, Mr. and 141'11. J. E. Jlln· . , , garment of Pralle for the Bpirlt 0 .nAy. Yr Rnd MrB. J . 0 , Cartwright, ZIMMERMAN'S heavlo88ll. Polr and Mrs. E . V, Barnhart, MI~8 noana Wright, of Lebanon Bnd poll EverYthing ill the Gr9Cery Line , ~ihly olherll expect to leave tomor tha.nks. row for a week" outing at MaoklnRc
r J r
Scbool $bo~s
at - Sa't'tbaHt's . Sb__O,¢ St . Exclusl
r J
. . .
0 ' 0
Kev. •
ltoDv'{~~r:feph~:!~'itP":.~:~ :~ve t~~~
Hpl~l, l~.
Store~~ GOods
SfPTfMBfR 18, 19, 20 and 2~,. 1906. rI'he grelt,t,es t, an d ,bes..t. F. R!r · !~I:::,~::;:::'.::-,:!:,.':..!:~ in W arre II (; (~ un ty sh h lstory-~rd or
New · goods
Michigan. Mr. and Mre. George W Zimmer. man who bave been visiting theIr
Every Day .
:~~~::::~~.:~':i:: FR~,M,~.'Til and V!'GE' df
lIIerman snffered 8evere~y from t,he ,·ffpct" of a fall wbloh itiJured hie hand but we are glad to report 'that he 1& getting on nloely now
Highellt Price Pai
Mrll. B. E , ,E lliott and daaghter, Mrs. Raohel Lane, who arrlveil in W"yn8llvllie frllm , Denver, Ooiora· lin. In July, will go ,to Olnolnnati today Wedn88day, where they will 1IA \h~ gnelltll 'Of Mrs, J. O. Ridge .. ml family. and pOBslbly they may lllORt.e -In tbe Queen Otty. The Illdl88 expreeaed tbemaelv8e 88 mach pleall8d with their vi8it in WIIYD88-
• _.
Noted Speakers ~lt . Friends Meeting
We are paying
• Three oott!d minilltera of tbe Friends Society were at WaynN vllle 80nday and .poke a' ,he "riends White B,r lok Meettng Bou.. They were &rah Lln ...111und Am. , 8a·ttertb.wRUO and wife, a 11 of Phil IIdelphla .' All of tht'm presented the doot,rlnPII of t;he FJ;'leadli in, olear ~iad'
W ·holesate '. "
Reta'11' -..
Z I M M E'R M A.N ' S
IIt'!y by the 'ilellshore lB. restful and' very deligbUul., Be~ttended choroh Ilttlt Rubbrith .at Old 'rrlnitv !Lnd 'a "tlorAd (loncert at t,he Cllsino in. the ,,~elllng He witn~II~1l tbe Nftt,ion · al 'I'Annis TllurnlL~ent8 It,t whioh hill friend W J . Clother of Plllla ' dt\lphill w(\n the ebaml)ionBhtp for AIIlArica tl vi8l~ at WashIDg • . t ,no I) C at tbe home of his Qollege
,ment. .
Butter and ,Eggs
18 cen . ts
ville. lAurence Sherwood, who hll8 h"lIn tutoring at Bwarthtnore tIll" HIDlDlPr ill 1\0W taking. a brief, but \11111 Pllrued vllostlon at the home "f hh, 'frlend , Mr, 11 , eon of I hA llll\ynr of Newport, Rhod!l I,dllnd Hi" trip from New Yort City on on,e of tlifl 8umptnoufO Flail Riv'e r 8oRts, was mO!1t onjoyal)le' His two weeki!
-1'1, b~ e' .'th e' ', one . \V-l',
of course ,
held' t
at' L' ~~baIl (') n .
,y - '':".
.• '
~lajlJr it. H. Hpndershot., the nrighlal drummer boy ,"9f. the Rappa hl!DIlOck, and h,iri SHU,- one .of the most wonderful '~rumm~I'l"
a Ild fifel's ill the ' world '. will be there.
.:..: 'rh(i Wu~:nesville',Band .will' ,pl~y. a.t t~e tlle' ..\ IIrn ~Jlniily ~8nd Wc,Ul ·he'.' one «lIJY; '.
f'!fcefill m!,Dner, !&pda larse andl ence wa. present to hl).r ..tbem . . While In WaYDeBvllle the)" were g08ll~" of ·'Dr. . and 'Ill'll. Tjlomll8 B' Nberwood. '~onday lin. Ltavt\1e, .. , Mr. and Jlrl, BaUertl;lwalt. , .~d . , . , Mn. Sherwood were euterialoed at dinner by Mr. and II.... setb l'urnaa ' • The Ohio tit-ate Fatr III .t....o~ol '
. . ".10 ' ' Ir:C() •.
., .
\\r.,ia exhibit; three , days,"rain: or sbine~ I)o{r't, ,miss seeing it.·. ,', . ". " :., . '. . .:.' . l. . '. " . : .', . , . . . . . : , ' , ..~' " . ON ' .I " , . '~"REE ..A TT'RAe~J S, i IW~ ;uding ,.Bil,loon, Asceo~doi1s ;1'aI!. P ' .." .:,r.,i(J. hU',· ~e" . L' eap'8'. :. . .. , .; ", . .. . ',. '. ' " . . " '. " "
m,ny persons from, thl. ...... i~Di~, thlll w~k. and theFatl' Ie ' r"Po.~ , • ~ be'better .eveli thaD URI'I The MondllY. ~bor Da" wall·tbedB:S., Peilllsylvlll)la' .;alll'oadCo II r~: • whioh ill Hat aport e'aob , year , inning ~ . speoli&1 ,,'raiD 110 '&he wh,l oh:trlb.ntA iM' paid to Lltbor In, ·willoh . 18&v811 cWa;'nea~rllle ., ~.I.. Warren Count,y .wbere there are 110 .. . labor tlninnll A~lcI no naC89lllty for' eaoh. morning. '. orllaniztld IRhor, 'he d ...y Is lI!lt ree· IIttlll Gertrude Aleud.." , ",ho ngnl?.." t .. Ihe pxtent It Is In the . tb . f ·it cloatla 10M 11l1'88 cllir;l~ IInll Jl'r~'lt Industrtlll.Q8n. WU , . e·lJUea 0 er .• _ I: . .teftl. In W"vllPllvll1e ~cinda,v the Kathr,n . Aleunder ,~.,. .... hllnks wer~ olO11tod ' bnd tbe Poe' weetll retumed t~ herr.!~~ 1Il .1 II om,.;, Willi 'open .onl" JlIIrt. of t,h" dle&own .• tarda" &IIl1I. 1..... d,l" , 110 nlll\1 hftlng dell vere , 00 An), panted.' by lIiM .'J[,")~"'II of .be ..uml 'rllntes EX08pt in t~_ maiDlid tor a brief In!ttllDoos the every day rOUtine ' " _ ."ere ,wen' OD 1101 uaaal, ' ._ IOU · .._ _'" a' lI~g~'.i
ohnm, Dean Caltl well, w.h o visited lIill) at, Wayn"!l~l1e Itlllt, l:mmmer. be will take ,h18 pnaU,lon !It SWl'rth. morp ,ClIl1~ge as ,Instruot. ,o r In OheiDll&r" for the eDlolog vear. ' ~ "
Mrll, Mary E. Young and flmny wteh to uleod to thA people of 'bia , ooln.muDlty and New Bnrllngton
. ,
AdtqJssi,on tothegronnds ,o nly 2 '5 · c,·ents ',25"~ .Cents ..
SUfi'H, Pres.
, '-:
GEORGE ·W·. CAR~Y, . Seo
~~~~~~~~~~~~AND;;~W;~;YN~~LLB N9W& VOL. XLVt. NO. 38
Anot her Chap ter in TOLD IN SHORT College Stude nts . Hllde brant..Smit h ~nte8t PARAGRAPHS ~etuming to School.
Mrs. C. B. Klflinh enn IIno two cblldre n lind Miss Trene. (JQrnell 'apent Thursd ay with MrA. J~Pllie .Harrls and du.ugl1ter of near Ly~le. Mr. ·George Klelnbenn , whtl Is Ill<. lIisting his brother in the toblloo~ apent Sunuay with his parents nt Sprlngb tlro. Mr. and Mrs. Charloa W. Gray eDterta lned on last Friday Mr. a~d Mrll R,'herl, W"Ir, IInrl ", .. /11-1 W,' Ii" lI,nrl H.,rry of Dnyton Rnll Mell,lll1! 1:114 Mnuit ()1 ~ 1t, ve~, ijllfll.h e. Rloh · Ilnll &rdll .Iordon IInll AUIlrey 'I£wlvllr , tbe form er remain ing until Sun"tI~. when they were joined by Mr. aUfI Mrs. Walter Jordon lind dnnght er Vlohl and MISt< Anna Brnnd tIf Adllms Co and Mrs. !\taud cn8t~ver and childre n Al1drey and Ch~rell~. Mr Rnd Mrll. Watt and Hon8 roo turned to Dayton Sunday evening . ,
W,yue ntlle 0019l1Y ot nmme r H. King, of <Jalhp Hagerm an, vllltore and OoI1.e .'adenM are It.~ visiting hili old home and friend» Jeavlng tbe town tbia week to tue hertl. NEW SY NOTE S OATH ERED BY THE GAZE TTE 's anothe r ~rm of atudy. CO~~ESI)ONDENTS IN NEAR BY PLAC ES . Min Belen Kelaey ia apendlnK upThe,Al Juea Doroth y, n and thlll week In' ptnolnDAtl wlfu her .Boeilmand Dakin feU Kathry lIonda~. for reJatlv88. . t.helr ·Jaome .. Hannib al, IIiIIon ri.; . Corw in Geo. J. Smith' ia In very poor IIr; and IlN. John Lytle. &DC1 IOn ....-..... J health, 10 much 10, in fact, aa to Arthur haTe 1I10...ed Ze1] to GranvU le, 11,. Walter KUbon ttODB to HmiCh'a petition lIonday . attende d tbe Mre. Nettle Emeriok has been render blm almoat onable to walk Oblo, where Anhur will ~ter the Da~ flAIr laIIt week. qulte 'alok for a week. paat. l'bfl qa8Itio n . of ' deMl'mlnlnir about wUh any oomfor t. Bhepbe rdlon College at Gnnvil le. Mr. W. ~trond ,a nd alster have a~ft ",htfu l oan"lda te wlU be OOD · 1lI11 Blanoh Zeu vt.lted tile 'Mont. tbll Mrs. Emma Lacy lind younge at week j Mas ADDie U. ~rown moved Into the properl y vaoate4 illd-:M \ly 'be Board of Bllectlona KOmery County I'alr Jut Thursd by lion Wilbur of Dayton spent !:lnn. ay and Walter IloKay wen' Monday Mr. John Zeit. ' day With friend» in this place. wblob t,n8l8t a;f litb:, o~e:~~:::r. aDd remaln 8d In .QaytOQ u the to Berea OoIII11n',~, Ken&ao ky, er llIaI I Apphia Ml1Iler vifllted , ber tnl'18~ : : an °h Mra. Ahu ie Clark of Indiana was 0 Hoeft of relativt !l unW S11Jlday. . where IIIae BI'O'trD .,.-111 ~ch aDd .aterJ lis. Ed Be_mo k at Oregon ia enterta ined dulling the grooter part 18 t~e ~nl:=n oc;:'u~:~;"'lil wbo Kra. James 8toopl and aon HOllnea Walter wiU .'tlDd 001leJe I 11188 8a~v aad SQnWI.V of last week by Mr. And Mra. Mar · to bo ~ll"'''''~ ·ba' Hilde· who have been lpondln 01,,1 tn l I8veral Helen-"OglMbebee_r-,-~h~ wbeek ~ -.. •..."..,... Ille1 Wanda BlKbert la gues. of Ion CJa.rk. V .W 0 I ' bmnt., 0011&1'01 t ed Oxfo.-u 8 the IIlI80tlon Board w re DI _e --a. Ir 180· an ett, b 0, re urn ' ' k .. Colle ' - . ., reI a'lv. an d fri en cia in Lebanon Cba 'U'_' an,1 .. deolllo,n w~l1 probab ly be ren· h. ome JlLUn • . E . Johnll attende d the Re. oDd year,wiil I wor a. ._ the ___ even I ng. PI obiO .~ .."bi k ~e retutn bllo " I wee . do~ In bll favor . pu an Bta te Co nventl on a t 0 ay Dr. JCmll;y Wrlsh' of Rook lallnd ~. 1 f h::: _ •...:. MiiI Stella Lemmo n enter&llined ton on 'l'uesda y. HlI .expeot.ed then that the oue lUinola and lin. Dr. K eever f eeD Sate UDlvel atty ~ .. j y_r ,' .~ . IndB&rold'CookwUl~to'he a oompan y of young ladies in a moat Mr.andMr~. W. F . Clark and will be carried to thfl Suprem e lenUIe lpent S~y lflth the tam· Oblo W.lya n Unlven ttJ, Dela. obal'lDlng manne r Cente rv iIIe. 1IIIIIt Saturda y. ,Conr& where a flnal deot.loD will be lly of their brother Or. family a~nt Bnuday In Centerv ille 4 . T. M1aaea Minnie and Laura ¥ol\in. aa the lI:ueat c.f. llr. and Mra. WH. ,.ndere d. , WrI,ht . The achoola re.opened throngh · wue. .. My vtalt.e4 tl\e\r lJIIJ'enLa.8unday. , i • • bur Davh,. • Mr. Mobie BartilO ok o! fue Bar. Se I out tbe townsh ip tbls week. St" _ • Jane Nicholson he'; " atmlth Car Co. at Da~ II . Mr. 84m Pi ne visl ted biB m~tber rv ces · ....ry II Mr. and Mra. Wm. a . Carmon y laat Bunday . Chur ch nen Sund ay. P888e8 Away...pendm . a 'VaoatiOD with hie pal'. Orego nia. . were enterta ined on BUIlday by Mr, Mr . and lin. J. 1". Ha11aook , and Mra. Wm. eotai Wheato n of Yankee Mra. Dr. Emily Wright 18 visit. FlORaer RHI~ent of tbil Vlelni" , ufthe Spnni Valley plte. . . After ha~ng no service for a . IIr. John SeKale ,"vas In Le~nQ ing heralat er Mrs. Dr. Keever. D Uw", to rOand oat aore than a Street. lIaater Ral~ Willfamaop, who month wblle tlle 8ePt.or \1'&8 aking o~e lut wetlk. . 1Ir. anli Mra F , N . Cla.rk were CentUr y. Rev. Maddox \Vn" continu ed IlIl . haa been tbelue st ofht.fa thl!r,lI r. a weU earaed ..aa~on, 'Ile mem' ~rl Thomp lon WI~ In Cinolnn atl tbe Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra. paator lI·ra. ,Jane ~lahoIaoD, &« 100 Cbaa., G . WUUamaOn tor a formll M ben of &t llar.~'a ohQrClh of the M.. E. oh.nrob ~nother al'8 too1l: 1.., week I'rIlnk Hamut on and famUy of year. . u died retlll'Ded.'to hla home In Anders on, Inr forwar d to tbe regular ,e,,"-. 7monU ui and S wee , 18r111oe ." . Lebano n. ' wblob will be reaalDed DeP lIIanclay ..,.. '1)e oo.m orop hilS mature d very at the home of.ber IOn·tn· llw, Hon. Jndla~, Monday. E, P . Krlf1ghl[)lf la sp8ad11li well, and the weathe r Is drying it I 'h~lWe ek In Cinoinll llltl. ' . !.b:. R. H, .Ht .•Tohn lett on ~Dn· up In good' f!Vndlti on. Boraoe MoKay at Indlana poU. ~un· ' .KN. ICdlth Dinwiddie, ot Sprln,. m::n- :;, aerv1ce and sermon at J . Mpenoer al!,d . Will ,Myers day mornlnR for Upper Bandua kr llarra day. . QDite a 11000 many 'armera bave ' fleld, 'and Kn,; J. C. :r, of BeD- 10.10 In momID ",' Snnliay Schoo' were In M.iddletown Saturda y.. , Tbe'bodY will be broqb~ to WlY· ' brook, dined Monday wl,b Mr. and bualn881 connec ted With tbe 00· 'SOld tbelr tobaooo at 12 • ....vtl18 on the 9 j)'olook matn *lia, Mra W.lte, . 12 1!" IIoClar e aDa ~lled aD at 9.;10. /~ Mr. and Mra. Wtebkl ng attende d oper,atlvl'l Machinery Co. of Bprin Wedne lda:r mornlq . I'llDeral aero other fNndi tn Wayn. vUle ' g- per pound. 'l'he yield will be good in the Everyb ody ool'diaU:r \nvited rail Festlva J lut wee_ . field. .t r11!M !/rill be held at IIIamI Oeme afterno on. aad tbe weatbe r hu been (lne for 1mb aerviOl'll. J¥w1n Hhe.wooci apen. two !\aya IIrs. Will Co1!"ld n returne d . ., Ubapel.a& 10.80. lut tn:tt&Jng and <!'trlng. ' lira. LlUie Clarke aad u"te '.oa •• at the 8'-tel'a lr tal' week. w~t f~om a ylltt JuttDll omewb llt, '.. at"'. Nloholeon Wall a aDlh _ and daaght er, of Oinotnnalt, .apent ClUford LODg will attend ~be "" P · FI . • e · 0 lint D~e nlon ' .Hir• . lildwln ' SheriIVo Ib hard W ] od and nro more fuan a ,reek to frlendi and Steele Hi. gh SChool, Dayton. tbls lao "lad • -"bf. , . e. • w III n r Sanday ~Itb their Jlra. relatiV811 tn and around Cinolnnat!. sohool year, going to and fro Tbe alptli annnal meetin g, aJ)d Ita111. htera are v lal"n~ In X, en1& ' daily . Ben Gnbam boa.rded the mill on the train. Bar~ey.barg wh_ alie. was a . very Jam_ Clarke and daught ere II1aa , Bub' mimer of the OrpD"'~ lira. Fred 8herwo()c.~. and d"t!lh • for Dayton on SllDdlY enning witb amllll lirl and whUe 'be ooaiiu:r Jeaale, til tbe Bank blil. Mr . <-'barl" Montgo mery la 1'8Maete, known .. the l'I'ye Poin~ BinmlOD WI'. aelen, and alskll', M1~ Graoe tbe ..owed intentio n of getting a. 00..ering'pbY·8Ioally, and 'be men . alieut bere wUlti Ua,wUderaeae. Lewa re~~ned $0 ~pend the week will be bald at tbe reald81l08 of 111'. Klbler are vieitlll , till CiroII'l't'ille] job on lOme of ~be new ' buildin gs tal abertat loD hu almOlt Shit poaael!sd ~~I'katile meo W:i'h hta NUltl.... b~. .' «lnttrely and "n. Barry ~tftK)P. one ,half ,: "~la8 IImle Kibler is attendi . ',powe . up .]moap o 'he. time of. "We have j~ reoelved a ng tn p~ of 8re~t1on. disappe ared, ac he g(l88 out ancl ·oar of mile north ,o f'tbe I'lve Polnw tsohool _oolu re now. ber dea&1l.• Reader s ot the (hl8tte the very fin.& ~In.lea ~e . tends to the horaea alld bitchllll up. . boaae on &~e fOQ~h Saturd ar. of M.... ijQydam m oJ' Lanoaa ter, ' a The many b1~dl of Hon. B1188811 .m reoall aD eratera ining -, I,es of affordl , fueae ·lhID, l. t.retnll'kM ~e .hr-88 alatera. Mr'!. Raollel good ' Sept.e~ber 1108, wl1lob wiU he tb. tint ~er dallgb~lI', lin . .Clyde H"mllt on aN 8OUe~tona oonoern .ntol,l l w"toh ~ ~b~ . ~UalClpl1~.· H4raD"'" ing Campb en, 111'8. suaaii Bbeehan, and ftV8D. oan A .... · ~~ .:~.. .. ~. 'bll paper a few ,ea1'8 ago, d8alhl. ~nd aee tlmn. . ,,~. ~-'!lq\,! , ~~. ~1fare ,.iDoe .lIJaa.lhry.Pi. ,' reeen". J retaulOilpated Uld all who dealn to aa&end . lira '0 'B Wilk wtUl &lie . .il,. hatory of Warl'lln t town \8, relfUl l ~. htibaelf one da,: frOm MoUntain Lake Park attn a , ' W·. B . MADDll:1f and Co. . are here·- invited .. ". ,.. . en~ wal n , Coun', . ud .r"ten by lira. Nloh. liI.t weeD. Bru1IIea ue apt to 11(0 three ween I'" " CorWIn,Olitu. ' U , 7 . _ '. oDeay lalt week. hard W1t11 oue ao advanc ed In years ',01800. . ' The Leoture Y • MI'.' Ueorge Underw uod, cif Clear· , under the In Socie ty. MnI..I..a 8eur hu mpved 'to Ore. ~ he, . eourse The Wal_ family ta remarub~e field OOllDty,· Pennayl~Ia, auaploes olthe Library Club, will arrived . . go~. .. Iw 't41.~ge't'it:r•. lla~ Nalloy But· !:Junday mornl~ to, see ht. father Conald erlng the buaytlm e l.n whiah begin with tbe ftnt numbe Oil8atu rday lin. J~)J. LelDlDon ·. lIra. Wllken on, ...wh~ ,haa been:lt came the ale of Kn. Belle BllDt ter part of Octobe r. Th~ r the lat. $e••~ .. of lira. NtiI!'olaon David Underw~, near Harvey a-, gave a deilght talent en . ful, luncheo n in hono~qu~te ill within the la&t week, U, ba.l~ .bra' ad hl'lr . ,nintit:;.~v,. .burg, ,,110 paIIIeil a.w ., 'baa nlgh&. Saturd ay waa f&irly 'wellat · gaged tbia year II of ~ .high order of ber ,' daqh& er, Ilia S&eUa 'wbo now improv ing.. ' teDdea. The ltook WIUI dllPI*I d of and promili el a ' very Bttraotl en&h- btr&~cJ&~ tlaQ4aY :: . , . ' . ..~. ~l1le l!iidenrood a~ three wiU '. tt.end Sobool at Gnnvl) ve Je thia ,Mr. Cox 18 "n9w oar nillh' &ele. at ~" reaaona bly fafr ·ftpre. while oourae to ·the many patrona . . .' .. .!lh&e~ ........ Jeaale, ~l'1 and wiuter. The time .. ~ m~..,uy iinph M ...., NAft~ Butte opel'ato r. rwort h MiDnle, of, Bellbrook, dined witb ~ith 8a~8I! and m,nalo. Those who ' prope~ of minor Importa nce went Mr. PriCe, o~unty seoreta ry, and ---..7 .'. , oheape r. . . en'o"'ed -the da~ M C C a tfl Id tato Celeb tn 'hia • .-.;. home r ,7t · ·h wel'8' Blrth Mr d' a y Bonn!.'r ta ' MI8188 18 ' V1IlUng Mr. wn " . . a_ ' llai&ba Burnet t IIluetl ... ., . , . -. heland' ~ " EUza1)e . r. . . a e , a .. . ,u'. kertlan. . , 90Qre 'Y, th Chandl er Cal'oly . TIle f--Ily , .... \ '... ' .' p'ur""" " movi"'" . . .' to . repreae " ntativll Bu~da1 8 'of an4 ..... tbe 'n \0. . I'~ M. C . ' A. .... ,. I.1i U h H rl .:_ ., Kin ~. ' ',L h k ~he B aft.enio frle 'on "'- oalled , an'd ·"'':', .' . I IN. _oa er, .)In.• Nancy IIIltaea;wor:th , 'of . .Bn ... Columb en e. __0 us In the near future wbere work t,o r.. this oounty , outsille ' · ,on ~lielr ple~ • .. .~'U88 ', nua. . . ~f th.e W. IS 1I!~be. Do .. tb ' · .... 1 d . , 1 ..'. . £lmcn:e, .. '. . who. liaa aey, · ·an ~- . r.v, I'Q y an the two lona Wanen aud Calvin 'olty ot Dayton , via.i te4 our 'erwor th8ta..OD"w.a~uo.y., oee· ; .MI'II., ,Ltn~le 'New B ' .vill,lige urllnlf rion Katb .'bDak . ln Bertha h I ' W BllooD, ' 'La. I' t ,.. brakd bet' 17tb birthda y Sunday , '*'n III at the hom,,' ..' . ~llel.1terfO 00 . arren /I oen· laBt& turday witbav iewtoo rp.n. bel' fa'her II eo'" 11 ' 1.' .. Tr t ' 8 1 .tui ·&1ie ooOaatJ. w.. one' !uq to ~ M~ OJ M:' ThomPsoo '9taln08 ' . ter tbe lIenlor year In 1\ Columb us lzing a Y M C A olub here Home-. e a , . me, rene ' 00 ·, eon Oor nelghb orbood wu well rep. Hllh School wbile Calvin remembtlred. . intenda Mr . and Mra~ Robert Pow were ee,o,on na Ha"eft "nd J(atb· 'relented at the Y"'tI& and Day~n .. ~I~" .. ~~k . , haa ..80 far reoover ed Oglesb ryn Frame flttl' ... hlmaeir _ I for'·. veterin ary aor· sorel" grieved over tbe 1088 of their Thel'rle ndli AaaooIa$lon oJ Ciuoln· aa to retarn to her home In Olnoln ., I th " In fih f Ilowi '" & rI. goon. No donbt tb,e oonrae they Infant oplld. 'rhe' funoral to paw ber' _ .. - , aocump " Aa".. oame on , tn a bod led b h . ~", n e I eveD! 4 .nati Tu_y lI81'Vices ' I e 0 ng 11181 an. Pauline '1 er Sew.lll named of boYI Green joined the crowd for ' ._.. 'a' , i . 0 bond", and ·hftlr . ha ve ad home 1-.... op~ v:'~ball&e mother ,;;: ~ 88 ne a. _Tb~mplOD, 'tDd~ ,ber moonli ght bay-'rid e; lIe....ra Freela v e, Ia ~ ta"lng 1&ti' h w "'re, held -t ~ ~ r Q". ,Batur. re Ives ere. frieoda al80j . . n pa,7.II~ , .. ~ u all IlnOArely , a , em 8UOO88ll." brotber 'J~ ",lao wilhpe na a oou· Hartsoo k, Fred CatkffY, Warren" :.y ~renoon. ~ndUOted R,by, Rev. .lIr. and·Mra . .La~~n.oe Tarquha~ A few in oDr'vlc lnlty have flnilhed to ~ . rt!lft!UJrable .woma~. ..',' 'ple 'o~ day~, in tbe olty. . ~.orma.n, .. ator. ~f eforme d . , Ke.,.. ~oDAJd"aawk" 'GiJ~' Welcb of, F,tankli n .are gueatl of" relatl"*'~ out~ing tobaooo yet' la to be oh~h ,11"- ~.~w:orth .. J'etaln'r " tier " Farm~, oa11;in and IiIM!I'the Mi"mllbur~, B8sla~~ by . B. Brad· Albert KOKay, Fred Iiilbon aDd Ed. here . . . oared. for yet. Juat a few bave 101d, F. VauRhan . Dr. aerman ~al . rao,ulttM . and l!hyaioal 'leT gaDS ,loWl.edtre droP~rD ~t-_ made R.toka. :: " .: . 'Onl' band 'farntab,!!d the. mulo yet .hat'II, ~he U881' Tlll'l . price ,weo1Ph to a~ nnDAuai d~. .She ere, . one,and t~o r~" . nom onl'lva · haa beautif ul And oomfor tlng re~arks. . '. for the !latine e &008. a' :WUmIDg- bIIl'lli1'or'-a weel!: so"rln&, steadily '11 ' brlJh& ~ J~&erea&t~a an~ talkl toJ:I'. I ~liIo oarr.y a roUtine up. . Someth ing 'or the young men Is of Os· B .h " ton lu' 'Wild08I1day'. 8IlW1alDiDl1:r, ' eapecDlly, an IU~- 'oorne Implem ent. aDd Bill' ' . ' , war~. rt la a. time . for. ~Ilr~era to muoh n~eded, Sld~ey Davis bRA ta~DlJ Splj. . ,n g: ran~ • . to b ' I " MI' aDd' lI J h H' d' k d put their $blnktng cape on and ask, t1~ree weeka ateady ~'-,.~ ' . ., . ~"tinllt , 8t ."~ Y llf D .. ,e. . ' ~era f~! high grade ra work ,yet thresb· · . 0 n ay 00 an .to~1 " , C?,Ot: Mr: Edward Cook 'a nd 'amll MI' . Wh h h 'Ra· dooit have returne d tba~elve" 88rlonaly If there il .not 20 lin . .~terwor'h . 11 1II.,~Jl~htet and oaM'Jer"~lzers ~anglng in price ing grain. eat nt aa run . fr~m. ' S' da with 'Irelatli eiJ Tn f 118 ~tl D"yU .of al.ohW ,~aI8l!,~' of ~he .plon. from.tb lrteen doll~ all. . '" danger that tbe bubble will borat. to 90 bushela per ~ro, goOO.qu ahty, '. ~l Y ' , . ~~ .. ~~ a , In. ~oi tbt!' ....,'1'1 ~~o ~e frc,l~. . Ua lmoat Seema th,at aome of the ' tbe oats ' . '. . .. ' '." " B~y JA)'; ' • a,nea,,:1 e. .. hal no' ~Ielded ]arll:~ tblll , . . . 11111 Flora. Nonh ~~~ ~ ~ -'~I~ flea~ Mr.~. FallDle BroWD, · ~ , Urban., 1I~r& : .J88I8andl'ra~_B.881. at. ~m~burg,wl ~arlan haa gOD~ to ' ~~ollti" of Wal1at reet migbt be ~n.year, 'about 20 to 25 bushlil sper Ban.,. aburc wblle ' thf\ oouO'uy who III ",-"In• .her ailler, Mra le~lhehaa a P,08.~" derl&a luliftbe ,Y}ver e, :watohout~ aore. Thl!beBt yield . A. ·L. ~n!1f!d the ~t~te . Fall' a ooaple of tiO!1 ln the 1Oh091. th~ being on the . . - - , ben, *il!ie"' "...:.i.i, · 'Farr bu been 't ll! gael' of' honor year . . ' .' a' delYI of laat week. Cozad farm; 402 busbel from 10 Auuu .. , "'. . . • . . '1"-' . . aever.l family ,.&her in" &be pai' '. . 111'. Harry McGinn is . returne d ', .: . ' . . Alartlil' Harner at,td daught ers, bome the forepar t o"lut w~k ( " -··E·'~· . ~ .. , ~.e_. . .FrldaY... 111'.. aDd: II.... J.: M;r: ,Daniel from aorea. WOO~I~ had the mla, 1I~8888 Cor. aDd Ei:a, bavl!. moved' F~~nc:I~~ . ~' ... ~., " W.t11 W.hite.: 'Wellsto n, Ohio. wber.e be saw 'many en.r.aat~ .~~ ~~ner fort~ of loalng -Mi-'d - d}-'-- ~n,! day. to·Xen,!,and~y· Bai'De....nd wtf.~ thlnga ltbadn ever been ha_, prlvl. I ~ : ' . ~ TlI-:a1l ~ut. ~~II ~~~:~Fa~~dw~::"::', lI~cJ~oa-:e~ ~..t w~k. ',' , a ~o~ erun . ,. hale:m~vec'l l,e ge to vtew·'be fore. 8e '!'f"a ' down I Quite a numbe r from hero 1 ' Likf" ....~... .~ Coia.e ded, a~ l' fll,.p~l.l dl~ner g1ve~ , I~ oom-. ~ver~1 t~ ~~~ vI~nltJ a'tend· · Mr. Ray. to .'he .~otne pJa~. Ilttendqarr and famUy ' h.av~ re. In a IIr.,.I" 0081 mine lome 130 fee' e4. ~ptlet AIIfIQClation at 1rithtlt.II~/1I0.e, \, ~ll!Den~'o;n~ ..-.. " ' , ' . the bay*,On I'alr .o~ :n~nda1 of &1II'D;e~lfroma .v,taI~' tbe Blan- i' aDlong relatIvee deep and thl'~ mUes, think o! ·" cl\es&e , ,. '.~ Itatt.eni w.... ierJ,....f~" ' ' ~ra:B1~8Iaey" Ilra.·.Le 'tleEva rand. re~llrne ~.homQ Sunday b. I ... w~e~. ," .' . In.ln~Ia..,..., " "":,,!·~,,'lj . . .... bao~ from tbe, m~ln "han wbere evening . Reporti ng " ,!~t ,., ~' ' . \ :~-' .. ~., Lt.e '¥8d61 and 3Ir_. lJuie 1Ieaara qul&e" numbe r .· Guy O~eno.w:et~· alld B. B. :GoOlJrloh .and! . T. C... Bay. dba,l- ~:ftl' obalrm 8n of th.e .roy t~n~~ f,'~ .ElIf(hDitli ·~ rlAll,nNna men lie In all manne r of ~ltlon8 ' ot m~nistet" prese.nt and good l . ChArley LaCy were thE' gaeslll of 'd oo" 'Jr' ·...:.-;..e a buslln- . m~t. • ".. 1'-1 , f.b ,' .1 ·ae1Je."u (Jonven Non 0 trt' p to and plok the ~l from-fu e velua In tng h 0 O. 'u " _1 Ch . "~b08 , lIP!!' ·" ....h nd f U \ . a' ~ , ~DO~~ 1i9:at l4a1bvU1e, OJl1o; septem • IIIDU ....... ' hl b It If ber·U . . '~r~, ,,!ame~ ' d H th t t eno~,? a , a!D, :r CinolDnati ' ~' " week aDd ~oOk :1,. w 0 . .', tJom{~.(. ~ ae¢W~ liP the ~~ano~.t }, ",ail an' ,all , d~T mee~g s .o un : e NY. a '~ Mr. WOllam. Hartaoo k of DayWn \t1,~ a ·on Snnda:r ~a.'. .," " • ,- ,,,,,,,.",, the tail Fea&lval while. tbere. . endh'''l!e .bn.IIJ_'b~w~k. D;ot be ~lobl~'1ieJDor'Dt1l8 ,. and , o~e In " ' Mlae' F1oren able to .m~.e coal ,mean,! dll· t din -" . .... ' ., We 'all :" o~er 'btDp310DDeicte4 ,~,.,..,teinoo~, a~ "hloh th~. were of ~euta&er, oe~oy'la the gae;.t l.ter~WeJJa~n~ortha' ~alm~~ :~penren~. 8eyer~] daV.a bere with lira. I'rank Cook and. . . . .. ' . .' the only thing a mat;' oaJ;l ' ". w1&b' the ·'Bome.c Omt...: 't waiI".~Jl"S!,.D~!'!., add pa _~~ tamIJ,Ot 'CoUep BIU. ' ,. ' . ' . ,., Back to~ Old "'tom . . ieadw p. _~~,7 ~ uae~ e'. . Snrely a cont~a' .tiJ thl~. aeqt~oD ' of o~,. . . > '. \.:.. ' )11'. CalVin Beara and daugbt er • , ; ,flQanc ilaJlt. a~ . . . : : ' :~.]"'le ~ ~~Dt" . ' Atte Thin Y , Uhl . Miss Dell. spent Thursd ay evening . . . . . Tbe d _b08 :00m_ I*'t nl~ a . Mia: If. B. 'EUI: aDd Lod~. . ' lb• ....-.nk ~k. .:who w8II lnj_nred . r,. . y ~r8,. . 0. . ' • .' . lliaB··Do'ia byfalU agfrom .. .to~ abed a With Jaoob .Moott and famUy . . ' ; .i"""s ee ~ . ~f .~, ~ ' ~ ElItll W8~ . . . . . ahlle aw~ay - ,,. '. PI ' D'd . 880, ta lJDPo't 'in". . WlUlam , ~~u"ot Phtlade l. , , ~" !wei'e .train 1M~.g8d. _DC! aD~ veraiIol7 ' of . 'he Otavel' .flfth oonple of ' easan t ~l ge. . I:klboof oommenced Monday ~ Leaf : " . . ' , ~. : wefe .Ib..:. reoelpt . ftom -OOO~lnll.'. Ohab ..uf h,alikl phla, who mOved frum thIl viGlnlt J · tn :wblob, IlN. Qbar~es Bye and IIrs. and tblr&7 ~ Ale) tember 10, wt, h qui,te a gOod nu~: hall beea ·...... tin. '~... ~OD"~ bIi]l .Ii....., ,~lto rqom,. WIll bela on the . .lid 'Valley Ben James and wife wel'8 t ~e bar In a\t~ndatnoe. Ch&u· !In. ,~airi 81nitb .,~ the bla .ter IIlJe Lime . BaDdaIl In .ga~·of rela&lvea Bnnday . .. ate, 'batoaa,~" qt &:".e, lP"ra a. taaq", ...opn~""lIatnJ'!laJ..'.· . MilIIeB Ruth and LuaUe ~rt.spok flUId wu ,aMcl84,· ~ ~n, ~ , eafb ~'IM*I or tbe. C~ab lIany Bap.&tac .u.oot. taon a' BlaiaDhene,r' Wavne s.vil.1e, ·· h~ brother C, . W.\ IIr. andllf t.lMte rSurf . aoeapen~ . were ·&he latter pUt of t.b e week. IDW a ~PQrtiODMe' IID01IIIC of' wba'IJr eaeIn' and·"more ',haD' Ilri.r ' .~ at LluO n ~o .• ..,. at , Haaday with &he la&lera pareD. IIr apent Snnday aftemoo prr. , , tIut1 aabilqr,ltiecl.. D with iii. .-;. ., ..,.,a _, ,,"oWn &0 the dinner ·.ble. . Our ~hOQl oommenoed lI~y Barve~. barK and 'DUller ' Nora .800tL Oona,l lbalabJ ,J fllle4 .bla', dlf, aJld 11ft. Blob of Wellma n. tb.q_ "-'.oJ " oen'~ of witb..lI r. .JobilCOmml,..... ' . Mr. Bandal l8nc18 mUob to · ID&eI'. . Jaaob 00na~11,.~1 and George IIla8 'fIGQl' poIIttoD . . Cl~n of",'" =~ Olab, ba' OM _\Ii E$bel Pennew t't apeD' Snn. .baa Tobaooo O1lHiD I II8IDa the order . , bIIIl·oa ilia old at.dpb ;. 4aaDDao,)aam1 , ..... . nd ~aob '~" lslrD1lD4 Klebalynta aUeDdecl the State JI'aIr clay afternoon' with ' !UD_ ' , .. 1'1, . . . . . anel ........_ ...._ ' . . . . . .;., .'.. . . I' Jao aU. lIinni~ ......... _ ....... ~,.......__ , ._d_ i. . . .... ~orMn.I:DII, Bar&800k. ,.. . a _-~_- . . _ ...._ . Hon,. Horace L. Smltb, oontea'~Dt apiDAt 0. Q. Htldtlb rant for the Republ ican nomina tion for Congress in the &xth mltrlot , Jlled hiM oer. ltfloate of nomina tion witl1 the board Of election a at Xenia &ltDr. .yD"h~. . Mr'. BIlde '--" ........... . II ob1eo.
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The Miami (jaze,tte.
BROWN It McK ' Y. publl. bm. WAYN F~"lT .I .Iil.
A ".1. glanl,., lnJ;: In h er 'eYColl. DI8 ern ><1 III Ih OI .. ~crul lUI 1\110 'rho be" Ul y or I he ak lu. I h ..v d her aw t" r phle ,'ot"
In SQrtest murruUr s Uont.
Helplen Cltiel, TtMt da.n ger of an Ice famine
lla m usic
The Ru'ttmm .Ilea son 18 coming 11,0'" and morjl to be recogn bed as a mOlt lult'1ble tilDe for hOIlSe\,lIlIn1.lng. i'bere la no fro st dee p In Ole woo(\ to make trouble ror el'en the best Job or paint· lng, and the general seasonin g of the haa pat the wood Into good ~ conrlltlon In eve ry way. Tile weather . moreove~, Is more I\kely · to be settled tor the necessary length pf tI me to 'lllIow all tbe coats to tho roughly dry, a very, ImllOrtsnt precauti on. 'A n .old att!! .lJcce8sful pa/pter ailld to the wrltor tbe otbe r day, "H\Juse owner. wonld get more tor their mOtl0Y tf ~bey wOllld Bilow their painters to talte mOIV' time, espeolal ly between coats. Instead ot allow Ins b·a rel,. tim tor the ~urface to get dr' enough 'not to be 'tacky,' ,Ieve ral day, (weeks would not be tOIl much). should be allowed .c;· that tho 'coat ml,ht set tbroulh and tbrough : · it Is Inconve nient" of eotlrse, but, ' If one would suffer thll IlIght IncoDvenl,e nce, It would add two IIr three years to tl~e lIte'of th e paint," All this Is assumin g, of course, that the poi nt used II tbe very beit , to be blid. The pureet of white lead and the purest ot UnBeed 011 unmilled with a ny cheape r of tbe cheap m Ix lures, often kn own as "Wblte Leail," nnd oil which has been doctered wltb tlsh 011, benzine, corn 011 , o~ oUle r of .the adultera nts known to the trade are us d , all the precauti ons of tb e skilled painter al'e useless to provl)nt the cra~k!ng and peeling which' mllke bouses unsIghtl y III a· year or BO and, therefore, make palnUng billS too f,. quell an d costl y, House owner ,hollld hav his paint er,' br["g the In' gredl nts to the J\remlsl1s 8 paraloly, willte lend or 60me well l(OO,,'u 1'ello.ble brand IlDd linseed- a ll of equal Qual· tty nnd Dli~ tb PRint J\Jst befpre ap· · plying it. Palutl ng need not be ex, penSive a nd I1I181lUsfu ctory If tile old p~nter'B s1Iggesti ons are followed.
m~d. my henrt roJolel In Washing ton emphssl .zel tb e fact that I dl<l the ye: " boat 1 could To look the other Wfir. • lrTeal ell)' Is pItifully . desUtut e ot And ILIl wen t (IlIrly well and . .:o04 reaourcos and Is the w('akeat at', bu· Unt.ll 1 henrd her ."y: man organiza tions In the. abllity to' "I want tc), be 1111 Mcet- " when She l~mpt(ld lno t oo tar. ' look out for Hseit, .~'8 the WMh llig. I And '0 r told \ttl', Ult-rll 11.110 (11.11, ton Post. It I. depcnde nt upon tho " " DelLI' 8Ir~Ah"l''' ' whu." Y'I,i .. NI" • ' --Nixon Wnt.rma n, In WOUl n'" Hollt.. lIutslde world '10 a!! extent l!tUe olUpalllon. ' dreamed of until a mIshap In the com plicate.d machine ry diacloBe l the ~ ! '" j re.l aUo'nahlp. The' food It ealll and the ~'aLe r It drlnkll must come froDl outside, and an Int!lrrup tlon of a day In tbe slendy process of supply cause8 BY .TESSIE WADE MANNI NG. untOld Inconve nience and threaten s dapgers and Cll sease, The h el plesl\' We have lived :',r .20 :years In n Ual I began by Cl\rrylou to/lbsey bQme lIesa at a great cIty w. . ne~r beUer over ,the stubles provided Illustrat ed than wben the earth trem· (lcriliten dent of tbe BrlxtoD by th!l su.- wlUI me. It's IlWful for strangers lO pa rk. My upset you so, yet that 'boy lOOked lIae bled. II few ~nds under S~n Fran.' husband, William Newman , ~ DOW ~ Clhonl b sleeping. eiaco on April 18 laat, ThIs t remo r one ot lhe bead prdener s. 1 w as "The C/perpUQn was BUC«;Il8.srul," en'la did compara tively smaU damage to brougbt up ID work, and as good, hou· No rman Gra)- Ole next mor'nlng, liS he buildings. but It worked havoc by !lst, bard work keeps ono out or mls· drank the co tree I otrllreCl him. ehler, I'm none the worse for dOlOg thc ),'On Ctln't make me bellleve nnyotioBllt BDnpplog wa~er and gas mains, elec: \\'oshlog , Ironi ng pnd housework' all quits t be same after los Lug a po~Uor! Is tr ic wi res and railroad tracks, It) an 01 these years for my lillie family or their analDmy . Instant tbe dty was deprived of watf!r, two. ' In tbe week tbat fQII~ "Ylld, ~ lived 20 I food, lIgbt, trsn6po rtatlon facilitie s Well, I 'started out to tell about lIle times 20 yenrs, S\le~, n- -racket In and mea-n s of commun lcaUon. The tennnts, .and especial ly the boy, In tbe the house. ' Tbe bird. 88ng' for th6 Orst tremor that abut olf the ' water s P.t ndjoln lng Oat- tbe new underga rdener, tbe olty on I\re and bnrned tbe s mall Norman Gray, and his wife anll small lImu in years, und such a whirl ns Nlbsey led me! 610roa of (()()d. Street railways were son. Tbe)"ve been there now gOlng 'on Bless his iltUe heart, the.-e'l reall paralyzed, the telepbonf1s and tele' th ree week&, and, ns I n~ver oolldjn somB 'fOOd In thht boy, 'after ':li! y graphs were useless, and human be- sl rang8l'S; 1 haTen': spoken to. !Iny at Strange , \te took to me 'l1k e~,,- Clutk-_ Ings were reduced to aborigin al meth· them, .onl y twice I've shook my Jlnger ling to water. . al the cbi1d, lind 'Lato In tbe afUlrnooli of th e thl~d ods of living and locomot lon, By keep on his own sidemotloneil him to of the ynrd. day NI~aey wtlS mIssing , 1 go\ hal mere acciden t ,a IIln,le raUroad track nfortu nately, was left so IItUe damage d as to be (lry ou r "pieces" we are obllg~d to lind cold at ~be Imme tUme. WIIlla.!ll In the ,arne yard, said 1 tore roUlld us tuou gll tbo boy easily repaIred , and by s uperbum an so It ts II t ug-of-w ar .eaoh Monday !)elonged to mil. ' B ut It was sheer work s umclent food ' was brought In mornl!!g to see, whloh will get abead. nervous ness, notbl ng els.!, By a hap,.'), to prevent alar'vatl on, It . the outsl!!e I must Ildmlt she has no new-fllllglo9 1!hanco L telepboned pol\<;e hel\!tQUUlideas' world blld not rushed to tbelr asalst· abo ut banging up clolhes- wool- tars and found blm at Station W bnt a ourlo us change, Ms. come ; the wrist,' and 'tbe brt'lad·br No 2 · Hnmed hat, illIce" the people of San FranolBco ens and etCfc'k lnga are n1wnys the tlrst sltllng on a bench \\-i lh his little h ~a ~ over tlie spirit of dres tor the mao 'made' of bro\\'n chl\1, has 'a bunch of NOTRE DAME ALWAY S C)1ARM I would have perished in .the midst of pn the IIn8'. on myoid Cllrpet bllg, fast asleep. tron! Some GO yenrs since, she wOIild green oats and pale blue torget-me· The boy persis NOnDan tently Is grant called unto by ·the berself the nots at oile side oC tbe tront. s iantinl: Vilitorl Never Tire l 'd brought that b~g down from VIe • land of runnlDg wator. and flowing Beauty Famou. Cathedr al, ' wltb milk ~d · hoD~y. Sucb complete loollsh DII-;ne or "Nlbsey ," and I( 1\ nlUc In .the morning to cut up tor s hlliter at Lhe bonnel, nor clrellUl . ot 11ackwa rds ova r tbe brim, wblch rests ehlldleB8 Ife of 20 c1enn, neat, mo- rug. How be got It lak ing h r' wnlk s nbroad snve uuder 011 a band eau niched with brown tuIJe. IIlnd carrtcd It wreckage or urbtln facllitie s.(s rare In noton01l!l- yea the kindl y lulluen e of the sacque or rs 'hadn't put a crust 011 $uch a distance waB n mystery . Otten .. I lIave seoll Notre Dnm., I grow dally more aUra 'ted by tbe history, ",nd could only occur tbrough cape, and slle r Ie -ated to herself pen(Jllnt voll, reallzln "Nlbsey ," 1 clilled, .soWy, , the mnfvel of It neyer grow!! less. J g that when c,!nvulllions of nature at warlike 1l!I' "Oh! Mltb Newm nn," bie crIed, Jump. 801D bre to~es Qf color, and some rigid worn by a wom lln not obt ruslvely to Paris wltb no thought Of ti me 8&ult and' siege, It Ii compara tivelY Ing up a nd throwin g hbnself Into my adheren ce La a couserv atl ve Ilattern hort, It Dlny eXElrelse a benefiCial ef· tor It, busy ..."Ollt many other thint;;l: easy, ho;"'ever, for tbe delicate IDech· nr gown. Now she ndol,ts ev~ry uew feot, 1111 k'e upon the outline at hor hat and tben, on nlY way over otle or the arms, "I lDudent tln.d Dr. Johllson ." anlem of any c,Jt)l to )Ie thrown ollt "Find Dr. Jobnson !" I excltlime<J, lIlode wlt J:l a v ldit~' , nnd determi nes' on an d t he ,contol\ r or ber chin. Tbe bridges acrosl tbe rl\'er, perhaps , 1 tf gear tein porarlly by reason of ac· knowing his mother 's aolCtor lived n s uiting; or "at least 'lr)' in ~ h,l s ui t, her hardest lind· ruo~t un satisfac tory ex- see It agaIn 'In ita Islllnd , tbe boallUIndivldunllty to Its wenr. No muslin III ample of mi llinery I · elden't or lack of fo r;slght. T):Ils faot the other aide .0C the ' city, bave seen 80tr- (ul towers )l1gh ab"ve the hi 'h roofa "Yelh, MUh Newman , be dt" me :iva too light tor bClr, 'no pi n\( ro!lebuds too oned anll r nder d a thIng ot beauty . or houses and palacols, an d tho view, Ibould be borne Iii mind b)' t bose who juven lie; SOe will shara allk with the by care ful and graceful ::dJllstm ent or POW 80 tallllllar, strikes' me afresb cents the udder night and eald 11 I'd , act ' ll8 purveyo rs at, tood, Ice: water coma alj \1 be hls1Jtlle boy I tou'd drh'o gtrl tJle prIvileg es ot til cOllon voile, A ve.l l or lillIe blu cbifCon l"lth a brond with sl1 tbe wOQder' of my tlrat lmllresand otber necessit ies 9t life, In protil!! line n holol'O, .a nd Ule trnnsl!n rcnt h m at the bOrl;Jer'; and his borse," a10n. ' Tbe wond'or only seems grellle~ , viding for II' city they are del1ling wfth blOlili , whil e sh e will s urmoun t bor nanl white . lin, J). embroldea Qnite ordl· "\yeU, wbere's the JI,ve cents ?" If I turn, 08 I am always ~tem p t d to, lTod dress, • monstro us, hungry, wltlells creature ; . "oh'! " be · eald, beglnIDlng to ory, locks, dYl1d, fr lng d. cIII'led, anti e,'en \I'hleh hns Inde d seen its best IlaYB and w.alk dO"'n the, qun),s. on the loft of enormous capacity Jor consum ption " I - dtv - 1t-!.O-th!3·man-on.· the-C)ar- Ond· IllIrchas ed, by tile I at e.dgencill s of yest r yea r, on being crowned by a bank: the towers before me on wltb and nbl!olutljly. w!lbout thollgbt of the 10I ded· lltm-l-w an ted-to .. 1;0 - to - 1.11'.-'s mantl.n te for th e mlljlnel'jl of Ulaok ,cr1nolln hat, drap d by- Ii sllot- every' s top eomlng morf;' nod more morrow. Jobnson 's .. and - ntt:er-a-nong-Unje-be- th e houT. 8M Is itn, oblib'ing c rent\II'o; ~ell black blond veil, takes Ul\to 1t8el ~ eQmpletely tog ther, by the Pont jIU L:me-olY -and-tolded-mo-'to - walt- ili- she wlil evall pnin t her ,race .to slnin' tlle charms ot tho latest (allhlon, allied Nellf, to Ule 18Iall(1, and, at IIt!!t to the lat!! the (lin)( and ,'whUe bloom of to a ~ u prcml.\ becomln l1ere-Cor -lpy-ntn mma." gnoss. ,." srent square whero Notre ,Dn me frontl ' youtb. Fati of HeIdelb erg Caetle. The accom llanylng picture Illus· me In Ita superb calm,-E I!zabetl I toolt his little b and and ' t hen J In nine c(lse out. All G ~r~ny .IS < now ,'e xcltea over or t n SlI,t;1l pollc}', tTa~ s two cllarnltl lg gnrdcn ....part)" Robins Pennen, In ' The CentiJry, plcit d up the carpet bag, whtch was as eKc~te3 II-ly \l'b tbe .conditio!!, of the Heidelbe rg castle; , 11 . no conl 'mpt, 'nnd gQwu a for ll) In t ' faJ I. beavy aa lea!!, In It bl! b!ld :put n . On number ' OUO pluk For t.wo yeara the Question whether trn ln of ears, an old broken klle, 1\ tile obM rver of.lntc·l lIgcpl compi' ben· . He Hit the ·Bookma ker,. .slon -w ill r ' U\emb~ r regret{u lly tb at, l h ms Ives upon a muslinroses dl~p.ort lump a t wet !!lay 1I0d a delld sparrow , the ','OUo Helnrlc bs" oortlon of Itbacki;rountL t'atrlck MurDhy had· an nfternOO tract. I Qns of Pl'. J o'hnson dld.n 't koow wbat he'rl elting InOuencthe lace cap nn'd tbo aott· an d plai n '{link mlls li n IJl IIsed to fonn otr, so he thonght he would go out toD . tbe han!Isom esi section _hail or shall e of· grey hair, the III mJssed. qe wll.'. ;_ deck tbo lee the hors9 raoos. noi be token dow n , 'and rebUilt baa ;:! • ......,.,..,...' ' . ., Howeye r. In llie l:eni:h qase Pat .had bea rd about -,tbe for tunel I bugged the l?Oy nil the way home,. t ron Is Qui te right to adopt tho ma- sl:lr~.. nbotlt !,he knees apa betow tbem. .roused all Baden to the !lOth! where lhe fnsh: A pa.le I/Ink talfeta ollUines ~be mu ~· ma~e nt tho race anil b~lIeve 1'1J1. RetUng DS IdlQ Ue I trackl,,!w be th,P11l\lJ t fraterna l warCare seemed ' clolle at f th 't. b t tl .,' lin bol \3' ,O; forms tho _walotba nd, and be wquld try h\.a luck. over ' blm as ' William . When loye's H m nloWII ona . 0 e mome~ 11 lilt hand. Now the ' malt!!r has lost Ita _ ' , tentb holds the ~l ee"es a bo ve and at tbe ·el. ' _talrs bcfo~e evcr}' race, . '. beeq adrlftln g tor n lwh on to 20 years. c!Lile .must sh'Ow 'be r s\lm, but dldp't '1'" upri Ght, not b w i l d , .... Jocljl 8lgnlftcan~ anll become an 1m· , " too _ o btrusive ly' '. dd wJ~, th g ed, t and 'It . ' Y ,ltll the . 0 , and IIi /lWakEin ed b.y a IltUe innocen Ce' n any 0 s . a au d hi In U ntll \, 'f. hair bc T oolor b perlal i'lsue, says the New ¥ork Poat. hit to conceal I ' d ' ral.b ' er than' ber t ,!O,' tb e I ast race, It o ,w e awn ress! who raU8 pell - mel~ rlg'h t Into your, . . was a I ar~c grllT ',' hns m~slln frllla ,healled num , The newSp&)l6I'1 eveI'Ywllere ' have by lace In· bpue, J don't rememb frozen, numbed , old ,bear1l.,' you , begin reveal the wrlnk' 1es 'whIch or Its name, Time ,plants ' 8 ' e ~1I0n , FOU nnd ND the HlllI square-o FAIT ut vest ASL£EP . ~to tbe but It 611lted' Pllt all right, fOT It had ~o realize . thllr9'S somet\IIQg, In Ute sp Indlsorl mlnate ly und er "the tak,n ald_ for or against., EXpert ' d lIttie ' coat shows a t ucked PIe Ilke thl bark on a tree, 1 intllht besides yourself, your cbemlse tte 'EO·! after It. ' ar~er ex~rt h~ bflen conawte~, !'nil dog and yOUl round, ~liout ·the mo~th. ... ot 'n'iuslln tied ' with Q velvet cravat! Pat put up bll dollal" alld wen~ up.. ' one commll ilon of arcbltec ts after ,he be tempted to notice tbe , handsome hoarding s. ' . • . Indeed, a ve ry model of a summer The .tlny. turban Child; although other ba~ h~d ,It.s ·s~ ~nlY to be over- and ml8chlev's frlgbUu l forward ' Then came thnt awtul (Ja:y. It wal dress for a ma.t~on ,such as ! have In set fnr. back on wblch croWDS this Is stairs to' 8ee. the race, l'Il,!I hOf3 t/le head from I . " Friday. Black Friday, IDidect\. . my mind's e)'e Is pta de of bro"t;n and front, and ' hae a gro.Ii'p ' of ' WMgwothe by a neck, Pat bUrrled dowp'8l alre ruled or controv erted. So serloui· hae On,ly y,esterda:y-Ilook ed up from cutod wltb a lIv'll:y step to eash tn ' bl. It appe J:Cd that one of ' tlie men white cbet;ll(lli ' "cotton volle, wltli bille featb'er's tit the 'sltuaUo n become tbat" tbe re Is no t lng myoId , pllll:es of the , b~ck, , the ha~ cbeck, car/olet Int,q ~rlvlng a "ttle ' danger of the ·Itruotu re's tum- strips, (or a rug: ID see Nlbaey punqb. park was,'~ · tbrou'gh the email WhItIlS llotsupo nltllsur face;lts. 8eemll1gIY .e mbedd edlnth ebl\.It l. : ltwClS tbe ·Iast .,. t B~n struck, 'r aes of ,t he NClTlDnn Gray .slmple gathere d bodice round at the whlob ,' Is pinned up to It , by tlie' booklDI\1!l!r wa~ o,!1-Xlo\1s''d ay au'd bling down before a decision can ·~ ing" a bo , h'end and shoulde rs ' taller workl~g near the spot,. to ~t jumped upon top reveals a ves t formed o~ Valen· large ~noub~d , ['ortol 8eshell . pJns-a rid " teaohed . 'nill II preolsel y wbat one than hlinself. The blood was trickling the l seat tp ,d rive the Impatie ' of his allver; theoo.forjl Pat Will nt .renm clennes, l~c~, party wante; 'bnt even · tbe element l, down. tbe .blg , fell01\l 's face, calling and wagon }Jack to ' tho E'table. . The tborn-~tIlclll11g;Joined with, llght bro~vn' fa shljtn ,:which bB~ ' come to us'! trom paId wltb silver dollars, " liht brown s!lk held Parle, and one -whose depl1l'ture trom Pat atooa the 'a few mlnut I fum' an,d .time ,mUllt not do their work wllh· up · to the ', Wlndo,," , he 8aid; proudl Y,: v,e blcle was an unusuall y high one, ,by a small eaRme) buckle encircle s tbe favor I shall bear 'wlth elluanlm lty- bUng over his re "Soy, Mlth Newman , did yo,u sell' m e and a,lwaY8 kept in bandful at allver- dolout omclal sanotlon . Helice thero baa a ShE.d buJI~ fat waist, thl! elUo w' sleev s of volle 'be- even 'do' him? I gltb him a blug". noae It. . This Norman did joy. ' ISr8, wbe n the boqkma ker hollered : no~ know t;o comlngl y reyeal lace under.sloeyes, to been an appeal to the blghest trl· EI,LEN oSl\10ND Ill, "What's the matter, ~rl~4T Doo't you everyDng." while bunal. Everybo dy )mows that tho ' like In the stll1)Je he' wa~ iClCClClClClClCCII:iI:ICICOCIOOCClOClClCl= I suppose I would have IIveil rl"M caught driving OQClClClDDDClDDDClDClDDDOCIaClo~ thInk they sr!, llood?" between the low door f~ame kaiser Is a great architec t ; Is' be not along, finding faul ' t with all Ute motb- and the IUgb. seat of the Clift, ~hlcll "P nt Sllld: "They look "all ri ght, bat , : a world· renowne d (108t, muslcJa n: ora· er and child did, If M,·s. Gray hadn·t· A r A doubled .hIm up anI! killed blm lOr I am f~st trying' to· liee I·' 1, nn. fhid tor, general, designe r of .battlesblps" been Ul,ken suddenl y 111. .J't. n~' 'I.Y.:3 stant"" .. the blld one J gave ~ou amoog 'l'l,leJiu!'-=.....,,-'c::,.....,;C'· . Fashion s for th e early fllit ,are ' ap' l~ose O rOw.D lace' :Ve1ls 1<IoTIDan Qray called ,me at ItIldnlghL as well ? In ' August, . tberefor e, the . f~r m~unt.nft:.·" ' : ; 'WI: .", T)1e POOl), young wile ,Te(lovere d (lea rIng In the stores everywh ere, wellr , and IlIltomob lllng ' In tb e earIT' bead of the state I_ to selUe 'the dla Th~ doctor was already there, and It bore her grent sorrow 111;e. tbe AN ' OLD '1:1 MER_ , , Froin the models . dl aplayiltl It Is evi· fail monthll. T be .whlte or ,Ugh t 1lT~ did ,not. ·take hlm " lopg ·to .o~det her IIttt'e woman that slle · puted (lolnt.' , ,'J. , was. ,\Vhell It' den t that . bro wD be one of tho tell hat- a~wllYs mllkeij Its apl/cu ranOl. removal to the hOllpltat .wlje re be said cnme time fo r her to tnke ' Hill Had' Experle\lccD. Nlbsey, WlIO' redom lnlltJng, co1or.l~ a.t this 'seasoli, ,of the year. It Is 'pre'an . operal!o n for appelidl cltls \\'buld elttng to me like a , . ' u.- , :. ' you1lg . tendril · Parls Is express ing ta\'or for ~badeB senilld ~oflege 8tudent . al Thlnker e. ,noW' In cOaj im ctlon ' wi th lIie ' A ,woman w)1o · hils " ~~d;' ~ lie .' necCssat'Y. I disagreed wltb tbe . around an old oll]r, 1 .l'ostum coridude d, . of wh,l.te, and Borne. qf, the .l.rge New, brown lace veh, and 'the :t"'o' mak~" Fo<!d ,Calfee slJ).ce Jt'.' ca:mo' u\lbn' doctor, and told him th at disease 'Wns. so dill, .. William , that l't Is ' linporta~t (or college teachel the the beat york store~ j re , 1\ feature of to promo~e .t he' pursuit on 'the (lart only a fat) of th'e profession, and a' few' tor Nlbse:y and his mother piafket 8 years' ago ' knows' from wblte SII1I B 'ot no velty weaves. These' ", old-fash ioned ' remedie s tor " Inl1amma- . go~. a PQstUon pac\<lng f1o'"er · of their ' stude~t/i1 perlence ·the , nece ssity of ,using Bucb subject!! as, cX~llbllloU8 Inchrded saUn nnd taffeta; tum::ln . place ot colfee- If Oll~ ,valuu in their In:heren t oharaote r, demand tlon at the' bowels would ~er was to make theLr homes with ua. brocade s, pellin s~~lpe8, aaUn meson hel' teet, and Qt)t~ 'IO fast tor ' (COllyrlglit, 1900. liy .70~Ph B: Bo'wles.) h~th and ' j' steady b~raln" thInking , and, also to llrOml)te Bucb, •. ' ' ,' ' .and radlp~. wejl-ves. Model a , kn,lfe ~nd a .~putat~on. , Sh,e Says: '~t the 'Ume Poslum ·wa. . Rer Friend. ' pursuit of these subjects as dPe . Jowns !ire he)ng .. m ~de up In w,hltl! ,A. tbe busbnnd and doclDr tenderly Ilrat put Oll tb'~ .. ma~~~t i wiLs " trer- ' "She's awfully wen Infol'Ulf1r2 Il u't sUks', a.ild Wey are also promote thinking , aays 'Obarle l p, Ultted th,!, young being used ex· thing Into tbe ame 'ahc'" lng' .f rom nervoua ·:.dyspeplliI' ·a'o d in,. ' ' tenllvel y for Ilnlnls and for separate Thevlng, In North, America n Review, bulance, ' abe lookedu _,physician, liad ·r&peateillf. .told me ·not · P 'a~ me, through " I don't think 80.": 'Nat-hem atic • . is' '1 '18bieclr :whicb . jJ"e-. &.\1 her l1ain, her big, ~. i"""" '! I b~wn eyes (Juat · "She' Clill Qu'ote fr()m all the ancient ",31'14" .to ~ u~. te~ Qr: cQ~Iie.,'., FIDatIY-';' l)' ~'.1 Ii!!"" York fasbton leaders are !!b,9Wj mands thinking , It ,Iii thinking : It II 11k" N~bs.ey's, I noll~dJ ' J1J1J of teltl'8. and Clde~ t. Ot take .. hls , ~ylpe and , tl'J' . ' modern ·.utbors and i" right In log more favor for yellow8. nothing elBe. '. History may ' be pre; antt.whlsper~d: , touoh lI'lth aU ~he atralTII of, the dR:Y II . silk 'aild broadcl oth oilJllume · Linen, P()litu~:··and 'got • '..m ille 'and hilil It s , In ' yel·. ·'r/ease be kind to m:y little I)oy," Mnted <' ~1 a matter 'of acqulal'tlon': It " " aretuU), ' 'prep.nre\l., ftncllnC It deU-j '," "Out she's not wei .' laws are ,being worn by ; the ,' ·ultra. ":~.~r«;:' I repUe!!, -!I. kind of cbd\{li.d thinks she's pretty and a alsO ,may( be presoJit ed as Q matter of c,J9U( to ' tlie ; laa~ i . so f1" c()nUtiuec1 '.1 , 'tasbl<inaIiies. 10: 'beauUfu ( model gOjYn . 'Welgbhlg efldenoo , ' ae a study·· \ of up, l.~es! my bark·s wo18e, ~an' my ber mirror wQuld' lniorm ' her l~use)llI1d vel')'l ~~ltII ' lioj1ellcbll .et, " . pale Yello.w crepe de Oblne II made " . .'wlse,-'l louston Pos.t. fecta C~n.v~9~d met Pf Ita ',vli\'\yi;, fol" · cau ... and ' etrect. Econom ici III a aub- bite, Child. ·style, '. wltb . : a , gulmpe .. In" 1 I ~ot ·",el1 9 .. my, nervoua ilees an,d d,. ·~I!anl.h . ,ace. , ''fbe . Pet . ~hlcb sPeciall y olier~ opportil nl) ' pepsla. '". , .' '.; . ". dee,9 i'11~ed, ,~n .r1~l!on em·, . ·tJ~. for '~Qh 8~U~y 11;1 .develop,1 .t}i!nk;. ",. ' ' 'M'y~ hulband 'h4~. t>00lJ. ;'rl.n~il li'cc:ifWHY tb~. NOT? same tone and In,. m ap; pbo~omena are complex , and ,. " tee all hla life until 1& liar! '·a.trecte a Cfeam lace; J, " '\, • , the' eaules' whlcb' prevail .In Iti fteid . ~, ,hiS: ne'rv~B' tetrt~ly~' ' I ~rsu~ed I him' Anottler" modeLi s a ; strlctly. tail;;r~'d ate ' often .o bacure. ·Thes.e studlel: and " , to 'shift. to PostuDl .aud· n was ebi tc) h~'ll(tJog . . ahRu.l , .~~ , almll&r on,es,' .orrer ' a , apeclat advan· p,t lIi~. to m\lk,e; the"cha oge tor' the . Unell. ~~~, ~g~" .In .' creating ~d:' nou.T[l!blbC' tbe P91!tllm I, "~e.Il!l~\lu. ·n ' 'c~rWnJl are . faced wltll .,' lI'otklld .'wonders for hlu[ . l pO'll"er ,of ~~lJIng. : ' , f' " with tbls' sultl ; ~ ";'We '!"On leanlea ·,tba~ PQ~tulh d~ \t'c , ' , In . one: iI~ ,.the . AD lronmnn ger .,In a aWjl.1l English ~q~ el'lrll~rate, 01' deprell'a and dOt!s not " , tr,lnl:J!le~ town recently posted tbe ,following. an· '~flm~ate, ~iJt· IteadlJY 'aUd -,;honel~' aDd yellow Itrength ens the , ne~y~~ ~~ the! at911l" " nouncem ent In ' front ot hi" . :.bop; .. , ',' '. _. , ~. ,.·To ~~\l a 1011J~ etor)' Ib~rt- ~ui: "Tlie ",asop. .why I; have hJtherto been way ·.,of milliner y yenow II ~n,tJr,~ tam)lr npw nlled ~oatuill abJ" to' 6Oll 'my goods' 119 mucb cheap. DOvelty, but~lt Is, used fu ~." Aocordl ng j o ' .fo~ e~ht .yeara "lth _ comp~e~l~i', IIllo · er than abybo'dy 8.118 i. that I 'am a 'bliiaat·l on ..wl~(, ot\.l'\~ IcolQr_, .A had. authprlt y the ..~000d1 , ~lIr~lng ,resti1ta, . . aliown 1~+ourftn.1 bacbelo r : and do bot need ' to make ~Jlt ln, brown beaver Is }rlmml\!l . ~ne or'tbtf 'hlgb novelue s In· fabrlcI • proa~ (o~' the maJntenan~ of.' wll. ,1at'ge plu!'!e8 8bo~llfg .Ib •.ded fall il! the , Ibadow e'ilibroltl .lor ,~~wUtlo.a .ot .health 1l,tl4. we, have. po~' os ~ced a · l'IIther ' u,nexpecWcl, ~ro~ .1 'aDd children . It II now in, dnt, to brp"nll peac,ook , blue a,n d yeUo'll'. ,An· «epe de ClIln••- ?,'hlsl at1mula tel l: tbe mene ; I~ .braln, Qd nerv. pow.r.... otl,r bat: IJI,dllll ~u!!. almoa~' t1ln color}. handwo rk th,t;· biuI ~n IIItoTID the publle flIat this adyant&ae 80 POJnllllr Na~e , elvela W PCfetu. Co.• Battle . '1 I'u .. a ~eIl9r. a'll olt.rlch plum. of and elvel ' . 'we" llandlOm \";'11 be 111iirtl, "IUidra wn ~rom' them: 'THE "'PORT ThAT. s deet: Creek, Klch, . , '1"" . dilll ~Il~'. ' : . . I am about to ' lie marrled . TIle, '., . 'Paris il talidq ~nid"" ItroDtll ::i""':::=~ ' ~Cteaaed b~D 'a nd n.rv. PO:w~aJ. . Brown C ;\antllly lace velli, are, If fbr 8prlng, 1907, and aampJee of 'm an, .wai. follow ,!WID, therefor e, cia well to maJre Ill.. , PYII~ or IOYJIT the UH of, Poatnm ID au7tblD e. Ird*l!!g more P9Pular. New n"w and d.IIra~I. thlDll , ,wchU lil at Ollo. ., \lit 014 ra~" are belllJ pJ&ce ' of entree, IOmetl .eI Ih • yv, _IS_IJNT ____ AuE _NOT.;...._~_T~;.;..."'~~'~-:=--::===~=~~~;~~~ tau are beIq Ibon with p"",ute d for IJ)rIQ, MkbI. .. • mann.r, .. , - ( LoolE. l\a pkp. lor .," . . . Road, II
And t renau l7lJ ever)" note.
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Excurs io!1~ .
S a l. (i': u·, ,·
In Aug u", t ... t' lit elllh.... r. OClull c' r
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Keep the Hens '
War m.
PAROID Is ro'rOI1IOIt'I1,l I)J loy I nr~I'.L
of the
p'>tIlIrrmlll1 ns tho most
r oollng nocl Billing
p l'lI}Lr)' h l) \l ~('~ ,
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,,,,t ill rill'! :t I I i ll { wh J1 ~ I 1. 1. d r'M'~ 110t n ' qllirr rflint.ill ~ wlu'l '.1' . .... . " I I. s Ilul. ::;. ,,,I I'.·.\uy (.or rJl'" "1UlIl'l cs n,,1i vllr IJixn O"'t .klct., "null di hg r 'l",,,nlY." .
' r1 At the ll~Il1e 0 i:tL9 ne RII·er. Dec. 31. I K02 Ju.~ a~ ~be PlrHL I{en , uck, 1~I"nlry wa. ("rm tll~ for II ~h~r"e '" I"r ~. li~tt fr' oon ~u,·. d Rlu, nf conlpany II. aud "pJint"",-, ,, it lnw t r alDJUDt . rcb 'I baLI". te••<rUCll a oedar l rec aL Lbe Dnn ADO -rson 01 th aL compau)' I' a rrl cd N(JUiC of th.< ,) 1('C'~ fl \' by b.1H rf8,tuICD1. . IIndl1 few day.. l ater mu.dr. from th of ttt:dnr f r9pl th e flt: hl as il ttlelOen l o ot t h e charge made e cef1a r tb tt pluture C;lt4e b erc r~prt ge nt ed . ti e 011111,1 1." tb ilL '0 l'f:r tlou8 01 U Kb leltl u ... lnuo ror Lbe oUUllde I.hC r ed ~oa O. !lIP. a~ r lrrp In a ltUrlllll.e Alrlpea. II uol y tOllI. wen! while p3 rt ~ an army an ol(i fore pl an,' WILhoUL .. handlt w bl. h b. olo .. r l'61."d On mad. I rum '''e lI01 r klA'" aD 0111 "rlttlerY 8al\dle. Wltb tbo 0 klllfe. II hrlck an ,old Ole pll'COj< of frlu•• • allli .. he mlkle a \)c;QutHut c~<e. 101 wblch hA ~ta ilu" (:lise wltl, the phl'lure/'l bUM tw~n carufull y pr(l8 er\' ~d. and. afWlr ror t v·nnc ~! en.rll . hi In lUi j(uUll oonll }llol1 111i II"'I hI. :lmbrOL,"'" IIIkr o til I sit. "on tbnt of "I~ wlte. tako,; In l Krok WUJ( wheri ,fro \n df'(~n le ft the -e1\'lct: ~;~~~J.', William Ao(l~r.on. wbo mowea from Du,clo< Goan t" P ·nDMylvan 1'.1 r: Antlerso !!l f lb l:r. 10 Oh Io In 11111. He h iltl ",IBh l ." 0,\. till Ih'I'UIIII," O" 'wo . wbo Ul CaiI, Lb~l; !In.L ;"0!.C. LI~llOf;
For Sa,le By SPEN CER & MON ROE --", ' _.. :.:." OREG ONIA , .' OHIO ~££~~()J
Court .
'UI:W RUI'III .Iubn Kroft VI . The ~Uat.e of Ohio Err,.r frnmth eoourt of Hon . Ueoroe . .. MiliAn", maynr of FrIlDllIID. l:Iar. wltz. lll'tlt'd lind Dechan t and Lang. 11"11 lire uUurnA18 for pl..lotlff. - Andr .. '" n. H~ul' V8 Wilde B. Hr. 1\'11, ~ "l... rvllIOr l.f Road Uilltrlot Nil 1i. ,Tllrr.l"ort" k,tnwDllhlp. W,llren ,'..1111'.". Obtll, IInll (),oo"r Keev~r. J.I~uI,h P,·rrlt... ... mt ~1II11.1 ,him.,. trll~"''''1\ ur TQrtll1oret!k towollhlp, · w i,rrllll cOIon,y. , Obi". PI~tn&tff • .. t"l e" b.. own". lIituated In
IT IS THE "KNO W HOW" i In the manu factur ing of' Paroid t ha t · m a k es it 0' '0; the 1 mos t econo mical and sati sfacto ry r ooti ng or siding mater ial on the market . Both fire proof a nd w e ather First Aid to .BeIlUty. proof. You get full valu receiv ed if y~)U buy Nothin g Is more certliin to benefi t Paroid . V\l ur (lnrnplllxlon than a2 cent box' " f Lti!Cllkola t Il }"flts ThllY frelhon P AROI D ROOF ING P ~INT. t helClrln .:gi venoln t n rotlve th e obeeks, Make s old I'oofs new. Good on allY kl'nd of roof. 'lUre oonllilpl l.tlon . rAnd you a 1·1,,'! f . rll".V, helll.t hy oomple xlon. J . E J,ltnney , . ' Ask your GrOCe r for ACME FLOU R, made by the Orego nia' Mills.
- --- - -- -- - -- -B
L. L. Truax. of Bepbur g, lind Ltda A. Bunt, of Lytle. Rev. Benry ' Culbert.!ol1. Clifford A. B 11JIr, of LebanoD, and Coi-dte E . Stevens , otLebllD on: Rev. B Crampt On, of IIlBton. ' Emmot t M Sweene y. of Middle. tOWll, and Ma.r y Ethel Sbn,wbl lu, of F kll Re Uo d f LebA rllo n. v. III' y. U uon . GlIOrge . 8urrt<ll. IIr Oilloinn atl, aDd Bettlll Johnll.• n. f.l f Lehllnoo. Rev CnnlM'r IIf Leb"uo u .' ChareDC6 Bnllltt . of HllmUton, ,nd Mattie Burnett , of Mllinev llle .
1:.1\\\' 111 . Wm . V
B"up, F W Elt:trot b, P . V ·Bnll f' ,.J W . W Olltl , Albert Frenl'h ',uHi U. ' . Enlllll" U ~ surette.. TIll ' hnur! \VIII' IIPllrnv flll Rnd WI' II R ' I ,"wi" tunk 11th o, . ' , n ,. office, whioh WH'", IIllminlMtef,'d by .C. S. Mount... , C'It!t:k of Ihll ( :narti. The CommlSl:tinDAr.. llf»ceecIed t.o the c?unty treuurY .llnd oounted the funds thAre,n . the tlltal Itm " un t' of '!!6,2~3.o;4 . Thev thl'n ;",", n lin .. ,) tho war;(l nt8J'..d"e'mf'd by til \ tn:all' nrf' r .durinlC tim '1lIst six , lUontiba; oOlUllllrln!! t,b e M II01!, with Ilndltor'l WllrrtlDt. bOllk '1IId trea"Qr e'r', jonr'l 0111 .. nd found th" ti..llle oorreot . .'
~'I1'~~~~::.hi~ N:,,!~o:u;:::~o~~:: ~:h~:" ::1l~:~n:;i1~~yneSV'lIle, T'B" ~rdl'nP"t.~,arl~80"n e'-~d:u;r;I.ln~;
fu.,h"r >It.,,'e.. that bt" flltlll Ilea be. "od
En. Irene MoGomllll, nf
lw\.~t~~Wilibt~wIIY II~ ~e uea~le ' Re~W~~~ ~mnk" L
,~ .
I .'
Our Flour mill has been newly remod eled and the f fl '" b tt th • qua I y 0 our our IS e er an ever. ALL KIND S OF FEED AND COAL . Also all kindfil of Hard Good Lumb er. We make a specia .ty of hard wood frame s •
'U NERA l 0IRE CTOR, l' elepbODt oi, or IIII'M. ' .
oca.l, No. 7
long Distance No; 69-3r WAYNESVII.LE, OHIO OHicI. Har.81sbutg"
W'a '_.r'- re" n
Spencer' & Mon. roe, Oregonia, Ohio.
A~KUd . , .... : ., ...... , .. 1.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'MIU' IIf ,nA Jllmb. AlJClnn g. whloh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ErDA C Gal.-In ger of Ubi loll Stlmp, .jllt! 'eell ~p t . 1: ~ or; \0 ." h,It.,r a-1'I00l (I.~... lint .. 1~\Jt Ola. ~e Riob'i:~d ~ount;, Itnd Aug 31 '06 " 8':'- 3"0 · Jlubllo ~lllhwlIY (~n ~he fltrm ot 'Fromm , of Springb oro RltckPt. l:!tore,Il ~. d se·f~~·~ h~~iff MIlIlI McCltII,11( !14 Il .,rllvAI' bllnt Arthur BeIlrd, of. FraDkli n. and 'bus. ShopRon, flowers for 3 76 . . Plah,t." \' olllllplllin .. Hiott t!v~r ijln(le MllIiIour l AnDiA Brande n. of Frank. oourt I\on l!e ~.... . . ... . . . . 3 75 . , A"J(tllIt 27, JII06, ""hi road ilupervh l lin, Rev Poe: or Leb~non . Ohlls. I:!tibbll. lilt diNt. 00000· " . or. OIotlog on t hll "d vloo _ 0 ami . traot No 30 ... . . : ... . .... 150 00 f,rtlll~, hit" O'r tltm..t Ilnd OIItlIjed ' Ch.. , lei! BogaD: uf Clarkav lJlt', and I:!. A. Stilwel l. milk ing June . . lUHII'Y t"xP!')l e""••~orllln~ (.ut their Mary 8, Bhellhe ro, of Warn, eBvllle. duplica tes of pikell .. ,... .. 60 96 Nwl t./llt' tn hllul mllny , loads of RIC~ L B!lTATI: TRAN8n :R8. Same •. from August Bet· KrIlYllb.cro~8 1118 propert y to' bis, Barry ', Andl'l'IIon to ' Mllnne tte t lilwent . 1906 . .. .. . ·. ...... 81740; j(no~ t loiolo lind I~r.ltti·tlon, aDd tie Andel'll ~D ;.Iot Mo 85 10 Morro.w ; 1111 Tru!lteel! of Publio Aft'al r,.. .plt~ hili roqunll tthllt the prooMu re Wlllilim E Corring ton to Albert Iiji(ht at jlln ....... , .. . . .'. . 1 51} h, 14tomlftd. tl1e' trtlllp!1811ea have been Koch : let No. ;I tn Mallon : '1,000. ~me. Y(Rte~ At court boulle ' 8 .. -1 oontlnn ed H~ ash t.hllt IiIld \\ lI.d e Geolrge T4 mJl800 . and wife . to' SIUJU'. sprinkl ing . . ... ..,... .. 4 00 0 ~ Brown bto imjr,lor a ' orde Franoel ' A. Nixon; 22 Aores tn &.' ~mft, light at oo~rt hOUSEl . . 3 00 lug II': \.HlMnhtlng tUPIlye ra ·.to Qlle I •. . hi . ' .,.: o' ,:Slimp, wlI.ter for foun.t.RI.lI .. . , . . - m IBtl(! A 2. ' InJuno. ~ em' "" wnll P • •• 'D . .'b I.. Ill'tf. ttlmpor ary 0. tI " Id ..nlO~, , . . wood . fur nOllrt II "q w~..g·r...... Ii n '· Lucetta Scheno k . D...,. by"h • e DO or t • .IIlI to· , JOl!lepb J. hon~ e .... ....." , .. .. .. • .. .. 19 Oi: • '''Iff giv~ bund' tn. .. bo '!UID uf 111300. Bmnno n ; lot In Frankli n.; '700. W. a ~tllOllge & 0 0.• ' iudllx Brown IInc) 8bll.whllD I\re .attorne ys . Rt· Wilds Gilchri ~t Ilnd Elln~ OJ for collllIIlSllloners ' jO llrO'I~1 :10 1)0 fur pl"luCIO' . . Ullohrl st 10 W . T . Thomp eon i los Gen. E. Young, t'1/1lury n" .1 IAlilttir " :alford VI:! Annie E, In Lebllnon ; 11. I;roseollt.lug llt.tor.nIlY. . . . .. 1111 till. J . Mulford Iilor Jl',;of two trllCts . Jilrl1wa ' L. prown t.o . ... MtSllouri Wlllf,er MoUlll!O. burllli of A. · Of ri'i\1 o'M tllte, C)Dt! of 6 2~ BOre. in Sn6ok; .12 ftorea In B:n.tnilton tow'll .. BRvens . , . . ....... \ . t,:. . . . . 5Q : IIII Tqrt,I~lr..ek towDI,hl l! "I!d" 9 110 "f ship. '1.' . .' .. ~; ~~elllll'.lit;t!! & ' 8i ~k ..r, WILli pft· 1I8J IIH/lr""1 Jn Oe,!li'fiold , t"l\v~shlp ~''''.J'lil''pnRb Delfe~lIjll~,. t,~ . tOlDi " • 1Jflrt.,root1~t.' I:ou~e; .. • :_ . ·.:N !15 'l'I~III11f'S"n , .. Iltt.lpie y f()r :~~I~' . P6nkn.wll; · Ll,, 5 "Qres·' in .I.e~ltnl ln · Ioe &I :OtII Cn, lOt, . · phliutif f, . , . Bllmllt on t.owDilbip; tor .. oo~rt. house. ,. . . . . .... 0 18 , " 0. " . ;"j. . ~:. , 'MlillonJ3llw MiI~, lumbe.r .... 900 . pa08AT_~ , . .~~Il"1l1\ F . ..~Qrlght . to ( ,hllrlell B. I'he Wellttlrn ~t"'r. Prillt,ing ' Henry .,,!Um!hnl1lt-i g UllrlilA" 0; Lewl.:, I ~O liOn:" In Wn.r ne town· ' blllnks : .. ... . . .. . .... ..( .. 20 00 . '.' . . , ' .M",,: ( "1l<t ' I't';~i' /.t ..A EI.Illrh~rr! " hlp; ~"500 " . .r .J . ~~9mJlflQn ..ilrvic,·", Ii" . .m lnor", \'R ·Mllry· tl / ~:lhrh'lf"t ot,nl ' . M~ry· l.J. [loJlklu8,to..lJOI)~, . Ml!ggle ,In.fifwl lrvdire ctor·.... .. : .. ,G0:10 MajOl~ ' ~. AI·W:"llI8ri1 .. nt · ~,"nrii;l·e4: VnJ9 A' of Il~d ~".ry ·· Iil. Pllw~r.. ; , I:.'" drum m~r !n~6~~'Jt w ' 8.001', Bervio"~ .u. . 1 1J 'l.2 r.0 it,p" 'lit! nnEt Imh In,t..-rnlli , ~ ng. ap~r'll~ .I.n 100 Ilor e... ttl:Bti.mlltQIl t.o.Wilsb lp'; .. firmltrr .(lIroot01· .. . ..... .... : _ tJ f\f" ~. ,.~~. I)nm1'i~' i~tO'AiI"A!l ' iJ80,? . . : ' ,., 'The MI.r r.ow T~illulI('" prim,. ~w();O 8, ' IiJI!(lol iIlM \8 :ap'Pltli'l tild H~rrl ~r.~: E Re.dwa n 'to . ,Jo~n" · lng~bl!1I 1"k8 .... .. .. . , .. .: ..' . .211 50 , 1f01l1'lJ.lilo ad Jt tUlll .. f. IHIi\or~ d ..,fl'ln lt Mltjllii.. and ·, Mary. .. E., ,. w. Powers ; 1.5 lillo. y( KilO.ollIl .~lI l't" nt'lll, " . '. .,nt".: ' : ' . . ' .,:.'," ," , .' tnterp'< l, In .. l00 :aurt:lf ·in .Hllmll&oD .I of.S5811 18ou~lt tedtux<l" .. lt7 93 · . .- /'\11m",: . • ppr"l~inNlt ·nf · rt<" L (\~ tOW\U'h \II .; 1800 . .' til,nnlil.l>· llul<lI,oontrllottld No . . , • • tft '! lrdttred, ;' :Wlllt~lLl nnl\ kln ~. -' M,il'gll ret C.- Keller ei &1 ';.0 J9bn . < ?I; ...... . ....... '.. ... , .. : . . a5 Olt , ·:.~!hl~ ' ~llvtt't'I". a,llt ' Pl'tor; NOIII ~r.1' M"g~t~· nud' Mllr, E· P ow:ert ; 2.1i 'V, :' Z'·I,,:,neyt1f. ""Ilt.'." I , . ·.:.·itlll ...lnl ttd pp,,,t..ftrll '. ' . , loWr<llltln · 190~ore8 : S1600. ' . . . ~II 70 , ..... , ....... ...... lOJ .8 · .' glltllte of Unlit l~ill!lillly i hn'llf'Cil l' Blln ; y .. &ii'llohql'Jlt, gn;rdl~.n·, . '.to ~Bnll~"" rt:.~,"I'''I .' · ! : ., . : . : . 'N' ... ' • iltl O~I ,. , . '. ','\" . .. . " OfOQrl;(" .,' W . a.w.k~ . ~". Rllpo"nt' "'m .t I ctlutrlln" or !,O .John. MIlICgltf L. and Miory.u:. ?o.w. " er,\I'rr 5 " ' '.' . ullr.•hun. lionel ,,"lnlt IIsalt lit. 81800.. ert< ·'· 1 5 :Int,flreat hi 100 -ROres tn. . :& ' _" '''.'" .... : .. ...... ..... 21 00 · II. ,. " , . MII l'i'n bllJUhtl r ~ ,o lumlter . III th .. nll1f,tflr'~ tho; \Viti of ~II"Y' 1t1.,I\)Il~.on tQWDllbJp: 17114 . ,1I;d co~""t ...... '. , . :.': .. . . t< "0 1MII',IIII . , !"'1I"~~ I API.lIll'1ti on raill . •. ' 'f ' , yna~tll o' ~t.i" Vo< totull\ftY . .. ," ~f S.l' f oil' ",h"tl4f<hlfl 1II11~~,~,"rl'. ttl , 1,10,: .. for Com~iislo~~r~~ ', ' .' ;ni,trno t WII'" enh!rl:>(i Into ~It.h .b .. ""'iIt~I'~'l'lht',r ~1t.!~. "til Il. m . :,' , , ; . Proceeding8 ~ (l illtk L f;I ~n~flrM~n ' fn.t Illlt';ne ~roh l!' "' .~lIIr" .of l'!Ohn."1 !!IXI/mlneht · , . " 'I~ Ktri,y pl'kB .~tweA,ri MaineVille · ,J 101 ~ Hhmtlto rt , I~ < ~ llpo'l"tttd ' II ' The ' fo\lowi~IJ ' . l'eIO'n~ ~al'~cbti lOn WI!! (;od ~ CI'JklnllvIJl6 pitA, I~ l:Ii~ntlln ,il!1t r nf'" ',bo ~l1lrd. I)f .. ('.ollns,, p,~~ : That... llnne t.owr)sbt I'. 11 t hlH hid "f '''6G' . .. t,he ollul1,' r y liltS . f wo depol!it orlee IJIII A'ngnllt, wblnh for the , . '81. '11109 . .: \. '..PrllllOr" ., . , dve bOnd . "'-" . ~ 80m.. held . . ' lOr Ollvi" tptlon f'pr B UAU : ElltII~ 'of ~ry .Rt!l~,D1~bcti minor, !If, tb~ih, ,,1'111 a~' thO . tho t·rea80r , , , ' "cbe . '. . . · F4'Qr,h and flD&l'aooOuul tU''1I; ." , er IIClI,IDI'1Ind!1 r the de,PllIIl Wh . , · &ot.h...f" ~ .. rvF, Killbey,lIlln(l~ . o..o~ot,llllftP ~~lted.lo·, thllklrl law~D*Y '",,~ ~lll:1/~h:~:''. ::'" ~:Iet!o ::; .. i . . . -Fltt.h aM!IQn~ fUII!{. · . I .,' .' tl'8l'l'or y ~Gl'e 'ban .&,000 therel~l'l' he;idllch .... anlt. neur,I" . . I.· it I"be . • • t.ilCe ot . Mary nt: ., ' b" It. IIOlved, 'h.' tbe. oo",n'y . 'reaa . OIlU". kn,'w hoo mu .. ', .obtilln 're ',IoUtI·on,,1 b '011 "'pp .. o .... ,and ooD It.... r·" ooDd 1M! pl~. '" Nn.OOO . 11 .., tlr. walllan d rf'ftdv t9 J»y your 8 aad parclla u ill ordered to Will R La"iII bill boDd sen ~t;a back, Baf., IQI!8 aDd.~ , ..Unil ...... ., prt.....Ie. ' ID the I1IID 1'0,000 wttb 'Iobo V 11.", oure. J. B, lauD.,. ,
Constll:oe .J:
Connty's,Great :fair .
w. c.
SEPTEMBER' 18, 19, 20 and 21, 1906. T he gr ea te st an d b Fa-' -r es t 'sihS - t 0 ry'. I'n :W ' ar' re n e . 0 U.t n .y. ' -11 WI ' . be thO e 'on e h e Id th . _·IS ·y ea r t L ' 1.
.1. ,,'
'e ') an on
R.. Hend ersh ot, the ori g inal' hoy ,of -the pahnnlloek, .and his, son, one ,of the mos t wondcl'fu I dl'ur nmers and fi ttws the world .will be t.he re. 'F·. he :Wa',rnesv ille Band ill 'play at the.' FUll' twod a.vs thc Allcn Fam ily Bane}' will be thel' e .OIie <.IllY.
J ,o hn 's Gr ea t W ild W es t' Sh ow ,
' I
, ".
IIf1W ili"·e·i hibi t thre e days ,
.or shin e, Don 't miHs seein g it.
FREE ' ATTRACi'IGN8, iIi('l udin g B.aloon AscensiOils and te,: Le.aps.
,i, .. t".~'IUl!.IItJr/l.\III,'I "'rortbe"tAtl~e~d.<
'A .d.. m ·. 'l-'S' .S·' 1-.o·n.' .to t ,h e,' gr o'u nd s ·'o.n ly 25 . ce'nts 2' 5 ce nt s A D. 'SMITH, Pres.
~' ()lt I O 'H'; t : ~IOl!: h t. ~ -
CAREY, 800;
.-..:.. -----~ PREPh~E
A. eATH F O''l P ies.
Neaes-slty f or Dipping T hen, ts .. Often t imes as W ilh SI ,:ep.
._ - - - - ,
• .up to t he Prese nt Time It. Haa Not Been SuIted t~ Our Country. In l nsl\'o sh(lep fnrllling hns not bNm SIW ed to Ihls country , hecause p re\'iolt Iy it has tJnJ ll beLter to carry '0 11 all or our stock I'ulslng work ex· te ns lvely , It wi ll b a long time bQforo onl' fli rmers red uce- l he prod\lc, lio n of aD ' I) to t ho sci lice It.. Is In for clsn coun I.rles. wherjl a ' li ttle land bas to do m " h moro than the same amount or land does In t hI s cQu·nu·y . 'It was Impo!lslble to do In tensive work lu sheep culture. while t he great philns In the w st were belns fi lled up wlt)l s heep. Th at process kept ·tho prices below ",bllt 1oi' 01 and mn tton coul d be "rofi ta bl y prod nced for on tbe more va lullblo land. T he s heep Industry h08 reac hod Ih nt stag III I(s development w he ll new methods will p rove to be (,ay lng ones. ~ Bome of our stales, -says lhe F armers Revl o\\,. not more t ha n one fanQCr III th ree keells s heell, ''J'ha t Is lhe ' rosul t of lh fierce, com· ,petlUon t hal b as been ex perIenced 'f rom t he west ln tensl ve sheep farm· Ing nlei lU s keepI ng on l), t ho best Qua l· Ity o r sbeep and keel/lug t~ e m on pllS' tu re s e normously produ cll ve. It meaus ,too t he us of suppiemental reeds of a ·COl\\lQlltr utlld characte r btlt which h a ve >been produced at II low cost, STOCK NOTES. <l tud, the scIence of swi ne raIsin g. A- little work 'Is good [or tbe mat'e wI t h fo.a l. . Hogs grown under c leanly condl· tlon s mak e clean, whole60me por k. , P ig pork Is jucler , tendere r. health· le r, costa le ss and s ell II better ' thun h og IlOrk, Cleanliness Is a8 neces snl'y for the h ealth s ild well beIng of bogs as tor o t he l' a nIma ls. Ollts fe d to hogs will prod uce bone and muscle and will llroven t s ow, t rom geLtlug too fat. Oats fo rm bOlle a lld muscle ratber thun ta t, he nce ' th eir villue tor the ,b roedl ng sows and e m bryo pigs. 1'he growing pig sho uld be l'alsed ,u po n something e hle beside COI'D UII ,r ead y to be gin , to fatten , , Large and tine muttona brIng good' 'prlces s lIftlclently good lo , pay well for the grain to make them Cat. large and' as tiDe a8 possible. A sow will rear a It ter of pigs on haIr the ratiolls If ,;1 ven a good pas-t ure t hat sh e will If 'Inc losed, Hoga are prolllable becaule they ,,'i ll rIpen two good crops a year. but this 'ro;'qlllres good hogs. and good at· t ell t l(>u. Charcoal Benefic; lal. Charcoal gt ven to ani mals. eHpeclal· 3y to poultry and swlile. ncta uJ)QiI lbe blood a l .: purl!ler. often being found of be\le l\t wbeD the re II no deliDable
r housands ol! S ol.ll~ro COlluacted Chronic Rldney Troubl& While In tho Service.
It 18 DedIcated by the W. L, Oo&glat Co. ott Brockton. ~
The <l ad Icnttoll u STi'oI·t UO)O ago 01 . The experlenco of U[It. John L. El ly. !:be n w ntlrrduiMlration w ,ll jb bblul! Jt Co: E. ] 7th Ohl o.lw w llvlnlr III (,00 MU Sil bullllins el'octod by t 't \y , I. Ilkt sL Seco nd stroot. Nowlon. Kunsns. Duug las hoe ,a . a fl/a Ilnrt 01' Its mam' will In teres t the tho u· mQth J1JIIIlUf lQ tUriOg plant Ilt MOlltello s andu of vctern.ns WIlS ma l'k II by Ule th ol'oJl ghn08~ Rnl,! who "ome hn(lk fl'om attentioo tn d'.lull ehnro.olerlsllo or Ule • t he Ci vil Wa r Burrer- Onn In all I S ullderlnlthiga. IlIg tortures wltb Itld'J'he dodl,:atory progrllm Inc luded n y oo mplalnt. Cupt. oprll house fr om 11 a. m, to 8 p. m. Ely says : ':1contrllct od wlUt conccr/. uy. tho I\{aco Guy.orchfls, Illdney troublo dllr· t ra Iloll t ho IIr senco of a Dos lfJ'l Illg t he Civil Wnr. ca ter r to a t tend to tho w ls~ es of 11 1/. Ilnd lho occnslo,n nl The bullu lllg Itself alfordell a feal. t nttnclts fl 1111 tl)' de· for the yeo oSllecla lly tho officeB. "elopod Into Il chronic cn~,: . At ono wh lcb n\'o mUl'vols In IDn ny wa YII. ti me I bad .to uso a crutch a nd cano Flrt n tbollsund lu vltntlons wel'e SOllt 10 get Rilottt. My bnrk W llS lamo a nd out. Including ol'er 11,000 to tbo raweak. plld .' bes ldctl t il nchln lr, t here t;'11 1 d aiel'S In tbe UnIted Slates who l\'IlS a dl stress ln;r r etention of tho handlo th o W, L. Douglas Co. shOIlS, kldllcy sccretlons, I ·wn3 In n ,bnd I the oth ers gOl lt g to shoo manu rapt'l r' IVa), \vlt en I basan usIng Doa n's Kld- cra an d nil allied Ind ustrl cs In BrOl:k· ney PUis In 190 1. but Hie re'mod y ton and vicInIty. fI,l r. DouglJ\s will bo cured UIC, aDd I bave been well ever glad to ha " 0 nn )'body who Is In terest. ,lnce." ed call ' and luspect Ihe n ew plallt. and Sold by all lIel\lllrs.· 60 ccn ts a box, says " tho latch stri ng Is al ways 011 1." Foster·Mllburn Co" Bulfa lo. N. Y. ,\11 departmon ls of th o pl an~ wore open for Iuspectlon , tho tlt r llO faclorlos Honduras hae l orge tracts of r,lne as well a s the ne w bull\llnc. and vis. . Prof, H enry Ca r ter Adams, who h as been se lectod by the Interstate , lands, IVhl ch wi ll cr long Icnd to the \tors were rocolvoll and e~coJ'tel\ commerce cOU1mlsslon to prepare a systcm or boo ldt e plng for I"aUroade a s buildi ng o~~s. thro ugh th a In duslrlal maze by c~ . requI red by tbe n ew rate law. holds the chair of poli tical econo my an d All CrCaU1Q1'Io~ n"o htltull' cOlo·r. \vh." Gov. Dous la8, a sslslcd by the hca~." fin ance In the Unlvorslty of Micblgan. SInce 1887 b e has been t he staUs· D'O d l Il8 th uv do - uso J t;N ", 'flN'l' at th e , vnrlous departlllcil is. tlcla n of the comrnl &slon. He Is ' 5 roars of age a nd is a n exvort In r n ll· BCT'fER ·OLUH.. Undor tho present !I)'s tem all shool d Ifall s u '011 a s his pedagogic specIalties. - - -- - - nre manu rnctured to orde r. a nd cus· . W KIng Co ln g Equestrl.n Stunt.. tOJ1Jers BOm li mes loso s..'\les walli ng ron ~ Klns E,lwarll has taken to eque8· for ' shoes to nrrlvo, WI lh t ho ne W' trlr.n cxerCis e I\S II means of keepI ng 1jobb Ing h ou ~e thoy will bo enabled to bls \YoIS!lI dOlVn, Since t be rabhlt h nve Ul elr hurry or ders shIpped the bolo mlH hll p. whlcb la med hl l11' his saIDe dny t hey a re received . . I mnJesty has boon unable to take walk· Th e now bll lldi ng IS 2GO tcet lone : Ing cxo rclse. a nd 60 feet wide nnd t wo stories III height. The jobbing department will By BELLE MA.NIATES The UnIversity Of Nolre D41l!e, It OJ)- occupy th e enti re lo wer floor while the pears. h U H som fent ures t hut can I'l ot be .. . ' , aupllcutcil In any O t h~r 8cl('Jbl. It Is OliO omces ""11\ occupy tbe 80cond floor. of t hi! old. well ·e.tallllsh ·(I COlleges . wllh The jobbIng departm ont w.1II carry a .aetlled t rluli l ions rco.c:h lng back 8l x ty-rour , . . , I ~ ua r~. wllh II ,1IslingulsttOd sLart or pro · cOlll phtto ~tock of IDen s, boys , yout hs , The houee seem'e d 'Btl 'o ngely big and Iy. Lillia n had bee n spe nd Ing the da y re8!!O"" nnd e>:cellom IIbrnry and lubom- misses' a nd chil dren's sh oos. slippers, , . lory (Julpn'On l, IlR discIpline Ie of t he . ' I • b empt y to Edn a us she In h er bou ~ with her fath er, and E dna W3.8 a lways Pllt r",,1 kInd -st rong wl t\I"UI boln ~ op. r ubbers and fin dings eQua to any ,0 . dol r. he r hend burlet\ In h er han ds. Interested , In b earing the child prat tle premo'" :.llnd 0 3 It ~mbNl' "s In Ite HCOpe bin g h ouso In the country . . Buyers are , 1 tile gr onmur chool, hlgl1 Ichoot and col· t ryIn g to grnsp the oon,dltlon s ot h er of these vIs its" leg" work, Itft "Ilpelll t9 II, brOlld ue II 'Ie especIall y Invltc d t a c ome h e re t 0 po sItion-a youn g !locI ty v,'omao who "Oh mumm u!" e!clalmed the li t tl e potell t. Perllup~ Iho mOllt romnrktlbl trade, and every errort possibl e w ill b e . . ,,, h I fOl1 ture or the (nmous ,,,dl,,nll nlveralty, I Th hod ju st Instigated proceed ings tor a girl , excitedly. 1 ad s uch a lo vely f howover, Ie Ihe rOo t Ihllt 11 hilS nrrh'Od a t malle to suI t t he ir eonven once. or divorce. There han bcem n o scen& !?r Lime, We ' all went on the river I.n n Ita pr~s nl m"rvelous devolopment a bBO' w ill be 'a flnely oppolnled s um ple roo m IUloly without l. An unno,'n"c· . scanda l. Tbe trou ble lIIall c;o me >lery bIg bout- li nd - .. . , ment of tt, .,cl1dbw.nen " r1lC8 Jlro"ldCli at Notre on t IIe- sec n d noor. w Ilb lin 0 m ce In "Who went with you ?·: a.ske d Edna. ' OIlD\O 'Ollpeura 0 11 ano ther, pnge. .. whloh both ~tel ophone ·nnd telegrap !1 'suddenly a nd QU Ie t ly" J-ler husband , Wa lter Landon. h ad con fron ted h er (lu fCk ly. will bo Installod. wi th op~rators. both one eveDl ng with a serious tace nn d "Papa and J:lIIi friend." • Chamo l. SkIn of Commerce. Western Union a nd Posta l T \ograph the Bstonl Hh lng decla rlllion thl\~er " W hat frien d?" Cha rles C. Or ue dlln g. of P h lladel· wi re s to be \lace!, There will alflo be cousIn , Bil ly J erome, was on , . 0"A 'n ow friend, J ess ie," phla, h ns wrItten a n arUcle for the Br rn n ements for t he receJpt and delJo .ge ther (00 fuml11llr tooting 1n . Ir " Li llian ," sb e suld . a ngrily, " du~·· t Amedca n J ournal of P h arma y on t he patch of mall, hOllseh uld, ;:tnd tbat s he WBS to bell W ever mention that J essle's n a me to me 18ubJeot of chamoiS skiDS. What Is _ __ _ _ __ aga1n." known In the ma rke t as chamois s kins, Smokers Shown by Han dwr lt l"g • . less (llDe and attontlo n lIPOIl hIm . "W hy, Walter." protes tod Edna , h al l The li tt le li p quh·ered. he sllYs: Is really a'l o ll·tnnned s hcep Mr, Saundors , 0 form r Ilchoolma• . J essIe WIl8 lo.ely to m\l! I II k~ J es- or lamb skill li nIng, The supply 01 te r. 'told the "British house Of. lorda • :ullused !lnd wholly IJlOazed. "Bllly and ~klns frOID th e chamoIS s nlmal Is very comm ltteo on J\lve nllo smokhi~ t hat ·· I have been brough t up like brot her sle!" a nd Ilillte r, and h !ld Dever b en . sepa,So lhe Intr ig uing Jes's le was wloul::g II mltcd-enough could not be obtaIned h e "could d tect smokorB by . the Ir rated IIn tt l h e ,Wllllt weill a tew years her child's IltrectloQs us well tiS her In a yenr to stlPply the Urilled_ Slt\~es hillldwrlUng- t1l1lt of bo)'s who lll.ok4ld aso. I couldn' t get lip the lunat sen U- hU!lbllnu's, She lleclded that she wou ld fo. Illor thon R Blnsle day , Jie made . being a loose . llnbby kInd. Hnndwr lti ment tor h tIn even tt l dld n·t care for not allow the chillI to go to her fulher specllli Inl1ulry on a r.econ t visll to Ing. he said. wall a ciao:Wllogravh of you," ugnln, She spe nt R 'm lserable night. S~ltzcrlBnd abou t t be annlll\l crop 01 the h earL "But you aro not brolher and slater , Wh n the summons came ror L Illian lhe elllll1l~~ skin und ascortnlped t ha t and I tc ll )IO U t rankly fit ' ,nadd ns me aga in Lb e next morn lilg, Ed na. ",ho from 6,000 to 6.000 skIns would bo a Da n't Gct FootBOI e I Get F oat·Eaaa. lo SIle hIm appro p~te ~· ou a8 1\ mn tter lo ved her child pass[onately, had no~ faIr l\vorngo yearly cro p. T bls skin .Is A 'A'onderful powdcr t hnt IIrC\!. tired, hl,t . of course, amt' I will nol. \)er mlt you to t h!) henrt to rettlse LllIla n's pleadin g. h avt r than the sk In of the sqeep or u~ h i ng ' feeL and 111\.1<t~ ncw or li~ht ".hoell . Ask t.o-doy Cor AIle,, '. 1'l'Ot- 8.IIIO, \l rlve with h Im lUI tr q Ul!h l ly 9.S you Towards du sl, as sbe was beglmiln g lamb . alsu mucb coarser. F or s tren gth cn~y Ae'cpt no b... !JtiliLutc.. 'I'~in l Jlllc koll~.FR I~ E, do," to be anxious a t Llllla n 's " lltolOif&e an d dllrllblllty t e cl lljrneHl-sklil ls pre· Address A. . Olms!c,l. I.e Ho)" N. Y. Ii'u rlher nrgument I'ollowed, hu t absence. Dr. B randon. ' aD old frl e n ~ . t erable, but fo r 'ordl n:uy u so nnd apPQJlrance the oll·ta nned Ilh~ep ., skJn . Queen .... Ictorla'. Gr.nddau gbtere. W'nlte r was pereml>wry In r Iterating was announced, "Why. do tor," s he crIed. d I\ghted- lining wou ld. ID mdet Instances. be h is commands. He le tt t he cltr thllt Of Qu ~on Vlclo rla's 2 L grnud,lallghnlgltt on a business t rip,' and lu h Is Iy. " I 'd ldn' t Know YOll had retur ned, preferred. . terl , onlr tOJr now remai n unmarrled.~ ubsen e Edna made hel' .plans Quietly , " I came hOwe a few dnys agQ alld , have been tryI ng to call. but h ave und ulla lterobly, "Walter," sbe said coldly on hlB" bee n Ilre\·ented. Are you quite well 7", THEl SALT BOX. Is pold to l he' weath 1= and t ho doo. tu rn. " I thi nk It adv Isab le t hat we sep" he .aaked, looking sorutinl zlng ly Into ' , Is open th e y 11.1' around , The bac ll orate, Not on BlJly 's IU!CO\lD l, not be- ller wIsl1l11 face . "Oh, ye • ver y well . J wa nt you to sIde of this box Is abou t J8 Incbe. Cl.llISa he I!\ anyt hIng to rue, but be· hlSli, wllh a slailling roo;, ',' hIs pl,lnt, cause of your stalld In this matter, My »tay unU! ' Lil li an comes. S he bas Thoir Hard Struggl~ Made Easier-Interesting St~te· how vcr . Is a mlilor {eatlll' , s ince tho eyes a re sllIl <lcnlr opened to the (act i:ro w'n 80-" " I ca me to t l/It you abou t Lilli an, J I'ear IIlde could b carried '.111' to , the t h at yo u aro Il n reasoDl~lI l y 'jea lolls an d , {Dents by a Young Lady in Boston n ar row-minded. I t ell YOIl frnnkly that hllve just cotne rrom-he r tather 's . ,roof. !( desired, I will not acced e , to a ny r"'lueijt o,r She Is sllgh ~y III- no. don 't be 'nd One. in Nashville. Ten~. -,..----~-cOnllilaltrJ O!l nbslIl'd and uDcalied tor Illn rmed! It's a ·v ery s llgh l dlsoruer . SUNSTRO~E IN HORSEL as th e one yo u made II) regard to my bu t th e wea i be r bas cha nged so sudThe Symptoms WhIch Indicate Th. seeIng BII)y, 1 de 11'8 a, soparatiOIl a t d e nl y~ I thuu gh t It prudell t for h er to once. A dll'oree 'enn follow In due r emain Indoors for a day or two, Sbe the An ima l Is Overcome of tim e," wan ts you - In ' fact. won't stay to-nigh t the Heat. He was os a tou nded as sh e b a d Wllhout you. Ma y I take you bac!, been Ilt hIs first move. He rema l lledwlthme? My oarrlage 18 here." It Is not unus ua l tor b orses to be stunn ed for a mo men t. Then It dawne'd "Ras Walter tol d you!" sb l\ asked lIu nRt r uck when t.hey have been wor k, u pon hIm thtll she was indeetl Infntu- WIth a burning b lus h. liS sbe looked Ing In t he hot 811n on a hot tlay. The ated wI th Bill y. li n d la l((lO lh is mClln s shamefacedly trom him On" tbelr way a Ptll'oneh of heat Ilrostratlon la her to be free. to tb e Child. . _ " It YOll des lro a sepitrll tlon:' he said " Yes." he replied, . gravel,. ,"and he alded-by-fho \J orse stopping SVl(ltlt,11I8 and becoming dry a lld ' hot. s a~ the In a low stronge voi ce, "you shaJl said to assure' YOIt he would occupy Fa rmers' ReYlew. He becomes slug· I h a ve on e:-' my apartments to-Dlght. They are glsh and breathes hard , with flapplna She was a little s ta r tl ed and piqued ,' lllst oppOSite hili,': nostril s , 1I1s eOI':-I d roop and hIs eyea by h is ready acqulesce ntle, . She scarcely hea rd hIm. A. BuddeD beco mo ,re d. When t b eso t hl lJ &1I are '''1 bnv e. 'thought It nil o "cr ,'>" she re- nash had corrie to he r frol:bl ed mind. notIced. the driveI" s hould sto p w ork plied, "Lillia n Ilnd I ()O n live h ere, " Dr, Bru mlon," she el clulmed, "I,n't ' , IlIg the a nim al at once, 1I0hitch him ond you caa tnke npar lmcilts for your- your /lrst, n llm e J esse?;' IIlId get him lolb a shady J1lace whe re self. We ca n quI etl y hegln proceedlngll "Why, yes," h e re plied In surpri se" t here Is a breeze. He should unhar, for a .dlvo rce on th e. ground ot Incom.. And were you up the' ri ver with IlQss hJm , an~ s p rlilkle him at onCE Ptl tlbillly, I ha ve my own property, Wal ter a nd LIllia n yesterday ' " with water. This 8prlnkllng sbould nnd yo u can ma ke sult.nble provIsion " Yes: the cblld a"ke~ me what my be k e pt II I', but th e s nlmal should nol for Lillian," . name was, nnd r tol.1 her 'Jesse: aud be dre nche d, Put wet cloths on hla, "There Is o ne point: ' he sa id , "you she proceellod to call me tba t to my hp·a d. For thi s purpose cold wate r I. h uve overlooked, I cannot 'be 8\lP~- delight. and Iier, fatber'lI dI8t~e88," ., . I -'dno·t '.I:ft · .nd -'Id hardly =' All women - work ;- lOme In ·thelr lU'Ound. <:UUI v . H e wondered bet te r thlln crus h e d Ice , w hi c h canseI' rat ed nltogether from Lillia n," . at t. b e radI ant f aee up I COflllU ted_ twowpbl8. IClAns wltbo " too vIole nt a re a ction. If lhe troublll ''' Walter ! As It I would put a feather lifted. A..a thllY came Into Wa,lter's ohOIOC8, lome In churcb, and liome \~ rellef, GIld 118. last.ft!IOrt. , tried L.YdIa E. tbo wb ltt ' 1I!.0p. ot society. In stores, becomes serious and me dicInes musl between you two. She Sh All come to' opartDients she heord a door In ' the mills' Dm\ tens ofAnd. ,thousand. are Pi nkh am's V.......... ,...g~Ie Compoul!d' Iandto oJ: m;r b'e ·admlllls lc re d. it Is bette r to call a 'you as often as YOII desIre,'" . next room cloee. and kn,ew tbat he ., aurprllo, evory o!!btl and' JIIIln e .. me. 1 on thc'uever-ceaelna treAdmill, earDiDg -'ned len poundl and am Iil":".#ect; health ve t·e rlna·r lan . "But-" he hes itated. "ID the eV.llt had lett because or her arrival, hid I dR . '''- ' " . , ~. .ItI ' . ' . Lilli II I I ' d ' t t (1 r aly brea , Miss PearlAckel'S,o,a:l7Nortb BUill. or your reDlarryln g-" an gave a It e p ease crY a All are aubject to the' lIIlme physical mer Street, Nashville, TOilo'jwHtes: ,. The Weaning of Lamb.. She nushed. a nd nvertoed h er .tace. . the \lIgh t of h or mother and frlenl!, ~a\Va; all ibh'e r alike fl'OID .tho lIame " '.', ' :rhe lIette r comll tioned IlIml?s are a~ "In the e ve nt of • my remarryin g:' A!~er 'a fa", momenta EdDa tUrDed to' physioaI .,\Istlu·l;>ancc, ~dtJje natllre of. Dear MJl. ,Ptnkham:. the Ume a t \JI eanln g the botte r t bey re o ahe said h aughtily, "I will gI ve Lillia n the doctor. , .. their tlnt.i,c s, In mRn1 uses, qulck.!,- .. I aullered with )l6bituI perto.t., .-.eN qull'e to be k ept, a nd In ~st caaell ' t lI ' I " "Will you please IlBk . Walter · to drllts them IntO tho borror. ·of all backache, bearing~o_ paIJ\a, JIIIt~ ~ . b k h t1 I t ' lilods at :fomale comploltlte. tumors, tbeabdomen: w.. "or]f; DeM'oua and t ho t ood rJl'ovlded should' excet!a III/ up 0 yo u ep Ie y. , "Sh.o Is Indepd Infatuated." he come ac ~re a momen . wao..... ulceratian .:fllllln&,' atid dIsplace- bioI ilnd lIlytroublo crew wo_eftJ')'.month. ric hness t hat which t h ey 11I'evious ly thought wltb a pang. "to be wllllnK to sel! blm," '. " m on t. or' 'perhaps ' 'lrregiJ1ari~1' or ·.M7 ,pbyldclnn (ailed t.o belp me and I recelvod, Includlnl; th e milk of tbe pa r t with her child." Tbe ·doctor was away In a trice to do suPP",SSIC'D, enuslnl!' 'baCkache, ner- deeMed to tr1.Lydla E . Piaklw:li'.VepUbJe The DO!t day be mo ve'd Into. Ilpart- ,her bidding, Wltb beating he,!rt E~Uli YOU&nOSli, irrlt.nbIH£y and lasaltu·de. ' ~':~iu: ~ ~~~:~~~r:t. e wes. lnstead of takIng t be la mbs (I'OID tbe e wes, the e wes 8bould he ments . and Edna's aunt came to b er. heard the we!l-known step In tho h.n. 'I'b01811,PBclaU11'1l3ulro an Invlgol.t-: IIIId Il!OlOnger t .... my mon*JIly penooa" , tllke n fro m the la m bs, It WIlB the time of year wben riea, and abe went Into the outer roo~. he I' lull'. BUlt.a lu!DII' m,e IjcIDO w1.lch will Lydia E"Plnkham'a 'V egetable' ColD" every ono waa ont' ot tIHI'n . and the . door op,ened. /. "'. 11.reugt.hen tbe 'felt1~ 0 organIsm antl . • A Kind Shepherd'. Advice, few ' who ~ame to the hClu'8e supposed "Walter." sbe sal4, , ,.ea~lngl,, "I eoablt: them to bur ~ael1y the.fatigues pound is the unfalllng cu.... for all .hese ~ k ... h f I bo t Df,tho d"y. to slcep 'fl'ellnt nlgbt; &Ad trouplee, 1,1. etrengLben~ tho propoz: 0"" you e t a u , 1.0 rlsu "frefibed lind c~eerful', " JOuael!ls, Bna displacemcnt with aU l~ Avoid e xtremes III nil the dealhlg8 Walter ·~o be abaent on o'ne of hili fre- BOilol "',:"" now, with ahe~ll. Keep tbem .gentl e: never Quent business trIps. "y ,. . ' Bow (lltitl'Clllllnar t". eee ,a. ";omtr.n ,hon:ora wW no moro C~$b,ou. ., '" ." go Ilmong tbem without sometlllug ~o weeki!. tbe longest Qnes. of Dea r, . she said when 8~;e w~ re- itrugidlnr to e:tl'n a 'U"ollhOOd or perBockacl!.e, d,lqlne¥, f",lnting, be..,. for the m, If It be Dothlng more tllan Edna, 8 existenCe. hM drn,gged througb . IOll1led from hla embrace. W,I.ll , you form lEur houlIChold dutI~8 Wben ..h"r lng.down .p~lnl, dlsO.rd'Jre4 ~tumacb., . k Ind attenti ons, Ne ver allow other and lib. was mo~ wretched t!tan she sl?P these awful P~.cee~lnl!ll? : back. eod h,,~ Or"IMl11\ng, IIhe 111, 10' moodloeu,dl"llkeo:ffrleudaandllOdlety atoc k to trespasa on the m, Know cared to acknowledge. IOven tho mo- . Darll~g. J neye.- begaD t~ellli I ' tired · abo' enn hardly drag about. ~r -IIU 'lIymptoIll8 of the CIne cause-wfll where they are at all Ume.. Give ment ·of ,triUmph wht!n. Silty hIld au- sImply couldn' t," , It.aud ~p, DU", ..!lvery molvC!Dent cau~1I ,be qulckly dlllpelJed. alld I~ will- ~k~ thelll IIbe l'L)" uOllnced publicly tile faet' of hili ap. (COP7)1cbt. 1906, bJ' .Dally .tory·Pub. Co.) paiD, tbQ 0ITiB1D of wltlolt. 1s due ~ you Sta'PDg alld ,w ell. . . ' ~roachln~ marriage to a ,g trJ' out ' W8llt; lOme dOl'DDIIC'mclIt of 1.ho,'lemalo 01'-' You cad tol1 the atory of YOUI' I!uf. ' An Index to Health of Sheep. and bad gone to the 'home of hla future . Watt_Yel. that's Ta.pper. He's 110: pnl.m. " . !erlnga t.o a woDi'a d, ~h:e help. It III an Interesting tact that · the. bride did not bring her tbe enjoy-t§-.eut .e xpert. lit CO)l8trucUng ~rt Itorles. )ntiS F. Orset'. 0114 Wa~utnnI8dt.ree', f'11 adYlee tree of _to ACtclteU Mra. Iln en es8 ot the fiber throughout Its ' . ,Boston, tells women how to avo ellGb Plnkbam Lynn, H.... The pfet!e~t. Pottl-You dOll t Bayf He doesn't '8U1f~nlr; abe wrltlll . Mrs. PIDkb:am I. tbe .dau,Jatel"olD-law e nti re leng th forms , a fai rly good rec· Rhe ha~ expected to feel In Wltne88lol looll literal')'. ' Dea, lin I'llllWatD". of Lydia E. Pinkham and tar ·t.wentyord at ·t he cond Itlon 01 tbe IInfmal Walter a. ~a8Tlu. A. .he Bat alone , III ber boudoir . "He ISD' t. I mean, he boW'S more .. J'1IUft"~ ~ ftJr _raJ JI8ft ,.htI' ~'fe' t ill'll abe bu. under he~ 'dlrecllOJa producing It at t he se ve ral 8tngca of ,ponderlng oyer tbe es tra gemeDt. Ihe Waylor telling. ~ou lIe's hard up than rflll~loltl'CguJarltl.. )(1 1iae1l IICheoI: I bad and ..Inee ber ,d-..e. beaa aclYiaiatr. growth: ' any defection ia sbowa '•• Jlean! the pal.ter- or tmtJe- atep!H an, other DIU I k"cnr...-O....u·1 '-riD1~pah... andD'lq..nUtM!lAd.. : alllk \TOmeD fl'eeofoharae-
who '_I' ott: ,'til! dl () hC'lr ~hf"' ll ht l'dc:r lO r U1". t ronbla· ~(\1Il II 'kS- III' \' I' ij(' :It to think I hat ,/tf'rC' lIIa y \l JUI,t I\li dl ~ n gr(' (lble I'UI'lt ~Il~ un I h IIlg!;, 1'lw)" 1lI1l)' ItOAN IDEAL PIGGERY. t loe thnt th e h <)~ k l'C\J rnb.IJlng n ~ JtIIl A I a wnH 01' pos t (rNIIl 'ntly . and De scrlpt,on of a B<Jlldilig W~, i ch Will ,/tn t th ei r !lkiUlI se rn til be g Wnl; Pro.e Co"". nl e·nt for t ho Sloe". IOllgh nnd hnrd. anll llt haIr stiff llnd harsh,' t If olle asks the nt: "Hnvou't T he most ('on \'01 111 nt wId th for a your hOAS lice ?" they will doubU ss ro' 1l1 l< W:l'r~' I hay (o'lud I be 32 teet, ply : "No, I hu,'en't se n au y," AI· ThIs wId th ot buil din g gil's room lit 8t In,·orlnb"·. howey r. UIIOU clol/e ' for n six, font pos~ag WRY through Iho exa mluu tio n ~Yl'ln<l8 o! these lIuy ce ui rand U 1'01" of 11 Ill; on each sid!>, . oreallJl' !' wIlt be obs rv d tn uo Illny· san 11 c"J're~p()nd nt of tbe Far m Ing " ho p' 800tcb" 0\' I' t ho h at , s ()f. IUI'(\ IImnC', It cun bc hi ilL of uny he affil ctCd )JI gs, whIch should \ofl. 1c1l,l!'lh (\('~ I ' d, but to ke I' ten brood glvon n bftth With a dls ll1feclunt. S.,\\'S nun \IJ('l r Ilrog~n)', It should b os ono d s she p, T h e same ton ll, II r Cl lultt:. I Ilk a tr:ml bu l ldln :; that s rv ~ for lh s hee l}, snys tha Joe~t and II ~C H ·foot s tudding, 80 ~ V · Rurlll WOJ'ld , J1Jay be IIse(\ tor' th e pIgs, to gh'e nnwl,' roullI all "j' (or a 1.,,"\ Old hogs ha te to go Into &lIch tlUlks. but ()IIC cu n throw th e ir hiJidol' \llI.rta, In fU'sl, s o that t be ), Cllll'K cr.a w\ UrJ the BtC Jl Incline, th e n h t he lt IU,lItds untlor with tho foot. . Artor t hl'Y hovc b e n In tho butll ubc:l ttt a m in' uta, h oil' thom tl'rn nro und, arte\' whI ch lit y will hlake haste e noug.'l to go t out. It Is Dot diffi cult t .. dip t he yonng pIgs. All they oft'er bu t m· Uo reslst ulIce, and CIIU be Iteld u nder Ihe dI ll wit h a broom. T II~ HOG 1-10 ' SE. It no dipping tank IS 'at h and a t!mall 10. (\'hl ch to slore straw an.! grain . w~ l\ow, e igh t 01' ton feot squaro nod '1 coye r t h outside " -Ilb rough lum· s ix Inches deep, cnn be mnde In O,e ber. then with good re lt paper and earlb, and plnslerod . up wIth cement malche d s idIng, Cell UI) e n OtUllldc U1ree Inches thick. Wh en t bls is fill IJ with good matched IUOlb r . 'fhlll wllh dip Ute hogs will vQlu atarlly wal· mak s a bulldln,s ns W IlClI as neees-' low l l1 It a lld tbus (ree theJ1Jselves o r snr y, e x pt, ln extreme weather, wbcn IICJQ. l.mmedlate Iml)rOVe me.nt In COQ' a stOY can be u!!Cd. • dltlon and growth will toll cfw. The south s ide of the building I dl· SALT BOX AND TANI5- HOUSE. use vIde Into pens 8 feet ' wld0 tor t of t he brood BOWS: See F,Jg. 2, On . t be north !llde I have at onc end a ,Conven Ient Arra ngement by Wh Ic h room 6 feet wide for a feed rOo m. The Anima l. a rc Ablc to Attend Noxt to this Is a \) n 10 fe t wI de tor to :rhelr Own Want •. tbe boa r. T ho rest o"tbe nort h si de JI d ivided Into t wo pens fo r finis hing One of the RU b.crlbers of the P ral , rle tarmer fllrnl~hes a photograph ot a unique 81llt lJox for cattle and horses from whl b wo reprodu "0 tbe a ccom panying d rawing. It Is built on the renr s ide of the tank h ouse a nd occ upies a of abon~ a foot \V iole, It Is about two feel long and two fe t hI gh, The 'ncor Is about t h ree Inch 8 TH t:: LI;: EPINO, PLATFORM. lower than the door a lii so UIO s alt t he youn g hogs ror lI1arl[et, J have a doesn 't tnll out. In storInY weatbor wInd w overy 8 root In each side. the door mltY bo elos d. but whe;e \Vhl h 'Iveil a n abundance of IIgbt, rock snIt Is us d ver y IItUe atten tion Tb 11 us bave a cem u t. fioor, With a plank !Ioor e ' tending 6 teEH' trom the wall and raI sed .. inches to make a sleepI ng platform, ' I U80 plan k for . all pa rtitIons, as hogs "'III. soon br nk t h rongh 1·lnch ' IUlI1ber. A feed ' trough Ill, fl'ont of 'neh ppu 18 the sImplest anll most 6crvl enble th ot 1 huv found. Fo r t ho UJ'ood SO W8 . It s hould Ilot be ove r 3 In ch s dee ll, . 'fhe \>lIlIdlng Is Illso pl'ovlded wll h a constant SIII)pl>, ot running wnt r. !IIll Ill'
'L ..---------------4tj
S Y5T~M.
His Friend Jessie
. ~
kaJl. IDd !.hellfted hit
e:tpectut- Jotll'llal.
E. ....... ,...... GIII'ut lIunll '- . ..... M.
REM AR K MEANT AS '1111 nCISM Frion'"
0 r Whistler I)nllie l Ar I tWas Conl:c ed • .
I'" l\vorito Dis h with F tlrm I Handa Alter H .. rd O;)y·. W'Ork.
"At PO!lt·A,· 11. In flrllt8l1Y," raid The fnrm han(l~ . . n clmlon brn ~ny ' 1\ Ne w Yor k pololer, "J ill -l "forUmor 1;1~rrme""':'.":',;i.\,:;;,io::'::';lt;;'>ir;y;=-=i.';-;lm;;:o;;:u~ti~'-7;fo~r:-t-(llol ol'ed m n, had wllshe d Ilt till' P\ 1111'. lila fl'lllllCl Rh lp with \Vhlsllcl'.
"The It L.. I at l'Oll l·Avoll Is U Dqll' !;(lUII1 or sup~rhly carved UIlU'l UO Breton chests. a l' lllolr s, uod c loset heds, aud 11 gall 1' )' or BUll I'll puln·t· Ings thut we re 111' s nl d to th o prolI arrlso n, Ilrletres!I by Alexllu de r Penfold, Pa uli ne Plllmcl'. and oUler noted arllsts. " In tile 'Hulon or th e botel, (heard Menllcs talk on o day of ' .... blaUer. " 'Whl stl or: Mcn)lcs said, "wus not a conceited mun. 'He WIIS a joker. As jol<es, not Oll lIerlou8 speecbes, mos t or h is remarks wero to be, tak e n. ""l'hut; II la y salll 0 00 day to Whlatl er :
nnd I\UW sal lI atl cnlll' anti· (lule Uy nl Ule lalile. Soou tJleJr dill uel' AI>' D.ellrGil, J 'fhel'e WIIS Bome kind or boiled pork-a long. Jow ' oblon,l;- nr puro
y 1U\;~511gnUoDll. In this 110 wns vlolat;HE :&A.tDS A "FENCE." white fat, with just one thread of IuS' a ru le at Lbo d part nl 'nl, 11lIt wbat (Col'yrlgbl., by The t:ent ury '0. ) lean rlll1nlng through It; and thero is a r ule or Ihe d Iml'lmemt compa red (['op), r lghl. 1 9(1 ~, by J 11. Ho .. I~. , ) was pone, deli cious pone mnae by the with a rule of the hOll ~e hold? H O Grea t wus lile du)' Ibat Pollce mao Southern ' cook; and the re were IlIlla· Barn y Flynn ra ided a. "fence:' 0 111, wa nted to l e~ rn the habir a and methtoes , coffee no d black molasses. o! coursc, be ne, I' WOUld huve done odH of lhe gun g ,' nd do 'lhe plann lDg The men put the blac'k molasfioi Illt he bnd 1I0t Iicen pro perly promllt- hlmscir. well knowing thla assu mpl10u on the l r fat pork. Tbo farnlor said: d by hl~ wlf. Lllce mnllY ullother of rcsponsllJlllty woutd be o,'erlooked "It Is amazing how farm Ilaods like mu n, POli ceman 1"lynn dOPH not go Oul It he wore surccssfll i. Wh en e" er ythl ng mola9669, I II ko It myself. 'The loug, huntlng for trouhlo und worll, une1 It was In rea dhl o3s. he Oil t lined Hs plan hllrd work In the IlIlony Helds gives to his cllPtain, ""': usl,ed for aId In ' you un allil Il't tbat nOlbl!)g satlsficR tolcos a corulln ~mount of remlnlDe wullln g- lh mid. un l'cns m n ud Cl'l lldsm 10 mal,o blm as molnssell w:lI. " "I'IM n defl lfrl t rr -I'o-".rt :· he ', sald, '" used to llUve an ove rsecr who e" en reASo nably "mbltlous. lint once th ey'lI l~"" to Iireak coul d no mOl'e h nve eaten bl s dl nn' r rOLlNcel to nctlo n, lh ere IS no mll n on " a ll ' mayo "'Do YQu t hink. Mr. "Whls tler, tbut wi thout molasses th an without a "th' foorco" who can surpa 's him In aw u'I ' Y," genills Is II I' dilliry'!' "Ye u w" nt IWO nlpn III pach k n ife. H e would tako onl hll plate either resource fu lness or ue rve. " 'J can' l t ell rou, madam,' Wbl s!· meat, f)otatoes, corn, beans and 80 "abo! I've toa nd a nnc," he nn· tran ce, you 811Y ?" qu eried the Illr rCI)lIoel, ' Ht!u I'en bUli gl'unted me on , a nd he would ohol' F~nd mlnglo noun ced Joyously to his wlCe one D\~lt t, tnln. Pollcc man Plyn ll !lodde, I, thellc things toge tber, addin g hIts of no offs pring.' " " " hnt'll yo do with It?" (. ll lOaud ~tl "And how man,' to go In ?" VINYA) O'Q ,QOYA . tlJ..()OP, lJ[ACHED WANTS THE CORRECT PHRASING broad bosld s, and laally he wo uld ~1rH. Flynn, "Wtlu, 'T Is a nl e Inj'ynfJle bit I. ... :,.,! ,. ... ... " Wbut 'll I do wllh Il ?" lepaated Potake tbe molasRes jug aD.d , pour on I.. ..., /.\ II ce mllu Flyn n. " Wh at d' yo Sll P · po~ e! s llno rt I bn-fl \' llll'lteti nUl f'r ID cs llf." Man I. Puzzled Over the Right Way about half a Illnt. 'I'bat lIoenll!' Itko The United Slalol! Is not without Its tl ve. The hah' of ui ll bride, In whleb " YolI'lI be tcill eol." usse rle'li the capa heavy and sickening dlsb for tbe Is It ye·e r Ideo Ibat I'll gIve It ye t'r roy III famlllcs, regllrdlesB of wh at Pl'o· lIoslies costly dl umo nds, nnd poorls to Ask for Liver. hot noon of an Ailgu8l day, doe s n't 'ltT to put r-"'"lUd yo-e r ga· ar·don? 'T 15 lHln.· " As J unols r:< lnnd !t , the slo le n bllJlllvc 111 aSlll'cs c nllr ~ s aud lhc (rum th Sulu seas, Is dres ~ed ' In "I Wish ," sa id the cbronlc falllt. ( tell YOll, thou gh, It tastes good to u tlhtra ng oonclpllo n yo ha ' lIve Iv me gOO~ R 81'e lefl in t he ba~emellt al odd cons ULu Uon 1111 v IH'U \'1tI d, 'I'h o con· strllsh collTure,' 8ll1'mOllnted with a find er " that butchers woul,1 hIt ullOn a mnn wbo hilS been tollln!; In a blu· oruel (,1 j ull"!H au ' . lh' worrlp,s Iv me times, a n,1 Ihon thll gnng gathers th ero qu e.ts ' of I 9 111'Q\lgh t U ~ nOL only 1I01'a l cro wn, 'Aroulld her are soated somo 'uniform rul e fo r wrillng out , Ing field since '>unrlse, l've trl e~ It, daHy loll. ~ praY-Bume yo Iblnl, ' t Is qutetly 'so me night, meets the '(cn e,' ne w dominions 10 ndrnl nls t r, but lu(lI"s of he l' courl, a ll In gala aUlre, 11 shLOne l1 r-oo with tll l\gree wor-l'k on a nd 1I1e !Jusl ness I clollnod \Ill nnd the nnd ( know th I e r nOl I cos 0 r co If 's II ver. orh I ~ pres· _."_ __ _ __ Ilmong olher Ihln gs, Il filii uuota or who fn n he r In turns whi le lhe ot he rs th' Ir 'u gllte, but yc'ro wr-r ng, Tbis ~loney paid, 'fh e on ly way lO do ,Is to rOl'alty as wel l. dance and ko \V·low ILS I hI) ,Pandltll, or l ent dh'erslty of styles Is embarra!8' Queer Waye of Becoming De.ld. IIncc Is a. VIa-ace wh ere afllolen goods o varw 110Im them," A circular Issued by ,the Trnvollera' Is nego·sbntOd r' r ha·ard as h." . The ls ltlnll or Mlndllnuo, I\Ill I'lcu', Moha mm edan prl es l, recites In grave lng, and apparently convIcts a fe llow "Not f'r nn InJ une-yn,q ma-o n," anfUI·tll rmost. front! I', Is 1'I11 .. cI nnd gov· monosy llables porljoll s or the Kora n I or .grammatlC" 1 error every time be Insurance comVaDY t ella or 1I0me Queer " Did ye I'a"e thlm al lh ' ~tllllo n1" swer ed Policeman T"lynn, co nOdently. erue d uud e r tbo tlllor~.hlil of American anel m:tole8 tb e groom lu bls dulles bUl S a poun d o,r lI ,:,er, S~me sbQjJa ways In wblcb Its pOIlCybo,lders have asked Mrs. Flynn . " 'Tis m pl.1r-rpose to dhroll In 011 say they bave calf s liver for salol, I me't d eu"tlI. o fficials by blue·blooded families bou ~t, towards his ' wlre, thlm. bUI 'l Is no t m night C'r dyln'. , "L'o ve whal?" Imlu lred Policeman " I ( th k I Ing II old Il nd ljilotle~s lID ances tra.! 'rhe groom Bits sorenely sl loot on a 0 er,s ma e a Sf) (J Ia ty 0 cu vo~ B. F. ElIhert, of D9S !.I,olneB, )a., Flynn. "1'11' goous?" I'll tell y o )Vhy.H Here he lou nM ' ove r IInellge as AUY dynusty In Iho fur oust, flil e o r about 15 ,feet away liver, whll,e stili others 'with a fin er drove a pall' or horses that took fri ght "No; tb' mIn. T hey 's min t hat and whlspored in th e OIl I) ta ln'g enr. These families nro Moba mm eda n . In from t he bride , s urrouuded by his regard fo r s ingular and plural Dum· , and plunged into a strenm . Hie wago n r·runs tb ' ftuce, Iv eoorse, Did yo get The laller IDlIJII·cJlately begu n ta r " lIgloa aDeI decldod ly o l'len tal In cu~· cabinet · nnd full omclal sul t.e . , Alle r ~erB ~ II ~tte~Uon to tbe l,r oxcellent ovel'lurn d, vl nn ed l'M. Eilliut uud er tblm ?" laugh, Then he' s lnpped Poll c mlUl t om, so much so thnt a comiC operll the Palldlta hilS cOlllpleted his matrl· calves 11\ ers. One butcher In co- I water and he was drowned. "Ye'd like f ' t to be a whldy. w' u'd. Flynn on lbe bnr l, and 'rleo!: "Go write r we,lIlld b In <llo\' l' oC ope l'atlc I1lpnlal lecture to the 8u lta n he leads lumbu5 av enue goes BO far aa to ad· 1 John H H essler or Wllk esba rre yo?" retorted Policeman Flynn, some· a head, BlI rney, You con have nil th, ~aterloi could 0110 hut lIyo to stud y him with profound solomnlty tl) war,d vertlse 'oalf's livers,' but tin~ that ; Pa., wbll~ walkln~ over til rllJlroad what warmly. "Ye'd li ke to ba ·ave me men YOIl wRnt." _ ~Ie vnrlcll curlol! ltles Of Ihe roya lt y of the llrlde, and ca uses him .to wave Blgn Is mis leading !,bo animal s he crossing stubbed his toe and fell, ~ II hl' PllellPII that wlJ en Polle'ego remlnRt lin or l wll ve des P'rl( min MOl'oI Rlld . . a~out her head a long wblte cloth, reo ha ndl es must Le frealcs , tberefor!! fracturing bls skull. He died fi ve a n' cO llle bOWl) 'lulllllJ" IIko II Foorth- m a n 1"lyn n n 'Xl i' llpCnr ~ el nt his home penll ng aft e r lbe Pa nd lla a number of they need ' not be cons idered. Wba' minutes Illte r. A gr at ce lebl'lllion took I1lace In Iv-Julv r,,-urget in II 6hoOlln'.gl,l'ry, his cont W DS ,pllt up lbe bacl" He nry S. Potter, of New York ,' £In Mindanao recen Uy. It WI1S, not wh(l ft vows as he mak es eac h suocesslve I want 10 know Is, 'Vbat Is the gram· " 0'4 ye c'u'd put O)n )'e·er b lac~ dbre ss bls trousers wero lorn , h Is colla r \V IIS Mrs. Longwort h, lice noose velt, vis· tu rn ot the scurf, . This, w.llll II f w m ati cal rule In regard to lhlll tsble , olllc doormaD when c utting bread cut an' ho·ave Ivery wan co·asti n' e yes off, and lie was .0vcre,1 with dirt an d Ited lho count r y oud. llccordlng 'to TIL' other minor rormalltles , ~mp lete8 tho delicacy? Ir, waDl Dlore lI,ve r than ~ bls thumb. B1'OOd poisoning d eveloped at ye 3.11' su)'ln '. 'Tbere go si b' wlddy du ~ l. mol', wa ~ otrered un , OlJl)O rt unity 01 ceremony ane! then the 'day Is ' glv!)1) one cal f . can sUllply should I, plural~ and be died In ] 3 da y!!. " I got thlni," he an nt)un ced. brleny. Iv tho bra-ave po·llsman th.ut WIIS Charles A. Ree!mond of Inclnnat! , ma rri age Into · tho rOYlI 1 household of over to fea stin g a nd Olerrlment, In Ize both terms and ask tor calves "Ye luk It," repllcll 111 rs. Flynn, surplantell a \Va-ay wit h 8 1VIII pounds Iv 0 " struclc bl s toe again st II bedpost, the Morol! by ao o\'er'ZQil101l8 prince which rich ond poo r alike. tuke 11nrt. , IIvers'?"-New . York Globe, leild In him .' Bu l I'll not glv y ' th ' veyi ng blm rllirally. Accordi ng to a beller o f tbe 11eople, Blood poisoning followed ami' he dlod Cbll1l8t, I'll rap-poo rt th' hlC 'R at I'-roll -a ' sort or chartoI' member hlp as II ':r s11T pr · IR e! Ihlm." Ideal. of Famll)' Life. In 16 days. were-nor \VIlS It wh n Ihe Hon, 'WIl· whl b boiler Is embodied' In the tCloch· "If ye lultRel1 !l lce .ye .dO DOW ye'd Dr, .Alcott oprosed the lleeplng of W . H. M. Bnrnes , muong !r of iI d(,'. call an' I'nve th' t'npt'ln IlllLn lh ·I·n lcl." lI am ,1 nnln&1l Ill')' !l \'lsH d tho Is land Ings of t he Koran. the \lrlde must not " HIl·and over l!\' gUll ye're cllrryln ', Rurpr-rlse a nn y wan." para dI s ant! ou t of ' pure lItoro bos· ·pm ,he r ' f at to tho groun.d for a c r' I a sermllt becaus.e, liS he said . a tectlve a "ol; y In Seatlle was wlliUn!: Bal'Dey," snld Mrs, Flynn, wit h decls· "'T \V1 S thi s \\'a-oy," w nt on Popl tll ili~' aud I' s p .cl was made a full· lalll tim nft r her mn1'l'llIg and whoa I Qervant destroys tile domesUolty 01 I to tnlt e ; stell mer Whe~ h o fe ll Into lon , IIcemnn F lynn . '''l'h'llaza bo thllt plnchea In to t ho house of her hU9' I family life. Dr . Alcott further "told the Wilt I' and was drowned. sit goea ft DaLlo, 0 runic next below that "F'r wby?" ask etl Policeman F lynn. tb' goods 'tnlces thlm to Ih' nlloy a n' ofprlh c , . band. sho Is carried Ulere by h r I tbe 0ung "' tllnt she must preP atrick ~lcGar r~' , tlropol'letor of a "Y e don't oeed It:' u n sw er~ d his dhrops Ihlm In lo 0 chu te, 80'S he cn n Zambo, os til Amorlcll ns sny fer guorllian or nearest I'eln,tlvc. And so ' pare a pl) t lzlng d lRho!l for her lIlIs, boiler works In Ghl ago was held lIJl wlCe, wllh In1In \t'.! sarcas m. " 'T Is yo u ma-ulle hi.. gOlawD~ qutck ' It th ey'. • shorb wn s In f ~ Ia l nttlre. mirth and 1\ Jll',lncess of th\! I'oya l hlqod bec01l)cs b~nd; must 8CO thot his bOllso was by hlghwal'mcn, who fra ct.ured blM f a6t10~ for tho JlOI)uIOr Slll hui o[ M.a· a brlile In th is newly a cq!,1ll'e'd, qmllnt kept neaL and 01 nn; Ibat tho chlJ.lre n skull . He ;lIed three days arte r, ' ye ro properly nnd nicely , d rPdaed. guludan a(), lit ruler of Morgosa 'fu· !lnd dh;ta nt land of ours. MANIL A, P . I . and tha t file wire Ilnd children Rno)uld Old French Bonfire'. bl , a prjncillality not nnlllt 'l'im,bl\o' nil be ready In the par lor to \v'~ l come loa In n g l' tit n uny resJlect8, 'on ·tb P robably lhe stl'Ongest detall recore!· RUN SLOWLY IN SPAIN. 'wltll smiling rneos th:) mlln of the ed Of the old mids ummer ey'e bonft rel cca Ion of his marr iage to th o houso whe o ho came homo In the Is one In connecUon with tbose that Prlnces~ of COllobnio, It was a na· Iional nffnlr III 1\1l1rg08a Rn l! Ih:! cere, Travel er Mus t Be Content w ith of[ernoon, Emerson snld lhat pr, used to be ligh te d In tlie Placo de Alcott was the grell est Intellect since Gr ove In Pnrls. Tilo mnln constltuon t mony was on311nlmul ell In rull sIal!) E ighteen Miles an Hour, Plato, Emers.oo gO\' S Dr. Alcott a h,onor6. ']:;jjVc'clnl In l;br ·t was dl ~· oc tile bonfi re was a tree, whi ch the Carlyle, and wives of the king wa s nacustomed to fire~ with hla letter fllay' d I)y t llc Ileo[ll lu \.bls III at 1'1 . Spuln d oes not fa II llnte the prog. pr'o sentto day will pro bnbly D1>plaud monl a l ov nt o""ug to th e grout ress of tile trn\'Eller. 'I'he to urJst I Thomas to the. skies for say ing to own hands, Ule ashes being' aftor· wealth a nd raul, of tho 1)r1ucess wh o Ihal country lllust ho r'loh In ollef \.bln '- Ja no~ .. ' evor lot that old oabbage wards carried home by tbe people too, 'good luck. Lo nlll XIV. was the lust , comes frQ IIl ono of th fore most tam· which Ihe Ilverage Ame rican s lgnnlly In here aga in." king who did hi s 1)3rt. A mystf) rlo\19 Illes cir the . 11111 arch\pelngo. The lack s-nl\mcl~' . 1,Ionl y of l itml. 10 Item or arller limes was thle burning pri'/lltess Is the wi dow of the 'Iate 08 · Vlliu there Is lI 0 "sla yln' o ve l' a Wore Out HI, Finger, to, who greuUy harns$ed the trlllo" to vls ll n oathedral Or n gullery. to Tilere Is u brakeman on Ule Colo In III bon lire of a bnrrel. bag or bas· 119nl h Rlil borhles In the , old (lnr s of The point ot. iut rt'sl Ill' \\·lllcIY- 8C:It.. mdo ~Idland rall rond who Y lal' , ngro ket tull of cats, Tbe registers or Parll slrite nud turm,g ll, anr1 ab \\'R 3, m llc.h t rod aDd allay's jouro y must not lost hi s Index fin or on his right Mud. sbow Ihat a hu ndred 80Us wer paid sought nnor by til!) leading DIIUos be on81,ler d us tln j' hilldrance 10 11 0110 .day r ('cen ll), :l latly passen ge r 10 nn ofllclnl for having pro'vldcd duro and !lImns Qt Lba Nt 1'0 provlnc · s, Illsllectlon, , bowever curaor:;, or Ov n who had 1J e n much interes teel 111 Ibe Ing tbr<te ~'enra ( 1571·3) "all the cal.!! T il W oln . of Ui (lashing ullDn of on cath d\'!11. ,. wond erful worlts of nn tu ra tho bralle- 11, as \lsua l, for the fire,". and Magtlln tlltnRO ' was fi nally loo hed upon 'tbls dint ult y In gctli ng a h u IS man had polntell Oll t to her a long th" also III one year, whe n the king was wi th fl.l,·or by th e dllSlcy 11I·!tIC088 .'on(L due Inrgoly to an eltecrablo lraln ,sen '. l'onCl, noticed th e s tub fin ge l', 'Vlleu present, "a folt, to give pl ens ul'O to his th o wedding was to l1a,' tll)lIln lillico loe, The cars \n the sout h of Sllaln the , conducto r came thl'ough tb e Cllr majesty, and for ha"ing provid ed a gr at bag of IIne11 in Which tbe said earlier lu \.ho' y a r, but ncoor(lIng to are old,ras hlon ed; Ihe road beds aro she SRld 'to him : . lbelr lIl)' tholtl~' Ih dal e Gat was un. so ht1dly matle thllt the bollia rook like "Excuse 111 0, s ir, b ut can YOIl tell me cats w OI'e." prol'l l-lo,n s, t he facl · l1a'vlng 1\ en made as bl p In 0 h ' /lvy sell, 'f he ens lu ee.I's holY lhe brnlleman 10 t his CoreflngOl ? Tho Ttioughtful Husband, known to the rOYil' ou'nnlllors by a elUler c~unot of \\'111 not dr h'e ~h e ,on' lie, seom to ' li e such an accommodat , "!lfy dear." says th e thoug htrlli hUll· bird (l)'lllg P3St the door ,ct the sui· glnoR lit a ny rale whic h au J\morlcll n Ing fell~w . " . tan~te , ,IUd' golpg III fuo wrong dl· would r co~lze as speed, lllighloen "Yes, mum: th~ l'e j ust It. He Is EO band, entering the house with a hu ge recUon. 1\'l oh al11111 oIell s . ha\'e I.holr llIlIoMan hour Is lhe Spartl h Idea or a IIccorumodnLi ll g Ihat he wore Ihat rin· )Jnckn go In his arms, "you remember filII s bnro or snllu.. ~lItlon Rn ll 81'0 01· 1\llblnln g eXl'lreM.; ,5 is I'Ogal'dee! (IS 1\ ger air pointi ng out the scenery along las t w e k wh eD you secu red such a wnys IlrQIIO to Its fa ncli'ul dic tations, ",'orklng 08UIIU;'to that Is sooll eno ugh ~ll e Une," saId the condllctor.-Den ver wond rt1l1 bnrgaln In shi rts lilt 8 ce nls "1 Wint Down the Cllute Like a H o <l Iv Br·lck." !lncl necktlos at tbree for a quarter for MaJ, (l en, Leollal'd Wood Is Iho big (or ordlnllry purp osc~. News. ' ' thut knows too we;; bow to tn · u~c ca re IlIlny w a ~ fo Uowln' him Ollgl lilllme ?" lIlan III socIal" (unctlolls that h Is 10 Tho pa nl \) have . " M1 the tUn e , c., Pr-otec;:tiC!1I r. Urn Bec, Sti ngl. , "Ye l . love," 'says the fond wife. Iv ye·ersm \v er to ha·n ye cn1l t'r a 'ti s well nr1'll-allgijd. Iver Il wnn Iv I!'attors !UllItary, 'ao(l 10 ol'\ler that the rll Is," , ,\nd see no Toason Why they . A '1!eekee pcr In I\ow HampsiJlrB "Welf, don't think , J dldn ~lt apvrecl· gun:' Ib !m th ut sll1 ell l ~ lh' gooehl llllies Ut.lm L~e s ul!,an,. \\' ~o. b :( the Wl'y has al· 'shOll!U "llllpe rll tllOlI' lives aDd wrecli Po liceman Flynn winced. but he too Into I.h ' Ill uce at :til, 'an' tIley 1I1\'er waY.a 'borne a rrleb~IY . ah' Ill\\·"r(I' tboll' nervos by hur~ylng ' aDywliore, was showing a clly lUan his apiary. .a te your thoughtfulness. Se'e ,! ha vo Ame;'l o~ns , and ADlerlcllo' goverllment; H' 'Dlay be tlplell, however; t hat ·If .the ' Tbe 1\lves were ' aiTan;;od hi 11110' '00 bought something' for ypu. ) notice d we ll knew th e d!lnger and diffi culti es goes Were only' wilin 1!IC lime ('omes nllght atl nd h1s w eddl!) g 111 morlern trolnl! UI'O l/Iow th ey are ' ure, nod far .tho IIldq' ~t a 'mol1llrnln, nnll.the air some bcaullful sree n RDd yoll'ow plaid DC such a ralcl to be rc ~ dlly broughl to f'r th ' liner to ~h q\lll re up wit b thlm, a n ' tllin lbey gOlls In til' fron t wa·ay • .. state" the .gel\ora) g~ ve , Ins trllct.lons a tTo ln lO be behind limo practically was sweet · with tho smell o( clover. goods Ill' n show wIndow on my way his wl fO'S view of lh e matter, " '1' w'u'd be like takl!)' WIl U'S own But ' U ~ rq,g tha t (ou lld tb ' chute ,all tlillt a lau.uc b be place d at his dis· Is utllmpwn, Womoll U'ol'cllug ala lie, pine trellS,' carnal lpns, A bee lit on home, and ,bought yo u 80 y ~lrds of It po~a l .. tp ,t!'RDSllor! tllO bridal party fpr Instance, need not h sHate to la ke tile keepel"s hlllld angril)', and the at four cen ts a YOI'd, The clerk said lifo ('r to go In tbere alone. " be pro- hldcl clI awa-u y nice where ,a windy ' used [ ' r to lJe. 511 I pn Ls lWo m in at It Willi a, great bargain, ' and It will tes ted, trom Oottobato to Za mbdango, . the a trllin reacilltlg a ,.Iven · pOint by teD man beld hIs br ath, "Bees can 't sting YOli, It you h old make enough dreSSeS lo last you two "8urpr·rtse th lm.'" aClvl s~d ' Mrs. tb' lront C.\oor a ll' two min Ilt ·th' s ide ancient c.a nltal !?f Moroland. . Fro,m at irlgbt through fMr thnt It will ;not ,Flyilll, . " Ye koow tbey's a IInce ther e, door, an ' t hlu I dn rof)s In 011 thlm lin' thl a it·, m~i st be hid e d th nt the suI· 'a1'rl ve 1111 tIl II or after ward, It' the ~'our breath ," hI! s lIlel afterward, "To years. Wby oho has falt!ted!" ye know they 's mlo comes thero to mn -akcs thlm think U bit Iv th' j udg tans arC! minus tllolr melll~ds of wlltor tlnlc Illble announces Its al:rlval for hold th e brpa th closes tile pores 'of ' Parll H.I' Large Appetite. I'ave goods, yo know ui' mil-an lhat mlnl da-flY hos co me. Oho! It ma·alles t ran81)OrtaUon" ., 1.'hey ,are the - own e r~ , ton .• ,lhot I,l'uln Iylll enter lhe atutlon the skin, or sometblng like that. At The marke t houses of the great la -nnd s thlm Iiehlnd th' ba-nrs 'II be me lau~h to think I" It. They like to any mte, If a b ee goes' ror you, hold of m~il!l lal'go , and ben uti filII)' dl,lco, on ' tho minu te, . rated canoes, ' carved trom tb,e moat In this oOllnoction maY' be told the iour brea th , and 1'1\ guarantee yo u dty of Parls-:-wblch. havo DO colos· mlnUOlled In ih' po-lis ordhers an' ' II bave · died Iv. 'hen rt fal!ure," "Ho~'d ye go 10, Barney1" asked precious, woods In 'tPI! . easL 'Tbe ca' story of, an American ' who a ~ ke(1 .hls WO\l't be s ttlng, nlUlOu gh Ihe bee Jab seum or music hall ·allllchments- sold be a gr· rcat ma·UD a t tb' sl<\Uon, nn' you 'till the thlus' bre aks." last year victuals to tho amount 0( ye know ye'li nlver be heard If ye let Mrs , l(Jynn,. ,l1oes are propellec\ Ill' slll\'es, SQlDe ,"ulde the di stan ce belween . Madrlc\, Its "ling 268,000,000 of francs (S62:,600,OOO). smue wan lise do fh' wor·rk. "f Is t'r having as maq~ as one hundl'ed , blac~, I\II ~ Ssn Sebas lian, .the . chief wa~er' '" wln l Ilown I hc chute IIkc a hod , To Make an Eggnog. say8 La Orl de Paris, "We have eat- YOli to mn·ake a showln ' l'r ye· er- Iv brlok, uu' 19,1inded . On th" t1l.ble ~Ieek oarsmen 00 . occasions of, ~ Ia(e, Ing 'Illace of Sllaln. It WIlS the Inteo: When )'OU get on your back, atom, en In round ftgures," says the Jour- Iltl." • ' . But, ~o ,pe ~blll to have a steum ~esslll tlon or the . Alperlcan to run U1J ~ tbere where they . .was sit Un'. I hnd thlm ot ,modern IIn!;!s ID , atte.nd~!lc!l at a. for a Cew houl's ; the ,lIs t&I;IOe did not ach 'gone, ambltloo' ,dead, tbe besl nal, "61,000,000 kilos (a kilo Is about. " '1:ls a post-morUm cho\\fln' I'd be mo-archln' 'out blltor'e tbtly, knew what ,.' weddlllg . was ~ thiDg not enJoyed . at look great when :slt\dle d on (hi! map: fOod 'Is ' on eggt\og. ,( 'II tell YOU' how 2 I-I) poiln'ds) of butcber's meats: ma·akln· ['r mesllf," returned the pa- was doln' ," ,very ~atrlagll and ~ccause of tbls "San Sebastian, sehor? It Is about to mRke It, ' Se illirat.e ' the yolk from n,o~(),ooq ' !dloB of poulti:y alld ,game: trolman, ruefully. "Ye dou~ t undher"Ha-ave ye thlm nn at t b' stntlo n ?" We wbite of ,an ~gg. Beat ·the white 1.\1,000.000 . kilos of fruits aDd , rege· abta-and th' case. 'T Is Dot th' 1I0ee .30mpllment al~me the .w.eddlng wl!l. be '90inlles away;" said the guld'e . IDqulred Mrs. T"lynn. ' till It stands, up like Gibraltar. Then ~bles ; 4,OQO,000 kilo. , of m;lIshroom~ alone, but ' th'· that \'aveliJ th' ~ne long remembered ,. among, the Il~ " Ah, .Q two hours' journey,' said the I'AII but wDn," a ns w('red LIIe pa:tlle,., It , was 11 proud prlDce tbll~ Am rican, havlDg 'ln. mind the e'l tpress beat tho yolk: . add half a .teas poonful ( i ): 89;.000,000 kilos of sea fish; 2" goods (bere, thllt'B to be r·rounded up, trOlman . . ot ,8tjgar-an~ a gla~8'ul of milk. pour 000,000 kilos of freshwater fish ; .... !In' ' t Is a deap'rll. cr· row'''. 'T Is only , b rough~,· 1l.18 brld!l. ;IlboJ!,rd. the ~ootlng, trains betwiien NeW ' York Ilnd 'Phlla. "DlcI he get nwa·n~· '/" ' In .half an ounce or whisky and Btlr, 000,000 kilos ot cheese, wlthpu t count, me juty to me oo?P6er-yef o.ffieer tv ~4alJ·~edeeked , govern.~ont ·Iaunch, · delphia, a similar distance. "M · m-m, well , YI.: may sa-ay he did On ,tpp Pl\t the wJ\lte. R~d ; If you like, Ing many other appetizing ,eommOdl, rny-poort In n _ Jlko Cbls," '., A.t the c/lren1Ony the ,' brld!) . aqd ' The ~do oile'nod his , eyes In !lur-after 'ft ' fashion; .bu t '\Is me tIat • grate ~ Iltlle llu~meg, Ambrosia! tlBI. " " 'T Is ye·er 'jut:r te ye-ersl1f to shoW knows where ' to Hnd blm.' , rro~tP appeared In filiI stllte robes o.nd pr iso 'at. 's tlch':u' mad Itle a, Necta~ ilt the SO.IlK !' , l't you want a rewels; some of' tho latter of wblcb , . "No, senor. If you lea"e Madrid That Settl.. It, ,e:Te a 'po-lisman with a head on ye," "Where?" iVo~l~ gra<;o. the. PIl~80nage .or a more at .nlne 6'clock In the m'ornlng, you chnIige from day to day substltllte "GeeL Is that tbe bonnet I put up InHlsted Mrs, )i'lynll. "A t th' hospltt'e." saId Pollcemaa for ' ~ the , whisky ,sO!ue !food port. "To prove I ba·avil ~ heod on me 't F1ynD, "He br'l'l) lee me fUll os ( coma o(\~~,rful peer. A \Vet1 ~IlDg cere!D0n~ will r.cach Ban Sebastian. about ten my good mllZuma , tor?" , -it jKll'formed by Moros t~lces place 0 clock Ip the e~'onlng, ·It Is ada)",' sherry, toko.y. or Rny flr~t. elasli wine, " "Yes, dear , dQn't YO\I lII~e It?" III qlclssary f'r to ha-ave It blowed !lown th ' chu le. I.n' ho sot awa-ay la ""':Tll1, In. the New ' X0t:.I< lPress; ~n 'a la~8e embroidered marque of rich journey." " , "LIke It I It ,I00lc8 like a mangled ~tr;' commente(l. PlJllceman Flynn, an a mbylnn ce," .nd costly deslp, and Is nn -!lffalr cake basket." lugubriOusly. Power 0; the Prell for Good • . ,. Large SUm for Trademark. '"hloh /u8Ually outlhhles marital c'e\~ "I know W· does:'" , "If y.e ho-aven't th' ,lnjlnoo·lty to No Iilan who will ' conslder tho miltNot Extravllgant. III vo It. 'tis bettber BO," asserted Mrs, ilratlQn,e III more ad~aDced countries" Tlie ,lIquldlltor appolnttid . by the ter 'with aD opon mlrul will refuse to The ' Mother- But I'm afraid tlla\ "Then wily In the· world did you get , t'lyon. "Don't ye Iwr ilit thJm Kma~urt " \ ~n QII~ II~e, of the' ponderous, sUit- government ~Q manage ,t he confeBII that,' thl8 hi the moat .potent 1ay.tlctlves get It: cr-re.dlt t'r ' y e-er young man Is ex.~ra\,;l lJant. .. ,1\ ,tent Ilta ' the bride e8cQ08ed , on a .property of the Carthusian monlc8 sold agency Iii. the world for' the Ilromotlo;n U1" ··r,t.·s, t110 /lL)'lc." The Glrl- Rldtoulous, mothor! Wby. "or-rk. Barney ']:'1ynp, or ['11 belave ,!uShlon laden, ~hronl) , aDd ~Ith a , by auction recently: the tradem!lrk of rlghteou8nes8. The pulpit, with 1\11 ho wl\s hete four hours last night, Literal. re're not trlsb al all, but oDly .. Po· oll~hlon ' ln froDt ot \be~ ol;l whlcb rOltl the Orande Ohartreuse; ·together ~th Its Power, Is 'nccessar,fly leaa eltecUve and he only kissed me , three limes I Iter bandll, ' The ftng~r ', naIl8_ arjl 1)1'0- ,the right to reproduce the fprni of,the 'thau tbe 'bonest newspllp'Or. The grNLt Tli.. new ofllce bo) was found lit, j3ck Qr SOIDU other 1'urrlner." -Yonke rs States mlln. teete4 with lo,!g 811 vor ferrules ,tbat, bottle. Tbe . trademark riiallzed' t12& .., melrtwho won freedom for us od (or tln& In bls ohair witt. 'be t.elophC'ne With t~ls tho el,bJeet was temporarat onee suggeat the garb of the "Irll 000: transmitter In hl8 la' p . . Uy dropped: but Policeman p-Il'nn our chJldren and who laid thO' .troD. Like an Osblch, 1l1bel of South AI.lea, but 1oI0ro NY' fonnliatlonB or our ' govBram6nt lAW ' ''Wbat In tile "'o~ld are you do- " lD~W tbat he bad to do t!ttlt pllrtlcular Mr, B,-( wish I was an Ogtrlo," alty, ,OD the eontra.tY. Is (ar from ' be· Opera'a ·Flrat Prodlolctloft. !Oil. blmself In ord.r to have peRce I. clll8l'l¥ whelf 'the,. persuaded tIlem· Ing?" ukl)(! the boss, MN., B.-Wby so, dearie? iii, ",lid, , It Is ~tler. enllgbtened III Wagnerll opera, "Die MellterafD· ' .elvel that th- untrammeled preal II "A feJlow called up a IItUe: wblle 'he raDlily, aDd Mfll, F1Ylln knew that "Then I could do III tIIsy da-stlck , l'I'8at maD), "a)'8 od the pomp alld pr," was aung for the first time In the mlghtle8t ·enSlne both of 'It'~ue alO" r.plled the (uture head of the ~e "Quid do It and do ~t wall, He did :ute with whleb' t,Ii.,. tiOme.(!mea I\&\TJ America at the MetropolltaD opera "aDd told .me to hold ttlle 'pboat 'aot ItlpOrt hhJ'dlltlO,ery at tho slatlOD, my bl11 in till aaud." M'~ cal ' alld ot freedom.-FhUadelphla NorUi I :tat their ceremo..... II ' moat attrae· boule, .Ja."ual')' .. 1886, un -. ~.11ed &P,IJl."-LlpplA .Y& devllf*l ail rrpan tim. . . CImMr i'q. 4IDe1VaD. , .. ~~ - ~~ '- - .
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111101 :l III 10 "1\l li·.· ~ . prill ' !i" dlls ,\1 ' ,\llstl l1l'etn I'D (1 Wililu till Ih ., :, u 1ljl:0 ! .. I \" 'b( Ill· . 1' 1 V LII \V\! ~ ! CII rr .\ lcn ll • . Oh io, It l... . III",., IIw • .\1 II "llImlt! 1)1' III1Hh ' l it I"k., (1)11111:; Y(1ar" Wul' k U!! ' 11)). "I ~IOI\I" ( 'ulif ll"'" " \\'11 X IIt~ " Il " ~l' u W II "1'1 II 10 ' I 1t1l'II t, o r o;cll oo ls lit t,b'lt pln co . h,· ~: :-\ ' HUII I,," Mr HUll h." ,oil Y' \ (, b.1I \', 1 jU~ I, TflC' i vl'll H ' r u ," o f I I. ·,\' IIro " ,'ry 1" lO llIltt l V·lIn'r". 1{1'1I \ Ill p \'PT\, Iii .. "I ~hll1l{ l ('" till', 111 111'1,('1 I, ll -11/I1 ''''' r II l1d 'II'" Hilt' "Hl i ng A "n··" , I~, I h. !II ' , llin !.!I ,·,. II n go od ~"llIl'l flI11 I \til h 111\;' \\'11>1 011 llts )lIII Y th ll' " ' III • •11\11 \"'\'\,.IV I'rt '1 11 lIud 111 lit .. (llllllll l, ' t,llh:lI wlull u w \I.,ot Ben 111'111 W H
: 1'\\111. OhIO
Twelve and a Half ~ents· Offered for Tobacco.
Thosl' wlI .. utI nil . d til' Ob \11 11\ t FilII' III~ t W ,11 K fr l\Jl1 thi vl oi nity ,1~ ololTa it . , . !,n I,h u fin est rld'r thut T"' AI va n uct IL hnk ceuts 1\ llo Dnd is hil l! A"pr ' lJ(lP,ll givll n nt, 'olumbus hAin.~ nll"ercd for toblloo o by buyers by th ... Ohi o , ' tut.!' Fllit BORn'! . t nr I,hl' whnl lll!l\le compo oie8 l1~d Yon ('fill ' t jllUvellt 1I ('oid nl s lout. I,IIf\ fllrlll e r l' holdln~ o u for b t t er I'd I'''. Thllt, i9 't ho Mll;UlltioD in t bi yon "li n 11I·lItpct · ~'O)l1I'. l' l f IIgRin~t 1,b I'\ni !Iity n ow. t1'e tl' M lIo"l(kll Is h y cltrryinf,{ Vrory ftlw uf the f~ rme r s Ilre let· l\nd IIccid" ut iusul'H llce p('licY·· Tb,,' 'i ll t( I{o of t h e ir c r nPlc' even I\t l1 eso lEtn .Llmmrllll o '0 o fr 1'$ II la rgo rfllllll'Tkllblt lI lK.h prioes, pre ferrl og nID ollnt of prot... Li o n ut I~ :'I lnnll 1.11 I,ll k tl O!tIlIlCU H o n n bette r l>rice oost, Fred II rwooll Agent. n ext sprin g \Vh e,1l tIle or op i!l d liv . Mrs . .1 . A Funke,\' i tbe g ll~lI t Arm1 . thil< wocle of h e r \ lIrticIIlIlr frie n d, It Is saltl thn! th e r e is nn hnl11eu::le ~lr!l . .J. 1\ . \ "~Illb [> r t of Ind bl1\np'llis. shortage at t ObllCOO, others s ay the Mr "'II II k Ay IIUII "lOU Hen rgEl. Ilre trll!!t III buying heuvily n ow in o r · bonnli ll ~ lit th Frie nll H o m e dnr ,Ier to oontrol the marke ts of the fn. i D": Mrs F\H1key'!' u!tSt!JJ C . ture. Mi ~l' Bp~!<j lj BUilt,. of Ly tl e, left. Even at twelve 'IInd a hfllf cen t, Ifri, luy!' r Jnd lll llll 'l'I! I'I'itory \Vb r o bowe v~r the fnrmer feel s thllt h e is . h I' b" f/i n/- hl' r ~Pt\uod yea r 's ,.,.o rk o ot getting any more thl10 h e !:Ih o uld n II fl1110her Dud t' Ihe lIu~JlioeM IJ f tor hill orop Ll\.hor Is ' h igh er thUD t h e Pr Hlb.' · l t' ri un Mission hon r d . li ver betore IIncl thl' ex pe n t!e of ml s· Mil'S Hu nt st, llt.e ~ thnt' Ml e Indil1U1I ID g amI hnndhDg II c rop lsoon s tnnt· oh iJtl r l'n II r \' qui ck t o le nrn Dnd fill Iy illore"t!lng . Iy I1p to t.h n v rnge whit e hilt l 10 in te lli ~t;lII UH a u(iu,hIHt.y
Attention ' Knights.
ILDClitlnt.1l1j lire invited to 110 · r own L llge K of P . will huve noun 'e theDl!jel'ves i~ tIlls OOIUl.l1I1 work Werl n ' ~I III~' eVtl nlng . ViSitIng for wl1ioh a .ohllrge of '2,00 pn Yllble, bro th" r ,. t rr vit 'rl WIth order, III mnde J (l BIS..,\" ' . SURVEYOa,. S D , Henkle ~arm for Sale, O LERK OF. COURTS The f"rID helooglb~ t o b elrs 0 1 D~n P. BQM . Henj .VlmghllU, d (l used. located' FOil ()oltl MISBION Ell 4 miles w est of S Jll'iog Vull oy nnd E . ·B. R ogers 2X oHles soutb w e.,t, of B e llbrook , Is h e ltl fo r "!llt~ Monumental Work. '.r11 f,,'rm oon tuim; 611 II c r 1; . IV 11 Glio. Dodds nnd SOD. proprietors hnprr) ve rl with t<xoeliullt, h UIlHa tl of' Ule WtlU koown mODllment ftrn1 rool11 ~, gn ..d ol' lIuf, . bl\1'1I, :14 'X 50 ft ' of Xenill., 1111 ve OD band a stl)ok of with ti Mt.III,., new Wll gOIl s h e(l , o rib monumonts und IDlLrke rll whioh l\nd oo w ~tl lhlu nt tu b ed , lIo oth e T they wish to dis l)oSe of quickly In tlulir bew building oIIeratioD!', and gooc1lmg gy i:<11Pd ILO ll c rih, s umme r lue therefo re prepllred to mllke nn ' ki iohen, ~ l llend it1 w ood h uull{! I1nt1 Olltllllty olose prices on the work oth o r uU f, btii lll i II's u:11 good. n ever now. fllillll!; s pr i1}g wu.te r , g-fl.od w e ll lIud Have 11180 recently iSllued 1.1 new olsterll Ilt h o t1~ p, !-(ootl orch llru. nioe 0.t810~DI', showinM D;lBny styl es of monoments whioh will be 1ll8.iled to l (lc l1 ~ t ~ 1' OVe, III uri pl'(,ll UOtl ve . Tlw nu! reu~"I1"hlfl Fur plLrLiculiu' unci Itn,. inte res ted ptl'rty on r eq uest, . , ten" .. , o tl l ')11, o r l.dd r e~s , ,;a al
V A (~ H AN,
Puln 'frOID " Burn Prom Iltl."~ au, l' " 111 "1'\' 111". . l ontt,lOIl IlIl' Y ('u. 0 IIl'1vec\ b.1' hllm b orll1ln 's Pain BldUl , A little ohild ~f M.lchllel I3trnuBS, nf Vern o n , Oonn ., Willi r eoently i n grout pRio frorn II burp en the blind , ---' -'--ILIld Illi cold lIppliouliool:! lInly in 200 ll\l ~ h III from Au '. 2 to 'ap t c rela!!ed the iufiulllnmtlon, MI'. H,f10 til :/000 bll~hel ~ ~'ell il W r:!trll URII 08 ule to Mr. JumeR N . Ni c h, 1MlI ols, " locill rilerohllot, f or somethin g :::IIlt,)el; , fl" ' Ill :::Iept: J 5 t·b t o ( 'ot, ';;tb to I.4to1> th e pain. Mr . Niohols ~IIYS : ,1 4110 " " ~ " e l :l 11111 unci winl f' r II Jtpl e~ "1 "dvilltlu him to ti~e Ohllmbe r".i u ll R' ·I.l SI '"I1IJ I .. prl o l' to ull IJH.• P.lliD Bl1lrn, lind the flr!!t npplioll ti on CO ll ,.t l u .1,.,; 1" 1':', e1r", \\' out thl! i ufi'lIlu.l1ILtion und g n vc luimedit. w r ~.ip f ' 1 hllve u sed t liis 5 L' At '1" 1"0 .'" l(E'lvrEH.MA N i,'H,ll'l ltnl~lent ul .\,,, .. lr lind r e ooDllllentlell CO, LSI il!, , Ih il) . VlI lI e.y ' pholl " It very ottell fur (\ut~, bUrD~ , l:I~fI\ins l li :::.J{. W it ,. III ~ v ill fl eX( 'h,," ~ ,· lIud Illme tHH'k , lind hllve n bve r 1 C.. n ~hl)J loy Am,i r lOtlll Ex .. n '~!l !ll knowlI It I" Ii :'''IIPoint". ·' For su le by fr"igh l fl V I' D I~ " U. f{ It !IY F C t:lob W/lrt~. A C 'Itl • uttluol III I I I." Kil\nt' \· ... A J ' Jennesse 0201 li n tll'; ~t ..
M. W.LANG,M.D; '(j.M,
( ; h h!H~lt
w rl l'e:-' '., .I / It It S WIII :! lIlItU I I.nt, ill all ki llol .. lof "' euthe'"
aod 11111 I tOOK ' " (;11 111 w hI c h ~lt tt i ,·d III lUI BpJI)()IALTIES: D1811lA811:S OF \\'O~III:N I.iuu .. y ~ "l1fl I w ~ III ' 1),111 ~ h ll fJ . '] tl'iud :" , Q"I'loI . 14tl v.,,'! 1.:",(1 l'l·II H,ll .. " ANI) OHILDIUCN . !!!!!!",,!!!!!!!!!~:!!!!!~_ ~ _~.~!!!!!!!:!!!!!!===:!!!!!!I!!!!!'_ !!!!!!'!'!!_~_~S!!'l wittl. i" . t Wi ll li r. n lln ) 1 Wil S I" ClIlll · ' ha~berld ''''ln's III -Il il ' 11 I" !'~" F .. .. ,,'· '"dCitl llt ,,Y ( ·ur .. . 1\1 'fO U . TWI! Ii i II'L\, . t '" 100 ,II tl! CIII·... ! Ill "'" Cure. Cold • . Croup .tld Whooping Cough. F ~ " c lt ,. ~: l :t. RruUlr.VILI,\e, OHIO
COIlp'h Reme"y ,
1) l1 flllf.: till'
Post Cards.
H(, I11II. ' 11111 111' man y
EPTEMBER 15. I !lOti.
lJ(g l illliu~ ut Que o·olol'i.' s huI')) thf
TL! ll1 l~ UH'l<it.' l d\l (·
, '"
'I'a rLlml iuWd 1u tbf~
will h(' tl cl,1 III "h lr .am.\ugu N a ttoll ul l'ar" "" ~ l1k·mUl t r I :' I II !l ml !! O. lunJ thu ·l're.MflU l in: \\ h.'n l.l \lll~ arc I1mt It, will be Lhe II~I \~ I n Ollwlc ~~u horl n fr" vt:r
IIU; gl'Jjl. and Ilcld tu the """' 11 11 111 . Otl \h~. "bQ\I ~ dtl ll·s. lb,t r ll mllB n c.e: I I (Jl " ~h tt :, ii rul ~'i flf lwcl \'c ~tI~ l"H; , VO lU lills l l1 l
,M 1"lIuw\llg l'unt,. ylv,uUII. () llIn,
T e lephone hit! h ou se wh ore he can be called a~ 1111 hours, dll Y or night. Uooo11es 1Ul~ chllirs lIupplled
~lIch l lr1\ n.
11l,II .lI) I. t llhl\~ i~, W 'tOl"unxliJ • •\iilll1t'!'IOl.Il, 10\\,[1 H a ve recently 11l1)V0l1 to roo m ·c\)ru .. k, l. M' '''''lJul'l. J\ llll a.s 11I1(1 l \ lIlI t" C ~y , \\ 111 t l"' ~\.· lIlhlt' IIIftll)' tor "he Tlrst IllI<1 JD.8l oell(. t lJ Oross BrOil, !-til", ~llli' , ltU~~,' W u 't,\ hett fro nl It... 1Hood - ~AJN STRlDlll, WAYNIl8VIL L IC, I) . l n h l.·'! fI,'I ,I " fUrlY lhYI '" S Itrl" 3.I.l'V 114! I'" Irj
gtt'u" op])OI'l uu ltJt'8 f o r
Hf "h'
th, ' .ltlll\ u\ h."l ul t he yu~ dl. IJon' H rt,lI to t Oke \fllil ,· hll.lrcil allli 'hQw ttlt'W htsl(Jri (! tOUL'" UO II~, l , \dlll :lll 1l .. nt ... l o rh'U I cUll n t! L1ous. U. Is tl WllH l nll' t Ulilt I 'uf n IItcll1ntl. 0.) a H~1 !!f,t;:o tll I 4t141 war )tt'IH ' ra,l:l HIlI I odu.: r orll C\'rs v olnt \_II L tht' Jll 'U'I'~ Hf I Ull'rc IH o n tilt! b:llllc· il chl : trl. \(H'm ... ll' l \\' yOil .tlill eXlllulli. tl.l p ur'KOD, 'r t:~· Lf·tl
IU.oll K
" ill cure any case of Kidllcy BIIH11\r' r di!!e·a ..e thn,t i ll 1l0~ beyond bhe rouch of In dicine.
. Glva~ UP TO 011;. . B.- Srol.flUl. . . ' IrIl151011'i( .. E •• llulll....... I nd •• w r Uedl l'PUtCh'or f l.ur 1..Ot1l'''i r tl"uu~,lfMS ",.Itti ft kldn '" and bl.d!! •• alI""uub . 11 ..!!It """II .",1 "'lUI "".blelo wo,k. 'I'll....., ph • . r" II ..1 to, hol p mo aud 1 Wftl «1 ..0 "I' 10,11 0 . Ft,lol'" Kld nn, 'nto ••• rocummeodolt " nl' (h'l J\ r,. ~ IWI (10 ,11;/1.0 me IIro.' ioller·.nd IlrL~' Idkl...: Ibot ' '''IOud hoUI. I w•• oll\l,ol, ou,o<l, .
""wo ~I&e. 50 Cen.. _nd 'I.OQ
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I, h .. rlIl 01 " (')""1' CPllll tlPX IIlll Nl/f lril1!! 1,·II.h. III ur i, hI 11\' r~"1t1l1 IItt, r/l\'t.i\' t' IlI' ~" 1111111 th" nlp"r · ~k l " I\nr1 ·' fr~,.h ru"," ,,'mpl,'x\t\IL Ih nt (Jom"' .. f... Mill"" wh .. 11141 ' L"xl\k t' J'1 til It ltlt ... trllll .. \:6' r, 01'1118. II Illlllrllll " 'H, l m "" f .. r !'1.... '\YIiI '~ R UIl(l 1';11111,·1· 1'" fi oll .1. E: .1 Illllll'Y
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HII 'I , 'IIII,It"\ (1 ' ,0,1 · .
C' ,)!" I" 111111 '1'.. ""'.' ....
Phone 79.
C. M. BROWN, Proprietor.
__ 5 .-----~-
Gingham 'CQrsets, Liuoleuw·
H~taison' St (jib,n~Yt. X~niat 'O bio.
'['tlrlu s rnude ,knowu 00 day Of slIle . EUNI 'E F /sHUTE .. U, '1'. Bllwk\ Allot . A. B , lJIulodler , Ule l'k ,
i)ccht -l
'lol l i l!O
l~ ~1~
' IA,h u ntlll .o\'· I-t'\·u H ;1:1
D o u't BlulUo J . Jj~. JllUney , H 's ytm r OWD ~' lIult U' :vou Con tinu! to Ollt1· r witb IUI<l lge8f·loD. 1f Ile '''uld olo ly so • Ilnll te ll yu t, JlI, r dv lhlll y • r the of WilY Illlsv li! e p\lo l'lu wbo till vu beaD Cll r Oll ,,1 imllge:<tluo wltl110 Lbe lust LWl )''''111'11 by PI II ~ I kulll TILblots YO.n vu uldll ' t · h " illite 'un trying thit l'U lIlIldy onu tli n g- Io minute, his S\10 uu:<t; With l L b,)~ ollul:!e d him to wou. oIer , nnu tll ulongcr ' J.l.l:l Me lis it th. m Ol oOl1 fille uce he hila. No ODt lII'ud II .. v., dlzz\, SpaUll, .. io k b ellO 'he, I oIlilJ\l~ 1I 11"S, Ilt,.I·v uu llnel:ltl, lOll,' If II lJ JlU1.Io C. li uUI' ;;tUIIIIIOh, oUllte(. L" U~ U' · . I'lIl pilllL!OI1, l"el:i tl e8!1l1il:\ht·~ , " I' 1I11',\' utllu,' Ilj' lII).Jt ulIlIil of indigos t iull ItU I '\1;11111011 t roublu if tho~' ,viiI uul u ~tI 1>u l':;i k ..ll1 '1'11 ble b. 11 I . II bo II' :< ]JIUlIllld Dtlr Vll tuoic, .it irn I"'ov, ':; t,b .. t.;1! lI61·ld Ill"ll ltb, p.ut.~ 01, linll, ~ lJ hll . U'Ulth , IlI,d if y llll IU'tl rUIJ dowo or emncintEld lit will l"mUttl ~l1 l' ul .Y llwrCII"t: YI, UI' Wl'i ;! ht Tb e l'l III nut orHI Olltlu ' In u hllll drtl(l I,hll' Lilt d t'lIhi ",ts wll illot curu Nu m a t ttlr h uw IIIIIU Y rC:l lllll lliell yb u 11.1 v, [I'ltJd, don ' t gIVe up, J. E : Jllollel k u uwl:i PU )Jsi k vll~ Tabletl:! WIll ullr~ yon . Ill' IIlI o" uld 111)1, Hull tll ' lII tu, 11IUI" I,h ll ll t.wu Y6l1rt! Ull II gunrllll ~i1e t,li r l1tUlIl ,v.our tWtJ1I1·y·{ive c 'lIls
!\ 111l!.\ ' t i'll
DIt H.~ E L
flA'I'HA ' , '. rAY •
, .
II I 1:1
fa Il ' II IN
1111> H I' 2-1
:t I!I III :II au !!2 aD
No r' II blt u ml
Sttu tl'hoo. nll
1J 30 iJ
11 no
Oally ' x<'el" Su" IIt')". SU ~' DA l
I "\ i'I~ I It·nll' . l LI, •• •-t.. r.~ 1'li .. i'~lu Il 1 I It r 111111 llll, V ~ ) , nlt'l '\!4 t ,lk, II . . lIHleu~
olh ~l's ,lm y b~ r e lied on to
\' nri c.l Hl'I I "j.(fnh'nLs \) 1;1\
IIU'UH.n .hh' h.~ t.t lL' (q1l1 ~hl' \la rlou !'- hu ttles tHu .:lll arlJll l h l ('.llut.Lall()ll~n , ' l'11I!'I reuniu n
A 1lIIoIUnOE!lI leDt . W ., ".. 11 1 yu ill' II.tten t iou to the 'UOI t bll f, " ' I' ltI ,lkllla Ointment III Il pusi. much 1'01' you. d Vl1 "lll'~' {"r hlUZI!DlII. nlbert!. WaynesviiJe Graduates of the Miami , .I'/) rru d". pll t-t! IInu every kiDd 0' ~oulp trouble' It OO!:lts 25(' Eo V. Barnhart, J. O. CartwrighL, JOl!. W. His ·yz Mrs!! Liliu (;ithcns, "IrkillIt orO ~trtlR. If It dOD't we r tltnz:n Edna McKinsey Ridge. D. U. Uidgc, Samu" II), HenKle. Geo. A Funkey. your wuuey. J. E . Jt.uney, H. Fred White, George Hess.
A College doing so mu(!h for
.)11 ... t' lltlln,hf'r Itt I ~Ittf) , l,~ \lr Lh e t~)CC " ' \ lfl nl .'lIlh"' I'~a f\\ ,, ' t lllt , h at.l lQ of ( t~h\nm"\l~ ua It 1,01 JlfIIP"8C(\ w ('eh!b~lu, t Ilhl IIl OlUonl1lll' "\: ~)II \. wl l h n rCttlU tHl nr t he
Fo llm v-iog oh uUol prupuot,.v : tw r gOll,1 w, lI' k h .. r~~II . o u ., I{ ood jersey , " w. 1:: . MO rn:. HllCelvcl oo w; will be fr sh SOOIl , thr ee bogs, two of th ~ U\ br ood sows, o ue ooro TIME C ARD hllrvester. o n e good road wagon f:f'FI:: ;'\'I\' ~; 'AI'R IL 15. IbUtl. NOWl'ItIlQ NO wit.b n o w bed und hvo setIJ of s ide Na.. ~. No. ~ . No. J -o N o. b nrrl s o o e hn.y rigging, ODe grl4vel A. M , A. M. P . M. P . tol . bed, ODe Bet log boh,telrs, one @priDg ,I :10 {; ~& "'"gOIl, o n e o lrl bngg y, o ne buggy I qfl " '1 pn lp. o n rid ing ~ulk y breaking 1 7 2:! I IU I . I l r!:! U Ii 10 III 1 11) :. ~ IU Il low. ,' I)ut·h B od WILk e . nelLrly new. 6 0; 1(107 7 I~ I U •:tll brelLkl~g plow, oDe i ·horse plow, ,7 0" "10 01 : 1 on t:, 01 \loe l · h o r~e h"rrow , on e .horrow. 11M I 01 • r,1I 1 Ioytlo n our y no w, b ne disc oultivator; anI' ~:tl,tcw"od t i ll 08 • ,;:1 Buok eye o ultivfltor, oDe corD sled' \'enabl~ '12~ ' Ifl •• 2 - ;fl .. -; ~1:! ;;'~;" .7 utter, one Cll rll planter, feed out "!<ltchller , .. ~r. 12 (ttl • 46 1I0(1(1 ~ te l', g rl\in saoKs, dOD'ble set worl: " 12 U ,. 3\1 1.t~ lnI.1l1 .;\1 .10 lin rne&! 0011l1r8, b, id'l es, two sets 1.l~ ha n •• n- I-,\·. 0 art p au , ~:l11 ":CO I . o lleok Ii Utl!!, oDe sin gle line, holters , U H .It. 0 J).t X TO" X , . C H.t.ll two goud wll go u whips, II Jot of II (\11 ':! uO II 00 U ~II o x't' oth e r hl1rUtllll , IL I t o f IOl\ding Ohllim I) j: X " g OU IW(\ ropes, one h og t roDgh, /l ,good " 00 SI)U,\·t1HOUN I'. ~ 1'81 0 ,c1'Iltlle, bund (:orD dropper , P. M A .. M . Illdue r , n huge lot of l:lIuikets,a 1ILrgf . No t! . NO 8 r ...mve lot of forks, bol's 11.111:1 s hoveJR .. A LllIy l " lI : t · II ... D r. ob lo t o f oorn In th o fl let will b e s old OIL\' l UU : II ,Ii.:. X " j uO ,It, 00 . .' r, i:! 11lterior view of ODe NOln iD HutohillOD & GibD8v'lt 101l1l81lll8 dry Lebanoll Jc. .. .0 \ 0 a;. by the ho r A 103; ,. U .&ate at Xeol~. Store does It 'busiD688 of . more than IIOO,O(l(1 .-nnnally A lot of h : u ~e hold gVI1l1 ~. Ilbr/lry "& ... t ~ .f 7. ; IU 4!! .tllbl • X d o zen ohai r!', letl ther oov Itl 45 "; " ,I Go~)d l:;, tl r d .cou c h I~ 'ol1l ul1 oup bol1 rd, :l III "j i M" •• t~ :.7 "0 lH . ~ O. ''In foIJ III1'go 'nilk rUlIliOl, stOll O jllrs, mil~ ~i1k .Go~es, U Ol! U OIl ~ 011 11 01 oro k I~nd /I. muny othel • jo( 1 ~ " 11 Of. 'aor.~O l\! thing tOI) tedlO11M t o II1pntion. • III , ~a 011 In III
I i\'
~ .IU lIlLllft ,fi)), t tm . :11 V'J1:tI\ht u:-t hli ~JIHh\lt.l l""l n ,llIh .lll .11I" a:w IlI '..,ll tv !U4 ,Ian I•• {II}",' llJ A II U, ·~:!. ll llJlL Wrllt: 1\ . IJ ., \\' t If 11, P r l.... l· h l il~fItJ r l " ,·. ll.l I OIi 'I I' .
Chattanooga, Septemberwill18-20, '06 \)
the tlLtrhct-..
Wllym1" l'llle'li ~e f'lng ' D tl t '. '" .... ".. en s , uIlIC".Q hOY. ' lO ullllln~ . . . . Mnln Sree~ .,1 t\t 11Ih'u t .. III d ill" lll't-ihh,Jlirt .
nf 111t' '" ts lOr : 'ollve nir Po~t OftI'd InJ! II~ I' Im ..hl ou, Hf lho (ll'I)().""'ng arOlI LM nt Lht. lilnp' or 'mt Li e , 1L will not b Ion..: u nLi l VI''''': of \ VnYlletwi li wer o e nt.irnl)' 11"11' \ will Ill' h~ ft tt~ ' d l hhl n oble w()rk. . iol IO U t· 11 1111 Illil n.v l"" rtl u l\ ~ who It. will th! IIIUn,\' )Ic a n-, It t'\'l' r aua' n , .. htu. .. ",,:h a1\ \l IJI}lIr t ulI ll,Y \ '111 I1rcscul 1L.. " etr. Sec "' .11; " ,I I'll rU e l! tllr "IlI,'\ Ulli rl u ot be l h ,Lt Yflur t t·ke t s rea.1 \ r(a toho LO\lh"' 11l ~ -- q. p I"' \. ~lL~hyttll' I( I t . the lI aLllrrhJhI H OU l E' , :111 n it ."{HII' Il t' IU· ~:o.1. rallro:HI aK~ nt for ra 1eit null ' \ II . (; ·I/..,ltC! hilS r~ lJrinlod six uf ad\'t i rLl~ I" ~ Ula t l er verLalu lug tO lh e reunion illl' II, I~I po pulll!' f t.\WilO urd~ or wrll e 1U1urCf$ t r(!1 .rt: :i,· nll\ t t\~t· ' or th t' t. "ul'( \ ' I1) t-', ~:I " h\' llI ,· I < . t: '11110\\'111;,( I l!,. hig bl'iugu, nvi J II M It ,I.1K ~:-; . ,I. p " , I , \Uf iH'!lld. I( \' .\ vi 1lllO ' I I" , II " \\' ~C'h ol I h a ilS , till " \ IJ , Ht ' :o. II , It . P • •\ . r hH.~t unutl , I Ulln. 00101 .. 1'111,011 IlfIn I' . \' iI' w o n Mlli l' •J .,! " .\\· y'~ ", 1 1t'l'. P P. A , ~b I...t)uttol, ~t.l. ~[\,·, ·. ·I. 11 11,1 SCtI '1I looklnl{ nil Nort h II ('. U ,\II .I; \', ~ . \ V. P . A . ('hl" ,l S!n, I II . I T"N lil li , t;1t I'll!! ~p)J i2 rllr 5 cel1 t~ n r :Ui ('''lIt.~ II 11 " ",.. n WI will muil 1; AI{I-!lIt tit II I tu II II .V nrld reslI in the United ~!'!"'~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~!!!!! ~ll ltl· s 'I'll lot)(lItlve e tl"eot. of Ohambor l,lin ''4 15t 0 111 " 011 "uel Liver Tnbl e t.s is Public Sa,le. ~o IIgreBllbl.e lIud ,,0 nutut'al .Vou 01111 IlIIrdly rllllhze thn t it i9 p.:o<1oced bv ' l m Ailioj n A '1'hfll'" t llhl f.\t!t 1I1~0 onr'", WIll o ll'er nt pnbllc IIl e In W,LY, IIIUi j!tI!!l l!lIl ~'vr ~1I1" liS F. 0 h. 11<11;\'1111', o n the 'we!jl; !:Iide of town w Hr1 z 1l 1.'IIr t,b" Frnuklin ROIlU , o n
I .f,) tI \ ~ I'r.a-:1 4t.:'T 1 1 ... ud 1' 1 tl~(}(;HI\I ' JI \~ t .l ;...h t UII1\
. ,
In Society.
---. 1 II
• , . 1111 :II, ,, T. I\K" \\~ , 'li t ' 'It ',, 1 ., \h'}'
. .. !S
SL01' o n
.ll\ nll l
' l'UAINJoIo ,
J•.,' lI c;"il1!l fvllown: ; .ilJa, m !.)
. £!
W. K
{) ....
7 03t>. " . ~100RI!J.
'Ocucru l l"~st: II I:Ur Agent. LebunOu
Olton The Kidneys Are Weakened ·by Over-Work. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure BlOOd. l ~ uS(:II to be cQlIsidcrc,1 '(hat 0/;1\, uriuary and IJluduer lrol'hl e~ ·"'ere to lie . tTII~c!u to the kidneys, U11:l1ltr;o"ooa ,-l104.l!_",,, but noll' .11100.1,,", I ~~~Kt~~It(1) science proves that " Ilcarh' nil ' discuses ha\'l: \ hei r beKinning i II th e ,tisorder " of thcse 'lIlOSt illlportaut
Wa,¥Des¥ille ,
ag·... i n
nf't'e'i"a, tw.o weeKS' ·delay
fut' I:epu:ir.s Ull One oftbe'walste~ways. Ther~ '.'
lilts hee-I• . coo:s.iderabu) w,a ter lost ' tb·.iS wnjo\t~·~" ,ay, .and Mr~ ~t()hi~zerllas ~reci The kidneys filter alUl purify the blo<id-. th at is their work. ed ·aC(),ilcrete" waU -across thilti . Tluircfore. wbell your kiun c~'s I1rt: weak, , or~nll s.
or out of or ler, " O ll CUll understuIHI' how quickly your entire 'I.!ocly is 'nffected ' and .riUt·~ bo w b 'ery orgu.1l seems to fail to .do its .Jllty. • ' , If ),011 ,n rc sick or' .. fet:! badly,'" begin tnkillg the great kidney rCUlelly, Dr. Kihllc r'ij S wamp. Root, Uccause as 800n as )'lJur kitllieys lire well . they will , help 1111 th e other orgalls to health. A trial ",ill COil vince anyoue. ' . 'Jf YOllarc sick you call mlLke IIq mil- ,'11 tuke , by first !1OCtorillg );our kid 1e),8• • ' The Ulil<l ll llt.lllle cxlraordilllln' ,efTeet of Dr. Kilin cr's Swamp~Root, the great ' killn,e y remedy, i~ 800)1 rl:llihed, It 5tl\.I~ls the hi/{uest f,!1' its WOIII,lerfu~ cures 'oTthc 1II0 ~t distr"sslIIJ,: aud IS sold 011 ' its 11\...... 11 druggists ' • ailll oltc·dollar bollies. ¥on 111"y lllwc ". t;R'." ple boltle U..... oUI......t-_ by lIIa ,l free, 11180 a palllphlet telling )'ou hu\y lo lintl out ,if yo\, I!ave ki.d uey or bladder trl.lIIule. · Mellll.o u tIllS paper Wh"l1 wriliug lo TIr. Kl\mct '& Co .., Bing. hlllnton, N'. Y: , lJolI't make Bny mistake, but .re melllber the lIame, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's &wamp.Root, and the ad. ure88. Biushamton. N, Y., OD every bot\le.
ing '
"t h , e
1~···'I'H l~ (:lEAOiNG
.. "
:' \
this, com , ... . fIlunit,,V. · ,rJ'h(~ Mi II 1S '11 0 te() .for its Ii heral. 'in~\l'cHm~nfl!i a~d 'its -~()Q'I·teou8 .1ir.eatmen·t .to . i.tM customers.
8u~eelGfully Defend . Allillnat "'ilrilud er.
A pair of robins prov d too mucb
for a Dlllra utl ing Sllttlrrel III In.1epend· unco )'ester·\lay. Willi on a midair cruise be , suddenl y s topped as tbough &Qmelhl ng special bael attract· ed bill aU ntlon , and tbe n ho cjlme down tbe tree In a slow. unconce rned manner. "ho sccret was out When be shyly began Lhe a sc nt at anothe r oak. In the bra nches of ' yblch a pair or lbe rertbrea sts batl built th.)lr nest. Hla Uhle eyes g li s tenin g aDd bls wbole maIme r thnt of a t hief. be moved up tbe tree .trunk, nnd hncl al· most reachetl the lilli e bluo eggs In the nest when tho motller blrtl nnd h r mate snw him and fle w d,o wn from tbolr np'pcr pe roh. "bcy '''e re on Mr. . Squirrel In nn Instnnt, and the rur I fl cw whe n \hcl r bcq ks g()~ Into a cUon. I Tbo retreat. of the Sllul re- I was qui ok· ly effected . '1'he Watche rs wcre amused. , ' hen a second ti me tbo rob· ' ber ad vnnced. and was so /3 uccessf ul a8 to get o!:.e Of. th e ggs In bls pnws b fo re t he \Jlrds clime to tbe rescue. Th'! squirre l was nonplus spd, as he couldn't back dow n wltb thc ef>S \Vltb the blrd H pe~klng bl m, aud be was Ioatll to re)lnQul s.b bls hard·wo n pri ze. [ Hi s hosl tatlon was fa tal . thoug h. as the blrd ~ . with a concert d r ush. fair· Iy shoved him out of the nest .. a nd th e i robins foll owed hJm so qul ck l)- and rurlousl y tlull tbe egg was d :('JlP~ d I and smo shed on th o ground. Tbl! I s qui rrel th em r;a\'e IIIl his 1'lur lolnlng . ' exoeditl on.- Pllll nd lohlll R~col'd.
CASTORIA is a. harmless 'substitute for Oastor, Oil, Paregoric,' Drops ana Soothillg Syrups. It is pleasant. It oohtains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substa.nce. Its age is i~8 guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhma and Wind Oolio. It r~lieveB :Teething I Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the POO~, regulates the Stom.a.oh and :B~wels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The 'children's Panaoea-Tlul Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always ]ought, a.nd. which has been in use for over so years, has borne the signature ·of Ohas. H.·Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Jillow no one to deoeive you in this. All Oounterfeits, Imitations and" Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--'Experience against Experiment.
Lett er$ from Pro min ent Phy sici ans addr esse d to Chas. H. Fletcher~
W ha t ·is Ca sto ria .,
6uffere.. for a Long Time W ithout Relief-D octor Waa Afraid to TOUQh T hem-Cu red by Cutlcura ,
Promo\Cs Digcsliou\.Cbeerfulness and ReSI.Conlains neilher: Opium. Morphine norl>fineral.
"For II long time I suttered wl ~h sores on the hands which we re h· IDe'. pa inful nud dhingl'ee a ble. 1 had lhree tloctors. anel dArlved no benefi t rrom nny or them. One doelo r saltl be was ' afraid to lauch my 118nds, so
ll~~=~~~~=;~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~ I
Dr. F . Gerald Blattner . of Buffalo, N. Y., says: "Your Cas torla ill root! fur children and I frequently. 1Irescrlbe It, always obtaln l n~ the doslred r esulls." • Dr. Gustave A. Eisengr aaoor. of St. Paul, Minn., says : "I .have usee! :your Castorla repeated ly In my practice with cood r esults, and can reccm. mend It as an excellen t, mild and harmles s remedy tor cb.llclren ." Dr. E. J. Dennis, of St. Loult', Mo" says: "I bave used nnd prescrib ed' your Castorla In my sanitari um nnd ou tsltle practice for A number at yearl and find it to be an excellen t remedy tor children ." Dr: S. A. Duchann n, of PhHndel pbla. Pa., Says: "I havo used your ' Ca&torla In t.he case ot m y' own baby aDtl lind It pleasan t to take, and bave obtained excellen t nsulls from Its use." Dr. J . E. Simpson , of Chicago, Ill., says: "1 bave tisee! your Castorla III cases of colle In children nnd have found it the best medicin e ot Its kind on the marltet. " , Dr. R. E. Esklldso n, of Omaha, Neb., says: "I ~d your Castorla ttl 1te • standar d family remedy. It Is the beat thing for Intants and cblldren I have ever known nnd I recomm end It." , Dr. L. R. Robinso n, or ICansns City, Mo., 6IlYS: "Y~ur Castorla certalnl r, . hilS merit. Is not Its age. Its continue d use by mothers through all these years, and ' the many attempt s to Imitate It, Bumclent reccmme &daUon'l What C8t;1 a Physlcla n atld? Leave ' It to the mothers ." Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of New York Olty, says: "For several. years 1 recomm ended your Castorla' and IIhall always continue to do so, as It baa invariab ly produCold benefici al results." Dr. N. B. Sizer, or Brookly n, N. Y., says: "I object to wha.t are calle4 patent medicin es, where maker alone knows 'What Ingredie nts are puLlA them. but I know the formula of y.our Castarla ane! advise Its use,"
ybu mussa t kno how could anol ber bad they id I wnever ?o'e-re; be cllrcd; and the third said the SOl'S 'wel'c . Provlde uce ' s oms 1.0 hn1(e dec reed ment or nonin terferen ce a D11 ncuLI·sl· lon uue d hy ' the dl pplng cif my hands that 10 the progr S8 of 'the vllrloll8 ·Ily which bas OI~IY recently u e n ' In lhe water In th e dye-bou se where IJOrLlollH ()f 1:110 w st ern world tbere broken. This Is wbr 1'liII hilS puslle<l I wO rk. 1 s nw In th e pallers about shoultl be tIl '. well·de fi [)(u\ IlCriods - leasL [I half·d t [l ex(e nRloll s ot his the wond rrlll c ures ot Ule ullcura Lhe millera l. tb tl agrlClllw ral aDd th po rlhol·n·· lines clear to tile border, t Rem edies s nd Ilrocur d so me of · the comme rc ial. A'ped'ecl Remedy fOlrConsUpIl. 1\'hO rc they hS\'e \Jll n S UUl Ill rlly h\lll· I \1tlrura Soap a nel Cutlcnra Olntmea t. T h BIl have 't hus far foll n wed one ed. h4t where lh y hnve lion, Sour Slomnch.DiarrlKiea ary.> Lh.e l' In the breler nail, d I\U~ ' the Ill,!\e menac s lo HrlUslI I' llI ~ ln d 1' l n tln·c.e da.ys aUel' the a ll plication \,TQrms.Convulsions"feverishBUlli'enta 'y of ;t he C' uU cllra Ointmen t In'y Iiantls ALW AYS \\'1~dom of tho arl' ngeme nt b ames on Bri tish soli . ness nnd Loss OF SLEEP. . T be rlllhlleS . or the began to pe I and we re belt r. Thc UII[lit l' nt urter a mome nt's thollf;lll. C\l Dl merC.l a ~ "rlze, howe'Ve Si::gn;a.t u~re~o.£ ~_. r. blls 111'01'ed sorenes s disap peared. nnd they are P rovl\lcn '5 em "'-Iso to ha ve d creed too powerfu l /I te mll tnli011 a ntl thera now smooth a nd clcian. ana I am sll il tha t wh n ve r 't he p!'Ope r sQcJolot; lcal are now 1UIlliis ta ltllbio mome nt nrrlves fo r lhO' furthe r ,e x, the ne ut rallt)' tr Il ty Is ev l donc~s tha t ,working In lit e dye·hou se. M rs. A . .Fl.. ·at (lRnslon of 1I1e I'neo t ire gla<:!.ul dIlPOS' thai FIIlI al)d the Glunu no e nd , Ilnd M:w r 1'. 23~ O State · St., Chicago, 111., clla.n Pacific July 1. 1906:" Its ha ve rec ded 1I111llclonll) lo' pe~nl t IUI\'e bOgun II s\ l'IIggle . for tb e 1l0 0 ' s - - - -- - - of n ne w. minoral disco" I'Y s Ul I !lllar e In Drl tl8 h Columbi a. Hili IIi Grocer Waa Getting Even. fu rthe r west nlong th e . loglt.ltdln nl IlIIsllltlg his Grcat NOJ'l.hel' ll ex.le llslon8. "Tba t was tit ·for tnt with II' ven· IIn·s lipan I-:hlch develop ntQlll has Ill · ac r088 tho I)ord I' In overy d l·roctlo n. gca net:' said 'Wnltel' wn~i 8 uroc elletl. EXACT COpy OF' WIUIPP£R. III lhl !II uln ' fhe Ca nadian 'Pilclfl c's lomul/lll s t a ll rOil os of ·h l·lsUo. t h a u· ; n q UlllT I .be· 'fhll '.1'0 :have IIl1cJ the mille l'al hold un Vancou ve r b ~' an USf) ' all!lI nce WILli t weon two "~roncb chllulT U1'8. " It re..... eeNT,", __ ..... .,.1'7'7' .VIII.aT eTIIltn. . . . ,...".,.. IIe.rlod b t;ln Ihg n th IV st III 18.11. Oto' Grand Tru ul, Paclfio wh ich w lll mind. me of a groce r J used to know and In the uort)lw est thre!) ye.n rs la t r. lTect a 's horte r ro ule tban th al of lhe lti Pl\lut R Thi s g roce r w nt ove r a nililllnu Pacific across Cllnlldluo 'soli to tbe j weock. and .In Alaslla .. llbou t, a d ecad ~ .a go ier's one tl a.y to get a ne w With tbe construc tion of 0. rail road In to ' V~ncollver. Hili, has Hlch , Women Have Trouble .. also soC)ured crys tJl1 pul. on h ili wnlrb. Tbe laller FINEST TI;lOUT IN THE WORLD BDl1(.· A1'iON A£. lho a'llnanll valley, Alaskll Is nbo'llt 1:0 a maater's hold cin· Tlttl l((clI Lilat fushlona ble women man y of lIrlllsb as he Ollc:!d and cleaned the crystal I th HI h Bre too busy imd hnd too m uny biroi'll! th~ agl:lcu(~ ural - [Je~lod. of lhat Columb la's greal,e st minerai deposit s. sudde nly Oushcd. He bit" bls Ill' nntl .Found In 8 ma II S Inte r· tream 1\ e " g CO\lntry. I n the BrLUs11 norlhwe st the rn wbat on Importa Sierras, Says E~pe'rL ests to fcel aeute SOITOW over their n t light thIs la ,frown ed. l~ls bnnd tre mbled so tha l Th~ Orealut Boardlnll Colltg& In the World 'sgMClllltil1l1 period' WBS slow to foliow viewed by the fluaueln .brok eu crockery wus dl s prov ~d tbe l wor ld . waa be coultl bardly .go on willi his task. . the discover}' of minerai wealth. but shown In 't he- four weeks The flneat trollt In tlie world. soya oth e ~ dny when bet ween the FlmiU)', hnndlng' tbe watcll to tho gro· Dr. Barton St\lyveS ~Dt Flsb has now 'jjr3ceeCled 80 tar that 'tbe mlddlll' or lasl julY and ",V. I-; ve rmann of the bu. went Into the Mrs. the m!ddle of cel'. the jeweler said In a restrain ed rean prlncilla l dry goodll ommer." lal ""rlod. Indlc.a led by a ~ugust, when the knowilld at 6s herlell, Is to be found III a . • In Ne wport ge or filii 's voice: 'Deg with a Wend Who ." but dldn't 1 just "y . new nilneral ions In· B.-ltl ~b Co- sea you put pardou. a c;!ouple of rings aud a lltue stream b f I h e hi ~ h SI erras I ,hIt herto ' unheard -of' actlvlt1 In rail- 'Iumbln sent possess n stollPe,d to walch' a mnn who waa Gl'eat>" Nor(he rn railway 8carr~ln In you.r pocket?" NOT~E. DAME. INDIANA TOlld bulh;l lng, 18 well under way. With ."southe rn CnUrorl)la calle d Volcano .e1l1ng ccment for cut glass M d called lhe commer cial p'o rlod or British 00. stock up ~2 points In W, I'NIf~a,,'" h w _,,,',,11.' Owr lllia,." ' creek. l 'he troul Is nllnted the "golden . to Mr~. Fish: "Oh. he i'e I:. the market. ' .. e 'Sure cement "tlJy you did,' said the grocllr, trout." ,and In beauty o.r coloring tU,ti lI.r ,'uJ'NI. /J~;'flW IAt.ubl lumhla. the 'perlod In which nil three RelallaW m hns for cut glass whlcb IIOC U' i 1y mends beon be un boldly. ' \\"~ en you comll to my place 18 B.Udiq. 7S Pro(....,. 800 St.cI.... dilvelollmont peclodll . l)lend and bar. by th e C~allian -already pacl1lc. which ha. aren't you alwaY!l pultlng things In gamen e~s and delicacy of flavor It has It but makes It rlnc as' clearly as If Cp une. In Ancient a nti lIQ(J lrn un~(I" equal. _monlze for the greate.t «ood .of a since bou«lit an entry . . ~~~'rJil~~ -c.':'~E~;~'~~III.U!'n:~)I;~b.~·/n:\O 0 , It were new." mto lI e.lIlngha m 1o~ mouth!' H , • So rar ' as Ie 1(00",n. It e~:rJstB 'o nly "My servants I\Irs. Fish called b&ck : cOllntry. the UnIted Stat6!l Is deeilly and Is tllrenten lng Se. n H rI~r, Ate.blt tCl.u re, La .... , 8hol'ur.. nd . lIaok. br~ak l Itt1e In ... Ty pe..W JIU0fr, and ' . 0 muc Spoh or my' --~ i-. In this ' s·reUlll . wil ich Is abo'lt 20 glass now " . Intores. ted. Between Washln gt' on and kane with. roll road Foreign Born Men of.Fame. that It Is heartbre l\klng and • sr&cutu~~~al!liM,~t: ~~n. says , mil M.onlana , whlllh are unQuest tonably strugs Ie I~ t ",een t b e II\Va910n. ' Tljls es In len"t · II or .. Presi Ule 300.000 dent Roosev, tr they knew It were possl ble to ' Oanud lanS e ngn\;ed t wo greates t ra II . ~ . UNSI ...... TuU'o ••• n......,r' .... recft nl!\' I jle8tined to becomeT two ot t1ie greates t way it t h called 'h atte f ntion o f the bureau me nd It they would break b "h In bllslne~s or foll owi ng Il rnfessillulli n erests n ' e nor, .all.....111. rh. SlCrolo" lor C.eal It, all. 10 1 .... . fl Rherles to this unlqlle specime n. don'l care states In tbe u\1.lon. an.d bet ween a lit· tonnage. a ( t h 0 f u t lire P Ittor t eI r,tlc "llrSultB III the nlLed St.ntes mlloy of ~" for any. thank you." . ac C aue Ie" I .... or.'h was l wl(h tit tie C01:Ue r of Idaho. nn.d th domln n....·r It I81 r esu lt lh rit Dr. r II Eve::'lIla III nn hold wa~ promln" lIt posts. "Wbo:s Wbo s powe l' u Y liS' Ions or 1Ile-crowll 1:1 the northwe st. Is t ra t os th t In Amerll~" 1l1enlioD s 245 Canadia ns. S nt to CaU fornla lO st ud" Its itslJltli r II 0 t mIlD ..8 t I { . coy ' an Jmaglnl lry IInll. To the north of [lSUIl der b)' po Iitl cn I dl I I ry ng h at IlU Allowing one-elghUI of those born In and ell\' lronme nt and to see wh ther W [I nao , It Inl..-Il' tbls Une royalty and a crown d&m· ture Ii ~s In Se)181'a bl y Jv IB ons not ' Ile Grest itlt rod uced BrUnln Is wh er e. but !>rought up In pod ., • ' a nc d. He rellOrJs t hat tht1 trout Is In dan· . Innte while tei the soulh a great reo thet:otor e rig htl. y to b'1 ~ re.dltc d to nrltl ~ h Cniumbl ll, Is 110 ' solel.y 1 ger of extp.rrolJlsUon antl. th at fishing caM,ia. )lUblla lies. Insepal'nbly; joined by Jl 'rleh minerai the Dumbe r of Cllnatlln nii ho· stor(lliciu ·o. lts a J,rrlcul· com es 276. , or 2.3 fo r eve ry ~O. O OO In the lil t nm mus t be.., prohlbltE'.d by < . nn ture ItaeU, it . woUld seem thnt these tUI'DI products . Its fl'lIlt.: tVfo .cqpiltr IC.s carinol rore ller bo ke pt tlU8lrY, . II.R IIshe rles nnd Its lun bor, hi' Canadla mi h. tbe nlted Sta tes. '\Vllh th e s tate of Ca Hrornla ror three yeartl Its ,;arfed In· thl; DIn ), be com pared the l'lrltlsh fete If th . aslloder · by political ,01'. national dl· dllstrlew . ure attrac ti ng ,nhllost 20.000 :POt 10.000 of 2.2, thnt ,of, 2..1 for th e malill t ront Is to be saved. Dr. Ever· blls O,lBO recornrnendeel lhat tho visions. · . , ~ ~tlers anl\1I3l1y. Jls P9Sslbll lt\ca are 11)'utoll. tbet at :6 ror S"I'edes, and \Jure3ll or fi sheries unde rtake lhe ar· Oet do:'!'n your DllIll nntl 'note the s ~lIrcely second to those o~ ,tho Pllcl fle 'j thllt ot .9 tor nntlve Am erlcane ' (black ~Igh t. llne s or rallwny which lIave been 1I0~thw e8 t. UtlClal Ilropagii tlon ot tbe 'trout and wi th ch It Is· so closely •. d hit) r 1.9 for QaUye white ' cO-(lperfite wi th lbe state of Californ ' }I'!8bcd froOi the thrce states across IInlced . Thlnlc o rwbl ia nn c mplre with ga tew , e , In tra ns plnllng It to a numbe r of bar· , this line Into the rich s toreholl ses 01 ""B.yS to the shortes t orle~tal routes ~merlcans_ . __ . rell strea ms ' that can lie ' easily ~. tlJe BrlUah r/orlhw est. antl see tile balt with 180.000 square miles of tel'ritory A WINNiNG STAF:T. reacb <:d.-Nutlou ul Geogrnll h lc Malia· dozen .Djore , lines wbloh are under rich In , scenery. ~Ilmate anll res ources ... ". .. zlne. . con~t~uctlon or .. raj cl~ Ju,to Canntll· beyone\ f,ompare! TI~ln~ of thIs ter~I . . A. Perfectl y Digested Breakfa at Ma'ea an terrltol'Y. '!'ioto, further. snother tory whIch Is three times prell'c-h- fr-o-m- A- u- t-o-m-Ob,lIe .. . n ~ large as , . tant or an America n rail line akh'Ung the United Kingdom ' a porllon . • lin tlln of wlliob ... Nerve 01 Foree .for the Dar· " . ', A no,el Ii methotl or l>~qnCI .s ' the most ploturesCJQo .eashor e on the conttols Itl Tbl k or . ' ., Kospel w6 recently tried this empire .IlY I.n FrauC4! - .. 'Ith tiki , PacifiC until It reacbes .t he mo'trol/Olls t,he P~lflc, w~lch I. Pastor Delat. l~ times as large Ever-y~hlng goes ,wrong If the bre·a k·, ~e fr~~ of Vancou ver. Watch this America n as N,ovla Scotia•. H tI ;:a!.~c ~~:fo~m ed eburch) , es as large as ., fllst II~II In your stomacb. like a mud '1 any with Pastor Sulnton of lI.n,e as' 'It Is p\l8hlll& 1 ,ts , ., a,./' ~tlll .l\iew . Br/lnsw lek, !,h1C.h You' CANNO T exceeils 01).. pl~.. Wbat yoU Emt does hllfm lr you t~e c~~plist church, -In' pari •• V)sited furtber . .no~th to a.n· ~ltlm~te (lon,n e,c- t,,-rlo, and ,whlcb Is alInn8! twlcl! at can ~ dlg'es~ I~-It turns to poh on. '. with a~ automob ile . the de)lartm enta t!on with Ca,nnd~. '1. n~"'1 1 tra~8confl· lar~e 8J j the ~reat stale nental rand at Por~ ,simpson . Nore ,which In turn baB mote of Qragon· l. i ;\. hrlght lady,t~ach~r found Oils to of' Loire Rhone .. Aller ' Saone' et Loire, tban . ' ' 1 0.000 , '. be true even ' of . an ordlnal'Y light • "1' " a1so the · fact that this ~merlcnn line ' f N .~ . " • sQuarll m II118 1"" .. excess o . a rau us a r a'bau. t "" 0 m"11es. ew Jar. k j breakfa st · or eggs and toast. lsi , weilglng Its way 'sUII further . north' and Pel\n~Yl Sbe within D I It '. "D '1 n vanla comlline dl . Think says: . . . . Pastor e attre ;r e8 . to reach ' the Alnl;lrlcan ")IOSSe88Ions In of tbls grcnt empire wUh UI t n:l~r It!! Unllmlted.j "Two real's ago 1 clntract (ld a very Iy two al11nftaJ rate4IndCi&ta{rhalcoDo . . months. ' Aluka. and th~1) 'Aa~ •. 'f .fO\1 wl.n,. that a,.d ~,ndeveloped " r~sOurce _. dltions oflled,u1ce tbe mucous memurill\e such u s. : ~ut ~I\h I anno,ln g form of Irid,l gestion. 1'.11. we ~uve been ro~ our au 0:0 the, r.""--- :"-'-"T~' all Ie . to prea fair the ,one 80.11 should !)al'lr.~IIY 'I!li 8,rlt- a po.putat.l~n . Bca~qIY nualca tarrb,u terlno" tarrb "aleel 0 · mor~ than 29. ;...• ~OihllC1h · was hI s. u ch a ~oDdltion that. ~o:~e~l~iri:~O::t ~:~:~!~:f ir'l iet. lah and the olhe r Amerlcn n. ~=~'1l tt1'.~~I!! molltb by feminin e lilli, BOa:-" tbroat, lOre 0.00. Jea~ than I.hal.f .th.e Jlopul~tlon .of a ahupl • • breakfa st • . 0.;,. ..... _..:.. . . . . _ . . ' of' fruit, toast and, ,a dr. JU or IDtl.~e4 eyu by sImply d ' ri. egen 'h la 0 thlbly pop" IIated I tl a 2 SIlO 'conles lIe,r eto(ore_ .Brl,,~1t $.. CC)ljlmb '. , , ~""'# .....,.. '.' . . ln ' ~a8 . ""r . ' wbl .• . dosing the stomach . nn se ng no ,: .8 eSB 1 1 1. , .. egg pI'e me great,.dl~t~es~. . ' b'een note~ ' mostl ~ as .tiie n\lnC)rnl tb~( one. !angulsh es ~Itb ' llf tbe ' New lJ'estam ent.l • . l,on~somene"l "I wU9 , sI9\v to .believe tb'!ot trouble , storQbo use of . Can~4n.. H!l1>TOtl\lc(lon between hfll)ltatlofls. BOO"... . ... "'.. . JtI!tIng. A pcrrootrew . aff~Ctlon . ,. _ s by.local could (·ome treatmen t With • ' from allcb a 8\mllle diet To Launder of nearly '260.000,00,0 of mlne~1I1 Hardang er EmbrOidery, British eoluptb la ' C9nt!~ued to b,~ ' a hut finallY r bad , ~ give, ec!If It lln, Ol'~N and . ~he pop~ln~ b~rdnnic r emb\,?idcry Ielun. wealth since 1852 entities It to , this \lrown oolony untll 1811. = ·. PUtl lie Antiseptics wben Itl{ com.· found a :gn\at change upon a> cup of jcle"r be.autJful ly,. \f.,onl! 1<I~ow~ )Ullt how. to C redit' . In tills producti on , too Amer· mandln l position , upon the Pacific Olated wlilchd,estroys'the disease germl,ch e<:u aud 'hot P'lslum . ' ' and • ' Grane.N utli . ' wIth do It. Whether 'Y0~ked In Cj)tton o~ .llk, . '\'oDIIIe. PIln!D ttiiD8Ide; discharg es, atops pain, and heall lite Ican capital bas', of la ~e t;1'ken.- per.· the moa\llng _ . " . do not fllb, but dip up ond doWll Dna ,of Its geograp hy begall to crea>;., for my,. .mornin g meal. F~r .queeie '. lh apa. 't be most Imi\ortl\llt part. <Wl!efe pene~rllte ·tlle 'Cranic.1D in war~ IVory Soap lUcia untU e;:== ==-- -',TORPID UVBa. '1'I!e1J InBammation and 8or.eness. lS o~ Canadla ' morti thlui a ' year I ha:ve ~eld to thl8 ~)con. To dry, ",read between coal'''' npIaIeU te Boweta. ~V~ . . DrIU.h ·crapltl\-l bas been Umld. Amerl· stMeBme!l and Jt, was Paxtillfl represen ts ,the mosfluc ceuful can mQney an.d ell "~i>rI8'e Sav\! ta\ien the eanadia o common will corned Into cou"" and 1lave .nO~ sulfered except towel. nnli roll tbem UJl. 1ron between SIWl II.. Slib I , DOS£. SW " PIli'£' local treatmen t· for lemIDI•• Ills ever .wealth. . ·rt~ ~ ., lit prodllced. Thou~and. of women b9\d Bnd by Bpenll(ng fortunes In ex- year .the t.otaI'wh ite p.()pulallQ In. thilt ' when luJudlct ously 'va1')'lng my diet. c10tbs nearl~f?" then pre!!,! 0)1 .the teatilJ II ,dld not I "1 bavo been a teacher for sllveral ",rODi uptll lnlinl M B _ to this fact. 50 cents at drug&,i.tI. · . Side. EL' NOR R. PARKE R. Jlon..tort dlg.rngs. . b(\'e. dlf·t elop,"" fa· 'ex,c eed I.OO~ a~d. th4t ,nUra' populat ion' years anlnl'lId itbiLt r~~""1 US! .ear . my easily: dJleBt,ed mous mllle~a'i csmps ollt ·· of a,lmost · 2\l.OOO. and It wall not Laid Out L:lke Clleaker. Baird. Send Free Trial 'Boa unUI 188&. that breakfa st meane a lIavlng at 'nervou8 The collntl'7 In whlch the larp' abandon ed . districts . Tho hand ot the ftrst train reached 1fo~ fo~ tb tllI'tlre day. My pin ftIS '["Ir~and • . c;o.. tnlclt. qJ towns are moat "nearly edill-dVstant I. Amerlcl;ln ' capital 'and gel\lua la as In· In 11173 tbe Imports w:ere only 'l! t090~. · ten pounds In weight !lisa causes '010 Holland . ~ell\lly Btam'petl IIpon the' p~grese ~f 000, te~ 1efta latel' tbey They are at an ayer'age dl. were Only· n~ I,~O 1fllnt· to teltHy ito the vallie 01 tan~ :of IJrltlah Columb ia as It tB upon that ~f 000.000 Irealer and' In 21) mll,,' from one lU\.otbll~. IUUII 'U'ITITUTl~ 189S they ' bac! Gf'ape-N~tB. ' " Old M~ltleo; . . , . • reached '.000,00 0. and ten years latet ' , "Ora~Nllta bolda .IIrst rank at .our It may be tme tbllt an 111811 are So mail lDl' ~bl. ~Ilene. t,Jaat ~' more UWa trebilld. willie the _I table." . . . ' . .. tqola. buJ are not remlllcIed or rall)'Oad ' . . ta . rep~.elJte4 bY -~""' ~. tl bad riND from 000 000 to !!!I Rame itV8ll 111 P.-.lltt1lll Co., Battle It 10 .0fteD J a~e •.. t. HlIl and tba ganadll n rail· por . ther · remala IIIlIle. . Cftl8~ "Icb. , "" IOU!rftt I relJrel8n ted b1 tbe C,,· nearly 'l'7,WG,OOO durll\& " .~ l81li8 ~'• • JUI'IlI." RIIId the Dluel ' LDU ol pGop,le lId.aii l'aoIIo' .tared IIllo All..,. .. perIod. : .:"ould ~ towrilew or4aton SONG. book, "TIle Jtoacl r. 'WtUfIll.... .. 1t4 01 their _perln ee be . fill'
.I3eara the
#~ The Kind You Have Always Bought In
For .Over ·30 · Year s;-
University of 'Notre Dam e
e . t! · ARTE '
S'101 H'D. DADHE as C ,_'8
, IYER :::.:::r.:r.t""'"...::; . 18 .
. • ' ~oirt.b.
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'INt .
'ga .
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IJatJ ,al" tor It.
WII''· ERn=·e:~=r.-.=· .
•• Illlatftl l._
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C U R.E ~I, "_,~.b"" Jolie t
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.....II.J..J..J~..J..J..J..J;.J~..J..J>J>,J..J~..J..J~ Is the Right Side of the Road Right?
.!L___. ~
not neglect the Ch ildren 's
at Battnbattt's'
~ Exclusi,,~ Sbo~
,~,.,~~,.,,.,-,., ~~~~ Miss Ella McComas mar- David Underwood ried to Mr. John Beach. Called to theOreat 'Beyond
'Setb Cook OOIllOil to thle Gazette with a qllt'ry re hatin g t,p the rights of person!! , drh'lng on the toad, whloh we pass up to' reudfl rs of the paper to doolue. He wants to know if t,Jlllr e is any rille as to whlcll sid If MIl'! road I~ team shuuld tllllA In llllRSing fluot,h . er, th~t Is in gl)ing uround! anotb er. of OOlUSA when (laming fr om oppo , ' s cac)1 k e ps t('l th Sl' t e dl ractlon right. . H e puts f art I1 t "... lt' proposition ; uppose two bugKies lire going along a narrow r ond , The pllrti, in the r ear buggy desi res tu l>RIIS the one • ill front, who is holding to the rjgbt f th 0 e roo d , t.h e mlLn in the rear turns to the left Rnd in doing so I ' . lere 18 1\ pOSSibIlity he may come III oontact with some onl~ coming from the other dil1Botion. Now, tlten, le tbe man frow the lI'ear via· ltltlng the h.w in taking the ieft Id t tb d sea e r oa . There seoms to be considerable difference of opinion regarding tbe lllw on the snbject accordiilg to Mr. k If th ."1 0 0. ere 18 a avv cover· illg the point, who can givu It'?
when other medicines have failed to cure your . ~ Kidney trou~le; But try a bottle,-of:-
te of . , )hlo, Ilt t Ill ' olose of bU>lin s,
At \VU rllHw ille, i n . t h e
S EP'j' EM BEl:l d, HIOG.
RE 0 l1RCE8. 1,0,,"" nn" !I 1~cou nt. O\·,·nlraft, . • erll~fl·1I.1~ unsecured, . ~ . Iwnd. to $ • '11 r,' elreulOlll, II II()IlIb.•cr urhl •• • ~t ". Iln ll ~ 1U 1: hou.".
1)71 .U :;U.UUV Oil IO:J.·lU600
' ,IUIU 00 lJue from nl'l'rov cd rj!sen e 31; t" 2 7.27 7 &S be r ks nnd nlb 'r cnoh Itc ll1 ~ lUI ;!3 :-IOlc. of u~her /'Inttonalllnnkfi ,;ao 00 1"raC ll ol,nl pal,e r curreucy. nickel. ~ u (1 ents ,,~ :IG I~AWFC ' . M Ol's" HV.'RU I·F. II< llAI<K . '·Ir. : SllCcle , tll 7 ~o i. '~al-Lcndcr nole• .j . ~d~ 00
It is compounded of some of the best roots, herbs,. barks and berries known to medical science in the treatment of the various disorders ·of the-Kidneys and Liver.
50c and ··$LOO Bottles AT
Oil vir) uderwOOd. a well known MoComas. of Drug Store. of t his vioinity for mllny ~' rnnk l ln. ond Mr, ,l ohn Willillll.l yellri'. died at his home near Har. 1:!, 3711 70 Hoach, of Masllie to\vDsll lp werl' Ite.!ellll,tlon fUOIl w illi U . . lrCllO' , urer (5 p . e, of clrc\tlaUnn) !!,oOO 00 V YRburg I\t nn early hour Monday. Waynesville, Ohio. llIarrled Thursday , Soptenlber (j morning. Mr. U nderwood had been a H,r,O I uO I \lOti. lit the h ome of th e bride by In flliling bealth for Bome ti.:ne. '1' 'I'AL th .. Ru . Mr. Wanes. Eight children survive him all of LIA.BILITlES : ? Mil!ll McComul\ is daughter of the whow nrrlveu hOWl? In reflponse to . Itl ta Thomu8 McC mas , of Waynes. Capital . Iock paid In $50 ,000 UO Well Worth 'l'rying. -1'lln IID(1 "rRdtla.~ of 'thls 80h ool. the news of their father 's illness' ' urplu fuo<l - ;:r.,OOO 00 . "~ n ", '" th J ' U Dlllvhl ~d pro,llH. le88 eX\lCn8e8. . 'W. H. Brown, the popul!'r peD 'I'he " room Is 1\ farmer, and hli s ey are ; • ohn U nd Arwood, of :lI1d t~xe. 11:1111 T l ~II& 'v elon atto!,ney, of Pittsfield. V . t., 8I\.y8 .. l)UrcbllBtid the Harrison Wh. eat $ln, II linoie i 6eorgeT. Under. N:ltlol'al rl'OOntly • U~"k ItOlM oUlRtalHlln g :ili:uoo 00 "Next to- a pension, the hest thing . wood of 01 fi Id P l ' Dh' hlcml~ un"ula KO 00 to get Is Dr. King's New Life PHIl! : The Renoh homestetad in Massie town. ' ear e , ennsy vanIa i Duo In "Ihpr ro;"Uounl od f D W 1 Iltllik K.OOO 0.0 ) Be wrlte8; "t~ey keep my family Tono U d whlI>. r n erwo 0 ayton ; 8. • i I did h I"b II Q I k 'rh f II . ter Underwood. of neur Dayton ', Jn~h' ld ual dep<!~11.S .1 n sp en ea • . u c oure for . r. a OWlD" gues, til were prOl!ent subject to ch",, ~ , ~O~.OIIti O. ~ . Headaobe, Oonstlpation and 81l1ous· Z I M MER M A-N ' S ~ Mrs Ann 0 bo d h "'--d f • • Demand c t!rUflGnt ~8 J '" n t t.he j oyous oooaalon; Joseph . IL g rn an usuou, a of depo It " . 1126 It , ·111.G: U 1I n8118. 250, GuaraDteed at..,. C. t;Ch· gVflnll And wife, Mrs. Natba.n Smith Dayt on i Mrs. 0, Val Bims. of As a dressing for sores, bruises - - - wartz drug store. Spring Valley ' MI88 Laura U nder and burna Chamberlain 's ~al"e is 'l'O·tAL. ;) ~,601 ~o - - -- - - Every thin.. in the Groeel'7 Wilhur EVl\ns at Waynesville; all that oan be desired. h 1.8 sooth. . What Ails ~he Watch? Wl11illnl Walters IUld wife, Mrs. wood anu Charles Underwood, who Illg and hMling in its effec>t. U al STAn IV 01110 . COUNT., or WARIIIIN,!IlI : V,.I\ ·OI mp. Mrs. Marohant, Mrs . live at the parental home. luya tbe paID of 1\ burn allrnost in . w . II. ALLEN Prestaunt of the abll,e We have heard many good ator 14,, 1116 PIlul, MI!18 FrAncis Plrerman, Funeral servl<:,$' will be held t his. 1:Itantly. This salve is a.lso '" certsJn nllmed bank. do •.,Iemnly 8wenr tbat ios about love·siok maidens, bot n Wednesday ofternoon Friends onre for ohtlpped bands and dlseas. the above 8tate ment 10 true lO lne beRt of ~ ' " PAtterson 0 "oh .. . be lief. here ie about the limit,. We will ,. r . , ,eorge 0 auer ill . t t,R es of tbe skin . Price 250 . :lror sale my knowledge w. 30<1 R. ALLEN. President, n n,1 wife, Rall Drusagh and. wife w . mae a thEl home at one o'olock b F C Soh FREsH FRUIts and VEGE"lao vouoh for the troth of the fol· Subscribed anll sworn to before me lbJ~ MiAA Kote Jordon , Miss Lilia King, and services will be held at the Or. Y . . wartz. TABLES. • Htll day of September. 10011. lowing , A cer\ain young lady' of 1. E. L'P:),S. N OTARY POULIO. MiM Llda Springs, Mrs. William thodox. Friends ohuroh in Waynes. Condition of the our town who entertalnod her gen · ville at three a 'olOOk. Hi&'best Pnc:e P!,id lor Warren County . OhIo. tleman friend one night thie week, -Robinson, Mrs. Fred Strings and The followlnt: o'bituary of tbe Weather for the 'Week. COII KJ!CT-ALteRt : daughter, Mre . Mattie Moon, Mr. 0 . 0 E. RH•..,. " beoame' so uoited thd IIhe forgot B~tter and Mrs. Oeorge Bacon, Joseph deceased was prepared by a relative ; EJ)ITOR Oil: MU.MI OAZET'l'E; J . w. WIlI TF. Dlrp..:lOrs . . · to wind her walch. The next day. David W . Underwood was born J . B. J'IlNOB h f . f 11 h Woodward and wife, Misses Eliza For publication in your papeE: I '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ w enl • tar many o.t e .. "khigs We ar!! payin&, . ., MagR'e and Julia McComas Qf in Cen t re Co unty, State of, Pennayl. fnrn~h herewith record of meteor. Notice of Ap ._ polntmeiJt. and poudiDgS by ~h'e YOUI lady FraDklln; Mrs. Keighly and chil. vania, g~h mODth, 12th , 18"1, died oJogiClll obeervat!ons bken by the ' ____ . the watoh refulled to run, ,she took. dren · of ' Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. at his Ia.te home near Harveysburg, undersigned' !lfI a oooperativ . e ob. ,Es l &1O 01 oe". T . O'Neall. deeelUGd. it to t~e jeweler. The jeweler Perry HaiDes of ~pringboro i Mrs. Warren C,OUDty, OhiO, 10 month, -rbe undersigned bas beea appoloLed-aod wound aDd set lljv watch and re Sarah Zeller, of Ne.well, Kentuoky. server 0 f th e, W eat h er B ureau ot qualJUea all exeout.or or the. Estate of 000. JAst Sunday a ooJIl~ny of near 10th, 11106, • the U . S. Otlpartment ot Agrionl. T • O' ~"RII , lato 01 W"l'1'IlD coulI~j. OblO; turned it to the owner in u good neighbors and olose relatives were His early life was spent with bis tore during the week ending Sept. ~~a'\":'lbla IHb da), of september ·'A. D. condition as it ever present .& a dinner party at the parents on a farm at the place of 10, 1906. at Waynesville 01110 , 1906 . Never complain of tbe jewler 11 The 'BEST GOODS home of. tbe yOUD~ oouple, but IOn his birth. In 12th month, . 26th, UAKRIET E . O·N.,l"t.. Ellooutor. tcb . , Very respectfully, your wa i. not runDlng the day aoooun~of the serious Illness of the 1863, he W811 united in marriage The LOWEST PRICES <"'JUs. E. MIOnIl:NICIt. following atter 'Y011 h"ve f''\ter· groom B motbllr, the party was ith Va li H Wh' \ained a frieDd. , The' Bred~of Life. small. W roo ne. , ippe, the cere·· It's a signifioant faot that tbe • _ • mony bemg performed at Port . ... strongest animal of ita aiae, the gor. Tobacco Shed Collapsed. Matilda, PenDsylvania. After a ~ '"' illa. IIolso has the largestlungl. Pow· • - • short time they established a home erful 'IDDgII means pOwerful oreat . G.iven up CO Die: I The Beokett 8I'0Il. who live on the near Unionville, Pennsylvania, 4D nres. Ho,," to keep the breathing B. ~piegel, 120!l N. Virginia 8t." orga~ rlgh t' llhonl!l be ml!>n'8 ollief· Evanl'ville, Ind I writes; "For over Levi KeUy farm near COrwin had where tbey beoame loyal members ~ ost study, Like thousands of others five yean I was tr011l1led wltb kid. tl It.D experience with • pole tobaooo of Centre Monthly Meeting of ' lIq~pe~tmq MTB. Ora Stepbena, of' i»ort Will· ney and bladder affection" .w hloh shed lut ' week whlob they hope ,rrlends. Thill union W811 produo. pa1l 119qoUJ lam. 0 .• h88 learned how to do caused me muoh pain and worry. will no' be repeated, tlve of a b~ppy and harmonious tit 'n1lJI;IIVR thts Sbe wrlte8:· "Three .bottie. 9f I lost fi~h and W8II all run down. \1 - -- - -- - -·· They hid. lUlt finianeClDiiftpu - iDg up family of nine ohtldren, all of wbom .... qj Dr. KiDg'B New Di800very Btopped an a yElltr ago had to abandon work Z I M MER MAN '" S to 1.0 cD 0 O C'l0 my cough of two years and oured entirely. I had threa af the best ' aboue two thousand raila'of tobaooo are , I iving and grown to manhood '~9a<li!'(1'1 .,..,. '" '" <D "" <D me of what 'my fdendll thought con· physioians who did me no good and of course when the weiRht of the orop caused ~nd womanhood, · with the excep- ~ _ _ __ - - - -.-- - - - 8umptlon, 0 It's grlUld for throat I was practiClllly given up to die. it to fall tiOij of one, Hanooh, who died in ~ and lung t.roubles .. GuaranCOed by Foley's Kidney Cnre W8.11 riloQm . '~89q8IB I.e t: ~ iii: ~ ~ ;~ .The M;'rs, Beckett bad jQ8t drlv. infanoy. , Three 80n8 and Cwo daugh F C, Seh wartz dfuggiat. ~ended and the tlrat bottle gave"me . ' ~ gr_t . reUet, and after taking the ~ be' '., .. en out of ebe sh8d with their team ters, George, John. Tonor, Alice and ~ second bottle X:was entirely cured ." wlien tile aootdent ooourred. Anna, liave estabbshed their own . F .' C . Schwartz Cut... Colda, eroupuIJ :w~a.CuuI'" OmiiCoIda, Crou ....s Wb Thay managed to save th& most hometl, while Charles, Walter Bnd of the orop, but it was of cour-e oon. Laura ara still living at home, eiderably injured. In the fall of 1879 · he, with hia , In adlJition the ' delay whiob the faD;lily, CIlme to Ohio and hved in apoIdent oaWled came at a very in. the' vioinlty of Wayn8llville a.nd . , ' . ' . ' • " ~ ::. . " . I convenient time for them. Harveysburg. Our beloved one early 'learned the art.of self·denial . and 8aorlfioe aDd i.n ministering 'to Splendid Ser.... on their wants WB-S ever forgetful of by Or. Holm~s. self and always ready to make any DOW , . Those in attendance last Fin'-day sacrifice. This waa exempUfied in ~ptember 9th at the' White Briok the last fe~ days, when, after a lifE' Meet.lng house were greatly edified of toil in behalf of bls loved ones, Iia well as muoh pleaaecl wilh the he lay on his bed of siokness aDd othe~ advertisement~ wi~l ace~vt~d ~ , . . , ~e, Iogillal, .lOholarly addreu there ' suffering and ,barely able to 'speak, . . ( delivered by Doctor J. Holmes he Raid, "I hope tbe' others won't Proftlllllor ~f the Hi8torY of Rengio~ hll ve to suffer as 1 have ... and P~~ lceop)Jy, at Swarthmore The last moments on~islife were College.· very peaceful. Ood meroifully al· The laz:ge audience listened wltb layed tbe ~ufferlng, and the las' profc,lDnd attention for nearly an words thl\t passed hts Ups. were, bour to the MrD?On IIond oouoluuing "My troublOl! are all over now. " In prayer. 110, few moments he ceased to breathe to · It was ~deed a privilege to have and another 80ul bad gone to a mer· with iia a man of trainlld mlnd, ~th ited and muoh needed rest. . . hroad views, plealling deUvery .\lnd 'rhose that are left .behlnd 'glorY . ~hpwwhat th~ lov!' ot hla fellowmen . ' in his ·t riumph, and .have the full assurance that he watt ' carried nnto ~~ve~t.isements, .r ., i . J~ bis own by the lc., arms of the . Local 'l1orsem en take com~'ti.nhY . Premf,u ms 'atDayton " Father of us all. II • Our departed loved one Is sur. Local . bor~ 'did well at the viyed by a wife, elKht children, ODe Ollvton fair last wee~ and succeeded brotber and one sillter. in bringiDg home several premiums. W . O. OU8tl'n wo'n first Urem'l ' '11 s I 0 ell.d . .. : um J • 1/ n.eIIyO'N ea on his roadster teame, he also Seour. ~ ed the lI8Cond premluJD on the gen. J. Kelly O'Neall, of Leban~n, 'well f,)e~en's · ranay turD out drive~ 1>Y known throughout Warren. €ounty him; he'9Aptured premium. on gen. died saturdll.Y. Mr. O'Iiteall waa eral purpose ~ldlDg and first- pre more than 80 years old and woo. 'he " . " .... 1 \ , ',Dlumon three' year old mare. IMtwein ~r of hiB family; his brot~ ; adve~ti.sing . op'PQriunity'~ ' l~cal C. H. Surface 8OO1'ed (irst·. on Pur. er 0 : T, O'Neall, near WaynesvtJle, cell, and also 800ured the sweep· ha..vlng prOOeded him' to the great editio~ Htakes 'on the 's ame horse. He. waa beyond by only a few weeks .. uwarded second p~mium on lady'S ' Mr. O'Neall ·W811 a prominent adde~ :w~ight fllncy tourmout, and go~ the sweep. M~son and a delegation. of Knights ad~ertising~ etaktj8 ,on his general purPose mar!), Templars from Lebanon aooompan. He got flrat preQ1ium on 'his' 3 year IUd fr~ends and numbers of the tam· old s&allion aDd won the sweep. il;r t() Waynesville ~onday after. atakea with Harry FaroeU in the noon wllere barial servi088 were -. roadtte~ olaae, held at Miami Cemetery, At iSI! Ella I re ul!
Store~~~ Goods
Ncw goods Every
and Eggs
20 cents For Eggs
e B
h C am ria," s Coun Remad,
. Chamberlain's Cou
. . . . .O I & T I T .' I T T .
The G:il.zette will accept a 'limitad amount of advertising in its SpeCIal Souvenir number ,under way:' This :ftdyertising will be .t he form of writeups,and no medicinal or opjectional be ... _ ': . .
We do ,want','all of:our L'o cal Me.r~ chants represented-. ." .
,The' publishers' 'o f the paper are going to '~beavy . expen~e issti~ this ." :.~ edi~ion ~nd we- want to. :m~ke :it re.prese~tf:lt.iv,e of the c().m·~unity~· T~ere ';' .. is n() bette:rwa,y 'to town, an(t vicil!iiy represent 'in a," busi- ' . ... n:e ssway than" by live from ' the business'people 0 otJler advertising': a me'rchan't ' min d'o will help .' hilJJ' ,or" ,h elp the ' as. ' . . . ·m uch as this'"
' .
. . . .
I,t is' the g'reatestthe ,p.d,lic. "haH e'y er had. The'· will hQ . strictly high class' and '. un advertisement wiIl" carry .for this ', reason. Anyone haviilg an)· w'o rth should 'not fail to be in.this. ' ...
Vell , S,L\'I . WH.O.L E NUMB ER 21DO
Stepp ed on a
Nail and is Dead.
Home from Mack inac.
Promin ent New Burling ton Citizen Sl'e the new leutbrf post cl\rd~ III Meets Veath from Blood Pojl'lon ing I{utbe r l m! Alt)l(lln der·s. ?II W 0 C1 dl ' I' Oaytll n ,('II" vi \1'''''1 uf ~ew Burllul (ton r !\" . or.ll),f <> is Il J{ueMt, lit t,h, lIlt1 hom 'l.'b om iul til sIId ly berllft. of oUt< \If h Hr o ld,,~t ZIlII t.his wllek . IUlll mo~t h UDur. lIhl e llitiY.eutI, ,John IT S 4 t ' 00 C N l:I nnry 'ulvill. . . se 0 w~r z s rll ure. one 1)11 'l'lillr.. dIlY of Illilt week •. while behor. Moiled to IIny IIddress on rloiu g HOIlltl ol1rpent er work (Ill the' r eol' I,) t 0 f l, "~ olln t·R. {lIrlll nf tho Into E. 11. WI\lton , he Nnr Brown bOil bnen ~offertog ' . \ 'Tb IS reo ste lJllecl liD Il rus "t,y 11111. sever e Iy tlIe p us t well k t r OUl 0 . 1 11 .1 I HnlWll In 1I11l0l1 lloisoni ng IInu e wonnl1 in hi 8 f oot caueeu ,y stell' tmlTll r;"I ' iutem1e ly until MoodilY l)ing on a nllii. eyenlng . A sIJoolah st,: Qr. HUllt, of T1lA Llt.erar y Will be 11eld lit the ., urlc\ }, "~ /\(1 " Ilome 0 f M ... .0 I, um IIUK, WIIIl sen t for •• r . lin d M' r s, F ran k B 01·. vltlllt1uu operlltlOlI . 'fhe 11mb WIlS l ller 8I\tnrl111;Y nig ht- I:lep te mbe r 2~, smllUUttetl ' just. below the hip lind '1 1906, t:o rne one uOlI' /\11 . . , 11 It,ll u"h . TnJr.NA ConNEL l,. Seoy. " h e rlilli0(1 pe rfeotly. dellth l followe d II bout mi(\nlg ht,. . Mrs . Bonjom in Mills nnd 80n RIlY Fllr many y.ellrs be b(\ 8 boen Inl of Corwin expeot to Iell va t his e v tho 1lI111ertnklug buelnA$s nnel IA: oning for ' SouUl ern alld . Wester o . Wide ly known . He lIerved durlng : lndillnl 1whoro t h ey will villltllm ong "~'llr I'n t,ho Sooonu Ohio tll n~ ('\yll < re Ia't ves l ' ""lVY Art.llidr y . t\ o W. I I!! I~ m em l:l R f t\ !Jer of lIlfl MlIsn nio lodge "illlll prom . Mis!!! .IDl!lle e llllon . 0 tlrveys , bur ... WI1S tbA g U OHt of ber re ilitives Illellt 1ll1' lIlbIH' of tho -M. E. c huroh . ., B o Wil t! 67 'ye~rH . uld ••Hid le".v"~ /I, Mr. 111111 Mr l! Frllnk Squlr8!l fr om ' TllursllllY un til nmlllY of Instwee k . wite allll UII O dllu~hl C:l r. M rs . N " 11 IE) Mr ERrl Hooket t. of Hllrvey "bnr g, Lllokey , • . li'UUI!rliisorvlcell \..,ilI bo uonduo ted nl!lo "pent tl nndllY wi th them . at tbe MaLllndl ..t · ohuroh ~t New A n e w lot of lellth er post 01lr6s, HlIrllll ~ tullllt a lit) u'olook ~fhurl!da, y., photo ru oks for hoTding ou.rds or 11botllll, oom iQ ollrdH /ll1d !louven ir
0, ... ""
EIU., Ai,
00",,, <I,,,, w."
M, . • h Mrs J , E, J llnnoy . Mr . lind Mrs. J.J - __ . __ in tile Qu e n Olt,y on t:!unclllY lit l). Ollftw rigb~ and Mr. and Mnl. E . ,\ NEW SY NOTE S GATH ERED BY THE GAZE TTE'S tending the 10' 1111 Festiva l. V. Bnrul lUrt r eturned home !:latur· '0' p . . , dllyfr olJl n ' tonday sstayat Mankl o . Mrll. f...etitia Ken rlllk and MJ:l\. C RRES ONDE NTS IN NEAR HY PLAC ES . Allie -'Ihrk ~"ere \' n ))I·,.,ton ~Igll' " 0 und otber polnls iu MlOhiglln . ~. . - - -.- .-- -" 8eeln~ 00 lost Wednes dllY spendin g 1\o0ne of the llllrty llOllSt of" ' , ' _ . Cor C t gnined very many pounds in weight0 Ii lurge portion of the time . In ODa win en ervi Il e. of t h e [illest fnotorie s' in tlle world, but nil "l)lleOr mor e or less browno d - ----. from the suo lind waves and 1111 Mi ss Mary Spe ncer of IJos Ange l. Sitlll<lY Wll t klll ~ IInll wir,'. ' [or t b e Nutlona l CRtlb Registe r'. Ilg~ee thut tlley hud t h e timo of oil ' nli:f ornln i f! VIsi t ing her nu ol I11nrl .v of thi~ vi. ill \t,y. /lull.lml g tlm,e Mr, 11D(1 fiors. E . R. Randol ph ' th eir li ves 01' mt 0,'. Ellis put~ it,• .'j>1r . W"II " 1y . ,111m F rulll nn d f IIl1ll 1·1' ~ ifl t'.lIt !l nf Si' rill~ { !i t ~· . 1'''l\Il ''S~(lt' . SIlent SIll.urdll.v III .. ht KlId ~undfty " "On e of the tilll!''' " Mr . Bllrton K " l1 y, of Cineill llilti . nllw li vinf,! ill t'llllt!unon~lI. with Mr. nnd MrH. e g IAmb II'" "i ll' vi .;it 6l1 Ilifl relnti V08 Mrs , A lioe M o i t i 11 ~ r lli ut 1VOH 111) 1'('. .T. M. Stuc.v WIIS 10 Day too on fa~ily Reun ion. Kin oy lind !lungllt r 'nndfl Y Mr. 1I 1Hl Mr~ , .1 00lttt.llll n Phllllll\( r , Sutunlu Y'unrl 011 1110 Illm oHt getting M rl! W , \V . A rnold hilS r ll t,nrn OlI 0 r 'hiclll!ll. 'I r( vi~i t i Ill! t.h eir l'lll1!t IIt left II' ";h" kt'r~ l!ro~"ill!..' .. .. 'S llthrdIlY , t:ieptoflru ber 15. wuS til hOln e uHer .. viHit with rolllti Yo!< in Mr~ . l\:II(WI' I' l ioiln/.! Ihrolll! b tha on untry bOllutiful 118.y wh ~ t1l!i Ohio hrull0h K entl1c k.v " M r~ U hl1rl t1~ (, ulll phnll h .. l< 1If'f'1I hlHr. ~1I1"luy 011" W'III lloltonhlhHd at f h ' ""t k f 'l t ' tl o t e '" 0 as tlml y m e 10 Ie 1IIr, II,nd MrH . •1ume R HuilV'S IlIlll (j ulte "Ic k , hilt, 111' htU(lr lit thl .. th f' 11llIld)(II' lit 1'11111161'" worklno ( In grove on G eo. Rtlol"iI hllTUlri oml1 eN· fIll II i Iv vl~lted :[ r.·. El ilineR brother wri ting , t obllll"o 'I'IH' n,lI,l wnathe r H- pee. t llte nenr Uiclge villEl, wbloh was M r 'Fmn k !:Ilul th in OILYt on lust 'l'b" Lihrnry '111b IlI ll t 11 t, t,lulitnmA i'l\l \' /I t nil; h t. th " t WI ' hit YO ex per· o nce the h OIll H of t.1I well knO\...·l\ we k . ' fl f Mr .. , .1 llIai n E lli ott. h,;.t wlwk , ieue'I'~1 1'lIr t he PIl"t, rew dllYfI; the un· poet l!olltes KlDney , I "r' L '1 '''I I l' .. . TI'Ie t IIDe 1 u~udl~' I"r~t1 'r llp lI,nu .• tlil Ilboye >. 11'11 IlIlTlL On. nlol :Y iI "JlBlH In g spent tOile tll ew WI\Ii greu t Tho lIul 1118 MI!lRlnn '0 inty Ilf t 1111 t b~ f' v,;r ~ollril'" price blne . 'd , . l ' . I i ll row·clny !! lit h ~11l1 11 till" ~ee k ., Iy enJoye ,nil I, 'Iere were mem M E. 'huroh. IBr S. · huh\ thllr Int.o lUlIAt· III II lIe l'"r1ll"r" t,rilll.v anxiou s to ' f I f l i t \11 I I t i M r;\ Lvllin Bordon 1;0 Vihil.lng hM mg :It, t,h bOtHn nf {r . 0 t Ie 11111 y presen \ 10 lUI U Il , . Sllmuf'1 Wpll- hu Vu it i ll I h .. M IU1l1 withou t 1\llmag e. hud lin opportu nity ' o f gr a~lll g .'lI l1h !ion ~rlLri on lind fnmiJy ' lWllr Hi ck I' r A I n nc II ,\\,.I R Rll r vOr1 . Mll(lh WIIPI ,,"Ill h lJrB III~t weak tor othe r for I~ Illng time j.( U O i<IR hl1in~ I r rY\'lll l~ , Mr;. . •loRo ph Nu tt hilS lately hll.1 1:\. l)resent from Tl1 rr> Hlluh'. "1111;11111 , l'lIiM~oA ."1Il 6 nnel F lorenro Clurk II IIlrg", I ,e"u t I' f I .. wn II l ' n fin" «A."I~n'~ 1 I .1!lml R .J ll hn R hf\~ lle:l k .. hlH Inten· .Juokson bor(l_ Ohill, Duyton , Ki ll l; ~ of X ll itln l!llent <:IuIlII.1Y d I I o n I I10 f 11 1111 I." l" t with t,ll.,il· lUnnllm eu t )1,,(\(11 " tlon of ruturull I/: (," work In til" MIIIII find LehoDo n , \lUpnt R Mr.'rI11l1 MrH ..' IITnI)H Glllrk , In th" villnge (. IIlctorY .llt. 1I ('.Oflt of neur futu re , Of con,r ae, tluWli.n ner prenll tintl , _ _~ _ _ O li n Tholl. lI,n ll J)ol1urR. '1'\t B wo rk Mr .. oOlI Mr,. Albert Cornell ot J>Ilrtaken of W.IS fit forlhl g"a .. , 1IIIlI ' U~I' ' cll\\" Ir';,, 'H lioru (Juro. NonH WII!' Il olll) hy Mr. St,lInilli nd & l-\()()S this plooo III'e IlIYIlY nan t'xtellde d d I I but 1l111hnRiv.11 tIe 11lI!! \\'1' II, ';" " 'I\\,II r . Mll itell tor IIn .v nflltreR!! on Il f 1),1.Vlel1'1' For Sale. ~1~:::~e~~I::~r:vll1 e lit I(ot h erine taot tllll.t thB ,1" ,,101 ill \lI t! b l (J ke.~ l161te v\ldt to rulut,ivf'8. r oool]lt, n f Ir, Of'nt.R , The h ,)g nh ol Arll b ll heen rRlting j Mr. nnll Mrs. William fllmily ()lInlillt be> \,xo!"II, 'tl 1n Ihe art , "0 U. Oar. eAk 0 - - -All " uoro t urlll Iu ('\"llror d nmongs t 80m herllA of funoy IIwi ne , 'J Mr . and Mrtl Ed Ileveng er tin The furm er oilloel'l'\ wern r u ulrot tUWlltll lljl: on, h tilC I xuulhlll t tobllo mony Oreg9 WlIrtl tbe 8 u11Iluy bOlltl! to ,Mr. nia. wo little ilnu ghte r H of Frnnkli n, hroorlOf !lin t,lIill vloinit,y . Mr. ' .. W. .. ill ' ' 1 etl frir 'led yellr, nrid conRi" ~. " co hwel: "ruotiolll uU ll1llt~, Am lind Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Lewifl t of .1 0 Ilnd ·Mrtl. AlIthQn y (~eIHler Clnd UUle _ _ _ '. , QflitillS & ~o n ha Atkinso vo lo~t /lbllnt Ii "lIu gllter N ellie, Mr, Mnd lira. o Monroe . Stoke~ i f T> t;l'H' y \A.rtIlH: cII II, nr ' lIdllt;eflS Guzette u ntler cunnl"V. ~ I~ ~ Mnt\' ' hor wood i ll vl ~lt,ln'" hCIl d 0 f' t ile •,lest br a cd P t'rry ' BtU !l II· "eorge WI1Bhton 'Ind Wi11il'm , of Utloli "pent ' Sunday at, Ihe llielis. ProHide nt, : MTt\ Alfro(I L PI ' uo. o llioH. .. 11e III I vi ll ~ . ~1( g il ber ~iMI ' " In Mo 11, Imlc.~llur" . t I ' ROt h om of Mr. a'nd Mf~" ,Ioff U~. ( lll!l 0" , qu I.e 11 nmn b er litH'" . Gell, ... , K MIl of Ouytoo ., I'B81de u • r . and ' " vill e. VI~ Pres ident; , ""lj\l I"ey . Churl"" Bmclbn ry wn!'l ' ill t.ow n ,. ... T lu\re will Ite )lre uohin J't Hervioe lit Mrs "Clare noe Scho.ol-Wm ~lose F~iday. 1 Smith. Or oltl!lby ana .William ROUdytoo.'IISe ,.~etll ry ; BOrlloo t.ok ~I' , S nndllv . I tl18 Owen~ 'hri!'till n 'huroh. nfl~t Whellt" u' lInll wife of Y.nkee 8'r88t ! J OIj · ph . Atkin!!Hn IIml dUllght er i gAV' e, ~rl\1I 8Ur r . . the 23rtl A uew miuis t,or 181M W 'F 0 1 Ie 'rho ~1ittRO" BAloh Imel Bo!'!' Bolz I unUoy· , Mrll, 'JeO' ' rnitb WII S 91\1Iod to HRDI· , The oxeouti ve OflUlUl,it t 'd 1\ eo teo is .com II r 'I'he Wliynel:lvlll(l scboolM .w llI be ilton by tbe . .' lir .,n d fam I',yo U I . '" . I t' l expec .., . ear, i ous mnesll of 'h er """ed of MiR Mi L j B t l 1 l ' b , S :-ltellll '" Fro!lt" t Mnl tbe . n lIPO lltt ..,Im« lly 111 v lllO nn/\ I F d 1. . ... M V~ I ' " k olo~ tllli It ay rlullY 0 Alve , b.o~ ur a ' nrne t "er Mr ' ·'et'r"A Atkl· nllon. They EIi~.abeth Ellrnhll rt· nnd o.W Y u r , 000 WII er 0 f MIIUIl I' ~ullIlr g , 'surel.88 L .... U '.. W , "IV. y r ecoverl ug. from8 Sber Mr~ ,W '. Ste(l\l om onr) Mrs reoent t lluohel'lI sllli pupil8 lin llpportu n Ity foun(l d 'Ilroot'h.>' t,I t l ' II • • . hllll I' n " (ll\\trftD" llll!' e(i' just cnndlti ha on i:;tllke!l IO , . of Ol\.yton UT' IIrge F I i11lle8!l while tbe Are ~ dootor nl\, Kersey v ..,,, ' .ye . cullel1 that " C on Mrl! . •1. K . t I tit 11 lton\! lhl! Wllrrllll 11Ullty ' Il 1\ with little hope of h d hI f ' . recover y . 0 '" 1)00 II e on 8 arm ju"t '" west' ti" r fntber Mr. lO'm,n lt Burne" 18 - -\1encQr II turdllY afterno on . of t.own. 'Phjl> now nno IA 2:3Q ft. l ong. Rev. H. J. Simp son to . , h tad Mr. find Mrs. Will . GrohllUl of the Cou'n ty Fair is MiR~ J> It l1' ' going to be 1I:1:>le to' be out a little In , ~ ut· ~ r sey a s re ,urn I B thinkR. , of buildin g (lUothe r ten · tbe nel\r future . Yr. Burnet qblUl LyUe pike hnd as 'their g'ueats . ~Iln . Now Going on'. fTOUl linciliDl it'l. Preac h H~re Sund ay. da.y, Wm . Coro elll~nd family . Mr. ! lt ou Ae IIn cl hn.vtllg about GO acres hl\d quite a slegll Rnd ' comiog at Mr. Will Buy dlim I\ncl ,wife o~ of t ol;l1ooo rai!lo{\ on his .1\11\1 . H. ,I : 8hllpll«)R. roctor of IlDd Mrs , B. A Uorne1l8n~ fllrm n ext. tIiIN lIell80n of ' the yesr tbe ooD8taD t childre n 'l:b e Wllrren Cou n ty Fniris n ow Sprin g horo v isited Mr. ·"nct Mrs. yellr. Buyer !l are, n ow qlTerin( ! 13 \ worry ilbout Rulph Lewltl 'Rnd family ond Bllrry in faTUl work' hal ~lUle ,I)rogTe ss Ilt Lebnno n (mel iMI!ro"· Ol.vele Wj lker son, undlty . Chri .. t Cburoh , Xenll!.. Rod Rey . J . ond 1-1 otM Jlll r pound , The cr op Is It douhlv worse. F . Clldw" Ullcler of 1St . Mary'., ohnrcb .Pl."'ter . _ _ _ _~_~:,._--'?'i!I';;1 d . . WRYIII'~vllle, wlll exohlln&tI . pulJlI~1I Use Scbwllrtll: 8 Dorn Cure. Nou'e Ing Itn ottract.ion t o hunclTooII froUl ?Ii S8 ~e11le Wilker son' culled on v~~ ~~~:y :!\~I\~ :C~~~·I l:~. 8. It is Ii settled fllot that Lytle I. to. ull ' parts of t,h'e (Jounty . The Way. M.r!' Wi.lker son Il t llr(lu y nfterno on . g Y I hAxt ~undll.y mornin g ,. hfl,ve I\, lecture conne this winter ; ·bettel': -- Ma,llel lto''iiny Ilddress- 1)n- esyille Band will furni~h l\lullio ILt W I '.f d' U M G "owe of t be 'tooohe re lire h&vlng ., . il nort on 1111 Re v Hlmpeon.lH 1111 Ilctlvtl work r eceipt of HiC .. " • reen e : ' '. , tIle lootnrlll! t.o he held at the M. E. t,be fllir , todllY Weelne8<lIlY. nU ll were i n Lebono n one dllY . last week. dlmoul~:v tp seollr~ good boardin g ohurob , Rl~lphIP er 111111 an abll' s l)enka r nnel If; is Mis!! 'or/\ TllOlUIl8 r eturnoo Mon . . FridAY " Mil!.~ Cora Kersey . of Turtle. COIlVOn ient to thelT ~chool s. Mllny first sttrllcti ll'rlett i8 to be ' tbe huped'. ' IIIrge cOllgregllf.lon will be "".y dterno on frolll a most on Ilnd hlB 'broad repu· d,e llght Cr eek, h ilS returnA ii to Wilmin gton. ounditio ns seom to ,pOint d 1?,r\!lIent to hellr 1,lIn1 . . m~re llnn fitl vl81t of 'll week alDl'ng Te hltlv :1j tlltion A8 I\, iectoTe r Ilnd bU!horl 8t Middl erun w her e s h e 1M Rttendi ngcolle ge. . more toward t-hebPrlootl03tebllity f need not be reh6l\rl led Ill. Bldney, Brlldfor tl lintl Piq~lll. Ilnd her.e. 1'he , the oentrttl\ ;"ed RC ou SYB m . , 'f" l Mrs. ]ld lind Mrll, Fred , Sherw ood " Two Thou sand Five Tu d while nhaeM also attende~ the r st lecture occurs The siok lire improv ing. 1111 811 ay ey· htive re tiurne!l home after s~endin g 'l'h~ Republ ican otAte Conven tion enlng (Jf Octobe r nlnt,h Come Hund red ~pies. Miami cou~ty fllit'. : one I l\tr . I.ewi!! StlbhH il> bnill)in g .. ~ a clellgbt.ful week with fr iends a nd Ulet In ~e1fllre HRll of tbe Cush COrne all ! snd -+_ ... I Farmers. 011.11 fn !lnd Bee the Hrild. ne w tnbtlcco sbert ~· 'have II good l!lngh re llltives lit Xen i'11 li nd l!lrolev illo, Re~ister :> •• bnyton ,l a.8 t ~cek , It with Purlett , Of Gazette 's Home-C oming Sou ley,'glln g ' plow~,edge dropoo rn plant. . Mr. Wm , HII'rt,~l)ok, of nnyt,Ol! • . '1'h e B1lsin ell§ Meoting of the Y. ,Po WM! Illllrge nnll enthu~lllstl c g~tb . venir EdiUon will' 1M! iS8ued. erl' • . one and two row corn cu\t.lva \~as III. home RllTll1n Y . Mrs. Wtll!IUII ' Cox spent the () E. 1:;'. wnEt held nt, t b e houie of ering, The cit,y W/\R l)elllltlf ull y .eo greater 1)lIri of IIIHt· week vlsUlug ' ,. ) _ _- tors. I ~I~o I> In OIlff,Y Il f\11 II IDA of ( 1\. b f ' " W ' ' Ik MrA. l.owls ~llhh,. IIlId ~on &11111 r o f . Oil d Mr ". , 1 . '-'. ' I erson ofllt.ed with tings . amI 11ecorlil' lve On.yton ; ber b ' u ,. l,n .tn II clvort.i1lt01U nt em PK "" fivo\ borne hlll,lem enti.l lind am tllklllg "llllllt, IIII't wAI··k with rplflti\'e 11U8bbn ' d d gQlng Isplll y of 11I0,n y kmdll. to t at • ll !\t. FrilltlY twenlng . ' . of thlH' llOtlu" uf t.1IA Hilz"t.r·.. , o 1\, hI order!> for high gnid«, t()b'~ooo, !lorn 'I ,"n l~hnfl!, Ohio oity Sunday Dlornin~ ' Rnd tbe two Th!l (automo biles run 10 g , rfllit I' Mi~!l E.dna . S~n ., "' .> . , I IIt~lt~t1 thill, t,wellty tW11 Immlra d an,} 'lIItN fertIllI'A . . oer . l!J)ent, Saturda y numbe rs tlll'tlugh our v III. age 1l0W, ret,urnl ng home on ",UD_Y 'fi' rllll~lllg 10 prlOe. even ng. Mr>l I,A",I" ' lo'tihtJ" hll ~ reoOlv ed Inhd Bundllv With hor parents be re. 111111 flhv III I.wenly Ilvn hunlir8( 1 from d h be t.1llrt· e ' en d Ilollurll Mrs. Dorll MoOBY of Oent61' vttleup. ",,, rd ' qf the «l"..,tt,h of her unolp . Mr. hlh r ep trt~ I~ totlll of " !l IlUp!lS ill l MI~oe ,0l1r rOlll B lIlNRV J AY . COI,)\ilII nf tl10 (~H·l... tt.., II souven ir 8S , tl ent hma ollflild' wa s In thill v\ll~ge on 'l'uallda y of . I ' . l I ' led ' 1 tnll'.ell .1 M XIIIJl of Rolhll! Colorad O. ' unl ro sm90 I, ey n the High 80hool lit .J6 lunon. !lnt WIlS I!elzed with " . 11 nUlllhe r w\U he I..Hul«l. N ' B . A n thony If 1 h 1 " In!!t week. . G d . ' Mr' lind Mrl< ~'rACI. Rltrnlln l s pllnt 4 6 i n th o:rrt\ MlIA Ii n run . we on Y , Il( II AS , Sllioe thll.t WI1H put In t," I)O we severA spell of dizv.ine.q g ood traotion . lin e along our pike Mr. Idd O lark ball been in our ll wbHe lit, Ith ~i1~R MlUllI e now , till wo oOlllcl get .' t,) Dti.vt,on v lllilgo for Aome ,time thllt t WI' thonllan tl .11 VEl lml1l1rftd wo r 1111 1\ til nccc1 .',1,11I psst. 011 t, h e nrm 1~llrt~ol \~ . N~w Burli ngton . 'I,Ie 8 will b" rli';' ulred. quiokly IInel o(lRll y , we w ould llflvil 0l" of E n Robllrt·1! lrlllt week , 1lJ,l, II h(l." 1 M·r . Hllrry Jahns anct wlf" of Cor· , B 1 f t fl' . k Mr IIncl Mra. Fralllk IlttHOO Thill lilfllrilll IIplar:t llid , lI(lpl1rttlol. ~ufff'rc:lli OI~rtl or ellS . . ' lin Idenl villllge in whlob to \iVA h rofl'l I B (l .. entortain elll~ 'Pllrty If, fri onll l'1 Hun . .Born to H .. B. R.eeve!l .lIn(\ Wife to r This i~ It good route, Rnd would. win lind Mrs. Lizzie Smith were t e ty fllr tht! bUAlneAA ,peollle" ~ Way ' eot.,ev er SlIlce Sunday guests of Mr. Rnd Mrll. C. dllV con~istlog of ,lll'm o~ Ollrt', llf Rlchmo ncl, irllll!lDlI , /\ .dlln~hter' J' soon beoomo Il pr,ofitu hIe \lne. We E. Jolma. uOllvilltl t,o gilt, In their . Aelvertl se Mltlll Mllry Spence r, of Los Angel. rr~y t,on, Mr. ;md ' MT~ . Mrs . Smith bllwe\1or oom· . •'nUlps Mul. Murtllil Bello. ,volll'! 'lIo11 with delight the liu ild " Ing on Frldll,Y evening Cn, l lfornla, Ulen t II WIIS t,be. Bll6!lt of. hel' es ' . " . lind remain · IAll , Mr nn(\' MrH A"roil SOllrlt, Mr '1'1 ,e to' hJ'oot of -11111 Rev . 0 .. O. Bcoker /' IInl I WI' f 0 ,11' b I 1Ili; of' II I,;ood" rOlld h ore. Come el11 ing until . InK , " "..oltl 'i1l I,. ' . , prl ' Ruot Milll! Allio Frame Itlst week , Sunday even I nnd Mrll. Cll rl 8ltArwo oi . '. ' Il!t ii " . I~\O wllril\' 'te) b"nl'fit WII~III!"vi1le ond going from here to Belmon ' O. CI1»it~'\i < e llt llrl~ ai11ln~ n r.OlI ' f r uD\ , t;ts liml bUIld 1\,' rOlul Y01l t County __ Mr , . and Mr\4 . Barry Oh ' McGinn I , . is for Il ' t ... o wee ' ks s-'IY. Ilft·~r \yllloh 1 tlum'! ·114 nut.lllllK . that, 1m ie"te!! " F' 10 .~ '" ~ , for mllY we\! foel proud of . erry . find. llgulrl little daught Ii er Leon/t II .pent • Mrtl . Ibbie 0 0 aU of H nrvuys b' nrg liVll town. iln lII11 0h jUlliv(lollvA~tllle . sIll; elCl)(>(lt!l Arthur Wlls n nnll wife of 01 y. ~nllday evening with Frank T to ret,tir n homa. OI.. nt... frllm thl! ' 1001\1 ·merohllnt,~. furtber Villit, wlHI ~pent a few dnys lust week With j t on' v:isitall at Mrll. ber C1~rk WoynA$ Pine'iI, \1i11e ' of Wayne sville Y IIllr 'o orre!'liollclen t failed .tll n , . " and l'Or thlll:rI'lliHor\ we slillnhl like friend" . .' t p llrt, t.ho full oJlenh~g. of 1""110 U.Ol'l h or !Ii!' e l' Mrs: T IlUlIIn!t fl d k ,IIY 00 . , Mrs , Wllllpn '!! mother . 111",t Suurli1Y ,. evAry merob!, lIt to be rllllrtll'lontell Elmer Lucy hilS returne d to L,tle ' W.; IIllve, just received !I ORr of ent.lll~W, who IIlIW i .. . In ohnrge of FrlIlulis or Miss l\[n.ry . Noggle will ' . . " . ill t:lt.!,M . nf ter hllving. been in IIlInoie tor .a Hie vI'ry tinetlt sblnglell the marke t our At,ore Ilero. Ab 0 ut \". ;" Iro·'n bo .;urpri seu to .h Ol1 r of h er mlnrillg e Pleas ant Ridge. p ' ~" , ' \ yellr He ill now workin g on t.h!t " 'I . - -- -. . IIff.;ml"" ihese ithlnglell Ilre 1500(1 Ilt"l thA 'openin g, "'" Ice Ilrfi~lhr to MI'. W lhnm Lnuron ll : ' ' ' . Servi ces Re8um~d .. ' 'r,l Iick ; 1U«~8 · an(1 'run very ovon. Irlll1. WII!I .. erved. !louvon l,,!!. rni1roa~ here. , . ' . weru ~I.ven t.o ' Mrll. OWOIl a~wltlDd IInq chddro n , Mr . IIod Mrtl, Wlllia.' " Loy spont I M.r , " at Si.l~\ary s ,Chur ch. 'IInd , Il.~ n them'. . Ilnd Mr!t . S . J~. WUliam soll' nve ryl)C)(ly R.nd Frunk 'I\,rm /\u W~IS of D.nytol1 lire vi'tliting llt tho h ome ·t;lltnrd,IY ' ni ~ ht - nncl Sunell1Y with I h~ve been _":"'''':' ''-r' ..,..,.:-----.,. . , . W : H. M,\DOIl:N Ilu;1 Co quitA a ' ,~OUII~ 00 linnll til furni ~h tho oxoellen t ,of Mr. ~l!Iorg~ Bowlnn ll . .. . It,ho Illttorll }lllront,a; Mr. J ohn R e(l .. l)luty ,anel fnmlly reunion 8er ;vioell w~ro rAtilu·i;i~ll't. SiMllry',s , O';"\'in , (.)blo.' mU!llo hll n1wl\VH does tbe pa~" .. A ne w Cli nton 'te lephone Hnp hil t'! man nnd wifo. O'I\\roh \' III,ilt.' Snnd~y: . 1I.ft~r four " \VeeK. 1'hree Of MrH . Ella Unittser , of ' Coluinb ulI, Mrs. WIlIhu1 I80n s ,A .niilrri,,!!;" of nnmoulil inl orp.lIt been pnt, up in . the Utltlllll'rl l ', Cr et k' RAoY Cornoll IIIIent. S\mdny With slHters ' bllve •-·~'ekll- IIIll1rml8810n , Bufort! hilt IIflr· . ' " been _r f b wltb f ' h ~ler1 to ' '~f8 • ok . , ' p lnca bera lllllt ' WertnA8d Ly nelghh orhood aud II few now hoxos Ills oousi 01111111 rtown to tbe 0 A.r at, · . . n FIQyd SaYllge ' Cln .' nHm, RI~ V ! ( :lIdw~lIl1dnr .' expre.SIIfld Ilf, willluu l Blainebome U I01, of OilY ton. M!'!I'. ~ I nil, Of' K'Lo . . • '" of ~ftll* W:"'Y~le . wlle n ldllll\ Mllry Hole Illlll Mr WII In" tqwlI tins Olty an'" Mrs. urelgH r!! . n· . , . . . MItis Mnry' GrllY hfls been · em the don . Ohio , ~114.' ~,,\ilfuiat:i(ln ,Itt:' T('R.~lrilDJ{ j,lli t.Q""n,hll) ·Th.nrfldIiY· ·, evenlng w~o. WII$ aooomp anl8d . Ie ' '1\11111 Sel!-r;o were l~ited.i n morring i} FdAnllil of Mr~. Dehorn h,i:)wlld om siok list. w ilrk 'l1ud ,llSktll1 tll8 lI\cllt' hili (If'o· mlllllltlK ~Ifl 'Sun~tiy to' ' ,. , , , nlso by Mr:· Gr~iger . . , . :' IlBSitlt In U,l e Botb of .t)lese y~ alll1o people, BTC we ll wore t;r iovod to h~r of h er doo t~I " . ' Mrs . E,n Roi/\Dll WIlH surprll! ell pl~ 111 mll,kln~ ' tht;',obnllll~ y~r an '''Dllly .1I prfijmr ations . to··, move Mrs.' Ollna.,an d Mrs,' Ure lKer hlUl ' tb known 8,lId. deserve dly JlOl1~ll\r nnd ThurM uy ovening , In Riohmo nd,. Sunday ' by a oomplln y of fr~enc1!1 . oot ..., ..ot,he ,;il~ fn "t,be work' ,of the r>~lll. u. Ibtl!>( w, bera,tb ey, lHI\ln eaoh, other ,in ' nl~~n expect toO . go ,he good wlshell of II b , Ql!t of frlend~ ' . 1.011111011 , ' Sevqrn1 r tllRtl ves , from wl.l o caljlO VI' ill'to Hllen.l the day with yeurs and 'their ill.06tl.~g was !"UbU,. cbu'roil , . . 'I'b d lit , I ' within a short · tlm~. d d til f I .. go with the U) . ur:~ IlY, ually ' . r, U\.l' . thl~, vi(li!~it,y ntten e ploatllUit for t'his r8lUlon: 1~' "11 ,," Mr. ' (llltlwuIlKll\;r prellol\o(l " frlllll ~ unara ber . ~hQef.l"'lre8I\l~t wore Mr ..QAorge the ' fou'r Me>ltllrll Erntl8t,, : W\1~inm ~nd Ben. l\i~terM IIt.ePI~'l upon : _be l' , • tbll ,l~xt : It Anll JetI,n8 ~nllw.A"hil( ..ald. j:llllin Tlbbalt! wert!' gUeiltii of their. MrR . •J9l1eph S.el!.ra;, Wlt·1t whom l,lI p on ~t'tnr(hy, ., Brown lind , wife, Ec.lw~ru ' BrowD' ROBles they tll)pecl the b",.m a' 707 : . gro~llll bas been "!lakin g. hili hOllie, Mr . .1. B CQlvin Is In 11 very Aer· ~I.fe and son, Norma n Brown, were theru not. ' ten '-o)(i'&nl\8(I,- hilf. ..' t~ Mr and 'Mrll ' wife )onn'w . lD/lk!lI~ Ii~ averag e we,"b , W W Tlhb e nt.ertui Md lit dlo,ner In ihelr hOJlor. lOll!! C',omUtlon wh.;re IIr~· t,hfl ·, ,, l'It .JJn)lf' 27flr plU'en ' . ' , rellultln " from Atep Bnd dlluglit er Frank Wrlgbt Wife . ., "! Lnt"r thE! for elloh 0' 1 ((ly' ponnds Y:,' h'IlPPY to i ' n611r I.~tle . Illst .week. - "'t t1 BI"o<1 1lOi l;lon ' ortnilng · .' _ ' . . oouill e wunt ' B ' . . '. d p If ' rel!11Ortdent would IUra to ea, 0 ' ng on n. obllpttl r, ~till 17th v'eJl~fI ' I'll" Y I1R . ." , . ~nd son. Tou~ born.. t«l.t\tten d lbe ~to.kel! ,. FII~lIy Ureeuvl11" to Vislti the ,' \lllt·er Iln . W e , I~ny other fOllr of a f/tinlly tba' : Jl!m groom II pIl ing hitS f',OUoweP and !l~put!"tlon of Ohllol'les Watkin . itP.Mllhlr " .. rv\o. ·" will '111' h..lcl.flII \lh ro!unlon wbtcb was ' held s. wife Rnd dan lJb. 1.b8at, that. Wedne sday, ' II.r •• ~Iltu'r<.lR y'. r e ntH Illlll o~her relative s., After tbe foot will be oeoe88l iry, · t\U'lrl~V herl'lll(.t,fl; to wblcIH hfl pu\): Mf' re Ernest Rnd wimam Tibblllll .. ter, Mrs. Rosa Drake nllli childre n. :WlIllllm son and Nettle ' Wat-,iU 8 , Of \ t,helr return t,bey wl11 milk.. their l,o 'I" '~Cti"dirill In\1It4w1 nt' .11 1,lille". Mr and Mrs. John Compto n bave Mi88es Ida ond Eatley l:Ialnes, II~. h , qrao' Cente~vllle Joined t1te party aDd, OD ' th Mr and Mrll .Joseph l .., alt. 111 l)W'h)6l>1I at. JRokllelO. Ohio, ullle WI . , . . , . .tretum nd from Mlobiga n. Mr .. Cl)mp· Ie Cornell ,. Jaoob . ~unday Mr. Berber t Uolm and tlundliY ~()"I ",t II ~ • .181'mOD Hncl ,Mer: BenJam lll Tihbala ' and Charley wife ill .. tltud~Dt \ Bears until sprln.g ~ben theYI~x~o, ton 's h~lth,w and BOil Lorlu ' p.rtlclp atetl .... as mbrn*D g I18rvice at IO.3u. notmnc b lIDprQ,v ed. Strouae . '. Bbe Ohlo Wea]e yu UDtver lity. I the ple~~ oUbe day. ~o move onto a fa~ of the r OWD~ ... .' , . ,of . , . •
I' I
I .
_, :no.
Fashion's Modes of the Moment
The Miami Gazette
Get at tha C;auae-.cura the Kidney...
BROW N 8. McK AY , P e rs ..
Don't nrg lect baclm<lhe. ft wnrn s ' 10 l he lti du eyu. A vert t h.e d a ng r by urin g t he I,id nc ys with DOlUl'S Kid IIl!Y P ills .. J. ,A , Bll l' wood, a l \I' II Il n01l'1I I' S Itlen t o f L u fll I n, '!'ex .. ijUYIl: "I WI' nche.l , ill Y bDck w (ll' lciu~ In a s:lWlcU Il , I\'3S Inlcl UII s ix \I'(\I)I,s . nn(1 !J'(10l t hat t ime had I,aln In 01'; ba.o~ vel' J st OO(l oc\ or 11ft d, ''fhe IIrlno II' II S bll dl)- dlsordored :Inti for a long t IllIo I hn:! nl lnoll s of g nl v I. 'Afl I' I bll;lln using Doa\l's I Illnc)' Pill~ th ';1'1\ \'('1 1)II~S()d Oll t .. nUll my hacle gilt w,'1 1. I h:tve n' t In l bne!;· Rello 01' " 111.lrl ('I' I I'cuh e s lnc ," Sol(1 IJ)' all (If'\lll 1'!1. no :I box, F osl 1',:\III"III'n ('0" fIllff:>lfI" Y.
Redeem ed by Wo mt n, S.~"O wall a\l 101hn 31 " I{u~ '. "5 a P lerreilo, In n tnll. ' hort r rl nt! of ,Iny Gml.ltI fClr lIIany yell r s. whilc ~klrl <Iutlll!1 wllh ~c'url I PO 111 7h o I'll ' 111<'n 1I •• u IIIllCh tn CQ III m lJ1l , 1I111t~, WI1I1 ,1 I :t I)lm rd IItOe p,~rl:<lc l U:tl U,oll ,r,h the:I' " r'\ sltlJ;l lI~ dltrer- 11I'r<' h(' ,1 r~I" 'hi )' / ll!l h" I' llt'fIWlI h:!lr, en (.'I)~. \1 \1I1I t1. .1}'lllg cUiII ilar.IUI· Iy filII '01\ wllh II I' u ~ I1'l l III·o.lIh'1,lI t y lit youn • . ' (1 h i.:; ("1'11111" IC) II I" rlillllb;' ~l\I l lr~, nill l !;lI l1 g (0 'n il lIuurlu g IIlldland I till' nl 1I {:; h !II11 I ' ll, n wonut n AI\('!' Ill . l >lltn "'!III t he 1'10 llf oil :1I~ olon ... in Ih" " nrid In Ihc ';l'n 6 thnt 1 iI' It',.,. -.' fuo l y \\'el'e CI~ll t I' :Illy lie III \I' " I '~I: !I'd. b. ,,1111 at onc to to I·, 1l('I'C, It I ' U~ no t Ull she h'nd finishcl\ hcr redl·~!J\ I h,' nall\O ur tillulJ. f ro m t t C' to in! nr nl';II'I<·, . SIICl'. nt Ih e nil 1111' 11 I hHl P .11·\C)lt jlwol:11 (l n ~.c IIlt. r cf n I ()n~ Iirn, has .. iv. n :.11 be l IaS' lu Ih,' hoplllc'snpss r the who l thIng . s srd 1., his "Ida\\'. aud , IJ<'. In Imr 1I1 ~ \\' J.l\ II I,:IOOUlY nntu re , Three ,, ~ys (lId :1,,('. !:; "oll i1\Il' ntl), (I\:I1C'rt rI to ngu hI' hn(1 hrtln Illl ~ rnhle. with L1le tlrm (onl'INhlJl thnt Ito~a tlhl Il t. ~1It1 emll lar' nu ct ~lI r Jln~s tllll 1101'111('11 Iler r \V olt"l )(1\'0 him To-tlay h wu s lind llhllanlllwl'J.' s (I r 111'1 " 0 nOlll,\. ~un' or hI'. bll t 'lullp l' un!hlent ~ h al P rollall!>' ~II' '' , :;a" wil l (I :\11 11111 11 '1' r , ·nOI'el·, w(l Il)(1 'h e ~ ~ the !d 18 :q,",;1 u h 1', ~aY:l Ih o 'J,t \Ie lalld hoy, II!! he cai led hll> grn ndfntl1cr, to L ent! r. ~h' has Ions b n 'adOlln' lI a))I)fO"e or lilt' nsugcm enl un(l u!.o w for ' h. I' 1111'1 1' nn d klndn ~s ur 11011 1'1, h lm to mlll'I'Y h ' r. nnel h I' Int('res t In ali tllhl makes ror N Vx L llIornln g they were s ltllng on +th Ullll l )J lIg r th e (loor Ilnil IInfor· the slI nllg httl ( (\ milo be),oll tl ILte IIDnl e. " h Is 11 gooll WOI Hln, In the (l1·01l1 ('nutic. " Wh IlL I ~ Ih e l'o 10 be oshnme.l () t in hi ghest s n e of thai tcrm, All Iha t bas l]('clI Mltl lind te lt regr\l'ditl~ R us· me?" I {o~ 1\. :ls l;ed , ~ hortly. "I al wa)'M 'ho ll!!:h[ I wll ij I'a lh er nI ce," II II Sage's Inrlifflll'C l1 C \0 Int ol'es ts "i':1 e~" h!! slI l<1. " )' I'S, rOil ()ut sltle o r IInil Il llOI' bu sln ,' ~ AIL.] \' ry nlt~. Hoaa . unJ no o oe "oll id )'lOS:DIOU(lY'g utng will d nllllil flS aCC'l'ntll' slbly lJe i18 ha mcd or )'011, Bul g ·t: nd · .Le hIs wldow's deslr l' llrlght ell his fnthj' l' I ~ ,lrch ulC- lIntedlltlvlll n, ]J o .nam , ' he will wi $h to groce' bls wOf 't go lo tha lheal r lI0W, II tl1l1,s 1lI ' mo ,'Y hy grent S rl' le S lo hll' a bout th . du'll o ld burl QUI'S AS If Dlanl ly, ..(' nd red by menn s Il( bls t it WPI' Ih IntMt muslenl ro mc<lleR, weallh, !:lhll cn n. IJ(! ' tru s ted . to reo !lu.1 118 for Lho Iri sh m 10(lIos-" Pn trli-k Itlfl to hllr ima ' inil iio n lhe 'd oom 'him, in "0 fllr !IS sbe may bo abl to dQ SO. fl'o lll tha l\nrrle ndly \lUSS l n 11111 Gl'lI ndful hel' Ill erla ln eJ fa I' ' e rl U is m xelt d by 1115 absorpti on 'h Iris h lII·c lodl cs. "ROSH, clenrest," his " oke wus \'er)' .tn t he aeCllnlUlnlio n o r r lch"s. Il hi an oltl slory. Tolle hlstor), of nn tJo n ~ "n rn e~ l. " will YOU g1 \' the th in:; Ill ' '~nc1 marl'), 'Ill? 1' \' gol to go b:l J: d. Cull f Irl klng Instan cs or the ~o low n uext W(I 1(. I cn U' t Ilnd w n'l efforls of wome n to atone (o r Ihe er· ~o wi lhou t Yf'u." rors or bOl'tcomin gs or lIlon ncar a nti 'l'hlij t Im e It W;lS no~a .te a r to thom, Tht'y have redoe med a s ll enl. ~uJ litude or me n whil e li vin g, and " I "'~ hCE'1I (iver t he wlIOIQ' thlllS bobrig htened nod ligh tene d UIl! me m· ro re," he slli ll . qu l ~kly. " Il's 110 li SP my Wiling you a ~D ln how mll.~ 1l I til')' or mlln y mo re arlor dC\I(h, ca rll-" I The Postal Bu&lneas. " No," n osa sa id , quietly. " Bllt whn t (lOO:lt you r s rll n d(a t her?" Tho poslal busi ness or a con nlry, Pat r ick n\l~ bcl1, eepeclal ly our o wn ,' Is a rail' iuu lea· "rr we' re on ce marrll'd," he Sa id, tJon or ge neral pros p('l' lt y or Ihe 1'0-' };as,lI ly, "It wou ld be a ll rl g b L Ie we .n ne. OOle fig u ros ma de pu blic by the post o ID ce de parlment lire or par· tlcul ar l u teres t us bell ring upon thl ~ pro poslHo n, 1'b sa r e tu rns fur n is h the basis on whIch post olllco s alaries are fltlju~led at tha 6eg ln ni n ~ , of Q , 11 ) I It is seel1 th a~ . seilltl y~ar, ' DOW tbo 1lE!(I\) [IS 8 Dill whQla II', 1'0 novor more IIr05p rO ils. T h U firs t, ' s cOlld. and th ird clu ,;s omces, wh ich a re In· eluded' In thl ll arra n"'cmont . Dum b e r R u~ g:l
" Ooud ;;ru n rllal her; " Good gru\;I\l IlIl!" '1'110 111I\lI('UI'ij 1'l lIlI bod, [t ull 1\ 1;11 mIl' ~1~tI 1I1l:ll n , :11111 1.llIsell It r IHI II!1. he wnN 60 <:u retllily III llcl.! 1111 Illll t It IV IS Inl] J 8~lbtlJ lu c lt) l(' ~L H wll b tho nllkcd e..\·c, 01\11 tho IJltKJlIl 0 11 ber ,1' IIUd l'll II IIII&lIt bllve Ill! Il u ll nc\' Utl~ rful ," SII lrI lhe o ld ': wonll 1'1'111." !looa t> gau 10 lug " 1m ~o g lilly o 'el' UHI ling," Sh WIlS un '0 1'0(1, Of \!OUI' H'. Tho pl. nnl sL lIud hIs Inslrllrllons, :jnt! 11I1'n!,c O\'l'r ne pn be. Pall'lc'k saw that 114 g lt'l nU!lult 10 S ~ 1r:1I!:1t1 thf()lI!;h g r~l nny ' s olel ~o !l C. l'OQ I; . "Hili! un!! \'lira W~I'6 tbe S' ma wore, Ant II b rIg ht g III ring a u . till,c 001'0." And SII '11 . . o nel ~o n , till l,l1 0 In.: \'er~e WII S flnlHllPd, ulll l th e c lirl s il'!1 aOd di s IPll'orcd, "Son~," Y"I!I~(I ~\) I1IC oll e rroIU thl' blll\11. " 'N(lllll'r R')Ilg." ' Wha l cOIII '1 Hh fliug'l Sh" hllll hllnt: nil Ihe :o " g~ hi he l' grn l)n y'~ \)<IlInli voltlnle. !;Ilia h:1I1 111)1 hing l' ltie r Iha Idnd, ::;he wuuld cul'tsy lIgn!n ontl go, 'hl' loolt Ihe (O IIllIOS I nouo . or J1~r g WII h lwcc n h .. rIU S'OI'S :ln d ,sl'Or pt 110r flr]U I' rs :1 fil l' wtoll. TIH~ ' t'Oro npt frunt her !ro lr fe ll at her fecI. I 1!I ;r mechan lcn lly " ho plcii cll I'LIII>, ulId, de~pllo ' he fmnli e (lll(lit:ncf, t llr ned W 1;10. On o hlld In t ho wl''!o lh - th e InrgeKt- CnnlC loose III lIer IJ qU!1 10 Ins pire hel' fi t Ihe last mlllll!'llt, lind with n hn lr s l!1lle s he ru n to lh~ pla nls L and threw a has ty whi ~ per over hIs s ho ultler. Ho ha ll no nmes. but Ihl! \lrllll nn cy or Il ls I'Il/nlll n!; was oquul to I hi li or a ll Y d e l\llllltJ. A r IV t ru s hl n g'. effu tIve h onls, lI od tb eo: ' ''I'h,e Las t ftos of Sllll1m(lr." t.l tll wit ch I Well In rlf'<, d IVlt:i ~ b (' pl nyl n g hel' 1,11I·t. For lbe o lel boy s he bo d ehQs II Ih .song of so ngs. ,Wi th Inelrubie sad n ess s bo wen t ')D, plu(:ld ll l! nnti lell ing fll l1 ono by mae llle pin k [)e tll ls, ' " No nOW~1' or he r k Ind r ed , 0 roseb ud IS nlgll, To relle, t back her bl llshes, '1'0 g ll'e Sig h .(01' sIgh ." Pa lrlck ghm e d nt Lt Is l; r,m tlf..{t ;1er, ~e 'Was blo wing )i l~,. L10 ee wilh ~!lent e m bUon, frnu the, young man won dered wl,cl her II O 'coul "u ,,00 .,~ ,tlie lit _tle ' r~3e',
. A g irl will torglv~ 11 feltow It ):11,.. ki sses hal'. but nel'e r If, ho OOus!l' L Ern ll ~mv I. th ~ r (1nel tn P lf'l'" A:I! 1'.\ DI!:I.ESI:! DYE I'Qatl \'0 OCOII 0 111.1' '
w oulth ,
Be gI nn ing of Great In dustry, Tho Ill's t wO(l len c lolb Illlltl o In En glantl was IIInnllfa(' tire d a bout l :laO••, l holl /lh it WI\S 1ICl~ flyc;d aud dre ~~Qtl by the l!:n j; lI s lt IIl1tli 1067. Don't Get Foo tsore I Get Fo ;) t ,Ea$e, A ,,"onel.' rf,,1 Jlo\\'c1fr I hnt c urc~ t ired , hot , nrh ing fl'C1 (ln cl mnKeR new or t igh L ¥ho~ '1 ' fA ~\'. A .I; lo·dql· [.'r J}I1&!I's fo'nol ·F:n. r , Ace" lltno u",l illll r. T~'n l f1nekn~" F.I:!F.}~, Address A . ~. Ohn ~ t ,lI. r.e no)" . Y. Bewa re of Ser vla n Ba nk Notes , There Is rJl inu:+, .In tho S rvl n 11 lu· IsU y o r finn lice. III lila RlI'On !'OO1Il.o III tills d llUrlnll'nl , In II. SI' QClne sn ro, we I' slol' II lho ngrtln~d lllnics f rom " 'hl II Serl' lu n l' uk \.lol s Waf IIlruck, 'J' h r'~o 1l 1 1l 1~iI II' l'e Mgr y d , In Paris n nd cos t II. t Unt . of . :£ 1;60 , All th osO plOles hsve wi thin tile tlns l :ew !I a~' s b t'fill rou nel 10 L" stolen ( rom tit s nr , wl t holtt D 1)' 'IlI lhl ' IIl gn of tile sute h avi n g beon Ilunllel'l' J ' wltb,
White Alpac a a nd Flowered Mu slin Gownl.
.I11 St nnol ll er Worll In ndtlilion to of women In YUil l' t\l wn do It, F ollow whnt WII S sai d lasr wee k 113 to. tho lh e \YoriO a nd lIut u loca l sct. Yo u rago ror whit, It wOIIIII hnrdly see m will nu ll that tr you at' 1'1 ' In tha t sel IIl'C(!~S DI'Y to Sill' that lhe woman will ro llo w yo u, ' )I' l ' l' 40 III a s fl' e In h er li S of the Linen IR )lrov preemlnCJl ll y the . I\'h IIC 110stume as \ho YOllnge r woman , mod is h mu le r la l ror Ih e 111 01' 8UbrOl' olle a t all In louch with til sla n t lal wlllsi ... ll UL' good 11\1 n Is e,x, whIr l of mod e I'll IIr~ h ilS OCtlltll' 11 m· pen81ve Il.nd fot' wome.n who cannot on tr'otlon . every lI oy o( Ihls fllct, bll t 011'01'11 10 111\)' h igh pri ces fo r the ir those who do nut 111'(\ In the I;>renl Wnls ts t bere al' 1110.1 Is III ma llrRs rHI~ ', und d not bav (\1 s mIlk rs nnd In the sl\rvlcen hlo E nglls ll pla qu e . His Only Concern, who !Ire ons tun tl y urging lh W(':t,·· One ot the nJQ~t popu lnr whIch we A well Kno wn member of til Ne " in g of clotb e~ thot grow rOllng~1' :\11<1 hnve SMII Is 0 11 wit h tho ~horl YOl'k ba r , n IIIl1n o r most llD.lronl ?ln g )'Oll ngel', li d , ' aS8u l'lng (I U Ih ls I ves wl fh 1:011:1.1' Ql It hel' th e h igh m Dun 1', oue dll}' U1 t .lob n 0 ·. nr1I010t. flup IlIrn·do wn lypo or with the low IIsl , to 11'11001 he obse rve (1 10rWy, " J soc. COl'IIsle, lhal UIO ~ u p re me ' 'I' b 1'e Ir. no denying thn t th cl'l' ha s eollar t ll rn lllS 1\ way fro m ~he throat. been a r"l'olllllon In cb'I) , for ('Itl fly 'r ile Inttor. allhough It looks It' mpt· cou l h ilS overrll ie tl you Ip the CDS" WO III n . W e lIny r'e \·oHlllon . bu t cr· lugly oo m (orlnble for h ot wealh c r. C'1n Of MullIns I'arsu!! jellklmlon. Bnl," haJl R It \\,o ul<l hll beU.r to usc lhe be worn by r IV women pllst liHl ir be add ed , In bls ~rlln d Wtl.y, "yo u, Carlel'lIl r CI'II'al , fOI' \\'om n or yo utllen )'Ol\t h, Wl tLt th e II lg h coll a r, bowe l' r. lis i . n eed fec i lio cuncern about you r Ille waist . bocom s rll'a otlr nl tor a ny, rl)plIlUtlon." lI me Ili d nlll W('D r 't he . somb \. cipi h ' . .- ., or l he <I \lllhn cy o'ol'n ~s be au e the>, one wh o call wellr it s h irt wa is t a l a ll, arlls le chnck led. "C:lIl le so," he· were Ila~t ,to, tn r~ct III t holie dny s a nd l holll;h the Id n o r a s hort alee l' a gr ed. ~ 'I' Ul nil' can rned i('lf ~lo. CO lored tlgll re 0 11 tbe stag,a '':It -.11, 1'10 t h Y le d t h ings wIth a h igh ha ntl autl tall ore\1 lI' al s l s t1'fk R a il e at fi rs AS r putntion Of lhe s upr\!we cou(L thI C); II' s th e m is t ot u~a,ra In h is SE'l lh fa s blonl!. and lrue It Is thnt Inoong uous, l he aewa l I hl.lIg Is rcolly Harper'a Woekly. eye~ , ther I ~ a ~ u sl1 leloo th lll t hey <lress d ver)' att rD.e tl "'l. ~---Trl ll'mp hnll l Iud ~d \VIIS lle r s\t ccc. s e n ti rely 100 muc h fo r t hell' age, And As to freele . BOlt sll1IS. tll tl illms, HE ,MADE THE OPPORTUNITY 6,651, nnd of lhes~ t h o. reve llues of "b n sb nn l. hed. Ihe o ld boy s lom pell to·da y t h r ia' h ard tho same l ind foulnl'ds, e \o:, nl'e III [a l'OI" The P e, , 2,6 70, o r 47 .pe r cen t., j'usttry Incr a s es . WIUl h is s lic k on the lloor, o uu shout- of g oss lll, llut t hel'c 15 n o reason whal. kIng .;tl'lpe radiu DI are I'ery Il pu lar , How E~uc:a~,or Succeede.d In De s] ,.. o 'WbicLt mnga rro m $lOO tp $l~O por ed 'till Putrl k grc w u lm Ost ash am~ (l eloer COl' 11 ·youn g woman of 40 don· nn d Lhere nrc lll any l! harm illg' s moll l : to Address Student.. '. year, while In o nly ~09 offi ces bas o f t h e ntio nt! 11 h ~ wos al trncllng, ' n lng HomuC'I' clOthes, a nd rq to thc desi!;hS 10 l ho n IV fOil lard . ' combln · .... ther e b e n a decrenso In recl'lllts. " Poo r ' Jltt Ie g i.rJ! Poor Htlle Ruse! 1\' a l'lng of whil e. It is In t ho bes t or ing s1tadOw s l rl lllls. fl oll dots wltll A dlsU n gul s bed e lhlcn lor or Boston, :Tb1lt is, th Is ~' ea r the re ha s bean , 0 I b avclI' t hpul'd a ll)'t.hifl!; li ke , ha t ~a .t . 'nn d g(, lI el'nlly lII o,st hecom lng. pr ln led 'nn el broche fi g ures 10 one )JU l" ,.,.ho ooce vlsll u a wostern <)liege , ~ Inee l II~lCd to ' t he tlivln e JUD Y. Th\!ro Is n o r ' Qson "' lInleve l' rOI' hel' 111011101\5' illlado w. , .JIet Increase 't n 42 per cent. ot tho' . _ durIng exam lo lltlo'n \\'e k, \\'/lS, (o r omces . . L ast YI)8.r Ole ~1'058 In cre ase .. O\Ib:'t u Shlll1l C t ha t such II g ir l a~ l lln. to wlla l' ()Iolh es lhnt d ltrel' In a ny .r e· LUce en ters Int o th e l l'lmmln'g c f al· Bome I' nson or o\hor, n ot a~ked to was 33 .per cen,t, .u" d lhl) not !ncre ns e should lie filn~ n ~ In s lIoll a p lu e :\Y s ilecl ' of color or Hty le 01' r~b rl c ' rro m mos l till' of th es fro k ~, nnil ne w. . address Ih e stud ~n ts, all he l~lld ex·' ,. thIs !'" t hose th e yonn ger wom Dn wears, 'l'h f'1Ct8' nl'e obia lne ll b)( the In se.ttlng· 0 1 peeted ' ,h e would be. In ,chapcl ho' t4 per cenL 1'he aggrllsa le \I\CI'01I80 "It , Is Inde d :1 SMme," 'Pntrlc k onl Y ,lnJll1Iclion beIng th llt they IIIU !:lt lac lind th lise or 1I1Ik handH or ",'as me r Iy r Qu e,s t d t o lead In pray-, in s al aries in offi ces of the Clo.SS8S trlllUbloc1, Ho felt l!in t this waH 111e be made in becpming style , mo tifs a ppll cI o ver thl ~ IlL!:e, o r by eI', whicb he d id In this w!se: m e ntione d ·\\,as $330.100, while In ' n9' mOlll ent tor hl in 10 t ell , bls serre I Whe n a: woman g els too old (or. th e ,lise' of ' ¥oulsc he braId ing o ver In. " Be ple lll!cli. lIat!ler In l1 eaven, to> dltJon .t here I~as au Inel'en'sa .. of $65.. "rHE OLD BO Y LIFT ED H E R llANO "Grandfather," sa:) he, " J 10l'e tb':t f1ln ll, . 1)1lie nnd lillij eit~a, s he r lgh( rllll y set la ce, glllde' the stOllS or . the presldeDt o V 200 In omces ' ra Ised to lh e presl'· . 1'0 HIS LIPS.. . ' gIrl ," . 1\dOll l8 , \I' blte ' and gre )r fo\' he r OW (l , Tb ~' li gh t graY rro ~ has not ~et run this college. 'fhou know!!8t tb a t ho dentl nl cJnss~ an a ggr egate ot $295, \\~~re Qtl C" a wa y t ra m b e re: he ti lled 'Phe o ld boy dill no t grup hlB oi~a o- Bu t Lhl s 8l>e Is nol an Y",' hel'e ·near 4O. Its COllf' a nd Is B Ii se f u I (l II arOlln d , wae' a clas ot Thy a graduato ormatlr the I'IaS8 ot "t"rYont '84, t ak, ln" 100 . Inc rease, olrHet b y only s n7,100 n ever kno w 'nnythlng abo ut th e P.a- ln g, . It om ~ itl .s ol),1e ll'he rl) n 'at' 68 '01' 60,' fl'Ooll rOI'. t he woman of limited w'l rd, 'Ilecrea~e. T he prosperit y Indlca le li 1' lIlon or t ha t yuu-" . " I do n't won der ," he said. " I"n 'Iu It Is a ni), a· 'question . o f li me whe ll ro lle, ' ': high bonol'S, Thine ye ):I Btb looke d The gown s sh o wn In our Illus lration with fnvor lI l,lon :lhe happy c boico th at by tbe fi glll'es 18 roi rly we ll dlsUI l> H broke o lt: Rosa'il mo nl h wns set Im'e wilb he r m yself. C~ a rtliln g! ivome n cI'el'y wh el'e will get l1~ed ' to Ib e ve rdict t hal .black .. Ill n ecesso r y .are .(If ·wh lte alpaoa a nd , fl oweret! nilla' res lI lted in his al)llolut ment, Yil th t h l) '1Iled, snys t he 'fro)' T imes, hut It IS' hUI'd. It :was . no t'()slJ blu,\ UOW, ~ h ll rmln g ! " to 'be lioted lhal tile sO llth and s om l . B lll P a lr le'l{ h n el mude hI s pluog e. ' , for mOIll'nlng a nd fa I' nothing e lse, bnl lin.' The lI blt Qf Whi'le alpaca III t rIm,' conSl)nt, or tho tl'us tEles, os l ile. lie a.!1, '''Th at wfll do : ' $(Jld she. "No, .110, 1'hou k nowcs't 'W.e st "set ,a little larger sh ~r~ p to' no! '1 won '(, r'lnt 'tml cas, you m a.I'r) "I ' nin uo t ' s pc(\ khl!; li gh tly," h I! ns WE! ata~ed ' 'las t ' '''eek e ," e;l , In !Il ~ l1\e.d wi t h !;lIlCb.ed llDUd;! or IIhlllca. of· 1'11111 InstJluUou, " h er , I " 'a nt, maller or Irtoll l'lI lng t he re 11' R, cllnnge held by (ill' I~s . , Th e',Bhort' CO:lt S ~9 w s that ~he 8\llde.n ta ~t thl s .i:o!les;e oUllh I, -IJOrtionately , t han s o me a (Il e l: " ra~IA un ~,. me o ';e '" ' plv ..ll ore Ir· S, Ilverbeuch, ' a llll s nld, cag r ly. ":1 ' ,linOW ,,. tb t he , to la llo hQr Ilwa. y' froIU tilt! slllge :un(1 , taking )Il u~ e and wh llc III coming, lu lo a shll't or 'bl llO und while b ;lll ~ t e, to loolc lIpan him a8 a frl <lud n!I well 'Thllt 1'8 In .kee. p ~ Rg wllh llie s lory (,f Ils k ' tb e who lo P al' illoD Cr·'wd v :ra VOI·. , ' " ' . while t.he ha t Is 'I)! the Pllnchln e lio 0 ...· as ,· th ei r president. ' TIl'o ll ' Irnowes t . .Ived,tlln ..... ' ' m a rry ,hor." the de velopm enl of th.o se seoUol1' " I b .w en l· bl ack If 'you will h ut ,jet It be ,Ijer In ]laic l)(ue, II'lIh , toile tles or' bllle that Ihy sCl:vrint la we ll pl e!lsed with "Rosu!" The OI l ma n e nn to umde r staD;\. lba hJgh Rln ndard s or scbolarshlp ~~ Ra mI l ~ lI g1l ea , . "1'be IIl n?<lS YO\I c; o!" said he. . becn llse YOIl lIIust be e co nomI cal (II' on either s it! . r 11 kl I here PI' valllng ond with til . rlghth The Arab'. MI&alon, " "• e"," slIl,a Patr h.I., boldl", " She Is. be au s YOIl wanl on ' bl nc l! gow n b , "It Is my lI ene h" t . On l\Ion dny, " Sb C n , Th e flow I' d mll~ nn , a s II S I' COUS:1C3S and lo yalty or l be sLuOur p rescnt t horoughbre d te a Iiv· s al i!, "und I get le n pe r ceJl t. or Ihe Ihe o nly woman In th e lVo r H] {o r me, calise It Is bocoJl.lln g. ' Do n·t say that t rimme d on .Ille " ' m wll h al t m ole Ing wltnlls~ o f the :o\ rab'8 capa biil ty pro fit B. Bring your g ra ndfather to ICC: She Is Il good g irl" g ran clllllther - Lln ll " 011 du n (lL In lend to rollnw Ih e tosb· t\nlln ces oC laco a nd mll slln, A Illce dents." -Io ns ot tl~q~e' Slddy bll tleJ' lIles who . ctnltLI' o'ltllne~ t he . IUll s l.In ba d Ica api,I theFInally, to tbe Inl enso 'tl ellgh t . orl u a fountl r an d crealo r of racers , P u villon to see' mp.. I rUo \:;enr \V ha.! :l lad y .... stud pis, t~e vlsl lor eonc lude 4 his • HJmself II ii nlll ral ra cer, bred th rough r IJll e unCI Sing wb a t 1 li ke OU Mond ay.. "I nm fi ure or U: ll t," t h e o ld man want to ~lp,l1elll' YOlln g~ Do n'l oont pnd dl s)l la )'s a fin e IU WJI, c hel'l\l. e~le, The praye r 'as rolhl\l's: oeent urles . ror I'tl l;n lllg rn llier ' lha o 1 will do"W . >:' bel>l til m'nke 11 'go od res ll ondell,'. hearli ly, " No ' gI r l COuld Iha t til e wa ys' or. Illc c ity Rre not yO \ll' rtttls lll'oOlll hilt Is bO llnd wIth Ulllol; "And 'f, tli ank 'I'h ee for thIs o pp...oO'"::--. -1> . '. ~raft, b r ed al so tor speed 'li nd ' sta y:· 1! res~loo. .' have s ung t hose sOngs '\Vilh s uch Ifll i ' WA,v S: Oon't ·~o li n Old, rll 1;loned, Ollt I' et'vet nnd c.overed wllh , pInk ' rpse! tunlty to address tbe' si.ud ~Dl 8 ,of Ull. ' college,"' . . " ,' • 0 the Arab possesses evej:y gift : and Patrl(\)( sbclOk bl~ ,bead gl oomUy . . He feelillg and ' murvelous ellpl'es lOll It ur elate lblug' l,lI)ll y h Cll lI ~e a ,grVllp I'olle d wllh tulle, Q~Uftcat1on, COll ra gQ. docl.1i ty·. '· fe m· Ilil W :J{Ofl ll ' rc per to irc, too well" , . s he 'lind 1I0 t bell n II pen,,1 o,mo lig wnm,.. I., , DUBIO,US ' ~T. enclurahc'e, ·a eli o n, del e nn\notlon. "AIIlI 'no w ;" s a id lie, "I 'm gt)!nll ' en-II pelll'.1, Rlr." ' , , dOlVn to the Pavili on . to p m ctlc'd P'ltricll wa s lhllnd ers tru cl;. "Will . ~. , . . . . ,.'. . ,n be 'cannot g o wltll, lh o m e!'ll of lhe YO II lel me Intl'odu co you to her?" be Abou"t What Her , Hutb~nd Would Say. course:, b red. and trn iuctl . solely to,r sdn ;,;-s,'J . • • • . ' .• ns keU, " " h . . , " ' F~ • • lllon Is ,t ur illn'g h er a ltention to and c hecked trlmmlng.s w Ich will ,be ' :A, ' Mlch, woman tri ed Fosttlm F oo,) . .~d, ne lt J\e' l' can I Ie"u O ell IIe d, GIow. " It ' ' ''1 11 II~ a ne w expel'le' nce," S1 Ig- ' Ills gl'a ndfat her bea med. " Nol bln.. . II I I b .. ~ .. c lli idren' ~ gal'melltS" lind .lmnOl'lnlt oll s II!«ld· ror plaiD stulrs, narrow and Wide Calfee 'becBllso ordlnnl'Y correa dislie has run two Glil es , W l ' e ll\' y d Po' ... t1<, mild lv, ."unO ver" wOllld gl ve me grell ter plcaa ur('," said . 'WelgJl t In I hre!! ml nll toH' and 48 ges te . , J • . ill , tLtl s ,dire ction SilOW d is ti nct 'nnd dl'e~a bl':l itl s' a.nel hal ribbon s In oDor· ' agred ." 'lib h )' and !,er busballd . She s ' ng." ~epnl'[\. te Inl1uen ces for~ th e two e X,e s . mous among eecohds, ~' et on th e 'course he ketolls :t Ulu " ' E' p~le n~e I'd r,~ t b ~r do wit/lout," be."'he "olln g m a n l'nn lulle,1 A vllr lely ,appearing t l E II It/tese.d writes: B' h b d I k ( h J ~ ~ , ~ F or bOYH. E!1gli~h s tyl "a 'nre emIn e nt· '. s 0 g own ox. tires , ng S I an "y us an wus scot" tree llearly 10 his. ·nortlJUI speed ! Long o r grun tE'rJ lb e g rn nd lathe r, " Torn[lJol~ F ive mluutes la t ' I',' Rosa, to Ihe ont- Iy ,tb ll tiling, willi e . fQr ma l,ds" hats, SCOlch "'wools a re shown a lDtlgBlde years ,with ,c atnrrh or lhe bladtler, aud ; , .horL, h is race is . r un true from I)nd nntl minxes!" wnrd eyes all shyne ss p.ret ly 1'0- COlltS 'an,d gowns mus t e Xllress th e Fren ch and silks, whlcb', If bt tha heart, by to en'd ; mo reover, ' s o exce!le nt arc " l s ha il lul;e llt-I,cts ro r' botb or :Ia," s pe \!t , rou down th~ three SlOPS to tb'e Pill' ls la!l !to,u·c~ . . Eve n with g~ rmCnls they have Da~loIial &l;1thorUy for cellee. Was unablo to . " 'ar k . at qU ' bls ' tem ner no v 'co nstlt ulion that he sa Id h l:< g r a ndao n, h llstll y. ~'It:s-It'b le ft o ( qte IItll e g ll i/e rlnl>' ij ta ge lind, mnde In ~llIS . country, LO,nli on s tuste ~_ ': _ aud lu bo(lplllt or ' t~o time . .. istands tralnl ng J ar r e n rs a od ~;cnl's, [or Il. c)1 ul·!ty to·nigh!." l:llrlsle,1 La the old mall.' Slamps llie boy, ,thing , nn ll . aOla r t "I liuCt 'I!tOlilllCb trouble, was weak 1 .and 'bas 'l1een k no wn ' to win races tn ,. A C'I\lIrlty ? POI' wlun'?" He bowe lf with old, tnsblloil ed g race, nj al1l1na~ .wlll .. spend ' muc h tim e Ill , ," aiitl :fretful so 'l c.ollid ,not utlen rl t~. SlI's 'teens, ' In tlie IlOlnt Of e n lJurance, ' ''For th e ' b neflt oC a 1100r ~Irl :" "Wil en I qn'me here to-1IIgb t, " he snld, 'c l\ooslng Ihe , correct ' E)1gHS.h ', nml" . " . my hotl's civol'lt-boui Qf us us ing eot.':. ' teu the "time; and renUil~g it was . &aYS COlmt l'y ,:,1fe , In Ain e l' lca, ' no' ",'as ·the young mll n's shume les's reply. gm ','a ly, "1 itttle 'lhOl/ght t,o Ilave I;~en Sco lcli t('xlu.t;eS, IVhl~h ' are, .firs t e oolee "H'LU,' ' Hu ld ·b.l.if gn\ niltn th er. ,.ft,. d07.zled on',! e nchanted. .'by ·11 Vl910D n ' r u'I', other horse Is wo r t hy to be name d , evoryl\' Ilel'e ror' U1 ase I'l llne ,,' wear.' V ' h arm l.Y. th orI sfl!ppose yOI! me rroin huppy , ." h It Is r.lll'lOlt S ~o' see' how t sever "One nltH'DiDg the 'ltr,oc;e . nj! I' . the " ·..... th . hIm , f\'y lllg Indian. cibarl "'0 wh \\'1 It to ' 'o rw\II.I1IIlI;:~ not." " I my gIn I "ouYonlll." 111 'e I m' i dIy ex· , . l"s . , wife . . , ' a m ! , " i ~ongs, s p Ilc~lng ~he English st~les or a s a re sald ahe beUeyod colrel) was the . aun, the ' two lJUJo , Ambs, :Ho"e~" At' 11~ lf~lla".·'t ".o,,'e "- ))reCluely Lhe bIn, " II iJlnllr'e l v t I II d t II ' hi . d d"'1 d P cause , u ~ ~ ,, ~ " -sa ( , , ' C • In pOin t ot C Ol'r~c mann s , e n , of our troll ' e 'a n a v s e o,s lum. , .uelde ail.d ' ; were . mat.!he d wo ode n eCQ,'s wlll'h abut In Ib e br ll· The old· boy 1I(ted her h a nd to bls Ill s ' and materials tor any !1l1rtlc ul l!:l' I took It , home ralher dublolls about ~or two,mlle tr eats, IK>tIt tbree In li vl). lIa Ul 1I ~I' O !;luge w~rc ,ope ne d wlrlc uy .lIps. IIUl'IlOSe nt'O sCI'l1puleus ly de fin e cl , ' what my hushDnd w'ould. BaY':"'he ,W8& It'' took 1\ ;heat8 ' to decld 9 . the ILt c - relln' d "1I1110 r1 SI, a nd Ihe •. , hnve to tbank YOII," he said , .'for · InOl'nlug dre s!! neejllng Ihln g, li f· , !,' . matcb, a.nrY'tlir~: ~[ t~m we'l'e ' d ead .I'OhCSlrl\ ~lru 'lI II p lh elr 'sele l!t!O,O the lloppl"s t nnd ILte snd dest 0"c1IID'g ie l'lloon ~nother, a.n~ nil tbl) ' ac~esso· /'~ui: r , k :cptre e right . off ,tlie lIeata. ' .p/riey ' s u'cll ques llon s b eing , rom "florO(lol'~ ." I ' lI aye Hllent iu ,muny' yaa 'riJ." He rlc s ·whlch . accompllu)' 'e lther calling ," table; nnd we Iinyell't used a 'CIlP or aakee! of"olir thol'ou,hfn'ecls-evell lIie "Ladles an'c1 s~nlle,m en," , the man· ' looked at PIltrl ck nnd b e,s l al~d, but fo r as Illuch care. \:.:, It ' 'shice. XOu 'sho Id hav." seen tho _ lMii.t. . . "'," nger' ·anllollUeed. " )'011 ha va com } to· only fo r a m')ment. For .tbe ; YOlln~e1'" ~O! tbe linen' col· , "' "cb'a nge hi' 'us, amI ' now nit h its band, I~bt for l\l iss n 0lia C1II:eYA benefit. " 1 hope," · he auld, courte,ous ly, " th ..1 i~r ' Is u Im'n·dowh Eton alfalr, ",Hh ftc ' n~v~r C\o.nW1ah;lIi of hl)a:~t 'lidlp,ltlltioB , ", o r s u·u:mcr .. will 'IIOOn bt! a s'o ft sllll Lte. Tbe, rour,ln ,hund __ e> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - c» _ , any more, lob' ,stomach trouble. weDt ' I 4 cur ious ' surY." '$1 of ·an old' law . /'fo douh t s he will thanl.i YO:1 tor your the lus t appeared III Fra nce recentl y ' wticu a 'generous RUlI llo rt Inler on, Fa',· 1l0me h'ans plant~(l to a mOI'!1 cOllg~ nlal WOI'Il b y tile bIgger . bp~, whose collul' Get,Up for LlttI~ ' away In two w.~\i" after i beganPqs. ' , ..oman who had take n 'a ' cOllllie or r!lnsou, Im own onl y to herselr, 1I111lS soli ." " la In ~he "aI'I01l8 high forms. . . . .' .tum, ~ly:chlJdren love It dnli It dQes .. : ; blickets of ' Water out of the s ea at 'Carey h ilS ei1 0scn to slc g to yon to· He tuTll,ej] aPlrul,cly a nd ;"':llkt'il FOT nr[eroo on dress tor lads of long· the ir oiaill'oate' IIretenslon, reveal them good" which can't be said. .BcMdOgn~ threatened , with a line' nlgh~ In .I he .'htll'n ~I ~1' "r a lad y of the s iow ly ' II\\,U Y fI'Ohl them down ·tho t rouse r IIgeJl some very anltlft suits ma'ny . n e w and oaptlvatlng beauties, eotree, , " til to malal for h vic rear . l R~O. J 110pe you will re.'elve e mpty room . Ho~u iuoliC(J liP In lo lier n,re secn .Ill sombet: gr,ny mIxtures,' EIlOf1{thi'lg rrom '.the tiniest sQual'c' . "A lady visited UB "'hO 'Yas. nlwaY8 b e rus a . • . I . g ,h¢r kindl y," 10ver'IL fll ce, l.o nehed and softeut!d. with \\Ihlcih cie rby hats are worn. , check . to Doe checller,board big fs . 'bait stille. ,I. told be r J.'d make ber ' a ,., violated an ' ellactmen.t of LouIs X.CV , ' Th" w as buL It 11(1- Thea, with :t sudi\en impulse s he l.t!r'" 'In tho ,ne w t bings' for girls ellen, plaids tillio .runnlng all extended CUI) of Eos.tuin. said It was t.aste-, 'T,he old law rorbnd~ the ' taking ot plslIlled vi go rol"II)", Patrick d,d .IPt tlie C..a '''ranee roue trom the III'Ce at und . cbecl;s ,take 80 promlr:ent 11 ' pal·t gamut In slza and showIng a bIas alid JellS et\lff, but ehe ,w ntcllell m:> make .... water lest !.bose talclng}t allould ' !m ';er s tnnll ;a lhe 10hst, . her breast nnd rWI after t h~. 01\1 (hat .the In!ltinct I;omes to diseUse Itralgj;lt making, . 1t,1 bomD, It tborqugbly fC!r .6 mlD..u:ract the s alt arid 80 defraud tile A rOse-COlo red ~lIIiiln drlft,ed ouL 011 boy «1 10llch Ill' IrIU wltb tlmh! only 't he many' cllatm10g patlel'Ds In , 'Jlhe inore tiny square '. c:hellk Is .uteR, 'and 'wb.!!n· done abe IIIIld Jt . . . of the ' ealt tl\lr, aod ' the 'tho s lr'ge, wlrh n. an'l a IIt,Ue hnnd. ., . lhesa stylish ' me,terlals, ,vhleb, while .ahowD In English !tultlo, ID the ever IIplendtd. Lon.·boIllDg brhtii ouHhe ' 'WODlU' WIUI ' compelled to ' .Ilbo .. that jl1ml). as was Hoaa'!; babh" but wIth 1\ "Tills hi the la@t roae (If aummer;' ,alwaYB ilppea;rlng wllh .aut·um!l. ' are popular and white, whIch , nar- ft.avor food QualJtY," .. ' ~ merelY In/ended , to ~v. ur ,dl'x( e l'llllfl IJlel\dlng of a Cb8~&eO a.n,d a Bold l;he, "w11l you let ml! give 1t tt , !I~e))' to have a greater vo~e ,tb!UI ro" jJlac,k alld 'carlet ~ulach. braid 'b1 Peltllm ' Co" Battle C1'ee~., Mlell.• )HiIe 1101 a ealt." Willer· IJnth. , J gild!', \Vlllell eolled hi • 101li 'lUrtgy to n'u ''' . ' jl'Vlr, Aleng with l!lem are· seen plaJd .trlm elrectlvel1. . Read the IltUe book "The .Road '.~ . - ,-- .~ ,Ul1l (Iu lI ll'l nce. ' 't':~I)T'r l &~"bY .TNlJlh JkJ!o"'lt~ I . , WeU"IJI.,H~DPJra "Tb.~.ara&llOD."1
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Some A SUJilmer Study in the Marvels of Insects' ·-£21!S-ttHIHi-- .
Wondc..tul World Jot.)' Which th.e Microscope Leads. the . P'atlent 1nvestlilator_
_. \ hilt \\'ond er s nature holds In sum' '"' or tile obserl'or In Lhe summer lim . 1' h I"e Is tho 11'01'1(1 Ihat unfold s ~o th c ' nak d eye and beyond It lIe~ anal h er - w OI'ld of . lnl\nitiMliiiitl bclngs which an onl" " 0 studi ed anll npl)I" ecla od ' v ,-thl'ou"'h lbe sid ot 'h e mlc r08CO (le. And .,wl l h .one wili ell, will ' " u lr v eo , abou t 2" dlamotol'S, one IIII discover
man y .other ItlltlornJoR and I\nd Ihorn fllplall y attruc tlve, bil l. It S 11'0 IlIUfit o~ l a ll r.o at th ova or olh ol' In s l·tS, we will lllm now 10 molln; ; , nnd h ili" , on th' Illaf of lh ls elder ti'eo, Is Ii gooll x'lmlll e. 13111, flrsl, I ,,'alit YOU 10 l oole at [ hIs l oaf Wi Lh Ih o norm nl sIght. ' (NuIllber ~ III lito large IlIus, trilLio n) . You will Itotlco thnt. on lis
.Old Inhabitants' By J. A. Tiffauy
.Young Langl \' uiew Il ISm'lea ot rl nl;s .. Into UI O gon('rill volumo or Bnt,oke th l\t el'el'ybocly WUII brc al hlrl g, anrt ask ' ci 11\ a r0l1111) 15,C0111 touQ: " Does old Col. 'I' ril!llltt ever bo re YOII f 1I0 \\'s wi t h Interminable y arn ~ nbou thln"H t haL ltu'Pllen ed lind peow 50 0 r GO "" cars ago ·• . •. h e kne. p Io "'1n l. Yb e not. I don'l k·nowll what I evor did to win hIs special (avol' to
last nIght. wh('IJ . I hU Pilellcd ttl dl'Oll Into' Ii rmtteJ;sy's "la ce agaIn. I (<lurid 'hlin ' Hl tllng III JII ~ t Ihe IIPOr. alld In Ih o ex act. uLll tl de i n whi ch I luul lert h 1\" I wo oc' I h ;'''e we ks before, L ooked as If h c't1 been sitti ng there ever bloc . "I'll foc'gotton all abou t the ol d ' M orr'Y' fellow; , ~UI Ih colo n I hadn·t. .. oon as 110 al)"llt '" 6i"lll .,. of m l" h e CII II'und d IIIjoi nov~ r anll 10 sIt d.own him In an.kl<d. d ri nkmQ , Wh n
1n thal r ospeot, but h e appears CROCHET BONNET FOR INFANT olher treble Inlo Iho sUllie IIlace as tho. t II g bl In enle ' r,nlll \ a k' a pecn II Dr. (e .... • w e ha".. ..," ot our ' glasHos flll od , the Inst ., ., "a SH 01'0 1' one 2 trebleill I . I hi If ccoll c coloi,.' 1 begtln In Ii )'omlnlsc ' nt tonc: ... li t; me Will S I,eaL erous r ' Pretty and ExceedIngly Comfort~ble wllh on e chaIn belw(' n tn the nex~ t'Ions 0 r tl'.I e , goo t.I 0 Id tiltI 8'" wlil ell 118 ." 'Th ' olh or .1\1"ht , · .J ohn, YOU w ere '" for ,Sm: all Wearer. aud repeul rrom • tor a bouL fou r more '11ngLon h'\, I IIg says, l\PII a t· t o tl8" "C ~ 11I Q about :l mn'n Itallled MereWas 1 In ches; fa sten orr, v " I ' b d d I od C I' uOLIII"" IlIth , o r Mnrrl vn lo, 01' Merl'.,-"weath er, unex pecled and 1I0ve i reatlll'eS, and uncl or side, fl'o m th e allcx, and some Iblll' e Il oun C 0 go • o · . .. ur l\H,rry A~drew-us ..d 10 live on Oe l'I' hIA COS)" lilt I bonnot mny be Recommell ce at Ihe ring 111 center; 1nnuruorable de t~lI s which tt,a lIilUftl · lJi ~ tan ce dowlI. l he Icof Is con tell wHit C Bra'ters, wOl'k tI ill Sh"lIanri , I vo rlno, 1\nd an y tu t n on botwofln t"':'o of Lho Irollle~ ... "O[ lie til e 0100 I 's an old n ...·nrn n l' IIU • OPllolllLe side 10 m.,~ , C " " I"ht WOllid 1)0 Iloable 10 see, II fl at 11I"er of snm e fin ol~' ~l'anll l alOlt cOllr , , U d' t to . "ko 1I111lw lllu! two handsollle daugltl r s, hI ghl y fin wool . m lItCI' mo re Ib an 8n oUllce. forming Ihtl Ilrst ro\\" , ", 8 chain Into 111 til e oil l cloor wOl'ld , lile Ulost star-t , !lubs. tan "c., Th en nppl y your m lno· man. all on s go 1lI~ Il L • Of wool lind a 111Pllltl lll.sl7.p d hook l> I hn IClII Illreacl o f th e next trebl" .but. l' tood Il 0< " • '11'COlll111IBhct\ girls, T a ll. fin e·lonkln!:' , l i ng dls" ovol'los ca'l lie made, and !;COIIIC eye , Wi t h lis IIO\\'er or oularg· antcH f 01' II 1 m. \' 8 .. In"" requi r(' d. I [ Ohould he wo r ked O!lEl. 8 ch ain , 118BS oue and work Into. ~ , d ' f • b t " bo llt a lUont" mnn htlllHPlr, v ry 'hospitable, U8 tI \.0 eo " (lvery Ins ct, l ea f, and Hower will ing whal. ),011 s (' by 2fi diameLer s, alld g oo I lin ~r ~'enr8, UIn I Ulal It w ' 8 Hturiuln lois of company- gol Ci CCI' mt.h r loosely Ih rntl/:"lt out. the fnunrlatl oil clwln IJPlween tb.o. 11111'C wondel's of Its own tit rel· eal. In l he pl ctn re 1.0 Ih I tl we h,\\"o do· ago ma( 0 11 11 ruy 01 I c d 10 Ih~ r1I Y cOllncil, but was . un. l;Ilx ('lIatn. IItHI jnln Into a rln,,; ;; II xl two. rencal fl'om" all ro und_ I)IClCd II . 11(1I'lIon of whn t YOu have. ti n\(! 10 , retallato, I det r Olln d 0 chain. 20 I reblfls Int tho riof; ( Ih pass IQ Ih nexi row Ilnd cOlltlnU.0 j ll t seen Wi th th 1I0t'm II I oye. That g i ve blm a long, tit'Qal'y , incon llC!lu Qt tp d r r brlhery.' It 3 ciJu ih COUDIIII '" us 1 t rebl") ', joi ll workin" lonns (I r 8 cll al n to .and fro.. ' Yes, yes: I Roid , l1e,r vou, Jy., ~ " .. h d r lh I I 'llst that 1 fln ly·gra ll\lllMed l a)'cr, we flOW seo. j; 3 owgrllll i 0 e ' m a rla III m ad 10 ha ve somebodr el se aCl"fIsfI l he (ro:oIJI I<9 In U sl anting dlrec. 'on 'Isls or nbottl 1,30 0 c''''a of Iho I th ought, would pron} an effiCi en t , anti : 11011 ' un li l t ile " " I 11a rt of th e work ,,,., , d I t II I r anel III I11()- goin g 1111 oyer lhl$ l'oUlln rlgmul'ol e ,~ OmOl oll liH ue ,Y lIow ' ndony ln" Ol e I i 0 I J rs tmull is CO l' I'cd WI l li thosc On th9 ... 0 III u or lltJlt I 'd oncocted, and sInce 101 got· , l oo ns, " mol·h. nil r eglllal'l y p1fllled. sid e by g ra I' I cn nu s, l tln : ' \ hat of hiOil. colon el ?' rull pn l'l or rl'ill I he " lOllS are workel}, sill e, ancl ·flu t'd.'v '11 . to lho Il'rOgll' "1'h e °PI)o rtunHy cum ono nIght " ' \\'ell YOIl w ere a ll ri g ht lIlI to 0 1' r I wo rows II I a lit" ", an ti not IICt l or lyeu tl g(' or th lear; and all, UII· wh en I ca llght him !l Ilting Illon e at a t!tal POIl;l, J ohn ,' said ih e . colon ol. ~o close ly logot h I', Iha loop~ b eing tl oubtetllv l aW In ouo luso el. M ore· t able hI H en n 5SY' S Illn ' 0, I sat d01l'1I cal'l'lhll " . . . d k ed bi t take slowl y; ' out yo u su ld h e bad II g Iass ~ n CI'oun s 2, .." . 01' nlU r<l sl ilcltCR oye r , almo.l C\'O I'Y egg In thIs large ' bcm lde him an as 01 a . ye: aL di scrcli(lII . 1I1lnnd lhe Qut I' edge hatc h llI'oved t o I,JI! f ' rllie ' alld ., 1'0' I methlng. ' .. ' Y cos: work a ro w of 10(' )18, 7 chul n IlItft duc II II IIl' lng C'Qtl'l'pi lla r. Suc h Is "'1'h e colon('1 call eel for hls favor l to .. ''l'hat'!I w here rOll wer a bit of!', (no 'rr fourth Klltl' h, IIl1d Ih l'l1 a seconl! Ule cxten of th o I' ro:,; ' ny oC t he Un. t lplllr, unll Imlllodhl.lel y lalm It d Into John: I he colonel replied, taki ng 11 sill row of 1001lS, hul \\'Ol'kl lll!; litem frorn d r wl n!; m oth. ' Ihe p rcfo c t o on\! ot hl~ tllree·volume of hi s IlquoI', tho mhltl lo IreJllp, IHlssad ovcr itI milk. On Ih e sum' ('Ide r bmn 'h. end on 1 6lorll's ahottl nolhlng In IIllrlionlar . " ' How~' J askell . Ing oue 1001' to IIIP mldtlle l r 'biu In. I IlI most Iho ncxt I·'n t. Is Rn t llor IJRI Ch "' ,ou don'L r omomb: ' old Billy .. '\\,h r. th e datU' d old foo l- he har\ . t hp n'lxl, Ihlll! rorllling a d nbl e ro .... nr nb()ul20() CSj;S, ot 11 l:trger F;IZ. O, but CotlSh, tll at lI~t'd to !r ve t.h~ otb or two gluss r s !' t he olon I yelled, of 100pH nil rottnn th e l' llge. Th reu,l ,LIp fll'sl 1'0'" 01' I he frill similar In fOI'III, thotlgh or more In lrl· &IIl e 0(- H,ansoll s. cl'ook, :l ohn7 ~~ be- ban ging hI s li st, down on th e tabl e. "\\'cll , I dI d the onl y ~ hillg' a m an wllh rlltbl)1I h;llf an 11IC'l1 wide, flr t'llnJ:O The pr~tt:y E99 of tha ~hlte Admiral c;ule II 81 ~n : so me or whi ch i bfl\' e bnn- tho st I' OlHl d formula, No, J 8ho;"n i ll ill:I: ll'fitlon No , i . ' gl! OaS ,Lhnt w as bororl) you I', tim e, rould do ulld er (ho clrcut1lstanccs. I nil Iii fljll leRll UIlI [ru u t of t lte Butterfly, Tilo I' I'y com lll on V tl JIollI" r moth W cll, HI I', the ru nulest ~thjllg .lIsp· s t 'I'm lip. bonn et. l C'n \' l n~ nb lit f oul' in ches 1111 11I1'f,l lhcu. m ill ute thlngK .. BII mOl'e deposl tH 80m si m ilol' g ' s: '111 shell s pencd that you 'I' I' heard 0[ , one " n ll t the col ~l1 ol wasn' l mIred ot hia ell hel' slile of wllerp, the rlh bon m eel.:l. OT le ~s lllarv lous, would bo 80 ablln· (I[ wilt ' h src np t I hl ll Ilnd 1I·l descent. 'm wh n W 11'01'0 uri vlng oyer ol d tl'lcl(, nor sU l ls llcd w i th hla r&- 11'1111 a 51111'511IcII . All Ih e ollJe l' ro ws qlllt 1,"l u ill ; fi lII II till l'och s lll& r\ , lit. II'~ . mllst direct bltr n" "'lr ·en . Iiko Lhe prel'loll s eXllt'nples we to;;-:l beg ybur purdo n col on el fOT in · V(lnl!;n, are cOlllm n ed nnd fin ished III I h to I(O(JI) II In IIOsllltlll . Th' !'Ibbon d o wcll IIO\\"('r l)t I' lylon In ~o m e pllrl i • .r:l nncM nt, hut thk l( r and opaque. t l'I'ul)Ung YO U ' I b~Oko I; ' ' but " Ii stalt II o ut on anQ~h r or hla same) rnl) nnel', aholild be ti ed III the lJatk t o Ihe , sl ~e IIlar cl lmc(l on : othcrwl se III lgh t a,lId l'amind on e of a 1101' elnl ll 11~t t hore' s Ilomel bl l ' I walll to a's k you long· wi nded stori s ,' H e said t hi s ·man • . II I reble on ell ' h , f itch of Il!"~v l. re()ul r d . l ie ll t' \\'llfltwc (l by th 11 :, y nov!.' 1 all' w Illi (t. 1\(\ h.ea t'ln g lin illdentuUon 10 bofore 1 torg l. J esse with Lh lwo g lass cyes r ,min ded l1im O\l S 'ro w- tn kl tti! both i hreads"':" \Vo r k .1 Sl.tlm:1' s houlcl llUllch et!. and & , us, f QI' the Its oenler ( Ioi o, ,I . The f rual e hl 800t Rand all and I w ~e hn,'hig a t alk , of anOlh er alII clllzem, who so lIam Ing 2 lrt"I)1 s I n el' I'Y IIfth , or ns bow 01' rns lUI or rlbllo lt ~t1tchcd on IJ(,IlI';l1IPI'J !ll'ollncl li S. nWlIlent, liter (or l!, 'I ve 'li tlal'ttlon I q of Ihis .5I1ecl ' of mol h I~ curlott fron l d I I r Id r ecall lhe was Sqrn et or SorefeE<l - Ro melh l,!s of len as nlll ,.," b~ r q\llr (I, 10 Iltak t h Ihe tOil, tl • l e t s no wings to!ly an lie l l er 0 Ull co u . h llllmrrou In , ·c l whleh m Ol" HlId lhe fac t la . S I III n a llle of a oerloln IIIUD w\tom wo u. e·j of that klJid ; b c:ouldll 't I'IshU~' 1'0· \\"0 1'1< II " nll c; joi n rou nd nnd I' peat A lining or s r sil k will add greatly 1I y ~ g nlly nmlln I 10\\'crs and Ivllll, and on Lhat account l ooks 111m t o k now \' 1'1' 11'1"11. Guess YOll ollill nlBr'Iluor wll at, Hut. tll a I'x tl' lullleR of ft' 10 • linin th wO~'k Is abou t ('Igill tl) l h a 31ll ,(, QrtlUCC ot lhe bo nnel, anrl' l en\' 5. I.I'L it S I' tn pm hcr. t oo, Ihal a f at Itt'll b, her larl: dimension being havo tol d \IS In a second ' lIu, n Ilh t hl~ nrms, lhe colon I sol<l, W I' fC) t , I n .\t es In d lam ter_ ommC'ric.e l h t' alii;) ttl Ihe IV li t c" lI CO turorl. b l'Col' w Cl1uld havo lit i s I.HI$y Ihrong <lu e 10 th e ~ lieI'll I Jlulld l' II Sgs ~ hlJ Jesse 'lIor J .could Ihl'ok ~( t ha t oame whll hi s. l egs were !lul sl)tld orr with np.xl 0\'1 as Ilsl) al. ttc 'n after ,m akI ng I f 11'01'1\)(\' \\'00 1 Is UM d, til fOllnda. f lilli e unlllID 1M, for <"[lch OtiC n lIny t o SOl' li S. H'l M eredi t h, liar hauds; and be llad lo walk with his ' .t he . llt'sl .treblc, WOI'" I (:ho l ll and IlU ' IIQn m lghl tic worl(ed In' Shetlnnd: ur.rICs, , Wh en the ateqHlIl,ll' !s t'gg had ·w b I:tll" full y dllposl t c tl In i.O b"c,Otll c a cll r)' nl hs, . II. weaves , !lo st . ' Merr~'weltth 1'; bllt som e ,such name, tic'or s .Inslead ot his legs. ,,'ome ' ~u~table Sl'ot 'b y \ he mbth J)I' In' '11 silken wob Lo covar It, !lUll the fa- as \llll.l- ll began with a "Merr'~'," any, " 'And '",hilt did Jl j:! do with h is l egs ?' . " ect : nnd let II'S beul' 'In mlr'\(1. al ao, male /n0~1t ~ lu due COllI'S ,'crawls from way.' 1 ,ask d , Inllocentiy. that e \' or~ mother Inse t \v nnw SCI' her chrys" lis on t o th e web. and r& "'r s.' sal<l [hEl col on el. clOSing one ,. : I r sawed wood,', t.h e COUlD l.. 1'0' 0' ! ~ st'eldng' fpr ' S()lDe Oiling ' sHe In nUlln!/' lhere. Th,en. In sOt1le myele rl- eyo and st retching hIS' heal!; 'lllor e piled . with 'a tar,away look In bit lY.lj . wh k b to ploce h I' Bll-lmllorlallt ova, C)\IS mann('r, her wingr.d mal , whll8 1 'Il'ns a mlln of 601ue s uch name ns that eyos." . ____ ' H al f a CUllful of cQc'n. Preparlt Rt! thoi her oll'sprluS ' Ol ~y thrl e. or l)llrsulng his . flight" 1$ attracted too lived nrollnd . here: years a " o, How ( upy r lght. l !l()il, by 1)011), t\l!')' P ub. 00,) Savory Di.h ea Can Be De)llud from melll zed tOtllaloeR. scoop lon g haft h e . been' dead , John?' . . - -- -- -- Sm~1I P.ortl on., 'out lhe cent 1', fill wi th . til com " W ell, 1 I \irned lhat Q.uesLiol't orr, PARISIANS ENJOY RAINY DAYS. CI' I\ OIel1. Hnk In QI' n until , toma. or coursa, tbere n ever was any stich - -- DQn'1. th row awa y l ell·over vegela· toes are l P.llclcl', POUI' over aeh ~ . mun at all. Wc.t Weather Cause. Little Dl lcom· 1I1ell , If. rQ.I" examph", YOll have lIaJr h aping s\lOonrlll or CI'el1m sauce . .. '~b, I don·,t know, exactly.' J said: fort in ('aY City. a untlll at .cal'rol a, ('tit In t o ~lI ces , add '. un equal quantity ' o r pOlalo, cooked " but YOlI IUIISt l'e11lem1l01' blm., all rlgllt, PRETTY FOR T~I~~T TABLE. 1 Tbe Sale e.l(oct crajn Ree m ~ to ba \'0 and 811 ed : Stll' In l O a thi ck cream ,lie lived ob D elaware avenu e, on l he side ' 011\10811 0 lO, your bouse-a little on FI' nch ', spirit II~ to urlng oUl It s sauce: Scn' l! wllb min ced pnrlll eY on Ring Box Eaally Made from Odd, and; ' (nt b ar Ill', n_e.!l~I· th e pal'k: 1I,e was IJI'i glll u esB by ccmtra st wi th c lo uris. lOp . . Ehdl of' Material. a tall. tlne,l ooklng man, wllh a hoavy, " 1,'1en51 11 ploftl i " r~A.h. It ralll !") HI!\t a CUI)r~11 o r b el s. 'ut Into iron·grllY mllSla he: And moo leur, dres~od wi t h scrupn· sl'tmU Illec M, combIne ,w ith rOlll' tabl e,. A very pre I)' and useful ad dltl'on " :Y ell. sil'o' ~Illd the colollel. 'Ihat' s lOti care, rea dy to ~a lly f o rth, d oe's s)loon stul of 11 cn n lueals brok en III tn Lite t oilet ta ble In the ~htllle of L 0.10.1')' , To!!s In r ing llox IlIUY be ~ullde rrom odds and 'th e fllllD, all righ t.. I knew h im as .Dot stop fol' . an 'Umbrella, inobebl y, ha;ves, Illso a IItIi 1\'e II , as I kno w you , fohn. St range bu t stel)s ou t Jauntily InLo the stl'eet 'Fren ch dTessh~g and 60r\'0 In letl uee en\ls of malel'llll. Oblaln a narrow . tha t I can't ' s}lcak his name-lind I've ani! makes no m el'e uufrhl ndl y eo·rn· cups, ,)al'tlb oa l'd boX aboUl .l'h In ches wide, lot I t on tho till of my tQngu .' meut on Ihe weather t ban " II ne fait Halt a c Ullenl of veas, Add dis. fOllr Inche!; long and olte In ch doop; "'Of courlie, there's no ques Ion or pa b !l U c;e matin:' ( .. It Js n ot t1n4t sO"l vcd gelaUno 10 a large c uprul or discard th lid und Ilrocped os (011011'11: POIII' knowin g IUm. colonel ,' I sold , '1)0 l hls morning.") hlg bly seasolled lila k , Strllin . Whon lit a l englb ' o'r silk" or wha teve l' Ill&· bad two' " ery handsome daugb ters. Thi s Is til e French point of "Iew, IL begins to sel, sti r In' Ihe .lleas IIghl"b y were vory lady·llke glr'18, and Dl acom fol"l of any 80rt III ' ror (hem I),. Mould In 111111111 CU118. Gil I'D II! h IIlghly accom(lllshed , The fath el' was only 'he negative or some thing deslr· wl rh wreath of pn\'RI y anti ('ul'led cel . • hospll.nble mlln ; nsed to c ntertal n a abllJ, and so they keep ' their mlncls e ry, Serv e wl,l:b mayonnai se. '" I'cat deal-kent Ollen bouse, In tac t: on \\'11i~t Is Ill ea~ l lIIg. '"JI ~ mlng II to deHair II clIl)rul of tomalo, 1'0 the to' '';'You nev~I' apoke a -tl'UOI' word fin o the a\>sen l;"e 'of It. Ln ll ell t e/ m aLO . a(ld fall I" , tubl 'SlIoonflll s or numb .... thait that In your lite, John!' the colo. HEllene nnd b I: little brot her Heurl, sh ell d chopped J1eanllts, hUltel' t hfl .. On the, lett arl a f~w of the .. me, \')'1 agnl"ed. ' _ , nel o,\cl,a lmed, entbusiasUcall)', .'Aod who. go lo schaal in the neighborhOOd, size at a walnll t oue tableSlloonflll of , 34"". 80ma IVgl tilt Vaporer Moth. In upper left l1and corner Ie he kne" · how to do ~t. He tlldn t 11,0 trol along In tbe rain, the bonne at IIread crumhs. c.,I' cr wlLh crumbs, ahown about natllral lilt the wlngle. . .emaIl depoeltlng her oggl on tl10 III by hah' ea, M.aDY 8 (he nigh t he 8 th Ir heels, carrying Ihelr scbool bags. Bak e II) shellN lInLII brown, lerlal Js decided upon . tnd cover the .~nt me home In his carralgo- thougll H en r i wears Ii capllchon - a oa pe wllh Halt II cU)ltu l uf beans, Out Into 8111es of ul e box. t llrnlug over the aUken coyerlng. ", hor cocoon , , . Jd only a couple of blocks to go-- Iho hood drawn un over ' hll head , small pie ClS, Add hair II c upful of edges. Inside the bOX and ullderneatb 5. Pretty form of Moth'e Egga FOL!nd 0" Elder ~eave.. "'S ~~ aHer the rye !lad been running pretty Heleno pold! ov~r her hea<:l a. minul' I 1I01!ed Ilotato, sliced, II suspicion or It, wb el'e I h ey should be noally, 11U>ltell e. e"a the familiar Currant or Goollberry Moth, ~ IWVt,: . eule IImbrella wbl(:h ~hEl tilts In lIuch onion and a few WlllnUI m eo lll, brok.en . down wllh colorlo8~ gille. 'I' hen t~ 'And,- Il you ', remember, Colon ol,' I fashion ,as 10 ru'a~;e the most of tbe Serve wllb Fron ch dre!l~lng on a bed Illuke ,the 1I0ttoll1 quite .tidy, paateeourse .theae , eggs BIB very wlnllt, warda her. She nevel' moves from her I .'ent on Jogglo" tl Id • I . rain ' Uurebnlled by any tltreat 'o r of watercress, . . • ' , ' .' 'ddl 'I .. 'h ' t Id f th b 'lh t " •. .. Ie 0 "enl u mRn 8' • whIt pallel' ovel' It, a'ld sow a 1J(ltton, . bu~, wlt~ the mloro~eope" ng BO I) aco . .on , ~ I) QU 8 e 0 ,e we a memory ot' tltls purely h)'potheUcal' something. awrul \.0 resul t ,If R d"?p lIal! ,8 cup(ul at oplon, Reheat, which hus first been cuvered willi ma.' ' ,g rell\ly to our ~OW8r3 of slgbt, we Il~~ co~er~ the . co~oon, but , deposita 'her }iersonage, 'he was elected to the c l!'y ' ' of wa ter falls I)n (hem, both chlldreQ preal t.h.rough a colland er . Acid t.o a ' Ierlal. 10 corn er 10 fonn feer. able' to see ,these tin), objects, Where, b,atch or ,e~t;8 ahOllt It, and l.hen she council on8 year. but ,only sat' there riance along In [ho w~t, Il'lti ng , the thIn cr eanl sauce. Serve In bol 11l1011 Th e 1I111)el' porLion Is formed from a . )'OU ask, I ,! answer: On. Lhe • dl~S amongst' ~em . In tbe 1I1'per part about. tlll'ee mouthe. He wall IInseal. drops fall on lbelr ·upturned rac;e!i and ("ups ' with Balttnes, /lLrlll of cardlJoard the le'lb'1h of the . 8~d alemB ot' all1lon evol')" l'lanl thaI of the 1I1uslratlon the female m(Jt h ed 011 petition. It was proved that latlghlng In glee a,8 If the rain were Hali a CUllrul or l,nlaLo. '1I1le unci box and a~ Inche" ' wide, : Nearly aD gro~·B.; fo~ " I t 18, Indeed •. tl favored wJIl be ,een depOsiting her eggs-botb vot es bad been bought for blm -J( nol anotber ·playrellow. X\'elr ·.hls . royal Ilrl!l.ure two 'hard,b oll '\I eggs, Slice. In h from each edgl' rUl e a KlIght ID· plant lhal Iii, not the ll1e), ,of on~ ur moth and ens, b~lng .bere shown of l1y him ; and he came near ·gettlng Into hlgbness-the , bab~'-doeB not '.JU.JSR Place In rumekl1l8 a lay 01' or voloto, ei sion fro';l end to P-nd, sll as 10 N . ' 1~IO l'e In8ecl~ in their larval ~r C~lllr- nathral size. 1 he eggs are laid IIbnut trouble.' bl8 aCcll ~to med ollUng on acoount of tben' one .of egg. Rf;! pea t. Pour 0" 01' I,ble t o bond I t tu the shap e of ~,,_ u1t 1,lIIar stago. . ' A!lg , or '!ller In Lhll year, and ra"'lfrue al ybu're living, ,T.ohn. J reo the weather., NUIIU, the nnrse, will a . cream sall Cfl. GratCl c heese on lap, 1 In the IIInsll'nlfbl'. N ' xt lIaste. lirmIt Is .Important (or , I~e reader to maIn 88 \!~g8 th.roul!lhout tbe winter bel' It aa ... ell as 'j! It were yes1er. ahorlim the great l'lbbo" streamers of Sdt (n (lV /!!I \loll I heated lhrough and Ir over Ih e whol a sLri l' of velvet lIear in mln~ the ... otual alze of theile, al)tl sprIng, hatching their '~rn8 .. the colonel said. 'But ' what ' was ' Ufe 'j\'hfte cap sh~ ,!,eira. and ahe plna sfigbtly brown,. . and Cllt live Incisions ,to hold tbe t , e ,,11 . rela.lIve to other objectll, 'a lld abo,l I t~e following June.: ~lrrerlDg III the man's name?' · ' up her dress to escape the mud'd )' Half a ClJllflll of a"I.ar81;1I8., ut In. rJngs . I... astl)', cut out two seml ,clieu-. "Funny. lan't It?· I Raid , Bymp,thet. streets; Ie bebe himself Is resplendent to inch Illecps; hp"l , nllcl heap 00 la l' !lorUolla- Fig. ?, covel' l item "';i~ , 'thaL the ph,.9to,rallh~ .,,'hleh II1~II~ral.e ' thlt w~y fl'olD all the preVIOUs . ex, ,.l,bll article represent lhem: veri mu!;.!! amplea tlhOWD, whlcb prq,tiuce , their ICl\lIy; 'jullt wl)eo yoU want to ~melJl. In' the lacea' and Ireathen which are IImall rounds of fr<Jsl\,butLeI'cd toasl. velvet and past\! t o lbe BI)BCe S r.atlllt$ l arger Ihan, their nllt, ti~1I1 sl;:tl., &s 91'\1 ber a man's name, yoil can·t do I l ror an Inseparable feat~u!e Of tbe magnlft· Surmllncl', wlth " " ramblell cgg, oy er iJY ~he CU!'V ed to'p' a t. eac h e.nd; ''''' .. ,a~o~l~ a~e tbe!!l ,.Ilh , tbe ' ~uggeltBd the lifo 0( ' YOII; and. anotber time, (lEmt devotion "l!'hlch . the . French ,Iif!, whi ch has beel) I5ca'tt,erlld minced .lhlB lOll by SIlJIIlin g the ed~e:; Inllide Inc\'Cllse In our ' (lower or vl¥lon; that When you havo no ule . tor lbe blamed stow ullon all Inra,nt : he Is SIIngl), Ilal'sley, .. UOX , fI ,! wllh gill . .. Is, l.1!e~ a're Ibown " in , the .I ilelnre!s ~t thing, It'll keep dinglnlt In your ears llieked In ' his g!H::art, Lhe hood Is lea8t '26 ,dla!Deters larger tban thoir like. a buz7.·lIaw:. But this 0111 fellnw raised Ir I t Is · a "heavy downpouJL:qatura} ·~Ize. , !iIal we' I'e .lIl1eaklng oC':-lIferry aome- ' anythlnl: Is th! to. bb goorS ., Wb,on ' we: have , seen '.ono' . eg~ of, a thlng-;-hud .a glasl! eye,' YOll know.' for him-and oll fie &oes,-U"rper'l bULlerfly w~ hav~ ~)' no tpeans : ex· ' ~'AII! ; That was It. I kne w there B.zar. Several Mothers Unite and Give J For' III elder children have g.m .... ba'tiaUld the I;l0vell,y, o~ t e, subject. Jor was 'somethlng Ilecnllar abont . hi III ; ' the L i ttle Ones a Hanpy Afternoo.n:, and \I'11l19 or sk ill. shooll ng arrows at t he nex~ _· one lI·e. pleat . wllli, of all· but 1 couldn't jus t ' lpcote tho trouble. Prolpecth)g" . . -.-:... . . a large l , Jbrowiug I'nbbel' balls at· .. , ' ot~lel' 611ecles.,,-wlll .prove 'JUlt, ,118 e~lel' 1;hat's what It was, Joh'n -a giaa~ eye. She wen t uri to Muskol(" prospectiahileg ae object: In ' fact, each aplI' . But there ' wasn't, ODO person In 0 bun . Ing. It's full ot prospectors j1181 riow. '. Se,veral , s (J1!JY un.l [e and gil'~ dUlll in y figure,. 1"0('<:8,. etc .. ulld~r tIM; cles at butt'3rlly and' nlotl1 has It, OW II' dred tbat know It: It was as natul'al. SOllle are' prospecting '.. rbl' slll·or. IhlR Ila,l'ly, usl,1I1: 3 la~ge lawn Qr se, · dlrt:' .10 I1t an older boy 0 1' girl ell_ Tile , !(!har~c;t.orlsll,c 'f~!'m , ·ot. e~" , gq . t~at' It , lookhig as . the genuine ' a!:t1cle,' n~t otllel's (or gold, ii,ome. em' nick el. a CTa, adjoining lawnll, Hal' gil:.' IIttl£! Il8rien c(Jd In school alhlotlcs. Is ,poSllb!e for ooe ~ aOr;Jul!-lnted . ~!th .what wag , the man 8 nal~le 7 ~Ier'ry rew ror cappel'. a gang {or liquor 1\· tenis ,or " blg Japall p.'I" ,umbl'ella9, pre' .I lelt ~· ij hOltlcl he .very simple and tile '. , .thO varlo):!8 t~\;l8pe8 and, ~~'lap8: , -1I1err):..... ~prneJhllls wUh a ol\ Ie.rry In c,en s h, a , buneh ' Iror voles, etc.', bill illd>ecl ~vor . '~y !3,mll.I,ar . ChataC~er8 prog1'IlIllIltO C.hl'nged the, mO'mo. nt til;"" or , .n.~lrsery III ~I!! rolks ·s how !llglls ~r, ' over.-(lXe,lte .... 1Jame ,tbe In.~t , tha~ eac\l\';lg~ will , .rront, of ft, 1 know; . bul I ~ can' t «ot , ~lle was hot )lI'OS,poc.t1n j; .fol· any 01 fro.';ll . :M~~hel· (,r)f)~. rhymes. q ld M')lhof. Hull.bAtd , .cnn rr.e'ti t or Irr~tlillllllr . l...el' lhe ehlldrea . ::: ~vont,uaI1Y produce.. . , ', the r est (,"It It"'o irt, It'a just on tho end ,theile thlnga. ','.. haTe a little teu L, ln which she eXhlb" 1 sing e rnarchlng son g as they ' go 1:0 .. Ill ' one, lIlulltratlO!l Wi. ,; abo., En'g ' 0'.... ·. th., 811 W had of my tongtle, John: bir~ there' It , Sbe was prospecting tor a man. It,ll" I18t dogs and kitt enFl, s,Q ulrrels. rab- 9111111el' tn qulel them dQwo, Be~' eKI of the bandllomo WhJte ' Ad, . Yer· a. . ,.tlCkS.' " , "Th e're's Iota of them- all nice tel: bltB and dovel, "I,lttl\' MIss , Mu~et" BUl1per 'ln 1\ larger t8nt, using ld:uSe,,: luiral lIul~t\~n)'. 1;f.~l'e .. t~1I sbelr Is ' 'a"y 8utter.f'l)" ' "WeIWy,ou'lI thInk Of It by and by, lows:' remarked ir'!lr 'Iildy friend. can ' exchange n~p(!orll balili for- bits .garten tabl es and chairs , Have tJae.. ' .del:O,rated w~th dee~: l!ellgonal cells, fortnight coll)nel, 1 snld; ' bnt you.·11 ex. "Ye-es," she replied, "every" pro,, ' M ,'Il'hlch have IIplke,,: .01' PI'lokles plllc,ed . ,being laid. . ., ' '.cuse me n:ow. 'I ,muat ~c)!-~ot an all' peot Il loas08, b'u t , only one m&l\'ir ot !III v"'" , nuper " n1CtnflY," "Little Rell table'a ftdwe'r trln1tned lind "(alrieit RIding lIood's" baskpt clln e\>ntaln ror' wllterll, Those may be yOIUlK on thclt" I~ugles. , TlIe.e. .eggs . are " Some of the allve!:'y reticulate,1 esp polntment: Good 'night.' worthwhile:' " 'bigs ot ~eanll \lI. . " SImple Simon's" glrla d nollse6 IQ while wltll wreath l\s~ally 1)lsc~ the hOneyBUckle or of Jhe common Ou'rrant 'or Gooseberr, ':Good . nlf!,lll, 3~'Iln, : .. ys (lie colonel : A~d, burnm.lng " Greenland', Icy tray Clln, be wltb 'spck candy, "of 1Ij);"'ers. lind ,.anze wings, For the · ~i06dblne. p')nerally lIon , to ellg~, ;or ' whOle larvae do so, much dlDi-' 'I'll tell )'011 tho. oli:! Cock's na,me ant Mountalna." she 'Vll ot ou.t In ilie mOOD' and ," Old Kill'; Cole" C!ln ,be Ilie toy bhlllg IlOndll lIave ' tubs of wliter ad '~ .. 'n~r the a.pelt, of .the 1eB·"~s. , . , - . the trees from , which 'It da- tlme' l aee )'OU.' .: light to look for hIm, .. balluon man . ." " , le t them nsh for lIoating ~oy'a . ~ ., ,' .. The- Sllve,.·-;,uhed Fi"ltI~lar)', olle ' r.lveil I,a, Popular 'name, Ire Ibo,..~ .111 "I lett blm IIl~tlng absorbed In , , - -"----..:...:...--" , Open ,the art~rnoon ':wlth " pa r ael!! of tect 'l he little lishers by .' olleloUl . ,.th,~ larse8~ !,n4 !DO~t beautiful of ~o.•, '.; ". ' - 1 , ." 'eootemp1atioD or .bla ~hlr.d glaas of :The Onll" WllPOD)' aod .donkey carta ·and ~Oy: 1'~1l1' ' aprons, Warchlng a child'i II~ . /lIb \juttetJll~~•• 110 4ePO~I~t ~n . Aca~rul' ae~reh ,.t any time i'urlq ..~p.o,ian~ ral!aaekinc U\e ·m,u aly. C9r- . Bilm~torme~Wpat Is ~be .... !llea. 'Tben ',let tb& 'in~lIest chlldl e~ , l,ems .. littie matter, but "'1'Qe!Jl'-P •.~Un. form, of' en . an~ , tJits ,I~ lummel' .,and !ltlUl1~na lDo~th" or ,bll memory to, conJure ~ up the (lafJac:lty of lOUr <)jloera Iiouse! 'enJo), rldea afouQd a 'POQY track. , ,.. ,. :ll."Il~U, 1~4 ,OIl tile I.....; or .,.,eal 'm~"t cif theMalld~.Il. .~1D8 ot ~. otd IUIf with ~b. '..... Coulltr)' M~':I8:r-1 alD'1. U,. . . . iulel "play ' IImpl., klnllergartell game, ,b,a t " ~pa\lered lire.. IDQ lpoll . . . ' .W~" VlciJOt! ,or ! tlle, ~'QD(~" In,tereitllW · ~pl" . Ia· ~. . ,.. . able ...!' fl'n rt out._~re .... I cu'. atrorcI \lader the direction or a klatlel'lartea brtght day for a little ~rl,-WJaa&.ta.,. .wlgiwt. . ~, at ttmL ,'. -, 4I41l1 . . 111. ~el ~D at!! ter I\,e DO me _iOwa. ~ . :~e.cller. !!Jat. W. "a\IIlt CMI!I'1!1er &lie ' .... In...... WAlla "' ~. , .
1111 ~'8
~lIt ch
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lila ' k ,·ng Use
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REGIMENTAL REUNION AMDj ' MA. I1 • FORTY THIRD ANNIVERSARY· UNJ)Eft'[' \1 \"- ~ BATTLE CHICKAMAUGA. I 2 '06 ~ Chattanooga, September 8- 0, E \,1B \ L ~ I h'I)\ Nlf 'IJ R 0 \.JJL 1\,1 N I)
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!I1Hr j!("I"lllllllm'I' Tl\ . vi!!lt1, ng IIlso Mounlken~It'1II nUl' tllO B'~"' UIIHI t;1ll~ 11Il1'1I1I, W 11111\10 tlUl ' 11 • f B •. I I f ' . • • VI hl((\ 0 ro.." HI orlg nn 0 1"".1. IIl1rlt.1WY ltrt' ""II nrlnlng tu 'I" 'f . , I • • [ . I' "IIII' l"'llIl'~hln~ ' . pro. ,. polloss own' 0. LI,ah fllmt', \,''''''"I~. ,lhl(l , I 1\ ("If lhOlr ' , ~ . 1 ' , )'Uhlloh'l WeeK ' , . II ,Mllrk e n 1I 1i8 11 s\\rJlrl sl",~ nnll mtor· (1"~N lit I' I,IIl'nlllg Inntl fr olll N,'pt.1U1 i i i 11 . 111111 . , 'I'. ",",'''. ":<l lIlIr ",,,I M IIlII klug . 1 0 111\ th m JIg or! nil. t Y In,. t Will c ure any case of Kidne,. k • " , ." ,\, \I ~h'''' 1 I Z 'I Z e ll l nl~ • • Monnl n"nm cpn ·nlll . On SOlllc,ubu r I , 11'011, ,,'111 0 ,' Hr Lil. I or Blo.ddo r diBell-so that is no' .111_ . '1' .r II)tOWN , ,,,~,,.,,,\·n ~:U I" '\''' , I), "lIg 1 1(' lUI( r ,('Il u othin : ce)t ita let)l lIud It C rtY' Lltlhl "rI"ur':lI v "I Llle I,all i. ",r ,, :o.:1J \l 1·.. \I .I',1t I ~ lIy mornln~ t.1'II111 f rl' /U Brus~ 11" g, . 1 . I. \ " l 'hl~lIl1l1,u~lm . It Ii prOI"'.,'II I" ".,lel)r"lo J~U U Ii' h'eyoud the ~CQ,C(l of medicine. F rll l,l v , l1 " n ll1 :1, \V Ol r I IIl' (l ThO Lruiloy line, more recan thull th o 'nl. 1I1i"uorll"k CI'l'lI l \\ 1111 .1 r, uuloll til t ile ~ [\, I~J GIVIIN UP TO 011. , t lhU ~ ~· ".U lit Uil\' dlW,: .., \v t tu rllJlI~ tuU"t llwnlti tbal p,trLtc111i,LLt'i1 h I Lht t' B. 81)10lI01, I~ N. \'I[)dnlll St" E'I8u. >t1I1-. '1 ,." ICllr ,I IIIlI 1" ,111 III II,II' :I'IV' ' HII~nl ', " rll l \V i,,!hiugIOl1 uf tlln 1Hll century. lind Bra k in . II er. 1I\\lInOrn"lc ",lllh' "1Il1 'I lle mrl"I" IIIILlle lj~ ~ I nd., write.: "Fur o'or tnur y .,nr~ 1 w~lroU"'e4 Nll lhUl'ht"dll. " H~ rllth r p a nlln.r IlInn , whe re w lutlVl> t.ocl H III d I luugll~ '""""'\ Ch a""uu"~'I. 'I'hl~ r~ltlill'" "I~b a kid". ,. IIl1d hladller lI\JueU"II. J 1""1Otlllh " ' t t· ) ,, '" " . , . . ",lit II Iwlll n.' ·ltlcaUlaU_1I I>flL\(ll1 l,1 I·'"rk. 't' I I I ' 1 I and Wft~ uuable to work. TIlT"" physlclau. fall"" , , \1'11'1': r., ' \ I ,I. ~;N R r.. . , n,IIU" sl(! nlfin!,; , '1 h .. llllll ti ng g r onnd!, dllir ' Ilud tlome Edllm (,ll oso III pro·. s~I'I~llIb~t I ~' I t' alltl ~L'. ,"io Ih" pn'ollnt I". e "P ' 11 1\1'1 I n I I " , . '11-" 'I ,,':', 11 1.0 hulp !DO IIud 1 Wil. ,,1.00 11 1' Lo dlq. Foloy'. Kld ual Gum Will rMmnn\olldod Hud the , fl,.., 1 f'} <rL" . . "r O" ••<> nlill I' t I I f t,hl\ "'~I' ~t II by bft Dllt"'.11 CtlSS of llIanufaQtnr a d e e J; ves Its \l1r'\LI"II~ an ~~'H \I will \J LI'" l"r~eKI 1\11,1 CI\1I lip '" llI n, \ III 11 11 11 .. 1\1'- . , ," . buul. pya mb g..,.~ 1'1,11., Knd .aftu, tIIkllllllbe (~ _ ~ CJ ;"':' 0 , \;0,.1"1. ..... J" .r '" , " . IV' '-; , ' . 1I1n ~t. 1l0lu \J lc ", n\'l lt~ rlru: '\lcr Huh1 In " II ~ wooud bu~~I. 1 was Qu\l.ol, cllr.. I. " lht1 fllllllhgl 'n , " t,he lI nn t'l! huntlo ~ nllltle for olennlineij", ti n t II, h orM {lr ~"mh. (u 111,· n"(I' ~ dalt',_. llo~ rUII, "l1nl, lI il,(b t•. ~~.. ..,.~ .~ " - - - ' - -I- UI,\l I" I I ' f oo~v hll!lllet h UQf in itt! pri ntll 11111 11'0111111" al'lllk~ or lwei" ~L"t~". ""lJIp,·I. lnS \ '(Nl .11~ K '111(1 o hlll1'~ " 11,) 1111 ,,,1 t'wo Si... 50 C.nt. and ,1.01 , , I' !>:I ."" Y ~ ~ 11 ' t'MI1I" ~ . 11 L! r("lUIII )f'C>II1"" ll1J prfll<e nt, Slh\ o · ,"" ("lIm,lu/,: l'I·III1.r ll·nulll. Ohio. ~1I.hlllllll , • ..,- ..---'-"-~Bnvo l' tK'ft ntl .v Ilh, Vt 1 1 lu " " " I ! _' _ .. _ _ _ ." th o' ('It.I' "'II \lIn" II !"ill fllr~ ! wh re ~ tr lit ~ 'ellu 111(13 J",I I.1I1~ , 1111110 "', \\' 1'':11 " , 1". ~lIn"".()LI\. J,)wn t"t :\' ~\)r'hka. Mi s ,)Uri. 1{ ~L n ... al'i ~ntl to{ ntut"k)', '1111' ,' 1\111 ' 111 PI' li I I<lOl r \ i' ·n!p'l'x lon . Il xl, t, ) C l' (\!'~ 81'/)'" Ill t l\(\ 1\"b l<:l of t,ho 1.\1 W C;lIuntrl:; t ·lI t.tle unll gout!; IH ll U feutnre (,f will "~,,,,"1JI" . lllall ' Inr the Ilr" '"111 1.'''1 tI'rlllCI';1 . W"\'~ItHV It.1 ~l. " 1'1 ' I il lllil I.·II ,I!' 1,1111"" III IlI'f!>U 111 II I Th~ Man Bdore the P arty 'werp fu nd of huu t ll1 ~". 'l'he !\t.r eet.; Ute ltu\;I~Call thr u ghont B Ihlud lillie ~11\l'c LlIe)" u,,,rOlled rrom I!" IIluUlI· lUtm'.l Ilcl \l ... forty · th rt·(, ,'ea.r/4, a)!11 tlll rll C'II""I)" ~ th tl" Ihfl r lAlI1' "~I" t1nll ("""h 1' !I~y U" III\lIt' l(I"n th" t, '1'1'" 1." llItll UI1 I' rl'~!' IIUlnllll'rl 1\ tH" brollJ nnd hnnd~o lll Im(l w a\l in 8u h numbers thllt ,no iR illl' Uc l'l' 1:<lInc 01 \I,c g'''OL UI'I ' tunlll l ' r r Du tn.' ~ tt" t ,h 'I~H whit tbU' l.n'Xnk ,· If" ~" II'"". I· " I"n u, III " ri ltl IllsI Wo k e lljo.\·!lIl l~ rlrh' Ilboutth e ity, sen · prep~ (1 with til fll ot. of b e r pro m Ul u "\lIc"l lu no!Lhc' YO~Lh , IJllu'LlalllU lakc " ' 1' \ \' ()U( children nnll !'l hnw thom h lntorl(! ' hl\l U ' \ LU1{EN , t:lI1 I" ' '', I,ri .. l ~';-''' r, m'IJ'~ . II l!mll'lt n · Ihllt i:l \lllrth 1t'\l"II\lng ing th e fillo pnblic bulhling:l,. th~ old lOell(l In t11~iry ing . T he flft1c1s 111'0 j,o(,>(n. with al\ IL'i nlsL(>Tleal c"nn.c l io,, ~. It 1"1,,11'11 11 I .. r t' ,t1I ... WIIII.r "ntl 1'(11\1411 I'nYRll';1 N ",N I' ~U I(nti:O ~IH\ui~h lJris tI ,\fhor (;\ ~o lU it0Y Il t' d b 1 18 1h' Oppul'tunlty of u lItelluu'. (;0 Ilml ~I:(! TII~ Prells (l 11l111\ ,; IhHf. t h l\r e is ill ) " " • &(\)lIlrll e Y' nil 8, \'ory nnrrow Ille oltl W:LT gener al.; an 1')Lher "ntn·,. 1101111 1"1"10 1'1 tN AMA N 111,11(' K p"lilln \1. I ~ . .l lI lIll ny. ~t llnll oh N tho rillmier uoro Ilr ellllfl~l m ost. of th e m , thl1re tlr n o fence~ 01lt ~11\' "la ccs or IIIII'<U81 on lU 1,:\1 lIe,lIcl,l , TI'Il80 n why It. Ill tHl ~ h " 111t1 not r il t l1QIII .11lI\\, yoU aull cx plnlu, lu I ",I'n. , tl )1 r I I f ' ll '\" Itl' "011" tOl'tllTll 10{) 1.lmll fo r hi.; tlliUI anll but II".., V rIll <'"Ilt,l~~~, til ull oh fie1<1 . lu~ Lh. tuMI",rs cr~ct.('lr 011 tho \lUtLlullclcl ~hull" _ . - - - .. oelV ~ II' ' " ·1'1< II 1 H .. ' , . fr O","'I.I UIII, VI'" u,I'tin'" tIl " Nftw ' ', lJurc~' This '\'13 f Jl1ud vel'S l)ll:'.~lill g wily In C' th ~ l,ooILII'I'" of I It.C "I"A,~ll ,-, il: nr lll I~' .. ~ I _. . . ,", fnr Il town Of t.ownship offioel' I " , Lhc li n", of l"'ILlc. I~ ,,'111 nUl lIo II"')." ulltl; whether' he Ull II Oe lllO()rllt or Re. dllting bll,oli to the t,btrte n t.h cen , gntes ·withont lence till it rltl.wn 11 nlln>! w1ll lie I It l u ,10 LlIb no\)lc "'o,k. tnry (th old ohurch belon g!' to th e opon Il~ tl1II t just at the g llt es , the ILwill 0<' 111'\11)' y~ar•. If "ver ,, ~aln . Iha~ pnhll(,oIln, if he 1m '1 unlified for ' t.h e e lll,v"lIt'c ) ""nd tue In' usaUllI, con . Cll nnl s llr brld~~ , giving tho iltook L,,"10 l I,rthe ... nl1.,...It.<cll. G hal .l'"u(}urOJltJortunllY LI"kclll 'c:ulwilI'la ,1," 11\"Se" ,~ ~f1lJ)n , . tllioing mllny flne examples of tlls thuir oob Wl\" of cnt rlO g into tIle :-III9bl' IIIe H. H.. ~lIc II ul elt hi HaU L". (,all . I f tl H t.~ th' ,s J on Y' Hr nCnrc.h1. n\.U r o;u' ;lgC llt for ru t(',. lUII'I I II tl\A ftpm I))) 0 , Ie ,~n\lie "" Dntoh ~ohool of pnintlng, 'notably fleld ~. AI! on a rid s thro u ghout th e a, l \'or~I.JnjC w"'l~ r \lert:lhilllgto ll,e reunIon 11,1 gOlld dootrine For Instance I:IU \) ' Rembrandt's" Less , on In Anlltomy ." COllntr y by r l.I'I, tlloro I'S neve r Itlok ' 0' wrlle Iio"re.1 rcprCf,Cnllltl"c of th I,HUlk· It t' • ., "lite . ' N"sbl'lIIo t{ , It I'''~!l two men of o\>po e par les Iu the afternoon we drove out to Ing suoh II sceue Ii we admire ill J . U . 1\I 1I. 1.IKt!:'\ , U . P . /\ . f.olll::l\'1I1u, 1\\' ,Irll candldl\tes for Mllyor of Wtty. Queen Wilbelmiul\'S viJln , " The Delf' 'hlun cl eorlltlOn on t.Hos, itl I". lJ. lJu ~ '1. D. P. A. '1lI Cl l1l1ll1 l. Itol(J. nAllvll\e, if both men are equt.lUy B ouRe in the Wood " whore tbe \,IOlnts. fr III Dut o'h IlIndBcllpe J , I~. UA\,I-::NP WI" U p~ AI ~ t. I... outs. MO'iA"Ir!! nUll 1'1,\.ltItlun, Il • UAII.J1 '· ~ N . '\', P . A. ' hll'ru;o. 111 Q11Idifled, eto. It would , be natural peace oonference WIlS 'held,. 'l'h e pninter", or UpOll the p ost cnrd ; IUIII for tbe Republican fu work tor tbe Queell r esldetll here only Ii f ew dllYS tlle tUIlI:ii't nrdllntly h opes that if. L. 'T NE , (Jen'l PIIS!!. Agont. Re pnbllOlln and Dpnloorat fllr t he in eaob year . The ' visitor ' going llS Is ~l1lci !'It !lm pow'a r Is e ntirely C, M. BROWN, Proprietor. Phone 79. UP.1lI0Crllt, no real'onable perRo~ through the apartments get Il good to supersede the win(\ mill in the 'l'h e ll~xntlve eO'ecf of Ch!1mllOr w"illd oom plaln . of t.hat. But If idea of wbat li ttle Holland is and near future, ev ry In t windmill Inif\'!; ::;tomuch Imd Liver'l'uulc t!l is _~~~~_ _~_~,......_~~_ _• __......._...,.._ tbflftl Is ~ difterence between the bas been 119 a oolonizer, he.r e is 11 will be loft tanding 1:0 fi ll Hs nlaoe so a g r eeable lind tlO nllturl\l yO Il Clui .' IJ'.-.-~ t.",., U1en, If one Is better qUlIlIfied prioeless olot onne vase presented in thlt! cbumcterlstic 80 IllI ry . Th ey bordly rellJl~e that It Itl produ cetl by In ,wery respeot than the other no by sorue p hiness dependenoY,nsxt Iln will likely bA preserved too. bclng 11 medjcine. 'I'h e tn blets lllso on r n I" " n IIhould hesitate In c h ()()t\j ng be· ,i n1 a Idt a bl e I) f fl nest wor k ma.n~ . b Ip ' In 1:1 IIlInd, wbo e Inhabitants ex Indi gesti on }I' o r snlfl by ·F . 'c , ,'oh " 11 ' ,lIa of politics. from oneof t,he Dutoh East Indies, blbit little of tl rest.lfl!l spirit t>f wart? ' The fllt.e of the conntry or of a everywhere specimens of Japanese ohange, but k ee p the hes t of Ilil thllt 1, ,t.y ,toell not depend 011 whether embroidery and pottery . The roynl i8 old o ven while adopting the bellt ---~-'-. " Repnb1ic~n or t\ Democrat fill ev· villa Is fitly nalDed the BOllse in of nr pre!\ent age of pTog ress. I'ry little office. the Woods, for It is s urronnded by With what reverenco o nr ,,"rions One special for ~ Silk Petticoats: The ClLMe of a Probate Jndge of a forest where anpelLr aU the c har· gu ltles pointed out m Onutntlllts, . i excelled. \Varren County who II. few years actef isticlI of Dntoh ~cenery , n}ossy pllinti ngs, or qth e l' mOlllol'itd~ to w. t:: : ~10 rn:. Huceh'c, .. ,,0 refu!Uld to appoint a citizen , of trees, g r een bank,S, winding canals; tbe'ir great heroe!t, Ilnd 1\11 the P ro TIME ' ARD Wayne township to IIclml~ls~r on The extent of this wood Ilstonish~d test-l~nt world's ohllml>i uu, 'tor tbf\.t EF I" IW'1'1 n~ '\Pllil. l:i. I1> Ul1. " little eat ate becau8e he was aDem· 08, acres and hllndredB of Bor ell to matter, WHIII\UI ' 'the Silent Ilnd :o.:OI(1'H IIO NIJ We were fortunate in ' purchas ing Underwear to reta il at'.:old oorat has not been forgotten . While be thus ocoupied jUi!t ontside a. oity with whllt loynlty !Iud l)rid they Sin 11 0M No. I- No. :\· No . ~· :-/0. 7 ' price 25~ on thlallne also there Is no reason lot 160,000 Inhabitants. . refe r to " our young Queen . " A . M. t\ . M . P . ~J. I', M . b 1 I b f t IU 2f, 1 :111 ;, :1;, why' e po ittca oss 0 a own : We were driven to Apheveningen, l'IJ clolle QY wish ing eve.ry HI" i ~';' 10 '!~ I ~7 ~ .. ' lS ship a1100ld be conaultedevery time the Bague '/j seaside resort, and for 'Iette reader wbo visi 't~ h er r ealm 1\ J '~)! 1 10 17 11 '!~ I., Ii a llttl~ bit of work III' to be given one IIfternoon were very faahlona· sight, of t,h ~t most in ·t('r "~tit1g roy III 7 III IU In 1 III i, 1(0 MiKS~::; out by the oounty officers , , The beSt ble " along wit h Germlluy's, Bol. pers()ull~e whloh we mil!sed lind ns , 'i I ~ IU OJ I l~ ' 5 O' InteretlQ of the oounty should be land's and England's world of fash •. mnch enjoyment of their stollY In M l\nM i 700 "10 01 ~ I 011 t:.OI Hollan(lus we had . 'LyLl 70 1 \I r,o I 01 ~ f," first oonllldered. Ion and Ii good repre8entu.tion from . OL.. ltll M !lPHY, Edg" wotld : ,1 r.~ :;1, rill ; 1:) nil ., r.3 the southern collntries of ' E\lrope, __ Yen. blc ' ~"Ii~ ttl "" I ~ r,~ .~ H I . A Letter from HoJalnd, At n ight we w~nt shopping, buylllg Dr Dllvi!\ Prescri p tion for B elu1. I{lloChuer III :,:! W 47 ~I~ ;,~ ~ .47 $1.00 buys nice quality. Jargely souvenirs of silver by tbe Ilche. Dotl<1 . II :,11 I I) 4(; I ~ 5(1 4 ' Ii DAYTON, OR10, SEPTIlMBJl:R7, 1908. ' advioe of knowing on,'s who had 111110<1 16 41 . ~" ~II " I ~ 41 ,,~u \Vhen we r ecomuU lid lind gUllr.. l.cb:lnDn- l.I·. U :jo u:to I ~ a:; 4 :10 fOI' roomR. My DEAR MAI{IIl : reoomme nded Dutch workmanship a ntee Ake in The Benll tllblet s f or e n & 0 D, X l ' 0 l< X Tell I . . Here we are at home for in silver. helldaches and ne nry l·r\1I it Is b e Octylon ' "'II II 1111 ~ no 'J 00 , JJlore than a week IUld never thM Saturday mornlD~, an hour's cause we kno w bou ron t olltalU rotJ.iI X 'J! D. X. T These are rrowin~ in favor each , season. • h t M k. . . ' taud read v to puy your A 00 1\ 00 joln~ letter wrt.ten t a r . • BY ,oaruey.'urongh~ as to Am. ten .cen~!' baCk Safe" SJ;lr e lind II I ~OUTDII() NU. Tapestry . $12 75 $15 00 Yclvet: $20 '00 00 p~nJel VUe ~nd 1 had it in mind dUll· Bterdam, appropriately called "The Wily!! Cllre: .,r. E , J alliney p, M . Body Brusaels $25 00 $35 00 Ingrain $ (; 00 $ 8 00 lng oDr trip abroad to send yon a nd Venice ('If the North," slncl) it Is __ M. NO A, ,4M0 ., -,".'0' 01>.1. ~J.;.<.." 0 u l.. cuvc NA , ~o Jute $ 3 00 ,~ r. ou tlie OuzeUe and allit8 readers who built upon I)inty five small Isl11nds PEACIiES Daylon : C 1;\ & .0 wer!il lnterOl!t~d , in behalf of either connected by Bome t hree hundred OW\' lon : 0, X 'I' 7 yO ie, 00 ~ 01' ~ liD ' Of U8, in the "Ne'\'9s oonte~t, " For bridges over one bundred canal§ - - - -.- Lellatlon Ju . 7 40 10 3.. . ~ :tro f,42 , :JOO bushels from' :Aug. 2 to Sep't I~ lO a" 1- ', H lack of time, we decided to write These all lead int-o ihe North Bal. hlll<cr ('r08" .. g I '4' I ~:• lSf.h. UiOO to 2000 bus h els yellow R(} Iyn t· 47 ,*10 4.2 2 4 ~ "" 40 Silk. Chiffon newest aU prices, silk 37 1-2c yrd wi(le $1. when we were onoe more In D~y ton land eana.l, fifty miles 10ng,oQsting liemp.o",,",' .. flO 10 ~r. ~ ·Ii, f,"'~ bll~ how basely WIl8 I deserted by 1.50.00,000 and ,n its dllY the grellt. Smook"" frum Sept. l(j~h to f lot 5th ·en ~c ..... !IIc 7 fi8 10 (,3 ~ 01 i. r. ~a ~tuck, p~ml8ed Collaborator on the est undertaking ever exeouted. , 400 bushel!l filII lin d wintf1 r "Pille" Mjluor ' 04 ' '' .t.O r.ll ...> .o j "604 RcI1So~ILble pr ic9 FI 1.0 1111 DIS· r':I'L1e R 00 II (H a O ~ 0 Oil . B . vory ,day of onr arrival home. inoe ,What Rubens Is to Antwerp, Rem· oount to dealers, ,~, • t:,:ucwOOt! ' 8 l~ ,, \ I 07 !I 0;; fB Ie IIhei8notby,l , may . ~sk w~at \s brllndt is . til Amsterdnm . One is ., ~ I O lin " :I UP I II 10 ment .of a, well brou"ht , shown th~ ' house where he lived' 8'rAlJY'S & KE'l"rE,RM,AN FRUIT' Vonnllie 1:1 11 I II I ~ your jud..... ,D " dq" LytlE!, Oblo. , VI~l1ey 'ptlon e h:llchner '.~ I ~ . JII 1:1 a 10 '0 l! t up ,W arren County Frie~d who re ,. most of his life lind aid m ost of his 76 ~y., Wayno!lville e.x ohlltlge IJ cOt\ . .~ tli 11 J r. peat~llY expreeaed.a wish ~pon the work, 'o ne Sees a ' statute erect ed Cun ship by Am er:ioun .Expre~a Or. [,lIla ml I~ ~!' fIt :;* '3 22,'d ~ o bilb lO&a Ulat she might experience to his memory by the city, and in by freight q var D. L . '& e, R, R, I.chanrrll A.rrl'I·O 83" 11·:10 '3 :10 " .~ Duily eXllcI'1 Su~'It1y . : wI' t)n .I~ nnl & lltorm. Wbat Booh prOllumptlon the Ryks ~u!ltlum are hi!! master' SUl'lUA \ 'J'ltA ISfi:. Don't Blnme J . E . Juuney . hrought opon u.s , did not 10 down pieces. The Night Wl1tch, The SyD. 'J'railla paHS [, \· Ut! ag rull(>wR: by that name upon the Pote dam's dies, of his hlotber, and so It's your own l!'u.ult if you Con tlt:tue Northbound r, ~71" m r :'Oa. m. to SntTer with :Indigestion. "log" bD,~ was recorded, a~ ~ "Wgh numy otber llUintings one m60~vels Soo tb\)(>und II Ola. UI i 0:)1'. It • W . ~:. MORt}. gt,le," muoh hllher, we were III· how he ever acoomplished 80 Ul\loh, If· he 'COUld ollly 8ee liud tell yon per!lQnally of- t,be-&Qmber at W~Y" Uener:1.I PIl8~enHcr Agent, LcbnnO u O. . formed, thaD 'is at all n811&1 In sum· And the genlul! that speaks fro mer, and of a hlghne8~ suffiolent to The NI~ht W lltoh alone I 1'111 g llld nesyille people who bnve been co red "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of indigestion witllin tile lAst two' :;;; iUltilfY', al1 the demands j)f the ""ar. not to. ~now ' en ou gh about Ilr.t to years by · Pepsl k o l.,~ Tablets , you of Many ren Co. representative. qui' dinn~r see,one imperre.j)~lon i( there il! I\.ny wouldn't h esitate ,on trying tbls The Cause' I ' tha~ WeaneS~ay night was the. nio in that wonder of h \l111nn skill reniedy onll Illn gle nllluutQ, lIis s uo: Sudden Deaths~ et!t that bald been Berved·us, but a We visite d the .J('wlsh Qilnrter . cess with, t hilt! clI.ul~etl him to WOII· There is lI .disen so prevlliling in: this and the llm ger h e <lell!! it tbo .der, 100d three fourthll of the first cabin 80,000 Jewis b people in tllllt one more confidence b e hilS. ,No \ine CO)1utry most (1iuigero" ~ beclluse 80 decep. peilLienlera were IndlfJere~t to din part of the oity ancll\ diamond out- need lllwe dl~'IY Ii'pells, iC J[ had· U~;th~l~~~~~~l~:d has ~tal'tcd . . Dtlr just at that time: ,t lng worles, wher e we bandied stones ·tebo., hi!io \l!m ljs!I, 1lI0r VlIUl<qeM", Ins!! by it-beart dis. . ' M~all we s~rwe found time to In tho r o ugb nnd in /111 stllges of, of ·IlPI)etittl. sour s t oll\lIch, OUlll ed elise" puellluouia, 1 ' : ' heart failure or " write Jon from Amsterdam, and, ont~ing . Eaoh workman (tbere IIfP. tongue. pllipitntlon, rel!tless lIil::it tl!,. apoplexy are often lit \lily otber >I .~ mpt oms of In,dlgos 'turning book, four weeks In the cal· 1000 emilloyed in dillUlond ou tti ng tion /Inri s lo'llluch trollule if thflY I., . the rcslilt of kid· I ' disease. If eD'd"r, give some aooount of ·,. our in 'Am!lterdam) weigbs t h e stone will ol)l y llMO Pepsi:lI.OT'l : T'I uletl:\ . Jt. • [ 'ncy . ' l ' kidney trouble is time spent It;! the " la-nd ot tbe wood· I wben .it is gi ven him , lind 18 r e o is UIHO It Sll,hi!lIlid, nBrVEl tUlliO, it !tn· .... nllo,,:cdtoad"!,nce eD shoo?;' A vi8it there oonv;lnce8' qui red to give the same we.i g~lt In proves tht! ~t} nerI11 hl.'u lth , put- 0\'1 •~ ~ . \<> ....: ' II tl!e l::Jdncy,pol~on. , IS wn~ 1', ha~' erectfi f"! I, ... ()li~ fl etlh , tJ;n(\ if y;'\1 Ill''' run . .. _ ct1 bloO<,\ will at· , ;,' the' t~nrl8t that tqe expression this pnrtioles ufter he begius s pfltth\~ do wn or' e nluciate(~ ' It will ILIUJIJt!t, tack the .vital (lrgan:s, cuusing catarrb of d" , or thai '!beats the Dutoh" must ~we it. 1'he diamond, imbedded in wax, l;urely inc r euHe. .yonr wpl\(h t TblJTIl tbe blauder, or the kidneys tb clIIsclves " " . Ita force to the fact that the Dutch is ont to show fifty· four fllces (so is n ot. on e ' OIJNe in 'It hunrlrt!lt I·hul brc!J~ down and wnste away cel\.by cell, llltjddcr trollbles ,nlUlosfalways result "are hard to beat in 80 mp.ny sa.liel!t my me/Dory 88YII, Ilt any rate) and tbelltl t.a·blets willllllt, CUl'o N.) milt re~p" e' ct, ter how mllny remediel! ~ Oil It.lV tl fro~a detau~eUlell t of Ule kil1n~y~ 11111\ points, in the glory of tbeir ll!l~t is th e~ given o ver to the po~it41t.Br.ll, tried., d on't give up, J . E . JIIDuey u cure is obtaIned quickest by tl P[O~f trelltment of tb~ kidneys. If YOll are feel. hl8tOrY ,; in arohltecture, certaInly and p oli sh ed . wltll diu.mond dust. kn ows Pep~i kola 'rn.b l et,~ will oll r E! yOt~ call IIInke llO mistake by hIS ·on t"'A in art, in present progress apd . a· We mude ILD excursion upon ', tbe yo u or he o/J uld no,t 'Sflll th fllll , rllr,qly taktngDr. KIlmer's .swamp-Root, tbe . . ' . ' . fl ~ ohltlveU)ent, finally In cleanlines8, Zutder' Zee to the Isltl.nd of Mllrken !nore ~ hlln t w o yOll'r s nn II guur!ln . grent kiduey, b ladder r!!JlJedy, ~ tee to ,rll~nl'n your . t:wc nl.y.five c ' u ls It~om;"t~\II.ablhty~oh~ldnnne ,and scaldIng palll In passlIIg It, alld over· ' " , ., . , " if t h Y filii . 'comes that unpleasant necesllity of beiu'g • : , ' .'" ..' .' . DAYTON, O. 1'11'0' n . compelled to. go often t~rough t~le day, In , E8lablished "_T ' U~ld to get uP. UIaUY ttmc~ Uum1g tl!C ' . ' " . ~ . ',' ~ ~., 46 years :1., i , 'A '. . Waynf,!!v iUe's LI~tiding Dentiflt It 6luud~ the llj'gh~st for,.lts wonder,fu)' , , ~ . . ,. ' , ". . [I~K'KEEPIN(} amI PBONOOI~APH \' lallhl onlv tiv '~p~rlellccd leach"rH. 'l'bollsnnllH of Ule most dlstrcsslllg cases. ' . . ' of .Iudobuln Iln p JlO!dllon •. Terms moderalo; cnsy mo[ l nly paymCllt6 lllken. tu,lel\\>! oruoeln I,.yo' lIulldlol! . . . . Main SreeL cures SWlllnl?'Roo~ is pleasnnt to tnk'e and is admitted an, ,t ime, 51 po.lunn. (II~ Ilr~dunlCS In ,Iuly aill ne. :1:10 l1Osillon8 Jan. 1. I \lUu. sOld .• b~~IlIl· ~~~giI8ts ill flrty:Q~uta",) to Aug. 22, 1606. Wrlle A . O. WIL'J!. Preslllcnt for fruo ca talognu. one-uolJ..r 81Z", vutt ea, YOllmay bl\v\I ~ . ! , A College doing 80 much for others may he relied on to do Ann ouncl~ m ent sample b9tt1e of tllia wourlerful new dis" . • . . much fo~ you. We call YOllr I't,tEmtlon to the filet thllt DerUlllkola- blntment Is "posl, Waynesville Grad,uates oft~e Miami . . the CUTe ,for E;c;cemli, ulcers, mer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When . E. V. Barnhart, J. (). Cartwright,. Jos, W. Hisey,. Miss' LilIa Git,hen8 wounds, .plles ancil every kind of :;~ir1fn Wt1n:l~p~~dl~~nWi~l~t~er::; indu~ements Edna MdUnae)'-Ridge D. C. Ridge, Samuel D, Henkle, Geo. A Funkey skin dr seal p trouble It COl!t1i 260 tUlslake, but remember tile uBme,SwBUlp, , • Fred White, George He8s. ' if it cares, If, it lIion't we retllrn Root; Dr, Klliner's Swa~p-Root; aDd tlie 8. yo~r mODey. J. ',E. JaDn~y, ' , . b!..~1 Biugb,amtou , N. Y;. OIl evw
.hl'ift '
"h , I
')Jnhl~,r"" II~ hf'~'
on~t. uni
IN(, l
L C.
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that eaqnqt
to 50'.
Sl.O() .50
Silks are ye ..y aleablo
Hosiel'y, Gloves, Corsets
~ qibn~y~
Waynesville 10
again after a two weeks delay ' 10. I' repaIrS on, one"of t IIe wuste.:wu,Ys, 'fheft} h as ueen cons] · ·d erabIe water lost throug . 'h th ' t,e-,y.ay, an d M ' 1tobitzel" '
e " a concrete· wa)l aCl'oss 'th iR waste- way k. '.: , m.n, ,]ng it np.-to-date In every T" mll . l '1las . the best water-power '. "
M' - .' . , . " ... 1aml Rlvel' beIng able to run e,rery 'da" th.e: Y'ear and is build up fin e,t ra · de.' E R '. . DJt, f A.~.'HAWAY, ~m~·0?;~ar:::~~~11s~\~~~a~~~:f!'l. . L' B "I "N' 0 ' ' F' L"0 U'" R .
IS THE LEADING FLOUR · I·n t.hl·s corn.-
~~~~'le:~tr:et;°:I::i~~ ~Aldr~~~~~'Ml: m~n~ty,
'fhe Mill' is noted fOJ',ite lillel'at and its ' courteous trea,tment to its customer.
.~ ~ ~'M·_·~'·~r~'Sc.·_'__".""~""__"""""""~"~,,,,,,,,,,~~-~-~-~'~-~-~~~~-~~~~~~i~"""""~~""""""""~------"~~~~~~~__..........~ County Court. 'G6llI''' R. Rus!!nulD,. ntlministr/li' PEDSON' AL AND A i - - -... \1I Et1\'.'Il,tI B. Oblldwiok et ~ In pprec ation of Do not iJe Ln.1POlilJd U1IOII . I~ tl u'' L' tor, r lu, 0 E Ill. Plltltil'lI tn H"II real est'lte file!l. L CAL IT MS PillS tors Return. Foley & '9· , 'biclIl{O, originnt.'p J '/ Roney nllcl Tllr 11 8 II I.hroot nlln. IUD!!'
NO"'}1 .\' ,'~t Tbrel41lflr t )"mIIlUlY "SI
MARRIA GE LI I!IN El'I. Mr!!. Eva Barger Is visiting Tho members of the M. E . 'hurch remody, Illld Oil It('rol1nt a t t.he l'\itl to1 .., ~'lIr Ilium'" . u"lv lind ,.., Wli . friondsut Fllirmount', Indiana, nrranged and carrl.e d ont . .1)le~ f L ' ~eo l'ge Lewly ond Mll.ud S, . . . ant grenu • Hmeri t Im p TJllIlJllln rity IIf Fo l. rovlvor uf lodgurll" nt ill III1l"tUlt II, affair Wodnesday evening for thei r ey S oney lind III' mfmy Imitlltionfl Telephone Day ' 0r I',:"ghl • $1:.143 811 BI'II"dou. Burr und Ivin!l IEIII'SllS',bothttot fPIMetl!l'lDt PIIl.Ul. Rev, DII, E , 1'. KrNOEJOFJl', ure offer!ld for the g nolne , Aak for . wlgge ,0 orrow , pilatOI' , Rev, PhiliI) Trout, tU! IL tok. Foley's Boney llnd Till' and rutll e LI N 7 "I'll ,.tth m ey tl t9 r I'ltlllltlff , on of their pleaSllre at his having a ny substitote off 1'1)(1 U8 no other oca 0, Miluml ~'ilhllorl Snol.k V B Wlil ,LewI!! M, White lind R08a70S_'+--=~~"""'!!!J..~""""""'tI.<.!",-,1.,.,'). 'Ot). " been rOIlJlpointelil to this chll.rge. prepn!,ll.tion ~i ll the ~un~e ut Long Distance- No, 69-3r--------rt~ tllUl E . t-\lIt'il k lIud lofurrls K . IlUok Nuullst, bot,h of Le ·non. Father Herbert Satterthwll.ite, of Oolum· Eaoh por.son pre!lent.lLt t,he prayer Is flLot~on IJ I~ /Ulllli ,\' ,IIIXlltlv , It , F or .pl1rtitl"n nf l Oll uOr&~ oJ relll eR- MI!yerh oe fer , of Leblln,m . bUR WIIS 1\ puest of his brot.her meeti g b bt ·th . t h containS n o 0pIUle!\ und IS flflfl1~t, fror l WAYNESVILLE, OHIO F 11' ' ., <;0 . , . n roug , W \ em 'lome ohlld ron nnrl rlolt rll to Persons , ':"W In Tll"I,IElOI'(Jok .tllWlIlIilll' left re eriok U. Gil more , of Morrow , Charlos ,.l:;u.tterthwlllte· last ~eek , presents for thElir minlster which lr~. (:. 'i:ieh"VI'nrtll B hOff' H b 0 . ' ran~ ulluivitl!\ll 1,1') t.!.te llllrlieM 'to thls8ult IInu Fllnny R , Bret-ney, of I:)outh Berbert IS now employed In one Of WllS Jeft i.n one.of ·the OhlSS r bmn s J08~ph W. O'Nellll und W, ' J. Lebanon. Rev', W. E, Putt, of MIL tho Columbus' fact o.ri es and getting and ut the close of tho · ser vic he ~~'!"""~~~~~~".~_!!'!!._~_~_~_~-------~---- ~Wright ure nt.torney for pilliutiff. !Ion. " Il.long nicely , Vl'tU! inviteu into the room whore We have· jUllt ·r eoeived a car of the offerings woro left . Cllrl E, Reeder, of Blanchester, '''lU H'l ' I'UO II:EUINU • -- J ohu Krllf t VII The l::ltote 'Qf Ohio , unu Henrietta V. ('b~llmlln , of Mar, the very finest shinglell t,he . murket . affords, I,hess shingles Ilre good , Souvenir Post Cards. E X(.;URSIONS TO LeRvt! gruntell pi!(lntllf In error to row. Ute pehtilln in · error. Exeoution of S pringfied and Columbu s, Sept. 2.3 , '06. n.:AL EIIT;\TI!: TItANBFERB, . thick ones nnd ve ry'even, Call and " J)urin~ the Hottle.Coming IlIl1ny lIentenoe ordered suspended, plnio . John V, H, Lowls to'l'ilIie Bohr; see them. of the sota, of I~uvenir Post Cord New York TOl'onto, Onto tlll,lu Arror giving homlln sum (If 2 1.10 acros in Lebanon ; W, g , MADDEN & Co views of Wa,yn6!lville wero enti roly ,,", Ul) . ~"' . ::U,- Urr an l~l'Ct' lltiUn ~C I'l 1:1 , L.O Ill - I. O. O. F', , . Oorwin, Ohio. sold out 110U mu.ny persons who . , ' 1250. <.;u,rl C, .Ayres und oWIfe and WiI. . wanted Ilnrti\lultlLr RotS could n ot he Baltimore Chattanooga, Tenn. BlI.rry Bnohma.n VB the State of Ullm. J . ,Ayers to l:)\]a8 H, Keenan, flrof. O. M. L\us~i n, !:\uperinten. supplied. ' ~\.·Pl. tI . Ii - .Jubllc · \\' c;:k Sl: Jl l . IfS . 17 I "' ·' J(e "ltnental .(~unlo n t I' l . f.-,. III, l i -S u C"r A rmy or C um ()l-rlllnd The Gu;!'otte bllS reprinted aix of Obio, Petition In prror III strioken 99 aores iii W08~ln8·ton townahip;. dont of the West Carrollton Sohool fr om the illS!!, PIII!ntUf. lt:i ~rror Is 1225, wall at home here Saturday and I the mo t popular of these oardl:l City of Mexi co Co lorado Springs J\ll gU!'4 t I" to ;U ··' C.: I'o loho1cu l ("on,grl!"'!-i ~CIIi . hi. In. :!H · P ik(·'H P CILk Cc nt.en Dla. Rranted lel1ve to fIIe" IJetltlon In·err· ~usnn .A . Bradford and A. Brad. Sunday,. , Prof. Austin bal! :lOo lshowing tbe big hridg", 'orwin IAvenne, the new school h on~e. the Los Angeles !> ~ I' l. ~ 10 l a··· N IH ' 1 /1 , 111 1:<1 (;,'"·vClllul San Francisco or ,lind executltll of sentence is or· ford to Mary .1 . DeBonrd i 94 oores pupils In hili I'chool and report,s t)llIt 01<1 school h OURI', vl!l\\; on Main N nrthweSt Homcseckers ' ExcursionR. Soutowest dere!1 susponcled, . plllintilf,ln:error in Bamilton to~n8htll ; '3760. the first weok of school Rtll.rted off !ltreet ami scene lookIng up N ortb WeRt I" Atl gu" ";'-I.lomh,'r. Or loh~r South giving bond in 8um· of 111300. ' N ' 1M' I k d JAM in a very enoouraglng maDner. .s treet hili" Curds Rell 2 for 5 ce nts H h'IC re ~ l crl. n.k T lokct ,\ gr lll J h CI k Th Oi I ti , ann e , 0 arm 0 nn . . o· or 2;; oents a dozen . W e will nltlll o n tl.r e V8 e no nua Corm 10k to Charles W ,· Bogan : lot Mr. l1nd Mrs, Robert E. rew und · them to IIny address In the United iII• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •_ • • • • • •_ ••••• Northern Railroad cfompany. ,Do. in M.aineville: Mrs. ElIznbeth Bogardus aQu Bon 8tntes. tend~nt Is ordered to tile answer Sanford Young and wife to WiJ. ,Jamie are at home fro~ Mountllin j. - - -. . within twenty days. , lI~m Orosson and BelJe OrosBon; 60 Park , Mn~Yland, wh~re I,bey . Farm for Sale. Keep.· the Hefts 1&11. Belle Baso,:e VB Nettle Boyer Rores In Warren lind Ulermont attended ~he Fw' nuR Oaner!,l oon· 'rite farm belonging t,o hOlI'R of et . a1. Josepb p , Eale \8 grl1nt~d oounties and . 10 ,Ilcrel!! in Clermont ferences , After tho Conferl'noes lJenj . Vll.ugh!ln, deo.Mseel, 10Cll tl111 to ale IlnBwer forth with. county ; t1. Mrs. Bogordull anu !Ion .visiteil her -I miles we t of Spring Valley an.,d J 08cph p , Bole, lulminlatrator of Rebecca Jane l:mof1eld to Louisa Rister, Mrs Elias ,Blockhurn' Ilt 2y' mIles south west' of Be llhrooli, Mll.ry B,' Bille,' deoeased, is made J . Wrlgh't., .LIO in Oeerllelll Fishertown, P '1nllylvonia. und Mr , is held for sal~, acres M C ' 'rhe flLrm contllins 69 ncres. well llQ):ty defendant and grll.nted leave township ; und n . rew viSlted ~heir reill . improved with exoellent iloulle 6 Is r('('ollllllcndcd hy !IOmo of ~e to 11Ie or08s.ptl~titton forthwith . Martha M, Brlldley io John R. tivell, Mr . and Mrs , Silm B. Cook. rOOWIl, go'od oellar, b.lI.rn. 34 x 50' ft, I argrsL pO\lllrymcn ns tbo most ElmerKlb vs John. F. KIbbey Coffman,' 82 oores in Turtlecreek nnd also their f rien ds, Mr. Hod wi.t h (\ stolls, new wagon shed, orib cconmlljcJl1 rooOll!!, nn, l sidIng for Mrs, L. T . Grei!!t, in Washington OOW stublQ att'lched, nnoth ~ poililry lLflU8(;8, 8h008, elc. Shlllglell et Ill. D. W. \1mllhreys and Jo· township; ~l. . b 0 good buggy shed and orib, s·umwer and clllplJOIInla cost moro lind do soph 1:;. Kibbey, adminhltrator. are ...Charles Hoff and Margn.rett Hoff . , . , ' kitcben. splendid. wood bouse and 'loL keep ,tho buildings as dry lIull Dla~e parties with leave ,to file tc Roberts Shurts; 32,19 nores In Mrs, M. B, Uunt and son", ohm other ' out buildings all good. never Wllnn, }.Ileadings forthwith , Deerfield to'wnsbip', $2.J.l4.21:i . lind. Wllrren 1I11ve moved tram I,hlli r falling spring wlI,tar, good well and fllrm near Lytle to Columbus, where oi tern at bouse, good orohard. nice ' Albert Keevor vs John M . Bay ,. t hey expeot to make their home looust grove, land produotlv.e. Torma YOU OAN AI'P.LY IT YOURSELF ner Plaintiff hilS leave to ftle Comm iss loners' ' " reasonable , For 11Ilrtlcu\llrs and with rrl{)j nl.( k l ~ l n l'lIch r1l11. It c\()('s not ff"I" lro wb n tlnI\ Ii Mr . , Calvin Hunt . wIl) t/lke 1\ ~rn\s . CtlU an, QIr addroslI, .8:) at ai>l)lJc~.II " d lh sllul. 1:i~1,i1 tn:<Iayfnr (1'!:;OSlIIllllluRlln,1our hooklet, re!lly within f,tae.! days. , Proceedings. course in vet.erinary 8u~'gery I\t 001. ' B. ·I~, V AUGElAN, ' "Building Eoonolll1'." Tile "~r~!lt ~/lttopal Bank, of , nmbqs ~nd ~Il rren hil S ~Dte rect tbe Oenterv1lle, r.lont~olDer y '0, 0 For Sale 8y SPENCER & MONROE (JlnoIQl)lltl, Ohio, vs All1m 4 , Wood W: S , S~noge, & 0 . , recor.ds CoInlllbqll HIITh 8ohpol. The. good ~~ .~ , ~ OREGONIA, ' OHIO ~~;;;;5~~~~ Judiemeh~ tor 1111l.tntlft' in' aqQl of for olerk ..... ....... p . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H 00 wishes of the many frleods of this ECZEMA and PILE CURE co f1119311. house, board exellent famly will follow" t,hAm to lFREE Knowing whllt It was to su(· IT IS THE "KNOW HOW" JlI.mea Matthew VilA . B , Pummill, lng t prilloners during Au· (I 00 their new location Clvde Wharto{)n fer 1 \vlll gl\'eFREE OF CHARGE to In the manufacturing of Paroid that ma~es it the LeavegrAn&edtot1lellDswerwUhin guB ...... .... ..... ........ .. .... wilIDnveonth~Huntfl~rlD far the anv iJffiioted a positive ouretor Ec · ' ' . f Lebll.non Gas 0 0., gaB at j~l\" 5 13 winter: , most economical and. satis actory roofing or siding twenty daytt, zemn, !!/ll t 'rb e un~ ; erysipel1l.9. pUes .. .n The Western Star, blanks for • _ • aUd I:\kin dlsellsles, fnstllut relief. material on the market. Both fire proof'and YJeather Htlite V,8 Looren RolBten . PII. re· Treasurer .. ~' ....... "... ....... .. 2 00 A Card~ Don, 't RujTllr 100n(fol', wrUit F, W. proof. You get full ' value recel'ved l'f y·ou buy ' duoed to t100. !:!aId blln being giv· M, W :.MOOD & Bon, plI.intin g ~ t~ . I t tiffl 1 ed . WlloLAMS, 400 lManhl\ttnn aveoue Parol·d. . . l),a D 8 re eas ~~papering at Court House 21 90 The f.lI.m11y of the late DaVid ~ o. New York , ~no lose stomp. "ran, J... powl.Jllm &Ild Mllry E. FrunkUn Ohronlole,bllLnks'for derwood dellire to 'exI,tess tbeil' t 111 9 190 AROID ROOFING PAINT. Bowman VII Hannah M. MoKinsey clerk .. ,.... .. .. ... ...... :.. " . .. ... 'I' 50. thank. to thfllr Irlends lind neigh . • nu Soslln IsIl.bell.e Werner. Parti· Same blll.nksllnd stationery ." 4 50 boi'slor the sympathy anu kindoflss Makes old roofs new, Good on any kind of roof. Uon ordered, Frank HiokB. Frank Greathollse & Osborne, roof. exte1)ded to them during the illness W.LANG,:M~O; Ask your Grocer ' for ACME FLOUR, made by ~he Corwin and Frank Kunker are IIp· Ing and repllirs at Court lIud at the time )f the' death of ._" oomml88 . i onerl!! t 0 mil. ke sa Id ' ...... ': .... ... ............... 156 69 their loved one. Ru~oF. ILLl':, On~o Oregonia MiU~. JIOin...,.. House f flrliig- ' 11110.. .' • "" .~' '. n,~ Jla SPI!:OlALTIBS: DlslIIAeKS OF WOMEN Our Flour mill has been newly remodele~ and the parti&lon. Henry. Ohrlst\nD br'ldge re " t Os B l ' T ' b: 11/ 60lshOUle d, "My Ood! I'ow th WIl1'Ilm 4,.,fta,lIeli I!~ !il 'va . ' pairs ami tort O:~II .IP: ' be done.?:'- Hurpe r·s , The 1~ llg AND OHILDREN. , quality of our flour is better thaD' ever. MI'. J. fildwarc1a .,~t Ill. V",fendanta Geo. Hawke. (Jon, No. 64, t~Dl " , bank!! of !!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!! ALL KINDS OF FEED ANO' COAL. ·Ot!Olll' J.. Edwardll and William W. ··pors,ry bridge at Wnyneil ,, ', ' . whlch ' rcn First 4idl to Beauty., are glven twenty days in VIlle ...... .... "" ........ :.. :.. ., .. : -10 00 n St~tl e ' MQ~opo\le.. tb IS length. ,nn . NotQinH la mbire oertaln to benefit Alsoall kinds of-Hard O~d Lumber. Weiilake- a . . to tIl~ p\eadlng or motion. J II k e Rid ge, Con., N 0, "6 · "3 00 ,oropoIn ell. 81 e more ' .. n Specimens· . th whloh v ...... ., i?runce liS a means . your oompI IIXI!)DI ' an u. ..,Q cen t b ox' specialty of hard wood fr~me8. I K • I th Bert Read Can , No 133 lind revenue to lhe' \:Irejlldlc~ of tlve of 'e of LllXakbl~ ~plets. They freshen WII\1a m 04 , eeve.r e. a VB e . , . teet long the skin give oolor to the cheeks Villale of Mu,on, Plalntiff8 h~ve· ceme~t : ..... " ..... . ,.. ......... . " 16 oOten)rl e, ...s.:m~I~Ql . '-", ... .tU~ oure ·coo'lIlIpat.lolI, . and give YOll ftneen daYIJ in whloh to tlIe a reply . W, E. · Whltaore, repa.irs in olear, rosy, heal t hy complexion, J . The Viliage of Lebanon vs The In. Barlan township ,:.... , .. , ... 18 7 Cur" COldL Croup and WhooplUlr Cou,b, E Janney . .&eru rba n Rail way and Terininlll So mEl, I umber " .. ,............ .. ,. 92 03 ~!!..!!..!!!-~-!!..!!'!!!!~!'!"!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!t
A, B
loa,. arvats urg ,
.. _Pennsylyan,ia Lines_
Chamberlain's COUGh Remedy
Company. Defendllut IS given ty days in whioh to plead. PROBATIC
~hir:' t:iam~el D. Henkle; f~s lluQ expense ..... ....; ........ " ." .. " l~l 85 .
Spencer &. Monroe" Oregonia, Ohio.
J .
..,,,<", -..... --:-- - - - - - - - - - -. .- ••- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.....
Appointment •
. Eatate of Mary Ellenborilt , et Ill. t::.t~W 01 OeD, 1.. O'~t:aJl , ,lccear;od, : ,Ie of relil estntll confirmed. Tjl o uullerahliled bus b tell "PI)OIIlI.I!lhnd , , ql!aJIH"ll as ellCouLrl.. of tho to:Htnte Of OPfI, Estate of Wilson Harvey, de· 1'. O'Nellll, law 0 W fre p cO ulltY. Uhlo, .• tlllC8ued ". , pea~ , 'nv!'nwry and apprtl.tsement Date,,' fhl~ 11th "a); or l>epUlDIOOr A, U, ftlo4. IDOO. . . BAIIiIlIn' 1::, O·NEALL. Execut rix iltltate of Barab J , Olt.h enB, de•, ,.. (leaaed. Inventory and appraiae. , To O\lre a FeloQ. JDlln' 'lIed. aya.· Sam Kendall, of PhUlipliburg. In re will of Oeorge T. O'Neall, KIlO ., "just oover It, over with Bnok. , • Ifln's Arnioa Salve and the Salve d~a88d; Application for Ildmiea. "'111 dQ the rl'st, " :. Quto,~est oure for .l.o n 'of wlll to · be for hear· Burns, BoUs. !!,ores. ,Scaldll, W.~und8 ' tng on,September 11th, at· II p. m , Piles, Eczema., Salt Rheum, Chapped . BlI.nde, 'S9re Feet aud &Jre Eyes. Elltnte (jf'Catbarlne COlnptoD, im Only ~50 at · F, O. Sohwartz arug bootle. Exooptlous are filed to . see· Btore. GUaranteed , ond . and flnaL aoobnnt of ,Je8 se • - • Monumental Work •. HawklnB. guardllln. ~
In the mat.ter of ~ett1e Lear, an Geo. Dodds and son, llrollrletors a1le"ed tpllAne lJerlillu Said person, of the .we~l, ~npwq qtonuqlent . (irnt of Xenll\" ~ave. on,band a Iltook of 4OO1!,red &0 118 entitled to adml8810n monumentlJ Il.nd mlLr_erii which to the: UyIOUI . fur the Inslme at tht)y wial), to dhlpose of quiokly in Dayton. ' ... , ' .. their lIew, building operutionll, nnd , • . are therefore prepllred to make un · ,Ell tate of Mile. C. Brown, min.or. usuilliy olose prloes on the work Fin"I. II~'&lUe~t tUed. now, . ' , ' Estate of 'Sarall . J. Gltllens, ' de. Hl~ve al8Qrooontly ISRued a new I olttaluI(ne, showing. mllny styles of . ceased: Prool of:publ1ol1tlon of no: monuwentB whloh w1ll be malled to tioe of appolntmen~ filed , "uyJnterested.partyon request, Est"ute of J , Wl1lt~r ~onroo, de· ' . cea~d . Third and fin III account , C'u red HI-librs DlsBase . . flied. Geo, . A. Sherman. LI"bon Red Elltlltes ior auttlemunt. Proof of MIll!!, Lawrence 00:, N. Y . wn.t:es: .: : "I'. bHd kidney disease ' tor mllny . . p'ub'IOI\~lon ~f n()tiOl) of for yents pnd had been tre~ted by phy lIettlllm~nt fiIIlU.. . , ,sloians tor twelve yearll: h~d taken '1 no.inllttl'n of or untY'treas. a .well kPOWD kidney m~diQille a"d . " . o~her rempdil!8 .that were .:~~m o re e. . ury: ~, 8trau8 Rnd M. ,M. Cull" a.p , mended bnt got nC! rllllef until 1 1lI,I pointl!ll. to mltke M,l d 1llXlatnlnation . gan ulling i'oley'a ~idney Oure. The . Ei!tate of Aline Pltll\tl.tI, Imbeolle 6~st htl.lf bottle relll;lved me antt (our bottles have oured me of thi!! . , .. 8l!'b I&COOllnt fPed, teJ'rib~e dbeas8. Before [began tftR • , ~tate of WhUllIlI B O\lb"lct, de il':lI(.Foley'8 Kidney Core I had, to p&a!M'Id, Inventory /lud IIopprnfAe·. make water about . every' tlfteen ;mlnutee, dllY lind night, lind paeeed ment Wed. ." briok.du8t eqbitaDoe, and ,,,ome ICltate of Mary S. Bale. deceaHd. tlm8ll4 IJlItqy 'ianblltance. i beUele I Ha18 0; ohatttee'aPProvod aDd boD would 'have died If I had DOt tallen
t.. '.
1'he Gazette .'w ill accept a limited amount of advertisil':lg III its SpeCIal SOtlveuir number now' under ·way. 'fhis advertising will be'mostly in the form of wl'iteups,and no medicill.a t OJ' . oth~i· objectional advertisements will be accepted.
do 'W3J[1·t all ' of · ou'r Local Merchants represented. . 'fhe publishers 'of the' pap~j· are going to heavy expense to issue this edition and,we want to mak~ it representative ~f the community. ' There is no bett~l' way 't o show what the town and vicinity .repl'l(sent in a busithaI) ,by live ,~dvertisements fl'om .the business people, . No other ness advertising II mereha.nt can·do will help . him or 'belp the community as ~' m.uch as ·t his.,
,- - , ' ,
_ _, a_...i
. Fo]ey'. Kld,ey Cure. ,. O. ,. - ~
I '
T.HE PUBLISHERS OF 'fHE GAZE1.'1.'E GUARANTEE "fHAT 1'HIS ISSUE 'WILL HAVE A CIRCULATION OF· AT LEAS1' 2000 COPIES 'AN'ti :PRESENT INDICATI.ONS ARE THAT 2,500 COPIES WILL ~E RE:QUIllEP TO SlTPPLY THE OEMAND ~ ' it·is t,he greatest · a~lv~rtj'sing opportunity the local public hali ever had. The .edition will be strictly high class and hD advertisement 'will , carry added ' w,e ight for ' this reason. A.nyone having anythin 0' 'wol'th advertisin.g should , not fail to be in this. RATE'S ANP PAR~rICULARS Cl-lEERFULLY FURNISHED.
• . _. ._ _III!IIII!IIII!IIII......-JII!II-II!"I-~!JII-IIII!. . . .
Hayashi, the 'F oremost Diplomat of Japan
l'ie E er (i'row. Up, H. Hu
60 Many Fnomles.
NO N PRIDI! OF NEW YORK ZOO. Dig Constrletor'.. Appl!tlte for Led to I tl ea ptu re,
l'h II CW IJ u Oonstrlctor fro!'ll Veil. o nI nny dnngf'TS III a t YOUltg blrda I \\' ()I~ n 1he tim tlllJr a'r e b;:ll 'bcd ZIl 'I, fl(l(1cd to Lh t\ w YOI'I, l.ooIQ~· Ilud tho tlI110 whoil th y al'e obl u to le:11 1)111'1, i6 ono or III Irtrg at of Ite MOTTOES .FOR THE A.UTOIS1S, lake cnro or t·lIom s II' es It la a wou· kind "lid lUI S all IIIUH'ClS tlllg' hi Story. Same Thing. del' lbat so mall)" or them reacb nlilLOr· It beglln. s!\~·s thq ZoolOlllcul 'Soclet;v " It I lose you It will "'I'e k m )' liP," I 0111'01'1 unity Dlak\l8 (he soorcbcr, Ity ., Th~t an y of tl)(!w do so III rrob. Ijlllllct! n, wllh [1 Borl 8 of d (lreda' 81 ' hu I thc 11lI(l~cunlolle le\' or to the Not hie (:Ir cci' of thc Man Just Appointed Minister or A'n Ililio by alloth I' nawe wOllld ably due to lh!) fact that this lIerlod tions nllo: :l' l\ small Veilezllelan toWII, h Il"eslo . . fOI'el,n Atrnir5. smell' as sweet. , of b 1111 lisnoss Is comparatlvely short, ~ t IIlIng chlckenn. p t (i<llls; Illl'iceYd "Papa &aId something Qr lIle SOI'l It's cilsl r · tor , a rtch mGn to enter a vera!>fng perbaps ' lh r Il w eks wlLb anll occMlonally a favorlla cat. Th e last ni g ht." , lhe 1(lnguom or Heaven tllan ror 1\ f(l~ ",slls o( Ih l'e"Ule WCI' III\'nrlnbly lbe majQrlty or our Ilerc blng blnl~ . "Ail! he realizes tbal DIY IIf hlUlgH Olall to mend bls own bubble, During the lIerlOd of InculH\tlon the n(HltUI'OIl I alld so Irregu lar lbat it re- o lllXlU YOlll' ans Yl' I'T " A Iltollloblling should begln at home. 1lf'lltedly ' avold~d capture. At length \' b ~('''l'll III" " ' ht, who h'l ' jll , l '1\ Ih 1$f.>ls bo .lIqllln \\'n ~ p« $ il1g 11 nesl I" o mllarnllvel:r sare; a s a rule "No, not YOI)I' lite exnctly, but yuur but It shouldn't end tbere. 1ll'1' 11 111:,,1., 111 1111 II r of r,.rl'lgll .ofl'ull·s ('I'III,'a l IUll n l In he!' h l~lory, blliug It Is In 'onllpl 1I0us. often Ill'ofully th ", snake Ilecnme a terror to bou~e· orodlt." - Houstllll Post. Moter In hast , rellent In jun, In 1111' 11I1',lIlt" 1' (\hllll-'I . I ' " ~talll:I ' subJpclflfl 10 Slro ng rOI'el!;1I 1"·C8..i urc bidd en , and tbe ali,tillg blt'd Is uaua Uy wlvcs nlld n watch 'wnll kOlll ,tor It. It I t:~ 1\ wise cblld thnt know~ Its own W:lS nllnlly captllred by \vorkJllg a lllflll II I til!' 11 ,1I\ ('n' 111 00::(\0111 who h ll ~ ; 1'0 111 (J ut81.11l and he iDI,; lorn Inler, sllellt. ' BILL'S BERTH, [lItller-ln ulotor regalln . . a dlll '\(,,1 n ,l[11h ll' ' Irtuml'h~ III dlplo Ilnllr h)' Ih(' s lrll ~&les or lh re pa rties, As soo n' a!l the tender cblells break noose ovor Its head . and drogglnlf· It _---<it M'Ilors should be seen anti. oot ' nlll' \ . an,1 II'h" \\' 11\ In h is ' 10 1\' ad , rnrllr:lI . \lrolAr~sR I\' ~ lind COIl S f" ' \· !LlI~". t.hl'Ollgh lhe 8h~l1s Dr the eggs It be- Into a bOle. snmll , ; \'It h ' /' t1 1111,:lioli . r olin' Ulli ch 1111'1 r O il' TIl!' 1l l:a me th o tmubl wlt ll me r· com ~ a dlfficull. mat ter lodeed for Wllo n the TrilIldlld 8l~amf)r al'A lillie lIali Is a $Iallgeroua LlIlng: tS('1 wllh Ille 1'"l l ,I Rial!" IInil Ih Ica , 1':u/:lnJIII, E""3n ce 111111 Ii ollnnd, th e Ilat'ents to ,kee p'thelr "curet rrom a rh'ed nt N IV York durin~ ono or the Spnre the in'a cblDe illld 911011 Lhe t' l h ~1' 1I , l l l{lu~ o f Iht' Will'''!. whlr h I II to scrlo ll ~ 1111 1'lIul lI t~or' hund red enemies more pitiless than cold wnl'(ls ' of early sllrlng and tbe chlla. T~,' \'tl<:11 111 ~H"' (' I("llll nl: up to 11'1'5. . any storm. and wholle eyos, can and box \\'R a Oil n d an annal' ntly dead N \'e r look I Sift u'lIlo In lbe t h" w h','l ln" "f I hl )N ~ hl 101' Ih« 1m, Du ring Ihl' strll!;gl , lIl ps hl , 10' noses arc ever ready to d lect tbe snllk(l "'us re " nled, A bath~ub wall chassls.- Llre, I".nn n\ ,lm'l' hI I" "i, lH'h l li re Illter· gonlol' willi AIIlIlh'u l 1':lIoniel o, w(' nt to prosence' of such da.lnty alld avallnble flU I kly fill d with water hented to • t.'~n n ,\ ~l. I qll l~ : :linnjl , Il Ul ' n ",' I': ~(l , or 1I 0kk" ldo, Ih' nor 1hc3.Slern 1Il1ll'f;eJS as nestliog birds, t III II raLliro of 100 degrees Fabren· Irreal.tlble , P1'1 11I(, ", ln l; h·1. II'hll I. lhl' I('aol ,' r of I. tunrl o f .Iapan, w it h clshl men·or· Tho f,c elllllg of the little ones aDd helt. In lhl ~ lhe s nnl,e wns placed A l-'renoh novell l recell t1 y lO,ld an Ih,' ;;t''' \l~, \I'lIl. (II lIhl'o'ol I'llI'll . tn or· 1WIl' ". Their "lIrt'(l~e lI"hl to .. ~I :lbll s h th e c leaning of tbEl nest necessitate nnd IL WO S I'llergellcnlly rubbed . and amn Illg atory, which be declared to );:1 nl 'l.ltH! hi. I " hiow l ~a"e II", 1""'1. ,. r"plIbllc In Ih .. 1~lalld amI to Oi" scorcs of .vls lts dally on the part of lhe 1119991\1; d , Arter holf' nu b ou l'. dUl'lng b pe r rectly true, '.' (nil .. 01 fl): ,' lgil a fl'~ lr ~ , llil l il Ilmll held I llo,e till' ne w r s ima. Tho l'ro]l'cl old bIrd , lind. Quje tly .as the work wblch It ~11 o w c d no signs of lit , the ' 110 stild tbat a burglar' brOl\e Int o h.' 11.11'01 , 1\'"1111 I'd, II 1',11 ;lllt.1 I{U LQ, \\'010 II fa iI lire. la usuolly done, so muc h passlng ·back Lilli mo,'c d s lightly. This was a good his bOilS\!, and reund t1~o cuanuscrlro t fur llll' )Iy lII ill i: "'r 10 I~nglnn tl lin d 1 I! 'rol't' lhl struggl . Il t'ga n lJayashl and forth to a give n point Is very . Ign , sho wln l> lhe s nake to be actual,l y o! a nov I, Yo'b1eh he toolt, lellvlng \b'a IIl I!l i~I"I' of fill' ' ).tll ulTall's un ll I' Mil l" , hAil lire n so u tn l~ lIi:;lan ll \0 ~tlldl' Vl)' otten at)t to attraot und esirable altl'n· all vc, UlollSh by 1111 n ea ns 8UI'0 to 1'& followiug nOLe: ' {J II ls 1(11. ,\ :1(' ,' h(l lll!ng n tll e for only )1 Icitl (' Ielll'e 81ld t~lmlll rl1.e hIUl ~cl( tlon , 'fhen the 'yonng bird. th em· cO\'o r, for wllh large snakes thorough· "911'- 1 beglltl to re:1d yoltr . novel, sel ves see m very In(ll8cl'eot and t re- Iy chili d the lungs entlrcly collapse, " rf'\\, d :\ ~' " ;1.11', K ,lto ufl (le nly 1'0, wllh Ang lo, axon civilization. and I WIIS so de I)ly Inter !lLed In It ~ ll\l) v" , I; I 'al d, IH~ \'a " ae h I' dlrf' \' 'd JII I ~I , whl'll Admt ra l ~:lIomoto qllcnLI), mal; 80 lllU ,b odo whell t hei r rf lho do rllluni condition coni.lnues tbe lha l 1 wn s bbllg d to corry It a way, With hi' (,t"I I.' Il<: II· ~ In rl'j.\'alll to IIle wok til e o nl !' of mlll iK 1'\' fo r torQlg n TlarC lll.ll IIrl'lve with food that th y Illu g ti S II' b e(',()me ~ so congested bi\l Il will be !ol\hfuJty returneil when nal lll!lIl Ii7. llI ioli IIf thp rnllrlla.I ~. 1'II,.re· 1 acralI', Hayalj hl "'8M ajl[.oln ed \'Iro s e(\llI to Invit e eve ry euemy Within thllt til tlrs t Inhnhllion coming with Onl slle<l .". ' lI(lOli ~ 1~r fJ ll l. Rnhdl "('I'alletl Al1lhll~ ' 11 \l n l~I(' (' . IlnCl h ga n hl 8 dlp tol.llaLi c slgbt or h arillg. ' lhe return of n ec ssal'Y warmth tears the " nd I:ellll'ne d It. wo:s: '. acJdo HA tlllr 11,1\ ;\ hi fl'OIl1 ~o lld o u Ami II II f," This omce be hl'ltI IInlll I 96. Th YOIlllg of bi rd s which build on tbe d IIcate ul em'brllil S, when ther IIn l'I'1] o r, " with II l'Oall1' clever crill ue h ln. the 0 C , . ,I "non us lhe war wllh Ch ina \\'8S th grounr! 01' perhO[IS the on es which Is an 101m dlnle hemorrhage .and t.b (:In It."- ' all e'li ,Iolll'ua\l. Visl' ItllI IIA..-a . h i I~ (lnl)' ;'6 yoars I (l.,'c r h l1 \\'a ' enl Il~ n1lnl ~t r lo 'hilla Bre 8ullject. to tho gr' nles t. nnmber of I' p lll'~ dl S. ' flf a ~ , Itl 'I n': lH'r n born In F l' !J" " ,\ I'), , I aU11 -tay'I' lI III p~J'ln fOI' thl'ce . e, 1'1 , dan !;crs, F ortunate It Is for th em COULDN'T COUNT THEM. 'fhls conditio n wa s feal' d WIUl tbe 1 · ~ O , ~I ~tl li\II'n , n lip It) til I ' ll nbout fl'ulI1 IS Ii 10 In ' . ' t.hat tl1 0y 1, ;IOw no e'ylt- tbat their In· Venez ue.lnn boa. and)llla urrect of tb " I)allo, ntll, ye alll 't a s ndwlcb mlln n I)I II (' ~ n OI' l h ~;\ I Of 1'01;1<,. }l1 ~ fa , ' Hayas hi '", SlICC!' S In th is PO ~ 1 \vas born ff.>8r Is hltent Iln d does Dot de- ' nalre's first Indmwn breath was nu lon ger, a in 't yer ?" 1hl;' r \" Dr. T~I~PIl lO, a \Immin ent \'rlllI nt. Hl!l chIef achlo \' em 11 1 was ,'clop llntll 6noh time n8 It shat! pront wo tched with aoxl et)'. ");0, 01 k. DIY m\!dlcnl Rd\1scr snl d MnsRaglng n Ull·h pch"lr,,', who \l'U !: Ilh ys lCllln to I I1Ie om merc lal tmM)' bol wl'()tl b ini , th em to be a!mld. uutll th y ar nbl s brought the desired resu lt. The snul;e I m.ust g t an Indool' job and tI)ls Is ~"II'OU , ~ k IlI'H . 1' 0 unde l·st.'lll cl Ih cl r· 1a nd .Is va n ncgoll rt rll d an (1 ~Iblled by I to fly oud tbne escape tbe dnngen tbe, ' wos a 11 to take n de J> breat h and the 1\ arest I rail get t9 it. " ore nfmld or. (' llIll.lnll(, ~ IIndC!,· whl h HIl )'ash l WU~ him III t 9\\, then xhnJe, It. Rcgu lar br~thlng brml.,llI ti ll It will hI' M e ~s 1'.\' 11\ re· 1 In J N9i1 h was ~eJlt In nussla 118 _ White foe cd ml e In all probobllity Cullo\\' d, showing the s nake to be In Lu ck y to Get It Out. vl ~ \\' lit(· 1101'1 1.lay d by Du tc h, ~ho l' III in 1st 1' " ~ud el"ht lIl ut1l ll:cl IIiLe r he dos troy youug blrd,s 0 oaS ,lenllllY, good condlLlon. Jt requlr d n period of '''\\' Iler~ " " I YOU grt that . on!! !" 8ftld .he ; Il l': Im d\'\' Ih(' old l'I'glm lu J I\llun, \\'n~ 'tr-tlt, l'fel'rcd to i..urodun. Til re ho slnce ' the y aro rond of 'allimal , food nen l'ly t 11 days for tbe snake'to reo '" SO l II OU l or no)' head," ""III he. Afl C'1 ll' lIll ~ll '1'01 !lgawn I \'1 th e . I'C IlHtill ed un l ll May ('If I h!l IJ rO;;" lIt P r90Ilu ll)" I hove n ever s e n a gray ' gain its 1I00'm lll vigor, Th en It stru~l; "1 Got- It o u l uf my uwn e rnllll h (U\!,)!-' a l Ut.°k)' l hlllg (or y our hC l.. d," .be squirrel InJun" a blrd's nes t, but I "Iclou sl)' at whoever approa hed ,ev lnc· " " ' h ill IUlI(). think' t hpre Is enoug h good evldollcO Ing every sYllll'tom of n h enrty Interest -C la \' lun d 1..~ eu.d l·r. forth comIng to co nvl,~ him o f ot leas l In life. Along the botly of tit sualle occa lenall y ea tlns bot h eggs olld 111'0 nllmOl'OllIi dee p sc(!rs, telli ng " A Ch£lngo at Spirit •• n estllu!:S. Red lI(]ur r rels and chip mute stpry of ballles wllh d enl ~ ns cir "po y u · b e.lleve In cOl'oer&. Mr, munlls lIa y bonll caught In the ocl the Soulh Amel'lea n forest \j fOI'e th y Jon II?" . "so often lhll t they lIlO), be I' gorded as Ilnally sue umbed to its cons tricting "Xo, fnd'C M ; I \\'oulll dlo beror 1 bahltun l crimina ls. lIowe rs. woltld so In to a corn e .. or countena nce hi nl'oponlo n tn . tlt clr nnmbers, a lllono po I)". Why ?" ho wever, It Is doubtful If squirrels do WONDERFUL TENACITY OF LIFE "\v h)f, 1\1ls9 Petrie. whom )·ou ad· "How maD v flsb bave y6u. aaug,bt, anywhere . 1I ear ,tile damage tbllt Is Illlre BO much, Is nil alan III a COl'· , wrought by tb e-domes tic cat. TIl'e lat· VIUI Sp.rk i. Slow · to Leave Itl ner of tllll COllservalory. and-wbat. JlmlU)' ?'" tel' Is lorger and requires much m ore "Ott. I couldn't eunt 'em:" Human Tenelf1ent. . G:olngY"-HouSloo POlito, ' uLlttlc 1\'n1J! I don't believe roll",. foed. and it Is .also more allt to kill caught, new ," merely for sport. The cat Pl'Ohle m ts J'b" IIslonDdlllg ,tcllncl tr wl,th whlon YI:.S, WHICH7 a serious one with bird lovers, lhe lire cllll~S to , tbe human body h i a "Thllt's ~bY l can' t count 'eD.L" more tlO because of the strong bold good thing to re member In ~hllse Bum· au.plc lou .. pussy has on thousam\s of p;ood peopill. mer days wben tbe batblng resorts Tho~gh he buret 11IlO \)oletorou. )''''gllt.... are laking 'thllir annual toll o'f human Wh~n i .. /<e.1 I.r he was a , IIr:'lltrhl.~: BROUGHT BACK T:HE . OLD' DAYS life, The case of Rob It Moone)', reAnd told lile ilion with ~he t'1I.k. ported by the. ,life-saving service of He hnd mode BOmf. mh. t~ak~ , fI ahuddel'fld {mllledlatoly .. ul'h ..... t,~'!'~~lrd d~vJ.;<len, Is ,Ill" .,. 11 OlJv·.. ~ ~a. Middle Aged Man I~evert. to -Puck. orin of YoutH, D.kX 'l' 0 to ur ~ 00 .ter Reason DI.clo.e ..... SO U'l'lino , ND. :eJ '~I WBB Idly glandng thr{)ugh .. 1 W dderly (lime n )•. m.,-Y'ee;".tr, A , M, A , M 1', Ill . P r· cyclfjpedla the othee day." said a III I'm rlgh( bere to t.ell ~'6u that sInce, , Np ~ o No 4. -' 'So (s ~ ~nlg whe used to study guogrll\1 by In a ma rried my home 18 pel'Cet.t hf)lliven r.. Cl\VC -, 0 ii'etie red schoolhoule Un the mJddle DaYlon : C H on earlh! '~ y, the 70s, " wh'l'n I ' catoe across a m DIIVlon : D " X '1' ,1It1 Hi 00 ~ nu Singleton-Hub I That. IlcClIKlOla lor of Central AmerIca, where the s Lcbllilon .Ja, ? ~o 10 ~n ~ :lr. ltr . , It, 1 sllPPolle: '; glLlnary halr-breed8 :are j :it W l\dderly-Accotln~8 [or what . q1;estionthil'\i'e" ri~ve;,o.;~uld ~t~e ~; now, alld 10 and behold there WIUI tlie . 13lngletoll-\' 0111" llClng dowutoWn au gulf or Cam peachy, which I hadn't , galnlld conHclousnei8 at all, ""tte r ' l:i lllle, I lIover heard of 1\ man wlio or 20 minutes of artUlcJal respiration tbought of for 2& years. 1 don't k~o9t' was 1n a burry to enLeIl' bea.v.ea.~b1· an)-tblng about t begulfof ,C ampeachy, hope would hAve been given up and cago 'New!. but Ule name took ,me ·back. qulok 'al the faint little sllark of life which <ivl' a flash, to an eld ' gr'llen des k with a .ien:t1y remaIne d allowed' to dlc out [or Inheritance. black top tbat Il1ted, and an unpalnt· lack of perseverance, Arter the re"That Lough little Jonlllll JIij I cro•• moval of' wnter from tbe IUtilS 8T\!:' ed In terior that. hacl ' a cool, ml'!lty, PlpPI~J tell YOll, lometlilng ought ' like II weed." , old·fashloned smell. I'd give UO tor nclal res III ration should be resorted ",ae ough t t!>: allou:. nil O:t bl. anto and contlnlled for several houra U to Ilo done to end those T\JI'kls!l atrotbat desk to;day., clUes. cestol'S were pretty r.ank.· '.....;Del.roU " 'And along wllh 'l: he gulf of Cam· DeCe~Sal'Y, a ' ph)'slelan .of COUl'''' 'boPoppe-Sure, bll ~ which ontls, ruga Free Press, Ina lummoned at once. lleachy there cam~ Into my mind BOrne or clg~rette'!.?-Phlladelphls Prea.. ' THE -g-R-E-a-S-M-,AMm--,.,.-COW. ef tbe old·tlme favorltell-.the etralt 8time Hint. I. to Diet. or Bab·eH.lande b, CAlie Malabar, Pun· Unraliing Abun!lanc.. To know wbetber YOllr market man to Arenas, lbe gult of Carpento r ll, VlsCIIU,\t Hayashi, New "apane .. Mlnl.ter of ForeIgn A".I .... Papua or New Guinea, Terra del b selling you oleo or butter allk him Advl~1o t. 80nooth ln a .Iranlre. thq l ' h"re ,. 110 need or .pIK' )lL l ca.... doons, u[ ,Iapan agaln·t E UI'Opedn (. oun· l ~'('a.I " fi rst as mlll ister Ind then sa am· Fuego and Beluchlstan. I declare It what. he 18 cbarging you for tt. more a person give. away The theory tbat pumpkin pies are The trle In 1637 the 001)' mea n s e( , com· hsslladol'. , makes me almost slcll. to be a boy aod The lIlore 'h O "tways baa to mll lll cn ll ng wit h lhe (liltshle world ' , Hal\' It tll'e 1I ~ \'I'!ls In lhe c,a llital go to 8cll001 and Btudy Mltcbell'l unhealthy In July has neYer been put -Waahlnstqn ]lIar. " . to the test. 'e llcep't wltli canned pump' '. -was t hl'uu!>,h Oes bhll!l. n Wt1 e I sl~ nd , ot Bngland hOlb bMOr , and thIOJlLg-=~- geogl'&p~a ln ." ,kim In frolll or Na"asakl. Her!? a r RII Rso,Jollanese IVaI' I~ woll l(Oown to ------, Told In Conftdence. ' Onlon~ should be e'a ten only at .an DIII,cil tnt de r~ ~lId Sc:lIol llrs "'ere ai ' ovel')' onu, I t ",n, he who .negotlated Llf. In Arllel)t~n •• "There has ,never been any deelslye hour when you' are sui'e 110 frlen' d e l owed Lo I!tay. T III'Ollgll th e s me.t , ~nd s igned Ihe tl'olll y ot a lliance. be, At tbe Nallonal Is W , S. Blackburn. action on tbat blil yell Introduce ,ear " , ho..-e "<'I', Ja l/un Is undel' ollllglllion to I lween 1~ lI glal1d ,ami ,Iolmn , Joining t he o t r\ew York, a ca,llltallst, who r. ,,\II call. atter year." .' Thf! rrlllh potato II "'ecomme.n~eC$ Hnl'land rOI' Ins tl'lI e Ion In en·glneer· hOlllls of ('lt al all.1 wes t. It IVIIS he ' cently rell1l'oed from a bU81ness trip: . "No:;' IlnslVered til" slatesman, " tbtit fer food In cases of German measles. bill has been of lucb value ' ln p;lvlng I Ill? min illg, A!ltronomy ntHl llI (lltl cl ne. who <I url nl; Ih e 'wal' aCled ns tbe to Argentllla : ])1'. 1,aell1 l,fel', fOI' 11I ' IRllce, stayed 1Il0,ll lhiliece or til" .Ia va nese gove rn· ",Because Argentln,a occuplel about The 'theory Is that the racial &ntlll' ,me prominence that I BboulC$ rat~er In Deshlma rO I' t wo yellrs (lI.mO·t69t) menl. r1 et: lll rl ng lhe I.olllleni will of the ~ame relative ~,olllt.lon sO\ltb of athy 0[' thil vegetable 'and the measlel regr~t to see It removed from Instl'ucllng ( at s ul'nkawa, Ih" flr gl .1811811 to IVc ~tern pOWl'rs lh rollgb Iho the eQllator t.hat tbe United States will di stract tbe attention of tbe contl'oversy alld burled In th,e statute . ' J;apRn l!,5e wht) 1"'acLlce(1 m ll.I1c llle at· l'l'es~ . and It \\'au h ~ \\' ho 91gned the occupies north or th el eQu~to r, Bu~no~ ' gerDiI from i he system, books."-WashlngtOli Star. It .fIlU sl10ulil bite your tlngers wblle tl'r the weslern fn Kblon . Luler Dr, IIn al l'e l'I' lo ll or the Brltlsb alliance Ayres has ' the sa,rne , cllmale a s R lolOI;1I flleno. or , l'-:n"o t ~lI. and Dr, trqaly, so favol'alJl e III the I.eace of Obal'leston, S. C,. laId Mr, Blaekburn, eati ng corn oli the cob, excuse your. Of Attltulse Merely. qMllaku 'SugHa . o[ Obams. IJllcome I.lIe ,,:orld. For Ihl' nesotla(lon of "During rour monthl,' Ollt of the' year self and tie up the .' ftngers. ' " He II very niggardly about lOme The best time to eat a .bearty lUeal illlng.:" promlnenl scholars lIIllI,,!' sllnllar ell" i lhls \I'oat)' h e wa s crc.llell vlscouut the million Inhablt8mtl ' of tbe city CUIII st anc('s, ' In 1902: amU Be themselves at Ibe racllII. They Is whon 'a wealthy frlelld ' Invite. yotl " How so!" . In tiij. Dr. Thunbp.rg went to Des, Ha ynslll Is a s('rllpulo,lI~ and s ingle do not lIave 10 good III breed or borsal to take dltiner with 'hlni at hll club, ' "He told h" wife that ber bathing . suit. conte too blgb," ;, h lOla alld exerlell much lullucnce upon minded mun, Is nel'er ,lcC'eltrlll. there, but the I~rt Is Just a8 /lood -9hlcago P08t. .Ia pan e l'U11118 slieh as Ge ll7.ul l'ila, his adnllre.·s sa~', Sagaclouy In bls and Is well patrolllz.!d, Some of tbe .. /;( tillt he tolll her lut. win· ,;c\\'n. Gelltalm 018ulrl , Amo ng doc, mel bods . sOllnd In jlldgmllllt, rutln(,11 Spa'nlsh ~cm,en J saw there were, as Milrderou. Act of Parisian. 'tel" that her ball gowna came too loW:' tor' ul 1\"0 10m tl'alnlng al. Ihal lillie III his Lasle. a nd loyal to his <Iu ty, be beautifully 5:owned I1S any ' women I A few days ago a carpenter named "Oh, then It ~. merely a question of Mr, .Mnggs-Doa'l ,.,. 1Ik8 't<,J .troll bave eyer ,s oon, ~be national sport Letourneur was walklng ,along the 8~. altitude and not ~t mon~Y'.,:,'-HouBton m ay be lll('ntionetl s lIch me n :1S Dr, ' I ~ a true SO il of the Samu raI. th1'9ucb 't he -.Iowa .... vernal va.... 'l's ubol, ," ho :>"0, the Ilral ,,'rller on VlsColl n le. s H ay a~hl. hl R wife, Is a Is cricket, which l1ae . been ta,tlgbt tho ~tartln 'canal, In' Paris. " when he POlt. h ),!,!i(,llI! In .Jap;,tn : Dr. Mlts,ulmr\' t a· Istel' or ,\dml l'al ElIO III OIO and Is ta· . people or AI'gentina by tbe ' English. /lelzcd a 'bOi '6f U and threw hl91 In .prlng? . , th~ r of Dr, I(lknel\' eK·mlnl sle r pf cd· mllIar with 1~lIl'Ollean CI; llllre, speak, They play It a great deal. Tbe hour, IIlW t be water, ' All ,It bappened t1ie . Miss Dlehr- Net Iiba~ a cow leWd .. Hoping ,f or 8o~et~lng. \I sLlon : P rof. Mils tt.lm r l. of till' Tokio Ing Ensllsh and Frenell fI\lenlly . of work nre about the same '8I oura, boy could awlin: but w&'en he reached Patlimce-1'hat gJ'rl who, coea about. like a dressmaker alIId put ii. gore 'Il new Sklrt.~hlcQo Cbronlcle, , fmpe dal tlnl~'cr Ity. Dr. Oga ta anfl 0 1'. Wh ile In Lonclo n Hayashi an'(\ h l ~ "rbe food lij ve~y good. Tbe meat i8 tbe ban~, th e "rutal ; carpente r kleke~ 'wlth an ' ancho r embroidered on the Yo sh lll135U. of Osaica.. F inall y In l S~3 wire werp. 1"f1 an tlal t1gllre!f In soclelr. ' the ' best In tbe. wOl'ld."~Wastiln'ton blm back Into, tbe' water, ,:Some ' .bur· s leeve ,of lier Jaelcet; II abe a yachta, " , Warm In the ' Bud. , Dr. Sicbuid opene,1 an arllrl tHU)' III They conll'lbuted tln\e and 1lI0ney to Post, ' lees ran up In" t1m,e ~o eame :the boY. woman? ' . Patrlce-lliot at all, .,., , Mril .. ,· .are you 1Of. Ind' after thrashing the w."uld:be D;lur: l'\ag:u al, i ami s(,weu tbe Ifce d ~ of t he E n glish philantl, work. Had Servantl Gue •• litg. "Why tbe ,ancbor. then ~" ~ home? ' , , ' Dew ch·llir.n Ipil Ilmeng .I,3,.an ese A tew weeks ago. when Sir Claude derer. handed ' hlm over ~ ,t he llO!lce. A 1.01ldonlady who bad been hQI, (.ctourneur's defe llse Is tb,at he "Oh, you know, the anchor ' II t he Mrs, BoCker-Henr)" wrlles ro. tnat 130holal's. . MacDtlllllld. Britis h amhas,sa do r to , Il "'as to Ihc" c men th.91 Japan , fer ;, J'apan , made a,shor t sll,eech lit s din· Ida y·ma klng, wrete to a servant tIlat wanted to earn a 'I'eward fo r flulna ,aymbol of '. I!oll~.!:-Yon,ker. ., ...."~ .I Ute· peacb 'croP II excellent.--Ne.. ,VQrll s~n; , , , ,man: 8ontl' ~(\IJ .1' C:Il'S bf.>rrjre lhe reopenl ll g 1ucr or tbe ,Iapan Soclely of Lond on she """ould .be , hotpe nexl evenln,; al ,the boy, from ,drowning, , , ' of lte!' fi (} I'R, owp.d whot knowledge I held in '1'0111 0, he said,. rerert'lng to. 6 : 30 (D. V.l; aDd asking that dillner be ready .. ArrlvJng bome, 8he f(lund ,. ,HoWti, ney Fe!,: , &,Ina".".,ereci, Before Their Day. IIh ~ had oC Ihe s" lll tlce~ ' and p rogress I· Hayashl : (:Phil Spbinll 'bad jUlt prollllund.a ' tilt: )'Irst 'Savage ' Dlne1''':''1'' dOD·t· 00• :now. of t il(' w ';")('/'I' w;) r ld. Viscount Hay· I "He lIus Il)' his l<lndlinesa, his will: no dln'n er, Tbe cook ' allpeared . wltb . :FIrst ' {lhappl9-1 ·wonder a sh l's lal her, Dr. Sate. was olle of Ingness to · do t be least service In tho apologills. "Wo'tld you mind telling Bertie. bow 'tbe donkey ,e ver csme to 'U)'thlng worae thlUl to ~e called,.·upoJl riddle as follow.: ' UJiexpect\ldly to make a , Ipeech. ,.' "Wblit, 1,1 th~ I}ulband oC the 'WOIIlIIl thcst' mell , all~ Viscount Hayubl'fI ·,a u.e of charity or an),'. othel' good me, nla'am, what'D. V;' O)eans?" ehe be used as the emblem ot StUllldlty! Second stln More .Sava,e Dlnel'-I at ·the lummer retlbrt ' doln,?" })""ther. Bal,()11 '\1 ~l lfumoto, ' ilJ'!' n r I ' .'a.use, hi s c lose st udy or and aym, said. ' ;1 eouldl .. t make,. It .ont, but . Second Ch~pple (wlt.b' a Yl\wn)- ' Herewith ' UleJ we... falD to at.. " OI'g a n l ~el' of th e d~1l r~ment (i t a rm}" path with Rrltlsb lite and BI'lrls b Sarah (the houl'le mald) laid It must Don' t knllw. l'm .Urtl. deah boy; mua' do. .It', wheo you've prepa,," 'a 80 we 'al· Iiaye bIXIn 'before our day. -TIt·BIt&., . ,Ipeach and are Dot called ...,.'· to up,-N, Y. ·Sua. ' li urgeone. WA N 1,· .. ln' J !latter Lil OJ baraelel', won th e hearts of aI/ my mean 'O ue at Victoria.' , . / , ' l <.l~ed you an bour &.0 aet 'hOme from mike It. ' Arter he hnd IIel?o ~r.. !flla e<1 rmlJl : cou n ~ rrm en , Rnd I l\.m sare qle vii' ,-~ AI tlrI)M Change. Waya and Meane, the KA I~e h." fOUD'; Han.lI! I p;arn~ countes!! will bear, Wllb lIle wben I tbe ltatlon." -----,.-' !'Bo~ 1 do Dot approve of ilia .a1l," AlmOIt a Creation. '~Poyer.ty /, . ." the miD of the",1i h language lIDder tho In. : 'say all my countrY,wolnen, He ha. Her ·Chl.I'm, ." 11 DO ~r.ce," . ., , • ' Jlnki-Tha~ 'au.,lng·lU\t II quite Ill'lIOlioll of Dr. Hl'llbu)'l) , 'a 1.loDe"r I lbUS asslsled mOlt no)lly In brlngln, "A charmln, hOI):elll be- ,rotested u.. p~tty, Sir!. •• IDI",ed ' the Il,"~u ...,.. "Nt'ftf mlDd about hi. "Ways, m, creatlon, Iln·t"ltf ." med l('.1 mls810nlll'}' to Jall.n, who II lhe two 1l:1llonl Into clole B)lmpathy- eause Iba II In tblDP to all men'" ''It'l • ~nl, ...ealth, oaUed Wlnka-Wen. let".... A cnattoa no .... 1I\'IIl!!: lit OI·on;;e: , N. J, ao Inestimable service to the two Da· UNo" md,sU, beea'u.e ahe'l lUI ex delr" replied 'er motAer. "UI h.1 to ·~10llle· lMJ.. a4al ....-W..... ......··-rCll~o 01\17' '1' made Qut of 1I0~1D1• .tn't it' T... Whll .. tlle fll ilira mlal"tei' or for· tiona concerned, and Indeed to LIIe !leD,lve thill, .. onl IIWI. 1 aboi.lld unll~ite4 ,If • tltl~'1 Irmoat .. eruttoa.-J,' 1~1l1l\V. . _ID g' " rca~IDS: 'Dutch book. I -bole civilized .0rl4," , aar."-Puc" . • • ..,. .. . f ~.
I 1
o:-::+-- .- - --
CONTROL OF IWAAMINCI. A, Device p,.,lgnad to ~eep Down /n'
" In the ' olllnlol1 ot one who, 1\1111 tra v. To the Editor: ' eled muuh and ob:;el'l'('l1 010;; ' Iy, thc , .1 noUced oom \!where rer.ontly- l most truly Gnu rl~h tFully cootented Dlulnll ~h-:l' PaRt, t hI' e yerml 1 b vo 'Vouhl not fDr pOlllllv Iy that J"ti was In pellPle ' j11 lh(J lJ nlled Stule~ tu·.liuy ure mo(!o II \lood llIany cKIJ(}rllll!lllta III S'our oolum[l.~-lI n al'lIl'lIi,pn the Whlt~ 'the small landOWll 'ra la wllflt Is tl'ylng Y> II I'reat I~ Simple Il) t'chanieIJ l 1101161) WhIch cont.nlneu 8 veral mls: knowll ali ,tI\e Ullper Wblte' UI\"(>r ' O\1n. d vlc(l aud to Vnlytl a 8y .. t ru or slatemenl!;. try, any\vlrrre, fro\lJ N .wport. Ark., to JI1I!U1/1II\tlUon 10 gil willi II lhat would Ill , tho fI~at plnco It "'ns stated tho . lll·tha g'l, Mo, 'Th('y I' CO"'tenlcd be-' HEN AND nable I II ailiadfl t to 'Inl,rol ~wal'Jn. Whlie Hous~ was 'I1rst ooclipled , 1~" ca.lI ~O th l!lr HUrl'l)IHllllugs ate It! nl ond , lice ' Soreell . In Place 0 ' Board. ing ",rr('l!tually. Ii lire 0 OI'OP of, ] 09 01)11 IlInt Its Hl'st occupant was \lnUI. n't 1I~lx, ih l), gl'(·at, un ea sy, di s· heln )'. ami I' Iluran hili colonies lit onn ' Pres ide nt JlI,I~I ~o)1, 'rho ract Is, Its , <I\lleltn ~ "'''I·ld. wl~h · Its lu-tlnlcll\1 n r p.d ~ ; Clolc front of Coop at, ~Iglit. all\1 I ii ImUI Urn; IIn tl hlwillj; m t l,lrs dccllllonl w ns PI' Hi.1 ciut Adams. and jnaLi!,'luuLO r OIll IHio;mtlon a. hn s: alOl'IS tile ,111),19 .. [ . who 'lool, Ull hf'l rosidence \lJore In been tU them I!ut Il l lla mOre l:tnglule • IR !I cru I, .pla n ' whi c h .,h llls 011' :1v1tll <I"ooc'' succoas ,It ~ ~ ~ l~ OO, tha:J.l i dl·('am. H re, still )(Is leot, the Itfr altnoijt l)utirCly rrol'l lia) h n ' my e~ JH! I'lllll'lItlng t huve CQU('lud" " I' he orlglod l' lnan Blo;1 wns begun, In aod by, r(!~I SOn, o( th '-'If VOI')" I'lI dlx at with II broo!!' oC elJlQkll by pillclllg a 'Iil I 11 III be .Jwolll il l!: I)ilbilo the reo 17~2. In iS 111 :L , vl1s. 1/\1rnOO bl tb (! thls ' dny all(\ l ime marc d J ,ctabl bOaI'll In front of I.h COOl) u[. nl g bt; suits o[ ill Y worll, wl'ilea J . I:l. '1111111' lld t lsh nnll rl!lJullt lu 1818, I han In tilo )l!ls t, nre the cUIlIIli+ans tlor J8 SUch Ii nlun ne~eIlNnl'Y It pn bf~I·~, . Of Vi~o, IfcxaB, In OJ anings In A nothe l: or tlle ,ITors In tile nrtlcle which h vo ve l' a'(ljwu led with Irre. rofe l'l'l'ld lo was ' lhe '1tnt. lilenr; tb a,t RlijUlll o fOl'oe 10 ' (ht:t 11111 ' 0 'lld t1nt-Rl1lt·· will tnko Ih Irouble 10 bullil II COOl) lIeo Culture. or coops Mler lhl' follOWln!; 111(111 : In, Ihe Ull!!lillnilQo·s. A mprtoSllnlK 'reaO Y:PI' pal'~13 1 1~lnt is ' li~eu c/n thl) It ,IL A.ngIO· S"t.~o n . le \' ry mnn la ' tl1e Dulld Ih COil aft!;r Ihe lu.uul Illiul , t-h tOil stQn' of a hl l'e; Ilud BIlle '\~h'lte ,House II) n.:llle It beautlfull)' ' SI!nI'QI)le, 1'11 1' r of his own IIHlIe prlo. , s lO illl1g , Ire mof 10 lit rNII' Hull cov. boll JU or \1)9 lower SUII'y" wi ll! the while. ' ,'" ei llallly; ni'llnn\vl dC;illg no mnstel' er ll)~ Ihe ruut ·wlih Klu tH C,XSll'lIt 'at dlvidh)g iJmll'd UII II IIlIL In to.rel:I. I, } .il Ql lcrd lhls 0 5 11 c lally h ~allse I s,1\'e th e l a \\'~tlna ilosslbly JI I):! ' {mn. quo . loW I' cC)'I'ller, whel' 1I ~,OOI' s h,Olll(1 1I0ijjtlnn ull W e hl\'e: Bu d tllO enUre ha\,e lI !v!(1 co n~ llI(lI'n ble palut myself Itlin G h 1[>lOe(>.l: crill l;illg 10 no ,em' 1)1) !\rrILII s'~il, . 80 Ihnl tho lI!!u 'nn IIIl ")l\Hrru ItlfJn and II) lh tI of II)I.'I!!!II'! lind wnnl)crC'lI th at ' "clpn ed" Jlslnt, 1,Iloye r; a~ kln g ' n9 1a\' 01'8 trom th e Cllslly lee lit wh ' II ('~~I r d. Tu solvo lion or 8\1 cl al'ly S llpWJl Ihal nny : 61)0(11<1 be 1I~f)(\ . 00 snch au Importan ~ world. sll ve thOse lhnt his . n. (\ I~l lbors lho Il1'Uhl III uf J) lclIl ' oC r rp~ b nil' xlcnd"d d'lscrlDlIon Is llUlleOr!', al·Y· i bull<l lng whl'Tl all po in teI'!! 'ItlIow, UI:l.t (I' . Iy ext n(1 and exp' tOIl fr ',' Iy In lind lit th snnlO UDl I) r ~\' dllm fl'oll1 ~'h \lll'ltllng ,h ard 18 Im1)1}, 0. nH m whit lead aOlI IInscod 011 malrl;' return . lie Ih 'C's In a latitude wh en? ' p)'owll ng Hmh ll aull1llll ~. RaYH ttle In. I:! '.lI'Il c l\'ii!ell un til two' u PPllr s',dl" 1 1110 L,.s t palut. " ' , Ihe ' 'x(I'ern R o[ hea t 01' cold a,I'O 1I!:l\'el' d,1 Iln a \Jul la' NC' j\'Q, o!lslru .t a !lcre('II: 8 II !,I l' nr nd. '("he ,(rolll, Is , not clo;>al-' ,It so · hU!)Ilcnc<l nlso thnt , Imc,\\, Ilnown. nOd at. ao altitud e Il:iut irlsl\ res m ko th fraine lal'go ,nou l,;h ca m. !;d, 1f.9<\ rOl'ms th e , UIJEl11ill !,: li huw,) nI \\'hltc lea,1 l\ml liulSe rl all - not rendy· perf ct 11enltll. Th e : pch r.s t' bounty ' pletoly III COVOI' IltQ rl'onl nr lhe cC)op H. The passage hal ~l! are bor·d ,)JIlted pulnt.... wf<I'O UR\ld on the \V,blte of· 'aturo 11015. be II IIhow£<r' d upon Glll\ Q\' I- It Wit h \ Ire uclttllg; IIi till' U.g11 ",orir.l . covel'lll} With zinc, liS I HOII RI'. U(~c!!l llse t hll ~ just r.e~d ~ b?OI{. 111m, wllh un spari ng hOllll , but It Is n ettJlOr III . rnSlell a stra p \vlth a hol E\ s ho'wlI nil) -q. Tb plIl'polle of 10 Ii~ I lot pllbll sh d by a ill m o f I\la d) ·m,lxe d QilOsLl.on,. wll I,her 'ho more (hAn dimly d hoi 's III to malntoln 8 certain degree ,," In t llH1UU(l1cllll'erll 1vbo also .mann· realizes the fact. 11 'accept!! ns a mot. til '1IIe . <, nu , all Iln III 1;11I ('~ of UI " ' ) f t ' . . ), JI I ., , I t'I" t I I' .: or , ¢<)mmllnIClltil)U ,b tween the lwo IIC UrQ pUIC ,IV I .e eau. 1I .a , lOO, tor ot COlll'r.O III f ' rUlo s~J II wblcb OV I , W hl~JJ th e . )llve 'IHlll1 S una 10 SlI'~I'd 'l'''nl nst tho Ihl) 01 IIIl( U lurera ndmlllecl thn t (01" prculuces In abundance eV(~ I ' Y <;ul\lv· til hold tbe IIcre!'n " ,. ' ''' r II \\'llI l e HOI111e n otlll IT Il llt "tile able growl h r.dl11in n to tho' norlh J)o s~ lbillly of the "o\ln ~ bul's In ~In' . 10 . li D , A 'd U It' I l' I ! bllM nnd purest or paint COUld, he tem neralf! 1.On . th flurro llndlng for· e:;e~ ~'l;li nr, t~O :r'~~ 1 o~co n IIsell." 1111(1 said tl1at the ir pure white sls of vn'luab lA woorls and ~he und er. Ie rlo'UI en 0 I , V r ll~ on.; a l<1nd ball b cn B lected. '·str.abs of preO IOIlS 111 IlIl e raJ s. ' Ihe !!!nlll i 01\ lilliS' cQ\,ered wltb "ZIIIC Is Abovc nli lIeopl e. those wbo attempt spl'lngs a'ld streams of lranslucent shown at 1,)" Till!> S ('vcs as a ttl ~lit to wrlle on II I6tp'I'loal "ubJeota s hollid plJt<ll,y on eve l'Y '1IIIIld. the wealth of ,hal e" amI Iw lns 10 111'('CSt anti It n give 11 & facts. m'en It it is only a 'date IIsh and game at his very'do,or. sucb ns c rtRln number 0(. II 8 ; for by I) Ufl· or a Sllllclu cnt about wQolh or Iil'lclr, l e'~s fllv ore(l morlnls onnu ll1l1 Iravel el'oll~ ex[) rlm,e nls I (!lund !brit, with · or paint. 01' othel' blll1 tllng mat erIal, Inmdreils or mil es tp 11011. He Is (lon· ~l~~ lbeBe hol es 10 act as. llllUfCI" Youra tor truth. t'llt d. but 8111all crr(Ht Iii hUs rOI' that; h oks. I he -ntlr rorce w\1I Ile2ert ' L fo r lIow could he \\' AlI lie othol'wlse rror:l hive A abov , thus 'l ea ving 1110 ~.- ,~- _ _ cont nl? It Is sn d that RlICh brDO~ au II , 'qu en' 1I11pI'Otecled 10 YO,UNO COlO,NEL IN ' OILEMMA tllan Id eAlI s~lc conditions mi y not coosl Al've; ' bul I hl'oug b the hoi B' D 1) tinue, but It Is writte n t.h a l: the pres. SIItnCl cllL nllrS bees ' come lip rN'1Il Ways of Wa~ Were II New Thing to ent possessors , <if Ihlll f,L\"ored land bive U 10 prevent this, and thl • . trou. ' . H is Underst anding. must soon gh'e 1)laea to ot hers more ble Is ov·el·collIe. oPllrecloth;e of It.q 'In comp9lra ble . reo· At th e !trmy snd 1\U\'y club In lures. A riJ, IJroall ha s recenlly cut lis '(ho chlj,te ,Is made by flailing tb. Screen ,Front for Coop. geth r two, pieces oC Umber. J xl, sl x ",,' asb lngtor. a number of veteran offi· Woy through tl10 bes~ at this region , cer!! 'were leliing stories. wh II Gen, anll the unaccustomed rusl1le at ball l~ In place. .To s1)uke till! screen stili InObes long'. and ol~e pi ce . lxl H 'harrce told tlli'll anecllot. o[ Oen. notos aml .chink of cOi,n will el'entually \1l chcK Ion '. nnd CO\le rlng oue side by Jnore s ur when I'laaed huv e tile Con, wllo dl~d III New York some .t eml.t the hlll·dwell l' to pal't with bls aide \1:(.1) 'II Il\rge enough so that n nailing' 011 a tbln boa r!l si x Inches yca 1'8 ngo: , blrth rl g!lt.. So It has aIWa)TS been In lon g wlre 11(111 Uluy be drIven (u them It a ppC3l's tb:i.t a n . arr, at tb e tbe ,worill's hi s tory- the g()OI~ , ~hlng5 , about: ontwillarier Iho ·le.tIgtb or t ile Illltbfll'ak o[ Ille c1vll war, ;.lnd left that a re ours wllhout price In\'al'lably !lilli, at the nd: th em ' Kink In Ihe 'rl'OY 'to take command ot 11 I'eglment. pass (!'Om ' ollr hands befom we come roun d III Hiler end Of the coop tlYO The engngei\-wut In ...·hlclJ. us colonel. 1.0 und erstand h eir , 'aillo. 'fbI) White, 1'1 es ot wOO(\/ eaCll h:,,'lo g, n 'lIlle ho fir s t t1gurod was at Big Betb el. HIs Rhler country will shor(Jy be dl scov. In We nd, Into 'hl cb lhe nu.1I In III 'reglment hail been halted for rest el'ed nnew hy a lass of Immigra nts end 111 ces of UI 8CI' n will li t when aod r tl'o~hm nt In a plimsaul 'plnce bette r ,apnuJe o( jUdging It,s posill bil· lhe lo tt r ' f9 In posillon" 11\ Ihis way and hllil not yet exp rlenced lbe ex· Itles-tllo ' men who seellc mod 91 It .wIll \io . I 01 \>0 \llbl' tor til IIQr 011 cit 01 ilt of a akirmlsb. It h~ppen e(] bomes ' wllara the 'Iloy of · the lan d" to..t1l'ot , lo'os8. In \110 illustration, !:f, howeV er, thht coniotler.RteB were In will cllll\lIy lire\' nt Cf'()wlling by lit dolt cf line, 6ho\"5 wller lhe scre n .ambllsb In Lhe Imm o~lalfl n olghbor· too close neighbors. wh ere their ca t· Will: I!Om6 wlt(!IL In Il0811'lol1; A, Ih e hood arid !tom a safe hiding nlace tI e" can ' fatl en on (r e ran go, where side ploce o( I he sor!lon, wLLh I h Y op ne.d ti re on the n,orlbe rners. the welll'th ot fOl' l)st ana mino n,walls arr. so the ' slory runs . Ins tantly put de veJol1moll,t by' Intelligent, workers. "Ions \\iro nll il IlL Iw~ILlo n : 3. a spurs to hl a IlOrse and dashed up to and wbere the AAme ond IIs'lI orrol' en· staltes III : tli gratin!} 10 receive tho a group of officers. Excltelh nt a~d joynble l'ecreotJon to all wbo hal'e nall~ ; 0; lik ~. I' e n ClOlt)lllet j G, tii binvllder me nl W re apparent uPQn lu,S leisure alld IncllnaLion for s port. swinging laUI by w.)\lch tile do\)r rO.r YOlmg r ce' as he aJlPI'oaebed tbe 1be ·us or tile hen Is /I 'pL' tn ,pla'co, Arrangement 0' ,Hive, parly. and 2. Iho mauner of Attllchlng tile Immense Leaves of 'P'a lm, , ; :'J'h ey aro firing , upon my nlgi· Tlie pslm family b arB longe' ~ail litrlll' ti> lhe side of tho scree". wid\, and 1-1. long. as 1l1;~~n at C,, ~bd m nt! ,/ b e tlh uted. "lily GolI! Now Il1a\;es tban any ,ptber known tree. a\ tachllig 0. , 's t rip ot. zinc ne Inch what Is to ' .be ~one?"-Hllr per' s The Inaga palm. growing on tbe , POUL T,RY FEEDING. , wid nnd 14. ' Ioug \lver tlla exist, Weekly. banks of the Am~zon, hiLS leaves - -'--..,., s hown at G, .For: deel) blves It mll;ht wbloh reach (rom 35 to rio rl'et In Seat Rule II Common Senae-Glve , be od~' 18abl e to make the chute n lILLIe French , Stl!to M~nopoli.el" length'. nnd ]:0 to 12 teet Iia broadth, Fowl.· Food ,Tt1at II Nou,rl'l hlng, Slate mono po Ii s are more ilian d Per thu n IIlx 'Inches, I'll ord r 't,o Specl m.e ns or (be tal epot p,a lm. ana· '. brlilg the fligh t of outgoLng )'oung , ever In favor In }'rance as a means th'e b t Ceylon, hos beeu moet with 20 ...,...ha ~e8t rule for r <::tlh\.g ~oul ry I~ bees down nearer to lbe ~nLrance of l'o l~lng revenue to lIle prejudice of feet loog and 18 ,feet bromd. T hese eomlll\1n 8en'8~: tbc health ana useful· shol'o'Ji at 'F, thereby, caull\.ng ' them to prlvnte e nterp rise. ' A committee at leaves are used by the n,allv()s to ,neg's." {'lowls does' bot (Jepend ~n ~QI. mil' Ill)' ~vlth . l,he "tll1ld forc gOing In thll chnmb\!r of d eputies has been ap' make ' timls. onll, thu8 ' mployed. they 10,1, \'lng ru) s 80 'mW11t all', on l;ettll!S . tb'e re; I)ut !011'0 ell e shO~lld lhe exi t poltlte(l, With a forolgn mlnIB~~r of make v'ery efficient sbeltel's1rom roln, an adequate ~1111J)ly of Jlliialable food . G be nearer 10 tile enil'Uace I~ tban " tlnllrlt<e as ohah'mnl> to collect IntoI" The IE\ave's ' ot tbe double . 'cocoanut Cluillglng til foad, several times dully Ineh E)s : , (or t'r urollght In r!jrect con.,' matio.a ' on the , possl!)le workIng ' palm are otten 30" feet lon j; lind se\,· no belle I' lhan making ~he SI1IDe . tact It mIght IrldllNl L1Jme ,or the bees monopolies on IIul;ar lind pe'trolelim ernl wide. Tbe Ica.voll of' the cannl· ,, Ole rectJpcaUon or alcohol, reOnlng' , cllol~ges ' Il~ , otlen each , weelr,' ThIs, flo :\Jllok by 'the' fOllte the)' calhe. bal tree of Ailstrallo resen~ble broad ' . m~y" " be seen fro~ ,l he, rIlles ,pra(\· though the p~k'r01'8teil 'zi nc at;ts 119 a &lid Insurance. plank~' and iUG 'fregueiltllr 15 reet tjc~d by Bucce~srul lJO\,llt~y'lIlen . sa~'~ gr.enl cheek' 00 euch on aheml'1t. long, 20 lucb ,9 broad , and, ll~ [eet . Sprea~ ln g ,India', ' FI{;herle., ' the Orapgc Julld l"anDer, , Notice ' tbe uafng this de l'lcc lller me ' th~ee ludl Is lea rnln.g n ,lesson ,from thick a't the base. Tbese 'boa rdllke toll.oWI,!!! ; , ' " ~ ll'terent lIyst.em~ of ,mabllllJlaLlng •.an}' ''Jnpan. where fish ekes out the agrl· leaves' all ' ~hoot out ,at tb e top aDd " ·l\lash of , brnn ' 1~11d. III Idll,l1ngs, bran 000 of whlcb can be used wltb good cultural slUlatloll. There, ten ' ner ' heng down $0 as t.O torm a so,,· ~ of ..nd corn m Ill. , bran Oll!)l. "arlou. r 5111ts. 'fbe one I llSO mos'tJy In my cent. of tile p6pulli.tlbll are engnged, In umprella . around tbestem. The urn· ll1'aln!l ground together. 1'110 e va· o~' n 8 J)181'1\!8 Is, 1 think, tllc bellt and the fisberles Industl'-\" os IIgnlust one brella tree of Coylon bas lea yes at rloUll .msshcs ,fed morning, noon or euslest tor extJ'arJ.Iltg 0010n1438; but per cent. In fndla. where nil tho fish· suoh enormpus size that a single one nlgbt, In amollnts var,lng 'I'om a Ing Is BtllI done ,,'I thin slit . miles of, will cover from 16 to 20 meD, and spool\tul to a croP full. Some \'IOultry· Ihe s)Jcre, and In Ole mOlt prlmltlye onen serves as a crulOllY to a boat, or a tent ror ooldlers. ' A speclmon men Hive· no mash Ilt all, Agala' s,o'lne maDDer. lenf taken ' to E'a grilDd me!asured 38 k~p beef scra \)8 before the fowla at It, ,GOC?O' NIG,HT'S SLEEP. feet rounU. . aU 'Uines, athers gfye ap, OUIlCil &ve~y ..,......-~---".ocood day. :SOblC· gl,ve as niut h lfi:ee.n No ',Med'lclri'e ao Beneficial to 'Brain Alum, Baking 'Powder Is Wholnome, " l>On~ ' eaCh.. claY ds the henS will eit;' ~ , D~. . Herman Reinbold, th~ expert olhera 'lrnlt . an " olln'ce '. on alterylnle and Ner~ea, . chemist, In n rec(!n~ official day.. Some mIx grIt, clllll'coalnnd cut rel)Ort concernIng Baking Powders, . clov~r ' wiill Iho nloSIl: oth~'rs, feed Lying awalte nlgllts, malle~ It, bard declares that a 11\1te alum bilking pow~\Im separotely'. "'I t's liP to YQU; !;lui to , keep nwnl.e ami do things In da)' der Is beUer. and less InJu lrlolls than "your nelgllbol' may iUivu "en ua) '8\\COe6$, II tlml'). To , tako "ton lcs aod sUmu· tbe so·calle(1 cream ot tartn powders, ', by . all opposite j)ra,cUce, Prfnelille Is, 'Iants" imder such clrc um s ta,nces Is He eays that If the quantity I,r III urn IllJove I'ule. ' .1Ike sotling 'ille !;lollse' on fire til pee contained Iil . a suffiCient quan tity of . orollte Wl1110 Securing !1ar..y,
'd I
,f '.
Ir y.ou oan Init ,It out, . ball log Ilowder for a batch, Qil bread '~r ''l'be right kind or food promotes re- call09 ,fbr all ordinary faml1!y; be con· f~r comb honey' either,' 0' (he otlier!! freahlng sleep ot nlgbt and a w,l de cenirate d 10 ' one moillhfull ot food, Wsy In WhIch. On~ Farmer' OIIPOSII ' better, Just as lIoon 'a$ ' n colony ' awa)le Individual 'during tbo day, and ,talton In to', the stomsl:h at flAY " :of : Mis Prad\.lct ' With ',PI',afit, ') , , , makell "pl'e r.BraUou8 to .swarm i hEl' A l a~y changed from ber old way ot one' person, no matter bow dellcale" '. ' ",: :'" . ",' ~In . .'work. ~eleotlng o!le comh .aml catlng:' 10~ Oqj)e·Nuts. and' says : it oould, do no harm. On tim contrary, Not "For BlJOU~ th ree yeurs I hUd bean alum Is Wholesome In prop,er Quanti. " }Vlsblng , to 'llend my hon~y , to' adhering I waKe' sure . Ulst the CO~;111111610n inim , d lieJp to: ·ove,., q ueen ' lli not on It, 'I' blll comb 8~ould a ' ~reat surfe l;ei' . frol!l Indl,gest\o n. ' ties. ,This Is' undoub,tedly .the l'ea'3on I stoek tbe' market on4 !Q'l'Iet: the pl'lee, cOntain two or 't hree celts woil started. ·...1ter tr~'lng sevoral kinds" of me,dl· tbe State of .MIssouri qui ckly repealed I Ilnvo niwll.Yll tried, t~ be my OWn I ~ow place tills ' comb In the cen:ter cine, the dOOlor would ask me· to drop a law' that ,p rohibite d ' th e manuract~r.c .aleshll1n . . I bave :t'rl ~d lellIng honey; ~ne :~lve represented 'by B,) iL'1d till plf · potatoes. thon ifleat, anU. so on, ot Ihe most wholesomo or all , baking ID. ,nl!-ln J, !,wuys. 'f.,he most pleasant' ,up the vacallt spaoes wltb em ' l~Y but In' n tew ,days thot cravIng, gnaw· powders .. So much for Alulm BalliuS' and luccessrul wa,y Is selling by siulI· combs or rull 811eels o( [oundalton: as ' Ing . reeling 'fvoCI.rl Il.t art 'u P, all~' I Pqwders, ' , , p\e. I find October 'lind ',N ovember the ~ working upder. thes8.'condfUnnfl' would von.'ll everything tate ' and Im-m-.-n-se - S- t-e-e-I- P - Ia-t les. '.:' beSt m onth. In the year: to lieU boney. can n'o t ·be ,tjeJ)ended ' on , ultlld 'drank, .': '. " , . , ",' The BII\\11 OUlI boilNS of the DeW , .' lo-liclect a pletlsant d~y,,: put 10'111), c,o mbs. ' I . now 1)II1CO '\:II'e '" dlvldl'n g " "Wilen I Gt:nrte'd on Qrape-Nuts, , , , ' d Ih e 'pI oa' \1 ng Cunll:rtler;hel . Bome, nice sBmples of oomb bn-rd iii 1108Itjo,I;; a, ' l!hown In Lhe ' slOlll),e:I'. . an., m 'I d beln;;' Idbuilt b C at Wallsend, 1!If 1r a.,b d "",'r,ac,fed - honey and ,', Ii.e,,",w , ax,,\ ' ' ~ ' teellng wlliell 'vos s o dlsiressllll;:. dls, ng all . sre ,s,a . y onsu , e tca , " .... . IIIJJlltl'llflon, and ·eet::.hlve, ~ " over tt:, appeare,l entirely. . ' , .. to be constl'\lctC(!, or ~he I,ar· steel mount my' bl,cycJe and, a.tert rqr. neigh· ,ailing on ~he Illipte " COmI)letes tli'e ' "My ~otber wos ve ry mucb bCltb, plates tn .t,I" .w orld, " rhey Ilre f!11I~on • ~rlng ,' ~own8 ~i:ld clliElII, ~ .IiY~ :'the ol)e,ni:tlbp, tor the 'pr('seJ;lt, except ~l1at ('red " with ' dlarrb~a before coTllmlmc. et~el. welg~I~lg ' te.n . tons cillch. 'I he .. ,",i,ter In' ~arm :Dnd ,Ho~e, [ ·vlslt the a recdrd or· the ,lilage at develoPlllent.' In" lhe Grap,IFNuts, because ber s',bnl-' bO~ler., Diona will WCtlgh ()v~r" 1,000 , " , tons Massh'o Ingo1:1 nm. .labg " leadln'g ' grocers anef 'show' my honey; 40 ,"bJob,Ulc ' eells·. "'cre 'at e t1,m e 'o' ., I'"~ .... n.;antee >ever"'; .. lng" to ' "'lie' nC. 8oo "d" " , L nch WII8 so \vea\1 she 'coulll nol digest . ' 'Innnillulat\ng must'< be ' ltiipt,' and her food,,," welglung 12 and J4 tall!! aT'e contlnu· . , " th ' c' lIa"lP ' lee ,ah.own' an ,.II,' · p rbmlse ' to . ' Since using Ol'l1Pc ,Nllts sb e . ' , , 'siiould 'be' marked on the hive 110 ,U 'to , 'Is well a••J So,'8 sbe don't thluk IIhe a)ly Pllsslng tbrough the rollllng mill .. ,deliver hOlle,Y bate, I!Ollbli. and' clean" 'I)e retldUy .seen, .With· tbl~ , recor~ to cottld' ilvcj .wlih'nut It. ' , tberefor thl", "(ark .. '. ',tree' from breakqge or dl'lp, aud moat' g~ ,bY. the hive clln. be" opened .at t.he .1,va1' e]fect a IIA , Ie, ' "' ,,,. "It 18 " I:,-:at' brain restore.r and The First' Strlldng CII)ck. •" , prollqr lime ~.nd ;al,l cells cut, e:f,cept nerve bulldeJl, for lOAn 81,eep as 8011011 According to blstorla !ll, the nrat one or ' tbe best: 'Fhe hive II , Uieu and undisturbed sfler. a suppe r of closed, and requlres'no 'lurlbo litten, /),roJ)e.Nutir aB In Ihl' , old daya ,'when stl'lklng clock waR l'mWl'teil Into ~)u' iJo~ until time tc> remove the dlvldllig f 'could n!lt realize wbo,t tbey meau~' rope by the 'Peralans about 800 A. D, 'board 'and reu n1,t e' the' colony, ' Whl'lllt. · by a "bad ~,tomAcb." . irhere la rio It wa. brought as a present to Charlemagne, from Abdella, king of }lersla, as IlQOn oft~r , the, YOUuC queen hIIaln. medlclil. 10 beneftcllll to nervea and of '&0 ~)' . IUI ~allble" \ . ' , ' . brain u a 'good' 018111'8 aleep, sucb ali bF .twO. ~(j~ka --=-'---.:.......,..,.-...;!~ '. 'y ou CRn, e!!101 after e',HDg ora,.. Cbrl"tfan 1.anger,. Hen uiltlU8 Nut." , " , man, ..,tr. dIed, ree'enUy The '·bu lilA thI farm "WI.. DIe. . ' Nllf/I ..fv. by POl1tum Ct" DatUe'j.T,'tlaacl, at the ege of ,83, wa . ..... " "'_ Creek, ltIkb, I " n'an 600 persona flOID ""''0111I1n, .. Sectlol1al
,. .
,. ,.' .
of Hive." ,
"" ..-.
St~nn to the V'a lue of $300 Found In 8iogle Ye>Jl'.
. ~'TII'ro·• • NUCIL-
1M th.1Ut '•• , ...... .
Never In 1118 Istory or 'tbe UnJted Unqualified Buccose of Iqdla E. PlDltSI nLp.s llu ~ t.h re 1,( I'll 1I11('b II de mand bam's,· Vegetable Compound In the Ge:ee,ofMra. Fl\Ilnle 0, Pox. tor dltlmoJ'lus II.! tlwre ""u.'1 tn 1905. I.arge quon IUp." were Inlr)orted, but Onc or th gt.'f'lltes~ ~I hlml'bs of Lydia th <: l'Olln lTY II rollllc l'l) none. ' E. 1'IDkh".Dfs V geta.ble Compound Is 111 J ~ 03 It PI'Udlll'NI dillloonds to the lbe conquering oC woman'a dread c'n· va h i" or $ ~O, In 190t It had oulput -emy, '1'uluor: worlh '100. In JIIOt) IIJI production Wlis 'fhe growth of a tumor Is eo 8 y tLa', ~lllll t' li at $150: nnll In 1899 the coun·<}11 ntly its pres,,)) 'c isnotsuspco tetl try \joas!crl nnllve dlaDl(.)1\d. ' to Ule nntll it it! Car advanced. \' ;11110 o f $300. 1U llll ud lla \'8 been 'dIRco¥erf'd In (hI'. I' nlt II 'SlatE'~ III fOllr dill rent reo g lolH;. but th el,!' a~f 11:11 pl!U)e. or orl· lI in I ~ unknowlI, A II l"lv" IK en rouod In 100:;0 nlld -nil I II 1111 depo sits, and n il n(~cld II tally. Jl Is nol al , 'I II Improbable. ho..,· ev 1'. Ilu lt • IJIl1 , (lay t he ()rlfllnnl \l urees r Lhl R 11\1('ell of gf'ms 1I13Y bo I IISCO\'l·r~· ll. , '11 (' hl;;b price of dla· monds hns macle nit' I' \ ' nl 'soateb for th p!\C' ·\.lIN'lolI!' S nil S in Ihe United SllllE's an Li ( 'il unda k c(,nCr Iha.u ever 1I r I' .-~IlI~ 1I Inc An u rloan,
Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh OJ,. less Hands Were T led-"Would !'io-cnllt'd "wnoll crin~ fllti"S'" may ' Have D'icd But· for Cut!curOL" co me from il.8 ' Iarly s inges, or thIS presence of (1:1Il1{('1' m~ y be mlld e ",noi • "My 11 lIIe son, wtlen nbout a )'ear f es\' h y pro(use n'l(lnthJy Jl \'juu~ , a ccomo nd II hn If old, b ega n to sores pani e d by IIll us\)ol paill , Crom tha O!llll out VII lli s faco. I hMI a phys l· ubll om~ olhl'ollll'h thr g ,'oin ond t high!!. 1 f \ ' 011 I> I\\'I) ml'",t 'I'ious pain"" if 111t'r. oln n tre a( him ; but the .sores grew in Oolnllll> i OIl or di~ W01'60. Tbeu tl)(' y oogao to com'e on are Irlllicalinns p lacement., ~ccu re a IJol.Lle o( Ly di~ E_ h l ~ anns. til n on otll!!r Jlllrtll or his Pinldl um's VC!l'ct:>IJIII Compou od rigll' body. and th en 011 6 'ell mil on Itls chest, awa y nnd lot' gln il~ use. worse tball the olllc\'s:' Then ( called Mrs. Pinkham , of f'~' nll , lIb ss., ",\11 sLin lie grew give YOll her uilvi ue if yfl\l w il l wrile nl1(,lh "1' pll),slclnn. worsn. /\ t t hll ent! of about a year her about yoursclf. S h~ Iii till' Ilaugh , IlOd l\ halC of su lTerl n!: h e grew sn bad ter·l n· law of L\'(\ia R rillllhnm nnd 1 hnd to tic h is h llnd» 10 o.lOlhll at tnr tWClll.)' · OV ' )Il'nrs hna beclI ndvhilli 'u lght to '''lep !lIm from semtchlng the .Ick worn CD free of charge, 80i·os nnd toarlilg lho flosh. lJe cot to DeAr MI"!I. PiDkhnm:tho liherty to ~onCTnt\llnt.e 'ou (\~ be a m ere sl,el ton, .and ' was bardl, 1.t)1I" sI lI tol:o e""'" 1 bO\'e bnd wilh ''you.' won Iqrful able to walk ;lly ollnl ndvhed me to m(!lli.:ino. Elgbt.oou monU,s ago my perlndt try utlcura' Soa p ·and Ointment. I .toppc<l. . StJ"rtly "ftlll' I felt so badly tlJal sul\' llilt.ed to ,a tllo"()II Sh {f:tumillut iOIl b~' fl sent to lhe drug store and got a cake IphYBlcian nnd Wf\S (old Lhllt I hud' " tUlllor of the Soap lind a box oJ: Hie Oint· and would bnvoto IIIl1ler!;o nn "fI<lrntiun. mcnt. nod nt the end of about two " Sooo nfter I rend ono of your n<lvertl""" mOI)th)l tbe sdres were all well. He mente Dlld de<llclcd to !;iye Lydl" E. £'ink· hom's Veg~t<l lJlo Compound 0. triu!. Arlo" has ne\'or had aoy sores of any kind tAking tho bot!1t'S 08 ,Hn~:Wd tho tumor I. si nce, Ho Is now strong and healthy, entirely gone. 1 "".0 b..'fJU elUlllin .. 1 by /I Ilhyslc\un oncl bo ro)'s 1 bn'vu 00 slglls ur " and r can sl n c()re l ~' say Hint only tor tumor now. It hos 801';0 broul;M !uy rerforll your most womlerrul l'emef1les my around blluo more, and I nm elltlrel1, .>reclous child would bave died from well!'- Follnlo D. !l'OI, 7 Cht..,uut l:itreet, those terrible sores. MI1I. Egbert Bradford, r,., Sheldon. R. F. D , No. 1, Woodville, Coon., April 22. '906,"
Strange Slory-But Tnltt. r---,.----::--,Positive.r enred II.,. F. L. Vandegl'lft has a Dew story, these LUlie PUll. I It Is IIlustrat!I'e of the marvelou. fe~I Thor also reUeve DiacUlIdlty oC tbe English sparrow. tress from DySJ"!psta. In"I Wt.8 · pondlng Sunday ' w.lth the CIlgUtJonnnll'l'ooDearfJ Eattng. ~ perfect; remOilmon t Smiths. at 1<105Iey," &aid edy for DlZ2lnoss. NIIUl!CII. Van, In I' cOlin ling bls experience, Dro\Yslncss, D44 T nSlAt " We bud be n up late tbe nlgbt be' .. In the lJoolll, Co0.te4 tore lind r was a trifle dro",."y. 1 11&1 Tongue, PaID lD the Side. out on the front porch Hatemng to the C====--"';",.ITORPID LIVEn. 'l'lIeI cl\urch b lis and gazing otrlma the reruJAte the IIowllI8. l'urely Vegetable. Itllml tnh le spne,! that 11e1'l between a sliortgrass ~own ant) Lho l!or!7;oa be)'o.Dd. , Genuine Must Bear "Presently I dropped II:J7 bat Into Fac-Simile Signallll'& a bed ot virginia creeper IUId (107;ed 'orr to sloep. I could not tulve, slept more tban an hour, ror the cJllldren w reo passing tho house on the way REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. from Sun'd ny lIe'bool wilen 1 .awoke. .. I I ruub ed my eyes and ~llIlced over at mY bat. In It sat aD ED~l5h sparro\\; brooding a ' setting ,pf, ~ While I slept Ihe sparows hod b'ullt a ,nest The (j,uIHt Boardlns (ollege,In th~ World in my hat, the mol her bird had laid a full complement o(,eggs and had begun the wor k or hatchioc tbcm."Kansas City Journal,
, ,School. Spreadln!" In eM"•• A (ew yenrs ' ago tbe fore1gn mte.Ion ar>; sc hools were p",ctlcaUy the only Instltutlbns In Foocbow on'erlng racllities for 'lho aC(julslUon of ;west. ern learning, Thene a re now at least .80 naUve soboifis fa811'IonOO arter tl!e foreign mode l. jo'oochow f • • city 01 600.000 h~habltants, and these scboo" embrace about 2.000 Itudents. Post, ers placanJed all over the city advertise the op"en,l ng ot various mpdern schools, wb: - I) an sJlrlnr:fnc: up In overy nook and cOrller of tIle vlace. Scarcely a weeK pas ses wlJhout the announcement 'of the opening ot • ne w' se hoo~. ,~~-- ,
Haa Bee!1 Burled for Centuries. 'fho body or 1\ YOllng 'woman lIa8 been dlscO'ic reu In the, llodent Priddy lead min CH In SomE)rselshlre, Enl£' land. Home I G or 1 i feel deep to the wntel'bone s lit tlmt has been accumu, laUn g' sl nee th e clays before the ROo' mans cume. , The balr fa wonde'r fuliy , pres~rve d , and remains' io ,til" pl~t In ,I'hl<:h It was worked. Beside the 'bodY Wf:.\fe found Il.e large blue and &'re~n s lass bE; a<lll. ·
- ---
An,o ther Trlllmp,h for X ·Rap. So suecessflll Ill:" tbe appllc;,Uo,:, or the X.'ra)·B been l!l Ule tnr.m",,' or ('hI10"ell , s'll!rtn! !, Otrl ringworm. tb.t the ,Metropolitan Asylums BOard. Lon· don, lIas been enabled to dlsconUllu. the \lse of ono of tlle two Institutions reservea '(01' 'sucb cues.
University of Notre Dame jJl',
NOTRE DAME, INDIA.'IIA itf'''''nlft~, I:~' ;tJilt_u : 014'" "H.le",11
.tud" nnd IUIr .. t urltlf,h ,""4;~ · JIU'IIuvl:"' 6
18 BuiJdin..
7S Profe..ori
000 Sldd••t,
Cou_r-.nt 111 Antlent aUl\ I.httl.,rn r.. nll".C•• , J::UIC. lI ..h . HI. l otl', .,,,1 " ltilufIIJ ctI.( ' lIfI,nbtry lJl ()luvv. .. ha rmacy, t"'J .. I':lecl , 111al . and Jl el.!llanleal t{tUtl.
ArehH PC lUte. LA .... tlhc,r\-fl6lu\l, lJuuL.:.k1HlU'-
IUC ,. T,J1e· .... I UII ...
61·tWJAluIQ~!:~'!ml~~1)ll)a 110 \' 8 T!~MS.
Tuillon, .nd Loqn4'l, ..... SIDeliro cea'i to Che Seenrary lor C.'alo, ...
lill inflamed, ulcera led and catarrh al can. diti ons o/tbe mucous membrane s uch;l5 ' nunl clltllrrb,uterlnecatllrrh caused by feminine Ills, aore ."roat. 80ro , I mouth or 'I nflamed eyes by simply " dosing the slomach. I But you surely can cure these Irtubborll , ~ections by .ocal ttCalmcnt wiih
,P axtine Toilet Antiseptic which destro)'s !lIe disease genns,checks , discharges" SlOpS p a·in. and beals the Inllaml)13tion a'nd sorenesS', Putine represents the mo"t !!ucce< .Eut local trealment for feminine ills 'ever produe~d . Thousands of \Vomen t4l1ify to lhis fact. 50 cenla al drUGgists. '
Send for Free 'Trial Box s: "~I'ON co.. Do.IOa. M ......
37,500,000 PEOPLE DIE EACH YEAR', In th~ Uuh'ed Stntu. A1 0 nf', mQre th'''t 3 tuUo Uoo t.he )·t.tly from pU\lenlablc 11 Isett!fe8.
t;b "
w"t... ,
tell. wiry t b ••e Il.arUiDt:' 'acC. exIst.
(1000 ' Ia Ih. oldeSI h•• "It J UIIIII.) 'n .h. world. a big ha ndsame 1y illll! l eu f1 a~ .~" tdlted I1lIg.ndne (or the h ome. The " rll:~ 15 OQ!I dCiital • ),e3 f". Siflale c.-oplc.len cenl"l
Stnlt twenty.five cents auct ltbi!l nd~t'rt i 5f" ...
for a lila. tbree bloulb tt'
'Dbacrlpu~ ..
WI.TER • .
Ca ..ea IOtI.. . .~--_... _ . . . . . .L
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.,j .
.·t StYI~, U+t I Y, • -, and isb
In Memo riam.
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Clove r Leaf Cook ing Club. I,Busy Time s for Everybody. ,I J - - ------1!
J J 't
~ol1l(l .1 olle phino A ·b.urg. tlllllgh r o f WilUull l 1I0el orn (lib\1s, WII wa ' horn fit. J-I~rtle, Ohio, .IIIDtwry ~ trlllh I ri, 189~, die lIlt Dn y t,on, Oilio. !:;ep r !lo' 11100 n g~cl 1tl ye,Lr!' 7 m o ntit~ I1ml ~(j !lap. ~be i !\nr· \'I,,~d hy . flltlJel·. lllo\lw r /Iud ~h ro!) hrntJ)t'T , UI) I, wns prllct>n 'rl t \l tIL Be t·t,ar 1JII..11I1 hs 'twu sil\ter~ . Sbe oOllttlloteun co\e1ln Fobru ry , 19 Ii, fr OIl! which she UOVt'l' full,)' ~ l'eoo verect ootI sin e onrh> Muy
(tl S"turclf tY ROlll nll t~T tht~ !'ll;wt11 tIm Clo \' r Lellf 'Itllll1oltl Its tlrst"' r lInion n the C)hlll1tutlg llll grOllnc1!', All the mom t) . rll willi tb ir falll!lio~ anll friendR had
- , ----'l'his ill t.h HII1!1c1D of thi\ ye'llr , \\'11 II Ibe flUlller~ lITe b\l~Y Ull11 Waynes villo which c1ellom!!' lin In rI::o lv all t,h ~rll\l of wellf~ II 0101'0 or I all dl ~ortllllalll)lll\ rlm e(! eluring MIA ZIM MER MA N'S '!lILY 1111111• .It il' til penH(\TI nl~\' W I Hln e"l'ryll od.v i8 t'lk ing Hd vlln t'tgo of f}veryt hing i i1t.he (~rllcery 'll!!k pt lll<IJlJ I"II Il< I,hm II l)v WilT",. \n bU >llIy, sll it, hllJllllln l! tblll, then; III New ~(I'ood ' . I II! t,1 going <In ou !s\(lo fTOIil tne 1'11.11' 1 till Utllt t his is wh)· IL 1 III nll Wtl l)l\per IIJlpC!lrs wit,h II rI onr tl 10 f II Il W ", FIU~SH I~ RmTS and VEGE· somow bnt 1111 t,lIe linz Uo dool;! till .. TABL E.
looked fo rwnrd to this It b in" ... qnito gll lndn in t,ho cll1h untl it : 111'1'1. W II,. fot' Ill> ut ixty J LIT S ilt. . 'I'he lllvrlllu~ hours \V ()1't '} !iJlUl.Lt III g old m~IU'bers lind wi fd nmls Ilnd forml.n s_ new auquulu t. i ,well . At til e nOOlL hou l' It ~uwptllOllS J.. rollll tWILl! ser vQd sucll 8@ ollly th , Sho ,'us Ijn.ti Ilt , lind brll"oIY ,!I\lI\ '. r~ o. IlIlli cs ure Doto(l fol'. , A fta r fi ll hlHl thoroug hly enjoym1 Highes t Price Paid for . ~ h opefull y bor e hEll' suO'ori'n g, IInel Ii ~"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-'''' """~"''''''''~' \Vul! W~ r t h T rying: '''~~~ ber 11 po I'r r gr,lu ing henltb fflilotl , tili nnd wllilo 'till . entoel lit tho W , 1:1 . Brown, t)Je populnr jll!n ber hope f hell" nly r est, grow t~l\.tlc II ~ho r r grogrnU l oonsist,ing f i!)11 nttorll8Y, of Pittsfie Vt., SUYK LOCA L AND tr ougor . '11 . H.lsur t1 h or (lIH lllltS too t 11I1I11111Pl'Ollll>tu spoe heR WllS "Npxt to ,I jllln(!IolI, t he ld, , Hilde brant Given beNt thiug Itldl1lg ;1 in . We are paying tllltt tlhp was r llllC]Y to go w1l 11 tho to ).(P,t; is Dr. Kin ~'il New Lifo PIli PERS ONAL MEN TION Dec'ision by ·Boar d. summo 't'h.a proaido ll t, M\ s BIllllohe Riley B e wrl l ll~ : ,·t h o,\! keep lil Y fnlllil!!y ll s shoulll COI\I O, but \vflS not All kinds of ro ~t 1 ; lIrl\~ nt \{utb I goinli' to dispair of reglL)ning hor ncted II tOllst lllist. ro~s . Mrs. hnr · ill ~ pl lIelh1 hoult.ll " Qulok ollre for UOr\;,;tipltthlll nllll Bilious· erine Alexllnd or '" tore. . All t'xllectl'd Electio n BOllrd Dc· bonlt ll nllli l.mgod to stny with the!t\ lotte 'l'tLylor ~ ralln i n guvo the DB elUltLOhe ,;150 . OUllrlln teed nt, F. C. 'II. HWelrc ..llle Adtl r e~B" cides in II Agains plensin t g Smith. if sll o migllt, nod oven now, Irs . F. C, !:'chwll rl z nnd b ihlren wllrt~ drng tlt,) re. tIInllnOI' whiob W'IS followeil by are spendin g t lli~ weHk with 'Inoi l1" "1 OIlDnot. sa y find I willu ot SIIY Mrs Uertrud o Totld Tlhbl\ls ' with llfIti relntivo . ''1'he ohief deputy s llJlor vis Or!! !tntl 'flint she is c1elld-s be.iFl Just, I\way. The BEST GOODS t he 'Uespon l3c.' Mr~ . Luella .Elli s ONLY Mrs. (J hll.rle~ E Wright lIud t wo olerks of the vtlri ous election bourds Witll n oheery 811lile !lnd ri WIIvo "f M '\nro. no of tbe ohtHter mem The LOWEST PRICES ' of h or IHlt;lrl chltrmi lig littlo ohilLlre n of Pit ts · in tho l:iixtb Cangr essioou l dilltrlct b ra gllv II ;;plendi d toast on 'Remi /:lba hn~ wanrlor el] ' Into lin nn · nls onHCS ' hurg, Ponnsy IvlllIi,\ are g uestl:! of ill • e sloll at Xel1in Mondn,y , de. plnro\! thtlt C. Q. fJildebr unt·, of kn \\'1,1 htutl , Mr. Emmor BllilflY aod tamlly . A b Ilutifol MomoriuUl . wns th Eln Wilmin gtall- was tbo reguh\r ly nom · AmI left ns dreAmi ng how VI>I1'y flli r' EQUI PPED WITH r encl ·by Mrs. Iclu Miller EVRns ill, and Mrs: J ODllth1l1l W. Plam· in!tted Re publlcllU olLndil1n ltu ceds I11U~t. hi • inoe she linger,; te for rememiJel'll lloe of Miss E mn'lI~ 1'ay. Iller, of Chlon gn IIDd Miss Lydia Congr s . . thero, I r , t hi lJOillt; th 0111.1" 110'lhh t hn t Wr. ght of entervi lle, ware .Guesh Tbe bUllrd stood ulgbt for Bilde. Anli you, 0, yu n, who tllo wilt1 el:it hns occurOl~ in the 0ln11 sluco 1t.1l M Dr. A, ' T , Wright and wife brnnt !tud four for Jadga yearn H : L. orgn n,i~llt.ion t,\'.'euty yellrs ILgO. I!'riday. Fur the o ld· time step lind the gllld Smith, of Xenln. Both of tha Wnr· Mr. Robert Vlln Derv r III bis return, 'l'he new bridge Roro ~ the !DiIl ren ount y Ulen wer e for 11 uul jovial lUu nner gave fl. very Hilde 'l'hlnk 1if h I' furlng Oil, fI cjea.r rn(! ' on Corwill Avenue hos b en' brunt. The vote Wt~1:I lUI follows Z I M MER M!A N ' S entert,lIinin&: tulk till • In tbe D!IYH for In the 1\lvt\.,f I,her e lIS the lo\' e nf elolmpleted aod 1111 SOQD 88.. the oon. Bl1debm n t; Wnrren CountY of Auld 1.,Illlg '.YlI . " FollolVing ', John of wursc here; orete IlOQr harden s 8ufficientl.v will Tucker ,ohief Deputy , Repubh thl Mis Perle' Riley re pl)nd '\ In cau, Think. of 11 1'1' " till th t\ some. [ ny1m opened, .to traffio (Jhllrles B .. C B, Deohan t, ('Ierk, Demaor at ; II n II Jll1l'O\win I 1llnllDAI' to the f.OIIMI· !:lile i not r[ 1Ic1-1 he j just u wuy .·' LewiB has pui in the oonoret e floor Olint.oll ~ounty , Oraoge ,( I1r l lll ren t ~ fl nd eInid r n' lI"yinl:' Frazee, R ev . Buber, of 0 k titrcet . B. a IlIl the bridge ii' Dot only bandso me ohlef deputy, M. D. Bnrpel!, n lonn" t,ribl1te II th e d ·nsul A Comm unica tion from . ~lerk , but promise s t o lusttor yellrB . Higblan d (Jounty . hi, B . Weddi ng, churoh ondncted urief ~e rv ioes ut I)tt r en~ . MrH RI hurd Dllku tbon Mrs. 'Rebecca J . Sides . the home [I t OilY t on Illld t.he r emll.iul! . SOUTHERN RAI~WAY . Clerk, demoor llt; Bcown One or tw, drunke n roughs F. 1\( Thomp son, RClmhliottn, Ilnty, w r hrull 'ht 't o Mia mi ue metery gl1VIJ t he imrnnt,s I' tl~lln 0 in II fL:'cl· ehlef I'lWIl iog lind \mJlrI'H ~iv •., \\II \Y NAxt, odllle cauBed Borne httle exoite>m ent IIDlong doputy , H. E Parker, Mr,. RehellO" .J Sl,I". hilli r" i'i1ivA,\ for int.erm ent, !te" Self Of f)nytolJ .Demco rut, Wilbur V. 'r{\w \"i th hi ... t oast t" tbe crowds on Main street tmturda y Olerk . Ulllny h,ttl>r.. tT11I11 r"l .. ttv,,, .... \'Ing. ' ." uonduot.lng the €I r \'l.oe ut the 'btl· 'Tb e Lflft n v ' rs.· HIi l<tlo k l~ ,'er,. night by engrgin g in alteron tlon · \\' h.l' 'Iirl Il flto ~' "n,"'"'1 litH .1"",' "Ill pal. A quarto tte of Hldie,. ft l m t be wllioh finally rettuhe d in several 10 .ALL IMPORTANT enconrl l tngl,v til thoru IIml it WII Judge Smlt'.li receive d t·be votes of Lytle Churoh ~li"llIi ti/lI'Alt.lo _I",nl·r . It,; "" lIIi!! ht; !!11111{ the song" ,;1Ie vor..- 1I1I\h I.V llPPl'puit.tefl otllers being drawn into it. A COIll. F , D.. Lemoll RePUbI1C~~ by tJ 11 • 1I0d chief loved so we.! I. Four '0111 s ma hlt vC j!ottten f" .. d.v '" t!II I" W...vnei< South. tes promille of some 80rt Wtttt flnally deputy of BIg.blnnd (Jaunty MILny 11M, rs ~il\' fl imjJ.rtlln pl n vllt .. IllIrli'lo(! HUlIIlI U IIIIIlIlj! .. , Ed· frotn' Mr. B llrtsel'lI !:lubb'nt,b !dohool South eut. . t.'lfeoRld and tb'e tbreate ned fight' wllr~ Elley, t~e Demoo ratic 'I'b,,)/' IIny, "00 ,,,,II n,. "lIuh" lIt. \I , " OIerk olltss at Oak !dtreat U. B huroh of s p ee oh e~ In ludin g If. u~" r ... lfet> • • d Southw est. was called off. No .arrests were of Highlan d County aod F,.rlUllIl, Ilownrd (Joll tt., Oel) Riley the two MrlO ~ll l f1" Ihink It WIl" Il fur .. . Oreene oounty membe rs R . I. Stew, Duyton Hud Leliu Bro wll IlUd Imo Will Todd, MI~!le llOt'II Elh~, ' !ttrl\ made. "olli.u un- l1cun Oil tALe Foulks of Lytle ucted ns pall· bellr rs til I.e fir t htl j oy s tit IWIt "m. 1:\1\1; art, the "I" RepnbJ ~IIO 111110 lUUDlYl . . M"ILr"h,dl lind many otbers lcnn ohle'f aod H . .J.. Thill ill the time of year wben we Mis!! Myrtle Cottma n of Currmonte UClt 110m TO 1tWI't UX ,K'o'.flIl lt l!''''11 tllilt~, hlit 1\tW " " Farrell, the Derubo It ratio wlls:1e Clerk, ided thnt . t.hi!! 1m lIl'lde who live in tbis Olilllllte are 8njoy· "11m 1OUl1f. car'r ied the floml piece trom ·. the ilreltlllfltl ..1I" ",,,,,III II.. ktlllwlI h.I' It is underst a pe.rlllllu ood Jndge ell t Smith I1ffllir aUll Will tb " t n ronD . iog perfect ly Ideal ·wea'he r. The .l:Iabb~th 80hool olttss,w hile beau t iful ovary (Iue whn hlttl \,\,rIU••n tht .v fIIr ~ &lid IW8 AtIdft. ion be held Ilunual ly. days are warm and yet 'not unpleas · ottrry this cose to the t:!upreme flowers from othor friends W('r I'.ollling Sht\ W!tll Ir\llde http ... covered 'A ft r 8i u~lng' "Blest PAUL 811.0WN. T. P. A. Conrt. be' the Tie ' antly hot and the nighta are 0001. eRAS W. ZELL, D.:P.A. tbe oasket. wh en B ..n MArrit.t, of New .lerll!eY, tha.t Binds! ' nil wended their wily , ClocillllAU. It mnst have been this kind of History of the Contes t, The kindnes s Of friends at Dn.yto.n )l1tl&!Oetl l&Ul h hl~h I'll 1<)1(1"11 011 Rt1V t o the. river . where bOl.tiDg was .i n· weathe r that tnspire d Prof . Venabl e Rellder 8 of the 611~ette Ihe wore aod Lytle, and of Mr. Ung1e J W. Ro~rtll. unt1tl tlllitlll! (If I.Il .. by. dulged ill \tlltiJ the s had e~ of e veu· to write his "June on the Miami, " or le88 fllmiJiar with the details of the undertn ker. W. ~ 1l,INEARJON. o. P. A., ,. d ARr old MiulIlI Oitz~ttn , RIIU (\ol1ble wilill ever be forgot. ing w ere drllwin g nel~r. 0IIcIanaU , Q. for June and Mld.Se ptembe r are '11 • e Iong oontest w h ioh h as been tOil by the fam!'IYtill ltbjs,the !!~ddest oousln of lIra. ijlrlllH M1'1& !:!idllli' muoh aUke. wilged now fa,r more t.ban four experie nce of tbeir lives brotber liang w~th the (Jttrmttn laID. •. nod the \Va" a very Siok Bpy . years betwee n tbe two Republ ican memor y of .Nellle GlbJ>!I wtll l1y who were lio highly BllOke.1 of. r est o~ But oured by Chamb erlain's Colic, 'l!!!C~~~~~~~~~ .. i n' th IS Di atri0t . ~~~!!!!!!~ MrM MQllie Sides WiIlillDlsrm. WIl8 f . It benedio tion on the lives of those ac.,ons Send your News in h d D h R . c.; olera ttfl larr oell elll ed y. Puin from a BU~D Prompt ly 'Re I·n,... ,",v loved aUlong the Going baok eight years ago C.• (~.. ahe lo ved 80 fondly 'Wh en my b oy tOllcher~ , ~s Ea~ly as Possi ble. Will! t wo yoar8 o ld· Heved by hlurtbar laln's Pain Bttlm. ' NICI.LIIil ATFm~soN, Blldebr ant, of Wilmin gtoo was and I\1II 0n&l' the NI1Ip<lkd-slnlCerll -WUH h 11 d . tt 119 k 0 f b QW· . e n IL very severa a 'I'" li ttle ohild of MichaElI StrauBs, Mrs, Side!:!' . ted d I ted (J ' Sept·. 14 'Oil . gruud dnnlChtnr. Mril Lebltno n, (hlo. 01 complu lnt, but by the use of ofAVerno The Oazette is always glad to reo namma lin e efl to ongross . Ooon " WllS recen.tly in Dr . 'rate. of ' Dllyton , who Cllamb erluin's 00110, Oholera aod grulltp ainn. from calve Items of news and we ·Il.ppreci. At the end . of trw\> was Ii burn en years he WliS the bttnd . Di\l.rrhoea Remedy we brough t bi~ und ttS cold nppllca tione granted anothe r term only meetin ' in cnlled g h with the IIocond tlnle amid lim y As 1\ ' 'dres!!tn g for so rOil, brnise out 1\11 right,." says Maggie !tte averyt· lug sen~ In • .bnt wish · to no opposit ion whatev er . Hlckux . cre~sod the inflamm ation, Mr. IlppliiDse llrlj. Ilnu burns Chamb erlain 's !:!ulve is of M.idJi\lld, Mich . Tble Sido!4 thln1i:8 every call the at'tentio n of our friends to t'Amedy cun Strauss ooDle to Mr. Jamel! N . Nich thlug' waR a SilO 0088 'rhe Slx~ dlstriot has almost Ill . ~ull that olin be de8Irel~. 1-. I' soo.l) . • Every /1 ,I/(t . b, cle'Jeud ed unon In the most se II little 'matter that will help us 8. . , , . .. .., . o)e, a 10001 meroha nt, for someth ing wa~ b6/1utlfully planne trig nod healing In itB effect. It III vera Oll~e~ great deal. . E~en d by CIo geniua. chaler\l . infaI\tu m ways been a .two term distriot , "nd lays the pum of It btlr~ stop tbe pain. Mr . Nichola AttyS: 1I1111ost in · il! .ourflel . by , !t, Fol1~w the .plllllJ to F'reque ntly someth Ing will h&p. it was general ly suppose d ' I advised him to U8e Chamb erlains Mr!' . Sldru( Mr. fill· st.a.ntly . This !llIlve ~8. alsu 1\ oert~in · prlllterl dlreotlO think/! It never colll(1 ns Rn~ It, aure III oar" , Pain Balm, aod th~ first applloa tion have deb rant would .be.cont Rnt u.fter hav. · cure for ohappe d bands been·su o.h a MUCCeal! bali it not llnd (lisefts· tnill . For sIL10 hy F. O. t:!oll\vurt~ , pen lOon a"er tbe l)Il.per is ont, lilly ing hlld two terUlS drew out tllCl.ioft ammlltil)o and gave for the l10tirhl g efforts of otl.r high of tlle highest es of tue skin. Price 2tic . For IIn1e 'rhurBd ay or Friday aod our frien~8 m h immodl ttte relief . 1 buve used tltls 1 f . by F. . Schwar tz dilltty sending Iti 8. report of it nntil 0 o.e t e peop e 0 bls Iioimen t wyself and, reoomm ended t~ne<l WIlYDes~l1lo puper. distriot --.L,jU8t. before the next, paper IS relldy could give him It very often fol:, autp, burns, strains . . Ilud . Inme buck, and bllva never . Mr . Blldol) raot wu.s not ti fled to go tlUt,. As a grettt deal of newlI ijtufvln g t o lDelltH sa . 8 BeOILUSO her stomac h WUlI--." O wellk . The Cincinnati 'Enquir er bu jUlf knowD It to (ll~ ollpolnt ," For Rille iii ways oomes in anyway jU8t be, howeve r, onteSti ng delegttt ions ened by usele"s drt1~glng thitt shCl ieused a New Valuable up to date by F, fore the paper Is made up it lmUteS were organi~ed in severtll 'cbwar tz. ) countie s oouJcl not·ol\.t, Mrs, ~tlltr.v a Will Wall Chart of three Sheets (sil: pages) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!! our work very heavy lit 'tbat time an(l when the . oonven tion met In ter!!, of!:St 'Iutr t. ()olnlllltnp, () , each 28 inches wide, !!!!!~~~~ 36 inches long. aDd sometim es DaUlles delay. Allin· Wilmio gton II. split (>Ccnrre d, an(l WItH literally stllrvin g to 'rJaltt,h "he The first ·page shows an entirely g le Item doee not make lUuoh differ. , two meeting s were held. .Jndge writes: "My stomiloh \vUlcl ~o wea" Ne~i: ~ t; ...... Map ofOh'10; th e mOll tb eau h'fiuI ence bot tt is the many to"etht 'r Sorogg y, of Xenill, was froql useless drugs th!~t. I 'i [1'" . ' oould not ·:.. ... . , IIe J. r nilr bl I' KI..:J~ IJICYCL E calaklp" d exact ever prlD' ted nomioll l b ' ted . " . ., .. ,~~ . b • .. '" "Ie ~c [,,1101 COml,ltle Une of ~ • . ' n ellt" a1,lu my lIerves Be) wrecke d thll~ this . . tbttt oount Up', . ·u ••:\, UI,1,!!j. 'Ult1l:S Map up ' to date, II"d !IVNUR I¥II" PHJlllCll all newnnglDg tOWDI Y aoo oonven I!f: ,o w <11;>_olhcr ~ .' "I1 (lIclur"""rdc"'"r in ,he ,..,rI4, !t Ga we want· news up to by. the other . tioo, Mr . Hildeb rant I could 1I0t ~Ieop; and not beforo T ~e l<icate4,. alI Electric and Tractio n . . Of coar..... '» fl '19 .~OT D' U Y A BICY CLE from ,,,.,1¥",, WRS Ral' lroads t t given EI upt ''to a're shown, all Rural Mal'l the .last minute always , but when ' die Bittwa s I' Induced . h h 1he case · weot to tbe electi . 'I • I#. 11u 1~!'IfS. 1111 1, II l'OU ho ve' fet;o,,-hfc..l . on 0 ,ry , ~. \ll\':H~lf ~". 1'10 n.}' CIIltl Jrlr.r... ; WIt t e· Routes, ' arid portrlU'ts '0 complete.t~,... · f all th'e wonder ful ~o result ,thoter;! . posBible we sh.ou. ld inuoh ap honrd whjch deoided for imlJrov.elllent " ~';II ' • u!" . ,r.I II,! lu,,1 d""" ri 'i nl( "'~ry Idml "four hlgh'arlld e Illld Iow·lIrad. . I::ioroggy began "t l)nCe, lind' It, c'Olllnle .,. I" ..... <'; • . ,." ,.,:. ,ru.III1U loe •• l ""xl . te :~. nlld I<nrn ofour ....m.rk.ble .LOW oure Govern ors. preoillt e It if sent In, ell.rlier. 0 I 'H I ,' 1>.' .'''' 1 • •• n!l~rrul theu it WUII carried to ·tbe Suprem e followe~d." Best healltoh I' olruslII~ de possihle byoeltlag from factory . d l r~ ' If, ' lo~ :, ""H h afl mld'taw l~letni~n'81)rofit.s. toniO 00 n other pages' of this .Magnificent· ' h ~a4 ."'--r i d this Ih .mind when you C.our.• w b Ie 'ded PI ~DWOl' ' • d ; "1".= lIOII tl 0) "Oo :'$:' 1 P"O tfAL "'ithn,,'" CIIU tk;orjt Payth........htaml i .n . eCI . . ,n.. ..""". Qlnst ell.r 1. u . Guo I' au t Chart are' Maps of the Unl'ted Sta'tes ,COt l)y F . " v hlwe news for tho paller. The earli. Hildebr ant, ItndsoJlldge :. l ;~\'., -".1 ( 1.:,' eth 'J.'rlal s d nu\ke other Uhernl· terml Wh'_L no Olll.'r • f •'; . ~ .- 11, \ ) W \V1'~\ r~f" Scragg y's 80b,wllrt~ rlroggis t. . lil ,·.U '~ 'I dO. \ ,nou \n. \V IIII atm e\lerytb.o l aDd get"'" . WI ,portr~t9 0 . all the Presidents. mueh ... lu.· ., .. ,' . 1. , .. 1<111'. 11 er i' come i~ better It suits ns. by .lmply wrllia.g us .. poItAl. M!lP .of Panaf!la showing Caoal nttllle went Oll the ticket as the .reg· • VI', I <Ld " itf llar. I!(r,'''' in every 10.... Aatl zone 'wlth data relative to the great ' am oiJe1' .n opportuail) ' .I".: u '"olley I"Gulla\} C ) 0 1101 Oleo wbo.pply.1 oa<t, l • _ • ular OtHldldate Of <the party , The . 'Ihe J~J'euth of l.ite. Ship Canal, now being built by the Use Sohwa.rt~'s Corn Cure. None fight ~hould hflve ended here N LV but It . It's " signifio nnt fllOt that t.he Umted States, on.e . or ,t he greatest of the BiJdebr nnt, stronge st anlmlll of its siie, I·he·· "or. ~ better, MaUed to any Ilddress on. dtdn't, oertain enterprises eyer attempt ed. ' I also hilS tne lurgilst U1en IIctuaII y wor k ing &gain@t .... _ • ' . <> At;.,' the ila, h'cal M 'H 'AIM f th R ) nnf,lS Pow. ' .no opugrap I roceipt p( ~5 cents. . "' ap 0 e ussla ticket in IlD effort ta eleot' the Oem. erfol lungs mealls powerf PJ . ul orellt · Japanes e 'War 'distric twith data and ., • - eo f~'L N G\\LSuP.t~[~ ooratlc cn,ridicillte for ..Cangre ss ureH Baw to kflep the -br"Lt;b ing details of the two ' great Armies Cillunb erlllin's (Jough Remed y Acts and A i I ' o~l?I~~E l~ organs right fjhaulu be lUao 's obief. . Navies, battle fields, etc ...·· including , ga n , ast I:lprlllg two oo~ven. cst t il ",,,se) Like thouStindR lif othors the last Naval battle in , on Nature B Plan.. the straitS . ., . tioos wer.e held, one at Xenia and Mrsstudy, 0' NO MORE TROUBLE l ;4 ?UrICl'URES. . . Ora Stephen i', of. Port, Will ¥,orea. 'rhe ~ost suoeess ful ~ediC1nes . olle at Wilrnin gtotJ', RCHI'It. of IS y e (IT t! ' :'C' I ell ce in tire , BiJdebrilont' iam" 0 ., hl\8 1el,rne!l · bow to · dll. llrethos<'l thatllld Dll.ture , Ohamb e r . A ~ap of the World, with Name. . b milking. No dar:g,,-l' ! ,'om THOR NS. CAe· tI d'd tEl f I thts .· t:ihe writes ' "ThrE'e 1,lOtties of fR 1 lain's Cough Remed y. ' actl! on this agltlll lifio.'- ..._ ...._~I1lLL_ • .::....~ C fA ecome 1e can I a . !> t Ie 'Dr. FIa , TVS. PINS. NAJLS . TACIL Sor GLASS . Xing's New' .Dlscm.. erY' stol}ped ' O u ~rs. - - - - ---..- . plan: 'faka it when you bave a oold WI~mlngtoo glltheri llg oats a . . rms. . gs ,0 Serious puncture s. like intcllt~Ol LllI knife cuts, can ;:;~.. -:'rI: amI ~t will a~IIlY ·the oOllgh, ' relieve E?mlth waR nQmma ted at 110(1 . Judge my.oou gh of two yefl t.,. und cured all N~tlons. SteamshIp Routes, With be vulcani7A.'I1 like nlly other tire. . Xenl.a . me of WhILt. my frionds t hotlgbt' can. d,ata and $tatistics of great to 'P _Dt dID ...' .....' TIll.· the lungB. aId expe.o toration ,. open worth. . Two Hundred Thousand .pel'rs no" in actual ..... Over The People of the entire distrlot suinpt.loD . 0 It's gruncl for . ~~;;'rrl3.Jio"tI.... tltront ,;. Other llI aPS.. are the Philippintt Snonty.llvl Thousand the s8Cre.t.i ons and "'.Id nature In r(>, ftro sick !tnd dl'sgost ed pairs sold list ,...... with " the BAIIV BlDUro. · .Dn(\ lun " tr.ouhlOG .nd .. GUI.\. r a. l lte· " cl .' by Islands; HawaII, ~ storing tbQ systet;n of B h~a1thy oon· . Alaska and . Portd .. ~ DE.a '< ._RIPJ'ID . R' " hI 1Ifod~ ' [I' In nilwhich al."", It Isliftly and.euy rfdlnl'l~. du..ble.nd lined hi.lde h' wflh 1»t!CI.I quoI!"hi, "r d Ition. Tl1oo8~nds have testifie d to woe. rubber. acver : ~Dl" poraua.nd ..... teh 01.,..,. up II1I&I1 puaetu",,, ICO, II~ a . ·m.n e disb'nc t maps. rull ttflr W loh Is due to tho F . C. 8el1 wal·t~ dr I1gglst.. without '1Iowllllll l ,~ oir (0, ellCllpe. We ha"" huudredJi 01 Ic(ten f _ .tlIIied coMolDen . 'An index will, locate any . ]. . . itM superio r exceIlence. I t oollhte r..' gree d 0 f Il f ew po , \ U,aUhdrtlr.,. have,,,,I;, he«' Pllnll'ro npnnceor lwi""m. ",boto .......... ~ ,reiabllom II.tld ~ ~d . d d ' ItlcllLns f or ' 0 ItIce, . I ore tb.~ " in an onllnary tire, t h .. p 'lII c la r. " ," .. tinq e&R'~ .an I,,· so simp e a c h II belq IDftD by tIeWral "yen ~ tlil. Ij>edally ttots an)' te.n dency of ~ cold to reo can proJl4lred r.bflcuu·tb":.",,.l. TMt .. HOld.qllalltles ·The demoor atslleeD i to bavlil\o tlld il1faaDacl<........ ilcctClOmmOalyf.ltwheDridlalJ.a .. Ph.IL· ri ven up to pie. . MultJn pneuma~ia. Prioll 25 oonts. 1with good.'ju dgeme'n t III underst and i~.. Th~ Chart is neW'. ~~~!c.s~~~~I~':U;~ttle~~t~~~t~~~dth put'tib ; . an -. - bifRgeeslze, SOoents. Forslll e by F, ~~:=;a';:i1:~~p;~~~:,~..t.,.,"":f~t"~ and up to date, making .it an u"" 1.s$8.:;o Pcr pili.... bOIl fur ,,,I,,,,,tlsln r, J.''ur»O!l . ' . . ' ~ . ,B .. }Iiegul, HO·l N. Virgini~ St., correct . " ..... -bwllrtz., '!s"un!lIIiklII.. aODedtlI factooD1'lCe 10 Ib;, rId~r .. I ' bl' r unusua t lly . d 8trong . ollndid bl . ofoaly JI.l!o per 1"'''. Mlon]. ·.•hlpl,W8lLn,eday ate IIi the,' EVtLnsvl11e, In. d " wrlhls ,' ''''or. over lDva ua . e.,· educa~" v "'" • ldterlsn:eet,"- We Ihlp C:O.D. OtlIiPPnmtl 10 ~spen$1 e YOIIClo lIoL pay aC,<,JIl , 1l!1I ,'U" have cxllnoilled 'and fouad " field, . for the Home School LIbrary or R M. Denver ilr\o!tty ~ "'P....;.t~ , of WillUin !(ton, fi ve 'Yenrs wewm.n I was owa"'''!.b .'' ISUO''''t or'S f~rct:at (Ihe'''bY.maklthem trouble ,• d witll kid. ·c U · ... theprl<eM-Nper ' ' . . , , palrllfyou..,a,l. • PIILL CABU WIT •• I lltlH~ / ~ Am ""elo.. thb aa""rtl_ . .' . .' Ilnd ihnatte rs continu e 1\8. tney ha,ve ~ey . un d . bl'1\ dd er ' 0:"""ec t·,Ions h h 0 ege. enl. W. wllI.1at> _4 ODe akhl pl.led. b", .. A Cold Settled in His Kidney h a nd rum.p unn t~ 0 Samp!OOl1 metal puncturedoaen'oa full'paldorden·(u. w 10 Th s. II' b , . $ 5 _ ' . . punclu", close"" 10 he n<t.~ in <~Ii" ; : th t - melal f ' tb I caused 'llO ' mnoh pain Rnd \vorry 1)( illienttollal kaif.~tt or b...,.ItI4IMiI). TIfta . e Ie 109 p~ce IS 2, 0, ~ ... 1... .t OVR eorpentte to be retarD",1 A, J . •lennesBee, 9"...01 Butler S·. , .een. gOing e ou co~e 0, e e II ec I,!, ,ony I .lost "'IL""n fie, Ihor till aod was all r"n down,' worth is 'many nmes ' greater are not satlsfac:t0 t7·011 l' namlaatl t oq. N . . b . '11 b (Jhi~ttgo w:rUes .. "I ~m a switohl l?an The ..Wke n", pcrr.dly r:'h~" lc Aurl,n oney !!(odt to ... Is .. 1111. . . fa • .bitDk. AIIk,...... ... ,Ion In oveUl er. WI ,. e a matter and a yea.r ngo had to abando . . .' JIoatmuIf.'; . n er, EIrP"''" "': . 1. ! 'h• .\1(\'111 or 'II ~U.or of ~ .. paper about.. If "'" order n work E.,quire. r Compan y IS· giVillg and Am Qut In "'1 ~1'nd8 of "'Anther. 01 "rave .unoert anlty to tbe Repub·. this a IJAlr n' .th."" Ur.,., yOIl ,'VlII· d... . IhaUhov will ,Itle ealier, fUll futer, _r .I. hlLd tllree ',? f · tho '··Elslr -"art Free tD subscrib beUe1', WI loa .... aad loolc ers Of the u IIDorth O;U an any . IIr/! ..,Itt Ii 01'" ('Y" " 0:.1 or "".n·a~.nyj,~. We IUIoWthll I took a oold wbtoh settled in my lioans . . • • • h tltat .. ""YO Il t·"",. WR" w r. lJl ,· bellO_lIp , .kj ' '011 will gh'e "" your6rlkr: W.ewaot7I!Ulo_dtlll ....lHaed . physlclnnA who did me 'DO good ttnd !'eekly Enqulr~~~o.remlto~ lIlrl.1 kidneys and J wil's in 'bad Ahape. I edoUar ~~C"e.lh~'~~"l'(t~;:;:;'l!'lb':l~g~p,.,;........ ~""" I ·W\1S pruotlOIlJ!y given up t'o die. lor a 1ca:rs tried 88veral adverti sed remedi es ..m ~' ~n .Dd ' IU.-;l'lp nOn or lor Ii reo 'll!'Ui ..... ,1 n FoleY'1I Kidn'e y Cure wus· ·I,'ocom· · Dewal of old iu»scriptioil. A;oo::Y, .L'V1:l'ythlaglntb.blcy"lelmeareiotcrby lII.t "alltbe ia.u.1 with, DO benefl t, nntil 1 was recom · Agents CID .,.,.,.. churgecl by (ieal, ... ,.."I r'·P' U56 "'-II wllr t' N one men d e d d h ii n. Wrlfe ror.oar bl,IOJl(D 81' ..I........: z S Corn " ..,ure, . . an b e, r ~ t ~ottle ga ve me .reap a rich' harvest mended w try Foley's' KidD.e y Oure. better."'" Mailed DO "OT w.'nlT bUI wrlle 'III • ~ today, DO NOT THINK 01' BOWINO "solicitin S ordIn . n' to any addl!6Ss on grt!l\~ teUef, and atte~ taking t.he r. this .... hlr.'/eI<I' A11111. of tll'H f_ U-1Olle ""III you bow the ...,.. and• grand offer, Addrel l, .... II<1.rr·~(j'~r8 W~ llr' luahi".;. rl .. uly "-li.l8a potlel to lam 1!ftrJlI!1nj. Writ,. 'l'wo-th lrdll of a l>o.t tle oured me," recfilipt. of HI centil. II . NOW. seoond bottla . I WIlS entirely oured," F . CSobw artz. . INQUIRER COMPANY. DlptL .... F. C, ISchwar.t,z. J ..
You get all of these in Shoes bough t at
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NlB'!i ·.
8 o·
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TOLD IN SHORT The Star Course. I Corwin. Grain Elevators Sold PARAGRAPHS Season of 19 06-1 907' 1
' Mrs, Muy Wllllam80n aooom· ponied by hor slater, Mrs, Dllna ot ThrA ~ .(lW~ 111111 pi!!!! fClr ""\0, '.rhe I;'oture oourse for \Vaynes. . Kallllns City; Mo. , Mrs. Geiger uf III!] Ilir!' "I Gil zett,e omps vl11e hnscome ~o be looked upon us NEWSY ,NOTES GATHERED BY THE <iA ZETIE'S New London. O. and Mrs. Battie O. W . Bishop, of Wlllla~8port, A IlIflilth' ~ulT"rlngwlth " lv .. ry ,II llbrumnent institution. nnd II! CORRESPONDENTS IN NEARBY PLACES 1m uf Dayton, spent Thursday In I~dlanll. has bought from Henry IIr, IlIdld, t.l11l r llt'ult of to'lring It. lookeu forward to with interest by tbe City, sight seeing at the Zoo Inorellsi~g' numb~rsevoryye&r , Of J'ay his two gram olevators at Cor· 00 bldllll! win:" Il.nd elsewhere. win and wlll take possession II.bout Au yo ne wishing to tlUbsoribo for course, 118 the years go by people Corwin Centerville. Wilbur Olark nnel wife . th I,enth ot Ootober. thc~ Delinlut,or or to renew un 61d beoome more oritical, Ilnd greuter nd on ~u ntl!l ." , Mr .. l\Ocl Mrs. B. L. Mr .. IH .Y bill! l,urollllsl1d fr llm Mr . 8ubsorlp' tlon. will please leave the oare must be Ul! selecting tal· ,A number of our oitizoOH ,dtenu.l Wnyne B. Whe .Ior of (:, 'lum bl\~ , R W;l1l"'" ~ 'Hl IIoel dnul!! (IV". BI!lhop u flne 320 lIore fa,l'm not fllr order with Miss Mury Latohem. ent. It spelLks well for our town tb od the Lebanon fai:r . I State) Superintllllde,l1 t of the A nt,i Mrl' , [I" Hlol'Il Wnrel, Clt llduCfl RRir(l, (rOlm LngRII~pllrt,.' Ill dillnll, Imd he Miss Agnes Schwllrtz hll.d tho BAY tbot a. high 0la8,8 leoture oour e ~veml of Mr, Will T . FrulUe 'Ri &lloon L()II~u " aOtl ~tt,orney ror /lJlII M r ,, 1111 M. s M'Isnll WI11I/"oson j'XIlHctR til mOVA to Royal Center, plell.8nre of entertalng her sisters. can be mllde to pay oae year after fri ends holped him to celobrnto lli!l isRIlUl. deh"IlTflllll !II I1'TlO!!, IInll ,lbll' of t:e nt"rvil1c>, n vil1l1ge nenr whioh the ' fnrm itl Misses Ellen and R080 Schwnrtz, of year. Bo lUany smo.ll towns ,tlnd fiftieth birth,day r ecently. loc l '~ddress io thl 111. E: , 'hurOh 111~t '1'110 \VA r!'lln 'uuotv Fair olll.imed Illc~It ec1. howlwer, the fa.mily expeot C"'nninnAt, ' SnndRY , t.bat In order to draw well nnd be oreom Iln d 011' k 0 wero served d ur Ing I UOUI~Y forfl nOOll C:h"Jnf( t,hn 8tory ~ , to romain bere !levern} weeks Jonge r conduoted wltbout loss, they Ulnst th I I of the u fents i.l lIu 80 C ~HetI of the qnl t" 1.1 nurll l,,'r' ,,; our ol tizen~ both IItmlghtonillg lip iltl'lLir~ . The Literttry will be held ut tbe cater to lower tllsteond hllvll enter. e oven ng, AoI,i,l:W looII L ILgu e from the ,lilY illllltli IIr('lIltd t,h vihage, most es, 'I'be two trll.dea, comhlned, horne of Mr. Fro.nk Snider Satnr·tll.lnmeuts meroly. or vlludeville Mi~ Lillie NedrY' ILUd nieces, Miss of its oT,ig!lnizRtlOTl in Oberlin, Ohio. 1'0(,,11111 v on 'I' 111l1·"et8Y, ' Mr R . H Ht ,fohn roturned ,ullonnted to I~ litt.1e less th,HI day night, September 29, 1906. 8hows. While 1 have tried to avoill Hentl ettn McKinsey ttnn W,lUdR Eg iu 1 !la. down tu th pres nt, with 125,000, Itnd tho dllill wn8 put All are oordially Invited to attend. h d bert arc guests t,hls week of Mr . •)oe the great work- it. i~ 1I0W doing to IInll Hl f rom t he uQrthern jlnrt of TRENA CO~NIIlLL, Seo. t is ten en~y In our 10Dllloourse, MoKiosey 'Rnd family in Morro\V, hi'. I I I' I I I' through hy C G . WllliI1I1lB,)n, t h e ne;vertheles..',. there will be pJenty of . . . e p cheCK ane 1\ )0 I!' I t 1e l(Juor thtl Hlllte Itlst week lI,nd' illtfluds re, mnllling for Il ,time, Miss Oaborne,of Clllrk8vllle, niece entertainment nnd mony n. good Prof, WIlson Visited hiS home traffic, . WAll known r01l1 oRtilte mll.n, wllo Mr . lind MrS. ({llIrk entertilined 1m" lIoooel'sfully onglneered 11 ntuD' of Mrll , B, 8. Bowell, III now 118sist- bearty laugh , besides things of more nea.rUregonia Sntlllrday Ilnd Snnday, Rev . ' . ( . .loncll, lilt of 'o~hoo bel' or Import~lnt. transnotiona tbe iUR Mr. Dowell in his dry goode lasting benefit. ' lIlss Apphill. Millor spent t:)ntur. tou Ohio, preaobed ill the Sngllr 'Mr lIud Mrs. Dinwiddie And eon, Below I gi ve 11 desoriptlon of the d,lY in Cinoinnl1ti. Creek Ch ri Btinn 'buroh lust 'Iln , Wnl~e r 00 ·uuday . flnst yoor. busines8, slUce Miss Badden's with. Joho L8tloh ILOtI family have lately ' course whioh 1 believe is the best I i Miss Minnie and Ll1urn MoKin da.y , The churoh extended him Il. Mr . JIlY oame to WaynesvIJle drawal moved from thiB plnoe. locating in ahout threo years ago and .built tbo Mi88 Edna Zel\ has been enn,b le to hllv~ ever booked , Isey. of Lebanon, spl6nt SondllY with .0~1l provided be secur es other pa their parents, toml work Illlllr. flne grilin elevator, equipped wit)! be at bel' OBse in the Gazette office or uellr Welston, Ohio , . THill SAU!BORY OROllEsTI<A · /111 new II.nd modern mac h \Dery, for several dnYI owing to Il ~cu\lar }\[tss K",te Welmtlr. IS vi Iting Mrs. Maudox ba ll Intely bad Quite Mr ILOd Mrs, Obedia 6'oulks of 'I'hIB muslonl numb r Is the first friends in Dllytoll . a severe littuok of slckll ess , but is M,lfIor SlIent ~ llndl\ Y in Dayton" loc'lted a't the 80nth end of orwlo. accldeot whloh Atrllined her right on the progrllm, Ootober, 15 , I recoverin g ugllin " ry nloelv . L'lter, hll purohllsed from thl' Miami shouldet' very badly. their d'lIlghler, Mr,. D1WIli of Day. Unlh) Un. tbe old Corwin elevator \' Mrs, Llr.zlo R. ElUott and daugh. For twelve years this oOll'lpally of I Spring Branch Mrs. Kate 8tu.n fll fell ll.Jwn the t ,l IlI 11ccolll1lllnyill~ them after bav· whloh guve him full oontrol or the ter, Mrs. Racbel Lane, who arrived elgbt mOlioluns have ooonpl ed oellttr WIly R fe\V dllYI3 ugo. ILUd has In~ III)ent I~ short'tim" with her par· 10U/lI fiold In IIIB line, in!vllle from Donver, Uolo· very high placoln t,he Lyceum field . Mrs. FrRllk Dttkln ILnd chilrlr n sllft'ereu Heverly frolll the shook: lind ent.s, Mr, Jay bas proven himself ILn rado. in .July, bre now plelLlIlLntly They give 0. vuriec1 program in '11111 visited relative ut Mt. Bolly , ~ lit, bruises sustllined .. t:)nodll,l' W81:1 a big dllY Ilt J , M. IlIInoruble boslnes!j Illan and tbe located In Mt, Auborn. Cinoinnatl. slo and populllr musio This year dlLY Staoy's VeHch orohard. Some ten Ileople of ~ayneBvme and Oorwin where tbev expeot to remllin per, tbey have with them Abby i~o8e Quit'e a number of people {rolil Mr and Mrs. D, J . Watkiol', of or fifte en were ploklng conltantly ",\11 tllnoerely regret parting with manently . Wood, tbe fa.~ous 1I0IJruno soloist. oar neighborhood attended t,h" Cleveland, have been visiting witb aD(~ rl gs of a J1 sizes 8hilpeB and hlrll I\nll hl8 f ~ amily , ' I ' k ' Mr. Ilud Mr~. R. M. Pine. Mr, and Mrs, U. M. White lue Oor Borellu h88 hll d exclusive Ullin Le"~.non F ttlr ast wee patterus rolled in to get peacbes, 'l'bp new pnroh8ser of ~he eleva. this weelt movinl1: _hllir residence agement of this o0tnpany for three Guy henoweth left 'rh'utsday . The Ori.')le O~che,st'ru Co , I~dy some even picking their own, Be. tor, Mr. Btshop, Is hlgbly spoken Of. from Mrs. HlIlnes' bolldlng on Main year8, and receives reports for It few dllYIl visit with his nnclll, singers, With r eoltalist, will ,furnish tweon three IIn(1 foor hnnndred 118 rl caJlable Rnd effioient bU8lne88 and North ' streets to Qne of the from every stll.te tbey tour. Ja ooh Lnoy nod other rellltlvel3 At the first number of the t;eason bushlll!! wn8 the result ~f the d&y'lJ limn Ilnd will ho IL valollble addition Nation~·1 Bank Out a. ourse co~duoted uncler IIU pio ~'s. of efi'Qrts , . Dayt on , . . it U b if ...., ROllEIIT l'AnKER MII ,J/lB . th Lib C1 1, th t Il the Oon\mun y. ue as II. w e Wliltar Ress of Xenia, vll'lted his e ral'Y u.". on e evening Frank Burnett, whom we bave We bave jost r09alved 0. car ot I'" b tIl h D • of November 26 A very II.ttruotive lin '" two ohildr' eu .. h Ii b I th k n ~,ovem er. we w Ilve r . rent'" Mr and Mrl!! Thomlls Hef's, . ', : been compelled ',o plilce on the slok It 1>4 worl,hy of Ul)t.o that the <.:or· t 8 very nest I InK 6S , e mar et Miles, co· worker with Moody, Booth. pn. , Conrse IS proll'llsed thIS fall Ilncl will (·Ievators were in st,rllng de· affords" these shingles Ilre good Tacker and Pnrkhur,t. Travel or, SuoollY winter . The Club will bold it. nl;lxt list for morel thl1D abimhont~. II! not av ng .::en , IIIl1nd. Mr. Wl11iamMon phowed the , t)llok ones and ruu' very even. Oall PhlllLntbropist, EVlmgelillt and lead, 'Mr. nnd Mrs .David LoOlls. of Mt . regular monthly meeting 'l'~esday qUI:~ so weI agaitD , IS tte , H"il.l:ttu I~ letter TUIl~ duy he had reo IlUd see WthemB ' U d O er of men One of th~ grel~te8t Bolly, spent ~atorclliy night nnd evening, Uot. 9, a t th e houle of Miss tur"" ouktdoors d h ellta . rto plLn °ht ... ADDRN un 0 Sonday night at the home of James Le M t last wee prove a ~l e mao otllvoc] frnm It IlIIrthy wlw ,'iI'lls vebr y . ., Oorwln Ohiu" chllrll.cterB on tbe leoture plll.tfo!m C I nil on gomery , for him . Yet he hall patience 'Ind t 'lIlX.'OIl14 10 bllY t, A pl'Ollftrty, a '''I d I t· po e .d i henowet 1. Th b )I I lot G W ZI f M Uti ' BsoIr Ph,lve w r abn md Phe~. ~lr I\nd Mrs. Walter Dakin s pent d ~ tOthooco}crdol BIntealr y 0. U 1Iuooe88 is bonnd to. Vl8it , those who "llll1l1 t.o t!at In hl'lfMS t,hA llARI wall eorge . mmerman, 0 uo· 8.)na 00 Ilve nover ear IS ' , F k IlU In , e s Ie Ij. II n very \ have plltience: MI88 Luria who oieI [ndlana hall been a guellt of hIli equa 1. 0 ne · Is carr\e d a I ong with n, few do.vs last woek with, ran b cavy . . ' - so I d It .. BI 8 1lOP, 00141' W I I ",r. ' rop, many . b ave h II.d t .:I ' WI\.\I somewh:Lt improved, III , no~ son, L . A. Zimmerman, t.bis week. , blm until one sees whlLt he hl\8 Maple and family ~t Lebanon, Ilnd build more shed r oom , . The price wollugain now. " Skull Fractured It wl\l be reoal\ed that Mr, Zimmer seen nnd laoghp with hIm and spent ~Rturd\lY nlgbt snd Suuday 06ntinnes tlliulva.noe and 160ts hns ' u t ' with every tarn.of hlB . pIlthos ' 'tl i lthe I a· tter's 'nnole , Theodore been offered "by some buyers, If Alleu Emerick Ilnd wife and by a Ball , Ba't • man f eII an d In j are d hi.. b und j o c weepe .' W T r Im bl e, a t Bopkl' nBv··tle . prev I 0\18 to oomI nl( t 0 W IlY n .... "" vl·11 e -Dr. W. I. Davenport. ' n • f,ulll ers suooeed In savIDg all the Blauoh, spent t;onday " a8 the gUlllltB Waldon Wilson Sevefelr Inj,-red at to ilttend the' Home, Cominl( whioh' Dr Miles great leoture TlI.llow ' Mr . Rnd Mrs , J'lIhn Conner a,t e orop fro~ frost, it will be a very Of Mr ' I1nd Mlrls). <J. M. Boogb of '$chool, b"t ~!lOw ~ecoverl.nlr. promised to be quite 8erlous for a D' ." --'11 be to I ' thA parents of IL baby boy. profitable one ' , near W, /Lynen e . t..__ ' IP8, TO' 8ure pease. ' . . , . , J h tb h h h W ..ldun W!1l;1on, the Il yenr old 80n time, Blnce t en e as.,.,.,n IQ flo Mrs , Thomas Bes8 is sulTerl.n g The 0001 September winds rust Mrll. Margaret 0 n8 was on e nf Mr. u.nd Mrs. John Wilson, nellr Da.vton ·h08PI't~1. but 18 now almoBt L n. WIOKERBBUI. from rheumatism. ling among the drying oorn blades, sick list purt of last week. Cand· CWRB1'8 Creek Meetiog Hou8e, met completely recovered . Tbe third nomber, Mr. . Wloker· Mrs, Frank Ho.lrtsook was the oud gently bearing the tlea,red Ilnd noe &ird has beon there for a short Wit:!l 0 sevoro Ilooident at 80hool Mrs. Frank Pratt, ILbovo CorwlU., ~!:~ tor:, ~~~::o'::d. w~o:ea~:~ gueilt of relatives ,a t Plea!!ant Ridge yellow le!1ves of tnB trees upon Its time past. wings ; the sllortiming IIfternoons, l!'rank ,Duke haa been employing , Monday of last week. wQloh might and Mrl. Frank B. Smith, of nea,r bOllrd ' him IMt yoor in our oour8e Sunday, , have re80lted very 8erion8}Y· , Ly~le, 'd'r ove Monday ' of Ilillt week with to'3 long sbodowB of the even quite R, gllng of men for a week or r Mr Ball Will! play will surely want to helLr him agllin. ' . tb Th e .AAAh ........ e , . , : to Newmarket, Bighla,nd oounty, New ,Burlington. Ing stretching aorOl!l, orohllrtl. two past. one set ruonlng e saw , b" II Wi ~ h th e papil 8 Bn,'d IL()(). I and returned home SundlLY even. He Is the gr4R t=~ return da te man' , . ; I Ing un un' Illwn. lteld. lind pu,sture; the cool, 1nill. another cutting t 00&000 ILn d' dentAl1:v lltraek Woldon a blow on' iog While tberet-bey attended IIi tbe Lyceom. Every young man Joho Crites prell.obed n.t Ot sar8 criSp, morning air, all tell 118 of the ·lItill. ..nother engaged In boUding "he top of 'he head with "a bat fonerlll of their aunt, Mis!:! IllLue .... and young woman should be Inre Cre,e k Sunda.y . d y h aa a Ibed ~ • Ilppronoh of Alltllmo, nntI the pailS, 8 h-" ""rooTll. H e aIrea t red th It 11 and I to bear bim He will give you , ' I d I j d btl 1 hi h f w 0 rao q e \I u 1Murrill', IIged 70 yell.rtl. Another 80mething to tllink IIobout. and 1 a.m Invitations IlrB out for tho mllr· Ing of the brigbt um01llr days . nioe bent!! ong an t 8 00 , u I OO',o ber " of JIlS, H. Bay. The grtlss, and moat vege ttltlon RtUl whether he has enough yet. ouuaed a partial paralY81. of tbe left auut of thelle ladles, Mitis /)U81111011. snro his leoture will plellse and have r agol ' ... 81de of h .. body. . lIurray, (If th"t neigbborhood , is I ti I fl f d 0 dook ILnd' Miss Abbie Inwood : rema.i ns qUIte I1:reen nnd is very Mr. and Mrs. Wm , B , Carmony The accident caused oonltderable I II a 118 ng n uence or goo. ne I . . t Th d Side Ie one • tlO very t good thing about botb , 'Mile8 and Hal Morris ILnd wife, of WAlnot. UXDrlnn , e roa ~ . nnd btl. lI'nd Mrs . Wm , Wheaton, , ot excittlment amon, the pUpUI for our. Nathan B~wes anO fll roily W. k h ' i th t th' both BllIs were gUe@t.slllstweeko'fhis' lthiokmOBS ,offreSh,greengrllll.8, of YlI.n'kee Bireet, were. goeste ~un. II. time, but :Mr. Ball did evorythiDg ·IC erM Ilm 8 a ey a r e . - , I' t tl blLv!! moved ioto 8wiss ooUllge, on aU that they pretend to be. ' They aunt, Mrlt. Thomlls Haydook. IIno t h o strng Ing vu~rllll 8fi' or Ibe day of ' Mr. Anthony Geisler and pONlble for hil Immedl.te comfort, ,. M 1 ' I , ' I d bill i,orlng Uypsos now nd .rlc f 'I of D ytOD 'rhe p~rty III II.nd, nnder carefu~Dnr8tng and Ikill· Glen Place p ro t!llrty, nn" r .. U( like Willets, llnw~ioe wbat thllY Friends of Rev, Albe?'t Cope a~ n'.~tll rnge {o~ , their'oft tim es lea n nml y, u.. .. . ful medical care, is fut recovering Mrs. Frunk l:ieollt,horu. wlhJ b .. v,· preaob. anll vlfe sympathille With them. \D.... 1 b randy mentioned, together with '" d.... gth be been maId, n, g ,their hool .. With tbtilr the clo'lth of their lit;t1e boy , and )ony orsos, fleveral ot,bl'rl', spent' 1\ plea8ant hla former healt.,.. an , . TilE OIlIOAOO LYOItUM ,LADIES. 1 Id S k h th L! III 'H Ueving he :wlll ~n be able to reo pllrellts, Mr, lind Mrll, F"u.nk 81J11th, Mi>;s Bernice Hawkins is vlsitillg 'l'be Ir ge 9ver ogltr " rA liS afternoon at ' e ",0 l ers ome. turn to 10hOOl. nellr Lytle, will oooupy th,a huu~e For ,t.ho January number thi8 oon· relll Ii "ps ill Olnointllati an d attend . bpen overhnuled. repa.1nted. with Mr. DeWeese. one of Dtlyton'l ,, on .Follrth Rtreet v~o'l~d by Mr. cert Compa.ny il given with the in Iho FilII Festival. PAW Iron bOILring ties put i n. lind leuding dry goods men, took dinntlr Xenla 'V otes 1I.1ld Mr!! . HILWes, II.Blurance that nothing of this no· g th f' I~butments protected with oe· with J. M . Staoy l.m'd .sllpper with Saloons Wanted Baek after Four ture oould be found tUiywh'e re that Tlw U, E Society wll~ give an en· 'Pec,t corltlng. Many new Murl on Clark, te t i oment at tbe Frlend~ ohurch ' Tlie laRt of the ,lellllon exourJions Yean Allsence, Ilud ... H'rs. "."', L"lnb enter. . • to Columbns over tbe Penn8y l Vllnia oould surpa8s it, at any Price. Lov· r t:t KaturdClY eVllning Orl"glUlll and oulverts have berm i?lli)t lattt ly. ....r. .lfJ. V '" ~ ers of good , muslo will prononnoe nex . .. " ' . , in thl\l Townsblp. , tll.ined Mr, Ilnd Mrs, Wm. Stll.oYlI.nd At tbe local option election lined took place ' SundtLY· Among tbis number worth .the prioe of the poem .. vo'lll be read in whICh tlle P I 1\1 . Xenia saturday,' saloon people tbose from this vlolnlty ' who ment1lor .. will tell how they ea.rned The Aoet,yline Innt. 11 OIU v age daugbter Irma, of Dilyton, alao defeated the anti.8aloon element by tOok ndvantage of It to v.hdt the 'coor8e tioket. II. dOUtr. ' IillR falledhto fbllrn1h"h Itg:t.~ f.l;r th: MI\ster Willie Taylor, ~7;l votes. ',. : CapUli1 City were ' 'l'hOllll\S Zell EDWIN BRU8H. , ' ' st,r eets, te o uro o.n r eslI ence, • h I be h :~h~ tuo(lral of , J, If, (JolvlD wa s ·for some time oWlllg to some leak. Pleasant Ridge. Xeni a ,ball been witliout saloon a nnd "lIml' ly, "i88 Ann Philips, 'Iln'd .. F or,' t 0 !WIt nnm r we, ave one Jargl'l)' Ilttended Eleverlll rellltives .. f' t ' th ' ' pes , ' nt four years Abont ten or a . ,, " .. M W "'i) . th ' t........ i i i' th ' o ITe or ~e eo ID e pi . abO . ,. , Albttrt ",aID", w.r. . '" ver of e """. mag 0 anI n e coun· 'front II. IIi~tlmoe wllrll prellent ; fI, t:I, , " df Il dozen 811.ioolls are expected to opl'ln, L . 'E dwt B b I ted b Pr f \ The EI)worth League held nn in , Mr , W ,Ol. rhompson lID am y Rnd :;,.n, ymllD try, n rn8 , 11.88 S y o . ,mont! them were J , W, I:!mlth IIDC , t i d th f ' b'r other XenlRi. halt been,a very· drY ,town Clement ' HI) will Rive the best of I' .. f 1 d ' l' . W A SUlltlJ ' t llrCl:ltillg ~ession l!lst,SuodlLY eveo, I entllr II Oil e , or~er 8 .,' , ' Mr. And MEII. Charles Ohll,mplon . , . s ster 0 n 'lloapo 18, . . '. I d b M B E.:l(oellent nllu fltlllily of In rksville 1\180 Etli, since Mayor arennan Wal elected n.nd dllngbter, rt I,Bs Ste.1l11 of Webb tbe old and many new ' lWd origi.n al of llt'hano, ' CbllrleR Peterson, 110 1 lI~ g e y rs , rown , , I J ' 1 . FJJHle 'Bartsock . ' H~ehol . ' , by Miss d Anna Il yn tl• oues 110( t o 0ffi"ce an d the tem ..... .."r a noe ' law~ .. " CJitT Missouri have beeu for StlV tr.i" 0.8 0 f , ' malI,o. Ris' I ''d se tt'n'g I fllm lly Snuth and tn,llIl Iy. Plllj r8 were reud " 'M' have bOOn striotly enforOoo. , ' '1 'w ekl!' vl~itl~g thAlr ' rel!l,tivel:! 18 beantlfnl and he will no,' fail to of D,1Y;'OO Servioes were conduoted Cbum bel'S, Mrs. Ewmg, all , I~II r~oen y. ' in the erll II . d b b h I ? ' Luul'O Weller , , Mrs. C, B. Kleinhenn /Lnd' two X nltt. ",aA "be l·a rgeet city , e ....... • ' " in th"I'.. "art llf Ohlo,Sund~ ,v I",st,the.u mll .. e goo (lfe as ~ as e~ery· bY Re v, O. 0 , Beoker,aod R ev, btl .':lIta~ Without saloon8: ' .. " f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!! you ngllr clli1clren wllre the gO~8tll of werA r,be oentrll.l figures in a , family ' wher~ he ap,pears. , lip T r" ut. The Masonio sen'lop wos l ~ • " t her l"l1'Iin t~, nellr Lebanon, 0. feilt ' . .Good Bak109 a t . , 'reu, olon nt the home of ,t,helr 8it!ter'. Now, tbe,' t,i me to ~nva8 on sale 'uH,ed h~ tbe oelll!ltery , " arren ~ouny ' " the City Bakery. MrH.',Frllok B. mith. ,on the L.ytle. of tickets Is very short, and wewI8h 'I'ltH b,md will give Its last open Doctors will Nleet. cluys IRHt week. , It mit Mrs, Put.sey Curreu wu.s, tbelo:Dllst , Tbomasle Jl9wln charge pike. 'or Il 180111y .:If l!ine' brot~~r8 to m~ ,e ,oneoanv!WI eu 0, en • 11"0 we air .)I;toert on Thllr,Bday night of. Th~ October meeting of the Wor· of her brotbtlr , ~lr , George Larrlok Mr.B.,F. _.".. aDd III"ttirli all' were preNent except hope yon will be ready when 101.10' tbis week, 0 L "'edi ' lUi ty 'II ' of tbe Cit &kln'Y whIoh be pur." j , , . t k t' d " ren OUll'-Y ~u 011 000 e WI ",nd family, neur Lebunon. 'based fro~ ,Roy: Ba,haw.y. ''r ooe brot,b,e r, .'Senry Ch/lmploll, of, tted to take your ,t 0 e 8 ~ pay W'I)TlI hilS been roc8ived here tLat be held iu Lobll-non, Tuesday, Mis!les Jessie and HeJen ,MlLrlatt, o M Th b ' ....:..plo..ed a.....vl Dayton; thtly were ('hHrlBl! ~hllUl f,o r t~em . Unless 260 tlo eta are Mrtl ,l,lhn (Hrd. of Cllllfor.nill, who Uotober ~ :1'. omal! '18 .. ~. " ........... W b 01 MI . B y 'sold In advance we cannot have the . , . X ' - ~ ,' of Waynesville. were the RDee&8 of baker who thoi-onibly uDdentanc!l pi~n of II b 'y, ,",ourl; arr . \ ' Sa k ts I '1 f r Is \'il' her ~on wIn 1I,f, enill. ,The f:lpeaketsnt the me~~ing will their Imllt" Mor!! , Burton Ellrnbar';a hili buaineM ~nd ,~ ,for Ale at all Ben .... nd J'rey Cb~mpion , of Dayton; ooorse. ~o~: 0 ehll~re on Yd 1~ wa~ IIt·rloken wltli p/lr8l1ysls on' ~~n. 00 tho P.resldent of tbe Ohio State fl\w dllYs last week. . , 't 'h 'beet qaahty bread. Mtll. May P08tttDger, altlo pf ~ay adult8,aD ' 0 or 0 l:nnn e~ . day 1I!ld i~ in a ' vet~' serious 'oondi· .Medloal Society, the t:iecretary of The Ll' terary will ,b e lield at tbe,. . , mee e '" ho ton' ' Mn, Li-\llan Hotop ' tLnd . M.rll Oeneru.1 adnmsion wll 9Gf . 00 tlon ; State Board of Helllth the caw. ~ll.,' b.UD!, eto., a\1O me· F.ra~k Smith and tile' 'f"mllll;t~ of cannot spend a ' doUar where it wt~l F ' k N ' Id f B I V lley OblO' f th fi t distrlot bollrd home of F'rlLnk ~nider: Satnrday made pt' . I do you or yoar community more rttn ee " 0 pr ng 0. . , Presld ent {) e rs I ht ~ptem ber 211 , Come one The PJl~UO II iDviMcl to call aDd each , 8elld8R' whom there ·were ~ o'od tha I ' a lI8Uon tioket for the has had a stroke of paralysis and Is of health, and th~ venerable Dr ' l n g • II . , ', to' Kiva the ,bome baJtery,ihe 811p," 80 Mr. and Mrl. AtpbJI Smlt,h II.nd ~a 0I~1l: star Lecture Courae.lnnl~ble to Ipeak . "Blonden" \8 Btotten Re~, of CJinoinnatl. oome 11 , , , , blob" deeerv. by buylDg IIIr. and](n Jametl Trllo~. M" IIod;va , familiar to many 1~8 he has,drlven The annual olectlon of omeera (AddllloDat corre.oponlleDU CODltDlled OD !:~lr~. from ll. Mra. Dttn Klpp, MeNlra. Galvin ,a nd 1908.1907. '" -.. u__ • team for Barre!.t I~or many years, will al80 take place at thll meeting. _ H. IIfth ooll1l1U1.) ...e BurJ Botop. O. .III . . .aa'I.'TItUI', -apr. Mr. Henry Jay SeUs Property and Will Move to Indiana
" L'
' (I
-T ---he M-laml- G'azeUe 1~1III"1"~h."'''lIL''IIII·''''''LI·I'''.''''1I611·~·II·"."".·~"Iaj".M.·lI'·1I·U....'I·..·iI..,..h~M~hLl...l,ljh~,'U'~.~~ROWN _~KAY . I A CONFIRMED OLD MA.lD. oil
pub lishers. '
WAY:"I ';. "1 !.I. £::.
Pretty Tea Gowns and Negligees the Rage .
It Wonder fUl Restora tion Caul't.d Sensatio n In a Pennaylv;ln l ~ Town.
0 111)
Mrs. Cbarl e~ N. PI'('slon, or Elrlant! . A Se l\-rlon In Prec ious Stone• . Pa., ~UY :l: "'rill: y'al's ago I fOllna In nil :;~ ~ of 111P \\ Ol'hl tho 11l"~ S ' tb nl my bOljscwo rk u re of " n;lIloo'h l'Oll:lIl'rl tv loa . h~ l' lI was becomi ll " a !JurI.<\ U I;<'(] U' tlo ,' I:l XIII'lr'H \~ It h \\hh'h ~ dSN ~1 ~ ' ~lIn' l IJ n'ntwOfl cl nnd Mont' j "Ob ! I hnve uo Idea cor bis rm"'rnl don. I ti l' tl enslly, tl1 ..• " ,ill SlIn,l 11\11\'0.1 Ih ~nrr.\'I1" ~ .' ",' I'l'n,y h r cu t [ I\'cd LU);'eth~r ""ar w hl'rl'nbou t ~. I h ~I\' n't "I eY" H to n hl Ul I I , b ad no am bl IOn nnd t. L n lon Rl}IItIl·l'. for yo.II·~. Wtl ~ II \('lI'y illlll'I' ''''J'' T h l.· f :t" 1 '1 '" Ill'''' IU II Wu ~ In t1w w a~ fud l ng tn.s t. My "1"n l lJlI )r~ nry was t'our ~·~ .1 '·9 ol d. boy, tlllL [ 11" XIII'('l h ~ IS 1\ gnoy lI :1 tl' d clays Of 1:" ,11:011 COUIl.II>;t. nnd 11 Is nul! \\ ,,~ ~I r!rlt'\! ('omplcx lon go yelall m 'er Ilk\) 'I ~I g r . 1(Jhl boru by Ih!s tl llW. I kl\ IIV ~he ..bow lI l.lIl1!t·III .u:y III II "I" lit o!ll- \\ II h IllI' '" XII'pt low. find I l os over h11l If lI n Inlllltll'lI l :l l I k ~II~ hi>; ph(l":'~rnflh. I!n,\ IU<JI(!< III Il 1,1 :'1" '<""'11 1. "' UIL Cl lli,,!; I h" Impor- wh it," " hill -I ... 1\0 Pall n (\s. M ~' th \ rst 10Il t mul'llUC'Y' had ,n'el'y 1I 1~ IJl. (tll _ my de:!r ~ t1 ". Urcntl.atl "n in t,. thi~ "11 111111)' 1)/ :;I1I!lh A t· \11. ,I\\'II I'HI'II "lI w a~ te r l'llli . amI lu r !'tHl l r ulld . " lIshl<", I \\' d. IIOw " ' u ~ ,I<I '! W e lV e l'~ jU~ l lltf ri ca" 11111111,,'111<. Lu st Y""I' $:t:"I)(\,l ,. l!J tlJII "",, \\'1 11 " r m th ere was RUgal' In un" I),," dol r : thiS; mi rin G )','ur iJr?autll'u l ,·U l. Qulce 1IIIIIIue 000 r 111t- ~p pl'" dou s ht(IIU'.1 r""n rl \'a~ ,\ll ~s Ji r li t "'(lud's III Illdnc;sec rerllll l')' . UIIII )l\ll1t- ~ I'C CI IllCIl . I am ~ ur'! " tlous. Illy doclor II(,pt m o ou a Rtri ct thei r \l'3~ lilt 1' llllCd nt r nc)' ~, III· naluredl )' hlllllur~'" her. !t ·s "OU \\' ho Ilr,' th "nl!] "~ ~peddiet. uut tiS his med lcl no \Vus nOl It I(J· I Ie \Yh p.l :l lI,lI n "iHI W""'a n '<'l " I' hOll"e luen ." ·hl. ~(' d ''' h n ~pf\ak l"r r'anullil . llurr\',l ~1O!ltul or ·ur )' . ";)un' t . lu!; U1 • I bega n u. l ng Doan ' ~ 1,ldaey 10~e!lH'r •• l'('r l:110 tlmOll n t of glv e- and- 1 t 1,,".-11 m e, y., " mll k,' III sll- k~" It ~ addemvh iltl' alll i Ullhll lO <I,' 'la1'll110 n COI\· Wil e I ~ I. ~( c~~a P ills. 1' ho;- h«l p(ld m e at once . au d ry. lind t h l~ Il:I,·t tr ulnr eo s " "rpl~' , ~\' ' ry lIalr' hrlH IIIII): with cetnln g t h l~ co un HY'S suC CPS" 110 only Instan,' Iloon n il t rac,"s or sugnr Lllsapllcn red . I' :ll llI bll!d m OllY UlII~r:; In "n LRgon l~ 1U us 11 OI'II.C;IlO'l y glo vu(1 II :OO(t clecln ('.' d a fact. sars the l'hilllil \. Ul al I Itp gl\'!n!; .1 h nv regal nod my tormer w !gbt lind ' WII S m onopoll 1.pd by 1l10mrHCli to ~ t 1'1 He Ills Ollr~. phla t' l' S~. The pus t t" ll ),ell rs, "'e sl,l . am 111'1'rc lly woll." "'I' hn Ull rl l n!; droes n't III(e stra nj:Hs, judgod by t helllllll1 !'I!ltlon of ,.\I (l IlIOIIUS Sold by nil dea l ers. GO ct'n 5 a box. It ",'{'",rd to utronl ~I I HS lIr l'nl wnod docs h o! " 1'lIO ' d ~1r~. O\ wa y ).U:lhl ul:ilionI'. hn ~ bc(' n Iht. mos t IlrOS II(' 1"01l8 lIuls(tl ,·tlll ll to 1;11'0 Po s le t·. ~lll\J u rn ' 0 •• Buttalo. :-l. Y. ~ t'lft t!!lllrelh'Y th ick on . nnd slIce" 'sflll t hi s C01l1l1r), h ll~ ever crraOl In dnlnly "',ttl" R:" \('''r ~. and "N(l . :H' dups u ·t- w he ll til"), :1re nnyBeyond a Doubt: koo\\'n. In lSn t ha Im pll rt~ or dl a. SO rl '''ell'l'' (' u~ h lo n~ I li e 11 l)(Jn , and thi ng I k" you." ~" Ill ~t onIOl,'rH Two W O.-l((1I 0 1l . who bol h hore goo l!' lC'r, eO ll a~(I U('lI l ly II'h Ul ( \lId he I!n bll t Ull cl sta,kl!d 1II11j"Ktlc ult r ~o th e ,Ioor ch anoctcrs us RO Io I' no d Ind ust rlu usmanti s In 1"0llnd I1lImiJ ' I"S rxc ' (' ded "r.· ,, 'e rul . l ~· n" r' "" I'1 t ho 'l l tn nll"11 .•' 1 ', Iont" . , - " m en, wCI'e r e 'eutl)' churged ilL 11 poI\\! hac! nl'l '"'!]Ulret $1 .900),000. altholl:;h thll'S I ~O(' I the price pC'r mon' o('Y \VII \'cry ((,li d or hi s m l~- ety, und con~luereLi l hthe is cll nuor wurt hy lice CUIII·t wtt h tl ghllog. ca ra t was not n arly as hl £h aK Il hn t r ess : t,1' had grown n (" 'II~rO IllNI 10 oC all (·oOlmen ,ta tio n. He wol S ,, 1,,0 'I' ho muglst lule lI ~ k e': . In ust onlslJ be ' n sInce. Th l~ wond r h ll IlI'r as her . ns he b ud to hi s. r e~p d i ve (" ;/l lra !lIuch xci ted by th . ne ws l hat hl' had m en. Ihe \);Ul se of the Qu aro-el . It abows lhal hero Is a . 11' ·:.l lalld for .n d cU811 10ns. an" nOI being wHhout 'JlIs ~ hear d. lI nll de hlod I llnl t tl C atr s ented tll at Olle ma n had accused tb0on them, ao d Iho demand 'I s nn Indi ca· experlen e ot women tn genoml . he th e r oo f " '0111<1 b.' soot hin g und con oth r or ~tl'a llll g hia cant . . tlou t hat th peopl e hu \'e t he man Y pla ced Ilel emphal l(·tllly ber rl' uny c! uel 'l e to tbought . Mrs. ll" I1"her' s ~Ior.\· " A nd I ca n Jlru\'e It. too." odd d the wb !"l'e wlt h to purchas o thom . D.I,:\· n ~h cr~ or ,h is nequal ntanre. H e liked WUS a !\ m an. W l(l b l m 118 to )Irs. O. W"), mon ds ure u n unfailin g Injlcallo u 01 10 l;ee . ncr gral'eflll fl~\1 re beOlli n ~' o\'er LI\ ~hlllgto n . anll tb r w IIg ll t on 11100)' " H ow ?" R{\] \1 the mllgls:rate. pros l )c rlt~· . Th e flrsl tIling t he a\'er- her wo r k ,. or l h wr i t Ing LU ble. an d to C l rrll m s l" n ce~ wli lch bad hitherto JlllZ." 1 nlwu ys k ep my curll In the\l\!n t~ h : he coo l wlllte pock eL" ag man does w h~' n bo gels a little , rwtlYs Lu sy over somhll n dH wb k ll w ere zle d ht lll, el h lng. H e 11:1'1 DOtl(!C(\ I h nt eve ry n l got Mi se Th police men w er~ directed t e> ahead I,n til world' Is ~o \)"Y a d ill· !IIlss Mar gmoL B re nt wooI\ wns 40, Bren l w'h.ld un lot l soa l'(' l~ Lhe garm ,nt. ell on e (O f Ih~ oraw Uut th y (ounlt monli sh i r l stud or d lamon : arrlu gs Ilnd II co nfi r med Id m nl rl. 50 he.r ers ur II sllIalf Inl Rid ra tl lnet I n ' obsolu te l y nOl hlng. her for bls wlte. Th e m oro mOn Y hI' [rl ends aOlI acquain ta nces dec ltlred. but t,(l uuolr no(l tOOk ou t u l'hollll:r " Ghnme m y cou t ." sa id tho wo rk , ll llu. mak s t be mor lilll.w onds he b il l'S. th e Fool d id not DIl llen r lO t roll bl.> h or He Il nll wutch tI h pertorm an ce m an. It W;lS ballded to him. H e Looic. wit h and t hat men hav e been mak i ng I n tlIe Iens. ' b t 1 re W ' l no thl nil a Id • scunt lWO dr lrd pens Olll ur ono of I h Ilock · I nt crp~t. fo r h h nd 110 de thl 1tr r e· rwo Pretty House Robes, the One to the Ri ght Being an Accordio n Plait· money an d Ibut tho count r y Is Un. mahllijll In her appear ance. and the Hult 1I11\! I he (u r nlng out o f n laml) et s. nnd hel d th em up trIUmph antly. or usually prospero u ed Matinee with Lace Jacket. Is Indicate d by sprIn k ling o! gr ay ' In b er dur l! lOP. P.- Peter Po well. batr th rln ~l lIg of a bell, Ilntl he ll utl coma T bat' s mo, theso fi gures o n dlfllllO IHI!I. only Ipnt ti n add itional dignit y \0 bor to look IIt.on It na me. Them's my curti." as u mere Idl natM on Tit w om:tn o r s( lal nsplt·o liOn!! Is bl·oltlr t·y ur rnce. ) fommor ' n ~y had u e\'er sur to us- Ibe pnrt of bls or Illc' with k nots IlnO H e got his COllt. m is tress. So met i mes lust h gllllll ll!\ 10 1I111~ec l al tb \,IlSt bow' ot \·Ibbon. Th en th ere Is II Ion!; ty ooosltipr ed wh elh r il l s m lStl'ess also. tn l he t wl1lgh •• he lIa d sce.t lIer .nl(lorla nce or the ne ' lIg e. It As to Sleep and Study. . lll l< ('~ I ()()~e jac ll t ot Ih e migh t lrll t hfllll~ be d srrlbel.l ~ s hand- tak e fro Ul l h salli e !lIllt ' l'llIl. To I;eep YOllr allto 1 001!1 n ~ h r lght Sl1me draw er a pn~k t ' h plnce of I h h ous drps. on :M any a ) ' 0 li t II ' In 8chool Is con· Borne nr fn s~ ln a ttn g. bUl IIlIIn \, wh l h Is 0PPIII'en t ly ~ III I II'U on , ver be kn ew thnt of ,; Id . fa(l ed lott ers nnd 1I01d th em n lise l he tollow ln!; mixture for a ll pai ntoccnslon s. nnd nbsol lll ely usnl'(>s the lu e or ' d as a 51 CIIY h ... a(I ..b cause hl ~ .. very (Iat all m bl·oldel·,:f1 b l o n ~ e. In I' 'allt y ed part!! : Sperm i i, one-l l11!r plu t: of ber pre8l'nee. from the ti ght In her whl l hand!:. He hud Jrl \1l egcij o r th b l' I\I(tll parenlS neglect to seo to It lhat be .0Ct !.oncs with whl('\1 rob Ilnd It I~ 0 rront witb sl e\,ElS t o n lutch common vln she a ddr e.~Re d been surprise d tb at sl1 had n 'vor UI1 - :he . esn r. ono·halC ptnt; ol t loungln) : go wn. I r properl y mnlle Illnilo of lace &els th e Il roper amount or sleep. him. t o tb o dell"ate pel'rume sbe ai or mbrniller y to lTl:l tch berg a mo~. Qoe dr nm . )fI x nnd ru wltlL tied th e I' lbboll whlcb bound t hl'm, th e t will do for !l lm,, ~t very orcns loD Kotbers know tb rll the new-bor n In· ways ntJectell , ull went to nra ke up an !ll mp le I' 8.son Lho f:oullces on Lhe st' lrt. climn clotb, F or n il ul'ass work \IS th nt sh e .k m w t h coo- Jn t ll t he dlnnet' hont·. 'fh e m orning go wn shown In 011 . il - tr ipoli; one and one·blllf pounds; anyfaut slloul,1 sleep nbout 2Z' holtrs' each ~xceedln gl y \)le;L~ll nl Jler~ on tl lH y. tento by h enr t no t oC(,lIrrJn g 10 him. Th e I a gown Is unother garmen t lustra tion Is of blu e rant )' f't· II h lIan· lubrlca tl n& Now. It so hall~ene d tbnt OOQ fiDe ~day and tha t thrs nee d or slre r> Is Th at , night . ~'he ll 1I11ss B rentwoo d ,,'h Lch mllst not be -' 1. pl&bt ou oces; gas IIn e~ for ott!"n In t h lis n el. althou!; h It m &y b IIInd ... (If prlnt- thr e C]u al'ls. T his Is (lne of tit best Jesaened so slowry lhaL l he Clllld de· ,.rnoon twofrteo ua.oC Mlss BreDt\\·o od·. took out tllO I)hotog rallh as lIsual, l r house lh·c~se8 . (ju t It hUll ru ther 'd IInnuel. mull ro n, or IIl1nn cl an er s tor air polished bra S. Irtle. Montmo rcn ~' sprang 00 t h back ot ) u t~ ro w n It s IIl'st m'eanlng 1\1111 h as DlAnds 12 hours when Il Is ahout 12 vEl- (or light stl O1 m I' w ar It may b OlnllorE! It you co ntelUllla te buyIng a m dlum , t.h sota wb ere sh -was sl t lins !lnLl ' o me so v I'Y lulloral that .,ears Old. It Is decld d by Xllerts It an b In prin t cl sut n 0\' <,onon. It I tit pr iced automob il e nod wnnt t o be cerlooked at th e plctur·e 9n1r h'!r shoul. voru for lal e IHle.rnoo ll. A woman that lbe normal amount at sle p II like a VCl'~' ru)1 ~ac Quo coat d mwn - III talo of 8ccurlol ' a co r sui table ror l our• der. It wns \ b 1I0nrai t o f Ii yo ung :-:lA appeal' in It !lnd r ccel\'e h I' Dot r educed to ten hour s unlll u tween call · at t he wai st uneler a l'lblooll sash 'Ing on coun t ry \lads. u p IlllI as' wei l n8 maD, whooe tlrm mout h WD S onl y lIal~ ~ rs :,. th o da.\'tlm e uv to th e dl nn I' wh ich lI cS III fro nt. - ~ h the ages or 18 and 21 yeal·s. and that Il l'cl, antl !lawn hili . you ;vlll m ak e :10 nll s t o l(~ tlally onceal ed by an InCipien t m lis- ~O UI' , such Is tb e \I l egance or Lhe n w front ~ arc edg d with U Mrs V of plaln In buy many persons r!!qulre nine bours' ing Ith. r a .DulecJe lIluxw II ~ luch e. l\[ontmo ren ~ st udlEld t.ho fac u~ a guwn. . ,tlallnal ; th e cil'ril lnr cutrs to tbe bi sh- Mltoh aleep du r ing most or lire (hOl·ealler. ell. Reo. Ynox. F rankl in or cnrerllll y . but could not det e!: t t h good I t Is no unusu al thlu!; to see t he op 81 eves. al'O .<Iso o( tb e nln ln IllAte- ,Queen. ThoSe r l nge la prico Despite u lese .facts t h at should b':! looks to wblcb Mrs. Brashlll' had re- lawn and IlIUo9IJn neglige s wom oV rm ill' I' I'htl ; lhey should o e Illndc tip over 5750 to $2,000. ferred. Wh en Miss Brentwo od roae to dillS of faITetn.. of slI lI n and ven weU known. bow m an y boys at 12 to or fIl uRlin 01' Fl'cnch nll \'a~. M al r lull! replac the Ilh Mon t morency ~ blrro n vel l'o • In "hlch case tbe U ' years form tbe b a ~ l t at si tti ng UI) IIn- rCllul 1' d : S . Yll r ds Ilonn el. 1:6 yat'd F"lse AlitI'm. was Industrl ollsl )' wasbln g his already m!; Is r aliy nn r thun tll o go wt\. until teu o'clock at nlsht and are plain nnd 2 , ~ ya rd s 1·l bbon. From tbe valley tb ere cflme a cloud. spotless ~"al st coILI. On e It at wall th e hili bea utltul first tea gown, or as reg ularly routed ou t by . their 'p a· T o I' ' vert to t.he ol ab: rnt o i. a gown of dust Dnd a d!stant rllm bl . '1'116< ~le ll along th e torlnous path way at de-' l he R aSO\1 w as m ad e or y line 01'- agnln. on e all'ilcln g 'ad thi s rents at SIx o'cloclt In lila morntng~ yenr In , DIan of Ibe stoli ng rushed U(l tbe' capllon. I\1Indle In a t on ot dellcat Illnk . The conn ec ti on th r ewl th I s 'tl:e IIS\l or Ill" mOIll,tn ln nnd pen bed himsel f 0[1. lhe, . ThIs Is a crl me. tbe evil or wblcb Is Blit I[ be bad 80 far forgot ten him- Jrgand.l e wa s t rimm ed wll h Ince which t1f1c1 nl now rs In trlmmln s. a nd Lh btgbeet peall. ID no der;r'ce l esseued becau se It Is a self as t o y i eld on Ih e SPill' of th e mo- II' OS ver)' cr am y In t one. ~' hl s W88 most elAllol'ltt e tea' gmvIIIl Ilhow l hls "Shuclls !" ·x.clal med the fu gl U ve~ Jons-est abLlshed cu stom. Experie nce m ent to II UlgIl Lcw:1oa (~y. It wu s not WOI' U ove l' a pl'lncess sill) ot cbltron rash Ion cl U! r ' In- 0.-' IlIfgClIO ", r or' as h e slipped dowll to t ile vllllcy ngaln. U-kely that ·he wus s oln g 1.0 flubllcl), \'0" -01. whl oli wus In a shud or' pal and obser va tion h ave pr ovell lhat at 1it~1 snrland s oC' flow ers mntle o ( chif- "It 14 o=tly Il pour tll nosaur r ou l1llocacknow ledge th o tact. lOOlle' who bellotro ll. Th combin ation or (!olor s fon or retire In lime' to silk or of the loth gold or a bout for his br eakfast. F roro tlie One nfl el'noon was Mi exce'dln ss B rentwoo d and sleell at least nine bOjlrs got rnr moll:o g ly good and. by el ecb'!c sil ver. A s III OY easily b I III net.1 , nol se ' l thought It nl nst be an autoMontmo rency lJ ~bt. It takes on a cor ta ln shllulll r sal l ogetb or II!! t.he bouof j)Cr manent good oUl of th'llr course these trimmin gs of now r s at· not In mobile." doir. It was early sllrlng. and outsIde which l a mosl a t t ractive. of study tban those who double th eir lIe plll g will:\., an y thin g bUl 11 .very Anti tbe man went ba k ~ o hi. In the slJuare the trees were b brin Th e matinee III n ' more Informn l elahortJ te styl e of gown , on e tbnt Is pencp.rul occ upation or haw ing ·an. hours of work by robbIns tb em sel)' es nlng to bud. The New York spaT- g~I 'm ont Iban til t ' a go wn . and. In sultablO (or a dlno t' r al home. but nre IlVartme Dt bouse tlllt or a ~ciUd c liff. of sl eep. says the Cblcago Sun. The rows · w er e discussi ng ImJlol·I.Btil do- tMt. Is suftuble only ror m lJ'I'nln.!, as cblid espeolal ly should be In b,e() r egmestic mallers loudly , among tho It.s name su ggest. _ It Is 1II1ltle or u not t or n m omen t to b thought of for BeaatQ of Burden In China. g nern l w ar or for th e ph!ln er styl e ularly In tim e t.hat It will awaRo o branc he~. tb elr BOot y little torm s oon· varl ty of matel'la ll!-fl gllr d muslin. M en s rvo lbe ~\Irposes a t wagoll8' or 1 tt gowns suoh as are made or 'She Hal Vcry Haan't trastlng odtlly natural ly at an early enough . bour to wllh ~ h e th reul back· mbrCllde red In Chinn. Tb ",), n'r e able to carry lWo!nuslln. Inc -trimm ed vah' t. pnnn e v Iv 1. b~' Ibe wa y, beln& groulld. lIlont moreney w au)h ed th em n1usllll- ln ' /llnln colors or . In fi g ured. be r ady for school. It allowed to a (a511101lnblo ma te rIal thi s s · a ~ on 'for heavy load~ . huug OD th~ eoLls ot tb e wlnduw -s at with lIl e all' or Th e smartos t a re made w ltlt a sklrl on tilt up la.te to' be literally d ragged from .net on ber door-ste p. b1:lth parposln g arrom tills purpose . altboug h It Is on n s ve;' poles. poU ceman who Is told to k eev aD whleh are oue or two rumes phllred or er ol'd I' Lltan bed 10 lhe mO)'nlll~, tr,e parent sboul fl (0 bonor lbal lady wltb a Visit. 'J'hey eye on 6u 81>lelolls c haructe th e brocad es or chlll'ons . r~, Il was gutbet·ed. elLbor of the materia l or em· t!ltb r plnln or colored. elIpec t tbe child to be III tbe sleepy· .vere ush red Into lhe drawlDg room. o\'ltlent tbal be consider ed th elD a where MOI:tnlOreo cy was In sole pos- blot oo.the landsca head cla ss; ,'c. l llssi on. M19 ~ Bren t.wood having ,0DI)' Miss Drent\\'ood present ly ca me .to ,ust rellrrned bome, being ~lfll engased the window . and Women al Invento r•• followed th e di rection >II re'm ovlng her wraps. or Montmo rimcy 's green eyes. In reply to the chllrge tha~ women Mootmo reDcy's flrat Idea 00 recogSelp tor Women PaIIIIllllr Throuah . "So. spr:og lisa come again .. !II Ilty." ILre luck Ins In meohau lcal In geuulty. ollztng A R~nse at humor Is even m ore es- woman Is alwu ys the Visitors was to rise and sbe sl)ld, strolling Ills sort. sho wh ose sen se of phanp of L1fa head. " Look senllnl to lIuecees at (he mlllinet· ·s bumor It la asesrtc(1 tbat. many of th e most lenve th ~ room Includes 10 Its applicat ion her ; bla seoond, that be at . that I.ree- lsrI ·; II lovely ? MU 'II than at th e dressm n l(er' ~. 1 was r . own per sonality . 'Valunbl e I n\,entlc ns patented by men .:nIGht derive tiomtl amuKe Pro\1'idence has nllotlAld us (lDoh me-nt :r be too' pret cy for N ew York _ 1 w onder It minded or tltlll as I Rllt b hInd n rnon . In reality I' pl'osent Ideas conceIve d remained. tor he bad long ago made It I'S becomIn g more and more ap- lenst seventy y ear ' in which t o fnlfill ' the trees ar c ouL In tbe old garJeu- ?" Stroll S hat. massed In th e most Irre, rlat'on t that the r eatl),·tt·l mmed bats our IniSliloA In life. and it Is general ly-I-,.. In tbe br aIns ot t celr tboh' the dlsco,",!r y lh ut the conversat ion of Miss IJt:entwo od see med to. b ~ gaz. spon slblo " 'ay wltl: o,!r own ~ult if "'I! ~ie premtlotl1.-~ ly. , wild flower s. We are gradiraf ly crowtlln g OUl: the Idell .lsters and t he'l r daushte rs. Ell Wblt· zertaln w omen wus apt lO becow. H' . Iog througb the · Irell.~ of at som ethlo!l bave heal'd of tI\lpress lonlst I'Ocl,s; lbe marle·toQrd r hut. ror whon .ney·s rumous collon Slo Is said to Iremely \lIIJUIlD L !l wblch Mcnlmo rency ('QUld DOt sel'; ber spl ndld line of hnts Is lIlIt ant ror In"She /IllS "cry good WSl e. · hasn't voice Irlllier.! awny have been mol' !y Iho. applicat ion Of a Into slien ce aod spec tion' and th custOme r Is aasllred lbe'!" sal e! Mrs. Otway Lallh !ngtOD. rhey bOtb ga\,e a start at 1I11l prosalo . lIe\'l o fi rs t l hou ght out by a womaQ that l h re Is no Poss lbillty Of Ulom be. .endlng 1,(,[ , glnnce compreh ensively sound or tile frout door bell. - the widow of Gen. Nathani el Greene: round '.he Ing clo soly dUII/lollt ed. tho custom er room fhrollsb ber gold " Vls ltor~. Monty." s:tld ~lIs8 11rentTho' ,,'Cos to~ l i ghl ." which Is used by i!lnc6·ne ch,ooses th e read y ·trlrllmed bat • . not 7.. WOOd, a trine wearily, " and I ani not our IIfc·S!n1n g servl co. nnd by mar· only b cause It IS'ch aper. but beertuso " Or tbe reputall on ror It, 'I'lhlcb In tile :noocl tor tb em. You lucky tittle It has t.hat toneh ot Rty le which sn fnerll all OVOI' Ihe wUl'ld. tor si gnaling amounts W lh e same thing." respoDd- e.a t! you caD tly It you want to. aod I often Is Imll08 Ible to get In th e worlcat nigh t - It bu rn s lik e r ed fire- Is Ii ed the ot.bflr latly. . can 'l" , room or the slore_ "l'houl!h~ Ihal was smart, d!dn' t woman 's In\' nUon. says th e T cc hlcal "Why 00 eurth ((0. yOU l et th~m In It F elt shnpes nre golll~ t.o be more World ]II gnz lne. So: likewise. Is the \'011 1 " murmur ed Montmo ren r:y, wntco/ you don't want 10 see th em ? .. :lsked popular tban ever and th ere will he a Ini; tbe spenker lhrouSh hIs hulJ-clos etl »Iontm ~ re r, cy 's eyes. pap!!r ba g with a snt chel bottom. flll.Jer line .than ever of pressed Rharlcli . " DUlY, Montmo rency." said MIss wblel) was th e Itlea 0[ MIs8 M. E. lI<la.. "Otld she has never mar r from the very small with practica lly so well Brentwo od. "To thtnk )'ou don't Knight. c yen Tbe muchlne by, whiCh air as 's h~ Is. IOO~ no brJIlI Ilt all to tho extreme Galns" pursued rs . Ot-' lenow ",hal -tbat meulls. " And { o('n ' tbo "corob fanndUl lo .. ,'· as It Is oaned, tor way L" borough tYll e. 'l'hey will nlso be In shmgton . ,1' 0 01' opened lind fhe aervant announ ced bee hl\'os. Is made. was- patent d by " Well , I don 't know abOUl Its teltig " Mr. Uorrlng lon! all shad es from white tbrough the line " Frances A. Vnnham . In i 1. It saves odd," saltl Mrs. Br:l sher, purslu::; up of pule evenlns colors to all tbe popuMontmo rency turue1 sbarply nDd lar greens. blues and browns and Into , beet! hnlf t he labor or boneyco mb COli' ber lips vi~th much slgnlH can ce. saw a latl man with u bro nzed, deeply bla ck . "Wby. was ihere unyo ne? Oil: do lined ra ,~e and Iron-gra Btructio n by lumlng out wax sheels. y hall' uud mll~Braid Is to be extensiv ely used 'In whleb. suspended In the hives. serve!! tell me, dear Mrs. BraSher ; . 8 0!' wlJJ tache. He advanced quickly towarlls trimmIn g rail M elises, and lates t InNeTYOllS exhaust ion In\1'ltes MtSM Brell,wo od. . . a ba ~ I\I' to bul/d the combs ~pon. be down In II moment ." formatio n froll1 Pal'ls Indlcalo tllII!. TMs st.nlAlment Is tbe poeltlve d"iseueo "O.f cour se you und erstand. It must "Mar;;ar et." be said simply, "m, :truth. But Iho most wond el'tul Ilolnt about many ot the bes t malc er s ure using go no turl ber!" When everyth ing becomes a .qu'roell i rOlher Is dead!" the co ntrivan ce Is that. t be cells out· and YouctloDnot.w~ a..fewbJoc kS\\:ltli• . br;lid s ror'trlm llling furs ·as. well. " Ot cQ urse, of course." It was the strnngest srtetln!: Mont"1..001, 9 I () r nil t he world as tr sbe Jinell In I'ellet on the wax beln6 all Ollt exceBIIlve fa.~lgue. and yO,u . break' Most of the luil r LI t . 1D0r ~n c y . hud . ' ev er loeard. He l<><>ked 0 ' 1ll8 garmen a out Into persplra tioQ easily, and your " or "worlle r" size. tbose of Ulem that oaw a jug qr (·r ea m." ·otrere.d tor sale are 01 . t.hee one Interpo: ated quickly from Ibe vlsllor to MI~~' UrentIIlece face flusbes, 'and you grow excited and ' .... ullllzed by Ibe ' Insects for nurs- Mo ntmor ency ""th dlggu. l . 1I1'10(,e88 or emilire style. Broaden - lihaky Well, wh en sbe was quite a ~'rl ODe WOOd. Sbe Illd tllrned at the loast :,Pl'OvocatiOll. · .81141 "ery whilte nnd ery purposes will produce only wor k· you Ing cannot of th e bear ~boulder -to bo ~r.ossed In any. s Is 11.t'olluce·d ' 'on, swayed a little where stood, and manr or the .new models hy trimmin gs thing, ,ou are in danger ; yonr Derve • . e! bees. Ihu8 avoiding the Ilr oJJn~a· or old John Oorrilll:LOn'H S Oil S rell her an swe r was ooly oneshe word:"'" malll which y partnl<e In bave love gtven with of the Ollt: her, rorm and ypu need building up. or she shOUlde with tlOIA of i(J Ie dron es. r "~'rank!" copes as well as sleeve ,,·aps. Tassel. at once I To oblllld. l1p woman' s ,nervblm; bu t Ihe old man. who wal n ~ mad' .. , IInye come to claIm 'yonr I1r,:mtsD as ' n hat l-er even tben, vow d tb ~ 1 his' and frlQge eltects are nml\ng the nov. QU~ syatem anil .during tho 'period of Prot. FrnllK A. Po~an ,\merlca ll 60n shonlt! m urry rich. aatl wouldn' t ~largare t. " snld b.e bu·sklly. chlinge of Ufo we know of DO better " H ~lv ~ )'ou '»bo was wl tb Prot MattUCCI II) ('h,e' elty t.rlmmln g!i noted on ' ImJlOrted , mO!dlolne 'than LydlaE chang'3i1, 01: are )'ou mine. 'stl!.!. atter , Pinkham 's Vermodels. ' royal ob sen 'u OI'Y on Mount Vosuvlu s beaT of lUI 'eugllgcm enl bet ween th em. ull th m;e long year~ ? " etabJe Co~pollnd. Deril ,I s aD iJfosTbe gown shown lterewlt b Is an em- tratlOIl. l Brentwo od bas alway~ had Tberll during Its I' ce nt · el'ullUon , pl'omlses M:rs. Mary, L. Koehoe . a71. wos a pl1u se. M,' ntmorcn cy AN EMPIRE GOWN. ph'e of willow green linen. The Gnrfleld Avenue, Cb~C8go. plenty of prlcle. und sbe abRolu tPly re- could hear the clock Ill .. wrilAll: tl oklng, tD IJOrfect m ethods or predete nolnlng sl<lrt 18 mOtlnted on sn Empire bodice rll~l'd to marry. young DOlrtng't oD ,Ier lall [rom tbe' tire, also and '1 ctn"1 have used Lydia E. PlnkbAlI I"Vtigetabl.. t!tll quick thll must huve been ao Impress ionIst eut outbursl JI of ,"olcan c("~: .A, "!Ic rlcan agaillst his fatb er B C'omJlO!lD d _tor .y'lB"" 'I! my low tamUy and It. In the · neck to. show a n"vftr dbappoln wlRbes; and "u8e~ . breathtn g of the two human b" lnga tll; hul. and the Idea conveye d ",as tbat chemlije tte ot wli4lll1 lelt tb.t I w.., PIllus bAH accomp lished a great many QUe~tIY la-ce wltb jabot of the nearln~ tbeobange 10 :he y Pl~ted 1~lllh ~e ~18ual Tilen Mise BreDtwo od of )fte I ronnneoc ed troa~ b.roke tltJ~ al:' Ihe young lady bnd been' 'peltM wltb things Ihilt appeare d mOI'El difficult pro eSLal ons a same. At toot ot sktrt a 11lece III laid DJellt With It, ltooit to B1J about m ~t1. uo, ~ ng conslaoc y. lence. Howel's. a chotce assortm ent huvfng over that II pointed lhar. Ihls underta king 11 WoUld be aod II o~"eve I ,=ey hbave beld '10 tomliP' ID the center soli It d1J me a ,reatdM I of good. It BtOPPllll "Atter n.1I ,hese long years" lilli' re- lauded on her helld. It Is ratber sad, front. Tbls Is wor«ed wltb about m7. ~ apeU./., .u. ID lilY baclt and the lID BUl'lJroltie W hear that Prot. Perret mun ~a l on w t ea other "I~.ce. She pealed t1rIlRmliy. and stretebe'd ."ut' h~t heiidach81 With :wblch J lIi1d auft'I'n!d ' tor too. how·otlen the IItOllt woman. whose seven r9ws of machine 11.. fouDd a means of rubbiDG \:e- ha'~A~;:'~:;'~ word. lUI you sce. "utchlng aDd a montba befOre taldng the ~nd, •I ' feel blinds 10 Iler Ol~ lover. He lonl; thlll1l ~eDSf) of hIlmar should ever that It sbleld beti pearl fOIl tIIb greet merllclna button I, sewed In the fl'Olll. lu"lua Of lome or 'tbe terrors It bu • "Uonmr ried too! In his own and drew her towanls btm Irom ro~IY' BO very tor women.Utat IIIIoald Dot tiiVII bcom.u ..' orteD exposes her- Tbe bolero baB a Bme,n tUrD over Rerresb lnCly ro001- to-day. Itflap1e ndld1or war- oIdor')'CJ!IIII'. Mid for neIghbo ring hU:llsol ty 'alnee mlDUr t' n't ;".. !\! rency, with true <l.~Ilc:aer pelf to IJdlclIJte . Perhaps an the time lar tbat . Is \)artiaIlY faeed wIth J " . lineD •and Will llU'eTy ClIft aU flllUlle allordfto lumed bls back aD11 resilmed J\II liS It Is ollly 10 regard L" JM dafl 01 Ibe elder. plJ ny, "Surprls lllgly 80. And wher.. II Mr. to her own ap· of a darker sbade. The lower ad. . of )Ira. Pblkham . c1all.Jht ' er.ln-l.w ot". Dorrlng;1 I" D"'r ' "larance. tbat she laoks tblll Bavlng tbe bqlero. a'ao the age-DIL.lhe .aparmw_ tum up Clttrl, are Ly.dla II. PiDkham of Iqaa . ....... In. Ie . p 'r Iht ]'Ot. b~ I : npb a Eo"l-.) ,rac.. I CallCj till YIlee aU lick aDd .illllg _ell to write. .~~..~f_UI!)' ~~.~ I mlloclWle ,tttclied to malell Ull .kln. II_ t01"&d"loe, au 11M' e&Je~
Millinery and Other Feminine Matters
_!tad not'''''
Ia a\ Ul.... 18m"- fni of ....
. ...
America's Rusted Goddess to be Painted
Places Where Bird and ~Animal Life Is Sacred
After Twenty Year,_ ot Nelllecl the StituC ot Uberty 15 to Mike Her Toilet,
Re5ervarions Set A5[de by the Government tor the Pro-
B II!' r daYH IIrf' Ill;ead of nArtl}(JI, able to ::;Otlf .... t!' In lho post I rs Htnl lh' of Llh rly , which wu s rl!' 'lluus() I ~ In sllfI1dc nl fol' .nllr needs, • IVcl1 wit b 80 I1IlIch ~IWC Ill O hY fl'Om bul on ot lh I 1ll111'0\'!'IIH'tI";, as you 1'I'l1n('(' 0 \' I' ~ O )'1'1l1'tl a!;'o. Sinco HC b.\' Lhl' hilI. Is a n w IlIlImlua llng :hal ,",ula, day In ' I ~ , 0, WbCll tbo fair Ill anl. Of COIiI'Sl', the Ie nil' eIU\'II~I\(jlll '''~ lu bl'O Il 1.1' r 'coh 'rll the lllIlUlI· LOr will 1)/,1 l'llll Ill' th l' po \\'(' 1' fl 'lIm tho ts 01' I)W natioll, ,lind \\'U~ Ihe C ' n· Slim!' sllltlon , whIch will be I\l1Ipl fOl' : r " r orllnlrlll!,: Ihl'ongs, ~b has a\l th' ue 'elK of Iho I slund . 0 11 IlI'g le~IC(1. NOlhlug hils been Thill th el'e Is deSI'(IrHI nC'ed of :l Oll!' 1(1 siny Ih!' ravn!,\os or li llie. HIIII Ru('h fJlI'l lrllprlfitlull is palnfnlly aLI'.he l 'III'rod ln/ot of thl' ~u lt·slrl'llel l Rlr \ Pil I' nl 10 un y on who lallf'lI fh(' lit· Jr . Ill(' IIl'lIl' I' bil l'. UII(1 us a r esulL ICt· lie ' ·t el1m I' Oll t til lIellioe I shulIl UIIII l ny h(' Is. a " Vl'rl'('( 'l ~Ig ht," 118 sho IU ll pel't!! Ihe ~IILI tlf'. Th V '1')' t!I,ll'It IIHlou h tl'dly woulll f'xclulru, If n· of rllin hllngs 0\' ('1' thn Iliacf'. I t ~ow " With I;IIO('ch. uncf cO\II11 s e hOI" 1Il ('(1\R IJlI on tho wharf wl\ l'm Lhe • IC ml rl'll l' cI In Ihl' HlIl'fu '/,I C tho hunL landH- ( I' 1I11n nmlll'l' II is to II rr(.llllllUlIg wlll Cl's, br' Ne' n on the bout liS -If h ofo l'(~ yo II It 111 h('r dUYH ul' p()\,(l r t ~' nnd neglect lund : Il I s ill Ih o \\'ulks Ica(lins ulI U' OV(l r, and 1l0W fi R "'"nl of UIQ nn' 10 Ih pecil'HlUl . Which nl''' ,,"cath r Ion /11\[1 sllCcla l <:hll(');o I)f the Will' beuten Ilnrt rOlll' lI phlnl," thlll give as 'it oarl lU nl. sh p is to be t.uken III hand th rClol UI' hltn" 1CJ\lche~ th em. Thij And 11\'11 roll I us b fits h I' KtaLlpn old run lion on th", fal'u de of lb fort u IIf(' und h or (lh ysl a l ondltloos 18 IUl"'~ not scal' d, bllt urll pocked :0 b 1:I\'('n ht'l" '1'.11(' r cport III thUI, lIIur k d IJY til ' Or lng spl'ay and !tl· Iho Is to be p:tint d, Rnd In (h1 9 1'''"1 d ~Ull of I II UIlY , I~ vcll the Iht' undoubtedly '1I ~ IJIIlY I! II f mlnln hi !; CU llc m l ' bas or 1111 Hlulue has "' eali ll ,'~a, f,,1' \\,I ... n the l('II-tule ('OIl'lU In fOlr It a share or t he genem l dll:Il)IcIBllon nnd Is lUork ' d hy !;'roat DlorkA or limo hlll'utl th It· . om I,r eseure, wh ore I~ th o WOIllOIl sLar-shull d ~eams on II cracks IIhow, Nho Is nuL cageI' to tak' r efu se b · 11Ig vividly ugulust th white Willis,
\\'1)(:0 Rltb~ 1111)Crafl, In borIng ror I 'm n ot II hll sel ul!O e_ In lad, thl'rtl tection of Birds and Game. walar, Callie II 'ros~ un olu horse lIhoc. 18 them all Ihlnl(s lh,,1 G .. "n'Jln "'h l te' lubodded In ILte rock LIt Ii d lit h 01 ley 'jj nothing bUI a dal'nud Olrl fu';) l , ~o CCllt , ho Jlrollouucod It II " durn" 1111)' way; ':LIII I!II' lJb!! YOII'I! l hlnk t he cUr'us '()IIlC~' d o tll, " and l el It go ut S lIllI O wh 11 I'V(l gO I Lh I'uugh, I'\'w II I'sons k nil \\,' whot till' I;!W rn· Ihl' ~LUlt' law, In In03 Ih Islani! waH thut l'o:CWij lhe slngul ur Hod In Ib "lIl1t be t'll " ),011 bc~':1n ilurnlng' ,v,1m village or SomnollOll comlog 10 Ihe Blbll's 01 ' ~' I 10 WDri{ rcwrlr!,, ' hl l> m('111 I ~ (10111 & for Llw III'Cl~e l' vltliOl1 01 lII ud l\ '0\0 'I'nrn en l !'ese!'Vll lltJlI by ex. al's of Ml'. I gnlltl us I ngl IOn', of BIg· lol' y' I WRllt Itl gl \'e leOIl [\ r w 110im · hlrd~ "Ii\! galll Ihro.llgholll lh e "olln - I'ClIll\'tl 0 1'11 I' and placet! In ha rge of vill c, 50 mil es away, S I thllt gen ll!-l ' en; \.IbOnl lh ese ~ tntllg wl'llI,,' lbal Ir)" u,"1 for ihl~ !'e:tHOII full to 1I1)IH'Co t h d JIll rlltll!nl 01' u/;'rlcullnr , and the <'laic th ... fi ..nlcn which i ~ 1",lng rell - ward II was dilly cOlllnll'ssioncd as an 1111111 In [\ rel'm III of 0Jr: Ite1l1 nl. H YOII 'v e rfJllnd . Ntnnetl rol' SOIII l1ol l on Immodlately. " Slxly ~'('llrs a ~o 1 cam e to Ihl S derl'd . PrC\' ltlClS III l~On Illl' ~e n l' rlll "fficI' " or t h!' d tlnartm('nl. For K \' oral Ht;'a~OIl ~ the Illrds h ave br "d fl'CIl from A geut:cllIHII or ne wly·t.lcqllired pIa 'I'. whl" 'e thc vlll ng(' "I SUOIllolLOn gO\','r Illont hall 8 t. asilic o nly t bre w nlth Ill\t~ It Is ure, who had so ught In 1I0W ~ta lld K: and 1",1'" 1'\' 0 !i\'e d v'r l'I'n ' ''''u llon s 1'01' Ih Ilrol "CIlOll of ani· Illol slatlon, lind th e colony l a no ...... In nllllll- 'Ilcf'nll'l c waV!\ to altl'llel nnllllc ~ln '(J . ' I'ltt' "I'I'U waH wild 1.'1ll1 ru (;. ntlllk. unli hlt'us- (ll '_YellowHtfll.".' Illll'k 1lll111'Iti hj II'; OIHIlUon. Tho Islanll h Wl aLi ;ltI II to h)lUs'lr, MI'. 11\ i:: I() lon ' ~ ged, with nn Ilullnlsh('d look; "('c fUcl l ~" \\ yomlnH In 1 I=.!, tM 1';l1l1un,1I 1 he{'n \'lil ll('(1 hl' nRtl1r}llI st~, who ha\'ij I'cal I1mhltlo n WRS lCJe rruet 0. ' foollng as ' If th' L o rd had "' ft It tltnt ""Y Zoolog\('n l 1 1~:' k I ~\ the OI ~ I~'ICI or, { (I. mod" rOl'l.'flll ~t\ll\i!' s (If lhe hlrdH; In 10UI'IlC' d, ~cl 11III1e ell' I 'H, At< OIlC wh c:n I It I' I~ o'clock whl ~tllJ bl w, U)lil Inrnhlll III IS.lO, ,lnd Arognuk Isla nd, dUIll ne vt!l' h C'fure uvullabll' o r helnG ' 11It':t OS t o. Ihl s ellrl, h h acl jolnell tho th en ro r!; It to em ue bUCK and Iltll~h on IIJ ~ su u thern coal of Ala ska, In co:1 'clPd I' gunllug till' ''' food , moult· 'OUIII.\· Archaoolog"1 al 80 'I oly; lind up. . • ·'1'hoi·c WC I''' I l'n fomille s. hcs ide~ II bad slice d 'd In havinG hlmsolf elccl' ed lIre"hlent. f e w )'tlllll g unulllI'rll)d m on o \Va ~Ir. In~ l l'lun's vI sit to SonU1olion wbrked alon g al rl<rtll l ll~ and home WIl K ()olldlWted with as much or so· bulldlll;; fIll' abollt six years, hILLII)Y cr c~· os pos slhle. Six months lat 1', Bnd COIII (,II\('I I : un d th l'll typhllll r V('I h IlIYil d th' ttl1HTlbc rH (If 11m Arch· bl'o k Ollt Hlld currl d 0.1f mOllt of till 11 ologlcnl I!orl c ly lo a 'compllny him 11001' IIll! chlld l' n. on au xlllII'slon to I hat \'I llnge, I)),om' " M \lI'r 1I 0guo, thl' J!:lrl ns I waa gil ISing UI(l 1ll u rare tl' nt. Ing wllb , hll (1 a lit lIc brot~ I' n !llllctJ H e charter (I a spa htl Cllr for lhe Danny, who bad H gron t notion ot l eurnl ng tn r ea II und WI'ltc. As tberl' bccuslon : :Inti It WDS nol 1111111 th plll'ly wnu W II 'lurLed 01> It s jOllrl Y wusn't nQbOll y to tra(:h blm, h e .uN!'d thaL 0 1(' \lrclllah!llt . ullghlcncd allY uf (0 Bcrlhblc on any piece of 11"1)1'1' tha i Ills guel! ts as (0 lhe real ol)jocl or th · h cOllld ~('t hnlrl at. II nri try 10 make trIll, let ters sum · as he 8 1t\\' ln hi s I11 l':~l cr'~ 'l'hl'lI. 1\lr, Inslolu n told th m thut , BilJI(-. In tho prl'vlolls spring, 11I'[\l'l ng ot It " \\' 1'11, Mal '~' IIlerl, and whcn t h ey most )' mark:.ltf flnel at Somnollon . pul her In lh e allin , DOlin)' 'rled f OI he hall at ouc fll'oe edoll to lha t vII , them to 1)llt his ' Dl'r)" 10 t h re Illong ' Il1 gp and )JUI' haile d elgh nerl's of with hl 8 s lKter. ), ·see. h e uanel 10 call land 11U1IIl't1lntel y surrounding \lIe th' sluIT h sCrll wl d on odrl hits 01 s pot at whkh Ihe dlsco\'er), hnd h('en 11"'llel' hi s '.orr)': an' Ihls 'd l'."~" ancl MAP SHOWING FEDERAL PARKS AND RESERVATIONS FOR THE mnrle. For monlhs "nst. h e hud had hlR slslel' Ma ry we I'e th e two thlng-~ ._PROTECTION OF BIRDS AND GAME. a I(nng of rilCII digg ing und dolv'ing lu he loved most 111 Iho wodd , so 110 (No, 1, Yellowstone National park; 2, Stump Lake reservatIon: 3, lhlM tra ·t: and he LtlmKc lf hod lie I'· want ed Ihem 10 go logelhcr. · Sil'o<iw it Is lands reservation; 4, Huron Islanda reserViition; S, W i chita For80nnll)' slflet! [housanlls o[ ton s Q( " l wa ll kind o· broke \Ill after "sf reser ve and g ame preserve; 6, Br.eton Island reservation; 7, Passage Key' Ilrtb and ruhbl sll thal lLtey bad Mnlfa dealh, and wenl away La lhe reservation; 8, Pel ican Island reservation,) I,hrown lip. city (or n Lime lo forg('t my tronhl . lIa nnnolln('ud. wllh :1 &I nl;\ll~r mIx, "On day as I Wtlll com ins bllclt, r idinG ' I 9~, Th first two w er . nnllonal In!;'. aud n esllng habits, Gnd th e reser, wi'e of pI'lde lind IIIO(le51)'. I.hllt ,he had m;.; old nflg, I'd got wllhln nbout t\\,11 I,nrks es tabli sh d by acts Of congl' liS. mUon Is fa ~l becoming a poInt f in , founcl lIIan:' lhlnss of Imllleose archa· miles or th~ seW menl , WOO!! I hears and Afognak Island, Intended us a llre- terest for vlsllors and stullen!s of ol oglcul In lorost and historic value . a l err;lflc l'uOlI)lInS o.ol se. Lookln" serve fol' lh e sea otter, wns II t aSide nature, who ure nltt'l\ 1 d hl' th e elt, Th e pr sent party , he saId. would b lowards Ihe villng I s s n tl'emen· by I!X emlve jll'O ~ lamallon and placed cotlllon"1 Ol)[lortllnltleij Iltrord'd ror the fl l'S I II r sons to, vlcw lbe I' suits dous cloud 0' dusl . wI' stoncs all' nll under th Jurisdiction or tbe !JUI' au of observing Ih birds I1nd studying lbelr of hi s Illbnrs. sorls of thin gs Ollng. Seemod ns II f1sh lll'l S. Oth er govenlment r sena, habI ts. On tllelr arrival at Somnollon, Ih lha hull 1lI0llotnin WII S a ·fallln' d own, tlOr-B, Sitch as th e Gencrul Grnnl, e'rhe second reservatlou In FlorIda. IlI'esld nt conducled hI s' ~u sts to thr.'. Lop or th e 1,lace. quc1l8 , lind Yos mll-e nntlf;lI1tll park s In Passllge K e.r, wa" not oa(uhllshed \In, "By ui time I I' III bed th spot I 11 lifo I'll III, th MOllnt Rauler National t il Octobcr. 1905, bu l alread y bld~ fairf'oenu of e~cu \·utl on s. the etlth', tract bei ng ncloije d by a hIgh boarding. whor ill Y hom should ho\'o R(1,od , !lark In W yomI ng, thc navlIl stntlons 10 beco me an I mllOrlo.n I. relll!; (or H e Jet lIwnl In at a s mall gale , and t ons ,o t (,HI'tll and rock had fallen on ~ Clll thc On' T I'Lllgas, Flol'I!la, nn" on botb l and ,llnll 6 a blt'ds. Wilhin thrue l ed Ih m to a Ilne-slol'Y brick bulldlug thc vII lag , I\lIrylng I t t o 1I pth 011 Mldwar Island s [0 llle Paelll ; the months ofl I' 118 eS\.IIhllijhment mpre or r ecent ereclion. mOI'o'n 20 foot. (0;" ~'Y mU.!I , .womlln I IIQl>tho\tse rCHervation8 on Ihp fo'arnl- ~han 60 species of birds were fQund Insid e, he howed l hl' m sk I lon ~ on' chilli (Jorl sh ell , I was lhe onl y lono Islands, '1I11tornla, on Sand Koy , on th e 1 ~lllnd ; and limon!; lIl se '\vera oml other objeols of Interesl. wtlleh. one Olll o( tbe ol'lglna'l 60 settlers leCt I nE'R1' Ker West, Florida , and at various noted. 200 common teros . 200 Cabot he In(ol'm d Ihcm, had' been found all'·e. pulnls elOIl:; the Atlantic coast, con· terns, GOO rO YlI 1 tem s, 150 lauglrtnl burlet l lind r Ib solid rock, Rnd In " I could n't tl)ar m yself away from mony CU8e ~ a Inally embedded there· Lhe olace witere all Ill )' rrl nd s lay 10: burled, so built m yself 8 shont)' , aurl AII.e l· an e:lccUent, (Ilo ner at the vll· I've lived to see the '\' Iliage grow III' lage hOlel, the company r epaIred to agaIn, the ·to h ear thu flresl· "That'8 all I bad t o say . Y ou've and many 01 tho vi i, round trtlces of nn extinct cl\' lIlzaUon, ca In ' and occupied sealS all l'lght ; bul It's on Iy been extl nCI n ea~ lhe lIfler., . about 54 years. . "Thoso skel eton8 you'v e. dllg \til are A.fter t elling of the new a or the Rndlng of th o horse shoe-which lIrst the bones of m y frIends thnt were brough t biOI to Somnolton- MI'. Ingle· burled In the l andslldln ntld the an· ton gav lbom flgnl'es, showIng lhe I OIOOl wrlLln' as y're rlllzzlln' over If. numbel' of tons or rock and earth DAnny Hogan's DI'I,'y- wrllton on thlll had been blasted IlIHI dug UI) ; scraps of PA))OI' Ulat sllga l' an' candles aud dwell tn detail ullOn th e sKfllotons And 'bac y camo wrapped UP In .'' and other obJeots tha t had been round, (CoP,'·I·II:h l . l !JOfi, h~' Dall y S t or~" Pub. Co,I all pointing to tht> presen ce or man In WAS NAPOLEON EPILEPTIC ? Ihls loclIlI Lr In the eal'l)' lwlll !;ht 01 ___ _
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_ " _ _ _"iJIOII~\
THE STATUE OF LIBEl'TY. (Sillt:Stceped A i r Hn Corroded Badly the Great Bronze
Ind the powdul' lllll'l' and the rougc,l l\IOlit unseemly o( ull 13 lll~ slate. la;'? ' borderi ng liS It do S ou th dung rUllt BIlt. Burnl'lI , who I'!~ In barge onll, of the "lenl(Joral'Y" stulrwlIY up )f tbo t;tatue; and under wboso IIU- whl lone lI\ulIL clllilh to th e main cnrv",lon t ho work of re\lllinURl~ 18.. trauce or lhe _ pedOlll al, T hI s II! of being elone, denies I1IllI the <:,"Isldo wood , wealh I' !lGal'l'ed wOQd, patch d 'f Ih statile 18 to be pllln( d, bll t I and " hql'od In itmun.1walJl C!) place .. by )ay, ~ 'he Inside mllY be eout (I with th sillnal cOI'118 I' ople Mince they 101\1' IIgbt·coloroll pr Rorvu, lve' art~I' 1 came !nlo ,lower, ond was ,orlglnully :h ' rusl lias been scrapcd' olr. PIlL 1111 [01' J)UI'llOse or hnaten lng sLalu ' llOultl be I t I ~ only throo ycal's Kl nce the wa p thc day wben th l enul'tmcnt \\'US gI ven c.on trol of the I thl'OWll p'[len to t..he I)ublic. I ~ was ,Iatlll'. and rill to the fll'cst'nt Yf1ar , m >unt for a \\' ek 9 01' a monlh 8 lise Ibo dCllllri.menl hos i)~ph h lUll llcr~d In 1al .t h ,Ioll~esl, bul I~) ha~,slOod ,·B , :ls WOrk by lhe l acl( rlllld ~ . But . fol th l! lJe"t parl or _0 ~el!l~ . :ollgrCs~ ' ai IL8 last session came III r Thore- Is Iwolhel' phose of the maL, ~h e roscue with 'G2,SOo-$G~ , 800 fOr l t er that ~elle l'vclI 11I ' lIl1011, tlll' more !h 'I' novation of tbe natlonlll !;odd()s~ so thal no camera cun glv any.ldea lHel' .20 ycars of negl ~ t, ' Tbe bill or it. 'I'he tllsl de o r th e 1\101l1lm ~lI t ~' blch IIllprOlll'lates 1\ r IId~ In pal·t l lS t.o!UlIl' lind absolutely , bla k . It Is 18 follllws : ' im\lo~alulO to , ~~C t~ c II Xl Slep, uall "SluLue of LIberty, Ne\v York har- j'on e mus.l . " f del Dna s woy dUl'lns tho bor To 'e.qlll[) with the praller llIa- l?nUrO dlmb . There IIr\! J1os~llJly \WO lbl{l ' an d Itll:bUn" all(llll'tHUS, i.o I 01' th r e IIghls, of the! 011 lallll' vul'lety, light ~tlltlle ot Llbe~tY, at ,"'ort Woou, I " "'un ' b~t\\'ll~n the -rrown cham ber .. edloo 1I;ll nnd, Inclndlng el ectrl: ole. In till! :I:elld aud, [he '. ~ll ntl UII ~~~ foel 1atol' and n ('ce~8IHr repai rs to place wl~lch I cst on the IICdc , 1111. N, thIn!;, :he staLue, \ledeslll , fOljndatlons alld \1\ore.1t1 the 811111'C ofllhlllllnnt i on t<aVQ lIrroulldlngs I'n a sare cond ition, ,62. the tlll~' gleoms,of light , thliL st ('usslo ~~iJ " .. ' t hrullgh \I[n !I(lleS In l he bronzo ' . , I . ' . 1111lteS or , UIO statue I t solt, aud do But lha~ thele s n ne)V, cIa .oll!,mhl ll but serve t o I!how Lhe (\al'kne 9~. Of i ~I.l rOl' lh~ ~odrl.Oss I~ c I'lalo. ,Jus., thes,o laUel' bol ('s th el'e .lIl'o rully GOO. tee Is to be don e hel lit IlIst, Calli " ,hlst Whlll cause d th('~e holes 110 ono \l('l1ell IB v~ry e~l thll slnstl c , over tbe"eepI" tn linow .bu l ·Ihe gencl'al 0(1111.1u~look for the Im~l,ro"'c me~t of .~tatu.e lou wus' ih~t t'l;e)' <11'0 rUSl nlill'k s. As ,nd grounds, WhIQ,I.'8 al~lllt r ho lhey 111'0 on the aldo at the sllllue It IlS , IH\tt.M heart- ' ~or a loug lIm~, .all"- I Willi pU)'losslble . to l~eath : tI,eU\ , a'n d ,~\ speaktn g of whl.cb he sbowed 'Ills I xamll\1l th 111 car fllily In ordcr to .!n,~ h U~la!1r;t strongl y,: ..' UHcorl.l1ln , t1;E1h' t.:bal·~ tel' e:\;acLly" 1 havo bee~ ov rwhelroed wltb Jet, I \ and'ulhlfll and . t.:ul·olessll ess l1a\le' ~ere, :( said he .. "ror Bome ~me pasl, j 'I,!uyed hoi!' \Jan In the . jlresQot woflll Dartl('ular ly 81nce II nllllOI . became "Ia~o, of tlill godde1!R and hel' temJlle., } ulTent that the ,statile was. 10 be f'1'QllI b eud ' \0 foo t sh c I ~ m Ill' ked and ,ial~Led. Wh"r~ this , ~rlgillate~ I . IU!lr red. .In lhe Uny' roolll 'In tho Jon L liRow . . 1 c~ rlnln, y hive re- crown or her head lhOl;e are Be \'el'!l I !eh-eu ' 110 . omelal communication a8 hundred namcll, o[ varlo\l! ' I) 1'1I0nS y t regard[ng the ' Illllnllng of the ,vbo, £1·Qm. time to 'time, havs b een )utslele of tbe 8tatl~e. The 11I81de eer, smlHon with a desl ra, (0.1' ohelll) fame, ; alnl Y will be Boraped tq r omove tbe to aLtaln wbloh tbey have · 8C~awJed rust nod,repalnted wltb a light col~l'ed tbelt· namas In IItraggling lettel's. ~re8crvatlve that . w1l\ pl1ltect the wherever lhero was ali Incb of .pace, , ,,alls of tile ' atatue and reftect the The)' ba ve even reacbed oUl81d e lbe diadem, ItJl;hl. maklnc tbe . loterlor euler to tb rough the wlndowa 111\lDllnate. The Ugbtl, wblch we and done tbelr wor8L 10 ' tbe wall8 mope to In.tall by the nut of. nest of Lhe pedestal, 10 tbe' forl. wherever ,ur, will be ample ror tbelr pUfpotle, the), WII14, tbe.e POI'l101I1 hava "AOne I dOD't know JUIt. '11011' 'many thore about dlllBgurlng ttl tbe beBt o[ tbelr .. t:1 , be, but about one for eyer)' ablllt)', J!lrn or the .talr.,.,-. I think, . "TIle torclllllltt 'will be !nerealed, \Vh)' are *OlDe mother. .ueb r. !lOUt to Dumber and (lOwer. ArI, .~urceful womenT BecaulO lhe, luIow aow the po"er .e.... 0. &0, __ ko • bell
II i
"I.... lat... . .~
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ap...... .
. ,.
the' agc". N t 8 P Th h He H ere. he said. Ihe~' f Ol1 nll a city 0 0 roven, oug hurled lit 1\ (Iellth of 2j) to 30 f ct, un. Auditory ' Illusions, der Ihe !\OlId rock and !lIlly-not as Th e, <1l1estlon of whe l hcor or n ot 'Na, one f(lIH,,1 cltl1)S Iii tbe old worldpolcon HO'llnllarte wa s on eplll'pti c will burled IIlIdOl' I wo 01' I ju't' feN of Il~rlHII1 ' n vel' he 'eWell conolu sl vel);. earlh, whll'h hull accumu l uted nnlnral· II h 08 lut('l)' hccn al udhlll tlllt'\\' by Iy In the cOllr" of a ff,l \v ('01l1.I1rle9. Dr. Cabano In R conrrl1\1Itlon to A "'Here:' hp wenl on,"w ' hove ll'aces \\'orli entllled "L(,8 fudi scl'a tlon s d~ or a alvlllzoUon so r om nte Ihat the tolrE':' and In lhe !'I'ogl' SR Mpd, . . bFa!n reell< In til Iltlem\lt t.o c(lIlcelve ' I'Flls Ical fOl' J ulv 7 1\1. ,1. 1I10lr 111'o,e nts us ," "[lllnte Im ll.O Ilant I. bra dln " groll n~ s !;111111~. 600 Idlerr1lnp; SIOIJOIS, SOOb blown Dny Ad Quat Id II o[ It s antiquity, with an abstracl 0' Cnbllnes: o ~sa\· . wI er \'111' l Ous nat \' SIICC l ~ are Ilro- II' cans , an Ii )OUl 6, 0 r eel· roast ed l:Iel'e, m y friends, a ch'lllzed pOO)J1 III fll " QI' or n nogaU\'(!' n ns .. et· to the t ted: lUI they w cr not ~ol npal·t mergensers. ' , 1I\'erJ nnd 11)\'od and wrolig ht and lIesUolI II ma\' uc " ai el thai ~o COlli " espel'lally as Ilrcs rvel! lor blrd M alld Even mOl'o Illlnoriant as a brecd ln~ dlNl. eon" anll coil S ago. 8 em. ttOI hn \ '11 I Ct 01 "'rho~ It wna no rude , bnrbarlc I/CO' recor 0 II" ng 5(,C II II) grca l so · . pIe t1nil ' Inhllblted Ihls region, bllt n (liol' In a frnnli ell lloli ll tit. and we Sinc 1900 'Ighl additIonal pre- I lhe 1I10ll1h DC tho Mlsslssllllll, wblch ra ce. 101l 1'lIed In l eIters and skilled . .. b t 111 I sprvcs hB"1' ueen esl ablfshed - t wo In were set aside as a Federa l rellerve f ess I h 9 I wa ~an aecor.. l i t ' ., Clln ' ' \lve n In 'Ihose man~lfaclul'es tho (>TI · slgnln'canCp. to t h e , so· called stigmatA I F 11ll·lda. two In MI c Ili gan. (1)111 one Ull 0 ctobor ,t , 1.1' 04. A phologra" .. Itl n' of wh.icli we are wont to al'rognt c on whl'lt 1.omb;'050 a nd hl ~ ad her· florh In LOlllsl~n lt. NUl'th Dakota, . laken o.n .lilly 2. 1(105: shows thouto our 0\\'1\ 'genel'ation : ·18 sufllolently I I· IOkluhollla IlIId Alaskn. All exccl,t stlnll M 01 t ' I' n ~ whl 'h were Lhen bl' 'edenots nIl' s ,rlels~. 1 I VI " 1I1llsQ ' ln Okinholllrt a lld Aln sku com- Ing on Sou lhwcst lIal'bor Ko r , ouo or avldl need Itl' lills Intel'os llng fa l : l18 lt II lie 0 rieNI' l ar" 'j I': ne"'t0 pel' p'I'I l>e smnll Islanll s of tlLti e (I I' nl) agrl- I the Old IIlIl'hOI' Islands (s('e (>1. LXX. "Und el', th skull of a ' vcnci'alJl e li 11110l 0 I seem 0 m3r ( . I I I II ~ 'fl ' U soge- \\'bose skeleton yuu h ave "een cu nr t os for YOIII'lI\!I\'os (th,) sk elelun numbered ,'t t II I °hl and h encl) of far greale~ "tlue lhall I lIIonths lIlly l'cservBl[oll becumes l.b8 Ii), we fOllnd , In a I'omn l'ltubl e stale e ' .,. I IIe at 01'\' 0 r somc S I'unse ru S n ot p re~el'vatlon, a roll or mllnu li~ rlilt, f II l lllli au, ort t ill. Inf n Co. 11l11ght appe:u ' fwm thl'll' I\('r e~ge. rel'ug'(' ror lh()lI~anrls of duel(s uf va rl, 'I ~ I cre h . . 'I'h,' bf's~ knowu of th ese I'l'sorva, , 0US t;f,ecles, eSI) c lnll\' mullanl~ : .', I dl PI I .wrltt en In a lonl':ungc olll(ilown a t lhu \ :I.ln y , ,.\: /lI'C 1'(,111 11 e( · 0 I Ibe nor!.h l'l'lI t)rescr\'es. . . f tl . Iall\n" tilt I lions Is Pelican 181an1l, In Ind I an !'Iv · r, Kutllce It presenl nay-strange· hl cl'oglrplcs, my N , allo Ieon 8 a IeI' was a OI'C)' aOl a f f . S I I J t I . J I . frtends.. cabnltstlc · Slgns-prep;nanl Iblll I Plorlda, not · Ill' rum Jaslran. t s 0 say 11al lit I \IrOIl an (I S lIklwlt I I I I I ~Y:'lal so IItll e 1II0l'e lhan /I nlljcl flnt. with only r escl' vullon ij, In LnIH;! Slillel'ilw, Mlcbwith t he ~IKdoll1 of an Intellecl In' 'It'l19n lalc c ~gt n Ill,o rall selns l l at li S S slerts, POll' ~'u >lr )1- 18 " ~e. a f,' \\' black mnugi'oves, ono or' two Isun. rorm th e 1:L1'gest bl'eedlng finitely sUll orlor to ·that of man as be were mmoe as ane Ilvs ter c·n. _" n . " I hi If . 'III I I ('ollhagl' pn lfllR. ' lind huge . IJIlll!hl)l; of gl'onucls or th e h elTl nl( gU l l th ll s far Is l o·day . . ~8e WII~ e~l~eo ~g ~ s~ns I gt:as: lO conc -Il l Its xplln e or some- dIscover cl lit lho Inlel'lor; !l 1t(1 'Ihat "Bul, ~tl lI hlore re IllOI·.kllhle, per· po ~o~ l lngers 0 a : ." 0 8PI.ICI' c emi l thllt :;; leg!\ roli l' acre". 1"01' Illan y Slllmpl..llk' l'e,· ('1'\'alio l;. III :\ (" :Ih Onhalla. than thc ' w.rltlnga Ibems ' I'ft:'s,.ls tl \·a·o c Ih r ' I)Cral lll'e: I h Ic h tc ntiel~"" 'rt'r mOl t I UO , yea rs II hu ~ b(,en t)I e I \Omc 0 r a I arge. , kota. ullItnllsh ~ mllll III ext' ent, Is In t.blt racf 'lhot th y it!'e dOlle \Ilion pa· I In a~er~tIIlI~n~ aCIl~I~:onH RIlPOBI'N 0 IIlV, co lon)' of bmwn jl IIcans, ' I he onl), thco mltl sl or lit .. e~teIlNI"e bre edl'u g '1Ier:'-II\lOn pApel' mlleh the slim h i' f'Cl1nJ>; grolluds or . tile sl,eeles tbuB I;I'OUI1/1 S ful' 1111(,, :;8 lu lhul 81~ l a and tcxtllro as tllut now ,.la common \lse. hO~le had °aYs"asmOdl'c.~ nlfecUon of t h , h Id I i h II He fal' know.n ,on th ea ~1 coast 01 Flo rida , dlll'llI~ I It o aUI urnll fOI'UlS a h(H' e-n ,ot Some\VhUI coarae, It may np llOal" to 0 t. e .s 1 "1 el'l alll ( II ,e' niB. I e Prlllr 10 1001. when th statp )la ~s ed a rer USt' 1M mi g ratory wat 'rfn wl 011 liS: b\lt lho murva'i l s that It slu:itild ' arm, was rxcess ,Ie ,\1 IT t 11) e 81H S von I ' I ' ' . I I t th I !; I I h d I I COIllI)I' hc nsh ' EI aw protect li S nOll· thc lr Way s .. uth. ha"e end \Ired at all , art I' tlle flIght t o v 0 e~ nn r ea i .' \V I C mn e , 1 m glull e hll'llll lh ' Ir n 81S ahd !\~.~ , aOlI of au elarn·I I)' . ( . PerpleJClng, at time un apIII·CllIchahle. He s(,~ m ~' the AUdUb~n: sucl'llea Placed ' : wanl . "I ' rl'ankly 'confQRR, my frhin (\s . .Ihat Sho (with oxaspul'atlon) -1 - 1 willa 10 h~va had a mnnln ~o r ncstr,lIctlo,n, en hI charg(' of (hl' Island, , he col oll Y I am qat deeply lenrn(ld In phll olol>lcal hnll lI evel; m1l n 'l ed ~,! .so lhathe whltll · d 1,Ieccs of fUlnl l1lle, wa ~ ill rlan "orofexl I·mlnatlon. Plllme lore': bitt., · 111 ,t he p\'Qllo r nmo, tliese brol,e "arllcles that we l'e prasented to g. 'rhe 1I(· lIl(' - ~on " ld ... rilllt the er;· III i hed C ll lldl'en whlll! h ca hUllte.." coul~1 ells lly .r1 >;lI'OY tb n bird:; manll9cr\tits will bo submitte d to . ex· tr:wr<lInary ~lmllal' llY iJf onl' ·opinloDI• . P l~ m, d I t I l 0 I fOl' ·theh· qUillH, whleh \\'1'1'(' tll r' lI III Jl~r,t 8: and ' m~' [mliresslon .ltl , illat In rcllRO em, anI eo, p aSIII'e I. (' . II U8 t 11l11in p s fOI ludl H' hats III)' Ileur. It Is 1II'Ious that We fil'e. Doc. theRe caballsl'lo signs will be .truced shooling Ihe nil'S blJ'lis wll h whleb as) on I' 11 .. . . ' " . heller COIIL!'III ,I. - ,Judge. J08CI)lllne. had ' slock,,/1 Millmalson. and (\gg eo lll'ctors could any awa ' __ , _____ _ _ an amnlty to Hie Anclerit · -Sjln ~ kl'lt. t sill ' Silt bl I t l al'gc nnm)Jers or eggs, On l' c'ull !'lnr Anti&tre oUOUI, ·"The gl'anduul' of ElgYIII 's I}),l'alllld8, 'I'll I , eas 0r)'lO all m . n 0 8 Who Visited the ,llIl and In .''ill'll. IS!>I. rtlekNl '- l ~!I,\', .: Ilsy,nn, how dtd "" the m ysterIo us .Insorlptions of the 'Ti,lIaNI'oXY81mono. s rIIr;-C 1 h 0 bit II I rocorcls th o fael tbal 10 abOUI an It,) III' happcn If! l11arr)' II widow? . , pu '150 \H,,~ . Ine(1 tem·I )les of Ccn l\'~J. America pale I apo c ' I. lIa Y he : galhered lIome ' ]2r) splli. whleh EasY lIn-Oh. I did Ill)' co urting . . In Interesl hefol'o thelle priceless man- ' musl ha v!) rCjJ1'{Jsented a vel'Y consld· I do I'\'(' r)' t else-alon g 'Ihe Ilu U8m'IIlI S thnl, RO ncar pur o:..n hOI!lel, u we bave wrc!ltr.: d rrom Ihe beart of -5 and this slownesk or the Ilulse " crabl e prol1 l'tlon of Ibe e,:;gs tben .In or' IObst I·eslslance.-Chlc;:go ~ , u , • In the nests. Eveo tOlll'lsIS Ofl 11 did ~ !\totbnL' Ear~h, where tbr y, hav repos, repule!\ ~o be cOmmon In eplleJlttc.. considerable h'aMn" 'by shooUnH at the ' Cl \\'l. ed 11\ pear.e Rnd lO~urlly [!'Olll an 10' fle had periods or · e~cc41slve depl'lItI p eliean8 m 'lreh ' becallse Ib<:y 1'111'Soothl/lll Her. Bnlll1 an ~lqlltty ." alon, alld sometime!! Ibey ar,nollnted, nlait!!d ao ea~y' mark, 01' dr,,\'!) Ih{>11\ Miss .l ellers- I'II nevor II1'1at.' AI Ihe cheerll that creeted tbe pre.. to 'alntln. spella, 81llt wI) may wel l fl'OIll theIr nests thull exposing the bel' again! She told a frtend of _ _ Ideal'tII peroralloo IIlIbllded, the vlllaare Ima.glne that his llhyal(:al derecl~ van youn" ~o fl'Ie "Il~rcblng, oftlln tal81, tbllt l wall an old car. . pa-Iot.reb role. In Ihe rear of uie lahed Wl)t'll a clm was on, Ind ra)' s or the 81\n. All tbl!! III ~OW ~tl8a Clp.lcuPI-1 wouldn't mInd ~ lad •• ked (lel'lllt. .loll to By are. It WOUld\! be " I~at ebanged. For the 1..1 rour ycars the dear. ' Sbe kno'll" U well ~ 1 do ~ , word" . ......rea " e,l 8I1S),.-' bird. a,e eaJo)," \lie ,rolec:tiOli lull'so Dol 60 ,.L-Qa1C.... Trtb~ "1'18 - ao Icllo)ar," lie weDt all; "all' N, II, ~c:al -.
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F, N iI.: h o lso ll , tll,," t " I,," r':', _ , AII.I till il:! ~ t ai ll IIf I 'u r . L..los t:s a Lo n g Ll fe · 1A 11<1, lVuII I'! n ':I foroy r dl~lIppelll'!s.
.. Ir!" ~khoJ,mn WIUI III trill' IIX· I 1\ ('u ld i'5Elt.tlnll In H i~ Khllll·Ys . P,Lin fr om ·n. Burn', \l r Qn1[)tr.,. R I· POUOU I (I f l.hllt.~l1rvtlll\' "f"l"nt tllul I\.J .h'lU I I'S~""" \1201 UnlJ, ,!, ·t., l~v(Jrl byCh lllllu r lu in'" 1' 1111 BIIIIII, I ~ nn olllllnlltiull .,f nl<' .1111'\1'1111' uf "hi. uUtI writo~ · .. ( 11111 ,I !lwllcihnllln A lit t.l,/ 'hi l<l uf MI h,Ull I'HI'III1 /l t h "IIII\('r J.\ght." :O;h •• 1111 "flora 1I11l1lllll IIUt ill 1111 k ll lll .. " r wl:ll t lJ er . Ilf \'o r n nu, '0 1111 , WIlS r lll"'lIt,l;v h~ I I' I t ' tJ I J t. Ilk II ('!lltl whll'h ",'!thlfl 11'1 m y g r Ollt, ])1111] f r m il bllrn on 'b hll1l l1 II', 11 H'tlrl " .." ,\- 1111 I'" !'WI'l't - ItiUII"~' . n n t! I \\,,,~ III 1",,1 shllpo. 'l unll n.. Cllld u pplk llhou nnl\' 111 t>l-l t h ll \HR o f 111'1' lir!" w I' P t hl1'1 111 trll'lI Ii "" ' r,, 1 IIIlvl'l'll""11 n'm di es <'I' IlIlOII tho .l nll nlllll1u l,inu , · Mr. whldl . h""ht 111111: (~n tl k. , 1' :.1I·l't. with IW , bl' !ll'f~t,ynl,!I. 1 -,,·.•s 1" ' <.)111, 't.ruu McnDlC to ~1 r. ,JI~fII0~~ , Xl ul\ in~ Hel lls OJ]" hllllblltlt 1I101'UII1I-<' 1 ~J,I llflLlIlln rr.\ ~,)I, 'v s J~ldlh'.' l luro . I , I\.loon l mer h .l n!, t o r ~OIUO lll ID j,t , , ' I I " " 'u" I wlJ·tllll'tl~ II! tI bol l III' ('l l·l'·1 1110." t o sto p tb )Ill in. Mr . Ni hoi ~tI\':-: ; I1111 rlllg 1l\l \\ 1)1'1 IIIIl "'I" 1\ h I ,~UIIU I" (·..., ' ,11 ,..1\1~. t "1,' ' ·,,0 11~ ('I IILlllul'l' " I Ill" ,"., . '".: lIu YI' s a u., I Illn \\ 1'I11Uj!' lu her ~Il h r IIU O Inn [llln B ul tll . nnd ~ h nr~t uppli 'utilm lIft'dth hlrtlldll~- , Fr;]lIl; H. :-;11111 11 1'11 1 1 ~lrow O~l t tll i!lllnlllulIltirlU Ill ul gll' \: '~ wrott' "'Phl" Ilfl h ('lIrO\1II11 ~~l1l1k('I''' VERY LOW RAT ES Inl U Ihll to 1'011 f . I lluv ~l"l'll l,hl A bn",' Ih'l'iI 1" I1!{Cl'lIntlnc('.lIllpll"l\('d Hulm nt t1Jy elf nnl I' t'OOlllllllllh'll it ver y a u. n f r ut. hUTU!:!, I:ltr ui ll l' mor l' t hHnthl"l"~t. f\f\I .. "· \'Ia lind huu uII1; . lin d It II V lI()v~r 'I'hl' 1\lini-tl' r .1w.'lt n ItllI Mr... knuwn it to d i!'n pPo int," For "III . i<,b olH n'. vonttnllif.' .,;. It'll,!!. II~ Louisville' & N ash ~ilLe R, R. by F . ' . h wn rtz.
'l'lw B~ II Lit III l.!fll, " !olgn1fkl1llt. fh ut. I.hllt· Ih ., "tl'(Hl~ I ' t't II lIilli n lu t t " "\1'.1" t h e g olr Illll, /ll~ q lIu ... Ih .. I n r l'''~ 1 Ittnf!, I'" \ ('rflll Jn n ~" IIl plln .. l'" wllrl'ul C',·.·". n l' ,,~ , U u\\' til k .:np t.llt 1" ' fd,,-1 h '"'~n n" ngh 1 s h ull III hr 11111 11 '" (,I"" ",.1 'Iml '. 1.1 Iffl t·h ll mlliiul-S-Ul'-ull"""" M,·,. ()~u tih pll( II ... of I"or l \\ I h ll ll , ( ) . h ll" IC lll t ntl(1 h.ll\' III " thil'l ' h" w nt t!~; " Th,r ots \) .. 11 1, ~ . \ DI·. l{lIIg 'Ii \\' DI ~ uver y . '''1'1' , IlQ-'" (' u \l ~ h o f' two ~' Ul':4 Unt ) C'III' , "I' Wltllt !II.V f l'lomlti tJ,o l1 j.fh t . 11 11\1111111. \) tt'", ~r l1 u d rll r t.!. ,.;, lillcl 111111!' tr ouhl II .. U UllI·IIJl t,lIe·1 " I' F . C. 1'\( ' h Wll t'tz cl TIlJ:g . I I'~
7\1. \V .L "'~G,M .D; U.M,
urn ('onntt·tI ;lit powI'rf,,1 11\ TO NEW ORLEA ' . .' itl' IllllunnC' ' fnr puhl1r IIIHI pri\'IlH' gnJl1 , H e r p lI hl\l" work <lill n ot hin · In (t'Il IJ!n g H ca~t h Smcc Pussmg Ill. l)r'lkt' n. wen k ; TWII .. bll t 111 0'(\ I' hI r fr oll1 h('ing II (10m ~tl<: BIEN N I AI.. ME ETING Ce n t u ry Mark . ~lI l1 tt l · r ll)l{ m it;p '"\' 0 1111111 in t h(· hi ~ " >It 8l'Il.'1 ; !'h e .. - W ith whwh U j:!f ll n d s{ln l ltro k '1 I . f h 1"rom 'rb' IIIOI~n'pnll" ."Jew, . or "Cpl. 10'.) l ' WIIS unfni ill/! I n IPr l'IIl',' . Ill' or K nl g 'h t s S ~1 1I1'\' i ll g t il \.), 'nlh , . t, wu rr t1H' lig ht ; fllm ll s n nd in IlIIr h O~ll ltlllit .· to B I'I'\lII :;" hil t " 1t)III II/: h W II,; ,.,. , "'t'lIk ANII l)l·: .\ I. ~~ H iN Mrli J,lna ~ ml t1.Y 1 0h~ l:! on " long Rpn tlill " it~ 1)11111111 o f n lu lJ t " 'f .• ,.. .. gll!'s tfl . 'l'1l hll_1\1 of (lI"lI th II1l1do Octobe r 15 ••25 , tHOI; tlII I.1 Ii\' "",,1 .. -:1 hl1 l!~ 11I1! t hlll II l1 n I I I f 'til t mill u I n (,.Il Ill II t.o I1n e ou yes· Tha t it m!j:! ht, !<tnnu f nll st lltnred i n l~ (\1 '11111 tlltt, "lit, " frt< · Mllr.v II \VII I h t· . I k yonn t-: II ml henutlful n"ni ll t·h fnon \, , ', 'r( IIIV 11 f Iprn n!) n II ou ~ 00 OC . <'~ol l ' " Rlg b t . t fll' •• If " r. C ln i r Ht,. (·OlllllJhll ,· , U, J _ • wh ere n lI nnelr :1 ye llT of lif n 11(1(1 r·.. r ' ""'. InfurtH"llon !\ IQ.!:tl . lOr ~"I. TT Mr . Niob o\olO n h ud bee n In fulli n g Th \\'11 . 11I"l'lIlI,v .. turvitl g to 11.,,01 11 t-;h ll . (l cn .vx Uu rst t h llt· It Inig h loose left itA r ocor,l "n,1 Ilm iiS lin .Irk", •. " fu r 1II11_lnll,·" \lOUI, . J.'\.. .... WI'II I ' ~; " )1 ), f.Il Il Ill<\ h Wl\ 8 ~II Wl'lI k heal th a n d unnblll to.. bo r fr le ndt! t h e fl o we r " I lei .Ie",-rll'll,'< I Nt·u· Orle,,, •• n,l I',ol bt " 01 'ret! [)11 0n f b J 'J'b!l loy Imll fHllllirllii on {If frlendll h , II' /'<'" I" he '{"'II I'nrllllt " ,"lllr\! • in hi" h oui'll wh or o 110 frollll n ~f\ h'~" Ilrllg!< t lll\.t. I (\.Inld nilt . ' III noll the oe Ie b r ll.tlon 0 a r one h un- W e auw th e illist but l)y th o ann_ ntl l.' II 0/111 "'h ~ I" d n,t Illl h our;; , tin y lit. nlllllilY Il\l r " l l ~ HIl wreo kell t h ltt d ra Ul bl r t h d 11." F e b' rullry 1 . .. os e bellUis power ; , eXl'rot'Rcd its If . ill 1l0wl'rll . T it n i<rh t. I coul,1 IIIIt IoI If'C p ; IIlId n o t, hofo re 1 w hl'MW h e r t h en recall t h e oheer - The dus k thll t eem etl t o lowe r . 0 1\1 11 n \ ' Inh. of wh io h !ll rs . irh .1 11 ~ 1 1I.' ,\1":" .. 1'. ,\ l..oll I8\·1I1,·. KI' " \\'11 " g i VI\II up to diu \\I lIl' 1 illflncffil ln, ~ .... lin d ..utr e n g th ot spi r it WIt h W aR o f t h e m ornin g-n o t h o mld . j a I HQ n WH~ It (. I IIlr t l I", II 1I1'~1L II. r ., . ('I IICI'IIIIII" '11' 1" '00 he Imll·t\ 1111lllllie 1 fn to II',\' EI ' Irin Bllte r t'i w ilh Ih n u cor III i ' 1II leI'. lln< . ' , \N b'loh s h e e nt llrtui ned the f r ienus I t ho Pll r l or ('\nh ~on tr\btll.,~ , .1 I:. 1t'\\· ~"'·""1·. I, P ." . t. I... ul_. ~11I. 1:1 a v r cen t ly 1II 0vel1 t o r Ooln w nlll' rfull'l' nit I,hlll, illlJlrtl\'I' m nt gllth llred abou ~ her wit h r emi niscen . . n igh t h ou r . I 11 c. IIAII ," ' ·. ~ . \\' I' A 'hl"a"" , III' n xt t,o r O B1'o:;. hegu !) lIt .iu('o, 1I11l11l e') lIlpl nt .-. fnr o ' Cfl" of t b e blMtot io m ovemen ts and And ~o ll bi r tbn ot d outh s tnm1 ! Hor bodywill'h Ildd llD lIUill siclll C [ •. ' TON h: , '( n 'l PLl~1'. A~ollt'I M A I ~ tiT FtlUC1, WAYN!o:ti\' U,I,I<:.lI f,i\lowc!l " BOt' t, lllllllt,b LOI llh nn rth r,\1{1 Hllnrnn t," A\I h" \0' U nrllietl In which Mh e h a d ta i e n active besid , W in !.lIC lonn where Il\' r kind r ed, leep. .' L.nt l .\ I loLE. I'y, ~~~~~~...- -- _ _ _"""", I1l1 ~r h "'" n ~, oI r t1~gl"t.. . '[h ~pot QVflrlt')okR th JIU'j:!(\ tonk · I )J1I1·t . Ou r o wn fO Rt glt.the r ln g yeur:! com o e r mOIlMng h OI1R(' ",h!lr" j rll . j iell ' - -ECZEMA u nd PIl,E C URE Mrll. N ioh olson' ~as bor n in Irede ll glorifi iI : 'I'h IlIxn t1 vo efl'N't . ot' 'hn U1 UM F U EE K IWIVill j; WI\ II t It W UH to !luI' · . Febrn And brl1" or me o lson wor!ll)ip(Jpd in h er ro nth oncl lllin'!! ·totllll ·h .111t! LI' " r 1'11"1 c'''Imtv N o rt h IIDa ID .. II.b 'l cl0, " t~~ I"~ fo r 1 w ill "Iv FR~~ I!: )E' ' H A R(~~j III I' '. , ' , • 'rhot we have soen Benven' nrl y , o nl nnh nnrl, ~I t " 'Blynosvilh', !lQ lI~r e(!lJbl e nnrl" nlltnrnl \· Ou ( ' /III ... . ... rv , 1806, of QUtlke r pa ren tage. At ~r It hi O., hll r clly I'!!n lil'.ll tba t, It i~ prmfllC't)lllll1 II ny u f,ll io t od IL pusHi"A ? lI r ft1l' E t h fl llge of eig h t , he r pa r e n ts mo ved Iloo r fiung It.wi 1 . 11 111 cliclnl1. 'l'bl\s tllh I N.~ 'LIt", ()l':r Z lilli, Sti l t rlw u ni f' J' I'!lIII(·III,. 111 11-" ' . " Wilfre n ooun t y, Oh io, w h ere she Fo lded Hands . • On ' pt . For Ii)' I" t ' :-;('11 ,In,l , skill [1l,;III ,n l ' I 'II vo1l i unt il II h 0 cam e to r.n dinoap o- "Pale withe r ed b llnus tha t m or e ' l " tb t l1(1 f l . , ' rtz. 0 all t, li U11 .l r IOligo r , w nl,. r . \\' . I IlInl;V WI' th tl II ~Om l1ln!\ ~llI ln 1 ~66 Ber mo~her w a s f r o Ul -I I" of th ai r hlllov('d m othl" r lI 1'rlv('d /It WI I, L A.M ".JO o\l n nh l\ t.tlln Il ynn no W'll f K'1d n o y " Ion Iva soor o ye ur ~ ~-N Y I curo any case 0 Cllmpbell ollun ty Virgi nia nnd h e r Hila wron g ht for oth e rs.i\ooth ed tlJe "nyn ~vl1l(lllntl IIftl' r " l'h nr hnt. €Ow o rk El\eln~" "tIlJIIP . l'Or Bladde r disea s e that i s nol; IlDOO8torll' in ' the O ld Domin ion da w • bDr t of tonI'S, . im pre!l~i\' fI rvi ot' lit i\[)lIrni I' nlft DAYT~N, LESAN~N s )\11\) 0 b e y01;t d t ho r !lc h of m od ic i n , from a r e m ote ptlrlod . ~ rll. Nich o l. Rooked the ohillire u ls or adles ensod I tar:\" h nllel, cnnlluctllrl b .l' R or H e I • GIVEN UP TO DIE• the f ' 't " MoKuy. nn in hI '" of th" f1t!('tllI!J~d CIN~INNATJ, B. BpleKOI. I- N. VlrOflnh\ t. , Efannlll ... ..o n '8 flltbe r , Isaao W a les, was of eve r s m a r , . " . ' .' I'\... ~E ~. " , Ind., wrl lA>>>:"l"or o.o rfuur l' Rn lwaAIN,l ublecl lScotoh.lris h. pare ntage. D t Qpt tender es t blll m in "lIloOY' un . h e wo 111 1<1 to r o t 111 t lhl1 l?enotl' w. 1::. M R I!:. !h'c~h" " ' . Ie 'll'lthllkldney uudb ln.ldoru f octlon. 11... UIClil. '" f I '. f I 1 .. aud 'P/U lluublo to work. Throopb,slolaDJ f"lI04 1I0hing lle ll.rt. \1 .. hoy 0 onr ove, lin"" I'll V>! I( I N A N II KU lttl li: N ~ hOlpm ~ aUd 1 'II'''81J IYen It!' 14 clio. Foloy'. . . Mr8. N ioholson Is s ur vi ved by, TL\I Ii: • A I D Iduoy C ltl'\! WftS "'Clotn",ondod /Iud Ibn 11 "" t hree daughtef8. Misses ElizlLbeth Now tir lcss folde d liko 'wnn r ose A goodly Dumb .r r IOI1 ~ t.l m e ~:FI"t;C'l'I\'JLI l'llll. I;,. 11,11, IN ~I A N HI.fl\.l K _ ' ttlo.«ftvo .nollront TQllof,and ,,(lor uiklllll Lb. 4 botU. 1 was onllrolr ourod." !lnd Mary Nlchol80n, Mart h a Nioh· leaves pressl!d fr ien d b o(1 1\ _ mbled to loo k fOT NOIL1'IHIOUNII, "olson McKay; two grand·dll.ughter s A bove t h e s il ow and s!len oe of b e r the Ins t time upon t b ,1 IleMI [DI f fH\(\, Nn. I No. ;t· NI" r,' '1IIl lJl berlllin ' .. l.)o nglt.R m dt' ' 50 (Ants ... Mary L , MoKayand B ele n MoKa y I " br east , t hll t t hro Dg b lo ng yenrs luId nl wnv A. ~r. A . M. r~ ~~ II Nlltllr '~P lll n . \\ " , 1\ " f"·.\' ~I k 13(,., ' Steele, and two g reat g randson s , I t ' j they tell of llLbors gr eoted tb e'll! w ith II s mile , 7 27 1:10 !!~~ 1 ,, T In WO!!t Su oeo!:lsfnl UHI\licin es But onr!'d bv ('hll Ul hl'rl al n 'l\ U;1110, Bonae McKay and 1'h eodore Steele . n m n dI!0~~P8ll ,lRno Nioh olson'S W it S 0 life of 1 7 ~~ I III I ~ I I ':!l I :; 17 lire those ,t bttt lLid Iluturu. Ohntube r ~hol!) rl1 u ... \l Dill rrli ofll,' Rm,'HIII.v . A tl to th La t II . s elf·saorlfice, Even to t h very 111 ,t , IU .lU Ir. I 111 :, .1 :; lnin ' Go u gh RI,H II Od y uotll 011 thltl I Wh en m ;v lou." \V II t.WII Y II r Mo ld And we ear ned r est that oame at , I:! 100 7 I I ~ ... 01 plnn 'rlLk u it ,y h en yon bave (\ oold h h uil ll " tl r v ~ . \1 .'rl" li N,," ,lt nf hnw e ve e 8 • Air• . NloholsoJi. 'e interest Iii the set of SUD; . her e very th on gb t wn .. fo r o.t h e r a . t';' OU " 10 01 <1 011 +;, 01 IIUU it will nllllY t h' cO!lg h , r elie ve 01 nompl uin t.: ' litH. hy th n " " .1 of Ilfe and thought woe a otiv!, nntli· From the worn brow the lines of SometimEi nt t h e cJo~e of 1\ I n g ';' 01 l'r,1l I lil 1 Ml t he lun g!! . •,id expectq rtltion open Gh lll1lhe rhil n ' n.'II . Oh o ll I'll IInrl within a few weeks of h er deltth. As c ure a r e swep t Sl,lmme r duy . the !In n seem s t h l\n g ; ,1 r, .) :,:: t l ~ r,~ ' 4 r.:l tb ll ' ~l)ore~ion s nnd lIi rl nlltll r e i n 1'1" I illr r h rwlI R(l lIlI'lly WI' hr Ol1g h t. h ill1 ., til ;,; t o 1\1 ' I ~ 61 :<\ ~f) stor iup: t ile ~ystf\ m n f II h OIl1t.h y oon · an t fill r il!hl. , . "'1,\'11 ~hl t..:"7 j n B I C k'I~ , ahe _. aD. )cni-ting by her fireside s h e A8 i f II.n ~Qgel 's kiss tho while she fo r n half b our III t he h nrilzon . onl y r IlI tllly OII U • " ~:;~ ~!i ." ; I~ ~~ ~ 17! d lt'Io n . ,]'110 UM II dl\ h n.r t ellti fl ed t o of Mitl lllTlfl , '\\1(,11 'I' hlll r' welComed with ' the ardor of t h e s1ep t , ju t to Sh oW h ow g lo rlOU i t 11111)6. OuiJa. () :,[1 kfJ ~;; 12 (,0 I I. It s sup eri o r ex lIeu oo. It. counttlr . bt>df' p n ilp 1 upon In th IllI I<I, s o soholal' news of tbe latest s oientifio Bad so othed the man y I wr l nk le8 The dny is d Oll O, t,h !! f(1r vor f t he LlII"o .\ 'I; 41 ~\I Oln " I~ H I uU IICts IIny t eu(l ellc.v of II coIn to r oo ve r e tlPP ~~ven (',11 IIr r ii lIlfll ut.nJn develQpementil and fresh though ts q ui te ~wu.y, s bimng is o ver , unrl th e Run L!!l)nnnn-[.,·. 1I' !1!i II 'ttl I ~ :li) ·1 :10 ~ul t in pne umonia , P ri :lli oen t-s. Is our II 11.1' it . r u ll. ,\\" I h tl 11ItI!" from 'h" best books a1waY8 on h e r And glVOD buck tb e peaoe of child. change gold eo-nn y r edde r than C II " 0 O~ x ~. u «.x 'I' ~Ir~o sizo. 60 a nt s For ;lII le by F . llrlntnrl ili rt"!'tlj,n II nu II 'IU t! III r · >' 11 011 ~ uo • bWLlrtoil. tll i~ !l'ur ~111· · \'Y r () ~()h\Y" rt,i\ ta , bl., Ber hous enold W IL8.. 11. center h ood's ' d l\Y , g old. in th e W est , ffillki ng eye ry . I)" Ylou U*XT I' 40 ' DNXT ~~~~~~~!!!!!!:=!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!' where 'questiona of human progress A'- s :-: l:n i:"' le- .l:·s -- o n the li[)s II if sbe s lu d . .iog loo k . unspol1kably b8ll~ tifnl. R 00 II ou and intellectual and spiritual e n . "None k.n o w Life 's sec r ot SIlve t h e With t b ri ch ,eff.a lge n ae wlllc h I t , ' 0 ·'I.'au XI> . IIg htenmep' found ample discus · h upp y dend" sh ed!! on eve ry Side., A M . ,\ . M P. M , 1', .\1 Mion. The three great ca08e~peaoe . ADd gaziAlg w h e r e sb e lies we feel 0 G od permit·ted thi illlftr o n e Leu"c No~ ' Z'o 'I· N'o 6 No ~ freedom of 1I1 .."ea and rights of that pain l nn g lift, r t b o Id Jot ted t hree scor e IhyLOII : II, I) ~ 011 n"y l OIl ; IJ X l' "00 lv 00 .! 011 ~,oo wOlpOo-advocated by all libera l ADd pa.r ~g can n ot cleave hor oul y ellY and ten of 11 Dmlln !if o oll Lebanon ~ . 7 ~O 10 a~ ~ art r, 4~ Qnait:ers, fonnd in her a warD;! 8Up. , sglli n . afte r h er du ty in t hls '<" orl rl WIIS baker Cr""~IlIlr 7 +:l 10;17 ~:l7 f, ·1-1 porter. And w e a.r e sure-that t hey wh o saw don o to hnn g in th o W e t,, ' thut w e Rool)' n 17 ~ I O 4 ~ • 2 4~ "', 40 8 t./l 1'lo lind Fu n oy Ur!lCOr IQ8, Frnit." bhe had for her intimate fnends h e r last mle h t ee h ow 1)eaut.ifnl fl lI A W O<'l , Ii UlPSklUI .. roo 10 Hi ~ +0 r. .;~ Vegetl\bles lIml cn'nn ed 000111:1. tboee who were foremost in the In t hat di m villta wh ich we 01111 tbe Y e , God WII S goou to bel' . Wl tll ~1~nr~~;"IIIC ': ~ I ,,\~ ~:, ,,~~,~ "~ ~'I i~ur II. n d '('oblloco, Rrea~ phl1l1.nth~opic movements In pa!!t . l ong life B o Iltit' lied h l"1' 1~lId sl;ow- 1.;'Uc ~ OU 1 1 0 1 a 0 "' tl 0' this ' oountry io the iaat centnry, ecl.ller His nl votion . J::i: gC\Inocl ' ~ I ~ " " 07 ',;1 or. · o J2 ,. Who n ever kn e.w h~r old aDd wear y Ber life preBen~ a rare.' oombinaAnd now ti S i fit, s h e hilS pl1saerl VUllllhle •., I I ' 1111 r !1 on ~o 1'1 . eyes . I\l\chllcr ,~ I I I I I:) ,:1 'II "0 JH Phon~ 79. C. M, BROWN, Proprietor, tloD of RCtivi~y snel contemplation , Rem e mbe rin g be~ t t h e muiden n nd to th l~t )uud whe ro th ll r ll nre no Uc:d,b +8 ~Il 11 Jr, !J 1:1 .111 ~ I Ber serenity 'always caused h e r t h e bride. s h ndows. . .1. F . (:, I ' land # ~\I 111 ~4 ' Ja ~ ~ ~d ;10 friende to paUBe 'and listen t o t he s p rllng t.o g reet her with the I. 'lian "n ,I rrll·,' Ii ;J~, 11 :10 a:lo II ~~ promptlngtiof the8plrit, One fritlnd olde n speech , PEACHES Ually CO""I'L 'u~'lny , ~ 101' n kll"II _~~ ~~_~ ~~ Baid of her : "Ber Ufe wae all t be The d ear sweet nam es no Inter l o"e _ _ __ __ ~ 'NIIA ' 'rIlA INR. , beIltltudell in one." 'u n e ll.oh 200 hUfl hel!l from Aug . 2 to 'ept 'l'ra1lIs paSl! l.\'lIe a " fullow. : I And " Welcome Bo~; e" thoy crl'od 1 i t\l. J 00 t o ~OOO bus hoi \ Ye llo w Norl hb(lUOO j ;,lliI. nl. r. ~ "I', 01 1 . L ,' . . Funeral Services. IU SflUlhl)on .1I1 " Ola. 1\1 T oall. •. 1 • . . li nd g ruspe ' d lier imD d, ' m ock!' , fr om ep~ , 15th ·to ()ot . \\'. .. . . ' .001...... I A liervioe for the rela t l ves aod a ~ ru " few tntimate friends of Mrs , Jan e " So d W IUenll(81Sou,,r m oth e r in t h o hl"t;t of ·100 Lus holR filII tln cl wi n l,er 1\ p plel' to 'lIer,, 1 p." "!lJ",,'r Age nt."n.Ou c' IV IN rt'E~ Itqll.~onllbl . {l prieM to 1111 D I ~flo " ..L ' ,Niohol,on , who d ied, Sunday, wa's I Silk ' Petticoats'. . N ll1 l1 t t n I'l plll fl r~ , - -. - - - .One special for $5 that cannot held ht'r IlI.te home, ye8terda y " Her pnth tthnll br igh ten lIIoro II lId afternoon. I\t,j o'C1,Iook, The n ev, m nr o STA GY 'S & K E1'TEHM AN F R jJT excelled. Frl!oDk Wlok8, fit AU Souls' U Dltar. U n to We pe rfect d uy: '0 .. lo." t le, Ohio: Vo Hr'-y- ' )lh OIl O lan ohurch; evnduoted 'he servloes' Sbe Clmno t f ull of pellCo wllO hur l' Ii :!X. Wn y ncHvi11c ('xc'hll u/-:c (.)1 The hymDs of Whittier aDd Long,: Su oh penoe w ith her nWlly . C Ull !'h ip h,v 'Amor i 11 1\ E)( prC\~ ~ f'r u , . Kitl llcy tron ulc pre., ·s 111>0 11 lh r: lII ind' l by fr r in fellow wer "g aung by Mr'8 Thomil. .. F or s till her h oly hvl ng m Oll nt.. W e wer e fort unntc in I)Ure hns ing U nderweur ' to re i nil nt old ... ht. nv, er D. L ,t,:. ( :. R It lIlscouragr;slI lIlI lesscnsn lllitilioll ; heu uty, O. Whallon , MI BB Edith Bro wn No Iluty le ft u nd one; , _"", u=,.1 " ' gor unll cl!eerful· " I){ice' (), m ' f, Blrt tn A ,I . E . .l unll .\' " ;) ~, ne.~s 'soon ,1l ~lp)Jen r PIlLyed tbe " Ltlrgo " of Bande l Imd The h euve nl y' /I,nd t he h n nl'ltl hl nnt. when l he kitl nc)'s llre l & lullaby on th e vi olin . Their kindred hlveR in on e. It ',. ynnr nwn I"u u lt If ,V 11tl Cnn tl n ull out of ortl er or 11 \5- 1 t,o ' u ffl' r with Ind il,(l ::;tion. ' cnsed. Kidney troubl e h as The (lenr L Qr(\ ' s bORt in to rprl'ff r~ .If h F\ o(ltl l(1 n lll;v ~n,' li nd te ll YO II A8 ptlrtioularly p ortrayi n g h er heeoilic .50 pre"a lent Mi sc~ Are h umble hmn lln Bou lA; P"l'~ ""l1l1 ~ "t thn lin n "JOt· o f \V IIY. ~I~~~\e~ t h a t it is 110t U I1COIII ' Ilfe and ob ftrll,oter t h e ,oll owln g The Gospel of 11 life like h e r~ ' '" i.J 111 0 11 for n child t X) he n "~v i1 1 11 penpl e wh o Jill v h e"'n oll re.\ poems 'Yere . retld : ~ hOrn Ilm ict ·<1 wi th n f ilUli l!n ~t,it')l 1 wit hin t h o ln~ t t W\J Is 1D 0r e t,hn n b Ollkfi o r HC I'o ll !! 3~~~~ wCHk ki.l ncp. If the y"nrs hy P(l p~ik . ' l n Tllhl l1l~ ." "\1 Our Mother. From ~oh f\ m e lind c rel'd the h ~ h t w.m lcl n 't, h e"itlll ll 'm tr.I 'llig IIII ~ chillillrillntes tooouen, if th e urltle 5cIII,15 " Bro kfln and worn " f or Y£'lI.rM we . I A III II 11 II 1\ I11" . ~ \1 0 the fl c~h , or if, when the ch ild r~nc llcs flll ...."oe~.~ Ollt" r e llHl d y on e ~1lI!.( $1.00 buys nice quality. nge wh erl it should he " hie to control the SIl.W ber s o '; '. I 'fh o. ~nlll t l y , fu ct,. u r viv II ' C ~ ~ wHit I t. lIn ~ ('u ll ~prl h llll til WI, tI · passage . it is yet a mi cted ,,:i th hcd-wet., Dropping ·from' at.r en gth , fr om · tim e : T b e bl oR"od Mn ster n on ll '(JILn , 101:, Hllll t il a I' Hl I!I<I' h i' ,,,,111' It. tIl" Li ng, del'c",1U PO II it, Ihecnll&! of Ih c .liffi· , S EAMLE Sf~ ... hi ' I (lollht m Ol e · oonfidonce 110 l1u ,; . .No IJllf> ('Illt)' is kidhey troll ul , rlllli lile first I . . d e .... ('1 ng 8 ow ; Ho vP.Illed in h oly li ves . " An . d 80Ilrcely otlul d we know n nl"l\ h" vo {h 'l.l'.\' "J If'Il ~, ~iL"{ I U·III(I · Ri el' shoul il h e towards the trell llllcnt of ·,nll e. hjlioU R III~~~ . n p. r v .llI ~ n o"l' . I"s" th ~sc iUll'ortan torgrl u5. TlIis unplcllsa llt ~ Jluiie are growing in favor each season. Ho~ e!lrth's dark e hb W IIR B ea"en 'l! A m ong. th e tl'ihut" ;Hfro lll frifm c1!\ of lI)lpotitA. "our >I t(l1ll1l01l . <","I I'd tro uhle is dlle to n d iscrise<1 condition of L he kid lleys nnd hllldder and 1Iot 10 a Tapestry ,$12 75 $15 00 Ve lve t bright. o·verflow. t,h e mi niste r rend t he fo llo win l-( ; t,"" g DO. pn lplt,ntt nn , 1'f)i:'l lpHi' l tiulltl', hahi t as most pc.ciJlle suppose. $20 00 $3000 . I Body "rnsBels $25 00 $35 '00 Ing rain WOUle li li S w cll as IIlC Ii flr c tIl ll rl c niiscr. ! ~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ !) r litl v .nth pl' ~1' 1U 1JtO t11 !1 of In d ll!"" $ 500 $SOO ' ------- t itlll II urI ~1" IIl : l 'h tr oll],1 if t,hHY rlblc \\~ th kidney a nll bladder trouble, 1 Jute $. 3 00 DAY TON, 0 , w il l 11,,1,1' " ". l"'P!!, k ,<11t1 'l'1I' h l l SI . it, nll,1 hot b need Ule SIl lite great reme,I),. Estnbli!!h cd i~ III " /I ~ p l " ' n di {1 Il prw! toni <', It i m . The milol 3nd 111e imnl ccJinte effect of I pr"v,'" t h" L\1' 1Ip.r ILl ).IPll lt h . U 'l1 t~ o n Swamp~ Root is S~I() II realized. It is solt! ' 46 ycurs Il l'll! , ,.,,1111 JIt'"h , n Oli i f 'ycon Ilrt! run l{y rl rn g'Kists. ill fi ft y• • ,11I \\, 11 nr c lllll cin ted I b will lI itJl O. t ce ll t ami ollc-uollar siz\! bot tles. You moy I StI~ ·Chlffon newest all prices, silk 37 1-2c yrd 'wide lI00I{-I\ EEPINll "alld PHONOOHAP II Y l a ~ h t onl Y h ,' "' lwrlell,",1 L·:.uhlll' 'I'h''''"'lll,h \ (' I . • ~ . ynu . t t '1'1 o f RlUdenLM I n Hn" l Jo..-...ttloos. Term~ m elll r a t. t . t!n~\1 IIltlrtn ly pay m clll ", t aken. ~ t 1J~I I; lI t'" ~ t r v H UII I H. t· • r \VPll:( I ., l ~ r o hnve a sample hOltle , • a 4mI Ll C~nan,. tl llI e. I I pOKI~lons for RrIl.l uu l".l n .lulr .aIlHlI', :1:10 1""llll)n•. ra ll. I " " IU 1;< ,!"t one ('ns" In II hnnd r flll l.h,lf hy Ullii! free , also II Borno o! IH OS iCl'Y O)()\,' O to AUIf, !.., l UO(\ . W r it e A. D. \Vl L1'. Pr""J(lcll r Iru. "'''31''IlU6. . ., t h ..,.A M bIAt.A \ViJI not IlUI'1l ~ o m il t pn.mph.let tcUiug nll about Swamp.Root, ! , . , , OI'RC S,--a. p';I'(~a ~t(:)C L A College doinr so much for others may he relied on t o dn ta r hnw mlllH' rcm Afll"!l VO l! ha V9 I lIcl u~hng l1IatlY of th e thollsa nds of lcst imuch for y,ou. t.ri nd , dnn· t. !rive' n Jl . •1. E . J 'n nlle y llIoll iul letters recei ved frol1l sllfTcrl!rA Waynesville Graduates 'of the M.'am' k n ows P Ap "lk ola Ttl hle tfol will oor cured. III ~vritlllg Dr. Kilmcr & Co . . I y OU nr 111'1 o"lIl rl n ot t\ell t hem inr nillgllamtOtl , N. '1'., he sure :1.11(1 me ntio"; ~:~, Bl!rnhart, J . 0 , Cartwright, JOB. W. Hisey, Miss Li.lia (jithe n s ' 1I10 r e Mllm t.wo yen r s, o n II ~ullrn n . this paper. Don ' t mllke lI lI )' mistake, I but remember tlic name, SWBI'IP-R(>Ot 'l ~.eKin8ey Ridge, D. C. Ridg;e, Samuel D. Henkle, Geo. A F unkey, ~e to r \jtu r n your twent·y · tive c antil J)r, lQhller's WQllH)o Root, lind llie ad· , . H. Fred WhIte, George.Hess. If they filiI. dress, Binghamton. N, y " OD every bottle.
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FON ERAlD IRE CTOR; Telephone Day or Night. local No, 7 1 long Distance No, 69 -3r I WAYNESVilLE, ,OHIO Branch Office, HarYBVSburg '0.
~ esidcnts.
l.lT'wfnt I")d Ulul .. ,' ' . ,I .}:JI ~, (1. " I·." IIII' ' 11 (. '111' 1(' 1 . , Mis!\ !\:t\tJu'y n Aloxnn derWIIS t h ;Vlrl'. Mnry F; , l)n~l1(ly dle'11 1[1 l\l.:ilJlt)C\1 il-H l'J(C('I'Ul'drlxhn"tU hl'~'n U II I i,! rt ,'f Ot'II . IlI1 g, pI\t'ln l'r~ Ilfl :-ipurli nl! Dr ,thor-.• , ' , ' ,,1 !lL of Oinoinn llti relnJiveR ,fr om t'. O'S t'ull, l nv' nt "~ t arf( 11l cClu nt.)' •• )hit! . E\,nll. t un , 1l1iM O~". ,July :W lit tll 8f11urdll .v m OTl1ill1; nlltil Monllny . fIUCI'OI:-iCtL ~~rr'UT F ur 1'1 VI r ~" I of j lld ll III lIY, I ( 'II' : I. ' 11111 "v I '' 11 Uti in n~c' nf , ' I Yfll\.·" •• tH()1' t~n IIl~ ,~~ of Dnte\l tilt - 11t.1~ J .I }' (If ~ Il plf!lnbf'r ,\ P . ,. . "II' U)')II u• ' ; Ihll ',(1"11" \" 11 • . ,' u. I 111,)(1 ... r ~ . , < "" ~Ir lind , "" Mr!l. 01 i ' II I I I,· • H 111 lilt c· :f.711' t !sllflQ Wl1 011,11 ttl' . ix w tlok " , •• , II .t!lUI'L1 J.; (..l' ~Il A' ,I .. ~;;'l'(''' l rj~ ~i72.!!ij 1l.IIIlUft W'U.l r '01' I' tl fr .. " II ' ~O r ·orco.k II etmg h Ollse. IJllve ~ • '.'111" MI'';. \\ l '~ ,·rd.III'e,l 1!lIll WHlt Dudluy Wil t'! Widow 'J I' Iho .1 . }IlujllLill' uy rJ · f~nllullt, . RutlYlln II , . n flll'l)t,,, ,rQm t~ WP~ k" VI ' lt III lul.1:! P..c.\· .10 .1" \\ ,1,·,llt·" I II" tl"I ·"rut.ln~ l it 1I . ' . 11 Ourl1 'Y, lill' !lI O' I b I ' h i '· HttlllltW UP IIttnrllll YS fur p\l'lI\ [. 1\' ~O U I \ \\'P ~ lltrl1 Ill, w no /I so W · nud 1 1I ini~t ~ I' ,u I"ltll I ' "", i I , '1I ~ 1' hi h" ,',.. t·ltll,,1 :;; I ~H 1.In n Qt b ' 1mp08 '(\ lIpon , rLl l'uf ~I . ~IHI'. 's I I 1" L' \I \l r; 1'.'1I1 lit t I I ",(H em ehul'('h, W ttyuus,,· t11 , lon! ~ till l'l i;I I ' .II t" ,," \\'II~ muc h ' wlIlt II I<rlt,'I·t Ii'nll 1 LL ullY ulld It "1' ,1L'lI th . J1'o ley &: '0 .. Chi ·u.g I, oriJ:;'infltc cl "~ ll jl1 " I I I' 1' I~ lI tll 1S nnd "x t "IISi!1 1t tl f or nrrf'tl tit tlHl h'" 'lll v I 11 , ( !- on llo noy ftnll 'J'ur 1\ thI'On!· llnd 1\lng 1:111'1110 (; I:) lun ~CJ lI vs '11IfII Uro\.et: Merl'c1Hh wh o iH- (\lIgll~ pcl L'ltllrl,'" , with wlt n tl1 "h , I " " , 1'11 1\'1"'1 IIt 'II r I'}dwllru:<\' ill o i.n f tllt' (' hnr1 hU ll h · r r e medy. null 0 11 fl ccQun!. Amlt' INI\t\ t,t Itl. Purtitic lll gro to IlH)Tit.. llm1 l' PUllll'it,y of Fol· with tho AlI1 eri 1m L nf 'l'ohncc h o ul f(\I' fiftf'1'1t .\""II I' ~ >ltutt- 111 Jlringho ro nml Clear or .', I, It .. r io", W\\II"lt IP li t I ii .. 1'\<lttnnl\l cy' B o ney tllIll'I'1I1' Illnn yi lllitlltln p" (' IIl pa n.I' , with I\tJullql lnrtors In Wh Opl " I,,· W II~ ht· ~S ;,( 1 Fit'RI, A If! 't o Beant..v IlIotll l' l' townsb ip . ,J D. Mill e r is I. t t o r f\·'· ~ 111'0 o l"!'!: ,11 fo r 1111' .:on\1lno . t\Hk fr)1' 'ollltlIIJ O ~. llHIlII : 1\ wttnk t'1)(1 \·i. it SOil" , 0 111' I f Wt'I Ol Ill 1" 'hI' H IIII Ih'· ]~llloy ' " H (HWY ItlII1 TnI' \Ill "'l n l" IH' t WII-': ("H.I P I· t~11 1I1 tll wlth V N,rthl f OJ' lIltLin tin'. n g- i~ ruo re r.u rt"in tIl henellt r ~fl1~" with IIi-; purtJuts, Ml\ 11nd i\ll'~ iUl{ B J)UlII('y , lInln'll ~ t' Jlltl" · .\" ' t' Illr .. 1 1'11 11' \If fun I walk t-itlll,'" ~I i ll i.. II nr su b!lti III til n Il' 1'1,(1 ,," 110 n U.. 'r ,v imI' ('I) trlplexlo n thnn II· 2 ceut !to x '1) RT !'1t0 KIWINOS . III K'"~R !I1ill~ r ivol' In'i,lK 1I1l11 HII 1111 oJ 1fer 'ui tb, nf Enst \ uY\lt\ . tHr tu L' rlt . ~.I r:l i 1\ 1h'.I' wa rt lorn ll r VUl'Iltllll\ will givCl th e. fll)'" Ioll1 of r,!LXII k011l I,ll hl e ls. 'P h py fresh e n h; l'tlction . 1t i. It. i Irll,v III XII I I\'e. It t b li S:;10. give cnlo r t" t h e chtJek~ . 'I'lt t, . J \ . ) ' ,Iri< 'I 'rtl. l 'olt1p"n y \' ~ 1;: 11 11 r,l I'll II,.; rnr $:I:l 2:,. J( !l Liz1.te ::;towu 1'1,who IIII!; liJl lit ill Lh·e l' pool. 1~ t) 11\ 11l1l11 , 111111 W II" a conttlin s 110 o pmT !:i lI.nel i. sore sl f"I' our on "U llfItlo n , Il lld give you Il fill n L So \ J. H.llll w" .v ' ""' l'llny "'"\JI ltn ot ,"1I ~t.ruI1 ~ ! h tlnd hl)1l 11 ty ( ''' 11 t rlll'l, Wll~ IlIlId o w it h g f't'UI' tho 1m t, vallI' with h ilI' lliecn In 1~II ·t hihl"cn ' unLl ChlliC:llla p e rl:!o ll ~ .. Ietlr , r osy, Ilellltlty co mplexio n . •1. 1,,'1\ ,,1' ill gl'llul'll llll thEi IIbl ' lU " .. I' SO li fo r I 'r!g I,; .I un n oy , 1:. '. Seh \\,lIl'h~ . lh f'lrin~ tWI) (: u l"l1 r l~ OrllIlgll , New ,Jersoy, will IIrr iva i n or 1' !Jllm 'tl.r. h('lJ) r~ l ll' '1I!i11l'1,\' 1"lup l,. "" ,1 \V "i-It'rll HllilwfI) ' \unp lIll Y I n o n r.. ovelont l r o ad ill l:1u" Jilton to\,~ II .. \\ uYllesv ilIc tll i .. we Ii a n el lip ct~ I"tl fu t' t lH c1nli e~ tlf n phIliP ' t· 11011" ... lilo ' r Apl )' In IhH 1I1l!''''llr nr U", }llllln ~ h i Jl 1'01' ljc :.!li . 10 II w ll e h e l' h ome this wint.e r wt ~h t('I· ·. wife, . I,IIT III l hn inlnrvo ninl: p. ti t inn o f Mi R Goo rgi.1 Hlltlllen , Pllln~ rOJ' r'ou e r etll ur oh n'nr Teai ;-; I'; \\' )"IIUI< . ~I ' jl\ 1',I flll (\ n. nll rl W nllil Wil Y Comp o Il o non of ,'i'~sl1 .M f' tl'. o n tbo 1 IIPUl' Eli Kin !! n ,) \\· nllB night chllr"w IIf D !J:A!I ;\ll ~ BROW::; tllI.V nn!1 RIIOtO is f ortl\\vit .h fII Ad . :-;1'1'101{ 001'0 r 'lIltl '\'PI'fj 1l1l1l1'n VHlI . th o }' l\nsylnL IIHl 1'"i1I'I1I1(\ tllt.lO n tit ,'C)X('" R,:,I '8 'k· ) . J lln~ t.() tlilln k ~' II n I,,,· tlu Wlllillll l Di1u(,u~h " /1 A . C;. ·BAk e r 'l' h llliH t of lh1rl:llllR (\clinql1 111 in ) r ogo nitl 111111 h t Ull l1 Mr, . Ki ll g 1" lt1l'tno uH Il)tl ol', wh l'n ~1I '\lln ~ Sp l i e ringfi ed and C(Jtu mbus, ~epL 2 J, ' 06, \)lIf;' ntlunt Itll . 1<1111'0 to flIo HIt"Wt I' th o pay m ent of II\X O 011 PNSOllld will llll}" fnull ' li m p Hll!.( 1'111 1111 p 'lptl r's r C'llitilll-; 1,0 Ih', "It" fl,)It ,, ·. ')" Ill' bt.i\'nro Uctubo r !(it,1l p r OIl( rl y woro pub IUrll l.v rClIll : W: ll y n eRviJle. II 'CUIJy lng til i r 'OIUtl)l{ N w York , in \\'1I 1l'h ," 011 !'tll l" /1 lbut " Toron to, I3llnJIt{llin Evn n !l \' ~ R olw rt Bridge" Bill>l ullow'lI . llt il rtlbe r 1';" propert y li t Mll iullUlI '1'y le r .. tl' t~ tll ll!\lIl'.i " 11K. :.~ 3", - 11 1\·.11i H " t"4' ptlV U ~qll 1:t1 Lu 10-J. O . ~~. I'''' n( <If th nn'n i r wnult! 100 J)t ftlnlllllH R hll vt) 1I'1I\'& nnl i l fir at, Ohi o L'nrrugl ltLKI 'n ll'ert uml Baltim ore On E 1:'. K. IN ot'JO~·lr. p ult li,1-IP,11 ItlJO llt. 1m; time . li t :Hi Chatt anoog a, Tenn. IIII .V ot O o!oll('lr t ·rm of COllrt in Bridf.(o '0, H 11'0 1' pip ...... ';'0 ";~ lJl . IH. I j I O£' II t., ,,,11ll:" pi 'Il~' l linct £11101 0;<1'11 H cc1 llumtul Ht'unlon . n t Hnma , \ ,' 1. L·,. 111. J7 Hot ·.\' Ar l " )' of f'u mlJ(-rlu nti whloh t o 1iI0 p1en(lill!! ~\ t1l : ~~ . Whltlto r e. brlrlg ro. · ~1 n ." th rlPII t It o f my bt Ht Inv,'c\ Oregon i ll, uf l pr 8pp t . 12, '00 vu i l' .. .. .. . .. ........ .. .. ..... 'j ly of Mexico All I' qll i r (> ll by lu w tb nnnunl ro (i Color ado Sprin gs h" lfl!lI' r "o~l1J1h, 1 fenl 1 ha \' ~'11~1I 1'1 1 \ I t l) :\ 1 \f " o1ne ll'lll t 'lIllJ;r...... .It, \VO h tlve jtl~1 rf>oell'ot1 n (\III' o [ :-:.'I'\. 1>4 . 1,1. ::0 ' Plkc '~ ""ale Oe n tl'nnln !lo rt, Clf ! h p ' 11m ml p~1 nrT!' 0; WilT· HUl tl o. lu mueL ... .. ....... .... ... ·11 ~I) !'''''II In 1,)IIoh wll h thl'lIil'K II f Lc AlI~(!Jc " . "1" ~ tOf 1.1 N~I I 11 .,,11 1". \ '"nl'cll tl on Iho \" 1'.1 fln I "loiof(hll'MIp Ulllr k" t, p , '\V h 'llton , '1'1' 'II !o\nrpr',. ,·tm ('lin n r'y WII ~ flIN!. Slln Francis co till ' ,,1,1 t n Wtl-rn '{ hirth · pIn 1'-:1 flrl , ' nrthw(! s t Ilom cs('(!lcc r s' Excurs ion. 1I1T11I'ch; , th .,~1' h i n 1-(1 ,,;.. II n< I{"II(l f O!;,H f r l1ll A 1lJ;IlHt !lottl Soutuwcst ". l'lhnl' B yuw nr YR MnUi i n which IIlr [II t)11 1.\' W,'l'I\ bniltlPr \\'c~ t. .111 A "~''' I ""·IIt <IIl lwr. (ktoh,' r South nllm l . lU(lli .... ....... ...... .. l ilKt' :iii Lhi k On eH 1\ ml "fl r .Yflv~n . ell II II 1111 1',.,. fli oI tl\· [)1\'O f(' O IIrlln!t·I1 . ()f it in III l)IIst a ud ,l uSAJlh It v"d Ii: B. H oge r H. III ' UlIJr r Bn,\f'(\ 111'1' l.hoUl . .I"flllip H, III' " " u1\l hO\'1\ It 6 11 ~ rl ,.I1 I .1' 'illt" I' ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .~.r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ \\' , H ;-1.\111>1:1\ S, C'O "f r.q IHl 1i1.lltinn . L!) IInYH ii7 110 11'·'ti'l!!, ·r. I'~ I'd tlucI 'c' n jo \'l'c U Ih p lid l, ' pptll" II rllf11PtI h ll(] B B }\ n(lorson . . IUI1€' . ...... .. Ii';' 00 Con,·ul . lIhl " -,".r-,' r rlnlt " whi l1ll hn . lJ"C'1l " ITlIt·(}, ·d h ll r 11I.,j,lfl1l ,I M Ktl(W(,I' , HU Il1CI.. ........ .. [,7 UO I,. ~" "1\l f'1 ,\ I Ax •• lld'· ", .. r:\I, ,ltll ,' IIl Ull)' of VO U. ,, (0\ 1\ H A • 'I'tl\\" II, f'tnnu' .. .... ..... . r,; no t ll\V ll /it'/Piled Keep the Hens .. If \\')I.h 111>1 " , .. tlll lr , \l Ul' C' III t h i" 11 [ I' i ~ Y .1 7.. n l mey e r , hr \(l~u 1'0 Mnt. A1 l'hul AI,·Xil lI /lf' I·. FrH1 " .\· Hlll oA n ,I\'. l' ni,. .. . .... . .. .. :!:l . ~~, nn(1 r PII'm in pd ('''or :-iulldll)· . 01 r l'I{OIlA'\ ''' l'1'\' IIT V .1 Z\lIlllll"Y r . Cl n lrltl·t A le;o;'lllllp r i~ f'''''' 'IlIlI1 ;1( t,hl' ~1irlc1 l r' P,--I • I ' of !:ill·in MI'I·I·ill. "I It I. mIll • (, 711 .. ... ...... .......... ...... .. . , ;{:t ~;, 10w II Dnil.v ~,g nJl! ,tIlII htl " iu,d " (· f\1.0.n .~ 1"H' ~1'IfIr'\nto1 ' 111.,,,'; ~ ' ("'n, l n VNltl l1.t. fi 1...11 ' um a . ('() ntr llfll 'n i~ ...... . .. 21 f,(l wid expBi'lt' I""' " I 'h ,' 111'1" 111~ I H:,\I( M l tI~ BROW!'; . ~:. llIt '·~ rllr . •\ItI Anlt'l1i ; h('r.ou llt.~ I·: Pen r Ro n, c(1tl I rll e l }. n ; T 211 lIO trnd Is r!'commc nded 1,y some of the o M I" A I<' )Wnll('r H l ~" Illd ."." W"' " " lnrgcRt ""I') 11I1'cl in till' foll, \ wl,,/:; ~O!I /l nd FJ erbert ~mjjh, (lo nlm 'I No poultrym en us the moat w~,irr (I f th pr(' ~ lui 1111 lI tt,r" 'I,ion "WIlli til (lh no ){" t.h ", II.dtlrfll!S (If Oll r economlc,,1 roofing rin.1 BidIng for ;0 ... :.... ....... .. ......... ... .. 2H GO fo r · him . wb e r(H"' I' Il l} II\) I III ' \' \\'111 II .. [ Ilr h nllrhll! Oil () jJIlPOI' . M .. .l'llllncfl Ht snn '~ li PId I Lt , It 1111 .poull ry h OIlSC8, sheus, etc. Shingles J, !l" Il\ ' t ibh, . ClOI\ cr e l ll work 220 90 w hil e In WllylH' !'villl' h IUUc\I' tIl" fa llpil Ilnll \\'f' hll\'p C" ' lllf' hpr t tlnll clnplJollnls cost m ore nllll do W . ff . tllllilge & . 0 , blonl; J II tll1l nlll Unr of t,h fl will of Gllzotte offle Ibl ~ n!'tllli Wi'll ')fU t. ~I'I If l hi~ cli n lll 0 WI ll lIe n'etit. him , 'lilt kC(1p t he bUildIng s .IIB dry and for Co r oll r ... ; ... .. ...... . .. t: Mllrt,ln 11,· t>ARN1 . Will iM nrlmiU· ,\Jl,1 \\'1I .' rpv~ r W I) ~o w ca Ul1 0t I!ot o .. II. '~ll rtl1 . '. fl .MOIlIl( R, 'Ie rk of ourtR p<1 t.rt probuta . al ol1~ lI'itltoo t, tll pllper . YOU OAN Du P A r otlorlpt,i c,m for HClld· .... LY IT YOURSELF vl f e fr om tlept I, 1"or; tn ll;.. t ILtn o f MIlT~' -, ~1I1r!ln ,. il ~ceu 1 WIIS , U disnppointecl ~hllt 1 <l id "," Ili ' ''OOll),\' klL It, CliCIt Toll. I d uc~ not requiro pII;J:;lUng lIehe. when finl 15ept J" 1900 .. .. ......... .. ,167 o nt ,.; t. b n1C1 to lltt nd t h e B 10 9· All ; Eclwin C . 1'.inrtln i,. uppoillt ed upjlll~lt. 1I " r1l1 ~s flu t. Oi' ,,1 tll.,lay f" .. (,,·u ~li mplus nu,1 our \)(loklet, . WII Cent.r 11 L'n IV I mlll!o(. I'I' oHm 0unirno \\'11ioll . '1'e lo)l hono ll d IInll gUil T. WIIS ur el.\' " SU6. • x"olltn.r 1ID(1 gi vn~ hoot.! in i<'urn of . 'Bulldln g Eoonomy ," . 'omJl,u: ".rcmtl 'Iml t. II,. I·J :lO tlllt.e Ake·ill Th fl8flll tllu1et!' fnr c . . but siokne. S must b e uttellde d " !i,O!)O H W . SlIrlm 'lllill g, Whit , .~, For Sale By SPEN h ()utlnehe CER & ." nile! MON Il A nry ROE I 15' i 1\ it j~ b" ,Vall oy Tf'lepbo n fl lotnl)I\O V. t o b tll r !' plr'ul\ur G R"ckhi ll. ,111,1 P V. B llD\lllre np olln~e w kn "" 11 0 l! UIU , _ . :- ,;~:;~ OREGONIA, OHIO ~~;S~~~~ . r ont!llln d t.oll.'!... ... ....... ... lG Or, \i(' f o r w e flt.II1l11 r CAdv t. OhtOIlI rp· t,o pll,y your 'I'lli. i. . nr Iy u lovo lv city with I ' IS THE 'KNO W HOW" t.en cent hurk nf, I'ur l' tlnel III 11 brond ~t;rl' t.'! n.nd [)!ITkS "ud ~o 'I B . R. And u~ o n , t.b e I H th e 11111 1,I!'r '1t l II . \\'11 1of George cr. oleot, IneAont d bl~ 'b0111 III i ~inll ' w fl y oure . J , E .I ollnpy ~lno trees .•ltld n ot ou(> lIUI OO!]1 nd in t.h p In the manufacturing of Paroid that make s-it-t he- . l' (),N'·!lII . ,i ~cCfl I\d Will Is nil !llllll of *5,000. Tb!' ID towo bOlll1 ~ 11M \')llJrO\, E"et'vo ne . !Ie m to l.J bare to n joy i,hamRe 1veR .lIld f o r ruitted to I'wbut.e rno The conomlca1 an. d sa t'IS f ac t ory roo fing or High Schoo l? ad Il.nd deposit eu ' with I,hll cou~t :v H1 PIr h ea U·h . ERt ... nf GpnrJ!P T O ' !lnll ll e treUf<ur e r Im~k mater ial on the marke t. Both fil'e p ...... Alldor o n Pllfcreu an weather The ~u.l'. e tt i ill(ie bt (1 to l>rof The IIuni ver~llry of tb dill ov ry fI""~1'r1 8ILrrh, t,t E . U 'Nolt ll is ltV up on blS n ew t f. y t f 11 l ' ' d ·f erm of 'offioo n~ 1111)111 proo . J . G rnhnm , Prillcipl I.l of the of Pike's Pellk is to lleceleb rn.t 11 \ u ge u va ue receIve . 1 you b"uy . I'ilillt('rl tlxeoutr ix wltltO.ll t bood \'\ . h9 r of the B Otll'd )1 pxt w ee ll , n~rl tbey ILre nrrnnl! in g of '(lml! .\, om X nill High ~hool. for n Paroid . ' oo PY f f ol' A grrut tlm o . It. wu II. A lien, S. L 'lI;t w~ight, Rllll A . mis i on ers. ~ ~\D a .bu ll th inititll nnmbor of 'rile Bigh dred yellTR si lllle Pilt(~ B l 'hnnlll er ore uPl!oint.ed nllprnis . rnlched it I PAROID ROOFING PAINT. The BOl\ rd tb~t\ ra or gtl n illoed I~nc\ Soho~1 (?) whioh bll, bcon luunoh ed ~11 111 ll'ltt , pI'li I 1\11' . Rogers \\'OR el er-Iflcl pres'id nt·. Re. p otfull y. upo n the journal ist,io s tl by t h e . Mak S 0 Id roo f S new. G00 d on any kind of roof. Estate of Oil .. U• •' tlo!; Oil ot 1\1, Th Jtllnnu l Tnpll :t of tit" 'Qm · stuc1 ents of the X enitt B.igh _ _ Mn>l. Sohool. __ ..M H. A I ,LEIC sk your rocer f or ACME FLOUR, made II1lnors. S veotb a ccouut filed . ' mi ssi n I' ubmittefl lmd "p. by the A tb e nlllie implies , ( ? ). I t is II E tute of Bolen M , Be.~nett.. im l l)ro:-'ed nnd flIed wit,b ' Orego nia Mills. l\'\on umen tal Work . t.11.<>. 1'11.,.rk of Yilt u!lIll f'le, , 'but IS ~oliciti ng ng beollo. F~rs~ ncooun t flIod . ~:... . Court s ~-.----. . gestioll s from ·wbi cb to seleot. \11' Flour mill has been newly remodeled Estllte of Mary E, Smith, decellse d. lOeo Ol)d d .. II mi ~1\1l : ptoJlrie t.nrs and " the . 'UIl lllotion f,G,ObO, Wll~ t,n l tl"fCll' r'ld T h e lJIlllcr is tl four COlumn quarto. of tlla well know'll m onum ent firllt lii"vent( Jry tlnd IIpproi!! erilent tIl ed . frolll t h R 8,,1 (lier~' qualit y of our flqur i~ better than ever. M Ol1nllkn l fuud [lI'lIlted o n 1\ b e ll vy grtlcle of book of X niu. 1111 \-0 o n b li nd n stook of ~iJt," tll of htlrl M Miller, dece,.,se d. til fli ukln '{ fum1 ' paper , tllltl illl1ke ' Do .lllmllso m e lip' m o nUUl e n t.!\ lind ' lilllrk ur~ which ALL [{INDS OF FEED AND COAL, Tn vAn tory ond IIpprllisement ~. filed . Also all kinds of Hard Good Lumber~ We make a jJpnrnno l', with tll'O " e r y xo Illmt. th ~. wi~h j,('1 di!<pp;\~, of 'I uiokly 111 th ei r III'W huildill/,t '11 I'tttinn!l. tlnd Estate of Geo. T. O'Neall, decaas· ongTltviugJ:l f Prof. G ruhtlO1 find o f II ra Ih" I'efol'll I,rop,.r specia lty of hard wood frame s. .d to nUbk" nn · ed. Widow eleOti;! to tll,k e ullde r t b e Prt lf. E. B Cox, Snll01'i Jlteud nl, u~uull.v clOlla pri s m tb work • will. Il OW . The Cincinn ati Enquire r has jusf IIppr'tlr lng on tJIB f1r~I, l)jlge . . ~ . li . ~r-I Hit "1\ il L' l'ecf-IlI,ly ·'i. ~ue<1 II n ew lIARRIA OIllI.lO ICNSItS. h ssused a New Valuabl e up. to date IJlltIl1"~ . n.> . ~ ho\\'i tl l! TrIll1iy s tyl S ()f Tll n ,,"I'm of ,1 (;Iellr (JU lllp, eXI\l1l I Wall Chart ofthree Sheets . Barry F. Hoofml ln, of Mlldiso n ' l each 28 inches wide~i (SIX pages) tulltlllUl nt ~ \l'hl b will u,~ llIuil cI to lches long, • I>t~\n" I \' ntt ~ 111111'" to Jlor suutt I _ _ _ - - . - - - ...0.--_ _ _ ... _ _~ _ __ L ville ILIld Mtlry E. Mye rs, of Sooil,l· ' The first p shows all entirely I Ulrl'lIct.h' e n 'l · ~ Iblln th e cl nT "k,·\ Hn:;o mtl, rr'stell Jlfll't,y \1n TOfl"(!:!t villfl. Re\'. Winnt," of Enton . t New Map ofOllio i the most beautifu l ; li nd fn'Hh I' Y oumpl" x irll) t,it:ll Clift'ord Urton : of \\'lImjll gton, a~d exad ever printed: In bringing Cli m es t o MI OHA wh o uso LnXII)tn ! " I,!ue III h l e t,~, trinl si l'.e " oe ul ~, II J!IlUrlll! "nd Lint}P. Montgo m ery of Wllynel l . this Mall up to date,. Kho\~iIlK lhe most rorn:rlete tine of bf::...,.. . al\ new to\~'1lS t o /1 'nrc . . ' . JUC\'CL ES. TIIU:1iI an 80ND1U K8 at I'Blelll8 , t nT Flttl"wnl are located, al\ Electnc and Traction l~!< I1nel 111)SIl I'" .!lJ-! I..O\\' Glly oth er ma nufncture r or de~lt:r la the world. • VIlle . I Railroad s are shown, all Rural Mail put.i n n .J. E .Junno· -Arthu r pnor IInu An[l \lie '!'nyloT Routes; and portrait ,;. DO A s of' all the \ • . ';" t;. 1t .J,,?' I..hlil O/ ' l! ntlJ until _ you received our comptde FrH ~ta both of Frunkll n . Mrs. Bradb ury Rem . . ') ~ -~ . ' H. J!lu;;l rll\ 'Uf( QtU.t d C6C rtbinrhAve , Govern ors, . c:v(:ry kin ..! of h lgh-Knide and 10w.Jl1'&Cle: . i...' :Sj ()hl \'. l h: 111H nlld la tl'St mooels, Rnd tenrn or our remarkab ' I..ow O. Proctor , of. lJtlll 00 stcl' 'uod le !Alw On other pages of this Magnifi cent 1'110 1 I "';.' am wu n dorlul now offen mode pos.sible by aeHlng turne d from Engla nd, frOID factory Hn": t I ri der \yllh 110 mld(lIe1.1lent~ profitli. EVIl .C , Vet.or of ~bllnon 600. . Chart are l\oJaps 'of th e United States ~ 'r S HIP 0 11 APPROV AL wilhard " ..,.t rkfios,1, Pa)'th..........11& a.d Q\roy, .1 , P . of Labnoo il . . with porlraits of n,1I the Pr,:siden ts. Do tn\': H, UIlYK It·J'.~~ Tria. Bnd , nlllke other [rs . . •fohn BrIH1blH :-', who hll~ Uberul tum. no other I,· .,. jn ll .c ,I'\)rtd w,1l do. Vou willieunl everylhlc l ....d whtc.h Map of Panama showmg Canal , e l DlucJa wha. al,lc 11t1 I, nll:lllo ll 1ty fi htipty writing us 11 po&to.l. , Frodrlc k 0 .. Jllmetl t1.Dd Arty D. zone, with ViHltiug lJllr 1'111 11 \ I . 'In l;;n~' data relative lo 'the great h IV" lI e,'\1" RldlJ,. Alieni In every town and aon olfer an opportuDl t:r Wn .. ~er. both of Lebllno n. R('v· '. 'Ship Ca~al, now being lund ~l1lC enTly s UflIll te r , 'll l'ri\'(\11 in Jlwk.: IUon cy tu sulln.lJre young meu who apply at onc:e. built by the Bunter of Lobnno n . . .' '. ' United Stales, ont of the greatest (\ ~vill o Ins! W I' II11n l1 bU;f IIgttin Clafano o F. Barfls. of :\tjdd1e town, enterprises cve~ attempt t'lIkc'n !I I h a l' r ef'ir\encp lit lifl F l' il'oll~ ed. , aud·!tln. MIlY..J~ming, of Lebnn on , A top ogral,hlc~ M a p ~f tht RUSSia ~ H OlD l' Rl'lv . Cooper of Leblino n .· Japa.nes e " ar dl trlet With d~ta and . B osill tls En g11l·nr1 lI-tr~ BrnI1un r)' j , details of ·the two great ArmIes \Uld IIls11 v-l~i t Irl iu v,rlt F'rll t1 (' 1) RJ:'!AL ~8T~TIIl Tn!, NSVEIlS ' ~ oft, GLASS Navies, battle fields, etc., includin g IIn (1 h," l /I IU n,'r 'Itj' l, ' uhl" t,r ip, III Pal,. to,. MlIry (). Brlnlug rr; Snntn Monioll 't he last Njlval battle ,:] O~T~~E ~~~ in the straits of (CASH W I1 H ORD ER $4 .\:(;) th on ~11 8 1t H i t1 ph~IlIf"l l l1l l1~ ""rk nl)ifoTl iln" t,o Wllltl1.r H , i:liu/.:fri.·ol j Korea. NO MORE TROUBLE FIIOM PUNCT RES. A map of the World, with Name. in tir e ' I,it.,>d I'>ttltl\ S III!}! ill. 1I1II11l1 tl r ll Result of 15 y"~"·\ C··Pl "!IIel; ill lire lot. ill .Frlmk Ii II ; 120"0: AND Itmkiog, No d ll n t'i), fro. TF'lORN S, CAC. Ben ' MorgAn ' fit 11\ tn C hrlNtinn of Rulers. Coars of Arms: Flags 'ot (j~ p .. oi. lll~ III, UI A H " m f'. ""l.h which TUS, PINS , Nt .L3,· 'r. CHS or GLAss all Nations . . Stcnmsh ip RQutes, with sh.t: jR 'Jlarll o u)Ilr1~' ollllrnlt' d ~:~!:'~J:~:~~:~ ~()hnl.7. ; lot" jn Frflnk lill ;: 2,2UO. Serious PWlctUrt.'S . Ill", ; " t~ " lio lln l knife cuts. can. data and Slatistie s of grea t worth. anti ·"!),'! ..... ailD drip ".8" J'ROM: be vulcruuzed like Rl, ' <Jll",r tire.. , Cliri!.tln n HoblitI'. t,. Eo\Vurel B', to ......vent aim~• . Tbl. Other maps are · th e .Phllippin~ P.o mo r.a Oran~ e to be Two Hundred Thousand pairs now In actual use. Over tint ... 111 Dutlan -0{. 0''''' Sohll!\'. ; IntA in Frl\llkll n ; *1 Islands, H :lwaii, Alaska and Porta . Seventy:five Thousand pairs sold lasl year. m;-1Yn~c.LA8 Ie iii' Held in Wayn esvill e. •T. F.. Sllnok II nd F.lil'.n be l.1i tlnoo k ' Rico, in all nine distinct maps . DE_R, ntOIt, Mn.\c n nil , '17."'" II Is IIv~ly ODd S5Y Mding very durable and lined In.lII~ with 0. apedul quaIl f 1 , "1 ' ... \~ ' hlc b nC"VCT becomc:s porous An to ',l . hldex and wi-aleb dOMeS up 1liiian PUDC'tU,", WilRon tlnlt V. ;1. Zf'.,n,l.lI,1oy will loca te any point without RUowinK lh ' a ir lt20SC:Ip<'. \VI: have hUlldret18 o f ',V ""j' P <I Ilillltll Y "'II) l! ' letters from _tlafied. cutotllen : .lath'l[ t hot their Ufeti h a'vl" o ' , I:,' ' ''Ct 'tI \Jll nl~ Up Qm or twice ina whole season. er; 1 ~5 39 tt'o rpk in -thiinn r.r'wni<hip ; de&ireo UljU is so sim ple a .child can wi ll h,,111 It... " Ur11l111l 1 11f" ' f1l1 ~ 11 1.11 Theywe.t .b nODlOft thaD an ordiuary l~rc, th,,· l j 'H'~t'lr(' H.''!,.,t iu [C. q un.."e South, 1itt~ being I['tven by seve-ral layu. Of thlD. lpectally under Gild prtpnrec! it, f!lu . nC! The Otl lh-: v ( .Ht. 'I"~lt " Uoltllng IlAck " 5ensa£IOll commonl y felt C hnrt is ne.w, 11l"'l'l1I'.,... (.. I'Ufl U,' N" l:l , It~ \V II)' ;ll'.' 10,000. wbeD: rtdle.-OD uphalt or soft roads's o\."C.\\ Qrtn: k r the pat ent "IJnskd Southmut. correct and up' to date, mokl n ... it an Weave" t~d which pl'8ftlta aD air trom aquffZed out l>ctWt."C11 I hl.' t i le: :m d·tlic rand lhuROy("r Mnry H. BonR to A B, Knntfln n.n; inl'aluab le o ., v i l i H. n extl Hlt tnrll l \' . SI ' llr ~ u\ Iw1' ~1J, comiog all suction. The~ prtc:e of thue tires is raSo 1X-'1" l)11tr, b I (U\· ~l1\.'ertl..,ing J)urpo. . weare: ruaklug educato r, indespe nsable t a~" Southw esL (l flpedal factory 0t1ct to tile rider of oaly $4.1!o per pah. ,\ I· .... I ~,.. a"\pf1«I saDIe.~ " - I100I, L I'\uary, Jot In Leltuno n ;'$1 letter 1I rectil\Oed. We Ihlp C.O.D. on appfOftl for the J.• 'l l"lC , "" or l uI' ~vh j n l l n il e~I)I'( 1,Il I .v H\lB ... · ~tiIlK You do not p3Y U ~ til l{1 f· ...U hrl\'~ examiued doy and found them, Ilrictly u repreeente d. ROMUEEKER1' TIeKEn ON IALE . HIIl'rlnt A. W\l £\on t.n Ii B. KrOfm College . We will Allaw U :'It • • , :' ,01 , of, uf 5 ""rcenl ' )II' ,u rllUl h .•" h,,,,,, urrllu!C" d . .. 111\ It maklDglh e price .'.1111 perpalrll lyouomd PULL VA /l Wl'fl '*1 .. .;" nil/I e"close(thereby FIRST AND tHlRO IfUUDlVl OF Ih ls advcrtlkm enL We wlU.1oo Mad OD. The selling er.; lilt. In M/I,lne vil\lI; ,~ GO uk.1 price is $2,50, yet its I.. hVI""l IL lurgc , ut.t,o lldlt tJ(I" Will I plated brna.'I h aui] 1nn~i .~ n j '. 0 Snmp....oll metAl puucturt! EACK MONTH 'rD MANY on fuU paid ~ (thae me ... I punctu~ clo~" to Ul! I. . ~ - ~ . ·"r iJlt e ntioual knife CUll clOSt'fS worth is mUllY li nlcs greater. or beavy ~H). 1"iift to be m.naed 'DINTI SllUtH, The J tol"" t vII .. vlsilllr ... . • at OlJlt f!x~n:.;e if (or .1I~y r ..un 111.l')' MIWacto ry OD eaarulnaUoa... ' . W. ore jlt:l'f.-ctl y <I'Iln " I" ,10,1 m 01" 1' ""nlAre10flot Comm ission ers' Enquire r COlilpnn y is , giving this as IOf. aa In • bank. AU: your PoallDUt I Banker. I1xpr '.or j·rc:r,ld ,I '" "' "r l he Itdllorus-Is or lhla pape< about .... Jl you onI.... a pair- er lIor lbforlllAUon and Th'l.... AdrIn:to chart Free to 6ubsnib ers of the , thea d~. )'oU witl fiud th .~l ",'':), \¥i l1 r ide caller. 0; J ' run raster, wrar better, wt Ioaaer a1ICI look Proce eding s . 'w eekly Enqui rer -Who remit ... I finer thttn:lloy I ir6! ,Y'tlll llff\'" t \ fOr h' t.'C..\ o r Sf.."C11 at any price PAUL B~OWN, T. p, A. kaow that you win be ICrWeU PI ..... one dQllar We ·,,11 y"ur utrtmt,lo u t.!) tit III tha' when you wnl1t n l.icy.ll' ,all win gl\.--e uti ~ur onSer.WeWe-waal 'HAS W. Zllll" D: P. A. you to 8ftld u • ~ trial order at once, lH.· lu.."e lhi·. rt."'~UU H.d ,J\' tire otTer. for a years subscrip tion or for a le- til" ~ Dllrmll kola oilt!.hH'1 . • l t, I 1I Cinmonad · I'0si. _ ... '. _ .. 8.,1>, .. /1'''''' $ bullt-opThe followl nlt ponloo. llf the ..o oewat of old subscrip tion. . . . . . .. ......... _ and nuaIn.. UId Ageots em t,ve c ora fur v u _ • ...,.-- />" .... .I\". ;C , <,,·~ryU.lngwbeala, IllOl'.l'tn It , nlo r~, Illth. bi!'7"Je lliIe ~ ao1cfby ... at ball Use . . ., trioll from tbtl Commll !8loner.. ' ,lour· W A, OAR.RETI', Ooll-.J MaDapr. pricea daarged by cl"nl, " a rich harvest . ~oliciting ordaI , wVllnd • ,pll 8 ond llvtlry ki!!(,1 .jf J el",l r men. Wrile ror our bl& 8UNDRY .... kiont .. /lOT W." ..... ,hn, ,.rI •• II!! Q JlO!IlIlI nal for September 10 were omltt~d :iIr this grlUld offer. ,Addrel l, DO MOT TBIlf¥. or BtrI'lIiO a 8 ,ft W. c;. 1tJNII,\RION, 0.·1'. A.. 11l"ln or 8(011) trouble It oo~ta 2uo v .... J 1""Ycle o r pair ohlrs frOm .... ,.., •• uDUI you k.ow tile DeW UId WODderf. ·Il'<"rtI wr ..... "' . '. t " lIly ~ j:.18 ggcfnp'u from laIt week's report OD aoooua t a ~"I I If " It. Q; ~ tea ... «Uythill j, Write It .Ow. o ares. If It dOD't we retarD ' BNQUI~ER COMPANY. . your mODey. J, E. Janney , of lack of apace:
Hurr.\' Hpurlltl j;
.11'11. .
K Hpn ,'
_P en ns y.lvania . Line's _ Onto
War m.
• •• ,
• ••• ••••
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'- SO UTH' fQU
·B lcrc U ·'".,.'I">'Z:·
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Spencer. &M.onroe, OregQoia, Ohio. .'ENT! 4o~t·t! F!J~~I!!!T !!!
~~.:JU"ltr"Olilc'"'~I'G ~~~2E.PROOF TIRES ~;'!2
1,·,. .,,,,,1
Cincinnati & LonisYllla'
"nit". " (;
...... ...... ..
i.,. . . OYCLE 1a.IIIP'IY, Dept. ""L" '''10111. ILL
Do Rougem ont .. hOWl a London Audio eoce ' How l:'aay ,1t Is, yoal' a':;(1 1\1, d'e H(Iu!'\ m Qnt lir>l 1<'al'OII hdlll'l' I h~' !l1'0 'l'l\ ph lca l ~(l '. I n of tht.' ll l'i U" h 114dl)clutiun Il t II I , t oo I\'HI d,' r l bed w ith w ·~"h w l1ult h I :I('tall h i. relllal'knllle alh' n LurefO 10 tho ht':I rt of tb e Ausl rli llan cool!· 1Il1nt. II" III ' Iuded IImon~ th III ~o llle r lkln~ ro' lll l lllRC'on ccs of Iho Ilou l'lI rij; ' I nl~\l" 'I'.I' I n , \ 1\ tr:ill . nnd olld(>d t hllt. h n\'lng II 'e ll 11'I'cckert h l) (;C IIIlI II 'nm e jlll\'l I'f hl ~ 1(>12 11 re by rld l n !, tu r lll' ~ , In Iht) lal;Olll1 of h is Ill' t)rt Islund. )' (,'Hcn.!U)·. al tl'r Ihe Inpso " f t1I:InY clay" . h(' alJ)l ilrc el - Ill a tl'l l l ' d b'ilhlllf;' hlalll,('! lind 1\ hathl ng SlIltlluf'll'e a 111 It!. h !IlHl\enc ilL t il' [III!' p()1rrnn e to ti "II'\lnSlt'ltln t he ' trut h o f lll~ part of hI., n al'nllil'e. T hl'IO h III) I:ro und lor 511111>051n,,,Ihat It I ~ th ' sa mp r.Ul'lle whlrh Shflrr,t 711. ', d e HOllg mllnt·· ~oli t 1Il1!! 1:1 .'\IIS· (ra l asla , ur Iha.t It I s n ctlnfellr' l'a te III 111l~' Wil Y, Y('sl('rday It Illy'i(lI y br th e H lp llIltl W lllO I Ag uoon wh ile !I I. (\(1 HOII!;pn1l1nt Ico lI rcd on 0 a.ll:ni n o n hIs ollll'nullll l1 l> Xl)(,l'i(' Il(~ 'S, a lld It I>U \ 'O n sl,!:n nf IlIt('lIi"t'Ill' " whil e h e (\ . '~" I'II)('(I t h whole' n I' t of ttl I'll '1'1(\ I ng'. SI1(11I.) lll y tht.' (,Xlllol'OT nun g (1fT ' hlH 10111111", ,- ul1 c1 se izin!; the turtle 1I1WOI'e. lIIon ioll Iy 'b)' the BC I'lIfT of I t_ neck and ,th,' baclt of lIS shell hoisted It i nto th o wuter, Th(! tu n l sank, bllt ro. e.'ng-alll , ~ 1. d e Hl)u g m OTl t w ent In IIrt I' I t ancl In a moment wa s on Its blick _ Down It wen aJ:al n and th n OIl () n, or o I'ose, Tlt l~ time til l'i (I CI' g l'D sl'c rl It fl rll1 ly, crying, "Ta 'n ' n il ~ ,. allli ~hlf lpe d It w it h some Be· \. . rll y , I t \I' ll n n x,..ltfllJ! and a mu ti · I t~ '" I It ,' I' I " I II nI (' Ul I rom t, III .... ~ ll ec ". tl I I'''' ~ I, (ll'11 l (J r I I' (' wan d .''I . {I T', (luge· 1110llt ul , o "l'penl'l1,t to ' njo)' It vcry Dlnch , Of Ih l urtlc's njoyment we I,I I'e ~C;Ul1 e d, 011 lit , b IJ t ,l IS j;I',n",ra I ott' I Iud W8 ~ Ihat or u, "a~ " , , 1'\151 ·ter, \ 1 ouy rat(', M . ,10 H nllgelll o Clt did r ide It,-I.Ond o n Dally GraphIc. I~
PURELY FEMININE ' Charming Adjuncts to Toilet. .:':._ -- -
It , ~('.r tl o n all rl II r.. ili tit 11\1'<' : It fl tli i., .. hol't t; IN'\, ~ tn lIlu lch , M.t\c"ial!l l' ' (I [lI'L~ I : UII 1\ 1\1I o nefOlln h ya 1'(1 InN', I \\'0 "n rl til 1" , f(jll l'ch ij .I' ants In ~ L'r llulI , u IIII ,;i ;( ~· al'(l ,.
l OW
al All T im es, and Can Be Las, tly M dd:: by t he H ome W orker -Sin pie Ma t eri als Alone Catted Fo r.
hn ~
P..t That NIp. the Blo.80ma .nd How ! o Fight It,
Almos t overy olle who 110M h aC! allY "xp\)rl"111J In growln,,; I'lIl!lIlithel'& I s 'amllln r willi Ihls lit tle I nsect: f l .t Wh pl' ol'el' (' lI cu mh ers a I' '::l'own his pre"elloe Is Hlodo COn ! I)lc Il O II ~ t.~, the hlossnm s fnl!!ng frolll the .. IJl e~. THE SURPLUS FRUIT. " .. beneveJ' w e sile till"' bios 'om s flHlln t-:, w 'OR ll I'fstnssu r d t hn t .:11 8 pSI'nlc l, Good Way to Utilize It Is to Evapo~· 'OIL I)lI~ hI ~e ttln g In his wfIl lI . I hll\'(' lou nIl ,1" 0 111 l on g yenrs "I (>:t' ate It, 1101'1 nce thll t ' the Inso r'ts fire 11\0re An nsy m elh/Ill wllhlll Ih ' I' a ' h or Ilum rcHlK during dry w('a thN thull at all' frnl t gr o w'rll I t(1 ' I'lIl1oruh' Ilr n n~' ot hc'l' ti me. Th e I'lIC'umber l(llI s() dry th X,I, ~ fruI t u~ \)' 0 11 us 1 h ul'ls. Is I\ld('.1 i n h iM w(I,'k (l( cl l1s trnctlo u by Th or lire I'li rio us st\'l l'S u nrt sizeR <;If It smull I'Clll e of Illl t thnt S"C' II ~ · tO evnpurat ol's , ra l1 ~ln g tho sp which hArhor In c lll ~ t o rs In Lhe slIJ,)1I nev· will hal1ll! u lJu sl H'1 a dil Y lIud s('l on i 'I''' of lhe ' lllooll1 . A l nlnR t V;H)' rmlll t op or th klt c'h en ,'lI l1 g , LO lh l:' CO lli · oC ' so lu tlo n 111111 C ClIt'l)O~ltl"n llns ~eC' 1l m l'el nl pl ants whl('11 will lIandlo 100 11'11'11 for t h flll r l'o ' e 01 ox t l'm l llM ln!; buslwls or 11101''' In ~ ·I hOIlI'>I. P r al'll· t hi s d sl ruclh'o h, sl'c(, wh :ch h aK cally a!! rrulls ' CUll be ovallo rat d t.o w roughl 6 0 mlll'h 11IIrm to nil oIne plull l~. Lim o h tls II t' n 11 9M hy a n lIl11 her or the C !o ll)llI" r 'ill l I' rll wf'l'S , bill wltllll llL an ), !l I'PHren t ul c ('e ~" . S\lJ'aylnJ; ha s lwen P1'II ct 11'1',1 10 1\ It'!' at exten t, [JU t IllIIIl Y ),OIIOI't lin '1Iller t.I!I: uro. 1'h.. i·o Is no t hlng wh h'h J lin \'c ~I 1ed which hil N pl'ol'ed HO ~ l1e ('Oss rtll In lIest ro),llIg I n ~ rt~ /t ~ w ooII a, hll ' , S\lY~ (h' corr('spllndl'lll tlr UO llntry Gotlll cmou . Ono UI1IJ!lcallo l1 o r wood aahes ~ lI ghtly mo l slened w llh I'oros no 11>13 don e 111 111' f o r m(' In the way of )c. terrnl nn l ln g bllgs anti Ins<'clll ,lhan all olhe r compound S l:omlllul? d, I sllve all th e ash es Ih t'oug h Ihtl wint er, stot'l ng A 100·Bulhel Fruit Evaporator, th olll 111 BUill' d ry pIal' . This III I' ry advan tage nnd With profit. but the c sslln tlal. lor shoilld th('~' oncc he ome gT ul ('~ t demand Is for a~lll e~_ wat er soaked , tb '\. will lose !lIuc h or A small e vallorator can bc lI sed t o 1Il'I r I'alllc as al1 ·exlerll\lnulor. Whell ad va nt " ge uDd proflt n !)I' I')' farm .' [ lUll rendy to 11 11111.\' lhe aKhcs 10 tho el' n It Il Is only to dry th~ 811PI'Iy of ,,\lill is, I dHmpen th,ent HlIghlly wllh rrillt s ami vl'g~ tubl l'~ fn,' fane'l r use. ' IWl'Osen , ju~ t suffi cl!>n t W mol ~LC o , ( )o;I' apo1':tl(>l's with a call1l'lty or six then sha ke a ~ nllll1 h 'lnrll al around tbe to t II bnshpls per Cl!I~' wI!! la'k e C81' HtPIll or IIC'h pltlnt and a sprinkle ou or th l'o. 2 SUI' ll lus Irtll t on most til ICIII',}S, no mnsl exorc l s ca r e fa rms. Th axp ' n ile or operatln,:: Is ClOL to u 0 n Inrge quanlfty or k 1'0' SPli t' . lor wh!'n a\11'11 d It w0\1111 be In· not Inrge I "n d th ere Is usually B good jut'loli s 10 tbe blossoms I!.nd leaves. returD . A Ilpies , wtll U811tt Ill' dl'Y O(lt from six to eight pOllnd l\ to tho bush, A TRANSPLANTER , el, d el'E'ndID~ on th'(' I'ar lely, s tato or matul'\ly, Qllallly or the fl'UJf lind t1l ContrIvance Which , Will Facilltato car u sed In parlns, Work In Tran.plantlng Plant., Th e empora 01' hown In th i> cut Is oll' ned by G 'orge 1': Powell. 8 :well· Th II comllonylng pi ct ure shows 'a know n w Y ork , rrult gnnl'c r, 8ays tmnslllaoter J mnae yeai'll ago. and tb Fnrm B!"d H o me. It hilS a (l apa\= .. have u ed It consta ntl y since, sa ys 1\ I ty, or 100 bush els flc r \lay and co t cOl'I'e~po nd e.llt ot tbe Rural New York . l!omple te somewba t l ess than $.1 ,000. er , ' Tbe 1)1\1'1 marked a ! s heol'y she t H e averages 650. pounds , evll.pol·atc(l bra ss w(' hled, II Is h ell. I' y bra ~ wife, n[lllles from 100 bn~h el~ of gr n c brass wire, and d brll. Ss wire .pounll. sto k, and 200 pOllltds o'f !lidOS and ecl 'somewhat, nal. abou L o nll,hal f Inch coreR, There are two kiln s, the ap' wIde. Pla'cQ a ove l' IUW plant . . and pi es being spread ou t upon 1lJe noor with fOOL at , x !bree ,Into the g round and occaalonnll )' ll;lrned. h requires abollt four Inchcs; 111111 It up and 'rorcit t.wo boys to run th ll,a l'lng machines, the [)fllnt 0\11 by PI' Bslng on tbe six wom en to trIp, o ne man who lo()ks handle y ; d Is made to slip los Ide 01 atter Ihe fires, LhE' snlllbnring and the malo cylinder Il. Take your blrrow slicing, aod 'IInother man works from
Anemia Currtd by Dr; Wit liema' Pink 'Pilla Afte, Other
, Remedloa Had Fellod. Whon I begao t.akinlJ Dr, Willh,m.' Pink Pi 1111, " SIlY~ Mrs, Nathaniol Field. of St. AlbllIl S, Sum rijet CO\lU~y, MUlDe. "I WIlS tbe pnl ust, mOlit bloodluss porllOD you conld IIIlIIglu e. 1\1y toogue aD" gl11118 W I'D colorl e.8 ntld my fiog ers anel ear~ w llre lille WILiI , I bnd two d ootora And tboy l'rollouuccd Illy trouble au lI.lmta. IllIul 811'118 or \'ont.iting,oonld DoL eat, hI fl~ t. (lid !lot dl\I'O to, I bJld 811ch dl•• Ire Sl\fl Orcntillg, JO DlJlcb ,wl\sftlleci w ith RIIS whi b cau ,...d ,mo awfnl agouy. 'I'lto hllckncl!e 1 Hul1'erod \'i'1I~ nt timea altll()!!t unOOnJ'llbl aud tbe least elert,ioD mllcic my h Olut \J('nt 80 fa$t tlmt 1 could itlu clly brCaLllo. ButtitOW(Jrstot 1\11 WU ' tho spli:cinR lJ('ul'IIhdll hilU<lncbe wuich u over le ft rue for Gu von woeks. A bout t.b l t imo I !tnd hall severn l "'"Jlb Rpoll ~. M1 lit .. Ill! ,,(mId be colt! 1\11<1 wi.bO(1 t "01 t (l !i ng ou(l tIm most deathly HC1I8IItlolf. WOl1lil r.Qme 111 0 , , "N(llltil1g IlIIn b clp"d meoDtil J begall t{l]( iliK Dr. W"lialll ~ ' Pilllc Pills, 1II \'l\c" I Imel /o';"tlWD ... !) r~e , 'ory clay. Artor I bile! t lll<CD: Lf"lfrJri!! S a " hart time 1 cOlllel ,,~() Ihat tllt'Y WCI () beu thing Ut e abd Oil Olorn; lIg:r n w uke ,,~ir\l ly fpl\l frotD pili II , The disl r(lR!I I\l't or enliujI r11ri8p, Jlcnn'd I\II(t in tlm ' e \\1('lIk8 I co nlrl IUlythil1j! I WILllt«IIIIUd @ulTr r u() ill(lOn. VQuicl1cl'. I "b.....lept MIlIHII., . I have I nl;oll slwenlllJuxl'N of th o pill ~ t!.nft have ~tti lll'd ill "" 'tgltt tl'lll1l 120' Cr) 154'1"n und. I\IICIIlI11 l'HlI'f }(J tly w (' 11 1low," Dr. WilJilLlllH ' Pi u k Pill curl'l nlll\l l11u. llilcn u~e tbl'yactUUl! ' mlllio II ().W blood. j.'Qr I'heUllllltiHI1I, iltllit; 6t;01l, II IH'IIda brs 01lel m al.1Y t'Ol'llltl>Ot wmdmeee 'h y nrc I' 0ll1nllll111 wel'tln if M I"lIary lIl ullicitl!'H hllvo r"i l " Il . Th oy IIro suM by 1111 ,l rn~ gi ~ t8 , or w ill lx)'IIlIllt pURl j'»lld, 011 n 'dpt of pri.-f', liD ('Ollt,< pcr box, Bill ! >I\XQH l' r $2.60, fly thll Dr. Wil!i!\lI1. IIcdicino II1p1l0Y, Schollootady, N. Y. II
1':,"11' 11 nr t[I('8 (l aiu I )' III Cl E' fJ l ' ti~ I !'8 111 til cI' nll'1' of \I ll' grolll' Is a .... !I I Ill' IUIIl,,1 IIIIISI 1I,;(,rll l I II e\ll;'r .•· 1 fll'hu I l'lm1lll n ~ f 1\' II bIJllic(' l'llh er ro r bd~' , ' 111(')' ;I,,' Ilr('u)' ,,1111111(>. Il lld , \ dllY or 1' 11'\l11l>; WClII', I( (01' Ill(' r01" 41oo\' t' all , l ',W hi' 1I.;!ly murl ' uy th e Cl1('r. It wOlll d h(' 1111\(' II 1'0' 10 (1 the 1\(0\0 (' \\ (' r ~ t' ( " I ' ( I ~ I' of " 1,lt" 01' ~l lk y ukI'. Th e~ I ~ " 11<' Il l'" ~ l l(I "' n In (h,' ~I , IIIII I ~ ~ n' ~ 1 I, s hn pl'lI dO(l I)I(' bel'lha, til lu\\,shUll !': Ill tle 'lo \l \'e for '\\'l'ol'l lII; ovor ('" o np h!'in g 0 1 ( If til l' ~,al\l ll 111>1', r ial itS I he d 1'1'''''. tilt' u pp,' r IIJII' of IIICI), (j gc'll \" It h in ~l'nloll : then IIl'(II' o Ih " ~ Is tI fll 'hll dl'UII(:I'y or Hn rt ~fl i l u r " I'{Il1l"Il e· ' h ln(' which ti C's til f l'on t, thl' .. nll ~ lIei ng tln h; hl'd with Itl nc;r, l ion . '1'1", \'(~s t. whh-h Is lI :;h t.·fil llllt:;, Is a IIst'I ,, 1 ShIl IH', ful' w ' II( In g IIn ,1 \" Ol,,'n· rrout e/t CUll !fl. II I,; I II 1I'0l'Y w h i t e n l'(lC'llclc. Il ll (, 1I w ith plu l n _i lk : It Ins· tiny I ons 111,1 I" . orn am onl"" with nIl11l t.'",,1 IIntllllls. Til e ( "Wlr I ~ m ud 11 11 01'(' ,' I11l1 slln, 1\l nlcrlll ls 1'('qll lt'l'Il : one an<l OI1~L Automobilists In Shanghlll , lullf yat'd 22 InNI ('>! wlr! p, "n l" und OIlU ' Th ore Is DO s p..erl limit ror aut_ ha lf yaru of lil1ln ~. 16 I.lllltOll:;. ou tRide Ih o ..tty of • ha ns hlll, biD .. Th ' collal' at th fOOl or tlt(' !;I'OU ;l Within the ci ty 30 mil es an bour .. I s ll se rul (0 1' s n tart n !'R~ ul' In 11 plnla allow <I. morn i ng )'IOIl!'!', 'l'h fOllnd iltion l ti Hne Dainty Adjuncts to the ' OllmlJr l ', mad C' IIfl 0 \' r ~ tlrr mUMlln, FOR THOSE NEARING , OLD AGE. WILD WITH ITCHING HUMOR, Toile t. ulld , 11I ~ll' I\('1I Il t th e hn k : Il Is cov · silk b iOI! 'CS, tc. ; t is mad e In orcam .'red wl (h I'''W S uf tin y frillecl lIul)y Writer in Scribner G;jves Some Adv ice E':uptlon Broke Out In Spot. All OVhn el , 1l1ld 'ill t r l11l111ell wllh sO l'el'ul row s III nclullliea lacc: Ih 5 1) a r cro'ssell Worth Heed i ng, -<>i \ 'al('tlc lenn rs la ce ; Ih 1'l'I' I'S al'e by ~ 11t bed s t rups or ttl cumbrl c. A Body-Cured at ,Expense of Only l!ul 10 one with t ~(' tro ut s; th a r m - fa n·llk I)lalUlllt of th cnmbric, ciS d $1.25-Thanka Cutleura, W it h In re aslng enll t;:"hl enmc nt In bol es 111'11 t1Jl.l sh cI with Ip.e . .wIUI l aae. t rims the front ; II joills Mat r ial's rCC1 I1 I ['(~d , ,About lhr('c' the "'I'hl.'l ulicu ra RC' modl o ured me of liar IIndpr II tiny l'Ibhon bow. matt rs of h ygien e, th e II rlod o( olel foul't h - ,I'll rd U L ;10 I nc h II \\'\(I e, and , The lu ~ t Ul'll ' lf' hi Il Ill' tt y zOllove Ilge I s eI r iT fl, lind th tides t}f m my s illn d l se as , all,l I am very thank· now ,fInw snolls l), , n t: a tim wh o n our clghl ," anl s Illce. ful to you . !IIy trl'lull io was erllllliOIa of II 'II ,. 0101' ' d 111' , et!go(l with a or tli !.<k l n. which ilrok out In 81Jots l'exr t o th l' 7.01l;tVt' we hilI'(.' a wh i t e ful! (1'111 Of lIIu·r.o\\' In ' . TlJe sbort forefath!'!'s and , stili mol'\}, ou r fOI'e, mothers W r e' laid tho shelr; 111\(1 ' 1111 over' my body , alld "allRed n en. f'ambl'i c Ch II a,', embl'uld red wllh sle('v 'K are l rl1llmed to match. 'White t hl'eacl , 11111111.1 ItCI)t'Dg whl b nearly dro rc m. Mnl rlil is l'eQul r d : on e and ou ·bal[ ~' N, lillt It ofT as IVB may, Il Is bouud willi at tlmos, I goL m edlcloo of • 'I'h e 110lero ,In thl! IC'rt·ltlind cOI'ner yards Illce 1 III 'b 5 w ' lIe, nn<l about to clltch Ill' I\'flh us, unl sa I\' be of those whom tile g~d s 101·e. '1'0 tll dClC lor, but It dId not cure m e, and f8 In pl<'Cc' laCQ, lind Is odge d wllb nar· five alld one-half YOI'ds lace. earli er p rlod of m eek UCf! '1llan ce II . wb en 1 S;l\V 10 a nap I' YOllr ad . I seDt ions!! the as. erllon, 50 ort en r p nted to YOII for th Cutlr.Ul'lI booi( Qnd I 'F LEETING FANCIES OF PARIS, ' . • K~me t.ruly wond erful bllthlng 011' as 10 be Bomotlm 8 ca\' leKsly til ken studied my case In It. f tben wellt tnm es " wbl ch hal' bee!! lire Jlar ' d for tor t rUl h, that conttlct " 'Itll youth to the e!rug store and lJ.oltsht ono. cake eraze for Costume. of White Hal Been '1'J'ouvll l e anll for Os tend . Th 'Y w ere more Iha n aoytlling else makes old of Ciltiellra Soap, one hOI( or Cutleur. Carried to Exce... so wonderlu1 Ihut I Ima gine they will ]leopl lorget their age. .Never was II. Ointment and one vlnl of {)utlcura b se n more a t Os-te nd tluln Ilt 'I'I'OU' 'Il101'e inlstllk n staUlmenl. In a way, PII\~ , From the fI rst appllcatlou I reH whit e monl'1lln • I' r l!om(>s to b p. viII , for tb e sar OelgluUJ watering i t I s t nle that tile so 'Iety of ),ollng noon to midnight tending the flrea. \ f"""---~t;::;;;:;~y;==-, c eived r eller. I u sed th e t!rst R t Iud acepted lJy Parl slennes Il will only be place Is a m eUn~ point ro r. wom n persons does k eep their elders YOllng, It tak es thteo tona of eoal per week to two ext I'll e(ll(es of atlcura Soap. aild by the exc l usl ve l eader s or ' soetety; who deligh t, In things eccentl'lc! At by stimulating their' prid e and pre- run the evaporator, wa! completely cllr d , I bad, sulfered 'Woma\! 1\'ho never dream 01 walking:::: 1'rou vll!e I _0 0 . ~ cec ' ntrlo toll· venting lheni from givi n g way to ce r ' 'or two years, anrl 1 agllJn tbank CuU· taln foible s lo o lden~ to tb elr time In 'Ilnlcss It be to 1)\'05S , the footpntb- eta: bu t nol of exactly lhe same order. ' cura for my Cllre. Clntide N . JObDH~RVESTING ONIONS. and ~' bo CI\I1 aft'ord a ' CI'esh costume For cxanwi c • I saw, last week, 8 lire. It Is In tbe nature of a salutar)' ,on, Maple Oml'e FaQ!l,. R ,,.E- D . every seconil dal', wrlles Idulla de VII· tfght,l1l1lng costume, In blael, sllli cllsclllllne; and tbos'~ persons wbo are Care Mu.t , Be Taken to Do It Juat ,at Walnut, Kan .. Jllne. 15, 1005." ' liers. stocl!lnette, wl t.h lhe most amazIng brought In contact with lhe little seg, the Right Time.. R ea.II)' (' hantllng, however, lire the mbl'old rles down elt'h er side o( the r egated comm\loltfels of olel m en and Belt'. Deed of denere.lty, toqll s In while Crepc, ",hlch are In· l ess lind with the bodice eut ,low as old WOIll n who Iilre collected In One or. the many persons wbom tQ As onions approach maturity. the t end d to be 1I'Ol'n with th new for a bull! , With these " tlghts"-for " bomes" will probably agre thl,.lt It Is time of barvestlng tbem allonld be late Alrrcd Bo!.t had belrlendew repaltl mourning : th ey are slIplllled wllh t h e t.her wer!> r eall y that- a flat hal of tus- a discitlilne whlcb Is mo st d esirabl e! carefully watch(>d. Wben they are him wllh ' l!lgl'atiLUd6' a:nd. abuae. narrow '''bol'der,'' wbfch , III Fro'lce. Is can 8tl'UW was to be worn. with a For of all the pllfalhl 'whic h lie In wnlt nJaturo the ' st ms will sho w It by dry· , Later the Ingl'a.te (QII on. e.,l1- t1m_ 'Worn by evel'yo ne, and w"hlch, III t';ug' bun('h of r ed popple a und r t be bl'fm for old age the mo,lt distressing is Ing UJl and l opping o ver , and the ,'booC'h doivn In tbe guller, he \lUll land, b elong!; enlll'ely to wldoWII. and and arllfl lal soaw eed round lhe Qllt that lack of self-control wblch la)'9 Qnlon6 should be harvested ' at this bad a IIttlP, shnme In ft, and would. ilo& they ha \'e vcry lon g veils hnl\ slns at crown! bare tbo weaknessesl hlt.h Qrto k ept un' lime to' avolll a sccoprl growth start· a sk Mr. Belt for hel]l, The SOllt\lo M" AnotllPr bat hing cost um was made d el' oover by a normally s trong will, Ing In , It hilS been found by ' those Lbe bacl" rlcan IIlamond magnate sent (or OM of whil e IIk,AIIIRCa-ltn ex ellent 'I'h e constant IIr('sence of the younger \Vho grow them ' uDd r Irrigation thaI I lhllll' that th t's e lung r epe v II~ of the unlt/cl(y one's f uln nd... and' said: are g en o1'lll!y \\'01'0 In AmerIca . E 011 lIIu t. rlnl for Ih !s PUl'Jlos(', u I t does gen rallon ' I s lit tbe snme time II mOl'· lhe crop ,coul,d be very ' easll)' spO iled. "00 and see S()Ollnd·So"asl< It ,he 11'11>11" I~ol ,,!l ng to th e Ogul'e nnduly - wl~h al goa d and a support . 'I'he very' Ill' Thl ~ wa s done by there being a check b~' w olnell who 1\l'E' not 1\IIdow~. auy holll, nnd give It flo, htm, but do." ln Englanll Ihey. Iil(e th white bnr· embrolderle In silver wlIshln,:: threat! alln cl of sc!r·preae1,.'\',lIlon Icads one In the growth of l he onions ,Just lieI"t hl~1 think It 18- t r om me. I bav. d e~, a re, only worn by wltlowlI ; ' n nnd In brllllllnt red SIlI,8, Th rc wm'o to adapt, on os If ' to th 11' slaJHlards" rore matm'lly , and the Irrigator tblnk' bad a dUreron ce willi blm aod pe~ marl,Q/l dlffeJ'ont" 1.J(oing malin betw en full Im lcl( erhockel's, IIlte thpso of Turk· If yo u 1V0uid nnt b e 1111111 aRant 10 Ing h would contlll ue tho develoJ)haps It woulQ annoy hlml" the .... id ",'s IlIIl\H'ntn g 31111 Utllt of Ish soldiers, !lnd 1\ short hlllir: ; III tblll look at, ,¥011 Il1I1 ~t (:nl\lvn L ' the nlre· ment hy 811 ext!'n watering. Tbe ex, others : von fCII' J\ mo ~ h(' I' or tlttper a c ase 111 80 tit bo(\I ' Ilortion was ' (,ut ties or lhe toflelt. r\ o t for )'011, I11I1t1am, tra ,w ater!tl,:: r osulted In stllrtlng what Troublea oil ""', Autf1ott. qui 10'" and lher were Ilhsollitoly anr ; 'sweet n egl('cl.... A t Your a,::e, Is known a a secood growth, a new long <:1" 11" I'el! III uel'O J' Hoell, Robert Loui s :;tov elUloO:s motll. I :till 'ol ng liP to T roUl'fIIe nex t 110 s l eevQ~. "robcs loosely Howlng, haIr n s free" aboot being sent tip from the onions .-rutl! In one o( 1\ r lette... froro weel, ai1d ~ ' 1)(1(' ( ,t o find som wnuder· I /lnd It very hnrd to 11I1(jorstand, are not as bofli.l!og 8S II WO))' llI'llserved Ilnd many of the onions dlvldlllg Into ,mOil : "Thl) pcoli le bere ' are- now 41. ful t oll(, 18 on tbo Illage and the how women of goor! pos!tllln cn n lldllK fi gu r e anrt a trim colll'urc. Not rOI' yon. t\\'O parts. Thl. Injures tbem tor Bflll· cOl'erlng that LOllis w,r.lLos, Ii8 "'t'be l'aSlll08. OIlI:IIl~ Ihe fll'lIt for'lnight In th n m s('II" ~ to bal lt o 11\ publio' in sir, an overlndulgcnce In Rllpperoo Ing In tbe ma'l'k e tH, !lnd also Injures Bottle,lmp' Is cvmlng; oat 10 tile ...... August I he f:tlllCl\IR TrOll\-1Ilo·Dea\1ville extraordinary C06tl111)CS as th ese; cer' I'lise. 13eWt1r the ' trous I'S t ha t bag their keeping quolltlliR, says the Fa I'm, tfV\) Ilaper, having llC'en tran8111t~d ~l' . The Tranaplan,ter. ' w eeks OOC1ll' and th e!>\! favorit e Re:!sldo talnl y the first one d es(,I'lbcd wall nt ' lhe kn nc nnd' the wrinkled wai st, en' Review. It the onions stop srow· Mr. - -. It Is mit h allprecla.t", pine os a,'c crow dN I to o\'erflowlng "creotc,l " (or II flO ,lIln r actres s. but ooat. If you would not 'be 8n unwel· Ing for any ca lise, e~tller because theJ' load to the planting grnun ,l , and mak" but 'lr.ada to some curtous re~ults. Fur with tlt e begl t!n'l's d , WOIII ('11 f('om the 01 he l' wa s I he (1I'OP<'1'ty or a well· come cOOl(lan loli YOI\ ml'!st constaotly h~ve oot been sUI)plled wt!h adequate your hole w l tb the san,\", tl'an Sllltlnter, lnslance, the ,hOllfiC In ,It, aomewh,a t r . IlI'el'Y I'OUUII')" Ah·er.cly I hav e see n· known Icall el' of soc l el,y. bear In mind thnt "br evlt:t 18 the soul wat!)I' 01' because th e nattlral rain filII and (trOI) your JllnnL In, \Ill a dry hot aenlbl oR OIlI'S, und a good many or til. of wit... You mu st be sympatbetlc, Is not abundant, It Is better to harve$t }\:n ~\ I s l dn)' , and you will not ' find I natlYl's 'lISpcct that M r, SLultcoaoa ,~.r~O~OD~aaaQaQaaQQaaDQOCaQaQaQQaaQQQO w!lt ' but dlscre t: wise, but not too wIse; hall tbe 'bottle' hlmsclt:' BE ' CHEERFUL AT MEAL TIMES. Lnu ghl or nnd gooll will, on the oth. mode m en ou gh lo be companionable, t hem lit on co, even lhoug h th e~' are FOI' practlcnl wo r k In a one·ramll, sOlllewhal Immature. 'fho best 119ftp· - -- er huml ,arc \'IJ:o\,ous promoLers or but old ·fll shlo ned ello u!: h b ~ult· Ing varI e tIes Bre rrequently the sOlall ;1;al'(lo o J have sIx ,'ows abollt 75 feel Emet l cn :: of Pain or Anger Check the t!lg c~ lf vo rllll e'tlons. Th e court Dbl e. And you mus't IIOt expec t to be lor, ~, I'euowlng two rows each yeal' In on es, a ncl amons the varieties the Flow of Gastric Ju ice, j~ ;; 1 r , 11'(\ may well Im agine, was a undersLOod.-S(!rlboBr. IIg llst. Plrlntl:! Bre set abollt 18 Inehe. ~mnll ' onion s k e 'P better than the pl cce or th (' kin ,!.:'" dlnillg hall fllrnl, alJart with tmn splanl 1'; second yeal lar ge one ~: This I ~ llue to lhe fact Trl ~'re Is U liud m lslake JlI'PI'IlI ~ nt I n '"re. anll th " U10St vaillabl e 1)1 'ce 'illo,wed to mall~ n malled row, t hlnl r.Ollll'~ t he world over ' or making tb. o f 1111. The Old Plane Tree of Co., thllt th e loss In w elgbt cnllses (ree m ClllllnlP gll tli 'l'lug e cl oarlng,IIOllS'" _ ~ _ _ _ .. _ Tn the Island o f Cos, In tlt e A egean B\' aproatlon and SlIrou t lnt:;. Therefol'e, ruar arter bearing dI g 111' and replan t. Lawn cllpplugs Ill' put between )'ow~ , ror pa i nrul dlHcin!l ne, ro r d eSl' ,il'lion INKSTAND FROM CREAM JUG, 5e8, thore sta nds, jealollsly guarded, they should be harve sted a s soon a8 of ph y" I(' »1 alll11 1:> II 18, lhe rIi S "II H~ "'1l or _ __ a bn/,';e plun~ 11'(0 , m easnrlng n C:lrly possibl e after they hay!) ob t ained lhelr an., nrtc r bearing i t I s forked Ill. M!, "8r ' , ~s"' ll g Ilrol)I (' ll ts l.r Oil " Idud one! . 18 yanls In clrc nmre r ence. It Is sur· first growth and IJIlt- In' a l!ool place, heel mlgt'Ates east or west, lwo row, Makes Pretly Ornament for Desk or euch yea r, nnd you 11'111 see by the IlIo tll l'l''':'' \'or Ihc' C,'Otlsltl ('I·:tlion , in (\ l'Ounded lly a POtlIUIU, 01' raI sed plat' that Is, a place no~ dry enough nn 'J Library Table, t drm, b' r eas t hi g l I, (1OU b i b 111. '1' to war m ennugh to caUije evaporation DC abo\'e plaD I alway s hlt,'e piunl~ 0011, word , (I f lite. S{)I'\'I)V:S, IJCI I,I\:p .ltics 'alld I e~s two and three yeltrs old, ml s I'k' (,r the ,da y . 8nPl10rl the Irunk of t,he tree afler It molswl'O to start gt:0wth. , , I I II In ou r !'kC'l('h w e II!lI strate R 8ec· bad becom e hollow and weak from ~ I ur~ 01' '10111, \\'Iose rap I y grow, ond U " l' lo r linn nf those prell" lillie ' THE ORCHARDlST, ~ J age. 'fhe low er brancb es are slfll I nb b odle~ lI ~ c' l ,el'"r al'illl"h lc unnc e 'u"s In whleh <'rea m I ~ .liohl. It Is w ell preser ved and lin vo lIl'en sbol'o,l Shading Summer Head Lettuce. Pick Bummer pears berore entlrel" , I I I > .. T or nou 1'I' I Ul ('Ilt. no soo tl e,' leg 0 to mOlellrd wllh ~E'~('ot ine on a, small When tbe plants begin to malle ripe lind put th em In a cool, 'dark eat tll\'jJ, l(luuer ' lha u tltell ' parents up by pieces of antique 011l1l1n8,OVCr uqua re o r woud, I he ed g s of wblch the upper cnds of \v hlch Lh e brancbea good I!!rojVtb, mulch . th~ gr~1I1J(1 placf'. tak e th e:n /0 (a sk f o,' S01l1 '1I1i s(u k or among them with 6trawy mamll'o. Earl.v IICIlS, lurnlns, snap \Jean a and '" I . have grown like c aps I n con~e Qlleoce .. I I WWtlg '. 0 II !:" .. al.\' IIII'SIS I1l ln leurs Th en plnce a frame oV,er the bed to i ou nce 'nn yet be planted tlte ami I a l' l.'~ Illp. t a lll : '1'0 111 linl sh ' 3 his ot t.he pressure of thuir own wel!'\ht, I 'I ga,"1 n, , C.!ose by the tree 1:1 a 80lld marble protect ~he pl~!lts trom t I e lot SUD. I I I mt'lLl ~!I\'tl t 11m ~ tI n . ' M-"e the ' frame of Inth nailed to solid "1 '0 k"ep Klelfer pears free t' roseal. willcll Is said 'to be the chair or .... " Whenyou~ UU t'l; i lt > 1'(11111 ('r II !low Iha L 'Illotions strll}S at each end, leavlog , lin Inch' cloud and rust and to bold the leavns, »lpllOcratos, the r~t'h er o~ m ed i Cine, .~" WET ' or "a i n III' IIn!;er IIL'C k t I 10 fI' ow a r spnce between Illt,hsl Dl'!ve stakes at Sll1'aylng Is continued unUl AUgllo't, . I and It Is snppo sed thot he lau s ht the Cn s t )' ''' ·J uln'. Btllllel ll11 <'~ SlOP t en· the corners of the bed and r est the but no' applIcations are made before Urel~".' I " d ic t's ti (," i"S IIlIlr (h 1'('~ 'llt arlllC h ell llns Irom that seal, fi e was ' I " r. "Io.somlng. born lit Cos 460 B . C. Thl s glv s a frallle on tlJem, laving It Iv to 18 " ~ YOU want I, ' ""'[IC:I or lJ)illl.\ tel L'at IV IIN, lilt" ' t' I hI,', '1trt!SS Inch os above , ground. Thl~ shad ~8 Jooathan Is gro . wing more In favor ' cl ew to the age or the e lollruteo ll'ee, ' complet'e I I I P (' 111111 1011 , Lt' l I 1(> 1);11"' 111 \\' 10 IS Wh'l ch must be cODs/derallly more tbala them consIderably and with the help wllb w estern orchardists than . Den , protidloh or thll mllich a gll<>d cr-op or crlsi' Hoi, Davis, and aPllle:;.:r th, ls type, J. tl'(11 1'1 t',1 I" t'Vltelll,'t the f,lIntl y <lIscl· and long If ' h' 9,000 Veal'S ol li. ' II II LI II , aervlce. " UP it I I,, ) e, "'1I'1l I ' P el'( on 's ,. i heads can be vroduced, some soctlons ' Jon ,Ian Is much mil", uJl IJI' l i t., n f I h(' t'('ceh.t or I)ael lI eWII 'Pl'Oftt becauso of th~ higher price ,",8M and~ • II d I 1(' i '(" r a . (>( I bav!' 1I('(>n bevell'd all rOHnd , and two That Set-tied It. other 9004 b, ur ,lt :: It . r" " " \I m I , Sllil"~K hollowr. t! nllt on eiLh l' sIde "On whr.t I!l'Cnnds do "Oil clalm 'that Ripening Peach Wood. '~hleh It brlngl, It won't do well on .... colnbln d In ~grr The (111) Lillie In whkll a wll can .. J "'fuch can he clone to make trees dry land, g l for to 1(I"'lt l'e n l'acl,' 1! If the wond Is ,'Ol,r client Is Insaml?" " .. I ~ t I I I I fa (. I.',. 11'1' IIln" lin.. unnll I . , "I'('(>n It will form ' . "Didn't he ehoos 6. ' m o n!, hl n•o law. undlll'e more cold and to ripen wood -------"I~tf blltANO' , 'he I' '(I II,S c I,,·t ·tl ll I I lII~ nl[I" tIe atailll'<I A, ni ne dRI'I, < , u <~a I • ('t· ,. , " ,nel fruit bU, d~ before ' enid weatber. Look for Borer., ' tnO'l n Sile 1\ Illca ~ll nl 1'0l\lrRst to the hrown liP' ver?" trillmnhantl)· r e,p!!od , ;'ouosel. ' h at th n bl'n'll· fl. " l 01 "I' llll " ,,' g " ~ uU ' 0. # " ... 'ultlvale ollrlY In Int: SIooasnll 10 maKe :.w:' r~~ bore,! ! $11(' Y nr; rO.r the certailll)' "111\ (1\'1ve tho 10Clllf\! ho~ per 1I01't ion of 'the Jl1g. A ';011111 piece ' BI'en the pl'osecut1lon waH nonplllseQ best growth llOIISlbll', lb ,n str'lll. cui: larger apple tree borer the lut or ~:v~ ~ < I II • Iils of lI'oocl II< ('Ill to fit Ihe mnulh of tbe at this I I e tl ~ ell I' I h ,11,)1101 U OU S n, ' t i t r e In carly AUl!!usl. 1_llllt of August June or early July and In early SI,epbeal"" B tiel' nn m 01l1 at all, liO rar jug, nnd A bead of fRncy-headed nail b f th flat head d be , "0 w ..... _co_~ ~ &II nUII I'I~ huullJt and bealth ' gO, Ihan tacked on to form 8 little bandle bJ' Why H. Won, cut about one·thlrd oC tbll , l 'ear's tem er; or e " e .,ref ~ ,rowth olf to canae the rlpenlnl of sftcr lIel"y atorms, leVe", bot, dr, l .oe u~!'n In bitterness of ~Jllrll: It wlikh It may be ur ad up. NarroW' Eazyman-Made my HrHt mODeJ' OD wood antl trub !iud., All tall IImlll .pell., attack. hy lice or aD1tl&lDI
~-ril1~~ .~
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I' __-.,..________-;ta~d~l;m~('~U~I~t~l~n~t1~lt;';e~x~I~'.C'~-I~n~eiit~o~lI~h~u~tjO~a~t1_r~l;,b~b~o~nllwmrlt~h[ffi"tt~tlaelbo;iw;;;lrolrfinija~tn~e~nijla":.atb[,eit.!!!~~~~ffiiif-i1Oiijilf:yebci:r<~rc=-l:~~~J~ be eut olf. 1. . .lng trees six to that 10Vtera the. vlt.lIt)' or the trea; r feet h"h, I UU )(log blndllcl Cor pear tI'M , borel'll M· I.tenal. aI , ,Ielling A1111 Irritating Ilrohlem~, but fru _lKlar. aiul call trim (\'01Il 10 to one manU. tit 11& Croaa Jiuae &I, u II Iml'lJrallv\.,,, 16(- tl~el a dar, • Octo"",
i ,
. North INtrota bOlvt. the Adulter atlo"
J All Chemlca,lIy rur .. Problem . Tbe mlALake n Idea of a few yean Norlh Dakota seems to b.avfl foqnl) 01:0, aboul A I Dm In B&klng Powders OF MORE VALliE THAN BEAUT V. th<;l k ey to the Questfon , "How shnll being InJuriou s. no I,)n g ~ r prevalla . or wo protect, lhe p eopl from frauds In s'cn r cel 11'41 8', t.a.bSAY6 PARISI ENNE. J11l1nu! aclurtnt- prodl , . I n I ow Ish "d, ta ct lJy ch mlcal IlnulY818 that h ll ~ r ('enll y I:on e 11110 elrf'ct d signed ('rellm of 'rarlllJ' ueln J; Icss ' volallle to IImke It l "l ro~s lbl e 10 t1ecell'e pllo· ~haa Alum, wh 'n os posed to h ea l, Is POlleni ng" Thll Qua.llty, W oma n Hal Il le Into bu y ing jnferlor und 311uller- Do t colll'ely vapor l7;od U ~ Is t h e cnso Power to Charm All That Come oted pa int lIndor , t ho ImllrRBtiotl thnt Wi t h AIIJIlI, bu t l oa l'es II rosldtle In the Within Radius of H er lh y u .... gel lIng n'n l nah ll, v Z,: \lure IJr ad, whi ch Is 10jul'!0Il s. Aillm, 00 Persona lity. :wh lle hI nd and Ii n s eel nil. th" conlrol'Y, I~ nlil'c ly ev apor at"d Th e i':lJ rl h Dakotn l awmakp rs did while IJer ful'mlng Its (uDclion during \\' ha l , l s the wast I)O ll lllul' Cftlnl lty 10 n ot allernp~ 10 abRolule l y p r ah;hlt ll1 [' nrorl'ss of hnltlug . le:l\'l ug n o a 0 01 of w utlul u O! " The qu cl::i l iun wu~ hllgg -'S(- 111 "'I'l or Illg lll ' nls, or ml),'ltlre s Ol , lnjul'l'lll resl duous slIustao re. The 00." \VI'lIs Il I'a l'Ig I UIII), " hy a <:OS IilU' pl g m Ill s. '1' hr y ado[lt~rl lh e oIogun. wonl s "C'h mlca lly Pu ro" ' l 'ru neoll~ ly I lo lllall I' uulull of i l'lulld >; lu I'o l'ls une " I.ot III lallpl I It:' - :111 lh n l (:t t io 1I ~ > d tfJ d sl:;nule Crenm of T artar nib hl \ '''(;''lIIl y, I~ "d Lho VOI'IQUS ol lln· I h P 0 1.10 to buy whi chever lhey ' fro m A IIIII1 IJaltlng p(J\\'u c r Is a Ol is· IOIl ~ g lvli'u hUll ull ctl roo" fu l' Lhou ght. wl ~ h f\.. nOJl1 er . £lui Ing Po wd er mnde or \lUI'e '1'11 -. I l~lIrO II (' u l1 o\ulll'I('tj Wt ' I't" \ : lIdl'r ' thls Il lan,l f any 0110 wl shf,'S Alum Is as ch('m lcally pu r e wull Us mud e r o f1!' ' ~ (! lIr >d- hulr II till Zl' I1 Parl shln ~, 10 IHI Y 0 1II 1~l lIrA of I'OI·k ,dIlHI. grollnd t"JIIl I'ure cr 'am ur tllr ln r. Those fUllr Spuul l.lI·(j s I t\\' o uf .. ar·h ... 'x!. a Quartz II nil olh er ch ea " f!l c mcnts 1\'III'IIs mOM nuthln g Ulorc nor 103S n Uij~iau , who lm el IJ '011 II fu nlClllo !JUIIUwhkh 31'. f IIn (\ In ninny puin ls an d l han flure ch('mlclI ls, aotl In no way l)' III ti ll yeUl's Ihul ure guil e by. so'ca llr d "whi le I ca d ~ ," no nile ('an call t h('y Im ply IhuL ono hlllt ing 11011" u nd ""') I d ah ,wu wun, wllu hu\1 lO 1'01)' obl~" I ; ror Ih"y do Il wHh thl'lr (' ~'cs drr 18 Ailim unt~ onol her '1' nIll of I' ;;" 111. I II lHltlsh C!Il lIll'o III hClI' uwu 0f1 (' 11 Ulll If Ih ey IIr fer ge nu n Ta r lnr . AllllO hM s b (' n clec lor '<I to he Il ·I'sull. white I('ad nnd lIuHc('(j 011. Ih ~r ,' un II'holnso m e ; nn :; tulJ l ll;lled facl. Ev..... h" Pltri ~ lall R, wlth" .. t C'XC "IIQIl , Ilo SUI'O of F:f> ltiIiS it, for 1I 0no !Jut er' large W:l lor "'.. st em In Ihe c lUes , d eClul'l't1 thaI ' ~ III' IL' wu ~ t he (IUllllly t li genu ine u llIr l n ~ al1 Ill'ar a. lab ~ 1 along Ihe ~1I "Ho llrl r ll'ur use "Inm In whic h g lt--aul: d must 10\' '. (h e Spi.1n · w hlrh sn)'H "11111:0 whll f' lead ." 11I1'I, C quantlll s t o PIII'lf)' lIic w;lter 1 nls VUI ci fOl' ucuUly ulld tho Hu ~ · III all ut her Slllles I1II't1l 1'1'8 are or. bduro IIllInpllll' ; It Intu Ihel r water flllIlI '1\ 11' II 'rsClllal IIIJ1J;IIl.UalU . Il' ad w hlc'h l1l ai ns ftJl' co nRulltllll oll , Cream of Tor· 'rlJe t ell ~ o!d ;\ S Ilu ro whll 1:1sh WonlCl ll WII IIlIII' I)' 1I11ll r(l d th tl cunlal n lillie - som et lllles 00 - rca I tar buld ng POII'U(\" is IlerlJ~.11S good t;lngl o wortl ' Ul I. ' I l was .. thor· whllO I ·ad. . e n oll~ h 101' anyo ne; Al um bakin g ou " l~ ! y t' nJuyu ul u PVf'll i n g o untl (1\' rr It wa uld Reom Ihat wrro thi s sam e , powu er Is L lIcr, and I'er y m uch opo tuok IInl't III tl,,· ,lI s cul'~ lou \\'11 h pl'lnr lplo np lil i l't1 10 food . beVe rA !;f'S\ ' hClIfl Clr. I' 'Ill 1111'1I1I1I1'e, Il ul wh en 'lll(;l' Wll9 and nil uth!'r Ilr"pa red ai'll I s, wh er ' ____ __ _ _ ,th ,,"bj.,d' IIIU ll'l' It wus a CU RO or drcn"tlo n Is prncLJrl'd upon th Iluy· Atmo sphe ric Poison i ng. PI' , Ihe qUl's tion would be so l ved, Il n Voi ceR W Uill'. 'l'h y all w\:r eed The proleSeS agolu st Ih e automo,Ulat Ihls quality, lhulI ~ h ' J\llllently de· would I 'avo liS rl'r, to bllY what WIl bll omnlblls es ot , London have ra~ll'alJ le, was wo Illlll"J'so nal tD ·a t· ni :I Re d, hilt wOllld 11I'ot rt us rrom ccl ved a ' "0\ erful J'C nrorcum e< nt by nnwlllll lgly hurlng wlJol w o did Dol s <l eclal'3tio n trncl 10\' . o f Si r Jamps D war on " I wOlld r If I' a,It'. ~ or Lhls I'lIro- WOOl. the ch omicu l LUijls. J I e I" undoubt ed· graph will nl so Ii 'el 10 'IOCt' n~ II Crui si ng for Oe rellcta. Iy am olll; I be high chemica l autborl· mug nel for love. P rsunllll y I Ihllll' The excelllll ll work In destroy lr, g a li cs or the wo:;r ld. and hi s coud emnaIt reJJJ'~8tJ lIt~ tho ox lo on w"kh I hI) d nn gr.rous der olict last week , b bun lion · the Ulotor bu ses und frei ght wh (" I ~ or !1l1lillY life l'c \'olvt:H, Ileall- b y lh e Tacoilla and complet ed b y the "an s se"ms on eluslve un less Inven· lY Is odornlll e--lhe \Jest Inlru<lll(:lloll Colu mhla, gi l' s r('ne wed polut to tho tl on ,provide s Innocuo us molive power . a wmulln cun h nve, und on wll ic') 1I11ggl!s tlon hllherto made In these Sir Jam s D ewa,' slal<1s lhat the giv e>; h r Iho I'h; llt or Cllll'y IlllfJ IIlC ~: f,olu ulII S t hnl ves s I s of lho navies of combu stion of pc lrol or ga soline In JJlllceij. bul II Is IIOt enulIgh. ' ERIII'It' the world might with llec ul1nc p ro fll theso molors lh rows oJL.l'.uat Qu~lI - Is a ,Inll gcrous wlll -o'·th e· wlsp, which he et1.ptoy cd In tra Itlng and des troy- ti es Qf noxlCllls' ga~ s. Some ot Lhese 1 ails lI S W(l Ml L VOrR Into uncom· Ins lile aband on ' d hulkH wh ich dot arc a usolu lely poisonou s and all In· fo r t u bl e 1101;\ I It.'u s, :or \l n Ol,~ d \\'11 ~al\ '.h o SCillI and wbl ch prl'sCl ut one of the jUrlO1l8 . II c h olds that tbo air of Lon· rar I~' ). , ~ ISI lho t m lllnllOll W HIlY r)fIC or ttle most Kerious dall gers 10 don 1M uud enough III ready wllhout a I vcr lhl ng CI'pn wh en It g ives uo· n a vlsn\l uu, says t he N e w York Trlb· ,ho nddltlon or carbonic acId gas, tbe ~lIl e, Of th e need tha t d ,'" ncIs sha,. sulllbu',( )lls lOl" Ullin to sa m 0.11 r PHl'SOIl. gaRes , und , worst at all, " If YOII Ivlll Ihlnk lhl maltAr OV r: ' be dClltrOy 'tI as speedily a8 po~sllJle lhe asp11), xluli ng carbonic oxJde. coullllll" H lhls critic, " YOII will seo t1l or o Cln be DO qu eM tlc.i l. ~I(\uy Moreov er. whilo he ndml[s thal, sci· jhat '1IIeL' hil S I11I1C;h t o clo IVllh the known acclden tll and cll nsters bave en 0 <'3n Improve motors. be ~eclarea IlttJ'Qctl ll l; and cUlllurh)A' of the mls· been due 1lI them. and t1Hi r Is rea· thal It i s i!npossll Jl a for It to burn pesou tllr sllflnO!;ln g thut nmll Y, pcrllops trol ond r ender e,hl l'Olla IIltl" llllmi b II! The mOHl l llo resuilin g j;01.ll0ll b aullrul womun 111 Lhe world will most, Of tbo mys rlulls dl sappoar · Innocuu us, qu ickly b('c011l I1nd sl mble If Hhe all"e~ ot vessols t.Ilshl truly be ex- - - - -- do . nol lak.l (h o trouble to rub onc'" IIlalned on th e gruU!lcl L1lut t h ey Ilnd Oeadly New R lne. fUI' th right wt\J· ; or, at ICllst, If co me Into ~lIIslon wIth those wan Bull ets rrOfO the n e w 30·callb er tlb!! d >18 not nl'old rubbill'; It bu c k· d'!rlng d osU'ul'cr s, orryln g no lights, ~ln e8 of the Unit d Statps army whIrl wurd: ·!.;I>III'II' Is ,u dellgbth ll quo lil Y lI1aklog no nol so, givIng )'10 slgnnl ot ':"llh gl'eul rnpldlty , 'rh o r1H1i1g gives Any kind. ort n , l yi ng 60 l ow In the 006 r cvolutlo n at Ule bull et auout In U 8aloll. Ilul do we ,~orc to 11\' ItB wllh It When IHe Is louded over and waler as to be scarcely percepti ble, nxls In l CO Inches. At Lbe muzzle the 'wh nth' sun oC Sllccess r eCuses to and h eavy and 'Ro\hl u l J\los ~ ug&lnst elucHy of lhe bullet la 2,300 feet a "hlo ? Tljcl - ut Its hest - Is Ii girt or whi ch a ves8el cnn scare'cly be guard· second, Wllich means 2.700 turns a , ed lu the darlt and cQlll sl on with ' sc<:ond, assumin g that the bullet doe. ~alu \'e; c rtulul)' It (.~ nuot be I t.lrned_ Or COIIl'SIl. WO lin lI'nl" our'sl vlls to which IS nlwllYs serious and orten n ot s'l r lp In the rifl i ng. The cl ro um"" old giving olrens(\. und w cun c.ui. diSllstro us. reI' nc of the b ,lIet Is .942 or an th'lIt II ' swe l munnor : but lhe tTue Inch. whi ch gll'es a f) rlph ral velocllY A Re al Celebri ty. 1act whl h atlract s universa l l o ve III of ~,()O () Inches cach seconcl. or l '3.0QO Tbe 10cIII pI'lde of IIle natives or borll. 1I0t mod o, and 0( . all nalure's fect a mlDute, Co pe Elizabet h, M e.. Is sci Int ense lhllt 1,1fUl It , ls lI11l mOllt deslrnlil e, take" thol 01 ~Itutle of pit)· ,for all " Th'l \\'001011 Who p06. sst's It will Long Journey for Pleasure . 'Yo'ho have the mI sfortune to d"l'ell elsen e\' r 11'\\' 0 TnSllls-M'o rcman h aa l eft Ne-w· permit 011 kiss loo mall), : sho will n OI'er ask undes irable where. 'l' h111-l lrknown crregu l ar su-·-l-Y~o"'I.u'k.»Uf""or 'an Nlcnded journey, the quesll oll6. sl1 will ne,'er !lee t ho mer vi sitors, and by most o f tbern ro- Itlnernr) ' of which Inclnd 5 Al1strllll a, Lhln!';11 which she Is not exPOCtll(j to ' 51l ctbd, XcII' Z nland and the South Sea 15\' O!}1l rnlny day a neWcom er. who, bad nnds, and wlil cll III 'lndertak en, he .11 e. joined the gatherln ;; . !it the ' st9re. sai d. not to gain now lI,terary male1'h womnn or Inborn Illel 18 0. ~OnlpO"CC\ o. nnh " n,eh • nnd summer ~ ~ L -, ' ~ rial, but solely because creutll l'O or whom m en n vcr Lhe, t be "wanlS to ,Isttors, vontul'cd :whom girls cl,lng. If she be beautifu l o f the dlstlngll 10 enumer ute Game ished min wbo bad play" IItt_ I II _ :_ · _ _ _ _ _ _ and wllty. I!O nHloh lhe better; but come tram Moine. ' ah e will nol leL !ther of 'I hese !l 1111 I!. "Tllero'S LOngtol lo w\" 1\e slIld. "and Remark able F the i g Tree. tn the '41es I Ill' lo the surface. 1t Is II. well· Honnlba l Hamlin. I:ordena Raby cJI!ltJe; and Jomes. G. knOWJl facL Lhnt. fOrglvonel\1I m(l~' (01.. B1allle. 'Wti Dur bam, England . 19 llam 11 ftg Pllt tree whloh ],~esscnd en, has II sprelld low n t he trp.ln or ph'YSII;a t" I njury, Thoma. B. Recti, of branche s from 20, to and-' . bu ' ~yor 10 l\lIiL o f wountled vllult)'; liS brought from tIal), H ere ".n old fleh ernlGoil lookl'd up 24 ' ''et. It It 18 ~\Iual lY lrue Ulnt moat , pomoris · f~oin hlB wor!' ot splicing grass bladcs, ___ tleeply resent being r einlnded or ' and broktt In : weakn esses when thl! wellk momenl "' Smilrt? 1'h081). f ellow. smartT" ,be Id pnin, Tho woman Of tuct sees all Question ed. ' " You JURt come dOWD - and ~ee8 nolhlug ; h elll's ull-aod all' Rce J"sh l'lllsbul' Y slilo tlull!"Ilea,'s n!)thlng :' L ewiston Journal.
Pt!TN.... M 'JI'A nm.ESR DYES.
Whnt a ml 3 r able c r \I'd of peBsl. ml ~ UI we ~ inll\ b e If \V~! could lee ollJ'sell'1'8 n~ oO)e 8 8(\,D U8. FITS. R••.
n anen
Po.Uln l, cu..,d by
tb ese Llnle pm •• ,
Tiley alsO reUe-re l)ts.
trcI!s trom 1>J8pepsla,1D-
dlgesUoll nod TOO EIeaJ1.J :RntIDg. A. perfect ~m-
'o rv"'" I
Ol ""U' C'R ' ..·r lll!lIl.·.. I I)' ~1I~~11 I", I'r 1\1 1111'" Ul'~u t N ~ n' c I t f"I'I!.rlri' I'. tll'll d ?fl r }'rct- $'.! .( J It l l'jal h OI~hl lIod \1' " U "~ , IJI' . H. Ii. K IUC. Ld , . 9!l 1 A rd~ • 'I. P'"laucl l.h ia, Pa.
CD~roY ~IDeDI~ CflS. B . !'!..~~
' HI
10 Uto !!ouJ.h. CoatecI ToD1l'18. PIllD In tlleShte.
-- -I TOHPID UYEn.. Tbq Tuberculo~is In O,erman y. I regulato tile Dowels. PurclyVe&etable.. Und<'r IIw ",,,r klll ' I!',; .~irkn ss I,n- I PAtC~ ~ Urulll' lu w aholll $ ~ .. ,OO,OOO \\ .IS 8111'''l III l; ,·rmall. In I I~o 1 r"[I(mc!1lt Genuine Must Bear l ,e lub"rCllh l1lS lJ:tllC [ll~ I n t 0 ye l1rs Fac-Simile Sig ature J001 to 190 5. r ITTLE ~ -- -IVER ~~ "Pu g~" Ordered from Seattle. PILLS. ' ~ Th e dal " r of po 'it' c of l' !II lie, b@· : Jl o vln g Ihal pri ze f:~ hl"rl! Il!'ln!,; '1'1 Ill ' Ill ais IIntl ot hPl' nll ll " Ril'abl's In lheir mill , has (l n l l'r d all IJ1I g11i 8 1 ~ , l ral n, !lrS ulld Ul lwrg ('OIIlWr.IC'11 w ll h the rin!; t o IN'1' Il P ' Ily 0 " uke up sume I r es \) ctnbl emp loyment.
Vani shi ng Rural Industri es. f Th e graduul c'cssalloD , onO Arter nnolb er. of Ihe counl J'ysld Indnstrl eis Is oll e of I he Ill'il1clfllt l r easo ns why the f " ea ~ "nt own 'r ha s va !shed trom the land , 'I'h olrhlng nnd woudcra fl bave . Il en killed by rurnl l 'olln clla, wlLb I Ih olr r.1·R7,e f or ~ Iut d- roo fs, ulld by the BuhsliLULi oD of other l11atcr ll1ls for limb 'r , Tho ('olLage r ,,"0 no 10n(;o r e ve ~ hurn wood. but m us t buy coni. sInce h is IIft'place s are not fa shlnned ror th o consllm pliou or Cagota.-L on· doo Eslates Gazette.
to ligh t onel .... ohing "",I "o lor more cood. tb an otber. , 10e per pnt k.g • .
Th er e ar posi ti on s open in the l\ av ' f or hu udreclso r young men betwee n Ii alld 25 ycnrA o f il g e, llu d fo r 111cc h ;:tn lCS up t o 35 years
or a!:,c. Goo'" (lay, ~lId {:'ood food f urnishe d b y the Go vernme nt . F or CU ll iuforma (ion address Na \ ·.V R ecruitiu !! Station . P ost Oll1 ce Building . Cinci nnati.O hio.
For Ba by's:
Tholllpson's Eye Water A. N. K.-E
Skin & Scalp!
Because of its Delicate Medicinal, Emollient," SaDattve, and Antiseptic: Properties combined with the purest of Cleansing Ingredients and most re""l fleShing of Flower Odors.
CASTORIA For Infan ts and Children.
The Kind You Have ' Always Bought Bears the Promoles Digcslioll,Clv.!errui-
nessandRest,Conlains neiUter
Opium,l .forphin e lIor } !i.l\cra 1.
---...- -
that wome'o suffer eyery , month. can be relieved by
In , For Over
Apen:ect Rem edy forC(lns llpa-
non. Sour Stomach,DiarrhOea
.worms .Convuls ions .fellerishness lind Loss OF,SI.EEP.
lhirty Years
[KACT copy or WRAPPE:R.
taking opiates and other , dangerous drugs, but the only safe way is to 'cur the disease, that causes the pain,- which e done by taking
mo"nlth.:"•• ou~~rl'ten.earIYMrsd,ie ..~veellryIO ..., .Frenc:h, of Batavia , 0., "with pains In head and back, btlt CArdUl eased:1 ll pain. I can not recomm end It too l,Ilghly."
"""' .....Ullce._ . - - 10~1~7~8~()~,~O~nd~I!B~k~.e~p~t~'u~n~d~e~r-cg~I~II~s·~· ~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~
Tak e Quail In Net .. Nel1.lng' QlJall Cor mark t la • busl· n eB!! nf con slderubl e .ex tent aloug tho n orlh e~ n shores or lllEi Mediter ranean Eea anti particula \'l y In EJgypt. Th e tlrst I\ottlog lukes plnce 10 the anI u mn, wh en tho blrtl s pass rrom th clr nOl'I heni b reeding grounds to Hpend t ho winter In the soulh; the se ond la In tbe spring. wheu they journ ey fro m' their wInter rcsort b ack t o tho '"milla\' breed lo g grouods . Mode of gray twi ne, 80 UB to be DB n ellr In v l sllJlo us'. possibl e. these long n ela a ro Slll'eO(\ ael'OS8 , tho ilno DC'fli ght or the birds, Ihj3 Quail are n~ traeted 10 thei r cll)C)m In \,u1'l0u8 waya. Sometim es artUlclu l c!llIs aro used wilh g r eat ef;ect . In cortu ln I lorta or the Gr ek archipelago t he fh'1!l vtCtl mS nro mDde to , e:lll ce olherR Inlo the , u els. Tb eso ear l y capUv '5 are bllndod and set In cages I II the sun. They begIn to sing nnd tho great flocks tha t follow hear I h o song and se It to l ea f n Its liOul'(les. Cold ·Job for the Under Man. Somo , ear s ago an 1rlshma n. not long rrom the 'old , couutry . eecl1' d a job c utting Ice. 'rho rormnon gO\ e Pat ~n l eO' saw (Ice hi thoBe days was out by hand) nDd told him to go on the }lOntl im d go to wol'k cuU1ns Ice. Now, Pat . lim! aeen a crosscll t snw that 'Is used 1.0 c lltllng logs, t40t I'o't)ulros a man on [ther entl, a.nd. as tho BaW tbut the (oremnu gav~ 111m resembl ed the croBscu t be had seeD, h o Bnpi>08c!l It reQuIred two m en to worR It ; 80. SeelDg anoUler mao slandlng n ear. when he WUB to commen ce c utting, he Aid: "Sny. rrleDd, I' ll toas· ul) a , ceut t'O see who coes !l0low," Belief. "YOll sbould cultivat e a more checr.. disposit ion," lalil Mr. CUeerup_ "Believe ID tbe bODNt, or buman na-
At aU
L.boT' tho Oreat Quality. The ru o~t b 'U UI III,1 u. tluna of tbe bum atl body, and ,Iho hi h st results at the. llil'man Int clllgello c, are conditions or aohleve meuts •. of quito ll1lla· borlous -· nny, or recreatl yc olfort. It Is lhe l1flgntlre qUQn tlty-or quantity of ' de· fcct--\I~ill(lb ha!l to be countod again st every Fent And of de·[ eet , whi ch h as (0 be count ed n"olnst every FacL or Dc'c d or m en. In brief. Il Is lhat quantity or our toil whi ch we dIe In. - l luDklll.
---- --~
-3.5 0
00 Sho e. WORLD
Ru'U ltl of Excessi lle Ccffee Dri nking, It ' ls r.e ma rli " 1, 10' wh at sufferin g somo person s I ut up \\'Itl\ jus t to sat' I sCy all alll,e(I\e. fu r som elh l ng, A Mlch , W()IIlJlI .·a)' s : " I, " 'lei heen U$l n; t olT<>e since ( w:'l s Old cl1 ou; h I ha\'o a cup e>( l11y 011'0 nl Iht! lallie, and .from It I llJ. I'1) suffered agony hundred s or tl:I1 I;'S In I ho years PBst , "My trouble IIrst b ~ga n In tllo to I'm of bilious colic. Gomln g (' n evon' f >W weel; s ,,"d nlmost cndl"g L1'Y life. _\t el'ery :ltlacll fO I' H Y1!urs I suiTcrclI III Lhls way, I II SIl,1 l u Ill'a)' (01' d eut h to r clic"u l\1e Croru m)' '$ u n','!I'lng. 1 had also anR': k s 0'[ ';I ~I( h eadache, a ad bo, gan If, ~urfe r fronl cal,ar),h or lhc st om· ach, .r.<1 or coursu awrul d)'SIIt?l lsln., "1-' r abollt u, year I lived 011 crack · e'''' ~n d waler, I:lo\levln g th llt (:oiTee W~ 9 tbo cnuse ci all lh l s sufferi n g, I i1nally quit Jt and begnn to IUle Poslum Food Coffee. It , asreed w~,th my SI OIllQl'b, m, trou bles have l ell \ UIO and 1 am fast g alulng 111Y health under Its u se, ' "No \\'ooder ! condC!mn coffee and tl'a. No oDe could be In '11 much more critical cOlldltlo n lhun I was from tbo use or c'.lrre". Some doctors pro· noun,ced It C:l;j';er. ulcerati on, I but nono gO\'o me any reller. BUl Iince 1 ~I opp~d co!!:e\! ond began Pos· tum I lID gett!111I well 80 fast J con lIeBrUI)' recomm end It for all who larrer al 1 did." lliam.e Itl,en b, Voa~am Ca•• BaUle Creek. Hlch. Read
wille'" : ~'TIaare·. a reuaa."
_ .. ye.... aDI"ere d the maD ,v1tb the arid . ~uDtenance, "molt everybO ll,. clot). till lie 11M lacIol'H ll aote. tor few lIeopM," the little book. "Tile Road 10 WeU· ture ~"
If more than ordi nary skill in playing brings the honors o f the game t o the winn!n ,' player, so exc eptio:na l merit i n a r emed y ensures the comme nd ati on of t he well info rmed . and as reasonable amoun t o'f outdoo r life and recnlat ion i s c onduci v e to the h ealth and strengt h, so does a perfect l axati ve te'nd to one's improv ement In cases of cons tipatio n, bi liousne ss. headac hes. etc. It is all' importa nt. howeve r, in selectin g a . l axative . to cho ose, one of known quality and excelle nce, like t h e eve r pleasan t Syrup of F igs. manufactur e~ by t he C aliforni a Fig Syrup 00.; a laxati ve which sw eetens and cle anses the system effectu ally. when a l axative is needed . w ithout any unpleas ant afte r effects. as it acts natura lly and ge.ntly on t he interna l orga:lS, simply assistin g nature when n atu re n eed s assi!;ta nce. withou t gripin, . irritatin g or d eb i litati n g the interna l organs in any w ay , as it ,c:on ~in s nothing of an objeic tiona.ble or injuriou s . nature. As the p lan ts whic h , combi ned w i t h the figs in the manufa cture of Syrup oJ Figs a r e k no wn to p hYSicia ns to' act most benefic ia.lly upon the 6y~te m, the rem edy has met with their genera l approv al as a fami ly laxative. a fact w.ell worth conside ring in maki ng pur-chas es. , It is e of the fact that \s,& remedy of known quality and excelle n ce, a n d approve d by physici ans that ha.s led to its use by so many millions of well informe d people, who wO,u l d not use any remedy of IJncerta in qU'ality or i nferior , r e putatio n. Every iiil.mily should have a bottle of tho. ienuine on hand a.t al1 times. ,to. use whe)l a. la.xativ e remedy is. require d. P) to remem ber tha.t the jfenuine Syrup of Fijfs is for sale in bottles of one siz e only, by all reputable druuis ts, and tha.t full name of the ()ompa ny- Califor nia Fijf Syrup Co.• plainly printed on the front of every pack&.l e, , RelUla r price; 60c per bottle.
. .. ....
you 0 my loree' at Bl'O(kto n, Mass. ,and show youhow carerul ly W.L.. Doughls slloe•
are made, you would then underst and wby they hold theIr 8h~pc!, fit bette... weer lonler, and are 0' greate. value than aroy other make. Wloeftver ,Oil live. ,oil caD ollt"la W. L. 0.1'" .h.... nRIllO and price b "ta.n.I ... tIM bonom, wblcb prol.., •• )'OU .lfalll.' prIcce .ad laferlor .hoe.. 7'",,* 110 ... o.u. fMt.. Au
. . . I ....t
,ourdate r file' W. L. DouI!I. . .~
"vll1ll tb ••• C~'or EM_'et. II• • ; tbfl. will u..~, 6'4U,. Writ. fer 1U,.lraU d Ca••1!tc ot F.II Styl ... W. L. DOUOLAB, PepC. .~ Ilroc'lIIOIl. ~
Stt~'I~ t:Z.·t ~,' "'" I .· and .~I·nl·sb
~Uall·tt7 ~
in Shoes
You get all of these
Large Estate LeU ' !,~~. L . . . . . . J by La te Ed ware;l M erritt StatAl!! . UelK. O. S. Turner, l'entll UnitAl!) loJantry. wbo accompanied 800111
.J ~
bought at
,.....,.,.,.,.,.,.,~.,.,,....,--., ,,~~.,~~
LOCAL AN 0 Mrs. T. J. Brown RePERSONAL MENTION ceives l'1ews of Dellth.
Mr J ,.hn Brilon lUll. family, wbo A t ' " ' . ' . nceB ors \ .ame t 0 Amertea WI't''h I,"vn lloon rl'l'lIlleJlt,'l of Waynesville, '. those of G. T. O'1"leall. jl,r two or threll yllf\.r8, hllve moved ! L"hllnou when Mr; BranD blls 8Ilt.urd!lY lRllt, Mrs. '1'. 'J. Brawn " 1)I"tn with the Oregonia Brlclge recei ved from Sa ltimore 1\ telegram I OIu p .. ny. announoing the dea.t h of ber cousin, ltlilR! Oevraia Hadden 'reslgned T. Edwllrd Hllmbletol) . The death I..' r p081Uon &turday evening of Mr. Hlimbleton leaves but ·three Wtlh Mr Ben . t) .B owell, whose l of his generlltion living i they ure v,lIued IUIMiatau't she bas been during ~Iit< brother, F. H . Hom1.l1eton, of htt< .mtire business career Ilf nine . Baltimore. and t\vo 00u8ios, Mes· ,.""raln Waynesville. Mill Hadden dam es T . J . Brown and Urith S. will be lei-eatly missed In the dry Thomas, of Waynesville, good .. trade in thia, 8a she Qne son Burvl ves him anll Is the has lMM!n olosely, Identified With it only one of the genoratlon. bearins for many years, and h88 won many the name of one of the oldest fami. lRMttng friend, in thil way . Mho lies of Ba.ltlmore that has for sev. 'lllrp60r.a to .tart Saturday for the eral generations been Identified With WeRt. 8toppibg fC!r a 'brlef visi.t- the active bU8iness interests of that w\t.b rell\tlvee In Columbus,Indlana, olty. · . thlmoe goins to Macomb, ~Iinols, By oomparlog fanlily genQologles where tlhe will . spend . some tlm~ " a few years ago, it was mode appawith her 'lister, MrR . Elias "Barley rent. tho t the ancestors of the Ham. find other relatives . bletons of Bliltlm'Ore ' and the 0'.
Delightful Affair Was Lawn Party
,Condition nf the ,
. W~titer for the.. W :e~~.
I&lM F rrul' i< '1'~ rrs I~ lapanel!8 ·troopaln a three da,.' reconIild ward Merritt" fal;ll1'r of MrR. uollltlAllce.allth and Mat of Peklns . .,..: rellltiv R ill l:!)lrin l(ti 1(1. Eilli Miohener , of WnyitlellviU , who 1!'Each IIOldlllf" carried on hll per.oo.l~ Miss Mllb l' f{rl lI~ hnn·. nr ( inoln. di f'd at ~OQth· harloston Il few rounde ot ammanHlon, an onrcoat ftlr natl , is spebdilll{ i\ fow Uti~' !l \\;tb bedding. a b&y eraa~ . water botUei anG Z 1M MER M A.N 'S ago, left a very In r~e cst-at , throe 4&Y8' ration.. The raUon conal8t- her paren ti!. bro. . His ~lll WIiS r c~n t1y pr, hlLtell in 'ed 01: rice aM dried IIlJh. Too eoldleno. Mr. alld Mrs. Wie\)king weI' ill Everything in the Grocery , Line tIl CIllrk county 9ourtll, lind accord bowever. depended mainly on the COIIO:in " to It!!. terms his proper ty \vill. be try for tbeir 8ubllstCDCC. 1 am or the Olnclnnllti last we . distributed ns follows: ' . opinion Ulat In a country . wbere there J,. K. Spenoor Willi In Middletown , '. . • Will no foraging Ihe amoun~ of food carhl\rles H . Merptt. II /jlln. r eOOI v· rled ""ould be Inaufticlent. Berore 1.'1- ,Slit urd u.v . ed Il lJ27 aore farm . B El III to pay 11ft' 1DB oa,mp each morning the food for din(JJydH' Bowk' I' \~II!4 cull tl tn Len. Il mortgage of 111900 a'ndl to Vl\ Y t 50 ner ill pNlpared and puked In a raUoDl Ian SuudllY, owi ng to Ili a !lllrlnu" FRESH .£t1RUlTS Ilnd VEGE· to t.he exeoutors . . bos JJ:*1e or laCQuored wood. 81mllar In . conditi III (I f hI m oth ur. 1'AB(.ES. sbape to our meat ration can, and 000A daughter of Mr . Mer rI tt , hR . • ~ 01 1'I0Il, clrled /lah ' and aom.umMiss'Luclle Mason hllll b · on visH· JlIghest Pric Paid' for Reuben M. Rober ts,o'r n IJR r 'fil,u l]} IIm6II ~ 01 mutton or bflI," ing In ooth I.eOOnon. . lestoD, IS given .. fllrm of 1110 The ~l1y dn,y servioes will b I (lever Dog '1'h1'" . acres In Madison tow.DshlP, Clnrk H ~ aNocl &be otber day til LaIr held at the U. Bt Ohurch on umllLY oo uot.y l.lDd "'he ill to PII Y to ber {dI:ln, lbAt a .taln 110«. wblch fat*' to morning, Ootober 7. We nrc I)lI yinl! ~ister , Mrs. Mi ~henl'r . IU OOO. Ident1ty lIB OWller, ha4 been dOMd with Mrs. Eugeno Gllre) Is 111 11t tbis Mrs. Ella Michener', of WaYnes. linli!OOl1 by the tblef. AollI8ed,. writing. the 6OD8e or ameli temP,Os:arlly. TbedctP ville, is beq ueathed 16,1000. AS indi o , d4c111Ot ~~r 101' ~,..o M Ulr. . . . . Mf8. Edgar Mynds)1 of Dliytonl onted abovs, ,1000 of thill oom6s ""as visiting' relatives hore last fio~ her sister and IliOOO from 'the Announoement . week. .EO'g~ exooutors. We your Iit.tention 'to the fRct Quite a. number attended tho Fair A form ' of 66X acres ' WB& left- t'o tbat Dermllkoh\ ointment is IL posi. last week. A Temperance Meeting WILS heId i Minnie Cowen on condition that ahe tive oure for Ecr-eDlIl, u)oe1'1\. The BEST GOODS w~ nn ds. plies Rud very kind ~\r by O. E . 8ociet.y'1:mntlny e~elling . \ plly $200 nnimally to her parents. The LOWES'f PRICES harUe H. Merrlt~ al!1d' Rellben M. IIklO or 8en]]) trouble It costs ai,c if It clires. If it· don't w return Middlerun. Roberts Ilre n fAmed as I~xecil tors , . )' our moo y'. J. E .Ja~n ey . ~~~~,~~~~~~~~~ Miss Mln~ie Hartsook and ·M-rs. \
, ,
o'ood Every Day.
.,J " Ba Itn ha 1ft's \ Ex~lusl·.~~ S .... ~~ St"lt~ I "". J .
- , .
_.J,.J>J>J>J>J>J>J>J""'J>J>JJW#.J~""""'~l ·
B utter and Eggs
BarnRrd tlpent- WednesdnIj wltb Miss Bernioe Cornell, uea r Manor . .1 Services at the church Saturday, 3 p. m. i Snndayat 10 :30,... m. , oon· duoted by Elder Wlllilllns. Mrs. Jam . es t:!mith i8 quit.fl . ill Fr~ .
Wholesale and Retail.
of cour8e Mr. and Mrs, Charles Ry spent . . . . . . . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IIIIi~ 8aturdlloY nlgbt nud !:;unday wit.1< FrBnk Carey /Lud wife f YR,nkee street. AR. 1\ dreHslng for sor('"" b rulsI'1I Illld hl1rJ1'" Chllni b ('rl ~.h l ·'" Hlilve It! Mrs. LydIa Austin spent · 'und",y ,,\1 tllli t 0,," t (I . iTerl: [t \/1' flo(ll,h · Ilfternoon wl.t h · Mrs .' Frank Smit.h . . iug Ilnel halllln g ill ilt< fl6'o t. [~ 11 '1 Mr .•Jesse Baker au'd Mis8 ;Et.hel hty!! th~ palD l)f Il I.!nrn HJUl II'1t, in Hartsook were entertal ed uuda y This t!lIlvt' It! al~Il,'~rtll ln . n . . uur f I' ohllPP d hlUltl!l Imd ,il SlAtI . evening 1!y MISS Nina I:Jcott an~ 8 c>f the tlkio . Prioe ~51i . ]<'or !\I~lo friend. by F. chw,trlz l,glliD.
Nealis of ' Warren connty, Ohio, came from Scotland to t·hls country oli the same . BrItish Daval veasel that first entered the · Chesapeake Bay, and that the' liambletons aud o 'Nealis , who were young mid. shipmen, were so charmed by the appearance of the oountry that they deserted " the .8hlp, the 1iambletons found their ' way to the Eastern ahore ot'M&ryland and the O'Nealls l~nded on the Virginia side.' . Htrange· that some ot" tlieir de· scendents should have ·m et 80 many genera~on8 after, on thiS side of the Appalachian o1,1aln of motlutain g and becomeidentifled with the same
looal interests In WaynesVille and surrpuudl.ngB.
. _.-MONcT6LY
Serm.on ·by the Rev. , Simpson of Xenia.
OF·REVIEWS· more ,M agazines thet'e are, the 'more l~dispensable is The Revie~ af Revie~8 , "Indl.pentable," ': Tbeon'e malflU:ine I feel I mu. t blte',";'The 'World undu a fic;ld';lfla ..r" An Wlloat ion i~ public aHair. anol eurre.n t J' '-.Ih.... ar~ ~me of. 'he phrases one hean from IICIIe<l .people who rue) the Review of RcVl4\Wi. The more magwpea Ihere are. \he more -.ryio the Rcviewof ~WI; bec.auae it briDaw. IO\ldh~ the beat Ihat' ia in all \he meA important mo"lhlies of lite worlel., Such la ll><> · ROod of p,erjodicaIlitcraluro Ibat nowadaY' people lay IhAt Iho ohly _way 10' k""p Wiih it is to re •.d the R~w of'Rc..;"wI •. ~t'r~lr ow and above Ihi. revlew_ inc .,.bo,!, it haa orici~ I!I~ ' ~ llJUf'rabOlll Ih~n nioA magarioeo, ~ !he 0l0I1 lllllely and amportul articles I!nn~ In ·any monllll),. ". . ' . .Probably~ moA uielUi aedicica:of all is Dr. Alj,ert Shaw'i iMuatraltd .. PioIr. ' tal of Ihe World," where 'p.ublic eYenla and iawelare authorilatiVely aDd luCdI, ap~ in every i.ue. a iubocriber writes, "This ~artment a1o.... Ii wOtIh more than tLe price of ibe aiapzinc.- - The callOOD clepaltment. cIepictios CIImDl hislary in qricatlft. io anotber The , ..lew DI ••.,..". CD. ." Hn ctlillaDtll.. and yet it 6n1l aDd lortmoA, Men ill Pllhllc life. the man"- of Coograo. \he ~ of incIdry who ~" .With ......- - Womea all _ .~ cIr:ciJed it
U. M. Robitzer Is preparing to bnild Il good size Ice house near the r8ce not fllr frcm his mill , Mr. expects next. 8um· mer to supply the looal publlo with loe in reta!"1 quant·ities, making reg. ular·lleliveries. This will be Ii great convenienoe: 08 In the Pll~t the ice' servloe 'h as heen ve~y uU~litisfactOry, the aUll. ply limited lind Dlauy tImes DO way. of having"it delivered. ~e new Ic'e houlle will be placed near . the old saw ' pllll on tile ~88t side of the mill rooe ·which wlll be torn a,way and the lnmber used " buildinK the Ice house. . '1'hls mill Is one of ..the oldest l~ndmad[s In the commui.lty ' lt!! illiS8ing win canse rqret . J those w~o lQve old thmgs just ~e , . cause they are old. ' . The ml1~ hu not beau u8ed for a number of yearB. .
GOngress Playing Cards. f
.. .
Cards of . qual1ty. In beauty, ~tyle and finish, no other~ compare with them, . Found wherever society' pla~s . cMds. , GOld ·edges.. c.
To Cure 1\ FI!lon I\V Sam K fndaU; of Phillipsburg, Kau ., "jnst oover it over with Buok. len'8 Arnica Salve and the Salve W\U do the relit." Quickest oure for Burns, Boi1s,·Sox:es., Wounds Plies, Eczema,'SRlt Rheum, Chapped Bi\nds, Sore Feet aud ~re Eyes. Only 2nc at F. C, Bchwl\rt~ drug store Guaran~eed.
DR. ij.,E. ·R.A.1'HA.~,AY, . Waynesvill.e 's Leading Dentist UUII~~,: . ' . . MaiD Sreet
Oftltelo ' Keyio'
Given up to:DIe. ·B. ijpiegel,. 1204 N. Virginia St., EVlinsvllle. Ind., WrifflS: I I For over five ie"r~ 1 waS' troubled . with kid· . and bladdeJ' ,affections whloh caull8d' <ne muoh pai~l. and worty. I lost ft~tlh and was a.U ran· 'down" and' a.'year aRo had to l"bandoD work entirely. I had, three of the beat physicians who did mE;.no good Ilnd I was practically givEID up t.o die, l!'oley'lI Kidney Oure WIlS recom· For Sale. mended and the firs~ boUle gave me .' gcllftt relief, and a.fter taklDg the An 80 /Lore ' tarm in Clearoreek. second 'bottle I was ent irely oured." township: one half excellent tobao. F. C . .Bohwartz . o~ ' IBnd i practical bulldlnRti, and
.0. ' lAt.a IV
Hoyle I ~8-pale prepaid, for IWI? Con,....
IlOdt wrap,,"r. and name of dealer
from whom PICb wer. boItIbt.rdc!raU.
u. S. Playing Card Co., c;ln:Innatl. O. .. . - ... •
Chamberlain's Coulll "amad, .::e~rmR; Mll,.·0t: addre&8 'Gazette C!!!!'!'~~~&IId~I~!!!2!~ C_QII4e, cro.p &lid ~eoup.